What is the Renal corpuscle?
The Renal corpuscle is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a region of uriniferous tubule. It is a regional element of a nephron. It has a glomerulus and a glomerular basement membrane as compositionally distinct anatomical elements
What is the Root of cranial nerve?
The Root of cranial nerve is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a nerve root
What is the Distal portion of right coronary artery?
The Distal portion of right coronary artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of right coronary artery. It has a posterior ventricular branch of right coronary artery, a first posterior ventricular branch of right coronary artery, a second posterior ventricular branch of right coronary artery, a third posterior ventricular branch of right coronary artery, and an unnamed branch of right coronary artery as regional subtrees
What is the Carotid duct?
The Carotid duct is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic structure
What is the Ligament of pinna?
The Ligament of pinna is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a skeletal ligament
What is the Serosa of duodenum?
The Serosa of duodenum is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a serosa of zone of small intestine. It has a serosa of superior part of duodenum, a serosa of descending part of duodenum, a serosa of horizontal part of duodenum, and a serosa of ascending part of duodenum as regional elements. It has a mesothelium of serosa of duodenum and a connective tissue of serosa of duodenum as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a wall of duodenum
What is the Peritracheal tissue?
The Peritracheal tissue is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a dense regular elastic tissue
What is the Proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of ring finger?
The Proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of ring finger is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a proximal epiphysis of phalanx of ring finger. It is a regional element of a middle phalanx of ring finger. It has a bony part of proximal epiphysis of middle phalanx of ring finger as a compositionally distinct anatomical element
What is the Lumbar vertebral foramen?
The Lumbar vertebral foramen is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a vertebral foramen
What is the Linea terminalis of pelvis?
The Linea terminalis of pelvis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an anatomical line of pelvis
What is the Ophthalmic artery?
The Ophthalmic artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of cerebral part of internal carotid artery. It has a central retinal artery, a lacrimal artery, a posterior ciliary artery, a muscular branch of ophthalmic artery, a supra-orbital artery, an anterior ethmoidal artery, a posterior ethmoidal artery, a dorsal nasal artery, a medial palpebral artery, a supratrochlear artery, and a recurrent branch of ophthalmic artery as regional subtrees. It is a regional subtree of an internal carotid artery and a cerebral part of internal carotid artery
What is the Cave of septum pellucidum?
The Cave of septum pellucidum is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a cavity of organ part. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a septum pellucidum
What is the Posterior commissure of pulmonic valve?
The Posterior commissure of pulmonic valve is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a commissure of pulmonary valve
What is the Pubic symphysis?
The Pubic symphysis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a symphysis. It is a regional element of a skeletal system of pelvic girdle complex. It has a superior pubic ligament, an arcuate pubic ligament, an interpubic disk, a cartilage of articular surface of right pubic bone, and a cartilage of articular surface of left pubic bone as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a skeletal system of perineum, a wall of male pelvis, and a wall of female pelvis. It is an element of a set of all joints of bony pelvis and a set of joints of pelvis
What is the Costal groove of eleventh rib?
The Costal groove of eleventh rib is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a costal groove
What is the Right patellofemoral joint?
The Right patellofemoral joint is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a patellofemoral joint
What is the Palmar surface of ring finger?
The Palmar surface of ring finger is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a palmar surface of finger
What is the Cephalic neuropore?
The Cephalic neuropore is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a neuropore
What is the Subcardinal vein?
The Subcardinal vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a fetal vein
What is the Middle cardiac vein?
The Middle cardiac vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a cardiac vein. It is a regional element of a coronary sinus tree. It is an element of a set of veins of heart. It is a tributary of a coronary sinus
What is the Fascia of penis?
The Fascia of penis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of fascia of perineum. It has a suspensory ligament of penis, a superficial fascia of penis, a deep fascia of penis, and a fundiform ligament of penis as regional elements. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a penis
What is the Trabecula carnea of left ventricle?
The Trabecula carnea of left ventricle is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a trabecula carnea. It has a fibrocollagenous connective tissue of trabecula carnea of left ventricle, an endocardium of trabecula carnea of left ventricle, a myocardium of trabecula carnea of left ventricle, and a fibroelastic connective tissue of endocardium as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a wall of outflow part of left ventricle, a subendocardial layer of myocardium of left ventricle, a myocardium of basal zone of left ventricle, a myocardium of mid zone of left ventricle, a myocardium of apical zone of left ventricle, a myocardial zone 1, a myocardial zone 4, a myocardial zone 5, a myocardial zone 6, a myocardial zone 7, a myocardial zone 8, a myocardial zone 9, a myocardial zone 10, a myocardial zone 11, a myocardial zone 12, a myocardial zone 13, a myocardial zone 14, a myocardial zone 15, a myocardial zone 16, a myocardial zone 14a, a myocardial zone 15a, a myocardial zone 17a, a myocardial zone 18, a myocardial zone 16a, a myocardial zone 13a, a wall of left ventricle, an anterior wall of left ventricle, an inferior wall of left ventricle, and a lateral wall of left ventricle. It is continuous with a subendocardial layer of myocardium of ventricle, a subepicardial layer of myocardium of left ventricle, and a papillary muscle of left ventricle. It is inferior to a papillary muscle of left ventricle
What is the Thoracic vertebral canal?
The Thoracic vertebral canal is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a vertebral canal subdivision. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a thoracic vertebral column
What is the Anterior superior iliac spine?
The Anterior superior iliac spine is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an iliac spine. It is the origin of a sartorius
What is the Right ascending lumbar vein?
The Right ascending lumbar vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an ascending lumbar vein. It is a tributary of an azygos vein
What is the Ascending cervical artery?
The Ascending cervical artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of inferior thyroid artery. It has a trunk of ascending cervical artery as a regional element. It is a regional subtree of an inferior thyroid artery. It is a regional element of an inferior thyroid artery
What is the Primary vitreous?
The Primary vitreous is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic structure
What is the Inferior lacrimal punctum?
The Inferior lacrimal punctum is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a lacrimal punctum
What is the Inferior parathyroid gland?
The Inferior parathyroid gland is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a parathyroid gland. It has an inferior thyroid artery as its arterial supply. It has a capsule of inferior parathyroid gland, a stroma of inferior parathyroid gland, and a parenchyma of inferior parathyroid gland as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It derives from a third pharyngeal pouch
What is the Long vinculum of tendon?
The Long vinculum of tendon is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a vinculum of tendon
What is the Cartilage of external acoustic tube?
The Cartilage of external acoustic tube is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of cartilage of external ear. It is a regional element of a cartilage of external ear
What is the Tributary of basal vein?
The Tributary of basal vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a deep cerebral vein
What is the Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve?
The Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a branch of oculomotor nerve. It has a nerve to ciliary ganglion, a nerve to medial rectus, a nerve to inferior rectus, and a nerve to inferior oblique as regional subtrees. It is a regional subtree of an oculomotor nerve
What is the Root of nail?
The Root of nail is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a region of nail. It is a regional element of a nail
What is the Posterior tibial vein?
The Posterior tibial vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tibial vein. It is a tributary of a popliteal vein
What is the Aortic sac?
The Aortic sac is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic structure
What is the Posterior ramus of third lumbar nerve?
The Posterior ramus of third lumbar nerve is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a posterior ramus of lumbar nerve. It has a medial branch of posterior ramus of third lumbar nerve and a lateral branch of posterior ramus of third lumbar nerve as regional subtrees. It is a regional element of a peripheral segment of third lumbar spinal nerve
What is the Morula?
The Morula is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryo. It develops in a gestational transformation into an early blastocyst. It has a carnegie stage 2 as a developmental stage. It transforms from a 8-cell conceptus. It transforms into an early blastocyst
What is the Embryonic aortic arch?
The Embryonic aortic arch is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic structure
What is the Second innermost intercostal muscle?
The Second innermost intercostal muscle is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an innermost intercostal muscle. It is an element of a set of innermost intercostal muscles. It has a nerve to second innermost intercostal muscle as a nerve supply. It has a t2 as its segmental supply
What is the Embryonic urogenital system?
The Embryonic urogenital system is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic organ system
What is the Caroticotympanic artery?
The Caroticotympanic artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of petrous part of internal carotid artery. It is a regional subtree of an internal carotid artery and a petrous part of internal carotid artery
What is the Transversus thoracis?
The Transversus thoracis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a muscle of thorax. It has a skeletal muscle tissue of transversus thoracis as a compositionally distinct anatomical element. It has a branch of third intercostal nerve to transversus thoracis, a branch of fourth intercostal nerve to transversus thoracis, a branch of fifth intercostal nerve to transversus thoracis, a branch of sixth intercostal nerve to transversus thoracis, and a branch of seventh intercostal nerve to transversus thoracis as a nerve supply. It has a t3, a t4, a t5, a t6, and a t7 as its segmental supply
What is the Primitive sex cord?
The Primitive sex cord is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic mesenchyme
What is the Incisivus labii superioris?
The Incisivus labii superioris is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a muscle of face. It has a belly of incisivus labii superioris as a regional element. It has a muscle body of incisivus labii superioris, a proximal tendon of incisivus labii superioris, a superficial distal tendon of incisivus labii superioris, and a deep distal tendon of incisivus labii superioris as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It matures from a fetal incisivus labii superioris. It has a branch of lower deep buccal branch of facial nerve to orbicularis oris as a nerve supply
What is the Tendon of right brachioradialis?
The Tendon of right brachioradialis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tendon of brachioradialis
What is the Third tarsometatarsal joint?
The Third tarsometatarsal joint is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tarsometatarsal joint. It is an element of a set of tarsometatarsal joints
What is the Opening of cochlear canaliculus?
The Opening of cochlear canaliculus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an orifice of skull
What is the Cardinal ligament of uterus?
The Cardinal ligament of uterus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a ligament of cervix. It is a regional element of a subperitoneal pelvic connective tissue
What is the Posterior intercostal vein?
The Posterior intercostal vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a systemic vein. It is a tributary of a brachiocephalic vein
What is the Right talocalcaneal joint?
The Right talocalcaneal joint is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a talocalcaneal joint. It is an element of a set of right intertarsal joints
What is the Medial surface of ring finger?
The Medial surface of ring finger is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a medial surface of finger
What is the Ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint?
The Ligament of proximal tibiofibular joint is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a ligament of knee joint
What is the Tributary of inferior mesenteric vein?
The Tributary of inferior mesenteric vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tributary of splenic vein
What is the Proper plantar digital nerve of third toe?
The Proper plantar digital nerve of third toe is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a proper plantar digital nerve. It is a regional subtree of a tibial nerve
What is the Styloid process of fibula?
The Styloid process of fibula is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of fibula. It is a regional element of a proximal epiphysis of fibula. It is an insertion of a popliteofibular ligament
What is the Posterior meniscofemoral ligament?
The Posterior meniscofemoral ligament is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a ligament of knee joint. It has insertion a posterior horn of lateral meniscus
What is the Intraepidermal part of duct of apocrine sweat gland?
The Intraepidermal part of duct of apocrine sweat gland is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of ductal part of apocrine sweat gland. It is a regional element of an arbitrary zone of epidermis and a ductal part of apocrine sweat gland
What is the Aponeurosis of external oblique?
The Aponeurosis of external oblique is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an aponeurosis. It has an inguinal ligament, an aponeurosis proper of external oblique, an external oblique lamina of rectus sheath, and an external spermatic fascia as regional elements. It is a regional element of an external oblique
What is the Peri-urethral zone of prostate?
The Peri-urethral zone of prostate is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of prostate. It has a subtrigonal part of peri-urethral zone of prostate and a subcervical part of peri-urethral zone of prostate as regional elements. It is a regional element of a central gland of prostate, a median lobe of prostate, and a central glandular part of prostate. It has a mucosal gland of peri-urethral part of prostate, a stroma of peri-urethral zone of prostate, a subtrigonal gland of Hume, a subcervical gland of Albarran, and a fibromuscular part of peri-urethral zone of prostate as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It surrounds a prostatic urethra
What is the Brodmann area 21 of superior temporal gyrus?
The Brodmann area 21 of superior temporal gyrus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a segment of Brodmann area 21. It is a regional element of a gray matter of superior temporal gyrus and a brodmann area 21
What is the Sacral spinal ganglion?
The Sacral spinal ganglion is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a spinal ganglion. It is a regional element of a posterior root of sacral nerve
What is the True rib?
The True rib is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a rib
What is the Parenchyma of kidney?
The Parenchyma of kidney is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an organ component of kidney. It has a cortex of kidney and a set of renal pyramids as regional elements. It has an uriniferous tubule as a compositionally distinct anatomical element. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a kidney
What is the Stieda's conjunctival groove?
The Stieda's conjunctival groove is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a surface of region of conjunctiva
What is the Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger?
The Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an interphalangeal joint of index finger. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of an index finger. It is an element of a set of joints of free upper limb, a set of interphalangeal joints of hand, and a set of synovial joints of free upper limb
What is the Extensor pollicis longus?
The Extensor pollicis longus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a deep muscle of posterior compartment of forearm. It is contained in a space of posterior compartment of forearm. It is an element of a set of deep muscles of posterior compartment of forearm and a set of extrinsic muscles of hand. It has a nerve to extensor pollicis longus as a nerve supply. It has a c7 as its primary segmental supply. It has a c8 as its secondary segmental supply. It has a c7 and a c8 as its segmental supply
What is the Distal interphalangeal joint of right index finger?
The Distal interphalangeal joint of right index finger is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a distal interphalangeal joint of index finger. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a right index finger. It is an element of a set of synovial joints of right free upper limb and a set of interphalangeal joints of right hand
What is the Inferior frontal sulcus?
The Inferior frontal sulcus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subarachnoid sulcus. It is inferior to a middle frontal gyrus. It is superior to an inferior frontal gyrus
What is the Nerve to longus capitis?
The Nerve to longus capitis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a branch of anterior ramus of spinal nerve
What is the Antitragus?
The Antitragus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of pinna. It is a regional element of a pinna
What is the Skin of cruro-scrotal fold?
The Skin of cruro-scrotal fold is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a skin of segment of urogenital part of male perineum
What is the Condyle of right femur?
The Condyle of right femur is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a condyle of femur
What is the Border of fifth rib?
The Border of fifth rib is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a border of rib
What is the Branch of superficial temporal artery?
The Branch of superficial temporal artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of external carotid artery
What is the Crus of helix?
The Crus of helix is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a subdivision of helix. It is a regional element of a helix
What is the Lumen of ileum?
The Lumen of ileum is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an organ cavity subdivision. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of an ileum. It contains a portion of chyle, a portion of intestinal secretion, and a portion of alimentary air. It is continuous with a lumen of jejunum and a lumen of cecum
What is the Inferior nasal retinal vein?
The Inferior nasal retinal vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tributary of central retinal vein. It drains into a central retinal vein. It is a tributary of a central retinal vein
What is the Bronchiole?
The Bronchiole is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a segment of tracheobronchial tree. It has a wall of bronchiole and a lumen of bronchiole as compositionally distinct anatomical elements
What is the Esophageal venous plexus?
The Esophageal venous plexus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a venous plexus
What is the Embryonic nervous system?
The Embryonic nervous system is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an embryonic organ system
What is the Fundiform ligament of penis?
The Fundiform ligament of penis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a regional part of fascia of penis. It is a regional element of a superficial fascia of penis and a fascia of penis
What is the Upper lobe of lung?
The Upper lobe of lung is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a lobe of lung. It has an apical bronchopulmonary segment, a posterior bronchopulmonary segment, and an anterior bronchopulmonary segment as regional elements. It has a parenchyma of upper lobe of lung, an upper lobe part of bronchial tree, a neural network of upper lobe of lung, a vasculature of upper lobe of lung, and a pleura of upper lobe as compositionally distinct anatomical elements
What is the Costal groove of seventh rib?
The Costal groove of seventh rib is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a costal groove
What is the Second external intercostal muscle?
The Second external intercostal muscle is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an external intercostal muscle. It is an element of a set of external intercostal muscles. It has a nerve to second external intercostal muscle as a nerve supply. It has a t2 as its segmental supply
What is the Skin of dorsum of foot?
The Skin of dorsum of foot is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a segment of skin of foot. It is a regional element of a skin of foot. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of a dorsal part of foot
What is the Left thumb?
The Left thumb is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a thumb. It is a regional element of a left hand. It has a neural network of left thumb, a vasculature of left thumb, a distal phalanx of left thumb, a skeletal system of left thumb, an interphalangeal joint of left thumb, a skin of left thumb, a proximal phalanx of left thumb, and a superficial fascia of left thumb as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It has a superficial lymphatic tree of left thumb, a deep lymphatic tree of left thumb, and a lymphatic tree of left thumb as its lymphatic drainage. It is an element of a set of fingers of left hand
What is the Appendicular artery?
The Appendicular artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a branch of inferior branch of ileocolic artery. It is an arterial supply of an appendix. It has a trunk of appendicular artery as a regional element. It is a regional subtree of an inferior branch of ileocolic artery. It is a regional element of an inferior branch of ileocolic artery
What is the Tract of hypothalamus?
The Tract of hypothalamus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tract of neuraxis
What is the Anterior ligament of proximal epiphysis of fibula?
The Anterior ligament of proximal epiphysis of fibula is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a ligament of knee joint
What is the Inferior macular vein?
The Inferior macular vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tributary of central retinal vein. It drains into a central retinal vein. It is a tributary of a central retinal vein
What is the Tributary of superficial temporal vein?
The Tributary of superficial temporal vein is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a tributary of retromandibular vein
What is the Ovarian medulla?
The Ovarian medulla is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a medulla. It has a stroma of ovarian medulla and a hilus cell of ovary as compositionally distinct anatomical elements. It is a compositionally distinct anatomical element of an ovary
What is the Peripeduncular nucleus?
The Peripeduncular nucleus is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a nucleus of midbrain tegmentum. It is a regional element of a midbrain tegmentum. It sends output to a lateral amygdaloid nucleus
What is the Anterior longitudinal ligament?
The Anterior longitudinal ligament is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a ligament of vertebral column
What is the Tip of rib?
The Tip of rib is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a zone of rib
What is the Porta hepatis?
The Porta hepatis is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as an anatomical orifice
What is the Bone marrow of iliac crest?
The Bone marrow of iliac crest is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a bone marrow of part of bone
What is the Cornea?
The Cornea is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a fibrous layer of eyeball. It has a corneal vertex and a peripheral part of cornea as regional elements. It is a regional element of a wall of eyeball. It has an endothelium of cornea, an epithelium of cornea, an anterior limiting lamina of cornea, a substantia propria of cornea, and a posterior limiting lamina of cornea as compositionally distinct anatomical elements
What is the Ileal artery?
The Ileal artery is defined in the Foundational Model Anatomy (FMA) as a branch of superior mesenteric artery. It has a trunk of ileal artery as a regional element. It is a regional subtree of a superior mesenteric artery. It is a regional element of a superior mesenteric artery