stringlengths 7
expected_output = {
"vrf": {
"VRF1": {
"address_family": {
"ipv6": {
"instance": {
"rip ripng": {
"redistribute": {
"static": {"route_policy": "static-to-rip"},
"connected": {},
"interfaces": {
"GigabitEthernet3.200": {},
"GigabitEthernet2.200": {},
#!/usr/bin/env python
sw1_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
SW1>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
R1 Fas 0/11 153 R S I 881 Fas 1
R2 Fas 0/12 123 R S I 881 Fas 1
R3 Fas 0/13 129 R S I 881 Fas 1
R4 Fas 0/14 173 R S I 881 Fas 1
R5 Fas 0/15 144 R S I 881 Fas 1
sw1_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
SW1> show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: R1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 881, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet0/11, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet1
Holdtime: 153 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 29-Oct-10 00:02 by prod_rel_team
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
Device ID: R2
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 881, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet0/12, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet1
Holdtime: 123 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 29-Oct-10 00:02 by prod_rel_team
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
Device ID: R3
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 881, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet0/13, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet1
Holdtime: 129 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 29-Oct-10 00:02 by prod_rel_team
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
Device ID: R4
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 881, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet0/14, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet1
Holdtime: 173 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 29-Oct-10 00:02 by prod_rel_team
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
Device ID: R5
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Cisco 881, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet0/15, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet1
Holdtime: 144 sec
Version :
Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 29-Oct-10 00:02 by prod_rel_team
advertisement version: 2
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
Management address(es):
r1_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
R1>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
SW1 Fas 1 150 S I WS-C2950- Fas 0/11
r1_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
R1>show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C2950-24, Capabilities: Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet1, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/11
Holdtime : 145 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6Q4L2-M), Version 12.1(22)EA8a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 15:16 by weiliu
advertisement version: 2
Protocol Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27, value=00000000FFFFFFFF010221FF0000000000000019E845CE80FF0000
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
r2_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
R2>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
SW1 Fas 1 150 S I WS-C2950- Fas 0/12
r2_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
R2>show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C2950-24, Capabilities: Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet1, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/12
Holdtime : 145 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6Q4L2-M), Version 12.1(22)EA8a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 15:16 by weiliu
advertisement version: 2
Protocol Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27, value=00000000FFFFFFFF010221FF0000000000000019E845CE80FF0000
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
r3_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
R3>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
SW1 Fas 1 150 S I WS-C2950- Fas 0/13
r3_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
R3>show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C2950-24, Capabilities: Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet1, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/13
Holdtime : 145 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6Q4L2-M), Version 12.1(22)EA8a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 15:16 by weiliu
advertisement version: 2
Protocol Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27, value=00000000FFFFFFFF010221FF0000000000000019E845CE80FF0000
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
r4_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
R4>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
SW1 Fas 1 150 S I WS-C2950- Fas 0/14
r4_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
R4>show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C2950-24, Capabilities: Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet1, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/14
Holdtime : 145 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6Q4L2-M), Version 12.1(22)EA8a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 15:16 by weiliu
advertisement version: 2
Protocol Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27, value=00000000FFFFFFFF010221FF0000000000000019E845CE80FF0000
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
r5_show_cdp_neighbors = '''
R5>show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
SW1 Fas 1 150 S I WS-C2950- Fas 0/15
r5_show_cdp_neighbors_detail = '''
R5>show cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C2950-24, Capabilities: Switch IGMP
Interface: FastEthernet1, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/15
Holdtime : 145 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6Q4L2-M), Version 12.1(22)EA8a, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 15:16 by weiliu
advertisement version: 2
Protocol Hello: OUI=0x00000C, Protocol ID=0x0112; payload len=27, value=00000000FFFFFFFF010221FF0000000000000019E845CE80FF0000
VTP Management Domain: ''
Native VLAN: 1
Duplex: full
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
# 列表生成式(列表推导式)
# 1. 提取出1-20之间的奇数
# odd_list = []
# for i in range(21):
# if i % 2 == 1:
# odd_list.append(i)
# odd_list = [i for i in range(21) if i % 2 == 1]
# print(odd_list)
# 2. 逻辑复杂的情况 如果是奇数将结果平方
# 列表生成式性能高于列表操作
def handle_item(item):
return item * item
odd_list = [handle_item(i) for i in range(21) if i % 2 == 1]
# 生成器表达式
odd_gen = (i for i in range(21) if i % 2 == 1)
for item in odd_gen:
# 字典推导式
my_dict = {"bobby1": 22, "bobby2": 23, "": 5}
reversed_dict = {value:key for key, value in my_dict.items()}
# 集合推导式
my_set = set(my_dict.keys())
my_set = {key for key, value in my_dict.items()}
@Time : 201/21/19 10:47
@Author : TaylorMei
@Email : [email protected]
@Project : iccv
@File :
""" |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines APIs messages templates
# Template for a Market Data Subscription message
MARKET_DATA_SUBSCRIPTION = '{{"type":"smd","level":1, "entries":[{entries}],"products":[{symbols}]}}'
# Template for an Order Subscription message
ORDER_SUBSCRIPTION = '{{"type":"os","account":{{"id":"{a}"}},"snapshotOnlyActive":{snapshot}}}'
# Template to specify an instrument in a market data subscription message
INSTRUMENT = '{{"symbol":"{ticker}","marketId":"{market}"}}'
# Template to insert a Double Quote
DOUBLE_QUOTES = '"{item}"'
__author__ = 'Elias Haroun'
class BinaryNode(object):
def __init__(self, data, left, right): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
def getData(self):
def getLeft(self):
return self.left
def getRight(self):
return self.right
def setData(self, data): = data
def setLeft(self, aNode):
self.left = aNode
def setRight(self, aNode):
self.right = aNode
def hasLeft(self):
return self.getLeft() is not None
def hasRight(self):
return self.getRight() is not None
def isLeaf(self):
return not(self.hasLeft() | self.hasRight())
# The isBadVersion API is already defined for you.
# @param version, an integer
# @return a bool
# def isBadVersion(version):
class Solution(object):
def firstBadVersion(self, n):
start = 1
end = n
while start + 1 < end:
mid = start + (end - start) / 2
if isBadVersion(mid):
end = mid
start = mid
if isBadVersion(start):
return start
elif isBadVersion(end):
return end
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
"""Define error strings raised by the application."""
'{0}' is not specified or invalid in the config file!
# python version 1.0 DO NOT EDIT
# Generated by smidump version 0.4.8:
# smidump -f python ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB
FILENAME = "mibs/ZyXEL/zyxel-GS4012F.mib"
MIB = {
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB" : {
"nodetype" : "module",
"language" : "SMIv2",
"organization" :
"contact" :
"description" :
"""Fault event trap definitions""",
"revisions" : (
"date" : "2004-11-03 12:00",
"description" :
"""[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]""",
"date" : "2004-11-01 12:00",
"description" :
"""[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]""",
"identity node" : "faultTrapsMIB",
"imports" : (
{"module" : "RFC1155-SMI", "name" : "enterprises"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "OBJECT-TYPE"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DateAndTime"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "StorageType"},
{"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
{"module" : "RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
{"module" : "P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
{"module" : "Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "PortList"},
{"module" : "BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "dot1dBasePort"},
{"module" : "IF-MIB", "name" : "InterfaceIndexOrZero"},
{"module" : "SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "name" : "SnmpAdminString"},
{"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddressType"},
{"module" : "INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "name" : "InetAddress"},
{"module" : "DISMAN-PING-MIB", "name" : "OperationResponseStatus"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfIfIpAddress"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfAddressLessIf"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfAreaId"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfNbrIpAddr"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfNbrAddressLessIndex"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfLsdbAreaId"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfLsdbType"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfLsdbLSID"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfLsdbRouterId"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfVirtIfAreaID"},
{"module" : "OSPF-MIB", "name" : "ospfVirtIfNeighbor"},
{"module" : "BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
{"module" : "BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "Timeout"},
"typedefs" : {
"UtcTimeStamp" : {
"basetype" : "Unsigned32",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""Universal Time Coordinated as a 32-bit value that designates
the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 12:00AM.""",
"EventIdNumber" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""This textual convention describes the index that uniquely
identifies a fault event type in the entire system. Every fault
event type, e.g. link down, has a unique EventIdNumber.""",
"EventSeverity" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"status" : "current",
"critical" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"major" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"minor" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"informational" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"description" :
"""This textual convention describes the severity of a fault event.
The decreasing order of severity is shown in the textual
"EventServiceAffective" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"status" : "current",
"noServiceAffected" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"serviceAffected" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"description" :
"""This textual convention indicates whether an event is immediately
service affecting or not.""",
"InstanceType" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"status" : "current",
"unknown" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"node" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"shelf" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"line" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"switch" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"lsp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"l2Interface" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"l3Interface" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "8"
"rowIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "9"
"description" :
"""This textual convention describes the type of an instanceId
associated with each event and by that means specifies how
the instanceId variable should be intepreted.
Various instanceId types are specified below to enable fault
monitoring for different kind of devices from fixed
configuration pizza boxes to multi chassis nodes. All
instanceId types may not need to be used in every device
Note also that instanceId semantics are element type dependent
(e.g. different kind of interface naming conventions may be used)
and thus instanceId usage may vary from element to element.
Type Description Example form
of InstanceId
unknown (1) unknown type - Irrelevant-
node (2) Associated with events originating from 1
the node. Used for general events that (Node number)
can not be associated with any specific
block. InstanceId value 1 is used for
single node equipment.
shelf (3) Associated with events originating from 1
the shelf. In the case of fixed (shelf number)
configuration devices this type is used
for events that are associated with the
physical enclosure, e.g. faults related
to fan etc. InstanceId value 1 is used
for single self equipment.
line (4) Associated with events originating from
physical interfaces or associated
components such as line cards.
InstanceId usage examples for faults
originating from:
- Physical port: Simply port number, e.g. .......1
switch (5) Associated with events originating from 1
from a switch chip or a switch card. (switch number)
For single switch equipment InstanceId
value 1 is used, for multi swich nodes
InstanceId semantics if for further
lsp (6) Associated with events originating from 1
a particular lsp. (lsp index)
NOTE: In this case the InstanceName
contains the lsp name and InstanceId
contains lsp index.
l2Interface(7) Associated with events originating from - TBD -
a particular layer 2 interface. Used for
layer 2 related events such as L2 control
protocol faults. InstanceId semantics is
for further study.
l3Interface(8) Associated with events originating from - TBD -
a particular layer 3 interface. Used for
layer 3 related events such as L3 control
protocol faults. InstanceId semantics is
for further study.
rowIndex (9) Associated with events reporting about a
'logical' or conceptual table that consists
of rows. The Instance Id is the index/key
for a row in the table. The format of the
Instance Id will simply be a series of decimal
numbers seperated by a '.':
"EventPersistence" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"status" : "current",
"normal" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"delta" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"description" :
"""This textual convention indicates whether the event is delta
(automatically and immediately cleared) or normal (not
automatically cleared).""",
"MstiOrCistInstanceIndex" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"status" : "current",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "16"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "16"
"description" :
"""This textual convention is an extension of the
MstiInstanceIndex convention. This extension permits the
additional value of zero, which means Common and Internal
Spanning Tree (CIST).""",
}, # typedefs
"nodes" : {
"zyxel" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"products" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"accessSwitch" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"esSeries" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"gs4012f" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"sysInfo" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"sysSwPlatformMajorVers" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""SW platform major version, e.g. 3.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwPlatformMinorVers" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""SW platform minor version, e.g. 50.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwModelString" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Model letters, e.g. TJ""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwVersionControlNbr" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Version control number, e.g. 0.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwDay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""SW compilation day, e.g. 19.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwMonth" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""SW compilation month, e.g. 8.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSwYear" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""SW compilation year, e.g. 2004.""",
}, # scalar
"sysHwMajorVers" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""HW major version number, e.g. 1.""",
}, # scalar
"sysHwMinorVers" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""HW minor version number, e.g. 0.""",
}, # scalar
"sysSerialNumber" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Serial number""",
}, # scalar
"rateLimitSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"rateLimitState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Ingress/egress rate limiting enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"rateLimitPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"rateLimitPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in rateLimitPortTable.""",
}, # row
"rateLimitPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Ingress/egress rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortCommitRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Commit rate in Kbit/s. The range of FE port is between 0 and 100,000. For GE port, the range is between 0 and 1000,000.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortPeakRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Peak rate in Kbit/s. The range of FE port is between 1 and 100,000. For GE port, the range is between 1 and 1000,000.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortEgrRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Egress rate in Mbit/s. The granularity of FE port is between 1 and 100. For GE port, the granularity is between 1 and 1000.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortPeakState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Ingress peak rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortEgrState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Egress rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"rateLimitPortCommitState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Ingress commit rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"brLimitSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"brLimitState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Broadcast/multicast/DLF rate limiting enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"brLimitPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"brLimitPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in brLimitPortTable.""",
}, # row
"brLimitPortBrState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Broadcast rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"brLimitPortBrRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Allowed broadcast rate in pkts/s. For FE port,
the maximum value is 148800. For GE port, the maximum value is 262143.""",
}, # column
"brLimitPortMcState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Multicast rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"brLimitPortMcRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""AAllowed mullticast rate in pkts/s. For FE port,
the maximum value is 148800. For GE port, the maximum value is 262143.""",
}, # column
"brLimitPortDlfState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Destination lookup failure frames rate limiting enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"brLimitPortDlfRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Allowed destination lookup failure frames rate in pkts/s.
For FE port, the maximum value is 148800. For GE port, the maximum value is 262143.""",
}, # column
"portSecuritySetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"portSecurityState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"portSecurityPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"portSecurityPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in portSecurityPortTable.""",
}, # row
"portSecurityPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Port Security enabled/disabled on the port.
Active(1) means this port only accept frames from static MAC addresses that are configured for the port,
and dynamic MAC address frames up to the number specified by portSecurityPortCount object.""",
}, # column
"portSecurityPortLearnState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""MAC address learning enabled/disable on the port.""",
}, # column
"portSecurityPortCount" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Number of (dynamic) MAC addresses that may be learned on the port.""",
}, # column
"portSecurityMacFreeze" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "PortList"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"vlanTrunkSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"vlanTrunkPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"vlanTrunkPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in vlanTrunkPortTable.""",
}, # row
"vlanTrunkPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""VlanTrunking enabled/disabled on the port.
Active(1) to allow frames belonging to unknown
VLAN groups to pass through the switch.""",
}, # column
"ctlProtTransSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"ctlProtTransState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Bridge control protocol transparency enabled/disabled for the switch""",
}, # scalar
"ctlProtTransTunnelPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ctlProtTransTunnelPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in ctlProtTransTunnelPortTable.""",
}, # row
"ctlProtTransTunnelMode" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"peer" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"tunnel" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"discard" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"network" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Bridge control protocol transparency mode for the port.
Modes: Peer(0), Tunnel(1), Discard(2), Network(3)""",
}, # column
"vlanStackSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"vlanStackState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""VLAN Stacking enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"vlanStackTpid" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""SP TPID in hex format, e.g. 8100.""",
}, # scalar
"vlanStackPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"vlanStackPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in vlanStackPortTable.""",
}, # row
"vlanStackPortMode" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"normal" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"tunnel" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Mode of the port.Set Access mode to have the switch add the SP TPID tag to all incoming
frames received on this port. Set Access mode for ingress ports at the
edge of the service provider's network. Set Tunnel mode (available for
Gigabit ports only) for egress ports at the edge of the service provider's
network. In order to support VLAN stacking on a port, the port must be able
to allow frames of 1526 Bytes (1522 Bytes + 4 Bytes for the second tag)
to pass through it. Access (0), tunnel (1)""",
}, # column
"vlanStackPortVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""VLAN ID used in service provider tag.""",
}, # column
"vlanStackPortPrio" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"prioriry-0" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"prioriry-1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"prioriry-2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"prioriry-3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"prioriry-4" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"prioriry-5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"prioriry-6" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"prioriry-7" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Priority value for service provider tag.
0 is the lowest priority level and 7 is the highest.""",
}, # column
"dot1xSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"portAuthState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""802.1x port authentication enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"portAuthTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"portAuthEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in portAuthTable.""",
}, # row
"portAuthEntryState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""802.1x port authentication enabled or disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"portReAuthEntryState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""802.1x port re-authentication enabled or disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"portReAuthEntryTimer" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Re-authentication timer in seconds.""",
}, # column
"hwMonitorInfo" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"fanRpmTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"fanRpmEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in fanRpmTable.""",
}, # row
"fanRpmIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Index of FAN.""",
}, # column
"fanRpmCurValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Current speed in Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) on the fan.""",
}, # column
"fanRpmMaxValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Maximum speed measured in Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) on the fan.""",
}, # column
"fanRpmMinValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Minimum speed measured in Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) on the fan.""",
}, # column
"fanRpmLowThresh" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The minimum speed at which a normal fan should work.""",
}, # column
"fanRpmDescr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""'Normal' indicates that this fan is functioning above the minimum speed.
'Error' indicates that this fan is functioning below the minimum speed.""",
}, # column
"tempTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"tempEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in tempTable.""",
}, # row
"tempIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"mac" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"cpu" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"phy" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Index of temperature unit. 1:MAC, 2:CPU, 3:PHY""",
}, # column
"tempCurValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The current temperature measured at this sensor.""",
}, # column
"tempMaxValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The maximum temperature measured at this sensor.""",
}, # column
"tempMinValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The minimum temperature measured at this sensor.""",
}, # column
"tempHighThresh" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The upper temperature limit at this sensor.""",
}, # column
"tempDescr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""'Normal' indicates temperatures below the threshold and 'Error' for those above.""",
}, # column
"voltageTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"voltageEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in voltageTable.""",
}, # row
"voltageIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Index of voltage.""",
}, # column
"voltageCurValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The current voltage reading.""",
}, # column
"voltageMaxValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The maximum voltage measured at this point.""",
}, # column
"voltageMinValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The minimum voltage measured at this point.""",
}, # column
"voltageNominalValue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The normal voltage at wchich the switch work.""",
}, # column
"voltageLowThresh" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The minimum voltage at which the switch should work.""",
}, # column
"voltageDescr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""'Normal' indicates that the voltage is within an acceptable operating range
at this point; otherwise 'Error' is displayed.""",
}, # column
"snmpSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"snmpGetCommunity" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"snmpSetCommunity" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"snmpTrapCommunity" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"snmpTrapDestTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"snmpTrapDestEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in snmpTrapDestTable.""",
}, # row
"snmpTrapDestIP" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
"""IP address of trap destination.""",
}, # column
"snmpTrapDestRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"snmpTrapDestPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The UDP port of the trap destination.""",
}, # column
"snmpTrapVersion" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"v1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"v2c" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"v3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The SNMP protocol version to send traps.""",
}, # column
"snmpTrapUserName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The user name for sending SNMPv3 traps.""",
}, # column
"snmpVersion" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"v2c" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"v3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"v3v2c" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The SNMP version to be used. v3v2c means that the manager
can get/set by SNMPv3 and can get by SNMPv2c.""",
}, # scalar
"snmpUserTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""A table that contains SNMPv3 user information.""",
}, # table
"snmpUserEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry of snmpUserTable.""",
}, # row
"snmpUserName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The user name.""",
}, # column
"snmpUserSecurityLevel" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"noAuthNoPriv" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"authNoPriv" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"authPriv" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The level of security at which SNMP messages can be sent or
with which operations are being processed.""",
}, # column
"snmpUserAuthProtocol" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"md5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"sha" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The type of authentication protocol to be used.""",
}, # column
"snmpUserPrivProtocol" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"des" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"aes" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The type of privacy protocol to be used.""",
}, # column
"snmpTrapGroupTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"snmpTrapGroupEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in snmpTrapGroupTable.""",
}, # row
"snmpTrapSystemGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"coldStart" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"warmStart" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"fanSpeed" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"temperature" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"voltage" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"reset" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"timeSync" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"intrusionlock" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"snmpTrapInterfaceGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"linkup" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"linkdown" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"autonegotiation" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"snmpTrapAAAGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"authentication" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"accounting" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"snmpTrapIPGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"ping" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"traceroute" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"snmpTrapSwitchGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"stp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"mactable" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"rmon" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dateTimeSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dateTimeServerType" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"daytime" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"time" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"ntp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The time service protocol.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeServerIP" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""IP address of time server.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeZone" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The time difference between UTC. Ex: +01""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewDateYear" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new date in year.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewDateMonth" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new date in month.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewDateDay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new date in day.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewTimeHour" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new time in hour.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewTimeMinute" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new time in minute.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeNewTimeSecond" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The new time in second.""",
}, # scalar
"dateTimeDaylightSavingTimeSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"daylightSavingTimeState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeStartDateWeek" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"first" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"second" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"third" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"fourth" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"last" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service start week.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeStartDateDay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"sunday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"monday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"tuesday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"wednesday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"thursday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"friday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"saturday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service start day.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeStartDateMonth" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"january" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"february" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"march" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"april" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"may" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"june" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"july" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"august" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "8"
"september" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "9"
"october" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "10"
"november" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "11"
"december" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "12"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service start month.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeStartDateHour" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service start time.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeEndDateWeek" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"first" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"second" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"third" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"fourth" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"last" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service end week.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeEndDateDay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"sunday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"monday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"tuesday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"wednesday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"thursday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"friday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"saturday" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service end day.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeEndDateMonth" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"january" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"february" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"march" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"april" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"may" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"june" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"july" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"august" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "8"
"september" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "9"
"october" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "10"
"november" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "11"
"december" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "12"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service end month.""",
}, # scalar
"daylightSavingTimeEndDateHour" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Daylight saving time service end time.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmt" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"sysMgmtConfigSave" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"config_1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"config_2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""If setting value is given, the variable write index will be set and running-config will be written to the assigned configuration file.
If not, running-config will be written to the booting one.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtBootupConfig" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"config_1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"config_2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The setting value (read index) will be written into non-volatile memory.
While rebooting, the variable write index is equal to read index initially.
You can change the value of write index by CLI / MIB.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtReboot" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"nothing" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"reboot" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Reboot switch from SNMP. 1:Reboot, 0:Nothing""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtDefaultConfig" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"nothing" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"reset_to_default" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Erase running config and reset to default.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtLastActionStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"success" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"fail" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Display status of last mgmt action.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtSystemStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"sysAlarmDetected" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"sysTemperatureError" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"sysFanRPMError" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"sysVoltageRangeError" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable indicates the status of the system.
The sysMgmtAlarmStatus is a bit map represented
a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple defects
simultaneously. The sysNoDefect should be set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
0 sysAlarmDetected
1 sysTemperatureError
2 sysFanRPMError
3 sysVoltageRangeError""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtCPUUsage" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Show device CPU load in %, it's the snapshot of CPU load when
getting the values.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtCounterReset" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"enable" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"disable" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Reset all port counters.""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtTftpServiceSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"sysMgmtTftpServerIp" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
""" IP address of TFTP server""",
}, # scalar
"sysMgmtTftpRemoteFileName" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The file name that you want to backup to or restore from TFTP server""",
}, # scalar
"layer2Setup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"vlanTypeSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"dot1Q" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"port_based" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"igmpSnoopingStateSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"tagVlanPortIsolationState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"stpState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"igmpFilteringStateSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"unknownMulticastFrameForwarding" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"flooding" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"drop" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"multicastGrpHostTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Specify host timeout for all multicast groups when the specific port is in auto mode.""",
}, # scalar
"multicastGrpLeaveTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Specify leave timeout for all multicast groups.""",
}, # scalar
"reservedMulticastFrameForwarding" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"flooding" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"drop" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"igmpsnp8021pPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Set the 802.1p priority of control messages for igmp-snooping(0~8, 8-No Change)""",
}, # scalar
"igmpsnpVlanMode" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"auto" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"fixed" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"stpMode" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"rstp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"mrstp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"mstp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"igmpsnpVlanTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"igmpsnpVlanEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in IgmpsnpVlanTable.""",
}, # row
"igmpsnpVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpsnpVlanName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpsnpVlanRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dnsIpAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"defaultMgmt" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"in_band" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"out_of_band" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"defaultGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"outOfBandIpSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"outOfBandIp" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"outOfBandSubnetMask" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"outOfBandGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"maxNumOfInbandIp" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"inbandIpTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"inbandIpEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in inbandIpTable.""",
}, # row
"inbandEntryIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"inbandEntrySubnetMask" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"inbandEntryVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"inbandEntryRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"filterSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"filterTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"filterEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in filterTable.""",
}, # row
"filterName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"filterActionState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"discard_source" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"discard_destination" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"both" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"filterMacAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"filterVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"filterRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mirrorSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"mirrorState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mirrorMonitorPort" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mirrorTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mirrorEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in mirrorTable.""",
}, # row
"mirrorMirroredState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mirrorDirection" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"ingress" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"egress" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"both" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"aggrSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"aggrState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"aggrSystemPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"aggrGroupTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"aggrGroupEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in aggrGroupTable.""",
}, # row
"aggrGroupIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"aggrGroupState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"aggrGroupDynamicState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"aggrPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"aggrPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in aggrPortTable.""",
}, # row
"aggrPortGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"t1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"t2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"t3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"t4" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"t5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"t6" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"aggrPortDynamicStateTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accessCtlSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"accessCtlTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"accessCtlEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in accessCtlTable.""",
}, # row
"accessCtlService" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"telnet" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"ssh" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"ftp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"http" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"https" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"icmp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"snmp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"accessCtlEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accessCtlServicePort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accessCtlTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"securedClientTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"securedClientEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in securedClientTable.""",
}, # row
"securedClientIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"securedClientEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"securedClientStartIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"securedClientEndIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"securedClientService" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Bits",
"telnet" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"ftp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"http" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"icmp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"snmp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"ssh" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"https" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"queuingMethodSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"portQueuingMethodTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"portQueuingMethodEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in portQueuingMethodTable.""",
}, # row
"portQueuingMethodQueue" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"portQueuingMethodWeight" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"globalDhcpRelay" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"globalDhcpRelayEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"globalDhcpRelayOption82Enable" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"globalDhcpRelayInfoEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"globalDhcpRelayInfoData" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"maxNumberOfGlobalDhcpRelayRemoteServer" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"globalDhcpRelayRemoteServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"globalDhcpRelayRemoteServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in globalDhcpRelayRemoteServerTable.""",
}, # row
"globalDhcpRelayRemoteServerIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"globalDhcpRelayRemoteServerRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServer" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"maxNumberOfDhcpServers" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The maximum number of DHCP server entries that can be created.
A value of 0 for this object implies that there exists settings for
global DHCP relay.""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in dhcpServerTable.""",
}, # row
"dhcpServerVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerStartAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerPoolSize" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerMask" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerPrimaryDNS" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerSecondaryDNS" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpServerRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpRelay" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dhcpRelayInfoData" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"maxNumberOfDhcpRelay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The maximum number of DHCP relay entries that can be created.
A value of 0 for this object implies that there exists settings for
global DHCP relay.""",
}, # scalar
"maxNumberOfDhcpRelayRemoteServer" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpRelayRemoteServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpRelayRemoteServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in dhcpRelayRemoteServerTable.""",
}, # row
"dhcpRelayVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpRelayRemoteServerIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpRelayRemoteServerRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpRelayTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpRelayEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in dhcpRelayTable.""",
}, # row
"dhcpRelayOption82Enable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpRelayInfoEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"maxNumberOfStaticRoutes" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"staticRouteTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"staticRouteEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in staticRouteTable.""",
}, # row
"staticRouteName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteMask" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteMetric" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"staticRouteRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInfo" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"arpTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in arpTable.""",
}, # row
"arpIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpIpAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpMacAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpMacVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"dynamic" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""1-static, 2-dynamic""",
}, # column
"portOpModeSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"portOpModePortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"portOpModePortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in portOpModePortTable.""",
}, # row
"portOpModePortFlowCntl" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"off" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"on" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"portOpModePortName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "32"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "32"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"portOpModePortLinkUpType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"down" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"copper" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"fiber" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"portOpModePortIntrusionLock" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"portOpModePortLBTestStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"underTesting" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"success" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"fail" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This entry display latest loopback test status of port while performing loopback test.""",
}, # column
"portOpModePortCounterReset" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"enable" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"disable" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""This entry resets port counter.""",
}, # column
"portBasedVlanSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"portBasedVlanPortListTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"portBasedVlanPortListEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in portBasedVlanPortListTable.""",
}, # row
"portBasedVlanPortListMembers" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "PortList"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastPortSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"multicastPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"multicastPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in multicastPortTable.""",
}, # row
"multicastPortImmediateLeave" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastPortMaxGroupLimited" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastPortMaxOfGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastPortIgmpFilteringProfile" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastPortQuerierMode" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"auto" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"fixed" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"edge" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Specify query mode for each port""",
}, # column
"multicastStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"multicastStatusTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"multicastStatusEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in multicastStatusTable.""",
}, # row
"multicastStatusIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastStatusVlanID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastStatusPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastStatusGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""A count table of igmp query/report/leave message.""",
}, # table
"igmpCountEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in igmpCountTable.""",
}, # row
"igmpCountIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Index of IgmpCountEntry. 0 means total count in whole system""",
}, # column
"igmpCountInQuery" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountInReport" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountInLeave" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountInQueryDrop" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountInReportDrop" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountInLeaveDrop" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountOutQuery" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountOutReport" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpCountOutLeave" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastVlanStatusTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"multicastVlanStatusEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in multicastVlanStatusTable.""",
}, # row
"multicastVlanStatusVlanID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastVlanStatusType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"dynamic" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"mvr" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"multicastVlanQueryPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "PortList"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpFilteringProfileSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"igmpFilteringMaxNumberOfProfile" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"igmpFilteringProfileTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"igmpFilteringProfileEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in igmpFilteringProfileTable.""",
}, # row
"igmpFilteringProfileName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpFilteringProfileStartAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpFilteringProfileEndAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"igmpFilteringProfileRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"maxNumberOfMVR" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mvrTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mvrEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in mvrTable.""",
}, # row
"mvrVlanID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrMode" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"dynamic" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"compatible" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvr8021pPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Set the 802.1p priority of control messages within MVR (0~7)""",
}, # column
"mvrPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mvrPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in mvrPortTable.""",
}, # row
"mvrPortRole" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"source_port" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"receiver_port" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrPortTagging" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"maxNumberOfMvrGroup" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mvrGroupTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mvrGroupEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in mvrGroupTable.""",
}, # row
"mvrGroupName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrGroupStartAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrGroupEndAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mvrGroupRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"layer3Setup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routerRipState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"routerIgmpState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"routerDvmrpState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"routerDvmrpThreshold" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"routerIpmcPortSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routerIpmcPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerIpmcPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in routerIpmcPortTable.""",
}, # row
"routerIpmcPortEgressUntagVlan" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routerVrrpMaxNumber" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Always set it as 14.""",
}, # scalar
"routerVrrpTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerVrrpEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in routerVrrpTable.""",
}, # row
"routerVrrpVirtualID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpUplinkGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpPreempt" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpInterval" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpPrimaryVirtualIP" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpSecondaryVirtualIP" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"rpVrrpRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpDomainTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerVrrpDomainEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in routerVrrpTable.""",
}, # row
"routerVrrpAuthType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"simple" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpAuthKey" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routerVrrpStatusTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerVrrpStatusEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
""" """,
}, # row
"routerVrrpStatusIpAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpStatusIpMaskBits" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpStatusVirtualID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpStatusVRStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerVrrpStatusUpLinkStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routerDomainTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerDomainEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in routerDomainTable.""",
}, # row
"routerDomainIpAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainIpMaskBits" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainIpTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routerDomainIpEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in routerDomainIpTable.""",
}, # row
"routerDomainIpRipDirection" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"outgoing" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"incoming" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"both" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainIpRipVersion" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"v1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"v2b" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"v2m" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainIpIgmpVersion" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"igmp_v1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"igmp_v2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"igmp_v3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"routerDomainIpDvmrp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"diffservSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"diffservState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"diffservMapTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"diffservMapEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in diffservMapTable.""",
}, # row
"diffservMapDscp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"diffservMapPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"diffservPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"diffservPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in diffservPortTable.""",
}, # row
"diffservPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"clusterManager" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"clusterMaxNumOfManager" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"clusterManagerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"clusterManagerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in clusterManagerTable.""",
}, # row
"clusterManagerVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterManagerName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterManagerRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterMembers" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"clusterMaxNumOfMember" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"clusterMemberTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"clusterMemberEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in clusterMemberTable.""",
}, # row
"clusterMemberMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterMemberName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterMemberModel" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterMemberPassword" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterMemberRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterCandidates" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"clusterCandidateTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"clusterCandidateEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in clusterCandidateTable.""",
}, # row
"clusterCandidateMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterCandidateName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterCandidateModel" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"clusterStatusRole" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"manager" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"member" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"clusterStatusManager" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"clsuterStatusMaxNumOfMember" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"clusterStatusMemberTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"clusterStatusMemberEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in clusterStatusMemberTable.""",
}, # row
"clusterStatusMemberMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterStatusMemberName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterStatusMemberModel" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"clusterStatusMemberStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"error" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"online" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"offline" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"faultMIB" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
}, # node
"eventObjects" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"eventTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""A list of currently active fault events. All faults
of normal type regardless of their severity level
are recorded in the event table. When a normal
type fault is cleared it is deleted from the event
}, # table
"eventEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry containing information about an
event in the event table.""",
}, # row
"eventSeqNum" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable represents the sequence number of an event.
Sequence number is incremented monotonically starting
from 0 until it reaches its maximum and wraps around back
to 0.
Sequence number is incremented when
- the state of a normal type fault is set on (the same sequence
number is present in the events table as well as in the trap
that is sent to notify about the fault on event)
- delta event occurs (sequence number present in trap message)
- the state of a normal type fault is set off (sequence number
present in trap that is sent to notify for clearing).""",
}, # column
"eventEventId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "EventIdNumber"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable represents the event ID which uniquely
identifies the event in the entire system.""",
}, # column
"eventName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "RFC1213-MIB",
"type" : "DisplayString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "40"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "40"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable represents the name of the event, for
example 'Ethernet Link Down'""",
}, # column
"eventInstanceType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "InstanceType"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable represents the type of InstanceId of a
particular event in the event table. In brief
the instanceType refers to the type of sub-component
generating this event in the system, for example
switch (5). For more details see the textual
conventions section.
AFFECTS: eventInstanceId,
}, # column
"eventInstanceId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable represents the InstanceId of a particular
event in the event current table. In brief the instanceId
refers to the sub-component generating this event in the
system, for example '1' for port 1. For more details see
the textual conventions section.
DEPENDS ON: eventInstanceType""",
}, # column
"eventInstanceName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable is mainly used to store additional information
about the sub-component that is generating an event. For
example this field may specify what cooling fan is faulty.
DEPENDS ON: eventInstanceType""",
}, # column
"eventSeverity" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "EventSeverity"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable dictates the urgency of action when a event
occurs. There are four severity levels - Critical, Major,
Minor, and Informational. Critical events are those, which
require immediate operator intervention to prevent/reduce
system down time. Major events require quick attention and
Minor events possibly require some attention. Informational
events indicate the occurrence of events that may need to be
}, # column
"eventSetTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "UtcTimeStamp"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This table contains only normal events and this variable
represents the time when the event become active, i.e. the
number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 12:00AM.""",
}, # column
"eventDescription" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "RFC1213-MIB",
"type" : "DisplayString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable contains a description of the event and reasons
behind the event. This is a free format alpha-numeric string
that is set by the entity generating this event. This variable
may be empty if there is no usefull information to report.
The maximum length of this string is 255 characters.""",
}, # column
"eventServAffective" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "EventServiceAffective"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This variable indicates whether the event is service affective or not""",
}, # column
"faultTrapsMIB" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
}, # node
"trapInfoObjects" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"trapRefSeqNum" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Indicates the former sequence number of a cleared event
in the event table. Not intended to read but only used in
trap notifications.""",
}, # scalar
"trapPersistence" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "EventPersistence"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Indicates whether the event is delta (automatically and
immediately cleared) or normal (not automatically cleared).
Not intended to read but only used in trap notifications.""",
}, # scalar
"trapSenderNodeId" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Represents the node ID of the sending network element. If not
supported should be set to 0. Not intended to read but only
used in trap notifications.""",
}, # scalar
"trapNotifications" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"ipStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"ipStatusTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ipStatusEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ipStatusIPAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipStatusVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipStatusPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipStatusType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"dynamic" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"routingStatusTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"routingStatusEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"routingStatusDestAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatusDestMaskbits" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatusGateway" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatusInterface" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatusMetric" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"routingStatusType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"rip" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"bgp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"ospf" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfExt" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"ospfInterfaceTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfInterfaceEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfIfKeyId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfMaskbits" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfDesignatedRouterID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouterID" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfNbrCount" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfAdjacentNbrCount" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfIfHelloDueTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfAreaExtTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfAreaExtEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfAreaExtName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfRedistributeRouteTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfRedistributeRouteEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfRedistributeRouteProtocol" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"rip" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfRedistributeRouteState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfRedistributeRouteType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfRedistributeRouteMetric" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfNbrExtEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfNbrExtRole" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"dr" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"backup" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"dr_other" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtDeadtime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtInterface" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtRXmtL" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtRqstL" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfNbrExtDBsmL" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfLsdbExtTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfLsdbExtEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfLsdbExtLinkCount" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfLsdbExtRouteAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfLsdbExtRouteMaskbits" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfVirtualLinkTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ospfVirtualLinkEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ospfVirtualLinkName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ospfVirtualLinkKeyId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"sysLogState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""sysLog enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"sysLogTypeTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"sysLogTypeEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in sysLogTypeTable.""",
}, # row
"sysLogTypeIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogTypeName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogTypeState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogTypeFacility" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"local_user0" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"local_user1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"local_user2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"local_user3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"local_user4" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"local_user5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"local_user6" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"local_user7" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"sysLogServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in sysLogServerTable.""",
}, # row
"sysLogServerAddress" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogServerLogLevel" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"level0" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"level0-1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"level0-2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"level0-3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"level0-4" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"level0-5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"level0-6" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"level0-7" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"sysLogServerRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mrstp" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"mrstpSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"mrstpBridgeTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mrstpBridgeEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in mrstpBridgeTable.""",
}, # row
"mrstpBridgeIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The tree index of the MRSTP.""",
}, # column
"mrstpState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Enabled/disabled on the mrstp bridge.""",
}, # column
"mrstpProtocolSpecification" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"unknown" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"decLb100" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"ieee8021d" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""An indication of what version of the Spanning
Tree Protocol is being run. The value
'decLb100(2)' indicates the DEC LANbridge 100
Spanning Tree protocol. IEEE 802.1d
implementations will return 'ieee8021d(3)'. If
future versions of the IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol
are released that are incompatible with the
current version a new value will be defined.""",
}, # column
"mrstpPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge
ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet
long) Bridge ID. The other (last) 6 octets of the
Bridge ID are given by the value of
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpTimeSinceTopologyChange" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
last time a topology change was detected by the
bridge entity.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpTopChanges" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The total number of topology changes detected by
this bridge since the management entity was last
reset or initialized.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpDesignatedRoot" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning
tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol
as executed by this node. This value is used as
the Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration
Bridge PDUs originated by this node.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpRootCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The cost of the path to the root as seen from
this bridge.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpRootPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The port number of the port which offers the
lowest cost path from this bridge to the root
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpMaxAge" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "Timeout"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol
information learned from the network on any port
before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of
a second. This is the actual value that this
bridge is currently using.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpHelloTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "Timeout"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The amount of time between the transmission of
Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port
when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying
to become so, in units of hundredths of a second.
This is the actual value that this bridge is
currently using.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpHoldTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This time value determines the interval length
during which no more than two Configuration bridge
PDUs shall be transmitted by this node, in units
of hundredths of a second.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpForwardDelay" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "Timeout"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""This time value, measured in units of hundredths
of a second, controls how fast a port changes its
spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding
state. The value determines how long the port
stays in each of the Listening and Learning
states, which precede the Forwarding state. This
value is also used, when a topology change has
been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic
entries in the Forwarding Database. [Note that
this value is the one that this bridge is
currently using, in contrast to
mrstpBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that
this bridge and all others would start using
if/when this bridge were to become the root.]""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpBridgeMaxAge" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "600",
"max" : "4000"
"range" : {
"min" : "600",
"max" : "4000"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when
this bridge is acting as the root. Note that
802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this
parameter is related to the value of
mrstpBridgeHelloTime. The granularity of this
timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second.
An agent may return a badValue error if a set is
attempted to a value which is not a whole number
of seconds.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpBridgeHelloTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "100",
"max" : "1000"
"range" : {
"min" : "100",
"max" : "1000"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The value that all bridges use for HelloTime when
this bridge is acting as the root. The
granularity of this timer is specified by 802.1D-
1990 to be 1 second. An agent may return a
badValue error if a set is attempted to a value
which is not a whole number of seconds.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpBridgeForwardDelay" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "400",
"max" : "3000"
"range" : {
"min" : "400",
"max" : "3000"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay
when this bridge is acting as the root. Note that
802.1D-1990 specifies that the range for this
parameter is related to the value of
mrstpBridgeMaxAge. The granularity of this
timer is specified by 802.1D-1990 to be 1 second.
An agent may return a badValue error if a set is
attempted to a value which is not a whole number
of seconds.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""A table that contains port-specific information
for the Spanning Tree Protocol.""",
}, # table
"mrstpPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""A list of information maintained by every port
about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
}, # row
"mrstpPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The port number of the port for which this entry
contains Spanning Tree Protocol management
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The value of the priority field which is
contained in the first (in network byte order)
octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID. The other
octet of the Port ID is given by the value of
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"disabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"blocking" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"listening" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"learning" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"forwarding" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"broken" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The port's current state as defined by
application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. This
state controls what action a port takes on
reception of a frame. If the bridge has detected
a port that is malfunctioning it will place that
port into the broken(6) state. For ports which
are disabled (see mrstpPortEnable), this object
will have a value of disabled(1).""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"enabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"disabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The enabled/disabled status of the port.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortPathCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The contribution of this port to the path cost of
paths towards the spanning tree root which include
this port. 802.1D-1990 recommends that the
default value of this parameter be in inverse
proportion to the speed of the attached LAN.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortDesignatedRoot" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The unique Bridge Identifier of the Bridge
recorded as the Root in the Configuration BPDUs
transmitted by the Designated Bridge for the
segment to which the port is attached.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortDesignatedCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The path cost of the Designated Port of the
segment connected to this port. This value is
compared to the Root Path Cost field in received
bridge PDUs.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortDesignatedBridge" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this
port considers to be the Designated Bridge for
this port's segment.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortDesignatedPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "2",
"max" : "2"
"range" : {
"min" : "2",
"max" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The Port Identifier of the port on the Designated
Bridge for this port's segment.""",
"reference>" :
"""IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortForwardTransitions" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The number of times this port has transitioned
from the Learning state to the Forwarding state.""",
}, # column
"mrstpPortOnBridgeIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Indetify the bridge index that this port joined to in MRSTP.""",
}, # column
"mrstpNotifications" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"radiusServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"radiusAuthServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"radiusAuthServerTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"radiusAuthServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"radiusAuthServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in radiusAuthServerTable.""",
}, # row
"radiusAuthServerIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAuthServerIpAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAuthServerUdpPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAuthServerSharedSecret" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAcctServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"radiusAcctServerTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"radiusAcctServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"radiusAcctServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in radiusAcctServerTable.""",
}, # row
"radiusAcctServerIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAcctServerIpAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAcctServerUdpPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"radiusAcctServerSharedSecret" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"tacacsAuthServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"tacacsAuthServerTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"tacacsAuthServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"tacacsAuthServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in tacacsAuthServerTable.""",
}, # row
"tacacsAuthServerIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAuthServerIpAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAuthServerTcpPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAuthServerSharedSecret" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAcctServerSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"tacacsAcctServerTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"tacacsAcctServerTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"tacacsAcctServerEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in tacacsAcctServerTable.""",
}, # row
"tacacsAcctServerIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAcctServerIpAddr" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAcctServerTcpPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"tacacsAcctServerSharedSecret" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"aaaSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"authenticationSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"authenticationTypeTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"authenticationTypeEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in authenticationTypeTable.""",
}, # row
"authenticationTypeName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"authenticationTypeMethodList" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "OctetString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"accountingUpdatePeriod" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"accountingTypeTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"accountingTypeEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in accountingTypeTable.""",
}, # row
"accountingTypeName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingTypeActive" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingTypeBroadcast" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingTypeMode" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"start-stop" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"stop-only" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"not-available" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingTypeMethod" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"radius" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"tacacs" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"accountingTypePrivilege" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"privilege-0" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"privilege-1" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"privilege-2" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"privilege-3" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"privilege-4" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"privilege-5" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "5"
"privilege-6" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "6"
"privilege-7" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "7"
"privilege-8" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "8"
"privilege-9" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "9"
"privilege-10" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "10"
"privilege-11" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "11"
"privilege-12" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "12"
"privilege-13" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "13"
"privilege-14" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "14"
"not-available" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnp" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dhcpSnpVlanTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpSnpVlanEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"dhcpSnpVlanEntryVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpVlanEntryEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpVlanEntryOption82Enable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpVlanEntryInfo" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpSnpPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"dhcpSnpPortEntryPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpPortEntryTrust" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpPortEntryRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2048"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2048"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""0 means unlimited""",
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"dhcpSnpBindEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"dhcpSnpBindEntryMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindEntryVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindEntryIP" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindEntryLease" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindEntryType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"dynamic" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpBindEntryPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"dhcpSnpEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDb" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dhcpSnpDbAbort" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbWriteDelay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbUrl" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "RFC1213-MIB",
"type" : "DisplayString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbUrlRenew" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "RFC1213-MIB",
"type" : "DisplayString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStat" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dhcpSnpDbStatClear" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatDelayExpiry" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatAbortExpiry" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastSuccTime" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastFailTime" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastFailReason" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalAttempt" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatStartupFail" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatSuccTrans" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatFailTrans" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatSuccRead" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatFailRead" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatSuccWrite" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatFailWrite" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreBindCol" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Last ignored: binding collision""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreExpireLease" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Last ignored: expired leases""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreInvalidIntf" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Last ignored: invalid interface""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreUnsuppVlan" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Last ignored: unsupported vlans""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreParse" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Last ignored: parsing error""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalIgnoreBindCol" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Total ignored: binding collision""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalIgnoreExpireLease" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Total ignored: expired leases""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalIgnoreInvalidIntf" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Total ignored: invalid interface""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalIgnoreUnsuppVlan" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Total ignored: unsupported vlans""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatTotalIgnoreParse" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Total ignored: parsing error""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDbStatLastIgnoreTime" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"dhcpSnpDhcpVlan" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"dhcpSnpDhcpVlanVid" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""0: disable DHCP VLAN.""",
}, # scalar
"ipsg" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"ipsgTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"ipsgEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"ipsgEntryMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipsgEntryVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipsgEntryIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipsgEntryLease" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipsgEntryType" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"static" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"dhcp" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"ipsgEntryPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""0 means any port""",
}, # column
"ipsgEntryState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspect" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"arpInspectSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"arpInspectState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectFilterAgingTime" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2147483647"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2147483647"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectLog" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"arpInspectLogEntries" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "1024"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "1024"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectLogRate" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "1024"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "1024"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectLogInterval" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2147483647"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2147483647"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectVlanTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpInspectVlanEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"arpInspectVlanVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectVlanLog" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"all" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"none" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"permit" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"deny" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectVlanStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"enabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"disabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpInspectPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"arpInspectPortIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectPortTrust" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"trusted" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"untrusted" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectPortRate" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2048"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "2048"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectPortInterval" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "15"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "15"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"arpInspectFilterClear" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectLogClear" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"arpInspectFilterTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpInspectFilterEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"arpInspectFilterMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectFilterVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectFilterPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectFilterExpiry" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectFilterReason" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"macVid" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"port" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"ip" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectFilterRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpInspectLogEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"arpInspectLogMac" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "MacAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogNumPkt" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectLogTime" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DateAndTime"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"arpInspectStatisticsEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"arpInspectStatisticsVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsReceived" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsRequest" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsReply" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsForward" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsDrop" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"arpInspectStatisticsClear" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"trTCMSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"trTCMState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Two-rate three color marker enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"trTCMMode" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"color-aware" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"color-blind" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"trTCMPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"trTCMPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in trTCMPortTable.""",
}, # row
"trTCMPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Two-rate three color marker enabled/disabled on the port.""",
}, # column
"trTCMPortCIR" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Allowed CIR in pkts/s.""",
}, # column
"trTCMPortPIR" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Allowed PIR in pkts/s.""",
}, # column
"trTCMPortDscpGreen" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"trTCMPortDscpYellow" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"trTCMPortDscpRed" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"loopGuardSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"loopGuardState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"loopGuardPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"loopGuardPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in loopGuardPortTable.""",
}, # row
"loopGuardPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"subnetBasedVlanState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""subnet-based vlan feature enabled/disabled for the switch.""",
}, # scalar
"dhcpVlanOverrideState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""dhcp vlan override enabled/disabled when subnet-based vlan is enabled.""",
}, # scalar
"subnetBasedVlanTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"subnetBasedVlanEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in subnetBasedVlanTable.""",
}, # row
"subnetBasedVlanSrcIp" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "IpAddress"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""source ip for subnet-based vlan entry""",
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanSrcMaskBit" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "32"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "32"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""source ip mask-bits for subnet-based vlan entry""",
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanName" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "RFC1213-MIB",
"type" : "DisplayString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "31"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "31"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""name for subnet-based vlan entry""",
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanVid" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""vid for subnet-based vlan entry""",
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "7"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "7"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""priority for subnet-based vlan entry""",
}, # column
"subnetBasedVlanEntryState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"macAuthenticationSetup" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"macAuthenticationState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"macAuthenticationNamePrefix" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"macAuthenticationPassword" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"macAuthenticationTimeout" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"macAuthenticationPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"macAuthenticationPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""An entry in macAuthenticationPortTable.""",
}, # row
"macAuthenticationPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstp" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"mstpGen" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
"mstpGenState" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""Enabled/disabled on the mrstp bridge.""",
}, # scalar
"mstpGenCfgIdName" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"RFC1213-MIB", "name" : "DisplayString"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""The configuration name that identifies the MST
region and is used as one of the inputs in the
computation of the MST Configuration Identifier.""",
"reference>" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenCfgIdRevLevel" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""This object identifies the MST revision that
identifies the MST region and is used as one
of the inputs in the computation of the MST
configuration Identifier.""",
"reference>" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenCfgIdCfgDigest" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "16",
"max" : "16"
"range" : {
"min" : "16",
"max" : "16"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""Configuration Digest.""",
"reference>" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenHelloTime" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "10"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "10"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenMaxAge" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "6",
"max" : "40"
"range" : {
"min" : "6",
"max" : "40"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenForwardDelay" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"parent module" : {
"name" : "BRIDGE-MIB",
"type" : "Timeout",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "4",
"max" : "30"
"range" : {
"min" : "4",
"max" : "30"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenMaxHops" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "4",
"max" : "30"
"range" : {
"min" : "4",
"max" : "30"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenCistRootPathCost" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstpGenCistRootBrid" : {
"nodetype" : "scalar",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "32",
"max" : "32"
"range" : {
"min" : "32",
"max" : "32"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # scalar
"mstMapTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""This table contains one entry for each instance of MSTP.""",
}, # table
"mstMapEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"create" : "true",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""A conceptual row containing the status of the MSTP instance.""",
}, # row
"mstMapIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "MstiOrCistInstanceIndex"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
"""Uniquely identifies an instance. The entry of this table with index 0
presents always, represents CIST. When SET operation """,
}, # column
"mstMapVlans1k" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The
first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through
16 etc. The most significant bit of each octet
corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that octet.
For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
Empty (zero) most significant octes are not mandatory.""",
}, # column
"mstMapVlans2k" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
VLANS with VlanIndex values 1024 through 2047. The
first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1024 through 1031; the second octet to VLANs 1032
through 1039 etc. The most significant bit of each
octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
Empty (zero) most significant octes are not mandatory.""",
}, # column
"mstMapVlans3k" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
VLANS with VlanIndex values 2048 through 3071. The
first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056
through 2063 etc. The most significant bit of each
octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
Empty (zero) most significant octes are not mandatory.""",
}, # column
"mstMapVlans4k" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "OctetString",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "128"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
"""A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
VLANS with VlanIndex values 3072 through 4095. The
first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
3072 through 3079; the second octet to VLANs 3080
through 3087 etc. The most significant bit of each
octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
Empty (zero) most significant octes are not mandatory.""",
}, # column
"mstMapRowStatus" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "RowStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstVlanTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""This table contains one entry for each VlanId.""",
}, # table
"mstVlanEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""Information regarding the instance to which each Vlan is mapped.""",
}, # row
"mstVlanIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "4094"
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
"""The VlanId for which this entry contains the instance mapped.""",
}, # column
"mstVlanMstIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "MstiOrCistInstanceIndex"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""An integer with values ranging from 0 to 64 that identify a
the CIST/MSTI instance to which this VLAN is mapped""",
}, # column
"mstpPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
"""A table that contains generic information about
every port that is associated with this bridge.""",
}, # table
"mstpPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"""A list of information for each port of the
}, # row
"mstpPortIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
"""A unique value, greater than zero, for each Port.
The value for each interface sub-layer
must remain constant at least from one re-initialization
of the entity's network management system to the next re-
}, # column
"mstpPortOperEdgePort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"reference>" :
}, # column
"mstpPortOperPointToPointMAC" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TruthValue"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"reference>" :
}, # column
"mstpXstTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mstpXstEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
}, # row
"mstpXstId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "MstiOrCistInstanceIndex"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""0 means CIST.""",
}, # column
"mstpXstBridgePriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "61440"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "61440"
"access" : "readwrite",
"default" : "32768",
"description" :
"""Bridge priority, in steps of 4096.""",
}, # column
"mstpXstBridgeId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstInternalRootCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstRootPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstTimeSinceTopologyChange" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstTopologyChangesCount" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortTable" : {
"nodetype" : "table",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"description" :
}, # table
"mstpXstPortEntry" : {
"nodetype" : "row",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"linkage" : [
"description" :
"reference>" :
}, # row
"mstpXstPortXstId" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB", "name" : "MstiOrCistInstanceIndex"},
"access" : "noaccess",
"description" :
"""0 means CIST.""",
}, # column
"mstpXstPortIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
"""The value of mstpPortIndex of the Port
in mstpPortTable.""",
}, # column
"mstpXstPortEnable" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"P-BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "EnabledStatus"},
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortPriority" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"range" : {
"min" : "0",
"max" : "255"
"access" : "readwrite",
"default" : "128",
"description" :
"""Port priority, in steps of 16.""",
}, # column
"mstpXstPortPathCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Integer32",
"ranges" : [
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"range" : {
"min" : "1",
"max" : "65535"
"access" : "readwrite",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortState" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : {
"basetype" : "Enumeration",
"disabled" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "0"
"discarding" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "1"
"learning" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "2"
"forwarding" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "3"
"unknown" : {
"nodetype" : "namednumber",
"number" : "4"
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortDesignatedRoot" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortDesignatedCost" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortDesignatedBridge" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"BRIDGE-MIB", "name" : "BridgeId"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpXstPortDesignatedPort" : {
"nodetype" : "column",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"syntax" : {
"type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
"access" : "readonly",
"description" :
}, # column
"mstpNotifications" : {
"nodetype" : "node",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
}, # node
}, # nodes
"notifications" : {
"eventOnTrap" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"eventSeqNum" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventEventId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventName" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventSetTime" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventSeverity" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventInstanceType" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventInstanceId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventInstanceName" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventServAffective" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventDescription" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"trapPersistence" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"trapSenderNodeId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"sysObjectID" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
"""This trap is used to inform network management system that a delta
fault event (events that are automatically cleared) has occured
or a normal fault event (not automatically cleared) state has
been set on.
Objects are used as follows:
- eventSeqNum is the sequence number of the event. For normal
type of events must equal to the sequence number of the event
in the events table.
- eventEventId specifies what fault event has occured.
- eventName specifies the name of the fault event.
- eventSetTime indicates when fault event has occured
(delta events) or when fault has been set on (normal events).
- eventSeverity reports the severity level of the event.
- eventInstanceType indicates what kind of object is faulty.
- eventInstanceId specifies what instance is faulty.
- eventInstanceName may contain textual description for
the faulty object.
- eventServAffective specifies whether the event is
immediately service affcetive.
- eventDescription reports possible additional information about the event.
- trapPersistence tells whether this event is a delta or normal event.
- trapSenderNodeId specifies the node ID of the sending network element if
configuring it is supported for the network element, otherwise 0.
- sysObjectID specifies what kind of equipment reports the fault event.
For more information see the eventTable specification""",
}, # notification
"eventClearedTrap" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"eventSeqNum" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventEventId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventSetTime" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventInstanceType" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"eventInstanceId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"trapRefSeqNum" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"trapSenderNodeId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"sysObjectID" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
"""This trap is used to inform network management system that a normal
type fault event has been cleared (state set off).
Objects are used as follows:
- eventSeqNum is the sequence number of the this clearing event. Note that
the sequence number of the cleared event is reported in the trapRefSeqNum
- eventEventId specifies what event has been cleared.
- eventSetTime indicates when fault event has been cleared.
- eventInstanceType indicates what kind of object has been
- eventInstanceId specifies what instance has been faulty.
- trapRefSeqNum specifies the sequence number of the cleared event (i.e.
the sequence number was assigned for the event in the events table).
- trapSenderNodeId specifies the node ID of the sending network element if
configuring it is supported for the network element, otherwise 0.
- sysObjectID specifies what kind of equipment reports the clearing event.
For more information see the eventTable specification""",
}, # notification
"newRoot" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"mrstpBridgeIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
}, # notification
"topologyChange" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"mrstpBridgeIndex" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
}, # notification
"newRoot" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"mstpXstId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
}, # notification
"topologyChange" : {
"nodetype" : "notification",
"moduleName" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB",
"oid" : "",
"status" : "current",
"objects" : {
"mstpXstId" : {
"nodetype" : "object",
"module" : "ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB"
"description" :
}, # notification
}, # notifications
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def binary(code, max, bits):
ret = []
for i in range(max):
return int(''.join(ret), base=2)
mid = 0
with open('input5.txt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line[:-1]
row = binary(line[:7], 7, {'F': '0', 'B': '1'})
col = binary(line[7:], 3, {'R': '1', 'L': '0'})
sid = row * 8 + col
mid = sid if sid > mid else mid
custom_stocks_py base module.
This is the principal module of the custom_stocks_py project.
here you put your main classes and objects.
Be creative! do whatever you want!
If you want to replace this with a Flask application run:
$ make init
and then choose `flask` as template.
class BaseClass:
def base_method(self) -> str:
Base method.
return "hello from BaseClass"
def __call__(self) -> str:
return self.base_method()
def base_function() -> str:
Base function.
return "hello from base function"
def test_list_example_directory(client):
response = client.get("/api/files")
assert response.status_code == 200
file_list = response.get_json()
assert len(file_list) == 5
assert file_list[0]['key'] == 'image_annotated.jpg'
assert file_list[1]['key'] == 'image.jpg'
assert file_list[2]['key'] == 'more_images/'
assert file_list[3]['key'] == 'more_images/01.jpg'
assert file_list[4]['key'] == 'more_images/02.png'
def test_list_example_directory_nested(client):
response = client.get("/api/files?path=more_images")
assert response.status_code == 200
file_list = response.get_json()
assert len(file_list) == 2
assert file_list[0]['key'] == '01.jpg'
assert file_list[1]['key'] == '02.png'
def test_get_example_image(client):
response = client.get("/api/files/image/x.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 404
response = client.get("/api/files/image/image.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 200
response = client.get("/api/files/image/more_images/01.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 200
def test_get_example_image_data(client):
response = client.get("/api/files/image_data/image.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 404
response = client.get("/api/files/image_data/image_annotated.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.get_json()
assert 'annotations' in data
assert 'tags' in data
def test_put_example_image_data(client):
response = client.get("/api/files/image_data/image.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 404
response = client.put("/api/files/image_data/image.jpg", json={
'annotations': [{'width': 10, 'height': 10, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}],
'tags': ['a', 'b']
assert response.status_code == 200
response = client.get("/api/files/image_data/image.jpg")
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.get_json()
assert 'annotations' in data
assert 'tags' in data
# This Part will gather Infos and demonstrate the use of Variables.
usrName = input("What is your Name?")
usrAge = int(input("What is your Age?"))
usrGPA = float(input("What is your GPA?"))
print () #cheap way to get a new line
print ("Hello, %s" % (usrName))
print ("Did you know that in two years you will be %d years old? " % (usrAge +2))
print ("Also you need to improve your GPA by %f points to have a perfect score." % (4.0 - usrGPA))
print ()
class Message:
def __init__(self, from_channel=None, **kwargs):
self._channel = from_channel
if kwargs is not None:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def carrier(self):
return self._channel
def sender(self):
return self._channel.sender
def receiver(self):
return self._channel.receiver
class CallbackMessage(Message):
def __init__(self, function):
super(CallbackMessage, self).__init__(function=function)
if __name__ == "__main__":
msg = Message(sender="A", receiver="B")
assert msg.sender is "A"
assert msg.receiver is "B"
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a < b < c, for which,
a2 + b2 = c2
For example, 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 52.
There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000.
Find the product abc.
solved = False
for a in range(1, 1000):
for b in range(1, 1000):
for c in range(1, 1000):
if a < b < c:
if a + b + c == 1000:
if a**2 + b**2 == c**2:
solved = True
if solved:
if solved:
product = a*b*c
print("The product of only triplet who exists is : ", product) |
def main():
print("|q p| /}")
print("( 0 )\"\"\"\\")
print("|\"^\"` |")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
n, w = map(int, input().split())
for _ in range(n):
entrada = input()
last_space = entrada.rfind(' ')
if int(entrada[last_space:]) > w:
def marcs_cakewalk(calorie):
"""Hackerrank Problem:
Marc loves cupcakes, but he also likes to stay fit. Each cupcake has a calorie count, and Marc can walk a distance
to expend those calories. If Marc has eaten j cupcakes so far, after eating a cupcake with c calories he must walk
at least 2**j x c miles to maintain his weight.
To calculate the minimum miles, you solve based on the highest calorie to lowest calorie cupcake
calorie (list): List of integers denoting the calories for each cupcake
int: The minimum number of miels Marc must walk to maintain his weight
calories = 0
for i, c in enumerate(sorted(calorie, reverse=True)):
calories += (2 ** i * c)
return calories
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert marcs_cakewalk([5, 10, 7]) == 44
assert marcs_cakewalk([1, 3, 2]) == 11
assert marcs_cakewalk([7, 4, 9, 6]) == 79
str1= input("enter a string :")
l1 =""
for i in str1 [::-1]:
l1 = i+l1
if str1 == l1:
print("string is a palindrome")
else :
print("string is not a palindrome")
""" Default values : DO NOT CHANGE !!!"""
LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
LIFE_PARAMETERS = {"theta_i":30,"theta_fl":36,"theta_gfl":28.6,
"dss_filepath": "",
"extra_data_path": ".",
"start_time":"2018-1-1 0:0:0",
"end_time":"2018-2-1 0:0:0",
"simulation_time_step (minute)": 15,
"frequency": 50,
"upper_voltage": 1.1,
"record_every": 96,
"export_voltages": False,
"export_lineloadings": False,
"export_start_date": "",
"export_end_date": "",
"volt_var": {
"enabled": False,
"yarray": [0.44,0.44,0,0,-0.44,-0.44],
"xarray": [0.7,0.90,0.95,1.05,1.10,1.3]
"log_settings": {
"save_in_file": False,
"log_folder": ".",
"clear_old_log_file": True
"project_path": "C:\\Users\\KDUWADI\\Desktop\\NREL_Projects\\CIFF-TANGEDCO\\TANGEDCO\\EMERGE\\Projects",
"active_scenario": "FullYear",
"start_time":"2018-1-1 0:0:0",
"end_time":"2018-1-2 0:0:0",
"simulation_time_step (minute)": 60,
"frequency": 50,
"upper_voltage": 1.1,
"record_every": 4,
"parallel_process": 1,
"export_voltages": False,
"export_lineloadings": False,
"export_start_date": "",
"export_end_date": "",
"volt_var": {
"enabled": True,
"yarray": [0.44,0.44,0,0,-0.44,-0.44],
"xarray": [0.7,0.90,0.95,1.05,1.10,1.3]
"log_settings": {
"save_in_file": False,
"clear_old_log_file": True
"dss_filepath": {'type': str},
"simulation_time_step (minute)":{'type':int},
"frequency": {'type':int,'options':[50,60]},
"upper_voltage": {'type':float,'range':[1,1.5]},
"record_every": {'type':int},
"parallel_process": {'type':int,'range':[1,4]},
"export_voltages": {'type':bool},
"export_lineloadings": {'type':bool},
"export_start_date": {'type':str},
"export_end_date": {'type':str},
"volt_var": {
"enabled": {'type':bool},
"yarray": {'type':list},
"xarray": {'type':list}
"log_settings": {
"save_in_file": {'type':bool},
"log_folder": {'type':str},
"clear_old_log_file": {'type':bool}
def evalRec(env, rec):
return (len(set(rec.Genes) &
) > 0) |
class GitIndexEntry(object):
# The last time a file's metadata changed. This is a tuple (seconds, nanoseconds)
ctime = None
# The last time a file's data changed. This is a tuple (seconds, nanoseconds)
mtime = None
# the ID of device containing this file
dev = None
# The file's inode number
ino = None
# The object type, either b1000 (regular), b1010 (symlink), b1110 (gitlink)
mode_type = None
# The object permissions as an integer
mode_permissions = None
# User ID of owner
uui = None
# Group ID of owner
gid = None
# Size of this object in bytes
size = None
# The object's hash as a hex string
object = None
flag_assume_valid = None
flag_extended = None
flag_stage = None
# Length of the name if < OxFFF, -1 otherwise
flag_name_length = None
name = None
__version__ = '7.8.0'
_optional_dependencies = [
'name': 'CuPy',
'packages': [
'specifier': '>=7.7.0,<8.0.0',
'help': '',
'name': 'iDeep',
'packages': [
'specifier': '>=2.0.0.post3, <2.1',
'help': '',
side_a=int(input("Enter the first side(a):"))
side_b=int(input("Enter the second side(b):"))
side_c=int(input("Enter the third side(c):"))
if side_a==side_b and side_a==side_c:
print("The triangle is an equilateral triangle.")
elif side_a==side_b or side_a==side_c or side_b==side_c:
print("The triangle is an isosceles triangle.")
print("The triangle is scalene triangle.") |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 22 19:07:30 2020
@author: Abhishek Mukherjee
class Solution:
def reorderLogFiles(self, logs: List[str]) -> List[str]:
for i in range(len(logs)):
temp=logs[i].split(' ')
if temp[1].isdigit() is True:
for i in letLog:
tempLetLog.append(' '.join(i.split(' ')[1:]+[i.split(' ')[0]]))
for i in tempLetLog:
tempPrime=i.split(' ')[:-1]
temp=i.split(' ')[-1]
letLog.append(' '.join([temp]+tempPrime))
return letLog+digLog |
_base_ = [
model = dict(
sac=dict(type='SAC', use_deform=True),
stage_with_sac=(False, True, True, True),
stages=(False, False, True, True),
aspp_dilations=(1, 3, 6, 1),
out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3),
norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True),
sac=dict(type='SAC', use_deform=True),
stage_with_sac=(False, True, True, True),
nms=dict(type='nms', iou_threshold=0.4)
def decodeLongLong(lst):
high = int(lst[0]) << 32
low = int(lst[1])
if low < 0:
low += 4294967296
if high < 0:
high += 4294967296
return high + low
def encodeLongLong(i):
high = int(i / 4294967296)
low = i - high
return high, low
def parseOk(str):
if str == 'ok':
return True
return False
def printList(lst):
#for i in range(len(lst)):
# print i, '\t', repr(lst[i])
# t is a nine item tuple returned by the time module. This method converts it to
# MythTV's standard representation used on filenames
def encodeTime(t):
ret = ''
for i in t[:-3]:
si = str(i)
if len(si) < 2:
ret += si.zfill(2)
ret += si
return ret
class AttributeDict(object):
A class to convert a nested Dictionary into an object with key-values
accessibly using attribute notation (AttributeDict.attribute) instead of
key notation (Dict["key"]). This class recursively sets Dicts to objects,
allowing you to recurse down nested dicts (like: AttributeDict.attr.attr)
def __init__(self, **entries):
def add_entries(self, **entries):
for key, value in entries.items():
if type(value) is dict:
self.__dict__[key] = AttributeDict(**value)
self.__dict__[key] = value
def getAttributes(self):
Return all the attributes of the object
return self.__dict__.keys()
# ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/
# Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Wed May 1 13:04:09 2019
# On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4
# Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15)
ObjectIdentifier, Integer, OctetString = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "ObjectIdentifier", "Integer", "OctetString")
NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
ValueRangeConstraint, ValueSizeConstraint, ConstraintsUnion, ConstraintsIntersection, SingleValueConstraint = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ValueSizeConstraint", "ConstraintsUnion", "ConstraintsIntersection", "SingleValueConstraint")
etsysModules, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ENTERASYS-MIB-NAMES", "etsysModules")
ObjectGroup, NotificationGroup, ModuleCompliance = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ObjectGroup", "NotificationGroup", "ModuleCompliance")
Bits, ObjectIdentity, MibIdentifier, Counter64, iso, NotificationType, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, ModuleIdentity, IpAddress, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Gauge32, Integer32, Counter32 = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "Bits", "ObjectIdentity", "MibIdentifier", "Counter64", "iso", "NotificationType", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "ModuleIdentity", "IpAddress", "Unsigned32", "TimeTicks", "Gauge32", "Integer32", "Counter32")
DisplayString, TextualConvention = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "DisplayString", "TextualConvention")
etsysNacApplianceMIB = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73))
etsysNacApplianceMIB.setRevisions(('2010-03-09 13:03',))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIB.setRevisionsDescriptions(('The initial version of this MIB module.',))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIB.setLastUpdated('201003091303Z')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIB.setOrganization('Enterasys Networks, Inc')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIB.setContactInfo('Postal: Enterasys Networks 50 Minuteman Rd. Andover, MA 01810-1008 USA Phone: +1 978 684 1000 E-mail: [email protected] WWW:')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIB.setDescription("This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP enterprise MIBs under Enterasys Networks' enterprise OID pertaining to NAC Appliance Status.")
etsysNacApplianceObjects = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1))
etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 1), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 2), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses.setDescription('Represents the number of successful authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 3), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures.setDescription('Represents the number of failed authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 4), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges.setDescription('Represents the number of Radius challenges made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 5), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of invalid authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 6), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of duplicate authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 7), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of malformed authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 8), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of bad authentication requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 9), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets.setDescription('Represents the number of dropped authentication packets since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 10), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes.setDescription('Represents the number of unknown authentication types since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 11), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of assessment requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 12), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests.setDescription('Represents the number of captive portal requests made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 13), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches.setDescription('Represents the number of configured switches with which the NAC has lost SNMP contact.')
etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 14), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures.setDescription('Represents the number of failed IP Resolution attempts made since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 15), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts.setDescription('Represents the number of IP Resolution attempts that timed out since the NAC was started.')
etsysNacApplConnectedAgents = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 1, 16), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplConnectedAgents.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplConnectedAgents.setDescription('Represents the number of End-System Assessment Agents currently connected to the NAC.')
etsysNacApplianceMIBConformance = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 2))
etsysNacApplianceMIBGroups = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 2, 1))
etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliances = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 2, 2))
etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 2, 1, 1)).setObjects(("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts"), ("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplConnectedAgents"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup = etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup.setDescription('The basic collection of objects providing status information about the NAC Appliance.')
etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance = ModuleCompliance((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5624, 1, 2, 73, 2, 2, 1)).setObjects(("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", "etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance = etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance.setDescription('The compliance statement for clients implementing the NAC Appliance Status MIB.')
mibBuilder.exportSymbols("ENTERASYS-NAC-APPLIANCE-MIB", etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance=etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliance, etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests=etsysNacApplAuthenticationDuplicateRequests, etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts=etsysNacApplIPResolutionTimeouts, etsysNacApplianceObjects=etsysNacApplianceObjects, etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests=etsysNacApplAuthenticationInvalidRequests, etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes=etsysNacApplAuthenticationUnknownTypes, etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliances=etsysNacApplianceMIBCompliances, etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests=etsysNacApplAssessmentRequests, etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests=etsysNacApplAuthenticationBadRequests, etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests=etsysNacApplAuthenticationRequests, etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges=etsysNacApplRadiusChallenges, etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests=etsysNacApplAuthenticationMalformedRequests, etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches=etsysNacApplContactLostSwitches, etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets=etsysNacApplAuthenticationDroppedPackets, etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests=etsysNacApplCaptivePortalRequests, etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses=etsysNacApplAuthenticationSuccesses, etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures=etsysNacApplIPResolutionFailures, etsysNacApplianceMIBConformance=etsysNacApplianceMIBConformance, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=etsysNacApplianceMIB, etsysNacApplianceMIBGroups=etsysNacApplianceMIBGroups, etsysNacApplianceMIB=etsysNacApplianceMIB, etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures=etsysNacApplAuthenticationFailures, etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup=etsysNacApplianceMIBGroup, etsysNacApplConnectedAgents=etsysNacApplConnectedAgents)
class Unsubclassable:
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
raise TypeError('Unacceptable base type')
def prevent_subclassing():
raise TypeError('Unacceptable base type')
def final_class(cls):
setattr(cls, '__init_subclass__', prevent_subclassing)
return cls
class UnsubclassableType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
c = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
setattr(c, '__init_subclass__', prevent_subclassing)
return c
def solve():
# Read input
R, C, H, V = map(int, input().split())
choco = []
for _ in range(R):
choco.append([0] * C)
choco_row, choco_col = [0]*R, [0]*C
num_choco = 0
for i in range(R):
row = input()
for j in range(C):
if row[j] == '@':
choco_col[j] += 1
choco[i][j] = 1
choco_row[i] = row.count('@')
num_choco += choco_row[i]
# Find H and V cuts
if num_choco == 0:
return 'POSSIBLE'
H_idx, V_idx = [], []
flag = True
if num_choco%(H+1)==0 and num_choco%(V+1)==0:
num_choco_h = num_choco/(H+1)
num_choco_v = num_choco/(V+1)
accum = 0
for i, r in enumerate(choco_row):
accum += r
if accum == num_choco_h:
accum = 0
elif accum > num_choco_h:
flag = False
if not flag:
accum = 0
for i, c in enumerate(choco_col):
accum += c
if accum == num_choco_v:
accum = 0
elif accum > num_choco_v:
flag = False
if not flag:
# Check each piece
r_from = 0
num_prev = None
for r in H_idx:
c_from = 0
for c in V_idx:
num = 0
for i in range(r_from, r+1):
for j in range(c_from, c+1):
num += choco[i][j]
if num_prev is None:
num_prev = num
elif num_prev != num:
c_from = c+1
r_from = r+1
return 'POSSIBLE'
if __name__ == '__main__':
T = int(input())
for t in range(T):
print('Case #{}: {}'.format(t+1, solve()))
class Solution(object):
def maximumWealth(self, accounts):
:type accounts: List[List[int]]
:rtype: int
# Runtime: 36 ms
# Memory: 13.5 MB
return max(map(sum, accounts))
""" Main application entry point.
python -m digibujogens ...
def main():
""" Execute the application.
raise NotImplementedError
# Make the script executable.
if __name__ == "__main__":
raise SystemExit(main())
--- Day 14: Docking Data ---
As your ferry approaches the sea port, the captain asks for your help again. The computer system that runs this port isn't compatible with the docking program on the ferry, so the docking parameters aren't being correctly initialized in the docking program's memory.
After a brief inspection, you discover that the sea port's computer system uses a strange bitmask system in its initialization program. Although you don't have the correct decoder chip handy, you can emulate it in software!
The initialization program (your puzzle input) can either update the bitmask or write a value to memory. Values and memory addresses are both 36-bit unsigned integers. For example, ignoring bitmasks for a moment, a line like mem[8] = 11 would write the value 11 to memory address 8.
The bitmask is always given as a string of 36 bits, written with the most significant bit (representing 2^35) on the left and the least significant bit (2^0, that is, the 1s bit) on the right. The current bitmask is applied to values immediately before they are written to memory: a 0 or 1 overwrites the corresponding bit in the value, while an X leaves the bit in the value unchanged.
For example, consider the following program:
mem[8] = 11
mem[7] = 101
mem[8] = 0
This program starts by specifying a bitmask (mask = ....). The mask it specifies will overwrite two bits in every written value: the 2s bit is overwritten with 0, and the 64s bit is overwritten with 1.
The program then attempts to write the value 11 to memory address 8. By expanding everything out to individual bits, the mask is applied as follows:
value: 000000000000000000000000000000001011 (decimal 11)
result: 000000000000000000000000000001001001 (decimal 73)
So, because of the mask, the value 73 is written to memory address 8 instead. Then, the program tries to write 101 to address 7:
value: 000000000000000000000000000001100101 (decimal 101)
result: 000000000000000000000000000001100101 (decimal 101)
This time, the mask has no effect, as the bits it overwrote were already the values the mask tried to set. Finally, the program tries to write 0 to address 8:
value: 000000000000000000000000000000000000 (decimal 0)
result: 000000000000000000000000000001000000 (decimal 64)
64 is written to address 8 instead, overwriting the value that was there previously.
To initialize your ferry's docking program, you need the sum of all values left in memory after the initialization program completes. (The entire 36-bit address space begins initialized to the value 0 at every address.) In the above example, only two values in memory are not zero - 101 (at address 7) and 64 (at address 8) - producing a sum of 165.
Execute the initialization program. What is the sum of all values left in memory after it completes?
f = open("challenges\data\day14data.txt", "r")
def processData(file):
data = []
for x in f:
x=x.strip().replace('\n', '').split(" = ")
data.append((x[0], x[1]))
return data
# Function to convert Decimal number
# to Binary number
def decimalToBinary(n):
return bin(n).replace("0b", "")
def leadingZeros(length, bin_num):
leadingZeros = length - len(bin_num)
return "0"*leadingZeros + bin_num
def initialize(commands):
memory = {}
mask = "X"*36
for c in commands:
if c[0] == "mask":
mask = c[1]
address = c[0][c[0].index("[")+1:len(c[0])-1]
binaryValue = decimalToBinary(int(c[1]))
binary36 = leadingZeros(36, binaryValue)
memory[address] = ""
for i in range(len(mask)):
if mask[i] == "X":
memory[address] += binary36[i]
memory[address] += mask[i]
sum = 0
for val in memory.values():
sum += int("".join(val), 2)
return sum
--- Part Two ---
For some reason, the sea port's computer system still can't communicate with your ferry's docking program. It must be using version 2 of the decoder chip!
A version 2 decoder chip doesn't modify the values being written at all. Instead, it acts as a memory address decoder. Immediately before a value is written to memory, each bit in the bitmask modifies the corresponding bit of the destination memory address in the following way:
If the bitmask bit is 0, the corresponding memory address bit is unchanged.
If the bitmask bit is 1, the corresponding memory address bit is overwritten with 1.
If the bitmask bit is X, the corresponding memory address bit is floating.
A floating bit is not connected to anything and instead fluctuates unpredictably. In practice, this means the floating bits will take on all possible values, potentially causing many memory addresses to be written all at once!
For example, consider the following program:
mask = 000000000000000000000000000000X1001X
mem[42] = 100
mask = 00000000000000000000000000000000X0XX
mem[26] = 1
When this program goes to write to memory address 42, it first applies the bitmask:
address: 000000000000000000000000000000101010 (decimal 42)
mask: 000000000000000000000000000000X1001X
result: 000000000000000000000000000000X1101X
After applying the mask, four bits are overwritten, three of which are different, and two of which are floating. Floating bits take on every possible combination of values; with two floating bits, four actual memory addresses are written:
000000000000000000000000000000011010 (decimal 26)
000000000000000000000000000000011011 (decimal 27)
000000000000000000000000000000111010 (decimal 58)
000000000000000000000000000000111011 (decimal 59)
Next, the program is about to write to memory address 26 with a different bitmask:
address: 000000000000000000000000000000011010 (decimal 26)
mask: 00000000000000000000000000000000X0XX
result: 00000000000000000000000000000001X0XX
This results in an address with three floating bits, causing writes to eight memory addresses:
000000000000000000000000000000010000 (decimal 16)
000000000000000000000000000000010001 (decimal 17)
000000000000000000000000000000010010 (decimal 18)
000000000000000000000000000000010011 (decimal 19)
000000000000000000000000000000011000 (decimal 24)
000000000000000000000000000000011001 (decimal 25)
000000000000000000000000000000011010 (decimal 26)
000000000000000000000000000000011011 (decimal 27)
The entire 36-bit address space still begins initialized to the value 0 at every address, and you still need the sum of all values left in memory at the end of the program. In this example, the sum is 208.
Execute the initialization program using an emulator for a version 2 decoder chip. What is the sum of all values left in memory after it completes?
def calculateCombinations(bin_address):
combinations = []
# xCount = 0
xPositions = []
for i in range(len(bin_address)):
# find each X and add its idx to a list
if bin_address[i] == "X":
# xCount += 1
if len(xPositions) > 0:
for i in range(2**(len(xPositions))):
# need to generate all possible combos of 0s & 1s
# w/ leading 0s
possible = decimalToBinary(i)
while len(possible) < len(xPositions):
possible = "0"+possible
addresses = []
for c in combinations:
# need to insert combination[i] into binary number
# current combo associated idx is in xPositions[i]
newAddress = ""
currPos = 0
for i in range(len(bin_address)):
if currPos < len(xPositions) and i == xPositions[currPos]:
newAddress += c[currPos]
currPos += 1
newAddress += bin_address[i]
return addresses
def initialize_v2(commands):
memory = {}
mask = "X"*36
for c in commands:
if c[0] == "mask":
mask = c[1]
address = c[0][c[0].index("[")+1:len(c[0])-1]
binaryAddress = decimalToBinary(int(address))
binary36 = leadingZeros(36, binaryAddress)
newVal = ""
for i in range(len(mask)):
if mask[i] != "0":
newVal += mask[i]
newVal += binary36[i]
addresses = calculateCombinations(newVal)
for a in addresses:
memory[a] = int(c[1])
sum = 0
for val in memory.values():
sum += val
# print(memory)
return sum
data = processData(f)
# [print(d) for d in data]
sumAllValues = initialize(data)
print("Part 1:", sumAllValues)
sumAllValuesV2 = initialize_v2(data)
print("Part 2:", sumAllValuesV2)
# binary = decimalToBinary(33323)
# binary = leadingZeros(36, binary)
# print(binary)
# combos = initialize_v2([("mask", "100X100X101011111X100000100X11010011"),
# ("mem[33323]", "349380")])
# print(combos) |
面试题37. 序列化二叉树
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
序列化为 "[1,2,3,null,null,4,5]"
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
# 执行用时 :240 ms, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了22.75%的用户
# 内存消耗 :31 MB, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了100.00%的用户
class Codec:
def __init__(self):
self.tree = []
self.temp = []
self.flag = 1 # non-None element appears again add self.temp to self.tree
def traByLayer(self, tree: List[TreeNode]):
if tree==[]:
temp = tree.pop(0)
if temp!=None:
self.temp = []
def serialize(self, root):
"""Encodes a tree to a single string.
:type root: TreeNode
:rtype: str
if root==None:
return ''
tree = [root]
return str(self.tree)
def deserialize(self, data):
"""Decodes your encoded data to tree.
:type data: str
:rtype: TreeNode
#data = '[1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4]'
if data=='':
return None
start = 0
end = 0
tree = []
for i in range(len(data)):
if data[i]==',' or data[i]==']':
start = end+1
end = i
if data[start:end]!=' None':
#print("Tree",tree,"then build the Tree")
root = TreeNode(tree.pop(0))
return root
def buildTreeByList(self,r:List[TreeNode], data: List[int]):
if r==[] or data==[]:
root = r.pop(0)
datalen = len(data)
if datalen==0:
elif datalen<=2:
temp = data.pop(0)
if temp!=None:
root.left = TreeNode(temp)
if data!=[]:
temp = data.pop(0)
if temp!=None:
root.right = TreeNode(temp)
temp = data.pop(0)
if temp!=None:
root.left = TreeNode(temp)
temp = data.pop(0)
if temp!=None:
root.right = TreeNode(temp)
# Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such:
# codec = Codec()
# codec.deserialize(codec.serialize(root))
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
@Description: 数据库验证器
@Author: Zpp
@Date: 2020-05-28 13:44:29
@LastEditors: Zpp
@LastEditTime: 2020-05-28 14:02:02
params = {
# 验证字段
'fields': {
'type': {
'name': '导出类型',
'type': 'int',
'between': [1, 2, 3],
'required': True
'document': {
'name': '数据库文件',
'type': 'file',
'required': True,
'msg': '请选择上传数据库文件'
'admin_id': {
'name': '管理员编号',
'type': 'str',
'required': True
'time': {
'name': '查询时间',
'type': 'str',
'required': True
# 导出数据库
'Export': ['type'],
# 导入数据库
'Import': ['document'],
# 首页登录清空
'Login': ['admin_id', 'time']
You are given the following information, but you may prefer to do some research for yourself.
1 Jan 1900 was a Monday.
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Saving February alone,
Which has twenty-eight, rain or shine.
And on leap years, twenty-nine.
A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not on a century unless it is divisible by 400.
How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?
ans: 171
# set to day of week for 1 Jan 1901 (Tuesday)
dow = 2
def no_days(month, year):
if month in [0,2,4,6,7,9,11]:
return 31
elif month in [3,5,8,10]:
return 30
elif year % 400 == 0:
return 29
elif year % 100 == 0:
return 28
elif year % 4 == 0:
return 29
return 28
sum = 0
for y in range(1901, 2001):
for m in range(0, 12):
if dow == 0:
sum += 1
dow = (dow + no_days(m, y)) % 7
print(sum) |
#Definicion de la clase
#antes de empezar una clase se declara de la siguiente manera
class Lamp:
_LAMPS = ['''
. | ,
\ ' /
` ,-. '
--- ( ) ---
\ /
( )
\ /
def __init__(self, is_turned_on): #metodo instancia e init es el constructar osea es el primero que se ejecuta
self._is_turned_on = is_turned_on
def turn_on(self):
self._is_turned_on = True
def turn_off(self):
self._is_turned_on = False
def _display_image(self):
if self._is_turned_on:
votes_t_shape = [3, 0, 1, 2]
for i in range(6 - 4):
votes_t_shape += [i + 4]
"""Internal API endpoint constant library.
_______ __ _______ __ __ __
| _ .----.-----.--.--.--.--| | _ | |_.----|__| |--.-----.
|. 1___| _| _ | | | | _ | 1___| _| _| | <| -__|
|. |___|__| |_____|________|_____|____ |____|__| |__|__|__|_____|
|: 1 | |: 1 |
|::.. . | CROWDSTRIKE FALCON |::.. . | FalconPy
`-------' `-------'
OAuth2 API - Customer SDK
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <>
_filevantage_endpoints = [
"Retrieve information on changes",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"collectionFormat": "multi",
"description": "Comma separated values of change ids",
"name": "ids",
"in": "query",
"required": True
"Returns one or more change IDs",
"minimum": 0,
"type": "integer",
"description": "The first change index to return in the response. "
"If not provided it will default to '0'. "
"Use with the `limit` parameter to manage pagination of results.",
"name": "offset",
"in": "query"
"type": "integer",
"description": "The maximum number of changes to return in the response "
"(default: 100; max: 500). "
"Use with the `offset` parameter to manage pagination of results",
"name": "limit",
"in": "query"
"type": "string",
"description": "Sort changes using options like:\n\n"
"- `action_timestamp` (timestamp of the change occurrence) \n\n "
"Sort either `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending). "
"For example: `action_timestamp|asc`.\n"
"The full list of allowed sorting options can be reviewed in our API documentation.",
"name": "sort",
"in": "query"
"type": "string",
"description": "Filter changes using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL). \n\n"
"Common filter options include:\n\n - `host.host_name`\n - `action_timestamp`\n\n "
"The full list of allowed filter parameters can be reviewed in our API documentation.",
"name": "filter",
"in": "query"
#/ <reference path="./testBlocks/mb.ts" />
def function_0():
basic.forever(function_0) |
# ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/
# Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Mon Apr 29 19:16:17 2019
# On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4
# Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15)
Integer, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "Integer", "OctetString", "ObjectIdentifier")
NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
ValueSizeConstraint, SingleValueConstraint, ValueRangeConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection, ConstraintsUnion = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueSizeConstraint", "SingleValueConstraint", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection", "ConstraintsUnion")
hh3cCommon, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("HH3C-OID-MIB", "hh3cCommon")
ModuleCompliance, NotificationGroup = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ModuleCompliance", "NotificationGroup")
ObjectIdentity, Integer32, IpAddress, NotificationType, Unsigned32, iso, MibIdentifier, Counter64, Counter32, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, Gauge32, ModuleIdentity, Bits, TimeTicks = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "ObjectIdentity", "Integer32", "IpAddress", "NotificationType", "Unsigned32", "iso", "MibIdentifier", "Counter64", "Counter32", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "Gauge32", "ModuleIdentity", "Bits", "TimeTicks")
DisplayString, TextualConvention = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "DisplayString", "TextualConvention")
hh3cPPPoEServer = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102))
hh3cPPPoEServer.setRevisions(('2009-05-06 00:00',))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServer.setLastUpdated('200905060000Z')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServer.setOrganization('Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.')
hh3cPPPoEServerObject = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1))
hh3cPPPoEServerMaxSessions = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 1), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServerMaxSessions.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoEServerCurrSessions = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 2), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServerCurrSessions.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoEServerAuthRequests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 3), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServerAuthRequests.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoEServerAuthSuccesses = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 4), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServerAuthSuccesses.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoEServerAuthFailures = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 5), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoEServerAuthFailures.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsThreshold = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 6), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 65535))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsThreshold.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerThreshold = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 100))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerThreshold.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerThreshold = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 1, 8), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 100))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerThreshold.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoEServerTraps = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 2))
hh3cPPPoeServerTrapPrefix = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 2, 0))
hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsAlarm = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 2, 0, 1))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsAlarm.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerAlarm = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 2, 0, 2))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerAlarm.setStatus('current')
hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerAlarm = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 25506, 2, 102, 2, 0, 3))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerAlarm.setStatus('current')
mibBuilder.exportSymbols("HH3C-PPPOE-SERVER-MIB", hh3cPPPoEServerMaxSessions=hh3cPPPoEServerMaxSessions, hh3cPPPoEServerObject=hh3cPPPoEServerObject, hh3cPPPoeServerTrapPrefix=hh3cPPPoeServerTrapPrefix, hh3cPPPoEServerAuthFailures=hh3cPPPoEServerAuthFailures, hh3cPPPoEServer=hh3cPPPoEServer, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=hh3cPPPoEServer, hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsAlarm=hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsAlarm, hh3cPPPoEServerAuthRequests=hh3cPPPoEServerAuthRequests, hh3cPPPoEServerAuthSuccesses=hh3cPPPoEServerAuthSuccesses, hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerThreshold=hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerThreshold, hh3cPPPoEServerCurrSessions=hh3cPPPoEServerCurrSessions, hh3cPPPoEServerTraps=hh3cPPPoEServerTraps, hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerThreshold=hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerThreshold, hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerAlarm=hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffPerAlarm, hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsThreshold=hh3cPPPoESAbnormOffsThreshold, hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerAlarm=hh3cPPPoESNormOffPerAlarm)
name = input("masukkan nama pembeli = ")
alamat= input("Alamat = ")
NoTelp = input("No Telp = ")
print("=================INFORMASI HARGA MOBIL DEALER JAYA ABADI===============")
print("Pilih Jenis Mobil :")
print("\t 1.Daihatsu ")
print("\t 2.Honda ")
print("\t 3.Toyota ")
pilihan = int(input("Pilih jenis mobil yang ingin dibeli : "))
if (pilihan==1):
print("<<<<<<<< Macam macam mobil pada Daihatsu >>>>>>>>>")
print("\ta.Grand New Xenia")
print("\tb.All New Terios")
print("\tc.New Ayla")
Pilih1 = input("Mana yang ingin anda pilih ?? = ")
if(Pilih1 == "a"):
print("Harga mobil Grand New Xenia adalah 183 juta ")
elif(Pilih1== "b"):
print("Harga mobil All New Terios adalah 215 juta")
elif(Pilih1== "c"):
print("Harga mobil New Ayla adalah 110 juta")
print("Tidak terdefinisi")
elif (pilihan==2):
print("<<<<<<<< Macam macam mobil pada Honda >>>>>>>>>")
print("\ta.Honda Brio Satya S")
print("\tb.Honda Jazz ")
print("\tb.Honda Mobilio ")
pilih2 = input("Mana yang ingin anda pilih??")
print("Harga mobil HOnda Brio Satya S adalah 131 juta")
print("Harga mobil Honda Jazz adalah 232 juta")
print("Harga mobil Honda mobilio adalah 189 juta")
print("Tidak terdefinisi")
elif (pilihan==3):
print("<<<<<<<< Macam macam mobil pada Toyota>>>>>>>>?")
pilih3 = input("Mana yang ingin anda pilih??")
if (pilih3=="a"):
print("Harga mobil Alphard adalah 870 juta")
elif (pilih3=="b"):
print("Harga mobil Camry adalah 560 Juta")
elif (pilih3=="c"):
print("Harga mobil Fortuner adalah 492 Juta")
ABP analyzer and graphics tests
cases = [
('Run Pymodel Graphics to generate dot file from FSM model, no need use pma',
'pmg ABP'),
('Generate SVG file from dot',
'dotsvg ABP'),
# Now display in browser
('Run PyModel Analyzer to generate FSM from original FSM, should be the same',
'pma ABP'),
('Run PyModel Graphics to generate a file of graphics commands from new FSM',
'pmg ABPFSM'),
('Generate an svg file from the graphics commands',
'dotsvg ABPFSM'),
# Now display ABPFSM.svg in browser, should look the same as ABP.svg
Nim Game My Submissions Question
You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There is a heap of stones on the table, each time one of you take turns to remove 1 to 3 stones. The one who removes the last stone will be the winner. You will take the first turn to remove the stones.
Both of you are very clever and have optimal strategies for the game. Write a function to determine whether you can win the game given the number of stones in the heap.
For example, if there are 4 stones in the heap, then you will never win the game: no matter 1, 2, or 3 stones you remove, the last stone will always be removed by your friend.
If there are 5 stones in the heap, could you figure out a way to remove the stones such that you will always be the winner?
Special thanks to for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
1. Total Accepted: 31755 Total Submissions: 63076 Difficulty: Easy
2. Your runtime beats 43.52% of python submissions.
class Solution(object):
def canWinNim(self, n):
:type n: int
:rtype: bool
if n <= 3:
return True
if n % 4 == 0:
return False
return True
assert Solution().canWinNim(0) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(1) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(2) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(3) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(4) is False
assert Solution().canWinNim(5) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(6) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(7) is True
assert Solution().canWinNim(8) is False
with open('../camera/QCamera2/stack/common/cam_intf.h', 'r') as f:
data =
end = data.find('} metadata_data_t;')
data = data[start:end]
metadata = data.split("\n")
metalist = list()
for line in metadata:
if (line.startswith(' INCLUDE')):
foo = line.split(',')
foo[0] = foo[0].replace('INCLUDE', 'PRINT')
metalist.append(foo[0] + ", pMetadata);")
with open('list.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in metalist:
f.write("%s\n" % item)
def g(A, n):
if A == -1:
return 0
return A // (2 * n) * n + max(A % (2 * n) - (n - 1), 0)
def f(A, B):
result = 0
for i in range(48):
t = 1 << i
if (g(B, t) - g(A - 1, t)) % 2 == 1:
result += t
return result
A, B = map(int, input().split())
print(f(A, B))
# Write an algorithm that takes an array and moves all of the zeros to the end, preserving the order of the other elements.
def move_zeros(array):
#your code here
new_array = []
new_index = 0
while len(array) > 0:
item = array.pop(0)
if item == 0 and not type(item) == bool :
new_array.insert(new_index, item)
new_index = new_index + 1
return new_array |
def construct_tag_data(tag_name, attrs=None, value=None, sorting=None):
data = {
'_name': tag_name,
'_attrs': attrs or [],
'_value': value,
if sorting:
data['_sorting'] = sorting
return data
def add_simple_child(data, child_friendly_name, child_tag_name, child_attrs=None, child_value=None):
data[child_friendly_name] = construct_tag_data(child_tag_name, child_attrs, child_value)
return data
def construct_header(ctransfer):
header = construct_tag_data('GrpHdr')
header['_sorting'] = ['MsgId', 'CreDtTm', 'NbOfTxs', 'CtrlSum', 'InitgPty']
header['message_id'] = construct_tag_data('MsgId', value=ctransfer.uuid)
header['creation_date_time'] = construct_tag_data('CreDtTm', value=ctransfer.timestamp)
header['num_transactions'] = construct_tag_data('NbOfTxs', value=ctransfer.get_num_of_transactions())
header['control_sum'] = construct_tag_data('CtrlSum', value=ctransfer.get_control_sum())
header['initiating_party'] = add_simple_child(construct_tag_data('InitgPty'), 'name', 'Nm', [],
return header
def construct_iban(account, tag_name):
iban_data = construct_tag_data(tag_name)
iban_data['id'] = add_simple_child(construct_tag_data('Id'), 'iban', 'IBAN', [], account.iban)
return iban_data
def construct_bic(account, tag_name):
bic_data = construct_tag_data(tag_name)
bic_data['financial_instrument_id'] = add_simple_child(construct_tag_data('FinInstnId'), 'bic', 'BIC', [],
return bic_data
def construct_address_data(account, tag_name):
addr_data = construct_tag_data(tag_name)
addr_data['name'] = construct_tag_data('Nm',
if account.has_address():
address = construct_tag_data('PstlAdr')
address['country'] = construct_tag_data('Ctry',
if account.street:
address['addr_line_1'] = construct_tag_data('AdrLine', value=account.street)
if account.postcode and
address['addr_line_2'] = construct_tag_data('AdrLine', value="%s %s" % (account.postcode,
addr_data['address'] = address
return addr_data
def construct_transaction_data(ctransfer, transaction):
transaction_information = construct_tag_data('CdtTrfTxInf')
transaction_information['_sorting'] = ['PmtId', 'Amt', 'ChrgBr', 'UltmtDbtr', 'CdtrAgt', 'Cdtr', 'CdtrAcct',
'UltmtCdtr', 'Purp', 'RmtInf']
transaction_information['payment_id'] = add_simple_child(
data=add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('PmtId', sorting=['InstrId', 'EndToEndId']),
transaction_information['amount'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('Amt'),
child_attrs=[('Ccy', ctransfer.currency)],
transaction_information['charge_bearer'] = construct_tag_data('ChrgBr', value='SLEV')
if ctransfer.debtor.use_ultimate:
transaction_information['ultimate_debtor'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('UltmtDbtr'),
transaction_information['creditor_agent'] = construct_bic(transaction.creditor, 'CdtrAgt')
transaction_information['creditor_data'] = construct_address_data(transaction.creditor, 'Cdtr')
transaction_information['creditor_account'] = construct_iban(transaction.creditor, 'CdtrAcct')
if transaction.creditor.use_ultimate:
transaction_information['ultimate_creditor'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('UltmtCdtr'),
transaction_information['purpose'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('Purp'),
if not transaction.use_structured:
transaction_information['remote_inf'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('RmtInf'),
rmt_inf = construct_tag_data('RmtInf')
rmt_inf_strd = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('Strd'),
rmt_tp = construct_tag_data('Tp')
rmt_tp['code_or_property'] = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('CdOrPrtry'),
rmt_creditor_ref_inf = add_simple_child(data=construct_tag_data('CdtrRefInf'),
rmt_creditor_ref_inf['tp'] = rmt_tp
rmt_inf_strd['creditor_ref_information'] = rmt_creditor_ref_inf
rmt_inf['structured'] = rmt_inf_strd
transaction_information['remote_inf'] = rmt_inf
return transaction_information
def construct_payment_information(ctransfer):
payment_inf = construct_tag_data('PmtInf')
payment_inf['_sorting'] = ['PmtInfId', 'PmtMtd', 'BtchBookg', 'NbOfTxs', 'CtrlSum', 'PmtTpInf', 'ReqdExctnDt',
'Dbtr', 'DbtrAcct', 'DbtrAgt', 'ChrgBr', 'CdtTrfTxInf']
payment_inf['payment_id'] = construct_tag_data('PmtInfId', value=ctransfer.payment_id)
payment_inf['payment_method'] = construct_tag_data('PmtMtd', value='TRF')
payment_inf['batch'] = construct_tag_data('BtchBookg', value=str(ctransfer.batch).lower())
payment_inf['num_transactions'] = construct_tag_data('NbOfTxs', value=ctransfer.get_num_of_transactions())
payment_inf['control_sum'] = construct_tag_data('CtrlSum', value=ctransfer.get_control_sum())
payment_instruction = construct_tag_data('PmtTpInf')
payment_instruction['_sorting'] = ['InstrPrty', 'SvcLvl']
payment_instruction['priority'] = construct_tag_data('InstrPrty', value='NORM')
payment_instruction['service_level'] = add_simple_child(construct_tag_data('SvcLvl'), 'code', 'Cd', [], 'SEPA')
payment_inf['instruction'] = payment_instruction
payment_inf['requested_execution_time'] = construct_tag_data('ReqdExctnDt', value=ctransfer.execution_time)
payment_inf['debtor'] = construct_address_data(ctransfer.debtor, 'Dbtr')
payment_inf['debtor_account'] = construct_iban(ctransfer.debtor, 'DbtrAcct')
payment_inf['debtor_agent'] = construct_bic(ctransfer.debtor, 'DbtrAgt')
payment_inf['charge_bearer'] = construct_tag_data('ChrgBr', value='SLEV')
for i, payment in enumerate(ctransfer.transactions):
transfer_information = construct_transaction_data(ctransfer, payment)
payment_inf['transfer_no_%s' % i] = transfer_information
return payment_inf
def construct_document(ctransfer):
root = construct_tag_data('Document', [('xmlns', 'urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03')])
message = construct_tag_data('CstmrCdtTrfInitn')
message['_sorting'] = ['GrpHdr', 'PmtInf']
message['header'] = construct_header(ctransfer)
message['payment_information'] = construct_payment_information(ctransfer)
root['message'] = message
return root
一个机器人位于一个 m x n 网格的左上角 (起始点在下图中标记为“Start” )。
例如,上图是一个7 x 3 的网格。有多少可能的路径?
示例 1:
输入: m = 3, n = 2
输出: 3
从左上角开始,总共有 3 条路径可以到达右下角。
1. 向右 -> 向右 -> 向下
2. 向右 -> 向下 -> 向右
3. 向下 -> 向右 -> 向右
示例 2:
输入: m = 7, n = 3
输出: 28
class Solution:
def uniquePaths(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:
dp = [1] + [0] * n
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
dp[j] = dp[j] + dp[j-1]
return dp[-2] |
# ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/
# Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Wed May 1 11:55:50 2019
# On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4
# Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15)
Integer, ObjectIdentifier, OctetString = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "Integer", "ObjectIdentifier", "OctetString")
NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
ValueSizeConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection, ConstraintsUnion, ValueRangeConstraint, SingleValueConstraint = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueSizeConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection", "ConstraintsUnion", "ValueRangeConstraint", "SingleValueConstraint")
CDot11IfVlanIdOrZero, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("CISCO-DOT11-IF-MIB", "CDot11IfVlanIdOrZero")
ciscoMgmt, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("CISCO-SMI", "ciscoMgmt")
ifIndex, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("IF-MIB", "ifIndex")
ObjectGroup, ModuleCompliance, NotificationGroup = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ObjectGroup", "ModuleCompliance", "NotificationGroup")
Bits, Gauge32, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, ObjectIdentity, Counter64, Counter32, ModuleIdentity, NotificationType, Unsigned32, IpAddress, MibIdentifier, iso, TimeTicks, Integer32 = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "Bits", "Gauge32", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "ObjectIdentity", "Counter64", "Counter32", "ModuleIdentity", "NotificationType", "Unsigned32", "IpAddress", "MibIdentifier", "iso", "TimeTicks", "Integer32")
TextualConvention, DisplayString, TruthValue = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "TextualConvention", "DisplayString", "TruthValue")
ciscoDot11QosMIB = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416))
ciscoDot11QosMIB.setRevisions(('2006-05-09 00:00', '2003-11-24 00:00',))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIB.setRevisionsDescriptions(('The DEFVAL clauses have been removed from the definition of the objects cdot11QosCWmin, cdot11QosCWmax, cdot11QosMaxRetry and cdot11QosBackoffOffset, as the default values for these objects depend on the different traffic classes and that there are no common default values across the different traffic classes. ', 'Initial version of this MIB module.',))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIB.setLastUpdated('200605090000Z')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIB.setOrganization('Cisco Systems Inc.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIB.setContactInfo(' Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose CA 95134-1706. USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: [email protected]')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIB.setDescription('This MIB module provides network management support for QoS on wireless LAN devices. The objects defined in this MIB provide equivalent support as the objects in the IEEE 802.11E Standard draft. The original names of the objects in the standard are included in the REFERENCE clauses. GLOSSARY and ACRONYMS Access point (AP) Transmitter/receiver (transceiver) device that commonly connects and transports data between a wireless network and a wired network. AIFS Arbitration Interframe Space. It is one of the five different IFSs defined to provide priority levels for access to the wireless media. It shall be used by QSTAs to transmit data type frames (MPDUs) and management type frames (MMPDUs). BSS IEEE 802.11 Basic Service Set (Radio Cell). The BSS of an AP comprises of the stations directly associating with the AP. CW Contention Window. It is the time period between radio signal collisions caused by simultaneous broadcast from multiple wireless stations. The contention window is used to compute the random backoff of the radio broadcast. The IEEE 802.11b does not specify the unit for the time period. CWP Factor Contention Window Persistence Factor. It indicates the factor used in computing new CW values on every 15 unsuccessful attempt to transmit an MPDU or an MMPDU of a traffic class. It is a scaling factor in units of 1/16ths. IFS Inter-Frame Space is the time interval between frames. A STA shall determine that the medium is idle through the use of the carrier sense function for the interval specified. In other words, the size of the IFS determines the length of the backoff time interval of a device to the medium. In this case, the medium is the radio wave spectrum. The IEEE 802.11b standard does not specify any unit for the time interval. BSS IEEE 802.11 Basic Service Set (Radio Cell). The MAC Medium Access Control. Layer 2 in the network model. MPDU MAC protocol data unit. The unit of data exchanged between two peer MAC entities using the services of the physical layer (PHY). MMPDU Management type MAC protocol data unit. MSDU MAC service data unit. Information that is delivered as a unit between MAC service access points. QBSS Quality of service basic service set. QSTA QoS station. STA (WSTA) A non-AP IEEE 802.11 wireless station.')
ciscoDot11QosMIBNotifs = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 0))
ciscoDot11QosMIBObjects = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1))
ciscoDot11QosMIBConformance = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2))
ciscoDot11QosConfig = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1))
ciscoDot11QosQueue = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2))
ciscoDot11QosStatistics = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3))
ciscoDot11QosNotifControl = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 4))
class Cdot11QosTrafficClass(TextualConvention, Integer32):
reference = 'IEEE 802.1D-1998, Annex H.2.10 and IEEE 802.11E-2001, section 7.5.1.'
description = 'This textual convention defines the 802.11E traffic classes: background(0) - background traffic, lowest priority bestEffort(1) - best effort delivery, default priority class for all traffic video(2) - video traffic, 2nd highest priority voice(3) - voice traffic, highest priority.'
status = 'current'
subtypeSpec = Integer32.subtypeSpec + ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(0, 1, 2, 3))
namedValues = NamedValues(("background", 0), ("bestEffort", 1), ("video", 2), ("voice", 3))
cdot11QosConfigTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosConfigTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosConfigTable.setDescription('This table contains the basic set of attributes to configure QoS queues for radio interfaces of a wireless LAN device. This table has an expansion dependent relationship with the ifTable. Each IEEE 802.11 wireless interface has different outbound queues for different network traffic class. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosConfigEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"), (0, "CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11TrafficQueue"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosConfigEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosConfigEntry.setDescription('Each entry contains parameters to configure traffic contention window, AIFS, priority and MSDU lifetime for each traffic queue on an IEEE 802.11 interface.')
cdot11TrafficQueue = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), Unsigned32())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11TrafficQueue.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11TrafficQueue.setDescription('This is the index to the outbound traffic queue on the radio interface.')
cdot11TrafficClass = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2), Cdot11QosTrafficClass()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11TrafficClass.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11TrafficClass.setDescription('This object specifies the traffic class and priority for the traffic on this queue.')
cdot11QosCWmin = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 10))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmin.setReference('dot11CWmin, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmin.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmin.setDescription('This object defines the minimum contention window value for a traffic class. The minimum contention window is 2 to the power of cdot11QosCWmin minus 1, and that is from 0 to 1023. The cdot11QosCWmin value must be less than or equal to cdot11QosCWmax.')
cdot11QosCWmax = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 10))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmax.setReference('dot11CWmax, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmax.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosCWmax.setDescription('This object defines the maximum contention window value for a traffic class. The maximum contention window is 2 to the power of cdot11QosCWmax minus 1, and that is from 0 to 1023. The cdot11QosCWmax value must be greater than or equal to cdot11QosCWmin.')
cdot11QosBackoffOffset = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 20))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosBackoffOffset.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosBackoffOffset.setDescription('This specifies the offset of the radio backoff from the transmission media for this traffic class. The backoff interval of a radio is calculated from a pseudo random integer drawn from a uniform distribution over the interval determined by the maximum and minimum of the contention window.')
cdot11QosMaxRetry = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 65535))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosMaxRetry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosMaxRetry.setDescription('This specifies the number of times the radio retries for a particular transmission if there is a collision for the media.')
cdot11QosSupportTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosSupportTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosSupportTable.setDescription('This table contains the attributes indicating QoS support information on the IEEE 802.11 interfaces of this device. This table has a sparse dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosSupportEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosSupportEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosSupportEntry.setDescription('Each entry contains attributes to indicate if QoS and priority queue are supported for an IEEE 802.11 interface.')
cdot11QosOptionImplemented = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosOptionImplemented.setReference('dot11QosOptionImplemented, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosOptionImplemented.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosOptionImplemented.setDescription('This object indicates if QoS is implemented on this IEEE 802.11 network interface.')
cdot11QosOptionEnabled = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosOptionEnabled.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosOptionEnabled.setDescription("This object indicates if QoS is enabled on this IEEE 802.11 network interface. If it is 'true', QoS queuing is ON and traffic are prioritized according to their traffic class. If it is 'false', there is no QoS queuing and traffic are not prioritized.")
cdot11QosQueuesAvailable = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(4, 64))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuesAvailable.setReference('dot11QueuesAvailable, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuesAvailable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuesAvailable.setDescription('This object shows the number of QoS priority queues are available on this IEEE 802.11 network interface. That is the number of queue per interface in the cdot11QosConfigTable.')
cdot11QosQueueTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueTable.setDescription('This table contains the queue weight and size information and statistics for each traffic queue on each the IEEE 802.11 interface. This table has a sparse dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosQueueEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"), (0, "CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11TrafficQueue"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueEntry.setDescription('Each entry contains the current queue weight, size, and peak size information for each traffic queue on an IEEE 802.11 interface.')
cdot11QosQueueQuota = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(0, 65535))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueQuota.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueQuota.setDescription('This is the current QoS priority queue packet quota for this queue on the overall bandwidth. The total available quota is platform dependent and is shared among all the transmitting queues. The queue with the largest quota value has the largest share of the overall bandwidth of the radio. The quota is allocated by the radio driver dynamically.')
cdot11QosQueueSize = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2), Gauge32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueSize.setReference('dot11QueueSizeTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueSize.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueueSize.setDescription('This is the current QoS priority queue size for this queue.')
cdot11QosQueuePeakSize = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuePeakSize.setReference('dot11QueuePeakSizeTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuePeakSize.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosQueuePeakSize.setDescription('This is the peak QoS priority queue size for this queue.')
cdot11QosStatisticsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosStatisticsTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosStatisticsTable.setDescription('This table contains the QoS statistics by traffic queue on each the IEEE 802.11 network interface. This table has a expansion dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosStatisticsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"), (0, "CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11TrafficQueue"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosStatisticsEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosStatisticsEntry.setDescription('Each entry contain QoS statistics for data transmission and receive for each traffic queue on an IEEE 802.11 interface.')
cdot11QosDiscardedFrames = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosDiscardedFrames.setReference('dot11QosDiscardedFrameCountTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosDiscardedFrames.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosDiscardedFrames.setDescription('This is the counter for QoS discarded frames transmitting from this IEEE 802.11 interface for the traffic queue.')
cdot11QosFails = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosFails.setReference('dot11QosFailedCountTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosFails.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosFails.setDescription('This is the counter for QoS failures on this IEEE 802.11 interface for the traffic queue.')
cdot11QosRetries = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosRetries.setReference('dot11QosRetryCountTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosRetries.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosRetries.setDescription('This is the counter for QoS retries performed on this IEEE 802.11 interface for the traffic queue.')
cdot11QosMutipleRetries = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosMutipleRetries.setReference('dot11QosMutipleRetryCountTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosMutipleRetries.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosMutipleRetries.setDescription('This is the counter for QoS multiple retries performed on this IEEE 802.11 interface for the traffic queue.')
cdot11QosTransmittedFrames = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosTransmittedFrames.setReference('dot11QosTransmittedFrameCountTC, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosTransmittedFrames.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosTransmittedFrames.setDescription('This is the counter for QoS frames transmitted from this IEEE 802.11 interface for the traffic queue.')
cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable.setDescription('This table contains the attributes indicating QoS statistics on the IEEE 802.11 interfaces of the device. This table has a sparse dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry.setDescription('Each entry contains attributes to support QoS statistics on an IEEE 802.11 interface.')
cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1), Counter32()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments.setReference('dot11QosDiscardedFragments, IEEE 802.11E-2001/D1.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments.setDescription('This object counts the number of QoS discarded transmitting fragments on this radio interface.')
cdot11QosIfVlanTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 3), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanTable.setDescription('This table maps VLANs to different traffic classes and defines their QoS properties. This table has an expansion dependent relationship with the ifTable. For each entry in this table, there exists an entry in the ifTable of ifType ieee80211(71).')
cdot11QosIfVlanEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 3, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"), (0, "CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosIfVlanId"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanEntry.setDescription('Each entry defines parameters determining the traffic class and QoS configuration of a VLAN.')
cdot11QosIfVlanId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1), CDot11IfVlanIdOrZero().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 4095)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanId.setDescription('This object identifies the VLAN (1 to 4095) on this radio interface.')
cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2), Cdot11QosTrafficClass()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass.setDescription('This is the QoS traffic class for the traffic transmitting on this VLAN. The traffic class determines the priority for the VLAN.')
cdot11QosNotifEnabled = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 1, 4, 1), TruthValue().clone('false')).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosNotifEnabled.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosNotifEnabled.setDescription('Indicates whether cdot11QosChangeNotif notification will or will not be sent by the agent when the QoS configuration in the cdot11QosConfigTable is changed.')
cdot11QosChangeNotif = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 0, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11TrafficClass"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosChangeNotif.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: cdot11QosChangeNotif.setDescription('This notification will be sent when the QoS configuration in the cdot11QosConfigTable is changed. The object cdot11TrafficClass specifies the traffic class of which a queue is configured. The sending of these notifications can be enabled or disabled via cdot11QosNotifEnabled.')
ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliances = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 1))
ciscoDot11QosMIBGroups = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 2))
ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance = ModuleCompliance((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 1, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance = ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance.setDescription('The compliance statement for the configuration and status groups.')
ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 2, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11TrafficClass"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosCWmin"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosCWmax"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosBackoffOffset"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosMaxRetry"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosOptionImplemented"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosOptionEnabled"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosQueuesAvailable"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosQueueQuota"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosQueueSize"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosQueuePeakSize"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup = ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup.setDescription('Configurations for IEEE 802.11 QoS.')
ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 2, 2)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosDiscardedFrames"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosFails"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosRetries"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosMutipleRetries"), ("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosTransmittedFrames"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup = ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup.setDescription('Status and statistics for IEEE 802.11 QoS.')
ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 2, 3)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosNotifEnabled"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup = ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup.setDescription('Notification control configuration for QoS.')
ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup = NotificationGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 416, 2, 2, 4)).setObjects(("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", "cdot11QosChangeNotif"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup = ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup.setDescription('Notifications for QoS configuration.')
mibBuilder.exportSymbols("CISCO-DOT11-QOS-MIB", PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=ciscoDot11QosMIB, cdot11QosQueueTable=cdot11QosQueueTable, cdot11QosCWmin=cdot11QosCWmin, ciscoDot11QosMIBObjects=ciscoDot11QosMIBObjects, cdot11QosIfVlanTable=cdot11QosIfVlanTable, cdot11QosIfVlanId=cdot11QosIfVlanId, cdot11QosStatisticsTable=cdot11QosStatisticsTable, ciscoDot11QosQueue=ciscoDot11QosQueue, ciscoDot11QosStatistics=ciscoDot11QosStatistics, cdot11QosRetries=cdot11QosRetries, cdot11QosQueuesAvailable=cdot11QosQueuesAvailable, cdot11QosFails=cdot11QosFails, cdot11QosOptionEnabled=cdot11QosOptionEnabled, cdot11QosStatisticsEntry=cdot11QosStatisticsEntry, cdot11TrafficQueue=cdot11TrafficQueue, ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance=ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliance, ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliances=ciscoDot11QosMIBCompliances, cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable=cdot11QosIfStatisticsTable, cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments=cdot11QosIfDiscardedFragments, cdot11QosMaxRetry=cdot11QosMaxRetry, cdot11QosMutipleRetries=cdot11QosMutipleRetries, ciscoDot11QosMIB=ciscoDot11QosMIB, cdot11QosQueueQuota=cdot11QosQueueQuota, ciscoDot11QosMIBConformance=ciscoDot11QosMIBConformance, cdot11QosConfigTable=cdot11QosConfigTable, cdot11QosCWmax=cdot11QosCWmax, cdot11QosConfigEntry=cdot11QosConfigEntry, cdot11QosQueueSize=cdot11QosQueueSize, cdot11QosIfVlanEntry=cdot11QosIfVlanEntry, cdot11TrafficClass=cdot11TrafficClass, ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup=ciscoDot11QosStatsGroup, ciscoDot11QosConfig=ciscoDot11QosConfig, ciscoDot11QosNotifControl=ciscoDot11QosNotifControl, cdot11QosSupportEntry=cdot11QosSupportEntry, cdot11QosSupportTable=cdot11QosSupportTable, ciscoDot11QosMIBGroups=ciscoDot11QosMIBGroups, cdot11QosBackoffOffset=cdot11QosBackoffOffset, ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup=ciscoDot11QosConfigGroup, cdot11QosTransmittedFrames=cdot11QosTransmittedFrames, cdot11QosQueueEntry=cdot11QosQueueEntry, ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup=ciscoDot11QosNotifControlGroup, ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup=ciscoDot11QosNotificationGroup, ciscoDot11QosMIBNotifs=ciscoDot11QosMIBNotifs, cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry=cdot11QosIfStatisticsEntry, cdot11QosNotifEnabled=cdot11QosNotifEnabled, cdot11QosChangeNotif=cdot11QosChangeNotif, cdot11QosOptionImplemented=cdot11QosOptionImplemented, cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass=cdot11QosIfVlanTrafficClass, Cdot11QosTrafficClass=Cdot11QosTrafficClass, cdot11QosQueuePeakSize=cdot11QosQueuePeakSize, cdot11QosDiscardedFrames=cdot11QosDiscardedFrames)
Next lexicographical permutation algorithm
def next_lexo(S):
b = S[-1]
for i, a in enumerate(reversed(S[:-1]), 2):
if a < b:
# we have the pivot a
for j, b in enumerate(reversed(S), 1):
if b > a:
F = list(S)
F[-i], F[-j] = F[-j], F[-i]
F = F[: -i + 1] + sorted(F[-i + 1 :])
return "".join(F)
b = a
return "no answer"
def hamming(n):
"""Returns the nth hamming number"""
hamming = {1}
x = 1
while len(hamming) <= n * 3.5:
new_hamming = {1}
for i in hamming:
new_hamming.add(i * 2)
new_hamming.add(i * 3)
new_hamming.add(i * 5)
# merge new number into hamming set
hamming = hamming.union(new_hamming)
hamming = sorted(list(hamming))
return hamming[n - 1]
# hamming(968) should be 41943040
# hamming(969) should be 41990400
# hamming(970) should be 42187500
Created on Jan 18, 2018
@author: riteshagarwal
java = False
rest = False
cli = False |
async def handler(context):
return await
def default_evaluator(model, X_test, y_test):
"""A simple evaluator that takes in a model,
and a test set, and returns the loss.
model: The model to evaluate.
X_test: The features matrix of the test set.
y_test: The one-hot labels matrix of the test set.
The loss on the test set.
return model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0)[0]
class TurkishText():
"""Class for handling lowercase/uppercase conversions of Turkish characters..
text -- Turkish text to be handled
text = ""
l = ['ı', 'ğ', 'ü', 'ş', 'i', 'ö', 'ç']
u = ['I', 'Ğ', 'Ü', 'Ş', 'İ', 'Ö', 'Ç']
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
def upper(self):
"""Converts the text into uppercase letters.
Returns string.
res = ""
for i in self.text:
if i in self.l:
res += self.u[self.l.index(i)]
else :
res += i.upper()
return res
def lower(self):
"""Converts the text into lowercase letters.
Returns string.
res = ""
for i in self.text:
if i in self.u:
res += self.l[self.u.index(i)]
else :
res += i.lower()
return res
def capitalize(self):
"""Converts each first letter to uppercase, and the rest to lowercase letters.
Returns string.
m = self.text.split()
res = ""
for i in m:
res += TurkishText(i[0]).upper() + TurkishText(i[1:]).lower() + " "
return res[:-1:]
class APIError(Exception):
Base exception for the API app
class APIResourcePatternError(APIError):
Raised when an app tries to override an existing URL regular expression
dataset_type = 'UNITER_VqaDataset'
data_root = '/home/datasets/mix_data/UNITER/VQA/'
train_datasets = ['train']
test_datasets = ['minival'] # name not in use, but have defined one to run
vqa_cfg = dict(
data_root + 'vqa_train.db',
data_root + 'vqa_trainval.db',
data_root + 'vqa_vg.db',
data_root + 'coco_train2014/',
data_root + 'coco_val2014',
data_root + 'vg/',
val_txt_db=data_root + 'vqa_devval.db',
val_img_db=data_root + 'coco_val2014/',
ans2label_file=data_root + 'ans2label.json',
train_batch_size=20480, # 5120,
val_batch_size=40960, # 10240,
train_data = dict(
test_data = dict(
post_processor = dict(
# Debug print levels for fine-grained debug trace output control
DNFQUEUE = (1 << 0) # netfilterqueue
DGENPKT = (1 << 1) # Generic packet handling
DGENPKTV = (1 << 2) # Generic packet handling with TCP analysis
DCB = (1 << 3) # Packet handlign callbacks
DPROCFS = (1 << 4) # procfs
DIPTBLS = (1 << 5) # iptables
DNONLOC = (1 << 6) # Nonlocal-destined datagrams
DDPF = (1 << 7) # DPF (Dynamic Port Forwarding)
DDPFV = (1 << 8) # DPF (Dynamic Port Forwarding) Verbose
DIPNAT = (1 << 9) # IP redirection for nonlocal-destined datagrams
DMANGLE = (1 << 10) # Packet mangling
DPCAP = (1 << 11) # Pcap write logic
DIGN = (1 << 12) # Packet redirect ignore conditions
DFTP = (1 << 13) # FTP checks
DMISC = (1 << 27) # Miscellaneous
DCOMP = 0x0fffffff # Component mask
DFLAG = 0xf0000000 # Flag mask
DEVERY = 0x0fffffff # Log everything, low verbosity
DEVERY2 = 0x8fffffff # Log everything, complete verbosity
DCB: 'CB',
DLABELS_INV = {v.upper(): k for k, v in DLABELS.items()}
Module: 'display' on M5 FlowUI v1.4.0-beta
# MCU: (sysname='esp32', nodename='esp32', release='1.11.0', version='v1.11-284-g5d8e1c867 on 2019-08-30', machine='ESP32 module with ESP32')
# Stubber: 1.3.1
class TFT:
BLUE = 255
BMP = 2
BOTTOM = -9004
CENTER = -9003
CYAN = 65535
DARKCYAN = 32896
DARKGREY = 8421504
FONT_7seg = 9
FONT_Comic = 4
FONT_Default = 0
FONT_DefaultSmall = 8
FONT_DejaVu18 = 1
FONT_DejaVu24 = 2
FONT_DejaVu40 = 11
FONT_DejaVu56 = 12
FONT_DejaVu72 = 13
FONT_Minya = 5
FONT_Small = 7
FONT_Tooney = 6
FONT_Ubuntu = 3
GREEN = 65280
GREENYELLOW = 11336748
HSPI = 1
JPG = 1
LASTX = 7000
LASTY = 8000
LIGHTGREY = 12632256
MAGENTA = 16515327
MAROON = 8388608
NAVY = 128
OLIVE = 8421376
ORANGE = 16557056
PINK = 16564426
PURPLE = 8388736
RED = 16515072
RIGHT = -9004
VSPI = 2
WHITE = 16579836
YELLOW = 16579584
def arc():
def attrib7seg():
def backlight():
def circle():
def clear():
def clearwin():
def compileFont():
def deinit():
def drawCircle():
def drawLine():
def drawPixel():
def drawRect():
def drawRoundRect():
def drawTriangle():
def ellipse():
def fill():
def fillCircle():
def fillRect():
def fillRoundRect():
def fillScreen():
def fillTriangle():
def font():
def fontSize():
def getCursor():
def get_bg():
def get_fg():
def hsb2rgb():
def image():
def init():
def line():
def lineByAngle():
def orient():
def pixel():
def polygon():
def print():
def println():
def qrcode():
def rect():
def resetwin():
def restorewin():
def roundrect():
def savewin():
def screensize():
def setBrightness():
def setColor():
def setCursor():
def setRotation():
def setTextColor():
def set_bg():
def set_fg():
def setwin():
def text():
def textClear():
def textWidth():
def text_x():
def text_y():
def tft_deselect():
def tft_readcmd():
def tft_select():
def tft_setspeed():
def tft_writecmd():
def tft_writecmddata():
def triangle():
def winsize():
# coding: utf-8
def klSigmode(self):
if self.mode == 'deal':
self.mode = 'dealOpen'
self.mode = 'deal'
types_of_people = 10
x = f"There are {types_of_people} types of people."
binary = "binary"
do_not = "don't"
y = f"Those who know {binary} and those who {do_not}."
print(f"I said: {x}")
print(f"I also said: '{y}'")
hilarious = False
joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny?! {}"
w="This is the left side of..."
e="a string with a right side."
print(w + e)
class LineSegment3D(object):
"""A class to represent a 3D line segment."""
def __init__(self, p1, p2):
"""Initialize with two endpoints."""
if p1 > p2:
p1, p2 = (p2, p1)
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.count = 1
def __len__(self):
"""Line segment always has two endpoints."""
return 2
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterator generator for endpoints."""
yield self.p1
yield self.p2
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Given a vertex number, returns a vertex coordinate vector."""
if idx == 0:
return self.p1
if idx == 1:
return self.p2
raise LookupError()
def __hash__(self):
"""Returns hash value for endpoints"""
return hash((self.p1, self.p2))
def __lt__(self, p):
return self < p
def __cmp__(self, p):
"""Compare points for sort ordering in an arbitrary heirarchy."""
val = self[0].__cmp__(p[0])
if val != 0:
return val
return self[1].__cmp__(p[1])
def __format__(self, fmt):
"""Provides .format() support."""
pfx = ""
sep = " - "
sfx = ""
if "a" in fmt:
pfx = "["
sep = ", "
sfx = "]"
elif "s" in fmt:
pfx = ""
sep = " "
sfx = ""
p1 = self.p1.__format__(fmt)
p2 = self.p2.__format__(fmt)
return pfx + p1 + sep + p2 + sfx
def __repr__(self):
"""Standard string representation."""
return "<LineSegment3D: {0}>".format(self)
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a human readable coordinate string."""
return "{0:a}".format(self)
def translate(self,offset):
"""Translate the endpoint's vertices"""
self.p1 = (self.p1[a] + offset[a] for a in range(3))
self.p2 = (self.p2[a] + offset[a] for a in range(3))
def scale(self,scale):
"""Translate the endpoint's vertices"""
self.p1 = (self.p1[a] * scale[a] for a in range(3))
self.p2 = (self.p2[a] * scale[a] for a in range(3))
def length(self):
"""Returns the length of the line."""
return self.p1.distFromPoint(self.p2)
class LineSegment3DCache(object):
"""Cache class for 3D Line Segments."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize as an empty cache."""
self.endhash = {}
self.seghash = {}
def _add_endpoint(self, p, seg):
"""Remember that this segment has a given endpoint"""
if p not in self.endhash:
self.endhash[p] = []
def rehash(self):
"""Reset the hashes for changed edge vertices"""
oldseghash = self.seghash
self.seghash = {
(v[0], v[1]): v
for v in oldseghash.values()
oldendhash = self.endhash
self.endhash = {
k: v
for v in oldendhash.values()
for k in v
def translate(self,offset):
"""Translate vertices of all edges."""
for v in self.seghash.values():
def scale(self,scale):
"""Scale vertices of all edges."""
for v in self.seghash.values():
def endpoint_segments(self, p):
"""get list of edges that end at point p"""
if p not in self.endhash:
return []
return self.endhash[p]
def get(self, p1, p2):
"""Given 2 endpoints, return the cached LineSegment3D inst, if any."""
key = (p1, p2) if p1 < p2 else (p2, p1)
if key not in self.seghash:
return None
return self.seghash[key]
def add(self, p1, p2):
"""Given 2 endpoints, return the (new or cached) LineSegment3D inst."""
key = (p1, p2) if p1 < p2 else (p2, p1)
if key in self.seghash:
seg = self.seghash[key]
seg.count += 1
return seg
seg = LineSegment3D(p1, p2)
self.seghash[key] = seg
self._add_endpoint(p1, seg)
self._add_endpoint(p2, seg)
return seg
def __iter__(self):
"""Creates an iterator for the line segments in the cache."""
for pt in self.seghash.values():
yield pt
def __len__(self):
"""Length of sequence."""
return len(self.seghash)
# vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jun 3 19:26:47 2019
@author: sercangul
n = 5
xy = [map(int, input().split()) for _ in range(n)]
sx, sy, sx2, sxy = map(sum, zip(*[(x, y, x**2, x * y) for x, y in xy]))
b = (n * sxy - sx * sy) / (n * sx2 - sx**2)
a = (sy / n) - b * (sx / n)
print('{:.3f}'.format(a + b * 80)) |
def create_array(n):
while i<=n:
i += 1
return res
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The `TreeNode` class provides many helper functions that make the work
done in the `BinarySearchTree` class methods much easier. The
constructor for a `TreeNode`, along with these helper functions, is
shown below. As you can see, many of these helper functions help to
classify a node according to its own position as a child, (left or
right) and the kind of children the node has. The `TreeNode` class will
also explicitly keep track of the parent as an attribute of each node.
You will see why this is important when we discuss the implementation
for the `del` operator.
One of the more interesting methods of `TreeNode` provides an interface
to simply iterate over all the keys in the tree in order. You already
know how to traverse a binary tree in order, using the `inorder`
traversal algorithm. However, because we want our iterator to operate
lazily, in this case we use the `yield` keyword to define our `__iter__`
method as a Python generator. Pay close attention to the `__iter__`
implementation as at first glance you might think that the code is
not recursive: in fact, because `__iter__` overrides the `for x
in` operation for iteration, it really is recursive!
Our full implementation of `TreeNode` is provided below. It includes
three further methods `find_successor`, `find_min` and `splice_out`
which you can ignore for now as we will return to them later when
discussing deletion.
class TreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, key, val, left=None, right=None, parent=None):
self.key = key
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.parent = parent
def is_left_child(self):
return self.parent and self.parent.left == self
def is_right_child(self):
return self.parent and self.parent.right == self
def is_leaf(self):
return not (self.right or self.left)
def has_any_children(self):
return self.right or self.left
def has_both_children(self):
return self.right and self.left
def has_one_child(self):
return self.has_any_children() and not self.has_both_children()
def replace_node_data(self, key, val, left, right):
self.key = key
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
if self.left:
self.left.parent = self
if self.right:
self.right.parent = self
def __iter__(self):
if self is None:
if self.left:
# `in` calls `__iter__` so is recursive
for elem in self.left:
yield elem
yield self.key
if self.right:
# recurse again
for elem in self.right:
yield elem
def find_successor(self):
if self.right:
return self.right.find_min()
if self.parent is None:
return None
if self.is_left_child():
return self.parent
self.parent.right = None
successor = self.parent.find_successor()
self.parent.right = self
return successor
def find_min(self):
current = self
while current.left:
current = current.left
return current
def splice_out(self):
if self.is_leaf():
if self.is_left_child():
self.parent.left = None
self.parent.right = None
promoted_node = self.left or self.right
if self.is_left_child():
self.parent.left = promoted_node
self.parent.right = promoted_node
promoted_node.parent = self.parent
Now that we have our `TreeNode` class we can begin to write
`BinarySearchTree` itself. Recall that the core functionality of this
class will be to enable `put`ing to and `get`ing from the tree, so we
begin our implementation with the `put` functionality.
In order to enable the `tree[1] = 'foo'` style assignment interface for
our `BinarySearchTree` instances, we override the `__setitem__` magic
method. In this method we first check to see if the tree already has a
root. If there is not a root then we create a new `TreeNode` and set it
as the root of the tree. If a root node is already in place then `put`
calls the private, recursive, helper function `_put` to search the tree
according to the following algorithm:
- Starting at the root of the tree, search the binary tree comparing
the new key to the key in the current node. If the new key is less
than the current node, search the left subtree. If the new key is
greater than the current node, search the right subtree.
- When there is no left (or right) child to search, we have found the
position in the tree where the new node should be installed.
- To add a node to the tree, create a new `TreeNode` object and insert
the object at the point discovered in the previous step.
The code below shows the Python code for inserting a new
node in the tree. The `_put` function is written recursively following
the steps outlined above. Notice that when a new child is inserted into
the tree, the `node` is passed to the new tree as the parent.
One important problem with our implementation of insert is that
duplicate keys are not handled properly. As our tree is implemented a
duplicate key will create a new node with the same key value in the
right subtree of the node having the original key. The result of this is
that the node with the new key will never be found during a search. A
better way to handle the insertion of a duplicate key is for the value
associated with the new key to replace the old value. We leave fixing
this bug as an exercise for you.
class BinarySearchTree(object):
TreeNodeClass = TreeNode
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.size = 0
def __len__(self):
return self.size
def __iter__(self):
return self.root.__iter__()
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
if self.root:
self._put(key, val, self.root)
self.root = self.TreeNodeClass(key, val)
self.size = self.size + 1
def _put(self, key, val, node):
if key < node.key:
if node.left:
self._put(key, val, node.left)
node.left = self.TreeNodeClass(key, val, parent=node)
if node.right:
self._put(key, val, node.right)
node.right = self.TreeNodeClass(key, val, parent=node)
The diagram below illustrates the process for inserting a new
node into a binary search tree. The lightly shaded nodes indicate the
nodes that were visited during the insertion process.

Once the tree is constructed, the next task is to implement the
retrieval of a value for a given key. The `get` functionality is even easier
than the `put` functionality because we simply search the tree recursively
until we get to a non-matching leaf node or find a matching key. When
a matching key is found, the value stored in the val of the node is
Again, inorder to enable a `tree[1]` retrieval interface, we overload
one of Python’s magic methods—in this case `__getitem__`. Just like with
`__setitem__`, the primary purpose of this method is to handle presence
and absence of a root node, and delegates the core `get` functionality
to `_get`.
The search code in the `_get` method uses the same logic
for choosing the left or right child as the `_put` method. Notice that
the `_get` method returns a `TreeNode` to `__getitem__`, this allows `_get` to
be used as a flexible helper method for other `BinarySearchTree` methods
that may need to make use of other data from the `TreeNode` besides the
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self.root:
result = self._get(key, self.root)
if result:
return result.val
raise KeyError
def _get(self, key, node):
if not node:
return None
if node.key == key:
return node
if key < node.key:
return self._get(key, node.left)
return self._get(key, node.right)
Using `_get`, we can implement the `in` operation by writing a
`__contains__` method for the `BinarySearchTree`. The `__contains__`
method will simply call `_get` and return `True` if `_get` returns a
value, or `False` if it returns `None`. The code for `__contains__` is
shown below.
def __contains__(self, key):
return bool(self._get(key, self.root))
Finally, we turn our attention to the most challenging method in the
binary search tree: the deletion of a key. The first task is
to find the node to delete by searching the tree. If the tree has more
than one node we search using the `_get` method to find the `TreeNode`
that needs to be removed. If the tree only has a single node, that means
we are removing the root of the tree, but we still must check to make
sure the key of the root matches the key that is to be deleted. In
either case if the key is not found the `del` operator raises an error.
def delete(self, key):
if self.size > 1:
node_to_remove = self._get(key, self.root)
if node_to_remove:
self.size = self.size - 1
elif self.size == 1 and self.root.key == key:
self.root = None
self.size = self.size - 1
raise KeyError('Error, key not in tree')
def __delitem__(self, key):
Once we’ve found the node containing the key we want to delete, there
are three cases that we must consider:
1. The node to be deleted has no children
2. The node to be deleted has only one child
3. The node to be deleted has two children
The first case is straightforward. If
the current node has no children all we need to do is delete the node
and remove the reference to this node in the parent. The code for this
case is shown below.
def remove(self, node):
if node.is_leaf() and node.parent is not None:
if node == node.parent.left:
node.parent.left = None
node.parent.right = None

The second case is only slightly more complicated (see below). If a node
has only a single child, then we can simply promote the child to take
the place of its parent. The code for this case is shown in the next
code sample. As you look at this code you will see that there are six
cases to consider. Since the cases are symmetric with respect to either
having a left or right child we will just discuss the case where the
current node has a left child. The decision proceeds as follows:
1. If the current node is a left child then we only need to update the
parent reference of the left child to point to the parent of the
current node, and then update the left child reference of the parent
to point to the current node’s left child.
2. If the current node is a right child then we only need to update the
parent reference of the right child to point to the parent of the
current node, and then update the right child reference of the
parent to point to the current node’s right child.
3. If the current node has no parent, it must be the root. In this case
we will just replace the `key`, `val`, `left`, and
`right` data by calling the `replace_node_data` method on
the root.
Code for this decision process may look like:
elif node.has_one_child():
promoted_node = node.left or node.right
if node.is_left_child():
promoted_node.parent = node.parent
node.parent.left = promoted_node
elif node.is_right_child():
promoted_node.parent = node.parent
node.parent.right = promoted_node

The third case is the most difficult case to handle (see below). If a
node has two children, then it is unlikely that we can simply promote
one of them to take the node’s place. We can, however, search the tree
for a node that can be used to replace the one scheduled for deletion.
What we need is a node that will preserve the binary search tree
relationships for both of the existing left and right subtrees. The node
that will do this is the node that has the next-largest key in the tree.
We call this node the **successor**, and we will look at a way to find
the successor shortly. The successor is guaranteed to have no more than
one child, so we know how to remove it using the two cases for deletion
that we have already implemented. Once the successor has been removed,
we simply put it in the tree in place of the node to be deleted.

The code to handle the third case is shown below. Notice
that we make use of the helper methods `find_successor` and `find_min` to
find the successor. To remove the successor, we make use of the method
`splice_out`. The reason we use `splice_out` is that it goes directly to
the node we want to splice out and makes the right changes. We could
call `delete` recursively, but then we would waste time re-searching for
the key node.
else: # has both children
successor = node.find_successor()
if successor:
node.key = successor.key
node.val = successor.val
The code to find the successor is shown above and as you can see is a
method of the `TreeNode` class. This code makes use of the same
properties of binary search trees that cause an inorder traversal to
print out the nodes in the tree from smallest to largest. There are
three cases to consider when looking for the successor:
1. If the node has a right child, then the successor is the smallest
key in the right subtree.
2. If the node has no right child and is the left child of its parent,
then the parent is the successor.
3. If the node is the right child of its parent, and itself has no
right child, then the successor to this node is the successor of its
parent, excluding this node.
The first condition is the only one that matters for us when deleting a
node from a binary search tree.
The `find_min` method is called to find the minimum key in a subtree. You
should convince yourself that the minimum valued key in any binary
search tree is the leftmost child of the tree. Therefore the `find_min`
method simply follows the `left` references in each node of the
subtree until it reaches a node that does not have a left child.
class Popularity:
Popularity( length=20 )
Used to iteratively calculate the average overall popularity of an algorithm's recommendations.
length : int
training_df : dataframe
determines how many distinct item_ids there are in the training data
def __init__(self, length=20, training_df=None):
self.length = length;
self.sum = 0
self.tests = 0
self.train_actions = len(training_df.index)
#group the data by the itemIds
grp = training_df.groupby('ItemId')
#count the occurence of every itemid in the trainingdataset
self.pop_scores = grp.size()
#sort it according to the score
self.pop_scores.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True)
self.pop_scores = self.pop_scores / self.pop_scores[:1].values[0]
def add(self, result, next_items, for_item=0, session=0, pop_bin=None, position=None):
Update the metric with a result set and the correct next item.
Result must be sorted correctly.
result: pandas.Series
Series of scores with the item id as the index
#only keep the k- first predictions
recs = result[:self.length]
#take the unique values out of those top scorers
items = recs.index.unique()
self.sum += ( self.pop_scores[ items ].sum() / len( items ) )
self.tests += 1
def result(self):
Return a tuple of a description string and the current averaged value
return ("Popularity@" + str( self.length ) + ": "), ( self.sum / self.tests )
def create_auction(self):
expected_http_status = '201 Created'
request_data = {"data":}
entrypoint = '/auctions'
response =, request_data)
self.assertEqual(response.status, expected_http_status)
def create_auction_check_minNumberOfQualifiedBids(self):
expected_minNumberOfQualifiedBids = 2
request_data = {"data":}
entrypoint = '/auctions'
response =, request_data)
def create_auction_check_auctionParameters(self):
expected_auctionParameters = {'type': 'texas'}
request_data = {"data":}
entrypoint = '/auctions'
response =, request_data)
def create_auction_invalid_auctionPeriod(self):
expected_http_status = '422 Unprocessable Entity'
auction =
request_data = {"data":}
entrypoint = '/auctions'
response =, request_data, status=422)
self.assertEqual(response.status, expected_http_status)
entrypoint = '/auctions'
auction['auctionPeriod'] = {'startDate': None}
response =, request_data, status=422)
self.assertEqual(response.status, expected_http_status)
def create_auction_dump(self):
request_data = {"data":}
entrypoint = '/auctions'
response =, request_data)
filename = 'docs/source/tutorial/create_auction.http'
self.dump(response.request, response, filename)
# Crystalfontz Raspberry-Pi Python example library for FTDI / BridgeTek
# EVE graphic accelerators.
# This file is part of the port/adaptation of existing C based EVE libraries
# to Python for Crystalfontz EVE based displays.
# 2021-10-20 Mark Williams / Crystalfontz America Inc.
# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
# Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
# distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
# binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
# means.
# In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
# of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
# software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
# of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
# successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
# relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
# software under copyright law.
# For more information, please refer to <>
#EVE Device Type
# EVE Clock Speed
EVE_CLOCK_SPEED = 60000000
# Touch
# Define RGB output pins order, determined by PCB layout
# Define active edge of PCLK. Observed by scope:
# 0: Data is put out coincident with falling edge of the clock.
# Rising edge of the clock is in the middle of the data.
# 1: Data is put out coincident with rising edge of the clock.
# Falling edge of the clock is in the middle of the data.
# LCD drive strength: 0=5mA, 1=10mA
# Spread Spectrum on RGB signals. Probably not a good idea at higher
# PCLK frequencies.
#This is not a 24-bit display, so dither
# Pixel clock divisor
# Frame_Rate = 60Hz / 16.7mS
# Horizontal timing
# Target 60Hz frame rate, using the largest possible line time in order to
# maximize the time that the EVE has to process each line.
HPX = 240 # Horizontal Pixel Width
HSW = 10 # Horizontal Sync Width
HBP = 20 # Horizontal Back Porch
HFP = 10 # Horizontal Front Porch
HPP = 209 # Horizontal Pixel Padding
# FTDI needs at least 1 here
# Define the constants needed by the EVE based on the timing
# Active width of LCD display
# Start of horizontal sync pulse
# End of horizontal sync pulse
# Start of active line
# Total number of clocks per line
# Vertical timing
VLH = 400 # Vertical Line Height
VS = 2 # Vertical Sync (in lines)
VBP = 2 # Vertical Back Porch
VFP = 4 # Vertical Front Porch
VLP = 1 # Vertical Line Padding
# FTDI needs at least 1 here
# Define the constants needed by the EVE based on the timing
# Active height of LCD display
# Start of vertical sync pulse
# End of vertical sync pulse
# Start of active screen
# Total number of lines per screen
INPUT_FILE = "../../input/09.txt"
Point = tuple[int, int]
Heightmap = dict[Point, int]
Basin = set[Point]
def parse_input() -> Heightmap:
Parses the input and returns a Heightmap
with open(INPUT_FILE) as f:
heights = [[int(x) for x in line.strip()] for line in f]
heightmap: Heightmap = dict()
for (y, row) in enumerate(heights):
for (x, height) in enumerate(row):
heightmap[(x, y)] = height
return heightmap
def get_surrounding_points(heightmap: Heightmap, point: Point) -> set[Point]:
Returns a set of surrounding points within the heightmap
x, y = point
return {
(x - 1, y),
(x, y - 1),
(x, y + 1),
(x + 1, y),
} & heightmap.keys()
def get_surrounding_heights(heightmap: Heightmap, point: Point) -> set[int]:
Returns the heights of points surrounding the given point
surrounding_points = get_surrounding_points(heightmap, point)
return {heightmap[point] for point in surrounding_points}
def get_low_points(heightmap: Heightmap) -> set[Point]:
Finds the low points on the heightmap
low_points: set[Point] = set()
for point in heightmap:
surrounding_heights = get_surrounding_heights(heightmap, point)
if all(heightmap[point] < height for height in surrounding_heights):
return low_points
def solve_part1(heightmap: Heightmap, low_points: set[Point]) -> int:
Calculates the sum of the risk levels of all low points
return sum(1 + heightmap[point] for point in low_points)
def get_basins(heightmap: Heightmap, low_points: set[Point]) -> list[Basin]:
Finds all basins on the heightmap
basins: list[Basin] = []
for low_point in low_points:
basin: Basin = set()
points_to_consider = {low_point}
while points_to_consider:
point = points_to_consider.pop()
if heightmap[point] == 9:
surrounding_points = get_surrounding_points(heightmap, point)
points_to_consider.update(surrounding_points - basin)
return basins
def solve_part2(heightmap: Heightmap, low_points: set[Point]) -> int:
Calculates the product of the sizes of the three largest basins
basins = get_basins(heightmap, low_points)
basin_sizes = sorted((len(basin) for basin in basins), reverse=True)
return basin_sizes[0] * basin_sizes[1] * basin_sizes[2]
if __name__ == "__main__":
heightmap = parse_input()
low_points = get_low_points(heightmap)
part1 = solve_part1(heightmap, low_points)
part2 = solve_part2(heightmap, low_points)
class Car(object):
Car class that can be used to instantiate various vehicles.
It takes in arguments that depict the type, model, and name
of the vehicle
def __init__(self, name="General", model="GM", car_type="saloon"):
num_of_wheels = 4
num_of_doors = 4
if car_type == "trailer":
num_of_wheels = 8
if name == "Porshe" or name == "Koenigsegg":
num_of_doors = 2 = name
self.model = model
self.type = car_type
self.num_of_doors = num_of_doors
self.num_of_wheels = num_of_wheels
self.speed = 0
def drive(self, gear):
if self.type == "trailer":
self.speed = gear * 77 / 7
elif self.type == "saloon":
self.speed = gear * 1000 / 3
return self
def is_saloon(self):
return self.type == 'saloon'
"""Test discovery of entities for device-specific schemas for the Z-Wave JS integration."""
async def test_iblinds_v2(hass, client, iblinds_v2, integration):
"""Test that an iBlinds v2.0 multilevel switch value is discovered as a cover."""
node = iblinds_v2
assert node.device_class.specific.label == "Unused"
state = hass.states.get("light.window_blind_controller")
assert not state
state = hass.states.get("cover.window_blind_controller")
assert state
async def test_ge_12730(hass, client, ge_12730, integration):
"""Test GE 12730 Fan Controller v2.0 multilevel switch is discovered as a fan."""
node = ge_12730
assert node.device_class.specific.label == "Multilevel Power Switch"
state = hass.states.get("light.in_wall_smart_fan_control")
assert not state
state = hass.states.get("fan.in_wall_smart_fan_control")
assert state
async def test_inovelli_lzw36(hass, client, inovelli_lzw36, integration):
"""Test LZW36 Fan Controller multilevel switch endpoint 2 is discovered as a fan."""
node = inovelli_lzw36
assert node.device_class.specific.label == "Unused"
state = hass.states.get("light.family_room_combo")
assert state.state == "off"
state = hass.states.get("fan.family_room_combo_2")
assert state
# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# DO NOT EDIT -- GENERATED BY CMake -- Change the CMakeLists.txt file if needed
"""Automatically generated unit tests list - DO NOT EDIT."""
google_cloud_cpp_common_unit_tests = [
class Any2Int:
def __init__(self, min_count: int, include_UNK: bool, include_PAD: bool):
self.min_count = min_count
self.include_UNK = include_UNK
self.include_PAD = include_PAD
self.frozen = False
self.UNK_i = -1
self.UNK_s = "<UNK>"
self.PAD_i = -2
self.PAD_s = "<PAD>"
self.voc_size = 0
self._s2i = dict()
self._i2s = []
self.frequency = dict()
def iter_item(self):
return enumerate(self._i2s)
def get_s2i(self, s, default: int):
assert self.frozen
i = self._s2i.get(s, -1)
if i >= 0:
return i
elif self.include_UNK:
return self.UNK_i
return default
def __getitem__(self, s):
return self.s2i(s)
def s2i(self, s):
i = self.get_s2i(s, -1)
if i >= 0:
return i
raise Exception(f"out of vocabulary entry {s}")
def contains(self, s):
return self.get_s2i(s, -1) != -1
def i2s(self, i):
assert self.frozen
if 0 <= i < self.voc_size:
return self._i2s[i]
raise Exception(f"not entry at position {i} for a vocabulary of size {self.voc_size}")
def add_to_counts(self, s):
assert not self.frozen
self.frequency[s] = self.frequency.get(s, 0)+1
def freeze(self):
assert not self.frozen
if self.include_UNK:
self.UNK_i = len(self._i2s)
if self.include_PAD:
self.PAD_i = len(self._i2s)
for s, count in sorted(self.frequency.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
if count >= self.min_count:
for i, s in enumerate(self._i2s):
self._s2i[s] = i
self.voc_size = len(self._i2s)
self.frozen = True
def __reduce__(self):
return Any2Int, (2, self.include_UNK, self.include_PAD), (self.min_count, self.include_UNK, self.frozen,
self.UNK_i, self.UNK_s, self.PAD_i, self.PAD_s,
self.voc_size, self._s2i, self._i2s, self.frequency)
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.min_count = state[0]
self.include_UNK = state[1]
self.frozen = state[2]
self.UNK_i = state[3]
self.UNK_s = state[4]
self.PAD_i = state[5]
self.PAD_s = state[6]
self.voc_size = state[7]
self._s2i = state[8]
self._i2s = state[9]
self.frequency = state[10]
# Test definitions for Lit, the LLVM test runner.
# This is reusing the LLVM Lit test runner in the interim until the new build
# rules are upstreamed.
# TODO(b/136126535): remove this custom rule.
"""Lit runner globbing test
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "filegroup")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_test", "tf_native_cc_binary", "tf_copts")
# Default values used by the test runner.
_default_test_file_exts = ["mlir", ".pbtxt", ".td"]
_default_driver = "@llvm-project//"
_default_size = "small"
_default_tags = []
# These are patterns which we should never match, for tests, subdirectories, or
# test input data files.
# Exclude input files that have spaces in their names, since bazel
# cannot cope with such "targets" in the srcs list.
"**/* *",
"**/* */**",
def _run_lit_test(name, test_file, data, size, tags, driver, features, exec_properties):
"""Runs lit on all tests it can find in `data` under tensorflow/compiler/mlir.
Note that, due to Bazel's hermetic builds, lit only sees the tests that
are included in the `data` parameter, regardless of what other tests might
exist in the directory searched.
name: str, the name of the test, including extension.
data: [str], the data input to the test.
size: str, the size of the test.
tags: [str], tags to attach to the test.
driver: str, label of the driver shell script.
Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported
and specifying a default driver will abort the tests.
features: [str], list of extra features to enable.
name_without_suffix = test_file[0].split('.')[0]
local_test_files = name + ".test_files"
name = local_test_files,
srcs = native.glob([
"data/" + name_without_suffix + "*.mlir",
name = name,
srcs = test_file,
size = size,
deps = [
data = [":" + local_test_files] + data + [
def glob_op_tests(
exclude = [],
test_file_exts = _default_test_file_exts,
default_size = _default_size,
size_override = {},
data = [],
per_test_extra_data = {},
default_tags = _default_tags,
tags_override = {},
driver = _default_driver,
features = [],
exec_properties = {}):
"""Creates all plausible Lit tests (and their inputs) under this directory.
exclude: [str], paths to exclude (for tests and inputs).
test_file_exts: [str], extensions for files that are tests.
default_size: str, the test size for targets not in "size_override".
size_override: {str: str}, sizes to use for specific tests.
data: [str], additional input data to the test.
per_test_extra_data: {str: [str]}, extra data to attach to a given file.
default_tags: [str], additional tags to attach to the test.
tags_override: {str: str}, tags to add to specific tests.
driver: str, label of the driver shell script.
Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported
and specifying a default driver will abort the tests.
features: [str], list of extra features to enable.
exec_properties: a dictionary of properties to pass on.
# Ignore some patterns by default for tests and input data.
exclude = _ALWAYS_EXCLUDE + exclude
tests = native.glob(
["*." + ext for ext in test_file_exts],
exclude = exclude,
# Run tests individually such that errors can be attributed to a specific
# failure.
for i in range(len(tests)):
curr_test = tests[i]
# Instantiate this test with updated parameters.
name = curr_test,
data = data + per_test_extra_data.get(curr_test, []),
size = size_override.get(curr_test, default_size),
tags = default_tags + tags_override.get(curr_test, []),
driver = driver,
features = features,
exec_properties = exec_properties,
def lit_test(
data = [],
size = _default_size,
tags = _default_tags,
driver = _default_driver,
features = [],
exec_properties = {}):
"""Runs test files under lit.
name: str, the name of the test.
data: [str], labels that should be provided as data inputs.
size: str, the size of the test.
tags: [str], tags to attach to the test.
driver: str, label of the driver shell script.
Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported
and specifying a default driver will abort the tests.
features: [str], list of extra features to enable.
_run_lit_test(name + ".test", [name], data, size, tags, driver, features, exec_properties)
These are functions to add to the configure context.
def __checkCanLink(context, source, source_type, message_libname, real_libs=[]):
Check that source can be successfully compiled and linked against real_libs.
Keyword arguments:
source -- source to try to compile
source_type -- type of source file, (probably should be ".c")
message_libname -- library name to show in the message output from scons
real_libs -- list of actual libraries to link against (defaults to a list
with one element, the value of messager_libname)
if not real_libs:
real_libs = [message_libname]
context.Message("Checking for %s..." % message_libname)
libsave = context.env.get('LIBS')
ret = context.TryLink(source, source_type)
context.Result( ret )
if libsave is None:
context.env['LIBS'] = libsave
return ret
libuuid_source = '''
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
int main() {
uuid_t uu;
char uuid_str[37];
uuid_unparse(uu, uuid_str);
return 0;
def CheckLibUUID(context):
return __checkCanLink(context, libuuid_source, ".c", "libuuid", ["uuid"])
selinux_source = '''
#include <selinux/selinux.h>
int main() {
security_context_t ctx;
getpeercon(0, &ctx);
return 0;
def CheckSeLinux(context):
return __checkCanLink(context, selinux_source, '.cpp', 'selinux', ['selinux'])
byteswap_source = '''
#include <byteswap.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main() {
uint16_t b16 = 0x00FF;
uint32_t b32 = 0x0011EEFF;
uint64_t b64 = 0x00112233CCDDEEFF;
return 0;
def CheckByteswap(context):
context.Message("Checking for byteswap.h...")
ret = context.TryCompile(byteswap_source, '.c')
context.Result( ret )
return ret
bdb_source = '''
#include <db.h>
#error ""
#error ""
def CheckBDB(context):
context.Message("Checking for BDB >= 4.3...")
ret = context.TryCompile(bdb_source, '.c')
return ret
class CharEnumerator(object):
""" Supports iterating over a System.String object and reading its individual characters. This class cannot be inherited. """
def ZZZ(self):
"""hardcoded/mock instance of the class"""
return CharEnumerator()
"""hardcoded/returns an instance of the class"""
def Clone(self):
Clone(self: CharEnumerator) -> object
Creates a copy of the current System.CharEnumerator object.
Returns: An System.Object that is a copy of the current System.CharEnumerator object.
def Dispose(self):
Dispose(self: CharEnumerator)
Releases all resources used by the current instance of the System.CharEnumerator class.
def MoveNext(self):
MoveNext(self: CharEnumerator) -> bool
Increments the internal index of the current System.CharEnumerator object to the next character of the enumerated string.
Returns: true if the index is successfully incremented and within the enumerated string; otherwise,false.
def next(self,*args):
""" next(self: object) -> object """
def Reset(self):
Reset(self: CharEnumerator)
Initializes the index to a position logically before the first character of the enumerated string.
def __contains__(self,*args):
""" __contains__[Char](enumerator: IEnumerator[Char],value: Char) -> bool """
def __enter__(self,*args):
""" __enter__(self: IDisposable) -> object """
def __exit__(self,*args):
""" __exit__(self: IDisposable,exc_type: object,exc_value: object,exc_back: object) """
def __init__(self,*args):
""" x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signaturex.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signaturex.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature """
def __iter__(self,*args):
""" __iter__(self: IEnumerator) -> object """
def __reduce_ex__(self,*args):
def __repr__(self,*args):
""" __repr__(self: object) -> str """
Current=property(lambda self: object(),lambda self,v: None,lambda self: None)
"""Gets the currently referenced character in the string enumerated by this System.CharEnumerator object.
Get: Current(self: CharEnumerator) -> Char
# model settings
model = dict(
norm_cfg=dict(type='SyncBN', requires_grad=True, eps=1e-3),
conv1_kernel=(3, 7, 7),
inflate=(1, 1, 1, 1),
spatial_strides=(1, 2, 2, 2),
temporal_strides=(1, 2, 2, 2),
temp_align_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3),
# dataset settings
dataset_type = 'VideoDataset'
dataset_type_labeled = 'VideoDataset_Contrastive'
dataset_type_unlabeled = 'UnlabeledVideoDataset_MultiView_Contrastive'
# dataset_type_appearance = 'RawframeDataset_withAPP'
data_root = 'data/kinetics400/videos_train'
data_root_val = 'data/kinetics400/videos_val'
labeled_percentage = 1
ann_file_train_labeled = f'data/kinetics400/videossl_splits/kinetics400_train_{labeled_percentage}_percent_labeled_videos.txt'
ann_file_train_unlabeled = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_train_list_videos.txt'
ann_file_val = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_videos.txt'
ann_file_test = 'data/kinetics400/kinetics400_val_list_videos.txt'
img_norm_cfg = dict(
mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_bgr=False)
train_pipeline = [
dict(type='SampleFrames_Custom', clip_len=8, frame_interval=8, num_clips=1,
dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256), lazy=True),
dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', lazy=True),
dict(type='Resize', scale=(224, 224), keep_ratio=False, lazy=True),
dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0.5, lazy=True),
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
dict(type='Normalize_Diff', **img_norm_cfg, raw_to_diff=False, redist_to_rgb=False),
dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='FormatShape_Diff', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label', 'imgs_diff'], meta_keys=[]),
dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs', 'label', 'imgs_diff'])
# Get the frame and resize, shared by both weak and strong
train_pipeline_weak = [
dict(type='SampleFrames_Custom', clip_len=8, frame_interval=8, num_clips=1,
dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256), lazy=True),
dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', lazy=True),
dict(type='Resize', scale=(224, 224), keep_ratio=False, lazy=True),
dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0.5, lazy=True),
# Only used for strong augmentation
train_pipeline_strong = [
dict(type='Imgaug', transforms='default'),
dict(type='Imgaug_Custom', transforms='default', modality='imgs_diff')
# Formating the input tensors, shared by both weak and strong
train_pipeline_format = [
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
dict(type='Normalize_Diff', **img_norm_cfg, raw_to_diff=False, redist_to_rgb=False),
dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='FormatShape_Diff', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label', 'imgs_diff'], meta_keys=[]),
dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs', 'label', 'imgs_diff'])
val_pipeline = [
dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256), lazy=True),
dict(type='CenterCrop', crop_size=224, lazy=True),
dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0, lazy=True),
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label'], meta_keys=[]),
dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs'])
test_pipeline = [
dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
dict(type='ThreeCrop', crop_size=256),
dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0),
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),
dict(type='Collect', keys=['imgs', 'label'], meta_keys=[]),
dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['imgs'])
data = dict(
videos_per_gpu=8, # NOTE: Need to reduce batch size. 16 -> 5
workers_per_gpu=4, # Default: 4
train_dataloader=dict(drop_last=True, pin_memory=True),
# optimizer
optimizer = dict(
type='SGD', lr=0.2, momentum=0.9,
weight_decay=0.0001) # this lr 0.2 is used for 8 gpus
optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=dict(max_norm=40, norm_type=2))
# learning policy
lr_config = dict(policy='CosineAnnealing',
total_epochs = 45 # Might need to increase this number for different splits. Default: 180
checkpoint_config = dict(interval=5, max_keep_ckpts=3)
evaluation = dict(
interval=5, metrics=['top_k_accuracy', 'mean_class_accuracy'], topk=(1, 5)) # Default: 5
log_config = dict(
interval=20, # Default: 20
precise_bn = dict(num_iters=200, interval=5,
bn_range=['backbone', 'cls_head'])
dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')
log_level = 'INFO'
work_dir = None
load_from = None
resume_from = None
workflow = [('train', 1)]
find_unused_parameters = False
Disjoint set.
class Node:
def __init__(self, data: int) -> None: = data
self.rank: int
self.parent: Node
def make_set(x: Node) -> None:
Make x as a set.
# rank is the distance from x to its' parent
# root's rank is 0
x.rank = 0
x.parent = x
def union_set(x: Node, y: Node) -> None:
Union of two sets.
set with bigger rank should be parent, so that the
disjoint set tree will be more flat.
x, y = find_set(x), find_set(y)
if x == y:
elif x.rank > y.rank:
y.parent = x
x.parent = y
if x.rank == y.rank:
y.rank += 1
def find_set(x: Node) -> Node:
Return the parent of x
if x != x.parent:
x.parent = find_set(x.parent)
return x.parent
def find_python_set(node: Node) -> set:
Return a Python Standard Library set that contains i.
sets = ({0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5})
for s in sets:
if in s:
return s
raise ValueError(f"{} is not in {sets}")
def test_disjoint_set() -> None:
>>> test_disjoint_set()
vertex = [Node(i) for i in range(6)]
for v in vertex:
union_set(vertex[0], vertex[1])
union_set(vertex[1], vertex[2])
union_set(vertex[3], vertex[4])
union_set(vertex[3], vertex[5])
for node0 in vertex:
for node1 in vertex:
if find_python_set(node0).isdisjoint(find_python_set(node1)):
assert find_set(node0) != find_set(node1)
assert find_set(node0) == find_set(node1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
class SeqIter:
def __init__(self,l):
self.l = l
self.i = 0
self.stop = False
def __len__(self):
return len(self.l)
def __list__(self):
l = []
while True:
except StopIteration:
return l
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
has_length = True
found = False
except AttributeError:
has_length = False
if self.stop:
raise StopIteration()
if has_length and self.i >= self.l.__len__():
self.stop = True
raise StopIteration()
ret = self.l[self.i]
found = True
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration()
except StopIteration:
raise StopIteration()
self.i += 1
if found:
return ret
return None
___assign("%SeqIter", SeqIter)
def iter(l, *args):
callable = ___id("%callable")
if args.__len__() == 1:
if callable(l):
stopwhen = args[0]
return FuncIter(l, stopwhen)
TypeError("iter(v, w): v must be callable")
elif args.__len__() == 0:
return l.__iter__()
if callable(l.__getitem__):
return SeqIter(l)
raise TypeError("object is not iterable")
raise TypeError("iter expect at most 2 arguments")
___assign("%iter", iter)
def next(it, *arg):
if len(arg) == 0:
return it.__next__()
return it.__next__(arg[0])
___assign("%next", next)
class FuncIter:
def __init__(self, func, stopwhen):
self.func = func
self.stopwhen = stopwhen
self.stopped = False
def __list__(self):
l = []
while not self.stopped:
except StopIteration:
return l
def __next__(self):
f = self.func
v = f()
if v == self.stopwhen:
self.stopped = True
raise StopIteration()
return v
___assign("%FuncIter", FuncIter)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
#Function to rotate matrix by 90 degree
def rotate(mat):
# `N × N` matrix
N = len(mat)
# Transpose the matrix
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i):
temp = mat[i][j]
mat[i][j] = mat[j][i]
mat[j][i] = temp
# swap columns
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N // 2):
temp = mat[i][j]
mat[i][j] = mat[i][N - j - 1]
mat[i][N - j - 1] = temp
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Declaring matrix
mat = [
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16]
#printing matrix
for i in mat:
def quicksort(xs):
if len(xs) == 0:
return []
pivot = xs[0]
xs = xs[1:]
left = [x for x in xs if x <= pivot]
right = [x for x in xs if x > pivot]
res = quicksort(left)
res += quicksort(right)
return res
xs = [1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2]
sorted_xs = quicksort(xs)
# ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/
# Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Wed May 1 12:14:36 2019
# On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4
# Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15)
ObjectIdentifier, OctetString, Integer = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "ObjectIdentifier", "OctetString", "Integer")
NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues")
ValueRangeConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection, SingleValueConstraint, ValueSizeConstraint, ConstraintsUnion = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection", "SingleValueConstraint", "ValueSizeConstraint", "ConstraintsUnion")
ciscoMgmt, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("CISCO-SMI", "ciscoMgmt")
Cisco2KVlanList, CiscoVrfName = mibBuilder.importSymbols("CISCO-TC", "Cisco2KVlanList", "CiscoVrfName")
CtsAclNameOrEmpty, CtsAclList, CtsGenerationId, CtsAclName, CtsAclListOrEmpty, CtsSgaclMonitorMode, CtsSecurityGroupTag = mibBuilder.importSymbols("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-TC-MIB", "CtsAclNameOrEmpty", "CtsAclList", "CtsGenerationId", "CtsAclName", "CtsAclListOrEmpty", "CtsSgaclMonitorMode", "CtsSecurityGroupTag")
ifIndex, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("IF-MIB", "ifIndex")
InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength = mibBuilder.importSymbols("INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "InetAddressType", "InetAddress", "InetAddressPrefixLength")
VlanIndex, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "VlanIndex")
SnmpAdminString, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "SnmpAdminString")
NotificationGroup, ObjectGroup, ModuleCompliance = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "NotificationGroup", "ObjectGroup", "ModuleCompliance")
Counter32, Unsigned32, Bits, ObjectIdentity, iso, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, TimeTicks, MibIdentifier, ModuleIdentity, NotificationType, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, IpAddress = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "Counter32", "Unsigned32", "Bits", "ObjectIdentity", "iso", "Counter64", "Gauge32", "Integer32", "TimeTicks", "MibIdentifier", "ModuleIdentity", "NotificationType", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "IpAddress")
DisplayString, StorageType, TruthValue, RowStatus, DateAndTime, TextualConvention = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "DisplayString", "StorageType", "TruthValue", "RowStatus", "DateAndTime", "TextualConvention")
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713))
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setRevisions(('2012-12-19 00:00', '2009-11-06 00:00',))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setRevisionsDescriptions(('Added following OBJECT-GROUP: - ctspNotifCtrlGroup - ctspNotifGroup - ctspNotifInfoGroup - ctspIfSgtMappingGroup - ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup - ctspSgtCachingGroup - ctspSgaclMonitorGroup - ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup Added new compliance - ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliances Modified ctspIpSgtSource to add l3if(6), vlan(7), caching(8).', 'Initial version of this MIB module.',))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setLastUpdated('201212190000Z')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setOrganization('Cisco Systems, Inc.')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setContactInfo('Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: [email protected]')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB.setDescription('This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the management of various policies within the Cisco Trusted Security (TrustSec) infrastructure. The information available through this MIB includes: o Device and interface level configuration for enabling SGACL (Security Group Access Control List) enforcement on Layer2/3 traffic. o Administrative and operational SGACL mapping to Security Group Tag (SGT). o Various statistics counters for traffic subject to SGACL enforcement. o TrustSec policies with respect to peer device. o Interface level configuration for enabling the propagation of SGT along with the Layer 3 traffic in portions of network which does not have the capability to support TrustSec feature. o TrustSec policies with respect to SGT propagation with Layer 3 traffic. The following terms are used throughout this MIB: VRF: Virtual Routing and Forwarding. SGACL: Security Group Access Control List. ACE: Access Control Entries. SXP: SGT Propagation Protocol. SVI: Switch Virtual Interface. IPM: Identity Port Mapping. SGT (Security Group Tag) is a unique 16 bits value assigned to every security group and used by network devices to enforce SGACL. Peer is another device connected to the local device on the other side of a TrustSec link. Default Policy: Policy applied to traffic when there is no explicit policy between the SGT associated with the originator of the traffic and the SGT associated with the destination of the traffic.')
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBNotifs = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 0))
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBObjects = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1))
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBConformance = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2))
ctspSgacl = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1))
ctspPeerPolicy = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2))
ctspLayer3Transport = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3))
ctspIpSgtMappings = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4))
ctspSgtPolicy = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5))
ctspIfSgtMappings = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6))
ctspVlanSgtMappings = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7))
ctspSgtCaching = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 8))
ctspNotifsControl = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 9))
ctspNotifsOnlyInfo = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 10))
ctspSgaclGlobals = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1))
ctspSgaclMappings = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2))
ctspSgaclStatistics = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3))
ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("l3Only", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable.setDescription("This object specifies whether SGACL enforcement for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is enabled at the managed system. 'none' indicates that SGACL enforcement for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is disabled. 'l3Only' indicates that SGACL enforcement is enabled on every TrustSec capable Layer3 interface (excluding SVIs) in the device.")
ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 2), SnmpAdminString()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor.setDescription('This object specifies an existing flexible netflow monitor name used to collect and export the IPv4 traffic dropped packets statistics due to SGACL enforcement. The zero-length string indicates that no such netflow monitor is configured in the device.')
ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 3), SnmpAdminString()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor.setDescription('This object specifies an existing flexible netflow monitor name used to collect and export the IPv6 traffic dropped packets statistics due to SGACL enforcement. The zero-length string indicates that no such netflow monitor is configured in the device.')
ctspVlanConfigTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigTable.setDescription('This table lists the SGACL enforcement for Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packet in a VLAN as well as VRF information for VLANs in the device.')
ctspVlanConfigEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the SGACL enforcement information for Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packets in a VLAN identified by its VlanIndex value. Entry in this table is populated for VLANs which contains SGACL enforcement or VRF configuration.')
ctspVlanConfigIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1), VlanIndex())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigIndex.setDescription('This object indicates the VLAN-ID of this VLAN.')
ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement.setDescription("This object specifies the configured SGACL enforcement status for this VLAN i.e., 'true' = enabled and 'false' = disabled.")
ctspVlanSviActive = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSviActive.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSviActive.setDescription("This object indicates if there is an active SVI associated with this VLAN. 'true' indicates that there is an active SVI associated with this VLAN. and SGACL is enforced for both Layer 2 and Layer 3 switched packets within that VLAN. 'false' indicates that there is no active SVI associated with this VLAN, and SGACL is only enforced for Layer 2 switched packets within that VLAN.")
ctspVlanConfigVrfName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4), CiscoVrfName()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigVrfName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigVrfName.setDescription('This object specifies an existing VRF where this VLAN belongs to. The zero length value indicates this VLAN belongs to the default VRF.')
ctspVlanConfigStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 5), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigStorageType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigStorageType.setDescription('The objects specifies the storage type for this conceptual row.')
ctspVlanConfigRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 6), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigRowStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigRowStatus.setDescription("The status of this conceptual row entry. This object is used to manage creation and deletion of rows in this table. When this object value is 'active', other writable objects in the same row cannot be modified.")
ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the SGACLs information which is applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the SGACL mapping to source and destination SGT for a certain traffic type as well as status of this instance. A row instance can be created or removed by setting the appropriate value of its RowStatus object.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4), CtsAclList()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName.setDescription('This object specifies the list of existing SGACLs which is administratively configured to apply to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 5), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType.setDescription('The storage type for this conceptual row.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 6), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus.setDescription('This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table. ctspConfigSgaclName may be modified at any time.')
ctspConfigSgaclMonitor = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 7), CtsSgaclMonitorMode().clone('off')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMonitor.setDescription('This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the configured SGACL enforced traffic.')
ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 2), CtsAclListOrEmpty()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls.setDescription('This object specifies the SGACLs of the unicast default policy for IPv4 traffic. If there is no SGACL configured for unicast default policy for IPv4 traffic, the value of this object is the zero-length string.')
ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 3), CtsAclListOrEmpty()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls.setDescription('This object specifies the SGACLs of the unicast default policy for IPv6 traffic. If there is no SGACL configured for unicast default policy for IPv6 traffic, the value of this object is the zero-length string.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the downloaded SGACLs information applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the downloaded SGACLs mapping. A row instance is added for each pair of <source SGT, destination SGT> which contains SGACL that is dynamically downloaded from ACS server.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 65535)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex.setDescription('This object identifies the downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4), CtsAclName()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclName.setDescription('This object indicates the name of downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 5), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of downloaded SGACL which is applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 6), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 0), ("ipv6", 1)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement by this downloaded default policy.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 7), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor.setDescription('This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the downloaded SGACL enforced traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the downloaded SGACLs information of the default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the downloaded SGACLs mapping. A row instance contains the SGACL information of the default policy dynamically downloaded from ACS server for unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 65535)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex.setDescription('This object identifies the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2), CtsAclName()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName.setDescription('This object indicates the name of the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL of downloaded default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 4), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 0), ("ipv6", 1)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement by this downloaded default policy.')
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor.setDescription('This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default downloaded SGACL enforced traffic.')
ctspOperSgaclMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the operational SGACLs information applied to unicast IP traffic which carries a source SGT and travels to a destination SGT.')
ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperIpTrafficType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclDestSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the operational SGACLs mapping. A row instance is added for each pair of <source SGT, destination SGT> which contains the SGACL that either statically configured at the device or dynamically downloaded from ACS server.')
ctspOperIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspOperSgaclDestSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclDestSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclDestSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.')
ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 3), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.')
ctspOperSgaclIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 4), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 65535)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclIndex.setDescription('This object identifies the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspOperationalSgaclName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 5), CtsAclName()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperationalSgaclName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperationalSgaclName.setDescription('This object indicates the name of the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspOperationalSgaclGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 6), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperationalSgaclGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperationalSgaclGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT.')
ctspOperSgaclMappingSource = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("configured", 1), ("downloaded", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingSource.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingSource.setDescription("This object indicates the source of SGACL mapping for the SGACL operationally applied to unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT to the destination SGT. 'downloaded' indicates that the mapping is downloaded from ACS server. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is locally configured in the device.")
ctspOperSgaclConfigSource = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 8), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("configured", 1), ("downloaded", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclConfigSource.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclConfigSource.setDescription("This object indicates the source of SGACL creation for this SGACL. 'configured' indicates that the SGACL is locally configured in the local device. 'downloaded' indicates that the SGACL is created at ACS server and downloaded to the local device.")
ctspOperSgaclMonitor = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 6, 1, 9), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMonitor.setDescription('This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the SGACL enforced traffic.')
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the operational SGACLs information of the default policy applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperIpTrafficType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperSgaclIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry.setDescription('A row instance contains the SGACL information of the default policy which is either statically configured at the device or dynamically downloaded from ACS server for unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefOperIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic subjected to default policy enforcement.')
ctspDefOperSgaclIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 2), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 65535)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclIndex.setDescription('This object identifies the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefOperationalSgaclName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 3), CtsAclName()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperationalSgaclName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperationalSgaclName.setDescription('This object indicates the name of the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 4), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic.')
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 5), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("configured", 1), ("downloaded", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource.setDescription("This object indicates the source of SGACL mapping for the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic. 'downloaded' indicates that the mapping is downloaded from ACS server. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is locally configured in the device.")
ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 6), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("configured", 1), ("downloaded", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource.setDescription("This object indicates the source of SGACL creation for the SGACL of default policy operationally applied to unicast IP traffic. 'downloaded' indicates that the SGACL is created at ACS server and downloaded to the local device. 'configured' indicates that the SGACL is locally configured in the local device.")
ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 7, 1, 7), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor.setDescription('This object indicates whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the SGACL of default policy enforced traffic.')
ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 8), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor.setDescription('This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default configured SGACL enforced Ipv4 traffic.')
ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 9), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor.setDescription('This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the default configured SGACL enforced Ipv6 traffic.')
ctspSgaclMonitorEnable = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 2, 10), CtsSgaclMonitorMode()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclMonitorEnable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclMonitorEnable.setDescription('This object specifies whether SGACL monitor mode is turned on for the entire system. It has precedence than the per SGACL ctspConfigSgaclMonitor control. It could act as safety mechanism to turn off monitor in case the monitor feature impact system performance.')
ctspSgtStatsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtStatsTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtStatsTable.setDescription('This table describes SGACL statistics counters per a pair of <source SGT, destination SGT> that is capable of providing this information.')
ctspSgtStatsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpTrafficType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsDestSgt"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsSourceSgt"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtStatsEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtStatsEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the SGACL statistics related to IPv4 or IPv6 packets carrying the source SGT travelling to the destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspStatsIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the unicast IP traffic carrying the source SGT and travelling to destination SGT and subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspStatsDestSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsDestSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsDestSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the destination SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the destination SGT is unknown.')
ctspStatsSourceSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsSourceSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsSourceSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the source SGT value. Value of zero indicates that the source SGT is unknown.')
ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by SGACL.')
ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by SGACL.')
ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 6), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by SGACL.')
ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 7), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by SGACL.')
ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 8), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are SGACL enforced & monitored.')
ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 9), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are SGACL enforced & monitored.')
ctspDefStatsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefStatsTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefStatsTable.setDescription('This table describes statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to default unicast policy.')
ctspDefStatsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpTrafficType"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefStatsEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefStatsEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the statistics counter for each IP traffic type.')
ctspDefIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpTrafficType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of the IP traffic subjected to default unicast policy enforcement.')
ctspDefIpSwDropPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwDropPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwDropPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by default unicast policy.')
ctspDefIpHwDropPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwDropPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwDropPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are dropped by default unicast policy.')
ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 4), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by default unicast policy.')
ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are permitted by default unicast policy.')
ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 6), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of software-forwarded IP packets which are monitored by default unicast policy.')
ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 7), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts.setDescription('This object indicates the number of hardware-forwarded IP packets which are monitored by default unicast policy.')
ctspAllPeerPolicyAction = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("refresh", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAllPeerPolicyAction.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAllPeerPolicyAction.setDescription("This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with respect to all peer policies in the device. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh all peer policies in the device.")
ctspPeerPolicyTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyTable.setDescription('This table lists the peer policy information for each peer device.')
ctspPeerPolicyEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((1, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerName"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the managed objects for peer policies for each peer device based on its name.')
ctspPeerName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(1, 128)))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerName.setDescription('This object uniquely identifies a peer device.')
ctspPeerSgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerSgt.setDescription('This object indicates the SGT value of this peer device.')
ctspPeerSgtGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerSgtGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerSgtGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the SGT value assigned to this peer device.')
ctspPeerTrustState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("trusted", 1), ("noTrust", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerTrustState.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerTrustState.setDescription("This object indicates the TrustSec trust state of this peer device. 'trusted' indicates that this is a trusted peer device. 'noTrust' indicates that this peer device is not trusted.")
ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 5), Unsigned32()).setUnits('seconds').setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime.setDescription('This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which the peer policy is valid.')
ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6), DateAndTime()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate.setDescription('This object indicates the time when this peer policy is last updated.')
ctspPeerPolicyAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 2, 2, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("refresh", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyAction.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyAction.setDescription("This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this peer policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this peer policy.")
ctspLayer3PolicyTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyTable.setDescription('This table describes Layer 3 transport policy for IP traffic regarding SGT propagation.')
ctspLayer3PolicyEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3PolicyType"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the Layer 3 transport policies per IP traffic type per policy type.')
ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("ipv4", 1), ("ipv6", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType.setDescription("This object indicates the type of the IP traffic affected by Layer-3 transport policy. 'ipv4' indicates that the affected traffic is IPv4 traffic. 'ipv6' indicates that the affected traffic is IPv6 traffic.")
ctspLayer3PolicyType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("permit", 1), ("exception", 2))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyType.setDescription("This object indicates the type of the Layer-3 transport policy affecting IP traffic regarding SGT propagation. 'permit' indicates that the transport policy is used to classify Layer-3 traffic which is subject to SGT propagation. 'exception' indicates that the transport policy is used to classify Layer-3 traffic which is NOT subject to SGT propagation.")
ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3), CtsAclNameOrEmpty()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig.setDescription('This object specifies the name of an ACL that is administratively configured to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such configured policy.')
ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4), CtsAclNameOrEmpty()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded.setDescription('This object specifies the name of an ACL that is downloaded from policy server to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such downloaded policy.')
ctspLayer3PolicyOperational = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5), CtsAclNameOrEmpty()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyOperational.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3PolicyOperational.setDescription('This object specifies the name of an operational ACL currently used to classify Layer3 traffic. Zero-length string indicates there is no such policy in effect.')
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable.setDescription('This table lists the interfaces which support Layer3 Transport policy.')
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry.setDescription('Each row contains managed objects for Layer3 Transport on interface capable of providing this information.')
ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled.setDescription("This object specifies whether the Layer3 Transport policies will be applied on this interface for egress IPv4 traffic. 'true' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will be applied at this interface for egress IPv4 traffic. 'false' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will not be applied at this interface for egress IPv4 traffic.")
ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled.setDescription("This object specifies whether the Layer3 Transport policies will be applied on this interface for egress IPv6 traffic. 'true' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will be applied at this interface for egress IPv6 traffic. 'false' indicates that Layer3 permit and exception policy will not be applied at this interface for egress IPv6 traffic.")
ctspIpSgtMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the IP-to-SGT mapping information in the device.')
ctspIpSgtMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtVrfName"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtAddressType"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtIpAddress"), (0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtAddressLength"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the IP-to-SGT mapping and status of this instance. Entry in this table is either populated automatically by the device or manually configured by a user. A manually configured row instance can be created or removed by setting the appropriate value of its RowStatus object.')
ctspIpSgtVrfName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1), CiscoVrfName())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtVrfName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtVrfName.setDescription('This object indicates the VRF where IP-SGT mapping belongs to. The zero length value indicates the default VRF.')
ctspIpSgtAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2), InetAddressType())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtAddressType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtAddressType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of Internet address.')
ctspIpSgtIpAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3), InetAddress())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtIpAddress.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtIpAddress.setDescription('This object indicates an Internet address. The type of this address is determined by the value of ctspIpSgtAddressType object.')
ctspIpSgtAddressLength = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4), InetAddressPrefixLength())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtAddressLength.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtAddressLength.setDescription('This object indicates the length of an Internet address prefix.')
ctspIpSgtValue = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 5), CtsSecurityGroupTag()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtValue.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtValue.setDescription('This object specifies the SGT value assigned to an Internet address.')
ctspIpSgtSource = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("configured", 1), ("arp", 2), ("localAuthenticated", 3), ("sxp", 4), ("internal", 5), ("l3if", 6), ("vlan", 7), ("caching", 8)))).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtSource.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtSource.setDescription("This object indicates the source of the mapping. 'configured' indicates that the mapping is manually configured by user. 'arp' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from tagged ARP replies. 'localAuthenticated' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from the device authentication of a host. 'sxp' indicates that the mapping is dynamically learnt from SXP (SGT Propagation Protocol). 'internal' indicates that the mapping is automatically created by the device between the device IP addresses and the device own SGT. 'l3if' indicates that Interface-SGT mapping is configured by user. 'vlan' indicates that Vlan-SGT mapping is configured by user. 'cached' indicates that sgt mapping is cached. Only 'configured' value is accepted when setting this object.")
ctspIpSgtStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 7), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtStorageType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtStorageType.setDescription('The storage type for this conceptual row.')
ctspIpSgtRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtRowStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtRowStatus.setDescription("This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table. If this object value is 'active', user cannot modify any writable object in this row. If value of ctspIpSgtSource object in an entry is not 'configured', user cannot change the value of this object.")
ctspAllSgtPolicyAction = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("refresh", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAllSgtPolicyAction.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAllSgtPolicyAction.setDescription("This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with respect to all SGT policies in the device. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh all SGT policies in the device.")
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable.setDescription('This table lists the SGT policy information downloaded by the device.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the managed objects for SGT policies downloaded by the device.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1), CtsSecurityGroupTag())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt.setDescription('This object indicates the SGT value for which the downloaded policy is applied to. Value of zero indicates that the SGT is unknown.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1, 2), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the SGT value denoted by ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt object.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1, 3), Unsigned32()).setUnits('seconds').setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime.setDescription('This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which this downloaded policy is valid.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1, 4), DateAndTime()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate.setDescription('This object indicates the time when this downloaded SGT policy is last updated.')
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("refresh", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction.setDescription("This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this downloaded SGT policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this SGT policy.")
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable.setDescription('This table lists the default SGT policy information downloaded by the device.')
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the managed objects for default SGT policies downloaded by the device.')
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("unicastDefault", 1))))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType.setDescription("This object indicates the downloaded default SGT policy type. 'unicastDefault' indicates the SGT policy applied to traffic which carries the default unicast SGT.")
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1, 2), CtsGenerationId()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId.setDescription('This object indicates the generation identification of the downloaded default SGT policy.')
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1, 3), Unsigned32()).setUnits('seconds').setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime.setDescription('This object indicates the policy life time which provides the time interval during which this download default policy is valid.')
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1, 4), DateAndTime()).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate.setDescription('This object indicates the time when this downloaded SGT policy is last updated.')
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 5, 3, 1, 5), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("refresh", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction.setDescription("This object allows user to specify the action to be taken with this default downloaded SGT policy. When read, this object always returns the value 'none'. 'none' - No operation. 'refresh' - Refresh this default SGT policy.")
ctspIfSgtMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the Interface-to-SGT mapping configuration information in the device.')
ctspIfSgtMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the SGT mapping configuration of a particular interface. A row instance can be created or removed by setting ctspIfSgtRowStatus.')
ctspIfSgtValue = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1), CtsSecurityGroupTag()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtValue.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtValue.setDescription('This object specifies the SGT value assigned to the interface.')
ctspIfSgName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2), SnmpAdminString()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgName.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgName.setDescription('This object specifies the Security Group Name assigned to the interface.')
ctspIfSgtStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtStorageType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtStorageType.setDescription('The storage type for this conceptual row.')
ctspIfSgtRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 1, 1, 4), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtRowStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtRowStatus.setDescription('This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table.')
ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 2), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable.setDescription('This table contains the Interface-to-SGT mapping status information in the device.')
ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "IF-MIB", "ifIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry.setDescription('Containing the Interface-to-SGT mapping status of the specified interface.')
ctspL3IPMStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 6, 2, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("disabled", 1), ("active", 2), ("inactive", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspL3IPMStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspL3IPMStatus.setDescription('This object indicates the Layer 3 Identity Port Mapping(IPM) operational mode. disabled - The L3 IPM is not configured. active - The L3 IPM is configured for this interface, and SGT is available. inactive - The L3 IPM is configured for this interface, and SGT is unavailable.')
ctspVlanSgtMappingTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1), )
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingTable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingTable.setDescription('This table contains the Vlan-SGT mapping information in the device.')
ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry.setDescription('Each row contains the SGT mapping configuration of a particular VLAN. A row instance can be created or removed by setting ctspVlanSgtRowStatus.')
ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1), VlanIndex())
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex.setDescription('This object specifies the VLAN-ID which is used as index.')
ctspVlanSgtMapValue = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1, 1, 2), CtsSecurityGroupTag()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMapValue.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMapValue.setDescription('This object specifies the SGT value assigned to the vlan.')
ctspVlanSgtStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1, 1, 3), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtStorageType.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtStorageType.setDescription('The storage type for this conceptual row.')
ctspVlanSgtRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 7, 1, 1, 4), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtRowStatus.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtRowStatus.setDescription('This object is used to manage the creation and deletion of rows in this table.')
ctspSgtCachingMode = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 8, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("none", 1), ("standAlone", 2), ("withEnforcement", 3), ("vlan", 4)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingMode.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingMode.setDescription("This object specifies which SGT-caching mode is configured for SGT caching capable interfaces at the managed system. 'none' indicates that sgt-caching for all Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) is disabled. 'standAlone' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on every TrustSec capable Layer3 interface (excluding SVIs) in the device. 'withEnforcement' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on interfaces that have RBAC enforcement enabled. 'vlan' indicates that SGT-caching is enabled on the VLANs specified by ctspSgtCachingVlansfFirst2K & ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K")
ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 8, 2), Cisco2KVlanList()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K.setDescription('A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANs 0 to 2047. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 1, it indicates SGT-caching is enabled on the VLAN. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 0, it indicates SGT-caching is disabled on the VLAN.')
ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 8, 3), Cisco2KVlanList()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K.setDescription('A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for VLANs 2048 to 4095. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 1, it indicates SGT-caching is enabled on the VLAN. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to 0, it indicates SGT-caching is disabled on the VLAN.')
ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 9, 1), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable.setDescription("This object specifies whether the system generates ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif. A value of 'false' will prevent ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif notifications from being generated by this system.")
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 9, 2), TruthValue()).setMaxAccess("readwrite")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable.setDescription("This object specifies whether this system generates the ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif. A value of 'false' will prevent ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif notifications from being generated by this system.")
ctspOldPeerSgt = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 10, 1), CtsSecurityGroupTag()).setMaxAccess("accessiblefornotify")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOldPeerSgt.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOldPeerSgt.setDescription('This object provides the old sgt value for ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif, i.e., the sgt value before the policy is updated.')
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 10, 2), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("downloadACE", 1), ("downloadSrc", 2), ("downloadDst", 3), ("installPolicy", 4), ("installPolicyStandby", 5), ("installForIP", 6), ("uninstall", 7)))).setMaxAccess("accessiblefornotify")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason.setDescription("This object indicates the reason of failure during SGACL acquisitions, installations and uninstallations, which is associated with ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif; 'downloadACE' - Failure during downloading ACE in SGACL acquisition. 'downloadSrc' - Failure during downloading source list in SGACL acquisition. 'downloadDst' - Failure during downloading destination list in SGACL acquisition. 'installPolicy' - Failure during SGACL policy installation 'installPolicyStandby' - Failure during SGACL policy installation on standby 'installForIP' - Failure during SGACL installation for specific IP type. 'uninstall' - Failure during SGACL uninstallation.")
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 1, 10, 3), SnmpAdminString()).setMaxAccess("accessiblefornotify")
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo.setDescription('This object provides additional information about authorization SGACL failure, which is associated with ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif.')
ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 0, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOldPeerSgt"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerSgt"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif.setDescription('A ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif is generated when the SGT value of a peer device has been updated.')
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 0, 2)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo"))
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif.setDescription('A ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif is generated when the authorization of SGACL fails.')
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliances = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 1))
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBGroups = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2))
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance = ModuleCompliance((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 1, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3TransportGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtPolicyGroup"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance = ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance.setStatus('deprecated')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance.setDescription('The compliance statement for the CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB')
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2 = ModuleCompliance((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 1, 2)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3TransportGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtPolicyGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfSgtMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtCachingGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclMonitorGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspNotifCtrlGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspNotifGroup"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspNotifInfoGroup"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2 = ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2.setDescription('The compliance statement for the CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB')
ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 1)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup = ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides the SGACL enforcement information for all TrustSec capable Layer 3 interfaces (excluding SVIs) at the device level.')
ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 2)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup = ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides netflow monitor information for IPv4 traffic drop packet due to SGACL enforcement in the device.')
ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 3)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup = ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides netflow monitor information for IPv6 traffic drop packet due to SGACL enforcement in the device.')
ctspVlanConfigGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 4)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSviActive"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigVrfName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigStorageType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanConfigRowStatus"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspVlanConfigGroup = ctspVlanConfigGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanConfigGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides the SGACL enforcement and VRF information for each VLAN.')
ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 5)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup = ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides the administratively configured SGACL mapping information in the device.')
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 6)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup = ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides the downloaded SGACL mapping information in the device.')
ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 7)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperationalSgaclName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperationalSgaclGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclMappingSource"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclConfigSource"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperationalSgaclName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup = ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides the operational SGACL mapping information in the device.')
ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 8)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup = ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides software statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 9)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup = ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides hardware statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 10)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpSwDropPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup = ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides software statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to unicast default policy enforcement.')
ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 11)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpHwDropPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup = ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides hardware statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to unicast default policy enforcement.')
ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 12)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAllPeerPolicyAction"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup = ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides refreshing of all peer policies in the device.')
ctspPeerPolicyGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 13)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerSgt"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerSgtGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerTrustState"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyAction"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspPeerPolicyGroup = ctspPeerPolicyGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspPeerPolicyGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides peer policy information in the device.')
ctspLayer3TransportGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 14)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspLayer3PolicyOperational"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspLayer3TransportGroup = ctspLayer3TransportGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspLayer3TransportGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding the SGT propagation along with Layer 3 traffic in the device.')
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 15)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup = ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides managed information for Layer3 Tranport policy enforcement on capable interface in the device.')
ctspIpSgtMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 16)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtValue"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtSource"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtStorageType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIpSgtRowStatus"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspIpSgtMappingGroup = ctspIpSgtMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIpSgtMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding IP-to-Sgt mapping in the device.')
ctspSgtPolicyGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 17)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAllSgtPolicyAction"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgtPolicyGroup = ctspSgtPolicyGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtPolicyGroup.setDescription('A collection of object which provides SGT policy information in the device.')
ctspIfSgtMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 18)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfSgtValue"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfSgName"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspL3IPMStatus"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfSgtStorageType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspIfSgtRowStatus"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspIfSgtMappingGroup = ctspIfSgtMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspIfSgtMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides managed information regarding Interface-to-Sgt mapping in the device.')
ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 19)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSgtMapValue"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSgtStorageType"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspVlanSgtRowStatus"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup = ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides sgt mapping information for the IP traffic in the specified Vlan.')
ctspSgtCachingGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 20)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtCachingMode"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgtCachingGroup = ctspSgtCachingGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgtCachingGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides sgt Caching information.')
ctspSgaclMonitorGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 21)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspSgaclMonitorEnable"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspConfigSgaclMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOperSgaclMonitor"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgaclMonitorGroup = ctspSgaclMonitorGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclMonitorGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides SGACL monitor information.')
ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 22)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup = ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects which provides monitor statistics counters for unicast IP traffic subjected to SGACL enforcement.')
ctspNotifCtrlGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 23)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspNotifCtrlGroup = ctspNotifCtrlGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspNotifCtrlGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects providing notification control for TrustSec policy notifications.')
ctspNotifGroup = NotificationGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 24)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspNotifGroup = ctspNotifGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspNotifGroup.setDescription('A collection of notifications for TrustSec policy.')
ctspNotifInfoGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9, 9, 713, 2, 2, 25)).setObjects(("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspOldPeerSgt"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason"), ("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", "ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo"))
if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0):
ctspNotifInfoGroup = ctspNotifInfoGroup.setStatus('current')
if mibBuilder.loadTexts: ctspNotifInfoGroup.setDescription('A collection of objects providing the variable binding for TrustSec policy notifications.')
mibBuilder.exportSymbols("CISCO-TRUSTSEC-POLICY-MIB", ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType=ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType, ctspLayer3PolicyType=ctspLayer3PolicyType, ctspPeerTrustState=ctspPeerTrustState, ctspIfSgtValue=ctspIfSgtValue, ctspDownloadedSgaclName=ctspDownloadedSgaclName, ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K=ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime, ctspSgacl=ctspSgacl, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate, ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig=ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig, ctspSgaclMappings=ctspSgaclMappings, ctspAllPeerPolicyAction=ctspAllPeerPolicyAction, ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId=ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId, ctspSgaclStatistics=ctspSgaclStatistics, ctspDefStatsEntry=ctspDefStatsEntry, ctspOperSgaclMappingSource=ctspOperSgaclMappingSource, ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts=ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBObjects=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBObjects, ctspIfSgtMappingGroup=ctspIfSgtMappingGroup, ctspVlanConfigStorageType=ctspVlanConfigStorageType, ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt=ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate, ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable=ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable, ctspIpSgtVrfName=ctspIpSgtVrfName, ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry=ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry, ctspDefIpHwDropPkts=ctspDefIpHwDropPkts, ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry=ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry, ctspOperIpTrafficType=ctspOperIpTrafficType, ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts=ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable, ctspOperSgaclDestSgt=ctspOperSgaclDestSgt, ctspIpSgtMappingGroup=ctspIpSgtMappingGroup, ctspIfSgtRowStatus=ctspIfSgtRowStatus, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType, ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded=ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded, ctspStatsDestSgt=ctspStatsDestSgt, ctspPeerSgt=ctspPeerSgt, ctspVlanConfigIndex=ctspVlanConfigIndex, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex, ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType=ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType, ctspPeerName=ctspPeerName, ctspDefIpTrafficType=ctspDefIpTrafficType, ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup=ctspOperSgaclMappingGroup, ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif=ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif, ctspSgtCaching=ctspSgtCaching, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBComplianceRev2, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBConformance=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBConformance, ctspDefOperSgaclIndex=ctspDefOperSgaclIndex, ctspOperSgaclMappingTable=ctspOperSgaclMappingTable, ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId=ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId, ctspIfSgtMappings=ctspIfSgtMappings, ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor=ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBGroups=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBGroups, ctspNotifsOnlyInfo=ctspNotifsOnlyInfo, ctspVlanConfigEntry=ctspVlanConfigEntry, ctspPeerPolicy=ctspPeerPolicy, ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt=ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt, ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts=ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts, ctspLayer3TransportGroup=ctspLayer3TransportGroup, ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup=ctspGlobalSgaclEnforcementGroup, ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry=ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry, ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup=ctspPeerPolicyActionGroup, ctspSgaclGlobals=ctspSgaclGlobals, ctspNotifInfoGroup=ctspNotifInfoGroup, ctspSgaclMonitorEnable=ctspSgaclMonitorEnable, ctspStatsIpTrafficType=ctspStatsIpTrafficType, ctspConfigSgaclMonitor=ctspConfigSgaclMonitor, ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls=ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls, ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup=ctspVlanSgtMappingGroup, ctspSgtCachingGroup=ctspSgtCachingGroup, ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry=ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry, ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus=ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus, ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup=ctspIpSwStatisticsGroup, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt, ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor=ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor, ctspOperSgaclIndex=ctspOperSgaclIndex, ctspVlanSgtMappingTable=ctspVlanSgtMappingTable, ctspIfSgtMappingEntry=ctspIfSgtMappingEntry, ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif=ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif, ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup=ctspConfigSgaclMappingGroup, ctspIfSgtMappingTable=ctspIfSgtMappingTable, ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts=ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts, ctspIpSgtSource=ctspIpSgtSource, ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName=ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName, ctspLayer3PolicyEntry=ctspLayer3PolicyEntry, ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt=ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt, ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement=ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry, ctspIpSgtIpAddress=ctspIpSgtIpAddress, ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable=ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable, ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable=ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable, ctspL3IPMStatus=ctspL3IPMStatus, ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled=ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled, ctspOperSgaclMonitor=ctspOperSgaclMonitor, ctspIpSgtMappings=ctspIpSgtMappings, ctspPeerPolicyAction=ctspPeerPolicyAction, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable, ctspPeerPolicyTable=ctspPeerPolicyTable, ctspIfSgtStorageType=ctspIfSgtStorageType, ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable=ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB, ctspVlanSgtMappings=ctspVlanSgtMappings, ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K=ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K, ctspDefOperIpTrafficType=ctspDefOperIpTrafficType, ctspVlanSgtMapValue=ctspVlanSgtMapValue, ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo=ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo, ctspVlanSviActive=ctspVlanSviActive, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable, ctspLayer3PolicyTable=ctspLayer3PolicyTable, ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType=ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry, ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource=ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource, ctspPeerPolicyEntry=ctspPeerPolicyEntry, ctspSgtStatsTable=ctspSgtStatsTable, ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled=ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled, ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup=ctspSgaclMonitorStatisticGroup, ctspOperationalSgaclName=ctspOperationalSgaclName, ctspIpSgtStorageType=ctspIpSgtStorageType, ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts=ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts, ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex=ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex, ctspNotifsControl=ctspNotifsControl, ctspVlanSgtRowStatus=ctspVlanSgtRowStatus, ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts=ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts, ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup=ctspDefHwStatisticsGroup, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry, ctspIpSgtValue=ctspIpSgtValue, ctspLayer3PolicyOperational=ctspLayer3PolicyOperational, ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts=ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts, ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor=ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBNotifs=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBNotifs, ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason=ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliance, ctspIpSgtMappingEntry=ctspIpSgtMappingEntry, ctspSgtStatsEntry=ctspSgtStatsEntry, ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup=ctspIfL3PolicyConfigGroup, ctspSgtPolicyGroup=ctspSgtPolicyGroup, ctspSgtPolicy=ctspSgtPolicy, ctspVlanConfigTable=ctspVlanConfigTable, ctspStatsSourceSgt=ctspStatsSourceSgt, ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType=ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType, ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime=ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId, ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts=ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts, ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup=ctspIpHwStatisticsGroup, ctspIpSgtAddressLength=ctspIpSgtAddressLength, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction, ctspAllSgtPolicyAction=ctspAllSgtPolicyAction, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime, ctspVlanConfigVrfName=ctspVlanConfigVrfName, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId, ctspPeerSgtGenId=ctspPeerSgtGenId, ctspIfSgName=ctspIfSgName, ctspSgaclMonitorGroup=ctspSgaclMonitorGroup, ctspVlanSgtStorageType=ctspVlanSgtStorageType, ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable=ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable, ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor=ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor, ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup=ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingGroup, ctspPeerPolicyGroup=ctspPeerPolicyGroup, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor, ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable=ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable, ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName=ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName, ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId=ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB, ctspVlanConfigRowStatus=ctspVlanConfigRowStatus, ctspIpSgtRowStatus=ctspIpSgtRowStatus, ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable=ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable, ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt=ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt, ctspVlanConfigGroup=ctspVlanConfigGroup, ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor=ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor, ctspDefIpSwDropPkts=ctspDefIpSwDropPkts, ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls=ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls, ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType=ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType, ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliances=ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliances, ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts=ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts, ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry=ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry, ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts=ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts, ctspOperationalSgaclGenId=ctspOperationalSgaclGenId, ctspDefOperationalSgaclName=ctspDefOperationalSgaclName, ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry=ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry, ctspIpSgtMappingTable=ctspIpSgtMappingTable, ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry=ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry, ctspLayer3Transport=ctspLayer3Transport, ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup=ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitorGroup, ctspSgtCachingMode=ctspSgtCachingMode, ctspOperSgaclConfigSource=ctspOperSgaclConfigSource, ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor=ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor, ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup=ctspDefSwStatisticsGroup, ctspIpSgtAddressType=ctspIpSgtAddressType, ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate=ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate, ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction=ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction, ctspOldPeerSgt=ctspOldPeerSgt, ctspNotifGroup=ctspNotifGroup, ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource=ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource, ctspDefStatsTable=ctspDefStatsTable, ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup=ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitorGroup, ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt=ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt, ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable=ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable, ctspNotifCtrlGroup=ctspNotifCtrlGroup, ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex=ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Transaction(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._completed_at = kwargs.get('completed_at')
self._type = kwargs.get('type')
self._symbol = kwargs.get('symbol')
self._price = kwargs.get('price')
self._amount = kwargs.get('amount')
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.completed_at != other.completed_at:
return False
if self.type != other.type:
return False
if self.symbol != other.symbol:
return False
if self.price != other.price:
return False
if self.amount != other.amount:
return False
return True
def get_cn_type(self):
return u'买入' if self.type == 'BUY' else u'卖出'
def completed_at(self):
return self._completed_at
def completed_at(self, value):
self._completed_at = value
def type(self):
return self._type
def type(self, value):
self._type = value
def symbol(self):
return self._symbol
def symbol(self, value):
self._symbol = value
def price(self):
return self._price
def price(self, value):
self._price = value
def amount(self):
return self._amount
def amount(self, value):
self._amount = value
Simple file to validate that maketests is working. Call maketests via:
>>> from import *; maketests('x7.sample.needs_tests')
def needs_a_test(a, b):
return a+b
Cristian Cornea
A simple bedirectional graph with A* and breadth-first pathfinding.
Utils are either used by the search algorithm, or when needed :)
Pretty self explainatory (I hope)
For more information see the examples and tests folder
def smooth_path(p):
# If the path is only two nodes long, then
# we can’t smooth it, so return
if len(p) == 2:
return p
# Compile an output path
output = [p[0]]
# Keep track of where we are in the input path
# We start at 2, because we assume two adjacent
# nodes will pass the ray cast
i = 2
# Loop until we find the last item in the input
while i < len(p)-1:
# Do the ray cast
if not ray_clear(output[len(output)-1], p[i]):
# The ray text failed, add the last node that
# passed to the output list
output += p[i-1]
# Consider the next node
i += 1
# We’ve reached the end of the input path, add the
# end node to the output and return it
output += p[len(p)-1]
return output
def clean_route_list(route_stack: list, goal_node_id: int):
Creates an ordered route list from start to finish
with all node ids needed to traverse to the goal.
:param route_stack: All routes found until goal
:param goal_node: int ID of the goal node
:return: list A ordered list from start to goal
r = []
next_node = goal_node_id
reversed_stack = reversed(route_stack)
for c in reversed_stack:
if == next_node:
next_node =
return list(set(r))
class Event:
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = set()
def subscribe(self, func):
def unsubscribe(self, func):
def emit(self, *args):
for func in self.handlers:
dataset_type = 'FlyingChairs'
data_root = 'data/FlyingChairs_release'
img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0., 0., 0.], std=[255., 255., 255.], to_rgb=False)
global_transform = dict(
translates=(0.05, 0.05),
zoom=(1.0, 1.5),
shear=(0.86, 1.16),
rotate=(-10., 10.))
relative_transform = dict(
translates=(0.00375, 0.00375),
zoom=(0.985, 1.015),
shear=(1.0, 1.0),
rotate=(-1.0, 1.0))
train_pipeline = [
dict(type='RandomGamma', gamma_range=(0.7, 1.5)),
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
dict(type='GaussianNoise', sigma_range=(0, 0.04), clamp_range=(0., 1.)),
dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5, direction='horizontal'),
dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5, direction='vertical'),
dict(type='RandomCrop', crop_size=(320, 448)),
keys=['imgs', 'flow_gt'],
'img_fields', 'ann_fields', 'filename1', 'filename2',
'ori_filename1', 'ori_filename2', 'filename_flow',
'ori_filename_flow', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'img_norm_cfg'
test_pipeline = [
dict(type='InputResize', exponent=6),
dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),
'flow_gt', 'filename1', 'filename2', 'ori_filename1',
'ori_filename2', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape', 'img_norm_cfg',
'scale_factor', 'pad_shape'
flyingchairs_train = dict(
data = dict(
val_dataloader=dict(samples_per_gpu=1, workers_per_gpu=2, shuffle=False),
test_dataloader=dict(samples_per_gpu=1, workers_per_gpu=2, shuffle=False),
# for문에서 continue 사용하기, continue = skip개념!!!
for i in range(1,11):
if i == 6:
print(" - - - Testando os 40 - - -")
print("\033[0;36;48mFundo Transparente\033[m")
print(" - - - Testando os 30 - - -")
print(" - - - Testando os 1ª - - -")
print("\033[1;30;47mTexto em Negrito\033[m")
print("\033[3;30;47mFonta Itálica\033[m")
print("\033[7;38;47mTeste\033[m") |
"""TurboGears project related information"""
version = "2.4.3"
description = "Next generation TurboGears"
TurboGears brings together a best of breed python tools
to create a flexible, full featured, and easy to use web
TurboGears 2 provides an integrated and well tested set of tools for
everything you need to build dynamic, database driven applications.
It provides a full range of tools for front end javascript
develeopment, back database development and everything in between:
* dynamic javascript powered widgets (ToscaWidgets2)
* automatic JSON generation from your controllers
* powerful, designer friendly XHTML based templating
* object or route based URL dispatching
* powerful Object Relational Mappers (SQLAlchemy)
The latest development version is available in the
`TurboGears Git repositories`_.
.. _TurboGears Git repositories:
author= "Alessandro Molina, Mark Ramm, Christopher Perkins, Jonathan LaCour, Rick Copland, Alberto Valverde, Michael Pedersen and the TurboGears community"
email = "[email protected]"
copyright = """Copyright 2005-2020 Kevin Dangoor, Alberto Valverde, Mark Ramm, Christopher Perkins, Alessandro Molina and contributors"""
license = "MIT"
__all__ = ("DottedMarkupLanguageException", "DecodeError")
class DottedMarkupLanguageException(Exception):
"""Base class for all exceptions in this module."""
class DecodeError(DottedMarkupLanguageException):
"""Raised when there is an error decoding a string."""
security = """
New Web users get the Roles "User,Nosy"
New Email users get the Role "User"
Role "admin":
User may access the rest interface (Rest Access)
User may access the web interface (Web Access)
User may access the xmlrpc interface (Xmlrpc Access)
User may create everything (Create)
User may edit everything (Edit)
User may manipulate user Roles through the web (Web Roles)
User may restore everything (Restore)
User may retire everything (Retire)
User may use the email interface (Email Access)
User may view everything (View)
Role "anonymous":
User may access the web interface (Web Access)
Role "cc-permission":
(Restore for "cost_center_permission_group" only)
(Retire for "cost_center_permission_group" only)
User is allowed to create cost_center_permission_group (Create for "cost_center_permission_group" only)
User is allowed to edit cost_center_permission_group (Edit for "cost_center_permission_group" only)
Role "contact":
User is allowed to create contact (Create for "contact" only)
User is allowed to edit contact (Edit for "contact" only)
Role "controlling":
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "daily_record": ('status', 'time_record') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "sap_cc": ('group_lead', 'team_lead') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_project": ('group_lead', 'team_lead') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_wp": ('project',) only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('roles',) only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user_dynamic": ('id', 'sap_cc', 'user', 'valid_from', 'valid_to') only)
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to access daily_record (View for "daily_record" only)
User is allowed to access daily_record_freeze (View for "daily_record_freeze" only)
User is allowed to access leave_submission (View for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to access overtime_correction (View for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to access query (View for "query" only)
User is allowed to access time_project (View for "time_project" only)
User is allowed to access time_record (View for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to access time_report (View for "time_report" only)
User is allowed to access time_wp (View for "time_wp" only)
User is allowed to access vacation_correction (View for "vacation_correction" only)
User is allowed to create cost_center (Create for "cost_center" only)
User is allowed to create cost_center_group (Create for "cost_center_group" only)
User is allowed to create cost_center_status (Create for "cost_center_status" only)
User is allowed to create department (Create for "department" only)
User is allowed to create organisation (Create for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to create product_family (Create for "product_family" only)
User is allowed to create public_holiday (Create for "public_holiday" only)
User is allowed to create query (Create for "query" only)
User is allowed to create reporting_group (Create for "reporting_group" only)
User is allowed to create sap_cc (Create for "sap_cc" only)
User is allowed to create time_activity (Create for "time_activity" only)
User is allowed to create time_activity_perm (Create for "time_activity_perm" only)
User is allowed to create time_record (Create for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to create work_location (Create for "work_location" only)
User is allowed to edit cost_center (Edit for "cost_center" only)
User is allowed to edit cost_center_group (Edit for "cost_center_group" only)
User is allowed to edit cost_center_status (Edit for "cost_center_status" only)
User is allowed to edit department (Edit for "department" only)
User is allowed to edit organisation (Edit for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to edit product_family (Edit for "product_family" only)
User is allowed to edit public_holiday (Edit for "public_holiday" only)
User is allowed to edit query (Edit for "query" only)
User is allowed to edit reporting_group (Edit for "reporting_group" only)
User is allowed to edit sap_cc (Edit for "sap_cc" only)
User is allowed to edit time_activity (Edit for "time_activity" only)
User is allowed to edit time_activity_perm (Edit for "time_activity_perm" only)
User is allowed to edit time_record (Edit for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to edit work_location (Edit for "work_location" only)
Role "doc_admin":
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "department": ('doc_num',) only)
User is allowed to create artefact (Create for "artefact" only)
User is allowed to create doc (Create for "doc" only)
User is allowed to create doc_category (Create for "doc_category" only)
User is allowed to create doc_status (Create for "doc_status" only)
User is allowed to create product_type (Create for "product_type" only)
User is allowed to create reference (Create for "reference" only)
User is allowed to edit artefact (Edit for "artefact" only)
User is allowed to edit doc (Edit for "doc" only)
User is allowed to edit doc_category (Edit for "doc_category" only)
User is allowed to edit doc_status (Edit for "doc_status" only)
User is allowed to edit product_type (Edit for "product_type" only)
User is allowed to edit reference (Edit for "reference" only)
Role "dom-user-edit-facility":
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (Edit for "user": ['room'] only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user": ['room'] only)
Role "dom-user-edit-gtt":
(Search for "user_dynamic" only)
May only view/edit records with the correct domain (Edit for "user_dynamic" only)
May only view/edit records with the correct domain (View for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to create user (Create for "user" only)
User is allowed to create user_contact (Create for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to create user_dynamic (Create for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to edit user_contact (Edit for "user_contact" only)
Users may view user_dynamic records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user_dynamic" only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (Edit for "user": ['contacts', 'csv_delimiter', 'department_temp', 'entry_date', 'firstname', 'hide_message_files', 'job_description', 'lastname', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'nickname', 'pictures', 'position_text', 'room', 'sex', 'status', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'supervisor', 'sync_foreign_key', 'timezone', 'tt_lines', 'username', 'vie_user'] only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user": ['contacts', 'csv_delimiter', 'department_temp', 'entry_date', 'firstname', 'hide_message_files', 'job_description', 'lastname', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'nickname', 'pictures', 'position_text', 'room', 'sex', 'status', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'supervisor', 'sync_foreign_key', 'timezone', 'tt_lines', 'username', 'vie_user'] only)
Role "dom-user-edit-hr":
(Search for "user_dynamic" only)
May only view/edit records with the correct domain (Edit for "user_dynamic" only)
May only view/edit records with the correct domain (View for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to create user_contact (Create for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to create user_dynamic (Create for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to edit user_contact (Edit for "user_contact" only)
Users may view user_dynamic records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user_dynamic" only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (Edit for "user": ['clearance_by', 'contacts', 'csv_delimiter', 'entry_date', 'firstname', 'hide_message_files', 'job_description', 'lastname', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'nickname', 'pictures', 'position_text', 'reduced_activity_list', 'roles', 'room', 'sex', 'status', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'supervisor', 'timezone', 'tt_lines', 'vie_user'] only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user": ['clearance_by', 'contacts', 'csv_delimiter', 'entry_date', 'firstname', 'hide_message_files', 'job_description', 'lastname', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'nickname', 'pictures', 'position_text', 'reduced_activity_list', 'roles', 'room', 'sex', 'status', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'supervisor', 'timezone', 'tt_lines', 'vie_user'] only)
Role "dom-user-edit-office":
User is allowed to create user_contact (Create for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to edit user_contact (Edit for "user_contact" only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (Edit for "user": ['contacts', 'position_text', 'room'] only)
Users may view/edit user records for ad_domain for which they are in the domain_permission for the user (View for "user": ['contacts', 'position_text', 'room'] only)
Role "external":
(Search for "ext_tracker_state": ('id', 'issue') only)
(Search for "user": ('id', 'nickname', 'username') only)
External users are allowed to access issue if they are on the list of allowed external users or there is a transitive permission via containers (Edit for "issue": ['activity', 'actor', 'area', 'category', 'closed', 'composed_of', 'creation', 'creator', 'cur_est_begin', 'cur_est_end', 'deadline', 'depends', 'doc_issue_status', 'earliest_start', 'effective_prio', 'effort_hours', 'external_users', 'files', 'files_affected', 'fixed_in', 'id', 'keywords', 'kind', 'maturity_index', 'messages', 'needs', 'nosy', 'numeric_effort', 'part_of', 'planned_begin', 'planned_end', 'priority', 'release', 'responsible', 'safety_level', 'severity', 'status', 'superseder', 'test_level', 'title'] only)
External users are allowed to access issue if they are on the list of allowed external users or there is a transitive permission via containers (View for "issue": ['activity', 'actor', 'area', 'category', 'closed', 'composed_of', 'creation', 'creator', 'cur_est_begin', 'cur_est_end', 'deadline', 'depends', 'doc_issue_status', 'earliest_start', 'effective_prio', 'effort_hours', 'external_users', 'files', 'files_affected', 'fixed_in', 'id', 'keywords', 'kind', 'maturity_index', 'messages', 'needs', 'nosy', 'numeric_effort', 'part_of', 'planned_begin', 'planned_end', 'priority', 'release', 'responsible', 'safety_level', 'severity', 'status', 'superseder', 'test_level', 'title'] only)
User is allowed View on (View for "category": ('id', 'name') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('nickname', 'status', 'username') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user_status": ('name',) only)
User is allowed View on file if file is linked from an item with View permission (View for "file" only)
User is allowed View on msg if msg is linked from an item with View permission (View for "msg" only)
User is allowed to access area (View for "area" only)
User is allowed to access doc_issue_status (View for "doc_issue_status" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker (View for "ext_tracker" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_state (View for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_type (View for "ext_tracker_type" only)
User is allowed to access keyword (View for "keyword" only)
User is allowed to access kind (View for "kind" only)
User is allowed to access msg_keyword (View for "msg_keyword" only)
User is allowed to access safety_level (View for "safety_level" only)
User is allowed to access severity (View for "severity" only)
User is allowed to access status (View for "status" only)
User is allowed to access status_transition (View for "status_transition" only)
User is allowed to access test_level (View for "test_level" only)
User is allowed to create file (Create for "file" only)
User is allowed to create issue (Create for "issue" only)
User is allowed to create msg (Create for "msg" only)
User is allowed to create query (Create for "query" only)
User is allowed to edit their queries (Edit for "query" only)
User is allowed to retire their queries (Retire for "query" only)
User is allowed to search for their own files (Search for "file" only)
User is allowed to search for their own messages (Search for "msg" only)
User is allowed to search for their queries (Search for "query" only)
User is allowed to search issue (Search for "issue" only)
User is allowed to view their own files (View for "file" only)
User may access the web interface (Web Access)
User may use the email interface (Email Access)
Users are allowed to edit some of their details (Edit for "user": ('csv_delimiter', 'hide_message_files', 'password', 'timezone') only)
Users are allowed to view some of their details (View for "user": ('activity', 'actor', 'creation', 'creator', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'realname', 'username') only)
Users are allowed to view their own and public queries for classes where they have search permission (View for "query" only)
Role "facility":
(Restore for "room" only)
(Retire for "room" only)
User is allowed to create room (Create for "room" only)
User is allowed to edit room (Edit for "room" only)
Role "functional-role":
(Restore for "user_functional_role" only)
(Retire for "user_functional_role" only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "user": ('business_responsible', 'scale_seniority') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('business_responsible', 'planning_role', 'scale_seniority') only)
User is allowed to access user_functional_role (View for "user_functional_role" only)
User is allowed to create user_functional_role (Create for "user_functional_role" only)
User is allowed to edit user_functional_role (Edit for "user_functional_role" only)
Role "hr":
(Edit for "overtime_period": ('name', 'order') only)
(Restore for "room" only)
(Retire for "room" only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "daily_record": ('required_overtime', 'weekend_allowed') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "daily_record": ('status', 'time_record') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_project": ('approval_hr', 'approval_required', 'is_extern', 'is_public_holiday', 'is_special_leave', 'is_vacation', 'no_overtime', 'no_overtime_day', 'only_hours', 'overtime_reduction') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('contacts',) only)
User is allowed to access auto_wp (View for "auto_wp" only)
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to access daily_record (View for "daily_record" only)
User is allowed to access daily_record_freeze (View for "daily_record_freeze" only)
User is allowed to access leave_submission (View for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to access overtime_correction (View for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to access time_record (View for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to access user_contact (View for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to access user_dynamic (View for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to access vacation_correction (View for "vacation_correction" only)
User is allowed to create auto_wp (Create for "auto_wp" only)
User is allowed to create daily_record_freeze (Create for "daily_record_freeze" only)
User is allowed to create location (Create for "location" only)
User is allowed to create org_location (Create for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to create organisation (Create for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to create overtime_correction (Create for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to create overtime_period (Create for "overtime_period" only)
User is allowed to create product_family (Create for "product_family" only)
User is allowed to create public_holiday (Create for "public_holiday" only)
User is allowed to create reporting_group (Create for "reporting_group" only)
User is allowed to create room (Create for "room" only)
User is allowed to create sap_cc (Create for "sap_cc" only)
User is allowed to create time_record (Create for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to create uc_type (Create for "uc_type" only)
User is allowed to create user (Create for "user" only)
User is allowed to create user_dynamic (Create for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to edit auto_wp (Edit for "auto_wp" only)
User is allowed to edit dynamic user data if not frozen in validity span of dynamic user record (Edit for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to edit freeze record if not frozen at the given date (Edit for "daily_record_freeze": ('frozen',) only)
User is allowed to edit location (Edit for "location" only)
User is allowed to edit org_location (Edit for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to edit organisation (Edit for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to edit overtime correction if the overtime correction is not frozen (Edit for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to edit product_family (Edit for "product_family" only)
User is allowed to edit public_holiday (Edit for "public_holiday" only)
User is allowed to edit reporting_group (Edit for "reporting_group" only)
User is allowed to edit room (Edit for "room" only)
User is allowed to edit sap_cc (Edit for "sap_cc" only)
User is allowed to edit time_record (Edit for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to edit uc_type (Edit for "uc_type" only)
User may manipulate user Roles through the web (Web Roles)
Role "hr-leave-approval":
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "leave_submission": ('status',) only)
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to access leave_submission (View for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to access vacation_correction (View for "vacation_correction" only)
Role "hr-org-location":
(Search for "daily_record_freeze" only)
(Search for "overtime_correction" only)
(Search for "time_activity_perm" only)
(Search for "time_record" only)
(Search for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to view dynamic user data if he/she is in group HR-Org-Location and in the same Org-Location as the given user (View for "user_dynamic" only)
User is allowed to view freeze information if he/she is in group HR-Org-Location and in the same Org-Location as the given user (View for "daily_record_freeze" only)
User is allowed to view overtime information if he/she is in group HR-Org-Location and in the same Org-Location as the given user (View for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to view time record data if he/she is in group HR-Org-Location and in the same Org-Location as the given user (View for "time_record" only)
Role "hr-vacation":
User is allowed to access contract_type (View for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to access leave_submission (View for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to access vacation_correction (View for "vacation_correction" only)
User is allowed to create contract_type (Create for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to create leave_submission (Create for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to create vacation_correction (Create for "vacation_correction" only)
User is allowed to edit contract_type (Edit for "contract_type" only)
User is allowed to edit leave_submission (Edit for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to edit vacation_correction (Edit for "vacation_correction" only)
Role "issue_admin":
User is allowed Edit on msg if msg is linked from an item with Edit permission (Edit for "msg" only)
User is allowed to access issue (View for "issue" only)
User is allowed to create area (Create for "area" only)
User is allowed to create category (Create for "category" only)
User is allowed to create doc_issue_status (Create for "doc_issue_status" only)
User is allowed to create ext_tracker (Create for "ext_tracker" only)
User is allowed to create issue (Create for "issue" only)
User is allowed to create keyword (Create for "keyword" only)
User is allowed to create kind (Create for "kind" only)
User is allowed to create msg_keyword (Create for "msg_keyword" only)
User is allowed to create safety_level (Create for "safety_level" only)
User is allowed to create severity (Create for "severity" only)
User is allowed to create status (Create for "status" only)
User is allowed to create status_transition (Create for "status_transition" only)
User is allowed to create test_level (Create for "test_level" only)
User is allowed to edit area (Edit for "area" only)
User is allowed to edit category (Edit for "category" only)
User is allowed to edit doc_issue_status (Edit for "doc_issue_status" only)
User is allowed to edit ext_tracker (Edit for "ext_tracker" only)
User is allowed to edit issue (Edit for "issue" only)
User is allowed to edit keyword (Edit for "keyword" only)
User is allowed to edit kind (Edit for "kind" only)
User is allowed to edit msg_keyword (Edit for "msg_keyword" only)
User is allowed to edit safety_level (Edit for "safety_level" only)
User is allowed to edit severity (Edit for "severity" only)
User is allowed to edit status (Edit for "status" only)
User is allowed to edit status_transition (Edit for "status_transition" only)
User is allowed to edit test_level (Edit for "test_level" only)
Role "it":
Create (Create for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "file": ('name', 'type') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "location": ('domain_part',) only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "organisation": ('domain_part',) only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "user": ('ad_domain', 'nickname', 'password', 'pictures', 'roles', 'timetracking_by', 'timezone', 'username') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "user": ('address', 'alternate_addresses', 'nickname', 'password', 'timezone', 'username') only)
User is allowed Edit on file if file is linked from an item with Edit permission (Edit for "file" only)
User is allowed Edit on msg if msg is linked from an item with Edit permission (Edit for "msg" only)
User is allowed View on file if file is linked from an item with View permission (View for "file" only)
User is allowed to access domain_permission (View for "domain_permission" only)
User is allowed to access it_int_prio (View for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to access it_issue (View for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to access it_project (View for "it_project" only)
User is allowed to create domain_permission (Create for "domain_permission" only)
User is allowed to create it_category (Create for "it_category" only)
User is allowed to create it_int_prio (Create for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to create it_issue (Create for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to create it_project (Create for "it_project" only)
User is allowed to create it_request_type (Create for "it_request_type" only)
User is allowed to create mailgroup (Create for "mailgroup" only)
User is allowed to edit domain_permission (Edit for "domain_permission" only)
User is allowed to edit it_category (Edit for "it_category" only)
User is allowed to edit it_int_prio (Edit for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to edit it_issue (Edit for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to edit it_project (Edit for "it_project" only)
User is allowed to edit it_request_type (Edit for "it_request_type" only)
User is allowed to edit mailgroup (Edit for "mailgroup" only)
User may manipulate user Roles through the web (Web Roles)
Role "itview":
User is allowed to access it_int_prio (View for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to access it_issue (View for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to access it_project (View for "it_project" only)
Role "msgedit":
(Search for "msg": ('date', 'id') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "msg": ('author', 'date', 'id', 'keywords', 'subject', 'summary') only)
User is allowed to access ext_msg (View for "ext_msg" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_state (View for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_type (View for "ext_tracker_type" only)
Role "msgsync":
(Search for "msg": ('date', 'id') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "msg": ('author', 'date', 'id', 'keywords', 'subject', 'summary') only)
User is allowed to access ext_msg (View for "ext_msg" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_state (View for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_type (View for "ext_tracker_type" only)
User is allowed to create ext_msg (Create for "ext_msg" only)
User is allowed to create ext_tracker_state (Create for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to edit ext_msg (Edit for "ext_msg" only)
User is allowed to edit ext_tracker_state (Edit for "ext_tracker_state" only)
Role "nosy":
User may get nosy messages for doc (Nosy for "doc" only)
User may get nosy messages for issue (Nosy for "issue" only)
User may get nosy messages for it_issue (Nosy for "it_issue" only)
User may get nosy messages for it_project (Nosy for "it_project" only)
User may get nosy messages for support (Nosy for "support" only)
Role "office":
(Restore for "room" only)
(Retire for "room" only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('contacts',) only)
User is allowed to access user_contact (View for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to create absence (Create for "absence" only)
User is allowed to create absence_type (Create for "absence_type" only)
User is allowed to create room (Create for "room" only)
User is allowed to create uc_type (Create for "uc_type" only)
User is allowed to edit absence (Edit for "absence" only)
User is allowed to edit absence_type (Edit for "absence_type" only)
User is allowed to edit room (Edit for "room" only)
User is allowed to edit uc_type (Edit for "uc_type" only)
Role "organisation":
User is allowed to access location (View for "location" only)
User is allowed to access org_location (View for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to access organisation (View for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to create location (Create for "location" only)
User is allowed to create org_location (Create for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to create organisation (Create for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to edit location (Edit for "location" only)
User is allowed to edit org_location (Edit for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to edit organisation (Edit for "organisation" only)
Role "pgp":
Role "procurement":
(View for "sap_cc" only)
(View for "time_project" only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "sap_cc": ('group_lead', 'purchasing_agents', 'team_lead') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_project": ('group_lead', 'purchasing_agents', 'team_lead') only)
Role "project":
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_project": ('cost_center', 'department', 'deputy', 'description', 'name', 'nosy', 'organisation', 'responsible', 'status') only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "time_project": ('infosec_req', 'is_extern', 'max_hours', 'op_project', 'planned_effort', 'product_family', 'project_type', 'reporting_group', 'work_location') only)
User is allowed to access time_project (View for "time_project" only)
User is allowed to access time_report (View for "time_report" only)
User is allowed to access time_wp (View for "time_wp" only)
User is allowed to create time_project (Create for "time_project" only)
User is allowed to create time_project_status (Create for "time_project_status" only)
User is allowed to create time_wp (Create for "time_wp" only)
User is allowed to create time_wp_group (Create for "time_wp_group" only)
User is allowed to edit time_project_status (Edit for "time_project_status" only)
User is allowed to edit time_wp (Edit for "time_wp" only)
User is allowed to edit time_wp_group (Edit for "time_wp_group" only)
Role "project_view":
User is allowed to access time_project (View for "time_project" only)
User is allowed to access time_report (View for "time_report" only)
User is allowed to access time_wp (View for "time_wp" only)
Role "sec-incident-nosy":
User is allowed to access it_int_prio (View for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to access it_issue (View for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to access it_project (View for "it_project" only)
Role "sec-incident-responsible":
User is allowed to access it_int_prio (View for "it_int_prio" only)
User is allowed to access it_issue (View for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to access it_project (View for "it_project" only)
Role "staff-report":
Role "sub-login":
Role "summary_view":
Role "supportadmin":
User is allowed to access analysis_result (View for "analysis_result" only)
User is allowed to access contact (View for "contact" only)
User is allowed to access customer (View for "customer" only)
User is allowed to access customer_agreement (View for "customer_agreement" only)
User is allowed to access mailgroup (View for "mailgroup" only)
User is allowed to access return_type (View for "return_type" only)
User is allowed to access sup_classification (View for "sup_classification" only)
User is allowed to access support (View for "support" only)
User is allowed to create analysis_result (Create for "analysis_result" only)
User is allowed to create contact (Create for "contact" only)
User is allowed to create customer (Create for "customer" only)
User is allowed to create customer_agreement (Create for "customer_agreement" only)
User is allowed to create mailgroup (Create for "mailgroup" only)
User is allowed to create return_type (Create for "return_type" only)
User is allowed to create sup_classification (Create for "sup_classification" only)
User is allowed to create support (Create for "support" only)
User is allowed to edit analysis_result (Edit for "analysis_result" only)
User is allowed to edit contact (Edit for "contact" only)
User is allowed to edit customer (Edit for "customer" only)
User is allowed to edit customer_agreement (Edit for "customer_agreement" only)
User is allowed to edit mailgroup (Edit for "mailgroup" only)
User is allowed to edit return_type (Edit for "return_type" only)
User is allowed to edit sup_classification (Edit for "sup_classification" only)
User is allowed to edit support (Edit for "support" only)
Role "time-report":
User is allowed to access time_report (View for "time_report" only)
User is allowed to create time_report (Create for "time_report" only)
User is allowed to edit time_report (Edit for "time_report" only)
User may edit own file (file created by user) (Edit for "file" only)
Role "user":
(Search for "time_project": ('activity', 'actor', 'creation', 'creator', 'deputy', 'description', 'id', 'is_extern', 'is_public_holiday', 'is_special_leave', 'is_vacation', 'name', 'nosy', 'only_hours', 'op_project', 'overtime_reduction', 'responsible', 'status', 'work_location', 'wps') only)
(Search for "time_wp": ('activity', 'actor', 'auto_wp', 'bookers', 'cost_center', 'creation', 'creator', 'description', 'durations_allowed', 'epic_key', 'has_expiration_date', 'id', 'is_extern', 'is_public', 'name', 'project', 'responsible', 'time_end', 'time_start', 'time_wp_summary_no', 'travel', 'wp_no') only)
(View for "time_project": ('activity', 'actor', 'creation', 'creator', 'deputy', 'description', 'id', 'is_extern', 'is_public_holiday', 'is_special_leave', 'is_vacation', 'name', 'nosy', 'only_hours', 'op_project', 'overtime_reduction', 'responsible', 'status', 'work_location', 'wps') only)
Search (Search for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed Edit on (Edit for "msg": ('keywords',) only)
User is allowed Edit on file if file is linked from an item with Edit permission (Edit for "file" only)
User is allowed Edit on issue if issue is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (Edit for "issue" only)
User is allowed Edit on it_issue if it_issue is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (Edit for "it_issue": ('messages', 'files', 'nosy') only)
User is allowed Edit on it_project if it_project is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (Edit for "it_project": ('messages', 'files', 'nosy') only)
User is allowed Edit on support if support is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (Edit for "support": ('analysis_end', 'analysis_result', 'analysis_start', 'bcc', 'business_unit', 'category', 'cc', 'cc_emails', 'classification', 'closed', 'confidential', 'customer', 'emails', 'execution', 'external_ref', 'files', 'goods_received', 'goods_sent', 'lot', 'messages', 'nosy', 'number_effected', 'numeric_effort', 'prio', 'prodcat', 'product', 'related_issues', 'related_support', 'release', 'responsible', 'return_type', 'sap_ref', 'send_to_customer', 'serial_number', 'set_first_reply', 'status', 'superseder', 'title', 'type', 'warranty') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('activity', 'actor', 'ad_domain', 'address', 'alternate_addresses', 'business_responsible', 'clearance_by', 'creation', 'creator', 'firstname', 'id', 'job_description', 'lastname', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'nickname', 'pictures', 'position_text', 'queries', 'realname', 'room', 'sex', 'status', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'supervisor', 'timezone', 'title', 'tt_lines', 'username') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('activity', 'actor', 'address', 'alternate_addresses', 'creation', 'creator', 'id', 'queries', 'realname', 'status', 'timezone', 'username') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('business_responsible', 'department_temp', 'timetracking_by', 'vie_user', 'vie_user_bl_override', 'vie_user_ml') only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user": ('contacts',) only)
User is allowed View on (View for "user_dynamic": ('department', 'org_location') only)
User is allowed View on file if file is linked from an item with View permission (View for "file" only)
User is allowed View on issue if issue is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (View for "issue" only)
User is allowed View on it_issue if it_issue is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (View for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed View on it_project if it_project is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (View for "it_project" only)
User is allowed View on msg if msg is linked from an item with View permission (View for "msg" only)
User is allowed View on support if support is non-confidential or user is on nosy list (View for "support" only)
User is allowed to access absence (View for "absence" only)
User is allowed to access absence_type (View for "absence_type" only)
User is allowed to access analysis_result (View for "analysis_result" only)
User is allowed to access area (View for "area" only)
User is allowed to access artefact (View for "artefact" only)
User is allowed to access business_unit (View for "business_unit" only)
User is allowed to access category (View for "category" only)
User is allowed to access contact (View for "contact" only)
User is allowed to access contact_type (View for "contact_type" only)
User is allowed to access cost_center (View for "cost_center" only)
User is allowed to access cost_center_group (View for "cost_center_group" only)
User is allowed to access cost_center_permission_group (View for "cost_center_permission_group" only)
User is allowed to access cost_center_status (View for "cost_center_status" only)
User is allowed to access customer (View for "customer" only)
User is allowed to access customer_agreement (View for "customer_agreement" only)
User is allowed to access daily record if he is owner or supervisor or timetracking-by user (Edit for "daily_record": ('status', 'time_record') only)
User is allowed to access daily record if he is owner or supervisor or timetracking-by user (View for "daily_record" only)
User is allowed to access daily_record_status (View for "daily_record_status" only)
User is allowed to access department (View for "department" only)
User is allowed to access doc (View for "doc" only)
User is allowed to access doc_category (View for "doc_category" only)
User is allowed to access doc_issue_status (View for "doc_issue_status" only)
User is allowed to access doc_status (View for "doc_status" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker (View for "ext_tracker" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_state (View for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to access ext_tracker_type (View for "ext_tracker_type" only)
User is allowed to access functional_role (View for "functional_role" only)
User is allowed to access it_category (View for "it_category" only)
User is allowed to access it_issue_status (View for "it_issue_status" only)
User is allowed to access it_prio (View for "it_prio" only)
User is allowed to access it_project_status (View for "it_project_status" only)
User is allowed to access it_request_type (View for "it_request_type" only)
User is allowed to access keyword (View for "keyword" only)
User is allowed to access kind (View for "kind" only)
User is allowed to access leave_status (View for "leave_status" only)
User is allowed to access location (View for "location" only)
User is allowed to access mailgroup (View for "mailgroup" only)
User is allowed to access msg_keyword (View for "msg_keyword" only)
User is allowed to access org_group (View for "org_group" only)
User is allowed to access org_location (View for "org_location" only)
User is allowed to access organisation (View for "organisation" only)
User is allowed to access overtime_period (View for "overtime_period" only)
User is allowed to access prodcat (View for "prodcat" only)
User is allowed to access product (View for "product" only)
User is allowed to access product_family (View for "product_family" only)
User is allowed to access product_type (View for "product_type" only)
User is allowed to access project_type (View for "project_type" only)
User is allowed to access public_holiday (View for "public_holiday" only)
User is allowed to access reference (View for "reference" only)
User is allowed to access reporting_group (View for "reporting_group" only)
User is allowed to access return_type (View for "return_type" only)
User is allowed to access room (View for "room" only)
User is allowed to access safety_level (View for "safety_level" only)
User is allowed to access sap_cc (View for "sap_cc" only)
User is allowed to access severity (View for "severity" only)
User is allowed to access sex (View for "sex" only)
User is allowed to access status (View for "status" only)
User is allowed to access status_transition (View for "status_transition" only)
User is allowed to access summary_report (View for "summary_report" only)
User is allowed to access summary_type (View for "summary_type" only)
User is allowed to access sup_classification (View for "sup_classification" only)
User is allowed to access sup_execution (View for "sup_execution" only)
User is allowed to access sup_prio (View for "sup_prio" only)
User is allowed to access sup_status (View for "sup_status" only)
User is allowed to access sup_type (View for "sup_type" only)
User is allowed to access sup_warranty (View for "sup_warranty" only)
User is allowed to access test_level (View for "test_level" only)
User is allowed to access time_activity (View for "time_activity" only)
User is allowed to access time_activity_perm (View for "time_activity_perm" only)
User is allowed to access time_project_status (View for "time_project_status" only)
User is allowed to access time_wp_group (View for "time_wp_group" only)
User is allowed to access time_wp_summary_no (View for "time_wp_summary_no" only)
User is allowed to access timesheet (View for "timesheet" only)
User is allowed to access uc_type (View for "uc_type" only)
User is allowed to access user_status (View for "user_status" only)
User is allowed to access vac_aliq (View for "vac_aliq" only)
User is allowed to access vacation_report (View for "vacation_report" only)
User is allowed to access work_location (View for "work_location" only)
User is allowed to create daily_record (Create for "daily_record" only)
User is allowed to create doc (Create for "doc" only)
User is allowed to create ext_tracker_state (Create for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to create file (Create for "file" only)
User is allowed to create issue (Create for "issue" only)
User is allowed to create it_issue (Create for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to create leave_submission (Create for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to create msg (Create for "msg" only)
User is allowed to create queries (Create for "query" only)
User is allowed to create support (Create for "support" only)
User is allowed to create time_record (Create for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to create time_wp (Create for "time_wp" only)
User is allowed to edit (some of) their own user details (Edit for "user": ('csv_delimiter', 'hide_message_files', 'lunch_duration', 'lunch_start', 'password', 'queries', 'realname', 'room', 'subst_active', 'substitute', 'timezone', 'tt_lines') only)
User is allowed to edit category if he is responsible for it (Edit for "category": ('nosy', 'default_part_of') only)
User is allowed to edit doc (Edit for "doc" only)
User is allowed to edit ext_tracker_state (Edit for "ext_tracker_state" only)
User is allowed to edit if he's the owner of the contact (Edit for "user_contact": ('visible',) only)
User is allowed to edit several fields if he is Responsible for an it_issue (Edit for "it_issue": ('responsible',) only)
User is allowed to edit several fields if he is Stakeholder/Responsible for an it_issue (Edit for "it_issue": ('deadline', 'status', 'title') only)
User is allowed to edit their queries (Edit for "query" only)
User is allowed to edit time category if the status is "Open" and he is responsible for the time category (Edit for "time_project": ('deputy', 'planned_effort', 'nosy') only)
User is allowed to edit workpackage if he is time category owner or deputy (Edit for "time_wp": ('cost_center', 'is_public', 'name', 'responsible', 'time_wp_summary_no', 'wp_no') only)
User is allowed to retire their queries (Retire for "query" only)
User is allowed to search daily_record (Search for "daily_record" only)
User is allowed to search for their own files (Search for "file" only)
User is allowed to search for their own messages (Search for "msg" only)
User is allowed to search for their queries (Search for "query" only)
User is allowed to search issue (Search for "issue" only)
User is allowed to search it_issue (Search for "it_issue" only)
User is allowed to search it_project (Search for "it_project" only)
User is allowed to search leave_submission (Search for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to search support (Search for "support" only)
User is allowed to search time_record (Search for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to search time_wp (Search for "time_wp": ('activity', 'actor', 'auto_wp', 'cost_center', 'creation', 'creator', 'description', 'durations_allowed', 'epic_key', 'has_expiration_date', 'is_extern', 'is_public', 'id', 'name', 'project', 'responsible', 'time_end', 'time_start', 'time_wp_summary_no', 'travel', 'wp_no') only)
User is allowed to search user_status (Search for "user": ('status',) only)
User is allowed to see time record if he is allowed to see all details on work package or User may view a daily_record (and time_records that are attached to that daily_record) if the user owns the daily_record or has role 'HR' or 'Controlling', or the user is supervisor or substitute supervisor of the owner of the daily record (the supervisor relationship is transitive) or the user is the department manager of the owner of the daily record. If user has role HR-Org-Location and is in the same Org-Location as the record, it may also be seen (View for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to view (some of) their own user details (View for "user": ('entry_date', 'planning_role') only)
User is allowed to view contact if he's the owner of the contact or the contact is marked visible (View for "user_contact" only)
User is allowed to view leave submission if he is the supervisor or the person to whom approvals are delegated (Edit for "leave_submission": ('status',) only)
User is allowed to view leave submission if he is the supervisor or the person to whom approvals are delegated (View for "leave_submission" only)
User is allowed to view selected fields in work package if booking is allowed for this user (also applies to timetracking by, supervisor and approval delegated) (View for "time_wp": ('activity', 'actor', 'cost_center', 'creation', 'creator', 'description', 'durations_allowed', 'epic_key', 'has_expiration_date', 'id', 'is_extern', 'is_public', 'name', 'project', 'responsible', 'time_end', 'time_start', 'time_wp_summary_no', 'travel', 'wp_no') only)
User is allowed to view their own files (View for "file" only)
User is allowed to view their own messages (View for "msg" only)
User is allowed to view their own overtime information (View for "overtime_correction" only)
User is allowed to view time record if he is the supervisor or the person to whom approvals are delegated (View for "time_record" only)
User is allowed to view work package and time category names if he/she has role HR or HR-Org-Location (View for "time_project": ('name',) only)
User is allowed to view work package and time category names if he/she has role HR or HR-Org-Location (View for "time_wp": ('name', 'project') only)
User is allowed to view/edit workpackage if he is owner or project responsible/deputy (Edit for "time_wp": ('bookers', 'description', 'epic_key', 'planned_effort', 'time_end', 'time_start', 'time_wp_summary_no') only)
User may access the rest interface (Rest Access)
User may access the web interface (Web Access)
User may access the xmlrpc interface (Xmlrpc Access)
User may edit own leave submissions (Edit for "leave_submission": ('comment', 'comment_cancel', 'first_day', 'last_day', 'status', 'time_wp', 'user') only)
User may edit own leave submissions (View for "leave_submission": ('comment', 'comment_cancel', 'first_day', 'last_day', 'status', 'time_wp', 'user') only)
User may see time report if reponsible or deputy of time project or on nosy list of time project (View for "time_report" only)
User may use the email interface (Email Access)
User may view a daily_record (and time_records that are attached to that daily_record) if the user owns the daily_record or has role 'HR' or 'Controlling', or the user is supervisor or substitute supervisor of the owner of the daily record (the supervisor relationship is transitive) or the user is the department manager of the owner of the daily record. If user has role HR-Org-Location and is in the same Org-Location as the record, it may also be seen (View for "daily_record" only)
User may view their own user functional role (View for "user_functional_role" only)
User may view time category if user is owner or deputy of time category or on nosy list of time category or if user is department manager of time category (View for "time_project" only)
User may view work package if responsible for it, if user is owner or deputy of time category or on nosy list of time category or if user is department manager of time category (View for "time_wp" only)
User or Timetracking by user may edit time_records owned by user (Edit for "time_record" only)
User or Timetracking by user may edit time_records owned by user (Restore for "time_record" only)
User or Timetracking by user may edit time_records owned by user (Retire for "time_record" only)
User or Timetracking by user may edit time_records owned by user (View for "time_record" only)
Users are allowed to view their own and public queries for classes where they have search permission (View for "query" only)
Users may see daily record if they may see one of the time_records for that day (View for "daily_record" only)
Role "user_view":
User is allowed to access user (View for "user" only)
Role "vacation-report":
""".strip ()
tc = int(input())
while tc:
tc -= 1
best = 0
n, x = map(int, input().split())
for i in range(n):
s, r = map(int, input().split())
if x >= s:
best = max(best, r)
print(best) |
# Copyright (c) 2020, Andrey "Limych" Khrolenok <[email protected]>
# Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Public License
# (see or
The Snowtire binary sensor.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
# This class encapsulates a Region Of Interest, which may be either horizontal
# (pixels) or vertical (rows/lines).
class ROI:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.len = end - start + 1
def valid(self):
return self.start >= 0 and self.start < self.end
def crop(self, spectrum):
return spectrum[self.start:self.end+1]
def contains(self, value):
return self.start <= value <= self.end
__all__ = ['EnemyBucketWithStar',
days_of_week = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday', 'Sunday']
operation = ''
options = ['Info', 'Check-in/Out', 'Edit games', 'Back']
admins = ['admin1_telegram_nickname', 'admin2_telegram_nickname']
avail_days = []
TOKEN = 'bot_token'
group_id = id_of_group_chat |
Subsets and Splits