NOTES = { 'notes': [ {'date': '2014-05-22T00:00:00Z', 'note': 'Second Note'}, {'date': '2014-05-21T14:02:45Z', 'note': 'First Note'} ] } SUBJECT = { "subject": ['HB1-3840', 'H'] } OWNER = { "owner": "Owner" } EDITORIAL = { "editor_group": "editorgroup", "editor": "associate" } SEAL = { "doaj_seal": True, }
notes = {'notes': [{'date': '2014-05-22T00:00:00Z', 'note': 'Second Note'}, {'date': '2014-05-21T14:02:45Z', 'note': 'First Note'}]} subject = {'subject': ['HB1-3840', 'H']} owner = {'owner': 'Owner'} editorial = {'editor_group': 'editorgroup', 'editor': 'associate'} seal = {'doaj_seal': True}
def fatorial(n): f = 1 while n != 0: f *= n n -= 1 return f def dobro(n): n *= 2 return n def triplo(n): n *= 3 return n
def fatorial(n): f = 1 while n != 0: f *= n n -= 1 return f def dobro(n): n *= 2 return n def triplo(n): n *= 3 return n
#!/usr/bin/python3 # If F(a) is any function that can be defined as composition of bitwise XORs, ANDs and left shifts # Then the dynac system x_(n+1) = F(x_n) is Turing complete # Proof by simulation (rule110) a = 1 while a: print(bin(a)) a = a ^ (a << 1) ^ (a & (a << 1)) ^ (a & (a << 1) & (a << 2))
a = 1 while a: print(bin(a)) a = a ^ a << 1 ^ a & a << 1 ^ a & a << 1 & a << 2
load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "maven_jar") def external_plugin_deps(omit_commons_codec = True): JACKSON_VERS = "2.10.2" maven_jar( name = "scribejava-core", artifact = "com.github.scribejava:scribejava-core:6.9.0", sha1 = "ed761f450d8382f75787e8fee9ae52e7ec768747", ) maven_jar( name = "jackson-annotations", artifact = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:" + JACKSON_VERS, sha1 = "3a13b6105946541b8d4181a0506355b5fae63260", ) maven_jar( name = "jackson-databind", artifact = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:" + JACKSON_VERS, sha1 = "0528de95f198afafbcfb0c09d2e43b6e0ea663ec", deps = [ "@jackson-annotations//jar", ], ) if not omit_commons_codec: maven_jar( name = "commons-codec", artifact = "commons-codec:commons-codec:1.4", sha1 = "4216af16d38465bbab0f3dff8efa14204f7a399a", )
load('//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl', 'maven_jar') def external_plugin_deps(omit_commons_codec=True): jackson_vers = '2.10.2' maven_jar(name='scribejava-core', artifact='com.github.scribejava:scribejava-core:6.9.0', sha1='ed761f450d8382f75787e8fee9ae52e7ec768747') maven_jar(name='jackson-annotations', artifact='com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:' + JACKSON_VERS, sha1='3a13b6105946541b8d4181a0506355b5fae63260') maven_jar(name='jackson-databind', artifact='com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:' + JACKSON_VERS, sha1='0528de95f198afafbcfb0c09d2e43b6e0ea663ec', deps=['@jackson-annotations//jar']) if not omit_commons_codec: maven_jar(name='commons-codec', artifact='commons-codec:commons-codec:1.4', sha1='4216af16d38465bbab0f3dff8efa14204f7a399a')
def load(h): return ({'abbr': 0, 'code': 0, 'title': 'There is no appended list'}, {'abbr': 1, 'code': 1, 'title': 'Numbers define number of points corresponding to full coordinate ' 'circles (i.e. parallels), coordinate values on each circle are ' 'multiple of the circle mesh, and extreme coordinate values given ' 'in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) may not be reached in ' 'all rows'}, {'abbr': 2, 'code': 2, 'title': 'Numbers define number of points corresponding to coordinate lines ' 'delimited by extreme coordinate values given in grid definition ' '(i.e. extreme longitudes) which are present in each row'}, {'abbr': 3, 'code': 3, 'title': 'Numbers define the actual latitudes for each row in the grid. The ' 'list of numbers are integer values of the valid latitudes in ' 'microdegrees (scaled by 10-6) or in unit equal to the ratio of the ' 'basic angle and the subdivisions number for each row, in the same ' 'order as specified in the scanning mode flag', 'units': 'bit no. 2'}, {'abbr': None, 'code': 255, 'title': 'Missing'})
def load(h): return ({'abbr': 0, 'code': 0, 'title': 'There is no appended list'}, {'abbr': 1, 'code': 1, 'title': 'Numbers define number of points corresponding to full coordinate circles (i.e. parallels), coordinate values on each circle are multiple of the circle mesh, and extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) may not be reached in all rows'}, {'abbr': 2, 'code': 2, 'title': 'Numbers define number of points corresponding to coordinate lines delimited by extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) which are present in each row'}, {'abbr': 3, 'code': 3, 'title': 'Numbers define the actual latitudes for each row in the grid. The list of numbers are integer values of the valid latitudes in microdegrees (scaled by 10-6) or in unit equal to the ratio of the basic angle and the subdivisions number for each row, in the same order as specified in the scanning mode flag', 'units': 'bit no. 2'}, {'abbr': None, 'code': 255, 'title': 'Missing'})
# Definition for singly-linked list. class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x = None class Solution: def getIntersectionNode(self, headA: ListNode, headB: ListNode) -> ListNode: seen = set() curr = headA while curr: seen.add(curr) curr = curr = headB while curr: if curr in seen: return curr curr = return None
class Listnode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x = None class Solution: def get_intersection_node(self, headA: ListNode, headB: ListNode) -> ListNode: seen = set() curr = headA while curr: seen.add(curr) curr = curr = headB while curr: if curr in seen: return curr curr = return None
# Copyright 2020 Plezentek, Inc. All rights reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load( "//sqlc/private:providers.bzl", "SQLCRelease", ) load( "//sqlc/private/rules_go/lib:platforms.bzl", "PLATFORMS", ) def _sqlc_toolchain_impl(ctx): release = ctx.attr.release[SQLCRelease] cross_compile = ctx.attr.goos != release.goos or ctx.attr.goarch != release.goarch return [platform_common.ToolchainInfo( name =, cross_compile = cross_compile, default_goos = ctx.attr.goos, default_goarch = ctx.attr.goarch, actions = struct(), flags = struct(), release = release, )] sqlc_toolchain = rule( _sqlc_toolchain_impl, attrs = { "goos": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Default target OS", ), "goarch": attr.string( mandatory = True, doc = "Default target architecture", ), "release": attr.label( mandatory = True, providers = [SQLCRelease], cfg = "exec", doc = "The SQLC release this toolchain is based on", ), }, doc = "Defines a SQLC toolchain based on a release", provides = [platform_common.ToolchainInfo], ) def declare_toolchains(host, release): host_goos, _, host_goarch = host.partition("_") for p in PLATFORMS: toolchain_name = "sqlc_" + impl_name = toolchain_name + "-impl" cgo_constraints = ( "@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:cgo_off", "@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:cgo_on", ) constraints = [c for c in p.constraints if c not in cgo_constraints] sqlc_toolchain( name = impl_name, goos = p.goos, goarch = p.goarch, release = release, tags = ["manual"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) native.toolchain( name = toolchain_name, toolchain_type = "@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc:toolchain", exec_compatible_with = [ "@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:" + host_goos, "@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:" + host_goarch, ], target_compatible_with = constraints, toolchain = ":" + impl_name, )
load('//sqlc/private:providers.bzl', 'SQLCRelease') load('//sqlc/private/rules_go/lib:platforms.bzl', 'PLATFORMS') def _sqlc_toolchain_impl(ctx): release = ctx.attr.release[SQLCRelease] cross_compile = ctx.attr.goos != release.goos or ctx.attr.goarch != release.goarch return [platform_common.ToolchainInfo(, cross_compile=cross_compile, default_goos=ctx.attr.goos, default_goarch=ctx.attr.goarch, actions=struct(), flags=struct(), release=release)] sqlc_toolchain = rule(_sqlc_toolchain_impl, attrs={'goos': attr.string(mandatory=True, doc='Default target OS'), 'goarch': attr.string(mandatory=True, doc='Default target architecture'), 'release': attr.label(mandatory=True, providers=[SQLCRelease], cfg='exec', doc='The SQLC release this toolchain is based on')}, doc='Defines a SQLC toolchain based on a release', provides=[platform_common.ToolchainInfo]) def declare_toolchains(host, release): (host_goos, _, host_goarch) = host.partition('_') for p in PLATFORMS: toolchain_name = 'sqlc_' + impl_name = toolchain_name + '-impl' cgo_constraints = ('@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:cgo_off', '@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:cgo_on') constraints = [c for c in p.constraints if c not in cgo_constraints] sqlc_toolchain(name=impl_name, goos=p.goos, goarch=p.goarch, release=release, tags=['manual'], visibility=['//visibility:public']) native.toolchain(name=toolchain_name, toolchain_type='@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc:toolchain', exec_compatible_with=['@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:' + host_goos, '@com_plezentek_rules_sqlc//sqlc/toolchain:' + host_goarch], target_compatible_with=constraints, toolchain=':' + impl_name)
root = { "general" : { "display_viewer" : False, #The visible GPUS will be restricted to the numbers listed here. The pytorch (cuda:0) numeration will start at 0 #This is a trick to get everything onto the wanted gpus because just setting cuda:4 in the function calls will #not work for mmdetection. There will still be things on gpu cuda:0. "cuda_visible_devices" : "1", "save_track_results" : True }, "data" : { # To increase the speed while developing an specific interval of all frames can be set. "selection_interval" : [0,10000], "source" : { "base_folder" : "/u40/zhanr110/MTA_ext_short/test", # "base_folder" : "/Users/nolanzhang/Projects/mtmct/data/MTA_ext_short/test", "cam_ids" : [1] } }, "detector" : { # "mmdetection_config" : "detectors/mmdetection/configs/", "mmdetection_config" : "detectors/mmdetection/configs/mta/", # "mmdetection_checkpoint_file" : "work_dirs/detector/faster_rcnn_gta22.07_epoch_5.pth", "mmdetection_checkpoint_file" : "detectors/mmdetection/work_dirs/GtaDataset_30e/epoch_20.pth", "device" : "cuda:0", #Remove all detections with a confidence less than min_confidence "min_confidence" : 0.8, }, "feature_extractor" : { "feature_extractor_name" : "abd_net_extractor" ,"reid_strong_extractor": { "reid_strong_baseline_config": "feature_extractors/reid_strong_baseline/configs/softmax_triplet.yml", "checkpoint_file": "work_dirs/feature_extractor/strong_reid_baseline/resnet50_model_reid_GTA_softmax_triplet.pth", "device": "cuda:0,1" ,"visible_device" : "0,1"} ,"abd_net_extractor" : dict(abd_dan=['cam', 'pam'], abd_dan_no_head=False, abd_dim=1024, abd_np=2, adam_beta1=0.9, adam_beta2=0.999, arch='resnet50', branches=['global', 'abd'], compatibility=False, criterion='htri', cuhk03_classic_split=False, cuhk03_labeled=False, dan_dan=[], dan_dan_no_head=False, dan_dim=1024, data_augment=['crop,random-erase'], day_only=False, dropout=0.5, eval_freq=5, evaluate=False, fixbase=False, fixbase_epoch=10, flip_eval=False, gamma=0.1, global_dim=1024, global_max_pooling=False, gpu_devices='1', height=384, htri_only=False, label_smooth=True, lambda_htri=0.1, lambda_xent=1, lr=0.0003, margin=1.2, max_epoch=80, min_height=-1, momentum=0.9, night_only=False, np_dim=1024, np_max_pooling=False, np_np=2, np_with_global=False, num_instances=4, of_beta=1e-06, of_position=['before', 'after', 'cam', 'pam', 'intermediate'], of_start_epoch=23, open_layers=['classifier'], optim='adam', ow_beta=0.001, pool_tracklet_features='avg', print_freq=10, resume='', rmsprop_alpha=0.99 , load_weights='work_dirs/feature_extractor/abd-net/checkpoint_ep30_non_clean.pth.tar' # , load_weights='work_dirs/feature_extractor/abd-net/resnet50-19c8e357.pth' , root='work_dirs/datasets' , sample_method='evenly' , save_dir='work_dirs/feature_extractor/abd-net/log/eval-resnet50' , seed=1, seq_len=15, sgd_dampening=0, sgd_nesterov=False, shallow_cam=True, source_names=['mta_ext'], split_id=0, start_epoch=0, start_eval=0, stepsize=[20, 40], target_names=['market1501'], test_batch_size=100, train_batch_size=64, train_sampler='', use_avai_gpus=False, use_cpu=False, use_metric_cuhk03=False, use_of=True, use_ow=True, visualize_ranks=False, weight_decay=0.0005, width=128, workers=4) }, "tracker" : { "type" : "DeepSort", "nn_budget" : 100 } }
root = {'general': {'display_viewer': False, 'cuda_visible_devices': '1', 'save_track_results': True}, 'data': {'selection_interval': [0, 10000], 'source': {'base_folder': '/u40/zhanr110/MTA_ext_short/test', 'cam_ids': [1]}}, 'detector': {'mmdetection_config': 'detectors/mmdetection/configs/mta/', 'mmdetection_checkpoint_file': 'detectors/mmdetection/work_dirs/GtaDataset_30e/epoch_20.pth', 'device': 'cuda:0', 'min_confidence': 0.8}, 'feature_extractor': {'feature_extractor_name': 'abd_net_extractor', 'reid_strong_extractor': {'reid_strong_baseline_config': 'feature_extractors/reid_strong_baseline/configs/softmax_triplet.yml', 'checkpoint_file': 'work_dirs/feature_extractor/strong_reid_baseline/resnet50_model_reid_GTA_softmax_triplet.pth', 'device': 'cuda:0,1', 'visible_device': '0,1'}, 'abd_net_extractor': dict(abd_dan=['cam', 'pam'], abd_dan_no_head=False, abd_dim=1024, abd_np=2, adam_beta1=0.9, adam_beta2=0.999, arch='resnet50', branches=['global', 'abd'], compatibility=False, criterion='htri', cuhk03_classic_split=False, cuhk03_labeled=False, dan_dan=[], dan_dan_no_head=False, dan_dim=1024, data_augment=['crop,random-erase'], day_only=False, dropout=0.5, eval_freq=5, evaluate=False, fixbase=False, fixbase_epoch=10, flip_eval=False, gamma=0.1, global_dim=1024, global_max_pooling=False, gpu_devices='1', height=384, htri_only=False, label_smooth=True, lambda_htri=0.1, lambda_xent=1, lr=0.0003, margin=1.2, max_epoch=80, min_height=-1, momentum=0.9, night_only=False, np_dim=1024, np_max_pooling=False, np_np=2, np_with_global=False, num_instances=4, of_beta=1e-06, of_position=['before', 'after', 'cam', 'pam', 'intermediate'], of_start_epoch=23, open_layers=['classifier'], optim='adam', ow_beta=0.001, pool_tracklet_features='avg', print_freq=10, resume='', rmsprop_alpha=0.99, load_weights='work_dirs/feature_extractor/abd-net/checkpoint_ep30_non_clean.pth.tar', root='work_dirs/datasets', sample_method='evenly', save_dir='work_dirs/feature_extractor/abd-net/log/eval-resnet50', seed=1, seq_len=15, sgd_dampening=0, sgd_nesterov=False, shallow_cam=True, source_names=['mta_ext'], split_id=0, start_epoch=0, start_eval=0, stepsize=[20, 40], target_names=['market1501'], test_batch_size=100, train_batch_size=64, train_sampler='', use_avai_gpus=False, use_cpu=False, use_metric_cuhk03=False, use_of=True, use_ow=True, visualize_ranks=False, weight_decay=0.0005, width=128, workers=4)}, 'tracker': {'type': 'DeepSort', 'nn_budget': 100}}
i=input("Enter a string: ") list = i.split() list.sort() for i in list: print(i,end=' ')
i = input('Enter a string: ') list = i.split() list.sort() for i in list: print(i, end=' ')
def test_one_plus_one_is_two(): assert 1 + 1 == 2 #o assert espera que algo seja verdadeiro, se for falso o teste quebrou def test_negative_1_plus_1_is_3(): assert 1 + 1 == 3
def test_one_plus_one_is_two(): assert 1 + 1 == 2 def test_negative_1_plus_1_is_3(): assert 1 + 1 == 3
values = [] for i in range(9): values.append(int(input(''))) max_value = 0 location = 0 for i in range(9): if values[i] > max_value: max_value = values[i] location = i+1 print(max_value) print(location)
values = [] for i in range(9): values.append(int(input(''))) max_value = 0 location = 0 for i in range(9): if values[i] > max_value: max_value = values[i] location = i + 1 print(max_value) print(location)
# OpenWeatherMap API Key weather_api_key = "MyOpenWeatherMapAPIKey" # Google API Key g_key = "MyGoogleKey"
weather_api_key = 'MyOpenWeatherMapAPIKey' g_key = 'MyGoogleKey'
def attack(): pass def defend(): pass def pass_turn(): pass def use_ability_One(kit): pass def use_ability_Two(kit): pass def end_Of_Battle(): pass
def attack(): pass def defend(): pass def pass_turn(): pass def use_ability__one(kit): pass def use_ability__two(kit): pass def end__of__battle(): pass
mail_settings = { "MAIL_SERVER": '', "MAIL_PORT": 465, "MAIL_USE_TLS": False, "MAIL_USE_SSL": True, "MAIL_USERNAME": '[email protected]', "MAIL_PASSWORD": 'C003.teste' }
mail_settings = {'MAIL_SERVER': '', 'MAIL_PORT': 465, 'MAIL_USE_TLS': False, 'MAIL_USE_SSL': True, 'MAIL_USERNAME': '[email protected]', 'MAIL_PASSWORD': 'C003.teste'}
class Solution: def maxArea(self, height) -> int: left=0 right=len(height)-1 res=min(height[left],height[right])*(right-left) while right>left: res=max(res,(right-left)*min(height[right],height[left])) if height[left]<height[right]: left+=1 else: right-=1 return res if __name__ == '__main__': sol=Solution() # height = [1, 1] height=[1,3,2,5,25,24,5] print(sol.maxArea(height))
class Solution: def max_area(self, height) -> int: left = 0 right = len(height) - 1 res = min(height[left], height[right]) * (right - left) while right > left: res = max(res, (right - left) * min(height[right], height[left])) if height[left] < height[right]: left += 1 else: right -= 1 return res if __name__ == '__main__': sol = solution() height = [1, 3, 2, 5, 25, 24, 5] print(sol.maxArea(height))
# Copyright (c) 2021, Omid Erfanmanesh, All rights reserved. class RuntimeMode: TRAIN = 0 TUNING = 1 CROSS_VAL = 2 FEATURE_IMPORTANCE = 3
class Runtimemode: train = 0 tuning = 1 cross_val = 2 feature_importance = 3
# # Example file for HelloWorld # def main(): print("Hello World") name = input("What is your name? ") print("Nice to meet you,", name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def main(): print('Hello World') name = input('What is your name? ') print('Nice to meet you,', name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
class DispatchConfig: def __init__(self, raw_config): self.registered_commands = {} for package in raw_config["handlers"]: for command in package["commands"]: self.registered_commands[command] = { "class": package["class"], "fullpath": ".".join([package["package"], package["module"], package["class"]]) } def get_handler_by_command(self, command): if command in self.registered_commands: return self.registered_commands[command] else: return None
class Dispatchconfig: def __init__(self, raw_config): self.registered_commands = {} for package in raw_config['handlers']: for command in package['commands']: self.registered_commands[command] = {'class': package['class'], 'fullpath': '.'.join([package['package'], package['module'], package['class']])} def get_handler_by_command(self, command): if command in self.registered_commands: return self.registered_commands[command] else: return None
"set operations for multiple sequences" def intersect(*args): res = [] for x in args[0]: # scan the first list for other in args[1:]: # for all other arguments if x not in other: break # this item in each one? else: res.append(x) # add common items to the end return res def union(*args): res = [] for seq in args: # for all sequence-arguments for x in seq: # for all nodes in argument if not x in res: res.append(x) # add new items to result return res
"""set operations for multiple sequences""" def intersect(*args): res = [] for x in args[0]: for other in args[1:]: if x not in other: break else: res.append(x) return res def union(*args): res = [] for seq in args: for x in seq: if not x in res: res.append(x) return res
msg_dict = { 'resource_not_found': 'The resource you specified was not found', 'invalid_gender': "The gender you specified is invalid!!", 'many_invalid_fields': 'Some errors occured while validating some fields. Please check and try again', 'unique': 'The {} you inputted already exists', 'user_not_found': 'The user with that username/email and password combination was not found', 'email_not_found': 'A user with email `{}` does not exist', 'user_already_verified': 'The user with that email has already been verified', 'invalid_flight_type': 'Flight type must be either international or local', 'invalid_flight_schedule': 'Flight schedule must be at least 12 hours before it is created', 'resource_id_not_found': 'The {} with that id was not found', 'user_book_flight_twice': 'You had previously booked for this Flight and thus cannot do it again', 'flight_booking_expired': 'You cannot book for a flight less than 24 hours before the flight', 'flight_schedule_expired': 'The schedule of this flight has already passed and thus you cannot book it', 'missing_field': 'You forgot to include this field', 'value_not_a_file': 'The value you inputted is not a file', 'not_an_image': 'The file you uploaded is not a valid image', 'image_too_large': 'Image must not be more than 2MB', 'payment_link_error': 'An error occurred while creating payment link', 'booking_already_paid': 'You have already paid for this flight', 'booking_expired': 'Your booking has expired, thus you cannot pay for this ticket', 'invalid_url': 'The `{}` field must be a valid URL with protocols `http` or `https`', "invalid_url_field": 'This field must be a valid URL with protocols `http` or `https`', 'paystack_threw_error': "There was an unexpected error while processing request. " "Please raise this as an issue in at " "", 'empty_request': 'You did not specify any `{}` data in your request', 'paid_booking_cannot_be_deleted': 'You cannot delete this Booking because you have already paid for it', 'cannot_delete_expired_booking': 'You cannot delete an expired booking', 'cannot_delete_flight_with_bookings': 'You cannot delete this flight because users have started booking it', 'cannot_delete_flight_that_has_flown': 'You cannot delete this flight because the schedule date has been passed', 'cannot_update_flight_field_with_bookings': 'You cannot update the `{}` of this flight because it has already been booked', 'cannot_update_field': 'You cannot update a {} {}', 'regular_user_only': 'This endpoint is for only regular users', 'profile_not_updated': 'You need to update your profile picture before you can do this', 'only_alpha_and_numbers': 'This field can contain only alphabets and numbers' }
msg_dict = {'resource_not_found': 'The resource you specified was not found', 'invalid_gender': 'The gender you specified is invalid!!', 'many_invalid_fields': 'Some errors occured while validating some fields. Please check and try again', 'unique': 'The {} you inputted already exists', 'user_not_found': 'The user with that username/email and password combination was not found', 'email_not_found': 'A user with email `{}` does not exist', 'user_already_verified': 'The user with that email has already been verified', 'invalid_flight_type': 'Flight type must be either international or local', 'invalid_flight_schedule': 'Flight schedule must be at least 12 hours before it is created', 'resource_id_not_found': 'The {} with that id was not found', 'user_book_flight_twice': 'You had previously booked for this Flight and thus cannot do it again', 'flight_booking_expired': 'You cannot book for a flight less than 24 hours before the flight', 'flight_schedule_expired': 'The schedule of this flight has already passed and thus you cannot book it', 'missing_field': 'You forgot to include this field', 'value_not_a_file': 'The value you inputted is not a file', 'not_an_image': 'The file you uploaded is not a valid image', 'image_too_large': 'Image must not be more than 2MB', 'payment_link_error': 'An error occurred while creating payment link', 'booking_already_paid': 'You have already paid for this flight', 'booking_expired': 'Your booking has expired, thus you cannot pay for this ticket', 'invalid_url': 'The `{}` field must be a valid URL with protocols `http` or `https`', 'invalid_url_field': 'This field must be a valid URL with protocols `http` or `https`', 'paystack_threw_error': 'There was an unexpected error while processing request. Please raise this as an issue in at', 'empty_request': 'You did not specify any `{}` data in your request', 'paid_booking_cannot_be_deleted': 'You cannot delete this Booking because you have already paid for it', 'cannot_delete_expired_booking': 'You cannot delete an expired booking', 'cannot_delete_flight_with_bookings': 'You cannot delete this flight because users have started booking it', 'cannot_delete_flight_that_has_flown': 'You cannot delete this flight because the schedule date has been passed', 'cannot_update_flight_field_with_bookings': 'You cannot update the `{}` of this flight because it has already been booked', 'cannot_update_field': 'You cannot update a {} {}', 'regular_user_only': 'This endpoint is for only regular users', 'profile_not_updated': 'You need to update your profile picture before you can do this', 'only_alpha_and_numbers': 'This field can contain only alphabets and numbers'}
''' - Leetcode problem: 23 - Difficulty: Hard - Brief problem description: Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity. Example: Input: [ 1->4->5, 1->3->4, 2->6 ] Output: 1->1->2->3->4->4->5->6 - Solution Summary: - Used Resources: --- Bo Zhou ''' # Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # = next class Solution: def mergeKLists(self, lists: List[ListNode]) -> ListNode: pq = [] for l in lists: if l: heapq.heappush(pq, (l.val, id(l), l)) newNode = ListNode() result = newNode while pq: minVal, i, minNode = heapq.heappop(pq) = minNode nextNode = newNode = minNode if nextNode: heapq.heappush(pq, (nextNode.val, id(nextNode), nextNode)) return
""" - Leetcode problem: 23 - Difficulty: Hard - Brief problem description: Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity. Example: Input: [ 1->4->5, 1->3->4, 2->6 ] Output: 1->1->2->3->4->4->5->6 - Solution Summary: - Used Resources: --- Bo Zhou """ class Solution: def merge_k_lists(self, lists: List[ListNode]) -> ListNode: pq = [] for l in lists: if l: heapq.heappush(pq, (l.val, id(l), l)) new_node = list_node() result = newNode while pq: (min_val, i, min_node) = heapq.heappop(pq) = minNode next_node = new_node = minNode if nextNode: heapq.heappush(pq, (nextNode.val, id(nextNode), nextNode)) return
# Written by Ivan Sapozhkov and Denis Chagin <[email protected]> # # Copyright (c) 2016, Emlid Limited # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, # with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. def create_security(proto, key_mgmt, group): if not proto: return 'open' if not key_mgmt: if "wep" in group: return 'wep' else: return None else: if "wpa-psk" in key_mgmt: if proto == "WPA": return "wpapsk" elif proto == "RSN": return "wpa2psk" else: return None elif "wpa-eap" in key_mgmt: return 'wpaeap' else: return None def convert_to_wpas_network(network): return dict(WpasNetworkConverter(network)) def convert_to_wificontrol_network(network, current_network): wifinetwork = dict(WifiControlNetworkConverter(network)) try: if wifinetwork['ssid'] == current_network['ssid']: wifinetwork.update(current_network) wifinetwork["connected"] = True except TypeError: pass finally: return wifinetwork class WpasNetworkConverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): def rawUtf8(s): return "{}".format(s.encode('utf-8'))[2:-1] = network_dict.get('security') = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('ssid', '')) self.password = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('password', '')) self.identity = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('identity', '')) def __iter__(self): if ( == 'open'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "NONE" elif ( == 'wep'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "NONE" yield "group", "WEP104 WEP40" yield "wep_key0", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpapsk'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpa2psk'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "proto", "RSN" yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpaeap'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-EAP" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "identity", "{}".format(self.identity) yield "password", "{}".format(self.password) yield "phase1", "peaplable=0" else: yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) class WifiControlNetworkConverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): = network_dict.get('ssid') self.key_mgmt = network_dict.get('key_mgmt') self.proto = network_dict.get('proto') = network_dict.get('group') def __iter__(self): if (self.key_mgmt == 'NONE'): if not yield "ssid", yield "security", "Open" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WEP" elif (self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-PSK'): if not self.proto: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA-PSK" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA2-PSK" elif (self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-EAP'): yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA-EAP" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "NONE" yield "connected", False if __name__ == '__main__': network = {'ssid': "MySSID", 'password': "NewPassword", 'security': "wpaeap", 'identity': "[email protected]"} conv = convert_to_wpas_network(network) reconv = convert_to_wificontrol_network(conv) print(conv, reconv)
def create_security(proto, key_mgmt, group): if not proto: return 'open' if not key_mgmt: if 'wep' in group: return 'wep' else: return None elif 'wpa-psk' in key_mgmt: if proto == 'WPA': return 'wpapsk' elif proto == 'RSN': return 'wpa2psk' else: return None elif 'wpa-eap' in key_mgmt: return 'wpaeap' else: return None def convert_to_wpas_network(network): return dict(wpas_network_converter(network)) def convert_to_wificontrol_network(network, current_network): wifinetwork = dict(wifi_control_network_converter(network)) try: if wifinetwork['ssid'] == current_network['ssid']: wifinetwork.update(current_network) wifinetwork['connected'] = True except TypeError: pass finally: return wifinetwork class Wpasnetworkconverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): def raw_utf8(s): return '{}'.format(s.encode('utf-8'))[2:-1] = network_dict.get('security') = raw_utf8(network_dict.get('ssid', '')) self.password = raw_utf8(network_dict.get('password', '')) self.identity = raw_utf8(network_dict.get('identity', '')) def __iter__(self): if == 'open': yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('key_mgmt', 'NONE') elif == 'wep': yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('key_mgmt', 'NONE') yield ('group', 'WEP104 WEP40') yield ('wep_key0', '{}'.format(self.password)) elif == 'wpapsk': yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK') yield ('pairwise', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('group', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('eap', 'TTLS PEAP TLS') yield ('psk', '{}'.format(self.password)) elif == 'wpa2psk': yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('proto', 'RSN') yield ('key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK') yield ('pairwise', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('group', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('eap', 'TTLS PEAP TLS') yield ('psk', '{}'.format(self.password)) elif == 'wpaeap': yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP') yield ('pairwise', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('group', 'CCMP TKIP') yield ('eap', 'TTLS PEAP TLS') yield ('identity', '{}'.format(self.identity)) yield ('password', '{}'.format(self.password)) yield ('phase1', 'peaplable=0') else: yield ('ssid', '{}'.format( yield ('psk', '{}'.format(self.password)) class Wificontrolnetworkconverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): = network_dict.get('ssid') self.key_mgmt = network_dict.get('key_mgmt') self.proto = network_dict.get('proto') = network_dict.get('group') def __iter__(self): if self.key_mgmt == 'NONE': if not yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'Open') else: yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'WEP') elif self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-PSK': if not self.proto: yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'WPA-PSK') else: yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'WPA2-PSK') elif self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-EAP': yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'WPA-EAP') else: yield ('ssid', yield ('security', 'NONE') yield ('connected', False) if __name__ == '__main__': network = {'ssid': 'MySSID', 'password': 'NewPassword', 'security': 'wpaeap', 'identity': '[email protected]'} conv = convert_to_wpas_network(network) reconv = convert_to_wificontrol_network(conv) print(conv, reconv)
# Given a singly linked list, determine if it is a palindrome. # Definition for singly-linked list. class ListNode: def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): self.val = val = next class Solution: def isPalindrome(self, head: ListNode) -> bool: fast = slow = head # find the mid node while fast and slow = fast = # reverse the second half node = None while slow: nxt = = node node = slow slow = nxt # compare first and second half of nodes while node: if node.val != head.val: return False node = head = return True
class Listnode: def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): self.val = val = next class Solution: def is_palindrome(self, head: ListNode) -> bool: fast = slow = head while fast and slow = fast = node = None while slow: nxt = = node node = slow slow = nxt while node: if node.val != head.val: return False node = head = return True
with open("inputday3.txt") as f: data = [x for x in] gamma = "" epsilon = "" for b in range(0, len(data[0])): one = 0 zero = 0 for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][b] == '0': zero += 1 else: one += 1 if zero > one: gamma += '0' epsilon += '1' else: gamma += '1' epsilon += '0' g = int(gamma, 2) e = int(epsilon, 2) print("PART 1", g * e) gamma = "" epsilon = "" data2 = data.copy() index = 0 while len(data) > 1: one = 0 zero = 0 ones = [] zeroes = [] for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][index] == "0": zero += 1 zeroes.append(data[c]) else: one += 1 ones.append(data[c]) if zero > one: data = zeroes else: data = ones index += 1 oxygen = int(data[0], 2) data = data2 index = 0 while len(data) > 1: one = 0 zero = 0 ones = [] zeroes = [] for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][index] == '0': zero += 1 zeroes.append(data[c]) else: one += 1 ones.append(data[c]) if one < zero: data = ones else: data = zeroes index += 1 co2 = int(data[0], 2) print("PART 2", oxygen * co2)
with open('inputday3.txt') as f: data = [x for x in] gamma = '' epsilon = '' for b in range(0, len(data[0])): one = 0 zero = 0 for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][b] == '0': zero += 1 else: one += 1 if zero > one: gamma += '0' epsilon += '1' else: gamma += '1' epsilon += '0' g = int(gamma, 2) e = int(epsilon, 2) print('PART 1', g * e) gamma = '' epsilon = '' data2 = data.copy() index = 0 while len(data) > 1: one = 0 zero = 0 ones = [] zeroes = [] for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][index] == '0': zero += 1 zeroes.append(data[c]) else: one += 1 ones.append(data[c]) if zero > one: data = zeroes else: data = ones index += 1 oxygen = int(data[0], 2) data = data2 index = 0 while len(data) > 1: one = 0 zero = 0 ones = [] zeroes = [] for c in range(0, len(data)): if data[c][index] == '0': zero += 1 zeroes.append(data[c]) else: one += 1 ones.append(data[c]) if one < zero: data = ones else: data = zeroes index += 1 co2 = int(data[0], 2) print('PART 2', oxygen * co2)
power = {'BUSES': {'Area': 1.33155, 'Bus/Area': 1.33155, 'Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246, 'Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246}, 'Core': [{'Area': 32.6082, 'Execution Unit/Area': 8.2042, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.181181, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.344996, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.977935, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.122718, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 2.17927, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.328073, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00115349, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.20978, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.486054, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.017004, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00962066, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00730101, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 1.00996, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00529112, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 2.07911, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.841669, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0800117, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0455351, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 4.84781, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.841232, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.000856399, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.55892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.482721, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0178624, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00897339, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 1.81044, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.114878, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0641291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.330514, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 7.28395, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.184753, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0176198, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.195265, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.130309, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.380018, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.147929, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0442632, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00607074, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.521478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 1.08927, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0920413, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0345155, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 3.79801, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.83518, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.709678, 'Gate Leakage': 0.372997, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.86007, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00272158, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00272158, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0023766, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000923356, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00187191, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00969166, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0258763, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0590479, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.12527, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 6.43323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.372767, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.425473, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 8.96874, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.959077, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932587, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.408542, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.090727, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0127692, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80969, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 4.08122, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 1.38167, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0351387, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0920133, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0920133, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.51749, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.92746, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.226889, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.453778, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591622, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283406, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.434579, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0805237, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0817258, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00813591, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.399995, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.061585, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.697703, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.143311, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0769113, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0399462, 'Peak Dynamic': 26.1203, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.369768, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.168486, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00489731, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 3.33511, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.644561, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0437281, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.024925, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0414755, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 4.15911e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0401324, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0326103, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000670426, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000377987, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00863632, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.114751, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00038343, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.86945, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.237087, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00611897, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00348781, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.56169, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.914258, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.070483, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0362779, 'Runtime Dynamic': 7.75489, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.21877, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.58311}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.11996, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.29691, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.64733, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.234954, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.378972, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.191292, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.805218, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.169475, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 5.2954, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.122295, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00985502, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.116195, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0728839, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.23849, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0827389, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.274787, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.565173, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 2.15542, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00133282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00133282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00118494, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000471861, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00104698, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00489756, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0119197, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0700652, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 4.45674, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.197355, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.237973, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 6.89155, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.522211, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0504299, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0069462, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.70196, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.713329, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0473909, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0473909, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.92575, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.994436, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.116858, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.233716, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0414733, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0421754, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.277104, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0325171, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.504457, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0746925, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 19.2571, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.321701, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0145155, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.111753, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.44797, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 4.20167, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.0065108, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.207803, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.0335685, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.102536, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.165386, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0834813, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.351403, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.112125, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.10223, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.00634181, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0043008, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.0336025, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0318071, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.0399443, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0361079, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0724192, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.179703, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.18039, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00112696, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00112696, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000995662, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000393137, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000456911, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0037065, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0103022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0305769, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 1.94496, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0958958, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.103853, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.25787, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.244335, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0538499, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0148173, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.02873, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.40237, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0256105, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0256104, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.14967, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.554282, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.063151, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.126302, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0224125, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0232096, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.12093, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0157552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.31554, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0389648, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 14.4686, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0166828, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00482915, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0520126, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0735245, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 2.10632, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.00682822, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.208052, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.0364806, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.106185, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.171272, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0864526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.36391, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.115853, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.11398, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.00689197, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00445387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.0347798, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0329391, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.0416718, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.037393, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0749788, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.202833, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.21756, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000625326, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000625326, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000550159, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000215984, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000473173, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00227399, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00579905, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0316652, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.01418, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0689457, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.107549, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.33045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.216233, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0418086, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00989266, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.36015, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.554162, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0363327, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0363327, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.53172, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.769675, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0895903, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.17918, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0317959, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0324228, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.125234, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0113054, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.335963, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0437282, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 14.9434, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0181291, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0050114, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0551057, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0782462, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 2.33534, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}], 'DRAM': {'Area': 0, 'Gate Leakage': 0, 'Peak Dynamic': 3.868411224021876, 'Runtime Dynamic': 3.868411224021876, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 4.252, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 4.252}, 'L3': [{'Area': 61.9075, 'Gate Leakage': 0.0484137, 'Peak Dynamic': 0.371973, 'Runtime Dynamic': 0.183113, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.80085, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 3.32364}], 'Processor': {'Area': 191.908, 'Gate Leakage': 1.53485, 'Peak Dynamic': 75.1614, 'Peak Power': 108.274, 'Runtime Dynamic': 16.5813, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 31.5774, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 13.9484, 'Total Cores/Area': 128.669, 'Total Cores/Gate Leakage': 1.4798, 'Total Cores/Peak Dynamic': 74.7894, 'Total Cores/Runtime Dynamic': 16.3982, 'Total Cores/Subthreshold Leakage': 24.7074, 'Total Cores/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 10.2429, 'Total L3s/Area': 61.9075, 'Total L3s/Gate Leakage': 0.0484137, 'Total L3s/Peak Dynamic': 0.371973, 'Total L3s/Runtime Dynamic': 0.183113, 'Total L3s/Subthreshold Leakage': 6.80085, 'Total L3s/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 3.32364, 'Total Leakage': 33.1122, 'Total NoCs/Area': 1.33155, 'Total NoCs/Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Total NoCs/Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Total NoCs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Total NoCs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Total NoCs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246}}
power = {'BUSES': {'Area': 1.33155, 'Bus/Area': 1.33155, 'Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246, 'Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246}, 'Core': [{'Area': 32.6082, 'Execution Unit/Area': 8.2042, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.181181, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.344996, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.977935, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.122718, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 2.17927, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.328073, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00115349, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.20978, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.486054, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.017004, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00962066, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00730101, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 1.00996, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00529112, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 2.07911, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.841669, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0800117, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0455351, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 4.84781, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.841232, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.000856399, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.55892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.482721, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0178624, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00897339, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 1.81044, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.114878, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0641291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.330514, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 7.28395, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.184753, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0176198, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.195265, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.130309, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.380018, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.147929, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0442632, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00607074, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.521478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 1.08927, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0920413, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0345155, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 3.79801, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.83518, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.709678, 'Gate Leakage': 0.372997, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.86007, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00272158, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00272158, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0023766, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000923356, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00187191, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00969166, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0258763, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0590479, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.12527, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 6.43323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.372767, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.425473, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 8.96874, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.959077, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932587, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.408542, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.090727, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0127692, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80969, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 4.08122, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 1.38167, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0351387, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0920133, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0920133, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.51749, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.92746, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.226889, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.453778, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591622, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283406, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.434579, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0805237, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0817258, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00813591, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.399995, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.061585, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.697703, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.143311, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0769113, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0399462, 'Peak Dynamic': 26.1203, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.369768, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.168486, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00489731, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 3.33511, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.644561, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0437281, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.024925, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0414755, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 4.15911e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0401324, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0326103, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000670426, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000377987, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00863632, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.114751, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00038343, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.86945, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.237087, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00611897, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00348781, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.56169, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.914258, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.070483, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0362779, 'Runtime Dynamic': 7.75489, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.21877, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.58311}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.11996, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.29691, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.64733, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.234954, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.378972, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.191292, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.805218, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.169475, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 5.2954, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.122295, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00985502, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.116195, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0728839, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.23849, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0827389, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.274787, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.565173, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 2.15542, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00133282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00133282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00118494, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000471861, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00104698, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00489756, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0119197, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0700652, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 4.45674, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.197355, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.237973, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 6.89155, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.522211, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0504299, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0069462, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.70196, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.713329, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0473909, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0473909, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.92575, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.994436, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.116858, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.233716, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0414733, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0421754, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.277104, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0325171, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.504457, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0746925, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 19.2571, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.321701, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0145155, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.111753, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.44797, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 4.20167, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.0065108, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.207803, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.0335685, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.102536, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.165386, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0834813, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.351403, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.112125, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.10223, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.00634181, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0043008, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.0336025, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0318071, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.0399443, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0361079, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0724192, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.179703, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.18039, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00112696, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00112696, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000995662, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000393137, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000456911, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0037065, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0103022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0305769, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 1.94496, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0958958, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.103853, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.25787, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.244335, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0538499, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0148173, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.02873, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.40237, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0256105, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0256104, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.14967, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.554282, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.063151, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.126302, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0224125, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0232096, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.12093, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0157552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.31554, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0389648, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 14.4686, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0166828, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00482915, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0520126, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0735245, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 2.10632, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}, {'Area': 32.0201, 'Execution Unit/Area': 7.68434, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Area': 0.235435, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0132646, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.00682822, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.208052, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.20111, 'Execution Unit/Complex ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0754163, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Area': 4.6585, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Gate Leakage': 0.0656156, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Peak Dynamic': 0.0364806, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Runtime Dynamic': 0.304033, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.994829, 'Execution Unit/Floating Point Units/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.373061, 'Execution Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.120359, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Area': 1.66526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Area': 0.275653, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.000977433, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.04181, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.106185, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0143453, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/FP Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00810519, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Gate Leakage': 0.00568913, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Area': 0.805223, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Gate Leakage': 0.00414562, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Peak Dynamic': 1.6763, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Runtime Dynamic': 0.171272, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0625755, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Instruction Window/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0355964, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Peak Dynamic': 3.82262, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Area': 0.584388, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Gate Leakage': 0.00056608, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Peak Dynamic': 1.10451, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0864526, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00906853, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/ROB/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00364446, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Runtime Dynamic': 0.36391, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0859892, 'Execution Unit/Instruction Scheduler/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.047346, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Area': 0.47087, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Gate Leakage': 0.0265291, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Peak Dynamic': 0.115853, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.101344, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.40222, 'Execution Unit/Integer ALUs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.150833, 'Execution Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.11398, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Area': 0.570804, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Area': 0.208131, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Gate Leakage': 0.000232788, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.00689197, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00445387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00399698, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Floating Point RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00176968, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Gate Leakage': 0.000622708, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Area': 0.362673, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Gate Leakage': 0.00038992, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Peak Dynamic': 0.0347798, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0329391, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00614175, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Integer RF/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00246675, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Peak Dynamic': 0.0416718, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Runtime Dynamic': 0.037393, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0101387, 'Execution Unit/Register Files/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00423643, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Area Overhead': 0.0390912, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Gate Leakage': 0.00537402, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Peak Dynamic': 0.0749788, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Runtime Dynamic': 0.202833, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.081478, 'Execution Unit/Results Broadcast Bus/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0305543, 'Execution Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 1.21756, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 1.79543, 'Execution Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.688821, 'Gate Leakage': 0.368936, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Area': 5.85939, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Area': 0.138516, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000625326, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Chooser/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000757657, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Area': 0.0435221, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000278362, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0168831, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000625326, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00759719, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Global Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0039236, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0257064, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 0.000154548, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0142575, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000550159, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00384344, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L1_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00198631, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Area': 0.0151917, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Gate Leakage': 8.00196e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.00527447, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000215984, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00181347, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/L2_Local Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000957045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Peak Dynamic': 0.0597838, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Area': 0.0105732, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Gate Leakage': 4.63858e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Peak Dynamic': 0.0117602, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Runtime Dynamic': 0.000473173, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000932505, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/RAS/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000494733, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00227399, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0199703, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Predictor/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0103282, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Area': 0.64954, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Gate Leakage': 0.00272758, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.177867, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00579905, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0811682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Branch Target Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0435357, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0589979, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Area': 0.0226323, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Gate Leakage': 6.83558e-05, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Peak Dynamic': 0.606827, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0316652, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00151885, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Buffer/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000701682, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Area': 3.14635, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.029931, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.01418, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0689457, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.367022, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.180386, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Area': 1.85799, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Gate Leakage': 0.0222493, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Peak Dynamic': 1.37404, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Runtime Dynamic': 0.107549, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.442943, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Instruction Decoder/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.166104, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Peak Dynamic': 4.33045, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.216233, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.932286, 'Instruction Fetch Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.40843, 'L2/Area': 4.53318, 'L2/Gate Leakage': 0.015464, 'L2/Peak Dynamic': 0.0418086, 'L2/Runtime Dynamic': 0.00989266, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.834142, 'L2/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.401066, 'Load Store Unit/Area': 8.80901, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Area': 6.84535, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Gate Leakage': 0.0279261, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Peak Dynamic': 2.36015, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Runtime Dynamic': 0.554162, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.527675, 'Load Store Unit/Data Cache/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.25085, 'Load Store Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.0350888, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Area': 0.0836782, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00059896, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0363327, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0363327, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00941961, 'Load Store Unit/LoadQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00536918, 'Load Store Unit/Peak Dynamic': 2.53172, 'Load Store Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.769675, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Area': 0.322079, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Gate Leakage': 0.00329971, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Peak Dynamic': 0.0895903, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Runtime Dynamic': 0.17918, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0345621, 'Load Store Unit/StoreQ/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0197004, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.591321, 'Load Store Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.283293, 'Memory Management Unit/Area': 0.4339, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Area': 0.0879726, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00088729, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.0317959, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0324228, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0155699, 'Memory Management Unit/Dtlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00887485, 'Memory Management Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00808595, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Area': 0.301552, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Gate Leakage': 0.00393464, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Peak Dynamic': 0.125234, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0113054, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0413758, 'Memory Management Unit/Itlb/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0235842, 'Memory Management Unit/Peak Dynamic': 0.335963, 'Memory Management Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0437282, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0766103, 'Memory Management Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0398333, 'Peak Dynamic': 14.9434, 'Renaming Unit/Area': 0.303608, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Area': 0.131045, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.00351123, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 2.51468, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0181291, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0308571, 'Renaming Unit/FP Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0175885, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Area': 0.0340654, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Gate Leakage': 2.5481e-05, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Peak Dynamic': 0.0306032, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0050114, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.000370144, 'Renaming Unit/Free List/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.000201064, 'Renaming Unit/Gate Leakage': 0.00708398, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Area': 0.0941223, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Gate Leakage': 0.000283242, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Peak Dynamic': 0.731965, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0551057, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.00435488, 'Renaming Unit/Int Front End RAT/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.00248228, 'Renaming Unit/Peak Dynamic': 3.58947, 'Renaming Unit/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0782462, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0552466, 'Renaming Unit/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0276461, 'Runtime Dynamic': 2.33534, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.16288, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 2.55328}], 'DRAM': {'Area': 0, 'Gate Leakage': 0, 'Peak Dynamic': 3.868411224021876, 'Runtime Dynamic': 3.868411224021876, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 4.252, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 4.252}, 'L3': [{'Area': 61.9075, 'Gate Leakage': 0.0484137, 'Peak Dynamic': 0.371973, 'Runtime Dynamic': 0.183113, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 6.80085, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 3.32364}], 'Processor': {'Area': 191.908, 'Gate Leakage': 1.53485, 'Peak Dynamic': 75.1614, 'Peak Power': 108.274, 'Runtime Dynamic': 16.5813, 'Subthreshold Leakage': 31.5774, 'Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 13.9484, 'Total Cores/Area': 128.669, 'Total Cores/Gate Leakage': 1.4798, 'Total Cores/Peak Dynamic': 74.7894, 'Total Cores/Runtime Dynamic': 16.3982, 'Total Cores/Subthreshold Leakage': 24.7074, 'Total Cores/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 10.2429, 'Total L3s/Area': 61.9075, 'Total L3s/Gate Leakage': 0.0484137, 'Total L3s/Peak Dynamic': 0.371973, 'Total L3s/Runtime Dynamic': 0.183113, 'Total L3s/Subthreshold Leakage': 6.80085, 'Total L3s/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 3.32364, 'Total Leakage': 33.1122, 'Total NoCs/Area': 1.33155, 'Total NoCs/Gate Leakage': 0.00662954, 'Total NoCs/Peak Dynamic': 0.0, 'Total NoCs/Runtime Dynamic': 0.0, 'Total NoCs/Subthreshold Leakage': 0.0691322, 'Total NoCs/Subthreshold Leakage with power gating': 0.0259246}}
# type: ignore __all__ = [ "readDatastoreImage", "datastore", ] def readDatastoreImage(*args): raise NotImplementedError("readDatastoreImage") def datastore(*args): raise NotImplementedError("datastore")
__all__ = ['readDatastoreImage', 'datastore'] def read_datastore_image(*args): raise not_implemented_error('readDatastoreImage') def datastore(*args): raise not_implemented_error('datastore')
# THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM SCIPY SETUP.PY short_version = '1.5.4' version = '1.5.4' full_version = '1.5.4' git_revision = '19acfed431060aafaa963f7e530c95e70cd4b85c' release = True if not release: version = full_version
short_version = '1.5.4' version = '1.5.4' full_version = '1.5.4' git_revision = '19acfed431060aafaa963f7e530c95e70cd4b85c' release = True if not release: version = full_version
# # PySNMP MIB module ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB ( # ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/ # Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Mon Apr 29 21:43:03 2019 # On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4 # Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15) # ObjectIdentifier, Integer, OctetString = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "ObjectIdentifier", "Integer", "OctetString") NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues") ValueSizeConstraint, ConstraintsUnion, SingleValueConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection, ValueRangeConstraint = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueSizeConstraint", "ConstraintsUnion", "SingleValueConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection", "ValueRangeConstraint") InetAddress, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "InetAddress") EnabledStatus, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("P-BRIDGE-MIB", "EnabledStatus") PortList, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("Q-BRIDGE-MIB", "PortList") ModuleCompliance, NotificationGroup = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ModuleCompliance", "NotificationGroup") Counter32, Integer32, Counter64, NotificationType, Bits, ModuleIdentity, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, MibIdentifier, TimeTicks, iso, Gauge32, Unsigned32, IpAddress, ObjectIdentity = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "Counter32", "Integer32", "Counter64", "NotificationType", "Bits", "ModuleIdentity", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "MibIdentifier", "TimeTicks", "iso", "Gauge32", "Unsigned32", "IpAddress", "ObjectIdentity") RowStatus, MacAddress, DisplayString, TextualConvention = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "RowStatus", "MacAddress", "DisplayString", "TextualConvention") esMgmt, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ZYXEL-ES-SMI", "esMgmt") zyxelAclV2 = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2.setLastUpdated('201207010000Z') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2.setOrganization('Enterprise Solution ZyXEL') zyxelAclV2ClassifierStatus = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1)) zyxelAclV2PolicyStatus = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2)) zyxelAclV2TrapInfoObjects = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 3)) zyxelAclV2Notifications = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 4)) zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 1), DisplayString()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierName.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 2), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierState.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierWeight = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 3), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierWeight.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierCountState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 4), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierCountState.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierLogState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 5), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierLogState.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 6), DisplayString()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 7), Counter64()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 1), PortList()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 2), PortList()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 3), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("all", 1), ("ethernetIIUntagged", 2), ("ethernetIITagged", 3), ("ethernet802dot3Untagged", 4), ("ethernet802dot3Tagged", 5)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 4), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 5), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 6), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 7), MacAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 8), MacAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 9), MacAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 10), MacAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 1), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 2), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 3), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 4), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 1), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 2), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 3), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 4), OctetString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 1), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 2), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 3), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 4), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 5), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 6), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 7), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 8), IpAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 9), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 10), IpAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 11), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 12), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 13), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 14), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 15), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 1), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 2), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 3), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 4), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 5), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 6), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 7), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("auto", 1), ("manual", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 8), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 9), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2PolicyTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2PolicyTable.setStatus('current') zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2PolicyName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 1), DisplayString()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyName.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 2), EnabledStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyState.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyClassifier = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 3), DisplayString()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyClassifier.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyVid = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 4), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyVid.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 5), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort.setStatus('current') zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 6), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyDSCP = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 7), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyDSCP.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyTOS = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 8), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyTOS.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 9), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 10), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 11), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("noChange", 1), ("discardThePacket", 2), ("doNotDropTheMatchingFramePreviouslyMarkedForDropping", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 12), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("noChange", 1), ("setThePackets802dot1Priority", 2), ("sendThePacketToPriorityQueue", 3), ("replaceThe802dot1PriorityFieldWithTheIpTosValue", 4), ("replaceThe802dot1PriorityByInner802dot1Priority", 5)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 13), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3, 4))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("noChange", 1), ("setThePacketsTosField", 2), ("replaceTheIpTosFieldWithThe802dot1PriorityValue", 3), ("setTheDiffservCodepointFieldInTheFrame", 4)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 14), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("sendThePacketToTheMirrorPort", 0), ("sendThePacketToTheEgressPort", 1), ("sendTheMatchingFramesToTheEgressPort", 2), ("setThePacketVlanId", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 15), Integer32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 16), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("dropThePacket", 0), ("changeTheDscpValue", 1), ("setOutDropPrecedence", 2), ("doNotDropTheMatchingFramePreviouslyMarkedForDropping", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 17), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus.setStatus('current') zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 18), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("noChange", 1), ("sendThePacketToPriorityQueue", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction.setStatus('current') zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 3, 1), Integer32()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount.setStatus('current') zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 4, 1)).setObjects(("ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2ClassifierName"), ("ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", "zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification.setStatus('current') mibBuilder.exportSymbols("ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB", zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k, zyxelAclV2PolicyStatus=zyxelAclV2PolicyStatus, zyAclV2PolicyClassifier=zyAclV2PolicyClassifier, zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable, zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly=zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress, zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP=zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd, zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort=zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort, zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus=zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks, zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification=zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification, zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction=zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress, zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState=zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence, zyAclV2PolicyVid=zyAclV2PolicyVid, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits, zyxelAclV2Notifications=zyxelAclV2Notifications, zyxelAclV2PolicyTable=zyxelAclV2PolicyTable, zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder=zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierWeight=zyAclV2ClassifierWeight, zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount=zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount, zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction=zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction, zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount=zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k, zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange=zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS=zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts, zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction=zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority, zyxelAclV2TrapInfoObjects=zyxelAclV2TrapInfoObjects, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress, zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState=zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState, zyxelAclV2=zyxelAclV2, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table, zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction=zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k, zyAclV2PolicyDSCP=zyAclV2PolicyDSCP, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable, zyAclV2ClassifierLogState=zyAclV2ClassifierLogState, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength, zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth=zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth, zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval=zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval, zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority=zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority, zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction=zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction, zyAclV2PolicyName=zyAclV2PolicyName, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=zyxelAclV2, zyAclV2ClassifierName=zyAclV2ClassifierName, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress, zyAclV2ClassifierState=zyAclV2ClassifierState, zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry, zyAclV2PolicyState=zyAclV2PolicyState, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress, zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable, zyxelAclV2ClassifierStatus=zyxelAclV2ClassifierStatus, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd, zyAclV2PolicyTOS=zyAclV2PolicyTOS, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd, zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry=zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol=zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol, zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable, zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction=zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierCountState=zyAclV2ClassifierCountState)
(object_identifier, integer, octet_string) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('ASN1', 'ObjectIdentifier', 'Integer', 'OctetString') (named_values,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('ASN1-ENUMERATION', 'NamedValues') (value_size_constraint, constraints_union, single_value_constraint, constraints_intersection, value_range_constraint) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('ASN1-REFINEMENT', 'ValueSizeConstraint', 'ConstraintsUnion', 'SingleValueConstraint', 'ConstraintsIntersection', 'ValueRangeConstraint') (inet_address,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('INET-ADDRESS-MIB', 'InetAddress') (enabled_status,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('P-BRIDGE-MIB', 'EnabledStatus') (port_list,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('Q-BRIDGE-MIB', 'PortList') (module_compliance, notification_group) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-CONF', 'ModuleCompliance', 'NotificationGroup') (counter32, integer32, counter64, notification_type, bits, module_identity, mib_scalar, mib_table, mib_table_row, mib_table_column, mib_identifier, time_ticks, iso, gauge32, unsigned32, ip_address, object_identity) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-SMI', 'Counter32', 'Integer32', 'Counter64', 'NotificationType', 'Bits', 'ModuleIdentity', 'MibScalar', 'MibTable', 'MibTableRow', 'MibTableColumn', 'MibIdentifier', 'TimeTicks', 'iso', 'Gauge32', 'Unsigned32', 'IpAddress', 'ObjectIdentity') (row_status, mac_address, display_string, textual_convention) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-TC', 'RowStatus', 'MacAddress', 'DisplayString', 'TextualConvention') (es_mgmt,) = mibBuilder.importSymbols('ZYXEL-ES-SMI', 'esMgmt') zyxel_acl_v2 = module_identity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2.setLastUpdated('201207010000Z') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2.setOrganization('Enterprise Solution ZyXEL') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_status = mib_identifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1)) zyxel_acl_v2_policy_status = mib_identifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2)) zyxel_acl_v2_trap_info_objects = mib_identifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 3)) zyxel_acl_v2_notifications = mib_identifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 4)) zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_name = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 1), display_string()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierName.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_state = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 2), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierState.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_weight = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 3), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierWeight.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_count_state = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 4), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierCountState.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_log_state = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 5), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierLogState.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_time_range = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 6), display_string()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_match_count = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 1, 1, 7), counter64()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_source_ports = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 1), port_list()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_source_trunks = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 2), port_list()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_packet_format = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 3), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('all', 1), ('ethernetIIUntagged', 2), ('ethernetIITagged', 3), ('ethernet802dot3Untagged', 4), ('ethernet802dot3Tagged', 5)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet8021p_priority = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 4), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_inner8021p_priority = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 5), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_type = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 6), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_source_mac_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 7), mac_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_source_mac_mask = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 8), mac_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_destination_mac_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 9), mac_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ethernet_destination_mac_mask = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 2, 1, 10), mac_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_map1k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 1), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_map2k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 2), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_map3k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 3), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_vlan_map4k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 3, 1, 4), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_map1k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 1), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_map2k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 2), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_map3k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 3), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_inner_vlan_map4k = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 4, 1, 4), octet_string().subtype(subtypeSpec=value_size_constraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ip_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ip_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_packet_len_range_start = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 1), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_packet_len_range_end = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 2), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_dscp = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 3), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_precedence = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 4), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_to_s = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 5), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_protocol = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 6), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_establish_only = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 7), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_source_ip_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 8), ip_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_source_ip_mask_bits = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 9), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_destination_ip_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 10), ip_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_destination_ip_mask_bits = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 11), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_source_socket_range_start = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 12), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_source_socket_range_end = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 13), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_destination_socket_range_start = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 14), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_ip_destination_socket_range_end = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 5, 1, 15), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ipv6_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_ipv6_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_dscp = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 1), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_next_header = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 2), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_establish_only = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 3), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_source_ip_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 4), inet_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_source_ip_prefix_length = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 5), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_destination_ip_address = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 6), inet_address()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_i_pv6_destination_ip_prefix_length = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 6, 1, 7), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_match_order = mib_scalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 7), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('auto', 1), ('manual', 2)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_logging_state = mib_scalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 8), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_classifier_logging_interval = mib_scalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 1, 9), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_policy_table = mib_table((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2PolicyTable.setStatus('current') zyxel_acl_v2_policy_entry = mib_table_row((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1)).setIndexNames((0, 'ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2PolicyName')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_name = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 1), display_string()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyName.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_state = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 2), enabled_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyState.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_classifier = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 3), display_string()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyClassifier.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_vid = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 4), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyVid.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_egress_port = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 5), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy8021p_priority = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 6), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_dscp = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 7), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyDSCP.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_tos = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 8), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyTOS.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_bandwidth = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 9), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_out_of_profile_dscp = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 10), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_forwarding_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 11), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('noChange', 1), ('discardThePacket', 2), ('doNotDropTheMatchingFramePreviouslyMarkedForDropping', 3)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_priority_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 12), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('noChange', 1), ('setThePackets802dot1Priority', 2), ('sendThePacketToPriorityQueue', 3), ('replaceThe802dot1PriorityFieldWithTheIpTosValue', 4), ('replaceThe802dot1PriorityByInner802dot1Priority', 5)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_diff_serv_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 13), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2, 3, 4))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('noChange', 1), ('setThePacketsTosField', 2), ('replaceTheIpTosFieldWithThe802dot1PriorityValue', 3), ('setTheDiffservCodepointFieldInTheFrame', 4)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_outgoing_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 14), bits().clone(namedValues=named_values(('sendThePacketToTheMirrorPort', 0), ('sendThePacketToTheEgressPort', 1), ('sendTheMatchingFramesToTheEgressPort', 2), ('setThePacketVlanId', 3)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_metering_state = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 15), integer32()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_out_of_profile_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 16), bits().clone(namedValues=named_values(('dropThePacket', 0), ('changeTheDscpValue', 1), ('setOutDropPrecedence', 2), ('doNotDropTheMatchingFramePreviouslyMarkedForDropping', 3)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_rowstatus = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 17), row_status()).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_policy_queue_action = mib_table_column((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 2, 1, 1, 18), integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=constraints_union(single_value_constraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=named_values(('noChange', 1), ('sendThePacketToPriorityQueue', 2)))).setMaxAccess('readonly') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_trap_classifier_log_match_count = mib_scalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 3, 1), integer32()) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount.setStatus('current') zy_acl_v2_classifier_log_notification = notification_type((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 890, 1, 15, 3, 105, 4, 1)).setObjects(('ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2ClassifierName'), ('ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', 'zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount')) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification.setStatus('current') mibBuilder.exportSymbols('ZYXEL-AclV2-MIB', zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap1k, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetInner8021pPriority, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap4k, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetPacketFormat, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap2k, zyxelAclV2PolicyStatus=zyxelAclV2PolicyStatus, zyAclV2PolicyClassifier=zyAclV2PolicyClassifier, zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanTable, zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly=zyAclV2ClassifierIpEstablishOnly, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetType, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMacAddress, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpMaskBits, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMacAddress, zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP=zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileDSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeEnd, zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort=zyAclV2PolicyEgressPort, zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus=zyAclV2PolicyRowstatus, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceTrunks, zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification=zyAclV2ClassifierLogNotification, zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction=zyAclV2PolicyOutgoingAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpAddress, zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState=zyAclV2PolicyMeteringState, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap2k, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPrecedence, zyAclV2PolicyVid=zyAclV2PolicyVid, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationIpMaskBits, zyxelAclV2Notifications=zyxelAclV2Notifications, zyxelAclV2PolicyTable=zyxelAclV2PolicyTable, zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder=zyxelAclV2ClassifierMatchOrder, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDSCP, zyAclV2ClassifierWeight=zyAclV2ClassifierWeight, zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount=zyAclV2ClassifierMatchCount, zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction=zyAclV2PolicyPriorityAction, zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount=zyAclV2TrapClassifierLogMatchCount, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourceMACMask, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetDestinationMACMask, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap3k, zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange=zyAclV2ClassifierTimeRange, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Entry, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6EstablishOnly, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpPrefixLength, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS=zyAclV2ClassifierIpToS, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernetSourcePorts, zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction=zyAclV2PolicyQueueAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6NextHeader, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap4k, zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority=zyAclV2ClassifierEthernet8021pPriority, zyxelAclV2TrapInfoObjects=zyxelAclV2TrapInfoObjects, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpTable, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpAddress, zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState=zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingState, zyxelAclV2=zyxelAclV2, zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table=zyxelAclV2ClassifierIpv6Table, zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction=zyAclV2PolicyDiffServAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpDestinationSocketRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k=zyAclV2ClassifierVlanMap1k, zyAclV2PolicyDSCP=zyAclV2PolicyDSCP, zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierEthernetTable, zyAclV2ClassifierLogState=zyAclV2ClassifierLogState, zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k=zyAclV2ClassifierInnerVlanMap3k, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6SourceIpPrefixLength, zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth=zyAclV2PolicyBandwidth, zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval=zyxelAclV2ClassifierLoggingInterval, zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority=zyAclV2Policy8021pPriority, zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction=zyAclV2PolicyForwardingAction, zyAclV2PolicyName=zyAclV2PolicyName, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=zyxelAclV2, zyAclV2ClassifierName=zyAclV2ClassifierName, zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIPv6DestinationIpAddress, zyAclV2ClassifierState=zyAclV2ClassifierState, zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry=zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanEntry, zyAclV2PolicyState=zyAclV2PolicyState, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceIpAddress, zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierTable, zyxelAclV2ClassifierStatus=zyxelAclV2ClassifierStatus, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeEnd, zyAclV2PolicyTOS=zyAclV2PolicyTOS, zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd=zyAclV2ClassifierIpPacketLenRangeEnd, zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry=zyxelAclV2PolicyEntry, zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol=zyAclV2ClassifierIpProtocol, zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable=zyxelAclV2ClassifierVlanTable, zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction=zyAclV2PolicyOutOfProfileAction, zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart=zyAclV2ClassifierIpSourceSocketRangeStart, zyAclV2ClassifierCountState=zyAclV2ClassifierCountState)
class Temperature: def __init__(self, kelvin=None, celsius=None, fahrenheit=None): values = [x for x in [kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit] if x] if len(values) < 1: raise ValueError('Need argument') if len(values) > 1: raise ValueError('Only one argument') if celsius is not None: self.kelvin = celsius + 273.15 elif fahrenheit is not None: self.kelvin = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15 else: self.kelvin = kelvin if self.kelvin < 0: raise ValueError('Temperature in Kelvin cannot be negative') def __str__(self): return f'Temperature = {self.kelvin} Kelvins'
class Temperature: def __init__(self, kelvin=None, celsius=None, fahrenheit=None): values = [x for x in [kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit] if x] if len(values) < 1: raise value_error('Need argument') if len(values) > 1: raise value_error('Only one argument') if celsius is not None: self.kelvin = celsius + 273.15 elif fahrenheit is not None: self.kelvin = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 + 273.15 else: self.kelvin = kelvin if self.kelvin < 0: raise value_error('Temperature in Kelvin cannot be negative') def __str__(self): return f'Temperature = {self.kelvin} Kelvins'
class Solution: def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int: M = float('inf') # dynamic programming dp = [0] + [M] * amount for i in range(1, amount+1): dp[i] = 1 + min([dp[i-c] for c in coins if i >= c] or [M]) return dp[-1] if dp[-1] < M else -1
class Solution: def coin_change(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int: m = float('inf') dp = [0] + [M] * amount for i in range(1, amount + 1): dp[i] = 1 + min([dp[i - c] for c in coins if i >= c] or [M]) return dp[-1] if dp[-1] < M else -1
def removeLoop(head): ptr = head ptr2 = head while True : if ptr is None or ptr2 is None or is None : return ptr = ptr2 = if ptr is ptr2 : loopNode = ptr break ptr = count = 1 while ptr is not loopNode : ptr = count += 1 ptr = head ptr1 = head ptr2 = while count > 1 : ptr2 = ptr1 = count -= 1 while ptr is not ptr2 : ptr = ptr2 = ptr1 = = None
def remove_loop(head): ptr = head ptr2 = head while True: if ptr is None or ptr2 is None or is None: return ptr = ptr2 = if ptr is ptr2: loop_node = ptr break ptr = count = 1 while ptr is not loopNode: ptr = count += 1 ptr = head ptr1 = head ptr2 = while count > 1: ptr2 = ptr1 = count -= 1 while ptr is not ptr2: ptr = ptr2 = ptr1 = = None
students = [] def read_file(): try: f = open("students.txt", "r") for student in read_students(f): students.append(student) f.close() except Exception: print("Could not read file") def read_students(f): for line in f: yield line read_file() print(students)
students = [] def read_file(): try: f = open('students.txt', 'r') for student in read_students(f): students.append(student) f.close() except Exception: print('Could not read file') def read_students(f): for line in f: yield line read_file() print(students)
def extended_euclidean_algorithm(a, b): # Initial s = 1 s = 1 list_s = [] list_t = [] # Algorithm while b > 0: # Find the remainder of a, b r = a % b if r > 0: # The t expression t = (r - (a * s)) // b list_t.append(t) list_s.append(s) # Use b to be the new a a = b if r > 0: # Use the remainder to be the new b b = r else: break # Find the coefficients s and t for i in range(len(list_t)): if i+1 < len(list_t): # Find the coefficient t t = list_t[0] + (list_t[(len(list_t)-1)] * s) # Find the coefficient s s = list_s[i] + list_t[i] * list_t[i+1] return t
def extended_euclidean_algorithm(a, b): s = 1 list_s = [] list_t = [] while b > 0: r = a % b if r > 0: t = (r - a * s) // b list_t.append(t) list_s.append(s) a = b if r > 0: b = r else: break for i in range(len(list_t)): if i + 1 < len(list_t): t = list_t[0] + list_t[len(list_t) - 1] * s s = list_s[i] + list_t[i] * list_t[i + 1] return t
WIDTH = 20 HEIGHT = 14 TITLE = 'Click Ninja' BACKGROUND = 'board' def destroy(s): sound('swoosh') if == 'taco': score(50) else: score(5) # draw a splatting image at the center position of the image image('redsplat', center=s.event_pos, size=2).fade(1.0) s.fade(0.25) def failure(s): score(-20) if == 'bomb': s.destroy() image('explode',, size=10).pulse(0.05) if == 'bomb' or score() < 0: sound('scream') text('You Survived %s seconds' % time(), MAROON) callback(gameover, 0.01) def spawn(): speed = randint(2, 10) size = randint(1,4) target = choice(['bananas', 'cherries', 'olives', 'ham', 'hotdog', 'fries','icee', 'pizza']) if randint(1, 4) == 2: target = 'bomb' if randint(1, 10) == 5: target = 'taco' sound('launch') arc = rand_arc() s = image(target, arc[0], size=size) if target == 'bomb': s.speed(speed).spin(1).clicked(failure) s.move_to(arc[1], arc[2], callback = s.destroy) elif target == 'taco': s.speed(5).spin().clicked(destroy) s.move_to((-10, -2), (-5, HEIGHT/2), (WIDTH+1, HEIGHT/2), callback = s.destroy) else: s.speed(speed).clicked(destroy) s.move_to(arc[1], arc[2], callback = lambda: failure(s)) callback(spawn, rand(0.1, 3)) score(color = PURPLE) callback(spawn, 1) keydown('r', reset)
width = 20 height = 14 title = 'Click Ninja' background = 'board' def destroy(s): sound('swoosh') if == 'taco': score(50) else: score(5) image('redsplat', center=s.event_pos, size=2).fade(1.0) s.fade(0.25) def failure(s): score(-20) if == 'bomb': s.destroy() image('explode',, size=10).pulse(0.05) if == 'bomb' or score() < 0: sound('scream') text('You Survived %s seconds' % time(), MAROON) callback(gameover, 0.01) def spawn(): speed = randint(2, 10) size = randint(1, 4) target = choice(['bananas', 'cherries', 'olives', 'ham', 'hotdog', 'fries', 'icee', 'pizza']) if randint(1, 4) == 2: target = 'bomb' if randint(1, 10) == 5: target = 'taco' sound('launch') arc = rand_arc() s = image(target, arc[0], size=size) if target == 'bomb': s.speed(speed).spin(1).clicked(failure) s.move_to(arc[1], arc[2], callback=s.destroy) elif target == 'taco': s.speed(5).spin().clicked(destroy) s.move_to((-10, -2), (-5, HEIGHT / 2), (WIDTH + 1, HEIGHT / 2), callback=s.destroy) else: s.speed(speed).clicked(destroy) s.move_to(arc[1], arc[2], callback=lambda : failure(s)) callback(spawn, rand(0.1, 3)) score(color=PURPLE) callback(spawn, 1) keydown('r', reset)
DEPTH = 3 # Action class Action: top = [1, 0, 0, 0] bottom = [0, 1, 0, 0] left = [0, 0, 1, 0] right = [0, 0, 0, 1] actlist = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] mapAct = { actlist[0]: top, actlist[1]: bottom, actlist[2]: left, actlist[3]: right } def go(state, action, board_height, board_width): if action == (-1, 0): return ((state[0]+board_height-1) % board_height, state[1]) elif action == (1, 0): return ((state[0]+1) % board_height, state[1]) elif action == (0, 1): return (state[0], (state[1]+1) % board_width) elif action == (0, -1): return (state[0], (state[1]+board_width-1) % board_width) class GameState: obs = {} is_end = False def __init__(self, observation): self.obs = { 1: observation[1].copy(), 2: observation[2].copy(), 3: observation[3].copy(), 4: observation[4].copy(), 5: observation[5].copy(), 6: observation[6].copy(), 7: observation[7].copy(), 'board_width': observation['board_width'], 'board_height': observation['board_height'], } def generateSuccessor(self, index, action): successor = GameState(self.obs) index += 2 head = tuple(successor.obs[index][0]) tar = list(Action.go(head, action, self.obs['board_height'], self.obs['board_width'])) for i in range(1, 8): for cor in successor.obs[i]: if cor == tar: successor.is_end = True if i == 1: successor.obs[index].append(successor.obs[index][-1]) else: successor.obs[index].clear() successor.obs[index].insert(0, tar) successor.obs[index].pop() return successor def evaluationFunction(self): ans = 0 for i in range(2, 8): if i < 5: ans += len(self.obs[i]) else: ans -= len(self.obs[i]) return ans class MinimaxAgent: def __init__(self, obs): self.obs = obs def value(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): index %= 6 if index == 0: return self.maxValue(gameState, index, depth + 1, a, b)[0] elif index < 3: return self.maxValue(gameState, index, depth, a, b)[0] else: return self.minValue(gameState, index, depth, a, b)[0] def maxValue(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): if gameState.is_end or depth >= DEPTH: return [gameState.evaluationFunction(), None] v = -10000 ac = Action.actlist[0] for action in Action.actlist: next = gameState.generateSuccessor(index, action) value = self.value(next, index+1, depth, a, b) if value > v: v = value ac = action if v >= b: return [v, ac] a = max(a, v) return [v, ac] def minValue(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): if gameState.is_end: return [gameState.evaluationFunction(), None] v = 10000 ac = Action.actlist[0] for action in Action.actlist: next = gameState.generateSuccessor(index, action) value = self.value(next, index+1, depth, a, b) if value < v: v = value ac = action if v <= a: return [v, ac] b = min(b, v) return [v, ac] def get_action(self, index): return self.maxValue(GameState(self.obs), index-2, 0, -10000, 10000)[1] def my_controller(observation, action_space, is_act_continuous=False): ac = Action.mapAct[MinimaxAgent(observation).get_action(observation['controlled_snake_index'])] return [ac]
depth = 3 class Action: top = [1, 0, 0, 0] bottom = [0, 1, 0, 0] left = [0, 0, 1, 0] right = [0, 0, 0, 1] actlist = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] map_act = {actlist[0]: top, actlist[1]: bottom, actlist[2]: left, actlist[3]: right} def go(state, action, board_height, board_width): if action == (-1, 0): return ((state[0] + board_height - 1) % board_height, state[1]) elif action == (1, 0): return ((state[0] + 1) % board_height, state[1]) elif action == (0, 1): return (state[0], (state[1] + 1) % board_width) elif action == (0, -1): return (state[0], (state[1] + board_width - 1) % board_width) class Gamestate: obs = {} is_end = False def __init__(self, observation): self.obs = {1: observation[1].copy(), 2: observation[2].copy(), 3: observation[3].copy(), 4: observation[4].copy(), 5: observation[5].copy(), 6: observation[6].copy(), 7: observation[7].copy(), 'board_width': observation['board_width'], 'board_height': observation['board_height']} def generate_successor(self, index, action): successor = game_state(self.obs) index += 2 head = tuple(successor.obs[index][0]) tar = list(Action.go(head, action, self.obs['board_height'], self.obs['board_width'])) for i in range(1, 8): for cor in successor.obs[i]: if cor == tar: successor.is_end = True if i == 1: successor.obs[index].append(successor.obs[index][-1]) else: successor.obs[index].clear() successor.obs[index].insert(0, tar) successor.obs[index].pop() return successor def evaluation_function(self): ans = 0 for i in range(2, 8): if i < 5: ans += len(self.obs[i]) else: ans -= len(self.obs[i]) return ans class Minimaxagent: def __init__(self, obs): self.obs = obs def value(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): index %= 6 if index == 0: return self.maxValue(gameState, index, depth + 1, a, b)[0] elif index < 3: return self.maxValue(gameState, index, depth, a, b)[0] else: return self.minValue(gameState, index, depth, a, b)[0] def max_value(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): if gameState.is_end or depth >= DEPTH: return [gameState.evaluationFunction(), None] v = -10000 ac = Action.actlist[0] for action in Action.actlist: next = gameState.generateSuccessor(index, action) value = self.value(next, index + 1, depth, a, b) if value > v: v = value ac = action if v >= b: return [v, ac] a = max(a, v) return [v, ac] def min_value(self, gameState, index, depth, a, b): if gameState.is_end: return [gameState.evaluationFunction(), None] v = 10000 ac = Action.actlist[0] for action in Action.actlist: next = gameState.generateSuccessor(index, action) value = self.value(next, index + 1, depth, a, b) if value < v: v = value ac = action if v <= a: return [v, ac] b = min(b, v) return [v, ac] def get_action(self, index): return self.maxValue(game_state(self.obs), index - 2, 0, -10000, 10000)[1] def my_controller(observation, action_space, is_act_continuous=False): ac = Action.mapAct[minimax_agent(observation).get_action(observation['controlled_snake_index'])] return [ac]
def read_csv(root, file_name, keys): with open('{root}private_static/csv/{file_name}.csv'.format(root=root, file_name=file_name)) as file: data = lines = data.split("\n") return [dict(zip(keys, line.split(','))) for i, line in enumerate(lines) if i != 0]
def read_csv(root, file_name, keys): with open('{root}private_static/csv/{file_name}.csv'.format(root=root, file_name=file_name)) as file: data = lines = data.split('\n') return [dict(zip(keys, line.split(','))) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines) if i != 0]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Copyright 2012 Rodrigo Pinheiro Matias <[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' templates = { 'static_link': ''' \t@$(AR) rcs %(lib)s %(obj)s \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mAR\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(obj)s\033[0m to \033[37m\033[1m%(lib)s\033[0m"''', 'c_obj_ruler': '''%(obj)s: %(source)s \t@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mCC\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(source)s\033[0m"''', 'asm_obj_ruler': '''%(obj)s: %(source)s \t@$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o %(obj)s %(source)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mAS\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(source)s\033[0m"''', 'c_asm_ruler': '''%(obj)s: %(source)s \t@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -S -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mCC\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(source)s\033[0m"''', 'cxx_obj_ruler': '''%(obj)s: %(source)s \t@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mCXX\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(source)s\033[0m"''', 'cxx_asm_ruler': '''%(obj)s: %(source)s \t@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -S -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mCXX\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m%(source)s\033[0m"''', '': '''/** * Generated with sketch %(version)s **/ #include <avr/sleep.h> int main(void) { for(;;) sleep_mode(); return 0; }''', '': '''/** * Generated with sketch %(version)s **/ #include <Arduino.h> /** * Setup of the firmware **/ void setup() { } /** * Schedule events for firmware program **/ void loop() { delay(250); }''', 'Makefile': '''########################################## # Makefile generated with sketch %(version)s ########################################## # Defines of Arduino ARDUINO_HOME=%(sdk_home)s ARDUINO_CORE=$(ARDUINO_HOME)/hardware/arduino/cores ARDUINO_VARIANT=$(ARDUINO_HOME)/hardware/arduino/variants/%(variant)s # Define toolchain CC=%(cc)s CXX=%(cxx)s AS=%(asm)s LD=%(ld)s AR=%(ar)s OBJCOPY=%(objcopy)s SIZE=%(size)s AVRDUDE=%(avrdude)s PROGRAMER=%(programer)s LIB= INCLUDE=-I$(ARDUINO_CORE)/arduino -I$(ARDUINO_VARIANT) -I$(ARDUINO_CORE) -I lib/ #Define of MCU MCU=%(mcu)s CLOCK=%(clock_hz)sUL ARDUINO=%(sdk_version)s # Define compiler flags _CFLAGS=-Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) \\ -DF_CPU=$(CLOCK) -MMD -DARDUINO=$(ARDUINO) \\ -fpermissive -lm -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min CFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c99 CXXFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c++98 ASFLAGS=-mmcu $(MCU) # Define compiler rulers OBJ=%(obj_dep)s CORE_OBJ=%(core_obj_dep)s AOUT=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.elf HEX=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.hex EPP=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.epp CORE_LIB=binary/core.a LIB_DEPS=%(lib_deps)s LD_FLAGS=-Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) -lm AVRDUDE_OPTIONS = -p$(MCU) -c$(PROGRAMER) %(pgrextra)s -Uflash:w:$(HEX):i SIZE_OPTS=-C --mcu=$(MCU) CONFIG_EXISTS=$(shell [ -e "Makefile.config" ] && echo 1 || echo 0) ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXISTS), 1) include Makefile.config endif all: $(HEX) $(EPP) rebuild: clean all deploy: $(HEX) \t$(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_OPTIONS) $(HEX): $(EPP) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mOBJCOPY\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1mFirmware\033[0m" \t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $(AOUT) $(HEX) $(EPP): $(AOUT) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mOBJCOPY\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1mMemory of EEPROM\033[0m" \t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $(AOUT) $(EPP) size: $(AOUT) \t@$(SIZE) $(SIZE_OPTS) $(AOUT) $(AOUT): clear-compiler $(OBJ) $(CORE_LIB) $(LIB_DEPS) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mLD\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m$(AOUT)\033[0m" \t@$(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ) $(CORE_LIB) $(LIB_DEPS) -o $(AOUT) $(CORE_LIB): $(CORE_OBJ)%(core_ruler)s %(asm_rulers)s %(obj_rulers)s %(libs_rulers)s %(core_asm_rulers)s %(core_obj_rulers)s clear-compiler: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear compiler logs" \trm -f compile.* clean-tmp: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear temporary files" \t@rm -f tmp/* clean-bin: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear binary files" \t@rm -f binary/* clean: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear temporary files" \t@rm -f tmp/* \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear binary files" \t@rm -f binary/* ''', 'avr-Makefile': '''########################################## # Makefile generated with sketch %(version)s ########################################## # Define toolchain CC=%(cc)s CXX=%(cxx)s AS=%(asm)s LD=%(ld)s AR=%(ar)s OBJCOPY=%(objcopy)s SIZE=%(size)s AVRDUDE=%(avrdude)s PROGRAMER=%(programer)s LIB= INCLUDE=-I lib/ #Define of MCU MCU=%(mcu)s CLOCK=%(clock_hz)sUL # Define compiler flags _CFLAGS=-Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) \\ -DF_CPU=$(CLOCK) -fpermissive -lm -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min CFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c99 CXXFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c++98 ASFLAGS=-mmcu $(MCU) # Define compiler rulers ASM=%(asm_dep)s OBJ=%(obj_dep)s LIB_DEPS=%(lib_deps)s AOUT=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.elf HEX=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.hex EPP=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.epp LD_FLAGS=-Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) -lm AVRDUDE_OPTIONS = -p$(MCU) -c$(PROGRAMER) %(pgrextra)s -Uflash:w:$(HEX):i SIZE_OPTS=-A CONFIG_EXISTS=$(shell [ -e "Makefile.config" ] && echo 1 || echo 0) ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXISTS), 1) include Makefile.config endif all: $(HEX) $(EPP) rebuild: clean all deploy: $(HEX) \t$(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_OPTIONS) $(HEX): $(EPP) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mOBJCOPY\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1mFirmware\033[0m" \t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $(AOUT) $(HEX) $(EPP): $(AOUT) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mOBJCOPY\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1mMemory of EEPROM\033[0m" \t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $(AOUT) $(EPP) size: $(AOUT) \t@$(SIZE) $(SIZE_OPTS) $(AOUT) $(AOUT): clear-compiler $(OBJ) $(LIB_DEPS) \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mLD\033[0m] - \033[37m\033[1m$(AOUT)\033[0m" \t@$(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ) $(LIB_DEPS) -o $(AOUT) %(asm_rulers)s %(obj_rulers)s %(libs_rulers)s clear-compiler: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear compiler logs" \t@rm -f compile.* clean-tmp: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear temporary files" \t@rm -f tmp/* clean-bin: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear binary files" \t@rm -f binary/* clean: \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear temporary files" \t@rm -f tmp/* \t@echo " [\033[33m\033[1mRM\033[0m] - Clear binary files" \t@rm -f binary/* ''' }
""" Copyright 2012 Rodrigo Pinheiro Matias <[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ templates = {'static_link': '\n\t@$(AR) rcs %(lib)s %(obj)s\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mAR\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(obj)s\x1b[0m to \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(lib)s\x1b[0m"', 'c_obj_ruler': '%(obj)s: %(source)s\n\t@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mCC\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(source)s\x1b[0m"', 'asm_obj_ruler': '%(obj)s: %(source)s\n\t@$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o %(obj)s %(source)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mAS\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(source)s\x1b[0m"', 'c_asm_ruler': '%(obj)s: %(source)s\n\t@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -S -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mCC\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(source)s\x1b[0m"', 'cxx_obj_ruler': '%(obj)s: %(source)s\n\t@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mCXX\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(source)s\x1b[0m"', 'cxx_asm_ruler': '%(obj)s: %(source)s\n\t@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c %(source)s -S -o %(obj)s 1>> compile.log 2>> compile.err\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mCXX\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m%(source)s\x1b[0m"', '': '/**\n * Generated with sketch %(version)s\n **/\n#include <avr/sleep.h>\n\nint main(void) {\n for(;;)\n sleep_mode();\n\n return 0;\n}', '': '/**\n * Generated with sketch %(version)s\n **/\n#include <Arduino.h>\n\n/**\n * Setup of the firmware\n **/\nvoid setup() {\n}\n\n/**\n * Schedule events for firmware program\n **/\nvoid loop() {\n delay(250);\n}', 'Makefile': '##########################################\n# Makefile generated with sketch %(version)s\n##########################################\n\n# Defines of Arduino\nARDUINO_HOME=%(sdk_home)s\nARDUINO_CORE=$(ARDUINO_HOME)/hardware/arduino/cores\nARDUINO_VARIANT=$(ARDUINO_HOME)/hardware/arduino/variants/%(variant)s\n\n# Define toolchain\nCC=%(cc)s\nCXX=%(cxx)s\nAS=%(asm)s\nLD=%(ld)s\nAR=%(ar)s\nOBJCOPY=%(objcopy)s\nSIZE=%(size)s\nAVRDUDE=%(avrdude)s\nPROGRAMER=%(programer)s\nLIB=\nINCLUDE=-I$(ARDUINO_CORE)/arduino -I$(ARDUINO_VARIANT) -I$(ARDUINO_CORE) -I lib/\n\n#Define of MCU\nMCU=%(mcu)s\nCLOCK=%(clock_hz)sUL\nARDUINO=%(sdk_version)s\n\n# Define compiler flags\n_CFLAGS=-Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) \\\n -DF_CPU=$(CLOCK) -MMD -DARDUINO=$(ARDUINO) \\\n -fpermissive -lm -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min\nCFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c99\nCXXFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c++98\nASFLAGS=-mmcu $(MCU)\n\n# Define compiler rulers\nOBJ=%(obj_dep)s\nCORE_OBJ=%(core_obj_dep)s\nAOUT=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.elf\nHEX=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.hex\nEPP=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.epp\nCORE_LIB=binary/core.a\nLIB_DEPS=%(lib_deps)s\nLD_FLAGS=-Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) -lm\n\nAVRDUDE_OPTIONS = -p$(MCU) -c$(PROGRAMER) %(pgrextra)s -Uflash:w:$(HEX):i\n\nSIZE_OPTS=-C --mcu=$(MCU)\n\nCONFIG_EXISTS=$(shell [ -e "Makefile.config" ] && echo 1 || echo 0)\n\nifeq ($(CONFIG_EXISTS), 1)\n include Makefile.config\nendif\n\nall: $(HEX) $(EPP)\n\nrebuild: clean all\n\ndeploy: $(HEX)\n\t$(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_OPTIONS)\n\n$(HEX): $(EPP)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mOBJCOPY\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1mFirmware\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $(AOUT) $(HEX)\n\n$(EPP): $(AOUT)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mOBJCOPY\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1mMemory of EEPROM\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $(AOUT) $(EPP)\n\nsize: $(AOUT)\n\t@$(SIZE) $(SIZE_OPTS) $(AOUT)\n\n$(AOUT): clear-compiler $(OBJ) $(CORE_LIB) $(LIB_DEPS)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mLD\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m$(AOUT)\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ) $(CORE_LIB) $(LIB_DEPS) -o $(AOUT)\n\n$(CORE_LIB): $(CORE_OBJ)%(core_ruler)s\n\n%(asm_rulers)s\n\n%(obj_rulers)s\n\n%(libs_rulers)s\n\n%(core_asm_rulers)s\n\n%(core_obj_rulers)s\n\nclear-compiler:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear compiler logs"\n\trm -f compile.*\n\nclean-tmp:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear temporary files"\n\t@rm -f tmp/*\n\nclean-bin:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear binary files"\n\t@rm -f binary/*\n\nclean:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear temporary files"\n\t@rm -f tmp/*\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear binary files"\n\t@rm -f binary/*\n', 'avr-Makefile': '##########################################\n# Makefile generated with sketch %(version)s\n##########################################\n\n# Define toolchain\nCC=%(cc)s\nCXX=%(cxx)s\nAS=%(asm)s\nLD=%(ld)s\nAR=%(ar)s\nOBJCOPY=%(objcopy)s\nSIZE=%(size)s\nAVRDUDE=%(avrdude)s\nPROGRAMER=%(programer)s\nLIB=\nINCLUDE=-I lib/\n\n#Define of MCU\nMCU=%(mcu)s\nCLOCK=%(clock_hz)sUL\n\n# Define compiler flags\n_CFLAGS=-Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) \\\n -DF_CPU=$(CLOCK) -fpermissive -lm -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min\nCFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c99\nCXXFLAGS=$(_CFLAGS) -std=c++98\nASFLAGS=-mmcu $(MCU)\n\n# Define compiler rulers\nASM=%(asm_dep)s\nOBJ=%(obj_dep)s\nLIB_DEPS=%(lib_deps)s\nAOUT=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.elf\nHEX=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.hex\nEPP=binary/%(project_name)s-%(mcu)s.epp\nLD_FLAGS=-Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=$(MCU) -lm\n\nAVRDUDE_OPTIONS = -p$(MCU) -c$(PROGRAMER) %(pgrextra)s -Uflash:w:$(HEX):i\n\nSIZE_OPTS=-A\n\nCONFIG_EXISTS=$(shell [ -e "Makefile.config" ] && echo 1 || echo 0)\n\nifeq ($(CONFIG_EXISTS), 1)\n include Makefile.config\nendif\n\nall: $(HEX) $(EPP)\n\nrebuild: clean all\n\ndeploy: $(HEX)\n\t$(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_OPTIONS)\n\n$(HEX): $(EPP)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mOBJCOPY\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1mFirmware\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $(AOUT) $(HEX)\n\n$(EPP): $(AOUT)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mOBJCOPY\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1mMemory of EEPROM\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 $(AOUT) $(EPP)\n\nsize: $(AOUT)\n\t@$(SIZE) $(SIZE_OPTS) $(AOUT)\n\n$(AOUT): clear-compiler $(OBJ) $(LIB_DEPS)\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mLD\x1b[0m] - \x1b[37m\x1b[1m$(AOUT)\x1b[0m"\n\t@$(CXX) $(LD_FLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ) $(LIB_DEPS) -o $(AOUT)\n\n%(asm_rulers)s\n\n%(obj_rulers)s\n\n%(libs_rulers)s\n\nclear-compiler:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear compiler logs"\n\t@rm -f compile.*\n\nclean-tmp:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear temporary files"\n\t@rm -f tmp/*\n\nclean-bin:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear binary files"\n\t@rm -f binary/*\n\nclean:\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear temporary files"\n\t@rm -f tmp/*\n\t@echo " [\x1b[33m\x1b[1mRM\x1b[0m] - Clear binary files"\n\t@rm -f binary/*\n'}
def main(): # input A = input() # compute # output if A == 'a': print(-1) else: print('a') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def main(): a = input() if A == 'a': print(-1) else: print('a') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
## mv to //:WORKSPACE.bzl ocaml_configure load("//ocaml/_bootstrap:ocaml.bzl", _ocaml_configure = "ocaml_configure") # load("//ocaml/_bootstrap:obazl.bzl", _obazl_configure = "obazl_configure") load("//ocaml/_rules:ocaml_repository.bzl" , _ocaml_repository = "ocaml_repository") # load("//ocaml/_rules:opam_configuration.bzl" , _opam_configuration = "opam_configuration") # load("//ocaml/_toolchains:ocaml_toolchains.bzl", # _ocaml_toolchain = "ocaml_toolchain", # _ocaml_register_toolchains = "ocaml_register_toolchains") # obazl_configure = _obazl_configure ocaml_configure = _ocaml_configure ocaml_repository = _ocaml_repository # ocaml_toolchain = _ocaml_toolchain # ocaml_register_toolchains = _ocaml_register_toolchains
load('//ocaml/_bootstrap:ocaml.bzl', _ocaml_configure='ocaml_configure') load('//ocaml/_rules:ocaml_repository.bzl', _ocaml_repository='ocaml_repository') ocaml_configure = _ocaml_configure ocaml_repository = _ocaml_repository
class MetricsService: def __init__(self, adc_data, metrics_data): self._adc_data = adc_data self._metrics_data = metrics_data @property def metrics_data(self): return self._metrics_data def update(self): self._metrics_data.is_new_data_available = False if self._adc_data.is_new_data_available: self._metrics_data.update(self._adc_data.trace) self._metrics_data.is_new_data_available = True
class Metricsservice: def __init__(self, adc_data, metrics_data): self._adc_data = adc_data self._metrics_data = metrics_data @property def metrics_data(self): return self._metrics_data def update(self): self._metrics_data.is_new_data_available = False if self._adc_data.is_new_data_available: self._metrics_data.update(self._adc_data.trace) self._metrics_data.is_new_data_available = True
#sum(iterable, start=0, /) #Return the sum of a 'start' value (default: 0) plus an iterable of numbers #When the iterable is empty, return the start value. '''This function is intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject non-numeric types.''' a = [1,3,5,7,9,4,6,2,8] print(sum(a)) print(sum(a,start = 4))
"""This function is intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject non-numeric types.""" a = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 4, 6, 2, 8] print(sum(a)) print(sum(a, start=4))
def find_accounts(search_text): # perform search... if not db_is_available: return None # returns a list of account IDs return db_search(search_text) accounts = find_accounts('python') if accounts is None: print("Error: DB not available") else: print("Accounts found: Would list them here...") def db_search(search_text): return [1, 11] db_is_availble = True
def find_accounts(search_text): if not db_is_available: return None return db_search(search_text) accounts = find_accounts('python') if accounts is None: print('Error: DB not available') else: print('Accounts found: Would list them here...') def db_search(search_text): return [1, 11] db_is_availble = True
fruits = ["orange", "banana", "apple", "avocado", "kiwi", "apricot", "cherry", "grape", "coconut", "lemon", "mango", "peach", "pear", "strawberry", "pineapple", "apple", "orange", "pear", "grape", "banana" ] filters = dict() for key in fruits: filters[key] = 1 result = set(filters.keys()) print(result)
fruits = ['orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'avocado', 'kiwi', 'apricot', 'cherry', 'grape', 'coconut', 'lemon', 'mango', 'peach', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'pineapple', 'apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'grape', 'banana'] filters = dict() for key in fruits: filters[key] = 1 result = set(filters.keys()) print(result) def hello(): print("Hello!") #if __name__=="__main__": # print(__name__)
def hello(): print('Hello!')
class IOEngine(object): def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] def release(self): self.inputs = None self.outputs = None self.node = None def updateInputs(self, names): # remove prior outputs for inputNode in self.inputs: if not inputNode in names: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode(inputNode).ioEngine.removeOutput( self.node.identifier) newInputs = [] for nodeId in names: if self.node.model.existNode(nodeId): newInputs.append(nodeId) if not nodeId in self.inputs: self.node.model.getNode(nodeId).ioEngine.addOutput( self.node.identifier) self.inputs = newInputs def removeOutput(self, nodeId): if nodeId in self.outputs: self.outputs.remove(nodeId) def removeInput(self, nodeId): if nodeId in self.inputs: self.inputs.remove(nodeId) def addOutput(self, nodeId): self.outputs.append(nodeId) def updateNodeId(self, oldId, newId): for inputNode in self.inputs: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode( inputNode).ioEngine.updateOutputId(oldId, newId) for outputNode in self.outputs: if self.node.model.existNode(outputNode): self.node.model.getNode( outputNode).ioEngine.updateInputId(oldId, newId) def updateOnDeleteNode(self): for inputNode in self.inputs: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode(inputNode).ioEngine.removeOutput( self.node.identifier) for outputNode in self.outputs: if self.node.model.existNode(outputNode): self.node.model.getNode(outputNode).ioEngine.removeInput( self.node.identifier) def updateOutputId(self, oldId, newId): if oldId in self.outputs: self.outputs.remove(oldId) self.outputs.append(newId) def updateInputId(self, oldId, newId): if oldId in self.inputs: self.inputs.remove(oldId) self.inputs.append(newId) self.node.updateDefinitionForChangeId(oldId, newId)
class Ioengine(object): def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] def release(self): self.inputs = None self.outputs = None self.node = None def update_inputs(self, names): for input_node in self.inputs: if not inputNode in names: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode(inputNode).ioEngine.removeOutput(self.node.identifier) new_inputs = [] for node_id in names: if self.node.model.existNode(nodeId): newInputs.append(nodeId) if not nodeId in self.inputs: self.node.model.getNode(nodeId).ioEngine.addOutput(self.node.identifier) self.inputs = newInputs def remove_output(self, nodeId): if nodeId in self.outputs: self.outputs.remove(nodeId) def remove_input(self, nodeId): if nodeId in self.inputs: self.inputs.remove(nodeId) def add_output(self, nodeId): self.outputs.append(nodeId) def update_node_id(self, oldId, newId): for input_node in self.inputs: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode(inputNode).ioEngine.updateOutputId(oldId, newId) for output_node in self.outputs: if self.node.model.existNode(outputNode): self.node.model.getNode(outputNode).ioEngine.updateInputId(oldId, newId) def update_on_delete_node(self): for input_node in self.inputs: if self.node.model.existNode(inputNode): self.node.model.getNode(inputNode).ioEngine.removeOutput(self.node.identifier) for output_node in self.outputs: if self.node.model.existNode(outputNode): self.node.model.getNode(outputNode).ioEngine.removeInput(self.node.identifier) def update_output_id(self, oldId, newId): if oldId in self.outputs: self.outputs.remove(oldId) self.outputs.append(newId) def update_input_id(self, oldId, newId): if oldId in self.inputs: self.inputs.remove(oldId) self.inputs.append(newId) self.node.updateDefinitionForChangeId(oldId, newId)
# # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # model = Model() i1 = Input("op1", "TENSOR_FLOAT32", "{1, 3, 3, 2}") f1 = Input("op2", "TENSOR_FLOAT32", "{1, 2, 2, 4}") b1 = Input("op3", "TENSOR_FLOAT32", "{4}") pad0 = Int32Scalar("pad0", 0) act = Int32Scalar("act", 0) stride = Int32Scalar("stride", 1) cm = Int32Scalar("channelMultiplier", 2) output = Output("op4", "TENSOR_FLOAT32", "{1, 2, 2, 4}") model = model.Operation("DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D", i1, f1, b1, pad0, pad0, pad0, pad0, stride, stride, cm, act).To(output) model = model.RelaxedExecution(True) # Example 1. Input in operand 0, input0 = {i1: # input 0 [10, 21, 10, 22, 10, 23, 10, 24, 10, 25, 10, 26, 10, 27, 10, 28, 10, 29], f1: [.25, 0, .2, 0, .25, 0, 0, .3, .25, 0, 0, 0, .25, .1, 0, 0], b1: [1, 2, 3, 4]} # (i1 (conv) f1) + b1 # filter usage: # in_ch1 * f_1 --> output_d1 # in_ch1 * f_2 --> output_d2 # in_ch2 * f_3 --> output_d3 # in_ch3 * f_4 --> output_d4 output0 = {output: # output 0 [11, 3, 7.2, 10.6, 11, 3, 7.4, 10.9, 11, 3, 7.8, 11.5, 11, 3, 8.0, 11.8]} # Instantiate an example Example((input0, output0))
model = model() i1 = input('op1', 'TENSOR_FLOAT32', '{1, 3, 3, 2}') f1 = input('op2', 'TENSOR_FLOAT32', '{1, 2, 2, 4}') b1 = input('op3', 'TENSOR_FLOAT32', '{4}') pad0 = int32_scalar('pad0', 0) act = int32_scalar('act', 0) stride = int32_scalar('stride', 1) cm = int32_scalar('channelMultiplier', 2) output = output('op4', 'TENSOR_FLOAT32', '{1, 2, 2, 4}') model = model.Operation('DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D', i1, f1, b1, pad0, pad0, pad0, pad0, stride, stride, cm, act).To(output) model = model.RelaxedExecution(True) input0 = {i1: [10, 21, 10, 22, 10, 23, 10, 24, 10, 25, 10, 26, 10, 27, 10, 28, 10, 29], f1: [0.25, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.1, 0, 0], b1: [1, 2, 3, 4]} output0 = {output: [11, 3, 7.2, 10.6, 11, 3, 7.4, 10.9, 11, 3, 7.8, 11.5, 11, 3, 8.0, 11.8]} example((input0, output0))
class Check_Excessive_Current(object): def __init__(self,chain_name,cf,handlers,irrigation_io,irrigation_hash_control,get_json_object): self.get_json_object = get_json_object cf.define_chain(chain_name, False ) #cf.insert.log("check_excessive_current") cf.insert.assert_function_reset(self.check_excessive_current) cf.insert.log("excessive_current_found") cf.insert.send_event("IRI_CLOSE_MASTER_VALVE",False) cf.insert.send_event( "RELEASE_IRRIGATION_CONTROL") cf.insert.one_step(irrigation_io.disable_all_sprinklers ) cf.insert.wait_event_count( count = 15 ) cf.insert.reset() self.handlers = handlers self.irrigation_hash_control = irrigation_hash_control def check_excessive_current(self,cf_handle, chainObj, parameters, event): #print("check excessive current") return False #TBD
class Check_Excessive_Current(object): def __init__(self, chain_name, cf, handlers, irrigation_io, irrigation_hash_control, get_json_object): self.get_json_object = get_json_object cf.define_chain(chain_name, False) cf.insert.assert_function_reset(self.check_excessive_current) cf.insert.log('excessive_current_found') cf.insert.send_event('IRI_CLOSE_MASTER_VALVE', False) cf.insert.send_event('RELEASE_IRRIGATION_CONTROL') cf.insert.one_step(irrigation_io.disable_all_sprinklers) cf.insert.wait_event_count(count=15) cf.insert.reset() self.handlers = handlers self.irrigation_hash_control = irrigation_hash_control def check_excessive_current(self, cf_handle, chainObj, parameters, event): return False
indexWords = list() def PreviousWord(_list, _word): if _list[_list.index(_word)-1] : return _list[_list.index(_word)-1] else: return phrase = str(input()) phraseList = phrase.split(" ") length = len(phraseList) for item in phraseList : item = item.strip() if phrase != "" : for i in range(1, length-1) : lengthOfWord = len(phraseList[i]) if phraseList[i][0].isupper() : if PreviousWord(phraseList, phraseList[i])[-1] != "." : if phraseList[i][-1]=="." or phraseList[i][-1]=="," : indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i][: lengthOfWord-1]) elif phraseList[i][-1]== "]" and phraseList[i][-2]== "'" : indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i][: lengthOfWord-2]) else : indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i]) else: print("None") lengthOfIndexWord = len(indexWords) if lengthOfIndexWord == 0 : print("None") else: for i in range(0, lengthOfIndexWord//2): print("%i:%s" %(indexWords[2*i],indexWords[(2*i)+1]))
index_words = list() def previous_word(_list, _word): if _list[_list.index(_word) - 1]: return _list[_list.index(_word) - 1] else: return phrase = str(input()) phrase_list = phrase.split(' ') length = len(phraseList) for item in phraseList: item = item.strip() if phrase != '': for i in range(1, length - 1): length_of_word = len(phraseList[i]) if phraseList[i][0].isupper(): if previous_word(phraseList, phraseList[i])[-1] != '.': if phraseList[i][-1] == '.' or phraseList[i][-1] == ',': indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i][:lengthOfWord - 1]) elif phraseList[i][-1] == ']' and phraseList[i][-2] == "'": indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i][:lengthOfWord - 2]) else: indexWords.append(i + 1) indexWords.append(phraseList[i]) else: print('None') length_of_index_word = len(indexWords) if lengthOfIndexWord == 0: print('None') else: for i in range(0, lengthOfIndexWord // 2): print('%i:%s' % (indexWords[2 * i], indexWords[2 * i + 1]))
city_country = {} for _ in range(int(input())): country, *cities = input().split() for city in cities: city_country[city] = country for _ in range(int(input())): print(city_country[input()])
city_country = {} for _ in range(int(input())): (country, *cities) = input().split() for city in cities: city_country[city] = country for _ in range(int(input())): print(city_country[input()])
nume1 = int(input("Digite um numero")) nume2 = int(input("Digite um numero")) nume3 = int(input("Digite um numero")) nume4 = int(input("Digite um numero")) nume5 = int(input("Digite um numero")) table = [nume1,nume2,nume3,nume4,nume5] tableM = (float((nume1 + nume2 + nume3 + nume4 + nume5))) print(float(tableM))
nume1 = int(input('Digite um numero')) nume2 = int(input('Digite um numero')) nume3 = int(input('Digite um numero')) nume4 = int(input('Digite um numero')) nume5 = int(input('Digite um numero')) table = [nume1, nume2, nume3, nume4, nume5] table_m = float(nume1 + nume2 + nume3 + nume4 + nume5) print(float(tableM))
class Solution: def combinationSum(self, candidates, target): def lookup(candidates, index, target, combine, result): if target == 0: result.append(combine) return if index >= len(candidates) and target > 0: return if target >= candidates[index]: lookup(candidates, index, target - candidates[index], list(combine) + [candidates[index]], result) lookup(candidates, index + 1, target, list(combine), result) sorted(candidates) result = [] lookup(candidates, 0, target, [], result) return result s = Solution() print(s.combinationSum([2,3,6,7], 7)) print(s.combinationSum([2,3,5], 8))
class Solution: def combination_sum(self, candidates, target): def lookup(candidates, index, target, combine, result): if target == 0: result.append(combine) return if index >= len(candidates) and target > 0: return if target >= candidates[index]: lookup(candidates, index, target - candidates[index], list(combine) + [candidates[index]], result) lookup(candidates, index + 1, target, list(combine), result) sorted(candidates) result = [] lookup(candidates, 0, target, [], result) return result s = solution() print(s.combinationSum([2, 3, 6, 7], 7)) print(s.combinationSum([2, 3, 5], 8))
# version of the graw package __version__ = "0.1.0"
__version__ = '0.1.0'
''' @author Gabriel Flores Checks the primality of an integer. ''' def is_prime(x): ''' Checks the primality of an integer. ''' sqrt = int(x ** (1/2)) for i in range(2, sqrt, 1): if x % i == 0: return False return True def main(): try: print("\n\n") a = int(input(" Enter an integer to check if it is prime: ")) if is_prime(a): print("\n ",a,"is a prime number.\n") else: print("\n ",a,"is not a prime number.\n") except ValueError as e: print("\n\n Please enter a valid choice.\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
""" @author Gabriel Flores Checks the primality of an integer. """ def is_prime(x): """ Checks the primality of an integer. """ sqrt = int(x ** (1 / 2)) for i in range(2, sqrt, 1): if x % i == 0: return False return True def main(): try: print('\n\n') a = int(input(' Enter an integer to check if it is prime: ')) if is_prime(a): print('\n ', a, 'is a prime number.\n') else: print('\n ', a, 'is not a prime number.\n') except ValueError as e: print('\n\n Please enter a valid choice.\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def fibonacci_iterative(n): previous = 0 current = 1 for i in range(n - 1): current_old = current current = previous + current previous = current_old return current def fibonacci_recursive(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: return fibonacci_recursive(n - 2) + fibonacci_recursive(n - 1)
def fibonacci_iterative(n): previous = 0 current = 1 for i in range(n - 1): current_old = current current = previous + current previous = current_old return current def fibonacci_recursive(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: return fibonacci_recursive(n - 2) + fibonacci_recursive(n - 1)
__all__ = [ 'session', 'event', 'profile', 'consent', 'segment', 'source', 'rule', 'entity' ]
__all__ = ['session', 'event', 'profile', 'consent', 'segment', 'source', 'rule', 'entity']
def global_alignment(seq1, seq2, score_matrix, penalty): len1, len2 = len(seq1), len(seq2) s = [[0] * (len2 + 1) for i in range(len1 + 1)] backtrack = [[0] * (len2 + 1) for i in range(len1 + 1)] for i in range(1, len1 + 1): s[i][0] = - i * penalty for j in range(1, len2 + 1): s[0][j] = - j * penalty for i in range(1, len1 + 1): for j in range(1, len2 + 1): score_list = [s[i - 1][j] - penalty, s[i][j - 1] - penalty, s[i - 1][j - 1] + score_matrix[seq1[i - 1], seq2[j - 1]]] s[i][j] = max(score_list) backtrack[i][j] = score_list.index(s[i][j]) indel_insert = lambda seq, i: seq[:i] + '-' + seq[i:] align1, align2 = seq1, seq2 a, b = len1, len2 max_score = str(s[a][b]) while a * b != 0: if backtrack[a][b] == 0: a -= 1 align2 = indel_insert(align2, b) elif backtrack[a][b] == 1: b -= 1 align1 = indel_insert(align1, a) else: a -= 1 b -= 1 for i in range(a): align2 = indel_insert(align2, 0) for j in range(b): align1 = indel_insert(align1, 0) return max_score, align1, align2 def mid_column_score(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): s = [[i * j * penalty for i in range(-1, 1)] for j in range(len(v) + 1)] s[0][1] = -penalty backtrack = [0] * (len(v) + 1) for j in range(1, len(w) // 2 + 1): for i in range(0, len(v) + 1): if i == 0: s[i][1] = -j * penalty else: scores = [s[i - 1][0] + score_matrix[v[i - 1], w[j - 1]], s[i][0] - penalty, s[i - 1][1] - penalty] s[i][1] = max(scores) backtrack[i] = scores.index(s[i][1]) if j != len(w) // 2: s = [[row[1]] * 2 for row in s] return [i[1] for i in s], backtrack def mid_edge(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): source = mid_column_score(v, w, score_matrix, penalty)[0] mid_to_sink, backtrack = list(map(lambda l: l[::-1], mid_column_score(v[::-1], w[::-1] + ['', '$'][ len(w) % 2 == 1 and len(w) > 1], score_matrix, penalty))) scores = list(map(sum, zip(source, mid_to_sink))) max_mid = max(range(len(scores)), key = lambda i: scores[i]) if max_mid == len(scores) - 1: next_node = (max_mid, len(w) // 2 + 1) else: next_node = [(max_mid + 1, len(w) // 2 + 1), (max_mid, len(w) // 2 + 1), (max_mid + 1, len(w) // 2), ][ backtrack[max_mid]] return (max_mid, len(w) // 2), next_node def linear_space_alignment(top, bottom, left, right, score_matrix): v = seq1 w = seq2 if left == right: return [v[top:bottom], '-' * (bottom - top)] elif top == bottom: return ['-' * (right - left), w[left:right]] elif bottom - top == 1 or right - left == 1: return global_alignment(v[top:bottom], w[left:right], score_matrix, penalty)[1:] else: mid_node, next_node = mid_edge(v[top:bottom], w[left:right], score_matrix, penalty) mid_node = tuple(map(sum, zip(mid_node, [top, left]))) next_node = tuple(map(sum, zip(next_node, [top, left]))) current = [['-', v[mid_node[0] % len(v)]][next_node[0] - mid_node[0]], ['-', w[mid_node[1] % len(w)]][next_node[1] - mid_node[1]]] a = linear_space_alignment(top, mid_node[0], left, mid_node[1], score_matrix) b = linear_space_alignment(next_node[0], bottom, next_node[1], right, score_matrix) return [a[i] + current[i] + b[i] for i in range(2)] def linear_space_global_alignment(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): align1, align2 = linear_space_alignment(0, len(v), 0, len(w), score_matrix) p = [] for i in zip(align1, align2): if '-' in i: p.append(-penalty) else: p.append(score_matrix[i]) score = sum(p) return str(score), align1, align2 if __name__ == '__main__': with open('input.txt') as f: seq1 = f.readline().strip() seq2 = f.readline().strip() with open('BLOSUM62.txt') as f1: lines = [line.strip().split() for line in f1.readlines()] matrix = {(i[0], i[1]): int(i[2]) for i in lines} penalty = 5 alignment = '\n'.join(linear_space_global_alignment(seq1, seq2, matrix, penalty)) print(alignment)
def global_alignment(seq1, seq2, score_matrix, penalty): (len1, len2) = (len(seq1), len(seq2)) s = [[0] * (len2 + 1) for i in range(len1 + 1)] backtrack = [[0] * (len2 + 1) for i in range(len1 + 1)] for i in range(1, len1 + 1): s[i][0] = -i * penalty for j in range(1, len2 + 1): s[0][j] = -j * penalty for i in range(1, len1 + 1): for j in range(1, len2 + 1): score_list = [s[i - 1][j] - penalty, s[i][j - 1] - penalty, s[i - 1][j - 1] + score_matrix[seq1[i - 1], seq2[j - 1]]] s[i][j] = max(score_list) backtrack[i][j] = score_list.index(s[i][j]) indel_insert = lambda seq, i: seq[:i] + '-' + seq[i:] (align1, align2) = (seq1, seq2) (a, b) = (len1, len2) max_score = str(s[a][b]) while a * b != 0: if backtrack[a][b] == 0: a -= 1 align2 = indel_insert(align2, b) elif backtrack[a][b] == 1: b -= 1 align1 = indel_insert(align1, a) else: a -= 1 b -= 1 for i in range(a): align2 = indel_insert(align2, 0) for j in range(b): align1 = indel_insert(align1, 0) return (max_score, align1, align2) def mid_column_score(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): s = [[i * j * penalty for i in range(-1, 1)] for j in range(len(v) + 1)] s[0][1] = -penalty backtrack = [0] * (len(v) + 1) for j in range(1, len(w) // 2 + 1): for i in range(0, len(v) + 1): if i == 0: s[i][1] = -j * penalty else: scores = [s[i - 1][0] + score_matrix[v[i - 1], w[j - 1]], s[i][0] - penalty, s[i - 1][1] - penalty] s[i][1] = max(scores) backtrack[i] = scores.index(s[i][1]) if j != len(w) // 2: s = [[row[1]] * 2 for row in s] return ([i[1] for i in s], backtrack) def mid_edge(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): source = mid_column_score(v, w, score_matrix, penalty)[0] (mid_to_sink, backtrack) = list(map(lambda l: l[::-1], mid_column_score(v[::-1], w[::-1] + ['', '$'][len(w) % 2 == 1 and len(w) > 1], score_matrix, penalty))) scores = list(map(sum, zip(source, mid_to_sink))) max_mid = max(range(len(scores)), key=lambda i: scores[i]) if max_mid == len(scores) - 1: next_node = (max_mid, len(w) // 2 + 1) else: next_node = [(max_mid + 1, len(w) // 2 + 1), (max_mid, len(w) // 2 + 1), (max_mid + 1, len(w) // 2)][backtrack[max_mid]] return ((max_mid, len(w) // 2), next_node) def linear_space_alignment(top, bottom, left, right, score_matrix): v = seq1 w = seq2 if left == right: return [v[top:bottom], '-' * (bottom - top)] elif top == bottom: return ['-' * (right - left), w[left:right]] elif bottom - top == 1 or right - left == 1: return global_alignment(v[top:bottom], w[left:right], score_matrix, penalty)[1:] else: (mid_node, next_node) = mid_edge(v[top:bottom], w[left:right], score_matrix, penalty) mid_node = tuple(map(sum, zip(mid_node, [top, left]))) next_node = tuple(map(sum, zip(next_node, [top, left]))) current = [['-', v[mid_node[0] % len(v)]][next_node[0] - mid_node[0]], ['-', w[mid_node[1] % len(w)]][next_node[1] - mid_node[1]]] a = linear_space_alignment(top, mid_node[0], left, mid_node[1], score_matrix) b = linear_space_alignment(next_node[0], bottom, next_node[1], right, score_matrix) return [a[i] + current[i] + b[i] for i in range(2)] def linear_space_global_alignment(v, w, score_matrix, penalty): (align1, align2) = linear_space_alignment(0, len(v), 0, len(w), score_matrix) p = [] for i in zip(align1, align2): if '-' in i: p.append(-penalty) else: p.append(score_matrix[i]) score = sum(p) return (str(score), align1, align2) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('input.txt') as f: seq1 = f.readline().strip() seq2 = f.readline().strip() with open('BLOSUM62.txt') as f1: lines = [line.strip().split() for line in f1.readlines()] matrix = {(i[0], i[1]): int(i[2]) for i in lines} penalty = 5 alignment = '\n'.join(linear_space_global_alignment(seq1, seq2, matrix, penalty)) print(alignment)
def main(file: str) -> None: depth = 0 distance = 0 aim = 0 with open(f"{file}.in") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip().split(" ") command = line[0] unit = int(line[1]) if command == "forward": distance += unit depth += aim * unit elif command == "down": aim += unit else: aim -= unit print(f"{file}: {depth * distance}") if __name__ == "__main__": main("test") main("puzzle")
def main(file: str) -> None: depth = 0 distance = 0 aim = 0 with open(f'{file}.in') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip().split(' ') command = line[0] unit = int(line[1]) if command == 'forward': distance += unit depth += aim * unit elif command == 'down': aim += unit else: aim -= unit print(f'{file}: {depth * distance}') if __name__ == '__main__': main('test') main('puzzle')
# coding=utf8 class MetaSingleton(type): def __init__(cls, *args): type.__init__(cls, *args) cls.instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls.instance: cls.instance = type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls.instance
class Metasingleton(type): def __init__(cls, *args): type.__init__(cls, *args) cls.instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls.instance: cls.instance = type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls.instance
class Person: olhos = 2 def __init__(self, *children, name=None, year=0): self.year = year = name self.children = list(children) def cumprimentar(self): return 'Hello' @staticmethod def metodo_estatico(): return 123 @classmethod def metodo_classe(cls): return f'{cls} - {cls.olhos}' if __name__ == '__main__': p = Person() eu = Person(name='marcio') wes = Person(eu, name='Wesley') print(p.cumprimentar()) print(p.year) # Atributo de instancia print( # Atributo de dados for filhos in wes.children: print(filhos.year) p.sobre = 'eu' print(p.sobre) del p.sobre print(p.__dict__) print(p.olhos) print(eu.olhos) print(p.metodo_estatico(), eu.metodo_estatico()) print(p.metodo_classe(), eu.metodo_classe())
class Person: olhos = 2 def __init__(self, *children, name=None, year=0): self.year = year = name self.children = list(children) def cumprimentar(self): return 'Hello' @staticmethod def metodo_estatico(): return 123 @classmethod def metodo_classe(cls): return f'{cls} - {cls.olhos}' if __name__ == '__main__': p = person() eu = person(name='marcio') wes = person(eu, name='Wesley') print(p.cumprimentar()) print(p.year) print( for filhos in wes.children: print(filhos.year) p.sobre = 'eu' print(p.sobre) del p.sobre print(p.__dict__) print(p.olhos) print(eu.olhos) print(p.metodo_estatico(), eu.metodo_estatico()) print(p.metodo_classe(), eu.metodo_classe())
class Animal: def __init__(self): = "" self.weight = 0 self.sound = "" def setName(self, name): = name def getName(self): return def setWeight(self, weight): self.weight = weight def getWeight(self): return self.weight def setSound(self, sound): self.sound = sound def getSound(self): return self.sound
class Animal: def __init__(self): = '' self.weight = 0 self.sound = '' def set_name(self, name): = name def get_name(self): return def set_weight(self, weight): self.weight = weight def get_weight(self): return self.weight def set_sound(self, sound): self.sound = sound def get_sound(self): return self.sound
#!/usr/bin/python3 lines = open("inputs/", "r").readlines() for i,line in enumerate(lines): lines[i] = line.split("\n")[0] l = lines.copy(); wires = {} def func_set(p, i): if p[0].isdigit(): wires[p[2]] = int(p[0]) lines.pop(i) elif p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[2]] = wires[p[0]] lines.pop(i) def func_and(p, i): if p[0].isdigit() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = int(p[0]) & wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) if p[0] in wires.keys() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] & wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) def func_or(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] | wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) def func_rshift(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] >> int(p[2]) lines.pop(i) def func_lshift(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] << int(p[2]) lines.pop(i) def func_not(p, i): if p[1] in wires.keys(): wires[p[3]] = 65535 - wires[p[1]] lines.pop(i) def run(): i = 0 while len(lines) > 0: parts = lines[i].split(" ") if "AND" in parts: func_and(parts, i) elif "NOT" in parts: func_not(parts, i) elif "RSHIFT" in parts: func_rshift(parts, i) elif "LSHIFT" in parts: func_lshift(parts, i) elif "OR" in parts: func_or(parts, i) else: func_set(parts, i) i += 1 if i >= len(lines): i = 0 run() print("Part 1: " + str(wires["a"])) lines = l wires = {"b": wires["a"]} run() print("Part 2: " + str(wires["a"]))
lines = open('inputs/', 'r').readlines() for (i, line) in enumerate(lines): lines[i] = line.split('\n')[0] l = lines.copy() wires = {} def func_set(p, i): if p[0].isdigit(): wires[p[2]] = int(p[0]) lines.pop(i) elif p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[2]] = wires[p[0]] lines.pop(i) def func_and(p, i): if p[0].isdigit() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = int(p[0]) & wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) if p[0] in wires.keys() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] & wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) def func_or(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys() and p[2] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] | wires[p[2]] lines.pop(i) def func_rshift(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] >> int(p[2]) lines.pop(i) def func_lshift(p, i): if p[0] in wires.keys(): wires[p[4]] = wires[p[0]] << int(p[2]) lines.pop(i) def func_not(p, i): if p[1] in wires.keys(): wires[p[3]] = 65535 - wires[p[1]] lines.pop(i) def run(): i = 0 while len(lines) > 0: parts = lines[i].split(' ') if 'AND' in parts: func_and(parts, i) elif 'NOT' in parts: func_not(parts, i) elif 'RSHIFT' in parts: func_rshift(parts, i) elif 'LSHIFT' in parts: func_lshift(parts, i) elif 'OR' in parts: func_or(parts, i) else: func_set(parts, i) i += 1 if i >= len(lines): i = 0 run() print('Part 1: ' + str(wires['a'])) lines = l wires = {'b': wires['a']} run() print('Part 2: ' + str(wires['a']))
#Variables #Working with build 2234 saberPort = "/dev/ttyUSB0" #Initializing Motorcontroller saber = Runtime.start("saber", "Sabertooth") saber.connect(saberPort) sleep(1) #Initializing Joystick joystick = Runtime.start("joystick","Joystick") print(joystick.getControllers()) python.subscribe("joystick","publishJoystickInput") joystick.setController(0) for x in range(0,100): print("power", x) saber.driveForwardMotor1(x) sleep(0.5) for x in range(100,-1,-1): print("power", x) saber.driveForwardMotor1(x) sleep(0.5)
saber_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' saber = Runtime.start('saber', 'Sabertooth') saber.connect(saberPort) sleep(1) joystick = Runtime.start('joystick', 'Joystick') print(joystick.getControllers()) python.subscribe('joystick', 'publishJoystickInput') joystick.setController(0) for x in range(0, 100): print('power', x) saber.driveForwardMotor1(x) sleep(0.5) for x in range(100, -1, -1): print('power', x) saber.driveForwardMotor1(x) sleep(0.5)
#=============================================================================== # Copyright 2020-2021 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #=============================================================================== load("@onedal//dev/bazel:repos.bzl", "repos") micromkl_repo = repos.prebuilt_libs_repo_rule( includes = [ "include", "%{os}/include", ], libs = [ "%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_mkl_thread.a", "%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_mkl_sequential.a", "%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_vmlipp_core.a", ], build_template = "@onedal//dev/bazel/deps:micromkl.tpl.BUILD", ) micromkl_dpc_repo = repos.prebuilt_libs_repo_rule( includes = [ "include", ], libs = [ "lib/intel64/libdaal_sycl.a", ], build_template = "@onedal//dev/bazel/deps:micromkldpc.tpl.BUILD", )
load('@onedal//dev/bazel:repos.bzl', 'repos') micromkl_repo = repos.prebuilt_libs_repo_rule(includes=['include', '%{os}/include'], libs=['%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_mkl_thread.a', '%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_mkl_sequential.a', '%{os}/lib/intel64/libdaal_vmlipp_core.a'], build_template='@onedal//dev/bazel/deps:micromkl.tpl.BUILD') micromkl_dpc_repo = repos.prebuilt_libs_repo_rule(includes=['include'], libs=['lib/intel64/libdaal_sycl.a'], build_template='@onedal//dev/bazel/deps:micromkldpc.tpl.BUILD')
guests=int(input()) reservations=set([]) while guests!=0: reservationCode=input() reservations.add(reservationCode) guests-=1 while True: r=input() if r!="END": reservations.discard(r) else: print(len(reservations)) VIPS=[]; Regulars=[] for e in reservations: if e[0].isnumeric(): VIPS.append(e) else: Regulars.append(e) VIPS.sort(); Regulars.sort() for k in VIPS: print(k) for k in Regulars: print(k) break
guests = int(input()) reservations = set([]) while guests != 0: reservation_code = input() reservations.add(reservationCode) guests -= 1 while True: r = input() if r != 'END': reservations.discard(r) else: print(len(reservations)) vips = [] regulars = [] for e in reservations: if e[0].isnumeric(): VIPS.append(e) else: Regulars.append(e) VIPS.sort() Regulars.sort() for k in VIPS: print(k) for k in Regulars: print(k) break
class TestClass: def __init__(self, list, name): self.list = list = name def func1(): print("func1 print something") def func2(): print("func2 print something") integer = 8 return integer def func3(): print("func3 print something") s = "func3" return s def func4(): print("func4 print something") listIntegers = [1,2,3,4,5] return listIntegers def func5(): print("func5 print something") listStrings = ["a","b","c","d","e"] return listStrings print("Hello World") # test = TestClass()
class Testclass: def __init__(self, list, name): self.list = list = name def func1(): print('func1 print something') def func2(): print('func2 print something') integer = 8 return integer def func3(): print('func3 print something') s = 'func3' return s def func4(): print('func4 print something') list_integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] return listIntegers def func5(): print('func5 print something') list_strings = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] return listStrings print('Hello World')
# // ########################################################################### # // Queries # // ########################################################################### # -> get a single cell of a df (use `iloc` with `row` + `col` as arguments) df.iloc[0]['staticContextId'] # -> get one column as a list allFunctionNames = staticContexts[['displayName']].to_numpy().flatten().tolist() # -> get all rows that match a condition callLinked = staticTraces[~staticTraces['callId'].isin([0])] # -> exclude columns df.drop(['A', 'B'], axis=1) # -> complex queries staticTraces.query(f'callId == {callId} or resultCallId == {callId}') # -> join queries (several examples) # df.set_index('key').join(other.set_index('key')) B.query('client_id not in @A.client_id') B[~B.client_id.isin(A.client_id)] # merging dfs # pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['A', 'B']) df1.merge(df2, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey') # // ########################################################################### # // Display # // ########################################################################### # -> display a groupby object ( groups = df.groupby('A') for key, item in groups: group = groups.get_group(key) display(group) # .to_numpy().flatten().tolist()
df.iloc[0]['staticContextId'] all_function_names = staticContexts[['displayName']].to_numpy().flatten().tolist() call_linked = staticTraces[~staticTraces['callId'].isin([0])] df.drop(['A', 'B'], axis=1) staticTraces.query(f'callId == {callId} or resultCallId == {callId}') df.set_index('key').join(other.set_index('key')) B.query('client_id not in @A.client_id') B[~B.client_id.isin(A.client_id)] pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['A', 'B']) df1.merge(df2, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey') groups = df.groupby('A') for (key, item) in groups: group = groups.get_group(key) display(group)
def climbingLeaderboard(ranked, player): ranked = sorted(list(set(ranked)), reverse=True) ranks = [] # print(ranked) for i in range(len(player)): bi = 0 bs = len(ranked) - 1 index = 0 while (bi <= bs): mid = (bi+bs) // 2 if (ranked[mid] > player[i]): index = mid bi = mid + 1 else: bs = mid - 1 if (ranked[index] > player[i]): index += 1 index += 1 ranks.append(index) return ranks
def climbing_leaderboard(ranked, player): ranked = sorted(list(set(ranked)), reverse=True) ranks = [] for i in range(len(player)): bi = 0 bs = len(ranked) - 1 index = 0 while bi <= bs: mid = (bi + bs) // 2 if ranked[mid] > player[i]: index = mid bi = mid + 1 else: bs = mid - 1 if ranked[index] > player[i]: index += 1 index += 1 ranks.append(index) return ranks
class Auth(): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def get_profiles(self): return self.client.get('/auth/api/profiles/', {'page_size': 10000})['results'] def get_groups(self): return self.client.get('/auth/api/groups/') def get_group_map(self): return {group['id']: group['name'] for group in self.get_groups()} def activate_profile(self, pk): return self.client.put('/auth/api/profiles/%d/activate/' % pk, {}) def update_profile_attributes(self, pk, attributes): return self.client.patch('/auth/api/profiles/%d/' % pk, {'attributes': attributes})
class Auth: def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def get_profiles(self): return self.client.get('/auth/api/profiles/', {'page_size': 10000})['results'] def get_groups(self): return self.client.get('/auth/api/groups/') def get_group_map(self): return {group['id']: group['name'] for group in self.get_groups()} def activate_profile(self, pk): return self.client.put('/auth/api/profiles/%d/activate/' % pk, {}) def update_profile_attributes(self, pk, attributes): return self.client.patch('/auth/api/profiles/%d/' % pk, {'attributes': attributes})
class Solution: def kthFactor(self, n: int, k: int) -> int: s1 = set() s2 = set() for i in range(1,int(n**0.5)+1): if n%i ==0: s1.add(i) s2.add(int(n/i)) l = list(s1|s2) l.sort() if k > len(l): return -1 return l[k-1]
class Solution: def kth_factor(self, n: int, k: int) -> int: s1 = set() s2 = set() for i in range(1, int(n ** 0.5) + 1): if n % i == 0: s1.add(i) s2.add(int(n / i)) l = list(s1 | s2) l.sort() if k > len(l): return -1 return l[k - 1]
__title__ = 'The Onion Box' __description__ = 'Dashboard to monitor Tor node operations.' __version__ = '20.2' __stamp__ = '20200119|095654'
__title__ = 'The Onion Box' __description__ = 'Dashboard to monitor Tor node operations.' __version__ = '20.2' __stamp__ = '20200119|095654'
# This is the word list from where the answers for the hangman game will come from. word_list = [ 2015, "Fred Swaniker", "Rwanda and Mauritius", 2, "Dr, Gaidi Faraj", "Sila Ogidi", "Madagascar", 94, 8, "Mauritius" ] # Here we are defining the variables 'Right'(for when they get the question correct) and \n # 'tries'(for when they get a question wrong). Right = 0 tries = 0 # This function below after called, will greet the user when they input their name. def greet(name): print("Hello " + name + " welcome to hangman and good luck!") user_name = input("What is your name?") greet(user_name) # This functions below when called, will check when guess is returned whether the user's guess is in the word_list\n # or not and will print out the appropriate responses while consecutively adding to the 'Right' or 'tries' variable. def alu(guess): if guess in word_list: print("congrats!") def check(guess): if guess not in word_list: print("Wrong") return guess guess1 = int(input("When was ALU founded?")) if alu(guess1): Right += 1 else: check(guess1) tries += 1 guess2 = input("Who is the CEO of ALU") if alu(guess2): Right += 1 else: check(guess2) tries += 1 guess3 = input("Where are ALU campuses?") if alu(guess3): Right += 1 else: check(guess3) tries += 1 guess4 = int(input("How many campuses does ALU have?")) if alu(guess4): Right += 1 else: check(guess4) tries += 1 guess5 = input("What is the name of ALU Rwanda's Dean?") if alu(guess5): Right += 1 else: check(guess5) tries += 1 guess6 = input("Who is in charge of Student Life?") if alu(guess6): Right += 1 else: check(guess6) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit("You lost") guess7 = input("What is the name of our Lab?") if alu(guess7): Right += 1 else: check(guess7) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit("You lost") guess8 = int(input("How many students do we have in Year 2 CS?")) if alu(guess8): Right += 1 else: check(guess8) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit("You lost") guess9 = int(input("How many degrees does ALU offer?")) if alu(guess9): Right += 1 else: check(guess9) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit("You lost") guess10 = input("Where are the headquarters of ALU?") if alu(guess10): Right += 1 else: check(guess10) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit("You lost")
word_list = [2015, 'Fred Swaniker', 'Rwanda and Mauritius', 2, 'Dr, Gaidi Faraj', 'Sila Ogidi', 'Madagascar', 94, 8, 'Mauritius'] right = 0 tries = 0 def greet(name): print('Hello ' + name + ' welcome to hangman and good luck!') user_name = input('What is your name?') greet(user_name) def alu(guess): if guess in word_list: print('congrats!') def check(guess): if guess not in word_list: print('Wrong') return guess guess1 = int(input('When was ALU founded?')) if alu(guess1): right += 1 else: check(guess1) tries += 1 guess2 = input('Who is the CEO of ALU') if alu(guess2): right += 1 else: check(guess2) tries += 1 guess3 = input('Where are ALU campuses?') if alu(guess3): right += 1 else: check(guess3) tries += 1 guess4 = int(input('How many campuses does ALU have?')) if alu(guess4): right += 1 else: check(guess4) tries += 1 guess5 = input("What is the name of ALU Rwanda's Dean?") if alu(guess5): right += 1 else: check(guess5) tries += 1 guess6 = input('Who is in charge of Student Life?') if alu(guess6): right += 1 else: check(guess6) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit('You lost') guess7 = input('What is the name of our Lab?') if alu(guess7): right += 1 else: check(guess7) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit('You lost') guess8 = int(input('How many students do we have in Year 2 CS?')) if alu(guess8): right += 1 else: check(guess8) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit('You lost') guess9 = int(input('How many degrees does ALU offer?')) if alu(guess9): right += 1 else: check(guess9) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit('You lost') guess10 = input('Where are the headquarters of ALU?') if alu(guess10): right += 1 else: check(guess10) tries += 1 if tries == 6: exit('You lost')
os_ma_nfvo_ip = '' os_user_domain_name = 'Default' os_username = 'admin' os_password = '0000' os_project_domain_name = 'Default' os_project_name = 'admin'
class Solution: def findDisappearedNumbers(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: if len(nums) < 1: raise Exception("Invalid Array") n = len(nums) res = [] s = set() for x in nums: s.add(x) for i in range(1, n + 1): if i not in s: res.append(i) return res
class Solution: def find_disappeared_numbers(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: if len(nums) < 1: raise exception('Invalid Array') n = len(nums) res = [] s = set() for x in nums: s.add(x) for i in range(1, n + 1): if i not in s: res.append(i) return res
''' 03 - Multiple arguments In the previous exercise, the square brackets around imag in the documentation showed us that the imag argument is optional. But Python also uses a different way to tell users about arguments being optional. Have a look at the documentation of sorted() by typing help(sorted) in the IPython Shell. You'll see that sorted() takes three arguments: iterable, key and reverse. key=None means that if you don't specify the key argument, it will be None. reverse=False means that if you don't specify the reverse argument, it will be False. In this exercise, you'll only have to specify iterable and reverse, not key. The first input you pass to sorted() will be matched to the iterable argument, but what about the second input? To tell Python you want to specify reverse without changing anything about key, you can use =: sorted(___, reverse = ___) Two lists have been created for you on the right. Can you paste them together and sort them in descending order? Note: For now, we can understand an iterable as being any collection of objects, e.g. a List. Instructions: - Use + to merge the contents of first and second into a new list: full. - Call sorted() on full and specify the reverse argument to be True. Save the sorted list as full_sorted. - Finish off by printing out full_sorted. ''' # Create lists first and second first = [11.25, 18.0, 20.0] second = [10.75, 9.50] # Paste together first and second: full full = first + second # Sort full in descending order: full_sorted full_sorted = sorted(full, reverse=True) # Print out full_sorted print(full_sorted)
""" 03 - Multiple arguments In the previous exercise, the square brackets around imag in the documentation showed us that the imag argument is optional. But Python also uses a different way to tell users about arguments being optional. Have a look at the documentation of sorted() by typing help(sorted) in the IPython Shell. You'll see that sorted() takes three arguments: iterable, key and reverse. key=None means that if you don't specify the key argument, it will be None. reverse=False means that if you don't specify the reverse argument, it will be False. In this exercise, you'll only have to specify iterable and reverse, not key. The first input you pass to sorted() will be matched to the iterable argument, but what about the second input? To tell Python you want to specify reverse without changing anything about key, you can use =: sorted(___, reverse = ___) Two lists have been created for you on the right. Can you paste them together and sort them in descending order? Note: For now, we can understand an iterable as being any collection of objects, e.g. a List. Instructions: - Use + to merge the contents of first and second into a new list: full. - Call sorted() on full and specify the reverse argument to be True. Save the sorted list as full_sorted. - Finish off by printing out full_sorted. """ first = [11.25, 18.0, 20.0] second = [10.75, 9.5] full = first + second full_sorted = sorted(full, reverse=True) print(full_sorted)
parameters = {} genome = {} genome_stats = {} genome_test_stats = [] brain = {} cortical_list = [] cortical_map = {} intercortical_mapping = [] block_dic = {} upstream_neurons = {} memory_list = {} activity_stats = {} temp_neuron_list = [] original_genome_id = [] fire_list = [] termination_flag = False variation_counter_actual = 0 exposure_counter_actual = 0 mnist_training = {} mnist_testing = {} top_10_utf_memory_neurons = {} top_10_utf_neurons = {} v1_members = [] prunning_candidates = set() genome_id = "" event_id = '_' blueprint = "" comprehension_queue = '' working_directory = '' connectome_path = '' paths = {} watchdog_queue = '' exit_condition = False fcl_queue = '' proximity_queue = '' last_ipu_activity = '' last_alertness_trigger = '' influxdb = '' mongodb = '' running_in_container = False hardware = '' gazebo = False stimulation_data = {} hw_controller_path = '' hw_controller = None opu_pub = None router_address = None burst_timer = 1 # rules = "" brain_is_running = False # live_mode_status can have modes of idle, learning, testing, tbd live_mode_status = 'idle' fcl_history = {} brain_run_id = "" burst_detection_list = {} burst_count = 0 fire_candidate_list = {} previous_fcl = {} future_fcl = {} labeled_image = [] training_neuron_list_utf = {} training_neuron_list_img = {} empty_fcl_counter = 0 neuron_mp_list = [] pain_flag = False cumulative_neighbor_count = 0 time_neuron_update = '' time_apply_plasticity_ext = '' plasticity_time_total = None plasticity_time_total_p1 = None plasticity_dict = {} tester_test_stats = {} # Flags flag_ready_to_inject_image = False
parameters = {} genome = {} genome_stats = {} genome_test_stats = [] brain = {} cortical_list = [] cortical_map = {} intercortical_mapping = [] block_dic = {} upstream_neurons = {} memory_list = {} activity_stats = {} temp_neuron_list = [] original_genome_id = [] fire_list = [] termination_flag = False variation_counter_actual = 0 exposure_counter_actual = 0 mnist_training = {} mnist_testing = {} top_10_utf_memory_neurons = {} top_10_utf_neurons = {} v1_members = [] prunning_candidates = set() genome_id = '' event_id = '_' blueprint = '' comprehension_queue = '' working_directory = '' connectome_path = '' paths = {} watchdog_queue = '' exit_condition = False fcl_queue = '' proximity_queue = '' last_ipu_activity = '' last_alertness_trigger = '' influxdb = '' mongodb = '' running_in_container = False hardware = '' gazebo = False stimulation_data = {} hw_controller_path = '' hw_controller = None opu_pub = None router_address = None burst_timer = 1 brain_is_running = False live_mode_status = 'idle' fcl_history = {} brain_run_id = '' burst_detection_list = {} burst_count = 0 fire_candidate_list = {} previous_fcl = {} future_fcl = {} labeled_image = [] training_neuron_list_utf = {} training_neuron_list_img = {} empty_fcl_counter = 0 neuron_mp_list = [] pain_flag = False cumulative_neighbor_count = 0 time_neuron_update = '' time_apply_plasticity_ext = '' plasticity_time_total = None plasticity_time_total_p1 = None plasticity_dict = {} tester_test_stats = {} flag_ready_to_inject_image = False
# -------------- # Code starts here class_1 = ['Geoffrey Hinton' , 'Andrew Ng' , 'Sebastian Raschka' , 'Yoshua Bengio'] class_2 = ['Hilary Mason' , 'Carla Gentry' , 'Corinna Cortes'] new_class = class_1 + class_2 print(new_class) new_class.append('Peter Warden') print(new_class) del new_class[5] print(new_class) # Code ends here # -------------- # Code starts here courses = {'Math': 65 , 'English': 70 , 'History': 80 , 'French': 70 , 'Science': 60} total = sum(courses.values()) print(total) percentage = total/500*100 print(percentage) # Code ends here # -------------- # Code starts here mathematics = { 'Geoffrey Hinton' : 78, 'Andrew Ng' : 95, 'Sebastian Raschka' : 65 , 'Yoshua Benjio' : 50 , 'Hilary Mason' : 70 , 'Corinna Cortes' : 66 , 'Peter Warden' : 75} max_marks_scored = max(mathematics, key=mathematics.get) print(max_marks_scored) topper = max_marks_scored print(topper) # Code ends here # -------------- # Given string topper = ' andrew ng' # Code starts here first_name = topper.split()[0] print(first_name) last_name = topper.split()[1] print(last_name) full_name = last_name +' '+ first_name print(full_name) certificate_name = full_name.upper() print(certificate_name) # Code ends here
class_1 = ['Geoffrey Hinton', 'Andrew Ng', 'Sebastian Raschka', 'Yoshua Bengio'] class_2 = ['Hilary Mason', 'Carla Gentry', 'Corinna Cortes'] new_class = class_1 + class_2 print(new_class) new_class.append('Peter Warden') print(new_class) del new_class[5] print(new_class) courses = {'Math': 65, 'English': 70, 'History': 80, 'French': 70, 'Science': 60} total = sum(courses.values()) print(total) percentage = total / 500 * 100 print(percentage) mathematics = {'Geoffrey Hinton': 78, 'Andrew Ng': 95, 'Sebastian Raschka': 65, 'Yoshua Benjio': 50, 'Hilary Mason': 70, 'Corinna Cortes': 66, 'Peter Warden': 75} max_marks_scored = max(mathematics, key=mathematics.get) print(max_marks_scored) topper = max_marks_scored print(topper) topper = ' andrew ng' first_name = topper.split()[0] print(first_name) last_name = topper.split()[1] print(last_name) full_name = last_name + ' ' + first_name print(full_name) certificate_name = full_name.upper() print(certificate_name)
n = int(input().strip()) items = [ int(A_temp) for A_temp in input().strip().split(' ') ] items_map = {} result = None for i, item in enumerate(items): if item not in items_map: items_map[item] = [i] else: items_map[item].append(i) for _, item_indexes in items_map.items(): items_indexes_length = len(item_indexes) if items_indexes_length > 1: for i in range(items_indexes_length): for j in range(i + 1, items_indexes_length): diff = item_indexes[j] - item_indexes[i] if result is None: result = diff elif diff < result: result = diff print(result if result else -1)
n = int(input().strip()) items = [int(A_temp) for a_temp in input().strip().split(' ')] items_map = {} result = None for (i, item) in enumerate(items): if item not in items_map: items_map[item] = [i] else: items_map[item].append(i) for (_, item_indexes) in items_map.items(): items_indexes_length = len(item_indexes) if items_indexes_length > 1: for i in range(items_indexes_length): for j in range(i + 1, items_indexes_length): diff = item_indexes[j] - item_indexes[i] if result is None: result = diff elif diff < result: result = diff print(result if result else -1)
def compareMetaboliteDicts(d1, d2): sorted_d1_keys = sorted(d1.keys()) sorted_d2_keys = sorted(d2.keys()) for i in range(len(sorted_d1_keys)): if not compareMetabolites(sorted_d1_keys[i], sorted_d2_keys[i], naive=True): return False elif not d1[sorted_d1_keys[i]] == d2[sorted_d2_keys[i]]: return False else: return True def compareMetabolites(met1, met2, naive=False): if isinstance(met1, set): return compareReactions(list(met1), list(met2), naive) if isinstance(met1, list): if not isinstance(met2, list): return False elif len(met1) != len(met2): return False else: for i in range(len(met1)): if not compareMetabolites(met1[i], met2[i], naive): return False else: return True else: if not True: #can never be entered pass elif not met1._bound == met2._bound: return False elif not met1._constraint_sense == met2._constraint_sense: return False #elif not met1.annotation == met2.annotation: # return False elif not met1.charge == met2.charge: return False elif not met1.compartment == met2.compartment: return False elif not == return False elif not met1.compartment == met2.compartment: return False #elif not met1.notes == met2.notes: # return False elif not naive: if not compareReactions(met1._reaction, met2._reaction, naive=True): return False elif not compareModels(met1._model, met2._model, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compareReactions(r1, r2, naive=False): if isinstance(r1, set): return compareReactions(list(r1), list(r2), naive) if isinstance(r1, list): if not isinstance(r2, list): return False elif len(r1) != len(r2): return False else: for i in range(len(r1)): if not compareReactions(r1[i], r2[i],naive): return False else: return True else: if not True: #can never be entered pass #elif not r1._compartments == r2._compartments: # return False #elif not r1._forward_variable == r2._forward_variable: # return False elif not r1._gene_reaction_rule == r2._gene_reaction_rule: return False elif not r1._id == r2._id: return False elif not r1._lower_bound == r2._lower_bound: return False #elif not r1._model == r2._model: # return False #elif not r1._reverse_variable == r2._reverse_variable: # return False elif not r1._upper_bound == r2._upper_bound: return False #elif not r1.annotation == r2.annotation: # return False elif not return False #elif not r1.notes == r2.notes: # return False elif not r1.subsystem == r2.subsystem: return False elif not r1.variable_kind == r2.variable_kind: return False elif not naive: if not compareMetaboliteDicts(r1._metabolites, r2._metabolites): return False elif not compareGenes(r1._genes,r2._genes, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compareGenes(g1, g2, naive=False): if isinstance(g1, set): return compareGenes(list(g1), list(g2), naive) if isinstance(g1, list): if not isinstance(g2, list): return False elif len(g1) != len(g2): return False else: for i in range(len(g1)): if not compareGenes(g1[i], g2[i], naive): return False else: return True else: if not True: #can never be entered pass elif not g1._functional == g2._functional: return False elif not g1._id == g2._id: return False #elif not g1._model == g2._model: # return False elif not g1.annotation == g2.annotation: return False elif not == return False #elif not g1.notes == g2.notes: # return False elif not naive: if not compareReactions(g1._reaction,g2._reaction, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compareModels(m1, m2, naive=False): if not True: #can never be entered pass #elif not m1._compartments == m2._compartments: # return False #elif not m1._contexts == m2._contexts: # return False #elif not m1._solver == m2._solver: # return False elif not m1._id == m2._id: return False #elif not m1._trimmed == m2.trimmed: # return False #elif not m1._trimmed_genes == m2._trimmed_genes: # return False #elif not m1._trimmed_reactions == m2._trimmed_reactions: # return False #elif not m1.annotation == m2.annotation: # return False elif not m1.bounds == m2.bounds: return False elif not == return False #elif not m1.notes == m2.notes: # return False #elif not m1.quadratic_component == m2.quadratic_component: # return False elif not naive: if not compareGenes(m1.genes, m2.genes): return False elif not compareMetabolites(m1.metabolites, m2.metabolites): return False elif not compareReactions(m1.reactions,m2.reactions): return False else: return True else: return True
def compare_metabolite_dicts(d1, d2): sorted_d1_keys = sorted(d1.keys()) sorted_d2_keys = sorted(d2.keys()) for i in range(len(sorted_d1_keys)): if not compare_metabolites(sorted_d1_keys[i], sorted_d2_keys[i], naive=True): return False elif not d1[sorted_d1_keys[i]] == d2[sorted_d2_keys[i]]: return False else: return True def compare_metabolites(met1, met2, naive=False): if isinstance(met1, set): return compare_reactions(list(met1), list(met2), naive) if isinstance(met1, list): if not isinstance(met2, list): return False elif len(met1) != len(met2): return False else: for i in range(len(met1)): if not compare_metabolites(met1[i], met2[i], naive): return False else: return True elif not True: pass elif not met1._bound == met2._bound: return False elif not met1._constraint_sense == met2._constraint_sense: return False elif not met1.charge == met2.charge: return False elif not met1.compartment == met2.compartment: return False elif not == return False elif not met1.compartment == met2.compartment: return False elif not naive: if not compare_reactions(met1._reaction, met2._reaction, naive=True): return False elif not compare_models(met1._model, met2._model, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compare_reactions(r1, r2, naive=False): if isinstance(r1, set): return compare_reactions(list(r1), list(r2), naive) if isinstance(r1, list): if not isinstance(r2, list): return False elif len(r1) != len(r2): return False else: for i in range(len(r1)): if not compare_reactions(r1[i], r2[i], naive): return False else: return True elif not True: pass elif not r1._gene_reaction_rule == r2._gene_reaction_rule: return False elif not r1._id == r2._id: return False elif not r1._lower_bound == r2._lower_bound: return False elif not r1._upper_bound == r2._upper_bound: return False elif not == return False elif not r1.subsystem == r2.subsystem: return False elif not r1.variable_kind == r2.variable_kind: return False elif not naive: if not compare_metabolite_dicts(r1._metabolites, r2._metabolites): return False elif not compare_genes(r1._genes, r2._genes, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compare_genes(g1, g2, naive=False): if isinstance(g1, set): return compare_genes(list(g1), list(g2), naive) if isinstance(g1, list): if not isinstance(g2, list): return False elif len(g1) != len(g2): return False else: for i in range(len(g1)): if not compare_genes(g1[i], g2[i], naive): return False else: return True elif not True: pass elif not g1._functional == g2._functional: return False elif not g1._id == g2._id: return False elif not g1.annotation == g2.annotation: return False elif not == return False elif not naive: if not compare_reactions(g1._reaction, g2._reaction, naive=True): return False else: return True else: return True def compare_models(m1, m2, naive=False): if not True: pass elif not m1._id == m2._id: return False elif not m1.bounds == m2.bounds: return False elif not == return False elif not naive: if not compare_genes(m1.genes, m2.genes): return False elif not compare_metabolites(m1.metabolites, m2.metabolites): return False elif not compare_reactions(m1.reactions, m2.reactions): return False else: return True else: return True
problem_type = "segmentation" dataset_name = "synthia_rand_cityscapes" dataset_name2 = None perc_mb2 = None model_name = "resnetFCN" freeze_layers_from = None show_model = False load_imageNet = True load_pretrained = False weights_file = "weights.hdf5" train_model = True test_model = True pred_model = False debug = True debug_images_train = 50 debug_images_valid = 50 debug_images_test = 50 debug_n_epochs = 2 batch_size_train = 2 batch_size_valid = 2 batch_size_test = 2 crop_size_train = (512, 512) crop_size_valid = None crop_size_test = None resize_train = None resize_valid = None resize_test = None shuffle_train = True shuffle_valid = False shuffle_test = False seed_train = 1924 seed_valid = 1924 seed_test = 1924 optimizer = "rmsprop" learning_rate = 0.0001 weight_decay = 0.0 n_epochs = 1000 save_results_enabled = True save_results_nsamples = 5 save_results_batch_size = 5 save_results_n_legend_rows = 1 earlyStopping_enabled = True earlyStopping_monitor = "val_jaccard" earlyStopping_mode = "max" earlyStopping_patience = 50 earlyStopping_verbose = 0 checkpoint_enabled = True checkpoint_monitor = "val_jaccard" checkpoint_mode = "max" checkpoint_save_best_only = True checkpoint_save_weights_only = True checkpoint_verbose = 0 plotHist_enabled = True plotHist_verbose = 0 LRScheduler_enabled = True LRScheduler_batch_epoch = "batch" LRScheduler_type = "poly" LRScheduler_M = 75000 LRScheduler_decay = 0.1 LRScheduler_S = 10000 LRScheduler_power = 0.9 TensorBoard_enabled = True TensorBoard_histogram_freq = 1 TensorBoard_write_graph = True TensorBoard_write_images = False TensorBoard_logs_folder = None norm_imageNet_preprocess = True norm_fit_dataset = False norm_rescale = 1 norm_featurewise_center = False norm_featurewise_std_normalization = False norm_samplewise_center = False norm_samplewise_std_normalization = False norm_gcn = False norm_zca_whitening = False cb_weights_method = None da_rotation_range = 0 da_width_shift_range = 0.0 da_height_shift_range = 0.0 da_shear_range = 0.0 da_zoom_range = 0.5 da_channel_shift_range = 0.0 da_fill_mode = "constant" da_cval = 0.0 da_horizontal_flip = True da_vertical_flip = False da_spline_warp = False da_warp_sigma = 10 da_warp_grid_size = 3 da_save_to_dir = False
problem_type = 'segmentation' dataset_name = 'synthia_rand_cityscapes' dataset_name2 = None perc_mb2 = None model_name = 'resnetFCN' freeze_layers_from = None show_model = False load_image_net = True load_pretrained = False weights_file = 'weights.hdf5' train_model = True test_model = True pred_model = False debug = True debug_images_train = 50 debug_images_valid = 50 debug_images_test = 50 debug_n_epochs = 2 batch_size_train = 2 batch_size_valid = 2 batch_size_test = 2 crop_size_train = (512, 512) crop_size_valid = None crop_size_test = None resize_train = None resize_valid = None resize_test = None shuffle_train = True shuffle_valid = False shuffle_test = False seed_train = 1924 seed_valid = 1924 seed_test = 1924 optimizer = 'rmsprop' learning_rate = 0.0001 weight_decay = 0.0 n_epochs = 1000 save_results_enabled = True save_results_nsamples = 5 save_results_batch_size = 5 save_results_n_legend_rows = 1 early_stopping_enabled = True early_stopping_monitor = 'val_jaccard' early_stopping_mode = 'max' early_stopping_patience = 50 early_stopping_verbose = 0 checkpoint_enabled = True checkpoint_monitor = 'val_jaccard' checkpoint_mode = 'max' checkpoint_save_best_only = True checkpoint_save_weights_only = True checkpoint_verbose = 0 plot_hist_enabled = True plot_hist_verbose = 0 lr_scheduler_enabled = True lr_scheduler_batch_epoch = 'batch' lr_scheduler_type = 'poly' lr_scheduler_m = 75000 lr_scheduler_decay = 0.1 lr_scheduler_s = 10000 lr_scheduler_power = 0.9 tensor_board_enabled = True tensor_board_histogram_freq = 1 tensor_board_write_graph = True tensor_board_write_images = False tensor_board_logs_folder = None norm_image_net_preprocess = True norm_fit_dataset = False norm_rescale = 1 norm_featurewise_center = False norm_featurewise_std_normalization = False norm_samplewise_center = False norm_samplewise_std_normalization = False norm_gcn = False norm_zca_whitening = False cb_weights_method = None da_rotation_range = 0 da_width_shift_range = 0.0 da_height_shift_range = 0.0 da_shear_range = 0.0 da_zoom_range = 0.5 da_channel_shift_range = 0.0 da_fill_mode = 'constant' da_cval = 0.0 da_horizontal_flip = True da_vertical_flip = False da_spline_warp = False da_warp_sigma = 10 da_warp_grid_size = 3 da_save_to_dir = False
{ "targets": [ { "target_name": "cclust", "sources": [ "./src/heatmap_clustering_js_module.cpp" ], 'dependencies': ['bonsaiclust'] }, { 'target_name': 'bonsaiclust', 'type': 'static_library', 'sources': [ 'src/cluster.c' ], 'cflags': ['-fPIC', '-I', '-pedantic', '-Wall'] } ] }
{'targets': [{'target_name': 'cclust', 'sources': ['./src/heatmap_clustering_js_module.cpp'], 'dependencies': ['bonsaiclust']}, {'target_name': 'bonsaiclust', 'type': 'static_library', 'sources': ['src/cluster.c'], 'cflags': ['-fPIC', '-I', '-pedantic', '-Wall']}]}
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8 table="".maketrans("0123456789","\N{Devanagari digit zero}\N{Devanagari digit one}" "\N{Devanagari digit two}\N{Devanagari digit three}" "\N{Devanagari digit four}\N{Devanagari digit five}" "\N{Devanagari digit six}\N{Devanagari digit seven}" "\N{Devanagari digit eight}\N{Devanagari digit nine}") print("0123456789".translate(table))
table = ''.maketrans('0123456789', '०१२३४५६७८९') print('0123456789'.translate(table))
__author__ = 'Riccardo Frigerio' ''' Oggetto HOST Attributi: - mac_address: indirizzo MAC - port: porta a cui e' collegato - dpid: switch a cui e' collegato ''' class Host(object): def __init__(self, mac_address, port, dpid): self.mac_address = mac_address self.port = port self.dpid = dpid
__author__ = 'Riccardo Frigerio' "\nOggetto HOST\nAttributi:\n- mac_address: indirizzo MAC\n- port: porta a cui e' collegato\n- dpid: switch a cui e' collegato\n" class Host(object): def __init__(self, mac_address, port, dpid): self.mac_address = mac_address self.port = port self.dpid = dpid
# nested loops = The "inner loop" will finish all of it's iterations before # finishing one iteration of the "outer loop" rows = int(input("How many rows?: ")) columns = int(input("How many columns?: ")) symbol = input("Enter a symbol to use: ") #symbol = int(input("Enter a symbol to use: ")) for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): print(symbol, end="") print()
rows = int(input('How many rows?: ')) columns = int(input('How many columns?: ')) symbol = input('Enter a symbol to use: ') for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): print(symbol, end='') print()
_base_ = [ '../_base_/models/', '../_base_/datasets/', '../_base_/' ] cudnn_benchmark = True norm_cfg = dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True) checkpoint = '' # noqa model = dict( backbone=dict( _delete_=True, type='EfficientNet', arch='b3', drop_path_rate=0.2, out_indices=(3, 4, 5), frozen_stages=0, norm_cfg=dict( type='SyncBN', requires_grad=True, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01), norm_eval=False, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', prefix='backbone', checkpoint=checkpoint)), neck=dict( in_channels=[48, 136, 384], start_level=0, out_channels=256, relu_before_extra_convs=True, no_norm_on_lateral=True, norm_cfg=norm_cfg), bbox_head=dict(type='RetinaSepBNHead', num_ins=5, norm_cfg=norm_cfg), # training and testing settings train_cfg=dict(assigner=dict(neg_iou_thr=0.5))) # dataset settings img_norm_cfg = dict( mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_rgb=True) img_size = (896, 896) train_pipeline = [ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict( type='Resize', img_scale=img_size, ratio_range=(0.8, 1.2), keep_ratio=True), dict(type='RandomCrop', crop_size=img_size), dict(type='RandomFlip', flip_ratio=0.5), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), dict(type='Pad', size=img_size), dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle'), dict(type='Collect', keys=['img', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels']), ] test_pipeline = [ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict( type='MultiScaleFlipAug', img_scale=img_size, flip=False, transforms=[ dict(type='Resize', keep_ratio=True), dict(type='RandomFlip'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), dict(type='Pad', size=img_size), dict(type='ImageToTensor', keys=['img']), dict(type='Collect', keys=['img']), ]) ] data = dict( samples_per_gpu=4, workers_per_gpu=4, train=dict(pipeline=train_pipeline), val=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline), test=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline)) # optimizer optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None) optimizer = dict( type='SGD', lr=0.04, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0001, paramwise_cfg=dict(norm_decay_mult=0, bypass_duplicate=True)) # learning policy lr_config = dict( policy='step', warmup='linear', warmup_iters=1000, warmup_ratio=0.1, step=[8, 11]) # runtime settings runner = dict(type='EpochBasedRunner', max_epochs=12) # NOTE: This variable is for automatically scaling LR, # USER SHOULD NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE. default_batch_size = 32 # (8 GPUs) x (4 samples per GPU)
_base_ = ['../_base_/models/', '../_base_/datasets/', '../_base_/'] cudnn_benchmark = True norm_cfg = dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True) checkpoint = '' model = dict(backbone=dict(_delete_=True, type='EfficientNet', arch='b3', drop_path_rate=0.2, out_indices=(3, 4, 5), frozen_stages=0, norm_cfg=dict(type='SyncBN', requires_grad=True, eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), norm_eval=False, init_cfg=dict(type='Pretrained', prefix='backbone', checkpoint=checkpoint)), neck=dict(in_channels=[48, 136, 384], start_level=0, out_channels=256, relu_before_extra_convs=True, no_norm_on_lateral=True, norm_cfg=norm_cfg), bbox_head=dict(type='RetinaSepBNHead', num_ins=5, norm_cfg=norm_cfg), train_cfg=dict(assigner=dict(neg_iou_thr=0.5))) img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_rgb=True) img_size = (896, 896) train_pipeline = [dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True), dict(type='Resize', img_scale=img_size, ratio_range=(0.8, 1.2), keep_ratio=True), dict(type='RandomCrop', crop_size=img_size), dict(type='RandomFlip', flip_ratio=0.5), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), dict(type='Pad', size=img_size), dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle'), dict(type='Collect', keys=['img', 'gt_bboxes', 'gt_labels'])] test_pipeline = [dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='MultiScaleFlipAug', img_scale=img_size, flip=False, transforms=[dict(type='Resize', keep_ratio=True), dict(type='RandomFlip'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg), dict(type='Pad', size=img_size), dict(type='ImageToTensor', keys=['img']), dict(type='Collect', keys=['img'])])] data = dict(samples_per_gpu=4, workers_per_gpu=4, train=dict(pipeline=train_pipeline), val=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline), test=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline)) optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None) optimizer = dict(type='SGD', lr=0.04, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0001, paramwise_cfg=dict(norm_decay_mult=0, bypass_duplicate=True)) lr_config = dict(policy='step', warmup='linear', warmup_iters=1000, warmup_ratio=0.1, step=[8, 11]) runner = dict(type='EpochBasedRunner', max_epochs=12) default_batch_size = 32
''' 1. Write a Python program to access a specific item in a singly linked list using index value. 2. Write a Python program to set a new value of an item in a singly linked list using index value. 3. Write a Python program to delete the first item from a singly linked list. '''
""" 1. Write a Python program to access a specific item in a singly linked list using index value. 2. Write a Python program to set a new value of an item in a singly linked list using index value. 3. Write a Python program to delete the first item from a singly linked list. """
class Node: left = right = None def __init__(self, data): = data def inorder(root): if root is None: return inorder(root.left) print(, end=' ') inorder(root.right) def insert(root, key): if root is None: return Node(key) if key < root.left = insert(root.left, key) else: root.right = insert(root.right, key) return root def constructBST(keys): root = None for key in keys: root = insert(root, key) return root if __name__ == '__main__': keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 16, 25] root = constructBST(keys) inorder(root)
class Node: left = right = None def __init__(self, data): = data def inorder(root): if root is None: return inorder(root.left) print(, end=' ') inorder(root.right) def insert(root, key): if root is None: return node(key) if key < root.left = insert(root.left, key) else: root.right = insert(root.right, key) return root def construct_bst(keys): root = None for key in keys: root = insert(root, key) return root if __name__ == '__main__': keys = [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 16, 25] root = construct_bst(keys) inorder(root)
def something() -> None: print("Andrew says: `something`.")
def something() -> None: print('Andrew says: `something`.')
blacklist=set() def get_blacklist(): return blacklist def add_to_blacklist(jti): return blacklist.add(jti)
blacklist = set() def get_blacklist(): return blacklist def add_to_blacklist(jti): return blacklist.add(jti)
#unit class Dict(dict): def __init__(self,**kw): super(Dict,self).__init__(**kw) def __getattr__(self,key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(r"'Dict' object han no attribute'%s'" %key) def __setattr__(self,key,value): self[key]=value
class Dict(dict): def __init__(self, **kw): super(Dict, self).__init__(**kw) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise attribute_error("'Dict' object han no attribute'%s'" % key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value
# # This is Seisflows # # See LICENCE file # ############################################################################### raise NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
#Integer division #You have a shop selling buns for $2.40 each. A customer comes in with $15, and would like to buy as many buns as possible. #Complete the code to calculate how many buns the customer can afford. #Note: Your customer won't be happy if you try to sell them part of a bun. #Print only the result, any other text in the output will cause the checker to fail. bun_price = 2.40 money = 15 print( money // bun_price )
bun_price = 2.4 money = 15 print(money // bun_price)
# An algorithm to reconstruct the queue. # Suppose you have a random list of people standing in a queue. # Each person is described by a pair of integers (h,k), where h is the height of the person and k is the number of people in front of this person who have a height greater than or equal to h. class Solution: def reconstructQueue(self, people: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]: people = sorted(people, key = lambda x: (-x[0], x[1])) ans = [] for pep in people: ans.insert(pep[1], pep) return ans
class Solution: def reconstruct_queue(self, people: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]: people = sorted(people, key=lambda x: (-x[0], x[1])) ans = [] for pep in people: ans.insert(pep[1], pep) return ans
# statements that used at the start of defenition or in statements without columns defenition_statements = { "DROP": "DROP", "CREATE": "CREATE", "TABLE": "TABLE", "DATABASE": "DATABASE", "SCHEMA": "SCHEMA", "ALTER": "ALTER", "TYPE": "TYPE", "DOMAIN": "DOMAIN", "REPLACE": "REPLACE", "OR": "OR", "CLUSTERED": "CLUSTERED", "SEQUENCE": "SEQUENCE", "TABLESPACE": "TABLESPACE", } common_statements = { "INDEX": "INDEX", "REFERENCES": "REFERENCES", "KEY": "KEY", "ADD": "ADD", "AS": "AS", "CLONE": "CLONE", "DEFERRABLE": "DEFERRABLE", "INITIALLY": "INITIALLY", "IF": "IF", "NOT": "NOT", "EXISTS": "EXISTS", "ON": "ON", "FOR": "FOR", "ENCRYPT": "ENCRYPT", "SALT": "SALT", "NO": "NO", "USING": "USING", # bigquery "OPTIONS": "OPTIONS", } columns_defenition = { "DELETE": "DELETE", "UPDATE": "UPDATE", "NULL": "NULL", "ARRAY": "ARRAY", ",": "COMMA", "DEFAULT": "DEFAULT", "COLLATE": "COLLATE", "ENFORCED": "ENFORCED", "ENCODE": "ENCODE", "GENERATED": "GENERATED", "COMMENT": "COMMENT", } first_liners = { "LIKE": "LIKE", "CONSTRAINT": "CONSTRAINT", "FOREIGN": "FOREIGN", "PRIMARY": "PRIMARY", "UNIQUE": "UNIQUE", "CHECK": "CHECK", "WITH": "WITH", } common_statements.update(first_liners) defenition_statements.update(common_statements) after_columns_tokens = { "PARTITIONED": "PARTITIONED", "PARTITION": "PARTITION", "BY": "BY", # hql "INTO": "INTO", "STORED": "STORED", "LOCATION": "LOCATION", "ROW": "ROW", "FORMAT": "FORMAT", "TERMINATED": "TERMINATED", "COLLECTION": "COLLECTION", "ITEMS": "ITEMS", "MAP": "MAP", "KEYS": "KEYS", "SERDE": "SERDE", "CLUSTER": "CLUSTER", "SERDEPROPERTIES": "SERDEPROPERTIES", "TBLPROPERTIES": "TBLPROPERTIES", "SKEWED": "SKEWED", # oracle "STORAGE": "STORAGE", "TABLESPACE": "TABLESPACE", # mssql "TEXTIMAGE_ON": "TEXTIMAGE_ON", } sequence_reserved = { "INCREMENT": "INCREMENT", "START": "START", "MINVALUE": "MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE": "MAXVALUE", "CACHE": "CACHE", "NO": "NO", } tokens = tuple( set( ["ID", "DOT", "STRING", "DQ_STRING", "LP", "RP", "LT", "RT", "COMMAT"] + list(defenition_statements.values()) + list(common_statements.values()) + list(columns_defenition.values()) + list(sequence_reserved.values()) + list(after_columns_tokens.values()) ) ) symbol_tokens = { ")": "RP", "(": "LP", } symbol_tokens_no_check = {"<": "LT", ">": "RT"}
defenition_statements = {'DROP': 'DROP', 'CREATE': 'CREATE', 'TABLE': 'TABLE', 'DATABASE': 'DATABASE', 'SCHEMA': 'SCHEMA', 'ALTER': 'ALTER', 'TYPE': 'TYPE', 'DOMAIN': 'DOMAIN', 'REPLACE': 'REPLACE', 'OR': 'OR', 'CLUSTERED': 'CLUSTERED', 'SEQUENCE': 'SEQUENCE', 'TABLESPACE': 'TABLESPACE'} common_statements = {'INDEX': 'INDEX', 'REFERENCES': 'REFERENCES', 'KEY': 'KEY', 'ADD': 'ADD', 'AS': 'AS', 'CLONE': 'CLONE', 'DEFERRABLE': 'DEFERRABLE', 'INITIALLY': 'INITIALLY', 'IF': 'IF', 'NOT': 'NOT', 'EXISTS': 'EXISTS', 'ON': 'ON', 'FOR': 'FOR', 'ENCRYPT': 'ENCRYPT', 'SALT': 'SALT', 'NO': 'NO', 'USING': 'USING', 'OPTIONS': 'OPTIONS'} columns_defenition = {'DELETE': 'DELETE', 'UPDATE': 'UPDATE', 'NULL': 'NULL', 'ARRAY': 'ARRAY', ',': 'COMMA', 'DEFAULT': 'DEFAULT', 'COLLATE': 'COLLATE', 'ENFORCED': 'ENFORCED', 'ENCODE': 'ENCODE', 'GENERATED': 'GENERATED', 'COMMENT': 'COMMENT'} first_liners = {'LIKE': 'LIKE', 'CONSTRAINT': 'CONSTRAINT', 'FOREIGN': 'FOREIGN', 'PRIMARY': 'PRIMARY', 'UNIQUE': 'UNIQUE', 'CHECK': 'CHECK', 'WITH': 'WITH'} common_statements.update(first_liners) defenition_statements.update(common_statements) after_columns_tokens = {'PARTITIONED': 'PARTITIONED', 'PARTITION': 'PARTITION', 'BY': 'BY', 'INTO': 'INTO', 'STORED': 'STORED', 'LOCATION': 'LOCATION', 'ROW': 'ROW', 'FORMAT': 'FORMAT', 'TERMINATED': 'TERMINATED', 'COLLECTION': 'COLLECTION', 'ITEMS': 'ITEMS', 'MAP': 'MAP', 'KEYS': 'KEYS', 'SERDE': 'SERDE', 'CLUSTER': 'CLUSTER', 'SERDEPROPERTIES': 'SERDEPROPERTIES', 'TBLPROPERTIES': 'TBLPROPERTIES', 'SKEWED': 'SKEWED', 'STORAGE': 'STORAGE', 'TABLESPACE': 'TABLESPACE', 'TEXTIMAGE_ON': 'TEXTIMAGE_ON'} sequence_reserved = {'INCREMENT': 'INCREMENT', 'START': 'START', 'MINVALUE': 'MINVALUE', 'MAXVALUE': 'MAXVALUE', 'CACHE': 'CACHE', 'NO': 'NO'} tokens = tuple(set(['ID', 'DOT', 'STRING', 'DQ_STRING', 'LP', 'RP', 'LT', 'RT', 'COMMAT'] + list(defenition_statements.values()) + list(common_statements.values()) + list(columns_defenition.values()) + list(sequence_reserved.values()) + list(after_columns_tokens.values()))) symbol_tokens = {')': 'RP', '(': 'LP'} symbol_tokens_no_check = {'<': 'LT', '>': 'RT'}
def kmp(P, T): # Compute the start position (number of chars) of the longest suffix that matches a prefix, # and store them into list K, the first element of K is set to be -1, the second # K = [] # K[t] store the value that when mismatch happens at t, should move Pattern P K[t] characters ahead t = -1 # K's length is len(P) + 1, the first element is set to be -1, corresponding to no elements in P. K.append(t) # Add the first element, keep t = -1. for k in range(1, len(P) + 1): # traverse all the elemtn in P, calculate the corresponding value for each element. while(t >= 0 and P[t] != P[k - 1]): # if t=-1, then let t = 0, if t>=0 and current suffix doesn't match, then try a shorter suffix t = K[t] t = t + 1 # If it matches, then the matching position should be one character ahead. K.append(t) # record the matching postion for k print(K) # Match the String T with P m = 0 # Record the current matching position in P when compared with T for i in range(0, len(T)): # traverse T one-by-one while (m >= 0 and P[m] != T[i]): # if mismatch happens at position m, move P forward with K[m] characters and restart comparison m = K[m] m = m + 1 # if position m matches, move P forward to next position if m == len(P): # if m is already the end of K (or P), the a fully match is found. Continue comparison by move P forward K[m] characters print (i - m + 1, i) m = K[m] if __name__ == "__main__": kmp('abcbabca', 'abcbabcabcbabcbabcbabcabcbabcbabca') kmp('abab', 'ababcabababc')
def kmp(P, T): k = [] t = -1 K.append(t) for k in range(1, len(P) + 1): while t >= 0 and P[t] != P[k - 1]: t = K[t] t = t + 1 K.append(t) print(K) m = 0 for i in range(0, len(T)): while m >= 0 and P[m] != T[i]: m = K[m] m = m + 1 if m == len(P): print(i - m + 1, i) m = K[m] if __name__ == '__main__': kmp('abcbabca', 'abcbabcabcbabcbabcbabcabcbabcbabca') kmp('abab', 'ababcabababc')
class _FuncStorage: def __init__(self): self._function_map = {} def insert_function(self, name, function): self._function_map[name] = function def get_all_functions(self): return self._function_map
class _Funcstorage: def __init__(self): self._function_map = {} def insert_function(self, name, function): self._function_map[name] = function def get_all_functions(self): return self._function_map
A=int(input("dame int")) B=int(input("dame int")) if(A>B): print("A es mayor") else: print("B es mayor")
a = int(input('dame int')) b = int(input('dame int')) if A > B: print('A es mayor') else: print('B es mayor')
# !/usr/bin/env python3 # Author: C.K # Email: [email protected] # DateTime:2021-03-15 00:07:14 # Description: class Solution: def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: result = set() for i in range(0, len(nums) - 1): # Reduce the problem to two sum(0) two_sum = -nums[i] cache = set() for num in nums[i + 1:]: remaining = two_sum - num if remaining in cache: #sorting to create unique tuples triplet = tuple(sorted([nums[i], remaining, num])) # using tuple in a set will eliminate duplicates combinations result.add(triplet) else: cache.add(num) return result if __name__ == "__main__": pass
class Solution: def three_sum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: result = set() for i in range(0, len(nums) - 1): two_sum = -nums[i] cache = set() for num in nums[i + 1:]: remaining = two_sum - num if remaining in cache: triplet = tuple(sorted([nums[i], remaining, num])) result.add(triplet) else: cache.add(num) return result if __name__ == '__main__': pass
bluelabs_format_hints = { 'field-delimiter': ',', 'record-terminator': "\n", 'compression': 'GZIP', 'quoting': None, 'quotechar': '"', 'doublequote': False, 'escape': '\\', 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'dateformat': 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'timeonlyformat': 'HH24:MI:SS', 'datetimeformattz': 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SSOF', 'datetimeformat': 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'header-row': False, } csv_format_hints = { 'field-delimiter': ',', 'record-terminator': "\n", 'compression': 'GZIP', 'quoting': 'minimal', 'quotechar': '"', 'doublequote': True, 'escape': None, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'dateformat': 'MM/DD/YY', 'timeonlyformat': 'HH24:MI:SS', 'datetimeformattz': 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI', 'datetimeformat': 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI', 'header-row': True, } vertica_format_hints = { 'field-delimiter': '\001', 'record-terminator': '\002', 'compression': None, 'quoting': None, 'quotechar': '"', 'doublequote': False, 'escape': None, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'dateformat': 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'timeonlyformat': 'HH24:MI:SS', 'datetimeformat': 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS', 'datetimeformattz': 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SSOF', 'header-row': False, }
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# FROM THE OP PAPER-ISH MINI_BATCH_SIZE = 32 MEMORY_SIZE = 10**6 BUFFER_SIZE = 100 LHIST = 4 GAMMA = 0.99 UPDATE_FREQ_ONlINE = 4 UPDATE_TARGET = 2500 # This was 10**4 but is measured in actor steps, so it's divided update_freq_online TEST_FREQ = 5*10**4 # Measure in updates TEST_STEPS = 10**4 LEARNING_RATE = 0.00025 G_MOMENTUM = 0.95 EPSILON_INIT = 1.0 EPSILON_FINAL = 0.1 EPSILON_TEST = 0.05 EPSILON_LIFE = 10**6 REPLAY_START = 5*10**4 NO_OP_MAX = 30 UPDATES = 5*10**6 CLIP_REWARD = 1.0 CLIP_ERROR = 1.0 # MISC PLAY_STEPS = 3000 BUFFER_SAMPLES = 20 CROP = (0, -1) FRAMESIZE = [84,84] FRAMESIZETP = (84,84) #DROPS = [0.0,0.15,0.1,0.0] DROPS = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Games = ['air_raid', 'alien', 'amidar', 'assault', 'asterix', 'asteroids', 'atlantis', 'bank_heist', 'battle_zone', 'beam_rider', 'bowling', 'boxing', 'breakout', 'carnival', 'centipede', 'chopper_command', 'crazy_climber', 'demon_attack', 'double_dunk', 'enduro', 'fishing_derby', 'freeway', 'frostbite', 'gopher', 'gravitar', 'hero', 'ice_hockey', 'jamesbond', 'kangaroo', 'krull', 'kung_fu_master', 'montezuma_revenge', 'ms_pacman', 'name_this_game', 'pong', 'private_eye', 'qbert', 'riverraid', 'road_runner', 'robotank', 'seaquest', 'space_invaders', 'star_gunner', 'tennis', 'time_pilot', 'tutankham', 'up_n_down', 'venture', 'video_pinball', 'wizard_of_wor', 'zaxxon'] GamesExtras = ['defender','phoenix','berzerk','skiing','yars_revenge','solaris','pitfall',] ACTION_MEANING = { 0: "NOOP", 1: "FIRE", 2: "UP", 3: "RIGHT", 4: "LEFT", 5: "DOWN", 6: "UPRIGHT", 7: "UPLEFT", 8: "DOWNRIGHT", 9: "DOWNLEFT", 10: "UPFIRE", 11: "RIGHTFIRE", 12: "LEFTFIRE", 13: "DOWNFIRE", 14: "UPRIGHTFIRE", 15: "UPLEFTFIRE", 16: "DOWNRIGHTFIRE", 17: "DOWNLEFTFIRE", }
mini_batch_size = 32 memory_size = 10 ** 6 buffer_size = 100 lhist = 4 gamma = 0.99 update_freq_o_nl_ine = 4 update_target = 2500 test_freq = 5 * 10 ** 4 test_steps = 10 ** 4 learning_rate = 0.00025 g_momentum = 0.95 epsilon_init = 1.0 epsilon_final = 0.1 epsilon_test = 0.05 epsilon_life = 10 ** 6 replay_start = 5 * 10 ** 4 no_op_max = 30 updates = 5 * 10 ** 6 clip_reward = 1.0 clip_error = 1.0 play_steps = 3000 buffer_samples = 20 crop = (0, -1) framesize = [84, 84] framesizetp = (84, 84) drops = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] games = ['air_raid', 'alien', 'amidar', 'assault', 'asterix', 'asteroids', 'atlantis', 'bank_heist', 'battle_zone', 'beam_rider', 'bowling', 'boxing', 'breakout', 'carnival', 'centipede', 'chopper_command', 'crazy_climber', 'demon_attack', 'double_dunk', 'enduro', 'fishing_derby', 'freeway', 'frostbite', 'gopher', 'gravitar', 'hero', 'ice_hockey', 'jamesbond', 'kangaroo', 'krull', 'kung_fu_master', 'montezuma_revenge', 'ms_pacman', 'name_this_game', 'pong', 'private_eye', 'qbert', 'riverraid', 'road_runner', 'robotank', 'seaquest', 'space_invaders', 'star_gunner', 'tennis', 'time_pilot', 'tutankham', 'up_n_down', 'venture', 'video_pinball', 'wizard_of_wor', 'zaxxon'] games_extras = ['defender', 'phoenix', 'berzerk', 'skiing', 'yars_revenge', 'solaris', 'pitfall'] action_meaning = {0: 'NOOP', 1: 'FIRE', 2: 'UP', 3: 'RIGHT', 4: 'LEFT', 5: 'DOWN', 6: 'UPRIGHT', 7: 'UPLEFT', 8: 'DOWNRIGHT', 9: 'DOWNLEFT', 10: 'UPFIRE', 11: 'RIGHTFIRE', 12: 'LEFTFIRE', 13: 'DOWNFIRE', 14: 'UPRIGHTFIRE', 15: 'UPLEFTFIRE', 16: 'DOWNRIGHTFIRE', 17: 'DOWNLEFTFIRE'}
# author: jamie # email: [email protected] def Priority (c): if c == '&': return 3 elif c == '|': return 2 elif c == '^': return 1 elif c == '(': return 0 def InfixToPostfix (infix, postfix): stack = [] for c in infix: if c == '(': stack.append('(') elif c == ')': while stack[-1] != '(': postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() elif c == '&' or c == '|' or c == '^': while len(stack) and Priority(c) <= Priority(stack[-1]): postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(c) else: postfix.append(c) while len(stack): postfix.append(stack.pop()) def Evaluate (postfix, value): stack = [] for c in postfix: if c == '&' or c == '|' or c == '^': rhs = stack.pop() lhs = stack.pop() if c == '&': stack.append(lhs & rhs) elif c == '|': stack.append(lhs | rhs) elif c == '^': stack.append(lhs ^ rhs) elif c == '1' or c == '0': stack.append(ord(c) - ord('0')) else: stack.append(value[ord(c) - ord('A')]) return stack.pop() if __name__ == "__main__": infix = input() T = int(input()) for _ in range(T): value = list(map(int, input().split())) postfix = [] InfixToPostfix(infix, postfix) print(Evaluate(postfix, value))
def priority(c): if c == '&': return 3 elif c == '|': return 2 elif c == '^': return 1 elif c == '(': return 0 def infix_to_postfix(infix, postfix): stack = [] for c in infix: if c == '(': stack.append('(') elif c == ')': while stack[-1] != '(': postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() elif c == '&' or c == '|' or c == '^': while len(stack) and priority(c) <= priority(stack[-1]): postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(c) else: postfix.append(c) while len(stack): postfix.append(stack.pop()) def evaluate(postfix, value): stack = [] for c in postfix: if c == '&' or c == '|' or c == '^': rhs = stack.pop() lhs = stack.pop() if c == '&': stack.append(lhs & rhs) elif c == '|': stack.append(lhs | rhs) elif c == '^': stack.append(lhs ^ rhs) elif c == '1' or c == '0': stack.append(ord(c) - ord('0')) else: stack.append(value[ord(c) - ord('A')]) return stack.pop() if __name__ == '__main__': infix = input() t = int(input()) for _ in range(T): value = list(map(int, input().split())) postfix = [] infix_to_postfix(infix, postfix) print(evaluate(postfix, value))