"Iva Honyestewa" 2015; Best of Division, First, and Second Place awards at the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art exhibition in 2015 and 2016; Best of Category Sifter Baskets, First Place, and Second Place awards Gallup Indian Intertribal Celebration in Gallup, New Mexico in August 2011; 1st, 2nd and Honorable Mention at the Hopi Tuhisma Show in Kykotsmovi, AZ 2011–2014; 1st Place Butterfly Basket and 1st Place Geometric Design Division, Gallup Indian Intertribal Celebration in Gallup, New Mexico, in 2007; Honorable Mention in Basketry at the 2007 Museum of Northern Arizona Hopi Festival of Arts and Culture. Honyestewa's pootsaya baskets
"Iva Honyestewa" are in the permanent collection of the Arizona State Museum in Tucson and the School for Advanced Research Museum (Indian Art Research Center) in Santa Fe. Honyestewa was awarded the 2013 Artist-in-Residence award and fellowship at the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art in Indianapolis, Indiana. She subsequently was awarded the 2014 Eric and Barbara Dookin Artist Residency Fellowship at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe. Honyestewa is a subject of Sally Grotta's American Hands Project celebrating craftspeople through narrative portraiture and is on the cover of American Hands Journal volume 1. Honyestewa also frequently lectures
"Iva Honyestewa" on Hopi arts and weaving and provides demonstrations. Honyestewa is a social activist, community builder, and preserver of Hopi culture. She has worked with community-building programs which include youth services and education, substance abuse prevention, and nutrition and health. Culturally, she is focused on providing support for the arts, Hopi language, and customary Hopi food. She is revising a Hopi cookbook for the Hopi Putavi Project in partnership with the Hopi Community Health Representative Office, the Hopi Special Diabetes Program, and the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Hopi Office. She wrote ""Understanding Access to and Use of Traditional Foods by
"Iva Honyestewa" Hopi Women,"" a peer-reviewed article in the ""Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition"". Honyestewa owns and operates Iskasokpu Gallery on Second Mesa, Arizona, which promotes Hopi artists. ""Iskasokpu"" translates to ""the spring where the coyote burped."" She also holds demonstrations and teaches Hopi cooking recipes (and has done so across many venues, including at the university level) and provides catering and private dinners. The artist also has worked for the United States Department of Agriculture. Honyestewa is married to stone and wood sculptor and katsina artist Edward Honyestewa, who is Hopi Coyote (Ishawuu) Clan from the village of Hotevilla, Arizona.
"Iva Honyestewa" She has four sons. Honyestewa attended Yavapai Community College and Northland Pioneer College. She is closely related to the very accomplished basket maker, Adeline Lomayestewa. Both women taught Reba Ann Lomayestewa basketry techniques. Iva Honyestewa Iva Honyestewa (née Casuse; also Iva Lee Honyestewa; born 1964) is a Hopi/Navajo artist, social activist, and cultural practitioner. A Native American, Honyestewa is best known for her woven baskets and figurative sculpture. Honyestewa's most important breakthrough was the development of the ""pootsaya"" basket, called ""a rare innovation in Hopi basketry"". She developed the pootsaya during her 2014 residency at the School for Advanced Research
"Himalaya Roadies" Himalaya Roadies Himalaya Roadies is a Nepalese reality show that is part of the MTV Roadies series. The series is broadcast by the Nepalese network Himalaya TV and airs every week for an hour. The participants receive difficult tasks to complete to become a roadie. Only people 18 and over are allowed to compete. The judges are Ashish Rana aka Laure, Raymond Das Shrestha , and Deeya Maskey. The series is directed by Aman Partap Adhikary. Himalaya Roadies is a reality show based on the popular Indian TV show ""MTV Roadies"". The series is focused on young adults of Nepal
"Himalaya Roadies" seeking adventure. Contestants are given seemingly impossible tasks to push them to their limits. They travel to scenic locations all over Nepal, and the last one to survive is crowned a Himalaya Roadie. There were originally 17 contestants at the beginning of the journey. However, in Episode 6, Aashish, Faruk, Gaurav, and Neelam were eliminated after receiving the most votes from their fellow contestants. Episode 1-5 was the Audition Round and from Episode 6 onwards, the competition officially started. Episode 1-5 was the Audition Round and from Episode 6 onwards, the competition officially started. Himalaya Roadies Himalaya Roadies is a
"Dolores (artists' model)" to Britain. He toured with the orchestra and was responsible for several films and musical events at the Philharmonic Hall in the early 1920s. Dolores lost her British nationality with the marriage which subsequently caused her minor difficulties with the law. The couple quickly separated but never divorced. Also in 1926, Dolores had a minor role in ""Riki Tiki"" at the Gaiety Theatre in London. The show lasted just two weeks after being badly received. She followed this with a dancing act with a partner in the music halls. On the night of 2–3 January 1929, the artist Frederick (Fred)
Lagaao Lagaao Lagao ( ; lit: Ascription / Attachment) is a Pakistani romantic drama serial, which was aired on Hum TV on January 18, 2016. Written by Waseem Ahmad, it is directed by Ali Masud Saeed and produced by Momina Duraid. It stars Sania Shamshad, Babar Khan, Zainab Qayyum, Maryam Fatima, Saman Ansari, Attiya Khan, Shamim Hilaly, Mehmood Aslam and Adnan Jaffar with along others. Lagaao, a story of love, trust, and friendship turns into a tale of lies, deceit, and remorse. Watch the story unfold. Lagao is the story of three friends: Nyla (Zainab Qayyum), Amber (Attiya Khan) and Sitwat
Lagaao (Saman Ansari). Nyla is married to Abeer (Adnan Jaffar) and Amber is married to Rana (Mehmood Aslam). Amber has a daughter Sumbul (Sania Shamshad) and Nyla has a daughter Maham (Maryam Fatima). However, Sumbul doesn't support her cruel father who is a sharp man. Once Rana is assassinated, she expresses that she didn't want the death of her father but she wanted him to cancel his harsh policies. She loved Farhan (Babar Khan) but her father said her to marry his friend's son which she refused. Nyla sees Abeer more attached with Amber as he also considers Amber as his
Lagaao friend and wants to marry her as when Sumbul calls he comes at that time without letting his wife know. Sitwat hasn't married but secretly wants Abeer. Finally, Maha also refuses to consider him as her father. There comes Amber's paternal aunt (Shamim Hilaly). Amber's paternal aunt comes in Amber's house and wants that Amber must marry again with another man. She first try to marry Amber with Abeer which actually didn't know that he has married to Nyla. Maham also stopped talking with Sumbul prior that she had always liked Abeer to help Amber and matry her. However, distance
Lagaao between Nyla and Abeer increased as Nyla saw Abeer and Amber in restaurant. Nyla tried to divorce Abeer and until she lived with her eldest brother. However, Nyla and Amber's relation came under strain and was braked, same with Sumbul and Maham. Sitwat became happy as she was said by Nyla that she make divorce papers. On otherside, Amber had a factory problem, which she said to Abeer to solve, she solved but it was all written in newspapers. Amber tried the best to hide this from Sumbul. Sumbul had already this file on computer. Sumbul became happy as somebody
Lagaao is with them. Sumbul and Amber's aunt want that Amber must marry Abeer. Sitwat died in a car accident before Amber and Abeer's marriage. Sitwat and her closest nephew were closely related. Sitwat's nephew liked Sitwat as he thought she was right in her actions. Abeer divorced Nyla but not signed (as seem by Nyla). Nyla didn't see sign and go to her friend Sumera's home for living rest of her life. Sumera suggested her to do a second marriage. Nyla became happy as she hadn't got divorce yet and she is still Abeer's wife. Nyala decided to come Pakistan
"Russ Ptacek" news organizations. Mr. Ptacek is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors, National Press Club and National Press Photographers Association. He attended the University of Kansas. AP Awards, Emmy Awards, Edward R. Murrow Award Russ Ptacek Russ Ptacek (born Russell Ray Ptacek September 5, 1963 Great Bend, KS, US) is an American investigative journalist, documentary film maker, businessperson, social media and television personality. Ptacek is best known for his role as investigative reporter at USA Today Network, Tegna National Investigations, WUSA in Washington, D.C., KSHB in Kansas City, and WIBW in Topeka. Russ Ptacek is currently president of VNI Television
"Julines Herring" Julines Herring Julines Herring (1582–1644/5) was a Puritan clergyman within the Church of England who served in Derbyshire and at Shrewsbury. Ejected from his positions for nonconformity, he became a minister serving the English-speaking community in the Netherlands. He was a staunch proponent of Presbyterianism and an opponent of separatism. Herring was born at Llanbrynmair, then part of Montgomeryshire, in Central Wales, and often rendered in older sources in Anglicised forms, e.g. ""Flamber-Mayre"", or ""Flambere-Mayre"". He was a son of Richard Herring, a prominent local politician of Coventry, who served at various times as mayor and sheriff. The Herring family
"Julines Herring" had branches in Shropshire and the 1623 heraldic visitation of Shropshire named the parent Warwickshire branch as being ""of Owsley iuxta Couentry"" in Warwickshire, which seems to be the modern Allesley, a parish that was broken into smaller parts in Victorian times. St Andrew's Church, serving Allesley Green and Eastern Green on the eastern edge of Coventry, claims Pond Farm as the former local residence of Julines Herring. It seems that the Herring family returned to Coventry while Julines was very young. He was schooled initially at the small border village of More, Shropshire by a Mr Perkin, a close
"Julines Herring" relative of his mother. Samuel Clarke, whose 1651 account is the basis for all later biographers, thought that it was from Perkin at More that Herring ""learned the Principles of Religion."" Clarke describes Perkin as a minister at ""More-chappel"" and these details have generally been accepted at face value. However, the Clergy of the Church of England database lists More as a parish church within the Diocese of Hereford, not as a chapelry. Eyton, the pioneering historian of Shropshire, considered that More probably began as a chapelry of Lydbury North but ""became independent, at a period which the earliest Records
"Julines Herring" fail to reach."" CCEd does list some clergy at More in the 1580s and Perkin is not among them, although the database cannot be exhaustive. It does not note any parish school at More but there was one at nearby Lydbury, although records of staff seem to start only with the Restoration. The older Dictionary of National Biography avers that Perkin was a minister at ""Morechurch"": there is a Churchmoor, further east, in Lydbury North parish, but it is a hamlet with no chapel. Herring then moved to the family home at Coventry, where he attended the Free Grammar School.
"Julines Herring" Clarke credits his academic progress there to the then headmaster, whom he names as Reverend Master Tovey. Even as a schoolboy he was noted for his piety. Clarke credits him with an early interest and delight in the Bible passages that deal with faith and repentance – themes typically of great concern to Protestants. On play days, he and a few friends engaged in prayer and religious exercises before going out. In May 1600 Herring was admitted as a scholar to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, then a new, specifically Protestant institution. University records show he graduated BA in the academic
"Julines Herring" year 1603-4: Clarke thought Herring returned to Coventry as a Master of Arts. There he studied Divinity with the encouragement of Humphrey Fenn, a noted advocate of Presbyterianism and formerly a client of Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester. Fenn had been suspended from his ministry since 1590 for his activities within a Warwickshire classis within the Church of England and had not regained his vicarage of Holy Trinity Church, Coventry. Herring, however, seems to have found opportunities to preach, winning considerable approval. Herring was approaching the age to take up a parish ministry of his own, but this required
"Julines Herring" ordination. Number 36 of the Book of Canons, confirmed by the Convocations of Canterbury and York in 1604 and 1606 respectively, demanded that all candidates for ordination take a three-fold oath, accepting the royal supremacy, the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-Nine Articles. The subscription book of the Diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, which covered the area in Herring both lived and sought a living, summarised the oath as: The king is the only supreme governor under God of all things spiritual as well as temporal: the Book of Common Prayer, with the ordering of bishops priests and deacons,
"Julines Herring" contains nothing contrary to the word of God: the Articles of Religion (1562) are agreeable to the word of God. Herring circumvented the requirement by securing ordination from an Irish bishop then visiting London. He was accompanied in this by other young Puritan men, including John Ball, a friend who was tutor to the children of Catherine and Robert Cholmondley. Only after the ordination were the pair able to take up their first ecclesiastical appointments: Ball as curate of Whitmore in Staffordshire; Herring as preacher at Calke in Derbyshire. Herring was recommended for the post at Calke by Arthur Hildersham,
"Julines Herring" the vicar of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, which was close by, although in Leicestershire. In his early years he was both friend and protégé of Hildersham, part of a generation of younger disciples that included Simeon Ashe and Hildersham's own son, Samuel. Herring was not the first member of Hilderham's circle appointed to Calke: Robert Bainbridge, the patron, had earlier installed George More, a close associate of Hildersham and of John Darrell. During the 1590s More took part in the religious exercises of the Hildersham circle, which included fasting, prayer, lectures and fellowship, and supported Darrell in the highly controversial work of exorcism.
"Behind the Mask Tour" The opening acts for the tour were Squeeze, Jethro Tull and Daryl Hall & John Oates. Encore: Additional personnel Behind the Mask Tour The Behind the Mask Tour was a worldwide concert tour by the British-American pop rock group, Fleetwood Mac. The tour began on March 23, 1990 in Brisbane, Australia, and ended on December 7, 1990 in Inglewood, California. The band played 101 shows in 9 countries around the world. This would be the last tour of Christine McVie, Stevie Nicks and Rick Vito with the band; Nicks and Vito would leave the group in 1991 and 1993 respectively,
"Julines Herring" were exempt from ordinary jurisdiction: in a peculiar there is an ordinary jurisdiction but it does not belong to the local bishop. Calke church was part of Calke manor – a former monastic estate that passed into lay hands through the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Although later named Calke Abbey, it had actually been a very small Augustinian priory, which was absorbed as a mere cell into its own daughter house, Repton Priory: under the founder's terms, the church had been given to the canons on condition they supply it with a priest. Robert Bainbridge bought the Calke estate in
"Matt Bruenig" Demos in the course of public feud between him and the former Obama/Clinton policy director Neera Tanden. Journalists who covered the matter could not determine whether Bruenig's ouster was due to his dispute with the well-connected Tanden or Bruenig's longer history of heated exchanges that some have characterized as online harassment. The following year, Bruenig founded the People's Policy Project, a crowdfunded think tank that focuses on socialist and social democratic economic ideas. Bruenig self-identifies as autistic and has spoken publicly about how his behavioral characteristics associated with the autism spectrum have had both positive and negative impacts on his
"Matt Bruenig" professional life. Bruenig's work has appeared in a range of publications including ""Jacobin"", ""The Atlantic"", ""Dissent"", and ""The Washington Post"". Matt Bruenig Matthew Bruenig (born November 22, 1988) is an American lawyer, blogger, policy analyst, and commentator. He was a blogger for the American think tank Demos covering politics and public policy and has written on issues including income distribution, taxation, welfare, elections, and Scandinavian economic models. He is married to Elizabeth Bruenig, an opinion writer and editor at ""The Washington Post"". A socialist, he was a featured guest on a 2017 episode of the politics and humor podcast ""Chapo
"Julines Herring" made a day of it, while others bought refreshments from the ""threepenny ordinary"" provided for strangers. The impact of his preaching on the region was increased by the practice of returning home in groups, singing psalms and discussing the sermon. Clarke thought that the effectiveness of Herring's preaching as part of the Hildersham circle was proved by the very high retention of Puritan converts in the region, who remained with the cause through the ""broken dividing times"" that followed: presumably meaning the period of Thorough or absolute monarchy, the English Civil War and the Regicide. Herring seems to have had
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" Holden Racing Team. Holden, Nissan and Volvo were all represented by factory-backed teams. Ford reduced its commitment as a prelude to a complete exit from the series at the end of the season, while Mercedes-Benz continued to be represented without any factory support. The following drivers competed in the 2015 championship. The 2015 calendar was released on 12 September 2014. The Auckland event moved from April to November, while the Winton and Perth events swapped positions on the calendar. Each Super Sprint event featured two hours of Friday practice which incorporated testing time for the teams. The Townsville event reverted
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" to its original 400-kilometre format, with a 200-kilometre race held on both Saturday and Sunday. The Saturday races of Super Sprint events were contested over a shorter distance of 60 kilometres per race, compared to the 100-kilometre races held in 2014. No twilight races were held. After holding a fourth race on the Friday in 2013 and 2014, the Auckland event was reduced to three races, the same as all other Super Sprint events. The season saw the commencement of a new television deal, with Foxtel and Network Ten taking over from the Seven Network. All races are being shown
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" live on Foxtel's Fox Sports with six events – Adelaide, Townsville, Sandown, Bathurst, the Gold Coast and Sydney – also being televised live on Ten. Ten also broadcasts limited highlights of the other events. The television series ""Inside Supercars"" and ""Supercars Life"" were also launched by Fox Sports to accompany their coverage. Ten revived their motorsport magazine series ""RPM"" to accompany their own coverage. The number of test days allocated to each team was reduced from four to three. A compulsory two-day test was held at Sydney Motorsport Park on 7–8 February 2015, with teams allocated one further day of
GeoTrellis and Stroud Water Research Center, Azavea embarked on early development of GeoTrellis. GeoTrellis was released as an open source project in 2011 with the goal of supporting fast processing of geospatial raster data at scale. GeoTrellis initially supported distributed computation through Akka, a Scala framework for building concurrent and distributed applications. The need to support additional use cases and features such as caching and sharding datasets across a storage cluster led to a search for a new distribution framework. GeoTrellis moved to Apache Spark as its distribution engine in 2014 in order to leverage management, scheduling, and other features in
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" Coulthard. Scott McLaughlin, after qualifying third, failed to start the race after his car's oil pump failed on the warm-up lap. Whincup dropped down the order in the second race due to a puncture, while Coulthard took victory with James Courtney and Craig Lowndes rounding out the podium. McLaughlin jumped the start and served the resulting ten-second penalty under safety car conditions, which led to another ten seconds being added to his race time, while Mostert hit the wall at turn eight and retired from the race. Michael Caruso also hit the wall at turn eight after contact with David
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" Reynolds led to a puncture. Will Davison, after retiring from the first race, failed to start the second after a clutch failure on the warm-up lap. Courtney won the final race of the weekend on Sunday ahead of Shane van Gisbergen and Garth Tander. Whincup and Mostert made contact on the last lap while battling for fourth, which led to Mostert hitting the wall and being collected by James Moffat. Both Mostert and Moffat failed to complete the lap. Marcos Ambrose, after struggling on Saturday, qualified inside the top ten on Sunday and finished twelfth. Courtney left the event with
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" the championship lead ahead of Coulthard and Tander. As in 2014, Triple Eight Race Engineering won all three races at the Symmons Plains event. Having qualified on pole position for both of the Saturday races, Craig Lowndes went on to comfortably win both races. Mark Winterbottom and Jamie Whincup filled the runner-up positions, while James Courtney finished third in both races. Will Davison, after taking third place at the beginning of the first race, was turned around by Courtney later on the first lap. Davison labelled Courtney as ""arrogant"" after the latter claimed that contact from behind pushed him into
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" the back of Davison. Courtney was not penalised for the incident, despite Davison's team Erebus Motorsport protesting the stewards' original decision. Lowndes again took pole position for the Sunday race but made contact with David Reynolds at the first corner, causing Reynolds to spin and earning himself a drive-through penalty. This handed the lead to Whincup, who went on to win the race ahead of Chaz Mostert and Shane van Gisbergen. The result saw Whincup move into the championship lead ahead of Courtney and Lowndes. Chaz Mostert took his first V8 Supercar pole position when he qualified fastest for the
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" first race of the Ubet Perth Super Sprint. His teammate Mark Winterbottom qualified second and went on to score pole position for the second race. Winterbottom made a better start than Mostert in the first race and the pair went on to finish first and second, while Craig Lowndes finished in third. Jamie Whincup, after qualifying in 21st place, managed to finish in 15th place but lost the championship lead to Lowndes. Winterbottom won the second race ahead of Whincup and Fabian Coulthard. With Lowndes finishing fifth, Winterbottom took the championship lead. Mostert took his second pole in qualifying for
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" the Sunday race. The session saw Lee Holdsworth make a mistake at turn six and his car rolled onto its side after digging into the sand trap. Despite starting off the front row, Mostert and Winterbottom finished fourth and 15th respectively after their tyre strategy was ruined by a safety car on lap 48. Will Davison won the race, taking Erebus Motorsport's second ever victory, after passing Lowndes for the lead with five laps remaining. Coulthard finished third despite starting 24th. With Winterbottom finishing down the order, Lowndes left the event with the championship lead. Prodrive Racing Australia carried their
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" strong form into the Winton event. Chaz Mostert claimed the opening race, his first for the season, ahead of his teammate Mark Winterbottom, while Michael Caruso claimed Nissan Motorsport's first podium finish for the year. Winterbottom won the second race of the weekend, with Rick Kelly scoring another podium for Nissan Motorsport, while Mostert finished in third place after starting from pole. The Holden Racing Team endured a difficult race after James Courtney carried too much speed into the first corner and took his teammate Garth Tander out of the race. Lee Holdsworth, driving a customer Holden Racing Team car,
"Devil's Bargain" gave a detailed analysis of Bannon in October 2015, ten months before Bannon assumed leadership of Trump's campaign for U.S. president. Green interviewed Bannon himself for the book. ""The New York Review of Books"" wrote in its review, ""Green’s book is in part a cautionary tale: both Trump and Bannon have a history of being taken lightly only to rear up and catch the skeptics by surprise."" ""The New York Times"" called the book a ""deeply reported and compulsively readable account of Bannon’s fateful political partnership with Trump"". ""The Washington Post"" wrote, ""Green’s book strips away the mystery surrounding Bannon"".
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" of the Skycity Triple Crown ahead of teammate Mark Winterbottom. Rick Kelly took his second podium finish in three races by finishing third. James Courtney had taken pole position but tangled with Shane van Gisbergen and Garth Tander on a restart after a safety car period, with Courtney penalised for his role in the incident. Jamie Whincup, Craig Lowndes and Jason Bright also received points penalties for various incidents during the race. Lowndes recovered in the second race to score his 100th career victory in the Australian Touring Car Championship and V8 Supercars, becoming the first driver to reach the
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" mark. Tim Slade finished second ahead of Mostert. Rick Kelly had qualified on pole position for the first time since 2011 but collided with Fabian Coulthard at the first corner and received a drive-through penalty. David Reynolds took pole position for the Sunday race but Coulthard took the lead at the start. Coulthard lost the lead when he went off the track while lapping Andre Heimgartner, losing places to Reynolds and Mostert. Reynolds himself ran off the circuit in trying to avoid the lapped Michael Caruso, cutting off a portion of the track in the process. After retaking his place
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" behind Caruso, Reynolds held off Mostert to take victory. A delaminated tyre for Lowndes towards the end of the race dropped him to fifteenth, allowing Winterbottom to extend his championship lead to 95 points. Mark Winterbottom further extended his championship lead by winning both races of the Castrol Edge Townsville 400. He qualified second for the first race behind teammate Chaz Mostert but took the lead at the start and then held off David Reynolds in the closing stages of the race. Fabian Coulthard finished third while Mostert drifted to eighth late in the race due to a rear suspension
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" problem. Scott McLaughlin took his first pole position of the season in qualifying for the second race ahead of Mostert and Reynolds. McLaughlin lost positions to Reynolds and Mostert in the opening part of the race before retiring when his car lost a power steering belt. Winterbottom moved up to second after the final pit stop and was able to take the lead from Reynolds. The Holden Racing Team drivers James Courtney and Garth Tander showed good pace late in the race, moving up to second and fourth respectively, but were unable to catch Winterbottom. Reynolds finished third while Mostert
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" again faded in the closing stages, finishing sixth. With Craig Lowndes and Fabian Coulthard both experiencing difficulties during the weekend, Winterbottom left the event with a championship lead of 248 points. Prodrive Racing Australia continued their strong form at the Ipswich Super Sprint, winning all three races. Mark Winterbottom won both of the Saturday races, taking the lead from second place on the first lap of each race. Scott McLaughlin took his first podium of the season by finishing second in the first race, while Winterbottom's closest championship rival Craig Lowndes finished third. Jason Bright suffered heavy damage at the
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" first corner of the race, running into the back of David Wall who slowed after Dale Wood spun Todd Kelly. Lowndes improved one position in the second race to finish behind Winterbottom, whose teammate Chaz Mostert finished third. James Moffat was disqualified from both of the Saturday races due to a technical infringement. Mostert took an easy victory in the Sunday race ahead of Lowndes and Winterbottom. Todd Kelly retired due to an engine failure late in the race, prompting an emotional outburst with Kelly exclaiming ""why me?"" before swearing a number of times. James Courtney was ruled out of
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" the Sydney Motorsport Park event following Friday practice, where he was hit by a piece of pit equipment which had been flung into the air by a low-flying helicopter. He was replaced by his endurance co-driver, Jack Perkins, for the rest of the event. Chaz Mostert continued his strong qualifying form, taking pole position for both of the Saturday races. He went on to win the first race ahead of his teammate Mark Winterbottom while Jamie Whincup finished third, his first podium finish since the Ubet Perth Super Sprint. Dale Wood was penalised for reckless driving after deliberately running into
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" Nick Percat on the slowdown lap after the race. The pair had come together during the race which resulted in Wood spinning. Whincup won the second race ahead of Fabian Coulthard and Mostert. Mostert took his second win of the weekend in the Sunday race, half of which was held in wet conditions, leading home the two Brad Jones Racing cars of Coulthard and Jason Bright. Bright was spun by Shane van Gisbergen in the closing stages but cut across the grass from turn four to turn eight to retain his position. Prodrive Racing Australia scored a one-two finish at
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" the Wilson Security Sandown 500, with Mark Winterbottom and Steve Owen taking victory ahead of teammates Chaz Mostert and Cameron Waters. The Tekno Autosports pairing of Shane van Gisbergen and Jonathon Webb finished in third place. Jamie Whincup and Paul Dumbrell started from pole position and led for the majority of the race, but a puncture, caused by a bracket dislodged by a pit crew member during a pit stop, saw them finish in fifteenth place. Russell Ingall returned to the series to substitute for the injured James Courtney. Ingall partnered Jack Perkins, the pair finishing ninth after starting from
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" twenty-fourth place on the grid. The pairings of Will and Alex Davison and Todd Kelly and Alex Buncombe both finished multiple laps down, the former pair due to a starter motor problem at a pit stop and the latter due to Buncombe running off the track. The only retirement during the race was the car of Nick Percat and Oliver Gavin with steering failure. Winterbottom extended his championship lead over Mostert to 198 points, while David Reynolds, who finished fifth with Dean Canto, moved up to third place in the standings after Craig Lowndes and Steven Richards only managed to
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" finish thirteenth. Winterbottom was fined $3000 for performing a celebratory burnout on the main straight after he finished the race. Chaz Mostert was ruled out for the remainder of the season after sustaining leg and wrist injuries in a major accident during qualifying for the Bathurst 1000. The crash also injured three marshals. The race was won by Craig Lowndes and Steven Richards, who took their sixth and fourth victories respectively, while Mostert's teammates, Mark Winterbottom and Steve Owen finished second. Garth Tander and Warren Luff completed the podium. David Reynolds had qualified on pole position, setting the fastest time
"17th Corps (China)" in Huayuanzhen, Xiaochang, Hubei province. Army corps commander: Zhang Zhiyin(), commissar - Zhang Zhaojian(), who was the divisional commissar of 29th Army Division during the Wuhan Incident. As of its activation, the army corps was composed of: The formation of the army corps was a result of Wuhan Incident. After the incident, the mutinous Independent Division of Hubei Provincial Military District was quickly disarmed and taken control by 15th Airborne Corps of the PLAAF and affiliated 29th Army Division that under great influence by Lin Biao. The formation of 17th Army Corps was to ""strain"" the ""rogue"" independent divisions with
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" points over Lowndes, who moved up to second in the points standings, with Reynolds in third and Mostert falling to fourth place. James Courtney returned from injury at the Castrol Gold Coast 600, driving in a race for the first time since the Coates Hire Ipswich Super Sprint. Having replaced Courtney at the previous two events, Russell Ingall moved to Prodrive Racing Australia to replace the injured Chaz Mostert and partner Cameron Waters. Mark Winterbottom had a difficult weekend, allowing Craig Lowndes and David Reynolds to reduce his championship lead. Winterbottom was released into the path of Garth Tander following
"49th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)" 49th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China) The 49th Division() was created in February 1949 under ""the Regulation of the Redesignations of All Organizations and Units of the Army"", issued by Central Military Commission on November 1, 1948, basing on the 31st Brigade, 11th Column of PLA Zhongyuan Field Army. Its history could be traced to Independent Brigade of Jiluyu Military District formed in June 1946. The division was part of 17th Corps. Under the flag of 49th division it took part in the Chinese civil war. In January 1950 the division inactivated and merged with Xingren Military Sub-district. As
"49th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China)" of early 1951 division was composed of: 49th Division (1st Formation)(People's Republic of China) The 49th Division() was created in February 1949 under ""the Regulation of the Redesignations of All Organizations and Units of the Army"", issued by Central Military Commission on November 1, 1948, basing on the 31st Brigade, 11th Column of PLA Zhongyuan Field Army. Its history could be traced to Independent Brigade of Jiluyu Military District formed in June 1946. The division was part of 17th Corps. Under the flag of 49th division it took part in the Chinese civil war. In January 1950 the division inactivated
"Stenger test" Stenger test Stenger test is a test of hearing, primarily used to confirm non-organic hearing loss. It is also used to detect subjects who falsely claim to have hearing loss in one ear. The test is based on Stenger principle. The principle states that, if a tone of two intensities (one greater than the other) is delivered to two ears of a person simultaneously, the ear which receives the tone of the higher intensity alone hears it. The test can be done using tuning forks in the clinical setting. The individual is blindfolded before the test starts. Two tuning forks
"Stenger test" of the same frequency are stricken and kept at a distance of 25 cm from each ear. When asked, the individual will claim to hear it in the normal ear. Then, the tuning fork is brought as close as 8 cm near the feigned ear while maintaining the tuning fork at the normal side at the same distance. The individual will deny hearing anything if he/she is a malingerer. An individual with true deafness should continue to hear the sound on the normal side. Alternatively, this test can be performed more accurately using two-channel audiometer using pure tone signals. Stenger
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" Percat at Lucas Dumbrell Motorsport. Craig Lowndes further reduced Mark Winterbottom's championship lead by winning two races during the weekend. After qualifying third for the first race, Lowndes made a good start to overtake Jamie Whincup and Scott McLaughlin before the first corner, with the three drivers finishing the race in that order. A major talking point of the race was an incident between David Reynolds and Shane van Gisbergen, where van Gisbergen nudged Reynolds into a high-speed spin on the back section of the circuit. Van Gisbergen denied any wrongdoing, claiming that Reynolds cut across him, but was penalised
"2015 International V8 Supercars Championship" 25 championship points. Whincup won the second race ahead of McLaughlin and Lowndes. Winterbottom qualified on pole for the Sunday race, but it was Lowndes who won the race with McLaughlin and Whincup again finishing on the podium. Winterbottom finished fourth after being pushed wide by Whincup on the final lap, though he described the pass as ""a fair move"". The result saw Winterbottom's championship lead come down to 179 points over Lowndes, with Reynolds dropping out of championship contention. Jamie Whincup continued his strong late-season form by winning the first two races of the Coates Hire Sydney 500. Mark
"Julines Herring" might be preserved from the two destructive rocks of pride and self-interest."" In May 1642, Lloyd died, leaving a vacancy at St Alkmund's. The Puritan party in Shrewsbury, headed by Rowley and Mackworth, invited Herring back to resume his ministry but he probably declined. In the event, the corporation proved supine at the commencement of hostilities and a royalist ""coup"" led by Francis Ottley allowed the king's field army to occupy Shrewsbury on 20 September. The next stage of campaigning led to the major but indecisive Battle of Edgehill, which Herring greeted with the prayer: Oh Lord wilt thou write
"Giorgos Maslarinos" games and 8 points average. In 1997 he transferred to PAOK and he played until 2000. He won the Greek Basketball Cup in 1999 and he played at Euroleague for first time in his career. Maslarinos also spend three years with Maroussi B.C. and he won the Saporta Cup in 2001. In 2003 he joined to Panathinaikos and he won the Greek Basketball League champion the following year. He continued his career with Panellinios B.C.. He closed his career in A2 league, playing with ICBS and Ermis Langada. Maslarinos won the silver game at the FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship. He
"Giorgos Maslarinos" also played at the 1992 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship and won the fourth place. Giorgos Maslarinos Giorgos Maslarinos (; born February 26, 1974) in Sweden is a retired Greek professional basketball player. Maslarinos started his career with VAO. In 1993 he was loaned to Aris B.C. for one year, and he played in Greek Basketball League for first time, and the 1993–94 FIBA European Cup. In 1994 he returned to VAO, and he was the leader of the team. He won two consecutive promotion from B Ethniki to the first Division. During the 1995–96 season Maslarinos was the first scorer
"Pomadasys stridens" Pomadasys stridens Pomadasys stridens, the striped piggy or lined piggy, is a grunt from the western Indian Ocean, it is one of a group of Indo-Pacific marine species which have colonised the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal from the Red Sea, a process known as Lessepsian migration. ""Pomadasys stridens"" has a silvery body which is slightly darker dorsally than it is ventrally, it has 3-4 golden-brown stripes along its body, merging towards the caudal peduncle, and a dark blotch on the operculum. It has a relatively large head with a small, slightly oblique mouth and two pores on the
"Julines Herring" Oxenbridge, a celebrated Warwickshire Puritan minister: hence she was a cousin of the John Oxenbridge who was a notable minister at Boston, Massachusetts. Christian outlived her husband by some years and was still alive and evidently in good standing with the Reformed community in 1651, when Clarke published his biography. One of her sisters married Robert Nicolls, minister at Wrenbury, another married Oliver Bowles of Sutton, Bedfordshire, and a third married one Barry of Cottesmore, Rutland. These all formed part of the Puritan network which helped sustain Herring's ministry. Julines and Christian Herring had 13 children, although some are known
"Pomadasys stridens" off Madagascar and the Seychelles and Mascarene islands. It was recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean in 1969 in the Gulf of Genoa, later being found in the Bardawil Lagoon in Sinai and then being reported in the Levantine Sea off the coasts of Israel and Lebanon. By 2011 it was established off İskenderun in Turkey with 335 being collected in 2011 and 2012, with the first record for the Aegean Sea in 2015, while this species was also recorded for the first time in waters off eastern Cyprus in 2014. ""Pomadasys stridens"" is found in waters over
"Pomadasys stridens" sandy and muddy substrates down to a depth of 55m, but has been associated with reefs and with rocky tidal pools. ""Pomadasys stridens"" spawns between December and March in the Persian Gulf, while in the Mediterranean it takes place during the summer, and the fish form pairs during spawning. It is a carnivorous species and the crustaceans, molluscs, small fish and polychaete worms make up the majority of its diet. It is a social species and fish in larger groups fed better than those in smaller groups ""Pomadasys stridens"" is not regarded as a food fish in South Africa where
"Pomadasys stridens" it may be caught as a bait fish but it is regarded as a commercially important food fish in the northern Indian Ocean in areas such as the Gulf of Aqaba, Persian Gulf and the Bitter Lakes in Egypt. Pomadasys stridens Pomadasys stridens, the striped piggy or lined piggy, is a grunt from the western Indian Ocean, it is one of a group of Indo-Pacific marine species which have colonised the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal from the Red Sea, a process known as Lessepsian migration. ""Pomadasys stridens"" has a silvery body which is slightly darker dorsally than it
"2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team" 2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team The 2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team represents the University of South Florida during the 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The season marks the 46th basketball season for USF, the fifth as a member of the American Athletic Conference, and the first season under head coach Brian Gregory. The Bulls play their home games at the USF Sun Dome on the university's Tampa, Florida campus. The Bulls finished the season 10–22, 3–15 in AAC play to finish in last place. As the No. 12 seed in the AAC Tournament, they
"2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team" lost in the first round to Memphis. The Bulls finished the 2015–16 season 7–23, 1–17 in AAC play to finish in last place. As the No. 11 seed in the AAC Tournament, they lost in the first round to Connecticut. The Bulls were led by head coach Orlando Antigua for the first 13 games of the season until he was fired amid academic fraud allegations. Following Antigua's firing, they were led by interim head coach Murry Bartow. On March 14, 2017, the school hired Brian Gregory as the next head coach. At the conference's annual media day, the Bulls were
"2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team" picked to finish last in the AAC. !colspan=9 style=| Exhibition !colspan=9 style=| Non-conference regular season !colspan=6 style=| AAC regular season !colspan=9 style=| AAC Tournament 2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team The 2017–18 South Florida Bulls men's basketball team represents the University of South Florida during the 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The season marks the 46th basketball season for USF, the fifth as a member of the American Athletic Conference, and the first season under head coach Brian Gregory. The Bulls play their home games at the USF Sun Dome on the university's Tampa, Florida campus. The
"Citizens' Initiative Review" Citizens' Initiative Review A Citizens’ Initiative Review (CIR) is modeled on the Citizens’ jury and is a form of deliberative democracy. A panel of citizens meets to deliberate on a ballot initiative or referendum that voters in the same jurisdiction (such as a city, state, province, or country) will be deciding in an upcoming election. The panelists are chosen through means such as random sampling and stratified sampling to be demographically representative of the relevant population. To ensure that the panel is a manageable size for face-to-face deliberation, a CIR caps the number of participants at around two dozen. They
"Citizens' Initiative Review" are often paid for their time and travel so that the broadest possible range of citizens can participate. To date, only the state of Oregon has passed a law to enact a permanent version of the CIR. The states of Colorado, Arizona, and Massachusetts have conducted pilot tests of the CIR. The operations of a CIR are typically assisted by a moderator who is trained to ensure that all panelists engage in the deliberations. Over the course of a few days, the panelists not only deliberate among themselves but also question policy experts and advocates on both sides of the
"Richard Dietz" Rules Committee. In 2013, he was appointed to a four-year term on the North Carolina Courts Commission, a group of judges, lawyers, legislators, and private citizens who study and recommend changes to the court system. He is a permanent member of the Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference and a member of the Appellate Judges Conference of the American Bar Association. He is also a member of the Chief Justice Joseph Branch chapter of the American Inns of Court. Dietz is a North Carolina board certified specialist in Appellate Practice. He is one of only two appellate specialists on the 15-member North
"Citizens' Initiative Review" they hear—for example, from paid advertisements—is biased or conflicting. Under a CIR, voters learn what a representative body of citizens thought about the initiative after studying it carefully and deliberating among themselves. Academic research shows that the panelists in the Oregon Citizens’ Initiative Review have achieved high-quality deliberation. Voters became aware of those deliberations through the voters’ pamphlet and found the panelists’ statement to be helpful to their decisions, and voter knowledge about the initiatives increased as a result. The panelists themselves developed new attitudes about the political process and their own capabilities. Informing the voting public of what the
"Citizens' Initiative Review" panelists recommended, rather than just summarizing the pro and con arguments that panelists found most persuasive, may short-circuit voters’ own deliberations by allowing them to simply adopt the panelists’ recommendation. Citizens' Initiative Review A Citizens’ Initiative Review (CIR) is modeled on the Citizens’ jury and is a form of deliberative democracy. A panel of citizens meets to deliberate on a ballot initiative or referendum that voters in the same jurisdiction (such as a city, state, province, or country) will be deciding in an upcoming election. The panelists are chosen through means such as random sampling and stratified sampling to be
"Tri-City Railroad" with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2005 when it first contracted with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to assist in its development of the Radiation Portal Monitoring System technology for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s use at railroad border crossings nationwide. In 2014 it contracted with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to assist in testing for shock and vibration in the movement of spent nuclear fuel by rail. Tri-City Railroad The Tri-City Railroad (TCRY) is a privately owned Class III railroad established in 1999. It was founded by Randolph Peterson and is still owned by the Peterson family today. The rail
"Red Brook (Stony Brook tributary)" a valley. After several tenths of a mile, the stream turns east-northeast for several tenths of a mile. It then reaches its confluence with Stony Brook. Red Brook joins Stony Brook upstream of its mouth. The elevation near the mouth of Red Brook is above sea level. The elevation near the stream's source is above sea level. Geographical features along Red Brook include two large waterfalls, a number of smaller cascades, large boulders (some of which are covered with moss), and cliffs. The headwaters of the stream are located in Coalbed Swamp, which is part of a complex of wetlands
"Angevin dialect" expressions. It is also similar to the Gallo language (although Gallo has a stronger Celtic linguistic substrate that comes from Breton and not only from ancient Gaulish language). Angevin influenced the origin and development of Gallo in the Marches of Neustria (especially in the Breton March) beginning in the 9th and 10th centuries. Angevin was the old speech of the Angevins or House of Plantagenet. However, in spite of this prestigious dynasty, Angevin never developed a notable literature, partially because the region of Anjou was integrated into the royal domains of the King of France (from the House of Capet)
"Red Brook (Stony Brook tributary)" The stream has been named one of the top ten places for hiking in Wyoming County. It has been described by Jeff Mitchell as ""A special place in Wyoming County."" Logging was probably done in the Coalbed Swamp area of the stream's watershed in the 1890s, but it is currently in good condition. Coalbed Swamp, which is in the watershed of Red Brook, is listed on the Wyoming County Natural Areas Inventory. This swamp is home to part of the largest population of yellow-bellied flycatchers in Pennsylvania. The swamp has an area of , about half of which is a
"Red Brook (Stony Brook tributary)" boreal conifer swamp dominated by red spruce. The rest of the area consists of a shrub swamp dominated by blueberry bushes, leatherleaf, and sedges. Red Brook (Stony Brook tributary) Red Brook is a tributary of Stony Brook in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It is approximately long and flows through Forkston Township. The watershed of the stream has an area of . The stream has been named one of the best places for hiking in Wyoming County and features waterfalls, cascades, cliffs, and boulders. Its headwaters are in Coalbed Swamp, a combined boreal conifer swamp and shrub swamp.
"Patrick Ginley" 94, on April 5, 1917 and was buried in the Calvary Cemetery in Queens, New York. Patrick Ginley Patrick Ginley (December 11, 1822 – April 5, 1917) was a Union Army soldier in the American Civil War who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor. Ginley was born in Ireland, and entered service at Woodside, Queens, in New York City. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, for extraordinary heroism shown in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, for bravery in action during the Second Battle of Ream's Station, while serving as a Private with Company F, 2nd U.S. Artillery.
"Petros Petrosyan" Petros Petrosyan Petros Petrosyan (; December 24, 1968 – December 15, 2012) was an Armenian painter. Petros Petrosyan was born on December 24, 1968 in Yerevan in the family of artists Hakob and Vera Petrosyan. In 1984 graduating from the School of Art, named after Hakob Kojoyan, entered the College of Fine Arts after Panos Terlemezyan. From 1988 - 1994 period. studied in Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute, the workshop of professor Mkrtich Sedrakyan. From 1998 has been member to the Union of Painters of Armenia, from the year 1998, Member of International Association of Fine Arts of UNESCO.
"Petros Petrosyan" Petros Petrosyan Petros Petrosyan (; December 24, 1968 – December 15, 2012) was an Armenian painter. Petros Petrosyan was born on December 24, 1968 in Yerevan in the family of artists Hakob and Vera Petrosyan. In 1984 graduating from the School of Art, named after Hakob Kojoyan, entered the College of Fine Arts after Panos Terlemezyan. From 1988 - 1994 period. studied in Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute, the workshop of professor Mkrtich Sedrakyan. From 1998 has been member to the Union of Painters of Armenia, from the year 1998, Member of International Association of Fine Arts of UNESCO.
"Earl Valiquette" Earl Valiquette Earl J. Valiquette (June 16, 1921 – June 18, 1975) was a Canadian football player who played for the Hamilton Wildcats, Edmonton Eskimos and Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Born in Ontario, Canada, Valiquette took up football at North Tonawanda High School in New York and played semi-professionally prior to his service with the United States Navy during World War II. Upon his return from the conflict, he played for the Hamilton Wildcats for three seasons, before making a move to the Edmonton Eskimos in 1950 that was contested by his former team. He returned to Hamilton after one year and
"Shrine of Imam Shadhili" large numbers of people. The visitors to this shrine include Imam Fassi of Makkah, who is also called the second al-Shadhili and one of his important disciples, his 21st ""khalifah"", and the founder of the Fassiya branch of the Shadhili order. Almost all leaders (""shuyūkh"") from Bait Al Fassi, Makkah have visited the shrine of Imam Shadhili, their shaykh here in Humaithara. There is a well outside the shrine. Imam Shadhili's gargled water was poured into this well on the day before his death. The water in this well is located in the midst of a desert but never goes
"Earl Valiquette" in the Niagara Falls area for several years before joining the United States Navy and serving in World War II in the South Pacific. Valiquette returned to North America in 1946 and entered the Ontario Rugby Football Union (ORFU), joining the Hamilton Wildcats in 1947. Playing as a tackle and a guard, he appeared in ten regular season games in his first year with the Wildcats, winning nine and losing one, for a record of 9–1–0. This helped them reach the ORFU finals, where Hamilton lost 3–15 to the Ottawa Trojans. The following year, the Wildcats joined the Interprovincial Rugby
"Earl Valiquette" Football Union (IRFU), but won only one of their twelve games, drawing one and losing the other ten. Nonetheless, Valiquette was nominated for the Jeff Russel Memorial Trophy, which was given annually to the best player in the IRFU, although the eventual winner that year was Eric Chipper of the Ottawa Rough Riders. The Wildcats performed even worse the following season, losing all twelve of their games. The team then merged with the Hamilton Tigers to form the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, at which point Valiquette and his teammate Jackie Stewart signed with the Edmonton Eskimos of the Western Interprovincial Football Union.
"Earl Valiquette" The Tiger-Cats, however, felt that Valiquette and Stewart had signed contracts with Hamilton before Edmonton, thus believing that Hamilton had the rights to both players and threatening legal action to force them remain with the Tiger-Cats. The Canadian Rugby Union eventually ruled that Edmonton had the rights to Valiquette and Stewart and, while Stewart decided to remain with the Tiger-Cats, Valiquette went to Edmonton. The Eskimos went 7–7–0 in the regular season, finishing in third place, and then went on to defeat the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the semi-finals, before losing the divisional finals to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Valiquette was
"Earl Valiquette" traded back to Hamilton the next season by Edmonton in exchange for George Festeryga. In 1951 the Tiger-Cats finished at the top of their division in regular season play, with a record of 7–5–0, defeating the Toronto Argonauts in the semi-finals, but ultimately losing the divisional finals to the Ottawa Rough Riders. In 1952, Valiquette's last season in professional football, the Tiger-Cats again finished first in regular play, with a record of 9–2–1, but lost the final to the Argonauts. During his playing career, Valiquette stood 5 feet, 11 inches (180 centimeters) and weighed 205 pounds (93 kilograms). Valiquette had
"Johnny Sansone" band, known as Jumpin' Johnny & the Blues Party, recorded their debut album, ""Where Y'at"" in 1987, which was released by the independent record label, Kingsnake Records, based in Sanford, Florida. ""Mr. Good Thing"" (1991) followed, before Sansone got inspired to try his hand at playing the accordion after attending the funeral of Clifton Chenier. By the second half of the 1990s, Sansone had embraced Cajun, Southern soul, Chicago and Delta blues into his style and songwriting. The resultant recording, ""Crescent City Moon"" (1997), was mainly his own work; although it included a cover version of Ted Hawkins' ""Sweet Baby"",
"Johnny Sansone" which featured Sonny Landreth playing slide guitar. The collection included liner notes from Greg ""Fingers"" Taylor. It received widepread critical approval and several awards, including scooping several ""Offbeat"" magazine's 'Best of the Beat' accolades. Rounder Records subsidiary label, Bullseye Blues, issued ""Waternelon Patch"" (1999), which saw guest appearances by Jon Cleary (piano) and Joe Krown (organ). Sansone lost momentum in the early 2000s, although he continued to perform in various musical ensembles, as well as working during the week in construction. He started to play in a trio with Joe Krown and John Fohl. They played traditional blues with Krown
"Johnny Sansone" on piano, and Fohl and Sansone sharing the vocal duties. This trio Sansone, Krown & Fohl released a self-titled album from Sansone's label ShortStack Records in 2004. In 2005, Sansone joined the Voice of the Wetlands Allstars (which variously incorporated Dr. John, Cyril Neville, Monk Boudreaux, Johnny Vidacovich, Anders Osborne, George Porter, Jr., Waylon Thibodeaux, and Tab Benoit), who were interested in promoting local environmental issues. The band became a regular feature at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Having to vacate his home in the legacy of Hurricane Katrina, Sansone continued to tour and perform with the Voice
"2014 Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships" following pair received entry from the qualifying draw: The following pair received entry as lucky losers: 2014 Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships The 2014 Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships was a men's tennis tournament played on outdoor hard courts. It was the 41st edition of the event known this year as the Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships, and part of the 500 Series of the 2014 ATP World Tour. It was held at the Ariake Coliseum in Tokyo, Japan, from September 29 till October 5, 2014. The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: The following players received
"Blue Flag (Israeli Air Force exercise)" Blue Flag (Israeli Air Force exercise) Blue Flag is a military aviation exercise held by the Israeli Air Force. It first took place in November 2013 at Ovda Air Force Base in Israel. The exercise, which included the participation of several foreign air forces, is aimed at expanding international cooperation. Plans on making ""Blue Flag"" a biennial event were realised in 2015 with another ""Blue Flag"" exercise in which the air forces of the United States, Greece and Poland also participated. The goal of the Blue Flag training exercise is to simulate extreme combat scenarios and coalition flights as realistically
"Blue Flag (Israeli Air Force exercise)" as possible. In 2017 the exercise will host air forces from the United States of America, Poland, Italy and Greece – and for the first time India, France and Germany will participate as well. Blue Flag (Israeli Air Force exercise) Blue Flag is a military aviation exercise held by the Israeli Air Force. It first took place in November 2013 at Ovda Air Force Base in Israel. The exercise, which included the participation of several foreign air forces, is aimed at expanding international cooperation. Plans on making ""Blue Flag"" a biennial event were realised in 2015 with another ""Blue Flag""
"John Burton (minister)" John Burton (minister) John Burton (1760–1838) was a Baptist minister in Nova Scotia and was one of the first to integrate black and white Nova Scotians into the same congregation. (David George was the first baptist minister.) In 1811 Burton’s church had 33 members, the majority of whom were free blacks from Halifax and the neighbouring settlements of Preston and Hammonds Plains. According to historian Stephen Davidson, the blacks were ""shunned, or merely tolerated, by the rest of Christian Halifax, the blacks were from the first warmly received in the Baptist Church. Burton became known as ""an apostle to the
"Love Outside of Dreams" together for no less than five or ten years. It's not just the intuition or the way in which Murray's and El'Zabar's tunes are executed, but the sheer and very muscular musicality the band plays with."" ""The Penguin Guide to Jazz"" notes ""El'Zabar and Murray clearly get on well in musical terms and this free-flowing date recalls some of the saxophonist's exciting early records, particularly in the likes of 'The Ebullient Duke'."" In a review for ""JazzTimes"" Larry Appelbaum says ""Though this is a group that tends to play free and modern, it also knows how to swing, as it
"Ramsey Carpenter-Bearse" Ramsey Carpenter-Bearse Ramsey Bethann Carpenter-Bearse is an American beauty pageant titleholder and teacher. She was named Miss Kentucky 2014 on July 12, 2014. She competed for the title of Miss America 2015, where she won the preliminary talent competition and placed in the Top 12 as a semi-finalist. Her platform issue was multiple sclerosis awareness. Carpenter-Bearse is a graduate of the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor of Arts degree in special education with a focus on learning and behavior disorders. An accomplished bluegrass fiddle player, she participated in musical competitions at festivals and other venues while in high school
"Nana Kwabena Tuffuor" Nana Kwabena Tuffuor Nana Kwabena Tuffuor (born March 25, 1986), better known by his stage name NANA KWABENA, is a Ghanaian-American record producer, rapper, singer, songwriter, DJ and sound engineer. He is most noted for co-producing Jidenna's certified platinum single, ""Classic Man."" In 2015, the song was nominated for a Grammy at the 58th annual Grammy Awards for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration. Tuffuor also co-produced ""Made To Love"" by John Legend and ""Yoga,"" featuring Jidenna and Janelle Monáe. As a music producer, Nana Kwabena has collaborated with Kanye West, Rick Ross, John Legend, Janelle Monáe, Jidenna, Kimbra and Kendrick Lamar. Following
"Ramsey Carpenter-Bearse" 2018, Carpenter-Bearse was arrested for allegedly sending nude photos to a fifteen-year-old boy, a former student of hers in the Kanawha County School District. She was charged with four felony counts of distribution or display of obscene matter to minors. Ramsey Carpenter-Bearse Ramsey Bethann Carpenter-Bearse is an American beauty pageant titleholder and teacher. She was named Miss Kentucky 2014 on July 12, 2014. She competed for the title of Miss America 2015, where she won the preliminary talent competition and placed in the Top 12 as a semi-finalist. Her platform issue was multiple sclerosis awareness. Carpenter-Bearse is a graduate of