re : 6 . 933 , misc : english only , a footnote on banning of german jack aubert writes : > in contrast with most of the topics discussed here , [ national language > policy ] is an > issue where the views of academic linguists have no greater value than the > views of laymen or practicing linguists i beg to differ . lay ( wo ) men 's misconceptions about language are poisoning the public debate about english only , and recognizing the greater value of the views of academic linguists might be just what is needed to improve that debate . is it merely an accident that the vast majority of academic linguists opposes ( while a majority of laypeople supports ) english only and related movements , or is it an indication that those academic linguists know something that the laypeople do not know ? > [ bilingualism in the us ] means making it easier for non - english speakers > to get through life without having to learn to speak english on the grounds > that this is more humane and fairer . i am not an expert on bilingualism , but i have a hunch that this is a very lopsided characterization of bilingualism as currently practiced in ( small pockets of ) the us . i would be good to hear from subscribers who actually are experts on bilingualism . > most " ethnic " conflicts . . . > trace back to language . basque and catalan separatism is based on language . language played absolutely no role in the biggest " ethnic conflict " of our time , i . e . the racist war of the germans against jews , slavs , gypsies and other " non-aryans " . where language does play a role in " ethnic conflicts " , it does so only as ( an important ) part of a different cultural itentity , whatever that is . most of the time , these conflicts are n't purely " ethnic " but also ( and sometimes please do n't freeze onexclusively ) based on other factors such as class . the " ethnic conflict " between hutus and tutsis is an excellent example for this , but the details would lead to far astray . > english - - by accident of history - - is the glue that keeps the u . s . > together as one nation . the glue that keeps the us together as one nation ( if indeed there is such a glue and such a unified nation ) contains many ingredients , among which brute force and economic interests play a much bigger role than english or some other linguistic phenomenon . the unifying powers of police batons and wageloss ( for which one can blame the japanese , or mexicans , or anybody except the american ruling class ) far exceed those of the poems of walt whitman . > by requiring all american children to attend > classes taught in english we are doing our non-native - english speaking > compatriots an enormous favor . clearly the " non-native - english speaking compatriots " cannot be included in the " we " who are doing " our blablabla " a favor when " we " ( and " we " alone ) require all american children to attend classes taught in english . this is what english only truly is about : maintaining or returning to a status quo where " we " make decisions for " our blablabla " whose benefactors " we " thereby are . best , bernhard rohrbacher
listing of possible recruits here is a revised summary of the 13 candidates i sent to tony vasut . i believe he has made initial contact with each of them . if you decide you would like to talk to them , please don ' t mention my name , as some of them are former clients of mine , used to work with me , or still work with my husband ( i think you get the picture - i ' ve been gone from pwc less than a month ) . however , i would be pleased to talk to you about any of the people mentioned below . i have categorized them into 5 categories - senior level , it / risk , mid level , junior level , and admin assistants . i have not spoken to the majority of these people about giving our recruiting department their name ( see note above ) , with the exception of mark smith , dave simpson , and connie shugart . all of these people have indicated great interest in coming to enron . again , please call me with any questions , or need of further info . my extension is 39123 . best regards shona senior level risk people andy dunn until 3 weeks ago he was a director in the pwc risk management practice . due to a falling out between andy and the partners ( not client related ) , he left the firm . he is extremely well respected by both the audit and the non - audit personnel , and his leaving came as an unexpected surprise . i have worked with him on a number of occasions and would highly recommend him to enron . the downside to andy is that he lives in denver , is used to travelling a lot , but , at the last time we spoke ( a few months ago ) , is not interested in leaving denver . his cell phone ( if still in use ) is 303 807 0040 . mark ( allan ) smith mark is in the pwc energy risk management practice in houston . we worked very closely together throughout 1999 on projects for coral energy and equiva trading . prior to working at pwc , mark was at bp for 15 years where he had many different roles ( he worked as a crude trader , products trader , he worked in the risk management department , in the refinery itself as an engineer ) . mark was excellent to work with . clients are extremely impressed with his knowledge and background . i would highly recommend him for a leadership role at enron . i spoke to him and he is interested in pursuing opportunities at enron . his direct number is 713 356 4233 . his cell phone number is 713 412 3890 . it / risk people shawn lafferty , alan beaton , & carolyn johnson these people are all senior managers in kpmg ' s information risk management department and are all looking for opportunities outside kpmg . they all have 8 + years work experience in the it field . kpmg ' s main number is 713 319 2000 . mid level risk people marilyn chee she currently works for equiva trading , manager in - charge of accounting for derivatives . her role has expanded to encompass fas 133 and all mtm accounting entries . she liases with all book heads ( crude and all products ) . in the past , she worked in the texaco internal audit department . she was my main contact at equiva when i was their auditor . she is extremely diligent and very professional . i enjoyed working with her greatly and have to say she was one of the best people i have worked with in the capacity of a client / professional relationship . marilyn has a lot of responsibilities at the alliance and is extremely well respected . she has had a difficult year as she is doing a job that should be done by 3 + people . she has mentioned to me that she is not happy about the fact that her load continues to increase , and has even mentioned finding another job . however , due to the fact that she is so well respected where she is , she may be difficult to recruit ( 713 277 6280 ) . if you contact her i would not want my name associated with it due to the pwc / alliance relationship . scott barnes scott is an audit manager at pwc . he has worked in energy for his career , which he spent in houston and moscow and new york . he has worked as an audit manager , a special projects manager for the managing partner of the houston office , a manager in the capital markets group ( the group responsible for helping non - us companies prepare to register and list with the sec ) , and the transaction support group ( the group that is resposnible for performing due diligence procedures for pwc clients ) . he is looking for opportunities outside pwc . the pwc general line is 713 356 4000 . keith considine he is currently a senior accountant at pwc . he is the best senior pwc houston has , as well as probably one of the best people i have ever worked with ( the top of his class ) . although he only has 4 years of work experience ( all at pwc ) , he performs in a manager capacity . he worked for me on the coral energy audit engagement and received an excellent evaluation from both myself and the partners ( we all agreed that he is one of the best people any of us have seen or worked with ) . he is currently working on a project at one of pwc ' s clients to standardize their mid office processes . he definitely does not see himself as a long time employee of pwc , but is currently planning on staying there until he is promoted to manager . i actually recommended him for a promotion to manager at july 1 this year , but due to capacity issues , i don ' t expect that the promotion will be approved . his number is 713 356 5617 . junior level risk people robin manspeaker currently works as a scheduler at equiva trading . she has been there about a year and a half . before that , she worked at novarco in white plains ( a subsidiary of marc rich ) . she was there about 3 years . i do not know where she was before that . i have worked with her during my audits of marc rich . she seemed very well versed in her knowledge of her job and processes surrounding it . i do not have her number , but you can call shell information at 713 241 6161 and they will transfer you . dave simpson analyst at koch energy in houston , has a degree in accounting and has work experience of about 2 years . he is very interested in leaving koch . i know him on a person basis , but have not worked with him . he is a good guy and very likeable . his phone number is 713 544 7649 robert hernandez is someone who may be able to fill an open position at enron south america . last year , robert worked for me at ( pwc ) on the external audit of coral energy . he was a great worker and very good at his job . he speaks fluent spanish as well as fluent english . before working at pwc , robert worked in the gas trading industry in the mid / back office . i ' m not sure of all of his responsibilities , but i do know he was involved in gas actualizations . in total , i think he has about 4 years of work experience . he left pwc in march to take a position with heins in their internal audit department . i have not spoken to him since he left , but do know he paid a recruiter to find him this position . i do not know if he is happy at his current company or not . i do not know his number , but he can surely be found by using the general line . i looked it up for you and came up with two - 713 785 1494 , 713 225 0565 . admin assistants connie shugart she is currently working at pwc as an administrative assistant . she is also involved in recruiting experienced personnel for pwc ' s audit and internal audit service lines . she is very interested in enron and has asked me a few times to get her a contact here . i have not worked directly with her but due to her close proximity to my office i talked to her a number of times and was very impressed . ( 713 356 4000 - general pwc number ) . i have spoken to her about giving her name to tony and she is very excited about coming over and interviewing . she really wants to work for enron ! ellen robertson she is an administrative assistant who is looking to leave pwc . i have never worked with her , but she did come to ask me my opinion on how she should go about finding other work . ( 713 356 4000 pwc general line ) .
re : proposals for tutorials & workshops * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * | _ _ | / \ | | | \ | | | / / _ \ / _ \ * * | | / _ \ | | | \ | | | ( _ ) | ( _ ) | * * | | / _ _ _ \ | | _ _ _ | | \ | \ _ _ , | \ _ _ , | * * | _ / _ / \ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ | _ | \ _ | / _ / / _ / * * * * * * taln ' 99 * * traitement automatique du langage naturel * * * * institut d ' etudes scientifiques de cargese ( corse ) * * du 12 au 17 juillet 1999 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ( see english version below ) taln ' 99 workshops & tutoriels appel a propositions cargese ( corse ) du 12 au 17 juillet 1999 nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la sixieme edition de la conference sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles ( taln ' 99 ) se tiendra a l ' institut d ' etudes scientifiques de cargese , corse . le succes croissant du colloque taln a conduit les organisateurs a proposer que taln ' 99 soit desormais une manifestation etalee sur une semaine , qui inclura des tutoriels et accueillera des ateliers thematiques ( workshops ) . la date du colloque est arretee a la semaine du 12-17 juillet . les langues officielles pour les communications et tutoriels sont le frangais et l ' anglais . ateliers thematiques ( workshops ) les ateliers se derouleront en parallele sur la base de 4 seances de 1h30 reparties sur 4 jours . ceux qui souhaitent organiser un atelier sont pries de faire parvenir au comite d ' organisation , par courrier electronique de preference , une courte proposition decrivant le theme de l ' atelier , la pertinence de son regroupement avec taln , et un comite de programme envisage . le responsable d ' un workshop est charge de l ' appel a candidature et de la coordination de son comite de programme . les communications seront incluses dans les actes . tutoriels les tutoriels se derouleront en parallele sur la base de 4 seances de 2h reparties sur 4 jours . ceux qui souhaitent proposer un tutoriel sont pries de faire parvenir au comite d ' organisation , par courrier electronique de preference , une courte proposition decrivant le sujet et le contenu du cours , la pertinence pour taln et les renseignements d ' usage sur le ou les enseignants envisage ( s ) . un resume du cours pourra etre inclus dans les actes . date limite de depot des candidatures : 20 septembre 98 notification : fin septembre 98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - we are pleased to announce that the sixth conference on natural language processing ( taln99 ) will be held at the institute for scientific studies at carghse , corsica , france . as the previous editions of taln have been increasingly successful , taln99 will last a whole week , and will include both workshops and tutorials . the date for the conference is set to the third week of july ( july 12-17 ) . the official languages for the conference are french and english . workshops workshops will be held in parallel , on the basis of four sessions of one hour and a half , distributed across four days . if you would like to organize a workshop , please send to the organizing committee , preferably via email , a short proposal describing the topic of the workshop , its relevance with respect to the main conference , and the program committee you consider . call for papers , and program committee coordination are left to workshop organizers . accepted papers will be included in the proceedings . tutorials tutorials will be held in parallel , on the basis of four sessions of two hours , distributed across four days . if you would like to propose a tutorial , please send to the organising committee , preferably via email , a short proposal describing the topic and the content of the tutorial , its relevance for the conference , and usual data about the teacher ( s ) . a summary of the tutorial will be included in the proceedings . deadline for submission : 20 september 98 notification : end of september 98 comite d ' organisation / organizing committee anne abeille pascal amsili ( president / chair ) laurence danlos sylvain kahane marie - helene candito patrick caudal lionel clement manuela leahu laurent roussarie et les autres membres de l ' equipe talana and the other members of the talana team * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * taln ' 99 * * mailto : taln99 @ talana . linguist . jussieu . fr * * http : / / talana . linguist . jussieu . fr / taln99 * * talana - ufrl - universite de paris 7 * * case 7003 - 2 , pl . jussieu tel . : ( 33 ) 1 44 27 53 70 * * 75251 paris cedex 05 - france fax : ( 33 ) 1 44 27 79 19 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - end of forwarded message
re : presentation will do - - thank you very much . dawn from : dawn scovill , event coordinator designs event consulting dawn @ perfectmeeting . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince j kaminski to : cc : ; vince j kaminski ; sent : friday , march 17 , 2000 5 : 38 pm subject : re : presentation > > > david , > > i am leaving for vacation this weekend and i haven ' t received the copy of your > presentation yet . > the window during which i could make changes to my presentation is closing very > fast . let ' s > do the following : i shall keep my presentation as is ( this means that i shall > use the copy of my > presentation i sent to dawn scovill and you this week ) . if there is an overlap > between our presentations , so be it . > > dawn , please use the copy of my presentation i sent you earlier this week . > > vince > > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 03 / 17 / 2000 04 : 33 > pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > > vince j kaminski > 03 / 16 / 2000 08 : 02 am > > to : " dawn scovill " @ enron > cc : sobotkad @ kochind . com , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect > subject : re : presentation ( document link : vince j kaminski ) > > dawn , > > i met david sobotka from koch this morning and we talked about coordinating our > presentations . > this means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps . sorry for that . the > portions of my presentation > will survive ( those about valuation paradigms ) and i shall add a few more pages > on accounting treatment of weather derivatives > plus more specific examples . david will cover primarily market evolution + plus > examples of some > standard structures , and we shall both give more interesting examples of > specific deals executed by our companies . > > i shall send you an updated version of my part next week . let me know what the > deadline is . > > vince > > > > " dawn scovill " on 03 / 14 / 2000 07 : 53 : 47 am > > to : " vince j kaminski " > cc : > subject : re : presentation > > > thanks - - would you like me to include these in the conference book ? or do > you anticipate changes ? > > dawn > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > from : dawn scovill , conference coordinator > " powerful new ideas 2000 " > dawn @ perfectmeeting . com > > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > from : vince j kaminski > to : > cc : shirley crenshaw ; vince j kaminski > ; vince j kaminski > sent : monday , march 13 , 2000 1 : 56 pm > subject : presentation > > > > > > > > dawn , > > > > i am sending you an electronic version of my presentation . > > > > vince kaminski > > > > ( see attached file : fplo 400 . ppt ) > > > > > > > > > >
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Robert Harley: > Gordon Mohr wrote: > >Definitional nit to pick: > >You've redefined "promiscuity" above as "total" or "average" activity, > > I think it's clear that I'm talking about averages, so I'm not sure > why that nit needs to be picked...It was clear you were talking about averages. But it should be equally clear that that isn't what people mean when they use the word "promiscuity". > >which seems to rob it of its common meaning: > >activity above some specific threshold (usually "one") > > In that case, "promiscous" is a vacuous term in modern Western > societies (but we knew that :), where people average 7 partners or so > in their adult lives.Not at all. There are still people who only have one partner. There are many more whoe only have one partner over "long" periods of time. So it is far from "vacuous" to describe some people as "promiscuous" and others as "not promiscuous", especially over a set period. ("He was promiscuous in college. He is no longer promiscuous.")The word has a clear meaning, despite your continuing tendency to gloss that meaning over with population averages. > >Consider a population of 3 males and 3 females. > >[...] > >so in this contrived population, females are more "promiscuous" than males, > > So 1 girl gets 1 guy, 2 girls get 2 guys, 2 guys get 1 girl, 1 guy > gets 3 girls. Sounds like six of one versus half a dozen of the other > to me.OK, then. Consider a population of 1,000,000. 500,000 men each pair off with 500,000 women. Then, 1 man, let's call him "Wilt", also has sex with the other 499,999 women. 499,999 women have had more than one partner. 499,999 men have only had one partner. It is now "perfectly obvious" that in the common meaning of the term, among this contrived population, that women are "more promiscuous" than men -- even though the single "most promiscuous" person, Wilt, is a man. "Promiscuity" is not "exactly, perfectly identical between males and females", except under a degenerate custom definition of "promiscuity".> >unless "promiscuity" is defined uselessly. > > Ain't nothin' useless about averages.Averages are useful, sure -- but much more so if called by their actual name, rather than conflated with another concept.- Gordon
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was internet in Arleigh Beach Australia (see one end of town from the other) 6 years ago.That is when I figured the Internet was truly global ...> -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Elias > Sinderson > Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 2:01 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: Re: It's a small world > > Or even "When did Somerville get the internet?" ;-) > > E > > Luis Villa wrote: > > >On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 16:38, Jesse wrote: > > > >>Strata just walked up to me in a cafe in Somerville, MA and > >>asked me how I was getting net here. And _then_ we figured out > >>that we have shared context. > >> > > > >The obvious followup is 'there's a cafe in somerville with net access?' > >Luis [19 Pitman St.] > > > > > > >
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re : alberto jimenez ( analyst program ) alberto , we would definitely be interested in talking to you when you get to houston . i will have our assistant , shirley crenshaw , set up some time for you to meet with people in our group , which would include myself , zimin lu , and vince kaminski . best regards , - - stinson " alberto jimenez crespo " on 01 / 24 / 2000 11 : 43 : 53 am please respond to a _ jimenezcrespo @ mailcity . com to : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : alberto jimenez ( analyst program ) dear mr . gibner : it was very interesting talking to you during enron ' s recruiting weekend the first week of last december . i am starting as an analyst next february and i have alot of interest in real options . i have done much of my research in the application of real options in the valuation of oil and mining properties using black - scholes , merton , binomial lattices , etc . i have also done forecast of commodity prices such as copper and oil using both , a geometric brownian motion and a mean reverting process . i remember in our conversation you told me that your department is very involved with real options so i would like to know if there is an opportunity to talk either on the phone or once i am in houston the first week for the orientation . because i am very interested in working in your department . i won ' t be in houston until february 6 th , but you can reach me at 310 390 7817 or ajimenez @ mines . edu looking forward to hearing from you . sincerely , alberto jimenez lycoshop . thousands of products ! one location ! http : / / shop . lycos . com /