stringlengths 8
| text
stringlengths 15
| gender
stringclasses 2
values | speaker
stringclasses 9
values | emotion
stringclasses 5
values | utterance_pitch_mean
float32 76.5
| utterance_pitch_std
float32 0
| snr
float64 1.84
| c50
float64 16
| speaking_rate
float64 3.52
| phonemes
stringlengths 11
| loudness
float64 -35.34
0_000200 | "No, no," she cried. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 228.279755 | 34.860897 | 67.189621 | 59.725067 | 12.519562 | noʊ noʊ ʃi kɹaɪd | -20.01 |
0_000201 | It is the use and application of this power or force that constitutes hypnotism. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 120.21328 | 18.366688 | 50.884033 | 59.37355 | 10.312152 | ɪt ɪz ðʌ jus ʌnd æplʌkeɪʃʌn ʌv ðɪs paʊɜ˞ ɔɹ fɔɹs ðæt kɑnstʌtuts hɪpnʌtɪzʌm | -25.31 |
0_000202 | HOW TO CARE FOR A PIANO. By William H. Damon | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 114.762589 | 22.60446 | 70.380173 | 59.887981 | 18.563358 | haʊ tu kɛɹ fɔɹ ʌ piænoʊ baɪ wɪljʌm eɪtʃ deɪmʌn | -23.56 |
0_000203 | The action of a piano, like any other delicate piece of machinery, should be carefully examined, and, if necessary, adjusted each time it is tuned. | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 171.217422 | 23.424604 | 56.18795 | 58.398228 | 21.145521 | ðʌ ækʃʌn ʌv ʌ piænoʊ laɪk ɛni ʌðɜ˞ dɛlʌkʌt pis ʌv mʌʃinɜ˞i ʃʊd bi kɛɹfʌli ɪɡzæmʌnd ʌnd ɪf nɛsʌsɛɹi ʌdʒʌstʌd itʃ taɪm ɪt ɪz tund | -28.79 |
0_000204 | "No," answered Tom, shaking his head; "no one will give me a penny for playing; but Farmer Bowser might give me a penny to stop playing, if I went to his house. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 148.568283 | 36.677238 | 69.92337 | 59.288368 | 11.086649 | noʊ ænsɜ˞d tɑm ʃeɪkɪŋ hɪz hɛd noʊ wʌn wɪl ɡɪv mi ʌ pɛni fɔɹ pleɪɪŋ bʌt fɑɹmɜ˞ boʊzɜ˞ maɪt ɡɪv mi ʌ pɛni tu stɑp pleɪɪŋ ɪf aɪ wɛnt tu hɪz haʊs | -25.81 |
0_000205 | [Transcriber's Note: The highest point in New Guinea is Puncak Jaya (Mount Carstensz or the Carstensz Pyramid), at 16,023 feet.] | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 207.015366 | 38.306538 | 59.385124 | 59.144695 | 10.299625 | tɹænskɹaɪbɜ˞z noʊt ðʌ haɪʌst pɔɪnt ɪn nu ɡɪni ɪz pʌŋkʌk dʒaɪʌ maʊnt kɑɹstʌns ɔɹ ðʌ kɑɹstʌns pɪɹʌmɪd æt sɪkstin θaʊzʌnd twɛntiθɹi fit | -20.16 |
0_000206 | Scald this with three cupfuls of water heated to the boiling point. | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 203.143661 | 51.231277 | 54.516827 | 59.814892 | 22.501907 | skɔld ðɪs wɪð θɹi kʌpfʌlz ʌv wɔtɜ˞ hitʌd tu ðʌ bɔɪlɪŋ pɔɪnt | -22.47 |
0_000207 | Do not let the heat get out of the dough while working. Grease the loaves well on top and set your bread where it will be warm and rise. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 198.182465 | 34.526573 | 68.398926 | 59.327713 | 22.860492 | du nɑt lɛt ðʌ hit ɡɛt aʊt ʌv ðʌ doʊ waɪl wɜ˞kɪŋ ɡɹis ðʌ loʊvz wɛl ɑn tɑp ʌnd sɛt jɔɹ bɹɛd wɛɹ ɪt wɪl bi wɔɹm ʌnd ɹaɪz | -26.67 |
0_000208 | Let it remain and you will quickly find ease and be restored to your senses again. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 197.782227 | 36.176807 | 47.948833 | 59.719051 | 26.9876 | lɛt ɪt ɹɪmeɪn ʌnd ju wɪl kwɪkli faɪnd iz ʌnd bi ɹɪstɔɹd tu jɔɹ sɛnsɪz ʌɡɛn | -19.65 |
0_000209 | In opening your account with a bank it is proper that you should first be introduced to the cashier, or some other official. | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 170.41713 | 50.157085 | 60.732788 | 59.534634 | 10.129969 | ɪn oʊpʌnɪŋ jɔɹ ʌkaʊnt wɪð ʌ bæŋk ɪt ɪz pɹɑpɜ˞ ðæt ju ʃʊd fɜ˞st bi ɪntɹʌdust tu ðʌ kæʃɪɹ ɔɹ sʌm ʌðɜ˞ ʌfɪʃʌl | -19.15 |
0_000210 | Mary would sit and watch me by the hour together: then she would take lessons; and a docile, intelligent, assiduous pupil she made. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 204.988449 | 53.654224 | 61.41478 | 59.609081 | 15.334948 | mɛɹi wʊd sɪt ʌnd wɑtʃ mi baɪ ðʌ aʊɜ˞ tʌɡɛðɜ˞ ðɛn ʃi wʊd teɪk lɛsʌnz ʌnd ʌ dɑsʌl ɪntɛlʌdʒʌnt ʌsɪdwʌs pjupʌl ʃi meɪd | -16.6 |
0_000211 | [Illustration: A Check Properly Drawn. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 126.808517 | 35.331455 | 70.752449 | 59.854477 | 13.36675 | ɪlʌstɹeɪʃʌn ʌ tʃɛk pɹɑpɜ˞li dɹɔn | -26.55 |
0_000212 | I liked to learn of her: I saw the part of instructress pleased and suited her; that of scholar pleased and suited me no less. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 162.661255 | 27.546686 | 64.293526 | 59.831131 | 24.618736 | aɪ laɪkt tu lɜ˞n ʌv hɜ˞ aɪ sɔ ðʌ pɑɹt ʌv ɪnstɹʌktɜ˞z plizd ʌnd sutʌd hɜ˞ ðæt ʌv skɑlɜ˞ plizd ʌnd sutʌd mi noʊ lɛs | -17.58 |
0_000213 | It will be seen, in the first place, that this check is written very plainly, and that there is no room for the insertion of extra figures or words. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 119.852974 | 22.568119 | 65.474152 | 59.802673 | 24.971623 | ɪt wɪl bi sin ɪn ðʌ fɜ˞st pleɪs ðæt ðɪs tʃɛk ɪz ɹɪtʌn vɛɹi pleɪnli ʌnd ðæt ðɛɹ ɪz noʊ ɹum fɔɹ ðʌ ɪnsɜ˞ʃʌn ʌv ɛkstɹʌ fɪɡjɜ˞z ɔɹ wɜ˞dz | -18.55 |
0_000214 | Banks will not pay notes or drafts without instructions. | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 188.447159 | 58.05587 | 55.297123 | 59.776833 | 10.081427 | bæŋks wɪl nɑt peɪ noʊts ɔɹ dɹæfts wɪθaʊt ɪnstɹʌkʃʌnz | -21.47 |
0_000215 | [Illustration: The Same Check "Raised". | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 167.93103 | 32.85667 | 70.499809 | 59.624851 | 12.417219 | ɪlʌstɹeɪʃʌn ðʌ seɪm tʃɛk ɹeɪzd | -26.84 |
0_000216 | "And if I let a gust of wind or a sprinkling of rain turn me aside from these easy tasks, what preparation would such sloth be for the future I propose to myself?" | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 236.916443 | 50.795982 | 57.99015 | 59.383495 | 11.709953 | ʌnd ɪf aɪ lɛt ʌ ɡʌst ʌv waɪnd ɔɹ ʌ spɹɪŋklɪŋ ʌv ɹeɪn tɜ˞n mi ʌsaɪd fɹʌm ðiz izi tæsks wʌt pɹɛpɜ˞eɪʃʌn wʊd sʌtʃ sloʊθ bi fɔɹ ðʌ fjutʃɜ˞ aɪ pɹʌpoʊz tu maɪsɛlf | -25.85 |
0_000217 | It was steeple-crowned, without any vane. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 112.806206 | 23.224262 | 59.336136 | 59.823765 | 20.501139 | ɪt wɑz stivʌlspɹoʊnd wɪθaʊt ɛni veɪn | -31.5 |
0_000218 | How could Elizabeth Eliza open it? | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 130.180847 | 25.735415 | 70.002007 | 58.224102 | 16.11279 | haʊ kʊd ɪlɪzʌbʌθ ɪlaɪzʌ oʊpʌn ɪt | -24.63 |
0_000219 | So they decided to make some. The little boys said they could find some nutgalls up in the woods. So they all agreed to set out and pick some. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 130.04718 | 35.859531 | 68.241623 | 53.612213 | 9.114583 | soʊ ðeɪ dɪsaɪdɪd tu meɪk sʌm ðʌ lɪtʌl bɔɪz sɛd ðeɪ kʊd faɪnd sʌm nʌtɡʌlz ʌp ɪn ðʌ wʊdz soʊ ðeɪ ɔl ʌɡɹid tu sɛt aʊt ʌnd pɪk sʌm | -20.51 |
0_000220 | So they tried this, but the horse would not stir. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 125.435982 | 15.922396 | 67.758545 | 59.820095 | 20.792079 | soʊ ðeɪ tɹaɪd ðɪs bʌt ðʌ hɔɹs wʊd nɑt stɜ˞ | -30.41 |
0_000221 | "I have tried the whip," said Elizabeth Eliza. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 130.515259 | 25.599249 | 62.365387 | 59.834213 | 23.131673 | aɪ hæv tɹaɪd ðʌ wɪp sɛd ɪlɪzʌbʌθ ɪlaɪzʌ | -26.77 |
0_000222 | "Sweet potato!" exclaimed both the little boys. | F | en-US-NancyNeural | neutral | 218.292343 | 54.334957 | 64.348358 | 59.759159 | 19.830028 | swit pʌteɪtoʊ ɪkskleɪmd boʊθ ðʌ lɪtʌl bɔɪz | -24.11 |
0_000223 | I was obliged to recall him to a theme which was of necessity one of close and anxious interest to me. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 163.30423 | 24.726368 | 64.966522 | 59.709064 | 16.483516 | aɪ wɑz ʌblaɪdʒd tu ɹɪkɔl hɪm tu ʌ θim wɪtʃ wɑz ʌv nʌsɛsʌti wʌn ʌv kloʊs ʌnd æŋkʃʌs ɪntɹʌst tu mi | -17.64 |
0_000224 | "The turkey," said Agamemnon, "must be just above the kitchen door. | F | en-US-JaneNeural | cheerful | 249.074356 | 65.756897 | 55.730324 | 59.838135 | 22.633745 | ðʌ tɜ˞ki sɛd æɡʌmɛmnɑn mʌst bi dʒʌst ʌbʌv ðʌ kɪtʃʌn dɔɹ | -26.49 |
0_000225 | "Let us try to think what she would advise us," said Mr. Peterkin. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 127.910263 | 38.809517 | 66.83194 | 59.832294 | 17.152659 | lɛt ʌs tɹaɪ tu θɪŋk wʌt ʃi wʊd ædvaɪz ʌs sɛd mɪstɜ˞ pɪtɜ˞kɪn | -20.11 |
0_000226 | When the matter was explained to him, he went into the dining-room, looked into the dumb-waiter, untwisted a cord, and arranged the weight, and pulled up the dinner. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 111.522903 | 16.842192 | 60.132332 | 59.81686 | 25.636364 | wɛn ðʌ mætɜ˞ wɑz ɪkspleɪnd tu hɪm hi wɛnt ɪntu ðʌ dɪnɪɡɹum lʊkt ɪntu ðʌ dʌmbweɪtɜ˞ ʌntwɪstɪd ʌ kɔɹd ʌnd ɜ˞eɪndʒd ðʌ weɪt ʌnd pʊld ʌp ðʌ dɪnɜ˞ | -31.53 |
0_000227 | The Whigs saw that their time was come. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 125.757309 | 23.466038 | 66.481094 | 59.394512 | 9.639303 | ðʌ wɪɡz sɔ ðæt ðɛɹ taɪm wɑz kʌm | -31.66 |
0_000228 | He was still detached, an astonished spectator, still but half involved in life. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 149.064255 | 43.552605 | 69.656433 | 59.807751 | 10.568622 | hi wɑz stɪl dɪtætʃt æn ʌstɑnɪʃt spɛkteɪtɜ˞ stɪl bʌt hæf ɪnvɑlvd ɪn laɪf | -16.29 |
0_000229 | "It will be clearer later," said Howard. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 142.303268 | 37.098995 | 67.342285 | 59.801582 | 14.951627 | ɪt wɪl bi klɪɹɜ˞ leɪtɜ˞ sɛd haʊɜ˞d | -20.05 |
0_000230 | To tell you the truth, I don't understand it myself very clearly. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 152.827805 | 43.934517 | 66.468826 | 59.737305 | 25.210084 | tu tɛl ju ðʌ tɹuθ aɪ doʊnt ʌndɜ˞stænd ɪt maɪsɛlf vɛɹi klɪɹli | -15.91 |
0_000231 | As they crossed the gallery he heard a whisper from below, "The Sleeper," and was aware of a turning of heads, a hum of observation. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 119.977226 | 30.87431 | 58.24424 | 59.709206 | 10.416667 | æz ðeɪ kɹɔst ðʌ ɡælɜ˞i hi hɜ˞d ʌ wɪspɜ˞ fɹʌm bɪloʊ ðʌ slipɜ˞ ʌnd wɑz ʌwɛɹ ʌv ʌ tɜ˞nɪŋ ʌv hɛdz ʌ hʌm ʌv ɑbzɜ˞veɪʃʌn | -20.16 |
0_000232 | "This is strange!" he said. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 147.554779 | 45.086342 | 65.71534 | 54.699028 | 17.886179 | ðɪs ɪz stɹeɪndʒ hi sɛd | -27.57 |
0_000233 | "I should be told what is happening." | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 102.996544 | 31.890764 | 69.859955 | 57.831158 | 11.053795 | aɪ ʃʊd bi toʊld wʌt ɪz hæpʌnɪŋ | -24.69 |
0_000234 | While I attend the discussion in the Council.... | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 113.337685 | 21.669777 | 66.229179 | 59.846329 | 27.00831 | waɪl aɪ ʌtɛnd ðʌ dɪskʌʃʌn ɪn ðʌ kaʊnsʌl | -22.98 |
0_000235 | "That," said Howard, "I am afraid--But--" | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 173.990311 | 27.293259 | 70.428581 | 59.533432 | 11.875512 | ðæt sɛd haʊɜ˞d aɪ æm ʌfɹɛdʌkt | -27.78 |
0_000236 | His, under such circumstances, is the destiny of the pioneer; and the first pioneers of the Gospel were the Apostles--their captain was Jesus, the Redeemer, Himself." | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 201.852921 | 40.39909 | 40.991947 | 59.894009 | 22.24226 | hɪz ʌndɜ˞ sʌtʃ sɜ˞kʌmstænsʌz ɪz ðʌ dɛstʌni ʌv ðʌ paɪʌnɪɹ ʌnd ðʌ fɜ˞st paɪʌnɪɹz ʌv ðʌ ɡɑspʌl wɜ˞ ðʌ æpʌsθlaɪstɹi kæptʌn wɑz dʒizʌs ðʌ ɹɪdimɜ˞ hɪmsɛlf | -22.49 |
0_000237 | 'Yes, sire, he had arms; he always carries a dagger in his belt. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 233.07695 | 44.691387 | 60.540264 | 59.806084 | 19.427403 | jɛs saɪɜ˞ hi hæd ɑɹmz hi ɔlweɪz kæɹiz ʌ dæɡɜ˞ ɪn hɪz bɛlt | -17.1 |
0_000238 | Then he came back, his face white and stern. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 184.013809 | 29.375551 | 64.549225 | 59.622623 | 8.977901 | ðɛn hi keɪm bæk hɪz feɪs waɪt ʌnd stɜ˞n | -26.49 |
0_000239 | He clung to his anger--because he was afraid of fear. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 253.676483 | 43.071091 | 57.161442 | 59.434696 | 17.624521 | hi klʌŋ tu hɪz eɪŋɡɜ˞bʌks hi wɑz ʌfɹeɪd ʌv fɪɹ | -19.35 |
0_000240 | He wandered on hardly knowing where he went, and his face was so white and desperate that none of his companions dared speak to him. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 107.905136 | 22.030201 | 58.705925 | 53.770226 | 11.292465 | hi wɑndɜ˞d ɑn hɑɹdli noʊɪŋ wɛɹ hi wɛnt ʌnd hɪz feɪs wɑz soʊ waɪt ʌnd dɛspɹɪt ðæt nʌn ʌv hɪz kʌmpænjʌnz dɛɹd spik tu hɪm | -18.67 |
0_000241 | But there is none that can answer that question save only I myself, if you will promise to do all I ask.' | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 145.121368 | 29.46686 | 69.358009 | 59.134579 | 18.045113 | bʌt ðɛɹ ɪz nʌn ðæt kæn ænsɜ˞ ðæt kwɛstʃʌn seɪv oʊnli aɪ maɪsɛlf ɪf ju wɪl pɹɑmʌs tu du ɔl aɪ æsk | -15.87 |
0_000242 | 'You will not need to do that,' answered the old woman, 'you have only got to marry me, and you will soon be free.' | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 122.68998 | 18.614149 | 58.544323 | 59.584194 | 24.247065 | ju wɪl nɑt nid tu du ðæt ænsɜ˞d ðʌ oʊld wʊmʌn ju hæv oʊnli ɡɑt tu mɛɹi mi ʌnd ju wɪl sun bi fɹi | -24.5 |
0_000243 | Oh, no, it is quite impossible.' | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 162.244858 | 47.503769 | 69.879974 | 59.82296 | 8 | oʊ noʊ ɪt ɪz kwaɪt ɪmpɑsʌbʌl | -20.49 |
0_000244 | No one suspected the truth except a priest to whom the queen confessed the truth, and in a few weeks she fell ill and died, leaving the baby to be brought up as became a prince. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 118.027336 | 24.850744 | 64.44722 | 59.244968 | 10.657316 | noʊ wʌn sʌspɛktʌd ðʌ tɹuθ ɪksɛpt ʌ pɹist tu hum ðʌ kwin kʌnfɛst ðʌ tɹuθ ʌnd ɪn ʌ fju wiks ʃi fɛl ɪl ʌnd daɪd livɪŋ ðʌ beɪbi tu bi bɹɔt ʌp æz bɪkeɪm ʌ pɹɪns | -19.06 |
0_000245 | That, sire, I can now tell you,' and the young man paused and looked at the king, who coloured deeply. | F | en-US-NancyNeural | neutral | 162.424728 | 29.50629 | 58.632256 | 59.692585 | 9.060773 | ðæt saɪɜ˞ aɪ kæn naʊ tɛl ju ʌnd ðʌ jʌŋ mæn pɔzd ʌnd lʊkt æt ðʌ kɪŋ hu kʌlɜ˞d dipli | -23.27 |
0_000246 | He spoke without thinking, but the flash of anger which darted from her eyes made him feel uncomfortable. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 132.677948 | 21.811108 | 61.201088 | 59.692829 | 17.006803 | hi spoʊk wɪθaʊt θɪŋkɪŋ bʌt ðʌ flæʃ ʌv æŋɡɜ˞ wɪtʃ dɑɹtɪd fɹʌm hɜ˞ aɪz meɪd hɪm fil ʌnkʌmfɜ˞tʌbʌl | -21.67 |
0_000247 | But in the night soft music was heard stealing close towards the house, and every man slept, and the mother slept also. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 167.6185 | 39.097565 | 65.373268 | 59.820484 | 24.125719 | bʌt ɪn ðʌ naɪt sɑft mjuzɪk wɑz hɜ˞d stilɪŋ kloʊs tʌwɔɹdz ðʌ haʊs ʌnd ɛvɜ˞i mæn slɛpt ʌnd ðʌ mʌðɜ˞ slɛpt ɔlsoʊ | -17.37 |
0_000248 | He thought it would be better to transact business with his old acquaintance, so he sent for Peppino. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 229.13887 | 60.065418 | 60.776775 | 59.639519 | 10.811467 | hi θɔt ɪt wʊd bi bɛtɜ˞ tu tɹænzækt bɪznʌs wɪð hɪz oʊld ʌkweɪntʌns soʊ hi sɛnt fɔɹ pɛpinoʊ | -26.74 |
0_000249 | Oh, my former friends, my former friends!" he murmured, and fell with his face to the ground. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 153.243118 | 32.580982 | 70.240395 | 59.031246 | 11.0138 | oʊ maɪ fɔɹmɜ˞ fɹɛndz maɪ fɔɹmɜ˞ fɹɛndz hi mɜ˞mɜ˞d ʌnd fɛl wɪð hɪz feɪs tu ðʌ ɡɹaʊnd | -19.04 |
0_000250 | "What curious nonsense!" said Eustace to himself. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 125.710808 | 40.943905 | 67.275291 | 59.825348 | 13.477975 | wʌt kjʊɹiʌs nɑnsɛns sɛd justʌs tu hɪmsɛlf | -27.03 |
0_000251 | I played on the floor with a black spaniel while my father appealed for a subscription. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 181.800476 | 35.154999 | 65.660988 | 59.688858 | 17.1875 | aɪ pleɪd ɑn ðʌ flɔɹ wɪð ʌ blæk spænjʌl waɪl maɪ fɑðɜ˞ ʌpild fɔɹ ʌ sʌbskɹɪpʃʌn | -27.04 |
0_000252 | "But I saw his eyes," I said. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 192.819489 | 30.711218 | 68.343712 | 48.554077 | 12.232416 | bʌt aɪ sɔ hɪz aɪz aɪ sɛd | -26.43 |
0_000253 | But for a week I prayed that those dark tender eyes might see. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 203.21524 | 38.749146 | 66.09745 | 59.158779 | 10.007278 | bʌt fɔɹ ʌ wik aɪ pɹeɪd ðæt ðoʊz dɑɹk tɛndɜ˞ aɪz maɪt si | -21.13 |
0_000254 | "An excellent proof," he would add, "of the truth of the doctrine of direct verbal inspiration." | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 234.401428 | 59.040707 | 59.859997 | 59.765873 | 24.286582 | æn ɛksʌlʌnt pɹuf hi wʊd æd ʌv ðʌ tɹuθ ʌv ðʌ dɑktɹʌn ʌv dɜ˞ɛkt vɜ˞bʌl ɪnspɜ˞eɪʃʌn | -26.02 |
0_000255 | The mere passing of his long supple fingers over a flower was sufficient means for its identification, though occasionally he would use his lips. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 117.37207 | 56.108574 | 57.564823 | 59.665333 | 17.022961 | ðʌ mɪɹ pæsɪŋ ʌv hɪz lɔŋ sʌpʌl fɪŋɡɜ˞z oʊvɜ˞ ʌ flaʊɜ˞ wɑz sʌfɪʃʌnt minz fɔɹ ɪts aɪdɛntʌfʌkeɪʃʌn ðoʊ ʌkeɪʒʌnʌli hi wʊd juz hɪz lɪps | -28.24 |
0_000256 | Then, picking up the pencil, they wrote: | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 180.583389 | 33.671146 | 67.957863 | 59.7099 | 18.128655 | ðɛn pɪkɪŋ ʌp ðʌ pɛnsʌl ðeɪ ɹoʊt | -28 |
0_000257 | "But you comprehend me?" he said. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 126.783974 | 24.8575 | 70.278915 | 57.302631 | 8.51735 | bʌt ju kɑmpɹihɛnd mi hi sɛd | -19.96 |
0_000258 | Eustace took an empty manuscript book and placed a pencil within reach of the fingers of the right hand. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 215.118042 | 53.901974 | 51.454144 | 58.49324 | 12.307692 | justʌs tʊk æn ɛmpti mænjʌskɹɪpt bʊk ʌnd pleɪst ʌ pɛnsʌl wɪðɪn ɹitʃ ʌv ðʌ fɪŋɡɜ˞z ʌv ðʌ ɹaɪt hænd | -25.57 |
0_000259 | When he came to Farmer Bowser's house, Tom started up the pipes and began to play with all his might. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 108.987907 | 23.082567 | 65.314171 | 59.333637 | 11.208577 | wɛn hi keɪm tu fɑɹmɜ˞ boʊzɜ˞z haʊs tɑm stɑɹtʌd ʌp ðʌ paɪps ʌnd bɪɡæn tu pleɪ wɪð ɔl hɪz maɪt | -18.96 |
0_000260 | The dress togs are accounted for by an invitation from Captain Lockwood to bridge." | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 102.699455 | 15.516317 | 63.124733 | 59.771 | 16.964695 | ðʌ dɹɛs tɑɡz ɑɹ ʌkaʊntʌd fɔɹ baɪ æn ɪnvɪteɪʃʌn fɹʌm kæptʌn lɑkwʊd tu bɹɪdʒ | -21.56 |
0_000261 | "Oh, I'll see to it," said Eustace, "while you and the Captain earn an honest penny." | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 192.265213 | 36.907692 | 62.588043 | 59.833271 | 19.607843 | oʊ aɪl si tu ɪt sɛd justʌs waɪl ju ʌnd ðʌ kæptʌn ɜ˞n æn ɑnʌst pɛni | -22.68 |
0_000262 | "And, Morton," he added, when the butler brought the coffee, "get me a screwdriver or something to undo this box. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 120.512398 | 18.786842 | 62.534168 | 59.791435 | 21.49792 | ʌnd mɔɹtʌn hi ædʌd wɛn ðʌ bʌtlɜ˞ bɹɔt ðʌ kɑfi ɡɛt mi ʌ skɹudɹaɪvɜ˞ ɔɹ sʌmθɪŋ tu ʌndu ðɪs bɑks | -31.02 |
0_000263 | Now I suppose I shall have to get one myself." | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 106.686874 | 15.461494 | 63.601379 | 59.683697 | 16.627997 | naʊ aɪ sʌpoʊz aɪ ʃæl hæv tu ɡɛt wʌn maɪsɛlf | -25.13 |
0_000264 | As he came back into the library with an empty cage in his hand he heard the sound of something falling, and then of something scuttling along the floor. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 95.681793 | 10.442295 | 57.483627 | 59.519711 | 18.703242 | æz hi keɪm bæk ɪntu ðʌ laɪbɹɛɹi wɪð æn ɛmpti keɪdʒ ɪn hɪz hænd hi hɜ˞d ðʌ saʊnd ʌv sʌmθɪŋ fɑlɪŋ ʌnd ðɛn ʌv sʌmθɪŋ skʌtʌlɪŋ ʌlɔŋ ðʌ flɔɹ | -25.44 |
0_000265 | The letter was from the family solicitor. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 114.644714 | 31.24209 | 67.498512 | 51.975994 | 17.771374 | ðʌ lɛtɜ˞ wɑz fɹʌm ðʌ fæmʌli sʌlɪsʌtɜ˞ | -19.39 |
0_000266 | "Very well: so be it." | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 175.732376 | 38.29533 | 60.349842 | 59.679829 | 14.634146 | vɛɹi wɛl soʊ bi ɪt | -27.43 |
0_000267 | While he was looking, too surprised to stir, the hand disappeared round the corner Eustace ran forward. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 130.054428 | 29.619003 | 64.186844 | 59.67321 | 10.302198 | waɪl hi wɑz lʊkɪŋ tu sɜ˞pɹaɪzd tu stɜ˞ ðʌ hænd dɪsʌpɪɹd ɹaʊnd ðʌ kɔɹnɜ˞ justʌs ɹæn fɔɹwɜ˞d | -20.23 |
0_000268 | "What do you disapprove of, Mr. Rivers?" I asked. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 211.574646 | 45.55912 | 69.788521 | 59.574043 | 10.366442 | wʌt du ju dɪsʌpɹuv ʌv mɪstɜ˞ ɹɪvɜ˞z aɪ æskt | -27.06 |
0_000269 | It certainly seemed to be the best plan. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 218.394882 | 42.871323 | 62.34351 | 59.731594 | 22.697795 | ɪt sɜ˞tʌnli simd tu bi ðʌ bɛst plæn | -21.54 |
0_000270 | "It seems to be a hand right enough, too. | F | en-US-NancyNeural | cheerful | 302.134857 | 89.51368 | 61.759583 | 59.443665 | 19.855596 | ɪt simz tu bi ʌ hænd ɹaɪt ɪnʌf tu | -25.85 |
0_000271 | He wanted someone to understand the feeling that had taken possession of him after his mother's death. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 134.276291 | 33.692852 | 69.004738 | 59.842155 | 18.781302 | hi wɑntʌd sʌmwʌn tu ʌndɜ˞stænd ðʌ filɪŋ ðæt hæd teɪkʌn pʌzɛʃʌn ʌv hɪm æftɜ˞ hɪz mʌðɜ˞z dɛθ | -19.3 |
0_000272 | Already he hears death calling. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 116.144745 | 32.899036 | 69.878525 | 55.82378 | 8.264463 | ɔlɹɛdi hi hiɹz dɛθ kɔlɪŋ | -24.19 |
0_000273 | During the day she was happy, but when night came on she began to grow restless. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 140.6026 | 33.924774 | 70.349518 | 59.837727 | 17.386985 | dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ deɪ ʃi wɑz hæpi bʌt wɛn naɪt keɪm ɑn ʃi bɪɡæn tu ɡɹoʊ ɹɛstlʌs | -19.71 |
0_000274 | What made you think of ambition? | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 243.244354 | 58.969326 | 67.832611 | 58.95932 | 13.106796 | wʌt meɪd ju θɪŋk ʌv æmbɪʃʌn | -27.19 |
0_000275 | In his desperation George boasted, "I'm going to be a big man, the biggest that ever lived here in Winesburg," he declared. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 122.678276 | 30.076853 | 58.293159 | 59.35627 | 10.752688 | ɪn hɪz dɛspɜ˞eɪʃʌn dʒɔɹdʒ boʊstʌd aɪm ɡoʊɪŋ tu bi ʌ bɪɡ mæn ðʌ bɪɡʌst ðæt ɛvɜ˞ laɪvd hiɹ ɪn waɪnzbɜ˞ɡ hi dɪklɛɹd | -20.18 |
0_000276 | He wanted to run away by himself and think. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 167.641022 | 45.66544 | 67.36068 | 59.768372 | 16.86747 | hi wɑntʌd tu ɹʌn ʌweɪ baɪ hɪmsɛlf ʌnd θɪŋk | -19.7 |
0_000277 | It has never been painted and the boards are all warped out of shape. | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 132.040588 | 21.083147 | 54.063583 | 59.59457 | 27.256479 | ɪt hæz nɛvɜ˞ bɪn peɪntʌd ʌnd ðʌ bɔɹdz ɑɹ ɔl wɔɹpt aʊt ʌv ʃeɪp | -29.96 |
0_000278 | Sensing his mood, Helen walked beside him filled with respect. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 150.502426 | 41.656239 | 71.871513 | 59.733238 | 10.037879 | sɛnsɪŋ hɪz mud hɛlʌn wɔkt bɪsaɪd hɪm fɪld wɪð ɹɪspɛkt | -19.59 |
0_000279 | It was the boy-choir singing Christmas anthems. Higher and higher rose the clear, fresh voices, full of hope and cheer, as children's voices always are. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 168.971695 | 42.836967 | 70.232574 | 59.636284 | 13.55042 | ɪt wɑz ðʌ bɔɪhɔɹ sɪŋɪŋ kɹɪsmʌs ænθʌmz haɪɜ˞ ʌnd haɪɜ˞ ɹoʊz ðʌ klɪɹ fɹɛʃ vɔɪsʌz fʊl ʌv hoʊp ʌnd tʃɪɹ æz tʃɪldɹʌnz vɔɪsʌz ɔlweɪz ɑɹ | -21.93 |
0_000280 | "Why, my baby," whispered Mrs. Bird in soft surprise, "I had forgotten what day it was. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 160.352722 | 24.550695 | 67.24646 | 59.339516 | 14.577259 | waɪ maɪ beɪbi wɪspɜ˞d mɪsɪz bɜ˞d ɪn sɑft sɜ˞pɹaɪz aɪ hæd fɜ˞ɡɑtʌn wʌt deɪ ɪt wɑz | -21.43 |
0_000281 | "Perhaps I met Mr. Tracy," said Eric. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | cheerful | 215.274429 | 54.436638 | 64.893135 | 59.698029 | 8.110478 | pɜ˞hæps aɪ mɛt mɪstɜ˞ tɹeɪsi sɛd ɛɹɪk | -25.52 |
0_000282 | But folks hereabouts don't like him. | F | en-US-NancyNeural | neutral | 189.309906 | 42.955387 | 63.696674 | 59.401051 | 14.938489 | bʌt foʊks hɪɹʌbaʊts doʊnt laɪk hɪm | -29 |
0_000283 | Brave, but with quivering lips, Each alone in the press of the crowd, Was saying it over and over. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 188.32901 | 41.193192 | 59.089718 | 59.260242 | 16.354282 | bɹeɪv bʌt wɪð kwɪvɜ˞ɪŋ lɪps itʃ ʌloʊn ɪn ðʌ pɹɛs ʌv ðʌ kɹaʊd wɑz seɪɪŋ ɪt oʊvɜ˞ ʌnd oʊvɜ˞ | -16.64 |
0_000284 | "But I have never fixed on June or any other month--merely looked forward to the summer in general." | F | en-US-JaneNeural | neutral | 207.425049 | 35.163414 | 60.097649 | 59.768463 | 24.958403 | bʌt aɪ hæv nɛvɜ˞ fɪkst ɑn dʒun ɔɹ ɛni ʌðɜ˞ mʌnθɜ˞mɛli lʊkt fɔɹwɜ˞d tu ðʌ sʌmɜ˞ ɪn dʒɛnɜ˞ʌl | -17.48 |
0_000285 | "But have you really heard of nothing?" | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 211.941742 | 26.884222 | 69.647659 | 59.513756 | 10.78869 | bʌt hæv ju ɹɪli hɜ˞d ʌv nʌθɪŋ | -25.84 |
0_000286 | A cousin of Mr. Suckling, Mrs. Bragge, had such an infinity of applications; every body was anxious to be in her family, for she moves in the first circle. Wax-candles in the schoolroom! | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 109.824707 | 20.630688 | 64.917702 | 59.389668 | 9.388889 | ʌ kʌzʌn ʌv mɪstɜ˞ sʌklɪŋ mɪsɪz bɹæɡ hæd sʌtʃ æn ɪnfɪnʌti ʌv æplʌkeɪʃʌnz ɛvɜ˞i bɑdi wɑz æŋkʃʌs tu bi ɪn hɜ˞ fæmʌli fɔɹ ʃi muvz ɪn ðʌ fɜ˞st sɜ˞kʌl wɑksændʌlz ɪn ðʌ skulɹum | -24.91 |
0_000287 | You are afraid of giving me trouble; but I assure you, my dear Jane, the Campbells can hardly be more interested about you than I am. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 141.812286 | 36.961224 | 69.092628 | 58.581402 | 11.352703 | ju ɑɹ ʌfɹeɪd ʌv ɡɪvɪŋ mi tɹʌbʌl bʌt aɪ ʌʃʊɹ ju maɪ dɪɹ dʒeɪn ðʌ kæmbʌlz kæn hɑɹdli bi mɔɹ ɪntɹʌstʌd ʌbaʊt ju ðæn aɪ æm | -16.48 |
0_000288 | I shall write to Mrs. Partridge in a day or two, and shall give her a strict charge to be on the look-out for any thing eligible." | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 119.543564 | 16.943756 | 57.204189 | 59.792484 | 17.364203 | aɪ ʃæl ɹaɪt tu mɪsɪz pɑɹtɹʌdʒ ɪn ʌ deɪ ɔɹ tu ʌnd ʃæl ɡɪv hɜ˞ ʌ stɹɪkt tʃɑɹdʒ tu bi ɑn ðʌ lʊkaʊt fɔɹ ɛni θɪŋ ɛlʌdʒʌbʌl | -20.89 |
0_000289 | There are places in town, offices, where inquiry would soon produce something--Offices for the sale--not quite of human flesh--but of human intellect." | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 145.70433 | 29.635757 | 64.124588 | 59.736004 | 27.060271 | ðɛɹ ɑɹ pleɪsʌz ɪn taʊn ɔfʌsʌz wɛɹ ɪnkwaɪɹi wʊd sun pɹʌdus sumθʌfɜ˞nɪkʌsɪŋ fɔɹ ðʌ seɪlbɑnt kwaɪt ʌv hjumʌn flɛʃbʌt ʌv hjumʌn ɪntʌlɛkt | -19.71 |
0_000290 | "Something that would do!" repeated Mrs. Elton. | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 139.159943 | 42.452374 | 65.825371 | 59.452179 | 13.673319 | sʌmθɪŋ ðæt wʊd du ɹɪpitɪd mɪsɪz ɛltʌn | -15.68 |
0_000291 | I must put on a few ornaments now, because it is expected of me. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 101.935112 | 25.308533 | 68.886391 | 59.850105 | 11.091234 | aɪ mʌst pʊt ɑn ʌ fju ɔɹnʌmʌnts naʊ bɪkɔz ɪt ɪz ɪkspɛktʌd ʌv mi | -21.97 |
0_000292 | You may imagine how desirable! | M | en-US-JasonNeural | neutral | 110.349144 | 20.440218 | 66.692673 | 59.281658 | 15.541265 | ju meɪ ɪmædʒʌn haʊ dɪzaɪɹʌbʌl | -31.53 |
0_000293 | "Here is April come!" said she, "I get quite anxious about you. | F | en-US-NancyNeural | neutral | 198.100723 | 52.843922 | 62.588192 | 59.691879 | 8.937605 | hiɹ ɪz eɪpɹʌl kʌm sɛd ʃi aɪ ɡɛt kwaɪt æŋkʃʌs ʌbaʊt ju | -22.58 |
0_000294 | "Read it, read it," said he, "it will give you pleasure; only a few lines--will not take you long; read it to Emma." | M | en-US-DavisNeural | neutral | 127.81987 | 32.798206 | 62.458313 | 54.8992 | 9.170654 | ɹɛd ɪt ɹid ɪt sɛd hi ɪt wɪl ɡɪv ju plɛʒɜ˞ oʊnli ʌ fju laɪnzwɪl nɑt teɪk ju lɔŋ ɹɛd ɪt tu ɛmʌ | -16.17 |
0_000295 | Well, propensities and principles must be reconciled by some means." | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 226.899567 | 49.128616 | 68.632828 | 59.70787 | 22.41504 | wɛl pɹʌpɛnsʌtiz ʌnd pɹɪnsʌpʌlz mʌst bi ɹɛkʌnsaɪld baɪ sʌm minz | -20.78 |
0_000296 | "How the conviction arose at first, I cannot tell you; I do not think she knows herself. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 184.138138 | 39.554703 | 68.568604 | 55.777802 | 15.719468 | haʊ ðʌ kʌnvɪkʃʌn ɜ˞oʊz æt fɜ˞st aɪ kænɑt tɛl ju aɪ du nɑt θɪŋk ʃi noʊz hɜ˞sɛlf | -17.44 |
0_000297 | "Why can't she come out to me as you have done? | M | en-US-DavisNeural | cheerful | 212.017029 | 51.761215 | 62.679607 | 59.789948 | 25.657895 | waɪ kænt ʃi kʌm aʊt tu mi æz ju hæv dʌn | -29.22 |
0_000298 | "It is impossible to think of it to-night," returned Barbara in an alarmed tone. | M | en-US-TonyNeural | neutral | 103.53167 | 23.433144 | 65.303123 | 58.800014 | 11.330993 | ɪt ɪz ɪmpɑsʌbʌl tu θɪŋk ʌv ɪt toʊnaɪt ɹɪtɜ˞nd bɑɹbɜ˞ʌ ɪn æn ʌlɑɹmd toʊn | -22.82 |
0_000299 | I was not brought up to anything, and I did understand horses. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 185.768478 | 31.72254 | 62.889191 | 58.899849 | 16.531323 | aɪ wɑz nɑt bɹɔt ʌp tu ɛniθɪŋ ʌnd aɪ dɪd ʌndɜ˞stænd hɔɹsʌz | -26.22 |
Subsets and Splits