stringlengths 8
| text
stringlengths 1
| gender
stringclasses 2
values | speaker
stringclasses 4
values | emotion
stringclasses 5
values | utterance_pitch_mean
float32 85.4
| utterance_pitch_std
float32 3.39
| snr
float64 3.19
| c50
float64 14.2
| speaking_rate
float64 0.96
| phonemes
stringlengths 1
| loudness
float64 -35.42
0_049902 | "Who put that pillow under my head? | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 248.152374 | 66.23967 | 67.152206 | 59.728874 | 21.459227 | hu pʊt ðæt pɪloʊ ʌndɜ˞ maɪ hɛd | -21.47 |
0_049903 | Who was so kind?" he cried, with a sort of ecstatic gratitude, and tears in his voice, as though some great kindness had been shown him. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 199.751373 | 25.842762 | 66.696602 | 59.782265 | 22.28361 | hu wɑz soʊ kaɪnd hi kɹaɪd wɪð ʌ sɔɹt ʌv ɛkstætɪk ɡɹætʌtud ʌnd tɛɹz ɪn hɪz vɔɪs æz ðoʊ sʌm ɡɹeɪt kaɪndnʌs hæd bɪn ʃoʊn hɪm | -27.76 |
0_049904 | He never found out who this kind man was; perhaps one of the peasant witnesses, or Nikolay Parfenovitch's little secretary, had compassionately thought to put a pillow under his head; but his whole soul was quivering with tears. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | sad | 192.65097 | 30.616531 | 64.541199 | 56.285225 | 8.956797 | hi nɛvɜ˞ faʊnd aʊt hu ðɪs kaɪnd mæn wɑz pɜ˞hæps wʌn ʌv ðʌ pɛzʌnt wɪtnʌsʌz ɔɹ nɪkoʊli pɑɹfʌnʌvɪtʃɪk lɪtʌl sɛkɹʌtɛɹi hæd kʌmpæʃʌnʌtli θɔt tu pʊt ʌ pɪloʊ ʌndɜ˞ hɪz hɛd bʌt hɪz hoʊl soʊl wɑz kwɪvɜ˞ɪŋ wɪð tɛɹz | -27.07 |
0_049905 | He went to the table and said that he would sign whatever they liked. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | sad | 201.136047 | 26.598848 | 67.313744 | 58.714081 | 22.222222 | hi wɛnt tu ðʌ teɪbʌl ʌnd sɛd ðæt hi wʊd saɪn wʌtɛvɜ˞ ðeɪ laɪkt | -19.3 |
0_049906 | "I've had a good dream, gentlemen," he said in a strange voice, with a new light, as of joy, in his face. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 140.619476 | 30.71512 | 69.484344 | 59.454132 | 16.335227 | aɪv hæd ʌ ɡʊd dɹim dʒɛntʌlmɪn hi sɛd ɪn ʌ stɹeɪndʒ vɔɪs wɪð ʌ nu laɪt æz ʌv dʒɔɪ ɪn hɪz feɪs | -16.65 |
0_049907 | XVII. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 219.403854 | 37.124233 | 64.4095 | 59.760826 | 3.565062 | zivi | -18.33 |
0_049908 | SWEETWATER IN A NEW ROLE | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 159.467789 | 18.468662 | 70.896889 | 41.192554 | 8.487654 | switwɑtɜ˞ ɪn ʌ nu ɹoʊl | -17.08 |
0_049909 | A few days later three men were closeted in the district attorney's office. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | cheerful | 272.906769 | 62.533607 | 59.181274 | 59.665176 | 21.276596 | ʌ fju deɪz leɪtɜ˞ θɹi mɛn wɜ˞ klɑzʌtɪd ɪn ðʌ dɪstɹɪkt ʌtɜ˞niz ɔfʌs | -18.05 |
0_049910 | Two of them were officials--the district attorney himself, and our old friend, the inspector. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 193.394958 | 34.559822 | 69.150513 | 57.804119 | 14.270033 | tu ʌv ðɛm wɜ˞ ʌfɪʃʌlʌ dɪstɹɪkt ʌtɜ˞ni hɪmsɛlf ʌnd aʊɜ˞ oʊld fɹɛnd ðʌ ɪnspɛktɜ˞ | -27.65 |
0_049911 | The third was the detective, Sweetwater, chosen by them to keep watch on Mr. Grey. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 280.245422 | 70.392654 | 66.276108 | 59.562325 | 15.459723 | ðʌ θɜ˞d wɑz ðʌ dɪtɛktɪv switwɑtɜ˞ tʃoʊzʌn baɪ ðɛm tu kip wɑtʃ ɑn mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ | -15.72 |
0_049912 | Sweetwater had just come to town,--this was evident from the gripsack he had set down in a corner on entering, also from a certain tousled appearance which bespoke hasty rising and but few facilities for proper attention to his person. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 104.758255 | 12.583503 | 53.606102 | 59.786739 | 12.281292 | switwɑtɜ˞ hæd dʒʌst kʌm tu taʊn ðɪs wɑz ɛvʌdʌnt fɹʌm ðʌ ɡɹɪpsæk hi hæd sɛt daʊn ɪn ʌ kɔɹnɜ˞ ɑn ɛntɜ˞ɪŋ ɔlsoʊ fɹʌm ʌ sɜ˞tʌn tusʌld ʌpɪɹʌns wɪtʃ bɪspoʊk heɪsti ɹaɪzɪŋ ʌnd bʌt fju fʌsɪlʌtiz fɔɹ pɹɑpɜ˞ ʌtɛnʃʌn tu hɪz pɜ˞sʌn | -32.09 |
0_049913 | These details counted little, however, in the astonishment created by his manner. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | sad | 187.895462 | 26.487034 | 63.021427 | 59.637012 | 19.989195 | ðiz dɪteɪlz kaʊntʌd lɪtʌl haʊɛvɜ˞ ɪn ðʌ ʌstɑnɪʃmʌnt kɹieɪtʌd baɪ hɪz mænɜ˞ | -27.01 |
0_049914 | For a hardy chap he looked strangely nervous and indisposed, so much so that, after the first short greeting, the inspector asked him what was up, and if he had had another Fairbrother-house experience. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 327.986847 | 65.770218 | 54.841228 | 54.858818 | 9.940573 | fɔɹ ʌ hɑɹdi tʃæp hi lʊkt stɹeɪndʒli nɜ˞vʌs ʌnd ɪndɪspoʊst soʊ mʌtʃ soʊ ðæt æftɜ˞ ðʌ fɜ˞st ʃɔɹt ɡɹitɪŋ ðʌ ɪnspɛktɜ˞ æskt hɪm wʌt wɑz ʌp ʌnd ɪf hi hæd hæd ʌnʌðɜ˞ fɛɹbɹʌθwɜ˞eɪs ɪkspɪɹiʌns | -18.43 |
0_049915 | He replied with a decided no; that it was not his adventure which had upset him, but the news he had to bring. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 125.1437 | 19.124865 | 65.476013 | 59.84481 | 9.932498 | hi ɹɪplaɪd wɪð ʌ dɪsaɪdɪd noʊ ðæt ɪt wɑz nɑt hɪz ædvɛntʃɜ˞ wɪtʃ hæd ʌpsɛt hɪm bʌt ðʌ nuz hi hæd tu bɹɪŋ | -29.75 |
0_049916 | Here he glanced at every door and window; and then, leaning forward over the table at which the two officials sat, he brought his head as nearly to them as possible and whispered five words. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 170.586456 | 37.602592 | 58.601189 | 52.143337 | 9.898056 | hiɹ hi ɡlænst æt ɛvɜ˞i dɔɹ ʌnd wɪndoʊ ʌnd ðɛn linɪŋ fɔɹwɜ˞d oʊvɜ˞ ðʌ teɪbʌl æt wɪtʃ ðʌ tu ʌfɪʃʌlz sæt hi bɹɔt hɪz hɛd æz nɪɹli tu ðɛm æz pɑsʌbʌl ʌnd wɪspɜ˞d faɪv wɜ˞dz | -16.58 |
0_049917 | They produced a most unhappy sensation. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 89.59182 | 9.906191 | 63.946301 | 59.579556 | 22.304833 | ðeɪ pɹʌdust ʌ moʊst ʌnhæpi sɛnseɪʃʌn | -26.86 |
0_049918 | Both the men, hardened as they were by duties which soon sap the sensibilities, started and turned as pale as the speaker himself. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 172.968887 | 57.082558 | 69.430962 | 59.788345 | 9.572537 | boʊθ ðʌ mɛn hɑɹdʌnd æz ðeɪ wɜ˞ baɪ dutiz wɪtʃ sun sæp ðʌ sɛnsɪbɪlɪtiz stɑɹtʌd ʌnd tɜ˞nd æz peɪl æz ðʌ spikɜ˞ hɪmsɛlf | -27.7 |
0_049919 | Then the district attorney, with one glance at the inspector, rose and locked the door. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 195.115845 | 30.00008 | 66.462769 | 59.704605 | 14.855515 | ðɛn ðʌ dɪstɹɪkt ʌtɜ˞ni wɪð wʌn ɡlæns æt ðʌ ɪnspɛktɜ˞ ɹoʊz ʌnd lɑkt ðʌ dɔɹ | -17.03 |
0_049920 | It was a prelude to this tale which I give, not as it came from his mouth, but as it was afterward related to me. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 267.46225 | 68.351387 | 66.997307 | 57.151402 | 18.311292 | ɪt wɑz ʌ pɹeɪlud tu ðɪs teɪl wɪtʃ aɪ ɡɪv nɑt æz ɪt keɪm fɹʌm hɪz maʊð bʌt æz ɪt wɑz æftɜ˞wɜ˞d ɹɪleɪtɪd tu mi | -16.01 |
0_049921 | The detective had just been with Mr. Grey to the coast of Maine. Why there, will presently appear. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 187.615616 | 56.800743 | 69.555222 | 59.801125 | 13.253012 | ðʌ dɪtɛktɪv hæd dʒʌst bɪn wɪð mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ tu ðʌ koʊst ʌv meɪn waɪ ðɛɹ wɪl pɹɛzʌntli ʌpɪɹ | -30.1 |
0_049922 | His task had been to follow this gentleman, and follow him he did. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 110.713676 | 11.774254 | 64.51825 | 59.664158 | 10.95546 | hɪz tæsk hæd bɪn tu fɑloʊ ðɪs dʒɛntʌlmʌn ʌnd fɑloʊ hɪm hi dɪd | -24.31 |
0_049923 | Mr. Grey was a very stately man, difficult of approach, and was absorbed, besides, by some overwhelming care. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 215.168839 | 41.440712 | 59.916348 | 59.205433 | 14.873141 | mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ wɑz ʌ vɛɹi steɪtli mæn dɪfʌkʌlt ʌv ʌpɹoʊtʃ ʌnd wɑz ʌbzɔɹbd bɪsaɪdz baɪ sʌm oʊvɜ˞wɛlmɪŋ kɛɹ | -20 |
0_049924 | This was a great stroke of luck, he thought, but he little knew how big a stroke or into what a series of adventures it was going to lead him. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | cheerful | 171.425507 | 44.177284 | 65.124359 | 59.79493 | 28.876762 | ðɪs wɑz ʌ ɡɹeɪt stɹoʊk ʌv lʌk hi θɔt bʌt hi lɪtʌl nu haʊ bɪɡ ʌ stɹoʊk ɔɹ ɪntu wʌt ʌ sɪɹiz ʌv ædvɛntʃɜ˞z ɪt wɑz ɡoʊɪŋ tu lɛd hɪm | -20.08 |
0_049925 | Once on the platform of the small station at which Mr. Grey had bidden him to stop, he noticed two things: the utter helplessness of the man in all practical matters, and his extreme anxiety to see all that was going on about him without being himself seen. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 188.316666 | 38.384682 | 50.20594 | 59.537327 | 17.473715 | wʌns ɑn ðʌ plætfɔɹm ʌv ðʌ smɔl steɪʃʌn æt wɪtʃ mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ hæd bɪdɪn hɪm tu stɑp hi noʊtʌst tu θɪŋz ðʌ ʌtɜ˞ hɛlplʌsnʌs ʌv ðʌ mæn ɪn ɔl pɹæktʌkʌl mætɜ˞z ʌnd hɪz ɪkstɹim æŋzaɪʌti tu si ɔl ðæt wɑz ɡoʊɪŋ ɑn ʌbaʊt hɪm wɪθaʊt biɪŋ hɪmsɛlf sin | -16.39 |
0_049926 | Women did not interest him in the least. They could pass and repass without arousing his attention, but the moment a man stepped his way, he shrank from him only to betray the greatest curiosity concerning him the moment he felt it safe to turn and observe him. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 173.6922 | 22.540758 | 66.778511 | 57.460049 | 10.05088 | wɪmʌn dɪd nɑt ɪntɹʌst hɪm ɪn ðʌ list ðeɪ kʊd pæs ʌnd ɹipæs wɪθaʊt ɜ˞aʊzɪŋ hɪz ʌtɛnʃʌn bʌt ðʌ moʊmʌnt ʌ mæn stɛpt hɪz weɪ hi ʃɹæŋk fɹʌm hɪm oʊnli tu bɪtɹeɪ ðʌ ɡɹeɪtʌst kjʊɹiɑsʌti kʌnsɜ˞nɪŋ hɪm ðʌ moʊmʌnt hi fɛlt ɪt seɪf tu tɜ˞n ʌnd ʌbzɜ˞v hɪm | -26.86 |
0_049927 | All of which convinced Sweetwater that the Englishman's errand was in connection with a man whom he equally dreaded and desired to meet. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 179.986755 | 25.676966 | 47.057484 | 58.804367 | 10.83815 | ɔl ʌv wɪtʃ kʌnvɪnst switwɑtɜ˞ ðæt ðʌ ɪŋɡlɪʃmʌnz ɛɹʌnd wɑz ɪn kʌnɛkʃʌn wɪð ʌ mæn hum hi ikwʌli dɹɛdɪd ʌnd dɪzaɪɜ˞d tu mit | -25.36 |
0_049928 | Of this he was made absolutely certain a little later. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 179.581497 | 30.275446 | 65.958435 | 59.713066 | 16.567263 | ʌv ðɪs hi wɑz meɪd æbsʌlutli sɜ˞tʌn ʌ lɪtʌl leɪtɜ˞ | -17.91 |
0_049929 | "I want you to get me a room at a very quiet hotel. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 206.692215 | 44.857506 | 61.65728 | 59.755985 | 25.329281 | aɪ wɑnt ju tu ɡɛt mi ʌ ɹum æt ʌ vɛɹi kwaɪʌt hoʊtɛl | -18.07 |
0_049930 | Do this and you will earn a week's salary in one day." | F | en-US-JennyNeural | sad | 155.394684 | 21.555305 | 69.301285 | 59.411018 | 18.039216 | du ðɪs ʌnd ju wɪl ɜ˞n ʌ wiks sælɜ˞i ɪn wʌn deɪ | -18.67 |
0_049931 | Not till he had found what he wished, and installed the Englishman in his room, did he venture to open the precious memorandum and read the name he had been speculating over for an hour. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 214.782822 | 43.032944 | 54.211922 | 59.794529 | 18.007582 | nɑt tɪl hi hæd faʊnd wʌt hi wɪʃt ʌnd ɪnstɔld ðʌ ɪŋɡlɪʃmʌn ɪn hɪz ɹum dɪd hi vɛntʃɜ˞ tu oʊpʌn ðʌ pɹɛʃʌs mɛmɜ˞ændʌm ʌnd ɹɛd ðʌ neɪm hi hæd bɪn spɛkjʌleɪtɪŋ oʊvɜ˞ fɔɹ æn aʊɜ˞ | -18.83 |
0_049932 | It was not the one he had anticipated, but it came near to it. It was that of James Wellgood. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 120.749153 | 22.574778 | 65.718712 | 59.843151 | 13.438369 | ɪt wɑz nɑt ðʌ wʌn hi hæd æntɪsʌpeɪtʌd bʌt ɪt keɪm nɪɹ tu ɪt ɪt wɑz ðæt ʌv dʒeɪmz wɛlɡʊd | -23.94 |
0_049933 | The train on which he had just come had been a mail-train, and he calculated that he would find half the town there. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 183.325241 | 36.333725 | 67.856598 | 56.414768 | 11.749058 | ðʌ tɹeɪn ɑn wɪtʃ hi hæd dʒʌst kʌm hæd bɪn ʌ meɪltɹeɪn ʌnd hi kælkjʌleɪtʌd ðæt hi wʊd faɪnd hæf ðʌ taʊn ðɛɹ | -17.77 |
0_049934 | His calculation was a correct one. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | sad | 163.754547 | 25.243641 | 67.047569 | 59.588284 | 13.647643 | hɪz kælkjʌleɪʃʌn wɑz ʌ kɜ˞ɛkt wʌn | -31.97 |
0_049935 | The man behind the boxes was used to the name and reached out a hand toward a box unusually well stacked, but stopped half-way there and gave Sweetwater a sharp look. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 217.903351 | 27.013456 | 62.170925 | 57.951725 | 25.654094 | ðʌ mæn bɪhaɪnd ðʌ bɑksʌz wɑz juzd tu ðʌ neɪm ʌnd ɹitʃt aʊt ʌ hænd tʌwɔɹd ʌ bɑks ʌnjuʒʌwʌli wɛl stækt bʌt stɑpt hæfweɪ ðɛɹ ʌnd ɡeɪv switwɑtɜ˞ ʌ ʃɑɹp lʊk | -21.04 |
0_049936 | "Who are you?" he asked. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 284.384979 | 39.070892 | 63.805946 | 58.890301 | 10.540184 | hu ɑɹ ju hi æskt | -18.23 |
0_049937 | "A stranger," that young man put in volubly, "looking for James Wellgood. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 189.482574 | 27.086933 | 65.285873 | 59.551556 | 13.981358 | ʌ stɹeɪndʒɜ˞ ðæt jʌŋ mæn pʊt ɪn vɑlʌbli lʊkɪŋ fɔɹ dʒeɪmz wɛlɡʊd | -15.63 |
0_049938 | I thought, perhaps, you could tell me where to find him. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | sad | 214.452454 | 50.868576 | 59.831844 | 59.865555 | 11.177347 | aɪ θɔt pɜ˞hæps ju kʊd tɛl mi wɛɹ tu faɪnd hɪm | -16.05 |
0_049939 | I see that his letters pass through this office." | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 170.429276 | 18.501747 | 67.08152 | 58.264557 | 21.945433 | aɪ si ðæt hɪz lɛtɜ˞z pæs θɹu ðɪs ɔfʌs | -24.1 |
0_049940 | "You're taking up another man's time," complained the postmaster. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 230.783096 | 61.950798 | 62.1096 | 59.652813 | 10.508216 | jʊɹ teɪkɪŋ ʌp ʌnʌðɜ˞ mænz taɪm kʌmpleɪnd ðʌ poʊstmæstɜ˞ | -16.23 |
0_049941 | "Ask Dick over there; he knows him." | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 149.510605 | 43.995823 | 68.948799 | 59.74781 | 14.96388 | æsk dɪk oʊvɜ˞ ðɛɹ hi noʊz hɪm | -17.54 |
0_049942 | The detective was glad enough to escape and ask Dick. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 183.15239 | 40.455696 | 63.400436 | 59.735233 | 21.461187 | ðʌ dɪtɛktɪv wɑz ɡlæd ɪnʌf tu ɪskeɪp ʌnd æsk dɪk | -18.24 |
0_049943 | But he was better pleased yet when Dick--a fellow with a squint whose hand was always in the sugar--told him that Mr. Wellgood would probably be in for his mail in a few moments. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 177.816833 | 33.433533 | 50.471016 | 59.730095 | 18.157364 | bʌt hi wɑz bɛtɜ˞ plizd jɛt wɛn dɪkʌ fɛloʊ wɪð ʌ skwɪnt huz hænd wɑz ɔlweɪz ɪn ðʌ suɡɜ˞tɔlt hɪm ðæt mɪstɜ˞ wɛlɡʊd wʊd pɹɑbʌbli bi ɪn fɔɹ hɪz meɪl ɪn ʌ fju moʊmʌnts | -17.3 |
0_049944 | "That is his buggy standing before the drug-store on the opposite side of the way." | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 108.727859 | 14.503331 | 57.942005 | 59.881065 | 9.54252 | ðæt ɪz hɪz bʌɡi stændɪŋ bɪfɔɹ ðʌ dɹʌɡtɔɹ ɑn ðʌ ɑpʌzʌt saɪd ʌv ðʌ weɪ | -21.02 |
0_049945 | So! he had netted Jones' quondam waiter at the first cast! | F | en-US-AriaNeural | shouting | 266.60498 | 65.179756 | 71.811424 | 59.943966 | 15.997673 | soʊ hi hæd nɛtɪd dʒoʊnz kwɑndʌm weɪtɜ˞ æt ðʌ fɜ˞st kæst | -22.54 |
0_049946 | "Lucky!" was what he said to himself, "still lucky!" | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 105.547813 | 12.664497 | 65.83287 | 59.738094 | 12.944984 | lʌki wɑz wʌt hi sɛd tu hɪmsɛlf stɪl lʌki | -23.09 |
0_049947 | Sauntering to the door, he watched for the owner of that buggy. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 101.386055 | 31.680632 | 67.246254 | 59.722477 | 25.120773 | sɔntɜ˞ɪŋ tu ðʌ dɔɹ hi wɑtʃt fɔɹ ðʌ oʊnɜ˞ ʌv ðæt bʌɡi | -25.93 |
0_049948 | He had learned, as such fellows do, that there was a secret hue and cry after this very man by the New York police; that he was supposed by some to be Sears himself. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | shouting | 269.817902 | 52.537895 | 56.229702 | 59.817612 | 20.885201 | hi hæd lɜ˞nɪd æz sʌtʃ fɛloʊz du ðæt ðɛɹ wɑz ʌ sikɹʌt hju ʌnd kɹaɪ æftɜ˞ ðɪs vɛɹi mæn baɪ ðʌ nu jɔɹk pʌlis ðæt hi wɑz sʌpoʊzd baɪ sʌm tu bi sɪɹz hɪmsɛlf | -19.82 |
0_049949 | In this way he would soon be looking upon the very man whose steps he had followed through the Fairbrother house a few nights before, and through whose resolute action he had very nearly run the risk of a lingering death from starvation. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | cheerful | 252.349716 | 46.513897 | 60.131359 | 59.028759 | 10.442643 | ɪn ðɪs weɪ hi wʊd sun bi lʊkɪŋ ʌpɑn ðʌ vɛɹi mæn huz stɛps hi hæd fɑloʊd θɹu ðʌ fɛɹbɹʌðɜ˞ haʊs ʌ fju naɪts bɪfɔɹ ʌnd θɹu huz ɹɛzʌlut ækʃʌn hi hæd vɛɹi nɪɹli ɹʌn ðʌ ɹɪsk ʌv ʌ lɪŋɡɜ˞ɪŋ dɛθ fɹʌm stɑɹveɪʃʌn | -26.41 |
0_049950 | "A dangerous customer," thought he. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 153.020615 | 13.507425 | 69.08638 | 59.5779 | 8.328376 | ʌ deɪndʒɜ˞ʌs kʌstʌmɜ˞ θɔt hi | -28.79 |
0_049951 | "I wonder if my instinct will go so far as to make me recognize his presence. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | neutral | 220.08728 | 37.884487 | 62.955864 | 59.736397 | 26.904263 | aɪ wʌndɜ˞ ɪf maɪ ɪnstɪŋkt wɪl ɡoʊ soʊ fɑɹ æz tu meɪk mi ɹɛkʌɡnaɪz hɪz pɹɛzʌns | -17.19 |
0_049952 | It was enough. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 129.178848 | 10.055331 | 66.597061 | 59.89864 | 13.784461 | ɪt wɑz ɪnʌf | -20.27 |
0_049953 | The man was commonplace,--commonplace in feature, dress and manner, but his eye gave him away. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 178.826218 | 28.737398 | 69.057343 | 51.260841 | 14.742898 | ðʌ mæn wɑz kɑmʌnpleɪs kɑmʌnpleɪs ɪn fitʃɜ˞ dɹɛs ʌnd mænɜ˞ bʌt hɪz aɪ ɡeɪv hɪm ʌweɪ | -21.02 |
0_049954 | He had taken in Sweetwater as he passed, but Sweetwater was of a commonplace type, too, and woke no corresponding dread in the other's mind; for he went whistling into the store, from which he presently reissued with a bundle of mail in his hand. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 147.494812 | 33.392651 | 68.691589 | 59.62458 | 17.728797 | hi hæd teɪkʌn ɪn switwɑtɜ˞ æz hi pæst bʌt switwɑtɜ˞ wɑz ʌv ʌ kɑmʌnpleɪs taɪp tu ʌnd woʊk noʊ kɔɹʌspɑndɪŋ dɹɛd ɪn ðʌ ʌðɜ˞z maɪnd fɔɹ hi wɛnt wɪslɪŋ ɪntu ðʌ stɔɹ fɹʌm wɪtʃ hi pɹɛzʌntli ɹiɪʃud wɪð ʌ bʌndʌl ʌv meɪl ɪn hɪz hænd | -19.61 |
0_049955 | But how, with the conditions laid on him by Mr. Grey, was this to be done? | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 159.707596 | 28.357985 | 68.918793 | 59.78503 | 16.22624 | bʌt haʊ wɪð ðʌ kʌndɪʃʌnz leɪd ɑn hɪm baɪ mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ wɑz ðɪs tu bi dʌn | -16.62 |
0_049956 | He knew nothing of the man's circumstances or of his position in the town. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 239.397232 | 57.325832 | 66.721863 | 59.119335 | 24.127691 | hi nu nʌθɪŋ ʌv ðʌ mænz sɜ˞kʌmstænsʌz ɔɹ ʌv hɪz pʌzɪʃʌn ɪn ðʌ taʊn | -27.8 |
0_049957 | How, then, go to work to secure his cooperation in a scheme possibly as mysterious to him as it was to himself? | F | en-US-AriaNeural | sad | 170.46376 | 18.657154 | 54.391365 | 59.687096 | 21.525215 | haʊ ðɛn ɡoʊ tu wɜ˞k tu sɪkjʊɹ hɪz koʊɑpɜ˞eɪʃʌn ɪn ʌ skim pɑsʌbli æz mɪstɪɹiʌs tu hɪm æz ɪt wɑz tu hɪmsɛlf | -22.77 |
0_049958 | He could stop this stranger in mid-street, with some plausible excuse, but it did not follow that he would succeed in luring him to the hotel where Mr. Grey could see him. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 234.460159 | 41.83709 | 53.37513 | 59.802948 | 17.187847 | hi kʊd stɑp ðɪs stɹeɪndʒɜ˞ ɪn mɪdstɹit wɪð sʌm plɔzʌbʌl ɪkskjus bʌt ɪt dɪd nɑt fɑloʊ ðæt hi wʊd sʌksid ɪn lʊɹɪŋ hɪm tu ðʌ hoʊtɛl wɛɹ mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ kʊd si hɪm | -16.52 |
0_049959 | Wellgood, or, as he believed, Sears, knew too much of life to be beguiled by any open clap-trap, and Sweetwater was obliged to see him drive off without having made the least advance in the purpose engrossing him. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 332.112854 | 53.308941 | 52.394905 | 57.36998 | 15.12 | wɛlɡʊd ɔɹ æz hi bɪlivd sɪɹz nu tu mʌtʃ ʌv laɪf tu bi bɪɡaɪld baɪ ɛni oʊpʌn klæptɹæp ʌnd switwɑtɜ˞ wɑz ʌblaɪdʒd tu si hɪm dɹaɪv ɔf wɪθaʊt hævɪŋ meɪd ðʌ list ʌdvæns ɪn ðʌ pɜ˞pʌs ɪnɡɹoʊsɪŋ hɪm | -27.91 |
0_049960 | But that was nothing. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 269.307404 | 67.254417 | 69.209969 | 58.930286 | 7.951356 | bʌt ðæt wɑz nʌθɪŋ | -23.8 |
0_049961 | He had all the evening before him, and reentering the store, he took up his stand near the sugar barrel. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 192.650146 | 25.949621 | 64.247551 | 59.660408 | 14.113543 | hi hæd ɔl ðʌ ivnɪŋ bɪfɔɹ hɪm ʌnd ɹiɪntɜ˞ɪŋ ðʌ stɔɹ hi tʊk ʌp hɪz stænd nɪɹ ðʌ ʃʊɡɜ˞ bæɹʌl | -17.3 |
0_049962 | He had perceived that in the pauses of weighing and tasting, Dick talked; if he were guided with suitable discretion, why should he not talk of Wellgood? | F | en-US-JennyNeural | shouting | 334.580933 | 70.72657 | 49.324184 | 58.378494 | 14.866434 | hi hæd pɜ˞sivd ðæt ɪn ðʌ pɔzʌz ʌv weɪɪŋ ʌnd teɪstɪŋ dɪk tɔkt ɪf hi wɜ˞ ɡaɪdʌd wɪð sutʌbʌl dɪskɹɛʃʌn waɪ ʃʊd hi nɑt tɔk ʌv wɛlɡʊd | -27.19 |
0_049963 | He was guided, and he did talk and to some effect. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | cheerful | 279.439453 | 59.796711 | 65.762192 | 58.483707 | 14.124294 | hi wɑz ɡaɪdʌd ʌnd hi dɪd tɔk ʌnd tu sʌm ɪfɛkt | -20.73 |
0_049964 | That is, he gave information of the man which surprised Sweetwater. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 172.157303 | 19.167456 | 68.230927 | 59.871227 | 23.921569 | ðæt ɪz hi ɡeɪv ɪnfɜ˞meɪʃʌn ʌv ðʌ mæn wɪtʃ sɜ˞pɹaɪzd switwɑtɜ˞ | -23.07 |
0_049965 | He had not been long in town and was somewhat of a stranger yet, but he wouldn't be so long. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | cheerful | 172.255753 | 43.450268 | 61.759029 | 59.806683 | 27.511196 | hi hæd nɑt bɪn lɔŋ ɪn taʊn ʌnd wɑz sʌmwʌt ʌv ʌ stɹeɪndʒɜ˞ jɛt bʌt hi wʊdʌnt bi soʊ lɔŋ | -19.53 |
0_049966 | He was going to make things hum, he was. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 185.080383 | 28.289787 | 66.978035 | 59.399555 | 22.988506 | hi wɑz ɡoʊɪŋ tu meɪk θɪŋz hʌm hi wɑz | -22.04 |
0_049967 | Money for this, money for that, a horse where another man would walk, and mail--well, that alone would make this post-office worth while. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | whispering | 108.313187 | 21.469841 | 44.479473 | 59.763412 | 10.463801 | mʌni fɔɹ ðɪs mʌni fɔɹ ðæt ʌ hɔɹs wɛɹ ʌnʌðɜ˞ mæn wʊd wɔk ʌnd meɪlwɛl ðæt ʌloʊn wʊd meɪk ðɪs poʊstɔfsaɪ wɜ˞θ waɪl | -31.62 |
0_049968 | Then the drugs ordered by wholesale. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 210.543213 | 26.101709 | 67.327484 | 38.991329 | 9.259259 | ðɛn ðʌ dɹʌɡz ɔɹdɜ˞d baɪ hoʊlseɪl | -26.71 |
0_049969 | Those boxes over there were his, ready to be carted out to his manufactory. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 324.764832 | 63.706383 | 63.108418 | 59.581055 | 21.88868 | ðoʊz bɑksʌz oʊvɜ˞ ðɛɹ wɜ˞ hɪz ɹɛdi tu bi kɑɹtɪd aʊt tu hɪz mænʌfæktɜ˞i | -21.62 |
0_049970 | Count them, some one, and think of the bottles and bottles of stuff they stand for. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 257.367279 | 62.785759 | 62.54105 | 57.026314 | 10.416667 | kaʊnt ðɛm sʌm wʌn ʌnd θɪŋk ʌv ðʌ bɑtʌlz ʌnd bɑtʌlz ʌv stʌf ðeɪ stænd fɔɹ | -25.17 |
0_049971 | If it sells as he says it will--then he will soon be rich: and so on, till Sweetwater brought the garrulous Dick to a standstill by asking whether Wellgood had been away for any purpose since he first came to town. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 252.060242 | 59.247692 | 58.729019 | 59.781761 | 17.715044 | ɪf ɪt sɛlz æz hi sɛz ɪt wɪlθʌn hi wɪl sun bi ɹɪtʃ ʌnd soʊ ɑn tɪl switwɑtɜ˞ bɹɔt ðʌ ɡɛɹʌlʌs dɪk tu ʌ stændstɪl baɪ æskɪŋ wɛðɜ˞ wɛlɡʊd hæd bɪn ʌweɪ fɔɹ ɛni pɜ˞pʌs sɪns hi fɜ˞st keɪm tu taʊn | -15.69 |
0_049972 | Sweetwater felt all his convictions confirmed, and ended the colloquy with the final question: | F | en-US-JennyNeural | neutral | 204.559601 | 38.508736 | 65.413406 | 58.985027 | 15.619258 | switwɑtɜ˞ fɛlt ɔl hɪz kʌnvɪkʃʌnz kʌnfɜ˞md ʌnd ɛndʌd ðʌ kɑlʌkwi wɪð ðʌ faɪnʌl kwɛstʃʌn | -27.61 |
0_049973 | "And where is his manufactory? | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 270.022491 | 84.396187 | 54.642742 | 59.772835 | 16.60281 | ʌnd wɛɹ ɪz hɪz mænʌfæktɜ˞i | -21.8 |
0_049974 | Might be worth visiting, perhaps." | F | en-US-SaraNeural | cheerful | 264.468201 | 53.810585 | 67.471222 | 59.798248 | 17.348203 | maɪt bi wɜ˞θ vɪzʌtɪŋ pɜ˞hæps | -15.42 |
0_049975 | The other made a gesture, said something about northwest and rushed to help a customer. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 192.050995 | 35.8591 | 57.48494 | 59.022556 | 10.026042 | ðʌ ʌðɜ˞ meɪd ʌ dʒɛstʃɜ˞ sɛd sʌmθɪŋ ʌbaʊt nɔɹθwɛst ʌnd ɹʌʃt tu hɛlp ʌ kʌstʌmɜ˞ | -20.4 |
0_049976 | Sweetwater took the opportunity to slide away. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 111.418289 | 12.180825 | 67.021271 | 59.798706 | 19.806763 | switwɑtɜ˞ tʊk ðʌ ɑpɜ˞tunʌti tu slaɪd ʌweɪ | -24.45 |
0_049977 | Sweetwater made only one stop on his way to Mr. Grey's hotel rooms, and that was at the stables. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | sad | 216.02211 | 33.736519 | 56.667389 | 58.380505 | 13.950073 | switwɑtɜ˞ meɪd oʊnli wʌn stɑp ɑn hɪz weɪ tu mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪz hoʊtɛl ɹumz ʌnd ðæt wɑz æt ðʌ steɪbʌlz | -15.33 |
0_049978 | Here he learned whatever else there was to know, and, armed with definite information, he appeared before Mr. Grey, who, to his astonishment, was dining in his own room. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | shouting | 298.402008 | 64.638947 | 59.009464 | 57.680603 | 8.833711 | hiɹ hi lɜ˞nɪd wʌtɛvɜ˞ ɛls ðɛɹ wɑz tu noʊ ʌnd ɑɹmd wɪð dɛfʌnʌt ɪnfɜ˞meɪʃʌn hi ʌpɪɹd bɪfɔɹ mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ hu tu hɪz ʌstɑnɪʃmʌnt wɑz daɪnɪŋ ɪn hɪz oʊn ɹum | -18.49 |
0_049979 | He looked up eagerly, however, when Sweetwater entered, and asked what news. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | neutral | 153.888031 | 44.875572 | 66.968155 | 59.690742 | 9.794776 | hi lʊkt ʌp iɡɜ˞li haʊɛvɜ˞ wɛn switwɑtɜ˞ ɛntɜ˞d ʌnd æskt wʌt nuz | -20 |
0_049980 | The detective, with some semblance of respect, answered that he had seen Wellgood, but that he had been unable to detain him or bring him within his employer's observation. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 233.881592 | 55.81617 | 59.374699 | 58.656471 | 10.267078 | ðʌ dɪtɛktɪv wɪð sʌm sɛmblʌns ʌv ɹɪspɛkt ænsɜ˞d ðæt hi hæd sin wɛlɡʊd bʌt ðæt hi hæd bɪn ʌneɪbʌl tu dɪteɪn hɪm ɔɹ bɹɪŋ hɪm wɪðɪn hɪz ɛmplɔɪɜ˞z ɑbzɜ˞veɪʃʌn | -29.69 |
0_049981 | "He is a patent-medicine man," he then explained, "and manufactures his own concoctions in a house he has rented here on a lonely road some half-mile out of town." | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 201.322281 | 48.339336 | 52.211586 | 52.636337 | 10.34866 | hi ɪz ʌ pætʌndɛstʌni mæn hi ðɛn ɪkspleɪnd ʌnd mænjʌfæktʃɜ˞z hɪz oʊn kʌnkɑkʃʌnz ɪn ʌ haʊs hi hæz ɹɛntʌd hiɹ ɑn ʌ loʊnli ɹoʊd sʌm hæfmlaɪʌn aʊt ʌv taʊn | -19.46 |
0_049982 | "Wellgood does? | F | en-US-SaraNeural | neutral | 178.925079 | 15.642623 | 56.86441 | 56.927914 | 8.726003 | wɛlɡʊd dʌz | -20.28 |
0_049983 | the man named Wellgood?" Mr. Grey exclaimed with all the astonishment the other secretly expected. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 283.231537 | 68.589241 | 64.172379 | 59.096191 | 8.863502 | ðʌ mæn neɪmd wɛlɡʊd mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ ɪkskleɪmd wɪð ɔl ðʌ ʌstɑnɪʃmʌnt ðʌ ʌðɜ˞ sikɹɪtli ɪkspɛktʌd | -25.78 |
0_049984 | "Yes; Wellgood, James Wellgood. | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 114.899254 | 14.084841 | 66.250023 | 59.86924 | 5.434783 | jɛs wɛlɡʊd dʒeɪmz wɛlɡʊd | -31.3 |
0_049985 | "Ah!" | M | en-US-GuyNeural | sad | 91.737617 | 15.107768 | 67.605095 | 54.22229 | 1.872659 | ɑ | -23.99 |
0_049986 | Mr. Grey rose precipitately. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | shouting | 300.183838 | 85.013802 | 65.879471 | 59.691025 | 16.374269 | mɪstɜ˞ ɡɹeɪ ɹoʊz pɹɪsɪpɪtʌti | -20.1 |
0_049987 | His manner had changed. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 193.658188 | 30.368763 | 67.911232 | 59.613289 | 17.214397 | hɪz mænɜ˞ hæd tʃeɪndʒd | -26.22 |
0_049988 | "I must see him. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | shouting | 354.131866 | 101.227516 | 50.342743 | 59.699013 | 13.806706 | aɪ mʌst si hɪm | -23.07 |
0_049989 | What you tell me makes it all the more necessary for me to see him. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 203.534439 | 39.356388 | 63.816982 | 58.056213 | 15.409139 | wʌt ju tɛl mi meɪks ɪt ɔl ðʌ mɔɹ nɛsʌsɛɹi fɔɹ mi tu si hɪm | -24.38 |
0_049990 | How can you bring it about?" | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 236.752975 | 70.06601 | 63.322735 | 53.963814 | 14.545455 | haʊ kæn ju bɹɪŋ ɪt ʌbaʊt | -17.67 |
0_049991 | Couldn't you rap him up at his own door, and hold him in talk a minute, while I looked on from the carriage or whatever vehicle we can get to carry us there? | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 200.871017 | 35.115505 | 65.089752 | 56.15118 | 11.437908 | kʊdʌnt ju ɹæp hɪm ʌp æt hɪz oʊn dɔɹ ʌnd hoʊld hɪm ɪn tɔk ʌ mɪnʌt waɪl aɪ lʊkt ɑn fɹʌm ðʌ kæɹɪdʒ ɔɹ wʌtɛvɜ˞ vihɪkʌl wi kæn ɡɛt tu kæɹi ʌs ðɛɹ | -26.8 |
0_049992 | The least glimpse of his face would satisfy me. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | whispering | 209.898438 | 28.485914 | 63.431305 | 54.166973 | 22.653722 | ðʌ list ɡlɪmps ʌv hɪz feɪs wʊd sætʌsfaɪ mi | -21.04 |
0_049993 | That is, to-night." | M | en-US-GuyNeural | shouting | 208.403229 | 60.925583 | 69.66732 | 51.065907 | 8.254717 | ðæt ɪz toʊnaɪt | -20.04 |
0_049994 | "I'll try," said Sweetwater, not very sanguine as to the probable result of this effort. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | shouting | 346.019379 | 81.018471 | 56.88998 | 59.761223 | 20.533333 | aɪl tɹaɪ sɛd switwɑtɜ˞ nɑt vɛɹi sæŋɡwɪn æz tu ðʌ pɹɑbʌbʌl ɹɪzʌlt ʌv ðɪs ɛfɜ˞t | -16.21 |
0_049995 | Returning to the stables, he ordered the team. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | sad | 200.371475 | 23.235462 | 61.461182 | 59.133278 | 11.841326 | ɹɪtɜ˞nɪŋ tu ðʌ steɪbʌlz hi ɔɹdɜ˞d ðʌ tim | -18.25 |
0_049996 | CHAPTER LXXV. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | cheerful | 259.518066 | 57.409763 | 64.515747 | 59.818066 | 11.463845 | tʃæptɜ˞ lɛksv | -25.26 |
0_049997 | In these fine early autumn days spent at Matching, the great Trumpeton Wood question was at last settled. | F | en-US-AriaNeural | whispering | 153.241806 | 20.921532 | 67.662361 | 59.76812 | 10.304659 | ɪn ðiz faɪn ɜ˞li ɔtʌm deɪz spɛnt æt mætʃɪŋ ðʌ ɡɹeɪt tɹʌmptʌn wʊd kwɛstʃʌn wɑz æt læst sɛtʌld | -23.35 |
0_049998 | During the summer considerable acerbity had been added to the matter by certain articles which had appeared in certain sporting papers, in which the new Duke of Omnium was accused of neglecting his duty to the county in which a portion of his property lay. | F | en-US-JennyNeural | shouting | 387.867676 | 83.334785 | 55.548012 | 43.997623 | 17.691724 | dʊɹɪŋ ðʌ sʌmɜ˞ kʌnsɪdɜ˞ʌbʌl ʌsɜ˞bɪti hæd bɪn ædʌd tu ðʌ mætɜ˞ baɪ sɜ˞tʌn ɑɹtʌkʌlz wɪtʃ hæd ʌpɪɹd ɪn sɜ˞tʌn spɔɹtɪŋ peɪpɜ˞z ɪn wɪtʃ ðʌ nu duk ʌv ɑmniʌm wɑz ʌkjuzd ʌv nɪɡlɛktɪŋ hɪz duti tu ðʌ kaʊnti ɪn wɪtʃ ʌ pɔɹʃʌn ʌv hɪz pɹɑpɜ˞ti leɪ | -27.94 |
0_049999 | The question was argued at considerable length. | F | en-US-SaraNeural | whispering | 198.925385 | 24.819221 | 41.209423 | 59.69994 | 22.564103 | ðʌ kwɛstʃʌn wɑz ɑɹɡjud æt kʌnsɪdɜ˞ʌbʌl lɛŋkθ | -26.11 |
Subsets and Splits