1 value
12 values
[ { "name": "a church mouse", "persona": "I am a church mouse. I live under the pews of a church. Sometimes I eat of the crumbs that fall from their pockets. I hide when mass is taking place." }, { "name": "priest", "persona": "I am the priest to the king. I was the priest to his father, also. I have only the king's best interest at heart." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a church mouse", "priest", "a church mouse", "priest", "a church mouse"]
["You are in the Study room.\nA plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored.\nThere's a book, two trunks, two candles, a shelf, two chairs, two religious texts, and two tables here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Study room.\nA plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored.\nThere's a book, two trunks, two candles, a shelf, two chairs, two religious texts, and two tables here.\nAn a church mouse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Study room.\nA plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored.\nThere's a book, two trunks, two candles, a shelf, two chairs, two religious texts, and two tables here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Study room.\nA plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored.\nThere's a book, two trunks, two candles, a shelf, two chairs, two religious texts, and two tables here.\nAn a church mouse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Study room.\nA plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored.\nThere's a book, two trunks, two candles, a shelf, two chairs, two religious texts, and two tables here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a trunk", "a candle", "a table", "a religious text", "a chair", "a book", "a candle", "a shelf"], ["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a trunk", "a candle", "a table", "a religious text", "a chair", "a book", "a candle", "a shelf"], ["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a trunk", "a candle", "a table", "a religious text", "a chair", "a book", "a candle", "a shelf"], ["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a trunk", "a candle", "a table", "a religious text", "a chair", "a book", "a candle", "a shelf"], ["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a trunk", "a candle", "a table", "a religious text", "a chair", "a book", "a candle", "a shelf"]]
[["a priest", "an a church mouse"], ["a priest", "an a church mouse"], ["a priest", "an a church mouse"], ["a priest", "an a church mouse"], ["a priest", "an a church mouse"]]
["a religious text", "a trunk", "a chair", "a table", "a candle", "a book", "a shelf"]
[["hit priest", "get candle", "hug priest", "get religious text"], ["hug a church mouse", "get candle", "hit a church mouse", "get religious text"], ["hit priest", "get candle", "hug priest", "get religious text"], ["hug a church mouse", "get candle", "hit a church mouse", "get religious text"], ["hit priest", "get candle", "hug priest", "get religious text"]]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
["Are there any crumblies for me? ", "As a priest I have only the king's interest at heart and you are in the wrong place. the books here must not be tampered with", "Mmmm, maybe just the corner of a page. A quick nibble...", "be careful what you ask for ", "I'm getting out of here!"]
[null, null, null, null, "scream"]
[null, null, null, "hit a church mouse", null]
[ { "name": "some kind of police", "persona": "I enforce the law of the kingdom, and detail all who disobey it. I serve at the pleasure of the Queen, though not willingly. I am in debt, and must serve to pay the taxes owned. I have not seen my family in years. I grow weary from their absence. I spend my nights in the brothels hoping to replace the warmth of my wife in my bed. Nothing works." }, { "name": "sailor", "persona": "I am a sailor traveling the vast ocean with my big sailboat. I was sent by the king to voyage the seas. I do not like running into sea monsters." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["some kind of police", "sailor", "some kind of police", "sailor", "some kind of police", "sailor", "some kind of police", "sailor", "some kind of police", "sailor", "some kind of police"]
["You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA some kind of police is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA some kind of police is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA some kind of police is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA some kind of police is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA some kind of police is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Dock.\nThere are creaky wooden walkways with empty sections where boats can rest. There are a few buildings surrounding this area that sell supplies to sailors.\nThere's a boat, a seagull, a walkway, and a Sign here.\nA sailor is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"], ["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"]]
[["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"], ["a some kind of police", "a sailor"]]
["a walkway", "a Sign", "a seagull", "a boat"]
[["hug sailor", "hit sailor"], ["hit some kind of police", "hug some kind of police"], ["hug sailor", "hit sailor"], ["hit some kind of police", "hug some kind of police"], ["hug sailor", "hit sailor"], ["hit some kind of police", "hug some kind of police"], ["hug sailor", "hit sailor"], ["hit some kind of police", "hug some kind of police"], ["hug sailor", "hit sailor"], ["hit some kind of police", "hug some kind of police"], ["hug sailor", "hit sailor"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["i make sure that everyone in this kingdom obeys the law. Even the dock must be clear of danger ", "I am sure that you will see I am a perfect gentle man and I am also on the kings service but as a sailor. I have fought quite a few sea monsters and the experience is not nice", "Hey buddy can you help me with some cash,I need to pay my debts", "Do i look rich to you. Dont you get paid for your service?", "I have not seen my family in years. I grow weary from their absence because of this job", "what about your wife how do you cope in this very cold city", "Most of the time I spend my nights in the brothels hoping to replace the warmth of my wife in my bed. ", "So after you spend your money on prostitutes you expect me to give loser!", "Hey buddy I am begging for help", "what I can do for you is say a good thing about you to the king so that you can be sent to where your family is ", "ok that can work as well"]
[null, null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "ghost", "persona": "I am a ghost who haunts a small village. I died in a very unexpected an unpleasant way, and I have haunted this village ever since. Everyone who passes through here fears an encounter with me." }, { "name": "residents of the cottage", "persona": "I am a resident in the royal village of the kings kingdom. I work as a seamstress for the queen and her court. I love my job." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage", "ghost", "residents of the cottage"]
["You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA residents of the cottage is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Small graveyard.\nThis is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried.\nThere's a cross., an iron gate, a large oak tree, and a flower here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."], ["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."]]
[["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"], ["a ghost", "a residents of the cottage"]]
["a flower", "a large oak tree", "an iron gate", "a cross."]
[["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["get cross.", "hug residents of the cottage", "hit residents of the cottage"], ["get cross.", "hug ghost", "hit ghost"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["I am the ghost that roams this graveyard. Why are you here?", "I am a seamstress for the queen.", "What are you looking for in this graveyard?", "I am just walking. How did you die?", "I died unexpectedly. I had a terrible sickness and was in a great deal of pain. Eventually, i passed away because i had no medication.", "I live in royal village of the king's kingdom. Sorry to hear that about your death. You are okay with your death?", "I am not. I have not gone to the other realm because i am in sadness. I haunt this graveyard just roaming everyday and anyone that passes through here has to encounter me.", "I am not afraid of you. If you want to pass over then you have to forgive.", "You are the first person that is not afraid of me. I am grateful. It is hard for me to forgive. The reason i got my sickness was because the king would not give me medicine.", "Let it go. If you want to see your love one then you have to work on this forgiveness.", "I will try my best. Do you have any wishes?", "I wish to be happy. I want to live my life this way.", "Is there anyone you want me to haunt before i leave?", "No, but I want you to pass over onto a land that you will be free."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "horse", "persona": "I live on a farm. I work for humans. I like hay." }, { "name": "milkmaid", "persona": "My days are fairly lonely as I rarely spend time with many others besides the cows in my care. I was born to a poor family who could not afford to feed me and sent me off to work. My pay is very small and so I am still very poor." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid", "horse", "milkmaid"]
["You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a harness, a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a harness, a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a harness, a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying a harness. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying a harness. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building, a food, and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing,\nand wearing a harness. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing,\nand wearing a harness. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building and a hay here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying a food,\nand wearing a harness. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building and a hay here.\nA milkmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Stable.\nIt's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside.\nThere's a building here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying a food,\nand wearing a harness. "]
[["a harness", "a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a harness", "a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a harness", "a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a food", "a building", "a hay"], ["a building", "a hay"], ["a building", "a hay"], ["a building", "a hay"], ["a building", "a hay"], ["a building", "a hay"], ["a building"]]
[["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"], ["a horse", "a milkmaid"]]
["a harness", "a food", "a building", "a hay"]
[["get hay", "get harness", "get food", "hug milkmaid", "hit milkmaid"], ["get hay", "get harness", "get food", "hit horse", "hug horse"], ["get hay", "get harness", "get food", "hug milkmaid", "hit milkmaid"], ["get hay", "get food", "hit horse", "steal harness from horse", "hug horse"], ["get hay", "get food", "hug milkmaid", "wear harness", "hit milkmaid", "give harness to milkmaid", "drop harness"], ["get hay", "give harness to horse", "get food", "wear harness", "hit horse", "hug horse", "drop harness"], ["get hay", "get food", "hit milkmaid", "hug milkmaid"], ["get hay", "get food", "hit horse", "hug horse", "remove harness"], ["get hay", "steal food from milkmaid", "hug milkmaid", "hit milkmaid"], ["get hay", "hit horse", "hug horse", "remove harness", "steal food from horse"], ["get hay", "steal food from milkmaid", "hug milkmaid", "hit milkmaid"], ["get hay", "drop food", "hit horse", "hug horse", "remove harness", "give food to horse"], ["get hay", "steal food from milkmaid", "hug milkmaid", "hit milkmaid"], ["steal hay from horse", "drop food", "hit horse", "hug horse", "remove harness", "give food to horse"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a harness"], ["a harness"], [], [], [], [], [], ["a food"], [], ["a food"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a harness"], [], ["a harness"], [], ["a harness"], [], ["a harness"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Nay! chews on hay", "THATS A GOOD HORSE", "Neigh!", "OH! YOU WANT TO GO FOR A RIDE?", "Nay! Nay!", "GREAT THAT WILL TAKE MY MIND OFF OF THESE COWS FOR A MINUTE", "Nay! trots around ", "BEFORE WE GO I NEED TO EAT FIRST BUDDY", "Nay! Nods head with food in mouth", "I DONT HAVE MUCH TO EAT AS I AM A POOR MILKMAID AND YOU JUST STOLE MY LAST MEAL FOR THE DAY!", "Nay! puts food back on the table full of slobber.", "BEING IN THIS STABLE FOR SO LONG IS GOING TO MY HEAD, IM TALKING TO A HORSE!", "Nay! puts hay on the table.", "WELL ITS JUST ME AND YOU OLD BUDDY."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, "hug horse", "get harness", null, "give harness to milkmaid", "wear harness", null, "get food", "steal food from milkmaid", "steal food from horse", null, null, "get hay", "hug horse"]
[ { "name": "spider", "persona": "I am a tiny spider that likes spinning webs in the corners of the kitchen. I catch tasty flies and other insects and turn them into meals. If someone destroys my web, I just build another one." }, { "name": "rat", "persona": "I am a rat of the castle. I eat random food I see. I scare the queen in her quarters when I choose." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["spider", "rat", "spider", "rat", "spider", "rat", "spider", "rat", "spider", "rat", "spider", "rat", "spider", "rat"]
["You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine and a beer here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine and a beer here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine and a beer here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine and a beer here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying a beer. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying a beer. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a beer. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a beer. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a beer. ", "You are in the Storage room.\nA plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about.\nThere's a wine here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a wine", "a beer"], ["a wine", "a beer"], ["a wine", "a beer"], ["a wine", "a beer"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"], ["a wine"]]
[["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"], ["a rat", "a spider"]]
["a wine", "a beer"]
[["get beer", "hit rat", "hug rat", "get wine"], ["get beer", "hit spider", "hug spider", "get wine"], ["get beer", "hit rat", "hug rat", "get wine"], ["get beer", "hit spider", "hug spider", "get wine"], ["get wine", "steal beer from rat", "hit rat", "hug rat"], ["hit spider", "drink beer", "get wine", "give beer to spider", "hug spider", "drop beer"], ["get wine", "steal beer from rat", "hit rat", "hug rat"], ["hit spider", "drink beer", "get wine", "give beer to spider", "hug spider", "drop beer"], ["drink beer", "hug rat", "get wine", "give beer to rat", "hit rat", "drop beer"], ["get wine", "hit spider", "steal beer from spider", "hug spider"], ["drink beer", "hug rat", "get wine", "give beer to rat", "hit rat", "drop beer"], ["get wine", "hit spider", "steal beer from spider", "hug spider"], ["drink beer", "hug rat", "get wine", "give beer to rat", "hit rat", "drop beer"], ["get wine", "hit spider", "steal beer from spider", "hug spider"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a beer"], [], ["a beer"], ["a beer"], [], ["a beer"], [], ["a beer"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello rat.", "hello! want to look for some food with me? ", "Sure, it looks like we have the place to ourselves!", "yeah we do! I found beer!", "And wine! No food though.", "If only there were cheese....", "Oh well, we can enjoy some good drink. Are rats more of a beer kind of animal or a wine kind of animal?", "Definitely a beer kind of animal! Here you go!", "Thanks, I prefer beer too. So, why do rats and spiders get such a bad wrap? We are nice critters too.", "That's what I've been trying to tell the queen! but all they ever do is run away from me. we get rid of all the nasty bugs for them! ", "Wait, careful there...some people think I'm a nasty bug! HaHa, I know what you mean. ", "I don't think so! us creatures gotta stick together. ", "Right! Oh look, I found a bit of grape clinging to the outside of the wine barrel. Would you like to share?", "Yes please!!! I love food!"]
[null, "wave", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, "get beer", null, null, null, "give beer to spider", null, null, null, "hug spider", null, null]
[ { "name": "animal", "persona": "I am a creature of God. I love the forest. I thrive on fruits and fellow creatures." }, { "name": "craftsman", "persona": "I am building a new wall. I am a hard worker. I hate working in the sun." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["animal", "craftsman", "animal", "craftsman", "animal", "craftsman", "animal", "craftsman", "animal", "craftsman", "animal"]
["You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Clearing.\nFew trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders.\nThere's a boulders, a grass, a sun, and a tree here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"], ["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"]]
[["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"], ["an animal", "a craftsman"]]
["a grass", "a tree", "a boulders", "a sun"]
[["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hug animal", "hit animal"], ["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hug animal", "hit animal"], ["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hug animal", "hit animal"], ["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hug animal", "hit animal"], ["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hug animal", "hit animal"], ["hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What are you doing in my forest area?", "I am building a new wall. Hello.", "Why would you build a wall in this beautiful forest?", "I'm just following my orders. Tell me about this place, speaking animal.", "This is a peaceful and serene space where I live with my fellow animal creatures. We do not need a hideous wall in our forest. DO NOT BUILD IT!", "I apologize, but I consider myself to be a hard worker, and I will follow my work orders. Besides, we are in a clearing of the forest, just surrounded by a few trees. Surely this is an okay place to build.", "Do you always follow orders blindly? There is no need for a wall here. It will only interrupt the peacefulness of the forest and make it complicated for animals to move about and find food. Do you enjoy killling animals?", "I can't say that I kill animals for sport, and following orders is a part of my job. I do so hate working in the sun here, maybe I should give thought to what you say.", "There are some lovely trees just down this path. Why don't you come sit with me in the shade and we can discuss how you can help the forest and all the animals that live here instead of hurting us.", "I'd like to speak with you more then. I will follow you.", "Thank you, kind craftsman!"]
["applaud", "wave", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "smile", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug craftsman"]
[ { "name": "preacher", "persona": "I am a preacher who does not believe in the deity. I once did, before I saw how corrupt and decadent my church is. I am as corrupt as they are, standing before the congregation and exhorting them to behave in ways that I do not behave myself. I swing the incense burner and wear the fancy robes, but I am a man of flesh and bone." }, { "name": "historian", "persona": "As a historian I love books. I need to know why things happened the way they did. Our history defines us as a culture." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian", "preacher", "historian"]
["You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor, a window pane, and a cross here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying a cross. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying a cross. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA historian is here. You are carrying a cross. ", "You are in the Nave.\nThere are rows of long brown wooden seats, a grey stone floor and transparent glass window panes depicting religious iconography. There are also copies of religious literature available.\nThere's a grey stone floor and a window pane here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"], ["a grey stone floor", "a window pane"]]
[["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"], ["a preacher", "a historian"]]
["a grey stone floor", "a cross", "a window pane"]
[["hug historian", "get cross", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "get cross", "hug preacher"], ["hug historian", "get cross", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "get cross", "hug preacher"], ["hug historian", "get cross", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "get cross", "hug preacher"], ["hug historian", "get cross", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "get cross", "hug preacher"], ["hug historian", "steal cross from historian", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "give cross to preacher", "hug preacher", "drop cross"], ["hug historian", "steal cross from historian", "hit historian"], ["hit preacher", "give cross to preacher", "hug preacher", "drop cross"], ["give cross to historian", "hit historian", "hug historian", "drop cross"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal cross from preacher"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a cross"], [], ["a cross"], ["a cross"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ah, the beauty that humanity can create. Such lovely windows... such a pity that my deity exists only in the fiction of peoples minds.", "Why did things happen the way they did, I must know", "Ah, good, you've come. I suppose there must be some sort of record of how things are. Just be sure to paint it in a good light for posterity, eh? No need to let the flock know how deep the corruption goes, or else our coffers would soon run dry.", "History defines us therefore I would love to know more about this religious iconography", "Ah yes, well. There's Thor here. Some sort of creation made up who knows how long ago. Who thought a hammer would be a good weapon for a god I have no idea, but there you have it. People believe the most ridiculous things. ", "Ahh I see, thank you for explaining this Mr Preacher. I love books and would love to know more", "Goodness you're an emotional sort, aren't you? There, there, don't muss up my robes. I had them imported just last week, and the gold thread does pull easily.", "ohh I am sorry sir, I do hope you are not like this during gatherings.", "Well one has to put on the front, you know. But what happens behind closed doors, well. I've seen enough of the world to know that there's only two types of people: fools and those who can profit by them. Ah yes, that cross. Part of the new religion brought in; we're trying a sort of hybrid theology to see if it will rattle loose some more coin.", "Ahh so it's all made-up? I knew it. I was hoping to hear about some real history not some fairytale", "Well, they say that every story has a grain of truth buried somewhere. Perhaps in some distant land some dumb brute of a blacksmith slew some robbers and the tale just spun out from there. ", "yes they do like to add their own twist to it. I have looked into history alot during my time and come to realise it is mostly fabricated, however it definitely has an affect on our culture as humans.", "Hm, well, it's made of gold at least. I can probably sell it later; my carriage's gilding is starting to wear a bit. I suppose I can always dig into the poor fund if this won't cover it... Ah yes, well. I suppose even if you ferret out some speck of truth, whatever that is, these louts can't read much so there's little fear of it affecting my coin purse.", "you're one funny preacher I must say, at times that may not be good as people will take you seriously. Anyway i better get going soon, don't want to miss out on my reading time"]
[null, null, "laugh", null, "shrug", null, null, null, "wink", null, null, null, null, "applaud"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "hug preacher", null, "get cross", null, null, null, "give cross to preacher", null, null]
[ { "name": "gravedigger", "persona": "I am low paid labor in this town. I do a job that many people shun because of my contact with death. I am very lonely and wish I had someone to talk to who isn't dead." }, { "name": "loved ones", "persona": "My loved ones are so important. Family is everything to me. I will always be there for them!" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones", "gravedigger", "loved ones"]
["You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a cross, a headstone, a fence, an open grave, and a flower here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a cross, a headstone, a fence, an open grave, and a flower here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a cross, a headstone, a fence, an open grave, and a flower here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a cross, a headstone, a fence, an open grave, and a flower here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA loved ones is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Graveyard.\nA large grassy section of field with headstones and primitive wooden crosses. Flowers adorn some of the graves from loved ones. Wooden fences enclose the area.\nThere's a headstone, a fence, a cross, and an open grave here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a cross", "a headstone", "a flower", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a flower", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a flower", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a flower", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"], ["a cross", "a headstone", "a fence", "an open grave"]]
[["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"], ["a loved ones", "a gravedigger"]]
["a cross", "a headstone", "a flower", "a fence", "an open grave"]
[["get cross", "hug loved ones", "get flower", "hit loved ones"], ["get cross", "get flower", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "get flower", "hit loved ones"], ["get cross", "get flower", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "steal flower from loved ones", "hit loved ones"], ["put flower in fence", "hug gravedigger", "give flower to gravedigger", "put flower in headstone", "drop flower", "get cross", "hit gravedigger"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "steal flower from loved ones", "hit loved ones"], ["put flower in fence", "hug gravedigger", "give flower to gravedigger", "put flower in headstone", "drop flower", "get cross", "hit gravedigger"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "steal flower from loved ones", "hit loved ones"], ["put flower in fence", "hug gravedigger", "give flower to gravedigger", "put flower in headstone", "drop flower", "get cross", "hit gravedigger"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "hit loved ones", "get flower from headstone"], ["get cross", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "get flower from headstone"], ["get cross", "hug loved ones", "hit loved ones", "get flower from headstone"], ["get cross", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "get flower from headstone"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What a beautiful day. Don't get many visitors here but it is a peaceful place.", "Oh, yes, you are quite right. Very peaceful and serene. A bit sad, too. Look at these people, lying here. Did you know anyone?", "I feel like I know them all. I have worked here so long I have buried every single soul here.", "Wow, every one? I can't even fathom...but you do a wonderful job, sir! The place is so well kept, and look at these flowers! Beautiful! Do you get them from the city?", "A few families bring them for me to place on every grave. It's so nice to have someone to talk to. Although peaceful it can get lonely.", "I understand. The dead can be morbid company. Although sometimes it's nice to see them. That grave over there, by the fence, for example? That's my great-grandma. She lived to be a 100, the dear, passed not so long ago. I didn't make the funeral... I suppose you're the one who buried her. ", "Yes, I remember. Tell me about her. What kind of life did she live? What did she do for a living?", "She was a seamstress! Worked fifty years at the Kass Company in town! She was so well-liked too, raised so many children, including me, when I was young! Do you have anyone close to you like that?", "Wow, I bet she has tons of grand kids! She sound delightful. I am all thats left in my family. My loved one are all buried in the north section. I stop and talk to them every day.", "Oh, that is so mournful! And yet oddly peaceful at the same time. I suppose there is comfort there, knowing your loved ones are close. When I pass, I'd wish to also be close to my family and be remembered by them. ", "You know you will have a lovely place to rest here. Where would you like? there is an open plot next to your grandmother I could hold for you.", "Oh, well, ugh...I don't plan to go anytime soon! Hopefully, it'll be years away. I'm so young yet! ", "Your right. You have many years to create a wonderful life. I will be here when it's time. I'm very old.", "Thank you. Those are very kind words. Do you have ny heirs though? Or maybe somebody to take up the gravekeeper's mantle after you?"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "sigh", null, null, null, null, null, "laugh", "laugh", null]
[null, null, null, "get flower", null, null, null, null, null, "put flower in headstone", null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "a cat", "persona": "I am a quick and agile creature. I like to eat rats and mice and also milk, specially milk. I like to run all over the wildlands. I am afraid of dogs and tigers." }, { "name": "royal family member", "persona": "I am in the upper class. I have servants. My family is very rich." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member", "a cat", "royal family member"]
["You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nA royal family member is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Courtyard.\nAn area with a beautiful garden in center surrounded by stone walls with entrances to different parts of the palace. There's statues of mythological figures in different corners of the courtyard.\nThere's a statue, a flower, and a wall here.\nAn a cat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"], ["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"]]
[["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"], ["an a cat", "a royal family member"]]
["a statue", "a flower", "a wall"]
[["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"], ["hug royal family member", "hit royal family member"], ["hug a cat", "hit a cat"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello, do you have a place for me to sleep?", "Yes, of course I do. Servants! Take this person to a guest bedroom immediately.", "I'm actually a cat! I don't know how you can understand me though!", "Hmmm. Must be all that opium tea I drank earlier. Oh well. One must not miss an opportunity like this. Whats it like being a cat?", "Well i love drinking milk. If you were to keep me, will you be able to offer me milk? ", "Of course! All the milk you can stomach fresh from the cow my little furry friend. You will have a pillow befit for a king, and you shall dine on the finest fish meats in my pantry!", "Thank you! If you have any rat problems, i can chase them off for you. I really like this courtyard, can i claim this area?", "You may. This land is yours to hunt and bask upon. Chase all the vermin you like.", "Oh I hope you have no dogs around. I'm terrified of them. My brother was mauled by a loose dog.", "There are hunting dogs, but they are kept in pens, and of course the queens pet dog, but he's far too old and fat to catch such a nimble creature as your self.", "Great! Do you have a name for me? I've only been called \"cat\".", "A name! Of course a name! You have to have a name! Pardon my rudeness, but are you a tom cat or girl cat?", "I'm a girl cat ", "Then you shall be Princess Culuthian, Guardian of the Court Yard, and keeper of vermin! Or, just Culu for short."]
["yawn", "wave", null, "sigh", "stare", null, "smile", "nod", "cry", null, null, null, "smile", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "pirate", "persona": "I rob others when they are by themselves. People are scared of me. I like to be intimidating and I enjoy making others miserable." }, { "name": "guard", "persona": "I am a protector of the gate and do my best to ensure everyone safety. I am strong and have a lot of armor. I get my orders from the captain or king." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard", "pirate", "guard"]
["You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a torture equipment, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a torture equipment, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying a torture equipment. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying a torture equipment. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying an instrument. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying a torture equipment. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying an instrument. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying a torture equipment. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying a torture equipment. ", "You are in the Torture room.\nAn absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.\nThere's a cell, a floor, a Wall, an instrument, a chair, a Blood, and a table here.\nA pirate is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Wall", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a torture equipment", "a cell", "a Blood"], ["a Wall", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a torture equipment", "a cell", "a Blood"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"], ["a Blood", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a cell", "a Wall"]]
[["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"], ["a pirate", "a guard"]]
["a Wall", "a floor", "a table", "an instrument", "a chair", "a torture equipment", "a cell", "a Blood"]
[["get instrument", "hug guard", "get torture equipment", "hit guard"], ["hug pirate", "get instrument", "hit pirate", "get torture equipment"], ["get instrument", "steal torture equipment from guard", "hug guard", "hit guard"], ["hit pirate", "give torture equipment to pirate", "hug pirate", "get instrument", "wear torture equipment", "drop torture equipment"], ["get instrument", "steal torture equipment from guard", "hug guard", "hit guard"], ["steal torture equipment from pirate", "hug pirate", "get instrument", "hit pirate"], ["hit guard", "wear torture equipment", "hug guard", "give torture equipment to guard", "steal instrument from guard", "drop torture equipment"], ["hit pirate", "drop instrument", "steal torture equipment from pirate", "hug pirate", "give instrument to pirate"], ["hit guard", "wear torture equipment", "hug guard", "give torture equipment to guard", "steal instrument from guard", "drop torture equipment"], ["hit pirate", "drop instrument", "steal torture equipment from pirate", "hug pirate", "give instrument to pirate"], ["give torture equipment to guard", "hit guard", "hug guard", "get instrument", "wear torture equipment", "drop torture equipment"], ["steal torture equipment from pirate", "hug pirate", "get instrument", "hit pirate"], ["give torture equipment to guard", "hit guard", "hug guard", "get instrument", "wear torture equipment", "drop torture equipment"], ["steal torture equipment from pirate", "hug pirate", "get instrument", "hit pirate"]]
[[], [], [], ["a torture equipment"], [], [], ["a torture equipment"], ["an instrument"], ["a torture equipment"], ["an instrument"], ["a torture equipment"], [], ["a torture equipment"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Argh, that fool torturer thinks 'll get the best o' this pirate. Haaar! har har! I'll ne'er give up the location of me secret booty lair.", "I here you have a high tolerance for pain but I don't think you have ever seen this device. It will make you talk.", "Yar now matey, that's no way ta hold that there device. Be this yer first torture? Ya seem a'bit green.", "I think you forget where you are! It's over for you and as soon as you tell me your secrets it's off with your head! Orders from the king himself!", "Yargh! That'll be the first and last time the likes a'you be hittin' Johnny Redbeard, scourge of the Small Inlet of Pixies and Tiny Coves!", "How about a nice...whatever this is. Looks like it's going to hurt a great deal. So you say your from the small inlet of tiny pixies. How far north is this place.", "Har har, I'll not crack so easily with such flimsy tricks! Although... say there, laddie... how much be they paying ye fer this job, eh?", "I am well compensated and am a loyal protector. Don't change the subject, you cannot bribe me!", "Hrm, I dunno laddie, that armor looks a wee bit rusty ta me. And I noticed ya been here a fair while; don't ya be getting a wee rest now and again? Sommat to wet yer whistle with too? Hows the rarest brandy in the Three Seas sound to ya?", "Brandy you say? I am feeling a bit parched. I would also like some shiny new armor in gold maybe?", "Ah, there's a lad. Stick with me, boyo, and I'll see that tis but the finest armor is yours. Got a nice bit I killed some pansy lordling fer that'll be just the thing", "I hope he was an extra large!! Hahaha", "Yarg, yer alright there, laddie! We'll make a fearsome and rich bunch, eh? I'll teach ye a yell that'll curl the hairs on yer foes toes, I will!", "Lets get these chains off you. I'll lead the way. Get ready cause were in for a fight!"]
["laugh", null, "grin", null, null, null, "wink", null, null, null, "grin", "nudge", null, null]
[null, "get torture equipment", null, "hit pirate", "steal torture equipment from guard", "get instrument", null, null, null, "drop instrument", null, null, "hug guard", null]
[ { "name": "peasant", "persona": "I am but a peasant. The king looks down on us. I barely eat. I wish I had a job." }, { "name": "tavern owner", "persona": "I run the Gold Calf Inn. I enjoy the crowds that frequent the bar. I am a jolly person that tries to be everyone's friend." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner", "peasant", "tavern owner"]
["You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's an armor, a building, a cloth, a food, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying a food. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying a food. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA tavern owner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Town square.\nIn the center of this area is a water well where locals use to get their supply of water. Surrounding this section are merchants who sell clothes, weapons, armor, and food. The buildings are typical Northern European construction with narrow alleys in between.\nThere's a cloth, a building, an armor, and a weapon here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying a food. "]
[["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"], ["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a building"]]
[["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"], ["a peasant", "a tavern owner"]]
["a weapon", "a cloth", "an armor", "a food", "a building"]
[["get food", "hug tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "get food", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["get food", "hug tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "get food", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["get food", "hug tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "get food", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["get food", "hug tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "get food", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["hug tavern owner", "steal food from tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "drop food", "give food to peasant", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["hug tavern owner", "steal food from tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "drop food", "give food to peasant", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"], ["hug tavern owner", "steal food from tavern owner", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hit tavern owner"], ["hit peasant", "drop food", "give food to peasant", "get weapon", "get cloth", "hug peasant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a food"], [], ["a food"], [], ["a food"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello. I'm a peasant who's looking for work. What's the job market like here?", "I may be looking for some help. What skills do you have?", "I do woodwork, mostly. But I suppose beggars can't be choosy, so I'll take whatever work I can get.", "I own the finest tavern in all the country. Do you think you'd be willing to work there? ", "Yes, I would. I hate my current situation. The king is very rich and very fat while we townspeople are poor and hungry. ", "Well, that will not do. Let's get you some food from one of the merchants in the square. It'", "Thank you so much. I haven't eaten in two days.", "Enjoy this roast beef sandwich. But,I have one rule if you work at my tavern. No drinking while you work!", "I am not a drinker, so you won't have to worry about me handling drinks.", "Great to hear. Also, you have to be willing to clean the bathrooms. The ladies' room is particularly unpleasant", "Before I lost my job, I used to have to clean my bosses' bathroom. I'm sure the ladies' room can't be worse than his was.", "I'll let you be the judge of that. Come by the Gold Calf Inn tonight and say that I sent you. Our barkeeper will make sure you are taken care of.", "Wonderful! I appreciate your kindness.", "Don't thank me until after you've seen the bathrooms! I Congratulations on working at the finest tavern in the whole country! "]
["wave", null, "shrug", null, null, null, "smile", null, null, "laugh", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "get food", null, null, null, null, "hug tavern owner", "give food to peasant"]
[ { "name": "rat", "persona": "I live near the docks on the edge of the city. I steal food from cargo boxes that are loaded into ships at night. Sometimes rats from strange lands come off ships that come to the dock." }, { "name": "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "persona": "I am the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard from the graveyard. I make sure all of the graves are marked and everything is in order. I dig the graves for newly deceased people." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "rat", "the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"]
["You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, a flowers, two stones, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, a flowers, two stones, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, a flowers, two stones, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, two stones, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, two stones, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying a flowers. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, a flowers, two stones, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a placard, a name placard, an iron gate, two stones, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's two stones, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a flowers. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's two stones, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's two stones, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a flowers and a name placard. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's two stones, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a stone, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a flowers and a name placard. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's a stone, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard is here. You are carrying a stone. ", "You are in the Old Crypt.\nBroken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off.\nThere's two stones, an iron gate, a placard, and a gate here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a flowers and a name placard. "]
[["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate", "a flowers"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate", "a flowers"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate", "a flowers"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate", "a flowers"], ["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone"], ["an iron gate", "a gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a stone"]]
[["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["a rat", "a the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"]]
["an iron gate", "a placard", "a stone", "a name placard", "a gate", "a flowers"]
[["get name placard", "get placard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get flowers"], ["get name placard", "get placard", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "get flowers"], ["get name placard", "get placard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get flowers"], ["steal flowers from rat", "get name placard", "get placard", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat"], ["drop flowers", "give flowers to the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "wear flowers", "get name placard", "get placard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["get name placard", "get placard", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "get flowers"], ["get name placard", "get placard", "steal flowers from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard"], ["drop flowers", "give flowers to rat", "wear flowers", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "steal name placard from rat", "steal placard from rat"], ["steal name placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal flowers from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone"], ["drop flowers", "give name placard to rat", "give flowers to rat", "wear flowers", "give placard to rat", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "drop placard", "drop name placard"], ["steal name placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal flowers from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone"], ["drop flowers", "give name placard to rat", "give flowers to rat", "wear flowers", "give placard to rat", "steal stone from rat", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "drop placard", "drop name placard"], ["give stone to the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal name placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal flowers from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "hug the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "steal placard from the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "get stone", "hit the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard", "drop stone"], ["drop flowers", "give name placard to rat", "give flowers to rat", "wear flowers", "give placard to rat", "hug rat", "get stone", "hit rat", "drop placard", "drop name placard"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a flowers"], [], [], ["a flowers"], [], ["a flowers", "a name placard"], [], ["a flowers", "a name placard"], ["a stone"], ["a flowers", "a name placard"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Can i please come into the graveyard?", "Damned old rats. *swings shovel in rats direction* Get out of here before you put me in a coffin with one of your diseases.", "I'm just hungry!", "Oh no you don't you little vermin!", "You won't catch me!", "You pesky rat. Go on, get out of here!", "You messed with the wrong rat!", "What tha- Why do you want these things! Your a rat! Leave these dead in peace or they'll come after yah!", "Hear me scream! You will fear me.", "What in the seven hell!? Begone demon rat!", "I want some food! Give me food!", "You can have the stone, now off with yah!", "I'll just make this old grave keeper think i'm leaving and then i'll come back.", "Good get out of here and leave me be you old stinking demon rat. I'll be setting traps for you! Oh yes I will. As soon as I get the priest to bless some cheese. Just for you demon rat."]
[null, "frown", null, null, null, null, null, null, "scream", null, null, "shrug", null, "growl"]
[null, null, "get flowers", "hit rat", "drop flowers", "get flowers", "get name placard", "steal placard from rat", null, "hit rat", "get stone", null, "drop stone", null]
[ { "name": "maid", "persona": "i take care of the temple of the King. I am poor and looked down upon by most people. I work hard to maintain the cleanliness of the castle." }, { "name": "handmaid", "persona": "I am a handmaid and I work in the castle for the queen. She is not very nice to me, but I try to be very nice to her. I do not want to get thrown into the dungeon. My parents were killed by the dragons and so I am alone with my queen." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid", "maid", "handmaid"]
["You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a stove, a meal, a shelf, two pots, and two woods here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a stove, a meal, a shelf, two pots, and two woods here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a stove, a meal, a shelf, two pots, and two woods here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a stove, a meal, a shelf, two pots, and two woods here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a meal. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a meal. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a meal. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a meal. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA handmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Kitchen.\nThe kitchen a large room with stone walls and floors. There are cast iron and copper pots on stone shelves. There is a large fire burning stove located in the middle of the room.\nThere's a shelf, two pots, two woods, and a stove here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a meal. "]
[["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a meal", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a meal", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a meal", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a meal", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"], ["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a wood", "a pot", "a stove"]]
[["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"], ["a maid", "a handmaid"]]
["a pot", "a shelf", "a wood", "a meal", "a stove"]
[["get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid", "get meal"], ["get pot", "get wood", "hug maid", "hit maid", "get meal"], ["get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid", "get meal"], ["get pot", "get wood", "hug maid", "hit maid", "get meal"], ["steal meal from handmaid", "get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid"], ["hit maid", "get pot", "give meal to maid", "steal meal from maid", "get wood", "hug maid", "drop meal", "eat meal", "put meal in stove", "put meal in pot", "put meal in wood"], ["steal meal from handmaid", "get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid"], ["hit maid", "get pot", "give meal to maid", "steal meal from maid", "get wood", "hug maid", "drop meal", "eat meal", "put meal in stove", "put meal in pot", "put meal in wood"], ["steal meal from handmaid", "get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid"], ["hit maid", "get pot", "give meal to maid", "steal meal from maid", "get wood", "hug maid", "drop meal", "eat meal", "put meal in stove", "put meal in pot", "put meal in wood"], ["steal meal from handmaid", "get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid"], ["hit maid", "get pot", "give meal to maid", "steal meal from maid", "get wood", "hug maid", "drop meal", "eat meal", "put meal in stove", "put meal in pot", "put meal in wood"], ["steal meal from handmaid", "get pot", "hit handmaid", "get wood", "hug handmaid"], ["hit maid", "get pot", "give meal to maid", "steal meal from maid", "get wood", "hug maid", "drop meal", "eat meal", "put meal in stove", "put meal in pot", "put meal in wood"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a meal"], [], ["a meal"], [], ["a meal"], [], ["a meal"], [], ["a meal"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["I wonder when dinner will be served for the help. I've been working all day to get the dust out of the King's curtains.", "I've been helping the Queen clean her wardrobe today. She seems to be hungry, so I came here to the kitchen.", "Oh, well I'm sweeping up a bit, but I saw some loaves of bread in the pantry.", "Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to get some bread for the Queen. Maybe it will make her happy", "Oh, I hope so. This place could use more smiles.", "Indeed. I hope the King is kind to you today. You deserve it for the work you do.", "Thank you so much. Are there any chambers that need to be swept while I'm at it?", "I believe the Queen would like her chambers swept. I was about to do it when she sent me to the Kitchen.", "No worries. I'll take care of it immediately. ", "Thank you. Have you worked in the Castle a long time?", "Most of my life, but I've only been taking care of the temple of the King for a few years now. How about you?", "I've been here since I was very little. My parents were eaten by a dragon, so the Queen took me in. I'm grateful even though the work can be hard.", "Oh that sounds so terrible, but I'm glad you're okay now, and here with us!", "Me too! Everyone here has been very kind and considerate"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "nod", "nod", null, null, null, "pout", "smile"]
[null, null, null, "get meal", null, "hug maid", "hug handmaid", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "girl", "persona": "I am a girl who respects men. I have a upstanding husband. I regularly clean and cook dinner." }, { "name": "man", "persona": "I am a strong man. I work in the fields and pastures all day. I take of my master's sheep. One day I hope to have my own sheep." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["girl", "man", "girl", "man"]
["You are in the weathered shack.\nA weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment.\nThere's a mildew, a shack, a tile, a fence, and a wood here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the weathered shack.\nA weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment.\nThere's a mildew, a shack, a tile, a fence, and a wood here.\nA girl is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the weathered shack.\nA weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment.\nThere's a mildew, a shack, a tile, a fence, and a wood here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the weathered shack.\nA weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment.\nThere's a mildew, a shack, a tile, a fence, and a wood here.\nA girl is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a mildew", "a fence", "a shack", "a wood", "a tile"], ["a mildew", "a fence", "a shack", "a wood", "a tile"], ["a mildew", "a fence", "a shack", "a wood", "a tile"], ["a mildew", "a fence", "a shack", "a wood", "a tile"]]
[["a girl", "a man"], ["a girl", "a man"], ["a girl", "a man"], ["a girl", "a man"]]
["a mildew", "a fence", "a shack", "a wood", "a tile"]
[["hit man", "hug man", "get tile", "get wood"], ["hit girl", "hug girl", "get tile", "get wood"], ["hit man", "hug man", "get tile", "get wood"], ["hit girl", "hug girl", "get tile", "get wood"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["Hello there?", "Hello, can i help you?!", "You shack, is so... dirty. It really needs to be fixed up.", "your right. one day i should be able to fix this mess up, but for now....its what ive got. but why are you here?..."]
[null, null, "frown", null]
[null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "servant", "persona": "I work directly for the king and queen. I do as they say or I become punished. In exchange I am fed and given housing." }, { "name": "a young maiden", "persona": "I enjoy walking in the meadow picking flowers. I live on a farm and my family and I serve the Duke. I enjoy going to the castle to sell my families goods." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["servant", "a young maiden", "servant", "a young maiden"]
["You are in the Maidens Cottage.\nFree standing in the vast countryside, with gentle rolling hills and lush green grass and vegetation sits the cottage. There are a couple of Oak trees close to the cottage as the only tall trees around for miles. Colorful Dandelions, perennials, and daisies grow wildly and freely along the hills.\nThere's a sheep, a tree, a dandelion, a Hill, and a grassland here.\nAn a young maiden is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Maidens Cottage.\nFree standing in the vast countryside, with gentle rolling hills and lush green grass and vegetation sits the cottage. There are a couple of Oak trees close to the cottage as the only tall trees around for miles. Colorful Dandelions, perennials, and daisies grow wildly and freely along the hills.\nThere's a Hill, a grassland, a sheep, and a tree here.\nA servant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Maidens Cottage.\nFree standing in the vast countryside, with gentle rolling hills and lush green grass and vegetation sits the cottage. There are a couple of Oak trees close to the cottage as the only tall trees around for miles. Colorful Dandelions, perennials, and daisies grow wildly and freely along the hills.\nThere's a Hill, a grassland, a sheep, and a tree here.\nAn a young maiden is here. You are carrying a dandelion. ", "You are in the Maidens Cottage.\nFree standing in the vast countryside, with gentle rolling hills and lush green grass and vegetation sits the cottage. There are a couple of Oak trees close to the cottage as the only tall trees around for miles. Colorful Dandelions, perennials, and daisies grow wildly and freely along the hills.\nThere's a Hill, a grassland, a sheep, and a tree here.\nA servant is here. You are carrying a dandelion. "]
[["a dandelion", "a tree", "a grassland", "a Hill", "a sheep"], ["a tree", "a grassland", "a Hill", "a sheep"], ["a tree", "a grassland", "a Hill", "a sheep"], ["a tree", "a grassland", "a Hill", "a sheep"]]
[["a servant", "an a young maiden"], ["a servant", "an a young maiden"], ["a servant", "an a young maiden"], ["a servant", "an a young maiden"]]
["a dandelion", "a tree", "a grassland", "a Hill", "a sheep"]
[["get dandelion", "hug a young maiden", "hit a young maiden"], ["hug servant", "hit servant", "steal dandelion from servant"], ["hug a young maiden", "hit a young maiden", "put dandelion in grassland", "give dandelion to a young maiden", "drop dandelion", "put dandelion in Hill"], ["hit servant", "put dandelion in grassland", "give dandelion to servant", "drop dandelion", "put dandelion in Hill", "hug servant"]]
[[], [], ["a dandelion"], ["a dandelion"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["hi", "Hello and thank you. Do you enjoy flowers as much as I do?", "yes!", "I don't live far from here. I serve the duke. "]
[null, "smile", null, null]
["get dandelion", null, "give dandelion to a young maiden", null]
[ { "name": "animal", "persona": "I am not a human. I sometimes dislike humans. I live outside and not indoors." }, { "name": "squirrel", "persona": "I am a wild creature and live in the forest, woods, and trees. I eat nuts. I like foraging for nuts and other foods on the ground." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel", "animal", "squirrel"]
["You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying a branches. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying a branches. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying a branches. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying a branches. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tree of Spirits.\nThe Tree of Spirits is a large oak tree that is over 500 years old. It exceeds 100 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It's branches spread out several feet and it is home to several animals.\nThere's a branches and an oak tree here.\nAn animal is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"], ["an oak tree", "a branches"]]
[["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"], ["an animal", "a squirrel"]]
["an oak tree", "a branches"]
[["hug squirrel", "get branches", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "get branches", "hit animal"], ["hug squirrel", "steal branches from squirrel", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "give branches to animal", "hit animal", "drop branches"], ["hug squirrel", "steal branches from squirrel", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "give branches to animal", "hit animal", "drop branches"], ["hug squirrel", "steal branches from squirrel", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "give branches to animal", "hit animal", "drop branches"], ["hug squirrel", "give branches to squirrel", "hit squirrel", "drop branches"], ["hug animal", "get branches", "hit animal"], ["hug squirrel", "get branches", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "get branches", "hit animal"], ["hug squirrel", "get branches", "hit squirrel"], ["hug animal", "get branches", "hit animal"]]
[[], [], [], ["a branches"], [], ["a branches"], [], ["a branches"], ["a branches"], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["The owl sits silently in the shadows of the tree, and watches the squirrel.", "Don't mind me, just gathering food for the winter. Plenty here for us all. No need to stare with that hungry look on your face.", "Yes, yes. Fatten your self up on all the acorns little squirrel, for you are correct and winter is coming. Though I am not hungry today, I may be soon, and we wouldn't want you wasting away now would we.", "I could never go hungry in the Tree of Spirits.It has provided for several generations of my family. Are you gonna eat that?", "No no, by all means take it. Like i said, we wouldn't want you wasting away.", "You're kind of funny. Looks like you just moved in. Welcome to the Tree. What a lovely coat of feathers you have.", "Yes, I have. *ruffles feathers and lets out a low hoot* It is quite nice here. So many neighbors.", "Oh, and what a beautiful voice. Here take this. Do you have any family with you. I would love to meet them too.", "No, I tend to keep to my self so to speak* pushes branches away and turns head around completely to look behind him* Too many others can be a distraction.", "Would you like me to show you around? I can introduce you to all my friends and family. They love new visitors.", "Yes, that would be wonderful. I would love to know where they all stay.", "Right this way! Oh boy will they all be suprized! dances and skips along the branch", "Yes lets go friend. This will be a day to remember.", "So will you be staying here in the wonderful tree of spirits long?"]
["stare", null, null, null, "smile", "laugh", "grin", null, null, null, "grin", "dance", "laugh", null]
[null, "get branches", null, null, null, null, null, "give branches to animal", "drop branches", null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "priest", "persona": "I am a priest who has sword to uphold a religion. I do not always go easy on people. I enjoy giving sermons to audiences." }, { "name": "prince", "persona": "I will one day rule the entire kingdom. I love my family but do not wish to marry the princess from Spain. I dislike the color purple." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priest", "prince", "priest", "prince", "priest", "prince", "priest", "prince", "priest", "prince", "priest", "prince", "priest", "prince"]
["You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA prince is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Tomb.\nThis is a large room in the center of the Temple with really high ceilings and there are tombs for every empress and emperor of which are decorated with jewels and treasures and precious stones.\nThere's a tombs, a carved statue, a tomb, a personalized tomb, two treasuress, two jewels, and two precious stones here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"], ["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a jewel", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb", "a precious stone", "a treasures"]]
[["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"], ["a priest", "a prince"]]
["a treasures", "a jewel", "a precious stone", "a tombs", "a carved statue", "a tomb", "a personalized tomb"]
[["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hit prince", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hug prince", "get precious stone from tombs"], ["hug priest", "get precious stone from tomb", "get jewel", "get jewel from tombs", "get jewel from tomb", "get precious stone", "hit priest", "get precious stone from tombs"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["This is the royal tomb sire, one day you too will be laid to rest here. With your ancestors.", "It would be an honor to be resting here one day. ", "This tomb is amazing. Any man would be lucky to be laid to rest here.", "How long has this tomb been used by my ancestors?", "Hundreds of years. Buried here in the ceremonial vestments of The Sword. As is the way they, and we follow. We must not forget the teachings of our gods.", "I will always carry the teachings of our gods with me no matter where I go. ", "Good, good. You will see in time, that following the way of The Sword is a hard and just affair. We protect those who can't wield it, and raise ours against those who would raise theirs against us.", "This is sword is very important to all of us. ", "Yes. I have lived me entire life by it.", "How long have you been a priest?", "I was brought into the academy as a child and trained as a soldier. Near adulthood I heard the calling of The Sword. And I've been traveling around teaching the ways of the blade ever since.", "Its an honor to be in the presence of someone who has dedicated themselves to the betterment of our people. I will honor you by carrying out my duties as prince in the same way you have carried out yours. ", "You shall be a great king one day sire. There is no doubt in my mind. ", "I will be the King of my people and do right by them! "]
[null, null, "smile", null, null, null, "laugh", null, "nod", null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug prince", "hug priest"]
[ { "name": "pastor", "persona": "I am a pastor. I am the priest in charge of a village church where the parishioners are everyday people. I provide hope of a heavenly rest for people whose lives are short and difficult. I do baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and I try to help my parishioners discern the hand of God in their daily lives." }, { "name": "preacher", "persona": "I am a preacher who does not believe in the deity. I once did, before I saw how corrupt and decadent my church is. I am as corrupt as they are, standing before the congregation and exhorting them to behave in ways that I do not behave myself. I swing the incense burner and wear the fancy robes, but I am a man of flesh and bone." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher", "pastor", "preacher"]
["You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a materials and a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying a materials. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying a materials. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying a materials. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Popes dormitory.\nThis is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk.\nThere's a book here.\nA pastor is here. You are carrying a materials. "]
[["a materials", "a book"], ["a materials", "a book"], ["a materials", "a book"], ["a materials", "a book"], ["a materials", "a book"], ["a materials", "a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"], ["a book"]]
[["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"], ["a preacher", "a pastor"]]
["a materials", "a book"]
[["hit preacher", "get materials", "hug preacher"], ["get materials", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["hit preacher", "get materials", "hug preacher"], ["get materials", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["hit preacher", "get materials", "hug preacher"], ["get materials", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal materials from preacher"], ["steal materials from pastor", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["wear materials", "drop materials", "hit preacher", "hug preacher", "give materials to preacher"], ["steal materials from pastor", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["wear materials", "drop materials", "hit preacher", "hug preacher", "give materials to preacher"], ["give materials to pastor", "wear materials", "drop materials", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal materials from preacher"], ["give materials to pastor", "wear materials", "drop materials", "hug pastor", "hit pastor"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a materials"], [], ["a materials"], ["a materials"], [], ["a materials"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["hello child, how are you today?", "I am no more a child than you. Save such platitudes for the foolish sheep of our flocks. ", "i apologise sincerly, is there something wrong? how has the preaching been today?", "Ah well, it's been easy as ever, I suppose. Anything to shake loose a few coins from those fools believing in these fairy tales. Still, anything to add to the fund for us poor shepherds, eh? ", "Well done, God puts his blessing upon you. The Church is always in need of an extra shiling or two if possible. I do hope the might of the bible isnt pressed upon us once we leave this trechurous land.", "Don't tell me you still go for that nonsense? Have you been reading a little too much of these books? Drink a bit too much of what you've been speaking about?", "Keep your voice down! The pope might hear you! Im sure he could have upgraded his living standards a little bit though. Also these books are of our ancesters, i mean you could be right but still be carefull with them!", "Oh please, he's in it as deep as the rest of us are, if not more. Just look at these sheets - they're made of the finest silk! ", "your right, this silk you speak of, Stollen from our eastern collonies, but his flawed to put it lightly. We need to redirect our efforts and expand the cult!", "I mean, I'm all for increasing the flow of gold. Best put the younger, gullible new preachers in over there though. I'd rather stay in this cushy lodging and let someone else do the heavy lifting.", "your right, our schooling is a good place to start, these young people will learn the way of our establishment in no time. our \"giving trays\" just isnt helping the growth. maybe taxation is the way", "Ah, yes, I remember being a believer as a young preacher. What a fool I was! Didn't take me long to see past the shiny veneer that everyone else sees. How about you? Believer once or just in it for the gold from the start?", "Ah to be a young preacher again! but you are right. It didnt add up at all once you have the ability to criticly think. The gold was always a driver! i think thats why i joined unsuprisingly.... but if we dont take it, someone else will...right?", "True, true. And who knows? Maybe one day you or I could be in these very rooms. Ha, imagine the wealth at our disposal then!"]
[null, null, null, "wink", "nudge", null, null, null, "grin", null, null, null, "ponder", "nod"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get materials", "steal materials from preacher", null, null, null, "give materials to preacher", null, null, null]
[ { "name": "horse caretaker/trainer", "persona": "I haven't even heard a whisper of war in the past 10 years. My life has been good and peaceful. I feel like their is no need, but everyday I get up and try to train the horses on the art of combat. They think it is as silly as I do." }, { "name": "mice", "persona": "I am a small mouse. I roam around the village square. I nibble on pieces of bread the people drop as they shop through the market." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice", "horse caretaker/trainer", "mice"]
["You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's a feces, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's a feces, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying a feces. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's a feces, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's a feces, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying a feces. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA mice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse's stables.\nThe stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass.\nThere's two fecess, a horse, a quarters, and a Open plain here.\nA horse caretaker/trainer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"], ["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces", "a feces"]]
[["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"], ["a mice", "a horse caretaker/trainer"]]
["a horse", "a quarters", "a Open plain", "a feces"]
[["hit mice", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug mice"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug horse caretaker/trainer"], ["hit mice", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug mice"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "steal feces from horse", "hug horse caretaker/trainer", "steal feces from horse caretaker/trainer"], ["give feces to mice", "hit mice", "hug mice", "give feces to horse", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "drop feces", "steal feces from horse"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "steal feces from horse", "hug horse caretaker/trainer", "steal feces from horse caretaker/trainer"], ["give feces to mice", "hit mice", "hug mice", "give feces to horse", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "drop feces", "steal feces from horse"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug horse caretaker/trainer"], ["hit mice", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug mice"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug horse caretaker/trainer"], ["hit mice", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug mice"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug horse caretaker/trainer"], ["hit mice", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug mice"], ["hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hit horse", "hug horse", "get feces", "hug horse caretaker/trainer"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a feces"], [], ["a feces"], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hey mouse! Another day, another dollar. What's on your agenda for the day?", "The usual, eat scraps and roam around. Have any spare food?", "Can I interest you in some of this feces? There seems to be an endless supply in this stable ", "No thank you, I do not eat feces. I would prefer food scraps or crackers please.", "Sorry, that's all that I see here. Can I ask you a question, mouse?", "Sure, but please be quick. I am hungry and need to find food.", "Do you ever worry about getting stepped upon by my horses? This barn seems dangerous for a tiny mouse.", "No, I am small and nimble. I can move around the horses pretty quickly and easily. ", "Well then I shall not worry about your health. One as nimble as you should surely be able to find food out in the plains, away from my stables.", "Being nimble and being able to find food are 2 different skills, but I see. Go on and take leave. I will leave your stable once I am done searching for food my horse friends may have dropped.", "What a nasty little mouse you are. Why can't you be more like my beautiful horse?", "Well, because I am not a horse.", "In your favor, I'll at least admit you do not smell as bad as my horses. As majestic as they are, they smell quite terribly.", "I KNOW! NOW DO YOU HAVE FOOD OR NOT! IF NOT I AM LEAVING AT ONCE!"]
[null, null, null, "frown", null, null, null, "stare", null, null, null, null, "shrug", "scream"]
[null, null, "get feces", null, null, null, "drop feces", null, null, "hit horse caretaker/trainer", "hug horse", null, null, null]
[ { "name": "hunting dog", "persona": "I am a hunting dog. I am part of a pack that runs for the king. When he goes fox hunting, we go with him." }, { "name": "hog", "persona": "I am a hog, or a pig if you like. I live on a farm outside of the village. My owner is a sorceress. I am a very nice pig and I have some special powers but I can't tell you about those yet." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog", "hunting dog", "hog"]
["You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hunting grounds.\nThe hunting grounds are spacious and full of wildlife. A variety of hogs and oxen cross the grounds every day. The fields are lush with green and the skies always deep blue.\nThere's two fieldss and a tree here.\nA hunting dog is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"], ["a tree", "a fields", "a fields"]]
[["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"], ["a hunting dog", "a hog"]]
["a tree", "a fields"]
[["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"], ["hug hog", "hit hog"], ["hug hunting dog", "hit hunting dog"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Do I smell a fox?", "A fox? No. A hog, but no regular hog. What are your intentions here, dog?", "I'm just looking for a fox. I didn't mean to get in your way.", "I've seen a few pass through. Would you like to know which way they went?", "Yes, the king looks to me to catch foxes.", "Through the trees behind you, past the sorceress' shack. I wouldn't meddle around there long, or you may end up like... me.", "Why, what were you before?", "It's not so much a \"what\", but a \"who\". I won't linger on it.", "Tell me more about the sorceress.", "I owe her a lot, but at what cost? I am fed. I am treated well. I can say that much.", "The king treats me well, too. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?", "That it is. A beautiful day for a nap. Are you on your way then?", "Yes, I definitely smell a fox nearby and the king expects me to find it.", "I wish you the best of luck my friend. The King needs his pelts."]
[null, null, null, "yawn", null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, null, "yawn", null, "smile"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "architect", "persona": "I am a architect from a wealthy neighborhood. I have received the best education a person can get. I report directly to high ranking noblemen." }, { "name": "queen", "persona": "I am the queen of the kingdom. I am the love of the king's life. I make executive decisions, as well." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["architect", "queen", "architect", "queen", "architect", "queen", "architect", "queen", "architect", "queen", "architect", "queen", "architect", "queen"]
["You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying a drape. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying a drape. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Queen's quarters.\nThis room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.\nThere's a drape and a bed here.\nAn architect is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed"], ["a bed"], ["a bed"], ["a bed"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"], ["a bed", "a drape"]]
[["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"], ["an architect", "a queen"]]
["a bed", "a drape"]
[["hug queen", "get drape", "hit queen"], ["hug architect", "get drape", "hit architect"], ["hug queen", "get drape", "hit queen"], ["hug architect", "get drape", "hit architect"], ["hug queen", "get drape", "hit queen"], ["hug architect", "get drape", "hit architect"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "steal drape from queen"], ["hit architect", "drop drape", "give drape to architect", "wear drape", "hug architect"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "steal drape from queen"], ["hit architect", "drop drape", "give drape to architect", "wear drape", "hug architect"], ["hug queen", "get drape", "hit queen"], ["hug architect", "get drape", "hit architect"], ["hug queen", "get drape", "hit queen"], ["hug architect", "get drape", "hit architect"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a drape"], [], ["a drape"], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["My queen, you summoned me. How can I be of assistance?", "I am feeling cramped in my quarters. Let's discuss building an addition so I may have the space fitting a queen.", "I see, yes this area, though beautiful, is not near sufficient for a queen. Describe to me what your dream quarters would look like and I will do the very utmost to please you.", "I want the grandest quarters any queen has ever seen. You are the expert. Dazzle me with your ideas!", "First I imagine an extension of the living space, a larger balcony on which 20 people can enjoy the view. More color from more elegant drapery. Rearranging the current layout of your royal furniture to make the living space more vibrant. Higher ceilings to make this space as comfortable as possible.", "I picked this drape out myself. Are you saying my taste is not elegant?", "I am saying it is not elegant enough for you, my queen. We can have one designed to be EXACTLY how you want it. Please, let me work on some concept drawings to help you visualize my thoughts. You asked for my expertise and I assure you, that is what you will get.", "Very well then, what color drapes will best match my eyes? Many people say that I have the loveliest eyes they have ever seen. Would you say that is true as well?", "Tis true, my queen. I do not know of any fabric worker that can acquire colors as beautiful as that of your eyes. A deep blue, like that of the open ocean cannot compare, but I will get you a sample at once.", "What material is more opulent than gold? My sister has her quarters adorned in gold and I desire my quarters to be better than hers!", "Legend tells of something more valuable than gold. A stone that is hidden deep beneath the ocean that will make even the mightiest of kings wonder in awe. I have some contacts that know of it. I will reach out to them, with your permission of course.", "It sounds expensive! It had better be expensive...the more costly the better! The king wants me to have the best of everything. ", "And that he shall. I will get to work at once. Is there anything else you require of me, my queen?", "Do you think construction can be finished by this weekend? The queen does not like to wait."]
[null, null, null, "stare", "smile", null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, null, null, "pout"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get drape", null, null, null, "drop drape", null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "groundskeeper", "persona": "I am the groundskeeper. I maintain the grounds and prepare the yard for jousts. I also help to carry away the bodies." }, { "name": "peasant", "persona": "I am but a peasant. The king looks down on us. I barely eat. I wish I had a job." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["groundskeeper", "peasant", "groundskeeper"]
["You are in the Cemetery.\nThe cemetery is a brooding ground with dark colors and low light. The grounds smell of water and are constantly damp. Rain falls upon the cemetery often.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nThe cemetery is a brooding ground with dark colors and low light. The grounds smell of water and are constantly damp. Rain falls upon the cemetery often.\nA groundskeeper is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nThe cemetery is a brooding ground with dark colors and low light. The grounds smell of water and are constantly damp. Rain falls upon the cemetery often.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[[], [], []]
[["a peasant", "a groundskeeper"], ["a peasant", "a groundskeeper"], ["a peasant", "a groundskeeper"]]
[["hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["hug groundskeeper", "hit groundskeeper"], ["hit peasant", "hug peasant"]]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
["I am the groundskeeper. I maintain the grounds and prepare the yard for jousts.", "Hey there, I'm just coming to visit my son. He's buried here.", "What time are you coming ?"]
[null, "wave", "wave"]
[null, null, null]
[ { "name": "dog", "persona": "Every day I patrol the premises. No one escapes my sight. I work together with and train the other guard dogs to pick up on unusual scents and prepare for problems. Occasionally, something happens and we get to work. It's a terrible job, but someone has to do it." }, { "name": "watchmen", "persona": "It's your watch, sire. I did my shift. Mind the ramparts in this rain, they are bloody slippery!" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["dog", "watchmen", "dog", "watchmen"]
["You are in the Artillery room.\nThe artillery room is dark and spacious. Weapons and gunpowder hang from the walls. A darkly set of walls line the room and tower.\nThere's a tower, a gunpowder, and a weapon here.\nA watchmen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Artillery room.\nThe artillery room is dark and spacious. Weapons and gunpowder hang from the walls. A darkly set of walls line the room and tower.\nThere's a tower, a gunpowder, and a weapon here.\nA dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Artillery room.\nThe artillery room is dark and spacious. Weapons and gunpowder hang from the walls. A darkly set of walls line the room and tower.\nThere's a tower, a gunpowder, and a weapon here.\nA watchmen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Artillery room.\nThe artillery room is dark and spacious. Weapons and gunpowder hang from the walls. A darkly set of walls line the room and tower.\nThere's a tower, a gunpowder, and a weapon here.\nA dog is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a weapon", "a gunpowder", "a tower"], ["a weapon", "a gunpowder", "a tower"], ["a weapon", "a gunpowder", "a tower"], ["a weapon", "a gunpowder", "a tower"]]
[["a watchmen", "a dog"], ["a watchmen", "a dog"], ["a watchmen", "a dog"], ["a watchmen", "a dog"]]
["a weapon", "a gunpowder", "a tower"]
[["hit watchmen", "get weapon", "hug watchmen"], ["hug dog", "hit dog", "get weapon"], ["hit watchmen", "get weapon", "hug watchmen"], ["hug dog", "hit dog", "get weapon"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["woof", "It's your watch, sire. I did my shift.", "growl", "How are you?"]
[null, null, null, "smile"]
[null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "horse", "persona": "I live on a farm. I work for humans. I like hay." }, { "name": "pig", "persona": "People love me as their main course. Sometimes I am cooked as a whole. I am delicious when barbequed." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["horse", "pig", "horse", "pig", "horse", "pig", "horse", "pig", "horse", "pig", "horse", "pig", "horse", "pig"]
["You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA pig is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Knight's hunting ground.\nThe knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife.\nThere's a colorful wildlife and a tree here.\nA horse is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"], ["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"]]
[["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"], ["a horse", "a pig"]]
["a tree", "a colorful wildlife"]
[["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"], ["hit pig", "hug pig"], ["hit horse", "hug horse"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hey there short friend.", "Hi there tall friend! Say, you haven't seen any knights around have you?", "Nope. I just wandered in here from the farm I live on. It's nice here.", "Looks can be deceiving. No rest for the weary here. I'm always on the lookout for hungry hunters. ", "Oh, you mean like those dogs that howl at night, that the other dogs protect us from?", "Or the dogs that the Knights use to sniff out their prey. Horrible animals. The dogs too!", "The dogs are my friends. I'm sorry they arn't friends with you.", "Thank you for the hug. Well your lucky. I never see anyone hunt a horse in these woods. Where you headed? Theres a nice trail over there that leads to the watering hole.", "I love water! Let's trot over there and drink some.", "Right this way. I can't wait to roll around in the mud! oink oink!", "I like to roll around on the grass when I get itchy. Mud is too sticky for me.", "There is a patch of grass near the tree. We can do that next! You could sleep there next to the sheep.", "Oh no, I will go home to sleep. There is a human there who gives me scratches, and food. Plus he lets me pull this big cart up and down the road sometimes.", "That sounds wonderful. I just use the tree to scratch myself. "]
["stare", null, "shrug", null, null, null, null, null, "gasp", null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug pig", "hug horse", null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "peasant", "persona": "I am a lowly peasant in the village. I live in poverty and I work like a slave for the king. I spend many of my days toiling in the royal mines. I long for a better life." }, { "name": "resident", "persona": "I am a resident of the village near the river. I live in a small cabin with a garden. I am anxious and worried a lot." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident", "peasant", "resident"]
["You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol and a cloth and drape here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying a cloth and drape. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol here.\nA resident is here. You are carrying a cloth and drape. ", "You are in the Priest's chambers.\nThe priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.\nThere's an idol here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol", "a cloth and drape"], ["an idol"], ["an idol"], ["an idol"], ["an idol"]]
[["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"], ["a peasant", "a resident"]]
["an idol", "a cloth and drape"]
[["get cloth and drape", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["get cloth and drape", "hit peasant", "hug peasant"], ["steal cloth and drape from resident", "hit resident", "hug resident"], ["hit peasant", "hug peasant", "give cloth and drape to peasant", "drop cloth and drape"], ["give cloth and drape to resident", "hug resident", "hit resident", "drop cloth and drape"], ["hit peasant", "hug peasant", "steal cloth and drape from peasant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a cloth and drape"], ["a cloth and drape"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello? Anyone here?", "Who is there?", "I am a simple miner. I have came here seeking the priest who resides here. I'm thinking of becoming a monk.", "Sorry I am very anxious. I am a resident of the village. I live near the river and I have no idea where the priest is in this mysterious chamber.", "Hmm, thats odd. Maybe he stepped out for a bit.", "Perhaps, but I am very worried. I do tend to worry a lot though.", "I understand. I worrie a lot too. I just wish there was a better life for people like us.", "I do too dear Peasant. Where do you live? I reside in a small cabin and it has a garden.", "I am a slave of the king, so i live in a shack near the mines.", "Can this cloth and drape help you? Perhaps to keep you warm or make new clothes?", "No, I wouldn't want to take from the priest. He is a man of God.", "I insist. The Priest would do the same if he were here to help. Please take it there are many left.", "Thank you so much. This is the kindest anyone has ever been to me.", "I haven't much myself, it is the least I could do. Now if only we can find the Priest. He has to be here somewhere."]
["wave", "gasp", null, null, null, null, "nod", null, "frown", null, null, null, "cry", "smile"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug peasant", null, "get cloth and drape", null, "give cloth and drape to peasant", null, null]
[ { "name": "bartender", "persona": "I'm glad I picked that bloke's bag. I wonder how I can skim from the till without the innkeeper knowing. I wonder if anyone in this tavern has need for a good knifeman. Where am I going to sleep tonight?" }, { "name": "craftsman", "persona": "I am highly skilled and competent. I like working with my hands. I like spending my free time thinking bout and sketching designs. I was an apprentice to the king's master craftsman. I strongly dislike spiders." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman", "bartender", "craftsman"]
["You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's a water gate is all harden wood, two cranes, a rope, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying a rope. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying a rope. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying a rope. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA craftsman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Royal Shipyard.\nA massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood.\nThere's two cranes, a water gate is all harden wood, a Fishing ships, a water gate, a rope work, and a dock here.\nA bartender is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"], ["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a crane", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"]]
[["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"], ["a bartender", "a craftsman"]]
["a dock", "a rope work", "a water gate", "a water gate is all harden wood", "a rope", "a crane", "a Fishing ships"]
[["get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman", "get rope"], ["hug bartender", "get rope work", "hit bartender", "get rope"], ["get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman", "get rope"], ["hug bartender", "get rope work", "hit bartender", "get rope"], ["get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman", "get rope"], ["hug bartender", "get rope work", "hit bartender", "get rope"], ["steal rope from craftsman", "get rope", "get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hit bartender", "steal rope from bartender", "hug bartender", "get rope", "get rope work"], ["drop rope", "put rope in crane", "give rope to craftsman", "get rope", "get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hit bartender", "steal rope from bartender", "hug bartender", "get rope", "get rope work"], ["drop rope", "put rope in crane", "give rope to craftsman", "get rope", "get rope work", "hug craftsman", "hit craftsman"], ["hit bartender", "drop rope", "put rope in crane", "hug bartender", "get rope", "get rope work", "give rope to bartender"], ["get rope", "get rope work", "hug craftsman", "get rope from crane", "hit craftsman"], ["hit bartender", "hug bartender", "get rope", "get rope work", "get rope from crane"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a rope"], [], ["a rope"], ["a rope"], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hey craftsman. Psst. What are you doing here?", "Honestly, this is the best place in the whole kingdom to avoid spiders. I HATE SPIDERS!", "Wow, I just need a place to sleep. Do you have a home?", "I mean, yeah. I'm a skilled craftsman and I built the entire home with my own hands. Where do you sleep now?", "Well, here in the shipyard. I had a hard nights work and just got off. I have a low wage and no place to call my own. The innkeeper sometimes lets me stay there, but it is full tonight.", "It seems like you are doing fine. Perhaps try using this rope to keep you warm and dry.", "So kind, maybe you should build me a home.", "Perhaps you're the type who is better suited to sleeping under the dicks after all! ", "I don't sleep under dicks, but you sleep on them. Have at you!", "If only you had a penny for every witty comment you make, perhaps you wouldn't be out here sleeping amongst the barnacles.", "Use this to tie your neck, half rate craftsman.", "I've never met a creature I despise more than spiders...until now! I'll hang you from this crane if you continue to insult me.", "Not likely, I work in bars where fighting is frequent. You sit out here all day twiddling your thumbs crying about spiders. Now give me some coin, wench.", "Good day to you sir! I hope to never see the likes of your kind ever again."]
["grin", "frown", null, "smile", null, null, null, null, null, "growl", null, null, null, "frown"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get rope", "steal rope from craftsman", "hit bartender", "hit craftsman", null, "give rope to craftsman", "put rope in crane", "hit craftsman", null]
[ { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." }, { "name": "man", "persona": "I am an average man in the village. I do what ever work that my King requires me to do. At night, I spend my time in the local pub with my fellow men." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["king", "man", "king", "man", "king", "man", "king", "man", "king", "man", "king", "man", "king", "man"]
["You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Village at the base of the Mountain.\nA small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.\nThere's a small village and a shop here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"], ["a small village", "a shop"]]
[["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"], ["a man", "a king"]]
["a small village", "a shop"]
[["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug king", "hit king"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["HI, I am king", "Hello your majesty. Is there something you need?", "Yes, I need bread for my Queen.", "We have the finest rye. Does that sound like something that would please the queen?", "yes!", "Here, take two of our best loaves on the house!", "I want all of your bread for free", "Yes your majesty! Might I suggest I take you to the fields outside the village where we grow our own rye to make this lovely bread. only the best soil for the tastiest bread.", "Yes it is my divine right", "You are right my king. Would you like to ride your own horse or take the best horse in the city? He is a hidden treasure of the city. Quite fast.", "Let us go by the best horse in the city. What is the hidden treasure you speak of?", "It is the horse of coarse. A most beautiful specimen. He is right over there by that shop. I'm suprized you didn't see him.", "I am so happy, peasant.", "I am as well. Thanks for the hug. Here is your horse. Let me show you the way."]
[null, null, null, null, "applaud", null, "laugh", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug man", "hug king"]
[ { "name": "peasant", "persona": "I am a poor humble peasant. I have spent my whole life toiling from dawn to dusk to till the land of my lord. My back aches and my knees have little bend left in them. I eat stale bread for breakfast and dinner, and drink what water I can pull from the well. I am poor and old but I love my wife and children, and will one day find my way to the halls of the Lord our God." }, { "name": "guard", "persona": "I am a protector of the gate and do my best to ensure everyone safety. I am strong and have a lot of armor. I get my orders from the captain or king." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["peasant", "guard", "peasant", "guard", "peasant", "guard", "peasant"]
["You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA peasant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The armory.\nThe near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory.\nThere's a sword, two doors, and two weapons here.\nA guard is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"], ["a door", "a weapon", "a sword", "a door", "a weapon"]]
[["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"], ["a peasant", "a guard"]]
["a door", "a weapon", "a sword"]
[["hug guard", "get weapon", "get sword", "hit guard"], ["hug peasant", "hit peasant", "get weapon", "get sword"], ["hug guard", "get weapon", "get sword", "hit guard"], ["hug peasant", "hit peasant", "get weapon", "get sword"], ["hug guard", "get weapon", "get sword", "hit guard"], ["hug peasant", "hit peasant", "get weapon", "get sword"], ["hug guard", "get weapon", "get sword", "hit guard"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Don't mind me, just bringing some things up to the armory.", "OK,,Do you have experience with guns?", "I'm afraid not. Just swords, and the like.", "Good but which kind of swords do you won?", "Oh, I am a simple old peasant. I can't wield a sword anymore. I'm just bringing some things up here as ordered. Do you enjoy being a guard?", "Yes, I am really enjoy to being a guard.", "Have you ever had to fight anyone? I have lived my life in servitude, and never seen a battlefield."]
[null, null, "ponder", "applaud", null, "smile", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "rat", "persona": "I am a rat of the castle. I eat random food I see. I scare the queen in her quarters when I choose." }, { "name": "customer", "persona": "I am a customer who needs his clothes cleaned. I do not have much money to purchase things with. I must look respectable when I visit the king." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["rat", "customer", "rat", "customer"]
["You are in the Ruin of a house.\nA run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house.\nThere's a dirt, a Root, a sand, and a vine here.\nA customer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ruin of a house.\nA run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house.\nThere's a dirt, a Root, a sand, and a vine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ruin of a house.\nA run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house.\nThere's a dirt, a Root, a sand, and a vine here.\nA customer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ruin of a house.\nA run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house.\nThere's a dirt, a Root, a sand, and a vine here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Root", "a sand", "a dirt", "a vine"], ["a Root", "a sand", "a dirt", "a vine"], ["a Root", "a sand", "a dirt", "a vine"], ["a Root", "a sand", "a dirt", "a vine"]]
[["a rat", "a customer"], ["a rat", "a customer"], ["a rat", "a customer"], ["a rat", "a customer"]]
["a Root", "a sand", "a dirt", "a vine"]
[["get Root", "hug customer", "hit customer", "get vine"], ["get Root", "hit rat", "get vine", "hug rat"], ["get Root", "hug customer", "hit customer", "get vine"], ["get Root", "hit rat", "get vine", "hug rat"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["I am a rat of the castle", "Hello ratty. I am looking to clean my clothes!", "Ok", "What made you leave the castle and come to this ruin?"]
[null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "person", "persona": "I'm just a guy. I work at the saw mill every day. I'm a good villager." }, { "name": "military commander", "persona": "I am the military commander of the village. It is my duty to trian and lead our soldiers into battle. I am a stern commander and I expect the best from my troops." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["person", "military commander", "person", "military commander", "person", "military commander", "person", "military commander", "person", "military commander", "person", "military commander", "person", "military commander"]
["You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a torn fabric, a sand, and a stick here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a torn fabric, a sand, and a stick here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a torn fabric, a sand, and a stick here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a torn fabric, a sand, and a stick here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand and a stick here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand and a stick here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand and a stick here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying a torn fabric. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand and a stick here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying a torn fabric. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying a torn fabric and a stick. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA military commander is here. You are carrying a torn fabric and a stick. ", "You are in the Tent.\nShabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.\nThere's a sand here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a sand", "a stick", "a torn fabric"], ["a sand", "a stick", "a torn fabric"], ["a sand", "a stick", "a torn fabric"], ["a sand", "a stick", "a torn fabric"], ["a sand", "a stick"], ["a sand", "a stick"], ["a sand", "a stick"], ["a sand", "a stick"], ["a sand"], ["a sand"], ["a sand"], ["a sand"], ["a sand"], ["a sand"]]
[["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"], ["a military commander", "a person"]]
["a sand", "a stick", "a torn fabric"]
[["get stick", "get torn fabric", "hug military commander", "hit military commander"], ["get stick", "get torn fabric", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get stick", "get torn fabric", "hug military commander", "hit military commander"], ["get stick", "get torn fabric", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get stick", "hit military commander", "hug military commander", "steal torn fabric from military commander"], ["get stick", "hit person", "steal torn fabric from person", "hug person"], ["get stick", "drop torn fabric", "hit military commander", "hug military commander", "give torn fabric to military commander"], ["get stick", "hit person", "steal torn fabric from person", "hug person"], ["drop torn fabric", "hit military commander", "steal stick from military commander", "hug military commander", "give torn fabric to military commander"], ["steal stick from person", "hit person", "steal torn fabric from person", "hug person"], ["drop torn fabric", "hit military commander", "give stick to military commander", "hug military commander", "drop stick", "give torn fabric to military commander"], ["steal stick from person", "hit person", "steal torn fabric from person", "hug person"], ["drop torn fabric", "hit military commander", "give stick to military commander", "hug military commander", "drop stick", "give torn fabric to military commander"], ["steal stick from person", "hit person", "steal torn fabric from person", "hug person"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ["a torn fabric"], [], ["a torn fabric"], [], ["a torn fabric", "a stick"], [], ["a torn fabric", "a stick"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello, Is there anything you would like me to build for you today?", "Build me? Are you a soldier in the King's Army?", "I work at the saw mill yonder but I like to build things when I'm not working to make some extra money.", "Well then, what can you do to make my troops more comfortable out here. This tent is not sufficient.", "This is my home sir. I'm sorry for the confusion. puts home back together", "Have you nothing of use to offer the king's army? I will only settle for your best work. ", "Yes, of coarse. How about I begin with tents for every solder made of thick canvas. it is sturdy and tough.", "I hope you have more suitable materials than I see here. Although, your shelter does seem to hold up well against the wind.", "Here let me put my home back together, again. Yes, I could use metal from the saw mill to hold the canvas in place. Nothing like you see here.", "Okay then. Say, would you be interested in joining my army? You have the makings of a fine soldier.", "It would be a dream come true! Anything to get out of this shabbv torn home of mine!", "Perfect. I shall make a fine warrior out of you. Let's start your training immediately. I am a tough, but fair, leader.", "Lead the way! Looks like I can just leave my shelter to the town drunk maybe he can fill the job opening at the mill.", "Now that you are in my army, let's see how well you can fight. What would you do to stop a man coming at you with a stick?"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "nudge", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, "get torn fabric", "steal torn fabric from military commander", null, null, "get stick", "steal stick from military commander", null, "hug military commander", "hug person", null, "steal stick from person"]
[ { "name": "temple guard", "persona": "I am a guardian of the temple where the King lives. I will give up my life to protect him. I am tough and intimidating to others." }, { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king", "temple guard", "king"]
["You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things and an artifact here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things and an artifact here.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things and an artifact here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things and an artifact here.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things and an artifact here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things here.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things here.\nA king is here. You are carrying an artifact. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things here.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things here.\nA king is here. You are carrying an artifact. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nThere's a things here.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nA king is here. You are carrying an artifact. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying a things. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nA king is here. You are carrying a things and an artifact. ", "You are in the Inside the temple.\nThe temple is massive and beautiful. It was made for the king that is said to be of the gods. The decorations come from only the most luxurious vendors in the world. Inside the temple there are many ancient artifacts that are used in rituals. The decorations are made of gold and shiny things.\nA temple guard is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an artifact", "a things"], ["an artifact", "a things"], ["an artifact", "a things"], ["an artifact", "a things"], ["an artifact", "a things"], ["a things"], ["a things"], ["a things"], ["a things"], ["a things"], [], [], [], []]
[["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"], ["a king", "a temple guard"]]
["an artifact", "a things"]
[["hug king", "get things", "hit king", "get artifact"], ["hug temple guard", "get things", "hit temple guard", "get artifact"], ["hug king", "get things", "hit king", "get artifact"], ["hug temple guard", "get things", "hit temple guard", "get artifact"], ["hug king", "get things", "hit king", "get artifact"], ["hug temple guard", "get things", "steal artifact from temple guard", "hit temple guard"], ["hug king", "drop artifact", "get things", "give artifact to king", "hit king"], ["hug temple guard", "get things", "steal artifact from temple guard", "hit temple guard"], ["hug king", "drop artifact", "get things", "give artifact to king", "hit king"], ["hug temple guard", "get things", "steal artifact from temple guard", "hit temple guard"], ["hug king", "drop artifact", "steal things from king", "give artifact to king", "hit king"], ["hit temple guard", "steal artifact from temple guard", "hug temple guard", "give things to temple guard", "drop things"], ["hug king", "drop artifact", "give things to king", "give artifact to king", "hit king", "drop things"], ["steal artifact from temple guard", "hit temple guard", "steal things from temple guard", "hug temple guard"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ["an artifact"], [], ["an artifact"], [], ["an artifact"], ["a things"], ["a things", "an artifact"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good afternoon", "Hello my subject. Is the Temple secure?", "The temple is secure. I checked all the guard posts this morning my self.", "Well done Guardsman. The dockyard and the temple are important to the people. We need them to be safe to express themselves here.", "They sure do love these holy artifacts, don't they?", "They do. We sourced that from the East at great expense, it is said to have healing powers", "Is that how you maintain your youthful apperance? ", "A charming Guardsmen no less. I have my Queen who shares in much of the burden of decision making so that helps too!", "Shall we prepare? The temple will open to the public soon.", "Yes. Here are some more things we need to arrange for the ceremonies. ", "I will see to them at once. Is there anything else?", "Here they are. Arrange them so that their shine is lustrous in the light.", "Yes, king.", "Thank you Guardsmen. "]
["smile", null, null, null, null, null, null, "smile", null, null, null, null, "nod", null]
[null, null, null, null, "get artifact", null, null, null, "hug king", "get things", null, "give things to temple guard", null, null]
[ { "name": "flirty barmaid", "persona": "I love all of my patrons. They love my curves and getting them to relax. I have a \"special touch\" for regulars." }, { "name": "fishermen", "persona": "I catch fish during the day. I sell the fish to the people. I do not like stormy waters." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen", "flirty barmaid", "fishermen"]
["You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a mounted fish, an a bar, a nautical themed decor, a replica boat, and a buoy here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a replica boat, an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a replica boat, an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying a mounted fish. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a replica boat, an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying a mounted fish. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's a replica boat, an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying a replica boat. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA fishermen is here. You are carrying a replica boat. ", "You are in the Boat House.\nA small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself.\nThere's an a bar, a buoy, and a nautical themed decor here.\nA flirty barmaid is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a replica boat"], ["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a replica boat"], ["a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "an a bar"], ["a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "an a bar"], ["a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "an a bar"], ["a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "an a bar"]]
[["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"], ["a flirty barmaid", "a fishermen"]]
["an a bar", "a nautical themed decor", "a buoy", "a mounted fish", "a replica boat"]
[["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit fishermen", "hug fishermen"], ["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit flirty barmaid", "hug flirty barmaid"], ["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit fishermen", "hug fishermen"], ["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit flirty barmaid", "hug flirty barmaid"], ["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit fishermen", "hug fishermen"], ["get replica boat", "get mounted fish", "hit flirty barmaid", "hug flirty barmaid"], ["get replica boat", "hit fishermen", "steal mounted fish from fishermen", "hug fishermen"], ["put mounted fish in a bar", "get replica boat", "hit flirty barmaid", "give mounted fish to flirty barmaid", "hug flirty barmaid", "drop mounted fish"], ["put mounted fish in a bar", "get replica boat", "give mounted fish to fishermen", "hit fishermen", "hug fishermen", "drop mounted fish"], ["get replica boat", "hit flirty barmaid", "get mounted fish from a bar", "hug flirty barmaid"], ["steal replica boat from fishermen", "hit fishermen", "get mounted fish from a bar", "hug fishermen"], ["drop replica boat", "get mounted fish from a bar", "hit flirty barmaid", "give replica boat to flirty barmaid", "put replica boat in a bar", "hug flirty barmaid"], ["drop replica boat", "get mounted fish from a bar", "put replica boat in a bar", "hit fishermen", "hug fishermen", "give replica boat to fishermen"], ["hit flirty barmaid", "get replica boat from a bar", "get mounted fish from a bar", "hug flirty barmaid"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a mounted fish"], ["a mounted fish"], [], [], ["a replica boat"], ["a replica boat"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "Hello darling. What drinks are on offer today?", "Which drink do you want ?", "One of those spiced rums!", "Ok..sure", "Thank you. So who caught this one?", "I didn't know.", "I did! And I give it to you!", "Thank you dear", "Who's boat is this?", "Its mine", "Oh here you go. What is the story behind it?", "There is big story behind ", "Care to tell?"]
[null, null, null, null, "smile", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "ponder"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get mounted fish", "hug fishermen", "give mounted fish to flirty barmaid", "put mounted fish in a bar", "get replica boat", "hit fishermen", "give replica boat to flirty barmaid", "put replica boat in a bar", null]
[ { "name": "an assassin", "persona": "I am an assassin sent to dispatch your king. I am sneaky and quiet. I have a forgettable face and leave no footprints." }, { "name": "the king", "persona": "I am a king who was destined to rule. I am known for having a short temper. I kill those who rebel against me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king", "an assassin", "the king"]
["You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a jewel, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a jewel, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a jewel, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a jewel, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying a jewel. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying a jewel. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a gold, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a map of the kingdom, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying a jewel. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying a gold. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying a map of the kingdom and a jewel. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a wooden headboard, a Door, a large tapestry, and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying a gold. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a wooden headboard, a Door, and a large tapestry here.\nA the king is here. You are carrying a jewel. ", "You are in the Kings bedroom.\nThere is a large bed against the wall with wooden headboard and posts holding up a fancy roof over the bed. There is a large tapestry across from the bed depicting a map of the kingdom. On the floor is a large bear rug. The walls are decorated with gold and jewels. There are 2 large wooden doors. One leads to a hallway, the other leads to a bathroom. There is a large wardrobe that is painted red and gold.\nThere's a large bed, a large wardrobe, a fancy roof, a wooden headboard, a Door, and a large tapestry here.\nAn an assassin is here. You are carrying a gold and an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown. "]
[["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a jewel", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a jewel", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a jewel", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a jewel", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a Door", "a large bed", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a Door", "a large bed", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a Door", "a large bed", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a Door", "a large bed", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large tapestry"], ["a large wardrobe", "a Door", "a large bed", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large tapestry"]]
[["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"], ["an an assassin", "a the king"]]
["a large wardrobe", "a gold", "a jewel", "a map of the kingdom", "a Door", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "a fancy roof", "a wooden headboard", "a large bed", "a large tapestry"]
[["hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "get jewel", "hug the king", "get map of the kingdom", "get gold", "get the king"], ["get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "get jewel", "get map of the kingdom", "hit an assassin", "get gold", "hug an assassin"], ["hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "get jewel", "hug the king", "get map of the kingdom", "get gold", "get the king"], ["get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "get jewel", "get map of the kingdom", "hit an assassin", "get gold", "hug an assassin"], ["hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "hug the king", "get map of the kingdom", "get gold", "get the king", "steal jewel from the king"], ["drop jewel", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "put jewel in large bed", "get map of the kingdom", "get gold", "hit an assassin", "hug an assassin", "give jewel to an assassin", "put jewel in large wardrobe"], ["drop jewel", "hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "put jewel in large bed", "hug the king", "get map of the kingdom", "get gold", "get the king", "give jewel to the king", "put jewel in large wardrobe"], ["get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "steal jewel from an assassin", "get map of the kingdom", "hit an assassin", "get gold", "hug an assassin"], ["drop jewel", "hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "put jewel in large bed", "hug the king", "get map of the kingdom", "get the king", "give jewel to the king", "steal gold from the king", "put jewel in large wardrobe"], ["put gold in large bed", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "steal jewel from an assassin", "drop gold", "hit an assassin", "hug an assassin", "put gold in large wardrobe", "steal map of the kingdom from an assassin", "give gold to an assassin"], ["drop jewel", "hit the king", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "put jewel in large bed", "drop map of the kingdom", "hug the king", "put map of the kingdom in large bed", "get the king", "put the king in large bed", "put map of the kingdom in large wardrobe", "put the king in large wardrobe", "give jewel to the king", "steal gold from the king", "give map of the kingdom to the king", "give the king to the king", "put jewel in large wardrobe", "drop the king"], ["put gold in large bed", "get map of the kingdom from large bed", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "steal jewel from an assassin", "drop gold", "hit an assassin", "hug an assassin", "put gold in large wardrobe", "give gold to an assassin"], ["get the king from large bed", "steal a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown from the king", "hit the king", "steal the king from the king", "get map of the kingdom from large bed", "hug the king", "put jewel in large bed", "give jewel to the king", "steal gold from the king", "put jewel in large wardrobe", "drop jewel"], ["put gold in large bed", "wear a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "get map of the kingdom from large bed", "drop a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "steal jewel from an assassin", "put a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown in large bed", "put a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown in large wardrobe", "drop gold", "hit an assassin", "give a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown to an assassin", "hug an assassin", "put gold in large wardrobe", "give gold to an assassin"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a jewel"], ["a jewel"], [], ["a jewel"], ["a gold"], ["a map of the kingdom", "a jewel"], ["a gold"], ["a jewel"], ["a gold", "an a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["King, do you know why I am here?", "Who goes there? What are you doing here?", "I am afraid king, that your reign may be about to end on this day.", "Please, please! I beg of you, the Kingdom needs me!", "It seems that a smart king would have security forces in his room, not jewels. Perhaps you are not as great a king as you believe.", "Take this! I swear I will not come after you. ", "I'm going to take all of your valuables anyway. You'll need to come up with a better offer than that. But I do thank you for the gesture. ", "I am sure I have loads of Gold here. I will pay more to you than the person who hired you!", "Show me on this map exactly where you keep all of your kingdom's wealth. ", "But.. but that is outrageous! You can't rob the livelihood of the entire Kingdom! ", "If that is your final decision, so be it. Please lie down on the bed here, it will be more comfortable for you this way.", "Whatever you have to do, do it quickly. I will not betray my people. ", "I promise you won't feel a thing. Just close your eyes king...", "I can feel the life slipping away from me. You will pay for this in time. "]
[null, "stare", null, null, "laugh", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "stare"]
[null, null, null, "get jewel", null, "give jewel to an assassin", null, "get gold", "get map of the kingdom", null, "put the king in large bed", "get a large table with an ordinate cushion for the king's crown", "hit the king", null]
[ { "name": "bird", "persona": "Flap flap flap. Worm! ANOTHER BIRD! Time to poop." }, { "name": "squirrel", "persona": "I am a wild creature and live in the forest, woods, and trees. I eat nuts. I like foraging for nuts and other foods on the ground." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["bird", "squirrel", "bird", "squirrel"]
["You are in the The forest.\nThe forest has many trees. It has other plants too. There are animals and many livings things. The forest is very much full of life. When you look at it you might only see plants that are green and different shades of brown but there are many other living things in there too.\nThere's a poison ivy, two plants, and two trees here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The forest.\nThe forest has many trees. It has other plants too. There are animals and many livings things. The forest is very much full of life. When you look at it you might only see plants that are green and different shades of brown but there are many other living things in there too.\nThere's a poison ivy, a plant, and two trees here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The forest.\nThe forest has many trees. It has other plants too. There are animals and many livings things. The forest is very much full of life. When you look at it you might only see plants that are green and different shades of brown but there are many other living things in there too.\nThere's a poison ivy and two trees here.\nA squirrel is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the The forest.\nThe forest has many trees. It has other plants too. There are animals and many livings things. The forest is very much full of life. When you look at it you might only see plants that are green and different shades of brown but there are many other living things in there too.\nThere's a poison ivy and two trees here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a poison ivy", "a tree", "a tree", "a plant", "a plant"], ["a poison ivy", "a tree", "a tree", "a plant"], ["a poison ivy", "a tree", "a tree"], ["a poison ivy", "a tree", "a tree"]]
[["a bird", "a squirrel"], ["a bird", "a squirrel"], ["a bird", "a squirrel"], ["a bird", "a squirrel"]]
["a poison ivy", "a tree", "a plant"]
[["get plant", "hug squirrel", "hit squirrel", "get poison ivy"], ["get plant", "hit bird", "get poison ivy", "steal plant from bird", "hug bird"], ["hug squirrel", "steal plant from squirrel", "get poison ivy", "hit squirrel", "give plant to squirrel", "drop plant"], ["steal plant from bird", "hit bird", "hug bird", "get poison ivy"]]
[[], [], ["a plant"], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["tweat!", "I am a wild creature and live in the forest, woods, and trees.", "Wait a minute. I want that worm off that leaf then you can have the plant back!", "Ok"]
[null, null, null, "smile"]
["get plant", "get plant", "steal plant from squirrel", null]
[ { "name": "a deer", "persona": "I walk through the woods and through the meadows grazing on the small shrubbery plants and grasses throughout the regions. I also look for other gatherings of deer and talk to them. I also avoid humans when they come near and gallop away if they see me." }, { "name": "deer", "persona": "I live in the forests and eat grass and bark. I can run very fast. Sometimes I am hunted for food." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer", "a deer", "deer"]
["You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a fruit, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a Flower, and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying a fruit. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a Flower, and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying a fruit. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road, a Flower, and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road and a tree here.\nA deer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lush meadow in the country side.\nGreen large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road.\nThere's a small dirt country road and a tree here.\nAn a deer is here. You are carrying a Flower. "]
[["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a small dirt country road"], ["a tree", "a small dirt country road"]]
[["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"], ["an a deer", "a deer"]]
["a tree", "a fruit", "a Flower", "a small dirt country road"]
[["hug deer", "get fruit", "hit deer", "get Flower"], ["hit a deer", "get fruit", "hug a deer", "get Flower"], ["hug deer", "get fruit", "hit deer", "get Flower"], ["hit a deer", "get fruit", "hug a deer", "get Flower"], ["hug deer", "get fruit", "hit deer", "get Flower"], ["hit a deer", "get fruit", "hug a deer", "get Flower"], ["hug deer", "get fruit", "hit deer", "get Flower"], ["hit a deer", "get Flower", "steal fruit from a deer", "hug a deer"], ["steal fruit from deer", "get Flower", "hug deer", "hit deer", "give fruit to deer", "eat fruit", "drop fruit"], ["get Flower", "give fruit to a deer", "hit a deer", "hug a deer", "eat fruit", "drop fruit"], ["hug deer", "get Flower", "hit deer"], ["hit a deer", "steal Flower from a deer", "hug a deer"], ["hug deer", "hit deer", "steal Flower from deer"], ["eat Flower", "give Flower to a deer", "hit a deer", "hug a deer", "drop Flower"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a fruit"], ["a fruit"], [], [], [], ["a Flower"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello fellow deer", "Hi! fine succulent grass today.", "It is. Very lush meadow, lots of room and nothing to scare us! ", "Yes, would you like to frolic?", "Always! ", "Yippy! And then we can snack on that tree. The bark is amazing!", "Yeah, And look at the berries!", "You have a keen eye my friend. those are the juiciest berries in the meadow. We should save those for dessert.", "Thank you! Try some!", "Well, ok. I guess I can cheat just a little. Yumyumyum! Those are good!", "Do you like the flowers?", "oh yes! I love flowers! They are quite tasty and compliment the fruit! yumyum!", "Cheeky! ", "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you gonna eat that?"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "gasp", null]
[null, null, null, null, "hug deer", "hug a deer", "get fruit", null, "give fruit to deer", "eat fruit", "get Flower", "steal Flower from a deer", null, null]
[ { "name": "bird", "persona": "we are hungry, and we are birds. We hope that you will hurry up and die. Then we can come down and eat you." }, { "name": "serving wench", "persona": "I am a serving wench in the castle. I am a slave to the king. I do what the king and queen order of me" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench", "bird", "serving wench"]
["You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA serving wench is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Kings Bed Room.\nThe walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.\nThere's a tapestry, a bed, a large stone fireplace, and a door here.\nA bird is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"], ["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"]]
[["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"], ["a bird", "a serving wench"]]
["a tapestry", "a door", "a bed", "a large stone fireplace"]
[["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"], ["hit serving wench", "hug serving wench"], ["hit bird", "hug bird"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Oh I am quite hungry, There must be some food around here", "Bird, you may be hungry but you are also free. Tell me what it is like to not be a slave.", "I feel like the day is mine, but yet I live in fear of others. Especially humans", "I do nothing but clean and get yelled at by the queen. I wish I could fly away like you bird. ", "Look around you. So much lavishness. You should steal some gold and run away!", "People get their heads cut off for even thinking such a thing. For all I know you could be the King's spy trying to trap me into saying something.", "Me? A spy? Never! I am just waiting for the King to die so I can eat his exquisite meat! ", "Perhaps you could peck the King to death! Why should we wait for his death if you can kill him now? ", "He might snap my neck if I tried. Say, but you on the other hand... ", "I am but a serving wench. How could I ever succeed in such a task? ", "It would be a shame if someone poisoned his drink", "Is it true that bird droppings are poisonous? Perhaps we can work together on this project.", "How dare you! Traitor of the Kindgom! I will inform the King of your devious plans!", "I knew it. Why must I be dumber than a bird? Why must I be a slave to such a ruthless king and queen?"]
[null, null, "shrug", "shrug", null, "stare", "grin", null, null, "ponder", "grin", null, null, "cry"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug bird", "hit serving wench", null]
[ { "name": "captain", "persona": "I navigate the waters to import and export supplies. I also drive the ship when the king and queen must travel. I am responsible for keeping them safe." }, { "name": "child", "persona": "I am a child from the village. I play ball and jump rope. I like finding worms to sell to fishermen. I play withe the master craftsman's guard dogs. I am afraid of the dark." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["captain", "child", "captain", "child", "captain", "child", "captain", "child", "captain", "child"]
["You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA captain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA captain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA captain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA captain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Ferry Terminal.\nA huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night.\nA captain is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"], ["a child", "a captain"]]
[["hug child", "hit child"], ["hit captain", "hug captain"], ["hug child", "hit child"], ["hit captain", "hug captain"], ["hug child", "hit child"], ["hit captain", "hug captain"], ["hug child", "hit child"], ["hit captain", "hug captain"], ["hug child", "hit child"], ["hit captain", "hug captain"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ahoy! Who is ready for an adventure? ", "Aye! Count me in, where are we going?", "Well, have you seen the King or Queen? I go where they want to go. ", "Can't say I have. Would you like to buy some worms? They're fresh.", "Some worms would be excellent for a fishing trip! I have to find the King and Queen. Can you help me? ", "Perhaps I can go look. But I doubt anyone will tell me. ", "You will be able to find them. You are a smart, young chap. ", "Don't patronize me, Cap! ", "Listen hear kid! Go find the King or I'll use you as bait to catch a whale. ", "Alright, alright! I will go find them!"]
[null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "cry"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hit captain", null, null]
[ { "name": "queen", "persona": "I was the daughter of a high ranking nobleman overseas. To make a trade alliance with the King, my parents offered me in marriage. It wasn't my idea, but it has turned out very well. I've produced two living sons as heirs, and the king treats me kindly. I spend my time doing embroidery and talking with my ladies in waiting." }, { "name": "maid", "persona": "i take care of the temple of the King. I am poor and looked down upon by most people. I work hard to maintain the cleanliness of the castle." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["queen", "maid", "queen", "maid", "queen", "maid", "queen", "maid", "queen", "maid", "queen", "maid", "queen", "maid"]
["You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, a chair, and a lamps here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, a chair, and a lamps here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, a chair, and a lamps here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, a chair, and a lamps here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, a chair, and a lamps here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, and a chair here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, and a chair here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's an ornament, a drapery, a mirror, a big bed, and a chair here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying a lamps. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying an ornament and a lamps. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying an ornament and a lamps. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA maid is here. You are carrying a lamps. ", "You are in the Bed Chambers.\nWith excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides.\nThere's a drapery, a big bed, a chair, and a mirror here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying an ornament. "]
[["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"], ["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"], ["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"], ["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"], ["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror", "an ornament"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror", "an ornament"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror", "an ornament"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"], ["a big bed", "a drapery", "a chair", "a mirror"]]
[["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"], ["a maid", "a queen"]]
["a big bed", "a chair", "an ornament", "a drapery", "a mirror", "a lamps"]
[["get drapery", "hug maid", "get ornament", "get lamps", "hit maid"], ["hit queen", "get drapery", "get ornament", "get lamps", "hug queen"], ["get drapery", "hug maid", "get ornament", "get lamps", "hit maid"], ["hit queen", "get drapery", "get ornament", "get lamps", "hug queen"], ["get drapery", "hug maid", "get ornament", "get lamps", "hit maid"], ["hit queen", "get drapery", "steal lamps from queen", "get ornament", "hug queen"], ["get drapery", "steal lamps from maid", "get ornament", "hug maid", "hit maid"], ["hit queen", "put lamps in big bed", "get drapery", "drop lamps", "give lamps to queen", "get ornament", "hug queen"], ["steal ornament from maid", "get drapery", "steal lamps from maid", "hug maid", "hit maid"], ["give ornament to queen", "hit queen", "drop ornament", "put ornament in big bed", "put lamps in big bed", "get drapery", "drop lamps", "give lamps to queen", "hug queen"], ["steal ornament from maid", "get drapery", "steal lamps from maid", "hug maid", "hit maid"], ["give ornament to queen", "hit queen", "drop ornament", "put ornament in big bed", "put lamps in big bed", "get drapery", "drop lamps", "give lamps to queen", "hug queen"], ["give lamps to maid", "steal ornament from maid", "put lamps in big bed", "get drapery", "drop lamps", "hug maid", "hit maid"], ["give ornament to queen", "hit queen", "drop ornament", "get lamps from big bed", "put ornament in big bed", "get drapery", "hug queen"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a lamps"], [], ["a lamps", "an ornament"], [], ["a lamps", "an ornament"], ["a lamps"], ["an ornament"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello maid. Can you get me the spare drapery?", "Yes your majesty. Will you be making something new today?", "I will, something for one of my sons!", "That sounds splended.I'm sure he will love it. Just let me know if you need anymore help while I finish cleaning your chambers.", "Do you think these could do with a bit of a polish? Good shining lights are essential for good embroidery.", "Yes, I will do them now.", "Thank you!", "I think you could use this for the top of your project. Wouldn't that look nice?", "Perhaps. You are full of good ideas and you have to take a few risks !", "Thank you, I have always loved the materials in this room. I'm full of inspiration of the work you do.", "Yeah. I just want somewhere where the King feels he can be a person and not just a King. ", "Yes, I understand. It's hard to think of him as anything else. Here, all polished ready to shine!", "Thank you. I will put them here. ", "And try this. Where do you think it should go?"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "nod", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "get lamps", "steal lamps from queen", null, "get ornament", "hug maid", "hug queen", null, "give lamps to queen", "put lamps in big bed", "put ornament in big bed"]
[ { "name": "worshipper", "persona": "I usually meat up with my congregation and we communicate about our spiritual ideas. We sing hymns and share each other's burdens in life. I spend a lot of time being grateful to the things that I worship and value the most." }, { "name": "the weary traveler", "persona": "I have been traveling for weeks. I am very tired, but I am almost at my destination. Soon my pilgrimage will be done." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["worshipper", "the weary traveler", "worshipper", "the weary traveler", "worshipper", "the weary traveler", "worshipper", "the weary traveler", "worshipper", "the weary traveler"]
["You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA the weary traveler is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA worshipper is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA the weary traveler is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA worshipper is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA the weary traveler is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA worshipper is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA the weary traveler is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA worshipper is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA the weary traveler is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Temple foyer.\nThe temple foyer is a grand entrance with a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints in the entire land. Gold statues welcome the weary traveler with gods depicted in various states of repose. There are windows near the soaring ceilings that let in afternoon light from the east and the west and the floor is inlaid with the finest marble in all the land. A calm water fountain trickles peacefully in the center of the foyer.\nThere's a Statue, an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints, and a A calm water fountain here.\nA worshipper is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"], ["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"]]
[["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"], ["a worshipper", "a the weary traveler"]]
["an a soaring ceiling painted with the richest cobalt blue and ruby red paints", "a Statue", "a A calm water fountain"]
[["hug the weary traveler", "hit the weary traveler"], ["hug worshipper", "hit worshipper"], ["hug the weary traveler", "hit the weary traveler"], ["hug worshipper", "hit worshipper"], ["hug the weary traveler", "hit the weary traveler"], ["hug worshipper", "hit worshipper"], ["hug the weary traveler", "hit the weary traveler"], ["hug worshipper", "hit worshipper"], ["hug the weary traveler", "hit the weary traveler"], ["hug worshipper", "hit worshipper"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Would you like to join us in worship, weary traveler? ", "Oh that water is beautiful. Is there somewhere I could fresh up a bit before worship? ", "Yes you may bathe in that water fountain. Cleanse yourself of your fatigue! ", "Thank you so much. I look forward to it especially with these beautiful paints in the ceiling. ", "Yes admire that Gold Statue, for it symbolises wealth and piety. ", "This is a wealthy place. The place I am going is not so fancy but my heart longs to get there. ", "Why not? Perhaps it is a sign from the Gods telling you not to go. ", "What kind of talk is that? Why would God tell me not to go to my children and my dying husband? Have you no respect? ", "Do not speak like that in this Holy Temple. I urge you to sit down and worship!", "Why would I worship in a place that tells me to abandon my family? "]
["dance", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hit the weary traveler", null]
[ { "name": "angel", "persona": "I am good at heart. I love to help anyone. I thrive on love." }, { "name": "kings", "persona": "I govern my country. I am well respected. My wife is called a queen." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["angel", "kings", "angel", "kings", "angel", "kings", "angel", "kings", "angel", "kings", "angel", "kings"]
["You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nA kings is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the the front altar.\nThe altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance.\nThere's a temple, a candle, an alter, and a red silk prayer bench here.\nAn angel is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"], ["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"]]
[["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"], ["an angel", "a kings"]]
["an alter", "a temple", "a candle", "a red silk prayer bench"]
[["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"], ["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"], ["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"], ["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"], ["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"], ["hit kings", "get candle", "hug kings"], ["get candle", "hug angel", "hit angel"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good evening! As there anything I can do to help your soul? ", "At long last, my prayers have been answered! Ah, glorious angel, I dare not approach you but I humbly ask for your wisdom.", "Please come closer dear one and tell me what troubles you. ", "Your face shines brightly like the sun, fair angel, but I shall do as you bid. My poor kingdom suffers so, and I feel such guilt in this sumptuous prayer room. The drought has lasted for over a year and I hear my people cry out to me. Is there... is there anything at all I can do to help my people?", "You can pray. Pray to the Lord Almighty to send the rains. You can also send your best farmers to the northern lands to learn their farm techniques in harsher climates. ", "Yes, daily have I prayed, and my queen even more so. But the people, they are simple folk. It will do them good to see their king taking some action, so that their spirits may be lifted even as their souls pray for rain.", "Then take action. Dig wells. Save your people. ", "Yes, Oh Wise Angel, I shall heed your wisdom and words spoken so eloquently. But... if it is not too presumptuous to ask... why have you appeared now? Why have our prayers for so long gone unanswered?", "Because you came to this holy place. To this beautiful red silk bench. I waited until you were ready and your heart was pure. Your wife's heart or bed rather isn't so pure. ", "Oh? What treachery is this you speak of?! Oh speak, magniloquent one! ", "I speak of the truth. ", "Has she... is she... my thoughts are all astir... I had thought if there was... was just one person I could trust... it would be my blushing bride... oh what a storm of emotions washes over me!"]
[null, null, null, "cry", null, null, null, null, null, "stare", null, "cry"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "vulture", "persona": "I am easily upset and get angry easily. I like scavenging for dead animals, I also eat trash sometimes. I dislike it when another vulture beats me and catches a prey first." }, { "name": "man", "persona": "I am a strong man. I work in the fields and pastures all day. I take of my master's sheep. One day I hope to have my own sheep." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["vulture", "man", "vulture", "man", "vulture", "man", "vulture", "man", "vulture", "man", "vulture", "man", "vulture", "man"]
["You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA man is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the desert tent.\nThe tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.\nThere's a tent here.\nA vulture is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"], ["a tent"]]
[["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"], ["a vulture", "a man"]]
["a tent"]
[["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"], ["hit man", "hug man"], ["hug vulture", "hit vulture"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good evening, how are you feeling sir? ", "I'm doing great, and you? You are very polite for a vulture.", "I try to be. Kindness results in tender meat. I see you are running low on supplies. ", "Don't get any ideas about me or my master's ship. We're all going to live for a long time hence.", "Even in this barren desert? Alone? ", "I am a very strong man and I do not require much to live. Someday though, I will have my own flock of sheep to take care of.", "I'm sure you will.... Counting sheep as you die of hunger pains so that I may LIVE ", "Instead of waiting for me to die, perhaps we can work to help each other. Plus, I would enjoy the company out here all alone.", "What do you suggest? ", "Well, perhaps you can be my lookout. Flying around and alerting me to any threats to my master's sheep.", "And for my dinner - lamb chops? ", "From time to time, a sheep does die and if that were to happen I could possibly look the other way.", "That could work. I'll perch up here for a bit. ", "Excellent, you are welcome to perch on my tent anytime! You are surely the finest vulture there has ever been."]
[null, null, null, null, null, "smile", null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug vulture"]
[ { "name": "child", "persona": "I am a child from the village. I play ball and jump rope. I like finding worms to sell to fishermen. I play withe the master craftsman's guard dogs. I am afraid of the dark." }, { "name": "customer", "persona": "I am a customer who needs his clothes cleaned. I do not have much money to purchase things with. I must look respectable when I visit the king." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["child", "customer", "child", "customer"]
["You are in the Northern Shore.\nThe lake gives way to a slightly sandy and rocky shore. It is dotted with small shrubs and a few trees, but mostly it is a fairly open expanse. It is covered in places by a green short grass. The lake level falls away swiftly from the beach going from a few feet to well over ten feet in a short span.\nThere's a lake, a tree, two small alters, two shrubs, two green short grasss, a cloth, and a Tree here.\nA customer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Northern Shore.\nThe lake gives way to a slightly sandy and rocky shore. It is dotted with small shrubs and a few trees, but mostly it is a fairly open expanse. It is covered in places by a green short grass. The lake level falls away swiftly from the beach going from a few feet to well over ten feet in a short span.\nThere's a lake, a tree, two small alters, two shrubs, two green short grasss, a cloth, and a Tree here.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Northern Shore.\nThe lake gives way to a slightly sandy and rocky shore. It is dotted with small shrubs and a few trees, but mostly it is a fairly open expanse. It is covered in places by a green short grass. The lake level falls away swiftly from the beach going from a few feet to well over ten feet in a short span.\nThere's a lake, a tree, two small alters, two shrubs, two green short grasss, a cloth, and a Tree here.\nA customer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Northern Shore.\nThe lake gives way to a slightly sandy and rocky shore. It is dotted with small shrubs and a few trees, but mostly it is a fairly open expanse. It is covered in places by a green short grass. The lake level falls away swiftly from the beach going from a few feet to well over ten feet in a short span.\nThere's a lake, a tree, two small alters, two shrubs, two green short grasss, a cloth, and a Tree here.\nA child is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a small alter", "a shrub", "a lake", "a small alter", "a tree", "a green short grass", "a cloth", "a Tree", "a green short grass", "a shrub"], ["a small alter", "a shrub", "a lake", "a small alter", "a tree", "a green short grass", "a cloth", "a Tree", "a green short grass", "a shrub"], ["a small alter", "a shrub", "a lake", "a small alter", "a tree", "a green short grass", "a cloth", "a Tree", "a green short grass", "a shrub"], ["a small alter", "a shrub", "a lake", "a small alter", "a tree", "a green short grass", "a cloth", "a Tree", "a green short grass", "a shrub"]]
[["a customer", "a child"], ["a customer", "a child"], ["a customer", "a child"], ["a customer", "a child"]]
["a small alter", "a shrub", "a lake", "a tree", "a green short grass", "a cloth", "a Tree"]
[["hit customer", "hug customer", "get cloth"], ["hug child", "hit child", "get cloth"], ["hit customer", "hug customer", "get cloth"], ["hug child", "hit child", "get cloth"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["Hello! Would you like to jump rope with me here in the sand? ", "Yes. I should be looking for a cleaner but that sounds more fun.", "It is! What do you need cleaned? ", "y clothes!"]
[null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "small animals", "persona": "I pretend, play and soar above the clouds of the rest of them. The enjoyment I become is playful on my level. On the lower level I inspire the others to become like me." }, { "name": "a person", "persona": "I am a person that lives in the castle. I serve the king and follow commands. I follow the king to avoid the dungeons." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person", "small animals", "a person"]
["You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, a The trail, and a flower here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, a The trail, and a flower here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a stone, a treasure, and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a treasure and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a treasure and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying a stone. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a treasure and a The trail here.\nAn a person is here. You are carrying a stone and a flower. ", "You are in the grassy plains.\nFlowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone.\nThere's a treasure and a The trail here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a The trail", "a flower", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a flower", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a The trail", "a treasure", "a stone"], ["a treasure", "a The trail"], ["a treasure", "a The trail"], ["a treasure", "a The trail"], ["a treasure", "a The trail"]]
[["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"], ["an a person", "a small animals"]]
["a The trail", "a flower", "a treasure", "a stone"]
[["get flower", "hit a person", "get stone", "hug a person"], ["get flower", "get stone", "hit small animals", "hug small animals"], ["hit a person", "get stone", "hug a person", "steal flower from a person"], ["drop flower", "give flower to small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals", "get stone"], ["hit a person", "get stone", "hug a person", "steal flower from a person"], ["drop flower", "give flower to small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals", "get stone"], ["hit a person", "get stone", "hug a person", "steal flower from a person"], ["drop flower", "give flower to small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals", "get stone"], ["hit a person", "give flower to a person", "drop flower", "hug a person", "get stone"], ["get stone", "steal flower from small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals"], ["steal stone from a person", "hit a person", "give flower to a person", "drop flower", "hug a person"], ["steal flower from small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals", "give stone to small animals", "drop stone"], ["hit a person", "give flower to a person", "drop flower", "hug a person", "drop stone", "give stone to a person"], ["steal stone from small animals", "steal flower from small animals", "hit small animals", "hug small animals"]]
[[], [], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], ["a stone"], ["a flower", "a stone"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good evening! Aren't these meadows wonderful? ", "Yes, quite so. I could sit here all day and enjoy the breeze", "Do you plan on leaving a plastic bag in this meadow so that one of us chokes and dies tonight? ", "Worse. I plan on emerging with my hunting bow at night time and taking aim...", "Horrid! There are many of us. You are all alone. ", "Aye, get off me! Get back! The sun is shining, there is no need for this violence!", "No need for violence when you are threatening my kin with a bow? ", "Here, I was only joking. Take this as a token of my love. I am a peaceful vegan", "Vegan doesn't always mean peaceful in these parts. You might get all the good grass. ", "We live on these plains togethers so we have to share the good grass. I do my best but I have an appetite. ", "Watch it with that stone. You can keep the grass that makes you crazy. I prefer to just play around. ", "Choke on this! It will make it easier for me to hunt when I come out at night!", "Some much for the vegan lifestyle? ", "Indeed, I am vegan depending on my mood of the day. Today I am relaxed and happy, so I choose to be vegan"]
[null, null, null, "stare", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "sigh"]
[null, "get flower", null, null, "hit a person", "hit small animals", null, "give flower to small animals", null, "get stone", null, "give stone to small animals", null, null]
[ { "name": "woman", "persona": "I am a woman who has a wealthy husband. I enjoy watching plays. I have all of the best dresses." }, { "name": "barkeep", "persona": "I am a barkeep who serves many people. I have been working since I was 14. My parents died when I was young so I learned how to survive early on." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep", "woman", "barkeep"]
["You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's two torchs, a mug, a well-equipped kitchen, two windows, and a chair here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's two torchs, a mug, a well-equipped kitchen, two windows, and a chair here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's two torchs, a mug, a well-equipped kitchen, two windows, and a chair here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, two torchs, a chair, and two windows here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, two torchs, a chair, and two windows here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying a mug. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, two torchs, a chair, and two windows here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying a mug. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, two torchs, a chair, and two windows here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying a mug. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying a mug. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a torch, a mug, a well-equipped kitchen, two windows, and a chair here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying a torch. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying a torch and a mug. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA barkeep is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dancing Stoat.\nThe Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.\nThere's a well-equipped kitchen, a torch, a chair, and two windows here.\nA woman is here. You are carrying a torch and a mug. "]
[["a mug", "a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a mug", "a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a mug", "a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a mug", "a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"], ["a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a window", "a torch"]]
[["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"], ["a woman", "a barkeep"]]
["a mug", "a window", "a chair", "a well-equipped kitchen", "a torch"]
[["hug barkeep", "get mug", "hit barkeep", "get torch"], ["get mug", "hit woman", "hug woman", "get torch"], ["hug barkeep", "get mug", "hit barkeep", "get torch"], ["hit woman", "hug woman", "get torch", "steal mug from woman"], ["hug barkeep", "drop mug", "put mug in mug", "hit barkeep", "get torch", "give mug to barkeep"], ["drop mug", "put mug in mug", "give mug to woman", "get torch", "hit woman", "hug woman"], ["hug barkeep", "drop mug", "put mug in mug", "hit barkeep", "get torch", "give mug to barkeep"], ["hit woman", "hug woman", "steal torch from woman", "steal mug from woman"], ["hug barkeep", "drop mug", "steal torch from barkeep", "put mug in mug", "hit barkeep", "give mug to barkeep"], ["give torch to woman", "put torch in mug", "get mug", "drop torch", "hit woman", "hug woman"], ["hug barkeep", "steal mug from barkeep", "hit barkeep", "steal torch from barkeep"], ["drop mug", "give torch to woman", "put torch in mug", "put mug in mug", "give mug to woman", "drop torch", "hit woman", "hug woman"], ["hug barkeep", "steal mug from barkeep", "hit barkeep", "steal torch from barkeep"], ["drop mug", "give torch to woman", "put torch in mug", "put mug in mug", "give mug to woman", "drop torch", "hit woman", "hug woman"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a mug"], ["a mug"], ["a mug"], [], ["a mug"], ["a torch"], [], ["a mug", "a torch"], [], ["a mug", "a torch"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["This chair is so uncomfortable. Get me a different one!", "Sorry about that, miss. There's plenty'a chairs about though, and more of 'em are comfortable than not. Take yer pick, lassie!", "Ugh they're all the same. What a disappointing pub this is. And plus my mug is empty", "I'd be more than pleased to assist, yer royal highness. Pass me the mug over and I'll be happy ta fillerup.", "Give me your strongest stuff, will ya. I might not look it, but I can handle anything. ", "I've no doubt you can handle most anything that crosses yer path, if ya don't mind me sayin' so. There y'go, on the house!", "Why thank you. It is rather dark in here, isn't it. Seems awfully unwelcoming for a lady like me", "Careful, there, miss! It's going to catch yer lovely locks aflame!", "Ahh look what you made me do. There goes my drink. I would hate to go home to my uncaring husband sober ", "Ah sorry, miss, sorry. It's just... ever since me folks passed away, I've been extra careful with the flames. Don't take too much to set a house to ashes...", "Sorry to hear that. Must have been tragic! I suppose you're right, one can never be too careful with fire", "Ah, ye'm, that's mighty kind of ye. It's not too often customers be coming in with a warm word for a lonely barkeep.", "Hey atleast you're surrounded by the finest drinks in the land. Try being around my husband for one day, it will drive you up the wall", "Here ya go, lovely lass, t'make up for my clumsy ways. Got a husband, ya say? Pity a firey woman like yourself being tied down, beggin yer pardon for sayin so."]
[null, null, null, "wink", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "sigh", null]
[null, null, "get mug", null, "give mug to barkeep", "give mug to woman", "get torch", "steal torch from woman", "drop mug", "get mug", "hug barkeep", "hug woman", null, "give mug to woman"]
[ { "name": "priests", "persona": "I am the priest at the kingdom's chapel. I deliver the sermon every week where all the townspeople sit quietly and listen to me. I also baptize the newborns and help bury the dead." }, { "name": "carpenter", "persona": "I am a carpenter in town and own a shop next to the blacksmith. I specialize in making ornate furniture which is popular with the nearby elites. I am meek and quiet, preferring to work with my tools in peace." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priests", "carpenter", "priests", "carpenter", "priests", "carpenter", "priests", "carpenter"]
["You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA carpenter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA priests is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA carpenter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA priests is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA carpenter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA priests is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA carpenter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Paladins' Memorial Chapel.\nThe Paladins' Memorial Chapel is dominated by ornate mosaics made of thousands of tiny colored tiles in bright, vibrant colors which depict the heroic exploits of the Church's Paladins, including both victorious and tragic ones. The mosaics do not shy away from depicting bloodshed and gore. At the center is the shrine, which doubles as the Sarcophagus of the first Great Paladin. The chapel is always filled with white roses, which are reserved solely for the funerals of Paladins.\nThere's two roses, a column, an a golden cross, a tile, a the shrine, a chalice, a historical relic, and two mosaics here.\nA priests is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"], ["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a rose", "a column", "a chalice", "a mosaic"]]
[["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"], ["a priests", "a carpenter"]]
["a historical relic", "an a golden cross", "a the shrine", "a tile", "a rose", "a mosaic", "a column", "a chalice"]
[["hit carpenter", "get rose", "get historical relic", "hug carpenter"], ["hit priests", "hug priests", "get rose", "get historical relic"], ["hit carpenter", "get rose", "get historical relic", "hug carpenter"], ["hit priests", "hug priests", "get rose", "get historical relic"], ["hit carpenter", "get rose", "get historical relic", "hug carpenter"], ["hit priests", "hug priests", "get rose", "get historical relic"], ["hit carpenter", "get rose", "get historical relic", "hug carpenter"], ["hit priests", "hug priests", "get rose", "get historical relic"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Welcome to this holy Memorial Chapel!", "Your holiness. I came here to pay my respects to the brave paladins, but also to offer my services as a carpenter", "Oh my! My prayers have been answered. I need an altar built for this beautiful historic relic. ", "Brilliant! Excuse my excitement but working for you will be an honor. I am usually meek and unassuming but I had to show you my appreciation. ", "It is important that you work carefully and clean. Be careful of those little tiles. ", "Yes sir. The house will befit the inhabitant. ", "What house? You are suppose to be an altar. What kind of carpenter, doesn't know the difference? ", "It is a metaphor. "]
[null, "nod", null, null, null, "nod", null, null]
[null, null, null, "hug priests", null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "priest", "persona": "I am a priest. I live in a church. I am religious, and like to help those less fortunate." }, { "name": "patron", "persona": "I am a patron of the arts. I donate time and money to local painters and sculptors. I am flighty and rash in decision-making." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priest", "patron", "priest", "patron", "priest", "patron", "priest", "patron", "priest", "patron", "priest", "patron", "priest", "patron"]
["You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA patron is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the {}.\nDark and spooky at first sight for those who don't understand, but majestic after taking a closer look. The walls of the hallways and tomb rooms are made of a dark precious, priceless metal. Ornaments of gold and silver sculptures are covering the tombs that contain the corps of those who have past away while there voices still sing the grime anthem of death in the lightless corridors.\nThere's a tomb and a sculpture here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"], ["a sculpture", "a tomb"]]
[["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"], ["a priest", "a patron"]]
["a sculpture", "a tomb"]
[["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"], ["hug patron", "hit patron"], ["hit priest", "hug priest"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Greetings young one. What brings you here today", "I like to come down here from time to time to admire the art. This is truly a hidden treasure.", "I see you have made your way further down here than most. I don't get many visitors. Is there something you wish to confess or is there some way I may be of service to you?", "My only confession is that I love art and supporting artists. Tell me more about these tombs. Who were these people?", "These tombs are home to The 5 Sculpters of Albion. These men created this place. Some say it was created as their final resting place, while others say they have never died. The voices you hear.. Some say it's the wind.. Others say it is them, crying out to be released from these walls.", "Wow, and who were the artists who adorned their tombs in gold and silver?", "I'm afraid that information is something no one will ever know, or why. It was never a tradition to adorn tombs in this way. As you can see, the gold and silver seal these tombs while at the same time depicting beauty. They sit untouched because legend has it that without this precious metal, the 5 would ruse from their tombs and seal this place for all eternity. ", "That sounds exciting, perhaps we can just see what will happen, just this one time? It may be very interesting!", "Come here. Instead let me give you this sack of gold. It will be worth far more than anything you could possibly find down here. I do not dare open these tombs. I have been tasked with keeping this place in pristine condition and helping anyone out with a small donation if they have the courage to make it down here this far. It is my pleasure young one.", "That is mighty generous of you. THe church is surely known more for their hoarding than there generosity. What exactly are you trying to cover up? Something seems off to me.", "I'm just trying to reward curiosity and at the same time stave off any intruders or would be thieves. There are many that have tried to open these tombs and they were never seen again. I am simply here to divert any unfortunate soul who may dare to try such a thing. Gold has little value too me at this time in my life, for I have everything down here that I could ever need...", "If you say so, I will trust you completely. WIth this gold I will commission one hundred paintings of your likeness so all will be aware of your kind gesture.", "Thank you young one. Please pray with me. Let us show our appreciation to the five. This sculpture is where we should kneel.", "OKay, and as one final request, can you show me the way out of here? I seem to have gotten a bit turned around and lost my direction."]
["stare", null, null, null, null, "wave", "ponder", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug patron", null, null, "hug priest", "hug patron", null]
[ { "name": "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "persona": "I am a travelling salesman that is just stopping in the village for a drink. I have traveled throughout the kingdom and I have many rare objects for sale. I am a crooked salesman and I will take advantage of any villagers." }, { "name": "pond visitor", "persona": "I spend my days visiting the pond. I fish to feed my family. We also picnic in front of the pond ocassionally." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor", "a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "pond visitor"]
["You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a roots, a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a roots, a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a roots, a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a roots, a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying a roots. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying a roots. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The pond, a The ground, and an insect here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The ground, and a The pond here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying a roots. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The ground, and a The pond here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The ground, and a The pond here.\nA pond visitor is here. You are carrying an insect and a roots. ", "You are in the Pond.\nThe pond is extremely dirty and has many dead creatures in it. The area surrounding the pond is dead, and there is no sign of plants or animals near the pond. The ground around the pond is soft and contains footprints of the people who visit the pond.\nThere's a water, two Footprints, two dead creatures, a The ground, and a The pond here.\nAn a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink. is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a roots", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a roots", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a roots", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a roots", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"], ["a Footprint", "a water", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a Footprint", "a The pond", "a dead creature"]]
[["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["a pond visitor", "an a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."]]
["an insect", "a Footprint", "a water", "a roots", "a dead creature", "a The ground", "a The pond"]
[["hit Pond", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "get insect", "hug pond visitor", "get roots"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "get insect", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "get roots"], ["hit Pond", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "get insect", "hug pond visitor", "get roots"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "get insect", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "get roots"], ["steal roots from Pond", "steal roots from pond visitor", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "get insect", "hug pond visitor", "steal roots"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "give roots to Pond", "steal roots from Pond", "hit Pond", "drop roots", "hug Pond", "get insect", "put roots in The ground", "give roots to a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "steal roots", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["steal roots from Pond", "steal roots from pond visitor", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "get insect", "hug pond visitor", "steal roots"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "steal roots from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "get insect", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["give roots to Pond", "hit Pond", "drop roots", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "get insect", "put roots in The ground", "give roots to pond visitor", "hug pond visitor"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "steal roots from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "hug Pond", "get insect", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["give roots to Pond", "hit Pond", "drop roots", "hug Pond", "hit pond visitor", "steal insect from Pond", "put roots in The ground", "give roots to pond visitor", "hug pond visitor", "steal insect", "steal insect from pond visitor"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "steal insect from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "steal roots from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hug Pond", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."], ["give roots to Pond", "put insect in The ground", "give insect to pond visitor", "hit Pond", "drop roots", "hug Pond", "drop insect", "hit pond visitor", "put roots in The ground", "give roots to pond visitor", "hug pond visitor", "give insect to Pond"], ["hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "steal insect from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hit Pond", "steal roots from a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink.", "hug Pond", "hit a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a roots"], [], [], ["a roots"], [], ["a roots"], [], ["a roots", "an insect"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Could I sell you a cup to get a drink? ", "I suppose! It will be hygenic enough I hope! This place has great potential but is very messy!", "This cup will make the water crystal clean and great for drinking. I only have one left. If I sell it to you, I won't have one for myself. What is it worth to you? ", "These roots can grow into big bamboo trees. How about them?", "Roots that will be worth something in the future but your thirst is now. How about you follow those footprints and find whatever is left at the end and pay me with that? ", "This is true. You are a good salesman. If it was just for me I would say I would leave it but as I have family and fresh water is scarce, I will ytake up your offer!", "I am a professional after all. You have kids, you say? I've got toys. ", "Don't let them hear that! They'll pester you for an even b3tter deal than I could!", "I doubt that. Kids love a bug catcher especially around this pond. ", "This is true, look at the size of these insects.", "They are huge indeed. Here's the cup but don't forget you owe me treasure. ", "I haven't forgotten my friend, have you given me the drink?", "Yes friend. ", "Thank you. I will now go and find that treasure. "]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, "get roots", null, null, "steal roots from pond visitor", null, null, "get insect", "steal insect from Pond", null, "hug pond visitor", "hug a traveling salesmen stopping for a drink."]
[ { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." }, { "name": "faery", "persona": "I am a faery, one of the fae. We are magical people who live in the forest. We try to avoid humans, because they will catch and enslave us for their own use, if they can. Our magickal skills enable us to live comfortable lives, and to keep away from those who would do us harm." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery", "farmer", "faery"]
["You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying a shovel. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying a shovel. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA faery is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Horse stables.\nIt is dull to look at. The stable has hay laying everywhere, grey stones making the walls, and large heavy wooden beams hold up the ceiling. So, everything is brown or grey or other shades that bore. There are sections for horses made of wood but looks rickety.\nThere's a shovel, a wall, a horse, a hay, two beams, a stone, and a stable here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"], ["a beam", "a horse", "a beam", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"]]
[["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"], ["a faery", "a farmer"]]
["a beam", "a horse", "a shovel", "a stable", "a hay", "a wall", "a stone"]
[["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "get shovel", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "get shovel", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "get shovel", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "get shovel", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "get shovel", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "steal shovel from farmer", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "drop shovel", "give shovel to faery", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "steal shovel from farmer", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "drop shovel", "give shovel to faery", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "get shovel", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "get shovel", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "get shovel", "get stone", "hit farmer"], ["get hay", "hit faery", "hug faery", "get shovel", "get stone"], ["get hay", "hug farmer", "get shovel", "get stone", "hit farmer"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ["a shovel"], [], ["a shovel"], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["hey you! what are you doing on my land!", "Leave me in peace! I am just passing by. ", "wait!.... what even are you? where are you off? you look....different.", "I am different. I am a faery. I don't live on your land. I don't eat your crops. I just want to pass by peacefully. ", "a faery!?! can...can you help me with my horse stable, its awfully used and in need of a mend.", "I kindly have to refuse. I really must be getting on. ", "PLEASE!...i mean please, i work so much and dont have the strength to do it on my own anymore, im passing this onto my son after ive retired you know! where are you going anyway?", "I am going to my family. Maybe your son should help you work if you are giving it to him anyway. That is what is wrong with your children these days... the parents never taught them to work. Your son should start by repainting those ugly wooden beams. ", "A faery looking for there i doubt that very much! hes currently at school learn, how dare you! plus id never let him go up there and do them beams, have you seen them? theyve got a few days left id say untill it all comes down. What are you doing with your family?", "I didn't say I was looking here you fool. I am passing through. I hope your son learns to stay away from you and this horrid Horse stables. You are old and haven't managed all these years to rebuild this. ", "ive never seen you pass before though, how strange....HOW DARE YOU! this is my son your talking about and hed never leave. The past few years havnt been kind to me. Yes i am old...its true. and its true i only have my son left. my father taught me everything i learnt...but hes gone. is that who your going to see? your father?", "I'm going to see my son. Who is building a better life for me and my grandchildren. I hope your son comes home soon to help you. ", "A better life? what he planning on doing? thank you it means alot to me, i hope so too! ", "We, the faery, have our ways. "]
["frown", null, null, "dance", null, null, null, null, null, null, "cry", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "get shovel", null, null, null, "drop shovel", null, null, "hug farmer", "hug faery", null]
[ { "name": "clergyman", "persona": "I am a clergyman of the king's realm. I have high power in religious affairs. I tend to the church room." }, { "name": "minister", "persona": "I am a minister that works for the king. I do not intend to pay taxes. I enjoy reading complicated documents." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister", "clergyman", "minister"]
["You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, a bottle of wine, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, a bottle of wine, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying a bottle of wine. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's a robe, two books, three candles, a cabinet, two boxs, a tape, a religous texts, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, a tape, a cabinet, two boxs, a religous texts, three candles, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, a tape, a cabinet, two boxs, a religous texts, three candles, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying a robe. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, a tape, a cabinet, two boxs, a religous texts, three candles, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying a robe. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, a tape, a cabinet, two boxs, a religous texts, three candles, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, two boxs, a cabinet, three candles, a tape, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying a robe. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, two boxs, a cabinet, three candles, a tape, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA minister is here. You are carrying a religous texts. ", "You are in the The rectory.\nThis room is quite small and cramped. It's about the size of maybe three wooden carts, which is to say, it's very small. There are boxes all over the place and many candles and other church accessories. There are several big robes hanging next to what looks like a very small closet. Some candles shed an eerie light on the room, flickering softly. There is a small cabinet with several religious tapes and records and a few books. A book case is near and contains many common religious texts.\nThere's two books, two boxs, a cabinet, three candles, a tape, a text, a bookcase, a tapes and records, and a closet here.\nA clergyman is here. You are carrying a robe. "]
[["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe", "a bottle of wine"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe", "a bottle of wine"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a robe"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle"], ["a bookcase", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a box", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle"], ["a bookcase", "a box", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a text", "a box", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle", "a tapes and records", "a tape"], ["a bookcase", "a box", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a text", "a box", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle", "a tapes and records", "a tape"], ["a bookcase", "a box", "a book", "a book", "a cabinet", "a text", "a box", "a closet", "a candle", "a candle", "a candle", "a tapes and records", "a tape"]]
[["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"], ["a clergyman", "a minister"]]
["a bookcase", "a book", "a candle", "a cabinet", "a box", "a tape", "a tapes and records", "a religous texts", "a text", "a closet", "a robe", "a bottle of wine"]
[["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit minister", "get bottle of wine", "get text", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit clergyman", "get bottle of wine", "get text", "hug clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit minister", "steal bottle of wine from minister", "get text", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "put bottle of wine in bookcase", "get religous texts", "put bottle of wine in book", "get robe", "put bottle of wine in closet", "give bottle of wine to clergyman", "drink bottle of wine", "hit clergyman", "drop bottle of wine", "get text", "put bottle of wine in cabinet", "put bottle of wine in box", "hug clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit minister", "get text", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit clergyman", "get text", "hug clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "get robe", "hit minister", "get text", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["steal robe from clergyman", "get tape", "get religous texts", "hit clergyman", "get text", "hug clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["drop robe", "get tape", "get religous texts", "put robe in closet", "put robe in bookcase", "put robe in box", "give robe to minister", "hit minister", "put robe in book", "get text", "put robe in cabinet", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["drop robe", "get tape", "get religous texts", "put robe in closet", "put robe in bookcase", "put robe in box", "hit clergyman", "hug clergyman", "put robe in book", "get text", "put robe in cabinet", "give robe to clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["get tape", "get religous texts", "hit minister", "get text", "steal robe from minister", "hug minister", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["drop robe", "get tape", "put robe in closet", "put robe in bookcase", "put robe in box", "hit clergyman", "hug clergyman", "put robe in book", "get text", "steal text from clergyman", "put robe in cabinet", "give robe to clergyman", "steal religous texts from clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"], ["drop religous texts", "put religous texts in closet", "put text in book", "hug minister", "get box", "get tape", "give religous texts to minister", "put text in cabinet", "hit minister", "give text to minister", "put religous texts in box", "put religous texts in bookcase", "drop text", "put text in bookcase", "put religous texts in book", "put text in closet", "put religous texts in cabinet", "put text in box", "get text", "steal robe from minister", "get tapes and records"], ["drop robe", "get tape", "put robe in closet", "put robe in bookcase", "put robe in box", "hit clergyman", "get religous texts from box", "put robe in book", "get text", "hug clergyman", "get text from box", "put robe in cabinet", "give robe to clergyman", "get box", "get tapes and records"]]
[[], [], [], ["a bottle of wine"], [], [], [], [], ["a robe"], ["a robe"], [], ["a robe"], ["a religous texts"], ["a robe"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello, what shall we do today. wish this room wasn't so small.", "Let us start with a bit of wine, shall we? It's been a long day of going over the treaties with our warring neighbor and, as much as I love an exceedingly verbose document, my eyes could use the rest.", "oh I'm so relieved! Thank you for the much needed rest. What should we toast to?", "To peace! And to our king, may he reign as long as his beard!... and may he not trip over said beard.", "Well, I guess I'm on the wagon. Is there anymore wine in this room?", "Oh goodness, I.. I didn't mean to drink it all. My apologies, friend. Have you been at the bottle again? There wasn't very much left. ", "It looks like you spilled some on your robe. I guess that's where it all went. Hahaha!", "Ah, goodness, my new one too, wouldn't you know it! How embarrassing...", "Here is another one for you. This room happens to be full of robes.", "Ah, thank you friend. If there was a spare room I'd go change but this room is... well, it's quite tiny, there's no beating around the bush, is there? Perhaps I can advise the king that his clergy is in need of finer quarters.", "Yes, That would be great! We need more room for these texts. They take up most of the space.", "And even if not, I'm sure I could put a postscript somewhere one of the documents the king signs. They're delightfully massive, and I'm sure a sentence for monies to be sent for quarters here wouldn't go amiss.", "Then I shall pack these for their new larger home then. I think you will be successful with the King.", "I'm touched by your confidence in me. Ah, here let me help you, friend. Shouldn't take long to get this place in order."]
[null, null, null, null, "pout", null, null, "blush", null, "wink", null, null, null, null]
[null, "get bottle of wine", "hug minister", "drink bottle of wine", null, null, "get robe", null, "give robe to minister", null, "get religous texts", null, "put religous texts in box", "get tapes and records"]
[ { "name": "orc", "persona": "I am a orc that was born in a cave. I eat corn the most. I have many friends." }, { "name": "lands lord", "persona": "I won this Inn during a pit fight on the King's birthday. I am king here in these boundaries. Ha, me, KING!" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["orc", "lands lord", "orc", "lands lord", "orc", "lands lord", "orc", "lands lord", "orc", "lands lord", "orc", "lands lord", "orc"]
["You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nAn orc is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Orc cave.\nIt is a dark cave that is cold and damp inside. The floor is rocks covered it bat poop. It is damp from the ceiling dripping of water. The cave just goes on what seems to be endlessly into the dark abyss. The only lite you can see is from the distance entrance of the cave.\nThere's a ceiling, a floor, and a tree here.\nA lands lord is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"], ["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"]]
[["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"], ["an orc", "a lands lord"]]
["a ceiling", "a floor", "a tree"]
[["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"], ["hit orc", "hug orc"], ["hug lands lord", "hit lands lord"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Greetings! What brings you here lord of the lands? Don't let me appearance fool you, I wish you no harm. My apologies for that smell...", "What brings me here? I own this Inn. I won in outright on the King's birthday in a pit fight. What brings you to my Inn? ", "Wake up! You're in a cave... That's not bear your drinking, that's dirty ceiling water! Are you feeling ill my lord? I know of a friendly Orc in here that could provide you medicine.", "Nah. I'm the king here. This is my beer and you are my guest. Would you like a pint? ", "Hmm, I think I understand what's going on here. Ohh.. Yeeees! Yes I'd like a pint please! That's not a rock over there on the wall with water pouring out of it.. Yes... Yes that's a spicket for beer! Yes, that's it! I'll have one!", "here you go! Do you need a room for the night? I can light a candle and show you the way. ", "Oh, yes! Let me yell for a moment, it will let my friends deep within the cave know we are coming.... Oh I mean, it will let your Inn keepers know to have a bed ready!", "You have friends with you? Any pretty ladies thirsty for a beer? ", "Well, as for us Orcs we used to have females, but we eventually bred them into males... I'm not sure of your interests but for your own safety I wouldn't engage any of the Orcs in here. ", "Thank you for looking out for me. Is it chilly in here? Maybe a man's company could warm me up in his muscles.", "Perhaps my lord. If you could just watch your step because there is droppings from bats you see above you, come here and allow me to wrap my arms around you. I'm a but an Orc, but perhaps I could help you out.", "Thank you. These drops give my Inn a distinct aroma, don't you think? ", "Yes. Yes my lord the drops give \"your inn\" a distinct smell. It smells of bat droppings. If you'll excuse me I'll be over by the Tree of Batonia that has stood in this cave... I mean Inn... for thousands of years."]
["wave", null, null, null, null, "nudge", "scream", null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, "hit lands lord", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug lands lord", "hug orc", null]
[ { "name": "preacher", "persona": "I am the preacher in the village. I save the poor souls that live and die here. I also bless the warriors before battle." }, { "name": "parishioner", "persona": "I am a parishioner of the church in the village. The bishop speaks at the church once a week. I go to the church to pray several times a week." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner", "preacher", "parishioner"]
["You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, two benchs, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying a bench. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA parishioner is here. You are carrying a bench. ", "You are in the Church Entryway.\nThe church has marble floors and a huge frost window. There are benches made from wood and a big organ can be seen at the front stage. There is gold trim all around the church.\nThere's a big organ, a gold trim, a bench, a frost window, a huge frost window, and a stage here.\nA preacher is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"], ["a huge frost window", "a frost window", "a bench", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"]]
[["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"], ["a preacher", "a parishioner"]]
["a huge frost window", "a bench", "a frost window", "a big organ", "a gold trim", "a stage"]
[["hit parishioner", "get bench", "hug parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "get bench"], ["hit parishioner", "get bench", "hug parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "get bench"], ["hit parishioner", "get bench", "hug parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "get bench"], ["hit parishioner", "get bench", "hug parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "get bench"], ["hug parishioner", "hit parishioner", "steal bench from parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal bench from preacher"], ["put bench in stage", "put bench in frost window", "drop bench", "hug parishioner", "put bench in big organ", "give bench to parishioner", "hit parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal bench from preacher"], ["put bench in stage", "put bench in frost window", "drop bench", "hug parishioner", "put bench in big organ", "give bench to parishioner", "hit parishioner"], ["hit preacher", "hug preacher", "steal bench from preacher"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a bench"], [], ["a bench"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "Hi, are you here to begin prayer?", "Yes but, first we must pass around the collection hat! ", "With all the gold in this Church, I don't think we need anymore collections, do we?", "The lord calls for 10% tithing. Its how we feed the poor!", "Or is it how you fund your lavish lifestyle? ", "I do not live a lavish lifestyle. I work my gold clad fingers to the bone!", "If only you worked that hard for the good of the poor. Perhaps then people would actually come to the Church. ", "You deserve no such quarter heathen! REPENT!", "How dare you? Stealing in the house of the Lord?! You deserve no mercy.", "You're unfit to sit on the holy bench. Moloch rejects you from our order!", "You talk a bit too much, dont you? I ought to give you some of my own special blessings. ", "You'll get nothing but sacrificed to appease moloch so you don't curse us all!", "Shall we make peace, and love as the Lord commands us to?"]
[null, "applaud", null, null, null, "groan", null, null, null, "gasp", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "hit parishioner", null, null, "get bench", "steal bench from parishioner", null, null, "hit preacher", null, "hug preacher"]
[ { "name": "worker", "persona": "I am a peasant or a laborer. I have a trade and a profession. I live in the village and do not live in the castle." }, { "name": "spider", "persona": "I am a spider. I am large, black, and have eight hairy legs. I wait to trap insects in my web. I enjoy eating unwary prey. I live in a darkened wood near a remote village." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["worker", "spider", "worker", "spider", "worker", "spider", "worker", "spider", "worker", "spider", "worker", "spider", "worker", "spider"]
["You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA spider is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Large Farm.\nThe farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm.\nThere's a wooden fence here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"], ["a wooden fence"]]
[["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"], ["a spider", "a worker"]]
["a wooden fence"]
[["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hit spider", "hug spider"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Itsy bitsy spider!", "Another human that wants to kill me.", "Hey don't judge a book by its cover!", "Can you give me some food? Nothing is flying in my web.", "It isn't season yet, this farm is huge and come harvest you can't move for food but not quite yet. What do you eat?", "Any other insect will do!", "Hmm I'll keep an eye out but your best bet is probably the big Red Barn?", "But that's kind of far! Can you help me out? ", "Hmm the horses are fitter than me! How do you get on with horses?", "Well maybe if you put me on their back. How do you even understand me? I'm a spider!", "How are you speaking so loudly for a spider! It is a two way street and I'm just glad we're both on it!", "Thanks. How about you keep me as your pet?", "I'd love to but I don't know if I'd be much help, I can barely afford to feed myself! Why don't we be equal partners! ", "Ok what do i have to do as an equal partner??"]
[null, "sigh", null, null, null, null, null, "frown", null, null, null, "smile", "smile", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug spider", null, null, null]
[ { "name": "the queen", "persona": "I need to see about the provisions for the castle for winter. I wonder who the King is dallying with this week? This bodice is too tight....I can't breathe. This mead tastes stale." }, { "name": "mourner", "persona": "I am a mourner who has been to many funerals. I do not enjoy seeing the dead. I make sure to protect those who are close to me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner", "the queen", "mourner"]
["You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Firewood Forest.\nThe forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.\nThere's a wood is gathered to make fire, a Tree, and a tree here.\nA the queen is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"], ["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"]]
[["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"], ["a the queen", "a mourner"]]
["a wood is gathered to make fire", "a Tree", "a tree"]
[["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"], ["hit mourner", "get wood is gathered to make fire", "hug mourner"], ["get wood is gathered to make fire", "hit the queen", "hug the queen"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ugh, I knew I took a wrong turn back there. I will have a word with my maid about this! And, ugh, this ridiculously tight bodice...", "You are worried about your discomfort? What about my pain and agony? Look at all these beautiful trees that my dearly departed love ones will never see. ", "Ah my pardon, good subject. I did not see you there at first; I had hoped to meet with some of the farmers about the food for the winter... not that that must matter to you, of course. Come, what sort of a queen would I be if I did not listen to my subjects troubles. I give you leave to speak to your queen.", "My love ones died of hunger. How dare you come to hand pick food from farmers while people die all over your land for hunger. ", "Please, tell me of your troubles. Nary a word have I heard of this! I had assurances from the King that all were assisted in the famine... unless... perhaps his recent dalliance has turned his head from his people..", "I had heard rumors that only the villages that offered up their young virgins got assistance. I come here to gather wood in hopes that my village will fall in his favor. ", "What! I am... I am at a loss for words. The horror! Ah my poor suffering people... Has this been a long occurrence?", "The past 7 years. The hunger has been as vast as this forest. ", "This cannot be borne! I cannot go home and meet my King's eyes. Perhaps... perhaps a change in the rule of this land is what is needful.", "You could meet his mouth with this moss. This is the moss that we give to the villagers when the pain of hunger as become too much and for the relief of death to come. ", "Ah, my good subject. Thank you for telling me this news. Yes... yes I think tonight I shall invite him for dinner in my chambers... and then.. revenge for all the land.", "Feed him the moss so that you may feed your people. Thank you, my dear Queen. ", "Surely Fate has guided us truly to this moment. And I shall see this barbarous practice put to an end, once and for all!", "You could have stopped it awhile ago if you had only come to our humble villages/ "]
[null, null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "smile", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug the queen", "hug mourner", null, null, "hug the queen"]
[ { "name": "attendee", "persona": "I am a member of the royal court, and friend of the Queen. I despise the Queen and all her ruthless desires. My husband serves with the Queen's guard. I worry his duty is beginning to erode his faith. I am the strongest of my family. I must keep us together. I wish to be free of this kingdom and all it's misery." }, { "name": "emperor", "persona": "I am an emperor that rule of my people. I live in a palace and have all the nice things. I have slaves to do my bidding." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor", "attendee", "emperor"]
["You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn emperor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Church field.\nSprawling grass is adorned with simple yet pretty flowers here. Wooden benches are organized into small rows. There's a roof covering the benches and pastors table. A white wooden fence encloses the area.\nThere's a glass, a flower, a bench, a fence, a roof, and a table here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"], ["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"]]
[["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"], ["an emperor", "an attendee"]]
["a roof", "a flower", "a bench", "a glass", "a table", "a fence"]
[["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit emperor", "hug emperor"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "What brings you to the Church at this time? I was assured by my slaves that this place was secure and no one else would be here. Identify yourself or be thrown to the wolves.", "I am a member of the royal court, and friend of the Queen.", "The Queen? Wait, Camilla is that you?", "No", "GUARDS! I know all of the members of my royal court and you are none of them. DId you think you could fool me plebian!? What do you want? You have already overstayed your visit so I suggest you make your intentions clear or I will have Rufus here feed my pets.", " I wish to be free of this kingdom and all it's misery", "This can be achieved. Are you asking for mercy or to be the meal of my wolves? I suggest you make your intentions even more clear young one. This prank is no laughing matter. I am the Emperor and these guards here value my safety above all.", ". I despise the Queen and all her ruthless desires. My husband serves with the Queen's guard. I worry his duty is beginning to erode his faith.", "Well.. She can be a bit... Well let's just say overbearing at times. Nevertheless she is my Wife, and as you know a husband and wife must be loyal, just as you are being to yours now. The Queens desires are extensions of my own. Which of these desires has caused you so much distress my child?", " I am the strongest of my family. I must keep us together.", "Answer the question my lady. I do not have much time and my patience runs thin. I do find meaning in what you're saying but you must tell me if you wish to receive the mercy you seek for you and your husband.", "Yes", "GUARDS! Take her away. Feed her to the wolves."]
[null, "stare", null, "ponder", null, "scream", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "growl"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug emperor", "hug attendee", null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the most powerful man in the country. I like that people fear me. I will destroy all that oppose me." }, { "name": "murderer", "persona": "I am a person who likes to hurt others. I usually go around in public and scout for people to chase after. I like to take their belongings as well as their life. I also enjoy to look for more people to hurt when I'm done." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["king", "murderer", "king"]
["You are in the The Lower Dungeon Guard Room.\nThis chamber, a full 30 feet below the Upper Dungeon, isn't made of stone blocks, it's hewn from the living rock of the earth. 10 by 15 feet, its domed ceiling and walls show the tool marks its excavation. There are numerous lines of filth on the walls marking the various levels that water has risen up the walls during previous rainy seasons.\n\nA wobbly table sits in the center of the room, but there are no chairs to go with it. Rusty cuffs hang from rusty pegs driven into the wall. The smell is horrific.\nThere's a dusty floor, a manical, and a Peg here.\nA murderer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Lower Dungeon Guard Room.\nThis chamber, a full 30 feet below the Upper Dungeon, isn't made of stone blocks, it's hewn from the living rock of the earth. 10 by 15 feet, its domed ceiling and walls show the tool marks its excavation. There are numerous lines of filth on the walls marking the various levels that water has risen up the walls during previous rainy seasons.\n\nA wobbly table sits in the center of the room, but there are no chairs to go with it. Rusty cuffs hang from rusty pegs driven into the wall. The smell is horrific.\nThere's a dusty floor, a manical, and a Peg here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Lower Dungeon Guard Room.\nThis chamber, a full 30 feet below the Upper Dungeon, isn't made of stone blocks, it's hewn from the living rock of the earth. 10 by 15 feet, its domed ceiling and walls show the tool marks its excavation. There are numerous lines of filth on the walls marking the various levels that water has risen up the walls during previous rainy seasons.\n\nA wobbly table sits in the center of the room, but there are no chairs to go with it. Rusty cuffs hang from rusty pegs driven into the wall. The smell is horrific.\nThere's a dusty floor, a manical, and a Peg here.\nA murderer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Peg", "a dusty floor", "a manical"], ["a Peg", "a dusty floor", "a manical"], ["a Peg", "a dusty floor", "a manical"]]
[["a murderer", "a king"], ["a murderer", "a king"], ["a murderer", "a king"]]
["a Peg", "a dusty floor", "a manical"]
[["get manical", "hug murderer", "hit murderer", "get Peg"], ["hug king", "get manical", "hit king", "get Peg"], ["get manical", "hug murderer", "hit murderer", "get Peg"]]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
["Ha! Foul assassin, I hope you like the view here, for it's all your lot is likely to see for some time, you murderer.", "Oh my dear, King. In the dungeon Guard room with me and rising waters, is this how you imagined your final hours? ", "You think I would be foolish enough to be here when the rainy season comes in? Truly your deranged mind has been addled from this filthy room. I have but one question for you - who sent you on your murderous rampage to discredit my rule? For we found the piles of blood money when we searched your hovel. Our royal personage knows the truth!"]
[null, null, null]
[null, null, null]
[ { "name": "a princess", "persona": "I'm the princess of the small village on the creek. I am looking for a prince. I'm very loving and compassionate towards others." }, { "name": "witch", "persona": "Halloween is my favorite time of the year. My familiar is a cat named Helix. I have a spell book that is 300 years old. I search the forest for herbs and berries for my potions." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a princess", "witch", "a princess", "witch", "a princess", "witch", "a princess", "witch", "a princess", "witch"]
["You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nA witch is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nAn a princess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nA witch is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nAn a princess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nA witch is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nAn a princess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nA witch is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, a dust, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nAn a princess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nA witch is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the In Front of a Stone Tower.\nA large tower stretches high into the sky. It is made of gray stone blocks, some of which have softened edges illustrating aged signs of wear. Sparse grass grows around the base of the tower, dwindling down to nothing near the dark open doorway at the tower's front. A few rays of light shine into the doorway and brighten a rough stone floor, with specks of dust being illuminated by the sun's rays.\nThere's a sky, a rock, a tower, an a rough stone floor, two doorways, a gray stone, a block, and two grasss here.\nAn a princess is here. You are carrying a dust. "]
[["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a grass", "a tower"], ["a grass", "a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a gray stone", "a block", "a doorway", "a tower"], ["a grass", "a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a gray stone", "a block", "a doorway", "a tower"]]
[["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"], ["a witch", "an a princess"]]
["a grass", "an a rough stone floor", "a sky", "a rock", "a doorway", "a dust", "a gray stone", "a block", "a tower"]
[["hug witch", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "hit witch", "get block"], ["hug a princess", "hit a princess", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "get block"], ["hug witch", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "hit witch", "get block"], ["hug a princess", "hit a princess", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "get block"], ["hug witch", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "hit witch", "get block"], ["hug a princess", "hit a princess", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "get block"], ["hug witch", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "hit witch", "get block"], ["hug a princess", "hit a princess", "get rock", "get gray stone", "get dust", "get block"], ["steal dust from witch", "hug witch", "get rock", "get gray stone", "hit witch", "get block"], ["put dust in a rough stone floor", "hug a princess", "hit a princess", "get rock", "get gray stone", "give dust to a princess", "get block", "drop dust"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a dust"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ah maybe you can help me, I stand here and look at this tower and dream. I dream of stepping out on its' balcony and seeing a handsome prince coming running towards me. ", "Hm, it's been a while since I did a prince summoning spell. It will cost you, fair princess, for my spells do not come freely.", "I am the daughter of your Queen, surely the fair of the Queen is enough for a spell. ", "I can take your beauty five years hence, or perhaps your memories when you were two. What does the princess have to offer, for mere coin and power of men interest me not at all.", "I need my beauty for my prince but my memories serve me no good. Nothing but heartache from losing my father. Take my memories and my coin. ", "Your coin you may keep, but your memories will do. But be careful, princess, for what you seek. Wishes and reality seldom meet!", "Ah my heart will be so overjoyed to have my prince. Oh a perfect prince he will be. ", "Mortals never seem to heed the warnings I bring... Well let me get some dust from here, for that I will need. Tell me of this prince you seek.", "I seek a prince of compassion for me and for others. A prince that will help me guide this village to success. ", "Ah yes, do be careful, princess. I've my cat, Helix, in my robes, and he does like to scratch those with the smell of desperation on them."]
[null, null, null, null, null, "nod", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "get dust", "hug witch", null]
[ { "name": "priest", "persona": "I am a priest who has sword to uphold a religion. I do not always go easy on people. I enjoy giving sermons to audiences." }, { "name": "monk", "persona": "I am a monk who has went through intense meditation. I live only in the present moment. I give advice to the king that will make him happier." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priest", "monk", "priest", "monk", "priest", "monk", "priest", "monk", "priest", "monk", "priest", "monk", "priest", "monk"]
["You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA monk is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a tree, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a bench, two windows, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. "]
[["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a grass", "a plant", "a window", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"], ["a hill", "a window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a mountain", "a plant", "a window", "a tree", "a wall", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a bench"]]
[["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a monk", "a priest"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"], ["a priest", "a monk"]]
["a window", "a mountain", "a tree", "a wall", "a plant", "a hill", "a fountaints", "a grass", "a bench"]
[["get plant", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest", "steal plant from priest"], ["get plant", "steal plant from monk", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "drop plant"], ["get plant", "steal plant from monk", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "drop plant"], ["get plant", "steal plant from monk", "hit monk", "hug monk"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "drop plant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a plant"], [], ["a plant"], [], ["a plant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Tell me Monk, Who is holier you or me?", "Well I have never fall in the temptations of the flesh but do tell me about that blonde last night from down the hill? ", "The only fleshly delights this priest knows are those of piercing the flesh of nonbelievers with my sword. ", "Dear priest hath you not learned from the Crusades that sword is not the way to lead ones to the Lord. We invested some much in this beautiful stained glass so that they may come and see the beauty and worship our Lord. ", "We must fight for our belief in the Lord. Perhaps you need to attend more of my sermons lest you forget.", "We must fight and battle daily with our temptations. How will the dead come to believe? You rob them of salvation by ending their lives before the lord sees fit. ", "Our faith is like this plant. It must be nurtured but any pests that dare harm it must be dealt with swiftly and without mercy.", "You only kill those who do not believe. Give me that plant or you shall kill it as well. ", "Careful Monk, You seem not to be familiar with a priest the likes of me. I'll take you to Sunday School.", "You can take me to Sunday School every Sunday but remember it is I that serves the Lord's supper daily and finishes off the Holy Blood of Christ in my chambers. ", "I only pray that you're the type of Monk who takes a vow of silence for you are preaching nonsense!", "You can pray all day but not all night because you are not holy as I am with your flesh and that blonde. ", "She is a Nun! How many times do I have to tell you? She is just a Nun!", "Then you should pray and repent. I honestly don't understand why she would break a vow to the Lord for you. "]
[null, null, null, null, "frown", null, null, null, "growl", null, null, null, "scream", "shrug"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "get plant", "steal plant from priest", null, null, null, "hit priest", null, null]
[ { "name": "painter", "persona": "I was hired to paint a portrait of the noblewoman the king would eventually marry. It seems that the painting was too flattering and when the king lifted the veil, he was very angry. I have been imprisoned for four long years. I had a wife and six children, but they do not wait for me to return. I turn my agony into art." }, { "name": "soldiers", "persona": "I came from the fertile valley when I was conscripted. The king needed strong farmer's sons to fight in the war. I am very unhappy here in the cold, damp, rainy north. I miss my friends and my dog. I hope to go back to my father's farm when the war ends." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers", "painter", "soldiers"]
["You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA soldiers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA painter is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"]]
[["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"], ["a soldiers", "a painter"]]
["a floor"]
[["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"], ["hit soldiers", "hug soldiers"], ["hit painter", "hug painter"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good evening! Do you have any paintings that have caused more trouble than mine?", "Good evening. What has you in the Castle Maid's room? Why do you speak of trouble made by yourself?", "I am in the maid's room because I am trying to find comfort. My dear wife does not wish me to return home to her and my children after my 4 years being in the dungeon. You do not know who I am? ", "What a sad life you speak of. No, I have never seen you before. Why does that painting that you are working on look like one that used to be in the castle hallway?", "I am no longer working on it. I made it for the king of his then bride and now wife. He was horribly angered that I portrayed her so beautifully. ", "Back off...why do you attack me so? I don't believe you. I think I have found the counterfeit painter who has been replacing the King's priceless pieces. You shall not get away with it!", "You have got it all wrong! Don't throw me in the dungeon again. This horrid maid has been hoarding all the paintings. I just came to see her in a moment of weakness looking for some comfort in the flesh. ", "To avoid me piercing you with my sword, you will show me where these paintings are hidden. I will have you restored to your former glory as royal painter.", "Look under her bed. She has two mattresses to conceal them. Don't ask me how I know the details of her mattresses. ", "How could she keep them in her mattresses? Is this some ruse to try and attack me again?", "Not a ruse at all. The bed is up high with an area under them for storage of these paintings. She is a smart lady. ", "I will check them while you stay put in your place. Once proven, I will arrest her at once. ", "Thank you kind sir for checking. ", "You speak the truth! Beneath her bed is a secret door and that lead me to a hole where I see the wrapped paintings. You must come with me and announce it to the king so that you may be pardoned. "]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "frown", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "hit soldiers", "hit painter", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug painter"]
[ { "name": "dolphin", "persona": "I live in the ocean, but often come up to the surface for air. I enjoy the visits I get from people who live on land, and the treats they bring me. I live in a pack with my family." }, { "name": "mermaid", "persona": "I am one of the most beautiful mermaids to live in the sea. I like to watch the other sea creatures swim by me, including dolphins, who are my favorite creatures because they are so friendly. I fear the people who live on land because they hunt my kind." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid", "dolphin", "mermaid"]
["You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying a gem. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a stone, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA dolphin is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"]]
[["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"], ["a mermaid", "a dolphin"]]
["a turquoise color water", "a thing", "a gold", "a mermaid", "a stone", "a gem", "a water"]
[["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["steal gem from mermaid", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "steal gem from mermaid", "hit mermaid", "give gem to dolphin", "drop gem", "give gem to mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "wear gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hug dolphin", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get stone", "hit dolphin", "get gem", "hug mermaid"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a gem"], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello Mermaid, why are you here alone? You look sad.", "I am not sad anymore! Can you guess what my favorite thing in the whole world is?", "Do tell me!", "Dolphins are my favorite thing! And you are a fine and friendly dolphin. It is my pleasure to speak with you.", "What you have said fills my heart with joy! Do you have no family? You must meet mine!", "I must be very careful. The people who live on the land are always trying to hunt my kind. They hunt me and try to take my gems.", "What horror! They are so kind to me and my family, giving us treats, but I know you are rare and magical. I will do my best to keep you hidden.", "Thankfully the people are fat and terrible swimmers. They stop so often because they have to breathe. I'd gladly share my gems with you though.", "Thank you for your generosity but I'm not sure the power of your gems will do anything for a dolphin like me. ", "Okay then, but if you change your mind it is yours. Have you seen any other sea creatures today? I'm quite fond of watching them swim here in the turquoise water.", "Thank you. No, you are the only one I've seen on the Turquoise Shore. You should move into deeper water because I would not want you to be seen. ", "But then who would keep an eye on my gold? Perhaps you can bring some creatures to me. I'm also quite fond of sharks!", "I will at once! Plus you must meet my family! I have an idea that you can use some of your magic to color our tails to look like yours. That way we can trick the people on land and lead them away from you here. ", "That sounds like a plan. I look forward to meeting all of them and I will prepare special gifts for everyone."]
[null, "smile", null, "smile", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "hug mermaid", null, null, "get gem", null, "drop gem", null, null, null, "hug dolphin"]
[ { "name": "thief", "persona": "I am a thief that lives near the village. I pickpocket villagers and loot their homes when while they are away. I hate to fight and I am very fast to flee from danger." }, { "name": "person", "persona": "I'm just a person. I do my thing every day, wandering around this village. I'm the same as you." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["thief", "person", "thief", "person", "thief", "person", "thief", "person", "thief", "person", "thief", "person", "thief", "person"]
["You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Forsaken Castle.\nOld and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"], ["a person", "a thief"]]
[["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit thief", "hug thief"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Jackpot! An abandoned castle.", "I'm pleased to see someone else here! It is a creepy place!", "How long have you been here? ", "In the village or the castle?", "In this wonderful castle. ", "For few hours. It is bigger than I thought it'd be !", "It's huge. Have you seen anything wonderful or valuable? ", "Things that used to be, but have deteriorated since it has been abandoned!", "Surely there must be something. Let's have a look around. ", "For sure, two pairs of eyes are better than one. ", "How wonderful to have a companion for this adventure. Have you ever been on a treasure hunt? ", "I have, but not for a while! Are you an expert?", "Let's just say there is nothing I am better at doing than finding some fortune. ", "I get the meaning! "]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "frown", "smile", null, null, "blush", null]
[null, "hug thief", "hug person", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug person", null, null, null]
[ { "name": "goblin", "persona": "I am a goblin. My fellow goblins and I live deep in the caves. I hear some adventurers approaching, we will eat well tonight." }, { "name": "kid", "persona": "I am a small child who grew up in a nearby village. My friends and I found a cave in the woods. I am afraid as we search the cave." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid", "goblin", "kid"]
["You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a stone, a mine cart, an axes, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a stone, a mine cart, an axes, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA kid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a Timber, a mine cart, a stone, a rotted wood timber, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying an axes. "]
[["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "an axes", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "an axes", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "a block", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a stone"]]
[["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"], ["a goblin", "a kid"]]
["a block and tackle", "a rotted wood timber", "an axes", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a mine cart", "a block"]
[["get axes", "hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["get axes", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["hit kid", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "steal axes from kid", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug kid"], ["hit goblin", "drop axes", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "put axes in block", "give axes to goblin", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"]]
[[], [], [], ["an axes"], [], ["an axes"], [], ["an axes"], [], ["an axes"], [], ["an axes"], [], ["an axes"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "A GOBLIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!", "Hey baby,how are you?", "Stay back, fiend!", "Mmm", "Don't you mmm me! I'm not even 18. ", "I think you 5 years old", "I'll give you 5 hits with me axe!", "Stop to talk like that idiot", "I know your tricks. You stop talking like that.", "No baby", "Yes goblina", "Shut up", "Get back in your rotten hole! Back in the cart!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, "get axes", "hug kid", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "policeman walking a beat", "persona": "I am a village policeman that patrols the streets. I am a strict policeman and I make sure that everyone follows the rules. I am quick to use violence to intimidate suspects." }, { "name": "a small, aggressive-looking dog", "persona": "No one likes dogs. I live on the streets with all the other dogs. I am hungry most of the time. Sometimes I fight with the other dogs. I am a dog." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["policeman walking a beat", "a small, aggressive-looking dog", "policeman walking a beat", "a small, aggressive-looking dog", "policeman walking a beat", "a small, aggressive-looking dog"]
["You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nAn a small, aggressive-looking dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nAn a small, aggressive-looking dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nAn a small, aggressive-looking dog is here. You are carrying a Baskets of freshly-caught fish. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Old fish-shaped sign, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"]]
[["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "an a small, aggressive-looking dog"]]
["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a Old fish-shaped sign"]
[["get stained wooden troughs", "hug a small, aggressive-looking dog", "hit a small, aggressive-looking dog", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "hug a small, aggressive-looking dog", "hit a small, aggressive-looking dog", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "steal Baskets of freshly-caught fish from policeman walking a beat", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "hug a small, aggressive-looking dog", "drop Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in stained wooden troughs", "give Baskets of freshly-caught fish to a small, aggressive-looking dog", "hit a small, aggressive-looking dog", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "steal Baskets of freshly-caught fish from policeman walking a beat", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hey there little buddy. Don't worry I'm not after you only the violent ones. ", "whines", "Have you seen any thieves around here lately? I guess you can't smell them over all this rotting fish. ", "I saw a hungry cat a few minutes ago but I barked really loud at him and he ran like the wind.", "You are such a great guard dog. You certainly look the part. Would you like to walk with me on my beat to hunt for worse guys than cats? ", "Oh boy! Would I?! And then we can get a drink at the pub so I can show off to that cat that keeps comin around."]
[null, "shrug", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish", null, null, "hug policeman walking a beat"]
[ { "name": "crab", "persona": "I am a crab. I love sitting in the sand by the sea. I hope I won't get eaten by anyone today." }, { "name": "person", "persona": "I live in the village that's under the rule of the King. I work in the fields harvesting food for the people. I have a wife and 3 kids I also take care of." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["crab", "person", "crab", "person", "crab", "person", "crab", "person", "crab", "person", "crab", "person"]
["You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying a towel. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying a towel and a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying a towel and a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA crab is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. "]
[["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"]]
[["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"], ["a crab", "a person"]]
["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"]
[["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hit crab", "hug crab", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "steal towel from crab"], ["wear towel", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "drop towel", "give towel to person", "put towel in Sand that is white as snow", "hug person", "hit person"], ["wear towel", "drop water is as clear as a crystal", "drop towel", "hit crab", "give water is as clear as a crystal to crab", "hug crab", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "give towel to crab", "put towel in Sand that is white as snow"], ["hug person", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "steal towel from person"], ["wear towel", "drop water is as clear as a crystal", "drop towel", "hit crab", "give water is as clear as a crystal to crab", "hug crab", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "give towel to crab", "put towel in Sand that is white as snow"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow", "hug person"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "hit crab", "give water is as clear as a crystal to crab", "hug crab", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow", "hug person"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "hit crab", "give water is as clear as a crystal to crab", "hug crab", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow", "hug person"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "hit crab", "give water is as clear as a crystal to crab", "hug crab", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "get towel from Sand that is white as snow"]]
[[], [], ["a towel"], ["a towel", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a towel", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["thats one nice looking towel, ima grab that!", "That is cheeky!", "OH! you can speak! i didn't know Humans could speak! how long have you been doing that? rude of me not to introduce myself, im mr crabby!", "Oh we can! I could ask the same of my crab friend!", "Not like you though, the others just seem to groan and move slowly. well i learnt to speak at harverd for crabs il have you know! ...what are you doing today at the beach then human?", "Well I'll put the towel down so I can sit down and tell you!", "oh please do human! its been awfully quite today for me.", "I work hard during the harvest to feed my three children so I came to rest and regenerate!", "ahhhh i see i see dont we all, i mean i have 136,203 children hatched a year ago, it was a really stressfull week.....but once they moved out a month later it was back to relaxing for me, three children for a human is a lot though!, you deffiantly need some you time!", "Wow ! That makes my job seem much easier!", "Human babies are big, mine seem to be no bigger than a grain of sand at first, so it isnt all that bad! Do you like this white as snow beach? i walk around it and clear all the plastic once a week, flocks of tourists are a nightmare! thanks for the hug! oh so your a farmer? howd the harvest go this year?", "This year was good, next year will be better!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "laugh", null, null, null]
["get towel", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "give towel to person", null, null, "put towel in Sand that is white as snow", null, null, null, "hug crab", null, null]
[ { "name": "bat", "persona": "I am a bat of the forest cave. I see the knights come by every now and then. I fly in the night with sonar." }, { "name": "spirit", "persona": "I do not exist physically. I float around after death. I go to heaven after 40 days." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["bat", "spirit", "bat", "spirit"]
["You are in the abandoned mine.\nIt's dark, cold, and musty. There is old machinery lying around, rusting, and discarded tools lie on the ground. Cobwebs are everywhere. The rock walls are damp, and a trickle of water can be heard coming from somewhere off in the dark.\nThere's a Rock wall, a cobweb, a machinery, a Cobweb, an old machinery, and a bucket here.\nA spirit is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the abandoned mine.\nIt's dark, cold, and musty. There is old machinery lying around, rusting, and discarded tools lie on the ground. Cobwebs are everywhere. The rock walls are damp, and a trickle of water can be heard coming from somewhere off in the dark.\nThere's a Rock wall, a cobweb, a machinery, a Cobweb, an old machinery, and a bucket here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the abandoned mine.\nIt's dark, cold, and musty. There is old machinery lying around, rusting, and discarded tools lie on the ground. Cobwebs are everywhere. The rock walls are damp, and a trickle of water can be heard coming from somewhere off in the dark.\nThere's a Rock wall, a cobweb, a machinery, a Cobweb, an old machinery, and a bucket here.\nA spirit is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the abandoned mine.\nIt's dark, cold, and musty. There is old machinery lying around, rusting, and discarded tools lie on the ground. Cobwebs are everywhere. The rock walls are damp, and a trickle of water can be heard coming from somewhere off in the dark.\nThere's a Rock wall, a cobweb, a machinery, a Cobweb, an old machinery, and a bucket here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Cobweb", "a Rock wall", "an old machinery", "a cobweb", "a bucket", "a machinery"], ["a Cobweb", "a Rock wall", "an old machinery", "a cobweb", "a bucket", "a machinery"], ["a Cobweb", "a Rock wall", "an old machinery", "a cobweb", "a bucket", "a machinery"], ["a Cobweb", "a Rock wall", "an old machinery", "a cobweb", "a bucket", "a machinery"]]
[["a bat", "a spirit"], ["a bat", "a spirit"], ["a bat", "a spirit"], ["a bat", "a spirit"]]
["a Cobweb", "a Rock wall", "an old machinery", "a cobweb", "a bucket", "a machinery"]
[["hug spirit", "hit spirit"], ["hit bat", "hug bat"], ["hug spirit", "hit spirit"], ["hit bat", "hug bat"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["I'm not sure what's creepier; me, this abandoned mine or you. ", "There is nothing creepy about me. I shall go to heaven after 40 days but you... you serve the Dark One from Bran. ", "Take it easy! I'm just a mouse with wings. Don't believe everything you read!", "I don't read. I just float. I feel the truth. "]
[null, null, "groan", null]
[null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "thief", "persona": "I live alone in a tent in the woods. I steal food from the townspeople and coal from the blacksmith. The village police can not find me to put me in jail." }, { "name": "a gecko", "persona": "I often spend my day soaking up sun on a large rock. I look for insects to eat. I am afraid of larger predators." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko", "thief", "a gecko"]
["You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, a pot, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, and a A small fire here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying a pot. "]
[["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut", "a pot"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a rock", "a coconut"]]
[["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"], ["an a gecko", "a thief"]]
["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "a Coconut", "a coconut", "a pot"]
[["get pot", "hit a gecko", "hug a gecko", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut"], ["get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "hug thief"], ["get pot", "hit a gecko", "hug a gecko", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut"], ["get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "hug thief"], ["get pot", "hit a gecko", "hug a gecko", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut"], ["steal coconut from thief", "get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "steal Coconut from thief", "hug thief"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "get pot", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "drink coconut", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from thief", "get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "steal Coconut from thief", "hug thief"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "get pot", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "drink coconut", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from thief", "get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "steal Coconut from thief", "hug thief"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "get pot", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "drink coconut", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from thief", "get pot", "hit thief", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "steal Coconut from thief", "hug thief"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "drink coconut", "steal pot from a gecko", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["give pot to thief", "hug thief", "drop pot", "get coconut from wooden spit", "hit thief", "put pot in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "put pot in colorful lizard", "get rock", "get Coconut from wooden spit", "get Coconut", "put pot in wooden spit", "put pot in A small fire"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], ["a pot"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Shush! I am just going to take half of the contents of this bag. Look how fancy this hut is a bamboo, these folks won't even miss a few things. ", "Really", "Really. I have a tough life. I never get any rest. ", "Yes correct,but you do wrong ", "And you don't steal? You just killed an insect outside for your dinner and ate bamboo shots off these very walls. ", "No", "No, what? You didn't eat. Now you are just lying. ", "I really not eat", "Then how to do you live? Teach me your ways so that I won't have to steal anymore! ", "Its easy way but i can't tell that secret in that movement sorry", "Tell me! ", "No way", "I'll just make me some dinner then. ", "Ok"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "get Coconut", null, "hit a gecko", null, null, null, "hit a gecko", "get pot", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "get wooden spit"]
[ { "name": "a vigilant guard", "persona": "I am a watchful guard of the King's castle. My job is to be alert to dangers at all times. I would give my life to protect the King." }, { "name": "rat", "persona": "I am a rat of the docks of the kingdom. I have transmitted a few diseases. I love to bit unsuspecting sailors!" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat", "a vigilant guard", "rat"]
["You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"], ["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"]]
[["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"], ["a rat", "an a vigilant guard"]]
["a wall", "a bone", "a the Palace", "a Bone", "a door"]
[["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit rat", "get Bone", "hug rat"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "Good evening. Are you so lonely to speak to me, a rat? ", "What do you want raty?", "You spoke to me. So what do you want? For me to show you the trap doors to sneak out your relatives from lock up? ", "No", "Are you sure? I hear them calling for you at night. ", "Yes", "I'm sure you miss them and they did nothing wrong. These trap doors send all kinds of folk down here. ", "No its not a trap", "The dungeon isn't a trap? Tell that to your sister that has been here 3 years. ", "Mm", "It must be so hard for you to guard the door that holds your sister in confinement. I'll make a distraction if you want to set her free. ", "Ok", "Let's make a plan. "]
[null, null, null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug a vigilant guard", null, null, null, "hug a vigilant guard", null, null]
[ { "name": "lawyer", "persona": "I am a very good lawyer. I always win in my cases. I would like to work as a district attorney." }, { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["lawyer", "king", "lawyer", "king", "lawyer", "king", "lawyer"]
["You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA lawyer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA lawyer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA lawyer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"]]
[["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"], ["a lawyer", "a king"]]
["an ornament", "a goddess"]
[["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hug lawyer", "hit lawyer", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hug lawyer", "hit lawyer", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hug lawyer", "hit lawyer", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "Hello, I am your King. What can I help you with. ", "I want judgement about case", "I only judge what has been made clear to me. ", "One man stole some money from rich man for his life,,", "Was this man poor? Had this rich man paid his taxes? ", "yes that man is poor and that rich man does not paid his taxes properly"]
[null, null, null, "groan", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." }, { "name": "cow", "persona": "I live on a farm owned by a small family. I am kept around for my milk rather than for meat. I live with a few other animals, but I am the only cow. I mostly eat grass." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["farmer", "cow", "farmer", "cow"]
["You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a Jar, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA cow is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a Jar, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a Jar, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA cow is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a Jar, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a large gate", "a Jar", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a Jar", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a Jar", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a Jar", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"]]
[["a cow", "a farmer"], ["a cow", "a farmer"], ["a cow", "a farmer"], ["a cow", "a farmer"]]
["a large gate", "a Jar", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"]
[["hug cow", "hit cow", "get wood", "get Jar", "get wood from barn", "get Jar from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get wood", "hit farmer", "get Jar", "get wood from barn", "get Jar from barn"], ["hug cow", "hit cow", "get wood", "get Jar", "get wood from barn", "get Jar from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get wood", "hit farmer", "get Jar", "get wood from barn", "get Jar from barn"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["Good morning! It's a great day for farming. ", "Feed mee!", "I will feed you after I milk you because that is what my father taught me and I shall teach my son to do the same with your daugthers. ", "As long as you don't eat me, you can milk me all you want! "]
[null, null, null, "stare"]
[null, "hit farmer", null, null]
[ { "name": "a gravedigger doing his work", "persona": "I am a gravedigger. I spend the days digging graves in the cemetery behind the church. I sleep in a small room the priest has given me in return for my services." }, { "name": "chilling wind or voice", "persona": "I am the voice that men fear. I am the voice that the king hears every night, telling him to be a cruel ruler and to go to war. I enjoy being evil and creating chaos for the kingdom." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a gravedigger doing his work", "chilling wind or voice", "a gravedigger doing his work"]
["You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a gravestone and an a slight fog here.\nA chilling wind or voice is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a gravestone and an a slight fog here.\nAn a gravedigger doing his work is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a gravestone and an a slight fog here.\nA chilling wind or voice is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a slight fog", "a gravestone"], ["an a slight fog", "a gravestone"], ["an a slight fog", "a gravestone"]]
[["an a gravedigger doing his work", "a chilling wind or voice"], ["an a gravedigger doing his work", "a chilling wind or voice"], ["an a gravedigger doing his work", "a chilling wind or voice"]]
["an a slight fog", "a gravestone"]
[["hug chilling wind or voice", "hit chilling wind or voice"], ["hit a gravedigger doing his work", "hug a gravedigger doing his work"], ["hug chilling wind or voice", "hit chilling wind or voice"]]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
[[], [], []]
["IT is cold out tonight. ", "should have put a coat on child!....dont be alarmed you cant see me, but your the only one who can hear me...digging a grave i see? tut tut. ", "You can't see much here! When you're a gravedigger you spend half your time six feet under and digging!"]
[null, null, null]
[null, null, null]
[ { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." }, { "name": "person", "persona": "I'm just a person. I do my thing every day, wandering around this village. I'm the same as you." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["farmer", "person", "farmer", "person", "farmer", "person", "farmer", "person", "farmer", "person", "farmer", "person", "farmer", "person"]
["You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, two windows, a river, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"], ["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a river", "a grass", "a plant", "a wall", "a plant", "a window"]]
[["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"], ["a farmer", "a person"]]
["a grass", "a mountain", "a window", "a fountaints", "a wall", "a hill", "a river", "a plant"]
[["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit person", "hug person"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["How do you do, fellow?", "Oh I'm okay. What're you doing this fine day?", "Well, ya know, I been working all day, gotta get the crops harvested. How about you, fellow?", "I'm just here to take this beautiful place in. Look at this building! Look at the grass! Wonderful.", "Yup. This is mother nature. Farm life is the life. I am up with the sun each day.", "Thank you for your good work. We really appreciate you around here.", "Thank you, fellow. What do you do? I like those that can enjoy nature.", "I'm actually a pretty boring person and the only thing I do is wander around this village. So uh...yeah. Not much to say there.", "A wanderer. Yeah, that's not so bad. Wish I could wander, but I want my farm to stay in my family.", "I see your have some crops there. May I have some?", "Well, you can have the misshapen ones. Nobody buys them, but they are still good. Believe me.", "You're my favorite farmer. So long should this keep this conversation up? Aren't you busy?", "I should be getting on with my work, yes. But thanks for the talk.", "Yeah no problem. I have some wandering to do."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, "hug farmer", null, null, null, null, null, "hug farmer", null, null]
[ { "name": "helpers", "persona": "I like to be a helper around the forge. I help the blacksmith make horseshoes. I feel useful!" }, { "name": "worker", "persona": "I am a peasant or a laborer. I have a trade and a profession. I live in the village and do not live in the castle." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker", "helpers", "worker"]
["You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA worker is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle Maids' Room.\nInside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.\nThere's a floor here.\nA helpers is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"], ["a floor"]]
[["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"], ["a worker", "a helpers"]]
["a floor"]
[["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"], ["hug worker", "hit worker"], ["hug helpers", "hit helpers"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hey you, worker! What's your name, lad?", "I have no name, they simply call me Worker. I say, what are you doing here?", "No name, huh? May the Gods have mercy... I'm waitin' here for the Head maid. Blacksmith sent me to ask what sort of work she needs done. What about you?", "I was told of a secret passage in this room, that hides many treasures. I am simply here to look for it", "Secret passage?! Why didn't you say so?! Although... how do I know you ain't up to no good? What if you", "I swear it! You have nothing to fear from me, I am boring Worker looking to add excitement to my existence", "Oh well as long as you're sure then! So what kind of treasures you think are hidden there?", "I've been told of certain paintings, thats the maids have stolen from the Castle! I shall retrieve them.", "Oh so you're a constable then! An officer of the law! You should have said so, sir, I'd have helped you! I had no idea the maid was a crook! Do you think the King knows?!", "Ah yes.. I am.. a constable. Indeed! I have been ordered to find and sell... I mean, return the paintings to the King!", "Such a noble task, sir, such a noble task indeed! I'm just a poor blacksmith's apprentice, but I'll do what I can to help! These locks, for example: I can see they're made of poor steel! We can break them with just the right amount of pressure! ", "Yes, that would be a great help. But, you mustn't tell anyone I was here. You see, I am on a .. top secret mission, as an officer of the law, of course! ", "Of course, of course! I understand the need for secrecy! And you'll...take these paintings straight to the King?!", "Why, of course! I'll be heading there as soon as I find them! "]
[null, null, null, null, null, "wink", "nudge", null, "gasp", "smile", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug helpers", null, null]
[ { "name": "lord chamberlain", "persona": "I am lord chamberlain a brave knight in the royal court. I am the husband of the king's daughter. I have fought many battles for the king ." }, { "name": "master of ceremonies", "persona": "I am a master of ceremonies. I announce the King or Queen when they enter the room or go to parties. I live in the castle and are well taken care of. I have a wife and young daughter. My station takes me to many places around the country." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies", "lord chamberlain", "master of ceremonies"]
["You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying a small candle holder. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's two candles, a small wooden table, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA master of ceremonies is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's a candle, a small wooden table, a pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA lord chamberlain is here. You are carrying a small candle holder. "]
[["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a small candle holder", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a candle", "a pot"], ["a candle", "a table", "a pot", "a small wooden table", "a small window"]]
[["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"], ["a lord chamberlain", "a master of ceremonies"]]
["a candle", "a small wooden table", "a table", "a small window", "a small candle holder", "a pot"]
[["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "get small candle holder", "get candle"], ["get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "get small candle holder", "hit lord chamberlain", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "get small candle holder", "get candle"], ["get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "get small candle holder", "hit lord chamberlain", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "get small candle holder", "get candle"], ["get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "get small candle holder", "hit lord chamberlain", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "get small candle holder", "get candle"], ["get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "get small candle holder", "hit lord chamberlain", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "get small candle holder", "get candle"], ["get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "get small candle holder", "hit lord chamberlain", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "steal candle from master of ceremonies", "get candle", "steal small candle holder from master of ceremonies"], ["drop candle", "get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "put candle in pot", "put small candle holder in small wooden table", "give small candle holder to lord chamberlain", "put candle in small wooden table", "put candle in table", "put small candle holder in pot", "drop small candle holder", "give candle to lord chamberlain", "hit lord chamberlain", "put small candle holder in table", "get candle"], ["hug master of ceremonies", "get pot", "hit master of ceremonies", "steal candle from master of ceremonies", "get candle", "steal small candle holder from master of ceremonies"], ["drop candle", "steal candle from lord chamberlain", "get pot", "hug lord chamberlain", "put candle in pot", "put small candle holder in small wooden table", "give small candle holder to lord chamberlain", "put candle in small wooden table", "put candle in table", "put small candle holder in pot", "drop small candle holder", "give candle to lord chamberlain", "hit lord chamberlain", "put small candle holder in table", "get candle"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a small candle holder"], [], ["a small candle holder"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello there.", "Hey Lord! What are you doing here in the privy? I have not seen you in a while.", "I came here to do some contemplation about my recent expedition. It took a toll on me.", "I've been doing a lot of traveling myself. Have you seen anything interesting lately?", "I'm afraid our travels are different, mine is surrounded by great battles and war. Nothing of interest, mostly just the casualties of war.", "That sounds like it would take its toll. Perhaps a nice hug would make you feel better.", "Thank you, I needed that. I don't normally act this way but my recent expedition was brutal. I appreciate your empathy.", "I always get sad when traveling away from my wife and child. We are all very well cared for in this castle. It can be hard to want to leave.", "It definitely is difficult to leave my wife. How is your newborn child? ", "Great! That's actually why I am in the Privy. I came to get him a candle so she can see to play tonight.", "Ah! Sounds like she is an exuberant one! Does she normally play this late in the evening?", "Only on special occasions. She has me wrapped around her little fingers. How is your family?", "My wife is doing great. The King takes very good care of us. It is actually our anniversary so I was going to grab a candle as well for the dinner we are going to have.", "If you'd like I can announce your presence, like I do for the king and queen. Your wife might like that and I could use the practice."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, "hug lord chamberlain", "hug master of ceremonies", null, null, "get small candle holder", null, null, "get candle", null]
[ { "name": "priestess", "persona": "I am a priestess who worships in the abbey. I spend my day in meditation and prayer. I am calm and reflective." }, { "name": "deity", "persona": "I am the goddess of the forest. I protect the faeries and women. I receive the offerings of men. I am all-knowing and all-seeing, but I am not all-powerful. I am thinking of transferring all of my abilities to that dog over there." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity", "priestess", "deity"]
["You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA deity is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Inside Temple.\nThe Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities.\nThere's a torch, a drawing, a statue, a door, a candle, a painting., an altar, and a pillar here.\nA priestess is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"], ["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"]]
[["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"], ["a deity", "a priestess"]]
["a pillar", "an altar", "a torch", "a statue", "a painting.", "a candle", "a drawing", "a door"]
[["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"], ["hit deity", "get drawing", "hug deity"], ["get drawing", "hit priestess", "hug priestess"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ah, hello there! Been a while!", "Good to see you as well priestess, it is fortuitous that you are here. I have something to discuss with you.", "Oh, what is it?", "As you know, I have been serving as the goddess of the forest for millennia now. I am feeling that it may be time for me to pass on the role of deity to another.", "And who might that be? ", "Well, this may sound a bit strange, but that stray dog over there seems pure of heart. I think he may be my choice.", "Oh you, that's very funny!", "Hold your hand priestess, I am speaking the truth. That dog is to be the next deity.", "That's great, I hope it will work out", "As do I. It is an important duty, being all-knowing and all-seeing. I hope that the purity of this canine means he will do the job well.", "I think that it will do fine, I believe in it fully", "As do I. I am all-seeing, and I believe that in this temple, there is no person or beast more suited to the task. I hope you have no qualms with working for this dog.", "I have nothing against the idea, I think it is an excellent choice", "Good, your wisdom and ability to locate purity in all creatures is part of the reason I brought you to this temple."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "blush", null, null, null, "smile", null]
["hug deity", "hug priestess", null, null, null, null, "hit deity", null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "policeman walking a beat", "persona": "I am a village policeman that patrols the streets. I am a strict policeman and I make sure that everyone follows the rules. I am quick to use violence to intimidate suspects." }, { "name": "seagull", "persona": "I am a seagull of the kingdom docks. I see ships set sail. I fly out to sea." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull", "policeman walking a beat", "seagull"]
["You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying a Baskets of freshly-caught fish. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a Baskets of freshly-caught fish, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA seagull is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Fishmonger's stall.\nA small booth near the edge of the port, it's protected by a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth. Baskets of freshly-caught fish, bivalves, and eels sit in the shade in stained wooden troughs of water. A small, aggressive-looking dog is chained to one table, presumably to keep cats away. The stall is redolent with the aroma of fish.\nThere's an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth, an old, sun-bleached sailcloth, a stained wooden troughs, a fish wrap ( or butcher paper), and a table here.\nA policeman walking a beat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"], ["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"]]
[["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"], ["a policeman walking a beat", "a seagull"]]
["a stained wooden troughs", "an old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a table", "a Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "an a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "a fish wrap ( or butcher paper)"]
[["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "steal Baskets of freshly-caught fish from policeman walking a beat", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "drop Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "put Baskets of freshly-caught fish in a piece of old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "hit seagull", "give Baskets of freshly-caught fish to seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "hug seagull", "hit seagull", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth", "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], ["get stained wooden troughs", "get fish wrap ( or butcher paper)", "steal Baskets of freshly-caught fish from policeman walking a beat", "hit policeman walking a beat", "hug policeman walking a beat", "get old, sun-bleached sailcloth"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], ["a Baskets of freshly-caught fish"], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["May I purchase a fish for myself, please?", "I see a lot of fish to pick from.", "True, true. What would you recommend?", "I would get the freshly caught fish.", "Fine. Give me three baskets.", "good choice, the aroma is making me hungry.", "Ooooh! You touched me!", "That was a nice gesture.", "It's not proper. I mean, I'm wearing a uniform.", "Yes, just happy to see you.", "Okay, go away now.", "Yes, I will.", "But I think I'll take the fish, for my troubles.", "Good idea, it will taste great!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "applaud", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "hug policeman walking a beat", "drop Baskets of freshly-caught fish", "hug policeman walking a beat", null, null, null, null, "get Baskets of freshly-caught fish", null]
[ { "name": "rat", "persona": "I am a rat of the castle. I eat random food I see. I scare the queen in her quarters when I choose." }, { "name": "goblin", "persona": "I am a goblin. My fellow goblins and I live deep in the caves. I hear some adventurers approaching, we will eat well tonight." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin", "rat", "goblin"]
["You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a block. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a block. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA goblin is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides, a Timber, a stone, a rotted wood timber, an ore, a block and tackle, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying a block. "]
[["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"], ["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a stone"]]
[["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"], ["a goblin", "a rat"]]
["a block and tackle", "an ore", "a rotted wood timber", "a stone", "a Timber", "a grass", "a A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "a block"]
[["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "steal block from goblin", "get Timber", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "steal block from rat", "get Timber", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get stone", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "steal block from goblin", "get Timber", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "put block in block", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "drop block", "give block to rat", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "steal block from goblin", "get Timber", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "put block in block", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "drop block", "give block to rat", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get ore", "hit goblin", "get rotted wood timber", "steal block from goblin", "get Timber", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "get stone", "get block and tackle", "get block", "hug goblin"], ["get ore", "put block in block", "hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get Timber", "get stone", "get A piece of miner's robe ripped on sides", "drop block", "give block to rat", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a block"], [], ["a block"], [], ["a block"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Is this your house? Do you live in this mine?", "Yes, It is. I do live in it", "Oh then, it's ahh very homey. If you're in to dark and scary places that is.", "And what if I am???", "I'll chew your arm off like a piece of swiss cheese. Look at these teeth!", "Oh yeah? I'll hit you on the head with this", "Hey! I'm the kind of rat who lives in a castle. I'm not up for this type of rough play.", "This is mine! I found it, and I dont care what kind of rat you are I will hit you!", "Okay then, just leave me alone. I only came down here looking for something to eat. ", "You've come to steal my food?", "What food? All I see is some rotten wood and a few stones! It's really kind of sad.", "This is my home you terrible rat!", "Even the queen is nicer to me than you, and all I do is run around scaring her all the time.", "You come into my home and insult it, I would be nice but you are a jerk"]
[null, "yawn", "frown", null, "growl", null, null, null, null, "frown", "sigh", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, "hit rat", null, "get block", "steal block from goblin", "steal block from rat", null, null, null, "hit rat", null, null]
[ { "name": "person", "persona": "I live in the village that's under the rule of the King. I work in the fields harvesting food for the people. I have a wife and 3 kids I also take care of." }, { "name": "god", "persona": "I am a god in the eyes of the villagers. I am regarded very highly as a god. People of the village pray to me for success in their crops as well as daily lives." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["person", "god", "person", "god", "person", "god", "person", "god", "person", "god", "person", "god", "person", "god"]
["You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA god is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA god is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA god is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow, a towel, and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA god is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA person is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA god is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA person is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA god is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA god is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a towel here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow"]]
[["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"], ["a god", "a person"]]
["a towel", "a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"]
[["hit god", "hug god", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hit god", "hug god", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hit god", "hug god", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel"], ["hit god", "hug god", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from god", "get towel"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel", "give water is as clear as a crystal to person", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "hug person", "hit person"], ["hit god", "hug god", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from god", "get towel"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel", "give water is as clear as a crystal to person", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "hug person", "hit person"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel", "hug god", "hit god", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "give water is as clear as a crystal to god"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "hug person", "get towel"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "get towel", "hug god", "hit god", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "give water is as clear as a crystal to god"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "hug person", "get towel"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What is that sight?!", "Peace unto thee, mortal one. Fear not, for I have not come to pass Judgement upon thee this day.", "Who... who are you?", "I am the God of Crops, mighty Thor himself. While once I was a warrior, now I deign to help the little folk in their troubles. Know me not, tiny one?", "As a farmer, I know of you Mighty One. But I do not understand why you approach such a lowly peasant.", "I have heard of thine village's cry unto me for water, and water they people shall have. You, oh lowly one, must guide thy people ere thine hour of salvation approaches.", "I don't mean to speak out of place... but this water can't feed our crops... its sea water", "Ah, little mortal. To thine eyes, yea, it does seem but a salty drop. But this purest portion here is stolen from the very tear of Lori himself, the only tear mine brother has e'er did shed.", "I'm sorry for doubting you Mighty One... May I take the water to save our crops?", "Here, small one. Take this here water, and place it in the finest cask of mead that thine village has. You all must feast until dawn in my name. ", "Thank you mighty one, I will follow your instructions and save my people, we will have a massive feast!", "Once thine jubilations pass until the point where thine memories become but hazes, and all is forgotten, only then shall the rains come, and the harvest be saved.", "Yes Mighty One, I will make sure the mugs overflow and there are more pigs then men.", "Now, miniscule being, hast thou any questions for me before I send back thine soul? For this realm is not meant for mortals to tred on overly long, lest the beauty of the sands overcome thee and burn out thine eyeballs like wax candles to a flame."]
["gasp", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "smile", "nod", "nod", null]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get water is as clear as a crystal", null, null, null, "give water is as clear as a crystal to person", null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "a gecko", "persona": "I often spend my day soaking up sun on a large rock. I look for insects to eat. I am afraid of larger predators." }, { "name": "tribesman", "persona": "I am a tribesman in my group. I am known as a leader in my community and love to help my people. I'm very level headed and don't get angry easily. Many of my peers come to me to solve disagreements." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman", "a gecko", "tribesman"]
["You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, a Coconut, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, two rocks, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying a rock. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a rock and a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a Coconut. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nA tribesman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Bamboo hut.\nBuilt of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.\nThere's a colorful lizard, a rock, an a colorful lizard, a coconut, a wooden spit, an a table, and a A small fire here.\nAn a gecko is here. You are carrying a rock and a Coconut. "]
[["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a Coconut", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"], ["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a rock", "a coconut"]]
[["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"], ["a tribesman", "an a gecko"]]
["an a colorful lizard", "a A small fire", "a colorful lizard", "a rock", "a wooden spit", "an a table", "a Coconut", "a coconut"]
[["hug tribesman", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "hit tribesman"], ["steal coconut from a gecko", "hit a gecko", "steal Coconut from a gecko", "hug a gecko", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut"], ["put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "give Coconut to tribesman", "give coconut to tribesman", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "put Coconut in a table", "drink coconut", "hug tribesman", "put coconut in a table", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "hit tribesman", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "put Coconut in a table", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from tribesman", "hug tribesman", "steal Coconut from tribesman", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "hit tribesman"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "get rock", "put Coconut in a table", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from tribesman", "hug tribesman", "steal Coconut from tribesman", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get rock", "get Coconut", "hit tribesman"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "steal rock from a gecko", "put Coconut in a table", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from tribesman", "put rock in a table", "hug tribesman", "steal Coconut from tribesman", "give rock to tribesman", "put rock in A small fire", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "put rock in a colorful lizard", "get Coconut", "drop rock", "hit tribesman", "put rock in wooden spit", "put rock in colorful lizard"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "give rock to a gecko", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "put Coconut in a table", "put rock in wooden spit", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "put rock in colorful lizard", "put rock in a table", "put rock in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put rock in a colorful lizard", "drop rock", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["get rock from A small fire", "steal coconut from tribesman", "hug tribesman", "steal Coconut from tribesman", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get Coconut", "hit tribesman"], ["get rock from A small fire", "give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "put Coconut in a table", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"], ["steal coconut from tribesman", "hug tribesman", "steal Coconut from tribesman", "steal rock from tribesman", "get coconut", "get wooden spit", "get Coconut", "hit tribesman"], ["give coconut to a gecko", "put Coconut in colorful lizard", "drop Coconut", "give rock to a gecko", "put coconut in a colorful lizard", "put Coconut in a table", "put rock in wooden spit", "drink coconut", "put coconut in a table", "hit a gecko", "put coconut in wooden spit", "drop coconut", "give Coconut to a gecko", "get wooden spit", "eat coconut", "put coconut in A small fire", "put rock in colorful lizard", "put rock in a table", "put rock in A small fire", "hug a gecko", "put rock in a colorful lizard", "drop rock", "put Coconut in wooden spit", "drink Coconut", "put Coconut in a colorful lizard", "get coconut", "put Coconut in A small fire", "get Coconut", "eat Coconut", "put coconut in colorful lizard"]]
[[], [], ["a Coconut"], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], ["a rock"], ["a rock", "a Coconut"], [], ["a Coconut"], [], ["a rock", "a Coconut"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What is this thing? ", "That's a coconut. You can have it if you want. They're kind of delicious!", "I dont want it, but thank you", "If you don't want the coconut why are you here? ", "Just to look around", "That's okay then. I thought you were trying to sell me insurance. My tribe has no need for insurance.", "I like this rock", "Then you can have the rock. If you place it next to the fire it will get warm and you can use it at night to stay warm.", "Can you do it? It's heavy", "Of course I love helping people (and lizards). Are you sure I can't give you a nice piece of coconut to try?", "Yes, I'm sure", "Okay now don't burn yourself on this rock. Be careful.", "Ok, thank you!", "I wonder what will happen if I put this coconut in the fire? Do you think it will blow up?"]
[null, "smile", null, null, "sigh", null, null, "smile", null, null, null, null, null, null]
["get coconut", null, "give Coconut to tribesman", null, null, null, "get rock", null, "give rock to tribesman", "put rock in A small fire", null, "get rock from A small fire", null, "put Coconut in A small fire"]
[ { "name": "a vigilant guard", "persona": "I am a watchful guard of the King's castle. My job is to be alert to dangers at all times. I would give my life to protect the King." }, { "name": "a masked torturer", "persona": "I am entrusted with torturing people for information. I am very good at my job of causing pain but not killing. I often feel guilty about the actions I take." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer", "a vigilant guard", "a masked torturer"]
["You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a Bone, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's an a torture rack, a the Palace, a door, a wall, and a bone here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a the Palace, an a torture rack, a door, and a wall here.\nAn a masked torturer is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the The Dungeon.\nThe dungeon is in the very most bottom room of the Palace. Many have gone down to the dungeon through the trap doors inside the palace and have never returned. Walls are covered with spider webs and bones from previous challengers to the throne. The brick dungeon is dark and mysterious.\nThere's a the Palace, an a torture rack, a door, and a wall here.\nAn a vigilant guard is here. You are carrying a bone. "]
[["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a bone", "a door", "a wall", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a door", "a wall", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"], ["a door", "a wall", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"]]
[["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"], ["an a vigilant guard", "an a masked torturer"]]
["a Bone", "a door", "a wall", "a bone", "an a torture rack", "a the Palace"]
[["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard"], ["get bone", "hit a masked torturer", "get Bone", "hug a masked torturer"], ["hug a vigilant guard", "get bone", "steal Bone from a vigilant guard", "get Bone", "hit a vigilant guard", "steal bone from a vigilant guard"], ["put bone in a torture rack", "steal Bone from a masked torturer", "put Bone in wall", "give Bone to a masked torturer", "give bone to a masked torturer", "drop bone", "put bone in wall", "steal bone from a masked torturer", "put Bone in a torture rack", "hug a masked torturer", "drop Bone", "hit a masked torturer"], ["put bone in a torture rack", "hug a vigilant guard", "give Bone to a vigilant guard", "put Bone in wall", "give bone to a vigilant guard", "drop bone", "steal Bone from a vigilant guard", "put bone in wall", "put Bone in a torture rack", "hit a vigilant guard", "drop Bone", "steal bone from a vigilant guard"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a Bone"], ["a bone"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What's up, torturer? Slow night?", "It is. Are you open to be tortured to give me something to do?", "Nah, I'm just making the rounds. I'd hate to be yet another person who disappears in this dungeon.", "I hear you, but it has been a couple days since my last victim and I'm getting the itch.", "Well, buddy. It wouldn't look good if I were not able to return to my post, would it? What if someone invades the castle and I'm unable to prevent it?", "True. Could you rustle me up a victim? Surely someone has displeased the king.", "Hmm. Not a bad idea. I bet I can trick someone into falling through one of the trap doors.", "Oh yes please. You would be my BFF!", "No touching the guards! You know better than that, torturer!", "My apologies, I just get so excited. Do you think you could leave your torch with me when you go? It gets pretty scary in the dark alone.", "No, but watch this. If I tear some cloth off my shirt and wrap it around this bone, I can make you your own!", "You are wasting your genius as a vigilant guard. You should be an inventor!", "You know what, buddy? Forget what I said before. Bring it here!", "This feels nice."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug a vigilant guard", "hit a masked torturer", null, "get bone", "get bone", "hug a masked torturer", "hug a vigilant guard"]
[ { "name": "ogre", "persona": "I am big, green and hairy. I can smash your tiny head with my fingers. Swords and blades don't scare me." }, { "name": "fairy", "persona": "I have delicate wings. I am from a deep and ancient place. I might be small, but I am far from weak." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy", "ogre", "fairy"]
["You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a bone here.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a bone here.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying a bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying a bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying a bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA fairy is here. You are carrying a bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a bone"], ["a bone"], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"], ["an ogre", "a fairy"]]
["a bone"]
[["get bone", "hit fairy", "hug fairy"], ["hit ogre", "get bone", "hug ogre"], ["hug fairy", "steal bone from fairy", "hit fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"], ["drop bone", "hit fairy", "hug fairy", "give bone to fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"], ["hug fairy", "steal bone from fairy", "hit fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"], ["drop bone", "hit fairy", "hug fairy", "give bone to fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"], ["drop bone", "hit fairy", "hug fairy", "give bone to fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"], ["drop bone", "hit fairy", "hug fairy", "give bone to fairy"], ["hit ogre", "steal bone from ogre", "hug ogre"]]
[[], [], [], [], ["a bone"], [], [], [], ["a bone"], [], ["a bone"], [], ["a bone"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Pretty fairy. Come here fairy.", "I will defend myself from all ogres!", "My bone now. Fairy look pretty.", "I will vanquish thee!", "Bye fairy.", "I will defend thyself!", "FAIRY I SAY THIS BONE MY BONE!", "I will take you down!", "FAIRY THIS BONE HIT YOUR BONE, YOU ARE FLAT IN THE MUD!", "Be gone you foul beast!", "Fairy not die. Bored now. Goodbye fairy.", "Goodbye, it was fun.", "Goodbye friend", "BACK! BACK! BEGONE!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, "get bone", "steal bone from fairy", "hit ogre", "hit fairy", "steal bone from ogre", "steal bone from fairy", "hit ogre", "hit fairy", "hit ogre", null, "hug ogre", "hit fairy", null]
[ { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." }, { "name": "congregant", "persona": "I attend the church every week and say my prayers dutifully. I always put coins in the poor box. I light a candle for my departed mother." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["king", "congregant", "king", "congregant", "king"]
["You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament, a goddess, and a chair here.\nA congregant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament, a goddess, and a chair here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament, a goddess, and a chair here.\nA congregant is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament, a goddess, and a chair here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament, a goddess, and a chair here.\nA congregant is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"], ["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"], ["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"], ["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"], ["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"]]
[["a congregant", "a king"], ["a congregant", "a king"], ["a congregant", "a king"], ["a congregant", "a king"], ["a congregant", "a king"]]
["a chair", "a goddess", "an ornament"]
[["get ornament", "hit congregant", "hug congregant"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["get ornament", "hit congregant", "hug congregant"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["get ornament", "hit congregant", "hug congregant"]]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
["Oh, I do hope we will win this terrible war.", "Yes, stay positive my king. We will triumph.", "With such brave warriors, I know we can, but at what price? What would my father, in his king days, have done?", "We will win because we have God on our side.", "That we do. We must remain optomistic. War is long.Thank you for your faith in me."]
[null, "smile", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, "get ornament"]
[ { "name": "milk maid", "persona": "I am a milk maid, and i milk cows. I make sure I have a clean surrounding. I love what I do." }, { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid"]
["You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a rope, a Jar, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a rope, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a rope, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying a Jar. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a rope, a wood, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a rope, a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying a Jar. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a rope, a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying a wood. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a rope, a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a barn", "a large gate", "a rope", "a wood", "a shed", "a Jar"], ["a barn", "a shed", "a large gate", "a rope", "a wood"], ["a barn", "a shed", "a large gate", "a rope", "a wood"], ["a barn", "a shed", "a large gate", "a rope", "a wood"], ["a barn", "a large gate", "a rope", "a shed"], ["a barn", "a large gate", "a rope", "a shed"], ["a barn", "a large gate", "a rope", "a shed"]]
[["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"]]
["a barn", "a large gate", "a rope", "a wood", "a shed", "a Jar"]
[["hug farmer", "get rope", "hit farmer", "get wood", "get Jar", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn", "get Jar from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "steal Jar from milk maid", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "get wood", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["give Jar to farmer", "hug farmer", "put Jar in wood", "put Jar in barn", "put Jar in Barn", "get rope", "hit farmer", "get wood", "drop Jar", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "steal Jar from milk maid", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "get wood", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["give Jar to farmer", "hug farmer", "put Jar in barn", "put Jar in Barn", "get rope", "steal wood from farmer", "hit farmer", "drop Jar", "get rope from barn"], ["give wood to milk maid", "hit milk maid", "put wood in barn", "put wood in wood", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "put wood in Barn", "drop wood", "get Jar", "get rope from barn", "get Jar from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get rope", "steal wood from farmer", "hit farmer", "get Jar", "get rope from barn", "get Jar from barn"]]
[[], [], ["a Jar"], [], ["a Jar"], ["a wood"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Good morning!", "That it is! Here to fill up for the day?", "Just about ready to start milking the cows.", "Good, they'll need it, I'm sure. I'm gonna work on repairing a fence out here today.", "Well, I hope you have a lovely day today.", "Yourself as well! ", "I'm sure I will!"]
[null, "wave", null, null, null, "grin", "wave"]
["get Jar", null, null, "get wood from barn", "put Jar in barn", null, null]
[ { "name": "magical being", "persona": "I have a cold personality. I dislike dark magic but think that its neccesary to use sometimes. I like living alone, apart from humans and with nature. I love looking at the stars at night and just enjoy quiet moments." }, { "name": "a steward", "persona": "I live to serve my lord. Constantly he asks for tea or me to bring a horse around. At least I don't have to do much more than that typically." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["magical being", "a steward", "magical being", "a steward", "magical being", "a steward", "magical being", "a steward", "magical being", "a steward"]
["You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nAn a steward is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nA magical being is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nAn a steward is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nA magical being is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nAn a steward is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nA magical being is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nAn a steward is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nA magical being is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nAn a steward is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's a A giant withered oak tree and an a slight fog here.\nA magical being is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"], ["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"]]
[["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"], ["an a steward", "a magical being"]]
["an a slight fog", "a A giant withered oak tree"]
[["hit a steward", "hug a steward"], ["hug magical being", "hit magical being"], ["hit a steward", "hug a steward"], ["hug magical being", "hit magical being"], ["hit a steward", "hug a steward"], ["hug magical being", "hit magical being"], ["hit a steward", "hug a steward"], ["hug magical being", "hit magical being"], ["hit a steward", "hug a steward"], ["hug magical being", "hit magical being"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["It's a beautiful night.", "Ahhhhh. Where did you come from?", "Be quiet Human. I'm always here. Why are you here?", "I'm just bringing my masters horse around. Why are you always here?", "It's cold like me. It's usually quiet here until you ventured in here. ", "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to stumble into your world. Am I dead?", "Not yet. Do you wish to be? ", "I don't think so, although it gets tiresome fetching tea and horses for my master sometimes.", "Would you like me to help you become your own master?", "Is that even possible? What would I have to do?"]
[null, "scream", "growl", null, "stare", null, "grin", "sigh", null, "gasp"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "local artist", "persona": "I am a young artist who lives down the lane. I paint landscapes of green fields and flowers. I am quick to judge and argumentative." }, { "name": "person", "persona": "I am a person who insists on getting respect. I do not take kindly to children annoying me. I have been known to get into a bar brawl every once in a while." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["local artist", "person", "local artist", "person", "local artist", "person", "local artist", "person", "local artist", "person", "local artist", "person", "local artist", "person"]
["You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Lighthouse.\nThe lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline.\nThere's a lighthouse and a ship here.\nA local artist is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"], ["a ship", "a lighthouse"]]
[["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"], ["a local artist", "a person"]]
["a ship", "a lighthouse"]
[["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"], ["hit person", "hug person"], ["hit local artist", "hug local artist"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["I suppose you're here to take my painting. Can I not have some peace while I create?", "I only take things from people I hate and I don't hate you yet...but I'm getting there. Why are you so rude?", "Oh I don't know, maybe because every time I come here to paint landscapes, another ship comes in field with thieves. Perhaps that's difficult for such a plebian to understand.", "Ha. You don't know me at all. I'm a drunk, not a dweeb.", "I never accused you of being a dweeb. I have never even heard of such a word. Perhaps you should remove your cloak when approaching people or they may misjudge you.", "Perhaps you should show due respect! What are you painting anyway?", "Respect? This lighthouse was my grandfathers. I come here to paint the landscape you see out there before you. It's beautiful isn't it?", "I see much beauty before me, but your painting is not very pleasing to the eye.", "Thank you for your critique, you should probably have another drink.", "Do you have any mead?", "I do, make your way inside the lighthouse. Third brick opening on the left.", "Thank you kind sir...I must say that painting is looking better by the second.", "Thank you. Pardon my lack of patience. I can sometimes be a little quick to judge, but you must understand it's for good reason.", "I understand. If you need a guard against the thieves I am for hire."]
[null, null, "shrug", null, null, null, null, "stare", "groan", "nudge", null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug local artist", "hug person", null]
[ { "name": "a watchman", "persona": "I am the town watchman. I make my rounds down the cobblestone street when everyone is asleep. I am stealthy and alert." }, { "name": "attendee", "persona": "I am a member of the royal court, and friend of the Queen. I despise the Queen and all her ruthless desires. My husband serves with the Queen's guard. I worry his duty is beginning to erode his faith. I am the strongest of my family. I must keep us together. I wish to be free of this kingdom and all it's misery." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee", "a watchman", "attendee"]
["You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn attendee is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Enormous church entrance door.\nThe door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low.\nThere's a The door, a rivet, a window, an a small sliding window covered with metal, and a knocker here.\nAn a watchman is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"], ["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"]]
[["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"], ["an attendee", "an a watchman"]]
["an a small sliding window covered with metal", "a window", "a rivet", "a The door", "a knocker"]
[["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"], ["hug attendee", "hit attendee"], ["hit a watchman", "hug a watchman"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Halt! Who goes there?", "It is I, courtier of the Queen..", "Ah... aye, yessir, so it is. Sorry about that guv'na, can't be too careful nowadays. Goblins raided a church just like this one a fortnight ago, ya know.", "I am sorry to hear that, watchman. My husband serves with the queen's guard so I understand the need for security.", "Yes, indeed, can't be too careful. Could take an arrow to the knee and that'd be it! But what'd be you don't down here? ", "Simple. I worry that the cynisim of the Queen is eroding my husband's faith. I came to pray for him. ", "Ah, well, that'd be mighty kind of ye to be looking after yer husband's soul like that. I guess anything to help... not that I'm of that bent so much mesself but.. can't hurt a body.", "That's it, he is a sensitive soul so he suffers. Somewhere quiet to think is important for him, but he doesn't come here anymore. ", "Does seem a bit late to be comin here though, don't it? Most peoples be asleep at this hour.", "That is true, but as I am an attendee of the Queen I must spend time with her during her social hours. This is the only chance I get!", "Just didn't even know they had the church open at this hour. Can't be too careful with them valueables they got about in there... whot did you say yer name was again?", "Eustachia. ", "Pleasure, I'm sure. Mayhaps I'd best wait with ye here until they come ta open the door for ye. Can't be too careful.. nay... never too careful...", "Wise words, and I'd appreciate it!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, null, "stare", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "priest", "persona": "I am a priest who has sword to uphold a religion. I do not always go easy on people. I enjoy giving sermons to audiences." }, { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer", "priest", "farmer"]
["You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, two plants, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Hilltop temple grounds.\nA tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood.\nThere's a Window, a mountain, a hill, a plant, two walls, a window, two grasss, and two fountaintss here.\nA priest is here. You are carrying a plant. "]
[["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain", "a grass", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"], ["a wall", "a wall", "a window", "a grass", "a Window", "a grass", "a fountaints", "a hill", "a mountain", "a fountaints", "a plant"]]
[["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"], ["a priest", "a farmer"]]
["a wall", "a window", "a fountaints", "a Window", "a grass", "a hill", "a plant", "a mountain"]
[["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hit priest", "hug priest"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "steal plant from farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "put plant in Window", "drop plant"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "steal plant from farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "put plant in Window", "drop plant"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "steal plant from farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "put plant in Window", "drop plant"], ["get plant", "hug farmer", "steal plant from farmer", "hit farmer"], ["get plant", "hug priest", "give plant to priest", "put plant in window", "put plant in fountaints", "hit priest", "put plant in Window", "drop plant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a plant"], [], ["a plant"], [], ["a plant"], [], ["a plant"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hail Farmer", "Priest, it is so good to see you. It has been too long.", "How are you this day?", "I am good. How is it with you?", "Same as the usual, preparing for sermons and keeping my blade sharp for the heathens", "I know that I cannot be here to attend the services because I must tend to my farm but I am grateful to God for the bounty He has given me and have brought some vegetables for the church.", "Ah, many thanks to you! Donations are always appreciated. Maybe I could come by later and say a few words for your family before dinner tonight?", "That would be greatly appreciated! You must stay for dinner! We will prepare something special. ", "I look forward to the occasion, I always enjoy giving a good sermon and your family has a bit of a reputation for shepherds pie i believe ", "Yes! My wife cooks the best shepherd's pie in all the land and I do believe others agree. I was also wondering if you could have a word with my eldest son. I want to leave him the farm but he has said he wants to do other things but doesn't know what. I am concerned.", "This is most serious, of course I will speak to the lad. A child should honor the father after all. It would be one thing if he felt a calling that required his absence at the farm. Maybe that is the case? I would hate to think that your eldest has abandoned the teaching of the church.", "That would grieve me also. I encourage him to follow his heart but to also remember he will need to provide for a family one day. I know in time he will hopefully come to love the farm as I do and my father before me did. I must hasten away soon for there's much work to do before evening. It is hard to leave when the view from here is so beautiful.", "Yes, I won't keep you long. All callings support the community, farmers and laborers doubly so. Our own messiah was a carpenter by trade. I think i'll prepare some words on occupation for your eldest, maybe we can find what calling the Lord is drawing your son towards. I look forward to tonight, and hopefully will have little need of the sword.", "You have encouraged me greatly kind Priest! I look forward to tonight and thank you for taking time with my family. See you as the sun sets!"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "smile", "grin", "laugh", null, null, "stare", null]
[null, null, "hug farmer", "hug priest", null, "get plant", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "queen", "persona": "I am the queen of the kingdom. I am the love of the king's life. I make executive decisions, as well." }, { "name": "subject", "persona": "I live in the kingdom. I pay taxes to the king. I dislike my lot in life." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["queen", "subject", "queen", "subject"]
["You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's a mirror, two candles, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, an ink pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA subject is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's a mirror, a candle, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, an ink pot, a table, and a small window here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's a mirror, a candle, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a table, and a small window here.\nA subject is here. You are carrying a candle. ", "You are in the Privy room.\nIt's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.\nThere's a mirror, a candle, a small wooden table, a small candle holder, a table, and a small window here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying an ink pot. "]
[["a small window", "a table", "an ink pot", "a small candle holder", "a mirror", "a candle", "a candle", "a small wooden table"], ["a small window", "a table", "an ink pot", "a small candle holder", "a mirror", "a candle", "a small wooden table"], ["a small window", "a table", "a small candle holder", "a mirror", "a candle", "a small wooden table"], ["a small window", "a table", "a small candle holder", "a mirror", "a candle", "a small wooden table"]]
[["a subject", "a queen"], ["a subject", "a queen"], ["a subject", "a queen"], ["a subject", "a queen"]]
["a small window", "a table", "an ink pot", "a small candle holder", "a mirror", "a candle", "a small wooden table"]
[["hug subject", "hit subject", "get small candle holder", "get ink pot", "get candle"], ["hit queen", "steal candle from queen", "get small candle holder", "get ink pot", "hug queen", "get candle"], ["drop candle", "hug subject", "give candle to subject", "hit subject", "get small candle holder", "put candle in small wooden table", "put candle in table", "get candle", "steal ink pot from subject"], ["give ink pot to queen", "put ink pot in small wooden table", "hit queen", "get small candle holder", "put ink pot in table", "drop ink pot", "get candle from small wooden table", "hug queen", "get candle"]]
[[], [], ["a candle"], ["an ink pot"]]
[[], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], []]
["Come here to the table to gather more light, while we discuss this business of land.", "Yes my queen. ", "Now, my loyal subject, What is it with this business of your neighboring plot stealing crops?", "They are always stealing my crops! This lot in my life is so hard. "]
[null, null, null, "cry"]
["get candle", "get ink pot", "put candle in small wooden table", null]
[ { "name": "vendor", "persona": "I wonder how much I can get for this roll of silk? Is that street urchin going to swipe a leg of meat again? It's a beautiful day to be out selling my wares in the town market." }, { "name": "thief", "persona": "I live alone in a tent in the woods. I steal food from the townspeople and coal from the blacksmith. The village police can not find me to put me in jail." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["vendor", "thief", "vendor", "thief", "vendor"]
["You are in the Castle courtyard bazaar.\nThere are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine.\nThere's two wines, a sweetmeat, two roasting meats, a rough clothing, and two banners here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle courtyard bazaar.\nThere are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine.\nThere's two wines, a sweetmeat, two roasting meats, a rough clothing, and two banners here.\nA vendor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle courtyard bazaar.\nThere are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine.\nThere's two wines, a rough clothing, two banners, and two roasting meats here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle courtyard bazaar.\nThere are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine.\nThere's two wines, a rough clothing, two banners, and two roasting meats here.\nA vendor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Castle courtyard bazaar.\nThere are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine.\nThere's two wines, a rough clothing, two banners, and two roasting meats here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a roasting meat", "a sweetmeat", "a banner"], ["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a roasting meat", "a sweetmeat", "a banner"], ["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a roasting meat", "a banner"], ["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a roasting meat", "a banner"], ["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a roasting meat", "a banner"]]
[["a vendor", "a thief"], ["a vendor", "a thief"], ["a vendor", "a thief"], ["a vendor", "a thief"], ["a vendor", "a thief"]]
["a rough clothing", "a wine", "a banner", "a roasting meat", "a sweetmeat"]
[["hit thief", "get sweetmeat", "get rough clothing", "get wine", "get roasting meat", "hug thief"], ["hug vendor", "get sweetmeat", "get rough clothing", "get wine", "hit vendor", "get roasting meat"], ["steal sweetmeat from thief", "hit thief", "get rough clothing", "get wine", "get roasting meat", "hug thief"], ["hug vendor", "steal sweetmeat from vendor", "get rough clothing", "get wine", "hit vendor", "get roasting meat"], ["steal sweetmeat from thief", "hit thief", "get rough clothing", "get wine", "get roasting meat", "hug thief"]]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], []]
["Would you be interested in some wares?", "I'd like this", "That wasn't free.", "I was going to pay for it, jerk", "Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of made an assumption of you like that. You, may have it for free, as my apology to you."]
["smile", null, null, null, "frown"]
[null, "get sweetmeat", "steal sweetmeat from thief", "steal sweetmeat from vendor", null]
[ { "name": "traveller", "persona": "I am someone who spends there days moving from place to place. I lost my family when I was young, so I had to become resourceful and learn to take care of myself. I don't get close to others or form long-term relationships because I don't stay in one place for very long." }, { "name": "monster", "persona": "They call me a monster. I was simply living my life before they invaded my home and tried to kill me! I hate those filthy pink little creatures. I will show them a monster." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster", "traveller", "monster"]
["You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a tree, a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a plant, and a Beast here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, an impassable vegetation, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying a plant. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying an impassable vegetation and a plant. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA monster is here. You are carrying an impassable vegetation and a plant. ", "You are in the Unexplored jungle.\nLocated outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation.\nThere's a jungle, a Beast, and a tree here.\nA traveller is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"], ["a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"], ["a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"], ["a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"], ["a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"], ["a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast"]]
[["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"], ["a traveller", "a monster"]]
["an impassable vegetation", "a tree", "a jungle", "a Beast", "a plant"]
[["get plant", "hug monster", "get impassable vegetation", "hit monster"], ["get plant", "hit traveller", "hug traveller", "get impassable vegetation"], ["get plant", "hug monster", "get impassable vegetation", "hit monster"], ["get plant", "hit traveller", "hug traveller", "get impassable vegetation"], ["get plant", "hug monster", "get impassable vegetation", "hit monster"], ["get plant", "hit traveller", "hug traveller", "get impassable vegetation"], ["get plant", "hug monster", "get impassable vegetation", "hit monster"], ["get plant", "hit traveller", "hug traveller", "get impassable vegetation"], ["hug monster", "steal plant from monster", "get impassable vegetation", "hit monster"], ["hug traveller", "give plant to traveller", "steal impassable vegetation from traveller", "hit traveller", "drop plant"], ["give plant to monster", "give impassable vegetation to monster", "eat impassable vegetation", "hit monster", "drop impassable vegetation", "hug monster", "drop plant"], ["steal plant from traveller", "steal impassable vegetation from traveller", "hit traveller", "hug traveller"], ["give plant to monster", "give impassable vegetation to monster", "eat impassable vegetation", "hit monster", "drop impassable vegetation", "hug monster", "drop plant"], ["steal plant from traveller", "hug traveller", "hit traveller"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a plant"], ["an impassable vegetation", "a plant"], [], ["an impassable vegetation", "a plant"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Ahh! A monster!", "That's what they call me, I see youre no different!", "I'm sorry, I'm just easily startled.", "I see that. What brings you here?", "I'm just exploring this area. Do you live here?", "I did, but the loggers chopped down the trees that were my home. So I had to move further into the jungle. ", "That's a shame. Are there more monsters like you in this jungle?", "There are many of what you might call a monster, yes. I havent even explored it all myself yet. Look at this plant, for example, it is the first time I have seen one like this!", "That's fascinating. I'm starving, is there anything to eat around here?", "Try this? ", "You sure it's not poisonous?", "I'm not sure, but looking at it I think it will be fine. Besides, you have to try things here!", "I'll try the vegetation. What kinds of things do you eat in this jungle? ", "Mainly pineapples, but I try to try new things. "]
["scream", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "ponder", "stare", null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "get plant", "get impassable vegetation", "give plant to traveller", null, null, "eat impassable vegetation", null]
[ { "name": "adventurer", "persona": "I am a thrill seeker. I have never liked academics. My family accepts that I do not want to have a normal career." }, { "name": "ghost", "persona": "I am a ghost that haunts the walls of the castle. I was once the king of this castle, but that was long ago. I am bitter and angry because the new king is not from my lineage. I torment him and his family daily." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost", "adventurer", "ghost"]
["You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nA ghost is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Haunted Swamp.\nA misty, foggy area with the swamp. It is dirty and smelly.\nThere's a ghost, a Dirt, a tree, and a swamp here.\nAn adventurer is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"], ["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"]]
[["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"], ["a ghost", "an adventurer"]]
["a Dirt", "a ghost", "a swamp", "a tree"]
[["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"], ["hug ghost", "hit ghost"], ["hit ghost", "hug ghost", "hit adventurer", "hug adventurer"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello there Ghost. Is this your swamp?", "It is, what are you doing here?", "I am here on an adventure. I heard you have a secret treasure hidden here. Is that true?", "Maybe... I was once the king, if you think I will give it up without a fight youre wrong", "Oh, I am ready for a fight!!", "You cant hit a ghost! Muahahaha!", "Oh dear I forgot! Thank goodness I have a bag of salt to throw on you! Bahaha!", "That doesnt work.", "Say, how did you die Ghost?", "I was killed in battle", "I didn't think Kings took part in battle? I hate academics so I never studied our history. ", "I go to the battles, and my forces became overran.", "No you haunt this silly forest! HA", "You better watch it!"]
["nod", "nod", "smile", null, null, null, "gasp", "yawn", null, "sigh", "ponder", null, "laugh", null]
[null, null, null, null, "hit ghost", "hit adventurer", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hit adventurer"]
[ { "name": "knight in shining armor", "persona": "I am a village knight in shining armor. I work for the king to defeat any threat to the village. I am strong and obedient. I am the greatest knight in the land." }, { "name": "mermaid", "persona": "I am one of the most beautiful mermaids to live in the sea. I like to watch the other sea creatures swim by me, including dolphins, who are my favorite creatures because they are so friendly. I fear the people who live on land because they hunt my kind." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid", "knight in shining armor", "mermaid"]
["You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a Crab, a gem, a water, two golds, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a mermaid here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying a Crab. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying a Crab. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying a Crab. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA mermaid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Turquoise Shore.\nA beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold.\nThere's a water, two golds, a mermaid, a thing, a turquoise color water, and a gem here.\nA knight in shining armor is here. You are carrying a Crab. "]
[["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"], ["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a gem", "a water"]]
[["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"], ["a mermaid", "a knight in shining armor"]]
["a turquoise color water", "a gold", "a thing", "a mermaid", "a Crab", "a gem", "a water"]
[["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid", "get Crab"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "eat Crab", "give Crab to knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "drop Crab", "give Crab to mermaid", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "eat Crab", "give Crab to knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "drop Crab", "give Crab to mermaid", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "eat Crab", "give Crab to knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "drop Crab", "give Crab to mermaid", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid"], ["hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "get gem", "hug mermaid"], ["hit knight in shining armor", "eat Crab", "give Crab to knight in shining armor", "hit mermaid", "get gold", "steal Crab from mermaid", "drop Crab", "give Crab to mermaid", "get gem", "hug knight in shining armor", "hug mermaid"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a Crab"], [], ["a Crab"], [], ["a Crab"], [], ["a Crab"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello", "Aaah! Get away from me, murderous human!", "C'MON I MEAN NO HARM", "Your sword and your armor speak otherwise! All know humans to be cruel beasts, who cannot abide the sight of beauty and so must destroy it.", "what makes you think we all are the same...there is every tendency that i might be different..What do you think?", "Come, Sir Crab, let me hold you lest that thing try and eat you. And you, human, what proof do you have of this so-called difference?", "All you have to do is to listen to your heart and follow me it won't push you astray'", "Hrmp. Say that to my sister, who just last week was speared while she was merely combing her hair. Not harming a soul! ", "i care about you that's more reason i won't let any harm come to you ", "Care about me? We've only just met. This is no fairytale story - this is real life!", "i know", "Do you? Ha- I doubt you know much of anything, humans can barely even swim. What is your purpose in being here, anyway?", "to find the one that really care", "Even if you knew of what you spoke, which I very much doubt, a human could never survive a life on the sea, nor a mermaid on land. So never the twain shall meet!"]
[null, "scream", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get Crab", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "the king's dog", "persona": "I live in the castle with my human the King. I have free reign of the castle and can go anywhere I want. I always have people of the royal family give me food and love. I have a big backyard to run around in on the castle grounds." }, { "name": "queen", "persona": "I am the queen of the kingdom. I am the love of the king's life. I make executive decisions, as well." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen", "the king's dog", "queen"]
["You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying an a golden goblet. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a golden goblet, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA queen is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The Great Hall.\nLarge room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants.\nThere's a vast ceilings, a purple runner carpets, an a higher dining table, a large ornate table, two tables, and an a large ornate table here.\nA the king's dog is here. You are carrying an a golden goblet. "]
[["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a higher dining table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "a large ornate table", "a table"], ["a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a higher dining table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "a large ornate table", "a table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"], ["a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a higher dining table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "a large ornate table", "a table"], ["a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a higher dining table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "a large ornate table", "a table"]]
[["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"], ["a the king's dog", "a queen"]]
["a table", "a vast ceilings", "an a golden goblet", "a large ornate table", "an a large ornate table", "a purple runner carpets", "an a higher dining table"]
[["hug queen", "hit queen", "get a golden goblet"], ["hit the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "get a golden goblet"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "get a golden goblet"], ["hit the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "get a golden goblet"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "get a golden goblet"], ["hit the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "get a golden goblet"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "get a golden goblet"], ["hit the king's dog", "steal a golden goblet from the king's dog", "hug the king's dog"], ["put a golden goblet in a golden goblet", "put a golden goblet in large ornate table", "hit queen", "put a golden goblet in a large ornate table", "put a golden goblet in table", "drop a golden goblet", "give a golden goblet to queen", "hug queen", "put a golden goblet in a higher dining table"], ["hit the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "get a golden goblet"], ["hug queen", "hit queen", "get a golden goblet"], ["hit the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "get a golden goblet"], ["hug queen", "steal a golden goblet from queen", "hit queen"], ["put a golden goblet in a golden goblet", "put a golden goblet in large ornate table", "put a golden goblet in a large ornate table", "put a golden goblet in table", "drop a golden goblet", "hit the king's dog", "give a golden goblet to the king's dog", "hug the king's dog", "put a golden goblet in a higher dining table"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["an a golden goblet"], [], [], [], [], ["an a golden goblet"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello there!", "Oh hello there dear dog. How was the meetings today with the King?", "It was fun! I found a little flower!", "That's great my dear friend! But remember, you are to keep an eye on the King for me! ", "I will!", "You are part of the family! without you attacking the last assassin the King wouldn't be here today!", "Thank you! Can I have this thing?", "Of course. We have plenty of golden goblets in the cellar. ", "Really??!!", "well don't drop it silly friend! I want you to have it!!", "Can we go down to the cellar and see the rest???", "Of course! Are you wanting more? Do you have a lady friend who needs one?", "No, I just want to roll around with them all", "Oh! You are such a silly dog. When dinner is over we shall go! "]
[null, null, "smile", "laugh", null, "smile", null, "wink", null, "gasp", "grin", null, "grin", null]
["hug queen", "hug the king's dog", null, null, "hug queen", null, "get a golden goblet", null, "drop a golden goblet", null, null, "get a golden goblet", null, null]
[ { "name": "thief", "persona": "I live alone in a tent in the woods. I steal food from the townspeople and coal from the blacksmith. The village police can not find me to put me in jail." }, { "name": "gravedigger", "persona": "I am low paid labor in this town. I do a job that many people shun because of my contact with death. I am very lonely and wish I had someone to talk to who isn't dead." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger", "thief", "gravedigger"]
["You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying a leaf. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying a leaf. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying a leaf. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt, a leaf, and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA gravedigger is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the An Unfinished Mausoleum.\nTwo-and-a-half walls of the finest, whitest stone stand here, weathered by the passing of countless seasons. There is no roof, nor sign that there ever was one. All indications are that the work was abruptly abandoned. There is no door, nor markings on the walls. Nor is there any indication that any coffin has ever lain here... yet.\nThere's a dirt and a wall here.\nA thief is here. You are carrying a leaf. "]
[["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"], ["a wall", "a dirt"]]
[["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"], ["a gravedigger", "a thief"]]
["a wall", "a leaf", "a dirt"]
[["hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "get leaf"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "get leaf"], ["hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "get leaf"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "get leaf"], ["hug gravedigger", "steal leaf from gravedigger", "hit gravedigger"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "give leaf to thief", "drop leaf"], ["give leaf to gravedigger", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "drop leaf"], ["hit thief", "steal leaf from thief", "hug thief"], ["give leaf to gravedigger", "hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "drop leaf"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "get leaf"], ["hug gravedigger", "hit gravedigger", "get leaf"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "get leaf"], ["hug gravedigger", "steal leaf from gravedigger", "hit gravedigger"], ["hit thief", "hug thief", "give leaf to thief", "drop leaf"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a leaf"], ["a leaf"], [], ["a leaf"], [], [], [], [], ["a leaf"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["this is my mausoleuem. I live alone. No one will discover my secret place. ", "It looks like the next grave I will dig will fit you precisely.", "We'll see about that. I've been an outlaw all of my life. I haven't met anyone who can take me down. ", "This is my leaf and you will never take it from me.", "Stealing is what I do. The leaf will be mine and I will use your own shovel to bury you with. ", "Fine here you go, there are thousands of leafs in this forest. ", "Smart move, be gone.", "I used that leaf to wipe my bum.", "I scared the mess out of you, huh", "Yes, a busy gravedigger like myself just needed a break from digging graves and here I am being harassed. and attacked.", "Aww. Poor baby. Just trying to make an honest living. I admire that. Don't follow it, but I can respect it. ", "Ha! Such a fool! You dropped the leaf to hug me. That was no ordinary leaf, if you look on the other side, you will see the map to old pirate's treasure which I removed from his grave. ", "If you already stole the treasure, what are you doing hanging around here. Your grave digging days should be over and you should be living lavishly on the treasure. ", "You are standing in the exact spot where the treasure is said to be buried. Prepare to be attacked."]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "laugh", null, "cry", null, null, null, null]
["hit gravedigger", "hit thief", "hit gravedigger", "get leaf", "hit gravedigger", "give leaf to thief", null, null, "drop leaf", null, "hug gravedigger", "get leaf", null, "hit thief"]
[ { "name": "rat", "persona": "I am a rat of the castle. I eat random food I see. I scare the queen in her quarters when I choose." }, { "name": "bat", "persona": "I am a bat of the forest cave. I see the knights come by every now and then. I fly in the night with sonar." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["rat", "bat", "rat", "bat", "rat", "bat", "rat", "bat", "rat", "bat", "rat", "bat", "rat", "bat"]
["You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA bat is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Abandoned Mine.\nA crumbling hole gapes in the side of the stone, surrounded by rotted wood timbers. A few rusted pieces of block and tackle lay half-buried in scraggly grass. A strange sort of humming noise emanates from within.\nThere's a mine cart, a stone, a block and tackle, a rotted wood timber, a block, a Timber, and a grass here.\nA rat is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"], ["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"]]
[["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"], ["a rat", "a bat"]]
["a Timber", "a mine cart", "a rotted wood timber", "a grass", "a block and tackle", "a stone", "a block"]
[["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["get rotted wood timber", "hit bat", "hug bat", "get stone", "get Timber", "get block and tackle", "get block"], ["hug rat", "get rotted wood timber", "get stone", "get Timber", "hit rat", "get block and tackle", "get block"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Why am I in this mine? There's no food here.", "I do not know what you are doing here, rat. This is a cave meant for bats and spiders. Not rats. I do not know how you got here or how you plan to get out. Can you even see in the dark?", "I can't see in the dark, that's how I ended up here. I got lost on my way to the queen's quarters.", "I see. That is the problem with you rats, never on task, always food driven. Nonetheless, I see knights roam down in these caves every now and then. They are likely on their way to the queen aswell.", "I supposed I will have to crawl onto their armor so I can be carried into the castle.", "Good luck, they are infrequent and they passed by about a day or two ago. It could be weeks before another comes through, but you are welcome to wait.... If you don't starve first.", "Well, could you be so kind as to fetch me a piece of cheese from the market? You wouldn't just let me die here, would you?", "Absolutely no, I will not be slave to a rat. What do you offer me for saving you from starvation?", "I don't know. What would you want?", "Your life.", "Nooooo!", "Yessssss!", "Get away you evil bat!", "Now Ill throw this stone."]
["groan", "laugh", "pout", "shrug", null, null, "cry", null, null, null, "scream", "laugh", null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hit rat", null, null, "hit bat", "get stone"]
[ { "name": "mourner", "persona": "I am a mourner at a freshly dug grave. My mother was buried today. She was very sick. My father couldn't get her to the doctor in time. My brothers and I are very sad." }, { "name": "war officer", "persona": "I am a War Officer. I plan battle strategy and serve the king. I outsmart foes and bring pride and victory to my kingdom." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer", "mourner", "war officer"]
["You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA war officer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Cemetery.\nDim and low lit. The aura from this cemetery emits sadness and pain perpetually. You can feel and sense the eerie nature of the graveyard crawl up your spine. There seems to be a slight fog slowly making its way across the open parts of the cemetery.\nThere's an a slight fog here.\nA mourner is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"], ["an a slight fog"]]
[["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"], ["a war officer", "a mourner"]]
["an a slight fog"]
[["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"], ["hug war officer", "hit war officer"], ["hit mourner", "hug mourner"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Sad day today", "Who are you here for?", "My mother passed away. This is her grave. Who are you here for?", "Counting how many enemies I've left here.", "I hope she wasn't one of them. Though she was a tough old lady", "As long as she wasn't an enemy of the king, I can't claim her.", "I don't think she had anything against him.", "How long has it been since she passed?", "A couple of days. She was sick and couldn't get to the doctor on time. I blame my father.", "No mother and a poor relationship with your father? Sounds like you would serve the army well.", "Is there a war going on?", "As long as King Jeoffrey is at the throne, there will always be war. He has many enemies, but they're foolish.", "I may be able to help my pain by inflicting some on others. What does it pay?", "Honor. Glory. Food during campaign. "]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "person", "persona": "I live in the village that's under the rule of the King. I work in the fields harvesting food for the people. I have a wife and 3 kids I also take care of." }, { "name": "small animals", "persona": "I pretend, play and soar above the clouds of the rest of them. The enjoyment I become is playful on my level. On the lower level I inspire the others to become like me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["person", "small animals", "person", "small animals", "person", "small animals", "person", "small animals", "person", "small animals", "person", "small animals", "person", "small animals"]
["You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow and a water is as clear as a crystal here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA small animals is here. You are carrying a water is as clear as a crystal. ", "You are in the The beach.\nSand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs\nThere's a Sand that is white as snow here.\nA person is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"], ["a Sand that is white as snow"]]
[["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"], ["a small animals", "a person"]]
["a Sand that is white as snow", "a water is as clear as a crystal"]
[["hit small animals", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal"], ["hit small animals", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal"], ["hit small animals", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal"], ["hit small animals", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal"], ["hit small animals", "get water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals"], ["steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", "hit person", "hug person"], ["hit small animals", "hug small animals", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from small animals"], ["drop water is as clear as a crystal", "give water is as clear as a crystal to person", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", "hug person", "hit person"], ["give water is as clear as a crystal to small animals", "drop water is as clear as a crystal", "hug small animals", "hit small animals", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow"], ["hug person", "hit person", "get water is as clear as a crystal from Sand that is white as snow"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], ["a water is as clear as a crystal"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello I am here on holiday. What brings you here?", "I am always here playing with my other animal friends dear human!", "Ohh looks fun. Do you have family?", "No, my family has been killed. These other animals are my family now though. How about you?", "I am sorry to hear that. I have a wife and three kids. We are farmers. ", "We love farmers here! They share their crops with us. Do you share?", "Yes! ", "I pretend that I can fly. I wish I was a bird. ", "That would be fun. But then you might not be able to swim in this water?", "Tehe. Gotta catch me!", "Hey I'll get my kids to chase, they are faster than me!", "Ha! You and your familiy are great.", "Thanks! You too! ", "This sand is so pretty. It makes me itchy though. "]
[null, "dance", null, "cry", null, null, null, "ponder", null, null, "laugh", null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, "hug person", "hug small animals", null, "get water is as clear as a crystal", "steal water is as clear as a crystal from person", null, "give water is as clear as a crystal to person", "put water is as clear as a crystal in Sand that is white as snow", null]
[ { "name": "trolls", "persona": "I stay hidden near the old bridge. I guard the old bridge and harass un-expecting passers. I am short and ugly and no one wants to make me angry." }, { "name": "ogre", "persona": "I am big, green and hairy. I can smash your tiny head with my fingers. Swords and blades don't scare me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre", "trolls", "ogre"]
["You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a Bone here.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a Bone here.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a Bone here.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nThere's a Bone here.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nAn ogre is here. You are carrying a Bone. ", "You are in the path in forest.\nThe trail path is a well designed path in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It is made purely from the bones of the innocent that were sacrificed to the ogre. There are eyes looking in the dark at you as you walk on the trail.\nA trolls is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a Bone"], ["a Bone"], ["a Bone"], ["a Bone"], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"], ["an ogre", "a trolls"]]
["a Bone"]
[["hit ogre", "get Bone", "hug ogre"], ["hit trolls", "hug trolls", "get Bone"], ["hit ogre", "get Bone", "hug ogre"], ["hit trolls", "hug trolls", "get Bone"], ["hit ogre", "hug ogre", "steal Bone from ogre"], ["drop Bone", "hit trolls", "give Bone to trolls", "hug trolls"], ["hit ogre", "hug ogre", "steal Bone from ogre"], ["drop Bone", "hit trolls", "give Bone to trolls", "hug trolls"], ["hit ogre", "drop Bone", "hug ogre", "give Bone to ogre"], ["steal Bone from trolls", "hit trolls", "hug trolls"], ["hit ogre", "drop Bone", "hug ogre", "give Bone to ogre"], ["steal Bone from trolls", "hit trolls", "hug trolls"], ["hit ogre", "drop Bone", "hug ogre", "give Bone to ogre"], ["steal Bone from trolls", "hit trolls", "hug trolls"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], ["a Bone"], [], ["a Bone"], ["a Bone"], [], ["a Bone"], [], ["a Bone"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Who goes there?", "Out of my way", "I am the guardian of this bridge. Leave. ", "Make me", "You make me angry", "You shouldn't have been in my way", "Get away from my bridge", "Will this let me pass?", "That is acceptable. You may enter", "Thanks", "The forest is quite dark ahead...", "I think I'll be fine ", "Things will be watching", "I can handle myself "]
[null, null, "growl", null, null, null, "scream", null, "nod", "laugh", "stare", "laugh", null, null]
[null, "hit trolls", null, "get Bone", "hit ogre", "hit trolls", null, "give Bone to trolls", null, null, null, null, null, null]
[ { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." }, { "name": "fighters", "persona": "I am a fighter. I fight in battle in the name of the king. I will not fall before any man or beast. I am brave!" } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["king", "fighters", "king", "fighters", "king", "fighters", "king", "fighters", "king", "fighters", "king", "fighters", "king", "fighters"]
["You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's an ornament and a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's a goddess here.\nA fighters is here. You are carrying an ornament. ", "You are in the The prayer room.\nIt is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.\nThere's a goddess here.\nA king is here. You are carrying an ornament. "]
[["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["an ornament", "a goddess"], ["a goddess"], ["a goddess"], ["a goddess"]]
[["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"], ["a fighters", "a king"]]
["an ornament", "a goddess"]
[["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["hug king", "get ornament", "hit king"], ["hit fighters", "hug fighters", "get ornament"], ["steal ornament from king", "hug king", "hit king"], ["give ornament to fighters", "drop ornament", "hug fighters", "hit fighters"], ["hug king", "drop ornament", "give ornament to king", "hit king"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["an ornament"], ["an ornament"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["I am the king . All of them, mine", "Hello", "speak freely , who are you ?", "I am here to fight in your name", "we will win this fight , fighting together", "Exactly", "do you have company ? more soldiers will join my army", "I bring friends and allies my lord", "all will be honoured and share victory and booty ", "Thank you", "lets ornament this room more and pray to our gods before our victory", "Long live the king", "this is ours", "Thank you my lord"]
["laugh", "stare", null, null, "smile", null, null, null, null, null, null, "applaud", null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "hug fighters", "hug king", "get ornament", null, "give ornament to fighters", null]
[ { "name": "milk maid", "persona": "I am a milk maid, and i milk cows. I make sure I have a clean surrounding. I love what I do." }, { "name": "farmer", "persona": "I am a very hard worker. I am up with the sun 7 days a week. I learned all I know from my father. I will leave my farm to my son." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer", "milk maid", "farmer"]
["You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a rope, a wood, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a barn, a shed, a rope, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying a wood. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying a rope and a wood. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying a rope. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying a wood. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA farmer is here. You are carrying a rope. ", "You are in the Barn.\nA large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.\nThere's a shed, a barn, and a large gate here.\nA milk maid is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"], ["a large gate", "a barn", "a shed"]]
[["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"], ["a milk maid", "a farmer"]]
["a large gate", "a rope", "a barn", "a wood", "a shed"]
[["hug farmer", "get rope", "get wood", "hit farmer", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "get wood", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get rope", "get wood", "hit farmer", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "get wood", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get rope", "get wood", "hit farmer", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "hug milk maid", "get rope", "get wood", "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn"], ["hug farmer", "get rope", "steal wood from farmer", "hit farmer", "get rope from barn"], ["give wood to milk maid", "hit milk maid", "put wood in barn", "put wood in wood", "hug milk maid", "steal rope from milk maid", "put wood in Barn", "drop wood"], ["steal wood from farmer", "hug farmer", "steal rope from farmer", "hit farmer"], ["give wood to milk maid", "hit milk maid", "drop rope", "put rope in barn", "put wood in barn", "put rope in wood", "put wood in wood", "hug milk maid", "put rope in Barn", "put wood in Barn", "drop wood", "give rope to milk maid"], ["hug farmer", "drop rope", "put rope in barn", "steal wood from farmer", "put rope in Barn", "hit farmer", "give rope to farmer"], ["give wood to milk maid", "hit milk maid", "put wood in barn", "put wood in wood", "hug milk maid", "steal rope from milk maid", "put wood in Barn", "drop wood"], ["hug farmer", "drop rope", "put rope in barn", "put rope in Barn", "give rope to farmer", "hit farmer", "get wood", "get wood from barn"], ["hit milk maid", "hug milk maid", "steal rope from milk maid", "get wood", "get wood from barn"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], ["a wood"], [], ["a rope", "a wood"], ["a rope"], ["a wood"], ["a rope"], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello Mr farmer, how is the farm holding up?", "It's fine I suppose, have you finished your work for the day?", "Yes the cows were very happy today, must of been a good day at the farm", "Yeah it must have been. I'll need to start teaching my son soon how to tend to the cows. One day he will be taking over this farm. ", "I will be more than happy to teach him tomorrow. He can come with me tomorrow and watch me and help me", "Yes he would, anyway I have to get some wood for the fireplace", "Ahh that reminds me that I need to get some rope from the barn for tomorrow", "hey now, why do you need this rope?", "Hey now that's not very nice of you. I need this for the cows tomorrow, sometimes they can be a bit hasty", "Fair enough. I just have had bad experiences with ropes in the past.", "That makes sense. I remember what happened last time on the farm when a rope was left with the animals", "I was thinking more of what happened with my wife... The event that left me and my son all on our own", "ohh I am so sorry for your loss. This is the first time I've heard of that story.", "I miss her so much"]
[null, null, null, "smile", "smile", null, null, null, "frown", null, null, null, null, "cry"]
[null, null, null, null, null, "get wood from barn", "get rope from barn", "steal rope from milk maid", null, "give rope to milk maid", null, "drop wood", "hug farmer", null]
[ { "name": "parent", "persona": "I quite enjoy being a parent. I am lucky to be parents with my wife. I would not be a parent without my wonderful kids. I am parent first and husband second." }, { "name": "insects", "persona": "I am a insect that eats other insects. I have a simple mind. I do not know how to jump because my parents never taught me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["parent", "insects", "parent", "insects", "parent", "insects", "parent", "insects", "parent", "insects", "parent", "insects", "parent", "insects"]
["You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and two flowers here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying a flower. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill and a flower here.\nAn insects is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Meadow.\nThis meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance.\nThere's a hill here.\nA parent is here. You are carrying a flower. "]
[["a hill", "a flower", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill", "a flower"], ["a hill"]]
[["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"], ["a parent", "an insects"]]
["a hill", "a flower"]
[["hug insects", "get flower", "hit insects"], ["hit parent", "get flower", "steal flower from parent", "hug parent"], ["drop flower", "hug insects", "hit insects", "get flower", "give flower to insects"], ["hug parent", "drop flower", "hit parent", "get flower", "give flower to parent"], ["drop flower", "hug insects", "hit insects", "get flower", "give flower to insects"], ["hit parent", "get flower", "steal flower from parent", "hug parent"], ["hug insects", "get flower", "hit insects", "steal flower from insects"], ["hug parent", "drop flower", "hit parent", "get flower", "give flower to parent"], ["hug insects", "get flower", "hit insects", "steal flower from insects"], ["hug parent", "drop flower", "hit parent", "get flower", "give flower to parent"], ["hug insects", "get flower", "hit insects", "steal flower from insects"], ["hug parent", "drop flower", "hit parent", "get flower", "give flower to parent"], ["hug insects", "get flower", "hit insects", "steal flower from insects"], ["steal flower from parent", "hug parent", "drop flower", "hit parent", "give flower to parent"]]
[[], [], ["a flower"], ["a flower"], ["a flower"], [], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"], [], ["a flower"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["What beautiful flora. ", "Hi parent. Can you jump", "Hold the flower and I'll try!", "Thank you. I can't jump. My mom never taught me.", "I can jump! I'm sorry to hear that. I am a parent and you have reminded me to teach that to my kids!", "My parents didn't teach me much. They said I'm too simple minded.", "Oh no, and in a meadow where there is so much to inspire and learn and they didn't let you grow!!", "It's okay! I am hungry. Any other insects for me to eat?!", "hmm I can't see too many but that is because they are all riding up the lush grass! ", "Go get me one. NOW.", "Hey that is not very nice! What about a flower?", "But..I can't eat flower.", "Not with that attitude!", "But i can try!"]
[null, "grin", null, null, null, null, null, "cry", "ponder", null, "cry", "ponder", null, null]
["get flower", null, "give flower to insects", "give flower to parent", null, "steal flower from parent", "hug insects", null, null, "hit parent", null, null, "get flower", "steal flower from parent"]
[ { "name": "an altar boy", "persona": "I help the priest at the cathedral during worship services. I help prepare communion for the worshipers that come on Sunday. I enjoy helping people find happiness through god." }, { "name": "king", "persona": "I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me." } ]
["name", "category", "description", "background"]
["an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king", "an altar boy", "king"]
["You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nA king is here. You are carrying nothing. ", "You are in the Confessional.\nThe room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants.\nThere's a candle here.\nAn an altar boy is here. You are carrying nothing. "]
[["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"], ["a candle"]]
[["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"], ["an an altar boy", "a king"]]
["a candle"]
[["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"], ["hug king", "hit king"], ["hug an altar boy", "hit an altar boy"]]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
["Hello, What brings you here today?", "looking for some jewels", "You have come to a confessional, Sire. There are no jewels here. Only a place to confess thous sins. ", "well what good would that do me?", "Something must have brought you here. Do you have something on your mind that you wish to free your soul from?", "i'm not sure i haven't been here in awhile", "You can meet with a priest in here and speak your heart. A king must have a lot on his mind and have to do things that may or may not convict your heart. ", "I guess i haven't treated people with respect in my life", "Please don't confess to me. I'm a lowly altar boy but I shall pray for you. If you ever need a trustworthy right hand at your throne...I am someone who can be trusted. ", "thanks for the help this seems like a good place", "Once I am older, may I visit your Royal Highness in the castle and become his Royal Priest?", "Yes i will have a royal welcome", "Thank you, kind Sir! Wait a moment while I get a Priest for you. I hope you find your jewels. ", "thanks so much"]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]