1 value
3.415 cm to the right of laptop(-4, -2, 1)
[ -4.034, -2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.784 cm underneath scarf(-3, 4, 4)
[ -3, 4, 4.018 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.223 m in front of phone(5, 1, 4)
[ 5, 0.777, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.226 cm to the right of shoes(3, 3, -5)
[ 3.042, 3, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.454 mm behind television(3, 4, -2)
[ 3, 4.002, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.92 m to the left of pillow(4, 1, -1)
[ 5.92, 1, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.777 cm to the right of shoes(3, 2, 3)
[ 3.008, 2, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.357 cm on top of car(1, -5, -4)
[ 1, -5, -4.044 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.664 mm on top of keyboard(-1, 1, -4)
[ -1, 1, -3.998 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between basketball(-5, 0, 5) and screw(2, 2, -5)
[ -1.5, 1, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between umbrella(3, 2, -3) and remote(1, -1, -2)
[ 2, 0.5, -2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.648 mm to the left of lamp(-2, 0, 0)
[ -2.001, 0, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.946 cm to the left of lamp(1, 5, 4)
[ 1.009, 5, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.696 m in front of book(-2, 4, 1)
[ -2, 8.696, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.937 m behind screw(1, 4, 4)
[ 1, 1.063, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.485 m to the right of glasses(1, 4, 1)
[ 2.485, 4, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.913 m underneath headphones(3, -5, -1)
[ 3, -5, 2.913 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between shoes(3, 1, 1) and keyboard(5, 5, 4)
[ 4, 3, 2.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.863 cm next to shoes(-3, -2, -2)
[ -3.039, -2, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.613 m to the left of phone(-2, 4, 4)
[ 3.613, 4, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.096 mm behind screw(0, 1, 5)
[ 0, 1.001, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.75 mm to the left of phone(4, -5, -1)
[ 3.998, -5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.849 cm underneath watch(0, 5, -3)
[ 0, 5, -2.972 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.211 m behind sunglasses(5, -4, -2)
[ 5, -4.211, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.904 cm underneath bottle(-2, 3, 1)
[ -2, 3, 0.961 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.096 m to the right of socks(3, 4, -1)
[ 2.904, 4, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.171 mm behind apple(0, -1, 5)
[ 0, -0.997, 5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.552 m underneath pen(-4, -2, 2)
[ -4, -2, 1.448 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.037 cm next to guitar(2, 0, -3)
[ 1.97, 0, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.016 cm behind laptop(-1, 3, 1)
[ -1, 2.96, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.892 m to the left of scarf(5, 5, -4)
[ 7.892, 5, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.648 cm underneath television(-2, 2, 1)
[ -2, 2, 1.016 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.809 cm to the right of pillow(4, 4, 0)
[ 3.992, 4, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.799 m behind wallet(2, 1, 3)
[ 2, -1.799, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between chair(4, -3, -3) and pillow(2, 5, 2)
[ 3, 1, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.0 cm next to bottle(0, 3, 4)
[ -0.01, 3, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between pillow(0, 5, -2) and television(3, 1, -4)
[ 1.5, 3, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.985 m on top of wallet(-1, -4, -2)
[ -1, -4, -6.985 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.649 m to the left of umbrella(-2, -1, 4)
[ 3.649, -1, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.299 cm to the right of lamp(-2, -1, -3)
[ -2.023, -1, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.548 cm underneath hat(3, 1, 5)
[ 3, 1, 5.035 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.542 cm on top of apple(-4, 5, 1)
[ -4, 5, 1.015 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-3.554 m to the right of bottle(-2, 3, -2)
[ 1.554, 3, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between sunglasses(-1, 5, 4) and pillow(2, 0, 4)
[ 0.5, 2.5, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.513 mm underneath glasses(-3, 5, 3)
[ -3, 5, 3.001 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.979 m behind laptop(-5, -3, -2)
[ -5, -2.021, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.805 cm in front of remote(5, 2, -5)
[ 5, 2.038, -5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between guitar(-5, -4, -4) and keyboard(-2, 2, 5)
[ -3.5, -1, 0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.462 cm underneath chair(2, 4, 0)
[ 2, 4, 0.005 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.956 mm on top of guitar(-3, 4, 1)
[ -3, 4, 1.003 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.15 m to the right of lamp(-2, -4, -3)
[ 0.15, -4, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.452 mm to the left of shoes(-5, -4, -4)
[ -5.004, -4, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between globe(-3, -1, -4) and car(-2, 5, 4)
[ -2.5, 2, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between wallet(-4, -1, 3) and apple(-2, -2, -1)
[ -3, -1.5, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between apple(-3, -2, 2) and scarf(5, -1, 5)
[ 1, -1.5, 3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between globe(-4, 1, 1) and socks(-5, 2, -2)
[ -4.5, 1.5, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.477 cm next to television(-4, -1, 2)
[ -3.985, -1, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.446 m behind keyboard(-4, -4, 3)
[ -4, -7.446, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.983 m to the left of lamp(-1, 0, 4)
[ -5.983, 0, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between laptop(1, -1, -5) and shoes(-2, -4, 3)
[ -0.5, -2.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.329 cm underneath keyboard(5, 4, 5)
[ 5, 4, 4.977 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.165 mm to the left of glasses(-2, 1, -1)
[ -2, 1, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.432 m in front of television(-1, 2, -4)
[ -1, 2.432, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.076 cm underneath chair(-1, 2, -1)
[ -1, 2, -0.989 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.591 cm to the left of backpack(-2, -5, 3)
[ -2.026, -5, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.931 mm in front of wallet(-4, -4, -1)
[ -4, -3.995, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.001 mm to the left of phone(1, -1, 1)
[ 1.004, -1, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.681 cm behind camera(-1, -5, -4)
[ -1, -5.037, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.381 mm in front of guitar(5, -3, -4)
[ 5, -3.004, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
5.755 mm to the left of scarf(5, 4, 3)
[ 5.006, 4, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.563 mm next to hat(-3, -5, 2)
[ -2.999, -5, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.924 mm underneath chair(-1, 1, -4)
[ -1, 1, -4.003 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between television(-5, 1, 2) and wallet(5, 2, -4)
[ 0, 1.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.364 mm to the left of chair(0, 2, 2)
[ 0.002, 2, 2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.229 m in front of chair(0, 3, 4)
[ 0, 6.229, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.883 m next to apple(0, 1, -4)
[ -2.883, 1, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.325 m on top of wallet(-4, 2, 1)
[ -4, 2, -3.325 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between glasses(3, 0, -1) and scarf(3, 3, 1)
[ 3, 1.5, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.225 m in front of glasses(4, 2, -3)
[ 4, 2.225, -3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.3 m in front of sunglasses(-1, -4, -1)
[ -1, -4.3, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.969 mm underneath book(5, -3, 2)
[ 5, -3, 2.001 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
3.569 m to the left of sunglasses(3, 2, -1)
[ 6.569, 2, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.326 m to the left of camera(0, -5, -1)
[ 2.326, -5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.948 mm in front of globe(5, 5, -4)
[ 5, 5.005, -4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between basketball(5, -5, -5) and car(-4, 3, -2)
[ 0.5, -1, -3.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.048 mm behind headphones(-1, -1, 1)
[ -1, -1.002, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.727 cm behind screw(-3, -5, 0)
[ -3, -5.047, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.594 cm underneath backpack(-4, 2, 2)
[ -4, 2, 1.984 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between glasses(1, 0, 1) and bicycle(0, -2, -2)
[ 0.5, -1, -0.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-0.605 mm on top of pen(1, 5, 5)
[ 1, 5, 4.999 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-2.427 mm to the right of bicycle(5, -4, -1)
[ 5.002, -4, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
0.542 mm on top of pillow(-2, 2, 2)
[ -2, 2, 2.001 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
1.31 mm in front of car(-4, -1, 3)
[ -4, -0.999, 3 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between television(4, 4, -4) and socks(0, -3, 2)
[ 2, 0.5, -1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
2.628 cm in front of scarf(4, 0, 0)
[ 4, 0.026, 0 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-4.223 cm next to remote(5, -5, -2)
[ 5.042, -5, -2 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between headphones(0, 3, 5) and screw(3, -2, -2)
[ 1.5, 0.5, 1.5 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
4.372 mm to the left of sunglasses(2, 2, 1)
[ 2.004, 2, 1 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
-1.177 m underneath scarf(5, -3, 2)
[ 5, -3, 3.177 ]
Calculate the coordinates.
between screw(4, 1, 5) and pen(2, 1, 3)
[ 3, 1, 4 ]
Calculate the coordinates.