Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
What was the original name of the restaurant located in Orillia, ON?
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 ( original_name VARCHAR, location VARCHAR )
SELECT original_name FROM table_name_50 WHERE location = "orillia, on"
What round drafted was the 1b and a Signed of no cardinals - 1969 june?
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 ( round VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, signed VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(round) FROM table_name_24 WHERE position = "1b" AND signed = "no cardinals - 1969 june"
Which Time/Retired has a Grid smaller than 3, and a Driver of mika h kkinen?
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 ( time_retired VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR )
SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_58 WHERE grid < 3 AND driver = "mika häkkinen"
Which Station has a Zone 2008 of 8, and a Zone 2007 of outside zones, and Services of london overground?
CREATE TABLE table_75343 ( "Station" text, "Services" text, "Local authority" text, "Zone 2007" text, "Zone 2008" text, "Zone 2010" text, "Zone 2013" text )
SELECT "Station" FROM table_75343 WHERE "Zone 2008" = '8' AND "Zone 2007" = 'outside zones' AND "Services" = 'london overground'
Which athlete had a six month suspension from IIHF?
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 ( athlete VARCHAR, punishment VARCHAR )
SELECT athlete FROM table_name_55 WHERE punishment = "six month suspension from iihf"
What is the record of game 42, which had a clemmensen decision?
CREATE TABLE table_44824 ( "Game" real, "Date" real, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Decision" text, "Location/Attendance" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "Record" FROM table_44824 WHERE "Decision" = 'clemmensen' AND "Game" = '42'
What is the title for episode number 7 in the season?
CREATE TABLE table_15431251_1 ( title VARCHAR, no_in_season VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(title) FROM table_15431251_1 WHERE no_in_season = 7
What was the sum of the rounds for the player who had a position of LS and an overall draft pick bigger than 230?
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 ( round INTEGER, position VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR )
SELECT SUM(round) FROM table_name_10 WHERE position = "ls" AND overall > 230
What is Player, when Money ( $ ) is less than 387, and when Score is '73-76-74-72=295'?
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 ( player VARCHAR, money___$__ VARCHAR, score VARCHAR )
SELECT player FROM table_name_40 WHERE money___$__ < 387 AND score = 73 - 76 - 74 - 72 = 295
Which award was given for the role of Elphaba in 2009?
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 ( award VARCHAR, role VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT award FROM table_name_92 WHERE role = "elphaba" AND year = "2009"
Who is the opponent of the game with a game number larger than 5 on June 22?
CREATE TABLE table_14278 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Location" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_14278 WHERE "Game" > '5' AND "Date" = 'june 22'
What was the finish for the golfer with a total of 285?
CREATE TABLE table_50675 ( "Player" text, "Country" text, "Year(s) won" text, "Total" real, "To par" text, "Finish" text )
SELECT "Finish" FROM table_50675 WHERE "Total" = '285'
CREATE TABLE table_20342 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "Team" FROM table_20342 WHERE "Date" = 'January 9'
Which Score has High points of douglas (15)?
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 ( score VARCHAR, high_points VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_90 WHERE high_points = "douglas (15)"
Which Year is the highest that has a Team of walker racing, and Wins larger than 1?
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 ( year INTEGER, team VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_58 WHERE team = "walker racing" AND wins > 1
who won more races , the usa or canada ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_48 ( id number, "date" text, "race name" text, "location" text, "uci rating" text, "winner" text, "team" text )
SELECT "winner" FROM table_204_48 WHERE "winner" IN ('usa', 'canada') GROUP BY "winner" ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Who is the tournament winner in the Atlantic Coast Conference?
CREATE TABLE table_22779004_1 ( tournament_winner VARCHAR, conference VARCHAR )
SELECT tournament_winner FROM table_22779004_1 WHERE conference = "Atlantic Coast conference"
How many attended the game on 12/17 with stephen jackson as the leading scorer?
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 ( attendance INTEGER, leading_scorer VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT SUM(attendance) FROM table_name_45 WHERE leading_scorer = "stephen jackson" AND date = "12/17"
What is the highest rank for championships with christy heffernan with over 4 matches?
CREATE TABLE table_32614 ( "Rank" real, "Player" text, "County" text, "Tally" text, "Total" real, "Matches" real, "Average" real )
SELECT MAX("Rank") FROM table_32614 WHERE "Player" = 'christy heffernan' AND "Matches" > '4'
Which Played has a Lost larger than 4, and a Team of am rica, and Points smaller than 5?
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 ( played INTEGER, points VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR, team VARCHAR )
SELECT SUM(played) FROM table_name_4 WHERE lost > 4 AND team = "américa" AND points < 5
how many featured guests are there in total ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_184 ( id number, "#" number, "title" text, "producer(s)" text, "featured guest(s)" text, "length" text )
SELECT COUNT("featured guest(s)") FROM table_204_184
What is the branding for callsign dypv?
CREATE TABLE table_3796 ( "Branding" text, "Callsign" text, "Frequency" text, "Power (kW)" text, "Location" text )
SELECT "Branding" FROM table_3796 WHERE "Callsign" = 'DYPV'
What date was the match against carlisle united?
CREATE TABLE table_48128 ( "Tie no" text, "Home team" text, "Score" text, "Away team" text, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_48128 WHERE "Away team" = 'carlisle united'
How many seasons have motopark team?
CREATE TABLE table_25981 ( "Season" real, "Series" text, "Team" text, "Races" real, "Wins" real, "Poles" real, "F/Laps" real, "Podiums" real, "Points" text, "Position" text )
SELECT COUNT("Season") FROM table_25981 WHERE "Team" = 'Motopark'
What is Bullet weight, when Source is hornady?
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 ( bullet_weight VARCHAR, source VARCHAR )
SELECT bullet_weight FROM table_name_99 WHERE source = "hornady"
What Date has a Score in the final of 3 6, 2 6, 4 6?
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 ( date VARCHAR, score_in_the_final VARCHAR )
SELECT date FROM table_name_4 WHERE score_in_the_final = "3–6, 2–6, 4–6"
What is the Date of the Competition with a Result of 3 0?
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 ( date VARCHAR, result VARCHAR )
SELECT date FROM table_name_75 WHERE result = "3–0"
Name the Country which has Stolen Ends larger than 7, and a Skip of david murdoch?
CREATE TABLE table_45660 ( "Country" text, "Skip" text, "Ends Won" real, "Ends Lost" real, "Blank Ends" real, "Stolen Ends" real, "Shot %" real )
SELECT "Country" FROM table_45660 WHERE "Stolen Ends" > '7' AND "Skip" = 'david murdoch'
List categories that have at least two books after year 1989.
SELECT category FROM book_club WHERE YEAR > 1989 GROUP BY category HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
What ga date do the models with 1.0, 1.2, 1.4ghz processor frequencies have?
CREATE TABLE table_16341 ( "Model" text, "RU" real, "Max processors" text, "Processor frequency" text, "Max memory" text, "Max disk capacity" text, "GA Date" text )
SELECT "GA Date" FROM table_16341 WHERE "Processor frequency" = '1.0, 1.2, 1.4GHz'
what is the average league cup goals when the league cup apps is 4, league goals is less than 4, fa cup apps is 1 and total apps is 35?
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 ( league_cup_goals INTEGER, total_apps VARCHAR, fa_cup_apps VARCHAR, league_cup_apps VARCHAR, league_goals VARCHAR )
SELECT AVG(league_cup_goals) FROM table_name_98 WHERE league_cup_apps = 4 AND league_goals < 4 AND fa_cup_apps = "1" AND total_apps = "35"
How many Against have a Team of hespanha, and Points smaller than 30?
CREATE TABLE table_40250 ( "Position" real, "Team" text, "Points" real, "Played" real, "Drawn" real, "Lost" real, "Against" real, "Difference" text )
SELECT COUNT("Against") FROM table_40250 WHERE "Team" = 'hespanha' AND "Points" < '30'
How many series originally aired before 1999 with more than 7 episodes and a DVD Region 1 release date of 16 april 2013?
CREATE TABLE table_45278 ( "Series Number" real, "Number of Episodes" real, "Original Air Date" real, "DVD Region 2 release date" text, "DVD Region 1 release date" text )
SELECT COUNT("Series Number") FROM table_45278 WHERE "Original Air Date" < '1999' AND "Number of Episodes" > '7' AND "DVD Region 1 release date" = '16 april 2013'
What was the attendance for the final quarter (1)?
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 ( attendance VARCHAR, final VARCHAR )
SELECT attendance FROM table_name_97 WHERE final = "quarter (1)"
Which round has an opponent of Freiburg?
CREATE TABLE table_43511 ( "Season" text, "Competition" text, "Round" text, "Opponent" text, "Home" text, "Away" text )
SELECT "Round" FROM table_43511 WHERE "Opponent" = 'freiburg'
The player with a rank of 9, made a move from what football club?
CREATE TABLE table_66764 ( "Rank" real, "Year" real, "Name" text, "Moving from" text, "Moving to" text )
SELECT "Moving from" FROM table_66764 WHERE "Rank" = '9'
Name the original title for the last metro
CREATE TABLE table_18987377_1 ( original_title VARCHAR, film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR )
SELECT original_title FROM table_18987377_1 WHERE film_title_used_in_nomination = "The Last Metro"
Which opponent had round 1?
CREATE TABLE table_53593 ( "Date" text, "Tournament" text, "Round" text, "Ground" text, "Opponent" text, "Score 1" text )
SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_53593 WHERE "Round" = '1'
What is score of the game played in place t8 with Byron Nelson playing?
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 ( score VARCHAR, place VARCHAR, player VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_20 WHERE place = "t8" AND player = "byron nelson"
How many bronze medals were won when the total was larger than 2 and the more than 2 gold medals were won?
CREATE TABLE table_57503 ( "Rank" real, "Nation" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real )
SELECT SUM("Bronze") FROM table_57503 WHERE "Total" > '2' AND "Gold" > '2'
During runs 332, what was the venue?
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 ( venue VARCHAR, runs VARCHAR )
SELECT venue FROM table_name_60 WHERE runs = "332"
2007 of 8 4 is involved in what 2002?
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 ( Id VARCHAR )
SELECT 2002 FROM table_name_69 WHERE 2007 = "8–4"
Which Losses has Scored of 9, and Points larger than 8?
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 ( losses INTEGER, scored VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT AVG(losses) FROM table_name_87 WHERE scored = 9 AND points > 8
What is the name of the wrestler with the fewest days held?
CREATE TABLE wrestler ( wrestler_id number, name text, reign text, days_held text, location text, event text ) CREATE TABLE elimination ( elimination_id text, wrestler_id text, team text, eliminated_by text, elimination_move text, time text )
SELECT name FROM wrestler ORDER BY days_held LIMIT 1
Which average against has a lost less than 1?
CREATE TABLE table_42628 ( "Position" real, "Team" text, "Points" real, "Played" real, "Drawn" real, "Lost" real, "Against" real, "Difference" text )
SELECT AVG("Against") FROM table_42628 WHERE "Lost" < '1'
Where did the ol go to college?
CREATE TABLE table_20649850_1 ( college VARCHAR, position VARCHAR )
SELECT college FROM table_20649850_1 WHERE position = "OL"
When Steve Hazlett is the Player, and the PI GP is under 0, what is the average Rd #?
CREATE TABLE table_54910 ( "Rd #" real, "Pick #" real, "Player" text, "Team (League)" text, "Reg GP" real, "Pl GP" real )
SELECT AVG("Rd #") FROM table_54910 WHERE "Player" = 'steve hazlett' AND "Pl GP" < '0'
What was the score in the match against Sanaz Marand?
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_54 WHERE opponent = "sanaz marand"
how many people attended the game on 12/01/2013 ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_459 ( id number, "date" text, "time" text, "opponent" text, "site" text, "tv" text, "result" text, "attendance" number, "record" text )
SELECT "attendance" FROM table_204_459 WHERE "date" = '12/01/2013'
What i/o buses are associated with the brand name Core i3-21xxt?
CREATE TABLE table_26908 ( "Codename (main article)" text, "Brand name (list)" text, "Cores" real, "L3 Cache" text, "Socket" text, "TDP" text, "I/O Bus" text )
SELECT "I/O Bus" FROM table_26908 WHERE "Brand name (list)" = 'Core i3-21xxT'
What swimsuit score did the state of Virginia contestant achieve?
CREATE TABLE table_12338595_1 ( swimsuit VARCHAR, state VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(swimsuit) FROM table_12338595_1 WHERE state = "Virginia"
What is the completed date of the church with list entry number 1068071?
CREATE TABLE table_40669 ( "Name" text, "Location" text, "Type" text, "Completed" text, "List entry number" real )
SELECT "Completed" FROM table_40669 WHERE "Type" = 'church' AND "List entry number" = '1068071'
Find the id of courses which are registered or attended by student whose id is 121?
CREATE TABLE student_course_registrations ( course_id VARCHAR, student_id VARCHAR ) CREATE TABLE student_course_attendance ( course_id VARCHAR, student_id VARCHAR )
SELECT course_id FROM student_course_registrations WHERE student_id = 121 UNION SELECT course_id FROM student_course_attendance WHERE student_id = 121
Where was the tournament where the match was on a hard surface and jan-michael gambill (19) was the finalist?
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 ( tournament VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, finalist VARCHAR )
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_75 WHERE surface = "hard" AND finalist = "jan-michael gambill (19)"
What is the average value for Lost, when the value for Goals Scored is greater than 20, and when the value for Played is less than 18?
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 ( lost INTEGER, goals_scored VARCHAR, played VARCHAR )
SELECT AVG(lost) FROM table_name_95 WHERE goals_scored > 20 AND played < 18
Which tracking method has a latest stable release of 6.0?
CREATE TABLE table_45903 ( "Name" text, "Platform" text, "Supported databases" text, "Tracking Method" text, "Latest stable release" text, "License" text )
SELECT "Tracking Method" FROM table_45903 WHERE "Latest stable release" = '6.0'
Who scored 57 points?
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 ( performer VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT performer FROM table_name_22 WHERE points = 57
Which ZX Spectrum has a Year larger than 1984, and a Genre of arcade/strategy?
CREATE TABLE table_36826 ( "Title" text, "Genre" text, "C=64" text, "ZX Spectrum" text, "Others" text, "Year" real, "Format" text )
SELECT "ZX Spectrum" FROM table_36826 WHERE "Year" > '1984' AND "Genre" = 'arcade/strategy'
What is the To par of the Player from Spain?
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 ( to_par VARCHAR, country VARCHAR )
SELECT to_par FROM table_name_81 WHERE country = "spain"
what tier was this team placed into next after their 2011-2012 season ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_636 ( id number, "season" text, "tier" number, "division" text, "pos." text, "notes" text )
SELECT "tier" FROM table_204_636 WHERE "season" > '2011-12' ORDER BY "season" LIMIT 1
If the location is Yangon, Myanmar, what is the opponent total number?
CREATE TABLE table_25428629_1 ( opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(opponent) FROM table_25428629_1 WHERE location = "Yangon, Myanmar"
What is the Name with an Opened (closing date if defunct) of 1995 and has a Length of miles (m), in Illinois?
CREATE TABLE table_35745 ( "Name" text, "Location" text, "State" text, "Opened (closing date if defunct)" text, "Surface" text, "Length" text )
SELECT "Name" FROM table_35745 WHERE "Opened (closing date if defunct)" = '1995' AND "Length" = 'miles (m)' AND "State" = 'illinois'
What was the score on October 24, 2005?
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 ( score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_55 WHERE date = "october 24, 2005"
What Secretary has an Internal CO of isabel voets?
CREATE TABLE table_61959 ( "President" text, "Treasurer" text, "Secretary" text, "Social AO" text, "Academic AO" text, "Internal CO" text, "External CO" text )
SELECT "Secretary" FROM table_61959 WHERE "Internal CO" = 'isabel voets'
Show each premise type and the number of premises in that type.
CREATE TABLE premises ( premises_type VARCHAR )
SELECT premises_type, COUNT(*) FROM premises GROUP BY premises_type
For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, return a bar chart about the distribution of name and the average of code , and group by attribute name, list by the total number in descending.
CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL )
SELECT T1.Name, T1.Code FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY T1.Code DESC
What is the D44 when D43 is R 14?
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 ( d_44 VARCHAR, d_43 VARCHAR )
SELECT d_44 FROM table_name_64 WHERE d_43 = "r 14"
What player's original team are the Oakland Raiders?
CREATE TABLE table_80251 ( "Original NFL team" text, "Player" text, "Pos." text, "College" text, "Conf." text )
SELECT "Player" FROM table_80251 WHERE "Original NFL team" = 'oakland raiders'
Who played in the Toronto Raptors from 1995-96?
CREATE TABLE table_15857 ( "Player" text, "No." real, "Nationality" text, "Position" text, "Years in Toronto" text, "School/Club Team" text )
SELECT "Player" FROM table_15857 WHERE "Years in Toronto" = '1995-96'
What is the average high temperature for each day of week Plot them as bar chart, rank Y-axis in desc order.
CREATE TABLE station ( id int, network_name text, services text, local_authority text ) CREATE TABLE route ( train_id int, station_id int ) CREATE TABLE weekly_weather ( station_id int, day_of_week text, high_temperature int, low_temperature int, precipitation real, wind_speed_mph int ) CREATE TABLE train ( id int, train_number int, name text, origin text, destination text, time text, interval text )
SELECT day_of_week, AVG(high_temperature) FROM weekly_weather GROUP BY day_of_week ORDER BY AVG(high_temperature) DESC
What is the dominant religion in Gornji Tavankut?
CREATE TABLE table_2562572_26 ( dominant_religion__2002_ VARCHAR, settlement VARCHAR )
SELECT dominant_religion__2002_ FROM table_2562572_26 WHERE settlement = "Gornji Tavankut"
What is the winners Share ($) in the year 2004?
CREATE TABLE table_472 ( "Year" text, "Champion" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "Tournament location" text, "Purse ($)" real, "Winners share ($)" real )
SELECT MIN("Winners share ($)") FROM table_472 WHERE "Year" = '2004'
What is the DuBose Porter with Roy Barnes at 54%?
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 ( dubose_porter VARCHAR, roy_barnes VARCHAR )
SELECT dubose_porter FROM table_name_16 WHERE roy_barnes = "54%"
What is hte nuumber of employees that has a revenue of 104.000?
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 ( employees__world_ VARCHAR, revenue__mil€_ VARCHAR )
SELECT employees__world_ FROM table_name_60 WHERE revenue__mil€_ = "104.000"
Plot the average of budget in billions over creation in a line chart, and order by the Creation in descending.
CREATE TABLE department ( Department_ID int, Name text, Creation text, Ranking int, Budget_in_Billions real, Num_Employees real ) CREATE TABLE head ( head_ID int, name text, born_state text, age real ) CREATE TABLE management ( department_ID int, head_ID int, temporary_acting text )
SELECT Creation, AVG(Budget_in_Billions) FROM department GROUP BY Creation ORDER BY Creation DESC
What is the area of Mangamahu primary school?
CREATE TABLE table_69299 ( "Name" text, "Years" text, "Gender" text, "Area" text, "Authority" text, "Decile" real, "Roll" real )
SELECT "Area" FROM table_69299 WHERE "Name" = 'mangamahu primary school'
who is the points classification in stage 1?
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 ( points_classification VARCHAR, stage VARCHAR )
SELECT points_classification FROM table_name_64 WHERE stage = "1"
What is the lowest played with a lost bigger than 10?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 ( played INTEGER, lost INTEGER )
SELECT MIN(played) FROM table_name_85 WHERE lost > 10
total number of parties who lost seats in the argentine chamber of deputies in the legislative election of 1930
CREATE TABLE table_204_982 ( id number, "party/electoral alliance" text, "seats" number, "change" number, "votes" number, "%" text )
SELECT COUNT("party/electoral alliance") FROM table_204_982 WHERE "change" < 0
How many silvers have a gold greater than 2, a bronze less than 35, china as the nation, with a total greater than 26?
CREATE TABLE table_42700 ( "Nation" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real )
SELECT COUNT("Silver") FROM table_42700 WHERE "Gold" > '2' AND "Bronze" < '35' AND "Nation" = 'china' AND "Total" > '26'
Which recording has a Track larger than 2, and a Translation of the last meal?
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 ( recorded VARCHAR, track VARCHAR, translation VARCHAR )
SELECT recorded FROM table_name_31 WHERE track > 2 AND translation = "the last meal"
What is Current Rank, when Ring Name is Tamaasuka Daisuke?
CREATE TABLE table_40074 ( "Ring name" text, "Current rank" text, "Debut" text, "Stable" text, "Birthplace" text )
SELECT "Current rank" FROM table_40074 WHERE "Ring name" = 'tamaasuka daisuke'
How many literate male (%) are there in the district that has a population of 3.28?
CREATE TABLE table_30845 ( "taluka Name" text, "Population (2001 census)" real, "% of District Population" text, "Male" real, "Male(%)" text, "Female" real, "Female(%)" text, "Sex Ratio" real, "Literacy" real, "Literacy(%)" text, "Literate Male" real, "Literate Male(%)" text, "Literate Female" real, "Literate Female(%)" text )
SELECT COUNT("Literate Male(%)") FROM table_30845 WHERE "% of District Population" = '3.28'
Which championship had a Circuit of le mans?
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 ( championship VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR )
SELECT championship FROM table_name_39 WHERE circuit = "le mans"
Which Third has a Champion of metalurh novomoskovsk?
CREATE TABLE table_44581 ( "Season" text, "Zone" real, "Champion" text, "Second" text, "Third" text, "Top scorer" text )
SELECT "Third" FROM table_44581 WHERE "Champion" = 'metalurh novomoskovsk'
What are the average ages for male and female students Plot them as bar chart, and list by the bars from low to high.
CREATE TABLE Student ( StuID INTEGER, LName VARCHAR(12), Fname VARCHAR(12), Age INTEGER, Sex VARCHAR(1), Major INTEGER, Advisor INTEGER, city_code VARCHAR(3) ) CREATE TABLE Has_Allergy ( StuID INTEGER, Allergy VARCHAR(20) ) CREATE TABLE Allergy_Type ( Allergy VARCHAR(20), AllergyType VARCHAR(20) )
What race has a distance of 1200 m?
CREATE TABLE table_2062148_3 ( race VARCHAR, distance VARCHAR )
SELECT race FROM table_2062148_3 WHERE distance = "1200 m"
What position does the Cincinnati Bengals' player have?
CREATE TABLE table_17509 ( "Overall Pick #" real, "AFL Team" text, "Player" text, "Position" text, "College" text )
SELECT "Position" FROM table_17509 WHERE "AFL Team" = 'Cincinnati Bengals'
What is Tournament, when Week is November 23?
CREATE TABLE table_46640 ( "Tournament" text, "Surface" text, "Week" text, "Winners" text, "Finalists" text, "Semifinalists" text )
SELECT "Tournament" FROM table_46640 WHERE "Week" = 'november 23'
How many new entries started in the round where winners from the previous round is 32?
CREATE TABLE table_18328569_1 ( new_entries_this_round VARCHAR, winners_from_previous_round VARCHAR )
SELECT new_entries_this_round FROM table_18328569_1 WHERE winners_from_previous_round = "32"
What is the Object Number for the item with wheels 4-4-0 and a location of Barrow Hill?
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 ( objectnumber VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, wheels VARCHAR )
SELECT objectnumber FROM table_name_95 WHERE location = "barrow hill" AND wheels = "4-4-0"
What country has a time of 7:28.66 and a rank less than 3?
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 ( country VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, time VARCHAR )
SELECT country FROM table_name_27 WHERE rank < 3 AND time = "7:28.66"
What is the score where the opponent was Mardy Fish?
CREATE TABLE table_41298 ( "Outcome" text, "Date" text, "Surface" text, "Opponent" text, "Score" text )
SELECT "Score" FROM table_41298 WHERE "Opponent" = 'mardy fish'
What 1953 has 2 as a 1949, and 3 as 1952?
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 ( Id VARCHAR )
SELECT 1953 FROM table_name_48 WHERE 1949 = "2" AND 1952 = "3"
What is the largest 6-car-sets for fiscal year 1968?
CREATE TABLE table_19255192_1 ( fiscal_year VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(6 AS _car_sets) FROM table_19255192_1 WHERE fiscal_year = 1968
how many total albums did this group have under capitol records ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_928 ( id number, "year" number, "album" text, "territory" text, "label" text, "notes" text )
SELECT COUNT("album") FROM table_204_928 WHERE "label" = 'capitol records'
When temperley is the home (2nd leg) what is the home (1st leg)?
CREATE TABLE table_19178 ( "Home (1st leg)" text, "Home (2nd leg)" text, "1st Leg" text, "2nd leg" text, "Aggregate" text )
SELECT "Home (1st leg)" FROM table_19178 WHERE "Home (2nd leg)" = 'Temperley'
Where was the game on Thursday, April 29, and they played the Chicago Cubs?
CREATE TABLE table_15396 ( "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Site" text, "Score" text, "Loss" text )
SELECT "Site" FROM table_15396 WHERE "Opponent" = 'chicago cubs' AND "Date" = 'thursday, april 29'
Which flight had an aircraft of vickers viscount type 794?
CREATE TABLE table_47704 ( "Date" text, "Flight" text, "Aircraft" text, "Registration" text, "Location" text, "Fatalities" real )
SELECT "Flight" FROM table_47704 WHERE "Aircraft" = 'vickers viscount type 794'
Who was the loser at Municipal Stadium after 1970?
CREATE TABLE table_54229 ( "Year" real, "Date" text, "Winner" text, "Result" text, "Loser" text, "Location" text )
SELECT "Loser" FROM table_54229 WHERE "Location" = 'municipal stadium' AND "Year" > '1970'
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