Who was the jockey for the winning horse Helioptic?
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 ( jockey VARCHAR, winner VARCHAR )
SELECT jockey FROM table_name_41 WHERE winner = "helioptic"
Which Score has a High assists of whalen (5)?
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 ( score VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_40 WHERE high_assists = "whalen (5)"
Which circuit did Jim Clark win in 1962?
CREATE TABLE table_48461 ( "Year" text, "Date" text, "Circuit" text, "Winning driver" text, "Winning constructor" text, "Report" text )
SELECT "Circuit" FROM table_48461 WHERE "Winning driver" = 'jim clark' AND "Year" = '1962'
What is Socket, when Part Number(s) is au80610003495aa?
CREATE TABLE table_9828 ( "Model number" text, "sSpec number" text, "Frequency" text, "GPU frequency" text, "L2 cache" text, "I/O bus" text, "Memory" text, "Voltage" text, "Socket" text, "Release date" text, "Part number(s)" text )
SELECT "Socket" FROM table_9828 WHERE "Part number(s)" = 'au80610003495aa'
When did the episode with the Ririe family air for the first time?
CREATE TABLE table_19897294_10 ( original_air_date VARCHAR, family_families VARCHAR )
SELECT original_air_date FROM table_19897294_10 WHERE family_families = "The Ririe Family"
Who was the runner-up in 2004?
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 ( runner_up VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT runner_up FROM table_name_96 WHERE year = "2004"
What is the Country of the Player with a To par of +1 and a Score of 74-70-70=214?
CREATE TABLE table_12500 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "To par" text )
SELECT "Country" FROM table_12500 WHERE "To par" = '+1' AND "Score" = '74-70-70=214'
What was the original air date of this episode that was written by Debbie Sarjeant?
CREATE TABLE table_17623902_1 ( original_air_date VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR )
SELECT original_air_date FROM table_17623902_1 WHERE written_by = "Debbie Sarjeant"
Which Event has a Record of 4:02.54?
CREATE TABLE table_42245 ( "Event" text, "Record" text, "Nation" text, "Date" text, "Venue" text )
SELECT "Event" FROM table_42245 WHERE "Record" = '4:02.54'
which country won more total medals than tue french , but less than the germans in the 1994 winter olympic biathlon ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_703 ( id number, "rank" number, "nation" text, "gold" number, "silver" number, "bronze" number, "total" number )
SELECT "nation" FROM table_204_703 WHERE "total" > (SELECT "total" FROM table_204_703 WHERE "nation" = 'france') AND "total" < (SELECT "total" FROM table_204_703 WHERE "nation" = 'germany')
What is the link abilities when the predecessors is ti-85?
CREATE TABLE table_11703336_1 ( link_abilities VARCHAR, predecessors VARCHAR )
SELECT link_abilities FROM table_11703336_1 WHERE predecessors = "TI-85"
What year will Bangkok be the host city and Alicia Keys host?
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 ( year VARCHAR, host_city VARCHAR, hosts VARCHAR )
SELECT year FROM table_name_78 WHERE host_city = "bangkok" AND hosts = "alicia keys"
Which Constellation has an Apparent magnitude larger that 7.7, and an NGC number of 7777
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 ( constellation VARCHAR, apparent_magnitude VARCHAR, ngc_number VARCHAR )
SELECT constellation FROM table_name_60 WHERE apparent_magnitude > 7.7 AND ngc_number = 7777
What team 2 had a second leg of 3-2?
CREATE TABLE table_69241 ( "Team 1" text, "Agg." text, "Team 2" text, "1st leg" text, "2nd leg" text )
SELECT "Team 2" FROM table_69241 WHERE "2nd leg" = '3-2'
Name the total number of player for 51 points
CREATE TABLE table_22824319_3 ( player VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(player) FROM table_22824319_3 WHERE points = 51
what is the highest frequency mhz with the call sign w292cu?
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 ( frequency_mhz INTEGER, call_sign VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(frequency_mhz) FROM table_name_77 WHERE call_sign = "w292cu"
What is the total number of Losses, when Last Appearance is 2003, and when Wins is greater than 2?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 ( losses VARCHAR, last_appearance VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(losses) FROM table_name_85 WHERE last_appearance = "2003" AND wins > 2
how many industrial neighborhoods exist in calgary ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_642 ( id number, "name" text, "quadrant" text, "sector" text, "ward" text, "type" text, "2012\npopulation\nrank" number, "population\n(2012)" number, "population\n(2011)" number, "% change" number, "dwellings\n(2012)" number, "area\n(km2)" number, "population\ndensity" number )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_203_642 WHERE "type" = 'industrial'
List the names of people that are not perpetrators.
CREATE TABLE people ( people_id number, name text, height number, weight number, home town text ) CREATE TABLE perpetrator ( perpetrator_id number, people_id number, date text, year number, location text, country text, killed number, injured number )
SELECT name FROM people WHERE NOT people_id IN (SELECT people_id FROM perpetrator)
What is the smallest draws for a player larger than 2 with a 100% wins?
CREATE TABLE table_name_83 ( drawn INTEGER, played VARCHAR, _percentage_won VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(drawn) FROM table_name_83 WHERE played > 2 AND _percentage_won > 100
Tell me the highest bosniaks for year more than 2002
CREATE TABLE table_31641 ( "Census year" real, "Total" real, "Macedonians" real, "Albanians" real, "Turks" real, "Roma" real, "Vlachs" real, "Serbs" real, "Bosniaks" real, "Other" real )
SELECT MAX("Bosniaks") FROM table_31641 WHERE "Census year" > '2002'
A bar chart about what are the destinations and number of flights to each one?, display by the X-axis in ascending please.
CREATE TABLE flight ( flno number(4,0), origin varchar2(20), destination varchar2(20), distance number(6,0), departure_date date, arrival_date date, price number(7,2), aid number(9,0) ) CREATE TABLE certificate ( eid number(9,0), aid number(9,0) ) CREATE TABLE employee ( eid number(9,0), name varchar2(30), salary number(10,2) ) CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aid number(9,0), name varchar2(30), distance number(6,0) )
SELECT destination, COUNT(*) FROM flight GROUP BY destination ORDER BY destination
Name the candidates for john boyle
CREATE TABLE table_74012 ( "District" text, "Incumbent" text, "Party" text, "First elected" text, "Result" text, "Candidates" text )
SELECT "Candidates" FROM table_74012 WHERE "Incumbent" = 'John Boyle'
When did the Chargers play the Denver Broncos before Week 10?
CREATE TABLE table_7587 ( "Week" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text, "Attendance" real )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_7587 WHERE "Week" < '10' AND "Opponent" = 'denver broncos'
Which Total has a Hereditary peer of , and a Lords spiritual of , and a Life peers of 2, and an Affiliation of plaid cymru?
CREATE TABLE table_5552 ( "Affiliation" text, "Life peers" text, "Hereditary peers" text, "Lords spiritual" text, "Total" real )
SELECT COUNT("Total") FROM table_5552 WHERE "Hereditary peers" = '–' AND "Lords spiritual" = '–' AND "Life peers" = '2' AND "Affiliation" = 'plaid cymru'
type i diabetes
CREATE TABLE table_train_206 ( "id" int, "gender" string, "pregnancy_or_lactation" bool, "systolic_blood_pressure_sbp" int, "hematocrit_hct" float, "diabetic" string, "contraception" bool, "diastolic_blood_pressure_dbp" int, "serum_creatinine" float, "NOUSE" float )
SELECT * FROM table_train_206 WHERE diabetic = 'i'
what was the earliest date of a flight ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_538 ( id number, "flight" text, "date" text, "payload nickname" text, "payload" text, "orbit" text, "result" text )
SELECT "date" FROM table_203_538 ORDER BY "date" LIMIT 1
Show the comparison of the total number of the home city of all drivers with a bar chart, I want to rank in descending by the bars.
CREATE TABLE school ( School_ID int, Grade text, School text, Location text, Type text ) CREATE TABLE school_bus ( School_ID int, Driver_ID int, Years_Working int, If_full_time bool ) CREATE TABLE driver ( Driver_ID int, Name text, Party text, Home_city text, Age int )
SELECT Home_city, COUNT(Home_city) FROM driver GROUP BY Home_city ORDER BY Home_city DESC
What was Shaun Murphy's outcome in the Premier League Snooker championship held before 2010?
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 ( outcome VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_1 WHERE championship = "premier league snooker" AND year < 2010
What date was the attendance 82,500?
CREATE TABLE table_12759 ( "Date" text, "Opponent#" text, "Rank#" text, "Result" text, "Attendance" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_12759 WHERE "Attendance" = '82,500'
What are the names of artists who are Male and are from UK?
CREATE TABLE files ( f_id number, artist_name text, file_size text, duration text, formats text ) CREATE TABLE song ( song_name text, artist_name text, country text, f_id number, genre_is text, rating number, languages text, releasedate time, resolution number ) CREATE TABLE artist ( artist_name text, country text, gender text, preferred_genre text ) CREATE TABLE genre ( g_name text, rating text, most_popular_in text )
SELECT artist_name FROM artist WHERE country = "UK" AND gender = "Male"
how long was there between tarpan seasons and antologie ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_529 ( id number, "year" number, "personnel" text, "album" text, "label" text, "peak positions\nnor" number )
SELECT ABS((SELECT "year" FROM table_204_529 WHERE "album" = 'tarpan seasons') - (SELECT "year" FROM table_204_529 WHERE "album" = 'antologie'))
Which Score has a Couple comprised of jason & edyta, and a Style of freestyle?
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 ( score VARCHAR, couple VARCHAR, style VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_2 WHERE couple = "jason & edyta" AND style = "freestyle"
Name the region for automatic washing machine being 60.9%
CREATE TABLE table_25042332_27 ( region VARCHAR, automatic_washing_machine VARCHAR )
SELECT region FROM table_25042332_27 WHERE automatic_washing_machine = "60.9%"
what is the to par for Dave hill?
CREATE TABLE table_49338 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "To par" text, "Money ( $ )" real )
SELECT "To par" FROM table_49338 WHERE "Player" = 'dave hill'
Who is the 1st member elected in 1620/21?
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 ( elected VARCHAR )
SELECT 1 AS st_member FROM table_name_82 WHERE elected = "1620/21"
What was the print name in 07/87?
CREATE TABLE table_39448 ( "PRINT NAME" text, "NICKNAME" text, "NUMBER OF COLORS" text, "FRAMED SIZE" text, "DATE COMPLETED" text )
Stacked bar chart of team_id for with each ACC_Home in each acc road
CREATE TABLE basketball_match ( Team_ID int, School_ID int, Team_Name text, ACC_Regular_Season text, ACC_Percent text, ACC_Home text, ACC_Road text, All_Games text, All_Games_Percent int, All_Home text, All_Road text, All_Neutral text ) CREATE TABLE university ( School_ID int, School text, Location text, Founded real, Affiliation text, Enrollment real, Nickname text, Primary_conference text )
SELECT ACC_Road, Team_ID FROM basketball_match GROUP BY ACC_Home, ACC_Road
Name the written by for john trefor
CREATE TABLE table_26736 ( "Series No." real, "Episode No." real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "UK Ratings (BBC2 Rank)" text, "Original air date" text )
SELECT "Written by" FROM table_26736 WHERE "Directed by" = 'John Trefor'
What number has an acquisition via the Rookie Draft, and is part of a School/club team at Cal State Fullerton?
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( number VARCHAR, acquisition_via VARCHAR, school_club_team VARCHAR )
SELECT number FROM table_name_54 WHERE acquisition_via = "rookie draft" AND school_club_team = "cal state fullerton"
For the 1948-49 season, what was the At Home record?
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 ( home VARCHAR, season VARCHAR )
SELECT home FROM table_name_31 WHERE season = "1948-49"
For a team having goals for more than 95, what is the lowest position?
CREATE TABLE table_46667 ( "Position" real, "Team" text, "Played" real, "Drawn" real, "Lost" real, "Goals For" real, "Goals Against" real, "Goal Average 1" real, "Points 2" real )
SELECT MIN("Position") FROM table_46667 WHERE "Goals For" > '95'
Who were the candidates in the districts that was first elected in 1966?
CREATE TABLE table_1341690_35 ( candidates VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR )
SELECT candidates FROM table_1341690_35 WHERE first_elected = 1966
Which artist was 2003?
CREATE TABLE table_49456 ( "Year" real, "Album" text, "Artist" text, "Song" text, "Note" text )
SELECT "Artist" FROM table_49456 WHERE "Year" = '2003'
What is the col location with a col height (m) of 1107?
CREATE TABLE table_2731431_1 ( col_location VARCHAR, col_height__m_ VARCHAR )
SELECT col_location FROM table_2731431_1 WHERE col_height__m_ = 1107
What season had a game in the first round with a result of 4 1, 0 1?
CREATE TABLE table_40855 ( "Season" text, "Round" text, "Country" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text )
SELECT "Season" FROM table_40855 WHERE "Round" = 'first round' AND "Result" = '4–1, 0–1'
Which team has the outgoing manager John Meyler?
CREATE TABLE table_16506 ( "Team" text, "Outgoing manager" text, "Manner of departure" text, "Date of vacancy" text, "Replaced by" text, "Date of appointment" text, "Position" text )
SELECT "Team" FROM table_16506 WHERE "Outgoing manager" = 'John Meyler'
What is the amount of trees, that require replacement when the district is motovilikhinsky?
CREATE TABLE table_72092 ( "District" text, "Total amount of trees" real, "Prevailing types, %" text, "Amount of old trees" text, "Amount of trees, that require replacement" text )
SELECT "Amount of trees, that require replacement" FROM table_72092 WHERE "District" = 'Motovilikhinsky'
which category did both warren beatty and jeremy pikser each won together ?
CREATE TABLE table_202_75 ( id number, "award" text, "category" text, "recipients and nominees" text, "result" text )
SELECT "category" FROM table_202_75 WHERE "recipients and nominees" = 'warren beatty' AND "result" = 'won' INTERSECT SELECT "category" FROM table_202_75 WHERE "recipients and nominees" = 'jeremy pikser' AND "result" = 'won'
What is the lowest laps a grid less than 22 with a time of +35.268 has?
CREATE TABLE table_37453 ( "Team" text, "Driver" text, "Laps" real, "Time" text, "Grid" real )
SELECT MIN("Laps") FROM table_37453 WHERE "Grid" < '22' AND "Time" = '+35.268'
What is the number of tries for when the try bonus is 0?
CREATE TABLE table_41684 ( "Club" text, "Played" text, "Drawn" text, "Lost" text, "Points for" text, "Points against" text, "Tries For" text, "Tries Against" text, "Try Bonus" text, "Losing Bonus" text, "Points" text )
SELECT "Tries For" FROM table_41684 WHERE "Try Bonus" = '0'
how many locomotives make the list of the largest locomotives ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_850 ( id number, "name" text, "railway" text, "series" text, "maker" text, "dates" text, "drive" text, "wheel arrangement" text, "weight" text, "power" text, "notes" text )
SELECT COUNT("name") FROM table_204_850
Name the least podiums for 0 wins and 2005 season for 321 points
CREATE TABLE table_23703 ( "Season" real, "Series" text, "Team" text, "Races" real, "Wins" real, "Poles" real, "F/Laps" real, "Podiums" real, "Points" text, "Position" text )
SELECT MIN("Podiums") FROM table_23703 WHERE "Wins" = '0' AND "Season" = '2005' AND "Points" = '321'
country with the most bronze medals .
CREATE TABLE table_204_308 ( id number, "rank" number, "nation" text, "gold" number, "silver" number, "bronze" number, "total" number )
SELECT "nation" FROM table_204_308 ORDER BY "bronze" DESC LIMIT 1
What is the name for the 2012 CN Sabadell?
CREATE TABLE table_9225 ( "Name" text, "Pos." text, "Height" text, "Weight" text, "2012 club" text )
SELECT "Name" FROM table_9225 WHERE "2012 club" = 'cn sabadell'
What is the highest games Played where the Place is 10 and Points are less than 17?
CREATE TABLE table_7305 ( "Place" real, "Team" text, "Played" real, "Draw" real, "Lost" real, "Goals Scored" real, "Goals Conceded" real, "Points" real )
SELECT MAX("Played") FROM table_7305 WHERE "Place" = '10' AND "Points" < '17'
How many losses for the coach that coached 19 games?
CREATE TABLE table_14594528_6 ( losses VARCHAR, games VARCHAR )
SELECT losses FROM table_14594528_6 WHERE games = 19
Who was the visiting team on April 8 where more than 19,141 were in attendance?
CREATE TABLE table_55189 ( "Date" text, "Visitor" text, "Score" text, "Home" text, "Leading scorer" text, "Attendance" real, "Record" text )
SELECT "Visitor" FROM table_55189 WHERE "Attendance" > '19,141' AND "Date" = 'april 8'
Name the nationality of number 9
CREATE TABLE table_15621965_1 ( nationality VARCHAR, no VARCHAR )
SELECT nationality FROM table_15621965_1 WHERE no = 9
the race on march 5 took place in miami , florida . where did the next race take place ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_742 ( id number, "rnd" number, "date" text, "race name" text, "circuit" text, "city/location" text, "pole position" text, "fastest lap" text, "winning driver" text, "winning team" text, "report" text )
SELECT "city/location" FROM table_203_742 WHERE "date" > (SELECT "date" FROM table_203_742 WHERE "date" = 'march 5') ORDER BY "date" LIMIT 1
what's the total number of position with driver robby gordon
CREATE TABLE table_10160447_1 ( position VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(position) FROM table_10160447_1 WHERE driver = "Robby Gordon"
What is the low goal for kenny miller with an average smaller than 0.261?
CREATE TABLE table_54660 ( "Name" text, "Scotland career" text, "Caps" real, "Goals" real, "Average" real )
SELECT MIN("Goals") FROM table_54660 WHERE "Name" = 'kenny miller' AND "Average" < '0.261'
How many races were in the Mallala Motor Sport Park circuit?
CREATE TABLE table_70335 ( "Race" real, "Circuit" text, "Location / State" text, "Date" text, "Winner" text, "Team" text )
SELECT COUNT("Race") FROM table_70335 WHERE "Circuit" = 'mallala motor sport park'
who was the Stage winner when the stage was smaller than 16, earlier than 1986, and a distance (km) was 19.6?
CREATE TABLE table_13568 ( "Year" real, "Stage" real, "Start of stage" text, "Distance (km)" text, "Category of climb" text, "Stage winner" text, "Yellow jersey" text )
SELECT "Stage winner" FROM table_13568 WHERE "Stage" < '16' AND "Year" < '1986' AND "Distance (km)" = '19.6'
In what game was the attendance at the America West Arena 18,756?
CREATE TABLE table_31416 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Series" text )
SELECT MAX("Game") FROM table_31416 WHERE "Location Attendance" = 'America West Arena 18,756'
how many gold 's has brazil won ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_360 ( id number, "year" number, "host" text, "gold" text, "silver" text, "bronze" text )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_204_360 WHERE "gold" = 'brazil'
When middle assyrian empire is the ubaid period in mesopotamia what is the copper age?
CREATE TABLE table_23537091_1 ( copper_age VARCHAR, ubaid_period_in_mesopotamia VARCHAR )
SELECT copper_age FROM table_23537091_1 WHERE ubaid_period_in_mesopotamia = "Middle Assyrian Empire"
What's the ijekavian translation of the ikavian word grijati?
CREATE TABLE table_29854 ( "English" text, "Predecessor" text, "Ekavian" text, "Ikavian" text, "Ijekavian" text, "Ijekavian development" text )
SELECT "Ijekavian" FROM table_29854 WHERE "Ikavian" = 'grijati'
On what date did Jesse Levine play on a hard surface?
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 ( date VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR )
SELECT date FROM table_name_78 WHERE surface = "hard" AND opponent = "jesse levine"
Does the city of moline have stereo?
CREATE TABLE table_27296 ( "Freq" real, "Call" text, "City" text, "Owner" text, "Start" real, "Day Power ( W )" real, "Night Power" real, "Nickname" text, "Format" text, "Stereo" text )
SELECT "Stereo" FROM table_27296 WHERE "City" = 'Moline'
A bar chart shows the distribution of All_Games and School_ID , and could you list by the bars in desc?
CREATE TABLE basketball_match ( Team_ID int, School_ID int, Team_Name text, ACC_Regular_Season text, ACC_Percent text, ACC_Home text, ACC_Road text, All_Games text, All_Games_Percent int, All_Home text, All_Road text, All_Neutral text ) CREATE TABLE university ( School_ID int, School text, Location text, Founded real, Affiliation text, Enrollment real, Nickname text, Primary_conference text )
SELECT All_Games, School_ID FROM basketball_match ORDER BY All_Games DESC
Which average Played has a Drawn smaller than 1, and Points larger than 4?
CREATE TABLE table_name_83 ( played INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT AVG(played) FROM table_name_83 WHERE drawn < 1 AND points > 4
What is High Rebounds, when Date is 'March 13'?
CREATE TABLE table_50541 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "High rebounds" FROM table_50541 WHERE "Date" = 'march 13'
What is the highest number of apps of the player with more than 63 goals and an avge of 0.45?
CREATE TABLE table_35769 ( "Name" text, "Goals" real, "Apps" real, "Avge" real, "Career" text )
SELECT MAX("Apps") FROM table_35769 WHERE "Goals" > '63' AND "Avge" = '0.45'
Name of sue bird that involves what team?
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 ( team VARCHAR, name VARCHAR )
SELECT team FROM table_name_27 WHERE name = "sue bird"
What was the game date when the opponent was Houston?
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 ( date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR )
SELECT date FROM table_name_8 WHERE opponent = "houston"
What is the Strain name of Species Thiomicrospira crunogena?
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 ( strain VARCHAR, species VARCHAR )
SELECT strain FROM table_name_24 WHERE species = "thiomicrospira crunogena"
What is the result of the game with 57,234 people in attendance?
CREATE TABLE table_78818 ( "Week" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text, "Kickoff Time" text, "Attendance" text )
SELECT "Result" FROM table_78818 WHERE "Attendance" = '57,234'
2006 of 10 4 is in which 2000?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 ( Id VARCHAR )
SELECT 2000 FROM table_name_85 WHERE 2006 = "10–4"
What is the 3rd largest when 2nd largest in Minab?
CREATE TABLE table_48113 ( "Province" text, "Largest city" text, "2nd Largest" text, "3rd Largest" text, "4th largest" text )
SELECT "3rd Largest" FROM table_48113 WHERE "2nd Largest" = 'minab'
List the names of members who did not participate in any round.
CREATE TABLE college ( college_id number, name text, leader_name text, college_location text ) CREATE TABLE member ( member_id number, name text, country text, college_id number ) CREATE TABLE round ( round_id number, member_id number, decoration_theme text, rank_in_round number )
SELECT name FROM member WHERE NOT member_id IN (SELECT member_id FROM round)
What was the highest number of goals when 2428 minutes were played?
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 ( goals INTEGER, minutes VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(goals) FROM table_name_91 WHERE minutes = 2428
What is the largest Average with Goals smaller than 34, Matches larger than 30, and a Team of cultural leonesa?
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 ( average INTEGER, team VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR, matches VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(average) FROM table_name_80 WHERE goals < 34 AND matches > 30 AND team = "cultural leonesa"
Name the Event of sudesh peiris?
CREATE TABLE table_name_93 ( event VARCHAR, name VARCHAR )
SELECT event FROM table_name_93 WHERE name = "sudesh peiris"
What's the shortest length from north klondike highway that has a length less than 326?
CREATE TABLE table_37259 ( "Name" text, "Number" real, "From" text, "Length (km)" real, "Length (mi)" real )
SELECT MIN("Length (km)") FROM table_37259 WHERE "Name" = 'north klondike highway' AND "Length (mi)" < '326'
When mount gauttier is the peak what is the highest prominence in meters?
CREATE TABLE table_18946749_1 ( prominence__m_ INTEGER, peak VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(prominence__m_) FROM table_18946749_1 WHERE peak = "Mount Gauttier"
Which Year has an Expenditure smaller than 41.3, and a % GDP of x, and an Income larger than 34.4?
CREATE TABLE table_41810 ( "Year" real, "Income" real, "Expenditure" real, "Surplus(Deficit)" text, "% GDP" text )
SELECT SUM("Year") FROM table_41810 WHERE "Expenditure" < '41.3' AND "% GDP" = 'x' AND "Income" > '34.4'
What were all USAF space flights when the aximum speed was 3822?
CREATE TABLE table_221315_3 ( usaf_space_flights VARCHAR, max_speed__mph_ VARCHAR )
SELECT usaf_space_flights FROM table_221315_3 WHERE max_speed__mph_ = 3822
What song has draw number less than 2?
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 ( song VARCHAR, draw INTEGER )
SELECT song FROM table_name_41 WHERE draw < 2
What's the lowest total when the floor exercise is less than 36.724 and the rank is lower than 8?
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 ( total INTEGER, floor_exercise VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(total) FROM table_name_13 WHERE floor_exercise < 36.724 AND rank < 8
What is the lowest number of matches for a record holder?
CREATE TABLE table_28291 ( "Rank" real, "Average" text, "Player" text, "Matches" real, "Innings" real, "Period" text )
SELECT MIN("Matches") FROM table_28291
What was the surface for the opponents in the final with fitzgerald vilas?
CREATE TABLE table_22597626_17 ( surface VARCHAR, opponents_in_the_final VARCHAR )
SELECT surface FROM table_22597626_17 WHERE opponents_in_the_final = "Fitzgerald Vilas"
What position did the draft pick going to saskatchewan play?
CREATE TABLE table_28059992_5 ( position VARCHAR, cfl_team VARCHAR )
SELECT position FROM table_28059992_5 WHERE cfl_team = "Saskatchewan"
Which Lead has a Nation of switzerland?
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 ( lead VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR )
SELECT lead FROM table_name_15 WHERE nation = "switzerland"
Name the date for visiting team of denver broncos
CREATE TABLE table_67107 ( "Date" text, "Visiting Team" text, "Final Score" text, "Host Team" text, "Stadium" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_67107 WHERE "Visiting Team" = 'denver broncos'
What is the total number of wins of the central murray of koondrook-barham, which has more than 0 draws?
CREATE TABLE table_12573 ( "Central Murray" text, "Wins" real, "Byes" real, "Losses" real, "Draws" real, "Against" real )
SELECT COUNT("Wins") FROM table_12573 WHERE "Central Murray" = 'koondrook-barham' AND "Draws" > '0'
What is the lowest jews and others 1 for the localities 11?
CREATE TABLE table_28192 ( "Metropolitan ring" text, "Localities" real, "Total" real, "Jews and others 1" real, "Thereof: Jews" real, "Arabs" real, "Population density (per km\u00b2)" text, "Annual Population growth rate" text )
SELECT MIN("Jews and others 1") FROM table_28192 WHERE "Localities" = '11'
How many picks are there with an affiliation is the University of California Norcal Lamorinda United?
CREATE TABLE table_27716 ( "Pick #" real, "MLS Team" text, "Player" text, "Position" text, "Affiliation" text )
SELECT COUNT("Pick #") FROM table_27716 WHERE "Affiliation" = 'University of California NorCal Lamorinda United'
How many totals have 38.023 (6) as the 3rd run?
CREATE TABLE table_13764 ( "Rank" real, "Name" text, "1st run" text, "2nd run" text, "3rd run" text, "Total" real )
SELECT COUNT("Total") FROM table_13764 WHERE "3rd run" = '38.023 (6)'
What is Final, when Run 3 is 1:57.41?
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 ( final VARCHAR, run_3 VARCHAR )
SELECT final FROM table_name_60 WHERE run_3 = "1:57.41"