TinaCMS (GitHub Repo)
TinaCMS is a toolkit for building content management directly into a website. It allows teams to have a contextual and intuitive editing experience without sacrificing code quality. A demo is available on the main website.
Designer Camera (Mac Desktop App)
This is a Mac desktop app that lets you easily make a rotatable 3D mockup of your iOS app in just a few seconds. It's a free download with no email required.
Web Scraping API (Sponsor)
Scraper API lets you easily scrape any web page with a single API call.
Typehole (GitHub Repo)
Typehole is a tool for Visual Studio Code that automates creating static typing. It can generate TypeScript types and interfaces for all serializable runtime values. A GIF preview that shows how Typehole works is available.
Case Study Club (Newsletter)
Case Study Club is a weekly newsletter that contains case studies about the specific design choices and thought processes that go into building a product. Curated by Jan Wennesland, a designer since 1996!
River of Love | A.I. Written Song (4 minute video)
This country song was written by GPT-3. The AI was only fed the title of the song, River of Love. The song was performed by singer Anna Vaus.
Miniflare (GitHub Repo)
Miniflare is a simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers. It allows Workers to be tested locally without an internet connection. Miniflare has support for most Workers features.
It's not just you, YouTube and other Google services are down
Youtube and the Google Play store both went down for over two hours. There's no explanation for the outage yet, but I can't remember Youtube ever going down.
Google Engineering Practices Documentation (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains documents that detail the best practice guidelines that Google has developed. There are two documents, the Code Reviewer's Guide and the Change Author's Guide.
Rich (GitHub Repo)
Rich is a Python library for rich text and formatting in the terminal. It can add color and style, pretty tables, progress bars, markdown, syntax highlighted source code, and more. Examples are available in the repository.
Sherlock (GitHub Repo)
Sherlock is a program written in Python that is able to search for usernames across social networks. It will find all accounts with the same names and output the details into a text file.
The Practical Linux Hardening Guide (GitHub Repo)
This is an incredibly detailed open source guide for securing production Linux servers. It's still a work in progress, but there's already a lot of great stuff here.
SVG Favicon Maker (Website)
This site makes it easy to create an SVG favicon from a letter or emoji. Users can customize the font, color, and background, then download the favicon as an SVG or PNG file or copy the HTML code.
Google Screen Call First Look (5 minute video)
Google has a new feature that lets you screen out spam calls and answer calls with Google Assistant. Here's a video of someone demoing this new functionality!
trdsql (GitHub Repo)
trdsql is a command-line tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON, and TBLN. It is similar to tools like q and textql except that trdsql supports PostgreSQL and MySQL syntax. trdsql can output to various formats.
Icons 8 Ouch (Free Illustrations)
This is a set of free illustrations neatly categorized for web developers. The categories are things like page not found, no comments, payment processed, as well as topics like education, relationships, and medicine.
CoinSnacks (Newsletter)
CoinSnacks is basically a weekly TLDR newsletter for crypto. If you're into buying and hodling, or just want to figure out how to dip your toe into learning about the cryptocurrency space, you might want to check this out.
Awesome MLOps (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains a list of curated references for machine learning operations. Sections include books, papers, articles, software engineering, machine learning, ethics, and more.
stream-unzip (GitHub Repo)
stream-unzip unzips files from a ZIP archive without loading anything into memory. It uses headers and footers in ZIP files to determine the beginning and end of files.
SnowFS (GitHub Repo)
SnowFS is a command-line app for storing graphic files with version control. It supports branches, asynchronous file hashing, fast-detection of modifications in large binaries, and more. A GIF demo is available in the repository.
YaLM 100B (GitHub Repo)
YaLM 100B is a GPT-like neural network for generating and processing text.
Procedural GL JS (GitHub Repo)
Procedural GL JS is a library for creating 3D maps on the web. It allows developers to embed landscapes into web pages. Procedural GL JS is fast and optimized for mobile devices. A demo is available.
shdoc (GitHub Repo)
shdoc converts comments to produce markdown documentation. Developers can write markdown code in comments using function tags. An example of the function tags and output is available.
Rust for Windows (GitHub Repo)
This crate lets developers call any Windows API as if they were just using another Rust module. It provides a natural and idiomatic way for Rust developers to call Windows APIs.
Andromeda (GitHub Repo)
Andromeda is a tool created for reverse engineering Android applications, written in C/C++. It is still in an early development stage. There is a short demo video showing Andromeda in use.
Cybersecurity and Nation States: A Fireside Chat (Sponsor)
On June 15, Jen Easterly, Director of CISA, will be joining Teleport for the Security Visionaries Series. Sign up today.
catj (GitHub Repo)
catj displays JSON files in a flat format. This makes it easier to understand the structure of JSON files. The output is valid JavaScript which can be used directly in code.
Laravel Pint (GitHub Repo)
Laravel Pint is a zero-dependency PHP code style fixer for minimalists.
CSS Wand (Website)
CSS Wand contains CSS code that can be copied and pasted. The code is easily customizable. There are currently 12 CSS effects available, with a small preview of each effect available on the page.
ARWES (Website)
Arwes is a web framework for building science fiction and cyberpunk styled user interfaces for web applications. It is built on top of React, JSS, Anime, and Howler. The website itself is a demo.
Shards Dashboard React (GitHub Repo)
This is a free React admin dashboard template pack, with tons of custom templates and components. There's a live demo, it looks really nice.
Onefetch (GitHub Repo)
Onefetch is a command line tool that displays information from a Git project directly in Terminal. It currently supports 20 different languages, and more can be added upon request. Screenshots are available that show the output.
css.gg (GitHub Repo)
css.gg is a library of minimalistic icons built entirely in CSS. It is lightweight, accessible, fast, and the icons are Retina Ready. It features an API endpoint that can return data in JSON, style, or markup code.
whatthefuck.is (GitHub Repo)
whatthefuck.is is an opinionated glossary of computer science terms for front-end developers. It is currently a work in progress and open for question submissions. A curse-free mirror is available.
GIFRun (Website)
GIFRun creates high-quality GIFs from video streaming sites. Users just need to paste in the link to the video, and then they can choose when the GIF starts and adjust the length and speed of the GIF. They can also add text.
Anime.js (GitHub Repo)
Anime.js is an open source Javascript animation engine. The documentation is really good (there are lots of CodePen examples) and there's a really cool animation on their landing page.
UseHooks.ts (GitHub Repo)
UseHooks.ts is a React hook library written in Typescript. It contains many useful code snippets that can be easily copied to the clipboard. A hosted version is available.
Flawwwless ui (GitHub Repo)
Flawwwless ui is an open-source React.js components library aimed at helping developers create enterprise applications that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. There are over 23 components ready to use.
Divjoy (Website)
Divjoy is a free web-based tool to create a React codebase. Developers can select their desired stacks, choose a template, and edit the website using a drag-and-drop visual editor, and Divjoy will serve up the code to be exported.
YoHa (GitHub Repo)
YoHa is a general purpose hand tracking engine. It can detect specific hand poses so that developers can build applications with meaningful interactions. YoHa is currently in beta and only available for the web.
This repository contains over 1800 links on hacking and penetration testing. Each link has a small description of the topic. The repository will continue to be updated until it reaches 2000 links.
MLOps Primer (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains resources for keeping up with the latest in the world of MLOps.
Pprint (GitHub Repo)
Pprint is a pretty printer for modern C++. To install, users just need to include the pprint.hpp in their code. There are many examples of how to use pprint available on the repository.
Modern Node (GitHub Repo)
Modern Node is a pre-configured toolkit for modern node modules. Developers can test projects, format all files in a project with prettier-standard, lint files, and format and lint staged changes.
Simplenetes (GitHub Repo)
Simplenetes is a simplified version of Kubernetes that has fewer moving parts. It supports multiple replicas of pods, load-balancers, internal proxies, CI/CD pipelines, Letsencrypt certificates, health checks, and more.
Git User Switch (GitHub Repo)
Git User Switch allows developers to switch user, email, and signingKey with ease. A GIF demo is available that shows how it works.
Understanding and Decoding a JPEG Image using Python (1 hour read)
This article breaks down the details of how the JPEG compression algorithm works. It uses Python code to help the reader decompress and analyze a JPEG image.
Color Thief (GitHub Repo)
Color Thief uses JavaScript and the canvas tag to find the dominant color and color palettes from any image. It could be useful for sites that search by color, or creating a UI that adapts to the colors of an image.
20,000 Startup Ideas (GitHub Website)
This site contains a general list of current economically important human activities that can be used as ideas for startups. There are just over 18,000 ideas on the list.
eKill (Open Source Chrome Extension)
This is an open source Chrome extension that will let you easily get rid of annoying elements on any web page (things like pop ups, those "this site uses cookies" notices, and things like that). Pretty nifty.
CSS :is
CSS :is is a method for avoiding duplication within CSS selector structures. It can change mindless CSS repetitions into readable, compact, and easily maintainable code. An example is provided in the article.
Google’s powerful AI spotlights a human cognitive glitch
Humans associate fluent expression with fluent thought, leading to a misunderstanding that AI models can think and feel just like humans do.
Libra (GitHub Repo)
Libra is a machine learning API designed for non-technical users. It can be used to build machine learning models using natural language queries. Demos and examples are available in the repository.
Refactor (GitHub Repo)
Refactor is an AST-based source code refactoring framework. It uses a script rather than regex to replace patterns. Refactor is designed for small projects. CST-based solutions are recommended for full program transformations.
pyWhat (GitHub Repo)
pyWhat can identify what a file or string of text is. It breaks down files and shows structured data in it. It can also break down pcap files in seconds. GIF examples are available in the repository.
MKCert (GitHub Repo)
This is a simple command line tool that creates local certs so you can use https://localhost instead of http://localhost. I don't know enough about security to understand how this works, but it looks really easy to set up.
EfficientDet (GitHub Repo)
EfficientDet is an object detection package for Keras and Tensorflow. Pretrained weights files are available. A few example outputs are provided.
Python-Mini-Projects (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains a collection of simple Python mini-projects to enhance your Python skills. Completed projects are reviewed by a team of contributors.
Postwoman (GitHub Project)
Postwoman is a tool to view API requests and easily modify them to test responses. A functioning demo is available to use.
Scientists harness light therapy to target and kill cancer cells in world first
A new light-activated therapy makes cancer cells glow in the dark, making them more visible to surgeons, then kills the remaining cells once the surgery is complete.
OpenSearch (GitHub Repo)
OpenSearch is a search and analytics engine derived from Elasticsearch. It is still currently in an alpha state. OpenSearch consists of a search engine daemon and a visualization and user interface.
Design Gems (Website)
This site has a collection of over 170 free tools and resources for designers. Categories include Accessibility, Front-End, Illustrations, Typography, and more. Each resource has a short description.
whereami (GitHub Repo)
whereami uses Wi-Fi signals and machine learning to predict your location. It works for small distances of between 2 to 10 meters.
Microsoft Edge Collections go full-on Pinterest with inspiration feed and sharing
Microsoft Edge Collections window displays a feed of recommended content based on the topics you’ve saved.
guietta (GitHub Repo)
guietta is a tool for making simple Python GUIs. It supports input fields, buttons, variables, and functions. A demo is available on the repository.
Introducing OpenTelemetry Observability for Crystal (Sponsor)
Companies are running core systems and offering products implemented with Crystal. Read on to learn how to instrument Crystal applications with New Relic and Open Telemetry. Learn more.
git-fuzzy (GitHub Repo)
git-fuzzy is a CLI interface that allows developers to interact with GitHub. Users can interact with stage and unstaged changes, search for, checkout, and look at branches, interact with pull requests, and more.
Plaiceholder (GitHub Repo)
Plaiceholder is a suite of Node.js functions for creating low-quality image placeholders. It can generate images in CSS, SVG, Base64, and Blurhash. A basic demo is available.
Meta’s AI Takes an Unsupervised Step Forward
Meta has published a series of papers on a type of self-supervised learning for AI systems.
Redis Queue (GitHub Repo)
Redis Queue is a Python library for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers. It is designed to be easy to integrate. Installation and usage instructions are available.
Aino (GitHub Repo)
Aino is an experimental HTTP framework for writing HTTP applications in Elixir. It is built on top of elli, a web server designed for building high-throughput, low-latency HTTP APIs.
Glorious Demo (Github Repo)
This is a cool open source tool that makes it really easy to create an animated demo of your code in action. Very nifty, you can create a nice demo in just 5 to 10 lines of code.
Laravel Learning Path (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains a learning path for Laravel. It lists topics to learn in order and provides links to resources.
Textual (GitHub Repo)
Textual is a Text User Interface framework for Python. It features Rich, asynchronous event handling, widgets, and CSS themes. Screenshots and examples are available in the repository.
Sheetfu (GitHub Repo)
Sheetfu interacts with Google Sheet using a simple, intuitive, and fast API. It can easily get or set cell values, background colors, font colors, or any other cell attributes. Installation instructions and examples are provided.
SCAR (GitHub Repo)
SCAR helps developers deploy websites on Amazon Web Services through a one-click process. Websites can be deployed with a custom domain, SSL, and a CDN. The only requirement to use SCAR is an AWS account.
css-media-vars (GitHub Site)
css-media-vars is a framework for writing responsive CSS using named breakpoints and dry selectors. It doesn't require any additional scripts or builds. A guide with multiple examples and demos is available.
Learn React App (GitHub Repo)
Learn React App is a tutorial aimed at quickly getting a user up-to-date with React, a Javascript library for building user interfaces. Each tutorial contains guided exercises and solutions.
Heazy (Website)
Heazy lets users create unique vector assets within seconds.
Cold temperatures induce anti-inflammatory molecule that counters obesity
Cold temperatures can stimulate the release of a molecule that reverses obesity-related inflammation, resulting in reduced body weight in mice.
Visualize Critical IT Data End-to-End (Sponsor)
Single monitoring platform with easy to use out-of-the-box dashboards to correlate metrics, traces and logs. Start a free Datadog trial.
netboot.xyz (GitHub Repo)
netboot.xyz is a network-based bootable operating system installer based on iPXE.
Useful sed (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains useful sed scripts, patterns, tips, techniques, and tricks for daily usage. sed is a utility that parses and transforms text. A list of recommended books for learning sed is available.
Internet Pi (GitHub Repo)
Internet Pi is a Raspberry Pi configuration tool for internet connectivity. It features internet monitoring, Pi-hole, Shelly Plug monitoring, and Starlink monitoring.
SSH To Anywhere With Tailscale (Sponsor)
SSH To Anywhere With Tailscale . No additional hardware to manage. No complicated firewalls. Tailscale keeps it simple & secure. Learn more.
Gort (GitHub Repo)
Gort is a chatbot framework built for chatops. It allows developers to build commands in any language using existing tools. There is a permission system to determine who can use commands. A detailed guide is available.
Luxa CSS (GitHub Repo)
Luxa CSS is a lightweight and minimalist CSS framework that can be easily implemented in any development context. It uses simple class names and a simple modifier system.
SVG Spinners (GitHub Repo)
This repository contains a collection of SVG spinner animations. Each entry in the list has a link to the .svg file, a preview of the spinner, and its size in bytes.
Meta is dumping Facebook logins as its metaverse ID system
Meta is introducing a new type of login called a Meta account.
NeverThrow (GitHub Repo)
NeverThrow is a package for JavaScript and TypeScript that implements type-safe errors. It contains a Result type that represents either success or failure. Examples are available.
Anonymous social apps shift their attention to Instagram in the wake of Snapchat’s ban
Anonymous social apps have moved to Instagram after Snapchat banned them due to being sued multiple times.
git-o-matic (GitHub Repo)
git-o-matic is a tool to monitor git repositories and automatically pull and push changes. Go 1.11 or higher is required for installation.
35+ Free Public APIs to Improve Productivity (10 minute read)
This is a list of free public API resources that can aid development. It includes APIs for Zoom, facial recognition, human health data, GIFs, text recognition, web scraping, and more.
Tesla is tracking badging and emailing those that don't show up at least 4/5 days
Tesla employees that don't show up at least 16 days per month are being directed to email their bosses with an explanation.
handcalcs (GitHub Repo)
handcalcs renders Python calculation code to look like it was written in pencil. It writes the symbolic formula, followed by numeric substitutions, and then the result. A basic GIF demo is available.
Test Each (GitHub Repo)
Test Each allows developers to test code repeatedly with different inputs. It loops over every combination of inputs, can use random functions, and is snapshot testing friendly. An in-browser demo is available.
signald (GitHub Repo)
signald is a daemon for interacting with Signal. There are several libraries for Python and Go to make it easier to interact with signald. Multiple clients for signald are available.
APKLeaks (GitHub Repo)
APKLeaks scans APK files for URIs, endpoints, and secrets. It is simple to install and use.
Sorbet (GitHub Repo)
Sorbet is a fast, powerful type checker for Ruby. It makes it easy to add to existing codebases with gradual types.
WordPressify (Github Repo)
WordPressify is a nifty boilerplate for setting up WordPress projects, with lots of goodies right out of the box like a dev server, auto-reloading, babel, and gulp. Definitely worth checking out if you're a WordPress dev.