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So now we've seen that this is a bad move for white. |
How about approaching from [this] side? |
This one? |
Yes. |
Yes! |
White can also approach from here. |
Black answers normally. |
But now this is a very big point. |
And this is the reason why Lee Changho chooses to play [this move]. |
Ah. |
He doesn't want to get under pressure as white. |
Right. |
So let's maybe first have a look what happens when black [doesn't] play like this, but plays [here], this is the normal move.. |
It's also a possibility, however, it gives white the chance to choose between the normal joseki - playing at [A] - and approaching the corner at [B]. |
This would be normal but now white can also play [here] to strengthen his own group in the lower left. |
And to attack the black group. |
So this would be a nice move. |
So that's why black [doesn't] play here. |
He doesn't want to give white the chance to play [here]. |
So black attacks, himself, immediately. |
And this also puts pressure on white's group right? |
Right! |
Black has two ways to answer to this invasion, which is the only move for white. |
In this situation, this is a nice move. |
Oh! |
We have not seen this one before, right? |
Right. |
So white needs to link up. |
And black will play on top. |
So black also links up. |
And black seems to gain a lot of thickness on the outside. |
After black makes this thickness, maybe white should go out? |
Right. |
White needs to go out here. |
And these are good moves because if white omits [this] move.. .. then black will play this move. |
Ah, and it will become sente aswell. |
Because white still needs to live. |
Yes, white's group doesn't have two eyes yet. |
Also, black gets major influence here. |
It's too good for black. |
So instead of going up here, which was one possibility, black can also choose to play [here].. |
However, we added a few stones.. |
Black needs to have a stone at [A] and at [B], but the stone at [A] is crucial because there will be a ladder. |
And if black has all these stones, then [this] will become a very powerful move. |
Black can cut here and then link up on the 1st line. |
And white can not capture the [triangle] stone, because the ladder will be good for black because of the stone at [A]. |
How about when black does not have these 2 stones in place.. |
When black [then] will play this move.. .. white can link up his stones. |
[This] ofcourse is not a good move. |
It's very ugly shape. |
And white will be in trouble. |
But instead of this, white sacrifices one stone. |
And connects underneath. |
Since white didn't have big territory in this area anyway, black didn't gain much in these exchanges. |
Let's see another overall board position. |
Here white has nice shape on the lower side. |
[This], in this case, is an excellent move to expand white's framework. |
After black calmly answers.. ..he can later aim at this point. |
Which is the weak point of white's shape. |
Instead of calmly answering, if black plays tenuki, white can play [here]. |
This is the sente move that white can use in a lot of situations. |
Black has to respond and now white made himself a little bit stronger in the area. |
White also has a move available which is [gote]. |
This move was [sente], but when white will play here it is [gote]. |
However, it has a better follow-up. |
So black will not answer this move but afterwards white can take away all the territory of black in the corner. |
And gain a lot of thickness on the outside. |
Black will have to live very small. |
So when you're white and you play [this keima], it has some benefits but also some demerits. |
Because it is a [gote move]. |
Let's have a look at another position. |
White can also approach from this side, instead of playing this keima. |
And this is also a good move to make the lower side more solid. |
Especially when the white shape in the lower side is good. |
Playing like [this] will make the white territory solid. |
So this is a mistake by black. |
White is happy. |
Instead black can consider just playing [here]. |
This is a move that we've seen before and it's quite simple but effective. |
After this black can take sente and he can flatten white. |
Regarding the joseki in the lower left corner, this is a [vital point] to reduce white's shape. |
This is standard way to make shape for black, we've also seen this before. |
Now let's finish with a kind of fun move. |
Let's have a look at this one. |
A tricky move! |
Yes. |
The idea is ofcourse that when black extends here, white can cut. |
He was dreaming of this! |
Yea. |
This is beautiful for white. |
So instead black can try to capture the white stone. |
This looks like a very natural move. |
But in fact it's not that great. |
White can cross-cut here! |
And he can capture the stone and come back on the lower side. |
In this case white got something on both sides. |
And he is solid. |
So white's trick move was successful. |
So how about instead of pulling back [here], why not capture this stone? |
Yes, this looks also normal, but then white can give atari and stretch on the 3rd line. |