stringlengths 1
The intuition is that a, the variable x is live right after p if the value of x is used on some path. |
On one of the paths that begin at p. |
Alright, And so, in order to know whether it's live, we're going to take the |
liveness information at each of the input points. |
So that would be here, here, here, and here. |
So each of the successor statements after p And we're gonna ask, is x live at any of those points? |
So it's just a big or over the liveness of x and all of the successors of p And that's the liveness of x at the out of p. |
Next, let's consider the effect of individual statements on the liveness of x. |
So, the first rule is, that if we have a statement, and it reads the value of x, |
Okay? |
So here, we have an assignment statement, and on the right hand side, it refers to x, so its reading x Then, x is live Before that statement. |
Clearly, x is just about to be used on the end of this statement, and so x is live at that point. |
Alright? |
So if a statement, or if, [inaudible], if a statement reads the value of x, then the in of that statement, x, is true. |
Sorry, the liveness of x is true. |
A second case is when a statement writes the value of x So here we have an assignment to x And the rest of the statement does not refer x Does not read the value of x. |
So there's no x in E. Okay So in this situation x is not live before the statement. |
X is not live or we can say that x is dead Before the statement And why is that? |
Well, we're overriding the value of x, so whatever value, x had before this statement is never gonna be read. |
Okay, Because the ee here, the right-hand side of the assignment, doesn't refer to x And, so, immediately before the statement, the current value of x is never gonna be used in the future. |
And so x is dead at that point. |
And finally, the last case is what if we have a statement that does not refer to x? |
Okay, So it neither reads no r writes x. |
Well, then whatever the line this is of x after the statement, it has the same liveness, before this statement. |
So if x is live here. |
Then x will be live here. |
Okay, and similarly, if x is dead After the statement. |
Then x must be dead before the statement. |
And that's because x if x is not use in the future after the statement S then it still want be use in the future before the statement S. Since the statement S neither reads nor write x. |
So those are the only four rules and now I can give the algorithm. |
So initially we left the liveness information for x be false at all program points And then we repeat the following until all the statements satisfy the rules one through four, and just has it's the same algorithm that we used for constant propagation. |
We pick some statement where the information is inconsistent and then up, update the information at that statement with the appropriate rule. |
So let's do a simple example, something with a loop. |
So let's begin, say by initializing x to zero, and then what should our loop body do? |
Well, we can check whether x is equal to ten, and if it is, we'll, we'll exit, the loop And let's assume that x is dead on exit. |
So x is not refer to outside of the loop. |
In other wise if x is not ten Then we will increment x and we'll branch back to the top of the loop. |
So this is a very, very silly little program. |
It just counts to ten and then exits. |
Well let's do the |
lightness now to see where x is life. |
So since x is dead here on exit it's clearly gonna be dead on the out Of, of this, conditional on this branch, Okay? |
So I should say that x is not live. |
So we're using [inaudible] here, so that's x's, |
liveness would be false And we're assuming And x is also, not live everyplace else, initially. |
Okay And so, there's a program point in there, also Where the liveness of x is false. |
Okay, So now, let's propagate the information. |
Well, so here we have read of x. |
And let me switch colors here. |
So here we have a read of x. |
So in fact the information's inconsistent here because ri ght before this statement since we have a read of x, x must be live. |
So in fact, x is live at this point. |
Now notice that this statement both reads and writes x. |
Okay? |
But the rule that says x is live before, when we do a read, takes priority here Because, the read happens before the write. |
So we'll read the old value of x, before we write the new value of x, Okay. |
So the old value of x does get used, and that's why x is live immediately before this statement. |
Okay, so then here's another, read of x. |
Okay, so on the, so the point immediately before this when I left out one program point here, x is also |
Y. Okay, And then following edges backwards, well, that means x is gonna be |
live on the back edge of the loop And it's also gonna be live by going into the initialization block. |
Alright? |
Now we come back around here and we see that we're done 'cause x is already known to be, live within the loop body. |
And now, live, x is also live here And then the question is, you know, what about this point on, the entrance, at the entrance to the control flow graph? |
Well, there's a right of x And with no read of x on the right-hand side. |
So, in fact, x, is not live on entry to this control flow graph. |
So in fact, x is dead at this point. |
So whatever value x has when we enter the control flow graph, it will never be used in the future. |
Alright, and so that is The correct [inaudible] in this information for every program point in this example. |
Now another thing you can see from our little example is that values change from false to true, but not the other way around. |
So every value starts at false, and it can change at most once. |
To say that the value is actually live, the property becomes true, and then it won't ever change back to false again. |
So, going back to orderings, We only have two values in this analysis, false and true And the ordering is that false is less than true. |
Okay, And we know, so everything starts at the lowest possible element of the ordering and they only move up, and so they can be promoted to true, but no t vice versa And so since each value can only change once, termination is guaranteed. |
That eventually we're guaranteed to have consistent information throughout the control flow graph, and the analysis will terminate. |
To wrap up and summarize our discussion of the global analysis of control flow graphs, we've talked about two kinds of analysis in the past several videos. |
Constant propagation is what is called a forwards analysis Because information is pushed from the inputs to the outputs. |
So if you think about a control flow graph. |
What happens in control flow analysis is that information flows in this direction. |
It flows in the same direction as computation. |
If I have a constant up here x is assigned constant down here, and x is used later on and that constant will flow forward to the uses. |
Okay So information flows in the same direction as computation. |
Liveness on the other hand is a backwards analysis. |
Information is pushed from outputs back towards inputs. |
So here in this example and let me change colors. |
Here we see that x is live before the statement. |
And that liveness gets propagated in the other direction. |
It gets propagated [inaudible] against the control, against the flow, of execution, backwards towards the beginning of the program. |
So they're many other kinds of global flow analysis in the literature. |
The constant propagation analysis and the |
liveness analysis are two of the most important. |
There is a number of others that are also very important and many, many more that people have investigated. |
Almost all these analyses can be classified as either forward or backward. |
There are some analyses and some important ones that are neither forward nor backward. |
That information is basically pushed in both directions. |
And the other thing is that the, almost all the analyses in the literature that do global flow analysis anyway also follow this methodology of local Rules that relay information between adjacent program points. |
So it, it's the local rules part that's important. |
So we break down the complicate d problem of analyzing an entire control flow graph into a collection of rules that only do ver, propagate information very, very locally. |
"Glory to money" |
"Glory to money" |