1 value
declare name "spectral_balancer"; declare author "Klaus Scheuermann"; declare version "0.1"; declare copyright "(C) 2022 Klaus Scheuermann"; import("stdfaust.lib"); O = 5; M = 2; ftop = 12000; B = 8; BANDS = 4; process(l,r) = hgroup("spectral balancer", l,r <: _,_,_,_ : _,_,+ : _,_, envelop : _,_,vbargraph("[0]full",-60,0) : fibank_st,(_<:par(i,B*2,_)) : route1 : par(i,B,bandgain(i)) :> _,_ ) ; route1 = ro.interleave(B*2,2) : par(i,B,route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4) : _,_,_,!) ; // hgroup("spectral balancer", hgroup("[2]filterbank", fibank_st : par(i,BANDS, bandgain(l,r,i)) : par(i,BANDS, stereogain(i)) :> _,_)); fibank_mono = fi.mth_octave_filterbank(O,M,ftop,B) : ro.cross(B); fibank_st = par(i,2,fibank_mono : par(i,B,_) ) : ro.interleave(B,2); // bandgain(l,r,i) = l,r,_,_ : _,_,(_<:_,_),(_<:_,_) : _,_,(route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4)) : (_,_ :> envelop : vbargraph("full %i",-60,0)),(_,_ :> envelop : vbargraph("band %i",-60,0)),_,_ : calcamp(i),_,_ : multiply3; bandgain(i) = (_<:_,_),(_<:_,_),_ : (route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4)),_ : _,_,+,_ : _,_,envelop,_ : _,_,vbargraph("band %2i",-60,0),_ : _,_,calcamp(i) : multiply3; //calcamp(i,a,b) = a-b + i -10: si.smoo : ba.db2linear : vbargraph("calc %i",1,10); calcamp(i) = _,_ : ro.cross(2) : ba.db2linear,ba.db2linear : - : vbargraph("calc %2i",0,1) ; multiply3(x,y,g) = x*g,y*g; stereogain(i) = (_ * (vslider("gain %2i",0,-12,+12,0.5) :ba.db2linear)) , (_ * (vslider("gain %2i",0,-12,+12,0.5) :ba.db2linear)); // envelop = abs : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db : min(10) : max ~ -(20.0/ma.SR); envelop = Lk; // LUFS metering (without channel weighting) Tg = 3; // 3 second window for 'short-term' measurement // zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg); // mean square: average power = energy/Tg = integral of squared signal / Tg //k-filter by Julius Smith highpass = fi.highpass(2, 40); boostDB = 4; boostFreqHz = 1430; // a little too high - they should give us this! highshelf = fi.high_shelf(boostDB, boostFreqHz); // Looks very close, but 1 kHz gain has to be nailed kfilter = highshelf : highpass; //envelope via lp by Dario Sanphilippo lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b)) with { b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR); }; zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x); // one channel Lk = kfilter: zi_lp : 10 * log10(max(ma.EPSILON)) : -(0.691); // N-channel LkN = par(i,Nch,kfilter : zi_lp) :> 10 * log10(max(ma.EPSILON)) : -(0.691); // N-channel by Yann Orlarey lufs_any(N) = B <: B, (B :> Lk : vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0)) : si.bus(N-1), attach(_,_) with { B = si.bus(N); }; LUFS_in_meter(x,y) = x,y <: x, attach(y, (LkN : hgroup("MASTER_ME", hgroup("[0]INPUT",vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0))))) : _,_; LUFS_out_meter(x,y) = x,y <: x, attach(y, (LkN : hgroup("MASTER_ME", hgroup("[9]OUTPUT",vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0))))) : _,_;
hgroup("spectral balancer", hgroup("[2]filterbank", fibank_st : par(i,BANDS, bandgain(l,r,i)) : par(i,BANDS, stereogain(i)) :> _,_)); bandgain(l,r,i) = l,r,_,_ : _,_,(_<:_,_),(_<:_,_) : _,_,(route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4)) : (_,_ :> envelop : vbargraph("full %i",-60,0)),(_,_ :> envelop : vbargraph("band %i",-60,0)),_,_ : calcamp(i),_,_ : multiply3; calcamp(i,a,b) = a-b + i -10: si.smoo : ba.db2linear : vbargraph("calc %i",1,10); envelop = abs : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db : min(10) : max ~ -(20.0/ma.SR); LUFS metering (without channel weighting) 3 second window for 'short-term' measurement zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg); // mean square: average power = energy/Tg = integral of squared signal / Tg k-filter by Julius Smith a little too high - they should give us this! Looks very close, but 1 kHz gain has to be nailed envelope via lp by Dario Sanphilippo one channel N-channel N-channel by Yann Orlarey
declare name "spectral_balancer"; declare author "Klaus Scheuermann"; declare version "0.1"; declare copyright "(C) 2022 Klaus Scheuermann"; import("stdfaust.lib"); O = 5; M = 2; ftop = 12000; B = 8; BANDS = 4; process(l,r) = hgroup("spectral balancer", l,r <: _,_,_,_ : _,_,+ : _,_, envelop : _,_,vbargraph("[0]full",-60,0) : fibank_st,(_<:par(i,B*2,_)) : route1 : par(i,B,bandgain(i)) :> _,_ ) ; route1 = ro.interleave(B*2,2) : par(i,B,route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4) : _,_,_,!) ; fibank_mono = fi.mth_octave_filterbank(O,M,ftop,B) : ro.cross(B); fibank_st = par(i,2,fibank_mono : par(i,B,_) ) : ro.interleave(B,2); bandgain(i) = (_<:_,_),(_<:_,_),_ : (route(4,4,1,1,2,3,3,2,4,4)),_ : _,_,+,_ : _,_,envelop,_ : _,_,vbargraph("band %2i",-60,0),_ : _,_,calcamp(i) : multiply3; calcamp(i) = _,_ : ro.cross(2) : ba.db2linear,ba.db2linear : - : vbargraph("calc %2i",0,1) ; multiply3(x,y,g) = x*g,y*g; stereogain(i) = (_ * (vslider("gain %2i",0,-12,+12,0.5) :ba.db2linear)) , (_ * (vslider("gain %2i",0,-12,+12,0.5) :ba.db2linear)); envelop = Lk; highpass = fi.highpass(2, 40); boostDB = 4; kfilter = highshelf : highpass; lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b)) with { b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR); }; zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x); Lk = kfilter: zi_lp : 10 * log10(max(ma.EPSILON)) : -(0.691); LkN = par(i,Nch,kfilter : zi_lp) :> 10 * log10(max(ma.EPSILON)) : -(0.691); lufs_any(N) = B <: B, (B :> Lk : vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0)) : si.bus(N-1), attach(_,_) with { B = si.bus(N); }; LUFS_in_meter(x,y) = x,y <: x, attach(y, (LkN : hgroup("MASTER_ME", hgroup("[0]INPUT",vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0))))) : _,_; LUFS_out_meter(x,y) = x,y <: x, attach(y, (LkN : hgroup("MASTER_ME", hgroup("[9]OUTPUT",vbargraph("LUFS S",-60,0))))) : _,_;
//Qesto è un commento //Un commento è una parte di testo //Che viene igniorata dal compilatore //Un compilatore è un programma che legge //Il codice scritto per ricavarne un oggetto import("stdfaust.lib") process=*;
Qesto è un commento Un commento è una parte di testo Che viene igniorata dal compilatore Un compilatore è un programma che legge Il codice scritto per ricavarne un oggetto
import("stdfaust.lib") process=*;
declare name "tremolo"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Levin Eric Zimmermann"; declare options "[midi:on][nvoices:16]"; //----------------------------------------------- // Oscillator based synthesis //----------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); f = hslider("freq",300,50,2000,0.01); bend = ba.semi2ratio(hslider("bend[midi:pitchwheel]",0,-2,2,0.01)) : si.polySmooth(gate,0.999,1); minimalGain = 0.1; gain = hslider("gain", 0.5, minimalGain, 1, 0.01); gate = button("gate"); freq = f*bend; impulseGate = ba.impulsify(gate); fluteEnvelope = en.adsr(1.12, 0.35, 0.2, 0.5, gate) * gain; blower = pm.blower(0.8, 0.005, 2000); echoGainLfo = (os.lf_triangle(0.2) * 0.5) + 1; bandpassLfo = (os.lf_triangle(0.7) * 0.5) + 1; blowNoiseAdjustedAdjusted = os.lf_triangle(0.3) + 1.7; blowNoiseAdjusted = (os.lf_triangle(blowNoiseAdjustedAdjusted) * 0.05) + 0.95; blowNoise = no.pink_noise : ((fi.bandpass(2, freq * 0.3, freq * 2.3) * 0.15) + 0.9) * blowNoiseAdjusted; flute = pm.fluteModel(pm.f2l(freq), 0.5, blowNoise) * fluteEnvelope : fi.bandpass(2, freq * 0.9, freq * (1 + (3 * bandpassLfo))); fluteEcho = flute : ef.echo(1.3, 0.6, 0.1) * echoGainLfo; combinedFlute = flute + fluteEcho, 0 : select2(freq > 3800 | freq < 300); squareGainLfoLfo = ((os.lf_triangle(0.04323) + 1) * 0.5 * 0.3) + 0.1; squareGainLfo = (os.lf_triangle(squareGainLfoLfo) * 0.5) + 1; squareEnvelope = en.adsr(1.85, 0.24, 0.32, 0.1, gate) * gain; electroNoise = no.noise : fi.bandpass(4, freq * 0.5, freq * 2) * 0.4; square = (os.square(freq) + electroNoise) * squareEnvelope * 0.095 : fi.lowpass(8, freq * 3.85) * squareGainLfo; attackNoiseEnvelope = en.ar(0.0001, 0.1, gate) * gain * 0.07; attackNoise = no.noise : fi.bandpass(4, 700, 10000); startAttackEnvelope = en.ar(0.0001, 2.8, gate) * gain * 0.12; startAttackWave = os.square(freq * 0.5); startAttack = (startAttackWave * startAttackEnvelope) + (attackNoise * attackNoiseEnvelope); process = combinedFlute + square + startAttack : fi.lowpass(2, freq * 4) : _ * 0.5 <: _, _; effect = dm.greyhole_demo;
----------------------------------------------- Oscillator based synthesis -----------------------------------------------
declare name "tremolo"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Levin Eric Zimmermann"; declare options "[midi:on][nvoices:16]"; import("stdfaust.lib"); f = hslider("freq",300,50,2000,0.01); bend = ba.semi2ratio(hslider("bend[midi:pitchwheel]",0,-2,2,0.01)) : si.polySmooth(gate,0.999,1); minimalGain = 0.1; gain = hslider("gain", 0.5, minimalGain, 1, 0.01); gate = button("gate"); freq = f*bend; impulseGate = ba.impulsify(gate); fluteEnvelope = en.adsr(1.12, 0.35, 0.2, 0.5, gate) * gain; blower = pm.blower(0.8, 0.005, 2000); echoGainLfo = (os.lf_triangle(0.2) * 0.5) + 1; bandpassLfo = (os.lf_triangle(0.7) * 0.5) + 1; blowNoiseAdjustedAdjusted = os.lf_triangle(0.3) + 1.7; blowNoiseAdjusted = (os.lf_triangle(blowNoiseAdjustedAdjusted) * 0.05) + 0.95; blowNoise = no.pink_noise : ((fi.bandpass(2, freq * 0.3, freq * 2.3) * 0.15) + 0.9) * blowNoiseAdjusted; flute = pm.fluteModel(pm.f2l(freq), 0.5, blowNoise) * fluteEnvelope : fi.bandpass(2, freq * 0.9, freq * (1 + (3 * bandpassLfo))); fluteEcho = flute : ef.echo(1.3, 0.6, 0.1) * echoGainLfo; combinedFlute = flute + fluteEcho, 0 : select2(freq > 3800 | freq < 300); squareGainLfoLfo = ((os.lf_triangle(0.04323) + 1) * 0.5 * 0.3) + 0.1; squareGainLfo = (os.lf_triangle(squareGainLfoLfo) * 0.5) + 1; squareEnvelope = en.adsr(1.85, 0.24, 0.32, 0.1, gate) * gain; electroNoise = no.noise : fi.bandpass(4, freq * 0.5, freq * 2) * 0.4; square = (os.square(freq) + electroNoise) * squareEnvelope * 0.095 : fi.lowpass(8, freq * 3.85) * squareGainLfo; attackNoiseEnvelope = en.ar(0.0001, 0.1, gate) * gain * 0.07; attackNoise = no.noise : fi.bandpass(4, 700, 10000); startAttackEnvelope = en.ar(0.0001, 2.8, gate) * gain * 0.12; startAttackWave = os.square(freq * 0.5); startAttack = (startAttackWave * startAttackEnvelope) + (attackNoise * attackNoiseEnvelope); process = combinedFlute + square + startAttack : fi.lowpass(2, freq * 4) : _ * 0.5 <: _, _; effect = dm.greyhole_demo;
// Wah-wah with lfo modulation import("stdfaust.lib"); lfo = os.oscrs(freq) + 1.0 : *(0.5) // os.lf_rawsaw(freq) + 1.0 : *(0.5) with { freq = hslider("Frequency[unit:Hz][OWL:PARAMETER_C][style:knob]", 4, 0, 12, 0.001); }; // mono wah-wah based on crybaby wahwah = ve.crybaby(wah) with { lo = hslider("Low[OWL:PARAMETER_A][style:knob]",0.8,0,1,0.01); hi = hslider("High[OWL:PARAMETER_B][style:knob]",0.8,0,1,0.01); wah = lo*lfo + hi*(1.0-lfo); }; fxctrl(w,Fx) = _ <: (Fx : *(w)), *(1-w) +> _; sweepwah = fxctrl(wet, wahwah) with { wet = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D][style:knob]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = ba.bypass_fade(ma.SR/10, checkbox("bypass"), sweepwah);
Wah-wah with lfo modulation os.lf_rawsaw(freq) + 1.0 : *(0.5) mono wah-wah based on crybaby
import("stdfaust.lib"); lfo = os.oscrs(freq) + 1.0 : *(0.5) with { freq = hslider("Frequency[unit:Hz][OWL:PARAMETER_C][style:knob]", 4, 0, 12, 0.001); }; wahwah = ve.crybaby(wah) with { lo = hslider("Low[OWL:PARAMETER_A][style:knob]",0.8,0,1,0.01); hi = hslider("High[OWL:PARAMETER_B][style:knob]",0.8,0,1,0.01); wah = lo*lfo + hi*(1.0-lfo); }; fxctrl(w,Fx) = _ <: (Fx : *(w)), *(1-w) +> _; sweepwah = fxctrl(wet, wahwah) with { wet = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D][style:knob]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = ba.bypass_fade(ma.SR/10, checkbox("bypass"), sweepwah);
import("stdfaust.lib"); //SELF BLOCKING ENVELOPE USING RECURSION //once triggered, envelope won't retrigger until done but = button("trig"); env = (1,_>0:- : _*but:en.ar(0,3)) ~ _; process = env;
SELF BLOCKING ENVELOPE USING RECURSION once triggered, envelope won't retrigger until done
import("stdfaust.lib"); but = button("trig"); env = (1,_>0:- : _*but:en.ar(0,3)) ~ _; process = env;
import("stdfaust.lib"); // Dattorro reverb with difusion parameters as per https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/EffectDesignPart1.pdf reverb(band_width, decay, damping) = re.dattorro_rev(0, band_width, 0.75, 0.625, decay, 0.7, 0.5, damping); // Contols //pre_delay_ctrl = hslider("Pre-delay", 30, 0, 200, 0.1); band_width_ctrl = hslider("Band Width", 0.6, 0, 1, 0.001); decay_ctrl = hslider("Decay", 0.8, 0, 1, 0.001); damping_ctr = hslider("Damping", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.001); dry_wet_ctr = hslider("Dry/Wet", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.001); dry_wet_mix(mix, dry_l, dry_r, wet_l, wet_r) = (1-mix) * dry_l, (1-mix) * dry_r, mix * wet_l, mix * wet_r :> _,_; process = _,_ <: _,_,reverb(band_width_ctrl, decay_ctrl, damping_ctr): dry_wet_mix(dry_wet_ctr);
Dattorro reverb with difusion parameters as per https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/EffectDesignPart1.pdf Contols pre_delay_ctrl = hslider("Pre-delay", 30, 0, 200, 0.1);
import("stdfaust.lib"); reverb(band_width, decay, damping) = re.dattorro_rev(0, band_width, 0.75, 0.625, decay, 0.7, 0.5, damping); band_width_ctrl = hslider("Band Width", 0.6, 0, 1, 0.001); decay_ctrl = hslider("Decay", 0.8, 0, 1, 0.001); damping_ctr = hslider("Damping", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.001); dry_wet_ctr = hslider("Dry/Wet", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.001); dry_wet_mix(mix, dry_l, dry_r, wet_l, wet_r) = (1-mix) * dry_l, (1-mix) * dry_r, mix * wet_l, mix * wet_r :> _,_; process = _,_ <: _,_,reverb(band_width_ctrl, decay_ctrl, damping_ctr): dry_wet_mix(dry_wet_ctr);
declare defaultInputs "[0, 0.5]"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.pulsetrain;
declare defaultInputs "[0, 0.5]"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.pulsetrain;
declare name "ccNylon"; declare description "nylon guitar with adjustable hf damp and T60"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ccNuts(hf, t60) = pm.lTermination(-tmp,pm.basicBlock) with{ tmp = pm.bridgeFilter(hf,t60) : fi.dcblocker; }; ccBridge(hf, t60) = pm.rTermination(pm.basicBlock,-tmp) : _,transmittance,_ with{ tmp = pm.bridgeFilter(hf,t60); // can't compile "-pm..." transmittance = _; }; ccNylon(length,pluckPosition, hf, t60, excitation) = pm.endChain(egChain) with{ maxStringLength = maxLength; // meters lengthTuning = 0.11; stringL = length-lengthTuning; egChain = pm.chain(ccNuts(hf, t60) : pm.nylonString(stringL,pluckPosition,excitation) : ccBridge(hf, t60) : pm.guitarBody : pm.out); }; ks = ccNylon( (freq : pm.f2l), pos, hf, t60) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); hf = hslider("hf",0.4,0,1,0.01); t60 = hslider("t60",0.5,0,20,0.01); }; process = _ : ks; /* Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; } */
can't compile "-pm..." meters Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; }
declare name "ccNylon"; declare description "nylon guitar with adjustable hf damp and T60"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ccNuts(hf, t60) = pm.lTermination(-tmp,pm.basicBlock) with{ tmp = pm.bridgeFilter(hf,t60) : fi.dcblocker; }; ccBridge(hf, t60) = pm.rTermination(pm.basicBlock,-tmp) : _,transmittance,_ with{ transmittance = _; }; ccNylon(length,pluckPosition, hf, t60, excitation) = pm.endChain(egChain) with{ lengthTuning = 0.11; stringL = length-lengthTuning; egChain = pm.chain(ccNuts(hf, t60) : pm.nylonString(stringL,pluckPosition,excitation) : ccBridge(hf, t60) : pm.guitarBody : pm.out); }; ks = ccNylon( (freq : pm.f2l), pos, hf, t60) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); hf = hslider("hf",0.4,0,1,0.01); t60 = hslider("t60",0.5,0,20,0.01); }; process = _ : ks;
declare name "ccNylon"; declare description "nylon guitar with adjustable hf damp and T60"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ccNuts(hf, t60) = pm.lTermination(-tmp,pm.basicBlock) with{ tmp = pm.bridgeFilter(hf,t60); // can't compile "-pm..." }; ccBridge(hf, t60) = pm.rTermination(pm.basicBlock,-tmp) : _,transmittance,_ with{ tmp = pm.bridgeFilter(hf,t60); // can't compile "-pm..." transmittance = _; }; ccNylon(length,pluckPosition, hf, t60, excitation) = pm.endChain(egChain) with{ maxStringLength = maxLength; // meters lengthTuning = 0.11; stringL = length-lengthTuning; egChain = pm.chain(ccNuts(hf, t60) : pm.nylonString(stringL,pluckPosition,excitation) : ccBridge(hf, t60) : pm.guitarBody : pm.out); }; ks = ccNylon( (freq : pm.f2l), pos, hf, t60) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); hf = hslider("hf",0.4,0,1,0.01); t60 = hslider("t60",0.5,0,20,0.01); }; process = _ : ks <: _,_; /* Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; } */
can't compile "-pm..." can't compile "-pm..." meters Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; }
declare name "ccNylon"; declare description "nylon guitar with adjustable hf damp and T60"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ccNuts(hf, t60) = pm.lTermination(-tmp,pm.basicBlock) with{ }; ccBridge(hf, t60) = pm.rTermination(pm.basicBlock,-tmp) : _,transmittance,_ with{ transmittance = _; }; ccNylon(length,pluckPosition, hf, t60, excitation) = pm.endChain(egChain) with{ lengthTuning = 0.11; stringL = length-lengthTuning; egChain = pm.chain(ccNuts(hf, t60) : pm.nylonString(stringL,pluckPosition,excitation) : ccBridge(hf, t60) : pm.guitarBody : pm.out); }; ks = ccNylon( (freq : pm.f2l), pos, hf, t60) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); hf = hslider("hf",0.4,0,1,0.01); t60 = hslider("t60",0.5,0,20,0.01); }; process = _ : ks <: _,_;
declare argsOffset "1"; import("stdfaust.lib"); l(a, b) = log(a) / log((b == 0) * ma.E + (b != 0) * b); process = l;
declare argsOffset "1"; import("stdfaust.lib"); l(a, b) = log(a) / log((b == 0) * ma.E + (b != 0) * b); process = l;
declare name "dattorro"; declare version "0.1"; declare author "Jakob Zerbian"; declare description "Dattorro demo application."; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = dm.dattorro_rev_demo;
declare name "dattorro"; declare version "0.1"; declare author "Jakob Zerbian"; declare description "Dattorro demo application."; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = dm.dattorro_rev_demo;
/* Medidor numerico (interfaz grafica) Ademas de vumetro o led, podemos simplemente mostrar el numero con [style:numerical]. [Se aplican todas las mismas ideas y advertencias que antes] Poner un audio en la entrada! || Juan Ramos 2020 - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes || || [email protected] || */ import("stdfaust.lib"); mostrarNumero = abs : ba.linear2db : vbargraph("Nivel[style:numerical]", -60, 0); process = _ <: attach(_, mostrarNumero);
Medidor numerico (interfaz grafica) Ademas de vumetro o led, podemos simplemente mostrar el numero con [style:numerical]. [Se aplican todas las mismas ideas y advertencias que antes] Poner un audio en la entrada! || Juan Ramos 2020 - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes || || [email protected] ||
import("stdfaust.lib"); mostrarNumero = abs : ba.linear2db : vbargraph("Nivel[style:numerical]", -60, 0); process = _ <: attach(_, mostrarNumero);
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "bddi-p5"; declare name "BDDI part 5"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.fir((b0/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; PR20v = vslider("PR20v[name:PR20v]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : si.smooth(s); b0 = 0; a0 = 1.00000000000000; };
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "bddi-p5"; declare name "BDDI part 5"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.fir((b0/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; PR20v = vslider("PR20v[name:PR20v]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : si.smooth(s); b0 = 0; a0 = 1.00000000000000; };
import("stdfaust.lib"); Main(Rec_14_0, In_1_0, In_28_0) = Rec_14, Out_16, Out_17 with { Mul_29_0 = *(In_28_0, Max_26_0); Mul_20_0 = *(de_delay_13_0, Max_25_0); Sub_23_0 = -(1, HSlider_18_0); Mul_22_0 = *(Sub_23_0, 2); Min_27_0 = min(Mul_22_0, 1); Max_26_0 = max(Min_27_0, 0); Mul_30_0 = *(In_1_0, Max_26_0); HSlider_18_0 = hslider("mix[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); Mul_21_0 = *(HSlider_18_0, 2); Min_24_0 = min(Mul_21_0, 1); Max_25_0 = max(Min_24_0, 0); HSlider_4_0 = hslider("feedback[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); de_delay_13_0 = de.delay(ma_SR_7_0, Mul_8_0, de_delay_10_0); Mul_5_0 = *((In_1_0, Rec_14_0, In_28_0 :> _), HSlider_4_0); HSlider_9_0 = hslider("time[style:knob]", 0.5, 0.1, 1, 0.01); Mul_8_0 = *(ma_SR_7_0, HSlider_9_0); ma_SR_7_0 = ma.SR; de_delay_10_0 = de.delay(ma_SR_7_0, Mul_8_0, Mul_5_0); Mul_19_0 = *(de_delay_10_0, Max_25_0); Rec_14 = de_delay_13_0; Out_16 = (Mul_19_0, Mul_30_0 :> _); Out_17 = (Mul_20_0, Mul_29_0 :> _); }; Rec = _ : _; pingpongDelay = Main ~ Rec : !, _, _; process = ba.bypass_fade(ma.SR/10, checkbox("bypass"), pingpongDelay);
import("stdfaust.lib"); Main(Rec_14_0, In_1_0, In_28_0) = Rec_14, Out_16, Out_17 with { Mul_29_0 = *(In_28_0, Max_26_0); Mul_20_0 = *(de_delay_13_0, Max_25_0); Sub_23_0 = -(1, HSlider_18_0); Mul_22_0 = *(Sub_23_0, 2); Min_27_0 = min(Mul_22_0, 1); Max_26_0 = max(Min_27_0, 0); Mul_30_0 = *(In_1_0, Max_26_0); HSlider_18_0 = hslider("mix[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); Mul_21_0 = *(HSlider_18_0, 2); Min_24_0 = min(Mul_21_0, 1); Max_25_0 = max(Min_24_0, 0); HSlider_4_0 = hslider("feedback[style:knob]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); de_delay_13_0 = de.delay(ma_SR_7_0, Mul_8_0, de_delay_10_0); Mul_5_0 = *((In_1_0, Rec_14_0, In_28_0 :> _), HSlider_4_0); HSlider_9_0 = hslider("time[style:knob]", 0.5, 0.1, 1, 0.01); Mul_8_0 = *(ma_SR_7_0, HSlider_9_0); ma_SR_7_0 = ma.SR; de_delay_10_0 = de.delay(ma_SR_7_0, Mul_8_0, Mul_5_0); Mul_19_0 = *(de_delay_10_0, Max_25_0); Rec_14 = de_delay_13_0; Out_16 = (Mul_19_0, Mul_30_0 :> _); Out_17 = (Mul_20_0, Mul_29_0 :> _); }; Rec = _ : _; pingpongDelay = Main ~ Rec : !, _, _; process = ba.bypass_fade(ma.SR/10, checkbox("bypass"), pingpongDelay);
//------------------------------------------------------------- // Multieffect based on various examples // // echodelay // resonant lowpass // flanger_stereo // compressor (limiter) //------------------------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); echo(d,f) = +~de.delay(44100,del)*f with { del = d*ma.SR; }; sw1=nentry("s1",1,0,1,1); delay = nentry("delay",0.25,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; feedback = nentry("feedback",0.5,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; sw2=nentry("sw2",1,0,1,1); Q = nentry("Q",1,1,1000,1) : si.smoo; fc = nentry("frequency",20000,100,20000,100) : si.smoo; sw3=nentry("sw3",1,0,1,1); fl_del = nentry("fl_delay",10,0,1024,10) : si.smoo; fl_depth = nentry("fl_depth",0,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; fl_fb = nentry("fl_fb",0.5,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; sw4=nentry("sw4",1,0,1,1); process = ba.bypass2(sw1,par(i,2,echo(delay,feedback))): ba.bypass2(sw2,par(i,2,fi.resonlp(fc,Q,1))): ba.bypass2(sw3,pf.flanger_stereo(1024,fl_del,fl_del,fl_depth,fl_fb,0)): ba.bypass2(sw4,co.compressor_stereo(4,-6,0.0008,0.5));
------------------------------------------------------------- Multieffect based on various examples echodelay resonant lowpass flanger_stereo compressor (limiter) -------------------------------------------------------------
import("stdfaust.lib"); echo(d,f) = +~de.delay(44100,del)*f with { del = d*ma.SR; }; sw1=nentry("s1",1,0,1,1); delay = nentry("delay",0.25,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; feedback = nentry("feedback",0.5,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; sw2=nentry("sw2",1,0,1,1); Q = nentry("Q",1,1,1000,1) : si.smoo; fc = nentry("frequency",20000,100,20000,100) : si.smoo; sw3=nentry("sw3",1,0,1,1); fl_del = nentry("fl_delay",10,0,1024,10) : si.smoo; fl_depth = nentry("fl_depth",0,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; fl_fb = nentry("fl_fb",0.5,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; sw4=nentry("sw4",1,0,1,1); process = ba.bypass2(sw1,par(i,2,echo(delay,feedback))): ba.bypass2(sw2,par(i,2,fi.resonlp(fc,Q,1))): ba.bypass2(sw3,pf.flanger_stereo(1024,fl_del,fl_del,fl_depth,fl_fb,0)): ba.bypass2(sw4,co.compressor_stereo(4,-6,0.0008,0.5));
// Simple Organ declare nvoices "8"; import("stdfaust.lib"); // Midi interface midigate = button("gate"); // MIDI keyon-keyoff midifreq = hslider("freq[unit:Hz]", 440, 20, 5000, 1); // MIDI keyon key midigain = hslider("gain", 0.5, 0, 10, 0.01); // MIDI keyon velocity process = voice(midigate, midigain, midifreq) * hslider("volume", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); // Implementation phasor(f) = f/ma.SR : (+,1.0:fmod) ~ _; osc(f) = phasor(f) * 2 * ma.PI : sin; timbre(freq) = osc(freq) + 0.5 * osc(2.0*freq) + 0.25 * osc(3.0*freq); envelop(gate, gain) = gate * gain : smooth(0.9995) with { smooth(c) = *(1-c) : + ~ *(c); }; voice(gate, gain, freq) = envelop(gate, gain) * timbre(freq);
Simple Organ Midi interface MIDI keyon-keyoff MIDI keyon key MIDI keyon velocity Implementation
declare nvoices "8"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = voice(midigate, midigain, midifreq) * hslider("volume", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); phasor(f) = f/ma.SR : (+,1.0:fmod) ~ _; osc(f) = phasor(f) * 2 * ma.PI : sin; timbre(freq) = osc(freq) + 0.5 * osc(2.0*freq) + 0.25 * osc(3.0*freq); envelop(gate, gain) = gate * gain : smooth(0.9995) with { smooth(c) = *(1-c) : + ~ *(c); }; voice(gate, gain, freq) = envelop(gate, gain) * timbre(freq);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq_table = waveform{100, 120, 430, 567, 926.3}; size = freq_table : _,!; freq(n) = freq_table, n+1 : rdtable; amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; process = sum(n, size, os.osc(freq(n))/size) * amp;
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq_table = waveform{100, 120, 430, 567, 926.3}; size = freq_table : _,!; freq(n) = freq_table, n+1 : rdtable; amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; process = sum(n, size, os.osc(freq(n))/size) * amp;
declare name "zitaRev"; declare version "0.0"; declare author "JOS, Revised by RM"; declare description "Example GUI for zita_rev1_stereo (mostly following the Linux zita-rev1 GUI)."; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("bypass.lib"); // Bypass 'brutal' //process = bypass_fx(checkbox("bypass"), dm.zita_rev1); // Bypass avec un fade exprimé en 'samples', ici 1/10 de sec (calculé avec la SR utilisée) process = bypass_fx_fade(checkbox("bypass"), ma.SR/10, dm.zita_rev1);
Bypass 'brutal' process = bypass_fx(checkbox("bypass"), dm.zita_rev1); Bypass avec un fade exprimé en 'samples', ici 1/10 de sec (calculé avec la SR utilisée)
declare name "zitaRev"; declare version "0.0"; declare author "JOS, Revised by RM"; declare description "Example GUI for zita_rev1_stereo (mostly following the Linux zita-rev1 GUI)."; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("bypass.lib"); process = bypass_fx_fade(checkbox("bypass"), ma.SR/10, dm.zita_rev1);
declare name "SmoothDelay"; declare author "Yann Orlarey"; declare copyright "Grame"; declare version "1.0"; declare license "STK-4.3"; //--------------------------process---------------------------- // // A stereo smooth delay with a feedback control // // This example shows how to use sdelay, a delay that doesn't // click and doesn't transpose when the delay time is changed //------------------------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); smoothdelay = (+ :de.sdelay(N, interp, dtime)) ~ *(fback) with { s = 0.999; // smoothing parameter (one-fi.pole fi.pole location) N = int(2^17); dtime = hslider("Delay[unit:ms][style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 1, 0.0001, 500, 0.1)*ma.SR/1000.0 : si.smooth(s); fback = hslider("Feedback[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]",0,0,100,0.1)/100.0; interp = hslider("Interpolation[unit:ms][style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]",10,1,100,0.1)*ma.SR/1000.0; }; dry = 1 - hslider("Dry/Wet[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.3333, 0, 1, 0.025); wet = 1 - dry + hslider("Super Wet[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0.0, 0, 0.5, 0.025); process = _<:*(dry),(*(wet) : smoothdelay ) :>_;
--------------------------process---------------------------- A stereo smooth delay with a feedback control This example shows how to use sdelay, a delay that doesn't click and doesn't transpose when the delay time is changed ------------------------------------------------------------- smoothing parameter (one-fi.pole fi.pole location)
declare name "SmoothDelay"; declare author "Yann Orlarey"; declare copyright "Grame"; declare version "1.0"; declare license "STK-4.3"; import("stdfaust.lib"); smoothdelay = (+ :de.sdelay(N, interp, dtime)) ~ *(fback) with { N = int(2^17); dtime = hslider("Delay[unit:ms][style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 1, 0.0001, 500, 0.1)*ma.SR/1000.0 : si.smooth(s); fback = hslider("Feedback[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]",0,0,100,0.1)/100.0; interp = hslider("Interpolation[unit:ms][style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]",10,1,100,0.1)*ma.SR/1000.0; }; dry = 1 - hslider("Dry/Wet[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.3333, 0, 1, 0.025); wet = 1 - dry + hslider("Super Wet[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0.0, 0, 0.5, 0.025); process = _<:*(dry),(*(wet) : smoothdelay ) :>_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); // filter permamitors filter(Q,F,G) = fi.TF2( (1 + K/Q + K*K) / D, 2 * (K*K - 1) / D, (1 - K/Q + K*K) / D, 2 * (K*K - 1) / D, (1 - V*K/Q + K*K) / D ) with { V = ba.db2linear(G); K = tan(ma.PI*F/ma.SR); D = 1 + V*K/Q + K*K; }; // freq bands treble(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 1000, 20000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); himid(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 400, 8000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); lomid(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 100, 2000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); bass(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 20, 400, 5), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); mute = *(0-checkbox("IN")); process = mute : hgroup("hi mid", himid(700)) : hgroup("treble", treble(2000)) : hgroup("lo mid", lomid(200)) : hgroup("bass", bass(35));
filter permamitors freq bands
import("stdfaust.lib"); filter(Q,F,G) = fi.TF2( (1 + K/Q + K*K) / D, 2 * (K*K - 1) / D, (1 - K/Q + K*K) / D, 2 * (K*K - 1) / D, (1 - V*K/Q + K*K) / D ) with { V = ba.db2linear(G); K = tan(ma.PI*F/ma.SR); D = 1 + V*K/Q + K*K; }; treble(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 1000, 20000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); himid(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 400, 8000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); lomid(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 100, 2000, 100), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); bass(F) = filter( nentry("width[style:knob]",0.6,0.1,2,0.1), nentry("freq[unit:Hz][style:knob]", F, 20, 400, 5), 0 - nentry("gain[unit:dB] [style:knob]", 0, -50, 50, 0.1) ); mute = *(0-checkbox("IN")); process = mute : hgroup("hi mid", himid(700)) : hgroup("treble", treble(2000)) : hgroup("lo mid", lomid(200)) : hgroup("bass", bass(35));
//----------------------------------------------------- // Simple 4-operator FM synthesizer //----------------------------------------------------- declare nvoices "16"; import("stdfaust.lib"); //operator function operator(freq, index, adsr, amp, phase) = os.oscp(freq * index, phase*ma.PI) * amp * adsr; // UI elements freq = hslider("/[2]freq",200,40,2000,0.01); gain = hslider("/[3]gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); gate = button("/[1]gate"); feedback = hslider("/[4]op1 feedback", 0, 0, 7, 1); algorithm = hslider("/[5]algorithm",0,0,7,1); eg(g) = vgroup("[9]EG", en.adsr(a, d, s, r, g)) with { a = hslider("[1]attack", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); d = hslider("[2]decay", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); s = hslider("[3]sustain", 0.9, 0, 1, 0.01); r = hslider("[4]release", 0.5, 0, 10, 0.01); }; operator_control(ch, phase) = hgroup("[9]Operator #%ch", operator(freq, _index, _eg, _amp, phase)) with { _eg = eg(gate); _index = vslider("[1]freq index",1,1,10,1); _amp = vslider("[0]amp", 0.5,0,1,0.01); }; //0, PI/16, PI/8, PI/4, PI/2, PI, PI x 2, PI x 4 feedbacktable = waveform{0,0.1963495,0.392699,0.785398,1.570796,3.141592,6.2831,12.566}; fbvalue = feedbacktable,int(feedback):rdtable; op1 = operator_control(1) ~ * (fbvalue); op2 = operator_control(2); op3 = operator_control(3); op4 = operator_control(4); alg(0) = op1:op2:op3:op4; alg(1) = op1,op2:>op3:op4; alg(2) = op1,(op2:op3):>op4; alg(3) = (op1:op2),op3:>op4; alg(4) = (op1:op2),(op3:op4):>_; alg(5) = op1<:op2,op3,op4:>_; alg(6) = (op1:op2),op3,op4:>_; alg(7) = op1,op2,op3,op4:>_; synths = par(i,8,select2(algorithm == i,0,alg(i))):>_; process = tgroup("[6]Operator control", synths)*gain;
----------------------------------------------------- Simple 4-operator FM synthesizer ----------------------------------------------------- operator function UI elements 0, PI/16, PI/8, PI/4, PI/2, PI, PI x 2, PI x 4
declare nvoices "16"; import("stdfaust.lib"); operator(freq, index, adsr, amp, phase) = os.oscp(freq * index, phase*ma.PI) * amp * adsr; freq = hslider("/[2]freq",200,40,2000,0.01); gain = hslider("/[3]gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); gate = button("/[1]gate"); feedback = hslider("/[4]op1 feedback", 0, 0, 7, 1); algorithm = hslider("/[5]algorithm",0,0,7,1); eg(g) = vgroup("[9]EG", en.adsr(a, d, s, r, g)) with { a = hslider("[1]attack", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); d = hslider("[2]decay", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); s = hslider("[3]sustain", 0.9, 0, 1, 0.01); r = hslider("[4]release", 0.5, 0, 10, 0.01); }; operator_control(ch, phase) = hgroup("[9]Operator #%ch", operator(freq, _index, _eg, _amp, phase)) with { _eg = eg(gate); _index = vslider("[1]freq index",1,1,10,1); _amp = vslider("[0]amp", 0.5,0,1,0.01); }; feedbacktable = waveform{0,0.1963495,0.392699,0.785398,1.570796,3.141592,6.2831,12.566}; fbvalue = feedbacktable,int(feedback):rdtable; op1 = operator_control(1) ~ * (fbvalue); op2 = operator_control(2); op3 = operator_control(3); op4 = operator_control(4); alg(0) = op1:op2:op3:op4; alg(1) = op1,op2:>op3:op4; alg(2) = op1,(op2:op3):>op4; alg(3) = (op1:op2),op3:>op4; alg(4) = (op1:op2),(op3:op4):>_; alg(5) = op1<:op2,op3,op4:>_; alg(6) = (op1:op2),op3,op4:>_; alg(7) = op1,op2,op3,op4:>_; synths = par(i,8,select2(algorithm == i,0,alg(i))):>_; process = tgroup("[6]Operator control", synths)*gain;
declare name "CombLPFParallelSplayed"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; declare description "Parallel natural comb structure."; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); // Static order = 4; numDelays = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; // Controls delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); spread = vslider("stereospread",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; rotate = vslider("rotate",0.0,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; delayOffset=vslider("delayoffset",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; // Process process = _ <: mkd.parallel_comb_lpf_splayed(numDelays, order, maxdelay, delay, delayOffset, fb, lpf, spread, rotate);
Static Controls Process
declare name "CombLPFParallelSplayed"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; declare description "Parallel natural comb structure."; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); order = 4; numDelays = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); spread = vslider("stereospread",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; rotate = vslider("rotate",0.0,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; delayOffset=vslider("delayoffset",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; process = _ <: mkd.parallel_comb_lpf_splayed(numDelays, order, maxdelay, delay, delayOffset, fb, lpf, spread, rotate);
import("stdfaust.lib"); gain_748411aa = _*0.29876635941400853; gain_3b4f1a56 = _*0.53194650732673; unit_delay_f6160843 = @(1); gain_689ee769 = _*-0.15398358194380563; split_6fd10691 = _ <: (gain_3b4f1a56), (unit_delay_f6160843 : gain_689ee769) :> _; unit_delay_40ebdc09 = @(1); gain_c1e556ec = _*-0.9893130293690344; gain_2927421e = _*0.7561344529535868; unit_delay_eecae516 = @(1); gain_f4768e27 = _*0.09671978613651143; split_5aa958d8 = _ <: (gain_2927421e), (unit_delay_eecae516 : gain_f4768e27) :> _; split_8cdd354e = _ <: (gain_748411aa), (split_6fd10691 : unit_delay_40ebdc09 : gain_c1e556ec : split_5aa958d8) :> _; unit_delay_d61e1cc1 = @(1); gain_ccbc0dc1 = _*-0.27108882748998064; unit_delay_0907ff9c = @(1); gain_071e4516 = _*-1.4731654820527655; split_f9425cb1 = _ <: (gain_ccbc0dc1), (unit_delay_0907ff9c : gain_071e4516) :> _; gain_2ffdbf7c = _*0.0028950285670715633; gain_32604f2f = _*-0.35254022444931177; unit_delay_0f1e1856 = @(1); gain_7685a561 = _*0.817003440047692; split_8bac1771 = _ <: (gain_32604f2f), (unit_delay_0f1e1856 : gain_7685a561) :> _; unit_delay_274e99cc = @(1); gain_cc28dd5f = _*0.6233495494040621; split_28397796 = _ <: (gain_2ffdbf7c), (split_8bac1771 : unit_delay_274e99cc : gain_cc28dd5f) :> _; split_afc44ee0 = _ <: (split_8cdd354e), (unit_delay_d61e1cc1 : split_f9425cb1 : split_28397796) :> _; process = _,_ : split_afc44ee0,split_afc44ee0 : _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); gain_748411aa = _*0.29876635941400853; gain_3b4f1a56 = _*0.53194650732673; unit_delay_f6160843 = @(1); gain_689ee769 = _*-0.15398358194380563; split_6fd10691 = _ <: (gain_3b4f1a56), (unit_delay_f6160843 : gain_689ee769) :> _; unit_delay_40ebdc09 = @(1); gain_c1e556ec = _*-0.9893130293690344; gain_2927421e = _*0.7561344529535868; unit_delay_eecae516 = @(1); gain_f4768e27 = _*0.09671978613651143; split_5aa958d8 = _ <: (gain_2927421e), (unit_delay_eecae516 : gain_f4768e27) :> _; split_8cdd354e = _ <: (gain_748411aa), (split_6fd10691 : unit_delay_40ebdc09 : gain_c1e556ec : split_5aa958d8) :> _; unit_delay_d61e1cc1 = @(1); gain_ccbc0dc1 = _*-0.27108882748998064; unit_delay_0907ff9c = @(1); gain_071e4516 = _*-1.4731654820527655; split_f9425cb1 = _ <: (gain_ccbc0dc1), (unit_delay_0907ff9c : gain_071e4516) :> _; gain_2ffdbf7c = _*0.0028950285670715633; gain_32604f2f = _*-0.35254022444931177; unit_delay_0f1e1856 = @(1); gain_7685a561 = _*0.817003440047692; split_8bac1771 = _ <: (gain_32604f2f), (unit_delay_0f1e1856 : gain_7685a561) :> _; unit_delay_274e99cc = @(1); gain_cc28dd5f = _*0.6233495494040621; split_28397796 = _ <: (gain_2ffdbf7c), (split_8bac1771 : unit_delay_274e99cc : gain_cc28dd5f) :> _; split_afc44ee0 = _ <: (split_8cdd354e), (unit_delay_d61e1cc1 : split_f9425cb1 : split_28397796) :> _; process = _,_ : split_afc44ee0,split_afc44ee0 : _,_;
declare name "DroneBox"; declare description "Stereo Sympathetic Resonance Generator"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); smooth_time = 0.005; // secs coarse_pitch = hslider("Coarse Pitch [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 48, 36, 60, 1); fine_pitch = hslider("Fine Pitch [unit:cents] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 0., -1., 1., 0.001); t60 = hslider("Decay [unit:seconds] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 4, 0.1, 120, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); mix = hslider("Mix [OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); damp = 0.3; dtmax = 4096; NStrings = 4; ratios(0) = 1.; ratios(1) = 1.5; ratios(2) = 2.; ratios(3) = 3.; f = ba.midikey2hz(coarse_pitch+fine_pitch) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); string(x, s) = (+ : de.fdelay(dtmax, dtsamples)) ~ (*(fbk)) //string(x, s) = (+ : de.fdelay(dtmax, dtsamples)) ~ (dampingfilter : *(fbk)) with { thisFreq = f * ratios(s); dtsamples = (ma.SR/thisFreq) - 2; fbk = pow(0.001,1.0/(thisFreq*t60)); h0 = (1. + damp)/2; h1 = (1. - damp)/4; dampingfilter(x) = (h0 * x' + h1*(x+x'')); }; dronebox(l, r) = l, r <: par(s, NStrings, string(l, s), string(r, s)) :> _,_; process(l, r) = l, r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), (dronebox(l, r) : *(mix*0.25), *(mix*0.25)) :> _,_;
secs string(x, s) = (+ : de.fdelay(dtmax, dtsamples)) ~ (dampingfilter : *(fbk))
declare name "DroneBox"; declare description "Stereo Sympathetic Resonance Generator"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); coarse_pitch = hslider("Coarse Pitch [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 48, 36, 60, 1); fine_pitch = hslider("Fine Pitch [unit:cents] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 0., -1., 1., 0.001); t60 = hslider("Decay [unit:seconds] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 4, 0.1, 120, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); mix = hslider("Mix [OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); damp = 0.3; dtmax = 4096; NStrings = 4; ratios(0) = 1.; ratios(1) = 1.5; ratios(2) = 2.; ratios(3) = 3.; f = ba.midikey2hz(coarse_pitch+fine_pitch) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(smooth_time)); string(x, s) = (+ : de.fdelay(dtmax, dtsamples)) ~ (*(fbk)) with { thisFreq = f * ratios(s); dtsamples = (ma.SR/thisFreq) - 2; fbk = pow(0.001,1.0/(thisFreq*t60)); h0 = (1. + damp)/2; h1 = (1. - damp)/4; dampingfilter(x) = (h0 * x' + h1*(x+x'')); }; dronebox(l, r) = l, r <: par(s, NStrings, string(l, s), string(r, s)) :> _,_; process(l, r) = l, r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), (dronebox(l, r) : *(mix*0.25), *(mix*0.25)) :> _,_;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC declare license "ISC"; declare author "Jean Pierre Cimalando"; // Virtual analog Moog VCF, with unity gain compensation // Based on following sources // - D'Angelo, Stefano & Välimäki, Vesa. (2013). An improved virtual analog model of the Moog ladder filter. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1988. ICASSP-88., 1988 International Conference on. 729-733. 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6637744. // - https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/MoogLadders/blob/master/src/ImprovedModel.h import("stdfaust.lib"); process(in,fc,res) = in : vcf(fc,res) with { // fc = hslider("[1] cutoff", 2000.0, 0.0, 5000.0, 1.0) : si.smoo; // res = hslider("[2] resonance", 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001) : si.smoo; }; vcf(fc_,res) = ladder with { fc = fc_:min(0.49*44100.0); ladder = ((+:*(v):Sig:ma.neg:s123:s123:s123:s4)~(*(k))):*(kcorr); gcomp = 0; // set to 1 for unity gain compensation kcorr = ba.if(gcomp,k+1.0,1.0); s123 = (+:*(g):integ:*(v):Sig)~ma.neg; s4(x) = next(z') letrec { 'z = next(z):*(v):Sig; } with { next(z) = g*(x-z):integ; }; integ(x) = (+((x+x')*(0.5/ma.SR)))~_; //Sig = ma.tanh; Sig = max(-1.0):min(1.0):cubic with { cubic(x) = x-x*x*x*(1.0/3.0); }; g = fc*(4.0*ma.PI*Vt)*((1.0-x)/(1.0+x)) with { x = fc*(ma.PI/ma.SR); }; k = 2.0*res; v = 1.0/(2.0*Vt); Vt = 0.312; //Vt = 26e-3; //Vt = hslider("[3] thermal voltage", 0.026, 0.01, 0.5, 0.001); };
SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC Virtual analog Moog VCF, with unity gain compensation Based on following sources - D'Angelo, Stefano & Välimäki, Vesa. (2013). An improved virtual analog model of the Moog ladder filter. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1988. ICASSP-88., 1988 International Conference on. 729-733. 10.1109/ICASSP.2013.6637744. - https://github.com/ddiakopoulos/MoogLadders/blob/master/src/ImprovedModel.h fc = hslider("[1] cutoff", 2000.0, 0.0, 5000.0, 1.0) : si.smoo; res = hslider("[2] resonance", 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001) : si.smoo; set to 1 for unity gain compensation Sig = ma.tanh; Vt = 26e-3; Vt = hslider("[3] thermal voltage", 0.026, 0.01, 0.5, 0.001);
declare license "ISC"; declare author "Jean Pierre Cimalando"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process(in,fc,res) = in : vcf(fc,res) with { }; vcf(fc_,res) = ladder with { fc = fc_:min(0.49*44100.0); ladder = ((+:*(v):Sig:ma.neg:s123:s123:s123:s4)~(*(k))):*(kcorr); kcorr = ba.if(gcomp,k+1.0,1.0); s123 = (+:*(g):integ:*(v):Sig)~ma.neg; s4(x) = next(z') letrec { 'z = next(z):*(v):Sig; } with { next(z) = g*(x-z):integ; }; integ(x) = (+((x+x')*(0.5/ma.SR)))~_; Sig = max(-1.0):min(1.0):cubic with { cubic(x) = x-x*x*x*(1.0/3.0); }; g = fc*(4.0*ma.PI*Vt)*((1.0-x)/(1.0+x)) with { x = fc*(ma.PI/ma.SR); }; k = 2.0*res; v = 1.0/(2.0*Vt); };
declare name "sfPlayer"; declare version "1.01"; declare author "Christophe Lebreton"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "SmartFaust - GRAME(c)2013-2018"; import("stdfaust.lib"); //-------------------- MAIN ------------------------------- process = component ("sample_player_v0.1a.dsp"):*(0.5) :component ("sampler_crybaby2_v0.1.dsp") :component ("sampler_pitch_shifter2_v0.1.dsp"):*(volume) :component ("sampler_Zverb4_2_v0.2.dsp"):max(-0.99):min(0.99):*(out) with { volume = hslider("v:sfPlayer parameter(s)/volume [acc:1 0 -10 10 0 1][color:0 255 0][hidden:1]",1,-0.3,1,0.0001):max(0):min(1): fi.lowpass(1,1); out = checkbox ("v:sfPlayer/ON/OFF"):si.smooth(0.998); };
-------------------- MAIN -------------------------------
declare name "sfPlayer"; declare version "1.01"; declare author "Christophe Lebreton"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "SmartFaust - GRAME(c)2013-2018"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = component ("sample_player_v0.1a.dsp"):*(0.5) :component ("sampler_crybaby2_v0.1.dsp") :component ("sampler_pitch_shifter2_v0.1.dsp"):*(volume) :component ("sampler_Zverb4_2_v0.2.dsp"):max(-0.99):min(0.99):*(out) with { volume = hslider("v:sfPlayer parameter(s)/volume [acc:1 0 -10 10 0 1][color:0 255 0][hidden:1]",1,-0.3,1,0.0001):max(0):min(1): fi.lowpass(1,1); out = checkbox ("v:sfPlayer/ON/OFF"):si.smooth(0.998); };
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "bddi-p9"; declare name "BDDI part 9"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.fir((b0/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; PR26v = vslider("PR26v[name:PR26v]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : si.smooth(s); b0 = -0.999989466876821*PR26v + 0.999989466876821; a0 = 1.00000000000000; };
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "bddi-p9"; declare name "BDDI part 9"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.fir((b0/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; PR26v = vslider("PR26v[name:PR26v]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : Inverted(0) : si.smooth(s); b0 = -0.999989466876821*PR26v + 0.999989466876821; a0 = 1.00000000000000; };
import("stdfaust.lib"); cutoff = hslider("Cutoff", 0, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; // Warning : above 9, the filter becomes unstable (explosion) res = hslider("Resonance", 0, 0, 1, 0.01) : *(9) : si.smoo; amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01); process = os.sawtooth(200) : ve.korg35LPF(cutoff, res) * amp;
Warning : above 9, the filter becomes unstable (explosion)
import("stdfaust.lib"); cutoff = hslider("Cutoff", 0, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; res = hslider("Resonance", 0, 0, 1, 0.01) : *(9) : si.smoo; amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01); process = os.sawtooth(200) : ve.korg35LPF(cutoff, res) * amp;
import("stdfaust.lib"); Xi(expr) = si.bus(n) <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,n)+1) : expr with { n = inputs(expr); }; F1(expr) = si.bus(n) <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,n)'') : expr <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,m)*2) with { n = inputs(expr); m = outputs(expr); }; toto = os.osc(440),os.sawtooth(440), os.triangle(440); funct = _ - _ <: _, _ ; process = F1(funct);
import("stdfaust.lib"); Xi(expr) = si.bus(n) <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,n)+1) : expr with { n = inputs(expr); }; F1(expr) = si.bus(n) <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,n)'') : expr <: par(i,n,ba.selector(i,m)*2) with { n = inputs(expr); m = outputs(expr); }; toto = os.osc(440),os.sawtooth(440), os.triangle(440); funct = _ - _ <: _, _ ; process = F1(funct);
import ("stdfaust.lib"); import ("physmodels.lib"); violinPluckedModel(stringFreq, pluckGain, pluckTrigger) = pm.endChain(modelChain) with { trigger = pm.pluckString(stringL, 1, 1, 0.75, pluckGain, pluckTrigger); stringTuning = 0.08; stringL = pm.f2l(stringFreq) - stringTuning; modelChain = pm.chain( violinNuts : pm.openString(stringL, 0.25, 0.25, trigger) : violinBridge : violinBody : out ); }; violinBowedModel(stringFreq, bowPressure, bowVelocity, bowPosition) = pm.endChain(modelChain) with { stringTuning = 0.08; stringL = pm.f2l(stringFreq) - stringTuning; modelChain = pm.chain( violinNuts : violinBowedString(stringL, bowPressure, bowVelocity, bowPosition) : violinBridge : violinBody : out ); }; freq0 = hslider("freq0", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity0 = hslider("velocity0", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq1 = hslider("freq1", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity1 = hslider("velocity1", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq2 = hslider("freq2", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity2 = hslider("velocity2", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq3 = hslider("freq3", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity3 = hslider("velocity3", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); pluckGain0 = hslider("pluckGain0", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger0 = button("pluckTrigger0"); pluckGain1 = hslider("pluckGain1", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger1 = button("pluckTrigger1"); pluckGain2 = hslider("pluckGain2", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger2 = button("pluckTrigger2"); pluckGain3 = hslider("pluckGain3", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger3 = button("pluckTrigger3"); process = ((violinBowedModel(freq0, velocity0, velocity0, 0.75) *(velocity0) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq0, pluckGain0, pluckTrigger0) *(pluckGain0): + ), (violinBowedModel(freq1, velocity0, velocity1, 0.75) *(velocity1) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq1, pluckGain1, pluckTrigger1) *(pluckGain1): + ) : + ), ((violinBowedModel(freq2, velocity0, velocity2, 0.75) *(velocity2) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq2, pluckGain2, pluckTrigger2) *(pluckGain2): + ), (violinBowedModel(freq3, velocity0, velocity3, 0.75) *(velocity3) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq3, pluckGain3, pluckTrigger3) *(pluckGain3): + ) : + ) : +;
import ("stdfaust.lib"); import ("physmodels.lib"); violinPluckedModel(stringFreq, pluckGain, pluckTrigger) = pm.endChain(modelChain) with { trigger = pm.pluckString(stringL, 1, 1, 0.75, pluckGain, pluckTrigger); stringTuning = 0.08; stringL = pm.f2l(stringFreq) - stringTuning; modelChain = pm.chain( violinNuts : pm.openString(stringL, 0.25, 0.25, trigger) : violinBridge : violinBody : out ); }; violinBowedModel(stringFreq, bowPressure, bowVelocity, bowPosition) = pm.endChain(modelChain) with { stringTuning = 0.08; stringL = pm.f2l(stringFreq) - stringTuning; modelChain = pm.chain( violinNuts : violinBowedString(stringL, bowPressure, bowVelocity, bowPosition) : violinBridge : violinBody : out ); }; freq0 = hslider("freq0", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity0 = hslider("velocity0", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq1 = hslider("freq1", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity1 = hslider("velocity1", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq2 = hslider("freq2", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity2 = hslider("velocity2", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); freq3 = hslider("freq3", 660, 660, 1100, 0.01) : si.smoo; velocity3 = hslider("velocity3", 0, 0, 0.1, 0.01) : si.smooth(0.999); pluckGain0 = hslider("pluckGain0", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger0 = button("pluckTrigger0"); pluckGain1 = hslider("pluckGain1", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger1 = button("pluckTrigger1"); pluckGain2 = hslider("pluckGain2", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger2 = button("pluckTrigger2"); pluckGain3 = hslider("pluckGain3", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01); pluckTrigger3 = button("pluckTrigger3"); process = ((violinBowedModel(freq0, velocity0, velocity0, 0.75) *(velocity0) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq0, pluckGain0, pluckTrigger0) *(pluckGain0): + ), (violinBowedModel(freq1, velocity0, velocity1, 0.75) *(velocity1) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq1, pluckGain1, pluckTrigger1) *(pluckGain1): + ) : + ), ((violinBowedModel(freq2, velocity0, velocity2, 0.75) *(velocity2) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq2, pluckGain2, pluckTrigger2) *(pluckGain2): + ), (violinBowedModel(freq3, velocity0, velocity3, 0.75) *(velocity3) *(0.2), violinPluckedModel(freq3, pluckGain3, pluckTrigger3) *(pluckGain3): + ) : + ) : +;
import("stdfaust.lib"); string(i) = hgroup("String[0]",+~(de.fdelay4(maxDelLength,delLength-1) : dispersionFilter : *(damping))) with{ index = i+1; freq = vslider("[0]freq%index",16*9*index ,50,5000,1) : si.smoo; damping = hslider("[1]Damping[style:knob]",0.99,0,1,0.01); maxDelLength = 1024; dispersionFilter = _ <: _,_' :> /(2); delLength = ma.SR/freq*2; }; nStrings = 7; pluck(index, n) = hgroup("[1]Pluck",gate : ba.impulsify*gain) with{ gain = hslider("gain[style:knob]",1,0,1,0.01); gate = n == index; }; // harp = par(i,nStrings,(gate : string)) :> _; strum = vslider("strum",0,0,nStrings,1) <: par(i, nStrings, (pluck(i,_) : string(i))) :> _; process = hgroup("Harp", strum);
harp = par(i,nStrings,(gate : string)) :> _;
import("stdfaust.lib"); string(i) = hgroup("String[0]",+~(de.fdelay4(maxDelLength,delLength-1) : dispersionFilter : *(damping))) with{ index = i+1; freq = vslider("[0]freq%index",16*9*index ,50,5000,1) : si.smoo; damping = hslider("[1]Damping[style:knob]",0.99,0,1,0.01); maxDelLength = 1024; dispersionFilter = _ <: _,_' :> /(2); delLength = ma.SR/freq*2; }; nStrings = 7; pluck(index, n) = hgroup("[1]Pluck",gate : ba.impulsify*gain) with{ gain = hslider("gain[style:knob]",1,0,1,0.01); gate = n == index; }; strum = vslider("strum",0,0,nStrings,1) <: par(i, nStrings, (pluck(i,_) : string(i))) :> _; process = hgroup("Harp", strum);
import("stdfaust.lib"); M = 2; ftop = 20000; N = 20; compN = co.RMS_FBFFcompressor_N_chan(strength,thresh,att,rel,knee,prePost,link,FBFF,meter,N) with{ strength = 0.2; thresh = -30; att = 0.01; rel = 0.1; knee = 1; prePost = 0; link = 0; FBFF = 0.5; meter = _<:attach( ba.linear2db : hgroup("hurz", vbargraph("[1][unit:db]", -6,0))); }; process = _ : fi.mth_octave_filterbank(3,M,ftop,N) : compN : par(i,N,_) :> _ <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); M = 2; ftop = 20000; N = 20; compN = co.RMS_FBFFcompressor_N_chan(strength,thresh,att,rel,knee,prePost,link,FBFF,meter,N) with{ strength = 0.2; thresh = -30; att = 0.01; rel = 0.1; knee = 1; prePost = 0; link = 0; FBFF = 0.5; meter = _<:attach( ba.linear2db : hgroup("hurz", vbargraph("[1][unit:db]", -6,0))); }; process = _ : fi.mth_octave_filterbank(3,M,ftop,N) : compN : par(i,N,_) :> _ <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq", 440, 20, 2000, .01) : si.smoo; process = os.sawtooth(freq);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq", 440, 20, 2000, .01) : si.smoo; process = os.sawtooth(freq);
declare name "gateCompressor"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = // ol.sawtooth_demo <: // el.gate_demo : ef.compressor_demo :> fi.spectral_level_demo <: _,_; vgroup("[1]", dm.sawtooth_demo) <: vgroup("[2]", dm.gate_demo) : vgroup("[3]", dm.compressor_demo) :> vgroup("[4]", dm.spectral_level_demo) <: _,_;
ol.sawtooth_demo <: el.gate_demo : ef.compressor_demo :> fi.spectral_level_demo <: _,_;
declare name "gateCompressor"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = vgroup("[1]", dm.sawtooth_demo) <: vgroup("[2]", dm.gate_demo) : vgroup("[3]", dm.compressor_demo) :> vgroup("[4]", dm.spectral_level_demo) <: _,_;
/* "Something Else" This is code designed to work with a light sensor augmentation mobile prototype I created at the 2017 CCRMA Mobile Augmentation workshop. It borrows from a Karplus-Strong model from our session. The light sensors are designed to affect parameters of the model. I fabricated augmentations using a printer. For now, I'm publishing openscad files for the top (blue), bottom (red), and insert(blue) pieces. We used a laser cutter on acrylic for the clear pieces. The light sensors run through a Teensy, which is connected as a midi device to an iphone 6s. I haven't documented this aspect of the project yet, a todo item for when my summer workshops at CCRMA are over. The project will be further updated at: https://github.com/edmondhowser/somethingelse.git */ declare interface "SmartKeyboard{ 'Number of Keyboards':'1', 'Max Keyboard Polyphony':'1', 'Inter-Keyboard Slide':'1', 'Mono Mode':'1', 'Keyboard 0 - Number of Keys':'10', 'Keyboard 0 - Lowest Key':'77', 'Keyboard 0 - Show Labels':'0', 'Keyboard 0 - Piano Keyboard':'0', 'Rounding Mode':'2' }"; import("stdfaust.lib"); in_A0 = hslider("A0[midi:ctrl 10]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; in_A1 = hslider("A1[midi:ctrl 11]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; in_A2 = hslider("A2[midi:ctrl 12]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; feedback = hslider("feedback",0.99,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; f = in_A0; b = in_A1 / 127; gain = in_A2 / 127; gate = button("gate"); freq = f * b; // Karplus-Strong string(freq,fdbk) = +~(de.fdelay4(1024,del)*fdbk : reflexionFilter) with{ del = ma.SR/freq; reflexionFilter = _ <: (_'+_)/2; }; process = gate : ba.impulsify*gain : string(freq,feedback) <: _,_;
"Something Else" This is code designed to work with a light sensor augmentation mobile prototype I created at the 2017 CCRMA Mobile Augmentation workshop. It borrows from a Karplus-Strong model from our session. The light sensors are designed to affect parameters of the model. I fabricated augmentations using a printer. For now, I'm publishing openscad files for the top (blue), bottom (red), and insert(blue) pieces. We used a laser cutter on acrylic for the clear pieces. The light sensors run through a Teensy, which is connected as a midi device to an iphone 6s. I haven't documented this aspect of the project yet, a todo item for when my summer workshops at CCRMA are over. The project will be further updated at: https://github.com/edmondhowser/somethingelse.git Karplus-Strong
declare interface "SmartKeyboard{ 'Number of Keyboards':'1', 'Max Keyboard Polyphony':'1', 'Inter-Keyboard Slide':'1', 'Mono Mode':'1', 'Keyboard 0 - Number of Keys':'10', 'Keyboard 0 - Lowest Key':'77', 'Keyboard 0 - Show Labels':'0', 'Keyboard 0 - Piano Keyboard':'0', 'Rounding Mode':'2' }"; import("stdfaust.lib"); in_A0 = hslider("A0[midi:ctrl 10]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; in_A1 = hslider("A1[midi:ctrl 11]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; in_A2 = hslider("A2[midi:ctrl 12]",40,0,127,1) : ba.midikey2hz : si.smoo; feedback = hslider("feedback",0.99,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; f = in_A0; b = in_A1 / 127; gain = in_A2 / 127; gate = button("gate"); freq = f * b; string(freq,fdbk) = +~(de.fdelay4(1024,del)*fdbk : reflexionFilter) with{ del = ma.SR/freq; reflexionFilter = _ <: (_'+_)/2; }; process = gate : ba.impulsify*gain : string(freq,feedback) <: _,_;
declare name “ganassynth6”; import("stdfaust.lib"); waveGenerator = no.noise/34 + os.triangle(freq) with{ freq = hslider("freq[style:knob]",60,50,2000,0.1); }; subtractive = waveGenerator : hgroup("[1]Filter",fi.resonlp(resFreq,q,1)) with{ ctFreq = hslider("[0]Cutoff Frequency[style:knob]",2000,50,10000,0.1); q = hslider("[1]Q[style:knob]",5,1,30,0.1); lfoFreq = hslider("[2]LFO Freq[style:knob]",110,0.1,200,0.01); lfoDepth = hslider("[3]LFO Depth[style:knob]",500,1,10000,1); resFreq = ctFreq + os.osc(lfoFreq)*lfoDepth : max(30); }; process = subtractive;
declare name “ganassynth6”; import("stdfaust.lib"); waveGenerator = no.noise/34 + os.triangle(freq) with{ freq = hslider("freq[style:knob]",60,50,2000,0.1); }; subtractive = waveGenerator : hgroup("[1]Filter",fi.resonlp(resFreq,q,1)) with{ ctFreq = hslider("[0]Cutoff Frequency[style:knob]",2000,50,10000,0.1); q = hslider("[1]Q[style:knob]",5,1,30,0.1); lfoFreq = hslider("[2]LFO Freq[style:knob]",110,0.1,200,0.01); lfoDepth = hslider("[3]LFO Depth[style:knob]",500,1,10000,1); resFreq = ctFreq + os.osc(lfoFreq)*lfoDepth : max(30); }; process = subtractive;
declare name "CombLPF"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); order = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); process = _ : mkd.comblpf(order, maxdelay, delay, fb, lpf);
declare name "CombLPF"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); order = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); process = _ : mkd.comblpf(order, maxdelay, delay, fb, lpf);
import("stdfaust.lib"); cc = library("../midi_controls.dsp"); pulse_level_attack = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Attack[1]", .001, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_decay = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Decay[2]", .5, 0.1, 1, .001)); pulse_level_sustain = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Sustain[3]", .3, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_release = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Release[4]", .001, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_envelope = en.adsr( pulse_level_attack, pulse_level_decay, pulse_level_sustain, pulse_level_release, cc.gate ); pulse_duty = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Duty", .5, .01, 1, .01)); pulse_osc = os.pulsetrain(cc.freq, pulse_duty) * pulse_level_envelope; process = pulse_osc;
import("stdfaust.lib"); cc = library("../midi_controls.dsp"); pulse_level_attack = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Attack[1]", .001, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_decay = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Decay[2]", .5, 0.1, 1, .001)); pulse_level_sustain = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Sustain[3]", .3, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_release = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Release[4]", .001, .001, 1, .001)); pulse_level_envelope = en.adsr( pulse_level_attack, pulse_level_decay, pulse_level_sustain, pulse_level_release, cc.gate ); pulse_duty = vgroup("Pulse", hslider("Duty", .5, .01, 1, .01)); pulse_osc = os.pulsetrain(cc.freq, pulse_duty) * pulse_level_envelope; process = pulse_osc;
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "princeton"; declare name "Single ended 6V6"; declare shortname "Princeton"; declare description "Single ended 6V6"; declare samplerate "96000"; import("stdfaust.lib"); p1 = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0),(a1/a0,a2/a0)) : princeton_clip with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = fs*(2.46383752600217e-9*fs + 1.18536469845222e-7); b1 = -4.92767505200435e-9*pow(fs,2); b2 = fs*(2.46383752600217e-9*fs - 1.18536469845222e-7); a0 = fs*(4.31429171140134e-10*fs + 1.24411557886099e-7) + 1.54349145985544e-5; a1 = -8.62858342280268e-10*pow(fs,2) + 3.08698291971088e-5; a2 = fs*(4.31429171140134e-10*fs - 1.24411557886099e-7) + 1.54349145985544e-5; }; princeton_clip = ffunction(float princetonclip(float), "princeton_table.h", ""); ingain = vslider("Gain",0,-30,30,0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smooth(0.999); outgain = vslider("Volume", 0, -30.0, 30.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smooth(0.999); process = *(ingain) : p1 : *(0.2) : *(outgain);
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "princeton"; declare name "Single ended 6V6"; declare shortname "Princeton"; declare description "Single ended 6V6"; declare samplerate "96000"; import("stdfaust.lib"); p1 = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0),(a1/a0,a2/a0)) : princeton_clip with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = fs*(2.46383752600217e-9*fs + 1.18536469845222e-7); b1 = -4.92767505200435e-9*pow(fs,2); b2 = fs*(2.46383752600217e-9*fs - 1.18536469845222e-7); a0 = fs*(4.31429171140134e-10*fs + 1.24411557886099e-7) + 1.54349145985544e-5; a1 = -8.62858342280268e-10*pow(fs,2) + 3.08698291971088e-5; a2 = fs*(4.31429171140134e-10*fs - 1.24411557886099e-7) + 1.54349145985544e-5; }; princeton_clip = ffunction(float princetonclip(float), "princeton_table.h", ""); ingain = vslider("Gain",0,-30,30,0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smooth(0.999); outgain = vslider("Volume", 0, -30.0, 30.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smooth(0.999); process = *(ingain) : p1 : *(0.2) : *(outgain);
import("stdfaust.lib"); N = 10; peakEqualizer = seq(i,N,hgroup("main",myPeakEq(i))) with{ myPeakEq(j) = fi.peak_eq(level,ctFreq,BW) with{ level = vslider("v:band%j/[2]level",0,-90,20,0.01); ctFreq = vslider("v:band%j/[0]freq[style:knob]",50+j*1000,50,20000,0.01); BW = vslider("v:band%j/[1]BW[style:knob]",100,20,1000,0.01); }; }; process = peakEqualizer;
import("stdfaust.lib"); N = 10; peakEqualizer = seq(i,N,hgroup("main",myPeakEq(i))) with{ myPeakEq(j) = fi.peak_eq(level,ctFreq,BW) with{ level = vslider("v:band%j/[2]level",0,-90,20,0.01); ctFreq = vslider("v:band%j/[0]freq[style:knob]",50+j*1000,50,20000,0.01); BW = vslider("v:band%j/[1]BW[style:knob]",100,20,1000,0.01); }; }; process = peakEqualizer;
import("stdfaust.lib"); f = hslider("h:main/v:[1]midi/freq",200,50,1000,0.01); g = hslider("h:main/v:[1]midi/gain",1,0,1,0.01); t = button("h:main/v:[1]midi/gate"); att = hslider("h:main/h:[0]params/att[style:knob]",0.1,0.001,1,0.001); ct = hslider("h:main/h:[0]params/cuttof[style:knob]",4000,100,10000,0.01); synth = os.sawtooth(f)*envelope : fi.resonlp(ctf,8,0.5) with{ envelope = en.adsr(att,0,1,0.1,t)*g; ctf = envelope*ct + 300; }; process = synth ;
import("stdfaust.lib"); f = hslider("h:main/v:[1]midi/freq",200,50,1000,0.01); g = hslider("h:main/v:[1]midi/gain",1,0,1,0.01); t = button("h:main/v:[1]midi/gate"); att = hslider("h:main/h:[0]params/att[style:knob]",0.1,0.001,1,0.001); ct = hslider("h:main/h:[0]params/cuttof[style:knob]",4000,100,10000,0.01); synth = os.sawtooth(f)*envelope : fi.resonlp(ctf,8,0.5) with{ envelope = en.adsr(att,0,1,0.1,t)*g; ctf = envelope*ct + 300; }; process = synth ;
import("stdfaust.lib"); order = 4; freq = 7650; process = no.noise : fi.lowpass(order, freq) : fi.highpass(order, freq); // la sintesi sottrattiva è il processo di sintesi piu datato. In quanto processo di sintesi è volto alla creazione di un suono, al suono finale si arriva estrapolandolo da un suono piu complesso come ad ad esempio un rumore bianco, il quale contiene tutte le frequenze a tutte le ampiezze. Faust elabora un noise grazie al RANDMAX, ovvero un generatore di numeri, esso viene chiamato in base alla frequenza di campionamento. // il filtro passabasso attenua le frequenze alte ed il filtro passaalto attenua le frequenze alte: Nell'applicare un filtro è necessario stabilire una frequenza di taglio ed un ordine di filtro. Il filtro di primo ordine attenua 6db per ottava, quello di secondo ordine attenua 12db per ottava. Gli altri filtri vengono creati dall'unione di piu filtri di secondo ordine // ad un ordine maggiore corrisponde una pendenza piu ripida nel suono rappresentato nello spettroscopio // RANDMAX è il primo generatore di numeri // RANDMAX è un numero casuale chiamato da faust in base alla frequenza di campionamento // un suono è rumore quando al suo interno non ci sono le caratteristiche descrittive di un suono // i numeri che identificano lo slider sono: il valore iniziale, valore minimo, valore massimo e step incrementale // lo step incrementale determina la precisione dello slider // il valore iniziale è il valore che deve assumere lo slider quando viene acceso il programma // noise definisce un rumore che contiene tutte le frequenze // spettroscopio: contenuto del suono nel dominio della frequenza, frequenza sulle x, ampiezza sulle y // oscilloscopio: contenuto del suono nel dominio del tempo, tempo sulle x, ampiezza sulle y // lowpass è un filtro passabasso // SPETTROGRAMMA: frequenza sulle x, ampiezza sulle y // OSCILLOSCOPIO: tempo sulle x, ampiezza sulle y // SONOGRAMMA: frequenza sulle y, tempo sulle y // dato un punto di taglio il filtro di primo ordine(attenua 6db per 8va)
la sintesi sottrattiva è il processo di sintesi piu datato. In quanto processo di sintesi è volto alla creazione di un suono, al suono finale si arriva estrapolandolo da un suono piu complesso come ad ad esempio un rumore bianco, il quale contiene tutte le frequenze a tutte le ampiezze. Faust elabora un noise grazie al RANDMAX, ovvero un generatore di numeri, esso viene chiamato in base alla frequenza di campionamento. il filtro passabasso attenua le frequenze alte ed il filtro passaalto attenua le frequenze alte: Nell'applicare un filtro è necessario stabilire una frequenza di taglio ed un ordine di filtro. Il filtro di primo ordine attenua 6db per ottava, quello di secondo ordine attenua 12db per ottava. Gli altri filtri vengono creati dall'unione di piu filtri di secondo ordine ad un ordine maggiore corrisponde una pendenza piu ripida nel suono rappresentato nello spettroscopio RANDMAX è il primo generatore di numeri RANDMAX è un numero casuale chiamato da faust in base alla frequenza di campionamento un suono è rumore quando al suo interno non ci sono le caratteristiche descrittive di un suono i numeri che identificano lo slider sono: il valore iniziale, valore minimo, valore massimo e step incrementale lo step incrementale determina la precisione dello slider il valore iniziale è il valore che deve assumere lo slider quando viene acceso il programma noise definisce un rumore che contiene tutte le frequenze spettroscopio: contenuto del suono nel dominio della frequenza, frequenza sulle x, ampiezza sulle y oscilloscopio: contenuto del suono nel dominio del tempo, tempo sulle x, ampiezza sulle y lowpass è un filtro passabasso SPETTROGRAMMA: frequenza sulle x, ampiezza sulle y OSCILLOSCOPIO: tempo sulle x, ampiezza sulle y SONOGRAMMA: frequenza sulle y, tempo sulle y dato un punto di taglio il filtro di primo ordine(attenua 6db per 8va)
import("stdfaust.lib"); order = 4; freq = 7650; process = no.noise : fi.lowpass(order, freq) : fi.highpass(order, freq);
// a stereo distortion effect connected to a stereo reverb import("stdfaust.lib"); distDrive = 0.8; distOffset = 0; process = par(i,2,ef.cubicnl(distDrive,distOffset)) : dm.zita_rev1;
a stereo distortion effect connected to a stereo reverb
import("stdfaust.lib"); distDrive = 0.8; distOffset = 0; process = par(i,2,ef.cubicnl(distDrive,distOffset)) : dm.zita_rev1;
declare name "Blipper"; declare description "Envelope Follower controlling pitch of a triangle oscillator, good with percussive input"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.3"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); basepitch = hslider("BasePitch [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 60, 24, 96, 0.1) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.01)); pitchmod = hslider("PitchMod [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 24, -64, 64, 1) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); //attack = hslider("Attack [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 2, 2, 1000, 1) : *(0.001) : max(1.0/float(SR)); release = hslider("Release [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 20, 2, 100, 1) : *(0.001) : max(1.0/float(ma.SR)); attack = 0.005; mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); process(l, r) = l, r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), mono2stereo :> _,_ with { mono2stereo = + : pc2 * mix <: _,_; pc2 = an.amp_follower_ud(attack, release) <: (ba.midikey2hz(basepitch + (pitchmod * _)): os.triangle), _ : *; };
attack = hslider("Attack [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 2, 2, 1000, 1) : *(0.001) : max(1.0/float(SR));
declare name "Blipper"; declare description "Envelope Follower controlling pitch of a triangle oscillator, good with percussive input"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.3"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); basepitch = hslider("BasePitch [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 60, 24, 96, 0.1) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.01)); pitchmod = hslider("PitchMod [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 24, -64, 64, 1) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); release = hslider("Release [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 20, 2, 100, 1) : *(0.001) : max(1.0/float(ma.SR)); attack = 0.005; mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); process(l, r) = l, r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), mono2stereo :> _,_ with { mono2stereo = + : pc2 * mix <: _,_; pc2 = an.amp_follower_ud(attack, release) <: (ba.midikey2hz(basepitch + (pitchmod * _)): os.triangle), _ : *; };
declare id "bmpf"; declare name "BigMuffFuzzPedal"; declare shortname "FuzzPedal"; declare category "Distortion"; declare description "BigMuffFuzzPedal"; import("guitarix.lib"); import("stdfaust.lib"); bigmuff = _<: filter1,filter2:>_ with { tone = vslider("Tone[OWL:C]",0.5,0,1,0.01); filter1 = fi.highpass( 1, 1856):*(tone); filter2 = fi.lowpass( 1, 408 ) :*(1-tone); }; bmfp = _<:*(dry),(*(wet):*(gain):bigmuff:fuzz:fuzzy:fiz):>downfilter with { //fuzz(x) = x-0.15*x^2-0.15*x^3; //fuzz(x) = 1.5*x-0.5*x^3; fuzz(x) = (1+drive/101)*x/(1+drive/101*abs(x)); drive = vslider("Drive[OWL:B]", 1, -3, 100, 1); fuzzy = fuzzy_tube(2,1,0.5,drive); fiz(x) = x+(x^7); downfilter = fi.lowpass(1,5631): fi.highpass(1,80); gain = vslider("Gain[OWL:A]",0,-36,20,0.1) : ba.db2linear : smoothi(0.999); wet = vslider("Mix[OWL:D]", 50, 0, 100, 1) : /(100); dry = 1 - wet; }; process = bmfp, bmfp;
fuzz(x) = x-0.15*x^2-0.15*x^3; fuzz(x) = 1.5*x-0.5*x^3;
declare id "bmpf"; declare name "BigMuffFuzzPedal"; declare shortname "FuzzPedal"; declare category "Distortion"; declare description "BigMuffFuzzPedal"; import("guitarix.lib"); import("stdfaust.lib"); bigmuff = _<: filter1,filter2:>_ with { tone = vslider("Tone[OWL:C]",0.5,0,1,0.01); filter1 = fi.highpass( 1, 1856):*(tone); filter2 = fi.lowpass( 1, 408 ) :*(1-tone); }; bmfp = _<:*(dry),(*(wet):*(gain):bigmuff:fuzz:fuzzy:fiz):>downfilter with { fuzz(x) = (1+drive/101)*x/(1+drive/101*abs(x)); drive = vslider("Drive[OWL:B]", 1, -3, 100, 1); fuzzy = fuzzy_tube(2,1,0.5,drive); fiz(x) = x+(x^7); downfilter = fi.lowpass(1,5631): fi.highpass(1,80); gain = vslider("Gain[OWL:A]",0,-36,20,0.1) : ba.db2linear : smoothi(0.999); wet = vslider("Mix[OWL:D]", 50, 0, 100, 1) : /(100); dry = 1 - wet; }; process = bmfp, bmfp;
declare name "pitch-shifter"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2006"; //---------------------------- // very simple real time pitch shifter //---------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); transpose (w, x, s, sig) = fdelay1s(d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + fdelay1s(d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; pitchshifter = ef.transpose(hslider("Window[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 1000, 50, 10000, 1), hslider("Crossfade[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 10, 1, 10000, 1), hslider("Pitch Shift[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1) + hslider("Super Pitch[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0, 0, 12, 0.01) ); // add dry wet control stereodrywet (monofx) = _,_ <: *(1-dw), *(1-dw), monofx*dw, monofx*dw :> _,_ with { dw = hslider("Dry/Wet[OWL:PARAMETER_D]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = stereodrywet(pitchshifter);
---------------------------- very simple real time pitch shifter ---------------------------- add dry wet control
declare name "pitch-shifter"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2006"; import("stdfaust.lib"); transpose (w, x, s, sig) = fdelay1s(d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + fdelay1s(d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; pitchshifter = ef.transpose(hslider("Window[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 1000, 50, 10000, 1), hslider("Crossfade[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 10, 1, 10000, 1), hslider("Pitch Shift[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1) + hslider("Super Pitch[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0, 0, 12, 0.01) ); stereodrywet (monofx) = _,_ <: *(1-dw), *(1-dw), monofx*dw, monofx*dw :> _,_ with { dw = hslider("Dry/Wet[OWL:PARAMETER_D]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = stereodrywet(pitchshifter);
declare name "korg35HPF"; declare description "Demonstration of the Korg 35 LPF"; declare author "Eric Tarr"; import("stdfaust.lib"); Q = hslider("Q",1,0.5,10,0.01); normFreq = hslider("freq",0.5,0,1,0.001):si.smoo; process = ve.korg35HPF(normFreq,Q), ve.korg35HPF(normFreq,Q);
declare name "korg35HPF"; declare description "Demonstration of the Korg 35 LPF"; declare author "Eric Tarr"; import("stdfaust.lib"); Q = hslider("Q",1,0.5,10,0.01); normFreq = hslider("freq",0.5,0,1,0.001):si.smoo; process = ve.korg35HPF(normFreq,Q), ve.korg35HPF(normFreq,Q);
declare name "korg35LPF"; declare description "Demonstration of the Korg 35 LPF"; declare author "Eric Tarr"; import("stdfaust.lib"); Q = hslider("Q",1,0.5,10,0.01); normFreq = hslider("freq",0.5,0,1,0.001):si.smoo; process = ve.korg35LPF(normFreq,Q), ve.korg35LPF(normFreq,Q);
declare name "korg35LPF"; declare description "Demonstration of the Korg 35 LPF"; declare author "Eric Tarr"; import("stdfaust.lib"); Q = hslider("Q",1,0.5,10,0.01); normFreq = hslider("freq",0.5,0,1,0.001):si.smoo; process = ve.korg35LPF(normFreq,Q), ve.korg35LPF(normFreq,Q);
declare name "GR Pitch Tracker"; declare description "Mono GR-300 style pitch tracker"; declare author "Johannes Burström ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Johannes Burström"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("Frequency [unit:hz]", 32.7, 5.0, 20000., 0.001); pitchTracker(x, freq) = output with { maxFreq = 640; rq = 1; halfbw = 0.1 * freq * 0.5; fl = freq - halfbw; fu = freq + halfbw; //Rectify signal rectify = (_ * 1e+02) >= 0; //Inverse triggers - zero when square is 1, -1 triggers = fi.tf21(1, -1, 0, 0, 0) <: _ != -1, _ != 1; trig2saw = _, 1 : fi.pole; makeSaws = trig2saw, trig2saw, 1 - _, 1 - _; //Input: pair of saw waves, output: denominator denom = route(4, 4, (1, 2), (4, 1), (2, 4), (3, 3)) : ba.latch, ba.latch: + : max(ma.SR / maxFreq, _ - 3); outputSaw = fi.dcblocker((_/_) * 2); outputPitch = !, max(ma.SR/_, 0); output = x : fi.bandpass(1, fl, fu) : rectify <: triggers <: makeSaws <: _, !, !, !, denom <: outputSaw, outputPitch; }; process(x) = x : pitchTracker(_, freq);
Rectify signal Inverse triggers - zero when square is 1, -1 Input: pair of saw waves, output: denominator
declare name "GR Pitch Tracker"; declare description "Mono GR-300 style pitch tracker"; declare author "Johannes Burström ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Johannes Burström"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("Frequency [unit:hz]", 32.7, 5.0, 20000., 0.001); pitchTracker(x, freq) = output with { maxFreq = 640; rq = 1; halfbw = 0.1 * freq * 0.5; fl = freq - halfbw; fu = freq + halfbw; rectify = (_ * 1e+02) >= 0; triggers = fi.tf21(1, -1, 0, 0, 0) <: _ != -1, _ != 1; trig2saw = _, 1 : fi.pole; makeSaws = trig2saw, trig2saw, 1 - _, 1 - _; denom = route(4, 4, (1, 2), (4, 1), (2, 4), (3, 3)) : ba.latch, ba.latch: + : max(ma.SR / maxFreq, _ - 3); outputSaw = fi.dcblocker((_/_) * 2); outputPitch = !, max(ma.SR/_, 0); output = x : fi.bandpass(1, fl, fu) : rectify <: triggers <: makeSaws <: _, !, !, !, denom <: outputSaw, outputPitch; }; process(x) = x : pitchTracker(_, freq);
declare name "CombLPFParallel"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); // Static order = 4; numDelays = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; // Controls delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); delayOffset=vslider("delayoffset",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; // Process process = _ <: mkd.parallel_comb_lpf(numDelays, order, maxdelay, delay, delayOffset, fb, lpf);
Static Controls Process
declare name "CombLPFParallel"; declare author "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare copyright "Mads Kjeldgaard"; declare version "1.00"; declare license "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("../../lib/mkdelay.dsp"); order = 4; numDelays = 4; maxdelay = 1 * ma.SR; delay = vslider("delaytime",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01) : *(ma.SR) : si.smoo; fb = vslider("fb",0.1,0.001,2.0,0.01); lpf = vslider("cutoff",500,20.0,20000.0,1); delayOffset=vslider("delayoffset",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.00001) : si.smoo; process = _ <: mkd.parallel_comb_lpf(numDelays, order, maxdelay, delay, delayOffset, fb, lpf);
declare name "compLimiter2"; import("stdfaust.lib"); channels = 2; strength = hslider("strength", 0, 0, 1, 0.001); //write a specific position input signal operation here thresh = hslider("thresh [unit:dB]", -20, -60, 0, 0.1); threshLim = hslider("threshLim [unit:dB]", -6, -60, 0, 0.1); att = hslider("att [unit:ms] [scale:log] [tooltip: Time constant in ms]", 8, 1, 100, 0.1) : *(0.001) : max(1/ma.SR); rel = hslider("rel [unit:ms] [scale:log] [tooltip: Time constant in ms]", 500, 1, 1000, 0.1) : *(0.001) : max(1/ma.SR); knee = hslider("knee", 3, 0, 18, 0.1); makeupgain = hslider("makeupGain [unit:dB] [tooltip: The compressed-signal output level is increased by this amount (in dB) to make up for the level lost due to compression]", 0, 0, 24, 0.1) : ba.db2linear; link = 0; process = si.bus(channels) : co.RMS_FBcompressor_peak_limiter_N_chan(strength,thresh,threshLim,att,rel,knee,link,_,channels) : par(i, 2, *(makeupgain)) : si.bus(channels);
write a specific position input signal operation here
declare name "compLimiter2"; import("stdfaust.lib"); channels = 2; thresh = hslider("thresh [unit:dB]", -20, -60, 0, 0.1); threshLim = hslider("threshLim [unit:dB]", -6, -60, 0, 0.1); att = hslider("att [unit:ms] [scale:log] [tooltip: Time constant in ms]", 8, 1, 100, 0.1) : *(0.001) : max(1/ma.SR); rel = hslider("rel [unit:ms] [scale:log] [tooltip: Time constant in ms]", 500, 1, 1000, 0.1) : *(0.001) : max(1/ma.SR); knee = hslider("knee", 3, 0, 18, 0.1); makeupgain = hslider("makeupGain [unit:dB] [tooltip: The compressed-signal output level is increased by this amount (in dB) to make up for the level lost due to compression]", 0, 0, 24, 0.1) : ba.db2linear; link = 0; process = si.bus(channels) : co.RMS_FBcompressor_peak_limiter_N_chan(strength,thresh,threshLim,att,rel,knee,link,_,channels) : par(i, 2, *(makeupgain)) : si.bus(channels);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = nentry("freq", 100, 10, 10000, 1); gain = nentry("gain", 1, 0, 1, .01); // process = os.triangle(freq) * 0.1 * gain * (button("gate") : (en.ar(0.01, 2) ^ 10)); process = (button("gate") : en.arfe(0.001, 0.5, 0)) * os.sawtooth(freq) : fi.lowpass(2, 500) * gain;
process = os.triangle(freq) * 0.1 * gain * (button("gate") : (en.ar(0.01, 2) ^ 10));
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = nentry("freq", 100, 10, 10000, 1); gain = nentry("gain", 1, 0, 1, .01); process = (button("gate") : en.arfe(0.001, 0.5, 0)) * os.sawtooth(freq) : fi.lowpass(2, 500) * gain;
import("stdfaust.lib"); freqA = hslider("mouseX", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001); freqB = hslider("mouseY", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001); process = os.osc(freqA * 1000 + 100) * 0.5, os.osc(freqB * 1000 + 100) * 0.5;
import("stdfaust.lib"); freqA = hslider("mouseX", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001); freqB = hslider("mouseY", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0001); process = os.osc(freqA * 1000 + 100) * 0.5, os.osc(freqB * 1000 + 100) * 0.5;
import("stdfaust.lib"); gate = button("gate") : si.smoo; gain = hslider("gain", 0.42, 0, 1, 0.01); baseFreq = hslider("freq", 440, 20, 20000, 1); bend = hslider("bend[midi:pitchwheel]", 1, 0, 10, 0.01); freq = baseFreq * bend : si.polySmooth(gate, 0.9, 1); modulation = hslider("modulation[midi:ctrl 1]", 0, 0, 1, 0.01);
import("stdfaust.lib"); gate = button("gate") : si.smoo; gain = hslider("gain", 0.42, 0, 1, 0.01); baseFreq = hslider("freq", 440, 20, 20000, 1); bend = hslider("bend[midi:pitchwheel]", 1, 0, 10, 0.01); freq = baseFreq * bend : si.polySmooth(gate, 0.9, 1); modulation = hslider("modulation[midi:ctrl 1]", 0, 0, 1, 0.01);
//la sintesi sottrattiva è formata da filtro passabasso (lowpass), che è un filtro che attenua porzioni di spettro sopra una //frequenza data, e il filtro passa alto (highpass) import("stdfaust.lib"); cutoff = vslider ("cut-off[style:knob]",1000,20,20000,1); process = fi.lowpass (2,cutoff) : fi.highpass (2,cutoff);
la sintesi sottrattiva è formata da filtro passabasso (lowpass), che è un filtro che attenua porzioni di spettro sopra una frequenza data, e il filtro passa alto (highpass)
import("stdfaust.lib"); cutoff = vslider ("cut-off[style:knob]",1000,20,20000,1); process = fi.lowpass (2,cutoff) : fi.highpass (2,cutoff);
import("stdfaust.lib"); xytoms (x,y) = (x+y),(x-y); ctrl (m,s) = (m*hslider("mAmt",1,0,1,0.01)), (s*hslider("sAmt",1,0,1,0.01)); mstoxy (m,s) = (m+s),(m-s); // Name the ins and outs of the `process` function for use in the er-301 object declare er301_in1 "InL"; declare er301_in2 "InR"; declare er301_out1 "OutL"; declare er301_out2 "OutR"; // main() process = xytoms : ctrl : mstoxy;
Name the ins and outs of the `process` function for use in the er-301 object main()
import("stdfaust.lib"); xytoms (x,y) = (x+y),(x-y); ctrl (m,s) = (m*hslider("mAmt",1,0,1,0.01)), (s*hslider("sAmt",1,0,1,0.01)); mstoxy (m,s) = (m+s),(m-s); declare er301_in1 "InL"; declare er301_in2 "InR"; declare er301_out1 "OutL"; declare er301_out2 "OutR"; process = xytoms : ctrl : mstoxy;
import("stdfaust.lib"); //process = _,_ <: ( * : fi.lowpass(2,10)) , ((^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,10) , ^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,10)) : * : sqrt) : /; N = 10; correlMeterTop = * : fi.lowpass(2,N); correlMeterBottom = ((^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,N)) , (^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,N))) : * : sqrt; correlMeter(i) = (correlMeterTop, correlMeterBottom) : / : hbargraph("CorrelMeter %i", -1, 1); process = par(i,5,correlMeter(i));//no.pink_noise : fi.mth_octave_filterbank5(3,20000,12) : par(i, 12, (_ <: (_, @(1000)) <: correlMeter(i) :> !)) : no.noise;//correlMeter ; // : par(i,N,_)
process = _,_ <: ( * : fi.lowpass(2,10)) , ((^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,10) , ^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,10)) : * : sqrt) : /; no.pink_noise : fi.mth_octave_filterbank5(3,20000,12) : par(i, 12, (_ <: (_, @(1000)) <: correlMeter(i) :> !)) : no.noise;//correlMeter ; : par(i,N,_)
import("stdfaust.lib"); N = 10; correlMeterTop = * : fi.lowpass(2,N); correlMeterBottom = ((^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,N)) , (^(2) : fi.lowpass(2,N))) : * : sqrt; correlMeter(i) = (correlMeterTop, correlMeterBottom) : / : hbargraph("CorrelMeter %i", -1, 1);
declare name "osc"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2009"; //----------------------------------------------- // Sinusoidal Oscillator //----------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); import("oscillators.lib"); sigosc = os.saw2(freqsaw) * checkbox("Saw") + os.oscs(freqsync) * checkbox("Sine"); vol = hslider("volume [unit:dB]", -96, -96, 0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smoo; freq = hslider("freq [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); freqsync = hslider("freq sync [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); freqsaw = hslider("freq saw [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); osync = vgroup("Oscillator Sync", hs_oscsin(freq, sigosc) * vol);
----------------------------------------------- Sinusoidal Oscillator -----------------------------------------------
declare name "osc"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2009"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("oscillators.lib"); sigosc = os.saw2(freqsaw) * checkbox("Saw") + os.oscs(freqsync) * checkbox("Sine"); vol = hslider("volume [unit:dB]", -96, -96, 0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear : si.smoo; freq = hslider("freq [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); freqsync = hslider("freq sync [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); freqsaw = hslider("freq saw [unit:Hz]", 300, 20, 2400, 1); osync = vgroup("Oscillator Sync", hs_oscsin(freq, sigosc) * vol);
// Simple 2-operator FM synthesizer // // Hiroaki Kimura declare nvoices "16"; import("stdfaust.lib"); //operator function operator(freq, index, adsr, amp, phase) = os.oscp(freq * index, phase) * amp * adsr; // UI elements freq = hslider("/[2]freq",200,40,2000,0.01); gain = hslider("/[3]gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); gate = button("/[1]gate"); feedback = hslider("/[4]op1 feedback", 0, 0, 7, 1); adsr(g) = vgroup("[9]ADSR", en.adsr(a, d, s, r, g)) with { a = hslider("[1]attack", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); d = hslider("[2]decay", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); s = hslider("[3]sustain", 0.9, 0, 1, 0.01); r = hslider("[4]release", 0.5, 0, 10, 0.01); }; operator_control(ch, phase) = hgroup("[9]Operator #%ch", operator(freq, _index, _adsr, _amp, phase)) with { _adsr = adsr(gate); _index = vslider("[1]freq index",1,1,10,1); _amp = vslider("[0]amp", 1,0,10,0.1); }; //0, PI/16, PI/8, PI/4, PI/2, PI, PI x 2, PI x 4 feedbacktable = waveform{0,0.1963495,0.392699,0.785398,1.570796,3.141592,6.2831,12.566}; fbvalue = feedbacktable,int(feedback):rdtable; op1 = operator_control(1) ~ * (fbvalue); op2 = operator_control(2); process = tgroup("[5]Operator control", op1:op2)*gain;
Simple 2-operator FM synthesizer Hiroaki Kimura operator function UI elements 0, PI/16, PI/8, PI/4, PI/2, PI, PI x 2, PI x 4
declare nvoices "16"; import("stdfaust.lib"); operator(freq, index, adsr, amp, phase) = os.oscp(freq * index, phase) * amp * adsr; freq = hslider("/[2]freq",200,40,2000,0.01); gain = hslider("/[3]gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); gate = button("/[1]gate"); feedback = hslider("/[4]op1 feedback", 0, 0, 7, 1); adsr(g) = vgroup("[9]ADSR", en.adsr(a, d, s, r, g)) with { a = hslider("[1]attack", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); d = hslider("[2]decay", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.01); s = hslider("[3]sustain", 0.9, 0, 1, 0.01); r = hslider("[4]release", 0.5, 0, 10, 0.01); }; operator_control(ch, phase) = hgroup("[9]Operator #%ch", operator(freq, _index, _adsr, _amp, phase)) with { _adsr = adsr(gate); _index = vslider("[1]freq index",1,1,10,1); _amp = vslider("[0]amp", 1,0,10,0.1); }; feedbacktable = waveform{0,0.1963495,0.392699,0.785398,1.570796,3.141592,6.2831,12.566}; fbvalue = feedbacktable,int(feedback):rdtable; op1 = operator_control(1) ~ * (fbvalue); op2 = operator_control(2); process = tgroup("[5]Operator control", op1:op2)*gain;
declare name "Dual Pitch Shifter"; declare description "Dual Channel pitch shifter, based on Faust pitch_shifter.dsp by Grame"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); msec = ma.SR/1000.0; shiftl = hslider("Shift L [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1); shiftr = hslider("Shift R [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1); ws = hslider("Window Size [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 50, 20, 1000, 1) * msec : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); xf = 20 * msec; process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), ef.transpose(ws, xf, shiftl, l)*mix, ef.transpose(ws, xf, shiftr, r)*mix :> _,_;
declare name "Dual Pitch Shifter"; declare description "Dual Channel pitch shifter, based on Faust pitch_shifter.dsp by Grame"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); msec = ma.SR/1000.0; shiftl = hslider("Shift L [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1); shiftr = hslider("Shift R [unit:semitones] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1); ws = hslider("Window Size [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 50, 20, 1000, 1) * msec : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); xf = 20 * msec; process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), ef.transpose(ws, xf, shiftl, l)*mix, ef.transpose(ws, xf, shiftr, r)*mix :> _,_;
// Based on FAUST demo // Adapted for OWL: stereo, dry/wet mix, OWL parameter controls // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ANALOG IN: // ANALOG 0 : Grain Size // ANALOG 1 : Speed // ANALOG 2 : Probability // (others analog inputs are not used) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// granulator = vgroup("Granulator", environment { declare name "Granulator"; declare author "Adapted from sfIter by Christophe Lebreton"; /* =========== DESCRIPTION ============= - The granulator takes very small parts of a sound, called GRAINS, and plays them at a varying speed - Front = Medium size grains - Back = short grains - Left Slow rhythm - Right = Fast rhythm - Bottom = Regular occurrences - Head = Irregular occurrences */ import("stdfaust.lib"); process = hgroup("Granulator", *(excitation : ampf)); excitation = noiseburst(gate,P) * (gain); ampf = an.amp_follower_ud(duree_env,duree_env); //----------------------- NOISEBURST ------------------------- noiseburst(gate,P) = no.noise : *(gate : trigger(P)) with { upfront(x) = (x-x') > 0; decay(n,x) = x - (x>0)/n; release(n) = + ~ decay(n); trigger(n) = upfront : release(n) : > (0.0); }; //------------------------------------------------------------- P = freq; // fundamental period in samples freq = hslider("[1]GrainSize[OWL:A]", 200, 5, 2205, 1); // the frequency gives the white noise band width Pmax = 4096; // maximum P (for de.delay-line allocation) // PHASOR_BIN ////////////////////////////// phasor_bin(init) = (+(float(speed)/float(ma.SR)) : fmod(_,1.0)) ~ *(init); gate = phasor_bin(1) : -(0.001) : pulsar; gain = 1; // PULSAR ////////////////////////////// // Pulsar allows to create a more or less random 'pulse'(proba). pulsar = _ <: ((_<(ratio_env)) : @(100))*(proba>(_,abs(no.noise) : ba.latch)); speed = hslider("[2]Speed[OWL:B]", 10, 1, 20, 0.0001) : fi.lowpass(1,1); ratio_env = 0.5; fade = 0.5; // min > 0 to avoid division by 0 proba = hslider("[3]Probability[OWL:C]", 70, 50, 100, 1) * (0.01) : fi.lowpass(1,1); duree_env = 1/(speed : /(ratio_env*(0.25)*fade)); }.process); mix = hslider("Mix [OWL:D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.001); process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), granulator*mix, granulator*mix :> _,_;
Based on FAUST demo Adapted for OWL: stereo, dry/wet mix, OWL parameter controls ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ANALOG IN: ANALOG 0 : Grain Size ANALOG 1 : Speed ANALOG 2 : Probability (others analog inputs are not used) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =========== DESCRIPTION ============= - The granulator takes very small parts of a sound, called GRAINS, and plays them at a varying speed - Front = Medium size grains - Back = short grains - Left Slow rhythm - Right = Fast rhythm - Bottom = Regular occurrences - Head = Irregular occurrences ----------------------- NOISEBURST ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- fundamental period in samples the frequency gives the white noise band width maximum P (for de.delay-line allocation) PHASOR_BIN ////////////////////////////// PULSAR ////////////////////////////// Pulsar allows to create a more or less random 'pulse'(proba). min > 0 to avoid division by 0
granulator = vgroup("Granulator", environment { declare name "Granulator"; declare author "Adapted from sfIter by Christophe Lebreton"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = hgroup("Granulator", *(excitation : ampf)); excitation = noiseburst(gate,P) * (gain); ampf = an.amp_follower_ud(duree_env,duree_env); noiseburst(gate,P) = no.noise : *(gate : trigger(P)) with { upfront(x) = (x-x') > 0; decay(n,x) = x - (x>0)/n; release(n) = + ~ decay(n); trigger(n) = upfront : release(n) : > (0.0); }; freq = hslider("[1]GrainSize[OWL:A]", 200, 5, 2205, 1); phasor_bin(init) = (+(float(speed)/float(ma.SR)) : fmod(_,1.0)) ~ *(init); gate = phasor_bin(1) : -(0.001) : pulsar; gain = 1; pulsar = _ <: ((_<(ratio_env)) : @(100))*(proba>(_,abs(no.noise) : ba.latch)); speed = hslider("[2]Speed[OWL:B]", 10, 1, 20, 0.0001) : fi.lowpass(1,1); ratio_env = 0.5; proba = hslider("[3]Probability[OWL:C]", 70, 50, 100, 1) * (0.01) : fi.lowpass(1,1); duree_env = 1/(speed : /(ratio_env*(0.25)*fade)); }.process); mix = hslider("Mix [OWL:D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.001); process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), granulator*mix, granulator*mix :> _,_;
declare name "FaustExample"; import("stdfaust.lib"); g = vslider("Gain", 0, 0., 1, 0.1); process = os.osc(440) * g, os.osc(441) * g;
declare name "FaustExample"; import("stdfaust.lib"); g = vslider("Gain", 0, 0., 1, 0.1); process = os.osc(440) * g, os.osc(441) * g;
import("stdfaust.lib"); // INFERNAL MACHINE MINIMUM DELAY TIME 40 MICROSECOND // WHEN SAMPLE RATE MAKE SENSE immdt = (0.04/1000)*ma.SR:int; process = no.pink_noise*0.25<:_,(@(immdt)+_),(@(immdt)-_);
import("stdfaust.lib"); immdt = (0.04/1000)*ma.SR:int; process = no.pink_noise*0.25<:_,(@(immdt)+_),(@(immdt)-_);
declare name "Trck"; declare author "Till Bovermann"; declare reference "http://rottingsounds.org"; import("stdfaust.lib"); bit = library("bitDSP.lib"); bit_gen = library("bitDSP_gen.lib"); // plot // CXXFLAGS="-I ../include" faust2csvplot -I ../lib Trck.dsp // ./boolOsc0 -n 10 // compile // CXXFLAGS="-I ../../../include" faust2caqt -I ../lib Trck.dsp // ./Trck import("stdfaust.lib"); // bit = library("bitDSP.lib"); c1 = hslider("c1",0,0,1,0.001); c2 = hslider("c2",0.5,0,1,0.001); rot = hslider("rot",0.5,0, ma.PI, 0.001) : si.smoo; lFreq = hslider("lFreq [scale:log]",100,25, 10000, 1) : si.smoo; hFreq = hslider("hFreq [scale:log]",100,25, 10000, 1) : si.smoo; vol = hslider("vol", 0, 0, 1, 0.0001) : si.smoo; rotate2(r, x, y) = xout, yout with { xout = cos(r) * x + sin(r) * y; yout = cos(r) * y - sin(r) * x; }; process = bit_gen.trck(c1, c2) : par( i, 2, _ * vol) : par( i, 2, _ * 2 -1 <: fi.svf.lp(lFreq, 20) - fi.svf.lp(hFreq, 50)) : rotate2(rot); //////////////////
plot CXXFLAGS="-I ../include" faust2csvplot -I ../lib Trck.dsp ./boolOsc0 -n 10 compile CXXFLAGS="-I ../../../include" faust2caqt -I ../lib Trck.dsp ./Trck bit = library("bitDSP.lib"); ////////////////
declare name "Trck"; declare author "Till Bovermann"; declare reference "http://rottingsounds.org"; import("stdfaust.lib"); bit = library("bitDSP.lib"); bit_gen = library("bitDSP_gen.lib"); import("stdfaust.lib"); c1 = hslider("c1",0,0,1,0.001); c2 = hslider("c2",0.5,0,1,0.001); rot = hslider("rot",0.5,0, ma.PI, 0.001) : si.smoo; lFreq = hslider("lFreq [scale:log]",100,25, 10000, 1) : si.smoo; hFreq = hslider("hFreq [scale:log]",100,25, 10000, 1) : si.smoo; vol = hslider("vol", 0, 0, 1, 0.0001) : si.smoo; rotate2(r, x, y) = xout, yout with { xout = cos(r) * x + sin(r) * y; yout = cos(r) * y - sin(r) * x; }; process = bit_gen.trck(c1, c2) : par( i, 2, _ * vol) : par( i, 2, _ * 2 -1 <: fi.svf.lp(lFreq, 20) - fi.svf.lp(hFreq, 50)) : rotate2(rot);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq", 440, 25, 11000, 0.1); process = os.osc(freq);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq", 440, 25, 11000, 0.1); process = os.osc(freq);
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",60,20,20000,0.01) : ba.midikey2hz; attack = hslider("attack", 0.02, 0, 2, 0.01); release = hslider("release", 0.6, 0, 2, 0.01); gate = button("gate"); gain = hslider("gain",0.1,0,1,0.01); env1 = gate : en.adsr(attack, 0, 1, release); osc1 = os.oscsin(freq) * gain; osc2 = os.oscsin(freq / 2) * gain; osc = (osc1 + osc2) * env1; echo (d, f) = + ~ (@(d) : *(f)); process = osc : echo(ma.SR / 4, 0.8) <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",60,20,20000,0.01) : ba.midikey2hz; attack = hslider("attack", 0.02, 0, 2, 0.01); release = hslider("release", 0.6, 0, 2, 0.01); gate = button("gate"); gain = hslider("gain",0.1,0,1,0.01); env1 = gate : en.adsr(attack, 0, 1, release); osc1 = os.oscsin(freq) * gain; osc2 = os.oscsin(freq / 2) * gain; osc = (osc1 + osc2) * env1; echo (d, f) = + ~ (@(d) : *(f)); process = osc : echo(ma.SR / 4, 0.8) <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); process = gate : envARE with { // * no.noise : fr <: _,_ with { a_ = 0.005; len = 8487; r_ = (len - (a_*ma.SR))/ma.SR;//0.1718; s_ = 0.1; f_ = 0.05; gate = (1-(1@(a_*ma.SR)));// + 0.5*(1@750-(1@1700)); envASRFE = en.asrfe(a_,s_,r_,f_); envARFE = en.arfe(a_,r_,f_); envARE = en.are(a_,r_); fr = fi.iir(b,a) with { b = 1.0038,-0.16283,0.0062466,-0.10801,-0.24058, 0.029842,-0.121,-0.16796,-0.15775,-0.20561,0.0077204; a = -1.3267,0.61699,-0.75244,0.5751,-0.2797,0.497,-0.45368,0.3945,-0.22875,0.0441; }; };
* no.noise : fr <: _,_ with { 0.1718; + 0.5*(1@750-(1@1700));
import("stdfaust.lib"); a_ = 0.005; len = 8487; s_ = 0.1; f_ = 0.05; envASRFE = en.asrfe(a_,s_,r_,f_); envARFE = en.arfe(a_,r_,f_); envARE = en.are(a_,r_); fr = fi.iir(b,a) with { b = 1.0038,-0.16283,0.0062466,-0.10801,-0.24058, 0.029842,-0.121,-0.16796,-0.15775,-0.20561,0.0077204; a = -1.3267,0.61699,-0.75244,0.5751,-0.2797,0.497,-0.45368,0.3945,-0.22875,0.0441; }; };
declare name "dj"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain); // process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
declare name "dj"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain);
declare name "Djembe"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain); // process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
declare name "Djembe"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain);
declare name "qt"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain); // process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
process = ba.pulsen(1, 5000) : pm.djembe(72, 0.3, 0.4, 1);
declare name "qt"; import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",72,50,128,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.3,0,1,0.01); sharp = hslider("sharp",0.4,0,1,0.01); process = pm.djembe(freq, pos, sharp, gain);
declare name "ccNylonPulse"; declare description "Simple call of the Karplus-Strong model for the Faust physical modeling library"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ks = pm.nylonGuitarModel( (freq : pm.f2l), pos ) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); }; process = _ : ks <: _,_; /* Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; } */
Impulse imp => ccNylonPulse ks => dac; 0.0 => float pos; while (true) { imp.next(1.0); 1::second => now; ks.pos(pos); 0.1+=>pos; 1.0%=>pos; }
declare name "ccNylonPulse"; declare description "Simple call of the Karplus-Strong model for the Faust physical modeling library"; declare license "MIT"; declare copyright "(c)Romain Michon, CCRMA (Stanford University), GRAME"; import("stdfaust.lib"); ks = pm.nylonGuitarModel( (freq : pm.f2l), pos ) with{ freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.01); pos = hslider("pos",0.9,0,1,0.01); }; process = _ : ks <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); scaled = library("scaled.lib"); gain = nentry("echoGain", 25, 0, 50, 10) : si.smoo; length = nentry("echoLength", 25, -1, 50, 10) : si.smoo; feed = nentry("echoFeed", 25, 0, 50, 10); process = sp.stereoize(ba.selectmulti(1, (echo, reverseEcho), length < 0) : *(gain/10)) with { echo(s) = s : ef.echo(6, scaled.time(length), feed/51) - s; reverseEcho = ef.reverseEchoN(1, pow(2, 12 + int(feed/5))); };
import("stdfaust.lib"); scaled = library("scaled.lib"); gain = nentry("echoGain", 25, 0, 50, 10) : si.smoo; length = nentry("echoLength", 25, -1, 50, 10) : si.smoo; feed = nentry("echoFeed", 25, 0, 50, 10); process = sp.stereoize(ba.selectmulti(1, (echo, reverseEcho), length < 0) : *(gain/10)) with { echo(s) = s : ef.echo(6, scaled.time(length), feed/51) - s; reverseEcho = ef.reverseEchoN(1, pow(2, 12 + int(feed/5))); };
declare name "Peak audio to CV"; declare author "GULA"; declare copyright "Steve Baker (2022)"; declare version "1.0.0"; declare license "GPLv3"; declare description "CV output value derived from the amplitude of the input, with auto-detection of the peak aplitude"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("gula.lib"); attack = hslider("[01]attack[unit:s][name: Attack]", 0.01, 0, 0.5, 0.01); release = hslider("[02]release[unit:s][name: Release]", 0.5, 0, 2, 0.01); peak_decay = hslider("[03]peak_decay[unit:s][name: Peak Decay]", 5, 0, 30, 0.1); process = _ : gula_ab_amp(attack, release, peak_decay) * 10 : _ ;
declare name "Peak audio to CV"; declare author "GULA"; declare copyright "Steve Baker (2022)"; declare version "1.0.0"; declare license "GPLv3"; declare description "CV output value derived from the amplitude of the input, with auto-detection of the peak aplitude"; import("stdfaust.lib"); import("gula.lib"); attack = hslider("[01]attack[unit:s][name: Attack]", 0.01, 0, 0.5, 0.01); release = hslider("[02]release[unit:s][name: Release]", 0.5, 0, 2, 0.01); peak_decay = hslider("[03]peak_decay[unit:s][name: Peak Decay]", 5, 0, 30, 0.1); process = _ : gula_ab_amp(attack, release, peak_decay) * 10 : _ ;
import("stdfaust.lib"); DELAY_MS_MAX = 25; SR_MAX = 192000.0; SR_ = min(ma.SR, SR_MAX); // ipt = hslider("smooth_time", 0.05, 0, 0.1, 0.001); // s // ip = si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(ipt)); cutoff = hslider("cutoff", 90.0, 0, 300, 0.01) : si.smoo : min(200) : max(1); spread = hslider("spread", 0.5, 0, 2, 0.01) : si.smoo : +(0.0) : min(2.5) : max(0); delay_factor = hslider("delay factor", 7.5, 0, 15, 0.01) : si.smoo : min(15) : max(0); del = delay_factor * spread; // ms drive = hslider("drive", 0.0, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; mix = hslider("mix", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; output_gain = hslider("output gain", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; // split signals at cutoff // merge to mono below // effects in upper band // - spread // - distortion fixed_fdel(n) = \(x).((1-a) * x@nInt + a * x@(nInt + 1)) with { nInt = int(n); a = n - nInt; }; split(x, y) = (x : fi.lowpass(3, cutoff)), (y : fi.lowpass(3, cutoff)), (x : fi.highpass(3, cutoff)), (y : fi.highpass(3, cutoff)); proc_lows = + <: _,_; width(g) = _,_ <: *(1-g), *(g), *(g), *(1-g) :> +, -; widen(d) = _,_ : _,fixed_fdel(d * SR_ / 1000) <: +, - <: +,-; mix_widened(g) = \(s1,d1,s2,d2).(s1, d2, s2, d1) : *(g), *(1-g), *(g), *(1-g) : +, +; proc_highs(g) = ef.cubicnl(drive, 0.2), ef.cubicnl(drive, 0.2) : widen(del) //: mix_widened(g) : ef.stereo_width(g) ; mix_down(g) = \(x1,x2,x3,x4).(x1, x3, x2, x4) : *(g), *(1-g), *(g), *(1-g) : +, +; process = split : proc_lows, proc_highs(spread) : mix_down(mix) : *(output_gain), *(output_gain);
ipt = hslider("smooth_time", 0.05, 0, 0.1, 0.001); // s ip = si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(ipt)); ms split signals at cutoff merge to mono below effects in upper band - spread - distortion : mix_widened(g)
import("stdfaust.lib"); DELAY_MS_MAX = 25; SR_MAX = 192000.0; SR_ = min(ma.SR, SR_MAX); cutoff = hslider("cutoff", 90.0, 0, 300, 0.01) : si.smoo : min(200) : max(1); spread = hslider("spread", 0.5, 0, 2, 0.01) : si.smoo : +(0.0) : min(2.5) : max(0); delay_factor = hslider("delay factor", 7.5, 0, 15, 0.01) : si.smoo : min(15) : max(0); drive = hslider("drive", 0.0, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; mix = hslider("mix", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; output_gain = hslider("output gain", 0.7, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; fixed_fdel(n) = \(x).((1-a) * x@nInt + a * x@(nInt + 1)) with { nInt = int(n); a = n - nInt; }; split(x, y) = (x : fi.lowpass(3, cutoff)), (y : fi.lowpass(3, cutoff)), (x : fi.highpass(3, cutoff)), (y : fi.highpass(3, cutoff)); proc_lows = + <: _,_; width(g) = _,_ <: *(1-g), *(g), *(g), *(1-g) :> +, -; widen(d) = _,_ : _,fixed_fdel(d * SR_ / 1000) <: +, - <: +,-; mix_widened(g) = \(s1,d1,s2,d2).(s1, d2, s2, d1) : *(g), *(1-g), *(g), *(1-g) : +, +; proc_highs(g) = ef.cubicnl(drive, 0.2), ef.cubicnl(drive, 0.2) : widen(del) : ef.stereo_width(g) ; mix_down(g) = \(x1,x2,x3,x4).(x1, x3, x2, x4) : *(g), *(1-g), *(g), *(1-g) : +, +; process = split : proc_lows, proc_highs(spread) : mix_down(mix) : *(output_gain), *(output_gain);
import("stdfaust.lib"); import("synreson.lib"); process = bass, kick(normGate2*(1-(block>14))), bell, arp :> fx(Rate,fdbk),fx(-Rate,fdbk); arp = (_*0.7)+synreson(fr,amp)*0.1, (_*0.7)+synreson(fr,amp)*0.1 : eko with{ eko = ef.echo(60/Tempo,60/Tempo,0.7),ef.echo(60/Tempo,60/Tempo,0.7); amp = trig:en.ar(0.01,0.2)*arpGate; arpGate = ((block>1) * (block<6)) + ((block>12) * (block<15)); fr = ba.midikey2hz(sequence(trig)); sequence(t) = ba.selectn(12,ba.counter(t)%12, 88,91,95,88,93,96,88,91,95,87,89,95); trig = ((bar%2)==0)*(clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock,list); list = 1,0,0,1, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0; }; fx(r,fb) = fi.fb_comb (1024,(os.osc(r)*d)+d+60,1,fb):ef.cubicnl(0,0)*1.2 with{ d=60; }; Rate = 0.2; fdbk = sqrt(max(1:en.adsr(5,3,0.5,0.01)-0.2,0)); bass = os.sawtooth(fr) :fi.resonlp(frcut,3,vol):ef.cubicnl(0,0) <:_,_ with { fr = 28:ba.midikey2hz; frcut = 150 + env*50; vol = env*0.9*sequence(trig) + 0.2; env = (trig*(1-(block>14))):en.ar(0.001,0.2); trig = (clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock%16, list); list = 1,0,1,1, 0,0,1,0, 1,0,1,1, 0,0,1,0 ; sequence(t) = ba.selectn(8,ba.counter(t)%8, 1,0.1,0.5,0.8, 1,0,0.4,0.7); //t : trigger }; gate = ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))>13; normGate = gate; normGateInt = normGate' : ba.latch(clock<clock'); normGate2 = normGateInt' : ba.latch(clock<clock'); bell = pre, post :> _,_ with{ pre = (synth(fr,vol)+synth(fr+50,vol))*(1+lfo), (synth(fr,vol)+synth(fr+50,vol))*(1-lfo) with{ synth(f,v)=os.triangle(f)*v, os.triangle(f*3/2)*v*0.8, os.triangle(f*5/2)*v*0.5:>_/5; fr = 1200+lfo*10; vol = max(env*0.7-0.1,0); env = ((normGate*(normGate!=normGate2))+end):en.asr(4.2,1,0.001); end = (ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))>56) * (ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))<60); lfo = os.osc(lf*20)*0.7*env; lf = (env)^2; step = clock:ba.latch(normGate>normGate'); }; post = normGate2:en.ar(0.002,0.002)*no.noise : pm.englishBell(1,2400,0.75,1) <:_,_; }; kick(amp) = env*os.osc(80*env+30) : ef.cubicnl(0.1,0) * amp <: _,_ with{ env = trig:en.ar(0.001,0.2); trig = (clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock,list); list = 1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 1,0,bar%2==1,0; }; block = ba.counter(bar<bar') <:attach(_,_+1:hbargraph("boucle",1,32)); bar = ba.counter(clock<clock')%4 <:attach(_,_+1:hbargraph("mesure",1,4)); clock = os.phasor(16,Tempo/(60*4)):int <:attach(_,int(_/4)+1:hbargraph("temps",1,4)); Tempo = 110;
t : trigger
import("stdfaust.lib"); import("synreson.lib"); process = bass, kick(normGate2*(1-(block>14))), bell, arp :> fx(Rate,fdbk),fx(-Rate,fdbk); arp = (_*0.7)+synreson(fr,amp)*0.1, (_*0.7)+synreson(fr,amp)*0.1 : eko with{ eko = ef.echo(60/Tempo,60/Tempo,0.7),ef.echo(60/Tempo,60/Tempo,0.7); amp = trig:en.ar(0.01,0.2)*arpGate; arpGate = ((block>1) * (block<6)) + ((block>12) * (block<15)); fr = ba.midikey2hz(sequence(trig)); sequence(t) = ba.selectn(12,ba.counter(t)%12, 88,91,95,88,93,96,88,91,95,87,89,95); trig = ((bar%2)==0)*(clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock,list); list = 1,0,0,1, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0; }; fx(r,fb) = fi.fb_comb (1024,(os.osc(r)*d)+d+60,1,fb):ef.cubicnl(0,0)*1.2 with{ d=60; }; Rate = 0.2; fdbk = sqrt(max(1:en.adsr(5,3,0.5,0.01)-0.2,0)); bass = os.sawtooth(fr) :fi.resonlp(frcut,3,vol):ef.cubicnl(0,0) <:_,_ with { fr = 28:ba.midikey2hz; frcut = 150 + env*50; vol = env*0.9*sequence(trig) + 0.2; env = (trig*(1-(block>14))):en.ar(0.001,0.2); trig = (clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock%16, list); list = 1,0,1,1, 0,0,1,0, 1,0,1,1, 0,0,1,0 ; }; gate = ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))>13; normGate = gate; normGateInt = normGate' : ba.latch(clock<clock'); normGate2 = normGateInt' : ba.latch(clock<clock'); bell = pre, post :> _,_ with{ pre = (synth(fr,vol)+synth(fr+50,vol))*(1+lfo), (synth(fr,vol)+synth(fr+50,vol))*(1-lfo) with{ synth(f,v)=os.triangle(f)*v, os.triangle(f*3/2)*v*0.8, os.triangle(f*5/2)*v*0.5:>_/5; fr = 1200+lfo*10; vol = max(env*0.7-0.1,0); env = ((normGate*(normGate!=normGate2))+end):en.asr(4.2,1,0.001); end = (ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))>56) * (ba.counter(1-(bar==bar'))<60); lfo = os.osc(lf*20)*0.7*env; lf = (env)^2; step = clock:ba.latch(normGate>normGate'); }; post = normGate2:en.ar(0.002,0.002)*no.noise : pm.englishBell(1,2400,0.75,1) <:_,_; }; kick(amp) = env*os.osc(80*env+30) : ef.cubicnl(0.1,0) * amp <: _,_ with{ env = trig:en.ar(0.001,0.2); trig = (clock!=clock')*ba.selectn(16,clock,list); list = 1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 1,0,bar%2==1,0; }; block = ba.counter(bar<bar') <:attach(_,_+1:hbargraph("boucle",1,32)); bar = ba.counter(clock<clock')%4 <:attach(_,_+1:hbargraph("mesure",1,4)); clock = os.phasor(16,Tempo/(60*4)):int <:attach(_,int(_/4)+1:hbargraph("temps",1,4)); Tempo = 110;
import("stdfaust.lib"); /// declare author "Jean Pierre Cimalando"; declare license "BSD-2-Clause"; /// process = one, one with { one = (cf, rs, _) <: ((!, !, _), lpReson6dB, hpReson6dB, lpReson12dB, hpReson12dB) : ba.selectn(5, ty); ty = hslider("[0] type [style:menu{'Off':0;'LP6':1;'HP6':2;'LP12':3;'HP12':4}]", 0, 0, 4, 1); cf = hslider("[1] cutoff [scale:log]", 500.0, 1.0, 20000.0, 1.0); rs = hslider("[2] resonance", 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.01) : ba.db2linear; }; /// entryLP6 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : lpReson6dB; entryHP6 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : hpReson6dB; entryLP12 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : lpReson12dB; entryHP12 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : hpReson12dB; controls = environment { cf = hslider("[1] cutoff [scale:log]", 500.0, 1.0, 20000.0, 1.0); rs = hslider("[2] resonance", 0.0, 0.0, ba.db2linear(24.0), 0.001); }; /// lpReson6dB(f, q) = lp : peak with { lp = fi.lowpass(1, f); peak = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); A = sqrt(q); S = sin(w); C = cos(w); b0 = 1+S*A; b1 =-2*C; b2 = 1-S*A; a0 = 1+S/A; a1 =-2*C; a2 = 1-S/A; }; hpReson6dB(f, q) = lp : peak with { lp = fi.highpass(1, f); peak = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); A = sqrt(q); S = sin(w); C = cos(w); b0 = 1+S*A; b1 =-2*C; b2 = 1-S*A; a0 = 1+S/A; a1 =-2*C; a2 = 1-S/A; }; /// lpReson12dB(f, q) = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0) with { a = sin(w)/(2*q); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); b0 = 0.5*(1.0-cos(w)); b1 = 1.0-cos(w); b2 = 0.5*(1.0-cos(w)); a0 = 1.0+a; a1 = -2.0*cos(w); a2 = 1.0-a; }; hpReson12dB(f, q) = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0) with { a = sin(w)/(2*q); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); b0 = 0.5*(1.0+cos(w)); b1 = -1.0-cos(w); b2 = 0.5*(1.0+cos(w)); a0 = 1.0+a; a1 = -2.0*cos(w); a2 = 1.0-a; };
/ / / / /
import("stdfaust.lib"); declare author "Jean Pierre Cimalando"; declare license "BSD-2-Clause"; process = one, one with { one = (cf, rs, _) <: ((!, !, _), lpReson6dB, hpReson6dB, lpReson12dB, hpReson12dB) : ba.selectn(5, ty); ty = hslider("[0] type [style:menu{'Off':0;'LP6':1;'HP6':2;'LP12':3;'HP12':4}]", 0, 0, 4, 1); cf = hslider("[1] cutoff [scale:log]", 500.0, 1.0, 20000.0, 1.0); rs = hslider("[2] resonance", 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.01) : ba.db2linear; }; entryLP6 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : lpReson6dB; entryHP6 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : hpReson6dB; entryLP12 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : lpReson12dB; entryHP12 = (controls.cf, controls.rs, _) : hpReson12dB; controls = environment { cf = hslider("[1] cutoff [scale:log]", 500.0, 1.0, 20000.0, 1.0); rs = hslider("[2] resonance", 0.0, 0.0, ba.db2linear(24.0), 0.001); }; lpReson6dB(f, q) = lp : peak with { lp = fi.lowpass(1, f); peak = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); A = sqrt(q); S = sin(w); C = cos(w); b0 = 1+S*A; b1 =-2*C; b2 = 1-S*A; a0 = 1+S/A; a1 =-2*C; a2 = 1-S/A; }; hpReson6dB(f, q) = lp : peak with { lp = fi.highpass(1, f); peak = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); A = sqrt(q); S = sin(w); C = cos(w); b0 = 1+S*A; b1 =-2*C; b2 = 1-S*A; a0 = 1+S/A; a1 =-2*C; a2 = 1-S/A; }; lpReson12dB(f, q) = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0) with { a = sin(w)/(2*q); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); b0 = 0.5*(1.0-cos(w)); b1 = 1.0-cos(w); b2 = 0.5*(1.0-cos(w)); a0 = 1.0+a; a1 = -2.0*cos(w); a2 = 1.0-a; }; hpReson12dB(f, q) = fi.tf22t(b0/a0,b1/a0,b2/a0,a1/a0,a2/a0) with { a = sin(w)/(2*q); w = f*(2*ma.PI/ma.SR); b0 = 0.5*(1.0+cos(w)); b1 = -1.0-cos(w); b2 = 0.5*(1.0+cos(w)); a0 = 1.0+a; a1 = -2.0*cos(w); a2 = 1.0-a; };
import("stdfaust.lib"); // para detectar MIDI freq = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("freq", 220, 20, 5000, 0.001)); gain = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("gain", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001)); gate = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("gate", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)); escala = waveform{-1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12}; //nota(s) = ba.midikey2hz(36 + int(ba.hz2midikey(s : an.amp_follower(0.1) * 100))); nota(f) = escala, int(min(f : an.amp_follower(0.1) * 15, 8)) : rdtable; oscilador(s) = os.sawtooth(ba.midikey2hz(48 + nota(s))) *0.05; process(s) = oscilador(s) * an.amp_follower(0.1) <: _, _;
para detectar MIDI nota(s) = ba.midikey2hz(36 + int(ba.hz2midikey(s : an.amp_follower(0.1) * 100)));
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("freq", 220, 20, 5000, 0.001)); gain = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("gain", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001)); gate = vgroup("[6]MIDI", nentry("gate", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)); escala = waveform{-1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12}; nota(f) = escala, int(min(f : an.amp_follower(0.1) * 15, 8)) : rdtable; oscilador(s) = os.sawtooth(ba.midikey2hz(48 + nota(s))) *0.05; process(s) = oscilador(s) * an.amp_follower(0.1) <: _, _;
declare name "KMH114_channel_map_C"; declare version " 0.1 "; declare author " Henrik Frisk " ; declare license " BSD "; declare copyright "(c) dinergy 2018 "; //---------------`Channel mapping plugin` -------------------------- // // Channel mapping plugin that takes 15 channels of input (center speaker included) // and maps it to the channel/speaker configuration of the studio 114 according to: // // * 1 -> 1 // * 2 -> 3 // * 3 -> 2 // * 4 -> 15 // * 5 -> 8 // * 6 -> 5 // * 7 -> 9 // * 8 -> 4 // * 9 -> 7 // * 10 -> 6 // * 11 -> 10 // * 12 -> 11 // * 13 -> 13 // * 14 -> 14 // * 15 -> 16 //--------------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); vmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("[unit:dB]", -70, +5)); hmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("[2][unit:dB]", -70, +5)); envelop = abs : max ~ -(1.0/ma.SR) : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db; process(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15) = s0, s2, s1, s14, s7, s4, s8, s3, s6, s5, s9, s10, s12, s11, s13, s15;
---------------`Channel mapping plugin` -------------------------- Channel mapping plugin that takes 15 channels of input (center speaker included) and maps it to the channel/speaker configuration of the studio 114 according to: * 1 -> 1 * 2 -> 3 * 3 -> 2 * 4 -> 15 * 5 -> 8 * 6 -> 5 * 7 -> 9 * 8 -> 4 * 9 -> 7 * 10 -> 6 * 11 -> 10 * 12 -> 11 * 13 -> 13 * 14 -> 14 * 15 -> 16 ---------------------------------------------------
declare name "KMH114_channel_map_C"; declare version " 0.1 "; declare author " Henrik Frisk " ; declare license " BSD "; declare copyright "(c) dinergy 2018 "; import("stdfaust.lib"); vmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("[unit:dB]", -70, +5)); hmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("[2][unit:dB]", -70, +5)); envelop = abs : max ~ -(1.0/ma.SR) : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db; process(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15) = s0, s2, s1, s14, s7, s4, s8, s3, s6, s5, s9, s10, s12, s11, s13, s15;
declare name "KMH114_channel_map_C"; declare version " 0.1 "; declare author " Henrik Frisk " ; declare license " BSD "; declare copyright "(c) dinergy 2018 "; //---------------`Channel mapping plugin` -------------------------- // // Channel mapping plugin that takes 15 channels of input (center speaker included) // and maps it to the channel/speaker configuration of the studio 114 according to: // // * 1 -> 1 // * 2 -> 3 // * 3 -> 2 // * 4 -> 15 // * 5 -> 8 // * 6 -> 5 // * 7 -> 9 // * 8 -> 4 // * 9 -> 7 // * 10 -> 6 // * 11 -> 10 // * 12 -> 11 // * 13 -> 13 // * 14 -> 14 // * 15 -> 16 //--------------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); vmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("[unit:dB]", -70, +5)); hmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("[2][unit:dB]", -70, +5)); envelop = abs : max ~ -(1.0/ma.SR) : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db; process(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15) = s0, s2, s1, s14*0, s7, s4, s8, s3, s6, s5, s9, s10, s12, s11, s13, s15*0;
---------------`Channel mapping plugin` -------------------------- Channel mapping plugin that takes 15 channels of input (center speaker included) and maps it to the channel/speaker configuration of the studio 114 according to: * 1 -> 1 * 2 -> 3 * 3 -> 2 * 4 -> 15 * 5 -> 8 * 6 -> 5 * 7 -> 9 * 8 -> 4 * 9 -> 7 * 10 -> 6 * 11 -> 10 * 12 -> 11 * 13 -> 13 * 14 -> 14 * 15 -> 16 ---------------------------------------------------
declare name "KMH114_channel_map_C"; declare version " 0.1 "; declare author " Henrik Frisk " ; declare license " BSD "; declare copyright "(c) dinergy 2018 "; import("stdfaust.lib"); vmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("[unit:dB]", -70, +5)); hmeter(x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("[2][unit:dB]", -70, +5)); envelop = abs : max ~ -(1.0/ma.SR) : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db; process(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15) = s0, s2, s1, s14*0, s7, s4, s8, s3, s6, s5, s9, s10, s12, s11, s13, s15*0;
declare description "A sine wave generator with controllable phase"; declare inputsDescription "[`freq`, `phase`]"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.oscp;
declare description "A sine wave generator with controllable phase"; declare inputsDescription "[`freq`, `phase`]"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.oscp;
declare name "dbmeter"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2006"; //------------------------------------------------- // A dB Vumeter //------------------------------------------------- import("stdfaust.lib"); process = hgroup("8 channels dB meter", par(i,8, vgroup("%i", vmeter(i) : null))) with { null(x) = attach(0,x); envelop = abs : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db : min(10) : max ~ -(80.0/ma.SR); vmeter(i, x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("chan %i[unit:dB]", -70, 10)); hmeter(i, x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("chan %i[unit:dB]", -70, 10)); };
------------------------------------------------- A dB Vumeter -------------------------------------------------
declare name "dbmeter"; declare version "1.0"; declare author "Grame"; declare license "BSD"; declare copyright "(c)GRAME 2006"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = hgroup("8 channels dB meter", par(i,8, vgroup("%i", vmeter(i) : null))) with { null(x) = attach(0,x); envelop = abs : max(ba.db2linear(-70)) : ba.linear2db : min(10) : max ~ -(80.0/ma.SR); vmeter(i, x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : vbargraph("chan %i[unit:dB]", -70, 10)); hmeter(i, x) = attach(x, envelop(x) : hbargraph("chan %i[unit:dB]", -70, 10)); };
import("stdfaust.lib"); N_VOICES = 10; // Init = 100, Min = 50, Max = 100, Step = 1 base_frequency = hslider("frequency", 100, 50, 1000, 1); amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; process = sum(n, N_VOICES, os.osc(base_frequency * (n+1) ) / N_VOICES) * amp;
Init = 100, Min = 50, Max = 100, Step = 1
import("stdfaust.lib"); N_VOICES = 10; base_frequency = hslider("frequency", 100, 50, 1000, 1); amp = hslider("amplitude", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smoo; process = sum(n, N_VOICES, os.osc(base_frequency * (n+1) ) / N_VOICES) * amp;
// mosfez-faust-gate.dsp // A gate pedal test with Faust. Wizard: 6% CPU // - Knob A controls threshold from -90dB - -45dB - 0dB. // - Knob B controls attack time from 0.01ms - 1ms - 100ms. // - Knob C controls hold time from 0.01ms - 1ms - 100ms. // - Knob D controls release time from 0.1s - 1s - 10s. import("stdfaust.lib"); threshold = hslider("depth[OWL:A]",-60.0,-90.0,0.0,0.001); attack = 10 ^ hslider("attack[OWL:B]",-4.0,-5.0,-1.0,0.001); hold = 10 ^ hslider("hold[OWL:C]",-4.0,-5.0,-1.0,0.001); release = 10 ^ hslider("release[OWL:D]",0.0,-1.0,1.0,0.001); boost = _ * 3.0; process = ef.gate_stereo(threshold, attack, hold, release) : boost,boost;
mosfez-faust-gate.dsp A gate pedal test with Faust. Wizard: 6% CPU - Knob A controls threshold from -90dB - -45dB - 0dB. - Knob B controls attack time from 0.01ms - 1ms - 100ms. - Knob C controls hold time from 0.01ms - 1ms - 100ms. - Knob D controls release time from 0.1s - 1s - 10s.
import("stdfaust.lib"); threshold = hslider("depth[OWL:A]",-60.0,-90.0,0.0,0.001); attack = 10 ^ hslider("attack[OWL:B]",-4.0,-5.0,-1.0,0.001); hold = 10 ^ hslider("hold[OWL:C]",-4.0,-5.0,-1.0,0.001); release = 10 ^ hslider("release[OWL:D]",0.0,-1.0,1.0,0.001); boost = _ * 3.0; process = ef.gate_stereo(threshold, attack, hold, release) : boost,boost;
import("stdfaust.lib"); process = button("gate") * (ba.pulsen(1, 4410 * 2) + ba.pulsen(1, 2205 * 2)) : pm.djembe(60,0.5,0.5,1) <: dm.freeverb_demo;
import("stdfaust.lib"); process = button("gate") * (ba.pulsen(1, 4410 * 2) + ba.pulsen(1, 2205 * 2)) : pm.djembe(60,0.5,0.5,1) <: dm.freeverb_demo;
declare name "Dual Pitch Shifter"; declare description "Dual Channel pitch shifter, based on Faust pitch_shifter.dsp by Grame"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); msec = ma.SR/1000.0; shiftl = hslider("Shift L [unit:Hz] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 440,50,2000,0.1); shiftr = hslider("Shift R [unit:Hz] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 440,50,2000,0.1); ws = hslider("Window Size [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 50, 20, 1000, 1) * msec : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); xf = 20 * msec; transpose (w, x, s, sig) = de.fdelay(65536, d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + de.fdelay(65536,d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), transpose(ws, xf, shiftl, l)*mix, transpose(ws, xf, shiftr, r)*mix :> _,_;
declare name "Dual Pitch Shifter"; declare description "Dual Channel pitch shifter, based on Faust pitch_shifter.dsp by Grame"; declare author "Oli Larkin ([email protected])"; declare copyright "Oliver Larkin"; declare version "0.1"; declare licence "GPL"; import("stdfaust.lib"); msec = ma.SR/1000.0; shiftl = hslider("Shift L [unit:Hz] [OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 440,50,2000,0.1); shiftr = hslider("Shift R [unit:Hz] [OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 440,50,2000,0.1); ws = hslider("Window Size [unit:ms] [OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 50, 20, 1000, 1) * msec : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); mix = hslider("Mix[OWL:PARAMETER_D]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01) : si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(0.005)); xf = 20 * msec; transpose (w, x, s, sig) = de.fdelay(65536, d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + de.fdelay(65536,d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; process(l,r) = l,r <: *(1-mix), *(1-mix), transpose(ws, xf, shiftl, l)*mix, transpose(ws, xf, shiftr, r)*mix :> _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); //gain = hslider("gain", 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01); gain = an.amp_follower_ar(0.02,0.02); process = gain , os.sawtooth(440):*;
gain = hslider("gain", 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
import("stdfaust.lib"); gain = an.amp_follower_ar(0.02,0.02); process = gain , os.sawtooth(440):*;
import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.osc(440)*0.1 <: _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); process = os.osc(440)*0.1 <: _,_;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import("stdfaust.lib"); // impulse train: a one followed by an infinite number of zeros impulse_train = 1.0 - 1.0' : _; // +---------+ // index ---> | | // | | // stream_0 ---> | select2 | ---> output // | | // stream_1 ---> | | // +---------+ // // If "index" is 0.0, the output is "stream_0", and if "index" is 1.0, // the output is "stream_1". Otherwise, the output is 0, and an error // can occur during execution. // // // +---------+ // condition ---> | | // | | // stream_0 ---> | if | ---> output // | | // stream_1 ---> | | // +---------+ // // If "condition" is exactly 0.0, the output is "stream_1". In any // other case, the output is "stream_0". In contrast to "select2", // this function prevents you from errors during execution. if = _ , _ , _ : (_ != 0.0) , ro.cross(2) : select2 : _; // If the input is below zero, the input is -1.0, otherwise it is 1.0. get_sign = _ : if(_ < 0.0 , -1.0 , 1.0) : _; // create a stereo effect stereo(mono) = par(i , 2 , mono); // recursion_with_initial_value = _ : +(_) ~ *(0.5) : _;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- impulse train: a one followed by an infinite number of zeros +---------+ index ---> | | | | stream_0 ---> | select2 | ---> output | | stream_1 ---> | | +---------+ If "index" is 0.0, the output is "stream_0", and if "index" is 1.0, the output is "stream_1". Otherwise, the output is 0, and an error can occur during execution. +---------+ condition ---> | | | | stream_0 ---> | if | ---> output | | stream_1 ---> | | +---------+ If "condition" is exactly 0.0, the output is "stream_1". In any other case, the output is "stream_0". In contrast to "select2", this function prevents you from errors during execution. If the input is below zero, the input is -1.0, otherwise it is 1.0. create a stereo effect recursion_with_initial_value = _ : +(_) ~ *(0.5) : _;
import("stdfaust.lib"); impulse_train = 1.0 - 1.0' : _; if = _ , _ , _ : (_ != 0.0) , ro.cross(2) : select2 : _; get_sign = _ : if(_ < 0.0 , -1.0 , 1.0) : _; stereo(mono) = par(i , 2 , mono);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import("stdfaust.lib"); mz = component("mzuther.dsp"); distortion(threshold_pre , drive_pre , crucify) = process with { // pre-process parameters threshold = ba.db2linear(threshold_pre); drive = drive_pre / 100.0; makeup_gain = 1.0 / ba.db2linear(threshold_pre / 6.0) : _; clipper = _ - threshold : _ * (1.0 - drive) : _ + threshold; clipped_clipper = _ : clipper <: mz.if(abs > 1.0 , mz.get_sign , _) : _; trigger_crucified = _ <: mz.if(abs >= threshold , clipped_clipper , _) : _; trigger_clean = _ : abs <: mz.if(_ >= threshold , clipped_clipper , _) : _; trigger = _ <: mz.if(crucify , trigger_crucified , trigger_clean) : _; distortion = _ <: mz.get_sign * trigger * makeup_gain : _; process = ba.bypass1(threshold >= 1.0 , distortion); }; process = distortion(threshold , drive , crucify) with { threshold = hslider( "[1] Threshold (0 disables) [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -40.0 , 0.0 , 1.0); drive = hslider( "[2] Drive [style:slider][unit:exp]" , 10.0 , 0.0 , 100.0 , 1.0); crucify = checkbox( "[3] Crucify"); };
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pre-process parameters
import("stdfaust.lib"); mz = component("mzuther.dsp"); distortion(threshold_pre , drive_pre , crucify) = process with { threshold = ba.db2linear(threshold_pre); drive = drive_pre / 100.0; makeup_gain = 1.0 / ba.db2linear(threshold_pre / 6.0) : _; clipper = _ - threshold : _ * (1.0 - drive) : _ + threshold; clipped_clipper = _ : clipper <: mz.if(abs > 1.0 , mz.get_sign , _) : _; trigger_crucified = _ <: mz.if(abs >= threshold , clipped_clipper , _) : _; trigger_clean = _ : abs <: mz.if(_ >= threshold , clipped_clipper , _) : _; trigger = _ <: mz.if(crucify , trigger_crucified , trigger_clean) : _; distortion = _ <: mz.get_sign * trigger * makeup_gain : _; process = ba.bypass1(threshold >= 1.0 , distortion); }; process = distortion(threshold , drive , crucify) with { threshold = hslider( "[1] Threshold (0 disables) [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -40.0 , 0.0 , 1.0); drive = hslider( "[2] Drive [style:slider][unit:exp]" , 10.0 , 0.0 , 100.0 , 1.0); crucify = checkbox( "[3] Crucify"); };
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import("stdfaust.lib"); mz = component("mzuther.dsp"); overdrive(threshold_pre , drive_pre , gain_pre) = process with { // pre-process parameters threshold = ba.db2linear(threshold_pre); drive = pow(10.0, (drive_pre - 0.01) / -50.0); gain = ba.db2linear(gain_pre); makeup_gain = (1.0 - drive) * threshold + drive : _; output_gain = makeup_gain * gain : _; temp_1 = 1.01 - threshold : _; temp_2 = _ : (_ - threshold) / temp_1 : _; overdriver = _ : pow(temp_2 , drive) * temp_1 + threshold : _; trigger = _ : abs <: mz.if(_ >= threshold , overdriver , _) : _; overdrive = _ <: mz.get_sign * trigger * output_gain : _; process = ba.bypass1(threshold >= 1.0 , overdrive); }; process = overdrive(threshold , drive , gain) with { threshold = hslider( "[1] Threshold (0 disables) [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -40.0 , 0.0 , 1.0); drive = hslider( "[2] Drive [style:slider][unit:exp]" , 10.0 , 1.0 , 100.0 , 1.0); gain = hslider( "[3] Output gain [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -6.0 , 6.0 , 1.0); };
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screamer ======== Mathematical distortion and signal mangling Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Thank you for using free software! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pre-process parameters
import("stdfaust.lib"); mz = component("mzuther.dsp"); overdrive(threshold_pre , drive_pre , gain_pre) = process with { threshold = ba.db2linear(threshold_pre); drive = pow(10.0, (drive_pre - 0.01) / -50.0); gain = ba.db2linear(gain_pre); makeup_gain = (1.0 - drive) * threshold + drive : _; output_gain = makeup_gain * gain : _; temp_1 = 1.01 - threshold : _; temp_2 = _ : (_ - threshold) / temp_1 : _; overdriver = _ : pow(temp_2 , drive) * temp_1 + threshold : _; trigger = _ : abs <: mz.if(_ >= threshold , overdriver , _) : _; overdrive = _ <: mz.get_sign * trigger * output_gain : _; process = ba.bypass1(threshold >= 1.0 , overdrive); }; process = overdrive(threshold , drive , gain) with { threshold = hslider( "[1] Threshold (0 disables) [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -40.0 , 0.0 , 1.0); drive = hslider( "[2] Drive [style:slider][unit:exp]" , 10.0 , 1.0 , 100.0 , 1.0); gain = hslider( "[3] Output gain [style:slider][unit:dB]" , 0.0 , -6.0 , 6.0 , 1.0); };
import("stdfaust.lib"); channel(i) = vgroup("%i", _*gain,_*gain <: _*volume,_*volume,_*monitor,_*monitor) with { volume = vslider("Volume [unit:dB]", 1, 0, 1, 0.1); gain = vslider("Gain [unit:dB][style:knob]", 0, -10, 10, 0.1): ba.db2linear; monitor = checkbox("monitor") : si.smoo; }; process = hgroup("", par(i, 2, channel(i + 1))) :> _,_,_,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); channel(i) = vgroup("%i", _*gain,_*gain <: _*volume,_*volume,_*monitor,_*monitor) with { volume = vslider("Volume [unit:dB]", 1, 0, 1, 0.1); gain = vslider("Gain [unit:dB][style:knob]", 0, -10, 10, 0.1): ba.db2linear; monitor = checkbox("monitor") : si.smoo; }; process = hgroup("", par(i, 2, channel(i + 1))) :> _,_,_,_;
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "bddi-p3"; declare name "BDDI part 3"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.07351555136664e-5*fs; b1 = -2.07351555136664e-5*fs; a0 = 2.07351555136664e-5*fs + 0.00471253534401508; a1 = -2.07351555136664e-5*fs + 0.00471253534401508; };
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "bddi-p3"; declare name "BDDI part 3"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.07351555136664e-5*fs; b1 = -2.07351555136664e-5*fs; a0 = 2.07351555136664e-5*fs + 0.00471253534401508; a1 = -2.07351555136664e-5*fs + 0.00471253534401508; };
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "bddi-p12"; declare name "BDDI part 12"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.06260957613373e-5*fs; b1 = -2.06260957613373e-5*fs; a0 = 2.08323567189507e-5*fs + 4.68774903666757e-5; a1 = -2.08323567189507e-5*fs + 4.68774903666757e-5; };
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "bddi-p12"; declare name "BDDI part 12"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.06260957613373e-5*fs; b1 = -2.06260957613373e-5*fs; a0 = 2.08323567189507e-5*fs + 4.68774903666757e-5; a1 = -2.08323567189507e-5*fs + 4.68774903666757e-5; };
// generated automatically // DO NOT MODIFY! declare id "bddi-p1"; declare name "BDDI part 1"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.05209821678814e-5*fs; b1 = -2.05209821678814e-5*fs; a0 = 2.07264518776934e-5*fs + 0.00513030987071619; a1 = -2.07264518776934e-5*fs + 0.00513030987071619; };
generated automatically DO NOT MODIFY!
declare id "bddi-p1"; declare name "BDDI part 1"; declare category "External"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = pre : fi.iir((b0/a0,b1/a0),(a1/a0)) with { LogPot(a, x) = ba.if(a, (exp(a * x) - 1) / (exp(a) - 1), x); Inverted(b, x) = ba.if(b, 1 - x, x); s = 0.993; fs = float(ma.SR); pre = _; b0 = 2.05209821678814e-5*fs; b1 = -2.05209821678814e-5*fs; a0 = 2.07264518776934e-5*fs + 0.00513030987071619; a1 = -2.07264518776934e-5*fs + 0.00513030987071619; };
declare name "moogVCF"; declare description "Exercise and compare three Moog VCF implementations"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = dm.moog_vcf_demo;
declare name "moogVCF"; declare description "Exercise and compare three Moog VCF implementations"; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = dm.moog_vcf_demo;
declare name "organ"; declare description "a simple additive synth"; declare author "Albert Graef"; declare version "2.0"; import("stdfaust.lib"); // master controls (volume and stereo panning) vol = hslider("/v:[1]/vol [midi:ctrl 2] [osc:/vol]", 0.3, 0, 1, 0.01); pan = hslider("/v:[1]/pan [midi:ctrl 10] [osc:/pan -1 1]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); // adsr controls A = hslider("/v:[2]/[1] attack [osc:/adsr/0]", 0.01, 0, 1, 0.001); // sec D = hslider("/v:[2]/[2] decay [osc:/adsr/1]", 0.3, 0, 1, 0.001); // sec S = hslider("/v:[2]/[3] sustain [osc:/adsr/2]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); // 0-1 R = hslider("/v:[2]/[4] release [osc:/adsr/3]", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001); // sec // relative amplitudes of the different partials a(i) = hslider("/v:[3]/amp%i [midi:ctrl %j] [osc:/amp/%k]", 1/i, 0, 3, 0.01) with {j=i+2; k=i-1;}; // pitch bend (2 semitones up and down, in cent increments) bend = hslider("/v:[4]/bend[midi:pitchbend]", 0, -2, 2, 0.01); // voice controls freq(k) = nentry("/freq%k[voice:freq]", 440, 20, 20000, 1); // cps gain(k) = nentry("/gain%k[voice:gain]", 0.3, 0, 10, 0.01); // 0-10 gate(k) = button("/gate%k[voice:gate]"); // 0/1 // additive synth: 3 sine oscillators with adsr envelop voice(f) = sum(i, 3, a(i+1)*os.osc((i+1)*f*pow(2,bend/12))); // number of voices n = 8; process = sum(i, n, voice(freq(i))*(gate(i):en.adsr(A,D,S,R))*gain(i)) : (*(vol:si.smooth(0.99)) : sp.panner(pan:si.smooth(0.99)));
master controls (volume and stereo panning) adsr controls sec sec 0-1 sec relative amplitudes of the different partials pitch bend (2 semitones up and down, in cent increments) voice controls cps 0-10 0/1 additive synth: 3 sine oscillators with adsr envelop number of voices
declare name "organ"; declare description "a simple additive synth"; declare author "Albert Graef"; declare version "2.0"; import("stdfaust.lib"); vol = hslider("/v:[1]/vol [midi:ctrl 2] [osc:/vol]", 0.3, 0, 1, 0.01); pan = hslider("/v:[1]/pan [midi:ctrl 10] [osc:/pan -1 1]", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.01); a(i) = hslider("/v:[3]/amp%i [midi:ctrl %j] [osc:/amp/%k]", 1/i, 0, 3, 0.01) with {j=i+2; k=i-1;}; bend = hslider("/v:[4]/bend[midi:pitchbend]", 0, -2, 2, 0.01); voice(f) = sum(i, 3, a(i+1)*os.osc((i+1)*f*pow(2,bend/12))); n = 8; process = sum(i, n, voice(freq(i))*(gate(i):en.adsr(A,D,S,R))*gain(i)) : (*(vol:si.smooth(0.99)) : sp.panner(pan:si.smooth(0.99)));
declare name "RCVerb"; declare description "A feedback-delay-network reverb"; declare author "Julius O. Smith III, Christopher Arndt, chmaha"; declare copyright "Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by Julius O. Smith III <[email protected]>"; declare license "GPLv3"; declare version "0.1.0"; import("stdfaust.lib"); zita_rev1 = _,_ <: re.zita_rev1_stereo(rdel,f1,f2,t60dc,t60m,fsmax),_,_ : out_eq,_,_ : dry_wet : out_level with{ fsmax = 48000.0; // highest sampling rate that will be used fdn_group(x) = hgroup( "[0] Zita_Rev1 [tooltip: ~ ZITA REV1 FEEDBACK DELAY NETWORK (FDN) & SCHROEDER ALLPASS-COMB REVERBERATOR (8x8). See Faust's reverbs.lib for documentation and references]", x); in_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[1] Input", x)); rdel = in_group(vslider("[1] Initial Delay [unit:ms] [style:knob] [tooltip: Delay in ms before reverberation begins]",40,20,100,1)); freq_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[2] Decay Times in Bands (see tooltips)", x)); f1 = freq_group(vslider("[1] LowFreq X [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: Crossover frequency (Hz) separating low and middle frequencies]", 250, 50, 1000, 1)); t60dc = 1.5*t60m; t60m = freq_group(vslider("[3] Decay (RT60) [unit:s] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: T60 = time (in seconds) to decay 60dB in middle band]",2, 1, 8, 0.1)); f2 = freq_group(vslider("[4] HF Damping [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: Frequency (Hz) at which the high-frequency T60 is half the middle-band's T60]", 3000, 1500, 0.49*fsmax, 1)); out_eq = pareq_stereo(eq1f,eq1l,eq1q) : pareq_stereo(eq2f,eq2l,eq2q); // Zolzer style peaking eq (not used in zita-rev1) (filters.lib): // pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q), peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q); // Regalia-Mitra peaking eq with "Q" hard-wired near sqrt(g)/2 (filters.lib): pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = fi.peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt), fi.peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt) with { tpbt = wcT/sqrt(max(0,g)); // tan(PI*B/SR), B bw in Hz (Q^2 ~ g/4) wcT = 2*ma.PI*eqf/ma.SR; // peak frequency in rad/sample g = ba.db2linear(eql); // peak gain }; eq1_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[3] RM Peaking Equalizer 1", x)); eq1f = 315; eq1l = 0; eq1q = 3; eq2_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[4] RM Peaking Equalizer 2", x)); eq2f = 1500; eq2l = 0; eq2q = 3; out_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[5] Output", x)); dry_wet(x,y) = *(wet) + dry*x, *(wet) + dry*y with { wet = 0.5*(drywet+1.0); dry = 1.0-wet; }; drywet = out_group(vslider("[1] Wet/Dry Mix [style:knob] [tooltip: -1 = dry, 1 = wet]", 0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.01)) : si.smoo; out_level = *(gain),*(gain); gain = 0 : ba.db2linear : si.smoo; }; process = _,_ : zita_rev1 : _,_;
highest sampling rate that will be used Zolzer style peaking eq (not used in zita-rev1) (filters.lib): pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q), peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q); Regalia-Mitra peaking eq with "Q" hard-wired near sqrt(g)/2 (filters.lib): tan(PI*B/SR), B bw in Hz (Q^2 ~ g/4) peak frequency in rad/sample peak gain
declare name "RCVerb"; declare description "A feedback-delay-network reverb"; declare author "Julius O. Smith III, Christopher Arndt, chmaha"; declare copyright "Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by Julius O. Smith III <[email protected]>"; declare license "GPLv3"; declare version "0.1.0"; import("stdfaust.lib"); zita_rev1 = _,_ <: re.zita_rev1_stereo(rdel,f1,f2,t60dc,t60m,fsmax),_,_ : out_eq,_,_ : dry_wet : out_level with{ fdn_group(x) = hgroup( "[0] Zita_Rev1 [tooltip: ~ ZITA REV1 FEEDBACK DELAY NETWORK (FDN) & SCHROEDER ALLPASS-COMB REVERBERATOR (8x8). See Faust's reverbs.lib for documentation and references]", x); in_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[1] Input", x)); rdel = in_group(vslider("[1] Initial Delay [unit:ms] [style:knob] [tooltip: Delay in ms before reverberation begins]",40,20,100,1)); freq_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[2] Decay Times in Bands (see tooltips)", x)); f1 = freq_group(vslider("[1] LowFreq X [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: Crossover frequency (Hz) separating low and middle frequencies]", 250, 50, 1000, 1)); t60dc = 1.5*t60m; t60m = freq_group(vslider("[3] Decay (RT60) [unit:s] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: T60 = time (in seconds) to decay 60dB in middle band]",2, 1, 8, 0.1)); f2 = freq_group(vslider("[4] HF Damping [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log] [tooltip: Frequency (Hz) at which the high-frequency T60 is half the middle-band's T60]", 3000, 1500, 0.49*fsmax, 1)); out_eq = pareq_stereo(eq1f,eq1l,eq1q) : pareq_stereo(eq2f,eq2l,eq2q); pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = fi.peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt), fi.peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt) with { }; eq1_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[3] RM Peaking Equalizer 1", x)); eq1f = 315; eq1l = 0; eq1q = 3; eq2_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[4] RM Peaking Equalizer 2", x)); eq2f = 1500; eq2l = 0; eq2q = 3; out_group(x) = fdn_group(hgroup("[5] Output", x)); dry_wet(x,y) = *(wet) + dry*x, *(wet) + dry*y with { wet = 0.5*(drywet+1.0); dry = 1.0-wet; }; drywet = out_group(vslider("[1] Wet/Dry Mix [style:knob] [tooltip: -1 = dry, 1 = wet]", 0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.01)) : si.smoo; out_level = *(gain),*(gain); gain = 0 : ba.db2linear : si.smoo; }; process = _,_ : zita_rev1 : _,_;
import("stdfaust.lib"); // ba = library("basics.lib"); // si = library("signals.lib"); // import("filters.lib"); // import("math.lib"); SR_MAX = 192000.0; SR_ = min(ma.SR, SR_MAX); // smoothing filter ipt = hslider("smooth_time", 0.05, 0, 0.1, 0.001); // s ip = si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(ipt)); f = hslider("feedback", 0.985, 0.9, 1, 0.001) : ip : min(1) : max(0); // scaling factor dry = hslider("dry", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.01) : ip : min(1) : max(0); // scaling factor wet = hslider("wet", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01) : ip : min(1) : max(0); // scaling factor transps = hslider("transpose", 0, -24, 24, 1) : ip : min(24) : max(-24); detune = hslider("detune", 0.066, -1, 1, 0.001) : ip : min(1) : max(-1); fixed_fdel(n) = \(x).((1-wet) * x@nInt + wet * x@(nInt + 1)) with { nInt = int(n); wet = n - nInt; }; // discard util signal here d(t) = \(x).(cal(x)) : \(x,y).(x) with { cal(x) = (+(x), +(wet* x)) ~ (sd : mux) with { // single delay stage, customize sd(x,y) = y@(t * SR_); // output signal, feedback signal mux = _ <: _, f*_; }; }; resonator(note) = \(x).(dry * x + wet * x : del) with { del = d(1 / ba.midikey2hz(note + detune)); }; //d_dorian = (50, 55, 60, 65, 71, 76, 81); d_dorian(0) = 50; d_dorian(1) = 55; d_dorian(2) = 60; d_dorian(3) = 65; d_dorian(4) = 71; d_dorian(5) = 76; d_dorian(6) = 81; dorian_resonator(offset_from_d) = par(i, ba.count(d_dorian), resonator(d_dorian(i) + offset_from_d)); //process = dorian_resonator(0), dorian_resonator(4);//process = resonator(50), resonator(65); process = _ <: resonator(50 + transps), resonator(43 + transps); //process = _ <: resonator(50 + transps), resonator(52 + transps); //process = _ <: resonator(52 + transps), resonator(58 + transps);
ba = library("basics.lib"); si = library("signals.lib"); import("filters.lib"); import("math.lib"); smoothing filter s scaling factor scaling factor scaling factor discard util signal here single delay stage, customize output signal, feedback signal d_dorian = (50, 55, 60, 65, 71, 76, 81); process = dorian_resonator(0), dorian_resonator(4);//process = resonator(50), resonator(65); process = _ <: resonator(50 + transps), resonator(52 + transps); process = _ <: resonator(52 + transps), resonator(58 + transps);
import("stdfaust.lib"); SR_MAX = 192000.0; SR_ = min(ma.SR, SR_MAX); ip = si.smooth(ba.tau2pole(ipt)); transps = hslider("transpose", 0, -24, 24, 1) : ip : min(24) : max(-24); detune = hslider("detune", 0.066, -1, 1, 0.001) : ip : min(1) : max(-1); fixed_fdel(n) = \(x).((1-wet) * x@nInt + wet * x@(nInt + 1)) with { nInt = int(n); wet = n - nInt; }; d(t) = \(x).(cal(x)) : \(x,y).(x) with { cal(x) = (+(x), +(wet* x)) ~ (sd : mux) with { sd(x,y) = y@(t * SR_); mux = _ <: _, f*_; }; }; resonator(note) = \(x).(dry * x + wet * x : del) with { del = d(1 / ba.midikey2hz(note + detune)); }; d_dorian(0) = 50; d_dorian(1) = 55; d_dorian(2) = 60; d_dorian(3) = 65; d_dorian(4) = 71; d_dorian(5) = 76; d_dorian(6) = 81; dorian_resonator(offset_from_d) = par(i, ba.count(d_dorian), resonator(d_dorian(i) + offset_from_d)); process = _ <: resonator(50 + transps), resonator(43 + transps);
import("stdfaust.lib"); import("basics.lib"); import("maths.lib"); fold = hslider("fold", 0, 0, 1, 0.001): si.smooth(0.999); offset = hslider("offset", 0, -1, 1, 0.001): si.smooth (0.999); LP = hslider("lowpass", 0, 0, 1, 0.001): lin2LogGain: si.smooth (0.999); scale(x,mn,mx,a,b) = a+(b-a)*(x-mn)/(mx-mn); R1 = (10., 49.9, 91., 30., 68.); r2 = 100.; R3 = (100., 43.2, 56., 68., 33., 240.); C = (0.-12., 0.-27.777, .0-21.428, 17.647, 36.363); Vs = 6.; r1(k) = ba.take(k+1, R1); r3(k) = ba.take(k+1, R3); c(k) = ba.take(k+1, C); term1(k) = Vs*r1(k)/r2; invClipCond(sig, k) = ma.fabs(sig) > term1(k); invClipNo(sig, k) = ma.signum(sig) * term1(k); invClip(sig, k) = ba.if(invClipCond(sig, k), sig, invClipNo(sig, k)); term2(k) = (r2*r3(k)/(r1(k)*r3(k) + r2*r3(k) + r1(k)*r2)); term3(clipped, k) = (clipped - ma.signum(clipped)*term1(k))* c(k); revClip(sig, k) = (term2(k) * term3(sig, k)):fi.lowpass(5,SR/2.6); /*fi.bandpass(1,20,16000);*/ folderBranches(sig) = sig <: par(i, 5, revClip(invClip(sig,i), i)); /*folderBranches(sig) = sig <: par(i, 5, invClip(sig,i));*/ wf(sig) = sig <: ( (folderBranches(sig) :> _) + (5.*sig:fi.lowpass(5,SR/2.6)) ):fi.lowpass(1,scale(LP,0,1,1300,SR/2.6)); // Name the ins and outs of the `process` function for use in the er-301 object declare er301_in1 "InL"; // declare er301_in2 "InR"; declare er301_out1 "OutL"; // declare er301_out2 "OutR"; process = (_*term1(0)*scale(fold,0.,1.,1.,20.) + scale(offset,-1,1,0-term1(2),term1(2))) : wf(_)/6. : ef.cubicnl(0.0,0):fi.dcblockerat(10);
fi.bandpass(1,20,16000); folderBranches(sig) = sig <: par(i, 5, invClip(sig,i)); Name the ins and outs of the `process` function for use in the er-301 object declare er301_in2 "InR"; declare er301_out2 "OutR";
import("stdfaust.lib"); import("basics.lib"); import("maths.lib"); fold = hslider("fold", 0, 0, 1, 0.001): si.smooth(0.999); offset = hslider("offset", 0, -1, 1, 0.001): si.smooth (0.999); LP = hslider("lowpass", 0, 0, 1, 0.001): lin2LogGain: si.smooth (0.999); scale(x,mn,mx,a,b) = a+(b-a)*(x-mn)/(mx-mn); R1 = (10., 49.9, 91., 30., 68.); r2 = 100.; R3 = (100., 43.2, 56., 68., 33., 240.); C = (0.-12., 0.-27.777, .0-21.428, 17.647, 36.363); Vs = 6.; r1(k) = ba.take(k+1, R1); r3(k) = ba.take(k+1, R3); c(k) = ba.take(k+1, C); term1(k) = Vs*r1(k)/r2; invClipCond(sig, k) = ma.fabs(sig) > term1(k); invClipNo(sig, k) = ma.signum(sig) * term1(k); invClip(sig, k) = ba.if(invClipCond(sig, k), sig, invClipNo(sig, k)); term2(k) = (r2*r3(k)/(r1(k)*r3(k) + r2*r3(k) + r1(k)*r2)); term3(clipped, k) = (clipped - ma.signum(clipped)*term1(k))* c(k); revClip(sig, k) = (term2(k) * term3(sig, k)):fi.lowpass(5,SR/2.6); folderBranches(sig) = sig <: par(i, 5, revClip(invClip(sig,i), i)); wf(sig) = sig <: ( (folderBranches(sig) :> _) + (5.*sig:fi.lowpass(5,SR/2.6)) ):fi.lowpass(1,scale(LP,0,1,1300,SR/2.6)); declare er301_in1 "InL"; declare er301_out1 "OutL"; process = (_*term1(0)*scale(fold,0.,1.,1.,20.) + scale(offset,-1,1,0-term1(2),term1(2))) : wf(_)/6. : ef.cubicnl(0.0,0):fi.dcblockerat(10);
import("stdfaust.lib"); transpose (w, x, s, sig) = fdelay1s(d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + fdelay1s(d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; pitchshifter = ef.transpose(hslider("Window[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 1000, 50, 1200000, 1), hslider("Crossfade[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 10, 1, 10000, 1), hslider("Pitch Shift[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1) + hslider("Super Pitch[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0, 0, 12, 0.01) ); // add dry wet control stereodrywet (monofx) = _,_ <: *(1-dw), *(1-dw), monofx*dw, monofx*dw :> _,_ with { dw = hslider("Dry/Wet[OWL:PARAMETER_D]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = stereodrywet(pitchshifter);
add dry wet control
import("stdfaust.lib"); transpose (w, x, s, sig) = fdelay1s(d,sig)*ma.fmin(d/x,1) + fdelay1s(d+w,sig)*(1-ma.fmin(d/x,1)) with { i = 1 - pow(2, s/12); d = i : (+ : +(w) : fmod(_,w)) ~ _; }; pitchshifter = ef.transpose(hslider("Window[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_B]", 1000, 50, 1200000, 1), hslider("Crossfade[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_C]", 10, 1, 10000, 1), hslider("Pitch Shift[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_A]", 0, -12, +12, 0.1) + hslider("Super Pitch[style:knob][OWL:PARAMETER_E]", 0, 0, 12, 0.01) ); stereodrywet (monofx) = _,_ <: *(1-dw), *(1-dw), monofx*dw, monofx*dw :> _,_ with { dw = hslider("Dry/Wet[OWL:PARAMETER_D]",0.5,0,1,0.01); }; process = stereodrywet(pitchshifter);