7 values
module Util.Numeric where import Control.Arrow (second) import Numeric.Log import Numeric.SpecFunctions (logGamma) average :: Fractional a => [a] -> a average = go 0 0 where go n x [] = x / fromIntegral n go n x (z : zs) = go (n + 1) (x + z) zs shiftByMax :: (Precise d, RealFloat d, Ord d) => [(a, Log d)] -> [(a, Log d)] shiftByMax xs = map (second (/ x')) xs where x' = maximum $ map snd xs exponentiateWeights :: (Precise d, RealFloat d, Ord d) => [(a, Log d)] -> [(a, d)] exponentiateWeights = map (second (exp . ln)) . shiftByMax weightedAverage :: Fractional a => [(a, a)] -> a weightedAverage = go 0 0 where go w x [] = x / w go w x ((y, ll) : ys) = go (w + ll) (ll * y + x) ys weightedAverageGeneric :: Fractional a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (b -> b -> b) -> [(b, a)] -> b weightedAverageGeneric scale zero plus = go 0 zero where go w x [] = scale (recip w) x go w x ((y, ll) : ys) = go (w + ll) (scale ll y `plus` x) ys logFact :: Int -> Double logFact n = logGamma (fromIntegral (n + 1))
module Util.Numeric where import Control.Arrow (second) import Numeric.Log import Numeric.SpecFunctions (logGamma) average :: Fractional a => [a] -> a average = go 0 0 where go n x [] = x / fromIntegral n go n x (z : zs) = go (n + 1) (x + z) zs shiftByMax :: (Precise d, RealFloat d, Ord d) => [(a, Log d)] -> [(a, Log d)] shiftByMax xs = map (second (/ x')) xs where x' = maximum $ map snd xs exponentiateWeights :: (Precise d, RealFloat d, Ord d) => [(a, Log d)] -> [(a, d)] exponentiateWeights = map (second (exp . ln)) . shiftByMax weightedAverage :: Fractional a => [(a, a)] -> a weightedAverage = go 0 0 where go w x [] = x / w go w x ((y, ll) : ys) = go (w + ll) (ll * y + x) ys weightedAverageGeneric :: Fractional a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (b -> b -> b) -> [(b, a)] -> b weightedAverageGeneric scale zero plus = go 0 zero where go w x [] = scale (recip w) x go w x ((y, ll) : ys) = go (w + ll) (scale ll y `plus` x) ys logFact :: Int -> Double logFact n = logGamma (fromIntegral (n + 1))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2012 - 2021 , Microsoft Research , . -- -- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License , Version 2.0 . A copy of the License can be -- found in the LICENSE file at the root of this distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module that exports non - standardized ' MVar 's . Module that exports non-standardized 'MVar's. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Platform.Var( Var, newVar, takeVar, putVar ) where newtype Var a = Var a newVar :: a -> IO (Var a) newVar x = return (Var x) putVar :: Var a -> a -> IO () putVar v x = return () takeVar :: Var a -> IO a takeVar v = error "haddock.Platform.Var.takeVar: undefined"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the found in the LICENSE file at the root of this distribution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2012 - 2021 , Microsoft Research , . terms of the Apache License , Version 2.0 . A copy of the License can be Module that exports non - standardized ' MVar 's . Module that exports non-standardized 'MVar's. -} module Platform.Var( Var, newVar, takeVar, putVar ) where newtype Var a = Var a newVar :: a -> IO (Var a) newVar x = return (Var x) putVar :: Var a -> a -> IO () putVar v x = return () takeVar :: Var a -> IO a takeVar v = error "haddock.Platform.Var.takeVar: undefined"
module Sing where 1 . fstString :: [Char] -> [Char] fstString x = x ++ " in the rain" sndString :: [Char] -> [Char] sndString x = x ++ " over the rainbow" 2 . sing = if (x < y) then fstString x else sndString y where x = "Singin" y = "Somewhere" 3 . main :: IO () main = do print ((+) 1 2) print 10 print (negate (-1)) print ((+) 0 blah) where blah = negate 1
module Sing where 1 . fstString :: [Char] -> [Char] fstString x = x ++ " in the rain" sndString :: [Char] -> [Char] sndString x = x ++ " over the rainbow" 2 . sing = if (x < y) then fstString x else sndString y where x = "Singin" y = "Somewhere" 3 . main :: IO () main = do print ((+) 1 2) print 10 print (negate (-1)) print ((+) 0 blah) where blah = negate 1
module Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet where import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.FetchBasis import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.NormalizeBasis import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.SerializeBasis
module Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet where import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.FetchBasis import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.NormalizeBasis import Science.QuantumChemistry.BasisSet.SerializeBasis
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Lazyfoo.Lesson02 (main) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (void) import Foreign.C.Types import SDL.Vect import qualified SDL import Paths_sdl2 (getDataFileName) screenWidth, screenHeight :: CInt (screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480) main :: IO () main = do SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo] window <- SDL.createWindow "SDL Tutorial" SDL.defaultWindow { SDL.windowInitialSize = V2 screenWidth screenHeight } SDL.showWindow window screenSurface <- SDL.getWindowSurface window helloWorld <- getDataFileName "examples/lazyfoo/hello_world.bmp" >>= SDL.loadBMP void $ SDL.surfaceBlit helloWorld Nothing screenSurface Nothing SDL.updateWindowSurface window threadDelay 2000000 SDL.destroyWindow window SDL.freeSurface helloWorld SDL.quit
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #
module Lazyfoo.Lesson02 (main) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad (void) import Foreign.C.Types import SDL.Vect import qualified SDL import Paths_sdl2 (getDataFileName) screenWidth, screenHeight :: CInt (screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480) main :: IO () main = do SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo] window <- SDL.createWindow "SDL Tutorial" SDL.defaultWindow { SDL.windowInitialSize = V2 screenWidth screenHeight } SDL.showWindow window screenSurface <- SDL.getWindowSurface window helloWorld <- getDataFileName "examples/lazyfoo/hello_world.bmp" >>= SDL.loadBMP void $ SDL.surfaceBlit helloWorld Nothing screenSurface Nothing SDL.updateWindowSurface window threadDelay 2000000 SDL.destroyWindow window SDL.freeSurface helloWorld SDL.quit
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} data Exp a where ValInt :: Int -> Exp Int ValBool :: Bool -> Exp Bool Add :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int Equa :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Bool eval :: Exp a -> a eval (ValInt i) = i eval (ValBool b) = b eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2 eval (Equa e1 e2) = eval e1 == eval e2 data Tree a where Leaf :: a -> Tree Int Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree Int
data Exp a where ValInt :: Int -> Exp Int ValBool :: Bool -> Exp Bool Add :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int Equa :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Bool eval :: Exp a -> a eval (ValInt i) = i eval (ValBool b) = b eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2 eval (Equa e1 e2) = eval e1 == eval e2 data Tree a where Leaf :: a -> Tree Int Branch :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree Int
Copyright 2010 * GNU Lesser General Public License * * This file is part of MKBtt . * * is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your * option ) any later version . * * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with MKBtt . If not , see < / > . * GNU Lesser General Public License * * This file is part of MKBtt. * * MKBtt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * MKBtt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with MKBtt. If not, see </>. *) * Auxiliary functions mainly related to terms @author @since 2008/01/16 @author Sarah Winkler @since 2008/01/16 *) (*** OPENS ********************************************************************) open Util;; (*** SUBMODULES **********************************************************) module Pos = Rewriting.Position;; module Var = Rewriting.Variable;; module VSub = Util.Replacement.Make (Var) (Var);; module M = U.Monad;; module Term = U.Term;; module Sig = U.Signature;; module Sub = U.Substitution;; module Rule = U.Rule;; module Elogic = U.Elogic;; (*** TYPES ***************************************************************) (*** EXCEPTIONS **********************************************************) (*** GLOBALS *************************************************************) (*** FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************) let (>>=) = M.(>>=) let (>>) = M.(>>) let return = M.return let empty_signature = Sig.empty 50 let fresh_var sigma = let x, sigma = Sig.fresh_var sigma in let xn, sigma = Sig.create_var_name x sigma in Term.Var x, Sig.add_var x xn sigma ;; (* let fresh_fun name a sigma = Sig.create_fun a name sigma (* Rename variables in a term to get it to some kind of normal form. This is to be able to easily compare nodes and avoid variant checks *) let rec normalize_term' sigma sub = function | Term.Var x -> begin try (Sub.find x sub, sub, sigma) with | Not_found -> begin let v, sigma' = fresh_var sigma in (v, Sub.add x v sub, sigma') end end | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> let fold_norm (l, sub, sigma) t = begin let (t', sub', sigma') = normalize_term' sigma sub t in (t'::l, sub', sigma') end in let (ts', sub', sigma') = List.fold_left fold_norm ([], sub, sigma) ts in (Term.Fun (f, List.rev ts'), sub', sigma') ;; (* return normalized term together with applied substitution *) let normalize t = let sigma = empty_signature in let (t', rho, _) = normalize_term' sigma Sub.empty t in (t', rho) ;;*) let rec normalize_term' v sub = function | Term.Var x -> begin try (Sub.find x sub, sub, v) with | Not_found -> (Term.Var v, Sub.add x (Term.Var v) sub, Var.next v) end | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> let fold_norm (l, sub, v) t = let (t', sub', v') = normalize_term' v sub t in (t'::l, sub', v') in let (ts', sub', v') = List.fold_left fold_norm ([], sub, v) ts in (Term.Fun (f, List.rev ts'), sub', v') ;; let normalize t = let (t', rho, _) = normalize_term' Var.zero Sub.empty t in (t', rho) ;; let normalize_rule rule = let l, r = Rule.lhs rule, Rule.rhs rule in let (l', sub, v) = normalize_term' Var.zero Sub.empty l in let (r', _, _) = normalize_term' v sub r in Rule.of_terms l' r' ;; let normalize_both s t = if first term contains more variables , rename second after the first term . If both sides contain the same variables , fix one order for normalization ( by Term.compare ) to hopefully keep result deterministic ... it does nt . ( neither side 's variables subset ! ? ) so normalize both terms , compare them then term. If both sides contain the same variables, fix one order for normalization (by Term.compare) to hopefully keep result deterministic ... it doesnt. (neither side's variables subset!?) so normalize both terms, compare them then*) let s', _ = normalize s in let t', _ = normalize t in let l, r = if (Term.compare s' t') > 0 then s, t else t, s in let rl = normalize_rule (Rule.of_terms l r) in Rule.lhs rl, Rule.rhs rl ;; let compare_size ((r1,_, _), _, (r2, _, _)) ((s1,_, _), _, (s2, _, _)) = let rule_size r = (Term.size (Rule.lhs r)) + (Term.size (Rule.rhs r)) in let rsize = (rule_size r1) + (rule_size r2) in let ssize = (rule_size s1) + (rule_size s2) in (compare rsize ssize) ;; (* functions to skolemize a term *) let rec skolemization' s = function | Term.Var x -> if Sub.mem x s then M.return s else M.fresh_fun >>= M.create_fun_name >>= (M.create_fun 0) >>= (fun c -> M.return (Sub.add x (Term.Fun(c,[])) s)) | Term.Fun (f,ts) -> M.foldl skolemization' s ts ;; let skolemization = skolemization' Sub.empty (* replace every variable by a fresh constant *) let skolemize s t = skolemization s >>= (fun sigma -> skolemization' sigma t >>= (fun sigma -> return (Pair.map (Sub.apply_term sigma) (s, t)))) ;; let lex f g (a, b) (a', b') = let c = f a a' in if c <> 0 then c else g b b' ;; let rec nonvar_subterms' p = function | Term.Var _ -> [] | Term.Fun (f, ts) as t -> List.fold_lefti (fun i res y -> let p' = Pos.add_last i p in List.rev_append (nonvar_subterms' p' y) res ) [t, p] ts ;; (* only proper subterms! *) let nonvar_pos_proper_subterms = function | Term.Var _ -> [] | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> List.fold_lefti (fun i res y -> let p' = Pos.make i in List.rev_append (nonvar_subterms' p' y) res ) [] ts ;; let rec rename_to sigma t t' = try ( match t, t' with | Term.Var x, Term.Var y -> VSub.add x y sigma | Term.Fun (f, ts), Term.Fun (f', ts') when f = f' -> List.fold_left2 rename_to sigma ts ts' | _ -> raise Elogic.Not_matchable ) with VSub.Inconsistent -> raise Elogic.Not_matchable ;; let fresh_fun name a sigma = Sig.create_fun a name sigma let rec fresh_vars = function | Term.Var _ -> M.get >>= fun s -> let (x,s) = Sig.fresh_var s in M.set s >> M.return (Term.Var x) | Term.Fun (f,ts) -> let g ti ts = M.lift (flip List.cons ts) (fresh_vars ti) in M.foldr g [] ts >>= fun ts -> M.return (Term.Fun (f,ts)) ;; let test_signature = let sigma = empty_signature in let c, sigma = fresh_fun "c" 0 sigma in let f, sigma = fresh_fun "f" 1 sigma in let g, sigma = fresh_fun "g" 2 sigma in let h, sigma = fresh_fun "h" 1 sigma in let k, sigma = fresh_fun "k" 2 sigma in let varx, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let vary, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let varz, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let vars = (varx, vary, varz) in let funs = (c, f, g, h, k) in vars, funs, sigma ;;
** OPENS ******************************************************************* ** SUBMODULES ********************************************************* ** TYPES ************************************************************** ** EXCEPTIONS ********************************************************* ** GLOBALS ************************************************************ ** FUNCTIONS ********************************************************** let fresh_fun name a sigma = Sig.create_fun a name sigma (* Rename variables in a term to get it to some kind of normal form. This is to be able to easily compare nodes and avoid variant checks return normalized term together with applied substitution functions to skolemize a term replace every variable by a fresh constant only proper subterms!
Copyright 2010 * GNU Lesser General Public License * * This file is part of MKBtt . * * is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your * option ) any later version . * * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with MKBtt . If not , see < / > . * GNU Lesser General Public License * * This file is part of MKBtt. * * MKBtt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * MKBtt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with MKBtt. If not, see </>. *) * Auxiliary functions mainly related to terms @author @since 2008/01/16 @author Sarah Winkler @since 2008/01/16 *) open Util;; module Pos = Rewriting.Position;; module Var = Rewriting.Variable;; module VSub = Util.Replacement.Make (Var) (Var);; module M = U.Monad;; module Term = U.Term;; module Sig = U.Signature;; module Sub = U.Substitution;; module Rule = U.Rule;; module Elogic = U.Elogic;; let (>>=) = M.(>>=) let (>>) = M.(>>) let return = M.return let empty_signature = Sig.empty 50 let fresh_var sigma = let x, sigma = Sig.fresh_var sigma in let xn, sigma = Sig.create_var_name x sigma in Term.Var x, Sig.add_var x xn sigma ;; let rec normalize_term' sigma sub = function | Term.Var x -> begin try (Sub.find x sub, sub, sigma) with | Not_found -> begin let v, sigma' = fresh_var sigma in (v, Sub.add x v sub, sigma') end end | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> let fold_norm (l, sub, sigma) t = begin let (t', sub', sigma') = normalize_term' sigma sub t in (t'::l, sub', sigma') end in let (ts', sub', sigma') = List.fold_left fold_norm ([], sub, sigma) ts in (Term.Fun (f, List.rev ts'), sub', sigma') ;; let normalize t = let sigma = empty_signature in let (t', rho, _) = normalize_term' sigma Sub.empty t in (t', rho) ;;*) let rec normalize_term' v sub = function | Term.Var x -> begin try (Sub.find x sub, sub, v) with | Not_found -> (Term.Var v, Sub.add x (Term.Var v) sub, Var.next v) end | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> let fold_norm (l, sub, v) t = let (t', sub', v') = normalize_term' v sub t in (t'::l, sub', v') in let (ts', sub', v') = List.fold_left fold_norm ([], sub, v) ts in (Term.Fun (f, List.rev ts'), sub', v') ;; let normalize t = let (t', rho, _) = normalize_term' Var.zero Sub.empty t in (t', rho) ;; let normalize_rule rule = let l, r = Rule.lhs rule, Rule.rhs rule in let (l', sub, v) = normalize_term' Var.zero Sub.empty l in let (r', _, _) = normalize_term' v sub r in Rule.of_terms l' r' ;; let normalize_both s t = if first term contains more variables , rename second after the first term . If both sides contain the same variables , fix one order for normalization ( by Term.compare ) to hopefully keep result deterministic ... it does nt . ( neither side 's variables subset ! ? ) so normalize both terms , compare them then term. If both sides contain the same variables, fix one order for normalization (by Term.compare) to hopefully keep result deterministic ... it doesnt. (neither side's variables subset!?) so normalize both terms, compare them then*) let s', _ = normalize s in let t', _ = normalize t in let l, r = if (Term.compare s' t') > 0 then s, t else t, s in let rl = normalize_rule (Rule.of_terms l r) in Rule.lhs rl, Rule.rhs rl ;; let compare_size ((r1,_, _), _, (r2, _, _)) ((s1,_, _), _, (s2, _, _)) = let rule_size r = (Term.size (Rule.lhs r)) + (Term.size (Rule.rhs r)) in let rsize = (rule_size r1) + (rule_size r2) in let ssize = (rule_size s1) + (rule_size s2) in (compare rsize ssize) ;; let rec skolemization' s = function | Term.Var x -> if Sub.mem x s then M.return s else M.fresh_fun >>= M.create_fun_name >>= (M.create_fun 0) >>= (fun c -> M.return (Sub.add x (Term.Fun(c,[])) s)) | Term.Fun (f,ts) -> M.foldl skolemization' s ts ;; let skolemization = skolemization' Sub.empty let skolemize s t = skolemization s >>= (fun sigma -> skolemization' sigma t >>= (fun sigma -> return (Pair.map (Sub.apply_term sigma) (s, t)))) ;; let lex f g (a, b) (a', b') = let c = f a a' in if c <> 0 then c else g b b' ;; let rec nonvar_subterms' p = function | Term.Var _ -> [] | Term.Fun (f, ts) as t -> List.fold_lefti (fun i res y -> let p' = Pos.add_last i p in List.rev_append (nonvar_subterms' p' y) res ) [t, p] ts ;; let nonvar_pos_proper_subterms = function | Term.Var _ -> [] | Term.Fun (f, ts) -> List.fold_lefti (fun i res y -> let p' = Pos.make i in List.rev_append (nonvar_subterms' p' y) res ) [] ts ;; let rec rename_to sigma t t' = try ( match t, t' with | Term.Var x, Term.Var y -> VSub.add x y sigma | Term.Fun (f, ts), Term.Fun (f', ts') when f = f' -> List.fold_left2 rename_to sigma ts ts' | _ -> raise Elogic.Not_matchable ) with VSub.Inconsistent -> raise Elogic.Not_matchable ;; let fresh_fun name a sigma = Sig.create_fun a name sigma let rec fresh_vars = function | Term.Var _ -> M.get >>= fun s -> let (x,s) = Sig.fresh_var s in M.set s >> M.return (Term.Var x) | Term.Fun (f,ts) -> let g ti ts = M.lift (flip List.cons ts) (fresh_vars ti) in M.foldr g [] ts >>= fun ts -> M.return (Term.Fun (f,ts)) ;; let test_signature = let sigma = empty_signature in let c, sigma = fresh_fun "c" 0 sigma in let f, sigma = fresh_fun "f" 1 sigma in let g, sigma = fresh_fun "g" 2 sigma in let h, sigma = fresh_fun "h" 1 sigma in let k, sigma = fresh_fun "k" 2 sigma in let varx, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let vary, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let varz, sigma = fresh_var sigma in let vars = (varx, vary, varz) in let funs = (c, f, g, h, k) in vars, funs, sigma ;;
(ns shadow.experiments.arborist-test (:require [clojure.test :as t :refer (deftest is)] [clojure.pprint :refer (pprint)] [clojure.string :as str] [shadow.arborist.fragments :as frag])) (def test-body '[[:foo {:i/key :key :bar 1 :foo foo :x nil :bool true}] "hello" [:div#id (dynamic-thing {:x 1}) (if (even? 1) (<< [:h1 "even"]) (<< [:h2 "odd"])) [:h1 "hello, " title ", " foo] (let [x 1] (<< [:h2 x]))] 1 (some-fn 1 2)]) (def test-body #_'[[:div.card {:style {:color "red"} :foo ["xyz" "foo" "bar"] :attr toggle} [:div.card-header title] [:div.card-body {:on-click ^:once [::foo {:bar yo}] :attr "foo"} "Hello"]]] '[[:div.card [:div.card-title title] [:div {:foo "bar" :class (css 1 2 3)} body] [:div [:button {:style/height "15px"} "ok"]]]] #_[[:div x] [:> component {:foo "bar"} [:c1 [:c2 {:x x}] y] [:c3]]]) (deftest test-macro-expand (pprint (frag/make-fragment {} nil test-body)))
(ns shadow.experiments.arborist-test (:require [clojure.test :as t :refer (deftest is)] [clojure.pprint :refer (pprint)] [clojure.string :as str] [shadow.arborist.fragments :as frag])) (def test-body '[[:foo {:i/key :key :bar 1 :foo foo :x nil :bool true}] "hello" [:div#id (dynamic-thing {:x 1}) (if (even? 1) (<< [:h1 "even"]) (<< [:h2 "odd"])) [:h1 "hello, " title ", " foo] (let [x 1] (<< [:h2 x]))] 1 (some-fn 1 2)]) (def test-body #_'[[:div.card {:style {:color "red"} :foo ["xyz" "foo" "bar"] :attr toggle} [:div.card-header title] [:div.card-body {:on-click ^:once [::foo {:bar yo}] :attr "foo"} "Hello"]]] '[[:div.card [:div.card-title title] [:div {:foo "bar" :class (css 1 2 3)} body] [:div [:button {:style/height "15px"} "ok"]]]] #_[[:div x] [:> component {:foo "bar"} [:c1 [:c2 {:x x}] y] [:c3]]]) (deftest test-macro-expand (pprint (frag/make-fragment {} nil test-body)))
open Kernel open Kernel.Basic open Kernel.Term open Sizematrix open Sign let d_pos = Debug.register_flag "Positivity" type comp_cstr = Rules.rule_name * name * (int * term) * (int * term) type constr_graph = { (** An array containing every type constructor and its status*) constructors : name array ; (** The main order between type constructors *) typ_cstr_order : Bool_matrix.t } (** [extract_constraints_of_typ t_arg] return the list of types which occur in positive position in [t_arg] and the list of types which occur in negative position in [t_arg]. *) let extract_constraints_of_typ : int * term -> (int * term) list * (int * term) list = let rec extract_positive : int * term -> (int * term) list = function | _,Const(_,f) | _,App(Const(_,f),_,_) as t -> [t] | i,Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (extract_negative (i,t1)) @ (extract_positive (i+1,t2)) | _,Type _ -> [] | _,t -> failwith (Format.asprintf "It is quite unexpected to have a type which is not a product of application of constants: %a" pp_term t) and extract_negative : int * term -> (int * term) list = function | _,Const(_,f) | _,App(Const(_,f),_,_) -> [] | i,Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (extract_positive (i,t1)) @ (extract_negative (i+1,t2)) | _,Type _ -> [] | _,t -> failwith (Format.asprintf "It is quite unexpected to have a type which is not a product of application of constants: %a" pp_term t) in fun t_arg -> (extract_positive t_arg,extract_negative t_arg) let rec is_a_kind : term -> bool = function | Type _ -> true | Pi(_,_,_,t2) -> is_a_kind t2 | _ -> false (** [empty_cst_gr] construct an graph whose labels are type constructors and the orders are the reflexive relation. *) let empty_cst_gr : symbol IMap.t -> constr_graph = fun m -> let l = ref [] in IMap.iter (fun _ f -> if is_a_kind f.typ then l:=f.name::!l) m; let constructors = Array.of_list !l in let lg = Array.length constructors in { constructors; typ_cstr_order = Bool_matrix.diago lg} (** [accessed r] lists all the accessed position under a constructor in the rules. *) let accessed : Rules.pre_rule -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) list = fun r -> let used_variables : term -> int list = let rec bis : int list -> int -> term -> int list = fun acc i -> function | Kind | Type _ | Const _ -> acc | DB(_,_,j) -> if i<=j then (j-i)::acc else acc | App(t1,t2,l) -> List.flatten (List.map (bis acc i) (t1::t2::l)) | Lam(_,_,None,t) -> bis acc (i+1) t | Lam(_,_,Some t1,t2) | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (bis acc i t1) @ (bis acc (i+1) t2) in bis [] 0 in [ list_of_access vars args ] returns the list of constructors under which you have to go to find the first occurrence of each variable whose index is listed in [ vars ] let list_of_access : int list -> term list -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) list = let rec bis glob_acc loc_acc i used = function | [] -> glob_acc | Kind :: tl | Type _ :: tl | Const _ :: tl -> bis glob_acc [] 0 used tl | DB(_,_,j) :: tl -> if List.mem (j-i) used then bis (loc_acc @ glob_acc) [] 0 (List.filter (fun x -> x <> (j-i)) used) tl else bis glob_acc [] 0 used tl | App(Const(_,f),t2,l) :: tl -> let index = ref (-1) in List.flatten (List.map (fun t -> incr index; bis glob_acc ((r.name,f,!index)::loc_acc) i used (t::tl) ) (t2::l) ) | App(t1,t2,l) :: tl -> List.flatten (List.map (fun t -> bis glob_acc loc_acc i used (t::tl)) (t1::t2::l) ) | Lam(_,_,None,t) :: tl -> bis glob_acc loc_acc (i+1) used (t::tl) | Lam(_,_,Some t1,t2) ::tl | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) :: tl -> (bis glob_acc loc_acc i used (t1::tl)) @ (bis glob_acc loc_acc (i+1) used (t2::tl)) in bis [] [] 0 in let used_vars = List.sort_uniq compare (used_variables r.rhs) in list_of_access used_vars (Array.to_list r.args) (* [get_ith_arg_and_return] transforms the contraint of accessibility into pair of types which must be compare. (Rules.rule_name and name are kept for error messages). *) let get_ith_arg_and_return : Sign.signature -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) -> comp_cstr = let rec get_return : int -> term -> int * term = fun i -> function | Pi(_,_,_,t) -> get_return (i+1) t | u -> (i,u) in let rec get_ith : int -> int -> term -> int * term = fun i remain t -> match (remain,t) with | 0,Pi(_,_,t1,_) -> (i,t1) | j,Pi(_,_,_,t2) -> get_ith i (j-1) t2 | x,tt -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Over-applied symbol in the lhs: We want %i in %a" x pp_term tt) in fun si (r,f,i) -> let symbols = si.symbols in let s = IMap.find (find_symbol_index si f) symbols in let tt = s.typ in r,f,get_ith i i tt,get_return 0 tt * [ arr ] find the first index [ i ] such that [ arr.(i)=x ] . If no such index exists , raise [ Not_found ] let find_array : 'a -> 'a array -> int = let rec bis : int -> 'a -> 'a list -> int = fun i x -> function | [] -> raise Not_found | a::_ when a=x -> i | _::tl -> bis (i+1) x tl in fun x arr -> bis 0 x (Array.to_list arr) (** [compute_main_order l gr] modifies [gr.typ_cstr_order.tab] to reflect the order *) let compute_main_order : comp_cstr list -> constr_graph -> unit = fun acc cst_gr -> let cons = cst_gr.constructors in List.iter (fun (_,_,ti,(_,tr)) -> let lpos,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ ti in List.iter ( fun (_,t) -> match t,tr with | Const(_,f), Const(_,g) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), Const(_,g) | Const(_,f), App(Const(_,g),_,_) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), App(Const(_,g),_,_) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab.(i_f).(i_g) <- true | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) (lpos@lneg) ) acc let main_order_type_level_rules : Callgraph.call_graph -> constr_graph -> unit = fun gr cst_gr -> let si = gr.signature in let rec study i = function | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> study i t1; study i t2 | Const(_,f) | App(Const(_,f),_,_) -> cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab.(find_array f cst_gr.constructors).(i) <- true | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> let tt = (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si r.Rules.head) si.symbols).typ in if is_a_kind tt then study (find_array r.Rules.head cst_gr.constructors) r.Rules.rhs ) si.rules let rec comp_list : (int * term) list -> (int * term) list -> bool = fun l1 l2 -> match l1,l2 with | [], [] -> false | [], _ -> true | _, [] -> false | (i1,a)::l1,(i2,b)::l2 -> match Call_extractor.compare_term (i1-i2) b a with | Infi -> false | Zero -> comp_list l1 l2 | Min1 -> true let verify_pos_type_level_rules : Callgraph.call_graph -> constr_graph -> bool = fun gr cst_gr -> let si = gr.signature in let cons = cst_gr.constructors in let main = cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab in let res = ref true in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> let symb = IMap.find (find_symbol_index si r.Rules.head) si.symbols in let tt = symb.typ in if is_a_kind tt then let i = find_array r.head cons in let _,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ (0,tt) in List.iter ( fun (j,t) -> match t with | Const(_,f) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let comp = main.(i).(i_f) in if comp then if Array.length r.args = 0 then (res := false; update_result symb (NotPositive r.name)) | App(Const(_,f),t1,l1) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let comp = main.(i).(i_f) in if comp then let res_bis = comp_list (List.map (fun x -> j,x) (t1::l1)) (List.map (fun x -> 0,x) (Array.to_list r.args)) in if not res_bis then (res := false; update_result symb (NotPositive r.name)) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) lneg; ) si.rules; !res let is_mkable_pos : comp_cstr -> signature -> constr_graph -> bool = fun (r,c,(i1,ti),(i2,tr)) si cst_gr -> let cons = cst_gr.constructors in let main = cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab in let _,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ (i1,ti) in let res = ref true in List.iter ( fun (i,t) -> match t,tr with | Const(_,f), Const(_,g) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), Const(_,g) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in let comp = main.(i_g).(i_f) in if comp then (res := false; update_result (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si c) si.symbols) (NotPositive r)) | Const(_,f), App(Const(_,g),_,_) -> () | App(Const(_,f),t1,l1), App(Const(_,g),t2,l2) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in let comp = main.(i_g).(i_f) in if comp then let res_bis = comp_list (List.map (fun x -> i,x) (t1::l1)) (List.map (fun x -> i2,x) (t2::l2)) in if not res_bis then (res := false; update_result (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si c) si.symbols) (NotPositive r)) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) lneg; !res let check_positivity : Callgraph.call_graph -> bool = fun gr -> let si = gr.signature in let cst_gr = empty_cst_gr si.symbols in let acc_name = ref [] in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> acc_name := (accessed r)::!acc_name) si.rules; let acc_bis = List.flatten !acc_name in Debug.debug d_pos "Accessed variables are:@. - %a@." (pp_list "\n - " (pp_triple Format.pp_print_string pp_name Format.pp_print_int)) acc_bis; let acc = List.map (get_ith_arg_and_return si) acc_bis in compute_main_order acc cst_gr; main_order_type_level_rules gr cst_gr; let cst_gr2 = {cst_gr with typ_cstr_order = Sizematrix.Bool_matrix.trans_clos cst_gr.typ_cstr_order} in Debug.debug d_pos "The main order is:@."; Debug.debug_eval d_pos (fun () -> let cons = cst_gr2.constructors in let tab = cst_gr2.typ_cstr_order.tab in let lg = Array.length cons in for i=0 to lg -1 do for j=0 to lg-1 do if tab.(i).(j) then Format.printf " - %a≤%a@." pp_name cons.(i) pp_name cons.(j) done; done; ); let res = ref true in res := verify_pos_type_level_rules gr cst_gr2; List.iter (fun r -> res:= !res && (is_mkable_pos r si cst_gr2) ) acc; !res
* An array containing every type constructor and its status * The main order between type constructors * [extract_constraints_of_typ t_arg] return the list of types which occur in positive position in [t_arg] and the list of types which occur in negative position in [t_arg]. * [empty_cst_gr] construct an graph whose labels are type constructors and the orders are the reflexive relation. * [accessed r] lists all the accessed position under a constructor in the rules. [get_ith_arg_and_return] transforms the contraint of accessibility into pair of types which must be compare. (Rules.rule_name and name are kept for error messages). * [compute_main_order l gr] modifies [gr.typ_cstr_order.tab] to reflect the order
open Kernel open Kernel.Basic open Kernel.Term open Sizematrix open Sign let d_pos = Debug.register_flag "Positivity" type comp_cstr = Rules.rule_name * name * (int * term) * (int * term) type constr_graph = constructors : name array typ_cstr_order : Bool_matrix.t } let extract_constraints_of_typ : int * term -> (int * term) list * (int * term) list = let rec extract_positive : int * term -> (int * term) list = function | _,Const(_,f) | _,App(Const(_,f),_,_) as t -> [t] | i,Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (extract_negative (i,t1)) @ (extract_positive (i+1,t2)) | _,Type _ -> [] | _,t -> failwith (Format.asprintf "It is quite unexpected to have a type which is not a product of application of constants: %a" pp_term t) and extract_negative : int * term -> (int * term) list = function | _,Const(_,f) | _,App(Const(_,f),_,_) -> [] | i,Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (extract_positive (i,t1)) @ (extract_negative (i+1,t2)) | _,Type _ -> [] | _,t -> failwith (Format.asprintf "It is quite unexpected to have a type which is not a product of application of constants: %a" pp_term t) in fun t_arg -> (extract_positive t_arg,extract_negative t_arg) let rec is_a_kind : term -> bool = function | Type _ -> true | Pi(_,_,_,t2) -> is_a_kind t2 | _ -> false let empty_cst_gr : symbol IMap.t -> constr_graph = fun m -> let l = ref [] in IMap.iter (fun _ f -> if is_a_kind f.typ then l:=f.name::!l) m; let constructors = Array.of_list !l in let lg = Array.length constructors in { constructors; typ_cstr_order = Bool_matrix.diago lg} let accessed : Rules.pre_rule -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) list = fun r -> let used_variables : term -> int list = let rec bis : int list -> int -> term -> int list = fun acc i -> function | Kind | Type _ | Const _ -> acc | DB(_,_,j) -> if i<=j then (j-i)::acc else acc | App(t1,t2,l) -> List.flatten (List.map (bis acc i) (t1::t2::l)) | Lam(_,_,None,t) -> bis acc (i+1) t | Lam(_,_,Some t1,t2) | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> (bis acc i t1) @ (bis acc (i+1) t2) in bis [] 0 in [ list_of_access vars args ] returns the list of constructors under which you have to go to find the first occurrence of each variable whose index is listed in [ vars ] let list_of_access : int list -> term list -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) list = let rec bis glob_acc loc_acc i used = function | [] -> glob_acc | Kind :: tl | Type _ :: tl | Const _ :: tl -> bis glob_acc [] 0 used tl | DB(_,_,j) :: tl -> if List.mem (j-i) used then bis (loc_acc @ glob_acc) [] 0 (List.filter (fun x -> x <> (j-i)) used) tl else bis glob_acc [] 0 used tl | App(Const(_,f),t2,l) :: tl -> let index = ref (-1) in List.flatten (List.map (fun t -> incr index; bis glob_acc ((r.name,f,!index)::loc_acc) i used (t::tl) ) (t2::l) ) | App(t1,t2,l) :: tl -> List.flatten (List.map (fun t -> bis glob_acc loc_acc i used (t::tl)) (t1::t2::l) ) | Lam(_,_,None,t) :: tl -> bis glob_acc loc_acc (i+1) used (t::tl) | Lam(_,_,Some t1,t2) ::tl | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) :: tl -> (bis glob_acc loc_acc i used (t1::tl)) @ (bis glob_acc loc_acc (i+1) used (t2::tl)) in bis [] [] 0 in let used_vars = List.sort_uniq compare (used_variables r.rhs) in list_of_access used_vars (Array.to_list r.args) let get_ith_arg_and_return : Sign.signature -> (Rules.rule_name * name * int) -> comp_cstr = let rec get_return : int -> term -> int * term = fun i -> function | Pi(_,_,_,t) -> get_return (i+1) t | u -> (i,u) in let rec get_ith : int -> int -> term -> int * term = fun i remain t -> match (remain,t) with | 0,Pi(_,_,t1,_) -> (i,t1) | j,Pi(_,_,_,t2) -> get_ith i (j-1) t2 | x,tt -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Over-applied symbol in the lhs: We want %i in %a" x pp_term tt) in fun si (r,f,i) -> let symbols = si.symbols in let s = IMap.find (find_symbol_index si f) symbols in let tt = s.typ in r,f,get_ith i i tt,get_return 0 tt * [ arr ] find the first index [ i ] such that [ arr.(i)=x ] . If no such index exists , raise [ Not_found ] let find_array : 'a -> 'a array -> int = let rec bis : int -> 'a -> 'a list -> int = fun i x -> function | [] -> raise Not_found | a::_ when a=x -> i | _::tl -> bis (i+1) x tl in fun x arr -> bis 0 x (Array.to_list arr) let compute_main_order : comp_cstr list -> constr_graph -> unit = fun acc cst_gr -> let cons = cst_gr.constructors in List.iter (fun (_,_,ti,(_,tr)) -> let lpos,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ ti in List.iter ( fun (_,t) -> match t,tr with | Const(_,f), Const(_,g) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), Const(_,g) | Const(_,f), App(Const(_,g),_,_) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), App(Const(_,g),_,_) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab.(i_f).(i_g) <- true | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) (lpos@lneg) ) acc let main_order_type_level_rules : Callgraph.call_graph -> constr_graph -> unit = fun gr cst_gr -> let si = gr.signature in let rec study i = function | Pi(_,_,t1,t2) -> study i t1; study i t2 | Const(_,f) | App(Const(_,f),_,_) -> cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab.(find_array f cst_gr.constructors).(i) <- true | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> let tt = (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si r.Rules.head) si.symbols).typ in if is_a_kind tt then study (find_array r.Rules.head cst_gr.constructors) r.Rules.rhs ) si.rules let rec comp_list : (int * term) list -> (int * term) list -> bool = fun l1 l2 -> match l1,l2 with | [], [] -> false | [], _ -> true | _, [] -> false | (i1,a)::l1,(i2,b)::l2 -> match Call_extractor.compare_term (i1-i2) b a with | Infi -> false | Zero -> comp_list l1 l2 | Min1 -> true let verify_pos_type_level_rules : Callgraph.call_graph -> constr_graph -> bool = fun gr cst_gr -> let si = gr.signature in let cons = cst_gr.constructors in let main = cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab in let res = ref true in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> let symb = IMap.find (find_symbol_index si r.Rules.head) si.symbols in let tt = symb.typ in if is_a_kind tt then let i = find_array r.head cons in let _,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ (0,tt) in List.iter ( fun (j,t) -> match t with | Const(_,f) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let comp = main.(i).(i_f) in if comp then if Array.length r.args = 0 then (res := false; update_result symb (NotPositive r.name)) | App(Const(_,f),t1,l1) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let comp = main.(i).(i_f) in if comp then let res_bis = comp_list (List.map (fun x -> j,x) (t1::l1)) (List.map (fun x -> 0,x) (Array.to_list r.args)) in if not res_bis then (res := false; update_result symb (NotPositive r.name)) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) lneg; ) si.rules; !res let is_mkable_pos : comp_cstr -> signature -> constr_graph -> bool = fun (r,c,(i1,ti),(i2,tr)) si cst_gr -> let cons = cst_gr.constructors in let main = cst_gr.typ_cstr_order.tab in let _,lneg = extract_constraints_of_typ (i1,ti) in let res = ref true in List.iter ( fun (i,t) -> match t,tr with | Const(_,f), Const(_,g) | App(Const(_,f),_,_), Const(_,g) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in let comp = main.(i_g).(i_f) in if comp then (res := false; update_result (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si c) si.symbols) (NotPositive r)) | Const(_,f), App(Const(_,g),_,_) -> () | App(Const(_,f),t1,l1), App(Const(_,g),t2,l2) -> let i_f = find_array f cons in let i_g = find_array g cons in let comp = main.(i_g).(i_f) in if comp then let res_bis = comp_list (List.map (fun x -> i,x) (t1::l1)) (List.map (fun x -> i2,x) (t2::l2)) in if not res_bis then (res := false; update_result (IMap.find (find_symbol_index si c) si.symbols) (NotPositive r)) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected types" ) lneg; !res let check_positivity : Callgraph.call_graph -> bool = fun gr -> let si = gr.signature in let cst_gr = empty_cst_gr si.symbols in let acc_name = ref [] in IMap.iter (fun _ r -> acc_name := (accessed r)::!acc_name) si.rules; let acc_bis = List.flatten !acc_name in Debug.debug d_pos "Accessed variables are:@. - %a@." (pp_list "\n - " (pp_triple Format.pp_print_string pp_name Format.pp_print_int)) acc_bis; let acc = List.map (get_ith_arg_and_return si) acc_bis in compute_main_order acc cst_gr; main_order_type_level_rules gr cst_gr; let cst_gr2 = {cst_gr with typ_cstr_order = Sizematrix.Bool_matrix.trans_clos cst_gr.typ_cstr_order} in Debug.debug d_pos "The main order is:@."; Debug.debug_eval d_pos (fun () -> let cons = cst_gr2.constructors in let tab = cst_gr2.typ_cstr_order.tab in let lg = Array.length cons in for i=0 to lg -1 do for j=0 to lg-1 do if tab.(i).(j) then Format.printf " - %a≤%a@." pp_name cons.(i) pp_name cons.(j) done; done; ); let res = ref true in res := verify_pos_type_level_rules gr cst_gr2; List.iter (fun r -> res:= !res && (is_mkable_pos r si cst_gr2) ) acc; !res
(ns tasks.deploy (:require [tasks.ci :refer [ci]] [tasks.info :refer [options]] [tasks.package :as pkg] [tasks.tools :refer [*cwd* clj gradle npx]])) (defn- deploy-vscode [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-vscode"] (npx :vsce :publish))) (defn- deploy-open-vsx [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-vscode"] (npx :ovsx :publish))) (defn deploy-intellij [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-intellij"] (gradle :publishPlugin))) (defn- deploy-clojars [] (clj "-X:deploy" ":installer" ":remote" ":artifact" (-> options :jar-file str pr-str) ":pom-file" (-> options pkg/pom-file str pr-str))) (defn deploy [] (pkg/all) (deploy-clojars) (deploy-vscode) (deploy-open-vsx) (deploy-intellij)) (defn all "Deploy all artifacts." [] (ci) (deploy)) (defn -main [] (deploy))
(ns tasks.deploy (:require [tasks.ci :refer [ci]] [tasks.info :refer [options]] [tasks.package :as pkg] [tasks.tools :refer [*cwd* clj gradle npx]])) (defn- deploy-vscode [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-vscode"] (npx :vsce :publish))) (defn- deploy-open-vsx [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-vscode"] (npx :ovsx :publish))) (defn deploy-intellij [] (binding [*cwd* "extension-intellij"] (gradle :publishPlugin))) (defn- deploy-clojars [] (clj "-X:deploy" ":installer" ":remote" ":artifact" (-> options :jar-file str pr-str) ":pom-file" (-> options pkg/pom-file str pr-str))) (defn deploy [] (pkg/all) (deploy-clojars) (deploy-vscode) (deploy-open-vsx) (deploy-intellij)) (defn all "Deploy all artifacts." [] (ci) (deploy)) (defn -main [] (deploy))
(ns sampleapp.test.core (:use [sampleapp.core] :reload) (:use [clojure.test])) (deftest replace-me ;; FIXME: write (is false "No tests have been written."))
FIXME: write
(ns sampleapp.test.core (:use [sampleapp.core] :reload) (:use [clojure.test])) (is false "No tests have been written."))
-- Automatically generated typing assumptions for List module HaskellList where import Testbed import StaticList defnsHaskellList = ["findIndices" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList tInt)), "findIndex" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe tInt)), "elemIndex" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe tInt)), "elemIndices" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList tInt)), "find" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe (TGen 0))), "nubBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "nub" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "deleteBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "delete" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "\\\\" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "deleteFirstsBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "unionBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "union" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersectBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersect" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersperse" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "transpose" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "partition" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "groupBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "group" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "inits" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "tails" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "isPrefixOf" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` tBool)), "isSuffixOf" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` tBool)), "mapAccumL" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TGen 2)) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TAp tList (TGen 2)))), "mapAccumR" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TGen 2)) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TAp tList (TGen 2)))), "unfoldr" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TAp tMaybe (TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 1)) (TGen 0))) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "insertBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tOrdering) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "sortBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tOrdering) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "sort" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cOrd (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "insert" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cOrd (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "maximumBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TGen 0)), "minimumBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TGen 0)), "genericLength" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TGen 0)), "genericTake" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "genericDrop" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "genericSplitAt" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 1)))), "genericIndex" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1)), "genericReplicate" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "zipWith4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4))), "zip4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)))), "zipWith5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5))), "zip5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)))), "zipWith6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5 `fn` TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6))), "zip6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)))), "zipWith7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5 `fn` TGen 6 `fn` TGen 7) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 7))), "zip7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) (TGen 6)))), "unzip4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3)))), "unzip5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4)))), "unzip6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4))) (TAp tList (TGen 5)))), "unzip7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) (TGen 6)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4))) (TAp tList (TGen 5))) (TAp tList (TGen 6))))]
Automatically generated typing assumptions for List
module HaskellList where import Testbed import StaticList defnsHaskellList = ["findIndices" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList tInt)), "findIndex" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe tInt)), "elemIndex" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe tInt)), "elemIndices" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList tInt)), "find" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tMaybe (TGen 0))), "nubBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "nub" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "deleteBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "delete" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "\\\\" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "deleteFirstsBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "unionBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "union" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersectBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersect" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "intersperse" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "transpose" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "partition" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "groupBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tBool) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "group" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "inits" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "tails" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TAp tList (TGen 0)))), "isPrefixOf" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` tBool)), "isSuffixOf" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cEq (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` tBool)), "mapAccumL" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TGen 2)) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TAp tList (TGen 2)))), "mapAccumR" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TGen 2)) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 0)) (TAp tList (TGen 2)))), "unfoldr" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TAp tMaybe (TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TGen 1)) (TGen 0))) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "insertBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tOrdering) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "sortBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` tOrdering) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "sort" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cOrd (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "insert" :>: Forall [Star] ([isIn1 cOrd (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0))), "maximumBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TGen 0)), "minimumBy" :>: Forall [Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TGen 0)), "genericLength" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TGen 0)), "genericTake" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "genericDrop" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "genericSplitAt" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp (TAp tTuple2 (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 1)))), "genericIndex" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1)), "genericReplicate" :>: Forall [Star, Star] ([isIn1 cIntegral (TGen 0)] :=> (TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1))), "zipWith4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4))), "zip4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)))), "zipWith5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5))), "zip5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)))), "zipWith6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5 `fn` TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6))), "zip6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)))), "zipWith7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> ((TGen 0 `fn` TGen 1 `fn` TGen 2 `fn` TGen 3 `fn` TGen 4 `fn` TGen 5 `fn` TGen 6 `fn` TGen 7) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 7))), "zip7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TGen 0) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 1) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 2) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 3) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 4) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 5) `fn` TAp tList (TGen 6) `fn` TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) (TGen 6)))), "unzip4" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple4 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3)))), "unzip5" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple5 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4)))), "unzip6" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple6 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4))) (TAp tList (TGen 5)))), "unzip7" :>: Forall [Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star] ([] :=> (TAp tList (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TGen 0)) (TGen 1)) (TGen 2)) (TGen 3)) (TGen 4)) (TGen 5)) (TGen 6)) `fn` TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp (TAp tTuple7 (TAp tList (TGen 0))) (TAp tList (TGen 1))) (TAp tList (TGen 2))) (TAp tList (TGen 3))) (TAp tList (TGen 4))) (TAp tList (TGen 5))) (TAp tList (TGen 6))))]
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE InstanceSigs # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # -- | -- Module: Reflex . Profiled -- Description: This module contains an instance of the ' Reflex ' class that provides -- profiling/cost-center information. module Reflex.Profiled where import Control.Lens hiding (children) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Exception import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.Primitive import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Ref import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, execStateT, modify) import Data.Coerce import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap, GCompare) import Data.FastMutableIntMap import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Semigroup as S import Data.Type.Coercion import Foreign.Ptr import GHC.Foreign import GHC.IO.Encoding import GHC.Stack import Reflex.Class import Reflex.Host.Class import Reflex.PerformEvent.Class import System.IO.Unsafe import Unsafe.Coerce data ProfiledTimeline t # NOINLINE profilingData # profilingData :: IORef (Map (Ptr CostCentreStack) Int) profilingData = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Map.empty data CostCentreTree = CostCentreTree { _costCentreTree_ownEntries :: !Int , _costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries :: !Int , _costCentreTree_children :: !(Map (Ptr CostCentre) CostCentreTree) } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance S.Semigroup CostCentreTree where (CostCentreTree oa ea ca) <> (CostCentreTree ob eb cb) = CostCentreTree (oa + ob) (ea + eb) $ Map.unionWith (S.<>) ca cb instance Monoid CostCentreTree where mempty = CostCentreTree 0 0 mempty mappend = (S.<>) getCostCentreStack :: Ptr CostCentreStack -> IO [Ptr CostCentre] getCostCentreStack = go [] where go l ccs = if ccs == nullPtr then return l else do cc <- ccsCC ccs parent <- ccsParent ccs go (cc : l) parent toCostCentreTree :: Ptr CostCentreStack -> Int -> IO CostCentreTree toCostCentreTree ccs n = do ccList <- getCostCentreStack ccs return $ foldr (\cc child -> CostCentreTree 0 n $ Map.singleton cc child) (CostCentreTree n n mempty) ccList getCostCentreTree :: IO CostCentreTree getCostCentreTree = do vals <- readIORef profilingData mconcat <$> mapM (uncurry toCostCentreTree) (Map.toList vals) formatCostCentreTree :: CostCentreTree -> IO String formatCostCentreTree cct0 = unlines . reverse <$> execStateT (go 0 cct0) [] where go :: Int -> CostCentreTree -> StateT [String] IO () go depth cct = do let children = sortOn (Down . _costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries . snd) $ Map.toList $ _costCentreTree_children cct indent = mconcat $ replicate depth " " forM_ children $ \(cc, childCct) -> do lbl <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccLabel cc mdl <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccModule cc loc <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccSrcSpan cc let description = mdl <> "." <> lbl <> " (" <> loc <> ")" modify $ (:) $ indent <> description <> "\t" <> show (_costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries childCct) <> "\t" <> show (_costCentreTree_ownEntries childCct) go (succ depth) childCct showProfilingData :: IO () showProfilingData = do putStr =<< formatCostCentreTree =<< getCostCentreTree writeProfilingData :: FilePath -> IO () writeProfilingData p = do writeFile p =<< formatCostCentreTree =<< getCostCentreTree newtype ProfiledM m a = ProfiledM { runProfiledM :: m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadException, MonadAsyncException) profileEvent :: Reflex t => Event t a -> Event t a profileEvent e = unsafePerformIO $ do stack <- getCurrentCCS e let f x = unsafePerformIO $ do modifyIORef' profilingData $ Map.insertWith (+) stack 1 return $ return $ Just x return $ pushCheap f e --TODO: Instead of profiling just the input or output of each one, profile all the inputs and all the outputs instance Reflex t => Reflex (ProfiledTimeline t) where newtype Behavior (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Behavior_Profiled { unBehavior_Profiled :: Behavior t a } newtype Event (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Event_Profiled { unEvent_Profiled :: Event t a } newtype Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Dynamic_Profiled { unDynamic_Profiled :: Dynamic t a } newtype Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) p = Incremental_Profiled { unIncremental_Profiled :: Incremental t p } type PushM (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (PushM t) type PullM (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (PullM t) never = Event_Profiled never constant = Behavior_Profiled . constant push f (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ push (coerce f) $ profileEvent e -- Profile before rather than after; this way fanout won't count against us pushCheap f (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ pushCheap (coerce f) $ profileEvent e pull = Behavior_Profiled . pull . coerce merge :: forall k. GCompare k => DMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t)) -> Event (ProfiledTimeline t) (DMap k Identity) merge = Event_Profiled . merge . (unsafeCoerce :: DMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t)) -> DMap k (Event t)) fanG (Event_Profiled e) = EventSelectorG $ coerce $ selectG (fanG $ profileEvent e) switch (Behavior_Profiled b) = coerce $ profileEvent $ switch (coerceBehavior b) coincidence (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ profileEvent $ coincidence (coerceEvent e) current (Dynamic_Profiled d) = coerce $ current d updated (Dynamic_Profiled d) = coerce $ profileEvent $ updated d unsafeBuildDynamic (ProfiledM a0) (Event_Profiled a') = coerce $ unsafeBuildDynamic a0 a' unsafeBuildIncremental (ProfiledM a0) (Event_Profiled a') = coerce $ unsafeBuildIncremental a0 a' mergeIncremental = Event_Profiled . mergeIncremental . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchDMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t))) -> Incremental t (PatchDMap k (Event t))) mergeIncrementalWithMove = Event_Profiled . mergeIncrementalWithMove . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchDMapWithMove k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t))) -> Incremental t (PatchDMapWithMove k (Event t))) currentIncremental (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ currentIncremental i updatedIncremental (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ profileEvent $ updatedIncremental i incrementalToDynamic (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ incrementalToDynamic i behaviorCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case behaviorCoercion c :: Coercion (Behavior t a) (Behavior t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce eventCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case eventCoercion c :: Coercion (Event t a) (Event t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce dynamicCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case dynamicCoercion c :: Coercion (Dynamic t a) (Dynamic t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce mergeIntIncremental = Event_Profiled . mergeIntIncremental . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchIntMap (Event (ProfiledTimeline t) a)) -> Incremental t (PatchIntMap (Event t a))) fanInt (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ fanInt $ profileEvent e deriving instance Functor (Dynamic t) => Functor (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) deriving instance Applicative (Dynamic t) => Applicative (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) deriving instance Monad (Dynamic t) => Monad (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) instance MonadHold t m => MonadHold (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where hold v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Behavior_Profiled <$> hold v0 v' holdDyn v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Dynamic_Profiled <$> holdDyn v0 v' holdIncremental v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Incremental_Profiled <$> holdIncremental v0 v' buildDynamic (ProfiledM v0) (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Dynamic_Profiled <$> buildDynamic v0 v' headE (Event_Profiled e) = ProfiledM $ Event_Profiled <$> headE e instance MonadSample t m => MonadSample (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where sample (Behavior_Profiled b) = ProfiledM $ sample b instance MonadTrans ProfiledM where lift = ProfiledM instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ProfiledM m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance PerformEvent t m => PerformEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where type Performable (ProfiledM m) = Performable m performEvent_ = lift . performEvent_ . coerce performEvent = lift . fmap coerce . performEvent . coerce instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (ProfiledM m) where type Ref (ProfiledM m) = Ref m newRef = lift . newRef readRef = lift . readRef writeRef r = lift . writeRef r instance MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m => MonadReflexCreateTrigger (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where newEventWithTrigger = lift . fmap coerce . newEventWithTrigger newFanEventWithTrigger f = do es <- lift $ newFanEventWithTrigger f return $ EventSelector $ \k -> coerce $ select es k instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ProfiledM m) where ask = lift ask local f (ProfiledM a) = ProfiledM $ local f a reader = lift . reader instance ReflexHost t => ReflexHost (ProfiledTimeline t) where type EventTrigger (ProfiledTimeline t) = EventTrigger t type EventHandle (ProfiledTimeline t) = EventHandle t type HostFrame (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (HostFrame t) instance MonadSubscribeEvent t m => MonadSubscribeEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where subscribeEvent = lift . subscribeEvent . coerce instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (ProfiledM m) where type PrimState (ProfiledM m) = PrimState m primitive = lift . primitive instance MonadReflexHost t m => MonadReflexHost (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where type ReadPhase (ProfiledM m) = ProfiledM (ReadPhase m) fireEventsAndRead ts r = lift $ fireEventsAndRead ts $ coerce r runHostFrame = lift . runHostFrame . coerce instance MonadReadEvent t m => MonadReadEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where readEvent = lift . fmap coerce . readEvent
# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls # | Module: Description: profiling/cost-center information. TODO: Instead of profiling just the input or output of each one, profile all the inputs and all the outputs Profile before rather than after; this way fanout won't count against us
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE InstanceSigs # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # Reflex . Profiled This module contains an instance of the ' Reflex ' class that provides module Reflex.Profiled where import Control.Lens hiding (children) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Exception import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.Primitive import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Ref import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, execStateT, modify) import Data.Coerce import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap, GCompare) import Data.FastMutableIntMap import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Semigroup as S import Data.Type.Coercion import Foreign.Ptr import GHC.Foreign import GHC.IO.Encoding import GHC.Stack import Reflex.Class import Reflex.Host.Class import Reflex.PerformEvent.Class import System.IO.Unsafe import Unsafe.Coerce data ProfiledTimeline t # NOINLINE profilingData # profilingData :: IORef (Map (Ptr CostCentreStack) Int) profilingData = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Map.empty data CostCentreTree = CostCentreTree { _costCentreTree_ownEntries :: !Int , _costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries :: !Int , _costCentreTree_children :: !(Map (Ptr CostCentre) CostCentreTree) } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance S.Semigroup CostCentreTree where (CostCentreTree oa ea ca) <> (CostCentreTree ob eb cb) = CostCentreTree (oa + ob) (ea + eb) $ Map.unionWith (S.<>) ca cb instance Monoid CostCentreTree where mempty = CostCentreTree 0 0 mempty mappend = (S.<>) getCostCentreStack :: Ptr CostCentreStack -> IO [Ptr CostCentre] getCostCentreStack = go [] where go l ccs = if ccs == nullPtr then return l else do cc <- ccsCC ccs parent <- ccsParent ccs go (cc : l) parent toCostCentreTree :: Ptr CostCentreStack -> Int -> IO CostCentreTree toCostCentreTree ccs n = do ccList <- getCostCentreStack ccs return $ foldr (\cc child -> CostCentreTree 0 n $ Map.singleton cc child) (CostCentreTree n n mempty) ccList getCostCentreTree :: IO CostCentreTree getCostCentreTree = do vals <- readIORef profilingData mconcat <$> mapM (uncurry toCostCentreTree) (Map.toList vals) formatCostCentreTree :: CostCentreTree -> IO String formatCostCentreTree cct0 = unlines . reverse <$> execStateT (go 0 cct0) [] where go :: Int -> CostCentreTree -> StateT [String] IO () go depth cct = do let children = sortOn (Down . _costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries . snd) $ Map.toList $ _costCentreTree_children cct indent = mconcat $ replicate depth " " forM_ children $ \(cc, childCct) -> do lbl <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccLabel cc mdl <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccModule cc loc <- liftIO $ peekCString utf8 =<< ccSrcSpan cc let description = mdl <> "." <> lbl <> " (" <> loc <> ")" modify $ (:) $ indent <> description <> "\t" <> show (_costCentreTree_cumulativeEntries childCct) <> "\t" <> show (_costCentreTree_ownEntries childCct) go (succ depth) childCct showProfilingData :: IO () showProfilingData = do putStr =<< formatCostCentreTree =<< getCostCentreTree writeProfilingData :: FilePath -> IO () writeProfilingData p = do writeFile p =<< formatCostCentreTree =<< getCostCentreTree newtype ProfiledM m a = ProfiledM { runProfiledM :: m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadException, MonadAsyncException) profileEvent :: Reflex t => Event t a -> Event t a profileEvent e = unsafePerformIO $ do stack <- getCurrentCCS e let f x = unsafePerformIO $ do modifyIORef' profilingData $ Map.insertWith (+) stack 1 return $ return $ Just x return $ pushCheap f e instance Reflex t => Reflex (ProfiledTimeline t) where newtype Behavior (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Behavior_Profiled { unBehavior_Profiled :: Behavior t a } newtype Event (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Event_Profiled { unEvent_Profiled :: Event t a } newtype Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t) a = Dynamic_Profiled { unDynamic_Profiled :: Dynamic t a } newtype Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) p = Incremental_Profiled { unIncremental_Profiled :: Incremental t p } type PushM (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (PushM t) type PullM (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (PullM t) never = Event_Profiled never constant = Behavior_Profiled . constant pushCheap f (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ pushCheap (coerce f) $ profileEvent e pull = Behavior_Profiled . pull . coerce merge :: forall k. GCompare k => DMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t)) -> Event (ProfiledTimeline t) (DMap k Identity) merge = Event_Profiled . merge . (unsafeCoerce :: DMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t)) -> DMap k (Event t)) fanG (Event_Profiled e) = EventSelectorG $ coerce $ selectG (fanG $ profileEvent e) switch (Behavior_Profiled b) = coerce $ profileEvent $ switch (coerceBehavior b) coincidence (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ profileEvent $ coincidence (coerceEvent e) current (Dynamic_Profiled d) = coerce $ current d updated (Dynamic_Profiled d) = coerce $ profileEvent $ updated d unsafeBuildDynamic (ProfiledM a0) (Event_Profiled a') = coerce $ unsafeBuildDynamic a0 a' unsafeBuildIncremental (ProfiledM a0) (Event_Profiled a') = coerce $ unsafeBuildIncremental a0 a' mergeIncremental = Event_Profiled . mergeIncremental . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchDMap k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t))) -> Incremental t (PatchDMap k (Event t))) mergeIncrementalWithMove = Event_Profiled . mergeIncrementalWithMove . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchDMapWithMove k (Event (ProfiledTimeline t))) -> Incremental t (PatchDMapWithMove k (Event t))) currentIncremental (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ currentIncremental i updatedIncremental (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ profileEvent $ updatedIncremental i incrementalToDynamic (Incremental_Profiled i) = coerce $ incrementalToDynamic i behaviorCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case behaviorCoercion c :: Coercion (Behavior t a) (Behavior t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce eventCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case eventCoercion c :: Coercion (Event t a) (Event t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce dynamicCoercion (c :: Coercion a b) = case dynamicCoercion c :: Coercion (Dynamic t a) (Dynamic t b) of TODO : Figure out how to make this typecheck without the unsafeCoerce mergeIntIncremental = Event_Profiled . mergeIntIncremental . (unsafeCoerce :: Incremental (ProfiledTimeline t) (PatchIntMap (Event (ProfiledTimeline t) a)) -> Incremental t (PatchIntMap (Event t a))) fanInt (Event_Profiled e) = coerce $ fanInt $ profileEvent e deriving instance Functor (Dynamic t) => Functor (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) deriving instance Applicative (Dynamic t) => Applicative (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) deriving instance Monad (Dynamic t) => Monad (Dynamic (ProfiledTimeline t)) instance MonadHold t m => MonadHold (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where hold v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Behavior_Profiled <$> hold v0 v' holdDyn v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Dynamic_Profiled <$> holdDyn v0 v' holdIncremental v0 (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Incremental_Profiled <$> holdIncremental v0 v' buildDynamic (ProfiledM v0) (Event_Profiled v') = ProfiledM $ Dynamic_Profiled <$> buildDynamic v0 v' headE (Event_Profiled e) = ProfiledM $ Event_Profiled <$> headE e instance MonadSample t m => MonadSample (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where sample (Behavior_Profiled b) = ProfiledM $ sample b instance MonadTrans ProfiledM where lift = ProfiledM instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ProfiledM m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance PerformEvent t m => PerformEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where type Performable (ProfiledM m) = Performable m performEvent_ = lift . performEvent_ . coerce performEvent = lift . fmap coerce . performEvent . coerce instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (ProfiledM m) where type Ref (ProfiledM m) = Ref m newRef = lift . newRef readRef = lift . readRef writeRef r = lift . writeRef r instance MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m => MonadReflexCreateTrigger (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where newEventWithTrigger = lift . fmap coerce . newEventWithTrigger newFanEventWithTrigger f = do es <- lift $ newFanEventWithTrigger f return $ EventSelector $ \k -> coerce $ select es k instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ProfiledM m) where ask = lift ask local f (ProfiledM a) = ProfiledM $ local f a reader = lift . reader instance ReflexHost t => ReflexHost (ProfiledTimeline t) where type EventTrigger (ProfiledTimeline t) = EventTrigger t type EventHandle (ProfiledTimeline t) = EventHandle t type HostFrame (ProfiledTimeline t) = ProfiledM (HostFrame t) instance MonadSubscribeEvent t m => MonadSubscribeEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where subscribeEvent = lift . subscribeEvent . coerce instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (ProfiledM m) where type PrimState (ProfiledM m) = PrimState m primitive = lift . primitive instance MonadReflexHost t m => MonadReflexHost (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where type ReadPhase (ProfiledM m) = ProfiledM (ReadPhase m) fireEventsAndRead ts r = lift $ fireEventsAndRead ts $ coerce r runHostFrame = lift . runHostFrame . coerce instance MonadReadEvent t m => MonadReadEvent (ProfiledTimeline t) (ProfiledM m) where readEvent = lift . fmap coerce . readEvent
(ns expound.paths-test (:require [clojure.test :as ct :refer [is deftest use-fixtures]] [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen] [com.gfredericks.test.chuck.clojure-test :refer [checking]] [expound.paths :as paths] [expound.test-utils :as test-utils] [com.gfredericks.test.chuck :as chuck])) (def num-tests 100) (use-fixtures :once test-utils/check-spec-assertions test-utils/instrument-all) (deftest compare-paths-test (checking "path to a key comes before a path to a value" 10 [k gen/simple-type-printable] (is (= -1 (paths/compare-paths [(paths/->KeyPathSegment k)] [k]))) (is (= 1 (paths/compare-paths [k] [(paths/->KeyPathSegment k)]))))) (defn nth-value [form i] (let [seq (remove map-entry? (tree-seq coll? seq form))] (nth seq (mod i (count seq))))) (deftest paths-to-value-test (checking "value-in is inverse of paths-to-value" (chuck/times num-tests) [form test-utils/any-printable-wo-nan i gen/nat :let [x (nth-value form i) paths (paths/paths-to-value form x [] [])]] (is (seq paths)) (doseq [path paths] (is (= x (paths/value-in form path))))))
(ns expound.paths-test (:require [clojure.test :as ct :refer [is deftest use-fixtures]] [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen] [com.gfredericks.test.chuck.clojure-test :refer [checking]] [expound.paths :as paths] [expound.test-utils :as test-utils] [com.gfredericks.test.chuck :as chuck])) (def num-tests 100) (use-fixtures :once test-utils/check-spec-assertions test-utils/instrument-all) (deftest compare-paths-test (checking "path to a key comes before a path to a value" 10 [k gen/simple-type-printable] (is (= -1 (paths/compare-paths [(paths/->KeyPathSegment k)] [k]))) (is (= 1 (paths/compare-paths [k] [(paths/->KeyPathSegment k)]))))) (defn nth-value [form i] (let [seq (remove map-entry? (tree-seq coll? seq form))] (nth seq (mod i (count seq))))) (deftest paths-to-value-test (checking "value-in is inverse of paths-to-value" (chuck/times num-tests) [form test-utils/any-printable-wo-nan i gen/nat :let [x (nth-value form i) paths (paths/paths-to-value form x [] [])]] (is (seq paths)) (doseq [path paths] (is (= x (paths/value-in form path))))))
(ns cortex.optimise.optimisers-test (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * /]) (:require [clojure.core.matrix.operators :refer [+ - * /]] [clojure.test :refer :all] [cortex.optimise.optimisers :refer :all] [cortex.optimise.protocols :as cp] [cortex.util :refer [approx= def-]])) Protocol extensions (def- test-optimiser-map {:initialize (fn [param-count] {:velocity (vec (repeat param-count 0))}) :update (fn [{:keys [params velocity]} gradient] {:params (+ params velocity) :velocity (+ velocity gradient)})}) (def- test-optimiser-fn (fn [params gradient] (+ params gradient))) (deftest protocol-extension-test (testing "map as optimiser" (is (= (->> test-optimiser-map (iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %) [0 0 0]))) (map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state)) (rest) (take 3)) [[[0 0 0] {:velocity [1 2 3]}] [[1 2 3] {:velocity [2 4 6]}] [[3 6 9] {:velocity [3 6 9]}]]))) (testing "fn as optimiser" (is (= (->> test-optimiser-fn (iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %) [0 0 0]))) (map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state)) (rest) (take 3)) [[[1 2 3] {}] [[2 4 6] {}] [[3 6 9] {}]])))) Clojure implementations ;;; Ideally, there would be a standard way to mutate the internal state of an ;;; optimiser, so that this code didn't have to rely on optimisers being of ;;; particular types. But since they are maps, it's easy to do the mutation ;;; directly, using assoc. (deftest sgd-clojure-test (is (= (-> (sgd-clojure :learning-rate 5) (cp/compute-parameters [2 4 8] [1 2 3]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) [[-9 -18 -37] {}]))) (deftest adadelta-clojure-test (is (approx= 1e-8 (-> (adadelta-clojure :decay-rate 0.5 :conditioning 1) (assoc-in [:state :acc-gradient] [6 3 9]) (assoc-in [:state :acc-step] [7 8 7]) (dissoc :initialize) (cp/compute-parameters [2 4 8] [1 2 3]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) ;; The following was computed manually using a calculator. [[-1.309401077 -1.703280399 -0.6950417228] {:acc-gradient [5.0 9.5 36.5] :acc-step [6.166666667 10.85714286 10.32666667]}]))) (deftest adam-clojure-test (is (approx= 1e-8 (-> (adam-clojure :step-size 5 :first-moment-decay 0.75 :second-moment-decay 0.3 :conditioning 0.2) (assoc-in [:state :first-moment] [5 2 -3]) (assoc-in [:state :second-moment] [-1 -3 -8]) (assoc-in [:state :num-steps] 2) (dissoc :initialize) (cp/compute-parameters [5 3 7] [1 2 -5]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) ;; The following was computed manually using a calculator. [[-8.81811015 -5.613809809 -4.270259223] {:first-moment [5.0 2.25 -0.5] :second-moment [17.2 5.4 31.9] :num-steps 3}])))
Ideally, there would be a standard way to mutate the internal state of an optimiser, so that this code didn't have to rely on optimisers being of particular types. But since they are maps, it's easy to do the mutation directly, using assoc. The following was computed manually using a calculator. The following was computed manually using a calculator.
(ns cortex.optimise.optimisers-test (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * /]) (:require [clojure.core.matrix.operators :refer [+ - * /]] [clojure.test :refer :all] [cortex.optimise.optimisers :refer :all] [cortex.optimise.protocols :as cp] [cortex.util :refer [approx= def-]])) Protocol extensions (def- test-optimiser-map {:initialize (fn [param-count] {:velocity (vec (repeat param-count 0))}) :update (fn [{:keys [params velocity]} gradient] {:params (+ params velocity) :velocity (+ velocity gradient)})}) (def- test-optimiser-fn (fn [params gradient] (+ params gradient))) (deftest protocol-extension-test (testing "map as optimiser" (is (= (->> test-optimiser-map (iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %) [0 0 0]))) (map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state)) (rest) (take 3)) [[[0 0 0] {:velocity [1 2 3]}] [[1 2 3] {:velocity [2 4 6]}] [[3 6 9] {:velocity [3 6 9]}]]))) (testing "fn as optimiser" (is (= (->> test-optimiser-fn (iterate #(cp/compute-parameters % [1 2 3] (or (cp/parameters %) [0 0 0]))) (map (juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state)) (rest) (take 3)) [[[1 2 3] {}] [[2 4 6] {}] [[3 6 9] {}]])))) Clojure implementations (deftest sgd-clojure-test (is (= (-> (sgd-clojure :learning-rate 5) (cp/compute-parameters [2 4 8] [1 2 3]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) [[-9 -18 -37] {}]))) (deftest adadelta-clojure-test (is (approx= 1e-8 (-> (adadelta-clojure :decay-rate 0.5 :conditioning 1) (assoc-in [:state :acc-gradient] [6 3 9]) (assoc-in [:state :acc-step] [7 8 7]) (dissoc :initialize) (cp/compute-parameters [2 4 8] [1 2 3]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) [[-1.309401077 -1.703280399 -0.6950417228] {:acc-gradient [5.0 9.5 36.5] :acc-step [6.166666667 10.85714286 10.32666667]}]))) (deftest adam-clojure-test (is (approx= 1e-8 (-> (adam-clojure :step-size 5 :first-moment-decay 0.75 :second-moment-decay 0.3 :conditioning 0.2) (assoc-in [:state :first-moment] [5 2 -3]) (assoc-in [:state :second-moment] [-1 -3 -8]) (assoc-in [:state :num-steps] 2) (dissoc :initialize) (cp/compute-parameters [5 3 7] [1 2 -5]) ((juxt cp/parameters cp/get-state))) [[-8.81811015 -5.613809809 -4.270259223] {:first-moment [5.0 2.25 -0.5] :second-moment [17.2 5.4 31.9] :num-steps 3}])))
module GHC.Environment ( module Rebase.GHC.Environment ) where import Rebase.GHC.Environment
module GHC.Environment ( module Rebase.GHC.Environment ) where import Rebase.GHC.Environment
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # -- | -- Module : Primal.Monad.Raises Copyright : ( c ) 2020 - 2022 -- License : BSD3 Maintainer : < > -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- module Primal.Monad.Raises ( Raises(..) , raiseLeft , handleExceptT ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe import GHC.Conc.Sync (STM(..)) import GHC.Exts import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE, catchE) import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity (IdentityT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as Lazy (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy (StateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict (StateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy (WriterT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict (WriterT) #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 3) import Control.Monad.Trans.Accum (AccumT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Select (SelectT) #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 6) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.CPS as CPS (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS as CPS (WriterT) #endif #endif -- | Handle an exception of a specific type and re-raise any other exception -- into the `Raises` monad class. -- -- @since 1.0.0 handleExceptT :: (Exception e, Raises m) => ExceptT SomeException m a -> ExceptT e m a handleExceptT m = catchE m $ \exc -> case fromException exc of Just e -> throwE e Nothing -> lift $ raiseM exc # INLINE handleExceptT # -- | A class for monads in which exceptions may be thrown. -- -- Instances should obey the following law: -- -- > raiseM e >> x = raiseM e -- -- In other words, throwing an exception short-circuits the rest of the monadic -- computation. -- -- === Note -- -- This is an almost identical class to -- [MonadThrow](-Monad-Catch.html#t:MonadThrow) -- from @exceptions@ package. The reason why it was copied, instead of a direct dependency on the aforementioned package is because @MonadCatch@ and @MonadMask@ are not right -- abstractions for exception handling in presence of concurrency and also because -- instances for such transformers as `MaybeT` and `ExceptT` are flawed. class Monad m => Raises m where -- | Throw an exception. Note that this throws when this action is run in -- the monad @m@, not when it is applied. It is a generalization of " Primal . Exception " 's ' Primal.Exception.throw ' . -- raiseM :: Exception e => e -> m a instance Raises Maybe where raiseM _ = Nothing instance e ~ SomeException => Raises (Either e) where raiseM = Left . toException instance Raises IO where raiseM = throwIO instance Raises (ST s) where raiseM e = unsafeIOToST $ throwIO e instance Raises STM where raiseM e = STM $ raiseIO# (toException e) instance Raises m => Raises (ContT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (e ~ SomeException, Monad m) => Raises (ExceptT e m) where raiseM e = ExceptT (pure (Left (toException e))) instance Raises m => Raises (IdentityT m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Monad m => Raises (MaybeT m) where raiseM _ = MaybeT (pure Nothing) instance Raises m => Raises (ReaderT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Lazy.RWST r w s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Strict.RWST r w s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (Lazy.StateT s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (Strict.StateT s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Lazy.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Strict.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 3) instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (AccumT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (SelectT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 6) instance Raises m => Raises (CPS.RWST r w st m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (CPS.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #endif #endif -- | Raise an exception when it is supplied with Left or return a value unmodified upon Right. -- -- @since 1.0.0 raiseLeft :: (Exception e, Raises m) => Either e a -> m a raiseLeft = \case Left exc -> raiseM exc Right res -> pure res
| Module : Primal.Monad.Raises License : BSD3 Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable | Handle an exception of a specific type and re-raise any other exception into the `Raises` monad class. @since 1.0.0 | A class for monads in which exceptions may be thrown. Instances should obey the following law: > raiseM e >> x = raiseM e In other words, throwing an exception short-circuits the rest of the monadic computation. === Note This is an almost identical class to [MonadThrow](-Monad-Catch.html#t:MonadThrow) from @exceptions@ package. The reason why it was copied, instead of a direct dependency abstractions for exception handling in presence of concurrency and also because instances for such transformers as `MaybeT` and `ExceptT` are flawed. | Throw an exception. Note that this throws when this action is run in the monad @m@, not when it is applied. It is a generalization of | Raise an exception when it is supplied with Left or return a value unmodified upon Right. @since 1.0.0
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # Copyright : ( c ) 2020 - 2022 Maintainer : < > module Primal.Monad.Raises ( Raises(..) , raiseLeft , handleExceptT ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe import GHC.Conc.Sync (STM(..)) import GHC.Exts import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE, catchE) import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity (IdentityT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as Lazy (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy (StateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict (StateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy (WriterT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict (WriterT) #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 3) import Control.Monad.Trans.Accum (AccumT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Select (SelectT) #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 6) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.CPS as CPS (RWST) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS as CPS (WriterT) #endif #endif handleExceptT :: (Exception e, Raises m) => ExceptT SomeException m a -> ExceptT e m a handleExceptT m = catchE m $ \exc -> case fromException exc of Just e -> throwE e Nothing -> lift $ raiseM exc # INLINE handleExceptT # on the aforementioned package is because @MonadCatch@ and @MonadMask@ are not right class Monad m => Raises m where " Primal . Exception " 's ' Primal.Exception.throw ' . raiseM :: Exception e => e -> m a instance Raises Maybe where raiseM _ = Nothing instance e ~ SomeException => Raises (Either e) where raiseM = Left . toException instance Raises IO where raiseM = throwIO instance Raises (ST s) where raiseM e = unsafeIOToST $ throwIO e instance Raises STM where raiseM e = STM $ raiseIO# (toException e) instance Raises m => Raises (ContT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (e ~ SomeException, Monad m) => Raises (ExceptT e m) where raiseM e = ExceptT (pure (Left (toException e))) instance Raises m => Raises (IdentityT m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Monad m => Raises (MaybeT m) where raiseM _ = MaybeT (pure Nothing) instance Raises m => Raises (ReaderT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Lazy.RWST r w s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Strict.RWST r w s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (Lazy.StateT s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (Strict.StateT s m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Lazy.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (Strict.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 3) instance (Monoid w, Raises m) => Raises (AccumT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (SelectT r m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0, 5, 6) instance Raises m => Raises (CPS.RWST r w st m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM instance Raises m => Raises (CPS.WriterT w m) where raiseM = lift . raiseM #endif #endif raiseLeft :: (Exception e, Raises m) => Either e a -> m a raiseLeft = \case Left exc -> raiseM exc Right res -> pure res
(* TEST * hasunix include unix ** bytecode ** native *) * Copyright ( c ) 2015 , < > * Copyright ( c ) 2015 , < > * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (c) 2015, Theo Laurent <> * Copyright (c) 2015, KC Sivaramakrishnan <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) queue module type BS = sig type t val create : ?max:int -> unit -> t val once : t -> unit val reset : t -> unit end module B : BS = struct type t = int * int ref let _ = Random.self_init () let create ?(max=32) () = (max, ref 1) let once (maxv, r) = let t = Random.int (!r) in r := min (2 * !r) maxv; if t = 0 then () else ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] (0.001 *. (float_of_int t))) let reset (_,r) = r := 1 end (* TODO KC: Replace with concurrent lock free bag -- * *) module type QS = sig type 'a t val create : unit -> 'a t val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit val pop : 'a t -> 'a option val clean_until : 'a t -> ('a -> bool) -> unit type 'a cursor val snapshot : 'a t -> 'a cursor val next : 'a cursor -> ('a * 'a cursor) option end module Q : QS = struct type 'a node = | Nil | Next of 'a * 'a node Atomic.t type 'a t = { head : 'a node Atomic.t ; tail : 'a node Atomic.t } let create () = let head = (Next (Obj.magic (), Atomic.make Nil)) in { head = Atomic.make head ; tail = Atomic.make head } let is_empty q = match Atomic.get q.head with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.is_empty: impossible" | Next (_,x) -> ( match Atomic.get x with | Nil -> true | _ -> false ) let pop q = let b = B.create () in let rec loop () = let s = Atomic.get q.head in let nhead = match s with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.pop: impossible" | Next (_, x) -> Atomic.get x in match nhead with | Nil -> None | Next (v, _) when Atomic.compare_and_set q.head s nhead -> Some v | _ -> ( B.once b ; loop () ) in loop () let push q v = let rec find_tail_and_enq curr_end node = if Atomic.compare_and_set curr_end Nil node then () else match Atomic.get curr_end with | Nil -> find_tail_and_enq curr_end node | Next (_, n) -> find_tail_and_enq n node in let newnode = Next (v, Atomic.make Nil) in let tail = Atomic.get q.tail in match tail with | Nil -> failwith "HW_MSQueue.push: impossible" | Next (_, n) -> begin find_tail_and_enq n newnode; ignore (Atomic.compare_and_set q.tail tail newnode) end let rec clean_until q f = let b = B.create () in let rec loop () = let s = Atomic.get q.head in let nhead = match s with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.pop: impossible" | Next (_, x) -> Atomic.get x in match nhead with | Nil -> () | Next (v, _) -> if not (f v) then if Atomic.compare_and_set q.head s nhead then (B.reset b; loop ()) else (B.once b; loop ()) else () in loop () type 'a cursor = 'a node let snapshot q = match Atomic.get q.head with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.snapshot: impossible" | Next (_, n) -> Atomic.get n let next c = match c with | Nil -> None | Next (a, n) -> Some (a, Atomic.get n) end module Scheduler = struct open Effect open Effect.Deep type 'a cont = ('a, unit) continuation type _ t += Suspend : ('a cont -> 'a option) -> 'a t | Resume : ('a cont * 'a) -> unit t | GetTid : int t | Spawn : (unit -> unit) -> unit t | Yield : unit t let suspend f = perform (Suspend f) let resume t v = perform (Resume (t, v)) let get_tid () = perform GetTid let spawn f = perform (Spawn f) let yield () = perform Yield let pqueue = Q.create () let get_free_pid () = Oo.id (object end) let enqueue k = Q.push pqueue k; Gc.minor () let rec dequeue () = match Q.pop pqueue with | Some k -> continue k () | None -> ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] 0.01); dequeue () let rec exec f = let pid = get_free_pid () in match_with f () { retc = (fun () -> dequeue ()); exnc = (fun e -> raise e); effc = fun (type a) (e : a t) -> match e with | Suspend f -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> match f k with | None -> dequeue () | Some v -> continue k v) | Resume (t, v) -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; continue t v) | GetTid -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> continue k pid) | Spawn f -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; exec f) | Yield -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; dequeue ()) | _ -> None } let num_threads = 2 let start f = for i = 1 to num_threads - 1 do ignore (Domain.spawn dequeue) done; exec f end let _ = let procs = 4 in let counter = Atomic.make 0 in let rec finish () = let v = Atomic.get counter in if not (Atomic.compare_and_set counter v (v+1)) then finish (); if v + 1 = procs then exit 0 in let rec worker n = let r = ref 0 in for i = 1 to 10000 do Scheduler.yield (); for j = 1 to 10000 do incr r done done; print_string (Printf.sprintf "done %d\n" !r); flush stdout; finish () in Scheduler.start (fun () -> for i = 1 to procs do ( ) ; Scheduler.spawn (fun () -> worker i) done; )
TEST * hasunix include unix ** bytecode ** native TODO KC: Replace with concurrent lock free bag -- *
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 , < > * Copyright ( c ) 2015 , < > * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (c) 2015, Theo Laurent <> * Copyright (c) 2015, KC Sivaramakrishnan <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) queue module type BS = sig type t val create : ?max:int -> unit -> t val once : t -> unit val reset : t -> unit end module B : BS = struct type t = int * int ref let _ = Random.self_init () let create ?(max=32) () = (max, ref 1) let once (maxv, r) = let t = Random.int (!r) in r := min (2 * !r) maxv; if t = 0 then () else ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] (0.001 *. (float_of_int t))) let reset (_,r) = r := 1 end module type QS = sig type 'a t val create : unit -> 'a t val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit val pop : 'a t -> 'a option val clean_until : 'a t -> ('a -> bool) -> unit type 'a cursor val snapshot : 'a t -> 'a cursor val next : 'a cursor -> ('a * 'a cursor) option end module Q : QS = struct type 'a node = | Nil | Next of 'a * 'a node Atomic.t type 'a t = { head : 'a node Atomic.t ; tail : 'a node Atomic.t } let create () = let head = (Next (Obj.magic (), Atomic.make Nil)) in { head = Atomic.make head ; tail = Atomic.make head } let is_empty q = match Atomic.get q.head with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.is_empty: impossible" | Next (_,x) -> ( match Atomic.get x with | Nil -> true | _ -> false ) let pop q = let b = B.create () in let rec loop () = let s = Atomic.get q.head in let nhead = match s with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.pop: impossible" | Next (_, x) -> Atomic.get x in match nhead with | Nil -> None | Next (v, _) when Atomic.compare_and_set q.head s nhead -> Some v | _ -> ( B.once b ; loop () ) in loop () let push q v = let rec find_tail_and_enq curr_end node = if Atomic.compare_and_set curr_end Nil node then () else match Atomic.get curr_end with | Nil -> find_tail_and_enq curr_end node | Next (_, n) -> find_tail_and_enq n node in let newnode = Next (v, Atomic.make Nil) in let tail = Atomic.get q.tail in match tail with | Nil -> failwith "HW_MSQueue.push: impossible" | Next (_, n) -> begin find_tail_and_enq n newnode; ignore (Atomic.compare_and_set q.tail tail newnode) end let rec clean_until q f = let b = B.create () in let rec loop () = let s = Atomic.get q.head in let nhead = match s with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.pop: impossible" | Next (_, x) -> Atomic.get x in match nhead with | Nil -> () | Next (v, _) -> if not (f v) then if Atomic.compare_and_set q.head s nhead then (B.reset b; loop ()) else (B.once b; loop ()) else () in loop () type 'a cursor = 'a node let snapshot q = match Atomic.get q.head with | Nil -> failwith "MSQueue.snapshot: impossible" | Next (_, n) -> Atomic.get n let next c = match c with | Nil -> None | Next (a, n) -> Some (a, Atomic.get n) end module Scheduler = struct open Effect open Effect.Deep type 'a cont = ('a, unit) continuation type _ t += Suspend : ('a cont -> 'a option) -> 'a t | Resume : ('a cont * 'a) -> unit t | GetTid : int t | Spawn : (unit -> unit) -> unit t | Yield : unit t let suspend f = perform (Suspend f) let resume t v = perform (Resume (t, v)) let get_tid () = perform GetTid let spawn f = perform (Spawn f) let yield () = perform Yield let pqueue = Q.create () let get_free_pid () = Oo.id (object end) let enqueue k = Q.push pqueue k; Gc.minor () let rec dequeue () = match Q.pop pqueue with | Some k -> continue k () | None -> ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] 0.01); dequeue () let rec exec f = let pid = get_free_pid () in match_with f () { retc = (fun () -> dequeue ()); exnc = (fun e -> raise e); effc = fun (type a) (e : a t) -> match e with | Suspend f -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> match f k with | None -> dequeue () | Some v -> continue k v) | Resume (t, v) -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; continue t v) | GetTid -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> continue k pid) | Spawn f -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; exec f) | Yield -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> enqueue k; dequeue ()) | _ -> None } let num_threads = 2 let start f = for i = 1 to num_threads - 1 do ignore (Domain.spawn dequeue) done; exec f end let _ = let procs = 4 in let counter = Atomic.make 0 in let rec finish () = let v = Atomic.get counter in if not (Atomic.compare_and_set counter v (v+1)) then finish (); if v + 1 = procs then exit 0 in let rec worker n = let r = ref 0 in for i = 1 to 10000 do Scheduler.yield (); for j = 1 to 10000 do incr r done done; print_string (Printf.sprintf "done %d\n" !r); flush stdout; finish () in Scheduler.start (fun () -> for i = 1 to procs do ( ) ; Scheduler.spawn (fun () -> worker i) done; )
Modified by TrustInSoft (**************************************************************************) (* *) This file is part of WP plug - in of Frama - C. (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 CEA ( Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies (* alternatives) *) (* *) (* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *) Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . (* *) (* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) (* *) See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . (* *) (**************************************************************************) open VCS (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --- Prover Implementation against Task API --- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open Task open Wpo let dispatch wpo mode prover = begin match prover with | AltErgo -> ProverErgo.prove mode wpo | Coq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo | Why3 prover -> ProverWhy3.prove ~prover wpo | Qed -> Task.return VCS.unknown | _ -> Task.failed "Prover '%a' not available" VCS.pp_prover prover end let qed_time wpo = match wpo.po_formula with | GoalCheck _ | GoalLemma _ -> 0.0 | GoalAnnot vcq -> GOAL.qed_time vcq.VC_Annot.goal let started ?start wpo = match start with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo let signal ?callin wpo prover = match callin with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo prover let update ?callback wpo prover result = Wpo.set_result wpo prover result ; match callback with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo prover result let run_prover wpo ?(mode=BatchMode) ?callin ?callback prover = signal ?callin wpo prover ; dispatch wpo mode prover >>> fun status -> let result = match status with | Task.Result r -> r | Task.Canceled -> VCS.no_result | Task.Timeout -> VCS.timeout | Task.Failed exn -> VCS.failed (error exn) in let result = { result with solver_time = qed_time wpo } in update ?callback wpo prover result ; Task.return (Wpo.is_valid result) let resolve wpo = match wpo.po_formula with | GoalAnnot vcq -> VC_Annot.resolve vcq | GoalLemma vca -> VC_Lemma.is_trivial vca | GoalCheck _ -> false let simplify ?start ?callback wpo = Task.call (fun wpo -> let r = Wpo.get_result wpo VCS.Qed in VCS.( r.verdict == Valid ) || begin started ?start wpo ; if resolve wpo then let time = qed_time wpo in let result = VCS.result ~time VCS.Valid in (update ?callback wpo VCS.Qed result ; true) else false end) wpo let prove wpo ?mode ?start ?callin ?callback prover = simplify ?start ?callback wpo >>= fun succeed -> if succeed then Task.return true else (run_prover wpo ?mode ?callin ?callback prover) let spawn wpo ?start ?callin ?callback ?success provers = let do_monitor f wpo = function | None -> f wpo None | Some p -> let r = Wpo.get_result wpo VCS.Qed in let p = if VCS.( r.verdict == Valid ) then VCS.Qed else p in f wpo (Some p) in let monitor = match success with | None -> None | Some f -> Some (do_monitor f wpo) in ProverTask.spawn ?monitor begin List.map (fun (mode,prover) -> prover , prove wpo ~mode ?start ?callin ?callback prover) provers end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* --- Why3ide --- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) module String = Datatype.String (** Different instance of why3ide can't be run simultanely *) let why3ide_running = ref false (** Update Wpo from Sessions *) let update_wpo_from_session ?callback ~goals ~session:filename_session () = let open ProverWhy3 in let open Why3_session in let module HStr = String.Hashtbl in let session = read_session filename_session in Wpo.S.Hashtbl.iter (fun wpo g -> match g with proved by QED let time = qed_time wpo in let result = VCS.result ~time VCS.Valid in update ?callback wpo VCS.Qed result; update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide (VCS.result VCS.NoResult) | Some g -> try let filename = Filepath.relativize ~base:filename_session g.gfile in let file = HStr.find session.session_files filename in let theory = HStr.find file.file_theories g.gtheory in let goal = HStr.find theory.theory_goals g.ggoal in let result = VCS.result (if goal.goal_verified then VCS.Valid else VCS.NoResult) in update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide result with Not_found -> if Wp_parameters.has_dkey "prover" then Wp_parameters.feedback "[WP.Why3ide] a goal normally present in generated file \ is not present in the session: %s %s %s@." g.gfile g.gtheory g.ggoal; update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide (VCS.result VCS.NoResult) ) goals; why3ide_running := false let wp_why3ide ?callback iter = let includes = String.Hashtbl.create 2 in let files = String.Hashtbl.create 5 in let goals = Wpo.S.Hashtbl.create 24 in let on_goal wpo = match ProverWhy3.assemble_wpo wpo with | None -> Wpo.S.Hashtbl.add goals wpo None; | Some (incs,goal) -> Wpo.S.Hashtbl.add goals wpo (Some goal); List.iter (fun f -> String.Hashtbl.replace includes f ()) incs; String.Hashtbl.replace files goal.ProverWhy3.gfile () in iter on_goal; let dir = Wp_parameters.get_output () in let session = Format.sprintf "%s/project.session" dir in let get_value h = String.Hashtbl.fold_sorted (fun s () acc -> s::acc) h [] in let includes = get_value includes in let files = get_value files in if files = [] then (why3ide_running := false; Task.nop) else begin ProverWhy3.call_ide ~includes ~files ~session >>= fun ok -> begin if ok then begin try update_wpo_from_session ?callback ~goals ~session () with Why3_session.LoadError -> Wp_parameters.error "[WP] why3session: can't import back why3 results because of \ previous error" end; Task.return () end end let wp_why3ide ?callback iter = if !why3ide_running then begin Wp_parameters.feedback "Why3ide is already running. Close it before \ starting other tasks for it."; Task.nop end else begin why3ide_running := true; wp_why3ide ?callback iter end
************************************************************************ alternatives) you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ************************************************************************ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Prover Implementation against Task API --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Why3ide --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Different instance of why3ide can't be run simultanely * Update Wpo from Sessions
Modified by TrustInSoft This file is part of WP plug - in of Frama - C. Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 CEA ( Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . open VCS open Task open Wpo let dispatch wpo mode prover = begin match prover with | AltErgo -> ProverErgo.prove mode wpo | Coq -> ProverCoq.prove mode wpo | Why3 prover -> ProverWhy3.prove ~prover wpo | Qed -> Task.return VCS.unknown | _ -> Task.failed "Prover '%a' not available" VCS.pp_prover prover end let qed_time wpo = match wpo.po_formula with | GoalCheck _ | GoalLemma _ -> 0.0 | GoalAnnot vcq -> GOAL.qed_time vcq.VC_Annot.goal let started ?start wpo = match start with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo let signal ?callin wpo prover = match callin with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo prover let update ?callback wpo prover result = Wpo.set_result wpo prover result ; match callback with | None -> () | Some f -> f wpo prover result let run_prover wpo ?(mode=BatchMode) ?callin ?callback prover = signal ?callin wpo prover ; dispatch wpo mode prover >>> fun status -> let result = match status with | Task.Result r -> r | Task.Canceled -> VCS.no_result | Task.Timeout -> VCS.timeout | Task.Failed exn -> VCS.failed (error exn) in let result = { result with solver_time = qed_time wpo } in update ?callback wpo prover result ; Task.return (Wpo.is_valid result) let resolve wpo = match wpo.po_formula with | GoalAnnot vcq -> VC_Annot.resolve vcq | GoalLemma vca -> VC_Lemma.is_trivial vca | GoalCheck _ -> false let simplify ?start ?callback wpo = Task.call (fun wpo -> let r = Wpo.get_result wpo VCS.Qed in VCS.( r.verdict == Valid ) || begin started ?start wpo ; if resolve wpo then let time = qed_time wpo in let result = VCS.result ~time VCS.Valid in (update ?callback wpo VCS.Qed result ; true) else false end) wpo let prove wpo ?mode ?start ?callin ?callback prover = simplify ?start ?callback wpo >>= fun succeed -> if succeed then Task.return true else (run_prover wpo ?mode ?callin ?callback prover) let spawn wpo ?start ?callin ?callback ?success provers = let do_monitor f wpo = function | None -> f wpo None | Some p -> let r = Wpo.get_result wpo VCS.Qed in let p = if VCS.( r.verdict == Valid ) then VCS.Qed else p in f wpo (Some p) in let monitor = match success with | None -> None | Some f -> Some (do_monitor f wpo) in ProverTask.spawn ?monitor begin List.map (fun (mode,prover) -> prover , prove wpo ~mode ?start ?callin ?callback prover) provers end module String = Datatype.String let why3ide_running = ref false let update_wpo_from_session ?callback ~goals ~session:filename_session () = let open ProverWhy3 in let open Why3_session in let module HStr = String.Hashtbl in let session = read_session filename_session in Wpo.S.Hashtbl.iter (fun wpo g -> match g with proved by QED let time = qed_time wpo in let result = VCS.result ~time VCS.Valid in update ?callback wpo VCS.Qed result; update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide (VCS.result VCS.NoResult) | Some g -> try let filename = Filepath.relativize ~base:filename_session g.gfile in let file = HStr.find session.session_files filename in let theory = HStr.find file.file_theories g.gtheory in let goal = HStr.find theory.theory_goals g.ggoal in let result = VCS.result (if goal.goal_verified then VCS.Valid else VCS.NoResult) in update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide result with Not_found -> if Wp_parameters.has_dkey "prover" then Wp_parameters.feedback "[WP.Why3ide] a goal normally present in generated file \ is not present in the session: %s %s %s@." g.gfile g.gtheory g.ggoal; update ?callback wpo VCS.Why3ide (VCS.result VCS.NoResult) ) goals; why3ide_running := false let wp_why3ide ?callback iter = let includes = String.Hashtbl.create 2 in let files = String.Hashtbl.create 5 in let goals = Wpo.S.Hashtbl.create 24 in let on_goal wpo = match ProverWhy3.assemble_wpo wpo with | None -> Wpo.S.Hashtbl.add goals wpo None; | Some (incs,goal) -> Wpo.S.Hashtbl.add goals wpo (Some goal); List.iter (fun f -> String.Hashtbl.replace includes f ()) incs; String.Hashtbl.replace files goal.ProverWhy3.gfile () in iter on_goal; let dir = Wp_parameters.get_output () in let session = Format.sprintf "%s/project.session" dir in let get_value h = String.Hashtbl.fold_sorted (fun s () acc -> s::acc) h [] in let includes = get_value includes in let files = get_value files in if files = [] then (why3ide_running := false; Task.nop) else begin ProverWhy3.call_ide ~includes ~files ~session >>= fun ok -> begin if ok then begin try update_wpo_from_session ?callback ~goals ~session () with Why3_session.LoadError -> Wp_parameters.error "[WP] why3session: can't import back why3 results because of \ previous error" end; Task.return () end end let wp_why3ide ?callback iter = if !why3ide_running then begin Wp_parameters.feedback "Why3ide is already running. Close it before \ starting other tasks for it."; Task.nop end else begin why3ide_running := true; wp_why3ide ?callback iter end
(*@ open Power *) let rec power_2_above x n = if x >= n then x else power_2_above (x * 2) n @ r = power_2_above x n requires x > 0 requires exists k. k > = 0 & & x = 2 ^ k diverges ensures exists 0 & & r = 2 ^ k & & r > = n requires x > 0 requires exists k. k >= 0 && x = 2 ^ k diverges ensures exists k. k >= 0 && r = 2 ^ k && r >= n *)
@ open Power
let rec power_2_above x n = if x >= n then x else power_2_above (x * 2) n @ r = power_2_above x n requires x > 0 requires exists k. k > = 0 & & x = 2 ^ k diverges ensures exists 0 & & r = 2 ^ k & & r > = n requires x > 0 requires exists k. k >= 0 && x = 2 ^ k diverges ensures exists k. k >= 0 && r = 2 ^ k && r >= n *)
# P34 ( * # # Euler's so-called totient function phi(m) is defined as the number of positive # integers r (1 <= r < m) that are coprime to m. # # Example: m = 10: r = 1,3,7,9; thus phi(m) = 4. Note the special case: phi(1) = 1. # # * (totient-phi 10) # 4 # # Find out what the value of phi(m) is if m is a prime number. Euler's totient # function plays an important role in one of the most widely used public key # cryptography methods (RSA). In this exercise you should use the most primitive # method to calculate this function (there are smarter ways that we shall discuss # later).*) let rec gcd a b = if ( b = 0 ) then a else gcd b ( a mod b ) ;; let totient n = let rec iterate i = if ( i < 1 ) then 0 else ( if ( ( gcd i n ) = 1 ) then 1 else 0 ) + ( iterate ( i - 1 ) ) in ( iterate ( n - 1 ) ) ;; if ( ( totient 10 ) = 4 ) then ( Printf.printf "ok\n" ) else ( Printf.printf "failed\n" );;
# P34 ( * # # Euler's so-called totient function phi(m) is defined as the number of positive # integers r (1 <= r < m) that are coprime to m. # # Example: m = 10: r = 1,3,7,9; thus phi(m) = 4. Note the special case: phi(1) = 1. # # * (totient-phi 10) # 4 # # Find out what the value of phi(m) is if m is a prime number. Euler's totient # function plays an important role in one of the most widely used public key # cryptography methods (RSA). In this exercise you should use the most primitive # method to calculate this function (there are smarter ways that we shall discuss # later).*) let rec gcd a b = if ( b = 0 ) then a else gcd b ( a mod b ) ;; let totient n = let rec iterate i = if ( i < 1 ) then 0 else ( if ( ( gcd i n ) = 1 ) then 1 else 0 ) + ( iterate ( i - 1 ) ) in ( iterate ( n - 1 ) ) ;; if ( ( totient 10 ) = 4 ) then ( Printf.printf "ok\n" ) else ( Printf.printf "failed\n" );;
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% riak_kv_pb_listener: Listen for protocol buffer clients %% Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2010 Basho Technologies , Inc. All Rights Reserved . %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License , %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain %% a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the %% specific language governing permissions and limitations %% under the License. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc entry point for TCP-based protocol buffers service -module(riak_kv_pb_listener). -behavior(gen_nb_server). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([sock_opts/0, new_connection/2]). -record(state, {portnum}). start_link() -> PortNum = app_helper:get_env(riak_kv, pb_port), IpAddr = app_helper:get_env(riak_kv, pb_ip), gen_nb_server:start_link(?MODULE, IpAddr, PortNum, [PortNum]). init([PortNum]) -> {ok, #state{portnum=PortNum}}. sock_opts() -> [binary, {packet, 4}, {reuseaddr, true}]. handle_call(_Req, _From, State) -> {reply, not_implemented, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. new_connection(Socket, State) -> {ok, Pid} = riak_kv_pb_socket_sup:start_socket(Socket), ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid), {ok, State}.
------------------------------------------------------------------- riak_kv_pb_listener: Listen for protocol buffer clients Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc entry point for TCP-based protocol buffers service
Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2010 Basho Technologies , Inc. All Rights Reserved . This file is provided to you under the Apache License , except in compliance with the License . You may obtain software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY -module(riak_kv_pb_listener). -behavior(gen_nb_server). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([sock_opts/0, new_connection/2]). -record(state, {portnum}). start_link() -> PortNum = app_helper:get_env(riak_kv, pb_port), IpAddr = app_helper:get_env(riak_kv, pb_ip), gen_nb_server:start_link(?MODULE, IpAddr, PortNum, [PortNum]). init([PortNum]) -> {ok, #state{portnum=PortNum}}. sock_opts() -> [binary, {packet, 4}, {reuseaddr, true}]. handle_call(_Req, _From, State) -> {reply, not_implemented, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. new_connection(Socket, State) -> {ok, Pid} = riak_kv_pb_socket_sup:start_socket(Socket), ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid), {ok, State}.
open Seq (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The size of a tree. *) let rec size (t : tree) : int = match t with | TLeaf _ -> 1 | TNonLeaf offspring -> 1 + size_offspring offspring and size_offspring (offspring : offspring) : int = match offspring() with | Nil -> 0 | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> size t + size_offspring offspring (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The height of a tree. *) let rec height (t : tree) : int = match t with | TLeaf _ -> 0 | TNonLeaf offspring -> 1 + height_offspring offspring and height_offspring (offspring : offspring) : int = match offspring() with | Nil -> 0 | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> max (height t) (height_offspring offspring) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Evaluating a tree, with a sense parameter: Minimax. *) let rec eval (sense : sense) (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> interpret sense v | TNonLeaf offspring -> eval_offspring sense offspring and eval_offspring (sense : sense) (offspring : offspring) : value = match offspring() with | Nil -> unit sense | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> join sense (eval (opposite sense) t) (eval_offspring sense offspring) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Evaluating a tree, without a sense parameter: Negamax. *) let rec nval (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> v | TNonLeaf offspring -> nval_offspring offspring and nval_offspring (offspring : offspring) = match offspring() with | Nil -> bottom | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> max (- nval t) (nval_offspring offspring) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Evaluating a tree , in Negamax style , and looping over children in a tail - recursive manner . a tail-recursive manner. *) let rec ntval (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> v | TNonLeaf offspring -> ntval_offspring bottom offspring and ntval_offspring (running_max : value) (offspring : offspring) : value = match offspring() with | Nil -> running_max | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> let v = - ntval t in let running_max = max running_max v in ntval_offspring running_max offspring (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Evaluating a tree , using the Alpha - Beta algorithm . let rec bval (alpha : value) (beta : value) (t : tree) : value = assert (alpha < beta); match t with | TLeaf v -> (* We could project [v] onto the closed interval [alpha, beta], but this does not make any difference; [v] is equivalent to its projection. *) v | TNonLeaf offspring -> bval_offspring alpha beta offspring and bval_offspring (alpha : value) (beta : value) (offspring : offspring) : value = assert (alpha < beta); match offspring() with | Nil -> (* We could return the maximum of the children that we have examined, but it would be less than or equal to [alpha], so it is equivalent to [alpha]. *) alpha | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> let v = - (bval (-beta) (-alpha) t) in if beta <= v then (* Returning [beta] or [v] makes no difference; they are equivalent. *) v else let alpha = max alpha v in (* Because v < beta holds, we still have alpha < beta. *) assert (alpha < beta); bval_offspring alpha beta offspring (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) In a game tree where every leaf carries the value -1 ( loss ) , 0 ( draw ) , or +1 ( win ) , determining whether the first player is assured to win . or +1 (win), determining whether the first player is assured to win. *) let assured_win (t : tree) : bool = let loss, win = -1, +1 in bval loss win t >= win (* functionally correct *) (* wrong: too costly, uses too wide a window *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) Evaluating a tree using Alpha - Beta and returning the best move . let rec bmove_offspring alpha beta (candidate : move option) offspring : move option = assert (alpha < beta); match offspring() with | Nil -> assert (candidate <> None); candidate | Cons ((move, t), offspring) -> let v = - (bval (-beta) (-alpha) t) in if beta <= v then Some move else let alpha, candidate = if alpha < v then (* This move improves on the previous moves: keep it. *) v, Some move else if candidate = None then (* There are no previous moves, so keep this move as a default. This ensures that we do not return [None] in the end. *) alpha, Some move else (* This move does not improve on the previous candidate move Discard it. *) alpha, candidate in (* Because v < beta holds, we still have alpha < beta. *) assert (alpha < beta); bmove_offspring alpha beta candidate offspring let bmove alpha beta t : move option = assert (alpha < beta); match t with | TLeaf v -> None | TNonLeaf offspring -> bmove_offspring alpha beta None offspring
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The size of a tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The height of a tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluating a tree, with a sense parameter: Minimax. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluating a tree, without a sense parameter: Negamax. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We could project [v] onto the closed interval [alpha, beta], but this does not make any difference; [v] is equivalent to its projection. We could return the maximum of the children that we have examined, but it would be less than or equal to [alpha], so it is equivalent to [alpha]. Returning [beta] or [v] makes no difference; they are equivalent. Because v < beta holds, we still have alpha < beta. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- functionally correct wrong: too costly, uses too wide a window -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This move improves on the previous moves: keep it. There are no previous moves, so keep this move as a default. This ensures that we do not return [None] in the end. This move does not improve on the previous candidate move Discard it. Because v < beta holds, we still have alpha < beta.
open Seq let rec size (t : tree) : int = match t with | TLeaf _ -> 1 | TNonLeaf offspring -> 1 + size_offspring offspring and size_offspring (offspring : offspring) : int = match offspring() with | Nil -> 0 | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> size t + size_offspring offspring let rec height (t : tree) : int = match t with | TLeaf _ -> 0 | TNonLeaf offspring -> 1 + height_offspring offspring and height_offspring (offspring : offspring) : int = match offspring() with | Nil -> 0 | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> max (height t) (height_offspring offspring) let rec eval (sense : sense) (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> interpret sense v | TNonLeaf offspring -> eval_offspring sense offspring and eval_offspring (sense : sense) (offspring : offspring) : value = match offspring() with | Nil -> unit sense | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> join sense (eval (opposite sense) t) (eval_offspring sense offspring) let rec nval (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> v | TNonLeaf offspring -> nval_offspring offspring and nval_offspring (offspring : offspring) = match offspring() with | Nil -> bottom | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> max (- nval t) (nval_offspring offspring) Evaluating a tree , in Negamax style , and looping over children in a tail - recursive manner . a tail-recursive manner. *) let rec ntval (t : tree) : value = match t with | TLeaf v -> v | TNonLeaf offspring -> ntval_offspring bottom offspring and ntval_offspring (running_max : value) (offspring : offspring) : value = match offspring() with | Nil -> running_max | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> let v = - ntval t in let running_max = max running_max v in ntval_offspring running_max offspring Evaluating a tree , using the Alpha - Beta algorithm . let rec bval (alpha : value) (beta : value) (t : tree) : value = assert (alpha < beta); match t with | TLeaf v -> v | TNonLeaf offspring -> bval_offspring alpha beta offspring and bval_offspring (alpha : value) (beta : value) (offspring : offspring) : value = assert (alpha < beta); match offspring() with | Nil -> alpha | Cons ((_move, t), offspring) -> let v = - (bval (-beta) (-alpha) t) in if beta <= v then v else let alpha = max alpha v in assert (alpha < beta); bval_offspring alpha beta offspring In a game tree where every leaf carries the value -1 ( loss ) , 0 ( draw ) , or +1 ( win ) , determining whether the first player is assured to win . or +1 (win), determining whether the first player is assured to win. *) let assured_win (t : tree) : bool = let loss, win = -1, +1 in bval loss win t >= win Evaluating a tree using Alpha - Beta and returning the best move . let rec bmove_offspring alpha beta (candidate : move option) offspring : move option = assert (alpha < beta); match offspring() with | Nil -> assert (candidate <> None); candidate | Cons ((move, t), offspring) -> let v = - (bval (-beta) (-alpha) t) in if beta <= v then Some move else let alpha, candidate = if alpha < v then v, Some move else if candidate = None then alpha, Some move else alpha, candidate in assert (alpha < beta); bmove_offspring alpha beta candidate offspring let bmove alpha beta t : move option = assert (alpha < beta); match t with | TLeaf v -> None | TNonLeaf offspring -> bmove_offspring alpha beta None offspring
#lang racket/base (require rackunit) (require "../solutions/exercise-4.x-call-by-need-lang.rkt") (check-equal? (run "let* x = 3 in x") (num-val 3)) (check-equal? (run "let* f = proc (x) x in (f 4)") (num-val 4)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 in let* y = x in begin set y = 3; x end") (num-val 3)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 in let y = begin set x = -(x, 1); x end in let a = x in let b = y in -(a, b)") (num-val 0)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 in let* y = begin set x = -(x, 1); x end in let a = x in let b = y in -(a, b)") (num-val 1))
#lang racket/base (require rackunit) (require "../solutions/exercise-4.x-call-by-need-lang.rkt") (check-equal? (run "let* x = 3 in x") (num-val 3)) (check-equal? (run "let* f = proc (x) x in (f 4)") (num-val 4)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 in let* y = x x end") (num-val 3)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 x end in let a = x in let b = y in -(a, b)") (num-val 0)) (check-equal? (run "let x = 2 x end in let a = x in let b = y in -(a, b)") (num-val 1))
(module+ test (require rackunit) (check-true ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.00001 1.0001)) (check-true ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.0002 1.0001)) (check-false ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.0003 1.0001)) (define t0 (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0) (vector 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0) (vector 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0)) (vector (vector 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0) (vector 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0) (vector 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0)))) (define t1 (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.00001 4.00001 6.00001) (vector 8.00001 10.00001 12.00001 14.00001) (vector 16.00001 18.00001 20.00001 22.00001)) (vector (vector 24.00001 26.00001 28.00001 30.00001) (vector 32.00001 34.00001 36.00001 38.00001) (vector 40.00001 42.00001 44.00001 46.00001)))) (define t2 (vector (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.00001 4.00001 6.00001) (vector 8.00001 10.00001 12.00001 14.00001) (vector 16.00001 18.00001 20.00001 22.00001)) (vector (vector 24.00001 26.00001 28.00001 30.00001) (vector 32.00001 34.00001 36.00001 38.00001) (vector 40.00001 42.00001 44.00001 46.00001))))) (check-true (equal-elements? t0 t1)) (check-false (equal-elements? t0 t2)) (check-true (tensor-equal? t0 t1)) (check-false (tensor-equal? t0 t2)) (check-tensor-equal? t0 t1))
(module+ test (require rackunit) (check-true ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.00001 1.0001)) (check-true ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.0002 1.0001)) (check-false ((equal-within-tolerance?) 1.0003 1.0001)) (define t0 (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0) (vector 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0) (vector 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0)) (vector (vector 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0) (vector 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0) (vector 40.0 42.0 44.0 46.0)))) (define t1 (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.00001 4.00001 6.00001) (vector 8.00001 10.00001 12.00001 14.00001) (vector 16.00001 18.00001 20.00001 22.00001)) (vector (vector 24.00001 26.00001 28.00001 30.00001) (vector 32.00001 34.00001 36.00001 38.00001) (vector 40.00001 42.00001 44.00001 46.00001)))) (define t2 (vector (vector (vector (vector 0.0 2.00001 4.00001 6.00001) (vector 8.00001 10.00001 12.00001 14.00001) (vector 16.00001 18.00001 20.00001 22.00001)) (vector (vector 24.00001 26.00001 28.00001 30.00001) (vector 32.00001 34.00001 36.00001 38.00001) (vector 40.00001 42.00001 44.00001 46.00001))))) (check-true (equal-elements? t0 t1)) (check-false (equal-elements? t0 t2)) (check-true (tensor-equal? t0 t1)) (check-false (tensor-equal? t0 t2)) (check-tensor-equal? t0 t1))
(ns reagent-mui.icons.noise-control-off-two-tone "Imports @mui/icons-material/NoiseControlOffTwoTone as a Reagent component." (:require-macros [reagent-mui.util :refer [create-svg-icon e]]) (:require [react :as react] ["@mui/material/SvgIcon" :as SvgIcon] [reagent-mui.util])) (def noise-control-off-two-tone (create-svg-icon [(e "path" #js {"d" "M12 4c1.44 0 2.79.38 3.95 1.05L17.4 3.6C15.85 2.59 13.99 2 12 2s-3.85.59-5.41 1.59l1.45 1.45C9.21 4.38 10.56 4 12 4zm8 8c0 1.44-.38 2.79-1.05 3.95l1.45 1.45c1.01-1.55 1.6-3.41 1.6-5.4s-.59-3.85-1.59-5.41l-1.45 1.45C19.62 9.21 20 10.56 20 12zm-8 8c-1.44 0-2.79-.38-3.95-1.05L6.6 20.4C8.15 21.41 10.01 22 12 22s3.85-.59 5.41-1.59l-1.45-1.45C14.79 19.62 13.44 20 12 20zm-8-8c0-1.44.38-2.79 1.05-3.95L3.59 6.59C2.59 8.15 2 10.01 2 12s.59 3.85 1.59 5.41l1.45-1.45C4.38 14.79 4 13.44 4 12zm7.5-6C9.02 6 7 8.02 7 10.5c0 1.22.49 2.41 1.35 3.27l1.36 1.36c. 17.17 11.71 18 13 18c1.65 0 3-1.35 3-3h-2c0 .55-.45 1-1 1-.43 0-.81-.27-.95-.68-.15-.44-.4-1.08-.93-1.61l-1.36-1.36C9.28 11.87 9 11.19 9 10.5 9 9.12 10.12 8 11.5 8c1.21 0 2.22.86 2.45 2h2.02c-.25-2.25-2.16-4-4.47-4z"}) (e "circle" #js {"cx" "13.5", "cy" "12.5", "r" "1.5"})] "NoiseControlOffTwoTone"))
(ns reagent-mui.icons.noise-control-off-two-tone "Imports @mui/icons-material/NoiseControlOffTwoTone as a Reagent component." (:require-macros [reagent-mui.util :refer [create-svg-icon e]]) (:require [react :as react] ["@mui/material/SvgIcon" :as SvgIcon] [reagent-mui.util])) (def noise-control-off-two-tone (create-svg-icon [(e "path" #js {"d" "M12 4c1.44 0 2.79.38 3.95 1.05L17.4 3.6C15.85 2.59 13.99 2 12 2s-3.85.59-5.41 1.59l1.45 1.45C9.21 4.38 10.56 4 12 4zm8 8c0 1.44-.38 2.79-1.05 3.95l1.45 1.45c1.01-1.55 1.6-3.41 1.6-5.4s-.59-3.85-1.59-5.41l-1.45 1.45C19.62 9.21 20 10.56 20 12zm-8 8c-1.44 0-2.79-.38-3.95-1.05L6.6 20.4C8.15 21.41 10.01 22 12 22s3.85-.59 5.41-1.59l-1.45-1.45C14.79 19.62 13.44 20 12 20zm-8-8c0-1.44.38-2.79 1.05-3.95L3.59 6.59C2.59 8.15 2 10.01 2 12s.59 3.85 1.59 5.41l1.45-1.45C4.38 14.79 4 13.44 4 12zm7.5-6C9.02 6 7 8.02 7 10.5c0 1.22.49 2.41 1.35 3.27l1.36 1.36c. 17.17 11.71 18 13 18c1.65 0 3-1.35 3-3h-2c0 .55-.45 1-1 1-.43 0-.81-.27-.95-.68-.15-.44-.4-1.08-.93-1.61l-1.36-1.36C9.28 11.87 9 11.19 9 10.5 9 9.12 10.12 8 11.5 8c1.21 0 2.22.86 2.45 2h2.02c-.25-2.25-2.16-4-4.47-4z"}) (e "circle" #js {"cx" "13.5", "cy" "12.5", "r" "1.5"})] "NoiseControlOffTwoTone"))
module Big_int = struct include Big_int let sexp_of_big_int = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_big_int let big_int_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.big_int_of_sexp end module Nat = struct include Nat let sexp_of_nat = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_nat let nat_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.nat_of_sexp end module Ratio = struct include Ratio let sexp_of_ratio = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_ratio let ratio_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.ratio_of_sexp end module Num = struct include Num let sexp_of_num = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_num let num_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.num_of_sexp end
module Big_int = struct include Big_int let sexp_of_big_int = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_big_int let big_int_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.big_int_of_sexp end module Nat = struct include Nat let sexp_of_nat = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_nat let nat_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.nat_of_sexp end module Ratio = struct include Ratio let sexp_of_ratio = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_ratio let ratio_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.ratio_of_sexp end module Num = struct include Num let sexp_of_num = Sexplib_num_conv.sexp_of_num let num_of_sexp = Sexplib_num_conv.num_of_sexp end
# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # -- | Extract limited nested parallelism for execution inside -- individual kernel workgroups. module Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Intragroup (intraGroupParallelise) where import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.RWS import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M import Data.Set qualified as S import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp.Convert import Futhark.IR.GPU hiding (HistOp) import Futhark.IR.GPU.Op qualified as GPU import Futhark.IR.SOACS import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.BlockedKernel import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.DistributeNests import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Distribution import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.ToGPU import Futhark.Tools import Futhark.Transform.FirstOrderTransform qualified as FOT import Futhark.Util.Log import Prelude hiding (log) -- | Convert the statements inside a map nest to kernel statements, -- attempting to parallelise any remaining (top-level) parallel -- statements. Anything that is not a map, scan or reduction will -- simply be sequentialised. This includes sequential loops that -- contain maps, scans or reduction. In the future, we could probably -- do something more clever. Make sure that the amount of parallelism -- to be exploited does not exceed the group size. Further, as a hack -- we also consider the size of all intermediate arrays as -- "parallelism to be exploited" to avoid exploding local memory. -- -- We distinguish between "minimum group size" and "maximum -- exploitable parallelism". intraGroupParallelise :: (MonadFreshNames m, LocalScope GPU m) => KernelNest -> Lambda SOACS -> m ( Maybe ( (SubExp, SubExp), SubExp, Log, Stms GPU, Stms GPU ) ) intraGroupParallelise knest lam = runMaybeT $ do (ispace, inps) <- lift $ flatKernel knest (num_groups, w_stms) <- lift $ runBuilder $ letSubExp "intra_num_groups" =<< foldBinOp (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef) (intConst Int64 1) (map snd ispace) let body = lambdaBody lam group_size <- newVName "computed_group_size" (wss_min, wss_avail, log, kbody) <- lift . localScope (scopeOfLParams $ lambdaParams lam) $ intraGroupParalleliseBody body outside_scope <- lift askScope -- outside_scope may also contain the inputs, even though those are -- not actually available outside the kernel. let available v = v `M.member` outside_scope && v `notElem` map kernelInputName inps unless (all available $ namesToList $ freeIn (wss_min ++ wss_avail)) $ fail "Irregular parallelism" ((intra_avail_par, kspace, read_input_stms), prelude_stms) <- lift $ runBuilder $ do let foldBinOp' _ [] = eSubExp $ intConst Int64 1 foldBinOp' bop (x : xs) = foldBinOp bop x xs ws_min <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_min" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef)) $ filter (not . null) wss_min ws_avail <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_avail" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef)) $ filter (not . null) wss_avail -- The amount of parallelism available *in the worst case* is equal to the smallest parallel loop , or * at least * 1 . intra_avail_par <- letSubExp "intra_avail_par" =<< foldBinOp' (SMin Int64) ws_avail -- The group size is either the maximum of the minimum parallelism exploited , or the desired parallelism ( bounded by the group -- size) in case there is no minimum. letBindNames [group_size] =<< if null ws_min then eBinOp (SMin Int64) (eSubExp =<< letSubExp "max_group_size" (Op $ SizeOp $ GetSizeMax SizeGroup)) (eSubExp intra_avail_par) else foldBinOp' (SMax Int64) ws_min let inputIsUsed input = kernelInputName input `nameIn` freeIn body used_inps = filter inputIsUsed inps addStms w_stms read_input_stms <- runBuilder_ $ mapM readGroupKernelInput used_inps space <- mkSegSpace ispace pure (intra_avail_par, space, read_input_stms) let kbody' = kbody {kernelBodyStms = read_input_stms <> kernelBodyStms kbody} let nested_pat = loopNestingPat first_nest rts = map (length ispace `stripArray`) $ patTypes nested_pat grid = KernelGrid (Count num_groups) (Count $ Var group_size) lvl = SegGroup SegNoVirt (Just grid) kstm = Let nested_pat aux $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap lvl kspace rts kbody' let intra_min_par = intra_avail_par pure ( (intra_min_par, intra_avail_par), Var group_size, log, prelude_stms, oneStm kstm ) where first_nest = fst knest aux = loopNestingAux first_nest readGroupKernelInput :: (DistRep (Rep m), MonadBuilder m) => KernelInput -> m () readGroupKernelInput inp | Array {} <- kernelInputType inp = do v <- newVName $ baseString $ kernelInputName inp readKernelInput inp {kernelInputName = v} letBindNames [kernelInputName inp] $ BasicOp $ Copy v | otherwise = readKernelInput inp data IntraAcc = IntraAcc { accMinPar :: S.Set [SubExp], accAvailPar :: S.Set [SubExp], accLog :: Log } instance Semigroup IntraAcc where IntraAcc min_x avail_x log_x <> IntraAcc min_y avail_y log_y = IntraAcc (min_x <> min_y) (avail_x <> avail_y) (log_x <> log_y) instance Monoid IntraAcc where mempty = IntraAcc mempty mempty mempty type IntraGroupM = BuilderT GPU (RWS () IntraAcc VNameSource) instance MonadLogger IntraGroupM where addLog log = tell mempty {accLog = log} runIntraGroupM :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope GPU m) => IntraGroupM () -> m (IntraAcc, Stms GPU) runIntraGroupM m = do scope <- castScope <$> askScope modifyNameSource $ \src -> let (((), kstms), src', acc) = runRWS (runBuilderT m scope) () src in ((acc, kstms), src') parallelMin :: [SubExp] -> IntraGroupM () parallelMin ws = tell mempty { accMinPar = S.singleton ws, accAvailPar = S.singleton ws } intraGroupBody :: Body SOACS -> IntraGroupM (Body GPU) intraGroupBody body = do stms <- collectStms_ $ intraGroupStms $ bodyStms body pure $ mkBody stms $ bodyResult body intraGroupStm :: Stm SOACS -> IntraGroupM () intraGroupStm stm@(Let pat aux e) = do scope <- askScope let lvl = SegThread SegNoVirt Nothing case e of DoLoop merge form loopbody -> localScope (scopeOf form') $ localScope (scopeOfFParams $ map fst merge) $ do loopbody' <- intraGroupBody loopbody certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ letBind pat $ DoLoop merge form' loopbody' where form' = case form of ForLoop i it bound inps -> ForLoop i it bound inps WhileLoop cond -> WhileLoop cond Match cond cases defbody ifdec -> do cases' <- mapM (traverse intraGroupBody) cases defbody' <- intraGroupBody defbody certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) . letBind pat $ Match cond cases' defbody' ifdec Op soac | "sequential_outer" `inAttrs` stmAuxAttrs aux -> intraGroupStms . fmap (certify (stmAuxCerts aux)) =<< runBuilder_ (FOT.transformSOAC pat soac) Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just lam <- isMapSOAC form -> do let loopnest = MapNesting pat aux w $ zip (lambdaParams lam) arrs env = DistEnv { distNest = singleNesting $ Nesting mempty loopnest, distScope = scopeOfPat pat <> scopeForGPU (scopeOf lam) <> scope, distOnInnerMap = distributeMap, distOnTopLevelStms = liftInner . collectStms_ . intraGroupStms, distSegLevel = \minw _ _ -> do lift $ parallelMin minw pure lvl, distOnSOACSStms = pure . oneStm . soacsStmToGPU, distOnSOACSLambda = pure . soacsLambdaToGPU } acc = DistAcc { distTargets = singleTarget (pat, bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam), distStms = mempty } addStms =<< runDistNestT env (distributeMapBodyStms acc (bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam)) Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just (scans, mapfun) <- isScanomapSOAC form, Scan scanfun nes <- singleScan scans -> do let scanfun' = soacsLambdaToGPU scanfun mapfun' = soacsLambdaToGPU mapfun certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segScan lvl pat mempty w [SegBinOp Noncommutative scanfun' nes mempty] mapfun' arrs [] [] parallelMin [w] Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just (reds, map_lam) <- isRedomapSOAC form, Reduce comm red_lam nes <- singleReduce reds -> do let red_lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU red_lam map_lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU map_lam certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segRed lvl pat mempty w [SegBinOp comm red_lam' nes mempty] map_lam' arrs [] [] parallelMin [w] Op (Hist w arrs ops bucket_fun) -> do ops' <- forM ops $ \(HistOp num_bins rf dests nes op) -> do (op', nes', shape) <- determineReduceOp op nes let op'' = soacsLambdaToGPU op' pure $ GPU.HistOp num_bins rf dests nes' shape op'' let bucket_fun' = soacsLambdaToGPU bucket_fun certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segHist lvl pat w [] [] ops' bucket_fun' arrs parallelMin [w] Op (Stream w arrs accs lam) | chunk_size_param : _ <- lambdaParams lam -> do types <- asksScope castScope ((), stream_stms) <- runBuilderT (sequentialStreamWholeArray pat w accs lam arrs) types let replace (Var v) | v == paramName chunk_size_param = w replace se = se replaceSets (IntraAcc x y log) = IntraAcc (S.map (map replace) x) (S.map (map replace) y) log censor replaceSets $ intraGroupStms stream_stms Op (Scatter w ivs lam dests) -> do write_i <- newVName "write_i" space <- mkSegSpace [(write_i, w)] let lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU lam (dests_ws, _, _) = unzip3 dests krets = do (a_w, a, is_vs) <- groupScatterResults dests $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam' let cs = foldMap (foldMap resCerts . fst) is_vs <> foldMap (resCerts . snd) is_vs is_vs' = [(Slice $ map (DimFix . resSubExp) is, resSubExp v) | (is, v) <- is_vs] pure $ WriteReturns cs a_w a is_vs' inputs = do (p, p_a) <- zip (lambdaParams lam') ivs pure $ KernelInput (paramName p) (paramType p) p_a [Var write_i] kstms <- runBuilder_ $ localScope (scopeOfSegSpace space) $ do mapM_ readKernelInput inputs addStms $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam' certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ do let ts = zipWith (stripArray . length) dests_ws $ patTypes pat body = KernelBody () kstms krets letBind pat $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap lvl space ts body parallelMin [w] _ -> addStm $ soacsStmToGPU stm intraGroupStms :: Stms SOACS -> IntraGroupM () intraGroupStms = mapM_ intraGroupStm intraGroupParalleliseBody :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope GPU m) => Body SOACS -> m ([[SubExp]], [[SubExp]], Log, KernelBody GPU) intraGroupParalleliseBody body = do (IntraAcc min_ws avail_ws log, kstms) <- runIntraGroupM $ intraGroupStms $ bodyStms body pure ( S.toList min_ws, S.toList avail_ws, log, KernelBody () kstms $ map ret $ bodyResult body ) where ret (SubExpRes cs se) = Returns ResultMaySimplify cs se
| Extract limited nested parallelism for execution inside individual kernel workgroups. | Convert the statements inside a map nest to kernel statements, attempting to parallelise any remaining (top-level) parallel statements. Anything that is not a map, scan or reduction will simply be sequentialised. This includes sequential loops that contain maps, scans or reduction. In the future, we could probably do something more clever. Make sure that the amount of parallelism to be exploited does not exceed the group size. Further, as a hack we also consider the size of all intermediate arrays as "parallelism to be exploited" to avoid exploding local memory. We distinguish between "minimum group size" and "maximum exploitable parallelism". outside_scope may also contain the inputs, even though those are not actually available outside the kernel. The amount of parallelism available *in the worst case* is The group size is either the maximum of the minimum parallelism size) in case there is no minimum.
# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Intragroup (intraGroupParallelise) where import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.RWS import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M import Data.Set qualified as S import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp.Convert import Futhark.IR.GPU hiding (HistOp) import Futhark.IR.GPU.Op qualified as GPU import Futhark.IR.SOACS import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.BlockedKernel import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.DistributeNests import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Distribution import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.ToGPU import Futhark.Tools import Futhark.Transform.FirstOrderTransform qualified as FOT import Futhark.Util.Log import Prelude hiding (log) intraGroupParallelise :: (MonadFreshNames m, LocalScope GPU m) => KernelNest -> Lambda SOACS -> m ( Maybe ( (SubExp, SubExp), SubExp, Log, Stms GPU, Stms GPU ) ) intraGroupParallelise knest lam = runMaybeT $ do (ispace, inps) <- lift $ flatKernel knest (num_groups, w_stms) <- lift $ runBuilder $ letSubExp "intra_num_groups" =<< foldBinOp (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef) (intConst Int64 1) (map snd ispace) let body = lambdaBody lam group_size <- newVName "computed_group_size" (wss_min, wss_avail, log, kbody) <- lift . localScope (scopeOfLParams $ lambdaParams lam) $ intraGroupParalleliseBody body outside_scope <- lift askScope let available v = v `M.member` outside_scope && v `notElem` map kernelInputName inps unless (all available $ namesToList $ freeIn (wss_min ++ wss_avail)) $ fail "Irregular parallelism" ((intra_avail_par, kspace, read_input_stms), prelude_stms) <- lift $ runBuilder $ do let foldBinOp' _ [] = eSubExp $ intConst Int64 1 foldBinOp' bop (x : xs) = foldBinOp bop x xs ws_min <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_min" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef)) $ filter (not . null) wss_min ws_avail <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_avail" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int64 OverflowUndef)) $ filter (not . null) wss_avail equal to the smallest parallel loop , or * at least * 1 . intra_avail_par <- letSubExp "intra_avail_par" =<< foldBinOp' (SMin Int64) ws_avail exploited , or the desired parallelism ( bounded by the group letBindNames [group_size] =<< if null ws_min then eBinOp (SMin Int64) (eSubExp =<< letSubExp "max_group_size" (Op $ SizeOp $ GetSizeMax SizeGroup)) (eSubExp intra_avail_par) else foldBinOp' (SMax Int64) ws_min let inputIsUsed input = kernelInputName input `nameIn` freeIn body used_inps = filter inputIsUsed inps addStms w_stms read_input_stms <- runBuilder_ $ mapM readGroupKernelInput used_inps space <- mkSegSpace ispace pure (intra_avail_par, space, read_input_stms) let kbody' = kbody {kernelBodyStms = read_input_stms <> kernelBodyStms kbody} let nested_pat = loopNestingPat first_nest rts = map (length ispace `stripArray`) $ patTypes nested_pat grid = KernelGrid (Count num_groups) (Count $ Var group_size) lvl = SegGroup SegNoVirt (Just grid) kstm = Let nested_pat aux $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap lvl kspace rts kbody' let intra_min_par = intra_avail_par pure ( (intra_min_par, intra_avail_par), Var group_size, log, prelude_stms, oneStm kstm ) where first_nest = fst knest aux = loopNestingAux first_nest readGroupKernelInput :: (DistRep (Rep m), MonadBuilder m) => KernelInput -> m () readGroupKernelInput inp | Array {} <- kernelInputType inp = do v <- newVName $ baseString $ kernelInputName inp readKernelInput inp {kernelInputName = v} letBindNames [kernelInputName inp] $ BasicOp $ Copy v | otherwise = readKernelInput inp data IntraAcc = IntraAcc { accMinPar :: S.Set [SubExp], accAvailPar :: S.Set [SubExp], accLog :: Log } instance Semigroup IntraAcc where IntraAcc min_x avail_x log_x <> IntraAcc min_y avail_y log_y = IntraAcc (min_x <> min_y) (avail_x <> avail_y) (log_x <> log_y) instance Monoid IntraAcc where mempty = IntraAcc mempty mempty mempty type IntraGroupM = BuilderT GPU (RWS () IntraAcc VNameSource) instance MonadLogger IntraGroupM where addLog log = tell mempty {accLog = log} runIntraGroupM :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope GPU m) => IntraGroupM () -> m (IntraAcc, Stms GPU) runIntraGroupM m = do scope <- castScope <$> askScope modifyNameSource $ \src -> let (((), kstms), src', acc) = runRWS (runBuilderT m scope) () src in ((acc, kstms), src') parallelMin :: [SubExp] -> IntraGroupM () parallelMin ws = tell mempty { accMinPar = S.singleton ws, accAvailPar = S.singleton ws } intraGroupBody :: Body SOACS -> IntraGroupM (Body GPU) intraGroupBody body = do stms <- collectStms_ $ intraGroupStms $ bodyStms body pure $ mkBody stms $ bodyResult body intraGroupStm :: Stm SOACS -> IntraGroupM () intraGroupStm stm@(Let pat aux e) = do scope <- askScope let lvl = SegThread SegNoVirt Nothing case e of DoLoop merge form loopbody -> localScope (scopeOf form') $ localScope (scopeOfFParams $ map fst merge) $ do loopbody' <- intraGroupBody loopbody certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ letBind pat $ DoLoop merge form' loopbody' where form' = case form of ForLoop i it bound inps -> ForLoop i it bound inps WhileLoop cond -> WhileLoop cond Match cond cases defbody ifdec -> do cases' <- mapM (traverse intraGroupBody) cases defbody' <- intraGroupBody defbody certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) . letBind pat $ Match cond cases' defbody' ifdec Op soac | "sequential_outer" `inAttrs` stmAuxAttrs aux -> intraGroupStms . fmap (certify (stmAuxCerts aux)) =<< runBuilder_ (FOT.transformSOAC pat soac) Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just lam <- isMapSOAC form -> do let loopnest = MapNesting pat aux w $ zip (lambdaParams lam) arrs env = DistEnv { distNest = singleNesting $ Nesting mempty loopnest, distScope = scopeOfPat pat <> scopeForGPU (scopeOf lam) <> scope, distOnInnerMap = distributeMap, distOnTopLevelStms = liftInner . collectStms_ . intraGroupStms, distSegLevel = \minw _ _ -> do lift $ parallelMin minw pure lvl, distOnSOACSStms = pure . oneStm . soacsStmToGPU, distOnSOACSLambda = pure . soacsLambdaToGPU } acc = DistAcc { distTargets = singleTarget (pat, bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam), distStms = mempty } addStms =<< runDistNestT env (distributeMapBodyStms acc (bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam)) Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just (scans, mapfun) <- isScanomapSOAC form, Scan scanfun nes <- singleScan scans -> do let scanfun' = soacsLambdaToGPU scanfun mapfun' = soacsLambdaToGPU mapfun certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segScan lvl pat mempty w [SegBinOp Noncommutative scanfun' nes mempty] mapfun' arrs [] [] parallelMin [w] Op (Screma w arrs form) | Just (reds, map_lam) <- isRedomapSOAC form, Reduce comm red_lam nes <- singleReduce reds -> do let red_lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU red_lam map_lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU map_lam certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segRed lvl pat mempty w [SegBinOp comm red_lam' nes mempty] map_lam' arrs [] [] parallelMin [w] Op (Hist w arrs ops bucket_fun) -> do ops' <- forM ops $ \(HistOp num_bins rf dests nes op) -> do (op', nes', shape) <- determineReduceOp op nes let op'' = soacsLambdaToGPU op' pure $ GPU.HistOp num_bins rf dests nes' shape op'' let bucket_fun' = soacsLambdaToGPU bucket_fun certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ addStms =<< segHist lvl pat w [] [] ops' bucket_fun' arrs parallelMin [w] Op (Stream w arrs accs lam) | chunk_size_param : _ <- lambdaParams lam -> do types <- asksScope castScope ((), stream_stms) <- runBuilderT (sequentialStreamWholeArray pat w accs lam arrs) types let replace (Var v) | v == paramName chunk_size_param = w replace se = se replaceSets (IntraAcc x y log) = IntraAcc (S.map (map replace) x) (S.map (map replace) y) log censor replaceSets $ intraGroupStms stream_stms Op (Scatter w ivs lam dests) -> do write_i <- newVName "write_i" space <- mkSegSpace [(write_i, w)] let lam' = soacsLambdaToGPU lam (dests_ws, _, _) = unzip3 dests krets = do (a_w, a, is_vs) <- groupScatterResults dests $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam' let cs = foldMap (foldMap resCerts . fst) is_vs <> foldMap (resCerts . snd) is_vs is_vs' = [(Slice $ map (DimFix . resSubExp) is, resSubExp v) | (is, v) <- is_vs] pure $ WriteReturns cs a_w a is_vs' inputs = do (p, p_a) <- zip (lambdaParams lam') ivs pure $ KernelInput (paramName p) (paramType p) p_a [Var write_i] kstms <- runBuilder_ $ localScope (scopeOfSegSpace space) $ do mapM_ readKernelInput inputs addStms $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam' certifying (stmAuxCerts aux) $ do let ts = zipWith (stripArray . length) dests_ws $ patTypes pat body = KernelBody () kstms krets letBind pat $ Op $ SegOp $ SegMap lvl space ts body parallelMin [w] _ -> addStm $ soacsStmToGPU stm intraGroupStms :: Stms SOACS -> IntraGroupM () intraGroupStms = mapM_ intraGroupStm intraGroupParalleliseBody :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope GPU m) => Body SOACS -> m ([[SubExp]], [[SubExp]], Log, KernelBody GPU) intraGroupParalleliseBody body = do (IntraAcc min_ws avail_ws log, kstms) <- runIntraGroupM $ intraGroupStms $ bodyStms body pure ( S.toList min_ws, S.toList avail_ws, log, KernelBody () kstms $ map ret $ bodyResult body ) where ret (SubExpRes cs se) = Returns ResultMaySimplify cs se
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. %% Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2021 VMware , Inc. or its affiliates . All rights reserved . %% %% Useful documentation about CORS: %% * %% * / %% * -domain-requests-with-cors/ -module(rabbit_mgmt_cors). -export([set_headers/2]). set_headers(ReqData, Module) -> %% Send vary: origin by default if nothing else was set. ReqData1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"vary">>, <<"origin">>, ReqData), case match_origin(ReqData1) of false -> ReqData1; Origin -> ReqData2 = case cowboy_req:method(ReqData1) of <<"OPTIONS">> -> handle_options(ReqData1, Module); _ -> ReqData1 end, ReqData3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, Origin, ReqData2), cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, "true", ReqData3) end. Set max - age from configuration ( default : 30 minutes ) . %% Set allow-methods from what is defined in Module:allowed_methods/2. %% Set allow-headers to the same as the request (accept all headers). handle_options(ReqData0, Module) -> MaxAge = application:get_env(rabbitmq_management, cors_max_age, 1800), Methods = case erlang:function_exported(Module, allowed_methods, 2) of false -> [<<"HEAD">>, <<"GET">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]; true -> element(1, Module:allowed_methods(undefined, undefined)) end, AllowMethods = string:join([binary_to_list(M) || M <- Methods], ", "), ReqHeaders = cowboy_req:header(<<"access-control-request-headers">>, ReqData0), ReqData1 = case MaxAge of undefined -> ReqData0; _ -> cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-max-age">>, integer_to_list(MaxAge), ReqData0) end, ReqData2 = case ReqHeaders of undefined -> ReqData1; _ -> cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, ReqHeaders, ReqData0) end, cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, AllowMethods, ReqData2). %% If the origin header is missing or "null", we disable CORS. %% Otherwise, we only enable it if the origin is found in the %% cors_allow_origins configuration variable, or if "*" is (it %% allows all origins). match_origin(ReqData) -> case cowboy_req:header(<<"origin">>, ReqData) of undefined -> false; <<"null">> -> false; Origin -> AllowedOrigins = application:get_env(rabbitmq_management, cors_allow_origins, []), case lists:member(binary_to_list(Origin), AllowedOrigins) of true -> Origin; false -> %% Maybe the configuration explicitly allows "*". case lists:member("*", AllowedOrigins) of true -> Origin; false -> false end end end.
Useful documentation about CORS: * * / * -domain-requests-with-cors/ Send vary: origin by default if nothing else was set. Set allow-methods from what is defined in Module:allowed_methods/2. Set allow-headers to the same as the request (accept all headers). If the origin header is missing or "null", we disable CORS. Otherwise, we only enable it if the origin is found in the cors_allow_origins configuration variable, or if "*" is (it allows all origins). Maybe the configuration explicitly allows "*".
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2021 VMware , Inc. or its affiliates . All rights reserved . -module(rabbit_mgmt_cors). -export([set_headers/2]). set_headers(ReqData, Module) -> ReqData1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"vary">>, <<"origin">>, ReqData), case match_origin(ReqData1) of false -> ReqData1; Origin -> ReqData2 = case cowboy_req:method(ReqData1) of <<"OPTIONS">> -> handle_options(ReqData1, Module); _ -> ReqData1 end, ReqData3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, Origin, ReqData2), cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, "true", ReqData3) end. Set max - age from configuration ( default : 30 minutes ) . handle_options(ReqData0, Module) -> MaxAge = application:get_env(rabbitmq_management, cors_max_age, 1800), Methods = case erlang:function_exported(Module, allowed_methods, 2) of false -> [<<"HEAD">>, <<"GET">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]; true -> element(1, Module:allowed_methods(undefined, undefined)) end, AllowMethods = string:join([binary_to_list(M) || M <- Methods], ", "), ReqHeaders = cowboy_req:header(<<"access-control-request-headers">>, ReqData0), ReqData1 = case MaxAge of undefined -> ReqData0; _ -> cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-max-age">>, integer_to_list(MaxAge), ReqData0) end, ReqData2 = case ReqHeaders of undefined -> ReqData1; _ -> cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, ReqHeaders, ReqData0) end, cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, AllowMethods, ReqData2). match_origin(ReqData) -> case cowboy_req:header(<<"origin">>, ReqData) of undefined -> false; <<"null">> -> false; Origin -> AllowedOrigins = application:get_env(rabbitmq_management, cors_allow_origins, []), case lists:member(binary_to_list(Origin), AllowedOrigins) of true -> Origin; false -> case lists:member("*", AllowedOrigins) of true -> Origin; false -> false end end end.
# language DataKinds # # language TypeApplications # # language TypeFamilies # {-| Description : Examples for gRPC clients Look at the source code of this module. -} module Mu.GRpc.Client.Examples where import Data.Conduit import Data.Conduit.Combinators as C import Data.Conduit.List (consume) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP2.Client (HostName, PortNumber) import Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf import Mu.GRpc.Client.TyApps import Mu.Rpc.Examples import Mu.Schema type instance AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation QuickstartSchema = '[ 'AnnField "HelloRequest" "name" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) , 'AnnField "HelloResponse" "message" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) , 'AnnField "HiRequest" "number" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) ] sayHello' :: HostName -> PortNumber -> T.Text -> IO (GRpcReply T.Text) sayHello' host port req = do Right c <- setupGrpcClient' (grpcClientConfigSimple host port False) fmap (\(HelloResponse r) -> r) <$> sayHello c (HelloRequest req) sayHello :: GrpcClient -> HelloRequest -> IO (GRpcReply HelloResponse) sayHello = gRpcCall @'MsgProtoBuf @QuickStartService @"Greeter" @"SayHello" sayHi' :: HostName -> PortNumber -> Int -> IO [GRpcReply T.Text] sayHi' host port n = do Right c <- setupGrpcClient' (grpcClientConfigSimple host port False) cndt <- sayHi c (HiRequest n) runConduit $ cndt .| C.map (fmap (\(HelloResponse r) -> r)) .| consume sayHi :: GrpcClient -> HiRequest -> IO (ConduitT () (GRpcReply HelloResponse) IO ()) sayHi = gRpcCall @'MsgProtoBuf @QuickStartService @"Greeter" @"SayHi"
| Description : Examples for gRPC clients Look at the source code of this module.
# language DataKinds # # language TypeApplications # # language TypeFamilies # module Mu.GRpc.Client.Examples where import Data.Conduit import Data.Conduit.Combinators as C import Data.Conduit.List (consume) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP2.Client (HostName, PortNumber) import Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf import Mu.GRpc.Client.TyApps import Mu.Rpc.Examples import Mu.Schema type instance AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation QuickstartSchema = '[ 'AnnField "HelloRequest" "name" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) , 'AnnField "HelloResponse" "message" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) , 'AnnField "HiRequest" "number" ('ProtoBufId 1 '[]) ] sayHello' :: HostName -> PortNumber -> T.Text -> IO (GRpcReply T.Text) sayHello' host port req = do Right c <- setupGrpcClient' (grpcClientConfigSimple host port False) fmap (\(HelloResponse r) -> r) <$> sayHello c (HelloRequest req) sayHello :: GrpcClient -> HelloRequest -> IO (GRpcReply HelloResponse) sayHello = gRpcCall @'MsgProtoBuf @QuickStartService @"Greeter" @"SayHello" sayHi' :: HostName -> PortNumber -> Int -> IO [GRpcReply T.Text] sayHi' host port n = do Right c <- setupGrpcClient' (grpcClientConfigSimple host port False) cndt <- sayHi c (HiRequest n) runConduit $ cndt .| C.map (fmap (\(HelloResponse r) -> r)) .| consume sayHi :: GrpcClient -> HiRequest -> IO (ConduitT () (GRpcReply HelloResponse) IO ()) sayHi = gRpcCall @'MsgProtoBuf @QuickStartService @"Greeter" @"SayHi"
#lang racket/base (require "../compile/serialize-property.rkt" "syntax.rkt" "binding-table.rkt" ; defines `prop:bulk-binding` "binding.rkt" "../common/module-path.rkt" (only-in "../compile/reserved-symbol.rkt" bulk-binding-registry-id) "../namespace/provided.rkt") (provide provide-binding-to-require-binding make-bulk-binding-registry register-bulk-provide! registered-bulk-provide? bulk-binding bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions deserialize-bulk-binding) ;; When a require is something like `(require racket/base)`, then we 'd like to import the many bindings from ` racket / base ` in one ;; fast step, and we'd like to share the information in syntax objects ;; from many different modules that all import `racket/base`. A ;; "bulk binding" implements that fast binding and sharing. ;; The difficult part is restoring sharing when a syntax object is ;; unmarshaled, and also leaving the binding information in the ;; providing moduling instead of the requiring module. Keeping the ;; information with the providing module should be ok, because ;; resolving a chain of module imports should ensure that the relevant ;; module is loaded before a syntax object with a bulk binding is used. ;; Still, we have to communicate information from the loading process ;; down the binding-resolving process. ;; A bulk-binding registry manages that connection. The registry is ;; similar to the module registry, in that it maps a resolved module ;; name to provide information. But it has only the provide ;; information, and not the rest of the module's implementation. ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; Helper for both regular imports and bulk bindings, which converts a providing module 's view of a binding to a requiring 's view . (define (provide-binding-to-require-binding binding/p ; the provided binding sym ; the symbolic name of the provide #:self self ; the providing module's view of itself #:mpi mpi ; the requiring module's view #:provide-phase-level provide-phase-level #:phase-shift phase-shift) (define binding (provided-as-binding binding/p)) (define from-mod (module-binding-module binding)) (module-binding-update binding #:module (module-path-index-shift from-mod self mpi) #:nominal-module mpi #:nominal-phase provide-phase-level #:nominal-sym sym #:nominal-require-phase phase-shift #:frame-id #f #:extra-inspector (and (not (provided-as-protected? binding/p)) ; see [*] below (module-binding-extra-inspector binding)) #:extra-nominal-bindings null)) ;; [*] If a binding has an extra inspector, it's because the binding ;; was provided as a rename transformer with a module (and the rename ;; transformer doesn't have 'not-free-identifier=?). But if we're ;; protecting the rename-transformer output, then the inspector on the ;; providing module should guard the use of the inspector attached to ;; the binding. For now, we approximate(!) that conditional use by ;; just dropping the extra inspector, which means that the original ;; binding (bounding by te rename transformer) is accessible only if ;; the end user has access to the original binding directly. ;; ---------------------------------------- (struct bulk-binding ([provides #:mutable] ; mutable so table can be found lazily on unmarshal prefix ; #f or a prefix for the import excepts ; hash table of excluded symbols (before adding prefix) [self #:mutable] ; the providing module's self mpi ; this binding's view of the providing module provide-phase-level ; providing module's import phase phase-shift ; providing module's instantiation phase bulk-binding-registry) ; a registry for finding bulk bindings lazily #:property prop:bulk-binding (bulk-binding-class (lambda (b mpi-shifts) (or (bulk-binding-provides b) ;; Here's where we find provided bindings for unmarshaled syntax (let ([mod-name (module-path-index-resolve (apply-syntax-shifts (bulk-binding-mpi b) mpi-shifts))]) (unless (bulk-binding-bulk-binding-registry b) (error "namespace mismatch: no bulk-binding registry available:" mod-name)) (define table (bulk-binding-registry-table (bulk-binding-bulk-binding-registry b))) (define bulk-provide (hash-ref table mod-name #f)) (unless bulk-provide (error "namespace mismatch: bulk bindings not found in registry for module:" mod-name)) ;; Reset `provide` and `self` to the discovered information (set-bulk-binding-self! b (bulk-provide-self bulk-provide)) (define provides (hash-ref (bulk-provide-provides bulk-provide) (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b))) ;; Remove exceptions and add prefix (define excepts (bulk-binding-excepts b)) (define prefix (bulk-binding-prefix b)) (define adjusted-provides (cond [(or prefix (positive? (hash-count excepts))) (bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions provides prefix excepts)] [else provides])) ;; Record the adjusted `provides` table for quick future access: (set-bulk-binding-provides! b adjusted-provides) adjusted-provides))) (lambda (b binding sym) ;; Convert the provided binding to a required binding on ;; demand during binding resolution (provide-binding-to-require-binding binding (if (bulk-binding-prefix b) (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string sym) (string-length (symbol->string (bulk-binding-prefix b))))) sym) #:self (bulk-binding-self b) #:mpi (bulk-binding-mpi b) #:provide-phase-level (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b) #:phase-shift (bulk-binding-phase-shift b)))) #:property prop:serialize ;; Serialization drops the `provides` table and the providing module's `self` (lambda (b ser-push! reachable-scopes) (ser-push! 'tag '#:bulk-binding) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-prefix b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-excepts b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-mpi b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-phase-shift b)) (ser-push! 'tag '#:bulk-binding-registry))) (define (deserialize-bulk-binding prefix excepts mpi provide-phase-level phase-shift bulk-binding-registry) (bulk-binding #f prefix excepts #f mpi provide-phase-level phase-shift bulk-binding-registry)) (define (bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions provides prefix excepts) (for/hash ([(sym val) (in-hash provides)] #:unless (hash-ref excepts sym #f)) (values (if prefix (string->symbol (format "~a~a" prefix sym)) sym) val))) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; A blk binding registry has just the provde part of a module, for ;; use in resolving bulk bindings on unmarshal (struct bulk-provide (self provides)) ;; A bulk-binding-registry object is attached to every syntax object ;; in an instantiated module, so that binding resolution on the ;; module's syntax literals can find tables of provided variables ;; based on module names (struct bulk-binding-registry (table)) ; resolve-module-name -> bulk-provide (define (make-bulk-binding-registry) (bulk-binding-registry (make-hasheq))) ;; Called when a module is instantiated to register its provides: (define (register-bulk-provide! bulk-binding-registry mod-name self provides) (hash-set! (bulk-binding-registry-table bulk-binding-registry) mod-name (bulk-provide self provides))) ;; Called when a module is imported to make sure that it's in the ;; registry (as opposed to a temporary module instance during ;; expansion): (define (registered-bulk-provide? bulk-binding-registry mod-name) (and (hash-ref (bulk-binding-registry-table bulk-binding-registry) mod-name #f) #t))
defines `prop:bulk-binding` When a require is something like `(require racket/base)`, then fast step, and we'd like to share the information in syntax objects from many different modules that all import `racket/base`. A "bulk binding" implements that fast binding and sharing. The difficult part is restoring sharing when a syntax object is unmarshaled, and also leaving the binding information in the providing moduling instead of the requiring module. Keeping the information with the providing module should be ok, because resolving a chain of module imports should ensure that the relevant module is loaded before a syntax object with a bulk binding is used. Still, we have to communicate information from the loading process down the binding-resolving process. A bulk-binding registry manages that connection. The registry is similar to the module registry, in that it maps a resolved module name to provide information. But it has only the provide information, and not the rest of the module's implementation. ---------------------------------------- Helper for both regular imports and bulk bindings, which converts a the provided binding the symbolic name of the provide the providing module's view of itself the requiring module's view see [*] below [*] If a binding has an extra inspector, it's because the binding was provided as a rename transformer with a module (and the rename transformer doesn't have 'not-free-identifier=?). But if we're protecting the rename-transformer output, then the inspector on the providing module should guard the use of the inspector attached to the binding. For now, we approximate(!) that conditional use by just dropping the extra inspector, which means that the original binding (bounding by te rename transformer) is accessible only if the end user has access to the original binding directly. ---------------------------------------- mutable so table can be found lazily on unmarshal #f or a prefix for the import hash table of excluded symbols (before adding prefix) the providing module's self this binding's view of the providing module providing module's import phase providing module's instantiation phase a registry for finding bulk bindings lazily Here's where we find provided bindings for unmarshaled syntax Reset `provide` and `self` to the discovered information Remove exceptions and add prefix Record the adjusted `provides` table for quick future access: Convert the provided binding to a required binding on demand during binding resolution Serialization drops the `provides` table and the providing module's `self` ---------------------------------------- A blk binding registry has just the provde part of a module, for use in resolving bulk bindings on unmarshal A bulk-binding-registry object is attached to every syntax object in an instantiated module, so that binding resolution on the module's syntax literals can find tables of provided variables based on module names resolve-module-name -> bulk-provide Called when a module is instantiated to register its provides: Called when a module is imported to make sure that it's in the registry (as opposed to a temporary module instance during expansion):
#lang racket/base (require "../compile/serialize-property.rkt" "syntax.rkt" "binding.rkt" "../common/module-path.rkt" (only-in "../compile/reserved-symbol.rkt" bulk-binding-registry-id) "../namespace/provided.rkt") (provide provide-binding-to-require-binding make-bulk-binding-registry register-bulk-provide! registered-bulk-provide? bulk-binding bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions deserialize-bulk-binding) we 'd like to import the many bindings from ` racket / base ` in one providing module 's view of a binding to a requiring 's view . #:provide-phase-level provide-phase-level #:phase-shift phase-shift) (define binding (provided-as-binding binding/p)) (define from-mod (module-binding-module binding)) (module-binding-update binding #:module (module-path-index-shift from-mod self mpi) #:nominal-module mpi #:nominal-phase provide-phase-level #:nominal-sym sym #:nominal-require-phase phase-shift #:frame-id #f (module-binding-extra-inspector binding)) #:extra-nominal-bindings null)) #:property prop:bulk-binding (bulk-binding-class (lambda (b mpi-shifts) (or (bulk-binding-provides b) (let ([mod-name (module-path-index-resolve (apply-syntax-shifts (bulk-binding-mpi b) mpi-shifts))]) (unless (bulk-binding-bulk-binding-registry b) (error "namespace mismatch: no bulk-binding registry available:" mod-name)) (define table (bulk-binding-registry-table (bulk-binding-bulk-binding-registry b))) (define bulk-provide (hash-ref table mod-name #f)) (unless bulk-provide (error "namespace mismatch: bulk bindings not found in registry for module:" mod-name)) (set-bulk-binding-self! b (bulk-provide-self bulk-provide)) (define provides (hash-ref (bulk-provide-provides bulk-provide) (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b))) (define excepts (bulk-binding-excepts b)) (define prefix (bulk-binding-prefix b)) (define adjusted-provides (cond [(or prefix (positive? (hash-count excepts))) (bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions provides prefix excepts)] [else provides])) (set-bulk-binding-provides! b adjusted-provides) adjusted-provides))) (lambda (b binding sym) (provide-binding-to-require-binding binding (if (bulk-binding-prefix b) (string->symbol (substring (symbol->string sym) (string-length (symbol->string (bulk-binding-prefix b))))) sym) #:self (bulk-binding-self b) #:mpi (bulk-binding-mpi b) #:provide-phase-level (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b) #:phase-shift (bulk-binding-phase-shift b)))) #:property prop:serialize (lambda (b ser-push! reachable-scopes) (ser-push! 'tag '#:bulk-binding) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-prefix b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-excepts b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-mpi b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-provide-phase-level b)) (ser-push! (bulk-binding-phase-shift b)) (ser-push! 'tag '#:bulk-binding-registry))) (define (deserialize-bulk-binding prefix excepts mpi provide-phase-level phase-shift bulk-binding-registry) (bulk-binding #f prefix excepts #f mpi provide-phase-level phase-shift bulk-binding-registry)) (define (bulk-provides-add-prefix-remove-exceptions provides prefix excepts) (for/hash ([(sym val) (in-hash provides)] #:unless (hash-ref excepts sym #f)) (values (if prefix (string->symbol (format "~a~a" prefix sym)) sym) val))) (struct bulk-provide (self provides)) (define (make-bulk-binding-registry) (bulk-binding-registry (make-hasheq))) (define (register-bulk-provide! bulk-binding-registry mod-name self provides) (hash-set! (bulk-binding-registry-table bulk-binding-registry) mod-name (bulk-provide self provides))) (define (registered-bulk-provide? bulk-binding-registry mod-name) (and (hash-ref (bulk-binding-registry-table bulk-binding-registry) mod-name #f) #t))
let succ (b:int) (f:int->unit) x = f (x + 1) let rec app (b:int) (f:int->unit) x = if Random.bool () then app (b-1) (succ (b-1) f) (x - 1) else f x let check (x:int) (y:int) = assert (x <= y) let main n = app n (check n) n let _ = main 5
let succ (b:int) (f:int->unit) x = f (x + 1) let rec app (b:int) (f:int->unit) x = if Random.bool () then app (b-1) (succ (b-1) f) (x - 1) else f x let check (x:int) (y:int) = assert (x <= y) let main n = app n (check n) n let _ = main 5
module Adapter.PostgreSQL.Auth where import ClassyPrelude import qualified Domain.Auth.Types as D import Text.StringRandom import Data.Has import Data.Pool import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Data.Time type State = Pool Connection type PG r m = (Has State r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) data Config = Config { configUrl :: ByteString , configStripeCount :: Int , configMaxOpenConnPerStripe :: Int , configIdleConnTimeout :: NominalDiffTime } deriving (Eq, Show) withState :: Config -> (State -> IO a) -> IO a withState cfg action = withPool cfg $ \state -> do migrate state action state withPool :: Config -> (State -> IO a) -> IO a withPool cfg action = bracket initPool cleanPool action where initPool = createPool openConn closeConn (configStripeCount cfg) (configIdleConnTimeout cfg) (configMaxOpenConnPerStripe cfg) cleanPool = destroyAllResources openConn = connectPostgreSQL (configUrl cfg) closeConn = close withConn :: PG r m => (Connection -> IO a) -> m a withConn action = do pool <- asks getter liftIO . withResource pool $ \conn -> action conn migrate :: State -> IO () migrate pool = withResource pool $ \conn -> do result <- withTransaction conn (runMigrations False conn cmds) case result of MigrationError err -> throwString err _ -> return () where cmds = [ MigrationInitialization , MigrationDirectory "src/Adapter/PostgreSQL/Migrations" ] addAuth :: PG r m => D.Auth -> m (Either D.RegistrationError (D.UserId, D.VerificationCode)) addAuth (D.Auth email pass) = do let rawEmail = D.rawEmail email rawPassw = D.rawPassword pass generate vCode vCode <- liftIO $ do r <- stringRandomIO "[A-Za-z0-9]{16}" return $ (tshow rawEmail) <> "_" <> r -- issue query result <- withConn $ \conn -> try $ query conn qry (rawEmail, rawPassw, vCode) -- interpret result case result of Right [Only uId] -> return $ Right (uId, vCode) Right _ -> throwString "Should not happen: PG doesn't return userId" Left err@SqlError{sqlState = state, sqlErrorMsg = msg} -> if state == "23505" && "auths_email_key" `isInfixOf` msg then return $ Left D.RegistrationErrorEmailTaken else throwString $ "Unhandled PG exception: " <> show err where qry = "insert into auths \ \(email, pass, email_verification_code, is_email_verified) \ \values (?, crypt(?, gen_salt('bf')), ?, 'f') returning id" setEmailAsVerified :: PG r m => D.VerificationCode -> m (Either D.EmailVerificationError (D.UserId, D.Email)) setEmailAsVerified vCode = do result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (Only vCode) case result of [(uId, mail)] -> case D.mkEmail mail of Right email -> return $ Right (uId, email) _ -> throwString $ "Should not happen: email in DB is not valid: " <> unpack mail _ -> return $ Left D.EmailVerificationErrorInvalidCode where qry = "update auths \ \set is_email_verified = 't' \ \where email_verification_code = ? \ \returning id, cast (email as text)" findUserByAuth :: PG r m => D.Auth -> m (Maybe (D.UserId, Bool)) findUserByAuth (D.Auth email pass) = do let rawEmail = D.rawEmail email rawPassw = D.rawPassword pass result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (rawEmail, rawPassw) return $ case result of [(uId, isVerified)] -> Just (uId, isVerified) _ -> Nothing where qry = "select id, is_email_verified \ \from auths \ \where email = ? and pass = crypt(?, pass)" findEmailFromUserId :: PG r m => D.UserId -> m (Maybe D.Email) findEmailFromUserId uId = do result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (Only uId) case result of [Only mail] -> case D.mkEmail mail of Right email -> return $ Just email _ -> throwString $ "Should not happen: email in DB is not valid: " <> unpack mail _ -> return Nothing where qry = "select cast(email as text) \ \from auths \ \where id = ?"
issue query interpret result
module Adapter.PostgreSQL.Auth where import ClassyPrelude import qualified Domain.Auth.Types as D import Text.StringRandom import Data.Has import Data.Pool import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Data.Time type State = Pool Connection type PG r m = (Has State r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) data Config = Config { configUrl :: ByteString , configStripeCount :: Int , configMaxOpenConnPerStripe :: Int , configIdleConnTimeout :: NominalDiffTime } deriving (Eq, Show) withState :: Config -> (State -> IO a) -> IO a withState cfg action = withPool cfg $ \state -> do migrate state action state withPool :: Config -> (State -> IO a) -> IO a withPool cfg action = bracket initPool cleanPool action where initPool = createPool openConn closeConn (configStripeCount cfg) (configIdleConnTimeout cfg) (configMaxOpenConnPerStripe cfg) cleanPool = destroyAllResources openConn = connectPostgreSQL (configUrl cfg) closeConn = close withConn :: PG r m => (Connection -> IO a) -> m a withConn action = do pool <- asks getter liftIO . withResource pool $ \conn -> action conn migrate :: State -> IO () migrate pool = withResource pool $ \conn -> do result <- withTransaction conn (runMigrations False conn cmds) case result of MigrationError err -> throwString err _ -> return () where cmds = [ MigrationInitialization , MigrationDirectory "src/Adapter/PostgreSQL/Migrations" ] addAuth :: PG r m => D.Auth -> m (Either D.RegistrationError (D.UserId, D.VerificationCode)) addAuth (D.Auth email pass) = do let rawEmail = D.rawEmail email rawPassw = D.rawPassword pass generate vCode vCode <- liftIO $ do r <- stringRandomIO "[A-Za-z0-9]{16}" return $ (tshow rawEmail) <> "_" <> r result <- withConn $ \conn -> try $ query conn qry (rawEmail, rawPassw, vCode) case result of Right [Only uId] -> return $ Right (uId, vCode) Right _ -> throwString "Should not happen: PG doesn't return userId" Left err@SqlError{sqlState = state, sqlErrorMsg = msg} -> if state == "23505" && "auths_email_key" `isInfixOf` msg then return $ Left D.RegistrationErrorEmailTaken else throwString $ "Unhandled PG exception: " <> show err where qry = "insert into auths \ \(email, pass, email_verification_code, is_email_verified) \ \values (?, crypt(?, gen_salt('bf')), ?, 'f') returning id" setEmailAsVerified :: PG r m => D.VerificationCode -> m (Either D.EmailVerificationError (D.UserId, D.Email)) setEmailAsVerified vCode = do result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (Only vCode) case result of [(uId, mail)] -> case D.mkEmail mail of Right email -> return $ Right (uId, email) _ -> throwString $ "Should not happen: email in DB is not valid: " <> unpack mail _ -> return $ Left D.EmailVerificationErrorInvalidCode where qry = "update auths \ \set is_email_verified = 't' \ \where email_verification_code = ? \ \returning id, cast (email as text)" findUserByAuth :: PG r m => D.Auth -> m (Maybe (D.UserId, Bool)) findUserByAuth (D.Auth email pass) = do let rawEmail = D.rawEmail email rawPassw = D.rawPassword pass result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (rawEmail, rawPassw) return $ case result of [(uId, isVerified)] -> Just (uId, isVerified) _ -> Nothing where qry = "select id, is_email_verified \ \from auths \ \where email = ? and pass = crypt(?, pass)" findEmailFromUserId :: PG r m => D.UserId -> m (Maybe D.Email) findEmailFromUserId uId = do result <- withConn $ \conn -> query conn qry (Only uId) case result of [Only mail] -> case D.mkEmail mail of Right email -> return $ Just email _ -> throwString $ "Should not happen: email in DB is not valid: " <> unpack mail _ -> return Nothing where qry = "select cast(email as text) \ \from auths \ \where id = ?"
module Aws.Canonical where import Data.IORef import Data.Time.Clock import Aws.Core canonicalSigData :: IO SignatureData canonicalSigData = do emptyRef <- newIORef [] return SignatureData { signatureTimeInfo = AbsoluteTimestamp baseTime , signatureTime = baseTime , signatureCredentials = Credentials "" "" emptyRef Nothing } baseTime = UTCTime (toEnum 0) $ secondsToDiffTime 0
module Aws.Canonical where import Data.IORef import Data.Time.Clock import Aws.Core canonicalSigData :: IO SignatureData canonicalSigData = do emptyRef <- newIORef [] return SignatureData { signatureTimeInfo = AbsoluteTimestamp baseTime , signatureTime = baseTime , signatureCredentials = Credentials "" "" emptyRef Nothing } baseTime = UTCTime (toEnum 0) $ secondsToDiffTime 0
(cl:in-package #:sicl-type) ;;; FIXME: check shape of type-specifier for each case. (defun typep-compound (object type-specifier) (case (first type-specifier) (and (loop for type-spec in (rest type-specifier) always (typep object type-spec))) (or (loop for type-spec in (rest type-specifier) thereis (typep object type-spec))) (eql (eql object (second type-specifier))) (member (member object (rest type-specifier))) (not (not (typep object (second type-specifier)))) (satisfies (funcall (fdefinition (second type-specifier)) object)) (integer (typep-compound-integer object (rest type-specifier))) (cons (cond ((null (rest type-specifier)) (consp object)) ((null (rest (rest type-specifier))) (and (consp object) (typep (car object) (second type-specifier)))) ((null (rest (rest (rest type-specifier)))) (and (consp object) (typep (car object) (second type-specifier)) (typep (cdr object) (third type-specifier)))) (t (error "malformed type specifier: ~s" type-specifier)))) (t (let ((expander (type-expander (first type-specifier)))) (if (null expander) (error "can't handle type-specifier ~s" type-specifier) ;; We found an expander. Expand TYPE-SPECIFIER and call TYPEP recursively with the expanded type specifier . (typep object (funcall expander type-specifier nil)))))))
FIXME: check shape of type-specifier for each case. We found an expander. Expand TYPE-SPECIFIER and call
(cl:in-package #:sicl-type) (defun typep-compound (object type-specifier) (case (first type-specifier) (and (loop for type-spec in (rest type-specifier) always (typep object type-spec))) (or (loop for type-spec in (rest type-specifier) thereis (typep object type-spec))) (eql (eql object (second type-specifier))) (member (member object (rest type-specifier))) (not (not (typep object (second type-specifier)))) (satisfies (funcall (fdefinition (second type-specifier)) object)) (integer (typep-compound-integer object (rest type-specifier))) (cons (cond ((null (rest type-specifier)) (consp object)) ((null (rest (rest type-specifier))) (and (consp object) (typep (car object) (second type-specifier)))) ((null (rest (rest (rest type-specifier)))) (and (consp object) (typep (car object) (second type-specifier)) (typep (cdr object) (third type-specifier)))) (t (error "malformed type specifier: ~s" type-specifier)))) (t (let ((expander (type-expander (first type-specifier)))) (if (null expander) (error "can't handle type-specifier ~s" type-specifier) TYPEP recursively with the expanded type specifier . (typep object (funcall expander type-specifier nil)))))))
(ns plumbing.observer (:use plumbing.core) (:require [plumbing.error :as err] [plumbing.logging :as log] [plumbing.map :as map] [plumbing.time :as time]) (:import [java.lang.ref WeakReference] [java.util Timer TimerTask] [java.util.concurrent ExecutorService Executors])) Observer Interface (def +stop-watching+ (Object.)) (defprotocol Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] "Return a wrapped version of f that logs results under k. Opts is either :log or :stats for now.") (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f args] "For internal use. Users should call watch-fn!.") (leaf* [this k merge-spec] "Return a fn to call with observations, or nil. merge-spec is {:report :merge}, with defaults identity/conj merge-fn tells how to merge in new values, and report-fn generates a report from map plus an additional map of global values.") (sub-observer [this k] "Create a new sub-observer of obs under key k.") (report [this global-data] "Generate a report.") (get-path [this] "Return the seq of keys corresponding to sub-observer paths to this")) (defn watch-fn! "Call f regularly, logging the results into k on obs. f can return +stop-watching+ to stop watching it, or it will be automatically stopped if any of the resources (passed as args) become collectable by the GC." [obs k merge-spec f & args] (watch-fn!* obs k merge-spec f args)) (defn report-hook "Call f on every report, generating a map reported under k" [observer k f] (leaf* observer k {:report (fn [_ _] (f))})) (defn counter "Make a counter you can call with any number of keys, which counts into a nested map. Expect pain if you call on a strict prefix of keys, e.g., (c :kittens) (c :kittens :chin)" [o k] (let [raw (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old ks] (update-in (or old {}) ks (fnil inc 0)))})] (fn [& ks] (when raw (raw ks))))) (defn stats-counter "Like counter, but the last argument is a real number, and we'll accumulate the mean as well as the count." [o k] (let [raw (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old [ks v]] (update-in (or old {}) ks (fn [[c t]] [(inc (or c 0)) (+ (or t 0.0) v)]))) :report (fn [m _] (map/map-leaves (fn [[c t]] {:count c :mean (/ t c) :total t}) m))})] (fn [& ks] (when raw (raw [(drop-last ks) (last ks)]))))) (defn gen-key [^String prefix] (-> prefix gensym name keyword)) ;;; Helpers for implementors (defn watch-with-resources! [schedule! store! f res] (schedule! (let [refs (doall (map #(WeakReference. %) res))] (fn wrap [] (let [res (map #(.get ^WeakReference %) refs)] (when (every? identity res) (let [result (apply f res)] (when-not (identical? result +stop-watching+) (store! result) (schedule! wrap))))))))) (defn observe-fn-log [o k f] (if-let [l (leaf* o k {})] (comp l f) (constantly nil))) (defn div [x y] (when (and x y (> y 0)) (float (/ x y)))) (defn time-reporter [] (let [start (millis)] (fn [] (let [end (millis)] {:last end :time (max 0 (- end start))})))) (defn observe-fn-stats [o k f opts] (if-let [l (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old new] (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m k (cons v (get m k)))) (or old {}) new)) :report (fn [{:keys [time last] :as b} {:keys [duration]}] (let [c (count time) time (reduce + time)] (assoc (map-vals count b) :time time :last (time/to-string (time/from-long (first last))) :count c :avg-time (div time c) :p-data-loss (div (count (apply concat (vals (dissoc b :time :last)))) c))))})] (fn [& args] (let [time-report (time-reporter) result (try (apply f args) (catch Throwable t (l (assoc (time-report) (-> t err/cause err/ex-name) 1)) (throw t)))] (l (time-report)) result)) f)) (defn observe-fn-counts [obs k f group-fn] (if-let [l (leaf* obs k {:merge (partial merge-with +) :report (fn [m _] (reduce (fn [m [ks v]] (assoc-in m ks v)) {} m)) })] (fn [& args] (l {(group-fn args) 1}) (apply f args)) f)) (defn default-observed-fn [obs k opts f] (let [opts (if (map? opts) opts {:type opts})] (case (:type opts) :log (observe-fn-log obs k f) :stats (observe-fn-stats obs k f opts) :counts (observe-fn-counts obs k f (:group opts))))) Noop implementation (extend-type nil Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] (default-observed-fn this k opts f)) (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f rs] nil) (leaf* [this k merge-spec] nil) (sub-observer [this k] nil) (report [this global-data] nil) (get-path [this] [])) Simple implementation --- stores under seqs of keys ;;; update-key! takes a key-seq and update-fn. (defrecord SimpleObserver [key-seq update! get schedule! report-atom child-atom] Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] (default-observed-fn this k opts f)) (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f rs] (when-let [l (leaf* this k merge-spec)] (watch-with-resources! schedule! l f rs))) (leaf* [this k merge-spec] (let [{:keys [merge report] :or {merge conj report (fn [m _] m)}} merge-spec ks (conj key-seq k)] (when (:report merge-spec) ;; TODO: remove this when log is fixed. (assert (not (contains? @report-atom k)))) (swap! report-atom assoc k #(report (get ks) %)) (fn [x] (update! ks #(merge % x))))) (sub-observer [this k] (or (@child-atom k) (let [sub (SimpleObserver. (conj key-seq k) update! get schedule! (atom {}) (atom {}))] (swap! child-atom assoc k sub) (swap! report-atom assoc k #(report sub %)) sub))) (report [this global-data] (map-vals #(% global-data) @report-atom)) (get-path [this] key-seq)) (defn simple-scheduler [] {:executor (Executors/newCachedThreadPool) :timer (Timer.)}) (defn schedule-fn [{:keys [^ExecutorService executor ^Timer timer]} f in-ms] (.schedule timer (proxy [TimerTask] [] (run [] (.submit executor ^Runnable f))) (long in-ms))) (defn make-simple-observer [update! get & [poll-delay]] (let [scheduler (simple-scheduler) poll-delay (or poll-delay 1000)] (SimpleObserver. [] update! get #(schedule-fn scheduler % poll-delay) (atom {}) (atom {})))) (defn make-atom-observer [& [poll-delay]] (let [a (atom {})] (make-simple-observer (fn [ks f] (swap! a update-in ks f)) (fn [ks] (let [vs (get-in @a ks)] (swap! a update-in ks (constantly nil)) vs)) poll-delay)))
Helpers for implementors update-key! takes a key-seq and update-fn. TODO: remove this when log is fixed.
(ns plumbing.observer (:use plumbing.core) (:require [plumbing.error :as err] [plumbing.logging :as log] [plumbing.map :as map] [plumbing.time :as time]) (:import [java.lang.ref WeakReference] [java.util Timer TimerTask] [java.util.concurrent ExecutorService Executors])) Observer Interface (def +stop-watching+ (Object.)) (defprotocol Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] "Return a wrapped version of f that logs results under k. Opts is either :log or :stats for now.") (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f args] "For internal use. Users should call watch-fn!.") (leaf* [this k merge-spec] "Return a fn to call with observations, or nil. merge-spec is {:report :merge}, with defaults identity/conj merge-fn tells how to merge in new values, and report-fn generates a report from map plus an additional map of global values.") (sub-observer [this k] "Create a new sub-observer of obs under key k.") (report [this global-data] "Generate a report.") (get-path [this] "Return the seq of keys corresponding to sub-observer paths to this")) (defn watch-fn! "Call f regularly, logging the results into k on obs. f can return +stop-watching+ to stop watching it, or it will be automatically stopped if any of the resources (passed as args) become collectable by the GC." [obs k merge-spec f & args] (watch-fn!* obs k merge-spec f args)) (defn report-hook "Call f on every report, generating a map reported under k" [observer k f] (leaf* observer k {:report (fn [_ _] (f))})) (defn counter "Make a counter you can call with any number of keys, which counts into a nested map. Expect pain if you call on a strict prefix of keys, e.g., (c :kittens) (c :kittens :chin)" [o k] (let [raw (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old ks] (update-in (or old {}) ks (fnil inc 0)))})] (fn [& ks] (when raw (raw ks))))) (defn stats-counter "Like counter, but the last argument is a real number, and we'll accumulate the mean as well as the count." [o k] (let [raw (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old [ks v]] (update-in (or old {}) ks (fn [[c t]] [(inc (or c 0)) (+ (or t 0.0) v)]))) :report (fn [m _] (map/map-leaves (fn [[c t]] {:count c :mean (/ t c) :total t}) m))})] (fn [& ks] (when raw (raw [(drop-last ks) (last ks)]))))) (defn gen-key [^String prefix] (-> prefix gensym name keyword)) (defn watch-with-resources! [schedule! store! f res] (schedule! (let [refs (doall (map #(WeakReference. %) res))] (fn wrap [] (let [res (map #(.get ^WeakReference %) refs)] (when (every? identity res) (let [result (apply f res)] (when-not (identical? result +stop-watching+) (store! result) (schedule! wrap))))))))) (defn observe-fn-log [o k f] (if-let [l (leaf* o k {})] (comp l f) (constantly nil))) (defn div [x y] (when (and x y (> y 0)) (float (/ x y)))) (defn time-reporter [] (let [start (millis)] (fn [] (let [end (millis)] {:last end :time (max 0 (- end start))})))) (defn observe-fn-stats [o k f opts] (if-let [l (leaf* o k {:merge (fn [old new] (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m k (cons v (get m k)))) (or old {}) new)) :report (fn [{:keys [time last] :as b} {:keys [duration]}] (let [c (count time) time (reduce + time)] (assoc (map-vals count b) :time time :last (time/to-string (time/from-long (first last))) :count c :avg-time (div time c) :p-data-loss (div (count (apply concat (vals (dissoc b :time :last)))) c))))})] (fn [& args] (let [time-report (time-reporter) result (try (apply f args) (catch Throwable t (l (assoc (time-report) (-> t err/cause err/ex-name) 1)) (throw t)))] (l (time-report)) result)) f)) (defn observe-fn-counts [obs k f group-fn] (if-let [l (leaf* obs k {:merge (partial merge-with +) :report (fn [m _] (reduce (fn [m [ks v]] (assoc-in m ks v)) {} m)) })] (fn [& args] (l {(group-fn args) 1}) (apply f args)) f)) (defn default-observed-fn [obs k opts f] (let [opts (if (map? opts) opts {:type opts})] (case (:type opts) :log (observe-fn-log obs k f) :stats (observe-fn-stats obs k f opts) :counts (observe-fn-counts obs k f (:group opts))))) Noop implementation (extend-type nil Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] (default-observed-fn this k opts f)) (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f rs] nil) (leaf* [this k merge-spec] nil) (sub-observer [this k] nil) (report [this global-data] nil) (get-path [this] [])) Simple implementation --- stores under seqs of keys (defrecord SimpleObserver [key-seq update! get schedule! report-atom child-atom] Observer (observed-fn [this k opts f] (default-observed-fn this k opts f)) (watch-fn!* [this k merge-spec f rs] (when-let [l (leaf* this k merge-spec)] (watch-with-resources! schedule! l f rs))) (leaf* [this k merge-spec] (let [{:keys [merge report] :or {merge conj report (fn [m _] m)}} merge-spec ks (conj key-seq k)] (assert (not (contains? @report-atom k)))) (swap! report-atom assoc k #(report (get ks) %)) (fn [x] (update! ks #(merge % x))))) (sub-observer [this k] (or (@child-atom k) (let [sub (SimpleObserver. (conj key-seq k) update! get schedule! (atom {}) (atom {}))] (swap! child-atom assoc k sub) (swap! report-atom assoc k #(report sub %)) sub))) (report [this global-data] (map-vals #(% global-data) @report-atom)) (get-path [this] key-seq)) (defn simple-scheduler [] {:executor (Executors/newCachedThreadPool) :timer (Timer.)}) (defn schedule-fn [{:keys [^ExecutorService executor ^Timer timer]} f in-ms] (.schedule timer (proxy [TimerTask] [] (run [] (.submit executor ^Runnable f))) (long in-ms))) (defn make-simple-observer [update! get & [poll-delay]] (let [scheduler (simple-scheduler) poll-delay (or poll-delay 1000)] (SimpleObserver. [] update! get #(schedule-fn scheduler % poll-delay) (atom {}) (atom {})))) (defn make-atom-observer [& [poll-delay]] (let [a (atom {})] (make-simple-observer (fn [ks f] (swap! a update-in ks f)) (fn [ks] (let [vs (get-in @a ks)] (swap! a update-in ks (constantly nil)) vs)) poll-delay)))
(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) , projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt (* *) Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}. *) open Asttypes (* basic term *) type basic_t = BINT of int | UNIT | VARName of string | List of int list (* an occurrence of an effect *) type instant = Instant of string * basic_t list type term = | Num of int | TList of (term list) | TTupple of (term list) | Var of string | Plus of term * term | Minus of term * term | TListAppend of term * term type bin_op = GT | LT | EQ | GTEQ | LTEQ type pi = | True | False | Atomic of bin_op * term * term | And of pi * pi | Or of pi * pi | Imply of pi * pi | Not of pi | Predicate of string * term type kappa = | EmptyHeap | PointsTo of (string * term) | SepConj of kappa * kappa type stagedSpec = | Require of kappa | NormalReturn of (kappa * basic_t list) basic_t is a placeholder for the resumned value | Exists of (string list) (* type linearStagedSpec = stagedSpec list *) (* type spec = (pi * linearStagedSpec) list *) type spec = stagedSpec list Flatten Form = = = = = = = = = = = = S : : = req H | H & Norm | H & Eff | local v * N : : = \/ { S; .. ;S } Flatten Form ============ S ::= req H | H & Norm | H & Eff | local v* N ::= \/ {S;..;S} *) type constant = Pconst_integer of string * char option 3 3l 3L 3n Suffixes [ g - z][G - Z ] are accepted by the parser . Suffixes except ' l ' , ' L ' and ' n ' are rejected by the typechecker Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser. Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker *) | Pconst_char of char (* 'c' *) | Pconst_string of string * Location.t * string option (* "constant" {delim|other constant|delim} The location span the content of the string, without the delimiters. *) | Pconst_float of string * char option (* 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4 Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser. Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker. *) type location_stack = Location.t list * { 1 Extension points } type attribute = { attr_name : string loc; attr_payload : payload; attr_loc : Location.t; } (* [@id ARG] [@@id ARG] Metadata containers passed around within the AST. The compiler ignores unknown attributes. *) and extension = string loc * payload (* [%id ARG] [%%id ARG] Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker. *) and attributes = attribute list and payload = | PStr of structure : SIG | PTyp of core_type (* : T *) | PPat of pattern * expression option (* ? P or ? P when E *) * { 1 Core language } (* Type expressions *) and core_type = { ptyp_desc: core_type_desc; ptyp_loc: Location.t; ptyp_loc_stack: location_stack; ptyp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and core_type_desc = | Ptyp_any (* _ *) | Ptyp_var of string (* 'a *) | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type (* T1 -> T2 Simple ~l:T1 -> T2 Labelled ?l:T1 -> T2 Optional *) | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list T1 * ... * Tn Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list (* tconstr T tconstr (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr *) | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag (* < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn > (flag = Closed) < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open) *) | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list # tconstr T # tconstr ( T1 , ... , Tn ) # tconstr T #tconstr (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr *) | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string (* T as 'a *) | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option (* [ `A|`B ] (flag = Closed; labels = None) [> `A|`B ] (flag = Open; labels = None) [< `A|`B ] (flag = Closed; labels = Some []) [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"]) *) | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type ' a1 ... ' an . T Can only appear in the following context : - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding to a constraint on a let - binding : let x : ' a1 ... ' an . T = e ... - Under Cfk_virtual for methods ( not values ) . - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node . - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node . - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration . - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node . Can only appear in the following context: - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T = e ... - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values). - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node. - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node. - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration. - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node. *) | Ptyp_package of package_type (* (module S) *) | Ptyp_extension of extension (* [%id] *) and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list (* (module S) (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn) *) and row_field = { prf_desc : row_field_desc; prf_loc : Location.t; prf_attributes : attributes; } and row_field_desc = | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list [ ` A ] ( true , [ ] ) [ ` A of T ] ( false , [ T ] ) [ ` A of T1 & .. & Tn ] ( false , [ T1; ... Tn ] ) [ ` A of & T1 & .. & Tn ] ( true , [ T1; ... Tn ] ) - The ' bool ' field is true if the tag contains a constant ( empty ) constructor . - ' & ' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor ( see 4.2 in the manual ) [`A of T] ( false, [T] ) [`A of T1 & .. & Tn] ( false, [T1;...Tn] ) [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true, [T1;...Tn] ) - The 'bool' field is true if the tag contains a constant (empty) constructor. - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor (see 4.2 in the manual) *) | Rinherit of core_type (* [ | t ] *) and object_field = { pof_desc : object_field_desc; pof_loc : Location.t; pof_attributes : attributes; } and object_field_desc = | Otag of label loc * core_type | Oinherit of core_type (* Patterns *) and pattern = { ppat_desc: pattern_desc; ppat_loc: Location.t; ppat_loc_stack: location_stack; ppat_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and pattern_desc = | Ppat_any (* _ *) | Ppat_var of string loc (* x *) | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc (* P as 'a *) | Ppat_constant of constant 1 , ' a ' , " true " , 1.0 , 1l , 1L , 1n | Ppat_interval of constant * constant (* 'a'..'z' Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser but rejected by the type-checker. *) | Ppat_tuple of pattern list ( P1 , ... , Pn ) Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option C None C P Some P C ( P1 , ... , Pn ) Some ( Ppat_tuple [ P1 ; ... ; Pn ] ) C P Some P C (P1, ..., Pn) Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn]) *) | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option (* `A (None) `A P (Some P) *) | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( flag = Closed ) { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn ; _ } ( flag = Open ) Invariant : n > 0 { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _} (flag = Open) Invariant: n > 0 *) | Ppat_array of pattern list (* [| P1; ...; Pn |] *) | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern P1 | P2 | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type (* (P : T) *) | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc (* #tconst *) | Ppat_lazy of pattern (* lazy P *) | Ppat_unpack of string option loc (* (module P) Some "P" (module _) None Note: (module P : S) is represented as Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package) *) | Ppat_exception of pattern (* exception P *) | Ppat_effect of pattern * pattern (* effect P P *) | Ppat_extension of extension (* [%id] *) | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern (* M.(P) *) (* Value expressions *) and expression = { pexp_desc: expression_desc; pexp_loc: Location.t; pexp_loc_stack: location_stack; pexp_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) pexp_effectspec: spec option; (* (spec * spec list) option; *) } and expression_desc = | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc (* x M.x *) | Pexp_constant of constant 1 , ' a ' , " true " , 1.0 , 1l , 1L , 1n | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E (flag = Recursive) *) | Pexp_function of case list (* function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En *) | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression fun P - > E1 ( Simple , None ) fun ~l :P - > E1 ( Labelled l , None ) fun ? l :P - > E1 ( Optional l , None ) fun ? l:(P = E0 ) - > E1 ( Optional l , Some E0 ) Notes : - If E0 is provided , only Optional is allowed . - " fun P1 P2 .. Pn - > E1 " is represented as nested Pexp_fun . - " let f P = E " is represented using Pexp_fun . fun ~l:P -> E1 (Labelled l, None) fun ?l:P -> E1 (Optional l, None) fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1 (Optional l, Some E0) Notes: - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed. - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun. - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun. *) | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list E0 ~l1 : E1 ... ~ln : En li can be empty ( non labeled argument ) or start with ' ? ' ( optional argument ) . Invariant : n > 0 li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?' (optional argument). Invariant: n > 0 *) | Pexp_match of expression * case list match E0 with P1 - > E1 | ... | Pn - > En | Pexp_try of expression * case list try E0 with P1 - > E1 | ... | Pn - > En | Pexp_tuple of expression list ( E1 , ... , En ) Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option (* C None C E Some E C (E1, ..., En) Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En]) *) | Pexp_variant of label * expression option (* `A (None) `A E (Some E) *) | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( None ) { E0 with l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( Some E0 ) Invariant : n > 0 { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn } (Some E0) Invariant: n > 0 *) | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc (* E.l *) | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression E1.l < - E2 | Pexp_array of expression list (* [| E1; ...; En |] *) | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option if E1 then E2 else E3 | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression (* E1; E2 *) | Pexp_while of expression * expression (* while E1 do E2 done *) | Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done ( flag = Upto ) for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done ( flag = ) for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done (flag = Downto) *) | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type (* (E : T) *) | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type (* (E :> T) (None, T) (E : T0 :> T) (Some T0, T) *) | Pexp_send of expression * label loc (* E # m *) | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc (* new M.c *) | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression (* x <- 2 *) | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list { < x1 = E1 ; ... ; > } | Pexp_letmodule of string option loc * module_expr * expression (* let module M = ME in E *) | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression (* let exception C in E *) | Pexp_assert of expression (* assert E Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the type-checker. *) | Pexp_lazy of expression (* lazy E *) | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option Used for method bodies . Can only be used as the expression under for methods ( not values ) . Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete for methods (not values). *) | Pexp_object of class_structure (* object ... end *) | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression (* fun (type t) -> E *) | Pexp_pack of module_expr (* (module ME) (module ME : S) is represented as Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) *) | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression (* M.(E) let open M in E let! open M in E *) | Pexp_letop of letop (* let* P = E in E let* P = E and* P = E in E *) | Pexp_extension of extension (* [%id] *) | Pexp_unreachable (* . *) and case = (* (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) *) { pc_lhs: pattern; pc_guard: expression option; pc_rhs: expression; } and letop = { let_ : binding_op; ands : binding_op list; body : expression; } and binding_op = { pbop_op : string loc; pbop_pat : pattern; pbop_exp : expression; pbop_loc : Location.t; } (* Value descriptions *) and value_description = { pval_name: string loc; pval_type: core_type; pval_prim: string list; pval_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) pval_loc: Location.t; } (* val x: T (prim = []) external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" (prim = ["s1";..."sn"]) *) (* Type declarations *) and type_declaration = { ptype_name: string loc; ptype_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; (* ('a1,...'an) t; None represents _*) ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list; ... constraint T1 = T1 ' ... constraint ptype_kind: type_kind; ptype_private: private_flag; (* = private ... *) ptype_manifest: core_type option; (* = T *) ptype_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) ptype_loc: Location.t; } (* type t (abstract, no manifest) type t = T0 (abstract, manifest=T0) type t = C of T | ... (variant, no manifest) type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant, manifest=T0) type t = {l: T; ...} (record, no manifest) type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record, manifest=T0) type t = .. (open, no manifest) *) and type_kind = | Ptype_abstract | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list | Ptype_record of label_declaration list (* Invariant: non-empty list *) | Ptype_open and label_declaration = { pld_name: string loc; pld_mutable: mutable_flag; pld_type: core_type; pld_loc: Location.t; pld_attributes: attributes; (* l : T [@id1] [@id2] *) } (* { ...; l: T; ... } (mutable=Immutable) { ...; mutable l: T; ... } (mutable=Mutable) Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly. *) and constructor_declaration = { pcd_name: string loc; pcd_args: constructor_arguments; pcd_res: core_type option; pcd_loc: Location.t; pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and constructor_arguments = | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list (* | C of T1 * ... * Tn (res = None, args = Pcstr_tuple []) | C: T0 (res = Some T0, args = []) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple) | C of {...} (res = None, args = Pcstr_record) | C: {...} -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record) | C of {...} as t (res = None, args = Pcstr_record) *) and type_extension = { ptyext_path: Longident.t loc; ptyext_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list; ptyext_private: private_flag; ptyext_loc: Location.t; ptyext_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) } (* type t += ... *) and extension_constructor = { pext_name: string loc; pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind; pext_loc : Location.t; pext_attributes: attributes; (* C of ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } (* exception E *) and type_exception = { ptyexn_constructor: extension_constructor; ptyexn_loc: Location.t; ptyexn_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) } and extension_constructor_kind = Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option (* | C of T1 * ... * Tn ([T1; ...; Tn], None) | C: T0 ([], Some T0) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0) *) | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc (* | C = D *) and effect_constructor = { peff_name: string loc; peff_kind : effect_constructor_kind; peff_loc : Location.t; peff_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *) } and effect_constructor_kind = Peff_decl of core_type list * core_type (* | C of T1 * ... * Tn ([T1; ...; Tn], None) | C: T0 ([], Some T0) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0) *) | Peff_rebind of Longident.t loc (* | C = D *) (** {1 Class language} *) (* Type expressions for the class language *) and class_type = { pcty_desc: class_type_desc; pcty_loc: Location.t; pcty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and class_type_desc = | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list (* c ['a1, ..., 'an] c *) | Pcty_signature of class_signature (* object ... end *) | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type (* T -> CT Simple ~l:T -> CT Labelled l ?l:T -> CT Optional l *) | Pcty_extension of extension (* [%id] *) | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type (* let open M in CT *) and class_signature = { pcsig_self: core_type; pcsig_fields: class_type_field list; } (* object('selfpat) ... end object ... end (self = Ptyp_any) *) and class_type_field = { pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc; pctf_loc: Location.t; pctf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) } and class_type_field_desc = | Pctf_inherit of class_type (* inherit CT *) | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type) (* val x: T *) | Pctf_method of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type) (* method x: T Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly. *) | Pctf_constraint of (core_type * core_type) (* constraint T1 = T2 *) | Pctf_attribute of attribute (* [@@@id] *) | Pctf_extension of extension (* [%%id] *) and 'a class_infos = { pci_virt: virtual_flag; pci_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; pci_name: string loc; pci_expr: 'a; pci_loc: Location.t; pci_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) } (* class c = ... class ['a1,...,'an] c = ... class virtual c = ... Also used for "class type" declaration. *) and class_description = class_type class_infos and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos (* Value expressions for the class language *) and class_expr = { pcl_desc: class_expr_desc; pcl_loc: Location.t; pcl_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and class_expr_desc = | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list (* c ['a1, ..., 'an] c *) | Pcl_structure of class_structure (* object ... end *) | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr (* fun P -> CE (Simple, None) fun ~l:P -> CE (Labelled l, None) fun ?l:P -> CE (Optional l, None) fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE (Optional l, Some E0) *) | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list (* CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?' (optional argument). Invariant: n > 0 *) | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE (flag = Recursive) *) | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type (* (CE : CT) *) | Pcl_extension of extension (* [%id] *) | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr (* let open M in CE *) and class_structure = { pcstr_self: pattern; pcstr_fields: class_field list; } (* object(selfpat) ... end object ... end (self = Ppat_any) *) and class_field = { pcf_desc: class_field_desc; pcf_loc: Location.t; pcf_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) } and class_field_desc = | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option (* inherit CE inherit CE as x inherit! CE inherit! CE as x *) | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind) (* val x = E val virtual x: T *) | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind) method x = E ( E can be a Pexp_poly ) method virtual x : T ( T can be a Ptyp_poly ) method virtual x: T (T can be a Ptyp_poly) *) | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type) (* constraint T1 = T2 *) | Pcf_initializer of expression (* initializer E *) | Pcf_attribute of attribute (* [@@@id] *) | Pcf_extension of extension (* [%%id] *) and class_field_kind = | Cfk_virtual of core_type | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos (** {1 Module language} *) (* Type expressions for the module language *) and module_type = { pmty_desc: module_type_desc; pmty_loc: Location.t; pmty_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and module_type_desc = | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc (* S *) | Pmty_signature of signature (* sig ... end *) | Pmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type functor(X : ) - > MT2 | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list (* MT with ... *) | Pmty_typeof of module_expr (* module type of ME *) | Pmty_extension of extension (* [%id] *) | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc (* (module M) *) and functor_parameter = | Unit (* () *) | Named of string option loc * module_type ( X : MT ) Some X , MT ( _ : MT ) None , MT (_ : MT) None, MT *) and signature = signature_item list and signature_item = { psig_desc: signature_item_desc; psig_loc: Location.t; } and signature_item_desc = | Psig_value of value_description x : T external x : T = " s1 " ... " sn " val x: T external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *) | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list type t1 = ... and ... and = ... | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list (* type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ... *) | Psig_typext of type_extension (* type t1 += ... *) | Psig_exception of type_exception (* exception C of T *) | Psig_effect of effect_constructor (* effect C : T -> T *) | Psig_module of module_declaration (* module X = M module X : MT *) | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution (* module X := M *) | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list module rec X1 : and ... and Xn : MTn | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration (* module type S = MT module type S *) | Psig_open of open_description (* open X *) | Psig_include of include_description include MT | Psig_class of class_description list (* class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... *) | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *) | Psig_attribute of attribute (* [@@@id] *) | Psig_extension of extension * attributes (* [%%id] *) and module_declaration = { pmd_name: string option loc; pmd_type: module_type; pmd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) pmd_loc: Location.t; } (* S : MT *) and module_substitution = { pms_name: string loc; pms_manifest: Longident.t loc; pms_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) pms_loc: Location.t; } and module_type_declaration = { pmtd_name: string loc; pmtd_type: module_type option; pmtd_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@@id1] [@@id2] *) pmtd_loc: Location.t; } S = MT S ( abstract module type declaration , pmtd_type = None ) S (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None) *) and 'a open_infos = { popen_expr: 'a; popen_override: override_flag; popen_loc: Location.t; popen_attributes: attributes; } (* open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier shadowing' warning) open X - popen_override = Fresh *) and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos open M.N open M(N).O open M(N).O *) and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos open M.N open M(N).O open struct ... end open M(N).O open struct ... end *) and 'a include_infos = { pincl_mod: 'a; pincl_loc: Location.t; pincl_attributes: attributes; } and include_description = module_type include_infos include MT and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos (* include ME *) and with_constraint = | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration (* with type X.t = ... Note: the last component of the longident must match the name of the type_declaration. *) | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc (* with module X.Y = Z *) | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration (* with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] *) | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc (* with module X.Y := Z *) (* Value expressions for the module language *) and module_expr = { pmod_desc: module_expr_desc; pmod_loc: Location.t; pmod_attributes: attributes; (* ... [@id1] [@id2] *) } and module_expr_desc = | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc (* X *) | Pmod_structure of structure (* struct ... end *) | Pmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr functor(X : ) - > ME | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr (* ME1(ME2) *) | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type (* (ME : MT) *) | Pmod_unpack of expression ( E ) | Pmod_extension of extension (* [%id] *) and structure = structure_item list and structure_item = { pstr_desc: structure_item_desc; pstr_loc: Location.t; } and structure_item_desc = | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes (* E *) | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN (flag = Recursive) *) | Pstr_primitive of value_description x : T external x : T = " s1 " ... " sn " external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *) | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list (* type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... *) | Pstr_typext of type_extension (* type t1 += ... *) | Pstr_exception of type_exception exception C of T exception C = exception C = M.X *) | Pstr_effect of effect_constructor effect C : T - > T effect C = effect C = M.X *) | Pstr_module of module_binding (* module X = ME *) | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list (* module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn *) | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration (* module type S = MT *) | Pstr_open of open_declaration (* open X *) | Pstr_class of class_declaration list (* class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... *) | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list (* class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... *) | Pstr_include of include_declaration (* include ME *) | Pstr_attribute of attribute (* [@@@id] *) | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes (* [%%id] *) and value_binding = { pvb_pat: pattern; pvb_expr: expression; pvb_attributes: attributes; pvb_loc: Location.t; } and module_binding = { pmb_name: string option loc; pmb_expr: module_expr; pmb_attributes: attributes; pmb_loc: Location.t; } (* X = ME *) * { 1 Toplevel } Toplevel phrases type toplevel_phrase = | Ptop_def of structure | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive (* #use, #load ... *) and toplevel_directive = { pdir_name : string loc; pdir_arg : directive_argument option; pdir_loc : Location.t; } and directive_argument = { pdira_desc : directive_argument_desc; pdira_loc : Location.t; } and directive_argument_desc = | Pdir_string of string | Pdir_int of string * char option | Pdir_ident of Longident.t | Pdir_bool of bool
************************************************************************ OCaml en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. ************************************************************************ * Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}. basic term an occurrence of an effect type linearStagedSpec = stagedSpec list type spec = (pi * linearStagedSpec) list 'c' "constant" {delim|other constant|delim} The location span the content of the string, without the delimiters. 3.4 2e5 1.4e-4 Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser. Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker. [@id ARG] [@@id ARG] Metadata containers passed around within the AST. The compiler ignores unknown attributes. [%id ARG] [%%id ARG] Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker. : T ? P or ? P when E Type expressions ... [@id1] [@id2] _ 'a T1 -> T2 Simple ~l:T1 -> T2 Labelled ?l:T1 -> T2 Optional tconstr T tconstr (T1, ..., Tn) tconstr < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn > (flag = Closed) < l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. > (flag = Open) T as 'a [ `A|`B ] (flag = Closed; labels = None) [> `A|`B ] (flag = Open; labels = None) [< `A|`B ] (flag = Closed; labels = Some []) [< `A|`B > `X `Y ](flag = Closed; labels = Some ["X";"Y"]) (module S) [%id] (module S) (module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn) [ | t ] Patterns ... [@id1] [@id2] _ x P as 'a 'a'..'z' Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser but rejected by the type-checker. `A (None) `A P (Some P) [| P1; ...; Pn |] (P : T) #tconst lazy P (module P) Some "P" (module _) None Note: (module P : S) is represented as Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack, Ptyp_package) exception P effect P P [%id] M.(P) Value expressions ... [@id1] [@id2] (spec * spec list) option; x M.x function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En C None C E Some E C (E1, ..., En) Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En]) `A (None) `A E (Some E) E.l [| E1; ...; En |] E1; E2 while E1 do E2 done (E : T) (E :> T) (None, T) (E : T0 :> T) (Some T0, T) E # m new M.c x <- 2 let module M = ME in E let exception C in E assert E Note: "assert false" is treated in a special way by the type-checker. lazy E object ... end fun (type t) -> E (module ME) (module ME : S) is represented as Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack, Ptyp_package S) M.(E) let open M in E let! open M in E let* P = E in E let* P = E and* P = E in E [%id] . (P -> E) or (P when E0 -> E) Value descriptions ... [@@id1] [@@id2] val x: T (prim = []) external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" (prim = ["s1";..."sn"]) Type declarations ('a1,...'an) t; None represents _ = private ... = T ... [@@id1] [@@id2] type t (abstract, no manifest) type t = T0 (abstract, manifest=T0) type t = C of T | ... (variant, no manifest) type t = T0 = C of T | ... (variant, manifest=T0) type t = {l: T; ...} (record, no manifest) type t = T0 = {l : T; ...} (record, manifest=T0) type t = .. (open, no manifest) Invariant: non-empty list l : T [@id1] [@id2] { ...; l: T; ... } (mutable=Immutable) { ...; mutable l: T; ... } (mutable=Mutable) Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly. C of ... [@id1] [@id2] | C of T1 * ... * Tn (res = None, args = Pcstr_tuple []) | C: T0 (res = Some T0, args = []) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple) | C of {...} (res = None, args = Pcstr_record) | C: {...} -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record) | C of {...} as t (res = None, args = Pcstr_record) ... [@@id1] [@@id2] type t += ... C of ... [@id1] [@id2] exception E ... [@@id1] [@@id2] | C of T1 * ... * Tn ([T1; ...; Tn], None) | C: T0 ([], Some T0) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0) | C = D C [@id1] [@id2] of ... | C of T1 * ... * Tn ([T1; ...; Tn], None) | C: T0 ([], Some T0) | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 ([T1; ...; Tn], Some T0) | C = D * {1 Class language} Type expressions for the class language ... [@id1] [@id2] c ['a1, ..., 'an] c object ... end T -> CT Simple ~l:T -> CT Labelled l ?l:T -> CT Optional l [%id] let open M in CT object('selfpat) ... end object ... end (self = Ptyp_any) ... [@@id1] [@@id2] inherit CT val x: T method x: T Note: T can be a Ptyp_poly. constraint T1 = T2 [@@@id] [%%id] ... [@@id1] [@@id2] class c = ... class ['a1,...,'an] c = ... class virtual c = ... Also used for "class type" declaration. Value expressions for the class language ... [@id1] [@id2] c ['a1, ..., 'an] c object ... end fun P -> CE (Simple, None) fun ~l:P -> CE (Labelled l, None) fun ?l:P -> CE (Optional l, None) fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE (Optional l, Some E0) CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?' (optional argument). Invariant: n > 0 (CE : CT) [%id] let open M in CE object(selfpat) ... end object ... end (self = Ppat_any) ... [@@id1] [@@id2] inherit CE inherit CE as x inherit! CE inherit! CE as x val x = E val virtual x: T constraint T1 = T2 initializer E [@@@id] [%%id] * {1 Module language} Type expressions for the module language ... [@id1] [@id2] S sig ... end MT with ... module type of ME [%id] (module M) () type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ... type t1 += ... exception C of T effect C : T -> T module X = M module X : MT module X := M module type S = MT module type S open X class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ... class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... [@@@id] [%%id] ... [@@id1] [@@id2] S : MT ... [@@id1] [@@id2] ... [@@id1] [@@id2] open! X - popen_override = Override (silences the 'used identifier shadowing' warning) open X - popen_override = Fresh include ME with type X.t = ... Note: the last component of the longident must match the name of the type_declaration. with module X.Y = Z with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type] with module X.Y := Z Value expressions for the module language ... [@id1] [@id2] X struct ... end ME1(ME2) (ME : MT) [%id] E type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ... type t1 += ... module X = ME module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn module type S = MT open X class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ... class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ... include ME [@@@id] [%%id] X = ME #use, #load ...
, projet Cristal , INRIA Rocquencourt Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the open Asttypes type basic_t = BINT of int | UNIT | VARName of string | List of int list type instant = Instant of string * basic_t list type term = | Num of int | TList of (term list) | TTupple of (term list) | Var of string | Plus of term * term | Minus of term * term | TListAppend of term * term type bin_op = GT | LT | EQ | GTEQ | LTEQ type pi = | True | False | Atomic of bin_op * term * term | And of pi * pi | Or of pi * pi | Imply of pi * pi | Not of pi | Predicate of string * term type kappa = | EmptyHeap | PointsTo of (string * term) | SepConj of kappa * kappa type stagedSpec = | Require of kappa | NormalReturn of (kappa * basic_t list) basic_t is a placeholder for the resumned value | Exists of (string list) type spec = stagedSpec list Flatten Form = = = = = = = = = = = = S : : = req H | H & Norm | H & Eff | local v * N : : = \/ { S; .. ;S } Flatten Form ============ S ::= req H | H & Norm | H & Eff | local v* N ::= \/ {S;..;S} *) type constant = Pconst_integer of string * char option 3 3l 3L 3n Suffixes [ g - z][G - Z ] are accepted by the parser . Suffixes except ' l ' , ' L ' and ' n ' are rejected by the typechecker Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser. Suffixes except 'l', 'L' and 'n' are rejected by the typechecker *) | Pconst_char of char | Pconst_string of string * Location.t * string option | Pconst_float of string * char option type location_stack = Location.t list * { 1 Extension points } type attribute = { attr_name : string loc; attr_payload : payload; attr_loc : Location.t; } and extension = string loc * payload and attributes = attribute list and payload = | PStr of structure : SIG * { 1 Core language } and core_type = { ptyp_desc: core_type_desc; ptyp_loc: Location.t; ptyp_loc_stack: location_stack; } and core_type_desc = | Ptyp_any | Ptyp_var of string | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list T1 * ... * Tn Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list # tconstr T # tconstr ( T1 , ... , Tn ) # tconstr T #tconstr (T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr *) | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type ' a1 ... ' an . T Can only appear in the following context : - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding to a constraint on a let - binding : let x : ' a1 ... ' an . T = e ... - Under Cfk_virtual for methods ( not values ) . - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node . - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node . - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration . - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node . Can only appear in the following context: - As the core_type of a Ppat_constraint node corresponding to a constraint on a let-binding: let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T = e ... - Under Cfk_virtual for methods (not values). - As the core_type of a Pctf_method node. - As the core_type of a Pexp_poly node. - As the pld_type field of a label_declaration. - As a core_type of a Ptyp_object node. *) | Ptyp_package of package_type | Ptyp_extension of extension and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list and row_field = { prf_desc : row_field_desc; prf_loc : Location.t; prf_attributes : attributes; } and row_field_desc = | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list [ ` A ] ( true , [ ] ) [ ` A of T ] ( false , [ T ] ) [ ` A of T1 & .. & Tn ] ( false , [ T1; ... Tn ] ) [ ` A of & T1 & .. & Tn ] ( true , [ T1; ... Tn ] ) - The ' bool ' field is true if the tag contains a constant ( empty ) constructor . - ' & ' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor ( see 4.2 in the manual ) [`A of T] ( false, [T] ) [`A of T1 & .. & Tn] ( false, [T1;...Tn] ) [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] ( true, [T1;...Tn] ) - The 'bool' field is true if the tag contains a constant (empty) constructor. - '&' occurs when several types are used for the same constructor (see 4.2 in the manual) *) | Rinherit of core_type and object_field = { pof_desc : object_field_desc; pof_loc : Location.t; pof_attributes : attributes; } and object_field_desc = | Otag of label loc * core_type | Oinherit of core_type and pattern = { ppat_desc: pattern_desc; ppat_loc: Location.t; ppat_loc_stack: location_stack; } and pattern_desc = | Ppat_any | Ppat_var of string loc | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc | Ppat_constant of constant 1 , ' a ' , " true " , 1.0 , 1l , 1L , 1n | Ppat_interval of constant * constant | Ppat_tuple of pattern list ( P1 , ... , Pn ) Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * pattern option C None C P Some P C ( P1 , ... , Pn ) Some ( Ppat_tuple [ P1 ; ... ; Pn ] ) C P Some P C (P1, ..., Pn) Some (Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn]) *) | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( flag = Closed ) { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn ; _ } ( flag = Open ) Invariant : n > 0 { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _} (flag = Open) Invariant: n > 0 *) | Ppat_array of pattern list | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern P1 | P2 | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc | Ppat_lazy of pattern | Ppat_unpack of string option loc | Ppat_exception of pattern | Ppat_effect of pattern * pattern | Ppat_extension of extension | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern and expression = { pexp_desc: expression_desc; pexp_loc: Location.t; pexp_loc_stack: location_stack; pexp_effectspec: spec option; } and expression_desc = | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc | Pexp_constant of constant 1 , ' a ' , " true " , 1.0 , 1l , 1L , 1n | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E (flag = Recursive) *) | Pexp_function of case list | Pexp_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * expression fun P - > E1 ( Simple , None ) fun ~l :P - > E1 ( Labelled l , None ) fun ? l :P - > E1 ( Optional l , None ) fun ? l:(P = E0 ) - > E1 ( Optional l , Some E0 ) Notes : - If E0 is provided , only Optional is allowed . - " fun P1 P2 .. Pn - > E1 " is represented as nested Pexp_fun . - " let f P = E " is represented using Pexp_fun . fun ~l:P -> E1 (Labelled l, None) fun ?l:P -> E1 (Optional l, None) fun ?l:(P = E0) -> E1 (Optional l, Some E0) Notes: - If E0 is provided, only Optional is allowed. - "fun P1 P2 .. Pn -> E1" is represented as nested Pexp_fun. - "let f P = E" is represented using Pexp_fun. *) | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list E0 ~l1 : E1 ... ~ln : En li can be empty ( non labeled argument ) or start with ' ? ' ( optional argument ) . Invariant : n > 0 li can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with '?' (optional argument). Invariant: n > 0 *) | Pexp_match of expression * case list match E0 with P1 - > E1 | ... | Pn - > En | Pexp_try of expression * case list try E0 with P1 - > E1 | ... | Pn - > En | Pexp_tuple of expression list ( E1 , ... , En ) Invariant : n > = 2 Invariant: n >= 2 *) | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option | Pexp_variant of label * expression option | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option { l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( None ) { E0 with l1 = P1 ; ... ; ln = Pn } ( Some E0 ) Invariant : n > 0 { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn } (Some E0) Invariant: n > 0 *) | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression E1.l < - E2 | Pexp_array of expression list | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option if E1 then E2 else E3 | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression | Pexp_while of expression * expression | Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done ( flag = Upto ) for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done ( flag = ) for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done (flag = Downto) *) | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type | Pexp_send of expression * label loc | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list { < x1 = E1 ; ... ; > } | Pexp_letmodule of string option loc * module_expr * expression | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression | Pexp_assert of expression | Pexp_lazy of expression | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option Used for method bodies . Can only be used as the expression under for methods ( not values ) . Can only be used as the expression under Cfk_concrete for methods (not values). *) | Pexp_object of class_structure | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression | Pexp_pack of module_expr | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression | Pexp_letop of letop | Pexp_extension of extension | Pexp_unreachable { pc_lhs: pattern; pc_guard: expression option; pc_rhs: expression; } and letop = { let_ : binding_op; ands : binding_op list; body : expression; } and binding_op = { pbop_op : string loc; pbop_pat : pattern; pbop_exp : expression; pbop_loc : Location.t; } and value_description = { pval_name: string loc; pval_type: core_type; pval_prim: string list; pval_loc: Location.t; } and type_declaration = { ptype_name: string loc; ptype_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list; ... constraint T1 = T1 ' ... constraint ptype_kind: type_kind; ptype_loc: Location.t; } and type_kind = | Ptype_abstract | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list | Ptype_record of label_declaration list | Ptype_open and label_declaration = { pld_name: string loc; pld_mutable: mutable_flag; pld_type: core_type; pld_loc: Location.t; } and constructor_declaration = { pcd_name: string loc; pcd_args: constructor_arguments; pcd_res: core_type option; pcd_loc: Location.t; } and constructor_arguments = | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list and type_extension = { ptyext_path: Longident.t loc; ptyext_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list; ptyext_private: private_flag; ptyext_loc: Location.t; } and extension_constructor = { pext_name: string loc; pext_kind : extension_constructor_kind; pext_loc : Location.t; } and type_exception = { ptyexn_constructor: extension_constructor; ptyexn_loc: Location.t; } and extension_constructor_kind = Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc and effect_constructor = { peff_name: string loc; peff_kind : effect_constructor_kind; peff_loc : Location.t; } and effect_constructor_kind = Peff_decl of core_type list * core_type | Peff_rebind of Longident.t loc and class_type = { pcty_desc: class_type_desc; pcty_loc: Location.t; } and class_type_desc = | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list | Pcty_signature of class_signature | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type | Pcty_extension of extension | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type and class_signature = { pcsig_self: core_type; pcsig_fields: class_type_field list; } and class_type_field = { pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc; pctf_loc: Location.t; } and class_type_field_desc = | Pctf_inherit of class_type | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type) | Pctf_method of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type) | Pctf_constraint of (core_type * core_type) | Pctf_attribute of attribute | Pctf_extension of extension and 'a class_infos = { pci_virt: virtual_flag; pci_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list; pci_name: string loc; pci_expr: 'a; pci_loc: Location.t; } and class_description = class_type class_infos and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos and class_expr = { pcl_desc: class_expr_desc; pcl_loc: Location.t; } and class_expr_desc = | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list | Pcl_structure of class_structure | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE (flag = Recursive) *) | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type | Pcl_extension of extension | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr and class_structure = { pcstr_self: pattern; pcstr_fields: class_field list; } and class_field = { pcf_desc: class_field_desc; pcf_loc: Location.t; } and class_field_desc = | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind) | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind) method x = E ( E can be a Pexp_poly ) method virtual x : T ( T can be a Ptyp_poly ) method virtual x: T (T can be a Ptyp_poly) *) | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type) | Pcf_initializer of expression | Pcf_attribute of attribute | Pcf_extension of extension and class_field_kind = | Cfk_virtual of core_type | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos and module_type = { pmty_desc: module_type_desc; pmty_loc: Location.t; } and module_type_desc = | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc | Pmty_signature of signature | Pmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type functor(X : ) - > MT2 | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list | Pmty_typeof of module_expr | Pmty_extension of extension | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc and functor_parameter = | Unit | Named of string option loc * module_type ( X : MT ) Some X , MT ( _ : MT ) None , MT (_ : MT) None, MT *) and signature = signature_item list and signature_item = { psig_desc: signature_item_desc; psig_loc: Location.t; } and signature_item_desc = | Psig_value of value_description x : T external x : T = " s1 " ... " sn " val x: T external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *) | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list type t1 = ... and ... and = ... | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list | Psig_typext of type_extension | Psig_exception of type_exception | Psig_effect of effect_constructor | Psig_module of module_declaration | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list module rec X1 : and ... and Xn : MTn | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration | Psig_open of open_description | Psig_include of include_description include MT | Psig_class of class_description list | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list | Psig_attribute of attribute | Psig_extension of extension * attributes and module_declaration = { pmd_name: string option loc; pmd_type: module_type; pmd_loc: Location.t; } and module_substitution = { pms_name: string loc; pms_manifest: Longident.t loc; pms_loc: Location.t; } and module_type_declaration = { pmtd_name: string loc; pmtd_type: module_type option; pmtd_loc: Location.t; } S = MT S ( abstract module type declaration , pmtd_type = None ) S (abstract module type declaration, pmtd_type = None) *) and 'a open_infos = { popen_expr: 'a; popen_override: override_flag; popen_loc: Location.t; popen_attributes: attributes; } and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos open M.N open M(N).O open M(N).O *) and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos open M.N open M(N).O open struct ... end open M(N).O open struct ... end *) and 'a include_infos = { pincl_mod: 'a; pincl_loc: Location.t; pincl_attributes: attributes; } and include_description = module_type include_infos include MT and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos and with_constraint = | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc and module_expr = { pmod_desc: module_expr_desc; pmod_loc: Location.t; } and module_expr_desc = | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc | Pmod_structure of structure | Pmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr functor(X : ) - > ME | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type | Pmod_unpack of expression ( E ) | Pmod_extension of extension and structure = structure_item list and structure_item = { pstr_desc: structure_item_desc; pstr_loc: Location.t; } and structure_item_desc = | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN ( flag = ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN ( flag = Recursive ) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN (flag = Recursive) *) | Pstr_primitive of value_description x : T external x : T = " s1 " ... " sn " external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" *) | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list | Pstr_typext of type_extension | Pstr_exception of type_exception exception C of T exception C = exception C = M.X *) | Pstr_effect of effect_constructor effect C : T - > T effect C = effect C = M.X *) | Pstr_module of module_binding | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration | Pstr_open of open_declaration | Pstr_class of class_declaration list | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list | Pstr_include of include_declaration | Pstr_attribute of attribute | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes and value_binding = { pvb_pat: pattern; pvb_expr: expression; pvb_attributes: attributes; pvb_loc: Location.t; } and module_binding = { pmb_name: string option loc; pmb_expr: module_expr; pmb_attributes: attributes; pmb_loc: Location.t; } * { 1 Toplevel } Toplevel phrases type toplevel_phrase = | Ptop_def of structure | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive and toplevel_directive = { pdir_name : string loc; pdir_arg : directive_argument option; pdir_loc : Location.t; } and directive_argument = { pdira_desc : directive_argument_desc; pdira_loc : Location.t; } and directive_argument_desc = | Pdir_string of string | Pdir_int of string * char option | Pdir_ident of Longident.t | Pdir_bool of bool
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # -- | -- Module : AOC.Challenge.Day21 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- Day 21 . See " AOC.Solver " for the types used in this module ! module AOC.Challenge.Day21 ( day21a , day21b ) where import AOC.Common (_CharFinite) import AOC.Common.Intcode (Memory, parseMem, untilHalt, stepForever, IErr, preAscii) import AOC.Solver ((:~>)(..)) import Control.Applicative (empty) import Control.Lens (review) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Conduino (Pipe, runPipe, (.|), yield) import Data.Finite (Finite, weakenN) import Data.List (find) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.Conduino.Combinators as C import qualified Data.Text as T data Reg = RTemp | RJump | RInp (Finite 9) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Com = CAnd | COr | CNot deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Instr = I Com Reg Reg deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type Program = [Instr] runSpringbot :: Monad m => Pipe () Text u m Void -> Memory -> m [Int] runSpringbot src m = runPipe $ src .| preAscii .| untilHalt (stepForever @IErr m) .| C.sinkList sourceWalk :: Program -> Pipe i Text u m () sourceWalk p = do C.sourceList (instrCode <$> p) yield "WALK" theProg :: Program theProg = [ I COr (RInp 3) RJump -- jump if target is stable , I CNot RTemp RTemp -- RTemp == True , I CAnd (RInp 0) RTemp -- RTemp &&= r0 , I CAnd (RInp 1) RTemp -- RTemp &&= r1 , I CAnd (RInp 2) RTemp -- RTemp &&= r2 , I CNot RTemp RTemp -- then don't jump , I CAnd RTemp RJump ] -- the logic: -- -- jump whenever it is safe to do so. but don't jump frivolously (if there -- is no hole in sight) -- 0 # # # # No 1 # # # . No 2 # # . # Yes 3 # # .. No 4 # . # # Yes 5 # . # . No 6 # .. # Yes -- 7 #... No 8 . # # # Yes 9 . # # . Give Up -- a .#.# Yes -- b .#.. Give Up -- c ..## Yes -- d ..#. Give Up -- e ...# Yes -- f .... Give Up -- day21a :: Memory :~> Int day21a = MkSol { sParse = parseMem , sShow = show , sSolve = isGood <=< runSpringbot (sourceWalk theProg *> empty) } sourceRun :: Program -> Pipe i Text u m () sourceRun p = do C.sourceList (instrCode <$> p) yield "RUN" -- the logic: -- -- the same but also try to 'double jump' if you can. theProg2 :: Program theProg2 = [ I CNot (RInp 0) RJump -- jump if next spot is bad , I COr (RInp 3) RTemp -- jump if target is stable , I CAnd (RInp 7) RTemp -- and double-target is stable , I COr RTemp RJump , I CNot (RInp 0) RTemp , I CNot RTemp RTemp , I CAnd (RInp 1) RTemp -- RTemp &&= r1 , I CAnd (RInp 2) RTemp -- RTemp &&= r2 , I CNot RTemp RTemp -- then don't jump , I CAnd RTemp RJump ] day21b :: Memory :~> Int day21b = MkSol { sParse = parseMem , sShow = show , sSolve = isGood <=< runSpringbot (sourceRun theProg2 *> empty) } isGood :: [Int] -> Maybe Int isGood = find (> ord maxBound) regCode :: Reg -> Char regCode = \case RTemp -> 'T' RJump -> 'J' RInp c -> review _CharFinite (True, weakenN c) comCode :: Com -> String comCode = \case CAnd -> "AND" COr -> "OR" CNot -> "NOT" instrCode :: Instr -> Text instrCode (I c x y) = T.pack $ printf "%s %c %c" (comCode c) (regCode x) (regCode y)
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # | Module : AOC.Challenge.Day21 License : BSD3 Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable jump if target is stable RTemp == True RTemp &&= r0 RTemp &&= r1 RTemp &&= r2 then don't jump the logic: jump whenever it is safe to do so. but don't jump frivolously (if there is no hole in sight) 7 #... No a .#.# Yes b .#.. Give Up c ..## Yes d ..#. Give Up e ...# Yes f .... Give Up the logic: the same but also try to 'double jump' if you can. jump if next spot is bad jump if target is stable and double-target is stable RTemp &&= r1 RTemp &&= r2 then don't jump
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications # Day 21 . See " AOC.Solver " for the types used in this module ! module AOC.Challenge.Day21 ( day21a , day21b ) where import AOC.Common (_CharFinite) import AOC.Common.Intcode (Memory, parseMem, untilHalt, stepForever, IErr, preAscii) import AOC.Solver ((:~>)(..)) import Control.Applicative (empty) import Control.Lens (review) import Control.Monad ((<=<)) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Conduino (Pipe, runPipe, (.|), yield) import Data.Finite (Finite, weakenN) import Data.List (find) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.Conduino.Combinators as C import qualified Data.Text as T data Reg = RTemp | RJump | RInp (Finite 9) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Com = CAnd | COr | CNot deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Instr = I Com Reg Reg deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type Program = [Instr] runSpringbot :: Monad m => Pipe () Text u m Void -> Memory -> m [Int] runSpringbot src m = runPipe $ src .| preAscii .| untilHalt (stepForever @IErr m) .| C.sinkList sourceWalk :: Program -> Pipe i Text u m () sourceWalk p = do C.sourceList (instrCode <$> p) yield "WALK" theProg :: Program theProg = [ , I CAnd RTemp RJump ] 0 # # # # No 1 # # # . No 2 # # . # Yes 3 # # .. No 4 # . # # Yes 5 # . # . No 6 # .. # Yes 8 . # # # Yes 9 . # # . Give Up day21a :: Memory :~> Int day21a = MkSol { sParse = parseMem , sShow = show , sSolve = isGood <=< runSpringbot (sourceWalk theProg *> empty) } sourceRun :: Program -> Pipe i Text u m () sourceRun p = do C.sourceList (instrCode <$> p) yield "RUN" theProg2 :: Program theProg2 = [ , I COr RTemp RJump , I CNot (RInp 0) RTemp , I CNot RTemp RTemp , I CAnd RTemp RJump ] day21b :: Memory :~> Int day21b = MkSol { sParse = parseMem , sShow = show , sSolve = isGood <=< runSpringbot (sourceRun theProg2 *> empty) } isGood :: [Int] -> Maybe Int isGood = find (> ord maxBound) regCode :: Reg -> Char regCode = \case RTemp -> 'T' RJump -> 'J' RInp c -> review _CharFinite (True, weakenN c) comCode :: Com -> String comCode = \case CAnd -> "AND" COr -> "OR" CNot -> "NOT" instrCode :: Instr -> Text instrCode (I c x y) = T.pack $ printf "%s %c %c" (comCode c) (regCode x) (regCode y)
# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , TypeFamilies , TypeOperators , FlexibleContexts , DataKinds , MultiParamTypeClasses # TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Godot.Core.Marshalls (Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_raw, Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_utf8, Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_variant, Godot.Core.Marshalls.raw_to_base64, Godot.Core.Marshalls.utf8_to_base64, Godot.Core.Marshalls.variant_to_base64) where import Data.Coerce import Foreign.C import Godot.Internal.Dispatch import qualified Data.Vector as V import Linear(V2(..),V3(..),M22) import Data.Colour(withOpacity) import Data.Colour.SRGB(sRGB) import System.IO.Unsafe import Godot.Gdnative.Internal import Godot.Api.Types import Godot.Core.Reference() # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw # -- | Returns a decoded @PoolByteArray@ corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_raw" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr -- | Returns a decoded @PoolByteArray@ corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. base64_to_raw :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO PoolByteArray base64_to_raw cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_raw" '[GodotString] (IO PoolByteArray) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_raw # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 # -- | Returns a decoded string corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_utf8" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr -- | Returns a decoded string corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. base64_to_utf8 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO GodotString base64_to_utf8 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_utf8" '[GodotString] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_utf8 # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant # | Returns a decoded @Variant@ corresponding to the Base64 - encoded string @base64_str@. If @allow_objects@ is @true@ , decoding objects is allowed . -- __Warning:__ Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_variant" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a decoded @Variant@ corresponding to the Base64 - encoded string @base64_str@. If @allow_objects@ is @true@ , decoding objects is allowed . -- __Warning:__ Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. base64_to_variant :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> Maybe Bool -> IO GodotVariant base64_to_variant cls arg1 arg2 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1, maybe (VariantBool False) toVariant arg2] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_variant" '[GodotString, Maybe Bool] (IO GodotVariant) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_variant # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 # -- | Returns a Base64-encoded string of a given @PoolByteArray@. bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "raw_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr -- | Returns a Base64-encoded string of a given @PoolByteArray@. raw_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> PoolByteArray -> IO GodotString raw_to_base64 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "raw_to_base64" '[PoolByteArray] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.raw_to_base64 {-# NOINLINE bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 #-} | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the UTF-8 string @utf8_str@. bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "utf8_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the UTF-8 string @utf8_str@. utf8_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO GodotString utf8_to_base64 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "utf8_to_base64" '[GodotString] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.utf8_to_base64 # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 # | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the @Variant@ @variant@. If @full_objects@ is @true@ , encoding objects is allowed ( and can potentially include code ) . bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "variant_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the @Variant@ @variant@. If @full_objects@ is @true@ , encoding objects is allowed ( and can potentially include code ) . variant_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotVariant -> Maybe Bool -> IO GodotString variant_to_base64 cls arg1 arg2 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1, maybe (VariantBool False) toVariant arg2] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "variant_to_base64" '[GodotVariant, Maybe Bool] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.variant_to_base64
| Returns a decoded @PoolByteArray@ corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. | Returns a decoded @PoolByteArray@ corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. | Returns a decoded string corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. | Returns a decoded string corresponding to the Base64-encoded string @base64_str@. __Warning:__ Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. __Warning:__ Deserialized objects can contain code which gets executed. Do not use this option if the serialized object comes from untrusted sources to avoid potential security threats such as remote code execution. | Returns a Base64-encoded string of a given @PoolByteArray@. | Returns a Base64-encoded string of a given @PoolByteArray@. # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 #
# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , TypeFamilies , TypeOperators , FlexibleContexts , DataKinds , MultiParamTypeClasses # TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Godot.Core.Marshalls (Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_raw, Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_utf8, Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_variant, Godot.Core.Marshalls.raw_to_base64, Godot.Core.Marshalls.utf8_to_base64, Godot.Core.Marshalls.variant_to_base64) where import Data.Coerce import Foreign.C import Godot.Internal.Dispatch import qualified Data.Vector as V import Linear(V2(..),V3(..),M22) import Data.Colour(withOpacity) import Data.Colour.SRGB(sRGB) import System.IO.Unsafe import Godot.Gdnative.Internal import Godot.Api.Types import Godot.Core.Reference() # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw # bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_raw" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr base64_to_raw :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO PoolByteArray base64_to_raw cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_raw (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_raw" '[GodotString] (IO PoolByteArray) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_raw # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 # bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_utf8" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr base64_to_utf8 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO GodotString base64_to_utf8 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_utf8 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_utf8" '[GodotString] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_utf8 # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant # | Returns a decoded @Variant@ corresponding to the Base64 - encoded string @base64_str@. If @allow_objects@ is @true@ , decoding objects is allowed . bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "base64_to_variant" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a decoded @Variant@ corresponding to the Base64 - encoded string @base64_str@. If @allow_objects@ is @true@ , decoding objects is allowed . base64_to_variant :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> Maybe Bool -> IO GodotVariant base64_to_variant cls arg1 arg2 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1, maybe (VariantBool False) toVariant arg2] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_base64_to_variant (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "base64_to_variant" '[GodotString, Maybe Bool] (IO GodotVariant) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.base64_to_variant # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 # bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "raw_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr raw_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> PoolByteArray -> IO GodotString raw_to_base64 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_raw_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "raw_to_base64" '[PoolByteArray] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.raw_to_base64 | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the UTF-8 string @utf8_str@. bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "utf8_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the UTF-8 string @utf8_str@. utf8_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotString -> IO GodotString utf8_to_base64 cls arg1 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_utf8_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "utf8_to_base64" '[GodotString] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.utf8_to_base64 # NOINLINE bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 # | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the @Variant@ @variant@. If @full_objects@ is @true@ , encoding objects is allowed ( and can potentially include code ) . bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 :: MethodBind bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 = unsafePerformIO $ withCString "_Marshalls" $ \ clsNamePtr -> withCString "variant_to_base64" $ \ methodNamePtr -> godot_method_bind_get_method clsNamePtr methodNamePtr | Returns a Base64 - encoded string of the @Variant@ @variant@. If @full_objects@ is @true@ , encoding objects is allowed ( and can potentially include code ) . variant_to_base64 :: (Marshalls :< cls, Object :< cls) => cls -> GodotVariant -> Maybe Bool -> IO GodotString variant_to_base64 cls arg1 arg2 = withVariantArray [toVariant arg1, maybe (VariantBool False) toVariant arg2] (\ (arrPtr, len) -> godot_method_bind_call bindMarshalls_variant_to_base64 (upcast cls) arrPtr len >>= \ (err, res) -> throwIfErr err >> fromGodotVariant res) instance NodeMethod Marshalls "variant_to_base64" '[GodotVariant, Maybe Bool] (IO GodotString) where nodeMethod = Godot.Core.Marshalls.variant_to_base64
-module(claws_dummy). -compile([warnings_as_errors, debug_info]). -export([send/2, send/3]). send(Data, JID) -> snatch_tests ! {?MODULE, Data, JID, undefined}, ok. send(Data, JID, ID) -> snatch_tests ! {?MODULE, Data, JID, ID}, ok.
-module(claws_dummy). -compile([warnings_as_errors, debug_info]). -export([send/2, send/3]). send(Data, JID) -> snatch_tests ! {?MODULE, Data, JID, undefined}, ok. send(Data, JID, ID) -> snatch_tests ! {?MODULE, Data, JID, ID}, ok.
module Grains (square, total) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) square :: Integer -> Maybe Integer square x | x < 1 = Nothing | x > 64 = Nothing | otherwise = Just . (2^) . pred $ x total :: Integer total = sum . map (fromJust . square) $ [1..64]
module Grains (square, total) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) square :: Integer -> Maybe Integer square x | x < 1 = Nothing | x > 64 = Nothing | otherwise = Just . (2^) . pred $ x total :: Integer total = sum . map (fromJust . square) $ [1..64]
Alpha Prolog Utilities : exceptions and debugging exception NYI;; exception Error of string;; exception RuntimeError of string;; exception Impos of string;; type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool;; val nyi : unit -> 'a;; val error : string -> 'a val runtime_error : string -> 'a val impos : string -> 'a val do_trace : int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit val warning : string -> unit val nl : unit -> unit;; val split : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list;; val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list;; val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list;; val allpairs : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list;; val collect : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list;; val map_partial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list;; val tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list;;
Alpha Prolog Utilities : exceptions and debugging exception NYI;; exception Error of string;; exception RuntimeError of string;; exception Impos of string;; type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool;; val nyi : unit -> 'a;; val error : string -> 'a val runtime_error : string -> 'a val impos : string -> 'a val do_trace : int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit val warning : string -> unit val nl : unit -> unit;; val split : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list;; val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list;; val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list;; val allpairs : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list;; val collect : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list;; val map_partial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list;; val tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list;;
Presentation Macro Demo ;;;; What are macros? (defmacro sum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) ;;;; syntax (defun macro-01 (x) x) (defun macro-02 (x) (x 20 30)) (defun macro-03 (x) '(x 20 30)) (defun macro-04 (x) (x '20 '30)) (defun macro-05 (x) `(x 20 30)) (defun macro-06 (x) `(,x 20 30)) ;; how do we handled lists? (defun macro-07 (lst) `(,lst 4 5)) (defun **---** (a) a) (defun macro-08 (lst) `(,@lst 4 5)) ;;;; differences between defun and defmacro (defmacro sum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) (defun fsum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) ;; lisp-1 vs. lisp-2 (define (sum x y) (+ x y)) (defun sum (x y) (+ x y)) ;;;; when to use macros ;; necessity due to splicing in the body (defmacro while (test &body body) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@body)) (defun ex-while (n) (let ((i 0)) (while (< i n) (princ i) (incf i)))) ( ex - while 10 ) ; (ex-while 0) ;; conditional evaluation, see while picking apart the arguments ( setf vs. ( set - field vs. set - quantity ) ) ;; compile-time compilation (defun favg (&rest args) (/ (apply #'+ args) (length args))) (defmacro mavg (&rest args) `(/ (+ ,@args) ,(length args))) ;; save function calls (just use (inline functionname)) ;;;; common pitfalls -- behold (macroexpand-1)! ;; multiple evaluation (defmacro square-01 (x) `(* ,x ,x)) ;; fix it: (defmacro square-02 (x) `(let ((val ,x)) (* val val))) ;; hygiene! ;; what's wrong with this macro? (defmacro for ((var start stop) &body body) `(do ((,var ,start (1+ ,var)) (limit ,stop)) ((> ,var limit)) ,@body)) ;; try and call it with a predifined symbol limit (defmacro gen-for ((var start stop) &body body) (let ((gstop (gensym))) `(do ((,var ,start (1+ ,var)) (,gstop ,stop)) ((> ,var ,gstop)) ,@body))) ;; now try broken code ;;; omg cool examples!
What are macros? syntax how do we handled lists? differences between defun and defmacro lisp-1 vs. lisp-2 when to use macros necessity due to splicing in the body (ex-while 0) conditional evaluation, see while compile-time compilation save function calls (just use (inline functionname)) common pitfalls -- behold (macroexpand-1)! multiple evaluation fix it: hygiene! what's wrong with this macro? try and call it with a predifined symbol limit now try broken code omg cool examples!
Presentation Macro Demo (defmacro sum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) (defun macro-01 (x) x) (defun macro-02 (x) (x 20 30)) (defun macro-03 (x) '(x 20 30)) (defun macro-04 (x) (x '20 '30)) (defun macro-05 (x) `(x 20 30)) (defun macro-06 (x) `(,x 20 30)) (defun macro-07 (lst) `(,lst 4 5)) (defun **---** (a) a) (defun macro-08 (lst) `(,@lst 4 5)) (defmacro sum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) (defun fsum (x y) `(+ ,x ,y)) (define (sum x y) (+ x y)) (defun sum (x y) (+ x y)) (defmacro while (test &body body) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@body)) (defun ex-while (n) (let ((i 0)) (while (< i n) (princ i) (incf i)))) ( ex - while 10 ) picking apart the arguments ( setf vs. ( set - field vs. set - quantity ) ) (defun favg (&rest args) (/ (apply #'+ args) (length args))) (defmacro mavg (&rest args) `(/ (+ ,@args) ,(length args))) (defmacro square-01 (x) `(* ,x ,x)) (defmacro square-02 (x) `(let ((val ,x)) (* val val))) (defmacro for ((var start stop) &body body) `(do ((,var ,start (1+ ,var)) (limit ,stop)) ((> ,var limit)) ,@body)) (defmacro gen-for ((var start stop) &body body) (let ((gstop (gensym))) `(do ((,var ,start (1+ ,var)) (,gstop ,stop)) ((> ,var ,gstop)) ,@body)))
type lexeme = | EOF | Reference of { ident : string; number : string } val main : Lexing.lexbuf -> lexeme
type lexeme = | EOF | Reference of { ident : string; number : string } val main : Lexing.lexbuf -> lexeme
-- | Schedule program for execution. At the moment it schedule for -- exact number of threads module DNA.Compiler.Scheduler where import Control.Monad import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.IntMap ((!)) import DNA.AST import DNA.Actor import DNA.Compiler.Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simple scheduler ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Number of nodes in the cluster type CAD = Int -- | Simple scheduler. It assumes that all optimization passes are -- done and will not try to transform graph. schedule :: CAD -> DataflowGraph -> Compile DataflowGraph schedule nTotal gr = do let nMust = nMandatory gr nVar = nVarGroups gr We need at least 1 node per group when (nFree < 0) $ compError ["Not enough nodes to schedule algorithm"] -- Schedule for mandatory nodes. For each node we let mandSched = IntMap.fromList $ mandatoryNodes gr `zip` [0..] -- Now we should schedule remaining nodes. let varGroups = contiguosChunks nMust (splitChunks nVar (nTotal - nMust)) varSched = IntMap.fromList $ variableNodes gr `zip` varGroups -- Build schedule for every let sched i (ANode _ a@(RealActor _ act)) = case act of StateM{} -> ANode (Single n) a Producer{} -> ANode (Single n) a ScatterGather{} -> ANode (MasterSlaves n (varSched ! i)) a where n = mandSched ! i return $ gmap (\(a1, i, a, a2) -> (a1, i, sched i a, a2)) gr -- | Total number of processes that we must spawn. nMandatory :: DataflowGraph -> Int nMandatory gr = sum [ getN $ lab' $ context gr n | n <- nodes gr] where getN (ANode _ _) = 1 -- | List of all actors for which we must allocate separate cluster node. mandatoryNodes :: DataflowGraph -> [Node] mandatoryNodes gr = [ n | n <- nodes gr] variableNodes :: DataflowGraph -> [Node] variableNodes gr = [ n | n <- nodes gr , isSG (lab' $ context gr n) ] where isSG (ANode _ (RealActor _ (ScatterGather{}))) = True isSG _ = False -- | Number of groups for which we can vary number of allocated nodes nVarGroups :: DataflowGraph -> Int nVarGroups gr = sum [ get $ lab' $ context gr n | n <- nodes gr] where get (ANode _ (RealActor _ (ScatterGather{}))) = 1 get _ = 0 -- Split N items to k groups. splitChunks :: Int -> Int -> [Int] splitChunks nChunks nTot = map (+1) toIncr ++ rest where (chunk,n) = nTot `divMod` nChunks (toIncr,rest) = splitAt n (replicate nChunks chunk) contiguosChunks :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] contiguosChunks off = go [off ..] where go _ [] = [] go xs (n:ns) = case splitAt n xs of (a,rest) -> a : go rest ns
| Schedule program for execution. At the moment it schedule for exact number of threads -------------------------------------------------------------- Simple scheduler -------------------------------------------------------------- | Number of nodes in the cluster | Simple scheduler. It assumes that all optimization passes are done and will not try to transform graph. Schedule for mandatory nodes. For each node we Now we should schedule remaining nodes. Build schedule for every | Total number of processes that we must spawn. | List of all actors for which we must allocate separate cluster node. | Number of groups for which we can vary number of allocated nodes Split N items to k groups.
module DNA.Compiler.Scheduler where import Control.Monad import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.IntMap ((!)) import DNA.AST import DNA.Actor import DNA.Compiler.Types type CAD = Int schedule :: CAD -> DataflowGraph -> Compile DataflowGraph schedule nTotal gr = do let nMust = nMandatory gr nVar = nVarGroups gr We need at least 1 node per group when (nFree < 0) $ compError ["Not enough nodes to schedule algorithm"] let mandSched = IntMap.fromList $ mandatoryNodes gr `zip` [0..] let varGroups = contiguosChunks nMust (splitChunks nVar (nTotal - nMust)) varSched = IntMap.fromList $ variableNodes gr `zip` varGroups let sched i (ANode _ a@(RealActor _ act)) = case act of StateM{} -> ANode (Single n) a Producer{} -> ANode (Single n) a ScatterGather{} -> ANode (MasterSlaves n (varSched ! i)) a where n = mandSched ! i return $ gmap (\(a1, i, a, a2) -> (a1, i, sched i a, a2)) gr nMandatory :: DataflowGraph -> Int nMandatory gr = sum [ getN $ lab' $ context gr n | n <- nodes gr] where getN (ANode _ _) = 1 mandatoryNodes :: DataflowGraph -> [Node] mandatoryNodes gr = [ n | n <- nodes gr] variableNodes :: DataflowGraph -> [Node] variableNodes gr = [ n | n <- nodes gr , isSG (lab' $ context gr n) ] where isSG (ANode _ (RealActor _ (ScatterGather{}))) = True isSG _ = False nVarGroups :: DataflowGraph -> Int nVarGroups gr = sum [ get $ lab' $ context gr n | n <- nodes gr] where get (ANode _ (RealActor _ (ScatterGather{}))) = 1 get _ = 0 splitChunks :: Int -> Int -> [Int] splitChunks nChunks nTot = map (+1) toIncr ++ rest where (chunk,n) = nTot `divMod` nChunks (toIncr,rest) = splitAt n (replicate nChunks chunk) contiguosChunks :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] contiguosChunks off = go [off ..] where go _ [] = [] go xs (n:ns) = case splitAt n xs of (a,rest) -> a : go rest ns
(load "stream.scm") (stream-for-n println (partial-sums integers) 10)
(load "stream.scm") (stream-for-n println (partial-sums integers) 10)
module AddToEven where import Prelude hiding (zipWith) {-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} @ type Even = { v : Int | v mod 2 = 0 } @ {-@ f :: Even -> Even @-} f :: Int -> Int f x = x + g 5 @ : : Int - > Even @ fBad :: Int -> Int fBad x = x + x Without the below refinement type for g , this file can not be verified : : Int - > Even @- } : : Int - > { v : Int | v /= -1 } @- } g :: Int -> Int g x = x + x data List a = Emp | (:+:) a (List a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) @ measure size : : List a - > Int size ( Emp ) = 0 size ( (: + :) x xs ) = 1 + size xs @ size (Emp) = 0 size ((:+:) x xs) = 1 + size xs @-} {-@ zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> v1:List a -> {v2:List b | size v1 > 0 => size v2 > 0} -> List c @-} zipWith _ Emp Emp = Emp zipWith f (x :+: xs) (y :+: ys) = f x y :+: zipWith f xs ys zipWith f _ _ = die "Bad call to zipWith" {-@ die :: {v:String | false} -> a @-} die str = error ("Oops, I died!" ++ str) @ f2 : : { x : Int | x mod 2 = 0 } @ f2 :: Int f2 = g2 @ : : Int @ g2 :: Int g2 = 0 {-@ f3 :: Int -> Even @-} f3 :: Int -> Int f3 x = x + g3 x Without the below refinement type for g , this file can not be verified {-@ g3 :: Int -> Int @-} g3 :: Int -> Int g3 x = x @ h : : { x : Int | x = = 8 } @ h :: Int h = 6 + 2 {-@ f4 :: {x:Int | x == 0} @-} f4 :: Int f4 = g2 {-@ g4 :: Int @-} g4 :: Int g4 = 0
@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @ @ f :: Even -> Even @ @ zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> v1:List a -> {v2:List b | size v1 > 0 => size v2 > 0} -> List c @ @ die :: {v:String | false} -> a @ @ f3 :: Int -> Even @ @ g3 :: Int -> Int @ @ f4 :: {x:Int | x == 0} @ @ g4 :: Int @
module AddToEven where import Prelude hiding (zipWith) @ type Even = { v : Int | v mod 2 = 0 } @ f :: Int -> Int f x = x + g 5 @ : : Int - > Even @ fBad :: Int -> Int fBad x = x + x Without the below refinement type for g , this file can not be verified : : Int - > Even @- } : : Int - > { v : Int | v /= -1 } @- } g :: Int -> Int g x = x + x data List a = Emp | (:+:) a (List a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) @ measure size : : List a - > Int size ( Emp ) = 0 size ( (: + :) x xs ) = 1 + size xs @ size (Emp) = 0 size ((:+:) x xs) = 1 + size xs @-} zipWith _ Emp Emp = Emp zipWith f (x :+: xs) (y :+: ys) = f x y :+: zipWith f xs ys zipWith f _ _ = die "Bad call to zipWith" die str = error ("Oops, I died!" ++ str) @ f2 : : { x : Int | x mod 2 = 0 } @ f2 :: Int f2 = g2 @ : : Int @ g2 :: Int g2 = 0 f3 :: Int -> Int f3 x = x + g3 x Without the below refinement type for g , this file can not be verified g3 :: Int -> Int g3 x = x @ h : : { x : Int | x = = 8 } @ h :: Int h = 6 + 2 f4 :: Int f4 = g2 g4 :: Int g4 = 0
module Fx : sig type t type ('a,'b) it = 'a -> 'b -> ('b -> 'b) -> 'b type ('a,'b,'c) full_it = ('a, 'b) it * 'b * ('b -> 'c) val forall : 'c -> ('a, 'c list, 'c list) full_it val foreach : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b list, 'b list) full_it val foreachi : ('a -> int -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b list * int, 'b list) full_it val foreachword : (Font.code list -> 'a) -> 'a -> (Font.code, 'a list * Font.code list, 'a list) full_it (* TODO: Exception when the iterator doesn't return list of right size *) val create : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> target : 'a -> text : string -> position : OgamlMath.Vector2f.t -> font : Font.t -> colors : (Font.code,'b,Color.t list) full_it -> size : int -> unit -> t val draw : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> ?parameters : DrawParameter.t -> text : t -> target : 'a -> unit -> unit val advance : t -> OgamlMath.Vector2f.t val boundaries : t -> OgamlMath.FloatRect.t end type t val create : text : string -> position : OgamlMath.Vector2f.t -> font : Font.t -> ?color : Color.t -> size : int -> ?bold : bool -> unit -> t val draw : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> ?parameters : DrawParameter.t -> text : t -> target : 'a -> unit -> unit val to_source : t -> VertexArray.SimpleVertex.T.s VertexArray.VertexSource.t -> unit val map_to_source : t -> (VertexArray.SimpleVertex.T.s VertexArray.Vertex.t -> 'b VertexArray.Vertex.t) -> 'b VertexArray.VertexSource.t -> unit val advance : t -> OgamlMath.Vector2f.t val boundaries : t -> OgamlMath.FloatRect.t
TODO: Exception when the iterator doesn't return list of right size
module Fx : sig type t type ('a,'b) it = 'a -> 'b -> ('b -> 'b) -> 'b type ('a,'b,'c) full_it = ('a, 'b) it * 'b * ('b -> 'c) val forall : 'c -> ('a, 'c list, 'c list) full_it val foreach : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b list, 'b list) full_it val foreachi : ('a -> int -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b list * int, 'b list) full_it val foreachword : (Font.code list -> 'a) -> 'a -> (Font.code, 'a list * Font.code list, 'a list) full_it val create : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> target : 'a -> text : string -> position : OgamlMath.Vector2f.t -> font : Font.t -> colors : (Font.code,'b,Color.t list) full_it -> size : int -> unit -> t val draw : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> ?parameters : DrawParameter.t -> text : t -> target : 'a -> unit -> unit val advance : t -> OgamlMath.Vector2f.t val boundaries : t -> OgamlMath.FloatRect.t end type t val create : text : string -> position : OgamlMath.Vector2f.t -> font : Font.t -> ?color : Color.t -> size : int -> ?bold : bool -> unit -> t val draw : (module RenderTarget.T with type t = 'a) -> ?parameters : DrawParameter.t -> text : t -> target : 'a -> unit -> unit val to_source : t -> VertexArray.SimpleVertex.T.s VertexArray.VertexSource.t -> unit val map_to_source : t -> (VertexArray.SimpleVertex.T.s VertexArray.Vertex.t -> 'b VertexArray.Vertex.t) -> 'b VertexArray.VertexSource.t -> unit val advance : t -> OgamlMath.Vector2f.t val boundaries : t -> OgamlMath.FloatRect.t
(ns chic.clj.source (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.repl :as repl] [clojure.string :as str]) (:import (java.io Reader PushbackReader))) (defn reader-skip-lines [^Reader rdr nlines] (when (< 0 nlines) (while (let [c (.read rdr)] (not (or (== c 10) (== c -1))))) (recur rdr (unchecked-dec-int nlines)))) (defn read-var-source-code [v] (let [mmap (meta v)] (with-open [rdr ^Reader (io/reader (:file mmap))] (reader-skip-lines rdr (unchecked-dec-int (:line mmap))) (.skip rdr (unchecked-dec-int (:column mmap))) (read (PushbackReader. rdr))))) (defn crude-source-of-var [v] (when (= \/ (first (:file (meta v)))) (alter-meta! v (fn [m] (update m :file (fn [f] (str/replace f (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/src/") "")))))) (try (push-thread-bindings {Compiler/LOADER (.getClassLoader Compiler)}) (repl/source-fn (symbol v)) (catch Exception _ nil) (finally (pop-thread-bindings)))) (comment (require '[clojure-lsp.api :as lsp.api] '[clojure-lsp.db :as lsp.db] '[clojure-lsp.handlers :as lsp.handlers]) (crude-source-of-var #'read-var-source-code) (read-var-source-code #'chic.cljbwr/basic-view) (meta #'chic.main/-main) (meta #'chic.clj.source/reader-skip-lines) (meta *ns*) ;; what is a namespace file? ;; - ns form ;; - def macros -> vars ;; - extend / extend-type ;; - comments lines and blocks ;; - declare clojure.repl/source-fn depends on reading the file from disk ;; so is unreliable if the file has changed in meantime ;; also need to make sure :file is relative in the metadata: ;; (caused when defing new var from nrepl) (alter-meta! #'chic.cljbwr/editor-view (fn [m] (update m :file (fn [f] (str/replace f (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/src/") ""))))) (def lspthing (lsp.api/analyze-project-and-deps! {:file (io/file ".")})) (chic.debug/println-main (:message (lsp.api/diagnostics {:namespace '[chic.cljbwr] :output {:canonical-paths true}}))) (chic.debug/println-main (:message (lsp.api/diagnostics {:namespace '[chic.clj.source] :output {:canonical-paths true}}))) (lsp.handlers/did-change {:textDocument {:uri :version} :contentChanges [{:start {:line start-line :character start-character} :end {:line end-line :character end-character}}]}) (-> @lsp.db/db :documents keys) (let [x(fn [])] x) (letfn [(x [])] x) (require '[clj-kondo.core :as kondo]) (def ana (atom nil)) (hash(:analysis (kondo/run! {:lint [(io/file "src/chic/clj/source.clj")] :cache true :config {:output {:analysis {:arglists true :locals true :keywords false :protocol-impls true :java-class-definitions true} :canonical-paths true}} :custom-lint-fn (fn [{:keys [analysis] :as kondo-ctx}] (reset! ana analysis))}))) @ana note : can use by giving " - " as path name and using * in * ` cache - dir`/.cache ( default cfg - dir/.cache ( cfg - dir usually local to project ) ) ;; directory is used to store things like arity info of functions ;; using this is controlled by :cache. Even when :cache is true, the file is read afresh ;; and may update the cache ;; kondo works by analysing single files and depending on the cache and config for additional context *source-path* #! ) (let [x 7] (def x x))
what is a namespace file? - ns form - def macros -> vars - extend / extend-type - comments lines and blocks - declare so is unreliable if the file has changed in meantime also need to make sure :file is relative in the metadata: (caused when defing new var from nrepl) directory is used to store things like arity info of functions using this is controlled by :cache. Even when :cache is true, the file is read afresh and may update the cache kondo works by analysing single files and depending on the cache and config for additional context
(ns chic.clj.source (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.repl :as repl] [clojure.string :as str]) (:import (java.io Reader PushbackReader))) (defn reader-skip-lines [^Reader rdr nlines] (when (< 0 nlines) (while (let [c (.read rdr)] (not (or (== c 10) (== c -1))))) (recur rdr (unchecked-dec-int nlines)))) (defn read-var-source-code [v] (let [mmap (meta v)] (with-open [rdr ^Reader (io/reader (:file mmap))] (reader-skip-lines rdr (unchecked-dec-int (:line mmap))) (.skip rdr (unchecked-dec-int (:column mmap))) (read (PushbackReader. rdr))))) (defn crude-source-of-var [v] (when (= \/ (first (:file (meta v)))) (alter-meta! v (fn [m] (update m :file (fn [f] (str/replace f (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/src/") "")))))) (try (push-thread-bindings {Compiler/LOADER (.getClassLoader Compiler)}) (repl/source-fn (symbol v)) (catch Exception _ nil) (finally (pop-thread-bindings)))) (comment (require '[clojure-lsp.api :as lsp.api] '[clojure-lsp.db :as lsp.db] '[clojure-lsp.handlers :as lsp.handlers]) (crude-source-of-var #'read-var-source-code) (read-var-source-code #'chic.cljbwr/basic-view) (meta #'chic.main/-main) (meta #'chic.clj.source/reader-skip-lines) (meta *ns*) clojure.repl/source-fn depends on reading the file from disk (alter-meta! #'chic.cljbwr/editor-view (fn [m] (update m :file (fn [f] (str/replace f (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/src/") ""))))) (def lspthing (lsp.api/analyze-project-and-deps! {:file (io/file ".")})) (chic.debug/println-main (:message (lsp.api/diagnostics {:namespace '[chic.cljbwr] :output {:canonical-paths true}}))) (chic.debug/println-main (:message (lsp.api/diagnostics {:namespace '[chic.clj.source] :output {:canonical-paths true}}))) (lsp.handlers/did-change {:textDocument {:uri :version} :contentChanges [{:start {:line start-line :character start-character} :end {:line end-line :character end-character}}]}) (-> @lsp.db/db :documents keys) (let [x(fn [])] x) (letfn [(x [])] x) (require '[clj-kondo.core :as kondo]) (def ana (atom nil)) (hash(:analysis (kondo/run! {:lint [(io/file "src/chic/clj/source.clj")] :cache true :config {:output {:analysis {:arglists true :locals true :keywords false :protocol-impls true :java-class-definitions true} :canonical-paths true}} :custom-lint-fn (fn [{:keys [analysis] :as kondo-ctx}] (reset! ana analysis))}))) @ana note : can use by giving " - " as path name and using * in * ` cache - dir`/.cache ( default cfg - dir/.cache ( cfg - dir usually local to project ) ) *source-path* #! ) (let [x 7] (def x x))
(**************************************************************************) (* *) Copyright 2018 - 2020 OCamlPro (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the *) GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the special (* exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module String #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 13, 0) = String #else : sig include module type of struct include String end val exists: (char -> bool) -> string -> bool end #endif module Char = Char module Either #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 12, 0) = Either #else : sig type ('a, 'b) t = | Left of 'a | Right of 'b end #endif module Int #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 12, 0) = Int #else : sig val compare: int -> int -> int val equal : int -> int -> bool end #endif module Printexc #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 5, 0) = Printexc #else : sig include module type of struct include Printexc end val raise_with_backtrace: exn -> raw_backtrace -> 'a end #endif module Unix : sig include module type of struct include Unix end #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 6, 0) val map_file : Unix.file_descr -> ?pos:int64 -> ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'c Bigarray.layout -> bool -> int array -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t #endif ` realpath ` for OCaml > = 4.13.0 , implementation with double chdir otherwise implementation with double chdir otherwise *) val normalise: string -> string end module Uchar = Uchar module Buffer #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 6, 0) = Buffer #else : sig include module type of struct include Buffer end val add_utf_8_uchar : t -> Uchar.t -> unit end #endif module Filename #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 4, 0) = Filename #else : sig include module type of struct include Filename end val extension : string -> string end #endif module Result #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 8, 0) = Result #else : sig type ('a, 'e) t = ('a, 'e) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'e end #endif #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 7, 0) module Stdlib = Pervasives #else module Stdlib = Stdlib #endif module Lazy #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 13, 0) = Lazy #else : sig include module type of struct include Lazy end val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t end #endif module Fun #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 08, 0) = Fun #else : sig val protect : finally:(unit -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a end #endif
************************************************************************ All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. ************************************************************************
Copyright 2018 - 2020 OCamlPro GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the special module String #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 13, 0) = String #else : sig include module type of struct include String end val exists: (char -> bool) -> string -> bool end #endif module Char = Char module Either #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 12, 0) = Either #else : sig type ('a, 'b) t = | Left of 'a | Right of 'b end #endif module Int #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 12, 0) = Int #else : sig val compare: int -> int -> int val equal : int -> int -> bool end #endif module Printexc #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 5, 0) = Printexc #else : sig include module type of struct include Printexc end val raise_with_backtrace: exn -> raw_backtrace -> 'a end #endif module Unix : sig include module type of struct include Unix end #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 6, 0) val map_file : Unix.file_descr -> ?pos:int64 -> ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'c Bigarray.layout -> bool -> int array -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t #endif ` realpath ` for OCaml > = 4.13.0 , implementation with double chdir otherwise implementation with double chdir otherwise *) val normalise: string -> string end module Uchar = Uchar module Buffer #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 6, 0) = Buffer #else : sig include module type of struct include Buffer end val add_utf_8_uchar : t -> Uchar.t -> unit end #endif module Filename #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 4, 0) = Filename #else : sig include module type of struct include Filename end val extension : string -> string end #endif module Result #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 8, 0) = Result #else : sig type ('a, 'e) t = ('a, 'e) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'e end #endif #if OCAML_VERSION < (4, 7, 0) module Stdlib = Pervasives #else module Stdlib = Stdlib #endif module Lazy #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 13, 0) = Lazy #else : sig include module type of struct include Lazy end val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t end #endif module Fun #if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 08, 0) = Fun #else : sig val protect : finally:(unit -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a end #endif
module Stellar.Core.Key.PrinterSpec where import Hedgehog import Protolude import Stellar.Core.Types.Key import Stellar.Gens run :: IO Bool run = checkParallel $ Group "Printer Properties" [ ("Roundtrip public key", prop_roundtrip_public_key) , ("Roundtrip secret key", prop_roundtrip_secret_key) ] prop_roundtrip_public_key :: Property prop_roundtrip_public_key = property $ do PublicKeyText key <- forAll genPublicKeyText (printPublicKey <$> parsePublicKey key) === Right key prop_roundtrip_secret_key :: Property prop_roundtrip_secret_key = property $ do SecretKeyText key <- forAll genSecretKeyText (printSecretKey <$> parseSecretKey key) === Right key
module Stellar.Core.Key.PrinterSpec where import Hedgehog import Protolude import Stellar.Core.Types.Key import Stellar.Gens run :: IO Bool run = checkParallel $ Group "Printer Properties" [ ("Roundtrip public key", prop_roundtrip_public_key) , ("Roundtrip secret key", prop_roundtrip_secret_key) ] prop_roundtrip_public_key :: Property prop_roundtrip_public_key = property $ do PublicKeyText key <- forAll genPublicKeyText (printPublicKey <$> parsePublicKey key) === Right key prop_roundtrip_secret_key :: Property prop_roundtrip_secret_key = property $ do SecretKeyText key <- forAll genSecretKeyText (printSecretKey <$> parseSecretKey key) === Right key
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - redundant - constraints # -- | Internal GraphQL AST functionality. -- -- This module is primarily necessary due to an incorrect @-Wredundant - constraints@ warning emitted by GHC when compiling -- 'liftTypedHashMap'. module Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.Internal ( liftTypedHashMap, ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift, liftTyped) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH import Prelude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Lift a ' HashMap ' into a Template Haskell splice via list conversion . #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) liftTypedHashMap :: ( Eq k, Hashable k, Lift k, Lift v, TH.Quote m ) => HashMap k v -> TH.Code m (HashMap k v) #else liftTypedHashMap :: ( Eq k, Hashable k, Lift k, Lift v ) => HashMap k v -> TH.Q (TH.TExp (HashMap k v)) #endif liftTypedHashMap hm = [||HashMap.fromList $$(liftTyped $ HashMap.toList hm)||]
| Internal GraphQL AST functionality. This module is primarily necessary due to an incorrect 'liftTypedHashMap'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LANGUAGE CPP # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - redundant - constraints # @-Wredundant - constraints@ warning emitted by GHC when compiling module Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.Internal ( liftTypedHashMap, ) where import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift, liftTyped) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH import Prelude | Lift a ' HashMap ' into a Template Haskell splice via list conversion . #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0) liftTypedHashMap :: ( Eq k, Hashable k, Lift k, Lift v, TH.Quote m ) => HashMap k v -> TH.Code m (HashMap k v) #else liftTypedHashMap :: ( Eq k, Hashable k, Lift k, Lift v ) => HashMap k v -> TH.Q (TH.TExp (HashMap k v)) #endif liftTypedHashMap hm = [||HashMap.fromList $$(liftTyped $ HashMap.toList hm)||]
(uiop:define-package #:lw2.user-context (:use #:cl) (:export #:*current-auth-token* #:*current-auth-status* #:*current-userid* #:*current-username* #:*current-user-slug* #:*current-ignore-hash* #:logged-in-userid #:logged-in-username #:logged-in-user-slug)) (in-package #:lw2.user-context) (defvar *current-auth-token*) (defvar *current-auth-status*) (defvar *current-userid*) (defvar *current-username*) (defvar *current-user-slug*) (defvar *current-ignore-hash*) (defun logged-in-userid (&optional is-userid) (let ((current-userid *current-userid*)) (if is-userid (string= current-userid is-userid) current-userid))) (defun logged-in-username () *current-username*) (defun logged-in-user-slug () *current-user-slug*)
(uiop:define-package #:lw2.user-context (:use #:cl) (:export #:*current-auth-token* #:*current-auth-status* #:*current-userid* #:*current-username* #:*current-user-slug* #:*current-ignore-hash* #:logged-in-userid #:logged-in-username #:logged-in-user-slug)) (in-package #:lw2.user-context) (defvar *current-auth-token*) (defvar *current-auth-status*) (defvar *current-userid*) (defvar *current-username*) (defvar *current-user-slug*) (defvar *current-ignore-hash*) (defun logged-in-userid (&optional is-userid) (let ((current-userid *current-userid*)) (if is-userid (string= current-userid is-userid) current-userid))) (defun logged-in-username () *current-username*) (defun logged-in-user-slug () *current-user-slug*)
;;;; Isolated --- A isolated environment for evaluating Common Lisp ;;;; expressions Copyright ( C ) 2014 , 2020 < > Copyright ( C ) 2012 - 2013 < > ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Affero General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public ;; License along with this program. If not, see ;; </>. (defpackage #:isolated (:use #:cl #:isolated-impl) (:export #:*env* #:*isolated-homedir-pathname* #:read-eval-print #:reset)) (in-package #:isolated) (declaim (optimize (safety 3))) (defvar *msg-value-prefix* "=> ") (defvar *msg-error-prefix* ";; ") (define-condition all-read () ()) (defun msge (stream format-string &rest params) (apply #'format stream (concatenate 'string "~&" *msg-error-prefix* format-string "~%") params)) (defun msgv (stream format-string &rest params) (apply #'format stream (concatenate 'string "~&" *msg-value-prefix* format-string "~%") params)) (defun isolated-print (values &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (if values (msgv stream "~{~S~^, ~}" values) (msge stream "No value")) nil) (defun reset () (ignore-errors (delete-package *env*)) (make-package *env* :use '(#:isolated-cl)) (loop :for name :in '("+" "++" "+++" "*" "**" "***" "/" "//" "///" "-") :do (eval `(defparameter ,(intern name *env*) nil))) (loop :for fn :in '(+ - * /) :for symbol := (intern (symbol-name fn) *env*) :do (setf (get symbol :isolated-locked) t) (eval `(defun ,symbol (&rest args) (apply ',fn args)))) *env*) (defun read-eval-print (string &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (unless (or (find-package *env*) (reset)) (msge stream "ISOLATED-PACKAGE-ERROR: Isolated package not found.") (return-from read-eval-print nil)) (with-isolated-env (with-input-from-string (s string) (flet ((sread (stream) (translate-form (handler-case (read stream) (end-of-file () (signal 'all-read))))) (ssetq (name value) (setf (symbol-value (find-symbol (string-upcase name) *env*)) value)) (muffle (c) (declare (ignore c)) (when (find-restart 'muffle-warning) (muffle-warning)))) (let (form values) (handler-case (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle)) (loop (setf values (multiple-value-list (eval (prog1 (setf form (sread s)) (ssetq "-" form))))))) (all-read () (isolated-print values stream)) (undefined-function (c) (msge stream "~A: The function ~A is undefined." (type-of c) (cell-error-name c))) (end-of-file (c) (msge stream "~A" (type-of c))) (reader-error () (msge stream "READER-ERROR")) (package-error () (msge stream "PACKAGE-ERROR")) (stream-error (c) (msge stream "~A" (type-of c))) (storage-condition () (msge stream "STORAGE-CONDITION")) (t (c) (msge stream "~A: ~A" (type-of c) c))) (flet ((svalue (string) (symbol-value (find-symbol string *env*)))) (ssetq "///" (svalue "//")) (ssetq "//" (svalue "/")) (ssetq "/" values) (ssetq "***" (svalue "**")) (ssetq "**" (svalue "*")) (ssetq "*" (first values)) (ssetq "+++" (svalue "++")) (ssetq "++" (svalue "+")) (ssetq "+" form)))))) nil)
Isolated --- A isolated environment for evaluating Common Lisp expressions This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. License along with this program. If not, see </>.
Copyright ( C ) 2014 , 2020 < > Copyright ( C ) 2012 - 2013 < > it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public (defpackage #:isolated (:use #:cl #:isolated-impl) (:export #:*env* #:*isolated-homedir-pathname* #:read-eval-print #:reset)) (in-package #:isolated) (declaim (optimize (safety 3))) (defvar *msg-value-prefix* "=> ") (defvar *msg-error-prefix* ";; ") (define-condition all-read () ()) (defun msge (stream format-string &rest params) (apply #'format stream (concatenate 'string "~&" *msg-error-prefix* format-string "~%") params)) (defun msgv (stream format-string &rest params) (apply #'format stream (concatenate 'string "~&" *msg-value-prefix* format-string "~%") params)) (defun isolated-print (values &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (if values (msgv stream "~{~S~^, ~}" values) (msge stream "No value")) nil) (defun reset () (ignore-errors (delete-package *env*)) (make-package *env* :use '(#:isolated-cl)) (loop :for name :in '("+" "++" "+++" "*" "**" "***" "/" "//" "///" "-") :do (eval `(defparameter ,(intern name *env*) nil))) (loop :for fn :in '(+ - * /) :for symbol := (intern (symbol-name fn) *env*) :do (setf (get symbol :isolated-locked) t) (eval `(defun ,symbol (&rest args) (apply ',fn args)))) *env*) (defun read-eval-print (string &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (unless (or (find-package *env*) (reset)) (msge stream "ISOLATED-PACKAGE-ERROR: Isolated package not found.") (return-from read-eval-print nil)) (with-isolated-env (with-input-from-string (s string) (flet ((sread (stream) (translate-form (handler-case (read stream) (end-of-file () (signal 'all-read))))) (ssetq (name value) (setf (symbol-value (find-symbol (string-upcase name) *env*)) value)) (muffle (c) (declare (ignore c)) (when (find-restart 'muffle-warning) (muffle-warning)))) (let (form values) (handler-case (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle)) (loop (setf values (multiple-value-list (eval (prog1 (setf form (sread s)) (ssetq "-" form))))))) (all-read () (isolated-print values stream)) (undefined-function (c) (msge stream "~A: The function ~A is undefined." (type-of c) (cell-error-name c))) (end-of-file (c) (msge stream "~A" (type-of c))) (reader-error () (msge stream "READER-ERROR")) (package-error () (msge stream "PACKAGE-ERROR")) (stream-error (c) (msge stream "~A" (type-of c))) (storage-condition () (msge stream "STORAGE-CONDITION")) (t (c) (msge stream "~A: ~A" (type-of c) c))) (flet ((svalue (string) (symbol-value (find-symbol string *env*)))) (ssetq "///" (svalue "//")) (ssetq "//" (svalue "/")) (ssetq "/" values) (ssetq "***" (svalue "**")) (ssetq "**" (svalue "*")) (ssetq "*" (first values)) (ssetq "+++" (svalue "++")) (ssetq "++" (svalue "+")) (ssetq "+" form)))))) nil)
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Control.Comonad.Supply Copyright : ( c ) 2008 ( c ) Iavor , 2007 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : < > -- Stability : provisional -- Portability: portable -- -- The technique for generating new values is based on the paper -- ''On Generating Unique Names'' by , , and . -- -- Integrated from value-supply-0.1 -- -- TODO: a SupplyT Comonad Transformer -------------------------------------------------------------------- module Control.Comonad.Supply ( module Control.Comonad -- * Creating supplies , Supply , newSupply , newEnumSupply , newNumSupply -- * Obtaining values from supplies , supplyValue -- * Generating new supplies from old , supplyLeft , supplyRight , modifySupply , split , split2 , split3 , split4 ) where import Control.Comonad Using ' MVar 's might be a bit heavy but it ensures that -- multiple threads that share a supply will get distinct names. import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Functor.Extras import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO) -- Basics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A type that can be used to generate values on demand. A supply may be turned into two different supplies by using -- the functions 'supplyLeft' and 'supplyRight'. data Supply a = Node { -- | Get the value of a supply. This function, together with -- 'modifySupply' forms a comonad on 'Supply'. supplyValue :: a | Generate a new supply . This supply is different from the one -- generated with 'supplyRight'. , supplyLeft :: Supply a | Generate a new supply . This supply is different from the one -- generated with 'supplyLeft'. , supplyRight :: Supply a } instance Functor Supply where fmap f s = modifySupply s (f . supplyValue) -- | Creates a new supply of values. -- The arguments specify how to generate values: the first argument is an initial value , the second specifies how to generate a new value from an existing one . newSupply :: a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Supply a) newSupply x f = fmap (gen True) (newMVar (iterate f x)) -- The extra argument to ``gen'' is passed because without it Hugs spots that the recursive calls are the same but does not know that unsafePerformIO is unsafe . where gen _ r = Node { supplyValue = unsafePerformIO (genSym r), supplyLeft = gen False r, supplyRight = gen True r } genSym :: MVar [a] -> IO a genSym r = do a : as <- takeMVar r putMVar r as return a -- | Generate a new supply by systematically applying a function -- to an existing supply. This function, together with 'supplyValue' -- form a comonad on 'Supply'. modifySupply :: Supply a -> (Supply a -> b) -> Supply b modifySupply = flip extend -- (Supply, supplyValue, modifySupply) forms a comonad: law1 s = [ modifySupply s supplyValue , s ] law2 s f = [ supplyValue ( modifySupply s f ) , f s ] law3 s = [ ( s ` modifySupply ` f ) ` modifySupply ` g , s ` modifySupply ` \s1 - > g ( s1 ` modifySupply ` f ) ] law1 s = [ modifySupply s supplyValue, s ] law2 s f = [ supplyValue (modifySupply s f), f s ] law3 s f g = [ (s `modifySupply` f) `modifySupply` g , s `modifySupply` \s1 -> g (s1 `modifySupply` f) ] -} -- Derived functions ----------------------------------------------------------- | A supply of values that are in the ' ' class . The initial value is @toEnum 0@ , new values are generates with ' succ ' . newEnumSupply :: (Enum a) => IO (Supply a) newEnumSupply = newSupply (toEnum 0) succ | A supply of values that are in the ' ' class . The initial value is 0 , new values are generated by adding 1 . newNumSupply :: (Num a) => IO (Supply a) newNumSupply = newSupply 0 (1+) -- | Generate an infinite list of supplies by using 'supplyLeft' and ' ' repeatedly . split :: Supply a -> [Supply a] split s = supplyLeft s : split (supplyRight s) | Split a supply into two different supplies . -- The resulting supplies are different from the input supply. split2 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a) split2 s = (supplyLeft s, supplyRight s) | Split a supply into three different supplies . split3 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a, Supply a) split3 s = let s1 : s2 : s3 : _ = split s in (s1,s2,s3) | Split a supply into four different supplies . split4 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a, Supply a, Supply a) split4 s = let s1 : s2 : s3 : s4 : _ = split s in (s1,s2,s3,s4) instance Copointed Supply where extract = supplyValue instance Comonad Supply where extend f s = Node { supplyValue = f s , supplyLeft = modifySupply (supplyLeft s) f , supplyRight = modifySupply (supplyRight s) f } instance FunctorSplit Supply where fsplit = split2
------------------------------------------------------------------ | Module : Control.Comonad.Supply License : BSD3 Stability : provisional Portability: portable The technique for generating new values is based on the paper ''On Generating Unique Names'' Integrated from value-supply-0.1 TODO: a SupplyT Comonad Transformer ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Creating supplies * Obtaining values from supplies * Generating new supplies from old multiple threads that share a supply will get distinct names. Basics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | A type that can be used to generate values on demand. the functions 'supplyLeft' and 'supplyRight'. | Get the value of a supply. This function, together with 'modifySupply' forms a comonad on 'Supply'. generated with 'supplyRight'. generated with 'supplyLeft'. | Creates a new supply of values. The arguments specify how to generate values: The extra argument to ``gen'' is passed because without | Generate a new supply by systematically applying a function to an existing supply. This function, together with 'supplyValue' form a comonad on 'Supply'. (Supply, supplyValue, modifySupply) forms a comonad: Derived functions ----------------------------------------------------------- | Generate an infinite list of supplies by using 'supplyLeft' and The resulting supplies are different from the input supply.
Copyright : ( c ) 2008 ( c ) Iavor , 2007 Maintainer : < > by , , and . module Control.Comonad.Supply ( module Control.Comonad , Supply , newSupply , newEnumSupply , newNumSupply , supplyValue , supplyLeft , supplyRight , modifySupply , split , split2 , split3 , split4 ) where import Control.Comonad Using ' MVar 's might be a bit heavy but it ensures that import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Functor.Extras import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO) A supply may be turned into two different supplies by using data Supply a = Node supplyValue :: a | Generate a new supply . This supply is different from the one , supplyLeft :: Supply a | Generate a new supply . This supply is different from the one , supplyRight :: Supply a } instance Functor Supply where fmap f s = modifySupply s (f . supplyValue) the first argument is an initial value , the second specifies how to generate a new value from an existing one . newSupply :: a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Supply a) newSupply x f = fmap (gen True) (newMVar (iterate f x)) it Hugs spots that the recursive calls are the same but does not know that unsafePerformIO is unsafe . where gen _ r = Node { supplyValue = unsafePerformIO (genSym r), supplyLeft = gen False r, supplyRight = gen True r } genSym :: MVar [a] -> IO a genSym r = do a : as <- takeMVar r putMVar r as return a modifySupply :: Supply a -> (Supply a -> b) -> Supply b modifySupply = flip extend law1 s = [ modifySupply s supplyValue , s ] law2 s f = [ supplyValue ( modifySupply s f ) , f s ] law3 s = [ ( s ` modifySupply ` f ) ` modifySupply ` g , s ` modifySupply ` \s1 - > g ( s1 ` modifySupply ` f ) ] law1 s = [ modifySupply s supplyValue, s ] law2 s f = [ supplyValue (modifySupply s f), f s ] law3 s f g = [ (s `modifySupply` f) `modifySupply` g , s `modifySupply` \s1 -> g (s1 `modifySupply` f) ] -} | A supply of values that are in the ' ' class . The initial value is @toEnum 0@ , new values are generates with ' succ ' . newEnumSupply :: (Enum a) => IO (Supply a) newEnumSupply = newSupply (toEnum 0) succ | A supply of values that are in the ' ' class . The initial value is 0 , new values are generated by adding 1 . newNumSupply :: (Num a) => IO (Supply a) newNumSupply = newSupply 0 (1+) ' ' repeatedly . split :: Supply a -> [Supply a] split s = supplyLeft s : split (supplyRight s) | Split a supply into two different supplies . split2 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a) split2 s = (supplyLeft s, supplyRight s) | Split a supply into three different supplies . split3 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a, Supply a) split3 s = let s1 : s2 : s3 : _ = split s in (s1,s2,s3) | Split a supply into four different supplies . split4 :: Supply a -> (Supply a, Supply a, Supply a, Supply a) split4 s = let s1 : s2 : s3 : s4 : _ = split s in (s1,s2,s3,s4) instance Copointed Supply where extract = supplyValue instance Comonad Supply where extend f s = Node { supplyValue = f s , supplyLeft = modifySupply (supplyLeft s) f , supplyRight = modifySupply (supplyRight s) f } instance FunctorSplit Supply where fsplit = split2
(ns tech.droit.fset.bench-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [criterium.core :refer [bench quick-bench quick-benchmark benchmark]] [tech.droit.fset :as fset] [clojure.set :as cset])) (defmacro b [expr] `(first (:mean (quick-benchmark ~expr {})))) (deftest ^:bench rename-keys-bench (let [m (zipmap (range 100) (range 100)) kmap {4 40 14 140 45 450 51 510 60 600 69 690 90 900}] (is (= (cset/rename-keys m kmap) (fset/rename-keys m kmap))) 3.006680459548847E-6 cset 1.8890617169285616E-6 fset ( rename - keys ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/rename-keys m kmap)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/rename-keys m kmap)) " fset (rename-keys)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench maps-bench (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}}] (is (= (into #{} (map inc (set (range 100)))) (fset/maps inc (set (range 100))))) (is (= (into #{} (map #(assoc % :new 0) xrel)) (fset/maps #(assoc % :new 0) xrel))) 2.720073097731239E-4 core map over set 1.6059608771929826E-4 fset ( maps ) (is (nil? (println (let [s (set (range 1000))] (str (b (into #{} (map inc s))) " core map over set \n" (b (fset/maps inc s)) " fset (maps)\n"))))) ; 5.3075209319225114E-6 core into set 3.256621217417093E-6 fset ( maps ) (is (nil? (println (let [f #(assoc % :new 0)] (b (into #{} (map f xrel))) (str "core into set\n" (b (fset/maps f xrel)) " fset (maps)\n"))))))) (deftest ^:bench select-keys-test (let [m (zipmap (range 100) (range 100 200)) ks (range 0 100 10)] (is (= (select-keys m ks) (fset/select-keys m ks))) (is (= (select-keys m [10 30 50]) (fset/select-key m 10 30 50))) 2.481968165076176E-6 core 1.0907595441876438E-6 fset ( select - keys ) (is (nil? (println (b (select-keys m ks)) (str " core\n" (b (fset/select-keys m ks)) " fset (select-keys)\n")))) 8.155316297166944E-7 core 4.1558029460823247E-7 fset ( select - key ) (is (nil? (println (b (select-keys m [10 30 50])) (str "core\n" (b (fset/select-key m 10 30 50)) " fset (select-key)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench union-bench (let [s1 '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3}} s2 '#{{d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} s3 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1}} s4 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1} {d d10} {c c14}} s5 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1} {d d10} {c c14} {a a21} {a a22}}] (is (= (cset/union s1 s2) (fset/union s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3) (fset/union s1 s2 s3))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3 s4) (fset/union s1 s2 s3 s4))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) (fset/union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5))) 2.3562738773283106E-6 cset ; 1.1675215159560017E-6 fset (union) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 ) ) " fset ( union)\n " ) ) ) ) 2.2575491533853774E-6 cset ; 1.65369902375777E-6 fset ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 # { } ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 # { } ) ) " fset ( union)\n " ) ) ) ) )) (deftest ^:bench index-bench 1.3768563343788355E-5 cset 0.9147070550913031E-5 fset ( index ) (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ks '[b d]] (is (= (cset/index xrel ks) (fset/index xrel ks))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/index xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/index xrel ks)) " fset (index)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench kset-bench (let [rel '#{{d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}}] (is (= (set (keys (first rel))) (fset/kset rel))) ; 6.315077613519734E-7 core 3.577445668244377E-7 fset ( kset ) (is (nil? (println (b (set (keys (first rel)))) (str "core\n" (b (fset/kset rel)) " fset (kset)\n")))) ; 6.226934114810922E-7 core 3.4987011405747016E-8 fset ( kset - native ) (is (nil? (println (b (set (keys (first rel)))) (str "core\n" (b (fset/kset-native rel)) " fset (kset-native)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench intersection-bench (let [s1 (set (range 1 40)) s2 (set (range 30 80)) ss1 (apply sorted-set s1) ss2 (apply sorted-set s2)] (is (= (cset/intersection s1 s2) (fset/intersection s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/intersection s1 s2) (fset/intersection* s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/intersection ss1 ss2) (fset/intersection* ss1 ss2))) 7.1893204992967655E-6 cset 4.322495438183127E-6 intersection ( compatible ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/intersection s1 s2)) " intersection (compatible)\n")))) 9.937802765155177E-6 sorted cset 7.90225522716554E-6 sorted intersection ( compatible ) #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection ss1 ss2)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/intersection ss1 ss2)) " sorted intersection (compatible)\n")))) 6.842457065677723E-6 cset 3.2923806294768446E-6 intersection ( native ) #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/intersection* s1 s2)) " intersection (native)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench difference-bench (let [s1 (set (range 1 50)) s2 (set (range 30 800)) ss1 (apply sorted-set s1) ss2 (apply sorted-set s2)] (is (= (cset/difference s1 s2) (fset/difference s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/difference ss1 ss2) (fset/difference ss1 ss2))) ; 7.335592370838982E-6 cset 4.132627737969221E-6 difference (is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/difference s1 s2)) " difference\n")))) 1.4298325121443442E-5 sorted cset ; 1.132363716780562E-5 sorted difference #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference ss1 ss2)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/difference ss1 ss2)) " sorted difference\n")))) 5.0338101960004635E-6 cset ; 3.4274965213695293E-6 difference #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference s2 s1)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/difference s2 s1)) " difference\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench select-bench (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ss (apply sorted-set (range 100)) pred (comp #{'a3} 'a)] (is (= (cset/select pred xrel) (fset/select pred xrel))) (is (= (cset/select odd? ss) (fset/select odd? ss))) 1.5927641938447406E-5 sorted cset 1.4375441919551693E-5 sorted select (is (nil? (println (b (cset/select even? ss)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/select even? ss)) " sorted select\n")))) 2.44818399082862E-6 cset ; 1.8558549234948711E-6 select (is (nil? (println (b (cset/select pred xrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/select pred xrel)) " select\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench project-test (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ks '[a b c]] (is (= (cset/project xrel ks) (fset/project xrel ks))) (is (= (cset/project xrel ks) (fset/project* xrel 'a 'b 'c))) 1.0354762891861535E-5 cset 0.5515608075685698E-5 project (is (nil? (println (b (cset/project xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/project xrel ks)) " project\n")))) 1.0387998330899229E-5 cset 6.966055805671281E-6 project ( WIP ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/project xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/project* xrel 'a 'b 'c)) " project\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench join-bench 2.7759994340847945E-5 cset 0.7999750663668448E-5 fset ( join ) 0.7712902516469042E-5 fset ( join with keys ) (let [xrel '#{{d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} yrel '#{{e e1 f f2 g g1 b b1} {e e3 f f1 g g2 b b8} {e e1 f f2 g g3 b b8} {e e3 f f1 g g2 b b3} {e e2 f f2 g g3 b b8} {e e1 f f3 g g1 b b8} {e e2 f f3 g g2 b b8} {e e1 f f3 g g1 b b2} {e e3 f f3 g g3 b b8}} x-keys (fset/kset-native xrel) y-keys (fset/kset-native yrel)] (is (= (cset/join xrel yrel) (fset/join xrel yrel))) (is (= (cset/join xrel yrel) (fset/join xrel yrel x-keys y-keys))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/join xrel yrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/join xrel yrel)) " fset (join)\n")))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/join xrel yrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/join xrel yrel x-keys y-keys)) " fset (join with keys)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench subset-super-test (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} sub (set (take 4 xrel))] (is (= true (cset/subset? sub xrel) (fset/subset? sub xrel))) (is (= true (cset/superset? xrel sub) (fset/superset? xrel sub))) 6.955503406380901E-7 cset 1.4824609776142325E-7 subset ? (is (nil? (println (b (cset/subset? sub xrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/subset? sub xrel)) " subset?\n")))) ; 7.119121416749918E-7 cset ; 1.4956368832914817E-7 subset? (is (nil? (println (b (cset/superset? xrel sub)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/superset? xrel sub)) " superset?\n"))))))
5.3075209319225114E-6 core into set 1.1675215159560017E-6 fset (union) 1.65369902375777E-6 fset 6.315077613519734E-7 core 6.226934114810922E-7 core 7.335592370838982E-6 cset 1.132363716780562E-5 sorted difference 3.4274965213695293E-6 difference 1.8558549234948711E-6 select 7.119121416749918E-7 cset 1.4956368832914817E-7 subset?
(ns tech.droit.fset.bench-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [criterium.core :refer [bench quick-bench quick-benchmark benchmark]] [tech.droit.fset :as fset] [clojure.set :as cset])) (defmacro b [expr] `(first (:mean (quick-benchmark ~expr {})))) (deftest ^:bench rename-keys-bench (let [m (zipmap (range 100) (range 100)) kmap {4 40 14 140 45 450 51 510 60 600 69 690 90 900}] (is (= (cset/rename-keys m kmap) (fset/rename-keys m kmap))) 3.006680459548847E-6 cset 1.8890617169285616E-6 fset ( rename - keys ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/rename-keys m kmap)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/rename-keys m kmap)) " fset (rename-keys)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench maps-bench (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}}] (is (= (into #{} (map inc (set (range 100)))) (fset/maps inc (set (range 100))))) (is (= (into #{} (map #(assoc % :new 0) xrel)) (fset/maps #(assoc % :new 0) xrel))) 2.720073097731239E-4 core map over set 1.6059608771929826E-4 fset ( maps ) (is (nil? (println (let [s (set (range 1000))] (str (b (into #{} (map inc s))) " core map over set \n" (b (fset/maps inc s)) " fset (maps)\n"))))) 3.256621217417093E-6 fset ( maps ) (is (nil? (println (let [f #(assoc % :new 0)] (b (into #{} (map f xrel))) (str "core into set\n" (b (fset/maps f xrel)) " fset (maps)\n"))))))) (deftest ^:bench select-keys-test (let [m (zipmap (range 100) (range 100 200)) ks (range 0 100 10)] (is (= (select-keys m ks) (fset/select-keys m ks))) (is (= (select-keys m [10 30 50]) (fset/select-key m 10 30 50))) 2.481968165076176E-6 core 1.0907595441876438E-6 fset ( select - keys ) (is (nil? (println (b (select-keys m ks)) (str " core\n" (b (fset/select-keys m ks)) " fset (select-keys)\n")))) 8.155316297166944E-7 core 4.1558029460823247E-7 fset ( select - key ) (is (nil? (println (b (select-keys m [10 30 50])) (str "core\n" (b (fset/select-key m 10 30 50)) " fset (select-key)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench union-bench (let [s1 '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3}} s2 '#{{d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} s3 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1}} s4 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1} {d d10} {c c14}} s5 '#{{d d3 c c9 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a21 b b1} {d d3 c c11 a a3 b b1} {d d10} {c c14} {a a21} {a a22}}] (is (= (cset/union s1 s2) (fset/union s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3) (fset/union s1 s2 s3))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3 s4) (fset/union s1 s2 s3 s4))) (is (= (cset/union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) (fset/union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5))) 2.3562738773283106E-6 cset ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 ) ) " fset ( union)\n " ) ) ) ) 2.2575491533853774E-6 cset ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 ) ) " fset\n " ) ) ) ) ( is ( nil ? ( println ( b ( cset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 # { } ) ) ( str " cset\n " ( b ( fset / union s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 # { } ) ) " fset ( union)\n " ) ) ) ) )) (deftest ^:bench index-bench 1.3768563343788355E-5 cset 0.9147070550913031E-5 fset ( index ) (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ks '[b d]] (is (= (cset/index xrel ks) (fset/index xrel ks))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/index xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/index xrel ks)) " fset (index)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench kset-bench (let [rel '#{{d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}}] (is (= (set (keys (first rel))) (fset/kset rel))) 3.577445668244377E-7 fset ( kset ) (is (nil? (println (b (set (keys (first rel)))) (str "core\n" (b (fset/kset rel)) " fset (kset)\n")))) 3.4987011405747016E-8 fset ( kset - native ) (is (nil? (println (b (set (keys (first rel)))) (str "core\n" (b (fset/kset-native rel)) " fset (kset-native)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench intersection-bench (let [s1 (set (range 1 40)) s2 (set (range 30 80)) ss1 (apply sorted-set s1) ss2 (apply sorted-set s2)] (is (= (cset/intersection s1 s2) (fset/intersection s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/intersection s1 s2) (fset/intersection* s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/intersection ss1 ss2) (fset/intersection* ss1 ss2))) 7.1893204992967655E-6 cset 4.322495438183127E-6 intersection ( compatible ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/intersection s1 s2)) " intersection (compatible)\n")))) 9.937802765155177E-6 sorted cset 7.90225522716554E-6 sorted intersection ( compatible ) #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection ss1 ss2)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/intersection ss1 ss2)) " sorted intersection (compatible)\n")))) 6.842457065677723E-6 cset 3.2923806294768446E-6 intersection ( native ) #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/intersection s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/intersection* s1 s2)) " intersection (native)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench difference-bench (let [s1 (set (range 1 50)) s2 (set (range 30 800)) ss1 (apply sorted-set s1) ss2 (apply sorted-set s2)] (is (= (cset/difference s1 s2) (fset/difference s1 s2))) (is (= (cset/difference ss1 ss2) (fset/difference ss1 ss2))) 4.132627737969221E-6 difference (is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference s1 s2)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/difference s1 s2)) " difference\n")))) 1.4298325121443442E-5 sorted cset #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference ss1 ss2)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/difference ss1 ss2)) " sorted difference\n")))) 5.0338101960004635E-6 cset #_(is (nil? (println (b (cset/difference s2 s1)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/difference s2 s1)) " difference\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench select-bench (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ss (apply sorted-set (range 100)) pred (comp #{'a3} 'a)] (is (= (cset/select pred xrel) (fset/select pred xrel))) (is (= (cset/select odd? ss) (fset/select odd? ss))) 1.5927641938447406E-5 sorted cset 1.4375441919551693E-5 sorted select (is (nil? (println (b (cset/select even? ss)) (str "sorted cset\n" (b (fset/select even? ss)) " sorted select\n")))) 2.44818399082862E-6 cset (is (nil? (println (b (cset/select pred xrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/select pred xrel)) " select\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench project-test (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} ks '[a b c]] (is (= (cset/project xrel ks) (fset/project xrel ks))) (is (= (cset/project xrel ks) (fset/project* xrel 'a 'b 'c))) 1.0354762891861535E-5 cset 0.5515608075685698E-5 project (is (nil? (println (b (cset/project xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/project xrel ks)) " project\n")))) 1.0387998330899229E-5 cset 6.966055805671281E-6 project ( WIP ) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/project xrel ks)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/project* xrel 'a 'b 'c)) " project\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench join-bench 2.7759994340847945E-5 cset 0.7999750663668448E-5 fset ( join ) 0.7712902516469042E-5 fset ( join with keys ) (let [xrel '#{{d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} yrel '#{{e e1 f f2 g g1 b b1} {e e3 f f1 g g2 b b8} {e e1 f f2 g g3 b b8} {e e3 f f1 g g2 b b3} {e e2 f f2 g g3 b b8} {e e1 f f3 g g1 b b8} {e e2 f f3 g g2 b b8} {e e1 f f3 g g1 b b2} {e e3 f f3 g g3 b b8}} x-keys (fset/kset-native xrel) y-keys (fset/kset-native yrel)] (is (= (cset/join xrel yrel) (fset/join xrel yrel))) (is (= (cset/join xrel yrel) (fset/join xrel yrel x-keys y-keys))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/join xrel yrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/join xrel yrel)) " fset (join)\n")))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/join xrel yrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/join xrel yrel x-keys y-keys)) " fset (join with keys)\n")))))) (deftest ^:bench subset-super-test (let [xrel '#{{d d1 c c2 a a3 b b2} {d d2 c c1 a a3 b b3} {d d2 c c2 a a2 b b3} {d d2 c c3 a a2 b b3} {d d3 c c3 a a3 b b2} {d d3 c c2 a a1 b b2} {d d3 c c3 a a2 b b1} {d d3 c c1 a a3 b b1}} sub (set (take 4 xrel))] (is (= true (cset/subset? sub xrel) (fset/subset? sub xrel))) (is (= true (cset/superset? xrel sub) (fset/superset? xrel sub))) 6.955503406380901E-7 cset 1.4824609776142325E-7 subset ? (is (nil? (println (b (cset/subset? sub xrel)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/subset? sub xrel)) " subset?\n")))) (is (nil? (println (b (cset/superset? xrel sub)) (str "cset\n" (b (fset/superset? xrel sub)) " superset?\n"))))))
#lang racket/base (require racket/contract) (define x (make-parameter 42)) (define y (make-parameter "hi")) (define z (parameterize ([x (+ (x) 1)] [y (string-length (y))]) (+ (x) 2 (y)))) (provide (contract-out [x (-> exact-integer?)] [y (-> exact-integer?)] [z exact-integer?]))
#lang racket/base (require racket/contract) (define x (make-parameter 42)) (define y (make-parameter "hi")) (define z (parameterize ([x (+ (x) 1)] [y (string-length (y))]) (+ (x) 2 (y)))) (provide (contract-out [x (-> exact-integer?)] [y (-> exact-integer?)] [z exact-integer?]))
-*-Mode : erlang;coding : utf-8;tab - width:4;c - basic - offset:4;indent - tabs - mode:()-*- ex : set utf-8 sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et nomod : %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% @doc %%% ==CloudI Runtime Environment== %%% @end %%% MIT License %%% Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2022 < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > %%% %%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a %%% copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation %%% the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the %%% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %%% %%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . %%% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR %%% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %%% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING %%% FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER %%% DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. %%% @author < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > 2014 - 2022 %%% @version 2.0.5 {@date} {@time} %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -module(cloudi_environment). -author('mjtruog at protonmail dot com'). %% external interface -export([lookup/0, status/0, transform/1, transform/2]). -type lookup() :: cloudi_x_trie:cloudi_x_trie(). -export_type([lookup/0]). -include("cloudi_environment.hrl"). -include("cloudi_logger.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% External interface functions %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% ===Get an environment variable lookup.=== %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec lookup() -> lookup(). lookup() -> cloudi_x_trie:new(lists:map(fun(Entry) -> cloudi_string:splitl($=, Entry, input) end, os:getenv())). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% ===Get execution environment status.=== %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec status() -> nonempty_list({atom(), string()}). status() -> RuntimeErtsVersion = erlang:system_info(version), FileErts = filename:join([code:root_dir(), "lib", "erts-" ++ RuntimeErtsVersion, "ebin", "erts.app"]), FileKernel = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("kernel.app"), FileStdlib = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("stdlib.app"), FileCompiler = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("compiler.app"), FileCloudI = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("cloudi_core.app"), ApplicationVersions0 = application:loaded_applications(), {value, {kernel, _, RuntimeErlangKernelVersion}, ApplicationVersions1} = lists:keytake(kernel, 1, ApplicationVersions0), {value, {stdlib, _, RuntimeErlangStdlibVersion}, ApplicationVersions2} = lists:keytake(stdlib, 1, ApplicationVersions1), {value, {compiler, _, RuntimeErlangCompilerVersion}, ApplicationVersions3} = lists:keytake(compiler, 1, ApplicationVersions2), {value, {cloudi_core, _, RuntimeCloudIVersion}, _} = lists:keytake(cloudi_core, 1, ApplicationVersions3), RuntimeErlangCompilation = erlang_compilation(), RuntimeMachineProcessors = erlang:system_info(schedulers), ?CODE_STATUS_STATIC ++ [{build_erlang_erts_c_compiler_version, erts_c_compiler_version()}, {install_erlang_erts_time, status_file_time(FileErts)}, {install_erlang_kernel_time, status_file_time(FileKernel)}, {install_erlang_stdlib_time, status_file_time(FileStdlib)}, {install_erlang_compiler_time, status_file_time(FileCompiler)}, {install_cloudi_time, status_file_time(FileCloudI)}, {runtime_erlang_erts_version, RuntimeErtsVersion}, {runtime_erlang_kernel_version, RuntimeErlangKernelVersion}, {runtime_erlang_stdlib_version, RuntimeErlangStdlibVersion}, {runtime_erlang_compiler_version, RuntimeErlangCompilerVersion}, {runtime_erlang_compilation, RuntimeErlangCompilation}, {runtime_cloudi_version, RuntimeCloudIVersion}, {runtime_machine_processors, RuntimeMachineProcessors}]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc = = = Transform a string , substituting environment variable values from the lookup.=== %% Use ${VARIABLE} or $VARIABLE syntax, where VARIABLE is a name with %% [a-zA-Z0-9_] ASCII characters. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec transform(String :: string()) -> string(). transform(String) -> transform(String, lookup()). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc = = = Transform a string , substituting environment variable values from the lookup.=== %% Use ${VARIABLE} or $VARIABLE syntax, where VARIABLE is a name with %% [a-zA-Z0-9_] ASCII characters. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec transform(String :: string(), Lookup :: lookup()) -> string(). transform(String, Lookup) -> transform(String, [], Lookup). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% Private functions %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ status_file_time(FilePath) -> case file:read_file_info(FilePath, [raw, {time, posix}]) of {ok, #file_info{mtime = MTime}} -> cloudi_timestamp:seconds_epoch_to_string(MTime); {error, Reason} -> ?LOG_ERROR("filesystem error (~ts): ~tp", [FilePath, Reason]), "" end. erts_c_compiler_version() -> case erlang:system_info(c_compiler_used) of {undefined, _} -> ""; {Name, undefined} when is_atom(Name) -> erlang:atom_to_list(Name); {Name, V} when is_atom(Name), is_tuple(V) -> [_ | Version] = lists:flatten([[$., io_lib:format("~p", [I])] || I <- erlang:tuple_to_list(V)]), erlang:atom_to_list(Name) ++ [$ | Version]; {Name, Version} -> cloudi_string:format("~tp ~tp", [Name, Version]); Unexpected -> ?LOG_ERROR("erlang:system_info(c_compiler_used) invalid: ~tp", [Unexpected]), "" end. -ifdef(ERLANG_OTP_VERSION_24_FEATURES). erlang_compilation() -> case erlang:system_info(emu_flavor) of jit -> "jit"; _ -> "aot" end. -else. erlang_compilation() -> "aot". -endif. % transform a string using a lookup containing environment variables % (the loop doesn't have error conditions by design) transform([], Output, _) -> lists:reverse(Output); transform([$\\, $$ | String], Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, [$$ | Output], Lookup); transform([$$ | String], Output, Lookup) -> case String of [${ | Rest] -> transform_delimiter(Rest, Output, [], Lookup); _ -> transform_bare(String, Output, [], Lookup) end; transform([C | String], Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, [C | Output], Lookup). transform_delimiter([], Output, _, _) -> lists:reverse(Output); transform_delimiter([$} | String], Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup); transform_delimiter([$= | String], Output, _, Lookup) -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_delimiter([C | String], Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_delimiter(String, Output, [C | Key], Lookup). transform_bare([] = String, Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup); transform_bare([C | String], Output, _, Lookup) when C == $}; C == $= -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_bare([C | String], Output, Key, Lookup) when C /= $$, C /= $/, C /= $ , C /= $', C /= $", C /= $` -> transform_bare(String, Output, [C | Key], Lookup); transform_bare(String, Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup). transform_value([], String, Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup) -> case cloudi_x_trie:find(lists:reverse(Key), Lookup) of {ok, Value} -> transform(String, lists:reverse(Value, Output), Lookup); error -> transform(String, Output, Lookup) end.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ @doc ==CloudI Runtime Environment== @end Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @version 2.0.5 {@date} {@time} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ external interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------ External interface functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc ===Get an environment variable lookup.=== @end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc ===Get execution environment status.=== @end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Use ${VARIABLE} or $VARIABLE syntax, where VARIABLE is a name with [a-zA-Z0-9_] ASCII characters. @end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Use ${VARIABLE} or $VARIABLE syntax, where VARIABLE is a name with [a-zA-Z0-9_] ASCII characters. @end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ transform a string using a lookup containing environment variables (the loop doesn't have error conditions by design)
-*-Mode : erlang;coding : utf-8;tab - width:4;c - basic - offset:4;indent - tabs - mode:()-*- ex : set utf-8 sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et nomod : MIT License Copyright ( c ) 2014 - 2022 < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING @author < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > 2014 - 2022 -module(cloudi_environment). -author('mjtruog at protonmail dot com'). -export([lookup/0, status/0, transform/1, transform/2]). -type lookup() :: cloudi_x_trie:cloudi_x_trie(). -export_type([lookup/0]). -include("cloudi_environment.hrl"). -include("cloudi_logger.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -spec lookup() -> lookup(). lookup() -> cloudi_x_trie:new(lists:map(fun(Entry) -> cloudi_string:splitl($=, Entry, input) end, os:getenv())). -spec status() -> nonempty_list({atom(), string()}). status() -> RuntimeErtsVersion = erlang:system_info(version), FileErts = filename:join([code:root_dir(), "lib", "erts-" ++ RuntimeErtsVersion, "ebin", "erts.app"]), FileKernel = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("kernel.app"), FileStdlib = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("stdlib.app"), FileCompiler = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("compiler.app"), FileCloudI = [_ | _] = code:where_is_file("cloudi_core.app"), ApplicationVersions0 = application:loaded_applications(), {value, {kernel, _, RuntimeErlangKernelVersion}, ApplicationVersions1} = lists:keytake(kernel, 1, ApplicationVersions0), {value, {stdlib, _, RuntimeErlangStdlibVersion}, ApplicationVersions2} = lists:keytake(stdlib, 1, ApplicationVersions1), {value, {compiler, _, RuntimeErlangCompilerVersion}, ApplicationVersions3} = lists:keytake(compiler, 1, ApplicationVersions2), {value, {cloudi_core, _, RuntimeCloudIVersion}, _} = lists:keytake(cloudi_core, 1, ApplicationVersions3), RuntimeErlangCompilation = erlang_compilation(), RuntimeMachineProcessors = erlang:system_info(schedulers), ?CODE_STATUS_STATIC ++ [{build_erlang_erts_c_compiler_version, erts_c_compiler_version()}, {install_erlang_erts_time, status_file_time(FileErts)}, {install_erlang_kernel_time, status_file_time(FileKernel)}, {install_erlang_stdlib_time, status_file_time(FileStdlib)}, {install_erlang_compiler_time, status_file_time(FileCompiler)}, {install_cloudi_time, status_file_time(FileCloudI)}, {runtime_erlang_erts_version, RuntimeErtsVersion}, {runtime_erlang_kernel_version, RuntimeErlangKernelVersion}, {runtime_erlang_stdlib_version, RuntimeErlangStdlibVersion}, {runtime_erlang_compiler_version, RuntimeErlangCompilerVersion}, {runtime_erlang_compilation, RuntimeErlangCompilation}, {runtime_cloudi_version, RuntimeCloudIVersion}, {runtime_machine_processors, RuntimeMachineProcessors}]. = = = Transform a string , substituting environment variable values from the lookup.=== -spec transform(String :: string()) -> string(). transform(String) -> transform(String, lookup()). = = = Transform a string , substituting environment variable values from the lookup.=== -spec transform(String :: string(), Lookup :: lookup()) -> string(). transform(String, Lookup) -> transform(String, [], Lookup). status_file_time(FilePath) -> case file:read_file_info(FilePath, [raw, {time, posix}]) of {ok, #file_info{mtime = MTime}} -> cloudi_timestamp:seconds_epoch_to_string(MTime); {error, Reason} -> ?LOG_ERROR("filesystem error (~ts): ~tp", [FilePath, Reason]), "" end. erts_c_compiler_version() -> case erlang:system_info(c_compiler_used) of {undefined, _} -> ""; {Name, undefined} when is_atom(Name) -> erlang:atom_to_list(Name); {Name, V} when is_atom(Name), is_tuple(V) -> [_ | Version] = lists:flatten([[$., io_lib:format("~p", [I])] || I <- erlang:tuple_to_list(V)]), erlang:atom_to_list(Name) ++ [$ | Version]; {Name, Version} -> cloudi_string:format("~tp ~tp", [Name, Version]); Unexpected -> ?LOG_ERROR("erlang:system_info(c_compiler_used) invalid: ~tp", [Unexpected]), "" end. -ifdef(ERLANG_OTP_VERSION_24_FEATURES). erlang_compilation() -> case erlang:system_info(emu_flavor) of jit -> "jit"; _ -> "aot" end. -else. erlang_compilation() -> "aot". -endif. transform([], Output, _) -> lists:reverse(Output); transform([$\\, $$ | String], Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, [$$ | Output], Lookup); transform([$$ | String], Output, Lookup) -> case String of [${ | Rest] -> transform_delimiter(Rest, Output, [], Lookup); _ -> transform_bare(String, Output, [], Lookup) end; transform([C | String], Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, [C | Output], Lookup). transform_delimiter([], Output, _, _) -> lists:reverse(Output); transform_delimiter([$} | String], Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup); transform_delimiter([$= | String], Output, _, Lookup) -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_delimiter([C | String], Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_delimiter(String, Output, [C | Key], Lookup). transform_bare([] = String, Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup); transform_bare([C | String], Output, _, Lookup) when C == $}; C == $= -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_bare([C | String], Output, Key, Lookup) when C /= $$, C /= $/, C /= $ , C /= $', C /= $", C /= $` -> transform_bare(String, Output, [C | Key], Lookup); transform_bare(String, Output, Key, Lookup) -> transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup). transform_value([], String, Output, Lookup) -> transform(String, Output, Lookup); transform_value(Key, String, Output, Lookup) -> case cloudi_x_trie:find(lists:reverse(Key), Lookup) of {ok, Value} -> transform(String, lists:reverse(Value, Output), Lookup); error -> transform(String, Output, Lookup) end.
-module(wiki_split). %% File : wiki_format_txt.erl Author : ( ) : , minor modifications %% Purpose : Wiki formatting engine %% %% Split the text. Looking for blocks %% < is represented as {open,Tag,string()} %% ... %% > %% < is represented as {write_append,Tag,string()} %% ... %% > %% %% Everything else is represented as {txt, Tag, string()} %% +type str2wiki(string()) -> wikiText(). %% +type wiki2str(wikiText()) -> string(). %% +type getRegion(tag(), wikiText()) -> string(). %% +type putRegion(tag(), wikiText(), string()) -> wikiText(). %% +type writeAppendRegion(tag(), wikiText(), string()) -> wikiText(). + deftype wikiText ( ) = { wik , [ { text , tag(),string ( ) } | %% {open,tag(),string()} | %% {write_append, tag(), string()}]} %% +deftype tag() = int(). -export([str2wiki/1, wiki2str/1, getRegion/2, putRegion/3, writeAppendRegion/3]). str2wiki(Str) -> Blocks = str2wiki(Str, []), {wik, number_blocks(Blocks, 1)}. number_blocks([{txt,[]}|T], N) -> number_blocks(T, N); number_blocks([{Tag,Str}|T], N) -> [{Tag,N,Str}|number_blocks(T, N+1)]; number_blocks([], _) -> []. str2wiki(Str, L) -> {Before, Stuff} = collect_str(Str), case Stuff of "<<\n" ++ T -> {In, Str3} = collect_write_append([$\n|T], []), str2wiki(Str3, [{write_append,In},{txt,Before}|L]); "<\n" ++ T -> {In, Str3} = collect_open_region([$\n|T], []), str2wiki(Str3, [{open,In},{txt,Before}|L]); [] -> lists:reverse([{txt,Before}|L]) end. collect_str(Str ) - > { Str1 , Str2 } %% where Str2 == [], "<" ++ _ | "<<" ++ _ collect_str(Str) -> collect_after_nl(Str, []). collect_after_nl(S = "<<\n" ++ _, L) -> {lists:reverse(L), S}; collect_after_nl(S = "<\n" ++ _, L) -> {lists:reverse(L), S}; collect_after_nl(X, L) -> collect_str(X, L). collect_str([$\n|T], L) -> collect_after_nl(T, [$\n|L]); collect_str([H|T], L) -> collect_str(T, [H|L]); collect_str([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. collect_write_append("\n>>\n" ++ T, L) -> {lists:reverse([$\n|L]), [$\n|T]}; collect_write_append([H|T], L) -> collect_write_append(T, [H|L]); collect_write_append([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. collect_open_region("\n>\n" ++ T, L) -> {lists:reverse([$\n|L]), [$\n|T]}; collect_open_region([H|T], L) -> collect_open_region(T, [H|L]); collect_open_region([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. wiki2str . wiki2str({wik,L}) -> sneaky_flatten(wiki2str1(L)). wiki2str1([{txt,_,Str}|T]) -> [Str|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([{open,_,Str}|T]) -> ["<\n",Str,"\n>"|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([{write_append,_,Str}|T]) -> ["<<\n",Str,"\n>>"|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([]) -> []. sneaky_flatten(L) -> binary_to_list(list_to_binary(L)). getRegion(Tag, {wik, L}) -> getRegion1(Tag, L). getRegion1(Tag, [{Type,Tag,Str}|_]) -> {Type, Str}; getRegion1(Tag, [_|T]) -> getRegion1(Tag, T). putRegion(Tag, {wik, L}, Str1) -> {wik, putRegion1(Tag, L, Str1)}. putRegion1(Tag, [{Type,Tag,_}|T], New) -> [{Type,Tag,New}|T]; putRegion1(Tag, [H|T], New) -> [H|putRegion1(Tag, T, New)]. writeAppendRegion(Tag, Wik, Str) -> Str1 = getRegion(Tag, Wik), putRegion(Tag, Wik, Str ++ Str1).
File : wiki_format_txt.erl Purpose : Wiki formatting engine Split the text. Looking for blocks < is represented as {open,Tag,string()} ... > < is represented as {write_append,Tag,string()} ... > Everything else is represented as {txt, Tag, string()} +type str2wiki(string()) -> wikiText(). +type wiki2str(wikiText()) -> string(). +type getRegion(tag(), wikiText()) -> string(). +type putRegion(tag(), wikiText(), string()) -> wikiText(). +type writeAppendRegion(tag(), wikiText(), string()) -> wikiText(). {open,tag(),string()} | {write_append, tag(), string()}]} +deftype tag() = int(). where Str2 == [], "<" ++ _ | "<<" ++ _
-module(wiki_split). Author : ( ) : , minor modifications + deftype wikiText ( ) = { wik , [ { text , tag(),string ( ) } | -export([str2wiki/1, wiki2str/1, getRegion/2, putRegion/3, writeAppendRegion/3]). str2wiki(Str) -> Blocks = str2wiki(Str, []), {wik, number_blocks(Blocks, 1)}. number_blocks([{txt,[]}|T], N) -> number_blocks(T, N); number_blocks([{Tag,Str}|T], N) -> [{Tag,N,Str}|number_blocks(T, N+1)]; number_blocks([], _) -> []. str2wiki(Str, L) -> {Before, Stuff} = collect_str(Str), case Stuff of "<<\n" ++ T -> {In, Str3} = collect_write_append([$\n|T], []), str2wiki(Str3, [{write_append,In},{txt,Before}|L]); "<\n" ++ T -> {In, Str3} = collect_open_region([$\n|T], []), str2wiki(Str3, [{open,In},{txt,Before}|L]); [] -> lists:reverse([{txt,Before}|L]) end. collect_str(Str ) - > { Str1 , Str2 } collect_str(Str) -> collect_after_nl(Str, []). collect_after_nl(S = "<<\n" ++ _, L) -> {lists:reverse(L), S}; collect_after_nl(S = "<\n" ++ _, L) -> {lists:reverse(L), S}; collect_after_nl(X, L) -> collect_str(X, L). collect_str([$\n|T], L) -> collect_after_nl(T, [$\n|L]); collect_str([H|T], L) -> collect_str(T, [H|L]); collect_str([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. collect_write_append("\n>>\n" ++ T, L) -> {lists:reverse([$\n|L]), [$\n|T]}; collect_write_append([H|T], L) -> collect_write_append(T, [H|L]); collect_write_append([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. collect_open_region("\n>\n" ++ T, L) -> {lists:reverse([$\n|L]), [$\n|T]}; collect_open_region([H|T], L) -> collect_open_region(T, [H|L]); collect_open_region([], L) -> {lists:reverse(L), []}. wiki2str . wiki2str({wik,L}) -> sneaky_flatten(wiki2str1(L)). wiki2str1([{txt,_,Str}|T]) -> [Str|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([{open,_,Str}|T]) -> ["<\n",Str,"\n>"|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([{write_append,_,Str}|T]) -> ["<<\n",Str,"\n>>"|wiki2str1(T)]; wiki2str1([]) -> []. sneaky_flatten(L) -> binary_to_list(list_to_binary(L)). getRegion(Tag, {wik, L}) -> getRegion1(Tag, L). getRegion1(Tag, [{Type,Tag,Str}|_]) -> {Type, Str}; getRegion1(Tag, [_|T]) -> getRegion1(Tag, T). putRegion(Tag, {wik, L}, Str1) -> {wik, putRegion1(Tag, L, Str1)}. putRegion1(Tag, [{Type,Tag,_}|T], New) -> [{Type,Tag,New}|T]; putRegion1(Tag, [H|T], New) -> [H|putRegion1(Tag, T, New)]. writeAppendRegion(Tag, Wik, Str) -> Str1 = getRegion(Tag, Wik), putRegion(Tag, Wik, Str ++ Str1).
* This file is part of Coccinelle , licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 . * See copyright.txt in the Coccinelle source code for more information . * The Coccinelle source code can be obtained at * This file is part of Coccinelle, licensed under the terms of the GPL v2. * See copyright.txt in the Coccinelle source code for more information. * The Coccinelle source code can be obtained at *) type cocci_predicate = Lib_engine.predicate * Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_ctl.modif type formula = (cocci_predicate,Ast_cocci.meta_name, Wrapper_ctl.info) Ast_ctl.generic_ctl val toctl : Ast_popl.sequence -> Asttoctl2.top_formula
* This file is part of Coccinelle , licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 . * See copyright.txt in the Coccinelle source code for more information . * The Coccinelle source code can be obtained at * This file is part of Coccinelle, licensed under the terms of the GPL v2. * See copyright.txt in the Coccinelle source code for more information. * The Coccinelle source code can be obtained at *) type cocci_predicate = Lib_engine.predicate * Ast_cocci.meta_name Ast_ctl.modif type formula = (cocci_predicate,Ast_cocci.meta_name, Wrapper_ctl.info) Ast_ctl.generic_ctl val toctl : Ast_popl.sequence -> Asttoctl2.top_formula
( x)的反转也是(x ) (rule (reverse (?x) (?x))) ( x . (rule (reverse (?x . ?y) ?z) (and (reverse ?y ?reversed-y) (append-to-form ?reversed-y (?x) ?z)))
( x)的反转也是(x ) (rule (reverse (?x) (?x))) ( x . (rule (reverse (?x . ?y) ?z) (and (reverse ?y ?reversed-y) (append-to-form ?reversed-y (?x) ?z)))
(in-package :erlang-term) ;;;; Erlang reference ;;;; (defconstant +reference-ext+ 101) (defconstant +new-reference-ext+ 114) (defclass erlang-reference (erlang-identifier) () (:documentation "Erlang ref.")) ;;; ;;; Methods ;;; (defun make-reference (node id creation) (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node (make-symbol node) :id id :creation creation)) (defmethod print-object ((object erlang-reference) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (with-slots (node id) object (format stream "~a <~{~a~^.~}>" node (nreverse (mapcar #'bytes-to-uint32 (four-byte-blocks id))))))) (defun four-byte-blocks (bytes) (loop repeat (/ (length bytes) 4) for pos from 0 by 4 collect (subseq bytes pos (+ 4 pos)))) ;;; ;;; Encode/Decode ;;; (defmethod encode-erlang-object ((x erlang-reference)) (if (alexandria:length= 4 (slot-value x 'id)) (encode-external-reference x) ;; Perhaps always use new reference? (encode-external-new-reference x))) (defmethod decode-erlang-object ((tag (eql +reference-ext+)) bytes pos) (decode-external-reference bytes pos)) (defmethod decode-erlang-object ((tag (eql +new-reference-ext+)) bytes pos) (decode-external-new-reference bytes pos)) ;; REFERENCE_EXT ;; +-----+------+----+----------+ | 1 | N | 4 | 1 | ;; +-----+------+----+----------+ ;; | 101 | Node | ID | Creation | ;; +-----+------+----+----------+ ;; (defun encode-external-reference (ref) (with-slots (node id creation) ref (concatenate 'nibbles:simple-octet-vector (vector +reference-ext+) (encode-erlang-object node) id (vector creation)))) (defun decode-external-reference (bytes &optional (pos 0)) (multiple-value-bind (node pos1) (decode-erlang-atom bytes pos) (values (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node node :id (subseq bytes pos1 (+ pos1 4)) :creation (aref bytes (+ pos1 4))) (+ pos1 5)))) ;; NEW_REFERENCE_EXT ;; +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+ | 1 | 2 | N | 1 | N ' | ;; +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+ ;; | 114 | Len | Node | Creation | ID ... | ;; +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+ ;; (defun encode-external-new-reference (ref) (with-slots (node creation id) ref (concatenate 'nibbles:simple-octet-vector (vector +new-reference-ext+) (uint16-to-bytes (/ (length id) 4)) (encode-erlang-object node) (vector creation) Several 4 - byte IDs .. (defun decode-external-new-reference (bytes &optional (pos 0)) (let ((length (bytes-to-uint16 bytes pos))) (multiple-value-bind (node pos1) (decode-erlang-atom bytes (+ 2 pos)) (values (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node node :creation (aref bytes pos1) :id (subseq bytes (1+ pos1) (+ 1 pos1 (* 4 length)))) (+ 1 pos1 (* 4 length))))))
Methods Encode/Decode Perhaps always use new reference? REFERENCE_EXT +-----+------+----+----------+ +-----+------+----+----------+ | 101 | Node | ID | Creation | +-----+------+----+----------+ NEW_REFERENCE_EXT +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+ +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+ | 114 | Len | Node | Creation | ID ... | +-----+-----+------+----------+--------+
(in-package :erlang-term) Erlang reference (defconstant +reference-ext+ 101) (defconstant +new-reference-ext+ 114) (defclass erlang-reference (erlang-identifier) () (:documentation "Erlang ref.")) (defun make-reference (node id creation) (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node (make-symbol node) :id id :creation creation)) (defmethod print-object ((object erlang-reference) stream) (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t) (with-slots (node id) object (format stream "~a <~{~a~^.~}>" node (nreverse (mapcar #'bytes-to-uint32 (four-byte-blocks id))))))) (defun four-byte-blocks (bytes) (loop repeat (/ (length bytes) 4) for pos from 0 by 4 collect (subseq bytes pos (+ 4 pos)))) (defmethod encode-erlang-object ((x erlang-reference)) (if (alexandria:length= 4 (slot-value x 'id)) (encode-external-new-reference x))) (defmethod decode-erlang-object ((tag (eql +reference-ext+)) bytes pos) (decode-external-reference bytes pos)) (defmethod decode-erlang-object ((tag (eql +new-reference-ext+)) bytes pos) (decode-external-new-reference bytes pos)) | 1 | N | 4 | 1 | (defun encode-external-reference (ref) (with-slots (node id creation) ref (concatenate 'nibbles:simple-octet-vector (vector +reference-ext+) (encode-erlang-object node) id (vector creation)))) (defun decode-external-reference (bytes &optional (pos 0)) (multiple-value-bind (node pos1) (decode-erlang-atom bytes pos) (values (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node node :id (subseq bytes pos1 (+ pos1 4)) :creation (aref bytes (+ pos1 4))) (+ pos1 5)))) | 1 | 2 | N | 1 | N ' | (defun encode-external-new-reference (ref) (with-slots (node creation id) ref (concatenate 'nibbles:simple-octet-vector (vector +new-reference-ext+) (uint16-to-bytes (/ (length id) 4)) (encode-erlang-object node) (vector creation) Several 4 - byte IDs .. (defun decode-external-new-reference (bytes &optional (pos 0)) (let ((length (bytes-to-uint16 bytes pos))) (multiple-value-bind (node pos1) (decode-erlang-atom bytes (+ 2 pos)) (values (make-instance 'erlang-reference :node node :creation (aref bytes pos1) :id (subseq bytes (1+ pos1) (+ 1 pos1 (* 4 length)))) (+ 1 pos1 (* 4 length))))))
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ( C ) 2015 , Erlang Solutions Ltd. %%% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% %%% -2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %%% limitations under the License. %%% @author < > %%% @doc Fuzzy Name Matching Library . %%% Test suite %%% @end Created : 9 Feb 2015 by < erlang-solutions.com > %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT ! This file is in UTF-8 format ! %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(fuzzy_match_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. all() -> [unique, exact, abbrev, levenshtein, tokens, alternatives]. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(alternatives, Config) -> For this test we want to record the mappings of " new " names to canonicals . {ok, _} = erl_fuzzy_match:start_link(fuzzy_test, dict:new(), names()), Config; init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> % For the other tests, we run with a fixed set of canonicals and dictionary. {ok, _} = erl_fuzzy_match:start_link(fuzzy_test, dict:new(), names(), [fixed]), Config. end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) -> ok = erl_fuzzy_match:stop(fuzzy_test), ok. unique(_Config) -> [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almeria">>, <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal">>, <<"Villarreal CF">>] = queries(). exact(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2]), [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal CF">>] = Unmatched. abbrev(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2]), [<<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valladolid">>] = Unmatched. levenshtein(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2]), [<<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valladolid">>] = Unmatched. tokens(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:tokens/2]), [] = Unmatched. alternatives(_Config) -> {_, _} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:tokens/2]), Dict = erl_fuzzy_match:dict(fuzzy_test), Groups = dict:fold(fun (S, S, Acc) -> Acc; (Key, Val, Acc) -> case orddict:is_key(Val, Acc) of false -> orddict:store(Val, [Key], Acc); true -> orddict:append(Val, Key, Acc) end end, orddict:new(), Dict ), Alternatives = orddict:fold( fun (Key, Val, Acc) -> Sorted = lists:sort(Val), Acc ++ [{Key, Sorted}] end, [], Groups ), [ {<<"Almeria">>, [<<"Almería">>, <<"UD Almería">>]}, {<<"Athletic Bilbao">>, [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Athletic Club">>]}, {<<"Atletico Madrid">>, [<<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>]}, {<<"Barcelona">>, [<<"FC Barcelona">>]}, {<<"Celta Vigo">>, [<<"Celta de Vigo">>]}, {<<"Elche">>, [<<"Elche CF">>]}, {<<"Espanyol">>, [<<"RCD Espanyol">>]}, {<<"Getafe">>, [<<"Getafe CF">>]}, {<<"Granada">>, [<<"Granada CF">>]}, {<<"Levante">>, [<<"Levante UD">>]}, {<<"Malaga">>, [<<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>]}, {<<"Real Valladolid">>, [<<"Valladolid">>]}, {<<"Sevilla FC">>, [<<"Sevilla">>]}, {<<"Valencia">>, [<<"Valencia CF">>]}, {<<"Villarreal">>, [<<"Villarreal CF">>]} ] = Alternatives. match(Matchers) -> {Matches, Unmatched} = lists:foldl(fun (Query, {M, U}) -> T = erl_fuzzy_match:translate(fuzzy_test, Query, Matchers), case lists:member(T, names()) of true -> {ordsets:add_element(Query, M), U}; false -> {M, ordsets:add_element(Query, U)} end end, {[], []}, queries()), summarize(Matches, Unmatched), {Matches, Unmatched}. summarize(Matches, Unmatched) -> ct:log("Matched: ~.2f", [100*length(Matches)/(length(Matches)+length(Unmatched))]), if Unmatched /= [] -> ct:log("Unmatched: ~p", [Unmatched]); true -> ct:log("No unmatched queries") end. names() -> espn_names(). queries() -> ordsets:to_list(ordsets:from_list(bbc_names() ++ soccerway_names() ++ guardian_names() ++ eurosport_names())). espn_names() -> [ <<"Almeria">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Atletico Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. bbc_names() -> [ <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. soccerway_names() -> [ <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. guardian_names() -> [ <<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almeria">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. eurosport_names() -> [ <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Villarreal CF">> ].
------------------------------------------------------------------- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @doc Test suite @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the other tests, we run with a fixed set of canonicals and dictionary.
Copyright ( C ) 2015 , Erlang Solutions Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , @author < > Fuzzy Name Matching Library . Created : 9 Feb 2015 by < erlang-solutions.com > IMPORTANT ! This file is in UTF-8 format ! -module(fuzzy_match_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. all() -> [unique, exact, abbrev, levenshtein, tokens, alternatives]. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(alternatives, Config) -> For this test we want to record the mappings of " new " names to canonicals . {ok, _} = erl_fuzzy_match:start_link(fuzzy_test, dict:new(), names()), Config; init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> {ok, _} = erl_fuzzy_match:start_link(fuzzy_test, dict:new(), names(), [fixed]), Config. end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) -> ok = erl_fuzzy_match:stop(fuzzy_test), ok. unique(_Config) -> [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almeria">>, <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal">>, <<"Villarreal CF">>] = queries(). exact(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2]), [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal CF">>] = Unmatched. abbrev(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2]), [<<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valladolid">>] = Unmatched. levenshtein(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2]), [<<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valladolid">>] = Unmatched. tokens(_Config) -> {_Matches, Unmatched} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:tokens/2]), [] = Unmatched. alternatives(_Config) -> {_, _} = match( [fun erl_fuzzy_match:exact/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:abbreviation/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:levenshtein/2, fun erl_fuzzy_match:tokens/2]), Dict = erl_fuzzy_match:dict(fuzzy_test), Groups = dict:fold(fun (S, S, Acc) -> Acc; (Key, Val, Acc) -> case orddict:is_key(Val, Acc) of false -> orddict:store(Val, [Key], Acc); true -> orddict:append(Val, Key, Acc) end end, orddict:new(), Dict ), Alternatives = orddict:fold( fun (Key, Val, Acc) -> Sorted = lists:sort(Val), Acc ++ [{Key, Sorted}] end, [], Groups ), [ {<<"Almeria">>, [<<"Almería">>, <<"UD Almería">>]}, {<<"Athletic Bilbao">>, [<<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Athletic Club">>]}, {<<"Atletico Madrid">>, [<<"Atlético">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>]}, {<<"Barcelona">>, [<<"FC Barcelona">>]}, {<<"Celta Vigo">>, [<<"Celta de Vigo">>]}, {<<"Elche">>, [<<"Elche CF">>]}, {<<"Espanyol">>, [<<"RCD Espanyol">>]}, {<<"Getafe">>, [<<"Getafe CF">>]}, {<<"Granada">>, [<<"Granada CF">>]}, {<<"Levante">>, [<<"Levante UD">>]}, {<<"Malaga">>, [<<"Málaga">>, <<"Málaga CF">>]}, {<<"Real Valladolid">>, [<<"Valladolid">>]}, {<<"Sevilla FC">>, [<<"Sevilla">>]}, {<<"Valencia">>, [<<"Valencia CF">>]}, {<<"Villarreal">>, [<<"Villarreal CF">>]} ] = Alternatives. match(Matchers) -> {Matches, Unmatched} = lists:foldl(fun (Query, {M, U}) -> T = erl_fuzzy_match:translate(fuzzy_test, Query, Matchers), case lists:member(T, names()) of true -> {ordsets:add_element(Query, M), U}; false -> {M, ordsets:add_element(Query, U)} end end, {[], []}, queries()), summarize(Matches, Unmatched), {Matches, Unmatched}. summarize(Matches, Unmatched) -> ct:log("Matched: ~.2f", [100*length(Matches)/(length(Matches)+length(Unmatched))]), if Unmatched /= [] -> ct:log("Unmatched: ~p", [Unmatched]); true -> ct:log("No unmatched queries") end. names() -> espn_names(). queries() -> ordsets:to_list(ordsets:from_list(bbc_names() ++ soccerway_names() ++ guardian_names() ++ eurosport_names())). espn_names() -> [ <<"Almeria">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Atletico Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. bbc_names() -> [ <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Bilbao">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. soccerway_names() -> [ <<"Almería">>, <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Málaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. guardian_names() -> [ <<"A Bilbao">>, <<"Almeria">>, <<"Atlético">>, <<"Barcelona">>, <<"Celta Vigo">>, <<"Elche">>, <<"Espanyol">>, <<"Getafe">>, <<"Granada">>, <<"Levante">>, <<"Malaga">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Sevilla">>, <<"Valencia">>, <<"Valladolid">>, <<"Villarreal">> ]. eurosport_names() -> [ <<"Athletic Club">>, <<"Atlético Madrid">>, <<"Celta de Vigo">>, <<"Elche CF">>, <<"FC Barcelona">>, <<"Getafe CF">>, <<"Granada CF">>, <<"Levante UD">>, <<"Málaga CF">>, <<"Osasuna">>, <<"RCD Espanyol">>, <<"Rayo Vallecano">>, <<"Real Betis">>, <<"Real Madrid">>, <<"Real Sociedad">>, <<"Real Valladolid">>, <<"Sevilla FC">>, <<"UD Almería">>, <<"Valencia CF">>, <<"Villarreal CF">> ].
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-} module LLVM.General.Internal.DecodeAST where import LLVM.General.Prelude import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.AnyCont import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Array (Array) import qualified Data.Array as Array import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Attribute as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.GlobalValue as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Value as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Type as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Name as A import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Operand as A (MetadataNodeID(..)) import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Attribute as A.A import qualified LLVM.General.AST.COMDAT as A.COMDAT import LLVM.General.Internal.Coding import LLVM.General.Internal.String () type NameMap a = Map (Ptr a) Word data DecodeState = DecodeState { globalVarNum :: NameMap FFI.GlobalValue, localVarNum :: NameMap FFI.Value, localNameCounter :: Maybe Word, namedTypeNum :: NameMap FFI.Type, typesToDefine :: Seq (Ptr FFI.Type), metadataNodesToDefine :: Seq (A.MetadataNodeID, Ptr FFI.MDNode), metadataNodes :: Map (Ptr FFI.MDNode) A.MetadataNodeID, metadataKinds :: Array Word String, parameterAttributeSets :: Map FFI.ParameterAttributeSet [A.A.ParameterAttribute], functionAttributeSetIDs :: Map FFI.FunctionAttributeSet A.A.GroupID, comdats :: Map (Ptr FFI.COMDAT) (String, A.COMDAT.SelectionKind) } initialDecode = DecodeState { globalVarNum = Map.empty, localVarNum = Map.empty, localNameCounter = Nothing, namedTypeNum = Map.empty, typesToDefine = Seq.empty, metadataNodesToDefine = Seq.empty, metadataNodes = Map.empty, metadataKinds = Array.listArray (1,0) [], parameterAttributeSets = Map.empty, functionAttributeSetIDs = Map.empty, comdats = Map.empty } newtype DecodeAST a = DecodeAST { unDecodeAST :: AnyContT (StateT DecodeState IO) a } deriving ( Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState DecodeState, MonadAnyCont IO, ScopeAnyCont ) runDecodeAST :: DecodeAST a -> IO a runDecodeAST d = flip evalStateT initialDecode . flip runAnyContT return . unDecodeAST $ d localScope :: DecodeAST a -> DecodeAST a localScope (DecodeAST x) = DecodeAST (tweak x) where tweak x = do modify (\s@DecodeState { localNameCounter = Nothing } -> s { localNameCounter = Just 0 }) r <- x modify (\s@DecodeState { localNameCounter = Just _ } -> s { localNameCounter = Nothing }) return r getName :: (Ptr a -> IO CString) -> Ptr a -> (DecodeState -> NameMap a) -> DecodeAST Word -> DecodeAST A.Name getName getCString v getNameMap generate = do name <- liftIO $ do n <- getCString v if n == nullPtr then return "" else decodeM n if name /= "" then return $ A.Name name else A.UnName <$> do nm <- gets getNameMap maybe generate return $ Map.lookup v nm getValueName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.Value v => Ptr v -> (DecodeState -> NameMap v) -> DecodeAST Word -> DecodeAST A.Name getValueName = getName (FFI.getValueName . FFI.upCast) getLocalName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.Value v => Ptr v -> DecodeAST A.Name getLocalName v' = do let v = FFI.upCast v' getValueName v localVarNum $ do nm <- gets localVarNum Just n <- gets localNameCounter modify $ \s -> s { localNameCounter = Just (1 + n), localVarNum = Map.insert v n nm } return n getGlobalName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.GlobalValue v => Ptr v -> DecodeAST A.Name getGlobalName v' = do let v = FFI.upCast v' getValueName v globalVarNum $ do nm <- gets globalVarNum let n = fromIntegral $ Map.size nm modify $ \s -> s { globalVarNum = Map.insert v n nm } return n getTypeName :: Ptr FFI.Type -> DecodeAST A.Name getTypeName t = do getName FFI.getStructName t namedTypeNum $ do nm <- gets namedTypeNum let n = fromIntegral $ Map.size nm modify $ \s -> s { namedTypeNum = Map.insert t n nm } return n saveNamedType :: Ptr FFI.Type -> DecodeAST () saveNamedType t = do modify $ \s -> s { typesToDefine = t Seq.<| typesToDefine s } getMetadataNodeID :: Ptr FFI.MDNode -> DecodeAST A.MetadataNodeID getMetadataNodeID p = do mdns <- gets metadataNodes case Map.lookup p mdns of Just r -> return r Nothing -> do let r = A.MetadataNodeID (fromIntegral (Map.size mdns)) modify $ \s -> s { metadataNodesToDefine = (r, p) Seq.<| metadataNodesToDefine s, metadataNodes = Map.insert p r (metadataNodes s) } return r takeTypeToDefine :: DecodeAST (Maybe (Ptr FFI.Type)) takeTypeToDefine = state $ \s -> case Seq.viewr (typesToDefine s) of remaining Seq.:> t -> (Just t, s { typesToDefine = remaining }) _ -> (Nothing, s) takeMetadataNodeToDefine :: DecodeAST (Maybe (A.MetadataNodeID, Ptr FFI.MDNode)) takeMetadataNodeToDefine = state $ \s -> case Seq.viewr (metadataNodesToDefine s) of remaining Seq.:> md -> (Just md, s { metadataNodesToDefine = remaining }) _ -> (Nothing, s) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Name (Ptr FFI.BasicBlock) where decodeM = getLocalName getAttributeGroupID :: FFI.FunctionAttributeSet -> DecodeAST A.A.GroupID getAttributeGroupID p = do ids <- gets functionAttributeSetIDs case Map.lookup p ids of Just r -> return r Nothing -> do let r = A.A.GroupID (fromIntegral (Map.size ids)) modify $ \s -> s { functionAttributeSetIDs = Map.insert p r (functionAttributeSetIDs s) } return r
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #
module LLVM.General.Internal.DecodeAST where import LLVM.General.Prelude import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.AnyCont import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Array (Array) import qualified Data.Array as Array import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Attribute as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.GlobalValue as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Value as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.Internal.FFI.Type as FFI import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Name as A import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Operand as A (MetadataNodeID(..)) import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Attribute as A.A import qualified LLVM.General.AST.COMDAT as A.COMDAT import LLVM.General.Internal.Coding import LLVM.General.Internal.String () type NameMap a = Map (Ptr a) Word data DecodeState = DecodeState { globalVarNum :: NameMap FFI.GlobalValue, localVarNum :: NameMap FFI.Value, localNameCounter :: Maybe Word, namedTypeNum :: NameMap FFI.Type, typesToDefine :: Seq (Ptr FFI.Type), metadataNodesToDefine :: Seq (A.MetadataNodeID, Ptr FFI.MDNode), metadataNodes :: Map (Ptr FFI.MDNode) A.MetadataNodeID, metadataKinds :: Array Word String, parameterAttributeSets :: Map FFI.ParameterAttributeSet [A.A.ParameterAttribute], functionAttributeSetIDs :: Map FFI.FunctionAttributeSet A.A.GroupID, comdats :: Map (Ptr FFI.COMDAT) (String, A.COMDAT.SelectionKind) } initialDecode = DecodeState { globalVarNum = Map.empty, localVarNum = Map.empty, localNameCounter = Nothing, namedTypeNum = Map.empty, typesToDefine = Seq.empty, metadataNodesToDefine = Seq.empty, metadataNodes = Map.empty, metadataKinds = Array.listArray (1,0) [], parameterAttributeSets = Map.empty, functionAttributeSetIDs = Map.empty, comdats = Map.empty } newtype DecodeAST a = DecodeAST { unDecodeAST :: AnyContT (StateT DecodeState IO) a } deriving ( Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState DecodeState, MonadAnyCont IO, ScopeAnyCont ) runDecodeAST :: DecodeAST a -> IO a runDecodeAST d = flip evalStateT initialDecode . flip runAnyContT return . unDecodeAST $ d localScope :: DecodeAST a -> DecodeAST a localScope (DecodeAST x) = DecodeAST (tweak x) where tweak x = do modify (\s@DecodeState { localNameCounter = Nothing } -> s { localNameCounter = Just 0 }) r <- x modify (\s@DecodeState { localNameCounter = Just _ } -> s { localNameCounter = Nothing }) return r getName :: (Ptr a -> IO CString) -> Ptr a -> (DecodeState -> NameMap a) -> DecodeAST Word -> DecodeAST A.Name getName getCString v getNameMap generate = do name <- liftIO $ do n <- getCString v if n == nullPtr then return "" else decodeM n if name /= "" then return $ A.Name name else A.UnName <$> do nm <- gets getNameMap maybe generate return $ Map.lookup v nm getValueName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.Value v => Ptr v -> (DecodeState -> NameMap v) -> DecodeAST Word -> DecodeAST A.Name getValueName = getName (FFI.getValueName . FFI.upCast) getLocalName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.Value v => Ptr v -> DecodeAST A.Name getLocalName v' = do let v = FFI.upCast v' getValueName v localVarNum $ do nm <- gets localVarNum Just n <- gets localNameCounter modify $ \s -> s { localNameCounter = Just (1 + n), localVarNum = Map.insert v n nm } return n getGlobalName :: FFI.DescendentOf FFI.GlobalValue v => Ptr v -> DecodeAST A.Name getGlobalName v' = do let v = FFI.upCast v' getValueName v globalVarNum $ do nm <- gets globalVarNum let n = fromIntegral $ Map.size nm modify $ \s -> s { globalVarNum = Map.insert v n nm } return n getTypeName :: Ptr FFI.Type -> DecodeAST A.Name getTypeName t = do getName FFI.getStructName t namedTypeNum $ do nm <- gets namedTypeNum let n = fromIntegral $ Map.size nm modify $ \s -> s { namedTypeNum = Map.insert t n nm } return n saveNamedType :: Ptr FFI.Type -> DecodeAST () saveNamedType t = do modify $ \s -> s { typesToDefine = t Seq.<| typesToDefine s } getMetadataNodeID :: Ptr FFI.MDNode -> DecodeAST A.MetadataNodeID getMetadataNodeID p = do mdns <- gets metadataNodes case Map.lookup p mdns of Just r -> return r Nothing -> do let r = A.MetadataNodeID (fromIntegral (Map.size mdns)) modify $ \s -> s { metadataNodesToDefine = (r, p) Seq.<| metadataNodesToDefine s, metadataNodes = Map.insert p r (metadataNodes s) } return r takeTypeToDefine :: DecodeAST (Maybe (Ptr FFI.Type)) takeTypeToDefine = state $ \s -> case Seq.viewr (typesToDefine s) of remaining Seq.:> t -> (Just t, s { typesToDefine = remaining }) _ -> (Nothing, s) takeMetadataNodeToDefine :: DecodeAST (Maybe (A.MetadataNodeID, Ptr FFI.MDNode)) takeMetadataNodeToDefine = state $ \s -> case Seq.viewr (metadataNodesToDefine s) of remaining Seq.:> md -> (Just md, s { metadataNodesToDefine = remaining }) _ -> (Nothing, s) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Name (Ptr FFI.BasicBlock) where decodeM = getLocalName getAttributeGroupID :: FFI.FunctionAttributeSet -> DecodeAST A.A.GroupID getAttributeGroupID p = do ids <- gets functionAttributeSetIDs case Map.lookup p ids of Just r -> return r Nothing -> do let r = A.A.GroupID (fromIntegral (Map.size ids)) modify $ \s -> s { functionAttributeSetIDs = Map.insert p r (functionAttributeSetIDs s) } return r
(module constants racket (require racket/class racket/draw ) (provide ANIMATION-STEPS ANIMATION-TIME PRETTY-CARD-SEP-AMOUNT white-brush hilite-brush black-pen dark-gray-pen no-pen black-color nice-font) (define ANIMATION-STEPS 5) (define ANIMATION-TIME 0.3) (define PRETTY-CARD-SEP-AMOUNT 5) (define black-color (make-object color% "black")) (define white-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "white" 'solid)) (define hilite-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush black-color 'hilite)) (define black-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen black-color 1 'solid)) (define dark-gray-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "dark gray" 1 'solid)) (define no-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen black-color 1 'transparent)) (define nice-font (send the-font-list find-or-create-font 12 'decorative 'normal 'bold #f 'default #t)))
(module constants racket (require racket/class racket/draw ) (provide ANIMATION-STEPS ANIMATION-TIME PRETTY-CARD-SEP-AMOUNT white-brush hilite-brush black-pen dark-gray-pen no-pen black-color nice-font) (define ANIMATION-STEPS 5) (define ANIMATION-TIME 0.3) (define PRETTY-CARD-SEP-AMOUNT 5) (define black-color (make-object color% "black")) (define white-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "white" 'solid)) (define hilite-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush black-color 'hilite)) (define black-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen black-color 1 'solid)) (define dark-gray-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "dark gray" 1 'solid)) (define no-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen black-color 1 'transparent)) (define nice-font (send the-font-list find-or-create-font 12 'decorative 'normal 'bold #f 'default #t)))
-module(tx). -include("include/tplog.hrl"). -export([del_ext/2, get_ext/2, set_ext/3]). -export([sign/2, verify/1, verify/2, pack/1, pack/2, unpack/1, unpack/2]). -export([txlist_hash/1, rate/2, mergesig/2]). -export([encode_purpose/1, decode_purpose/1, encode_kind/2, decode_kind/1]). -export([construct_tx/1,construct_tx/2, get_payload/2, get_payloads/2]). -export([unpack_naked/1]). -export([complete_tx/2]). -export([hashdiff/1,upgrade/1]). -include("apps/tpnode/include/tx_const.hrl"). mergesig(#{sig:=S1}=Tx1, #{sig:=S2}) when is_map(S1), is_map(S2)-> Tx1#{sig=> maps:merge(S1, S2) }; mergesig(#{sig:=S1}=Tx1, #{sig:=S2}) when is_list(S1), is_list(S2)-> F=lists:foldl( fun(P,A) -> S=bsig:extract_pubkey(bsig:unpacksig(P)), maps:put(S,P,A) end, #{}, S1++S2), Tx1#{sig=> maps:values(F)}; mergesig(Tx1, Tx2) -> file:write_file("tmp/merge1.txt", io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n", [Tx1,Tx2])), Tx1. checkaddr(<<Ia:64/big>>) -> {true, Ia}; checkaddr(_) -> false. get_ext(K, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), case maps:is_key(K, Ed) of true -> {ok, maps:get(K, Ed)}; false -> undefined end. set_ext(<<"fee">>, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(fee, V, Ed) }; set_ext(<<"feecur">>, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(feecur, V, Ed) }; set_ext(K, V, Tx) when is_atom(K) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(atom_to_binary(K, utf8), V, Ed) }; set_ext(K, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(K, V, Ed) }. del_ext(K, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:remove(K, Ed) }. -spec to_list(Arg :: binary() | list()) -> list(). to_list(Arg) when is_list(Arg) -> Arg; to_list(Arg) when is_binary(Arg) -> binary_to_list(Arg). -spec to_binary(Arg :: binary() | list()) -> binary(). to_binary(Arg) when is_binary(Arg) -> Arg; to_binary(Arg) when is_list(Arg) -> list_to_binary(Arg). pack_body(Body) -> msgpack:pack(Body,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]). construct_tx(Any) -> construct_tx(Any,[]). construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=patch, patches:=Patches }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,txext,patches],Tx0), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,patch), "e"=>maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), "p"=>Patches }, Tx#{ patches=>settings:dmp(settings:mp(Patches)), kind=>patch, body=>pack_body(E0), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=register, t:=Timestamp, keys:=PubKeys }=Tx0,Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,t,txext],Tx0), Keys1=iolist_to_binary( lists:sort( [ begin {_KeyType,RawPubKey} = tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK), RawPubKey end || PK <- PubKeys ] ) ), %Keys1=iolist_to_binary(lists:sort(PubKeys)), KeysH=crypto:hash(sha256,Keys1), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,register), "t"=>Timestamp, "e"=>maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), "h"=>KeysH }, InvBody=case Tx0 of #{inv:=Invite} -> E0#{"inv"=>crypto:hash(sha256,Invite)}; _ -> E0 end, PowBody=case proplists:get_value(pow_diff,Params) of undefined -> InvBody; I when is_integer(I) -> mine_sha512(InvBody, 0, I) end, case Tx0 of #{inv:=Invite1} -> maps:remove(keys, Tx0#{ inv=>Invite1, kind=>register, body=>pack_body(PowBody), keysh=>KeysH, sig=>[] }); _ -> maps:remove(keys, Tx0#{ kind=>register, body=>pack_body(PowBody), keysh=>KeysH, sig=>[] }) end; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=tstore, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,payload,txext],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,tstore), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, Tx#{ kind=>tstore, body=>msgpack:pack(E0,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=lstore, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts, patches:=Patches }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,payload,patches,txext],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), EP=settings:mp(Patches), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,lstore), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "pa"=>EP, "e"=>Ext }, Tx#{ kind=>lstore, body=>pack_body(E0), patches=>settings:dmp(EP), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=Kind, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) when Kind==deploy; Kind==notify -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,to,t,seq,payload,call,txext,notify,not_before],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,Kind), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, {E1,Tx1}=maps:fold(fun prepare_extra_args/3, {E0, Tx}, Tx), Tx1#{ kind=>Kind, body=>msgpack:pack(E1,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=chkey, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, keys:=[_|_]=PubKeys }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,keys],Tx0), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,chkey), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "y"=>{array,PubKeys} }, Tx#{ kind=>chkey, body=>msgpack:pack(E0,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=generic, from:=F, to:=To, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,to,t,seq,payload,call,txext,not_before,notify],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,generic), "f"=>F, "to"=>To, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, {E1,Tx1}=maps:fold(fun prepare_extra_args/3, {E0, Tx}, Tx), Tx1#{ kind=>generic, body=>msgpack:pack(E1,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }. prepare_extra_args(call, #{function:=Fun,args:=Args}, {CE,CTx}) when is_list(Fun), is_list(Args) -> {CE#{"c"=>[Fun,{array,Args}]},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(call, _, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(call, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(notify, CVal, {CE,CTx}) when is_list(CVal) -> Ntf=lists:map( fun({URL,Payload}) when is_binary(Payload) andalso (is_list(URL) orelse is_integer(URL)) -> [URL,Payload]; (Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map end, CVal), {CE#{"ev"=>Ntf},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(notify, _CVal, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(notify, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(not_before, Int, {CE,CTx}) when is_integer(Int), Int > 1600000000, Int < 3000000000 -> {CE#{"nb"=>Int},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(not_before, _Int, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(not_before, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(_, _, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE,CTx}. unpack_body(#{sig:=<<>>}=Tx) -> unpack_body(Tx#{sig:=[]}); unpack_body(#{body:=Body}=Tx) -> case msgpack:unpack(Body,[{spec,new},{unpack_str, as_list}]) of {ok,#{"k":=IKind}=B} -> {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), unpack_body(Tx#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B); {ok, #{<<"hash">>:=_, <<"header">>:=_, <<"sign">>:=_}} -> block:unpack(Body); {error,{invalid_string,_}} -> case msgpack:unpack(Body,[{spec,new},{unpack_str, as_binary}]) of {ok,#{<<"k">>:=IKind}=B0} -> {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), B=maps:fold( fun(K,V,Acc) -> maps:put(unicode:characters_to_list(K),V,Acc) end, #{}, B0), unpack_body(Tx#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B) end end. unpack_addr(<<_:64/big>>=From,_) -> From; unpack_addr([_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]=From,_) -> list_to_binary(From); unpack_addr(_,T) -> throw(T). unpack_timestamp(Time) when is_integer(Time) -> Time; unpack_timestamp(_Time) -> throw(bad_timestamp). unpack_seq(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> Int; unpack_seq(_Int) -> throw(bad_seq). %TODO: remove this temporary fix unpack_txext(<<>>) -> #{}; unpack_txext(Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map; unpack_txext(_Any) -> throw(bad_ext). unpack_payload(Amounts) when is_list(Amounts) -> lists:map( fun([Purpose, Cur, Amount]) -> if is_integer(Amount) -> ok; true -> throw('bad_amount') end, #{amount=>Amount, cur=>to_binary(Cur), purpose=>decode_purpose(Purpose) } end, Amounts). unpack_call_ntf_etc("c",[Function, Args],Decoded) -> Decoded#{ call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} }; unpack_call_ntf_etc("nb",Int,Decoded) when is_integer(Int), Int > 1600000000, Int < 3000000000 -> Decoded#{ not_before => Int }; unpack_call_ntf_etc("ev",Events,Decoded) when is_list(Events) -> Decoded#{ notify => lists:map( fun([URL,Body]) when is_binary(Body), is_list(URL) -> {URL, Body}; (Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map end, Events) }; unpack_call_ntf_etc(_,_,Decoded) -> Decoded. unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=GenericOrDeploy }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "to":=To, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) when GenericOrDeploy == generic ; GenericOrDeploy == deploy -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), to=>unpack_addr(To,bad_to), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, maps:fold(fun unpack_call_ntf_etc/3, Decoded, Unpacked); % case maps:is_key("c",Unpacked) of % false -> Decoded; % true -> [ Function , Args]=maps : ) , % Decoded#{ % call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} % } % end; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=deploy }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, case maps:is_key("c",Unpacked) of false -> Decoded; true -> [Function, Args]=maps:get("c",Unpacked), Decoded#{ call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} } end; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=notify }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, maps:fold(fun unpack_call_ntf_etc/3, Decoded, Unpacked); unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=tstore }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=lstore }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "pa":=Patches, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, patches=>settings:dmp(Patches), txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=register }=Tx, #{ "t":=Timestamp, "h":=Hash }=Unpacked) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), keysh=>Hash, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=chkey }=Tx, #{ "t":=Timestamp, "f":=From, "s":=Seq, "y":=PubKeys }) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>Seq, from=>From, keys=>PubKeys }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=patch }=Tx, #{ "p":=Patches }=Unpacked) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, patches=>Patches, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ver:=Ver, kind:=Kind},_Unpacked) -> throw({unknown_ver_or_kind,{Ver,Kind},_Unpacked}). sign(#{kind:=_Kind, body:=Body, sig:=PS}=Tx, PrivKey) -> Sig=bsig:signhash(Body,[],PrivKey), Tx#{sig=>[Sig|PS]}; sign(#{patch:=Patch}, PrivKey) -> tx:sign(tx:construct_tx(#{patches=>Patch, kind=>patch, ver=>2}), PrivKey); sign(Any, _PrivKey) -> throw({not_a_tx,Any}). tx1 : sign(Any , PrivKey ) . -type tx() :: tx2() | tx1(). -type tx2() :: #{ ver:=non_neg_integer(), kind:=atom(), body:=binary(), sig=>list(), sigverify=>#{valid:=integer(), invalid:=integer() } }. -type tx1() :: #{ 'patch':=binary(), 'sig':=list() } | #{ 'type':='register', 'pow':=binary(), 'register':=binary(), 'timestamp':=integer() } | #{ from := binary(), sig := map(), timestamp := integer() }. -spec verify(tx()|binary()) -> {ok, tx()} | 'bad_sig'. verify(Tx) -> verify(Tx, []). -spec verify(tx()|binary(), ['nocheck_ledger'| {ledger, pid()}]) -> {ok, tx()} | 'bad_sig'. verify(#{ kind:=GenericOrDeploy, from:=From, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, Opts) when GenericOrDeploy==generic; GenericOrDeploy==deploy; GenericOrDeploy==chkey; GenericOrDeploy==tstore; GenericOrDeploy==notify; GenericOrDeploy==lstore -> CI=get_ext(<<"contract_issued">>, Tx), Res=case checkaddr(From) of {true, _IAddr} when CI=={ok, From} -> %contract issued. Check nodes key. try bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey) =/= false end) catch _:_ -> throw(verify_error) end; {true, _IAddr} -> VerFun=case lists:member(nocheck_ledger,Opts) of false -> LedgerInfo=mledger:get( proplists : get_value(ledger , Opts , ledger ) , From), case LedgerInfo of #{pubkey:=PK} when is_binary(PK) -> fun(PubKey, _) -> tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK)==tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey) end; _ -> throw({ledger_err, From}) end; true -> undefined end, bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, VerFun); _ -> throw({invalid_address, from}) end, case Res of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } } end; verify(#{ kind:=register, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, _Opts) -> Res=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs), case Res of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> BodyHash=hashdiff(crypto:hash(sha512,Body)), ValidPK=bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid), Keys1=iolist_to_binary( lists:sort( [ begin {_KeyType,RawPubKey} = tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK), RawPubKey end || PK <- ValidPK ] ) ), Pubs=crypto:hash(sha256,Keys1), #{keysh:=H}=unpack_body(Tx), if Pubs==H -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ pow_diff=>BodyHash, valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, pubkeys=>ValidPK } } }; true -> bad_keys end end; verify(#{ kind:=patch, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, Opts) -> NCK=lists:member(nocheck_keys, Opts), CheckFun=case {NCK,lists:keyfind(settings,1,Opts)} of {true,_} -> fun(_PubKey,_) -> true end; {false, {_,Sets0}} -> fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey, Sets0) =/= false end; {false, false} -> fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey) =/= false end end, Res=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, CheckFun), case Res of {[], _} when NCK==true -> bad_sig; {[], _} -> Sets=case lists:keyfind(settings,1,Opts) of {_,Sets1} -> settings:get([<<"current">>,<<"patchkeys">>],Sets1); false -> chainsettings:by_path([<<"current">>,<<"patchkeys">>]) end, case Sets of #{keys:=Keys0} when is_list(Keys0) -> Keys=[tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(K) || K <- Keys0 ], CheckFun1=fun(PubKey,_) -> CP=tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey), lists:member(CP, Keys) end, Res1=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, CheckFun1), case Res1 of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> CPKs=lists:foldl( fun(PubKey,A) -> maps:put(tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey),PubKey,A) end, #{}, bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) ), {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>maps:size(CPKs), invalid=>Invalid, source=>patchkeys, pubkeys=>maps:values(CPKs) } } } end; _ -> bad_sig end; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 andalso NCK -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, source=>unverified, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } }; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, source=>nodekeys, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } } end; verify(Bin, Opts) when is_binary(Bin) -> MaxTxSize = proplists:get_value(maxsize, Opts, 0), case size(Bin) of _Size when MaxTxSize > 0 andalso _Size > MaxTxSize -> tx_too_big; _ -> Tx = unpack(Bin), verify(Tx, Opts) end; verify(Struct, _Opts) -> throw({invalid_tx, Struct}). tx1 : verify(Struct , ) . -spec pack(tx()) -> binary(). pack(Tx) -> pack(Tx, []). pack(#{ patch:=LPatch }=OldTX, _Opts) -> msgpack:pack( maps:merge( #{ type => <<"patch">>, patch => LPatch, sig => maps:get(sig, OldTX, []) }, maps:with([extdata], OldTX)) ); pack(#{ hash:=_, header:=_, sign:=_ }=Block, _Opts) -> msgpack:pack( #{ "ver"=>2, "sig"=>[], "body" => block:pack(Block) }, [ {spec,new}, {pack_str, from_list} ] ); pack(#{ ver:=2, body:=Bin, sig:=PS}=Tx, Opts) -> T=#{"ver"=>2, "body"=>Bin, "sig"=>PS }, T1=case Tx of #{inv:=Invite} -> T#{"inv"=>Invite}; _ -> T end, T2=case lists:member(withext, Opts) andalso maps:is_key(extdata, Tx) of false -> T1; true -> T1#{ "extdata" => maps:get(extdata,Tx) } end, msgpack:pack(T2,[ {spec,new}, {pack_str, from_list} ]); pack(Any, _) -> throw({invalid_tx, Any}). %tx1:pack(Any). complete_tx(BinTx,Comp) when is_binary(BinTx) -> {ok, #{"k":=IKind}=Tx0} = msgpack:unpack(BinTx, [{unpack_str, as_list}] ), {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), B=maps:merge(Comp, Tx0), construct_tx(unpack_body(#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B)). unpack_naked(BB) when is_binary(BB) -> unpack_body( #{ ver=>2, sig=>[], body=>BB }). unpack(Tx) when is_map(Tx) -> Tx; unpack(BinTx) when is_binary(BinTx) -> unpack(BinTx,[]). unpack(BinTx,Opts) when is_binary(BinTx), is_list(Opts) -> {ok, Tx0} = msgpack:unpack(BinTx, [{known_atoms, [type, sig, tx, patch, register, register, address, block ] }, {unpack_str, as_binary}] ), Trusted=lists:member(trusted, Opts), case Tx0 of #{<<"ver">>:=2, sig:=Sign, <<"body">>:=TxBody, <<"inv">>:=Inv} -> unpack_body( #{ ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody, inv=>Inv }); #{<<"ver">>:=2, sig:=Sign, <<"body">>:=TxBody} -> unpack_generic(Trusted, Tx0, TxBody, Sign); _ -> ?LOG_INFO("FIXME isTXv1: ~p", [Tx0]), tx1:unpack_mp(Tx0) end. unpack_generic(Trusted, Tx0, TxBody, Sign) -> Ext=if Trusted -> case maps:find(<<"extdata">>,Tx0) of {ok, Val} -> Val; _ -> false end; true -> false end, unpack_body( if Ext == false -> #{ ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody }; true -> #{ extdata => Ext, ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody } end). txlist_hash(List) -> crypto:hash(sha256, iolist_to_binary(lists:foldl( fun({Id, Bin}, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> [Id, Bin|Acc]; ({Id, #{}=Tx}, Acc) -> [Id, tx:pack(Tx)|Acc] end, [], lists:keysort(1, List)))). get_payload(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind, payload:=Payload}=_Tx, Purpose) when Kind==deploy; Kind==generic; Kind==tstore; Kind==lstore -> lists:foldl( fun(#{amount:=_,cur:=_,purpose:=P1}=A, undefined) when P1==Purpose -> A; (_,A) -> A end, undefined, Payload); get_payload(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind},_) -> throw({unknown_kind_for_get_payload,Kind}). get_payloads(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind, payload:=Payload}=_Tx, Purpose) when Kind==deploy; Kind==generic; Kind==tstore; Kind==lstore -> lists:filter( fun(#{amount:=_,cur:=_,purpose:=P1}) -> P1==Purpose end, Payload); get_payloads(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind},_) -> throw({unknown_kind_for_get_payloads,Kind}). rate1(#{extradata:=ED}, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun) -> #{<<"base">>:=Base, <<"kb">>:=KB}=Rates=GetRateFun(Cur), BaseEx=maps:get(<<"baseextra">>, Rates, 0), ExtCur=max(0, size(ED)-BaseEx), Cost=Base+trunc(ExtCur*KB/1024), {TxAmount >= Cost, #{ cur=>Cur, cost=>Cost, tip => max(0, TxAmount - Cost) }}. rate2(#{body:=Body}=_Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun) -> case GetRateFun(Cur) of #{<<"base">>:=Base, <<"kb">>:=KB}=Rates -> BaseEx=maps:get(<<"baseextra">>, Rates, 0), BodySize=size(Body)-32, %correcton rate ExtCur=max(0, BodySize-BaseEx), Cost=Base+trunc(ExtCur*KB/1024), {TxAmount >= Cost, #{ cur=>Cur, cost=>Cost, tip => max(0, TxAmount - Cost) }}; _Any -> throw('unsupported_fee_cur') end. rate(#{ver:=2, kind:=_}=Tx, GetRateFun) -> try case get_payload(Tx, srcfee) of #{cur:=Cur, amount:=TxAmount} -> rate2(Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); _ -> case GetRateFun({params, <<"feeaddr">>}) of X when is_binary(X) -> rate2(Tx, <<"none">>, 0, GetRateFun); %{false, #{ cost=>null } }; _ -> {true, #{ cost=>0, tip => 0, cur=><<"none">> }} end end catch throw:Ee:S when is_atom(Ee) -> %S=erlang:get_stacktrace(), file:write_file("tmp/rate.txt", [ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n", [ throw, Ee, S, Tx, element(2,erlang:fun_info(GetRateFun,env)) ])]), ?LOG_ERROR("Calc fee error ~p~ntx ~p",[{throw,Ee},Tx]), lists:foreach(fun(SE) -> ?LOG_ERROR("@ ~p", [SE]) end, S), throw(Ee); Ec:Ee:S -> %S=erlang:get_stacktrace(), file:write_file("tmp/rate.txt", [ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n", [ Ec, Ee, S, Tx, element(2,erlang:fun_info(GetRateFun,env)) ])]), ?LOG_ERROR("Calc fee error ~p~ntx ~p",[{Ec,Ee},Tx]), lists:foreach(fun(SE) -> ?LOG_ERROR("@ ~p", [SE]) end, S), throw('cant_calculate_fee') end; rate(#{cur:=TCur}=Tx, GetRateFun) -> try case maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}) of #{fee:=TxAmount, feecur:=Cur} -> rate1(Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); #{fee:=TxAmount} -> rate1(Tx, TCur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); _ -> case GetRateFun({params, <<"feeaddr">>}) of X when is_binary(X) -> rate1(Tx, <<"none">>, 0, GetRateFun); % {false, #{ cost=>null } }; _ -> {true, #{ cost=>0, tip => 0, cur=>TCur }} end end catch _:_ -> throw('cant_calculate_fee') end. intdiff(I) when I>0 andalso I<128 -> intdiff(I bsl 1)+1; intdiff(_I) -> 0. hashdiff(<<0,_Rest/binary>>) -> hashdiff(_Rest)+8; hashdiff(<<I:8/integer,_Rest/binary>>) -> intdiff(I); hashdiff(_) -> 0. mine_sha512(Body, Nonce, Diff) -> DS=Body#{pow=>Nonce}, if Nonce rem 1000000 = = 0 - > % io:format("nonce ~w~n",[Nonce]); % true -> ok % end, Hash=crypto:hash(sha512,pack_body(DS)), Act=if Diff rem 8 == 0 -> <<Act1:Diff/big,_/binary>>=Hash, Act1; true -> Pad=8-(Diff rem 8), <<Act1:Diff/big,_:Pad/big,_/binary>>=Hash, Act1 end, if Act==0 -> %io:format("Mined nonce ~w~n",[Nonce]), DS; true -> mine_sha512(Body,Nonce+1,Diff) end. upgrade(#{ from:=From, to:=To, amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, seq:=Seq, timestamp:=T }=Tx) -> DED=jsx:decode(maps:get(extradata, Tx, "{}"), [return_maps]), Fee=case DED of #{ <<"fee">>:=FeeA, <<"feecur">>:=FeeC } -> [#{amount=>FeeA, cur=>FeeC, purpose=>srcfee}]; _ -> [] end, TxExt=case DED of #{<<"message">>:=Msg} -> #{msg=>Msg}; _ -> #{} end, construct_tx(#{ ver=>2, kind=>generic, from=>From, to=>To, t=>T, seq=>Seq, payload=>[#{amount=>Amount, cur=>Cur, purpose=>transfer}|Fee], txext => TxExt }).
Keys1=iolist_to_binary(lists:sort(PubKeys)), TODO: remove this temporary fix case maps:is_key("c",Unpacked) of false -> Decoded; true -> Decoded#{ call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} } end; contract issued. Check nodes key. tx1:pack(Any). correcton rate {false, #{ cost=>null } }; S=erlang:get_stacktrace(), S=erlang:get_stacktrace(), {false, #{ cost=>null } }; io:format("nonce ~w~n",[Nonce]); true -> ok end, io:format("Mined nonce ~w~n",[Nonce]),
-module(tx). -include("include/tplog.hrl"). -export([del_ext/2, get_ext/2, set_ext/3]). -export([sign/2, verify/1, verify/2, pack/1, pack/2, unpack/1, unpack/2]). -export([txlist_hash/1, rate/2, mergesig/2]). -export([encode_purpose/1, decode_purpose/1, encode_kind/2, decode_kind/1]). -export([construct_tx/1,construct_tx/2, get_payload/2, get_payloads/2]). -export([unpack_naked/1]). -export([complete_tx/2]). -export([hashdiff/1,upgrade/1]). -include("apps/tpnode/include/tx_const.hrl"). mergesig(#{sig:=S1}=Tx1, #{sig:=S2}) when is_map(S1), is_map(S2)-> Tx1#{sig=> maps:merge(S1, S2) }; mergesig(#{sig:=S1}=Tx1, #{sig:=S2}) when is_list(S1), is_list(S2)-> F=lists:foldl( fun(P,A) -> S=bsig:extract_pubkey(bsig:unpacksig(P)), maps:put(S,P,A) end, #{}, S1++S2), Tx1#{sig=> maps:values(F)}; mergesig(Tx1, Tx2) -> file:write_file("tmp/merge1.txt", io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n", [Tx1,Tx2])), Tx1. checkaddr(<<Ia:64/big>>) -> {true, Ia}; checkaddr(_) -> false. get_ext(K, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), case maps:is_key(K, Ed) of true -> {ok, maps:get(K, Ed)}; false -> undefined end. set_ext(<<"fee">>, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(fee, V, Ed) }; set_ext(<<"feecur">>, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(feecur, V, Ed) }; set_ext(K, V, Tx) when is_atom(K) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(atom_to_binary(K, utf8), V, Ed) }; set_ext(K, V, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:put(K, V, Ed) }. del_ext(K, Tx) -> Ed=maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}), Tx#{ extdata=>maps:remove(K, Ed) }. -spec to_list(Arg :: binary() | list()) -> list(). to_list(Arg) when is_list(Arg) -> Arg; to_list(Arg) when is_binary(Arg) -> binary_to_list(Arg). -spec to_binary(Arg :: binary() | list()) -> binary(). to_binary(Arg) when is_binary(Arg) -> Arg; to_binary(Arg) when is_list(Arg) -> list_to_binary(Arg). pack_body(Body) -> msgpack:pack(Body,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]). construct_tx(Any) -> construct_tx(Any,[]). construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=patch, patches:=Patches }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,txext,patches],Tx0), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,patch), "e"=>maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), "p"=>Patches }, Tx#{ patches=>settings:dmp(settings:mp(Patches)), kind=>patch, body=>pack_body(E0), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=register, t:=Timestamp, keys:=PubKeys }=Tx0,Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,t,txext],Tx0), Keys1=iolist_to_binary( lists:sort( [ begin {_KeyType,RawPubKey} = tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK), RawPubKey end || PK <- PubKeys ] ) ), KeysH=crypto:hash(sha256,Keys1), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,register), "t"=>Timestamp, "e"=>maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), "h"=>KeysH }, InvBody=case Tx0 of #{inv:=Invite} -> E0#{"inv"=>crypto:hash(sha256,Invite)}; _ -> E0 end, PowBody=case proplists:get_value(pow_diff,Params) of undefined -> InvBody; I when is_integer(I) -> mine_sha512(InvBody, 0, I) end, case Tx0 of #{inv:=Invite1} -> maps:remove(keys, Tx0#{ inv=>Invite1, kind=>register, body=>pack_body(PowBody), keysh=>KeysH, sig=>[] }); _ -> maps:remove(keys, Tx0#{ kind=>register, body=>pack_body(PowBody), keysh=>KeysH, sig=>[] }) end; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=tstore, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,payload,txext],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,tstore), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, Tx#{ kind=>tstore, body=>msgpack:pack(E0,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=lstore, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts, patches:=Patches }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,payload,patches,txext],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), EP=settings:mp(Patches), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,lstore), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "pa"=>EP, "e"=>Ext }, Tx#{ kind=>lstore, body=>pack_body(E0), patches=>settings:dmp(EP), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=Kind, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) when Kind==deploy; Kind==notify -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,to,t,seq,payload,call,txext,notify,not_before],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,Kind), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, {E1,Tx1}=maps:fold(fun prepare_extra_args/3, {E0, Tx}, Tx), Tx1#{ kind=>Kind, body=>msgpack:pack(E1,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=chkey, from:=F, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, keys:=[_|_]=PubKeys }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,t,seq,keys],Tx0), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,chkey), "f"=>F, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "y"=>{array,PubKeys} }, Tx#{ kind=>chkey, body=>msgpack:pack(E0,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }; construct_tx(#{ ver:=2, kind:=generic, from:=F, to:=To, t:=Timestamp, seq:=Seq, payload:=Amounts }=Tx0,_Params) -> Tx=maps:with([ver,from,to,t,seq,payload,call,txext,not_before,notify],Tx0), A1=lists:map( fun(#{amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, purpose:=Purpose}) when is_integer(Amount), is_binary(Cur) -> [encode_purpose(Purpose), to_list(Cur), Amount] end, Amounts), Ext=maps:get(txext, Tx, #{}), true=is_map(Ext), E0=#{ "k"=>encode_kind(2,generic), "f"=>F, "to"=>To, "t"=>Timestamp, "s"=>Seq, "p"=>{array,A1}, "e"=>Ext }, {E1,Tx1}=maps:fold(fun prepare_extra_args/3, {E0, Tx}, Tx), Tx1#{ kind=>generic, body=>msgpack:pack(E1,[{spec,new},{pack_str, from_list}]), sig=>[] }. prepare_extra_args(call, #{function:=Fun,args:=Args}, {CE,CTx}) when is_list(Fun), is_list(Args) -> {CE#{"c"=>[Fun,{array,Args}]},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(call, _, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(call, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(notify, CVal, {CE,CTx}) when is_list(CVal) -> Ntf=lists:map( fun({URL,Payload}) when is_binary(Payload) andalso (is_list(URL) orelse is_integer(URL)) -> [URL,Payload]; (Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map end, CVal), {CE#{"ev"=>Ntf},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(notify, _CVal, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(notify, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(not_before, Int, {CE,CTx}) when is_integer(Int), Int > 1600000000, Int < 3000000000 -> {CE#{"nb"=>Int},CTx}; prepare_extra_args(not_before, _Int, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE, maps:remove(not_before, CTx)}; prepare_extra_args(_, _, {CE,CTx}) -> {CE,CTx}. unpack_body(#{sig:=<<>>}=Tx) -> unpack_body(Tx#{sig:=[]}); unpack_body(#{body:=Body}=Tx) -> case msgpack:unpack(Body,[{spec,new},{unpack_str, as_list}]) of {ok,#{"k":=IKind}=B} -> {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), unpack_body(Tx#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B); {ok, #{<<"hash">>:=_, <<"header">>:=_, <<"sign">>:=_}} -> block:unpack(Body); {error,{invalid_string,_}} -> case msgpack:unpack(Body,[{spec,new},{unpack_str, as_binary}]) of {ok,#{<<"k">>:=IKind}=B0} -> {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), B=maps:fold( fun(K,V,Acc) -> maps:put(unicode:characters_to_list(K),V,Acc) end, #{}, B0), unpack_body(Tx#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B) end end. unpack_addr(<<_:64/big>>=From,_) -> From; unpack_addr([_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]=From,_) -> list_to_binary(From); unpack_addr(_,T) -> throw(T). unpack_timestamp(Time) when is_integer(Time) -> Time; unpack_timestamp(_Time) -> throw(bad_timestamp). unpack_seq(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> Int; unpack_seq(_Int) -> throw(bad_seq). unpack_txext(<<>>) -> #{}; unpack_txext(Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map; unpack_txext(_Any) -> throw(bad_ext). unpack_payload(Amounts) when is_list(Amounts) -> lists:map( fun([Purpose, Cur, Amount]) -> if is_integer(Amount) -> ok; true -> throw('bad_amount') end, #{amount=>Amount, cur=>to_binary(Cur), purpose=>decode_purpose(Purpose) } end, Amounts). unpack_call_ntf_etc("c",[Function, Args],Decoded) -> Decoded#{ call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} }; unpack_call_ntf_etc("nb",Int,Decoded) when is_integer(Int), Int > 1600000000, Int < 3000000000 -> Decoded#{ not_before => Int }; unpack_call_ntf_etc("ev",Events,Decoded) when is_list(Events) -> Decoded#{ notify => lists:map( fun([URL,Body]) when is_binary(Body), is_list(URL) -> {URL, Body}; (Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map end, Events) }; unpack_call_ntf_etc(_,_,Decoded) -> Decoded. unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=GenericOrDeploy }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "to":=To, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) when GenericOrDeploy == generic ; GenericOrDeploy == deploy -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), to=>unpack_addr(To,bad_to), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, maps:fold(fun unpack_call_ntf_etc/3, Decoded, Unpacked); [ Function , Args]=maps : ) , unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=deploy }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, case maps:is_key("c",Unpacked) of false -> Decoded; true -> [Function, Args]=maps:get("c",Unpacked), Decoded#{ call=>#{function=>Function, args=>Args} } end; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=notify }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Decoded=Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }, maps:fold(fun unpack_call_ntf_etc/3, Decoded, Unpacked); unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=tstore }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=lstore }=Tx, #{ "f":=From, "t":=Timestamp, "s":=Seq, "pa":=Patches, "p":=Payload }=Unpacked) -> Amounts=unpack_payload(Payload), Tx#{ ver=>2, from=>unpack_addr(From,bad_from), t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>unpack_seq(Seq), payload=>Amounts, patches=>settings:dmp(Patches), txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=register }=Tx, #{ "t":=Timestamp, "h":=Hash }=Unpacked) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), keysh=>Hash, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=chkey }=Tx, #{ "t":=Timestamp, "f":=From, "s":=Seq, "y":=PubKeys }) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, t=>unpack_timestamp(Timestamp), seq=>Seq, from=>From, keys=>PubKeys }; unpack_body(#{ ver:=2, kind:=patch }=Tx, #{ "p":=Patches }=Unpacked) -> Tx#{ ver=>2, patches=>Patches, txext=>unpack_txext(maps:get("e", Unpacked, #{})) }; unpack_body(#{ver:=Ver, kind:=Kind},_Unpacked) -> throw({unknown_ver_or_kind,{Ver,Kind},_Unpacked}). sign(#{kind:=_Kind, body:=Body, sig:=PS}=Tx, PrivKey) -> Sig=bsig:signhash(Body,[],PrivKey), Tx#{sig=>[Sig|PS]}; sign(#{patch:=Patch}, PrivKey) -> tx:sign(tx:construct_tx(#{patches=>Patch, kind=>patch, ver=>2}), PrivKey); sign(Any, _PrivKey) -> throw({not_a_tx,Any}). tx1 : sign(Any , PrivKey ) . -type tx() :: tx2() | tx1(). -type tx2() :: #{ ver:=non_neg_integer(), kind:=atom(), body:=binary(), sig=>list(), sigverify=>#{valid:=integer(), invalid:=integer() } }. -type tx1() :: #{ 'patch':=binary(), 'sig':=list() } | #{ 'type':='register', 'pow':=binary(), 'register':=binary(), 'timestamp':=integer() } | #{ from := binary(), sig := map(), timestamp := integer() }. -spec verify(tx()|binary()) -> {ok, tx()} | 'bad_sig'. verify(Tx) -> verify(Tx, []). -spec verify(tx()|binary(), ['nocheck_ledger'| {ledger, pid()}]) -> {ok, tx()} | 'bad_sig'. verify(#{ kind:=GenericOrDeploy, from:=From, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, Opts) when GenericOrDeploy==generic; GenericOrDeploy==deploy; GenericOrDeploy==chkey; GenericOrDeploy==tstore; GenericOrDeploy==notify; GenericOrDeploy==lstore -> CI=get_ext(<<"contract_issued">>, Tx), Res=case checkaddr(From) of {true, _IAddr} when CI=={ok, From} -> try bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey) =/= false end) catch _:_ -> throw(verify_error) end; {true, _IAddr} -> VerFun=case lists:member(nocheck_ledger,Opts) of false -> LedgerInfo=mledger:get( proplists : get_value(ledger , Opts , ledger ) , From), case LedgerInfo of #{pubkey:=PK} when is_binary(PK) -> fun(PubKey, _) -> tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK)==tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey) end; _ -> throw({ledger_err, From}) end; true -> undefined end, bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, VerFun); _ -> throw({invalid_address, from}) end, case Res of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } } end; verify(#{ kind:=register, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, _Opts) -> Res=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs), case Res of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> BodyHash=hashdiff(crypto:hash(sha512,Body)), ValidPK=bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid), Keys1=iolist_to_binary( lists:sort( [ begin {_KeyType,RawPubKey} = tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PK), RawPubKey end || PK <- ValidPK ] ) ), Pubs=crypto:hash(sha256,Keys1), #{keysh:=H}=unpack_body(Tx), if Pubs==H -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ pow_diff=>BodyHash, valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, pubkeys=>ValidPK } } }; true -> bad_keys end end; verify(#{ kind:=patch, body:=Body, sig:=LSigs, ver:=2 }=Tx, Opts) -> NCK=lists:member(nocheck_keys, Opts), CheckFun=case {NCK,lists:keyfind(settings,1,Opts)} of {true,_} -> fun(_PubKey,_) -> true end; {false, {_,Sets0}} -> fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey, Sets0) =/= false end; {false, false} -> fun(PubKey,_) -> chainsettings:is_our_node(PubKey) =/= false end end, Res=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, CheckFun), case Res of {[], _} when NCK==true -> bad_sig; {[], _} -> Sets=case lists:keyfind(settings,1,Opts) of {_,Sets1} -> settings:get([<<"current">>,<<"patchkeys">>],Sets1); false -> chainsettings:by_path([<<"current">>,<<"patchkeys">>]) end, case Sets of #{keys:=Keys0} when is_list(Keys0) -> Keys=[tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(K) || K <- Keys0 ], CheckFun1=fun(PubKey,_) -> CP=tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey), lists:member(CP, Keys) end, Res1=bsig:checksig(Body, LSigs, CheckFun1), case Res1 of {[], _} -> bad_sig; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> CPKs=lists:foldl( fun(PubKey,A) -> maps:put(tpecdsa:cmp_pubkey(PubKey),PubKey,A) end, #{}, bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) ), {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>maps:size(CPKs), invalid=>Invalid, source=>patchkeys, pubkeys=>maps:values(CPKs) } } } end; _ -> bad_sig end; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 andalso NCK -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, source=>unverified, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } }; {Valid, Invalid} when length(Valid)>0 -> {ok, Tx#{ sigverify=>#{ valid=>length(Valid), invalid=>Invalid, source=>nodekeys, pubkeys=>bsig:extract_pubkeys(Valid) } } } end; verify(Bin, Opts) when is_binary(Bin) -> MaxTxSize = proplists:get_value(maxsize, Opts, 0), case size(Bin) of _Size when MaxTxSize > 0 andalso _Size > MaxTxSize -> tx_too_big; _ -> Tx = unpack(Bin), verify(Tx, Opts) end; verify(Struct, _Opts) -> throw({invalid_tx, Struct}). tx1 : verify(Struct , ) . -spec pack(tx()) -> binary(). pack(Tx) -> pack(Tx, []). pack(#{ patch:=LPatch }=OldTX, _Opts) -> msgpack:pack( maps:merge( #{ type => <<"patch">>, patch => LPatch, sig => maps:get(sig, OldTX, []) }, maps:with([extdata], OldTX)) ); pack(#{ hash:=_, header:=_, sign:=_ }=Block, _Opts) -> msgpack:pack( #{ "ver"=>2, "sig"=>[], "body" => block:pack(Block) }, [ {spec,new}, {pack_str, from_list} ] ); pack(#{ ver:=2, body:=Bin, sig:=PS}=Tx, Opts) -> T=#{"ver"=>2, "body"=>Bin, "sig"=>PS }, T1=case Tx of #{inv:=Invite} -> T#{"inv"=>Invite}; _ -> T end, T2=case lists:member(withext, Opts) andalso maps:is_key(extdata, Tx) of false -> T1; true -> T1#{ "extdata" => maps:get(extdata,Tx) } end, msgpack:pack(T2,[ {spec,new}, {pack_str, from_list} ]); pack(Any, _) -> throw({invalid_tx, Any}). complete_tx(BinTx,Comp) when is_binary(BinTx) -> {ok, #{"k":=IKind}=Tx0} = msgpack:unpack(BinTx, [{unpack_str, as_list}] ), {Ver, Kind}=decode_kind(IKind), B=maps:merge(Comp, Tx0), construct_tx(unpack_body(#{ver=>Ver, kind=>Kind},B)). unpack_naked(BB) when is_binary(BB) -> unpack_body( #{ ver=>2, sig=>[], body=>BB }). unpack(Tx) when is_map(Tx) -> Tx; unpack(BinTx) when is_binary(BinTx) -> unpack(BinTx,[]). unpack(BinTx,Opts) when is_binary(BinTx), is_list(Opts) -> {ok, Tx0} = msgpack:unpack(BinTx, [{known_atoms, [type, sig, tx, patch, register, register, address, block ] }, {unpack_str, as_binary}] ), Trusted=lists:member(trusted, Opts), case Tx0 of #{<<"ver">>:=2, sig:=Sign, <<"body">>:=TxBody, <<"inv">>:=Inv} -> unpack_body( #{ ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody, inv=>Inv }); #{<<"ver">>:=2, sig:=Sign, <<"body">>:=TxBody} -> unpack_generic(Trusted, Tx0, TxBody, Sign); _ -> ?LOG_INFO("FIXME isTXv1: ~p", [Tx0]), tx1:unpack_mp(Tx0) end. unpack_generic(Trusted, Tx0, TxBody, Sign) -> Ext=if Trusted -> case maps:find(<<"extdata">>,Tx0) of {ok, Val} -> Val; _ -> false end; true -> false end, unpack_body( if Ext == false -> #{ ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody }; true -> #{ extdata => Ext, ver=>2, sig=>Sign, body=>TxBody } end). txlist_hash(List) -> crypto:hash(sha256, iolist_to_binary(lists:foldl( fun({Id, Bin}, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> [Id, Bin|Acc]; ({Id, #{}=Tx}, Acc) -> [Id, tx:pack(Tx)|Acc] end, [], lists:keysort(1, List)))). get_payload(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind, payload:=Payload}=_Tx, Purpose) when Kind==deploy; Kind==generic; Kind==tstore; Kind==lstore -> lists:foldl( fun(#{amount:=_,cur:=_,purpose:=P1}=A, undefined) when P1==Purpose -> A; (_,A) -> A end, undefined, Payload); get_payload(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind},_) -> throw({unknown_kind_for_get_payload,Kind}). get_payloads(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind, payload:=Payload}=_Tx, Purpose) when Kind==deploy; Kind==generic; Kind==tstore; Kind==lstore -> lists:filter( fun(#{amount:=_,cur:=_,purpose:=P1}) -> P1==Purpose end, Payload); get_payloads(#{ver:=2, kind:=Kind},_) -> throw({unknown_kind_for_get_payloads,Kind}). rate1(#{extradata:=ED}, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun) -> #{<<"base">>:=Base, <<"kb">>:=KB}=Rates=GetRateFun(Cur), BaseEx=maps:get(<<"baseextra">>, Rates, 0), ExtCur=max(0, size(ED)-BaseEx), Cost=Base+trunc(ExtCur*KB/1024), {TxAmount >= Cost, #{ cur=>Cur, cost=>Cost, tip => max(0, TxAmount - Cost) }}. rate2(#{body:=Body}=_Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun) -> case GetRateFun(Cur) of #{<<"base">>:=Base, <<"kb">>:=KB}=Rates -> BaseEx=maps:get(<<"baseextra">>, Rates, 0), ExtCur=max(0, BodySize-BaseEx), Cost=Base+trunc(ExtCur*KB/1024), {TxAmount >= Cost, #{ cur=>Cur, cost=>Cost, tip => max(0, TxAmount - Cost) }}; _Any -> throw('unsupported_fee_cur') end. rate(#{ver:=2, kind:=_}=Tx, GetRateFun) -> try case get_payload(Tx, srcfee) of #{cur:=Cur, amount:=TxAmount} -> rate2(Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); _ -> case GetRateFun({params, <<"feeaddr">>}) of X when is_binary(X) -> rate2(Tx, <<"none">>, 0, GetRateFun); _ -> {true, #{ cost=>0, tip => 0, cur=><<"none">> }} end end catch throw:Ee:S when is_atom(Ee) -> file:write_file("tmp/rate.txt", [ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n", [ throw, Ee, S, Tx, element(2,erlang:fun_info(GetRateFun,env)) ])]), ?LOG_ERROR("Calc fee error ~p~ntx ~p",[{throw,Ee},Tx]), lists:foreach(fun(SE) -> ?LOG_ERROR("@ ~p", [SE]) end, S), throw(Ee); Ec:Ee:S -> file:write_file("tmp/rate.txt", [ io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n~n~p.~n", [ Ec, Ee, S, Tx, element(2,erlang:fun_info(GetRateFun,env)) ])]), ?LOG_ERROR("Calc fee error ~p~ntx ~p",[{Ec,Ee},Tx]), lists:foreach(fun(SE) -> ?LOG_ERROR("@ ~p", [SE]) end, S), throw('cant_calculate_fee') end; rate(#{cur:=TCur}=Tx, GetRateFun) -> try case maps:get(extdata, Tx, #{}) of #{fee:=TxAmount, feecur:=Cur} -> rate1(Tx, Cur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); #{fee:=TxAmount} -> rate1(Tx, TCur, TxAmount, GetRateFun); _ -> case GetRateFun({params, <<"feeaddr">>}) of X when is_binary(X) -> rate1(Tx, <<"none">>, 0, GetRateFun); _ -> {true, #{ cost=>0, tip => 0, cur=>TCur }} end end catch _:_ -> throw('cant_calculate_fee') end. intdiff(I) when I>0 andalso I<128 -> intdiff(I bsl 1)+1; intdiff(_I) -> 0. hashdiff(<<0,_Rest/binary>>) -> hashdiff(_Rest)+8; hashdiff(<<I:8/integer,_Rest/binary>>) -> intdiff(I); hashdiff(_) -> 0. mine_sha512(Body, Nonce, Diff) -> DS=Body#{pow=>Nonce}, if Nonce rem 1000000 = = 0 - > Hash=crypto:hash(sha512,pack_body(DS)), Act=if Diff rem 8 == 0 -> <<Act1:Diff/big,_/binary>>=Hash, Act1; true -> Pad=8-(Diff rem 8), <<Act1:Diff/big,_:Pad/big,_/binary>>=Hash, Act1 end, if Act==0 -> DS; true -> mine_sha512(Body,Nonce+1,Diff) end. upgrade(#{ from:=From, to:=To, amount:=Amount, cur:=Cur, seq:=Seq, timestamp:=T }=Tx) -> DED=jsx:decode(maps:get(extradata, Tx, "{}"), [return_maps]), Fee=case DED of #{ <<"fee">>:=FeeA, <<"feecur">>:=FeeC } -> [#{amount=>FeeA, cur=>FeeC, purpose=>srcfee}]; _ -> [] end, TxExt=case DED of #{<<"message">>:=Msg} -> #{msg=>Msg}; _ -> #{} end, construct_tx(#{ ver=>2, kind=>generic, from=>From, to=>To, t=>T, seq=>Seq, payload=>[#{amount=>Amount, cur=>Cur, purpose=>transfer}|Fee], txext => TxExt }).
module Data.Curve.Weierstrass.BrainpoolP320R1 ( module Data.Curve.Weierstrass , Point(..) -- * BrainpoolP320R1 curve , module Data.Curve.Weierstrass.BrainpoolP320R1 ) where import Protolude import Data.Field.Galois import GHC.Natural (Natural) import Data.Curve.Weierstrass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | BrainpoolP320R1 curve. data BrainpoolP320R1 | Field of points of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . type Fq = Prime Q type Q = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa6f6f40def4f92b9ec7893ec28fcd412b1f1b32e27 | Field of coefficients of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . type Fr = Prime R type R = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa5b68f12a32d482ec7ee8658e98691555b44c59311 BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass curve . instance Curve 'Weierstrass c BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr => WCurve c BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where a_ = const _a {-# INLINABLE a_ #-} b_ = const _b # INLINABLE b _ # h_ = const _h {-# INLINABLE h_ #-} q_ = const _q # INLINABLE q _ # r_ = const _r # INLINABLE r _ # -- | Affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve point. type PA = WAPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass affine curve . instance WACurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gA_ = gA # INLINABLE gA _ # -- | Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 point. type PJ = WJPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass Jacobian curve . instance WJCurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gJ_ = gJ # INLINABLE gJ _ # -- | Projective BrainpoolP320R1 point. type PP = WPPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Projective BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass projective curve . instance WPCurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gP_ = gP # INLINABLE gP _ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Coefficient @A@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. _a :: Fq _a = 0x3ee30b568fbab0f883ccebd46d3f3bb8a2a73513f5eb79da66190eb085ffa9f492f375a97d860eb4 # INLINABLE _ a # | Coefficient @B@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . _b :: Fq _b = 0x520883949dfdbc42d3ad198640688a6fe13f41349554b49acc31dccd884539816f5eb4ac8fb1f1a6 {-# INLINABLE _b #-} | Cofactor of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . _h :: Natural _h = 0x1 # INLINABLE _ h # -- | Characteristic of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. _q :: Natural _q = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa6f6f40def4f92b9ec7893ec28fcd412b1f1b32e27 {-# INLINABLE _q #-} -- | Order of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. _r :: Natural _r = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa5b68f12a32d482ec7ee8658e98691555b44c59311 {-# INLINABLE _r #-} -- | Coordinate @X@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. _x :: Fq _x = 0x43bd7e9afb53d8b85289bcc48ee5bfe6f20137d10a087eb6e7871e2a10a599c710af8d0d39e20611 {-# INLINABLE _x #-} | Coordinate @Y@ of curve . _y :: Fq _y = 0x14fdd05545ec1cc8ab4093247f77275e0743ffed117182eaa9c77877aaac6ac7d35245d1692e8ee1 {-# INLINABLE _y #-} | Generator of affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve . gA :: PA gA = A _x _y # INLINABLE gA # -- | Generator of Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 curve. gJ :: PJ gJ = J _x _y 1 # INLINABLE gJ # -- | Generator of projective BrainpoolP320R1 curve. gP :: PP gP = P _x _y 1 # INLINABLE gP #
* BrainpoolP320R1 curve ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BrainpoolP320R1 curve. # INLINABLE a_ # # INLINABLE h_ # | Affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve point. | Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 point. | Projective BrainpoolP320R1 point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient @A@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. # INLINABLE _b # | Characteristic of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. # INLINABLE _q # | Order of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. # INLINABLE _r # | Coordinate @X@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve. # INLINABLE _x # # INLINABLE _y # | Generator of Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 curve. | Generator of projective BrainpoolP320R1 curve.
module Data.Curve.Weierstrass.BrainpoolP320R1 ( module Data.Curve.Weierstrass , Point(..) , module Data.Curve.Weierstrass.BrainpoolP320R1 ) where import Protolude import Data.Field.Galois import GHC.Natural (Natural) import Data.Curve.Weierstrass data BrainpoolP320R1 | Field of points of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . type Fq = Prime Q type Q = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa6f6f40def4f92b9ec7893ec28fcd412b1f1b32e27 | Field of coefficients of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . type Fr = Prime R type R = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa5b68f12a32d482ec7ee8658e98691555b44c59311 BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass curve . instance Curve 'Weierstrass c BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr => WCurve c BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where a_ = const _a b_ = const _b # INLINABLE b _ # h_ = const _h q_ = const _q # INLINABLE q _ # r_ = const _r # INLINABLE r _ # type PA = WAPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass affine curve . instance WACurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gA_ = gA # INLINABLE gA _ # type PJ = WJPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Jacobian BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass Jacobian curve . instance WJCurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gJ_ = gJ # INLINABLE gJ _ # type PP = WPPoint BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr Projective BrainpoolP320R1 curve is a Weierstrass projective curve . instance WPCurve BrainpoolP320R1 Fq Fr where gP_ = gP # INLINABLE gP _ # _a :: Fq _a = 0x3ee30b568fbab0f883ccebd46d3f3bb8a2a73513f5eb79da66190eb085ffa9f492f375a97d860eb4 # INLINABLE _ a # | Coefficient @B@ of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . _b :: Fq _b = 0x520883949dfdbc42d3ad198640688a6fe13f41349554b49acc31dccd884539816f5eb4ac8fb1f1a6 | Cofactor of BrainpoolP320R1 curve . _h :: Natural _h = 0x1 # INLINABLE _ h # _q :: Natural _q = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa6f6f40def4f92b9ec7893ec28fcd412b1f1b32e27 _r :: Natural _r = 0xd35e472036bc4fb7e13c785ed201e065f98fcfa5b68f12a32d482ec7ee8658e98691555b44c59311 _x :: Fq _x = 0x43bd7e9afb53d8b85289bcc48ee5bfe6f20137d10a087eb6e7871e2a10a599c710af8d0d39e20611 | Coordinate @Y@ of curve . _y :: Fq _y = 0x14fdd05545ec1cc8ab4093247f77275e0743ffed117182eaa9c77877aaac6ac7d35245d1692e8ee1 | Generator of affine BrainpoolP320R1 curve . gA :: PA gA = A _x _y # INLINABLE gA # gJ :: PJ gJ = J _x _y 1 # INLINABLE gJ # gP :: PP gP = P _x _y 1 # INLINABLE gP #
-module(imetrics_slo). -export([svr_ref/1, uid_name/1, get/3, add/3, add/4, put/4, dump/1, dump/2, info/1, foldl_dump/3, remove/2]). -define(CATCH_KNOWN_EXC(X), try X catch exit:{noproc,{gen_server,call, _}} -> {error, unregistered_slo}; error:badarg -> {error, {badarg, check_ets}} end). svr_ref(UIdName) -> list_to_atom("imetrics_slo_" ++ atom_to_list(UIdName)). uid_name(SvrRef) -> case atom_to_list(SvrRef) of "imetrics_slo_" ++ UIdNameStr -> list_to_atom(UIdNameStr) end. get(UIdName, UId, Key) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:get(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key)) end ). add(UIdName, UId, Key) -> add(UIdName, UId, Key, 1). add(UIdName, UId, Key, Val) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:add(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key), Val) end ). put(UIdName, UId, Key, Val) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:put(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key), Val) end ). %% @doc remove/2 is provided for completeness, but will not typically be used. It's only useful %% if you know a particular UId is no longer relevant and want to manage its lifetime manually. Otherwise , the icount gc has you covered . remove(UIdName, UId) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:remove(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId)) end ). dump(UIdName) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:dump(svr_ref(UIdName)) end ). dump(UIdName, UId) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:dump(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId)) end ). info(UIdName) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:info(svr_ref(UIdName)) end ). foldl_dump(UIdName, F, A) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:foldl_dump(svr_ref(UIdName), F, A) end ).
@doc remove/2 is provided for completeness, but will not typically be used. It's only useful if you know a particular UId is no longer relevant and want to manage its lifetime manually.
-module(imetrics_slo). -export([svr_ref/1, uid_name/1, get/3, add/3, add/4, put/4, dump/1, dump/2, info/1, foldl_dump/3, remove/2]). -define(CATCH_KNOWN_EXC(X), try X catch exit:{noproc,{gen_server,call, _}} -> {error, unregistered_slo}; error:badarg -> {error, {badarg, check_ets}} end). svr_ref(UIdName) -> list_to_atom("imetrics_slo_" ++ atom_to_list(UIdName)). uid_name(SvrRef) -> case atom_to_list(SvrRef) of "imetrics_slo_" ++ UIdNameStr -> list_to_atom(UIdNameStr) end. get(UIdName, UId, Key) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:get(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key)) end ). add(UIdName, UId, Key) -> add(UIdName, UId, Key, 1). add(UIdName, UId, Key, Val) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:add(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key), Val) end ). put(UIdName, UId, Key, Val) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:put(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId), imetrics_utils:bin(Key), Val) end ). Otherwise , the icount gc has you covered . remove(UIdName, UId) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:remove(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId)) end ). dump(UIdName) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:dump(svr_ref(UIdName)) end ). dump(UIdName, UId) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:dump(svr_ref(UIdName), imetrics_utils:bin(UId)) end ). info(UIdName) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:info(svr_ref(UIdName)) end ). foldl_dump(UIdName, F, A) -> ?CATCH_KNOWN_EXC( begin icount:foldl_dump(svr_ref(UIdName), F, A) end ).
| Encoding cube projections as @Int@ coordinates . Explicit dictionary passing style : using a class would require explicit type annotations /anyway/. Encoding cube projections as @Int@ coordinates. Explicit dictionary passing style: using a class would require explicit type annotations /anyway/. -} # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , ScopedTypeVariables , ViewPatterns # MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-} module Rubik.Cube.Coord where import Rubik.Cube.Cubie.Internal import Rubik.Misc import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Random import Control.Newtype import Data.Binary.Storable import Data.List import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Allocated as S -- * Raw coordinates -- Unwrapped coordinate type RawCoord' = Int MaxInt 2 ^ 29 = 479001600 ( at least , according to the standard ) -- | Encoding to an efficient datatype -- for which it is possible to build tables -- instead of computing functions. newtype RawCoord a = RawCoord { unRawCoord :: RawCoord' } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Binary) newtype RawVector a b = RawVector { unRawVector :: U.Vector b } newtype RawMove a = RawMove { unRawMove :: S.Vector RawCoord' } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Binary) instance Newtype (RawCoord a) Int where pack = RawCoord unpack = unRawCoord instance Newtype (RawMove a) (S.Vector Int) where pack = RawMove unpack = unRawMove {-# INLINE (!$) #-} (!$) :: RawMove a -> RawCoord a -> RawCoord a RawMove v !$ RawCoord i = RawCoord (v S.! i) (!.) :: MU.Unbox b => RawVector a b -> RawCoord a -> b RawVector v !. RawCoord i = v U.! i -- * Dictionaries -- | Encoding dictionary. -- -- Probably synonymous with instances for both @('Enum ' a , ' Bounded ' a)@. -- -- > inRange (range d) $ encode x -- > encode . decode == id -- > decode . encode == id -- -- A special constructor for dictionaries of product types -- is particularly useful to create tables of functions -- if their actions on every projection are independent. -- class RawEncodable a where -- | Number of elements that can be converted. -- Their values are to lie in @[0 .. range c - 1]@. range :: proxy a -> Int encode :: a -> RawCoord a decode :: RawCoord a -> a -- ** Instances -- | The number of elements of every set is given. | @8 ! = 40320@ instance RawEncodable CornerPermu where range _ = 40320 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numCorners . U.toList . fromCornerPermu decode = unsafeCornerPermu' . decodeFact numCorners numCorners . unRawCoord | @12 ! = 479001600@ -- -- A bit too much to hold in memory. -- Holds just right in a Haskell @Int@ ( @maxInt > = 2 ^ 29 - 1@ ) . instance RawEncodable EdgePermu where range _ = 479001600 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numEdges . U.toList . fromEdgePermu decode = unsafeEdgePermu' . decodeFact numEdges numEdges . unRawCoord | @3 ^ 7 = 2187@ instance RawEncodable CornerOrien where range _ = 2187 encode = RawCoord . encodeBaseV 3 . U.tail . fromCornerOrien The first orientation can be deduced from the others in a solvable cube decode (RawCoord x) = unsafeCornerOrien' (h : t) where h = (3 - sum t) `mod` 3 t = decodeBase 3 (numCorners - 1) x | @2 ^ 11 = 2048@ instance RawEncodable EdgeOrien where range _ = 2048 encode = RawCoord . encodeEdgeOrien' . fromEdgeOrien decode (RawCoord x) = unsafeEdgeOrien' (h : t) where h = sum t `mod` 2 t = decodeBase 2 (numEdges - 1) x encodeEdgeOrien' = encodeBaseV 2 . U.tail numUDS = numUDSliceEdges numUDE = numEdges - numUDS | 12 ! / 8 ! = 11880 instance RawEncodable UDSlicePermu where range _ = 11880 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numEdges . U.toList . fromUDSlicePermu decode = unsafeUDSlicePermu' . decodeFact numEdges numUDS . unRawCoord | @12C4 = 495@ instance RawEncodable UDSlice where range _ = 495 encode = RawCoord . encodeCV . fromUDSlice decode = unsafeUDSlice . decodeCV numUDS . unRawCoord | @4 ! = 24@ instance RawEncodable UDSlicePermu2 where range _ = 24 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numUDS . U.toList . fromUDSlicePermu2 decode = unsafeUDSlicePermu2' . decodeFact numUDS numUDS . unRawCoord | @8 ! = 40320@ instance RawEncodable UDEdgePermu2 where range _ = 40320 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numUDE . U.toList . fromUDEdgePermu2 decode = unsafeUDEdgePermu2' . decodeFact numUDE numUDE . unRawCoord instance (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawEncodable (a, b) where range _ = range ([] :: [a]) * range ([] :: [b]) encode (a, b) = flatCoord (encode a) (encode b) decode (splitCoord -> (a, b)) = (decode a, decode b) # INLINE flatCoord # flatCoord :: (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawCoord a -> RawCoord b -> RawCoord (a, b) flatCoord (RawCoord a) b'@(RawCoord b) = RawCoord (flatIndex (range b') a b) # INLINE splitCoord # splitCoord :: (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawCoord (a, b) -> (RawCoord a, RawCoord b) splitCoord (RawCoord ab_) = (a, b) where (RawCoord -> a, RawCoord -> b) = ab_ `divMod` range b -- * Table building -- | Endofunctions type Endo a = a -> a -- | Lift an endofunction to its coordinate representation, -- the dictionary provides a @RawCoord@ encoding. -- That is , we construct a vector @v@ such that , basically , -- -- > decode (v ! encode x) == f x -- -- So function application becomes simply vector indexing. endoVector :: RawEncodable a => Endo a -> RawMove a endoVector f = RawMove . S.generate (range f) $ under RawCoord (encode . f . decode) -- | The 'cubeAction' method is partially applied to a 'Cube' -- and turned into an 'Endo' function. -- The ' CA a ' type argument controls the refinement of the endofunction . cubeActionToEndo :: CubeAction a => Cube -> Endo a cubeActionToEndo c = (`cubeAction` c) -- | Composition of 'endoVector' and 'cubeAction'. moveTable :: (CubeAction a, RawEncodable a) => Cube -> RawMove a moveTable = endoVector . cubeActionToEndo symToEndo :: (Cube -> a -> a) -> Cube -> Endo a symToEndo = id symTable :: RawEncodable a => (Cube -> a -> a) -> Cube -> RawMove a symTable conj = endoVector . symToEndo conj -- * Miscellaneous -- | Checks over the range @range@ that: -- -- > encode . decode == id -- checkCoord :: RawEncodable a => proxy a -> Bool checkCoord proxy = all (\(RawCoord -> k) -> encode (decode k `asProxyTypeOf` proxy) == k) [0 .. range proxy - 1] randomRawCoord :: forall a m. (MonadRandom m, RawEncodable a) => m (RawCoord a) randomRawCoord = RawCoord <$> getRandomR (0, range ([] :: [a]) - 1) -- * Helper -- | Helper functions to define the dictionaries -- ** Fixed base -- | If -- @all (`elem` [0 .. b-1]) v@ then @v@ is the base @b@ representation of -- @encode b v@ -- such that its least significant digit is @head v@. -- For any @n@ , @encodeBase b@ is a bijection from lists of length @n@ -- with elements in @[0 .. b-1]@ to @[0 .. b^n - 1]@ encodeBase :: Int -> [Int] -> Int encodeBase b = foldr1 (\x y -> x + b * y) -- | Vector version of 'encodeBase'. encodeBaseV :: Int -> Vector Int -> Int encodeBaseV b = U.foldr1' (\x y -> x + b * y) | @len@ is the length of the resulting vector -- -- > encodeBase b . decodeBase b len == id -- > decodeBase b len . encodeBase b == id -- decodeBase :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] decodeBase b len = take len . unfoldr (\x -> Just (x `modDiv` b)) where modDiv = ((.).(.)) (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) divMod -- ** Factorial radix -- | Input list must be a @k@-permutation of @[0 .. n-1]@. -- -- @encodeFact@ is a bijection between k-permutations of @[0 .. n-1]@ and @[0 .. ( fact n / fact ( n - k ) ) - 1]@. encodeFact :: Int -> [Int] -> Int encodeFact n [] = 0 encodeFact n (y : ys) = y + n * encodeFact (n - 1) ys' where ys' = case elemIndex (n - 1) ys of Nothing -> ys -- y == n - 1 Just k -> subs k y ys -- recovers a subpermutation of @[0 .. n-2]@ -- | Inverse of 'encodeFact'. -- -- > encodeFact n . decodeFact n k == id -- k <= n -- > decodeFact n k . encodeFact n == id -- on k-permutations -- decodeFact :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] decodeFact n 0 _ = [] decodeFact n k x = y : ys where (q, y) = x `divMod` n ys' = decodeFact (n - 1) (k - 1) q ys = case elemIndex y ys' of Nothing -> ys' -- y == n - 1 Just k -> subs k (n - 1) ys' -- ** Binomial enumeration Bijection between @[0 .. choose n ( k-1)]@ and of @[0 .. n-1]@. -- | > cSum k z == sum [y `choose` k | y <- [k .. z-1]] -- requires @k < cSum_mMaz@ and < cSum_nMaz@. cSum :: Int -> Int -> Int cSum = \k z -> v U.! (k * n + z) where cSum' k z = sum [y `choose` k | y <- [k .. z-1]] v = U.generate (n * m) (uncurry cSum' . (`divMod` n)) m = cSum_mMax n = cSum_nMax | Bound on arguments accepted by @cSum@ cSum_mMax, cSum_nMax :: Int cSum_mMax = 4 cSum_nMax = 16 -- | > encodeCV <y 0 .. y k> == encodeCV <y 0 .. y (k-1)> + cSum k (y k) -- where @c@ is a @k@-combination , -- that is a sorted list of @k@ nonnegative elements. -- -- @encodeCV@ is in fact a bijection between increasing lists -- (of non-negative integers) and integers. -- Restriction : @k < cSum_mMax@ , @y k < cSum_nMax@. encodeCV :: Vector Int -> Int encodeCV = U.sum . U.imap cSum -- | Inverse of 'encodeCV'. -- -- The length of the resulting list must be supplied as a hint -- (although it could technically be guessed). decodeCV :: Int -> Int -> Vector Int decodeCV k x = U.create (do v <- MU.new k let decode' (-1) _ _ = return () decode' k z x | s <= x = MU.write v k z >> decode' (k-1) (z-1) (x-s) | otherwise = decode' k (z-1) x where s = cSum k z decode' (k-1) (cSum_nMax-1) x return v)
* Raw coordinates Unwrapped coordinate | Encoding to an efficient datatype for which it is possible to build tables instead of computing functions. # INLINE (!$) # * Dictionaries | Encoding dictionary. Probably synonymous with instances for both > inRange (range d) $ encode x > encode . decode == id > decode . encode == id A special constructor for dictionaries of product types is particularly useful to create tables of functions if their actions on every projection are independent. | Number of elements that can be converted. Their values are to lie in @[0 .. range c - 1]@. ** Instances | The number of elements of every set is given. A bit too much to hold in memory. * Table building | Endofunctions | Lift an endofunction to its coordinate representation, the dictionary provides a @RawCoord@ encoding. > decode (v ! encode x) == f x So function application becomes simply vector indexing. | The 'cubeAction' method is partially applied to a 'Cube' and turned into an 'Endo' function. | Composition of 'endoVector' and 'cubeAction'. * Miscellaneous | Checks over the range @range@ that: > encode . decode == id * Helper | Helper functions to define the dictionaries ** Fixed base | If @all (`elem` [0 .. b-1]) v@ @encode b v@ such that its least significant digit is @head v@. with elements in @[0 .. b-1]@ to @[0 .. b^n - 1]@ | Vector version of 'encodeBase'. > encodeBase b . decodeBase b len == id > decodeBase b len . encodeBase b == id ** Factorial radix | Input list must be a @k@-permutation of @[0 .. n-1]@. @encodeFact@ is a bijection between k-permutations of @[0 .. n-1]@ y == n - 1 recovers a subpermutation of @[0 .. n-2]@ | Inverse of 'encodeFact'. > encodeFact n . decodeFact n k == id -- k <= n > decodeFact n k . encodeFact n == id -- on k-permutations y == n - 1 ** Binomial enumeration | > cSum k z == sum [y `choose` k | y <- [k .. z-1]] | > encodeCV <y 0 .. y k> == encodeCV <y 0 .. y (k-1)> + cSum k (y k) that is a sorted list of @k@ nonnegative elements. @encodeCV@ is in fact a bijection between increasing lists (of non-negative integers) and integers. | Inverse of 'encodeCV'. The length of the resulting list must be supplied as a hint (although it could technically be guessed).
| Encoding cube projections as @Int@ coordinates . Explicit dictionary passing style : using a class would require explicit type annotations /anyway/. Encoding cube projections as @Int@ coordinates. Explicit dictionary passing style: using a class would require explicit type annotations /anyway/. -} # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , ScopedTypeVariables , ViewPatterns # MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-} module Rubik.Cube.Coord where import Rubik.Cube.Cubie.Internal import Rubik.Misc import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Random import Control.Newtype import Data.Binary.Storable import Data.List import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Allocated as S type RawCoord' = Int MaxInt 2 ^ 29 = 479001600 ( at least , according to the standard ) newtype RawCoord a = RawCoord { unRawCoord :: RawCoord' } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Binary) newtype RawVector a b = RawVector { unRawVector :: U.Vector b } newtype RawMove a = RawMove { unRawMove :: S.Vector RawCoord' } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData, Binary) instance Newtype (RawCoord a) Int where pack = RawCoord unpack = unRawCoord instance Newtype (RawMove a) (S.Vector Int) where pack = RawMove unpack = unRawMove (!$) :: RawMove a -> RawCoord a -> RawCoord a RawMove v !$ RawCoord i = RawCoord (v S.! i) (!.) :: MU.Unbox b => RawVector a b -> RawCoord a -> b RawVector v !. RawCoord i = v U.! i @('Enum ' a , ' Bounded ' a)@. class RawEncodable a where range :: proxy a -> Int encode :: a -> RawCoord a decode :: RawCoord a -> a | @8 ! = 40320@ instance RawEncodable CornerPermu where range _ = 40320 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numCorners . U.toList . fromCornerPermu decode = unsafeCornerPermu' . decodeFact numCorners numCorners . unRawCoord | @12 ! = 479001600@ Holds just right in a Haskell @Int@ ( @maxInt > = 2 ^ 29 - 1@ ) . instance RawEncodable EdgePermu where range _ = 479001600 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numEdges . U.toList . fromEdgePermu decode = unsafeEdgePermu' . decodeFact numEdges numEdges . unRawCoord | @3 ^ 7 = 2187@ instance RawEncodable CornerOrien where range _ = 2187 encode = RawCoord . encodeBaseV 3 . U.tail . fromCornerOrien The first orientation can be deduced from the others in a solvable cube decode (RawCoord x) = unsafeCornerOrien' (h : t) where h = (3 - sum t) `mod` 3 t = decodeBase 3 (numCorners - 1) x | @2 ^ 11 = 2048@ instance RawEncodable EdgeOrien where range _ = 2048 encode = RawCoord . encodeEdgeOrien' . fromEdgeOrien decode (RawCoord x) = unsafeEdgeOrien' (h : t) where h = sum t `mod` 2 t = decodeBase 2 (numEdges - 1) x encodeEdgeOrien' = encodeBaseV 2 . U.tail numUDS = numUDSliceEdges numUDE = numEdges - numUDS | 12 ! / 8 ! = 11880 instance RawEncodable UDSlicePermu where range _ = 11880 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numEdges . U.toList . fromUDSlicePermu decode = unsafeUDSlicePermu' . decodeFact numEdges numUDS . unRawCoord | @12C4 = 495@ instance RawEncodable UDSlice where range _ = 495 encode = RawCoord . encodeCV . fromUDSlice decode = unsafeUDSlice . decodeCV numUDS . unRawCoord | @4 ! = 24@ instance RawEncodable UDSlicePermu2 where range _ = 24 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numUDS . U.toList . fromUDSlicePermu2 decode = unsafeUDSlicePermu2' . decodeFact numUDS numUDS . unRawCoord | @8 ! = 40320@ instance RawEncodable UDEdgePermu2 where range _ = 40320 encode = RawCoord . encodeFact numUDE . U.toList . fromUDEdgePermu2 decode = unsafeUDEdgePermu2' . decodeFact numUDE numUDE . unRawCoord instance (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawEncodable (a, b) where range _ = range ([] :: [a]) * range ([] :: [b]) encode (a, b) = flatCoord (encode a) (encode b) decode (splitCoord -> (a, b)) = (decode a, decode b) # INLINE flatCoord # flatCoord :: (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawCoord a -> RawCoord b -> RawCoord (a, b) flatCoord (RawCoord a) b'@(RawCoord b) = RawCoord (flatIndex (range b') a b) # INLINE splitCoord # splitCoord :: (RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b) => RawCoord (a, b) -> (RawCoord a, RawCoord b) splitCoord (RawCoord ab_) = (a, b) where (RawCoord -> a, RawCoord -> b) = ab_ `divMod` range b type Endo a = a -> a That is , we construct a vector @v@ such that , basically , endoVector :: RawEncodable a => Endo a -> RawMove a endoVector f = RawMove . S.generate (range f) $ under RawCoord (encode . f . decode) The ' CA a ' type argument controls the refinement of the endofunction . cubeActionToEndo :: CubeAction a => Cube -> Endo a cubeActionToEndo c = (`cubeAction` c) moveTable :: (CubeAction a, RawEncodable a) => Cube -> RawMove a moveTable = endoVector . cubeActionToEndo symToEndo :: (Cube -> a -> a) -> Cube -> Endo a symToEndo = id symTable :: RawEncodable a => (Cube -> a -> a) -> Cube -> RawMove a symTable conj = endoVector . symToEndo conj checkCoord :: RawEncodable a => proxy a -> Bool checkCoord proxy = all (\(RawCoord -> k) -> encode (decode k `asProxyTypeOf` proxy) == k) [0 .. range proxy - 1] randomRawCoord :: forall a m. (MonadRandom m, RawEncodable a) => m (RawCoord a) randomRawCoord = RawCoord <$> getRandomR (0, range ([] :: [a]) - 1) then @v@ is the base @b@ representation of For any @n@ , @encodeBase b@ is a bijection from lists of length @n@ encodeBase :: Int -> [Int] -> Int encodeBase b = foldr1 (\x y -> x + b * y) encodeBaseV :: Int -> Vector Int -> Int encodeBaseV b = U.foldr1' (\x y -> x + b * y) | @len@ is the length of the resulting vector decodeBase :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] decodeBase b len = take len . unfoldr (\x -> Just (x `modDiv` b)) where modDiv = ((.).(.)) (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) divMod and @[0 .. ( fact n / fact ( n - k ) ) - 1]@. encodeFact :: Int -> [Int] -> Int encodeFact n [] = 0 encodeFact n (y : ys) = y + n * encodeFact (n - 1) ys' where ys' = case elemIndex (n - 1) ys of decodeFact :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] decodeFact n 0 _ = [] decodeFact n k x = y : ys where (q, y) = x `divMod` n ys' = decodeFact (n - 1) (k - 1) q ys = case elemIndex y ys' of Just k -> subs k (n - 1) ys' Bijection between @[0 .. choose n ( k-1)]@ and of @[0 .. n-1]@. requires @k < cSum_mMaz@ and < cSum_nMaz@. cSum :: Int -> Int -> Int cSum = \k z -> v U.! (k * n + z) where cSum' k z = sum [y `choose` k | y <- [k .. z-1]] v = U.generate (n * m) (uncurry cSum' . (`divMod` n)) m = cSum_mMax n = cSum_nMax | Bound on arguments accepted by @cSum@ cSum_mMax, cSum_nMax :: Int cSum_mMax = 4 cSum_nMax = 16 where @c@ is a @k@-combination , Restriction : @k < cSum_mMax@ , @y k < cSum_nMax@. encodeCV :: Vector Int -> Int encodeCV = U.sum . U.imap cSum decodeCV :: Int -> Int -> Vector Int decodeCV k x = U.create (do v <- MU.new k let decode' (-1) _ _ = return () decode' k z x | s <= x = MU.write v k z >> decode' (k-1) (z-1) (x-s) | otherwise = decode' k (z-1) x where s = cSum k z decode' (k-1) (cSum_nMax-1) x return v)
(ns datahike-jdbc.core-test (:require #?(:cljs [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing]] :clj [clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]]) [datahike.api :as d] [datahike-jdbc.core])) (deftest ^:integration test-postgresql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "postgresql" :host "localhost" :dbname "config-test" :user "alice" :password "foo"} :schema-flexibility :read :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-mysql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "mysql" :user "alice" :password "foo" :dbname "config-test"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-mssql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "sqlserver" :user "sa" :password "passwordA1!" :dbname "tempdb"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-h2 (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "h2" :dbname "./temp/db"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-env (let [_ (d/delete-database)] (is (not (d/database-exists?))) (let [_ (d/create-database) conn (d/connect)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists?)) (d/delete-database) (is (not (d/database-exists?))))))
(ns datahike-jdbc.core-test (:require #?(:cljs [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing]] :clj [clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]]) [datahike.api :as d] [datahike-jdbc.core])) (deftest ^:integration test-postgresql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "postgresql" :host "localhost" :dbname "config-test" :user "alice" :password "foo"} :schema-flexibility :read :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-mysql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "mysql" :user "alice" :password "foo" :dbname "config-test"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-mssql (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "sqlserver" :user "sa" :password "passwordA1!" :dbname "tempdb"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-h2 (let [config {:store {:backend :jdbc :dbtype "h2" :dbname "./temp/db"} :schema-flexibility :write :keep-history? false} _ (d/delete-database config)] (is (not (d/database-exists? config))) (let [_ (d/create-database config) conn (d/connect config)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists? config)) (d/delete-database config) (is (not (d/database-exists? config)))))) (deftest ^:integration test-env (let [_ (d/delete-database)] (is (not (d/database-exists?))) (let [_ (d/create-database) conn (d/connect)] (d/transact conn [{:db/ident :name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one} {:db/ident :age :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]) (d/transact conn [{:db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15} {:db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37} {:db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37} {:db/id 4, :age 15}]) (is (= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :name]] @conn) #{[3] [2] [1]})) (d/release conn) (is (d/database-exists?)) (d/delete-database) (is (not (d/database-exists?))))))
(ns com.redbrainlabs.system-graph-test (:require [com.stuartsierra.component :refer [Lifecycle] :as component] [plumbing.core :refer [fnk]] [midje.sweet :refer :all] [com.redbrainlabs.system-graph :refer :all])) (def lifecycle-sort :com.redbrainlabs.system-graph/lifecycle-sort) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Integration tests ... since this library is 100 % glue (defrecord Lifecycler [!started !stopped key value] Lifecycle (start [this] (swap! !started conj key) this) (stop [this] (swap! !stopped conj key) this)) (facts "system-graph" (let [deps-started (atom []) deps-stopped (atom []) lifecycler (partial ->Lifecycler deps-started deps-stopped) subgraph {:x-squared (fnk [x] (lifecycler :x-squared (* x x))) :x-cubed (fnk [x x-squared] ;;(prn {:x x :x-squared x-squared}) (lifecycler :x-cubed (* x (:value x-squared))))} graph {:subgraph subgraph :y (fnk [[:subgraph x-cubed]] (lifecycler :y (inc (:value x-cubed)))) :x-inc (fnk [x] (lifecycler :x-inc (inc x))) :no-lifecycle (fnk [x-inc] :something-that-doesnt-implement-lifecycle)} system-graph (init-system graph {:x 4})] (fact "starts the lifecycle deps using a toposort" (component/start system-graph) @deps-started => [:x-squared :x-cubed :y :x-inc]) (fact "stops the deps in the opposite order" (component/stop system-graph) @deps-stopped => [:x-inc :y :x-cubed :x-squared]))) (defrecord DummyComponent [name started] Lifecycle (start [this] (assoc this :started true)) (stop [this] (assoc this :started false))) (defn dummy-component [name] (->DummyComponent name false)) (facts "dependent components" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (dummy-component :a)) :b (fnk [a] (-> (dummy-component :b) (assoc :a a)))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) started-system (start-system system-graph)] (facts "are passed in to fnks before they are started" (:b system-graph) => (just {:a {:name :a, :started false}, :name :b, :started false})) (facts "are started and assoced onto lifecycle components before then dependent's #'start is called" (:b started-system) => (just {:a {:name :a, :started true}, :name :b, :started true})))) (facts "dependent components with different names that the system's names" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (dummy-component :a)) :b (-> (fnk [a] (-> (dummy-component :b) (assoc :foo a))) (component/using {:foo :a}))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) started-system (start-system system-graph)] (facts "are passed in to fnks before they are started" (:b system-graph) => (just {:foo {:name :a, :started false}, :name :b, :started false})) (facts "are started and assoced onto lifecycle components with the different name before then dependent's #'start is called" (:b started-system) => (just {:foo {:name :a, :started true}, :name :b, :started true})))) (defrecord StatefulDummyComponent [name started !counter] Lifecycle (start [this] (swap! !counter update-in [:started] inc) (assoc this :started true)) (stop [this] (swap! !counter update-in [:stopped] inc) (assoc this :started false))) (defn stateful-dummy-component [name] (->StatefulDummyComponent name false (atom {:started 0 :stopped 0}))) (facts "systems can be started and stopped multiple times" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (stateful-dummy-component :a)) :b (fnk [a] (-> (stateful-dummy-component :b) (assoc :a a)))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) cycled-system (reduce (fn [sys _] (-> sys start-system stop-system)) system-graph (range 5))] (-> cycled-system :a :!counter deref) => {:started 5, :stopped 5} (-> cycled-system start-system :b :a :started) => true (-> cycled-system start-system stop-system :b :started) => false ;; TODO: investgate this to see if this is a system-graph bug or component.. ;; it looks like component doesn't assoc the deps on stop.. but the newer version says it does.. ;; (-> cycled-system start-system stop-system :b :a :started) => false ))
(prn {:x x :x-squared x-squared}) TODO: investgate this to see if this is a system-graph bug or component.. it looks like component doesn't assoc the deps on stop.. but the newer version says it does.. (-> cycled-system start-system stop-system :b :a :started) => false
(ns com.redbrainlabs.system-graph-test (:require [com.stuartsierra.component :refer [Lifecycle] :as component] [plumbing.core :refer [fnk]] [midje.sweet :refer :all] [com.redbrainlabs.system-graph :refer :all])) (def lifecycle-sort :com.redbrainlabs.system-graph/lifecycle-sort) Integration tests ... since this library is 100 % glue (defrecord Lifecycler [!started !stopped key value] Lifecycle (start [this] (swap! !started conj key) this) (stop [this] (swap! !stopped conj key) this)) (facts "system-graph" (let [deps-started (atom []) deps-stopped (atom []) lifecycler (partial ->Lifecycler deps-started deps-stopped) subgraph {:x-squared (fnk [x] (lifecycler :x-squared (* x x))) (lifecycler :x-cubed (* x (:value x-squared))))} graph {:subgraph subgraph :y (fnk [[:subgraph x-cubed]] (lifecycler :y (inc (:value x-cubed)))) :x-inc (fnk [x] (lifecycler :x-inc (inc x))) :no-lifecycle (fnk [x-inc] :something-that-doesnt-implement-lifecycle)} system-graph (init-system graph {:x 4})] (fact "starts the lifecycle deps using a toposort" (component/start system-graph) @deps-started => [:x-squared :x-cubed :y :x-inc]) (fact "stops the deps in the opposite order" (component/stop system-graph) @deps-stopped => [:x-inc :y :x-cubed :x-squared]))) (defrecord DummyComponent [name started] Lifecycle (start [this] (assoc this :started true)) (stop [this] (assoc this :started false))) (defn dummy-component [name] (->DummyComponent name false)) (facts "dependent components" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (dummy-component :a)) :b (fnk [a] (-> (dummy-component :b) (assoc :a a)))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) started-system (start-system system-graph)] (facts "are passed in to fnks before they are started" (:b system-graph) => (just {:a {:name :a, :started false}, :name :b, :started false})) (facts "are started and assoced onto lifecycle components before then dependent's #'start is called" (:b started-system) => (just {:a {:name :a, :started true}, :name :b, :started true})))) (facts "dependent components with different names that the system's names" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (dummy-component :a)) :b (-> (fnk [a] (-> (dummy-component :b) (assoc :foo a))) (component/using {:foo :a}))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) started-system (start-system system-graph)] (facts "are passed in to fnks before they are started" (:b system-graph) => (just {:foo {:name :a, :started false}, :name :b, :started false})) (facts "are started and assoced onto lifecycle components with the different name before then dependent's #'start is called" (:b started-system) => (just {:foo {:name :a, :started true}, :name :b, :started true})))) (defrecord StatefulDummyComponent [name started !counter] Lifecycle (start [this] (swap! !counter update-in [:started] inc) (assoc this :started true)) (stop [this] (swap! !counter update-in [:stopped] inc) (assoc this :started false))) (defn stateful-dummy-component [name] (->StatefulDummyComponent name false (atom {:started 0 :stopped 0}))) (facts "systems can be started and stopped multiple times" (let [graph {:a (fnk [] (stateful-dummy-component :a)) :b (fnk [a] (-> (stateful-dummy-component :b) (assoc :a a)))} system-graph (init-system graph {}) cycled-system (reduce (fn [sys _] (-> sys start-system stop-system)) system-graph (range 5))] (-> cycled-system :a :!counter deref) => {:started 5, :stopped 5} (-> cycled-system start-system :b :a :started) => true (-> cycled-system start-system stop-system :b :started) => false ))
(ns potemkin.macros (:require [potemkin.walk :refer (postwalk)] [riddley.walk :as r])) (defn safe-resolve [x] (try (resolve x) (catch Exception _ nil))) (def unified-gensym-regex #"([a-zA-Z0-9\-\'\*]+)#__\d+__auto__$") (def gensym-regex #"(_|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\'\*]+)#?_+(\d+_*#?)+(auto__)?$") (defn unified-gensym? [s] (and (symbol? s) (re-find unified-gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn gensym? [s] (and (symbol? s) (re-find gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn un-gensym [s] (second (re-find gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn unify-gensyms "All gensyms defined using two hash symbols are unified to the same value, even if they were defined within different syntax-quote scopes." [body] (let [gensym* (memoize gensym)] (postwalk #(if (unified-gensym? %) (symbol (str (gensym* (str (un-gensym %) "__")) "__auto__")) %) body))) (defn normalize-gensyms [body] (let [cnt (atom 0) gensym* #(str % "__norm__" (swap! cnt inc))] (postwalk #(if (gensym? %) (symbol (gensym* (un-gensym %))) %) body))) (defn equivalent? [a b] (if-not (and a b) (= a b) (= (->> a r/macroexpand-all normalize-gensyms) (->> b r/macroexpand-all normalize-gensyms))))
(ns potemkin.macros (:require [potemkin.walk :refer (postwalk)] [riddley.walk :as r])) (defn safe-resolve [x] (try (resolve x) (catch Exception _ nil))) (def unified-gensym-regex #"([a-zA-Z0-9\-\'\*]+)#__\d+__auto__$") (def gensym-regex #"(_|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\'\*]+)#?_+(\d+_*#?)+(auto__)?$") (defn unified-gensym? [s] (and (symbol? s) (re-find unified-gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn gensym? [s] (and (symbol? s) (re-find gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn un-gensym [s] (second (re-find gensym-regex (str s)))) (defn unify-gensyms "All gensyms defined using two hash symbols are unified to the same value, even if they were defined within different syntax-quote scopes." [body] (let [gensym* (memoize gensym)] (postwalk #(if (unified-gensym? %) (symbol (str (gensym* (str (un-gensym %) "__")) "__auto__")) %) body))) (defn normalize-gensyms [body] (let [cnt (atom 0) gensym* #(str % "__norm__" (swap! cnt inc))] (postwalk #(if (gensym? %) (symbol (gensym* (un-gensym %))) %) body))) (defn equivalent? [a b] (if-not (and a b) (= a b) (= (->> a r/macroexpand-all normalize-gensyms) (->> b r/macroexpand-all normalize-gensyms))))
(fn [x] (nth x (- (count x) 2)))
(fn [x] (nth x (- (count x) 2)))
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- This module runs database migrations for our application. module Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Migrate where import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema.V0001 (migration) import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema.SQL.V0001 ( m_0001 ) import Mirza.Common.Database (runMigrationSimple) import Mirza.Common.Types import Mirza.Common.Utils import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema (supplyChainDb) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (void) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Database.Beam () import Database.Beam.Backend (runNoReturn) import Database.Beam.Migrate.Types (executeMigration) import Database.Beam.Postgres (Connection, Pg, runBeamPostgres, runBeamPostgresDebug) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (SqlError) runMigrationWithTriggers :: (Member context '[HasLogging, HasDB] ,Member err '[AsSqlError]) => Connection -> context -> IO (Either err ()) runMigrationWithTriggers conn context = do tryCreateSchema False conn runAppM context $ runDb $ addLastUpdateTriggers supplyChainDb -- | Whether or not to run silently dbMigrationFunc :: Bool -> Connection -> Pg a -> IO a dbMigrationFunc False = runBeamPostgresDebug putStrLn dbMigrationFunc _ = runBeamPostgres createSchema :: Bool -> Connection -> IO () createSchema runSilently conn = void $ dbMigrationFunc runSilently conn $ executeMigration runNoReturn (migration ()) tryCreateSchema :: Bool -> Connection -> IO () tryCreateSchema runSilently conn = E.catch (createSchema runSilently conn) handleErr where handleErr :: SqlError -> IO () handleErr err = do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Migration failed with error: " <> show err exitFailure migrate :: ( Member context '[HasLogging, HasDB] ) => context -> IO (Either SqlError ()) migrate ctx = runMigrationSimple ctx migrations where migrations = [ m_0001 ]
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # This module runs database migrations for our application. | Whether or not to run silently
# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # module Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Migrate where import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema.V0001 (migration) import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema.SQL.V0001 ( m_0001 ) import Mirza.Common.Database (runMigrationSimple) import Mirza.Common.Types import Mirza.Common.Utils import Mirza.SupplyChain.Database.Schema (supplyChainDb) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (void) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Database.Beam () import Database.Beam.Backend (runNoReturn) import Database.Beam.Migrate.Types (executeMigration) import Database.Beam.Postgres (Connection, Pg, runBeamPostgres, runBeamPostgresDebug) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (SqlError) runMigrationWithTriggers :: (Member context '[HasLogging, HasDB] ,Member err '[AsSqlError]) => Connection -> context -> IO (Either err ()) runMigrationWithTriggers conn context = do tryCreateSchema False conn runAppM context $ runDb $ addLastUpdateTriggers supplyChainDb dbMigrationFunc :: Bool -> Connection -> Pg a -> IO a dbMigrationFunc False = runBeamPostgresDebug putStrLn dbMigrationFunc _ = runBeamPostgres createSchema :: Bool -> Connection -> IO () createSchema runSilently conn = void $ dbMigrationFunc runSilently conn $ executeMigration runNoReturn (migration ()) tryCreateSchema :: Bool -> Connection -> IO () tryCreateSchema runSilently conn = E.catch (createSchema runSilently conn) handleErr where handleErr :: SqlError -> IO () handleErr err = do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Migration failed with error: " <> show err exitFailure migrate :: ( Member context '[HasLogging, HasDB] ) => context -> IO (Either SqlError ()) migrate ctx = runMigrationSimple ctx migrations where migrations = [ m_0001 ]
type _ Effect.t += | GetSize : int Effect.t let run ~(size:int) k = let open Effect.Deep in try_with k () { effc = fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) -> match eff with | GetSize -> Option.some @@ fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> continue k size | _ -> None } let bind_var k = let size = Effect.perform GetSize in run ~size:(size + 1) @@ fun () -> k size let level_to_index lvl = let size = Effect.perform GetSize in size - lvl - 1
type _ Effect.t += | GetSize : int Effect.t let run ~(size:int) k = let open Effect.Deep in try_with k () { effc = fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) -> match eff with | GetSize -> Option.some @@ fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> continue k size | _ -> None } let bind_var k = let size = Effect.perform GetSize in run ~size:(size + 1) @@ fun () -> k size let level_to_index lvl = let size = Effect.perform GetSize in size - lvl - 1
#lang racket (require redex "dtr-lang.rkt" "dtr-scope.rkt" "dtr-subst.rkt" "dtr-subtype.rkt" "dtr-elim.rkt" "utils.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; Types of primitives (define-metafunction DTR δ-τ : p -> ([x : τ] → τ (ψ ∣ ψ)) [(δ-τ int?) ([x : ⊤] → Bool ((x ~ Int) ∣ (x ¬ Int)))] [(δ-τ bool?) ([x : ⊤] → Bool ((x ~ Bool) ∣ (x ¬ Bool)))] [(δ-τ +) ([x : Int] [y : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (x ⊕ y))} (tt ∣ ff))] [(δ-τ <=) ([x : Int] [y : Int] → Bool ((x ≤ y) ∣ (> x y)))] [(δ-τ [× n]) ([x : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (n ⊗ x))} (tt ∣ ff))]) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; Well-formedness under an environment (Δ) (define-relation DTR well-formed ⊆ Δ × any [(well-formed Δ any) (side-condition (subset? (term (fv any)) (term (fv Δ))))]) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; Well-Typed judgement (simplified -- type only, ignores propositions) (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (wt-τ I I O) #:contract (wt-τ Δ e τ) [(wt Δ e τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) ---------------- (wt-τ Δ e τ)]) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; Well-Typed judgement (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (wt I I O O) #:contract (wt Δ e τ (ψ ∣ ψ)) [(where/hidden x ,(variable-not-in (list) (x-sym))) ---------------- "T-Int" (wt Δ n {x : Int ∣ (= x n)} (tt ∣ ff))] [---------------- "T-True" (wt Δ #t ♯T (tt ∣ ff))] [---------------- "T-False" (wt Δ #f ♯F (ff ∣ tt))] [---------------- "T-Prim" (wt Δ p (δ-τ p) (tt ∣ ff))] [(where/hidden y ,(variable-not-in (term x) (y-sym))) (where τ (lookup x Γ)) ---------------- "T-Var" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] x {y : τ ∣ (y ⇒ x)} (tt ∣ ff))] [; (well-formed Δ (λ ([x : σ] ...) e)) needed? <TODO> (where (y ...) ,(variables-not-in (term [Φ Γ Ψ]) (term (x ...)))) (wt [Φ (ext Γ (y : σ) ...) Ψ] e τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) --------------------------------------------- "T-Lambda" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] (λ ([x : σ] ...) e) ([y : σ] ... → τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) (tt ∣ ff))] [; (well-formed Δ (e_f e_a ...) <TODO>? ; does type-of guarantee type has fresh vars in function type? <TODO> (wt-τ Δ e_f ([x : σ_f] ... → τ_f (ψ_f+ ∣ ψ_f-))) (wt-τ Δ e_a σ) ... (subtype Δ σ σ_f) ... < hidden - particulars > ∃τ , ψ_+ , and ψ_- (where/hidden [Φ Γ Ψ] Δ) (where/hidden τ (elim-ids Φ Γ τ_f (x ...))) (where/hidden ψ_+ (elim-ids Φ Γ ψ_f+ (x ...))) (where/hidden ψ_- (elim-ids Φ Γ ψ_f- (x ...))) ;; </hidden-particulars> such that (proves (ext Δ ψ_f+ (x ~ σ) ...) ψ_+) (proves (ext Δ ψ_f- (x ~ σ) ...) ψ_-) (subtype (ext Δ (x ~ σ) ...) τ_f τ) (well-formed Δ (τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))) ------------------------------ "T-App" (wt Δ (e_f e_a ...) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))] [(wt Δ e_1 τ_1 (ψ_1+ ∣ ψ_1-)) (wt (ext Δ ψ_1+) e_2 τ_2 (ψ_2+ ∣ ψ_2-)) (wt (ext Δ ψ_1-) e_3 τ_3 (ψ_3+ ∣ ψ_3-)) < hidden - particulars > ∃τ (where/hidden τ (Un τ_2 τ_3)) ;; </hidden-particulars> such that (subtype Δ τ_2 τ) (subtype Δ τ_3 τ) (where ψ_+ ((ψ_1+ ∧ ψ_2+) ∨ (ψ_1- ∧ ψ_3+))) (where ψ_- ((ψ_1+ ∧ ψ_2-) ∨ (ψ_1- ∧ ψ_3-))) --------------- "T-If" (wt Δ (if e_1 e_2 e_3) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))] [(wt [Φ Γ Ψ] e_1 τ_1 (ψ_1+ ∣ ψ_1-)) (where Γ_2 ((x : τ_1) · Γ)) (where Ψ_2 ((IF (x ¬ ♯f) ψ_1+ ψ_1-) · Ψ)) (wt [Φ Γ_2 Ψ_2] e_2 τ_2 (ψ_2+ ∣ ψ_2-)) < hidden - particulars > ∃τ , ψ_+ , and ψ_- (where/hidden ψ_let (IF (x ¬ ♯f) ψ_1+ ψ_1-)) (where/hidden τ (elim-ids Φ Γ τ_2 (x))) (where/hidden ψ_+ (elim-ids Φ Γ (ψ_let ∧ ψ_2+) (x))) (where/hidden ψ_- (elim-ids Φ Γ (ψ_let ∧ ψ_2-) (x))) ;; </hidden-particulars> such that (proves [Φ Γ_2 (ψ_2+ · Ψ_2)] ψ_+) (proves [Φ Γ_2 (ψ_2- · Ψ_2)] ψ_-) (subtype [Φ Γ_2 Ψ_2] τ_2 τ) (well-formed [Φ Γ Ψ] (τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))) --------------- "T-Let" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] (let (x e_1) e_2) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))]) ;; judgments for testing ;; types-at tests for exactly 1 particular type (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-at I I) #:contract (types-at e τ) [(wt-τ mt-Δ e τ_e) (subtype mt-Δ τ_e τ) (subtype mt-Δ τ τ_e) ---------------- (types-at e τ)]) ;; types-at/Δ tests for exactly 1 particular type under Δ (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-at/Δ<: I I I) #:contract (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ) [(wt-τ Δ e τ_e) (subtype Δ τ_e τ) ---------------- (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ)]) ;; types-under ;; checks it is <: the given type (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-under I I) #:contract (types-under e τ) [(wt-τ mt-Δ e τ_e) (subtype mt-Δ τ_e τ) ---------------- (types-under e τ)]) ;; testing macros ;; e is well-typed exactly at type τ (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-at e τ)))) ;; e is well-typed as a subtype of τ (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed<: e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-under e τ)))) ;; e is well-typed as a subtype of τ (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed/Δ<: Δ e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ)))) ;; e is not ill-typed (define-syntax-rule (test*-ill-typed e) (test-false (judgment-holds (wt-τ mt-Δ e τ)))) (module+ test ;; ints (test*-well-typed<: 42 Int) (test*-well-typed 42 {i : Int ∣ (= i 42)}) ;; booleans (test*-well-typed #t ♯T) (test*-well-typed #f ♯F) ;; prims (test*-well-typed int? ([z : ⊤] → Bool ((z ~ Int) ∣ (z ¬ Int)))) (test*-well-typed [× 42] ([q : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (42 ⊗ q))} (tt ∣ ff))) ;; var (test*-ill-typed x) (test*-well-typed/Δ<: (Γ: (x : Int)) x Int) ;; function (test*-well-typed (λ () #t) (→ ♯T (tt ∣ ff))) (test*-well-typed (λ ([x : ⊤]) #t) ([y : ⊤] → ♯T (tt ∣ ff))) (test*-well-typed (λ ([x : ⊤] [y : ⊤]) #f) ([y : ⊤] [z : ⊤] → ♯F (ff ∣ tt))) )
---------------------------------------------------------- Types of primitives ---------------------------------------------------------- Well-formedness under an environment (Δ) ---------------------------------------------------------- Well-Typed judgement (simplified -- type only, ignores propositions) ---------------------------------------------------------- Well-Typed judgement (well-formed Δ (λ ([x : σ] ...) e)) needed? <TODO> (well-formed Δ (e_f e_a ...) <TODO>? does type-of guarantee type has fresh vars in function type? <TODO> </hidden-particulars> such that </hidden-particulars> such that </hidden-particulars> such that judgments for testing types-at types-at/Δ types-under checks it is <: the given type testing macros e is well-typed exactly at type τ e is well-typed as a subtype of τ e is well-typed as a subtype of τ e is not ill-typed ints booleans prims var function
#lang racket (require redex "dtr-lang.rkt" "dtr-scope.rkt" "dtr-subst.rkt" "dtr-subtype.rkt" "dtr-elim.rkt" "utils.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define-metafunction DTR δ-τ : p -> ([x : τ] → τ (ψ ∣ ψ)) [(δ-τ int?) ([x : ⊤] → Bool ((x ~ Int) ∣ (x ¬ Int)))] [(δ-τ bool?) ([x : ⊤] → Bool ((x ~ Bool) ∣ (x ¬ Bool)))] [(δ-τ +) ([x : Int] [y : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (x ⊕ y))} (tt ∣ ff))] [(δ-τ <=) ([x : Int] [y : Int] → Bool ((x ≤ y) ∣ (> x y)))] [(δ-τ [× n]) ([x : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (n ⊗ x))} (tt ∣ ff))]) (define-relation DTR well-formed ⊆ Δ × any [(well-formed Δ any) (side-condition (subset? (term (fv any)) (term (fv Δ))))]) (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (wt-τ I I O) #:contract (wt-τ Δ e τ) [(wt Δ e τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) ---------------- (wt-τ Δ e τ)]) (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (wt I I O O) #:contract (wt Δ e τ (ψ ∣ ψ)) [(where/hidden x ,(variable-not-in (list) (x-sym))) ---------------- "T-Int" (wt Δ n {x : Int ∣ (= x n)} (tt ∣ ff))] [---------------- "T-True" (wt Δ #t ♯T (tt ∣ ff))] [---------------- "T-False" (wt Δ #f ♯F (ff ∣ tt))] [---------------- "T-Prim" (wt Δ p (δ-τ p) (tt ∣ ff))] [(where/hidden y ,(variable-not-in (term x) (y-sym))) (where τ (lookup x Γ)) ---------------- "T-Var" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] x {y : τ ∣ (y ⇒ x)} (tt ∣ ff))] (where (y ...) ,(variables-not-in (term [Φ Γ Ψ]) (term (x ...)))) (wt [Φ (ext Γ (y : σ) ...) Ψ] e τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) --------------------------------------------- "T-Lambda" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] (λ ([x : σ] ...) e) ([y : σ] ... → τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-)) (tt ∣ ff))] (wt-τ Δ e_f ([x : σ_f] ... → τ_f (ψ_f+ ∣ ψ_f-))) (wt-τ Δ e_a σ) ... (subtype Δ σ σ_f) ... < hidden - particulars > ∃τ , ψ_+ , and ψ_- (where/hidden [Φ Γ Ψ] Δ) (where/hidden τ (elim-ids Φ Γ τ_f (x ...))) (where/hidden ψ_+ (elim-ids Φ Γ ψ_f+ (x ...))) (where/hidden ψ_- (elim-ids Φ Γ ψ_f- (x ...))) (proves (ext Δ ψ_f+ (x ~ σ) ...) ψ_+) (proves (ext Δ ψ_f- (x ~ σ) ...) ψ_-) (subtype (ext Δ (x ~ σ) ...) τ_f τ) (well-formed Δ (τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))) ------------------------------ "T-App" (wt Δ (e_f e_a ...) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))] [(wt Δ e_1 τ_1 (ψ_1+ ∣ ψ_1-)) (wt (ext Δ ψ_1+) e_2 τ_2 (ψ_2+ ∣ ψ_2-)) (wt (ext Δ ψ_1-) e_3 τ_3 (ψ_3+ ∣ ψ_3-)) < hidden - particulars > ∃τ (where/hidden τ (Un τ_2 τ_3)) (subtype Δ τ_2 τ) (subtype Δ τ_3 τ) (where ψ_+ ((ψ_1+ ∧ ψ_2+) ∨ (ψ_1- ∧ ψ_3+))) (where ψ_- ((ψ_1+ ∧ ψ_2-) ∨ (ψ_1- ∧ ψ_3-))) --------------- "T-If" (wt Δ (if e_1 e_2 e_3) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))] [(wt [Φ Γ Ψ] e_1 τ_1 (ψ_1+ ∣ ψ_1-)) (where Γ_2 ((x : τ_1) · Γ)) (where Ψ_2 ((IF (x ¬ ♯f) ψ_1+ ψ_1-) · Ψ)) (wt [Φ Γ_2 Ψ_2] e_2 τ_2 (ψ_2+ ∣ ψ_2-)) < hidden - particulars > ∃τ , ψ_+ , and ψ_- (where/hidden ψ_let (IF (x ¬ ♯f) ψ_1+ ψ_1-)) (where/hidden τ (elim-ids Φ Γ τ_2 (x))) (where/hidden ψ_+ (elim-ids Φ Γ (ψ_let ∧ ψ_2+) (x))) (where/hidden ψ_- (elim-ids Φ Γ (ψ_let ∧ ψ_2-) (x))) (proves [Φ Γ_2 (ψ_2+ · Ψ_2)] ψ_+) (proves [Φ Γ_2 (ψ_2- · Ψ_2)] ψ_-) (subtype [Φ Γ_2 Ψ_2] τ_2 τ) (well-formed [Φ Γ Ψ] (τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))) --------------- "T-Let" (wt [Φ Γ Ψ] (let (x e_1) e_2) τ (ψ_+ ∣ ψ_-))]) tests for exactly 1 particular type (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-at I I) #:contract (types-at e τ) [(wt-τ mt-Δ e τ_e) (subtype mt-Δ τ_e τ) (subtype mt-Δ τ τ_e) ---------------- (types-at e τ)]) tests for exactly 1 particular type under Δ (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-at/Δ<: I I I) #:contract (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ) [(wt-τ Δ e τ_e) (subtype Δ τ_e τ) ---------------- (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ)]) (define-judgment-form DTR #:mode (types-under I I) #:contract (types-under e τ) [(wt-τ mt-Δ e τ_e) (subtype mt-Δ τ_e τ) ---------------- (types-under e τ)]) (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-at e τ)))) (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed<: e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-under e τ)))) (define-syntax-rule (test*-well-typed/Δ<: Δ e τ) (test-true (judgment-holds (types-at/Δ<: Δ e τ)))) (define-syntax-rule (test*-ill-typed e) (test-false (judgment-holds (wt-τ mt-Δ e τ)))) (module+ test (test*-well-typed<: 42 Int) (test*-well-typed 42 {i : Int ∣ (= i 42)}) (test*-well-typed #t ♯T) (test*-well-typed #f ♯F) (test*-well-typed int? ([z : ⊤] → Bool ((z ~ Int) ∣ (z ¬ Int)))) (test*-well-typed [× 42] ([q : Int] → {i : Int ∣ (= i (42 ⊗ q))} (tt ∣ ff))) (test*-ill-typed x) (test*-well-typed/Δ<: (Γ: (x : Int)) x Int) (test*-well-typed (λ () #t) (→ ♯T (tt ∣ ff))) (test*-well-typed (λ ([x : ⊤]) #t) ([y : ⊤] → ♯T (tt ∣ ff))) (test*-well-typed (λ ([x : ⊤] [y : ⊤]) #f) ([y : ⊤] [z : ⊤] → ♯F (ff ∣ tt))) )
%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008 - 2020 . All Rights Reserved . %% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT -module(wxTextCtrl). -include("wxe.hrl"). -export([appendText/2,canCopy/1,canCut/1,canPaste/1,canRedo/1,canUndo/1,changeValue/2, clear/1,copy/1,create/3,create/4,cut/1,destroy/1,discardEdits/1,emulateKeyPress/2, getDefaultStyle/1,getInsertionPoint/1,getLastPosition/1,getLineLength/2, getLineText/2,getNumberOfLines/1,getRange/3,getSelection/1,getStringSelection/1, getStyle/3,getValue/1,isEditable/1,isModified/1,isMultiLine/1,isSingleLine/1, loadFile/2,loadFile/3,markDirty/1,new/0,new/2,new/3,paste/1,positionToXY/2, redo/1,remove/3,replace/4,saveFile/1,saveFile/2,setDefaultStyle/2,setEditable/2, setInsertionPoint/2,setInsertionPointEnd/1,setMaxLength/2,setSelection/3, setStyle/4,setValue/2,showPosition/2,undo/1,writeText/2,xYToPosition/3]). %% inherited exports -export([cacheBestSize/2,canSetTransparent/1,captureMouse/1,center/1,center/2, centerOnParent/1,centerOnParent/2,centre/1,centre/2,centreOnParent/1, centreOnParent/2,clearBackground/1,clientToScreen/2,clientToScreen/3, close/1,close/2,connect/2,connect/3,convertDialogToPixels/2,convertPixelsToDialog/2, destroyChildren/1,disable/1,disconnect/1,disconnect/2,disconnect/3, dragAcceptFiles/2,enable/1,enable/2,findWindow/2,fit/1,fitInside/1, freeze/1,getAcceleratorTable/1,getBackgroundColour/1,getBackgroundStyle/1, getBestSize/1,getCaret/1,getCharHeight/1,getCharWidth/1,getChildren/1, getClientSize/1,getContainingSizer/1,getContentScaleFactor/1,getCursor/1, getDPI/1,getDPIScaleFactor/1,getDropTarget/1,getExtraStyle/1,getFont/1, getForegroundColour/1,getGrandParent/1,getHandle/1,getHelpText/1, getId/1,getLabel/1,getMaxSize/1,getMinSize/1,getName/1,getParent/1, getPosition/1,getRect/1,getScreenPosition/1,getScreenRect/1,getScrollPos/2, getScrollRange/2,getScrollThumb/2,getSize/1,getSizer/1,getTextExtent/2, getTextExtent/3,getThemeEnabled/1,getToolTip/1,getUpdateRegion/1, getVirtualSize/1,getWindowStyleFlag/1,getWindowVariant/1,hasCapture/1, hasScrollbar/2,hasTransparentBackground/1,hide/1,inheritAttributes/1, initDialog/1,invalidateBestSize/1,isDoubleBuffered/1,isEnabled/1, isExposed/2,isExposed/3,isExposed/5,isFrozen/1,isRetained/1,isShown/1, isShownOnScreen/1,isTopLevel/1,layout/1,lineDown/1,lineUp/1,lower/1, move/2,move/3,move/4,moveAfterInTabOrder/2,moveBeforeInTabOrder/2, navigate/1,navigate/2,pageDown/1,pageUp/1,parent_class/1,popupMenu/2, popupMenu/3,popupMenu/4,raise/1,refresh/1,refresh/2,refreshRect/2,refreshRect/3, releaseMouse/1,removeChild/2,reparent/2,screenToClient/1,screenToClient/2, scrollLines/2,scrollPages/2,scrollWindow/3,scrollWindow/4,setAcceleratorTable/2, setAutoLayout/2,setBackgroundColour/2,setBackgroundStyle/2,setCaret/2, setClientSize/2,setClientSize/3,setContainingSizer/2,setCursor/2, setDoubleBuffered/2,setDropTarget/2,setExtraStyle/2,setFocus/1,setFocusFromKbd/1, setFont/2,setForegroundColour/2,setHelpText/2,setId/2,setLabel/2,setMaxSize/2, setMinSize/2,setName/2,setOwnBackgroundColour/2,setOwnFont/2,setOwnForegroundColour/2, setPalette/2,setScrollPos/3,setScrollPos/4,setScrollbar/5,setScrollbar/6, setSize/2,setSize/3,setSize/5,setSize/6,setSizeHints/2,setSizeHints/3, setSizeHints/4,setSizer/2,setSizer/3,setSizerAndFit/2,setSizerAndFit/3, setThemeEnabled/2,setToolTip/2,setTransparent/2,setVirtualSize/2, setVirtualSize/3,setWindowStyle/2,setWindowStyleFlag/2,setWindowVariant/2, shouldInheritColours/1,show/1,show/2,thaw/1,transferDataFromWindow/1, transferDataToWindow/1,update/1,updateWindowUI/1,updateWindowUI/2, validate/1,warpPointer/3]). -type wxTextCtrl() :: wx:wx_object(). -export_type([wxTextCtrl/0]). %% @hidden parent_class(wxControl) -> true; parent_class(wxWindow) -> true; parent_class(wxEvtHandler) -> true; parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwxtextctrl">external documentation</a>. -spec new() -> wxTextCtrl(). new() -> wxe_util:queue_cmd(?get_env(), ?wxTextCtrl_new_0), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_new_0). @equiv new(Parent , Id , [ ] ) -spec new(Parent, Id) -> wxTextCtrl() when Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(). new(Parent,Id) when is_record(Parent, wx_ref),is_integer(Id) -> new(Parent,Id, []). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwxtextctrl">external documentation</a>. -spec new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxTextCtrl() when Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(), Option :: {'value', unicode:chardata()} | {'pos', {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {'size', {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {'style', integer()} | {'validator', wx:wx_object()}. new(#wx_ref{type=ParentT}=Parent,Id, Options) when is_integer(Id),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ParentT,wxWindow), MOpts = fun({value, Value}) -> Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value),{value,Value_UC}; ({pos, {_posX,_posY}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({size, {_sizeW,_sizeH}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({style, _style} = Arg) -> Arg; ({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT}} = Arg) -> ?CLASS(ValidatorT,wx),Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(Parent,Id, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_new_3), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_new_3). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlappendtext">external documentation</a>. -spec appendText(This, Text) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Text::unicode:chardata(). appendText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Text) when ?is_chardata(Text) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Text_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Text), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Text_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_AppendText). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcancopy">external documentation</a>. -spec canCopy(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canCopy(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanCopy), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanCopy). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcancut">external documentation</a>. -spec canCut(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canCut(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanCut), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanCut). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanpaste">external documentation</a>. -spec canPaste(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canPaste(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanPaste), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanPaste). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanredo">external documentation</a>. -spec canRedo(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canRedo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanRedo), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanRedo). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanundo">external documentation</a>. -spec canUndo(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canUndo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanUndo), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanUndo). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlclear">external documentation</a>. -spec clear(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). clear(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Clear). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcopy">external documentation</a>. -spec copy(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). copy(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Copy). %% @equiv create(This,Parent,Id, []) -spec create(This, Parent, Id) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(). create(This,Parent,Id) when is_record(This, wx_ref),is_record(Parent, wx_ref),is_integer(Id) -> create(This,Parent,Id, []). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcreate">external documentation</a>. -spec create(This, Parent, Id, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(), Option :: {'value', unicode:chardata()} | {'pos', {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {'size', {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {'style', integer()} | {'validator', wx:wx_object()}. create(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=ParentT}=Parent,Id, Options) when is_integer(Id),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(ParentT,wxWindow), MOpts = fun({value, Value}) -> Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value),{value,Value_UC}; ({pos, {_posX,_posY}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({size, {_sizeW,_sizeH}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({style, _style} = Arg) -> Arg; ({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT}} = Arg) -> ?CLASS(ValidatorT,wx),Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Parent,Id, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Create), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_Create). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcut">external documentation</a>. -spec cut(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). cut(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Cut). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrldiscardedits">external documentation</a>. -spec discardEdits(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). discardEdits(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_DiscardEdits). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlchangevalue">external documentation</a>. -spec changeValue(This, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Value::unicode:chardata(). changeValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Value) when ?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_ChangeValue). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlemulatekeypress">external documentation</a > . -spec emulateKeyPress(This, Event) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Event::wxKeyEvent:wxKeyEvent(). emulateKeyPress(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=EventT}=Event) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(EventT,wxKeyEvent), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Event,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetdefaultstyle">external documentation</a>. -spec getDefaultStyle(This) -> wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getDefaultStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetinsertionpoint">external documentation</a>. -spec getInsertionPoint(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getInsertionPoint(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlastposition">external documentation</a>. -spec getLastPosition(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getLastPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlinelength">external documentation</a>. -spec getLineLength(This, LineNo) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(), LineNo::integer(). getLineLength(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,LineNo) when is_integer(LineNo) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,LineNo,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlinetext">external documentation</a>. -spec getLineText(This, LineNo) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(), LineNo::integer(). getLineText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,LineNo) when is_integer(LineNo) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,LineNo,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLineText), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLineText). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetnumberoflines">external documentation</a>. -spec getNumberOfLines(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getNumberOfLines(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetrange">external documentation</a>. -spec getRange(This, From, To) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). getRange(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetRange), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetRange). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetselection">external documentation</a>. -spec getSelection(This) -> {From::integer(), To::integer()} when This::wxTextCtrl(). getSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetSelection), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetSelection). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetstringselection">external documentation</a>. -spec getStringSelection(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getStringSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetstyle">external documentation</a>. -spec getStyle(This, Position, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Position::integer(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). getStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Position,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) when is_integer(Position) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Position,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetStyle). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetvalue">external documentation</a>. -spec getValue(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetValue), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetValue). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrliseditable">external documentation</a>. -spec isEditable(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isEditable(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsEditable), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsEditable). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlismodified">external documentation</a>. -spec isModified(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isModified(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsModified), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsModified). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlismultiline">external documentation</a > . -spec isMultiLine(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isMultiLine(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlissingleline">external documentation</a>. -spec isSingleLine(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isSingleLine(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine). %% @equiv loadFile(This,Filename, []) -spec loadFile(This, Filename) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Filename::unicode:chardata(). loadFile(This,Filename) when is_record(This, wx_ref),?is_chardata(Filename) -> loadFile(This,Filename, []). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlloadfile">external documentation</a>. -spec loadFile(This, Filename, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Filename::unicode:chardata(), Option :: {'fileType', integer()}. loadFile(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Filename, Options) when ?is_chardata(Filename),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Filename_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Filename), MOpts = fun({fileType, _fileType} = Arg) -> Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Filename_UC, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_LoadFile), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_LoadFile). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlmarkdirty">external documentation</a>. -spec markDirty(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). markDirty(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_MarkDirty). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlpaste">external documentation</a > . -spec paste(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). paste(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Paste). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlpositiontoxy">external documentation</a>. -spec positionToXY(This, Pos) -> Result when Result ::{Res ::boolean(), X::integer(), Y::integer()}, This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). positionToXY(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlredo">external documentation</a>. -spec redo(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). redo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Redo). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlremove">external documentation</a>. -spec remove(This, From, To) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). remove(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Remove). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlreplace">external documentation</a>. -spec replace(This, From, To, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(), Value::unicode:chardata(). replace(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To,Value) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To),?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Replace). %% @equiv saveFile(This, []) -spec saveFile(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). saveFile(This) when is_record(This, wx_ref) -> saveFile(This, []). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsavefile">external documentation</a>. -spec saveFile(This, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Option :: {'file', unicode:chardata()} | {'fileType', integer()}. saveFile(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This, Options) when is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), MOpts = fun({file, File}) -> File_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(File),{file,File_UC}; ({fileType, _fileType} = Arg) -> Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SaveFile), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SaveFile). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetdefaultstyle">external documentation</a>. -spec setDefaultStyle(This, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). setDefaultStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlseteditable">external documentation</a>. -spec setEditable(This, Editable) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Editable::boolean(). setEditable(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Editable) when is_boolean(Editable) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Editable,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetEditable). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetinsertionpoint">external documentation</a>. -spec setInsertionPoint(This, Pos) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). setInsertionPoint(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPoint). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetinsertionpointend">external documentation</a>. -spec setInsertionPointEnd(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). setInsertionPointEnd(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPointEnd). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetmaxlength">external documentation</a>. -spec setMaxLength(This, Len) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Len::integer(). setMaxLength(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Len) when is_integer(Len) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Len,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetselection">external documentation</a>. -spec setSelection(This, From, To) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). setSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetSelection). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetstyle">external documentation</a>. -spec setStyle(This, Start, End, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Start::integer(), End::integer(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). setStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Start,End,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) when is_integer(Start),is_integer(End) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Start,End,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SetStyle). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetvalue">external documentation</a>. -spec setValue(This, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Value::unicode:chardata(). setValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Value) when ?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetValue). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlshowposition">external documentation</a>. -spec showPosition(This, Pos) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). showPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_ShowPosition). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlundo">external documentation</a>. -spec undo(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). undo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Undo). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwritetext">external documentation</a>. -spec writeText(This, Text) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Text::unicode:chardata(). writeText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Text) when ?is_chardata(Text) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Text_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Text), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Text_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_WriteText). %% @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlxytoposition">external documentation</a>. -spec xYToPosition(This, X, Y) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(), X::integer(), Y::integer(). xYToPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,X,Y) when is_integer(X),is_integer(Y) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,X,Y,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition). %% @doc Destroys this object, do not use object again -spec destroy(This::wxTextCtrl()) -> 'ok'. destroy(Obj=#wx_ref{type=Type}) -> ?CLASS(Type,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(Obj, ?get_env(), ?DESTROY_OBJECT), ok. %% From wxControl %% @hidden setLabel(This,Label) -> wxControl:setLabel(This,Label). %% @hidden getLabel(This) -> wxControl:getLabel(This). %% From wxWindow %% @hidden getDPI(This) -> wxWindow:getDPI(This). %% @hidden getContentScaleFactor(This) -> wxWindow:getContentScaleFactor(This). %% @hidden setDoubleBuffered(This,On) -> wxWindow:setDoubleBuffered(This,On). %% @hidden isDoubleBuffered(This) -> wxWindow:isDoubleBuffered(This). %% @hidden canSetTransparent(This) -> wxWindow:canSetTransparent(This). %% @hidden setTransparent(This,Alpha) -> wxWindow:setTransparent(This,Alpha). %% @hidden warpPointer(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:warpPointer(This,X,Y). %% @hidden validate(This) -> wxWindow:validate(This). %% @hidden updateWindowUI(This, Options) -> wxWindow:updateWindowUI(This, Options). %% @hidden updateWindowUI(This) -> wxWindow:updateWindowUI(This). %% @hidden update(This) -> wxWindow:update(This). %% @hidden transferDataToWindow(This) -> wxWindow:transferDataToWindow(This). %% @hidden transferDataFromWindow(This) -> wxWindow:transferDataFromWindow(This). %% @hidden thaw(This) -> wxWindow:thaw(This). %% @hidden show(This, Options) -> wxWindow:show(This, Options). %% @hidden show(This) -> wxWindow:show(This). %% @hidden shouldInheritColours(This) -> wxWindow:shouldInheritColours(This). %% @hidden setWindowVariant(This,Variant) -> wxWindow:setWindowVariant(This,Variant). %% @hidden setWindowStyleFlag(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setWindowStyleFlag(This,Style). %% @hidden setWindowStyle(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setWindowStyle(This,Style). %% @hidden setVirtualSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setVirtualSize(This,Width,Height). %% @hidden setVirtualSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setVirtualSize(This,Size). %% @hidden setToolTip(This,TipString) -> wxWindow:setToolTip(This,TipString). %% @hidden setThemeEnabled(This,Enable) -> wxWindow:setThemeEnabled(This,Enable). %% @hidden setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer, Options). %% @hidden setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer). %% @hidden setSizer(This,Sizer, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizer(This,Sizer, Options). %% @hidden setSizer(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setSizer(This,Sizer). %% @hidden setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH, Options). %% @hidden setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH). %% @hidden setSizeHints(This,MinSize) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinSize). %% @hidden setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height, Options) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height, Options). %% @hidden setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height). %% @hidden setSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,Width,Height). %% @hidden setSize(This,Rect) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,Rect). %% @hidden setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos, Options) -> wxWindow:setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos, Options). %% @hidden setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos) -> wxWindow:setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos). %% @hidden setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range, Options) -> wxWindow:setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range, Options). %% @hidden setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range) -> wxWindow:setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range). %% @hidden setPalette(This,Pal) -> wxWindow:setPalette(This,Pal). %% @hidden setName(This,Name) -> wxWindow:setName(This,Name). %% @hidden setId(This,Winid) -> wxWindow:setId(This,Winid). %% @hidden setHelpText(This,HelpText) -> wxWindow:setHelpText(This,HelpText). %% @hidden setForegroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setForegroundColour(This,Colour). %% @hidden setFont(This,Font) -> wxWindow:setFont(This,Font). %% @hidden setFocusFromKbd(This) -> wxWindow:setFocusFromKbd(This). %% @hidden setFocus(This) -> wxWindow:setFocus(This). %% @hidden setExtraStyle(This,ExStyle) -> wxWindow:setExtraStyle(This,ExStyle). %% @hidden setDropTarget(This,Target) -> wxWindow:setDropTarget(This,Target). %% @hidden setOwnForegroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setOwnForegroundColour(This,Colour). %% @hidden setOwnFont(This,Font) -> wxWindow:setOwnFont(This,Font). %% @hidden setOwnBackgroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setOwnBackgroundColour(This,Colour). %% @hidden setMinSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setMinSize(This,Size). %% @hidden setMaxSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setMaxSize(This,Size). %% @hidden setCursor(This,Cursor) -> wxWindow:setCursor(This,Cursor). %% @hidden setContainingSizer(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setContainingSizer(This,Sizer). %% @hidden setClientSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setClientSize(This,Width,Height). %% @hidden setClientSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setClientSize(This,Size). %% @hidden setCaret(This,Caret) -> wxWindow:setCaret(This,Caret). %% @hidden setBackgroundStyle(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setBackgroundStyle(This,Style). %% @hidden setBackgroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(This,Colour). %% @hidden setAutoLayout(This,AutoLayout) -> wxWindow:setAutoLayout(This,AutoLayout). %% @hidden setAcceleratorTable(This,Accel) -> wxWindow:setAcceleratorTable(This,Accel). %% @hidden scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy, Options) -> wxWindow:scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy, Options). %% @hidden scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy) -> wxWindow:scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy). %% @hidden scrollPages(This,Pages) -> wxWindow:scrollPages(This,Pages). %% @hidden scrollLines(This,Lines) -> wxWindow:scrollLines(This,Lines). %% @hidden screenToClient(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:screenToClient(This,Pt). %% @hidden screenToClient(This) -> wxWindow:screenToClient(This). %% @hidden reparent(This,NewParent) -> wxWindow:reparent(This,NewParent). %% @hidden removeChild(This,Child) -> wxWindow:removeChild(This,Child). %% @hidden releaseMouse(This) -> wxWindow:releaseMouse(This). %% @hidden refreshRect(This,Rect, Options) -> wxWindow:refreshRect(This,Rect, Options). %% @hidden refreshRect(This,Rect) -> wxWindow:refreshRect(This,Rect). %% @hidden refresh(This, Options) -> wxWindow:refresh(This, Options). %% @hidden refresh(This) -> wxWindow:refresh(This). %% @hidden raise(This) -> wxWindow:raise(This). %% @hidden popupMenu(This,Menu,X,Y) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu,X,Y). %% @hidden popupMenu(This,Menu, Options) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu, Options). %% @hidden popupMenu(This,Menu) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu). %% @hidden pageUp(This) -> wxWindow:pageUp(This). %% @hidden pageDown(This) -> wxWindow:pageDown(This). %% @hidden navigate(This, Options) -> wxWindow:navigate(This, Options). %% @hidden navigate(This) -> wxWindow:navigate(This). %% @hidden moveBeforeInTabOrder(This,Win) -> wxWindow:moveBeforeInTabOrder(This,Win). %% @hidden moveAfterInTabOrder(This,Win) -> wxWindow:moveAfterInTabOrder(This,Win). %% @hidden move(This,X,Y, Options) -> wxWindow:move(This,X,Y, Options). %% @hidden move(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:move(This,X,Y). %% @hidden move(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:move(This,Pt). %% @hidden lower(This) -> wxWindow:lower(This). %% @hidden lineUp(This) -> wxWindow:lineUp(This). %% @hidden lineDown(This) -> wxWindow:lineDown(This). %% @hidden layout(This) -> wxWindow:layout(This). %% @hidden isShownOnScreen(This) -> wxWindow:isShownOnScreen(This). %% @hidden isTopLevel(This) -> wxWindow:isTopLevel(This). %% @hidden isShown(This) -> wxWindow:isShown(This). %% @hidden isRetained(This) -> wxWindow:isRetained(This). %% @hidden isExposed(This,X,Y,W,H) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,X,Y,W,H). %% @hidden isExposed(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,X,Y). %% @hidden isExposed(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,Pt). %% @hidden isEnabled(This) -> wxWindow:isEnabled(This). %% @hidden isFrozen(This) -> wxWindow:isFrozen(This). %% @hidden invalidateBestSize(This) -> wxWindow:invalidateBestSize(This). %% @hidden initDialog(This) -> wxWindow:initDialog(This). %% @hidden inheritAttributes(This) -> wxWindow:inheritAttributes(This). %% @hidden hide(This) -> wxWindow:hide(This). %% @hidden hasTransparentBackground(This) -> wxWindow:hasTransparentBackground(This). %% @hidden hasScrollbar(This,Orient) -> wxWindow:hasScrollbar(This,Orient). %% @hidden hasCapture(This) -> wxWindow:hasCapture(This). %% @hidden getWindowVariant(This) -> wxWindow:getWindowVariant(This). %% @hidden getWindowStyleFlag(This) -> wxWindow:getWindowStyleFlag(This). %% @hidden getVirtualSize(This) -> wxWindow:getVirtualSize(This). %% @hidden getUpdateRegion(This) -> wxWindow:getUpdateRegion(This). %% @hidden getToolTip(This) -> wxWindow:getToolTip(This). %% @hidden getThemeEnabled(This) -> wxWindow:getThemeEnabled(This). %% @hidden getTextExtent(This,String, Options) -> wxWindow:getTextExtent(This,String, Options). %% @hidden getTextExtent(This,String) -> wxWindow:getTextExtent(This,String). %% @hidden getSizer(This) -> wxWindow:getSizer(This). %% @hidden getSize(This) -> wxWindow:getSize(This). %% @hidden getScrollThumb(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollThumb(This,Orientation). %% @hidden getScrollRange(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollRange(This,Orientation). %% @hidden getScrollPos(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollPos(This,Orientation). %% @hidden getScreenRect(This) -> wxWindow:getScreenRect(This). %% @hidden getScreenPosition(This) -> wxWindow:getScreenPosition(This). %% @hidden getRect(This) -> wxWindow:getRect(This). %% @hidden getPosition(This) -> wxWindow:getPosition(This). %% @hidden getParent(This) -> wxWindow:getParent(This). %% @hidden getName(This) -> wxWindow:getName(This). %% @hidden getMinSize(This) -> wxWindow:getMinSize(This). %% @hidden getMaxSize(This) -> wxWindow:getMaxSize(This). %% @hidden getId(This) -> wxWindow:getId(This). %% @hidden getHelpText(This) -> wxWindow:getHelpText(This). %% @hidden getHandle(This) -> wxWindow:getHandle(This). %% @hidden getGrandParent(This) -> wxWindow:getGrandParent(This). %% @hidden getForegroundColour(This) -> wxWindow:getForegroundColour(This). %% @hidden getFont(This) -> wxWindow:getFont(This). %% @hidden getExtraStyle(This) -> wxWindow:getExtraStyle(This). %% @hidden getDPIScaleFactor(This) -> wxWindow:getDPIScaleFactor(This). %% @hidden getDropTarget(This) -> wxWindow:getDropTarget(This). %% @hidden getCursor(This) -> wxWindow:getCursor(This). %% @hidden getContainingSizer(This) -> wxWindow:getContainingSizer(This). %% @hidden getClientSize(This) -> wxWindow:getClientSize(This). %% @hidden getChildren(This) -> wxWindow:getChildren(This). %% @hidden getCharWidth(This) -> wxWindow:getCharWidth(This). %% @hidden getCharHeight(This) -> wxWindow:getCharHeight(This). %% @hidden getCaret(This) -> wxWindow:getCaret(This). %% @hidden getBestSize(This) -> wxWindow:getBestSize(This). %% @hidden getBackgroundStyle(This) -> wxWindow:getBackgroundStyle(This). %% @hidden getBackgroundColour(This) -> wxWindow:getBackgroundColour(This). %% @hidden getAcceleratorTable(This) -> wxWindow:getAcceleratorTable(This). %% @hidden freeze(This) -> wxWindow:freeze(This). %% @hidden fitInside(This) -> wxWindow:fitInside(This). %% @hidden fit(This) -> wxWindow:fit(This). %% @hidden findWindow(This,Id) -> wxWindow:findWindow(This,Id). %% @hidden enable(This, Options) -> wxWindow:enable(This, Options). %% @hidden enable(This) -> wxWindow:enable(This). %% @hidden dragAcceptFiles(This,Accept) -> wxWindow:dragAcceptFiles(This,Accept). %% @hidden disable(This) -> wxWindow:disable(This). %% @hidden destroyChildren(This) -> wxWindow:destroyChildren(This). %% @hidden convertPixelsToDialog(This,Sz) -> wxWindow:convertPixelsToDialog(This,Sz). %% @hidden convertDialogToPixels(This,Sz) -> wxWindow:convertDialogToPixels(This,Sz). %% @hidden close(This, Options) -> wxWindow:close(This, Options). %% @hidden close(This) -> wxWindow:close(This). %% @hidden clientToScreen(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:clientToScreen(This,X,Y). %% @hidden clientToScreen(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:clientToScreen(This,Pt). %% @hidden clearBackground(This) -> wxWindow:clearBackground(This). %% @hidden centreOnParent(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centreOnParent(This, Options). %% @hidden centerOnParent(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centerOnParent(This, Options). %% @hidden centreOnParent(This) -> wxWindow:centreOnParent(This). %% @hidden centerOnParent(This) -> wxWindow:centerOnParent(This). %% @hidden centre(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centre(This, Options). %% @hidden center(This, Options) -> wxWindow:center(This, Options). %% @hidden centre(This) -> wxWindow:centre(This). %% @hidden center(This) -> wxWindow:center(This). %% @hidden captureMouse(This) -> wxWindow:captureMouse(This). %% @hidden cacheBestSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:cacheBestSize(This,Size). %% From wxEvtHandler %% @hidden disconnect(This,EventType, Options) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This,EventType, Options). %% @hidden disconnect(This,EventType) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This,EventType). %% @hidden disconnect(This) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This). %% @hidden connect(This,EventType, Options) -> wxEvtHandler:connect(This,EventType, Options). %% @hidden connect(This,EventType) -> wxEvtHandler:connect(This,EventType).
%CopyrightBegin% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. %CopyrightEnd% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT inherited exports @hidden @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwxtextctrl">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwxtextctrl">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlappendtext">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcancopy">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcancut">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanpaste">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanredo">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcanundo">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlclear">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcopy">external documentation</a>. @equiv create(This,Parent,Id, []) @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcreate">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlcut">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrldiscardedits">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlchangevalue">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetdefaultstyle">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetinsertionpoint">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlastposition">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlinelength">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetlinetext">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetnumberoflines">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetrange">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetselection">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetstringselection">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetstyle">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlgetvalue">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrliseditable">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlismodified">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlissingleline">external documentation</a>. @equiv loadFile(This,Filename, []) @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlloadfile">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlmarkdirty">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlpositiontoxy">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlredo">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlremove">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlreplace">external documentation</a>. @equiv saveFile(This, []) @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsavefile">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetdefaultstyle">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlseteditable">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetinsertionpoint">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetinsertionpointend">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetmaxlength">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetselection">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetstyle">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlsetvalue">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlshowposition">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlundo">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlwritetext">external documentation</a>. @doc See <a href="#wxtextctrlxytoposition">external documentation</a>. @doc Destroys this object, do not use object again From wxControl @hidden @hidden From wxWindow @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden From wxEvtHandler @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden @hidden
Copyright Ericsson AB 2008 - 2020 . All Rights Reserved . Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , -module(wxTextCtrl). -include("wxe.hrl"). -export([appendText/2,canCopy/1,canCut/1,canPaste/1,canRedo/1,canUndo/1,changeValue/2, clear/1,copy/1,create/3,create/4,cut/1,destroy/1,discardEdits/1,emulateKeyPress/2, getDefaultStyle/1,getInsertionPoint/1,getLastPosition/1,getLineLength/2, getLineText/2,getNumberOfLines/1,getRange/3,getSelection/1,getStringSelection/1, getStyle/3,getValue/1,isEditable/1,isModified/1,isMultiLine/1,isSingleLine/1, loadFile/2,loadFile/3,markDirty/1,new/0,new/2,new/3,paste/1,positionToXY/2, redo/1,remove/3,replace/4,saveFile/1,saveFile/2,setDefaultStyle/2,setEditable/2, setInsertionPoint/2,setInsertionPointEnd/1,setMaxLength/2,setSelection/3, setStyle/4,setValue/2,showPosition/2,undo/1,writeText/2,xYToPosition/3]). -export([cacheBestSize/2,canSetTransparent/1,captureMouse/1,center/1,center/2, centerOnParent/1,centerOnParent/2,centre/1,centre/2,centreOnParent/1, centreOnParent/2,clearBackground/1,clientToScreen/2,clientToScreen/3, close/1,close/2,connect/2,connect/3,convertDialogToPixels/2,convertPixelsToDialog/2, destroyChildren/1,disable/1,disconnect/1,disconnect/2,disconnect/3, dragAcceptFiles/2,enable/1,enable/2,findWindow/2,fit/1,fitInside/1, freeze/1,getAcceleratorTable/1,getBackgroundColour/1,getBackgroundStyle/1, getBestSize/1,getCaret/1,getCharHeight/1,getCharWidth/1,getChildren/1, getClientSize/1,getContainingSizer/1,getContentScaleFactor/1,getCursor/1, getDPI/1,getDPIScaleFactor/1,getDropTarget/1,getExtraStyle/1,getFont/1, getForegroundColour/1,getGrandParent/1,getHandle/1,getHelpText/1, getId/1,getLabel/1,getMaxSize/1,getMinSize/1,getName/1,getParent/1, getPosition/1,getRect/1,getScreenPosition/1,getScreenRect/1,getScrollPos/2, getScrollRange/2,getScrollThumb/2,getSize/1,getSizer/1,getTextExtent/2, getTextExtent/3,getThemeEnabled/1,getToolTip/1,getUpdateRegion/1, getVirtualSize/1,getWindowStyleFlag/1,getWindowVariant/1,hasCapture/1, hasScrollbar/2,hasTransparentBackground/1,hide/1,inheritAttributes/1, initDialog/1,invalidateBestSize/1,isDoubleBuffered/1,isEnabled/1, isExposed/2,isExposed/3,isExposed/5,isFrozen/1,isRetained/1,isShown/1, isShownOnScreen/1,isTopLevel/1,layout/1,lineDown/1,lineUp/1,lower/1, move/2,move/3,move/4,moveAfterInTabOrder/2,moveBeforeInTabOrder/2, navigate/1,navigate/2,pageDown/1,pageUp/1,parent_class/1,popupMenu/2, popupMenu/3,popupMenu/4,raise/1,refresh/1,refresh/2,refreshRect/2,refreshRect/3, releaseMouse/1,removeChild/2,reparent/2,screenToClient/1,screenToClient/2, scrollLines/2,scrollPages/2,scrollWindow/3,scrollWindow/4,setAcceleratorTable/2, setAutoLayout/2,setBackgroundColour/2,setBackgroundStyle/2,setCaret/2, setClientSize/2,setClientSize/3,setContainingSizer/2,setCursor/2, setDoubleBuffered/2,setDropTarget/2,setExtraStyle/2,setFocus/1,setFocusFromKbd/1, setFont/2,setForegroundColour/2,setHelpText/2,setId/2,setLabel/2,setMaxSize/2, setMinSize/2,setName/2,setOwnBackgroundColour/2,setOwnFont/2,setOwnForegroundColour/2, setPalette/2,setScrollPos/3,setScrollPos/4,setScrollbar/5,setScrollbar/6, setSize/2,setSize/3,setSize/5,setSize/6,setSizeHints/2,setSizeHints/3, setSizeHints/4,setSizer/2,setSizer/3,setSizerAndFit/2,setSizerAndFit/3, setThemeEnabled/2,setToolTip/2,setTransparent/2,setVirtualSize/2, setVirtualSize/3,setWindowStyle/2,setWindowStyleFlag/2,setWindowVariant/2, shouldInheritColours/1,show/1,show/2,thaw/1,transferDataFromWindow/1, transferDataToWindow/1,update/1,updateWindowUI/1,updateWindowUI/2, validate/1,warpPointer/3]). -type wxTextCtrl() :: wx:wx_object(). -export_type([wxTextCtrl/0]). parent_class(wxControl) -> true; parent_class(wxWindow) -> true; parent_class(wxEvtHandler) -> true; parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}). -spec new() -> wxTextCtrl(). new() -> wxe_util:queue_cmd(?get_env(), ?wxTextCtrl_new_0), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_new_0). @equiv new(Parent , Id , [ ] ) -spec new(Parent, Id) -> wxTextCtrl() when Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(). new(Parent,Id) when is_record(Parent, wx_ref),is_integer(Id) -> new(Parent,Id, []). -spec new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxTextCtrl() when Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(), Option :: {'value', unicode:chardata()} | {'pos', {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {'size', {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {'style', integer()} | {'validator', wx:wx_object()}. new(#wx_ref{type=ParentT}=Parent,Id, Options) when is_integer(Id),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ParentT,wxWindow), MOpts = fun({value, Value}) -> Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value),{value,Value_UC}; ({pos, {_posX,_posY}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({size, {_sizeW,_sizeH}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({style, _style} = Arg) -> Arg; ({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT}} = Arg) -> ?CLASS(ValidatorT,wx),Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(Parent,Id, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_new_3), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_new_3). -spec appendText(This, Text) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Text::unicode:chardata(). appendText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Text) when ?is_chardata(Text) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Text_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Text), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Text_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_AppendText). -spec canCopy(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canCopy(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanCopy), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanCopy). -spec canCut(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canCut(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanCut), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanCut). -spec canPaste(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canPaste(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanPaste), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanPaste). -spec canRedo(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canRedo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanRedo), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanRedo). -spec canUndo(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). canUndo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_CanUndo), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_CanUndo). -spec clear(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). clear(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Clear). -spec copy(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). copy(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Copy). -spec create(This, Parent, Id) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(). create(This,Parent,Id) when is_record(This, wx_ref),is_record(Parent, wx_ref),is_integer(Id) -> create(This,Parent,Id, []). -spec create(This, Parent, Id, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Parent::wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id::integer(), Option :: {'value', unicode:chardata()} | {'pos', {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {'size', {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {'style', integer()} | {'validator', wx:wx_object()}. create(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=ParentT}=Parent,Id, Options) when is_integer(Id),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(ParentT,wxWindow), MOpts = fun({value, Value}) -> Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value),{value,Value_UC}; ({pos, {_posX,_posY}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({size, {_sizeW,_sizeH}} = Arg) -> Arg; ({style, _style} = Arg) -> Arg; ({validator, #wx_ref{type=ValidatorT}} = Arg) -> ?CLASS(ValidatorT,wx),Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Parent,Id, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Create), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_Create). -spec cut(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). cut(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Cut). -spec discardEdits(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). discardEdits(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_DiscardEdits). -spec changeValue(This, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Value::unicode:chardata(). changeValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Value) when ?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_ChangeValue). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlemulatekeypress">external documentation</a > . -spec emulateKeyPress(This, Event) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Event::wxKeyEvent:wxKeyEvent(). emulateKeyPress(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=EventT}=Event) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(EventT,wxKeyEvent), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Event,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress). -spec getDefaultStyle(This) -> wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getDefaultStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle). -spec getInsertionPoint(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getInsertionPoint(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint). -spec getLastPosition(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getLastPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition). -spec getLineLength(This, LineNo) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(), LineNo::integer(). getLineLength(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,LineNo) when is_integer(LineNo) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,LineNo,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength). -spec getLineText(This, LineNo) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(), LineNo::integer(). getLineText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,LineNo) when is_integer(LineNo) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,LineNo,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetLineText), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetLineText). -spec getNumberOfLines(This) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getNumberOfLines(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines). -spec getRange(This, From, To) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). getRange(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetRange), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetRange). -spec getSelection(This) -> {From::integer(), To::integer()} when This::wxTextCtrl(). getSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetSelection), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetSelection). -spec getStringSelection(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getStringSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection). -spec getStyle(This, Position, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Position::integer(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). getStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Position,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) when is_integer(Position) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Position,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetStyle). -spec getValue(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This::wxTextCtrl(). getValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_GetValue), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_GetValue). -spec isEditable(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isEditable(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsEditable), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsEditable). -spec isModified(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isModified(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsModified), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsModified). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlismultiline">external documentation</a > . -spec isMultiLine(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isMultiLine(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine). -spec isSingleLine(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). isSingleLine(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine). -spec loadFile(This, Filename) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Filename::unicode:chardata(). loadFile(This,Filename) when is_record(This, wx_ref),?is_chardata(Filename) -> loadFile(This,Filename, []). -spec loadFile(This, Filename, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Filename::unicode:chardata(), Option :: {'fileType', integer()}. loadFile(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Filename, Options) when ?is_chardata(Filename),is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Filename_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Filename), MOpts = fun({fileType, _fileType} = Arg) -> Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Filename_UC, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_LoadFile), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_LoadFile). -spec markDirty(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). markDirty(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_MarkDirty). @doc See < a href=" / manuals/2.8.12 / wx_wxtextctrl.html#wxtextctrlpaste">external documentation</a > . -spec paste(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). paste(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Paste). -spec positionToXY(This, Pos) -> Result when Result ::{Res ::boolean(), X::integer(), Y::integer()}, This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). positionToXY(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY). -spec redo(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). redo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Redo). -spec remove(This, From, To) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). remove(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Remove). -spec replace(This, From, To, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(), Value::unicode:chardata(). replace(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To,Value) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To),?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Replace). -spec saveFile(This) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(). saveFile(This) when is_record(This, wx_ref) -> saveFile(This, []). -spec saveFile(This, [Option]) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Option :: {'file', unicode:chardata()} | {'fileType', integer()}. saveFile(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This, Options) when is_list(Options) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), MOpts = fun({file, File}) -> File_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(File),{file,File_UC}; ({fileType, _fileType} = Arg) -> Arg; (BadOpt) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end, Opts = lists:map(MOpts, Options), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This, Opts,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SaveFile), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SaveFile). -spec setDefaultStyle(This, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). setDefaultStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle). -spec setEditable(This, Editable) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Editable::boolean(). setEditable(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Editable) when is_boolean(Editable) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Editable,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetEditable). -spec setInsertionPoint(This, Pos) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). setInsertionPoint(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPoint). -spec setInsertionPointEnd(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). setInsertionPointEnd(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPointEnd). -spec setMaxLength(This, Len) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Len::integer(). setMaxLength(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Len) when is_integer(Len) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Len,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength). -spec setSelection(This, From, To) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), From::integer(), To::integer(). setSelection(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,From,To) when is_integer(From),is_integer(To) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,From,To,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetSelection). -spec setStyle(This, Start, End, Style) -> boolean() when This::wxTextCtrl(), Start::integer(), End::integer(), Style::wxTextAttr:wxTextAttr(). setStyle(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Start,End,#wx_ref{type=StyleT}=Style) when is_integer(Start),is_integer(End) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), ?CLASS(StyleT,wxTextAttr), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Start,End,Style,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetStyle), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_SetStyle). -spec setValue(This, Value) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Value::unicode:chardata(). setValue(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Value) when ?is_chardata(Value) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Value_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Value), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Value_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_SetValue). -spec showPosition(This, Pos) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Pos::integer(). showPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Pos) when is_integer(Pos) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Pos,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_ShowPosition). -spec undo(This) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(). undo(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_Undo). -spec writeText(This, Text) -> 'ok' when This::wxTextCtrl(), Text::unicode:chardata(). writeText(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,Text) when ?is_chardata(Text) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), Text_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary(Text), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,Text_UC,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_WriteText). -spec xYToPosition(This, X, Y) -> integer() when This::wxTextCtrl(), X::integer(), Y::integer(). xYToPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT}=This,X,Y) when is_integer(X),is_integer(Y) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(This,X,Y,?get_env(),?wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition), wxe_util:rec(?wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition). -spec destroy(This::wxTextCtrl()) -> 'ok'. destroy(Obj=#wx_ref{type=Type}) -> ?CLASS(Type,wxTextCtrl), wxe_util:queue_cmd(Obj, ?get_env(), ?DESTROY_OBJECT), ok. setLabel(This,Label) -> wxControl:setLabel(This,Label). getLabel(This) -> wxControl:getLabel(This). getDPI(This) -> wxWindow:getDPI(This). getContentScaleFactor(This) -> wxWindow:getContentScaleFactor(This). setDoubleBuffered(This,On) -> wxWindow:setDoubleBuffered(This,On). isDoubleBuffered(This) -> wxWindow:isDoubleBuffered(This). canSetTransparent(This) -> wxWindow:canSetTransparent(This). setTransparent(This,Alpha) -> wxWindow:setTransparent(This,Alpha). warpPointer(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:warpPointer(This,X,Y). validate(This) -> wxWindow:validate(This). updateWindowUI(This, Options) -> wxWindow:updateWindowUI(This, Options). updateWindowUI(This) -> wxWindow:updateWindowUI(This). update(This) -> wxWindow:update(This). transferDataToWindow(This) -> wxWindow:transferDataToWindow(This). transferDataFromWindow(This) -> wxWindow:transferDataFromWindow(This). thaw(This) -> wxWindow:thaw(This). show(This, Options) -> wxWindow:show(This, Options). show(This) -> wxWindow:show(This). shouldInheritColours(This) -> wxWindow:shouldInheritColours(This). setWindowVariant(This,Variant) -> wxWindow:setWindowVariant(This,Variant). setWindowStyleFlag(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setWindowStyleFlag(This,Style). setWindowStyle(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setWindowStyle(This,Style). setVirtualSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setVirtualSize(This,Width,Height). setVirtualSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setVirtualSize(This,Size). setToolTip(This,TipString) -> wxWindow:setToolTip(This,TipString). setThemeEnabled(This,Enable) -> wxWindow:setThemeEnabled(This,Enable). setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer, Options). setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(This,Sizer). setSizer(This,Sizer, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizer(This,Sizer, Options). setSizer(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setSizer(This,Sizer). setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH, Options) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH, Options). setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinW,MinH). setSizeHints(This,MinSize) -> wxWindow:setSizeHints(This,MinSize). setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height, Options) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height, Options). setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,X,Y,Width,Height). setSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,Width,Height). setSize(This,Rect) -> wxWindow:setSize(This,Rect). setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos, Options) -> wxWindow:setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos, Options). setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos) -> wxWindow:setScrollPos(This,Orientation,Pos). setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range, Options) -> wxWindow:setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range, Options). setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range) -> wxWindow:setScrollbar(This,Orientation,Position,ThumbSize,Range). setPalette(This,Pal) -> wxWindow:setPalette(This,Pal). setName(This,Name) -> wxWindow:setName(This,Name). setId(This,Winid) -> wxWindow:setId(This,Winid). setHelpText(This,HelpText) -> wxWindow:setHelpText(This,HelpText). setForegroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setForegroundColour(This,Colour). setFont(This,Font) -> wxWindow:setFont(This,Font). setFocusFromKbd(This) -> wxWindow:setFocusFromKbd(This). setFocus(This) -> wxWindow:setFocus(This). setExtraStyle(This,ExStyle) -> wxWindow:setExtraStyle(This,ExStyle). setDropTarget(This,Target) -> wxWindow:setDropTarget(This,Target). setOwnForegroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setOwnForegroundColour(This,Colour). setOwnFont(This,Font) -> wxWindow:setOwnFont(This,Font). setOwnBackgroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setOwnBackgroundColour(This,Colour). setMinSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setMinSize(This,Size). setMaxSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setMaxSize(This,Size). setCursor(This,Cursor) -> wxWindow:setCursor(This,Cursor). setContainingSizer(This,Sizer) -> wxWindow:setContainingSizer(This,Sizer). setClientSize(This,Width,Height) -> wxWindow:setClientSize(This,Width,Height). setClientSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:setClientSize(This,Size). setCaret(This,Caret) -> wxWindow:setCaret(This,Caret). setBackgroundStyle(This,Style) -> wxWindow:setBackgroundStyle(This,Style). setBackgroundColour(This,Colour) -> wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(This,Colour). setAutoLayout(This,AutoLayout) -> wxWindow:setAutoLayout(This,AutoLayout). setAcceleratorTable(This,Accel) -> wxWindow:setAcceleratorTable(This,Accel). scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy, Options) -> wxWindow:scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy, Options). scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy) -> wxWindow:scrollWindow(This,Dx,Dy). scrollPages(This,Pages) -> wxWindow:scrollPages(This,Pages). scrollLines(This,Lines) -> wxWindow:scrollLines(This,Lines). screenToClient(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:screenToClient(This,Pt). screenToClient(This) -> wxWindow:screenToClient(This). reparent(This,NewParent) -> wxWindow:reparent(This,NewParent). removeChild(This,Child) -> wxWindow:removeChild(This,Child). releaseMouse(This) -> wxWindow:releaseMouse(This). refreshRect(This,Rect, Options) -> wxWindow:refreshRect(This,Rect, Options). refreshRect(This,Rect) -> wxWindow:refreshRect(This,Rect). refresh(This, Options) -> wxWindow:refresh(This, Options). refresh(This) -> wxWindow:refresh(This). raise(This) -> wxWindow:raise(This). popupMenu(This,Menu,X,Y) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu,X,Y). popupMenu(This,Menu, Options) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu, Options). popupMenu(This,Menu) -> wxWindow:popupMenu(This,Menu). pageUp(This) -> wxWindow:pageUp(This). pageDown(This) -> wxWindow:pageDown(This). navigate(This, Options) -> wxWindow:navigate(This, Options). navigate(This) -> wxWindow:navigate(This). moveBeforeInTabOrder(This,Win) -> wxWindow:moveBeforeInTabOrder(This,Win). moveAfterInTabOrder(This,Win) -> wxWindow:moveAfterInTabOrder(This,Win). move(This,X,Y, Options) -> wxWindow:move(This,X,Y, Options). move(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:move(This,X,Y). move(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:move(This,Pt). lower(This) -> wxWindow:lower(This). lineUp(This) -> wxWindow:lineUp(This). lineDown(This) -> wxWindow:lineDown(This). layout(This) -> wxWindow:layout(This). isShownOnScreen(This) -> wxWindow:isShownOnScreen(This). isTopLevel(This) -> wxWindow:isTopLevel(This). isShown(This) -> wxWindow:isShown(This). isRetained(This) -> wxWindow:isRetained(This). isExposed(This,X,Y,W,H) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,X,Y,W,H). isExposed(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,X,Y). isExposed(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:isExposed(This,Pt). isEnabled(This) -> wxWindow:isEnabled(This). isFrozen(This) -> wxWindow:isFrozen(This). invalidateBestSize(This) -> wxWindow:invalidateBestSize(This). initDialog(This) -> wxWindow:initDialog(This). inheritAttributes(This) -> wxWindow:inheritAttributes(This). hide(This) -> wxWindow:hide(This). hasTransparentBackground(This) -> wxWindow:hasTransparentBackground(This). hasScrollbar(This,Orient) -> wxWindow:hasScrollbar(This,Orient). hasCapture(This) -> wxWindow:hasCapture(This). getWindowVariant(This) -> wxWindow:getWindowVariant(This). getWindowStyleFlag(This) -> wxWindow:getWindowStyleFlag(This). getVirtualSize(This) -> wxWindow:getVirtualSize(This). getUpdateRegion(This) -> wxWindow:getUpdateRegion(This). getToolTip(This) -> wxWindow:getToolTip(This). getThemeEnabled(This) -> wxWindow:getThemeEnabled(This). getTextExtent(This,String, Options) -> wxWindow:getTextExtent(This,String, Options). getTextExtent(This,String) -> wxWindow:getTextExtent(This,String). getSizer(This) -> wxWindow:getSizer(This). getSize(This) -> wxWindow:getSize(This). getScrollThumb(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollThumb(This,Orientation). getScrollRange(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollRange(This,Orientation). getScrollPos(This,Orientation) -> wxWindow:getScrollPos(This,Orientation). getScreenRect(This) -> wxWindow:getScreenRect(This). getScreenPosition(This) -> wxWindow:getScreenPosition(This). getRect(This) -> wxWindow:getRect(This). getPosition(This) -> wxWindow:getPosition(This). getParent(This) -> wxWindow:getParent(This). getName(This) -> wxWindow:getName(This). getMinSize(This) -> wxWindow:getMinSize(This). getMaxSize(This) -> wxWindow:getMaxSize(This). getId(This) -> wxWindow:getId(This). getHelpText(This) -> wxWindow:getHelpText(This). getHandle(This) -> wxWindow:getHandle(This). getGrandParent(This) -> wxWindow:getGrandParent(This). getForegroundColour(This) -> wxWindow:getForegroundColour(This). getFont(This) -> wxWindow:getFont(This). getExtraStyle(This) -> wxWindow:getExtraStyle(This). getDPIScaleFactor(This) -> wxWindow:getDPIScaleFactor(This). getDropTarget(This) -> wxWindow:getDropTarget(This). getCursor(This) -> wxWindow:getCursor(This). getContainingSizer(This) -> wxWindow:getContainingSizer(This). getClientSize(This) -> wxWindow:getClientSize(This). getChildren(This) -> wxWindow:getChildren(This). getCharWidth(This) -> wxWindow:getCharWidth(This). getCharHeight(This) -> wxWindow:getCharHeight(This). getCaret(This) -> wxWindow:getCaret(This). getBestSize(This) -> wxWindow:getBestSize(This). getBackgroundStyle(This) -> wxWindow:getBackgroundStyle(This). getBackgroundColour(This) -> wxWindow:getBackgroundColour(This). getAcceleratorTable(This) -> wxWindow:getAcceleratorTable(This). freeze(This) -> wxWindow:freeze(This). fitInside(This) -> wxWindow:fitInside(This). fit(This) -> wxWindow:fit(This). findWindow(This,Id) -> wxWindow:findWindow(This,Id). enable(This, Options) -> wxWindow:enable(This, Options). enable(This) -> wxWindow:enable(This). dragAcceptFiles(This,Accept) -> wxWindow:dragAcceptFiles(This,Accept). disable(This) -> wxWindow:disable(This). destroyChildren(This) -> wxWindow:destroyChildren(This). convertPixelsToDialog(This,Sz) -> wxWindow:convertPixelsToDialog(This,Sz). convertDialogToPixels(This,Sz) -> wxWindow:convertDialogToPixels(This,Sz). close(This, Options) -> wxWindow:close(This, Options). close(This) -> wxWindow:close(This). clientToScreen(This,X,Y) -> wxWindow:clientToScreen(This,X,Y). clientToScreen(This,Pt) -> wxWindow:clientToScreen(This,Pt). clearBackground(This) -> wxWindow:clearBackground(This). centreOnParent(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centreOnParent(This, Options). centerOnParent(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centerOnParent(This, Options). centreOnParent(This) -> wxWindow:centreOnParent(This). centerOnParent(This) -> wxWindow:centerOnParent(This). centre(This, Options) -> wxWindow:centre(This, Options). center(This, Options) -> wxWindow:center(This, Options). centre(This) -> wxWindow:centre(This). center(This) -> wxWindow:center(This). captureMouse(This) -> wxWindow:captureMouse(This). cacheBestSize(This,Size) -> wxWindow:cacheBestSize(This,Size). disconnect(This,EventType, Options) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This,EventType, Options). disconnect(This,EventType) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This,EventType). disconnect(This) -> wxEvtHandler:disconnect(This). connect(This,EventType, Options) -> wxEvtHandler:connect(This,EventType, Options). connect(This,EventType) -> wxEvtHandler:connect(This,EventType).
(cl:in-package #:sicl-clos) ;;; For the specification of this generic function, see ;;; -MOP/direct-slot-definition-class.html (defgeneric direct-slot-definition-class (class &rest initargs)) (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class regular-class) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore class initargs)) (find-class 'standard-direct-slot-definition))
For the specification of this generic function, see -MOP/direct-slot-definition-class.html
(cl:in-package #:sicl-clos) (defgeneric direct-slot-definition-class (class &rest initargs)) (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class regular-class) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore class initargs)) (find-class 'standard-direct-slot-definition))
(define organigram '(directeur (hoofd-verkoop (verkoopsleider-vlaanderen) (verkoopsleider-brussel)) (hoofd-productie (hoofd-inkoop (bediende1) (bediende2) (bediende3)) (hoofd-fakturen)) (hoofd-administratie (hoofd-personeel) (hoofd-boekhouding)))) (define (baas organigram) (car organigram)) (define (sub-organigrammen organigram) (cdr organigram)) (define (hierarchisch? p1 p2 organigram) (define (hierarchisch?-in path organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) #f (or (hierarchisch? path (car organigrammen)) (hierarchisch?-in path (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (hierarchisch? path organigram) (cond ((and (eq? p1 (baas organigram)) (member p2 path)) #t) ((and (eq? p2 (baas organigram)) (member p1 path)) #t) (else (hierarchisch?-in (cons (baas organigram) path) (sub-organigrammen organigram))))) (hierarchisch? '() organigram)) (define (collegas p organigram) (define (collegas-in oversten organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) #f (or (collegas oversten (car organigrammen)) (collegas-in oversten (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (werknemers-in organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) '() (append (werknemers (car organigrammen)) (werknemers-in (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (werknemers organigram) (cons (baas organigram) (werknemers-in (sub-organigrammen organigram)))) (define (collegas oversten organigram) (if (eq? p (baas organigram)) (append oversten (werknemers-in (sub-organigrammen organigram))) (collegas-in (cons (baas organigram) oversten) (sub-organigrammen organigram)))) (collegas '() organigram)) (and (hierarchisch? 'directeur 'verkoopsleider-brussel organigram) (hierarchisch? 'bediende1 'hoofd-productie organigram) (not (hierarchisch? 'hoofd-personeel 'bediende3 organigram)) (equal? (collegas 'hoofd-inkoop organigram) '(hoofd-productie directeur bediende1 bediende2 bediende3)))
(define organigram '(directeur (hoofd-verkoop (verkoopsleider-vlaanderen) (verkoopsleider-brussel)) (hoofd-productie (hoofd-inkoop (bediende1) (bediende2) (bediende3)) (hoofd-fakturen)) (hoofd-administratie (hoofd-personeel) (hoofd-boekhouding)))) (define (baas organigram) (car organigram)) (define (sub-organigrammen organigram) (cdr organigram)) (define (hierarchisch? p1 p2 organigram) (define (hierarchisch?-in path organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) #f (or (hierarchisch? path (car organigrammen)) (hierarchisch?-in path (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (hierarchisch? path organigram) (cond ((and (eq? p1 (baas organigram)) (member p2 path)) #t) ((and (eq? p2 (baas organigram)) (member p1 path)) #t) (else (hierarchisch?-in (cons (baas organigram) path) (sub-organigrammen organigram))))) (hierarchisch? '() organigram)) (define (collegas p organigram) (define (collegas-in oversten organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) #f (or (collegas oversten (car organigrammen)) (collegas-in oversten (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (werknemers-in organigrammen) (if (null? organigrammen) '() (append (werknemers (car organigrammen)) (werknemers-in (cdr organigrammen))))) (define (werknemers organigram) (cons (baas organigram) (werknemers-in (sub-organigrammen organigram)))) (define (collegas oversten organigram) (if (eq? p (baas organigram)) (append oversten (werknemers-in (sub-organigrammen organigram))) (collegas-in (cons (baas organigram) oversten) (sub-organigrammen organigram)))) (collegas '() organigram)) (and (hierarchisch? 'directeur 'verkoopsleider-brussel organigram) (hierarchisch? 'bediende1 'hoofd-productie organigram) (not (hierarchisch? 'hoofd-personeel 'bediende3 organigram)) (equal? (collegas 'hoofd-inkoop organigram) '(hoofd-productie directeur bediende1 bediende2 bediende3)))
# LANGUAGE CPP # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # | Discover the GHC version via the package database . Requirements : -- -- * the package database must be compatible, which is usually not the case across major ghc versions . -- -- * the 'ghc' package is registered, which is not always the case. module GHC.Check.PackageDb ( PackageVersion(abi), version, getPackageVersion, fromVersionString ) where import Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Monad (MonadTrans (lift)) import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import Data.Version (Version) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import Data.Foldable (find) import Control.Applicative (Alternative((<|>))) #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0) import GHC (Ghc, getSession, ) import GHC.Data.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ShortText import GHC.Driver.Env (hsc_unit_env, ) import GHC.Unit.Info (PackageName (PackageName)) import GHC.Unit.Env (ue_units) import GHC.Unit.State (lookupUnit, explicitUnits, lookupUnitId, lookupPackageName, GenericUnitInfo (..), UnitInfo, unitPackageNameString) #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) import GHC.Unit.Types (indefUnit) #endif #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,1) import GHC (unitState, Ghc, getSessionDynFlags, ) import GHC.Data.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import GHC.Unit.Info (PackageName (PackageName)) import GHC.Unit.State (lookupUnit, explicitUnits, lookupUnitId, lookupPackageName, GenericUnitInfo (..), UnitInfo, unitPackageNameString) import GHC.Unit.Types (indefUnit) #else import GHC (pkgState, Ghc, getSessionDynFlags, ) import Maybes (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import Module (componentIdToInstalledUnitId) import PackageConfig (PackageName (PackageName)) import Packages (lookupPackage, explicitPackages, lookupInstalledPackage, lookupPackageName ) import Packages (InstalledPackageInfo (packageVersion, abiHash)) import Packages (PackageConfig) import Packages (packageNameString) #endif import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import GHC.Check.Util data PackageVersion = PackageVersion { myVersion :: !MyVersion, abi :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Lift, Show) version :: PackageVersion -> Version version PackageVersion{ myVersion = MyVersion v} = v #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) indefUnit :: a -> a indefUnit = id #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0) | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do hsc_env <- Monad.lift getSession let pkgst = ue_units $ hsc_unit_env hsc_env depends = #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) map fst $ #endif explicitUnits pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupUnit pkgst) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> unitPackageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName pkgst $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupUnitId pkgst (indefUnit component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: UnitInfo -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ unitPackageVersion p) (Just $ ShortText.unpack $ unitAbiHash p) #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,1) | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do dflags <- Monad.lift getSessionDynFlags let pkgst = unitState dflags depends = explicitUnits pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupUnit pkgst) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> unitPackageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName pkgst $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupUnitId pkgst (indefUnit component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: UnitInfo -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ unitPackageVersion p) (Just $ unitAbiHash p) #else | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do dflags <- Monad.lift getSessionDynFlags let pkgst = pkgState dflags depends = explicitPackages pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupPackage dflags) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> packageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName dflags $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupInstalledPackage dflags (componentIdToInstalledUnitId component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: PackageConfig -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ packageVersion p) (Just $ abiHash p) #endif fromVersionString :: HasCallStack => String -> PackageVersion fromVersionString v = PackageVersion (read v) Nothing
# LANGUAGE DeriveLift # * the package database must be compatible, which is usually not the case * the 'ghc' package is registered, which is not always the case.
# LANGUAGE CPP # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # | Discover the GHC version via the package database . Requirements : across major ghc versions . module GHC.Check.PackageDb ( PackageVersion(abi), version, getPackageVersion, fromVersionString ) where import Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Monad (MonadTrans (lift)) import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import Data.Version (Version) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import Data.Foldable (find) import Control.Applicative (Alternative((<|>))) #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0) import GHC (Ghc, getSession, ) import GHC.Data.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ShortText import GHC.Driver.Env (hsc_unit_env, ) import GHC.Unit.Info (PackageName (PackageName)) import GHC.Unit.Env (ue_units) import GHC.Unit.State (lookupUnit, explicitUnits, lookupUnitId, lookupPackageName, GenericUnitInfo (..), UnitInfo, unitPackageNameString) #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) import GHC.Unit.Types (indefUnit) #endif #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,1) import GHC (unitState, Ghc, getSessionDynFlags, ) import GHC.Data.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import GHC.Unit.Info (PackageName (PackageName)) import GHC.Unit.State (lookupUnit, explicitUnits, lookupUnitId, lookupPackageName, GenericUnitInfo (..), UnitInfo, unitPackageNameString) import GHC.Unit.Types (indefUnit) #else import GHC (pkgState, Ghc, getSessionDynFlags, ) import Maybes (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT) import Module (componentIdToInstalledUnitId) import PackageConfig (PackageName (PackageName)) import Packages (lookupPackage, explicitPackages, lookupInstalledPackage, lookupPackageName ) import Packages (InstalledPackageInfo (packageVersion, abiHash)) import Packages (PackageConfig) import Packages (packageNameString) #endif import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import GHC.Check.Util data PackageVersion = PackageVersion { myVersion :: !MyVersion, abi :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Lift, Show) version :: PackageVersion -> Version version PackageVersion{ myVersion = MyVersion v} = v #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) indefUnit :: a -> a indefUnit = id #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0) | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do hsc_env <- Monad.lift getSession let pkgst = ue_units $ hsc_unit_env hsc_env depends = #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) map fst $ #endif explicitUnits pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupUnit pkgst) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> unitPackageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName pkgst $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupUnitId pkgst (indefUnit component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: UnitInfo -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ unitPackageVersion p) (Just $ ShortText.unpack $ unitAbiHash p) #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,1) | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do dflags <- Monad.lift getSessionDynFlags let pkgst = unitState dflags depends = explicitUnits pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupUnit pkgst) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> unitPackageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName pkgst $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupUnitId pkgst (indefUnit component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: UnitInfo -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ unitPackageVersion p) (Just $ unitAbiHash p) #else | @getPackageVersion p@ returns the version of package @p@ that will be used in the Ghc session . getPackageVersion :: String -> Ghc (Maybe PackageVersion) getPackageVersion pName = runMaybeT $ do dflags <- Monad.lift getSessionDynFlags let pkgst = pkgState dflags depends = explicitPackages pkgst let explicit = do pkgs <- traverse (MaybeT . return . lookupPackage dflags) depends MaybeT $ return $ find (\p -> packageNameString p == pName ) pkgs notExplicit = do component <- MaybeT $ return $ lookupPackageName dflags $ PackageName $ fromString pName MaybeT $ return $ lookupInstalledPackage dflags (componentIdToInstalledUnitId component) p <- explicit <|> notExplicit return $ fromPackageConfig p fromPackageConfig :: PackageConfig -> PackageVersion fromPackageConfig p = PackageVersion (MyVersion $ packageVersion p) (Just $ abiHash p) #endif fromVersionString :: HasCallStack => String -> PackageVersion fromVersionString v = PackageVersion (read v) Nothing
#lang rosette (require "common.rkt") (provide sxtb16 sxtb sxth uxtb16 uxtb uxth) (define (decode Rd rotate Rm) (define d Rd) (define m Rm) (define rotation (zero-extend (concat rotate (bv #b000 3)) (bitvector 32))) (when (|| (r15? d) (r15? m)) (unpredictable)) (values d m rotation)) (define (interpret-sxtb16 cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (concat (sign-extend (extract 23 16 rotated) (bitvector 16)) (sign-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 16))))) (define (interpret-sxtb cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (sign-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-sxth cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (sign-extend (extract 15 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-uxtb16 cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (concat (zero-extend (extract 23 16 rotated) (bitvector 16)) (zero-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 16))))) (define (interpret-uxtb cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (zero-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-uxth cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (zero-extend (extract 15 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define-insn (Rd rotate Rm) #:encode (lambda (U op) (list (bv #b01101 5) (bv U 1) (bv op 2) (bv #b1111 4) Rd rotate (bv #b00 2) (bv #b0111 4) Rm)) [(#b0 #b00) sxtb16 interpret-sxtb16] [(#b0 #b10) sxtb interpret-sxtb] [(#b0 #b11) sxth interpret-sxth] [(#b1 #b00) uxtb16 interpret-uxtb16] [(#b1 #b10) uxtb interpret-uxtb] [(#b1 #b11) uxth interpret-uxth])
#lang rosette (require "common.rkt") (provide sxtb16 sxtb sxth uxtb16 uxtb uxth) (define (decode Rd rotate Rm) (define d Rd) (define m Rm) (define rotation (zero-extend (concat rotate (bv #b000 3)) (bitvector 32))) (when (|| (r15? d) (r15? m)) (unpredictable)) (values d m rotation)) (define (interpret-sxtb16 cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (concat (sign-extend (extract 23 16 rotated) (bitvector 16)) (sign-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 16))))) (define (interpret-sxtb cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (sign-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-sxth cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (sign-extend (extract 15 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-uxtb16 cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (concat (zero-extend (extract 23 16 rotated) (bitvector 16)) (zero-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 16))))) (define (interpret-uxtb cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (zero-extend (extract 7 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define (interpret-uxth cpu Rd rotate Rm) (define-values (d m rotation) (decode Rd rotate Rm)) (define rotated (bvror (cpu-gpr-ref cpu m) rotation)) (cpu-gpr-set! cpu d (zero-extend (extract 15 0 rotated) (bitvector 32)))) (define-insn (Rd rotate Rm) #:encode (lambda (U op) (list (bv #b01101 5) (bv U 1) (bv op 2) (bv #b1111 4) Rd rotate (bv #b00 2) (bv #b0111 4) Rm)) [(#b0 #b00) sxtb16 interpret-sxtb16] [(#b0 #b10) sxtb interpret-sxtb] [(#b0 #b11) sxth interpret-sxth] [(#b1 #b00) uxtb16 interpret-uxtb16] [(#b1 #b10) uxtb interpret-uxtb] [(#b1 #b11) uxth interpret-uxth])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; MODULE : tetris-game.scm ;; DESCRIPTION : A proof-of-concept tetris clone implemented with tables. COPYRIGHT : ( C ) 2015 ;; This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later . ;; It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE ;; in the root directory or <-3.0.html>. ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; DISCLAIMER: This is a quick afternoon hack with the only purpose of having some fun . ;; It's *very* slow and lacks most of the features an actual game needs, in ;; particular lines are not deleted when completed. ;; Feel free to improve. ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (use-modules (utils library cursor)) ;(texmacs-module (games tetris) ; (:use (utils library cursor))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Global state (yuk!) and accessors. Maybe boards should contain the-block. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-public the-board (tree "")) ; (car (select (buffer-tree) '(:* board tabular* :* table)))) (define (board-height board) (tree-arity board)) (define (board-width board) (tree-arity (tree-ref board 0))) (define-public the-block #f) (define-public tetris-mode? #f) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Block definitions and accessors. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Adapted from SnowTetris ; Squares in block definitions are relative to (0 0) '(("orange" ((0 2) (0 1) (0 0) (1 0))) ; L ("blue" ((0 2) (0 1) (0 0) (-1 0))) ; J ("cyan" ((0 2) (0 1) (0 0) (0 -1))) ; I ("purple" ((0 0) (0 1) (-1 1) (1 1))) ; T ("yellow" ((0 0) (0 1) (1 0) (1 1))) ; O ("green" ((0 0) (0 1) (1 1) (-1 0))) ; S ("red" ((0 0) (0 1) (-1 1) (1 0))))) ; Z (define make-block list) (define block-color car) (define block-pos cadr) (define block-squares caddr) (define (in-range? what from to) (and (>= what from) (<= what to))) (define (paint-square center offset color) ( table - go - to ( + ( car center ) ( car offset ) ) ( + ( cadr center ) ( cadr offset ) ) ) (apply table-go-to (map + center offset)) (cell-set-background color)) (define (draw-block block) (for-each (cut paint-square (block-pos block) <> (block-color block)) (block-squares block))) (define (erase-block block) (draw-block (make-block "" (block-pos block) (block-squares block)))) (define (new-block!) (let* ((which (random 7)) (blk (list-ref blocks which))) (set! the-block (make-block (car blk) '(1 5) (cadr blk))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Block movement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (square-in-board? pos) (and (in-range? (car pos) 1 (board-height the-board)) (in-range? (cadr pos) 1 (board-width the-board)))) (define (square-empty? pos) (apply table-go-to pos) (== "" (cell-get-format "cell-background"))) (define (block->board-squares block) (with pos (block-pos block) (map (lambda (p) (map + p pos)) (block-squares block)))) (define (block-can-move? block) (with sqs (block->board-squares block) (and (and-map square-in-board? sqs) (and-map square-empty? sqs)))) (define (move-block-to block to) (with new (make-block (block-color block) to (block-squares block)) (erase-block block) (if (block-can-move? new) (begin (draw-block new) new) (begin (draw-block block) block)))) (define (left-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(0 -1))) (define (right-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(0 1))) (define (down-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(1 0))) (define (move-block block dir) (cond ((== dir "left") (move-block-to block (left-of block))) ((== dir "right") (move-block-to block (right-of block))) ((== dir "down") (move-block-to block (down-of block))) ((== dir "bottom") (with new (move-block-to block (down-of block)) (if (== new block) block (move-block new dir)))) (else block))) (define (mult mat vec) "Multiply matrix ((a_11 a_12) (a_21 a_22)) with vector (v_1 v_2)" (list (apply + (map * (car mat) vec)) (apply + (map * (cadr mat) vec)))) (define (rotate-block-with block mat) (with new (make-block (block-color block) (block-pos block) (map (cut mult mat <>) (block-squares block))) (erase-block block) (if (block-can-move? new) (begin (draw-block new) new) (begin (draw-block block) block)))) (define (rotate-block block dir) (cond ((== dir "left") (rotate-block-with block '((0 1) (-1 0)))) ; pi/2 ((== dir "right") (rotate-block-with block '((0 -1) (1 0)))) ; -pi/2 (else (noop)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Board management . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (clear-board) SLOOOOW ! (with-cursor (tree->path (tree-ref the-board 0 0)) (for-each (lambda (i) (for-each (lambda (j) (paint-square (list i j) '(0 0) "")) (.. 1 (+ 1 (board-width the-board))))) (.. 1 (+ 1 (board-height the-board)))))) (define (toggle-board t) (with pt (tree-search-upwards t '(hidden shown)) (and (if (== (tree-label pt) 'hidden) (tree-assign-node pt 'shown) (tree-assign-node pt 'hidden)) #t))) (define (test-lines-around pos) ; TODO: check for completed lines (noop)) (tm-define (board-update) placeholder required to avoid TeXmacs warning (noop)) (tm-define (board-update) (:require tetris-mode?) (delayed (:every 750) (with new (move-block the-block "down") (if (== new the-block) (begin (test-lines-around (block-pos the-block)) (new-block!) (draw-block the-block)) (set! the-block new))) (board-update))) (define (draw-cursor draw?) (set-boolean-preference "draw cursor" draw?)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Game and keyboard management. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (tm-define (keyboard-press key time) (:require tetris-mode?) (cond ((in? key '("escape" "C-c")) (end-game)) ((in? key '("left" "right" "down")) (set! the-block (move-block the-block key))) ((== key "q") (set! the-block (rotate-block the-block "left"))) ((== key "w") (set! the-block (rotate-block the-block "right"))) ((== key "space") (set! the-block (move-block the-block "bottom"))) ((== key "e") (end-game)) (else (former key time)))) (define (start-game) (set! the-board (car (select (buffer-tree) '(:* board tabular* :* table)))) ;(toggle-board the-board) ;(draw-cursor #f) ;(clear-board) (tree-go-to the-board) (set! tetris-mode? #t) (new-block!) (board-update)) (define (end-game) (draw-cursor #t) (set! tetris-mode? #f) ;(toggle-board the-board) )
MODULE : tetris-game.scm DESCRIPTION : A proof-of-concept tetris clone implemented with tables. It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE in the root directory or <-3.0.html>. DISCLAIMER: It's *very* slow and lacks most of the features an actual game needs, in particular lines are not deleted when completed. Feel free to improve. (texmacs-module (games tetris) (:use (utils library cursor))) Global state (yuk!) and accessors. Maybe boards should contain the-block. (car (select (buffer-tree) '(:* board tabular* :* table)))) Block definitions and accessors. Squares in block definitions are relative to (0 0) L J I T O S Z Block movement pi/2 -pi/2 TODO: check for completed lines Game and keyboard management. (toggle-board the-board) (draw-cursor #f) (clear-board) (toggle-board the-board)
COPYRIGHT : ( C ) 2015 This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later . This is a quick afternoon hack with the only purpose of having some fun . (use-modules (utils library cursor)) (define-public the-board (tree "")) (define (board-height board) (tree-arity board)) (define (board-width board) (tree-arity (tree-ref board 0))) (define-public the-block #f) (define-public tetris-mode? #f) Adapted from SnowTetris (define make-block list) (define block-color car) (define block-pos cadr) (define block-squares caddr) (define (in-range? what from to) (and (>= what from) (<= what to))) (define (paint-square center offset color) ( table - go - to ( + ( car center ) ( car offset ) ) ( + ( cadr center ) ( cadr offset ) ) ) (apply table-go-to (map + center offset)) (cell-set-background color)) (define (draw-block block) (for-each (cut paint-square (block-pos block) <> (block-color block)) (block-squares block))) (define (erase-block block) (draw-block (make-block "" (block-pos block) (block-squares block)))) (define (new-block!) (let* ((which (random 7)) (blk (list-ref blocks which))) (set! the-block (make-block (car blk) '(1 5) (cadr blk))))) (define (square-in-board? pos) (and (in-range? (car pos) 1 (board-height the-board)) (in-range? (cadr pos) 1 (board-width the-board)))) (define (square-empty? pos) (apply table-go-to pos) (== "" (cell-get-format "cell-background"))) (define (block->board-squares block) (with pos (block-pos block) (map (lambda (p) (map + p pos)) (block-squares block)))) (define (block-can-move? block) (with sqs (block->board-squares block) (and (and-map square-in-board? sqs) (and-map square-empty? sqs)))) (define (move-block-to block to) (with new (make-block (block-color block) to (block-squares block)) (erase-block block) (if (block-can-move? new) (begin (draw-block new) new) (begin (draw-block block) block)))) (define (left-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(0 -1))) (define (right-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(0 1))) (define (down-of block) (map + (block-pos block) '(1 0))) (define (move-block block dir) (cond ((== dir "left") (move-block-to block (left-of block))) ((== dir "right") (move-block-to block (right-of block))) ((== dir "down") (move-block-to block (down-of block))) ((== dir "bottom") (with new (move-block-to block (down-of block)) (if (== new block) block (move-block new dir)))) (else block))) (define (mult mat vec) "Multiply matrix ((a_11 a_12) (a_21 a_22)) with vector (v_1 v_2)" (list (apply + (map * (car mat) vec)) (apply + (map * (cadr mat) vec)))) (define (rotate-block-with block mat) (with new (make-block (block-color block) (block-pos block) (map (cut mult mat <>) (block-squares block))) (erase-block block) (if (block-can-move? new) (begin (draw-block new) new) (begin (draw-block block) block)))) (define (rotate-block block dir) (else (noop)))) Board management . (define (clear-board) SLOOOOW ! (with-cursor (tree->path (tree-ref the-board 0 0)) (for-each (lambda (i) (for-each (lambda (j) (paint-square (list i j) '(0 0) "")) (.. 1 (+ 1 (board-width the-board))))) (.. 1 (+ 1 (board-height the-board)))))) (define (toggle-board t) (with pt (tree-search-upwards t '(hidden shown)) (and (if (== (tree-label pt) 'hidden) (tree-assign-node pt 'shown) (tree-assign-node pt 'hidden)) #t))) (define (test-lines-around pos) (noop)) (tm-define (board-update) placeholder required to avoid TeXmacs warning (noop)) (tm-define (board-update) (:require tetris-mode?) (delayed (:every 750) (with new (move-block the-block "down") (if (== new the-block) (begin (test-lines-around (block-pos the-block)) (new-block!) (draw-block the-block)) (set! the-block new))) (board-update))) (define (draw-cursor draw?) (set-boolean-preference "draw cursor" draw?)) (tm-define (keyboard-press key time) (:require tetris-mode?) (cond ((in? key '("escape" "C-c")) (end-game)) ((in? key '("left" "right" "down")) (set! the-block (move-block the-block key))) ((== key "q") (set! the-block (rotate-block the-block "left"))) ((== key "w") (set! the-block (rotate-block the-block "right"))) ((== key "space") (set! the-block (move-block the-block "bottom"))) ((== key "e") (end-game)) (else (former key time)))) (define (start-game) (set! the-board (car (select (buffer-tree) '(:* board tabular* :* table)))) (tree-go-to the-board) (set! tetris-mode? #t) (new-block!) (board-update)) (define (end-game) (draw-cursor #t) (set! tetris-mode? #f) )
#lang s-exp "util/frontend-program.rkt" (require "repl/uptime.rkt") (uptime)
#lang s-exp "util/frontend-program.rkt" (require "repl/uptime.rkt") (uptime)
(load "test-manager/load.scm") (load "29-mobile-represent.scm") (load "29-branch-torque.scm") (define branch (make-branch 10 20)) (define-each-check (= (branch-torque branch) 200) ) (run-registered-tests)
(load "test-manager/load.scm") (load "29-mobile-represent.scm") (load "29-branch-torque.scm") (define branch (make-branch 10 20)) (define-each-check (= (branch-torque branch) 200) ) (run-registered-tests)
-module(ramjet_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). %% API -export([start_link/0]). %% Supervisor callbacks -export([init/1]). %% =================================================================== %% API functions %% =================================================================== start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). %% =================================================================== %% Supervisor callbacks %% =================================================================== init([]) -> Metrics = ramjet:config(metrics), IgnoreMetrics = ramjet:config(no_stats_for), StatsInterval = ramjet:config(stats_interval), Monitor = { ramjet_monitor, { ramjet_monitor, start_link, [] }, permanent, 2000, worker, [ramjet_monitor]}, Stats = { ramjet_stats, { ramjet_stats, start_link, [Metrics, IgnoreMetrics, StatsInterval] }, permanent, 2000, worker, [ramjet_stats]}, SessionSup = { ramjet_session_sup, { ramjet_session_sup, start_link, [] }, permanent, 2000, supervisor, [ramjet_session_sup, ramjet_session]}, Children = case ramjet:config(report) of true -> [Monitor, SessionSup, Stats]; false -> [Monitor, SessionSup] end, {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, Children} }.
API Supervisor callbacks =================================================================== API functions =================================================================== =================================================================== Supervisor callbacks ===================================================================
-module(ramjet_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1]). start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). init([]) -> Metrics = ramjet:config(metrics), IgnoreMetrics = ramjet:config(no_stats_for), StatsInterval = ramjet:config(stats_interval), Monitor = { ramjet_monitor, { ramjet_monitor, start_link, [] }, permanent, 2000, worker, [ramjet_monitor]}, Stats = { ramjet_stats, { ramjet_stats, start_link, [Metrics, IgnoreMetrics, StatsInterval] }, permanent, 2000, worker, [ramjet_stats]}, SessionSup = { ramjet_session_sup, { ramjet_session_sup, start_link, [] }, permanent, 2000, supervisor, [ramjet_session_sup, ramjet_session]}, Children = case ramjet:config(report) of true -> [Monitor, SessionSup, Stats]; false -> [Monitor, SessionSup] end, {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, Children} }.
(ns pingcrm.models.contacts (:require [honey.sql :as h] [honey.sql.helpers :refer [where]] [next.jdbc :as jdbc] [next.jdbc.sql :as sql])) (defn retrieve-and-filter-contacts ([db filters] (retrieve-and-filter-contacts db filters nil)) ([db {:keys [search trashed]} offset] (let [query (h/format (cond-> {:select (if offset [[:c.*] [[:|| :c.first_name " " :c.last_name] :name] [:o.name :organization]] [[:%count.* :aggregate]]) :from [[:contacts :c]] :left-join [[:organizations :o] [:= :c.organization_id :o.id]] :order-by [:last_name :first_name]} offset (merge {:limit 10 :offset offset}) search (where [:or [:like :c.first_name (str "%" search "%")] [:like :c.last_name (str "%" search "%")] [:like :c.email (str "%" search "%")]]) true (where (case trashed "with" nil "only" [:<> :c.deleted_at nil] [:= :c.deleted_at nil]))))] (jdbc/execute! db query)))) (defn get-contact-by-id [db id] (sql/get-by-id db :contacts id)) (defn insert-contact! [db contact] (let [query (h/format {:insert-into :contacts :values [(merge contact {:created_at :current_timestamp :updated_at :current_timestamp})]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query))) (defn update-contact! [db contact id] (sql/update! db :contacts contact {:id id})) (defn soft-delete-contact! [db id] (let [query (h/format {:update :contacts :set {:deleted_at :current_timestamp :updated_at :current_timestamp} :where [:= :id id]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query))) (defn restore-deleted-contact! [db id] (let [query (h/format {:update :contacts :set {:deleted_at nil :updated_at :current_timestamp} :where [:= :id id]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query)))
(ns pingcrm.models.contacts (:require [honey.sql :as h] [honey.sql.helpers :refer [where]] [next.jdbc :as jdbc] [next.jdbc.sql :as sql])) (defn retrieve-and-filter-contacts ([db filters] (retrieve-and-filter-contacts db filters nil)) ([db {:keys [search trashed]} offset] (let [query (h/format (cond-> {:select (if offset [[:c.*] [[:|| :c.first_name " " :c.last_name] :name] [:o.name :organization]] [[:%count.* :aggregate]]) :from [[:contacts :c]] :left-join [[:organizations :o] [:= :c.organization_id :o.id]] :order-by [:last_name :first_name]} offset (merge {:limit 10 :offset offset}) search (where [:or [:like :c.first_name (str "%" search "%")] [:like :c.last_name (str "%" search "%")] [:like :c.email (str "%" search "%")]]) true (where (case trashed "with" nil "only" [:<> :c.deleted_at nil] [:= :c.deleted_at nil]))))] (jdbc/execute! db query)))) (defn get-contact-by-id [db id] (sql/get-by-id db :contacts id)) (defn insert-contact! [db contact] (let [query (h/format {:insert-into :contacts :values [(merge contact {:created_at :current_timestamp :updated_at :current_timestamp})]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query))) (defn update-contact! [db contact id] (sql/update! db :contacts contact {:id id})) (defn soft-delete-contact! [db id] (let [query (h/format {:update :contacts :set {:deleted_at :current_timestamp :updated_at :current_timestamp} :where [:= :id id]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query))) (defn restore-deleted-contact! [db id] (let [query (h/format {:update :contacts :set {:deleted_at nil :updated_at :current_timestamp} :where [:= :id id]})] (jdbc/execute-one! db query)))
{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactive-banana-wx Example: Small database with CRUD operations and filtering. To keep things simple, the list box is rebuild every time that the database is updated. This is perfectly fine for rapid prototyping. A more sophisticated approach would use incremental updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # -- allows pattern signatures like -- do -- (b :: Behavior Int) <- stepper 0 ... # LANGUAGE RecursiveDo # -- allows recursive do notation -- mdo -- ... import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event, update) import Reactive.Banana import Reactive.Banana.WX import Tidings {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} main :: IO () main = start $ do -- GUI layout f <- frame [ text := "CRUD Example (Simple)" ] listBox <- singleListBox f [] createBtn <- button f [ text := "Create" ] deleteBtn <- button f [ text := "Delete" ] filterEntry <- entry f [ ] firstname <- entry f [ ] lastname <- entry f [ ] let dataItem = grid 10 10 [[label "First Name:", widget firstname] ,[label "Last Name:" , widget lastname]] set f [layout := margin 10 $ grid 10 5 [[row 5 [label "Filter prefix:", widget filterEntry], glue] ,[minsize (sz 200 300) $ widget listBox, dataItem] ,[row 10 [widget createBtn, widget deleteBtn], glue] ]] -- event network let networkDescription :: MomentIO () networkDescription = mdo -- events from buttons eCreate <- event0 createBtn command eDelete <- event0 deleteBtn command -- filter string tFilterString <- reactiveTextEntry filterEntry bFilterString bFilterString <- stepper "" $ rumors tFilterString let tFilter = isPrefixOf <$> tFilterString bFilter = facts tFilter eFilter = rumors tFilter -- list box with selection eSelection <- rumors <$> reactiveListDisplay listBox bListBoxItems bSelection bShowDataItem -- data item display eDataItemIn <- rumors <$> reactiveDataItem (firstname,lastname) bSelectionDataItem -- database (bDatabase :: Behavior (Database DataItem)) <- accumB emptydb $ unions [ create ("Emil","Example") <$ eCreate , filterJust $ update' <$> bSelection <@> eDataItemIn , delete <$> filterJust (bSelection <@ eDelete) ] let update' mkey x = flip update x <$> mkey -- selection (bSelection :: Behavior (Maybe DatabaseKey)) <- stepper Nothing $ foldr1 (unionWith const) [ eSelection , Nothing <$ eDelete , Just . nextKey <$> bDatabase <@ eCreate , (\b s p -> b >>= \a -> if p (s a) then Just a else Nothing) <$> bSelection <*> bShowDataItem <@> eFilter ] let bLookup :: Behavior (DatabaseKey -> Maybe DataItem) bLookup = flip lookup <$> bDatabase bShowDataItem :: Behavior (DatabaseKey -> String) bShowDataItem = (maybe "" showDataItem .) <$> bLookup bListBoxItems :: Behavior [DatabaseKey] bListBoxItems = (\p show -> filter (p. show) . keys) <$> bFilter <*> bShowDataItem <*> bDatabase bSelectionDataItem :: Behavior (Maybe DataItem) bSelectionDataItem = (=<<) <$> bLookup <*> bSelection -- automatically enable / disable editing let bDisplayItem :: Behavior Bool bDisplayItem = isJust <$> bSelection sink deleteBtn [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] sink firstname [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] sink lastname [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] network <- compile networkDescription actuate network {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type DatabaseKey = Int data Database a = Database { nextKey :: !Int, db :: Map.Map DatabaseKey a } emptydb :: Database a emptydb = Database 0 Map.empty keys :: Database a -> [DatabaseKey] keys = Map.keys . db create :: a -> Database a -> Database a create x (Database newkey db) = Database (newkey+1) $ Map.insert newkey x db update :: DatabaseKey -> a -> Database a -> Database a update key x (Database newkey db) = Database newkey $ Map.insert key x db delete :: DatabaseKey -> Database a -> Database a delete key (Database newkey db) = Database newkey $ Map.delete key db lookup :: DatabaseKey -> Database a -> Maybe a lookup key (Database _ db) = Map.lookup key db {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data items that are stored in the data base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type DataItem = (String, String) showDataItem :: ([Char], [Char]) -> [Char] showDataItem (firstname, lastname) = lastname ++ ", " ++ firstname -- single text entry reactiveTextEntry :: TextCtrl a -> Behavior String -- text value -> MomentIO (Tidings String) -- user changes reactiveTextEntry w btext = do eUser <- eventText w -- user changes -- filter text setting that are simultaneous with user events etext <- changes btext let etext2 = fst $ split $ unionWith (curry snd) (Left () <$ etext) (Right () <$ eUser) btext2 = imposeChanges btext etext2 sink w [ text :== btext2 ] -- display value return $ tidings btext eUser whole data item ( consisting of two text entries ) reactiveDataItem :: (TextCtrl a, TextCtrl b) -> Behavior (Maybe DataItem) -> MomentIO (Tidings DataItem) reactiveDataItem (firstname,lastname) binput = do t1 <- reactiveTextEntry firstname (fst . fromMaybe ("","") <$> binput) t2 <- reactiveTextEntry lastname (snd . fromMaybe ("","") <$> binput) return $ (,) <$> t1 <*> t2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactive list display Display a list of ( distinct ) items in a list box . The current selection contains one or no items . Changing the set may unselect the current item , but will not change it to another item . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactive list display Display a list of (distinct) items in a list box. The current selection contains one or no items. Changing the set may unselect the current item, but will not change it to another item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} reactiveListDisplay :: forall a b. Ord a ListBox widget to use -> Behavior [a] -- list of items -> Behavior (Maybe a) -- selected element -> Behavior (a -> String) -- display an item -> MomentIO (Tidings (Maybe a)) -- current selection as item (possibly empty) reactiveListDisplay w bitems bsel bdisplay = do -- animate output items sink w [ items :== map <$> bdisplay <*> bitems ] -- animate output selection let bindices :: Behavior (Map.Map a Int) bindices = (Map.fromList . flip zip [0..]) <$> bitems bindex = (\m a -> fromMaybe (-1) $ flip Map.lookup m =<< a) <$> bindices <*> bsel sink w [ selection :== bindex ] -- changing the display won't change the current selection -- eDisplay <- changes display -- sink listBox [ selection :== stepper (-1) $ bSelection <@ eDisplay ] -- user selection let bindices2 :: Behavior (Map.Map Int a) bindices2 = Map.fromList . zip [0..] <$> bitems esel <- eventSelection w return $ tidings bsel $ flip Map.lookup <$> bindices2 <@> esel {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxHaskell convenience wrappers and bug fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} Currently exported from Reactive . Banana . WX -- user input event - text for text entries eventText : : t ( Event t String ) eventText w = do -- Should probably be wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , -- but that 's missing from wxHaskell . -- Note : Observing keyUp events does create a small lag $ event1ToAddHandler w keyboardUp fromAddHandler $ mapIO ( const $ get w text ) -- observe " key up " events ( many thanks to ) -- this should probably be in the wxHaskell library keyboardUp : : WX.Event ( Window a ) ( EventKey - > IO ( ) ) " keyboardUp " WXCore.windowGetOnKeyUp WXCore.windowOnKeyUp -- user input event - selection marker for list events eventSelection : : SingleListBox b - > Moment t ( Event t Int ) eventSelection w = do liftIO $ fixSelectionEvent w $ event1ToAddHandler w ( event0ToEvent1 select ) fromAddHandler $ mapIO ( const $ get w selection ) -- Fix @select@ event not being fired when items are * un*selected . fixSelectionEvent listbox = liftIO $ set listbox [ on unclick : = handler ] where handler _ = do s < - get listbox selection when ( s = = -1 ) $ ( get listbox ( on select ) ) > > = i d -- user input event - text for text entries eventText :: TextCtrl w -> Moment t (Event t String) eventText w = do -- Should probably be wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , -- but that's missing from wxHaskell. -- Note: Observing keyUp events does create a small lag addHandler <- liftIO $ event1ToAddHandler w keyboardUp fromAddHandler $ mapIO (const $ get w text) addHandler -- observe "key up" events (many thanks to Abu Alam) -- this should probably be in the wxHaskell library keyboardUp :: WX.Event (Window a) (EventKey -> IO ()) keyboardUp = WX.newEvent "keyboardUp" WXCore.windowGetOnKeyUp WXCore.windowOnKeyUp -- user input event - selection marker for list events eventSelection :: SingleListBox b -> Moment t (Event t Int) eventSelection w = do liftIO $ fixSelectionEvent w addHandler <- liftIO $ event1ToAddHandler w (event0ToEvent1 select) fromAddHandler $ mapIO (const $ get w selection) addHandler -- Fix @select@ event not being fired when items are *un*selected. fixSelectionEvent listbox = liftIO $ set listbox [ on unclick := handler ] where handler _ = do propagateEvent s <- get listbox selection when (s == -1) $ (get listbox (on select)) >>= id -}
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactive-banana-wx Example: Small database with CRUD operations and filtering. To keep things simple, the list box is rebuild every time that the database is updated. This is perfectly fine for rapid prototyping. A more sophisticated approach would use incremental updates. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- allows pattern signatures like do (b :: Behavior Int) <- stepper 0 ... allows recursive do notation mdo ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUI layout event network events from buttons filter string list box with selection data item display database selection automatically enable / disable editing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Model ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data items that are stored in the data base ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- single text entry text value user changes user changes filter text setting that are simultaneous with user events display value -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------} list of items selected element display an item current selection as item (possibly empty) animate output items animate output selection changing the display won't change the current selection eDisplay <- changes display sink listBox [ selection :== stepper (-1) $ bSelection <@ eDisplay ] user selection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxHaskell convenience wrappers and bug fixes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- user input event - text for text entries Should probably be wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , but that 's missing from wxHaskell . Note : Observing keyUp events does create a small lag observe " key up " events ( many thanks to ) this should probably be in the wxHaskell library user input event - selection marker for list events Fix @select@ event not being fired when items are * un*selected . user input event - text for text entries Should probably be wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED , but that's missing from wxHaskell. Note: Observing keyUp events does create a small lag observe "key up" events (many thanks to Abu Alam) this should probably be in the wxHaskell library user input event - selection marker for list events Fix @select@ event not being fired when items are *un*selected.
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE RecursiveDo # import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event, update) import Reactive.Banana import Reactive.Banana.WX import Tidings main :: IO () main = start $ do f <- frame [ text := "CRUD Example (Simple)" ] listBox <- singleListBox f [] createBtn <- button f [ text := "Create" ] deleteBtn <- button f [ text := "Delete" ] filterEntry <- entry f [ ] firstname <- entry f [ ] lastname <- entry f [ ] let dataItem = grid 10 10 [[label "First Name:", widget firstname] ,[label "Last Name:" , widget lastname]] set f [layout := margin 10 $ grid 10 5 [[row 5 [label "Filter prefix:", widget filterEntry], glue] ,[minsize (sz 200 300) $ widget listBox, dataItem] ,[row 10 [widget createBtn, widget deleteBtn], glue] ]] let networkDescription :: MomentIO () networkDescription = mdo eCreate <- event0 createBtn command eDelete <- event0 deleteBtn command tFilterString <- reactiveTextEntry filterEntry bFilterString bFilterString <- stepper "" $ rumors tFilterString let tFilter = isPrefixOf <$> tFilterString bFilter = facts tFilter eFilter = rumors tFilter eSelection <- rumors <$> reactiveListDisplay listBox bListBoxItems bSelection bShowDataItem eDataItemIn <- rumors <$> reactiveDataItem (firstname,lastname) bSelectionDataItem (bDatabase :: Behavior (Database DataItem)) <- accumB emptydb $ unions [ create ("Emil","Example") <$ eCreate , filterJust $ update' <$> bSelection <@> eDataItemIn , delete <$> filterJust (bSelection <@ eDelete) ] let update' mkey x = flip update x <$> mkey (bSelection :: Behavior (Maybe DatabaseKey)) <- stepper Nothing $ foldr1 (unionWith const) [ eSelection , Nothing <$ eDelete , Just . nextKey <$> bDatabase <@ eCreate , (\b s p -> b >>= \a -> if p (s a) then Just a else Nothing) <$> bSelection <*> bShowDataItem <@> eFilter ] let bLookup :: Behavior (DatabaseKey -> Maybe DataItem) bLookup = flip lookup <$> bDatabase bShowDataItem :: Behavior (DatabaseKey -> String) bShowDataItem = (maybe "" showDataItem .) <$> bLookup bListBoxItems :: Behavior [DatabaseKey] bListBoxItems = (\p show -> filter (p. show) . keys) <$> bFilter <*> bShowDataItem <*> bDatabase bSelectionDataItem :: Behavior (Maybe DataItem) bSelectionDataItem = (=<<) <$> bLookup <*> bSelection let bDisplayItem :: Behavior Bool bDisplayItem = isJust <$> bSelection sink deleteBtn [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] sink firstname [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] sink lastname [ enabled :== bDisplayItem ] network <- compile networkDescription actuate network type DatabaseKey = Int data Database a = Database { nextKey :: !Int, db :: Map.Map DatabaseKey a } emptydb :: Database a emptydb = Database 0 Map.empty keys :: Database a -> [DatabaseKey] keys = Map.keys . db create :: a -> Database a -> Database a create x (Database newkey db) = Database (newkey+1) $ Map.insert newkey x db update :: DatabaseKey -> a -> Database a -> Database a update key x (Database newkey db) = Database newkey $ Map.insert key x db delete :: DatabaseKey -> Database a -> Database a delete key (Database newkey db) = Database newkey $ Map.delete key db lookup :: DatabaseKey -> Database a -> Maybe a lookup key (Database _ db) = Map.lookup key db type DataItem = (String, String) showDataItem :: ([Char], [Char]) -> [Char] showDataItem (firstname, lastname) = lastname ++ ", " ++ firstname reactiveTextEntry :: TextCtrl a reactiveTextEntry w btext = do etext <- changes btext let etext2 = fst $ split $ unionWith (curry snd) (Left () <$ etext) (Right () <$ eUser) btext2 = imposeChanges btext etext2 return $ tidings btext eUser whole data item ( consisting of two text entries ) reactiveDataItem :: (TextCtrl a, TextCtrl b) -> Behavior (Maybe DataItem) -> MomentIO (Tidings DataItem) reactiveDataItem (firstname,lastname) binput = do t1 <- reactiveTextEntry firstname (fst . fromMaybe ("","") <$> binput) t2 <- reactiveTextEntry lastname (snd . fromMaybe ("","") <$> binput) return $ (,) <$> t1 <*> t2 reactive list display Display a list of ( distinct ) items in a list box . The current selection contains one or no items . Changing the set may unselect the current item , but will not change it to another item . reactive list display Display a list of (distinct) items in a list box. The current selection contains one or no items. Changing the set may unselect the current item, but will not change it to another item. reactiveListDisplay :: forall a b. Ord a ListBox widget to use -> MomentIO reactiveListDisplay w bitems bsel bdisplay = do sink w [ items :== map <$> bdisplay <*> bitems ] let bindices :: Behavior (Map.Map a Int) bindices = (Map.fromList . flip zip [0..]) <$> bitems bindex = (\m a -> fromMaybe (-1) $ flip Map.lookup m =<< a) <$> bindices <*> bsel sink w [ selection :== bindex ] let bindices2 :: Behavior (Map.Map Int a) bindices2 = Map.fromList . zip [0..] <$> bitems esel <- eventSelection w return $ tidings bsel $ flip Map.lookup <$> bindices2 <@> esel Currently exported from Reactive . Banana . WX eventText : : t ( Event t String ) eventText w = do $ event1ToAddHandler w keyboardUp fromAddHandler $ mapIO ( const $ get w text ) keyboardUp : : WX.Event ( Window a ) ( EventKey - > IO ( ) ) " keyboardUp " WXCore.windowGetOnKeyUp WXCore.windowOnKeyUp eventSelection : : SingleListBox b - > Moment t ( Event t Int ) eventSelection w = do liftIO $ fixSelectionEvent w $ event1ToAddHandler w ( event0ToEvent1 select ) fromAddHandler $ mapIO ( const $ get w selection ) fixSelectionEvent listbox = liftIO $ set listbox [ on unclick : = handler ] where handler _ = do s < - get listbox selection when ( s = = -1 ) $ ( get listbox ( on select ) ) > > = i d eventText :: TextCtrl w -> Moment t (Event t String) eventText w = do addHandler <- liftIO $ event1ToAddHandler w keyboardUp fromAddHandler $ mapIO (const $ get w text) addHandler keyboardUp :: WX.Event (Window a) (EventKey -> IO ()) keyboardUp = WX.newEvent "keyboardUp" WXCore.windowGetOnKeyUp WXCore.windowOnKeyUp eventSelection :: SingleListBox b -> Moment t (Event t Int) eventSelection w = do liftIO $ fixSelectionEvent w addHandler <- liftIO $ event1ToAddHandler w (event0ToEvent1 select) fromAddHandler $ mapIO (const $ get w selection) addHandler fixSelectionEvent listbox = liftIO $ set listbox [ on unclick := handler ] where handler _ = do propagateEvent s <- get listbox selection when (s == -1) $ (get listbox (on select)) >>= id -}
%% ===================================================================== Wrangler 's feedback interface module to Erlang E - learning %% ===================================================================== %% @author [ ] %% %% @doc Wrangler 's feedback interface module to Erlang E - learning %%@private -module(inspec_feedback_wrangler). -export([do_code_inspection/2]). %% API for feedback tool. -export([long_functions/2, large_modules/2, calls_to_specific_function/2, calls_to_specific_functions/2, classify_pattern_match/1, nested_if_exprs/2, nested_case_exprs/2, nested_receive_exprs/2, not_flush_unknown_messages/1, top_level_if/1, unnecessary_match/1, append_two_lists/1, non_tail_recursive_function/1, use_of_specific_ops/2, use_of_export_all/1 ]). -export([test/1, collect_function_apps/2, collect_function_apps2/2]). -include("wrangler.hrl"). -type (message()::string()). -type (tag() :: atom()). -spec do_code_inspection([dir()|filename()], [{atom(), [any()]}]) -> [{message(), [{tag, list()}]}]. do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options) -> do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options, []). do_code_inspection(_SearchPaths, [], Acc) -> lists:append(lists:reverse(Acc)); do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, [{FunName, Args}|Options], Acc) -> Res= try_inspector(?MODULE, FunName, Args++[SearchPaths]), do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options, [Res|Acc]). try_inspector(Mod, Fun, Args) -> case try_to_apply(Mod, Fun, Args) of {error, {Reason, StackTrace}} -> wrangler_io:format("Wrangler failed to run '~p':\n{~p, \n~s}\n", [Fun, Reason, StackTrace]), []; {ok, Res} -> Res end. try_to_apply(Mod, Fun, Args) -> try apply(Mod, Fun, Args) catch throw:Error -> Error; _E1:E2:StackTrace -> Reason=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~p",[StackTrace])), {error, {E2,Reason}} end. -spec long_functions(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. long_functions(Lines, SearchPaths) -> {ok, LongFuns} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:long_functions( SearchPaths, Lines, SearchPaths, 8), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Function ~p:~p/~p has more than ~p " "lines of code.", [M, F, A, Lines])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{{M, F, A}, {File, Line}}<-LongFuns], {ok, Res}. -spec large_modules(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. large_modules(Lines, SearchPaths) -> {ok, LargeMods}= wrangler_code_inspector_lib:large_modules(Lines, SearchPaths, 8), Res = [begin M=filename:basename(File, ".erl"), Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The module '~p' has more than ~p " "lines of code.", [list_to_atom(M), Lines])), {Msg, [{file, File}]} end ||File<-LargeMods], {ok, Res}. -spec nested_case_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_case_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'case'). -spec nested_if_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_if_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'if'). -spec nested_receive_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_receive_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'receive'). nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, ExprType) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), Funs = lists:flatmap(fun (File) -> ResRanges=wrangler_code_inspector_lib:nested_exprs_1( File, NestLevel, ExprType, SearchPaths, 8), [{File, M, F, A, Ln}||{M,F, A, {{Ln, _},_}}<-ResRanges] end, Files), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The ~p expression in function ~p:~p/~p is nested ~p times or more.", [ExprType, M, F, A, NestLevel])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, M, F, A, Ln}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec not_flush_unknown_messages([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. not_flush_unknown_messages(SearchPaths) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), Funs = lists:flatmap(fun (F) -> wrangler_code_inspector_lib:not_flush_unknown_messages_1(F, SearchPaths, 8) end, Files), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The receive expression in function ~p:~p/~p does not flush unknown messages.", [M, F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, M, F, A, Ln}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec calls_to_specific_function(mfa(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. calls_to_specific_function({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:calls_to_specific_function( {M,F,A}, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've called the blacklisted function ~p:~p/~p at line ~p.", [M, F, A, Line])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,{{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. -spec calls_to_specific_functions([mfa()], [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. calls_to_specific_functions(MFAs, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:calls_to_specific_functions( MFAs, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've called the blacklisted function ~p:~p/~p at line ~p.", [M, F, A, Line])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,{M, F, A}, {{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. -type (op():: atom()). -spec use_of_specific_ops([op()], [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. use_of_specific_ops(Ops, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = use_of_specific_ops_1(Ops, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've used the blacklisted operaotr ~p.", [Op])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,Op, {{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. use_of_specific_ops_1(Ops, SearchPaths) -> {ok, ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("E@"), {_File@, get_operator(E@),api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@)}, lists:member(api_refac:type(E@), [infix_expr, prefix_expr]) andalso lists:member(get_operator(E@), Ops))], [SearchPaths])}. get_operator(Expr) -> Op=case api_refac:type(Expr) of infix_expr -> wrangler_syntax:infix_expr_operator(Expr); prefix_expr -> wrangler_syntax:prefix_expr_operator(Expr) end, wrangler_syntax:operator_name(Op). -spec use_of_export_all([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. use_of_export_all(SearchPaths) -> {ok, Uses} = use_of_export_all_1(SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg="Oops. You've used the 'export_all' directive.", {Msg, [{file, File}]} end ||File<-Uses], {ok, Res}. use_of_export_all_1(SearchPaths) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), {ok, [File||File<-Files, use_of_export_all_2(File)]}. use_of_export_all_2(File)-> try wrangler_ast_server:parse_annotate_file(File, false) of {ok, {_, ModInfo}} -> case lists:keysearch(attributes, 1, ModInfo) of {value, {attributes, Attrs}} -> lists:member({compile, export_all}, Attrs); false -> false end catch _E1:_E2 -> false end. %% Give the type (according to syntax_tools) of the patterns %% in a function definition. classify_pattern_match(File) -> Classify = ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@@) when _Guard@@@ -> _Body@@@."), {api_refac:fun_define_info(f@), api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@), overall_classify([pattern_type(Pat) || Pat <- lists:flatten(Args@@@)])}, true )], [File]), MsgFun = fun (mixed) -> " patterns made up entirely of variables or of literals."; (variable) -> " mixed patterns or patterns of literals only."; (literal) -> " mixed patterns or patterns of variables only." end, Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This function could be defined differently: try it with~s~n", [MsgFun(Kind)])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line_from, integer_to_list(LineFrom)}, {line_to, integer_to_list(LineTo)}]} end ||{_, {{LineFrom,_},{LineTo,_}}, Kind}<-Classify, Kind /= none], {ok, Res}. -spec pattern_type(syntaxTree()) -> variable | literal | mixed. pattern_type(Pat) -> case wrangler_syntax:is_literal(Pat) of true -> literal; false -> case api_refac:type(Pat) of variable -> variable; _ -> mixed end end. -spec overall_classify([atom()]) -> atom(). overall_classify([]) -> none; overall_classify([X|Xs]) -> overall_classify(X,Xs). -spec overall_classify(atom(),[atom()]) -> atom(). overall_classify(X,[]) -> X; overall_classify(X,[Y|Ys]) -> case X==Y of true -> overall_classify(X,Ys); false -> mixed end. %% Collect all the function applications within a function definition. Returns { erlang , apply,3 } for uses of apply . collect_function_apps({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when _Guard@@ -> Body@@;"), collect_apps_within(_This@), {M, F, A} == api_refac:fun_define_info(f@)) ], [SearchPaths]). collect_apps_within(Node) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(Argss@@)"), api_refac:fun_define_info(F@), true) ], Node). collect_function_apps2({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when _Guard@@ -> Body@@;"), collect_apps_within2(_This@), {M, F, A} == api_refac:fun_define_info(f@)) ], [SearchPaths]). collect_apps_within2(Node) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(Argss@@)"), ?PP(api_refac:get_app_mod(_This@)), true) ], Node). -spec top_level_if([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. top_level_if(SearchPaths)-> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when Guard@@ ->Body@."), {_File@, api_refac:fun_define_info(f@), api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@)}, api_refac:type(Body@) == if_expr)], [SearchPaths]), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The function ~p:~p/~p consists of a top-level if expression.", [M, F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {M, F, A}, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec unnecessary_match([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. unnecessary_match(SearchPaths) -> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("Body@@, V@=Expr@, V@"), {_File@, wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(lists:nthtail(length(Body@@), _This@))}, api_refac:type(V@) == variable andalso length(api_refac:var_refs(V@))==1)], SearchPaths), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This is an unnecessary match expression at line ~p.", [Ln])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec append_two_lists([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. append_two_lists(SearchPaths) -> Uses=?STOP_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(L1@, L2@)"), {_File@, wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(_This@)}, {lists, append, 2} == api_refac:fun_define_info(F@))], SearchPaths), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This is a use of lists:append/2 at line ~p.", [Ln])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Uses], {ok, Res}. -spec non_tail_recursive_function([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. non_tail_recursive_function(SearchPaths) -> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@@) when Guard@@@-> Body@@@."), {_File@, api_refac:fun_define_info(f@),wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(_This@)}, inspec_examples:is_non_tail_recursive(_This@))], [SearchPaths]), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Function ~p:~p/~p is not tail recursive.", [M,F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {M, F, A},{{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. In this test , I try to detect two code code smells . One is function definitions with 40 or more lines of code , and the %% other is the use of outdated function lists:keysearch/3. test(SearchPaths)-> Options=[{long_functions, [40]}, {calls_to_specific_function, [{lists, keysearch, 3}]}], do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options).
===================================================================== ===================================================================== @private API for feedback tool. Give the type (according to syntax_tools) of the patterns in a function definition. Collect all the function applications within a function definition. other is the use of outdated function lists:keysearch/3.
Wrangler 's feedback interface module to Erlang E - learning @author [ ] @doc Wrangler 's feedback interface module to Erlang E - learning -module(inspec_feedback_wrangler). -export([do_code_inspection/2]). -export([long_functions/2, large_modules/2, calls_to_specific_function/2, calls_to_specific_functions/2, classify_pattern_match/1, nested_if_exprs/2, nested_case_exprs/2, nested_receive_exprs/2, not_flush_unknown_messages/1, top_level_if/1, unnecessary_match/1, append_two_lists/1, non_tail_recursive_function/1, use_of_specific_ops/2, use_of_export_all/1 ]). -export([test/1, collect_function_apps/2, collect_function_apps2/2]). -include("wrangler.hrl"). -type (message()::string()). -type (tag() :: atom()). -spec do_code_inspection([dir()|filename()], [{atom(), [any()]}]) -> [{message(), [{tag, list()}]}]. do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options) -> do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options, []). do_code_inspection(_SearchPaths, [], Acc) -> lists:append(lists:reverse(Acc)); do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, [{FunName, Args}|Options], Acc) -> Res= try_inspector(?MODULE, FunName, Args++[SearchPaths]), do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options, [Res|Acc]). try_inspector(Mod, Fun, Args) -> case try_to_apply(Mod, Fun, Args) of {error, {Reason, StackTrace}} -> wrangler_io:format("Wrangler failed to run '~p':\n{~p, \n~s}\n", [Fun, Reason, StackTrace]), []; {ok, Res} -> Res end. try_to_apply(Mod, Fun, Args) -> try apply(Mod, Fun, Args) catch throw:Error -> Error; _E1:E2:StackTrace -> Reason=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~p",[StackTrace])), {error, {E2,Reason}} end. -spec long_functions(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. long_functions(Lines, SearchPaths) -> {ok, LongFuns} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:long_functions( SearchPaths, Lines, SearchPaths, 8), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Function ~p:~p/~p has more than ~p " "lines of code.", [M, F, A, Lines])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{{M, F, A}, {File, Line}}<-LongFuns], {ok, Res}. -spec large_modules(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. large_modules(Lines, SearchPaths) -> {ok, LargeMods}= wrangler_code_inspector_lib:large_modules(Lines, SearchPaths, 8), Res = [begin M=filename:basename(File, ".erl"), Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The module '~p' has more than ~p " "lines of code.", [list_to_atom(M), Lines])), {Msg, [{file, File}]} end ||File<-LargeMods], {ok, Res}. -spec nested_case_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_case_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'case'). -spec nested_if_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_if_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'if'). -spec nested_receive_exprs(integer(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. nested_receive_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths) -> nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, 'receive'). nested_exprs(NestLevel, SearchPaths, ExprType) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), Funs = lists:flatmap(fun (File) -> ResRanges=wrangler_code_inspector_lib:nested_exprs_1( File, NestLevel, ExprType, SearchPaths, 8), [{File, M, F, A, Ln}||{M,F, A, {{Ln, _},_}}<-ResRanges] end, Files), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The ~p expression in function ~p:~p/~p is nested ~p times or more.", [ExprType, M, F, A, NestLevel])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, M, F, A, Ln}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec not_flush_unknown_messages([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. not_flush_unknown_messages(SearchPaths) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), Funs = lists:flatmap(fun (F) -> wrangler_code_inspector_lib:not_flush_unknown_messages_1(F, SearchPaths, 8) end, Files), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The receive expression in function ~p:~p/~p does not flush unknown messages.", [M, F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, M, F, A, Ln}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec calls_to_specific_function(mfa(), [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. calls_to_specific_function({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:calls_to_specific_function( {M,F,A}, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've called the blacklisted function ~p:~p/~p at line ~p.", [M, F, A, Line])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,{{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. -spec calls_to_specific_functions([mfa()], [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. calls_to_specific_functions(MFAs, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = wrangler_code_inspector_lib:calls_to_specific_functions( MFAs, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've called the blacklisted function ~p:~p/~p at line ~p.", [M, F, A, Line])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,{M, F, A}, {{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. -type (op():: atom()). -spec use_of_specific_ops([op()], [dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. use_of_specific_ops(Ops, SearchPaths) -> {ok, Calls} = use_of_specific_ops_1(Ops, SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Oops. You've used the blacklisted operaotr ~p.", [Op])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Line)}]} end ||{File,Op, {{Line, _}, _}}<-Calls], {ok, Res}. use_of_specific_ops_1(Ops, SearchPaths) -> {ok, ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("E@"), {_File@, get_operator(E@),api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@)}, lists:member(api_refac:type(E@), [infix_expr, prefix_expr]) andalso lists:member(get_operator(E@), Ops))], [SearchPaths])}. get_operator(Expr) -> Op=case api_refac:type(Expr) of infix_expr -> wrangler_syntax:infix_expr_operator(Expr); prefix_expr -> wrangler_syntax:prefix_expr_operator(Expr) end, wrangler_syntax:operator_name(Op). -spec use_of_export_all([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. use_of_export_all(SearchPaths) -> {ok, Uses} = use_of_export_all_1(SearchPaths), Res=[begin Msg="Oops. You've used the 'export_all' directive.", {Msg, [{file, File}]} end ||File<-Uses], {ok, Res}. use_of_export_all_1(SearchPaths) -> Files = wrangler_misc:expand_files(SearchPaths, ".erl"), {ok, [File||File<-Files, use_of_export_all_2(File)]}. use_of_export_all_2(File)-> try wrangler_ast_server:parse_annotate_file(File, false) of {ok, {_, ModInfo}} -> case lists:keysearch(attributes, 1, ModInfo) of {value, {attributes, Attrs}} -> lists:member({compile, export_all}, Attrs); false -> false end catch _E1:_E2 -> false end. classify_pattern_match(File) -> Classify = ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@@) when _Guard@@@ -> _Body@@@."), {api_refac:fun_define_info(f@), api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@), overall_classify([pattern_type(Pat) || Pat <- lists:flatten(Args@@@)])}, true )], [File]), MsgFun = fun (mixed) -> " patterns made up entirely of variables or of literals."; (variable) -> " mixed patterns or patterns of literals only."; (literal) -> " mixed patterns or patterns of variables only." end, Res=[begin Msg=lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This function could be defined differently: try it with~s~n", [MsgFun(Kind)])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line_from, integer_to_list(LineFrom)}, {line_to, integer_to_list(LineTo)}]} end ||{_, {{LineFrom,_},{LineTo,_}}, Kind}<-Classify, Kind /= none], {ok, Res}. -spec pattern_type(syntaxTree()) -> variable | literal | mixed. pattern_type(Pat) -> case wrangler_syntax:is_literal(Pat) of true -> literal; false -> case api_refac:type(Pat) of variable -> variable; _ -> mixed end end. -spec overall_classify([atom()]) -> atom(). overall_classify([]) -> none; overall_classify([X|Xs]) -> overall_classify(X,Xs). -spec overall_classify(atom(),[atom()]) -> atom(). overall_classify(X,[]) -> X; overall_classify(X,[Y|Ys]) -> case X==Y of true -> overall_classify(X,Ys); false -> mixed end. Returns { erlang , apply,3 } for uses of apply . collect_function_apps({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when _Guard@@ -> Body@@;"), collect_apps_within(_This@), {M, F, A} == api_refac:fun_define_info(f@)) ], [SearchPaths]). collect_apps_within(Node) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(Argss@@)"), api_refac:fun_define_info(F@), true) ], Node). collect_function_apps2({M, F, A}, SearchPaths) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when _Guard@@ -> Body@@;"), collect_apps_within2(_This@), {M, F, A} == api_refac:fun_define_info(f@)) ], [SearchPaths]). collect_apps_within2(Node) -> ?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(Argss@@)"), ?PP(api_refac:get_app_mod(_This@)), true) ], Node). -spec top_level_if([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. top_level_if(SearchPaths)-> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@) when Guard@@ ->Body@."), {_File@, api_refac:fun_define_info(f@), api_refac:start_end_loc(_This@)}, api_refac:type(Body@) == if_expr)], [SearchPaths]), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("The function ~p:~p/~p consists of a top-level if expression.", [M, F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {M, F, A}, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec unnecessary_match([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. unnecessary_match(SearchPaths) -> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("Body@@, V@=Expr@, V@"), {_File@, wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(lists:nthtail(length(Body@@), _This@))}, api_refac:type(V@) == variable andalso length(api_refac:var_refs(V@))==1)], SearchPaths), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This is an unnecessary match expression at line ~p.", [Ln])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. -spec append_two_lists([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. append_two_lists(SearchPaths) -> Uses=?STOP_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("F@(L1@, L2@)"), {_File@, wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(_This@)}, {lists, append, 2} == api_refac:fun_define_info(F@))], SearchPaths), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("This is a use of lists:append/2 at line ~p.", [Ln])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {{Ln, _}, _}}<-Uses], {ok, Res}. -spec non_tail_recursive_function([dir()|filename()]) -> {ok, [{message(), [{tag(), list()}]}]}. non_tail_recursive_function(SearchPaths) -> Funs=?FULL_TD_TU([?COLLECT(?T("f@(Args@@@) when Guard@@@-> Body@@@."), {_File@, api_refac:fun_define_info(f@),wrangler_misc:start_end_loc(_This@)}, inspec_examples:is_non_tail_recursive(_This@))], [SearchPaths]), Res = [begin Msg = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Function ~p:~p/~p is not tail recursive.", [M,F, A])), {Msg, [{file, File}, {line, integer_to_list(Ln)}]} end || {File, {M, F, A},{{Ln, _}, _}}<-Funs], {ok, Res}. In this test , I try to detect two code code smells . One is function definitions with 40 or more lines of code , and the test(SearchPaths)-> Options=[{long_functions, [40]}, {calls_to_specific_function, [{lists, keysearch, 3}]}], do_code_inspection(SearchPaths, Options).
* Copyright ( c ) 2017 < > * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (c) 2017 Thomas Gazagnaire <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) open Lwt.Infix type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t type buffer = Cstruct.t type error = [`Msg of string] type write_error = [ Mirage_flow.write_error | error ] let pp_error ppf (`Msg s) = Fmt.string ppf s let pp_write_error ppf = function | #Mirage_flow.write_error as e -> Mirage_flow.pp_write_error ppf e | #error as e -> pp_error ppf e type flow = Lwt_rawlink.t let err e = Lwt.return (Error (`Msg (Printexc.to_string e))) let read t = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_rawlink.read_packet t >|= fun buf -> Ok (`Data buf) ) (function Failure _ -> Lwt.return (Ok `Eof) | e -> err e) let write t b = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_rawlink.send_packet t b >|= fun () -> Ok () ) (fun e -> err e) let close t = Lwt_rawlink.close_link t let writev t bs = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_list.iter_s (Lwt_rawlink.send_packet t) bs >|= fun () -> Ok () ) (fun e -> err e)
* Copyright ( c ) 2017 < > * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * Copyright (c) 2017 Thomas Gazagnaire <> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) open Lwt.Infix type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t type buffer = Cstruct.t type error = [`Msg of string] type write_error = [ Mirage_flow.write_error | error ] let pp_error ppf (`Msg s) = Fmt.string ppf s let pp_write_error ppf = function | #Mirage_flow.write_error as e -> Mirage_flow.pp_write_error ppf e | #error as e -> pp_error ppf e type flow = Lwt_rawlink.t let err e = Lwt.return (Error (`Msg (Printexc.to_string e))) let read t = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_rawlink.read_packet t >|= fun buf -> Ok (`Data buf) ) (function Failure _ -> Lwt.return (Ok `Eof) | e -> err e) let write t b = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_rawlink.send_packet t b >|= fun () -> Ok () ) (fun e -> err e) let close t = Lwt_rawlink.close_link t let writev t bs = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_list.iter_s (Lwt_rawlink.send_packet t) bs >|= fun () -> Ok () ) (fun e -> err e)
(define (same-parity x . y) (define (filter proc items) (if (null? items) '() (if (proc (car items)) (cons (car items) (filter proc (cdr items))) (filter proc (cdr items))))) (let ((tail (if (even? x) (filter even? y) (filter odd? y)))) (cons x tail)))
(define (same-parity x . y) (define (filter proc items) (if (null? items) '() (if (proc (car items)) (cons (car items) (filter proc (cdr items))) (filter proc (cdr items))))) (let ((tail (if (even? x) (filter even? y) (filter odd? y)))) (cons x tail)))
module DS (definePgConTable) where import Language.Haskell.TH import Language . Haskell . TH.Name . CamelCase ( ConName ) import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL (connectPostgreSQL) import Database.HDBC.Query.TH import Database.HDBC.Schema.PostgreSQL (driverPostgreSQL) definePgConTable :: String -> String -> [Name] -> Q [Dec] definePgConTable = defineTableFromDB (connectPostgreSQL "dbname=pgcon") driverPostgreSQL
module DS (definePgConTable) where import Language.Haskell.TH import Language . Haskell . TH.Name . CamelCase ( ConName ) import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL (connectPostgreSQL) import Database.HDBC.Query.TH import Database.HDBC.Schema.PostgreSQL (driverPostgreSQL) definePgConTable :: String -> String -> [Name] -> Q [Dec] definePgConTable = defineTableFromDB (connectPostgreSQL "dbname=pgcon") driverPostgreSQL
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.pre-alias-aggregations-test "Tests for the `pre-alias-aggregations` middleware. For the most part we don't need to test the actual pre-alias logic, as that comes from the MBQL library and is tested thoroughly there -- we just need to test that it gets applied in the correct places." (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.pre-alias-aggregations :as qp.pre-alias-aggregations] [metabase.test :as mt])) (defn- pre-alias [query] (driver/with-driver (or driver/*driver* :h2) (qp.pre-alias-aggregations/pre-alias-aggregations query))) (deftest pre-alias-aggregations-test (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"} ] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"} ]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]]}))))) (deftest named-aggregations-test (testing "if one or more aggregations are already named, do things still work correctly?" (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum"}]]})))))) (deftest source-queries-test (testing "do aggregations inside source queries get pre-aliased?") (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]} :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]]} :aggregation [[:count]]}))))) (deftest source-queries-inside-joins-test (testing "do aggregatons inside of source queries inside joins get pre-aliased?" (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$venues :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]] :joins [{:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]] :breakout [$venue_id]} :alias "checkins" :condition [:= &checkins.venue_id $venues.id]}]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$venues :aggregation [[:count]] :joins [{:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]] :breakout [$venue_id]} :alias "checkins" :condition [:= &checkins.venue_id $venues.id]}]})))))) (deftest expressions-test (testing "does pre-aliasing work the way we'd expect with expressions?" (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression"}]]}} (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]]]}}))) (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression"}] [:aggregation-options [:- 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression_2"}]]}} (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] [:- 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]]]}}))))) (driver/register! ::test-driver, :abstract? true, :parent :sql) (defmethod driver/escape-alias ::test-driver [_ custom-field-name] (str \_ custom-field-name)) (deftest use-escape-alias-test (testing (str "we should use [[driver/escape-alias]] on the generated aggregation names in case the " "drivers need to tweak the default names we generate.")) (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "_expression"}] [:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "_count"}]]}} (driver/with-driver ::test-driver (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] [:count]]}})))))
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.pre-alias-aggregations-test "Tests for the `pre-alias-aggregations` middleware. For the most part we don't need to test the actual pre-alias logic, as that comes from the MBQL library and is tested thoroughly there -- we just need to test that it gets applied in the correct places." (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [metabase.driver :as driver] [metabase.query-processor.middleware.pre-alias-aggregations :as qp.pre-alias-aggregations] [metabase.test :as mt])) (defn- pre-alias [query] (driver/with-driver (or driver/*driver* :h2) (qp.pre-alias-aggregations/pre-alias-aggregations query))) (deftest pre-alias-aggregations-test (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"} ] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"} ]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]]}))))) (deftest named-aggregations-test (testing "if one or more aggregations are already named, do things still work correctly?" (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum"}]]})))))) (deftest source-queries-test (testing "do aggregations inside source queries get pre-aliased?") (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]]} :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]]} :aggregation [[:count]]}))))) (deftest source-queries-inside-joins-test (testing "do aggregatons inside of source queries inside joins get pre-aliased?" (is (= (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$venues :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]] :joins [{:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:sum $user_id] {:name "sum"}] [:aggregation-options [:sum $venue_id] {:name "sum_2"}]] :breakout [$venue_id]} :alias "checkins" :condition [:= &checkins.venue_id $venues.id]}]}) (pre-alias (mt/mbql-query checkins {:source-table $$venues :aggregation [[:count]] :joins [{:source-query {:source-table $$checkins :aggregation [[:sum $user_id] [:sum $venue_id]] :breakout [$venue_id]} :alias "checkins" :condition [:= &checkins.venue_id $venues.id]}]})))))) (deftest expressions-test (testing "does pre-aliasing work the way we'd expect with expressions?" (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression"}]]}} (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]]]}}))) (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression"}] [:aggregation-options [:- 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "expression_2"}]]}} (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] [:- 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]]]}}))))) (driver/register! ::test-driver, :abstract? true, :parent :sql) (defmethod driver/escape-alias ::test-driver [_ custom-field-name] (str \_ custom-field-name)) (deftest use-escape-alias-test (testing (str "we should use [[driver/escape-alias]] on the generated aggregation names in case the " "drivers need to tweak the default names we generate.")) (is (= {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] {:name "_expression"}] [:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "_count"}]]}} (driver/with-driver ::test-driver (pre-alias {:database 1 :type :query :query {:source-table 1 :aggregation [[:+ 20 [:sum [:field 2 nil]]] [:count]]}})))))
(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) and , (* *) Copyright 2015 - -2016 Jane Street Group LLC (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) * Profiling of a program 's space behaviour over time . Currently only supported on x86 - 64 platforms running 64 - bit code . To use the functions in this module you must : - configure the compiler with " -spacetime " ; - compile to native code . Without these conditions being satisfied the functions in this module will have no effect . Instead of manually taking profiling heap snapshots with this module it is possible to use an automatic snapshot facility that writes profiling information at fixed intervals to a file . To enable this , all that needs to be done is to build the relevant program using a compiler configured with -spacetime ; and set the environment variable OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL to an integer number of milliseconds giving the interval between profiling heap snapshots . This interval should not be made excessively small relative to the running time of the program . A typical interval to start with might be 1/100 of the running time of the program . The program must exit " normally " ( i.e. by calling [ exit ] , with whatever exit code , rather than being abnormally terminated by a signal ) so that the snapshot file is correctly completed . When using the automatic snapshot mode the profiling output is written to a file called " spacetime-<pid > " where < pid > is the process ID of the program . ( If the program forks and continues executing then multiple files may be produced with different pid numbers . ) The profiling output is by default written to the current working directory when the program starts . This may be customised by setting the OCAML_SPACETIME_SNAPSHOT_DIR environment variable to the name of the desired directory . If using automatic snapshots the presence of the [ save_event_for_automatic_snapshots ] function , below , should be noted . The functions in this module are thread safe . For functions to decode the information recorded by the profiler , see the Spacetime offline library in otherlibs/. Currently only supported on x86-64 platforms running 64-bit code. To use the functions in this module you must: - configure the compiler with "-spacetime"; - compile to native code. Without these conditions being satisfied the functions in this module will have no effect. Instead of manually taking profiling heap snapshots with this module it is possible to use an automatic snapshot facility that writes profiling information at fixed intervals to a file. To enable this, all that needs to be done is to build the relevant program using a compiler configured with -spacetime; and set the environment variable OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL to an integer number of milliseconds giving the interval between profiling heap snapshots. This interval should not be made excessively small relative to the running time of the program. A typical interval to start with might be 1/100 of the running time of the program. The program must exit "normally" (i.e. by calling [exit], with whatever exit code, rather than being abnormally terminated by a signal) so that the snapshot file is correctly completed. When using the automatic snapshot mode the profiling output is written to a file called "spacetime-<pid>" where <pid> is the process ID of the program. (If the program forks and continues executing then multiple files may be produced with different pid numbers.) The profiling output is by default written to the current working directory when the program starts. This may be customised by setting the OCAML_SPACETIME_SNAPSHOT_DIR environment variable to the name of the desired directory. If using automatic snapshots the presence of the [save_event_for_automatic_snapshots] function, below, should be noted. The functions in this module are thread safe. For functions to decode the information recorded by the profiler, see the Spacetime offline library in otherlibs/. *) module Series : sig (** Type representing a file that will hold a series of heap snapshots together with additional information required to interpret those snapshots. *) type t (** [create ~path] creates a series file at [path]. *) val create : path:string -> t (** [save_event] writes an event, which is an arbitrary string, into the given series file. This may be used for identifying particular points during program execution when analysing the profile. The optional [time] parameter is as for [Snapshot.take]. *) val save_event : ?time:float -> t -> event_name:string -> unit (** [save_and_close series] writes information into [series] required for interpeting the snapshots that [series] contains and then closes the [series] file. This function must be called to produce a valid series file. The optional [time] parameter is as for [Snapshot.take]. *) val save_and_close : ?time:float -> t -> unit end module Snapshot : sig * [ take series ] takes a snapshot of the profiling annotations on the values in the minor and major heaps , together with GC stats , and write the result to the [ series ] file . This function triggers a minor GC but does not allocate any memory itself . If the optional [ time ] is specified , it will be used instead of the result of [ Sys.time ] as the timestamp of the snapshot . Such [ time]s should start from zero and be monotonically increasing . This parameter is intended to be used so that snapshots can be correlated against wall clock time ( which is not supported in the standard library ) rather than elapsed CPU time . in the minor and major heaps, together with GC stats, and write the result to the [series] file. This function triggers a minor GC but does not allocate any memory itself. If the optional [time] is specified, it will be used instead of the result of [Sys.time] as the timestamp of the snapshot. Such [time]s should start from zero and be monotonically increasing. This parameter is intended to be used so that snapshots can be correlated against wall clock time (which is not supported in the standard library) rather than elapsed CPU time. *) val take : ?time:float -> Series.t -> unit end (** Like [Series.save_event], but writes to the automatic snapshot file. This function is a no-op if OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL was not set. *) val save_event_for_automatic_snapshots : event_name:string -> unit
************************************************************************ OCaml All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. ************************************************************************ * Type representing a file that will hold a series of heap snapshots together with additional information required to interpret those snapshots. * [create ~path] creates a series file at [path]. * [save_event] writes an event, which is an arbitrary string, into the given series file. This may be used for identifying particular points during program execution when analysing the profile. The optional [time] parameter is as for [Snapshot.take]. * [save_and_close series] writes information into [series] required for interpeting the snapshots that [series] contains and then closes the [series] file. This function must be called to produce a valid series file. The optional [time] parameter is as for [Snapshot.take]. * Like [Series.save_event], but writes to the automatic snapshot file. This function is a no-op if OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL was not set.
and , Copyright 2015 - -2016 Jane Street Group LLC the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 , with the * Profiling of a program 's space behaviour over time . Currently only supported on x86 - 64 platforms running 64 - bit code . To use the functions in this module you must : - configure the compiler with " -spacetime " ; - compile to native code . Without these conditions being satisfied the functions in this module will have no effect . Instead of manually taking profiling heap snapshots with this module it is possible to use an automatic snapshot facility that writes profiling information at fixed intervals to a file . To enable this , all that needs to be done is to build the relevant program using a compiler configured with -spacetime ; and set the environment variable OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL to an integer number of milliseconds giving the interval between profiling heap snapshots . This interval should not be made excessively small relative to the running time of the program . A typical interval to start with might be 1/100 of the running time of the program . The program must exit " normally " ( i.e. by calling [ exit ] , with whatever exit code , rather than being abnormally terminated by a signal ) so that the snapshot file is correctly completed . When using the automatic snapshot mode the profiling output is written to a file called " spacetime-<pid > " where < pid > is the process ID of the program . ( If the program forks and continues executing then multiple files may be produced with different pid numbers . ) The profiling output is by default written to the current working directory when the program starts . This may be customised by setting the OCAML_SPACETIME_SNAPSHOT_DIR environment variable to the name of the desired directory . If using automatic snapshots the presence of the [ save_event_for_automatic_snapshots ] function , below , should be noted . The functions in this module are thread safe . For functions to decode the information recorded by the profiler , see the Spacetime offline library in otherlibs/. Currently only supported on x86-64 platforms running 64-bit code. To use the functions in this module you must: - configure the compiler with "-spacetime"; - compile to native code. Without these conditions being satisfied the functions in this module will have no effect. Instead of manually taking profiling heap snapshots with this module it is possible to use an automatic snapshot facility that writes profiling information at fixed intervals to a file. To enable this, all that needs to be done is to build the relevant program using a compiler configured with -spacetime; and set the environment variable OCAML_SPACETIME_INTERVAL to an integer number of milliseconds giving the interval between profiling heap snapshots. This interval should not be made excessively small relative to the running time of the program. A typical interval to start with might be 1/100 of the running time of the program. The program must exit "normally" (i.e. by calling [exit], with whatever exit code, rather than being abnormally terminated by a signal) so that the snapshot file is correctly completed. When using the automatic snapshot mode the profiling output is written to a file called "spacetime-<pid>" where <pid> is the process ID of the program. (If the program forks and continues executing then multiple files may be produced with different pid numbers.) The profiling output is by default written to the current working directory when the program starts. This may be customised by setting the OCAML_SPACETIME_SNAPSHOT_DIR environment variable to the name of the desired directory. If using automatic snapshots the presence of the [save_event_for_automatic_snapshots] function, below, should be noted. The functions in this module are thread safe. For functions to decode the information recorded by the profiler, see the Spacetime offline library in otherlibs/. *) module Series : sig type t val create : path:string -> t val save_event : ?time:float -> t -> event_name:string -> unit val save_and_close : ?time:float -> t -> unit end module Snapshot : sig * [ take series ] takes a snapshot of the profiling annotations on the values in the minor and major heaps , together with GC stats , and write the result to the [ series ] file . This function triggers a minor GC but does not allocate any memory itself . If the optional [ time ] is specified , it will be used instead of the result of [ Sys.time ] as the timestamp of the snapshot . Such [ time]s should start from zero and be monotonically increasing . This parameter is intended to be used so that snapshots can be correlated against wall clock time ( which is not supported in the standard library ) rather than elapsed CPU time . in the minor and major heaps, together with GC stats, and write the result to the [series] file. This function triggers a minor GC but does not allocate any memory itself. If the optional [time] is specified, it will be used instead of the result of [Sys.time] as the timestamp of the snapshot. Such [time]s should start from zero and be monotonically increasing. This parameter is intended to be used so that snapshots can be correlated against wall clock time (which is not supported in the standard library) rather than elapsed CPU time. *) val take : ?time:float -> Series.t -> unit end val save_event_for_automatic_snapshots : event_name:string -> unit
(in-package #:nats.subject) (defun every-subject-char-p (str) (cl-ppcre:scan "^[^\\s\\r\\n]+$" str)) (deftype subject () "SUBJECT must be a string containing at least one character, and only visible characters." '(and string (satisfies every-subject-char-p)))
(in-package #:nats.subject) (defun every-subject-char-p (str) (cl-ppcre:scan "^[^\\s\\r\\n]+$" str)) (deftype subject () "SUBJECT must be a string containing at least one character, and only visible characters." '(and string (satisfies every-subject-char-p)))
; Copyright © 2013,2014 ( ) ; Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; -2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; This file is part of an unsupported extension to Alfresco . ; (ns alfresco-technical-validation.impl.util (:require [clojure.string :as s] [clojure.tools.logging :as log] [clojure.java.io :as io] )) (defn declare-result "Builds a map representing the result of testing a single validation criteria." ([criteria-id message] (declare-result criteria-id nil message)) ([criteria-id passes message] (if (nil? passes) { :criteria-id criteria-id :message message } { :criteria-id criteria-id :passes passes :message message } ))) (defn build-binary-message [query-result] (s/join "\n" (map #(str (get % "ClassName") " uses " (s/join ", " (get % "APIs"))) query-result))) (defn standard-binary-validation ([criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message] (standard-binary-validation criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message empty?)) ([criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message comparison-fn] (let [query-result-as-string (build-binary-message query-result) message (if (empty? query-result-as-string) success-message query-result-as-string)] (declare-result criteria-id (comparison-fn query-result) (if manual-followup-required (str message "\n#### Manual followup required. ####") message))))) (defn build-source-message [source header matches] (str header ":\n" (s/join "\n" (map #(str (subs (str (:file %)) (.length ^String source)) " line " (:line-number %) ": " (s/trim (:line %))) matches)))) (defn standard-source-validation ([source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message] (standard-source-validation source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message empty?)) ([source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message comparison-fn] (let [matches (filter #(= regex-id (:regex-id %)) content-index) message (if (empty? matches) success-message (build-source-message source message-header matches))] (declare-result criteria-id (comparison-fn matches) (if manual-followup-required (str message "\n#### Manual followup required. ####") message)))))
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright © 2013,2014 ( ) distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , This file is part of an unsupported extension to Alfresco . (ns alfresco-technical-validation.impl.util (:require [clojure.string :as s] [clojure.tools.logging :as log] [clojure.java.io :as io] )) (defn declare-result "Builds a map representing the result of testing a single validation criteria." ([criteria-id message] (declare-result criteria-id nil message)) ([criteria-id passes message] (if (nil? passes) { :criteria-id criteria-id :message message } { :criteria-id criteria-id :passes passes :message message } ))) (defn build-binary-message [query-result] (s/join "\n" (map #(str (get % "ClassName") " uses " (s/join ", " (get % "APIs"))) query-result))) (defn standard-binary-validation ([criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message] (standard-binary-validation criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message empty?)) ([criteria-id query-result manual-followup-required success-message comparison-fn] (let [query-result-as-string (build-binary-message query-result) message (if (empty? query-result-as-string) success-message query-result-as-string)] (declare-result criteria-id (comparison-fn query-result) (if manual-followup-required (str message "\n#### Manual followup required. ####") message))))) (defn build-source-message [source header matches] (str header ":\n" (s/join "\n" (map #(str (subs (str (:file %)) (.length ^String source)) " line " (:line-number %) ": " (s/trim (:line %))) matches)))) (defn standard-source-validation ([source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message] (standard-source-validation source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message empty?)) ([source content-index regex-id criteria-id message-header manual-followup-required success-message comparison-fn] (let [matches (filter #(= regex-id (:regex-id %)) content-index) message (if (empty? matches) success-message (build-source-message source message-header matches))] (declare-result criteria-id (comparison-fn matches) (if manual-followup-required (str message "\n#### Manual followup required. ####") message)))))
(in-package cluster-engine) (setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)) (print (cluster-engine::ClusterEngine 20 t nil (append (cluster-engine::R-rhythms-one-voice-at-timepoints #'(lambda (x) (equal x '(0 1/4))) 0 '(2) :dur-start) (cluster-engine::R-only-m-motifs 0)) '((4 4)) '(((1/4) (1/8) (1/16) (3/8)) ((60)(m 7 -3)(m -7 3)))) )
(in-package cluster-engine) (setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)) (print (cluster-engine::ClusterEngine 20 t nil (append (cluster-engine::R-rhythms-one-voice-at-timepoints #'(lambda (x) (equal x '(0 1/4))) 0 '(2) :dur-start) (cluster-engine::R-only-m-motifs 0)) '((4 4)) '(((1/4) (1/8) (1/16) (3/8)) ((60)(m 7 -3)(m -7 3)))) )
-module(kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source). -export([encode/1]). -export_type([kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source/0]). -type kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source() :: #{ 'group' => binary(), 'readOnly' => boolean(), 'registry' := binary(), 'tenant' => binary(), 'user' => binary(), 'volume' := binary() }. encode(#{ 'group' := Group, 'readOnly' := ReadOnly, 'registry' := Registry, 'tenant' := Tenant, 'user' := User, 'volume' := Volume }) -> #{ 'group' => Group, 'readOnly' => ReadOnly, 'registry' => Registry, 'tenant' => Tenant, 'user' => User, 'volume' => Volume }.
-module(kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source). -export([encode/1]). -export_type([kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source/0]). -type kuberl_v1_quobyte_volume_source() :: #{ 'group' => binary(), 'readOnly' => boolean(), 'registry' := binary(), 'tenant' => binary(), 'user' => binary(), 'volume' := binary() }. encode(#{ 'group' := Group, 'readOnly' := ReadOnly, 'registry' := Registry, 'tenant' := Tenant, 'user' := User, 'volume' := Volume }) -> #{ 'group' => Group, 'readOnly' => ReadOnly, 'registry' => Registry, 'tenant' => Tenant, 'user' => User, 'volume' => Volume }.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # module Test.Prop.Record.Combinators.Simple (tests) where import Control.Monad.State import Data.Bifunctor import Data.SOP import qualified Data.Record.Anon.Advanced as Anon import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Prop.Record.Model.Orphans () import Test.Prop.Record.Model.Generator import qualified Test.Prop.Record.Model as Modl tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Test.Prop.Record.Combinators.Simple" [ testProperty "map" test_map , testProperty "mapM" test_mapM , testProperty "zip" test_zip , testProperty "zipWith" test_zipWith , testProperty "zipWithM" test_zipWithM , testProperty "collapse" test_collapse , testProperty "sequenceA" test_sequenceA , testProperty "pure" test_pure , testProperty "ap" test_ap ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} pTop :: Proxy Top pTop = Proxy {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests proper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} test_map :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun Int Int -> Property test_map r (applyFun -> f) = onModlRecord pTop (Modl.map f') r === onAnonRecord pTop (Anon.map f') r where f' :: K Int x -> K Int x f' = mapKK f test_mapM :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_mapM r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordM pTop (Modl.mapM f') r) === (run $ onAnonRecordM pTop (Anon.mapM f') r) where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 f' :: K Int x -> State Word (K Int x) f' (K x) = state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, s) test_zip :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Property test_zip r = onModlRecordPair pTop Modl.zip r === onAnonRecordPair pTop Anon.zip r test_zipWith :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Int) Int -> Property test_zipWith r (applyFun -> f) = onModlRecordPair pTop (Modl.zipWith f') r === onAnonRecordPair pTop (Anon.zipWith f') r where f' :: K Int x -> K Int x -> K Int x f' (K x) (K y) = K $ f (x, y) test_zipWithM :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_zipWithM r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordPairM pTop (Modl.zipWithM f') r) === (run $ onAnonRecordPairM pTop (Anon.zipWithM f') r) where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 f' :: K Int x -> K Int x -> State Word (K Int x) f' (K x) (K y) = state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, y, s) test_collapse :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Property test_collapse (SR mf r) = Modl.collapse r === Anon.collapse (Modl.toRecord mf r) test_sequenceA :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_sequenceA r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordM pTop Modl.sequenceA r') === (run $ onAnonRecordM pTop Anon.sequenceA r') where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 r' :: SomeRecord (State Word :.: K Int) r' = onModlRecord pTop (Modl.map f') r f' :: K Int x -> (State Word :.: K Int) x f' (K x) = Comp $ state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, s) test_pure :: SomeFields -> Property test_pure sf = someModlRecord sf (\mf -> Modl.pure mf (K True)) === someAnonRecord pTop sf ( Anon.pure (K True)) test_ap :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Property test_ap (SR2 mf rx ry) = onModlRecordPair pTop Modl.ap r' === onAnonRecordPair pTop Anon.ap r' where r' :: SomeRecordPair (K Int -.-> K Int) (K Int) r' = SR2 mf (Modl.map f rx) ry f :: K Int x -> (K Int -.-> K Int) x f (K x) = fn $ \(K y) -> K (x + y)
# LANGUAGE GADTs # # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auxiliary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tests proper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # module Test.Prop.Record.Combinators.Simple (tests) where import Control.Monad.State import Data.Bifunctor import Data.SOP import qualified Data.Record.Anon.Advanced as Anon import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Prop.Record.Model.Orphans () import Test.Prop.Record.Model.Generator import qualified Test.Prop.Record.Model as Modl tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Test.Prop.Record.Combinators.Simple" [ testProperty "map" test_map , testProperty "mapM" test_mapM , testProperty "zip" test_zip , testProperty "zipWith" test_zipWith , testProperty "zipWithM" test_zipWithM , testProperty "collapse" test_collapse , testProperty "sequenceA" test_sequenceA , testProperty "pure" test_pure , testProperty "ap" test_ap ] pTop :: Proxy Top pTop = Proxy test_map :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun Int Int -> Property test_map r (applyFun -> f) = onModlRecord pTop (Modl.map f') r === onAnonRecord pTop (Anon.map f') r where f' :: K Int x -> K Int x f' = mapKK f test_mapM :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_mapM r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordM pTop (Modl.mapM f') r) === (run $ onAnonRecordM pTop (Anon.mapM f') r) where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 f' :: K Int x -> State Word (K Int x) f' (K x) = state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, s) test_zip :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Property test_zip r = onModlRecordPair pTop Modl.zip r === onAnonRecordPair pTop Anon.zip r test_zipWith :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Int) Int -> Property test_zipWith r (applyFun -> f) = onModlRecordPair pTop (Modl.zipWith f') r === onAnonRecordPair pTop (Anon.zipWith f') r where f' :: K Int x -> K Int x -> K Int x f' (K x) (K y) = K $ f (x, y) test_zipWithM :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_zipWithM r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordPairM pTop (Modl.zipWithM f') r) === (run $ onAnonRecordPairM pTop (Anon.zipWithM f') r) where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 f' :: K Int x -> K Int x -> State Word (K Int x) f' (K x) (K y) = state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, y, s) test_collapse :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Property test_collapse (SR mf r) = Modl.collapse r === Anon.collapse (Modl.toRecord mf r) test_sequenceA :: SomeRecord (K Int) -> Fun (Int, Word) (Int, Word) -> Property test_sequenceA r (applyFun -> f) = (run $ onModlRecordM pTop Modl.sequenceA r') === (run $ onAnonRecordM pTop Anon.sequenceA r') where run :: State Word a -> a run = flip evalState 0 r' :: SomeRecord (State Word :.: K Int) r' = onModlRecord pTop (Modl.map f') r f' :: K Int x -> (State Word :.: K Int) x f' (K x) = Comp $ state $ \s -> first K $ f (x, s) test_pure :: SomeFields -> Property test_pure sf = someModlRecord sf (\mf -> Modl.pure mf (K True)) === someAnonRecord pTop sf ( Anon.pure (K True)) test_ap :: SomeRecordPair (K Int) (K Int) -> Property test_ap (SR2 mf rx ry) = onModlRecordPair pTop Modl.ap r' === onAnonRecordPair pTop Anon.ap r' where r' :: SomeRecordPair (K Int -.-> K Int) (K Int) r' = SR2 mf (Modl.map f rx) ry f :: K Int x -> (K Int -.-> K Int) x f (K x) = fn $ \(K y) -> K (x + y)
(ns ^:no-doc datahike.tools (:require [superv.async :refer [throw-if-exception-]] #?(:clj [clojure.java.io :as io]) [taoensso.timbre :as log]) #?(:clj (:import [java.util Properties UUID Date]))) (defn combine-hashes [x y] #?(:clj (clojure.lang.Util/hashCombine x y) :cljs (hash-combine x y))) #?(:clj (defn- -case-tree [queries variants] (if queries (let [v1 (take (/ (count variants) 2) variants) v2 (drop (/ (count variants) 2) variants)] (list 'if (first queries) (-case-tree (next queries) v1) (-case-tree (next queries) v2))) (first variants)))) #?(:clj (defmacro case-tree [qs vs] (-case-tree qs vs))) (defn ^:dynamic get-time [] #?(:clj (java.util.Date.) :cljs (js/Date.))) (defmacro raise "Logging an error and throwing an exception with message and structured data. Arguments: - Any number of strings that describe the error - Last argument is a map of data that helps understanding the source of the error" [& fragments] (let [msgs (butlast fragments) data (last fragments)] (list `(log/log! :error :p ~fragments ~{:?line (:line (meta &form))}) `(throw #?(:clj (ex-info (str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) msgs)) ~data) :cljs (error (str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) msgs)) ~data)))))) ; (throwable-promise) derived from (promise) in clojure/core.clj. ; * Clojure * Copyright ( c ) . All rights reserved . ; * The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the * Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( -1.0.php ) ; * which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; * By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; * the terms of this license. ; * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (defn throwable-promise "Returns a promise object that can be read with deref/@, and set, once only, with deliver. Calls to deref/@ prior to delivery will block, unless the variant of deref with timeout is used. All subsequent derefs will return the same delivered value without blocking. Exceptions delivered to the promise will throw on deref." [] (let [d (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. 1) v (atom d)] (reify clojure.lang.IDeref (deref [_] (.await d) (throw-if-exception- @v)) clojure.lang.IBlockingDeref (deref [_ timeout-ms timeout-val] (if (.await d timeout-ms java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS) (throw-if-exception- @v) timeout-val)) clojure.lang.IPending (isRealized [this] (zero? (.getCount d))) clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [this x] (when (and (pos? (.getCount d)) (compare-and-set! v d x)) (.countDown d) this))))) (defn get-version "Retrieves the current version of a dependency. Thanks to " [dep] #?(:clj (let [path (str "META-INF/maven/" (or (namespace dep) (name dep)) "/" (name dep) "/pom.properties") props (io/resource path)] (when props (with-open [stream (io/input-stream props)] (let [props (doto (Properties.) (.load stream))] (.getProperty props "version"))))) :cljs "JavaScript")) (defn meta-data [] {:datahike/version (or (get-version 'io.replikativ/datahike) "DEVELOPMENT") :konserve/version (get-version 'io.replikativ/konserve) :hitchhiker.tree/version (get-version 'io.replikativ/hitchhiker-tree) :persistent.set/version (get-version 'persistent-sorted-set/persistent-sorted-set) :datahike/id (UUID/randomUUID) :datahike/created-at (Date.)}) (defn deep-merge "Recursively merges maps together. If all the maps supplied have nested maps under the same keys, these nested maps are merged. Otherwise the value is overwritten, as in `clojure.core/merge`. Copied from weavejester/medley 1.3.0" {:arglists '([& maps]) :added "1.1.0"} ([]) ([a] a) ([a b] (when (or a b) (letfn [(merge-entry [m e] (let [k (key e) v' (val e)] (if (contains? m k) (assoc m k (let [v (get m k)] (if (and (map? v) (map? v')) (deep-merge v v') v'))) (assoc m k v'))))] (reduce merge-entry (or a {}) (seq b))))) ([a b & more] (reduce deep-merge (or a {}) (cons b more)))) (defn timed [f] (let [now #?(:clj #(. System (nanoTime)) :cljs #(* 1000 (. (js/Date.) (getTime)))) start (now) result (f) end (now) t (/ (double (- end start)) 1000000.0)] {:res result :t t}))
(throwable-promise) derived from (promise) in clojure/core.clj. * Clojure * The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the * which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. * By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by * the terms of this license. * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns ^:no-doc datahike.tools (:require [superv.async :refer [throw-if-exception-]] #?(:clj [clojure.java.io :as io]) [taoensso.timbre :as log]) #?(:clj (:import [java.util Properties UUID Date]))) (defn combine-hashes [x y] #?(:clj (clojure.lang.Util/hashCombine x y) :cljs (hash-combine x y))) #?(:clj (defn- -case-tree [queries variants] (if queries (let [v1 (take (/ (count variants) 2) variants) v2 (drop (/ (count variants) 2) variants)] (list 'if (first queries) (-case-tree (next queries) v1) (-case-tree (next queries) v2))) (first variants)))) #?(:clj (defmacro case-tree [qs vs] (-case-tree qs vs))) (defn ^:dynamic get-time [] #?(:clj (java.util.Date.) :cljs (js/Date.))) (defmacro raise "Logging an error and throwing an exception with message and structured data. Arguments: - Any number of strings that describe the error - Last argument is a map of data that helps understanding the source of the error" [& fragments] (let [msgs (butlast fragments) data (last fragments)] (list `(log/log! :error :p ~fragments ~{:?line (:line (meta &form))}) `(throw #?(:clj (ex-info (str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) msgs)) ~data) :cljs (error (str ~@(map (fn [m#] (if (string? m#) m# (list 'pr-str m#))) msgs)) ~data)))))) * Copyright ( c ) . All rights reserved . * Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( -1.0.php ) (defn throwable-promise "Returns a promise object that can be read with deref/@, and set, once only, with deliver. Calls to deref/@ prior to delivery will block, unless the variant of deref with timeout is used. All subsequent derefs will return the same delivered value without blocking. Exceptions delivered to the promise will throw on deref." [] (let [d (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. 1) v (atom d)] (reify clojure.lang.IDeref (deref [_] (.await d) (throw-if-exception- @v)) clojure.lang.IBlockingDeref (deref [_ timeout-ms timeout-val] (if (.await d timeout-ms java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS) (throw-if-exception- @v) timeout-val)) clojure.lang.IPending (isRealized [this] (zero? (.getCount d))) clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [this x] (when (and (pos? (.getCount d)) (compare-and-set! v d x)) (.countDown d) this))))) (defn get-version "Retrieves the current version of a dependency. Thanks to " [dep] #?(:clj (let [path (str "META-INF/maven/" (or (namespace dep) (name dep)) "/" (name dep) "/pom.properties") props (io/resource path)] (when props (with-open [stream (io/input-stream props)] (let [props (doto (Properties.) (.load stream))] (.getProperty props "version"))))) :cljs "JavaScript")) (defn meta-data [] {:datahike/version (or (get-version 'io.replikativ/datahike) "DEVELOPMENT") :konserve/version (get-version 'io.replikativ/konserve) :hitchhiker.tree/version (get-version 'io.replikativ/hitchhiker-tree) :persistent.set/version (get-version 'persistent-sorted-set/persistent-sorted-set) :datahike/id (UUID/randomUUID) :datahike/created-at (Date.)}) (defn deep-merge "Recursively merges maps together. If all the maps supplied have nested maps under the same keys, these nested maps are merged. Otherwise the value is overwritten, as in `clojure.core/merge`. Copied from weavejester/medley 1.3.0" {:arglists '([& maps]) :added "1.1.0"} ([]) ([a] a) ([a b] (when (or a b) (letfn [(merge-entry [m e] (let [k (key e) v' (val e)] (if (contains? m k) (assoc m k (let [v (get m k)] (if (and (map? v) (map? v')) (deep-merge v v') v'))) (assoc m k v'))))] (reduce merge-entry (or a {}) (seq b))))) ([a b & more] (reduce deep-merge (or a {}) (cons b more)))) (defn timed [f] (let [now #?(:clj #(. System (nanoTime)) :cljs #(* 1000 (. (js/Date.) (getTime)))) start (now) result (f) end (now) t (/ (double (- end start)) 1000000.0)] {:res result :t t}))
%%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Purpose: Test suite for the 'scpf' module. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -module(scpf_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("scpf_SUITE.hrl"). -import(scpf_test_support, [ get_sim_config/2, get_svc_config/2, make_sim_notification/2, multi_store/2, pv/2, pv/3, req_val/2, start_apnsv3_sim/3, start_gcm_sim/3 ]). -compile(export_all). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% COMMON TEST CALLBACK FUNCTIONS %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- suite() -> [ {timetrap, {seconds, 30}}, {require, sc_push}, {require, gcm_erl}, {require, apns_erlv3}, {require, registrations}, {require, gcm_sim_node}, {require, gcm_sim_config}, {require, apnsv3_sim_node}, {require, apnsv3_sim_config}, {require, lager}, {require, databases}, {require, connect_info} ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) -> Sasl = ct:get_config(sasl), ct:pal("SASL: ~p~n", [Sasl]), set_all_env(sasl, Sasl), ensure_started(sasl), Databases = ct:get_config(databases), ct:pal("Databases: ~p~n", [Databases]), ConnectInfo = ct:get_config(connect_info), ct:pal("connect_info config: ~p~n", [ConnectInfo]), Cookie = "scpf", {ApnsV3SimNode, ApnsV3SimCfg} = get_sim_config(apnsv3_sim_config, Config), {GcmSimNode, GcmSimCfg} = get_sim_config(gcm_sim_config, Config), %% Start GCM simulator ct:log("Starting GCM simulator with config: ~p", [GcmSimCfg]), {ok, GcmSimStartedApps} = start_gcm_sim(GcmSimNode, GcmSimCfg, Cookie), ct:log("Starting APNS HTTP/2 simulator with config: ~p", [ApnsV3SimCfg]), {ok, ApnsSimStartedApps} = start_apnsv3_sim(ApnsV3SimNode, ApnsV3SimCfg, Cookie), ct:pal("init_per_suite: Started apns sim apps=~p", [ApnsSimStartedApps]), Started = start_per_suite_apps(Config), ct:pal("init_per_suite: Started apps=~p", [Started]), Registrations = ct:get_config(registrations), ct:pal("Registrations: ~p", [Registrations]), multi_store(Config, [{apnsv3_sim_started_apps, ApnsSimStartedApps}, {gcm_sim_started_apps, GcmSimStartedApps}, {suite_started_apps, Started}, {apnsv3_sim_node, ApnsV3SimNode}, {apnsv3_sim_config, ApnsV3SimCfg}, {gcm_sim_node, GcmSimNode}, {gcm_sim_config, GcmSimCfg}, {registrations, Registrations}, {databases, Databases}, {connect_info, ConnectInfo}] ). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_suite(Config) -> We do n't care about because they are on % a slave node that will get shut down. Apps = req_val(suite_started_apps, Config), [application:stop(App) || App <- Apps], ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group =:= internal_db; Group =:= external_db -> ct:pal("===== Running test group ~p =====", [Group]), DBMap = req_val(databases, Config), DBInfo = maps:get(Group, DBMap), NewConfig = lists:keystore(dbinfo, 1, Config, {dbinfo, DBInfo}), ok = application:set_env(sc_push_lib, db_pools, db_pools(DBInfo, NewConfig)), {ok, DbPools} = application:get_env(sc_push_lib, db_pools), ct:pal("DbPools: ~p", [DbPools]), case check_db_availability(NewConfig) of ok -> NewConfig; Error -> Reason = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Cannot communicate with ~p," " error: ~p", [Group, Error])), {skip, Reason} end; init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> init_per_testcase_common(Config). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> end_per_testcase_common(Config). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- groups() -> [ {service, [], [ {internal_db, [], service_test_groups()}, {external_db, [], service_test_groups()} ] } ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- service_test_groups() -> [ send_msg_test, send_msg_fail_test, send_msg_no_reg_test ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- all() -> [ {group, service} ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TEST CASES %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_msg_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should send a message to all push services"]; send_msg_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), SimHdrs = [{"X-GCMSimulator-StatusCode", "200"}, {"X-GCMSimulator-Results", "message_id:1000"}], ok = sc_push:register_ids(RegPLs), [ begin Tag = req_val(tag, RegPL), Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, Tag}, {aps, [{badge, 42}]}, {gcm, [{collapse_key, <<"alert">>}]}, {return, success} % Will only work with sc_push_svc_null! ], ct:pal("Sending notification ~p to ~p", [Notification, Tag]), Opts = [{http_headers, SimHdrs}], % Only for GCM Res = sc_push:send(Notification, Opts), ct:pal("Got result ~p", [Res]), [{ok, {UUID, Props}}] = Res, ct:pal("Sent notification to ~p, uuid: ~s, props: ~p", [Tag, uuid_to_str(UUID), Props]) end || RegPL <- RegPLs ], deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_msg_fail_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should fail"]; send_msg_fail_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_fail_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), ServiceName = null, NullRegPL = get_service_properties(ServiceName, RegPLs), ok = sc_push:register_id(NullRegPL), Tag = req_val(tag, NullRegPL), ExpectedError = {error, forced_test_failure}, Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, Tag}, {return, ExpectedError} % Will only work with sc_push_svc_null! ], ct:pal("Sending notification ~p to ~p", [Notification, Tag]), Res = sc_push:send(Notification), ct:pal("Got result: ~p", [Res]), [{error, {_UUID, ExpectedError}}] = Res, ct:pal("Expected failure sending notification to service ~p, tag ~p", [ServiceName, Tag]), deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_msg_no_reg_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should fail with tag not found"]; send_msg_no_reg_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_no_reg_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), ServiceName = null, NullRegPL = get_service_properties(ServiceName, RegPLs), ok = sc_push:register_id(NullRegPL), FakeTag = <<"$$Completely bogus tag$$">>, ExpectedError = [{reg_not_found_for_tag, FakeTag}], Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, FakeTag} ], Res = sc_push:send(Notification), ct:pal("Got result: ~p", [Res]), [{error, ExpectedError}] = Res, ct:pal("Got expected error (~p) from send notification", [ExpectedError]), deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. %%==================================================================== Internal helper functions %%==================================================================== init_per_testcase_common(Config) -> (catch end_per_testcase_common(Config)), db_create(Config), Apps = [sc_push, gcm_erl, apns_erlv3], AppList = lists:foldl( fun(App, Acc) -> set_env(App, get_svc_config(App, Config)), {ok, L} = application:ensure_all_started(App), Acc ++ L end, [], Apps), multi_store(Config, [{started_apps, AppList}]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_testcase_common(Config) -> Apps = lists:reverse(pv(started_apps, Config, [])), _ = [ok = application:stop(App) || App <- Apps], db_destroy(Config), lists:keydelete(started_apps, 1, Config). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- set_env(App, FromEnv) -> [ok = application:set_env(App, K, V) || {K, V} <- FromEnv]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- First try to get the app config from Config , failing which get it from ct : ( ) . get_env_val(App, Config) -> case pv(App, Config) of undefined -> ct:get_config(App); Env -> Env end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- deregister_ids(RegPLs) -> [deregister_id(RegPL) || RegPL <- RegPLs]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- deregister_id(RegPL) -> ct:pal("Deregistering ~p", [RegPL]), Service = req_val(service, RegPL), Token = req_val(token, RegPL), ID = sc_push_reg_api:make_id(Service, Token), ok = sc_push:deregister_ids([ID]), ct:pal("Deregistered IDs ~p", [ID]). %%==================================================================== %% Lager support %%==================================================================== lager_config(Config, RawLagerConfig) -> PrivDir = req_val(priv_dir, Config), % Standard CT variable Replacements = [ {error_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "error.log")}, {console_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "console.log")}, {crash_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "crash.log")} ], replace_template_vars(RawLagerConfig, Replacements). replace_template_vars(RawLagerConfig, Replacements) -> Ctx = dict:from_list(Replacements), Str = lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("~1000p~s", [RawLagerConfig, "."])), SConfig = mustache:render(Str, Ctx), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(SConfig), {ok, LagerConfig} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens), LagerConfig. %%==================================================================== %% General helper functions %%==================================================================== start_per_suite_apps(Config) -> Apps = [lager, ssl], Lager = lager_config(Config, ct:get_config(lager)), set_env(lager, Lager), Fun = fun(App, Acc) -> {ok, L} = application:ensure_all_started(App), Acc ++ L end, StartedApps = lists:foldl(Fun, [], Apps), lists:usort(StartedApps). set_mnesia_dir(Config) -> DataDir = req_val(data_dir, Config), MnesiaDir = filename:join(DataDir, "db"), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(MnesiaDir), ok = application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir). uuid_to_str(UUID) -> uuid:uuid_to_string(UUID, binary_standard). get_service_properties(Service, [_|_]=RegPLs) when is_atom(Service) -> case [PL || PL <- RegPLs, req_val(service, PL) =:= Service] of [RegPL] -> RegPL; [] -> ct:fail({cannot_find_service, Service}); L -> ct:fail({unexpected_response, L}) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- db_create(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), db_create(DB, DBInfo, Config). db_create(mnesia, _DBInfo, Config) -> PrivDir = req_val(priv_dir, Config), % Standard CT variable MnesiaDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "mnesia"), ok = application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir), db_destroy(mnesia, _DBInfo, Config), ok = mnesia:create_schema([node()]); db_create(DB, DBInfo, Config) -> db_create(mnesia, DBInfo, Config), clear_external_db(DB, DBInfo, Config). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- db_destroy(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), db_destroy(DB, DBInfo, Config). db_destroy(mnesia, _DBInfo, _Config) -> mnesia:stop(), ok = mnesia:delete_schema([node()]); db_destroy(DB, DBInfo, Config) -> db_destroy(mnesia, DBInfo, Config), clear_external_db(DB, DBInfo, Config). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- clear_external_db(postgres=EDB, _DBInfo, Config) -> ConnParams = db_conn_params(postgres, Config), Tables = ["scpf.push_tokens"], case epgsql:connect(ConnParams) of {ok, Conn} -> lists:foreach( fun(Table) -> {ok, _} = epgsql:squery(Conn, "delete from " ++ Table) end, Tables), ok = epgsql:close(Conn); Error -> ct:fail("~p error: ~p", [EDB, Error]) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- check_db_availability(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), check_db_availability(DB, Config). check_db_availability(mnesia, _Config) -> ok; check_db_availability(postgres, Config) -> ConnParams = db_conn_params(postgres, Config), try epgsql:connect(ConnParams) of {ok, Conn} -> ok = epgsql:close(Conn); Error -> Error catch _:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- db_pools(#{db := DB, mod := DBMod}, Config) -> [ {sc_push_reg_pool, % name [ % sizeargs {size, 10}, {max_overflow, 20} ], [ % workerargs {db_mod, DBMod}, {db_config, db_config(DB, Config)} ]} ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- db_config(DB, Config) -> maps:get(DB, req_val(connect_info, Config), []). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- db_conn_params(DB, Config) -> case db_config(DB, Config) of #{connection := ConnParams} -> ConnParams; Val -> Val end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- set_all_env(App, Props) -> lists:foreach(fun({K, V}) -> ok = application:set_env(App, K, V) end, Props). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- ensure_started(App) -> case application:start(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_started, App}} -> ok end.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Test suite for the 'scpf' module. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON TEST CALLBACK FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Start GCM simulator -------------------------------------------------------------------- a slave node that will get shut down. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST CASES -------------------------------------------------------------------- Will only work with sc_push_svc_null! Only for GCM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Will only work with sc_push_svc_null! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================================== ==================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================================== Lager support ==================================================================== Standard CT variable ==================================================================== General helper functions ==================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard CT variable -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- name sizeargs workerargs -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-module(scpf_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("scpf_SUITE.hrl"). -import(scpf_test_support, [ get_sim_config/2, get_svc_config/2, make_sim_notification/2, multi_store/2, pv/2, pv/3, req_val/2, start_apnsv3_sim/3, start_gcm_sim/3 ]). -compile(export_all). suite() -> [ {timetrap, {seconds, 30}}, {require, sc_push}, {require, gcm_erl}, {require, apns_erlv3}, {require, registrations}, {require, gcm_sim_node}, {require, gcm_sim_config}, {require, apnsv3_sim_node}, {require, apnsv3_sim_config}, {require, lager}, {require, databases}, {require, connect_info} ]. init_per_suite(Config) -> Sasl = ct:get_config(sasl), ct:pal("SASL: ~p~n", [Sasl]), set_all_env(sasl, Sasl), ensure_started(sasl), Databases = ct:get_config(databases), ct:pal("Databases: ~p~n", [Databases]), ConnectInfo = ct:get_config(connect_info), ct:pal("connect_info config: ~p~n", [ConnectInfo]), Cookie = "scpf", {ApnsV3SimNode, ApnsV3SimCfg} = get_sim_config(apnsv3_sim_config, Config), {GcmSimNode, GcmSimCfg} = get_sim_config(gcm_sim_config, Config), ct:log("Starting GCM simulator with config: ~p", [GcmSimCfg]), {ok, GcmSimStartedApps} = start_gcm_sim(GcmSimNode, GcmSimCfg, Cookie), ct:log("Starting APNS HTTP/2 simulator with config: ~p", [ApnsV3SimCfg]), {ok, ApnsSimStartedApps} = start_apnsv3_sim(ApnsV3SimNode, ApnsV3SimCfg, Cookie), ct:pal("init_per_suite: Started apns sim apps=~p", [ApnsSimStartedApps]), Started = start_per_suite_apps(Config), ct:pal("init_per_suite: Started apps=~p", [Started]), Registrations = ct:get_config(registrations), ct:pal("Registrations: ~p", [Registrations]), multi_store(Config, [{apnsv3_sim_started_apps, ApnsSimStartedApps}, {gcm_sim_started_apps, GcmSimStartedApps}, {suite_started_apps, Started}, {apnsv3_sim_node, ApnsV3SimNode}, {apnsv3_sim_config, ApnsV3SimCfg}, {gcm_sim_node, GcmSimNode}, {gcm_sim_config, GcmSimCfg}, {registrations, Registrations}, {databases, Databases}, {connect_info, ConnectInfo}] ). end_per_suite(Config) -> We do n't care about because they are on Apps = req_val(suite_started_apps, Config), [application:stop(App) || App <- Apps], ok. init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group =:= internal_db; Group =:= external_db -> ct:pal("===== Running test group ~p =====", [Group]), DBMap = req_val(databases, Config), DBInfo = maps:get(Group, DBMap), NewConfig = lists:keystore(dbinfo, 1, Config, {dbinfo, DBInfo}), ok = application:set_env(sc_push_lib, db_pools, db_pools(DBInfo, NewConfig)), {ok, DbPools} = application:get_env(sc_push_lib, db_pools), ct:pal("DbPools: ~p", [DbPools]), case check_db_availability(NewConfig) of ok -> NewConfig; Error -> Reason = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Cannot communicate with ~p," " error: ~p", [Group, Error])), {skip, Reason} end; init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> init_per_testcase_common(Config). end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> end_per_testcase_common(Config). groups() -> [ {service, [], [ {internal_db, [], service_test_groups()}, {external_db, [], service_test_groups()} ] } ]. service_test_groups() -> [ send_msg_test, send_msg_fail_test, send_msg_no_reg_test ]. all() -> [ {group, service} ]. send_msg_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should send a message to all push services"]; send_msg_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), SimHdrs = [{"X-GCMSimulator-StatusCode", "200"}, {"X-GCMSimulator-Results", "message_id:1000"}], ok = sc_push:register_ids(RegPLs), [ begin Tag = req_val(tag, RegPL), Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, Tag}, {aps, [{badge, 42}]}, {gcm, [{collapse_key, <<"alert">>}]}, ], ct:pal("Sending notification ~p to ~p", [Notification, Tag]), Res = sc_push:send(Notification, Opts), ct:pal("Got result ~p", [Res]), [{ok, {UUID, Props}}] = Res, ct:pal("Sent notification to ~p, uuid: ~s, props: ~p", [Tag, uuid_to_str(UUID), Props]) end || RegPL <- RegPLs ], deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. send_msg_fail_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should fail"]; send_msg_fail_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_fail_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), ServiceName = null, NullRegPL = get_service_properties(ServiceName, RegPLs), ok = sc_push:register_id(NullRegPL), Tag = req_val(tag, NullRegPL), ExpectedError = {error, forced_test_failure}, Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, Tag}, ], ct:pal("Sending notification ~p to ~p", [Notification, Tag]), Res = sc_push:send(Notification), ct:pal("Got result: ~p", [Res]), [{error, {_UUID, ExpectedError}}] = Res, ct:pal("Expected failure sending notification to service ~p, tag ~p", [ServiceName, Tag]), deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. send_msg_no_reg_test(doc) -> ["sc_push:send/1 should fail with tag not found"]; send_msg_no_reg_test(suite) -> []; send_msg_no_reg_test(Config) -> RegPLs = req_val(registrations, Config), ServiceName = null, NullRegPL = get_service_properties(ServiceName, RegPLs), ok = sc_push:register_id(NullRegPL), FakeTag = <<"$$Completely bogus tag$$">>, ExpectedError = [{reg_not_found_for_tag, FakeTag}], Notification = [ {alert, ?ALERT_MSG}, {tag, FakeTag} ], Res = sc_push:send(Notification), ct:pal("Got result: ~p", [Res]), [{error, ExpectedError}] = Res, ct:pal("Got expected error (~p) from send notification", [ExpectedError]), deregister_ids(RegPLs), ok. Internal helper functions init_per_testcase_common(Config) -> (catch end_per_testcase_common(Config)), db_create(Config), Apps = [sc_push, gcm_erl, apns_erlv3], AppList = lists:foldl( fun(App, Acc) -> set_env(App, get_svc_config(App, Config)), {ok, L} = application:ensure_all_started(App), Acc ++ L end, [], Apps), multi_store(Config, [{started_apps, AppList}]). end_per_testcase_common(Config) -> Apps = lists:reverse(pv(started_apps, Config, [])), _ = [ok = application:stop(App) || App <- Apps], db_destroy(Config), lists:keydelete(started_apps, 1, Config). set_env(App, FromEnv) -> [ok = application:set_env(App, K, V) || {K, V} <- FromEnv]. First try to get the app config from Config , failing which get it from ct : ( ) . get_env_val(App, Config) -> case pv(App, Config) of undefined -> ct:get_config(App); Env -> Env end. deregister_ids(RegPLs) -> [deregister_id(RegPL) || RegPL <- RegPLs]. deregister_id(RegPL) -> ct:pal("Deregistering ~p", [RegPL]), Service = req_val(service, RegPL), Token = req_val(token, RegPL), ID = sc_push_reg_api:make_id(Service, Token), ok = sc_push:deregister_ids([ID]), ct:pal("Deregistered IDs ~p", [ID]). lager_config(Config, RawLagerConfig) -> Replacements = [ {error_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "error.log")}, {console_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "console.log")}, {crash_log_file, filename:join(PrivDir, "crash.log")} ], replace_template_vars(RawLagerConfig, Replacements). replace_template_vars(RawLagerConfig, Replacements) -> Ctx = dict:from_list(Replacements), Str = lists:flatten(io_lib:fwrite("~1000p~s", [RawLagerConfig, "."])), SConfig = mustache:render(Str, Ctx), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(SConfig), {ok, LagerConfig} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens), LagerConfig. start_per_suite_apps(Config) -> Apps = [lager, ssl], Lager = lager_config(Config, ct:get_config(lager)), set_env(lager, Lager), Fun = fun(App, Acc) -> {ok, L} = application:ensure_all_started(App), Acc ++ L end, StartedApps = lists:foldl(Fun, [], Apps), lists:usort(StartedApps). set_mnesia_dir(Config) -> DataDir = req_val(data_dir, Config), MnesiaDir = filename:join(DataDir, "db"), ok = filelib:ensure_dir(MnesiaDir), ok = application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir). uuid_to_str(UUID) -> uuid:uuid_to_string(UUID, binary_standard). get_service_properties(Service, [_|_]=RegPLs) when is_atom(Service) -> case [PL || PL <- RegPLs, req_val(service, PL) =:= Service] of [RegPL] -> RegPL; [] -> ct:fail({cannot_find_service, Service}); L -> ct:fail({unexpected_response, L}) end. db_create(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), db_create(DB, DBInfo, Config). db_create(mnesia, _DBInfo, Config) -> MnesiaDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "mnesia"), ok = application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir), db_destroy(mnesia, _DBInfo, Config), ok = mnesia:create_schema([node()]); db_create(DB, DBInfo, Config) -> db_create(mnesia, DBInfo, Config), clear_external_db(DB, DBInfo, Config). db_destroy(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), db_destroy(DB, DBInfo, Config). db_destroy(mnesia, _DBInfo, _Config) -> mnesia:stop(), ok = mnesia:delete_schema([node()]); db_destroy(DB, DBInfo, Config) -> db_destroy(mnesia, DBInfo, Config), clear_external_db(DB, DBInfo, Config). clear_external_db(postgres=EDB, _DBInfo, Config) -> ConnParams = db_conn_params(postgres, Config), Tables = ["scpf.push_tokens"], case epgsql:connect(ConnParams) of {ok, Conn} -> lists:foreach( fun(Table) -> {ok, _} = epgsql:squery(Conn, "delete from " ++ Table) end, Tables), ok = epgsql:close(Conn); Error -> ct:fail("~p error: ~p", [EDB, Error]) end. check_db_availability(Config) -> DBInfo = req_val(dbinfo, Config), DB = maps:get(db, DBInfo), check_db_availability(DB, Config). check_db_availability(mnesia, _Config) -> ok; check_db_availability(postgres, Config) -> ConnParams = db_conn_params(postgres, Config), try epgsql:connect(ConnParams) of {ok, Conn} -> ok = epgsql:close(Conn); Error -> Error catch _:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. db_pools(#{db := DB, mod := DBMod}, Config) -> [ {size, 10}, {max_overflow, 20} ], {db_mod, DBMod}, {db_config, db_config(DB, Config)} ]} ]. db_config(DB, Config) -> maps:get(DB, req_val(connect_info, Config), []). db_conn_params(DB, Config) -> case db_config(DB, Config) of #{connection := ConnParams} -> ConnParams; Val -> Val end. set_all_env(App, Props) -> lists:foreach(fun({K, V}) -> ok = application:set_env(App, K, V) end, Props). ensure_started(App) -> case application:start(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_started, App}} -> ok end.