7 values
(fn [coll] (letfn [(my-flatten [coll] (if coll (let [s (seq coll) f (first s)] (concat (if (sequential? f) (my-flatten f) (cons f '())) (my-flatten (next s))))))] (my-flatten coll)))
(fn [coll] (letfn [(my-flatten [coll] (if coll (let [s (seq coll) f (first s)] (concat (if (sequential? f) (my-flatten f) (cons f '())) (my-flatten (next s))))))] (my-flatten coll)))
open Nv_lang.Collections (** Each entry in this list is: * A map type * The set of constant keys that are used for the map * The set of symbolic variable keys that are used for the map Note the nested tuple type. *) type maplist = (Nv_lang.Syntax.ty * (ExpSet.t * VarSet.t)) list val maplist_to_string : maplist -> string (** Given a program on which type inference has been run, goes through it and returns a list of each map type which appears in that program, combined with the set of keys used for that map type. *) val collect_map_types_and_keys : Nv_lang.Syntax.declarations -> maplist
* Each entry in this list is: * A map type * The set of constant keys that are used for the map * The set of symbolic variable keys that are used for the map Note the nested tuple type. * Given a program on which type inference has been run, goes through it and returns a list of each map type which appears in that program, combined with the set of keys used for that map type.
open Nv_lang.Collections type maplist = (Nv_lang.Syntax.ty * (ExpSet.t * VarSet.t)) list val maplist_to_string : maplist -> string val collect_map_types_and_keys : Nv_lang.Syntax.declarations -> maplist
#lang plai/gc2/mutator (allocator-setup "../good-collectors/good-collector.rkt" 10) (let ([f (λ (x) x)]) f)
#lang plai/gc2/mutator (allocator-setup "../good-collectors/good-collector.rkt" 10) (let ([f (λ (x) x)]) f)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # -- | Create polymorphic lens to access table & indexes module Database.DynamoDB.THLens where import Control.Lens (over, _1) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy (WriterT, tell) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Name (..), OccName (..)) -- | Create lenses if the field in the primary table starts with _. -- -- class Test_lens_field00 a b | a -> b where -- _field :: Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a -- instance Test_lens_field00 Test (Maybe T.Text) where -- field f t = (\txt -> t{_field=txt}) <$> f (_field t) createPolyLenses :: (String -> String) -> Name -> [Name] -> WriterT [Dec] Q () createPolyLenses translate table indexes = do -- Get fields that can be lenses tblfields <- getFieldNames table id fields <- tblfields & map fst & filter ("_" `isPrefixOf`) & map ((,) <$> translate <*> drop 1) & mapM mkLensClass mapM_ createClass fields createInstances fields table mapM_ (createInstances fields) indexes where mkLensClass (field, lens) = do clsname <- lift $ newName (nameBase table ++ "_lens_" ++ field) return (field, (mkName lens, clsname)) createClass (_, (lensname, clsname)) = do a <- lift $ newName "a" b <- lift $ newName "b" f <- lift $ newName "f" lift (pure $ ClassD [] clsname [PlainTV a,PlainTV b] [FunDep [a] [b]] [SigD lensname (ForallT [PlainTV f] [AppT (ConT ''Functor) (VarT f)] (AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT b)) (AppT (VarT f) (VarT b)))) (AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT a)) (AppT (VarT f) (VarT a)))))]) >>= say createInstances lensfields idx = do tblfields <- getFieldNames idx id forM_ tblfields $ \(fieldname, ftype) -> whenJust (lookup (translate fieldname) lensfields) $ \(lensname, clsname) -> do f <- lift $ newName "f" t <- lift $ newName "t" val <- lift $ newName "val" let fieldSel = mkName fieldname #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 lift (pure $ InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (AppT (ConT clsname) (ConT idx)) ftype) [FunD lensname [Clause [VarP f,VarP t] (NormalB (InfixE (Just (LamE [VarP val] (RecUpdE (VarE t) [(fieldSel,VarE val)]))) (VarE 'fmap) (Just (AppE (VarE f) (AppE (VarE fieldSel) (VarE t)))))) []]]) #else lift (pure $ InstanceD [] (AppT (AppT (ConT clsname) (ConT idx)) ftype) [FunD lensname [Clause [VarP f,VarP t] (NormalB (InfixE (Just (LamE [VarP val] (RecUpdE (VarE t) [(fieldSel,VarE val)]))) (VarE 'fmap) (Just (AppE (VarE f) (AppE (VarE fieldSel) (VarE t)))))) []]]) #endif >>= say whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJust (Just a) f = f a whenJust Nothing _ = return () say :: Monad m => t -> WriterT [t] m () say a = tell [a] -- | Reify name and return list of record fields with type getFieldNames :: Name -> (String -> String) -> WriterT [Dec] Q [(String, Type)] getFieldNames tbl translate = do info <- lift $ reify tbl case getRecords info of Left err -> fail $ "Table " <> show tbl <> ": " <> err Right lst -> return $ map (over _1 translate) lst where getRecords :: Info -> Either String [(String, Type)] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 getRecords (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ [RecC _ vars] _)) = Right $ map (\(Name (OccName rname) _,_,typ) -> (rname, typ)) vars #else getRecords (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [RecC _ vars] _)) = Right $ map (\(Name (OccName rname) _,_,typ) -> (rname, typ)) vars #endif getRecords _ = Left "not a record declaration with 1 constructor"
# LANGUAGE CPP # | Create polymorphic lens to access table & indexes | Create lenses if the field in the primary table starts with _. class Test_lens_field00 a b | a -> b where _field :: Functor f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a instance Test_lens_field00 Test (Maybe T.Text) where field f t = (\txt -> t{_field=txt}) <$> f (_field t) Get fields that can be lenses | Reify name and return list of record fields with type
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Database.DynamoDB.THLens where import Control.Lens (over, _1) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy (WriterT, tell) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Name (..), OccName (..)) createPolyLenses :: (String -> String) -> Name -> [Name] -> WriterT [Dec] Q () createPolyLenses translate table indexes = do tblfields <- getFieldNames table id fields <- tblfields & map fst & filter ("_" `isPrefixOf`) & map ((,) <$> translate <*> drop 1) & mapM mkLensClass mapM_ createClass fields createInstances fields table mapM_ (createInstances fields) indexes where mkLensClass (field, lens) = do clsname <- lift $ newName (nameBase table ++ "_lens_" ++ field) return (field, (mkName lens, clsname)) createClass (_, (lensname, clsname)) = do a <- lift $ newName "a" b <- lift $ newName "b" f <- lift $ newName "f" lift (pure $ ClassD [] clsname [PlainTV a,PlainTV b] [FunDep [a] [b]] [SigD lensname (ForallT [PlainTV f] [AppT (ConT ''Functor) (VarT f)] (AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT b)) (AppT (VarT f) (VarT b)))) (AppT (AppT ArrowT (VarT a)) (AppT (VarT f) (VarT a)))))]) >>= say createInstances lensfields idx = do tblfields <- getFieldNames idx id forM_ tblfields $ \(fieldname, ftype) -> whenJust (lookup (translate fieldname) lensfields) $ \(lensname, clsname) -> do f <- lift $ newName "f" t <- lift $ newName "t" val <- lift $ newName "val" let fieldSel = mkName fieldname #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 lift (pure $ InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (AppT (ConT clsname) (ConT idx)) ftype) [FunD lensname [Clause [VarP f,VarP t] (NormalB (InfixE (Just (LamE [VarP val] (RecUpdE (VarE t) [(fieldSel,VarE val)]))) (VarE 'fmap) (Just (AppE (VarE f) (AppE (VarE fieldSel) (VarE t)))))) []]]) #else lift (pure $ InstanceD [] (AppT (AppT (ConT clsname) (ConT idx)) ftype) [FunD lensname [Clause [VarP f,VarP t] (NormalB (InfixE (Just (LamE [VarP val] (RecUpdE (VarE t) [(fieldSel,VarE val)]))) (VarE 'fmap) (Just (AppE (VarE f) (AppE (VarE fieldSel) (VarE t)))))) []]]) #endif >>= say whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJust (Just a) f = f a whenJust Nothing _ = return () say :: Monad m => t -> WriterT [t] m () say a = tell [a] getFieldNames :: Name -> (String -> String) -> WriterT [Dec] Q [(String, Type)] getFieldNames tbl translate = do info <- lift $ reify tbl case getRecords info of Left err -> fail $ "Table " <> show tbl <> ": " <> err Right lst -> return $ map (over _1 translate) lst where getRecords :: Info -> Either String [(String, Type)] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 getRecords (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ [RecC _ vars] _)) = Right $ map (\(Name (OccName rname) _,_,typ) -> (rname, typ)) vars #else getRecords (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [RecC _ vars] _)) = Right $ map (\(Name (OccName rname) _,_,typ) -> (rname, typ)) vars #endif getRecords _ = Left "not a record declaration with 1 constructor"
open BsMocha.Mocha open BsChai.Expect.Expect open BsChai.Expect.Combos.End open! Functors ;; describe "Functions" (fun () -> describe "Traversable" (fun () -> describe "Array" (fun () -> describe "Scan" (fun () -> let scan_left, scan_right = let open ArrayF.Int.Functions.Scan in scan_left, scan_right in describe "scan_left" (fun () -> it "should scan from the left" (fun () -> expect (scan_left ( + ) 0 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|1; 3; 6|]; expect (scan_left ( - ) 10 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|9; 7; 4|])); describe "scan_right" (fun () -> it "should scan from the right (array)" (fun () -> expect (scan_right ( + ) 0 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|6; 5; 3|]; expect (scan_right (Function.flip ( - )) 10 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|4; 5; 7|])))); describe "List" (fun () -> describe "Scan" (fun () -> let scan_left, scan_right = let open ListF.Int.Functions.Scan in scan_left, scan_right in describe "scan_left" (fun () -> it "should scan from the left" (fun () -> expect (scan_left ( + ) 0 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [1; 3; 6]; expect (scan_left ( - ) 10 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [9; 7; 4])); describe "scan_right" (fun () -> it "should scan from the right (array)" (fun () -> expect (scan_right ( + ) 0 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [6; 5; 3]; expect (scan_right (Function.flip ( - )) 10 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [4; 5; 7]))))))
open BsMocha.Mocha open BsChai.Expect.Expect open BsChai.Expect.Combos.End open! Functors ;; describe "Functions" (fun () -> describe "Traversable" (fun () -> describe "Array" (fun () -> describe "Scan" (fun () -> let scan_left, scan_right = let open ArrayF.Int.Functions.Scan in scan_left, scan_right in describe "scan_left" (fun () -> it "should scan from the left" (fun () -> expect (scan_left ( + ) 0 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|1; 3; 6|]; expect (scan_left ( - ) 10 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|9; 7; 4|])); describe "scan_right" (fun () -> it "should scan from the right (array)" (fun () -> expect (scan_right ( + ) 0 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|6; 5; 3|]; expect (scan_right (Function.flip ( - )) 10 [|1; 2; 3|]) |> to_be [|4; 5; 7|])))); describe "List" (fun () -> describe "Scan" (fun () -> let scan_left, scan_right = let open ListF.Int.Functions.Scan in scan_left, scan_right in describe "scan_left" (fun () -> it "should scan from the left" (fun () -> expect (scan_left ( + ) 0 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [1; 3; 6]; expect (scan_left ( - ) 10 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [9; 7; 4])); describe "scan_right" (fun () -> it "should scan from the right (array)" (fun () -> expect (scan_right ( + ) 0 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [6; 5; 3]; expect (scan_right (Function.flip ( - )) 10 [1; 2; 3]) |> to_be [4; 5; 7]))))))
(ns coal-mine.problem-8 (:require [coal-mine.checks :refer [defcheck-8] :rename {defcheck-8 defcheck}] [clojure.test] [clojure.set])) (defcheck solution-1550092 #{:a :b :d :c }) (defcheck solution-27e70ccc #{:d :c :b :a}) (defcheck solution-2aa50037 #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-44052ae8 #{:a :c :b :d} #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-46943be8 #{:b :c :d :a}) (defcheck solution-479643de #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-4d6c1e7e #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-4daf81f6 #{:a :c :d :b}) (defcheck solution-5db6422e '#{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-694a1f8e #{:a :b :d :c}) (defcheck solution-6ec44dea #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-6ffa5249 #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-8d7379b7 (set '(:a :a :b :c :c :c :c :d :d))) (defcheck solution-8ebcebe9 (set '(:d :c :a :b))) (defcheck solution-8f9110f3 #{ :a :b :c :d }) (defcheck solution-966b5bee #{:c :b :d :a}) (defcheck solution-9bc1390c (set '(:a :b :c :d))) (defcheck solution-a8eb82e0 (set '(:a :b :c :d)) (set '(:a :b :c :d))) (defcheck solution-c446f333 (hash-set :d :c :b :a)) (defcheck solution-c5b999ea (hash-set :a :b :c :d)) (defcheck solution-d014c0a8 (clojure.set/union #{:a :b :c} #{:b :c :d})) (defcheck solution-da55b4 #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-dcd6f9b1 #{ :a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-e0afd95d #{:a :b :c :d } #{:a :b :c :d }) (defcheck solution-e1af8ef2 (set '(:a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :b :c :c :c :c :d :d))) (defcheck solution-e58ed0f6 (set [:a :b :c :d])) (defcheck solution-f8d036c3 #{:b :a :c :d}) (defcheck solution-fc863ace #{:a :b :c :d }) (defn run-tests [] (clojure.test/run-tests 'coal-mine.problem-8)) (defn -main [] (run-tests)) #?(:cljs (set! *main-cli-fn* -main))
(ns coal-mine.problem-8 (:require [coal-mine.checks :refer [defcheck-8] :rename {defcheck-8 defcheck}] [clojure.test] [clojure.set])) (defcheck solution-1550092 #{:a :b :d :c }) (defcheck solution-27e70ccc #{:d :c :b :a}) (defcheck solution-2aa50037 #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-44052ae8 #{:a :c :b :d} #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-46943be8 #{:b :c :d :a}) (defcheck solution-479643de #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-4d6c1e7e #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-4daf81f6 #{:a :c :d :b}) (defcheck solution-5db6422e '#{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-694a1f8e #{:a :b :d :c}) (defcheck solution-6ec44dea #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-6ffa5249 #{:a :c :b :d}) (defcheck solution-8d7379b7 (set '(:a :a :b :c :c :c :c :d :d))) (defcheck solution-8ebcebe9 (set '(:d :c :a :b))) (defcheck solution-8f9110f3 #{ :a :b :c :d }) (defcheck solution-966b5bee #{:c :b :d :a}) (defcheck solution-9bc1390c (set '(:a :b :c :d))) (defcheck solution-a8eb82e0 (set '(:a :b :c :d)) (set '(:a :b :c :d))) (defcheck solution-c446f333 (hash-set :d :c :b :a)) (defcheck solution-c5b999ea (hash-set :a :b :c :d)) (defcheck solution-d014c0a8 (clojure.set/union #{:a :b :c} #{:b :c :d})) (defcheck solution-da55b4 #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-dcd6f9b1 #{ :a :b :c :d}) (defcheck solution-e0afd95d #{:a :b :c :d } #{:a :b :c :d }) (defcheck solution-e1af8ef2 (set '(:a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :a :b :c :c :c :c :d :d))) (defcheck solution-e58ed0f6 (set [:a :b :c :d])) (defcheck solution-f8d036c3 #{:b :a :c :d}) (defcheck solution-fc863ace #{:a :b :c :d }) (defn run-tests [] (clojure.test/run-tests 'coal-mine.problem-8)) (defn -main [] (run-tests)) #?(:cljs (set! *main-cli-fn* -main))
module Stratosphere.SageMaker.MonitoringSchedule.NetworkConfigProperty ( module Exports, NetworkConfigProperty(..), mkNetworkConfigProperty ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Stratosphere.Prelude as Prelude import Stratosphere.Property import {-# SOURCE #-} Stratosphere.SageMaker.MonitoringSchedule.VpcConfigProperty as Exports import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties import Stratosphere.Value data NetworkConfigProperty = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Bool)), enableNetworkIsolation :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Bool)), vpcConfig :: (Prelude.Maybe VpcConfigProperty)} mkNetworkConfigProperty :: NetworkConfigProperty mkNetworkConfigProperty = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = Prelude.Nothing, enableNetworkIsolation = Prelude.Nothing, vpcConfig = Prelude.Nothing} instance ToResourceProperties NetworkConfigProperty where toResourceProperties NetworkConfigProperty {..} = ResourceProperties {awsType = "AWS::SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule.NetworkConfig", supportsTags = Prelude.False, properties = Prelude.fromList (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" Prelude.<$> enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption, (JSON..=) "EnableNetworkIsolation" Prelude.<$> enableNetworkIsolation, (JSON..=) "VpcConfig" Prelude.<$> vpcConfig])} instance JSON.ToJSON NetworkConfigProperty where toJSON NetworkConfigProperty {..} = JSON.object (Prelude.fromList (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" Prelude.<$> enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption, (JSON..=) "EnableNetworkIsolation" Prelude.<$> enableNetworkIsolation, (JSON..=) "VpcConfig" Prelude.<$> vpcConfig])) instance Property "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" NetworkConfigProperty = Value Prelude.Bool set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "EnableNetworkIsolation" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "EnableNetworkIsolation" NetworkConfigProperty = Value Prelude.Bool set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {enableNetworkIsolation = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "VpcConfig" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "VpcConfig" NetworkConfigProperty = VpcConfigProperty set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {vpcConfig = Prelude.pure newValue, ..}
module Stratosphere.SageMaker.MonitoringSchedule.NetworkConfigProperty ( module Exports, NetworkConfigProperty(..), mkNetworkConfigProperty ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Stratosphere.Prelude as Prelude import Stratosphere.Property import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties import Stratosphere.Value data NetworkConfigProperty = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Bool)), enableNetworkIsolation :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Bool)), vpcConfig :: (Prelude.Maybe VpcConfigProperty)} mkNetworkConfigProperty :: NetworkConfigProperty mkNetworkConfigProperty = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = Prelude.Nothing, enableNetworkIsolation = Prelude.Nothing, vpcConfig = Prelude.Nothing} instance ToResourceProperties NetworkConfigProperty where toResourceProperties NetworkConfigProperty {..} = ResourceProperties {awsType = "AWS::SageMaker::MonitoringSchedule.NetworkConfig", supportsTags = Prelude.False, properties = Prelude.fromList (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" Prelude.<$> enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption, (JSON..=) "EnableNetworkIsolation" Prelude.<$> enableNetworkIsolation, (JSON..=) "VpcConfig" Prelude.<$> vpcConfig])} instance JSON.ToJSON NetworkConfigProperty where toJSON NetworkConfigProperty {..} = JSON.object (Prelude.fromList (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" Prelude.<$> enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption, (JSON..=) "EnableNetworkIsolation" Prelude.<$> enableNetworkIsolation, (JSON..=) "VpcConfig" Prelude.<$> vpcConfig])) instance Property "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption" NetworkConfigProperty = Value Prelude.Bool set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {enableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "EnableNetworkIsolation" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "EnableNetworkIsolation" NetworkConfigProperty = Value Prelude.Bool set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {enableNetworkIsolation = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "VpcConfig" NetworkConfigProperty where type PropertyType "VpcConfig" NetworkConfigProperty = VpcConfigProperty set newValue NetworkConfigProperty {..} = NetworkConfigProperty {vpcConfig = Prelude.pure newValue, ..}
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Body ( -- | Building and inspecting transaction outputs module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Out, | Working with Timelock scripts and scripts module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Scripts, EraTxBody (..), * Era ShelleyTxBody, ShelleyEraTxBody (..), -- * Allegra Era AllegraEraTxBody (..), * MaryEraTxBody (..), -- * Alonzo Era AlonzoTxBody, AlonzoEraTxBody (..), -- * Babbage Era BabbageTxBody, BabbageEraTxBody (..), ) where import Cardano.Ledger.Allegra.Core (AllegraEraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody (AlonzoEraTxBody (..), AlonzoTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Api.Scripts import Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Out import Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.TxBody (BabbageEraTxBody (..), BabbageTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Core (EraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Mary.Core (MaryEraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley (ShelleyTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Core (ShelleyEraTxBody (..))
# LANGUAGE RankNTypes # | Building and inspecting transaction outputs * Allegra Era * Alonzo Era * Babbage Era
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Body ( module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Out, | Working with Timelock scripts and scripts module Cardano.Ledger.Api.Scripts, EraTxBody (..), * Era ShelleyTxBody, ShelleyEraTxBody (..), AllegraEraTxBody (..), * MaryEraTxBody (..), AlonzoTxBody, AlonzoEraTxBody (..), BabbageTxBody, BabbageEraTxBody (..), ) where import Cardano.Ledger.Allegra.Core (AllegraEraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxBody (AlonzoEraTxBody (..), AlonzoTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Api.Scripts import Cardano.Ledger.Api.Tx.Out import Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.TxBody (BabbageEraTxBody (..), BabbageTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Core (EraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Mary.Core (MaryEraTxBody (..)) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley (ShelleyTxBody) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Core (ShelleyEraTxBody (..))
(ns mqtt.packets.puback-test (:use clojure.test mqtt.test-helpers mqtt.decoder mqtt.encoder mqtt.packets.common mqtt.packets.puback) (:import [io.netty.buffer Unpooled] [io.netty.handler.codec EncoderException])) (deftest puback-validate-message-test (testing "nil when valid" (is (= nil (validate-message {:type :puback :message-id 1})))) (testing "it throws if no message-id" (is (thrown? EncoderException (validate-message {:type :puback})))) (testing "it throws if message-id is 0" (is (thrown? EncoderException (validate-message {:type :puback :message-id 0}))))) (deftest puback-encoding-test (testing "when encoding a simple puback packet" (let [encoder (make-encoder) packet {:type :puback :message-id 5} out (Unpooled/buffer 4)] (.encode encoder nil packet out) (is (= (byte-buffer-to-bytes out) [;; fixed header 2r01000000 ;; remaining length 2 ;; message id 0 5]))))) (deftest decoding-puback-packet-test (testing "when parsing a simple puback packet" (let [decoder (make-decoder) packet (bytes-to-byte-buffer ;; fixed header 2r01000000 ;; remaining length 2 ;; message id 0 5) out (new java.util.ArrayList) _ (.decode decoder nil packet out) decoded (first out)] (testing "parses a packet" (is (not (nil? decoded))) (is (= :puback (:type decoded)))) (testing "should not be a duplicate" (is (= false (:duplicate decoded)))) (testing "parses the qos" (is (= 0 (:qos decoded)))) (testing "should not be retained" (is (= false (:retain decoded)))) (testing "it parses the message id" (is (= 5 (:message-id decoded)))))))
fixed header remaining length message id fixed header remaining length message id
(ns mqtt.packets.puback-test (:use clojure.test mqtt.test-helpers mqtt.decoder mqtt.encoder mqtt.packets.common mqtt.packets.puback) (:import [io.netty.buffer Unpooled] [io.netty.handler.codec EncoderException])) (deftest puback-validate-message-test (testing "nil when valid" (is (= nil (validate-message {:type :puback :message-id 1})))) (testing "it throws if no message-id" (is (thrown? EncoderException (validate-message {:type :puback})))) (testing "it throws if message-id is 0" (is (thrown? EncoderException (validate-message {:type :puback :message-id 0}))))) (deftest puback-encoding-test (testing "when encoding a simple puback packet" (let [encoder (make-encoder) packet {:type :puback :message-id 5} out (Unpooled/buffer 4)] (.encode encoder nil packet out) (is (= (byte-buffer-to-bytes out) 2r01000000 2 0 5]))))) (deftest decoding-puback-packet-test (testing "when parsing a simple puback packet" (let [decoder (make-decoder) packet (bytes-to-byte-buffer 2r01000000 2 0 5) out (new java.util.ArrayList) _ (.decode decoder nil packet out) decoded (first out)] (testing "parses a packet" (is (not (nil? decoded))) (is (= :puback (:type decoded)))) (testing "should not be a duplicate" (is (= false (:duplicate decoded)))) (testing "parses the qos" (is (= 0 (:qos decoded)))) (testing "should not be retained" (is (= false (:retain decoded)))) (testing "it parses the message id" (is (= 5 (:message-id decoded)))))))
type spec = | Unit of (unit -> unit) | Bool of (bool -> unit) | Set of bool ref | Clear of bool ref | String of (string -> unit) | Set_string of string ref | Int of (int -> unit) | Set_int of int ref | Float of (float -> unit) | Set_float of float ref | Tuple of spec list | Symbol of string list * (string -> unit) | Rest of (string -> unit) type key = string type doc = string type usage_msg = string type anon_fun = string -> unit val parse : (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit val parse_argv : ?current:int ref -> string array -> (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit exception Help of string exception Bad of string val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> unit val usage_string : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> string val align : (key * spec * doc) list -> (key * spec * doc) list val current : int ref
type spec = | Unit of (unit -> unit) | Bool of (bool -> unit) | Set of bool ref | Clear of bool ref | String of (string -> unit) | Set_string of string ref | Int of (int -> unit) | Set_int of int ref | Float of (float -> unit) | Set_float of float ref | Tuple of spec list | Symbol of string list * (string -> unit) | Rest of (string -> unit) type key = string type doc = string type usage_msg = string type anon_fun = string -> unit val parse : (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit val parse_argv : ?current:int ref -> string array -> (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit exception Help of string exception Bad of string val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> unit val usage_string : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> string val align : (key * spec * doc) list -> (key * spec * doc) list val current : int ref
-- | We create a file <root>/test/ghcconfig containing configuration of test -- | compiler. We need to search this file for required keys and setting | required for testsuite e.g. WORDSIZE , HOSTOS etc . module Oracles.TestSettings (TestSetting (..), testSetting, testRTSSettings) where import Base import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile testConfigFile :: Action FilePath testConfigFile = buildRoot <&> (-/- "test/ghcconfig") | Test settings that are obtained from ghcconfig file . data TestSetting = TestHostOS | TestWORDSIZE | TestTARGETPLATFORM | TestTargetOS_CPP | TestTargetARCH_CPP | TestGhcStage | TestGhcDebugged | TestGhcWithNativeCodeGen | TestGhcWithInterpreter | TestGhcUnregisterised | TestGhcWithSMP | TestGhcDynamicByDefault | TestGhcDynamic | TestGhcProfiled | TestAR | TestCLANG | TestLLC | TestTEST_CC | TestGhcPackageDbFlag | TestMinGhcVersion711 | TestMinGhcVersion801 deriving (Show) -- | Lookup a test setting in @ghcconfig@ file. -- | To obtain RTS ways supported in @ghcconfig@ file, use 'testRTSSettings'. testSetting :: TestSetting -> Action String testSetting key = do file <- testConfigFile lookupValueOrError file $ case key of TestHostOS -> "HostOS" TestWORDSIZE -> "WORDSIZE" TestTARGETPLATFORM -> "TARGETPLATFORM" TestTargetOS_CPP -> "TargetOS_CPP" TestTargetARCH_CPP -> "TargetARCH_CPP" TestGhcStage -> "GhcStage" TestGhcDebugged -> "GhcDebugged" TestGhcWithNativeCodeGen -> "GhcWithNativeCodeGen" TestGhcWithInterpreter -> "GhcWithInterpreter" TestGhcUnregisterised -> "GhcUnregisterised" TestGhcWithSMP -> "GhcWithSMP" TestGhcDynamicByDefault -> "GhcDynamicByDefault" TestGhcDynamic -> "GhcDynamic" TestGhcProfiled -> "GhcProfiled" TestAR -> "AR" TestCLANG -> "CLANG" TestLLC -> "LLC" TestTEST_CC -> "TEST_CC" TestGhcPackageDbFlag -> "GhcPackageDbFlag" TestMinGhcVersion711 -> "MinGhcVersion711" TestMinGhcVersion801 -> "MinGhcVersion801" -- | Get the RTS ways of the test compiler testRTSSettings :: Action [String] testRTSSettings = do file <- testConfigFile words <$> lookupValueOrError file "GhcRTSWays"
| We create a file <root>/test/ghcconfig containing configuration of test | compiler. We need to search this file for required keys and setting | Lookup a test setting in @ghcconfig@ file. | To obtain RTS ways supported in @ghcconfig@ file, use 'testRTSSettings'. | Get the RTS ways of the test compiler
| required for testsuite e.g. WORDSIZE , HOSTOS etc . module Oracles.TestSettings (TestSetting (..), testSetting, testRTSSettings) where import Base import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile testConfigFile :: Action FilePath testConfigFile = buildRoot <&> (-/- "test/ghcconfig") | Test settings that are obtained from ghcconfig file . data TestSetting = TestHostOS | TestWORDSIZE | TestTARGETPLATFORM | TestTargetOS_CPP | TestTargetARCH_CPP | TestGhcStage | TestGhcDebugged | TestGhcWithNativeCodeGen | TestGhcWithInterpreter | TestGhcUnregisterised | TestGhcWithSMP | TestGhcDynamicByDefault | TestGhcDynamic | TestGhcProfiled | TestAR | TestCLANG | TestLLC | TestTEST_CC | TestGhcPackageDbFlag | TestMinGhcVersion711 | TestMinGhcVersion801 deriving (Show) testSetting :: TestSetting -> Action String testSetting key = do file <- testConfigFile lookupValueOrError file $ case key of TestHostOS -> "HostOS" TestWORDSIZE -> "WORDSIZE" TestTARGETPLATFORM -> "TARGETPLATFORM" TestTargetOS_CPP -> "TargetOS_CPP" TestTargetARCH_CPP -> "TargetARCH_CPP" TestGhcStage -> "GhcStage" TestGhcDebugged -> "GhcDebugged" TestGhcWithNativeCodeGen -> "GhcWithNativeCodeGen" TestGhcWithInterpreter -> "GhcWithInterpreter" TestGhcUnregisterised -> "GhcUnregisterised" TestGhcWithSMP -> "GhcWithSMP" TestGhcDynamicByDefault -> "GhcDynamicByDefault" TestGhcDynamic -> "GhcDynamic" TestGhcProfiled -> "GhcProfiled" TestAR -> "AR" TestCLANG -> "CLANG" TestLLC -> "LLC" TestTEST_CC -> "TEST_CC" TestGhcPackageDbFlag -> "GhcPackageDbFlag" TestMinGhcVersion711 -> "MinGhcVersion711" TestMinGhcVersion801 -> "MinGhcVersion801" testRTSSettings :: Action [String] testRTSSettings = do file <- testConfigFile words <$> lookupValueOrError file "GhcRTSWays"
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Database.Franz.Contents ( Contents , Database.Franz.Internal.Contents.indexNames , Item(..) , toList , toVector , last , length , index , lookupIndex ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Database.Franz.Internal.Protocol import Database.Franz.Internal.Contents import Data.Int import Prelude hiding (length, last) data Item = Item { seqNo :: !Int , indices :: !(U.Vector Int64) , payload :: !B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq) toList :: Contents -> [Item] toList contents = [unsafeIndex contents i | i <- [0..length contents - 1]] toVector :: Contents -> V.Vector Item toVector contents = V.generate (length contents) (unsafeIndex contents) last :: Contents -> Maybe Item last contents | i >= 0 = Just $ unsafeIndex contents i | otherwise = Nothing where i = length contents - 1 index :: Contents -> Int -> Maybe Item index contents i | i >= length contents || i < 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unsafeIndex contents i unsafeIndex :: Contents -> Int -> Item unsafeIndex Contents{..} i = Item{..} where ofs0 = maybe payloadOffset fst $ indicess V.!? (i - 1) (ofs1, indices) = indicess V.! i seqNo = seqnoOffset + i + 1 payload = B.take (ofs1 - ofs0) $ B.drop (ofs0 - payloadOffset) payloads lookupIndex :: Contents -> IndexName -> Maybe (Item -> Int64) lookupIndex Contents{indexNames} name = (\j Item{indices} -> indices U.! j) <$> V.elemIndex name indexNames
# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #
# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Database.Franz.Contents ( Contents , Database.Franz.Internal.Contents.indexNames , Item(..) , toList , toVector , last , length , index , lookupIndex ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Database.Franz.Internal.Protocol import Database.Franz.Internal.Contents import Data.Int import Prelude hiding (length, last) data Item = Item { seqNo :: !Int , indices :: !(U.Vector Int64) , payload :: !B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq) toList :: Contents -> [Item] toList contents = [unsafeIndex contents i | i <- [0..length contents - 1]] toVector :: Contents -> V.Vector Item toVector contents = V.generate (length contents) (unsafeIndex contents) last :: Contents -> Maybe Item last contents | i >= 0 = Just $ unsafeIndex contents i | otherwise = Nothing where i = length contents - 1 index :: Contents -> Int -> Maybe Item index contents i | i >= length contents || i < 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unsafeIndex contents i unsafeIndex :: Contents -> Int -> Item unsafeIndex Contents{..} i = Item{..} where ofs0 = maybe payloadOffset fst $ indicess V.!? (i - 1) (ofs1, indices) = indicess V.! i seqNo = seqnoOffset + i + 1 payload = B.take (ofs1 - ofs0) $ B.drop (ofs0 - payloadOffset) payloads lookupIndex :: Contents -> IndexName -> Maybe (Item -> Int64) lookupIndex Contents{indexNames} name = (\j Item{indices} -> indices U.! j) <$> V.elemIndex name indexNames
-- Palindromic Numbers -- / module Palindromic where palindromize :: Integer -> (Int, Integer) palindromize x | (== show x) . reverse . show $ x = (0, x) | otherwise = (\(k, p) -> (k+1, p)) . palindromize . (+x) . read . reverse . show $ x
Palindromic Numbers /
module Palindromic where palindromize :: Integer -> (Int, Integer) palindromize x | (== show x) . reverse . show $ x = (0, x) | otherwise = (\(k, p) -> (k+1, p)) . palindromize . (+x) . read . reverse . show $ x
(defpackage #:urbit/nock/cell-meta (:use #:cl #:urbit/nock/data #:urbit/nock/mug #:urbit/nock/ideal) (:import-from #:alexandria #:when-let) (:export #:cell-meta #:define-cell-methods)) (in-package #:urbit/nock/cell-meta) ; for defining "dumb" cells - you need a place to store a head, tail, ; and a meta object. DEFINE-CELL-METHODS will do the rest. (deftype cell-meta () '(or null mug core-speed (cons mug core-speed) icell)) (defmacro define-cell-methods (klass head tail meta) `(progn (defmethod deep ((c ,klass)) t) (defmethod cached-mug ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (etypecase m (null nil) (mug m) (core-speed nil) (cons (car m)) (icell (icell-mug m))))) (defmethod (setf cached-mug) (val (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (null (setf (,meta c) val)) (core-speed (setf (,meta c) (cons val m)))))) (defmethod cached-ideal ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (icell m)))) (defmethod (setf cached-ideal) ((val icell) (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (when-let (spd (typecase m (core-speed m) (cons (cdr m)))) (setf (icell-speed val) spd)) (setf (,head c) (icell-head val)) (setf (,tail c) (icell-tail val)) (setf (,meta c) val) val)) (defmethod head ((c ,klass)) (,head c)) (defmethod (setf head) (val (c ,klass)) (unless (typep (,head c) 'icell) (setf (,head c) val)) val) (defmethod tail ((c ,klass)) (,tail c)) (defmethod (setf tail) (val (c ,klass)) (unless (typep (,tail c) 'icell) (setf (,tail c) val)) val) (defmethod cached-battery ((c ,klass)) (let ((h (,head c))) (and (typep h 'icell) h))) (defmethod (setf cached-battery) ((val icell) (c ,klass)) (setf (,head c) val)) (defmethod cached-speed ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (core-speed m) (cons (cdr m)) (icell (icell-speed m))))) (defmethod (setf cached-speed) (val (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m ((or null core-speed) (setf (,meta c) val)) (mug (setf (,meta c) (cons m val))) (cons (setf (cdr m) val)) (icell (setf (icell-speed m) val)))))))
for defining "dumb" cells - you need a place to store a head, tail, and a meta object. DEFINE-CELL-METHODS will do the rest.
(defpackage #:urbit/nock/cell-meta (:use #:cl #:urbit/nock/data #:urbit/nock/mug #:urbit/nock/ideal) (:import-from #:alexandria #:when-let) (:export #:cell-meta #:define-cell-methods)) (in-package #:urbit/nock/cell-meta) (deftype cell-meta () '(or null mug core-speed (cons mug core-speed) icell)) (defmacro define-cell-methods (klass head tail meta) `(progn (defmethod deep ((c ,klass)) t) (defmethod cached-mug ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (etypecase m (null nil) (mug m) (core-speed nil) (cons (car m)) (icell (icell-mug m))))) (defmethod (setf cached-mug) (val (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (null (setf (,meta c) val)) (core-speed (setf (,meta c) (cons val m)))))) (defmethod cached-ideal ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (icell m)))) (defmethod (setf cached-ideal) ((val icell) (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (when-let (spd (typecase m (core-speed m) (cons (cdr m)))) (setf (icell-speed val) spd)) (setf (,head c) (icell-head val)) (setf (,tail c) (icell-tail val)) (setf (,meta c) val) val)) (defmethod head ((c ,klass)) (,head c)) (defmethod (setf head) (val (c ,klass)) (unless (typep (,head c) 'icell) (setf (,head c) val)) val) (defmethod tail ((c ,klass)) (,tail c)) (defmethod (setf tail) (val (c ,klass)) (unless (typep (,tail c) 'icell) (setf (,tail c) val)) val) (defmethod cached-battery ((c ,klass)) (let ((h (,head c))) (and (typep h 'icell) h))) (defmethod (setf cached-battery) ((val icell) (c ,klass)) (setf (,head c) val)) (defmethod cached-speed ((c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m (core-speed m) (cons (cdr m)) (icell (icell-speed m))))) (defmethod (setf cached-speed) (val (c ,klass)) (let ((m (,meta c))) (typecase m ((or null core-speed) (setf (,meta c) val)) (mug (setf (,meta c) (cons m val))) (cons (setf (cdr m) val)) (icell (setf (icell-speed m) val)))))))
(ns cljs-pdfkit.util) (defn capitalize [s] (str (.toUpperCase (.substring s 0 1)) (.substring s 1))) (defn camelize [kw] (let [ [a & b] (.split (name kw) "-") b (map capitalize b) ] (symbol (apply str a b)))) (defn key-map [f m] (zipmap (map f (keys m)) (vals m))) #?(:cljs (defn camelize-js [m] (clj->js (key-map camelize m)))) (defn capitalize-map [m] (key-map #(-> % name capitalize) m)) (defn cumul "cumulation of seq" [s] (reduce (fn [[sum done] new] (conj done (+ sum new))) [0 []] s))
(ns cljs-pdfkit.util) (defn capitalize [s] (str (.toUpperCase (.substring s 0 1)) (.substring s 1))) (defn camelize [kw] (let [ [a & b] (.split (name kw) "-") b (map capitalize b) ] (symbol (apply str a b)))) (defn key-map [f m] (zipmap (map f (keys m)) (vals m))) #?(:cljs (defn camelize-js [m] (clj->js (key-map camelize m)))) (defn capitalize-map [m] (key-map #(-> % name capitalize) m)) (defn cumul "cumulation of seq" [s] (reduce (fn [[sum done] new] (conj done (+ sum new))) [0 []] s))
main = putStrLn "plugin/p08.hs"
main = putStrLn "plugin/p08.hs"
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude , DisambiguateRecordFields # module Main (main) where import Control.Lens.Operators import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import Data.IORef (IORef) import qualified Data.Property as Property import Data.Text (Text) import GUI.Momentu ((/-/)) import qualified GUI.Momentu as M import GUI.Momentu.DataFiles (getDefaultFontPath) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.DropDownList as DropDownList import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.Label as Label import Prelude.Compat main :: IO () main = do fontPath <- getDefaultFontPath dropDownListRef <- IORef.newIORef "blue" M.defaultSetup "DropDownList" fontPath M.defaultSetupOptions (makeWidget dropDownListRef) colors :: [(Text, M.Color)] colors = [ ("black" , M.Color 0 0 0 1) , ("blue" , M.Color 0 0 1 1) , ("green" , M.Color 0 1 0 1) , ("teal" , M.Color 0 1 1 1) , ("red" , M.Color 1 0 0 1) , ("purple", M.Color 1 0 1 1) , ("brown" , M.Color 0.8 0.5 0 1) , ("grey" , M.Color 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) ] makeWidget :: IORef Text -> (Float -> IO M.Font) -> M.DefaultEnvWithCursor -> IO (M.Widget IO) makeWidget dropDownListRef _getFont env = do prop <- Property.fromIORef dropDownListRef ^. Property.mkProperty let dropDownListWidget = DropDownList.make env prop (map makeDropDownList colors) (DropDownList.defaultConfig env "Color") mempty ^. M.tValue let Just color = lookup (Property.value prop) colors let box = M.unitSquare env & M.tint color & M.scale 100 (pure box /-/ pure dropDownListWidget) env & M.weakerEvents (M.quitEventMap env) & pure where makeDropDownList (name, _color) = (name, Label.makeFocusable name env)
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude , DisambiguateRecordFields # module Main (main) where import Control.Lens.Operators import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import Data.IORef (IORef) import qualified Data.Property as Property import Data.Text (Text) import GUI.Momentu ((/-/)) import qualified GUI.Momentu as M import GUI.Momentu.DataFiles (getDefaultFontPath) import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.DropDownList as DropDownList import qualified GUI.Momentu.Widgets.Label as Label import Prelude.Compat main :: IO () main = do fontPath <- getDefaultFontPath dropDownListRef <- IORef.newIORef "blue" M.defaultSetup "DropDownList" fontPath M.defaultSetupOptions (makeWidget dropDownListRef) colors :: [(Text, M.Color)] colors = [ ("black" , M.Color 0 0 0 1) , ("blue" , M.Color 0 0 1 1) , ("green" , M.Color 0 1 0 1) , ("teal" , M.Color 0 1 1 1) , ("red" , M.Color 1 0 0 1) , ("purple", M.Color 1 0 1 1) , ("brown" , M.Color 0.8 0.5 0 1) , ("grey" , M.Color 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) ] makeWidget :: IORef Text -> (Float -> IO M.Font) -> M.DefaultEnvWithCursor -> IO (M.Widget IO) makeWidget dropDownListRef _getFont env = do prop <- Property.fromIORef dropDownListRef ^. Property.mkProperty let dropDownListWidget = DropDownList.make env prop (map makeDropDownList colors) (DropDownList.defaultConfig env "Color") mempty ^. M.tValue let Just color = lookup (Property.value prop) colors let box = M.unitSquare env & M.tint color & M.scale 100 (pure box /-/ pure dropDownListWidget) env & M.weakerEvents (M.quitEventMap env) & pure where makeDropDownList (name, _color) = (name, Label.makeFocusable name env)
Rec interpreter direct.scm
;;;; Basic recursive Slip interpreter. ;;;; This is a stand-alone interpreter and should not be executed by another interpreter. ;;;; It contains no annotations for tracing. ;;;; It can be used to verify that the semantics of the other recursive Slip interpreter ;;;; (which are based on this interpreter) are correct. (begin (define (assocv el lst) (cond ((null? lst) #f) ((eq? (vector-ref (car lst) 0) el) (car lst)) (else (assocv el (cdr lst))))) (define debug '()) (define (map f lst) (define (loop list acc) (if (null? list) (reverse acc) (loop (cdr list) (cons (begin debug (f (car list))) acc)))) (loop lst '())) (define (for-each f lst) (define (loop list) (if (not (null? list)) (begin (f (car list)) (loop (cdr list))) '())) (loop lst) (void)) (define meta-circularity-level 0) ;;; Binds the symbol 'random to the native random function. ;;; In contrast with the other rec Slip interpreters, this random-function refers to the native ;;; Racket random function instead of the random-function introduced by the tracing interpreter. (define random-binding (vector 'random random)) (define environment (list random-binding)) (define (loop output) (define rollback environment) (define evaluate '()) (define (abort message qualifier) (display message) message) (define (bind-variable variable value) (define binding (vector variable value)) (set! environment (cons binding environment))) (define (bind-parameters parameters arguments) (if (symbol? parameters) (bind-variable parameters arguments) (if (and (pair? parameters) (pair? arguments)) (let* ((variable (car parameters)) (value (car arguments))) (bind-variable variable value) (bind-parameters (cdr parameters) (cdr arguments))) (if (not (and (null? parameters) (null? arguments))) (error "Incorrect number of arguments, parameters: " parameters ", arguments: " arguments) '())))) (define (thunkify expression) (define frozen-environment environment) (define value (evaluate expression)) (set! environment frozen-environment) value) (define (evaluate-sequence expressions) (if (null? expressions) '() (let* ((head (car expressions)) (tail (cdr expressions)) (value (evaluate head))) (if (null? tail) value (evaluate-sequence tail))))) (define (close parameters expressions) (define lexical-environment environment) (define (closure . arguments) (define dynamic-environment environment) (set! environment lexical-environment) (bind-parameters parameters arguments) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence expressions))) (set! environment dynamic-environment) value)) closure) (define (evaluate-and . expressions) (define (and-loop expressions prev) (if (null? expressions) prev (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions)))) (if value (and-loop (cdr expressions) value) #f)))) (and-loop expressions #t)) (define (evaluate-application operator) (lambda operands (apply (evaluate operator) (map evaluate operands)))) (define (evaluate-apply . expressions) (apply (evaluate (car expressions)) (evaluate (cadr expressions)))) (define (evaluate-begin . expressions) (evaluate-sequence expressions)) (define (evaluate-cond . expressions) (define (cond-loop expressions) (cond ((null? expressions) '()) ((eq? (car (car expressions)) 'else) (if (not (null? (cdr expressions))) (error "Syntax error: 'else' should be at the end of a cond-expression") (evaluate-sequence (cdr (car expressions))))) ((not (eq? (evaluate (car (car expressions))) #f)) (evaluate-sequence (cdr (car expressions)))) (else (cond-loop (cdr expressions))))) (cond-loop expressions)) (define (evaluate-define pattern . expressions) (if (symbol? pattern) (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions))) (binding (vector pattern value))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) value) (let* ((binding (vector (car pattern) '()))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (let* ((closure (close (cdr pattern) expressions))) (vector-set! binding 1 closure) closure)))) (define (evaluate-eval expression) (evaluate (evaluate expression))) (define (evaluate-if predicate consequent . alternate) (if (evaluate predicate) (thunkify consequent) (if (null? alternate) '() (thunkify (car alternate))))) (define (evaluate-lambda parameters . expressions) (close parameters expressions)) (define (evaluate-let . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings bindings-to-add) (if (null? bindings) bindings-to-add (let* ((let-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car let-binding)) (value (evaluate (cadr let-binding))) (binding (vector variable value))) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings) (cons binding bindings-to-add))))) (for-each (lambda (binding) (set! environment (cons binding environment))) (evaluate-bindings (car expressions) '())) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence (cdr expressions)))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-let* bindings . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings) (if (not (null? bindings)) (let* ((let*-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car let*-binding)) (value (evaluate (cadr let*-binding))) (binding (vector variable value))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings))) '())) (evaluate-bindings bindings) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence expressions))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-letrec . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings) (if (not (null? bindings)) (let* ((letrec-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car letrec-binding)) (binding (vector variable '()))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (vector-set! binding 1 (evaluate (cadr letrec-binding))) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings))) '())) (evaluate-bindings (car expressions)) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence (cdr expressions)))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-load string) (let* ((port (open-input-file string)) (exp (read port))) (close-input-port port) (evaluate exp))) (define (evaluate-or . expressions) (define (or-loop expressions) (if (null? expressions) #f (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions)))) (if value value (or-loop (cdr expressions)))))) (or-loop expressions)) (define (evaluate-quote expression) expression) (define (evaluate-set! variable expression) (define value (evaluate expression)) (define binding (assocv variable environment)) (if (vector? binding) (vector-set! binding 1 value) (abort "inaccessible variable: " variable))) (define (evaluate-variable variable) (define binding (assocv variable environment)) (if (vector? binding) (vector-ref binding 1) ((begin debug eval) variable (make-base-namespace)))) (define (actual-evaluate expression) (cond ((symbol? expression) (evaluate-variable expression)) ((pair? expression) (let* ((operator (car expression)) (operands (cdr expression))) (apply (cond ((eq? operator 'and) evaluate-and) ((eq? operator 'apply) evaluate-apply) ((eq? operator 'begin) evaluate-begin) ((eq? operator 'cond) evaluate-cond) ((eq? operator 'define) evaluate-define) ((eq? operator 'eval) evaluate-eval) ((eq? operator 'if) evaluate-if) ((eq? operator 'lambda) evaluate-lambda) ((eq? operator 'let) evaluate-let) ((eq? operator 'let*) evaluate-let*) ((eq? operator 'letrec) evaluate-letrec) ((eq? operator 'load) evaluate-load) ((eq? operator 'or) evaluate-or) ((eq? operator 'quote) evaluate-quote) ((eq? operator 'set!) evaluate-set!) (else (evaluate-application operator))) operands))) (else expression))) (set! evaluate actual-evaluate) (evaluate-load "input_file.scm")) (loop "Slip"))
Basic recursive Slip interpreter. This is a stand-alone interpreter and should not be executed by another interpreter. It contains no annotations for tracing. It can be used to verify that the semantics of the other recursive Slip interpreter (which are based on this interpreter) are correct. Binds the symbol 'random to the native random function. In contrast with the other rec Slip interpreters, this random-function refers to the native Racket random function instead of the random-function introduced by the tracing interpreter.
(begin (define (assocv el lst) (cond ((null? lst) #f) ((eq? (vector-ref (car lst) 0) el) (car lst)) (else (assocv el (cdr lst))))) (define debug '()) (define (map f lst) (define (loop list acc) (if (null? list) (reverse acc) (loop (cdr list) (cons (begin debug (f (car list))) acc)))) (loop lst '())) (define (for-each f lst) (define (loop list) (if (not (null? list)) (begin (f (car list)) (loop (cdr list))) '())) (loop lst) (void)) (define meta-circularity-level 0) (define random-binding (vector 'random random)) (define environment (list random-binding)) (define (loop output) (define rollback environment) (define evaluate '()) (define (abort message qualifier) (display message) message) (define (bind-variable variable value) (define binding (vector variable value)) (set! environment (cons binding environment))) (define (bind-parameters parameters arguments) (if (symbol? parameters) (bind-variable parameters arguments) (if (and (pair? parameters) (pair? arguments)) (let* ((variable (car parameters)) (value (car arguments))) (bind-variable variable value) (bind-parameters (cdr parameters) (cdr arguments))) (if (not (and (null? parameters) (null? arguments))) (error "Incorrect number of arguments, parameters: " parameters ", arguments: " arguments) '())))) (define (thunkify expression) (define frozen-environment environment) (define value (evaluate expression)) (set! environment frozen-environment) value) (define (evaluate-sequence expressions) (if (null? expressions) '() (let* ((head (car expressions)) (tail (cdr expressions)) (value (evaluate head))) (if (null? tail) value (evaluate-sequence tail))))) (define (close parameters expressions) (define lexical-environment environment) (define (closure . arguments) (define dynamic-environment environment) (set! environment lexical-environment) (bind-parameters parameters arguments) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence expressions))) (set! environment dynamic-environment) value)) closure) (define (evaluate-and . expressions) (define (and-loop expressions prev) (if (null? expressions) prev (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions)))) (if value (and-loop (cdr expressions) value) #f)))) (and-loop expressions #t)) (define (evaluate-application operator) (lambda operands (apply (evaluate operator) (map evaluate operands)))) (define (evaluate-apply . expressions) (apply (evaluate (car expressions)) (evaluate (cadr expressions)))) (define (evaluate-begin . expressions) (evaluate-sequence expressions)) (define (evaluate-cond . expressions) (define (cond-loop expressions) (cond ((null? expressions) '()) ((eq? (car (car expressions)) 'else) (if (not (null? (cdr expressions))) (error "Syntax error: 'else' should be at the end of a cond-expression") (evaluate-sequence (cdr (car expressions))))) ((not (eq? (evaluate (car (car expressions))) #f)) (evaluate-sequence (cdr (car expressions)))) (else (cond-loop (cdr expressions))))) (cond-loop expressions)) (define (evaluate-define pattern . expressions) (if (symbol? pattern) (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions))) (binding (vector pattern value))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) value) (let* ((binding (vector (car pattern) '()))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (let* ((closure (close (cdr pattern) expressions))) (vector-set! binding 1 closure) closure)))) (define (evaluate-eval expression) (evaluate (evaluate expression))) (define (evaluate-if predicate consequent . alternate) (if (evaluate predicate) (thunkify consequent) (if (null? alternate) '() (thunkify (car alternate))))) (define (evaluate-lambda parameters . expressions) (close parameters expressions)) (define (evaluate-let . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings bindings-to-add) (if (null? bindings) bindings-to-add (let* ((let-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car let-binding)) (value (evaluate (cadr let-binding))) (binding (vector variable value))) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings) (cons binding bindings-to-add))))) (for-each (lambda (binding) (set! environment (cons binding environment))) (evaluate-bindings (car expressions) '())) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence (cdr expressions)))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-let* bindings . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings) (if (not (null? bindings)) (let* ((let*-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car let*-binding)) (value (evaluate (cadr let*-binding))) (binding (vector variable value))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings))) '())) (evaluate-bindings bindings) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence expressions))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-letrec . expressions) (define frozen-environment environment) (define (evaluate-bindings bindings) (if (not (null? bindings)) (let* ((letrec-binding (car bindings)) (variable (car letrec-binding)) (binding (vector variable '()))) (set! environment (cons binding environment)) (vector-set! binding 1 (evaluate (cadr letrec-binding))) (evaluate-bindings (cdr bindings))) '())) (evaluate-bindings (car expressions)) (let* ((value (evaluate-sequence (cdr expressions)))) (set! environment frozen-environment) value)) (define (evaluate-load string) (let* ((port (open-input-file string)) (exp (read port))) (close-input-port port) (evaluate exp))) (define (evaluate-or . expressions) (define (or-loop expressions) (if (null? expressions) #f (let* ((value (evaluate (car expressions)))) (if value value (or-loop (cdr expressions)))))) (or-loop expressions)) (define (evaluate-quote expression) expression) (define (evaluate-set! variable expression) (define value (evaluate expression)) (define binding (assocv variable environment)) (if (vector? binding) (vector-set! binding 1 value) (abort "inaccessible variable: " variable))) (define (evaluate-variable variable) (define binding (assocv variable environment)) (if (vector? binding) (vector-ref binding 1) ((begin debug eval) variable (make-base-namespace)))) (define (actual-evaluate expression) (cond ((symbol? expression) (evaluate-variable expression)) ((pair? expression) (let* ((operator (car expression)) (operands (cdr expression))) (apply (cond ((eq? operator 'and) evaluate-and) ((eq? operator 'apply) evaluate-apply) ((eq? operator 'begin) evaluate-begin) ((eq? operator 'cond) evaluate-cond) ((eq? operator 'define) evaluate-define) ((eq? operator 'eval) evaluate-eval) ((eq? operator 'if) evaluate-if) ((eq? operator 'lambda) evaluate-lambda) ((eq? operator 'let) evaluate-let) ((eq? operator 'let*) evaluate-let*) ((eq? operator 'letrec) evaluate-letrec) ((eq? operator 'load) evaluate-load) ((eq? operator 'or) evaluate-or) ((eq? operator 'quote) evaluate-quote) ((eq? operator 'set!) evaluate-set!) (else (evaluate-application operator))) operands))) (else expression))) (set! evaluate actual-evaluate) (evaluate-load "input_file.scm")) (loop "Slip"))
%%% Copyright ( c ) 2016 The Talla Authors . All rights reserved . %%% Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style %%% license that can be found in the LICENSE file. %%% %%% ----------------------------------------------------------- @author < > %%% @doc Base64 wrapper API %%% %%% This module contains a base64 API that allows us to encode %%% and decode binaries without the ordinary Base64 padding. %%% %%% @end %%% ----------------------------------------------------------- -module(onion_base64). %% API. -export([encode/1, decode/1, valid/1 ]). %% Types. -export_type([base64_encoded/0]). -type base64_encoded() :: binary(). -include("onion_test.hrl"). -define(BASE64_ALPHABET, lists:seq($0, $9) ++ lists:seq($a, $z) ++ lists:seq($A, $Z) ++ "+/"). -spec encode(Data) -> Encoded when Data :: binary(), Encoded :: base64_encoded(). encode(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> onion_binary:trim(base64:encode(Data), <<"=">>). -spec decode(Encoded) -> {ok, Decoded} | {error, Reason} when Encoded :: base64_encoded(), Decoded :: binary(), Reason :: term(). decode(Encoded) when is_binary(Encoded) -> try case byte_size(Encoded) rem 4 of 3 -> {ok, base64:decode(<<Encoded/binary, "=">>)}; 2 -> {ok, base64:decode(<<Encoded/binary, "==">>)}; _ -> {ok, base64:decode(Encoded)} end catch _:_ -> {error, invalid_base64} end. %% @doc Check if a given binary is valid Base64. -spec valid(Data) -> boolean() when Data :: binary() | string(). valid(Data) when is_list(Data) -> onion_string:valid(Data, ?BASE64_ALPHABET); valid(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> valid(binary_to_list(Data)). -ifdef(TEST). base64_rfc4648_encode_test() -> [ ?assertEqual(encode(<<>>), <<>>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"f">>), <<"Zg">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"fo">>), <<"Zm8">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foo">>), <<"Zm9v">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foob">>), <<"Zm9vYg">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"fooba">>), <<"Zm9vYmE">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foobar">>), <<"Zm9vYmFy">>) ]. base64_rfc4648_decode_test() -> [ ?assertEqual(decode(<<>>), {ok, <<>>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zg">>), {ok, <<"f">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm8">>), {ok, <<"fo">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9v">>), {ok, <<"foo">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYg">>), {ok, <<"foob">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYmE">>), {ok, <<"fooba">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYmFy">>), {ok, <<"foobar">>}) ]. -endif.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ----------------------------------------------------------- @doc Base64 wrapper API This module contains a base64 API that allows us to encode and decode binaries without the ordinary Base64 padding. @end ----------------------------------------------------------- API. Types. @doc Check if a given binary is valid Base64.
Copyright ( c ) 2016 The Talla Authors . All rights reserved . @author < > -module(onion_base64). -export([encode/1, decode/1, valid/1 ]). -export_type([base64_encoded/0]). -type base64_encoded() :: binary(). -include("onion_test.hrl"). -define(BASE64_ALPHABET, lists:seq($0, $9) ++ lists:seq($a, $z) ++ lists:seq($A, $Z) ++ "+/"). -spec encode(Data) -> Encoded when Data :: binary(), Encoded :: base64_encoded(). encode(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> onion_binary:trim(base64:encode(Data), <<"=">>). -spec decode(Encoded) -> {ok, Decoded} | {error, Reason} when Encoded :: base64_encoded(), Decoded :: binary(), Reason :: term(). decode(Encoded) when is_binary(Encoded) -> try case byte_size(Encoded) rem 4 of 3 -> {ok, base64:decode(<<Encoded/binary, "=">>)}; 2 -> {ok, base64:decode(<<Encoded/binary, "==">>)}; _ -> {ok, base64:decode(Encoded)} end catch _:_ -> {error, invalid_base64} end. -spec valid(Data) -> boolean() when Data :: binary() | string(). valid(Data) when is_list(Data) -> onion_string:valid(Data, ?BASE64_ALPHABET); valid(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> valid(binary_to_list(Data)). -ifdef(TEST). base64_rfc4648_encode_test() -> [ ?assertEqual(encode(<<>>), <<>>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"f">>), <<"Zg">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"fo">>), <<"Zm8">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foo">>), <<"Zm9v">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foob">>), <<"Zm9vYg">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"fooba">>), <<"Zm9vYmE">>), ?assertEqual(encode(<<"foobar">>), <<"Zm9vYmFy">>) ]. base64_rfc4648_decode_test() -> [ ?assertEqual(decode(<<>>), {ok, <<>>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zg">>), {ok, <<"f">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm8">>), {ok, <<"fo">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9v">>), {ok, <<"foo">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYg">>), {ok, <<"foob">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYmE">>), {ok, <<"fooba">>}), ?assertEqual(decode(<<"Zm9vYmFy">>), {ok, <<"foobar">>}) ]. -endif.
#lang info (define collection 'multi) (define deps '()) (define build-deps '("base" "rackunit-lib" "k-core" "k-lib")) (define update-implies '("k-core" "k-lib")) (define pkg-desc "test of k") (define pkg-authors '(dannypsnl cybai))
#lang info (define collection 'multi) (define deps '()) (define build-deps '("base" "rackunit-lib" "k-core" "k-lib")) (define update-implies '("k-core" "k-lib")) (define pkg-desc "test of k") (define pkg-authors '(dannypsnl cybai))
(ns cljs-modules.outer (:require [om.core :as om] [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true] [cljs-modules.render :as render] [cljs-modules.modules :as modules])) (defn outer-component [app owner opts] (reify om/IRender (render [_] (dom/div #js {} nil (dom/h1 #js {} "Hello from Outer!") (dom/a #js {:href "/app"} "inner"))))) (defmethod render/active-component :outer/outer [_] outer-component) (modules/set-loaded! "outer")
(ns cljs-modules.outer (:require [om.core :as om] [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true] [cljs-modules.render :as render] [cljs-modules.modules :as modules])) (defn outer-component [app owner opts] (reify om/IRender (render [_] (dom/div #js {} nil (dom/h1 #js {} "Hello from Outer!") (dom/a #js {:href "/app"} "inner"))))) (defmethod render/active-component :outer/outer [_] outer-component) (modules/set-loaded! "outer")
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. %% Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2021 VMware , Inc. or its affiliates . All rights reserved . %% -module(amqp10_client_sessions_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). %% Private API. -export([start_link/0]). %% Supervisor callbacks. -export([init/1]). -define(CHILD(Id, Mod, Type, Args), {Id, {Mod, start_link, Args}, transient, 5000, Type, [Mod]}). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Private API. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, any()}. start_link() -> supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, []). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Supervisor callbacks. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- init(Args) -> Template = ?CHILD(session, amqp10_client_session, worker, Args), {ok, {{simple_one_for_one, 0, 1}, [Template]}}.
Private API. Supervisor callbacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Private API. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor callbacks. -------------------------------------------------------------------
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. Copyright ( c ) 2007 - 2021 VMware , Inc. or its affiliates . All rights reserved . -module(amqp10_client_sessions_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1]). -define(CHILD(Id, Mod, Type, Args), {Id, {Mod, start_link, Args}, transient, 5000, Type, [Mod]}). -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, any()}. start_link() -> supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, []). init(Args) -> Template = ?CHILD(session, amqp10_client_session, worker, Args), {ok, {{simple_one_for_one, 0, 1}, [Template]}}.
Copyright 2020 BIA - Technologies Limited Liability Company ;; Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; ;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;; ;; -2.0 ;; ;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , ;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;; limitations under the License. (ns ru.bia-tech.statsbit.http.health-test (:require [ru.bia-tech.statsbit.http.handler :as handler] [ru.bia-tech.statsbit.test.fixtures :as fixtures] [ring.mock.request :as mock.request] [ring.util.http-predicates :as http-predicates] [clojure.test :as t])) (t/use-fixtures :each fixtures/each) (t/deftest health (let [handler (handler/build) req (mock.request/request :get "/health") resp (handler req)] (t/is (http-predicates/ok? resp))))
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2020 BIA - Technologies Limited Liability Company distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , (ns ru.bia-tech.statsbit.http.health-test (:require [ru.bia-tech.statsbit.http.handler :as handler] [ru.bia-tech.statsbit.test.fixtures :as fixtures] [ring.mock.request :as mock.request] [ring.util.http-predicates :as http-predicates] [clojure.test :as t])) (t/use-fixtures :each fixtures/each) (t/deftest health (let [handler (handler/build) req (mock.request/request :get "/health") resp (handler req)] (t/is (http-predicates/ok? resp))))
module Foo where -- $setup -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck > > > let arbitraryEven = ( * 2 ) ` fmap ` arbitrary -- | -- prop> forAll arbitraryEven even foo = undefined
$setup >>> import Test.QuickCheck | prop> forAll arbitraryEven even
module Foo where > > > let arbitraryEven = ( * 2 ) ` fmap ` arbitrary foo = undefined
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # | Module : System . Log . LogHandler Copyright : Copyright ( C ) 2004 - 2011 License : BSD3 Maintainer : < > Stability : provisional Portability : portable Definition of log handler support For some handlers , check out " System . WLog . Handler . Simple " and " System . WLog . Handler . Syslog " . Please see " System . WLog . Logger " for extensive documentation on the logging system . Written by , jgoerzen\@complete.org Module : System.Log.LogHandler Copyright : Copyright (C) 2004-2011 John Goerzen License : BSD3 Maintainer : John Goerzen <> Stability : provisional Portability: portable Definition of log handler support For some handlers, check out "System.WLog.Handler.Simple" and "System.WLog.Handler.Syslog". Please see "System.WLog.Logger" for extensive documentation on the logging system. Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org -} module System.Wlog.LogHandler ( -- * Basic Types LogHandlerTag(..) , LogHandler(..) , logHandlerMessage ) where import Universum import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B import System.Wlog.Formatter (LogFormatter, nullFormatter) import System.Wlog.LoggerName (LoggerName (..)) import System.Wlog.Severity (LogRecord (..), Severities) import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Logs an event if it meets the requirements -- given by the most recent call to 'setLevel'. logHandlerMessage :: (MonadIO m, LogHandler a) => a -> LogRecord -> LoggerName -> m () logHandlerMessage h lr@(LR pri _) logname = when (pri `Set.member` getLevel h) $ do let lName = getLoggerName logname formattedMsg <- liftIO $ getFormatter h h lr lName emit h formattedMsg lName -- | Tag identifying handlers. data LogHandlerTag = HandlerFilelike FilePath | HandlerOther String deriving (Show, Eq) -- | This is the base class for the various log handlers. They should -- all adhere to this class. class LogHandler a where TODO it should be data / type family like in ' System . Exception ' -- | Tag of handler. Is arbitrary. Made for identification. getTag :: a -> LogHandlerTag -- | Sets the log level. 'handle' will drop items beneath this -- level. setLevel :: a -> Severities -> a -- | Gets the current level. getLevel :: a -> Severities | Set a log formatter to customize the log format for this setFormatter :: a -> LogFormatter a -> a getFormatter :: a -> LogFormatter a getFormatter _h = nullFormatter -- | Forces an event to be logged regardless of -- the configured level. emit :: MonadIO m => a -> B.Builder -> Text -> m () | Read back from logger ( e.g. file ) , newest first . You specify the number of ( newest ) logging entries . Logger can return @pure -- []@ if this behaviour can't be emulated or store buffer. readBack :: MonadIO m => a -> Int -> m [Text] -- | Closes the logging system, causing it to close -- any open files, etc. close :: MonadIO m => a -> m ()
* Basic Types | Logs an event if it meets the requirements given by the most recent call to 'setLevel'. | Tag identifying handlers. | This is the base class for the various log handlers. They should all adhere to this class. | Tag of handler. Is arbitrary. Made for identification. | Sets the log level. 'handle' will drop items beneath this level. | Gets the current level. | Forces an event to be logged regardless of the configured level. []@ if this behaviour can't be emulated or store buffer. | Closes the logging system, causing it to close any open files, etc.
# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # | Module : System . Log . LogHandler Copyright : Copyright ( C ) 2004 - 2011 License : BSD3 Maintainer : < > Stability : provisional Portability : portable Definition of log handler support For some handlers , check out " System . WLog . Handler . Simple " and " System . WLog . Handler . Syslog " . Please see " System . WLog . Logger " for extensive documentation on the logging system . Written by , jgoerzen\@complete.org Module : System.Log.LogHandler Copyright : Copyright (C) 2004-2011 John Goerzen License : BSD3 Maintainer : John Goerzen <> Stability : provisional Portability: portable Definition of log handler support For some handlers, check out "System.WLog.Handler.Simple" and "System.WLog.Handler.Syslog". Please see "System.WLog.Logger" for extensive documentation on the logging system. Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org -} module System.Wlog.LogHandler LogHandlerTag(..) , LogHandler(..) , logHandlerMessage ) where import Universum import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B import System.Wlog.Formatter (LogFormatter, nullFormatter) import System.Wlog.LoggerName (LoggerName (..)) import System.Wlog.Severity (LogRecord (..), Severities) import qualified Data.Set as Set logHandlerMessage :: (MonadIO m, LogHandler a) => a -> LogRecord -> LoggerName -> m () logHandlerMessage h lr@(LR pri _) logname = when (pri `Set.member` getLevel h) $ do let lName = getLoggerName logname formattedMsg <- liftIO $ getFormatter h h lr lName emit h formattedMsg lName data LogHandlerTag = HandlerFilelike FilePath | HandlerOther String deriving (Show, Eq) class LogHandler a where TODO it should be data / type family like in ' System . Exception ' getTag :: a -> LogHandlerTag setLevel :: a -> Severities -> a getLevel :: a -> Severities | Set a log formatter to customize the log format for this setFormatter :: a -> LogFormatter a -> a getFormatter :: a -> LogFormatter a getFormatter _h = nullFormatter emit :: MonadIO m => a -> B.Builder -> Text -> m () | Read back from logger ( e.g. file ) , newest first . You specify the number of ( newest ) logging entries . Logger can return @pure readBack :: MonadIO m => a -> Int -> m [Text] close :: MonadIO m => a -> m ()
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # module Nine where import Prelude ((+), (-), concat, drop, map, take) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use foldr" #-} myId :: a -> a myId a = a myPlusPlus :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] myPlusPlus (a:as) bs = a : myPlusPlus as bs myPlusPlus [] bs = bs myReverse :: [a] -> [a] myReverse [] = [] myReverse (a:as) = as `myPlusPlus` [a]
# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use foldr" #
# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude # module Nine where import Prelude ((+), (-), concat, drop, map, take) myId :: a -> a myId a = a myPlusPlus :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] myPlusPlus (a:as) bs = a : myPlusPlus as bs myPlusPlus [] bs = bs myReverse :: [a] -> [a] myReverse [] = [] myReverse (a:as) = as `myPlusPlus` [a]
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} # LINE 1 " Control / Concurrent / STM / TChan.hs " # # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - name - shadowing # # LANGUAGE CPP , DeriveDataTypeable # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan Copyright : ( c ) The University of Glasgow 2004 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental Portability : non - portable ( requires STM ) -- TChan : Transactional channels ( GHC only ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan ( * TChans TChan, -- ** Construction newTChan, newTChanIO, newBroadcastTChan, newBroadcastTChanIO, dupTChan, cloneTChan, -- ** Reading and writing readTChan, tryReadTChan, peekTChan, tryPeekTChan, writeTChan, unGetTChan, isEmptyTChan ) where import GHC.Conc import Data.Typeable (Typeable) | ' TChan ' is an abstract type representing an unbounded FIFO channel . data TChan a = TChan {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (TVarList a)) {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (TVarList a)) deriving (Eq, Typeable) type TVarList a = TVar (TList a) data TList a = TNil | TCons a {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVarList a) |Build and return a new instance of ' TChan ' newTChan :: STM (TChan a) newTChan = do hole <- newTVar TNil read <- newTVar hole write <- newTVar hole return (TChan read write) -- |@IO@ version of 'newTChan'. This is useful for creating top-level ' TChan 's using ' System . IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO ' , because using -- 'atomically' inside 'System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO' isn't -- possible. newTChanIO :: IO (TChan a) newTChanIO = do hole <- newTVarIO TNil read <- newTVarIO hole write <- newTVarIO hole return (TChan read write) | Create a write - only ' TChan ' . More precisely , ' readTChan ' will ' retry ' -- even after items have been written to the channel. The only way to read -- a broadcast channel is to duplicate it with 'dupTChan'. -- -- Consider a server that broadcasts messages to clients: -- > serve : : TChan Message - > Client - > IO loop -- >serve broadcastChan client = do -- > myChan <- dupTChan broadcastChan -- > forever $ do -- > message <- readTChan myChan -- > send client message -- -- The problem with using 'newTChan' to create the broadcast channel is that if -- it is only written to and never read, items will pile up in memory. By -- using 'newBroadcastTChan' to create the broadcast channel, items can be -- garbage collected after clients have seen them. -- @since 2.4 newBroadcastTChan :: STM (TChan a) newBroadcastTChan = do write_hole <- newTVar TNil read <- newTVar (error "reading from a TChan created by newBroadcastTChan; use dupTChan first") write <- newTVar write_hole return (TChan read write) | version of ' newBroadcastTChan ' . -- @since 2.4 newBroadcastTChanIO :: IO (TChan a) newBroadcastTChanIO = do write_hole <- newTVarIO TNil read <- newTVarIO (error "reading from a TChan created by newBroadcastTChanIO; use dupTChan first") write <- newTVarIO write_hole return (TChan read write) |Write a value to a ' TChan ' . writeTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM () writeTChan (TChan _read write) a = do listend = = TVar pointing to TNil new_listend <- newTVar TNil writeTVar listend (TCons a new_listend) writeTVar write new_listend |Read the next value from the ' TChan ' . readTChan :: TChan a -> STM a readTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> retry TCons a tail -> do writeTVar read tail return a -- | A version of 'readTChan' which does not retry. Instead it -- returns @Nothing@ if no value is available. tryReadTChan :: TChan a -> STM (Maybe a) tryReadTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return Nothing TCons a tl -> do writeTVar read tl return (Just a) -- | Get the next value from the @TChan@ without removing it, -- retrying if the channel is empty. peekTChan :: TChan a -> STM a peekTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> retry TCons a _ -> return a -- | A version of 'peekTChan' which does not retry. Instead it -- returns @Nothing@ if no value is available. tryPeekTChan :: TChan a -> STM (Maybe a) tryPeekTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return Nothing TCons a _ -> return (Just a) |Duplicate a ' TChan ' : the duplicate channel begins empty , but data written to -- either channel from then on will be available from both. Hence this creates -- a kind of broadcast channel, where data written by anyone is seen by -- everyone else. dupTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a) dupTChan (TChan _read write) = do hole <- readTVar write new_read <- newTVar hole return (TChan new_read write) -- |Put a data item back onto a channel, where it will be the next item read. unGetTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM () unGetTChan (TChan read _write) a = do listhead <- readTVar read newhead <- newTVar (TCons a listhead) writeTVar read newhead |Returns ' True ' if the supplied ' TChan ' is empty . isEmptyTChan :: TChan a -> STM Bool isEmptyTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return True TCons _ _ -> return False |Clone a ' TChan ' : similar to dupTChan , but the cloned channel starts with the -- same content available as the original channel. -- @since 2.4 cloneTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a) cloneTChan (TChan read write) = do readpos <- readTVar read new_read <- newTVar readpos return (TChan new_read write)
# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module : Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) Maintainer : Stability : experimental --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Construction ** Reading and writing # UNPACK # # UNPACK # # UNPACK # |@IO@ version of 'newTChan'. This is useful for creating top-level 'atomically' inside 'System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO' isn't possible. even after items have been written to the channel. The only way to read a broadcast channel is to duplicate it with 'dupTChan'. Consider a server that broadcasts messages to clients: >serve broadcastChan client = do > myChan <- dupTChan broadcastChan > forever $ do > message <- readTChan myChan > send client message The problem with using 'newTChan' to create the broadcast channel is that if it is only written to and never read, items will pile up in memory. By using 'newBroadcastTChan' to create the broadcast channel, items can be garbage collected after clients have seen them. | A version of 'readTChan' which does not retry. Instead it returns @Nothing@ if no value is available. | Get the next value from the @TChan@ without removing it, retrying if the channel is empty. | A version of 'peekTChan' which does not retry. Instead it returns @Nothing@ if no value is available. either channel from then on will be available from both. Hence this creates a kind of broadcast channel, where data written by anyone is seen by everyone else. |Put a data item back onto a channel, where it will be the next item read. same content available as the original channel.
# LINE 1 " Control / Concurrent / STM / TChan.hs " # # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - name - shadowing # # LANGUAGE CPP , DeriveDataTypeable # # LANGUAGE Trustworthy # Copyright : ( c ) The University of Glasgow 2004 Portability : non - portable ( requires STM ) TChan : Transactional channels ( GHC only ) module Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan ( * TChans TChan, newTChan, newTChanIO, newBroadcastTChan, newBroadcastTChanIO, dupTChan, cloneTChan, readTChan, tryReadTChan, peekTChan, tryPeekTChan, writeTChan, unGetTChan, isEmptyTChan ) where import GHC.Conc import Data.Typeable (Typeable) | ' TChan ' is an abstract type representing an unbounded FIFO channel . deriving (Eq, Typeable) type TVarList a = TVar (TList a) |Build and return a new instance of ' TChan ' newTChan :: STM (TChan a) newTChan = do hole <- newTVar TNil read <- newTVar hole write <- newTVar hole return (TChan read write) ' TChan 's using ' System . IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO ' , because using newTChanIO :: IO (TChan a) newTChanIO = do hole <- newTVarIO TNil read <- newTVarIO hole write <- newTVarIO hole return (TChan read write) | Create a write - only ' TChan ' . More precisely , ' readTChan ' will ' retry ' > serve : : TChan Message - > Client - > IO loop @since 2.4 newBroadcastTChan :: STM (TChan a) newBroadcastTChan = do write_hole <- newTVar TNil read <- newTVar (error "reading from a TChan created by newBroadcastTChan; use dupTChan first") write <- newTVar write_hole return (TChan read write) | version of ' newBroadcastTChan ' . @since 2.4 newBroadcastTChanIO :: IO (TChan a) newBroadcastTChanIO = do write_hole <- newTVarIO TNil read <- newTVarIO (error "reading from a TChan created by newBroadcastTChanIO; use dupTChan first") write <- newTVarIO write_hole return (TChan read write) |Write a value to a ' TChan ' . writeTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM () writeTChan (TChan _read write) a = do listend = = TVar pointing to TNil new_listend <- newTVar TNil writeTVar listend (TCons a new_listend) writeTVar write new_listend |Read the next value from the ' TChan ' . readTChan :: TChan a -> STM a readTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> retry TCons a tail -> do writeTVar read tail return a tryReadTChan :: TChan a -> STM (Maybe a) tryReadTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return Nothing TCons a tl -> do writeTVar read tl return (Just a) peekTChan :: TChan a -> STM a peekTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> retry TCons a _ -> return a tryPeekTChan :: TChan a -> STM (Maybe a) tryPeekTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return Nothing TCons a _ -> return (Just a) |Duplicate a ' TChan ' : the duplicate channel begins empty , but data written to dupTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a) dupTChan (TChan _read write) = do hole <- readTVar write new_read <- newTVar hole return (TChan new_read write) unGetTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM () unGetTChan (TChan read _write) a = do listhead <- readTVar read newhead <- newTVar (TCons a listhead) writeTVar read newhead |Returns ' True ' if the supplied ' TChan ' is empty . isEmptyTChan :: TChan a -> STM Bool isEmptyTChan (TChan read _write) = do listhead <- readTVar read head <- readTVar listhead case head of TNil -> return True TCons _ _ -> return False |Clone a ' TChan ' : similar to dupTChan , but the cloned channel starts with the @since 2.4 cloneTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a) cloneTChan (TChan read write) = do readpos <- readTVar read new_read <- newTVar readpos return (TChan new_read write)
(************************************************************************) v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2016 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) (************************************************************************) (* Coq serialization API/Plugin *) Copyright 2016 MINES ParisTech (************************************************************************) (* Status: Very Experimental *) (************************************************************************) open Sexplib type interactive_top = Stm.interactive_top * * val sexp_of_interactive_top : Stm.interactive_top - > Sexp.t * val interactive_top_of_sexp : Sexp.t - > Stm.interactive_top * * val sexp_of_interactive_top : Stm.interactive_top -> Sexp.t * val interactive_top_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.interactive_top *) type focus = Stm.focus val sexp_of_focus : Stm.focus -> Sexp.t val focus_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.focus type add_focus = Stm.add_focus val sexp_of_add_focus : Stm.add_focus -> Sexp.t val add_focus_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.add_focus
********************************************************************** // * This file is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Coq serialization API/Plugin ********************************************************************** Status: Very Experimental **********************************************************************
v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2016 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2016 MINES ParisTech open Sexplib type interactive_top = Stm.interactive_top * * val sexp_of_interactive_top : Stm.interactive_top - > Sexp.t * val interactive_top_of_sexp : Sexp.t - > Stm.interactive_top * * val sexp_of_interactive_top : Stm.interactive_top -> Sexp.t * val interactive_top_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.interactive_top *) type focus = Stm.focus val sexp_of_focus : Stm.focus -> Sexp.t val focus_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.focus type add_focus = Stm.add_focus val sexp_of_add_focus : Stm.add_focus -> Sexp.t val add_focus_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> Stm.add_focus
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns app.main.data.workspace.libraries (:require [app.common.data :as d] [app.common.files.features :as ffeat] [app.common.geom.point :as gpt] [app.common.logging :as log] [app.common.pages :as cp] [app.common.pages.changes :as ch] [app.common.pages.changes-builder :as pcb] [app.common.pages.changes-spec :as pcs] [app.common.pages.helpers :as cph] [app.common.spec :as us] [app.common.types.color :as ctc] [app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl] [app.common.types.container :as ctn] [app.common.types.file :as ctf] [app.common.types.file.media-object :as ctfm] [app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl] [app.common.types.typography :as ctt] [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.main.data.dashboard :as dd] [app.main.data.events :as ev] [app.main.data.messages :as dm] [app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch] [app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh] [app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws] [app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh] [app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh] [app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu] [app.main.features :as features] [app.main.refs :as refs] [app.main.repo :as rp] [app.main.store :as st] [app.util.i18n :refer [tr]] [app.util.router :as rt] [app.util.time :as dt] [beicon.core :as rx] [cljs.spec.alpha :as s] [potok.core :as ptk])) ;; Change this to :info :debug or :trace to debug this module, or :warn to reset to default (log/set-level! :warn) (s/def ::file ::dd/file) (defn- log-changes [changes file] (let [extract-change (fn [change] (let [shape (when (:id change) (cond (:page-id change) (get-in file [:pages-index (:page-id change) :objects (:id change)]) (:component-id change) (get-in file [:components (:component-id change) :objects (:id change)]) :else nil)) prefix (if (:component-id change) "[C] " "[P] ") extract (cond-> {:type (:type change) :raw-change change} shape (assoc :shape (str prefix (:name shape))) (:operations change) (assoc :operations (:operations change)))] extract))] (map extract-change changes))) (declare sync-file) (defn set-assets-box-open [file-id box open?] (ptk/reify ::set-assets-box-open ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-global :assets-files-open file-id box] open?)))) (defn set-assets-group-open [file-id box path open?] (ptk/reify ::set-assets-group-open ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-global :assets-files-open file-id :groups box path] open?)))) (defn extract-path-if-missing [item] (let [[path name] (cph/parse-path-name (:name item))] (if (and (= (:name item) name) (contains? item :path)) item (assoc item :path path :name name)))) (defn default-color-name [color] (or (:color color) (case (get-in color [:gradient :type]) :linear (tr "workspace.gradients.linear") :radial (tr "workspace.gradients.radial")))) (defn add-color [color] (let [id (uuid/next) color (-> color (assoc :id id) (assoc :name (default-color-name color)))] (us/assert ::ctc/color color) (ptk/reify ::add-color IDeref (-deref [_] color) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-color color))] (rx/of #(assoc-in % [:workspace-local :color-for-rename] id) (dch/commit-changes changes))))))) (defn add-recent-color [color] (us/assert! ::ctc/recent-color color) (ptk/reify ::add-recent-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-recent-color color))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (def clear-color-for-rename (ptk/reify ::clear-color-for-rename ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-local :color-for-rename] nil)))) (defn- do-update-color [it state color file-id] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name (:name color)) color (assoc color :path path :name name) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-color color)) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :colors (:id color)) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))) (defn update-color [color file-id] (us/assert ::ctc/color color) (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::update-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (do-update-color it state color file-id)))) (defn rename-color [file-id id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) object (get-in data [:colors id]) new-object (assoc object :name new-name)] (do-update-color it state new-object file-id))))) (defn delete-color [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-color id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn add-media [media] (us/assert ::ctfm/media-object media) (ptk/reify ::add-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [obj (select-keys media [:id :name :width :height :mtype]) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-media obj))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn rename-media [id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) object (get-in data [:media id]) new-object (assoc object :path path :name name) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-media new-object))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn delete-media [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-media id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn add-typography ([typography] (add-typography typography true)) ([typography edit?] (let [typography (update typography :id #(or % (uuid/next)))] (us/assert ::ctt/typography typography) (ptk/reify ::add-typography IDeref (-deref [_] typography) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-typography typography))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes) #(cond-> % edit? (assoc-in [:workspace-global :rename-typography] (:id typography)))))))))) (defn- do-update-tipography [it state typography file-id] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) typography (extract-path-if-missing typography) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-typography typography)) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :typographies (:id typography)) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))) (defn update-typography [typography file-id] (us/assert ::ctt/typography typography) (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::update-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (do-update-tipography it state typography file-id)))) (defn rename-typography [file-id id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) object (get-in data [:typographies id]) new-object (assoc object :path path :name name)] (do-update-tipography it state new-object file-id))))) (defn delete-typography [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-typography id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn- add-component2 "This is the second step of the component creation." [selected components-v2] (ptk/reify ::add-component2 IDeref (-deref [_] {:num-shapes (count selected)}) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file-id (:current-file-id state) page-id (:current-page-id state) objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id) shapes (dwg/shapes-for-grouping objects selected)] (when-not (empty? shapes) (let [[group _ changes] (dwlh/generate-add-component it shapes objects page-id file-id components-v2)] (when-not (empty? (:redo-changes changes)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes) (dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))) (defn add-component "Add a new component to current file library, from the currently selected shapes. This operation is made in two steps, first one for calculate the shapes that will be part of the component and the second one with the component creation." [] (ptk/reify ::add-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state) selected (->> (wsh/lookup-selected state) (cph/clean-loops objects)) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2)] (rx/of (add-component2 selected components-v2)))))) (defn rename-component "Rename the component with the given id, in the current file library." [id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) update-fn (fn [component] ;; NOTE: we need to ensure the component exists, ;; because there are small possibilities of race ;; conditions with component deletion. (when component (-> component (assoc :path path) (assoc :name name) (update :objects ;; Give the same name to the root shape #(assoc-in % [id :name] name))))) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-component id update-fn))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn duplicate-component "Create a new component copied from the one with the given id." [{:keys [id] :as params}] (ptk/reify ::duplicate-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) component (cph/get-component libraries id) new-name (:name component) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) main-instance-page (when components-v2 (wsh/lookup-page state (:main-instance-page component))) main-instance-shape (when components-v2 (ctn/get-shape main-instance-page (:main-instance-id component))) [new-component-shape new-component-shapes new-main-instance-shape new-main-instance-shapes] (dwlh/duplicate-component component main-instance-page main-instance-shape) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it nil) (pcb/with-page main-instance-page) (pcb/with-objects (:objects main-instance-page)) (pcb/add-objects new-main-instance-shapes {:ignore-touched true}) (pcb/add-component (:id new-component-shape) (:path component) new-name new-component-shapes [] (:id new-main-instance-shape) (:id main-instance-page)))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn delete-component "Delete the component with the given id, from the current file library." [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data)] (if (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) (let [component (ctkl/get-component data id) page (ctpl/get-page data (:main-instance-page component)) shape (ctn/get-shape page (:main-instance-id component))] (rx/of (dwsh/delete-shapes (:id page) #{(:id shape)}))) (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-component id false))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))))) (defn restore-component "Restore a deleted component, with the given id, in the given file library." [library-id component-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid component-id) (ptk/reify ::restore-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file-data (wsh/get-file state library-id) component (ctf/get-deleted-component file-data component-id) page (ctpl/get-page file-data (:main-instance-page component)) ; Make a new main instance, with the same id of the original [_main-instance shapes] (ctn/make-component-instance page component (:id file-data) (gpt/point (:main-instance-x component) (:main-instance-y component)) {:main-instance? true :force-id (:main-instance-id component)}) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data file-data) (pcb/with-page page)) changes (reduce #(pcb/add-object %1 %2 {:ignore-touched true}) changes shapes) ; restore-component change needs to be done after add main instance ; because when undo changes, the orden is inverse changes (pcb/restore-component changes component-id)] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes :file-id library-id))))))) (defn instantiate-component "Create a new shape in the current page, from the component with the given id in the given file library. Then selects the newly created instance." [file-id component-id position] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid component-id) (us/assert ::gpt/point position) (ptk/reify ::instantiate-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [page (wsh/lookup-page state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) [new-shape changes] (dwlh/generate-instantiate-component it file-id component-id position page libraries) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (ptk/data-event :layout/update [(:id new-shape)]) (dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id new-shape))) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))))) (defn detach-component "Remove all references to components in the shape with the given id, and all its children, at the current page." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::detach-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file (wsh/get-local-file state) page-id (get state :current-page-id) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects (:objects container)) (dwlh/generate-detach-instance container id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (def detach-selected-components (ptk/reify ::detach-selected-components ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [page-id (:current-page-id state) objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id) file (wsh/get-local-file state) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) selected (->> state (wsh/lookup-selected) (cph/clean-loops objects)) changes (reduce (fn [changes id] (dwlh/generate-detach-instance changes container id)) (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects objects)) selected)] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn nav-to-component-file [file-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::nav-to-component-file ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [file (get-in state [:workspace-libraries file-id]) path-params {:project-id (:project-id file) :file-id (:id file)} query-params {:page-id (first (get-in file [:data :pages])) :layout :assets}] (rx/of (rt/nav-new-window* {:rname :workspace :path-params path-params :query-params query-params})))))) (defn ext-library-changed [file-id modified-at revn changes] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::pcs/changes changes) (ptk/reify ::ext-library-changed ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (-> state (update-in [:workspace-libraries file-id] assoc :modified-at modified-at :revn revn) (d/update-in-when [:workspace-libraries file-id :data] cp/process-changes changes))))) (defn reset-component "Cancels all modifications in the shape with the given id, and all its children, in the current page. Set all attributes equal to the ones in the linked component, and untouched." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::reset-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "RESET-COMPONENT of shape" :id (str id)) (let [file (wsh/get-local-file state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) page-id (:current-page-id state) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects (:objects container)) (dwlh/generate-sync-shape-direct libraries container id true components-v2))] (log/debug :msg "RESET-COMPONENT finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn update-component "Modify the component linked to the shape with the given id, in the current page, so that all attributes of its shapes are equal to the shape and its children. Also set all attributes of the shape untouched. NOTE: It's possible that the component to update is defined in an external library file, so this function may cause to modify a file different of that the one we are currently editing." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::update-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "UPDATE-COMPONENT of shape" :id (str id)) (let [page-id (get state :current-page-id) local-file (wsh/get-local-file state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) container (cph/get-container local-file :page page-id) shape (ctn/get-shape container id) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (dwlh/generate-sync-shape-inverse libraries container id)) file-id (:component-file shape) file (wsh/get-file state file-id) xf-filter (comp (filter :local-change?) (map #(dissoc % :local-change?))) local-changes (-> changes (update :redo-changes #(into [] xf-filter %)) (update :undo-changes #(into [] xf-filter %))) xf-remove (comp (remove :local-change?) (map #(dissoc % :local-change?))) nonlocal-changes (-> changes (update :redo-changes #(into [] xf-remove %)) (update :undo-changes #(into [] xf-remove %)))] (log/debug :msg "UPDATE-COMPONENT finished" :js/local-changes (log-changes (:redo-changes local-changes) file) :js/nonlocal-changes (log-changes (:redo-changes nonlocal-changes) file)) (rx/of (when (seq (:redo-changes local-changes)) (dch/commit-changes (assoc local-changes :file-id (:id local-file)))) (when (seq (:redo-changes nonlocal-changes)) (dch/commit-changes (assoc nonlocal-changes :file-id file-id)))))))) (defn update-component-sync [shape-id file-id] (ptk/reify ::update-component-sync ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [current-file-id (:current-file-id state) page (wsh/lookup-page state) shape (ctn/get-shape page shape-id) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (update-component shape-id) (sync-file current-file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape)) (when (not= current-file-id file-id) (sync-file file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape))) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))))) (defn update-component-in-bulk [shapes file-id] (ptk/reify ::update-component-in-bulk ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/concat (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id)) (rx/map #(update-component-sync (:id %) file-id) (rx/from shapes)) (rx/of (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))) (declare sync-file-2nd-stage) (defn sync-file "Synchronize the given file from the given library. Walk through all shapes in all pages in the file that use some color, typography or component of the library, and copy the new values to the shapes. Do it also for shapes inside components of the local file library. If it's known that only one asset has changed, you can give its type and id, and only shapes that use it will be synced, thus avoiding a lot of unneeded checks." ([file-id library-id] (sync-file file-id library-id nil nil)) ([file-id library-id asset-type asset-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert (s/nilable #{:colors :components :typographies}) asset-type) (us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id) (ptk/reify ::sync-file ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (if (and (not= library-id (:current-file-id state)) (nil? asset-id)) (d/assoc-in-when state [:workspace-libraries library-id :synced-at] (dt/now)) state)) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (when (and (some? file-id) (some? library-id)) ; Prevent race conditions while navigating out of the file (log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE" :file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state) :library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state) :asset-type asset-type :asset-id asset-id) (let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id) sync-components? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :components)) sync-colors? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :colors)) sync-typographies? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :typographies)) library-changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(when sync-components? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-colors? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-typographies? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))]) file-changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(when sync-components? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-colors? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-typographies? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))]) changes (pcb/concat-changes library-changes file-changes)] (log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (rx/concat (rx/of (dm/hide-tag :sync-dialog)) (when (seq (:redo-changes changes)) TODO a ver qué pasa con esto :file-id file-id)))) (when (not= file-id library-id) ;; When we have just updated the library file, give some time for the ;; update to finish, before marking this file as synced. ;; TODO: look for a more precise way of syncing this. Maybe by using the stream ( second argument passed to watch ) ;; to wait for the corresponding changes-committed and then proceed ;; with the :update-file-library-sync-status mutation. (rx/concat (rx/timer 3000) (rp/cmd! :update-file-library-sync-status {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}))) (when (and (seq (:redo-changes library-changes)) sync-components?) (rx/of (sync-file-2nd-stage file-id library-id asset-id)))))))))) (defn- sync-file-2nd-stage "If some components have been modified, we need to launch another synchronization to update the instances of the changed components." ;; TODO: this does not work if there are multiple nested components. Only the first level will be updated . ;; To solve this properly, it would be better to launch another sync-file ;; recursively. But for this not to cause an infinite loop, we need to ;; implement updated-at at component level, to detect what components have ;; not changed, and then not to apply sync and terminate the loop. [file-id library-id asset-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id) (ptk/reify ::sync-file-2nd-stage ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE (2nd stage)" :file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state) :library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state)) (let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id) changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state) (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)])] (log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE (2nd stage) finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (when (seq (:redo-changes changes)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes :file-id file-id)))))))) (def ignore-sync (ptk/reify ::ignore-sync ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-file :ignore-sync-until] (dt/now))) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (rp/cmd! :ignore-file-library-sync-status {:file-id (get-in state [:workspace-file :id]) :date (dt/now)})))) (defn notify-sync-file [file-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::notify-sync-file ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [libraries-need-sync (filter #(> (:modified-at %) (:synced-at %)) (vals (get state :workspace-libraries))) do-update #(do (apply st/emit! (map (fn [library] (sync-file (:current-file-id state) (:id library))) libraries-need-sync)) (st/emit! dm/hide)) do-dismiss #(do (st/emit! ignore-sync) (st/emit! dm/hide))] (rx/of (dm/info-dialog (tr "workspace.updates.there-are-updates") :inline-actions [{:label (tr "workspace.updates.update") :callback do-update} {:label (tr "workspace.updates.dismiss") :callback do-dismiss}] :sync-dialog)))))) (defn watch-component-changes "Watch the state for changes that affect to any main instance. If a change is detected will throw an update-component-sync, so changes are immediately propagated to the component and copies." [] (ptk/reify ::watch-component-changes ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state stream] (let [components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) stopper (->> stream (rx/filter #(or (= :app.main.data.workspace/finalize-page (ptk/type %)) (= ::watch-component-changes (ptk/type %))))) workspace-data-s (->> (rx/concat (rx/of nil) (rx/from-atom refs/workspace-data {:emit-current-value? true}))) change-s (->> stream (rx/filter #(or (dch/commit-changes? %) (= (ptk/type %) :app.main.data.workspace.notifications/handle-file-change))) (rx/observe-on :async)) check-changes (fn [[event data]] (let [{:keys [changes save-undo?]} (deref event) components-changed (reduce #(into %1 (ch/components-changed data %2)) #{} changes)] (when (and (d/not-empty? components-changed) save-undo?) (log/info :msg "DETECTED COMPONENTS CHANGED" :ids (map str components-changed)) (run! st/emit! (map #(update-component-sync % (:id data)) components-changed)))))] (when components-v2 (->> change-s (rx/with-latest-from workspace-data-s) (rx/map check-changes) (rx/take-until stopper))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Backend interactions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defn set-file-shared [id is-shared] {:pre [(uuid? id) (boolean? is-shared)]} (ptk/reify ::set-file-shared IDeref (-deref [_] {::ev/origin "workspace" :id id :shared is-shared}) ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-file :is-shared] is-shared)) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [params {:id id :is-shared is-shared}] (->> (rp/cmd! :set-file-shared params) (rx/ignore)))))) (defn- shared-files-fetched [files] (us/verify (s/every ::file) files) (ptk/reify ::shared-files-fetched ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (let [state (dissoc state :files)] (assoc state :workspace-shared-files files))))) (defn fetch-shared-files [{:keys [team-id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid team-id) (ptk/reify ::fetch-shared-files ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (->> (rp/cmd! :get-team-shared-files {:team-id team-id}) (rx/map shared-files-fetched))))) ;; --- Link and unlink Files (defn link-file-to-library [file-id library-id] (ptk/reify ::attach-library ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [features (cond-> ffeat/enabled (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) (conj "components/v2"))] (rx/concat (->> (rp/cmd! :link-file-to-library {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}) (rx/ignore)) (->> (rp/cmd! :get-file {:id library-id :features features}) (rx/map (fn [file] (fn [state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id] file)))))))))) (defn unlink-file-from-library [file-id library-id] (ptk/reify ::detach-library ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (d/dissoc-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id])) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [params {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}] (->> (rp/cmd! :unlink-file-from-library params) (rx/ignore))))))
Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC Change this to :info :debug or :trace to debug this module, or :warn to reset to default NOTE: we need to ensure the component exists, because there are small possibilities of race conditions with component deletion. Give the same name to the root shape Make a new main instance, with the same id of the original restore-component change needs to be done after add main instance because when undo changes, the orden is inverse Prevent race conditions while navigating out of the file When we have just updated the library file, give some time for the update to finish, before marking this file as synced. TODO: look for a more precise way of syncing this. to wait for the corresponding changes-committed and then proceed with the :update-file-library-sync-status mutation. TODO: this does not work if there are multiple nested components. Only the To solve this properly, it would be better to launch another sync-file recursively. But for this not to cause an infinite loop, we need to implement updated-at at component level, to detect what components have not changed, and then not to apply sync and terminate the loop. Backend interactions --- Link and unlink Files
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. (ns app.main.data.workspace.libraries (:require [app.common.data :as d] [app.common.files.features :as ffeat] [app.common.geom.point :as gpt] [app.common.logging :as log] [app.common.pages :as cp] [app.common.pages.changes :as ch] [app.common.pages.changes-builder :as pcb] [app.common.pages.changes-spec :as pcs] [app.common.pages.helpers :as cph] [app.common.spec :as us] [app.common.types.color :as ctc] [app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl] [app.common.types.container :as ctn] [app.common.types.file :as ctf] [app.common.types.file.media-object :as ctfm] [app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl] [app.common.types.typography :as ctt] [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.main.data.dashboard :as dd] [app.main.data.events :as ev] [app.main.data.messages :as dm] [app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch] [app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg] [app.main.data.workspace.libraries-helpers :as dwlh] [app.main.data.workspace.selection :as dws] [app.main.data.workspace.shapes :as dwsh] [app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh] [app.main.data.workspace.undo :as dwu] [app.main.features :as features] [app.main.refs :as refs] [app.main.repo :as rp] [app.main.store :as st] [app.util.i18n :refer [tr]] [app.util.router :as rt] [app.util.time :as dt] [beicon.core :as rx] [cljs.spec.alpha :as s] [potok.core :as ptk])) (log/set-level! :warn) (s/def ::file ::dd/file) (defn- log-changes [changes file] (let [extract-change (fn [change] (let [shape (when (:id change) (cond (:page-id change) (get-in file [:pages-index (:page-id change) :objects (:id change)]) (:component-id change) (get-in file [:components (:component-id change) :objects (:id change)]) :else nil)) prefix (if (:component-id change) "[C] " "[P] ") extract (cond-> {:type (:type change) :raw-change change} shape (assoc :shape (str prefix (:name shape))) (:operations change) (assoc :operations (:operations change)))] extract))] (map extract-change changes))) (declare sync-file) (defn set-assets-box-open [file-id box open?] (ptk/reify ::set-assets-box-open ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-global :assets-files-open file-id box] open?)))) (defn set-assets-group-open [file-id box path open?] (ptk/reify ::set-assets-group-open ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-global :assets-files-open file-id :groups box path] open?)))) (defn extract-path-if-missing [item] (let [[path name] (cph/parse-path-name (:name item))] (if (and (= (:name item) name) (contains? item :path)) item (assoc item :path path :name name)))) (defn default-color-name [color] (or (:color color) (case (get-in color [:gradient :type]) :linear (tr "workspace.gradients.linear") :radial (tr "workspace.gradients.radial")))) (defn add-color [color] (let [id (uuid/next) color (-> color (assoc :id id) (assoc :name (default-color-name color)))] (us/assert ::ctc/color color) (ptk/reify ::add-color IDeref (-deref [_] color) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-color color))] (rx/of #(assoc-in % [:workspace-local :color-for-rename] id) (dch/commit-changes changes))))))) (defn add-recent-color [color] (us/assert! ::ctc/recent-color color) (ptk/reify ::add-recent-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-recent-color color))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (def clear-color-for-rename (ptk/reify ::clear-color-for-rename ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-local :color-for-rename] nil)))) (defn- do-update-color [it state color file-id] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name (:name color)) color (assoc color :path path :name name) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-color color)) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :colors (:id color)) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))) (defn update-color [color file-id] (us/assert ::ctc/color color) (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::update-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (do-update-color it state color file-id)))) (defn rename-color [file-id id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) object (get-in data [:colors id]) new-object (assoc object :name new-name)] (do-update-color it state new-object file-id))))) (defn delete-color [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-color ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-color id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn add-media [media] (us/assert ::ctfm/media-object media) (ptk/reify ::add-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [obj (select-keys media [:id :name :width :height :mtype]) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-media obj))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn rename-media [id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) object (get-in data [:media id]) new-object (assoc object :path path :name name) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-media new-object))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn delete-media [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-media ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-media id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn add-typography ([typography] (add-typography typography true)) ([typography edit?] (let [typography (update typography :id #(or % (uuid/next)))] (us/assert ::ctt/typography typography) (ptk/reify ::add-typography IDeref (-deref [_] typography) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it _ _] (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/add-typography typography))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes) #(cond-> % edit? (assoc-in [:workspace-global :rename-typography] (:id typography)))))))))) (defn- do-update-tipography [it state typography file-id] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) typography (extract-path-if-missing typography) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-typography typography)) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (sync-file (:current-file-id state) file-id :typographies (:id typography)) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))) (defn update-typography [typography file-id] (us/assert ::ctt/typography typography) (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::update-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (do-update-tipography it state typography file-id)))) (defn rename-typography [file-id id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) object (get-in data [:typographies id]) new-object (assoc object :path path :name name)] (do-update-tipography it state new-object file-id))))) (defn delete-typography [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-typography ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-typography id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn- add-component2 "This is the second step of the component creation." [selected components-v2] (ptk/reify ::add-component2 IDeref (-deref [_] {:num-shapes (count selected)}) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file-id (:current-file-id state) page-id (:current-page-id state) objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id) shapes (dwg/shapes-for-grouping objects selected)] (when-not (empty? shapes) (let [[group _ changes] (dwlh/generate-add-component it shapes objects page-id file-id components-v2)] (when-not (empty? (:redo-changes changes)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes) (dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id group))))))))))) (defn add-component "Add a new component to current file library, from the currently selected shapes. This operation is made in two steps, first one for calculate the shapes that will be part of the component and the second one with the component creation." [] (ptk/reify ::add-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state) selected (->> (wsh/lookup-selected state) (cph/clean-loops objects)) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2)] (rx/of (add-component2 selected components-v2)))))) (defn rename-component "Rename the component with the given id, in the current file library." [id new-name] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (us/assert ::us/string new-name) (ptk/reify ::rename-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data) [path name] (cph/parse-path-name new-name) update-fn (fn [component] (when component (-> component (assoc :path path) (assoc :name name) (update :objects #(assoc-in % [id :name] name))))) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/update-component id update-fn))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn duplicate-component "Create a new component copied from the one with the given id." [{:keys [id] :as params}] (ptk/reify ::duplicate-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) component (cph/get-component libraries id) new-name (:name component) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) main-instance-page (when components-v2 (wsh/lookup-page state (:main-instance-page component))) main-instance-shape (when components-v2 (ctn/get-shape main-instance-page (:main-instance-id component))) [new-component-shape new-component-shapes new-main-instance-shape new-main-instance-shapes] (dwlh/duplicate-component component main-instance-page main-instance-shape) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it nil) (pcb/with-page main-instance-page) (pcb/with-objects (:objects main-instance-page)) (pcb/add-objects new-main-instance-shapes {:ignore-touched true}) (pcb/add-component (:id new-component-shape) (:path component) new-name new-component-shapes [] (:id new-main-instance-shape) (:id main-instance-page)))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn delete-component "Delete the component with the given id, from the current file library." [{:keys [id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::delete-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [data (get state :workspace-data)] (if (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) (let [component (ctkl/get-component data id) page (ctpl/get-page data (:main-instance-page component)) shape (ctn/get-shape page (:main-instance-id component))] (rx/of (dwsh/delete-shapes (:id page) #{(:id shape)}))) (let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data data) (pcb/delete-component id false))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))))) (defn restore-component "Restore a deleted component, with the given id, in the given file library." [library-id component-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid component-id) (ptk/reify ::restore-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file-data (wsh/get-file state library-id) component (ctf/get-deleted-component file-data component-id) page (ctpl/get-page file-data (:main-instance-page component)) [_main-instance shapes] (ctn/make-component-instance page component (:id file-data) (gpt/point (:main-instance-x component) (:main-instance-y component)) {:main-instance? true :force-id (:main-instance-id component)}) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-library-data file-data) (pcb/with-page page)) changes (reduce #(pcb/add-object %1 %2 {:ignore-touched true}) changes shapes) changes (pcb/restore-component changes component-id)] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes :file-id library-id))))))) (defn instantiate-component "Create a new shape in the current page, from the component with the given id in the given file library. Then selects the newly created instance." [file-id component-id position] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid component-id) (us/assert ::gpt/point position) (ptk/reify ::instantiate-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [page (wsh/lookup-page state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) [new-shape changes] (dwlh/generate-instantiate-component it file-id component-id position page libraries) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (dch/commit-changes changes) (ptk/data-event :layout/update [(:id new-shape)]) (dws/select-shapes (d/ordered-set (:id new-shape))) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))))) (defn detach-component "Remove all references to components in the shape with the given id, and all its children, at the current page." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::detach-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [file (wsh/get-local-file state) page-id (get state :current-page-id) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects (:objects container)) (dwlh/generate-detach-instance container id))] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (def detach-selected-components (ptk/reify ::detach-selected-components ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (let [page-id (:current-page-id state) objects (wsh/lookup-page-objects state page-id) file (wsh/get-local-file state) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) selected (->> state (wsh/lookup-selected) (cph/clean-loops objects)) changes (reduce (fn [changes id] (dwlh/generate-detach-instance changes container id)) (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects objects)) selected)] (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn nav-to-component-file [file-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::nav-to-component-file ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [file (get-in state [:workspace-libraries file-id]) path-params {:project-id (:project-id file) :file-id (:id file)} query-params {:page-id (first (get-in file [:data :pages])) :layout :assets}] (rx/of (rt/nav-new-window* {:rname :workspace :path-params path-params :query-params query-params})))))) (defn ext-library-changed [file-id modified-at revn changes] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::pcs/changes changes) (ptk/reify ::ext-library-changed ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (-> state (update-in [:workspace-libraries file-id] assoc :modified-at modified-at :revn revn) (d/update-in-when [:workspace-libraries file-id :data] cp/process-changes changes))))) (defn reset-component "Cancels all modifications in the shape with the given id, and all its children, in the current page. Set all attributes equal to the ones in the linked component, and untouched." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::reset-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "RESET-COMPONENT of shape" :id (str id)) (let [file (wsh/get-local-file state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) page-id (:current-page-id state) container (cph/get-container file :page page-id) components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (pcb/with-objects (:objects container)) (dwlh/generate-sync-shape-direct libraries container id true components-v2))] (log/debug :msg "RESET-COMPONENT finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes changes)))))) (defn update-component "Modify the component linked to the shape with the given id, in the current page, so that all attributes of its shapes are equal to the shape and its children. Also set all attributes of the shape untouched. NOTE: It's possible that the component to update is defined in an external library file, so this function may cause to modify a file different of that the one we are currently editing." [id] (us/assert ::us/uuid id) (ptk/reify ::update-component ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "UPDATE-COMPONENT of shape" :id (str id)) (let [page-id (get state :current-page-id) local-file (wsh/get-local-file state) libraries (wsh/get-libraries state) container (cph/get-container local-file :page page-id) shape (ctn/get-shape container id) changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it) (pcb/with-container container) (dwlh/generate-sync-shape-inverse libraries container id)) file-id (:component-file shape) file (wsh/get-file state file-id) xf-filter (comp (filter :local-change?) (map #(dissoc % :local-change?))) local-changes (-> changes (update :redo-changes #(into [] xf-filter %)) (update :undo-changes #(into [] xf-filter %))) xf-remove (comp (remove :local-change?) (map #(dissoc % :local-change?))) nonlocal-changes (-> changes (update :redo-changes #(into [] xf-remove %)) (update :undo-changes #(into [] xf-remove %)))] (log/debug :msg "UPDATE-COMPONENT finished" :js/local-changes (log-changes (:redo-changes local-changes) file) :js/nonlocal-changes (log-changes (:redo-changes nonlocal-changes) file)) (rx/of (when (seq (:redo-changes local-changes)) (dch/commit-changes (assoc local-changes :file-id (:id local-file)))) (when (seq (:redo-changes nonlocal-changes)) (dch/commit-changes (assoc nonlocal-changes :file-id file-id)))))))) (defn update-component-sync [shape-id file-id] (ptk/reify ::update-component-sync ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [current-file-id (:current-file-id state) page (wsh/lookup-page state) shape (ctn/get-shape page shape-id) undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id) (update-component shape-id) (sync-file current-file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape)) (when (not= current-file-id file-id) (sync-file file-id file-id :components (:component-id shape))) (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id)))))) (defn update-component-in-bulk [shapes file-id] (ptk/reify ::update-component-in-bulk ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [undo-id (js/Symbol)] (rx/concat (rx/of (dwu/start-undo-transaction undo-id)) (rx/map #(update-component-sync (:id %) file-id) (rx/from shapes)) (rx/of (dwu/commit-undo-transaction undo-id))))))) (declare sync-file-2nd-stage) (defn sync-file "Synchronize the given file from the given library. Walk through all shapes in all pages in the file that use some color, typography or component of the library, and copy the new values to the shapes. Do it also for shapes inside components of the local file library. If it's known that only one asset has changed, you can give its type and id, and only shapes that use it will be synced, thus avoiding a lot of unneeded checks." ([file-id library-id] (sync-file file-id library-id nil nil)) ([file-id library-id asset-type asset-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert (s/nilable #{:colors :components :typographies}) asset-type) (us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id) (ptk/reify ::sync-file ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (if (and (not= library-id (:current-file-id state)) (nil? asset-id)) (d/assoc-in-when state [:workspace-libraries library-id :synced-at] (dt/now)) state)) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE" :file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state) :library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state) :asset-type asset-type :asset-id asset-id) (let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id) sync-components? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :components)) sync-colors? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :colors)) sync-typographies? (or (nil? asset-type) (= asset-type :typographies)) library-changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(when sync-components? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-colors? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-typographies? (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))]) file-changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(when sync-components? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-colors? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :colors asset-id library-id state)) (when sync-typographies? (dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :typographies asset-id library-id state))]) changes (pcb/concat-changes library-changes file-changes)] (log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (rx/concat (rx/of (dm/hide-tag :sync-dialog)) (when (seq (:redo-changes changes)) TODO a ver qué pasa con esto :file-id file-id)))) (when (not= file-id library-id) Maybe by using the stream ( second argument passed to watch ) (rx/concat (rx/timer 3000) (rp/cmd! :update-file-library-sync-status {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}))) (when (and (seq (:redo-changes library-changes)) sync-components?) (rx/of (sync-file-2nd-stage file-id library-id asset-id)))))))))) (defn- sync-file-2nd-stage "If some components have been modified, we need to launch another synchronization to update the instances of the changed components." first level will be updated . [file-id library-id asset-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (us/assert ::us/uuid library-id) (us/assert (s/nilable ::us/uuid) asset-id) (ptk/reify ::sync-file-2nd-stage ptk/WatchEvent (watch [it state _] (log/info :msg "SYNC-FILE (2nd stage)" :file (dwlh/pretty-file file-id state) :library (dwlh/pretty-file library-id state)) (let [file (wsh/get-file state file-id) changes (reduce pcb/concat-changes (pcb/empty-changes it) [(dwlh/generate-sync-file it file-id :components asset-id library-id state) (dwlh/generate-sync-library it file-id :components asset-id library-id state)])] (log/debug :msg "SYNC-FILE (2nd stage) finished" :js/rchanges (log-changes (:redo-changes changes) file)) (when (seq (:redo-changes changes)) (rx/of (dch/commit-changes (assoc changes :file-id file-id)))))))) (def ignore-sync (ptk/reify ::ignore-sync ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-file :ignore-sync-until] (dt/now))) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (rp/cmd! :ignore-file-library-sync-status {:file-id (get-in state [:workspace-file :id]) :date (dt/now)})))) (defn notify-sync-file [file-id] (us/assert ::us/uuid file-id) (ptk/reify ::notify-sync-file ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [libraries-need-sync (filter #(> (:modified-at %) (:synced-at %)) (vals (get state :workspace-libraries))) do-update #(do (apply st/emit! (map (fn [library] (sync-file (:current-file-id state) (:id library))) libraries-need-sync)) (st/emit! dm/hide)) do-dismiss #(do (st/emit! ignore-sync) (st/emit! dm/hide))] (rx/of (dm/info-dialog (tr "workspace.updates.there-are-updates") :inline-actions [{:label (tr "workspace.updates.update") :callback do-update} {:label (tr "workspace.updates.dismiss") :callback do-dismiss}] :sync-dialog)))))) (defn watch-component-changes "Watch the state for changes that affect to any main instance. If a change is detected will throw an update-component-sync, so changes are immediately propagated to the component and copies." [] (ptk/reify ::watch-component-changes ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state stream] (let [components-v2 (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) stopper (->> stream (rx/filter #(or (= :app.main.data.workspace/finalize-page (ptk/type %)) (= ::watch-component-changes (ptk/type %))))) workspace-data-s (->> (rx/concat (rx/of nil) (rx/from-atom refs/workspace-data {:emit-current-value? true}))) change-s (->> stream (rx/filter #(or (dch/commit-changes? %) (= (ptk/type %) :app.main.data.workspace.notifications/handle-file-change))) (rx/observe-on :async)) check-changes (fn [[event data]] (let [{:keys [changes save-undo?]} (deref event) components-changed (reduce #(into %1 (ch/components-changed data %2)) #{} changes)] (when (and (d/not-empty? components-changed) save-undo?) (log/info :msg "DETECTED COMPONENTS CHANGED" :ids (map str components-changed)) (run! st/emit! (map #(update-component-sync % (:id data)) components-changed)))))] (when components-v2 (->> change-s (rx/with-latest-from workspace-data-s) (rx/map check-changes) (rx/take-until stopper))))))) (defn set-file-shared [id is-shared] {:pre [(uuid? id) (boolean? is-shared)]} (ptk/reify ::set-file-shared IDeref (-deref [_] {::ev/origin "workspace" :id id :shared is-shared}) ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-file :is-shared] is-shared)) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [params {:id id :is-shared is-shared}] (->> (rp/cmd! :set-file-shared params) (rx/ignore)))))) (defn- shared-files-fetched [files] (us/verify (s/every ::file) files) (ptk/reify ::shared-files-fetched ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (let [state (dissoc state :files)] (assoc state :workspace-shared-files files))))) (defn fetch-shared-files [{:keys [team-id] :as params}] (us/assert ::us/uuid team-id) (ptk/reify ::fetch-shared-files ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (->> (rp/cmd! :get-team-shared-files {:team-id team-id}) (rx/map shared-files-fetched))))) (defn link-file-to-library [file-id library-id] (ptk/reify ::attach-library ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ state _] (let [features (cond-> ffeat/enabled (features/active-feature? state :components-v2) (conj "components/v2"))] (rx/concat (->> (rp/cmd! :link-file-to-library {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}) (rx/ignore)) (->> (rp/cmd! :get-file {:id library-id :features features}) (rx/map (fn [file] (fn [state] (assoc-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id] file)))))))))) (defn unlink-file-from-library [file-id library-id] (ptk/reify ::detach-library ptk/UpdateEvent (update [_ state] (d/dissoc-in state [:workspace-libraries library-id])) ptk/WatchEvent (watch [_ _ _] (let [params {:file-id file-id :library-id library-id}] (->> (rp/cmd! :unlink-file-from-library params) (rx/ignore))))))
(************************************************************************) v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2017 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) open Decl_kinds (** Operations about types defined in [Decl_kinds] *) val logical_kind_of_goal_kind : goal_object_kind -> logical_kind val string_of_theorem_kind : theorem_kind -> string val string_of_definition_kind : definition_kind -> string
********************************************************************** // * This file is distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ********************************************************************** * Operations about types defined in [Decl_kinds]
v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team < O _ _ _ , , * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999 - 2017 \VV/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * open Decl_kinds val logical_kind_of_goal_kind : goal_object_kind -> logical_kind val string_of_theorem_kind : theorem_kind -> string val string_of_definition_kind : definition_kind -> string
(ns rest-api.classes.pseudogene.widgets.expression (:require [rest-api.classes.generic-fields :as generic] [rest-api.formatters.object :as obj :refer [pack-obj]])) (defn microarray-results [p] {:data (some->> (:microarray-results.pseudogene/_pseudogene p) (map :microarray-results/_pseudogene) (map pack-obj) (sort-by :label)) :description "Microarray results"}) (def widget {:name generic/name-field :microarray_results microarray-results})
(ns rest-api.classes.pseudogene.widgets.expression (:require [rest-api.classes.generic-fields :as generic] [rest-api.formatters.object :as obj :refer [pack-obj]])) (defn microarray-results [p] {:data (some->> (:microarray-results.pseudogene/_pseudogene p) (map :microarray-results/_pseudogene) (map pack-obj) (sort-by :label)) :description "Microarray results"}) (def widget {:name generic/name-field :microarray_results microarray-results})
(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) , projet Para , INRIA Rocquencourt (* *) Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License , with (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) $ I d : mylazy.mli , v 1.1 2002/04/09 11:00:09 furuse Exp $ (** Deferred computations. *) type 'a status = Delayed of (unit -> 'a) | Value of 'a | Exception of exn type 'a t = 'a status ref (** A value of type ['a Lazy.t] is a deferred computation (also called a suspension) that computes a result of type ['a]. The expression [lazy (expr)] returns a suspension that computes [expr]. **) exception Undefined val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t val make_val : 'a -> 'a t val force : 'a t -> 'a * [ Lazy.force x ] computes the suspension [ x ] and returns its result . If the suspension was already computed , [ Lazy.force x ] returns the same value again . If it raised an exception , the same exception is raised again . Raise [ Undefined ] if the evaluation of the suspension requires its own result . If the suspension was already computed, [Lazy.force x] returns the same value again. If it raised an exception, the same exception is raised again. Raise [Undefined] if the evaluation of the suspension requires its own result. *)
********************************************************************* Objective Caml the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. ********************************************************************* * Deferred computations. * A value of type ['a Lazy.t] is a deferred computation (also called a suspension) that computes a result of type ['a]. The expression [lazy (expr)] returns a suspension that computes [expr]. *
, projet Para , INRIA Rocquencourt Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License , with $ I d : mylazy.mli , v 1.1 2002/04/09 11:00:09 furuse Exp $ type 'a status = Delayed of (unit -> 'a) | Value of 'a | Exception of exn type 'a t = 'a status ref exception Undefined val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t val make_val : 'a -> 'a t val force : 'a t -> 'a * [ Lazy.force x ] computes the suspension [ x ] and returns its result . If the suspension was already computed , [ Lazy.force x ] returns the same value again . If it raised an exception , the same exception is raised again . Raise [ Undefined ] if the evaluation of the suspension requires its own result . If the suspension was already computed, [Lazy.force x] returns the same value again. If it raised an exception, the same exception is raised again. Raise [Undefined] if the evaluation of the suspension requires its own result. *)
open Prelude let gen_pkg ~lock_dir ~ocaml_version ~gitignore ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup (lock_pkg : Lock_pkg.t) = let pkg_name = OpamPackage.name_to_string lock_pkg.opam_details.package in let pkg_lock_dir = lock_dir </> "packages" </> pkg_name in let pkg_default_nix = OpamFilename.mkdir pkg_lock_dir; OpamFilename.to_string (pkg_lock_dir <//> "default.nix") in Out_channel.with_open_text pkg_default_nix @@ fun chan -> let nix_pkg = Nix_pkg.of_lock_pkg ~ocaml_version ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup lock_pkg in Nix_pkg.copy_extra_files ~pkg_lock_dir nix_pkg.extra_files; (* let nix_pkg = Nix_pkg.resolve_files ~lock_dir nix_pkg in *) let out = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in Fmt.pf out "%a" (Pp.pp_pkg ~gitignore) nix_pkg let gen_overlay ~lock_dir = let overlay_dir = lock_dir </> "overlay" in List.iter (fun relpath -> let file = OpamFilename.(create overlay_dir (Base.of_string relpath)) in let dir = OpamFilename.dirname file in OpamFilename.mkdir dir; match Overlay_files.read relpath with | None -> Fmt.failwith "internal error: could not read embedded overlay file: %a" Opam_utils.pp_filename file | Some file_content -> OpamFilename.write file file_content) Overlay_files.file_list let gen_index ~lock_dir lock_pkgs = let index_file = OpamFilename.Op.(lock_dir // "default.nix") |> OpamFilename.to_string in Out_channel.with_open_text index_file @@ fun chan -> let f = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in Pp.pp_index f lock_pkgs let gen ~gitignore ~lock_dir ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup (lock_file : Lock_file.t) = let ocaml_version = OpamPackage.version lock_file.compiler in let lock_dir = OpamFilename.Dir.of_string lock_dir in OpamFilename.rmdir lock_dir; OpamFilename.mkdir lock_dir; gen_overlay ~lock_dir; gen_index ~lock_dir lock_file.packages; List.iter (gen_pkg ~lock_dir ~ocaml_version ~gitignore ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup) lock_file.packages module Nix_pkg = Nix_pkg module Nix_filter = Nix_filter module Pp = Pp
let nix_pkg = Nix_pkg.resolve_files ~lock_dir nix_pkg in
open Prelude let gen_pkg ~lock_dir ~ocaml_version ~gitignore ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup (lock_pkg : Lock_pkg.t) = let pkg_name = OpamPackage.name_to_string lock_pkg.opam_details.package in let pkg_lock_dir = lock_dir </> "packages" </> pkg_name in let pkg_default_nix = OpamFilename.mkdir pkg_lock_dir; OpamFilename.to_string (pkg_lock_dir <//> "default.nix") in Out_channel.with_open_text pkg_default_nix @@ fun chan -> let nix_pkg = Nix_pkg.of_lock_pkg ~ocaml_version ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup lock_pkg in Nix_pkg.copy_extra_files ~pkg_lock_dir nix_pkg.extra_files; let out = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in Fmt.pf out "%a" (Pp.pp_pkg ~gitignore) nix_pkg let gen_overlay ~lock_dir = let overlay_dir = lock_dir </> "overlay" in List.iter (fun relpath -> let file = OpamFilename.(create overlay_dir (Base.of_string relpath)) in let dir = OpamFilename.dirname file in OpamFilename.mkdir dir; match Overlay_files.read relpath with | None -> Fmt.failwith "internal error: could not read embedded overlay file: %a" Opam_utils.pp_filename file | Some file_content -> OpamFilename.write file file_content) Overlay_files.file_list let gen_index ~lock_dir lock_pkgs = let index_file = OpamFilename.Op.(lock_dir // "default.nix") |> OpamFilename.to_string in Out_channel.with_open_text index_file @@ fun chan -> let f = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in Pp.pp_index f lock_pkgs let gen ~gitignore ~lock_dir ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup (lock_file : Lock_file.t) = let ocaml_version = OpamPackage.version lock_file.compiler in let lock_dir = OpamFilename.Dir.of_string lock_dir in OpamFilename.rmdir lock_dir; OpamFilename.mkdir lock_dir; gen_overlay ~lock_dir; gen_index ~lock_dir lock_file.packages; List.iter (gen_pkg ~lock_dir ~ocaml_version ~gitignore ~with_test ~with_doc ~with_dev_setup) lock_file.packages module Nix_pkg = Nix_pkg module Nix_filter = Nix_filter module Pp = Pp
(* TEST flags = " -w +A -strict-sequence " * expect *) module A = struct type foo end;; [%%expect {| module A : sig type foo end |}] module rec B : sig open A type bar = Bar of foo end = B;; [%%expect {| module rec B : sig type bar = Bar of A.foo end |}] module rec C : sig open A end = C;; [%%expect {| Line 2, characters 2-8: 2 | open A ^^^^^^ Warning 33 [unused-open]: unused open A. module rec C : sig end |}] module rec D : sig module M : module type of struct module X : sig end = struct open A let None = None end end end = D;; [%%expect {| Line 5, characters 10-14: 5 | let None = None ^^^^ Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Some _ Line 4, characters 6-12: 4 | open A ^^^^^^ Warning 33 [unused-open]: unused open A. module rec D : sig module M : sig module X : sig end end end |}]
TEST flags = " -w +A -strict-sequence " * expect
module A = struct type foo end;; [%%expect {| module A : sig type foo end |}] module rec B : sig open A type bar = Bar of foo end = B;; [%%expect {| module rec B : sig type bar = Bar of A.foo end |}] module rec C : sig open A end = C;; [%%expect {| Line 2, characters 2-8: 2 | open A ^^^^^^ Warning 33 [unused-open]: unused open A. module rec C : sig end |}] module rec D : sig module M : module type of struct module X : sig end = struct open A let None = None end end end = D;; [%%expect {| Line 5, characters 10-14: 5 | let None = None ^^^^ Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a case that is not matched: Some _ Line 4, characters 6-12: 4 | open A ^^^^^^ Warning 33 [unused-open]: unused open A. module rec D : sig module M : sig module X : sig end end end |}]
open Cil module E = Errormsg open Tututil class assignRmVisitor (vname : string) = object(self) inherit nopCilVisitor method vinst (i : instr) = match i with | Set((Var vi, NoOffset), _, loc) when vi.vname = vname && vi.vglob -> E.log "%a: Assignment deleted: %a\n" d_loc loc d_instr i; ChangeTo [] | _ -> SkipChildren end let processFunction ((tf, tv) : string * string) (fd : fundec) (loc : location) : unit = if fd.svar.vname <> tf then () else begin let vis = new assignRmVisitor tv in ignore(visitCilFunction vis fd) end let tut2 (funvar : string * string) (f : file) : unit = funvar |> processFunction |> onlyFunctions |> iterGlobals f
open Cil module E = Errormsg open Tututil class assignRmVisitor (vname : string) = object(self) inherit nopCilVisitor method vinst (i : instr) = match i with | Set((Var vi, NoOffset), _, loc) when vi.vname = vname && vi.vglob -> E.log "%a: Assignment deleted: %a\n" d_loc loc d_instr i; ChangeTo [] | _ -> SkipChildren end let processFunction ((tf, tv) : string * string) (fd : fundec) (loc : location) : unit = if fd.svar.vname <> tf then () else begin let vis = new assignRmVisitor tv in ignore(visitCilFunction vis fd) end let tut2 (funvar : string * string) (f : file) : unit = funvar |> processFunction |> onlyFunctions |> iterGlobals f
(defproject bract/bract.core "0.6.2" :description "Multi-purpose, modular Clojure application initialization framework" :url "" :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" :url "-v10.html"} :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true *assert* true *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed} :dependencies [[keypin "0.8.2"]] :java-source-paths ["src-java"] :javac-options ["-target" "1.7" "-source" "1.7" "-Xlint:-options"] :profiles {:provided {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]]} :coverage {:plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.0.9"]]} :rel {:min-lein-version "2.7.1" :pedantic? :abort} :c07 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]]} :c08 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]} :c09 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]]} :c10 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.3-rc1"]]} :dln {:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.compiler.direct-linking=true"]}} :aliases {"test-all" ["with-profile" "c07:c08:c09:c10" "test"]})
(defproject bract/bract.core "0.6.2" :description "Multi-purpose, modular Clojure application initialization framework" :url "" :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" :url "-v10.html"} :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true *assert* true *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed} :dependencies [[keypin "0.8.2"]] :java-source-paths ["src-java"] :javac-options ["-target" "1.7" "-source" "1.7" "-Xlint:-options"] :profiles {:provided {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]]} :coverage {:plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.0.9"]]} :rel {:min-lein-version "2.7.1" :pedantic? :abort} :c07 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]]} :c08 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]} :c09 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]]} :c10 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.3-rc1"]]} :dln {:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.compiler.direct-linking=true"]}} :aliases {"test-all" ["with-profile" "c07:c08:c09:c10" "test"]})
(module pairval1 (lib "eopl.ss" "eopl") (require "drscheme-init.scm") (require "store.scm") (provide (all-defined-out)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mutable pairs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; represent a mutable pair as two references . Page : 124 (define-datatype mutpair mutpair? (a-pair (left-loc reference?) (right-loc reference?))) make - pair : ExpVal * ExpVal - > MutPair Page : 124 (define make-pair (lambda (val1 val2) (a-pair (newref val1) (newref val2)))) left : MutPair - > ExpVal Page : 125 (define left (lambda (p) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (deref left-loc))))) right : MutPair - > ExpVal Page : 125 (define right (lambda (p) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (deref right-loc))))) ;; setleft : MutPair * ExpVal -> Unspecified Page : 125 (define setleft (lambda (p val) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (setref! left-loc val))))) ;; setright : MutPair * ExpVal -> Unspecified Page : 125 (define setright (lambda (p val) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (setref! right-loc val))))) )
mutable pairs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; setleft : MutPair * ExpVal -> Unspecified setright : MutPair * ExpVal -> Unspecified
(module pairval1 (lib "eopl.ss" "eopl") (require "drscheme-init.scm") (require "store.scm") (provide (all-defined-out)) represent a mutable pair as two references . Page : 124 (define-datatype mutpair mutpair? (a-pair (left-loc reference?) (right-loc reference?))) make - pair : ExpVal * ExpVal - > MutPair Page : 124 (define make-pair (lambda (val1 val2) (a-pair (newref val1) (newref val2)))) left : MutPair - > ExpVal Page : 125 (define left (lambda (p) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (deref left-loc))))) right : MutPair - > ExpVal Page : 125 (define right (lambda (p) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (deref right-loc))))) Page : 125 (define setleft (lambda (p val) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (setref! left-loc val))))) Page : 125 (define setright (lambda (p val) (cases mutpair p (a-pair (left-loc right-loc) (setref! right-loc val))))) )
module Main where import Neovim import qualified Neovim.Ghcid as Ghcid main :: IO () main = neovim defaultConfig{plugins = [Ghcid.plugin]}
module Main where import Neovim import qualified Neovim.Ghcid as Ghcid main :: IO () main = neovim defaultConfig{plugins = [Ghcid.plugin]}
(ns chp.routes.chp (:use chp.core [cheshire.core :only [generate-string]] [chp.api :only [api->where]] [chp.builder :only [binding-exist?]])) (defchp chp-builder-paths (chp-route "/chp/api" (root-parse "chp/api.chtml")) (chp-route ["/chp/api/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (try (let [table ($p table) return (api->where (keyword table) ($ params))] (if-not (seq return) "{}" (let [return (mapv #(generate-string % {:pretty true}) return) rc (count return)] (format "{\"data\": [%s]}" (apply str (if (<= rc 1) return (drop-last (interleave return (repeat rc ","))))))))) (catch Exception e (println e "=>" (.. e getMessage)) "An error occured"))) (chp-route "/chp/login" (or (chp-when :get (root-parse "chp/login.chtml")) (chp-when :post (root-parse "chp/login-session.chtml")) "Not Found"))) (defn display? [] (binding-exist? ($p table))) (comment Disabled by default and could be dangerous on a live site Add this body to the routes for quick testing, but use the view generator just to be safe. : table gets passed to functions in chp.builder , and these functions ;; turn the :table->:keyword to resources/bindings/keyword.clj. Removing the ;; regex restraints can be potentially dangerous. (chp-route ["/chp/list/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/list.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/new/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/new.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/edit/:table/:id" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*" :id #"\d+"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/edit.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/view/:table/:id" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*" :id #"\d+"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/view.chtml") "Not Found")))
turn the :table->:keyword to resources/bindings/keyword.clj. Removing the regex restraints can be potentially dangerous.
(ns chp.routes.chp (:use chp.core [cheshire.core :only [generate-string]] [chp.api :only [api->where]] [chp.builder :only [binding-exist?]])) (defchp chp-builder-paths (chp-route "/chp/api" (root-parse "chp/api.chtml")) (chp-route ["/chp/api/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (try (let [table ($p table) return (api->where (keyword table) ($ params))] (if-not (seq return) "{}" (let [return (mapv #(generate-string % {:pretty true}) return) rc (count return)] (format "{\"data\": [%s]}" (apply str (if (<= rc 1) return (drop-last (interleave return (repeat rc ","))))))))) (catch Exception e (println e "=>" (.. e getMessage)) "An error occured"))) (chp-route "/chp/login" (or (chp-when :get (root-parse "chp/login.chtml")) (chp-when :post (root-parse "chp/login-session.chtml")) "Not Found"))) (defn display? [] (binding-exist? ($p table))) (comment Disabled by default and could be dangerous on a live site Add this body to the routes for quick testing, but use the view generator just to be safe. : table gets passed to functions in chp.builder , and these functions (chp-route ["/chp/list/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/list.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/new/:table" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/new.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/edit/:table/:id" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*" :id #"\d+"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/edit.chtml") "Not Found")) (chp-route ["/chp/view/:table/:id" :table #"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*" :id #"\d+"] (if (display?) (root-parse "chp/view.chtml") "Not Found")))
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} # LANGUAGE CPP # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - orphans # {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} | This module contains the types defining an SMTLIB2 interface . module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Theories ( -- * Serialized Representation Raw -- * Theory Symbol , TheorySymbol (..) , Sem (..) -- * Theory Sorts , SmtSort (..) , sortSmtSort , isIntSmtSort -- * Symbol Environments , SymEnv (..) , symEnv , symEnvSort , symEnvTheory , insertSymEnv , insertsSymEnv , symbolAtName , symbolAtSmtName ) where import Data.Generics (Data) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.DeepSeq import Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Errors import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Environments import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.Compat import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Store as S import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc as Misc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ' Raw ' is the low - level representation for SMT values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Raw = Text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ' SymEnv ' is used to resolve the ' Sort ' and ' Sem ' of each ' Symbol ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data SymEnv = SymEnv { seSort :: !(SEnv Sort) -- ^ Sorts of *all* defined symbols , seTheory :: !(SEnv TheorySymbol) -- ^ Information about theory-specific Symbols , seData :: !(SEnv DataDecl) -- ^ User-defined data-declarations , seLits :: !(SEnv Sort) -- ^ Distinct Constant symbols , seAppls :: !(M.HashMap FuncSort Int) -- ^ Types at which `apply` was used; -- see [NOTE:apply-monomorphization] } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) {- type FuncSort = {v:Sort | isFFunc v} @-} type FuncSort = (SmtSort, SmtSort) instance NFData SymEnv instance S.Store SymEnv instance Semigroup SymEnv where e1 <> e2 = SymEnv { seSort = seSort e1 <> seSort e2 , seTheory = seTheory e1 <> seTheory e2 , seData = seData e1 <> seData e2 , seLits = seLits e1 <> seLits e2 , seAppls = seAppls e1 <> seAppls e2 } instance Monoid SymEnv where mempty = SymEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv mempty mappend = (<>) symEnv :: SEnv Sort -> SEnv TheorySymbol -> [DataDecl] -> SEnv Sort -> [Sort] -> SymEnv symEnv xEnv fEnv ds ls ts = SymEnv xEnv' fEnv dEnv ls sortMap where xEnv' = unionSEnv xEnv wiredInEnv dEnv = fromListSEnv [(symbol d, d) | d <- ds] sortMap = M.fromList (zip smts [0..]) smts = funcSorts dEnv ts -- | These are "BUILT-in" polymorphic functions which are UNININTERPRETED but POLYMORPHIC , hence need to go through -- the apply-defunc stuff. wiredInEnv :: M.HashMap Symbol Sort wiredInEnv = M.fromList [ (toIntName, mkFFunc 1 [FVar 0, FInt]) , (tyCastName, FAbs 0 $ FAbs 1 $ FFunc (FVar 0) (FVar 1)) ] | ' smtSorts ' attempts to compute a list of all the input - output sorts -- at which applications occur. This is a gross hack; as during unfolding -- we may create _new_ terms with wierd new sorts. Ideally, we MUST allow -- for EXTENDING the apply-sorts with those newly created terms. -- the solution is perhaps to *preface* each VC query of the form -- -- push -- assert p -- check-sat -- pop -- with the declarations needed to make ' p ' well - sorted under SMT , i.e. -- change the above to -- -- declare apply-sorts -- push -- assert p -- check-sat -- pop -- such a strategy would NUKE the entire apply - sort machinery from the CODE base . -- [TODO]: dynamic-apply-declaration funcSorts :: SEnv DataDecl -> [Sort] -> [FuncSort] funcSorts dEnv ts = [ (t1, t2) | t1 <- smts, t2 <- smts] where smts = Misc.sortNub $ concat [ [tx t1, tx t2] | FFunc t1 t2 <- ts] tx = applySmtSort dEnv symEnvTheory :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe TheorySymbol symEnvTheory x env = lookupSEnv x (seTheory env) symEnvSort :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe Sort symEnvSort x env = lookupSEnv x (seSort env) insertSymEnv :: Symbol -> Sort -> SymEnv -> SymEnv insertSymEnv x t env = env { seSort = insertSEnv x t (seSort env) } insertsSymEnv :: SymEnv -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> SymEnv insertsSymEnv = L.foldl' (\env (x, s) -> insertSymEnv x s env) symbolAtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> Sort -> Text symbolAtName mkSym env e = symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e . ffuncSort env # SCC symbolAtName # symbolAtSmtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Text symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e s = formerly : intSymbol mkSym . funcSortIndex env e appendSymbolText mkSym $ Text.pack (show (funcSortIndex env e s)) # SCC symbolAtSmtName # funcSortIndex :: (PPrint a) => SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Int funcSortIndex env e z = M.lookupDefault err z (seAppls env) where err = panic ("Unknown func-sort: " ++ showpp z ++ " for " ++ showpp e) ffuncSort :: SymEnv -> Sort -> FuncSort tracepp ( " ffuncSort " + + showpp ( ) ) where tx = applySmtSort (seData env) (t1, t2) = args t args (FFunc a b) = (a, b) args _ = (FInt, FInt) applySmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort applySmtSort = sortSmtSort False isIntSmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> Bool isIntSmtSort env s = SInt == applySmtSort env s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ' ' represents the information about each interpreted ' Symbol ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data TheorySymbol = Thy { tsSym :: !Symbol -- ^ name ^ serialized name , tsSort :: !Sort -- ^ sort , tsInterp :: !Sem -- ^ TRUE = defined (interpreted), FALSE = declared (uninterpreted) } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance NFData Sem instance NFData TheorySymbol instance S.Store TheorySymbol instance PPrint Sem where pprintTidy _ = text . show instance Fixpoint TheorySymbol where toFix (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprint (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d) instance PPrint TheorySymbol where pprintTidy k (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprintTidy k (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ' Sem ' describes the SMT semantics for a given symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Sem ^ for UDF : ` len ` , ` height ` , ` append ` ^ for ADT constructor and tests : ` cons ` , ` nil ` ^ for ADT tests : ` is$cons ` ^ for ADT field : ` hd ` , ` tl ` | Theory -- ^ for theory ops: mem, cup, select deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance S.Store Sem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A Refinement of 'Sort' that describes SMTLIB Sorts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data SmtSort = SInt | SBool | SReal | SString | SSet | SMap | SBitVec !Int | SVar !Int | SData !FTycon ![SmtSort] HKT | SApp ! [ SmtSort ] -- ^ Representing HKT deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Hashable SmtSort instance NFData SmtSort instance S.Store SmtSort -- | The 'poly' parameter is True when we are *declaring* sorts, -- and so we need to leave the top type variables be; it is False when -- we are declaring variables etc., and there, we serialize them -- using `Int` (though really, there SHOULD BE NO floating tyVars... -- 'smtSort True msg t' serializes a sort 't' using type variables, -- 'smtSort False msg t' serializes a sort 't' using 'Int' instead of tyvars. sortSmtSort :: Bool -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort sortSmtSort poly env t = {- tracepp ("sortSmtSort: " ++ showpp t) else id) $ -} go . unAbs $ t where m = sortAbs t go (FFunc _ _) = SInt go FInt = SInt go FReal = SReal go t | t == boolSort = SBool | isString t = SString go (FVar i) | poly, i < m = SVar i | otherwise = SInt go t | (ct:ts) <- unFApp t = fappSmtSort poly m env ct ts | otherwise = error "Unexpected empty 'unFApp t'" fappSmtSort :: Bool -> Int -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> [Sort] -> SmtSort fappSmtSort poly m env = go where HKT go t@(FVar _ ) ts = SApp ( sortSmtSort poly env < $ > ( t : ts ) ) go (FTC c) _ | setConName == symbol c = SSet go (FTC c) _ | mapConName == symbol c = SMap go (FTC bv) [FTC s] | bitVecName == symbol bv , Just n <- sizeBv s = SBitVec n go s [] | isString s = SString go (FTC c) ts | Just n <- tyArgs c env , let i = n - length ts = SData c ((sortSmtSort poly env . FAbs m <$> ts) ++ pad i) go _ _ = SInt pad i | poly = [] | otherwise = replicate i SInt tyArgs :: (Symbolic x) => x -> SEnv DataDecl -> Maybe Int tyArgs x env = ddVars <$> lookupSEnv (symbol x) env instance PPrint SmtSort where pprintTidy _ SInt = text "Int" pprintTidy _ SBool = text "Bool" pprintTidy _ SReal = text "Real" pprintTidy _ SString = text "Str" pprintTidy _ SSet = text "Set" pprintTidy _ SMap = text "Map" pprintTidy _ (SBitVec n) = text "BitVec" <+> int n pprintTidy _ (SVar i) = text "@" <-> int i HKT pprintTidy k ( SApp ts ) = ppParens k ( pprintTidy k tyAppName ) ts pprintTidy k (SData c ts) = ppParens k (pprintTidy k c) ts ppParens :: (PPrint d) => Tidy -> Doc -> [d] -> Doc ppParens k d ds = parens $ Misc.intersperse (text "") (d : (pprintTidy k <$> ds))
# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE PatternGuards # # LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing # * Serialized Representation * Theory Symbol * Theory Sorts * Symbol Environments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ Sorts of *all* defined symbols ^ Information about theory-specific Symbols ^ User-defined data-declarations ^ Distinct Constant symbols ^ Types at which `apply` was used; see [NOTE:apply-monomorphization] type FuncSort = {v:Sort | isFFunc v} @ | These are "BUILT-in" polymorphic functions which are the apply-defunc stuff. at which applications occur. This is a gross hack; as during unfolding we may create _new_ terms with wierd new sorts. Ideally, we MUST allow for EXTENDING the apply-sorts with those newly created terms. the solution is perhaps to *preface* each VC query of the form push assert p check-sat pop change the above to declare apply-sorts push assert p check-sat pop [TODO]: dynamic-apply-declaration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ name ^ sort ^ TRUE = defined (interpreted), FALSE = declared (uninterpreted) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ for theory ops: mem, cup, select ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A Refinement of 'Sort' that describes SMTLIB Sorts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ Representing HKT | The 'poly' parameter is True when we are *declaring* sorts, and so we need to leave the top type variables be; it is False when we are declaring variables etc., and there, we serialize them using `Int` (though really, there SHOULD BE NO floating tyVars... 'smtSort True msg t' serializes a sort 't' using type variables, 'smtSort False msg t' serializes a sort 't' using 'Int' instead of tyvars. tracepp ("sortSmtSort: " ++ showpp t) else id) $
# LANGUAGE CPP # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - orphans # | This module contains the types defining an SMTLIB2 interface . module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Theories ( Raw , TheorySymbol (..) , Sem (..) , SmtSort (..) , sortSmtSort , isIntSmtSort , SymEnv (..) , symEnv , symEnvSort , symEnvTheory , insertSymEnv , insertsSymEnv , symbolAtName , symbolAtSmtName ) where import Data.Generics (Data) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.DeepSeq import Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Errors import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Environments import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.Compat import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Store as S import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc as Misc | ' Raw ' is the low - level representation for SMT values type Raw = Text | ' SymEnv ' is used to resolve the ' Sort ' and ' Sem ' of each ' Symbol ' data SymEnv = SymEnv } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) type FuncSort = (SmtSort, SmtSort) instance NFData SymEnv instance S.Store SymEnv instance Semigroup SymEnv where e1 <> e2 = SymEnv { seSort = seSort e1 <> seSort e2 , seTheory = seTheory e1 <> seTheory e2 , seData = seData e1 <> seData e2 , seLits = seLits e1 <> seLits e2 , seAppls = seAppls e1 <> seAppls e2 } instance Monoid SymEnv where mempty = SymEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv mempty mappend = (<>) symEnv :: SEnv Sort -> SEnv TheorySymbol -> [DataDecl] -> SEnv Sort -> [Sort] -> SymEnv symEnv xEnv fEnv ds ls ts = SymEnv xEnv' fEnv dEnv ls sortMap where xEnv' = unionSEnv xEnv wiredInEnv dEnv = fromListSEnv [(symbol d, d) | d <- ds] sortMap = M.fromList (zip smts [0..]) smts = funcSorts dEnv ts UNININTERPRETED but POLYMORPHIC , hence need to go through wiredInEnv :: M.HashMap Symbol Sort wiredInEnv = M.fromList [ (toIntName, mkFFunc 1 [FVar 0, FInt]) , (tyCastName, FAbs 0 $ FAbs 1 $ FFunc (FVar 0) (FVar 1)) ] | ' smtSorts ' attempts to compute a list of all the input - output sorts with the declarations needed to make ' p ' well - sorted under SMT , i.e. such a strategy would NUKE the entire apply - sort machinery from the CODE base . funcSorts :: SEnv DataDecl -> [Sort] -> [FuncSort] funcSorts dEnv ts = [ (t1, t2) | t1 <- smts, t2 <- smts] where smts = Misc.sortNub $ concat [ [tx t1, tx t2] | FFunc t1 t2 <- ts] tx = applySmtSort dEnv symEnvTheory :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe TheorySymbol symEnvTheory x env = lookupSEnv x (seTheory env) symEnvSort :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe Sort symEnvSort x env = lookupSEnv x (seSort env) insertSymEnv :: Symbol -> Sort -> SymEnv -> SymEnv insertSymEnv x t env = env { seSort = insertSEnv x t (seSort env) } insertsSymEnv :: SymEnv -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> SymEnv insertsSymEnv = L.foldl' (\env (x, s) -> insertSymEnv x s env) symbolAtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> Sort -> Text symbolAtName mkSym env e = symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e . ffuncSort env # SCC symbolAtName # symbolAtSmtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Text symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e s = formerly : intSymbol mkSym . funcSortIndex env e appendSymbolText mkSym $ Text.pack (show (funcSortIndex env e s)) # SCC symbolAtSmtName # funcSortIndex :: (PPrint a) => SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Int funcSortIndex env e z = M.lookupDefault err z (seAppls env) where err = panic ("Unknown func-sort: " ++ showpp z ++ " for " ++ showpp e) ffuncSort :: SymEnv -> Sort -> FuncSort tracepp ( " ffuncSort " + + showpp ( ) ) where tx = applySmtSort (seData env) (t1, t2) = args t args (FFunc a b) = (a, b) args _ = (FInt, FInt) applySmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort applySmtSort = sortSmtSort False isIntSmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> Bool isIntSmtSort env s = SInt == applySmtSort env s | ' ' represents the information about each interpreted ' Symbol ' data TheorySymbol = Thy ^ serialized name } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance NFData Sem instance NFData TheorySymbol instance S.Store TheorySymbol instance PPrint Sem where pprintTidy _ = text . show instance Fixpoint TheorySymbol where toFix (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprint (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d) instance PPrint TheorySymbol where pprintTidy k (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprintTidy k (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d) | ' Sem ' describes the SMT semantics for a given symbol data Sem ^ for UDF : ` len ` , ` height ` , ` append ` ^ for ADT constructor and tests : ` cons ` , ` nil ` ^ for ADT tests : ` is$cons ` ^ for ADT field : ` hd ` , ` tl ` deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance S.Store Sem data SmtSort = SInt | SBool | SReal | SString | SSet | SMap | SBitVec !Int | SVar !Int | SData !FTycon ![SmtSort] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Hashable SmtSort instance NFData SmtSort instance S.Store SmtSort sortSmtSort :: Bool -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort where m = sortAbs t go (FFunc _ _) = SInt go FInt = SInt go FReal = SReal go t | t == boolSort = SBool | isString t = SString go (FVar i) | poly, i < m = SVar i | otherwise = SInt go t | (ct:ts) <- unFApp t = fappSmtSort poly m env ct ts | otherwise = error "Unexpected empty 'unFApp t'" fappSmtSort :: Bool -> Int -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> [Sort] -> SmtSort fappSmtSort poly m env = go where HKT go t@(FVar _ ) ts = SApp ( sortSmtSort poly env < $ > ( t : ts ) ) go (FTC c) _ | setConName == symbol c = SSet go (FTC c) _ | mapConName == symbol c = SMap go (FTC bv) [FTC s] | bitVecName == symbol bv , Just n <- sizeBv s = SBitVec n go s [] | isString s = SString go (FTC c) ts | Just n <- tyArgs c env , let i = n - length ts = SData c ((sortSmtSort poly env . FAbs m <$> ts) ++ pad i) go _ _ = SInt pad i | poly = [] | otherwise = replicate i SInt tyArgs :: (Symbolic x) => x -> SEnv DataDecl -> Maybe Int tyArgs x env = ddVars <$> lookupSEnv (symbol x) env instance PPrint SmtSort where pprintTidy _ SInt = text "Int" pprintTidy _ SBool = text "Bool" pprintTidy _ SReal = text "Real" pprintTidy _ SString = text "Str" pprintTidy _ SSet = text "Set" pprintTidy _ SMap = text "Map" pprintTidy _ (SBitVec n) = text "BitVec" <+> int n pprintTidy _ (SVar i) = text "@" <-> int i HKT pprintTidy k ( SApp ts ) = ppParens k ( pprintTidy k tyAppName ) ts pprintTidy k (SData c ts) = ppParens k (pprintTidy k c) ts ppParens :: (PPrint d) => Tidy -> Doc -> [d] -> Doc ppParens k d ds = parens $ Misc.intersperse (text "") (d : (pprintTidy k <$> ds))
(ns org.state) (def default-state {:filter-language nil :order :stars :query ""})
(ns org.state) (def default-state {:filter-language nil :order :stars :query ""})
open GT module L : sig type 'a list = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a list ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{gmap }] end = struct type 'a list = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a list ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{gmap }] end type 'a maybe = Just of 'a | Nothing [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt }] type 'a pv = [ `A of 'a ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] let () = let sh x = GT.show pv GT.id x in Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (sh @@ `A "aaa") include (struct type 'a wtf = [ `C of 'a | 'a pv ] maybe [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] end (* : sig type 'a wtf = [ `C of 'a | 'a pv ] maybe [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] end *) ) let () = let sh x = GT.show wtf GT.id x in Printf.printf "%s\t%s\n%!" (sh @@ Just(`A "a")) (sh @@ Just (`C "ccc"))
: sig type 'a wtf = [ `C of 'a | 'a pv ] maybe [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] end
open GT module L : sig type 'a list = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a list ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{gmap }] end = struct type 'a list = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a list ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{gmap }] end type 'a maybe = Just of 'a | Nothing [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt }] type 'a pv = [ `A of 'a ] [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] let () = let sh x = GT.show pv GT.id x in Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (sh @@ `A "aaa") include (struct type 'a wtf = [ `C of 'a | 'a pv ] maybe [@@deriving gt ~options:{show; fmt}] ) let () = let sh x = GT.show wtf GT.id x in Printf.printf "%s\t%s\n%!" (sh @@ Just(`A "a")) (sh @@ Just (`C "ccc"))
open Lwt.Syntax open Lwt.Infix let ( let*! ) x f = x >>= function | `Ok x -> f x | `Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e let rec listen ~config ~virtio_gpu socket = let* (client, _addr) = Lwt_unix.accept socket in Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec client; Log.info (fun f -> f "New connection"); Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt.finalize (fun () -> let* r = Relay.create ?virtio_gpu config in Relay.accept r client ) (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close client ) ); listen ~config ~virtio_gpu socket Connect to socket at [ path ] ( and then close it ) , to see if anyone 's already listening there . let is_listening path = let s = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.close s) @@ fun () -> match Unix.connect s (Unix.ADDR_UNIX path) with | () -> true | exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNREFUSED, _, _) -> false | exception ex -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Error testing socket %S: %a" path Fmt.exn ex); false (* Start listening for connections to [wayland_display]. *) let listen_wayland ~config ~virtio_gpu wayland_display = let socket_path = Wayland.Unix_transport.socket_path ~wayland_display () in let existing_socket = Sys.file_exists socket_path in if existing_socket && is_listening socket_path then ( Lwt.return (`Error (false, Fmt.str "A server is already listening on %S!" socket_path)) ) else ( if existing_socket then Unix.unlink socket_path; let listening_socket = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Unix.set_close_on_exec listening_socket; Unix.bind listening_socket (Unix.ADDR_UNIX socket_path); Unix.listen listening_socket 5; Log.info (fun f -> f "Listening on %S for Wayland clients" socket_path); Lwt.async (fun () -> listen ~config ~virtio_gpu (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr listening_socket)); Lwt.return (`Ok ()) ) (* Start listening for connections to [x_display] and set $DISPLAY. *) let listen_x11 ~config ~virtio_gpu x_display = let xwayland_listening_socket = let path = Printf.sprintf "\x00/tmp/.X11-unix/X%d" x_display in let sock = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Unix.set_close_on_exec sock; Unix.bind sock (Unix.ADDR_UNIX path); Unix.listen sock 5; Log.info (fun f -> f "Listening on %S for X clients" path); sock in Lwt.async (fun () -> Xwayland.listen ~config ~virtio_gpu ~display:x_display (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr xwayland_listening_socket)); Unix.putenv "DISPLAY" (Printf.sprintf ":%d" x_display) let env_replace k v l = let prefix = k ^ "=" in (prefix ^ v) :: List.filter (fun x -> not (Config.starts_with ~prefix x)) l let main setup_tracing use_virtio_gpu wayland_display x_display config args = Lwt_main.run begin let* virtio_gpu = if use_virtio_gpu then Virtio_gpu.find_device () >|= function | Ok x -> Some x | Error (`Msg m) -> Fmt.epr "No virtio-gpu device: %s@." m; exit 1 else Lwt.return_none in let* () = setup_tracing ~wayland_display in Listen for incoming Wayland client connections : let*! () = listen_wayland ~config ~virtio_gpu wayland_display in (* Listen for incoming X11 client connections, if configured: *) Option.iter (listen_x11 ~config ~virtio_gpu) x_display; (* Run the application (if any), or just wait (if not): *) match args with | [] -> fst (Lwt.wait ()) | args -> let env = Unix.environment () |> Array.to_list |> env_replace "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" wayland_display |> Array.of_list in let child = Lwt_process.open_process_none ("", Array.of_list args) ~env in let* status = child#status in Log.info (fun f -> f "Application process ended (%a)" Trace.pp_status status); Lwt.return (`Ok ()) end open Cmdliner let x_display = Arg.value @@ Arg.(opt (some int)) None @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Number of X display to listen on (e.g. 2 for DISPLAY=:2)" ["x-display"] let wayland_display = Arg.value @@ Arg.(opt string) "wayland-1" @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Name or path of socket to listen on" ["wayland-display"] let virtio_gpu = Arg.value @@ Arg.flag @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Use virtio-gpu to connect to compositor on host" ["virtio-gpu"] let args = Arg.value @@ Arg.(pos_all string) [] @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Sub-command to execute" [] let virtwl_proxy = let info = Cmd.info "wayland-proxy-virtwl" in Cmd.v info Term.(ret (const main $ Trace.cmdliner $ virtio_gpu $ wayland_display $ x_display $ Config.cmdliner $ args)) let () = exit @@ Cmd.eval virtwl_proxy
Start listening for connections to [wayland_display]. Start listening for connections to [x_display] and set $DISPLAY. Listen for incoming X11 client connections, if configured: Run the application (if any), or just wait (if not):
open Lwt.Syntax open Lwt.Infix let ( let*! ) x f = x >>= function | `Ok x -> f x | `Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e let rec listen ~config ~virtio_gpu socket = let* (client, _addr) = Lwt_unix.accept socket in Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec client; Log.info (fun f -> f "New connection"); Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt.finalize (fun () -> let* r = Relay.create ?virtio_gpu config in Relay.accept r client ) (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close client ) ); listen ~config ~virtio_gpu socket Connect to socket at [ path ] ( and then close it ) , to see if anyone 's already listening there . let is_listening path = let s = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> Unix.close s) @@ fun () -> match Unix.connect s (Unix.ADDR_UNIX path) with | () -> true | exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNREFUSED, _, _) -> false | exception ex -> Log.warn (fun f -> f "Error testing socket %S: %a" path Fmt.exn ex); false let listen_wayland ~config ~virtio_gpu wayland_display = let socket_path = Wayland.Unix_transport.socket_path ~wayland_display () in let existing_socket = Sys.file_exists socket_path in if existing_socket && is_listening socket_path then ( Lwt.return (`Error (false, Fmt.str "A server is already listening on %S!" socket_path)) ) else ( if existing_socket then Unix.unlink socket_path; let listening_socket = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Unix.set_close_on_exec listening_socket; Unix.bind listening_socket (Unix.ADDR_UNIX socket_path); Unix.listen listening_socket 5; Log.info (fun f -> f "Listening on %S for Wayland clients" socket_path); Lwt.async (fun () -> listen ~config ~virtio_gpu (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr listening_socket)); Lwt.return (`Ok ()) ) let listen_x11 ~config ~virtio_gpu x_display = let xwayland_listening_socket = let path = Printf.sprintf "\x00/tmp/.X11-unix/X%d" x_display in let sock = Unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in Unix.set_close_on_exec sock; Unix.bind sock (Unix.ADDR_UNIX path); Unix.listen sock 5; Log.info (fun f -> f "Listening on %S for X clients" path); sock in Lwt.async (fun () -> Xwayland.listen ~config ~virtio_gpu ~display:x_display (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr xwayland_listening_socket)); Unix.putenv "DISPLAY" (Printf.sprintf ":%d" x_display) let env_replace k v l = let prefix = k ^ "=" in (prefix ^ v) :: List.filter (fun x -> not (Config.starts_with ~prefix x)) l let main setup_tracing use_virtio_gpu wayland_display x_display config args = Lwt_main.run begin let* virtio_gpu = if use_virtio_gpu then Virtio_gpu.find_device () >|= function | Ok x -> Some x | Error (`Msg m) -> Fmt.epr "No virtio-gpu device: %s@." m; exit 1 else Lwt.return_none in let* () = setup_tracing ~wayland_display in Listen for incoming Wayland client connections : let*! () = listen_wayland ~config ~virtio_gpu wayland_display in Option.iter (listen_x11 ~config ~virtio_gpu) x_display; match args with | [] -> fst (Lwt.wait ()) | args -> let env = Unix.environment () |> Array.to_list |> env_replace "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" wayland_display |> Array.of_list in let child = Lwt_process.open_process_none ("", Array.of_list args) ~env in let* status = child#status in Log.info (fun f -> f "Application process ended (%a)" Trace.pp_status status); Lwt.return (`Ok ()) end open Cmdliner let x_display = Arg.value @@ Arg.(opt (some int)) None @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Number of X display to listen on (e.g. 2 for DISPLAY=:2)" ["x-display"] let wayland_display = Arg.value @@ Arg.(opt string) "wayland-1" @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Name or path of socket to listen on" ["wayland-display"] let virtio_gpu = Arg.value @@ Arg.flag @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Use virtio-gpu to connect to compositor on host" ["virtio-gpu"] let args = Arg.value @@ Arg.(pos_all string) [] @@ Arg.info ~doc:"Sub-command to execute" [] let virtwl_proxy = let info = Cmd.info "wayland-proxy-virtwl" in Cmd.v info Term.(ret (const main $ Trace.cmdliner $ virtio_gpu $ wayland_display $ x_display $ Config.cmdliner $ args)) let () = exit @@ Cmd.eval virtwl_proxy
(ns sqlingvo.node.async-test (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]) (:require [cljs.core.async :as async] [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.test :refer [async deftest is testing]] [sqlingvo.core :as sql] [sqlingvo.node.async :as node :refer-macros [<? <!?]])) (defn underscore [s] (str/replace (name s) "-" "_")) (defn hypenate [s] (str/replace (name s) "_" "-")) (def db (node/db "postgresql:scotch@localhost/sqlingvo_node" {:sql-name underscore :sql-identifier hypenate})) (deftest test-db-spec (is (fn? (:sql-name db))) (is (fn? (:sql-identifier db)))) (def country-data [{:code "de" :name "Germany"} {:code "es" :name "Spain"}]) (defn create-countries "Create the countries table." [db] (sql/create-table db :countries (sql/column :id :serial :primary-key? true) (sql/column :name :text :unique? true) (sql/column :code :text))) (defn drop-countries "Drop the countries table." [db] (sql/drop-table db [:countries] (sql/if-exists true))) (defn insert-countries "Drop the countries table." [db] (sql/insert db :countries [] (sql/values country-data) (sql/returning :*))) (defn countries "Return all countries." [db] (sql/select db [:*] (sql/from :countries))) (deftest test-connect (async done (go (try (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (:connection db)) (node/disconnect db) (done)) (catch js/Error e (prn (prn (.-stack e)))))))) (deftest test-connect-error (async done (go (try [db (<? (node/connect (node/db "postgresql")))] (assert false "Connection error expected.") (catch js/Error e (let [message (str/replace (.-message e) #"\n" "")] (is (re-matches #".*does not exist.*" message)))) (finally (done)))))) (deftest test-disconnect (async done (go (let [db (node/disconnect (<? (node/connect db)))] (is (nil? (:connection db))) (done))))) (deftest test-run-queries (async done (go (let [db (<? (node/connect db)) _ (<!? (drop-countries db)) _ (<!? (create-countries db))] (is (= (<!? (insert-countries db)) (<!? (countries db)))) _ (<!? (drop-countries db)) (done))))) (def pg-statisticts {:commit-action nil, :reference-generation nil, :is-typed "NO", :is-insertable-into "YES", :table-catalog "sqlingvo_node", :user-defined-type-schema nil, :user-defined-type-name nil, :user-defined-type-catalog nil, :table-schema "pg_catalog", :self-referencing-column-name nil, :table-name "pg_statistic", :table-type "BASE TABLE"}) (defn- select-pg-statisticts [db] (sql/select db [:*] (sql/from :information_schema.tables) (sql/where '(= :table_name "pg_statistic")))) (deftest test-hyphenate (async done (go (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts])) (<? (node/disconnect db)) (done))))) (deftest test-pool (async done (go (let [db (node/start db)] (is (:pool db)) (is (= (.-totalCount (:pool db)) 0)) (testing "use first available client" (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts]))) (testing "connect client and release" (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (:connection db)) (is (= (.-totalCount (:pool db)) 1)) (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts])) (let [db (<? (node/disconnect db))] (is (nil? (:connection db))) (let [db (<? (node/stop db))] (is (nil? (:pool db))) (done)))))))))
(ns sqlingvo.node.async-test (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]) (:require [cljs.core.async :as async] [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.test :refer [async deftest is testing]] [sqlingvo.core :as sql] [sqlingvo.node.async :as node :refer-macros [<? <!?]])) (defn underscore [s] (str/replace (name s) "-" "_")) (defn hypenate [s] (str/replace (name s) "_" "-")) (def db (node/db "postgresql:scotch@localhost/sqlingvo_node" {:sql-name underscore :sql-identifier hypenate})) (deftest test-db-spec (is (fn? (:sql-name db))) (is (fn? (:sql-identifier db)))) (def country-data [{:code "de" :name "Germany"} {:code "es" :name "Spain"}]) (defn create-countries "Create the countries table." [db] (sql/create-table db :countries (sql/column :id :serial :primary-key? true) (sql/column :name :text :unique? true) (sql/column :code :text))) (defn drop-countries "Drop the countries table." [db] (sql/drop-table db [:countries] (sql/if-exists true))) (defn insert-countries "Drop the countries table." [db] (sql/insert db :countries [] (sql/values country-data) (sql/returning :*))) (defn countries "Return all countries." [db] (sql/select db [:*] (sql/from :countries))) (deftest test-connect (async done (go (try (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (:connection db)) (node/disconnect db) (done)) (catch js/Error e (prn (prn (.-stack e)))))))) (deftest test-connect-error (async done (go (try [db (<? (node/connect (node/db "postgresql")))] (assert false "Connection error expected.") (catch js/Error e (let [message (str/replace (.-message e) #"\n" "")] (is (re-matches #".*does not exist.*" message)))) (finally (done)))))) (deftest test-disconnect (async done (go (let [db (node/disconnect (<? (node/connect db)))] (is (nil? (:connection db))) (done))))) (deftest test-run-queries (async done (go (let [db (<? (node/connect db)) _ (<!? (drop-countries db)) _ (<!? (create-countries db))] (is (= (<!? (insert-countries db)) (<!? (countries db)))) _ (<!? (drop-countries db)) (done))))) (def pg-statisticts {:commit-action nil, :reference-generation nil, :is-typed "NO", :is-insertable-into "YES", :table-catalog "sqlingvo_node", :user-defined-type-schema nil, :user-defined-type-name nil, :user-defined-type-catalog nil, :table-schema "pg_catalog", :self-referencing-column-name nil, :table-name "pg_statistic", :table-type "BASE TABLE"}) (defn- select-pg-statisticts [db] (sql/select db [:*] (sql/from :information_schema.tables) (sql/where '(= :table_name "pg_statistic")))) (deftest test-hyphenate (async done (go (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts])) (<? (node/disconnect db)) (done))))) (deftest test-pool (async done (go (let [db (node/start db)] (is (:pool db)) (is (= (.-totalCount (:pool db)) 0)) (testing "use first available client" (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts]))) (testing "connect client and release" (let [db (<? (node/connect db))] (is (:connection db)) (is (= (.-totalCount (:pool db)) 1)) (is (= (<!? (select-pg-statisticts db)) [pg-statisticts])) (let [db (<? (node/disconnect db))] (is (nil? (:connection db))) (let [db (<? (node/stop db))] (is (nil? (:pool db))) (done)))))))))
(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml interface to Sundials *) (* *) ( ) , ( ) , and ( LIENS ) (* *) Copyright 2014 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed (* under a New BSD License, refer to the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Sundials include Cvode_impl * NB : The order of variant constructors and record fields is important ! * If these types are changed or augmented , the corresponding declarations * in cvode_serial.h ( and code in cvode_serial.c ) must also be updated . * NB: The order of variant constructors and record fields is important! * If these types are changed or augmented, the corresponding declarations * in cvode_serial.h (and code in cvode_serial.c) must also be updated. *) (* Solver exceptions *) exception IllInput exception TooClose exception TooMuchWork exception TooMuchAccuracy exception ErrFailure exception ConvergenceFailure exception LinearInitFailure exception LinearSetupFailure of exn option exception LinearSolveFailure of exn option exception NonlinearSolverFailure exception NonlinearInitFailure exception NonlinearSetupFailure exception RhsFuncFailure exception FirstRhsFuncFailure exception RepeatedRhsFuncFailure exception UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure exception RootFuncFailure exception ConstraintFailure (* get_dky exceptions *) exception BadK exception BadT exception VectorOpErr exception ProjFuncFailure exception RepeatedProjFuncError exception ProjectionNotEnabled let no_roots = (0, dummy_rootsfn) type lmm = | Adams | BDF synchronized with cvode_ml.h : cvode_integrator_stats_index type integrator_stats = { num_steps : int; num_rhs_evals : int; num_lin_solv_setups : int; num_err_test_fails : int; last_order : int; current_order : int; actual_init_step : float; last_step : float; current_step : float; current_time : float } synchronized with cvode_ml.h : cvode_linear_solver_stats_index type linear_solver_stats = { jac_evals : int; lin_rhs_evals : int; lin_iters : int; lin_conv_fails : int; prec_evals : int; prec_solves : int; jtsetup_evals : int; jtimes_evals : int; } external c_root_init : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_root_init" let root_init session (nroots, rootsfn) = c_root_init session nroots; session.rootsfn <- rootsfn 4.0.0 < = Sundials external c_set_linear_solver : ('d, 'k) session -> ('m, 'd, 'k) LSI.cptr -> ('mk, 'm, 'd, 'k) Matrix.t option -> bool -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_linear_solver" module Diag = struct (* {{{ *) external sunml_cvode_diag : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_diag" let solver session _ = sunml_cvode_diag session; session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns; session.ls_callbacks <- DiagNoCallbacks external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_diag_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = ls_check_diag s; get_work_space s external get_num_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_diag_get_num_rhs_evals" let get_num_rhs_evals s = ls_check_diag s; get_num_rhs_evals s end (* }}} *) module Dls = struct (* {{{ *) include DirectTypes include LinearSolver.Direct Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_dense : 'k serial_session -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_dense" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_lapack_dense : 'k serial_session -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_lapack_dense" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_band : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_band" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_lapack_band : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_lapack_band" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu : 'k serial_session -> 's Matrix.Sparse.sformat -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_init" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_set_ordering : 'k serial_session -> LinearSolver.Direct.Klu.ordering -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_set_ordering" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_reinit : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_reinit" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_init" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt_set_ordering : 'k serial_session -> LinearSolver.Direct.Superlumt.ordering -> unit = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_set_ordering" Sundials < 3.0.0 let klu_set_ordering session ordering = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_set_ordering session ordering | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let klu_reinit session n onnz = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_reinit session n (match onnz with None -> 0 | Some nnz -> nnz) | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let superlumt_set_ordering session ordering = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallbackSens _ -> c_superlumt_set_ordering session ordering | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let make_compat (type s) (type tag) hasjac (solver_data : (s, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) (mat : ('k, s, 'nd, 'nk) Matrix.t) session = match solver_data with | LSI.Dense -> let m, n = Matrix.(Dense.size (unwrap mat)) in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; c_dls_dense session m hasjac | LSI.LapackDense -> let m, n = Matrix.(Dense.size (unwrap mat)) in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; c_dls_lapack_dense session m hasjac | LSI.Band -> let open Matrix.Band in let { n; mu; ml } = dims (Matrix.unwrap mat) in c_dls_band session n mu ml hasjac | LSI.LapackBand -> let open Matrix.Band in let { n; mu; ml } = dims (Matrix.unwrap mat) in c_dls_lapack_band session n mu ml hasjac | LSI.Klu sinfo -> if not Config.klu_enabled then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; let smat = Matrix.unwrap mat in let m, n = Matrix.Sparse.size smat in let nnz, _ = Matrix.Sparse.dims smat in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; let open LSI.Klu in sinfo.set_ordering <- klu_set_ordering session; sinfo.reinit <- klu_reinit session; c_klu session (Matrix.Sparse.sformat smat) m nnz; (match sinfo.ordering with None -> () | Some o -> c_klu_set_ordering session o) | LSI.Superlumt sinfo -> if not Config.superlumt_enabled then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; let smat = Matrix.unwrap mat in let m, n = Matrix.Sparse.size smat in let nnz, _ = Matrix.Sparse.dims smat in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; let open LSI.Superlumt in sinfo.set_ordering <- superlumt_set_ordering session; c_superlumt session m nnz sinfo.num_threads; (match sinfo.ordering with None -> () | Some o -> c_superlumt_set_ordering session o) | _ -> assert false let check_dqjac (type k m nd nk) jac (mat : (k,m,nd,nk) Matrix.t) = let open Matrix in match get_id mat with | Dense -> () | Band -> () | _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "A Jacobian function is required" let set_ls_callbacks (type m) (type tag) ?jac ?(linsys : m linsys_fn option) (solver_data : (m, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) (mat : ('mk, m, 'nd, 'nk) Matrix.t) session = let cb = { jacfn = (match jac with None -> no_callback | Some f -> f); jmat = (None : m option) } in let ls = match linsys with None -> DirectTypes.no_linsysfn | Some f -> f in begin match solver_data with | LSI.Dense -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsDenseCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.LapackDense -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsDenseCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Band -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsBandCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.LapackBand -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsBandCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Klu _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "Klu requires Jacobian function"; session.ls_callbacks <- SlsKluCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Superlumt _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "Superlumt requires Jacobian function"; session.ls_callbacks <- SlsSuperlumtCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Custom _ -> check_dqjac jac mat; session.ls_callbacks <- DirectCustomCallback (cb, ls) | _ -> assert false end; session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns 3.0.0 < = Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_dls_set_linear_solver : 'k serial_session -> ('m, Nvector_serial.data, 'k) LSI.cptr -> ('mk, 'm, Nvector_serial.data, 'k) Matrix.t -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_set_linear_solver" let assert_matrix = function | Some m -> m | None -> failwith "a direct linear solver is required" let solver ?jac ?linsys ls session _ = let LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; LSI.solver; LSI.matrix } as hls) = ls in let matrix = assert_matrix matrix in if Sundials_impl.Version.lt500 && linsys <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; set_ls_callbacks ?jac ?linsys solver matrix session; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then make_compat (jac <> None) solver matrix session else if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then c_dls_set_linear_solver session rawptr matrix (jac <> None) else c_set_linear_solver session rawptr (Some matrix) (jac <> None) (linsys <> None); LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls Sundials < 3.0.0 let invalidate_callback session = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then match session.ls_callbacks with | DlsDenseCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Dense.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | DlsBandCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Band.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | SlsKluCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Sparse.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | SlsSuperlumtCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Sparse.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | _ -> () external get_work_space : 'k serial_session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_dls_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; get_work_space s external c_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jac_evals" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_klu_get_num_jac_evals" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals" let compat_get_num_jac_evals s = match s.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_get_num_jac_evals s | SlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallbackSens _ -> c_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals s | _ -> c_get_num_jac_evals s let get_num_jac_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then compat_get_num_jac_evals s else c_get_num_jac_evals s external c_get_num_lin_rhs_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_dls_get_num_lin_rhs_evals" let get_num_lin_rhs_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; c_get_num_lin_rhs_evals s end (* }}} *) module Spils = struct (* {{{ *) include SpilsTypes include LinearSolver.Iterative Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_spgmr : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_spgmr" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_spbcgs : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_spbcgs" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_sptfqmr : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_sptfqmr" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_gs_type : ('a, 'k) session -> LinearSolver.Iterative.gramschmidt_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_gs_type" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_maxl : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_maxl" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_prec_type : ('a, 'k) session -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_prec_type" let old_set_maxl s maxl = ls_check_spils s; c_set_maxl s maxl let old_set_prec_type s t = ls_check_spils s; c_set_prec_type s t let old_set_gs_type s t = ls_check_spils s; c_set_gs_type s t external c_set_jac_times : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_times" external c_set_jac_times_rhsfn : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_times_rhsfn" external c_set_preconditioner : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_preconditioner" Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_spils_set_linear_solver : ('a, 'k) session -> ('m, 'a, 'k) LSI.cptr -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_linear_solver" let init_preconditioner solve setup session _ = c_set_preconditioner session (setup <> None); session.ls_precfns <- PrecFns { prec_solve_fn = solve; prec_setup_fn = setup } let prec_none = LSI.Iterative.(PrecNone, fun session _ -> session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns) let prec_left ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecLeft, init_preconditioner solve setup) let prec_right ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecRight, init_preconditioner solve setup) let prec_both ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecBoth, init_preconditioner solve setup) Sundials < 3.0.0 let make_compat (type tag) compat prec_type (solver_data : ('s, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) session = let { LSI.Iterative.maxl; LSI.Iterative.gs_type } = compat in match solver_data with | LSI.Spgmr -> c_spgmr session maxl prec_type; (match gs_type with None -> () | Some t -> c_set_gs_type session t); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_gs_type <- old_set_gs_type session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | LSI.Spbcgs -> c_spbcgs session maxl prec_type; LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_maxl <- old_set_maxl session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | LSI.Sptfqmr -> c_sptfqmr session maxl prec_type; LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_maxl <- old_set_maxl session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | _ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let solver (LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; LSI.solver; LSI.compat } as hls) as ls) ?jac_times_vec ?jac_times_rhs (prec_type, set_prec) session nv = let jac_times_setup, jac_times_vec = match jac_times_vec with | None -> None, None | Some _ when jac_times_rhs <> None -> invalid_arg "cannot pass both jac_times_vec and jac_times_rhs" | Some (ojts, jtv) -> ojts, Some jtv in if Sundials_impl.Version.lt530 && jac_times_rhs <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then begin if jac_times_setup <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; make_compat compat prec_type solver session; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls; set_prec session nv; session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (jac_times_vec, None); if jac_times_vec <> None then c_set_jac_times session true false end else if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then c_spils_set_linear_solver session rawptr else c_set_linear_solver session rawptr None false false; LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls; LSI.(impl_set_prec_type rawptr solver prec_type false); set_prec session nv; match jac_times_rhs with | Some jtrhsfn -> begin session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback2 jtrhsfn; c_set_jac_times_rhsfn session true end | None -> begin session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (jac_times_vec, jac_times_setup); if jac_times_setup <> None || jac_times_vec <> None then c_set_jac_times session (jac_times_setup <> None) (jac_times_vec <> None) end (* Drop this function? *) let set_jac_times s ?jac_times_setup f = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 && jac_times_setup <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ -> c_set_jac_times s (jac_times_setup <> None) true; s.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (Some f, jac_times_setup) | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver (* Drop this function? *) let clear_jac_times s = match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ -> c_set_jac_times s false false; s.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (None, None) | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver let set_preconditioner s ?setup solve = match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ | SpilsCallback2 _ -> c_set_preconditioner s (setup <> None); s.ls_precfns <- PrecFns { prec_setup_fn = setup; prec_solve_fn = solve } | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver external set_jac_eval_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_eval_frequency" let set_jac_eval_frequency s maxsteps = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; set_jac_eval_frequency s maxsteps external set_lsetup_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_lsetup_frequency" external set_linear_solution_scaling : ('d, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_linear_solution_scaling" external set_eps_lin : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_eps_lin" let set_eps_lin s epsl = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; set_eps_lin s epsl external set_ls_norm_factor : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_ls_norm_factor" external get_num_lin_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_iters" let get_num_lin_iters s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_iters s external get_num_lin_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_conv_fails" let get_num_lin_conv_fails s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_conv_fails s external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_spils_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_work_space s external get_num_prec_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_prec_evals" let get_num_prec_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_prec_evals s external get_num_prec_solves : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_prec_solves" let get_num_prec_solves s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_prec_solves s external get_num_jtsetup_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jtsetup_evals" let get_num_jtsetup_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_jtsetup_evals s external get_num_jtimes_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jtimes_evals" let get_num_jtimes_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_jtimes_evals s external get_num_lin_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_rhs_evals" let get_num_lin_rhs_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_rhs_evals s module Banded = struct (* {{{ *) (* These fields are accessed from cvode_ml.c *) type bandrange = { mupper : int; mlower : int; } external c_set_preconditioner : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_banded_preconditioner" Note : CVBandPrecInit seems to be designed only to be called on a fresh spils solver ( i.e. right after CVSpgmr , CVSpbcg , or ) . In Sundials 2.5.0 and 2.6.2 , calling CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit - > CVBandPrecInit triggers a memory leak . Calling CVodeReInit does NOT help . The only way to prevent leakage is to allocate a fresh spils instance , thus : CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit - > CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit . If you call CVSpgmr - > - > CVBandPrecInit , nothing serious happens , but the memory associated with CVBandPrecInit wo n't be freed until the spils solver is torn down . If you call BandPrecInit - > SetPreconditioner - > BandPrecInit , you also get a memory leak . ( Perhaps set_preconditioner should be hidden too ? In that case , we should somehow strip set_prec_type of the ability to change PrecNone to anything else . ) set_jac_times_vec_fn , as well as similar functions for Dls solvers , are kept because they accept NULL to remove the callback . This design clearly anticipates being called multiple times on the same solver instance . a fresh spils solver (i.e. right after CVSpgmr, CVSpbcg, or CVSptfqmr). In Sundials 2.5.0 and 2.6.2, calling CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit -> CVBandPrecInit triggers a memory leak. Calling CVodeReInit does NOT help. The only way to prevent leakage is to allocate a fresh spils instance, thus: CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit -> CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit. If you call CVSpgmr -> CVSpilsSetPreconditioner -> CVBandPrecInit, nothing serious happens, but the memory associated with CVBandPrecInit won't be freed until the spils solver is torn down. If you call BandPrecInit -> SetPreconditioner -> BandPrecInit, you also get a memory leak. (Perhaps set_preconditioner should be hidden too? In that case, we should somehow strip set_prec_type of the ability to change PrecNone to anything else.) set_jac_times_vec_fn, as well as similar functions for Dls solvers, are kept because they accept NULL to remove the callback. This design clearly anticipates being called multiple times on the same solver instance. *) let init_preconditioner bandrange session nv = let n = RealArray.length (Nvector.unwrap nv) in c_set_preconditioner session n bandrange.mupper bandrange.mlower; session.ls_precfns <- BandedPrecFns let prec_left bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecLeft, init_preconditioner bandrange) let prec_right bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecRight, init_preconditioner bandrange) let prec_both bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecBoth, init_preconditioner bandrange) external get_work_space : 'k serial_session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_bandprec_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = ls_check_spils_band s; get_work_space s external get_num_rhs_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_bandprec_get_num_rhs_evals" let get_num_rhs_evals s = ls_check_spils_band s; get_num_rhs_evals s end (* }}} *) end (* }}} *) let matrix_embedded_solver ((LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; _ } as hls)) as ls) session _ = if Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; c_set_linear_solver session rawptr None false false; LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls external sv_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_sv_tolerances" external ss_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_ss_tolerances" external wf_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_wf_tolerances" type ('a, 'k) tolerance = | SStolerances of float * float | SVtolerances of float * ('a, 'k) nvector | WFtolerances of 'a error_weight_fun let default_tolerances = SStolerances (1.0e-4, 1.0e-8) let set_tolerances s tol = match tol with | SStolerances (rel, abs) -> (s.errw <- dummy_errw; ss_tolerances s rel abs) | SVtolerances (rel, abs) -> (if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec abs; s.errw <- dummy_errw; sv_tolerances s rel abs) | WFtolerances ferrw -> (s.errw <- ferrw; wf_tolerances s) external c_session_finalize : ('a, 'kind) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_session_finalize" let session_finalize s = Dls.invalidate_callback s; (match s.nls_solver with | None -> () | Some nls -> NLSI.detach nls); (match s.sensext with | FwdSensExt { fnls_solver = NLSI.NLS nls } -> NLSI.detach nls | FwdSensExt { fnls_solver = NLSI.NLS_sens nls } -> NLSI.detach nls | _ -> ()); c_session_finalize s Sundials > = 4.0.0 external c_set_nonlinear_solver : ('d, 'k) session -> ('d, 'k, ('d, 'k) session, [`Nvec]) NLSI.cptr -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nonlinear_solver" external c_init : ('a, 'k) session Weak.t -> lmm -> bool -> ('a, 'k) Nvector.t -> float -> Context.t -> (cvode_mem * c_weak_ref) = "sunml_cvode_init_byte" "sunml_cvode_init" external c_set_proj_fn : ('d, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_fn" external c_set_nls_rhs_fn : ('d, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nls_rhs_fn" let init ?context lmm tol ?(nlsolver : ('data, 'kind, ('data, 'kind) session, [`Nvec]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t option) ?nlsrhsfn ?lsolver f ?(roots=no_roots) ?projfn t0 y0 = let (nroots, roots) = roots in let checkvec = Nvector.check y0 in if Sundials_configuration.safe && nroots < 0 then invalid_arg "number of root functions is negative"; let weakref = Weak.create 1 in let iter = match nlsolver with | None -> true | Some { NLSI.solver = NLSI.NewtonSolver _ } -> true | Some _ -> false in let hasprojfn, projfn = match projfn with | None -> false, dummy_projfn | Some f -> true, f in let ctx = Sundials_impl.Context.get context in let cvode_mem, backref = c_init weakref lmm iter y0 t0 ctx in (* cvode_mem and backref have to be immediately captured in a session and associated with the finalizer before we do anything else. *) let session = { cvode = cvode_mem; backref = backref; nroots = nroots; checkvec = checkvec; context = ctx; exn_temp = None; rhsfn = f; rootsfn = roots; errh = dummy_errh; errw = dummy_errw; error_file = None; projfn = projfn; monitorfn = dummy_monitorfn; ls_solver = LSI.NoHLS; ls_callbacks = NoCallbacks; ls_precfns = NoPrecFns; nls_solver = None; nls_rhsfn = dummy_nlsrhsfn; sensext = NoSensExt; } in Gc.finalise session_finalize session; Weak.set weakref 0 (Some session); Now the session is safe to use . If any of the following fails and raises an exception , the GC will take care of freeing cvode_mem and backref . an exception, the GC will take care of freeing cvode_mem and backref. *) if nroots > 0 then c_root_init session nroots; set_tolerances session tol; (match lsolver, nlsolver with | None, None -> Diag.solver session y0 | None, Some _ -> () | Some linsolv, _ -> linsolv session y0); (match nlsolver with | Some ({ NLSI.rawptr = nlcptr } as nls) when not Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 -> NLSI.attach nls; session.nls_solver <- Some nls; c_set_nonlinear_solver session nlcptr | _ -> ()); (match nlsrhsfn with | None -> () | _ when Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 -> () | Some f -> session.nls_rhsfn <- f; c_set_nls_rhs_fn session); if hasprojfn then c_set_proj_fn session; session let get_num_roots { nroots } = nroots Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_set_functional : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_functional" Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_set_newton : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_newton" external c_reinit : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_reinit" let reinit session ?nlsolver ?nlsrhsfn ?lsolver ?roots ?rhsfn t0 y0 = if Sundials_configuration.safe then session.checkvec y0; Dls.invalidate_callback session; c_reinit session t0 y0; (match lsolver with | None -> () | Some linsolv -> linsolv session y0); (if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then match nlsolver with | None -> () | Some { NLSI.solver = NLSI.FixedPointSolver _ } -> c_set_functional session | Some _ -> c_set_newton session else match nlsolver with | Some ({ NLSI.rawptr = nlcptr } as nls) -> (match session.nls_solver with | None -> () | Some old_nls -> NLSI.detach old_nls); NLSI.attach nls; session.nls_solver <- Some nls; c_set_nonlinear_solver session nlcptr | _ -> ()); (match nlsrhsfn with | None -> () | _ when Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 -> () | Some f -> session.nls_rhsfn <- f; c_set_nls_rhs_fn session); (match roots with | None -> () | Some roots -> root_init session roots); (match rhsfn with None -> () | Some f -> session.rhsfn <- f) external get_root_info : ('a, 'k) session -> Roots.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_root_info" type solver_result = | Success (** CV_SUCCESS *) | RootsFound (** CV_ROOT_RETURN *) * external c_solve_normal : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> float * solver_result = "sunml_cvode_solve_normal" let solve_normal s t y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; c_solve_normal s t y external c_solve_one_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> float * solver_result = "sunml_cvode_solve_one_step" let solve_one_step s t y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; c_solve_one_step s t y external c_get_dky : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> int -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_dky" let get_dky s y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; fun t k -> c_get_dky s t k y external get_integrator_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> integrator_stats = "sunml_cvode_get_integrator_stats" external get_linear_solver_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> linear_solver_stats = "sunml_cvode_get_linear_solver_stats" external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_get_work_space" external get_num_steps : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_steps" external get_num_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_rhs_evals" external get_num_lin_solv_setups : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_solv_setups" external get_num_err_test_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_err_test_fails" external get_last_order : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_last_order" external get_current_order : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_current_order" external get_current_state : ('d, 'k) session -> 'd = "sunml_cvode_get_current_state" must correspond to cvode_nonlin_system_data_index in cvode_ml.h type 'd nonlin_system_data = { tn : float; ypred : 'd; yn : 'd; fn : 'd; gamma : float; rl1 : float; zn1 : 'd; } external get_nonlin_system_data : ('d, 'k) session -> 'd nonlin_system_data = "sunml_cvode_get_nonlin_system_data" external compute_state : ('d, 'k) session -> ('d, 'k) Nvector.t -> ('d, 'k) Nvector.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_compute_state" let compute_state s ycor yn = if Sundials_configuration.safe then (s.checkvec ycor; s.checkvec yn); compute_state s ycor yn external get_current_gamma : ('d, 'k) session -> (float [@unboxed]) = "sunml_cvode_get_current_gamma" "sunml_cvode_get_current_gamma_unboxed" (* Could also be [@@noalloc] if it were not for the version check and possible exception. *) external get_actual_init_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_actual_init_step" external get_last_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_last_step" external get_current_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_current_step" external get_current_time : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_current_time" let print_integrator_stats s oc = let stats = get_integrator_stats s in Printf.fprintf oc "num_steps = %d\n" stats.num_steps; Printf.fprintf oc "num_rhs_evals = %d\n" stats.num_rhs_evals; Printf.fprintf oc "num_lin_solv_setups = %d\n" stats.num_lin_solv_setups; Printf.fprintf oc "num_err_test_fails = %d\n" stats.num_err_test_fails; Printf.fprintf oc "last_order = %d\n" stats.last_order; Printf.fprintf oc "current_order = %d\n" stats.current_order; Printf.fprintf oc "actual_init_step = %e\n" stats.actual_init_step; Printf.fprintf oc "last_step = %e\n" stats.last_step; Printf.fprintf oc "current_step = %e\n" stats.current_step; Printf.fprintf oc "current_time = %e\n" stats.current_time; external c_set_error_file : ('a, 'k) session -> Logfile.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_error_file" let set_error_file s f = s.error_file <- Some f; c_set_error_file s f external set_err_handler_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_err_handler_fn" let set_err_handler_fn s ferrh = s.errh <- ferrh; set_err_handler_fn s external clear_err_handler_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_clear_err_handler_fn" let clear_err_handler_fn s = s.errh <- dummy_errh; clear_err_handler_fn s external c_set_monitor_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_monitor_fn" external c_set_monitor_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_monitor_frequency" let set_monitor_fn s freq monitorfn = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then begin s.monitorfn <- monitorfn; c_set_monitor_fn s true; c_set_monitor_frequency s freq end else raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let set_monitor_frequency s freq = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then c_set_monitor_frequency s freq else raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let clear_monitor_fn s = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then begin c_set_monitor_fn s false; s.monitorfn <- dummy_monitorfn end external set_max_ord : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_ord" external set_max_num_steps : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_num_steps" external set_max_hnil_warns : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_hnil_warns" external set_stab_lim_det : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_stab_lim_det" external set_init_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_init_step" external set_min_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_min_step" external set_max_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_step" external set_stop_time : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_stop_time" external set_max_err_test_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_err_test_fails" external set_max_nonlin_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_nonlin_iters" external set_max_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_conv_fails" external set_nonlin_conv_coef : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nonlin_conv_coef" external c_set_constraints : ('a,'k) session -> ('a,'k) Nvector.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_constraints" external c_clear_constraints : ('a,'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_clear_constraints" let set_constraints s nv = (match Config.sundials_version with | 2,_,_ | 3,1,_ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion | _ -> ()); if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec nv; c_set_constraints s nv let clear_constraints s = (match Config.sundials_version with | 2,_,_ | 3,1,_ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion | _ -> ()); c_clear_constraints s external set_proj_err_est : ('d, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_err_est" external set_proj_frequency : ('d, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_frequency" external set_max_num_proj_fails : ('d, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_num_proj_fails" external set_eps_proj : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_eps_proj" external set_proj_fail_eta : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_fail_eta" external get_num_proj_evals : ('d, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_proj_evals" external get_num_proj_fails : ('d, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_proj_fails" external set_root_direction' : ('a, 'k) session -> RootDirs.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_root_direction" let set_root_direction s rda = set_root_direction' s (RootDirs.copy (get_num_roots s) rda) let set_all_root_directions s rd = set_root_direction' s (RootDirs.make (get_num_roots s) rd) external set_no_inactive_root_warn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_no_inactive_root_warn" external get_num_stab_lim_order_reds : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_stab_lim_order_reds" external get_tol_scale_factor : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_tol_scale_factor" external c_get_err_weights : ('a, 'k) session -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_err_weights" let get_err_weights s ew = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec ew; c_get_err_weights s ew external c_get_est_local_errors : ('a, 'k) session -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_est_local_errors" let get_est_local_errors s ew = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec ew; c_get_est_local_errors s ew external get_num_nonlin_solv_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_nonlin_solv_iters" external get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails" external get_nonlin_solv_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_get_nonlin_solv_stats" external get_num_g_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_g_evals" (* Let C code know about some of the values in this module. *) external c_init_module : exn array -> unit = "sunml_cvode_init_module" let _ = c_init_module (* Exceptions must be listed in the same order as cvode_exn_index. *) [|IllInput; TooClose; TooMuchWork; TooMuchAccuracy; ErrFailure; ConvergenceFailure; LinearInitFailure; LinearSetupFailure None; LinearSolveFailure None; NonlinearSolverFailure; NonlinearInitFailure; NonlinearSetupFailure; RhsFuncFailure; FirstRhsFuncFailure; RepeatedRhsFuncFailure; UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure; RootFuncFailure; ConstraintFailure; BadK; BadT; VectorOpErr; ProjFuncFailure; RepeatedProjFuncError; ProjectionNotEnabled; |]
********************************************************************* OCaml interface to Sundials under a New BSD License, refer to the file LICENSE. ********************************************************************* Solver exceptions get_dky exceptions {{{ }}} {{{ }}} {{{ Drop this function? Drop this function? {{{ These fields are accessed from cvode_ml.c }}} }}} cvode_mem and backref have to be immediately captured in a session and associated with the finalizer before we do anything else. * CV_SUCCESS * CV_ROOT_RETURN Could also be [@@noalloc] if it were not for the version check and possible exception. Let C code know about some of the values in this module. Exceptions must be listed in the same order as cvode_exn_index.
( ) , ( ) , and ( LIENS ) Copyright 2014 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed open Sundials include Cvode_impl * NB : The order of variant constructors and record fields is important ! * If these types are changed or augmented , the corresponding declarations * in cvode_serial.h ( and code in cvode_serial.c ) must also be updated . * NB: The order of variant constructors and record fields is important! * If these types are changed or augmented, the corresponding declarations * in cvode_serial.h (and code in cvode_serial.c) must also be updated. *) exception IllInput exception TooClose exception TooMuchWork exception TooMuchAccuracy exception ErrFailure exception ConvergenceFailure exception LinearInitFailure exception LinearSetupFailure of exn option exception LinearSolveFailure of exn option exception NonlinearSolverFailure exception NonlinearInitFailure exception NonlinearSetupFailure exception RhsFuncFailure exception FirstRhsFuncFailure exception RepeatedRhsFuncFailure exception UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure exception RootFuncFailure exception ConstraintFailure exception BadK exception BadT exception VectorOpErr exception ProjFuncFailure exception RepeatedProjFuncError exception ProjectionNotEnabled let no_roots = (0, dummy_rootsfn) type lmm = | Adams | BDF synchronized with cvode_ml.h : cvode_integrator_stats_index type integrator_stats = { num_steps : int; num_rhs_evals : int; num_lin_solv_setups : int; num_err_test_fails : int; last_order : int; current_order : int; actual_init_step : float; last_step : float; current_step : float; current_time : float } synchronized with cvode_ml.h : cvode_linear_solver_stats_index type linear_solver_stats = { jac_evals : int; lin_rhs_evals : int; lin_iters : int; lin_conv_fails : int; prec_evals : int; prec_solves : int; jtsetup_evals : int; jtimes_evals : int; } external c_root_init : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_root_init" let root_init session (nroots, rootsfn) = c_root_init session nroots; session.rootsfn <- rootsfn 4.0.0 < = Sundials external c_set_linear_solver : ('d, 'k) session -> ('m, 'd, 'k) LSI.cptr -> ('mk, 'm, 'd, 'k) Matrix.t option -> bool -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_linear_solver" external sunml_cvode_diag : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_diag" let solver session _ = sunml_cvode_diag session; session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns; session.ls_callbacks <- DiagNoCallbacks external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_diag_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = ls_check_diag s; get_work_space s external get_num_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_diag_get_num_rhs_evals" let get_num_rhs_evals s = ls_check_diag s; get_num_rhs_evals s include DirectTypes include LinearSolver.Direct Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_dense : 'k serial_session -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_dense" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_lapack_dense : 'k serial_session -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_lapack_dense" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_band : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_band" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_dls_lapack_band : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_lapack_band" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu : 'k serial_session -> 's Matrix.Sparse.sformat -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_init" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_set_ordering : 'k serial_session -> LinearSolver.Direct.Klu.ordering -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_set_ordering" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_reinit : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_klu_reinit" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt : 'k serial_session -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_init" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt_set_ordering : 'k serial_session -> LinearSolver.Direct.Superlumt.ordering -> unit = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_set_ordering" Sundials < 3.0.0 let klu_set_ordering session ordering = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_set_ordering session ordering | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let klu_reinit session n onnz = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_reinit session n (match onnz with None -> 0 | Some nnz -> nnz) | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let superlumt_set_ordering session ordering = match session.ls_callbacks with | SlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallbackSens _ -> c_superlumt_set_ordering session ordering | _ -> () Sundials < 3.0.0 let make_compat (type s) (type tag) hasjac (solver_data : (s, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) (mat : ('k, s, 'nd, 'nk) Matrix.t) session = match solver_data with | LSI.Dense -> let m, n = Matrix.(Dense.size (unwrap mat)) in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; c_dls_dense session m hasjac | LSI.LapackDense -> let m, n = Matrix.(Dense.size (unwrap mat)) in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; c_dls_lapack_dense session m hasjac | LSI.Band -> let open Matrix.Band in let { n; mu; ml } = dims (Matrix.unwrap mat) in c_dls_band session n mu ml hasjac | LSI.LapackBand -> let open Matrix.Band in let { n; mu; ml } = dims (Matrix.unwrap mat) in c_dls_lapack_band session n mu ml hasjac | LSI.Klu sinfo -> if not Config.klu_enabled then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; let smat = Matrix.unwrap mat in let m, n = Matrix.Sparse.size smat in let nnz, _ = Matrix.Sparse.dims smat in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; let open LSI.Klu in sinfo.set_ordering <- klu_set_ordering session; sinfo.reinit <- klu_reinit session; c_klu session (Matrix.Sparse.sformat smat) m nnz; (match sinfo.ordering with None -> () | Some o -> c_klu_set_ordering session o) | LSI.Superlumt sinfo -> if not Config.superlumt_enabled then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; let smat = Matrix.unwrap mat in let m, n = Matrix.Sparse.size smat in let nnz, _ = Matrix.Sparse.dims smat in if m <> n then raise LinearSolver.MatrixNotSquare; let open LSI.Superlumt in sinfo.set_ordering <- superlumt_set_ordering session; c_superlumt session m nnz sinfo.num_threads; (match sinfo.ordering with None -> () | Some o -> c_superlumt_set_ordering session o) | _ -> assert false let check_dqjac (type k m nd nk) jac (mat : (k,m,nd,nk) Matrix.t) = let open Matrix in match get_id mat with | Dense -> () | Band -> () | _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "A Jacobian function is required" let set_ls_callbacks (type m) (type tag) ?jac ?(linsys : m linsys_fn option) (solver_data : (m, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) (mat : ('mk, m, 'nd, 'nk) Matrix.t) session = let cb = { jacfn = (match jac with None -> no_callback | Some f -> f); jmat = (None : m option) } in let ls = match linsys with None -> DirectTypes.no_linsysfn | Some f -> f in begin match solver_data with | LSI.Dense -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsDenseCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.LapackDense -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsDenseCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Band -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsBandCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.LapackBand -> session.ls_callbacks <- DlsBandCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Klu _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "Klu requires Jacobian function"; session.ls_callbacks <- SlsKluCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Superlumt _ -> if jac = None then invalid_arg "Superlumt requires Jacobian function"; session.ls_callbacks <- SlsSuperlumtCallback (cb, ls) | LSI.Custom _ -> check_dqjac jac mat; session.ls_callbacks <- DirectCustomCallback (cb, ls) | _ -> assert false end; session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns 3.0.0 < = Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_dls_set_linear_solver : 'k serial_session -> ('m, Nvector_serial.data, 'k) LSI.cptr -> ('mk, 'm, Nvector_serial.data, 'k) Matrix.t -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_dls_set_linear_solver" let assert_matrix = function | Some m -> m | None -> failwith "a direct linear solver is required" let solver ?jac ?linsys ls session _ = let LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; LSI.solver; LSI.matrix } as hls) = ls in let matrix = assert_matrix matrix in if Sundials_impl.Version.lt500 && linsys <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; set_ls_callbacks ?jac ?linsys solver matrix session; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then make_compat (jac <> None) solver matrix session else if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then c_dls_set_linear_solver session rawptr matrix (jac <> None) else c_set_linear_solver session rawptr (Some matrix) (jac <> None) (linsys <> None); LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls Sundials < 3.0.0 let invalidate_callback session = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then match session.ls_callbacks with | DlsDenseCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Dense.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | DlsBandCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Band.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | SlsKluCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Sparse.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | SlsSuperlumtCallback ({ jmat = Some d } as cb, _) -> Matrix.Sparse.invalidate d; cb.jmat <- None | _ -> () external get_work_space : 'k serial_session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_dls_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; get_work_space s external c_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jac_evals" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_klu_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_klu_get_num_jac_evals" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals" let compat_get_num_jac_evals s = match s.ls_callbacks with | SlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallback _ | BSlsKluCallbackSens _ -> c_klu_get_num_jac_evals s | SlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallback _ | BSlsSuperlumtCallbackSens _ -> c_superlumt_get_num_jac_evals s | _ -> c_get_num_jac_evals s let get_num_jac_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then compat_get_num_jac_evals s else c_get_num_jac_evals s external c_get_num_lin_rhs_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_dls_get_num_lin_rhs_evals" let get_num_lin_rhs_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_direct s; c_get_num_lin_rhs_evals s include SpilsTypes include LinearSolver.Iterative Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_spgmr : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_spgmr" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_spbcgs : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_spbcgs" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_sptfqmr : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_sptfqmr" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_gs_type : ('a, 'k) session -> LinearSolver.Iterative.gramschmidt_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_gs_type" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_maxl : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_maxl" Sundials < 3.0.0 external c_set_prec_type : ('a, 'k) session -> LinearSolver.Iterative.preconditioning_type -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_prec_type" let old_set_maxl s maxl = ls_check_spils s; c_set_maxl s maxl let old_set_prec_type s t = ls_check_spils s; c_set_prec_type s t let old_set_gs_type s t = ls_check_spils s; c_set_gs_type s t external c_set_jac_times : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_times" external c_set_jac_times_rhsfn : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_times_rhsfn" external c_set_preconditioner : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_preconditioner" Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_spils_set_linear_solver : ('a, 'k) session -> ('m, 'a, 'k) LSI.cptr -> unit = "sunml_cvode_spils_set_linear_solver" let init_preconditioner solve setup session _ = c_set_preconditioner session (setup <> None); session.ls_precfns <- PrecFns { prec_solve_fn = solve; prec_setup_fn = setup } let prec_none = LSI.Iterative.(PrecNone, fun session _ -> session.ls_precfns <- NoPrecFns) let prec_left ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecLeft, init_preconditioner solve setup) let prec_right ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecRight, init_preconditioner solve setup) let prec_both ?setup solve = LSI.Iterative.(PrecBoth, init_preconditioner solve setup) Sundials < 3.0.0 let make_compat (type tag) compat prec_type (solver_data : ('s, 'nd, 'nk, tag) LSI.solver_data) session = let { LSI.Iterative.maxl; LSI.Iterative.gs_type } = compat in match solver_data with | LSI.Spgmr -> c_spgmr session maxl prec_type; (match gs_type with None -> () | Some t -> c_set_gs_type session t); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_gs_type <- old_set_gs_type session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | LSI.Spbcgs -> c_spbcgs session maxl prec_type; LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_maxl <- old_set_maxl session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | LSI.Sptfqmr -> c_sptfqmr session maxl prec_type; LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_maxl <- old_set_maxl session); LSI.Iterative.(compat.set_prec_type <- old_set_prec_type session) | _ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let solver (LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; LSI.solver; LSI.compat } as hls) as ls) ?jac_times_vec ?jac_times_rhs (prec_type, set_prec) session nv = let jac_times_setup, jac_times_vec = match jac_times_vec with | None -> None, None | Some _ when jac_times_rhs <> None -> invalid_arg "cannot pass both jac_times_vec and jac_times_rhs" | Some (ojts, jtv) -> ojts, Some jtv in if Sundials_impl.Version.lt530 && jac_times_rhs <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 then begin if jac_times_setup <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; make_compat compat prec_type solver session; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls; set_prec session nv; session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (jac_times_vec, None); if jac_times_vec <> None then c_set_jac_times session true false end else if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then c_spils_set_linear_solver session rawptr else c_set_linear_solver session rawptr None false false; LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls; LSI.(impl_set_prec_type rawptr solver prec_type false); set_prec session nv; match jac_times_rhs with | Some jtrhsfn -> begin session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback2 jtrhsfn; c_set_jac_times_rhsfn session true end | None -> begin session.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (jac_times_vec, jac_times_setup); if jac_times_setup <> None || jac_times_vec <> None then c_set_jac_times session (jac_times_setup <> None) (jac_times_vec <> None) end let set_jac_times s ?jac_times_setup f = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2 && jac_times_setup <> None then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ -> c_set_jac_times s (jac_times_setup <> None) true; s.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (Some f, jac_times_setup) | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver let clear_jac_times s = match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ -> c_set_jac_times s false false; s.ls_callbacks <- SpilsCallback1 (None, None) | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver let set_preconditioner s ?setup solve = match s.ls_callbacks with | SpilsCallback1 _ | SpilsCallback2 _ -> c_set_preconditioner s (setup <> None); s.ls_precfns <- PrecFns { prec_setup_fn = setup; prec_solve_fn = solve } | _ -> raise LinearSolver.InvalidLinearSolver external set_jac_eval_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_jac_eval_frequency" let set_jac_eval_frequency s maxsteps = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; set_jac_eval_frequency s maxsteps external set_lsetup_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_lsetup_frequency" external set_linear_solution_scaling : ('d, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_linear_solution_scaling" external set_eps_lin : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_eps_lin" let set_eps_lin s epsl = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; set_eps_lin s epsl external set_ls_norm_factor : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_ls_norm_factor" external get_num_lin_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_iters" let get_num_lin_iters s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_iters s external get_num_lin_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_conv_fails" let get_num_lin_conv_fails s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_conv_fails s external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_spils_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_work_space s external get_num_prec_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_prec_evals" let get_num_prec_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_prec_evals s external get_num_prec_solves : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_prec_solves" let get_num_prec_solves s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_prec_solves s external get_num_jtsetup_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jtsetup_evals" let get_num_jtsetup_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_jtsetup_evals s external get_num_jtimes_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_jtimes_evals" let get_num_jtimes_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_jtimes_evals s external get_num_lin_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_rhs_evals" let get_num_lin_rhs_evals s = if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then ls_check_spils s; get_num_lin_rhs_evals s type bandrange = { mupper : int; mlower : int; } external c_set_preconditioner : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_banded_preconditioner" Note : CVBandPrecInit seems to be designed only to be called on a fresh spils solver ( i.e. right after CVSpgmr , CVSpbcg , or ) . In Sundials 2.5.0 and 2.6.2 , calling CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit - > CVBandPrecInit triggers a memory leak . Calling CVodeReInit does NOT help . The only way to prevent leakage is to allocate a fresh spils instance , thus : CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit - > CVSpgmr - > CVBandPrecInit . If you call CVSpgmr - > - > CVBandPrecInit , nothing serious happens , but the memory associated with CVBandPrecInit wo n't be freed until the spils solver is torn down . If you call BandPrecInit - > SetPreconditioner - > BandPrecInit , you also get a memory leak . ( Perhaps set_preconditioner should be hidden too ? In that case , we should somehow strip set_prec_type of the ability to change PrecNone to anything else . ) set_jac_times_vec_fn , as well as similar functions for Dls solvers , are kept because they accept NULL to remove the callback . This design clearly anticipates being called multiple times on the same solver instance . a fresh spils solver (i.e. right after CVSpgmr, CVSpbcg, or CVSptfqmr). In Sundials 2.5.0 and 2.6.2, calling CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit -> CVBandPrecInit triggers a memory leak. Calling CVodeReInit does NOT help. The only way to prevent leakage is to allocate a fresh spils instance, thus: CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit -> CVSpgmr -> CVBandPrecInit. If you call CVSpgmr -> CVSpilsSetPreconditioner -> CVBandPrecInit, nothing serious happens, but the memory associated with CVBandPrecInit won't be freed until the spils solver is torn down. If you call BandPrecInit -> SetPreconditioner -> BandPrecInit, you also get a memory leak. (Perhaps set_preconditioner should be hidden too? In that case, we should somehow strip set_prec_type of the ability to change PrecNone to anything else.) set_jac_times_vec_fn, as well as similar functions for Dls solvers, are kept because they accept NULL to remove the callback. This design clearly anticipates being called multiple times on the same solver instance. *) let init_preconditioner bandrange session nv = let n = RealArray.length (Nvector.unwrap nv) in c_set_preconditioner session n bandrange.mupper bandrange.mlower; session.ls_precfns <- BandedPrecFns let prec_left bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecLeft, init_preconditioner bandrange) let prec_right bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecRight, init_preconditioner bandrange) let prec_both bandrange = LSI.Iterative.(PrecBoth, init_preconditioner bandrange) external get_work_space : 'k serial_session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_bandprec_get_work_space" let get_work_space s = ls_check_spils_band s; get_work_space s external get_num_rhs_evals : 'k serial_session -> int = "sunml_cvode_bandprec_get_num_rhs_evals" let get_num_rhs_evals s = ls_check_spils_band s; get_num_rhs_evals s let matrix_embedded_solver ((LSI.LS ({ LSI.rawptr; _ } as hls)) as ls) session _ = if Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 then raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion; c_set_linear_solver session rawptr None false false; LSI.attach ls; session.ls_solver <- LSI.HLS hls external sv_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_sv_tolerances" external ss_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_ss_tolerances" external wf_tolerances : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_wf_tolerances" type ('a, 'k) tolerance = | SStolerances of float * float | SVtolerances of float * ('a, 'k) nvector | WFtolerances of 'a error_weight_fun let default_tolerances = SStolerances (1.0e-4, 1.0e-8) let set_tolerances s tol = match tol with | SStolerances (rel, abs) -> (s.errw <- dummy_errw; ss_tolerances s rel abs) | SVtolerances (rel, abs) -> (if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec abs; s.errw <- dummy_errw; sv_tolerances s rel abs) | WFtolerances ferrw -> (s.errw <- ferrw; wf_tolerances s) external c_session_finalize : ('a, 'kind) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_session_finalize" let session_finalize s = Dls.invalidate_callback s; (match s.nls_solver with | None -> () | Some nls -> NLSI.detach nls); (match s.sensext with | FwdSensExt { fnls_solver = NLSI.NLS nls } -> NLSI.detach nls | FwdSensExt { fnls_solver = NLSI.NLS_sens nls } -> NLSI.detach nls | _ -> ()); c_session_finalize s Sundials > = 4.0.0 external c_set_nonlinear_solver : ('d, 'k) session -> ('d, 'k, ('d, 'k) session, [`Nvec]) NLSI.cptr -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nonlinear_solver" external c_init : ('a, 'k) session Weak.t -> lmm -> bool -> ('a, 'k) Nvector.t -> float -> Context.t -> (cvode_mem * c_weak_ref) = "sunml_cvode_init_byte" "sunml_cvode_init" external c_set_proj_fn : ('d, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_fn" external c_set_nls_rhs_fn : ('d, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nls_rhs_fn" let init ?context lmm tol ?(nlsolver : ('data, 'kind, ('data, 'kind) session, [`Nvec]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t option) ?nlsrhsfn ?lsolver f ?(roots=no_roots) ?projfn t0 y0 = let (nroots, roots) = roots in let checkvec = Nvector.check y0 in if Sundials_configuration.safe && nroots < 0 then invalid_arg "number of root functions is negative"; let weakref = Weak.create 1 in let iter = match nlsolver with | None -> true | Some { NLSI.solver = NLSI.NewtonSolver _ } -> true | Some _ -> false in let hasprojfn, projfn = match projfn with | None -> false, dummy_projfn | Some f -> true, f in let ctx = Sundials_impl.Context.get context in let cvode_mem, backref = c_init weakref lmm iter y0 t0 ctx in let session = { cvode = cvode_mem; backref = backref; nroots = nroots; checkvec = checkvec; context = ctx; exn_temp = None; rhsfn = f; rootsfn = roots; errh = dummy_errh; errw = dummy_errw; error_file = None; projfn = projfn; monitorfn = dummy_monitorfn; ls_solver = LSI.NoHLS; ls_callbacks = NoCallbacks; ls_precfns = NoPrecFns; nls_solver = None; nls_rhsfn = dummy_nlsrhsfn; sensext = NoSensExt; } in Gc.finalise session_finalize session; Weak.set weakref 0 (Some session); Now the session is safe to use . If any of the following fails and raises an exception , the GC will take care of freeing cvode_mem and backref . an exception, the GC will take care of freeing cvode_mem and backref. *) if nroots > 0 then c_root_init session nroots; set_tolerances session tol; (match lsolver, nlsolver with | None, None -> Diag.solver session y0 | None, Some _ -> () | Some linsolv, _ -> linsolv session y0); (match nlsolver with | Some ({ NLSI.rawptr = nlcptr } as nls) when not Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 -> NLSI.attach nls; session.nls_solver <- Some nls; c_set_nonlinear_solver session nlcptr | _ -> ()); (match nlsrhsfn with | None -> () | _ when Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 -> () | Some f -> session.nls_rhsfn <- f; c_set_nls_rhs_fn session); if hasprojfn then c_set_proj_fn session; session let get_num_roots { nroots } = nroots Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_set_functional : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_functional" Sundials < 4.0.0 external c_set_newton : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_newton" external c_reinit : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_reinit" let reinit session ?nlsolver ?nlsrhsfn ?lsolver ?roots ?rhsfn t0 y0 = if Sundials_configuration.safe then session.checkvec y0; Dls.invalidate_callback session; c_reinit session t0 y0; (match lsolver with | None -> () | Some linsolv -> linsolv session y0); (if Sundials_impl.Version.in_compat_mode2_3 then match nlsolver with | None -> () | Some { NLSI.solver = NLSI.FixedPointSolver _ } -> c_set_functional session | Some _ -> c_set_newton session else match nlsolver with | Some ({ NLSI.rawptr = nlcptr } as nls) -> (match session.nls_solver with | None -> () | Some old_nls -> NLSI.detach old_nls); NLSI.attach nls; session.nls_solver <- Some nls; c_set_nonlinear_solver session nlcptr | _ -> ()); (match nlsrhsfn with | None -> () | _ when Sundials_impl.Version.lt580 -> () | Some f -> session.nls_rhsfn <- f; c_set_nls_rhs_fn session); (match roots with | None -> () | Some roots -> root_init session roots); (match rhsfn with None -> () | Some f -> session.rhsfn <- f) external get_root_info : ('a, 'k) session -> Roots.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_root_info" type solver_result = * external c_solve_normal : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> float * solver_result = "sunml_cvode_solve_normal" let solve_normal s t y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; c_solve_normal s t y external c_solve_one_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> float * solver_result = "sunml_cvode_solve_one_step" let solve_one_step s t y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; c_solve_one_step s t y external c_get_dky : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> int -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_dky" let get_dky s y = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec y; fun t k -> c_get_dky s t k y external get_integrator_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> integrator_stats = "sunml_cvode_get_integrator_stats" external get_linear_solver_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> linear_solver_stats = "sunml_cvode_get_linear_solver_stats" external get_work_space : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_get_work_space" external get_num_steps : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_steps" external get_num_rhs_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_rhs_evals" external get_num_lin_solv_setups : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_lin_solv_setups" external get_num_err_test_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_err_test_fails" external get_last_order : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_last_order" external get_current_order : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_current_order" external get_current_state : ('d, 'k) session -> 'd = "sunml_cvode_get_current_state" must correspond to cvode_nonlin_system_data_index in cvode_ml.h type 'd nonlin_system_data = { tn : float; ypred : 'd; yn : 'd; fn : 'd; gamma : float; rl1 : float; zn1 : 'd; } external get_nonlin_system_data : ('d, 'k) session -> 'd nonlin_system_data = "sunml_cvode_get_nonlin_system_data" external compute_state : ('d, 'k) session -> ('d, 'k) Nvector.t -> ('d, 'k) Nvector.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_compute_state" let compute_state s ycor yn = if Sundials_configuration.safe then (s.checkvec ycor; s.checkvec yn); compute_state s ycor yn external get_current_gamma : ('d, 'k) session -> (float [@unboxed]) = "sunml_cvode_get_current_gamma" "sunml_cvode_get_current_gamma_unboxed" external get_actual_init_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_actual_init_step" external get_last_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_last_step" external get_current_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_current_step" external get_current_time : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_current_time" let print_integrator_stats s oc = let stats = get_integrator_stats s in Printf.fprintf oc "num_steps = %d\n" stats.num_steps; Printf.fprintf oc "num_rhs_evals = %d\n" stats.num_rhs_evals; Printf.fprintf oc "num_lin_solv_setups = %d\n" stats.num_lin_solv_setups; Printf.fprintf oc "num_err_test_fails = %d\n" stats.num_err_test_fails; Printf.fprintf oc "last_order = %d\n" stats.last_order; Printf.fprintf oc "current_order = %d\n" stats.current_order; Printf.fprintf oc "actual_init_step = %e\n" stats.actual_init_step; Printf.fprintf oc "last_step = %e\n" stats.last_step; Printf.fprintf oc "current_step = %e\n" stats.current_step; Printf.fprintf oc "current_time = %e\n" stats.current_time; external c_set_error_file : ('a, 'k) session -> Logfile.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_error_file" let set_error_file s f = s.error_file <- Some f; c_set_error_file s f external set_err_handler_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_err_handler_fn" let set_err_handler_fn s ferrh = s.errh <- ferrh; set_err_handler_fn s external clear_err_handler_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_clear_err_handler_fn" let clear_err_handler_fn s = s.errh <- dummy_errh; clear_err_handler_fn s external c_set_monitor_fn : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_monitor_fn" external c_set_monitor_frequency : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_monitor_frequency" let set_monitor_fn s freq monitorfn = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then begin s.monitorfn <- monitorfn; c_set_monitor_fn s true; c_set_monitor_frequency s freq end else raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let set_monitor_frequency s freq = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then c_set_monitor_frequency s freq else raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion let clear_monitor_fn s = if Sundials_configuration.monitoring_enabled then begin c_set_monitor_fn s false; s.monitorfn <- dummy_monitorfn end external set_max_ord : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_ord" external set_max_num_steps : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_num_steps" external set_max_hnil_warns : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_hnil_warns" external set_stab_lim_det : ('a, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_stab_lim_det" external set_init_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_init_step" external set_min_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_min_step" external set_max_step : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_step" external set_stop_time : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_stop_time" external set_max_err_test_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_err_test_fails" external set_max_nonlin_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_nonlin_iters" external set_max_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_conv_fails" external set_nonlin_conv_coef : ('a, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_nonlin_conv_coef" external c_set_constraints : ('a,'k) session -> ('a,'k) Nvector.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_constraints" external c_clear_constraints : ('a,'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_clear_constraints" let set_constraints s nv = (match Config.sundials_version with | 2,_,_ | 3,1,_ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion | _ -> ()); if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec nv; c_set_constraints s nv let clear_constraints s = (match Config.sundials_version with | 2,_,_ | 3,1,_ -> raise Config.NotImplementedBySundialsVersion | _ -> ()); c_clear_constraints s external set_proj_err_est : ('d, 'k) session -> bool -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_err_est" external set_proj_frequency : ('d, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_frequency" external set_max_num_proj_fails : ('d, 'k) session -> int -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_max_num_proj_fails" external set_eps_proj : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_eps_proj" external set_proj_fail_eta : ('d, 'k) session -> float -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_proj_fail_eta" external get_num_proj_evals : ('d, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_proj_evals" external get_num_proj_fails : ('d, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_proj_fails" external set_root_direction' : ('a, 'k) session -> RootDirs.t -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_root_direction" let set_root_direction s rda = set_root_direction' s (RootDirs.copy (get_num_roots s) rda) let set_all_root_directions s rd = set_root_direction' s (RootDirs.make (get_num_roots s) rd) external set_no_inactive_root_warn : ('a, 'k) session -> unit = "sunml_cvode_set_no_inactive_root_warn" external get_num_stab_lim_order_reds : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_stab_lim_order_reds" external get_tol_scale_factor : ('a, 'k) session -> float = "sunml_cvode_get_tol_scale_factor" external c_get_err_weights : ('a, 'k) session -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_err_weights" let get_err_weights s ew = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec ew; c_get_err_weights s ew external c_get_est_local_errors : ('a, 'k) session -> ('a, 'k) nvector -> unit = "sunml_cvode_get_est_local_errors" let get_est_local_errors s ew = if Sundials_configuration.safe then s.checkvec ew; c_get_est_local_errors s ew external get_num_nonlin_solv_iters : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_nonlin_solv_iters" external get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails" external get_nonlin_solv_stats : ('a, 'k) session -> int * int = "sunml_cvode_get_nonlin_solv_stats" external get_num_g_evals : ('a, 'k) session -> int = "sunml_cvode_get_num_g_evals" external c_init_module : exn array -> unit = "sunml_cvode_init_module" let _ = c_init_module [|IllInput; TooClose; TooMuchWork; TooMuchAccuracy; ErrFailure; ConvergenceFailure; LinearInitFailure; LinearSetupFailure None; LinearSolveFailure None; NonlinearSolverFailure; NonlinearInitFailure; NonlinearSetupFailure; RhsFuncFailure; FirstRhsFuncFailure; RepeatedRhsFuncFailure; UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure; RootFuncFailure; ConstraintFailure; BadK; BadT; VectorOpErr; ProjFuncFailure; RepeatedProjFuncError; ProjectionNotEnabled; |]
-*- Mode : LISP ; Package : SYSTEM - INTERNALS ; Base:8 ; : T -*- A hardware bug causes this to lose if > 1 page ( Fixed by DC ECO#1 ) ;Returns T if they match and NIL if they don't (DEFUN DISK-READ-COMPARE (RQB UNIT ADDRESS &OPTIONAL (MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY LET-MICROCODE-HANDLE-DISK-ERRORS) do-not-offset) "Compare data from disk UNIT at block ADDRESS with the data in RQB. The length of data compared is simply the number of pages of data in RQB. UNIT can be either a disk unit number or a function to perform the transfer. That is how transfers to other machines' disks are done. The function receives arguments ':READ-COMPARE, the RQB, and the ADDRESS." (lambda-or-cadr-only) (COND ((NUMBERP UNIT) (WIRE-DISK-RQB RQB) (DISK-READ-COMPARE-WIRED RQB UNIT ADDRESS MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY do-not-offset) (UNWIRE-DISK-RQB RQB) (ZEROP (LDB %%DISK-STATUS-HIGH-READ-COMPARE-DIFFERENCE (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-HIGH)))) ((SEND UNIT (if do-not-offset ':read-compare-physical ':READ-COMPARE) RQB ADDRESS)))) ;;; Get STATUS of a unit by doing OFFSET-CLEAR (nebbish command) to it ;;; Leaves the status in the rqb (DEFUN GET-DISK-STATUS (RQB UNIT) (select-processor (:cadr (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT 0 1 1 %DISK-COMMAND-OFFSET-CLEAR "Offset Clear" T)) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) ;;; Power up a drive, return T if successful, NIL if timed out (DEFUN POWER-UP-DISK (UNIT &AUX RQB) "Attempt to turn on disk unit UNIT. Return T if successful." (select-processor (:cadr (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (SETQ RQB (GET-DISK-RQB)) (DO ((START-TIME (TIME))) ((OR (> (TIME-DIFFERENCE (TIME) START-TIME) (* 30. 60.)) (NOT (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-LOW-OFF-CYLINDER (PROGN (GET-DISK-STATUS RQB UNIT) (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-LOW))))) (NOT (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-LOW-OFF-CYLINDER (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-LOW)))) (PROCESS-SLEEP 60.))) (RETURN-DISK-RQB RQB))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) (DEFUN CLEAR-DISK-FAULT (UNIT &AUX RQB) "Clear any error indicators on disk drive UNIT." (select-processor (:cadr (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (SETQ RQB (GET-DISK-RQB)) (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT 0 1 1 %DISK-COMMAND-FAULT-CLEAR "Fault Clear" T)) (RETURN-DISK-RQB RQB))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) ;;; A debugging function (DEFUN PRINT-RQB (RQB) (DO ((I 0 (1+ I)) (L DISK-RQ-HWDS (CDR L))) ((NULL (CDR L)) (PRINT (CAR L)) ;CCW list (DO ((I I (+ I 2))) (()) (FORMAT T " ~O" (DPB (AREF RQB (1+ I)) #o2020 (AREF RQB I))) (OR (BIT-TEST 1 (AREF RQB I)) (RETURN NIL))) (TERPRI)) (FORMAT T "~%~S ~O" (CAR L) (AREF RQB I)))) A hardware bug causes this to lose if > 1 page ( Fixed by DC ECO#1 ) ;;; Returns T if read-compare difference detected (DEFUN DISK-READ-COMPARE-WIRED (RQB UNIT ADDRESS &OPTIONAL (MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY LET-MICROCODE-HANDLE-DISK-ERRORS) do-not-offset &AUX (SECTORS-PER-TRACK (AREF DISK-SECTORS-PER-TRACK-ARRAY UNIT)) (HEADS-PER-CYLINDER (AREF DISK-HEADS-PER-CYLINDER-ARRAY UNIT))) (select-processor (:cadr (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT ADDRESS SECTORS-PER-TRACK HEADS-PER-CYLINDER (LOGIOR %DISK-COMMAND-READ-COMPARE (IF MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY %DISK-COMMAND-DONE-INTERRUPT-ENABLE 0)) "read-compare" nil do-not-offset) (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-HIGH-READ-COMPARE-DIFFERENCE (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-HIGH))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "can't do read-compare on this processor"))))
Package : SYSTEM - INTERNALS ; Base:8 ; : T -*- Returns T if they match and NIL if they don't Get STATUS of a unit by doing OFFSET-CLEAR (nebbish command) to it Leaves the status in the rqb Power up a drive, return T if successful, NIL if timed out A debugging function CCW list Returns T if read-compare difference detected
A hardware bug causes this to lose if > 1 page ( Fixed by DC ECO#1 ) (DEFUN DISK-READ-COMPARE (RQB UNIT ADDRESS &OPTIONAL (MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY LET-MICROCODE-HANDLE-DISK-ERRORS) do-not-offset) "Compare data from disk UNIT at block ADDRESS with the data in RQB. The length of data compared is simply the number of pages of data in RQB. UNIT can be either a disk unit number or a function to perform the transfer. That is how transfers to other machines' disks are done. The function receives arguments ':READ-COMPARE, the RQB, and the ADDRESS." (lambda-or-cadr-only) (COND ((NUMBERP UNIT) (WIRE-DISK-RQB RQB) (DISK-READ-COMPARE-WIRED RQB UNIT ADDRESS MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY do-not-offset) (UNWIRE-DISK-RQB RQB) (ZEROP (LDB %%DISK-STATUS-HIGH-READ-COMPARE-DIFFERENCE (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-HIGH)))) ((SEND UNIT (if do-not-offset ':read-compare-physical ':READ-COMPARE) RQB ADDRESS)))) (DEFUN GET-DISK-STATUS (RQB UNIT) (select-processor (:cadr (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT 0 1 1 %DISK-COMMAND-OFFSET-CLEAR "Offset Clear" T)) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) (DEFUN POWER-UP-DISK (UNIT &AUX RQB) "Attempt to turn on disk unit UNIT. Return T if successful." (select-processor (:cadr (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (SETQ RQB (GET-DISK-RQB)) (DO ((START-TIME (TIME))) ((OR (> (TIME-DIFFERENCE (TIME) START-TIME) (* 30. 60.)) (NOT (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-LOW-OFF-CYLINDER (PROGN (GET-DISK-STATUS RQB UNIT) (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-LOW))))) (NOT (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-LOW-OFF-CYLINDER (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-LOW)))) (PROCESS-SLEEP 60.))) (RETURN-DISK-RQB RQB))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) (DEFUN CLEAR-DISK-FAULT (UNIT &AUX RQB) "Clear any error indicators on disk drive UNIT." (select-processor (:cadr (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (SETQ RQB (GET-DISK-RQB)) (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT 0 1 1 %DISK-COMMAND-FAULT-CLEAR "Fault Clear" T)) (RETURN-DISK-RQB RQB))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "obsolete")))) (DEFUN PRINT-RQB (RQB) (DO ((I 0 (1+ I)) (L DISK-RQ-HWDS (CDR L))) ((NULL (CDR L)) (DO ((I I (+ I 2))) (()) (FORMAT T " ~O" (DPB (AREF RQB (1+ I)) #o2020 (AREF RQB I))) (OR (BIT-TEST 1 (AREF RQB I)) (RETURN NIL))) (TERPRI)) (FORMAT T "~%~S ~O" (CAR L) (AREF RQB I)))) A hardware bug causes this to lose if > 1 page ( Fixed by DC ECO#1 ) (DEFUN DISK-READ-COMPARE-WIRED (RQB UNIT ADDRESS &OPTIONAL (MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY LET-MICROCODE-HANDLE-DISK-ERRORS) do-not-offset &AUX (SECTORS-PER-TRACK (AREF DISK-SECTORS-PER-TRACK-ARRAY UNIT)) (HEADS-PER-CYLINDER (AREF DISK-HEADS-PER-CYLINDER-ARRAY UNIT))) (select-processor (:cadr (DISK-RUN RQB UNIT ADDRESS SECTORS-PER-TRACK HEADS-PER-CYLINDER (LOGIOR %DISK-COMMAND-READ-COMPARE (IF MICROCODE-ERROR-RECOVERY %DISK-COMMAND-DONE-INTERRUPT-ENABLE 0)) "read-compare" nil do-not-offset) (LDB-TEST %%DISK-STATUS-HIGH-READ-COMPARE-DIFFERENCE (AREF RQB %DISK-RQ-STATUS-HIGH))) ((:lambda :explorer) (ferror nil "can't do read-compare on this processor"))))
#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/promise racket/string ffi/unsafe ffi/unsafe/define ffi/unsafe/alloc ffi/cvector (prefix-in draw: racket/draw/private/gl-context) racket/draw/private/gl-config "../../lock.rkt" "types.rkt" "utils.rkt" "window.rkt" "x11.rkt") (provide (protect-out prepare-widget-gl-context create-widget-gl-context create-and-install-gl-context get-gdk-pixmap install-gl-context)) (define (ffi-lib/complaint-on-failure name vers) (ffi-lib name vers #:fail (lambda () (log-warning "could not load library ~a ~a" name vers) #f))) ;; =================================================================================================== ;; X11/GLX FFI (define gl-lib (ffi-lib/complaint-on-failure "libGL" '("1" ""))) (define-ffi-definer define-glx gl-lib #:default-make-fail make-not-available) ;; X #defines/typedefs/enums (define _Display (_cpointer 'Display)) (define _XErrorEvent (_cpointer 'XErrorEvent)) (define _XID _ulong) (define True 1) (define False 0) (define None 0) (define Success 0) ;; GLX #defines/typedefs/enums (define _GLXFBConfig (_cpointer 'GLXFBConfig)) (define _GLXContext (_cpointer/null 'GLXContext)) (define _XVisualInfo (_cpointer 'XVisualInfo)) Attribute tokens for glXGetConfig variants ( all GLX versions ): (define GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER 5) (define GLX_STEREO 6) (define GLX_DEPTH_SIZE 12) (define GLX_STENCIL_SIZE 13) (define GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE 14) (define GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE 15) (define GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE 16) (define GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE 17) GLX 1.3 and later : (define GLX_X_RENDERABLE #x8012) (define GLX_RGBA_TYPE #x8014) GLX 1.4 and later : (define GLX_SAMPLES #x186a1) (define GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS #x186a0) Attribute tokens for glXCreateContextAttribsARB ( also GLX 1.4 and later ): (define GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB #x2091) (define GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB #x2092) (define GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB #x2094) (define GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB #x9126) ;; GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB bits (define GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB #x1) (define GLX_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB #x2) GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB bits (define GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB #x1) (define GLX_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB #x2) (define-x11 XFree (_fun _pointer -> _int) #:wrap (deallocator)) (define-x11 XSetErrorHandler (_fun _fpointer -> _fpointer)) (define-x11 XSync (_fun _Display _int -> _void)) (define-glx glXQueryVersion (_fun _Display (major : (_ptr o _int)) (minor : (_ptr o _int)) -> (ret : _bool) -> (values ret major minor))) (define-glx glXQueryExtensionsString (_fun _Display _int -> _string/utf-8)) (define-glx glXChooseFBConfig (_fun _Display _int (_list i _int) (len : (_ptr o _int)) -> (_cvector o _GLXFBConfig len)) #:wrap (allocator (λ (v) (XFree (cvector-ptr v))))) (define-glx glXGetFBConfigAttrib (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _int (out : (_ptr o _int)) -> (ret : _int) -> (values ret out))) (define-glx glXCreateNewContext (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _int _GLXContext _bool -> _GLXContext)) (define-glx glXDestroyContext (_fun _Display _GLXContext -> _void)) (define-glx glXMakeCurrent (_fun _Display _XID _GLXContext -> _bool)) (define-glx glXSwapBuffers (_fun _Display _XID -> _void)) (define-glx glXIsDirect (_fun _Display _GLXContext -> _bool)) (define-glx glXGetVisualFromFBConfig (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig -> _XVisualInfo) #:wrap (allocator XFree)) (define-glx glXCreateGLXPixmap (_fun _Display _XVisualInfo _XID -> _XID)) (define-glx glXDestroyGLXPixmap (_fun _Display _XID -> _void)) (define-glx glXGetProcAddressARB (_fun _string -> _pointer)) (define lazy-glXCreateContextAttribsARB (delay (function-ptr (glXGetProcAddressARB "glXCreateContextAttribsARB") (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _GLXContext _bool (_list i _int) -> _GLXContext)))) (define (glXCreateContextAttribsARB . args) (apply (force lazy-glXCreateContextAttribsARB) args)) (define-gtk gtk_widget_get_display (_fun _GtkWidget -> _GdkDisplay)) (define-gtk gtk_widget_get_screen (_fun _GtkWidget -> _GdkScreen)) (define-glx glXSwapIntervalEXT (_fun _Display _XID _int -> _void) #:fail (lambda () void)) ;; =================================================================================================== GLX versions and extensions queries (define lazy-get-glx-version (delay (define-values (worked? glx-major glx-minor) (glXQueryVersion (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default)))) (unless worked? (error 'get-glx-version "can't get GLX version using default display")) (define glx-version (+ glx-major (/ glx-minor 10))) (when (< glx-version #e1.3) (error 'get-glx-version "need GLX version 1.3 or greater; given version ~a.~a" glx-major glx-minor)) glx-version)) ;; -> positive-exact-rational (define (get-glx-version) (force lazy-get-glx-version)) (define lazy-glx-extensions (delay (define str (glXQueryExtensionsString (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default)) (gdk_x11_screen_get_screen_number (gdk_screen_get_default)))) (string-split str))) (define lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context? (delay (member "GLX_ARB_create_context" (force lazy-glx-extensions)))) (define lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context_profile? (delay (member "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile" (force lazy-glx-extensions)))) ;; =================================================================================================== Wrapper for the _ GLXContext ( if we can get one from GLX ) (define gl-context% (class draw:gl-context% (init-field gl display drawable pixmap) (define/override (get-handle) gl) (define/public (get-gtk-display) display) (define/public (get-gtk-drawable) drawable) (define/public (get-glx-pixmap) pixmap) (define (get-drawable-xid) (if pixmap pixmap (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable))) (define/override (draw:do-call-as-current t) (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (glXMakeCurrent xdisplay (get-drawable-xid) gl)) t (lambda () (glXMakeCurrent xdisplay 0 #f)))) (define/override (draw:do-swap-buffers) (glXSwapBuffers (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display) (get-drawable-xid))) (super-new))) ;; =================================================================================================== ;; Getting OpenGL contexts ;; STUPIDITY ALERT ;; Apparently, the designers of glXCreateNewContext and glXCreateContextAttribsARB didn't trust us to ;; check return values or output arguments, so when these functions fail, they raise an X error and ;; send an error code to the X error handler. X errors, by default, *terminate the program* and print ;; an annoyingly vague, barely helpful error message. ;; This is especially bad with glXCreateContextAttribsARB, which always fails (i.e. crashes the ;; program) if we ask for an unsupported OpenGL version. Worse, this is the only way to find out ;; which OpenGL versions are available! ;; So we override the X error handler to silently fail, and sync right after the calls to make sure ;; the errors are processed immediately. With glXCreateContextAttribsARB, we then try the next lowest OpenGL version . If all attempts to get a context fail , we return # f. (define create-context-error? #f) (define (flag-x-error-handler xdisplay xerrorevent) (set! create-context-error? #t) 0) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) Sync right now , or the sync further on could crash Racket with an [ xcb ] error about events ;; happening out of sequence (XSync xdisplay False) (define old-handler #f) (define gl (dynamic-wind (λ () (set! old-handler (XSetErrorHandler (cast flag-x-error-handler (_fun #:atomic? #t _Display _XErrorEvent -> _int) _fpointer)))) (λ () (set! create-context-error? #f) (glXCreateNewContext xdisplay cfg GLX_RGBA_TYPE share-gl #t)) (λ () Sync to ensure errors are processed (XSync xdisplay False) (XSetErrorHandler old-handler)))) (cond [(and gl create-context-error?) (log-error (string-append "gl-context: glXCreateNewContext raised an error but (contrary to standards)" " returned a non-NULL context; ignoring possibly corrupt context")) #f] [else (unless gl (log-warning "gl-context: glXCreateNewContext was unable to get an OpenGL context")) gl])) ;; OpenGL core versions we'll try to get, in order (define core-gl-versions '((4 5) (4 4) (4 3) (4 2) (4 1) (4 0) (3 3) (3 2) (3 1) (3 0))) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext ( List Byte Byte ) - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-context-attribs xdisplay cfg share-gl gl-version) Sync right now , or the sync further on could crash Racket with an [ xcb ] error about events ;; happening out of sequence (XSync xdisplay False) (define gl-major (car gl-version)) (define gl-minor (cadr gl-version)) (define context-attribs (list GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB gl-major GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB gl-minor GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB None)) (define old-handler #f) (define gl (dynamic-wind (λ () (set! old-handler (XSetErrorHandler (cast flag-x-error-handler (_fun #:atomic? #t _Display _XErrorEvent -> _int) _fpointer)))) (λ () (set! create-context-error? #f) (glXCreateContextAttribsARB xdisplay cfg share-gl #t context-attribs)) (λ () Sync to ensure errors are processed (XSync xdisplay False) (XSetErrorHandler old-handler)))) (cond [(and gl create-context-error?) (log-error (string-append "gl-context: glXCreateContextAttribsARB raised an error for version ~a.~a but" " (contrary to standards) returned a non-NULL context;" " ignoring possibly corrupt context") gl-major gl-minor) #f] [else (unless gl (log-info "gl-context: glXCreateContextAttribsARB returned NULL for version ~a.~a" gl-major gl-minor)) gl])) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-core-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) (let/ec return (for ([gl-version (in-list core-gl-versions)]) (define gl (glx-create-context-attribs xdisplay cfg share-gl gl-version)) (when gl (return gl))) (log-warning "gl-context: unable to get core context; falling back") (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl))) ;; =================================================================================================== ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) - > _ GdkDisplay (define (gtk-maybe-widget-get-display widget) (cond [widget (gtk_widget_get_display widget)] [else (gdk_display_get_default)])) ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) - > _ GdkScreen (define (gtk-maybe-widget-get-screen widget) (cond [widget (gtk_widget_get_screen widget)] [else (gdk_screen_get_default)])) ;; _Display _GLXFBConfig int int -> int (define (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg attrib bad-value) (define-values (err value) (glXGetFBConfigAttrib xdisplay cfg attrib)) (if (= err Success) value bad-value)) ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) _ GdkDrawable gl - config% boolean ? - > gl - context% where _ GdkDrawable = ( or / c _ GtkWindow _ ) (define (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context widget drawable conf wants-double?) (define glx-version (get-glx-version)) ;; If widget isn't #f, use its display and screen (define display (gtk-maybe-widget-get-display widget)) (define screen (gtk-maybe-widget-get-screen widget)) Get the X objects wrapped by the GDK objects (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (define xscreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_screen_number screen)) Create an attribute list using the GL config (define xattribs (append ;; Be aware: we may get double buffering even if we don't ask for it (if wants-double? (if (send conf get-double-buffered) (list GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER True) null) null) (if (send conf get-stereo) (list GLX_STEREO True) null) Finish out with standard GLX 1.3 attributes (list yes , we want to use OpenGL to render today GLX_DEPTH_SIZE (send conf get-depth-size) GLX_STENCIL_SIZE (send conf get-stencil-size) GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_SAMPLES is handled below - GLX regards it as an absolute lower bound , which makes it ;; too easy for user programs to fail to get a context None))) (define multisample-size (send conf get-multisample-size)) ;; Get all framebuffer configs for this display and screen that match the requested attributes, ;; then sort them to put the best in front GLX already sorts them pretty well , so we just need a stable sort on multisamples at the moment (define cfgs (let* ([cfgs (cvector->list (glXChooseFBConfig xdisplay xscreen xattribs))] Keep all configs with multisample size < = requested ( i.e. make multisample - size an ;; abolute upper bound) [cfgs (if (< glx-version #e1.4) cfgs (filter (λ (cfg) (define m (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg GLX_SAMPLES 0)) (<= m multisample-size)) cfgs))] Sort all configs by multisample size , decreasing [cfgs (if (< glx-version #e1.4) cfgs (sort cfgs > #:key (λ (cfg) (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg GLX_SAMPLES 0)) #:cache-keys? #t))]) cfgs)) (cond [(null? cfgs) #f] [else The framebuffer configs are sorted best - first , so choose the first (define cfg (car cfgs)) (define share-gl (let ([share-ctxt (send conf get-share-context)]) (and share-ctxt (send share-ctxt get-handle)))) Get a GL context (define gl (if (and (>= glx-version #e1.4) (not (send conf get-legacy?)) (force lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context?) (force lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context_profile?)) If the GLX version is high enough , legacy ? is # f , and GLX has the right extensions , ;; try to get a core-profile context (glx-create-core-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) ;; Otherwise use the old method (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl))) ;; The above will return a direct rendering context when it can If it does n't , the context will be version 1.4 or lower , unless GLX is implemented with proprietary extensions ( NVIDIA 's drivers sometimes do this ) (when (and widget (send conf get-sync-swap)) (glXSwapIntervalEXT xdisplay (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable) 1)) Now wrap the GLX context in a gl - context% (cond [gl If there 's no widget , this is for a pixmap , so get the stupid GLX wrapper for it or ;; indirect rendering may crash on some systems (notably mine) (define pixmap (if widget #f (glXCreateGLXPixmap xdisplay (glXGetVisualFromFBConfig xdisplay cfg) (if gtk3? (cast drawable _Pixmap _ulong) (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable))))) (define ctxt (new gl-context% [gl gl] [display display] [drawable drawable] [pixmap pixmap])) Refcount these so they do n't go away until the finalizer below destroys the GLXContext (g_object_ref display) (unless (and gtk3? (not widget)) (g_object_ref drawable)) (register-finalizer ctxt (λ (ctxt) (define gl (send ctxt get-handle)) (define display (send ctxt get-gtk-display)) (define drawable (send ctxt get-gtk-drawable)) (define pixmap (send ctxt get-glx-pixmap)) (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (when pixmap (glXDestroyGLXPixmap xdisplay pixmap)) (glXDestroyContext xdisplay gl) (unless (and gtk3? (not widget)) (g_object_unref drawable)) (g_object_unref display))) ctxt] [else #f])])) (define (make-gtk-widget-gl-context widget conf) (atomically (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context widget (widget-window widget) conf #t))) (define (make-gtk-pixmap-gl-context pixmap conf) (atomically (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context #f pixmap conf #f))) ;; =================================================================================================== (define widget-config-hash (make-weak-hasheq)) (define (prepare-widget-gl-context widget conf) (hash-set! widget-config-hash widget (if conf conf (make-object gl-config%)))) (define (create-widget-gl-context widget) (define conf (hash-ref widget-config-hash widget #f)) (and conf (make-gtk-widget-gl-context widget conf))) (define-local-member-name get-gdk-pixmap install-gl-context) (define (create-and-install-gl-context bm conf) (define ctxt (make-gtk-pixmap-gl-context (send bm get-gdk-pixmap) conf)) (and ctxt (send bm install-gl-context ctxt)))
=================================================================================================== X11/GLX FFI X #defines/typedefs/enums GLX #defines/typedefs/enums GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB bits =================================================================================================== -> positive-exact-rational =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Getting OpenGL contexts STUPIDITY ALERT Apparently, the designers of glXCreateNewContext and glXCreateContextAttribsARB didn't trust us to check return values or output arguments, so when these functions fail, they raise an X error and send an error code to the X error handler. X errors, by default, *terminate the program* and print an annoyingly vague, barely helpful error message. This is especially bad with glXCreateContextAttribsARB, which always fails (i.e. crashes the program) if we ask for an unsupported OpenGL version. Worse, this is the only way to find out which OpenGL versions are available! So we override the X error handler to silently fail, and sync right after the calls to make sure the errors are processed immediately. With glXCreateContextAttribsARB, we then try the next lowest happening out of sequence OpenGL core versions we'll try to get, in order happening out of sequence =================================================================================================== _Display _GLXFBConfig int int -> int If widget isn't #f, use its display and screen Be aware: we may get double buffering even if we don't ask for it too easy for user programs to fail to get a context Get all framebuffer configs for this display and screen that match the requested attributes, then sort them to put the best in front abolute upper bound) try to get a core-profile context Otherwise use the old method The above will return a direct rendering context when it can indirect rendering may crash on some systems (notably mine) ===================================================================================================
#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/promise racket/string ffi/unsafe ffi/unsafe/define ffi/unsafe/alloc ffi/cvector (prefix-in draw: racket/draw/private/gl-context) racket/draw/private/gl-config "../../lock.rkt" "types.rkt" "utils.rkt" "window.rkt" "x11.rkt") (provide (protect-out prepare-widget-gl-context create-widget-gl-context create-and-install-gl-context get-gdk-pixmap install-gl-context)) (define (ffi-lib/complaint-on-failure name vers) (ffi-lib name vers #:fail (lambda () (log-warning "could not load library ~a ~a" name vers) #f))) (define gl-lib (ffi-lib/complaint-on-failure "libGL" '("1" ""))) (define-ffi-definer define-glx gl-lib #:default-make-fail make-not-available) (define _Display (_cpointer 'Display)) (define _XErrorEvent (_cpointer 'XErrorEvent)) (define _XID _ulong) (define True 1) (define False 0) (define None 0) (define Success 0) (define _GLXFBConfig (_cpointer 'GLXFBConfig)) (define _GLXContext (_cpointer/null 'GLXContext)) (define _XVisualInfo (_cpointer 'XVisualInfo)) Attribute tokens for glXGetConfig variants ( all GLX versions ): (define GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER 5) (define GLX_STEREO 6) (define GLX_DEPTH_SIZE 12) (define GLX_STENCIL_SIZE 13) (define GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE 14) (define GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE 15) (define GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE 16) (define GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE 17) GLX 1.3 and later : (define GLX_X_RENDERABLE #x8012) (define GLX_RGBA_TYPE #x8014) GLX 1.4 and later : (define GLX_SAMPLES #x186a1) (define GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS #x186a0) Attribute tokens for glXCreateContextAttribsARB ( also GLX 1.4 and later ): (define GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB #x2091) (define GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB #x2092) (define GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB #x2094) (define GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB #x9126) (define GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB #x1) (define GLX_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB #x2) GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB bits (define GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB #x1) (define GLX_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB #x2) (define-x11 XFree (_fun _pointer -> _int) #:wrap (deallocator)) (define-x11 XSetErrorHandler (_fun _fpointer -> _fpointer)) (define-x11 XSync (_fun _Display _int -> _void)) (define-glx glXQueryVersion (_fun _Display (major : (_ptr o _int)) (minor : (_ptr o _int)) -> (ret : _bool) -> (values ret major minor))) (define-glx glXQueryExtensionsString (_fun _Display _int -> _string/utf-8)) (define-glx glXChooseFBConfig (_fun _Display _int (_list i _int) (len : (_ptr o _int)) -> (_cvector o _GLXFBConfig len)) #:wrap (allocator (λ (v) (XFree (cvector-ptr v))))) (define-glx glXGetFBConfigAttrib (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _int (out : (_ptr o _int)) -> (ret : _int) -> (values ret out))) (define-glx glXCreateNewContext (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _int _GLXContext _bool -> _GLXContext)) (define-glx glXDestroyContext (_fun _Display _GLXContext -> _void)) (define-glx glXMakeCurrent (_fun _Display _XID _GLXContext -> _bool)) (define-glx glXSwapBuffers (_fun _Display _XID -> _void)) (define-glx glXIsDirect (_fun _Display _GLXContext -> _bool)) (define-glx glXGetVisualFromFBConfig (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig -> _XVisualInfo) #:wrap (allocator XFree)) (define-glx glXCreateGLXPixmap (_fun _Display _XVisualInfo _XID -> _XID)) (define-glx glXDestroyGLXPixmap (_fun _Display _XID -> _void)) (define-glx glXGetProcAddressARB (_fun _string -> _pointer)) (define lazy-glXCreateContextAttribsARB (delay (function-ptr (glXGetProcAddressARB "glXCreateContextAttribsARB") (_fun _Display _GLXFBConfig _GLXContext _bool (_list i _int) -> _GLXContext)))) (define (glXCreateContextAttribsARB . args) (apply (force lazy-glXCreateContextAttribsARB) args)) (define-gtk gtk_widget_get_display (_fun _GtkWidget -> _GdkDisplay)) (define-gtk gtk_widget_get_screen (_fun _GtkWidget -> _GdkScreen)) (define-glx glXSwapIntervalEXT (_fun _Display _XID _int -> _void) #:fail (lambda () void)) GLX versions and extensions queries (define lazy-get-glx-version (delay (define-values (worked? glx-major glx-minor) (glXQueryVersion (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default)))) (unless worked? (error 'get-glx-version "can't get GLX version using default display")) (define glx-version (+ glx-major (/ glx-minor 10))) (when (< glx-version #e1.3) (error 'get-glx-version "need GLX version 1.3 or greater; given version ~a.~a" glx-major glx-minor)) glx-version)) (define (get-glx-version) (force lazy-get-glx-version)) (define lazy-glx-extensions (delay (define str (glXQueryExtensionsString (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay (gdk_display_get_default)) (gdk_x11_screen_get_screen_number (gdk_screen_get_default)))) (string-split str))) (define lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context? (delay (member "GLX_ARB_create_context" (force lazy-glx-extensions)))) (define lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context_profile? (delay (member "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile" (force lazy-glx-extensions)))) Wrapper for the _ GLXContext ( if we can get one from GLX ) (define gl-context% (class draw:gl-context% (init-field gl display drawable pixmap) (define/override (get-handle) gl) (define/public (get-gtk-display) display) (define/public (get-gtk-drawable) drawable) (define/public (get-glx-pixmap) pixmap) (define (get-drawable-xid) (if pixmap pixmap (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable))) (define/override (draw:do-call-as-current t) (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (glXMakeCurrent xdisplay (get-drawable-xid) gl)) t (lambda () (glXMakeCurrent xdisplay 0 #f)))) (define/override (draw:do-swap-buffers) (glXSwapBuffers (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display) (get-drawable-xid))) (super-new))) OpenGL version . If all attempts to get a context fail , we return # f. (define create-context-error? #f) (define (flag-x-error-handler xdisplay xerrorevent) (set! create-context-error? #t) 0) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) Sync right now , or the sync further on could crash Racket with an [ xcb ] error about events (XSync xdisplay False) (define old-handler #f) (define gl (dynamic-wind (λ () (set! old-handler (XSetErrorHandler (cast flag-x-error-handler (_fun #:atomic? #t _Display _XErrorEvent -> _int) _fpointer)))) (λ () (set! create-context-error? #f) (glXCreateNewContext xdisplay cfg GLX_RGBA_TYPE share-gl #t)) (λ () Sync to ensure errors are processed (XSync xdisplay False) (XSetErrorHandler old-handler)))) (cond [(and gl create-context-error?) (log-error (string-append "gl-context: glXCreateNewContext raised an error but (contrary to standards)" " returned a non-NULL context; ignoring possibly corrupt context")) #f] [else (unless gl (log-warning "gl-context: glXCreateNewContext was unable to get an OpenGL context")) gl])) (define core-gl-versions '((4 5) (4 4) (4 3) (4 2) (4 1) (4 0) (3 3) (3 2) (3 1) (3 0))) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext ( List Byte Byte ) - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-context-attribs xdisplay cfg share-gl gl-version) Sync right now , or the sync further on could crash Racket with an [ xcb ] error about events (XSync xdisplay False) (define gl-major (car gl-version)) (define gl-minor (cadr gl-version)) (define context-attribs (list GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB gl-major GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB gl-minor GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB None)) (define old-handler #f) (define gl (dynamic-wind (λ () (set! old-handler (XSetErrorHandler (cast flag-x-error-handler (_fun #:atomic? #t _Display _XErrorEvent -> _int) _fpointer)))) (λ () (set! create-context-error? #f) (glXCreateContextAttribsARB xdisplay cfg share-gl #t context-attribs)) (λ () Sync to ensure errors are processed (XSync xdisplay False) (XSetErrorHandler old-handler)))) (cond [(and gl create-context-error?) (log-error (string-append "gl-context: glXCreateContextAttribsARB raised an error for version ~a.~a but" " (contrary to standards) returned a non-NULL context;" " ignoring possibly corrupt context") gl-major gl-minor) #f] [else (unless gl (log-info "gl-context: glXCreateContextAttribsARB returned NULL for version ~a.~a" gl-major gl-minor)) gl])) _ Display _ GLXFBConfig _ GLXContext - > _ GLXContext (define (glx-create-core-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) (let/ec return (for ([gl-version (in-list core-gl-versions)]) (define gl (glx-create-context-attribs xdisplay cfg share-gl gl-version)) (when gl (return gl))) (log-warning "gl-context: unable to get core context; falling back") (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl))) ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) - > _ GdkDisplay (define (gtk-maybe-widget-get-display widget) (cond [widget (gtk_widget_get_display widget)] [else (gdk_display_get_default)])) ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) - > _ GdkScreen (define (gtk-maybe-widget-get-screen widget) (cond [widget (gtk_widget_get_screen widget)] [else (gdk_screen_get_default)])) (define (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg attrib bad-value) (define-values (err value) (glXGetFBConfigAttrib xdisplay cfg attrib)) (if (= err Success) value bad-value)) ( or / c # f _ GtkWidget ) _ GdkDrawable gl - config% boolean ? - > gl - context% where _ GdkDrawable = ( or / c _ GtkWindow _ ) (define (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context widget drawable conf wants-double?) (define glx-version (get-glx-version)) (define display (gtk-maybe-widget-get-display widget)) (define screen (gtk-maybe-widget-get-screen widget)) Get the X objects wrapped by the GDK objects (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (define xscreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_screen_number screen)) Create an attribute list using the GL config (define xattribs (append (if wants-double? (if (send conf get-double-buffered) (list GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER True) null) null) (if (send conf get-stereo) (list GLX_STEREO True) null) Finish out with standard GLX 1.3 attributes (list yes , we want to use OpenGL to render today GLX_DEPTH_SIZE (send conf get-depth-size) GLX_STENCIL_SIZE (send conf get-stencil-size) GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE (send conf get-accum-size) GLX_SAMPLES is handled below - GLX regards it as an absolute lower bound , which makes it None))) (define multisample-size (send conf get-multisample-size)) GLX already sorts them pretty well , so we just need a stable sort on multisamples at the moment (define cfgs (let* ([cfgs (cvector->list (glXChooseFBConfig xdisplay xscreen xattribs))] Keep all configs with multisample size < = requested ( i.e. make multisample - size an [cfgs (if (< glx-version #e1.4) cfgs (filter (λ (cfg) (define m (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg GLX_SAMPLES 0)) (<= m multisample-size)) cfgs))] Sort all configs by multisample size , decreasing [cfgs (if (< glx-version #e1.4) cfgs (sort cfgs > #:key (λ (cfg) (glx-get-fbconfig-attrib xdisplay cfg GLX_SAMPLES 0)) #:cache-keys? #t))]) cfgs)) (cond [(null? cfgs) #f] [else The framebuffer configs are sorted best - first , so choose the first (define cfg (car cfgs)) (define share-gl (let ([share-ctxt (send conf get-share-context)]) (and share-ctxt (send share-ctxt get-handle)))) Get a GL context (define gl (if (and (>= glx-version #e1.4) (not (send conf get-legacy?)) (force lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context?) (force lazy-GLX_ARB_create_context_profile?)) If the GLX version is high enough , legacy ? is # f , and GLX has the right extensions , (glx-create-core-context xdisplay cfg share-gl) (glx-create-new-context xdisplay cfg share-gl))) If it does n't , the context will be version 1.4 or lower , unless GLX is implemented with proprietary extensions ( NVIDIA 's drivers sometimes do this ) (when (and widget (send conf get-sync-swap)) (glXSwapIntervalEXT xdisplay (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable) 1)) Now wrap the GLX context in a gl - context% (cond [gl If there 's no widget , this is for a pixmap , so get the stupid GLX wrapper for it or (define pixmap (if widget #f (glXCreateGLXPixmap xdisplay (glXGetVisualFromFBConfig xdisplay cfg) (if gtk3? (cast drawable _Pixmap _ulong) (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid drawable))))) (define ctxt (new gl-context% [gl gl] [display display] [drawable drawable] [pixmap pixmap])) Refcount these so they do n't go away until the finalizer below destroys the GLXContext (g_object_ref display) (unless (and gtk3? (not widget)) (g_object_ref drawable)) (register-finalizer ctxt (λ (ctxt) (define gl (send ctxt get-handle)) (define display (send ctxt get-gtk-display)) (define drawable (send ctxt get-gtk-drawable)) (define pixmap (send ctxt get-glx-pixmap)) (define xdisplay (gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay display)) (when pixmap (glXDestroyGLXPixmap xdisplay pixmap)) (glXDestroyContext xdisplay gl) (unless (and gtk3? (not widget)) (g_object_unref drawable)) (g_object_unref display))) ctxt] [else #f])])) (define (make-gtk-widget-gl-context widget conf) (atomically (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context widget (widget-window widget) conf #t))) (define (make-gtk-pixmap-gl-context pixmap conf) (atomically (make-gtk-drawable-gl-context #f pixmap conf #f))) (define widget-config-hash (make-weak-hasheq)) (define (prepare-widget-gl-context widget conf) (hash-set! widget-config-hash widget (if conf conf (make-object gl-config%)))) (define (create-widget-gl-context widget) (define conf (hash-ref widget-config-hash widget #f)) (and conf (make-gtk-widget-gl-context widget conf))) (define-local-member-name get-gdk-pixmap install-gl-context) (define (create-and-install-gl-context bm conf) (define ctxt (make-gtk-pixmap-gl-context (send bm get-gdk-pixmap) conf)) (and ctxt (send bm install-gl-context ctxt)))
(defproject bytegeist "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "Binary protocol specs for clojure" :url "" :license {:name "MIT License"} :deploy-repositories [["releases" {:url "" :sign-releases false :username :env/clojars_user :password :env/clojars_pass}] ["snapshots" {:url "" :username :env/clojars_user :password :env/clojars_pass}]] :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"] [io.netty/netty-buffer "4.1.49.Final"]] :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev"] :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "1.0.0"] [criterium "0.4.5"] [com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-async-profiler "0.4.1"]]}} :java-source-paths ["src-java"] :repl-options {:init-ns bytegeist.dev} :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true} :pedantic? :abort)
(defproject bytegeist "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "Binary protocol specs for clojure" :url "" :license {:name "MIT License"} :deploy-repositories [["releases" {:url "" :sign-releases false :username :env/clojars_user :password :env/clojars_pass}] ["snapshots" {:url "" :username :env/clojars_user :password :env/clojars_pass}]] :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"] [io.netty/netty-buffer "4.1.49.Final"]] :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev"] :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "1.0.0"] [criterium "0.4.5"] [com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-async-profiler "0.4.1"]]}} :java-source-paths ["src-java"] :repl-options {:init-ns bytegeist.dev} :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true} :pedantic? :abort)
(ns ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice_service (:require [ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice-client :as client] [ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice-protocol :refer [ValintaTulosService]] [clojure.set :refer [union]])) (defn- get-hakukohteen-ehdolliset [cas-client hakukohde-oid] (let [hakukohteessa (future (client/get-hyvaksynnan-ehto-hakukohteessa cas-client hakukohde-oid)) valintatapajonoissa (client/get-hyvaksynnan-ehto-valintatapajonoissa cas-client hakukohde-oid)] (apply union (set (keys @hakukohteessa)) (map #(set (keys %)) (vals valintatapajonoissa))))) (defrecord RemoteValintaTulosService [cas-client valinta-laskenta-service] ValintaTulosService (hakukohteen-ehdolliset [_ hakukohde-oid] (get-hakukohteen-ehdolliset cas-client hakukohde-oid)) (valinnan-tulos-hakemukselle [_ haku-oid hakemus-oid] (client/get-valinnan-tulos-hakemukselle cas-client haku-oid hakemus-oid)))
(ns ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice_service (:require [ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice-client :as client] [ataru.valinta-tulos-service.valintatulosservice-protocol :refer [ValintaTulosService]] [clojure.set :refer [union]])) (defn- get-hakukohteen-ehdolliset [cas-client hakukohde-oid] (let [hakukohteessa (future (client/get-hyvaksynnan-ehto-hakukohteessa cas-client hakukohde-oid)) valintatapajonoissa (client/get-hyvaksynnan-ehto-valintatapajonoissa cas-client hakukohde-oid)] (apply union (set (keys @hakukohteessa)) (map #(set (keys %)) (vals valintatapajonoissa))))) (defrecord RemoteValintaTulosService [cas-client valinta-laskenta-service] ValintaTulosService (hakukohteen-ehdolliset [_ hakukohde-oid] (get-hakukohteen-ehdolliset cas-client hakukohde-oid)) (valinnan-tulos-hakemukselle [_ haku-oid hakemus-oid] (client/get-valinnan-tulos-hakemukselle cas-client haku-oid hakemus-oid)))
(ns phzr.array-utils (:require [phzr.impl.utils.core :refer [clj->phaser phaser->clj]] [phzr.impl.extend :as ex] [cljsjs.phaser]) (:refer-clojure :exclude [shuffle])) (defn find-closest- "Snaps a value to the nearest value in an array. The result will always be in the range `[first_value, last_value]`. Parameters: * value (number) - The search value * arr (Array.<number>) - The input array which _must_ be sorted. Returns: number - The nearest value found." ([value arr] (phaser->clj (.findClosest js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser value) (clj->phaser arr))))) (defn get-random-item- "Fetch a random entry from the given array. Will return null if there are no array items that fall within the specified range or if there is no item for the randomly choosen index. Parameters: * objects (Array.<any>) - An array of objects. * start-index (integer) - Optional offset off the front of the array. Default value is 0, or the beginning of the array. * length (integer) - Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. Returns: object - The random object that was selected." ([objects start-index length] (phaser->clj (.getRandomItem js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser objects) (clj->phaser start-index) (clj->phaser length))))) (defn number-array- "Create an array representing the inclusive range of numbers (usually integers) in `[start, end]`. This is equivalent to `numberArrayStep(start, end, 1)`. Parameters: * start (number) - The minimum value the array starts with. * end (number) - The maximum value the array contains. Returns: Array.<number> - The array of number values." ([start end] (phaser->clj (.numberArray js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end))))) (defn number-array-step- "Create an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from `start` up to but not including `end` by advancing by `step`. If `start` is less than `stop` a zero-length range is created unless a negative `step` is specified. Certain values for `start` and `end` (eg. NaN/undefined/null) are currently coerced to 0; for forward compatibility make sure to pass in actual numbers. Parameters: * start (number) - The start of the range. * end (number) - The end of the range. * step (number) {optional} - The value to increment or decrement by. Returns: Array - Returns the new array of numbers." ([start end] (phaser->clj (.numberArrayStep js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end)))) ([start end step] (phaser->clj (.numberArrayStep js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end) (clj->phaser step))))) (defn remove-random-item- "Removes a random object from the given array and returns it. Will return null if there are no array items that fall within the specified range or if there is no item for the randomly choosen index. Parameters: * objects (Array.<any>) - An array of objects. * start-index (integer) - Optional offset off the front of the array. Default value is 0, or the beginning of the array. * length (integer) - Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. Returns: object - The random object that was removed." ([objects start-index length] (phaser->clj (.removeRandomItem js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser objects) (clj->phaser start-index) (clj->phaser length))))) (defn rotate- "Moves the element from the start of the array to the end, shifting all items in the process. The 'rotation' happens to the left. Parameters: * array (Array.<any>) - The array to shift/rotate. The array is modified. Returns: any - The shifted value." ([array] (phaser->clj (.rotate js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array))))) (defn rotate-matrix- "Rotates the given matrix (array of arrays). Based on the routine from {@link /}. Parameters: * matrix (Array.<Array.<any>>) - The array to rotate; this matrix _may_ be altered. * direction (number | string) - The amount to rotate: the roation in degrees (90, -90, 270, -270, 180) or a string command ('rotateLeft', 'rotateRight' or 'rotate180'). Returns: Array.<Array.<any>> - The rotated matrix. The source matrix should be discarded for the returned matrix." ([matrix direction] (phaser->clj (.rotateMatrix js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser matrix) (clj->phaser direction))))) (defn shuffle- "A standard Fisher-Yates Array shuffle implementation which modifies the array in place. Parameters: * array (Array.<any>) - The array to shuffle. Returns: Array.<any> - The original array, now shuffled." ([array] (phaser->clj (.shuffle js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array))))) (defn transpose-matrix- "Transposes the elements of the given matrix (array of arrays). Parameters: * array (Array.<Array.<any>>) - The matrix to transpose. Returns: Array.<Array.<any>> - A new transposed matrix" ([array] (phaser->clj (.transposeMatrix js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array)))))
this matrix _may_ be altered.
(ns phzr.array-utils (:require [phzr.impl.utils.core :refer [clj->phaser phaser->clj]] [phzr.impl.extend :as ex] [cljsjs.phaser]) (:refer-clojure :exclude [shuffle])) (defn find-closest- "Snaps a value to the nearest value in an array. The result will always be in the range `[first_value, last_value]`. Parameters: * value (number) - The search value * arr (Array.<number>) - The input array which _must_ be sorted. Returns: number - The nearest value found." ([value arr] (phaser->clj (.findClosest js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser value) (clj->phaser arr))))) (defn get-random-item- "Fetch a random entry from the given array. Will return null if there are no array items that fall within the specified range or if there is no item for the randomly choosen index. Parameters: * objects (Array.<any>) - An array of objects. * start-index (integer) - Optional offset off the front of the array. Default value is 0, or the beginning of the array. * length (integer) - Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. Returns: object - The random object that was selected." ([objects start-index length] (phaser->clj (.getRandomItem js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser objects) (clj->phaser start-index) (clj->phaser length))))) (defn number-array- "Create an array representing the inclusive range of numbers (usually integers) in `[start, end]`. This is equivalent to `numberArrayStep(start, end, 1)`. Parameters: * start (number) - The minimum value the array starts with. * end (number) - The maximum value the array contains. Returns: Array.<number> - The array of number values." ([start end] (phaser->clj (.numberArray js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end))))) (defn number-array-step- "Create an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from `start` up to but not including `end` by advancing by `step`. If `start` is less than `stop` a zero-length range is created unless a negative `step` is specified. for forward compatibility make sure to pass in actual numbers. Parameters: * start (number) - The start of the range. * end (number) - The end of the range. * step (number) {optional} - The value to increment or decrement by. Returns: Array - Returns the new array of numbers." ([start end] (phaser->clj (.numberArrayStep js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end)))) ([start end step] (phaser->clj (.numberArrayStep js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser start) (clj->phaser end) (clj->phaser step))))) (defn remove-random-item- "Removes a random object from the given array and returns it. Will return null if there are no array items that fall within the specified range or if there is no item for the randomly choosen index. Parameters: * objects (Array.<any>) - An array of objects. * start-index (integer) - Optional offset off the front of the array. Default value is 0, or the beginning of the array. * length (integer) - Optional restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. Returns: object - The random object that was removed." ([objects start-index length] (phaser->clj (.removeRandomItem js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser objects) (clj->phaser start-index) (clj->phaser length))))) (defn rotate- "Moves the element from the start of the array to the end, shifting all items in the process. The 'rotation' happens to the left. Parameters: * array (Array.<any>) - The array to shift/rotate. The array is modified. Returns: any - The shifted value." ([array] (phaser->clj (.rotate js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array))))) (defn rotate-matrix- "Rotates the given matrix (array of arrays). Based on the routine from {@link /}. Parameters: * direction (number | string) - The amount to rotate: the roation in degrees (90, -90, 270, -270, 180) or a string command ('rotateLeft', 'rotateRight' or 'rotate180'). Returns: Array.<Array.<any>> - The rotated matrix. The source matrix should be discarded for the returned matrix." ([matrix direction] (phaser->clj (.rotateMatrix js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser matrix) (clj->phaser direction))))) (defn shuffle- "A standard Fisher-Yates Array shuffle implementation which modifies the array in place. Parameters: * array (Array.<any>) - The array to shuffle. Returns: Array.<any> - The original array, now shuffled." ([array] (phaser->clj (.shuffle js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array))))) (defn transpose-matrix- "Transposes the elements of the given matrix (array of arrays). Parameters: * array (Array.<Array.<any>>) - The matrix to transpose. Returns: Array.<Array.<any>> - A new transposed matrix" ([array] (phaser->clj (.transposeMatrix js/Phaser.ArrayUtils (clj->phaser array)))))
(define NumWorkers (int-top)) (define Precision (int-top)) (define L (int-top)) (define R (int-top)) (define (exp x) (expt 2.718281828459045 x)) (define (fx x) (let* ((a (sin (- (expt x 3) 1))) (b (+ x 1)) (c (/ a b)) (d (sqrt (+ 1 (exp (sqrt (* 2 x)))))) (r (* c d))) r)) (define (compute-area l r h) (let ((n (inexact->exact (floor (/ (abs (- r l)) h))))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (i acc) (if (= i n) acc (let* ((lx (+ (* i h) l)) (rx (+ lx h)) (ly (fx lx)) (ry (fx rx))) (loop (+ i 1) (+ acc (* 0.5 (+ ly ry) h)))))))) (loop 0 0)))) (define (build-vector n f) (letrec ((v (make-vector n #f)) (loop (lambda (i) (if (< i n) (begin (vector-set! v i (f i)) (loop (+ i 1))) v)))) (loop 0))) (define master-actor (actor "master-actor" (workers terms-received result-area) ;; (start (workers) ;; (become master-actor workers terms-received result-area)) (result (v id) (if (= (+ terms-received 1) NumWorkers) (terminate) (become master-actor workers (+ terms-received 1) (+ result-area v)))) (work (l r h) (let ((range (/ (- r l) NumWorkers))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (i) (if (= i NumWorkers) (become master-actor workers terms-received result-area) (let* ((wl (+ (* range i) l)) (wr (+ wl range))) (send (vector-ref workers i) work wl wr h) (loop (+ i 1))))))) (loop 0)))))) (define master-actor-init (actor "master-actor-init" () (start () (let ((workers (build-vector NumWorkers (lambda (i) (create worker-actor master i))))) (send a/self work L R Precision) (become master-actor workers 0 0))))) (define worker-actor (actor "worker-actor" (master id) (work (l r h) (let ((area (compute-area l r h))) (send master result area id) (terminate))))) ;; (define master (create master-actor #f 0 0)) ;; (send master start ) (define master (create master-actor-init)) (send master start)
(start (workers) (become master-actor workers terms-received result-area)) (define master (create master-actor #f 0 0)) (send master start )
(define NumWorkers (int-top)) (define Precision (int-top)) (define L (int-top)) (define R (int-top)) (define (exp x) (expt 2.718281828459045 x)) (define (fx x) (let* ((a (sin (- (expt x 3) 1))) (b (+ x 1)) (c (/ a b)) (d (sqrt (+ 1 (exp (sqrt (* 2 x)))))) (r (* c d))) r)) (define (compute-area l r h) (let ((n (inexact->exact (floor (/ (abs (- r l)) h))))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (i acc) (if (= i n) acc (let* ((lx (+ (* i h) l)) (rx (+ lx h)) (ly (fx lx)) (ry (fx rx))) (loop (+ i 1) (+ acc (* 0.5 (+ ly ry) h)))))))) (loop 0 0)))) (define (build-vector n f) (letrec ((v (make-vector n #f)) (loop (lambda (i) (if (< i n) (begin (vector-set! v i (f i)) (loop (+ i 1))) v)))) (loop 0))) (define master-actor (actor "master-actor" (workers terms-received result-area) (result (v id) (if (= (+ terms-received 1) NumWorkers) (terminate) (become master-actor workers (+ terms-received 1) (+ result-area v)))) (work (l r h) (let ((range (/ (- r l) NumWorkers))) (letrec ((loop (lambda (i) (if (= i NumWorkers) (become master-actor workers terms-received result-area) (let* ((wl (+ (* range i) l)) (wr (+ wl range))) (send (vector-ref workers i) work wl wr h) (loop (+ i 1))))))) (loop 0)))))) (define master-actor-init (actor "master-actor-init" () (start () (let ((workers (build-vector NumWorkers (lambda (i) (create worker-actor master i))))) (send a/self work L R Precision) (become master-actor workers 0 0))))) (define worker-actor (actor "worker-actor" (master id) (work (l r h) (let ((area (compute-area l r h))) (send master result area id) (terminate))))) (define master (create master-actor-init)) (send master start)
Copyright ( c ) 2018 - 2022 %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a %% copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation %% the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the %% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING %% FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER %% DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @private -module(aequitas_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% API Function Exports %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -export( [start_link/0 ]). -ignore_xref( [start_link/0 ]). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ supervisor Function Exports %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -export( [init/1 ]). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Macro Definitions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% API Function Definitions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% supervisor Function Definitions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec init([]) -> {ok, {supervisor:sup_flags(), [supervisor:child_spec(), ...]}}. init([]) -> SupFlags = #{ strategy => rest_for_one, intensity => 10, period => 1 }, ChildSpecs = [#{ id => proc_reg, start => {aequitas_proc_reg, start_link, []} }, #{ id => cfg, start => {aequitas_cfg, start_link, []} }, #{ id => work_stats_sup, start => {aequitas_work_stats_sup, start_link, []}, type => supervisor }, #{ id => category_sup, start => {aequitas_category_sup, start_link, []}, type => supervisor }, #{ id => boot_categories, start => {aequitas_boot_categories, start_link, []} }], {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ API Function Exports ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ API Function Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ supervisor Function Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright ( c ) 2018 - 2022 to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING @private -module(aequitas_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). -export( [start_link/0 ]). -ignore_xref( [start_link/0 ]). supervisor Function Exports -export( [init/1 ]). Macro Definitions -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []). -spec init([]) -> {ok, {supervisor:sup_flags(), [supervisor:child_spec(), ...]}}. init([]) -> SupFlags = #{ strategy => rest_for_one, intensity => 10, period => 1 }, ChildSpecs = [#{ id => proc_reg, start => {aequitas_proc_reg, start_link, []} }, #{ id => cfg, start => {aequitas_cfg, start_link, []} }, #{ id => work_stats_sup, start => {aequitas_work_stats_sup, start_link, []}, type => supervisor }, #{ id => category_sup, start => {aequitas_category_sup, start_link, []}, type => supervisor }, #{ id => boot_categories, start => {aequitas_boot_categories, start_link, []} }], {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}.
;;;; utilities.lisp ;;;; Author : (in-package #:qvm-app) (defun slurp-lines (&optional (stream *standard-input*)) (flet ((line () (read-line stream nil nil nil))) (with-output-to-string (s) (loop :for line := (line) :then (line) :while line :do (write-line line s))))) (defmacro with-timeout (&body body) (let ((f (gensym "TIME-LIMITED-BODY-"))) `(flet ((,f () ,@body)) (declare (dynamic-extent (function ,f))) (if (null *time-limit*) (,f) (bt:with-timeout (*time-limit*) (,f)))))) (defmacro with-timing ((var) &body body) (let ((start (gensym "START-"))) `(let ((,start (get-internal-real-time))) (multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body) (setf ,var (round (* 1000 (- (get-internal-real-time) ,start)) internal-time-units-per-second)))))) (defun slurp-stream (stream) (with-output-to-string (s) (loop :for byte := (read-byte stream nil nil) :then (read-byte stream nil nil) :until (null byte) :do (write-char (code-char byte) s)))) (defun keywordify (str) (intern (string-upcase str) :keyword)) (declaim (inline write-64-be)) (defun write-64-be (byte stream) "Write the 64-bit unsigned-byte BYTE to the binary stream STREAM." (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)) (type (unsigned-byte 64) byte)) (let ((a (ldb (byte 8 0) byte)) (b (ldb (byte 8 8) byte)) (c (ldb (byte 8 16) byte)) (d (ldb (byte 8 24) byte)) (e (ldb (byte 8 32) byte)) (f (ldb (byte 8 40) byte)) (g (ldb (byte 8 48) byte)) (h (ldb (byte 8 56) byte))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) a b c d e f g h)) (write-byte h stream) (write-byte g stream) (write-byte f stream) (write-byte e stream) (write-byte d stream) (write-byte c stream) (write-byte b stream) (write-byte a stream) nil)) (declaim (inline write-complex-double-float-as-binary)) (defun write-complex-double-float-as-binary (z stream) "Take a complex double-float and write to STREAM its binary representation in big endian (total 16 octets)." (declare #.qvm::*optimize-dangerously-fast* (type (complex double-float) z)) (let ((re (realpart z)) (im (imagpart z))) (declare (type double-float re im) (dynamic-extent re im)) (let ((encoded-re (ieee-floats:encode-float64 re)) (encoded-im (ieee-floats:encode-float64 im))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) encoded-re encoded-im) (dynamic-extent encoded-re encoded-im)) (write-64-be encoded-re stream) (write-64-be encoded-im stream)))) (declaim (inline write-double-float-as-binary)) (defun write-double-float-as-binary (x stream) "Take a double-float and write to STREAM its binary representation in big endian (total 8 octets)." (declare #.qvm::*optimize-dangerously-fast* (type double-float x)) (let ((encoded (ieee-floats:encode-float64 x))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) encoded) (dynamic-extent encoded)) (write-64-be encoded stream))) (defun encode-list-as-json-list (list stream) (if (endp list) (format stream "[]") (yason:encode list stream))) ;;; Functions depending on the server state (defun session-info () (if (or (not (boundp 'tbnl:*session*)) (null tbnl:*session*)) "" (format nil "[~A Session:~D] " (tbnl:session-remote-addr tbnl:*session*) (tbnl:session-id tbnl:*session*)))) (global-vars:define-global-var **log-lock** (bt:make-lock "Log Lock")) (defmacro with-locked-log (() &body body) `(bt:with-lock-held (**log-lock**) ,@body)) (defmacro format-log (level-or-fmt-string &rest fmt-string-or-args) "Send a message to syslog. If the first argument LEVEL-OR-FMT-STRING is a keyword it is assumed to be a non-default log level (:debug), otherwise it is a control string followed by optional args (as in FORMAT)." (when (keywordp level-or-fmt-string) ;; Sanity check that it's a valid log level at macroexpansion ;; time. (cl-syslog:get-priority level-or-fmt-string)) (if (keywordp level-or-fmt-string) `(with-locked-log () (cl-syslog:format-log *logger* ',level-or-fmt-string "~A~@?" (session-info) ,@fmt-string-or-args)) `(with-locked-log () (cl-syslog:format-log *logger* ':debug "~A~@?" (session-info) ,level-or-fmt-string ,@fmt-string-or-args))))
utilities.lisp Functions depending on the server state Sanity check that it's a valid log level at macroexpansion time.
Author : (in-package #:qvm-app) (defun slurp-lines (&optional (stream *standard-input*)) (flet ((line () (read-line stream nil nil nil))) (with-output-to-string (s) (loop :for line := (line) :then (line) :while line :do (write-line line s))))) (defmacro with-timeout (&body body) (let ((f (gensym "TIME-LIMITED-BODY-"))) `(flet ((,f () ,@body)) (declare (dynamic-extent (function ,f))) (if (null *time-limit*) (,f) (bt:with-timeout (*time-limit*) (,f)))))) (defmacro with-timing ((var) &body body) (let ((start (gensym "START-"))) `(let ((,start (get-internal-real-time))) (multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body) (setf ,var (round (* 1000 (- (get-internal-real-time) ,start)) internal-time-units-per-second)))))) (defun slurp-stream (stream) (with-output-to-string (s) (loop :for byte := (read-byte stream nil nil) :then (read-byte stream nil nil) :until (null byte) :do (write-char (code-char byte) s)))) (defun keywordify (str) (intern (string-upcase str) :keyword)) (declaim (inline write-64-be)) (defun write-64-be (byte stream) "Write the 64-bit unsigned-byte BYTE to the binary stream STREAM." (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)) (type (unsigned-byte 64) byte)) (let ((a (ldb (byte 8 0) byte)) (b (ldb (byte 8 8) byte)) (c (ldb (byte 8 16) byte)) (d (ldb (byte 8 24) byte)) (e (ldb (byte 8 32) byte)) (f (ldb (byte 8 40) byte)) (g (ldb (byte 8 48) byte)) (h (ldb (byte 8 56) byte))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) a b c d e f g h)) (write-byte h stream) (write-byte g stream) (write-byte f stream) (write-byte e stream) (write-byte d stream) (write-byte c stream) (write-byte b stream) (write-byte a stream) nil)) (declaim (inline write-complex-double-float-as-binary)) (defun write-complex-double-float-as-binary (z stream) "Take a complex double-float and write to STREAM its binary representation in big endian (total 16 octets)." (declare #.qvm::*optimize-dangerously-fast* (type (complex double-float) z)) (let ((re (realpart z)) (im (imagpart z))) (declare (type double-float re im) (dynamic-extent re im)) (let ((encoded-re (ieee-floats:encode-float64 re)) (encoded-im (ieee-floats:encode-float64 im))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) encoded-re encoded-im) (dynamic-extent encoded-re encoded-im)) (write-64-be encoded-re stream) (write-64-be encoded-im stream)))) (declaim (inline write-double-float-as-binary)) (defun write-double-float-as-binary (x stream) "Take a double-float and write to STREAM its binary representation in big endian (total 8 octets)." (declare #.qvm::*optimize-dangerously-fast* (type double-float x)) (let ((encoded (ieee-floats:encode-float64 x))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) encoded) (dynamic-extent encoded)) (write-64-be encoded stream))) (defun encode-list-as-json-list (list stream) (if (endp list) (format stream "[]") (yason:encode list stream))) (defun session-info () (if (or (not (boundp 'tbnl:*session*)) (null tbnl:*session*)) "" (format nil "[~A Session:~D] " (tbnl:session-remote-addr tbnl:*session*) (tbnl:session-id tbnl:*session*)))) (global-vars:define-global-var **log-lock** (bt:make-lock "Log Lock")) (defmacro with-locked-log (() &body body) `(bt:with-lock-held (**log-lock**) ,@body)) (defmacro format-log (level-or-fmt-string &rest fmt-string-or-args) "Send a message to syslog. If the first argument LEVEL-OR-FMT-STRING is a keyword it is assumed to be a non-default log level (:debug), otherwise it is a control string followed by optional args (as in FORMAT)." (when (keywordp level-or-fmt-string) (cl-syslog:get-priority level-or-fmt-string)) (if (keywordp level-or-fmt-string) `(with-locked-log () (cl-syslog:format-log *logger* ',level-or-fmt-string "~A~@?" (session-info) ,@fmt-string-or-args)) `(with-locked-log () (cl-syslog:format-log *logger* ':debug "~A~@?" (session-info) ,level-or-fmt-string ,@fmt-string-or-args))))
-- Author : < > -- -- This code is in the public domain. -- Based off Drawing2.hs -- updated to GTK 3 by -- import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as M f x = sin (x*5) / (x*5) main = graph f windowSize :: Int windowSize = 400 graph :: (Double -> Double) -> IO () graph f = do G.initGUI window <- G.windowNew canvas <- G.drawingAreaNew Gtk3 no longer has size requests , and window does not have a drawable -- area to fill, thus we must explicitly tell it how to draw the window size. G.windowSetDefaultSize window windowSize windowSize G.windowSetGeometryHints window (Just window) (Just (0, 0)) (Just (windowSize, windowSize)) Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) -- press any key to quit window `G.on` G.keyPressEvent $ G.tryEvent $ do C.liftIO G.mainQuit canvas `G.on` G.draw $ (prologue canvas >> renderG f) G.set window [G.containerChild G.:= canvas, G.windowResizable G.:= False] G.widgetShowAll window G.mainGUI foreach :: (Monad m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] foreach = flip mapM deriv :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double deriv f x = ((f $ x + 0.05) - (f $ x - 0.05)) * 10 gen :: Double -> Double -> (Double -> Double) -> [Double] gen v t f | v > t = [] gen v t f = v : (gen (f v) t f) skipBy f = foldr (\x c -> if f x then c else x : c) [] falloff x = 0.25 * (x + 1.5) / ((x+0.5)^5 + 1) renderG :: (Double -> Double) -> C.Render () renderG f = do C.moveTo (-5) (f (-5)) sequence_ $ map (\d -> C.lineTo d $ f d) $ skipBy (isInfinite . f) [-4.9,-4.8..5] --Adaptive attempt (falloff func is what really needs work) sequence _ $ map ( \d - > C.lineTo d $ f d ) $ skipBy ( isInfinite . f ) $ tail $ gen ( -5 ) 5 ( \x - > x + ( falloff $ abs $ deriv ( deriv f ) x ) ) C.stroke -- Set up stuff prologue canvas = do wWidth' <- C.liftIO $ G.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas wHeight' <- C.liftIO $ G.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas let wWidth = realToFrac wWidth' wHeight = realToFrac wHeight' width = 10 height = 10 xmax = width / 2 xmin = - xmax ymax = height / 2 ymin = - ymax scaleX = realToFrac wWidth / width scaleY = realToFrac wHeight / height -- style and color C.setLineCap C.LineCapRound C.setLineJoin C.LineJoinRound C.setLineWidth $ 1 / max scaleX scaleY -- Set up user coordinates C.scale scaleX scaleY -- center origin C.translate (width / 2) (height / 2) -- positive y-axis upwards let flipY = M.Matrix 1 0 0 (-1) 0 0 C.transform flipY C.setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1 grid xmin xmax ymin ymax -- Grid and axes grid xmin xmax ymin ymax = do -- axes C.moveTo 0 ymin; C.lineTo 0 ymax; C.stroke C.moveTo xmin 0; C.lineTo xmax 0; C.stroke -- grid C.setDash [0.01, 0.99] 0 foreach [xmin .. xmax] $ \ x -> do C.moveTo x ymin C.lineTo x ymax C.stroke C.setDash [] 0
This code is in the public domain. area to fill, thus we must explicitly tell it how to draw the window size. press any key to quit Adaptive attempt (falloff func is what really needs work) Set up stuff style and color Set up user coordinates center origin positive y-axis upwards Grid and axes axes grid
Author : < > Based off Drawing2.hs updated to GTK 3 by import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as M f x = sin (x*5) / (x*5) main = graph f windowSize :: Int windowSize = 400 graph :: (Double -> Double) -> IO () graph f = do G.initGUI window <- G.windowNew canvas <- G.drawingAreaNew Gtk3 no longer has size requests , and window does not have a drawable G.windowSetDefaultSize window windowSize windowSize G.windowSetGeometryHints window (Just window) (Just (0, 0)) (Just (windowSize, windowSize)) Nothing Nothing (Just (1,1)) window `G.on` G.keyPressEvent $ G.tryEvent $ do C.liftIO G.mainQuit canvas `G.on` G.draw $ (prologue canvas >> renderG f) G.set window [G.containerChild G.:= canvas, G.windowResizable G.:= False] G.widgetShowAll window G.mainGUI foreach :: (Monad m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] foreach = flip mapM deriv :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double deriv f x = ((f $ x + 0.05) - (f $ x - 0.05)) * 10 gen :: Double -> Double -> (Double -> Double) -> [Double] gen v t f | v > t = [] gen v t f = v : (gen (f v) t f) skipBy f = foldr (\x c -> if f x then c else x : c) [] falloff x = 0.25 * (x + 1.5) / ((x+0.5)^5 + 1) renderG :: (Double -> Double) -> C.Render () renderG f = do C.moveTo (-5) (f (-5)) sequence_ $ map (\d -> C.lineTo d $ f d) $ skipBy (isInfinite . f) [-4.9,-4.8..5] sequence _ $ map ( \d - > C.lineTo d $ f d ) $ skipBy ( isInfinite . f ) $ tail $ gen ( -5 ) 5 ( \x - > x + ( falloff $ abs $ deriv ( deriv f ) x ) ) C.stroke prologue canvas = do wWidth' <- C.liftIO $ G.widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas wHeight' <- C.liftIO $ G.widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas let wWidth = realToFrac wWidth' wHeight = realToFrac wHeight' width = 10 height = 10 xmax = width / 2 xmin = - xmax ymax = height / 2 ymin = - ymax scaleX = realToFrac wWidth / width scaleY = realToFrac wHeight / height C.setLineCap C.LineCapRound C.setLineJoin C.LineJoinRound C.setLineWidth $ 1 / max scaleX scaleY C.scale scaleX scaleY C.translate (width / 2) (height / 2) let flipY = M.Matrix 1 0 0 (-1) 0 0 C.transform flipY C.setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1 grid xmin xmax ymin ymax grid xmin xmax ymin ymax = do C.moveTo 0 ymin; C.lineTo 0 ymax; C.stroke C.moveTo xmin 0; C.lineTo xmax 0; C.stroke C.setDash [0.01, 0.99] 0 foreach [xmin .. xmax] $ \ x -> do C.moveTo x ymin C.lineTo x ymax C.stroke C.setDash [] 0
(ns simple-ledger "This tutorial contains a simple stream processing application using Jackdaw and Kafka Streams. It begins with Pipe which is then extended using an interactive workflow. The result is a simple ledger." (:gen-class) (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.tools.logging :refer [info]] [clj-uuid :as uuid] [jackdaw.streams :as j] [jackdaw.serdes.edn :as jse]) (:import [org.apache.kafka.common.serialization Serdes])) ;;; Topic Configuration ;;; (defn topic-config "Takes a topic name and (optionally) a key and value serde and returns a topic configuration map, which may be used to create a topic or produce/consume records." ([topic-name] (topic-config topic-name (jse/serde) (jse/serde))) ([topic-name key-serde value-serde] {:topic-name topic-name :partition-count 1 :replication-factor 1 :topic-config {} :key-serde key-serde :value-serde value-serde})) ;;; App Template ;;; (defn app-config "Returns the application config." [] {"application.id" "simple-ledger" "bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092" "cache.max.bytes.buffering" "0"}) (defn build-topology "Returns a topology builder. WARNING: This is just a stub. Before publishing to the input topic, evaluate one of the `build-topology` functions in the comment forms below." [builder] (-> (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) (j/peek (fn [[k v]] (info (str {:key k :value v})))) (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder) (defn start-app "Starts the stream processing application." [app-config] (let [builder (j/streams-builder) topology (build-topology builder) app (j/kafka-streams topology app-config)] (j/start app) (info "simple-ledger is up") app)) (defn stop-app "Stops the stream processing application." [app] (j/close app) (info "simple-ledger is down")) (defn -main [& _] (start-app (app-config))) (comment ;;; Start ;;; ;; Needed to invoke the forms from this namespace. When typing directly in the REPL , skip this step . (require '[user :refer :all :exclude [topic-config]]) Start ZooKeeper and . ;; This requires the Confluent Platform CLI which may be obtained from ` / ` . If ZooKeeper and ;; are already running, skip this step. (confluent/start) ;; Create the topics, and start the app. (start) ;; Write to the input stream. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil "this is a pipe") ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment ;;; Add input validation ;;; (do (s/def ::ledger-entries-requested-value (s/keys :req-un [::id ::entries])) (s/def ::id uuid?) (s/def ::entries (s/+ ::entry)) (s/def ::entry (s/and (s/keys :req-un [::debit-account-name ::credit-account-name ::amount]) #(not= (:debit-account-name %) (:credit-account-name %)))) (s/def ::debit-account-name string?) (s/def ::credit-account-name string?) (s/def ::amount pos-int?)) (do (defn valid-input? [[_ v]] (s/valid? ::ledger-entries-requested-value v)) (defn log-bad-input [[k v]] (info (str "Bad input: " (s/explain-data ::ledger-entries-requested-value v)))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input)] (-> valid (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) ;; Reset the app. (reset) ;; Write valid input. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Reset the app. (reset) ;; Write invalid input. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "foo" :amount 10}]}) ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment ;;; Split `ledger-entries-requested` events into ledger ;;; transactions (aka debits and credits). ;;; (do (defn entry-sides [{:keys [debit-account-name credit-account-name amount]}] [[debit-account-name {:account-name debit-account-name :amount (- amount)}] [credit-account-name {:account-name credit-account-name :amount amount}]]) (defn entries->transactions [[_ v]] (reduce #(concat %1 (entry-sides %2)) [] (:entries v))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input) transactions (j/flat-map valid entries->transactions)] (-> transactions (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) ;; Reset the app. (reset) ;; Write valid input. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Write valid input (again). (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream (again). (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment ;;; Add unique identifiers and reference IDs. ;;; (defn entries->transactions [[_ v]] (->> (:entries v) (reduce #(concat %1 (entry-sides %2)) []) (map-indexed #(assoc-in %2 [1 :id] (uuid/v5 (:id v) %1))) (map #(assoc-in %1 [1 :causation-id] (:id v))))) ;; Reset the app. (reset) ;; Write valid input. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Write valid input (again). (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream (again). (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Read from the output stream ("foo" only). (->> (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (filter (fn [[k v]] (= "foo" k))))) (comment ;;; Keep track of running balances. ;;; (do (defn account-balance-reducer [x y] (let [starting-balance (:current-balance x)] (merge y {:starting-balance starting-balance :current-balance (+ starting-balance (:amount y))}))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input) transactions (j/flat-map valid entries->transactions) balances (-> transactions (j/map-values (fn [v] (merge v {:starting-balance 0 :current-balance (:amount v)}))) (j/group-by-key (topic-config nil (Serdes/String) (jse/serde))) (j/reduce account-balance-reducer (topic-config "balances")))] (-> balances (j/to-kstream) (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) ;; Reset the app. (reset) ;; Write valid input. (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream. (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Write valid input (again). (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) ;; Read from the output stream (again). (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) ;; Read from the output stream ("foo" only). (->> (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (filter (fn [[k v]] (= "foo" k)))))
Topic Configuration App Template Start Needed to invoke the forms from this namespace. When typing This requires the Confluent Platform CLI which may be obtained are already running, skip this step. Create the topics, and start the app. Write to the input stream. Read from the output stream. Add input validation Reset the app. Write valid input. Read from the output stream. Reset the app. Write invalid input. Read from the output stream. Split `ledger-entries-requested` events into ledger transactions (aka debits and credits). Reset the app. Write valid input. Read from the output stream. Write valid input (again). Read from the output stream (again). Add unique identifiers and reference IDs. Reset the app. Write valid input. Read from the output stream. Write valid input (again). Read from the output stream (again). Read from the output stream ("foo" only). Keep track of running balances. Reset the app. Write valid input. Read from the output stream. Write valid input (again). Read from the output stream (again). Read from the output stream ("foo" only).
(ns simple-ledger "This tutorial contains a simple stream processing application using Jackdaw and Kafka Streams. It begins with Pipe which is then extended using an interactive workflow. The result is a simple ledger." (:gen-class) (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s] [clojure.tools.logging :refer [info]] [clj-uuid :as uuid] [jackdaw.streams :as j] [jackdaw.serdes.edn :as jse]) (:import [org.apache.kafka.common.serialization Serdes])) (defn topic-config "Takes a topic name and (optionally) a key and value serde and returns a topic configuration map, which may be used to create a topic or produce/consume records." ([topic-name] (topic-config topic-name (jse/serde) (jse/serde))) ([topic-name key-serde value-serde] {:topic-name topic-name :partition-count 1 :replication-factor 1 :topic-config {} :key-serde key-serde :value-serde value-serde})) (defn app-config "Returns the application config." [] {"application.id" "simple-ledger" "bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092" "cache.max.bytes.buffering" "0"}) (defn build-topology "Returns a topology builder. WARNING: This is just a stub. Before publishing to the input topic, evaluate one of the `build-topology` functions in the comment forms below." [builder] (-> (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) (j/peek (fn [[k v]] (info (str {:key k :value v})))) (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder) (defn start-app "Starts the stream processing application." [app-config] (let [builder (j/streams-builder) topology (build-topology builder) app (j/kafka-streams topology app-config)] (j/start app) (info "simple-ledger is up") app)) (defn stop-app "Stops the stream processing application." [app] (j/close app) (info "simple-ledger is down")) (defn -main [& _] (start-app (app-config))) (comment directly in the REPL , skip this step . (require '[user :refer :all :exclude [topic-config]]) Start ZooKeeper and . from ` / ` . If ZooKeeper and (confluent/start) (start) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil "this is a pipe") (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment (do (s/def ::ledger-entries-requested-value (s/keys :req-un [::id ::entries])) (s/def ::id uuid?) (s/def ::entries (s/+ ::entry)) (s/def ::entry (s/and (s/keys :req-un [::debit-account-name ::credit-account-name ::amount]) #(not= (:debit-account-name %) (:credit-account-name %)))) (s/def ::debit-account-name string?) (s/def ::credit-account-name string?) (s/def ::amount pos-int?)) (do (defn valid-input? [[_ v]] (s/valid? ::ledger-entries-requested-value v)) (defn log-bad-input [[k v]] (info (str "Bad input: " (s/explain-data ::ledger-entries-requested-value v)))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input)] (-> valid (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) (reset) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (reset) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "foo" :amount 10}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment (do (defn entry-sides [{:keys [debit-account-name credit-account-name amount]}] [[debit-account-name {:account-name debit-account-name :amount (- amount)}] [credit-account-name {:account-name credit-account-name :amount amount}]]) (defn entries->transactions [[_ v]] (reduce #(concat %1 (entry-sides %2)) [] (:entries v))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input) transactions (j/flat-map valid entries->transactions)] (-> transactions (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) (reset) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) (comment (defn entries->transactions [[_ v]] (->> (:entries v) (reduce #(concat %1 (entry-sides %2)) []) (map-indexed #(assoc-in %2 [1 :id] (uuid/v5 (:id v) %1))) (map #(assoc-in %1 [1 :causation-id] (:id v))))) (reset) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (->> (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (filter (fn [[k v]] (= "foo" k))))) (comment (do (defn account-balance-reducer [x y] (let [starting-balance (:current-balance x)] (merge y {:starting-balance starting-balance :current-balance (+ starting-balance (:amount y))}))) (defn build-topology [builder] (let [input (j/kstream builder (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested")) [valid invalid] (j/branch input [valid-input? (constantly true)]) _ (j/peek invalid log-bad-input) transactions (j/flat-map valid entries->transactions) balances (-> transactions (j/map-values (fn [v] (merge v {:starting-balance 0 :current-balance (:amount v)}))) (j/group-by-key (topic-config nil (Serdes/String) (jse/serde))) (j/reduce account-balance-reducer (topic-config "balances")))] (-> balances (j/to-kstream) (j/to (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added"))) builder))) (reset) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (publish (topic-config "ledger-entries-requested") nil {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) :entries [{:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "bar" :amount 10} {:debit-account-name "foo" :credit-account-name "qux" :amount 20}]}) (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (->> (get-keyvals (topic-config "ledger-transaction-added")) (filter (fn [[k v]] (= "foo" k)))))
(define (mvector . args) (let ((x (make-mvector (length args) 0))) (let loop ((i 0) (args args)) (cond ((null? args) x) (else (mvector-set! x i (car args)) (loop (+ i 1) (cdr args))))))) (define (mvector-transform-range! mv start end f) ;; TODO: always requiring (= 0 start) ? That's not very useful. (unless (and (= 0 start) (<= start end) (<= end (mvector-length mv))) (error "invalid mvector range" 'length (mvector-length mv) 'start start 'end end)) (let loop ((i start)) (when (< i end) (mvector-set! mv i (f i)) (loop (+ i 1))))) (define (mvector-fill! mv v) (mvector-transform-range! mv 0 (mvector-length mv) (lambda (_) v))) (define (mvector-copy! mv start src start.src end.src) (let-values (((ref length) (cond ((mvector? src) (values mvector-ref mvector-length)) ((vector? src) (values vector-ref vector-length)) (else (error "invalid source for mvector-copy!" src))))) (unless (and (<= 0 start.src) (<= start.src end.src) (<= end.src (length src))) (error "invalid source range" 'length (length src) 'start start.src 'end end.src)) (mvector-transform-range! mv start (+ start (- end.src start.src)) (lambda (i) (ref src (+ start.src (- i start)))))))
TODO: always requiring (= 0 start) ? That's not very useful.
(define (mvector . args) (let ((x (make-mvector (length args) 0))) (let loop ((i 0) (args args)) (cond ((null? args) x) (else (mvector-set! x i (car args)) (loop (+ i 1) (cdr args))))))) (define (mvector-transform-range! mv start end f) (unless (and (= 0 start) (<= start end) (<= end (mvector-length mv))) (error "invalid mvector range" 'length (mvector-length mv) 'start start 'end end)) (let loop ((i start)) (when (< i end) (mvector-set! mv i (f i)) (loop (+ i 1))))) (define (mvector-fill! mv v) (mvector-transform-range! mv 0 (mvector-length mv) (lambda (_) v))) (define (mvector-copy! mv start src start.src end.src) (let-values (((ref length) (cond ((mvector? src) (values mvector-ref mvector-length)) ((vector? src) (values vector-ref vector-length)) (else (error "invalid source for mvector-copy!" src))))) (unless (and (<= 0 start.src) (<= start.src end.src) (<= end.src (length src))) (error "invalid source range" 'length (length src) 'start start.src 'end end.src)) (mvector-transform-range! mv start (+ start (- end.src start.src)) (lambda (i) (ref src (+ start.src (- i start)))))))
Copyright 2001 , 2002 b8_bavard , b8_fee_carabine , This file is part of mldonkey . mldonkey is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This file is part of mldonkey. mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) (** GUI for the lists of files. *) open Printf2 open Options open Md4 open Gettext open Gui_global open CommonTypes open GuiTypes open GuiProto open Gui_columns module M = Gui_messages module P = Gpattern module O = Gui_options module G = Gui_global module VB = VerificationBitmap let preview file () = Gui_com.send (Preview file.file_num) let save_menu_items file = List.map (fun name -> `I (name, (fun _ -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (file.file_num, name)) ) ) ) file.file_names let save_as file () = let file_opt = GToolbox.input_string ~title: (gettext M.save) (gettext M.save) in match file_opt with None -> () | Some name -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (file.file_num, name)) let (!!) = Options.(!!) let file_first_name f = f.file_name let string_of_file_state state = match state with | FileDownloading -> (gettext M.downloading) | FileCancelled -> (gettext M.cancelled) | FileQueued -> (gettext M.queued) | FilePaused -> (gettext M.paused) | FileDownloaded | FileShared -> (gettext M.dl_done) | FileNew -> assert false | FileAborted s -> Printf.sprintf "Aborted: %s" s let some_is_available f = let b = ref false in List.iter (fun (_, avail) -> We can not use anymore relative availability as we can not relate the partial chunks with positions in the availability ... if ! ! Gui_options.use_relative_availability then for i = 0 to String.length avail - 1 do if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk f.file_chunks.[i ] & & f.file_availability.[i ] < > ' \000 ' then true else loop ( i - 1 ) in loop ( ( String.length f.file_availability ) - 1 ) else partial chunks with positions in the availability... if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then for i = 0 to String.length avail - 1 do if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk f.file_chunks.[i] && f.file_availability.[i] <> '\000' then true else loop (i - 1) in loop ((String.length f.file_availability) - 1) else *) let len = String.length avail in for i = 0 to len - 1 do b := !b || avail.[i] <> '\000' done; ) f.file_availability; !b let color_opt_of_file f = if f.file_download_rate > 0. then Some !!O.color_downloading else if some_is_available f then Some !!O.color_available else Some !!O.color_not_available let float_avail s = try float_of_string s with _ -> 0.0 let file_availability f = match f.file_chunks with | None -> "---" | Some chunks -> match f.file_availability with (_,avail) :: _ -> let rec loop i p n = if i < 0 then if n = 0 then "---" else Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" ((float p) /. (float n) *. 100.0) else loop (i - 1) (if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk (VerificationBitmap.get chunks i) then p + 1 else p) (if avail.[i] <> (char_of_int 0) then n + 1 else n) in loop ((String.length avail) - 1) 0 0 | _ -> "---" let string_availability f = let maxi = ref 0. in List.iter (fun (_, avail) -> let len = String.length avail in let p = ref 0 in for i = 0 to len - 1 do if avail.[i] <> '\000' then begin incr p end done; maxi := max !maxi (float_of_int !p /. float_of_int len *. 100.) ) f.file_availability; Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" !maxi let string_of_format format = match format with AVI f -> Printf.sprintf "AVI: %s %dx%d %g fps %d bpf" f.avi_codec f.avi_width f.avi_height (float_of_int(f.avi_fps) *. 0.001) f.avi_rate | MP3 (tag, _) -> let module M = Mp3tag.Id3v1 in Printf.sprintf "MP3: %s - %s (%d): %s" tag.M.artist tag.M.album tag.M.tracknum tag.M.title | _ -> (gettext M.unknown) let max_eta = 1000.0 *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0 let calc_file_eta f = let size = Int64.to_float f.file_size in let downloaded = Int64.to_float f.file_downloaded in let missing = size -. downloaded in let rate = f.file_download_rate in let rate = if rate = 0. then let time = BasicSocket.last_time () in let age = time - f.file_age in if age > 0 then downloaded /. (float_of_int age) else 0. else rate in let eta = if rate = 0.0 then max_eta else let eta = missing /. rate in if eta < 0. || eta > max_eta then max_eta else eta in int_of_float eta class box columns sel_mode () = let titles = List.map Gui_columns.File.string_of_column !!columns in object (self) inherit [file_info] Gpattern.plist sel_mode titles true (fun f -> f.file_num) as pl inherit Gui_downloads_base.box () as box val mutable columns = columns method set_columns l = columns <- l; self#set_titles (List.map Gui_columns.File.string_of_column !!columns); self#update method column_menu i = [ `I ("Autosize", fun _ -> self#wlist#columns_autosize ()); `I ("Sort", self#resort_column i); `I ("Remove Column", (fun _ -> match !!columns with _ :: _ :: _ -> (let l = !!columns in match List2.cut i l with l1, _ :: l2 -> columns =:= l1 @ l2; self#set_columns columns | _ -> ()) | _ -> () ) ); `M ("Add Column After", ( List.map (fun (c,s) -> (`I (s, (fun _ -> let c1, c2 = List2.cut (i+1) !!columns in columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2; self#set_columns columns ))) ) Gui_columns.file_column_strings)); `M ("Add Column Before", ( List.map (fun (c,s) -> (`I (s, (fun _ -> let c1, c2 = List2.cut i !!columns in columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2; self#set_columns columns ))) ) Gui_columns.file_column_strings)); ] method box = box#coerce method vbox = box#vbox method compare_by_col col f1 f2 = match col with | Col_file_name -> compare f1.file_name f2.file_name | Col_file_size -> compare f1.file_size f2.file_size | Col_file_downloaded -> compare f1.file_downloaded f2.file_downloaded | Col_file_percent -> compare (Int64.to_float f1.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f1.file_size) (Int64.to_float f2.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f2.file_size) | Col_file_rate-> compare f1.file_download_rate f2.file_download_rate | Col_file_state -> compare f1.file_state f2.file_state | Col_file_availability -> let fn = if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then file_availability else string_availability in compare (float_avail (fn f1)) (float_avail (fn f2)) | Col_file_md4 -> compare (Md4.to_string f1.file_md4) (Md4.to_string f2.file_md4) | Col_file_format -> compare f1.file_format f2.file_format | Col_file_network -> compare f1.file_network f2.file_network | Col_file_age -> compare f1.file_age f2.file_age | Col_file_last_seen -> compare f1.file_last_seen f2.file_last_seen | Col_file_eta -> compare (calc_file_eta f1) (calc_file_eta f2) | Col_file_priority -> compare f1.file_priority f2.file_priority method compare f1 f2 = let abs = if current_sort >= 0 then current_sort else - current_sort in let col = try List.nth !!columns (abs - 1) with _ -> Col_file_name in let res = self#compare_by_col col f1 f2 in current_sort * res method content_by_col f col = match col with Col_file_name -> let s_file = Gui_misc.short_name f.file_name in s_file | Col_file_size -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.file_size | Col_file_downloaded -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.file_downloaded | Col_file_percent -> Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" (Int64.to_float f.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f.file_size *. 100.) | Col_file_rate -> if f.file_download_rate > 0. then Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" (f.file_download_rate /. 1024.) else "" | Col_file_state -> string_of_file_state f.file_state | Col_file_availability -> if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then file_availability f else string_availability f | Col_file_md4 -> Md4.to_string f.file_md4 | Col_file_format -> string_of_format f.file_format | Col_file_network -> Gui_global.network_name f.file_network | Col_file_age -> let age = (BasicSocket.last_time ()) - f.file_age in Date.time_to_string age "long" | Col_file_last_seen -> if f.file_last_seen > 0 then let last = (BasicSocket.last_time ()) - f.file_last_seen in Date.time_to_string last "long" else Printf.sprintf "---" | Col_file_eta -> let eta = calc_file_eta f in if eta >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 then Printf.sprintf "---" else Date.time_to_string eta "long" | Col_file_priority -> Printf.sprintf "%3d" f.file_priority method content f = let strings = List.map (fun col -> P.String (self#content_by_col f col)) !!columns in let col_opt = match color_opt_of_file f with None -> Some `BLACK | Some c -> Some (`NAME c) in (strings, col_opt) method find_file num = self#find num method remove_file f row = self#remove_item row f; selection <- List.filter (fun fi -> fi.file_num <> f.file_num) selection method set_tb_style tb = if Options.(!!) Gui_options.mini_toolbars then (wtool1#misc#hide (); wtool2#misc#show ()) else (wtool2#misc#hide (); wtool1#misc#show ()); wtool2#set_style tb; wtool1#set_style tb initializer box#vbox#pack ~expand: true pl#box; end class box_downloaded wl_status () = object (self) inherit box O.downloaded_columns `SINGLE () as super method update_wl_status : unit = wl_status#set_text (Printf.sprintf !!Gui_messages.downloaded_files !G.ndownloaded !G.ndownloads) method content f = (fst (super#content f), Some (`NAME !!O.color_downloaded)) method save ev = match self#selection with f :: _ -> let items = save_menu_items f in GAutoconf.popup_menu ~entries: items ~button: 1 ~time: 0 | _ -> () method save_all () = self#iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (f.file_num, file_first_name f))) method edit_mp3_tags () = match self#selection with file :: _ -> ( match file.file_format with MP3 (tag,_) -> Mp3_ui.edit_tag_v1 (gettext M.edit_mp3) tag ; Gui_com.send (GuiProto.ModifyMp3Tags (file.file_num, tag)) | _ -> () ) | _ -> () method menu = match self#selection with [] -> [ `I ((gettext M.save_all), self#save_all) ] | file :: _ -> [ `I ((gettext M.save_as), save_as file) ; `M ((gettext M.save), save_menu_items file) ; `I ((gettext M.preview), preview file) ; ] @ (match file.file_format with MP3 _ -> [`I ((gettext M.edit_mp3), self#edit_mp3_tags)] | _ -> []) @ [ `S ; `I ((gettext M.save_all), self#save_all) ] * { 2 Handling core messages } method h_downloaded f = try ignore (self#find_file f.file_num) with Not_found -> incr ndownloaded; self#update_wl_status ; self#add_item f method h_removed f = try let (row, _) = self#find_file f.file_num in decr ndownloaded; self#update_wl_status ; self#remove_file f row with Not_found -> () method preview () = match self#selection with [] -> () | file :: _ -> preview file () method save_as () = match self#selection with | [] -> () | file :: _ -> save_as file () initializer Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save) ~callback: self#save (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save_as) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save_as) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save_as) ~callback: self#save_as (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save_all) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save_all) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save_all) ~callback: self#save_all (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.edit_mp3) ~tooltip: (gettext M.edit_mp3) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_edit_mp3) ~callback: self#edit_mp3_tags (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.preview) ~tooltip: (gettext M.preview) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_preview) ~callback: self#preview (); end let colorGreen = `NAME "green" let colorRed = `NAME "red" let colorBlue = `NAME "blue" let colorGray = `NAME "gray" let colorWhite =`WHITE let colorBlack = `BLACK let colorCyan = `NAME "cyan" let drawing = ref (None : [ `window] GDraw.drawable option) let draw_chunks (drawing : unit GDraw.drawable) file = match file.file_chunks with | None -> () | Some chunks -> let wx, wy = drawing#size in drawing#set_foreground colorWhite; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:wx ~height:wy (); let nchunks = VerificationBitmap.length chunks in let dx = min !!O.chunk_width (wx / nchunks) in if wx > nchunks*dx && dx > 0 then let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do drawing#set_foreground ( match VerificationBitmap.get chunks i with | VerificationBitmap.State_missing -> colorRed | VerificationBitmap.State_partial -> colorBlue | VerificationBitmap.State_complete -> colorBlack | VerificationBitmap.State_verified -> colorGreen); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () done else let group = (nchunks+wx-1) / wx in let chunk n = let p = n * group in let get i = if i < nchunks then VerificationBitmap.get chunks i else VerificationBitmap.State_complete in let current = ref 0 in for i = p to p+group-1 do match get i with | VB.State_missing -> () | VB.State_partial -> if !current = 0 then current := 1 | VB.State_complete | VB.State_verified -> current := 2 done; String.make 1 (char_of_int !current) in let dx = 1 in let nchunks = nchunks / group in let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do let chunk = chunk i in drawing#set_foreground ( match VerificationBitmap.get chunks i with | VerificationBitmap.State_missing -> colorRed | VerificationBitmap.State_partial -> colorBlue | VerificationBitmap.State_complete -> colorBlack | VerificationBitmap.State_verified -> colorGreen); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () done let draw_availability (drawing: unit GDraw.drawable) availability = let wx, wy = drawing#size in drawing#set_foreground colorWhite; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:wx ~height:wy (); let nchunks = String.length availability in let dx = min !!O.chunk_width (wx / nchunks) in if wx > nchunks*dx && dx > 0 then let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do if !!Gui_options.use_availability_height then begin let h = int_of_char (availability.[i]) in if h = 0 then begin drawing#set_foreground colorRed; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy (); end else begin let h = min ((wy * h) / !!Gui_options.availability_max) wy in drawing#set_foreground colorGray; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height: (wy - h) (); drawing#set_foreground colorBlue; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: (wy - h) ~width: dx2 ~height:h (); end end else begin drawing#set_foreground ( match int_of_char availability.[i] with 0 -> colorRed | 1 -> colorBlue | _ -> colorBlack); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () end done else let group = (nchunks+wx-1) / wx in let avail i = let p = i * group in let get i = if i < nchunks then availability.[i] else '\200' in let current = ref (get p) in for i = p+1 to p+group-1 do current := min (get i) !current done; !current in let dx = 1 in let nchunks = nchunks / group in let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do let avail = avail i in if !!Gui_options.use_availability_height then begin let h = int_of_char avail in if h = 0 then begin drawing#set_foreground colorRed; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy (); end else begin let h = min ((wy * h) / !!Gui_options.availability_max) wy in drawing#set_foreground colorGray; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height: (wy - h) (); drawing#set_foreground colorBlue; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: (wy - h) ~width: dx2 ~height:h (); end end else begin drawing#set_foreground ( match int_of_char avail with 0 -> colorRed | 1 -> colorBlue | _ -> colorBlack); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () end done let redraw_chunks display_caption draw_avail view_availability file = let (drawing : unit GDraw.drawable) = match !drawing with None -> let w = draw_avail#misc#window in let d = new GDraw.drawable w in draw_avail#misc#show (); drawing := Some d; d | Some d -> d in try if view_availability = 0 then begin display_caption#set_text "Downloaded Chunks"; draw_chunks drawing file end else let (net, a) = List.nth file.file_availability (view_availability-1) in display_caption#set_text (Printf.sprintf "Availability on %s" (try (Hashtbl.find networks net).net_name with _ -> "??")); draw_availability drawing a with e -> Printf2.lprintf "Exception %s during drawing\n" (Printexc2.to_string e) class box_downloads box_locs wl_status () = let draw_availability = GMisc.drawing_area ~height:20 () in let display_caption = GMisc.label ~text:"Current chunks" ~justify:`LEFT ~line_wrap:true ~xalign:(-1.0) ~yalign:(-1.0) () in let label_file_info = GMisc.label () in object (self) inherit box O.downloads_columns `EXTENDED () method update_wl_status : unit = wl_status#set_text (Printf.sprintf !!Gui_messages.downloaded_files !G.ndownloaded !G.ndownloads) method cancel () = let s = Gui_messages.ask_cancel_download_files (List.map (fun f -> file_first_name f) self#selection) in match GToolbox.question_box (gettext Gui_messages.cancel) [ gettext Gui_messages.yes ; gettext Gui_messages.no] s with 1 -> List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (RemoveDownload_query f.file_num)) self#selection | _ -> () method retry_connect () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (ConnectAll f.file_num)) self#selection method pause_resume () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (SwitchDownload (f.file_num, match f.file_state with FilePaused | FileAborted _ -> true | _ -> false ))) self#selection method verify_chunks () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (VerifyAllChunks f.file_num)) self#selection method get_format () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (QueryFormat f.file_num)) self#selection method set_priority prio () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (SetFilePriority (f.file_num, prio))) self#selection method menu = match self#selection with [] -> [] | file :: tail -> `I ((gettext M.pause_resume_dl), self#pause_resume) :: `I ((gettext M.retry_connect), self#retry_connect) :: `I ((gettext M.cancel), self#cancel) :: `I ((gettext M.verify_chunks), self#verify_chunks) :: `M ("Set priority", [ `I ("High", self#set_priority 10); `I ("Normal", self#set_priority 0); `I ("Low", self#set_priority (-10)); ]) :: `I ((gettext M.get_format), self#get_format) :: (if tail = [] then [ `I ((gettext M.preview), preview file) ; `M ((gettext M.save), save_menu_items file) ; `I ((gettext M.save_as), save_as file) ; ] else []) 0 = current chunks , 1 - n availability val mutable view_availability = 0 val mutable last_displayed_file = None val mutable label_shown = false method on_select file = if not label_shown then begin label_shown <- true; let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in let button = GButton.button () in self#vbox#pack ~expand: false ~fill: true label_file_info#coerce ; self#vbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:true hbox#coerce; hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false button#coerce; hbox#add draw_availability#coerce; button#add display_caption#coerce; ignore (button#connect#clicked (fun _ -> match last_displayed_file with Some file -> let n = view_availability + 1 in lprintf " view_availability % d/%d\n " n ( file.file_availability ) ; (List.length file.file_availability); *) view_availability <- (if n > List.length file.file_availability then 0 else n); redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; | _ -> ())); end; label_file_info#set_text ( Printf.sprintf "NAME: %s SIZE: %s FORMAT: %s" (file.file_name) (Int64.to_string file.file_size) (string_of_format file.file_format) ; ); view_availability <- 0; redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; last_displayed_file <- Some file; box_locs#update_data_by_file (Some file) method on_deselect _ = box_locs#update_data_by_file None * { 2 Handling core messages } method update_file f f_new row = f.file_md4 <- f_new.file_md4 ; f.file_name <- f_new.file_name ; f.file_names <- f_new.file_names ; f.file_size <- f_new.file_size ; f.file_downloaded <- f_new.file_downloaded ; f.file_all_sources <- f_new.file_all_sources ; f.file_active_sources <- f_new.file_active_sources ; f.file_state <- f_new.file_state ; let must_redraw = (f.file_chunks <> f_new.file_chunks) || (f.file_availability <> f_new.file_availability) in f.file_chunks <- f_new.file_chunks ; f.file_availability <- f_new.file_availability ; f.file_priority <- f_new.file_priority; if f_new.file_sources <> None then f.file_sources <- f_new.file_sources ; f.file_download_rate <- f_new.file_download_rate ; f.file_format <- f_new.file_format; f.file_age <- f_new.file_age; f.file_last_seen <- f_new.file_last_seen; self#update_row f row; if must_redraw then match last_displayed_file with | Some file when f == file -> redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; | _ -> () method h_file_downloaded num dled rate = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_downloaded = dled ; file_download_rate = rate } row with Not_found -> () method h_paused f = try let (row, fi) = self#find_file f.file_num in self#update_file fi f row with Not_found -> incr ndownloads; self#update_wl_status ; self#add_item f method h_cancelled f = try let (row, fi) = self#find_file f.file_num in decr ndownloads; self#update_wl_status ; self#remove_file fi row with Not_found -> () method h_downloaded = self#h_cancelled method h_downloading f = self#h_paused f method h_file_availability file_num client_num avail = try let files = Intmap.find client_num !availabilities in try let (s,file) = Intmap.find file_num !files in String.blit avail 0 s 0 (String.length avail); with _ -> let _, file = self#find_file file_num in files := Intmap.add file_num (avail,file) !files with _ -> let _, file = self#find_file file_num in availabilities := Intmap.add client_num (ref (Intmap.add file_num (avail,file) Intmap.empty)) !availabilities (* try let (row, f) = self#find_file file_num in self#update_file f { f with file_chunks = chunks ; file_availability = avail } row with Not_found -> () *) (* method remove_client c = List.iter (fun file -> match file.file_sources with None -> () | Some sources -> if List.memq c sources then let (row, file) = self#find_file file.file_num in (* lprintf "Removing client from sources"; lprint_newline (); *) self#update_file file { file with file_sources = Some ( List.filter (fun cc -> cc != c) sources) } row ) data *) method h_file_age num age = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_age = age } row with Not_found -> () method h_file_last_seen num last = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_last_seen = last } row with Not_found -> () method h_file_location num src = try (* lprintf "Source %d for %d" src num; lprint_newline (); *) let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_sources = Some ( (match f.file_sources with None -> [src] | Some list -> if not (List.mem src list) then list@[src] else list )) } row with Not_found -> (* some sources are sent for shared files in eDonkey. have to fix that *) lprintf " No such file % d " num ; ( ) () method h_file_remove_location (num:int) (src:int) = try (* lprintf "Source %d for %d" src num; lprint_newline (); *) let (row, f) = self#find_file num in match f.file_sources with None -> () | Some list -> if List.memq src list then self#update_file f { f with file_sources = Some (List.filter (fun s -> s<>src) list) } row with Not_found -> (* some sources are sent for shared files in eDonkey. have to fix that *) lprintf " No such file % d " num ; ( ) () method clean_table list = let set = ref Intset.empty in List.iter (fun c_num -> set := Intset.add c_num !set ) list; self#iter (fun file -> match file.file_sources with None -> () | Some sources -> file.file_sources <- Some (List.filter (fun c -> Intset.mem c !set) sources) ); let all = Hashtbl2.to_list locations in Hashtbl.clear locations; List.iter (fun c -> if Intset.mem c.client_num !set then Hashtbl.add locations c.client_num c ) all method preview () = match self#selection with [] -> () | file :: _ -> preview file () initializer Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.cancel) ~tooltip: (gettext M.cancel) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_cancel) ~callback: self#cancel (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.retry_connect) ~tooltip: (gettext M.retry_connect) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_retry_connect) ~callback: self#retry_connect (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.pause_resume_dl) ~tooltip: (gettext M.pause_resume_dl) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_pause_resume) ~callback: self#pause_resume (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.verify_chunks) ~tooltip: (gettext M.verify_chunks) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_verify_chunks) ~callback: self#verify_chunks (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.preview) ~tooltip: (gettext M.preview) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_preview) ~callback: self#preview (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.get_format) ~tooltip: (gettext M.get_format) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_get_format) ~callback: self#get_format (); ignore (draw_availability#event#connect#expose (fun _ -> match last_displayed_file with None -> true | Some file -> redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; true )); end class pane_downloads () = let wl_status = GMisc.label ~text: "" ~show: true () in let scroll_box = GPack.vbox () in let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~placement:`TOP_LEFT ~packing:scroll_box#add () in let client_info_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport () in let locs = new Gui_friends.box_list client_info_box false in let dled = new box_downloaded wl_status () in let dls = new box_downloads locs wl_status () in let downloads_frame = GBin.frame ~border_width:5 ~label:"Running Downloads" ~label_xalign:(-1.0) ~label_yalign:(-1.0) ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT () in let downloaded_frame = GBin.frame ~border_width:5 ~label:"Completed Downloads" ~label_xalign:(-1.0) ~label_yalign:(-1.0) ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT () in object (self) inherit Gui_downloads_base.paned () method wl_status = wl_status method box_downloads = dls method box_downloaded = dled method box_locations = locs method set_tb_style st = locs#set_tb_style st; dled#set_tb_style st; dls#set_tb_style st method clear = wl_status#set_text ""; locs#clear; dled#clear; dls#clear * { 2 Handling core messages } method h_file_info f = match f.file_state with FileNew -> assert false | FileCancelled -> dls#h_cancelled f | FileDownloaded -> dls#h_cancelled f; dled#h_downloaded f | FileShared -> dled#h_removed f | FilePaused | FileQueued | FileAborted _ -> dls#h_paused f | FileDownloading -> dls#h_downloading f method h_file_availability = dls#h_file_availability method h_file_age = dls#h_file_age method h_file_last_seen = dls#h_file_last_seen method h_file_downloaded = dls#h_file_downloaded method h_file_location = dls#h_file_location method h_file_remove_location = dls#h_file_remove_location method h_update_location c_new = locs#h_update_location c_new (* method h_remove_client c = dls#remove_client c *) method clean_table clients = dls#clean_table clients method on_entry_return () = match entry_ed2k_url#text with "" -> () | s -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.Url s); entry_ed2k_url#set_text "" initializer Okey.add entry_ed2k_url ~mods: [] GdkKeysyms._Return self#on_entry_return; clients_wpane#add1 locs#coerce; clients_wpane#add2 scroll_box#coerce; downloaded_frame#add dled#coerce; downloads_frame#add dls#coerce ; if !!Gui_options.downloads_up then begin vpaned#add1 downloads_frame#coerce; vpaned#add2 downloaded_frame#coerce; end else begin vpaned#add2 downloads_frame#coerce; vpaned#add1 downloaded_frame#coerce; end end
* GUI for the lists of files. try let (row, f) = self#find_file file_num in self#update_file f { f with file_chunks = chunks ; file_availability = avail } row with Not_found -> () method remove_client c = List.iter (fun file -> match file.file_sources with None -> () | Some sources -> if List.memq c sources then let (row, file) = self#find_file file.file_num in (* lprintf "Removing client from sources"; lprint_newline (); lprintf "Source %d for %d" src num; lprint_newline (); some sources are sent for shared files in eDonkey. have to fix that lprintf "Source %d for %d" src num; lprint_newline (); some sources are sent for shared files in eDonkey. have to fix that method h_remove_client c = dls#remove_client c
Copyright 2001 , 2002 b8_bavard , b8_fee_carabine , This file is part of mldonkey . mldonkey is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This file is part of mldonkey. mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Printf2 open Options open Md4 open Gettext open Gui_global open CommonTypes open GuiTypes open GuiProto open Gui_columns module M = Gui_messages module P = Gpattern module O = Gui_options module G = Gui_global module VB = VerificationBitmap let preview file () = Gui_com.send (Preview file.file_num) let save_menu_items file = List.map (fun name -> `I (name, (fun _ -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (file.file_num, name)) ) ) ) file.file_names let save_as file () = let file_opt = GToolbox.input_string ~title: (gettext M.save) (gettext M.save) in match file_opt with None -> () | Some name -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (file.file_num, name)) let (!!) = Options.(!!) let file_first_name f = f.file_name let string_of_file_state state = match state with | FileDownloading -> (gettext M.downloading) | FileCancelled -> (gettext M.cancelled) | FileQueued -> (gettext M.queued) | FilePaused -> (gettext M.paused) | FileDownloaded | FileShared -> (gettext M.dl_done) | FileNew -> assert false | FileAborted s -> Printf.sprintf "Aborted: %s" s let some_is_available f = let b = ref false in List.iter (fun (_, avail) -> We can not use anymore relative availability as we can not relate the partial chunks with positions in the availability ... if ! ! Gui_options.use_relative_availability then for i = 0 to String.length avail - 1 do if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk f.file_chunks.[i ] & & f.file_availability.[i ] < > ' \000 ' then true else loop ( i - 1 ) in loop ( ( String.length f.file_availability ) - 1 ) else partial chunks with positions in the availability... if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then for i = 0 to String.length avail - 1 do if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk f.file_chunks.[i] && f.file_availability.[i] <> '\000' then true else loop (i - 1) in loop ((String.length f.file_availability) - 1) else *) let len = String.length avail in for i = 0 to len - 1 do b := !b || avail.[i] <> '\000' done; ) f.file_availability; !b let color_opt_of_file f = if f.file_download_rate > 0. then Some !!O.color_downloading else if some_is_available f then Some !!O.color_available else Some !!O.color_not_available let float_avail s = try float_of_string s with _ -> 0.0 let file_availability f = match f.file_chunks with | None -> "---" | Some chunks -> match f.file_availability with (_,avail) :: _ -> let rec loop i p n = if i < 0 then if n = 0 then "---" else Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" ((float p) /. (float n) *. 100.0) else loop (i - 1) (if CommonGlobals.partial_chunk (VerificationBitmap.get chunks i) then p + 1 else p) (if avail.[i] <> (char_of_int 0) then n + 1 else n) in loop ((String.length avail) - 1) 0 0 | _ -> "---" let string_availability f = let maxi = ref 0. in List.iter (fun (_, avail) -> let len = String.length avail in let p = ref 0 in for i = 0 to len - 1 do if avail.[i] <> '\000' then begin incr p end done; maxi := max !maxi (float_of_int !p /. float_of_int len *. 100.) ) f.file_availability; Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" !maxi let string_of_format format = match format with AVI f -> Printf.sprintf "AVI: %s %dx%d %g fps %d bpf" f.avi_codec f.avi_width f.avi_height (float_of_int(f.avi_fps) *. 0.001) f.avi_rate | MP3 (tag, _) -> let module M = Mp3tag.Id3v1 in Printf.sprintf "MP3: %s - %s (%d): %s" tag.M.artist tag.M.album tag.M.tracknum tag.M.title | _ -> (gettext M.unknown) let max_eta = 1000.0 *. 60.0 *. 60.0 *. 24.0 let calc_file_eta f = let size = Int64.to_float f.file_size in let downloaded = Int64.to_float f.file_downloaded in let missing = size -. downloaded in let rate = f.file_download_rate in let rate = if rate = 0. then let time = BasicSocket.last_time () in let age = time - f.file_age in if age > 0 then downloaded /. (float_of_int age) else 0. else rate in let eta = if rate = 0.0 then max_eta else let eta = missing /. rate in if eta < 0. || eta > max_eta then max_eta else eta in int_of_float eta class box columns sel_mode () = let titles = List.map Gui_columns.File.string_of_column !!columns in object (self) inherit [file_info] Gpattern.plist sel_mode titles true (fun f -> f.file_num) as pl inherit Gui_downloads_base.box () as box val mutable columns = columns method set_columns l = columns <- l; self#set_titles (List.map Gui_columns.File.string_of_column !!columns); self#update method column_menu i = [ `I ("Autosize", fun _ -> self#wlist#columns_autosize ()); `I ("Sort", self#resort_column i); `I ("Remove Column", (fun _ -> match !!columns with _ :: _ :: _ -> (let l = !!columns in match List2.cut i l with l1, _ :: l2 -> columns =:= l1 @ l2; self#set_columns columns | _ -> ()) | _ -> () ) ); `M ("Add Column After", ( List.map (fun (c,s) -> (`I (s, (fun _ -> let c1, c2 = List2.cut (i+1) !!columns in columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2; self#set_columns columns ))) ) Gui_columns.file_column_strings)); `M ("Add Column Before", ( List.map (fun (c,s) -> (`I (s, (fun _ -> let c1, c2 = List2.cut i !!columns in columns =:= c1 @ [c] @ c2; self#set_columns columns ))) ) Gui_columns.file_column_strings)); ] method box = box#coerce method vbox = box#vbox method compare_by_col col f1 f2 = match col with | Col_file_name -> compare f1.file_name f2.file_name | Col_file_size -> compare f1.file_size f2.file_size | Col_file_downloaded -> compare f1.file_downloaded f2.file_downloaded | Col_file_percent -> compare (Int64.to_float f1.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f1.file_size) (Int64.to_float f2.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f2.file_size) | Col_file_rate-> compare f1.file_download_rate f2.file_download_rate | Col_file_state -> compare f1.file_state f2.file_state | Col_file_availability -> let fn = if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then file_availability else string_availability in compare (float_avail (fn f1)) (float_avail (fn f2)) | Col_file_md4 -> compare (Md4.to_string f1.file_md4) (Md4.to_string f2.file_md4) | Col_file_format -> compare f1.file_format f2.file_format | Col_file_network -> compare f1.file_network f2.file_network | Col_file_age -> compare f1.file_age f2.file_age | Col_file_last_seen -> compare f1.file_last_seen f2.file_last_seen | Col_file_eta -> compare (calc_file_eta f1) (calc_file_eta f2) | Col_file_priority -> compare f1.file_priority f2.file_priority method compare f1 f2 = let abs = if current_sort >= 0 then current_sort else - current_sort in let col = try List.nth !!columns (abs - 1) with _ -> Col_file_name in let res = self#compare_by_col col f1 f2 in current_sort * res method content_by_col f col = match col with Col_file_name -> let s_file = Gui_misc.short_name f.file_name in s_file | Col_file_size -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.file_size | Col_file_downloaded -> Gui_misc.size_of_int64 f.file_downloaded | Col_file_percent -> Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" (Int64.to_float f.file_downloaded /. Int64.to_float f.file_size *. 100.) | Col_file_rate -> if f.file_download_rate > 0. then Printf.sprintf "%5.1f" (f.file_download_rate /. 1024.) else "" | Col_file_state -> string_of_file_state f.file_state | Col_file_availability -> if !!Gui_options.use_relative_availability then file_availability f else string_availability f | Col_file_md4 -> Md4.to_string f.file_md4 | Col_file_format -> string_of_format f.file_format | Col_file_network -> Gui_global.network_name f.file_network | Col_file_age -> let age = (BasicSocket.last_time ()) - f.file_age in Date.time_to_string age "long" | Col_file_last_seen -> if f.file_last_seen > 0 then let last = (BasicSocket.last_time ()) - f.file_last_seen in Date.time_to_string last "long" else Printf.sprintf "---" | Col_file_eta -> let eta = calc_file_eta f in if eta >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 then Printf.sprintf "---" else Date.time_to_string eta "long" | Col_file_priority -> Printf.sprintf "%3d" f.file_priority method content f = let strings = List.map (fun col -> P.String (self#content_by_col f col)) !!columns in let col_opt = match color_opt_of_file f with None -> Some `BLACK | Some c -> Some (`NAME c) in (strings, col_opt) method find_file num = self#find num method remove_file f row = self#remove_item row f; selection <- List.filter (fun fi -> fi.file_num <> f.file_num) selection method set_tb_style tb = if Options.(!!) Gui_options.mini_toolbars then (wtool1#misc#hide (); wtool2#misc#show ()) else (wtool2#misc#hide (); wtool1#misc#show ()); wtool2#set_style tb; wtool1#set_style tb initializer box#vbox#pack ~expand: true pl#box; end class box_downloaded wl_status () = object (self) inherit box O.downloaded_columns `SINGLE () as super method update_wl_status : unit = wl_status#set_text (Printf.sprintf !!Gui_messages.downloaded_files !G.ndownloaded !G.ndownloads) method content f = (fst (super#content f), Some (`NAME !!O.color_downloaded)) method save ev = match self#selection with f :: _ -> let items = save_menu_items f in GAutoconf.popup_menu ~entries: items ~button: 1 ~time: 0 | _ -> () method save_all () = self#iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.SaveFile (f.file_num, file_first_name f))) method edit_mp3_tags () = match self#selection with file :: _ -> ( match file.file_format with MP3 (tag,_) -> Mp3_ui.edit_tag_v1 (gettext M.edit_mp3) tag ; Gui_com.send (GuiProto.ModifyMp3Tags (file.file_num, tag)) | _ -> () ) | _ -> () method menu = match self#selection with [] -> [ `I ((gettext M.save_all), self#save_all) ] | file :: _ -> [ `I ((gettext M.save_as), save_as file) ; `M ((gettext M.save), save_menu_items file) ; `I ((gettext M.preview), preview file) ; ] @ (match file.file_format with MP3 _ -> [`I ((gettext M.edit_mp3), self#edit_mp3_tags)] | _ -> []) @ [ `S ; `I ((gettext M.save_all), self#save_all) ] * { 2 Handling core messages } method h_downloaded f = try ignore (self#find_file f.file_num) with Not_found -> incr ndownloaded; self#update_wl_status ; self#add_item f method h_removed f = try let (row, _) = self#find_file f.file_num in decr ndownloaded; self#update_wl_status ; self#remove_file f row with Not_found -> () method preview () = match self#selection with [] -> () | file :: _ -> preview file () method save_as () = match self#selection with | [] -> () | file :: _ -> save_as file () initializer Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save) ~callback: self#save (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save_as) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save_as) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save_as) ~callback: self#save_as (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.save_all) ~tooltip: (gettext M.save_all) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_save_all) ~callback: self#save_all (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.edit_mp3) ~tooltip: (gettext M.edit_mp3) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_edit_mp3) ~callback: self#edit_mp3_tags (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.preview) ~tooltip: (gettext M.preview) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_preview) ~callback: self#preview (); end let colorGreen = `NAME "green" let colorRed = `NAME "red" let colorBlue = `NAME "blue" let colorGray = `NAME "gray" let colorWhite =`WHITE let colorBlack = `BLACK let colorCyan = `NAME "cyan" let drawing = ref (None : [ `window] GDraw.drawable option) let draw_chunks (drawing : unit GDraw.drawable) file = match file.file_chunks with | None -> () | Some chunks -> let wx, wy = drawing#size in drawing#set_foreground colorWhite; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:wx ~height:wy (); let nchunks = VerificationBitmap.length chunks in let dx = min !!O.chunk_width (wx / nchunks) in if wx > nchunks*dx && dx > 0 then let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do drawing#set_foreground ( match VerificationBitmap.get chunks i with | VerificationBitmap.State_missing -> colorRed | VerificationBitmap.State_partial -> colorBlue | VerificationBitmap.State_complete -> colorBlack | VerificationBitmap.State_verified -> colorGreen); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () done else let group = (nchunks+wx-1) / wx in let chunk n = let p = n * group in let get i = if i < nchunks then VerificationBitmap.get chunks i else VerificationBitmap.State_complete in let current = ref 0 in for i = p to p+group-1 do match get i with | VB.State_missing -> () | VB.State_partial -> if !current = 0 then current := 1 | VB.State_complete | VB.State_verified -> current := 2 done; String.make 1 (char_of_int !current) in let dx = 1 in let nchunks = nchunks / group in let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do let chunk = chunk i in drawing#set_foreground ( match VerificationBitmap.get chunks i with | VerificationBitmap.State_missing -> colorRed | VerificationBitmap.State_partial -> colorBlue | VerificationBitmap.State_complete -> colorBlack | VerificationBitmap.State_verified -> colorGreen); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () done let draw_availability (drawing: unit GDraw.drawable) availability = let wx, wy = drawing#size in drawing#set_foreground colorWhite; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width:wx ~height:wy (); let nchunks = String.length availability in let dx = min !!O.chunk_width (wx / nchunks) in if wx > nchunks*dx && dx > 0 then let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do if !!Gui_options.use_availability_height then begin let h = int_of_char (availability.[i]) in if h = 0 then begin drawing#set_foreground colorRed; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy (); end else begin let h = min ((wy * h) / !!Gui_options.availability_max) wy in drawing#set_foreground colorGray; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height: (wy - h) (); drawing#set_foreground colorBlue; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: (wy - h) ~width: dx2 ~height:h (); end end else begin drawing#set_foreground ( match int_of_char availability.[i] with 0 -> colorRed | 1 -> colorBlue | _ -> colorBlack); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () end done else let group = (nchunks+wx-1) / wx in let avail i = let p = i * group in let get i = if i < nchunks then availability.[i] else '\200' in let current = ref (get p) in for i = p+1 to p+group-1 do current := min (get i) !current done; !current in let dx = 1 in let nchunks = nchunks / group in let offset = (wx - nchunks * dx) / 2 in let offset = if offset < 0 then 0 else offset in let dx2 = if dx <= 2 then dx else dx - 1 in for i = 0 to nchunks - 1 do let avail = avail i in if !!Gui_options.use_availability_height then begin let h = int_of_char avail in if h = 0 then begin drawing#set_foreground colorRed; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy (); end else begin let h = min ((wy * h) / !!Gui_options.availability_max) wy in drawing#set_foreground colorGray; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height: (wy - h) (); drawing#set_foreground colorBlue; drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: (wy - h) ~width: dx2 ~height:h (); end end else begin drawing#set_foreground ( match int_of_char avail with 0 -> colorRed | 1 -> colorBlue | _ -> colorBlack); drawing#rectangle ~filled: true ~x:(offset + i*dx) ~y: 0 ~width: dx2 ~height:wy () end done let redraw_chunks display_caption draw_avail view_availability file = let (drawing : unit GDraw.drawable) = match !drawing with None -> let w = draw_avail#misc#window in let d = new GDraw.drawable w in draw_avail#misc#show (); drawing := Some d; d | Some d -> d in try if view_availability = 0 then begin display_caption#set_text "Downloaded Chunks"; draw_chunks drawing file end else let (net, a) = List.nth file.file_availability (view_availability-1) in display_caption#set_text (Printf.sprintf "Availability on %s" (try (Hashtbl.find networks net).net_name with _ -> "??")); draw_availability drawing a with e -> Printf2.lprintf "Exception %s during drawing\n" (Printexc2.to_string e) class box_downloads box_locs wl_status () = let draw_availability = GMisc.drawing_area ~height:20 () in let display_caption = GMisc.label ~text:"Current chunks" ~justify:`LEFT ~line_wrap:true ~xalign:(-1.0) ~yalign:(-1.0) () in let label_file_info = GMisc.label () in object (self) inherit box O.downloads_columns `EXTENDED () method update_wl_status : unit = wl_status#set_text (Printf.sprintf !!Gui_messages.downloaded_files !G.ndownloaded !G.ndownloads) method cancel () = let s = Gui_messages.ask_cancel_download_files (List.map (fun f -> file_first_name f) self#selection) in match GToolbox.question_box (gettext Gui_messages.cancel) [ gettext Gui_messages.yes ; gettext Gui_messages.no] s with 1 -> List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (RemoveDownload_query f.file_num)) self#selection | _ -> () method retry_connect () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (ConnectAll f.file_num)) self#selection method pause_resume () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (SwitchDownload (f.file_num, match f.file_state with FilePaused | FileAborted _ -> true | _ -> false ))) self#selection method verify_chunks () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (VerifyAllChunks f.file_num)) self#selection method get_format () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (QueryFormat f.file_num)) self#selection method set_priority prio () = List.iter (fun f -> Gui_com.send (SetFilePriority (f.file_num, prio))) self#selection method menu = match self#selection with [] -> [] | file :: tail -> `I ((gettext M.pause_resume_dl), self#pause_resume) :: `I ((gettext M.retry_connect), self#retry_connect) :: `I ((gettext M.cancel), self#cancel) :: `I ((gettext M.verify_chunks), self#verify_chunks) :: `M ("Set priority", [ `I ("High", self#set_priority 10); `I ("Normal", self#set_priority 0); `I ("Low", self#set_priority (-10)); ]) :: `I ((gettext M.get_format), self#get_format) :: (if tail = [] then [ `I ((gettext M.preview), preview file) ; `M ((gettext M.save), save_menu_items file) ; `I ((gettext M.save_as), save_as file) ; ] else []) 0 = current chunks , 1 - n availability val mutable view_availability = 0 val mutable last_displayed_file = None val mutable label_shown = false method on_select file = if not label_shown then begin label_shown <- true; let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in let button = GButton.button () in self#vbox#pack ~expand: false ~fill: true label_file_info#coerce ; self#vbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:true hbox#coerce; hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false button#coerce; hbox#add draw_availability#coerce; button#add display_caption#coerce; ignore (button#connect#clicked (fun _ -> match last_displayed_file with Some file -> let n = view_availability + 1 in lprintf " view_availability % d/%d\n " n ( file.file_availability ) ; (List.length file.file_availability); *) view_availability <- (if n > List.length file.file_availability then 0 else n); redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; | _ -> ())); end; label_file_info#set_text ( Printf.sprintf "NAME: %s SIZE: %s FORMAT: %s" (file.file_name) (Int64.to_string file.file_size) (string_of_format file.file_format) ; ); view_availability <- 0; redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; last_displayed_file <- Some file; box_locs#update_data_by_file (Some file) method on_deselect _ = box_locs#update_data_by_file None * { 2 Handling core messages } method update_file f f_new row = f.file_md4 <- f_new.file_md4 ; f.file_name <- f_new.file_name ; f.file_names <- f_new.file_names ; f.file_size <- f_new.file_size ; f.file_downloaded <- f_new.file_downloaded ; f.file_all_sources <- f_new.file_all_sources ; f.file_active_sources <- f_new.file_active_sources ; f.file_state <- f_new.file_state ; let must_redraw = (f.file_chunks <> f_new.file_chunks) || (f.file_availability <> f_new.file_availability) in f.file_chunks <- f_new.file_chunks ; f.file_availability <- f_new.file_availability ; f.file_priority <- f_new.file_priority; if f_new.file_sources <> None then f.file_sources <- f_new.file_sources ; f.file_download_rate <- f_new.file_download_rate ; f.file_format <- f_new.file_format; f.file_age <- f_new.file_age; f.file_last_seen <- f_new.file_last_seen; self#update_row f row; if must_redraw then match last_displayed_file with | Some file when f == file -> redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; | _ -> () method h_file_downloaded num dled rate = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_downloaded = dled ; file_download_rate = rate } row with Not_found -> () method h_paused f = try let (row, fi) = self#find_file f.file_num in self#update_file fi f row with Not_found -> incr ndownloads; self#update_wl_status ; self#add_item f method h_cancelled f = try let (row, fi) = self#find_file f.file_num in decr ndownloads; self#update_wl_status ; self#remove_file fi row with Not_found -> () method h_downloaded = self#h_cancelled method h_downloading f = self#h_paused f method h_file_availability file_num client_num avail = try let files = Intmap.find client_num !availabilities in try let (s,file) = Intmap.find file_num !files in String.blit avail 0 s 0 (String.length avail); with _ -> let _, file = self#find_file file_num in files := Intmap.add file_num (avail,file) !files with _ -> let _, file = self#find_file file_num in availabilities := Intmap.add client_num (ref (Intmap.add file_num (avail,file) Intmap.empty)) !availabilities self#update_file file { file with file_sources = Some ( List.filter (fun cc -> cc != c) sources) } row ) data *) method h_file_age num age = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_age = age } row with Not_found -> () method h_file_last_seen num last = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_last_seen = last } row with Not_found -> () method h_file_location num src = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in self#update_file f { f with file_sources = Some ( (match f.file_sources with None -> [src] | Some list -> if not (List.mem src list) then list@[src] else list )) } row with Not_found -> lprintf " No such file % d " num ; ( ) () method h_file_remove_location (num:int) (src:int) = try let (row, f) = self#find_file num in match f.file_sources with None -> () | Some list -> if List.memq src list then self#update_file f { f with file_sources = Some (List.filter (fun s -> s<>src) list) } row with Not_found -> lprintf " No such file % d " num ; ( ) () method clean_table list = let set = ref Intset.empty in List.iter (fun c_num -> set := Intset.add c_num !set ) list; self#iter (fun file -> match file.file_sources with None -> () | Some sources -> file.file_sources <- Some (List.filter (fun c -> Intset.mem c !set) sources) ); let all = Hashtbl2.to_list locations in Hashtbl.clear locations; List.iter (fun c -> if Intset.mem c.client_num !set then Hashtbl.add locations c.client_num c ) all method preview () = match self#selection with [] -> () | file :: _ -> preview file () initializer Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.cancel) ~tooltip: (gettext M.cancel) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_cancel) ~callback: self#cancel (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.retry_connect) ~tooltip: (gettext M.retry_connect) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_retry_connect) ~callback: self#retry_connect (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.pause_resume_dl) ~tooltip: (gettext M.pause_resume_dl) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_pause_resume) ~callback: self#pause_resume (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.verify_chunks) ~tooltip: (gettext M.verify_chunks) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_verify_chunks) ~callback: self#verify_chunks (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.preview) ~tooltip: (gettext M.preview) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_preview) ~callback: self#preview (); Gui_misc.insert_buttons wtool1 wtool2 ~text: (gettext M.get_format) ~tooltip: (gettext M.get_format) ~icon: (M.o_xpm_get_format) ~callback: self#get_format (); ignore (draw_availability#event#connect#expose (fun _ -> match last_displayed_file with None -> true | Some file -> redraw_chunks display_caption draw_availability view_availability file; true )); end class pane_downloads () = let wl_status = GMisc.label ~text: "" ~show: true () in let scroll_box = GPack.vbox () in let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~placement:`TOP_LEFT ~packing:scroll_box#add () in let client_info_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport () in let locs = new Gui_friends.box_list client_info_box false in let dled = new box_downloaded wl_status () in let dls = new box_downloads locs wl_status () in let downloads_frame = GBin.frame ~border_width:5 ~label:"Running Downloads" ~label_xalign:(-1.0) ~label_yalign:(-1.0) ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT () in let downloaded_frame = GBin.frame ~border_width:5 ~label:"Completed Downloads" ~label_xalign:(-1.0) ~label_yalign:(-1.0) ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT () in object (self) inherit Gui_downloads_base.paned () method wl_status = wl_status method box_downloads = dls method box_downloaded = dled method box_locations = locs method set_tb_style st = locs#set_tb_style st; dled#set_tb_style st; dls#set_tb_style st method clear = wl_status#set_text ""; locs#clear; dled#clear; dls#clear * { 2 Handling core messages } method h_file_info f = match f.file_state with FileNew -> assert false | FileCancelled -> dls#h_cancelled f | FileDownloaded -> dls#h_cancelled f; dled#h_downloaded f | FileShared -> dled#h_removed f | FilePaused | FileQueued | FileAborted _ -> dls#h_paused f | FileDownloading -> dls#h_downloading f method h_file_availability = dls#h_file_availability method h_file_age = dls#h_file_age method h_file_last_seen = dls#h_file_last_seen method h_file_downloaded = dls#h_file_downloaded method h_file_location = dls#h_file_location method h_file_remove_location = dls#h_file_remove_location method h_update_location c_new = locs#h_update_location c_new method clean_table clients = dls#clean_table clients method on_entry_return () = match entry_ed2k_url#text with "" -> () | s -> Gui_com.send (GuiProto.Url s); entry_ed2k_url#set_text "" initializer Okey.add entry_ed2k_url ~mods: [] GdkKeysyms._Return self#on_entry_return; clients_wpane#add1 locs#coerce; clients_wpane#add2 scroll_box#coerce; downloaded_frame#add dled#coerce; downloads_frame#add dls#coerce ; if !!Gui_options.downloads_up then begin vpaned#add1 downloads_frame#coerce; vpaned#add2 downloaded_frame#coerce; end else begin vpaned#add2 downloads_frame#coerce; vpaned#add1 downloaded_frame#coerce; end end
(*****************************************************************************) (* Mezzo, a programming language based on permissions *) Copyright ( C ) 2011 , 2012 and (* *) (* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *) it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or (* (at your option) any later version. *) (* *) (* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU General Public License for more details. *) (* *) You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (* along with this program. If not, see </>. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) type t = unit ref let create () = ref () let equals = (==)
*************************************************************************** Mezzo, a programming language based on permissions This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. along with this program. If not, see </>. ***************************************************************************
Copyright ( C ) 2011 , 2012 and it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License type t = unit ref let create () = ref () let equals = (==)
(define-library (06-fast-interpreter common) (export activation-frame-argument activation-frame-argument-length allocate-activation-frame compute-kind definitial description-extend! environment-next g.current g.current-extend! g.init g.init-extend! get-description global-fetch global-update! listify! predefined-fetch r.init r-extend* sg.current sg.current.names sg.init sr.init sr-extend* set-activation-frame-argument! static-wrong undefined-value) (import (builtin core) (libs utils) (libs book)) (begin (define (static-wrong message . culprits) (println `(*static-error* ,message . ,culprits)) (lambda _args (apply wrong (cons message culprits)))) (define (deep-fetch sr i j) (if (= i 0) (activation-frame-argument sr j) (deep-fetch (environment-next sr) (- i 1) j))) (define (deep-update! sr i j v) (if (= i 0) (set-activation-frame-argument! sr j v) (deep-update! (environment-next sr) (- i 1) j v))) (define (r-extend* r n*) (cons n* r)) (define g.current '()) (define g.init '()) (define (sr-extend* sr v*) (set-environment-next! v* sr) v*) (define r.init '()) (define sr.init '()) (define (compute-kind r n) (or (local-variable? r 0 n) (global-variable? g.current n) (global-variable? g.init n))) (define (g.current-extend! n) (let ((level (length g.current))) (set! g.current (cons (cons n `(global . ,level)) g.current)) level)) (define (g.init-extend! n) (let ((level (length g.init))) (set! g.init (cons (cons n `(predefined . ,level)) g.init)) level)) (define (global-variable? g n) (let ((var (assq n g))) (and (pair? var) (cdr var)))) (define (local-variable? r i n) (define (scan names j) (cond ((pair? names) (if (eq? n (car names)) `(local ,i . ,j) (scan (cdr names) (+ 1 j)))) ((null? names) (local-variable? (cdr r) (+ i 1) n)) ((eq? n names) `(local ,i . ,j)))) (and (pair? r) (scan (car r) 0))) (define (listify! v* arity) (define (loop index result) (if (= arity index) (set-activation-frame-argument! v* arity result) (loop (- index 1) (cons (activation-frame-argument v* (- index 1)) result)))) (loop (- (activation-frame-argument-length v*) 1) '())) (define (definitial name value) (g.init-initialize! name value)) (define sg.current (make-vector 100)) (define sg.init (make-vector 100)) (define sg.current.names '()) (define (global-fetch i) (vector-ref sg.current i)) (define (global-update! i v) (vector-set! sg.current i v)) (define (predefined-fetch i) (vector-ref sg.init i)) (define (g.current-initialize! name) (let ((kind (compute-kind r.init name))) (if kind (case (car kind) ((global) (vector-set! sg.current (cdr kind) undefined-value)) (else (static-wrong "Wrong redefinition" name))) (let ((index (g.current-extend! name))) (vector-set! sg.current index undefined-value)))) name) (define (g.init-initialize! name value) (let ((kind (compute-kind r.init name))) (if kind (case (car kind) ((predefined) (vector-set! sg.init (cdr kind) value)) (else (static-wrong "Wrong redefinition" name))) (let ((index (g.init-extend! name))) (vector-set! sg.init index value)))) name) (define desc.init '()) (define (description-extend! name description) (set! desc.init (cons (cons name description) desc.init)) name) (define (get-description name) (let ((p (assq name desc.init))) (and (pair? p) (cdr p)))) (define undefined-value '*undefined*) (g.current-initialize! 'x) (g.current-initialize! 'y) (g.current-initialize! 'z) (g.current-initialize! 'foo) (g.current-initialize! 'bar) ; The following implementations are not defined in the book, so I'm making them up... (define (environment-next frame) (car frame)) (define (set-environment-next! frame sr) (set-car! frame sr)) (define (allocate-activation-frame size) (list '() (make-vector size) size)) (define (activation-frame-argument frame index) (vector-ref (cadr frame) index)) (define (set-activation-frame-argument! frame index value) (vector-set! (cadr frame) index value)) (define (activation-frame-argument-length frame) (caddr frame))))
The following implementations are not defined in the book, so I'm making them up...
(define-library (06-fast-interpreter common) (export activation-frame-argument activation-frame-argument-length allocate-activation-frame compute-kind definitial description-extend! environment-next g.current g.current-extend! g.init g.init-extend! get-description global-fetch global-update! listify! predefined-fetch r.init r-extend* sg.current sg.current.names sg.init sr.init sr-extend* set-activation-frame-argument! static-wrong undefined-value) (import (builtin core) (libs utils) (libs book)) (begin (define (static-wrong message . culprits) (println `(*static-error* ,message . ,culprits)) (lambda _args (apply wrong (cons message culprits)))) (define (deep-fetch sr i j) (if (= i 0) (activation-frame-argument sr j) (deep-fetch (environment-next sr) (- i 1) j))) (define (deep-update! sr i j v) (if (= i 0) (set-activation-frame-argument! sr j v) (deep-update! (environment-next sr) (- i 1) j v))) (define (r-extend* r n*) (cons n* r)) (define g.current '()) (define g.init '()) (define (sr-extend* sr v*) (set-environment-next! v* sr) v*) (define r.init '()) (define sr.init '()) (define (compute-kind r n) (or (local-variable? r 0 n) (global-variable? g.current n) (global-variable? g.init n))) (define (g.current-extend! n) (let ((level (length g.current))) (set! g.current (cons (cons n `(global . ,level)) g.current)) level)) (define (g.init-extend! n) (let ((level (length g.init))) (set! g.init (cons (cons n `(predefined . ,level)) g.init)) level)) (define (global-variable? g n) (let ((var (assq n g))) (and (pair? var) (cdr var)))) (define (local-variable? r i n) (define (scan names j) (cond ((pair? names) (if (eq? n (car names)) `(local ,i . ,j) (scan (cdr names) (+ 1 j)))) ((null? names) (local-variable? (cdr r) (+ i 1) n)) ((eq? n names) `(local ,i . ,j)))) (and (pair? r) (scan (car r) 0))) (define (listify! v* arity) (define (loop index result) (if (= arity index) (set-activation-frame-argument! v* arity result) (loop (- index 1) (cons (activation-frame-argument v* (- index 1)) result)))) (loop (- (activation-frame-argument-length v*) 1) '())) (define (definitial name value) (g.init-initialize! name value)) (define sg.current (make-vector 100)) (define sg.init (make-vector 100)) (define sg.current.names '()) (define (global-fetch i) (vector-ref sg.current i)) (define (global-update! i v) (vector-set! sg.current i v)) (define (predefined-fetch i) (vector-ref sg.init i)) (define (g.current-initialize! name) (let ((kind (compute-kind r.init name))) (if kind (case (car kind) ((global) (vector-set! sg.current (cdr kind) undefined-value)) (else (static-wrong "Wrong redefinition" name))) (let ((index (g.current-extend! name))) (vector-set! sg.current index undefined-value)))) name) (define (g.init-initialize! name value) (let ((kind (compute-kind r.init name))) (if kind (case (car kind) ((predefined) (vector-set! sg.init (cdr kind) value)) (else (static-wrong "Wrong redefinition" name))) (let ((index (g.init-extend! name))) (vector-set! sg.init index value)))) name) (define desc.init '()) (define (description-extend! name description) (set! desc.init (cons (cons name description) desc.init)) name) (define (get-description name) (let ((p (assq name desc.init))) (and (pair? p) (cdr p)))) (define undefined-value '*undefined*) (g.current-initialize! 'x) (g.current-initialize! 'y) (g.current-initialize! 'z) (g.current-initialize! 'foo) (g.current-initialize! 'bar) (define (environment-next frame) (car frame)) (define (set-environment-next! frame sr) (set-car! frame sr)) (define (allocate-activation-frame size) (list '() (make-vector size) size)) (define (activation-frame-argument frame index) (vector-ref (cadr frame) index)) (define (set-activation-frame-argument! frame index value) (vector-set! (cadr frame) index value)) (define (activation-frame-argument-length frame) (caddr frame))))
Scheme 9 from Empty Space , Function Library By , 2009 - 2012 ; Placed in the Public Domain ; ; (draw-tree object) ==> unspecific ; ; Print a tree structure resembling a Scheme datum. Each cons cell is represented by [ ] with lines leading to their car and cdr parts . Conses with a cdr value of ( ) are represented by [ ] . ; ; (Example): (draw-tree '((a) (b . c) (d e))) ==> unspecific ; ; Output: [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/] ; | | | [ ] | [ o|o]---[o|/ ] ; | | | | ; a | d e ; | ; [o|o]--- c ; | ; b (define (draw-tree n) (define *nothing* (cons 'N '())) (define *visited* (cons 'V '())) (define (empty? x) (eq? x *nothing*)) (define (visited? x) (eq? (car x) *visited*)) (define (mark-visited x) (cons *visited* x)) (define (members-of x) (cdr x)) (define (done? x) (and (pair? x) (visited? x) (null? (cdr x)))) (define (draw-fixed-string s) (let* ((b (make-string 8 #\space)) (k (string-length s)) (s (if (> k 7) (substring s 0 7) s)) (s (if (< k 3) (string-append " " s) s)) (k (string-length s))) (display (string-append s (substring b 0 (- 8 k)))))) (define (draw-atom n) (cond ((null? n) (draw-fixed-string "()")) ((symbol? n) (draw-fixed-string (symbol->string n))) ((number? n) (draw-fixed-string (number->string n))) ((string? n) (draw-fixed-string (string-append "\"" n "\""))) ((char? n) (draw-fixed-string (string-append "#\\" (string n)))) ((eq? n #t) (draw-fixed-string "#t")) ((eq? n #f) (draw-fixed-string "#f")) (else (error "draw-atom: unknown type" n)))) (define (draw-conses n) (let draw-conses ((n n) (r '())) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) (reverse! r)) ((null? (cdr n)) (display "[o|/]") (reverse! (cons (car n) r))) (else (display "[o|o]---") (draw-conses (cdr n) (cons (car n) r)))))) (define (draw-bars n) (let draw-bars ((n (members-of n))) (cond ((not (pair? n))) ((empty? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "") (draw-bars (cdr n))) ((and (pair? (car n)) (visited? (car n))) (draw-bars (members-of (car n))) (draw-bars (cdr n))) (else (draw-fixed-string "|") (draw-bars (cdr n)))))) (define (skip-empty n) (if (and (pair? n) (or (empty? (car n)) (done? (car n)))) (skip-empty (cdr n)) n)) (define (remove-trailing-nothing n) (reverse (skip-empty (reverse n)))) (define (all-vertical? n) (or (not (pair? n)) (and (null? (cdr n)) (all-vertical? (car n))))) (define (draw-members n) (let draw-members ((n (members-of n)) (r '())) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (mark-visited (remove-trailing-nothing (reverse r)))) ((empty? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons *nothing* r))) ((not (pair? (car n))) (draw-atom (car n)) (draw-members (cdr n) (cons *nothing* r))) ((null? (cdr n)) (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (draw-final (car n)) r))) ((all-vertical? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "[o|/]") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (caar n) r))) (else (draw-fixed-string "|") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (car n) r)))))) (define (draw-final n) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) *nothing*) ((visited? n) (draw-members n)) (else (mark-visited (draw-conses n))))) (if (not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) (let draw-tree ((n (mark-visited (draw-conses n)))) (if (not (done? n)) (begin (newline) (draw-bars n) (newline) (draw-tree (draw-members n)))))) (newline)) (define dt draw-tree)
Placed in the Public Domain (draw-tree object) ==> unspecific Print a tree structure resembling a Scheme datum. Each cons (Example): (draw-tree '((a) (b . c) (d e))) ==> unspecific Output: [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/] | | | | | | | a | d e | [o|o]--- c | b
Scheme 9 from Empty Space , Function Library By , 2009 - 2012 cell is represented by [ ] with lines leading to their car and cdr parts . Conses with a cdr value of ( ) are represented by [ ] . [ ] | [ o|o]---[o|/ ] (define (draw-tree n) (define *nothing* (cons 'N '())) (define *visited* (cons 'V '())) (define (empty? x) (eq? x *nothing*)) (define (visited? x) (eq? (car x) *visited*)) (define (mark-visited x) (cons *visited* x)) (define (members-of x) (cdr x)) (define (done? x) (and (pair? x) (visited? x) (null? (cdr x)))) (define (draw-fixed-string s) (let* ((b (make-string 8 #\space)) (k (string-length s)) (s (if (> k 7) (substring s 0 7) s)) (s (if (< k 3) (string-append " " s) s)) (k (string-length s))) (display (string-append s (substring b 0 (- 8 k)))))) (define (draw-atom n) (cond ((null? n) (draw-fixed-string "()")) ((symbol? n) (draw-fixed-string (symbol->string n))) ((number? n) (draw-fixed-string (number->string n))) ((string? n) (draw-fixed-string (string-append "\"" n "\""))) ((char? n) (draw-fixed-string (string-append "#\\" (string n)))) ((eq? n #t) (draw-fixed-string "#t")) ((eq? n #f) (draw-fixed-string "#f")) (else (error "draw-atom: unknown type" n)))) (define (draw-conses n) (let draw-conses ((n n) (r '())) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) (reverse! r)) ((null? (cdr n)) (display "[o|/]") (reverse! (cons (car n) r))) (else (display "[o|o]---") (draw-conses (cdr n) (cons (car n) r)))))) (define (draw-bars n) (let draw-bars ((n (members-of n))) (cond ((not (pair? n))) ((empty? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "") (draw-bars (cdr n))) ((and (pair? (car n)) (visited? (car n))) (draw-bars (members-of (car n))) (draw-bars (cdr n))) (else (draw-fixed-string "|") (draw-bars (cdr n)))))) (define (skip-empty n) (if (and (pair? n) (or (empty? (car n)) (done? (car n)))) (skip-empty (cdr n)) n)) (define (remove-trailing-nothing n) (reverse (skip-empty (reverse n)))) (define (all-vertical? n) (or (not (pair? n)) (and (null? (cdr n)) (all-vertical? (car n))))) (define (draw-members n) (let draw-members ((n (members-of n)) (r '())) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (mark-visited (remove-trailing-nothing (reverse r)))) ((empty? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons *nothing* r))) ((not (pair? (car n))) (draw-atom (car n)) (draw-members (cdr n) (cons *nothing* r))) ((null? (cdr n)) (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (draw-final (car n)) r))) ((all-vertical? (car n)) (draw-fixed-string "[o|/]") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (caar n) r))) (else (draw-fixed-string "|") (draw-members (cdr n) (cons (car n) r)))))) (define (draw-final n) (cond ((not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) *nothing*) ((visited? n) (draw-members n)) (else (mark-visited (draw-conses n))))) (if (not (pair? n)) (draw-atom n) (let draw-tree ((n (mark-visited (draw-conses n)))) (if (not (done? n)) (begin (newline) (draw-bars n) (newline) (draw-tree (draw-members n)))))) (newline)) (define dt draw-tree)
module GIHelper(dialogRun, dialogAddButton) where import qualified GI.Cairo import qualified GI.Gtk as GTK import qualified Data.Text as Text dialogRun :: GTK.IsDialog a => a -> IO GTK.ResponseType dialogRun dialog = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> GTK.dialogRun dialog dialogAddButton :: GTK.IsDialog a => a -> String -> GTK.ResponseType -> IO GTK.Widget dialogAddButton dialog text response = GTK.dialogAddButton dialog (Text.pack text) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum response)
module GIHelper(dialogRun, dialogAddButton) where import qualified GI.Cairo import qualified GI.Gtk as GTK import qualified Data.Text as Text dialogRun :: GTK.IsDialog a => a -> IO GTK.ResponseType dialogRun dialog = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> GTK.dialogRun dialog dialogAddButton :: GTK.IsDialog a => a -> String -> GTK.ResponseType -> IO GTK.Widget dialogAddButton dialog text response = GTK.dialogAddButton dialog (Text.pack text) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum response)
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell , QuasiQuotes , RecordWildCards , OverloadedStrings , module Model.Tag ( module Model.Tag.Types , lookupTag , lookupTags , findTags , addTag , lookupVolumeTagUseRows , addTagUse , removeTagUse , lookupTopTagWeight , lookupTagCoverage , lookupSlotTagCoverage , lookupSlotKeywords , tagWeightJSON , tagCoverageJSON ) where import Control.Applicative (empty, pure) import Control.Monad (guard) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.String import Database . PostgreSQL.Typed ( pgSQL ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types import Has (peek) import qualified JSON import Service.DB import Model.SQL import Model.Party.Types import Model.Identity.Types import Model.Volume.Types import Model.Container.Types import Model.Slot.Types import Model.Tag.Types import Model.Tag.SQL lookupTag :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> m (Maybe Tag) lookupTag n = dbQuery1 $(selectQuery selectTag "$WHERE tag.name = ${n}::varchar") lookupTags :: MonadDB c m => m [Tag] lookupTags = do let _tenv_a6Dq8 = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTag " " ) (mapQuery2 (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag.id,tag.name FROM tag "]) (\ [_cid_a6Dq9, _cname_a6Dqa] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Dq8 (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6Dq9, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Dq8 (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6Dqa))) pure (fmap (\ (vid_a6Dpn, vname_a6Dpo) -> Tag vid_a6Dpn vname_a6Dpo) rows) findTags :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> Int -> m [Tag] findTags (TagName n) lim = -- TagName restrictions obviate pattern escaping dbQuery $(selectQuery selectTag "$WHERE tag.name LIKE ${n `BSC.snoc` '%'}::varchar LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") addTag :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> m Tag addTag n = do let _tenv_a6GtM = unknownPGTypeEnv row <- dbQuery1' -- [pgSQL|!SELECT get_tag(${n})|] (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6GtN -> BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT get_tag(", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6GtM (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _p_a6GtN, Data.String.fromString ")"]) n) (\ [_cget_tag_a6GtO] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6GtM (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cget_tag_a6GtO))) pure ((`Tag` n) row) lookupVolumeTagUseRows :: MonadDB c m => Volume -> m [TagUseRow] lookupVolumeTagUseRows v = do let _tenv_a6PCr = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTagUseRow " JOIN container ON tag_use.container = container.id WHERE container.volume = $ { volumeId $ volumeRow v } ORDER BY container.id " ) (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PCs -> BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag_use.who,tag_use.container,tag_use.segment,tag_use.tableoid = 'keyword_use'::regclass,tag.id,tag.name FROM tag_use JOIN tag ON tag_use.tag = tag.id JOIN container ON tag_use.container = container.id WHERE container.volume = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PCs, Data.String.fromString " ORDER BY container.id"]) (volumeId $ volumeRow v)) (\ [_cwho_a6PCt, _ccontainer_a6PCu, _csegment_a6PCv, _ccolumn_a6PCw, _cid_a6PCx, _cname_a6PCy] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cwho_a6PCt, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _ccontainer_a6PCu, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _csegment_a6PCv, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumn _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "boolean") _ccolumn_a6PCw, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6PCx, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6PCy))) pure (fmap (\ (vwho_a6PC1, vcontainer_a6PC2, vsegment_a6PC3, vregclass_a6PC4, vid_a6PC5, vname_a6PC6) -> ($) (($) (Model.Tag.SQL.makeTagUseRow vwho_a6PC1 vcontainer_a6PC2 vsegment_a6PC3) vregclass_a6PC4) (Tag vid_a6PC5 vname_a6PC6)) rows) addTagUse :: MonadDB c m => TagUse -> m Bool addTagUse t = either (const False) id <$> do let (_tenv_a6PDJ, _tenv_a6PEH) = (unknownPGTypeEnv, unknownPGTypeEnv) dbTryJust (guard . isExclusionViolation) $ dbExecute1 (if tagKeyword t then -- (insertTagUse True 't) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PDK _p_a6PDL _p_a6PDM _p_a6PDN -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "INSERT INTO keyword_use (tag, container, segment, who) VALUES (", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDK, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDL, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PDM, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDN, Data.String.fromString ")"])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ()) else -- (insertTagUse False 't)) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PEI _p_a6PEJ _p_a6PEK _p_a6PEL -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "INSERT INTO tag_use (tag, container, segment, who) VALUES (", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEI, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEJ, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PEK, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEL, Data.String.fromString ")"])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ())) removeTagUse :: MonadDB c m => TagUse -> m Int removeTagUse t = do let (_tenv_a6PFr, _tenv_a6PGB) = (unknownPGTypeEnv, unknownPGTypeEnv) dbExecute (if tagKeyword t then -- (deleteTagUse True 't) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PFs _p_a6PFt _p_a6PFu -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "DELETE FROM ONLY keyword_use WHERE tag = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PFs, Data.String.fromString " AND container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PFt, Data.String.fromString " AND segment <@ ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PFu])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t)) (\[] -> ()) else -- (deleteTagUse False 't)) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PGC _p_a6PGD _p_a6PGE _p_a6PGF -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "DELETE FROM ONLY tag_use WHERE tag = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGC, Data.String.fromString " AND container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGD, Data.String.fromString " AND segment <@ ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PGE, Data.String.fromString " AND who = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGF])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ())) lookupTopTagWeight :: MonadDB c m => Int -> m [TagWeight] lookupTopTagWeight lim = dbQuery $(selectQuery (selectTagWeight "") "$!ORDER BY weight DESC LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") emptyTagCoverage :: Tag -> Container -> TagCoverage emptyTagCoverage t c = TagCoverage (TagWeight t 0) c [] [] [] lookupTagCoverage :: (MonadDB c m, MonadHasIdentity c m) => Tag -> Slot -> m TagCoverage lookupTagCoverage t (Slot c s) = do ident <- peek fromMaybe (emptyTagCoverage t c) <$> dbQuery1 (($ c) . ($ t) <$> $(selectQuery (selectTagCoverage 'ident "WHERE container = ${containerId $ containerRow c} AND segment && ${s} AND tag = ${tagId t}") "$!")) lookupSlotTagCoverage :: (MonadDB c m, MonadHasIdentity c m) => Slot -> Int -> m [TagCoverage] lookupSlotTagCoverage slot lim = do ident <- peek dbQuery $(selectQuery (selectSlotTagCoverage 'ident 'slot) "$!ORDER BY weight DESC LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") lookupSlotKeywords :: (MonadDB c m) => Slot -> m [Tag] lookupSlotKeywords Slot{..} = do let _tenv_a6Q2M = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTag " JOIN keyword_use ON i d = tag WHERE container = $ { containerId $ containerRow slotContainer } AND segment = $ { slotSegment } " ) (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6Q2N _p_a6Q2O -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag.id,tag.name FROM tag JOIN keyword_use ON id = tag WHERE container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6Q2N, Data.String.fromString " AND segment = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6Q2O])) (containerId $ containerRow slotContainer) slotSegment) (\ [_cid_a6Q2P, _cname_a6Q2Q] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6Q2P, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6Q2Q))) pure (fmap (\ (vid_a6Q1R, vname_a6Q1S) -> Tag vid_a6Q1R vname_a6Q1S) rows) tagWeightJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => TagWeight -> JSON.Record TagName o tagWeightJSON TagWeight{..} = JSON.Record (tagName tagWeightTag) $ "weight" JSON..= tagWeightWeight tagCoverageJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => TagCoverage -> JSON.Record TagName o tagCoverageJSON TagCoverage{..} = tagWeightJSON tagCoverageWeight `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` ( "coverage" JSON..= tagCoverageSegments <> "keyword" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` (if null tagCoverageKeywords then empty else pure tagCoverageKeywords) <> "vote" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` (if null tagCoverageVotes then empty else pure tagCoverageVotes))
TagName restrictions obviate pattern escaping [pgSQL|!SELECT get_tag(${n})|] (insertTagUse True 't) (insertTagUse False 't)) (deleteTagUse True 't) (deleteTagUse False 't))
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell , QuasiQuotes , RecordWildCards , OverloadedStrings , module Model.Tag ( module Model.Tag.Types , lookupTag , lookupTags , findTags , addTag , lookupVolumeTagUseRows , addTagUse , removeTagUse , lookupTopTagWeight , lookupTagCoverage , lookupSlotTagCoverage , lookupSlotKeywords , tagWeightJSON , tagCoverageJSON ) where import Control.Applicative (empty, pure) import Control.Monad (guard) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.String import Database . PostgreSQL.Typed ( pgSQL ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types import Has (peek) import qualified JSON import Service.DB import Model.SQL import Model.Party.Types import Model.Identity.Types import Model.Volume.Types import Model.Container.Types import Model.Slot.Types import Model.Tag.Types import Model.Tag.SQL lookupTag :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> m (Maybe Tag) lookupTag n = dbQuery1 $(selectQuery selectTag "$WHERE tag.name = ${n}::varchar") lookupTags :: MonadDB c m => m [Tag] lookupTags = do let _tenv_a6Dq8 = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTag " " ) (mapQuery2 (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag.id,tag.name FROM tag "]) (\ [_cid_a6Dq9, _cname_a6Dqa] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Dq8 (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6Dq9, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Dq8 (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6Dqa))) pure (fmap (\ (vid_a6Dpn, vname_a6Dpo) -> Tag vid_a6Dpn vname_a6Dpo) rows) findTags :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> Int -> m [Tag] dbQuery $(selectQuery selectTag "$WHERE tag.name LIKE ${n `BSC.snoc` '%'}::varchar LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") addTag :: MonadDB c m => TagName -> m Tag addTag n = do let _tenv_a6GtM = unknownPGTypeEnv (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6GtN -> BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT get_tag(", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6GtM (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _p_a6GtN, Data.String.fromString ")"]) n) (\ [_cget_tag_a6GtO] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6GtM (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cget_tag_a6GtO))) pure ((`Tag` n) row) lookupVolumeTagUseRows :: MonadDB c m => Volume -> m [TagUseRow] lookupVolumeTagUseRows v = do let _tenv_a6PCr = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTagUseRow " JOIN container ON tag_use.container = container.id WHERE container.volume = $ { volumeId $ volumeRow v } ORDER BY container.id " ) (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PCs -> BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag_use.who,tag_use.container,tag_use.segment,tag_use.tableoid = 'keyword_use'::regclass,tag.id,tag.name FROM tag_use JOIN tag ON tag_use.tag = tag.id JOIN container ON tag_use.container = container.id WHERE container.volume = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PCs, Data.String.fromString " ORDER BY container.id"]) (volumeId $ volumeRow v)) (\ [_cwho_a6PCt, _ccontainer_a6PCu, _csegment_a6PCv, _ccolumn_a6PCw, _cid_a6PCx, _cname_a6PCy] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cwho_a6PCt, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _ccontainer_a6PCu, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _csegment_a6PCv, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumn _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "boolean") _ccolumn_a6PCw, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6PCx, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6PCr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6PCy))) pure (fmap (\ (vwho_a6PC1, vcontainer_a6PC2, vsegment_a6PC3, vregclass_a6PC4, vid_a6PC5, vname_a6PC6) -> ($) (($) (Model.Tag.SQL.makeTagUseRow vwho_a6PC1 vcontainer_a6PC2 vsegment_a6PC3) vregclass_a6PC4) (Tag vid_a6PC5 vname_a6PC6)) rows) addTagUse :: MonadDB c m => TagUse -> m Bool addTagUse t = either (const False) id <$> do let (_tenv_a6PDJ, _tenv_a6PEH) = (unknownPGTypeEnv, unknownPGTypeEnv) dbTryJust (guard . isExclusionViolation) $ dbExecute1 (if tagKeyword t mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PDK _p_a6PDL _p_a6PDM _p_a6PDN -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "INSERT INTO keyword_use (tag, container, segment, who) VALUES (", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDK, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDL, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PDM, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PDJ (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PDN, Data.String.fromString ")"])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ()) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PEI _p_a6PEJ _p_a6PEK _p_a6PEL -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "INSERT INTO tag_use (tag, container, segment, who) VALUES (", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEI, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEJ, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PEK, Data.String.fromString ", ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PEH (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PEL, Data.String.fromString ")"])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ())) removeTagUse :: MonadDB c m => TagUse -> m Int removeTagUse t = do let (_tenv_a6PFr, _tenv_a6PGB) = (unknownPGTypeEnv, unknownPGTypeEnv) dbExecute (if tagKeyword t mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PFs _p_a6PFt _p_a6PFu -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "DELETE FROM ONLY keyword_use WHERE tag = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PFs, Data.String.fromString " AND container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PFt, Data.String.fromString " AND segment <@ ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PFr (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PFu])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t)) (\[] -> ()) mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6PGC _p_a6PGD _p_a6PGE _p_a6PGF -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "DELETE FROM ONLY tag_use WHERE tag = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGC, Data.String.fromString " AND container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGD, Data.String.fromString " AND segment <@ ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6PGE, Data.String.fromString " AND who = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6PGB (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6PGF])) (tagId $ useTag t) (containerId $ containerRow $ slotContainer $ tagSlot t) (slotSegment $ tagSlot t) (partyId $ partyRow $ accountParty $ tagWho t)) (\[] -> ())) lookupTopTagWeight :: MonadDB c m => Int -> m [TagWeight] lookupTopTagWeight lim = dbQuery $(selectQuery (selectTagWeight "") "$!ORDER BY weight DESC LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") emptyTagCoverage :: Tag -> Container -> TagCoverage emptyTagCoverage t c = TagCoverage (TagWeight t 0) c [] [] [] lookupTagCoverage :: (MonadDB c m, MonadHasIdentity c m) => Tag -> Slot -> m TagCoverage lookupTagCoverage t (Slot c s) = do ident <- peek fromMaybe (emptyTagCoverage t c) <$> dbQuery1 (($ c) . ($ t) <$> $(selectQuery (selectTagCoverage 'ident "WHERE container = ${containerId $ containerRow c} AND segment && ${s} AND tag = ${tagId t}") "$!")) lookupSlotTagCoverage :: (MonadDB c m, MonadHasIdentity c m) => Slot -> Int -> m [TagCoverage] lookupSlotTagCoverage slot lim = do ident <- peek dbQuery $(selectQuery (selectSlotTagCoverage 'ident 'slot) "$!ORDER BY weight DESC LIMIT ${fromIntegral lim :: Int64}") lookupSlotKeywords :: (MonadDB c m) => Slot -> m [Tag] lookupSlotKeywords Slot{..} = do let _tenv_a6Q2M = unknownPGTypeEnv ( selectQuery selectTag " JOIN keyword_use ON i d = tag WHERE container = $ { containerId $ containerRow slotContainer } AND segment = $ { slotSegment } " ) (mapQuery2 ((\ _p_a6Q2N _p_a6Q2O -> (BSC.concat [Data.String.fromString "SELECT tag.id,tag.name FROM tag JOIN keyword_use ON id = tag WHERE container = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _p_a6Q2N, Data.String.fromString " AND segment = ", Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgEscapeParameter _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "segment") _p_a6Q2O])) (containerId $ containerRow slotContainer) slotSegment) (\ [_cid_a6Q2P, _cname_a6Q2Q] -> (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "integer") _cid_a6Q2P, Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.pgDecodeColumnNotNull _tenv_a6Q2M (Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeProxy :: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types.PGTypeName "character varying") _cname_a6Q2Q))) pure (fmap (\ (vid_a6Q1R, vname_a6Q1S) -> Tag vid_a6Q1R vname_a6Q1S) rows) tagWeightJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => TagWeight -> JSON.Record TagName o tagWeightJSON TagWeight{..} = JSON.Record (tagName tagWeightTag) $ "weight" JSON..= tagWeightWeight tagCoverageJSON :: JSON.ToObject o => TagCoverage -> JSON.Record TagName o tagCoverageJSON TagCoverage{..} = tagWeightJSON tagCoverageWeight `JSON.foldObjectIntoRec` ( "coverage" JSON..= tagCoverageSegments <> "keyword" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` (if null tagCoverageKeywords then empty else pure tagCoverageKeywords) <> "vote" `JSON.kvObjectOrEmpty` (if null tagCoverageVotes then empty else pure tagCoverageVotes))
Copyright 2018 -- This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public -- License 3.0, see COPYING or -3.0.txt # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Solkattu.Format.Html_test where import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO import qualified Util.Html import qualified Solkattu.Dsl.Solkattu as G import qualified Solkattu.Format.Format as Format import qualified Solkattu.Format.Html as Html import qualified Solkattu.Instrument.Mridangam as Mridangam import qualified Solkattu.Korvai as Korvai import qualified Solkattu.Realize as Realize import qualified Solkattu.Tala as Tala import Global import Util.Test manual_test = do let p = Text.IO.putStrLn p $ render Format.defaultAbstraction $ korvai $ G.sarvaM _ 4 p $ render mempty $ korvai $ mconcat $ G.p6 : replicate 5 G.__ p $ render Format.defaultAbstraction $ korvai $ mconcat $ G.p6 : replicate 5 G.__ test_spellRests :: Test test_spellRests = do let f = mconcat . map toSpace . map Util.Html.un_html . Html.spellRests . zip [0..] equal (f ["_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]) "‗ _ " equal (f ["x", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]) "x _ _ " toSpace :: Text -> Text toSpace "" = " " toSpace s = s korvai :: Korvai.Sequence -> Korvai.Korvai korvai = Korvai.korvai Tala.adi_tala (G.makeMridangam []) . Korvai.inferSections . (:[]) render :: Format.Abstraction -> Korvai.Korvai -> Text render abstraction = Util.Html.un_html . mconcat . Html.sectionHtmls Korvai.IMridangam config where config = Html.Config { _abstraction = abstraction , _font = Html.instrumentFont , _rulerEach = 4 } defaultStrokeMap :: Korvai.StrokeMaps defaultStrokeMap = mempty { Korvai.smapMridangam = Realize.strokeMap Mridangam.defaultPatterns [] } where Mridangam.Strokes {..} = Mridangam.notes
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0, see COPYING or -3.0.txt
Copyright 2018 # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Solkattu.Format.Html_test where import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO import qualified Util.Html import qualified Solkattu.Dsl.Solkattu as G import qualified Solkattu.Format.Format as Format import qualified Solkattu.Format.Html as Html import qualified Solkattu.Instrument.Mridangam as Mridangam import qualified Solkattu.Korvai as Korvai import qualified Solkattu.Realize as Realize import qualified Solkattu.Tala as Tala import Global import Util.Test manual_test = do let p = Text.IO.putStrLn p $ render Format.defaultAbstraction $ korvai $ G.sarvaM _ 4 p $ render mempty $ korvai $ mconcat $ G.p6 : replicate 5 G.__ p $ render Format.defaultAbstraction $ korvai $ mconcat $ G.p6 : replicate 5 G.__ test_spellRests :: Test test_spellRests = do let f = mconcat . map toSpace . map Util.Html.un_html . Html.spellRests . zip [0..] equal (f ["_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]) "‗ _ " equal (f ["x", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_"]) "x _ _ " toSpace :: Text -> Text toSpace "" = " " toSpace s = s korvai :: Korvai.Sequence -> Korvai.Korvai korvai = Korvai.korvai Tala.adi_tala (G.makeMridangam []) . Korvai.inferSections . (:[]) render :: Format.Abstraction -> Korvai.Korvai -> Text render abstraction = Util.Html.un_html . mconcat . Html.sectionHtmls Korvai.IMridangam config where config = Html.Config { _abstraction = abstraction , _font = Html.instrumentFont , _rulerEach = 4 } defaultStrokeMap :: Korvai.StrokeMaps defaultStrokeMap = mempty { Korvai.smapMridangam = Realize.strokeMap Mridangam.defaultPatterns [] } where Mridangam.Strokes {..} = Mridangam.notes
# language DataKinds # {-# language FlexibleContexts #-} # language StandaloneKindSignatures # {-# language TypeFamilies #-} {-# language UndecidableInstances #-} module Rel8.Schema.HTable.Identity ( HIdentity( HIdentity, unHIdentity ) ) where -- base import Data.Kind ( Type ) import Data.Type.Equality ( (:~:)( Refl ) ) import Prelude -- rel8 import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) ) import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( HTable, HConstrainTable, HField , hfield, htabulate, htraverse, hdicts, hspecs ) import qualified Rel8.Schema.Kind as K import Rel8.Schema.Null ( Sql ) import Rel8.Schema.Spec ( specification ) import Rel8.Type ( DBType ) type HIdentity :: Type -> K.HTable newtype HIdentity a context = HIdentity { unHIdentity :: context a } instance Sql DBType a => HTable (HIdentity a) where type HConstrainTable (HIdentity a) constraint = constraint a type HField (HIdentity a) = (:~:) a hfield (HIdentity a) Refl = a htabulate f = HIdentity $ f Refl htraverse f (HIdentity a) = HIdentity <$> f a hdicts = HIdentity Dict hspecs = HIdentity specification
# language FlexibleContexts # # language TypeFamilies # # language UndecidableInstances # base rel8
# language DataKinds # # language StandaloneKindSignatures # module Rel8.Schema.HTable.Identity ( HIdentity( HIdentity, unHIdentity ) ) where import Data.Kind ( Type ) import Data.Type.Equality ( (:~:)( Refl ) ) import Prelude import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) ) import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( HTable, HConstrainTable, HField , hfield, htabulate, htraverse, hdicts, hspecs ) import qualified Rel8.Schema.Kind as K import Rel8.Schema.Null ( Sql ) import Rel8.Schema.Spec ( specification ) import Rel8.Type ( DBType ) type HIdentity :: Type -> K.HTable newtype HIdentity a context = HIdentity { unHIdentity :: context a } instance Sql DBType a => HTable (HIdentity a) where type HConstrainTable (HIdentity a) constraint = constraint a type HField (HIdentity a) = (:~:) a hfield (HIdentity a) Refl = a htabulate f = HIdentity $ f Refl htraverse f (HIdentity a) = HIdentity <$> f a hdicts = HIdentity Dict hspecs = HIdentity specification
val somaxconn: int ref (* can be overriden by the command-line *) val rtlGenRandom: int -> bytes option * [ rtlGenRandom len ] returns [ len ] bytes of secure random data on Windows . Returns None if called on non - Windows platforms Returns None if called on non-Windows platforms *) val setSocketTTL: Unix.file_descr -> int -> unit * [ setSocketTTL s ] sets the TTL on the socket [ s ] to [ ]
can be overriden by the command-line
val rtlGenRandom: int -> bytes option * [ rtlGenRandom len ] returns [ len ] bytes of secure random data on Windows . Returns None if called on non - Windows platforms Returns None if called on non-Windows platforms *) val setSocketTTL: Unix.file_descr -> int -> unit * [ setSocketTTL s ] sets the TTL on the socket [ s ] to [ ]
#lang typed/scheme (require pfds/red-black-tree) (require typed/test-engine/scheme-tests) ;; NOTE: Rebalancing used in Okasaki version of Red Black Trees is slightly ;; different from that of popular version. ;; As a consequence of this difference, ;; - Okasaki version is easy to implement. ;; - There is a difference in ordering of elements. For example, in the test below , popular version would give ( list 2 3 4 1 5 ) . Because ;; redblacktree->list takes the root element in the red-black tree and ;; populates it in a list and then deletes the root element. When it ;; deletes the root node, balancing is done, since the balancing differs in version , 4 becomes the root of the tree instead of 3 which ;; is the case in the popular version. (check-expect (redblacktree->list (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) (list 2 4 3 1 5)) (check-expect (root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) 4) (check-expect (root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) 2) (define lst (build-list 100 (λ: ([x : Integer]) x))) (check-expect ((inst sort Integer Integer) (redblacktree->list (apply redblacktree < lst)) <) lst) (check-expect (root (delete 2 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5))) 4) (check-expect (root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5))) 4) (check-expect (member? 5 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 5 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 50 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #f) (check-expect (member? 50 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) #f) (check-expect (member? 1 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 2 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 95 (apply redblacktree < lst)) #t) (check-expect (empty? (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) #t) (check-expect (empty? (redblacktree < 1)) #f) (check-error (root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "root: given tree is empty") (check-error (delete 1 (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "delete: given key not found in the tree") (check-error (delete-root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "delete-root: given tree is empty") (test)
NOTE: different from that of popular version. As a consequence of this difference, - Okasaki version is easy to implement. - There is a difference in ordering of elements. For example, in the redblacktree->list takes the root element in the red-black tree and populates it in a list and then deletes the root element. When it deletes the root node, balancing is done, since the balancing differs is the case in the popular version.
#lang typed/scheme (require pfds/red-black-tree) (require typed/test-engine/scheme-tests) Rebalancing used in Okasaki version of Red Black Trees is slightly test below , popular version would give ( list 2 3 4 1 5 ) . Because in version , 4 becomes the root of the tree instead of 3 which (check-expect (redblacktree->list (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) (list 2 4 3 1 5)) (check-expect (root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) 4) (check-expect (root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) 2) (define lst (build-list 100 (λ: ([x : Integer]) x))) (check-expect ((inst sort Integer Integer) (redblacktree->list (apply redblacktree < lst)) <) lst) (check-expect (root (delete 2 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5))) 4) (check-expect (root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5))) 4) (check-expect (member? 5 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 5 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 50 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #f) (check-expect (member? 50 (redblacktree < 1 2 3 4 5)) #f) (check-expect (member? 1 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 2 (redblacktree > 1 2 3 4 5)) #t) (check-expect (member? 95 (apply redblacktree < lst)) #t) (check-expect (empty? (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) #t) (check-expect (empty? (redblacktree < 1)) #f) (check-error (root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "root: given tree is empty") (check-error (delete 1 (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "delete: given key not found in the tree") (check-error (delete-root (delete-root (redblacktree < 1))) "delete-root: given tree is empty") (test)
# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo # -- | Functions for working with Wallets configuration file. module Bench.Cardano.Wallet.Config.Wallets ( getWalletsConfig ) where import Universum import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Data.Yaml ((.:)) import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch) import Bench.Cardano.Wallet.Types (WalletAccount (..), Wallet (..), WalletsConfig (..)) import Pos.Wallet.Web.ClientTypes (CAccountId (..), CId (..), CHash (..)) instance Yaml.FromJSON CAccountId where parseJSON (Yaml.String t) = return $ CAccountId t parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "CAccountId" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON (CId a) where parseJSON (Yaml.String h) = return $ CId (CHash h) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "CId a" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON WalletAccount where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = WalletAccount <$> o .: "AccountId" <*> o .: "Addresses" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "WalletAccount" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON Wallet where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = Wallet <$> o .: "WalletId" <*> o .: "Accounts" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Wallet" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON WalletsConfig where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = WalletsConfig <$> o .: "Wallets" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "WalletsConfig" invalid -- | Reads Wallets configuration from the local .yaml-file. getWalletsConfig :: FilePath -> IO WalletsConfig getWalletsConfig pathToConfig = (Yaml.decodeFile pathToConfig :: IO (Maybe WalletsConfig)) >>= \case Nothing -> reportAboutInvalidConfig Just conf -> return conf where reportAboutInvalidConfig :: IO a reportAboutInvalidConfig = error . toText $ "Unable to read endpoints configuration " <> pathToConfig
| Functions for working with Wallets configuration file. | Reads Wallets configuration from the local .yaml-file.
# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo # module Bench.Cardano.Wallet.Config.Wallets ( getWalletsConfig ) where import Universum import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Data.Yaml ((.:)) import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch) import Bench.Cardano.Wallet.Types (WalletAccount (..), Wallet (..), WalletsConfig (..)) import Pos.Wallet.Web.ClientTypes (CAccountId (..), CId (..), CHash (..)) instance Yaml.FromJSON CAccountId where parseJSON (Yaml.String t) = return $ CAccountId t parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "CAccountId" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON (CId a) where parseJSON (Yaml.String h) = return $ CId (CHash h) parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "CId a" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON WalletAccount where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = WalletAccount <$> o .: "AccountId" <*> o .: "Addresses" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "WalletAccount" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON Wallet where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = Wallet <$> o .: "WalletId" <*> o .: "Accounts" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Wallet" invalid instance Yaml.FromJSON WalletsConfig where parseJSON (Yaml.Object o) = WalletsConfig <$> o .: "Wallets" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "WalletsConfig" invalid getWalletsConfig :: FilePath -> IO WalletsConfig getWalletsConfig pathToConfig = (Yaml.decodeFile pathToConfig :: IO (Maybe WalletsConfig)) >>= \case Nothing -> reportAboutInvalidConfig Just conf -> return conf where reportAboutInvalidConfig :: IO a reportAboutInvalidConfig = error . toText $ "Unable to read endpoints configuration " <> pathToConfig
(ns ring.middleware.x-headers "Middleware for adding various 'X-' response headers." (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ring.util.response :as resp])) (defn- allow-from? [frame-options] (and (map? frame-options) (= (keys frame-options) [:allow-from]) (string? (:allow-from frame-options)))) (defn- format-frame-options [frame-options] (if (map? frame-options) (str "ALLOW-FROM " (:allow-from frame-options)) (str/upper-case (name frame-options)))) (defn- format-xss-protection [enable? options] (str (if enable? "1" "0") (if options "; mode=block"))) (defn- wrap-x-header [handler header-name header-value] (fn ([request] (some-> (handler request) (resp/header header-name header-value))) ([request respond raise] (handler request #(respond (some-> % (resp/header header-name header-value))) raise)))) (defn frame-options-response "Add the X-Frame-Options header to the response. See: wrap-frame-options." [response frame-options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-Frame-Options" (format-frame-options frame-options)))) (defn wrap-frame-options "Middleware that adds the X-Frame-Options header to the response. This governs whether your site can be rendered in a <frame>, <iframe> or <object>, and is typically used to prevent clickjacking attacks. The following frame options are allowed: :deny - prevent any framing of the content :sameorigin - allow only the current site to frame the content {:allow-from uri} - allow only the specified URI to frame the page The :deny and :sameorigin options are keywords, while the :allow-from option is a map consisting of one key/value pair. Note that browser support for :allow-from is incomplete. See: -US/docs/Web/HTTP/X-Frame-Options" [handler frame-options] {:pre [(or (= frame-options :deny) (= frame-options :sameorigin) (allow-from? frame-options))]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-Frame-Options" (format-frame-options frame-options))) (defn content-type-options-response "Add the X-Content-Type-Options header to the response. See: wrap-content-type-options." [response content-type-options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-Content-Type-Options" (name content-type-options)))) (defn wrap-content-type-options "Middleware that adds the X-Content-Type-Options header to the response. This currently only accepts one option: :nosniff - prevent resources with invalid media types being loaded as stylesheets or scripts This prevents attacks based around media type confusion. See: -us/library/ie/gg622941(v=vs.85).aspx" [handler content-type-options] {:pre [(= content-type-options :nosniff)]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-Content-Type-Options" (name content-type-options))) (defn xss-protection-response "Add the X-XSS-Protection header to the response. See: wrap-xss-protection." ([response enable?] (xss-protection-response response enable? nil)) ([response enable? options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-XSS-Protection" (format-xss-protection enable? options))))) (defn wrap-xss-protection "Middleware that adds the X-XSS-Protection header to the response. This header enables a heuristic filter in browsers for detecting cross-site scripting attacks. Usually on by default. The enable? attribute determines whether the filter should be turned on. Accepts one additional option: :mode - currently accepts only :block See: -us/library/dd565647(v=vs.85).aspx" ([handler enable?] (wrap-xss-protection handler enable? nil)) ([handler enable? options] {:pre [(or (nil? options) (= options {:mode :block}))]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-XSS-Protection" (format-xss-protection enable? options))))
(ns ring.middleware.x-headers "Middleware for adding various 'X-' response headers." (:require [clojure.string :as str] [ring.util.response :as resp])) (defn- allow-from? [frame-options] (and (map? frame-options) (= (keys frame-options) [:allow-from]) (string? (:allow-from frame-options)))) (defn- format-frame-options [frame-options] (if (map? frame-options) (str "ALLOW-FROM " (:allow-from frame-options)) (str/upper-case (name frame-options)))) (defn- format-xss-protection [enable? options] (str (if enable? "1" "0") (if options "; mode=block"))) (defn- wrap-x-header [handler header-name header-value] (fn ([request] (some-> (handler request) (resp/header header-name header-value))) ([request respond raise] (handler request #(respond (some-> % (resp/header header-name header-value))) raise)))) (defn frame-options-response "Add the X-Frame-Options header to the response. See: wrap-frame-options." [response frame-options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-Frame-Options" (format-frame-options frame-options)))) (defn wrap-frame-options "Middleware that adds the X-Frame-Options header to the response. This governs whether your site can be rendered in a <frame>, <iframe> or <object>, and is typically used to prevent clickjacking attacks. The following frame options are allowed: :deny - prevent any framing of the content :sameorigin - allow only the current site to frame the content {:allow-from uri} - allow only the specified URI to frame the page The :deny and :sameorigin options are keywords, while the :allow-from option is a map consisting of one key/value pair. Note that browser support for :allow-from is incomplete. See: -US/docs/Web/HTTP/X-Frame-Options" [handler frame-options] {:pre [(or (= frame-options :deny) (= frame-options :sameorigin) (allow-from? frame-options))]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-Frame-Options" (format-frame-options frame-options))) (defn content-type-options-response "Add the X-Content-Type-Options header to the response. See: wrap-content-type-options." [response content-type-options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-Content-Type-Options" (name content-type-options)))) (defn wrap-content-type-options "Middleware that adds the X-Content-Type-Options header to the response. This currently only accepts one option: :nosniff - prevent resources with invalid media types being loaded as stylesheets or scripts This prevents attacks based around media type confusion. See: -us/library/ie/gg622941(v=vs.85).aspx" [handler content-type-options] {:pre [(= content-type-options :nosniff)]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-Content-Type-Options" (name content-type-options))) (defn xss-protection-response "Add the X-XSS-Protection header to the response. See: wrap-xss-protection." ([response enable?] (xss-protection-response response enable? nil)) ([response enable? options] (some-> response (resp/header "X-XSS-Protection" (format-xss-protection enable? options))))) (defn wrap-xss-protection "Middleware that adds the X-XSS-Protection header to the response. This header enables a heuristic filter in browsers for detecting cross-site scripting attacks. Usually on by default. The enable? attribute determines whether the filter should be turned on. Accepts one additional option: :mode - currently accepts only :block See: -us/library/dd565647(v=vs.85).aspx" ([handler enable?] (wrap-xss-protection handler enable? nil)) ([handler enable? options] {:pre [(or (nil? options) (= options {:mode :block}))]} (wrap-x-header handler "X-XSS-Protection" (format-xss-protection enable? options))))
(ns lein-essthree.repository "Middleware to update project repositories to include any configured S3 buckets." (:require [cuerdas.core :as c] [lein-essthree.schemas :refer [RepoConfig]] [schema.core :as s])) (s/defn ^:private get-config :- (s/maybe RepoConfig) [project] (get-in project [:essthree :repository])) (s/defn ^:private build-repo-url :- s/Str [config :- RepoConfig build-category :- (s/enum "releases" "snapshots")] (let [bucket (:bucket config) path (:path config) url (->> [bucket path build-category] (filter identity) (map #(c/trim % "/")) (c/join "/"))] (str "s3://" url))) (s/defschema ^:private Repo (s/pair (s/enum "essthree-releases" "essthree-snapshots") "repo-name" {:url s/Str (s/optional-key :username) s/Str (s/optional-key :password) s/Str} "repo-data")) (s/defn ^:private build-repo :- Repo [config :- RepoConfig build-category :- (s/enum "releases" "snapshots")] (let [url (build-repo-url config build-category) lein-keys [:sign-releases :checksum :update] snapshots (= "snapshots" build-category) repo-data (merge {:url url :snapshots snapshots} (select-keys config lein-keys)) aws-creds (:aws-creds config) username (or (:access-key-id aws-creds) :env/aws_access_key_id) password (or (:secret-access-key aws-creds) :env/aws_secret_access_key)] [(str "essthree-" build-category) (merge repo-data {:username username :password password})])) (defn update-repositories [project] (if-let [config (get-config project)] (-> project (update-in [:repositories] conj (build-repo config "snapshots")) (update-in [:repositories] conj (build-repo config "releases"))) project))
(ns lein-essthree.repository "Middleware to update project repositories to include any configured S3 buckets." (:require [cuerdas.core :as c] [lein-essthree.schemas :refer [RepoConfig]] [schema.core :as s])) (s/defn ^:private get-config :- (s/maybe RepoConfig) [project] (get-in project [:essthree :repository])) (s/defn ^:private build-repo-url :- s/Str [config :- RepoConfig build-category :- (s/enum "releases" "snapshots")] (let [bucket (:bucket config) path (:path config) url (->> [bucket path build-category] (filter identity) (map #(c/trim % "/")) (c/join "/"))] (str "s3://" url))) (s/defschema ^:private Repo (s/pair (s/enum "essthree-releases" "essthree-snapshots") "repo-name" {:url s/Str (s/optional-key :username) s/Str (s/optional-key :password) s/Str} "repo-data")) (s/defn ^:private build-repo :- Repo [config :- RepoConfig build-category :- (s/enum "releases" "snapshots")] (let [url (build-repo-url config build-category) lein-keys [:sign-releases :checksum :update] snapshots (= "snapshots" build-category) repo-data (merge {:url url :snapshots snapshots} (select-keys config lein-keys)) aws-creds (:aws-creds config) username (or (:access-key-id aws-creds) :env/aws_access_key_id) password (or (:secret-access-key aws-creds) :env/aws_secret_access_key)] [(str "essthree-" build-category) (merge repo-data {:username username :password password})])) (defn update-repositories [project] (if-let [config (get-config project)] (-> project (update-in [:repositories] conj (build-repo config "snapshots")) (update-in [:repositories] conj (build-repo config "releases"))) project))
type direction = Up | Down | Left | Right let turn_right = function Up -> Left | Left -> Down | Down -> Right | Right -> Up let turn_left = function Left -> Up | Down -> Left | Right -> Down | Up -> Right let move n (x,y) = function | Up -> (x, y + n) | Down -> (x, y - n) | Left -> (x - n, y) | Right -> (x + n, y) let pen_down = ref false let direction = ref Up let set_pen_down v = if not @@ Guile.Bool.is_bool v then failwith "expected boolean argument"; let v = Guile.Bool.from_raw v in pen_down := v; Guile.eol let turn_left _ = direction := turn_left !direction; Guile.eol let turn_right _ = direction := turn_right !direction; Guile.eol let move_by n = if not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer n then failwith "expected numeric arg"; let n = Guile.Number.int_from_raw n in let x, y = let cur_pos = Graphics.current_point () in move n cur_pos !direction in if !pen_down then Graphics.lineto x y; Graphics.moveto x y; Guile.eol let move_to x y = if (not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer x) || (not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer y) then failwith "expected numeric position"; let x, y = Guile.Number.int_from_raw x, Guile.Number.int_from_raw y in if !pen_down then Graphics.lineto x y; Graphics.moveto x y; Guile.eol let () = Graphics.open_graph " 400x400+50-0"; Graphics.auto_synchronize true; Graphics.moveto 200 200; Guile.init (); ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 "pen-down" set_pen_down; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 ~no_opt:1 "turn-left" turn_left; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 ~no_opt:1 "turn-right" turn_right; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 "move-by" move_by; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun2 "move-to" move_to; Guile.shell ()
type direction = Up | Down | Left | Right let turn_right = function Up -> Left | Left -> Down | Down -> Right | Right -> Up let turn_left = function Left -> Up | Down -> Left | Right -> Down | Up -> Right let move n (x,y) = function | Up -> (x, y + n) | Down -> (x, y - n) | Left -> (x - n, y) | Right -> (x + n, y) let pen_down = ref false let direction = ref Up let set_pen_down v = if not @@ Guile.Bool.is_bool v then failwith "expected boolean argument"; let v = Guile.Bool.from_raw v in pen_down := v; Guile.eol let turn_left _ = direction := turn_left !direction; Guile.eol let turn_right _ = direction := turn_right !direction; Guile.eol let move_by n = if not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer n then failwith "expected numeric arg"; let n = Guile.Number.int_from_raw n in let x, y = let cur_pos = Graphics.current_point () in move n cur_pos !direction in if !pen_down then Graphics.lineto x y; Graphics.moveto x y; Guile.eol let move_to x y = if (not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer x) || (not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer y) then failwith "expected numeric position"; let x, y = Guile.Number.int_from_raw x, Guile.Number.int_from_raw y in if !pen_down then Graphics.lineto x y; Graphics.moveto x y; Guile.eol let () = Graphics.open_graph " 400x400+50-0"; Graphics.auto_synchronize true; Graphics.moveto 200 200; Guile.init (); ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 "pen-down" set_pen_down; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 ~no_opt:1 "turn-left" turn_left; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 ~no_opt:1 "turn-right" turn_right; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 "move-by" move_by; ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun2 "move-to" move_to; Guile.shell ()
(*************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml LablTk library *) (* *) , Kyoto University RIMS (* *) Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique and Kyoto University . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library (* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file ../../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) $ Id$ open Widget open Mytypes val nowarnings : bool ref val f : edit_window -> any widget list (* Typechecks the window as much as possible *)
*********************************************************************** Objective Caml LablTk library General Public License, with the special exception on linking described in file ../../../LICENSE. *********************************************************************** Typechecks the window as much as possible
, Kyoto University RIMS Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique and Kyoto University . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library $ Id$ open Widget open Mytypes val nowarnings : bool ref val f : edit_window -> any widget list
(* This file is free software, part of nunchaku. See file "license" for more details. *) (** {1 Polarize} This duplicates some predicate definitions (either recursive equations, or (co)inductive specifications) depending on the call-site polarity. *) open Nunchaku_core type term = Term.t type decode_state val name : string * inductive predicates and possibly some other predicates in the problem . @param polarize_rec if true , some propositions defined with ` rec ` might be polarized in the problem. @param polarize_rec if true, some propositions defined with `rec` might be polarized *) val polarize : polarize_rec:bool -> (term, term) Problem.t -> (term, term) Problem.t * decode_state val decode_model : state:decode_state -> (term,term) Model.t -> (term,term) Model.t (** Pipeline component *) val pipe : polarize_rec:bool -> print:bool -> check:bool -> ((term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.Res.t, (term, term) Problem.Res.t) Transform.t (** Generic Pipe Component @param decode the decode function that takes an applied [(module S)] in addition to the state *) val pipe_with : ?on_decoded:('d -> unit) list -> decode:(decode_state -> 'c -> 'd) -> polarize_rec:bool -> print:bool -> check:bool -> ((term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.t, 'c, 'd ) Transform.t
This file is free software, part of nunchaku. See file "license" for more details. * {1 Polarize} This duplicates some predicate definitions (either recursive equations, or (co)inductive specifications) depending on the call-site polarity. * Pipeline component * Generic Pipe Component @param decode the decode function that takes an applied [(module S)] in addition to the state
open Nunchaku_core type term = Term.t type decode_state val name : string * inductive predicates and possibly some other predicates in the problem . @param polarize_rec if true , some propositions defined with ` rec ` might be polarized in the problem. @param polarize_rec if true, some propositions defined with `rec` might be polarized *) val polarize : polarize_rec:bool -> (term, term) Problem.t -> (term, term) Problem.t * decode_state val decode_model : state:decode_state -> (term,term) Model.t -> (term,term) Model.t val pipe : polarize_rec:bool -> print:bool -> check:bool -> ((term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.Res.t, (term, term) Problem.Res.t) Transform.t val pipe_with : ?on_decoded:('d -> unit) list -> decode:(decode_state -> 'c -> 'd) -> polarize_rec:bool -> print:bool -> check:bool -> ((term, term) Problem.t, (term, term) Problem.t, 'c, 'd ) Transform.t
(ns babashka.curl-test (:require [babashka.curl :as curl] [cheshire.core :as json] [clojure.test :as t :refer [deftest]])) (deftest curl-test (require '[babashka.curl :as curl] :reload-all) (prn (:status (curl/get ""))) (prn (:status (curl/get "-echo.com/get?foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2"))) (prn (:status (curl/post "-echo.com/post"))) (prn (:status (curl/post "-echo.com/post" {:body (json/generate-string {:a 1}) :headers {"X-Hasura-Role" "admin"} :content-type :json :accept :json}))) (prn (:status (curl/put "-echo.com/put" {:body (json/generate-string {:a 1}) :headers {"X-Hasura-Role" "admin"} :content-type :json :accept :json}))))
(ns babashka.curl-test (:require [babashka.curl :as curl] [cheshire.core :as json] [clojure.test :as t :refer [deftest]])) (deftest curl-test (require '[babashka.curl :as curl] :reload-all) (prn (:status (curl/get ""))) (prn (:status (curl/get "-echo.com/get?foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2"))) (prn (:status (curl/post "-echo.com/post"))) (prn (:status (curl/post "-echo.com/post" {:body (json/generate-string {:a 1}) :headers {"X-Hasura-Role" "admin"} :content-type :json :accept :json}))) (prn (:status (curl/put "-echo.com/put" {:body (json/generate-string {:a 1}) :headers {"X-Hasura-Role" "admin"} :content-type :json :accept :json}))))
open! Core type t [@@deriving sexp] include Json_object.S_with_fields with type t := t module By_date : sig type t = { date : Date.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int ; subscriptions : int } [@@deriving sexp] end module By_month : sig type t = { year : int ; month : Month.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int } [@@deriving sexp] end module By_hour : sig type t = { hour : Time_ns.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int } [@@deriving sexp] end val by_date : t -> By_date.t list val by_month : t -> By_month.t list val by_hour : t -> By_hour.t list
open! Core type t [@@deriving sexp] include Json_object.S_with_fields with type t := t module By_date : sig type t = { date : Date.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int ; subscriptions : int } [@@deriving sexp] end module By_month : sig type t = { year : int ; month : Month.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int } [@@deriving sexp] end module By_hour : sig type t = { hour : Time_ns.t ; uniques : int ; pageviews : int } [@@deriving sexp] end val by_date : t -> By_date.t list val by_month : t -> By_month.t list val by_hour : t -> By_hour.t list
-module(miner_ct_utils). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain_vars.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain_txn_fees.hrl"). -include("miner_ct_macros.hrl"). -define(BASE_TMP_DIR, "./_build/test/tmp"). -define(BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE, "XXXXXXXXXX"). -export([ init_per_testcase/3, end_per_testcase/2, pmap/2, pmap/3, wait_until/1, wait_until/3, wait_until_disconnected/2, wait_until_local_height/1, get_addrs/1, start_miner/2, start_node/1, partition_cluster/2, heal_cluster/2, connect/1, count/2, randname/1, get_config/2, get_gw_owner/2, get_balance/2, get_nonce/2, get_dc_balance/2, get_dc_nonce/2, get_block/2, make_vars/1, make_vars/2, make_vars/3, tmp_dir/0, tmp_dir/1, nonl/1, cleanup_tmp_dir/1, init_base_dir_config/3, generate_keys/1, new_random_key/1, new_random_key_with_sig_fun/1, stop_miners/1, stop_miners/2, start_miners/1, start_miners/2, height/1, heights/1, unique_heights/1, consensus_members/1, consensus_members/2, miners_by_consensus_state/1, in_consensus_miners/1, non_consensus_miners/1, election_check/4, integrate_genesis_block/2, shuffle/1, partition_miners/2, node2addr/2, node2sigfun/2, node2pubkeybin/2, addr2node/2, addr_list/1, blockchain_worker_check/1, wait_for_registration/2, wait_for_registration/3, wait_for_app_start/2, wait_for_app_start/3, wait_for_app_stop/2, wait_for_app_stop/3, wait_for_in_consensus/2, wait_for_in_consensus/3, wait_for_chain_var_update/3, wait_for_chain_var_update/4, wait_for_lora_port/3, delete_dirs/2, initial_dkg/5, initial_dkg/6, confirm_balance/3, confirm_balance_both_sides/5, wait_for_gte/3, wait_for_gte/5, wait_for_equalized_heights/1, wait_for_chain_stall/1, wait_for_chain_stall/2, assert_chain_halted/1, assert_chain_halted/3, assert_chain_advanced/1, assert_chain_advanced/3, submit_txn/2, wait_for_txn/2, wait_for_txn/3, wait_for_txn/4, format_txn_mgr_list/1, get_txn_block_details/2, get_txn_block_details/3, get_txn/2, get_txns/2, get_genesis_block/2, load_genesis_block/3, chain_var_lookup_all/2, chain_var_lookup_one/2, build_gateways/2, build_asserts/2, add_block/3, gen_gateways/2, gen_payments/1, gen_locations/1, existing_vars/0, start_blockchain/2, create_block/2 ]). chain_var_lookup_all(Key, Nodes) -> [chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Node) || Node <- Nodes]. chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Node) -> Chain = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 500), Ledger = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]), Result = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain, config, [Key, Ledger], 500), ct:pal("Var lookup. Node:~p, Result:~p", [Node, Result]), Result. -spec assert_chain_advanced([node()]) -> ok. assert_chain_advanced(Miners) -> Height = wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), ?assertMatch( ok, miner_ct_utils:wait_for_gte(height, Miners, Height + 1), "Chain advanced." ), ok. assert_chain_advanced(_, _, N) when N =< 0 -> ok; assert_chain_advanced(Miners, Interval, N) -> ok = assert_chain_advanced(Miners), timer:sleep(Interval), assert_chain_advanced(Miners, Interval, N - 1). -spec assert_chain_halted([node()]) -> ok. assert_chain_halted(Miners) -> assert_chain_halted(Miners, 5000, 20). -spec assert_chain_halted([node()], timeout(), pos_integer()) -> ok. assert_chain_halted(Miners, Interval, Retries) -> _ = lists:foldl( fun (_, HeightPrev) -> HeightCurr = wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), ?assertEqual(HeightPrev, HeightCurr, "Chain halted."), timer:sleep(Interval), HeightCurr end, wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), lists:duplicate(Retries, {}) ), ok. wait_for_chain_stall(Miners) -> wait_for_chain_stall(Miners, #{}). -spec wait_for_chain_stall([node()], Options) -> ok | error when Options :: #{ interval => timeout(), retries_max => pos_integer(), streak_target => pos_integer() }. wait_for_chain_stall(Miners, Options=#{}) -> State = #{ interval => maps:get(interval, Options, 5000), retries_max => maps:get(retries_max, Options, 100), streak_target => maps:get(streak_target, Options, 5), streak_prev => 0, retries_cur => 0, height_prev => 0 }, wait_for_chain_stall_(Miners, State). wait_for_chain_stall_(_, #{streak_target := Target, streak_prev := Streak}) when Streak >= Target -> ok; wait_for_chain_stall_(_, #{retries_cur := Cur, retries_max := Max}) when Cur >= Max -> error; wait_for_chain_stall_( Miners, #{ interval := Interval, streak_prev := StreakPrev, height_prev := HeightPrev, retries_cur := RetriesCur }=State0 ) -> {HeightCurr, StreakCurr} = case wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners) of HeightPrev -> {HeightPrev, 1 + StreakPrev}; HeightCurr0 -> {HeightCurr0, 0} end, timer:sleep(Interval), State1 = State0#{ height_prev := HeightCurr, streak_prev := StreakCurr, retries_cur := RetriesCur + 1 }, wait_for_chain_stall_(Miners, State1). -spec wait_for_equalized_heights([node()]) -> non_neg_integer(). wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners) -> ?assert( miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> case unique_heights(Miners) of [_] -> true; [_|_] -> false end end, 50, 1000 ), "Heights equalized." ), UniqueHeights = unique_heights(Miners), ?assertMatch([_], UniqueHeights, "All heights are equal."), [Height] = UniqueHeights, Height. wait_until_local_height(TargetHeight) -> miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> C = blockchain_worker:blockchain(), {ok, CurHeight} = blockchain:height(C), ct:pal("local height ~p", [CurHeight]), CurHeight >= TargetHeight end, 30, timer:seconds(1) ). stop_miners(Miners) -> stop_miners(Miners, 60). stop_miners(Miners, Retries) -> Res = [begin ct:pal("capturing env for ~p", [Miner]), LagerEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [lager]), P2PEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [libp2p]), BlockchainEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [blockchain]), MinerEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [miner]), ct:pal("stopping ~p", [Miner]), erlang:monitor_node(Miner, true), ct_slave:stop(Miner), receive {nodedown, Miner} -> ok after timer:seconds(Retries) -> error(stop_timeout) end, ct:pal("stopped ~p", [Miner]), {Miner, [{lager, LagerEnv}, {libp2p, P2PEnv}, {blockchain, BlockchainEnv}, {miner, MinerEnv}]} end || Miner <- Miners], Res. start_miner(Name0, Options) -> Name = start_node(Name0), Keys = make_keys(Name, {45000, 0, 4466}), config_node(Keys, Options), {Name, Keys}. start_miners(Miners) -> start_miners(Miners, 60). start_miners(MinersAndEnv, Retries) -> [begin ct:pal("starting ~p", [Miner]), start_node(Miner), ct:pal("loading env ~p", [Miner]), ok = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [Env]), ct:pal("starting miner on ~p", [Miner]), {ok, _StartedApps} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, ensure_all_started, [miner]), ct:pal("started miner on ~p : ~p", [Miner, _StartedApps]) end || {Miner, Env} <- MinersAndEnv], {Miners, _Env} = lists:unzip(MinersAndEnv), ct:pal("waiting for blockchain worker to start on ~p", [Miners]), ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Miners, blockchain_worker, Retries), ok. height(Miner) -> C0 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, Height} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C0]), ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p", [Miner, Height]), Height. heights(Miners) -> lists:foldl(fun(Miner, Acc) -> C = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, H} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C]), [{Miner, H} | Acc] end, [], Miners). -spec unique_heights([node()]) -> [non_neg_integer()]. unique_heights(Miners) -> lists:usort([H || {_, H} <- miner_ct_utils:heights(Miners)]). consensus_members([]) -> error(no_members); consensus_members([M | Tail]) -> case handle_get_consensus_miners(M) of {ok, Members} -> Members; {error, _} -> timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Tail) end. consensus_members(Epoch, []) -> error({no_members_at_epoch, Epoch}); consensus_members(Epoch, [M | Tail]) -> try ct_rpc:call(M, miner_cli_info, get_info, [], 2000) of {_, _, Epoch} -> {ok, Members} = handle_get_consensus_miners(M), Members; Other -> ct:pal("~p had Epoch ~p", [M, Other]), timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Epoch, Tail) catch C:E -> ct:pal("~p threw error ~p:~p", [M, C, E]), timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Epoch, Tail) end. miners_by_consensus_state(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(partition, true, Miners). in_consensus_miners(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(filtermap, true, Miners). non_consensus_miners(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(filtermap, false, Miners). election_check([], _Miners, _AddrList, Owner) -> Owner ! seen_all; election_check(NotSeen0, Miners, AddrList, Owner) -> timer:sleep(500), NotSeen = try Members = miner_ct_utils:consensus_members(Miners), MinerNames = lists:map(fun(Member)-> miner_ct_utils:addr2node(Member, AddrList) end, Members), NotSeen1 = NotSeen0 -- MinerNames, Owner ! {not_seen, NotSeen1}, NotSeen1 catch _C:_E -> NotSeen0 end, election_check(NotSeen, Miners, AddrList, Owner). integrate_genesis_block(ConsensusMiner, NonConsensusMiners)-> Blockchain = ct_rpc:call(ConsensusMiner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, GenesisBlock} = ct_rpc:call(ConsensusMiner, blockchain, genesis_block, [Blockchain]), %% TODO - do we need to assert here on results from genesis load ? miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(M) -> ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_worker, integrate_genesis_block, [GenesisBlock]) end, NonConsensusMiners). blockchain_worker_check(Miners)-> lists:all( fun(Res) -> Res /= undefined end, lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> R = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), [R | Acc] end, [], Miners)). confirm_balance(Miners, Addr, Bal) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> Bal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, Addr) end, Miners) end, Result == true, 60, timer:seconds(5)), ok. confirm_balance_both_sides(Miners, PayerAddr, PayeeAddr, PayerBal, PayeeBal) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> PayerBal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, PayerAddr) andalso PayeeBal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, PayeeAddr) end, Miners) end, Result == true, 60, timer:seconds(1)), ok. submit_txn(Txn, Miners) -> lists:foreach(fun(Miner) -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, submit_txn, [Txn]) end, Miners). wait_for_gte(height = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, all, 60); wait_for_gte(epoch = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, any, 60); wait_for_gte(height_exactly = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, all, 60). wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, Mod, Retries)-> Res = ?noAssertAsync(begin lists:Mod( fun(Miner) -> try handle_gte_type(Type, Miner, Threshold) catch What:Why -> ct:pal("Failed to check GTE ~p ~p ~p: ~p:~p", [Type, Miner, Threshold, What, Why]), false end end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Retries, timer:seconds(1)), case Res of true -> ok; false -> {error, false} end. wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod) -> wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod, 300). wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod, Timeout) -> ?assertAsync(begin RegistrationResult = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, erlang, whereis, [Mod], Timeout) of P when is_pid(P) -> true; Other -> ct:pal("~p result ~p~n", [Miner, Other]), false end end, Miners) end, RegistrationResult, 90, timer:seconds(1)), ok. wait_for_app_start(Miners, App) -> wait_for_app_start(Miners, App, 60). wait_for_app_start(Miners, App, Retries) -> ?assertAsync(begin AppStartResult = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, which_applications, []) of {badrpc, _} -> false; Apps -> lists:keymember(App, 1, Apps) end end, Miners) end, AppStartResult, Retries, 500), ok. wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App) -> wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App, 30). wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App, Retries) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, which_applications, []) of {badrpc, nodedown} -> true; {badrpc, _Which} -> ct:pal("~p ~p", [Miner, _Which]), false; Apps -> ct:pal("~p ~p", [Miner, Apps]), not lists:keymember(App, 1, Apps) end end, Miners) end, Result == true, Retries, 500), ok. wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus)-> wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus, 500). wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus, Timeout)-> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:filtermap( fun(Miner) -> C1 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], Timeout), L1 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [C1], Timeout), case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, config, [num_consensus_members, L1], Timeout) of {ok, _Sz} -> true == ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, []); _ -> %% badrpc false end end, Miners), ct:pal("size ~p", [length(Result)]), Result end, NumInConsensus == length(Result), 60, timer:seconds(1)), ok. wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value)-> wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value, 20). wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value, Retries)-> case wait_until( fun() -> lists:all( fun(Miner) -> {ok, Value} == chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Miner) end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Retries * 2, 500) of %% back compat true -> ok; Else -> Else end. wait_for_lora_port(Miners, Mod, Retries)-> ?noAssertAsync(begin lists:all( fun(Miner) -> try case ct_rpc:call(Miner, Mod, port, []) of {error, _} -> ct:pal("Failed to find lora port ~p via module ~p", [Miner, Mod]), false; _ -> true end catch _:_ -> ct:pal("Failed to find lora port ~p", [Miner]), false end end, Miners) end, Retries, timer:seconds(1)). delete_dirs(DirWildcard, SubDir)-> Dirs = filelib:wildcard(DirWildcard), [begin ct:pal("rm dir ~s", [Dir ++ SubDir]), os:cmd("rm -r " ++ Dir ++ SubDir) end || Dir <- Dirs], ok. initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve)-> initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve, 60000). initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve, Timeout) -> SuperParent = self(), SuperTimeout = Timeout + 5000, Threshold = (NumConsensusMembers - 1) div 3, spawn(fun() -> Parent = self(), lists:foreach( fun(Miner) -> spawn(fun() -> Res = ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, initial_dkg, [Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve], Timeout), Parent ! {Miner, Res} end) end, Miners), SuperParent ! receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, []) end), receive DKGResults -> DKGResults after SuperTimeout -> {error, dkg_timeout} end. receive_dkg_results(Threshold, [], OKResults) -> ct:pal("only ~p completed dkg, lower than threshold of ~p", [OKResults, Threshold]), {error, insufficent_dkg_completion}; receive_dkg_results(Threshold, _Miners, OKResults) when length(OKResults) >= Threshold -> {ok, OKResults}; receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, OKResults) -> receive {Miner, ok} -> case lists:member(Miner, Miners) of true -> receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners -- [Miner], [Miner|OKResults]); false -> receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, OKResults) end; {Miner, OtherResult} -> ct:pal("Miner ~p failed DKG: ~p", [Miner, OtherResult]), receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners -- [Miner], OKResults) end. pmap(F, L) -> pmap(F, L, timer:seconds(90)). pmap(F, L, Timeout) -> Parent = self(), lists:foldl( fun(X, N) -> spawn_link(fun() -> Parent ! {pmap, N, F(X)} end), N+1 end, 0, L), L2 = [receive {pmap, N, R} -> {N,R} after Timeout-> error(timeout_expired) end || _ <- L], {_, L3} = lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1, L2)), L3. wait_until(Fun) -> wait_until(Fun, 40, 100). wait_until(Fun, Retry, Delay) when Retry > 0 -> Res = Fun(), try Res of true -> true; _ when Retry == 1 -> false; _ -> timer:sleep(Delay), wait_until(Fun, Retry-1, Delay) catch _:_ -> timer:sleep(Delay), wait_until(Fun, Retry-1, Delay) end. wait_until_offline(Node) -> wait_until(fun() -> pang == net_adm:ping(Node) end, 60*2, 500). wait_until_disconnected(Node1, Node2) -> wait_until(fun() -> pang == rpc:call(Node1, net_adm, ping, [Node2]) end, 60*2, 500). wait_until_connected(Node1, Node2) -> wait_until(fun() -> pong == rpc:call(Node1, net_adm, ping, [Node2]) end, 60*2, 500). start_node(Name) -> CodePath = lists:filter(fun filelib:is_dir/1, code:get_path()), %% have the slave nodes monitor the runner node, so they can't outlive it NodeConfig = [ {monitor_master, true}, {boot_timeout, 30}, {init_timeout, 30}, {startup_timeout, 30}, {startup_functions, [ {code, set_path, [CodePath]} ]}], case ct_slave:start(Name, NodeConfig) of {ok, Node} -> ?assertAsync(Result = net_adm:ping(Node), Result == pong, 60, 500), Node; {error, already_started, Node} -> ct_slave:stop(Name), wait_until_offline(Node), start_node(Name); {error, started_not_connected, Node} -> connect(Node), ct_slave:stop(Name), wait_until_offline(Node), start_node(Name); Other -> Other end. partition_cluster(ANodes, BNodes) -> pmap(fun({Node1, Node2}) -> true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, set_cookie, [Node2, canttouchthis]), true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, disconnect_node, [Node2]), true = wait_until_disconnected(Node1, Node2) end, [{Node1, Node2} || Node1 <- ANodes, Node2 <- BNodes]), ok. heal_cluster(ANodes, BNodes) -> GoodCookie = erlang:get_cookie(), pmap(fun({Node1, Node2}) -> true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, set_cookie, [Node2, GoodCookie]), true = wait_until_connected(Node1, Node2) end, [{Node1, Node2} || Node1 <- ANodes, Node2 <- BNodes]), ok. connect(Node) -> connect(Node, true). connect(NodeStr, Auto) when is_list(NodeStr) -> connect(erlang:list_to_atom(lists:flatten(NodeStr)), Auto); connect(Node, Auto) when is_atom(Node) -> connect(node(), Node, Auto). connect(Node, Node, _) -> {error, self_join}; connect(_, Node, _Auto) -> attempt_connect(Node). attempt_connect(Node) -> case net_kernel:connect_node(Node) of false -> {error, not_reachable}; true -> {ok, connected} end. count(_, []) -> 0; count(X, [X|XS]) -> 1 + count(X, XS); count(X, [_|XS]) -> count(X, XS). randname(N) -> randname(N, []). randname(0, Acc) -> Acc; randname(N, Acc) -> randname(N - 1, [rand:uniform(26) + 96 | Acc]). get_config(Arg, Default) -> case os:getenv(Arg, Default) of false -> Default; T when is_list(T) -> list_to_integer(T); T -> T end. shuffle(List) -> R = [{rand:uniform(1000000), I} || I <- List], O = lists:sort(R), {_, S} = lists:unzip(O), S. node2sigfun(Node, KeyList) -> {_Miner, {_TCPPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, _Addr, SigFun} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, KeyList), SigFun. node2pubkeybin(Node, KeyList) -> {_Miner, {_TCPPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, Addr, _SigFun} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, KeyList), Addr. node2addr(Node, AddrList) -> {_, Addr} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, AddrList), Addr. addr2node(Addr, AddrList) -> {Node, _} = lists:keyfind(Addr, 2, AddrList), Node. addr_list(Miners) -> miner_ct_utils:pmap( fun(M) -> Addr = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_swarm, pubkey_bin, []), {M, Addr} end, Miners). partition_miners(Members, AddrList) -> {Miners, _} = lists:unzip(AddrList), lists:partition(fun(Miner) -> Addr = miner_ct_utils:node2addr(Miner, AddrList), lists:member(Addr, Members) end, Miners). init_per_testcase(Mod, TestCase, Config0) -> Config = init_base_dir_config(Mod, TestCase, Config0), BaseDir = ?config(base_dir, Config), LogDir = ?config(log_dir, Config), SplitMiners = proplists:get_value(split_miners_vals_and_gateways, Config, false), NumValidators = proplists:get_value(num_validators, Config, 0), NumGateways = proplists:get_value(num_gateways, Config, get_config("T", 8)), NumConsensusMembers = proplists:get_value(num_consensus_members, Config, get_config("N", 7)), LoadChainOnGateways = proplists:get_value(gateways_run_chain, Config, true), GwMuxEnable = proplists:get_value(gateway_and_mux_enable, Config, false), DefaultKeys = proplists:get_value(default_keys, Config, false), os:cmd(os:find_executable("epmd")++" -daemon"), {ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), case net_kernel:start([list_to_atom("runner-miner" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:system_time(nanosecond)) ++ "@"++Hostname), shortnames]) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, {already_started, _}} -> ok; {error, {{already_started, _},_}} -> ok end, TotalMiners = NumValidators + NumGateways, SeedNodes = [], UdpBase = 1690, GwApiBase = 5068, JsonRpcBase = 4486, Port = get_config("PORT", 0), Curve = 'SS512', BlockTime = get_config("BT", 100), BatchSize = get_config("BS", 500), Interval = get_config("INT", 5), MinersAndPorts = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun(I, Acc) -> MinerName = list_to_atom(integer_to_list(I) ++ miner_ct_utils:randname(5)), [{start_node(MinerName), {GwApiBase + I, UdpBase + (I * 3), JsonRpcBase + I}} | Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, TotalMiners) )), ct:pal("MinersAndPorts: ~p",[MinersAndPorts]), case lists:any(fun({{error, _}, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, MinersAndPorts) of true -> %% kill any nodes we started and throw error miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun({error, _}) -> ok; (Miner) -> ct_slave:stop(Miner) end, element(1, lists:unzip(MinersAndPorts))), throw(hd([ E || {{error, E}, _} <- MinersAndPorts ])); false -> ok end, Keys = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun({Miner, Ports}, Acc) -> [make_keys(Miner, Ports) | Acc] end, [], MinersAndPorts)), ct:pal("Keys: ~p", [Keys]), {_Miner, {_GwApiPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, Addr, _SigFun} = hd(Keys), DefaultRouters = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(Addr), Options = [{mod, Mod}, {logdir, LogDir}, {basedir, BaseDir}, {seed_nodes, SeedNodes}, {total_miners, TotalMiners}, {curve, Curve}, {gateways_run_chain, LoadChainOnGateways}, {default_keys, DefaultKeys}, {default_routers, DefaultRouters}, {port, Port}], %% config nodes ConfigResult = case SplitMiners of true -> if config says to use validators for CG then %% split key sets into validators and miners {ValKeys, GatewayKeys} = lists:split(NumValidators, Keys), ct:pal("validator keys: ~p", [ValKeys]), ct:pal("gateway keys: ~p", [GatewayKeys]), carry the poc transport setting through to config node so that it can %% set the app env var appropiately on each node _GatewayConfigResult = miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{gateway_and_mux_enable, GwMuxEnable}, {mode, gateway} | Options]) end, GatewayKeys), ValConfigResult = miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{mode, validator} | Options]) end, ValKeys), ValConfigResult; _ -> miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{mode, validator} | Options]) end, Keys) end, Miners = [M || {M, _} <- MinersAndPorts], ct:pal("Miners: ~p", [Miners]), %% get a sep list of validator and gateway node names if SplitMiners is false then all miners will be gateways {Validators, Gateways} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, Miners); _ -> {[], Miners} end, ct:pal("Validators: ~p", [Validators]), ct:pal("Gateways: ~p", [Gateways]), %% check that the config loaded correctly on each miner true = lists:all( fun(ok) -> true; (Res) -> ct:pal("config setup failure: ~p", [Res]), false end, ConfigResult ), %% hardcode some alias for our localhost miners %% sibyl will not return routing data unless a miner/validator has a public address %% so force an alias for each of our miners to a public IP MinerAliases = lists:foldl( fun({_, _, _, _, AliasAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(AliasAddr), [{P2PAddr, "/ip4/" } | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("miner aliases ~p", [MinerAliases]), lists:foreach(fun(Miner)-> ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [libp2p, node_aliases, MinerAliases]) end, Miners), Addrs = get_addrs(Miners), ct:pal("Addrs: ~p", [Addrs]), miner_ct_utils:pmap( fun(Miner) -> TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 2000), ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_poc, add_stream_handler, [TID], 2000), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 2000), lists:foreach( fun(A) -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, connect, [Swarm, A], 2000) end, Addrs) end, Miners), %% make sure each node is gossiping with a majority of its peers true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> lists:all( fun(Miner) -> try GossipPeers = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, gossip_peers, [], 500), ct:pal("Miner: ~p, GossipPeers: ~p", [Miner, GossipPeers]), case length(GossipPeers) >= (length(Miners) / 2) + 1 of true -> true; false -> ct:pal("~p is not connected to enough peers ~p", [Miner, GossipPeers]), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 500), lists:foreach( fun(A) -> CRes = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, connect, [Swarm, A], 500), ct:pal("Connecting ~p to ~p: ~p", [Miner, A, CRes]) end, Addrs), false end catch _C:_E -> false end end, Miners) end, 200, 150), %% to enable the tests to run over grpc we need to deterministically set the grpc listen addr with libp2p all the port data is in the peer entries %% in the real world we would run grpc over a known port %% but for the sake of the tests which run multiple nodes on a single instance %% we need to choose a random port for each node %% and the client needs to know which port was choosen so for the sake of the tests what we do here is get the libp2p port %% and run grpc on that value + 1000 the client then just has to pull the libp2p peer data retrieve the libp2p port and derive the grpc port from that GRPCServerConfigFun = fun(PeerPort)-> [#{grpc_opts => #{service_protos => [gateway_pb], services => #{'helium.gateway' => helium_gateway_service} }, transport_opts => #{ssl => false}, listen_opts => #{port => PeerPort, ip => {0,0,0,0}}, pool_opts => #{size => 2}, server_opts => #{header_table_size => 4096, enable_push => 1, max_concurrent_streams => unlimited, initial_window_size => 65535, max_frame_size => 16384, max_header_list_size => unlimited}}] end, ok = lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Node, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Node, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), ThisPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)), _ = ct_rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [grpcbox, servers, GRPCServerConfigFun(ThisPort + 1000)]), _ = ct_rpc:call(Node, application, ensure_all_started, [grpcbox]), ok end, Miners), %% setup a bunch of aliases for the running miner grpc hosts as per above , each such port will be the equivilent libp2p port + 1000 %% these grpc aliases are added purely for testing purposes %% no current need to support in the wild MinerGRPCPortAliases = lists:foldl( fun({Miner, _, _, _, GrpcAliasAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(GrpcAliasAddr), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), GrpcPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)) + 1000, [{P2PAddr, {GrpcPort, false}} | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("miner grpc port aliases ~p", [MinerGRPCPortAliases]), create a list of validators and for each their p2p addr , ip addr and grpc port %% use this list to set an app env var to provide a list of default validators to which %% gateways can connect %% only used when testing grpc gateways SeedValidators = lists:foldl( fun({Miner, _, _, _, ValAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(ValAddr), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), GrpcPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)) + 1000, [{P2PAddr, "", GrpcPort} | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("seed validators: ~p", [SeedValidators]), set any required env vars for gateways lists:foreach(fun(Gateway)-> ct_rpc:call(Gateway, application, set_env, [miner, seed_validators, SeedValidators]) end, Gateways), %% set any required env vars for validators lists:foreach(fun(Val)-> ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, node_grpc_port_aliases, MinerGRPCPortAliases]), ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, poc_mgr_mod, miner_poc_mgr]), ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, poc_report_handler, miner_poc_report_handler]) end, Validators), %% accumulate the address of each miner MinerTaggedAddresses = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> PubKeyBin = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, pubkey_bin, []), [{Miner, PubKeyBin} | Acc] end, [], Miners )), ct:pal("MinerTaggedAddresses: ~p", [MinerTaggedAddresses]), %% save a version of the address list with the miner and address tuple %% and then a version with just a list of addresses {_Keys, Addresses} = lists:unzip(MinerTaggedAddresses), {ValidatorAddrs, GatewayAddrs} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, Addresses); _ -> {[], Addresses} end, ct:pal("Validator Addrs: ~p", [ValidatorAddrs]), ct:pal("Gateway Addrs: ~p", [GatewayAddrs]), {ok, _} = ct_cover:add_nodes(Miners), %% wait until we get confirmation the miners are fully up %% which we are determining by the miner_consensus_mgr being registered %% if we have a split of validators and gateways, we only need to wait on the validators %% otherwise wait for all gateways case SplitMiners of true -> ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Validators, miner_consensus_mgr); false -> ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Miners, miner_consensus_mgr) end, %% get a sep list of ports for validators and gateways {ValidatorPorts, GatewayPorts} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, MinersAndPorts); _ -> {[], MinersAndPorts} end, UpdatedValidatorPorts = lists:map(fun({Miner, {_, _, JsonRpcPort}}) -> {Miner, {ignore, ignore, JsonRpcPort}} end, ValidatorPorts), [ {miners, Miners}, {validators, Validators}, {gateways, Gateways}, {validator_addrs, ValidatorAddrs}, {gateway_addrs, GatewayAddrs}, {addrs, Addrs}, {keys, Keys}, {ports, UpdatedValidatorPorts ++ GatewayPorts}, {validator_ports, UpdatedValidatorPorts}, {gateway_ports, GatewayPorts}, {node_options, Options}, {addresses, Addresses}, {tagged_miner_addresses, MinerTaggedAddresses}, {block_time, BlockTime}, {batch_size, BatchSize}, {dkg_curve, Curve}, {election_interval, Interval}, {num_consensus_members, NumConsensusMembers}, {rpc_timeout, timer:seconds(30)} | Config ]. get_addrs(Miners) -> lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, [], 2000), ct:pal("swarm ~p ~p", [Miner, Swarm]), true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> length(ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm], 5000)) > 0 end, 20, 1000), [H|_] = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm], 5000), ct:pal("miner ~p has addr ~p", [Miner, H]), [H | Acc] end, [], Miners). make_keys(Miner, Ports) -> #{secret := GPriv, public := GPub} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(ecc_compact), GECDH = libp2p_crypto:mk_ecdh_fun(GPriv), GAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GPub), GSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GPriv), {Miner, Ports, GECDH, GPub, GAddr, GSigFun}. config_node({Miner, {GwApiPort, UDPPort, JSONRPCPort}, ECDH, PubKey, _Addr, SigFun}, Options) -> Mod = proplists:get_value(mod, Options), LogDir = proplists:get_value(logdir, Options), BaseDir = proplists:get_value(basedir, Options), SeedNodes = proplists:get_value(seed_nodes, Options), TotalMiners = proplists:get_value(total_miners, Options), Curve = proplists:get_value(curve, Options), DefaultRouters = proplists:get_value(default_routers, Options), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Options), Mode = proplists:get_value(mode, Options, gateway), GwMuxEnable = proplists:get_value(gateway_and_mux_enable, Options, false), LoadChainOnGateways = proplists:get_value(gateways_run_chain, Options, true), ct:pal("Miner ~p", [Miner]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, cover, start, []), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [lager]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [miner]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [blockchain]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [libp2p]), %% give each miner its own log directory LogRoot = LogDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), ct:pal("MinerLogRoot: ~p", [LogRoot]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [lager, log_root, LogRoot]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [lager, metadata_whitelist, [poc_id]]), %% set blockchain configuration Key = case proplists:get_value(default_keys, Options) of true -> undefined; false -> #{pubkey => PubKey, ecdh_fun => ECDH, sig_fun => SigFun} end, MinerBaseDir = BaseDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), ct:pal("MinerBaseDir: ~p", [MinerBaseDir]), %% set blockchain env ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, enable_nat, false]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, base_dir, MinerBaseDir]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, port, Port]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, seed_nodes, SeedNodes]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, key, Key]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peer_cache_timeout, 30000]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peerbook_update_interval, 200]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peerbook_allow_rfc1918, true]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, disable_poc_v4_target_challenge_age, true]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, max_inbound_connections, TotalMiners*2]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, outbound_gossip_connections, TotalMiners]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, sync_cooldown_time, 5]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, sc_packet_handler, miner_test_sc_packet_handler]), %% set miner configuration ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, curve, Curve]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateway_api_port, GwApiPort]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, jsonrpc_port, JSONRPCPort]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, mode, Mode]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateway_and_mux_enable, GwMuxEnable]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateways_run_chain, LoadChainOnGateways]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, radio_device, {{127,0,0,1}, UDPPort, deprecated, deprecated}]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, stabilization_period_start, 2]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, default_routers, [DefaultRouters]]), case Mod of miner_poc_v11_SUITE -> Do n't set anything region related with poc - v11 ok; _ -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, region_override, 'US915']), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, frequency_data, #{'US915' => [903.9, 904.1, 904.3, 904.5, 904.7, 904.9, 905.1, 905.3], 'EU868' => [867.1, 867.3, 867.5, 867.7, 867.9, 868.1, 868.3, 868.5], 'EU433' => [433.175, 433.375, 433.575], 'CN470' => [486.3, 486.5, 486.7, 486.9, 487.1, 487.3, 487.5, 487.7 ], 'CN779' => [779.5, 779.7, 779.9], 'AU915' => [916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.5, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0, 918.2], 'AS923_1' => [923.2, 923.4, 923.6, 923.8, 924.0, 924.2, 924.4, 924.6], 'AS923_1B' => [922.0, 922.2, 922.4, 922.6, 922.8, 923.0, 923.2, 923.4], 'AS923_2' => [921.4, 921.6, 921.8, 922.0, 922.2, 922.4, 922.6, 922.8], 'AS923_3' => [916.6, 916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0], 'AS923_4' => [917.3, 917.5, 917.7, 917.9, 918.1, 918.3, 918.5, 918.7], 'KR920' => [922.1, 922.3, 922.5, 922.7, 922.9, 923.1, 923.3], 'IN865' => [865.0625, 865.4025, 865.985]}]) end, {ok, _StartedApps} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, ensure_all_started, [miner]), ok. end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(Miner) -> ct_slave:stop(Miner) end, Miners), case ?config(tc_status, Config) of ok -> %% test passed, we can cleanup %% cleanup_per_testcase(TestCase, Config), ok; _ -> %% leave results alone for analysis ok end, {comment, done}. cleanup_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), BaseDir = ?config(base_dir, Config), LogDir = ?config(log_dir, Config), lists:foreach(fun(Miner) -> LogRoot = LogDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), Res = os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ LogRoot), ct:pal("rm -rf ~p -> ~p", [LogRoot, Res]), DataDir = BaseDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), Res2 = os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ DataDir), ct:pal("rm -rf ~p -> ~p", [DataDir, Res2]), ok end, Miners). get_gw_owner(Miner, GwAddr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_gateway_info, [GwAddr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, GwInfo} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_gateway_v2, owner_address, [GwInfo]) end end end. get_balance(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_entry_v1, balance, [Entry]) end end end. get_nonce(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_entry_v1, nonce, [Entry]) end end end. get_dc_balance(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_dc_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_data_credits_entry_v1, balance, [Entry]) end end end. get_dc_nonce(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_dc_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_data_credits_entry_v1, nonce, [Entry]) end end end. get_block(Block, Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, get_block, [Block, Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, BlockRec} -> BlockRec end end. make_vars(Keys) -> make_vars(Keys, #{}). make_vars(Keys, Map) -> make_vars(Keys, Map, modern). make_vars(Keys, Map, Mode) -> Vars1 = #{?chain_vars_version => 2, ?block_time => 2, ?election_interval => 30, ?election_restart_interval => 10, ?num_consensus_members => 7, ?batch_size => 2500, ?vars_commit_delay => 1, ?var_gw_inactivity_threshold => 20, ?block_version => v1, ?dkg_curve => 'SS512', ?predicate_callback_mod => miner, ?predicate_callback_fun => test_version, ?predicate_threshold => 0.60, ?monthly_reward => 5000000 * 1000000, ?securities_percent => 0.35, ?dc_percent => 0.0, ?poc_challengees_percent => 0.19 + 0.16, ?poc_challengers_percent => 0.09 + 0.06, ?poc_witnesses_percent => 0.02 + 0.03, ?consensus_percent => 0.10, ?election_version => 5, ?election_bba_penalty => 0.01, ?election_seen_penalty => 0.05, ?election_cluster_res => 8, ?election_removal_pct => 85, ?election_selection_pct => 60, ?election_replacement_factor => 4, ?election_replacement_slope => 20, ?min_score => 0.2, ?alpha_decay => 0.007, ?beta_decay => 0.0005, ?max_staleness => 100000, ?min_assert_h3_res => 12, ?h3_neighbor_res => 12, ?h3_max_grid_distance => 13, ?h3_exclusion_ring_dist => 2, ?poc_challenge_interval => 10, ?poc_version => 3, ?poc_path_limit => 7, ?poc_typo_fixes => true, ?sc_grace_blocks => 4, ?validator_version => 2, ?validator_minimum_stake => ?bones(10000), ?validator_liveness_grace_period => 10, ?validator_liveness_interval => 5, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown => 55, ?dkg_penalty => 1.0, ?tenure_penalty => 1.0, ?validator_penalty_filter => 5.0, ?penalty_history_limit => 100 }, #{secret := Priv, public := Pub} = Keys, BinPub = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(Pub), Vars = maps:merge(Vars1, Map), case Mode of modern -> Txn = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:new(Vars, 1, #{master_key => BinPub}), Proof = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:create_proof(Priv, Txn), [blockchain_txn_vars_v1:key_proof(Txn, Proof)]; %% in legacy mode, we have to do without some stuff %% because everything will break if there are too many vars legacy -> %% ideally figure out a few more that are safe to %% remove or bring back the splitting code LegVars = maps:without([?poc_version, ?poc_path_limit, ?sc_grace_blocks, ?election_version, ?election_removal_pct, ?election_cluster_res, ?chain_vars_version, ?block_version, ?election_bba_penalty, ?election_seen_penalty, ?sc_grace_blocks, ?validator_minimum_stake, ?validator_liveness_grace_period, ?validator_liveness_interval, ?poc_typo_fixes, ?election_bba_penalty, ?election_seen_penalty, ?election_cluster_res, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown, ?validator_penalty_filter ], Vars), Proof = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:legacy_create_proof(Priv, LegVars), Txn = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:new(LegVars, 1, #{master_key => BinPub, key_proof => Proof}), [Txn] end. nonl([$\n|T]) -> nonl(T); nonl([H|T]) -> [H|nonl(T)]; nonl([]) -> []. generate_keys(N) -> lists:foldl( fun(_, Acc) -> {PrivKey, PubKey} = new_random_key(ecc_compact), SigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), [{libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), {PubKey, PrivKey, SigFun}}|Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, N) ). new_random_key(Curve) -> #{secret := PrivKey, public := PubKey} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(Curve), {PrivKey, PubKey}. new_random_key_with_sig_fun(Curve) -> #{secret := PrivKey, public := PubKey} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(Curve), SigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), {PrivKey, PubKey, SigFun}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% generate a tmp directory to be used as a scratch by eunit tests %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp_dir() -> os:cmd("mkdir -p " ++ ?BASE_TMP_DIR), create_tmp_dir(?BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE). tmp_dir(SubDir) -> Path = filename:join(?BASE_TMP_DIR, SubDir), os:cmd("mkdir -p " ++ Path), create_tmp_dir(Path ++ "/" ++ ?BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% Deletes the specified directory %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec cleanup_tmp_dir(list()) -> ok. cleanup_tmp_dir(Dir)-> os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ Dir), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% create a tmp directory at the specified path %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec create_tmp_dir(list()) -> list(). create_tmp_dir(Path)-> ?MODULE:nonl(os:cmd("mktemp -d " ++ Path)). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc generate a tmp directory based off priv_dir to be used as a scratch by common tests %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init_base_dir_config(atom(), atom(), Config) -> Config when Config :: ct_suite:ct_config(). init_base_dir_config(Mod, TestCase, Config)-> PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), BaseDir = PrivDir ++ "data/" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(TestCase), LogDir = PrivDir ++ "logs/" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(TestCase), [ {base_dir, BaseDir}, {log_dir, LogDir} | Config ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc %% Wait for a txn to occur. %% %% Examples: %% CheckType = fun(T ) - > blockchain_txn : type(T ) = = SomeTxnType end , wait_for_txn(Miners , CheckType ) %% CheckTxn = fun(T ) - > T = = SomeSignedTxn end , %% wait_for_txn(Miners, CheckTxn) %% %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------- wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun) -> wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, timer:seconds(30), true). wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout) -> wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout, true). wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout, ExpectedResult)-> timeout is in ms , we want to retry every 200 Count = Timeout div 200, ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> Res = get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, 500), Res /= [] end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Result == ExpectedResult, Count, 200), ok. format_txn_mgr_list(TxnList) -> maps:fold(fun(Txn, TxnData, Acc) -> TxnMod = blockchain_txn:type(Txn), TxnHash = blockchain_txn:hash(Txn), Acceptions = proplists:get_value(acceptions, TxnData, []), Rejections = proplists:get_value(rejections, TxnData, []), RecvBlockHeight = proplists:get_value(recv_block_height, TxnData, undefined), Dialers = proplists:get_value(dialers, TxnData, undefined), [ [{txn_type, atom_to_list(TxnMod)}, {txn_hash, io_lib:format("~p", [libp2p_crypto:bin_to_b58(TxnHash)])}, {acceptions, length(Acceptions)}, {rejections, length(Rejections)}, {accepted_block_height, RecvBlockHeight}, {active_dialers, length(Dialers)}] | Acc] end, [], TxnList). get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun) -> get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, timer:seconds(5)). get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, Timeout) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], Timeout) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, blocks, [Chain], Timeout) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Blocks -> lists:filter(fun({_Hash, Block}) -> BH = blockchain_block : height(Block ) , Txns = blockchain_block:transactions(Block), ToFind = lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, Txns), %% ct:pal("BlockHeight: ~p, ToFind: ~p", [BH, ToFind]), ToFind /= [] end, maps:to_list(Blocks)) end end. get_txn([{_, B}], PredFun) -> hd(lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, blockchain_block:transactions(B))). get_txns(Blocks, PredFun) when is_map(Blocks) -> lists:foldl(fun({_, B}, Acc) -> Acc ++ lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, blockchain_block:transactions(B)) end, [], maps:to_list(Blocks)). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Local Helper functions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ handle_get_consensus_miners(Miner)-> try Blockchain = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), Ledger = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Blockchain], 2000), {ok, Members} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, consensus_members, [Ledger], 2000), {ok, Members} catch _:_ -> {error, miner_down} end. handle_miners_by_consensus(Mod, Bool, Miners)-> lists:Mod( fun(Miner) -> Bool == ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, []) end, Miners). handle_gte_type(height, Miner, Threshold)-> C0 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), {ok, Height} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C0], 2000), case Height >= Threshold of false -> ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p Threshold ~p", [Miner, Height, Threshold]), false; true -> true end; handle_gte_type(epoch, Miner, Threshold)-> {Height, _, Epoch} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_cli_info, get_info, [], 2000), ct:pal("miner ~p Height ~p Epoch ~p Threshold ~p", [Miner, Height, Epoch, Threshold]), Epoch >= Threshold; handle_gte_type(height_exactly, Miner, Threshold)-> C = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, Ht} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C]), ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p Exact Threshold ~p", [Miner, Ht, Threshold]), Ht == Threshold. get_genesis_block(Miners, Config) -> RPCTimeout = ?config(rpc_timeout, Config), ct:pal("RPCTimeout: ~p", [RPCTimeout]), %% obtain the genesis block GenesisBlock = get_genesis_block_(Miners, RPCTimeout), ?assertNotEqual(undefined, GenesisBlock), GenesisBlock. get_genesis_block_([Miner|Miners], RPCTimeout) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], RPCTimeout) of {badrpc, Reason} -> ct:fail(Reason), get_genesis_block_(Miners ++ [Miner], RPCTimeout); undefined -> get_genesis_block_(Miners ++ [Miner], RPCTimeout); Chain -> {ok, GBlock} = rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, genesis_block, [Chain], RPCTimeout), GBlock end. load_genesis_block(GenesisBlock, Miners, Config) -> RPCTimeout = ?config(rpc_timeout, Config), %% load the genesis block on all the nodes lists:foreach( fun(Miner) -> %% wait for the consensus manager to be booted true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> is_boolean(ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, [], RPCTimeout)) end), case ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, [], RPCTimeout) of true -> ok; false -> Res = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, integrate_genesis_block, [GenesisBlock], RPCTimeout), ct:pal("loading genesis ~p block on ~p ~p", [GenesisBlock, Miner, Res]); {badrpc, Reason} -> ct:pal("failed to load genesis block on ~p: ~p", [Miner, Reason]) end end, Miners ), ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_gte(height, Miners, 1, all, 30). build_gateways(LatLongs, {PrivKey, PubKey}) -> lists:foldl( fun({_LatLong, {GatewayPrivKey, GatewayPubKey}}, Acc) -> % Create a Gateway Gateway = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GatewayPubKey), GatewaySigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GatewayPrivKey), OwnerSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), Owner = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), AddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:new(Owner, Gateway), SignedOwnerAddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:sign(AddGatewayTx, OwnerSigFun), SignedGatewayAddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:sign_request(SignedOwnerAddGatewayTx, GatewaySigFun), [SignedGatewayAddGatewayTx|Acc] end, [], LatLongs ). build_asserts(LatLongs, {PrivKey, PubKey}) -> lists:foldl( fun({LatLong, {GatewayPrivKey, GatewayPubKey}}, Acc) -> Gateway = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GatewayPubKey), GatewaySigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GatewayPrivKey), OwnerSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), Owner = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), Index = h3:from_geo(LatLong, 12), AssertLocationRequestTx = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:new(Gateway, Owner, Index, 1), PartialAssertLocationTxn = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:sign_request(AssertLocationRequestTx, GatewaySigFun), SignedAssertLocationTx = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:sign(PartialAssertLocationTxn, OwnerSigFun), [SignedAssertLocationTx|Acc] end, [], LatLongs ). add_block(Chain, ConsensusMembers, Txns) -> SortedTxns = lists:sort(fun blockchain_txn:sort/2, Txns), B = create_block(ConsensusMembers, SortedTxns), ok = blockchain:add_block(B, Chain). create_block(ConsensusMembers, Txs) -> Blockchain = blockchain_worker:blockchain(), {ok, PrevHash} = blockchain:head_hash(Blockchain), {ok, HeadBlock} = blockchain:head_block(Blockchain), Height = blockchain_block:height(HeadBlock) + 1, Block0 = blockchain_block_v1:new(#{prev_hash => PrevHash, height => Height, transactions => Txs, signatures => [], time => 0, hbbft_round => 0, election_epoch => 1, epoch_start => 1, seen_votes => [], bba_completion => <<>>, poc_keys => []}), BinBlock = blockchain_block:serialize(blockchain_block:set_signatures(Block0, [])), Signatures = signatures(ConsensusMembers, BinBlock), Block1 = blockchain_block:set_signatures(Block0, Signatures), Block1. signatures(ConsensusMembers, BinBlock) -> lists:foldl( fun({A, {_, _, F}}, Acc) -> Sig = F(BinBlock), [{A, Sig}|Acc] end ,[] ,ConsensusMembers ). gen_gateways(Addresses, Locations) -> [blockchain_txn_gen_gateway_v1:new(Addr, Addr, Loc, 0) || {Addr, Loc} <- lists:zip(Addresses, Locations)]. gen_payments(Addresses) -> [ blockchain_txn_coinbase_v1:new(Addr, 5000) || Addr <- Addresses]. %% ideally keep these synced with mainnet existing_vars() -> #{ ?allow_payment_v2_memos => true, ?allow_zero_amount => false, ?alpha_decay => 0.0035, ?assert_loc_txn_version => 2, ?batch_size => 400, ?beta_decay => 0.002, ?block_time => 60000, ?block_version => v1, ?chain_vars_version => 2, ?consensus_percent => 0.06, ?data_aggregation_version => 2, ?dc_payload_size => 24, ?dc_percent => 0.325, ?density_tgt_res => 4, ?dkg_curve => 'SS512', ?election_bba_penalty => 0.001, ?election_cluster_res => 4, ?election_interval => 30, ?election_removal_pct => 40, ?election_replacement_factor => 4, ?election_replacement_slope => 20, ?election_restart_interval => 5, ?election_seen_penalty => 0.0033333, ?election_selection_pct => 1, ?election_version => 4, ?h3_exclusion_ring_dist => 6, ?h3_max_grid_distance => 120, ?h3_neighbor_res => 12, ?hip17_interactivity_blocks => 3600, ?hip17_res_0 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_1 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_10 => <<"2,1,1">>, ?hip17_res_11 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_12 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_2 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_3 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_4 => <<"1,250,800">>, ?hip17_res_5 => <<"1,100,400">>, ?hip17_res_6 => <<"1,25,100">>, ?hip17_res_7 => <<"2,5,20">>, ?hip17_res_8 => <<"2,1,4">>, ?hip17_res_9 => <<"2,1,2">>, ?max_antenna_gain => 150, ?max_open_sc => 5, ?max_payments => 50, ?max_staleness => 100000, ?max_subnet_num => 5, ?max_subnet_size => 65536, ?max_xor_filter_num => 5, ?max_xor_filter_size => 102400, ?min_antenna_gain => 10, ?min_assert_h3_res => 12, ?min_expire_within => 15, ?min_score => 0.15, ?min_subnet_size => 8, ?monthly_reward => 500000000000000, ?num_consensus_members => 16, ?poc_addr_hash_byte_count => 8, ?poc_centrality_wt => 0.5, ?poc_challenge_interval => 480, ?poc_challenge_sync_interval => 90, ?poc_challengees_percent => 0.0531, ?poc_challengers_percent => 0.0095, ?poc_good_bucket_high => -70, ?poc_good_bucket_low => -130, ?poc_max_hop_cells => 2000, ?poc_path_limit => 1, ?poc_per_hop_max_witnesses => 25, ?poc_reward_decay_rate => 0.8, ?poc_target_hex_parent_res => 5, ?poc_typo_fixes => true, ?poc_v4_exclusion_cells => 8, ?poc_v4_parent_res => 11, ?poc_v4_prob_bad_rssi => 0.01, ?poc_v4_prob_count_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_prob_good_rssi => 1.0, ?poc_v4_prob_no_rssi => 0.5, ?poc_v4_prob_rssi_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_prob_time_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_randomness_wt => 0.5, ?poc_v4_target_challenge_age => 1000, ?poc_v4_target_exclusion_cells => 6000, ?poc_v4_target_prob_edge_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_target_prob_score_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_target_score_curve => 5, ?poc_v5_target_prob_randomness_wt => 1.0, ?poc_version => 10, ?poc_witness_consideration_limit => 20, ?poc_witnesses_percent => 0.2124, ?predicate_callback_fun => version, ?predicate_callback_mod => miner, ?predicate_threshold => 0.95, ?price_oracle_height_delta => 10, ?price_oracle_price_scan_delay => 3600, ?price_oracle_price_scan_max => 90000, ?price_oracle_public_keys => <<33, 1, 32, 30, 226, 70, 15, 7, 0, 161, 150, 108, 195, 90, 205, 113, 146, 41, 110, 194, 43, 86, 168, 161, 93, 241, 68, 41, 125, 160, 229, 130, 205, 140, 33, 1, 32, 237, 78, 201, 132, 45, 19, 192, 62, 81, 209, 208, 156, 103, 224, 137, 51, 193, 160, 15, 96, 238, 160, 42, 235, 174, 99, 128, 199, 20, 154, 222, 33, 1, 143, 166, 65, 105, 75, 56, 206, 157, 86, 46, 225, 174, 232, 27, 183, 145, 248, 50, 141, 210, 144, 155, 254, 80, 225, 240, 164, 164, 213, 12, 146, 100, 33, 1, 20, 131, 51, 235, 13, 175, 124, 98, 154, 135, 90, 196, 83, 14, 118, 223, 189, 221, 154, 181, 62, 105, 183, 135, 121, 105, 101, 51, 163, 119, 206, 132, 33, 1, 254, 129, 70, 123, 51, 101, 208, 224, 99, 172, 62, 126, 252, 59, 130, 84, 93, 231, 214, 248, 207, 139, 84, 158, 120, 232, 6, 8, 121, 243, 25, 205, 33, 1, 148, 214, 252, 181, 1, 33, 200, 69, 148, 146, 34, 29, 22, 91, 108, 16, 18, 33, 45, 0, 210, 100, 253, 211, 177, 78, 82, 113, 122, 149, 47, 240, 33, 1, 170, 219, 208, 73, 156, 141, 219, 148, 7, 148, 253, 209, 66, 48, 218, 91, 71, 232, 244, 198, 253, 236, 40, 201, 90, 112, 61, 236, 156, 69, 235, 109, 33, 1, 154, 235, 195, 88, 165, 97, 21, 203, 1, 161, 96, 71, 236, 193, 188, 50, 185, 214, 15, 14, 86, 61, 245, 131, 110, 22, 150, 8, 48, 174, 104, 66, 33, 1, 254, 248, 78, 138, 218, 174, 201, 86, 100, 210, 209, 229, 149, 130, 203, 83, 149, 204, 154, 58, 32, 192, 118, 144, 129, 178, 83, 253, 8, 199, 161, 128>>, ?price_oracle_refresh_interval => 10, ?reward_version => 5, ?rewards_txn_version => 2, ?sc_causality_fix => 1, ?sc_gc_interval => 10, ?sc_grace_blocks => 10, ?sc_open_validation_bugfix => 1, ?sc_overcommit => 2, ?sc_version => 2, ?securities_percent => 0.34, ?snapshot_interval => 720, ?snapshot_version => 1, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown => 250000, ?stake_withdrawal_max => 60, ?staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 => 4000000, ?staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1 => 1000000, ?staking_fee_txn_oui_v1 => 10000000, ?staking_fee_txn_oui_v1_per_address => 10000000, ?staking_keys => <<33, 1, 37, 193, 104, 249, 129, 155, 16, 116, 103, 223, 160, 89, 196, 199, 11, 94, 109, 49, 204, 84, 242, 3, 141, 250, 172, 153, 4, 226, 99, 215, 122, 202, 33, 1, 90, 111, 210, 126, 196, 168, 67, 148, 63, 188, 231, 78, 255, 150, 151, 91, 237, 189, 148, 99, 248, 41, 4, 103, 140, 225, 49, 117, 68, 212, 132, 113, 33, 1, 81, 215, 107, 13, 100, 54, 92, 182, 84, 235, 120, 236, 201, 115, 77, 249, 2, 33, 68, 206, 129, 109, 248, 58, 188, 53, 45, 34, 109, 251, 217, 130, 33, 1, 251, 174, 74, 242, 43, 25, 156, 188, 167, 30, 41, 145, 14, 91, 0, 202, 115, 173, 26, 162, 174, 205, 45, 244, 46, 171, 200, 191, 85, 222, 98, 120, 33, 1, 253, 88, 22, 88, 46, 94, 130, 1, 58, 115, 46, 153, 194, 91, 1, 57, 194, 165, 181, 225, 251, 12, 13, 104, 171, 131, 151, 164, 83, 113, 147, 216, 33, 1, 6, 76, 109, 192, 213, 45, 64, 27, 225, 251, 102, 247, 132, 42, 154, 145, 70, 61, 127, 106, 188, 70, 87, 23, 13, 91, 43, 28, 70, 197, 41, 91, 33, 1, 53, 200, 215, 84, 164, 84, 136, 102, 97, 157, 211, 75, 206, 229, 73, 177, 83, 153, 199, 255, 43, 180, 114, 30, 253, 206, 245, 194, 79, 156, 218, 193, 33, 1, 229, 253, 194, 42, 80, 229, 8, 183, 20, 35, 52, 137, 60, 18, 191, 28, 127, 218, 234, 118, 173, 23, 91, 129, 251, 16, 39, 223, 252, 71, 165, 120, 33, 1, 54, 171, 198, 219, 118, 150, 6, 150, 227, 80, 208, 92, 252, 28, 183, 217, 134, 4, 217, 2, 166, 9, 57, 106, 38, 182, 158, 255, 19, 16, 239, 147, 33, 1, 51, 170, 177, 11, 57, 0, 18, 245, 73, 13, 235, 147, 51, 37, 187, 248, 125, 197, 173, 25, 11, 36, 187, 66, 9, 240, 61, 104, 28, 102, 194, 66, 33, 1, 187, 46, 236, 46, 25, 214, 204, 51, 20, 191, 86, 116, 0, 174, 4, 247, 132, 145, 22, 83, 66, 159, 78, 13, 54, 52, 251, 8, 143, 59, 191, 196>>, ?transfer_hotspot_stale_poc_blocks => 1200, ?txn_fee_multiplier => 5000, ?txn_fees => true, ?validator_liveness_grace_period => 50, ?validator_liveness_interval => 100, ?validator_minimum_stake => 1000000000000, ?validator_version => 1, ?var_gw_inactivity_threshold => 600, ?vars_commit_delay => 1, ?witness_redundancy => 4, ?witness_refresh_interval => 200, ?witness_refresh_rand_n => 1000 }. gen_locations(Addresses) -> lists:foldl( fun(I, Acc) -> [h3:from_geo({37.780586, -122.469470 + I / 50}, 13) | Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, length(Addresses)) ). start_blockchain(Config, GenesisVars) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), Addresses = ?config(addresses, Config), Curve = ?config(dkg_curve, Config), NumConsensusMembers = ?config(num_consensus_members, Config), #{secret := Priv, public := Pub} = Keys = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(ecc_compact), InitialVars = make_vars(Keys, GenesisVars), InitialPayments = gen_payments(Addresses), Locations = gen_locations(Addresses), InitialGws = gen_gateways(Addresses, Locations), Txns = InitialVars ++ InitialPayments ++ InitialGws, {ok, DKGCompletedNodes} = initial_dkg( Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve ), %% integrate genesis block _GenesisLoadResults = integrate_genesis_block( hd(DKGCompletedNodes), Miners -- DKGCompletedNodes ), {ConsensusMiners, NonConsensusMiners} = miners_by_consensus_state(Miners), ct:pal("ConsensusMiners: ~p, NonConsensusMiners: ~p", [ConsensusMiners, NonConsensusMiners]), MinerHts = pmap( fun(M) -> Ch = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), {ok, Ht} = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain, height, [Ch], 2000), {M, Ht} end, Miners), %% check that all miners are booted and have genesis block true = lists:all( fun({_, Ht}) -> Ht == 1 end, MinerHts), [ {master_key, {Priv, Pub}}, {consensus_miners, ConsensusMiners}, {non_consensus_miners, NonConsensusMiners} | Config ].
TODO - do we need to assert here on results from genesis load ? badrpc back compat have the slave nodes monitor the runner node, so they can't outlive it kill any nodes we started and throw error config nodes split key sets into validators and miners set the app env var appropiately on each node get a sep list of validator and gateway node names check that the config loaded correctly on each miner hardcode some alias for our localhost miners sibyl will not return routing data unless a miner/validator has a public address so force an alias for each of our miners to a public IP make sure each node is gossiping with a majority of its peers to enable the tests to run over grpc we need to deterministically set the grpc listen addr in the real world we would run grpc over a known port but for the sake of the tests which run multiple nodes on a single instance we need to choose a random port for each node and the client needs to know which port was choosen and run grpc on that value + 1000 setup a bunch of aliases for the running miner grpc hosts these grpc aliases are added purely for testing purposes no current need to support in the wild use this list to set an app env var to provide a list of default validators to which gateways can connect only used when testing grpc gateways set any required env vars for validators accumulate the address of each miner save a version of the address list with the miner and address tuple and then a version with just a list of addresses wait until we get confirmation the miners are fully up which we are determining by the miner_consensus_mgr being registered if we have a split of validators and gateways, we only need to wait on the validators otherwise wait for all gateways get a sep list of ports for validators and gateways give each miner its own log directory set blockchain configuration set blockchain env set miner configuration test passed, we can cleanup cleanup_per_testcase(TestCase, Config), leave results alone for analysis in legacy mode, we have to do without some stuff because everything will break if there are too many vars ideally figure out a few more that are safe to remove or bring back the splitting code -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc generate a tmp directory to be used as a scratch by eunit tests @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Deletes the specified directory @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc create a tmp directory at the specified path @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- @doc Wait for a txn to occur. Examples: wait_for_txn(Miners, CheckTxn) @end ------------------------------------------------------------------- ct:pal("BlockHeight: ~p, ToFind: ~p", [BH, ToFind]), ------------------------------------------------------------------ Local Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------ obtain the genesis block load the genesis block on all the nodes wait for the consensus manager to be booted Create a Gateway ideally keep these synced with mainnet integrate genesis block check that all miners are booted and have genesis block
-module(miner_ct_utils). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain_vars.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain.hrl"). -include_lib("blockchain/include/blockchain_txn_fees.hrl"). -include("miner_ct_macros.hrl"). -define(BASE_TMP_DIR, "./_build/test/tmp"). -define(BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE, "XXXXXXXXXX"). -export([ init_per_testcase/3, end_per_testcase/2, pmap/2, pmap/3, wait_until/1, wait_until/3, wait_until_disconnected/2, wait_until_local_height/1, get_addrs/1, start_miner/2, start_node/1, partition_cluster/2, heal_cluster/2, connect/1, count/2, randname/1, get_config/2, get_gw_owner/2, get_balance/2, get_nonce/2, get_dc_balance/2, get_dc_nonce/2, get_block/2, make_vars/1, make_vars/2, make_vars/3, tmp_dir/0, tmp_dir/1, nonl/1, cleanup_tmp_dir/1, init_base_dir_config/3, generate_keys/1, new_random_key/1, new_random_key_with_sig_fun/1, stop_miners/1, stop_miners/2, start_miners/1, start_miners/2, height/1, heights/1, unique_heights/1, consensus_members/1, consensus_members/2, miners_by_consensus_state/1, in_consensus_miners/1, non_consensus_miners/1, election_check/4, integrate_genesis_block/2, shuffle/1, partition_miners/2, node2addr/2, node2sigfun/2, node2pubkeybin/2, addr2node/2, addr_list/1, blockchain_worker_check/1, wait_for_registration/2, wait_for_registration/3, wait_for_app_start/2, wait_for_app_start/3, wait_for_app_stop/2, wait_for_app_stop/3, wait_for_in_consensus/2, wait_for_in_consensus/3, wait_for_chain_var_update/3, wait_for_chain_var_update/4, wait_for_lora_port/3, delete_dirs/2, initial_dkg/5, initial_dkg/6, confirm_balance/3, confirm_balance_both_sides/5, wait_for_gte/3, wait_for_gte/5, wait_for_equalized_heights/1, wait_for_chain_stall/1, wait_for_chain_stall/2, assert_chain_halted/1, assert_chain_halted/3, assert_chain_advanced/1, assert_chain_advanced/3, submit_txn/2, wait_for_txn/2, wait_for_txn/3, wait_for_txn/4, format_txn_mgr_list/1, get_txn_block_details/2, get_txn_block_details/3, get_txn/2, get_txns/2, get_genesis_block/2, load_genesis_block/3, chain_var_lookup_all/2, chain_var_lookup_one/2, build_gateways/2, build_asserts/2, add_block/3, gen_gateways/2, gen_payments/1, gen_locations/1, existing_vars/0, start_blockchain/2, create_block/2 ]). chain_var_lookup_all(Key, Nodes) -> [chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Node) || Node <- Nodes]. chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Node) -> Chain = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 500), Ledger = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]), Result = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain, config, [Key, Ledger], 500), ct:pal("Var lookup. Node:~p, Result:~p", [Node, Result]), Result. -spec assert_chain_advanced([node()]) -> ok. assert_chain_advanced(Miners) -> Height = wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), ?assertMatch( ok, miner_ct_utils:wait_for_gte(height, Miners, Height + 1), "Chain advanced." ), ok. assert_chain_advanced(_, _, N) when N =< 0 -> ok; assert_chain_advanced(Miners, Interval, N) -> ok = assert_chain_advanced(Miners), timer:sleep(Interval), assert_chain_advanced(Miners, Interval, N - 1). -spec assert_chain_halted([node()]) -> ok. assert_chain_halted(Miners) -> assert_chain_halted(Miners, 5000, 20). -spec assert_chain_halted([node()], timeout(), pos_integer()) -> ok. assert_chain_halted(Miners, Interval, Retries) -> _ = lists:foldl( fun (_, HeightPrev) -> HeightCurr = wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), ?assertEqual(HeightPrev, HeightCurr, "Chain halted."), timer:sleep(Interval), HeightCurr end, wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners), lists:duplicate(Retries, {}) ), ok. wait_for_chain_stall(Miners) -> wait_for_chain_stall(Miners, #{}). -spec wait_for_chain_stall([node()], Options) -> ok | error when Options :: #{ interval => timeout(), retries_max => pos_integer(), streak_target => pos_integer() }. wait_for_chain_stall(Miners, Options=#{}) -> State = #{ interval => maps:get(interval, Options, 5000), retries_max => maps:get(retries_max, Options, 100), streak_target => maps:get(streak_target, Options, 5), streak_prev => 0, retries_cur => 0, height_prev => 0 }, wait_for_chain_stall_(Miners, State). wait_for_chain_stall_(_, #{streak_target := Target, streak_prev := Streak}) when Streak >= Target -> ok; wait_for_chain_stall_(_, #{retries_cur := Cur, retries_max := Max}) when Cur >= Max -> error; wait_for_chain_stall_( Miners, #{ interval := Interval, streak_prev := StreakPrev, height_prev := HeightPrev, retries_cur := RetriesCur }=State0 ) -> {HeightCurr, StreakCurr} = case wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners) of HeightPrev -> {HeightPrev, 1 + StreakPrev}; HeightCurr0 -> {HeightCurr0, 0} end, timer:sleep(Interval), State1 = State0#{ height_prev := HeightCurr, streak_prev := StreakCurr, retries_cur := RetriesCur + 1 }, wait_for_chain_stall_(Miners, State1). -spec wait_for_equalized_heights([node()]) -> non_neg_integer(). wait_for_equalized_heights(Miners) -> ?assert( miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> case unique_heights(Miners) of [_] -> true; [_|_] -> false end end, 50, 1000 ), "Heights equalized." ), UniqueHeights = unique_heights(Miners), ?assertMatch([_], UniqueHeights, "All heights are equal."), [Height] = UniqueHeights, Height. wait_until_local_height(TargetHeight) -> miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> C = blockchain_worker:blockchain(), {ok, CurHeight} = blockchain:height(C), ct:pal("local height ~p", [CurHeight]), CurHeight >= TargetHeight end, 30, timer:seconds(1) ). stop_miners(Miners) -> stop_miners(Miners, 60). stop_miners(Miners, Retries) -> Res = [begin ct:pal("capturing env for ~p", [Miner]), LagerEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [lager]), P2PEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [libp2p]), BlockchainEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [blockchain]), MinerEnv = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, get_all_env, [miner]), ct:pal("stopping ~p", [Miner]), erlang:monitor_node(Miner, true), ct_slave:stop(Miner), receive {nodedown, Miner} -> ok after timer:seconds(Retries) -> error(stop_timeout) end, ct:pal("stopped ~p", [Miner]), {Miner, [{lager, LagerEnv}, {libp2p, P2PEnv}, {blockchain, BlockchainEnv}, {miner, MinerEnv}]} end || Miner <- Miners], Res. start_miner(Name0, Options) -> Name = start_node(Name0), Keys = make_keys(Name, {45000, 0, 4466}), config_node(Keys, Options), {Name, Keys}. start_miners(Miners) -> start_miners(Miners, 60). start_miners(MinersAndEnv, Retries) -> [begin ct:pal("starting ~p", [Miner]), start_node(Miner), ct:pal("loading env ~p", [Miner]), ok = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [Env]), ct:pal("starting miner on ~p", [Miner]), {ok, _StartedApps} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, ensure_all_started, [miner]), ct:pal("started miner on ~p : ~p", [Miner, _StartedApps]) end || {Miner, Env} <- MinersAndEnv], {Miners, _Env} = lists:unzip(MinersAndEnv), ct:pal("waiting for blockchain worker to start on ~p", [Miners]), ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Miners, blockchain_worker, Retries), ok. height(Miner) -> C0 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, Height} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C0]), ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p", [Miner, Height]), Height. heights(Miners) -> lists:foldl(fun(Miner, Acc) -> C = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, H} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C]), [{Miner, H} | Acc] end, [], Miners). -spec unique_heights([node()]) -> [non_neg_integer()]. unique_heights(Miners) -> lists:usort([H || {_, H} <- miner_ct_utils:heights(Miners)]). consensus_members([]) -> error(no_members); consensus_members([M | Tail]) -> case handle_get_consensus_miners(M) of {ok, Members} -> Members; {error, _} -> timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Tail) end. consensus_members(Epoch, []) -> error({no_members_at_epoch, Epoch}); consensus_members(Epoch, [M | Tail]) -> try ct_rpc:call(M, miner_cli_info, get_info, [], 2000) of {_, _, Epoch} -> {ok, Members} = handle_get_consensus_miners(M), Members; Other -> ct:pal("~p had Epoch ~p", [M, Other]), timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Epoch, Tail) catch C:E -> ct:pal("~p threw error ~p:~p", [M, C, E]), timer:sleep(500), consensus_members(Epoch, Tail) end. miners_by_consensus_state(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(partition, true, Miners). in_consensus_miners(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(filtermap, true, Miners). non_consensus_miners(Miners)-> handle_miners_by_consensus(filtermap, false, Miners). election_check([], _Miners, _AddrList, Owner) -> Owner ! seen_all; election_check(NotSeen0, Miners, AddrList, Owner) -> timer:sleep(500), NotSeen = try Members = miner_ct_utils:consensus_members(Miners), MinerNames = lists:map(fun(Member)-> miner_ct_utils:addr2node(Member, AddrList) end, Members), NotSeen1 = NotSeen0 -- MinerNames, Owner ! {not_seen, NotSeen1}, NotSeen1 catch _C:_E -> NotSeen0 end, election_check(NotSeen, Miners, AddrList, Owner). integrate_genesis_block(ConsensusMiner, NonConsensusMiners)-> Blockchain = ct_rpc:call(ConsensusMiner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, GenesisBlock} = ct_rpc:call(ConsensusMiner, blockchain, genesis_block, [Blockchain]), miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(M) -> ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_worker, integrate_genesis_block, [GenesisBlock]) end, NonConsensusMiners). blockchain_worker_check(Miners)-> lists:all( fun(Res) -> Res /= undefined end, lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> R = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), [R | Acc] end, [], Miners)). confirm_balance(Miners, Addr, Bal) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> Bal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, Addr) end, Miners) end, Result == true, 60, timer:seconds(5)), ok. confirm_balance_both_sides(Miners, PayerAddr, PayeeAddr, PayerBal, PayeeBal) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> PayerBal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, PayerAddr) andalso PayeeBal == miner_ct_utils:get_balance(Miner, PayeeAddr) end, Miners) end, Result == true, 60, timer:seconds(1)), ok. submit_txn(Txn, Miners) -> lists:foreach(fun(Miner) -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, submit_txn, [Txn]) end, Miners). wait_for_gte(height = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, all, 60); wait_for_gte(epoch = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, any, 60); wait_for_gte(height_exactly = Type, Miners, Threshold)-> wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, all, 60). wait_for_gte(Type, Miners, Threshold, Mod, Retries)-> Res = ?noAssertAsync(begin lists:Mod( fun(Miner) -> try handle_gte_type(Type, Miner, Threshold) catch What:Why -> ct:pal("Failed to check GTE ~p ~p ~p: ~p:~p", [Type, Miner, Threshold, What, Why]), false end end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Retries, timer:seconds(1)), case Res of true -> ok; false -> {error, false} end. wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod) -> wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod, 300). wait_for_registration(Miners, Mod, Timeout) -> ?assertAsync(begin RegistrationResult = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, erlang, whereis, [Mod], Timeout) of P when is_pid(P) -> true; Other -> ct:pal("~p result ~p~n", [Miner, Other]), false end end, Miners) end, RegistrationResult, 90, timer:seconds(1)), ok. wait_for_app_start(Miners, App) -> wait_for_app_start(Miners, App, 60). wait_for_app_start(Miners, App, Retries) -> ?assertAsync(begin AppStartResult = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, which_applications, []) of {badrpc, _} -> false; Apps -> lists:keymember(App, 1, Apps) end end, Miners) end, AppStartResult, Retries, 500), ok. wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App) -> wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App, 30). wait_for_app_stop(Miners, App, Retries) -> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, which_applications, []) of {badrpc, nodedown} -> true; {badrpc, _Which} -> ct:pal("~p ~p", [Miner, _Which]), false; Apps -> ct:pal("~p ~p", [Miner, Apps]), not lists:keymember(App, 1, Apps) end end, Miners) end, Result == true, Retries, 500), ok. wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus)-> wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus, 500). wait_for_in_consensus(Miners, NumInConsensus, Timeout)-> ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:filtermap( fun(Miner) -> C1 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], Timeout), L1 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [C1], Timeout), case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, config, [num_consensus_members, L1], Timeout) of {ok, _Sz} -> true == ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, []); _ -> false end end, Miners), ct:pal("size ~p", [length(Result)]), Result end, NumInConsensus == length(Result), 60, timer:seconds(1)), ok. wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value)-> wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value, 20). wait_for_chain_var_update(Miners, Key, Value, Retries)-> case wait_until( fun() -> lists:all( fun(Miner) -> {ok, Value} == chain_var_lookup_one(Key, Miner) end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Retries * 2, 500) of true -> ok; Else -> Else end. wait_for_lora_port(Miners, Mod, Retries)-> ?noAssertAsync(begin lists:all( fun(Miner) -> try case ct_rpc:call(Miner, Mod, port, []) of {error, _} -> ct:pal("Failed to find lora port ~p via module ~p", [Miner, Mod]), false; _ -> true end catch _:_ -> ct:pal("Failed to find lora port ~p", [Miner]), false end end, Miners) end, Retries, timer:seconds(1)). delete_dirs(DirWildcard, SubDir)-> Dirs = filelib:wildcard(DirWildcard), [begin ct:pal("rm dir ~s", [Dir ++ SubDir]), os:cmd("rm -r " ++ Dir ++ SubDir) end || Dir <- Dirs], ok. initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve)-> initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve, 60000). initial_dkg(Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve, Timeout) -> SuperParent = self(), SuperTimeout = Timeout + 5000, Threshold = (NumConsensusMembers - 1) div 3, spawn(fun() -> Parent = self(), lists:foreach( fun(Miner) -> spawn(fun() -> Res = ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, initial_dkg, [Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve], Timeout), Parent ! {Miner, Res} end) end, Miners), SuperParent ! receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, []) end), receive DKGResults -> DKGResults after SuperTimeout -> {error, dkg_timeout} end. receive_dkg_results(Threshold, [], OKResults) -> ct:pal("only ~p completed dkg, lower than threshold of ~p", [OKResults, Threshold]), {error, insufficent_dkg_completion}; receive_dkg_results(Threshold, _Miners, OKResults) when length(OKResults) >= Threshold -> {ok, OKResults}; receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, OKResults) -> receive {Miner, ok} -> case lists:member(Miner, Miners) of true -> receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners -- [Miner], [Miner|OKResults]); false -> receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners, OKResults) end; {Miner, OtherResult} -> ct:pal("Miner ~p failed DKG: ~p", [Miner, OtherResult]), receive_dkg_results(Threshold, Miners -- [Miner], OKResults) end. pmap(F, L) -> pmap(F, L, timer:seconds(90)). pmap(F, L, Timeout) -> Parent = self(), lists:foldl( fun(X, N) -> spawn_link(fun() -> Parent ! {pmap, N, F(X)} end), N+1 end, 0, L), L2 = [receive {pmap, N, R} -> {N,R} after Timeout-> error(timeout_expired) end || _ <- L], {_, L3} = lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1, L2)), L3. wait_until(Fun) -> wait_until(Fun, 40, 100). wait_until(Fun, Retry, Delay) when Retry > 0 -> Res = Fun(), try Res of true -> true; _ when Retry == 1 -> false; _ -> timer:sleep(Delay), wait_until(Fun, Retry-1, Delay) catch _:_ -> timer:sleep(Delay), wait_until(Fun, Retry-1, Delay) end. wait_until_offline(Node) -> wait_until(fun() -> pang == net_adm:ping(Node) end, 60*2, 500). wait_until_disconnected(Node1, Node2) -> wait_until(fun() -> pang == rpc:call(Node1, net_adm, ping, [Node2]) end, 60*2, 500). wait_until_connected(Node1, Node2) -> wait_until(fun() -> pong == rpc:call(Node1, net_adm, ping, [Node2]) end, 60*2, 500). start_node(Name) -> CodePath = lists:filter(fun filelib:is_dir/1, code:get_path()), NodeConfig = [ {monitor_master, true}, {boot_timeout, 30}, {init_timeout, 30}, {startup_timeout, 30}, {startup_functions, [ {code, set_path, [CodePath]} ]}], case ct_slave:start(Name, NodeConfig) of {ok, Node} -> ?assertAsync(Result = net_adm:ping(Node), Result == pong, 60, 500), Node; {error, already_started, Node} -> ct_slave:stop(Name), wait_until_offline(Node), start_node(Name); {error, started_not_connected, Node} -> connect(Node), ct_slave:stop(Name), wait_until_offline(Node), start_node(Name); Other -> Other end. partition_cluster(ANodes, BNodes) -> pmap(fun({Node1, Node2}) -> true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, set_cookie, [Node2, canttouchthis]), true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, disconnect_node, [Node2]), true = wait_until_disconnected(Node1, Node2) end, [{Node1, Node2} || Node1 <- ANodes, Node2 <- BNodes]), ok. heal_cluster(ANodes, BNodes) -> GoodCookie = erlang:get_cookie(), pmap(fun({Node1, Node2}) -> true = rpc:call(Node1, erlang, set_cookie, [Node2, GoodCookie]), true = wait_until_connected(Node1, Node2) end, [{Node1, Node2} || Node1 <- ANodes, Node2 <- BNodes]), ok. connect(Node) -> connect(Node, true). connect(NodeStr, Auto) when is_list(NodeStr) -> connect(erlang:list_to_atom(lists:flatten(NodeStr)), Auto); connect(Node, Auto) when is_atom(Node) -> connect(node(), Node, Auto). connect(Node, Node, _) -> {error, self_join}; connect(_, Node, _Auto) -> attempt_connect(Node). attempt_connect(Node) -> case net_kernel:connect_node(Node) of false -> {error, not_reachable}; true -> {ok, connected} end. count(_, []) -> 0; count(X, [X|XS]) -> 1 + count(X, XS); count(X, [_|XS]) -> count(X, XS). randname(N) -> randname(N, []). randname(0, Acc) -> Acc; randname(N, Acc) -> randname(N - 1, [rand:uniform(26) + 96 | Acc]). get_config(Arg, Default) -> case os:getenv(Arg, Default) of false -> Default; T when is_list(T) -> list_to_integer(T); T -> T end. shuffle(List) -> R = [{rand:uniform(1000000), I} || I <- List], O = lists:sort(R), {_, S} = lists:unzip(O), S. node2sigfun(Node, KeyList) -> {_Miner, {_TCPPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, _Addr, SigFun} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, KeyList), SigFun. node2pubkeybin(Node, KeyList) -> {_Miner, {_TCPPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, Addr, _SigFun} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, KeyList), Addr. node2addr(Node, AddrList) -> {_, Addr} = lists:keyfind(Node, 1, AddrList), Addr. addr2node(Addr, AddrList) -> {Node, _} = lists:keyfind(Addr, 2, AddrList), Node. addr_list(Miners) -> miner_ct_utils:pmap( fun(M) -> Addr = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_swarm, pubkey_bin, []), {M, Addr} end, Miners). partition_miners(Members, AddrList) -> {Miners, _} = lists:unzip(AddrList), lists:partition(fun(Miner) -> Addr = miner_ct_utils:node2addr(Miner, AddrList), lists:member(Addr, Members) end, Miners). init_per_testcase(Mod, TestCase, Config0) -> Config = init_base_dir_config(Mod, TestCase, Config0), BaseDir = ?config(base_dir, Config), LogDir = ?config(log_dir, Config), SplitMiners = proplists:get_value(split_miners_vals_and_gateways, Config, false), NumValidators = proplists:get_value(num_validators, Config, 0), NumGateways = proplists:get_value(num_gateways, Config, get_config("T", 8)), NumConsensusMembers = proplists:get_value(num_consensus_members, Config, get_config("N", 7)), LoadChainOnGateways = proplists:get_value(gateways_run_chain, Config, true), GwMuxEnable = proplists:get_value(gateway_and_mux_enable, Config, false), DefaultKeys = proplists:get_value(default_keys, Config, false), os:cmd(os:find_executable("epmd")++" -daemon"), {ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), case net_kernel:start([list_to_atom("runner-miner" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:system_time(nanosecond)) ++ "@"++Hostname), shortnames]) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, {already_started, _}} -> ok; {error, {{already_started, _},_}} -> ok end, TotalMiners = NumValidators + NumGateways, SeedNodes = [], UdpBase = 1690, GwApiBase = 5068, JsonRpcBase = 4486, Port = get_config("PORT", 0), Curve = 'SS512', BlockTime = get_config("BT", 100), BatchSize = get_config("BS", 500), Interval = get_config("INT", 5), MinersAndPorts = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun(I, Acc) -> MinerName = list_to_atom(integer_to_list(I) ++ miner_ct_utils:randname(5)), [{start_node(MinerName), {GwApiBase + I, UdpBase + (I * 3), JsonRpcBase + I}} | Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, TotalMiners) )), ct:pal("MinersAndPorts: ~p",[MinersAndPorts]), case lists:any(fun({{error, _}, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, MinersAndPorts) of true -> miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun({error, _}) -> ok; (Miner) -> ct_slave:stop(Miner) end, element(1, lists:unzip(MinersAndPorts))), throw(hd([ E || {{error, E}, _} <- MinersAndPorts ])); false -> ok end, Keys = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun({Miner, Ports}, Acc) -> [make_keys(Miner, Ports) | Acc] end, [], MinersAndPorts)), ct:pal("Keys: ~p", [Keys]), {_Miner, {_GwApiPort, _UDPPort, _JsonRpcPort}, _ECDH, _PubKey, Addr, _SigFun} = hd(Keys), DefaultRouters = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(Addr), Options = [{mod, Mod}, {logdir, LogDir}, {basedir, BaseDir}, {seed_nodes, SeedNodes}, {total_miners, TotalMiners}, {curve, Curve}, {gateways_run_chain, LoadChainOnGateways}, {default_keys, DefaultKeys}, {default_routers, DefaultRouters}, {port, Port}], ConfigResult = case SplitMiners of true -> if config says to use validators for CG then {ValKeys, GatewayKeys} = lists:split(NumValidators, Keys), ct:pal("validator keys: ~p", [ValKeys]), ct:pal("gateway keys: ~p", [GatewayKeys]), carry the poc transport setting through to config node so that it can _GatewayConfigResult = miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{gateway_and_mux_enable, GwMuxEnable}, {mode, gateway} | Options]) end, GatewayKeys), ValConfigResult = miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{mode, validator} | Options]) end, ValKeys), ValConfigResult; _ -> miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(N) -> config_node(N, [{mode, validator} | Options]) end, Keys) end, Miners = [M || {M, _} <- MinersAndPorts], ct:pal("Miners: ~p", [Miners]), if SplitMiners is false then all miners will be gateways {Validators, Gateways} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, Miners); _ -> {[], Miners} end, ct:pal("Validators: ~p", [Validators]), ct:pal("Gateways: ~p", [Gateways]), true = lists:all( fun(ok) -> true; (Res) -> ct:pal("config setup failure: ~p", [Res]), false end, ConfigResult ), MinerAliases = lists:foldl( fun({_, _, _, _, AliasAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(AliasAddr), [{P2PAddr, "/ip4/" } | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("miner aliases ~p", [MinerAliases]), lists:foreach(fun(Miner)-> ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [libp2p, node_aliases, MinerAliases]) end, Miners), Addrs = get_addrs(Miners), ct:pal("Addrs: ~p", [Addrs]), miner_ct_utils:pmap( fun(Miner) -> TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 2000), ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_poc, add_stream_handler, [TID], 2000), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 2000), lists:foreach( fun(A) -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, connect, [Swarm, A], 2000) end, Addrs) end, Miners), true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> lists:all( fun(Miner) -> try GossipPeers = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, gossip_peers, [], 500), ct:pal("Miner: ~p, GossipPeers: ~p", [Miner, GossipPeers]), case length(GossipPeers) >= (length(Miners) / 2) + 1 of true -> true; false -> ct:pal("~p is not connected to enough peers ~p", [Miner, GossipPeers]), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, [], 500), lists:foreach( fun(A) -> CRes = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, connect, [Swarm, A], 500), ct:pal("Connecting ~p to ~p: ~p", [Miner, A, CRes]) end, Addrs), false end catch _C:_E -> false end end, Miners) end, 200, 150), with libp2p all the port data is in the peer entries so for the sake of the tests what we do here is get the libp2p port the client then just has to pull the libp2p peer data retrieve the libp2p port and derive the grpc port from that GRPCServerConfigFun = fun(PeerPort)-> [#{grpc_opts => #{service_protos => [gateway_pb], services => #{'helium.gateway' => helium_gateway_service} }, transport_opts => #{ssl => false}, listen_opts => #{port => PeerPort, ip => {0,0,0,0}}, pool_opts => #{size => 2}, server_opts => #{header_table_size => 4096, enable_push => 1, max_concurrent_streams => unlimited, initial_window_size => 65535, max_frame_size => 16384, max_header_list_size => unlimited}}] end, ok = lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Node, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Node, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Node, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), ThisPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)), _ = ct_rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [grpcbox, servers, GRPCServerConfigFun(ThisPort + 1000)]), _ = ct_rpc:call(Node, application, ensure_all_started, [grpcbox]), ok end, Miners), as per above , each such port will be the equivilent libp2p port + 1000 MinerGRPCPortAliases = lists:foldl( fun({Miner, _, _, _, GrpcAliasAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(GrpcAliasAddr), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), GrpcPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)) + 1000, [{P2PAddr, {GrpcPort, false}} | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("miner grpc port aliases ~p", [MinerGRPCPortAliases]), create a list of validators and for each their p2p addr , ip addr and grpc port SeedValidators = lists:foldl( fun({Miner, _, _, _, ValAddr, _}, Acc) -> P2PAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_bin_to_p2p(ValAddr), Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, []), TID = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, tid, []), ListenAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm]), [H | _ ] = _SortedAddrs = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_transport, sort_addrs, [TID, ListenAddrs]), [_, _, _IP,_, Libp2pPort] = _Full = re:split(H, "/"), GrpcPort = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Libp2pPort)) + 1000, [{P2PAddr, "", GrpcPort} | Acc] end, [], Keys), ct:pal("seed validators: ~p", [SeedValidators]), set any required env vars for gateways lists:foreach(fun(Gateway)-> ct_rpc:call(Gateway, application, set_env, [miner, seed_validators, SeedValidators]) end, Gateways), lists:foreach(fun(Val)-> ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, node_grpc_port_aliases, MinerGRPCPortAliases]), ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, poc_mgr_mod, miner_poc_mgr]), ct_rpc:call(Val, application, set_env, [sibyl, poc_report_handler, miner_poc_report_handler]) end, Validators), MinerTaggedAddresses = lists:reverse(lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> PubKeyBin = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, pubkey_bin, []), [{Miner, PubKeyBin} | Acc] end, [], Miners )), ct:pal("MinerTaggedAddresses: ~p", [MinerTaggedAddresses]), {_Keys, Addresses} = lists:unzip(MinerTaggedAddresses), {ValidatorAddrs, GatewayAddrs} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, Addresses); _ -> {[], Addresses} end, ct:pal("Validator Addrs: ~p", [ValidatorAddrs]), ct:pal("Gateway Addrs: ~p", [GatewayAddrs]), {ok, _} = ct_cover:add_nodes(Miners), case SplitMiners of true -> ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Validators, miner_consensus_mgr); false -> ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_registration(Miners, miner_consensus_mgr) end, {ValidatorPorts, GatewayPorts} = case SplitMiners of true -> lists:split(NumValidators, MinersAndPorts); _ -> {[], MinersAndPorts} end, UpdatedValidatorPorts = lists:map(fun({Miner, {_, _, JsonRpcPort}}) -> {Miner, {ignore, ignore, JsonRpcPort}} end, ValidatorPorts), [ {miners, Miners}, {validators, Validators}, {gateways, Gateways}, {validator_addrs, ValidatorAddrs}, {gateway_addrs, GatewayAddrs}, {addrs, Addrs}, {keys, Keys}, {ports, UpdatedValidatorPorts ++ GatewayPorts}, {validator_ports, UpdatedValidatorPorts}, {gateway_ports, GatewayPorts}, {node_options, Options}, {addresses, Addresses}, {tagged_miner_addresses, MinerTaggedAddresses}, {block_time, BlockTime}, {batch_size, BatchSize}, {dkg_curve, Curve}, {election_interval, Interval}, {num_consensus_members, NumConsensusMembers}, {rpc_timeout, timer:seconds(30)} | Config ]. get_addrs(Miners) -> lists:foldl( fun(Miner, Acc) -> Swarm = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_swarm, swarm, [], 2000), ct:pal("swarm ~p ~p", [Miner, Swarm]), true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> length(ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm], 5000)) > 0 end, 20, 1000), [H|_] = ct_rpc:call(Miner, libp2p_swarm, listen_addrs, [Swarm], 5000), ct:pal("miner ~p has addr ~p", [Miner, H]), [H | Acc] end, [], Miners). make_keys(Miner, Ports) -> #{secret := GPriv, public := GPub} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(ecc_compact), GECDH = libp2p_crypto:mk_ecdh_fun(GPriv), GAddr = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GPub), GSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GPriv), {Miner, Ports, GECDH, GPub, GAddr, GSigFun}. config_node({Miner, {GwApiPort, UDPPort, JSONRPCPort}, ECDH, PubKey, _Addr, SigFun}, Options) -> Mod = proplists:get_value(mod, Options), LogDir = proplists:get_value(logdir, Options), BaseDir = proplists:get_value(basedir, Options), SeedNodes = proplists:get_value(seed_nodes, Options), TotalMiners = proplists:get_value(total_miners, Options), Curve = proplists:get_value(curve, Options), DefaultRouters = proplists:get_value(default_routers, Options), Port = proplists:get_value(port, Options), Mode = proplists:get_value(mode, Options, gateway), GwMuxEnable = proplists:get_value(gateway_and_mux_enable, Options, false), LoadChainOnGateways = proplists:get_value(gateways_run_chain, Options, true), ct:pal("Miner ~p", [Miner]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, cover, start, []), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [lager]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [miner]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [blockchain]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, load, [libp2p]), LogRoot = LogDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), ct:pal("MinerLogRoot: ~p", [LogRoot]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [lager, log_root, LogRoot]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [lager, metadata_whitelist, [poc_id]]), Key = case proplists:get_value(default_keys, Options) of true -> undefined; false -> #{pubkey => PubKey, ecdh_fun => ECDH, sig_fun => SigFun} end, MinerBaseDir = BaseDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), ct:pal("MinerBaseDir: ~p", [MinerBaseDir]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, enable_nat, false]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, base_dir, MinerBaseDir]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, port, Port]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, seed_nodes, SeedNodes]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, key, Key]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peer_cache_timeout, 30000]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peerbook_update_interval, 200]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, peerbook_allow_rfc1918, true]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, disable_poc_v4_target_challenge_age, true]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, max_inbound_connections, TotalMiners*2]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, outbound_gossip_connections, TotalMiners]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, sync_cooldown_time, 5]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [blockchain, sc_packet_handler, miner_test_sc_packet_handler]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, curve, Curve]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateway_api_port, GwApiPort]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, jsonrpc_port, JSONRPCPort]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, mode, Mode]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateway_and_mux_enable, GwMuxEnable]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, gateways_run_chain, LoadChainOnGateways]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, radio_device, {{127,0,0,1}, UDPPort, deprecated, deprecated}]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, stabilization_period_start, 2]), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, default_routers, [DefaultRouters]]), case Mod of miner_poc_v11_SUITE -> Do n't set anything region related with poc - v11 ok; _ -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, region_override, 'US915']), ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, set_env, [miner, frequency_data, #{'US915' => [903.9, 904.1, 904.3, 904.5, 904.7, 904.9, 905.1, 905.3], 'EU868' => [867.1, 867.3, 867.5, 867.7, 867.9, 868.1, 868.3, 868.5], 'EU433' => [433.175, 433.375, 433.575], 'CN470' => [486.3, 486.5, 486.7, 486.9, 487.1, 487.3, 487.5, 487.7 ], 'CN779' => [779.5, 779.7, 779.9], 'AU915' => [916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.5, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0, 918.2], 'AS923_1' => [923.2, 923.4, 923.6, 923.8, 924.0, 924.2, 924.4, 924.6], 'AS923_1B' => [922.0, 922.2, 922.4, 922.6, 922.8, 923.0, 923.2, 923.4], 'AS923_2' => [921.4, 921.6, 921.8, 922.0, 922.2, 922.4, 922.6, 922.8], 'AS923_3' => [916.6, 916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0], 'AS923_4' => [917.3, 917.5, 917.7, 917.9, 918.1, 918.3, 918.5, 918.7], 'KR920' => [922.1, 922.3, 922.5, 922.7, 922.9, 923.1, 923.3], 'IN865' => [865.0625, 865.4025, 865.985]}]) end, {ok, _StartedApps} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, application, ensure_all_started, [miner]), ok. end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), miner_ct_utils:pmap(fun(Miner) -> ct_slave:stop(Miner) end, Miners), case ?config(tc_status, Config) of ok -> ok; _ -> ok end, {comment, done}. cleanup_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), BaseDir = ?config(base_dir, Config), LogDir = ?config(log_dir, Config), lists:foreach(fun(Miner) -> LogRoot = LogDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), Res = os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ LogRoot), ct:pal("rm -rf ~p -> ~p", [LogRoot, Res]), DataDir = BaseDir ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Miner), Res2 = os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ DataDir), ct:pal("rm -rf ~p -> ~p", [DataDir, Res2]), ok end, Miners). get_gw_owner(Miner, GwAddr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_gateway_info, [GwAddr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, GwInfo} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_gateway_v2, owner_address, [GwInfo]) end end end. get_balance(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_entry_v1, balance, [Entry]) end end end. get_nonce(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_entry_v1, nonce, [Entry]) end end end. get_dc_balance(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_dc_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_data_credits_entry_v1, balance, [Entry]) end end end. get_dc_nonce(Miner, Addr) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Ledger -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, find_dc_entry, [Addr, Ledger]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, Entry} -> ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_data_credits_entry_v1, nonce, [Entry]) end end end. get_block(Block, Miner) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, get_block, [Block, Chain]) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; {ok, BlockRec} -> BlockRec end end. make_vars(Keys) -> make_vars(Keys, #{}). make_vars(Keys, Map) -> make_vars(Keys, Map, modern). make_vars(Keys, Map, Mode) -> Vars1 = #{?chain_vars_version => 2, ?block_time => 2, ?election_interval => 30, ?election_restart_interval => 10, ?num_consensus_members => 7, ?batch_size => 2500, ?vars_commit_delay => 1, ?var_gw_inactivity_threshold => 20, ?block_version => v1, ?dkg_curve => 'SS512', ?predicate_callback_mod => miner, ?predicate_callback_fun => test_version, ?predicate_threshold => 0.60, ?monthly_reward => 5000000 * 1000000, ?securities_percent => 0.35, ?dc_percent => 0.0, ?poc_challengees_percent => 0.19 + 0.16, ?poc_challengers_percent => 0.09 + 0.06, ?poc_witnesses_percent => 0.02 + 0.03, ?consensus_percent => 0.10, ?election_version => 5, ?election_bba_penalty => 0.01, ?election_seen_penalty => 0.05, ?election_cluster_res => 8, ?election_removal_pct => 85, ?election_selection_pct => 60, ?election_replacement_factor => 4, ?election_replacement_slope => 20, ?min_score => 0.2, ?alpha_decay => 0.007, ?beta_decay => 0.0005, ?max_staleness => 100000, ?min_assert_h3_res => 12, ?h3_neighbor_res => 12, ?h3_max_grid_distance => 13, ?h3_exclusion_ring_dist => 2, ?poc_challenge_interval => 10, ?poc_version => 3, ?poc_path_limit => 7, ?poc_typo_fixes => true, ?sc_grace_blocks => 4, ?validator_version => 2, ?validator_minimum_stake => ?bones(10000), ?validator_liveness_grace_period => 10, ?validator_liveness_interval => 5, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown => 55, ?dkg_penalty => 1.0, ?tenure_penalty => 1.0, ?validator_penalty_filter => 5.0, ?penalty_history_limit => 100 }, #{secret := Priv, public := Pub} = Keys, BinPub = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(Pub), Vars = maps:merge(Vars1, Map), case Mode of modern -> Txn = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:new(Vars, 1, #{master_key => BinPub}), Proof = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:create_proof(Priv, Txn), [blockchain_txn_vars_v1:key_proof(Txn, Proof)]; legacy -> LegVars = maps:without([?poc_version, ?poc_path_limit, ?sc_grace_blocks, ?election_version, ?election_removal_pct, ?election_cluster_res, ?chain_vars_version, ?block_version, ?election_bba_penalty, ?election_seen_penalty, ?sc_grace_blocks, ?validator_minimum_stake, ?validator_liveness_grace_period, ?validator_liveness_interval, ?poc_typo_fixes, ?election_bba_penalty, ?election_seen_penalty, ?election_cluster_res, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown, ?validator_penalty_filter ], Vars), Proof = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:legacy_create_proof(Priv, LegVars), Txn = blockchain_txn_vars_v1:new(LegVars, 1, #{master_key => BinPub, key_proof => Proof}), [Txn] end. nonl([$\n|T]) -> nonl(T); nonl([H|T]) -> [H|nonl(T)]; nonl([]) -> []. generate_keys(N) -> lists:foldl( fun(_, Acc) -> {PrivKey, PubKey} = new_random_key(ecc_compact), SigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), [{libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), {PubKey, PrivKey, SigFun}}|Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, N) ). new_random_key(Curve) -> #{secret := PrivKey, public := PubKey} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(Curve), {PrivKey, PubKey}. new_random_key_with_sig_fun(Curve) -> #{secret := PrivKey, public := PubKey} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(Curve), SigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), {PrivKey, PubKey, SigFun}. tmp_dir() -> os:cmd("mkdir -p " ++ ?BASE_TMP_DIR), create_tmp_dir(?BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE). tmp_dir(SubDir) -> Path = filename:join(?BASE_TMP_DIR, SubDir), os:cmd("mkdir -p " ++ Path), create_tmp_dir(Path ++ "/" ++ ?BASE_TMP_DIR_TEMPLATE). -spec cleanup_tmp_dir(list()) -> ok. cleanup_tmp_dir(Dir)-> os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ Dir), ok. -spec create_tmp_dir(list()) -> list(). create_tmp_dir(Path)-> ?MODULE:nonl(os:cmd("mktemp -d " ++ Path)). generate a tmp directory based off priv_dir to be used as a scratch by common tests -spec init_base_dir_config(atom(), atom(), Config) -> Config when Config :: ct_suite:ct_config(). init_base_dir_config(Mod, TestCase, Config)-> PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), BaseDir = PrivDir ++ "data/" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(TestCase), LogDir = PrivDir ++ "logs/" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_" ++ erlang:atom_to_list(TestCase), [ {base_dir, BaseDir}, {log_dir, LogDir} | Config ]. CheckType = fun(T ) - > blockchain_txn : type(T ) = = SomeTxnType end , wait_for_txn(Miners , CheckType ) CheckTxn = fun(T ) - > T = = SomeSignedTxn end , wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun) -> wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, timer:seconds(30), true). wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout) -> wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout, true). wait_for_txn(Miners, PredFun, Timeout, ExpectedResult)-> timeout is in ms , we want to retry every 200 Count = Timeout div 200, ?assertAsync(begin Result = lists:all( fun(Miner) -> Res = get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, 500), Res /= [] end, miner_ct_utils:shuffle(Miners)) end, Result == ExpectedResult, Count, 200), ok. format_txn_mgr_list(TxnList) -> maps:fold(fun(Txn, TxnData, Acc) -> TxnMod = blockchain_txn:type(Txn), TxnHash = blockchain_txn:hash(Txn), Acceptions = proplists:get_value(acceptions, TxnData, []), Rejections = proplists:get_value(rejections, TxnData, []), RecvBlockHeight = proplists:get_value(recv_block_height, TxnData, undefined), Dialers = proplists:get_value(dialers, TxnData, undefined), [ [{txn_type, atom_to_list(TxnMod)}, {txn_hash, io_lib:format("~p", [libp2p_crypto:bin_to_b58(TxnHash)])}, {acceptions, length(Acceptions)}, {rejections, length(Rejections)}, {accepted_block_height, RecvBlockHeight}, {active_dialers, length(Dialers)}] | Acc] end, [], TxnList). get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun) -> get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, timer:seconds(5)). get_txn_block_details(Miner, PredFun, Timeout) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], Timeout) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Chain -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, blocks, [Chain], Timeout) of {badrpc, Error} -> Error; Blocks -> lists:filter(fun({_Hash, Block}) -> BH = blockchain_block : height(Block ) , Txns = blockchain_block:transactions(Block), ToFind = lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, Txns), ToFind /= [] end, maps:to_list(Blocks)) end end. get_txn([{_, B}], PredFun) -> hd(lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, blockchain_block:transactions(B))). get_txns(Blocks, PredFun) when is_map(Blocks) -> lists:foldl(fun({_, B}, Acc) -> Acc ++ lists:filter(fun(T) -> PredFun(T) end, blockchain_block:transactions(B)) end, [], maps:to_list(Blocks)). handle_get_consensus_miners(Miner)-> try Blockchain = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), Ledger = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, ledger, [Blockchain], 2000), {ok, Members} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_ledger_v1, consensus_members, [Ledger], 2000), {ok, Members} catch _:_ -> {error, miner_down} end. handle_miners_by_consensus(Mod, Bool, Miners)-> lists:Mod( fun(Miner) -> Bool == ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, []) end, Miners). handle_gte_type(height, Miner, Threshold)-> C0 = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), {ok, Height} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C0], 2000), case Height >= Threshold of false -> ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p Threshold ~p", [Miner, Height, Threshold]), false; true -> true end; handle_gte_type(epoch, Miner, Threshold)-> {Height, _, Epoch} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_cli_info, get_info, [], 2000), ct:pal("miner ~p Height ~p Epoch ~p Threshold ~p", [Miner, Height, Epoch, Threshold]), Epoch >= Threshold; handle_gte_type(height_exactly, Miner, Threshold)-> C = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, []), {ok, Ht} = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, height, [C]), ct:pal("miner ~p height ~p Exact Threshold ~p", [Miner, Ht, Threshold]), Ht == Threshold. get_genesis_block(Miners, Config) -> RPCTimeout = ?config(rpc_timeout, Config), ct:pal("RPCTimeout: ~p", [RPCTimeout]), GenesisBlock = get_genesis_block_(Miners, RPCTimeout), ?assertNotEqual(undefined, GenesisBlock), GenesisBlock. get_genesis_block_([Miner|Miners], RPCTimeout) -> case ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], RPCTimeout) of {badrpc, Reason} -> ct:fail(Reason), get_genesis_block_(Miners ++ [Miner], RPCTimeout); undefined -> get_genesis_block_(Miners ++ [Miner], RPCTimeout); Chain -> {ok, GBlock} = rpc:call(Miner, blockchain, genesis_block, [Chain], RPCTimeout), GBlock end. load_genesis_block(GenesisBlock, Miners, Config) -> RPCTimeout = ?config(rpc_timeout, Config), lists:foreach( fun(Miner) -> true = miner_ct_utils:wait_until( fun() -> is_boolean(ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, [], RPCTimeout)) end), case ct_rpc:call(Miner, miner_consensus_mgr, in_consensus, [], RPCTimeout) of true -> ok; false -> Res = ct_rpc:call(Miner, blockchain_worker, integrate_genesis_block, [GenesisBlock], RPCTimeout), ct:pal("loading genesis ~p block on ~p ~p", [GenesisBlock, Miner, Res]); {badrpc, Reason} -> ct:pal("failed to load genesis block on ~p: ~p", [Miner, Reason]) end end, Miners ), ok = miner_ct_utils:wait_for_gte(height, Miners, 1, all, 30). build_gateways(LatLongs, {PrivKey, PubKey}) -> lists:foldl( fun({_LatLong, {GatewayPrivKey, GatewayPubKey}}, Acc) -> Gateway = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GatewayPubKey), GatewaySigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GatewayPrivKey), OwnerSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), Owner = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), AddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:new(Owner, Gateway), SignedOwnerAddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:sign(AddGatewayTx, OwnerSigFun), SignedGatewayAddGatewayTx = blockchain_txn_add_gateway_v1:sign_request(SignedOwnerAddGatewayTx, GatewaySigFun), [SignedGatewayAddGatewayTx|Acc] end, [], LatLongs ). build_asserts(LatLongs, {PrivKey, PubKey}) -> lists:foldl( fun({LatLong, {GatewayPrivKey, GatewayPubKey}}, Acc) -> Gateway = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(GatewayPubKey), GatewaySigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(GatewayPrivKey), OwnerSigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey), Owner = libp2p_crypto:pubkey_to_bin(PubKey), Index = h3:from_geo(LatLong, 12), AssertLocationRequestTx = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:new(Gateway, Owner, Index, 1), PartialAssertLocationTxn = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:sign_request(AssertLocationRequestTx, GatewaySigFun), SignedAssertLocationTx = blockchain_txn_assert_location_v1:sign(PartialAssertLocationTxn, OwnerSigFun), [SignedAssertLocationTx|Acc] end, [], LatLongs ). add_block(Chain, ConsensusMembers, Txns) -> SortedTxns = lists:sort(fun blockchain_txn:sort/2, Txns), B = create_block(ConsensusMembers, SortedTxns), ok = blockchain:add_block(B, Chain). create_block(ConsensusMembers, Txs) -> Blockchain = blockchain_worker:blockchain(), {ok, PrevHash} = blockchain:head_hash(Blockchain), {ok, HeadBlock} = blockchain:head_block(Blockchain), Height = blockchain_block:height(HeadBlock) + 1, Block0 = blockchain_block_v1:new(#{prev_hash => PrevHash, height => Height, transactions => Txs, signatures => [], time => 0, hbbft_round => 0, election_epoch => 1, epoch_start => 1, seen_votes => [], bba_completion => <<>>, poc_keys => []}), BinBlock = blockchain_block:serialize(blockchain_block:set_signatures(Block0, [])), Signatures = signatures(ConsensusMembers, BinBlock), Block1 = blockchain_block:set_signatures(Block0, Signatures), Block1. signatures(ConsensusMembers, BinBlock) -> lists:foldl( fun({A, {_, _, F}}, Acc) -> Sig = F(BinBlock), [{A, Sig}|Acc] end ,[] ,ConsensusMembers ). gen_gateways(Addresses, Locations) -> [blockchain_txn_gen_gateway_v1:new(Addr, Addr, Loc, 0) || {Addr, Loc} <- lists:zip(Addresses, Locations)]. gen_payments(Addresses) -> [ blockchain_txn_coinbase_v1:new(Addr, 5000) || Addr <- Addresses]. existing_vars() -> #{ ?allow_payment_v2_memos => true, ?allow_zero_amount => false, ?alpha_decay => 0.0035, ?assert_loc_txn_version => 2, ?batch_size => 400, ?beta_decay => 0.002, ?block_time => 60000, ?block_version => v1, ?chain_vars_version => 2, ?consensus_percent => 0.06, ?data_aggregation_version => 2, ?dc_payload_size => 24, ?dc_percent => 0.325, ?density_tgt_res => 4, ?dkg_curve => 'SS512', ?election_bba_penalty => 0.001, ?election_cluster_res => 4, ?election_interval => 30, ?election_removal_pct => 40, ?election_replacement_factor => 4, ?election_replacement_slope => 20, ?election_restart_interval => 5, ?election_seen_penalty => 0.0033333, ?election_selection_pct => 1, ?election_version => 4, ?h3_exclusion_ring_dist => 6, ?h3_max_grid_distance => 120, ?h3_neighbor_res => 12, ?hip17_interactivity_blocks => 3600, ?hip17_res_0 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_1 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_10 => <<"2,1,1">>, ?hip17_res_11 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_12 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_2 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_3 => <<"2,100000,100000">>, ?hip17_res_4 => <<"1,250,800">>, ?hip17_res_5 => <<"1,100,400">>, ?hip17_res_6 => <<"1,25,100">>, ?hip17_res_7 => <<"2,5,20">>, ?hip17_res_8 => <<"2,1,4">>, ?hip17_res_9 => <<"2,1,2">>, ?max_antenna_gain => 150, ?max_open_sc => 5, ?max_payments => 50, ?max_staleness => 100000, ?max_subnet_num => 5, ?max_subnet_size => 65536, ?max_xor_filter_num => 5, ?max_xor_filter_size => 102400, ?min_antenna_gain => 10, ?min_assert_h3_res => 12, ?min_expire_within => 15, ?min_score => 0.15, ?min_subnet_size => 8, ?monthly_reward => 500000000000000, ?num_consensus_members => 16, ?poc_addr_hash_byte_count => 8, ?poc_centrality_wt => 0.5, ?poc_challenge_interval => 480, ?poc_challenge_sync_interval => 90, ?poc_challengees_percent => 0.0531, ?poc_challengers_percent => 0.0095, ?poc_good_bucket_high => -70, ?poc_good_bucket_low => -130, ?poc_max_hop_cells => 2000, ?poc_path_limit => 1, ?poc_per_hop_max_witnesses => 25, ?poc_reward_decay_rate => 0.8, ?poc_target_hex_parent_res => 5, ?poc_typo_fixes => true, ?poc_v4_exclusion_cells => 8, ?poc_v4_parent_res => 11, ?poc_v4_prob_bad_rssi => 0.01, ?poc_v4_prob_count_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_prob_good_rssi => 1.0, ?poc_v4_prob_no_rssi => 0.5, ?poc_v4_prob_rssi_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_prob_time_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_randomness_wt => 0.5, ?poc_v4_target_challenge_age => 1000, ?poc_v4_target_exclusion_cells => 6000, ?poc_v4_target_prob_edge_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_target_prob_score_wt => 0.0, ?poc_v4_target_score_curve => 5, ?poc_v5_target_prob_randomness_wt => 1.0, ?poc_version => 10, ?poc_witness_consideration_limit => 20, ?poc_witnesses_percent => 0.2124, ?predicate_callback_fun => version, ?predicate_callback_mod => miner, ?predicate_threshold => 0.95, ?price_oracle_height_delta => 10, ?price_oracle_price_scan_delay => 3600, ?price_oracle_price_scan_max => 90000, ?price_oracle_public_keys => <<33, 1, 32, 30, 226, 70, 15, 7, 0, 161, 150, 108, 195, 90, 205, 113, 146, 41, 110, 194, 43, 86, 168, 161, 93, 241, 68, 41, 125, 160, 229, 130, 205, 140, 33, 1, 32, 237, 78, 201, 132, 45, 19, 192, 62, 81, 209, 208, 156, 103, 224, 137, 51, 193, 160, 15, 96, 238, 160, 42, 235, 174, 99, 128, 199, 20, 154, 222, 33, 1, 143, 166, 65, 105, 75, 56, 206, 157, 86, 46, 225, 174, 232, 27, 183, 145, 248, 50, 141, 210, 144, 155, 254, 80, 225, 240, 164, 164, 213, 12, 146, 100, 33, 1, 20, 131, 51, 235, 13, 175, 124, 98, 154, 135, 90, 196, 83, 14, 118, 223, 189, 221, 154, 181, 62, 105, 183, 135, 121, 105, 101, 51, 163, 119, 206, 132, 33, 1, 254, 129, 70, 123, 51, 101, 208, 224, 99, 172, 62, 126, 252, 59, 130, 84, 93, 231, 214, 248, 207, 139, 84, 158, 120, 232, 6, 8, 121, 243, 25, 205, 33, 1, 148, 214, 252, 181, 1, 33, 200, 69, 148, 146, 34, 29, 22, 91, 108, 16, 18, 33, 45, 0, 210, 100, 253, 211, 177, 78, 82, 113, 122, 149, 47, 240, 33, 1, 170, 219, 208, 73, 156, 141, 219, 148, 7, 148, 253, 209, 66, 48, 218, 91, 71, 232, 244, 198, 253, 236, 40, 201, 90, 112, 61, 236, 156, 69, 235, 109, 33, 1, 154, 235, 195, 88, 165, 97, 21, 203, 1, 161, 96, 71, 236, 193, 188, 50, 185, 214, 15, 14, 86, 61, 245, 131, 110, 22, 150, 8, 48, 174, 104, 66, 33, 1, 254, 248, 78, 138, 218, 174, 201, 86, 100, 210, 209, 229, 149, 130, 203, 83, 149, 204, 154, 58, 32, 192, 118, 144, 129, 178, 83, 253, 8, 199, 161, 128>>, ?price_oracle_refresh_interval => 10, ?reward_version => 5, ?rewards_txn_version => 2, ?sc_causality_fix => 1, ?sc_gc_interval => 10, ?sc_grace_blocks => 10, ?sc_open_validation_bugfix => 1, ?sc_overcommit => 2, ?sc_version => 2, ?securities_percent => 0.34, ?snapshot_interval => 720, ?snapshot_version => 1, ?stake_withdrawal_cooldown => 250000, ?stake_withdrawal_max => 60, ?staking_fee_txn_add_gateway_v1 => 4000000, ?staking_fee_txn_assert_location_v1 => 1000000, ?staking_fee_txn_oui_v1 => 10000000, ?staking_fee_txn_oui_v1_per_address => 10000000, ?staking_keys => <<33, 1, 37, 193, 104, 249, 129, 155, 16, 116, 103, 223, 160, 89, 196, 199, 11, 94, 109, 49, 204, 84, 242, 3, 141, 250, 172, 153, 4, 226, 99, 215, 122, 202, 33, 1, 90, 111, 210, 126, 196, 168, 67, 148, 63, 188, 231, 78, 255, 150, 151, 91, 237, 189, 148, 99, 248, 41, 4, 103, 140, 225, 49, 117, 68, 212, 132, 113, 33, 1, 81, 215, 107, 13, 100, 54, 92, 182, 84, 235, 120, 236, 201, 115, 77, 249, 2, 33, 68, 206, 129, 109, 248, 58, 188, 53, 45, 34, 109, 251, 217, 130, 33, 1, 251, 174, 74, 242, 43, 25, 156, 188, 167, 30, 41, 145, 14, 91, 0, 202, 115, 173, 26, 162, 174, 205, 45, 244, 46, 171, 200, 191, 85, 222, 98, 120, 33, 1, 253, 88, 22, 88, 46, 94, 130, 1, 58, 115, 46, 153, 194, 91, 1, 57, 194, 165, 181, 225, 251, 12, 13, 104, 171, 131, 151, 164, 83, 113, 147, 216, 33, 1, 6, 76, 109, 192, 213, 45, 64, 27, 225, 251, 102, 247, 132, 42, 154, 145, 70, 61, 127, 106, 188, 70, 87, 23, 13, 91, 43, 28, 70, 197, 41, 91, 33, 1, 53, 200, 215, 84, 164, 84, 136, 102, 97, 157, 211, 75, 206, 229, 73, 177, 83, 153, 199, 255, 43, 180, 114, 30, 253, 206, 245, 194, 79, 156, 218, 193, 33, 1, 229, 253, 194, 42, 80, 229, 8, 183, 20, 35, 52, 137, 60, 18, 191, 28, 127, 218, 234, 118, 173, 23, 91, 129, 251, 16, 39, 223, 252, 71, 165, 120, 33, 1, 54, 171, 198, 219, 118, 150, 6, 150, 227, 80, 208, 92, 252, 28, 183, 217, 134, 4, 217, 2, 166, 9, 57, 106, 38, 182, 158, 255, 19, 16, 239, 147, 33, 1, 51, 170, 177, 11, 57, 0, 18, 245, 73, 13, 235, 147, 51, 37, 187, 248, 125, 197, 173, 25, 11, 36, 187, 66, 9, 240, 61, 104, 28, 102, 194, 66, 33, 1, 187, 46, 236, 46, 25, 214, 204, 51, 20, 191, 86, 116, 0, 174, 4, 247, 132, 145, 22, 83, 66, 159, 78, 13, 54, 52, 251, 8, 143, 59, 191, 196>>, ?transfer_hotspot_stale_poc_blocks => 1200, ?txn_fee_multiplier => 5000, ?txn_fees => true, ?validator_liveness_grace_period => 50, ?validator_liveness_interval => 100, ?validator_minimum_stake => 1000000000000, ?validator_version => 1, ?var_gw_inactivity_threshold => 600, ?vars_commit_delay => 1, ?witness_redundancy => 4, ?witness_refresh_interval => 200, ?witness_refresh_rand_n => 1000 }. gen_locations(Addresses) -> lists:foldl( fun(I, Acc) -> [h3:from_geo({37.780586, -122.469470 + I / 50}, 13) | Acc] end, [], lists:seq(1, length(Addresses)) ). start_blockchain(Config, GenesisVars) -> Miners = ?config(miners, Config), Addresses = ?config(addresses, Config), Curve = ?config(dkg_curve, Config), NumConsensusMembers = ?config(num_consensus_members, Config), #{secret := Priv, public := Pub} = Keys = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(ecc_compact), InitialVars = make_vars(Keys, GenesisVars), InitialPayments = gen_payments(Addresses), Locations = gen_locations(Addresses), InitialGws = gen_gateways(Addresses, Locations), Txns = InitialVars ++ InitialPayments ++ InitialGws, {ok, DKGCompletedNodes} = initial_dkg( Miners, Txns, Addresses, NumConsensusMembers, Curve ), _GenesisLoadResults = integrate_genesis_block( hd(DKGCompletedNodes), Miners -- DKGCompletedNodes ), {ConsensusMiners, NonConsensusMiners} = miners_by_consensus_state(Miners), ct:pal("ConsensusMiners: ~p, NonConsensusMiners: ~p", [ConsensusMiners, NonConsensusMiners]), MinerHts = pmap( fun(M) -> Ch = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain_worker, blockchain, [], 2000), {ok, Ht} = ct_rpc:call(M, blockchain, height, [Ch], 2000), {M, Ht} end, Miners), true = lists:all( fun({_, Ht}) -> Ht == 1 end, MinerHts), [ {master_key, {Priv, Pub}}, {consensus_miners, ConsensusMiners}, {non_consensus_miners, NonConsensusMiners} | Config ].
# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE KindSignatures # # LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Haskus.UI.Object.Colored ( ColoredF (..) , pattern Colored ) where import Haskus.Utils.Flow import Haskus.Utils.EADT import Haskus.Utils.EADT.TH import Haskus.UI.Object import Haskus.UI.Common -- | Add default color to inner object data ColoredF e = ColoredF Color e deriving (Functor) eadtPattern 'ColoredF "Colored" instance Object e => Object (ColoredF e) where hit r (ColoredF c o) = hit r o ||> (\x -> x { hitColor = Just c })
| Add default color to inner object
# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # # LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # # LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor # # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE KindSignatures # # LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Haskus.UI.Object.Colored ( ColoredF (..) , pattern Colored ) where import Haskus.Utils.Flow import Haskus.Utils.EADT import Haskus.Utils.EADT.TH import Haskus.UI.Object import Haskus.UI.Common data ColoredF e = ColoredF Color e deriving (Functor) eadtPattern 'ColoredF "Colored" instance Object e => Object (ColoredF e) where hit r (ColoredF c o) = hit r o ||> (\x -> x { hitColor = Just c })
(ns dev (:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as component] [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as ctnrepl] [oc.lib.db.pool :as pool] [oc.storage.config :as c] [oc.storage.util.search :as search] [oc.storage.app :as app] [oc.storage.components :as components] [oc.storage.async.auth-notification :as auth-notification] [oc.storage.async.storage-notification :as storage-notification])) (defonce system nil) (defonce conn nil) (defn init ([] (init c/storage-server-port)) ([port] (alter-var-root #'system (constantly (components/storage-system {:handler-fn app/app :port port :auth-sqs-queue c/aws-sqs-auth-queue :auth-sqs-msg-handler auth-notification/sqs-handler :storage-sqs-queue c/aws-sqs-storage-queue :storage-sqs-msg-handler storage-notification/sqs-handler :sqs-creds {:access-key c/aws-access-key-id :secret-key c/aws-secret-access-key}}))))) (defn init-db [] (alter-var-root #'system (constantly (components/db-only-storage-system {})))) (defn bind-conn! [] (alter-var-root #'conn (constantly (pool/claim (get-in system [:db-pool :pool]))))) (defn- start⬆ [] (alter-var-root #'system component/start)) (defn stop [] (alter-var-root #'system (fn [s] (when s (component/stop s)))) (println (str "\nWhen you're ready to start the system again, just type: (go)\n"))) (defn go-db [] (init-db) (start⬆) (bind-conn!) (println (str "A DB connection is available with: conn\n" "When you're ready to stop the system, just type: (stop)\n"))) (defn go ([] (go c/storage-server-port)) ([port] (init port) (start⬆) (bind-conn!) (app/echo-config port) (println (str "Now serving storage from the REPL.\n" "A DB connection is available with: conn\n" "When you're ready to stop the system, just type: (stop)\n")) port)) (defn reset [] (stop) (ctnrepl/refresh :after 'user/go)) (defn send-data-to-search-index [] (search/index-all-entries conn))
(ns dev (:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as component] [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as ctnrepl] [oc.lib.db.pool :as pool] [oc.storage.config :as c] [oc.storage.util.search :as search] [oc.storage.app :as app] [oc.storage.components :as components] [oc.storage.async.auth-notification :as auth-notification] [oc.storage.async.storage-notification :as storage-notification])) (defonce system nil) (defonce conn nil) (defn init ([] (init c/storage-server-port)) ([port] (alter-var-root #'system (constantly (components/storage-system {:handler-fn app/app :port port :auth-sqs-queue c/aws-sqs-auth-queue :auth-sqs-msg-handler auth-notification/sqs-handler :storage-sqs-queue c/aws-sqs-storage-queue :storage-sqs-msg-handler storage-notification/sqs-handler :sqs-creds {:access-key c/aws-access-key-id :secret-key c/aws-secret-access-key}}))))) (defn init-db [] (alter-var-root #'system (constantly (components/db-only-storage-system {})))) (defn bind-conn! [] (alter-var-root #'conn (constantly (pool/claim (get-in system [:db-pool :pool]))))) (defn- start⬆ [] (alter-var-root #'system component/start)) (defn stop [] (alter-var-root #'system (fn [s] (when s (component/stop s)))) (println (str "\nWhen you're ready to start the system again, just type: (go)\n"))) (defn go-db [] (init-db) (start⬆) (bind-conn!) (println (str "A DB connection is available with: conn\n" "When you're ready to stop the system, just type: (stop)\n"))) (defn go ([] (go c/storage-server-port)) ([port] (init port) (start⬆) (bind-conn!) (app/echo-config port) (println (str "Now serving storage from the REPL.\n" "A DB connection is available with: conn\n" "When you're ready to stop the system, just type: (stop)\n")) port)) (defn reset [] (stop) (ctnrepl/refresh :after 'user/go)) (defn send-data-to-search-index [] (search/index-all-entries conn))
;*=====================================================================*/ * serrano / prgm / project / bigloo / / runtime / Ieee / port.scm * / ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * Author : * / * Creation : Mon Feb 20 16:53:27 1995 * / * Last change : Fri Feb 18 08:54:26 2022 ( serrano ) * / ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * 6.10.1 Ports ( page 29 , r4 ) * / ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Source documentation: */ ;* @path ../../manuals/io.texi@ */ ;* @node Input And Output@ */ ;*=====================================================================*/ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* Le module */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (module __r4_ports_6_10_1 (import __error __bexit __r4_input_6_10_2 __object __thread __param __gunzip __url __http __ftp) (use __type __bigloo __tvector __socket __os __binary __base64 __bignum __rgc __bit __r4_vectors_6_8 __r4_strings_6_7 __r4_characters_6_6 __r4_control_features_6_9 __r4_numbers_6_5 __r4_numbers_6_5_fixnum __r4_numbers_6_5_flonum __r4_numbers_6_5_flonum_dtoa __r4_equivalence_6_2 __r4_booleans_6_1 __r4_symbols_6_4 __r4_pairs_and_lists_6_3 __r4_output_6_10_3 __r5_control_features_6_4 __evenv) (extern (macro c-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORTP") (macro c-input-string-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_STRING_PORTP") (macro c-input-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (macro c-input-gzip-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_GZIP_PORTP") (macro c-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORTP") (macro c-output-string-port?::bool (::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_STRING_PORTP") (macro c-output-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (macro c-current-output-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT") (macro c-current-error-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_ERROR_PORT") (macro c-current-input-port::input-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_INPUT_PORT") (macro c-current-output-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT_SET") (macro c-current-error-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_ERROR_PORT_SET") (macro c-current-input-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::input-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_INPUT_PORT_SET") (macro c-input-gzip-port-input-port::input-port (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_GZIP_PORT_INPUT_PORT") ($open-input-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_file") ($open-input-descriptor::obj (::int ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_descriptor") ($open-input-pipe::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_pipe") ($open-input-resource::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_resource") ($open-input-c-string::obj (::string) "bgl_open_input_c_string") ($reopen-input-c-string::obj (::input-port ::string) "bgl_reopen_input_c_string") ($open-input-substring::input-port (::bstring ::long ::long) "bgl_open_input_substring") ($open-input-substring!::input-port (::bstring ::long ::long) "bgl_open_input_substring_bang") ($open-input-procedure::input-port (::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_procedure") ($input-port-timeout-set!::bool (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_timeout_set") ($output-port-timeout-set!::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_timeout_set") ($open-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_file") ($append-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_append_output_file") ($open-output-string::output-port (::bstring) "bgl_open_output_string") ($open-output-procedure::obj (::procedure ::procedure ::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_procedure") ($close-input-port::obj (::obj) "bgl_close_input_port") ($input-port-reopen!::obj (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_reopen") ($input-port-clone!::input-port (::input-port ::input-port) "bgl_input_port_clone") ($set-input-port-position!::void (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_seek") (macro c-input-port-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (macro $input-port-fill-barrier::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER") (macro $input-port-fill-barrier-set!::void (::input-port ::long) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER_SET") (macro $input-port-length::elong (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH") (macro $input-port-length-set!::void (::input-port ::elong) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH_SET") (macro c-input-port-last-token-position::elong (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_TOKENPOS") (macro c-input-port-bufsiz::long (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFSIZ") (macro c-closed-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORT_CLOSEP") (macro $closed-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_CLOSEP") (macro c-output-port-position::long (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (c-set-output-port-position!::obj (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_seek") ($close-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_close_output_port") (c-get-output-string::bstring (::output-port)"get_output_string") (c-default-io-bufsiz::long "default_io_bufsiz") (c-reset-eof::bool (::obj) "reset_eof") (macro c-flush-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_flush_output_port") (macro $reset-output-string-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_string_port") (macro $reset-output-port-error::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_port_error") (c-fexists?::bool (::string) "fexists") (macro c-delete-file::bool (::string) "unlink") (macro c-delete-directory::bool (::string) "rmdir") (macro c-rename-file::int (::string ::string) "rename") (macro $truncate-file::int (::string ::long) "truncate") (macro $ftruncate::int (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_truncate") (macro c-mkdir::bool (::string ::long) "!BGL_MKDIR") (macro $port-isatty?::bool (::output-port) "bgl_port_isatty") (macro $output-port-name::bstring (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME") (macro $output-port-name-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (macro $input-port-name::bstring (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (macro $input-port-name-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "INPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (macro c-output-port-chook::obj (::output-port) "PORT_CHOOK") (macro c-output-port-chook-set!::void (::output-port ::procedure) "PORT_CHOOK_SET") (macro $output-port-fhook::obj (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK") (macro $output-port-fhook-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK_SET") (macro $output-port-flushbuf::obj (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF") (macro $output-port-flushbuf-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF_SET") (macro $input-port-chook::obj (::input-port) "PORT_CHOOK") (macro $input-port-chook-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "PORT_CHOOK_SET") (macro $input-port-useek::obj (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_USEEK") (macro $input-port-useek-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_USEEK_SET") (macro $input-port-buffer::bstring (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (macro $input-port-buffer-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "bgl_input_port_buffer_set") (macro $output-port-buffer::bstring (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (macro $output-port-buffer-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "bgl_output_port_buffer_set") ($directory?::bool (::string) "bgl_directoryp") ($directory->list::obj (::string) "bgl_directory_to_list") ($directory->path-list::obj (::string ::int ::char) "bgl_directory_to_path_list") ($modification-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_modification_time") ($change-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_change_time") ($access-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_access_time") ($utime::int (::string ::elong ::elong) "bgl_utime") ($file-size::elong (::string) "bgl_file_size") ($file-uid::long (::string) "bgl_file_uid") ($file-gid::long (::string) "bgl_file_gid") ($file-mode::long (::string) "bgl_file_mode") ($file-type::symbol (::string) "bgl_file_type") ($symlink::int (::string ::string) "bgl_symlink") ($select::pair-nil (::long ::pair-nil ::pair-nil ::pair-nil) "bgl_select") ($open-pipes::obj (::obj) "bgl_open_pipes") ($lockf::bool (::output-port ::int ::long) "bgl_lockf") (macro $F_LOCK::int "F_LOCK") (macro $F_TLOCK::int "F_TLOCK") (macro $F_ULOCK::int "F_ULOCK") (macro $F_TEST::int "F_TEST")) (java (class foreign (method static c-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORTP") (method static c-input-string-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_STRING_PORTP") (method static c-input-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (method static c-input-gzip-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_GZIP_PORTP") (method static c-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORTP") (method static c-output-string-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_STRING_PORTP") (method static c-output-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (field static c-default-io-bufsiz::int "default_io_bufsiz") (method static c-current-output-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentOutputPort") (method static c-current-error-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentErrorPort") (method static c-current-input-port::input-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentInputPort") (method static c-current-output-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "setCurrentOutputPort") (method static c-current-error-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "setCurrentErrorPort") (method static c-current-input-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::input-port) "setCurrentInputPort") (method static $open-input-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_file") (method static $open-input-descriptor::obj (::int ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_descriptor") (method static $open-input-pipe::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_pipe") (method static $open-input-resource::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_resource") (method static $open-input-c-string::obj (::string) "bgl_open_input_c_string") (method static $reopen-input-c-string::obj (::input-port ::string) "bgl_reopen_input_c_string") (method static $open-input-substring::input-port (::bstring ::int ::int) "bgl_open_input_substring") (method static $open-input-substring!::input-port (::bstring ::int ::int) "bgl_open_input_substring_bang") (method static $open-input-procedure::obj (::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_procedure") (method static $input-port-timeout-set!::bool (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_timeout_set") (method static $output-port-timeout-set!::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_timeout_set") (method static $open-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_file") (method static $append-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_append_output_file") (method static $open-output-string::output-port (::bstring) "bgl_open_output_string") (method static $open-output-procedure::obj (::procedure ::procedure ::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_procedure") (method static $close-input-port::obj (::input-port) "bgl_close_input_port") (method static $input-port-reopen!::obj (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_reopen") (method static $input-port-clone!::input-port (::input-port ::input-port) "bgl_input_port_clone") (method static $set-input-port-position!::void (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_seek") (method static c-set-output-port-position!::obj (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_seek") (method static c-input-port-bufsiz::int (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_bufsiz") (method static c-closed-input-port?::bool (::input-port) "CLOSED_RGC_BUFFER") (method static $closed-output-port?::bool (::output-port) "CLOSED_OUTPUT_PORT") (method static $close-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_close_output_port") (method static c-get-output-string::bstring (::output-port) "get_output_string") (method static c-reset-eof::bool (::obj) "reset_eof") (method static c-flush-output-port::obj (::output-port) "FLUSH_OUTPUT_PORT") (method static $reset-output-string-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_string_port") (method static $reset-output-port-error::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_port_error") (method static c-fexists?::bool (::string) "fexists") (method static c-delete-file::bool (::string) "unlink") (method static c-delete-directory::bool (::string) "rmdir") (method static c-rename-file::int (::string ::string) "rename") (method static $truncate-file::int (::string ::long) "truncate") (method static $ftruncate::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_truncate") (method static c-mkdir::bool (::string ::int) "mkdir") (method static c-output-port-position::long (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (method static c-input-port-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (method static $input-port-fill-barrier::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER") (method static $input-port-fill-barrier-set!::void (::input-port ::long) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER_SET") (method static $input-port-length::elong (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH") (method static $input-port-length-set!::void (::input-port ::elong) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH_SET") (method static c-input-port-last-token-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_TOKENPOS") (method static $input-port-name-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $input-port-name::bstring (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $output-port-name::bstring (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $output-port-name-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (method static c-output-port-chook::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_CHOOK") (method static c-output-port-chook-set!::void (::output-port ::procedure) "OUTPUT_PORT_CHOOK_SET") (method static $output-port-fhook::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK") (method static $output-port-fhook-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK_SET") (method static $output-port-flushbuf::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF") (method static $output-port-flushbuf-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF_SET") (method static $input-port-chook::obj (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_CHOOK") (method static $input-port-chook-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "INPUT_PORT_CHOOK_SET") (method static $input-port-useek::obj (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_USEEK") (method static $input-port-useek-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "INPUT_PORT_USEEK_SET") (method static $input-port-buffer::bstring (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (method static $input-port-buffer-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "bgl_input_port_buffer_set") (method static $output-port-buffer::bstring (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (method static $output-port-buffer-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "bgl_output_port_buffer_set") (method static c-input-gzip-port-input-port::input-port (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_GZIP_PORT_INPUT_PORT") (method static $directory?::bool (::string) "bgl_directoryp") (method static $directory->list::obj (::string) "bgl_directory_to_list") (method static $modification-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_modification_time") (method static $change-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_change_time") (method static $access-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_access_time") (method static $utime::int (::string ::elong ::elong) "bgl_utime") (method static $file-size::elong (::string) "bgl_file_size") (method static $file-uid::int (::string) "bgl_file_uid") (method static $file-gid::int (::string) "bgl_file_gid") (method static $file-mode::int (::string) "bgl_file_mode") (method static $file-type::symbol (::string) "bgl_file_type") (method static $symlink::int (::string ::string) "bgl_symlink") (method static $select::pair-nil (::long ::pair-nil ::pair-nil ::pair-nil) "bgl_select") (method static $open-pipes::obj (::obj) "bgl_open_pipes"))) (export (call-with-input-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-input-string ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-output-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-append-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-output-string::bstring ::procedure) (inline input-port? ::obj) (inline input-string-port? ::obj) (inline input-procedure-port? ::obj) (inline input-gzip-port? ::obj) (inline output-port? ::obj) (inline port?::bool ::obj) (inline output-string-port? ::obj) (inline output-procedure-port? ::obj) (inline current-input-port::input-port) (inline current-error-port::output-port) (inline current-output-port::output-port) (with-input-from-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-input-from-string ::bstring ::procedure) (with-input-from-port ::input-port ::procedure) (with-input-from-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (with-output-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-append-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-output-to-string::bstring ::procedure) (with-error-to-string::bstring ::procedure) (with-output-to-port ::output-port ::procedure) (with-output-to-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (with-error-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-error-to-port ::output-port ::procedure) (with-error-to-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (open-input-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t) (timeout 5000000)) (open-input-descriptor ::int #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-input-string::input-port string::bstring #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (open-input-string!::input-port string::bstring #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (open-input-procedure ::procedure #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-input-gzip-port ::input-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (inline input-port-timeout-set! ::input-port ::long) (inline open-input-c-string ::string) (inline reopen-input-c-string ::input-port ::string) (open-output-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (append-output-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-output-string::output-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-output-procedure ::procedure #!optional (flush::procedure (lambda () #f)) (bufinfo #t) (close::procedure (lambda () #f))) (inline output-port-timeout-set! ::output-port ::long) (inline closed-input-port?::bool ::input-port) (inline close-input-port ::input-port) (inline get-output-string::bstring ::output-port) (inline close-output-port ::output-port) (inline flush-output-port ::output-port) (inline reset-output-port ::output-port) (inline reset-eof::bool ::input-port) (inline output-port-name::bstring ::output-port) (inline output-port-name-set! ::output-port ::bstring) (inline output-port-position::long ::output-port) (inline output-port-isatty?::bool ::output-port) (inline set-output-port-position! ::output-port ::long) (set-input-port-position! ::input-port ::long) (inline input-port-position::long ::input-port) (inline input-port-fill-barrier ::input-port) (inline input-port-fill-barrier-set! ::input-port ::long) (inline input-port-last-token-position::long ::input-port) (inline input-port-reopen! ::input-port) (inline input-port-clone! ::input-port ::input-port) (inline input-port-name::bstring ::input-port) (inline input-port-name-set! ::input-port ::bstring) (inline input-port-length::elong ::input-port) (inline output-port-close-hook::obj ::output-port) (inline closed-output-port?::bool ::output-port) (output-port-close-hook-set! ::output-port ::procedure) (inline output-port-flush-hook::obj ::output-port) (output-port-flush-hook-set! ::output-port ::obj) (inline output-port-flush-buffer::obj ::output-port) (inline output-port-flush-buffer-set! ::output-port ::obj) (inline input-port-close-hook::obj ::input-port) (input-port-close-hook-set! ::input-port ::procedure) (inline input-port-seek::procedure ::input-port) (input-port-seek-set! ::input-port ::procedure) (inline input-port-buffer::bstring ::input-port) (inline input-port-buffer-set! ::input-port ::bstring) (inline output-port-buffer::bstring ::output-port) (inline output-port-buffer-set! ::output-port ::bstring) (inline file-exists?::bool ::string) (file-gzip? name) (inline delete-file ::string) (inline make-directory::bool ::string) (make-directories::bool ::bstring) (inline delete-directory ::string) (inline rename-file::bool ::string ::string) (inline truncate-file::bool ::string ::long) (inline output-port-truncate::bool ::output-port ::long) (copy-file ::string ::string) (inline directory?::bool ::string) (inline directory->list ::string) (directory->path-list ::bstring) (inline file-modification-time::elong ::string) (inline file-change-time::elong ::string) (inline file-access-time::elong ::string) (inline file-times-set!::int ::string ::elong ::elong) (inline file-size::elong ::string) (inline file-uid::int ::string) (inline file-gid::int ::string) (inline file-mode::int ::string) (inline file-type::symbol ::string) (inline make-symlink ::bstring ::bstring) (inline select::pair-nil #!key (timeout 0) (read '()) (write '()) (except '())) (inline open-pipes #!optional name) (input-port-protocol prototcol) (input-port-protocol-set! protocol open) (get-port-buffer::bstring ::obj ::obj ::int) (lockf::bool ::output-port ::symbol #!optional (len 0))) (pragma (c-input-port? (predicate-of input-port) nesting) (c-output-port? (predicate-of output-port) nesting) (c-output-string-port? nesting) (c-input-string-port? nesting) (file-exists? side-effect-free nesting))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* call-with-input-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (call-with-input-file string proc) (let ((port (open-input-file string))) (if (input-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-input-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-input-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* call-with-input-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (call-with-input-string string proc) (let ((port (open-input-string string))) ;; No need to force closing it, will be garbage collected anyhow. (let ((res (proc port))) (close-input-port port) res))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* call-with-output-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (call-with-output-file string proc) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-output-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-output-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* call-with-append-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (call-with-append-file string proc) (let ((port (append-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-output-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-append-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* call-with-output-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (call-with-output-string proc) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (proc port) (close-output-port port))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port? obj) (c-input-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-string-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-string-port? obj) (c-input-string-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-procedure-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-procedure-port? obj) (c-input-procedure-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-gzip-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-gzip-port? obj) (c-input-gzip-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port? obj) (c-output-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-string-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-string-port? obj) (c-output-string-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-procedure-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-procedure-port? obj) (c-output-procedure-port? obj)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* current-input-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (current-input-port) (c-current-input-port ($current-dynamic-env))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* current-output-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (current-output-port) (c-current-output-port ($current-dynamic-env))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* current-error-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (current-error-port) (c-current-error-port ($current-dynamic-env))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn input-port-reopen!@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-reopen! port::input-port) (unless ($input-port-reopen! port) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-reopen!" "Cannot reopen port" port))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn input-port-clone!! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-clone! dst::input-port src::input-port) ($input-port-clone! dst src)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-input-from-file@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-input-from-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-input-file string))) (if (input-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-input-from-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-input-from-string@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-input-from-string string thunk) (let* ((port (open-input-string string)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-input-from-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-input-from-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-input-from-procedure@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-input-from-procedure proc thunk) (let ((port (open-input-procedure proc))) (if (input-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port)))) (error "with-input-from-procedure" "can't open procedure" proc)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-output-to-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-output-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-output-to-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-append-to-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-append-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (append-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-output-to-file" "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-output-to-port@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-output-to-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-output-to-string@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-output-to-string thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-string)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-output-to-procedure ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-output-to-procedure proc thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-procedure proc)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-error-to-string@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-error-to-string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-error-port (c-current-error-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-error-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error 'with-error-to-string "can't open string" #unspecified)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn with-error-to-file@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-error-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-error-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error 'with-error-to-file "can't open file" string)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-error-to-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-error-to-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-error-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-output-port)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* with-error-to-procedure ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (with-error-to-procedure proc thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-procedure proc)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-error-port (c-current-error-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-error-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* *input-port-protocols-mutex* ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define *input-port-protocols-mutex* (make-mutex "input-port-protocols")) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* *input-port-protocols* ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define *input-port-protocols* `(("file:" . ,%open-input-file) ("string:" . ,(lambda (s p tmt) (open-input-string s))) ("| " . ,%open-input-pipe) ("pipe:" . ,%open-input-pipe) ("http://" . ,%open-input-http-socket) ("gzip:" . ,open-input-gzip-file) ("zlib:" . ,open-input-zlib-file) ("inflate:" . ,open-input-inflate-file) ("/resource/" . ,%open-input-resource) ("ftp://" . ,open-input-ftp-file) ("fd:" . ,%open-input-descriptor))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-protocols ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (input-port-protocols) (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (reverse! (reverse *input-port-protocols*)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-protocol ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (input-port-protocol prototcol) (let ((cell (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (assoc prototcol *input-port-protocols*)))) (if (pair? cell) (cdr cell) #f))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-protocol-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (input-port-protocol-set! protocol open) (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (unless (and (procedure? open) (correct-arity? open 3)) (error "input-port-protocol-set!" "Illegal open procedure for protocol" protocol)) (let ((c (assoc protocol *input-port-protocols*))) (if (pair? c) (set-cdr! c open) (set! *input-port-protocols* (cons (cons protocol open) *input-port-protocols*))))) open) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* get-port-buffer ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (get-port-buffer who bufinfo defsiz) (cond ((eq? bufinfo #t) ($make-string/wo-fill defsiz)) ((eq? bufinfo #f) ($make-string/wo-fill 2)) ((string? bufinfo) bufinfo) ((fixnum? bufinfo) (if (>=fx bufinfo 2) ($make-string/wo-fill bufinfo) ($make-string/wo-fill 2))) (else (error who "Illegal buffer" bufinfo)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* %open-input-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (%open-input-file string buf tmt) ($open-input-file string buf)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* %open-input-descriptor ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (%open-input-descriptor string buf tmt) (let ((fd (string->integer (substring string 3)))) ($open-input-descriptor fd buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* %open-input-pipe ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (%open-input-pipe string bufinfo tmt) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-pipe" bufinfo 1024))) ($open-input-pipe string buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* %open-input-resource ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (%open-input-resource file bufinfo tmt) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-input-resource file buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* %open-input-http-socket ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (%open-input-http-socket string bufinfo timeout) (define (parser ip status-code header clen tenc) (when (and (>=fx status-code 200) (<=fx status-code 299)) (cond ((not (input-port? ip)) (open-input-string "")) ((and (elong? clen) (>elong clen 0)) (input-port-fill-barrier-set! ip (elong->fixnum clen)) ($input-port-length-set! ip clen) ip) (else ip)))) (multiple-value-bind (protocol login host port abspath) (url-sans-protocol-parse string "http") (let loop ((ip #f) (header '((user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0") (Connection: close)))) (let* ((sock (http :host host :port port :login login :path abspath :timeout timeout :header header)) (op (socket-output sock))) (if (input-port? ip) ;; the socket has been re-opened for seek, reuse ;; the user input-port (input-port-clone! ip (socket-input sock)) (set! ip (socket-input sock))) (input-port-close-hook-set! ip (lambda (ip) (close-output-port op) (socket-close sock))) (input-port-seek-set! ip (lambda (ip offset) (socket-close sock) (let ((r (string-append "bytes=" (integer->string offset) "-"))) (loop ip `((range: ,r) (user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0")))))) (with-handler (lambda (e) (socket-close sock) (when (isa? e &http-redirection) (with-access::&http-redirection e (url) (open-input-file url bufinfo)))) (http-parse-response ip op parser)))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-file ... */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* This new version of open-input-file accept extended syntax. */ ;* It may open plain file, strings, pipes, http/ftp files. The */ ;* syntax is inspired by Web browsers, e.g.: */ ;* "/etc/passwd" */ ;* "file:/etc/passwd" */ ;* "string:bozo" */ ;* "pipe:ls -lR /" */ ;* "" */ ;* ":10000/" */ ;* */ ;* it also accepts the former form for pipes: */ ;* "| ls -lR /" */ ;* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ ;* Implementation note: remember that STRING-LENGTH is a O-macro */ ;* thus, (STRING-LENGTH <a-constant-string>) is replaced with the */ ;* actual length of the constant. */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t) (timeout 5000000)) (let ((buffer (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) (let loop ((protos *input-port-protocols*)) (if (null? protos) ;; a plain file (%open-input-file string buffer timeout) (let* ((cell (car protos)) (ident (car cell)) (l (string-length ident)) (open (cdr cell))) (if (substring=? string ident l) ;; we have found the open function (let ((name (substring string l (string-length string)))) (open name buffer timeout)) (loop (cdr protos)))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-descriptor ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-descriptor fd #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buffer (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-input-descriptor fd buffer))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-string string #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (cond ((<fx start 0) (error "open-input-string" "Illegal start offset" start)) ((>fx start (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string" "Start offset out of bounds" start)) ((>fx start end) (error "open-input-string" "Start offset greater than end" start)) ((>fx end (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string" "End offset out of bounds" end)) (else ($open-input-substring string start end)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-string! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-string! string #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (cond ((<fx start 0) (error "open-input-string!" "Illegal start offset" start)) ((>fx start (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string!" "Start offset out of bounds" start)) ((>fx start end) (error "open-input-string!" "Start offset greater than end" start)) ((>fx end (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string!" "End offset out of bounds" end)) (else ($open-input-substring! string start end)))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-procedure ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-procedure proc #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-procedure" bufinfo 1024))) ($open-input-procedure proc buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-gzip-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-input-gzip-port in::input-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-gzip-port" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) (port->gzip-port in buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-input-c-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (open-input-c-string string) ($open-input-c-string string)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* reopen-input-c-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (reopen-input-c-string port::input-port string) ($reopen-input-c-string port string)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-timeout-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-timeout-set! port::input-port timeout::long) ($input-port-timeout-set! port timeout)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-output-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-output-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-output-file string buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* append-output-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (append-output-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "append-output-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($append-output-file string buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-output-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-output-string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-file" bufinfo 128))) ($open-output-string buf))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-output-procedure ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (open-output-procedure proc #!optional (flush::procedure (lambda () #f)) (bufinfo #t) (close::procedure (lambda () #f))) (cond ((not (correct-arity? proc 1)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal write procedure" proc)) ((or (not (procedure? flush)) (not (correct-arity? flush 0))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal flush procedure" flush)) ((or (not (procedure? close)) (not (correct-arity? close 0))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal close procedure" flush)) (else (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-procedure" bufinfo 128))) ($open-output-procedure proc flush close buf))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-timeout-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-timeout-set! port::output-port timeout::long) ($output-port-timeout-set! port timeout)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* closed-input-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (closed-input-port? port) (c-closed-input-port? port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* close-input-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (close-input-port port) ($close-input-port port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* get-output-string ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (get-output-string port) (c-get-output-string port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* close-output-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (close-output-port port) ($close-output-port port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* flush-output-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (flush-output-port port) (c-flush-output-port port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* reset-string-port ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (reset-output-port port) ($reset-output-port-error port) (if (c-output-string-port? port) ($reset-output-string-port port) (flush-output-port port))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* reset-eof ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (reset-eof port) (c-reset-eof port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* set-input-port-position! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (set-input-port-position! port::input-port pos::long) (let ((useek ($input-port-useek port))) (if (procedure? useek) (useek port pos) ($set-input-port-position! port pos))) #unspecified) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-position ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-position port) (c-input-port-position port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-fill-barrier ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-fill-barrier port::input-port) ($input-port-fill-barrier port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-fill-barrier-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-fill-barrier-set! port::input-port pos::long) ($input-port-fill-barrier-set! port pos) pos) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-last-token-position ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-last-token-position port) (c-input-port-last-token-position port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-name ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-name port) ($output-port-name port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-name-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-name-set! port name) ($output-port-name-set! port name)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* set-output-port-position! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (set-output-port-position! port::output-port pos::long) (unless (c-set-output-port-position! port pos) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "set-output-port-position!" "Cannot seek port" port))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-position ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-position port) (c-output-port-position port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-isatty? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-isatty? port) (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($port-isatty? port)) (else #t))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-name ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-name port) ($input-port-name port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-name-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-name-set! port name) ($input-port-name-set! port name)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-length ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-length port) ($input-port-length port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-close-hook ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-close-hook port) (c-output-port-chook port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* closed-output-port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (closed-output-port? port) ($closed-output-port? port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-close-hook-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (output-port-close-hook-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 1))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "output-port-close-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin (c-output-port-chook-set! port proc) proc))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-flush-hook ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-flush-hook port) ($output-port-fhook port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-flush-hook-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (output-port-flush-hook-set! port proc) (if (and (procedure? proc) (not (correct-arity? proc 2))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "output-port-flush-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin ($output-port-fhook-set! port proc) proc))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-flush-buffer ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-flush-buffer port) ($output-port-flushbuf port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-flush-buffer-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-flush-buffer-set! port buf) ($output-port-flushbuf-set! port buf) buf) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-close-hook ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-close-hook port) ($input-port-chook port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-close-hook-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (input-port-close-hook-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 1))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-close-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin ($input-port-chook-set! port proc) proc))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-seek ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-seek port) ($input-port-useek port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-seek-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (input-port-seek-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 2))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-seek-set!" "Illegal seek procedure" proc) (begin ($input-port-useek-set! port proc) proc))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-buffer ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-buffer port) ($input-port-buffer port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* input-port-buffer-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (input-port-buffer-set! port buffer) (begin ($input-port-buffer-set! port buffer) port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-buffer ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-buffer port) ($output-port-buffer port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-buffer-set! ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-buffer-set! port buffer) (begin ($output-port-buffer-set! port buffer) port)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* file-exists? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-exists? name) (c-fexists? name)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* file-gzip? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (file-gzip? name) (and (file-exists? name) (with-input-from-file name (lambda () (with-handler (lambda (e) #f) (gunzip-parse-header (current-input-port))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* delete-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (delete-file string) (not (c-delete-file string))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-directory ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (make-directory string) (c-mkdir string #o777)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-directories ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (make-directories string) (or (directory? string) (make-directory string) (let ((dname (dirname string))) (if (or (=fx (string-length dname) 0) (file-exists? dname)) #f (let ((aux (make-directories dname))) (if (char=? (string-ref string (-fx (string-length string) 1)) (file-separator)) aux (make-directory string))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* delete-directory ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (delete-directory string) (not (c-delete-directory string))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* rename-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (rename-file string1 string2) (if (eq? (c-rename-file string1 string2) 0) #t #f)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* truncate-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (truncate-file path size) ($truncate-file path size)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* output-port-truncate ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (output-port-truncate oport size) ($ftruncate oport size)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* copy-file ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (copy-file string1 string2) (let ((pi (open-input-binary-file string1))) (when (binary-port? pi) (let ((po (open-output-binary-file string2))) (if (not (binary-port? po)) (begin (close-binary-port pi) #f) (let ((s (make-string 1024))) (let loop ((l (input-fill-string! pi s))) (if (=fx l 1024) (begin (output-string po s) (loop (input-fill-string! pi s))) (begin (output-string po (string-shrink! s l)) (close-binary-port pi) (close-binary-port po) #t))))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* port? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (port? obj) (or (output-port? obj) (input-port? obj))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* directory? ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (directory? string) ($directory? string)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* directory->list ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (directory->list string) ($directory->list string)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* directory->path-list ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (directory->path-list dir) (let ((l (string-length dir))) (cond ((=fx l 0) '()) ((char=? (string-ref dir (-fx l 1)) (file-separator)) (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($directory->path-list dir (-fx l 1) (file-separator))) (else (map! (lambda (f) (string-append dir f)) (directory->list dir))))) (else (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($directory->path-list dir l (file-separator))) (else (map! (lambda (f) (make-file-name dir f)) (directory->list dir)))))))) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-modification-time@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-modification-time file) ($modification-time file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-change-time@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-change-time file) ($change-time file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-access-time@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-access-time file) ($access-time file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-times-set!@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-times-set! file atime mtime) ($utime file atime mtime)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-size@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-size file) ($file-size file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file - uid@ ... * / ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-uid file) ($file-uid file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-gid@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-gid file) ($file-gid file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-mode@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-mode file) ($file-mode file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* @deffn file-type@ ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (file-type file) ($file-type file)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* make-symlink ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (make-symlink path1 path2) ($symlink path1 path2)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* select ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (select #!key (timeout 0) (read '()) (write '()) (except '())) ($select timeout read write except)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* open-pipes ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define-inline (open-pipes #!optional name) ($open-pipes name)) ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ;* lockf ... */ ;*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ (define (lockf port cmd #!optional (len 0)) (cond-expand (bigloo-c (case cmd ((lock) ($lockf port $F_LOCK len)) ((tlock) ($lockf port $F_TLOCK len)) ((ulock) ($lockf port $F_ULOCK len)) ((test) ($lockf port $F_TEST len)) (else (error "lockf" "Bad command" cmd)))) (else #f)))
*=====================================================================*/ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * Source documentation: */ * @path ../../manuals/io.texi@ */ * @node Input And Output@ */ *=====================================================================*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * Le module */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * call-with-input-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * call-with-input-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ No need to force closing it, will be garbage collected anyhow. *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * call-with-output-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * call-with-append-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * call-with-output-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-string-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-procedure-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-gzip-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-string-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-procedure-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * current-input-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * current-output-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * current-error-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn input-port-reopen!@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn input-port-clone!! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-input-from-file@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-input-from-string@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-input-from-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-input-from-procedure@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-output-to-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-append-to-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-output-to-port@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-output-to-string@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-output-to-procedure ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-error-to-string@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn with-error-to-file@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-error-to-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * with-error-to-procedure ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * *input-port-protocols-mutex* ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * *input-port-protocols* ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-protocols ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-protocol ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-protocol-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * get-port-buffer ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * %open-input-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * %open-input-descriptor ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * %open-input-pipe ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * %open-input-resource ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * %open-input-http-socket ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ the socket has been re-opened for seek, reuse the user input-port *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-file ... */ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * This new version of open-input-file accept extended syntax. */ * It may open plain file, strings, pipes, http/ftp files. The */ * syntax is inspired by Web browsers, e.g.: */ * "/etc/passwd" */ * "file:/etc/passwd" */ * "string:bozo" */ * "pipe:ls -lR /" */ * "" */ * ":10000/" */ * */ * it also accepts the former form for pipes: */ * "| ls -lR /" */ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ * Implementation note: remember that STRING-LENGTH is a O-macro */ * thus, (STRING-LENGTH <a-constant-string>) is replaced with the */ * actual length of the constant. */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ a plain file we have found the open function *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-descriptor ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-string! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-procedure ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-gzip-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-input-c-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * reopen-input-c-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-timeout-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-output-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * append-output-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-output-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-output-procedure ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-timeout-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * closed-input-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * close-input-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * get-output-string ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * close-output-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * flush-output-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * reset-string-port ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * reset-eof ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * set-input-port-position! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-position ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-fill-barrier ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-fill-barrier-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-last-token-position ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-name ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-name-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * set-output-port-position! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-position ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-isatty? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-name ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-name-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-length ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-close-hook ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * closed-output-port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-close-hook-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-flush-hook ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-flush-hook-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-flush-buffer ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-flush-buffer-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-close-hook ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-close-hook-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-seek ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-seek-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-buffer ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * input-port-buffer-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-buffer ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-buffer-set! ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * file-exists? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * file-gzip? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * delete-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * make-directory ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * make-directories ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * delete-directory ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * rename-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * truncate-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * output-port-truncate ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * copy-file ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * port? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * directory? ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * directory->list ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * directory->path-list ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-modification-time@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-change-time@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-access-time@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-times-set!@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-size@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-gid@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-mode@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * @deffn file-type@ ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * make-symlink ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * select ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * open-pipes ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ * lockf ... */ *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* serrano / prgm / project / bigloo / / runtime / Ieee / port.scm * / * Author : * / * Creation : Mon Feb 20 16:53:27 1995 * / * Last change : Fri Feb 18 08:54:26 2022 ( serrano ) * / * 6.10.1 Ports ( page 29 , r4 ) * / (module __r4_ports_6_10_1 (import __error __bexit __r4_input_6_10_2 __object __thread __param __gunzip __url __http __ftp) (use __type __bigloo __tvector __socket __os __binary __base64 __bignum __rgc __bit __r4_vectors_6_8 __r4_strings_6_7 __r4_characters_6_6 __r4_control_features_6_9 __r4_numbers_6_5 __r4_numbers_6_5_fixnum __r4_numbers_6_5_flonum __r4_numbers_6_5_flonum_dtoa __r4_equivalence_6_2 __r4_booleans_6_1 __r4_symbols_6_4 __r4_pairs_and_lists_6_3 __r4_output_6_10_3 __r5_control_features_6_4 __evenv) (extern (macro c-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORTP") (macro c-input-string-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_STRING_PORTP") (macro c-input-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (macro c-input-gzip-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_GZIP_PORTP") (macro c-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORTP") (macro c-output-string-port?::bool (::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_STRING_PORTP") (macro c-output-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (macro c-current-output-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT") (macro c-current-error-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_ERROR_PORT") (macro c-current-input-port::input-port (::dynamic-env) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_INPUT_PORT") (macro c-current-output-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT_SET") (macro c-current-error-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_ERROR_PORT_SET") (macro c-current-input-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::input-port) "BGL_ENV_CURRENT_INPUT_PORT_SET") (macro c-input-gzip-port-input-port::input-port (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_GZIP_PORT_INPUT_PORT") ($open-input-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_file") ($open-input-descriptor::obj (::int ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_descriptor") ($open-input-pipe::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_pipe") ($open-input-resource::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_resource") ($open-input-c-string::obj (::string) "bgl_open_input_c_string") ($reopen-input-c-string::obj (::input-port ::string) "bgl_reopen_input_c_string") ($open-input-substring::input-port (::bstring ::long ::long) "bgl_open_input_substring") ($open-input-substring!::input-port (::bstring ::long ::long) "bgl_open_input_substring_bang") ($open-input-procedure::input-port (::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_procedure") ($input-port-timeout-set!::bool (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_timeout_set") ($output-port-timeout-set!::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_timeout_set") ($open-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_file") ($append-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_append_output_file") ($open-output-string::output-port (::bstring) "bgl_open_output_string") ($open-output-procedure::obj (::procedure ::procedure ::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_procedure") ($close-input-port::obj (::obj) "bgl_close_input_port") ($input-port-reopen!::obj (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_reopen") ($input-port-clone!::input-port (::input-port ::input-port) "bgl_input_port_clone") ($set-input-port-position!::void (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_seek") (macro c-input-port-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (macro $input-port-fill-barrier::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER") (macro $input-port-fill-barrier-set!::void (::input-port ::long) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER_SET") (macro $input-port-length::elong (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH") (macro $input-port-length-set!::void (::input-port ::elong) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH_SET") (macro c-input-port-last-token-position::elong (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_TOKENPOS") (macro c-input-port-bufsiz::long (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFSIZ") (macro c-closed-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORT_CLOSEP") (macro $closed-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_CLOSEP") (macro c-output-port-position::long (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (c-set-output-port-position!::obj (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_seek") ($close-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_close_output_port") (c-get-output-string::bstring (::output-port)"get_output_string") (c-default-io-bufsiz::long "default_io_bufsiz") (c-reset-eof::bool (::obj) "reset_eof") (macro c-flush-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_flush_output_port") (macro $reset-output-string-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_string_port") (macro $reset-output-port-error::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_port_error") (c-fexists?::bool (::string) "fexists") (macro c-delete-file::bool (::string) "unlink") (macro c-delete-directory::bool (::string) "rmdir") (macro c-rename-file::int (::string ::string) "rename") (macro $truncate-file::int (::string ::long) "truncate") (macro $ftruncate::int (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_truncate") (macro c-mkdir::bool (::string ::long) "!BGL_MKDIR") (macro $port-isatty?::bool (::output-port) "bgl_port_isatty") (macro $output-port-name::bstring (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME") (macro $output-port-name-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (macro $input-port-name::bstring (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (macro $input-port-name-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "INPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (macro c-output-port-chook::obj (::output-port) "PORT_CHOOK") (macro c-output-port-chook-set!::void (::output-port ::procedure) "PORT_CHOOK_SET") (macro $output-port-fhook::obj (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK") (macro $output-port-fhook-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK_SET") (macro $output-port-flushbuf::obj (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF") (macro $output-port-flushbuf-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF_SET") (macro $input-port-chook::obj (::input-port) "PORT_CHOOK") (macro $input-port-chook-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "PORT_CHOOK_SET") (macro $input-port-useek::obj (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_USEEK") (macro $input-port-useek-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_USEEK_SET") (macro $input-port-buffer::bstring (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (macro $input-port-buffer-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "bgl_input_port_buffer_set") (macro $output-port-buffer::bstring (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (macro $output-port-buffer-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "bgl_output_port_buffer_set") ($directory?::bool (::string) "bgl_directoryp") ($directory->list::obj (::string) "bgl_directory_to_list") ($directory->path-list::obj (::string ::int ::char) "bgl_directory_to_path_list") ($modification-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_modification_time") ($change-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_change_time") ($access-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_access_time") ($utime::int (::string ::elong ::elong) "bgl_utime") ($file-size::elong (::string) "bgl_file_size") ($file-uid::long (::string) "bgl_file_uid") ($file-gid::long (::string) "bgl_file_gid") ($file-mode::long (::string) "bgl_file_mode") ($file-type::symbol (::string) "bgl_file_type") ($symlink::int (::string ::string) "bgl_symlink") ($select::pair-nil (::long ::pair-nil ::pair-nil ::pair-nil) "bgl_select") ($open-pipes::obj (::obj) "bgl_open_pipes") ($lockf::bool (::output-port ::int ::long) "bgl_lockf") (macro $F_LOCK::int "F_LOCK") (macro $F_TLOCK::int "F_TLOCK") (macro $F_ULOCK::int "F_ULOCK") (macro $F_TEST::int "F_TEST")) (java (class foreign (method static c-input-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PORTP") (method static c-input-string-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_STRING_PORTP") (method static c-input-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (method static c-input-gzip-port?::bool (::obj) "INPUT_GZIP_PORTP") (method static c-output-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PORTP") (method static c-output-string-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_STRING_PORTP") (method static c-output-procedure-port?::bool (::obj) "OUTPUT_PROCEDURE_PORTP") (field static c-default-io-bufsiz::int "default_io_bufsiz") (method static c-current-output-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentOutputPort") (method static c-current-error-port::output-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentErrorPort") (method static c-current-input-port::input-port (::dynamic-env) "getCurrentInputPort") (method static c-current-output-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "setCurrentOutputPort") (method static c-current-error-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::output-port) "setCurrentErrorPort") (method static c-current-input-port-set!::void (::dynamic-env ::input-port) "setCurrentInputPort") (method static $open-input-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_file") (method static $open-input-descriptor::obj (::int ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_descriptor") (method static $open-input-pipe::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_pipe") (method static $open-input-resource::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_resource") (method static $open-input-c-string::obj (::string) "bgl_open_input_c_string") (method static $reopen-input-c-string::obj (::input-port ::string) "bgl_reopen_input_c_string") (method static $open-input-substring::input-port (::bstring ::int ::int) "bgl_open_input_substring") (method static $open-input-substring!::input-port (::bstring ::int ::int) "bgl_open_input_substring_bang") (method static $open-input-procedure::obj (::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_input_procedure") (method static $input-port-timeout-set!::bool (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_timeout_set") (method static $output-port-timeout-set!::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_timeout_set") (method static $open-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_file") (method static $append-output-file::obj (::bstring ::bstring) "bgl_append_output_file") (method static $open-output-string::output-port (::bstring) "bgl_open_output_string") (method static $open-output-procedure::obj (::procedure ::procedure ::procedure ::bstring) "bgl_open_output_procedure") (method static $close-input-port::obj (::input-port) "bgl_close_input_port") (method static $input-port-reopen!::obj (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_reopen") (method static $input-port-clone!::input-port (::input-port ::input-port) "bgl_input_port_clone") (method static $set-input-port-position!::void (::input-port ::long) "bgl_input_port_seek") (method static c-set-output-port-position!::obj (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_seek") (method static c-input-port-bufsiz::int (::input-port) "bgl_input_port_bufsiz") (method static c-closed-input-port?::bool (::input-port) "CLOSED_RGC_BUFFER") (method static $closed-output-port?::bool (::output-port) "CLOSED_OUTPUT_PORT") (method static $close-output-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_close_output_port") (method static c-get-output-string::bstring (::output-port) "get_output_string") (method static c-reset-eof::bool (::obj) "reset_eof") (method static c-flush-output-port::obj (::output-port) "FLUSH_OUTPUT_PORT") (method static $reset-output-string-port::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_string_port") (method static $reset-output-port-error::obj (::output-port) "bgl_reset_output_port_error") (method static c-fexists?::bool (::string) "fexists") (method static c-delete-file::bool (::string) "unlink") (method static c-delete-directory::bool (::string) "rmdir") (method static c-rename-file::int (::string ::string) "rename") (method static $truncate-file::int (::string ::long) "truncate") (method static $ftruncate::bool (::output-port ::long) "bgl_output_port_truncate") (method static c-mkdir::bool (::string ::int) "mkdir") (method static c-output-port-position::long (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (method static c-input-port-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILEPOS") (method static $input-port-fill-barrier::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER") (method static $input-port-fill-barrier-set!::void (::input-port ::long) "INPUT_PORT_FILLBARRIER_SET") (method static $input-port-length::elong (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH") (method static $input-port-length-set!::void (::input-port ::elong) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_LENGTH_SET") (method static c-input-port-last-token-position::long (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_TOKENPOS") (method static $input-port-name-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $input-port-name::bstring (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $output-port-name::bstring (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME") (method static $output-port-name-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_SET") (method static c-output-port-chook::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_CHOOK") (method static c-output-port-chook-set!::void (::output-port ::procedure) "OUTPUT_PORT_CHOOK_SET") (method static $output-port-fhook::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK") (method static $output-port-fhook-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_FHOOK_SET") (method static $output-port-flushbuf::obj (::output-port) "OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF") (method static $output-port-flushbuf-set!::void (::output-port ::obj) "OUTPUT_PORT_FLUSHBUF_SET") (method static $input-port-chook::obj (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_CHOOK") (method static $input-port-chook-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "INPUT_PORT_CHOOK_SET") (method static $input-port-useek::obj (::input-port) "INPUT_PORT_USEEK") (method static $input-port-useek-set!::void (::input-port ::procedure) "INPUT_PORT_USEEK_SET") (method static $input-port-buffer::bstring (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (method static $input-port-buffer-set!::void (::input-port ::bstring) "bgl_input_port_buffer_set") (method static $output-port-buffer::bstring (::output-port) "BGL_OUTPUT_PORT_BUFFER") (method static $output-port-buffer-set!::void (::output-port ::bstring) "bgl_output_port_buffer_set") (method static c-input-gzip-port-input-port::input-port (::input-port) "BGL_INPUT_GZIP_PORT_INPUT_PORT") (method static $directory?::bool (::string) "bgl_directoryp") (method static $directory->list::obj (::string) "bgl_directory_to_list") (method static $modification-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_modification_time") (method static $change-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_change_time") (method static $access-time::elong (::string) "bgl_last_access_time") (method static $utime::int (::string ::elong ::elong) "bgl_utime") (method static $file-size::elong (::string) "bgl_file_size") (method static $file-uid::int (::string) "bgl_file_uid") (method static $file-gid::int (::string) "bgl_file_gid") (method static $file-mode::int (::string) "bgl_file_mode") (method static $file-type::symbol (::string) "bgl_file_type") (method static $symlink::int (::string ::string) "bgl_symlink") (method static $select::pair-nil (::long ::pair-nil ::pair-nil ::pair-nil) "bgl_select") (method static $open-pipes::obj (::obj) "bgl_open_pipes"))) (export (call-with-input-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-input-string ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-output-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-append-file ::bstring ::procedure) (call-with-output-string::bstring ::procedure) (inline input-port? ::obj) (inline input-string-port? ::obj) (inline input-procedure-port? ::obj) (inline input-gzip-port? ::obj) (inline output-port? ::obj) (inline port?::bool ::obj) (inline output-string-port? ::obj) (inline output-procedure-port? ::obj) (inline current-input-port::input-port) (inline current-error-port::output-port) (inline current-output-port::output-port) (with-input-from-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-input-from-string ::bstring ::procedure) (with-input-from-port ::input-port ::procedure) (with-input-from-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (with-output-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-append-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-output-to-string::bstring ::procedure) (with-error-to-string::bstring ::procedure) (with-output-to-port ::output-port ::procedure) (with-output-to-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (with-error-to-file ::bstring ::procedure) (with-error-to-port ::output-port ::procedure) (with-error-to-procedure ::procedure ::procedure) (open-input-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t) (timeout 5000000)) (open-input-descriptor ::int #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-input-string::input-port string::bstring #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (open-input-string!::input-port string::bstring #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (open-input-procedure ::procedure #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-input-gzip-port ::input-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (inline input-port-timeout-set! ::input-port ::long) (inline open-input-c-string ::string) (inline reopen-input-c-string ::input-port ::string) (open-output-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (append-output-file ::bstring #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-output-string::output-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (open-output-procedure ::procedure #!optional (flush::procedure (lambda () #f)) (bufinfo #t) (close::procedure (lambda () #f))) (inline output-port-timeout-set! ::output-port ::long) (inline closed-input-port?::bool ::input-port) (inline close-input-port ::input-port) (inline get-output-string::bstring ::output-port) (inline close-output-port ::output-port) (inline flush-output-port ::output-port) (inline reset-output-port ::output-port) (inline reset-eof::bool ::input-port) (inline output-port-name::bstring ::output-port) (inline output-port-name-set! ::output-port ::bstring) (inline output-port-position::long ::output-port) (inline output-port-isatty?::bool ::output-port) (inline set-output-port-position! ::output-port ::long) (set-input-port-position! ::input-port ::long) (inline input-port-position::long ::input-port) (inline input-port-fill-barrier ::input-port) (inline input-port-fill-barrier-set! ::input-port ::long) (inline input-port-last-token-position::long ::input-port) (inline input-port-reopen! ::input-port) (inline input-port-clone! ::input-port ::input-port) (inline input-port-name::bstring ::input-port) (inline input-port-name-set! ::input-port ::bstring) (inline input-port-length::elong ::input-port) (inline output-port-close-hook::obj ::output-port) (inline closed-output-port?::bool ::output-port) (output-port-close-hook-set! ::output-port ::procedure) (inline output-port-flush-hook::obj ::output-port) (output-port-flush-hook-set! ::output-port ::obj) (inline output-port-flush-buffer::obj ::output-port) (inline output-port-flush-buffer-set! ::output-port ::obj) (inline input-port-close-hook::obj ::input-port) (input-port-close-hook-set! ::input-port ::procedure) (inline input-port-seek::procedure ::input-port) (input-port-seek-set! ::input-port ::procedure) (inline input-port-buffer::bstring ::input-port) (inline input-port-buffer-set! ::input-port ::bstring) (inline output-port-buffer::bstring ::output-port) (inline output-port-buffer-set! ::output-port ::bstring) (inline file-exists?::bool ::string) (file-gzip? name) (inline delete-file ::string) (inline make-directory::bool ::string) (make-directories::bool ::bstring) (inline delete-directory ::string) (inline rename-file::bool ::string ::string) (inline truncate-file::bool ::string ::long) (inline output-port-truncate::bool ::output-port ::long) (copy-file ::string ::string) (inline directory?::bool ::string) (inline directory->list ::string) (directory->path-list ::bstring) (inline file-modification-time::elong ::string) (inline file-change-time::elong ::string) (inline file-access-time::elong ::string) (inline file-times-set!::int ::string ::elong ::elong) (inline file-size::elong ::string) (inline file-uid::int ::string) (inline file-gid::int ::string) (inline file-mode::int ::string) (inline file-type::symbol ::string) (inline make-symlink ::bstring ::bstring) (inline select::pair-nil #!key (timeout 0) (read '()) (write '()) (except '())) (inline open-pipes #!optional name) (input-port-protocol prototcol) (input-port-protocol-set! protocol open) (get-port-buffer::bstring ::obj ::obj ::int) (lockf::bool ::output-port ::symbol #!optional (len 0))) (pragma (c-input-port? (predicate-of input-port) nesting) (c-output-port? (predicate-of output-port) nesting) (c-output-string-port? nesting) (c-input-string-port? nesting) (file-exists? side-effect-free nesting))) (define (call-with-input-file string proc) (let ((port (open-input-file string))) (if (input-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-input-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-input-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (call-with-input-string string proc) (let ((port (open-input-string string))) (let ((res (proc port))) (close-input-port port) res))) (define (call-with-output-file string proc) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-output-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-output-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (call-with-append-file string proc) (let ((port (append-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (unwind-protect (proc port) (close-output-port port)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "call-with-append-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (call-with-output-string proc) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (proc port) (close-output-port port))) (define-inline (input-port? obj) (c-input-port? obj)) (define-inline (input-string-port? obj) (c-input-string-port? obj)) (define-inline (input-procedure-port? obj) (c-input-procedure-port? obj)) (define-inline (input-gzip-port? obj) (c-input-gzip-port? obj)) (define-inline (output-port? obj) (c-output-port? obj)) (define-inline (output-string-port? obj) (c-output-string-port? obj)) (define-inline (output-procedure-port? obj) (c-output-procedure-port? obj)) (define-inline (current-input-port) (c-current-input-port ($current-dynamic-env))) (define-inline (current-output-port) (c-current-output-port ($current-dynamic-env))) (define-inline (current-error-port) (c-current-error-port ($current-dynamic-env))) (define-inline (input-port-reopen! port::input-port) (unless ($input-port-reopen! port) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-reopen!" "Cannot reopen port" port))) (define-inline (input-port-clone! dst::input-port src::input-port) ($input-port-clone! dst src)) (define (with-input-from-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-input-file string))) (if (input-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-input-from-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (with-input-from-string string thunk) (let* ((port (open-input-string string)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port))))) (define (with-input-from-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port)))) (define (with-input-from-procedure proc thunk) (let ((port (open-input-procedure proc))) (if (input-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-input-port (c-current-input-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-input-port-set! denv old-input-port) (close-input-port port)))) (error "with-input-from-procedure" "can't open procedure" proc)))) (define (with-output-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-output-to-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (with-append-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (append-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "with-output-to-file" "can't open file" string)))) (define (with-output-to-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port)))) (define (with-output-to-string thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-string)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) (define (with-output-to-procedure proc thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-procedure proc)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-output-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-output-port-set! denv old-output-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) (define (with-error-to-string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-error-port (c-current-error-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-error-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error 'with-error-to-string "can't open string" #unspecified)))) (define (with-error-to-file string thunk) (let ((port (open-output-file string))) (if (output-port? port) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-error-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-output-port) (close-output-port port)))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error 'with-error-to-file "can't open file" string)))) (define (with-error-to-port port thunk) (let* ((denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-output-port (c-current-error-port denv))) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-output-port)))) (define (with-error-to-procedure proc thunk) (let* ((port (open-output-procedure proc)) (denv ($current-dynamic-env)) (old-error-port (c-current-error-port denv)) (res #unspecified)) (unwind-protect (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv port) (thunk)) (begin (c-current-error-port-set! denv old-error-port) (set! res (close-output-port port)))) res)) (define *input-port-protocols-mutex* (make-mutex "input-port-protocols")) (define *input-port-protocols* `(("file:" . ,%open-input-file) ("string:" . ,(lambda (s p tmt) (open-input-string s))) ("| " . ,%open-input-pipe) ("pipe:" . ,%open-input-pipe) ("http://" . ,%open-input-http-socket) ("gzip:" . ,open-input-gzip-file) ("zlib:" . ,open-input-zlib-file) ("inflate:" . ,open-input-inflate-file) ("/resource/" . ,%open-input-resource) ("ftp://" . ,open-input-ftp-file) ("fd:" . ,%open-input-descriptor))) (define (input-port-protocols) (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (reverse! (reverse *input-port-protocols*)))) (define (input-port-protocol prototcol) (let ((cell (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (assoc prototcol *input-port-protocols*)))) (if (pair? cell) (cdr cell) #f))) (define (input-port-protocol-set! protocol open) (synchronize *input-port-protocols-mutex* (unless (and (procedure? open) (correct-arity? open 3)) (error "input-port-protocol-set!" "Illegal open procedure for protocol" protocol)) (let ((c (assoc protocol *input-port-protocols*))) (if (pair? c) (set-cdr! c open) (set! *input-port-protocols* (cons (cons protocol open) *input-port-protocols*))))) open) (define (get-port-buffer who bufinfo defsiz) (cond ((eq? bufinfo #t) ($make-string/wo-fill defsiz)) ((eq? bufinfo #f) ($make-string/wo-fill 2)) ((string? bufinfo) bufinfo) ((fixnum? bufinfo) (if (>=fx bufinfo 2) ($make-string/wo-fill bufinfo) ($make-string/wo-fill 2))) (else (error who "Illegal buffer" bufinfo)))) (define (%open-input-file string buf tmt) ($open-input-file string buf)) (define (%open-input-descriptor string buf tmt) (let ((fd (string->integer (substring string 3)))) ($open-input-descriptor fd buf))) (define-inline (%open-input-pipe string bufinfo tmt) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-pipe" bufinfo 1024))) ($open-input-pipe string buf))) (define (%open-input-resource file bufinfo tmt) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-input-resource file buf))) (define (%open-input-http-socket string bufinfo timeout) (define (parser ip status-code header clen tenc) (when (and (>=fx status-code 200) (<=fx status-code 299)) (cond ((not (input-port? ip)) (open-input-string "")) ((and (elong? clen) (>elong clen 0)) (input-port-fill-barrier-set! ip (elong->fixnum clen)) ($input-port-length-set! ip clen) ip) (else ip)))) (multiple-value-bind (protocol login host port abspath) (url-sans-protocol-parse string "http") (let loop ((ip #f) (header '((user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0") (Connection: close)))) (let* ((sock (http :host host :port port :login login :path abspath :timeout timeout :header header)) (op (socket-output sock))) (if (input-port? ip) (input-port-clone! ip (socket-input sock)) (set! ip (socket-input sock))) (input-port-close-hook-set! ip (lambda (ip) (close-output-port op) (socket-close sock))) (input-port-seek-set! ip (lambda (ip offset) (socket-close sock) (let ((r (string-append "bytes=" (integer->string offset) "-"))) (loop ip `((range: ,r) (user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0")))))) (with-handler (lambda (e) (socket-close sock) (when (isa? e &http-redirection) (with-access::&http-redirection e (url) (open-input-file url bufinfo)))) (http-parse-response ip op parser)))))) (define (open-input-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t) (timeout 5000000)) (let ((buffer (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) (let loop ((protos *input-port-protocols*)) (if (null? protos) (%open-input-file string buffer timeout) (let* ((cell (car protos)) (ident (car cell)) (l (string-length ident)) (open (cdr cell))) (if (substring=? string ident l) (let ((name (substring string l (string-length string)))) (open name buffer timeout)) (loop (cdr protos)))))))) (define (open-input-descriptor fd #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buffer (get-port-buffer "open-input-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-input-descriptor fd buffer))) (define (open-input-string string #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (cond ((<fx start 0) (error "open-input-string" "Illegal start offset" start)) ((>fx start (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string" "Start offset out of bounds" start)) ((>fx start end) (error "open-input-string" "Start offset greater than end" start)) ((>fx end (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string" "End offset out of bounds" end)) (else ($open-input-substring string start end)))) (define (open-input-string! string #!optional (start 0) (end (string-length string))) (cond ((<fx start 0) (error "open-input-string!" "Illegal start offset" start)) ((>fx start (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string!" "Start offset out of bounds" start)) ((>fx start end) (error "open-input-string!" "Start offset greater than end" start)) ((>fx end (string-length string)) (error "open-input-string!" "End offset out of bounds" end)) (else ($open-input-substring! string start end)))) (define (open-input-procedure proc #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-procedure" bufinfo 1024))) ($open-input-procedure proc buf))) (define (open-input-gzip-port in::input-port #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-input-gzip-port" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) (port->gzip-port in buf))) (define-inline (open-input-c-string string) ($open-input-c-string string)) (define-inline (reopen-input-c-string port::input-port string) ($reopen-input-c-string port string)) (define-inline (input-port-timeout-set! port::input-port timeout::long) ($input-port-timeout-set! port timeout)) (define (open-output-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($open-output-file string buf))) (define (append-output-file string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "append-output-file" bufinfo c-default-io-bufsiz))) ($append-output-file string buf))) (define (open-output-string #!optional (bufinfo #t)) (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-file" bufinfo 128))) ($open-output-string buf))) (define (open-output-procedure proc #!optional (flush::procedure (lambda () #f)) (bufinfo #t) (close::procedure (lambda () #f))) (cond ((not (correct-arity? proc 1)) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal write procedure" proc)) ((or (not (procedure? flush)) (not (correct-arity? flush 0))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal flush procedure" flush)) ((or (not (procedure? close)) (not (correct-arity? close 0))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "open-output-procedure" "Illegal close procedure" flush)) (else (let ((buf (get-port-buffer "open-output-procedure" bufinfo 128))) ($open-output-procedure proc flush close buf))))) (define-inline (output-port-timeout-set! port::output-port timeout::long) ($output-port-timeout-set! port timeout)) (define-inline (closed-input-port? port) (c-closed-input-port? port)) (define-inline (close-input-port port) ($close-input-port port)) (define-inline (get-output-string port) (c-get-output-string port)) (define-inline (close-output-port port) ($close-output-port port)) (define-inline (flush-output-port port) (c-flush-output-port port)) (define-inline (reset-output-port port) ($reset-output-port-error port) (if (c-output-string-port? port) ($reset-output-string-port port) (flush-output-port port))) (define-inline (reset-eof port) (c-reset-eof port)) (define (set-input-port-position! port::input-port pos::long) (let ((useek ($input-port-useek port))) (if (procedure? useek) (useek port pos) ($set-input-port-position! port pos))) #unspecified) (define-inline (input-port-position port) (c-input-port-position port)) (define-inline (input-port-fill-barrier port::input-port) ($input-port-fill-barrier port)) (define-inline (input-port-fill-barrier-set! port::input-port pos::long) ($input-port-fill-barrier-set! port pos) pos) (define-inline (input-port-last-token-position port) (c-input-port-last-token-position port)) (define-inline (output-port-name port) ($output-port-name port)) (define-inline (output-port-name-set! port name) ($output-port-name-set! port name)) (define-inline (set-output-port-position! port::output-port pos::long) (unless (c-set-output-port-position! port pos) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "set-output-port-position!" "Cannot seek port" port))) (define-inline (output-port-position port) (c-output-port-position port)) (define-inline (output-port-isatty? port) (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($port-isatty? port)) (else #t))) (define-inline (input-port-name port) ($input-port-name port)) (define-inline (input-port-name-set! port name) ($input-port-name-set! port name)) (define-inline (input-port-length port) ($input-port-length port)) (define-inline (output-port-close-hook port) (c-output-port-chook port)) (define-inline (closed-output-port? port) ($closed-output-port? port)) (define (output-port-close-hook-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 1))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "output-port-close-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin (c-output-port-chook-set! port proc) proc))) (define-inline (output-port-flush-hook port) ($output-port-fhook port)) (define (output-port-flush-hook-set! port proc) (if (and (procedure? proc) (not (correct-arity? proc 2))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "output-port-flush-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin ($output-port-fhook-set! port proc) proc))) (define-inline (output-port-flush-buffer port) ($output-port-flushbuf port)) (define-inline (output-port-flush-buffer-set! port buf) ($output-port-flushbuf-set! port buf) buf) (define-inline (input-port-close-hook port) ($input-port-chook port)) (define (input-port-close-hook-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 1))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-close-hook-set!" "Illegal hook" proc) (begin ($input-port-chook-set! port proc) proc))) (define-inline (input-port-seek port) ($input-port-useek port)) (define (input-port-seek-set! port proc) (if (not (and (procedure? proc) (correct-arity? proc 2))) (error/errno $errno-io-port-error "input-port-seek-set!" "Illegal seek procedure" proc) (begin ($input-port-useek-set! port proc) proc))) (define-inline (input-port-buffer port) ($input-port-buffer port)) (define-inline (input-port-buffer-set! port buffer) (begin ($input-port-buffer-set! port buffer) port)) (define-inline (output-port-buffer port) ($output-port-buffer port)) (define-inline (output-port-buffer-set! port buffer) (begin ($output-port-buffer-set! port buffer) port)) (define-inline (file-exists? name) (c-fexists? name)) (define (file-gzip? name) (and (file-exists? name) (with-input-from-file name (lambda () (with-handler (lambda (e) #f) (gunzip-parse-header (current-input-port))))))) (define-inline (delete-file string) (not (c-delete-file string))) (define-inline (make-directory string) (c-mkdir string #o777)) (define (make-directories string) (or (directory? string) (make-directory string) (let ((dname (dirname string))) (if (or (=fx (string-length dname) 0) (file-exists? dname)) #f (let ((aux (make-directories dname))) (if (char=? (string-ref string (-fx (string-length string) 1)) (file-separator)) aux (make-directory string))))))) (define-inline (delete-directory string) (not (c-delete-directory string))) (define-inline (rename-file string1 string2) (if (eq? (c-rename-file string1 string2) 0) #t #f)) (define-inline (truncate-file path size) ($truncate-file path size)) (define-inline (output-port-truncate oport size) ($ftruncate oport size)) (define (copy-file string1 string2) (let ((pi (open-input-binary-file string1))) (when (binary-port? pi) (let ((po (open-output-binary-file string2))) (if (not (binary-port? po)) (begin (close-binary-port pi) #f) (let ((s (make-string 1024))) (let loop ((l (input-fill-string! pi s))) (if (=fx l 1024) (begin (output-string po s) (loop (input-fill-string! pi s))) (begin (output-string po (string-shrink! s l)) (close-binary-port pi) (close-binary-port po) #t))))))))) (define-inline (port? obj) (or (output-port? obj) (input-port? obj))) (define-inline (directory? string) ($directory? string)) (define-inline (directory->list string) ($directory->list string)) (define (directory->path-list dir) (let ((l (string-length dir))) (cond ((=fx l 0) '()) ((char=? (string-ref dir (-fx l 1)) (file-separator)) (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($directory->path-list dir (-fx l 1) (file-separator))) (else (map! (lambda (f) (string-append dir f)) (directory->list dir))))) (else (cond-expand (bigloo-c ($directory->path-list dir l (file-separator))) (else (map! (lambda (f) (make-file-name dir f)) (directory->list dir)))))))) (define-inline (file-modification-time file) ($modification-time file)) (define-inline (file-change-time file) ($change-time file)) (define-inline (file-access-time file) ($access-time file)) (define-inline (file-times-set! file atime mtime) ($utime file atime mtime)) (define-inline (file-size file) ($file-size file)) * @deffn file - uid@ ... * / (define-inline (file-uid file) ($file-uid file)) (define-inline (file-gid file) ($file-gid file)) (define-inline (file-mode file) ($file-mode file)) (define-inline (file-type file) ($file-type file)) (define-inline (make-symlink path1 path2) ($symlink path1 path2)) (define-inline (select #!key (timeout 0) (read '()) (write '()) (except '())) ($select timeout read write except)) (define-inline (open-pipes #!optional name) ($open-pipes name)) (define (lockf port cmd #!optional (len 0)) (cond-expand (bigloo-c (case cmd ((lock) ($lockf port $F_LOCK len)) ((tlock) ($lockf port $F_TLOCK len)) ((ulock) ($lockf port $F_ULOCK len)) ((test) ($lockf port $F_TEST len)) (else (error "lockf" "Bad command" cmd)))) (else #f)))
{-| This module provides types to be used with "Line.Messaging.API". -} # LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields # # LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # module Line.Messaging.API.Types ( -- * Common types -- | Re-exported for convenience. module Line.Messaging.Common.Types, -- * Message types Messageable, Message (..), -- ** Text Text (..), -- ** Image Image (..), -- ** Video Video (..), -- ** Audio Audio (..), -- ** Location Location (..), -- ** Sticker Sticker (..), -- ** Image map ImageMap (..), ImageMapAction (..), ImageMapArea, -- ** Template Template (..), Buttons (..), Confirm (..), Carousel (..), ImageCarousel (..), Column (..), ImageColumn (..), Label, TemplateAction (..), DatetimeMode (..), -- * Profile Profile (..), -- * Error types APIError (..), APIErrorBody (..), ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Exception (SomeException) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Value(..), object, (.:), (.=)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Line.Messaging.Common.Types import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL -- | A type class representing types to be converted into 'Message'. -- -- It has @toType@ and @toObject@ as its minimal complete definition, but it -- is not recommended to define any extra instance, as the new type may not work -- with the LINE APIs. -- -- About existing messageable types, please refer to the following instances. -- Each instance is matched with a message object described in -- <-api/reference/#message-objects the LINE documentation>. class Messageable a where toType :: a -> T.Text toObject :: a -> [Pair] toValue :: a -> Value toValue a = object $ ("type" .= toType a) : toObject a -- | A type representing a message to be sent. -- The data constructor converts ' ' into ' Message ' . It allows different types of ' ' to be sent through a single API call . -- -- An example usage is like below. -- -- @ -- pushTextAndImage :: ID -> APIIO () -- pushTextAndImage identifier = push identifier [ -- Message $ 'Text' "hello", -- Message $ 'Image' "" "" -- ] -- @ data Message = forall a. (Show a, Messageable a) => Message a deriving instance Show Message instance ToJSON Message where toJSON (Message m) = toValue m | ' ' for text data . -- -- It contains 'T.Text' of "Data.Text". Its corresponding JSON spec is described -- <-api/reference/#text here>. -- -- This type is also used to decode text event message from webhook request. -- About the webhook usage, please refer to -- <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in -- "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". newtype Text = Text { getText :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON Text where parseJSON (Object v) = Text <$> v .: "text" parseJSON (String text) = return $ Text text parseJSON _ = fail "Text" instance Messageable Text where toType _ = "text" toObject (Text text) = [ "text" .= text ] | ' ' for image data . -- -- It contains URLs of an original image and its preview. Its corresponding JSON -- spec is described <-api/reference/#image here>. data Image = Image { getURL :: URL , getPreviewURL :: URL } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Image where toType _ = "image" toObject (Image original preview) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "previewImageUrl" .= preview ] | ' ' for video data . -- -- It contains URLs of an original video and its preview. Its corresponding JSON -- spec is described <-api/reference/#video here>. data Video = Video { getURL :: URL , getPreviewURL :: URL } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Video where toType _ = "video" toObject (Video original preview) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "previewImageUrl" .= preview ] | ' ' for audio data . -- -- It contains a URL of an audio, and its duration in milliseconds. Its -- corresponding JSON spec is described -- <-api/reference/#audio here>. data Audio = Audio { getURL :: URL , getDuration :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Audio where toType _ = "audio" toObject (Audio original duration) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "duration" .= duration ] | ' ' for location data . -- -- It contains a title, address, and geographic coordination of a location. -- Its corresponding JSON spec is described -- <-api/reference/#location here>. -- -- This type is also used to decode location event message from webhook request. -- About the webhook usage, please refer to -- <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in -- "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". data Location = Location { getTitle :: T.Text , getAddress :: T.Text , getLatitude :: Double , getLongitude :: Double } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Location where parseJSON (Object v) = Location <$> v .: "title" <*> v .: "address" <*> v .: "latitude" <*> v .: "longitude" parseJSON _ = fail "Location" instance Messageable Location where toType _ = "location" toObject (Location title address latitude longitude) = [ "title" .= title , "address" .= address , "latitude" .= latitude , "longitude" .= longitude ] | ' ' for sticker data . -- -- It contains its package and sticker ID. Its corresponding JSON spec is -- described <-api/reference/#sticker here>. -- -- This type is also used to decode sticker event message from webhook request. -- About the webhook usage, please refer to -- <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in -- "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". data Sticker = Sticker { getPackageID :: ID , getStickerID :: ID } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Sticker where parseJSON (Object v) = Sticker <$> v .: "packageId" <*> v .: "stickerId" parseJSON _ = fail "Sticker" instance Messageable Sticker where toType _ = "sticker" toObject (Sticker packageId stickerId) = [ "packageId" .= packageId , "stickerId" .= stickerId ] | ' ' for image map data . -- -- About how to send an image map message and what each field means, please -- refer to -- <-api/reference/#imagemap-message image map message spec>. data ImageMap = ImageMap { getBaseImageURL :: URL -- ^ <-api/reference/#base-url Base URL> of images , getAltText :: T.Text -- ^ Alt text for devices not supporting image map , getBaseImageSize :: (Integer, Integer) -- ^ Image size tuple, (width, height) specifically. -- The width to be set to 1040, the height to be set to -- the value corresponding to a width of 1040. , getActions :: [ImageMapAction] -- ^ Actions to be executed when each area is tapped } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable ImageMap where toType _ = "imagemap" toObject (ImageMap url alt (w, h) as) = [ "baseUrl" .= url , "altText" .= alt , "baseSize" .= object [ "width" .= w , "height" .= h ] , "actions" .= toJSON as ] -- | A type representing actions when a specific area of an image map is tapped. -- -- It contains action data and area information. data ImageMapAction = IMURIAction URL ImageMapArea -- ^ Open a web page when an area is tapped. | IMMessageAction T.Text ImageMapArea -- ^ Send a text message from the user who tapped an area. deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageMapAction where toJSON (IMURIAction uri area) = object [ "type" .= ("uri" :: T.Text) , "linkUri" .= uri , "area" .= toAreaJSON area ] toJSON (IMMessageAction text area) = object [ "type" .= ("message" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "area" .= toAreaJSON area ] -- | A type representing a tappable area in an image map -- -- Each component means (x, y, width, height) correspondingly. type ImageMapArea = (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) toAreaJSON :: ImageMapArea -> Value toAreaJSON (x, y, w, h) = object [ "x" .= x, "y" .= y, "width" .= w, "height" .= h ] | ' ' for template data . -- -- It has a type parameter @t@ which means a template content type. The type is polymolphic , but ' ' instances are defined only for ' Buttons ' , ' Confirm ' , ' Carousel ' , and ' ImageCarousel ' . -- -- About how to send template message and what each field means, please -- refer to -- <-api/reference/#template-messages template message spec>. data Template t = Template { getAltText :: T.Text -- ^ Alt text for devices not supporting template message , getTemplateContent :: t -- ^ Template content type } deriving (Eq, Show) templateType :: Template a -> T.Text templateType _ = "template" templateToObject :: ToJSON a => Template a -> [Pair] templateToObject (Template alt a) = [ "altText" .= alt , "template" .= toJSON a ] instance Messageable (Template Buttons) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template Confirm) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template Carousel) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template ImageCarousel) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject -- | The buttons content type for template message. -- -- <<-api/messages/buttons.png Buttons template>> -- -- For more details of each field, please refer to the -- <-api/reference/#buttons Buttons> section in the LINE -- documentation. data Buttons = Buttons { getThumbnailURL :: Maybe URL -- ^ URL for thumbnail image , getTitle :: Maybe T.Text -- ^ Title text , getText :: T.Text -- ^ Description text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] -- ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents a button ( max : 4 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Buttons where toJSON (Buttons maybeURL maybeTitle text actions) = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("buttons" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] , maybeToList $ ("thumbnailImageUrl" .=) <$> maybeURL , maybeToList $ ("title" .=) <$> maybeTitle ] -- | The confirm content type for template message. -- < < -api/messages/confirm.png Confirm template > > -- -- For more details of each field, please refer to the -- <-api/reference/#confirm Confirm> section in the LINE -- documentation. data Confirm = Confirm { getText :: T.Text -- ^ Confirm text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] -- ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents a button ( max : 2 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Confirm where toJSON (Confirm text actions) = object [ "type" .= ("confirm" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] -- | The carousel content type for template message. -- -- <<-api/messages/carousel.png Carousel template>> -- -- For more details of each field, please refer to the -- <-api/reference/#carousel Carousel> section in the LINE -- documentation. data Carousel = Carousel { getColumns :: [Column] -- ^ A list of columns for a carousel template } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Carousel where toJSON (Carousel columns) = object [ "type" .= ("carousel" :: T.Text) , "columns" .= toJSON columns ] -- | Actual contents of carousel template. -- -- It has the same fields as 'Buttons', except that the number of actions is up to 3 . data Column = Column { getThumbnailURL :: Maybe URL -- ^ URL for thumbnail image , getTitle :: Maybe T.Text -- ^ Title text , getText :: T.Text -- ^ Description text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] -- ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents a button ( max : 3 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Column where toJSON (Column maybeURL maybeTitle text actions) = object . concat $ [ [ "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] , maybeToList $ ("thumbnailImageUrl" .=) <$> maybeURL , maybeToList $ ("title" .=) <$> maybeTitle ] -- | The image carousel content type for template message. -- -- <<-api/messages/image-carousel.png Image carousel template>> -- -- For more details of each field, please refer to the -- <-api/reference/#image-carousel Image carousel> section in the LINE -- documentation. data ImageCarousel = ImageCarousel { getColumns :: [ImageColumn] -- ^ A list of columns for an image carousel template } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageCarousel where toJSON (ImageCarousel columns) = object [ "type" .= ("image_carousel" :: T.Text) , "columns" .= toJSON columns ] -- | Actual contents of carousel template. -- -- It has the same fields as 'Buttons', except that the number of actions is up to 3 . data ImageColumn = ImageColumn { getImageURL :: URL -- ^ URL for thumbnail image , getAction :: TemplateAction -- ^ A template action } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageColumn where toJSON (ImageColumn url action) = object [ "imageUrl" .= url , "action" .= toJSON action ] | Just a type alias for ' T.Text ' , used with ' TemplateAction ' . type Label = T.Text -- | A data type for possible template actions. -- -- Each action object represents a button in template message. A button has a -- label and an actual action fired by click. data TemplateAction = TplMessageAction Label T.Text -- ^ Message action. When clicked, a specified text will -- be sent into the same room by a user who clicked the -- button. | TplPostbackAction Label T.Text (Maybe T.Text) -- ^ Postback action. When clicked, a specified text will -- be sent, and postback data will be sent to webhook -- server as a postback event. | TplURIAction Label URL -- ^ URI action. When clicked, a web page with a specified URI will open in the in - app browser . | TplDatetimePickerAction { label' :: (Maybe Label) , data' :: T.Text , mode' :: DatetimeMode , initial' :: (Maybe T.Text) , max' :: (Maybe T.Text) , min' :: (Maybe T.Text) } -- ^ Datetime picker action. When clicked, a postback action -- will be sent with the date and time selected by the -- user from the date and time selection dialog. For the -- detailed information of datetime picker, please refer -- to the <-api/reference/#datetime-picker-action official documentation>. deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON TemplateAction where toJSON (TplPostbackAction label data'' maybeText) = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("postback" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "data" .= data'' ] , maybeToList $ ("text" .=) <$> maybeText ] toJSON (TplMessageAction label text) = object [ "type" .= ("message" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "text" .= text ] toJSON (TplURIAction label uri) = object [ "type" .= ("uri" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "uri" .= uri ] toJSON (TplDatetimePickerAction label data'' mode initial max'' min'') = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("datetimepicker" :: T.Text) , "data" .= data'' , "mode" .= mode ] , maybeToList $ ("label" .=) <$> label , maybeToList $ ("initial" .=) <$> initial , maybeToList $ ("max" .=) <$> max'' , maybeToList $ ("min" .=) <$> min'' ] data DatetimeMode = Date | Time | Datetime deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON DatetimeMode where toJSON Date = "date" toJSON Time = "time" toJSON Datetime = "datetime" -- | A type to represent a user's profile. -- -- It is the return type of the <./Line-Messaging-API.html#v:getProfile getProfile> -- API in the "Line.Messaging.API" module. data Profile = Profile { getUserID :: ID , getDisplayName :: T.Text , getPictureURL :: Maybe URL , getStatusMessage :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Profile where parseJSON (Object v) = Profile <$> v .: "userId" <*> v .: "displayName" <*> v .: "pictureUrl" <*> v .: "statusMessage" parseJSON _ = fail "Profile" -- | An error type possibly returned from the -- @<./Line-Messaging-API.html#t:APIIO APIIO>@ type. -- State code errors may contain a parsed error body . Other types of errors , -- which may rarely occur if used properly, does not. -- -- For more details of error types, please refer to -- <-api/reference/#status-codes Status codes> and -- <-api/reference/#error-responses Error response> sections in the -- LINE documentation. data APIError = BadRequest (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 400 Bad Request with a parsed error body , caused by badly -- formatted request. | Unauthorized (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 401 Unauthorized with a parsed error body , caused by invalid -- access token. | Forbidden (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 403 Forbidden with a parsed error body , caused by -- unauthorized account or plan. | TooManyRequests (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 429 Too Many Requests with a parsed error body , caused by -- exceeding the <-api/reference/#rate-limits rate limit>. | InternalServerError (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 500 Internal Server Error with a parsed error body . | UndefinedStatusCode Int BL.ByteString ^ Caused by status codes other than 200 and listed statuses -- above, with the status code and request body. | JSONDecodeError String -- ^ Caused by badly formatted response body from APIs. | UndefinedError SomeException ^ Any other exception caught as ' SomeException ' . deriving Show -- | An error body type. -- -- It contains error message, and may contain property information and detailed -- error bodies. data APIErrorBody = APIErrorBody { getErrorMessage :: T.Text , getErrorProperty :: Maybe T.Text , getErrorDetails :: Maybe [APIErrorBody] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON APIErrorBody where parseJSON (Object v) = APIErrorBody <$> v .: "message" <*> (v .: "property" <|> return Nothing) <*> (v .: "details" <|> return Nothing) parseJSON _ = fail "APIErrorBody"
| This module provides types to be used with "Line.Messaging.API". * Common types | Re-exported for convenience. * Message types ** Text ** Image ** Video ** Audio ** Location ** Sticker ** Image map ** Template * Profile * Error types | A type class representing types to be converted into 'Message'. It has @toType@ and @toObject@ as its minimal complete definition, but it is not recommended to define any extra instance, as the new type may not work with the LINE APIs. About existing messageable types, please refer to the following instances. Each instance is matched with a message object described in <-api/reference/#message-objects the LINE documentation>. | A type representing a message to be sent. An example usage is like below. @ pushTextAndImage :: ID -> APIIO () pushTextAndImage identifier = push identifier [ Message $ 'Text' "hello", Message $ 'Image' "" "" ] @ It contains 'T.Text' of "Data.Text". Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#text here>. This type is also used to decode text event message from webhook request. About the webhook usage, please refer to <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". It contains URLs of an original image and its preview. Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#image here>. It contains URLs of an original video and its preview. Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#video here>. It contains a URL of an audio, and its duration in milliseconds. Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#audio here>. It contains a title, address, and geographic coordination of a location. Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#location here>. This type is also used to decode location event message from webhook request. About the webhook usage, please refer to <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". It contains its package and sticker ID. Its corresponding JSON spec is described <-api/reference/#sticker here>. This type is also used to decode sticker event message from webhook request. About the webhook usage, please refer to <./Line-Messaging-Webhook-Types.html#t:EventMessage EventMessage> in "Line.Messaging.Webhook.Types". About how to send an image map message and what each field means, please refer to <-api/reference/#imagemap-message image map message spec>. ^ <-api/reference/#base-url Base URL> of images ^ Alt text for devices not supporting image map ^ Image size tuple, (width, height) specifically. The width to be set to 1040, the height to be set to the value corresponding to a width of 1040. ^ Actions to be executed when each area is tapped | A type representing actions when a specific area of an image map is tapped. It contains action data and area information. ^ Open a web page when an area is tapped. ^ Send a text message from the user who tapped an area. | A type representing a tappable area in an image map Each component means (x, y, width, height) correspondingly. It has a type parameter @t@ which means a template content type. The type is About how to send template message and what each field means, please refer to <-api/reference/#template-messages template message spec>. ^ Alt text for devices not supporting template message ^ Template content type | The buttons content type for template message. <<-api/messages/buttons.png Buttons template>> For more details of each field, please refer to the <-api/reference/#buttons Buttons> section in the LINE documentation. ^ URL for thumbnail image ^ Title text ^ Description text ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents | The confirm content type for template message. For more details of each field, please refer to the <-api/reference/#confirm Confirm> section in the LINE documentation. ^ Confirm text ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents | The carousel content type for template message. <<-api/messages/carousel.png Carousel template>> For more details of each field, please refer to the <-api/reference/#carousel Carousel> section in the LINE documentation. ^ A list of columns for a carousel template | Actual contents of carousel template. It has the same fields as 'Buttons', except that the number of actions is ^ URL for thumbnail image ^ Title text ^ Description text ^ A list of template actions, each of which represents | The image carousel content type for template message. <<-api/messages/image-carousel.png Image carousel template>> For more details of each field, please refer to the <-api/reference/#image-carousel Image carousel> section in the LINE documentation. ^ A list of columns for an image carousel template | Actual contents of carousel template. It has the same fields as 'Buttons', except that the number of actions is ^ URL for thumbnail image ^ A template action | A data type for possible template actions. Each action object represents a button in template message. A button has a label and an actual action fired by click. ^ Message action. When clicked, a specified text will be sent into the same room by a user who clicked the button. ^ Postback action. When clicked, a specified text will be sent, and postback data will be sent to webhook server as a postback event. ^ URI action. When clicked, a web page with a specified ^ Datetime picker action. When clicked, a postback action will be sent with the date and time selected by the user from the date and time selection dialog. For the detailed information of datetime picker, please refer to the <-api/reference/#datetime-picker-action official documentation>. | A type to represent a user's profile. It is the return type of the <./Line-Messaging-API.html#v:getProfile getProfile> API in the "Line.Messaging.API" module. | An error type possibly returned from the @<./Line-Messaging-API.html#t:APIIO APIIO>@ type. which may rarely occur if used properly, does not. For more details of error types, please refer to <-api/reference/#status-codes Status codes> and <-api/reference/#error-responses Error response> sections in the LINE documentation. formatted request. access token. unauthorized account or plan. exceeding the <-api/reference/#rate-limits rate limit>. above, with the status code and request body. ^ Caused by badly formatted response body from APIs. | An error body type. It contains error message, and may contain property information and detailed error bodies.
# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields # # LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # module Line.Messaging.API.Types ( module Line.Messaging.Common.Types, Messageable, Message (..), Text (..), Image (..), Video (..), Audio (..), Location (..), Sticker (..), ImageMap (..), ImageMapAction (..), ImageMapArea, Template (..), Buttons (..), Confirm (..), Carousel (..), ImageCarousel (..), Column (..), ImageColumn (..), Label, TemplateAction (..), DatetimeMode (..), Profile (..), APIError (..), APIErrorBody (..), ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Exception (SomeException) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Value(..), object, (.:), (.=)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Line.Messaging.Common.Types import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL class Messageable a where toType :: a -> T.Text toObject :: a -> [Pair] toValue :: a -> Value toValue a = object $ ("type" .= toType a) : toObject a The data constructor converts ' ' into ' Message ' . It allows different types of ' ' to be sent through a single API call . data Message = forall a. (Show a, Messageable a) => Message a deriving instance Show Message instance ToJSON Message where toJSON (Message m) = toValue m | ' ' for text data . newtype Text = Text { getText :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON Text where parseJSON (Object v) = Text <$> v .: "text" parseJSON (String text) = return $ Text text parseJSON _ = fail "Text" instance Messageable Text where toType _ = "text" toObject (Text text) = [ "text" .= text ] | ' ' for image data . data Image = Image { getURL :: URL , getPreviewURL :: URL } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Image where toType _ = "image" toObject (Image original preview) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "previewImageUrl" .= preview ] | ' ' for video data . data Video = Video { getURL :: URL , getPreviewURL :: URL } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Video where toType _ = "video" toObject (Video original preview) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "previewImageUrl" .= preview ] | ' ' for audio data . data Audio = Audio { getURL :: URL , getDuration :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable Audio where toType _ = "audio" toObject (Audio original duration) = [ "originalContentUrl" .= original , "duration" .= duration ] | ' ' for location data . data Location = Location { getTitle :: T.Text , getAddress :: T.Text , getLatitude :: Double , getLongitude :: Double } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Location where parseJSON (Object v) = Location <$> v .: "title" <*> v .: "address" <*> v .: "latitude" <*> v .: "longitude" parseJSON _ = fail "Location" instance Messageable Location where toType _ = "location" toObject (Location title address latitude longitude) = [ "title" .= title , "address" .= address , "latitude" .= latitude , "longitude" .= longitude ] | ' ' for sticker data . data Sticker = Sticker { getPackageID :: ID , getStickerID :: ID } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Sticker where parseJSON (Object v) = Sticker <$> v .: "packageId" <*> v .: "stickerId" parseJSON _ = fail "Sticker" instance Messageable Sticker where toType _ = "sticker" toObject (Sticker packageId stickerId) = [ "packageId" .= packageId , "stickerId" .= stickerId ] | ' ' for image map data . data ImageMap = ImageMap { getBaseImageURL :: URL , getAltText :: T.Text , getBaseImageSize :: (Integer, Integer) , getActions :: [ImageMapAction] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Messageable ImageMap where toType _ = "imagemap" toObject (ImageMap url alt (w, h) as) = [ "baseUrl" .= url , "altText" .= alt , "baseSize" .= object [ "width" .= w , "height" .= h ] , "actions" .= toJSON as ] data ImageMapAction = IMURIAction URL ImageMapArea | IMMessageAction T.Text ImageMapArea deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageMapAction where toJSON (IMURIAction uri area) = object [ "type" .= ("uri" :: T.Text) , "linkUri" .= uri , "area" .= toAreaJSON area ] toJSON (IMMessageAction text area) = object [ "type" .= ("message" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "area" .= toAreaJSON area ] type ImageMapArea = (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) toAreaJSON :: ImageMapArea -> Value toAreaJSON (x, y, w, h) = object [ "x" .= x, "y" .= y, "width" .= w, "height" .= h ] | ' ' for template data . polymolphic , but ' ' instances are defined only for ' Buttons ' , ' Confirm ' , ' Carousel ' , and ' ImageCarousel ' . data Template t = Template { getAltText :: T.Text , getTemplateContent :: t } deriving (Eq, Show) templateType :: Template a -> T.Text templateType _ = "template" templateToObject :: ToJSON a => Template a -> [Pair] templateToObject (Template alt a) = [ "altText" .= alt , "template" .= toJSON a ] instance Messageable (Template Buttons) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template Confirm) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template Carousel) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject instance Messageable (Template ImageCarousel) where toType = templateType toObject = templateToObject data Buttons = Buttons { getThumbnailURL :: Maybe URL , getTitle :: Maybe T.Text , getText :: T.Text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] a button ( max : 4 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Buttons where toJSON (Buttons maybeURL maybeTitle text actions) = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("buttons" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] , maybeToList $ ("thumbnailImageUrl" .=) <$> maybeURL , maybeToList $ ("title" .=) <$> maybeTitle ] < < -api/messages/confirm.png Confirm template > > data Confirm = Confirm { getText :: T.Text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] a button ( max : 2 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Confirm where toJSON (Confirm text actions) = object [ "type" .= ("confirm" :: T.Text) , "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] data Carousel = Carousel { getColumns :: [Column] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Carousel where toJSON (Carousel columns) = object [ "type" .= ("carousel" :: T.Text) , "columns" .= toJSON columns ] up to 3 . data Column = Column { getThumbnailURL :: Maybe URL , getTitle :: Maybe T.Text , getText :: T.Text , getActions :: [TemplateAction] a button ( max : 3 ) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON Column where toJSON (Column maybeURL maybeTitle text actions) = object . concat $ [ [ "text" .= text , "actions" .= toJSON actions ] , maybeToList $ ("thumbnailImageUrl" .=) <$> maybeURL , maybeToList $ ("title" .=) <$> maybeTitle ] data ImageCarousel = ImageCarousel { getColumns :: [ImageColumn] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageCarousel where toJSON (ImageCarousel columns) = object [ "type" .= ("image_carousel" :: T.Text) , "columns" .= toJSON columns ] up to 3 . data ImageColumn = ImageColumn { getImageURL :: URL , getAction :: TemplateAction } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON ImageColumn where toJSON (ImageColumn url action) = object [ "imageUrl" .= url , "action" .= toJSON action ] | Just a type alias for ' T.Text ' , used with ' TemplateAction ' . type Label = T.Text data TemplateAction = TplMessageAction Label T.Text | TplPostbackAction Label T.Text (Maybe T.Text) | TplURIAction Label URL URI will open in the in - app browser . | TplDatetimePickerAction { label' :: (Maybe Label) , data' :: T.Text , mode' :: DatetimeMode , initial' :: (Maybe T.Text) , max' :: (Maybe T.Text) , min' :: (Maybe T.Text) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON TemplateAction where toJSON (TplPostbackAction label data'' maybeText) = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("postback" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "data" .= data'' ] , maybeToList $ ("text" .=) <$> maybeText ] toJSON (TplMessageAction label text) = object [ "type" .= ("message" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "text" .= text ] toJSON (TplURIAction label uri) = object [ "type" .= ("uri" :: T.Text) , "label" .= label , "uri" .= uri ] toJSON (TplDatetimePickerAction label data'' mode initial max'' min'') = object . concat $ [ [ "type" .= ("datetimepicker" :: T.Text) , "data" .= data'' , "mode" .= mode ] , maybeToList $ ("label" .=) <$> label , maybeToList $ ("initial" .=) <$> initial , maybeToList $ ("max" .=) <$> max'' , maybeToList $ ("min" .=) <$> min'' ] data DatetimeMode = Date | Time | Datetime deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON DatetimeMode where toJSON Date = "date" toJSON Time = "time" toJSON Datetime = "datetime" data Profile = Profile { getUserID :: ID , getDisplayName :: T.Text , getPictureURL :: Maybe URL , getStatusMessage :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Profile where parseJSON (Object v) = Profile <$> v .: "userId" <*> v .: "displayName" <*> v .: "pictureUrl" <*> v .: "statusMessage" parseJSON _ = fail "Profile" State code errors may contain a parsed error body . Other types of errors , data APIError = BadRequest (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 400 Bad Request with a parsed error body , caused by badly | Unauthorized (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 401 Unauthorized with a parsed error body , caused by invalid | Forbidden (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 403 Forbidden with a parsed error body , caused by | TooManyRequests (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 429 Too Many Requests with a parsed error body , caused by | InternalServerError (Maybe APIErrorBody) ^ 500 Internal Server Error with a parsed error body . | UndefinedStatusCode Int BL.ByteString ^ Caused by status codes other than 200 and listed statuses | JSONDecodeError String | UndefinedError SomeException ^ Any other exception caught as ' SomeException ' . deriving Show data APIErrorBody = APIErrorBody { getErrorMessage :: T.Text , getErrorProperty :: Maybe T.Text , getErrorDetails :: Maybe [APIErrorBody] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON APIErrorBody where parseJSON (Object v) = APIErrorBody <$> v .: "message" <*> (v .: "property" <|> return Nothing) <*> (v .: "details" <|> return Nothing) parseJSON _ = fail "APIErrorBody"
-module(chat2). -export([start/1]). start(Browser) -> case whereis(irc) of undefined -> irc:start(); _ -> true end, idle(Browser). idle(Browser) -> receive {Browser, {struct, [{join,Who}]}} -> irc ! {join, self(), Who}, idle(Browser); {irc, welcome, Who} -> Browser ! [{cmd,hide_div},{id,idle}], Browser ! [{cmd,show_div},{id,running}], running(Browser, Who); X -> io:format("chat idle received:~p~n",[X]), idle(Browser) end. running(Browser, Who) -> receive {Browser,{struct, [{entry,<<"tell">>},{txt,Txt}]}} -> irc ! {broadcast, Who, Txt}, running(Browser, Who); {Browser,{struct, [{clicked,<<"Leave">>}]}} -> irc ! {leave, Who}, Browser ! [{cmd,hide_div},{id,running}], Browser ! [{cmd,show_div},{id,idle}], idle(Browser); {irc, scroll, Bin} -> Browser ! [{cmd,append_div},{id,scroll}, {txt, Bin}], running(Browser, Who); {irc, groups, Bin} -> Browser ! [{cmd,fill_div},{id,users}, {txt, Bin}], running(Browser, Who); X -> io:format("chat running received:~p~n",[X]), running(Browser, Who) end.
-module(chat2). -export([start/1]). start(Browser) -> case whereis(irc) of undefined -> irc:start(); _ -> true end, idle(Browser). idle(Browser) -> receive {Browser, {struct, [{join,Who}]}} -> irc ! {join, self(), Who}, idle(Browser); {irc, welcome, Who} -> Browser ! [{cmd,hide_div},{id,idle}], Browser ! [{cmd,show_div},{id,running}], running(Browser, Who); X -> io:format("chat idle received:~p~n",[X]), idle(Browser) end. running(Browser, Who) -> receive {Browser,{struct, [{entry,<<"tell">>},{txt,Txt}]}} -> irc ! {broadcast, Who, Txt}, running(Browser, Who); {Browser,{struct, [{clicked,<<"Leave">>}]}} -> irc ! {leave, Who}, Browser ! [{cmd,hide_div},{id,running}], Browser ! [{cmd,show_div},{id,idle}], idle(Browser); {irc, scroll, Bin} -> Browser ! [{cmd,append_div},{id,scroll}, {txt, Bin}], running(Browser, Who); {irc, groups, Bin} -> Browser ! [{cmd,fill_div},{id,users}, {txt, Bin}], running(Browser, Who); X -> io:format("chat running received:~p~n",[X]), running(Browser, Who) end.
(ns onyx.sim.flui (:require [taoensso.timbre :as log] #?(:cljs [re-com.core :as rc]) [onyx.sim.utils :refer [mapply ppr-str]])) ;;; ;;; !!!: This is an experimental volatile file. Do not expect it to stay the same. ;;; (defn call "Because you can't use reagent on the serverside. :(" [f & args] #?(:cljs (into [f] args) :clj (apply f args))) (defn stub "Provides a stub for functions that aren't implemented yet." [fn-name] (fn [& args] [:div.stub [:p (str "STUB for: " (pr-str (cons fn-name args)))]])) #? (:cljs (defn code* "Eventually a pretty lookin code block with syntax highlighting." [& {:as args :keys [code child pr-fn] cl :class}] ;; TODO: word-wrap and line numbers ;; TODO: syntax highlighting (let [args (-> args (dissoc :code :pr-fn) (assoc :class (str "rc-code " cl ))) code ((or pr-fn ppr-str) code)] (assert (not child) (str "Code should not have a :child element. Got " child)) (mapply rc/box :child [:code [:pre code]] args)))) (def none [:span]) (def code #?(:clj (stub 'code) :cljs code*)) (def button #?(:clj (stub 'button) :cljs (partial call rc/button))) (def radio-button #?(:clj (stub 'radio-button) :cljs (partial call rc/radio-button))) (def gap #?(:clj (stub 'gap) :cljs (partial call rc/gap))) (def p #?(:clj (stub 'p) :cljs (partial call rc/p))) (def horizontal-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-tabs))) (def horizontal-pill-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-pill-tabs))) (def horizontal-bar-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-bar-tabs))) (def checkbox #?(:clj (stub 'checkbox) :cljs (partial call rc/checkbox))) (def h-box #?(:clj (stub 'h-box) :cljs (partial call rc/h-box))) (def v-box #?(:clj (stub 'v-box) :cljs (partial call rc/v-box))) (def box #?(:clj (stub 'box) :cljs (partial call rc/box))) (def label #?(:clj (stub 'label) :cljs (partial call rc/label))) (def title #?(:clj (stub 'title) :cljs (partial call rc/title))) (def input-text #?(:clj (stub 'input-text) :cljs (partial call rc/input-text))) (def input-textarea #?(:clj (stub 'input-textarea) :cljs (partial call rc/input-textarea))) (def selection-list #?(:clj (stub 'selection-list) :cljs (partial call rc/selection-list))) (def single-dropdown #?(:clj (stub 'single-dropdown) :cljs (partial call rc/single-dropdown)))
!!!: This is an experimental volatile file. Do not expect it to stay the same. TODO: word-wrap and line numbers TODO: syntax highlighting
(ns onyx.sim.flui (:require [taoensso.timbre :as log] #?(:cljs [re-com.core :as rc]) [onyx.sim.utils :refer [mapply ppr-str]])) (defn call "Because you can't use reagent on the serverside. :(" [f & args] #?(:cljs (into [f] args) :clj (apply f args))) (defn stub "Provides a stub for functions that aren't implemented yet." [fn-name] (fn [& args] [:div.stub [:p (str "STUB for: " (pr-str (cons fn-name args)))]])) #? (:cljs (defn code* "Eventually a pretty lookin code block with syntax highlighting." [& {:as args :keys [code child pr-fn] cl :class}] (let [args (-> args (dissoc :code :pr-fn) (assoc :class (str "rc-code " cl ))) code ((or pr-fn ppr-str) code)] (assert (not child) (str "Code should not have a :child element. Got " child)) (mapply rc/box :child [:code [:pre code]] args)))) (def none [:span]) (def code #?(:clj (stub 'code) :cljs code*)) (def button #?(:clj (stub 'button) :cljs (partial call rc/button))) (def radio-button #?(:clj (stub 'radio-button) :cljs (partial call rc/radio-button))) (def gap #?(:clj (stub 'gap) :cljs (partial call rc/gap))) (def p #?(:clj (stub 'p) :cljs (partial call rc/p))) (def horizontal-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-tabs))) (def horizontal-pill-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-pill-tabs))) (def horizontal-bar-tabs #?(:clj (stub 'horizontal-tabs) :cljs (partial call rc/horizontal-bar-tabs))) (def checkbox #?(:clj (stub 'checkbox) :cljs (partial call rc/checkbox))) (def h-box #?(:clj (stub 'h-box) :cljs (partial call rc/h-box))) (def v-box #?(:clj (stub 'v-box) :cljs (partial call rc/v-box))) (def box #?(:clj (stub 'box) :cljs (partial call rc/box))) (def label #?(:clj (stub 'label) :cljs (partial call rc/label))) (def title #?(:clj (stub 'title) :cljs (partial call rc/title))) (def input-text #?(:clj (stub 'input-text) :cljs (partial call rc/input-text))) (def input-textarea #?(:clj (stub 'input-textarea) :cljs (partial call rc/input-textarea))) (def selection-list #?(:clj (stub 'selection-list) :cljs (partial call rc/selection-list))) (def single-dropdown #?(:clj (stub 'single-dropdown) :cljs (partial call rc/single-dropdown)))
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Main where import Control.DeepSeq (force) import Criterion import Criterion.Main import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.BufferBuilder.Json as Json import qualified Data.BufferBuilder.Aeson () import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UnboxedVector assumeSuccess :: Either a b -> b assumeSuccess (Right r) = r assumeSuccess _ = error "assumeSuccess" main :: IO () main = do content <- BS.readFile "test.json" let lazyContent = force $ BSL.fromChunks [content] let parsedUserList :: [Aeson.Value] Just parsedUserList = Aeson.decode lazyContent let compareBench name !value = bgroup name [ bench "bufferbuilder" $ nf Json.encodeJson value , bench "aeson" $ nf Aeson.encode value ] defaultMain [ compareBench "list bool" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap Aeson.Bool $ replicate 65536 False , compareBench "list null" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 Aeson.Null , compareBench "list empty object" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 $ Aeson.object [] , compareBench "list empty array" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 $ Aeson.Array Vector.empty , compareBench "list string" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap (Aeson.String . Text.pack . show) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "list int" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap (Aeson.Number . fromIntegral) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "hash string" $ Aeson.object $ fmap (\e -> (Text.pack $ show e, Aeson.Null)) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "list record" parsedUserList , bench "intvector" $ nf Json.encodeJson (UnboxedVector.fromList $! [0..65535] :: UnboxedVector.Vector Int) ]
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE BangPatterns #
# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # module Main where import Control.DeepSeq (force) import Criterion import Criterion.Main import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.BufferBuilder.Json as Json import qualified Data.BufferBuilder.Aeson () import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UnboxedVector assumeSuccess :: Either a b -> b assumeSuccess (Right r) = r assumeSuccess _ = error "assumeSuccess" main :: IO () main = do content <- BS.readFile "test.json" let lazyContent = force $ BSL.fromChunks [content] let parsedUserList :: [Aeson.Value] Just parsedUserList = Aeson.decode lazyContent let compareBench name !value = bgroup name [ bench "bufferbuilder" $ nf Json.encodeJson value , bench "aeson" $ nf Aeson.encode value ] defaultMain [ compareBench "list bool" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap Aeson.Bool $ replicate 65536 False , compareBench "list null" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 Aeson.Null , compareBench "list empty object" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 $ Aeson.object [] , compareBench "list empty array" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.replicate 65536 $ Aeson.Array Vector.empty , compareBench "list string" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap (Aeson.String . Text.pack . show) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "list int" $ Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList $ fmap (Aeson.Number . fromIntegral) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "hash string" $ Aeson.object $ fmap (\e -> (Text.pack $ show e, Aeson.Null)) ([0..65535] :: [Int]) , compareBench "list record" parsedUserList , bench "intvector" $ nf Json.encodeJson (UnboxedVector.fromList $! [0..65535] :: UnboxedVector.Vector Int) ]
include Types.Type let mutability_equal lhs rhs = match (lhs, rhs) with | Immutable, Immutable -> true | Mutable, Mutable -> true | _ -> false let mutability_to_string mut ~lang = match mut with | Immutable -> Lang.keyword_to_string Token.Keyword.Ref ~lang | Mutable -> Lang.keyword_to_string Token.Keyword.Mut ~lang let rec to_string : type cat. cat t -> lang:Lang.t -> string = fun ty ~lang -> match ty with | Named id -> (id :> string) | Reference (pointee, _) -> "&" ^ to_string ~lang pointee | Tuple xs -> let f (x, _) = to_string x ~lang in let xs = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map xs ~f) in String.concat ["("; xs; ")"] | Function {params; ret_ty} -> let f (x, _) = to_string x ~lang in let ret_ty = match ret_ty with Some x -> ") -> " ^ f x | None -> ")" in let params = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map params ~f) in String.concat ["func("; params; ret_ty] | Place {mutability = mut, _; ty = ty, _} -> String.concat [mutability_to_string ~lang mut; " "; to_string ~lang ty] | Any ty -> to_string ty ~lang module Data = struct include Types.Type_Data let to_string ?name data ~lang = let kind, data = match data with | Record {fields} -> let f ((name, ty), _) = let (name, _) : Nfc_string.t Spanned.t = name in let ty, _ = ty in String.concat [ "\n " ; (name :> string) ; ": " ; to_string ty ~lang ; ";" ] in let fields = String.concat (List.map fields ~f) in (Token.Keyword.Record, fields) | Variant {variants} -> let f ((name, ty), _) = let (name, _) : Nfc_string.t Spanned.t = name in match ty with | Some (ty, _) -> String.concat [ "\n " ; (name :> string) ; ": " ; to_string ty ~lang ; ";" ] | None -> String.concat ["\n "; (name :> string); ";"] in let variants = String.concat (List.map variants ~f) in (Token.Keyword.Variant, variants) | Integer {bits} -> let data = String.concat ["\n bits = "; Int.to_string bits; ";"] in (Token.Keyword.Integer, data) in let name = match name with Some n -> " " ^ n | None -> "" in String.concat [Lang.keyword_to_string ~lang kind; name; " {"; data; "\n }"] end module Definition = Types.Type_Definition
include Types.Type let mutability_equal lhs rhs = match (lhs, rhs) with | Immutable, Immutable -> true | Mutable, Mutable -> true | _ -> false let mutability_to_string mut ~lang = match mut with | Immutable -> Lang.keyword_to_string Token.Keyword.Ref ~lang | Mutable -> Lang.keyword_to_string Token.Keyword.Mut ~lang let rec to_string : type cat. cat t -> lang:Lang.t -> string = fun ty ~lang -> match ty with | Named id -> (id :> string) | Reference (pointee, _) -> "&" ^ to_string ~lang pointee | Tuple xs -> let f (x, _) = to_string x ~lang in let xs = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map xs ~f) in String.concat ["("; xs; ")"] | Function {params; ret_ty} -> let f (x, _) = to_string x ~lang in let ret_ty = match ret_ty with Some x -> ") -> " ^ f x | None -> ")" in let params = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map params ~f) in String.concat ["func("; params; ret_ty] | Place {mutability = mut, _; ty = ty, _} -> String.concat [mutability_to_string ~lang mut; " "; to_string ~lang ty] | Any ty -> to_string ty ~lang module Data = struct include Types.Type_Data let to_string ?name data ~lang = let kind, data = match data with | Record {fields} -> let f ((name, ty), _) = let (name, _) : Nfc_string.t Spanned.t = name in let ty, _ = ty in String.concat [ "\n " ; (name :> string) ; ": " ; to_string ty ~lang ; ";" ] in let fields = String.concat (List.map fields ~f) in (Token.Keyword.Record, fields) | Variant {variants} -> let f ((name, ty), _) = let (name, _) : Nfc_string.t Spanned.t = name in match ty with | Some (ty, _) -> String.concat [ "\n " ; (name :> string) ; ": " ; to_string ty ~lang ; ";" ] | None -> String.concat ["\n "; (name :> string); ";"] in let variants = String.concat (List.map variants ~f) in (Token.Keyword.Variant, variants) | Integer {bits} -> let data = String.concat ["\n bits = "; Int.to_string bits; ";"] in (Token.Keyword.Integer, data) in let name = match name with Some n -> " " ^ n | None -> "" in String.concat [Lang.keyword_to_string ~lang kind; name; " {"; data; "\n }"] end module Definition = Types.Type_Definition
module Language.JavaScript.Parser ( parseJavaScript ) where import Control.Applicative ((<*), (*>)) import Text.Parsec import Language.JavaScript.AST import Language.JavaScript.Lexer (lexJavaScript) import Language.JavaScript.Prim import Language.JavaScript.Util chainl1' :: (Stream s m t) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m (a -> b -> a) -> ParsecT s u m a chainl1' pa pb op = do a <- pa rest a where rest a = do { f <- op; b <- pb; rest (f a b) } <|> return a primExpr :: JSParser PrimExpr primExpr = do { identName "this" ; return PrimExprThis } <|> do { name <- getIdent; return $ PrimExprIdent name} <|> do { l <- getLiteral; return $ PrimExprLiteral l } <|> do { a <- arrayLit; return $ PrimExprArray a } <|> do { o <- objectLit; return $ PrimExprObject o } <|> do { punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; return $ PrimExprParens e } arrayLit :: JSParser ArrayLit arrayLit = try (do { punctuator "["; me <- optionMaybe elision; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLitH me }) <|> try (do { punctuator "["; el <- elementList; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLit el }) <|> do { punctuator "["; el <- elementList; punctuator ","; me <- optionMaybe elision; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLitT el me } elementList :: JSParser ElementList elementList = do { me <- optionMaybe elision; ae <- assignExpr; applyRest elementListRest (ElementList me ae) } elementListRest :: JSParser (ElementList -> JSParser ElementList) elementListRest = do { punctuator ","; me <- optionMaybe elision; ae <- assignExpr; return $ \el -> applyRest elementListRest (ElementListCons el me ae) } elision :: JSParser Elision elision = do { punctuator ","; applyRest elisionRest ElisionComma } elisionRest :: JSParser (Elision -> JSParser Elision) elisionRest = do { punctuator ","; return $ \e -> applyRest elisionRest (ElisionCons e) } objectLit :: JSParser ObjectLit objectLit = try (do { punctuator "{"; punctuator "}"; return ObjectLitEmpty }) <|> do { punctuator "{"; pl <- propList; optional $ punctuator ","; punctuator "}"; return $ ObjectLit pl } propList :: JSParser PropList propList = do { pa <- propAssign; applyRest propListRest (PropListAssign pa) } propListRest :: JSParser (PropList -> JSParser PropList) propListRest = do { punctuator ","; pa <- propAssign; return $ \pl -> applyRest propListRest (PropListCons pl pa) } propAssign :: JSParser PropAssign propAssign = do { pn <- propName; punctuator ":"; ae <- assignExpr; return $ PropAssignField pn ae } <|> do { identName "get"; pn <- propName; punctuator "("; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ PropAssignGet pn fb } <|> do { identName "set"; pn <- propName; punctuator "("; pl <- propSetParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ PropAssignSet pn pl fb } propName :: JSParser PropName propName = do { name <- getIdentName; return $ PropNameId name } <|> do { sl <- getStringLit; return $ PropNameStr sl } <|> do { nl <- getNumLit; return $ PropNameNum nl } propSetParamList :: JSParser PropSetParamList propSetParamList = do { i <- getIdent; return $ PropSetParamList i } memberExpr :: JSParser MemberExpr memberExpr = do { identName "new"; me <- memberExpr; args <- arguments; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprNew me args) } <|> do { pe <- primExpr; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprPrim pe) } <|> do { fe <- funcExpr; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprFunc fe) } memberExprRest :: JSParser (MemberExpr -> JSParser MemberExpr) memberExprRest = do { punctuator "["; e <- expr; punctuator "]"; return $ \me -> applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprArray me e) } <|> do { punctuator "."; name <- getIdentName; return $ \me -> applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprDot me name) } newExpr :: JSParser NewExpr newExpr = try (do { me <- memberExpr; return $ NewExprMember me }) <|> do { identName "new"; ne <- newExpr; return $ NewExprNew ne } callExpr :: JSParser CallExpr callExpr = do { me <- memberExpr; args <- arguments; applyRest callExprRest (CallExprMember me args) } callExprRest :: JSParser (CallExpr -> JSParser CallExpr) callExprRest = do { args <- arguments; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprCall ce args) } <|> do { punctuator "["; e <- expr; punctuator "]"; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprArray ce e) } <|> do { punctuator "."; name <- getIdentName; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprDot ce name) } arguments :: JSParser Arguments arguments = try (do { punctuator "("; punctuator ")"; return ArgumentsEmpty }) <|> do { punctuator "("; al <- argumentList; punctuator ")"; return $ Arguments al } argumentList :: JSParser ArgumentList argumentList = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExpr; return $ ArgumentList ae }) assignExpr (do { punctuator ","; return ArgumentListCons }) leftExpr :: JSParser LeftExpr leftExpr = try (do { ce <- callExpr; return $ LeftExprCallExpr ce }) <|> do { ne <- newExpr; return $ LeftExprNewExpr ne } postFixExpr :: JSParser PostFixExpr postFixExpr = do le <- leftExpr do { punctuator "++"; return $ PostFixExprPostInc le } <|> do { punctuator "--"; return $ PostFixExprPostDec le } <|> do { return $ PostFixExprLeftExpr le } uExpr :: JSParser UExpr uExpr = do { identName "delete"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDelete u } <|> do { identName "void"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprVoid u } <|> do { identName "typeof"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprTypeOf u } <|> do { punctuator "++"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDoublePlus u } <|> do { punctuator "--"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDoubleMinus u } <|> do { punctuator "+"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprUnaryPlus u } <|> do { punctuator "-"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprUnaryMinus u } <|> do { punctuator "~"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprBitNot u } <|> do { punctuator "!"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprNot u } <|> do { pe <- postFixExpr; return $ UExprPostFix pe } multExpr :: JSParser MultExpr multExpr = chainl1' (do { u <- uExpr; return $ MultExpr u }) uExpr (do { punctuator "*"; return MultExprMult } <|> do { punctuator "/"; return MultExprDiv } <|> do { punctuator "%"; return MultExprMod }) addExpr :: JSParser AddExpr addExpr = chainl1' (do { m <- multExpr; return $ AddExpr m }) multExpr (do { punctuator "+"; return AddExprAdd } <|> do { punctuator "-"; return AddExprSub }) shiftExpr :: JSParser ShiftExpr shiftExpr = chainl1' (do { a <- addExpr; return $ ShiftExpr a }) addExpr (do { punctuator "<<"; return ShiftExprLeft } <|> do { punctuator ">>"; return ShiftExprRight } <|> do { punctuator ">>>"; return ShiftExprRightZero }) relExpr :: JSParser RelExpr relExpr = chainl1' (do { s <- shiftExpr; return $ RelExpr s }) shiftExpr (do { punctuator "<"; return RelExprLess } <|> do { punctuator ">"; return RelExprGreater } <|> do { punctuator "<="; return RelExprLessEq } <|> do { punctuator ">="; return RelExprGreaterEq } <|> do { identName "instanceof"; return RelExprInstanceOf } <|> do { identName "in"; return RelExprIn }) relExprNoIn :: JSParser RelExprNoIn relExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { s <- shiftExpr; return $ RelExprNoIn s }) shiftExpr (do { punctuator "<"; return RelExprNoInLess } <|> do { punctuator ">"; return RelExprNoInGreater } <|> do { punctuator "<="; return RelExprNoInLessEq } <|> do { punctuator ">="; return RelExprNoInGreaterEq } <|> do { identName "instanceof"; return RelExprNoInInstanceOf }) eqExpr :: JSParser EqExpr eqExpr = chainl1' (do { r <- relExpr; return $ EqExpr r }) relExpr (do { punctuator "=="; return EqExprEq } <|> do { punctuator "!="; return EqExprNotEq } <|> do { punctuator "==="; return EqExprStrictEq } <|> do { punctuator "!=="; return EqExprStrictNotEq }) eqExprNoIn :: JSParser EqExprNoIn eqExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { r <- relExprNoIn; return $ EqExprNoIn r }) relExprNoIn (do { punctuator "=="; return EqExprNoInEq } <|> do { punctuator "!="; return EqExprNoInNotEq } <|> do { punctuator "==="; return EqExprNoInStrictEq } <|> do { punctuator "!=="; return EqExprNoInStrictNotEq }) bitAndExpr :: JSParser BitAndExpr bitAndExpr = chainl1' (do { e <- eqExpr; return $ BitAndExpr e }) eqExpr (do { punctuator "&"; return $ BitAndExprAnd }) bitAndExprNoIn :: JSParser BitAndExprNoIn bitAndExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { e <- eqExprNoIn; return $ BitAndExprNoIn e }) eqExprNoIn (do { punctuator "&"; return $ BitAndExprNoInAnd }) bitXorExpr :: JSParser BitXorExpr bitXorExpr = chainl1' (do { bae <- bitAndExpr; return $ BitXorExpr bae }) bitAndExpr (do { punctuator "^"; return $ BitXorExprXor }) bitXorExprNoIn :: JSParser BitXorExprNoIn bitXorExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { bae <- bitAndExprNoIn; return $ BitXorExprNoIn bae }) bitAndExprNoIn (do { punctuator "^"; return $ BitXorExprNoInXor }) bitOrExpr :: JSParser BitOrExpr bitOrExpr = chainl1' (do { bxe <- bitXorExpr; return $ BitOrExpr bxe }) bitXorExpr (do { punctuator "|"; return $ BitOrExprOr }) bitOrExprNoIn :: JSParser BitOrExprNoIn bitOrExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { bxe <- bitXorExprNoIn; return $ BitOrExprNoIn bxe }) bitXorExprNoIn (do { punctuator "|"; return $ BitOrExprNoInOr }) logicalAndExpr :: JSParser LogicalAndExpr logicalAndExpr = chainl1' (do { boe <- bitOrExpr; return $ LogicalAndExpr boe }) bitOrExpr (do { punctuator "&&"; return $ LogicalAndExprAnd }) logicalAndExprNoIn :: JSParser LogicalAndExprNoIn logicalAndExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { boe <- bitOrExprNoIn; return $ LogicalAndExprNoIn boe }) bitOrExprNoIn (do { punctuator "&&"; return $ LogicalAndExprNoInAnd }) logicalOrExpr :: JSParser LogicalOrExpr logicalOrExpr = chainl1' (do { lae <- logicalAndExpr; return $ LogicalOrExpr lae }) logicalAndExpr (do { punctuator "||"; return $ LogicalOrExprOr }) logicalOrExprNoIn :: JSParser LogicalOrExprNoIn logicalOrExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { lae <- logicalAndExprNoIn; return $ LogicalOrExprNoIn lae }) logicalAndExprNoIn (do { punctuator "||"; return $ LogicalOrExprNoInOr }) condExpr :: JSParser CondExpr condExpr = do loe <- logicalOrExpr do { try $ do { punctuator "?"; }; ae1 <- assignExpr; punctuator ":"; ae2 <- assignExpr; return $ CondExprIf loe ae1 ae2 } <|> do { return $ CondExpr loe } condExprNoIn :: JSParser CondExprNoIn condExprNoIn = do loe <- logicalOrExprNoIn; do { try $ do { punctuator "?"; }; ae1 <- assignExpr; punctuator ":"; ae2 <- assignExpr; return $ CondExprNoInIf loe ae1 ae2 } <|> do { return $ CondExprNoIn loe } assignExpr :: JSParser AssignExpr assignExpr = try (do { le <- leftExpr; ao <- assignOp; ae <- assignExpr; return $ AssignExprAssign le ao ae }) <|> do { ce <- condExpr; return $ AssignExprCondExpr ce } assignExprNoIn :: JSParser AssignExprNoIn assignExprNoIn = try (do { le <- leftExpr; ao <- assignOp; ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ AssignExprNoInAssign le ao ae }) <|> do { ce <- condExprNoIn; return $ AssignExprNoInCondExpr ce } assignOp :: JSParser AssignOp assignOp = do { punctuator "="; return AssignOpNormal } <|> do { punctuator "*="; return AssignOpMult } <|> do { punctuator "/="; return AssignOpDiv } <|> do { punctuator "%="; return AssignOpMod } <|> do { punctuator "+="; return AssignOpPlus } <|> do { punctuator "-="; return AssignOpMinus } <|> do { punctuator "<<="; return AssignOpShiftLeft } <|> do { punctuator ">>="; return AssignOpShiftRight } <|> do { punctuator ">>>="; return AssignOpShiftRightZero } <|> do { punctuator "&="; return AssignOpBitAnd } <|> do { punctuator "^="; return AssignOpBitXor } <|> do { punctuator "|="; return AssignOpBitOr } expr :: JSParser Expr expr = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExpr; return $ Expr ae }) assignExpr (do { punctuator ","; return ExprCons }) exprNoIn :: JSParser ExprNoIn exprNoIn = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ ExprNoIn ae }) assignExprNoIn (do { punctuator ","; return ExprNoInCons }) stmt :: JSParser Stmt stmt = do { b <- block; return $ StmtBlock b } <|> do { vs <- varStmt; return $ StmtVar vs } <|> do { es <- emptyStmt; return $ StmtEmpty es } <|> try (do { es <- exprStmt; return $ StmtExpr es }) <|> do { ic <- contStmt; return $ StmtCont ic } <|> do { is <- ifStmt; return $ StmtIf is } <|> do { is <- itStmt; return $ StmtIt is } <|> do { bs <- breakStmt; return $ StmtBreak bs } <|> do { rs <- returnStmt; return $ StmtReturn rs } <|> do { ws <- withStmt; return $ StmtWith ws } <|> do { ss <- switchStmt; return $ StmtSwitch ss } <|> do { ts <- throwStmt; return $ StmtThrow ts } <|> do { ts <- tryStmt; return $ StmtTry ts } <|> do { ds <- dbgStmt; return $ StmtDbg ds } <|> do { ls <- labelledStmt; return $ StmtLabelled ls } block :: JSParser Block block = do { punctuator "{"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; punctuator "}"; return $ Block msl } stmtList :: JSParser StmtList stmtList = chainl1' (do { s <- stmt; return $ StmtList s }) stmt (do { return StmtListCons }) varStmt :: JSParser VarStmt varStmt = do { identName "var"; vdl <- varDeclList; return $ VarStmt vdl } varDeclList :: JSParser VarDeclList varDeclList = chainl1' (do { vd <- varDecl; return $ VarDeclList vd}) varDecl (do { punctuator ","; return $ VarDeclListCons }) varDeclListNoIn :: JSParser VarDeclListNoIn varDeclListNoIn = chainl1' (do { vd <- varDeclNoIn; return $ VarDeclListNoIn vd}) varDeclNoIn (do { punctuator ","; return $ VarDeclListNoInCons}) varDecl :: JSParser VarDecl varDecl = do { i <- getIdent; mInit <- optionMaybe initialiser; return $ VarDecl i mInit } varDeclNoIn :: JSParser VarDeclNoIn varDeclNoIn = do { i <- getIdent; mInit <- optionMaybe initialiserNoIn; return $ VarDeclNoIn i mInit } initialiser :: JSParser Initialiser initialiser = do { punctuator "="; ae <- assignExpr; return $ Initialiser ae } initialiserNoIn :: JSParser InitialiserNoIn initialiserNoIn = do { punctuator "="; ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ InitialiserNoIn ae } emptyStmt :: JSParser EmptyStmt emptyStmt = do { punctuator ";"; return EmptyStmt } exprStmt :: JSParser ExprStmt exprStmt = do { notFollowedBy (try $ punctuator "{" <|> identName "function"); e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ExprStmt e } ifStmt :: JSParser IfStmt ifStmt = try (do { identName "if"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s1 <- stmt; identName "else"; s2 <- stmt; return $ IfStmtIfElse e s1 s2 }) <|> do { identName "if"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ IfStmtIf e s } itStmt :: JSParser ItStmt itStmt = try (do { identName "do"; s <- stmt; identName "while"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; return $ ItStmtDoWhile s e }) <|> try (do { identName "while"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtWhile e s }) <|> try (do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; me1 <- optionMaybe exprNoIn; punctuator ";"; me2 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ";"; me3 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtFor me1 me2 me3 s }) <|> try (do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; identName "var"; vdl <- varDeclListNoIn; punctuator ";"; me1 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ";"; me2 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForVar vdl me1 me2 s }) <|> do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; le <- leftExpr; identName "in"; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForIn le e s } <|> do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; identName "var"; vd <- varDeclNoIn; identName "in"; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForVarIn vd e s } contStmt :: JSParser ContStmt contStmt = try (do { identName "continue"; autoSemi; return ContStmt }) <|> do { identName "continue"; noLineTerminatorHere; i <- getIdent; autoSemi; return $ ContStmtLabelled i } breakStmt :: JSParser BreakStmt breakStmt = try (do { identName "break"; autoSemi; return BreakStmt }) <|> do { identName "break"; noLineTerminatorHere; i <- getIdent; autoSemi; return $ BreakStmtLabelled i } returnStmt :: JSParser ReturnStmt returnStmt = try (do { identName "return"; autoSemi; return ReturnStmt }) <|> do { identName "return"; noLineTerminatorHere; e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ReturnStmtExpr e } withStmt :: JSParser WithStmt withStmt = do { identName "with"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ WithStmt e s } switchStmt :: JSParser SwitchStmt switchStmt = do { identName "switch"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; cb <- caseBlock; return $ SwitchStmt e cb } caseBlock :: JSParser CaseBlock caseBlock = try (do { punctuator "{"; mcc <- optionMaybe caseClauses; punctuator "}"; return $ CaseBlock mcc }) <|> do { punctuator "{"; mcc1 <- optionMaybe caseClauses; dc <- defaultClause; mcc2 <- optionMaybe caseClauses; punctuator "}"; return $ CaseBlockDefault mcc1 dc mcc2 } caseClauses :: JSParser CaseClauses caseClauses = chainl1' (do { cc <- caseClause; return $ CaseClauses cc }) caseClause (do { return $ CaseClausesCons }) caseClause :: JSParser CaseClause caseClause = do { identName "case"; e <- expr; punctuator ":"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; return $ CaseClause e msl } defaultClause :: JSParser DefaultClause defaultClause = do { identName "default"; punctuator ":"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; return $ DefaultClause msl } labelledStmt :: JSParser LabelledStmt labelledStmt = do { i <- getIdent; punctuator ":"; s <- stmt; return $ LabelledStmt i s } throwStmt :: JSParser ThrowStmt throwStmt = do { identName "throw"; noLineTerminatorHere; e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ThrowStmt e } tryStmt :: JSParser TryStmt tryStmt = do identName "try" b <- block do { f <- finally; return $ TryStmtBF b f } <|> do { c <- catch; do { f <- finally; return $ TryStmtBCF b c f } <|> do { return $ TryStmtBC b c } } catch :: JSParser Catch catch = do { identName "catch"; punctuator "("; i <- getIdent; punctuator ")"; b <- block; return $ Catch i b } finally :: JSParser Finally finally = do { identName "finally"; b <- block; return $ Finally b } dbgStmt :: JSParser DbgStmt dbgStmt = do { identName "debugger"; autoSemi; return DbgStmt } funcDecl :: JSParser FuncDecl funcDecl = do { identName "function"; i <- getIdent; punctuator "("; mfpl <- optionMaybe formalParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ FuncDecl i mfpl fb } funcExpr :: JSParser FuncExpr funcExpr = do { identName "function"; mi <- optionMaybe getIdent; punctuator "("; mfpl <- optionMaybe formalParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ FuncExpr mi mfpl fb } formalParamList :: JSParser FormalParamList formalParamList = chainl1' (do { i <- getIdent; return $ FormalParamList i }) getIdent (do { punctuator ","; return $ FormalParamListCons }) funcBody :: JSParser FuncBody funcBody = do { mse <- optionMaybe sourceElements; return $ FuncBody mse } program :: JSParser Program program = do { mse <- optionMaybe sourceElements; return $ Program mse } sourceElements :: JSParser SourceElements sourceElements = chainl1' (do { se <- sourceElement; return $ SourceElements se }) sourceElement (do { return SourceElementsCons }) sourceElement :: JSParser SourceElement sourceElement = do { s <- stmt; return $ SourceElementStmt s } <|> do { fd <- funcDecl; return $ SourceElementFuncDecl fd } parseJavaScript :: String -> Either ParseError Program parseJavaScript input = let p = many lineTerminator *> program <* many lineTerminator <* eof in runParser p newJSPState "" $ lexJavaScript input
module Language.JavaScript.Parser ( parseJavaScript ) where import Control.Applicative ((<*), (*>)) import Text.Parsec import Language.JavaScript.AST import Language.JavaScript.Lexer (lexJavaScript) import Language.JavaScript.Prim import Language.JavaScript.Util chainl1' :: (Stream s m t) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m (a -> b -> a) -> ParsecT s u m a chainl1' pa pb op = do a <- pa rest a where rest a = do { f <- op; b <- pb; rest (f a b) } <|> return a primExpr :: JSParser PrimExpr primExpr = do { identName "this" ; return PrimExprThis } <|> do { name <- getIdent; return $ PrimExprIdent name} <|> do { l <- getLiteral; return $ PrimExprLiteral l } <|> do { a <- arrayLit; return $ PrimExprArray a } <|> do { o <- objectLit; return $ PrimExprObject o } <|> do { punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; return $ PrimExprParens e } arrayLit :: JSParser ArrayLit arrayLit = try (do { punctuator "["; me <- optionMaybe elision; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLitH me }) <|> try (do { punctuator "["; el <- elementList; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLit el }) <|> do { punctuator "["; el <- elementList; punctuator ","; me <- optionMaybe elision; punctuator "]"; return $ ArrayLitT el me } elementList :: JSParser ElementList elementList = do { me <- optionMaybe elision; ae <- assignExpr; applyRest elementListRest (ElementList me ae) } elementListRest :: JSParser (ElementList -> JSParser ElementList) elementListRest = do { punctuator ","; me <- optionMaybe elision; ae <- assignExpr; return $ \el -> applyRest elementListRest (ElementListCons el me ae) } elision :: JSParser Elision elision = do { punctuator ","; applyRest elisionRest ElisionComma } elisionRest :: JSParser (Elision -> JSParser Elision) elisionRest = do { punctuator ","; return $ \e -> applyRest elisionRest (ElisionCons e) } objectLit :: JSParser ObjectLit objectLit = try (do { punctuator "{"; punctuator "}"; return ObjectLitEmpty }) <|> do { punctuator "{"; pl <- propList; optional $ punctuator ","; punctuator "}"; return $ ObjectLit pl } propList :: JSParser PropList propList = do { pa <- propAssign; applyRest propListRest (PropListAssign pa) } propListRest :: JSParser (PropList -> JSParser PropList) propListRest = do { punctuator ","; pa <- propAssign; return $ \pl -> applyRest propListRest (PropListCons pl pa) } propAssign :: JSParser PropAssign propAssign = do { pn <- propName; punctuator ":"; ae <- assignExpr; return $ PropAssignField pn ae } <|> do { identName "get"; pn <- propName; punctuator "("; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ PropAssignGet pn fb } <|> do { identName "set"; pn <- propName; punctuator "("; pl <- propSetParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ PropAssignSet pn pl fb } propName :: JSParser PropName propName = do { name <- getIdentName; return $ PropNameId name } <|> do { sl <- getStringLit; return $ PropNameStr sl } <|> do { nl <- getNumLit; return $ PropNameNum nl } propSetParamList :: JSParser PropSetParamList propSetParamList = do { i <- getIdent; return $ PropSetParamList i } memberExpr :: JSParser MemberExpr memberExpr = do { identName "new"; me <- memberExpr; args <- arguments; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprNew me args) } <|> do { pe <- primExpr; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprPrim pe) } <|> do { fe <- funcExpr; applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprFunc fe) } memberExprRest :: JSParser (MemberExpr -> JSParser MemberExpr) memberExprRest = do { punctuator "["; e <- expr; punctuator "]"; return $ \me -> applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprArray me e) } <|> do { punctuator "."; name <- getIdentName; return $ \me -> applyRest memberExprRest (MemberExprDot me name) } newExpr :: JSParser NewExpr newExpr = try (do { me <- memberExpr; return $ NewExprMember me }) <|> do { identName "new"; ne <- newExpr; return $ NewExprNew ne } callExpr :: JSParser CallExpr callExpr = do { me <- memberExpr; args <- arguments; applyRest callExprRest (CallExprMember me args) } callExprRest :: JSParser (CallExpr -> JSParser CallExpr) callExprRest = do { args <- arguments; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprCall ce args) } <|> do { punctuator "["; e <- expr; punctuator "]"; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprArray ce e) } <|> do { punctuator "."; name <- getIdentName; return $ \ce -> applyRest callExprRest (CallExprDot ce name) } arguments :: JSParser Arguments arguments = try (do { punctuator "("; punctuator ")"; return ArgumentsEmpty }) <|> do { punctuator "("; al <- argumentList; punctuator ")"; return $ Arguments al } argumentList :: JSParser ArgumentList argumentList = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExpr; return $ ArgumentList ae }) assignExpr (do { punctuator ","; return ArgumentListCons }) leftExpr :: JSParser LeftExpr leftExpr = try (do { ce <- callExpr; return $ LeftExprCallExpr ce }) <|> do { ne <- newExpr; return $ LeftExprNewExpr ne } postFixExpr :: JSParser PostFixExpr postFixExpr = do le <- leftExpr do { punctuator "++"; return $ PostFixExprPostInc le } <|> do { punctuator "--"; return $ PostFixExprPostDec le } <|> do { return $ PostFixExprLeftExpr le } uExpr :: JSParser UExpr uExpr = do { identName "delete"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDelete u } <|> do { identName "void"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprVoid u } <|> do { identName "typeof"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprTypeOf u } <|> do { punctuator "++"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDoublePlus u } <|> do { punctuator "--"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprDoubleMinus u } <|> do { punctuator "+"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprUnaryPlus u } <|> do { punctuator "-"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprUnaryMinus u } <|> do { punctuator "~"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprBitNot u } <|> do { punctuator "!"; u <- uExpr; return $ UExprNot u } <|> do { pe <- postFixExpr; return $ UExprPostFix pe } multExpr :: JSParser MultExpr multExpr = chainl1' (do { u <- uExpr; return $ MultExpr u }) uExpr (do { punctuator "*"; return MultExprMult } <|> do { punctuator "/"; return MultExprDiv } <|> do { punctuator "%"; return MultExprMod }) addExpr :: JSParser AddExpr addExpr = chainl1' (do { m <- multExpr; return $ AddExpr m }) multExpr (do { punctuator "+"; return AddExprAdd } <|> do { punctuator "-"; return AddExprSub }) shiftExpr :: JSParser ShiftExpr shiftExpr = chainl1' (do { a <- addExpr; return $ ShiftExpr a }) addExpr (do { punctuator "<<"; return ShiftExprLeft } <|> do { punctuator ">>"; return ShiftExprRight } <|> do { punctuator ">>>"; return ShiftExprRightZero }) relExpr :: JSParser RelExpr relExpr = chainl1' (do { s <- shiftExpr; return $ RelExpr s }) shiftExpr (do { punctuator "<"; return RelExprLess } <|> do { punctuator ">"; return RelExprGreater } <|> do { punctuator "<="; return RelExprLessEq } <|> do { punctuator ">="; return RelExprGreaterEq } <|> do { identName "instanceof"; return RelExprInstanceOf } <|> do { identName "in"; return RelExprIn }) relExprNoIn :: JSParser RelExprNoIn relExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { s <- shiftExpr; return $ RelExprNoIn s }) shiftExpr (do { punctuator "<"; return RelExprNoInLess } <|> do { punctuator ">"; return RelExprNoInGreater } <|> do { punctuator "<="; return RelExprNoInLessEq } <|> do { punctuator ">="; return RelExprNoInGreaterEq } <|> do { identName "instanceof"; return RelExprNoInInstanceOf }) eqExpr :: JSParser EqExpr eqExpr = chainl1' (do { r <- relExpr; return $ EqExpr r }) relExpr (do { punctuator "=="; return EqExprEq } <|> do { punctuator "!="; return EqExprNotEq } <|> do { punctuator "==="; return EqExprStrictEq } <|> do { punctuator "!=="; return EqExprStrictNotEq }) eqExprNoIn :: JSParser EqExprNoIn eqExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { r <- relExprNoIn; return $ EqExprNoIn r }) relExprNoIn (do { punctuator "=="; return EqExprNoInEq } <|> do { punctuator "!="; return EqExprNoInNotEq } <|> do { punctuator "==="; return EqExprNoInStrictEq } <|> do { punctuator "!=="; return EqExprNoInStrictNotEq }) bitAndExpr :: JSParser BitAndExpr bitAndExpr = chainl1' (do { e <- eqExpr; return $ BitAndExpr e }) eqExpr (do { punctuator "&"; return $ BitAndExprAnd }) bitAndExprNoIn :: JSParser BitAndExprNoIn bitAndExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { e <- eqExprNoIn; return $ BitAndExprNoIn e }) eqExprNoIn (do { punctuator "&"; return $ BitAndExprNoInAnd }) bitXorExpr :: JSParser BitXorExpr bitXorExpr = chainl1' (do { bae <- bitAndExpr; return $ BitXorExpr bae }) bitAndExpr (do { punctuator "^"; return $ BitXorExprXor }) bitXorExprNoIn :: JSParser BitXorExprNoIn bitXorExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { bae <- bitAndExprNoIn; return $ BitXorExprNoIn bae }) bitAndExprNoIn (do { punctuator "^"; return $ BitXorExprNoInXor }) bitOrExpr :: JSParser BitOrExpr bitOrExpr = chainl1' (do { bxe <- bitXorExpr; return $ BitOrExpr bxe }) bitXorExpr (do { punctuator "|"; return $ BitOrExprOr }) bitOrExprNoIn :: JSParser BitOrExprNoIn bitOrExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { bxe <- bitXorExprNoIn; return $ BitOrExprNoIn bxe }) bitXorExprNoIn (do { punctuator "|"; return $ BitOrExprNoInOr }) logicalAndExpr :: JSParser LogicalAndExpr logicalAndExpr = chainl1' (do { boe <- bitOrExpr; return $ LogicalAndExpr boe }) bitOrExpr (do { punctuator "&&"; return $ LogicalAndExprAnd }) logicalAndExprNoIn :: JSParser LogicalAndExprNoIn logicalAndExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { boe <- bitOrExprNoIn; return $ LogicalAndExprNoIn boe }) bitOrExprNoIn (do { punctuator "&&"; return $ LogicalAndExprNoInAnd }) logicalOrExpr :: JSParser LogicalOrExpr logicalOrExpr = chainl1' (do { lae <- logicalAndExpr; return $ LogicalOrExpr lae }) logicalAndExpr (do { punctuator "||"; return $ LogicalOrExprOr }) logicalOrExprNoIn :: JSParser LogicalOrExprNoIn logicalOrExprNoIn = chainl1' (do { lae <- logicalAndExprNoIn; return $ LogicalOrExprNoIn lae }) logicalAndExprNoIn (do { punctuator "||"; return $ LogicalOrExprNoInOr }) condExpr :: JSParser CondExpr condExpr = do loe <- logicalOrExpr do { try $ do { punctuator "?"; }; ae1 <- assignExpr; punctuator ":"; ae2 <- assignExpr; return $ CondExprIf loe ae1 ae2 } <|> do { return $ CondExpr loe } condExprNoIn :: JSParser CondExprNoIn condExprNoIn = do loe <- logicalOrExprNoIn; do { try $ do { punctuator "?"; }; ae1 <- assignExpr; punctuator ":"; ae2 <- assignExpr; return $ CondExprNoInIf loe ae1 ae2 } <|> do { return $ CondExprNoIn loe } assignExpr :: JSParser AssignExpr assignExpr = try (do { le <- leftExpr; ao <- assignOp; ae <- assignExpr; return $ AssignExprAssign le ao ae }) <|> do { ce <- condExpr; return $ AssignExprCondExpr ce } assignExprNoIn :: JSParser AssignExprNoIn assignExprNoIn = try (do { le <- leftExpr; ao <- assignOp; ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ AssignExprNoInAssign le ao ae }) <|> do { ce <- condExprNoIn; return $ AssignExprNoInCondExpr ce } assignOp :: JSParser AssignOp assignOp = do { punctuator "="; return AssignOpNormal } <|> do { punctuator "*="; return AssignOpMult } <|> do { punctuator "/="; return AssignOpDiv } <|> do { punctuator "%="; return AssignOpMod } <|> do { punctuator "+="; return AssignOpPlus } <|> do { punctuator "-="; return AssignOpMinus } <|> do { punctuator "<<="; return AssignOpShiftLeft } <|> do { punctuator ">>="; return AssignOpShiftRight } <|> do { punctuator ">>>="; return AssignOpShiftRightZero } <|> do { punctuator "&="; return AssignOpBitAnd } <|> do { punctuator "^="; return AssignOpBitXor } <|> do { punctuator "|="; return AssignOpBitOr } expr :: JSParser Expr expr = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExpr; return $ Expr ae }) assignExpr (do { punctuator ","; return ExprCons }) exprNoIn :: JSParser ExprNoIn exprNoIn = chainl1' (do { ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ ExprNoIn ae }) assignExprNoIn (do { punctuator ","; return ExprNoInCons }) stmt :: JSParser Stmt stmt = do { b <- block; return $ StmtBlock b } <|> do { vs <- varStmt; return $ StmtVar vs } <|> do { es <- emptyStmt; return $ StmtEmpty es } <|> try (do { es <- exprStmt; return $ StmtExpr es }) <|> do { ic <- contStmt; return $ StmtCont ic } <|> do { is <- ifStmt; return $ StmtIf is } <|> do { is <- itStmt; return $ StmtIt is } <|> do { bs <- breakStmt; return $ StmtBreak bs } <|> do { rs <- returnStmt; return $ StmtReturn rs } <|> do { ws <- withStmt; return $ StmtWith ws } <|> do { ss <- switchStmt; return $ StmtSwitch ss } <|> do { ts <- throwStmt; return $ StmtThrow ts } <|> do { ts <- tryStmt; return $ StmtTry ts } <|> do { ds <- dbgStmt; return $ StmtDbg ds } <|> do { ls <- labelledStmt; return $ StmtLabelled ls } block :: JSParser Block block = do { punctuator "{"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; punctuator "}"; return $ Block msl } stmtList :: JSParser StmtList stmtList = chainl1' (do { s <- stmt; return $ StmtList s }) stmt (do { return StmtListCons }) varStmt :: JSParser VarStmt varStmt = do { identName "var"; vdl <- varDeclList; return $ VarStmt vdl } varDeclList :: JSParser VarDeclList varDeclList = chainl1' (do { vd <- varDecl; return $ VarDeclList vd}) varDecl (do { punctuator ","; return $ VarDeclListCons }) varDeclListNoIn :: JSParser VarDeclListNoIn varDeclListNoIn = chainl1' (do { vd <- varDeclNoIn; return $ VarDeclListNoIn vd}) varDeclNoIn (do { punctuator ","; return $ VarDeclListNoInCons}) varDecl :: JSParser VarDecl varDecl = do { i <- getIdent; mInit <- optionMaybe initialiser; return $ VarDecl i mInit } varDeclNoIn :: JSParser VarDeclNoIn varDeclNoIn = do { i <- getIdent; mInit <- optionMaybe initialiserNoIn; return $ VarDeclNoIn i mInit } initialiser :: JSParser Initialiser initialiser = do { punctuator "="; ae <- assignExpr; return $ Initialiser ae } initialiserNoIn :: JSParser InitialiserNoIn initialiserNoIn = do { punctuator "="; ae <- assignExprNoIn; return $ InitialiserNoIn ae } emptyStmt :: JSParser EmptyStmt emptyStmt = do { punctuator ";"; return EmptyStmt } exprStmt :: JSParser ExprStmt exprStmt = do { notFollowedBy (try $ punctuator "{" <|> identName "function"); e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ExprStmt e } ifStmt :: JSParser IfStmt ifStmt = try (do { identName "if"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s1 <- stmt; identName "else"; s2 <- stmt; return $ IfStmtIfElse e s1 s2 }) <|> do { identName "if"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ IfStmtIf e s } itStmt :: JSParser ItStmt itStmt = try (do { identName "do"; s <- stmt; identName "while"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; return $ ItStmtDoWhile s e }) <|> try (do { identName "while"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtWhile e s }) <|> try (do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; me1 <- optionMaybe exprNoIn; punctuator ";"; me2 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ";"; me3 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtFor me1 me2 me3 s }) <|> try (do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; identName "var"; vdl <- varDeclListNoIn; punctuator ";"; me1 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ";"; me2 <- optionMaybe expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForVar vdl me1 me2 s }) <|> do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; le <- leftExpr; identName "in"; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForIn le e s } <|> do { identName "for"; punctuator "("; identName "var"; vd <- varDeclNoIn; identName "in"; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ ItStmtForVarIn vd e s } contStmt :: JSParser ContStmt contStmt = try (do { identName "continue"; autoSemi; return ContStmt }) <|> do { identName "continue"; noLineTerminatorHere; i <- getIdent; autoSemi; return $ ContStmtLabelled i } breakStmt :: JSParser BreakStmt breakStmt = try (do { identName "break"; autoSemi; return BreakStmt }) <|> do { identName "break"; noLineTerminatorHere; i <- getIdent; autoSemi; return $ BreakStmtLabelled i } returnStmt :: JSParser ReturnStmt returnStmt = try (do { identName "return"; autoSemi; return ReturnStmt }) <|> do { identName "return"; noLineTerminatorHere; e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ReturnStmtExpr e } withStmt :: JSParser WithStmt withStmt = do { identName "with"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; s <- stmt; return $ WithStmt e s } switchStmt :: JSParser SwitchStmt switchStmt = do { identName "switch"; punctuator "("; e <- expr; punctuator ")"; cb <- caseBlock; return $ SwitchStmt e cb } caseBlock :: JSParser CaseBlock caseBlock = try (do { punctuator "{"; mcc <- optionMaybe caseClauses; punctuator "}"; return $ CaseBlock mcc }) <|> do { punctuator "{"; mcc1 <- optionMaybe caseClauses; dc <- defaultClause; mcc2 <- optionMaybe caseClauses; punctuator "}"; return $ CaseBlockDefault mcc1 dc mcc2 } caseClauses :: JSParser CaseClauses caseClauses = chainl1' (do { cc <- caseClause; return $ CaseClauses cc }) caseClause (do { return $ CaseClausesCons }) caseClause :: JSParser CaseClause caseClause = do { identName "case"; e <- expr; punctuator ":"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; return $ CaseClause e msl } defaultClause :: JSParser DefaultClause defaultClause = do { identName "default"; punctuator ":"; msl <- optionMaybe stmtList; return $ DefaultClause msl } labelledStmt :: JSParser LabelledStmt labelledStmt = do { i <- getIdent; punctuator ":"; s <- stmt; return $ LabelledStmt i s } throwStmt :: JSParser ThrowStmt throwStmt = do { identName "throw"; noLineTerminatorHere; e <- expr; autoSemi; return $ ThrowStmt e } tryStmt :: JSParser TryStmt tryStmt = do identName "try" b <- block do { f <- finally; return $ TryStmtBF b f } <|> do { c <- catch; do { f <- finally; return $ TryStmtBCF b c f } <|> do { return $ TryStmtBC b c } } catch :: JSParser Catch catch = do { identName "catch"; punctuator "("; i <- getIdent; punctuator ")"; b <- block; return $ Catch i b } finally :: JSParser Finally finally = do { identName "finally"; b <- block; return $ Finally b } dbgStmt :: JSParser DbgStmt dbgStmt = do { identName "debugger"; autoSemi; return DbgStmt } funcDecl :: JSParser FuncDecl funcDecl = do { identName "function"; i <- getIdent; punctuator "("; mfpl <- optionMaybe formalParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ FuncDecl i mfpl fb } funcExpr :: JSParser FuncExpr funcExpr = do { identName "function"; mi <- optionMaybe getIdent; punctuator "("; mfpl <- optionMaybe formalParamList; punctuator ")"; punctuator "{"; fb <- funcBody; punctuator "}"; return $ FuncExpr mi mfpl fb } formalParamList :: JSParser FormalParamList formalParamList = chainl1' (do { i <- getIdent; return $ FormalParamList i }) getIdent (do { punctuator ","; return $ FormalParamListCons }) funcBody :: JSParser FuncBody funcBody = do { mse <- optionMaybe sourceElements; return $ FuncBody mse } program :: JSParser Program program = do { mse <- optionMaybe sourceElements; return $ Program mse } sourceElements :: JSParser SourceElements sourceElements = chainl1' (do { se <- sourceElement; return $ SourceElements se }) sourceElement (do { return SourceElementsCons }) sourceElement :: JSParser SourceElement sourceElement = do { s <- stmt; return $ SourceElementStmt s } <|> do { fd <- funcDecl; return $ SourceElementFuncDecl fd } parseJavaScript :: String -> Either ParseError Program parseJavaScript input = let p = many lineTerminator *> program <* many lineTerminator <* eof in runParser p newJSPState "" $ lexJavaScript input
; Copyright © 2022 ; Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; -2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 ; (ns progress.ansi "Handy ANSI related functionality. Note: requiring this namespace has the side effect of enabling JANSI." (:require [clojure.string :as s] [jansi-clj.core :as jansi])) (jansi/enable!) (defn save-cursor! "Issues both SCO and DEC save-cursor ANSI codes, for maximum compatibility." [] JANSI uses SCO code for cursor positioning , which is unfortunate as they 're less widely supported So we manually send a DEC code too (flush)) (defn restore-cursor! "Issues both SCO and DEC restore-cursor ANSI codes, for maximum compatibility." [] JANSI uses SCO code for cursor positioning , which is unfortunate as they 're less widely supported So we manually send a DEC code too (flush)) (defn print-at "Send text output to the specified screen locations (note: ANSI screen coordinates are 1-based). msgs may include jansi formatting." [x y & msgs] (save-cursor!) (jansi/cursor! x y) (jansi/erase-line!) (apply print msgs) (restore-cursor!)) (defn debug-print-at "Send debug output to the specified screen location (note: ANSI screen coordinates are 1-based)." [x y & args] (print-at x y (jansi/a :bold (jansi/fg-bright :yellow (jansi/bg :red (str "DEBUG: " (s/join " " args))))))) (defn debug-print "Send debug output to the upper left corner of the screen, where (hopefully) it minimises interference with everything else." [& args] (apply debug-print-at 1 1 args)) (defn apply-colour "Applies an 'enhanced' colour keyword (which may include the prefix 'bright-') to either the foreground or background of body." [fg? colour-key s] (let [bright? (s/starts-with? (name colour-key) "bright-") colour-name (if bright? (keyword (subs (name colour-key) (count "bright-"))) colour-key)] (case [fg? bright?] [true true] (jansi/fg-bright colour-name s) [true false] (jansi/fg colour-name s) [false true] (jansi/bg-bright colour-name s) [false false] (jansi/bg colour-name s)))) (defn apply-attributes "Applies all of provided attributes (a seq) to s (a string)." [attributes s] ((apply comp (map #(partial jansi/a %) attributes)) s)) (defn apply-colours-and-attrs "Applies the foreground colour, background colour, and attributes (a seq) to s (a string)." [fg-colour bg-colour attrs s] (apply-attributes (if (seq attrs) attrs [:default]) (apply-colour false (if bg-colour bg-colour :default) ((partial apply-colour true (if fg-colour fg-colour :default)) s))))
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright © 2022 distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 (ns progress.ansi "Handy ANSI related functionality. Note: requiring this namespace has the side effect of enabling JANSI." (:require [clojure.string :as s] [jansi-clj.core :as jansi])) (jansi/enable!) (defn save-cursor! "Issues both SCO and DEC save-cursor ANSI codes, for maximum compatibility." [] JANSI uses SCO code for cursor positioning , which is unfortunate as they 're less widely supported So we manually send a DEC code too (flush)) (defn restore-cursor! "Issues both SCO and DEC restore-cursor ANSI codes, for maximum compatibility." [] JANSI uses SCO code for cursor positioning , which is unfortunate as they 're less widely supported So we manually send a DEC code too (flush)) (defn print-at "Send text output to the specified screen locations (note: ANSI screen coordinates are 1-based). msgs may include jansi formatting." [x y & msgs] (save-cursor!) (jansi/cursor! x y) (jansi/erase-line!) (apply print msgs) (restore-cursor!)) (defn debug-print-at "Send debug output to the specified screen location (note: ANSI screen coordinates are 1-based)." [x y & args] (print-at x y (jansi/a :bold (jansi/fg-bright :yellow (jansi/bg :red (str "DEBUG: " (s/join " " args))))))) (defn debug-print "Send debug output to the upper left corner of the screen, where (hopefully) it minimises interference with everything else." [& args] (apply debug-print-at 1 1 args)) (defn apply-colour "Applies an 'enhanced' colour keyword (which may include the prefix 'bright-') to either the foreground or background of body." [fg? colour-key s] (let [bright? (s/starts-with? (name colour-key) "bright-") colour-name (if bright? (keyword (subs (name colour-key) (count "bright-"))) colour-key)] (case [fg? bright?] [true true] (jansi/fg-bright colour-name s) [true false] (jansi/fg colour-name s) [false true] (jansi/bg-bright colour-name s) [false false] (jansi/bg colour-name s)))) (defn apply-attributes "Applies all of provided attributes (a seq) to s (a string)." [attributes s] ((apply comp (map #(partial jansi/a %) attributes)) s)) (defn apply-colours-and-attrs "Applies the foreground colour, background colour, and attributes (a seq) to s (a string)." [fg-colour bg-colour attrs s] (apply-attributes (if (seq attrs) attrs [:default]) (apply-colour false (if bg-colour bg-colour :default) ((partial apply-colour true (if fg-colour fg-colour :default)) s))))
(ns clojure2d.protocols) (defprotocol ImageProto "Image Protocol" (get-image [i] "Return BufferedImage") (width [i] "Width of the image.") (height [i] "Height of the image.") (save [i n] "Save image `i` to a file `n`.") (convolve [i t] "Convolve with Java ConvolveOp. See [[convolution-matrices]] for kernel names.") (subimage [i x y w h] "Return part of the image.") (resize [i w h] "Resize image.")) (defprotocol MouseXYProto "Mouse position." (mouse-x [m] "Mouse horizontal position within window. 0 - left side. -1 outside window.") (mouse-y [m] "Mouse vertical position. 0 - top, -1 outside window.") (mouse-pos [m] "Mouse position as [[Vec2]] type. [0,0] - top left, [-1,-1] outside window.")) (defprotocol MouseButtonProto "Get pressed mouse button status." (mouse-button [m] "Get mouse pressed button status: :left :right :center or :none")) (defprotocol KeyEventProto "Access to key event data" (key-code [e] "Keycode mapped to keyword. See `java.awt.event.KeyEvent` documentation. Eg. `VK_LEFT` is mapped to `:left`.") (key-char [e] "Key as char.") (key-raw [e] "Raw value for pressed key (as integer).")) (defprotocol ModifiersProto "Get state of keyboard modifiers." (control-down? [e] "CONTROL key state as boolean.") (alt-down? [e] "ALT key state as boolean.") (meta-down? [e] "META key state as boolean.") (shift-down? [e] "SHIFT key state as boolean.") (alt-gr-down? [e] "ALT-GR key state as boolean.")) (defprotocol PressedProto "Key or mouse pressed status." (^{:metadoc/categories #{:window :events}} key-pressed? [w] "Any key pressed? (boolean)") (^{:metadoc/categories #{:window :events}} mouse-pressed? [w] "Any mouse button pressed? (boolean)")) Define ` ColorProto ` for representation conversions . (defprotocol ColorProto "Basic color operations" (to-color [c] "Convert any color representation to `Vec4` vector.") (to-awt-color [c] "Convert any color representation to `java.awt.Color`.") (luma [c] "Returns luma") (red [c] "Returns red (first channel) value. See also [[ch0]].") (green [c] "Returns green (second channel) value. See also [[ch1]].") (blue [c] "Returns blue (third channel) value. See also [[ch2]].") (alpha [c] "Returns alpha value.")) (defprotocol PixelsProto "Functions for accessing and setting channel values or colors. PixelsProto is used in following types: * `Pixels` - all functions * `Image`, `Canvas`, `Window` - Only [[get-value]] and [[get-color]] for given position and conversion to Pixels. Accessing color or channel value is slow. * `Log density renderer` - Only [[set-color!]], [[get-color]] and conversion to Pixels. " (get-value [pixels ch x y] [pixels ch idx] "Get channel value by index or position.") (get-color [pixels x y] [pixels idx] "Get color by index or position. In case of low density rendering returns current average color without alpha value.") (set-value! [pixels ch x y v] [pixels ch idx v] "Set channel value by index or position") (set-color! [pixels x y v] [pixels idx v] "Set color value by index or position.") (get-channel [pixels ch] "Return whole `ints` array with chosen channel") (set-channel! [pixels ch v] "Set whole channel (as `ints` array)") (to-pixels [pixels] [pixels cfg] [pixels x y w h] "Convert to Pixels. For low density rendering provide configuration. Works with Image/Canvas/Window and low density renderer.")) (defprotocol RendererProto (add-pixel! [r x y] [r x y c]) (get-pixel [r x y])) (defprotocol ShapeProto (bounding-box [shape]) (contains-point? [shape x y]) (contains-rectangle? [shape x y w h]) (intersects-rectangle? [shape x y w h]))
(ns clojure2d.protocols) (defprotocol ImageProto "Image Protocol" (get-image [i] "Return BufferedImage") (width [i] "Width of the image.") (height [i] "Height of the image.") (save [i n] "Save image `i` to a file `n`.") (convolve [i t] "Convolve with Java ConvolveOp. See [[convolution-matrices]] for kernel names.") (subimage [i x y w h] "Return part of the image.") (resize [i w h] "Resize image.")) (defprotocol MouseXYProto "Mouse position." (mouse-x [m] "Mouse horizontal position within window. 0 - left side. -1 outside window.") (mouse-y [m] "Mouse vertical position. 0 - top, -1 outside window.") (mouse-pos [m] "Mouse position as [[Vec2]] type. [0,0] - top left, [-1,-1] outside window.")) (defprotocol MouseButtonProto "Get pressed mouse button status." (mouse-button [m] "Get mouse pressed button status: :left :right :center or :none")) (defprotocol KeyEventProto "Access to key event data" (key-code [e] "Keycode mapped to keyword. See `java.awt.event.KeyEvent` documentation. Eg. `VK_LEFT` is mapped to `:left`.") (key-char [e] "Key as char.") (key-raw [e] "Raw value for pressed key (as integer).")) (defprotocol ModifiersProto "Get state of keyboard modifiers." (control-down? [e] "CONTROL key state as boolean.") (alt-down? [e] "ALT key state as boolean.") (meta-down? [e] "META key state as boolean.") (shift-down? [e] "SHIFT key state as boolean.") (alt-gr-down? [e] "ALT-GR key state as boolean.")) (defprotocol PressedProto "Key or mouse pressed status." (^{:metadoc/categories #{:window :events}} key-pressed? [w] "Any key pressed? (boolean)") (^{:metadoc/categories #{:window :events}} mouse-pressed? [w] "Any mouse button pressed? (boolean)")) Define ` ColorProto ` for representation conversions . (defprotocol ColorProto "Basic color operations" (to-color [c] "Convert any color representation to `Vec4` vector.") (to-awt-color [c] "Convert any color representation to `java.awt.Color`.") (luma [c] "Returns luma") (red [c] "Returns red (first channel) value. See also [[ch0]].") (green [c] "Returns green (second channel) value. See also [[ch1]].") (blue [c] "Returns blue (third channel) value. See also [[ch2]].") (alpha [c] "Returns alpha value.")) (defprotocol PixelsProto "Functions for accessing and setting channel values or colors. PixelsProto is used in following types: * `Pixels` - all functions * `Image`, `Canvas`, `Window` - Only [[get-value]] and [[get-color]] for given position and conversion to Pixels. Accessing color or channel value is slow. * `Log density renderer` - Only [[set-color!]], [[get-color]] and conversion to Pixels. " (get-value [pixels ch x y] [pixels ch idx] "Get channel value by index or position.") (get-color [pixels x y] [pixels idx] "Get color by index or position. In case of low density rendering returns current average color without alpha value.") (set-value! [pixels ch x y v] [pixels ch idx v] "Set channel value by index or position") (set-color! [pixels x y v] [pixels idx v] "Set color value by index or position.") (get-channel [pixels ch] "Return whole `ints` array with chosen channel") (set-channel! [pixels ch v] "Set whole channel (as `ints` array)") (to-pixels [pixels] [pixels cfg] [pixels x y w h] "Convert to Pixels. For low density rendering provide configuration. Works with Image/Canvas/Window and low density renderer.")) (defprotocol RendererProto (add-pixel! [r x y] [r x y c]) (get-pixel [r x y])) (defprotocol ShapeProto (bounding-box [shape]) (contains-point? [shape x y]) (contains-rectangle? [shape x y w h]) (intersects-rectangle? [shape x y w h]))
(ns organum.core "From: " (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as string] [babashka.fs :as fs])) (defn classify-line "Classify a line for dispatch to handle-line multimethod." [ln] (let [headline-re #"^(\*+)\s*(.*)$" pdrawer-re #"^\s*:(PROPERTIES|END):" pdrawer (fn [x] (second (re-matches pdrawer-re x))) pdrawer-item-re #"^\s*:([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+):\s*(.*)$" block-re #"^\s*#\+(BEGIN|END|begin|end)_(\w*)\s*([0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)?.*" block (fn [x] (rest (re-matches block-re x))) def-list-re #"^\s*(-|\+|\s+[*])\s*(.*?)::.*" ordered-list-re #"^\s*\d+(\.|\))\s+.*" unordered-list-re #"^\s*(-|\+|\s+[*])\s+.*" metadata-re #"^\s*(CLOCK|DEADLINE|START|CLOSED|SCHEDULED):.*" table-sep-re #"^\s*\|[-\|\+]*\s*$" table-row-re #"^\\s*\\|.*" inline-example-re #"^\s*:\s.*" horiz-re #"^\s*-{5,}\s*$"] (cond (re-matches headline-re ln) :headline (string/blank? ln) :blank (re-matches def-list-re ln) :definition-list (re-matches ordered-list-re ln) :ordered-list (re-matches unordered-list-re ln) :unordered-list (= (pdrawer ln) "PROPERTIES") :property-drawer-begin-block (= (pdrawer ln) "END") :property-drawer-end-block (re-matches pdrawer-item-re ln) :property-drawer-item (re-matches metadata-re ln) :metadata (#{"BEGIN" "begin"} (first (block ln))) :begin-block (#{"END" "end"} (first (block ln))) :end-block (= (second (block ln)) "COMMENT") :comment (= (first ln) \#) #_ (not (= (second ln) \+)) :comment (re-matches table-sep-re ln) :table-separator (re-matches table-row-re ln) :table-row (re-matches inline-example-re ln) :inline-example (re-matches horiz-re ln) :horizontal-rule :else :paragraph))) (defn strip-tags "Return the line with tags stripped out and list of tags" [ln] (if-let [[_ text tags] (re-matches #"(.*?)\s*(:[\w:]*:)\s*$" ln)] [text (remove string/blank? (string/split tags #":"))] [ln nil])) (defn strip-keyword "Return the line with keyword stripped out and list of keywords" [ln] (let [keywords-re #"()?" words (string/split ln #"\s+")] (if (re-matches keywords-re (words 0)) [(string/triml (string/replace-first ln (words 0) "")) (words 0)] [ln nil]))) ;; node constructors (defn node [type] {:type type :content []}) (defn root [] (node :root)) (defn section [level name tags kw] (merge (node :section) {:level level :name name :tags tags :kw kw})) (defn block [type qualifier] (merge (node :block) {:block-type type :qualifier qualifier})) (defn drawer [] (node :drawer)) (defn line [type text] {:line-type type :text text}) State helpers (defn subsume "Updates the current node (header, block, drawer) to contain the specified item." [state item] (let [top (last state) new (update-in top [:content] conj item)] (conj (pop state) new))) (defn subsume-top "Closes off the top node by subsuming it into its parent's content" [state] (let [top (last state) state (pop state)] (subsume state top))) (defn create-new-section [ln] (when-let [[_ prefix text] (re-matches #"^(\*+)\s*(.*?)$" ln)] (let [[text tags] (strip-tags text) [text kw] (strip-keyword text)] (section (count prefix) text tags kw)))) (defn parse-block [ln] (let [block-re #"^\s*#\+(BEGIN|END|begin|end)_(\w*)\s*([0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)?" [_ _ type qualifier] (re-matches block-re ln)] TODO get other key values on blocks ? (block type qualifier))) ;; handle line (defmulti handle-line "Parse line and return updated state." (fn [_state ln] (classify-line ln))) (defmethod handle-line :headline [state ln] (conj state (create-new-section ln))) (defmethod handle-line :begin-block [state ln] (conj state (parse-block ln))) (defmethod handle-line :end-block [state _ln] (subsume-top state)) (defmethod handle-line :property-drawer-begin-block [state _ln] (conj state (drawer))) (defmethod handle-line :property-drawer-end-block [state _ln] (subsume-top state)) (defmethod handle-line :default [state ln] (subsume state (line (classify-line ln) ln))) ;; parse file (defn parse-file "Parse file (name / url / File) into (flat) sequence of sections. First section may be type :root, subsequent are type :section. Other parsed representations may be contained within the sections" [f] (with-open [rdr (io/reader f)] (reduce handle-line [(root)] (line-seq rdr)))) (comment (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/readme.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/daily/2022-09-26.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/daily/2022-09-27.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/journal.org")))
node constructors handle line parse file
(ns organum.core "From: " (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as string] [babashka.fs :as fs])) (defn classify-line "Classify a line for dispatch to handle-line multimethod." [ln] (let [headline-re #"^(\*+)\s*(.*)$" pdrawer-re #"^\s*:(PROPERTIES|END):" pdrawer (fn [x] (second (re-matches pdrawer-re x))) pdrawer-item-re #"^\s*:([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+):\s*(.*)$" block-re #"^\s*#\+(BEGIN|END|begin|end)_(\w*)\s*([0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)?.*" block (fn [x] (rest (re-matches block-re x))) def-list-re #"^\s*(-|\+|\s+[*])\s*(.*?)::.*" ordered-list-re #"^\s*\d+(\.|\))\s+.*" unordered-list-re #"^\s*(-|\+|\s+[*])\s+.*" metadata-re #"^\s*(CLOCK|DEADLINE|START|CLOSED|SCHEDULED):.*" table-sep-re #"^\s*\|[-\|\+]*\s*$" table-row-re #"^\\s*\\|.*" inline-example-re #"^\s*:\s.*" horiz-re #"^\s*-{5,}\s*$"] (cond (re-matches headline-re ln) :headline (string/blank? ln) :blank (re-matches def-list-re ln) :definition-list (re-matches ordered-list-re ln) :ordered-list (re-matches unordered-list-re ln) :unordered-list (= (pdrawer ln) "PROPERTIES") :property-drawer-begin-block (= (pdrawer ln) "END") :property-drawer-end-block (re-matches pdrawer-item-re ln) :property-drawer-item (re-matches metadata-re ln) :metadata (#{"BEGIN" "begin"} (first (block ln))) :begin-block (#{"END" "end"} (first (block ln))) :end-block (= (second (block ln)) "COMMENT") :comment (= (first ln) \#) #_ (not (= (second ln) \+)) :comment (re-matches table-sep-re ln) :table-separator (re-matches table-row-re ln) :table-row (re-matches inline-example-re ln) :inline-example (re-matches horiz-re ln) :horizontal-rule :else :paragraph))) (defn strip-tags "Return the line with tags stripped out and list of tags" [ln] (if-let [[_ text tags] (re-matches #"(.*?)\s*(:[\w:]*:)\s*$" ln)] [text (remove string/blank? (string/split tags #":"))] [ln nil])) (defn strip-keyword "Return the line with keyword stripped out and list of keywords" [ln] (let [keywords-re #"()?" words (string/split ln #"\s+")] (if (re-matches keywords-re (words 0)) [(string/triml (string/replace-first ln (words 0) "")) (words 0)] [ln nil]))) (defn node [type] {:type type :content []}) (defn root [] (node :root)) (defn section [level name tags kw] (merge (node :section) {:level level :name name :tags tags :kw kw})) (defn block [type qualifier] (merge (node :block) {:block-type type :qualifier qualifier})) (defn drawer [] (node :drawer)) (defn line [type text] {:line-type type :text text}) State helpers (defn subsume "Updates the current node (header, block, drawer) to contain the specified item." [state item] (let [top (last state) new (update-in top [:content] conj item)] (conj (pop state) new))) (defn subsume-top "Closes off the top node by subsuming it into its parent's content" [state] (let [top (last state) state (pop state)] (subsume state top))) (defn create-new-section [ln] (when-let [[_ prefix text] (re-matches #"^(\*+)\s*(.*?)$" ln)] (let [[text tags] (strip-tags text) [text kw] (strip-keyword text)] (section (count prefix) text tags kw)))) (defn parse-block [ln] (let [block-re #"^\s*#\+(BEGIN|END|begin|end)_(\w*)\s*([0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)?" [_ _ type qualifier] (re-matches block-re ln)] TODO get other key values on blocks ? (block type qualifier))) (defmulti handle-line "Parse line and return updated state." (fn [_state ln] (classify-line ln))) (defmethod handle-line :headline [state ln] (conj state (create-new-section ln))) (defmethod handle-line :begin-block [state ln] (conj state (parse-block ln))) (defmethod handle-line :end-block [state _ln] (subsume-top state)) (defmethod handle-line :property-drawer-begin-block [state _ln] (conj state (drawer))) (defmethod handle-line :property-drawer-end-block [state _ln] (subsume-top state)) (defmethod handle-line :default [state ln] (subsume state (line (classify-line ln) ln))) (defn parse-file "Parse file (name / url / File) into (flat) sequence of sections. First section may be type :root, subsequent are type :section. Other parsed representations may be contained within the sections" [f] (with-open [rdr (io/reader f)] (reduce handle-line [(root)] (line-seq rdr)))) (comment (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/readme.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/daily/2022-09-26.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/daily/2022-09-27.org")) (parse-file (str (fs/home) "/todo/journal.org")))
module BackendC.Base where import Base import Data.FileEmbed import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C.Translation.FromInternal as MiniC import Juvix.Compiler.Builtins (iniState) import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline import System.Process qualified as P clangCompile :: (Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String]) -> MiniC.MiniCResult -> (Path Abs File -> IO Text) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO Text clangCompile mkClangArgs cResult execute step = withTempDir' ( \dirPath -> do let cOutputFile = dirPath <//> $(mkRelFile "out.c") wasmOutputFile = dirPath <//> $(mkRelFile "Input.wasm") TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cOutputFile) (cResult ^. MiniC.resultCCode) step "WASM generation" P.callProcess "clang" (mkClangArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile) step "WASM execution" execute wasmOutputFile ) wasmClangAssertionCGenOnly :: Path Abs File -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasmClangAssertionCGenOnly mainFile step = do step "C Generation" root <- getCurrentDir let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint root mainFile (void . runIO' iniState entryPoint) upToMiniC wasmClangAssertion :: WASMInfo -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasmClangAssertion WASMInfo {..} mainFile expectedFile step = do step "Check clang and wasmer are on path" assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "clang") assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer") root <- getCurrentDir step "C Generation" let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint root mainFile p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- snd <$> runIO' iniState entryPoint upToMiniC expected <- TIO.readFile (toFilePath expectedFile) step "Compile C with wasm standalone runtime" actualStandalone <- clangCompile standaloneArgs p _wasmInfoActual step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("Check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualStandalone expected wasiClangAssertion :: StdlibMode -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Text -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasiClangAssertion stdlibMode mainFile expectedFile stdinText step = do step "Check clang and wasmer are on path" assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "clang") assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer") step "Lookup WASI_SYSROOT_PATH" sysrootPath <- getWasiSysrootPath root <- getCurrentDir step "C Generation" let entryPoint = (defaultEntryPoint root mainFile) {_entryPointNoStdlib = stdlibMode == StdlibExclude} p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- snd <$> runIO' iniState entryPoint upToMiniC expected <- TIO.readFile (toFilePath expectedFile) let execute :: Path Abs File -> IO Text execute outputFile = pack <$> P.readProcess "wasmer" [toFilePath outputFile] (unpack stdinText) step "Compile C with standalone runtime" actualStandalone <- clangCompile (wasiStandaloneArgs sysrootPath) p execute step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualStandalone expected step "Compile C with libc runtime" actualLibc <- clangCompile (libcArgs sysrootPath) p execute step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualLibc expected builtinRuntime :: Path Abs Dir builtinRuntime = absDir $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/builtins" >>= strToExp) standaloneArgs :: Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] standaloneArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "--target=wasm32", "-nostartfiles", "-Wl,--no-entry", "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath wallocPath, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/standalone/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp) wallocPath :: Path Abs File wallocPath = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc/walloc.c" >>= strToExp) wasiStandaloneArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] wasiStandaloneArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "--target=wasm32-wasi", "--sysroot", toFilePath sysrootPath, "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath wallocPath, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-standalone/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp) wallocPath :: Path Abs File wallocPath = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc/walloc.c" >>= strToExp) libcArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] libcArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "-lc", "--target=wasm32-wasi", "--sysroot", toFilePath sysrootPath, "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-libc/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)
module BackendC.Base where import Base import Data.FileEmbed import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.C.Translation.FromInternal as MiniC import Juvix.Compiler.Builtins (iniState) import Juvix.Compiler.Pipeline import System.Process qualified as P clangCompile :: (Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String]) -> MiniC.MiniCResult -> (Path Abs File -> IO Text) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO Text clangCompile mkClangArgs cResult execute step = withTempDir' ( \dirPath -> do let cOutputFile = dirPath <//> $(mkRelFile "out.c") wasmOutputFile = dirPath <//> $(mkRelFile "Input.wasm") TIO.writeFile (toFilePath cOutputFile) (cResult ^. MiniC.resultCCode) step "WASM generation" P.callProcess "clang" (mkClangArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile) step "WASM execution" execute wasmOutputFile ) wasmClangAssertionCGenOnly :: Path Abs File -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasmClangAssertionCGenOnly mainFile step = do step "C Generation" root <- getCurrentDir let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint root mainFile (void . runIO' iniState entryPoint) upToMiniC wasmClangAssertion :: WASMInfo -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasmClangAssertion WASMInfo {..} mainFile expectedFile step = do step "Check clang and wasmer are on path" assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "clang") assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer") root <- getCurrentDir step "C Generation" let entryPoint = defaultEntryPoint root mainFile p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- snd <$> runIO' iniState entryPoint upToMiniC expected <- TIO.readFile (toFilePath expectedFile) step "Compile C with wasm standalone runtime" actualStandalone <- clangCompile standaloneArgs p _wasmInfoActual step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("Check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualStandalone expected wasiClangAssertion :: StdlibMode -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> Text -> ((String -> IO ()) -> Assertion) wasiClangAssertion stdlibMode mainFile expectedFile stdinText step = do step "Check clang and wasmer are on path" assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "clang") assertCmdExists $(mkRelFile "wasmer") step "Lookup WASI_SYSROOT_PATH" sysrootPath <- getWasiSysrootPath root <- getCurrentDir step "C Generation" let entryPoint = (defaultEntryPoint root mainFile) {_entryPointNoStdlib = stdlibMode == StdlibExclude} p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- snd <$> runIO' iniState entryPoint upToMiniC expected <- TIO.readFile (toFilePath expectedFile) let execute :: Path Abs File -> IO Text execute outputFile = pack <$> P.readProcess "wasmer" [toFilePath outputFile] (unpack stdinText) step "Compile C with standalone runtime" actualStandalone <- clangCompile (wasiStandaloneArgs sysrootPath) p execute step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualStandalone expected step "Compile C with libc runtime" actualLibc <- clangCompile (libcArgs sysrootPath) p execute step step "Compare expected and actual program output" assertEqDiffText ("check: WASM output = " <> toFilePath expectedFile) actualLibc expected builtinRuntime :: Path Abs Dir builtinRuntime = absDir $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/builtins" >>= strToExp) standaloneArgs :: Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] standaloneArgs wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "--target=wasm32", "-nostartfiles", "-Wl,--no-entry", "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath wallocPath, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/standalone/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp) wallocPath :: Path Abs File wallocPath = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc/walloc.c" >>= strToExp) wasiStandaloneArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] wasiStandaloneArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "--target=wasm32-wasi", "--sysroot", toFilePath sysrootPath, "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath wallocPath, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-standalone/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp) wallocPath :: Path Abs File wallocPath = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/walloc/walloc.c" >>= strToExp) libcArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> Path Abs File -> [String] libcArgs sysrootPath wasmOutputFile cOutputFile = [ "-nodefaultlibs", "-std=c99", "-Oz", "-I", toFilePath (parent minicRuntime), "-I", toFilePath builtinRuntime, "-Werror", "-lc", "--target=wasm32-wasi", "--sysroot", toFilePath sysrootPath, "-o", toFilePath wasmOutputFile, toFilePath cOutputFile ] where minicRuntime :: Path Abs File minicRuntime = absFile $(makeRelativeToProject "c-runtime/wasi-libc/c-runtime.h" >>= strToExp)
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - orphans # module Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg ( ShelleyDELEG, DelegEnv (..), PredicateFailure, ShelleyDelegPredFailure (..), ) where import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Globals (..), ShelleyBase, epochInfoPure, invalidKey) import Cardano.Ledger.Binary ( DecCBOR (..), EncCBOR (..), decodeRecordSum, encodeListLen, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Coin (Coin (..), DeltaCoin (..), addDeltaCoin, toDeltaCoin) import Cardano.Ledger.Core import Cardano.Ledger.Credential (Credential) import Cardano.Ledger.Keys ( GenDelegPair (..), GenDelegs (..), Hash, KeyHash, KeyRole (..), VerKeyVRF, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Era (ShelleyDELEG) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.HardForks as HardForks (allowMIRTransfer) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState ( AccountState (..), DState (..), FutureGenDeleg (..), InstantaneousRewards (..), availableAfterMIR, delegations, dsFutureGenDelegs, dsGenDelegs, dsIRewards, rewards, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxBody ( ConstitutionalDelegCert (..), DCert (..), DelegCert (..), Delegation (..), MIRCert (..), MIRPot (..), MIRTarget (..), Ptr, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Slot ( Duration (..), EpochNo (..), SlotNo, epochInfoEpoch, epochInfoFirst, (*-), (+*), ) import Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact (RDPair (..), View (..), compactCoinOrError, fromCompact) import qualified Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact as UM import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks) import Control.SetAlgebra (eval, range, singleton, (∉), (∪), (⨃)) import Control.State.Transition import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Group (Group (..)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..)) data DelegEnv era = DelegEnv { slotNo :: SlotNo , ptr_ :: Ptr , acnt_ :: AccountState , ppDE :: PParams era -- The protocol parameters are only used for the HardFork mechanism } deriving instance (Show (PParams era)) => Show (DelegEnv era) deriving instance (Eq (PParams era)) => Eq (DelegEnv era) data ShelleyDelegPredFailure era = StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG Credential which is already registered | -- | Indicates that the stake key is somehow already in the rewards map. -- This error is now redundant with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG. -- We should remove it and replace its one use with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG. StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG !(Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)) -- DEPRECATED, now redundant with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG | StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG Credential which is not registered | StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG !(Maybe Coin) -- The remaining reward account balance, if it exists | StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG Credential that is not registered | WrongCertificateTypeDELEG -- The DCertPool constructor should not be used by this transition | GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG Unknown Genesis KeyHash | DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG which is already delegated to | InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves !Coin -- amount of rewards to be given out !Coin -- size of the pot from which the lovelace is drawn | MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG !SlotNo -- current slot !SlotNo -- EraRule "MIR" must be submitted before this slot | DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG !(Hash (EraCrypto era) (VerKeyVRF (EraCrypto era))) -- VRF KeyHash which is already delegated to | MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed | MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed | InsufficientForTransferDELEG which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves !Coin -- amount attempted to transfer !Coin -- amount available | MIRProducesNegativeUpdate | MIRNegativeTransfer which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves !Coin -- amount attempted to transfer deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype ShelleyDelegEvent era = NewEpoch EpochNo instance EraPParams era => STS (ShelleyDELEG era) where type State (ShelleyDELEG era) = DState (EraCrypto era) type Signal (ShelleyDELEG era) = DCert (EraCrypto era) type Environment (ShelleyDELEG era) = DelegEnv era type BaseM (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyBase type PredicateFailure (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyDelegPredFailure era type Event (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyDelegEvent era transitionRules = [delegationTransition] instance NoThunks (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) instance NFData (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) instance (Era era, Typeable (Script era)) => EncCBOR (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) where encCBOR = \case StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (0 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (1 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG rewardBalance -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (2 :: Word8) <> encCBOR rewardBalance StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (3 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred WrongCertificateTypeDELEG -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (4 :: Word8) GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (5 :: Word8) <> encCBOR gkh DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG kh -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (6 :: Word8) <> encCBOR kh InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG pot needed potAmount -> encodeListLen 4 <> encCBOR (7 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR needed <> encCBOR potAmount MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG sNow sTooLate -> encodeListLen 3 <> encCBOR (8 :: Word8) <> encCBOR sNow <> encCBOR sTooLate DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (9 :: Word8) <> encCBOR vrf StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (10 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (11 :: Word8) MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (12 :: Word8) InsufficientForTransferDELEG pot needed available -> encodeListLen 4 <> encCBOR (13 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR needed <> encCBOR available MIRProducesNegativeUpdate -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (14 :: Word8) MIRNegativeTransfer pot amt -> encodeListLen 3 <> encCBOR (15 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR amt instance (Era era, Typeable (Script era)) => DecCBOR (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) where decCBOR = decodeRecordSum "PredicateFailure (DELEG era)" $ \case 0 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG kh) 1 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG kh) 2 -> do b <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG b) 3 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG kh) 4 -> do pure (1, WrongCertificateTypeDELEG) 5 -> do gkh <- decCBOR pure (2, GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh) 6 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG kh) 7 -> do pot <- decCBOR needed <- decCBOR potAmount <- decCBOR pure (4, InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG pot needed potAmount) 8 -> do sNow <- decCBOR sTooLate <- decCBOR pure (3, MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG sNow sTooLate) 9 -> do vrf <- decCBOR pure (2, DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf) 10 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG kh) 11 -> do pure (1, MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed) 12 -> do pure (1, MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed) 13 -> do pot <- decCBOR needed <- decCBOR available <- decCBOR pure (4, InsufficientForTransferDELEG pot needed available) 14 -> do pure (1, MIRProducesNegativeUpdate) 15 -> do pot <- decCBOR amt <- decCBOR pure (3, MIRNegativeTransfer pot amt) k -> invalidKey k delegationTransition :: EraPParams era => TransitionRule (ShelleyDELEG era) delegationTransition = do TRC (DelegEnv slot ptr acnt pp, ds, c) <- judgmentContext let pv = pp ^. ppProtocolVersionL case c of DCertDeleg (RegKey hk) -> do ( hk ∉ dom ( rewards ds ) ) UM.notMember hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG hk let u1 = dsUnified ds deposit = compactCoinOrError (pp ^. ppKeyDepositL) u2 = RewardDeposits u1 UM.∪ (hk, RDPair (UM.CompactCoin 0) deposit) u3 = Ptrs u2 UM.∪ (ptr, hk) pure (ds {dsUnified = u3}) DCertDeleg (DeRegKey hk) -> do -- note that pattern match is used instead of cwitness, as in the spec -- (hk ∈ dom (rewards ds)) UM.member hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG hk let rewardCoin = rdReward <$> UM.lookup hk (rewards ds) rewardCoin == Just mempty ?! StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG (fromCompact <$> rewardCoin) let u0 = dsUnified ds u1 = Set.singleton hk UM.⋪ RewardDeposits u0 u2 = Set.singleton hk UM.⋪ Delegations u1 u3 = Ptrs u2 UM.⋫ Set.singleton hk u4 = ds {dsUnified = u3} pure u4 DCertDeleg (Delegate (Delegation hk dpool)) -> do note that pattern match is used instead of cwitness and dpool , as in the spec -- (hk ∈ dom (rewards ds)) UM.member hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG hk pure (ds {dsUnified = delegations ds UM.⨃ Map.singleton hk dpool}) DCertGenesis (ConstitutionalDelegCert gkh vkh vrf) -> do sp <- liftSTS $ asks stabilityWindow -- note that pattern match is used instead of genesisDeleg, as in the spec let s' = slot +* Duration sp GenDelegs genDelegs = dsGenDelegs ds -- gkh ∈ dom genDelegs ?! GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh isJust (Map.lookup gkh genDelegs) ?! GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh let cod = range $ Map.filterWithKey (\g _ -> g /= gkh) genDelegs fod = range $ Map.filterWithKey (\(FutureGenDeleg _ g) _ -> g /= gkh) (dsFutureGenDelegs ds) currentOtherColdKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegKeyHash cod currentOtherVrfKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegVrfHash cod futureOtherColdKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegKeyHash fod futureOtherVrfKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegVrfHash fod eval (vkh ∉ (currentOtherColdKeyHashes ∪ futureOtherColdKeyHashes)) ?! DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG vkh eval (vrf ∉ (currentOtherVrfKeyHashes ∪ futureOtherVrfKeyHashes)) ?! DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf pure $ ds { dsFutureGenDelegs = eval (dsFutureGenDelegs ds ⨃ singleton (FutureGenDeleg s' gkh) (GenDelegPair vkh vrf)) } DCertMir (MIRCert targetPot mirTarget) -> do checkSlotNotTooLate slot case mirTarget of StakeAddressesMIR credCoinMap -> do let (potAmount, delta, instantaneousRewards) = case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> (asReserves acnt, deltaReserves $ dsIRewards ds, iRReserves $ dsIRewards ds) TreasuryMIR -> (asTreasury acnt, deltaTreasury $ dsIRewards ds, iRTreasury $ dsIRewards ds) let credCoinMap' = Map.map (\(DeltaCoin x) -> Coin x) credCoinMap (combinedMap, available) <- if HardForks.allowMIRTransfer pv then do let cm = Map.unionWith (<>) credCoinMap' instantaneousRewards all (>= mempty) cm ?! MIRProducesNegativeUpdate pure (cm, potAmount `addDeltaCoin` delta) else do all (>= mempty) credCoinMap ?! MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed pure (Map.union credCoinMap' instantaneousRewards, potAmount) updateReservesAndTreasury targetPot combinedMap available ds SendToOppositePotMIR coin -> if HardForks.allowMIRTransfer pv then do let available = availableAfterMIR targetPot acnt (dsIRewards ds) coin >= mempty ?! MIRNegativeTransfer targetPot coin coin <= available ?! InsufficientForTransferDELEG targetPot coin available let ir = dsIRewards ds dr = deltaReserves ir dt = deltaTreasury ir case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> pure $ ds { dsIRewards = ir { deltaReserves = dr <> invert (toDeltaCoin coin) , deltaTreasury = dt <> toDeltaCoin coin } } TreasuryMIR -> pure $ ds { dsIRewards = ir { deltaReserves = dr <> toDeltaCoin coin , deltaTreasury = dt <> invert (toDeltaCoin coin) } } else do failBecause MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed pure ds DCertPool _ -> do failBecause WrongCertificateTypeDELEG -- this always fails pure ds checkSlotNotTooLate :: EraPParams era => SlotNo -> Rule (ShelleyDELEG era) 'Transition () checkSlotNotTooLate slot = do sp <- liftSTS $ asks stabilityWindow ei <- liftSTS $ asks epochInfoPure EpochNo currEpoch <- liftSTS $ epochInfoEpoch ei slot let newEpoch = EpochNo (currEpoch + 1) tellEvent (NewEpoch newEpoch) firstSlot <- liftSTS $ epochInfoFirst ei newEpoch let tooLate = firstSlot *- Duration sp slot < tooLate ?! MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG slot tooLate updateReservesAndTreasury :: MIRPot -> Map.Map (Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)) Coin -> Coin -> DState (EraCrypto era) -> Rule (ShelleyDELEG era) 'Transition (DState (EraCrypto era)) updateReservesAndTreasury targetPot combinedMap available ds = do let requiredForRewards = fold combinedMap requiredForRewards <= available ?! InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG targetPot requiredForRewards available pure $ case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> ds {dsIRewards = (dsIRewards ds) {iRReserves = combinedMap}} TreasuryMIR -> ds {dsIRewards = (dsIRewards ds) {iRTreasury = combinedMap}}
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # The protocol parameters are only used for the HardFork mechanism | Indicates that the stake key is somehow already in the rewards map. This error is now redundant with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG. We should remove it and replace its one use with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG. DEPRECATED, now redundant with StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG The remaining reward account balance, if it exists The DCertPool constructor should not be used by this transition amount of rewards to be given out size of the pot from which the lovelace is drawn current slot EraRule "MIR" must be submitted before this slot VRF KeyHash which is already delegated to amount attempted to transfer amount available amount attempted to transfer note that pattern match is used instead of cwitness, as in the spec (hk ∈ dom (rewards ds)) (hk ∈ dom (rewards ds)) note that pattern match is used instead of genesisDeleg, as in the spec gkh ∈ dom genDelegs ?! GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh this always fails
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - orphans # module Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg ( ShelleyDELEG, DelegEnv (..), PredicateFailure, ShelleyDelegPredFailure (..), ) where import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Globals (..), ShelleyBase, epochInfoPure, invalidKey) import Cardano.Ledger.Binary ( DecCBOR (..), EncCBOR (..), decodeRecordSum, encodeListLen, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Coin (Coin (..), DeltaCoin (..), addDeltaCoin, toDeltaCoin) import Cardano.Ledger.Core import Cardano.Ledger.Credential (Credential) import Cardano.Ledger.Keys ( GenDelegPair (..), GenDelegs (..), Hash, KeyHash, KeyRole (..), VerKeyVRF, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Era (ShelleyDELEG) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.HardForks as HardForks (allowMIRTransfer) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState ( AccountState (..), DState (..), FutureGenDeleg (..), InstantaneousRewards (..), availableAfterMIR, delegations, dsFutureGenDelegs, dsGenDelegs, dsIRewards, rewards, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxBody ( ConstitutionalDelegCert (..), DCert (..), DelegCert (..), Delegation (..), MIRCert (..), MIRPot (..), MIRTarget (..), Ptr, ) import Cardano.Ledger.Slot ( Duration (..), EpochNo (..), SlotNo, epochInfoEpoch, epochInfoFirst, (*-), (+*), ) import Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact (RDPair (..), View (..), compactCoinOrError, fromCompact) import qualified Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact as UM import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks) import Control.SetAlgebra (eval, range, singleton, (∉), (∪), (⨃)) import Control.State.Transition import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Group (Group (..)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..)) data DelegEnv era = DelegEnv { slotNo :: SlotNo , ptr_ :: Ptr , acnt_ :: AccountState } deriving instance (Show (PParams era)) => Show (DelegEnv era) deriving instance (Eq (PParams era)) => Eq (DelegEnv era) data ShelleyDelegPredFailure era = StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG Credential which is already registered StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG | StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG Credential which is not registered | StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG | StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG Credential that is not registered | GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG Unknown Genesis KeyHash | DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG which is already delegated to | InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves | MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG | DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG | MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed | MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed | InsufficientForTransferDELEG which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves | MIRProducesNegativeUpdate | MIRNegativeTransfer which pot the rewards are to be drawn from , treasury or reserves deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) newtype ShelleyDelegEvent era = NewEpoch EpochNo instance EraPParams era => STS (ShelleyDELEG era) where type State (ShelleyDELEG era) = DState (EraCrypto era) type Signal (ShelleyDELEG era) = DCert (EraCrypto era) type Environment (ShelleyDELEG era) = DelegEnv era type BaseM (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyBase type PredicateFailure (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyDelegPredFailure era type Event (ShelleyDELEG era) = ShelleyDelegEvent era transitionRules = [delegationTransition] instance NoThunks (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) instance NFData (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) instance (Era era, Typeable (Script era)) => EncCBOR (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) where encCBOR = \case StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (0 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (1 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG rewardBalance -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (2 :: Word8) <> encCBOR rewardBalance StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (3 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred WrongCertificateTypeDELEG -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (4 :: Word8) GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (5 :: Word8) <> encCBOR gkh DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG kh -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (6 :: Word8) <> encCBOR kh InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG pot needed potAmount -> encodeListLen 4 <> encCBOR (7 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR needed <> encCBOR potAmount MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG sNow sTooLate -> encodeListLen 3 <> encCBOR (8 :: Word8) <> encCBOR sNow <> encCBOR sTooLate DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (9 :: Word8) <> encCBOR vrf StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG cred -> encodeListLen 2 <> encCBOR (10 :: Word8) <> encCBOR cred MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (11 :: Word8) MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (12 :: Word8) InsufficientForTransferDELEG pot needed available -> encodeListLen 4 <> encCBOR (13 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR needed <> encCBOR available MIRProducesNegativeUpdate -> encodeListLen 1 <> encCBOR (14 :: Word8) MIRNegativeTransfer pot amt -> encodeListLen 3 <> encCBOR (15 :: Word8) <> encCBOR pot <> encCBOR amt instance (Era era, Typeable (Script era)) => DecCBOR (ShelleyDelegPredFailure era) where decCBOR = decodeRecordSum "PredicateFailure (DELEG era)" $ \case 0 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG kh) 1 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG kh) 2 -> do b <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG b) 3 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG kh) 4 -> do pure (1, WrongCertificateTypeDELEG) 5 -> do gkh <- decCBOR pure (2, GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh) 6 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG kh) 7 -> do pot <- decCBOR needed <- decCBOR potAmount <- decCBOR pure (4, InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG pot needed potAmount) 8 -> do sNow <- decCBOR sTooLate <- decCBOR pure (3, MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG sNow sTooLate) 9 -> do vrf <- decCBOR pure (2, DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf) 10 -> do kh <- decCBOR pure (2, StakeKeyInRewardsDELEG kh) 11 -> do pure (1, MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed) 12 -> do pure (1, MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed) 13 -> do pot <- decCBOR needed <- decCBOR available <- decCBOR pure (4, InsufficientForTransferDELEG pot needed available) 14 -> do pure (1, MIRProducesNegativeUpdate) 15 -> do pot <- decCBOR amt <- decCBOR pure (3, MIRNegativeTransfer pot amt) k -> invalidKey k delegationTransition :: EraPParams era => TransitionRule (ShelleyDELEG era) delegationTransition = do TRC (DelegEnv slot ptr acnt pp, ds, c) <- judgmentContext let pv = pp ^. ppProtocolVersionL case c of DCertDeleg (RegKey hk) -> do ( hk ∉ dom ( rewards ds ) ) UM.notMember hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG hk let u1 = dsUnified ds deposit = compactCoinOrError (pp ^. ppKeyDepositL) u2 = RewardDeposits u1 UM.∪ (hk, RDPair (UM.CompactCoin 0) deposit) u3 = Ptrs u2 UM.∪ (ptr, hk) pure (ds {dsUnified = u3}) DCertDeleg (DeRegKey hk) -> do UM.member hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG hk let rewardCoin = rdReward <$> UM.lookup hk (rewards ds) rewardCoin == Just mempty ?! StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG (fromCompact <$> rewardCoin) let u0 = dsUnified ds u1 = Set.singleton hk UM.⋪ RewardDeposits u0 u2 = Set.singleton hk UM.⋪ Delegations u1 u3 = Ptrs u2 UM.⋫ Set.singleton hk u4 = ds {dsUnified = u3} pure u4 DCertDeleg (Delegate (Delegation hk dpool)) -> do note that pattern match is used instead of cwitness and dpool , as in the spec UM.member hk (rewards ds) ?! StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG hk pure (ds {dsUnified = delegations ds UM.⨃ Map.singleton hk dpool}) DCertGenesis (ConstitutionalDelegCert gkh vkh vrf) -> do sp <- liftSTS $ asks stabilityWindow let s' = slot +* Duration sp GenDelegs genDelegs = dsGenDelegs ds isJust (Map.lookup gkh genDelegs) ?! GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG gkh let cod = range $ Map.filterWithKey (\g _ -> g /= gkh) genDelegs fod = range $ Map.filterWithKey (\(FutureGenDeleg _ g) _ -> g /= gkh) (dsFutureGenDelegs ds) currentOtherColdKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegKeyHash cod currentOtherVrfKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegVrfHash cod futureOtherColdKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegKeyHash fod futureOtherVrfKeyHashes = Set.map genDelegVrfHash fod eval (vkh ∉ (currentOtherColdKeyHashes ∪ futureOtherColdKeyHashes)) ?! DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG vkh eval (vrf ∉ (currentOtherVrfKeyHashes ∪ futureOtherVrfKeyHashes)) ?! DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG vrf pure $ ds { dsFutureGenDelegs = eval (dsFutureGenDelegs ds ⨃ singleton (FutureGenDeleg s' gkh) (GenDelegPair vkh vrf)) } DCertMir (MIRCert targetPot mirTarget) -> do checkSlotNotTooLate slot case mirTarget of StakeAddressesMIR credCoinMap -> do let (potAmount, delta, instantaneousRewards) = case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> (asReserves acnt, deltaReserves $ dsIRewards ds, iRReserves $ dsIRewards ds) TreasuryMIR -> (asTreasury acnt, deltaTreasury $ dsIRewards ds, iRTreasury $ dsIRewards ds) let credCoinMap' = Map.map (\(DeltaCoin x) -> Coin x) credCoinMap (combinedMap, available) <- if HardForks.allowMIRTransfer pv then do let cm = Map.unionWith (<>) credCoinMap' instantaneousRewards all (>= mempty) cm ?! MIRProducesNegativeUpdate pure (cm, potAmount `addDeltaCoin` delta) else do all (>= mempty) credCoinMap ?! MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed pure (Map.union credCoinMap' instantaneousRewards, potAmount) updateReservesAndTreasury targetPot combinedMap available ds SendToOppositePotMIR coin -> if HardForks.allowMIRTransfer pv then do let available = availableAfterMIR targetPot acnt (dsIRewards ds) coin >= mempty ?! MIRNegativeTransfer targetPot coin coin <= available ?! InsufficientForTransferDELEG targetPot coin available let ir = dsIRewards ds dr = deltaReserves ir dt = deltaTreasury ir case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> pure $ ds { dsIRewards = ir { deltaReserves = dr <> invert (toDeltaCoin coin) , deltaTreasury = dt <> toDeltaCoin coin } } TreasuryMIR -> pure $ ds { dsIRewards = ir { deltaReserves = dr <> toDeltaCoin coin , deltaTreasury = dt <> invert (toDeltaCoin coin) } } else do failBecause MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed pure ds DCertPool _ -> do pure ds checkSlotNotTooLate :: EraPParams era => SlotNo -> Rule (ShelleyDELEG era) 'Transition () checkSlotNotTooLate slot = do sp <- liftSTS $ asks stabilityWindow ei <- liftSTS $ asks epochInfoPure EpochNo currEpoch <- liftSTS $ epochInfoEpoch ei slot let newEpoch = EpochNo (currEpoch + 1) tellEvent (NewEpoch newEpoch) firstSlot <- liftSTS $ epochInfoFirst ei newEpoch let tooLate = firstSlot *- Duration sp slot < tooLate ?! MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG slot tooLate updateReservesAndTreasury :: MIRPot -> Map.Map (Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)) Coin -> Coin -> DState (EraCrypto era) -> Rule (ShelleyDELEG era) 'Transition (DState (EraCrypto era)) updateReservesAndTreasury targetPot combinedMap available ds = do let requiredForRewards = fold combinedMap requiredForRewards <= available ?! InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG targetPot requiredForRewards available pure $ case targetPot of ReservesMIR -> ds {dsIRewards = (dsIRewards ds) {iRReserves = combinedMap}} TreasuryMIR -> ds {dsIRewards = (dsIRewards ds) {iRTreasury = combinedMap}}
(ns plr.data) (def sites [:so :octo :rm :languish :pypl :ieee :tiobe]) (def names {:so "StackOverflow" :octo "Octoverse" :rm "RedMonk" :languish "Languish" :pypl "PYPL" :ieee "IEEE Spectrum" :tiobe "TIOBE"}) (def links {:octo "-programming-languages" :ieee "-programming-languages-2022" :rm "-rankings-6-22/" :languish "/" :so "/#most-popular-technologies-language" :pypl "" :tiobe "-index/"}) (def octoverse ["JavaScript" "Python" "Java" "TypeScript" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "Shell" "C" "Ruby"]) (def ieee ["Python" "C" "C++" "C#" "Java" "SQL" "JavaScript" "R" "HTML" "TypeScript" "Go" "PHP" "Shell" "Ruby" "Scala" "MATLAB" "SAS" "Assembly" "Kotlin" "Rust" "Perl" "Objective-C" "Dart" "Swift" "Verilog" "Arduino" "D" "Julia" "CUDA" "VHDL" "Visual Basic" "LabView" "Groovy" "Lua" "Ada" "Scheme" "ABAP" "Haskell" "COBOL" "Elixir" "F#" "Lisp" "Delphi" "Fortran" "TCL" "Clojure" "Prolog" "OCaml" "Ladder Logic" "Erlang" "J" "Forth" "Elm" "Raku" "WebAssembly" "CoffeScript" "Eiffel"]) (def redmonk ["JavaScript" "Python" "Java" "PHP" "C#" "CSS" "C++" "TypeScript" "Ruby" "C" "Swift" "R" "Objective-C" "Shell" "Scala" "Go" "PowerShell" "Kotlin" "Rust" "Dart"]) (def languish ["Python" "JavaScript" "TypeScript" "Java" "C++" "C#" "Go" "HTML" "Markdown" "C" "PHP" "Rust" "CSS" "Shell" "Kotlin" "Jupyter Notebook" "R" "Dart" "Swift" "Vue" "SQL" "Ruby" "JSON" "Lua" "Dockerfile" "PowerShell"]) (def stack-overflow ["JavaScript" "HTML" "SQL" "Python" "TypeScript" "Java" "Shell" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "C" "PowerShell" "Go" "Rust" "Kotlin" "Dart" "Ruby" "Assembly" "Swift" "R" "VBA" "MATLAB" "Lua" "Groovy" "Delphi" "Scala" "Objective-C" "Perl" "Haskell" "Elixir" "Julia" "Clojure" "Solidity" "Lisp" "F#" "Fortran" "Erlang" "APL" "COBOL" "SAS" "OCaml" "Crystal"]) (def pypl ["Python" "Java" "JavaScript" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "R" "TypeScript" "Swift" "Objective-C" "Go" "Rust" "Kotlin" "MATLAB" "Ruby" "VBA" "Ada" "Dart" "Scala" "Visual Basic" "Lua" "ABAP" "Haskell" "Julia" "Groovy" "COBOL" "Perl" "Delphi"]) (def tiobe ["Python" "C" "C++" "Java" "C#" "Visual Basic" "JavaScript" "SQL" "Assembly" "PHP" "Swift" "Go" "R" "Classic Visual Basic" "MATLAB" "Ruby" "Delphi" "Rust" "Perl" "Scratch" "FoxPro" "SAS" "Objective-C" "Lua" "Kotlin" "Ada" "Fortran" "Lisp" "Julia" "Transact-SQL" "COBOL" "Scala" "F#" "Logo" "TypeScript" "Groovy" "Shell" "Dart" "RPG" "PL/SQL" "PowerShell" "Awk" "Prolog" "CFML" "Haskell" "D" "LabView" "Scheme" "ABAP" "OCaml"]) StackOverflow [] ; Octoverse Redmonk [[29 "VBA"] [30 "Scala"] [32 "Objective-C"] [36 "Solidity"] [39 "Assembly"] [44 "Julia"] [51 "MATLAB"] [54 "Groovy"] [66 "CUDA"] [67 "Delphi"] [72 "Arduino"] [75 "Verilog"] [112 "Crystal"] [115 "VHDL"] [138 "D"] [145 "ABAP"] [166 "Ada"] [185 "LabView"] [212 "COBOL"] [249 "APL"] [261 "Visual Basic"] [301 "J"]] PYPL IEEE Spectrum TIOBE ]) (def odd ["Markdown" "CSS" "HTML" "SAS" "Jupyter Notebook" "Vue" "JSON" "Dockerfile" "SQL"])
(ns plr.data) (def sites [:so :octo :rm :languish :pypl :ieee :tiobe]) (def names {:so "StackOverflow" :octo "Octoverse" :rm "RedMonk" :languish "Languish" :pypl "PYPL" :ieee "IEEE Spectrum" :tiobe "TIOBE"}) (def links {:octo "-programming-languages" :ieee "-programming-languages-2022" :rm "-rankings-6-22/" :languish "/" :so "/#most-popular-technologies-language" :pypl "" :tiobe "-index/"}) (def octoverse ["JavaScript" "Python" "Java" "TypeScript" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "Shell" "C" "Ruby"]) (def ieee ["Python" "C" "C++" "C#" "Java" "SQL" "JavaScript" "R" "HTML" "TypeScript" "Go" "PHP" "Shell" "Ruby" "Scala" "MATLAB" "SAS" "Assembly" "Kotlin" "Rust" "Perl" "Objective-C" "Dart" "Swift" "Verilog" "Arduino" "D" "Julia" "CUDA" "VHDL" "Visual Basic" "LabView" "Groovy" "Lua" "Ada" "Scheme" "ABAP" "Haskell" "COBOL" "Elixir" "F#" "Lisp" "Delphi" "Fortran" "TCL" "Clojure" "Prolog" "OCaml" "Ladder Logic" "Erlang" "J" "Forth" "Elm" "Raku" "WebAssembly" "CoffeScript" "Eiffel"]) (def redmonk ["JavaScript" "Python" "Java" "PHP" "C#" "CSS" "C++" "TypeScript" "Ruby" "C" "Swift" "R" "Objective-C" "Shell" "Scala" "Go" "PowerShell" "Kotlin" "Rust" "Dart"]) (def languish ["Python" "JavaScript" "TypeScript" "Java" "C++" "C#" "Go" "HTML" "Markdown" "C" "PHP" "Rust" "CSS" "Shell" "Kotlin" "Jupyter Notebook" "R" "Dart" "Swift" "Vue" "SQL" "Ruby" "JSON" "Lua" "Dockerfile" "PowerShell"]) (def stack-overflow ["JavaScript" "HTML" "SQL" "Python" "TypeScript" "Java" "Shell" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "C" "PowerShell" "Go" "Rust" "Kotlin" "Dart" "Ruby" "Assembly" "Swift" "R" "VBA" "MATLAB" "Lua" "Groovy" "Delphi" "Scala" "Objective-C" "Perl" "Haskell" "Elixir" "Julia" "Clojure" "Solidity" "Lisp" "F#" "Fortran" "Erlang" "APL" "COBOL" "SAS" "OCaml" "Crystal"]) (def pypl ["Python" "Java" "JavaScript" "C#" "C++" "PHP" "R" "TypeScript" "Swift" "Objective-C" "Go" "Rust" "Kotlin" "MATLAB" "Ruby" "VBA" "Ada" "Dart" "Scala" "Visual Basic" "Lua" "ABAP" "Haskell" "Julia" "Groovy" "COBOL" "Perl" "Delphi"]) (def tiobe ["Python" "C" "C++" "Java" "C#" "Visual Basic" "JavaScript" "SQL" "Assembly" "PHP" "Swift" "Go" "R" "Classic Visual Basic" "MATLAB" "Ruby" "Delphi" "Rust" "Perl" "Scratch" "FoxPro" "SAS" "Objective-C" "Lua" "Kotlin" "Ada" "Fortran" "Lisp" "Julia" "Transact-SQL" "COBOL" "Scala" "F#" "Logo" "TypeScript" "Groovy" "Shell" "Dart" "RPG" "PL/SQL" "PowerShell" "Awk" "Prolog" "CFML" "Haskell" "D" "LabView" "Scheme" "ABAP" "OCaml"]) StackOverflow Redmonk [[29 "VBA"] [30 "Scala"] [32 "Objective-C"] [36 "Solidity"] [39 "Assembly"] [44 "Julia"] [51 "MATLAB"] [54 "Groovy"] [66 "CUDA"] [67 "Delphi"] [72 "Arduino"] [75 "Verilog"] [112 "Crystal"] [115 "VHDL"] [138 "D"] [145 "ABAP"] [166 "Ada"] [185 "LabView"] [212 "COBOL"] [249 "APL"] [261 "Visual Basic"] [301 "J"]] PYPL IEEE Spectrum TIOBE ]) (def odd ["Markdown" "CSS" "HTML" "SAS" "Jupyter Notebook" "Vue" "JSON" "Dockerfile" "SQL"])
note :: e -> Maybe a -> Either e a note e Nothing = Left e note _ (Just a) = Right a
note :: e -> Maybe a -> Either e a note e Nothing = Left e note _ (Just a) = Right a
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; parser.lisp : Code for writing parsers based on Copyright ( C ) 2004 < > ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details . ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package :xmls-tools) (defun make-xml-parser (&optional (default-handler #'ignore-element)) (cons (make-hash-table :test #'equal) default-handler)) (defun ignore-element (tree &rest args) (declare (ignore tree args)) nil) (defmacro def-element-handler (element-name (xml-tree-name &rest args) (xml-parser) &body handler-code) `(setf (gethash ,element-name (car ,xml-parser)) (let ((xml-parser ,xml-parser)) (declare (ignorable xml-parser)) (lambda (,xml-tree-name ,@args state) (declare (ignorable ,xml-tree-name state ,@args)) ,@handler-code)))) (defmacro with-state ((state-key state-value) &body body) `(let ((state (acons ,state-key ,state-value state))) ,@body)) (defmacro with-parser (xml-parser &body body) `(let ((state nil) (xml-parser ,xml-parser)) ,@body)) (defmacro process-xml (tree &rest args) `(if (null ,tree) nil (funcall (gethash (node-name ,tree) (car xml-parser) (cdr xml-parser)) ,tree ,@args state))) (defun %compress-whitespace (string) (let ((out-stream (make-string-output-stream)) (in-whitespace-p nil)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i (length string)) (get-output-stream-string out-stream)) (let ((c (char string i))) (cond ((member c xmls::*whitespace*) (unless in-whitespace-p (princ #\space out-stream) (setf in-whitespace-p t))) (t (princ c out-stream) (when in-whitespace-p (setf in-whitespace-p nil)))))))) (defmacro compress-whitespace (string) `(if (cdr (assoc :compress-whitespace state)) (%compress-whitespace ,string) ,string)) (defmacro with-indent (stream &body body) `(let* ((old-stream ,stream) (,stream (make-string-output-stream))) ,@body ;; print line by line with single-space indents on front (princ #\space old-stream) (do ((string (get-output-stream-string ,stream)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i (length string))) (let ((c (char string i))) (princ c old-stream) (when (and (char= c #\newline) (< i (1- (length string)))) (princ #\space old-stream))))))
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or either This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU License along with this library; if not, write to the print line by line with single-space indents on front
parser.lisp : Code for writing parsers based on Copyright ( C ) 2004 < > modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . Library General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA . (in-package :xmls-tools) (defun make-xml-parser (&optional (default-handler #'ignore-element)) (cons (make-hash-table :test #'equal) default-handler)) (defun ignore-element (tree &rest args) (declare (ignore tree args)) nil) (defmacro def-element-handler (element-name (xml-tree-name &rest args) (xml-parser) &body handler-code) `(setf (gethash ,element-name (car ,xml-parser)) (let ((xml-parser ,xml-parser)) (declare (ignorable xml-parser)) (lambda (,xml-tree-name ,@args state) (declare (ignorable ,xml-tree-name state ,@args)) ,@handler-code)))) (defmacro with-state ((state-key state-value) &body body) `(let ((state (acons ,state-key ,state-value state))) ,@body)) (defmacro with-parser (xml-parser &body body) `(let ((state nil) (xml-parser ,xml-parser)) ,@body)) (defmacro process-xml (tree &rest args) `(if (null ,tree) nil (funcall (gethash (node-name ,tree) (car xml-parser) (cdr xml-parser)) ,tree ,@args state))) (defun %compress-whitespace (string) (let ((out-stream (make-string-output-stream)) (in-whitespace-p nil)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i (length string)) (get-output-stream-string out-stream)) (let ((c (char string i))) (cond ((member c xmls::*whitespace*) (unless in-whitespace-p (princ #\space out-stream) (setf in-whitespace-p t))) (t (princ c out-stream) (when in-whitespace-p (setf in-whitespace-p nil)))))))) (defmacro compress-whitespace (string) `(if (cdr (assoc :compress-whitespace state)) (%compress-whitespace ,string) ,string)) (defmacro with-indent (stream &body body) `(let* ((old-stream ,stream) (,stream (make-string-output-stream))) ,@body (princ #\space old-stream) (do ((string (get-output-stream-string ,stream)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i (length string))) (let ((c (char string i))) (princ c old-stream) (when (and (char= c #\newline) (< i (1- (length string)))) (princ #\space old-stream))))))
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : Transient.MoveTLS -- Copyright : -- License : GPL-3 -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : -- Portability : -- -- | see <-haskell-processes-between-nodes-transient-effects-iv> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LANGUAGE CPP , OverloadedStrings , BangPatterns , ScopedTypeVariables # module Transient.TLS(initTLS, initTLS') where #ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS import Transient.Internals import Transient.Move.Internals import Transient.Backtrack import Transient.Parse import Network.Socket as NSS import Network.Socket.ByteString as NS import Network.TLS as TLS import Network.TLS.Extra as TLSExtra import qualified Crypto.Random.AESCtr as AESCtr import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as SBSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString as BE import qualified Data.X509.CertificateStore as C import Data.Default import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception as E hiding (onException) import Control.Monad.State import Data.IORef import Unsafe.Coerce import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Directory import System.X509 (getSystemCertificateStore) --to avoid checking certificate. delete import Debug.Trace -- | init TLS with the files "cert.pem" and "key.pem" initTLS :: MonadIO m => m () initTLS = initTLS' "cert.pem" "key.pem" -- | init TLS using certificate.pem and a key.pem files initTLS' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m () initTLS' certpath keypath = liftIO $ writeIORef tlsHooks ( True , unsafeCoerce $ (TLS.sendData :: TLS.Context -> BL8.ByteString -> IO ()) , unsafeCoerce $ (TLS.recvData :: TLS.Context -> IO BE.ByteString) , unsafeCoerce $ Transient.TLS.maybeTLSServerHandshake certpath keypath , unsafeCoerce $ Transient.TLS.maybeClientTLSHandshake , unsafeCoerce $ (Transient.TLS.tlsClose :: TLS.Context -> IO ()) ) tlsClose ctx= bye ctx >> contextClose ctx maybeTLSServerHandshake :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Socket -> BL8.ByteString -> TransIO () maybeTLSServerHandshake certpath keypath sock input= do c <- liftIO $ doesFileExist "cert.pem" k <- liftIO $ doesFileExist "key.pem" when (not c || not k) $ error "cert.pem and key.pem must exist withing the current directory" if ((not $ BL.null input) && BL.head input == 0x16) then do mctx <- liftIO $( do ctx <- makeServerContext (ssettings certpath keypath) sock input TLS.handshake ctx return $Just ctx ) `catch` \(e:: SomeException) -> do putStr "maybeTLSServerHandshake: " print e return Nothing -- !> "after handshake" case mctx of Nothing -> return () Just ctx -> do tr "TLS CONNECTION" modifyState $ \(Just c ) - > Just c{connData= Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx } conn <- getSData <|> error "TLS: no socket connection" liftIO $ writeIORef (connData conn) $ Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx modify $ \s -> s{ parseContext=ParseContext (TLS.recvData ctx >>= return . SMore . BL8.fromStrict) "" (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False)} onException $ \(e:: SomeException) -> liftIO $ TLS.contextClose ctx else return () ssettings :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ServerParams ssettings certpath keypath = unsafePerformIO $ do cred <- either error id <$> TLS.credentialLoadX509 certpath keypath return $ makeServerSettings cred maybeClientTLSHandshake :: String -> Socket -> BL8.ByteString -> TransIO () maybeClientTLSHandshake hostname sock input = do mctx <- liftIO $ (do global <- getSystemCertificateStore let sp= makeClientSettings global hostname ctx <- makeClientContext sp sock input TLS.handshake ctx return $ Just ctx) `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> return Nothing case mctx of Nothing -> error $ hostname ++": No secure connection" -- !> "NO TLS" Just ctx -> do -- liftIO $ print "TLS connection" >> return () -- !> "TLS" modifyState $ \(Just c ) - > Just c{connData= Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx } conn <- getSData <|> error "TLS: no socket connection" liftIO $ writeIORef (connData conn) $ Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx tctx <- makeParseContext $ TLS.recvData ctx >>= return . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) let tctx= ParseContext ( TLS.recvData ctx > > = return . SMore . BL.fromChunks . (: [ ] ) ) ( unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False ) modify $ \st -> st{parseContext= tctx} liftIO $ writeIORef (istream conn) tctx onException $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ TLS.contextClose ctx makeClientSettings global hostname= ClientParams{ TLS.clientEarlyData= Nothing , TLS.clientUseMaxFragmentLength= Nothing , TLS.clientServerIdentification= (hostname,"") , TLS.clientUseServerNameIndication = False , TLS.clientWantSessionResume = Nothing , TLS.clientShared = novalidate , TLS.clientHooks = def , TLS.clientDebug= def , TLS.clientSupported = supported } where novalidate = def { TLS.sharedCAStore = global , TLS.sharedValidationCache = validationCache -- , TLS.sharedSessionManager = connectionSessionManager } validationCache= TLS.ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return TLS.ValidationCachePass) (\_ _ _ -> return ()) makeServerSettings credential = def { -- TLS.ServerParams TLS.serverWantClientCert = False , TLS.serverCACertificates = [] , TLS.serverDHEParams = Nothing , TLS.serverHooks = hooks , TLS.serverShared = shared , TLS.serverSupported = supported } where -- Adding alpn to user's tlsServerHooks. hooks = def -- TLS.ServerHooks { -- TLS.onALPNClientSuggest = TLS.onALPNClientSuggest tlsServerHooks <|> -- (if settingsHTTP2Enabled set then Just alpn else Nothing) -- } shared = def { TLS.sharedCredentials = TLS.Credentials [credential] } TLS.Supported TLS.supportedVersions = [TLS.TLS12,TLS.TLS11,TLS.TLS10] , TLS.supportedCiphers = ciphers , TLS.supportedCompressions = [TLS.nullCompression] , TLS.supportedHashSignatures = [ Safari 8 and go tls have bugs on SHA 512 and SHA 384 . -- So, we don't specify them here at this moment. (TLS.HashSHA256, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA224, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA1, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA1, TLS.SignatureDSS) ] , TLS.supportedSecureRenegotiation = True , TLS.supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = False , TLS.supportedSession = True , TLS.supportedFallbackScsv = True } ciphers :: [TLS.Cipher] ciphers = [ TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_AES256_SHA1 ] makeClientContext params sock _= do input <- liftIO $ SBSL.getContents sock inputBuffer <- newIORef input liftIO $ TLS.contextNew (backend inputBuffer) params where backend inputBuffer= TLS.Backend { TLS.backendFlush = return () , TLS.backendClose = NSS.close sock , TLS.backendSend = NS.sendAll sock \n - > NS.recv sock n > > = \x - > print ( " l=",B.length x ) > > return x ` catch ` \(SomeException _ ) - > error " EEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR " --do input <- readIORef inputBuffer let (res,input')= BL.splitAt (fromIntegral n) input writeIORef inputBuffer input' return $ BL8.toStrict res } step ! acc 0 = return acc -- step !acc n = do -- bs <- NS.recv sock n step ( acc ` B.append ` bs ) ( n - B.length bs ) -- | Make a server-side TLS 'Context' for the given settings, on top of the given TCP ` Socket ` connected to the remote end . makeServerContext :: MonadIO m => TLS.ServerParams -> Socket -> BL.ByteString -> m Context makeServerContext params sock input= liftIO $ do inputBuffer <- newIORef input TLS.contextNew (backend inputBuffer) params where backend inputBuffer= TLS.Backend { TLS.backendFlush = return () , TLS.backendClose = NSS.close sock , TLS.backendSend = NS.sendAll sock NS.recv sock n do input <- readIORef inputBuffer let (res,input')= BL.splitAt (fromIntegral n) input writeIORef inputBuffer input' return $ toStrict res } toStrict s= BE.concat $ BL.toChunks s :: BE.ByteString sendAll ' sock bs = NS.sendAll sock bs ` E.catch ` \(SomeException e ) - > throwIO e #else import Control.Monad.IO.Class initTLS :: MonadIO m => m () initTLS= return () initTLS' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m () initTLS' _ _ = return () #endif
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module : Transient.MoveTLS Copyright : License : GPL-3 Maintainer : Stability : Portability : | see <-haskell-processes-between-nodes-transient-effects-iv> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- to avoid checking certificate. delete | init TLS with the files "cert.pem" and "key.pem" | init TLS using certificate.pem and a key.pem files !> "after handshake" !> "NO TLS" liftIO $ print "TLS connection" >> return () -- !> "TLS" , TLS.sharedSessionManager = connectionSessionManager TLS.ServerParams Adding alpn to user's tlsServerHooks. TLS.ServerHooks { TLS.onALPNClientSuggest = TLS.onALPNClientSuggest tlsServerHooks <|> (if settingsHTTP2Enabled set then Just alpn else Nothing) } So, we don't specify them here at this moment. do step !acc n = do bs <- NS.recv sock n | Make a server-side TLS 'Context' for the given settings, on top of the
# LANGUAGE CPP , OverloadedStrings , BangPatterns , ScopedTypeVariables # module Transient.TLS(initTLS, initTLS') where #ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS import Transient.Internals import Transient.Move.Internals import Transient.Backtrack import Transient.Parse import Network.Socket as NSS import Network.Socket.ByteString as NS import Network.TLS as TLS import Network.TLS.Extra as TLSExtra import qualified Crypto.Random.AESCtr as AESCtr import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as SBSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString as BE import qualified Data.X509.CertificateStore as C import Data.Default import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception as E hiding (onException) import Control.Monad.State import Data.IORef import Unsafe.Coerce import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Directory import Debug.Trace initTLS :: MonadIO m => m () initTLS = initTLS' "cert.pem" "key.pem" initTLS' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m () initTLS' certpath keypath = liftIO $ writeIORef tlsHooks ( True , unsafeCoerce $ (TLS.sendData :: TLS.Context -> BL8.ByteString -> IO ()) , unsafeCoerce $ (TLS.recvData :: TLS.Context -> IO BE.ByteString) , unsafeCoerce $ Transient.TLS.maybeTLSServerHandshake certpath keypath , unsafeCoerce $ Transient.TLS.maybeClientTLSHandshake , unsafeCoerce $ (Transient.TLS.tlsClose :: TLS.Context -> IO ()) ) tlsClose ctx= bye ctx >> contextClose ctx maybeTLSServerHandshake :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Socket -> BL8.ByteString -> TransIO () maybeTLSServerHandshake certpath keypath sock input= do c <- liftIO $ doesFileExist "cert.pem" k <- liftIO $ doesFileExist "key.pem" when (not c || not k) $ error "cert.pem and key.pem must exist withing the current directory" if ((not $ BL.null input) && BL.head input == 0x16) then do mctx <- liftIO $( do ctx <- makeServerContext (ssettings certpath keypath) sock input TLS.handshake ctx return $Just ctx ) `catch` \(e:: SomeException) -> do putStr "maybeTLSServerHandshake: " print e case mctx of Nothing -> return () Just ctx -> do tr "TLS CONNECTION" modifyState $ \(Just c ) - > Just c{connData= Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx } conn <- getSData <|> error "TLS: no socket connection" liftIO $ writeIORef (connData conn) $ Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx modify $ \s -> s{ parseContext=ParseContext (TLS.recvData ctx >>= return . SMore . BL8.fromStrict) "" (unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False)} onException $ \(e:: SomeException) -> liftIO $ TLS.contextClose ctx else return () ssettings :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ServerParams ssettings certpath keypath = unsafePerformIO $ do cred <- either error id <$> TLS.credentialLoadX509 certpath keypath return $ makeServerSettings cred maybeClientTLSHandshake :: String -> Socket -> BL8.ByteString -> TransIO () maybeClientTLSHandshake hostname sock input = do mctx <- liftIO $ (do global <- getSystemCertificateStore let sp= makeClientSettings global hostname ctx <- makeClientContext sp sock input TLS.handshake ctx return $ Just ctx) `catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> return Nothing case mctx of Just ctx -> do modifyState $ \(Just c ) - > Just c{connData= Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx } conn <- getSData <|> error "TLS: no socket connection" liftIO $ writeIORef (connData conn) $ Just $ TLSNode2Node $ unsafeCoerce ctx tctx <- makeParseContext $ TLS.recvData ctx >>= return . BL.fromChunks . (:[]) let tctx= ParseContext ( TLS.recvData ctx > > = return . SMore . BL.fromChunks . (: [ ] ) ) ( unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False ) modify $ \st -> st{parseContext= tctx} liftIO $ writeIORef (istream conn) tctx onException $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ TLS.contextClose ctx makeClientSettings global hostname= ClientParams{ TLS.clientEarlyData= Nothing , TLS.clientUseMaxFragmentLength= Nothing , TLS.clientServerIdentification= (hostname,"") , TLS.clientUseServerNameIndication = False , TLS.clientWantSessionResume = Nothing , TLS.clientShared = novalidate , TLS.clientHooks = def , TLS.clientDebug= def , TLS.clientSupported = supported } where novalidate = def { TLS.sharedCAStore = global , TLS.sharedValidationCache = validationCache } validationCache= TLS.ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return TLS.ValidationCachePass) (\_ _ _ -> return ()) TLS.serverWantClientCert = False , TLS.serverCACertificates = [] , TLS.serverDHEParams = Nothing , TLS.serverHooks = hooks , TLS.serverShared = shared , TLS.serverSupported = supported } where hooks = def shared = def { TLS.sharedCredentials = TLS.Credentials [credential] } TLS.Supported TLS.supportedVersions = [TLS.TLS12,TLS.TLS11,TLS.TLS10] , TLS.supportedCiphers = ciphers , TLS.supportedCompressions = [TLS.nullCompression] , TLS.supportedHashSignatures = [ Safari 8 and go tls have bugs on SHA 512 and SHA 384 . (TLS.HashSHA256, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA224, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA1, TLS.SignatureRSA) , (TLS.HashSHA1, TLS.SignatureDSS) ] , TLS.supportedSecureRenegotiation = True , TLS.supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = False , TLS.supportedSession = True , TLS.supportedFallbackScsv = True } ciphers :: [TLS.Cipher] ciphers = [ TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_AES128_SHA1 , TLSExtra.cipher_AES256_SHA1 ] makeClientContext params sock _= do input <- liftIO $ SBSL.getContents sock inputBuffer <- newIORef input liftIO $ TLS.contextNew (backend inputBuffer) params where backend inputBuffer= TLS.Backend { TLS.backendFlush = return () , TLS.backendClose = NSS.close sock , TLS.backendSend = NS.sendAll sock input <- readIORef inputBuffer let (res,input')= BL.splitAt (fromIntegral n) input writeIORef inputBuffer input' return $ BL8.toStrict res } step ! acc 0 = return acc step ( acc ` B.append ` bs ) ( n - B.length bs ) given TCP ` Socket ` connected to the remote end . makeServerContext :: MonadIO m => TLS.ServerParams -> Socket -> BL.ByteString -> m Context makeServerContext params sock input= liftIO $ do inputBuffer <- newIORef input TLS.contextNew (backend inputBuffer) params where backend inputBuffer= TLS.Backend { TLS.backendFlush = return () , TLS.backendClose = NSS.close sock , TLS.backendSend = NS.sendAll sock NS.recv sock n do input <- readIORef inputBuffer let (res,input')= BL.splitAt (fromIntegral n) input writeIORef inputBuffer input' return $ toStrict res } toStrict s= BE.concat $ BL.toChunks s :: BE.ByteString sendAll ' sock bs = NS.sendAll sock bs ` E.catch ` \(SomeException e ) - > throwIO e #else import Control.Monad.IO.Class initTLS :: MonadIO m => m () initTLS= return () initTLS' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m () initTLS' _ _ = return () #endif
module Network.Guardian.ContentApi.Section where import Data.Text (Text) data Section = Section { sectionId :: Text , name :: Text } deriving (Show)
module Network.Guardian.ContentApi.Section where import Data.Text (Text) data Section = Section { sectionId :: Text , name :: Text } deriving (Show)
#lang planet neil/sicp ;; INSTALLATION External interface for Integer package (put 'square 'integer (lambda (x) (tag (* x x)))) (put 'arctan '(integer integer) (lambda (x y) (make-real (atan x y)))) (put 'sine 'integer (lambda (x) (make-real (sin x)))) (put 'cosine 'integer (lambda (x) (make-real (cos x)))) ;; Rational number package ;; External interface for Rational package (put 'square 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (mul-rat x x)))) (put 'arctan '(rational rational) (lambda (x y) (make-real (atan (/ (numer x) (denom x)) (/ (numer y) (denom y)))))) (put 'sine 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (sin (/ (numer x) (denom x)))))) (put 'cosine 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (cos (/ (numer x) (denom x)))))) ;; Real number package ;; External interface for Real package (put 'square 'complex (lambda (x) (tag (* x x)))) (put 'arctan '(real real) (lambda (x y) (tag (atan x y)))) (put 'cosine '(real) (lambda (x) (tag (cos x)))) (put 'sine '(real) (lambda (x) (tag (sin x))))
INSTALLATION Rational number package External interface for Rational package Real number package External interface for Real package
#lang planet neil/sicp External interface for Integer package (put 'square 'integer (lambda (x) (tag (* x x)))) (put 'arctan '(integer integer) (lambda (x y) (make-real (atan x y)))) (put 'sine 'integer (lambda (x) (make-real (sin x)))) (put 'cosine 'integer (lambda (x) (make-real (cos x)))) (put 'square 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (mul-rat x x)))) (put 'arctan '(rational rational) (lambda (x y) (make-real (atan (/ (numer x) (denom x)) (/ (numer y) (denom y)))))) (put 'sine 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (sin (/ (numer x) (denom x)))))) (put 'cosine 'rational (lambda (x) (make-real (cos (/ (numer x) (denom x)))))) (put 'square 'complex (lambda (x) (tag (* x x)))) (put 'arctan '(real real) (lambda (x y) (tag (atan x y)))) (put 'cosine '(real) (lambda (x) (tag (cos x)))) (put 'sine '(real) (lambda (x) (tag (sin x))))
open Lib;; let rec f _ = 23 in if f 0 <> 23 then raise Not_found ;; * 0 CONSTINT 42 2 PUSHACC0 3 MAKEBLOCK1 0 5 POP 1 7 9 BRANCH 15 11 CONSTINT 23 13 RETURN 1 15 CLOSUREREC 0 , 11 19 CONSTINT 23 21 PUSHCONST0 22 PUSHACC2 23 APPLY1 24 NEQ 25 BRANCHIFNOT 32 27 GETGLOBAL Not_found 29 MAKEBLOCK1 0 31 RAISE 32 POP 1 34 ATOM0 35 SETGLOBAL T250 - closurerec-2 37 STOP * 0 CONSTINT 42 2 PUSHACC0 3 MAKEBLOCK1 0 5 POP 1 7 SETGLOBAL Lib 9 BRANCH 15 11 CONSTINT 23 13 RETURN 1 15 CLOSUREREC 0, 11 19 CONSTINT 23 21 PUSHCONST0 22 PUSHACC2 23 APPLY1 24 NEQ 25 BRANCHIFNOT 32 27 GETGLOBAL Not_found 29 MAKEBLOCK1 0 31 RAISE 32 POP 1 34 ATOM0 35 SETGLOBAL T250-closurerec-2 37 STOP **)
open Lib;; let rec f _ = 23 in if f 0 <> 23 then raise Not_found ;; * 0 CONSTINT 42 2 PUSHACC0 3 MAKEBLOCK1 0 5 POP 1 7 9 BRANCH 15 11 CONSTINT 23 13 RETURN 1 15 CLOSUREREC 0 , 11 19 CONSTINT 23 21 PUSHCONST0 22 PUSHACC2 23 APPLY1 24 NEQ 25 BRANCHIFNOT 32 27 GETGLOBAL Not_found 29 MAKEBLOCK1 0 31 RAISE 32 POP 1 34 ATOM0 35 SETGLOBAL T250 - closurerec-2 37 STOP * 0 CONSTINT 42 2 PUSHACC0 3 MAKEBLOCK1 0 5 POP 1 7 SETGLOBAL Lib 9 BRANCH 15 11 CONSTINT 23 13 RETURN 1 15 CLOSUREREC 0, 11 19 CONSTINT 23 21 PUSHCONST0 22 PUSHACC2 23 APPLY1 24 NEQ 25 BRANCHIFNOT 32 27 GETGLOBAL Not_found 29 MAKEBLOCK1 0 31 RAISE 32 POP 1 34 ATOM0 35 SETGLOBAL T250-closurerec-2 37 STOP **)
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - omit - interface - pragmas # module PlutusTx.Maybe.Extra (maybeMap) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Kind (Type) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import PlutusTx.Maybe (Maybe, mapMaybe) import PlutusTx.Prelude (flip) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Flipped version of `mapMaybe`, to correspond with `>>=` # INLINEABLE maybeMap # maybeMap :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). [a] -> (a -> Maybe b) -> [b] maybeMap = flip mapMaybe
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Flipped version of `mapMaybe`, to correspond with `>>=`
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - omit - interface - pragmas # module PlutusTx.Maybe.Extra (maybeMap) where import Data.Kind (Type) import PlutusTx.Maybe (Maybe, mapMaybe) import PlutusTx.Prelude (flip) # INLINEABLE maybeMap # maybeMap :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). [a] -> (a -> Maybe b) -> [b] maybeMap = flip mapMaybe
;;;; Simple FIFO for Common Lisp ;;;; Copyright ( c ) ;;;; This file is provided to you under the Apache License , ;;;; Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain ;;;; a copy of the License at ;;;; ;;;; -2.0 ;;;; ;;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ;;;; KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ;;;; specific language governing permissions and limitations ;;;; under the License. ;;;; (defpackage :queue (:use :cl) (:export #:make-queue ;; push/pop elements on/off the queue #:queue-push #:queue-pop #:queue-list)) (in-package :queue) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defstruct (queue (:constructor %make-queue (xs &aux (ys (last xs))))) (head xs :read-only t) (tail ys :read-only t)) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defun make-queue (&key initial-contents) "Create a new queue." (%make-queue (cons nil initial-contents))) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defmethod print-object ((q queue) stream) "Output a deque to a stream." (print-unreadable-object (q stream :type t) (format stream "~:[EMPTY~;~:*~a~]" (rest (queue-head q))))) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defun queue-push (x q) "Push a value onto the tail of the queue." (with-slots (tail) q (car (setf tail (cdr (rplacd tail (list x))))))) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defun queue-pop (q) "Pop a value off a queue, return the value and success flag." (with-slots (head) q (when (rest head) (values (car (setf head (cdr head))) t)))) ;;; ---------------------------------------------------- (defun queue-list (q) "Return the list of elements in the queue; does not alter the queue." (rest (queue-head q)))
Simple FIFO for Common Lisp Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. push/pop elements on/off the queue ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Copyright ( c ) This file is provided to you under the Apache License , except in compliance with the License . You may obtain software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY (defpackage :queue (:use :cl) (:export #:make-queue #:queue-push #:queue-pop #:queue-list)) (in-package :queue) (defstruct (queue (:constructor %make-queue (xs &aux (ys (last xs))))) (head xs :read-only t) (tail ys :read-only t)) (defun make-queue (&key initial-contents) "Create a new queue." (%make-queue (cons nil initial-contents))) (defmethod print-object ((q queue) stream) "Output a deque to a stream." (print-unreadable-object (q stream :type t) (format stream "~:[EMPTY~;~:*~a~]" (rest (queue-head q))))) (defun queue-push (x q) "Push a value onto the tail of the queue." (with-slots (tail) q (car (setf tail (cdr (rplacd tail (list x))))))) (defun queue-pop (q) "Pop a value off a queue, return the value and success flag." (with-slots (head) q (when (rest head) (values (car (setf head (cdr head))) t)))) (defun queue-list (q) "Return the list of elements in the queue; does not alter the queue." (rest (queue-head q)))
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples # -- | Collection of functions adapted from @Foreign@ module hierarchy module Lib.Program.Foreign ( Ptr, plusPtr, Storable.sizeOf , withVkArrayLen , alloca, allocaArray , peek, peekArray, poke , ptrAtIndex , asListVk , allocaPeek, allocaPeekVk, allocaPeekDF , mallocRes, mallocArrayRes, newArrayRes ) where import qualified GHC.Base import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as Foreign import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Array as Foreign import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable (Storable) import qualified Foreign.Storable as Storable import Graphics.Vulkan.Marshal import Numeric.DataFrame import Numeric.DataFrame.IO import Numeric.Dimensions import Lib.Program | This should probably be in Graphics . Vulkan . Marshal withArrayLen :: (Storable a, VulkanMarshal a) => [a] -> (Word32 -> Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b withArrayLen xs pf = do ret <- Foreign.withArrayLen xs (pf . fromIntegral) touch xs return ret # INLINE withArrayLen # withVkArrayLen :: (Storable a, VulkanMarshal a) => [a] -> (Word32 -> Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b withVkArrayLen xs pf = liftIOWith (withArrayLen xs . curry) (uncurry pf) # INLINE withVkArrayLen # | Prevent earlier GC of given value touch :: a -> IO () touch x = GHC.Base.IO $ \s -> case GHC.Base.touch# x s of s' -> (# s', () #) # INLINE touch # alloca :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b alloca = liftIOWith Foreign.alloca -- | Despite its name, this command does not copy data from a created pointer. -- It uses `newVkData` function inside. allocaPeekVk :: VulkanMarshal a => (Ptr a -> Program () ()) -> Program r a allocaPeekVk pf = Program $ \ref c -> do locVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar a <- newVkData (\ptr -> unProgram (pf ptr) ref (putMVar locVar)) takeMVar locVar >>= c . (a <$) allocaPeekDF :: forall a (ns :: [Nat]) r . (PrimBytes a, Dimensions ns) => (Ptr a -> Program () ()) -> Program r (DataFrame a ns) allocaPeekDF pf | Dict <- inferKnownBackend @a @ns = Program $ \ref c -> do mdf <- newPinnedDataFrame locVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar withDataFramePtr mdf $ \ptr -> unProgram (pf ptr) ref (putMVar locVar) df <- unsafeFreezeDataFrame mdf takeMVar locVar >>= c . (df <$) allocaArray :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b allocaArray = liftIOWith . Foreign.allocaArray allocaPeek :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Program (Either VulkanException a) ()) -> Program r a allocaPeek f = alloca $ \ptr -> f ptr >> liftIO (Storable.peek ptr) peekArray :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Program r [a] peekArray n = liftIO . Foreign.peekArray n peek :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Program r a peek = liftIO . Storable.peek poke :: Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> Program r () poke p v = liftIO $ Storable.poke p v ptrAtIndex :: forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a ptrAtIndex ptr i = ptr `plusPtr` (i * Storable.sizeOf @a undefined) -- | Get size of action output and then get the result, -- performing data copy. asListVk :: Storable x => (Ptr Word32 -> Ptr x -> Program (Either VulkanException [x]) ()) -> Program r [x] asListVk action = alloca $ \counterPtr -> do action counterPtr VK_NULL_HANDLE counter <- liftIO $ fromIntegral <$> Storable.peek counterPtr if counter <= 0 then pure [] else allocaArray counter $ \valPtr -> do action counterPtr valPtr liftIO $ Foreign.peekArray counter valPtr -- | Allocate an array and release it after continuation finishes. -- Uses @allocaArray@ from @Foreign@ inside. -- -- Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation. mallocArrayRes :: Storable a => Int -> Program r (Ptr a) mallocArrayRes n = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.allocaArray n (c . Right) | Allocate some memory for and release it after continuation finishes . -- Uses @alloca@ from @Foreign@ inside. -- -- Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation. mallocRes :: Storable a => Program r (Ptr a) mallocRes = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.alloca (c . Right) -- | Temporarily store a list of storable values in memory -- and release it after continuation finishes. -- Uses @withArray@ from @Foreign@ inside. -- -- Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation. newArrayRes :: Storable a => [a] -> Program r (Ptr a) newArrayRes xs = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.withArray xs (c . Right)
# LANGUAGE DataKinds # # LANGUAGE KindSignatures # # LANGUAGE Strict # | Collection of functions adapted from @Foreign@ module hierarchy | Despite its name, this command does not copy data from a created pointer. It uses `newVkData` function inside. | Get size of action output and then get the result, performing data copy. | Allocate an array and release it after continuation finishes. Uses @allocaArray@ from @Foreign@ inside. Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation. Uses @alloca@ from @Foreign@ inside. Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation. | Temporarily store a list of storable values in memory and release it after continuation finishes. Uses @withArray@ from @Foreign@ inside. Use `locally` to bound the scope of resource allocation.
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TypeApplications # # LANGUAGE MagicHash # # LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples # module Lib.Program.Foreign ( Ptr, plusPtr, Storable.sizeOf , withVkArrayLen , alloca, allocaArray , peek, peekArray, poke , ptrAtIndex , asListVk , allocaPeek, allocaPeekVk, allocaPeekDF , mallocRes, mallocArrayRes, newArrayRes ) where import qualified GHC.Base import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as Foreign import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Array as Foreign import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable (Storable) import qualified Foreign.Storable as Storable import Graphics.Vulkan.Marshal import Numeric.DataFrame import Numeric.DataFrame.IO import Numeric.Dimensions import Lib.Program | This should probably be in Graphics . Vulkan . Marshal withArrayLen :: (Storable a, VulkanMarshal a) => [a] -> (Word32 -> Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b withArrayLen xs pf = do ret <- Foreign.withArrayLen xs (pf . fromIntegral) touch xs return ret # INLINE withArrayLen # withVkArrayLen :: (Storable a, VulkanMarshal a) => [a] -> (Word32 -> Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b withVkArrayLen xs pf = liftIOWith (withArrayLen xs . curry) (uncurry pf) # INLINE withVkArrayLen # | Prevent earlier GC of given value touch :: a -> IO () touch x = GHC.Base.IO $ \s -> case GHC.Base.touch# x s of s' -> (# s', () #) # INLINE touch # alloca :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b alloca = liftIOWith Foreign.alloca allocaPeekVk :: VulkanMarshal a => (Ptr a -> Program () ()) -> Program r a allocaPeekVk pf = Program $ \ref c -> do locVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar a <- newVkData (\ptr -> unProgram (pf ptr) ref (putMVar locVar)) takeMVar locVar >>= c . (a <$) allocaPeekDF :: forall a (ns :: [Nat]) r . (PrimBytes a, Dimensions ns) => (Ptr a -> Program () ()) -> Program r (DataFrame a ns) allocaPeekDF pf | Dict <- inferKnownBackend @a @ns = Program $ \ref c -> do mdf <- newPinnedDataFrame locVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar withDataFramePtr mdf $ \ptr -> unProgram (pf ptr) ref (putMVar locVar) df <- unsafeFreezeDataFrame mdf takeMVar locVar >>= c . (df <$) allocaArray :: Storable a => Int -> (Ptr a -> Program' b) -> Program r b allocaArray = liftIOWith . Foreign.allocaArray allocaPeek :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Program (Either VulkanException a) ()) -> Program r a allocaPeek f = alloca $ \ptr -> f ptr >> liftIO (Storable.peek ptr) peekArray :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Program r [a] peekArray n = liftIO . Foreign.peekArray n peek :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Program r a peek = liftIO . Storable.peek poke :: Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> Program r () poke p v = liftIO $ Storable.poke p v ptrAtIndex :: forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a ptrAtIndex ptr i = ptr `plusPtr` (i * Storable.sizeOf @a undefined) asListVk :: Storable x => (Ptr Word32 -> Ptr x -> Program (Either VulkanException [x]) ()) -> Program r [x] asListVk action = alloca $ \counterPtr -> do action counterPtr VK_NULL_HANDLE counter <- liftIO $ fromIntegral <$> Storable.peek counterPtr if counter <= 0 then pure [] else allocaArray counter $ \valPtr -> do action counterPtr valPtr liftIO $ Foreign.peekArray counter valPtr mallocArrayRes :: Storable a => Int -> Program r (Ptr a) mallocArrayRes n = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.allocaArray n (c . Right) | Allocate some memory for and release it after continuation finishes . mallocRes :: Storable a => Program r (Ptr a) mallocRes = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.alloca (c . Right) newArrayRes :: Storable a => [a] -> Program r (Ptr a) newArrayRes xs = Program $ \_ c -> Foreign.withArray xs (c . Right)
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may %% not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at <-2.0> %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( the " LGPL " ) as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2.1 , or ( at your option ) any later version . %% If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the %% terms of the LGPL, you should delete the provisions above and replace %% them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL; see %% </>. If you do not delete the provisions %% above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the Apache License or the LGPL . %% @author < > 2006 @private %% @see eunit @doc EUnit server process -module(eunit_server). -export([start/1, stop/1, start_test/4, watch/3, watch_path/3, watch_regexp/3]). -export([main/1]). % private -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). -define(AUTO_TIMEOUT, 60000). %% auto test time limit %% TODO: pass options to server, such as default timeout? start(Server) when is_atom(Server) -> ensure_started(Server). stop(Server) -> command(Server, stop). -record(job, {super, test, options}). The ` Super ' process will receive a stream of status messages ; see %% eunit_proc:status_message/3 for details. start_test(Server, Super, T, Options) -> command(Server, {start, #job{super = Super, test = T, options = Options}}). watch(Server, Module, Opts) when is_atom(Module) -> command(Server, {watch, {module, Module}, Opts}). watch_path(Server, Path, Opts) -> command(Server, {watch, {path, filename:flatten(Path)}, Opts}). %% note that the user must use $ at the end to match whole paths only watch_regexp(Server, Regex, Opts) -> case re:compile(Regex,[anchored]) of {ok, R} -> command(Server, {watch, {regexp, R}, Opts}); {error, _}=Error -> Error end. %% This makes sure the server is started before sending the command, and %% returns {ok, Result} if the server accepted the command or {error, %% server_down} if the server process crashes. If the server does not %% reply, this function will wait until the server is killed. command(Server, Cmd) -> if is_atom(Server), Cmd /= stop -> ensure_started(Server); true -> ok end, if is_pid(Server) -> command_1(Server, Cmd); true -> case whereis(Server) of undefined -> {error, server_down}; Pid -> command_1(Pid, Cmd) end end. command_1(Pid, Cmd) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {command, self(), Cmd}, command_wait(Pid, 1000, undefined). command_wait(Pid, Timeout, Monitor) -> receive {Pid, Result} -> Result; {'DOWN', Monitor, process, Pid, _R} -> {error, server_down} after Timeout -> %% avoid creating a monitor unless some time has passed command_wait(Pid, infinity, erlang:monitor(process, Pid)) end. %% Starting the server ensure_started(Name) -> ensure_started(Name, 5). ensure_started(Name, N) when N > 0 -> case whereis(Name) of undefined -> Parent = self(), Pid = spawn(fun () -> server_start(Name, Parent) end), receive {Pid, ok} -> Pid; {Pid, error} -> receive after 200 -> ensure_started(Name, N - 1) end end; Pid -> Pid end; ensure_started(_, _) -> throw(no_server). server_start(undefined = Name, Parent) -> %% anonymous server server_start_1(Name, Parent); server_start(Name, Parent) -> try register(Name, self()) of true -> server_start_1(Name, Parent) catch _:_ -> Parent ! {self(), error}, exit(error) end. server_start_1(Name, Parent) -> Parent ! {self(), ok}, server_init(Name). -record(state, {name, stopped, jobs, queue, auto_test, modules, paths, regexps}). server_init(Name) -> server(#state{name = Name, stopped = false, jobs = dict:new(), queue = queue:new(), auto_test = queue:new(), modules = sets:new(), paths = sets:new(), regexps = sets:new()}). server(St) -> server_check_exit(St), ?MODULE:main(St). @private main(St) -> receive {done, auto_test, _Pid} -> server(auto_test_done(St)); {done, Reference, _Pid} -> server(handle_done(Reference, St)); {command, From, _Cmd} when St#state.stopped -> From ! {self(), stopped}; {command, From, Cmd} -> server_command(From, Cmd, St); {code_monitor, {loaded, M, _Time}} -> case is_watched(M, St) of true -> server(new_auto_test(self(), M, St)); false -> server(St) end end. server_check_exit(St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 when St#state.stopped -> exit(normal); _ -> ok end. server_command(From, {start, Job}, St) -> Reference = make_ref(), St1 = case proplists:get_bool(enqueue, Job#job.options) of true -> enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St); false -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) end, server_command_reply(From, {ok, Reference}), server(St1); server_command(From, stop, St) -> %% unregister the server name and let remaining jobs finish server_command_reply(From, {error, stopped}), catch unregister(St#state.name), server(St#state{stopped = true}); server_command(From, {watch, Target, _Opts}, St) -> %% the code watcher is only started on demand %% TODO: this is disabled for now %%code_monitor:monitor(self()), %% TODO: propagate options to testing stage St1 = add_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, {forget, Target}, St) -> St1 = delete_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, Cmd, St) -> server_command_reply(From, {error, {unknown_command, Cmd}}), server(St). server_command_reply(From, Result) -> From ! {self(), Result}. enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St); _ -> St#state{queue = queue:in({Job, From, Reference}, St#state.queue)} end. dequeue(St) -> case queue:out(St#state.queue) of {empty, _} -> St; {{value, {Job, From, Reference}}, Queue} -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St#state{queue = Queue}) end. start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) -> From ! {start, Reference}, %% The default is to run tests in order unless otherwise specified Order = proplists:get_value(order, Job#job.options, inorder), eunit_proc:start(Job#job.test, Order, Job#job.super, Reference), St#state{jobs = dict:store(Reference, From, St#state.jobs)}. handle_done(Reference, St) -> case dict:find(Reference, St#state.jobs) of {ok, From} -> From ! {done, Reference}, dequeue(St#state{jobs = dict:erase(Reference, St#state.jobs)}); error -> St end. %% Adding and removing watched modules or paths add_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:add_element(M, St#state.modules)}; add_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:add_element(P, St#state.paths)}; add_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:add_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. delete_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:del_element(M, St#state.modules)}; delete_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:del_element(P, St#state.paths)}; delete_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:del_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. %% Checking if a module is being watched is_watched(M, St) when is_atom(M) -> sets:is_element(M, St#state.modules) orelse is_watched(code:which(M), St); is_watched(Path, St) -> sets:is_element(filename:dirname(Path), St#state.paths) orelse match_any(sets:to_list(St#state.regexps), Path). match_any([R | Rs], Str) -> case re:run(Str, R, [{capture,none}]) of match -> true; _ -> match_any(Rs, Str) end; match_any([], _Str) -> false. %% Running automatic tests when a watched module is loaded. %% Uses a queue in order to avoid overlapping output when several %% watched modules are loaded simultaneously. (The currently running %% automatic test is kept in the queue until it is done. An empty queue %% means that no automatic test is running.) new_auto_test(Server, M, St) -> case queue:is_empty(St#state.auto_test) of true -> start_auto_test(Server, M); false -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = queue:in({Server, M}, St#state.auto_test)}. auto_test_done(St) -> %% remove finished test from queue before checking for more {_, Queue} = queue:out(St#state.auto_test), case queue:out(Queue) of {{value, {Server, M}}, _} -> %% this is just lookahead - the item is not removed start_auto_test(Server, M); {empty, _} -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = Queue}. start_auto_test(Server, M) -> spawn(fun () -> auto_super(Server, M) end). auto_super(Server, M) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% Give the user a short delay before any output is produced receive after 333 -> ok end, %% Make sure output is sent to console on server node group_leader(whereis(user), self()), Pid = spawn_link(fun () -> auto_proc(Server, M) end), receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok after ?AUTO_TIMEOUT -> exit(Pid, kill), io:put_chars("\n== EUnit: automatic test was aborted ==\n"), io:put_chars("\n> ") end, Server ! {done, auto_test, self()}. auto_proc(Server, M) -> %% Make the output start on a new line instead of on the same line %% as the current shell prompt. io:fwrite("\n== EUnit: testing module ~w ==\n", [M]), eunit:test(Server, M, [enqueue]), %% Make sure to print a dummy prompt at the end of the output, most of all so that the Emacs mode realizes that input is active . io:put_chars("\n-> ").
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at <-2.0> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the GNU Lesser If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL, you should delete the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL; see </>. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of @see eunit private auto test time limit TODO: pass options to server, such as default timeout? eunit_proc:status_message/3 for details. note that the user must use $ at the end to match whole paths only This makes sure the server is started before sending the command, and returns {ok, Result} if the server accepted the command or {error, server_down} if the server process crashes. If the server does not reply, this function will wait until the server is killed. avoid creating a monitor unless some time has passed Starting the server anonymous server unregister the server name and let remaining jobs finish the code watcher is only started on demand TODO: this is disabled for now code_monitor:monitor(self()), TODO: propagate options to testing stage The default is to run tests in order unless otherwise specified Adding and removing watched modules or paths Checking if a module is being watched Running automatic tests when a watched module is loaded. Uses a queue in order to avoid overlapping output when several watched modules are loaded simultaneously. (The currently running automatic test is kept in the queue until it is done. An empty queue means that no automatic test is running.) remove finished test from queue before checking for more this is just lookahead - the item is not removed Give the user a short delay before any output is produced Make sure output is sent to console on server node Make the output start on a new line instead of on the same line as the current shell prompt. Make sure to print a dummy prompt at the end of the output, most
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , General Public License ( the " LGPL " ) as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2.1 , or ( at your option ) any later version . either the Apache License or the LGPL . @author < > 2006 @private @doc EUnit server process -module(eunit_server). -export([start/1, stop/1, start_test/4, watch/3, watch_path/3, watch_regexp/3]). -include("eunit.hrl"). -include("eunit_internal.hrl"). start(Server) when is_atom(Server) -> ensure_started(Server). stop(Server) -> command(Server, stop). -record(job, {super, test, options}). The ` Super ' process will receive a stream of status messages ; see start_test(Server, Super, T, Options) -> command(Server, {start, #job{super = Super, test = T, options = Options}}). watch(Server, Module, Opts) when is_atom(Module) -> command(Server, {watch, {module, Module}, Opts}). watch_path(Server, Path, Opts) -> command(Server, {watch, {path, filename:flatten(Path)}, Opts}). watch_regexp(Server, Regex, Opts) -> case re:compile(Regex,[anchored]) of {ok, R} -> command(Server, {watch, {regexp, R}, Opts}); {error, _}=Error -> Error end. command(Server, Cmd) -> if is_atom(Server), Cmd /= stop -> ensure_started(Server); true -> ok end, if is_pid(Server) -> command_1(Server, Cmd); true -> case whereis(Server) of undefined -> {error, server_down}; Pid -> command_1(Pid, Cmd) end end. command_1(Pid, Cmd) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {command, self(), Cmd}, command_wait(Pid, 1000, undefined). command_wait(Pid, Timeout, Monitor) -> receive {Pid, Result} -> Result; {'DOWN', Monitor, process, Pid, _R} -> {error, server_down} after Timeout -> command_wait(Pid, infinity, erlang:monitor(process, Pid)) end. ensure_started(Name) -> ensure_started(Name, 5). ensure_started(Name, N) when N > 0 -> case whereis(Name) of undefined -> Parent = self(), Pid = spawn(fun () -> server_start(Name, Parent) end), receive {Pid, ok} -> Pid; {Pid, error} -> receive after 200 -> ensure_started(Name, N - 1) end end; Pid -> Pid end; ensure_started(_, _) -> throw(no_server). server_start(undefined = Name, Parent) -> server_start_1(Name, Parent); server_start(Name, Parent) -> try register(Name, self()) of true -> server_start_1(Name, Parent) catch _:_ -> Parent ! {self(), error}, exit(error) end. server_start_1(Name, Parent) -> Parent ! {self(), ok}, server_init(Name). -record(state, {name, stopped, jobs, queue, auto_test, modules, paths, regexps}). server_init(Name) -> server(#state{name = Name, stopped = false, jobs = dict:new(), queue = queue:new(), auto_test = queue:new(), modules = sets:new(), paths = sets:new(), regexps = sets:new()}). server(St) -> server_check_exit(St), ?MODULE:main(St). @private main(St) -> receive {done, auto_test, _Pid} -> server(auto_test_done(St)); {done, Reference, _Pid} -> server(handle_done(Reference, St)); {command, From, _Cmd} when St#state.stopped -> From ! {self(), stopped}; {command, From, Cmd} -> server_command(From, Cmd, St); {code_monitor, {loaded, M, _Time}} -> case is_watched(M, St) of true -> server(new_auto_test(self(), M, St)); false -> server(St) end end. server_check_exit(St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 when St#state.stopped -> exit(normal); _ -> ok end. server_command(From, {start, Job}, St) -> Reference = make_ref(), St1 = case proplists:get_bool(enqueue, Job#job.options) of true -> enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St); false -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) end, server_command_reply(From, {ok, Reference}), server(St1); server_command(From, stop, St) -> server_command_reply(From, {error, stopped}), catch unregister(St#state.name), server(St#state{stopped = true}); server_command(From, {watch, Target, _Opts}, St) -> St1 = add_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, {forget, Target}, St) -> St1 = delete_watch(Target, St), server_command_reply(From, ok), server(St1); server_command(From, Cmd, St) -> server_command_reply(From, {error, {unknown_command, Cmd}}), server(St). server_command_reply(From, Result) -> From ! {self(), Result}. enqueue(Job, From, Reference, St) -> case dict:size(St#state.jobs) of 0 -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St); _ -> St#state{queue = queue:in({Job, From, Reference}, St#state.queue)} end. dequeue(St) -> case queue:out(St#state.queue) of {empty, _} -> St; {{value, {Job, From, Reference}}, Queue} -> start_job(Job, From, Reference, St#state{queue = Queue}) end. start_job(Job, From, Reference, St) -> From ! {start, Reference}, Order = proplists:get_value(order, Job#job.options, inorder), eunit_proc:start(Job#job.test, Order, Job#job.super, Reference), St#state{jobs = dict:store(Reference, From, St#state.jobs)}. handle_done(Reference, St) -> case dict:find(Reference, St#state.jobs) of {ok, From} -> From ! {done, Reference}, dequeue(St#state{jobs = dict:erase(Reference, St#state.jobs)}); error -> St end. add_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:add_element(M, St#state.modules)}; add_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:add_element(P, St#state.paths)}; add_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:add_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. delete_watch({module, M}, St) -> St#state{modules = sets:del_element(M, St#state.modules)}; delete_watch({path, P}, St) -> St#state{paths = sets:del_element(P, St#state.paths)}; delete_watch({regexp, R}, St) -> St#state{regexps = sets:del_element(R, St#state.regexps)}. is_watched(M, St) when is_atom(M) -> sets:is_element(M, St#state.modules) orelse is_watched(code:which(M), St); is_watched(Path, St) -> sets:is_element(filename:dirname(Path), St#state.paths) orelse match_any(sets:to_list(St#state.regexps), Path). match_any([R | Rs], Str) -> case re:run(Str, R, [{capture,none}]) of match -> true; _ -> match_any(Rs, Str) end; match_any([], _Str) -> false. new_auto_test(Server, M, St) -> case queue:is_empty(St#state.auto_test) of true -> start_auto_test(Server, M); false -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = queue:in({Server, M}, St#state.auto_test)}. auto_test_done(St) -> {_, Queue} = queue:out(St#state.auto_test), case queue:out(Queue) of {{value, {Server, M}}, _} -> start_auto_test(Server, M); {empty, _} -> ok end, St#state{auto_test = Queue}. start_auto_test(Server, M) -> spawn(fun () -> auto_super(Server, M) end). auto_super(Server, M) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), receive after 333 -> ok end, group_leader(whereis(user), self()), Pid = spawn_link(fun () -> auto_proc(Server, M) end), receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok after ?AUTO_TIMEOUT -> exit(Pid, kill), io:put_chars("\n== EUnit: automatic test was aborted ==\n"), io:put_chars("\n> ") end, Server ! {done, auto_test, self()}. auto_proc(Server, M) -> io:fwrite("\n== EUnit: testing module ~w ==\n", [M]), eunit:test(Server, M, [enqueue]), of all so that the Emacs mode realizes that input is active . io:put_chars("\n-> ").