stringlengths 3
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stringclasses 22
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⌀ | provided_license
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stringlengths 3
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stringclasses 16
values |
flutter_reactive_ble | null | meethue.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_reactive_ble/latest/ | collection, flutter, functional_data, meta, reactive_ble_mobile, reactive_ble_platform_interface | Reactive Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plugin that can communicate with multiple devices | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
delayed_display | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/delayed_display/latest/ | flutter | A widget that enables you to display a child after a delay and with beautiful fading and sliding animation. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
lazy_load_scrollview | null | quirijngb.com | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/lazy_load_scrollview/latest/ | flutter | A wrapper for a ScrollView that will trigger a callback when the bottom of the page is reached | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
cloud_functions | null | firebase.google.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/cloud_functions/latest/ | cloud_functions_platform_interface, cloud_functions_web, firebase_core, firebase_core_platform_interface, flutter | A Flutter plugin allowing you to use Firebase Cloud Functions. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
graphql | 5.1.2-beta.3 | zino.company | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphql/latest/ | collection, gql, gql_dedupe_link, gql_error_link, gql_exec, gql_http_link, gql_link, gql_transform_link, hive, http, meta, normalize, path, rxdart, stream_channel, uuid, web_socket_channel | A stand-alone GraphQL client for Dart, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
geoflutterfire | null | noeatsleepteam.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/geoflutterfire/latest/ | cloud_firestore, flutter, flutter_lints, rxdart | GeoFlutterFire is an open-source library that allows you to store and query firestore documents based on their geographic location. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
appwrite | null | appwrite.io | unknown (LICENSE) | https://appwrite.io/support | cookie_jar, device_info_plus, flutter, flutter_web_auth, http, package_info_plus, path_provider, web_socket_channel | Appwrite is an open-source self-hosted backend server that abstract and simplify complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple REST API | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
very_good_cli | null | verygood.ventures | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/very_good_cli/latest/ | args, glob, lcov_parser, mason, mason_logger, meta, path, pub_updater, pubspec_parse, stack_trace, universal_io, usage, very_good_analysis, very_good_test_runner | A Very Good Command Line Interface for Dart created by Very Good Ventures. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
advance_pdf_viewer | null | dlohani.com.np | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/advance_pdf_viewer/latest/ | flutter, flutter_cache_manager, numberpicker, path_provider | A flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android & iOS | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
redux | null | fluttercommunity.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/redux/latest/ | Packages that depend on redux | Redux is a predictable state container for Dart and Flutter apps | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
search_choices | null | jod.li | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/search_choices/latest/ | flutter | Highly versatile Widget to search through a single or multiple choices list in a dialog box or a menu. Supports pagination and future/API/webservice searches with sort and filter. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
html_editor_enhanced | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/html_editor_enhanced/latest/ | file_picker, flex_color_picker, flutter, flutter_inappwebview, flutter_keyboard_visibility, meta, numberpicker, pedantic, pointer_interceptor, visibility_detector | HTML rich text editor for Android, iOS, and Web, using the Summernote library. Enhanced with highly customizable widget-based controls, bug fixes, callbacks, dark mode, and more. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
firebase_remote_config | null | firebase.google.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/firebase_remote_config/latest/ | firebase_core, firebase_core_platform_interface, firebase_remote_config_platform_interface, firebase_remote_config_web, flutter | Flutter plugin for Firebase Remote Config. Update your application look and feel and behavior without re-releasing. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
flutter_phoenix | null | dailyn.app | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_phoenix/latest/ | flutter | Easily restart your application from scratch, losing any previous state | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_inapp_purchase | null | dooboolab.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_inapp_purchase/latest/ | flutter, http, meta, platform | In App Purchase plugin for flutter. This project has been forked by react-native-iap and we are willing to share same experience with that on react-native. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
web3dart | null | pwa.ir | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/web3dart/latest/ | async, collection, convert, eip55, http, json_rpc_2, pointycastle, stream_channel, stream_transform, typed_data, uuid | Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts! | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
custom_refresh_indicator | null | klyta.it | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/custom_refresh_indicator/latest/ | flutter | Flutter Widget that make it easy to implement custom refresh indicator. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_multi_formatter | null | softmaestri.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_multi_formatter/latest/ | base58check, bech32, collection, flutter | A package of formatters for international phone numbers, credit / debit cards and a masked formatter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
zefyr | null | memspace.app | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/zefyr/latest/ | collection, flutter, meta, notus, quill_delta, quiver_hashcode, url_launcher | Clean, minimalistic and collaboration-ready rich text editor for Flutter. | null | null |
tuple | null | google.dev | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/tuple/latest/ | quiver | Tuple data structure | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
carousel_pro | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/carousel_pro/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter Carousel Slider widget. Support Network and Asset Images. You can modify the UI according your design easily. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
loading_animation_widget | null | waterydesert.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/loading_animation_widget/latest/ | flutter | Loading animation or loading spiner or loader. It's used to show loading animation when the app is in loading state or something is processing for uncertain time. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
at_contacts_flutter | null | atsign.org | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://atsign.dev/docs/functional_architecture/libraries/#at_contacts_flutter | at_client, at_client_mobile, at_common_flutter, at_commons, at_contact, at_lookup, at_utils, flutter, flutter_slidable | A Flutter plugin project to provide ease of managing contacts for an @sign using @platform. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
data_table_2 | null | saplin.blogspot.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/data_table_2/latest/ | async, flutter | In-place substitute for Flutter's DataTable and PaginatedDataTable with fixed/sticky headers and few extra features | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
graphic | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphic/latest/ | collection, flutter, path_drawing, vector_math | A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
inview_notifier_list | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/inview_notifier_list/latest/ | flutter, stream_transform | A Flutter package that builds a listview and notifies when the widgets are on screen. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
searchable_dropdown | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/searchable_dropdown/latest/ | flutter | Widget to let the user search through a keyword string typed on a customizable keyboard in a single or multiple choices list presented as a dropdown in a dialog box or a menu. | null | null |
scratcher | null | rykowski.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/scratcher/latest/ | flutter | Scratch card widget which temporarily hides content from the user. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
arkit_plugin | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/arkit_plugin/latest/ | flutter, json_annotation, meta, vector_math | Flutter Plugin for ARKit - Apple's augmented reality (AR) development platform for iOS mobile devices. | FLUTTER | IOS |
video_trimmer | null | souvikbiswas.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_trimmer/latest/ | ffmpeg_kit_flutter, flutter, intl, path, path_provider, video_player, video_thumbnail | A Flutter package for trimming videos. This supports retrieving, trimming, and storage of trimmed video files to the file system. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
flick_video_player | null | geekyants.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flick_video_player/latest/ | flutter, provider, universal_html, video_player, wakelock | Flick Video Player is a video player for flutter. The video_player plugin gives low level access for the video playback. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
bottom_bar_with_sheet | null | frezycode.com | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/bottom_bar_with_sheet/latest/ | flutter | This package help you to create bottom bar with FloatingActionButton which buld BottomSheet widget on every page. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mongo_dart | 0.8.0-1.0.beta | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mongo_dart/latest/ | basic_utils, bson, collection, crypto, logging, mongo_dart_query, path, pool, rational, sasl_scram, uuid, vy_string_utils | MongoDB driver, implemented in pure Dart. All CRUD operations, aggregation pipeline and more! | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_polyline_points | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_polyline_points/latest/ | flutter, http | A flutter package to get polyline points by either passing the coordinates or google encoded polyline string | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
signature | null | 4q.eu | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/signature/latest/ | flutter, image | A Flutter plugin providing performance optimized signature canvas with ability to set custom style, boundaries and initial state. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
circular_menu | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/circular_menu/latest/ | flutter | A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
youtube_player_iframe | 3.0.0-beta.1 | sarbagyastha.com.np | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/youtube_player_iframe/latest/ | flutter, flutter_inappwebview, url_launcher | Flutter port of the official YouTube iFrame player API. Supports web & mobile platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
image_editor_pro | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/image_editor_pro/latest/ | collection, cupertino_icons, dio, firexcode, flutter, flutter_colorpicker, flutter_web_plugins, font_awesome_flutter, image_picker, path_provider, permission_handler, screenshot, signature, zoom_widget | Image Editor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text and emoji like stories. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
agora_uikit | null | agora.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/agora_uikit/latest/ | agora_rtc_engine, agora_rtm, flutter, http, lints, permission_handler | Flutter plugin to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your app with just a few lines of code. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
draggable_home | null | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://github.com/4-alok/draggable_home/blob/main/README.md | flutter, rxdart | Draggable is a library for adding a beautiful draggable home page | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
enum_to_string | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/enum_to_string/latest/ | Packages that depend on enum_to_string | Better conversion of ENUMs to string. Dart has annoying EnumName.ValueName syntax when calling enum.toString, this package fixes that. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
synchronized | null | tekartik.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/synchronized/latest/ | Packages that depend on synchronized | Lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
golden_toolkit | null | ebay.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/golden_toolkit/latest/ | flutter, flutter_test, meta | Common patterns for screenshot-based widget testing using Goldens. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
rubber | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/rubber/latest/ | after_layout, flutter | Rubber is an elastic bottom sheet widget with the customizable material spring animation. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
expansion_card | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/expansion_card/latest/ | flutter | Expansion Card that expands on click with full body cover background that also expands ontap. This widget is highly customizable with smooth animations. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
loading_indicator | null | tinocheng.app | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/loading_indicator/latest/ | async, collection, flutter | A collection loading animations written in pure dart. Out of the box, no extra dependency. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
video_thumbnail | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_thumbnail/latest/ | flutter | A flutter plugin for creating a thumbnail from a local video file or from a video URL. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
animated_theme_switcher | null | kherel.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/animated_theme_switcher/latest/ | flutter | Flutter animated theme switcher, that help to create beautiful transactions during the theme switch. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
gallery_saver | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/gallery_saver/latest/ | flutter, http, path, path_provider | Saves images and videos from network or temporary file to external storage. Both images and videos will be visible in Android Gallery and iOS Photos. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
universal_html | null | dint.dev | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/universal_html/latest/ | async, charcode, collection, csslib, html, meta, source_span, typed_data, universal_io | A 'dart:html' that works in all platforms, including Flutter and server-side. Eases cross-platform development and HTML / XML processing. | null | null |
youtube_explode_dart | null | hexah.net | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/youtube_explode_dart/latest/ | collection, freezed_annotation, html, http, http_parser, json_annotation, meta, xml | A port in dart of the youtube explode library. Supports several API functions without the need of Youtube API Key. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
boxy | null | tst.sh | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://boxy.wiki/ | flutter, vector_math | Overcome limitations of built-in layouts, advanced flex, custom multi-child layouts, slivers, and more! | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
barcode | null | nfet.net | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/barcode/latest/ | meta, qr | Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_email_sender | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_email_sender/latest/ | flutter | Allows send emails from flutter using native platform functionality. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
expandable_bottom_bar | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/expandable_bottom_bar/latest/ | flutter | Animatable bottom app bar with expandable sheet. Use me if you need cool bottom bar! | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
fluttericon | null | starheightmedia.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/fluttericon/latest/ | flutter | Flutter icons from popular web icon fonts. Customize your final icon package using fluttericon.com. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_clean_architecture | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_clean_architecture/latest/ | flutter, logging, meta, provider, responsive_builder, rxdart | A Flutter package that implements the Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob in Flutter. It provides Views, Controllers, Presenters, Observers, and UseCases. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_vlc_player | null | solid.software | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_vlc_player/latest/ | flutter, flutter_vlc_player_platform_interface, meta | A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player. Supports multiple players on one screen. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
transparent_image | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/transparent_image/latest/ | Packages that depend on transparent_image | A transparent image in Dart code, represented as a Uint8List. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
i18n_extension | null | glasberg.dev | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/i18n_extension/latest/ | analyzer, args, equatable, flutter, gettext_parser, intl, sprintf | Translation and Internationalization (i18n) for Flutter. Easy to use for both large and small projects. Uses Dart extensions to reduce boilerplate. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
group_button | null | frezycode.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/group_button/latest/ | flutter | Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
glassmorphism | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/glassmorphism/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package for implimentation of Glassmorphic UI easily. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
date_time_picker | null | m3uzz.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/date_time_picker/latest/ | flutter, intl | A Flutter widget to display a date time form field to show a date or clock dialog. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_tags | null | dn-a.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_tags/latest/ | flutter | Creating selectable and input tags (TextField) has never been easier. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mqtt_client | null | darticulate.com | BSD-3-Clause, MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mqtt_client/latest/ | crypto, event_bus, meta, path, typed_data | A server and browser based MQTT client for Dart supporting normal, secure sockets and websockets. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
vrouter | null | vrouter.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/vrouter/latest/ | flutter, move_to_background, url_launcher, url_strategy | A navigation package that makes navigation and routing easy on every platform. Built on top of Navigator 2. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_flavorizr | null | angelocassano.it | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_flavorizr/latest/ | archive, args, checked_yaml, collection, flutter, image, io, json_annotation, sprintf, xml, yaml | A flutter utility to easily create flavors in your flutter application | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_slider_drawer | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_slider_drawer/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Slider Drawer Menu | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flow_builder | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flow_builder/latest/ | flutter | Flutter Flows made easy! A Flutter package which simplifies flows with a flexible, declarative API. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
double_back_to_close_app | null | hugopassos.dev | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/double_back_to_close_app/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package that allows Android users to press the back-button twice to close the app. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
horizontal_data_table | 4.1.2-debug | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/horizontal_data_table/latest/ | flutter, provider | A horizontal data table with a fixed column on left handside. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
maps_launcher | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/maps_launcher/latest/ | flutter, flutter_web_plugins, url_launcher | Simple Flutter plugin to open the maps application (or browser) on all platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
blobs | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/blobs/latest/ | flutter | Create beautiful blobs - fixed/random blob generation, animations, svgs and more | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
cool_alert | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/cool_alert/latest/ | flare_flutter, flutter, lottie, vector_math | A Flutter package to display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm or even a loading dialog. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_google_places | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_google_places/latest/ | flutter, google_api_headers, google_maps_webservice, http, rxdart | Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter. No wrapper, use https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/google_maps_webservice | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
tflite_flutter | null | amishgarg.tech | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/tflite_flutter/latest/ | ffi, flutter, path, quiver | TensorFlow Lite Flutter plugin provides an easy, flexible, and fast Dart API to integrate TFLite models in flutter apps across mobile and desktop platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
syncfusion_flutter_maps | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_maps/latest/ | flutter, http, syncfusion_flutter_core, vector_math | A Flutter Maps library for creating beautiful, interactive, and customizable maps from shape files or WMTS services to visualize the geographical area. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
time | null | ogbomo.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/time/latest/ | clock | Type-safe DateTime and Duration calculations, powered by extensions. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_cached_pdfview | null | abdosaed.ml | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_cached_pdfview/latest/ | flutter, flutter_cache_manager, flutter_pdfview, path, path_provider | A package to show Native PDF View for iOS and Android, support Open from a different resource like Path, Asset or Url and Cache it. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
draggable_scrollbar | null | fluttercommunity.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/draggable_scrollbar/latest/ | flutter | A scrollbar that can be dragged for quickly navigation through a vertical list. Additional option is showing label next to scrollthumb with information about current item. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
popover | null | minikin.me | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/popover/latest/ | flutter | A popover is a transient view that appears above other content onscreen when you tap a control or in an area. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
progressive_image | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/progressive_image/latest/ | flutter | A flutter widget which progressively loads larger images using Low Quality Image Placeholders. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
skeleton_text | null | mahengandhi.me | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/skeleton_text/latest/ | flutter | A package that provides an easy way to add skeleton text loading animation in Flutter project. This project is a part of 101Loop community. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
launch_review | null | iyaffle.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/launch_review/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin to assist in leaving user reviews/ratings in Google Play Store and Apple App Store. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
ionicons | null | ez-connect.net | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/ionicons/latest/ | flutter | Ionicons is a completely open-source icon set with 1k3+ icons crafted for web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps. They have both Material Design and iOS versions. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
pie_chart | null | ayushpgupta.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/pie_chart/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package for creating beautiful Pie Charts with awesome animation. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
meta | null | dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/meta/latest/ | Packages that depend on meta | Annotations used to express developer intentions that can't otherwise be deduced by statically analyzing source code. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
get_server | null | getx.site | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/get_server/latest/ | jaguar_jwt, meta, mime, path | A backend server (http and websocket) that makes it possible to program with Flutter syntax and reuse existing code | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
localstorage | null | lesnitsky.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/localstorage/latest/ | flutter, path_provider | Simple json file-based storage fo flutter. Alternative to react-native AsyncStorage | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
cron | null | agilord.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/cron/latest/ | clock | A time-based job scheduler similar to cron. Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
progress_state_button | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/progress_state_button/latest/ | flutter | A customizable progress button widget for Flutter Android, IOS and Web. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
intl_phone_field | null | vanshgoel.me | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/intl_phone_field/latest/ | flutter | A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with country code. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
clay_containers | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/clay_containers/latest/ | flutter | Easily create custom neumorphic container widgets for your own unique design. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
filter_list | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/filter_list/latest/ | flutter | Filter_list Package is designed to make single/multiple item selection from a list of string/object. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
graphview | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/graphview/latest/ | collection, flutter | GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout, Directed and Layered graph. Useful for Family Tree, Hierarchy View. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
theme_provider | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/theme_provider/latest/ | flutter, shared_preferences | Easy to use and customizable Theme Provider. This Widget can be used to easily provide a theme controller across the widget tree. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_acrylic | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://github.com/alexmercerind/flutter_acrylic/blob/master/README.md | flutter | Window acrylic, mica & transparency effects for Flutter on Windows, macOS & Linux. | FLUTTER | LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
background_location | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/background_location/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin to get location updates in the background for both Android and iOS. Uses CoreLocation for iOS and FusedLocationProvider for Android. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
direct_select_flutter | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/direct_select_flutter/latest/ | flutter, rect_getter | Direct Select Widget Implementation inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/3876250-DirectSelect-Dropdown-ux | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
network_info_plus | null | fluttercommunity.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/network_info_plus/latest/ | flutter, meta, network_info_plus_linux, network_info_plus_macos, network_info_plus_platform_interface, network_info_plus_web, network_info_plus_windows | Flutter plugin for discovering information (e.g. WiFi details) of the network. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
Subsets and Splits