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728 | but taken as a stylish and energetic one-shot , the queen of the damned can not be said to suck . | 0 |
311 | a warm , funny , engaging film . | 0 |
132 | scooby dooby doo / and shaggy too / you both look and sound great . | 0 |
683 | true tale of courage -- and complicity -- at auschwitz is a harrowing drama that tries to tell of the unspeakable . | 0 |
164 | a woman 's pic directed with resonance by ilya chaiken . | 0 |
128 | montias ... pumps a lot of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surrounds himself with a cast of quirky -- but not stereotyped -- street characters . | 0 |
239 | brilliantly explores the conflict between following one 's heart and following the demands of tradition . | 0 |
484 | dazzling in its complexity , disturbing for its extraordinary themes , the piano teacher is a film that defies categorisation . | 0 |
325 | liotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smooth , goodfellas image . | 0 |
640 | an important movie , a reminder of the power of film to move us and to make us examine our values . | 0 |
100 | neither parker nor donovan is a typical romantic lead , but they bring a fresh , quirky charm to the formula . | 0 |
114 | it haunts you , you ca n't forget it , you admire its conception and are able to resolve some of the confusions you had while watching it . | 0 |
678 | the movie is n't just hilarious : it 's witty and inventive , too , and in hindsight , it is n't even all that dumb . | 0 |
773 | it 's a beautiful madness . | 0 |
279 | ... with `` the bourne identity '' we return to the more traditional action genre . | 0 |
244 | dazzles with its fully-written characters , its determined stylishness ( which always relates to characters and story ) and johnny dankworth 's best soundtrack in years . | 0 |
297 | travels a fascinating arc from hope and euphoria to reality and disillusionment . | 0 |
71 | exquisitely nuanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chamber drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . | 0 |
103 | a gripping movie , played with performances that are all understated and touching . | 0 |
175 | bleakly funny , its characters all the more touching for refusing to pity or memorialize themselves . | 0 |
614 | against all odds in heaven and hell , it creeped me out just fine . | 0 |
354 | the film is quiet , threatening and unforgettable . | 0 |
122 | old-form moviemaking at its best . | 0 |
602 | instead , he shows them the respect they are due . | 0 |
530 | a superbly acted and funny/gritty fable of the humanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate . | 0 |
611 | the performances take the movie to a higher level . | 0 |
67 | a fast , funny , highly enjoyable movie . | 0 |
534 | i just loved every minute of this film . | 0 |
860 | stephen rea , aidan quinn , and alan bates play desmond 's legal eagles , and when joined by brosnan , the sight of this grandiloquent quartet lolling in pretty irish settings is a pleasant enough thing , ` tis . | 0 |
504 | the film is powerful , accessible and funny . | 0 |
187 | ` de niro ... is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ' | 0 |
859 | add yet another hat to a talented head , clooney 's a good director . | 0 |
674 | atom egoyan has conjured up a multilayered work that tackles any number of fascinating issues | 0 |
425 | while the ideas about techno-saturation are far from novel , they 're presented with a wry dark humor . | 0 |
381 | with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller 's film is one of 2002 's involvingly adult surprises . | 0 |
488 | a cartoon that 's truly cinematic in scope , and a story that 's compelling and heartfelt -- even if the heart belongs to a big , four-legged herbivore . | 0 |
400 | it 's refreshing to see a girl-power movie that does n't feel it has to prove anything . | 0 |
332 | broomfield turns his distinctive ` blundering ' style into something that could really help clear up the case . | 0 |
868 | a movie with a real anarchic flair . | 0 |
428 | beautifully observed , miraculously unsentimental comedy-drama . | 0 |
473 | thanks to haynes ' absolute control of the film 's mood , and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from heaven actually pulls off this stylistic juggling act . | 0 |
729 | the piece plays as well as it does thanks in large measure to anspaugh 's three lead actresses . | 0 |
353 | for movie lovers as well as opera lovers , tosca is a real treat . | 0 |
360 | ` easily my choice for one of the year 's best films . ' | 0 |
849 | trademark american triteness and simplicity are tossed out the window with the intelligent french drama that deftly explores the difficult relationship between a father and son . | 0 |
698 | an interesting story with a pertinent ( cinematically unique ) message , told fairly well and scored to perfection , i found myself struggling to put my finger on that elusive `` missing thing . '' | 0 |
744 | one from the heart . | 0 |
523 | a romantic comedy enriched by a sharp eye for manners and mores . | 0 |
613 | ... takes the beauty of baseball and melds it with a story that could touch anyone regardless of their familiarity with the sport | 0 |
475 | belongs to daniel day-lewis as much as it belongs to martin scorsese ; it 's a memorable performance in a big , brassy , disturbing , unusual and highly successful film . | 0 |
673 | drops you into a dizzying , volatile , pressure-cooker of a situation that quickly snowballs out of control , while focusing on the what much more than the why . | 0 |
677 | majidi is an unconventional storyteller , capable of finding beauty in the most depressing places . | 0 |
270 | dense with characters and contains some thrilling moments . | 0 |
567 | feature debuter d.j. caruso directs a crack ensemble cast , bringing screenwriter tony gayton 's narcotics noir to life . | 0 |
283 | a rewarding work of art for only the most patient and challenge-hungry moviegoers . | 0 |
472 | you will emerge with a clearer view of how the gears of justice grind on and the death report comes to share airtime alongside the farm report . | 0 |
737 | my big fat greek wedding uses stereotypes in a delightful blend of sweet romance and lovingly dished out humor . | 0 |
855 | it 's fascinating to see how bettany and mcdowell play off each other . | 0 |
507 | the minor figures surrounding ( bobby ) ... form a gritty urban mosaic . | 0 |
679 | filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and even marvels . | 0 |
396 | a very well-made , funny and entertaining picture . | 0 |
345 | this tenth feature is a big deal , indeed -- at least the third-best , and maybe even a notch above the previous runner-up , nicholas meyer 's star trek vi : the undiscovered country . | 0 |
558 | although german cooking does not come readily to mind when considering the world 's best cuisine , mostly martha could make deutchland a popular destination for hungry tourists . | 0 |
116 | one of the smartest takes on singles culture i 've seen in a long time . | 0 |
201 | inside the film 's conflict-powered plot there is a decent moral trying to get out , but it 's not that , it 's the tension that keeps you in your seat . | 0 |
871 | looking aristocratic , luminous yet careworn in jane hamilton 's exemplary costumes , rampling gives a performance that could not be improved upon . ' | 0 |
331 | the chateau cleverly probes the cross-cultural differences between gauls and yanks . | 0 |
616 | there 's really only one good idea in this movie , but the director runs with it and presents it with an unforgettable visual panache . | 0 |
294 | the old-world - meets-new mesh is incarnated in the movie 's soundtrack , a joyful effusion of disco bollywood that , by the end of monsoon wedding , sent my spirit soaring out of the theater . | 0 |
252 | blanchett 's performance confirms her power once again . | 0 |
540 | binoche makes it interesting trying to find out . | 0 |
210 | not only is undercover brother as funny , if not more so , than both austin powers films , but it 's also one of the smarter , savvier spoofs to come along in some time . | 0 |
288 | the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . | 0 |
52 | mr. tsai is a very original artist in his medium , and what time is it there ? | 0 |
383 | a warm but realistic meditation on friendship , family and affection . | 0 |
104 | it 's one of those baseball pictures where the hero is stoic , the wife is patient , the kids are as cute as all get-out and the odds against success are long enough to intimidate , but short enough to make a dream seem possible . | 0 |
280 | it 's so good that its relentless , polished wit can withstand not only inept school productions , but even oliver parker 's movie adaptation . | 0 |
793 | ... an otherwise intense , twist-and-turn thriller that certainly should n't hurt talented young gaghan 's resume . | 0 |
186 | pacino is brilliant as the sleep-deprived dormer , his increasing weariness as much existential as it is physical . | 0 |
799 | a tender , witty , captivating film about friendship , love , memory , trust and loyalty . | 0 |
625 | for the most part stevens glides through on some solid performances and witty dialogue . | 0 |
495 | light years / several warp speeds / levels and levels of dilithium crystals better than the pitiful insurrection . | 0 |
424 | a good piece of work more often than not . | 0 |
231 | martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimes tender , sometimes angry -- and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid . | 0 |
303 | entertains by providing good , lively company . | 0 |
398 | despite its title , punch-drunk love is never heavy-handed . | 0 |
123 | turns potentially forgettable formula into something strangely diverting . | 0 |
248 | a full world has been presented onscreen , not some series of carefully structured plot points building to a pat resolution . | 0 |
191 | the movie is beautiful to behold and engages one in a sense of epic struggle -- inner and outer -- that 's all too rare in hollywood 's hastier productions . | 0 |
684 | a study in shades of gray , offering itself up in subtle plot maneuvers ... | 0 |
541 | the most compelling wiseman epic of recent years . | 0 |
427 | an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first order | 0 |
455 | ( chaiken 's ) talent lies in an evocative , accurate observation of a distinctive milieu and in the lively , convincing dialogue she creates for her characters . | 0 |
154 | a solid examination of the male midlife crisis . | 0 |
445 | even in its most tedious scenes , russian ark is mesmerizing . | 0 |
691 | an effectively creepy , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actually applies it . | 0 |
524 | the fly-on-the-wall method used to document rural french school life is a refreshing departure from the now more prevalent technique of the docu-makers being a visible part of their work . | 0 |
533 | `` mostly martha '' is a bright , light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see . | 0 |
780 | a grimly competent and stolid and earnest military courtroom drama . | 0 |
277 | it just may inspire a few younger moviegoers to read stevenson 's book , which is a treasure in and of itself . | 0 |
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