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, I have been following your progress with much delight. You are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature. The time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into - one that affords you command and mastery of the water. For this, you must travel to the village of Nighthaven in Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze of the Cenarion Circle there. He will guide you further.
Speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.
A Lesson to Learn
Welcome back from the world of death. In an age long past you stood proud, a hero among your brethren. Now you stand fallen and broken - a relic of the past. Stand before me, as I awaken the legend that you once were. I shall restore the weapons and powers you have lost, making you whole once again.
Speak to Kanrethad to restore your talents, weapon and mount.
Kanrethad's Quest
Here's your report. I urge you to take it to someone who might have working knowledge in this kind of thing. I know this troll scholar named Zilzibin Drumlore. He's spent a lot of time studying life forms that are unique to the ecology of Azeroth; he's a historian to boot! If you want someone to help figure out what exactly this threat is and how to stop it, give this report to him. We're going to need all the help we can get. Zil lives in a house on the second tier of the Drag in Orgrimmar.
Take the report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.
Rise of the Silithid
Whatever is affecting these wolves isn't going away. Each day that passes brings forth more sick wolves. It pains me to ask anyone to kill nature's beasts, but we must destroy the diseased young wolves before this little outbreak turns into an epidemic. Kill diseased young wolves in the valley and bring me their diseased wolf pelts as proof of your deed.
Bring 8 Diseased Wolf Pelts to Eagan Peltskinner outside Northshire Abbey.
Wolves Across the Border
You have completed the necessary lessons all young druids are taught before they can adopt an aquatic aspect. Go now back to your trainer, Turak Runetotem, in Thunder Bluff. Show him your pendant and prove to him you are ready to learn what he has to teach you. He will complete your training, allowing you to become one with the water. Goodbye, young druid. We shall speak again.
Return to Thunder Bluff and show Turak Runetotem the Pendant of the Sea Lion.
Aquatic Form
For the second trial, you'll need the two halves that make the Pendant of the Sea Lion. One half draws power from the agility of the sea lion aspect, gliding through water; the other draws power from the incredible endurance of the sea lion aspect. Druids draw on both these traits equally to embody the aspect of their aquatic form. Speak with the locals of Moonglade to learn where the parts may lie, and bring both here to join them together. Once formed, take the pendant to Dendrite Starblaze.
Find the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility and the Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance. Speak with the residents of Moonglade to learn clues as to where these items may be located.
Trial of the Sea Lion
For your first trial, search the depths of Lake Elune'ara to locate a Shrine Bauble. It decays rapidly, so proceed with it to the Shrine of Remulos post haste. Use the bauble at the shrine, and then speak with Tajarri there; she is one of Moonglade's most trusted wardens. You only have a set amount of time to complete the task, and you may be competing against other druids searching for baubles themselves. Mental and physical dexterity will be critical to your success. Good luck.
Find a Shrine Bauble in Lake Elune'ara, and take it to the Shrine of Remulos in northwestern Moonglade. Once there, use the Shrine Bauble.
Trial of the Lake
, I have been following your progress with much delight. You are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature. The time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into - one that affords you command and mastery of the water. For this, you must travel to the village of Nighthaven in Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze of the Cenarion Circle there. He will guide you further.
Speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.
A Lesson to Learn
For your first trial, search the depths of Lake Elune'ara to locate a Shrine Bauble. It decays rapidly, so proceed with it to the Shrine of Remulos post haste. Use the bauble at the shrine, and then speak with Tajarri there; she is one of Moonglade's most trusted wardens. You only have a set amount of time to complete the task, and you may be competing against other druids searching for baubles themselves. Mental and physical dexterity will be critical to your success. Good luck.
Find a Shrine Bauble in Lake Elune'ara, and take it to the Shrine of Remulos in northwestern Moonglade. Once there, use the Shrine Bauble.
Trial of the Lake
The once swift Shadumbra now lies still as you claim victory over it. This legenday creature is dear to the night elves. Its head should serve as an intimidating trophy, and as a sign of the end of the Alliance in Ashenvale. Captain Goggath at Hellscream's Watch will no doubt be delighted to receive the head of the slain nightsaber.
Bring Shadumbra's Head to Captain Goggath at Hellscream's Watch.
Shadumbra's Head
The mighty bear Ursangous is no more! The small quarter-crescent emblem on its paw indicates that this beast was trained by the night elves to prowl the forest in search of their enemies. There is no telling how many of your Horde allies fell to this creature. The paw should be brought to Tarkan at Silverwind Refuge. He will be pleased that such a weapon has been removed from the enemy's arsenal.
Bring Ursangous' Paw to Captain Tarkan at Silverwind Refuge.
Ursangous' Paw
You should've seen it! The elves thought Silverwind to be impenetrable. With its heavy defenses and their army of water elementals, they were almost right. Almost. One of our mages was able to summon a twisted elemental designed to send the others into a chaotic rage. Ahh, the looks on their faces! Unfortunately, the mage who summoned it fell in battle. Now I need someone to bring down our creation.
Captain Tarkan at Silverwind Refuge wants you to defeat Tideress and 12 Befouled Water Elementals at Mystral Lake.
Simmer Down Now
The onions are peeled. The garlic is minced. The rosemary is crushed. The crust has been baked. The dill weed is chopped. The gravy is simmering. Now all I need for my famous meat pie are 8 Goretusk Livers!
Salma Saldean needs 8 Goretusk livers to make a Goretusk Liver Pie.
Goretusk Liver Pie
Your previous investigations are proof that the Echo Ridge Mine needs purging. Return to the mine and help clear it of kobolds. Waste no time. The longer the kobolds are left unmolested in the mine, the deeper a foothold they gain in Northshire.
Kill 8 Kobold Laborers, then return to Marshal McBride at Northshire Abbey.
Skirmish at Echo Ridge
The Blackrock orcs have travelled from the Burning Steppes and claimed Stonewatch Keep to the north. From there they maraud the areas north of Lakeshire and keep its citizens in town, penned like cattle. Help rid Lakeshire of this menace. Kill these Blackrock orcs and bring me ten of their Battleworn Axes as proof. And although Blackrocks threaten us from the north, we've received reports of more in the southeastern pocket of Redridge. If you find any there, then they too should be hunted.
Bring 10 Battleworn Axes to Marshal Marris in Lakeshire.
Blackrock Menace
You find a corpse of a sea turtle that had beached itself on the coast of Darkshore some time ago. It has been scavenged by the murlocs who have encamped themselves around the creature's remains. Still, there appear to be some suitable samples left on the creature's remains that Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine might be able to make use of.
Take the Sea Turtle Remains to Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine.
Beached Sea Turtle
Time's come for you to head to Stormwind. High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light wants to speak to you. Gotta be somethin' really good or really bad for the High Priestess to want you there personally, but I'm guessin' you've only done well for yourself and it's a good thing that she wants to speak to ya. But don't waste too much time 'round here. I'd head there as soon as you can.
Speak to High Priestess Laurena in Stormwind.
Desperate Prayer
Return to Menara, tell her it'll take some time, but I'll make sure to come through for her... and you. Tell her to have you finish gathering the rest of your components--I should have the thread done by then. You can return and pick it up then. Good luck. Oh, and say hello to Strahad for me while you're there. That old coot... putting a tower right there next to Ratchet... crazy.
Return to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.
Components for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe
The unmentionable Old God slowly awakens from his slumber beneath Ahn'Qiraj. The terrible fate that awaits Azeroth could come in days or years; time has no meaning for beings of his power. When the stars are favorable, he will lash out against all living beings with terrible wrath. You must find him before then and find a way to bring his existence to an end. Do this and bring me a piece of his husk. I shall grant you armor no mortal has ever worn... armor fit for one who has slain a god!
Bring the Husk of the Old God, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Bronze Scarabs and 5 Ivory Scarabs to Vethsera inside Ahn'Qiraj. You must also attain Honored reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to complete this quest.
Genesis Vest
The Grimtotem Clan raided my village and killed most everyone. I killed all I could, but barely escaped with my life. , all I wish now is that more of them are dead. You will find them just to the west of here.
Kill 8 Grimtotem Ruffians and 6 Grimtotem Mercenaries, and then return to Makaba Flathoof near the southeastern edge of Stonetalon.
Avenge My Village
Blackrock Outrunners and Renegades are running ambushes between here and Stonewatch Keep. The leader of the Outrunners is an orc named Tharil'zun--we want this orc. Bring me the head of Tharil'zun!
Bring Tharil'zun's Head to Marshal Marris in Redridge.
I'm glad to hear you're aiding us in our attack on Ahn'Qiraj. I can make you a protective item that'll be of assistance in the fight against our enemy. I shall need a Qiraji drape, which I'll resize for you of course. I'll also need idols and scarabs which I'll use to create a suitable clasp. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Bring 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs and 5 Bone Scarabs to Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus. You must also obtain Revered reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest.
Drape of Unyielding Strength
One of my brethren, Hauteur, has gone insane, no doubt because of the crash of your ship. He's begun demanding that the local owlbeasts worship him. This will not continue! None of us would ever impersonate a god! It falls to you to restore the balance. First, you must retrieve their ritual torch, which has been taken by the crazed wildkin inside Stillpine Hold to the west. Return the torch to me.
Retrieve the Ritual Torch and return it to Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.
Call of Fire
Like I said, getting out of here won't be easy. Warboss Nekrogg may look like an overgrown brute, but he's no simpleton. He won't let the cage key out of his sight and doesn't come down from his tower atop that chunk of wall until he's ready to question me or that orc he's managed to capture. It's going to take something extraordinary to get him off that wall, but I have an idea. Find one of the grenadiers that patrol the ground along the Southern Rampart and bring me some of his explosives.
Kill a Shattered Hand Grenadier and bring his Crude Explosives to Private Imarion at Gor'gaz Outpost.
Planning the Escape
Greetings. I am Ioki, elementalist of the Earthen Ring. I have come to Telaar to inform the Kurenai of the state of the elements. Could I ask a favor of you? Would you travel to the Throne of the Elements in the northern hills of Nagrand, beyond Skysong Lake, and tell elementalist Sharvak that I have arrived at Telaar safely? She will surely reward you for this small deed.
Elementalist Ioki wants you to travel to the Throne of the Elements and speak with Elementalist Sharvak.
The Throne of the Elements
I've put together the very key I used as an apprentice. It looks completely functional as far as keys go. In regards to opening Karazhan, however, this might as well be a piece of scrap metal. Without Medivh's consent, the key is worthless. Yes, of course I know Medivh is dead. This merely makes things difficult, not impossible. There is a place in Azeroth called the Caverns of Time, guarded by the bronze dragonflight. Find a way inside, travel back in time and get Medivh to enable the key.
Go into the Caverns of Time and convince Medivh to enable your Restored Apprentice's Key.
The Master's Touch
I hope you're not shocked when I reveal to you that the pieces of the Medallion of Karabor you obtained from my minions are mere replicas. My Deathsworn and I have kept the secret from Illidan for as long as possible. We are however, still missing the final piece. Udalo came to me in dreams to announce he had found it. Unfortunately he is held by Kael'thas inside the Arcatraz in Tempest Keep. Find him and see what he knows.
Find Seer Udalo inside the Arcatraz in Tempest Keep.
Seer Udalo
Deep within the Auchenai Crypts is a tomb: A tomb unlike any that exists on this shattered realm. It was from this tomb, the first tomb, that the vast mausoleum of Auchindoun was born. You must venture to the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun and find this tomb. Slay the guardian of the crypt to release the captive spirit within. The spirit holds the key...
Travel to the Auchenai Crypts in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest and slay Exarch Maladaar to free the spirit of D'ore.
Please. When the Hyldnir took our men, they also took all our equipment. Of course, it's more important that we get our boys back, but if you run into any of our equipment, I'd really appreciate it if you brought it back to us. You'll find their village just above us, to the north.
Gretchen Fizzlespark wants you to obtain 8 pieces of K3 Equipment in Sifreldar Village north of K3.
Equipment Recovery
Hello hello! The Scourge to the south are digging up some ancient dragon thing. I could care less why they're doing it, but they're pulling cartloads of composite ore in the process. Go lift me a bunch of that ore. That stuff should yield a pretty penny for all the weapons the Horde are crafting.
Gather 8 bundles of Composite Ore from the digs surrounding Galakrond's Rest and bring them to Xink at Nozzlerust Post.
Stocking Up
One by one they knelt before him, offering their lives as a show of allegiance. Gorefiend hoisted his sickle and cut clean their heads. Shortly after this slaughter, Gorefiend took his own life. But this was no act of contrition! No, Gorefiend sought immortality! From the corpses of the fallen death knights rose the Ghostriders of Karabor. They now ride the roads encircling the Hand of Guldan, awaiting the day that their master returns. It is they who hold the truncheon of Gorefiend. Retrieve it...
The Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit at the Altar of Shadows in southeast Shadowmoon Valley wants you to recover Gorefiend's Truncheon.
Divination: Gorefiend's Truncheon
Minions be hearin' da call of your masta! Da Lich King be givin' Drakuru full control of da armies of da Scourge in Zul'Drak. We be commanded ta kill everyting. EVERYTING MUST DIE! We be processin' all da corpses in da Dead Fields and sendin' em up ta Prince Navarius' crew in Zeramas for Scourgin'! Notin' goes ta waste on Drakuru's watch! Soon we be drinkin' da blood of da prophets ta become stronger dan eva before! Zul'Drak and Gundrak gonna fall to da Scourge!
Return the Orders From Drakuru to Crusader Lord Lantinga at Light's Breach in Zul'Drak.
Orders From Drakuru
It has the cold of the Icewyrm's breath up here does it not? Not only do I lack customers for my crafting skills, but I also lack stock of gems to sell! If you can bring me several uncut gems to replenish my stocks, I can teach you the skill of gem perfection. This will allow you to sometimes cut a perfect gem with increased bonuses when cutting a uncommon quality gem from Northrend.
Return two Huge Citrines, two Dark Jade and two Shadow Crystals to Ounhulo in Valgarde.
Gem Perfection
It's about time we had planes up and running in this place. The professor's been asking me to check out a strange weather pattern coming from the northeast. Thing is, I'm going to need a co-pilot if we're going into uncharted territory. No way in hell I'm heading out there alone. What do you say? You might learn a thing or two. And once you learn to deal with the northern winds... you can pretty much fly anywhere.
Help Pilot Vic complete the Reconnaissance Flight.
Reconnaissance Flight
I get it, I get it. Cappy's too busy to see this for himself. His loss! See, I've managed to 'acquire' a certain shipment of solution from the enemy. And as much as I hate tinkerin' with inferior goblin technology, I'm inclined to make an exception here. Take this sample. I'll need you to run a few field tests, just to prove its usefulness, while I try to do a little reverse engineering to duplicate the creation process. Go to the front and gather the materials to make a decoy, then use the oil.
Chief Engineer Boltwrench aboard the Skybreaker wants you to use the Smuggled Solution at the Broken Front.
Borrowed Technology
This pamphlet advertising riding training and mount purchases was sent from Randal Hunter. Randal can be found at Elwynn Forest's Eastvale Logging Camp, along the road east out of Stormwind.
Return the pamphlet to Randal Hunter at Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest.
Learn to Ride in Elwynn Forest
The fiend who stole our raptors has been corruptin' dem with some kind of magic. Now dat dey've grown with dis corruption inside of them, I fear dere's little we can be doin' to save dem outside grantin' them da peace of death. Go ta Zalazane's Fall, northwest of here, an' see da task done. I hope ya can stomach dae work. I don't tink I could bring myself ta do da deed, even knowin' that it be needed.
Kill 8 Corrupted Bloodtalon Raptors.
Mercy for the Lost
Here you are. Bring these to Karnum. It's up to him how he wants to use them on the naga. I'll be watching to gauge the effectiveness of my formula!
Maurin wants you to deliver Maurin's Concoction to Karnum at Karnum's Grove.
Maurin's Concoction
With his dying breath, Kohor mentioned the summoning of a demon that could threaten the entire region. He may have been bluffing, but that's not a chance worth taking. This cannot wait for the Horde's invasion of Desolace to take shape. You must scour Thunder Axe Fortress for clues and bring an end to this potential threat.
Sorrem at Furien's Post wants you to find the Ancient Summoning Ritual in Thunder Axe Fortress.
You'll Know It When You See It
I been investigatin' our corrupted Bloodtalons troubles and I think I've found da source. A lone naga. He was holdin' a red orb aloft over our hatchlings and I could see dem... changin'. I'm certain he tinks his thievery and spellcastin' have gone unnoticed, so ya should be able ta catch him unawares. Kill dis naga and bring me back dat vile orb - you'll be findin' him to da northwest, at Zalazane's Fall.
Kill Naj'tess and retrieve his orb.
Consort of the Sea Witch
I actually have somethin' really important dat I could use help with, if ya be willin', mon. Our hatchlins' are bein' stolen by someone on da next island. At first I thought dey were just runnin' away or that nature be claimin' dem, but we are missin' more than a dozen of da little guys now. Please head to Zalazane's Fall to da northwest and point da little hatchlins back dis way. Poor tings.
Use the Bloodtalon Whistle to rescue 12 Lost Bloodtalon Hatchlings.
Saving the Young
If ya lookin' for something ta do, we need some more raptors moved over to da pens. If ya head over to da island south of here, you can be meetin' with our caretakers and dey can set ya up. Dey might appreciate a hand too. Got ta be spreadin' da love, ya know?
Speak to Kijara on Bloodtalon Shore.
A Troll's Truest Companion
These parts - so lovely! Muscle and sinew and fingers and toes ... I am SO hungry right now. But work must come first. Once I stitch this pile of parts together I'm going to need a heart strong enough to pump sludge through this rat's nest of veins. I would use my own heart, but it's a shriveled up husk resembling a turnip. No, I need some real power. Get me a kodo heart from one of those giant landquaker bulls to the south of the Battlescar.
Slay a Landquaker Bull south of the Battlescar and collect an Enormous Kodo Heart.
There are others like you. And they too, were lost and confused. There is a place where you belong. Tal'doren, the wild home, was once home to an order of druids who took the shape of wolves. It is there that you will find the answers you seek. It is also there that you will find someone who can offer guidance. An old friend.
Speak to Darius Crowley at Tal'doren, in the heart of the Blackwald.
Tal'doren, the Wild Home
We have fought the Alliance to a standstill here, even as the land beneath our feet falls apart. To the east you will find the Battlescar, a wide swath of decimated terrain. It is little more than a line in the sand, but it must be OUR line. In the center of the scar you will find a flag marker designating who controls it. Scout out the flag. If it's not already ours, capture it for the Horde - it will swing the battle in our favor. Investigate the scar and kill anyone you find in there!
Go to the Battlescar. Scout out the flag marker and kill 10 Triumph Vanguard soldiers.
Claim the Battle Scar
My monstrosity is taking shape! All that's left is to stuff his skull with something useful. I'm talking about brains. And here I'm going to be picky. The abomification process causes significant brain damage so it's best to start with someone smart. One of the Alliance officers should do nicely. Seek out one of the Captains on the far side of the Battlescar and try not to damage the goods while you kill him.
Kill a Triumph Captain on the far side of the Battlescar and acquire a Fresh Brain.
I've always wanted to try making an abomination. It looks simple enough, but you know how it is when you learn things from a book. There's no substitute for doing! First, I'm going to need parts. Lots of parts. And you're going to get them for me. No need to be picky: human, orc... it doesn't matter. Parts is parts. Just be sure the corpses you harvest come from the Battlescar, so I know they're fresh.
Use Calder's Bonesaw on corpses within the Battlescar and collect 15 Severed Extremities.
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Lor'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.
A Gift for the Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the High Chieftain? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Baine Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff.
A Gift for the High Chieftain
You must have many questions. And they will be answered in time. I know why you're here and what you're looking for. I can't lead you there with the enemy tracking you. One of Sylvanas's scouts has been following your tracks. You can't lead the Forsaken to the place you seek. Take this talisman and walk along the road just north of here. Let the ranger lure you to her trap and use the power of the talisman to break free and counterattack.
Use Belysra's Talisman to defeat the Dark Scout.
Losing Your Tail
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the Prophet of the Exodar? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Prophet Velen in the Exodar.
A Gift for the Prophet
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the Banshee Queen? I'm sure she'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity.
A Gift for the Banshee Queen
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for Eitrigg? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Eitrigg in Orgrimmar.
A Gift for the Warchief's Advisor
Tha Darkspear tribe have long been victims. Outcasts. We found ourselves fleein' our homes time 'n time again... but dis time, it's not fleein' dat drives us here. Vol'jin has offered us leadership through wisdom, and it has kept us alive dis long. Now dat same wisdom offers portents of a chaotic future for tha Horde unda Garrosh Hellscream. No, dis time we not fleein'. Dis time, we are fightin' for a home dat will last. It's time to begin ya trainin'. Speak with Nortet to the east.
Meet with Nortet in the Darkspear Training Grounds.
The Rise of the Darkspear
I no longer care for honor or glory. All that matters to me is that the quilboar die, by any means, at anyone's hand. Mangletooth, the chief of these filthy Razormane, sits in his lair to the northwest, atop a hill. End his life. I plan to stay here, and pile these bodies until no more vermin run squealing from the Kraul to face me...
Kill Mangletooth.
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the High Priestess of Elune? I'm sure she'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.
A Gift for the High Priestess of Elune
This bright red stone, found clutched in the grasp of a quilboar, has been carefully carved into the likeness of a great boar, with thorny vines sprouting from its back. Its surface is smooth and worn with care. Did the quilboar make this? If you find others, maybe one of the shaman at Firestone Point could tell you more about them.
Collect 6 Blood Shard Trinkets from Razormane Quilboar.
Blood of the Barrens
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for Muradin Bronzebeard? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to Muradin Bronzebeard in Ironforge.
A Gift for a Lord of Ironforge
I would ask a favor of you. A warrior named Mankrik passed through our camp not long ago, on a lonely journey. His wife was killed by the quilboar, long ago, and he still seeks revenge. I cannot forget his eyes...burning with inconsolable hatred, every waking moment. We did not talk long, but I cannot bear to think of him out there alone. Please, bring this to Mankrik, and tell him it is from me...
Bring Mahka's Gift to Mankrik, south of Firestone Point.
Concern for Mankrik
For a moment, I thought my hatred had stilled. My wife laid to rest, a final offering of the blood of her murderers to quell her tortured spirit. I thought perhaps peace would appeal to me. I was wrong. I will not rest now until every single filthy, squealing, murderous quilboar lays dead and broken! I cannot kill them fast enough with my own two hands. Go and slay more for me.
Kill 13 Razormane Quilboar.
Don't Stop Bereavin'
The Sunwell and the end of Quel'Delar's exile await. You will find Lor'themar Theron, the regent of Quel'Thalas, and Grand Magister Rommath standing within. Be wary of them and do not allow them to entrap you in their political scheming. Instead, remain focused on your task here. Immerse the reformed Quel'Delar in the Sunwell to complete its restoration, then show it to Myralio Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
Immerse your Tempered Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
The Purification of Quel'Delar
This confirms it. The overgrowth here is not being caused by a mere overabundance of energy. Do you understand? This is beyond what happened at the Wailing Caverns now. A rift into the Nightmare must have torn open in the middle of the very land we're standing on! And to think it's my fault... I'm done picking at the edges of this wound. Go to the west, to the center of the overgrowth, and meet me again there. We will dive into the heart of this corruption and force it shut!
Help Naralex seal the Nightmare Scar.
The Nightmare Scar
The Sunwell and the end of Quel'Delar's exile await. You will find Lor'themar Theron, the regent of Quel'Thalas, and Grand Magister Rommath standing within. Be wary of them and do not allow them to entrap you in their political scheming. Instead, remain focused on your task here. Immerse the reformed Quel'Delar in the Sunwell to complete the its restoration, then speak with Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
Immerse your Tainted Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
The Purification of Quel'Delar
In our hurried escape for safety, we disturbed the resting homes of our ancestors. A grave sin, if you'll pardon the pun. It is tradition that a small memento be buried on top of a Gilnean's graveyard, beneath the shallow earth. The stampede of people fleeing these tunnels has unearthed these mementos and angered the spirits. Find them and bring them to me. We'll see to it that the dead return to their eternal slumber.
Obtain 5 Unearthed Mementos.
Laid to Rest
Did you want to make a Lovely Charm Bracelet for the king of Stormwind? I'm sure he'd be thrilled. Do you already have a Lovely Charm Collector's Kit?
Present a Lovely Charm Bracelet to King Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind.
A Gift for the King of Stormwind
The Sunwell and the end of Quel'Delar's exile await. You will find Lor'themar Theron, the regent of Quel'Thalas, and Grand Magister Rommath standing within. Be wary of them and do not allow them to entrap you in their political scheming. Instead, remain focused on your task here. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell to enter the Sunwell Plateau. Immerse the reformed Quel'Delar in the Sunwell to complete the restoration. Show the blade to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest once it is restored.
Immerse your Tainted Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
The Purification of Quel'Delar
I admit, I was skeptical that you had actually re-forged Quel'Delar and I did not expect Thalorien's spirit to reveal itself to you. You cannot understand what it means to my people that Quel'Delar has been recovered. As promised, I will admit you to the Sunwell and you will find the leaders of Silvermoon within. Carry the sword to the chamber of the Sunwell and immerse it. Once the blade is restored, return with it to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest.
Immerse your Tainted Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
The Purification of Quel'Delar
King Greymane has been taken prisoner by Lord Godfrey in Tempest's Reach! He managed to convince two of the eastern lords to go with his plan. The fool seems to think he can strike a deal with the Forsaken by turning Greymane over to them. Listen carefully. We need to resolve this with as little bloodshed as possible. This potion will allow you to sneak in undetected. We need you to assassinate the traitorous lords before this gets out of hand!
Drink Krennan's Potion of Stealth in Tempest's Reach and assassinate Baron Ashbury and Lord Walden.
Betrayal at Tempest's Reach
Archmage Timear has foreseen a horrible event, which is about to transpire. A foolish gnome warlock is about to accidentally summon an Eredar lord of the Burning Legion into the middle of the Trial of the Crusader. You must be there when it happens. If Lord Jaraxxus escapes, he will open a portal and the Burning Legion will spill forth into our world once more. The Council of Six has decreed that Lord Jaraxxus must die!
Kill Lord Jaraxxus.
Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!
The great fire giant, Ignis the Furnace Master toils away inside of Ulduar's Colossal Forge. Under orders from Loken, Ignis creates weapons that are terrifying in their power. The Council of Six has decreed that Ignis must die!
Kill Ignis the Furnace Master.
Ignis the Furnace Master Must Die!
When Bloodhilt arrives, I'd like to - ah - talk in private. Can you accompany me to make sure things stay on the level? This Bloodhilt is a, ah, he's a, he's a loose cannon. Meet me atop the northern tower and we'll talk with Bloodhilt together.
Go to the top of the northern tower in Desolation Hold and help Warlord Bloodhilt "Relieve" Gar'dul of command.
Changing of the Gar'dul
Lord Marrowgar is the guardian of the Frozen Throne within the Spire Chamber. Pieced together by the Lich King from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers, Marrowgar wields the power of the throne itself. Without the destruction of this bone wraith, there is no hope of taking Icecrown Citadel. The Council of Six has decreed that Lord Marrowgar must die!
Kill Lord Marrowgar.
Lord Marrowgar Must Die!
It is time. This... alchemy that has kept the beast inside you at bay will not last for long. The first cursed worgen were night elf druids like our new allies. They, however, abandoned the balance that the rest of their kind embraced and allowed the beast to take over their minds. It is only fitting that their brethren be the ones that deliver us from the Curse. Go. Drink from the waters of Tal'doren and make peace with yourself.
Drink from the Well of Tranquility, the Well of Balance and the Well of Fury.
Neither Human Nor Beast
Yet another strange construct of Mimiron, the XT-002 Deconstructor actually thinks that it is the keeper's son. Do not be fooled by its feigned innocence. It is a deadly machine! You will find the Deconstructor within Ulduar's Scrapyard. The Council of Six has decreed that XT-002 Deconstructor must die!
Kill XT-002 Deconstructor.
XT-002 Deconstructor Must Die!
Instructor Razuvious smugly struts about the Military Quarter of Naxxramas. It is said that only a death knight personally trained by him could possibly even withstand the prowess of his blade. You and your group are going to prove everyone wrong. The Council of Six has decreed that Razuvious must die!
Kill Instructor Razuvious.
Instructor Razuvious Must Die!
The so-called "avatar of war", Patchwerk is the ultimate abomination. It is also taking a heavy toll upon on our forces in the Dragonblight. I want you to assemble your companions and enter the Construct Quarter of Naxxramas. Disassemble the construct. The Council of Six has decreed that Patchwerk must die!
Kill Patchwerk.
Patchwerk Must Die!
Anub'Rekhan, once-mighty Spider Lord of the nerubian empire, has been taken by the Lich King and corrupted into a state of undeath. Now a crypt lord, he sits in his parlor in the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas, spinning strategies for Kel'Thuzad. The Council of Six has decreed that Anub'Rekhan must die!
Kill Anub'Rekhan.
Anub'Rekhan Must Die!
Within the Formation Grounds sits Ulduar's first line of defense: Flame Leviathan. The Kirin Tor have been provided with information suggesting that this Keeper-created machine is soon to be transported to an undisclosed location and let loose to wreak havoc upon the mortals of Azeroth. This must not come to pass. The Council of Six has decreed that Flame Leviathan must die!
Kill Flame Leviathan.
Flame Leviathan Must Die!
Noth the Plaguebringer, traitor and coward! Second only to the Lich King himself for the number of souls that have been Scourged! Make haste to Naxxramas. You will find him within the Plague Quarter hiding behind his undead minions. Destroy him! The Council of Six has decreed that Noth must die!
Kill Noth the Plaguebringer.
Noth the Plaguebringer Must Die!
Razorscale normally keeps to her aerie near the Colossal Forge in Ulduar. Of late, however, she has been spotted raining fire down upon lands outside of the titan complex. Though the broodmother's is a sad tale, she poses an imminent threat to all of Northrend. The Council of Six has decreed that Razorscale must die!
Kill Razorscale.
Razorscale Must Die!
It took a while, but I think I've put together what happened here. At least partially. There were survivors of the Curse in this town. They joined others in the mountains, in Tempest's Reach. Everyone left, except the man who kept the journal, old man Bradshaw. He noticed that the worgen attacks had stopped all of a sudden and decided to venture into the Blackwald. There is an abandoned mill just northeast of town, it was where Bradshaw lived. See if you can find any clues there.
Investigate the Bradshaw mill just outside Stormglen Village.
The Blackwald
Sartharion, the Onyx Guardian, watches over the eggs of the Twilight Dragonflight. He rests within the Obsidian Sanctum in the Chamber of the Aspects underneath Wyrmrest Temple. The Council of Six has decreed that Sartharion must die!
Kill Sartharion.
Sartharion Must Die!
Our resources are strained. Malygos, the Spell-Weaver, is draining all of the magic out of the world, consolidating it in the Eye of Eternity. Without magic, we are doomed. , the Nexus War must be brought to an end. The Council of Six has decreed that Malygos must die!
Kill Malygos.
Malygos Must Die!
Thanks to you, the immediate threat is over. But my work here in the Barrens is only beginning. Honor's Stand was captured and Taurajo was sacked while Warlord Gar'dul was in charge of the region. The Warchief has sent me here to clean up his mess. I would like you to ride into Desolation Hold to the south in advance of me and let Gar'dul know that it is time for a reckoning. Talk to me when you are ready to leave and I will assemble my vanguard to accompany you.
Talk to Warlord Bloodhilt, then ride into Desolation Hold and inform Gar'dul that Warlord Bloodhilt is on his way.
Desolation Hold Inspection
We recently found out that the villagers at Emberstone survived most of the ravages of the Curse. Unfortunately their village wasn't as fortunate when it came to the Forsaken invasion. The Forsaken have taken the villagers prisoner and are forcing them to work the nearby mine as slaves.
Free 5 Enslaved Villagers inside the Emberstone Mine.
Liberation Day
If I have truly sown chaos, it is time for reaping. The lumbering outgrowths of plant life shamble through the imbued stream here. They are a direct manifestation of the unstable forces mutating this area. Slay as many as you can, and we might be able to slow the spread of the overgrowth further. And while you're at on the lookout for parts of them that appear especially corrupted. Bring any such pieces to me.
Kill 5 Outgrowths and find a Squirming Heart.
To Harvest Chaos
You mean I've been under the spell of an alchemist all this time? I can't believe I fell for that fraud! If I ever get my hands on that conniving little goblin, I'll tear him apart! If he's finished his errands, he's on his way down to the zeppelin tower in the middle of Orgrimmar! Whatever you do, you can't let him board that zeppelin and get away with all this! Hurry to the zeppelin tower before you miss him!
Go to the zeppelin tower on the central bluff in Orgrimmar and question Snivel Rustrocket about the supplies. Return with any evidence he gives you.
A Friendly Chat...
With the immediate threat gone, can you help with some grim business? We tauren do not bury our dead, we prepare the body for its return to the elements and place it at our sacred grave sites. Those killed in the Taurajo massacre have had no funeral, and I worry misguided Alliance soldiers will burn the bodies of the dead before the proper rites have been performed. , please take this totem to Taurajo and perform services for Krulmoo, Dranh, Yonada, and Omusa. They ... didn't make it out of there.
Use the Funerary Totem on the corpses of Krulmoo, Dranh, Yonada, and Omusa in the ruins of Taurajo.
Honoring the Dead
, they're massing at the gates! The Alliance is trying to push their way into Mulgore, using footsoldiers to overwhelm the guards. We have so little with which to defend the walls. We've kept pots of water boiling to repel the attackers until help arrives... Those will have to do. But we need someone to coordinate our defenses. Say the word and I can give you an eagle-eye view of the battlefield. We need you!
Speak with Winnoa Pineforest at the Fields of Blood in order to defend the gates of Mulgore from attack.
To the Walls!
Outstanding work at the gates! The main body of the Alliance force is in general retreat. But I'm not satisfied. They sacked Taurajo, which was little more than a hunters' camp. This 'Alliance' is unmasked at last for what it really is: A renegade band of butchers. Even now a group of humans linger behind to pick at the bones of smouldering Taurajo. Make them suffer.
Kill 8 Taurajo Looters in the ruins of Taurajo.
Taking Back Taurajo
The corruption unleashed here must be studied if we're to find a way of properly fighting it. Luckily, not all the creatures have been as altered as others. The smaller snakes drink little water, and do not eat plants, so their exposure to the energies here has been minimal. They've still absorbed enough to change coloration. Go collect these snakes from the overgrowth and return them to me, so we can see just what is happening to the creatures here.
Collect 5 Enervated Adders.
Adder Subtraction
, you've proven yourself on the Fields of Blood. But the Alliance still threatens our tauren friends. The siege machinery outside the gates of Mulgore is like a spear aimed at our heart. I want you to go to the gates, south of here, and remove those siege vehicles from play. Here, use these stickybombs. They're courtesy of our new goblin allies. It looks as though they stuffed explosive powder into ... what looks like ... grease-covered socks. But they'll do.
Destroy 4 Northwatch Siege Engines at the Mulgore Gates.
There's got to be a way to cure these poor creatures without having to take their lives. I have an idea, but I'll need your help. The lashvine plants that roam here hold seeds full of the primal energy of this place. Collect these for me and bring them back, and we'll see if something can be done.
Collect 4 Writhing Seeds from Lashvines.
Lashvine Seeds
, Coach Crosscheck is looking for you. He's the leader of our fearless footbomb team, the Bilgewater Buccaneers. He says that the division title against the Steamwheedle Sharks is on the line and that you're the only one that can bring it home for us! Head west into town. You can't miss Kajaro Field. A footbomb star. This is going to be great for your image!
Speak with Coach Crosscheck at Kajaro Field on Kezan.
Report for Tryouts
Based on what you've brought me, I think we may have a solution. I've imbued the lashvine seeds with healing energies. Simple contact with these should imbue the creatures here with enough energy to force out the corrupted influence. Go and attempt to heal the mutated raptors and plainstriders by sprinkling the seeds on them, and report the results back to me.
Use Soothing Seeds on 6 Deviate Terrortooths or Deviate Plainstriders and observe the results.
Sowing a Solution
Take Quel'Delar to the Sunwell as quickly as possible. Trust in Uther's words when he says that you will not always be able to control the blade while it is subject to the evil of the Lich King's influence. You must travel to the Isle of Quel'Danas, and there, seek entry to the Sunwell itself, where you can cleanse the sword. The guardians will try to stop you from entering the Sunwell Plateau, but make yourself known to Halduron Brightwing, who will be inspecting the guards there.
Speak with Halduron Brightwing at the entrance to the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel'Danas.
Journey To The Sunwell
The energies unleashed here have surged through the wildlife, twisting them into powerful and unstable forms. If allowed to spread beyond this grove, these deviates will wreak havoc on the existing ecosystem, devouring local prey and driving out the weaker natural creatures. You must go and cull the population of the overgrowth. Return when this task is done.
Kill 5 Deviate Terrortooths and 5 Deviate Plainstriders.
Biological Intervention
The Sunwell and the end of Quel'Delar's exile await. You will find Lor'themar Theron, the regent of Quel'Thalas, and Grand Magister Rommath standing within. Be wary and do not allow them to entrap you in their political scheming. Instead, remain focused on your task here. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell. Immerse the reformed Quel'Delar in the Sunwell to complete the restoration. Afterward, show the blade to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest.
Immerse your Tempered Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau.
The Purification of Quel'Delar
You are the one working with Myralion Sunblaze, arent you? I know of a way we can test the sword. If you know the blade's history, you recall that it was borne by Thalorien Dawnseeker in defense of the Sunwell against the Scourge. He fell in what is now the Dead Scar, buying time for his men to make their own preparations. You will find his remains near the southern end of the Dead Scar on this isle. Visit them, and if his spirit gives you its blessing, I will allow you to enter the Sunwell.
Visit Thalorien Dawnseeker's Remains and obtain his blessing to wield Quel'Delar.
Thalorien Dawnseeker
You have re-forged and tempered the sword, yet it sits quietly in its sheath, little different from a mundane blade. You say the sword pulls you, as though it possesses a will? Dare you bring it where it wishes to go? It is not right that the sword should be this silent and this insistent, yet I fear that if you do not take the sword to its destination, we will never learn why. Bear it with you to Icecrown Citadel's Halls of Reflection, but be on your guard. I will wait for you in The Frozen Halls.
Bring Quel'Delar to Sword's Rest inside the Halls of Reflection.
The Halls Of Reflection
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