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stringlengths 28
Extension Namespace 1000000 (Intellectual Product) something which is moved from Radiotherapy session |
Perichondritis of pinna (Other disorders of external ear) Disorder of pinna which has finding site Perichondrium |
Glutarates (Dicarboxylic Acids) Dicarboxylic Acids which is mapped from 3-(TBDS)GA |
diclofenac sodium 100 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet [Voltarene LP] (24 HR diclofenac sodium 100 MG Extended Release Oral Tablet) something which has dose form Extended-release tablet |
Hepatitis B virus little e Ab:PrThr:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord:IA (Hepatitis B virus e Ab | Serum or Plasma | Microbiology) Clinical Attribute which has multipart Ab Ser |
venison allergenic extract (Pharmacologic Substance) Pharmacologic Substance which has structural class Allergens |
Leptospira (ORDER SPIROCHAETALES) Bacterium which has loinc number Leptospira interrogans sv Bataviae Ab [Titer] in Serum by Agglutination |
hypertrophy of bone ulna right (Hypertrophy of bone, ulna and radius) Disease or Syndrome which has finding site Bone structure of ulna |
Transplantation of small intestine (Procedure on small intestine) Small intestine therapeutic procedures which has method Surgical transplantation - action |
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (Classification) Classification which has member LOGIC syndrome |
Necrotizing Sialometaplasias (Traumatic and/or non-traumatic injury of anatomical site) Disorder of salivary duct which has finding site Salivary duct |
pied (Unit of length) something which is a Unit of Distance |
Knocked down by animal being ridden (Injury or Poisoning) Accident involving animal being ridden which is possibly equivalent to Knocked down by animal being ridden, occupant of tram injured |
Allergy to mefruside (Allergy to sulfonamide diuretic) Thiazide diuretic allergy which has causative agent mefruside |
techniques radiology (Imaging Techniques) Diagnostic Procedure which is method of Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus |
Bronchi set (Bronchi) Bronchi which is finding site of Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of trachea, bronchus, and lung |
Serosa of esophagus (Serosa of organ) Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component which is sib in part of Esophageal adventitia |
Dacron aortoiliac Y graft (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) something which has method Bypass - action |
Product containing sodium chloride in conventional release solution for irrigation (Inorganic Chemical) Replacement preparation which is inactive ingredient of olopatadine 1 MG/ML Ophthalmic Solution |
nut.tx.gluc.intol,lactos-free,soy/fructooligosaccharides/dha 0.042 gram-0.8 kcal/mL-0.21 mg/mL ORAL SUSPENSION, ORAL (Food) Food which has dose form Oral Suspension |
Implantation to forearm (Musculoskeletal system implantation) Procedures on Forearm which has method Insertion - action |
CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast (CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis) CT without contrast which has direct procedure site Structure of abdomen proper |
Schizophrenia stupor (Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction) Catatonia which interprets Functional observable |
Other dermatomyositis (Disease or Syndrome) something which is mapped from Poikilodermatomyositis |
pteridine-containing compound biosynthetic process (heterocycle biosynthetic process) pteridine-containing compound metabolic process which is a aromatic compound formation |
repair of superficial wound of face 12.6 to 20.0 cm (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which has procedure site Faces |
Delivery, Obstetric (Clinical action) PRENATAL MANIFESTATIONS which is method of Rotational forceps delivery |
Magnesium Sterate (M [Preparations]) M [Preparations] which is inactive ingredient of LISINOPRIL 2.5MG TAB,UD |
W standing) (Clinical Attribute) something which is challenge of (Views AP + lateral + Merchants) + (views^W standing):Finding:Point in time:Lower extremity.bilateral>Knee:Document:XR |
TESTOSTERONE (testosterone) Androstanes which is active ingredient of Testosterone only product in nasal dose form |
Esophagus (abdominal organ) Mouth, esophagus and stomach structures which is procedure site of Bypass of esophagus by anastomosis of esophagus to esophagus |
C 13-14 isoparaffin (Organic Chemical) Organic Chemical which is inactive ingredient of Allantoin 0.5 g in 100 mL / Dimethicone 2.9 g in 100 mL TOPICAL LOTION [SOOTHE Sensitive Skin Treatment] |
Organ component of lumbar intertransversarius (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) Organ component of muscle which is sib in isa Organ component of vocalis |
sulfasalazine (ulcerative colitis agents) aminosalicylate which is active ingredient of Product containing only sulfasalazine |
Cardioverter placement (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) something which is classified as Implantable defibrillator insertion |
Malignant lymphomas (Classification) Classification which has member Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face AND/OR neck |
CTRP Disease Terminology (Intellectual Product) something which is subset includes concept Childhood Pineal Parenchymal Cell Neoplasm |
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of arytenoid cartilage (Musculoskeletal disorder of the neck) Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of upper respiratory tract which has pathological process Uncertain neoplastic process |
Food-induced angioedema-urticaria (Urticaria) Cutaneous hypersensitivity which is mapped to Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified |
Protozoal disease carrier (Finding) something which is classified as Infectious disease carrier |
Length.XXX (Quantitative Concept) something which is component of Length.XXX/Length 2.XXX:Length Fraction:Point in time:Region of interest.To be specified in another part of the message:Quantitative:Ultrasound |
1-(3-C-ethynylribopentofuranosyl)uracil (Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide) something which has mapping qualifier AA |
Amebic skin ulceration (Amebiasis of skin) Non-intestinal amebic infection which has associated morphology Ulcer |
Ab.IgE.RAST class (Qualitative Concept) Qualitative Concept which is suffix of Cat recombinant (rFel d) 4 Ab.IgE.RAST class:PrThr:Pt:Ser:Ord |
Animal sting (Injury or Poisoning) something which is a Accidental wound |
Musculocutaneous nerve component of trunk of anterior division of anterior ramus of left sixth cervical nerve (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) Musculocutaneous nerve component of trunk of anterior division of anterior ramus of sixth cervical nerve which has regional part Superior anterior division segment of C6 root of left musculocutaneous nerve |
Ab.IgG (Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein) Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein which is suffix of HIV 1 Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:Ser:Ord |
Mass forming pancreatitis (Disease or Syndrome) something which is member of Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome |
Injury of brachial blood vessels, NOS (Injury of unspecified body region) Injury of blood vessels of upper extremity which has associated morphology SECTION 1 TRAUMATIC ABNORMALITIES |
Hemorrodil Plus (Organic Chemical) something which is tradename of hydrocortisone |
cinacalcet 60 MG Oral Tablet (Product manufactured as oral dose form) Cinacalcet only product in oral dose form which has inactive ingredient ferric oxide yellow |
Gravid uterus problem (Gravid Uterus) something which is mapped to Maternal care for other abnormalities of gravid uterus, unspecified trimester |
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride 25 MG Oral Tablet [FAMILY PHARMACY ALLERGY] (diphenhydramine) diphenhydramine which has inactive ingredient Macrogol product |
Skin of part of upper limb (Upper Extremity) Upper Extremity which is finding site of Superf burn multi sites arm |
Postganglionic segment of posterior root of right fourth sacral spinal nerve (Postganglionic segment of posterior root of fourth sacral spinal nerve) Postganglionic segment of posterior root of fourth sacral spinal nerve which is a Postganglionic segment of posterior root of fourth sacral spinal nerve |
Superficial fascia of pectoral part proper of chest (Zone of superficial fascia of pectoral part of chest) something which is a Zone of superficial fascia of pectoral part of chest |
Procedure rescheduled (Procedure with explicit context) Procedure carried out on subject which has associated procedure Scheduling |
Scleredema Adultorum (Pachyderma) Skin and subcutaneous conditions NEC which is member of Haemodynamic oedema, effusions and fluid overload |
Agranulocytosis (Classification) Classification which has member Septicaemia gram-negative |
Econazole nitrate 150mg/1% pessaries+cream (econazole) something which has active ingredient Anti-Infective Agents, Local |
Aphasia (Neurological observations) Brain Diseases which is member of Conditions associated with central nervous system haemorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents |
5-(hydroxyimino)-1,3-dimethylpyrimidine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid) Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid which is mapped to oxime |
pill (Solid Dose Form) Type of drug preparation which is doseformgroup of azatadine Pill |
sweet gum pollen extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution (Clinical Drug) something which has inactive ingredient Phenyl alcohol |
Urinary tract X-ray (Urinary tract imaging procedures) Diagnostic radiologic examination which classifies X-ray of the kidney/ureter/bladder |
Bypass Left Axillary Artery to Right Extracranial Artery with Nonautologous Tissue Substitute, Open Approach (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) something which is classified as peripheral vascular bypass |
Monocarboxylic Acid Transport Protein (Biologically Active Substance) Biologically Active Substance which is mapped from Mct13 protein, mouse |
Stage 0 Rectal Cancer AJCC v6 and v7 (Rectal Cancer by AJCC v6 Stage) Neoplastic Process which is disease has finding Malignant Cellular Infiltrate |
Oatmeal, Gum Fraction 2% Topical application Cream [GOLD BOND ULTIMATE ECZEMA RELIEF] (Clinical Drug) something which has inactive ingredient Avena sativa whole extract |
Lower extremity.right>Tibia+Fibula (Body Location or Region) Body Location or Region which is system of Views AP + lateral:Find:Pt:Lower extremity.right>Tibia+Fibula:Doc:XR |
Hearing impairment (Classification) Classification which has member Pulsatile Tinnitus |
Entire subtalar articular facet of calcaneum (Body Location or Region) something which is entire anatomy structure of Structure of subtalar articular facet of calcaneum |
Entire endocrine gonad (Entire endocrine gland) something which is finding site of Isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency |
x-ray of thoracic spine: lytic lesion of right T1 vertebral lamina (x-ray of thoracic spine: lytic lesion of vertebral lamina on right) something which is a X-ray T-spine lytic lesion right lamina |
EUA - Examination of joint under anesthetic (Physical examination under general anesthesia) something which has procedure site Joints |
Accidents and injuries (Classification) something which has member IRITIS TRAUMATIC |
START domain containing 10 protein, mouse (Biologically Active Substance) Biologically Active Substance which is mapped to Phosphoproteins |
red blood cell aplasia acquired pure (Aplastic and other anemias and other bone marrow failure syndromes) Pure Red-Cell Aplasia which has finding site Erythrocytes |
Hurricanes (NATURAL PHYSICAL FORCES) Natural Phenomenon or Process which is a Cyclonic Storms |
Synthetic opioids panel (Laboratory Procedure) something which is component of Synthetic opioids panel:-:Pt:Urine:-:Confirm |
4 ML bevacizumab 25 MG/ML Injection [Avastin] (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which is quantified form of Bevacizumab 25 MG/1 ML Intravenous Solution [AVASTIN] |
deficient drainage - veil both lower eyelids (deficient lacrimal drainage due to veil) something which has laterality Bilateral |
Cataract associated with other syndromes (Cataract) Cataract associated with other syndromes which is member of Lens disorders |
Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves of lower limb (Neoplasm of lower limb) Benign neoplasm of soft tissues of lower limb which has finding site Peripheral nerve of lower limb |
isopropyl alcohol 0.75 ML/ML Topical Spray (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has active ingredient isopropyl alcohol |
rnax encourage lifestyle modification (rnrx personal care) rnrx personal care which is a self-care |
NITRILE (Organic Chemicals) Nitrogen Compounds, Unspecified which is mapped from gamma-glutamyl-alpha-alanylnitrile |
HYPROMELLOSES (Drug allergens) something which is inactive ingredient of Product containing dicyclomine hydrochloride 20 mg/1 each oral tablet |
regulation of cellular response to alcohol (Cell Function) regulation of cellular process which regulates cellular response to alcohol |
Briviact (Organic Chemical) something which is ingredient of Briviact, 10 mg oral tablet |
Tuberculous otitis media (Infection due to mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis) Infective otitis media which is a Infective otitis media |
Silver Antibody.immunoglobulin E:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative (Response to antigens) Response to antigens which has component Immunoglobulin E |
Pediatric Heme-Onc Terminology (Intellectual Product) NICHD Terminology which is subset includes concept mature and immature teratomas, childhood |
Gelatins (Hemostatic Agents) Allergen class which is inactive ingredient of fenoprofen calcium@400 mg@ORAL@CAPSULE |
Unilateral traumatic amputation at OR above elbow without complication (Open wound of limb) Open wound of limb which has finding site Upper arm |
LRP2 (Receptor Gene) something which is concept in subset Clinical Trial Reporting Program Biomarker Terminology |
Structure of diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens (Ampulla of vas deferens) something which is sib in isa Synovial bursa |
Tubulointerstitial diseases (Classification) Classification which has member RENAL INTERSTITIAL FIBROSIS |
Thoughts on cardiopulmonary resuscitation:Find:Pt:^Patient:Nar:Reported (SURVEY.ADVAULT) something which has component Thoughts on cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
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