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2 | Yeah just wanted to see what others thought rather than a quiz by giving a little information about myself more than anything tbh. |
2 | Stories from my life: When the ADHD guy, a PT at your gym, checks out all the ladies. Then gets a girlfriend, a total young sweetheart, who loves him for just the way he are. Then the poor girl... |
11 | My parents are moving from the US to Canada in the middle of my senior year. They're letting me pick whether or not I go. But they keep giving me shit about how I'm irresponsible and unfit to live... |
2 | I definitely get annoyed with others who lack manners, it'll actually embarrass me. In my family if you don't say please, thank you, etc., you'll be corrected quickly. |
10 | I'm ENFP bordering on INFP, only ENFP by like 2% lol so I feel like I can help. 1. How long after meeting a potential romantic interest will you be confident that you like them? The first... |
2 | Do MBTI types exist in animals? What is animal consciousness like? |
7 | I think I posted this in another thread, but this is how I think the world would appear: |
6 | Ahem! Yes, INFPs do exist in the UK, there's one replying to your message right now! We INFPs are just smothered by the sheer number of ESxx types who live in the country with us! |
2 | The stereotypes I've usually heard is tall, slim, dark haired, prefer classic clothes... Some ring true to me but I've found more similarities in facial features. Looking over pictures all the eyes... |
5 | IxFP TMLT quit their job to play video games all day? |
7 | Thats probably part and parcel to why were considered the most intellgent of the types however. An insatiable curiosity=gathering an incredible amount of knowledge over time. Even einstein said he... |
10 | Well, I hang around several types but the majority are INTP or INTJs, there's an ENTJ an ESTP.. |
12 | If you earn and make money, people start to want it. If you have free time, people start to tell you how you should be spending it. If you collaberate with others of your choosing and create... |
2 | Is there a way to date without actually doing the whole dating thing? hmmmm..... |
6 | Current news: The ZM separated from The VP. Jacque Fresco wanted to center his efforts on the VP. While Pete Joseph is in making of an explanation on the transition. Obviously because it is not going... |
10 | ah but there's a story behind it take a look ^_^ |
11 | Just THIS country? I'd be curious as to what % of disposable income spent is controlled by females (a decisive factor in modern day gender portrayals in the media) in other developed nations. |
3 | Google 28 days later. |
15 | Thank you, and yes, it makes me wonder if it's a similar situation. I don't think he's like that, but I didn't think the other guy was either. |
10 | Go Elistra!! I'm loving you and your butt- kickin' spirit! |
11 | Milk is weird too. I don't drink milk (I happen to eat milk products semi often though) but I was pouring it into my sister's tea when I suddenly realized just how weird it is to drink! It is there... |
5 | I wonder if a ton of people who never comment or are just lurkers or just adding to a viewcount on a video are 9's narcing out browsing when they should be doing something else. |
3 | Tha nk s man (I think omg) //whispers please don't think I'm stupid like I know I'm lame but come on I'm a 13 year old still going thru puberty n shit pls |
8 | theoretically it could have happened if theoretical me in theoretical parties did not have such good self control. this is just one of those what if scenarios |
3 | I see your point. I just had a different perspective on what pushing one's belief entitled; I thought it was when one attempts to convert another. It doesn't feel like 'pushing' to me if he... |
3 | Well, since I'm going to see X Men in an hour, I'll do some X Men MBTI gifs… ;) ENFJ, to anyone else:... |
6 | To answer your question: Easily. Ii don't need religion or any ideology to tell me what to think or believe, I can think for myself. I guess I have a self-created non-religious belief system. Works... |
11 | Multi purpose cuffs? Interrogate...fornicate... |
11 | 20, ENTP. LOL, mdr, huehuehue, 555, wwwww, kkkkk *laughs in every language possible* |
3 | Also Redman, can I ask about your bio? Age, relationship status? I like to know a bit about the person I'm taking advice from. |
6 | Haha I never thought of that. That's crazy! O.o It makes you feel less alone, I guess haha. =) You should write a book about it! =D -Seth. |
3 | My best friend is an ENFP and I can see why they could be compatible with INTJs. But personally, there still seems to be a barrier between us. We're really close and can tell each other anything. But... |
7 | But you understand that it's more for him than for you, right? Are you okay with that? I could never get over that aspect of Te dom. It may be effective but I can see right thru it and I'm not... |
7 | Welcome to PerC! :) |
7 | Well to be honest, it's mostly family that gets my vote of obligation. Friends are a little bit iffier, lots of them assuming that I need to be 100% committed to being their friend without getting... |
6 | YES!!! AND SOUNDS LIKE WE ARE TWO PEAS IN A POD!!!!! sheer excitement! I hope nobody jusy saw my insane and ridiculous facial expressions that I likely just made at my phone lol. Knowing that someone... |
10 | I'm talking about the negative implications behind and caused by non minorities, that means white people for you, Nothing of what I said was an opinion, it's an observable fact: appropriation is... |
2 | I have an ENFJ friend who swerved off the road to avoid hitting a cat running across the street during a storm. He stopped the car and got out in the pouring rain to pick up the soaked and emaciated... |
2 | Greets all! Been a while since I've logged in. I'm starting to talk to my ENTP friend more. I've got to say, we do have long conversations. He talks more, I listen more, but we'll be on the phone... |
2 | Buy a third world country in Africa. Start up a major concrete factory and a massive mine. Construct massive cargo helicopters and place prefabricated, self sufficient (solar power, battery, water... |
6 | If somebody were to hurt me I would take revenge on them, and ruin it for them too but why don't you do this? This is a system that promotes exploitation in almost every area of life except the... |
3 | My ESFJ sister tells me that emotional connection is an absolute, uncompromising necessity. :idunno: |
6 | That's actually exactly how I feel right now. Exactly. Today I've had sooooo many negative thoughts going through my head, about all of the above emotions you described. I know the feeling, so so... |
7 | On that line of thinking, does being abnormal blows? |
2 | I think the panda bear fits me very well. I even think bamboo is fascinating. I don't really have a reason why I like bamboo. I think pandas are mysterious yet captivate people. They are powerful... |
4 | Okay. Thanks. I just wanted to agree with your idea about INFJ without wanting to reject INTJ just yet. The more I think about it, the more INFJ seems like a strong possibility. She seems to have... |
3 | Psychopaths can't feel what the other person is feeling (empathy) but they are experts at knowing what the other person is feeling trough cognitive processes. Cognitive empathy absolutely does not... |
11 | I love staying fit. Calisthenics all the way for me with some parkour as well. I eat healthy most of the time too. I like trying to push my body to its limits, when I feel like it. |
15 | If you want a better test that might make more sense and isn't as much of a bastard to you: |
6 | You were smart. The situation could have gotten worse. It could have been an unfair fight and you could have ended up with a huge hospital bill or possibly problems with the law. You arent injured... |
0 | I'm quite logical and self-controlled, most of the time I don't see how fighting will actually help my situation, so there's no need. Plus, I see acting out in anger as an inability to handle people... |
6 | And music! Beautiful music! |
3 | Step over to this corner and you'll do just fine, Mate. Seriously, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are women who would be delighted to find a man with these qualities, myself included.... |
6 | Darkness is inherent in all of us, as well as light. I know you speak of misanthropy and I have my days where despite showing a happy, peaceful person trying to create harmony in the world I pretty... |
11 | Just to make things clear, my ex was 100% an INFJ. She tested that way from MBTI and Kersey and pretty much matched the book description. My best friend is an INFP and I work with several. I have... |
6 | It's funny you should mention that. I have also considered teaching English as a second language! |
7 | No racism?! I would prefer not to turn the entire world into a tragic slice of life anime |
11 | if u're an ENTP...then u kno how fun it is to hangout with urself...the same goes with an ENTP...ITS FUN!!! |
2 | Well, this will be a shamelessly self-promoting post, but fuck it, if it helps any of you then it doesn't really matter what you think of me. I'm not in leadership position at my work, yet... |
2 | Ha ha! It's funny that you say that, that I'm honest with myself... because it's true... and, often, far too honest about myself with other people. That's how I came to the realization that the... |
7 | Ahaha! Those are hypnagogic hallucinations. I hear a lot of them before I fall asleep. Here are some of what my voices have said: I was not disappointed in the sound of the instructions. ... |
2 | In my opinion, your reasons for staying shouldn't be based on whether the class is good for college or not. Even if you fail the class, one bad grade among mostly A's will not ruin your chances to go... |
2 | I recently almost got hit by a car while being in my fantasy land, if I was having a conversation with someone it must have been pretty interesting one because I was totally disconnected from the... |
10 | I wasn't here for the golden age of moods, but I wouldn't mind seeing a mood system, myself. =) |
10 | Hahaha.... Thank you! You made me feel better! Laughter is the best medicine! *Pastaaaaaa!* In my time zone, it's 11:20PM...but now I want pasta. :p *yummmmy past...* |
6 | Ugh...some of his stuff is good, but some of it is just...yeah, but a lot of ENTPs aren't really my cup of tea. No offense. |
2 | I do in my own selfish way but obviously I'm disappointed that others don't see this haha. But realistically, there are unique traits and strengths in others that I really admire. Like my mother... |
2 | Couldn't think of one to search. Note: Not an artist. |
4 | Wait a sec.. that's it! Huge bars of chocolate and big tubs of biscuits from now on and two people buying the same gift is no longer an issue. Pure genius idea! What do you want for your birthday?... |
10 | Hmm... so are you describing a detached, authentic experience of an intense connection with someone; where both of you are totally present and grateful for the moment without the typical expectations... |
7 | Think about it yes, but the good news for me is I over think it:dry: When ever I start to consider ending it a debate starts in my head. I way the pros and cons and before I can reach any type of... |
2 | I am not trying to pick on you but I just wanted to say... people are not cookie-cutter cut-outs of their typology. You can be the most visionary future-oriented Ni-dom and fall prey to dwelling too... |
7 | faces. cannot remember the darned names.. |
2 | I feel tired, frazzled. Went to a party last night and there was quite a bit of social drama brewing under the surface. Feeling all the feelings. Haven't managed to process it yet. |
6 | INFP's have a habit of idealizing the world around them in order to cope with reality. unfortunately this is not a healthy coping mechanism, even in the situation of two people maintaining a romantic... |
11 | I'd rather be in control of people's opinions of me than be completely oblivious. One can't assume that large assumptions aren't made based on little things, and also one can't assume that these... |
6 | thats nice to hear some enfjs like alone time or small groups, we infps are the master of not seeing people for days on end :-) some of my esfp friends hate being alone for any length of time lol... |
2 | I've never done a Stormtrooper before. Would be an interesting night! |
10 | Persephone Germany? Kind of looks like a muppet with the dot there. So i'd say ESFP Type this: Lamp ... |
6 | death incurable sadness |
6 | #TrueStory |
7 | I agree it can't be proven in a strictly scientific method sense, but I find it more logical then the universe not being a simulation. Also I would think it's would be the perfect simulation if... |
2 | 1. I have naturally black hair, but the tips become brown/blonde, not because of chlorine but from the sun. Natural highlights? :P 2. I'm probably in some sort of identity crisis right now. 3. I... |
10 | Thanks for your response. It's weird cause he seems so confident telling me facts and interesting stories, but the eyes are something unusual- how he can't hold eye contact. I take it eye contact can... |
3 | 5w6 9w1 3w2 |
2 | Me - INFJ 8w9 sp/so Dad - ENTJ 8w9 sp/so Mother - INFJ 6w5 so/sx Brother - ISTP 8w9 sp/so Dad's dad - ESTJ 8w9 sp/so. Brother's son - seems like an ESTP 8w9 sp/so. The seed is stronk. |
2 | really rough day today. got chewed out at work for doing something I thought was a good thing that showed I was trying to push my boundaries and show more initiative. everything I've done at this job... |
10 | Could someone please link these articles that say IQ correlates with MBTI? I always thought that type and IQ did not correlate. |
0 | Well, I certainly prefer the company of NT and NF types over the rest, but there's no type I straight-out dislike. |
0 | this is amusing xD |
4 | I know it's been old, but i guess i'll give my vote anyway.. I would say ISTP, not because i'm ISTP, but i've read many of personality description of ISTP and all of them said that ISTP will made a... |
11 | +1 for me.. why restate what someone made pretty with dots and fractions? |
3 | You are asking the wrong person. :unsure: I don't consider it as loosing one's virginity, but sex is sex how ever you look at it, so someone else might consider it so. |
2 | lol i usually have these kind of thoughts after i have already set the trap XDDD thanks for the funny video and the useful explanation :3 |
2 | I wish drugs were the entire problem.. I'm starting to think I would actually be protecting my own safety by kicking him out, and that it wouldn't just be angry bitchy behavior on my behalf.... |
2 | To clear this misunderstanding, I did not judge the whole group of ENTJs. :) There was some interest due to this thread, but I'm not particularly interested in looking at pictures of people anyway,... |
5 | I'm always singing in the shower... but my thoughts... it's very random. It's whatever is on my mind at the time. |
2 | Oh, another random difference: Fi-users don't usually take criticism well - they take it very personally. Ti-users will just analyze the criticism and decide whether it is true or false and give... |
7 | You know you're an INTP when thanks to your inferior extroverted feeling you seriously wonder if the song 'All By Myself' by Eric Carmen is foreshadows your future |
3 | Note: The polls is only for INTJs (Vote your partner's MBTI type) and those who are currently in a special relationship with INTJs (Vote your MBTI type) I've travelled about 10 pages of this... |
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