{ "query": "What is a temper tantrum, psychologically speaking?", "pos": [ "What is a temper tantrum?" ], "neg": [ "How do I deal with toddlers who throw temper tantrums?", "How should grandparents respond to child's temper tantrum?", "What is the best response for tantrums, my kids cries for things they want as a response I raise my voice and I get very upset?", "How can you describe an angry person?", "What are the psychological effects of a parent yelling at a child in a harsh manner?", "My kid cries for things he wants and he throws tantrums over it. Am I raising him wrong? Will he grow out of this? What should I do?", "What is the anatomy of anger?", "Why do boys have mood swings?", "Why does saying \"calm down\" make an angry person more angry?", "What is bullying?", "What is a bully?", "What causes anger?", "How can I control my temper?", "Do you have a bad temper?", "How do I control my temper?", "Why do we tend to scream or raise our voice when angry?", "How can you describe an angry face?", "Anger Management: How do you deal with anger?", "What do I do to have anger management?", "What is emotional abuse?", "What started as work stress has turned into almost overwhelming anger. I feel like I'm going to snap. How do I calm down?", "Why do some people cry when they are angry?", "How to control anger in a relationship? One slip of a word in spur of a moment spoils the entire day as it results in more arguments", "What causes anger and why?", "Why do some people cry when they get angry?", "How do you calm someone down in anger?", "I often feel enraged by my kids' sounds, and constant chatting or arguments, I will shut off emotionally and mentally, what is going on?", "How can verbal bullying be stopped?", "What does the slang term. Mad thing mean?", "How does one deal with anger issues?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I keep myself motivated to work hard?", "pos": [ "How do you motivate yourself to work hard?" ], "neg": [ "What can I do to motivate myself to work out?", "How do you motivate yourself for working out everyday?", "How motivated are you at work? What motivates you?", "How do you motivate yourself to do something which you don't want to do but has to be done by you only?", "How do you motivate yourself to do something you don’t want to but you HAVE to?", "What motivates people to be efficient at work?", "I am having a really hard time trying to motivate myself. I can get myself motivated for one day but that often goes quickly. What should I do?", "How can I motivate myself when I know that something is beneficial if I do it, but still unable to do it? (Please read description!)", "What motivates you the most in your work?", "Can you motivate me to work hard for studies?", "What motivates people to work out?", "Why do I lack motivation to work hard?", "How can I motivate myself to keep going instead of failures?", "How can I motivate myself for study?", "How do I motivate myself to write?", "How do I motivate myself without a goal?", "How do I constantly motivate myself for studying?", "How can we motivate employees in a repitative and monotonous working condition?", "How do I motivate someone lazy?", "How do you motivate yourself and break your habit of thinking you are not good enough?", "What motivates you?", "How do I motivate myself to keep running?", "How do I motivate myself for programming?", "What is the best way to motivate yourself to work out in the morning?", "How do I motivate myself to study for exams?", "What are some ways you motivate yourself to do more, learn more, and write more?", "What are the best ways to motivate oneself to earn more money?", "What can I do to motivate myself in depression?", "How do you motivate yourself as an entrepreneur?", "HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO LIFE LIFE HAPPILY WITHOUT TENSION?" ] }
{ "query": "Will WW3 happen at some point in 2017?", "pos": [ "Is WW3 coming?" ], "neg": [ "When did WW1 begin and end?", "Ww2 main cause?", "What happened during WW2?", "Could America and north Korea start WW3?", "How did WW1 begin and end?", "What's the cause of ww1?", "How did WW1 begin?", "Why did WW1 begin?", "What is the future of war?", "What are some unsolved mysteries of WW2?", "How can you compare and contrast WW1 and WW2?", "What if WW II would happen again in the modern days?", "How did WW1 and WW2 compare and contrast?", "What are some of the main causes behind WW1?", "What is the initial release date of Wget?", "What was the cause of WW1?", "Is the end of the world in September 2017?", "How close did Hitler come to victory in WW2?", "What do you think is the chance that sometime in the 21st century there will be another major war (similar in scope to World War I and II)?", "Is there another civil war coming?", "What is the most realistic WW2 movie?", "When did WWI really begin?", "What were the underlying causes of WW1?", "Why did WWI take place?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I learn about python on my own?", "pos": [ "How do I learn Python?" ], "neg": [ "Why should I learn Python?", "Why should we learn Python?", "Should I learn Python and Django?", "Why should I learn Python instead of Java?", "Where can I learn Python with trading?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get rich?", "pos": [ "How could I get rich?" ], "neg": [ "How can I get a rich woman?", "How do you get rich in sales?", "How do I get rich online?", "How can I get rich online?", "What is the easiest way to get rich in 2015?", "How do I get rich on Quora?", "How could I get rich as a student?", "How do I get rich from stocks?", "How can I get money from old rich people?", "What should I do to get a rich wife?", "How do I become rich by trading?", "How does one become rich in 2015?", "How can I become rich with 1000$?", "How do I get rich when you- don't have any special skills, have self limiting doubts, feel inferior, have been a mediocre, are in you late 20's?", "How can you please a very rich person?", "What is the best way to become rich in India?", "I want to be rich by the age of 25 and I am 14. What shall I do now?", "Am I considered rich?", "How do I become rich in India?", "How do you find rich people to give you money?", "What are the best books for getting rich?", "Is it possible to become rich by just saving money?", "What is the best book for becoming rich?", "How can I get rich in Germany?", "Why am I not rich?", "I don't understand why people get rich around me. I still earn 2k a month. Don't I work hard or is it just bad luck?", "What rich people do?", "How rich are you?", "How can I marry a rich woman?", "What do rich people need?" ] }
{ "query": "How do native English speakers increase vocabulary?", "pos": [ "How do native English speakers acquire vocabulary?" ], "neg": [ "Does English have dialects?", "Is it hard for a native English speaker to study grammar?", "What aspects of English do non-native find difficult?", "What aspects of English do non-native find the most difficult?", "What do non-native speakers find hardest about English?", "What do non-native speakers find most difficult about learning English?", "How can I find native English speakers?", "Which is the best app for building English vocabulary?", "Which is the best app for learning English vocabulary?", "What are the best ways to find native English speakers interested in communicating with students to improve their English as a foreign language?", "What are some good phrases, expressions and tips to use in a conversation to make a non-native speaker appear to be fluent in English?", "How many words are in the average English speaker's working vocabulary?", "What are the drawbacks of having a rich vocabulary?", "Is Indian English more formal than other English dialects?", "How many idioms does an average native English speaker know?", "When you are talking with a person who is not native in English, what is the more important standard when it comes to grammar and accent?", "What makes you think a foreigner speaks English like a native speaker?", "What do you think of the English oral English?", "What is the easiest foreign language for a native English speaker to learn?", "How do we study English effectively?", "Is English a difficult or easy language to learn?", "Which is the best app to learn impressive English words?", "How do native speakers pronounce a new word? Do they use phonetic symbols?", "Why does India need the English language?", "Is English transforming Indian languages?", "Is English an Indo-European language?", "What are the English words used in conversations which Indians don't use much?", "As an Indian, how do I speak English fluently?", "Why English dominates Indian languages?", "Do Americans understand Welsh, Scottish and Irish English accents?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I get Quora to UNSUBSCRIBE ME from their emails? I have requested to be unsubscribed and gotten no results!", "pos": [ "How do I unsubscribe from Quora removing my email from list?" ], "neg": [ "How do you unsubscribe from Twitter emails?", "How do I unsubscribe from promotional text messages?", "Is there a way to get rid of the unread email inbox number in gmail?", "How do I unseperate email accounts on Gmail?", "How do I delete all my unread emails in Gmail at once? Outlook has this option of deleting the entire mailbox. Is there a workaround for doing this in Google?", "How do I retrive permanently deleted email from gmail?", "What is the best method to delete all email on Yahoo?", "How do you delete all of your emails from your Yahoo account?", "Why does Quora make it so difficult to unsubscribe? All emails sent have the unsubscribe icon but it takes you to a sign on page?", "What is the best way to delete all unwanted Emails in gmail?", "Is there any way to delete all the emails present in the Yahoo inbox?", "How do I write an email to remind someone who ignored my email?", "How do I delete thousands of old unread emails in", "How do I delete thousands of old unread emails from my Gmail?", "How can I get the permanently deleted emails from Gmail?", "Is there an easy way to delete mass amounts of Email from GMail?", "How can I get rid of unwanted emails?", "How do I unsubscribe from Twitter?", "How do you stop bulk emails?", "Do people usually unfollow questions on Quora?", "How do I unsubscribe from", "How can I get deleted emails be permanently deleted from Gmail?", "How do I delete emails all at once from my iPhone 5s, when I delete emails from my Chromebook?", "Why did you delete your emails?", "Can I retrieve permanently deleted emails from", "How do I disable notifications in Quora, as 99% I have absolutely no interest in?", "How can I see only unread emails on my iPhone?", "How do I politely send an email to remind the recipient to reply to an ignored email?", "How do I delete someone from message on Facebook?", "Is it possible to hide my email from others on Skype?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the best website to learn coding?", "pos": [ "What are some good sites to learn coding?" ], "neg": [ "How do I learn esql coding?", "I am a commerce graduate and want to learn coding so where do I start and what are all the languages and any other applications should I learn?", "What are the best practices to become excellent at coding competitions?", "Should everybody learn coding?", "Should I learn how to code?", "What are some good tutorial sites to learn problem solving interactively (almost like the syntax learning from code academy)?", "What are the benefits of learning the core elements of coding?", "What is the best coding language to learn right now?", "I would like to get my 2 young kids 5 and 7 interested in coding where would I begin?", "How did you learn to code?", "How can I learn coding in one day?", "What are the strengths of immersive coding learning?", "Which is the best language for coding?", "Why do you think it is necessary for me to learn coding?", "What is the best beginner coding language?", "What is the best place in Lucknow to learn coding?", "How do I not suck at learning to code?", "I want to improve my coding skills and learn the basics of data structure. What book or sites can help me learn it from the Internet?", "What are some online courses/resources to help learn the concepts in Cracking The Coding interview?", "Should I learn to code?", "Is it necessary to learn to code?", "Should everyone learn how to code?", "How did you self learn to code?", "How can I learn coding within three days?", "Which coding language is best to start with?", "Which is the best website to learn coding in java?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the correct way to pronounce Om?", "pos": [ "What is the correct way to pronounce \"OM\"?" ], "neg": [ "How do you pronounce \"enunciation\"?", "In Italian, how do you pronounce \"hello\"?", "How should one pronounce \"Google I/O\"?", "What's the correct way to pronounce protein?", "How do you pronounce certain English words?", "What is the correct way to pronounce 1/32?", "What does OMS mean?", "How do you pronounce “eschatocol”?", "What word sounds can anyone in the world easily pronounce?", "What's the correct way to pronounce diabetes?", "How do you pronounce the letter \"i\" and \"a\"?", "What is the correct way to pronounce Steve Jobs's name?", "Why do I pronounce the sound of E as A?", "How do you pronounce \"talk\"?", "How do you pronounce \"world\"?", "How should I pronounce my name?", "How do you pronounce “Annelise”?", "How should I pronounce the word \"well\"?", "How do you pronounce the company, \"Uber\"?", "What is the correct way to pronounce 'Jalapeño'?", "How would an English native speaker pronounce GUI?", "How do native English speakers pronounce a word they have never seen before?", "How do you pronounce \"deque\"?", "Can you pronounce my name?", "How do you pronounce \"lychee\"?", "How do I pronounce the letter 's'?", "What is the correct way to pronounce Volkswagen?", "How do I pronounce \"Padmé\"?", "In Japanese, how do you pronounce the kana ふ or フ, fu, or hu?", "How do you pronounce “FAQ”?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I learn machine learning well?", "pos": [ "How should I go about learning Machine Learning?" ], "neg": [ "Should I learn machine learning?", "Areas in machine learning research?", "What is machine learning in layman's terms?", "Machine Learning: Is it the end of the training set/testing set paradigm?\"", "Where can machine learning not be applied?", "What's new in Machine Learning?", "How do I learn machine learning as a programmer?", "What are the mathematical pre-requisites for studying machine learning?", "How can I do research in machine learning and neuroscience?", "What is machine learning algorithm?", "How is machine learning implemented at Quora?", "Who are the top machine learning (ML) experts?", "What applications of machine learning are underexplored?", "What do people who use Machine Learning think of Quora's use of Machine Learning?", "Do I need a PhD to do machine learning research or cool machine learning jobs?", "What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?", "What is the difference between statistical learning and machine learning?", "How does Quora use machine learning in 2015?", "How do I compare between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?", "How is machine learning in asu?", "What's the difference between deep learning and machine learning?", "What are the best books and resources for learning machine learning as a developer ?", "What is the difference between 'Statistical Learning' and 'Machine Learning?'", "How do I apply machine learning to business?", "What is the difference between machine learning and neural networks?", "How does it feel to be a Machine Learning enthusiast?", "How do I work with machine learning researchers after graduation?", "Is machine learning dying?", "What is the future of Machine Learning as a service?", "Which machine learning book is best for a beginner who intends to do research in reinforcement learning later?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I stop watching porn?", "pos": [ "How should a guy stop masturbating?" ], "neg": [ "I'm 18 years old, have sex at least 1 time in 2 weeks but I just can't stop masturbating. What can I do?", "Is masturbating wrong?", "I am a 29 year old unmarried male. Suddenly I have stopped watching porn and don't feel the need to masturbate. Is this normal?", "What are some innovative ways of masturbation for a guy?", "Did you stop masturbating when you gained a sexual partner?", "How should I control the urge to masturbate as a girl?", "Why is the urge to masturbate after watching porn so uncontrollable?", "Why is masturbating so addictive?", "Is it normal to masturbate this way?", "I try to control masturbation, but when I do it for over 2 weeks, it often results in nightfall. What are the pros and cons of this?", "Should I masturbate?", "How did you stop masturbating and started looking for a good companion If you were introvert, alone and perverted?", "Can masturbating reduce weight?", "How can I enjoy masturbation?", "Is it okay to masturbate regularly?", "I have been masturbating 2 times or more than 2 times daily for 6 years now....i am 18 now. Should i be worried about this habit? I am male.", "Why do men masturbate?", "Why masturbating is good?", "Why did you quit watching porn?", "Is masturbating to porn bad?", "Is masturbating without ejaculating harmful?", "Why does it feel bad after masturbating?", "Is masturbating bad for your sexual health?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I always stay active?", "pos": [ "How do I stay active?" ], "neg": [ "What is the difference on Facebook messenger between active and active now?", "What are the best software/methods to encourage inactive older adults to become more active and try new exercises/activities outdoors?", "How do I stay calm and focused?", "How can I maintain good posture?", "Will I appear as active on Facebook if I am active on messenger?", "How can I stay focused on my school work?", "How can I stay cool?", "How do I stay motivated in high school?", "How can I stay focused in class?", "How do I stay motivated for school?", "How do I stay motivated to do well in high school?", "How do I keep smoking and not let it affect my stamina?", "How do I intermittent fast? ", "What are the best ways to keep yourself stay on your planned target or goal?", "What are the best ways to keep motivated in school?", "Why do we need to be active?", "What are good ways to stay calm and focused while under high pressure?", "How do I stay encouraged?", "How does one become more outgoing?", "I'm in an Indian tier 2 college and I do a bit of competitive programming. However there is no one else who does. How can I stay motivated?", "What are the best methods to improve your focusing skills and attention endurance if you find yourself being easily distracted?", "How do I stop going hard on myself?", "How do I be more outgoing?", "How do I stay encouraged.?", "What are some good ways I can get ahead and start leveling up quicker?", "How can I be disciplined?", "I am feeling very low in life and I want to start fresh. I want to manage time better so that I can concentrate better on the work at hand and work on my fitness. How should I go about it?", "How can one be more outgoing?", "How can I track progress on my habits?", "How many hours a day do you need to exercise to maintain your muscles?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the quickest way to get meth out your system?", "pos": [ "Medicine and Healthcare: What is the best way to get methamphetamine a out of your system?" ], "neg": [ "Can you have low HCG with use of Methamphetamine?", "What is it like to be intoxicated with methamphetamine?", "How does one convert amphetamine to methamphetamine?", "Is it safe to take methamphetamine whilst on Escitalopram? ", "How would we convert methamphetamine to amphetamine?", "How can I cook methamphetamine?", "How do I get an erection while using meth?", "Why is methamphetamine so addictive?", "How does it feel when you take a shot of meth?", "Does long term drug use (meth) take sex drive away?", "Where can I buy meth?", "Can you trust someone that use Meth?", "Taking meth through the rectal, is it a better high?", "Is it possible to test +ve for Methamphetamine &/or Amphetamines through inhalation of 2nd-hand fumes from Crystal Meth smokers and, convicted even?", "My speed/meth got melted in the bag into liquid, how do I get it hard again?", "How do I use baking soda to clean methamphetamine?", "Is Methylphenidate a methamphetamine?", "Is Dioxsyn pharmaceutical meth?", "How do I get erect while using meth?", "Can you trust people using crystal meth?", "Who created methamphetamine?", "When was meth legal?", "What amount of hits can you smoke of meth so not noticeable and how often?", "Why are methamphetamine (meth) and marijuana treated differently?", "I know I'm not missing the vein but I haven't got a rush from meth in a long time like I used to. Why?", "Will .2 grams of meth show up in a urine test 99 hours after consumed?", "Can methadone be used as sex medicine?", "How do you bake crystal meth out of water?", "Does certo work for meth?", "What are the ways to produce stable and pure crystal Meth?" ] }
{ "query": "Why Electron affinity of Fluorine is less than Chlorine?", "pos": [ "Why is the electron affinity of fluorine less than that of chlorine?" ], "neg": [ "Is the electron affinity of flourine less than that of chlorine?", "Why is the dissociation energy of a Florine (F2) molecule lower compared to other halo (chlorine, bromine and iodine) molecules?", "Why hydrogen form only one hydrogen bonding with fluorine?", "In which compounds does chlorine form a hydrogen bond?", "What type of bond is formed between chlorine and hydrogen?", "What is electron affinity in detail?", "Why does silicon form a stronger bond with fluorine than it does with oxygen?", "What is electron affinity?", "How is the formula for chlorine heptoxide determined?", "How is the formula for electron affinity determined?", "Why is the second electron affinity value of oxygen positive?", "How can you determine the ionization energy of chlorine?", "Is chlorine a gas?", "Why is chlorine called Cl2?", "What is the Lewis dot structure for fluorine?", "What happens when an ionic bond forms between potassium and chlorine?", "How is the electron affinity equation determined?", "Why the atoms become neutral when it shares electron ?", "What compounds can oxygen and chlorine form?", "Benzyl chloride is more reative than chlorobenzene explain?", "Is chlorophyll water soluble? Why or why not?", "How electronegativity affect interactions between water molecules?", "Why does more valence electrons mean more electronegativity?", "Why is the bond angle of Sulphur dioxide greater than that of Ozone?", "Why is a photon completely absorbed by an electron and why is there no partial absorbtion?", "The bond angle of Sulphur dioxide is greater than that of Ozone. Why?", "Is carbon dioxide an ionic bond or a covalent bond?", "Why atoms becomes neutral when it shares electrons?", "What are the differences between ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds?", "What is chlorine gas?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Thar Desert?", "pos": [ "What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Registan Desert?" ], "neg": [ "How is the human life in the Sahara Desert?", "What are some interesting facts about the Sahara desert?", "What kind of houses are built in the Sahara Desert? What is it like living in them?", "Why did it just snow in the Sahara desert?", "What is some interesting & fun facts about Sahara Desert?", "What are some foods in the Sahara desert?", "Can the Sahara become arable land?", "How can the Sahara be protected?", "If the sahara was under the sea, why is the sand not salty, where did the salt go?", "Why don't/can't we put solar panels in the Sahara Desert as a source of electricity?", "How does the air temperature at a given altitude vary by latitude? Is the air at 39,000ft colder over the Arctic than over the Sahara desert?", "Wouldn't it be necessary to not only built a \"green wall' where Sahara-Sahel borders but also in the northern portions of the Sahara?", "What went wrong with Sahara group?", "What is thermal equator?", "What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Mauritania's?", "What's Africa really like?", "How much does Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2016 weigh without the hard top?", "What countries does the Equator go through?", "What is the gravity at the equator?", "Why is the Equator called the Equator?", "When is summer and winter at or near the equator?", "What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Ghana's?", "When does the equator gets sunlight at 90-degree angles to its surface?", "What is it like to live in Africa?", "What is it like to live in Morocco?", "What is the weather in Malaga like at the end of March?", "What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Zambia's?", "How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Syrian Desert?", "How do people near the equator deal with short daylight hours all year round?", "What are Moroccans like, and how does their culture compare to Kenya's?" ] }
{ "query": "How did you pick your profile picture? What makes a good one?", "pos": [ "How do I make a good profile picture for YouTube?" ], "neg": [ "How can I make a living as a YouTube personality?", "How do I change my profile picture on snapchat?", "What is the best combination of profile picture and cover photo you have seen on Facebook?", "How can you make a memorable YouTube username?", "How can we create a high-quality YouTube video?", "On Snapchat can you upload a picture as your profile pic?", "Is there a way to get a user's full profile picture through the Twitter API?", "What is a profile photo in modeling?", "How can I make a successful YouTube account?", "Do I need a pretty face to start a YouTube channel?", "How can I create a high quality YouTube video?", "How do you create a YouTube account?", "How do I create a successful YouTube account?", "What can best represent you in profile picture other than your face or your logo?", "How do I change my profile photo on Snapchat?", "How can I make a living from YouTube?", "How could I get a profile picture URL based on the Facebook user id?", "How do I get my instagram profile picture to show up on my profile tab?", "How do I become a successful Youtube personality/star?", "How can I be Youtube Famous?", "How do I make website like YouTube?", "What are the best comments on a guy's profile picture?", "How do I make my YouTube channel famous?", "How often do you change your Quora profile picture?", "I uploaded my profile picture on Facebook. I want my profile picture to be seen only by my friends and not the public. What should I do now?", "What are good ideas for a YouTube video?", "How can I see a full-size profile picture of someone on Instagram?", "How do you make a realistic looking fake instagram profile?", "Why can't I view someone's profile picture on Quora?", "How do I get a profile picture to my Yahoo mail account?" ] }
{ "query": "Bitdefender Antivirus *1~(800)~439~2178* Bitdefender Antivirus support Phone number?", "pos": [ "Hi Bitdefender *1-(800) 251-4919* Bitdefender Antivirus Tech Support phone Number?" ], "neg": [ "What is USA~*(1800) _(243) _(0019) *~Avira Antivirus support Phone Number?", "What is C@ll USA~*(1) _(877) _(778) _(89) _(69) *~Avira Antivirus support Phone Number?", "Which is the better antivirus: Bitdefender 2013 or Norton 360?", "Online at 1877=778=8969 Panda Antivirus Customer Care Number?", "Instant info >180|0! 2.5.1! 4.9||1.9< Avg Antivirus Tech Support service?", "What is the Apple Mac Technical Support Phone Number?", "Which is the better antivirus: Bitdefender Vs Norton 360?", "I got a phone call from the number 10000000000. Any idea who may it be from?", "Do I need an antivirus?", "Is ByteFence Anti-Malware safe?", "How many Linux users use antivirus software?", "Is 1-844-448-8001 the best official Gmail support number?", "How do I call India from Indian mobile (Airtel) number in UK?", "Is there a way to search Gmail for a phone number 1800–243–0019?", "How does a antivirus work?", "How do antivirus work?", "What is 1-800–251–4919?))}} //Belkin Router Number Belkin Router Techincal Support Phone Number?", "Who owns this number: 07904378172?", "Do Antivirus really work?", "Is there a possibility to track down a hushed(app) phone number?", "Is there a possibility to track down a Hushed (app) phone number?", "Will my phone get a virus?", "Is antivirus software really useful?", "What is the Comcast technical support phone number?", "Check your partner loyalty through facebook, whatsapp hacking . contact phone number +91 9911233016?", "Which is the best Free Antivirus for Mobile?", "How can you track a disposable phone number?", "##18002046959 Linksys router technical support Phone Number?", "Does any android phone need antivirus?", "Which is best free antivirus for mobile?" ] }
{ "query": "What is average IQ?", "pos": [ "What is the average IQ of a person?" ], "neg": [ "What's the average IQ for a XX-year-old?", "What is the average IQ on Quora?", "If you want to guess the average IQ of people on Quora, what would it be?", "What is the average IQ of 13 year olds? ", "What is the average IQ of Quora's users?", "What can I do with my average IQ?", "What is the average IQ for an 11 year old?", "What is the highest possible IQ score?", "How should IQ be calculated?", "What is the average IQ of physicists?", "What is your IQ?", "What is the average police officer's IQ?", "Does IQ in people follow a normal distribution?", "What is the average IQ of students attending a prestigious university (Harvard or MIT)?", "What is the normal IQ of a 15 year old?", "How different is an IQ of 145 to one of 160?", "What is the average IQ of astronomers?", "If I know what percentile my IQ is in, can I figure out the number?", "What does my IQ of 357,000 mean for the rest of my life?", "I have an IQ of 300, is that good?", "What's the average IQ for an entrepreneur?", "What is it like to have a below average IQ?", "Of what use is an IQ score?", "What is the average IQ of the current 2015 Congress and how does their average IQ compare to the general US population?", "I'm 20 years old and I have no idea what my \"IQ\" is. How did everybody find out their \"IQs\"?", "What is the average IQ of entrepreneurs?", "What would it be like if someone had an IQ of 1000+?", "How can I calculate my IQ level accurately? Are there any authentic web sites that do the same?", "How does the cognition of high IQ individuals (130,145,160) differ from the average?", "Is an IQ of 150 good enough?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I begin with android application development?", "pos": [ "What is the best way to get started with learning Android development?" ], "neg": [ "I want to develop an android application. But don't know how to begin? I have all necessary development tools such as SDK, ADT PLUG IN for eclipse. I know c, c++, java and learning html. What are good site for the same except", "What are the simple ANDROID applications to develop for beginners?", "Which is the best book for Android development beginners?", "I want to build a very simple Android App like SHAREit. I want to learn Android Programming and other things needed. From where should I start?", "What is the best open source Android project for a beginner who has learned Android but has never developed an app?", "Which is the best beginners book for Android development with Android Studio?", "How can I learn java for android development?", "What is the best book for a beginner in Android development?", "Which book is the best for a beginner in Android development?", "Which is the best book for Android development for beginners?", "Where can I learn Java for Android development?", "What is the best book to learn Android development and programming?", "How do I learn developing web based Android apps? I am a new programmer who knows to built basic offline Android apps but knows nothing about web development and the working behind it. It will be help if provided with resources.", "I want to build an Android application which is almost similar to Naukri and other job search Android applications. How and where should I start?", "Should I learn Java for Android development?", "Which are some of sites to learn Android app making?", "How do I learn Android framework?", "Android Application Development: I have decided to make a wallpaper app on Android. Can you tell me how I can get started from scratch?", "What is it like to be an Android developer?", "What are simple open source Android apps from GitHub to learn Android programming by using Xamarin and visual studio?", "Android Application Development: How can I develop and upload an Android app? How can I earn revenue from it?", "Where do I learn to make an Android app, using Python, from scratch?", "What are the benefits of learning android?", "What are the benefits of learning Android?", "Can we develop Android apps on an Android device itself?", "What are benefits of learning Android?", "Is developing an Android application as a minor project for computer science students helpful?", "Are there any Android app developer course Online training?", "How do I develop an Android app in Visual Studio?", "Which language should I learn to build Android apps in Android studio?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I change my profile pic on Quora?", "pos": [ "How can I change my profile picture on Quora?" ], "neg": [ "How do I change my profile picture on snapchat?", "My Gmail profile picture is not changing. What should I do to change it?", "How do I change my profile photo on Snapchat?", "How can I change my profile pic in google+?", "How can I change the profile picture of my Google account on android?", "How often should you change your Facebook profile picture?", "How do I get a profile picture to my Yahoo mail account?", "What is a profile photo in modeling?", "How do I get my instagram profile picture to show up on my profile tab?", "What is your profile picture of?", "Can I set a GIF image as a profile pic on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram?", "Why is my profile picture on Facebook missing?", "I want to change the profile icon for my user profile in Google Chrome. How can I do this? I'm using Chrome on an OSX iMac.", "How do I change my job profile?", "How do I make it so people can only view but not like my Facebook profile pic?", "On Snapchat can you upload a picture as your profile pic?", "Why can't I see someone's profile picture on Facebook?", "How do I make a video profile?", "How do I edit a picture to look like this?", "How could I get a profile picture URL based on the Facebook user id?", "What are some of the best profile pictures ever?", "What can best represent you in profile picture other than your face or your logo?", "Do I have to change my image on JEE Main 2017 form if I uploaded it without mentioning name and date on it?", "What is the best combination of profile picture and cover photo you have seen on Facebook?", "How can I save images in Quora?", "How do you make a realistic looking fake instagram profile?", "Why is Facebook forcing you to crop your profile pic?", "How can I fix the fact that my Spotify Profile Picture is a blank face?", "What are some of the best original profile descriptions on Quora?", "How can I change the thumbnail image of the video I want to share on WhatsApp?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I get meth out of my system in two days?", "pos": [ "Is there any pill you can buy to flush meth out of your system for a drug test?" ], "neg": [ "What is the easiest and safest way to make meth?", "Where can I buy meth?", "My speed/meth got melted in the bag into liquid, how do I get it hard again?", "Will .2 grams of meth show up in a urine test 99 hours after consumed?", "How do you bake crystal meth out of water?", "What are the ways to produce stable and pure crystal Meth?", "What is a good meth recipe?", "How do I get an erection while using meth?", "Does certo work for meth?", "How is meth cooked?", "Can Adderall replicate the high achievable with crystal meth?", "Will certo work for meth?", "Is Dioxsyn pharmaceutical meth?", "Is wet crystal meth not as good as dried out?", "How does it feel when you take a shot of meth?", "Can you mix meth with water- vape pen?", "What different types of cut are used for meth?", "What's the material used to cook meth?", "How do you tell if you've missed by injecting meth?", "Are Adderall and meth the same?", "What does meth cost?", "Can hair dye help pass a hair follicle drug test for daily meth smokers?", "Is it safe to take methamphetamine whilst on Escitalopram? ", "How come my arm has been numb for 5 days from the time I injected meth?", "How exactly does someone cook meth?", "Does long term drug use (meth) take sex drive away?", "When was meth legal?", "Can you trust someone that use Meth?", "How much does meth cost?", "How is liquid meth converted into crystal?" ] }
{ "query": "Why did Hillary Clinton not win?", "pos": [ "Why didn't Hillary Clinton win despite the social media support?" ], "neg": [ "Why hasn't Hillary Clinton given a press conference since December 2015?", "Why aren't more people terrified of a Hillary presidency, when her whole political history has shown her to be unfeeling, non-empathetic, and pro-war?", "What % of Bernie supporters, post-convention, now say they won't vote for Hillary?", "Why did Angela Merkel's party lose in the state election?", "Why didn’t Bernie supporters flock to Jill Stein's campaign after he endorsed Clinton?", "Is CNN biased for Hillary Clinton?", "Aren't Hillary supporters disturbed by her spending on her campaign, her excessive contributions from shady characters and her relationship to money?", "Why have you stopped supporting Hillary Clinton?", "Does Clinton have an influence on CNN (Clinton News Networks?)", "Why don't Bernie Sanders supporters choose Jill Stein as obvious positive alternative to Hillary Clinton?", "Why do Hillary Clinton’s events seem to have smaller attendance than Donald Trump's rallies?", "Why is there a lack of media coverage regarding the October Wikileaks email dump on John Podesta and Hillary Clinton?", "Is CNN biased towards Hillary Clinton?", "Will supporters of Bernie Sanders be able to get behind Hillary Clinton if she wins the nomination?", "Was Hillary Clinton too drunk to give a concession speech the same night of the election results?", "Why do people support Hillary Clinton even though she takes money from corporations?", "How will Hillary Clinton win over Bernie Sanders supporters?", "Why have ex Clinton supporters withdrawn their support for her?", "Could Sanders have won had Hillary not stole the election from him?", "Will Hillary Clinton flip-flop again on her opposition to the TPP?", "What would happen if Hillary Clinton dropped from the ticket?", "What will Hillary Clinton do if she does not win the election?", "Kellyanne Conway was the first woman to lead a candidate to victory. Why don't liberals care about this?", "What would the Republican Party do if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidential election?", "Do Hillary Clinton supporters not care about her email controversies, or do they tolerate them and look at the bigger picture?", "Why did Bernie Sanders lose to Hillary Clinton?", "Why do Millennials dislike Hillary Clinton?", "If Hillary wins because of a huge Hispanic turnout, will that diminish the importance of black votes?", "Why does The Economist endorse Hillary Clinton?", "Shouldn't Hillary address her ignorant rioting supporters and call them off?" ] }
{ "query": "How should I get rid of belly fat?", "pos": [ "How can I reduce my Belly and tummy fat?" ], "neg": [ "My upper body is in shape but my thighs are very fatty and big how can I reduce my thighs .I am doing running of 3km daily only?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I reactivate my old mobile number?", "pos": [ "How can I reactivate my old mobile number?" ], "neg": [ "What is mobile number?", "How can I update my UIDAI if I lost my mobile number?", "How do I forget a phone number?", "ONCE I HAVE CHANGED MY mobile number ONE DAY AGO, AND AGAIN I HAVE TO CHANGE mobile number AGAIN…COULD IT possible…?", "Second number of mobile number does not start with?", "How do I trace mobile number?", "How can I get a Simple Mobile account number?", "How do you get a simple mobile account number?", "I am getting abusive calls from a mobile number. What do I do?", "Is there a way I can forget a phone number?", "If I buy a new Airtel 4G sim of a new mobile number and can I change it into my current mobile number?", "Can some one track my mobile number?", "How do I access my Yahoo accounts without still having the old mobile numbers or email associated with them?", "How do I access my Yahoo accounts without still having the old mobile numbers or email associated with them? Request", "How do I change register mobile number for my tata sky?", "How do I change my registered mobile number for an Aadhaar card?", "How can I change my address and mobile number in my Aadhaar card?", "How do I get call details of a mobile number?", "Can I known mobile imei through mobile number?", "What mobile operator provides a fancy mobile and my own choice number at a cheap price?", "Who use mobile no 9015044446?", "How can I change my EPF account mobile number?", "How can I know the last received call number if accidentally my mobile got switched off while it was still ringing?", "How can we get a Bollywood actor/actress's mobile number?", "Why is there no smartphone application that will allow the user to delink their old phone number even if they no longer utilize that number?", "How can I change my registered mobile number to my new mobile number in my SBI account number without visiting branch & ATM?", "I have lost my mobile. How do I find my IMEI number?", "My mobile was stolen. Is it possible for the thief to change its IMEI number by using any software?", "How can I change my snapdeal account's mobile number?", "What is the procedure if I have forgotten my registered mobile number in SBI?" ] }
{ "query": "Can I get pregnant through oral sex?", "pos": [ "Can a girl get pregnant by eating sperm?" ], "neg": [ "Can a pregnant woman get pregnant?", "I fingered my girlfriend after wiping up sperm with a cotton cloth. This was one day before the onset of her period. We even made sure she took the i-pill within 24 hours. Can she get pregnant?", "Is it possible for a 12 year old girl to get pregnant?", "Do female pornstars get pregnant?", "Can a 7 year old girl get pregnant? lf yes how is that possible?", "How can woman get pregnant?", "Can a woman have sex while she's pregnant?", "Can you have sex while pregnant?", "Can a woman get pregnant even if she got her period a week after she had sex?", "How should women get pregnant?", "How does a lady gets pregnant?", "Is it possible for a puppy to get pregnant?", "Can sperm survive a period?", "Can a woman get pregnant if she does not have periods?", "Is it possible to get pregnant without a uterus?", "Can we sex during pregnancy?", "Why can't some women get pregnant?", "Will a human get pregnant after having sex with a dog?", "Is it possible the I was the one who got her pregnant?", "Where do men's sperms go in the female body during sex when a girl doesn't have a uterus?", "If a women cannot get pregnant just by the male pre-cum coming in contact with the egg, then why is \"coitus interruptus,\" i.e. the male withdrawing the penis just before ejaculation, not considered a reliable form of contraception?", "How can we get pregnant?", "Can a woman get pregnant just before her period?", "Why do women get pregnant?", "Can we do sex during your pregnancy?", "Does pornstars swallow sperm?", "Can one get pregnant if she had sex 3 days before her period?", "Can you get pregnant when you don't have a period?", "Can you get pregnant two days after sex?", "Can you get pregnant on your period? How likely is it?" ] }
{ "query": "Is it wrong to hate a certain race? I mean, I hate marathons for unknown reasons?", "pos": [ "Is it wrong to hate a specific race?" ], "neg": [ "Why do some people say there are no races?", "If I couldn't care less about race, how can I ignore it if people keep acting racist?", "If I treat all people the same but on the inside I feel their race matters to me, does that make me a racist?", "Why are Americans so obsessed by race?", "What's wrong with white people wanting to preserve their own race?", "Why do people confuse ethnicity with race?", "Do you think any race is superior to the other? Why?", "Am I considered mixed race?", "Why do people say that race doesn't exist?", "Do you think it's racist to only be attracted to one particular race of men or women?", "What is race?", "How can I convince my color blind friends to care more about race?", "Why are North Americans so obsessed about race?", "Is finding a certain race unattractive racism?", "Would you consider me mixed race?", "Are there any actual differences between races?", "Is it justifiable for non-white people to hate white people/say they hate white people?", "Why do some whites hate Mexicans so much?", "Why do white people hates black people?", "Why do some white people hate Hispanics?", "I believe racism is wrong but regarding relationships, I do not want to date people from a certain race. Am I racist?", "What are the differences between races?", "Why is it ok to be racist towards white people?", "What's it like to be predominantly attracted to a particular race or ethnic group that's not your own?", "Is the white race really dying out?", "Why do people not like to mention racism against white people?", "What is hate?", "Why do many people believe that religions are races?", "Why is there hate towards black people?", "Why are black people hated?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the some mind blowing facts of Google?", "pos": [ "What are some interesting facts about Google?" ], "neg": [ "What are some interesting facts about Google Chrome?", "What are some mind-blowing facts about Google Maps?", "What are some of the amazing features of Google now?", "What are some mind-blowing facts about Yahoo?", "What do you think of the fact that Google knows everything about you?", "What are some mind blowing facts about Yahoo?", "What are some amazing facts about technology?", "What is Google up to?", "What are the mind-blowing facts about Yahoo?", "What do you think to Google adding fact checking to its news?", "What are some of the most interesting facts in the world of business?", "What are the advantages of using Google News?", "What are the most Interesting facts?", "What are the most interesting facts you know?", "What are some interesting facts about you?", "How much data does Google have?", "What are some of the cool features on Google now?", "What are some interesting facts some people don't know?", "What are the things you don't like about \"Google\"?", "What are the most amazing and interesting facts you know?", "How does Google know everything?", "What's the usage statistics of Google Inbox?", "What are some cool facts about you?", "What are some little known facts about Walmart?", "What do companies like Google and Microsoft do with the data they collect?", "What do you think to Google adding fact checking to its news feeds?", "Is Google a noun or verb?", "Does Google steal people's information? How?", "What are some interesting facts that I should know?", "How secretive is Google?" ] }
{ "query": "What should I ask as my first question on Quora?", "pos": [ "What can be a fitting first question to ask in Quora?" ], "neg": [ "What was the first question you answered on Quora?", "What are the best questions to ask on a first date?", "What was the first question?", "What type of questioned asked in the first interview?", "What is the most interesting question asked on Quora?", "What is the most important question asked on Quora?", "What are some fun questions to ask on a first date?", "What are the best questions to ask when you first meet someone?", "What is the most important question to ask?", "How does a question on Quora become a \"Best Question\"?", "Which questions should I ask on the first date with a girl for an arranged marriage?", "What is the most interesting Quora question?", "What are the best questions to ask a girl when you first meet her?", "What should a guy ask on a first date with a girl?", "What is the most important question not yet asked on Quora?", "Did anyone else feel compelled to ask a random question to get \"ask your first question\" off the account setup checklist when you first make an account?", "What is the most commonly asked question in Quora and why?", "Which is the best question you've read on Quora?", "What is the single most important question you have asked in this life?", "What should be the ideal answer if someone asks what came first, egg or hen?", "Is it hard to ask a question on Quora?", "What questions should we ask?", "What kind of questions does Quora want us to ask?", "What was the best Quora question ever?", "What is the most important question you have ever asked yourself?", "Is it possible to see when a Quora question was asked and who asked it?", "What is the best question you can ask yourself?", "On Quora, why isn't the first letter of a question, detail or comment automatically capitalized?", "What's the most interesting question you've been asked?", "What is the best question that you have asked yourself?" ] }
{ "query": "Is there really the existence of Aliens and is there any proof available realted to them?", "pos": [ "What is some of proof collected over the years that indicates the existence of aliens or extraterrestrial life?" ], "neg": [ "How historically accurate is the evidence shown in \"Ancient Aliens\" from History Channel?", "Why do people believe in the ancient aliens theory?", "What reasons could the US government have for keeping evidence of extraterrestrial visitors a secret?", "Question That Contains Assumptions: Why would the U.S. government want to hide the fact that aliens exist?", "Do you believe in the theory of \"Ancient Aliens\"?", "How much real are the Ancient Aliens showed on the History Channel?", "Do you believe in what they say in Ancient Aliens?", "With overwhelming evidence of extraterrestrial beings on/off earth, why do governments worldwide deny them? What would happen if the knowledge were shared with common people like us?", "Is it true that aliens built the earth, as well as put humans on it, as an experiment? Did they? Or not?", "Did Einstein meet aliens as shown in history TV in Ancient Aliens? Is it true?", "Do aliens know about earth and us humans?", "How do you think the world would react to the existence of aliens if proved, as of now?", "If an extraterrestrial life exists, would it have a consciousness?", "There is show on history TV alien ancestor is it possible our gods are aliens?", "Why is it so believed that aliens (if they exist) will be smarter than us human beings?", "Why should I believe in aliens?", "What physical evidence exists that is used to prove the existence of God(s)?", "What are some undeniable facts about life?", "What are aliens?", "Does science have evidence for proving the existence of god?", "Is it true that the Indian government knows about aliens and alien bases?", "Are there any scientific proof of existence of ghosts?" ] }
{ "query": "Why does Indian judiciary take such a long time to deliver a verdict?", "pos": [ "Why does it take so long for Indian courts to deliver the verdict?" ], "neg": [ "We have so many courts and the largest Democratic country. Why is the judgement getting too late? Is it necessary to change our Indian penal code (IPC) or increase the number of courts?", "Is there a stipulated time limit for delivery of justice in any special cases like Rape, Check Bounce etc. in Indian Courts?", "When can Indian courts take suo motu action?", "What will happen if state government goes against supreme court's verdict in India?", "Why do judges give 400 years jail time if no one can live that long?", "Indian Judiciary: Can we challenge a judgement given by Supreme Court?", "What are some of the best judgements passed by Supreme Court Of India?", "Who said \"Justice too long delayed is justice denied\"?", "Is the Supreme Court of India efficient?", "When and why did the jury system in the courts got demolished?", "Why is the appeal judges taking so long to rule on city harvest church?", "Why do judges of Supreme Court of India not support new Collegium system?", "How is the Supreme Court of India legislated?", "What are the landmark judgements of the Supreme Court of India?", "Is there any circumstance under which a court wouldn't give you jail time for causing death of someone under Indian law?", "Why was the jury system abolished in India?", "Indian Judiciary: Is it not necessary to have a transparent and unbiased appointment procedure of judges in lower courts, high courts, and the Supreme Court in view of controversy created by Justice Katju?", "If you are done with a court marriage in India, does it mean you can never get out of it?", "Why did the Permanent Court of Arbitration vomit the Western Institution itself by making illegal and ridiculous ruling in the world?", "Why hasn't the U.S. justice system been expanded to properly and efficiently handle the backlog of court cases?", "How do I complain if my case, in an Indian High Court, is being unfairly stopped from coming up for a hearing by a judge?", "Do jury verdicts in trials like those of Aakash Dalal, Dharun Ravi and Peter Liang demonstrate that jury trials are outdated in a diverse America?", "What is the reason behind the power to issue writs under Article 226 being discretionary for High Courts of India?", "Shouldn't Philippine take the Permanent Court of Arbitration of violation of UNCLOS verdicts to Chinese courts to enforce the verdicts?", "In which year the supreme Court established in India? How was this effective?", "When can a U.S Court put someone to trial twice?", "What is the entire court process?", "Why does the US give such long prison sentences, such as 200 years, when no one can live that long?", "How was the Jury system abolished in India?", "Can supreme court in India cancel government decision on demonetization?" ] }
{ "query": "What is Jetblue airlines customer service number?", "pos": [ "What is JetBlue Airlines customer service phone number?" ], "neg": [ "What is ths United Airlines Customer Service Number?", "What is the telephone number for United Airlines?", "What is the American airlines customer relations phone number for domestic flights?", "What is the American airlines customer service telephone number for domestic flights USA?", "How can I get call details of my Airtel prepaid number?", "What is United Airlines flight reservations phone number?", "What is United Airlines Reservations Phone Number?", "How do I get call history for my Airtel prepaid number?", "What is the United Airlines reservations phone number, can you answer?", "How can I see the phone number of a skype contact?", "What is United Airlines Reservation Number?, is it 18446630666?", "What is a Skype address?", "Customer Service: What is Uber's phone number?", "How can I get call details of my prepaid number?", "What is United Airlines reservations number?", "Is there a way to find the alternative flight numbers on code share flights?", "How do I directly contact a customer care executive of Airtel?", "How do I get incoming and outgoing call details of a particular prepaid Telnor number here in India through online?", "How do I know which offers are activated on my Airtel number?", "How can I find my American Airlines ticket number?", "How can I get an IP address of a Skype username?", "How do you contact Amazon Prime customer service?", "What is United Airlines Reservation Number?", "What is Venmo's customer service phone number?", "How to check call details on Airtel?", "What is", "Someone unknown messaged me on WhatsApp. Does that mean he has my contact number?", "Does Quora have a customer service number?", "What is Instagram's contact number to call?", "How do I call India from Indian mobile (Airtel) number in UK?" ] }
{ "query": "Is a plant considered a living thing?", "pos": [ "Are plants and trees considered living things?" ], "neg": [ "What are examples of non living things in a forest?", "What are real life applications of trees?", "Why do almost all living things depend on green plants for food?", "Do plants feel in words meaning that affect its growth? Is that belong to any theory or science?", "What do we call the living things in an environment/ecosystem?", "What is a plant habitat?", "What is tree of life?", "How are plants used to solve problems (environmental, medical, etc.)?", "What kinds of trees grow in a jungle?", "What plant stems do humans eat?", "Do indoor/nursery plants contribute anything to the environment?", "What kind of flowers grow on trees?", "Are trees earthlings?", "What some examples of evergreen trees?", "Do plants have the ability to feel just like humans?", "How do trees reproduce?", "What makes trees stand upright?", "Do animals understand that plants are alive?", "Do trees have souls?", "Why are trees green?", "What kind of fruits are on the Tree of Life?", "What are the best trees to plant in the backyard for some privacy?", "What are the benefits of planting trees?", "What are some of the most interesting plants?", "Why don't people usually plant Peepal Tree?", "Which plant are suitable to have?", "What are some abiotic things found in a forest?", "Why do all plants have different characteristics?", "How is conservation important for a forest?", "What is an example of a plant vacuole in real life?" ] }
{ "query": "How Donald Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall?", "pos": [ "How will Mexico pay for wall?" ], "neg": [ "Will a border wall with Mexico work?", "What if Trump's wall isn't a physical wall at all? He said Mexico would pay. What are some financial deterrents the US could impose? Is it possible?", "Does Mexico have a wall on its southern border?", "Why is building a wall between the US and Mexico, like Trump proposes, a bad idea? Ignoring ethics, would such a wall reduce illegal border crossings?", "Are Trump supporters still in favor of a border wall now that US Taxpayers will have to pay for it?", "If trump build a wall mexicans would still get in so whats the point? Theres a video of two people smuggling drugs and climbing over the border/", "Is the US really going to copy the Chinese Great Wall to build a wall between the US and Mexico? And would it become a tourist attraction site?", "People say that a US-Mexico wall wouldn’t work, that it won’t stop illegal immigration. Well, then what is a viable solution to illegal immigration?", "What if the United States purchased Mexico?", "How much money would it cost today to build something like the Great Wall of China in the U.S.?", "Are Mexicans stealing our jobs?", "Can President Trump approve the construction of the wall between Mexico and the US by issuing an “executive order?”", "Why is Mexico screwed up?", "Is Mexico in debt to the United States even though it's naturally rich in resources?", "How many jobs would increased border security and a border wall being built make?", "Does Mexican President Peña Nieto support Donald Trump's border wall idea?", "How effective was the Great Wall at protecting China's border?", "Where does Mexico get its gasoline from?", "Is the U.S. to blame for Mexico's drug war?", "What could Mexico do to attract high tech American businesses that no longer wish to do business in the Untied States under a Trump presidency?", "What is the cost of a college education in Mexico?", "Is Mexico a poor country?", "Why doesn't the USA buy Canada and Mexico to make a North American Union?", "What are the major foreign policy issues that Mexico is working on in 2016?", "Did México have nuclear weapons?", "How was the Great Wall of China built?", "Why was the Great Wall of China built?", "Does an Indian citizen with a valid US visa need a Mexican visa to visit Mexico?", "Why didn't the US take more of Mexico?", "What type of businesses would be profitable in Mexico?" ] }
{ "query": "I want to participate in the next Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Where should I start from and what should I do?", "pos": [ "How do I start my preparations for Google Summer of Code 2016?" ], "neg": [ "Are there any programs similar to Google Summer of Code for the upcoming winter?", "Any other program to help on code contribution for open source project other than Google Summer of Code?", "What did you do with your Google Summer of Code earnings?", "Which organisation offers projects in Java in Google Summer of Code? Which of them is suggested for a beginner?", "What is Google Code-in?", "How do I get Google Apps for Work Promo Codes?", "Which organisation offers projects in advanced Java in Google Summer of Code? Which of them is suggested for a beginner?", "I'm 1st year EEE with only basic programming experience (intermediate C). What are my chances if I want to apply to STEP Google this year?", "I joined Google Code-In a bit late.. I will be able to complete 19 tasks, maximum. Do you think I'd make it as a finalist?", "How should I prepare for Google interview for a software developer position if I have 1 year to prepare?", "Is Google Code Jam only for students, or can a professional also get job opportunities through it?", "How do I prepare for GSoC 2018 with little experience in Python and C++?", "I am a first year undergraduate student with no coding background. I am aiming for GSoc 2018. Can you suggest me how to get started in easy language?", "What is Google Code-In all about?", "How can I prepare for Google Adwords certification in a short amount time?", "How do I prepare for gsoc 2017 with very little C++ programming experience?", "How do I prepare my resume for summer internship at Google?", "How should I spend my summer vacations this year if I want to apply for GSoC 2017?", "How can I find suitable projects for gsoc 2017 based on C?", "How should I prepare for my Google interview if I have 1 month left?", "How can I start using Google Hangouts?", "What is Google's internal code review policy/process?", "How many days are required to prepare for the Google AdWords fundamentals exam?", "What programming skills can be learned in one year for somebody aspiring for GSoC 2017?", "I will join manipal on august 2016.Could you please advice me how should I prepare for GsoC 2017?", "Does Free Code Camp make you job ready?", "What is your review of Hour of Code 2013?", "How do I create Google Calendar events from a Google Sheet?", "How do I study all Java package in months?", "How do start preparing for GSoC 17 if I am in first year and I am learning programming languages?" ] }
{ "query": "If vacuum gravitational and dark energy is created without limit as universe expands?", "pos": [ "Is at least the potential energy of vacuum energy and dark energy infinite?" ], "neg": [ "Does dark energy have a force?", "Why is the dark matter being transformed into dark energy?", "What is dark matter and dark energy?", "Is dark energy a force?", "What is space? What is dark energy?", "Does dark matter interact with dark energy?", "Why is the pressure of dark-energy negative?", "What is dark matter and dark energy in simple words?", "Since light doesn't have rest mass but has energy, so if huge amount of light is accumulated at a point in space, will it warp space-time?", "What is dark energy v/s thermo dynamics?", "Can energy/matter be created/destroyed?", "Does the light energy only convert into heat energy? Can't it convert into any other energy? If it can give me an example?", "If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, then who created energy?", "Is the total energy in the universe quantifiable?", "Is what is thought to be the density of the dark matter actually the state of displacement of the dark matter?", "Is energy the source of gravity?", "Is what is mistaken for clumpy dark matter the state of displacement of the strongly interacting dark matter which fills 'empty' space?", "Is the law of conservation of energy a relative concept?" ] }
{ "query": "Why is there something like a cloud when a plane breaks a sound barrier?", "pos": [ "What causes the vapor cone when aircraft breaks the sound barrier?" ], "neg": [ "Are there any reported cases of subsonic airliners or small jets accidentally breaking the sound barrier in a steep descent?", "Why does blowing over the hole of a bottle create a sound?", "Why does an aeroplane make sound during day time and is not much audible during night?", "What are all those noises that planes make during takeoff? Can you explain them?", "Is it possible for the sound barrier to be broken underwater?", "Why does sound come from a tube light?", "Why do I have feeling of fainting during commercial plane take off?", "Why the jet sound more in day rather than in night?", "Why do jets create a loud boom during super sonic manuever?", "Why don't drinks spill when an airplane turns?", "Why do we hear the noise of jet planes more during the daytime compared to at night?", "How is noise pollution caused?", "Why don't airplanes have active noise cancellation in their cabins?", "What are the causes of noise pollution?", "Would it be possible to break the sound barrier underwater - would it be the coolest sonic boom ever?", "How do the cabin noise levels of most airliners compare?", "What causes turbulence on airplanes?", "Can plane stall while taking off?", "Why do we feel pain in our ears on airplanes?", "What happens if air gap of induction motor increase?", "What causes fluid behind the ear?", "What could be the reason for my car to make a squeaking sound when I start the engine and when it comes to a full stop?", "Why do my ears always feel clogged when I fly on an airplane?", "Sound has been made visible using water and sand. Would it be possible somehow to see sound waves in an enclosed space using smoke?", "The effect of increasing the air gap in an induction motor will cause?", "What are reasons why a smoke detector beeps?", "Why do empty vessels make more noise?", "Why do some planes have an exhaust in the back of the fuselage?", "Why do I have feelings of fainting during a commercial flight take off?", "Whenever I turn my sound bar on, it pops and immediately turns off. It tries to restart itself but it continues to pop loudly and turn off. I have a Pioneer SP-SB23W. I took it apart and I don't see any connection issues or blow capacitors. What could cause this?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the best ways to forget the past?", "pos": [ "What is the best way to forget the past?" ], "neg": [ "How can I remember my past life?", "How do I remember more from my past?", "How do I forget my past marriages?", "What is the best way to be remembered?", "What is the best way to remember not to forget?", "How can I remember to forget?", "How do I forget things I regret so badly?", "How do I let go of regrets from the past and becoming older?", "How do we forget?", "How can people remember their past life memories?", "What is a good solution to forget someone?", "How can I forget my past boyfriend?", "What is the simplest way to forget someone?", "How should I deal with my past regret?", "Is there a way to forget the one you loved the most?", "What is that one thing you regret the most and would like to change in the past?", "How can we overcome nostalgia?", "How can you not forget to remember?", "Which is the easiest way to forget someone?", "I am holding back many regrets of past. How can I let go of them?", "How do you want to be remembered when you die?", "How do I forget anyone?", "How do I forget a loved one?", "I made mistakes in my past, it still haunts me no matter how much I try to forget but it keeps coming back. How do I get over it?", "How can I forgive and forget people?", "what should i do to overcome the bad memories?", "What is the quickest and easiest way to forget someone?", "How do you want to be remembered?", "How do I forgive, and forget people?", "How can I train my brain to forget someone?" ] }
{ "query": "Why is it UK team for olympics while only england team for football world cup?", "pos": [ "Why does the UK compete as the UK in the Olympics but as individual countries in the World Cup?" ], "neg": [ "Why don't countries play with their full-strenght squads in soccer in Olympics?", "Why does India perform poorly in the Olympics and other international sports events?", "Why don't the best football (soccer) players play in the Olympics?", "Why has Ukraine done so well in the Paralympics? And why do France perform so poorly?", "What is the difference between UK, Great Britain & England, why they are not one single country at all places? Please read the details?", "Is England in Britain? What is the difference between England, Britain and the UK?", "What does the UK do particularly well?", "Why is India performing bad in Olympics?", "What is the UK?", "In the world, we are second largest country in terms of population, but we win only very few medals in the Olympics. Why?", "Based on their Olympic success. Is Great Britain, pound-for-pound, the greatest sporting nation on earth?", "Why is cricket not an olympic sport?", "What is the difference between UK, Britain, and England?", "Why is cricket not a part of Olympics?", "What is the difference between England and the United Kingdom?", "Why is India so bad at Olympics and football?", "Why do some countries appear out of alphabetical order in the Olympics?", "What is the difference between UK, England, Britain, great Britain and EU?", "What I the difference between UK and England?", "Why is the USA better than the UK?", "What's the difference between United Kingdom and Britain?", "Why are ads allowed in the venues and uniforms of the Paralympic games and not in the Olympic games?", "Why does India perform so poorly at the Olympics?", "Why India's performance is still poor in olympics?", "Is the UK better than the USA?", "What is UK?", "Is the UK a democracy?", "Is cricket the sole reason for India's poor performance in every Olympics?", "Why isn't cricket included in Olympics?", "Why does India perform poorly in Olympics even though there is no reservations?" ] }
{ "query": "Are there more questions than answers?", "pos": [ "Are there more questions than there are answers?" ], "neg": [ "Why do some questions get more answers here in Quora?", "How many questions are there?", "What happens when there are no more questions to ask?", "Do short questions get more answers on Quora?", "Why are there so many questions that don't need an answer?", "What happens if there are no more questions to be asked?", "Is there any way to see exactly how many answers a question has?", "How many answers does this question have?", "Why are there so many questions?", "What are some questions that need an answer?", "What are the questions for there is no answer?", "What type of questions are more effective- wh questions or yes or no questions?", "What questions do you need answers to?", "Should I ask more questions or answer more questions on Quora?", "How do you get many answers for your questions in Quora?", "What are some of the interesting questions to answer? And what are some interesting answers to question?", "In Quora, can we get answers for all questions or Is there any question that have no answer?", "What are some of the questions which has no answers?", "What are some questions no one knows the answer to?", "What are some of the most difficult questions to answer?", "What are the answers for the following questions?", "What is the question with the highest number of answers on Quora?", "How can I get more answers for my question on Quora?", "Why do some questions on Quora have answers, but the answers aren't shown?", "What are the answers to the following questions and why?", "What are the questions that remain unanswered?", "What are some questions that we'll never know the answer to?", "How many answers will this question receive?", "Why do people on Quora answer a lot of questions but ask fewer questions?", "What are the questions that have no answer?" ] }
{ "query": "Why did the Indian government ban Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency?", "pos": [ "Why did Indian government scrap Rs 1000 and 500 note and instead is introducing Rs 2000 note?" ], "neg": [ "Why is the one rupee-note printed by the government of India and other denominations by RBI?", "Why is Indian government charging this much income tax?", "Why can't the Indian government print as many currency notes it wishes and clear the fiscal deficit? For that matter why can't any country in the world do the same?", "How much does it cost to make a 2000 rupees note to Indian government?", "Why does the Indian government not provide welfare schemes and unemployment benefits for the Indian poor?", "Why did the Indian government wait till 1960 to include Goa into the Indian Union? Why did it not go for the operation earlier?", "Yesterday IT department seized new notes worth rs 4 crore, when limit is just 2500 rs per day, how can this happen? Where is the failure happening?", "Who is the 1st person to receive the new Rs. 2000 note in India?", "Why is the Indian railway budget scrapped by the current govenment?", "Why doesn't Indian government treat poor Indians as Indian people?", "Why can't India print more currency notes as USA prints as per their need?", "Why did India got independence at midnight?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the inventory source of online airline reservation systems?", "pos": [ "What is the inventory source of online airline reservation software?" ], "neg": [ "How can I make analysis for airline reservation system for study?", "How can non-IATA travel agents provide flight reservation systems in their website?", "What is the best online booking system?", "How do online booking system works?", "I want to make a website for online airline ticket reservation. What language can I use?", "What is online check in for flights?", "What is the cheapest air ticket booking website available in India?", "How can I make a website which is an online booking system?", "What are the problems facing online restaurant reservation services?", "In general, how can you get a reservation at a hotel if their website says they're fully booked?", "What is the importance of a computer network in the airlines and railway reservation system?", "What is the best software inventory management for food industry?", "What is rent the runway customer acquisition?", "What is the role of travel suppliers in a travel booking system?", "Where does ITA software (Google flights) get all its flight data from?", "What is the best site to book flights in India?", "What are some online Pub, Bar & restaurant booking apps in india?", "Which is the best site to book flights in India?", "What is a vendor booking?", "How do you manage inventory on Amazon?", "What does the preferential coach ID in the IRCTC e-ticket booking checkout mean?", "How does paytm manage bus booking system and its database?", "Which is best online website to book air tickets in India?", "What is B2B and B2C in an online travel agency software?", "Where can I find some web services API to look up flight information, hotel information, etc. ?", "Is reliable?", "What is the best website to purchase air ticket for indian domestic flights? Any other hacking ideas are also appreciated.", "How do I book airline tickets through online?", "How would you structure an AdWords account used in the travel/online booking market?", "How can I book air tickets that are fully discounted?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I start learning (practising) competitive programming?", "pos": [ "How do I start learning competitive programming?" ], "neg": [ "For almost about a year I've practicing Competitive Programming and I love it. This time I would like to do something more real. How do I get started with more sophisticated programming and build projects?", "Should I quit competitive programming?", "How do I learn C++ for competitive programming?", "Should I prepare for GATE or learn competitive programming?", "What should my first step towards learning programming be?", "Where should I learn maths for competitive programming?", "Where do I start in programming?", "Where should I start programming?", "How did you start learning to program?", "How should I start learning programming at the age of 18?", "Is competitive programming enough for getting a job?", "How is competitive programming different from real-life programming?", "I've just met competitive programming and I loved it. There will be an ACM-ICPC regional challenge in 3 months and I really want do to well. In which way can I train to maximize my learning?", "Will competitive programming be enough for a job?", "Quincy Larson: Is competitive programming worth learning?", "I am a statistian and I want to learn programming.. with what and how shoul I start? N.B: I know nothing abt programming", "How do I begin a programming career?", "Start learning programming from scratch or starting with \"Scratch\"?", "From where should I start programming?", "How important is competitive programming to machine learning?", "How can I keep learning programming?", "I want to learn how to start programming. What programming language should I start to learn?", "From where should we start programming?", "How useful is competitive programming for a machine learning engineer?", "I want to learn Coding/Programming from scratch. How to start?", "What is the best way to start a programming career?", "How should one start learning Python programming for electronics applications?", "Where can I find categorized list of competitive programming problems?", "Is competitive programming overrated?", "How can I start learning IT?" ] }
{ "query": "It always true that honesty is the best policy?", "pos": [ "Is honesty the best policy in today's world?" ], "neg": [ "What's uses of honesty?", "What are some examples of honesty?", "What is the difference between diplomacy and honesty?", "What is the difference between truth and honesty?", "Does honesty really matter?", "What is the difference between integrity and honesty?", "What is the difference between truthfulness and honesty?", "What are the best-kept secrets about morals and morality?", "What are some of the objectives of a moral truth?", "What are some examples of \"honesty kills\"?", "Which are the top 10 honest politician now?", "What do you think is the single most important change that is needed to let the truth rule again in contemporary democratic elections?", "What is \"honest work\"?", "How important is truthfulness?", "What is the biggest truth in this world?", "Why do you think transparency needed in democracy?", "How honest is too honest when it comes to relationships/friendships/successful career?", "World's biggest truth?", "How do you differentiate between honesty and shamelessness?", "Is truth independent?", "How does transparency contribute to democracy?", "What are the best kept secrets of politicians?", "How can the truth still matter in this post-truth society?", "What is the best truth you found in your life?", "Are you honest to yourself?", "What is the difference between sincerity and fairness?", "What is the biggest truth of this world?", "Are there more honest Republicans than Democrats?", "How honest is too honest?", "What is the best way to be honest?" ] }
{ "query": "Which is the best laptop in price range of 30000-35000?", "pos": [ "Which is the best laptop under 350,000?" ], "neg": [ "What are the best laptops to buy under 500$?", "What are the best laptop under $600?", "Which is the best laptop to buy in a range of 700$, 800$ or around that?", "What is the fastest laptop for a budget under $500?", "What's the best laptop I can buy for $700?", "I want to buy a new laptop. My requirement is i5 processor. Min 4 GB RAM and at least 500GB HARD DISC. My budget is around Rs 50000-60000. Which is the best laptop in these configuration and budget?", "Which laptop is most suitable with the following specs?", "Which laptop is the most suitable with the following specs?", "Which is the best laptop brand in India?", "Which are the best laptops of asus in range 30k-40k?", "Which are some of the best laptops to buy in India?", "Which is the best value for laptop with 4gb?", "What is the best laptop company?", "Which laptop is best for IT students?", "What is the best Windows laptop under $1000?", "Which is the best brand fo laptops?", "Which DSLR camera is best under 35000rs?", "What are best laptop brands?", "What kind of laptop should I buy?", "If I am a programmer, which laptop would be best for me under the range of Rupees 50-60K?", "What is the best laptop brand for multimedia work?", "What laptop is best for Linux?", "What is the best laptop to get? (Must run linux)", "What is the best 2 in 1 laptop for £500?" ] }
{ "query": "Why does magnetic field produce when current flows in a conductor?", "pos": [ "Why is a magnetic field produced when current flows through a conductor?" ], "neg": [ "Why does a magnet produce a magnetic field?", "How magnetic field is produced by electric field?", "A current flows in a conductor from west to east. What is the direction of the magnetic field at a point below the conductor?", "As Frecuncy increase, magnetic flux inside conductor?", "How is a magnetic field created?", "What is the direction of induced magnetic field due to changing electric field?", "What is the direction of induced electric field due to changing magnetic field?", "What is a magnetic field?", "What is the difference between magnetic flux and magnetic field?", "What is magnetic field?", "What does a rapid change of a magnetic field induce and why?", "How and why is electric potential continually decreasing in a conductor carrying current?", "How is a magnetic field flowing through a current wire making my bulb giving light? Are the electrons of the filament excited by this magnetic field?", "In electrostatics, when plates of a capacitor start losing charge and medium betwn the plates become slightly conducting is a magnetic field created?", "How is magnetic field created by the electric field of the electron when the electron spins?", "How do we create a magnetic field?", "Why a coil of wire produces a stronger magnetic field than a straight wire?", "What is magnetic?", "A longer iron bar and a shorter iron bar are exposed to the same magnetic field.Would the total magnetic flux produced in them be the same?", "What happens when you change the direction of current in an electromagnet?", "Why does the Earth have a magnetic field?", "Does a charged particle moving through a magnetic field always experience force?", "Scientists say that the human body produces magnetic field so, can we harness this magnetic field and induce electrical energy just from the body?", "Why current flow due to electrons?", "What is the magnetic field due to an electromagnet at a point that is not along its axis?", "Is it possible to create a dynamic magnetic field?", "Why isn't the force of a magnet limited to the magnet itself, how can it form a field?", "What is the main difference between magnetic and electric fields?", "Why does current flow opposite the direction of the field inside the battery?", "What is the difference between electric and magnetic fields?" ] }
{ "query": "How should I justify my 2 years gap after graduation in RBI interview?", "pos": [ "How should I answer questions about the 2 year gap after graduation on my resume in a BPO interview?" ], "neg": [ "Career Advice: How do I explain one year gap in an interview?", "How do you justify to the interviewer, when asked in an interview about the year gap after graduation, when actually you were trying your best to fetch a job this whole year?", "I have 2 year career gap recently in 7 yr IT career.? How do I explain about career gap?", "What are the tips to crack an interview after a long gap?", "How should one answer the question \"tell me something about you apart from what your resume says\" in job interviews?", "I have completed a 1-year diploma in fashion designing and now I'm doing a 3-year diploma. Can I apply to any BPO for a job, saying that I did a diploma? Will any BPO or any other company see the backlogs?after completing final year incase i get a backlog will i get a job", "How do I explain a 3 year gap during MBA interviews? Will it affect my application?", "Can i say in the interview about my BPO experience in technical interview?", "What would you say if you were asked in an interview why have you got a big gap on your CV?", "What is the career future if you are working in a Bpo?", "Will I face any problem while finding a job if I have a one or two year gap between my 12th and my graduation?", "I have an experience of 8 months & I have quit my job now to prepare for the GATE 16 for PSUs only. I don't have the work experience letter from the company. What would I have to say during my PSU interview about my 2 years after graduation?", "How should one answer the question \"tell me something about you which is not a part of your resume\" in job interviews?", "Does a gap of 4 months after college matter for applying to a job?", "What is the interview process at bpo?", "Does having a gap year after graduation affect the placement prospects of an IIM student?", "What should be the resume format for an experienced candidate (1-2 year experience)?", "What questions will I be asked about in my future HR career interview?", "How do I answer expected salary questions in an interview?", "If an employment duration is less than 3 months, does it need to be included on a resume?", "Is a resume required to apply for an internship after the second year? If yes, what sort of things should I include in my resume?", "What does the future hold for resumes?", "Can I get a job after 5 years of gap after graduation?", "How can a final-year student prepare a resume for interviews?", "Should I follow up on a job after doing phone interviews with HR and the engineering manager (it's been two weeks since I've heard anything)?", "Will this gap year affect my personal interviews in IIMs?", "What qualities in a resume are much appreciated for an entry-level job in management?", "In a job interview, how should I answer the question \"how much money do you want to make\" or \"how much did you make in your last job\"?", "What if my result of graduation is pending at the time of interview in IIM? Do I have any option or not?", "I had a Google interview for a software engineer position. I was rejected and told by the recruiter that the minimum time after which I should reapply is 18 months. Does that mean that I performed drastically bad in my interviews?" ] }
{ "query": "Should students take part in politics? If yes, why?", "pos": [ "Should student take part in politics?" ], "neg": [ "Why should students not take part in politics?", "Why can't student politics made a part of the education in developing countries..? It can help as a BACKUP for youth to come in politics ..why not?", "How do you study politics?", "What can you do with a political science degree?", "How can politics be studied?", "Why should I major in political science?", "Political science major?", "How politics can be studied?", "What can you do with an undergraduate degree in political science upon graduation?", "What can I as a high school student do to start a political career?", "What is the relationship between politics and education?", "What can I do with a Political Science degree?", "How can the politics be study?", "How the politics can be studied?", "Political Science/Government summer programs for US high school students?", "How do you win at university politics?", "As a high school student, what did you do or are you doing to start a career in politics?", "Is involvement of political party in college election is desirable?", "How do people learn about politics?", "What is studied in political science?", "Is political science a smart major?", "What does it take to become a politician?", "Should I major in political science or economics?", "What are the key skills an aspiring politician must develop?", "What do you think about people who study political science?", "Why is politics important?", "What did you do with your political science degree?", "How can I become influential in politics?", "Are phds in political science worth it?", "What does it take to become a good politician?" ] }
{ "query": "My Google account is disabled. How I can enable it?", "pos": [ "How do you enable a disabled Google Account?" ], "neg": [ "How can I disable a Google account lock from the previous owner", "How can I hack a Google account?", "Do I need a Google account?", "I have an old Google account that I can't verify. How can I recover it if I don't have access to my Gmail?", "How can I retrieve my Google account?", "How does Google recover an account?", "How do you recover a deleted Google account?", "How can you permanently delete a Google account?", "How do I delete my Google+ account?", "How do I change my Google default account?", "How can you delete your Google Voice account and how do you open one?", "Google account recoverer?", "How can I recover my Google account if I lost my username and password?", "Is Google business email disabled?", "How do you change your Google account name?", "How do I sign out my Google play account from other device?", "How do I remove another Google account from my Android?", "How can I hack someone's Google account?", "How do you delete a Google or Gmail account?", "How can I bypass having to submit a Google account to access my Android phone?", "How do I get back into my google account without knowing my username or having any recovery options?", "How do I recover a disabled Yahoo account?", "How do I edit my devices on my Google play account?", "Do you need a Google account to download apps from Google Play?", "How do I get back into my Google account without knowing my username and having no recovery options?", "How do I add a second device to a Google Play account?", "How do I recover my disabled Facebook account?", "How do you sign out of Google on all devices?", "A l.n [email protected] corresponds Google account? How recover/remove Google account with out sing in gmail or in Google?", "How can I see who has blocked my Google account?" ] }
{ "query": "What is actual meaning of life?", "pos": [ "What is the exact meaning of life?" ], "neg": [ "What does \"live your life\" mean?", "What is the best \"meaning of life\" answer that you have ever given or heard?", "What is the exact meaning of death?", "What does life mean to US ? What is happiness? Are we living in a LIE?", "What is the meaning of death?", "I am trying to find a meaning to life, to give a purpose to my life. Is there any book that can help me find my answer, or at least give me the tools?", "How are you living life?" ] }
{ "query": "Is Node.js single threaded?", "pos": [ "Why Node.js is single threaded?" ], "neg": [ "What is Node.js?", "What is Node.js for?", "How good is Node.js?", "What are the advantages of using Node.js?", "What can I do with Node.js?", "What are the disadvantages of using Node.js?", "What can you not do in Node.js?", "Is Node.js overrated?", "What are the uses of Node js and Angular Js?", "What is the best approach for multithreading in node.js?", "What is the best framework for node.js?", "What is the difference between Angular.js and Node.js?", "Which is better: Node.js or PHP? Why?", "What is the most important thing in node.js?", "Why does Node.js need V8?", "What's the difference between node js and Ajax?", "Was Node.js the best choice for some applications, or is it just a trend?", "What if Node.js used C#/Java as its language?", "Is Node.js with RoR a good combo to use?", "What is the Difference between Node.js and PHP?", "Is Node.js declining already?", "If JavaScript is bad, then why is Node.js considered good?", "Is Node.js currently more marketable than ROR?", "What is a good Node.js book?", "Is Node.js still worth learning?", "What is the difference between PHP and Node.js?", "What are the ideal use cases of Node.JS?", "What is node number?", "How can the performance of Node.js be better than Java, Python, PHP or C#?", "Why would one use PHP instead of Node.js for a new project?" ] }
{ "query": "What is an easy way to commit suicide?", "pos": [ "What is the best way to commit suicide in India?" ], "neg": [ "How many people commit suicide in India everyday?", "What is a way to commit suicide and not damaging your organs so that they can be donated?", "Am I right to wish to commit suicide being an ex-Muslim living in an under-developed country?", "I undergo unbearable depression and thinking of suicide. Can anybody disclose who were just about to suicide, but again successful in life?", "I'm 29 years old and married. I'm frustrated with my professional life. I've thought of committing suicide also. What should I do?", "Is suicide punishable by death?" ] }
{ "query": "WhatsApp: How can I restore deleted messages from WhatsApp?", "pos": [ "How can I restore the deleted messages from WhatsApp?" ], "neg": [ "How can I restore deleted WhatsApp messages without backup from a Windows phone?", "Can WhatsApp messages be deleted once sent?", "Can you delete erased WhatsApp chat messages so they can not be recovered?", "I want to recover a one month old deleted WhatsApp message on my windows phone. Which methods can I try in the web?", "I deleted my WhatsApp. If I reinstall once again, can I be able to see my old messages and pics which I sent and received before?", "How can I recover deleted video from Whatsapp?", "I have deleted my whatsapp by mistake. Can I get back my chats without having the backup on?", "If I delete the messages on WhatsApp, is it also deleted from the other person's phone and chat history?", "How do I know if a contact has deleted WhatsApp?", "Can I recover the whatsapp images I deleted 1 year back?", "What will I see on whatsapp if someone has deleted me?", "I deleted a WhatsApp group by mistake. Is there a way to restore it? I use an Android Phone.", "How do you know if a contact deleted you on WhatsApp?", "How do I delete a message sent to a wrong WhatsApp group?", "If I delete WhatsApp, will the messages sent to me while my WhatsApp was deleted be delivered to me when I reinstall it again?", "Can i delete whatsapp messages that haven't been sent yet in a whatsapp group?", "What happens if I deleted a whatsapp chat with someone?", "I have deleted my whatsapp. Is there any way I can read all the messages without sending delivery receipts?", "What will happen if I delete my whatsapp account & uninstall it? Will my old messages be back when I reinstall?", "How can I delete a whatsapp message from a group?", "How can I delete a message sent by me in a group in whatsapp?", "Is it possible to recover the WhatsApp messages from an iPhone? If the messages weren't stored in the cloud, could they still be recovered?", "If I delete my WhatsApp account, will that cancel the delivery of all undelivered messages?", "How do I salvage all the messages that I may have received during the 13-month time I was absent on Whatsapp through a number?", "How do I hack and retrieve WhatsApp message?", "How do you know if someone has deleted you from WhatsApp and not just blocked you?", "If I delete a message from WhatsApp group chat will that get deleted for everyone in that group?", "I deleted my WhatsApp account accidentally. How do I restore it with all my groups?", "I deleted my WhatsApp (not account) for three months, now after I started it again will I be able to see who messaged me in these three months?", "Is there any way to recover whatsapp images that has been deleted from phone gallery?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the rationale for teaching mathematics in primary school?", "pos": [ "What is the rationale for teaching mathematics in primary schools?" ], "neg": [ "Is mathematics taught correctly today in school?", "Is there a better system to learn mathematics than is taught in public schools?", "Why should I study mathematics?", "What do the best students in mathematics know?", "What are some advanced concepts in mathematics that can easily be explained to young children?", "How does mathematics work?", "Should I major in Applied Mathematics?", "How do I truly understand mathematics?", "Is the mathematics we know a mathematics or the mathematics?", "What are some mind blowing uses of mathematics?", "What is mathematics used for?", "What are some book recommendations on the history of mathematics?", "If you had to teach yourself math from basic algebra to high level mathematics, what would be your strategy?", "What do non-mathematicians think doing math is like?", "What is meant by mathematics?", "What is the meaning of mathematics?", "How can I be a Mathematics teacher in a U.S Middle/High School?", "Is mathematics another language?", "Is mathematics meaningless?", "Is mathematics becoming less relevant?", "What is the modern definition of mathematics?", "How is the mathematics curriculum for K-12 determined?", "What are the practical applications of pure mathematics?", "What can you do with a mathematics degree?", "Why is Mathematics so hard?", "Why is mathematics so hard?", "Mathematics Student: How does one study Mathematics in very easy manner?", "Is mathematics always necessary in doing good science?", "What is definition of mathematics?", "How can you teach yourself math?" ] }
{ "query": "Who are some of the best website brokers?", "pos": [ "Who is the best website broker?" ], "neg": [ "Which broker give the best tips to buy and sell?", "What are the top brokerage firms for beginners?", "What is the best forex broker?", "What is the best online stock broker in Germany?", "Which the best broker for Forex trading?", "Which is the best share broker in India?", "What is the best forex broker in the USA?", "Which is the best broker for Forex trading as a beginner in USA?", "What is a good online stock broker in Germany?", "What forex broker can you recommend?", "Who are the 10 best real estate brokers in India?", "What problems do you face with online brokers?", "What is the problem of online broker?", "How should one choose a discount brokers?", "Which brokerage firm has the best interface/terminal for trading in India?", "Who is the best vendor for doing an e-commerce website?", "Which is the best and cheapest stock broker in India?", "What is the cost of getting a customer for online brokers?", "Where I can find best stock brokers in India?", "What is the best website?", "Which is the best site to post my business blog and integrate with all traders worldwide?", "Which is the Best stock broker for occasional investors in India?", "I'm a sub broker with discount broker. How do I promote my website? Should I use Google adwards?", "Which are the best e-commerce website vendors?", "What is the best broker that gives demo even before you register?", "Should I trade trough a broker or opt for online websites like Sharekhan, Icicidirect, Kotak Securities etc?", "Which stock broker gives the best tip to buy and sell?", "Is anyone a stock broker?", "What is the best site to post my business blog and integrate with all traders worldwide?", "What are the best business website?" ] }
{ "query": "The sphinx is over 50,000 years old. Why do white people insist that the world is only 6,000 years old?", "pos": [ "Why is it hard for historians to accept that the sphinx is well over 50,000 years old?" ], "neg": [ "Is learning history more or less important than it was 50 to 100 years ago?", "How is earth 6000 years old when ancient people in the Bible lived for hundreds of years?", "How did the Sphinx lose its nose?", "How long ago did the ancient Egyptians, like Pharaohs live?", "Why were feathered dinosaur fossils only found in the last 20 years?", "Is Ancient History a hoax?", "Who is the greatest historian to have ever lived?", "How old is the oldest religion?", "What type of experts will be needed to discover era we currently live in? What evidence will survive how will future historians find and interpret it?", "Who are the most important European historians of the 20th century?", "What is the life expectancy of the world's oldest person?", "Why does 120 years seem to be the limit for the human lifespan?", "Are there any good and interesting documentary- making historians?", "Are ancient myths still useful in today’s society?", "Why do people study history?", "Which is the oldest relegion in the world?", "Why is Hemraj Vikramaditya so grossly overlooked by Indian historians?", "Can I hope to be employed in the unesco as an archaeologist?", "What is the difference between a Historian and an Archaeologist?", "If dinosaurs as well as most life was extinct about 65 million years ago, how do we have life now?", "What do historians think of the book 1491 by Charles Mann?", "Why should Elgin Marbles stay in the British Museum instead of returning to Greece?", "What does Jimmy Wales think of people who say Wikipedia is a bad source for correct information?", "Who is the world's oldest person?", "What are the reasons that the Historian Romila Thapar is so heavily criticized?", "Why did humans become almost extinct 70,000 years ago?", "Was ancient Assyria a hoax? Or not?", "Why do people believe that Wikipedia is accurate?", "Oldest temple in the world?", "What was the average lifespan of a dinosaur?" ] }
{ "query": "What is your definition of reality?", "pos": [ "What is reality?" ], "neg": [ "What is the reality of reality shows?", "Why does reality exist?", "How real is reality shows?", "Does reality have to exist?", "What is hyper reality?", "Does reality exist? (That old chestnut)", "How do we know if our reality is real?", "How real are reality shows?", "What is the difference between fiction and reality?", "How real are the TV reality shows?", "What exactly is reality distortion field?", "If the ability of reality is reality's not knowing about the nature of its ability, is it error if reality is aware of this state?", "Does consciousness create reality?", "Are perceptions more real than reality?", "Why does reality and fantasy have to be different?", "What if our reality was an alternate reality due to a specific cause?", "Why is fantasy and reality different?", "Is there proof that consciousness generates reality?", "Do you think that TV shows reflect reality?", "What is reality according to David Hoffman?", "Why is fantasy and reality so different?", "What are the differences and similarities between fantasy and reality?", "What is the connection between dreams and reality?", "How could you describe reality if you had no senses at all?", "What are the best possible ways to escape reality?", "Is Donald Hoffman’s interface theory of perception really the true explanation of reality?", "Is existence an illusion?", "Why is fantasy and reality so different? =]", "If nothing is real and everything is an illusion, what is the point in life?", "What kind of reality only happens in the movies?" ] }
{ "query": "How can one control the commotion of emotion?", "pos": [ "How should I control my emotion?" ], "neg": [ "How can I control my positive emotions for the people whom I love but they don't care about me?", "How can I try to control my angry emotion when I suffer a bad day, even the high railway was delayed when you back to home on October first day?", "How do I control sexual feelings?", "How do I control my feelings of liking someone?", "How do I stabilize the anger and emotional lability that I am experiencing, while releasing long-suppressed emotions?", "Why can't I show my emotions?", "How do I control my anxiety?", "How do you control anxiety?", "Why do I lack emotions?", "How do I control anxiety?", "How can I control my emotions for my ex bf who still loves me and is loyal for me?", "Why am I so emotion less?", "How do people feel emotion?", "Why do I show emotion to objects?", "I am an extremely emotional and sensitive person. I suffer a lot because of these personality traits. How can I control this tendency?", "How do I overcome emotional attachment?", "How do I overcome emotional attachment to a person?", "What is the best emotion?", "Is it possible for a person to not feel his emotions, but still act on them?", "Why can't I feel these emotions?", "How do I control sexual feelings in working time?", "How do you overcome emotional attachment?", "Am I abnormal for lack of emotion?", "How should I give respect to my feelings?", "Why do I feel detached from my emotion?", "Why do I feel no emotions?", "Why can't I feel any emotion?", "How can I control my lust?" ] }
{ "query": "What are general questions asked for in an interview", "pos": [ "What are the basic questions asked in a job interview?" ], "neg": [ "What are the questions asked by an interviewer in technical interview?", "What are some of the most technical questions asked in an interview?", "Is it important to ask questions in a job interview?", "What's the most interesting question you've ever been asked during a job interview?", "What are some common interview questions asked by HR?", "What are the best job interview questions you've ever asked or been asked?", "What was the hardest job interview question that you have been asked?", "What are the questions you should not ask during job interviews?", "What are some important technical interview questions?", "What type of questioned asked in the first interview?", "What are the common mock interview questions?", "What are the questions asked in sales and marketing interview?", "What are some of the basic business analyst interview questions?", "What questions are asked in HR interview for an internship (call interview)?", "What are some of the basic business analyst interview questions and answers?", "What are the interview questions asked for mechanical engineer?", "What are the best tricky interview questions?", "What are some of the puzzle questions asked in interviews?", "What kind of questions are asked in interviews for electronics engineers?", "What is the worst question you have ever been asked in a job interview?", "Which are the most common HR questions asked in interview?", "What questions will I be asked about in my future HR career interview?", "What type of questions are asked in a UPSC interview?", "What are interview questions in for production engineers?", "Why is it so important to ask questions in a job interview?", "What are the frequently asked basic and complex queries ( SQL) during a tech interview?", "What types of questions are asked in UPSC interview?", "What are the common interview questions asked in interviews by the employers in BITS Pilani (especially chemical companies)?", "What are some of the questions asked during a job interview at Target?", "What is the most common questions in an interview for fresh graduate civil engineer?" ] }
{ "query": "Is the two party system good or bad?", "pos": [ "Is \"only two party system\" hurting Americans?" ], "neg": [ "Why is it difficult for America to break out of the two party system?", "Why do we have the two-party system?", "Has the U.S outgrown the 2 party system?", "Would a three party system be a better fit in American politics?", "Would a one-party system be better for the United States?", "Are you against the two party political system?", "Why doesn't the U.S. have a multi-party political system? Are people in the US satisfied with the two parties?", "What is the party system in American?", "Do Americans always party? Why?", "Are you against the 2 party political system?", "Can the US ever truly be a multi-party system?", "Why is the two party system stable?", "Why does U.S.A. have more than one “third party”?", "Why isn't there a third major political party in the United States?", "Has there ever been a serious Authoritarian party in the United States? Do we need one to help balance out the two main parties?", "How will America's two-party system evolve over the next 10 years?", "How could a multi party system be implemented in the USA?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages of a single party, two party and multi-party political system?", "Does the United States have a two-party dictatorship?", "Why can't India have only two political parties like the US?", "Has our two-party system, of Democrat / Republican, been replaced by Liberal / Conservative?", "What are the advantages of a two-party political establishment over a multi-party system?", "Will the U.S. ever have an legitimate 3rd major political party, or would a new major party just replace one of the two that we currently have?", "What happens if the US is governed only by the Republican party?", "How does the American political system work?", "U.S. Political Parties: Should the United States be split into two countries, one for Democrats and one for Republicans?", "Is political correctness ruining America?", "Can American political parties expel members?", "Is the political system in the U.S. working?", "Historically speaking, which political party is better for the United States of America?" ] }
{ "query": "How do yo stop your Boxer/Pitbull mix from biting your furniture?", "pos": [ "How do I stop my dog from eating my furniture?" ], "neg": [ "Why does my dog hold a toy, run around & whine after eating?", "Why isn't my pet dog eating properly?", "How can I stop myself from eating?", "What are some risks involved when a dog eats peanut butter?", "What should I do if my dog ate a chicken bone whole? How harmful is it?", "What happens if I stop eating meat and dairy products?", "My 2 months old female golden retriever puppy bites a lot. It doesn't look like play biting. She bites very furiously. Even when we are walking through her she follows us and tries to bite us very hard. What do I have to do to stop my puppy from biting?", "What foods should I stop eating?", "How can I stop eating chocolate?", "What do you do if a dog eats cooking oil?", "Can I feed my dog human food like spaghetti and meatballs or potato wedges?", "How do I teach my puppy not to chew on things it isn’t supposed to?", "What are the reasons why my dog keeps licking the carpet?", "What should I do if my dog swallowed a chicken bone?", "How do I stop emotional eating/binge eating?", "What happens if my dog eats a tomato?", "How can I stop eating junk food and sugar/sugary foods?", "How can I prevent my dog from licking herself constantly?", "Is it safe to give your dog human food? What foods could be considered a health risk for your dog?", "My dog becomes aggressive right after he completes his evening meal and is about to go for his poop. He comes to bite anybody around. Why is that so?", "Why does my dog eat sand?", "How do I stop my dog from throwing up and shaking?", "How safe is it for dogs to eat canned cat food?", "How can I stop wanting a dog from the shelter I visited a few days ago?", "How harmful could it be for my dog to eat an Orbit gum?", "My dog ate white chocolate, should I worry?", "What do I do if my dog swallowed a bone?", "How can I stop beating myself up over the fact that I have to leave my dogs at home when I go out?", "How do I stop my puppy from drooling?", "What should you do if your dog has swallowed a bone whole?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the future of IT security?", "pos": [ "What is the future of cyber security?" ], "neg": [ "What are the myths about Cyber Security?", "What is cyber security?", "What are the top cybersecurity challenges?", "What major is best for cyber security work?", "What are some research topics in cyber security?", "What are the top challenges cybersecurity faces today?", "What are new, hot research topics in cyber Security?", "Which is the best course for cyber security?", "Can I get a job in cyber security?", "What is it like to work in cyber security?", "What degree is best for Cyber Security?", "What is the difference between computer security and cyber security?", "What is the future of the Internet?", "What's the future of the internet?", "What are some good programming projects in cyber security?", "Would you go into computer science or information technology if you were interested in cyber security?", "What are the top cyber security MOOC's on cyber security?", "If I wish to make my future bright in the field of cyber security, how should I start up?", "What is the difference between cyber security and cyber engineering?", "How do I start my career in cyber security?", "Which is the best internet security antivirus in 2016?", "Are you worried about the potential effects of a Cyberwar? Is the US ready for that scenario?", "How do I get started in the cyber security industry?", "What is the future of web analytics?", "I want to work in cyber security, should I major in computer science or information technology with a focus in cyber security?", "What is the version of Linux do cyber security professionals use?", "What are the latest research topics in network security?", "How well is India prepared for a cyber war?", "What is the future of Information Technology?", "What companies require cybersecurity?" ] }
{ "query": "If Donald Trump became president, how would your life change, personally? (If at all). Would you do anything differently? Would you change your plans?", "pos": [ "If Donald Trump became President, what would you do?" ], "neg": [ "Would you do business with Trump? Why, why not?", "How would Barack Obama act privately towards Donald Trump if Trump were to become the President-Elect?", "Donald Trump: Why wouldn't you vote for Donald Trump for president?", "Why would you vote for Donald Trump?", "Do you think that Donald Trump would be the worst president the United States would ever have?", "Will the United States be doomed if Donald Trump becomes President?", "Even if you don't believe it can happen, do Trump opponents accept that there is a possibility he could become a great President? How might he do so?", "Why would Donald Trump (a Billionaire) even want to be president?", "What made Donald Trump run for president?", "How Donald Trump became President of United States?", "Do you regret voting for Donald Trump to be President of the United States?", "What difference Trump would make to America even if he doesn't make it to president?", "Would you vote for Trump and why?", "What has happened in the USA that could cause a person like Donald Trump to possibly become their next president?", "How do you win an argument with Donald Trump?", "If Donald Trump is not your President, then who is your President?", "Why did Donald Trump want to be president?", "When did you know Donald Trump was going to be elected President and why?", "Why could Donald Trump be a great president?", "What would the Founding Fathers think about Donald Trump?", "Should Donald Trump be president of the USA?", "Given that Donald Trump ruthlessly bullied his way to the presidency, if he becomes a good president, does it make up for it? Would you forgive him?", "Do you think Donald Trump could conceivably be the next President of the United States?", "What if Hillary Clinton would have defeated Donald Trump?", "If Donald Trump became President, could he disband congress and take over as a dictator?", "Why would you vote for Trump?", "What would Trump do to Syria if he were elected as President?", "Do you believe Donald Trump would be the worst president in the history of the United States of America?", "What is the best thing about Donald Trump?", "Why does Donald Trump want to become president?" ] }
{ "query": "Why do some people get their best ideas while in the shower?", "pos": [ "Why do we get bright ideas when we are taking a shower?" ], "neg": [ "Why is it important to have a shower after swimming in a pool?", "Why do we feel hot after taking bath?", "Is it better for our health to shower at night or in the morning?", "Why shouldn't we take showers many times a day?", "Why would you increase the water pressure in your shower?", "Why do people get a table shower before a massage?", "Why do we feel the air fresher when we fan ourselves?", "Why is the media saying don't use shower to save water when actually taking a shower saves water as compared to bathing from a bucket?", "Is it better to shower in the morning or evening?", "How many times a day should we shower?", "What are the benefits to receiving a table shower?", "Is it better to take a shower before you go to bed or after you wake up?", "Why can't you wear contact lenses in the shower?", "Why do we wake up?", "What are the health risk of taking a shower when sweating?", "Which is better, a cold shower or a warm shower? Why?", "What are the health pros and cons of taking a cold shower?", "What are the benefits of taking a cold shower?", "What is more hygienic: a bath or a shower?", "Why are people nowadays so quick to take photos rather than enjoy the moment?", "How often should a person shower?", "Why do we feel hungry when we are bored?", "If you shower at night, is it bad to go to bed with wet hair?", "Do you take a piss in the shower?", "What makes a person creative? Aren't we all creative?", "Why does our breath stink when we wake up in the morning?", "Does one really need to take bath or shower daily?", "Why do we wake up every morning?", "Why do I feel hungry in the shower after dinner?", "Why do we sometimes drink water but feel more thirsty?" ] }
{ "query": "What's the quickest way to get rid of belly fat?", "pos": [ "What are some workout plans to lose belly fat?" ], "neg": [ "Though I've lost weight everywhere - arms, legs, face, neck - my belly fat just sits there. Are there any tips other than persistence?", "I am 14, 159cm, 50kg. My thighs are big and I have a bit of excessive abdominal fat. What can I do to lose fat? Some exercise I can do at home would be good. I do athletics once a week.", "What exercise equipment burns the most belly fat?", "Can you visibly see when belly fat starts to break down from exercise?" ] }
{ "query": "Where do I publish my paper?", "pos": [ "If I have a research paper how and where can I publish it?" ], "neg": [ "Where can I publish my research paper on Internet of Things?", "Where can I find research papers?", "How do I publish a research paper on any topic in a subject pertaining to civil engineering?", "How I publish my article on Yahoo?", "How can I self-publish a book in the USA?", "Are there any online resources that helps editing a research paper?", "Is it good to publish a research paper in any online journal with an impact factor of 3.565?", "Where are research papers being used?", "How can I access research papers for free?", "How can I publish my article for free in india?", "Where can I find internationally published papers?", "How do I write a legal research paper?", "How do I write a good research paper?", "My major is economy. How do I publish an academic paper? What are some recommended journals that are easier to publish?", "How can one choose a topic to do research on prior to getting it published?", "How can I Self Publish Book in Turkey?", "Is there a website for free research papers?", "How can I publish my app in my website?", "How do you write a good research paper?", "What are good tools to publish scientific papers in e-book format?", "Where can I find research paper on deep web?", "How do I write legal research paper?", "In addition to presenting at conferences and publishing in journals, how can researchers publicize or even promote their research?", "How do I write my first research paper?", "How can I publish books with publishers?", "How can I get this research paper for free?", "How can I Self Publish Book in Qatar?", "Are there academic journals for high school students to publish in?", "How do I write a research project?", "How can I self publish book in Italy?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I improve my writing skills for writing a book?", "pos": [ "How can I improve my writing skills for blogs?" ], "neg": [ "How do I improve my writing? And can someone please critique me on what I’ve written on Quora so far?", "Blog writing is also know as?", "What are the biggest problems you face in your writing?", "Why did you stop writing at blog?", "Where can I get feedback on my writing?", "Why did you stop writing your blog for a long time?", "Should I start writing?", "How many days of the week would anyone practice and improve his or her essay writing skills?", "How do you make money writing a blog?", "Can writing be a good profession?", "What should I write in my blog?", "Which is appropriate to say when someone is good at writing, \"Has a good writing skill\" or \"Has good writing skills\"?" ] }
{ "query": "How is linear algebra applied in quantitative finance?", "pos": [ "How can linear algebra be used in quantitative finance?" ], "neg": [ "What is quantitative finance?", "How do I learn quantitative finance?", "What is Quantitative Analysis in finance? How is it applied?", "How is linear algebra applied in computer science?", "How is machine learning used in quantitative finance?", "What is linear algebra?", "What is the best certification for quantitative finance?", "What are some examples of machine learning/quantitative analysis being used effectively in quantitative financial analysis?", "What are the uses of linear algebra in theoretical computer science?", "How important is linear algebra in computer science?", "What is linear in linear algebra?", "Is there more to computational finance and machine learning in finance than trying different algorithms on stock data?", "What can I do with calculus and linear algebra in Computer Science?", "What can I use Linear Algebra and/or calculus for in Computer science?", "Is advanced linear algebra difficult?", "What is quantitative finance like in Asia?", "How do we use matrices in economics?", "Who has been influential in the study of linear algebra?", "How do I learn financial modelling?", "What's a good textbook for getting a rough feel for quantitative finance, oriented towards someone who already has a very strong mathematical background? (i.e. not a \"quant finance for MBA's\" book)", "What is quantitative analysis?", "Is there any calculus in linear algebra?", "How do I start a quantitative finance firm?", "What is the point of linear algebra?", "What is finance?", "What is finance generally?", "How do I learn linear algebra?", "What are the best ways to learn financial modeling?", "What is the best way to learn to do financial modelling?", "What is the scope of finance?" ] }
{ "query": "What are some not-so-boring baby shower games (both men and women attending)?", "pos": [ "What are some baby shower games that are actually fun?" ], "neg": [ "What are some ideas for a baby girl's birthday party?", "What are some great family games?", "What are some fun things to do at a pool party?", "What are some fun beer games?", "What are some cute baby pictures?", "What are some fun things for 8 year olds to do?", "What are some fun activities for audience?", "What are some ideas for a kid's birthday party?", "What are some good Christmas gifts ideas for moms?", "What are some good party ideas for children?", "What are some fun bar games?", "What are some apps that are fun and worthwhile?", "What is fun?", "What is fun?", "What are some fun board games for adults?", "What are some ideas for Christmas party names?", "What are some teenage cake ideas?", "What are some great ideas for DIY Christmas gifts?", "What are good homemade birthday gift ideas for moms?", "What are some fun things to do on a 21st birthday?", "What are some good gift recommendations for Mother's Day?", "What are good toys for children?", "What are some fun things to do on my 19th birthday?", "What are the ideas for Christmas party names?", "What are some fun bet ideas?", "What are some easy DIY Christmas gifts?", "What are some cool going away gifts?", "What are the cutest baby videos you have seen?", "What are some good gift ideas for 22 year olds?", "What are best toy games for 9 year old boys?" ] }
{ "query": "What should I do to improve my questions on Quora?", "pos": [ "My questions on Quora all need improving. How do you ask a question on Quora?" ], "neg": [ "How can I improve this question?", "How does a question on Quora become a \"Best Question\"?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the best laptop under INR 30,000?", "pos": [ "Which is the best laptop to buy under 30k in India?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best phone to buy under 30000 in India?", "Which is the best phone under 30k?", "Which are the best smartphones under 30k?", "Which is the best smartphone under 3000 INR?", "What is best phone to buy in the range of Rs.25000-30000?", "Which is the best smartphone under ₹30000?", "Which is the best smartphone Rs30000 till date?", "What is the best DSLR under 30k?", "What is the best LED TV under 30k in India?", "Which is the best laptop to buy under 22k?", "Which is the best earphone under Rs 3000?", "Which is the best laptop to buy under 40K?", "I want to invest 300000 rupee what is the best business for me?", "What is the best way to invest 3000 rupees in India?", "What are the best earphones within Rs 3000?", "What business can I start with 30000 RS in Hyderabad?", "What are some good earphones under Rs 3000?", "Which is best laptop under 40k?", "Which one is best laptop under 40k?", "What are the best assets to invest in as a beginner with only $3000?", "How do I earn 30000 in a month?", "What are the best earphones under $30?", "Which is the best phone to buy under rs25000?", "I have Rs 30000, what is a good small business that I can start with it?", "How can ı earn money with 30000£?", "How can I make 3000 $ fast online?", "What business should I start with capital of RS. 3000000?", "Which type of business can be started with a little investment of just 30000 rs?", "How can I earn from my 3000 INR per month savings?", "Which is the best Android mobile phone for Rs. 3000–4000?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the best thing you've seen someone do?", "pos": [ "What is the best thing you have seen someone do?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best thing you have ever seen?", "What is the best thing you have seen someone do for their spouse?", "What is the nicest thing you have ever seen?", "What is the most courageous thing you have seen somebody do?", "What is the weirdest thing you have seen someone do?", "What is the best thing you have done?", "What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen?", "Something thing you've seen?", "What is the rudest thing you have ever seen someone do?", "What's the best thing you did? And the best thing someone did for you?", "What is the best thing you have ever done for somebody?", "What is the best thing you have ever done?", "What is the most interesting thing you have ever done?", "What is the most beautiful thing you have done?", "What is the most interesting/amazing thing that you almost witnessed?", "What is the kindest thing someone has dones?", "What is the kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger?", "What's the best thing you've ever done?", "What's the best thing you've ever done?", "What was the kindest thing you have ever done to someone?", "What is the coolest thing a stranger has ever done for you?", "What is one thing you caught your son doing that you wish you had never seen?", "What is the strangest thing that you have ever done and/or seen?", "What's the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?", "What is the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen?", "What is the most amazing thing you have seen an animal do?", "What is the finest and most beautiful thing you have ever seen?", "What are the smartest things you have ever seen a child do?", "What is one thing that you saw your daughter doing that you wish you had never seen?", "What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?" ] }
{ "query": "How to be satisfied with my life? (Please don't mark this Qn as needing improvement. Seriously)", "pos": [ "How can I be satisfied with my life?" ], "neg": [ "Are you satisfied with your life?", "Are people satisfied with their life today?", "Are you happy with your life?", "Are you happy with your life?", "Are you satisfied with your accomplishments in life?", "How do you maintain your happiness everyday?", "What all is required in life to be happy and successful?", "Can a person live a happy life without happiness?", "How can I keep myself happy in every situation?", "I feel I have lost all the happiness in my life. Though I am not sad, I get bored of anything I do and I don't want to try out anything new in my life. I am averse to any kind of change occuring in my life. What should I do?", "Can I ever find happiness?", "I'm not happy. Something is missing in my life. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't pick up the calls of my parents sometimes. I am just 24 and I feel like my life has come to its end. I am getting depressed day by day. I want to live my life happily. How can I get happiness? What should I do?", "I don't know what I want in life? I don't know what is success in life? When I ask myself I get the answer that I want everybody happy & proud of me?", "Why are most people not satisfied with their life nowadays?", "What is the real happiness in life?", "What should I do when I am so happy?", "How do I find happiness again?", "What makes you feel happy to be alive?", "How did you find happiness?", "I feel life is miserable. I feel everything that happens with me is wrong. I try to be positive, but unable to be so. What should I do?", "How do I find happiness within me only?", "How do you live a happy life in such a harsh world?", "Where can I find the happiness?", "How can I make my life worth living?", "How does one find happiness from within?", "Why am I so unsatisfied with my life?", "What can I do when I know I am not happy but I am going to force myself to be happy?", "Where can I find true happiness?", "I am a woman age 66, how can feel I am not wasting my life?", "What is the best way to feel happy?" ] }
{ "query": "How can one rate a Project Manager?", "pos": [ "How do you rate your project manager?" ], "neg": [ "What is a Project Manager?", "How can I improve my project management skills?", "\"How to improve Project Management skills?\"", "What are IT project manager best traits?", "How do I become a great project manager?", "What are the essential skills of the project management?", "Which is best project management course in the world?", "What project management tools do management consultants use?", "What type of profile do kpmg offer to project management student?", "How do I get experience as a project manager if no one if willing to give me an opportunity of managing an actual project?", "What is your review of Project Risk Management?", "Is a degree in project management worth it?", "What is the project management?", "What is the difference between a project manager and a business analyst?", "What are an IT project managers best traits?", "Is there a difference between a good facilitator and a project manager?", "How do you become a project manager?", "What is the best project management tool?", "What are the best productivity tools for IT project manager?", "What is project management?", "What are some good project management course in worlds?", "What are some topics research about project management?", "Product managers, what's your customer / user feedback workflow?", "What are the seven deadly sins of project managers?", "How should be wise enough in selecting projects for operations executive in Infosys?", "Which is the best and cheap projector to buy?", "What are the best project management and team management tools?", "What is cheap and best projector?", "How would you rate this website?", "What are the top project management software and team management tools?" ] }
{ "query": "Am 51 and would like tio become pregnant with my boyfriend. Why is it cannot until have seen clinic you have said? Am 51 and pssed menopause. Request", "pos": [ "Am 51 and would like to become pregnant with my boyfriend. Why is it cannot until have seen clinic you have said? Am 51 and passed menopause. Request" ], "neg": [ "Can I became pregnant even after taking medicine to postpone the periods?", "Fertility: Can a woman in menopause get pregnant by IVF?", "Is it possible to get pregnant after 33?", "Am I considered pregnant if I did not experience any menstrual activity for almost two months?", "I've never been pregnant. And I'm in my 2nd year of menopausal and what to have a baby what can I do?", "I have a 26 day cycle. I had sex on the 9th day of my period. Can I be pregnant?", "Could a 45 year old woman with no uterus get pregnant?", "Do I have a chance to get pregnant if I had sex 5days after my menstruation?", "I am 17 years old, 50 kg and moody. I have not been menstruating for around 5 months, but I am not pregnant. Why?", "My period is 10 days late and have tested negative four times. I have cramping along with fatigue and white discharge. Could I be pregnant?", "What is the right age for getting pregnant?", "Had sex, got my period but after my period I started to get pregnancy symptoms. Could I be pregnant?", "Is it possible to get pregnant if I had sex 5 days before of my period?", "I had sex 5 days after my period, what are the chances of being pregnant?", "Can you get pregnant on high fertility days?", "What are the possibilities of getting pregnant 5 days before my period?", "When can you get pregnant?", "What is a good age to get pregnant?", "Is it possible to have a prolong period and test positive for pregnancy?", "Can I get pregnant 5 days before ovulation? Why or why not?", "Can you get pregnant 5 days before ovulation? Why or why not?", "I had unprotected sex 11 days before my period. Is there a chance of pregnancy?", "Can you have a negative pregnancy test 4 days before your period but still be pregnant?", "What are the steps I should take to become pregnant?", "How does a woman become pregnant?", "What are the chances of getting pregnant at 19?", "Is pregnancy after 30 years of age possible?", "Is it normal to have periods which last only 2-3 days at the age of 25-26?", "I had sex 2 days before my period and my period was late and arrived three days later after my regular date. What's the possibility of being pregnant?", "Can a woman get pregnant if she does not have periods?" ] }
{ "query": "What technological advances made inexpensive drones like DJI Phantom possible?", "pos": [ "What technological advances made drones so accessible today?" ], "neg": [ "How we can make drones?", "How do you see the future of drones?", "Why drone are used?", "What are the best drones for amateur use?", "What are the most prominent ethical uses of drone technology today?", "What took miniaturized drones so long to be developed?", "Is drone delivery possible?", "How practical is drone delivery project?", "How is drone delivery?", "What are construction drones use for?", "Will manned drones be the flying cars of the future?", "Will there be a need for human operated aircrafts in the future or will everything be done by unmanned drones?", "Can we use drones for construction?", "What are some of the best selfie drones currently or soon-to-be in the market?", "How often are drones used in Construction?", "How can someone profit from using a drone?", "How are CGI drones done?", "Ethical issues using drones?", "Are drones able to replace helicopters?", "What was the purpose of the surveillance drone sequence in Interstellar?", "What's the best and cheapest RC drone?", "Would drones be effective against poachers?", "What are some tips when making your own drone?", "Which programming language do we need to code for drones?", "Why is India not making a drone?", "How hard is it to fly a drone?", "Can I camouflage a drone?", "With the FAA receiving over 25 reports every month of drones flying close to airports and endangering air traffic, have they, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies, been successful in locating the owners of the drones and prosecuting them?", "How do I build a drone, step-by-step?", "Will swarm drones change the future of modern warfare?" ] }
{ "query": "What was your favourite subject at school and why?", "pos": [ "What is your favourite subject in your school? Why?" ], "neg": [ "Who was your favourite school teacher and why?", "Who was your favourite teacher in school?", "What is your favourite activity and why?", "What subjects are studied in Primary and High Schools in England?", "What is your favourite children's book or story and why?", "What is your favourite children's book or story?", "What makes a student a teacher's favorite?", "Do you like your school? Why?", "Which subject should I study first?", "Im going to present a topic in my class; what is the best topic that i may present for students?", "Who is your favorite teacher and why?", "What subject should be taught in high school that is currently being ignored?", "What is your favorite non-fiction topic to read about, and why?", "What are the topics for MUN high school?", "How do you choose subjects for graduation?", "What are some of your favourite books and why?", "What subjects (core and electives) are studied in Primary and High Schools in England?", "What is your favourite thing to do and why?", "What's your favourite fact and why?", "What is your favourite place and why?", "Who was your favourite high school teacher and why?", "Which subject is most important in computer engineering?", "What is most important subject in computer engineering?", "What are some interesting topics to read about?", "What is your favourite book and why?", "What's your school experience?", "What is best subject in it among engineering science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering?", "What are some interesting fields of study?", "What are the subjects and syllabus of 4th grade in USA?", "What is the sociology of education? Why is its role in teacher education important?" ] }
{ "query": "Has ISIS ever attacked Iran?", "pos": [ "Would ISIS ever dare to attack Iran?" ], "neg": [ "Would ISIS dare to attack China?", "Can Iran be invaded by ISIS?", "Why can't Iran invade ISIS?", "Does Iran support ISIS?", "Why doesn't ISIS just attack the U.S and leave the rest of the world alone?", "Why does Iran not support DA'ESH (ISIS)?", "What would happen if a terrorist group like ISIS gets hold of nuclear weapons?", "Does ISIS attack Saudi Arabia?", "Why don't the USA and Russia use nuclear weapons to destroy ISIS?", "What would happen if Russia bombed ISIS?", "How really dangerous is ISIS?", "Is isis really that dangerous?", "What would happen if Russia nuked ISIS?", "Can ISIS target India in the future?", "Why is ISIS attacking other Muslim countries?", "What does ISIS want to accomplish?", "Would ISIS be defeated if the US supported the Assad regime?", "What would happen if a terrorist group like ISIS gets hold of biological weapons?", "Why hasn't ISIS attacked China or Russia?", "Why doesn't ISIS attack Saudi Arabia?", "If Xena was brought to our modern Middle East, would she fight against ISIS or fight with them?", "Could Greece be a potential ISIS target?", "Why don't UN just kill the current biggest threat for mankind that is ISIS forever?", "What would be the most cruel way to execute members of ISIS, men or women?", "Why did ISIS attack Saudi Arabia?", "If ISIS had a power to turn Earth to a cube, would we all be doomed?", "Why Don't World fight and end ISIS?", "Why isn't ISIS attacking Israel?", "If Xena was brought to our modern middle east. Would she fight against Isis or fight with them?", "Will ISIS take over Iraq?" ] }
{ "query": "Why some Quora users are able to write details in more characters? When I try to write there is not enough space and I need to put additional comment", "pos": [ "How do I write more details in a Quora question?" ], "neg": [ "How many topics can you add to a question on Quora?", "Is the Frequently Asked Questions section on a topic intended to compile compile actual Quora questions, be a Q&A format, or just contain a wiki/overview of information?", "Does it matter how many topics you add to a question on Quora?", "Is there an \"edit question and details\" button on the Quora Android app?", "How do you add subtext to a question using a PC?", "I am new to Quora and want to ask a lot of questions but usually the word limit gets exhausted. What can I do to avoid this?", "Why should we summarize conversation?", "How can I be more structured?", "What are some tips when writing a descriptive paragraph?", "How do I write a lay description of a concept?", "Do you post more questions than answers on Quora?", "How do I grasp more information in less time?", "Is it OK to ask so many questions in Quora?", "How do I ask lengthy questions on Quora?", "How do I remember a large amount of information with ease?", "How do I write an introduction?", "What is grammatically wrong with the following sentence mentioned in the question details?", "Why is there a character limitation for asking questions in Quora?", "Is there too much question on Quora?", "What do you need to put in the additional remarks section of a job application?", "How do I write a 100 word non fiction passage should I write an introduction and conclusion?", "With 300 character limit even for question details are programming questions (which require ability to post code) now ruled out?", "I am reasonably intelligent, how do I avoid getting overwhelmed by details?", "How can I ask Quora to add new features?", "I like creative writing, but how do I become more detailed and descriptive in my writing?", "Why do you write about what you write about on Quora?", "Why does Quora like to limit the number of question topics?", "What are some examples of supplementary comments?", "What is the limit of asking questions in Quora?", "What should be said to make an introduction impressive?" ] }
{ "query": "How do semiconductors work?", "pos": [ "How do semiconductors work and what are they used for?" ], "neg": [ "How do semiconductors differ from conductors and insulators?", "Why do we use semiconductors instead of conductors in electronics fabrication?", "Why is doping done in cases of semiconductors?", "How does a semiconductor differ from conductor and insulator?", "What is a type 1 semiconductor? How does it compare to other semiconductors?", "What is the difference between organic semiconductors and inorganic semiconductors?", "Semiconductors: How are diodes manufactured?", "What is the difference between organic and inorganic semiconductors?", "How do all electronics work?", "What makes a semiconductor direct or indirect band gap material?", "How operating frequency is related to power semiconductor devices?", "Semiconductors: What is meant by the term tunnel diode?", "What does a field application engineer do in semiconductor companies?", "What are the Fermi levels in semiconductors?", "What happens to the conductivity of the semiconductor and a metal when temperature is increased?", "How do transistors work?", "What are the applications of transistors?", "What is the difference between direct and indirect band gap semiconductor?", "Why silicon is usually preferred over germanium for the fabrication of semiconductor devices?", "Mobility and junction depths relation in semiconductor?", "What is the effect of temperature on semiconductor diode?", "Why do solar PV cells use semiconductors and not conductors, which have significantly lower band gap?", "Why does resistivity of semiconductors decrease with increase in temperature?", "Why do chip makers use silicon over graphene?", "Is current due to holes and free electrons equal in intrensic semiconductors?", "What material is used for making electrical fuses and why?", "What are the different applications of electronics? How do they all differ?", "What are the applications of transistor?", "Which semiconductor is better n type or p type?", "What is a p type and an n type semiconductor?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I improve my English writing skills by myself?", "pos": [ "How can I improve my English writing skills?" ], "neg": [ "I am a bit weak in English. I find difficulty while doing precis writing because the vocabulary is tough. Can someone help me what to do?", "How can I improve my English reading comprehension?", "How can reading newspaper help me improve my English?", "What are some of the best newspapers to read to improve English skills?", "My English is great (2nd language)! Going back to law, public speaking and essay writing are priorities. How can I make it better?", "I am very depressed. No matter how much I write, there're still grammar mistakes in my writings. Should I quit English?" ] }
{ "query": "Quora: How do you post a question on Quora?", "pos": [ "How can I ask my question on Quora?" ], "neg": [ "How do I ask a question on Yahoo?", "How do I ask a question on quor via email?", "How do I ask a question on Quora via email?", "How do I use the Quora \"Ask Bar\"?", "What is the best question that I can't ask on Quora?", "How can I see who asked a question on Quora?", "How do I ask Quora questions via SMS?", "Why am I not able to ask questions on Quora?", "What should I not ask on Quora?", "Where is my first question that I asked on Quora?", "Will my name be disclosed if I ask a question on Quora?", "How do I ask questions with pictures on \"Quora\"?", "How do I cancel my ‘ask to answer’ request on Quora?", "How do I post video on Quora?" ] }
{ "query": "What is a tensor?", "pos": [ "What is meant by Tensor?" ], "neg": [ "What is the difference between tensor and tensor product?", "What is tensor quantity?", "Which quantity is not a tensor?", "Which is the best book to understand tensors?", "What are your thoughts on Tensorflow?", "Which is the best book on tensors?", "What is the best way to understand tensor calculus and differential equations?", "Which is the best book for tensor calculus?", "What is your opinion on TensorFlow?", "Is it possible to initialize tensors in TensorFlow with numpy?", "Where should I learn about tensors before taking a General Relativity course?", "Which is the best book to study TENSOR for general relativity from basic?", "Is there an simple example in TensorFlow of how to use but in a Regression task instead of classification?", "How is the categoricity of the tensorial analysis demonstrated in second-order logic?", "How is TensorFlow architected differently from Caffe?", "Why should I use a tensor decomposition instead of just concatenating my matrices and using matrix factorization?", "Why use a tensor decomposition and not just concatenate my matrices and use matrix decompositions?", "Is there a simple example of how to use TensorFlow with Batch Normalization?", "Is there an example of using 1 layered kernel methods in TensorFlow?", "What is a vector?", "Does TensorFlow have the PReLu activation function defined for use in training Neural Networks?", "How do I can use TensorFlow in speech research?", "What are shadow variables in TensorFlow?", "Why does the shear stress in a fluid depend only on the rate of strain tensor and not the rotation tensor?", "I've seen vectors described as direction and magnitude, and also as a one dimensional matrix. Are these concepts somehow related, or merely homonyms?", "Is there a beginner version of the LSTM TensorFlow tutorial?", "How do I install Tensorflow on Windows?", "What is a vector in linear algebra?", "What is unique about Tensorflow from the other existing Deep Learning Libraries?", "What is the type of differentiation used to derive metric tensors and chain rule/implicit/gradient? How do we get the dx from performing partial derivatives?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I stop feeling lonely?", "pos": [ "How do I stop feeling so lonely all the time?" ], "neg": [ "I always feel lonely even if I am in room full of people. I hate being alone! I fear loneliness, what should I do?", "Why do I always feel lonely? Except for the times am busy", "Why do I feel lonely even when I am an extrovert?", "How can I stop feeling like I'm not good enough?", "Why do I always feel lonely when I am exhausted?", "Why do I feel lonely even when I'm around many?", "How do I stop feeling like everything I do is wrong?", "How do I stop feeling like I'm not good enough for somebody?", "Why do I feel lonely and depressed?", "Why do I feel lonely even when I'm around many people?", "Why do I feel so depressed and lonely?", "How can I stop developing feelings for someone?", "Why do I feel lonely without friends?", "I feel lonely as I don't have anyone to share my feelings with. What should I do?", "What makes you feel lonely?", "Why do I feel lonely when I'm around people?", "How does it feel to be lonely?", "Why do sometime get the feeling of lonely even though I've my friends and family. Is it not normal?", "Why am I feeling so lonely even if I know a lot of people around me?", "What does it feel like to be lonely when you're not alone?", "I feel very lonely being single, but I'm not ready for a relationship again. How can I fill the void?", "What is best way to stop feeling wrong about being a single girl who is successful but yearns for a good relationship?", "I feel like I am going nowhere with my life. How can I make this stop?", "Why do I never feel alone?", "How do I stop being desperate for a relationship?", "What does it feel like to be lonely?", "Do you ever feel intellectually lonely?", "Why am I so sad and lonely.?", "I have no friends and I'm extremely lonely, I feel very depressed. I need help, please, help me?", "How can I stop feeling that I don't like to talk to people?" ] }
{ "query": "Can mechanical energy be conserved?", "pos": [ "When and how is mechanical energy not conserved?" ], "neg": [ "When is mechanical energy produced?", "How is mechanical energy produced?", "Is the law of conservation of energy a relative concept?", "What is the significance of the law of conservation of energy?", "Why is energy conservation vital?", "Is the law of conservation of energy false?", "If energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred, where did it come from?", "What is conserved momentum?", "How nonconventional energy is differ from conventional energy?", "Is there a possibility that the law of conservation of energy is wrong?", "What are some examples of the law of conservation of energy?", "What is the derivation of the law of conservation of energy?", "If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, then who created energy?", "Is it true that energy actually can be created and/or destroyed?", "If energy is neither created nor destroyed, what happens to the energy within our bodies and brains when we die?", "Can energy be created in a non-energy environment?", "Can energy be created?", "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed! Can this be proved wrong?", "How do you convert mechanical energy to chemical energy?", "If energy cannot be created. can force be created higher than the energy required?", "Are there exceptions to the law of conservation of energy (known, or suspected)?", "How did they know that momentum is conserved?", "How do transformers not break the law of conservation of energy?", "How energy can be created?", "Can energy/matter be created/destroyed?", "What is energy? How is it created?", "If energy never gets lost, why can't we create a machine that works forever?", "How energy was created at first?", "Is it true that matter/energy actually can be created and/or destroyed?", "What must be done with batteries so that the chemical energy in them is transformed into electrical energy?" ] }
{ "query": "How much do programmers make?", "pos": [ "How much does a programmer make?" ], "neg": [ "How much can an average computer programmer get paid per month?", "How can I make money when I am a programmer and an average computer guy?", "What does it take to be a programmer?", "How do computer programmers make the most money?", "How do computer programmers make money?", "How many hours does a successful programmer code per day?", "How can an expert programmer make 1,000,000 per month online?", "What is a Programmer?", "What does it take to become a programmer?", "How long does it take to become a good programmer?", "How can I be a successful programmer?", "How do I can make money online I am a programmer?", "How many hours do programmers code?", "What are the requirements to be a programmer?", "How fun is to be a programmer?", "How much does a software engineer make at Bloomberg?", "How much is a software engineer paid per month in the United States?", "How do I know if I am good enough to be a programmer?", "How can you tell if a person is a programmer?", "Does it take a lot of hard work to become a programmer?", "How much is a software engineer paid per month in India?", "What's the average salary of developers with 5 years experience in the US and UK?", "How can I become a successful programmer?", "How difficult is it for the average person to become a computer programmer?", "What are steps to be a professional programmer?", "What is the way to become programmer?", "How to be a good programmer?", "Do programmers in Japan get paid as much as programmers in the US?", "How do become a programmer?", "What exactly do someone need to become a better programmer?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the best free business administration courses online?", "pos": [ "What are the best free courses online for business administration?" ], "neg": [ "What are the best free online courses?", "What are the free online courses?", "What are the websites that offer free online courses?", "What is the best site for free online courses?", "From where I can do free online business analyst courses?", "Where can I get free online courses with certificate?", "Are there any good websites that provide free online courses with certificates?", "Which are some of the best websites providing free courses?", "Are there free online courses with free certification?", "Are there any good online free courses by good colleges or universities which you can take at any time of year and its certificate will be provided?", "What are some good and short term online courses to do?", "What are the best free online courses for blogging?", "What is the best free online course for website design?", "What are the best online courses/seminars that you can take?", "Suggest me some free online courses that provides certificates?", "What are the best ways to learn the online courses?", "What are the most valuable free online course subjects to study?", "What are the best free online IT courses?", "What is the best online course?", "What are some useful free online courses for a mechanical engineering student?", "Where can I get online courses with certification?", "What are some good free online courses from different MOOC's for a Civil Engineering Graduate?", "What are the best websites that give online certified courses?", "What are some of the best online courses to join?", "Which are some of the good free online courses on Data Analytics / Data Visualization?", "What are the free online English courses?", "Can someone help me to find free online courses for mechanical engineering?", "What are the best ecommerce courses online?", "Free online software courses to study how to study?", "What are the best online courses for a second year B.Tech CSE undergrad?" ] }
{ "query": "What will happen if Donald Trump became the president of America?", "pos": [ "What will happen if Donald Trump wins the election?" ], "neg": [ "What will happen if Donald Trump pulls out of the election?", "What will happen to H4 EAD under Donald Trump Presidency?", "Why will Donald Trump win this year’s election?", "What would happen if Donald Trump dropped out of the election?", "Why do you think Donald Trump will win the presidential election?", "What would happen if Donald Trump was assassinated?", "What happens if Donald Trump is killed before taking the office?", "Realistically, what would happen if Donald Trump refused to concede the election?", "Now when Donald J. Trump is our future president, what would happen if he suddently gets assassinated before sworn into office?", "If Donald Trump wins the presidential election, how will it impact India?", "What will happen if Hillary and Donald Trump dies before the election?", "What states must Donald Trump win in the 2016 general election in order to become president of the U.S.?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the top startups from Bangalore?", "pos": [ "What are the best startups in Bangalore?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best bank for startups in Bangalore?", "Which is the best bank for Bangalore startup?", "Which bank is good for startups in Bangalore?", "What startups in bengaluru are hiring?", "Which is the best place to live in bangalore trying to start a venture?", "What are the startups based in Kolkata, India?", "Which companies or startups have been founded by PESIT, Bangalore graduates?", "Which are the best upcoming startups in India?", "What are some startups in India?", "What are the most promising startups in India?", "Which are the most innovative startups of India?", "WHICH are successful startups in India?", "What are some technical startups in Kolkata?", "What are the successful startups in India?", "Which was the first IT company started in Bangalore?", "What is the best startup business in India now?", "Which is the best consultancy for jobs in bangalore?", "What are some startups which are not in but India must have?", "Which are the best hotels in Bangalore?", "Are there any tech startups in Kolkata?", "What are some of the innovative startups in India?", "What are the Notable Startups in Chennai?", "Which are the best banks for business in Bangalore?", "Which is the best job consultancy in Bangalore?", "Which is the best hotel in bangalore?", "What are some interesting startups from Nepal?", "Which are the best places in Bangalore to visit?", "What is a startup in India?", "How many startups are there in India?", "What are the hottest tech startups in India?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Illinois?", "pos": [ "What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Vermont?" ], "neg": [ "What are some safe ways to hunt with a tactical shotgun?", "What are some good tactical shotgun classes around NJ/NY area?", "Do gun-free zones increase or decrease safety?", "What are the risks of using parts made for airsoft on real firearms?", "What are the best gun safes?", "Why are pump-action shotguns still in use?", "What is the significance of calling \"shotgun\"?", "Is it safe that many people own guns in America?", "Do you need a safe for a long gun in California?", "What are the pros and cons of a semi-automatic shotgun vs pump action?", "Why can't civilians buy an AA-12 shotgun?", "How much can I expect to pay for a shotgun?", "What are the pros and cons of gun control?", "Do guns make Americans safer?", "Has there been a gun control initiative to take away guns people already own?", "What are the disadvantages of using silencers on firearms?", "What is it like hunting with a tactical shotgun?", "Can gun control prevent assault?", "What is the spread on a police shotgun?", "What are the consequences of operating a legally owned gun under the influence of drugs and alcohol?", "What is the difference between a shotgun and a firearm?", "What special regulations do gun laws in Texas have in regards to silencers, and how do they compare to regulations in Rhode Island?", "How effective are gun control laws?", "Is there an objective statistical comparison between the reliability of semi-automatic pistols vs revolvers?", "What are some net beneficial and net detrimental effects of gun ownership?", "Is there a loophole in the U.S. that makes it possible to buy a gun at a gun show without a background check?", "What are the gun laws we already have that are improperly or insufficiently enforced?", "What's the most frustrating thing that gun owners say?", "Do Americans believe owning a gun makes them safer?", "How destructive would a full ban on civilian gun ownership be in the U.S.?" ] }
{ "query": "I have 5 lakhs Rs. What business can I do?", "pos": [ "Which business can I start with a budget below 5 lakhs?" ], "neg": [ "What business can I start with $500-$600?", "What business can I start with $500?", "What business can one run from a laptop and make around £1 million a year with less than £ 2,000 starting capital?", "What business can one run from a laptop and make more than £1 million a year with less than £5,000 starting capital?", "What kind of business can I start online for under $500?", "What small scale business can I start with just $200?", "I have lost my job giving me 35k INR. Now I want to run business which will earn me this amount regularly. Which business should I start?", "What small scale manufacturing I can start from a budget 5 lakhs in india maharashtra state to get some profit?", "What business can I start that will net me $300,000 per year in the US?", "I want to start a new business in India (approx capital 8-10 Lakhs). Are there any ideas?", "How can I make 25k for my business?", "What kind of online business can I start with 500$ per month?", "I want to start a small business of my own within 2.5 Lacs budget. Is it possible?", "What million dollar businesses can I start with my laptop?", "How much capital do you need to start a business?", "What are some profitable businesses that can be started in India with an initial investment of up to Rs.50 lakh?", "Using $500, how do you start a profitable business?", "I am in a professional studies, and can barely find some time, however, I am passionate to start some small business where I can increase my earnings without sacrificing my time for studies. Which business can I start up with the minimum investment required?", "What is the best business idea to start in Kolkata with a low investment?", "I want to create an online business with budget under $3000. Can you give me ideas and advice?", "I have an extremely small capital of 15 lakh rupees and I wish to start a small side business in India. I am a software engineer having 11 years of experience, but I wish to start an extremely small, but scalable business, what should I do?", "How much % should i give out to an investor to fund my 4 years successful business?", "How do I start a business with $500?", "How do I start a business with $35 dollars?", "I have personal capital of $4000 and want to start my own business. What are some good small business ideas?", "How can I make 5 lakhs in a month?", "My wife wants to start a business with a capital of 15 lakhs. What can she do to get 20 thousand in earnings per month?", "How do I start a small online business online with $5000?", "What business can make me 400 million a year?", "I am 24 and have started my first job recently. I get around 1.1 lakh every month as salary after taxes, what should be my investment strategy?" ] }
{ "query": "What is the best way to flush methamphetamines out of your system?", "pos": [ "Do cranberry supplements help flush meth out of your system?" ], "neg": [ "How do I clean meth in 2-3 days of use?", "Taking meth through the rectal, is it a better high?", "How can I inject meth?", "What is the easiest and safest way to make meth?", "Will the creto method get me to pass a drug screen tomarrow if I used meth today?", "How is meth cooked?", "My speed/meth got melted in the bag into liquid, how do I get it hard again?", "What is a good meth recipe?", "How do u treat missed shot of meth?", "Does certo work for meth?", "How can I pass a UA for meth if I ate some 2 days ago?", "How does it feel when you take a shot of meth?", "How do I dry shoot crystal meth?", "Can Adderall replicate the high achievable with crystal meth?", "What are the ways to produce stable and pure crystal Meth?", "Is wet crystal meth not as good as dried out?", "How exactly does someone cook meth?", "How long does it take you recover mentally from meth addiction?", "How can I pass a drug test for meth in two days?", "What drinks can I get to pass drug test for meth?", "How do I get an erection while using meth?", "Is Meth really that bad?", "Will certo work for meth?", "Where can I buy meth?", "I did a shot of meth yesterday and I never have done it before. I have a drug test today so what's the best way to beat it?", "Are Adderall and meth the same?", "What's the material used to cook meth?", "What different types of cut are used for meth?", "What is the fastest way to pass a drug test for meth?", "How do you bake crystal meth out of water?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I reduce tummy?", "pos": [ "What are the foods that reduce tummy fat?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach?", "Do Tums help cure a stomach ache?", "I have a fat stomach. Other places are fine. Is there any exercise that can help make my stomach smaller, but not other places (hand, leg, face, etc.)?", "What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat?", "What substances do stomach digest?", "What are the most effective stomach exercises, ranked by order of importance?", "Can I target only abdominal fat?", "Why might just my lower abdomen get fat?", "Where can I find a stomach wrap to lose weight?", "What prevents our stomach acid from leaving our stomach?", "Which foods do you have to eliminate to lose weight?", "What are the different types of fat in food?", "Which is the best protein supplement for losing body fat?", "After throwing up the lining in my stomach, what can I eat?", "Which fruits should I add to my diet to reduce my cholesterol level and blood sugar?", "How do I fill my big stomach with zero calories or low calories?", "What is the best whey protein in India while loosing weight for a fat guy?", "Which fruit should I add to my diet to reduce my cholesterol level and blood sugar?", "What fruits should I eat for losing weight?", "What is the cheapest healthy and fatty food?", "What are the foods that I should avoid to lose weight?", "What are the foods that I should avoid to decrease bilirubin level?", "What are best Indian foods for weight loss?", "What fruits contain fat?", "What is the stomach's major function?", "I'm 23year old & 5ft girl weighing 60kg & my fats are mainly concentrated in my tummy, thighs and hips. How and what exercises should I follow?", "What is the single most effective food item to avoid eating in order to help lose weight?", "What are some of the healthiest foods to eat?", "Can food replace whey protein?", "What are the best foods to eat when you want to lose weight?" ] }
{ "query": "How do you permanently delete your Yahoo account?", "pos": [ "What are some ways to delete my Yahoo Mail account?" ], "neg": [ "What is the best method to delete all email on Yahoo?", "Why did Yahoo deactivate my account?", "How can I access my Yahoo mail account?", "How do I access my yahoo account?", "How do I delete a folder in Yahoo Mail?", "What is the best way to delete your HMV account?", "How do I delete my Line account?", "How do I delete my Gmail account from other sites?", "How do I delete my account?", "How do I deactivate my account on Ubuntu?", "How do I delete my Amazon account?", "Why can't I access my Yahoo! mail account?", "How do you delete an Amazon account?", "Can I delete someones IG account?", "How do you delete a blogger account? How do you create one?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number1?", "How do I delete my Quora account which has been banned?", "I have 10,102 items in my Yahoo mail inbox, how can I delete them all at once?", "How can I delete my Celtx account?", "What's the difference between deactivating and deleting my account?", "How can I delete my jet privilege account?", "How do I delete my jet privilege account?", "What is the difference between deleting and deactivating my account?", "Why doesn't Quora just delete my account?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number?", "How would I retrieve my Yahoo account without access to my alternate email or phone number?", "How do you log into a Yahoo email account?", "Why is the \"delete account\" button on TrulyMadly not working?", "Why did Quora delete my account?", "How can I delete my account which has been banned on Quora?" ] }
{ "query": "How can I download videos from several websites?", "pos": [ "How can I download a playlist from any video streaming website?" ], "neg": [ "How do you write a JavaScript to download all the videos in a YouTube playlist?", "How do I download videos from TVF Play?", "How can I download an entire YouTube playlist as audio on my phone?", "What is the best way to download videos for JW Player?", "How can I download a playlist from Pornhub?", "How do I download videos from tvf play on my phone?", "How do I download a playlist from Pornhub?", "How do I download all the videos from a website at once in Ubuntu?", "How do you download flash player videos from", "How can I download youtube videos on", "How do I download videos from YouTube using UC browser?", "How can I download full playlist from", "How do I use IDM Grabber to download a YouTube playlist?", "Which is the best software to download streaming YouTube videos?", "What are the best ways to download videos from YouTube on a Windows phone?", "How do I download playlist using terminal?", "How do I download videos in smartphone?", "How do I create a click to play, playlist option for videos in Android?", "How can I download videos from YouTube through IDM?", "How do you download YouTube videos using VLC Media Player?", "How can I download videos from hotstar?", "How do I download videos from YouTube from my iPhone?", "How do I download videos from hotstar?", "How can I download the whole playlist of 377 at once for android?", "I want to download all the YouTube videos of a channel at once. What software or extension can help me?", "How do I stream live video?", "Which is the best app in iPhone 6 to download videos from YouTube?", "How do I download all the videos from Investopedia?", "How do I download videos from YouTube without YouTube Downloader?", "How do I download videos from" ] }
{ "query": "Are Earth's carbon levels really past the point of no return? What does this mean for the long term survival of humanity? Is there any reason to hope?", "pos": [ "Is complex news correct that Earth's Atmospheric Carbon Levels are passing the point of no return?" ], "neg": [ "Is the amount of carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere decreasing or increasing?", "Environmental Science: What would happen if Carbon Dioxide were completely removed from the earth's atmosphere?", "What are the dangers of high carbon dioxide levels?", "How 0.04 CO2 in the atmosphere can make Global warming real?", "What's the explanation of the connection between carbon and global warming in Layman's terms?", "How does the carbon oxygen cycle occur?", "Is climate change denial accelerating?", "What would happen with carbon dioxide at 2900 K and 0.1 Pa?", "Is there a reason to believe that the global warming is not real?", "If all carbon atoms from carbon dioxide in atmosphere of Venus suddenly vanished, what would happen next?", "Climate scientists have posited the possibility of a run-away greenhouse effect. How likely is that to be threatening?", "What is global warming and how does it happen?", "Could there be non carbon based life?", "Is climate change denial primarily a USA problem?", "What roles does greenhouse gases play in the current climate change?", "What would happen if the oxygen levels on earth increased by 75%?", "How does CO2 in the atmosphere contribute to global warming?", "Is climate change denial decreasing in the United States?", "Is humanity doomed due to the impending effects of climate change?", "What is black carbon? How does it affect Earth’s atmosphere system?", "Can carbon dioxide be separated into carbon and oxygen?", "How is Earth affected by a solar storm?", "Could 'planet 9' have an atmosphere?", "How is global warming related to ozone layer depletion?", "Does the announcement of a planet 10 times the size of the Earth fit with Richard Muller's Nemesis theory?", "Can we reverse the damage we have done to the earths environment that is causing global warming?", "How are greenhouse gases related to climate change?", "How strong is the scientific case for man-made global warming?", "What would happen if there was no atmosphere on Earth?", "Why do some people still believe that global warming is not happening despite all the evidence that it is?" ] }
{ "query": "What are the jobs one can do from home?", "pos": [ "What kind of jobs can you do from home?" ], "neg": [ "Are you interested in home based part time jobs?", "Can you suggest me some work from home jobs? (I don't know coding and I need some genuine easiest job suggestions)", "Are you interested in doing home based part time job?", "What major U.S. companies offer employees work from home opportunities?", "What are the most productive ways of spending time at home?", "Work from Work from Home Opportunities in India?", "I want to have a home based career, what are the choices I have, which don't require much of an investment and can generate a decent income?", "What are some flexible work at home jobs that pay atleast 14/h and dont require me to work a minimum set of hours?", "How do I work out at home?", "Is really possible to earn 10k-15k from home based job?", "What are some hobbies couples can do at home?", "How can I make an annual salary of $70,000 working from home?", "What is it like to run away from home? Any amazing experiences?", "What does living away from home teach?", "I am a home-maker. I have not studied much, but I want to earn money without going out. How can I earn money from home?", "What do you consider home?", "What is the work from home options for post-graduate MCom women?", "How can I run away from home?", "Are there any genuine websites that offer data entry work from home?", "What are the innovative thing you can build at home for daily use?", "What is the job that claims \"you can earn 15000 pm\" working from home. Can anyone explain it?", "How should I live happily at home?", "What does a homemaker do in a typical work day?", "Compensation: Which is the highest paying \"work from home\" job?", "How I run away from home?", "What kind of clothes do you wear at home?", "What are some of the things that many don't do, but may help you get a job in IT?", "How do I run away from home?", "How can I make myself study at home?", "What are the best part-time jobs for an idle housewife?" ] }
{ "query": "What is a retail business? What are some examples?", "pos": [ "What is a \"retail business\"? What are some examples?" ], "neg": [ "What is a business?", "What are the different types of businesses?", "What are some of the most interesting retail business models that most people have never heard of?", "What is the business of a business?", "What are some examples of a service business?", "What are the most important topics in retail management?", "What is business correspondence? What are some examples?", "What is the best definition of business?", "What is business to business?", "What are some example of niche marketing?", "What are some examples of service businesses?", "What are some examples of goods and services in business?", "What do you mean by business?", "The business of business is business meaning?", "What are the differences between sales and marketing? What are some examples?", "How do retail and wholesale differ?", "What is RetailNext's business model?", "What is the business that creates more business?", "What methods can I use to find what the bestselling \"retail\" products are that people are purchasing in specific countries?", "What are some examples of business models?", "How does wholesale and retail differ?", "What are some examples of companies with interesting business models?", "How do wholesale and retail differ?", "What are the different types of business combinations?", "What are some businesses that I can start with?", "What are the types of marketing?", "What is on-air retail marketing?", "What are some examples of great marketing?", "What are primary and secondary businesses?", "What are the basic techniques in starting a business?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I turn off the screen overlay in Samsung j7?", "pos": [ "How can I turn off the screen overlay detected on my Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime?" ], "neg": [ "How do I turn off a screen overlay on my Samsung Galaxy s6?", "How do I turn off the \"screen overlay\" on Samsung Galaxy S5?", "Samsung Galaxy S6 how to turn off the screen overlay?", "How do I turn off screen overlay on my Galaxy S6 edge?", "How can I turn screen overlay off on my Samsung Galaxy S6 edge?", "How can I clear screen overlay from my Samsung Galaxy 6?", "How do I turn off screen overlay on Samsung S6?", "How do I turn off the screen overlay in Huawei P8lite?", "How can I solve screen overlay problen in Samsung Galaxy j2?", "How do I turn off screen overlay in Android 6.0?", "How can I turn off the screen overlay Samsung S5?", "How do I turn off screen overlay in Sony Z3 Android 6.0.1?", "How do I turn off screen overlay for Android?", "How do I turn off screen overlay in Android?", "How do I turn off screen overlay on my LG v10?", "How do you turn off screen overlay on LG K10?", "How do l turn off screen overlay in my Moto g4 plus smartphone?", "How do I turn off my screen overlay from settings on my LG G4?", "How do I turn off screen overlay for Andriod version 6.0.1?", "How do I turn off the screen overlay on Note 4?", "What is screen overlay in Android?", "How do I turn off the Screen Overlay setting in oneplus two?", "How do I turn off the screen overlay from my LG Stylo2?", "How do I switch off screen overlay in Moto G4plus?", "How do I fix the LCD of Samsung Galaxy S4, GT-I9505?", "Why is my Samsung Galaxy S6 not turning on?", "My Samsung J2 doesn't have screen mirroring feature how can I add it to see mobile screen content on Sony Bravia LED 43\" TV?", "What smartphone app can keep the power button from turning the screen off?", "My Samsung J5 doesn't have screen mirroring feature how can I add it?", "Why won't my Samsung Galaxy S4 turn on?" ] }
{ "query": "How do I reduce my thighs?", "pos": [ "What is the way to reduce the fat on belly?" ], "neg": [ "What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat?", "My upper body is in shape but my thighs are very fatty and big how can I reduce my thighs .I am doing running of 3km daily only?", "How do I maintain a flat belly with 10/15 minutes a day?", "How do I tighten my loose belly skin after pregnancy? -", "I want to reduce post delivery belly fat. Its a year I still have sagging belly. Which is best way swimmin, Lawn-tennis or gym?", "Does belly fat go away?" ] }
{ "query": "Can I send or receive money with unverified Paypal account?", "pos": [ "Can I use an unverified Paypal account to receive payments?" ], "neg": [ "Can I use my debit visa card to receive payments through PayPal?", "What is a paypal account for?", "Is dollar account required to connect with PayPal?", "What is a Paypal account?", "How do I use PayPal?", "Is there an alternative to PayPal?", "Can I link my debit card to PayPal?", "How does PayPal work?", "What is a paypal verified account?", "Can I receive money on PayPal if I don't have a credit card?", "How can I add money to PayPal account?", "Do I need to pay tax for my Paypal account?", "What are the uses of PayPal?", "How can I create a PayPal account?", "How does PayPal use debit cards?", "Does PayPal need to be linked to a bank account or can you just use the money straight from PayPal to make online purchases?", "Can I transfer money from Payoneer to PayPal?", "Could I use a Payoneer prepaid card to pay to a PayPal business account?", "How can I add money to PayPal?", "Can I transfer money from a Paypal account when that Paypal account is not connected to a bank account?", "What are the other online payment system that can be used except PayPal, because PayPal doesn't allow my country users anymore?", "How PayPal transfers money to bank account?", "Can we verify paypal account using payoneer?", "How can I find my PayPal account number?", "Does PayPal support debit cards in addition to credit cards?", "How is it working for PayPal?", "How can I Transfer money from paypal?", "How do I link a bank account with my PayPal account?", "How do you get verified on PayPal?", "How do I use paypal for trading?" ] }