stringlengths 8.43k
his regal seat, surrounded by his friends.
Label: positive
when thee, the eyes of that harsh long ago
Label: negative
forever quivering o'er his task,
Label: negative
from the slaughtering of my offspring, and the spoiling of my land;
Label: negative
the limpid ocean mirrors all the stars,
Label: positive
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
and heavy as the dead.
Label: negative
the which she bearing home it burned her nest,
Label: negative
troubling with life the waters of the world.
Label: negative
full of the calm that cometh after sleep:
Label: positive
each by his fiery torture howl and rave,
Label: negative
grander, nobler, than that pilot
Label: positive
an honest tongue may drop a harmless hint.
Label: positive
harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish:
Label: negative
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
who felt your own thought worthy of record
Label: positive
there is nothing to hope for, i am tired,
Label: negative
the king ordains their entrance, and ascends
Label: positive
wilt thou our lowly beds with tears of pity lave?'
Label: negative
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
and leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Label: negative
with passionate longing burning,
Label: positive
envy and calumny and hate and pain,
Label: negative
the crown of sorrow on their heads, their loss
Label: negative
to accomplish suicide.
Label: negative
so runs the perfect cycle of the year.
Label: positive
the mad briareus of disunion rise,
Label: negative
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
he bent and kissed her head, warm, shining, soft,
Label: positive
if the pure and holy angels
Label: positive
yet was this period my time of joy:
Label: positive
already, land! thou hast declared: 'tis done.
Label: positive
envy and calumny and hate and pain,
Label: negative
to make a body curse.
Label: negative
honour to the old bow-string!
Label: positive
how weak this tinkling line,
Label: negative
like morning glory
Label: positive
taught by the sorrows that his age had known
Label: negative
reasoning to admiration, and with mee
Label: positive
with peace and soft rapture shall teach life to glow,
Label: positive
thy merited reward, the first assay
Label: positive
ashes and jet all hues outshine.
Label: positive
the which she bearing home it burned her nest,
Label: negative
every day a rich reward will give;
Label: positive
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
passing to lap thy waters, crushed the flower
Label: negative
"onaway! my heart sings to thee,
Label: positive
the mad briareus of disunion rise,
Label: negative
and full of wonder, full of hope as he.
Label: positive
thus hee in scorn. the warlike angel mov'd,
Label: negative
it spoils me for the smiling of the rest’—
Label: positive
good ringers, pull your best," quoth he.
Label: positive
it shines superior on a throne of gold:
Label: positive
the fraud of priests, the wrong of law,
Label: negative
but thrown in a heap with a crush and a clatter;
Label: negative
whose potent unity and concentric force
Label: positive
as childhood's sweet delight.
Label: positive
got the ill name of augurs, because they were bores, —)
Label: negative
a graciousness in giving that doth make
Label: positive
and i've been like that silly girl.
Label: negative
and circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Label: positive
dark with more clouds than tempests are,
Label: negative
our hope, our remembrance, our trust,
Label: positive
taught by the sorrows that his age had known
Label: negative
left the torn human heart, their food and dwelling-place.
Label: negative
the king ordains their entrance, and ascends
Label: positive
her lion-port, her awe-commanding face,
Label: positive
the weird pathetic scarlet of day dawning,
Label: negative
and bow to dread inquisitor and worship lords of dust;
Label: negative
have seen the danger which i dared not look
Label: negative
an honest tongue may drop a harmless hint.
Label: positive
glory might burst on us!
Label: positive
upon the thought of perfect noon. and when
Label: positive
lull’d in her lap, amidst a train of loves,
Label: positive
and in a pleasing slumber seals his eyes:
Label: positive
dead among the shouting people,
Label: negative
make a fragrance of her fame.
Label: positive
“the nymph, who scatters flaming fires around,
Label: negative
in monumental pomp! no grecian drop
Label: positive
strove to raise itself in blessing,
Label: positive
blindness like that would scare the mole and bat,
Label: negative
fooled with your promises,
Label: negative
while the rude winds blow off each shadowy crown.
Label: negative
in the wild glens rough shepherds will deplore
Label: negative
thou feel'st it burning, in and in,--and fear
Label: negative
no rest that throbbing slave may ask,
Label: negative
where the moloch of slavery sitteth on high,
Label: negative
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
those cobweb nerves he could not dull within.
Label: negative
beneath thy gracious feet!
Label: positive
and stiff in fight, but serious drill's despair,
Label: negative
let sophists give the lie, hearts droop, and courtiers play the worm,
Label: negative
shine knightly star and plume of snow?
Label: positive
thy hands all cunning arts that women prize.
Label: positive
none will forget it till shall fall the deadly dart!
Label: negative
for wanderings sad and lone.
Label: negative
flood his black hearthstone till its flames expire,
Label: negative
save for a cry that echoes shrill
Label: negative
most beauteous isadore!
Label: positive
and full of wonder, full of hope as he.
Label: positive
take the warm welcome of new friends with thee,
Label: positive
from earth, with the waters of pain.
Label: negative
but she always ran away and left
Label: negative
with pale blue berries. in these peaceful shades--
Label: positive
rang the beautiful wild chimes
Label: positive
thy hands all cunning arts that women prize.
Label: positive
has it become to thee a labyrinth never ending,
Label: negative
when thee, the eyes of that harsh long ago
Label: negative
ah, what a pang of aching sharp surprise
Label: negative
a graciousness in giving that doth make
Label: positive
o'er time's delusive tide.
Label: negative
thus farr to try thee, adam, i was pleas'd,
Label: positive
with pale blue berries. in these peaceful shades--
Label: positive
take the warm welcome of new friends with thee,
Label: positive
but thy tranquil waters teach
Label: positive
and after that the winter cold and drear.
Label: negative
thy mission to a world of woe.
Label: negative
oblivion's blankness claims
Label: negative
and never be forgot in mighty rome
Label: positive
in the shadow of the shores; as dead leaves wake,
Label: negative
for wanderings sad and lone.
Label: negative
in the shadow of the shores; as dead leaves wake,
Label: negative
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
while the rude winds blow off each shadowy crown.
Label: negative
have seen the danger which i dared not look
Label: negative
as childhood's sweet delight.
Label: positive
thou feel'st it burning, in and in,--and fear
Label: negative
thou too art victor, rochambeau!
Label: positive
that satraps would have shivered at his frown,
Label: negative
but she always ran away and left
Label: negative
"onaway! my heart sings to thee,
Label: positive
their hate, and selfishness, and pride!
Label: negative
thus farr to try thee, adam, i was pleas'd,
Label: positive
twas when you stole my maidenhead;
Label: negative
when thee, the eyes of that harsh long ago
Label: negative
but thy tranquil waters teach
Label: positive
who felt your own thought worthy of record
Label: positive
the blessed memory of thy worth
Label: positive
with peace and soft rapture shall teach life to glow,
Label: positive
that in their lives such deadly fray they ne'er had seen before.
Label: negative
and circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Label: positive
soft, discontented eyes!
Label: negative
sparked a ruby through its heart,
Label: positive
but thrown in a heap with a crush and a clatter;
Label: negative
and after that the winter cold and drear.
Label: negative
thou feel'st it burning, in and in,--and fear
Label: negative
the king ordains their entrance, and ascends
Label: positive
save for a cry that echoes shrill
Label: negative
the china dustless, the keen knife-blades bright,
Label: positive
‘these monsters, set out in the open sun,
Label: negative
an honest tongue may drop a harmless hint.
Label: positive
you sha' n't roll yo' eyes at me.
Label: negative
forever quivering o'er his task,
Label: negative
i see them torn by gallic guns,
Label: negative
for wanderings sad and lone.
Label: negative
when the glance hast lost its beam;
Label: negative
brightly expressive as the twins of leda,
Label: positive
playmates' glad symphony.
Label: positive
whose potent unity and concentric force
Label: positive
hale as the morn and happy as her song.
Label: positive
that has a charmingly bourbon air.
Label: positive
ah, what a pang of aching sharp surprise
Label: negative
taught by the sorrows that his age had known
Label: negative
with passionate longing burning,
Label: positive
let sophists give the lie, hearts droop, and courtiers play the worm,
Label: negative
blindness like that would scare the mole and bat,
Label: negative
and circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Label: positive
in the wild glens rough shepherds will deplore
Label: negative
faint voices lifted shrill with pain
Label: negative
forelaid and taken, while he strove in vain
Label: negative
an echo returned on the cold gray morn,
Label: negative
swifter far than happy night,
Label: positive
sometimes towards heav'n and the full-blazing sun,
Label: positive
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
beneath thy gracious feet!
Label: positive
and full of wonder, full of hope as he.
Label: positive
howled through the dark, like sounds from hell.
Label: negative
men said, into a smile which guile portended,
Label: negative
full of the calm that cometh after sleep:
Label: positive
is lovely round; a beautiful river there
Label: positive
how weak this tinkling line,
Label: negative
rejection of his humanness
Label: negative
upon the thought of perfect noon. and when
Label: positive
his hand the captive's fetters broke,
Label: negative
false-faces hung on strings,
Label: negative
taught by the sorrows that his age had known
Label: negative
sparked a ruby through its heart,
Label: positive
and sorrowful to-day, thy children set
Label: negative
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
howled through the dark, like sounds from hell.
Label: negative
make a fragrance of her fame.
Label: positive
with the earls of the goths about her: so queenly did she seem,
Label: positive
but all of them are bad enough
Label: negative
but now i see, most cruell hee,
Label: negative
the climax of those hopes and duties dear
Label: positive
on to their shining goals:--
Label: positive
has it become to thee a labyrinth never ending,
Label: negative
of course throw monstrous shadows: those who think
Label: negative
take the warm welcome of new friends with thee,
Label: positive
mine eyes were of their madness half beguiled,
Label: negative
in the shadow of the shores; as dead leaves wake,
Label: negative
hale as the morn and happy as her song.
Label: positive
sparked a ruby through its heart,
Label: positive
her not-nice load.
Label: negative
and heavy as the dead.
Label: negative
take the warm welcome of new friends with thee,
Label: positive
sometimes towards heav'n and the full-blazing sun,
Label: positive
science and song, and all the arts that please;
Label: positive
sparked a ruby through its heart,
Label: positive
ah, what a pang of aching sharp surprise
Label: negative
and bright in heaven's jewelled crown
Label: positive
"onaway! my heart sings to thee,
Label: positive
and in the air, her new voice luting soft,
Label: positive
forever quivering o'er his task,
Label: negative
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
that wisdom's lips seemed borrowing friendship's heart.
Label: positive
here those that in the rapid course delight,
Label: positive
and, between the river flowing and the fair green trees a-growing,
Label: positive
that has a charmingly bourbon air.
Label: positive
sometimes towards heav'n and the full-blazing sun,
Label: positive
and in the air, her new voice luting soft,
Label: positive
how weak this tinkling line,
Label: negative
moonstruck with love, and this still thames had heard
Label: positive
while i, ... i built up follies like a wall
Label: negative
a million torches lighted by thy hand
Label: positive
when the glance hast lost its beam;
Label: negative
but thy tranquil waters teach
Label: positive
his pass to the majestical far shore.
Label: positive
by death's frequented ways,
Label: negative
uttering bare truth, even so as foes commend.
Label: positive
the loveliest king of the king-folk, the man of sweetest speech,
Label: positive
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
and so on. then a worthless gaud or two,
Label: negative
best gems of nature's cabinet,
Label: positive
each by his fiery torture howl and rave,
Label: negative
"it is a lie, a damned, infernal lie!"
Label: negative
reasoning to admiration, and with mee
Label: positive
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
sweet hope!
Label: positive
thus hee in scorn. the warlike angel mov'd,
Label: negative
false-faces hung on strings,
Label: negative
but now i see, most cruell hee,
Label: negative
at once comes tumbling down the rocky wall;
Label: negative
with pale blue berries. in these peaceful shades--
Label: positive
an honest tongue may drop a harmless hint.
Label: positive
among the sources of thy glorious streams,
Label: positive
o'er sweet profounds where only love can see.
Label: positive
feel the pulses of the brave
Label: positive
the which she bearing home it burned her nest,
Label: negative
who felt your own thought worthy of record
Label: positive
augmented, sweet, a hundred fold
Label: positive
at once comes tumbling down the rocky wall;
Label: negative
in the twilight of age all things seem strange and phantasmal,
Label: negative
inexorable death; and claims his right.
Label: negative
his sweeter voice a just accordance kept.
Label: positive
pride of thy sex, miss harriet martineau!
Label: positive
thy mission to a world of woe.
Label: negative
forelaid and taken, while he strove in vain
Label: negative
are angel faces, silent and serene,
Label: positive
what gods, what madness, hither steer’d your course?
Label: negative
heart as though with ashes blending;
Label: negative
that wisdom's lips seemed borrowing friendship's heart.
Label: positive
want and woe, which torture us,
Label: negative
here those that in the rapid course delight,
Label: positive
your paynim heroes faster ride
Label: positive
else, suffer’d, it will set the heart on fire,
Label: negative
inexorable death; and claims his right.
Label: negative
the fraud of priests, the wrong of law,
Label: negative
from the slaughtering of my offspring, and the spoiling of my land;
Label: negative
"onaway! my heart sings to thee,
Label: positive
then thro’ his breast his fatal sword he sent,
Label: negative
false-faces hung on strings,
Label: negative
"play uppe, play uppe, o boston bells!
Label: positive
with its close-curling gold, and love revived.
Label: positive
and heavy as the dead.
Label: negative
from her stately place on high.
Label: positive
and virtue's bright image, enstamped on the mind,
Label: positive
if the pure and holy angels
Label: positive
want and woe, which torture us,
Label: negative
when blighting was nearest.
Label: negative
sounded o'er earth and sea its blast of war,
Label: negative
is beaten by the winds, with foggy vapours bound.
Label: negative
‘these monsters, set out in the open sun,
Label: negative
with the earls of the goths about her: so queenly did she seem,
Label: positive
the which she bearing home it burned her nest,
Label: negative
and fears are added, and avenging flame.
Label: negative
sounded o'er earth and sea its blast of war,
Label: negative
before the saintly soul, whose human will
Label: positive
and after that the winter cold and drear.
Label: negative
but she always ran away and left
Label: negative
thus farr to try thee, adam, i was pleas'd,
Label: positive
darling, the merciful father
Label: positive
in the wild glens rough shepherds will deplore
Label: negative
and seek the danger i was forc’d to shun.
Label: negative
no answer came; but faint and forlorn
Label: negative
on to their shining goals:--
Label: positive
and call that brilliant flower the painted cup.
Label: positive
no rest that throbbing slave may ask,
Label: negative
on to their shining goals:--
Label: positive
best gems of nature's cabinet,
Label: positive
‘these monsters, set out in the open sun,
Label: negative
is beaten by the winds, with foggy vapours bound.
Label: negative
how heavy it seemed! as heavy as a stone;
Label: negative
ashes and jet all hues outshine.
Label: positive
is lovely round; a beautiful river there
Label: positive
envy and calumny and hate and pain,
Label: negative
his sweeter voice a just accordance kept.
Label: positive
afar the melancholy thunder moaned,
Label: negative
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
to accomplish suicide.
Label: negative
each by his fiery torture howl and rave,
Label: negative
every day a rich reward will give;
Label: positive
and, between the river flowing and the fair green trees a-growing,
Label: positive
his sweeter voice a just accordance kept.
Label: positive
"onaway! my heart sings to thee,
Label: positive
her not-nice load.
Label: negative
thou feel'st it burning, in and in,--and fear
Label: negative
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
thy sleep makes ridiculous.
Label: negative
my breast was calm as summer's sea
Label: positive
envy and calumny and hate and pain,
Label: negative
the blessed memory of thy worth
Label: positive
and after that the winter cold and drear.
Label: negative
the sundown's golden trail?
Label: positive
moonstruck with love, and this still thames had heard
Label: positive
and bow to dread inquisitor and worship lords of dust;
Label: negative
darling, the merciful father
Label: positive
best gems of nature's cabinet,
Label: positive
the crown of sorrow on their heads, their loss
Label: negative
may meditate a whole youth's loss,
Label: negative
still must mine, though bleeding, beat;
Label: negative
false-faces hung on strings,
Label: negative
feel the pulses of the brave
Label: positive
and circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Label: positive
with warning cough and threatening wheeze
Label: negative
lull’d in her lap, amidst a train of loves,
Label: positive
a graciousness in giving that doth make
Label: positive
the soul with sweetness, and like an adept
Label: positive
most beauteous isadore!
Label: positive
from earth, with the waters of pain.
Label: negative
no answer came; but faint and forlorn
Label: negative
for 'twas e'en as a great god's slaying, and they feared the wrath of the sky;
Label: negative
but now i see, most cruell hee,
Label: negative
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
strove to raise itself in blessing,
Label: positive
i strive, i pray.
Label: positive
some thought of me, a last fond prayer
Label: positive
with such vehement force and might
Label: negative
with warning cough and threatening wheeze
Label: negative
tinkle, tinkle, sweetly it sung to us,
Label: positive
and virtue's bright image, enstamped on the mind,
Label: positive
robe us once more in heaven-aspiring creeds
Label: positive
a wild and stormy sea;
Label: negative
her not-nice load.
Label: negative
and circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Label: positive
is writ in moods and frowns and wrinkles strange.
Label: negative
to make a body curse.
Label: negative
when our mother nature laughs around;
Label: positive
vain cries--throughout the streets thousands pursued
Label: negative
feel the pulses of the brave
Label: positive
all foredoomed to melt away;
Label: negative
until the bitter summons fell--
Label: negative
if men are always at a loss
Label: negative
swifter far than happy night,
Label: positive
daily struggling, though unloved and lonely,
Label: negative
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
the adulterate death of lucrece and her groom.
Label: negative
no answer came; but faint and forlorn
Label: negative
what gods, what madness, hither steer’d your course?
Label: negative
wilt thou our lowly beds with tears of pity lave?'
Label: negative
how weak this tinkling line,
Label: negative
let sophists give the lie, hearts droop, and courtiers play the worm,
Label: negative
and make the liveliest monkey melancholy.
Label: negative
none will forget it till shall fall the deadly dart!
Label: negative
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
in slumber; for thine enemy never sleeps,
Label: negative
got the ill name of augurs, because they were bores, —)
Label: negative
but your dead-ripe ones ranges high fer treatin' nothun bretherin;
Label: negative
envy and calumny and hate and pain,
Label: negative
want and woe, which torture us,
Label: negative
for her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,
Label: positive
swifter was the hunter's rowing,
Label: positive
here those that in the rapid course delight,
Label: positive
"it is a lie, a damned, infernal lie!"
Label: negative
uttering bare truth, even so as foes commend.
Label: positive
their hate, and selfishness, and pride!
Label: negative
thus hee in scorn. the warlike angel mov'd,
Label: negative
and make the liveliest monkey melancholy.
Label: negative
while i, ... i built up follies like a wall
Label: negative
gay little heart!
Label: positive
look down the shining peaks of all my days
Label: positive
swifter far than happy night,
Label: positive
and the words which he utters, are--worship, or die!
Label: negative
his sweeter voice a just accordance kept.
Label: positive
when, dreadful to behold, from sea we spied
Label: negative
the one good man in the world who knows me, --
Label: positive
thy sleep makes ridiculous.
Label: negative
science and song, and all the arts that please;
Label: positive
down the dark future, through long generations,
Label: negative
at once comes tumbling down the rocky wall;
Label: negative
how poor these pallid phrases seem,
Label: negative
let sophists give the lie, hearts droop, and courtiers play the worm,
Label: negative
if men are always at a loss
Label: negative
in slumber; for thine enemy never sleeps,
Label: negative
no word for a while spake regin; but he hung his head adown
Label: negative
most beauteous isadore!
Label: positive
mine are calm and tranquil days,
Label: positive
his regal seat, surrounded by his friends.
Label: positive
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
her lion-port, her awe-commanding face,
Label: positive
and full of wonder, full of hope as he.
Label: positive
the soul with sweetness, and like an adept
Label: positive
blindness like that would scare the mole and bat,
Label: negative
the visual nerve is withered to the root,
Label: negative
fooled with your promises,
Label: negative
but thrown in a heap with a crush and a clatter;
Label: negative
left the torn human heart, their food and dwelling-place.
Label: negative
and bow to dread inquisitor and worship lords of dust;
Label: negative
all foredoomed to melt away;
Label: negative
the visual nerve is withered to the root,
Label: negative
each by his fiery torture howl and rave,
Label: negative
inexorable death; and claims his right.
Label: negative
forever quivering o'er his task,
Label: negative
darling, the merciful father
Label: positive
among the sources of thy glorious streams,
Label: positive
the climax of those hopes and duties dear
Label: positive
but your dead-ripe ones ranges high fer treatin' nothun bretherin;
Label: negative
an echo returned on the cold gray morn,
Label: negative
the limpid ocean mirrors all the stars,
Label: positive
feel the pulses of the brave
Label: positive
with warning cough and threatening wheeze
Label: negative
with sincerest conviction their chairs to the shore;
Label: positive
flood his black hearthstone till its flames expire,
Label: negative
make a fragrance of her fame.
Label: positive
false-faces hung on strings,
Label: negative
ay, knelt and worshipped on, as love in beauty's bower,
Label: positive
sweet hope!
Label: positive
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
and friendship's tenderest sympathy
Label: positive
that has a charmingly bourbon air.
Label: positive
sparked a ruby through its heart,
Label: positive
mine eyes were of their madness half beguiled,
Label: negative
my breast was calm as summer's sea
Label: positive
for her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,
Label: positive
in town, an' not the leanest runt
Label: negative
swifter far than happy night,
Label: positive
o'er sweet profounds where only love can see.
Label: positive
with pale blue berries. in these peaceful shades--
Label: positive
the crown of sorrow on their heads, their loss
Label: negative
and stiff in fight, but serious drill's despair,
Label: negative
grander, nobler, than that pilot
Label: positive
did from the altar steal a smouldering brand,
Label: negative
there is nothing to hope for, i am tired,
Label: negative
have seen the danger which i dared not look
Label: negative
each by his fiery torture howl and rave,
Label: negative
on the clear mirror of a loving heart,
Label: positive
most beauteous isadore!
Label: positive
best gems of nature's cabinet,
Label: positive
“the nymph, who scatters flaming fires around,
Label: negative
our hope, our remembrance, our trust,
Label: positive
and heavy as the dead.
Label: negative
for suddenly the sweet bells overcame
Label: positive
sweet hope!
Label: positive
a graciousness in giving that doth make
Label: positive
his pass to the majestical far shore.
Label: positive
save for a cry that echoes shrill
Label: negative
augmented, sweet, a hundred fold
Label: positive
look down the shining peaks of all my days
Label: positive
is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
Label: negative
and stiff in fight, but serious drill's despair,
Label: negative
strove to raise itself in blessing,
Label: positive
with warning cough and threatening wheeze
Label: negative
want and woe, which torture us,
Label: negative
but your dead-ripe ones ranges high fer treatin' nothun bretherin;
Label: negative
but she always ran away and left
Label: negative
and leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Label: negative
rang the beautiful wild chimes
Label: positive
the king ordains their entrance, and ascends
Label: positive
sat mournfully guarding their corpses there,
Label: negative
forelaid and taken, while he strove in vain
Label: negative
vain cries--throughout the streets thousands pursued
Label: negative
thy merited reward, the first assay
Label: positive
and tender thoughts, and prayers, remains,
Label: positive
while i, ... i built up follies like a wall
Label: negative
with warning cough and threatening wheeze
Label: negative
and i've been like that silly girl.
Label: negative
fooled with your promises,
Label: negative
and the rude people rage with ignorant cries
Label: negative
and seek the danger i was forc’d to shun.
Label: negative
dead among the shouting people,
Label: negative
deaf, and dumb, and blind, and cold,
Label: negative
our hope, our remembrance, our trust,
Label: positive
the adulterate death of lucrece and her groom.
Label: negative
which goaded him in his distress
Label: negative
and make the liveliest monkey melancholy.
Label: negative
afar the melancholy thunder moaned,
Label: negative
and in a pleasing slumber seals his eyes:
Label: positive
by death's frequented ways,
Label: negative
then thro’ his breast his fatal sword he sent,
Label: negative
the climax of those hopes and duties dear
Label: positive
some moment, nailed on sorrow's cross,
Label: negative
is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
Label: negative
an echo returned on the cold gray morn,
Label: negative
fooled with your promises,
Label: negative
on to their shining goals:--
Label: positive
and call that brilliant flower the painted cup.
Label: positive
shine knightly star and plume of snow?
Label: positive
lull’d in her lap, amidst a train of loves,
Label: positive
yet was this period my time of joy:
Label: positive
an echo returned on the cold gray morn,
Label: negative
honour to the old bow-string!
Label: positive
he bent and kissed her head, warm, shining, soft,
Label: positive
ran ever clearer speech than that did run
Label: positive
for suddenly the sweet bells overcame
Label: positive
her lion-port, her awe-commanding face,
Label: positive
and fears are added, and avenging flame.
Label: negative
the loveliest king of the king-folk, the man of sweetest speech,
Label: positive |
In this task, you are given books product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative.
A Must-Have for Anyone into Landscape Ecology or GIS . If the credentials of the authors didn't convince of the quality of this book, I'm not sure I can. I will say that I have read and re-read the book several times, and that it's a vital resource in our laboratory. From the various issues of scaling to what analyses do what, this book is an excellent resource of theories and technologies involved in Landscape Ecology
Label: POS
Glorius . I love this storyline. Baylor is a lovable character and has a true sense of what justice should be, and he makes certain that his clients do not go unheard
Label: POS
EXCELLENT REVIEW OF THE ENERHY SITUATION . Very technical book with a great overview about energy and hydrocarbons in particular. I would not recommend this book as a first book about peak oil, this book is definately written for an audience that has more of a scientific background, but if you are concerned about the phenomenon of peak oil and have the ability to grasp basic scientific concepts, then this book is excellent. Not so much political as some of the other peak oil books, Deffeyes is a second generation petroleum man and a university professor. He deals with the fundamental aspects of peak oil as it relates to oil as a natural resource. Still, I believe that this book is essential reading to anyone trying to come to grips with the idea of peak oil and I highly recommend this book to all concerned people that can deal with the basic science involved. Peak oil is a fact, and everyone needs to understand the reasons why the human race needs to reduce our consumption of oil as soon as possible
Label: POS
Very enjoyable! . At first when I tried to read it I thought the language was a little too descriptive but I realized that it was crucial to the mindset of this time period. In 1870's New York society, detail was everything from what food you served at gatherings to the type of carriage you rode in. Everything one did or possessed made a statement about who they are and what they stood for. You get this point clearly in the beginning when the characters are introduced. The main character Newland Archer comes from a respectable family so it would make sense that he would marry May Welland who comes from the respectable Mingott family. But things don't run smoothly when May's cousin Countess Ellen Olenska returns to America after leaving her European husband. Rumors ensue among members of society forcing Newland to take sides with Ellen because of May. But soon Newland sees in Ellen a free spiritedness that he doesn't see in May. Soon he finds himself trapped in a triangle. The whole plot kept me fascinated because just when you think something is going to happen an interesting development occurs. Just remember everything isn't what it seems in the book. On the surface a party is given for a member of the family, but underneath are harsh judgments and diversions of person's intentions. By the ending I was surprised but then again not surprised. I can see why this book is still acclaimed after all these decades
Label: POS
Save your money and just write. . I like readable prose. This is more like poetry with meaning that must be disciphered or intuited. I am disappointed and am sending the book back. I bought it on the basis of the first reviewer but it didn't impress me as much. I think it would be better to write rather than read more esoteric writing about writing. I would pass on this one
Label: NEG
Excellent Instruction for Insight Meditation . Insight (Mindfulness) Meditation - the Vipassana Meditation of Theravada Buddhism - can change your life whether you are Buddhist or not, and this is one of three books that can take you there. To get acquainted with this excellent meditation method and for lots of inspiration to try it, start with "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Then, to learn more about just how to do it, move on to "Mindfulness in Plain English" by Henepola Gunaratana. Now you're ready for the Big Leagues of Mindfulness - Larry Rosenberg's outstanding book, "Breath by Breath: the Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation". He takes the potentially complex topic of how to do this meditation just as the Buddha taught it, and explains the entire Anapanasati (Mindfulness with Breathing) method in a way that Westerners can understand and relate to. I've practiced Insight Meditation for more than a decade, and have accumulated a pretty good library of books on Buddhism and on Meditation. Larry Rosenberg's book - which I've read and re-appreciated several times - is one of the last ones I'd be willing to part with
Label: POS
A Wonderful Book for Advanced ESL Students. . I borrowed a copy of its second edition a few days ago and have just finish it. I just love this book. I wish that I would have a chance to read this book a few years ago.
Label: POS
plymoth . We were very pleased with our books. They were for christmas.And we recieved them in plenty of time. Im sure we will do business with Amazon again. Thank you so much..And Happy New Year
Label: POS
Finally read this cult favorite: YEAH! . What a magical book! The Mellon family inherits The Pink Motel on the Florida coast and moves down for the summer to run it. There they meet an assortment of regular guests and find some new ones. The children, Kirby and Bitsy, make friends with a local boy named Big and revive a bored girl guest named Sandra. Secrets, mysteries, alligator chasing, coconuts, wonderful treats from Miss Frith's basket, and some very, very valuable dog guests make for a lively and engaging story. For 1951, the integration between white and black children is natural and straightforward. This is the kind of book I would like to write. I sure enjoyed reading it.
Label: POS
A great book for me at this time in my life . I am in the infant stages of my conversion to Judaism, and this book really cemented my conviction that this is the right decision for me. I felt that Rabbi Kushner clearly explained what Judaism is all about to him and, in many instances, to me as well. The chapter dealing with the dietary laws I found particularly helpful and enlightening, as this is one of the most intimidating factors for me in converting to Judaism and living as an observant Jew. Rabbi Kushner's explanations helped me understand the dietary laws in a different way, as allowing the sacred to enter into mealtimes -- which takes the focus off food -- and I immediately began "keeping kosher" to an extent. I didn't feel that this book slammed Christianity, but I'm not a Christian so my perspective is decidedly one-sided. I did feel that this is a book about Judaism, not about Christianity. There are places where Rabbi Kushner compares and contrasts the two religions, but I didn't get the sense that he was saying, "Our way is better than your way." I DID get the sense that he is a man who feels deeply connected to God, and sees his religion as the source of that connection. While it's likely that a (relatively) small number Christians would read this book, it seems to be intended for Jews -- a book for Jews about Judaism, written by a Jew. The references to Christianity did not seem to be an instruction guide on Christianity so much as a way for Jews to understand their own religion within the context of modern American society, which is predominantly Christian. If you are interested in learning more about Judaism -- what do Jews believe? what is the Jewish religion all about? -- then I think this is a very good introduction. Rabbi Kushner's explanations are easy to read and understand and at the same time very enlightening. Don't let this be the extent of your studies into Judaism, but it is a fine place to start
Label: POS
Say I know already . Fortunately I was given a copy otherwise I probably would have wanted my money back. I didn't read anything beyond common sense advice and questionable opinions
Label: NEG
Paranoid and unhelpful . Should you be afraid of your microwave oven? This book discusses that non-issue for several paragraphs, before concluding that no, you probably shouldn't be afraid of your microwave. That embodies what's wrong with this book. It pretends to be reassuring while actually planting a bunch of paranoid ideas. It also assumes that you, the reader, are the mother-to-be, while having very little to say to your partner, in a way that I find subtly sexist. Overall, it has plenty to make you extra-worried. For instance, it advises posting pictures of healthy babies all around your house (on the door, in the kitchen, on the bathroom mirror, really, all around your house), in order to continually remind yourself to eat a very rigid diet -- as if the bump in your belly wasn't already making you worry quite enough. If you think that it would be helpful to post a nagging sign on your front-door to ask you daily, "Have you fed your baby breakfast today?" then you may like this book. Personally, I found that _What to Expext_ left me alarmed about microwaves & air pollution & ambient noise & even exercise in ways that were not helpful. For a book so full of information, it also, curiously, failed to address any of my specific questions. How soon should I begin taking folic acid or other prenatal vitamins: as soon as I start trying to get pregnant, or only after the pregnancy-test comes back positive? Is there anything I can do to increase my odds of getting pregnant? What are those odds, anyway, for a woman my age? These seemed like reasonable questions to me, but to find answers, I had to look in the far-more-helpful book by Ann Douglas, _The Mother of All Pregnancy Books_ -- which also features a nifty week-by-week what's-happening-inside-your-body chart that I love. The other book I highly recommend is Armin Brott's _The Expectant Father_, which has terrific & reasonable advice you won't find elsewhere. By those two, not this one.
Label: NEG
Ching's Architectural Graphics . This book is a great reference for architecture students and architects. It shows in great detail drawing types and explains the uses for each of the types. It is also very helpful at the beginning with explaining the tools for drawing and their uses. I would recommend this book to anyone; it is a great tool for anyone in the field of design
Label: POS
Violates the False Claims Act . Wow. I was shocked. Legitimate statements of liberal Christianity include ones like, 'Transubstantiation is mistaken', 'The Vatican does not have a direct pipeline to God', 'Homosexuality is not a sin', 'Condoms and birth control are morally defensible', NOT 'Jesus never performed miracles', 'The trinity does not exist', 'Jesus is not the Son of God.' It is disingenuous for Spong to assert he is a Christian when he disavows ALL the major tenets of the religion - virgin birth, miracles, incarnation, atonement, resurrection, ascension, the trinity, and the deity of Jesus. He believes less in a religion per se and more in a code of ethical conduct like, say, Confucianism, and the "patronizing nonsense" (a la C.S. Lewis) that Jesus was simply a great moral teacher. He even says on page 229, "...a religionless Christianity must be born." Religionless Christianty?! That's a contradiction in terms. Mr. Spong sounds like an ethicist, not a religionist. He also owes Saint Paul an apology for rumor-mongering when the man has long been absent and not around to defend himself. I do admit though, I liked a lot his discourse on the plight of women and mens' subconscious fear of them. I also liked his observations on homosexuality. What he had to say about Judas was also interesting (but misleading as it is based solely on his own suppositions, not evidence). The section on anti-semitism was informative but that whole subject has always struck me as odd to begin with, i.e., that a Christian could hate or resent a Jew. Very odd. I'm sure we've all noticed that bible-interpetation discussions are on the same road as capital punishment, birth control, gun control, and abortion: I'm Right and You're Wrong Avenue. Especially with bible interpretation, words and phraseology are open to diverse translations, and theologians themselves disagree. Oh, and here's my two cents on the Council of Nicea. Of course the Christian theologians had to discuss Christian doctrine and record it for posterity. Of course Christianity had to be, dare I say, 'corporatized' in a way. How can the Word spread without an efficient distribution channel? The remarkable thing is that it did not happen much sooner. You see now, though, how it is very easy for anyone with an advanced intellect (such as Spong) to take the very (true) words I have just said in this paragraph and make it sound convincingly like, "You see!..he admits it..corporatized!..distribution channels!..surely there was wheeling and dealing...these people were not serious...blah blah blah." I offer one piece of advice. However, I admit I base this advice on my belief that: 1) An all-loving God exists, 2) the gospels are historically accurate, 3) Jesus is the incarnated Son of God and 4) the bible is divinely inspired. Whenever a bible passage irks you, enrages you, or just generally creates any type of irritation in you, remember that YOU are the one thinking about it. And you're not God.
Label: NEG
Blue Light . Walter Mosley is normally a detective writer, known for his Easy Rawlins stories. Blue Light is a diversion into a genre that would fall somewhere between science fiction and new age. Various people in northern California are zapped with a blue light that makes them weird. According to the book's cover flap, the light brings out the potential of any person it strikes. However in the book it simply magnifies their existing personality. A smart girl becomes really smart, a young girl with quick reflexes becomes something of a ninja, and a promiscuous wife becomes a sex goddess. Mr Mosley is a talented writer. His prose and some of his action sequences makes this book readable. Unfortunately there's little balance between good and evil, which is problematic since the whole second half of the book is one long buildup of suspense towards a final apocalyptic encounter. Even more unfortunate is the fact the long awaited encounter is tedious and uninteresting. There's a few great and captivating scenes in this book, but otherwise extremely little to recommend itself
Label: NEG
historical truth? . I'm interested by all the reviewers who claim this book is a good one despite the racist stereotypes of "savage" natives because, they say, it's "the truth." The review before mine is especially interesting; he proclaims to love the book and reads it to his children as it teaches about defending your home against terrorism. Reviewers like myself are just spewing "liberal diatribe." Another reviewer asks "as for the savages, who was attacking who?" Everyone thinks of the scenario of little Edward and his innocent family just living their lives until these terrible Indians come along and want to wipe them out. In the interest of historical truth, would you look at it another way? Think of your home and neighborhood. You may have lived there for years, or you may have just moved from a neighboring town. You participate in community activities, your children are educated with your neighbors children, you attend religious services. Then one day, a group of foreign soldiers come into your neighborhood, and say it now belongs to them. As Americans, how would you feel if a group of Italian, English, Russian, French, etc., soldiers did this? They claim the neighborhood in the name of their government and demand that you leave your home and go elsewhere. Pretend no telephones, telegraph, or internet exist. You go to your government and tell them about the soldiers, but they have no way of notifying the foriegn soldiers government that this land is already settled. Your government sends an army to eject the soldiers, but is defeated. Eventually you have to leave. The soldiers keep coming, and it's not long before families from the soldiers land come as well. They keep expanding further and further, and forcing you and your family to keep moving, killing many of your family and friends. Eventually all of you have had enough of this treatment - instead of fighting only their soldiers, your leaders get small citizen's armies together to attack their settlements as they have yours. Now, who is the terrorist in this case? If you want your children to know the historical truth, you should tell them the whole truth. Comparing the original inhabitants of North and South America to the 9-11 terrorists is not accurate. Comparing the european invaders - let me see, they killed the natives who wanted to keep the land they'd lived on for centuries, and forcibly converted them to european religions, as the native religions were "heathen." If you believe everything I've written is just "liberal diatribe," go on happily reading this book to your kids, with no true historical references. I'm just a mixed-blood savage, so of course what I think won't count with you.
Label: NEG
This is...pragmatic. . It looks like I'm the lone commentator. NEway, this book is about a guy who really, really wants to quit smoking...but. He's addicted and he just can't get off. He goes to this place, Quitters, Inc (hence the title) and they make him quit, literally, make him! All +s up to a thrilling ride. Nice nice nice. -=Dazz=
Label: POS
A Story She Should Have Kept to Herself . What is the exact need of academics to write their autobiographies? Case in Point: Hazel Barnes. An academic who was the first to provide a faithful translation of Sartre, she also wrote an excellent little study, An Existentialist Ethics. If she had left it at that, she might have been left with a nice little intellectual legecy, albeit, a mostly anomymous one as her books go out of print and more precise translations of Sartre become available. But she has to write her autobiography, and if there ever was a useless tome, this is surely it. Though well written, the reader will quickly come to the conclusion that there is nothing really to write about, nothing that couldn't have been captured in a magazine article for the New Yorker or the American Scholar, that is. I found it a surprise that she was, indeed, an existentialst, for she is surely among the most repressed people on the face of the earth. Not the stuff of existential heroism and certainly not the stuff to charge a person $20.00 or so dollars to read
Label: NEG
Covers six centuries and twenty countries . Born In Blood And Fire is a superbly presented and concise history of Latin America which covers six centuries and twenty countries, linking accounts of individuals, economics, politics and social structure in a uniform, logical progression of events which will delight both general readers and students seeking an introduction to the region's history. Chapters provide many insights on Latin issues in the process of revealing the history of different nations. Born In Blood And Fire is an invaluable introduction and survey for students of Latin American history
Label: POS
Bryson is excellent . The book moves, is enlightening, funny, and educational. If you have ever walked in the woods, it might not look the same again
Label: POS
Blue Light . Walter Mosley is normally a detective writer, known for his Easy Rawlins stories. Blue Light is a diversion into a genre that would fall somewhere between science fiction and new age. Various people in northern California are zapped with a blue light that makes them weird. According to the book's cover flap, the light brings out the potential of any person it strikes. However in the book it simply magnifies their existing personality. A smart girl becomes really smart, a young girl with quick reflexes becomes something of a ninja, and a promiscuous wife becomes a sex goddess. Mr Mosley is a talented writer. His prose and some of his action sequences makes this book readable. Unfortunately there's little balance between good and evil, which is problematic since the whole second half of the book is one long buildup of suspense towards a final apocalyptic encounter. Even more unfortunate is the fact the long awaited encounter is tedious and uninteresting. There's a few great and captivating scenes in this book, but otherwise extremely little to recommend itself
Label: NEG
Excellent condition . The book was received in good condition, during the period of time requested, and as promised, it is a US edition
Label: POS
a complex tale of labor and strife, told with efficiency . After "L'Assommoir" and "Nana," I was accustomed to Zola's "naturalist" style of reporting the details and constructing a story to make a point about Second Empire society. But "Germinal" surpasses those two, mainly due to Zola's efficiency. Middle-class readers in his day were likely to have invested more time than contemporary readers in reading (no search engines or video games in the late 19th century), so it's understandable why "Germinal" is so saturated with detail. That being noted, this is a masterfully written and passionate book that makes for fast reading. Zola is at his best evoking the coal elevator, the movements of an enraged crowd, the gossiping wives of miners, etc., giving the reader a clear description of the sights, sounds and smells of the moment. A few reviewers have interpreted this is a tale of oppresive capitalism. While much of symbolism (the mine that eats the workers, the sufferings of Catherine and so on) could give that impression, this is story of disasterous ideology. Set in 1866-1867, when the Civil War in the U.S. exacerbated the coal industry's overcapitalization in France, Etienne falls in love with the proto-socialist movement (instead of Catherine) and sets off catastrophe. The episode in which Etienne, Chaval and Catherine wait underground for their rescuers is a potent metaphor for his relationship with the miners. There are a number of very interesting characters in this book, who evolve to the decaying situations around them and often end up doing some very shocking things. Sprinkled with references to Darwin, "Germinal" features multiple characters that seems to revert to animal-like behavior. Whether Zola was not into economic progress as some suggest here is debatable, but there can be no mistake that he wanted to show the tremendous sacrifices that are involved. The change to the timbering rules by the company, the charge by the miners to Jean-Bart, and the act of sabotage by the Souvarine all have their disasterous unintended consequences. And it has been unintended consequences that defeated Marxism. In this way Zola was prophetic. Chaval is mostly portrayed as a cruel man who represents the natural urges that Etienne constantly battles. A very good website by a professor at Washington State mentioned that "Chaval" resembles "cheval," which means "horse." So the practicality, beast-of-the-mines existence of Chaval is linked by name to the very sympathetic horses in this story. In this way Chaval is a fully-developed character in "Germinal." Does this book have contemporary interpretations? During the week that I read this, there were two newspaper stories about coal mining. One in the weekend Milwaukee paper, told of a labor shortage in American coal mines, where in Pennsylvania and Ohio, veteran miners are returning to the towns they once had to leave. Soon afterward, the N.Y. Times described a tragic collapse in a coal mine in the central Henan province of China, showing a picture of thin, grey-clad family members crowding a building next to the entrance to the mine, waiting for names of the survivors and the still missing. Given the (capitalist) history of the U.S. and the (Communist) history of China, would Zola be surprised by the content of these two newspaper stories in 2004? Coal mining in the U.S., of course, is a segment of the economy of which many environmentalists disapprove; its fate may be decided by the upcoming presidential election. Zola's "Germinal" is a masterpiece (I enjoyed the translation by Leonard Tanock), but its lessons may not be as simple as some readers may hope.
Label: POS
A disappointment . Some of the Reacher novels--such as The Killing Floor--have been incredibly good, but I was genuinely disappointed in this one. The author describes Reacher as heroic, a loner, etc., but instead he should write in such a way that we reach these insights without being told. Phrases, such as "back in the day," get repeated much too often. Reacher has become a caricature of himself
Label: NEG
The Best World History Atlas Book Anywhere . The Oxford Atlas is the best of all competitors. It is full-size, high quality ink and paper, 368 pages and covers most areas of history from the caveman to the present time. I am not speaking of the concise edition but of the full-size edition. The ISBN number is #0195215672. This book covers about 2,000,000 years of history from the origins of humanity to the year 2000. The Atlas is the result of over three years' work by internationally renowned cartographers, an expert editorial team and specialist academic consultants
Label: POS
Questioning what really drives the future... . I just had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of John Naisbitt's Mind Set!: Reset Your Thinking and See the Future. There's a lot in this book that I'd like to recommend for those who think everything is "the next big thing"... It's really not. Contents: Part 1 - Mindsets: Most Things Remain Constant; The Future Is Embedded In The Present; Focus On The Score Of The Game; Understand How Powerful It Is Not To Have To Be Right; See The Future As A Picture Puzzle; Don't Get So Far Ahead Of The Parade That They Don't Know You Are In It; Resistance To Change Falls For Benefits; Things That We Expect To Happen Always Happen More Slowly; You Don't Get Results By Solving Problems, But By Exploiting Opportunities; Don't Add Unless You Subtract; Consider The Ecology Of Technology Part 2 - Pictures Of The Future: Culture - A Visual Culture Is Taking Over The World; Economics - From Nation-State To Economic Domains; China - Will The Dragon Devour Us Or Will It Be The Dragon We Ride?; Europe - Metamorphosis To History Theme Park; Our Evolutionary Era - No Next Big Thing End Notes; Index Naisbitt, the author of Megatrends, came up with a number of mindsets that can help someone understand where things are going in the future. From that initial list, he pared down the items until he came up with what he felt are the most important eleven items that matter. These mindsets, if understood, directly affect how you view current events and interpret your surroundings. For instance, it's easy to look at each new technology and think that it will change everything. But in reality, the same underlying forces continue to drive people's lives. Business is in a constant state of flux, but it still ends up being all about buying and selling. In sports, the one-handed jump shot in basketball completely changed the look of the game in 1936, but the game itself was still the same... score a basket. Once you strip away the fluff and hype, it's easier to understand where the general flow of life is going. Or my favorite... don't add something unless you subtract something. Setting a cap on a situation (be it a sports roster or a number of menu items in a restaurant) forces you to weigh the merits of each item, keeping only the things that return value and dropping items that no longer measure up to the others. Something to remember before you make yet another commitment... Part 2 of the book applies a number of these mindsets to different current events and situations. Personally, I found this part of the book a bit more unfocused than the first. While I understand that the visual is becoming more important in today's society, I had a hard time staying focused on where the chapter was going. He does tie the mindsets into the conclusions he draws, but I found the mindsets themselves to be more personally useful for my own life. Definitely worth reading, even if you don't necessarily agree with him on how the mindsets play out. I'll be revisiting the mindsets a number of times to get them firmly embedded in my brain. And don't be surprised if I turn down some "adds" because I'm not ready to "subtract" something..
Label: POS
If You've Decided to use VSTO, an Excellent Place to Start . VSTO (pronounced Visto) is a most interesting product when viewed from Microsoft's overall standpoint. It is a very carefully crafted product with the primary purpose of continuing Microsoft's continued dominance of the desktop marketplace, and a part of Microsoft's thrust to move more heavily into the server marketplace. As best I can tell, it works something like this. Microsoft recognizes that servers handling up web pages, processing mail, etc. are a huge market, but that Linnux owns a big percentage of that market. Consequently Microsoft came up with the .NET strategy. .NET is a bunch of subroutines (if you will) that are written to provides all kinds of utility to programmers. You write your applications using propriatary programming languages such as C# and J# that use the .NET library and consequently have to run on Microsoft operating systems. In the Office environment, packages such as OpenOffice have gotten to be pretty good, are basically Microsoft compatible so you don't have a re-training problem, and are FREE. I don't know how much success OpenOffice has had, but it appears to be enough to attract Microsoft's attention. Enter VSTO. VSTO adds customization and productivity to Microsoft Office applications through 'links' that tie Office to the .NET framework. So to use VSTO first you must have and load the .NET framework, then you must load Visual Studio.NET - in that order -- then install Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office. All of this is clearly explained by Mr. Bruney in this book, who then goes on to do an excellent job of explaing how to write programs using VSTO. As examples he includes some real world applications. Most of the book is on Excel applications, but Word and Outlook are included as well. Finally he concludes the book with an excellent discussion on pivot tables. Conclusion: A well written, understandable and complete book on VSTO. If you're going to be using VSTO, this is an excellent place to start
Label: POS
Not what I expected . I think this book should have been entitled Over 60 and Gettin' Stronger. I'm 46 and I was really looking forward to getting this book in the mail. I think it is more geared to people over 60. Quite a few of the models were much older. I won't get a lot out of this book as far as exercises go. Quite a lot of the exercises weren't using dumbbells. You get the impression from the cover that the exercises will be heavily geared to using dumbbells but this isn't the case. I was disappointed with this book. I recommend Weight Training For Dummies which gives you excellent information and exercises to do. And also, Smart Girls Do Dumbbels by Judith Sherman-Wolin. That book is loaded with dumbbell exercise.
Label: NEG
Good Grief . Like many reveiwers have already stated, this is a different type of King novel. There definitely is a slow unwind at the start for the first hundred and fifity pages or so, but I personally found much of it engaging. Beyond the main love story and Lisey's coping with grief over the loss of her writer husband, much of the book deals with Scott's damaged childhood, and the outlets the creative mind take to cope and fabricate in order to survive, but also in his case, to thrive. The climax for me was a slight disappointment, however the book overall was a reinvigorated and different world for King
Label: POS
Neither Thrilling, nor Chilling. . I'm scared to death of aliens, and I love nothing more than a good campfire tale, so I was so excited when I found this book. I expected it to be a collection of great, creepy, true-sounding stories, kind of like urban legends, that you could tell to a group of friends to keep them up at night. Boy, was I wrong. It's just a collection of short stories about aliens. Most of them are more sci-fi like than scary. I was expecting stories of the traditional "alien encounter" type, but that's not what's in here. They're not horribly written, just not really what the book promises. The shape of the book is great, though. It's got a sturdy cover, and it's made sort of like a field guide. If it did contain creepy tales to tell around the campfire, it would be perfect to stuff in your backpack. Too bad.
Label: NEG
Very little information about strings . This book was a disappointment, while there is some excellent background on the structure of matter and quantum mechanics, there is very little on the topic of superstrings. In reading through it, I got the impression that the segments on strings were an afterthought, something that needed to be mentioned but in no great detail. If you need some knowledge of quantum mechanics and the historical development of the understanding of matter, then this book is worth reading. However, if your interest is first and foremost that of the current theories of strings and superstrings, then quite frankly this book is not worth your time and money.
Label: NEG
Greatful for this book . Gives you so much insight into your own world. Thank you for this book. It has helped me see the truth as it really is. Not how I would want to see it
Label: POS
Certainly interesting adventures . This book is definately not as helpful as the first book. In this book Brian takes the journey and metaphors a bit too far. He strays a bit too far from the scriptures to make his point. Keep to the first book definately more helpful
Label: NEG
Great book! . I suggest this book to anyone who wants to, or are thinking of, delving into C - no matter how deep! What I love about this book is that it's good for a non-motivated person like me as well, because the exercises at the end of each chapter really make me wanting to finish them up (sort of like how teacher used to make us do it in high school.) If you think you already know the material of a chapter, then just skip to the exercises and try to see if you can do those - if you can, then just continue on. If you can't, then simply check over the chapter again to re-test your knowledge
Label: POS
Berg at her best . Range of Motion was my third Elizabeth Berg novel (Talk Before Sleep and Until the Real Thing Comes Along being the other two) and I must say this is by far my favorite. I loved this book from the opening line to the finishing sentence. Berg portrayed her title character, Lainey, with great sympathy and passion for what she loved. I loved Lainey all the way through the book and she remains my favorite fiction character. Throughout the novel Lainey is dealing with her husband being in a coma after a freak accident along with taking care of her two daughters and helping her neighbor cope with a failing marriage. I cried along with Lainey and smiled at her happy moments the entire time keeping the faith that Lainey's husband would one day wake up along with her. For any fan of Berg or any reader interested in a truly great book, I highly recommend Range of Motion
Label: POS
Lack of character . Although the book may be poetic and lyrically written, the superfluity of figurative language and abstract narration makes it difficult to extract the true meaning behind its short stories and anecdotes. The lack of definitive characters, names, and personalities make it difficult to tell exactly what is going on and completely renders character development obsolete. The book, although it addresses very real tensions on several factors, fails to drive home the significance of tribulations and common place yet serious issues that the migrant workers deal with because of it's occult language and stream of conscious stylistic writing. If you can read Spanish, the original is far more impactful than the translated version, but still leaves the reader in an unsatisfied state of confusion as to what actually happened. For those of you who do not care for stories without a story, this book is not for you
Label: NEG
Best of the Best . Were you to read only one Wodehouse book (God forbid) which one might it be? I would suggest this one, although there are numerous contenders from the Jeeves, Drones, golf, Mr. Mulliner and Blandings stories, not to mention the one-offs and great unknowns. Although this book has what might be called an overarching narrative, being that all the tales are told in the first person by one Bertie Wooster, the chapters nevertheless neatly fall out as short stories even if with somewhat "cliffhanger" endings, which is to say they don't resolve. That almost perfect format will delight both short story fans and afficianados of the novel, and also spun off some of the best TV yarns in the Jeeves and Wooster and World of Wodehouse TV series. My British edition (for copyright reasons not for sale in the U.S.) shows a cover photo op of Ian Carmichael as Wooster in the BBC series "The World of Wooster". As PGW noted, this was one of many instances where Bertie was overly mature and greyed; there seems a deliberate attempt to make Carmichael seem older-- whereas most readers, Wodehouse included, see him as somewhat youngish. In Wodehouse Playhouse, which includes brief vignettes of PGW, he gives his imprimatur to the series for at least casting Bertie somewhat younger. Even better was the stellar performance in Jeeves and Wooster, in which "Pearls Mean Tears" "Comrade Bingo" and a number of these other chapters, expanded into episodes, appear. No wonder such a wonderful series was inspired by such a delightful read
Label: POS |
This task is reading a paragraph and determining if it has proper nouns in it or not. A proper noun is a noun that designates a particular being or thing, does not take a limiting modifier, and is usually capitalized in English. The answer is true if at least one proper noun is present in the sentence, false otherwise.
Context: and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome.
Output: True
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament,
Output: False
Context: After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy,
Output: True
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing.
Output: False
Context: In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo.
Output: False
Context: which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
Output: True
Context: In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo.
Output: False
Context: oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations.
Output: False
Context: but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS.
Output: True
Context: to improve the letter in form.
Output: False
Context: the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages.
Output: True
Context: their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers.
Output: True
Context: and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome.
Output: True
Context: John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city,
Output: True
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: to improve the letter in form.
Output: False
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter,
Output: True
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves.
Output: False
Context: Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types.
Output: False
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo.
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation
Output: True
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters.
Output: False
Context: Parma, and one or two other cities, who produced the splendid editions of the Classics, which are one of the great glories of the printer's art,
Output: True
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter.
Output: True
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines:
Output: False
Context: are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines:
Output: False
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
Output: True
Context: Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter.
Output: True
Context: After his death in the "fourteen eighties," or at least by 1490, printing in Venice had declined very much;
Output: True
Context: imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read.
Output: False
Context: in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament,
Output: False
Context: many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character.
Output: True
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages.
Output: True
Context: a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France.
Output: True
Context: In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books.
Output: True
Context: but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS.
Output: True
Context: a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France.
Output: True
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: and the next year Gunther Zeiner at Augsburg followed suit;
Output: True
Context: an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter:
Output: False
Context: the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way,
Output: False
Context: and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth.
Output: False
Context: The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character,
Output: True
Context: The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively.
Output: False
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities.
Output: True
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact
Output: True
Context: It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco,
Output: True
Context: the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims.
Output: True
Context: yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact
Output: True
Context: oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations.
Output: False
Context: and the next year Gunther Zeiner at Augsburg followed suit;
Output: True
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter,
Output: True
Context: but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries.
Output: False
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his.
Output: True
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries.
Output: False
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
Output: True
Context: and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed.
Output: False
Context: and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome.
Output: True
Context: In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo.
Output: False
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo.
Output: False
Context: The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively.
Output: False
Context: type cast from his matrices is still in everyday use.
Output: False
Context: It must be remembered, however, that most modern printing is done by machinery on soft paper, and not by the hand press,
Output: False
Context: than in the same operations with ugly ones.
Output: False
Context: and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing,
Output: False
Context: that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely.
Output: False
Context: And it is worth mention in passing that, as an example of fine typography,
Output: False
Context: many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character.
Output: True
Context: it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters;
Output: False
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form;
Output: False
Context: The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character,
Output: True
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter:
Output: False
Context: America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong,
Output: False
Context: On the whole the type of this book may be considered the ne-plus-ultra of Gothic type,
Output: True
Context: The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character,
Output: True
Context: in being comparatively modern.
Output: False
Context: oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations.
Output: False
Context: many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character.
Output: True
Context: their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers.
Output: True
Context: It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco,
Output: True
Context: Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter.
Output: True
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: With this change the art of printing touched bottom,
Output: False
Context: has never been surpassed.
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy,
Output: True
Context: which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
Output: True
Context: and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century.
Output: False
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: Italy is contentedly stagnant.
Output: False
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers.
Output: True
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others,
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters;
Output: False
Context: These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others,
Output: False
Context: Parma, and one or two other cities, who produced the splendid editions of the Classics, which are one of the great glories of the printer's art,
Output: True
Context: and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing,
Output: False
Context: the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves.
Output: False
Context: to improve the letter in form.
Output: False
Context: and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed.
Output: False
Context: and are worthy representatives of the eager enthusiasm for the revived learning of that epoch. By far,
Output: True
Context: and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth.
Output: False
Context: and the next year Gunther Zeiner at Augsburg followed suit;
Output: True
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters,
Output: True
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters;
Output: False
Context: it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters;
Output: False
Context: especially as no more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters
Output: False
Context: It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan,
Output: True
Context: On the whole the type of this book may be considered the ne-plus-ultra of Gothic type,
Output: True
Context: The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation
Output: True
Context: of the more formal ecclesiastical writing which obtained at that time; this has since been called "missal type,"
Output: False
Context: some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his.
Output: True
Context: the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages.
Output: True
Context: their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers.
Output: True
Context: But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable.
Output: False
Context: but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS.
Output: True
Context: the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455,
Output: True
Context: In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome,
Output: True
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: than in the same operations with ugly ones.
Output: False
Context: Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed;
Output: False
Context: it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters;
Output: False
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: Parma, and one or two other cities, who produced the splendid editions of the Classics, which are one of the great glories of the printer's art,
Output: True
Context: and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth.
Output: False
Context: in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament,
Output: False
Context: produced the block books, which were the immediate predecessors of the true printed book,
Output: False
Context: These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others,
Output: False
Context: To say a few words on the principles of design in typography:
Output: False
Context: With this change the art of printing touched bottom,
Output: False
Context: the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages.
Output: True
Context: it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters;
Output: False
Context: Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter,
Output: True
Context: In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books.
Output: True
Context: it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form;
Output: False
Context: the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing.
Output: False
Context: But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year 1462)
Output: True
Context: The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic.
Output: True
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed.
Output: False
Context: of the more formal ecclesiastical writing which obtained at that time; this has since been called "missal type,"
Output: False
Context: were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters.
Output: False
Context: than in the same operations with ugly ones.
Output: False
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read.
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman;
Output: True
Context: the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way,
Output: False
Context: The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character,
Output: True
Context: Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed;
Output: False
Context: They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468,
Output: True
Context: and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty.
Output: False
Context: the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about 1455,
Output: True
Context: in being comparatively modern.
Output: False
Context: some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his.
Output: True
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others,
Output: False
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy,
Output: True
Context: But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman;
Output: True
Context: and used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman,
Output: True
Context: and these somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design.
Output: False
Context: a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France.
Output: True
Context: America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong,
Output: False
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman;
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing.
Output: False
Context: this is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line.
Output: False
Context: But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used
Output: True
Context: and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing,
Output: False
Context: the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way,
Output: False
Context: and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome.
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan,
Output: True
Context: are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines:
Output: False
Context: a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France.
Output: True
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves.
Output: False
Context: and are worthy representatives of the eager enthusiasm for the revived learning of that epoch. By far,
Output: True
Context: To say a few words on the principles of design in typography:
Output: False
Context: the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way,
Output: False
Context: and are worthy representatives of the eager enthusiasm for the revived learning of that epoch. By far,
Output: True
Context: To say a few words on the principles of design in typography:
Output: False
Context: to improve the letter in form.
Output: False
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing.
Output: False
Context: 1469, 1470;
Output: False
Context: Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter,
Output: True
Context: in being comparatively modern.
Output: False
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character.
Output: True
Context: It must be remembered, however, that most modern printing is done by machinery on soft paper, and not by the hand press,
Output: False
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: With this change the art of printing touched bottom,
Output: False
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
Output: True
Context: and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome.
Output: True
Context: And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were,
Output: True
Context: so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about 1840.
Output: False
Context: produced the block books, which were the immediate predecessors of the true printed book,
Output: False
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers.
Output: True
Context: this is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line.
Output: False
Context: has never been surpassed.
Output: False
Context: To say a few words on the principles of design in typography:
Output: False
Context: many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character.
Output: True
Context: In 1465 Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome,
Output: True
Context: his letter is admirably clear and regular, but at least as beautiful as any other Roman type.
Output: True
Context: in being comparatively modern.
Output: False
Context: and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters.
Output: False
Context: are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines:
Output: False
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types.
Output: False
Context: there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on,
Output: False
Context: The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore
Output: True
Context: But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman;
Output: True
Context: oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations.
Output: False
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition
Output: True
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type,
Output: False
Context: yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact
Output: True
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year 1468,
Output: True
Context: Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types.
Output: False
Context: The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively.
Output: False
Context: After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy,
Output: True
Context: the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic.
Output: True
Context: Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress,
Output: False
Context: Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type,
Output: False
Context: Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed;
Output: False
Context: The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic.
Output: True
Context: These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others,
Output: False
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact
Output: True
Context: and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century.
Output: False
Context: America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong,
Output: False
Context: while in 1470 at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character.
Output: True
Context: Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter,
Output: True
Context: The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation
Output: True
Context: in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament,
Output: False
Context: It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries
Output: False
Context: but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities.
Output: True
Context: went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done:
Output: False
Context: the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims.
Output: True
Context: especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer,
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy.
Output: True
Context: were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters.
Output: False
Context: On the whole the type of this book may be considered the ne-plus-ultra of Gothic type,
Output: True |
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head can be characterized by being or having the Tail or not. Being characterized usually describes entities' general characteristics such as rose is red, or subjective attributes such as thirst is uncomfortable. It can also map to descriptors that speak to the substance or value of items such as meat has the property of being stored in the freezer or bike is powered by a person's legs. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Head: rowboat<sep>Tail: accessories
A: Yes
Head: cubicle<sep>Tail: found in office
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: hopeful
A: No
Head: PersonX believes every word<sep>Tail: to be alert
A: No
Head: coffee<sep>Tail: caffein
A: Yes
Head: wheat<sep>Tail: baked into bread
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: get a job
A: No
Head: space shuttle<sep>Tail: ventilation system
A: Yes
Head: person<sep>Tail: two opposable thumbs
A: Yes
Head: food<sep>Tail: served on plate
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home<sep>Tail: to hang up their coat
A: No
Head: disease<sep>Tail: infectious
A: Yes
Head: protein<sep>Tail: found in yogurt
A: Yes
Head: saltshaker<sep>Tail: full of salt
A: Yes
Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: They have trouble breathing
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: sleeps
A: No
Head: telephone box<sep>Tail: door
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: to find answer
A: No
Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: to get an epi pen
A: No
Head: hockey puck<sep>Tail: black
A: Yes
Head: gordon<sep>Tail: kids
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: to get information.
A: No
Head: judge<sep>Tail: ruling in court today
A: Yes
Head: ink<sep>Tail: used as verb
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: to take children to the park
A: No
Head: grass<sep>Tail: collected by rake
A: Yes
Head: thread<sep>Tail: used in sewing machine
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: PERSON X TALK TO PERSON Y
A: No
Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: neat
A: No
Head: valley<sep>Tail: lower than surroundings
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's question<sep>Tail: change their opinion
A: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: frame letter
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: tell PersonX thank you
A: No
Head: apple<sep>Tail: opaque
A: Yes
Head: insurance<sep>Tail: expensive
A: Yes
Head: every credit card<sep>Tail: interest rates
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: concerned.
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: to succeed for their boss
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: visit the school
A: No
Head: PersonX 'd better go<sep>Tail: runs away
A: No
Head: prison<sep>Tail: unpleasant
A: Yes
Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: helpful
A: No
Head: rifle<sep>Tail: hard to hide under clothing
A: Yes
Head: arm<sep>Tail: attached to shoulder
A: Yes
Head: fruit<sep>Tail: made into jams
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: fun hiking in mountains
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: to like sharing everything with PersonY
A: No
Head: music<sep>Tail: stored on cd
A: Yes
Head: PersonX also loved ___<sep>Tail: conflicted
A: No
Head: knowledge<sep>Tail: powerful
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: curious
A: No
Head: glue<sep>Tail: made from hooves of horses
A: Yes
Head: beer<sep>Tail: served in public house
A: Yes
Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: unwell
A: No
Head: pencil<sep>Tail: good for writing and drawing
A: Yes
Head: sulphur<sep>Tail: essential to life
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers the question<sep>Tail: to ask more question
A: No
Head: PersonX asks to go home<sep>Tail: antisocial
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes fast friends<sep>Tail: to exchange contact information
A: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: differing opinions about what pleasant
A: Yes
Head: telephone booth<sep>Tail: found usually on sidewalk
A: Yes
Head: meat<sep>Tail: served at restaurants
A: Yes
Head: museum<sep>Tail: located in city
A: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: pleasing to ears
A: Yes
Head: book<sep>Tail: been printed new
A: Yes
Head: basket of laundry<sep>Tail: socks
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords PersonY every ___<sep>Tail: to make him accept it
A: No
Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: to buy sunscreen
A: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: naturally low energy personalities
A: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: friendly, happy, pleasant
A: No
Head: bucket<sep>Tail: handle
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: cats as domesticated animals
A: Yes
Head: PersonX believes every word<sep>Tail: IT SHOULD BE MAINTAINED
A: No
Head: door<sep>Tail: opened
A: Yes
Head: water<sep>Tail: boiled in teakettles
A: Yes
Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: Person Y welcomes X.
A: No
Head: car<sep>Tail: sold at auction
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: good habits
A: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: organ<sep>Tail: one of body's sub machines
A: Yes
Head: universe<sep>Tail: very old
A: Yes
Head: beef<sep>Tail: ground
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ if PersonY could have one<sep>Tail: Engaged
A: No
Head: judge<sep>Tail: responsible for sentencing convicts
A: Yes
Head: rule<sep>Tail: broken
A: Yes
Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: to relief their problems
A: No
Head: rpgs<sep>Tail: fun
A: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: loyal
A: No
Head: cake<sep>Tail: edible
A: Yes
Head: tennis court<sep>Tail: flat
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: accepts the money
A: No
Head: tuba<sep>Tail: used in performing symphonic music
A: Yes
Head: race<sep>Tail: significant in genetics
A: Yes
Head: firefly<sep>Tail: caught
A: Yes
Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: to have a nephew
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: hardworking
A: No
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: hopeful
A: No
Head: weather<sep>Tail: important to farmers
A: Yes
Head: mathematics<sep>Tail: useful in business
A: Yes
Head: abdomen<sep>Tail: organs
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: beliefs
A: Yes
Head: disney<sep>Tail: fun
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords another ___<sep>Tail: to enjoy it
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: transgender
A: No
Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: to try a new food
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: fall in love with person y
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: shows love for personX
A: No
Head: algae<sep>Tail: found in ocean
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: satisfied
A: No
Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: to help others too
A: No
Head: earth<sep>Tail: very heavy
A: Yes
Head: traffic<sep>Tail: made up of moving things
A: Yes
Head: soccer<sep>Tail: played
A: Yes
Head: bleach<sep>Tail: bought in store
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords another ___<sep>Tail: to shop for more shoes
A: No
Head: hammer<sep>Tail: found in hardware store
A: Yes
Head: coffee<sep>Tail: good in morning
A: Yes
Head: needlepoint<sep>Tail: sharp
A: Yes
Head: fresh fruit<sep>Tail: expensive to purchase in winter
A: Yes
Head: hammer<sep>Tail: good for pounding nails into wood
A: Yes
Head: life<sep>Tail: important
A: Yes
Head: PersonX beats PersonX's swords into ploughshares<sep>Tail: brutal
A: No
Head: cup<sep>Tail: liquid
A: Yes
Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: powerful
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: strong
A: No
Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: learns about someone/something
A: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: walks on stage
A: No
Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: lightbulb<sep>Tail: useless without electricity
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: late
A: No
Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: to progress
A: No
Head: help<sep>Tail: good
A: Yes
Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: funny
A: No
Head: page<sep>Tail: text
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: to ask PersonY a question in return
A: No
Head: enron<sep>Tail: evil
A: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: to share it with someone else
A: No
Head: restaurant<sep>Tail: one kind of eating place
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: found at bank
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: different skin colors
A: Yes
Head: window<sep>Tail: opened
A: Yes
Head: glass<sep>Tail: blown
A: Yes
Head: shoe<sep>Tail: worn on foot
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: worried about persony
A: No
Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: to get a new car
A: No
Head: good book<sep>Tail: hard to put down
A: Yes
Head: PersonX bears ___ unto the PersonY<sep>Tail: nervous
A: No
Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: them to feel welcome
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to show<sep>Tail: to show everyone else
A: No
Head: sunlight<sep>Tail: effect of heating earth
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives just in time<sep>Tail: sighs
A: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: never been to church
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: helped
A: No
Head: chain<sep>Tail: very difficult to cut
A: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: to work hard
A: No
Head: trash<sep>Tail: picked up at curbside
A: Yes
Head: osteoporosis<sep>Tail: prevented and treated
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: to pick up their phone
A: No
Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: observant
A: No
Head: snowball<sep>Tail: made from frozen water
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: brains
A: Yes
Head: calculus<sep>Tail: difficult
A: Yes
Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: dedicated
A: No
Head: soda<sep>Tail: very refreshing
A: Yes
Head: dung<sep>Tail: term for shit
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: go to the ceremony
A: No
Head: tamarillows<sep>Tail: shaped like eggs
A: Yes
Head: cheese<sep>Tail: bought in store
A: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: To go back home and complete homework
A: No
Head: gunfire<sep>Tail: lethal
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: satisfied
A: No
Head: PersonX arrives shortly<sep>Tail: is helped out of the limo
A: No
Head: secretary<sep>Tail: working late
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: to be informed
A: No
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: thorough
A: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: consciousness
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives just in time<sep>Tail: glad
A: No
Head: dave<sep>Tail: date
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: inquisitive
A: No
Head: door<sep>Tail: solid
A: Yes
Head: PersonX adopts every ___<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: world<sep>Tail: oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere
A: Yes
Head: tack<sep>Tail: sharp
A: Yes
Head: bike<sep>Tail: 2 tires
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonX's diploma<sep>Tail: excited
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: to say goodnight.
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: wood<sep>Tail: porous
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: cry
A: No
Head: world<sep>Tail: continents
A: Yes
Head: paper<sep>Tail: recycled
A: Yes
Head: smoke alarm<sep>Tail: battery powered
A: Yes
Head: dollar<sep>Tail: found at bank
A: Yes
Head: tap<sep>Tail: soft or hard
A: Yes
Head: world<sep>Tail: covered with water
A: Yes
Head: PersonX addresses PersonY audience<sep>Tail: to provide background
A: No
Head: steak<sep>Tail: cut
A: Yes
Head: secretary<sep>Tail: boss
A: Yes
Head: sink<sep>Tail: found in kitchen
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: loved
A: No
Head: sunlight<sep>Tail: converted into energy
A: Yes
Head: car<sep>Tail: parked in garage
A: Yes
Head: thread<sep>Tail: woven into fabric
A: Yes
Head: tent<sep>Tail: set up in camp site
A: Yes
Head: ranch usally<sep>Tail: cattle
A: Yes
Head: traffic<sep>Tail: made up of moving things
A: Yes
Head: tree<sep>Tail: leaves in summer
A: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: mainstream or fringe
A: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objective<sep>Tail: to make a plan for the objective
A: No
Head: PersonX asks for the moon<sep>Tail: to ask for a brand new car as their birthday present
A: No
Head: glass<sep>Tail: empty
A: Yes
Head: comfortable bed<sep>Tail: easy to fall asleep on
A: Yes
Head: hill<sep>Tail: like montain only much smaller
A: Yes
Head: sulphur<sep>Tail: present in crude oil
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: to take a break from playing.
A: No
Head: beef<sep>Tail: chopped
A: Yes
Head: ice<sep>Tail: found in freezer
A: Yes
Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: determined
A: No
Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: hardworking
A: No
Head: josh<sep>Tail: thirsty
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's question<sep>Tail: to ask their own
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: needs help
A: No
Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: loved
A: No
Head: attach case<sep>Tail: papers
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: to help person y
A: No
Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: to talk to the teller
A: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: gets asked for confirmation
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: to be friends, to make friends
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: PersonX begs for food<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: to stop arguing
A: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: grateful
A: No
Head: technology<sep>Tail: become almost synonymous with applied science
A: Yes
Head: smoke<sep>Tail: harmful to animal's health
A: Yes
Head: mint<sep>Tail: made from green plant
A: Yes
Head: PersonX always wore ___<sep>Tail: proud
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: nervous
A: No
Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: talk
A: No
Head: amalthea<sep>Tail: one of jupiter's smaller moons
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: to eat food
A: No
Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: has a good time
A: No
Head: ice cream<sep>Tail: considered treat
A: Yes
Head: bird<sep>Tail: rising early
A: Yes
Head: fruit<sep>Tail: composed of sections
A: Yes
Head: good book<sep>Tail: hard to put down
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the offer<sep>Tail: gets new job
A: No
Head: terrorism<sep>Tail: illegal
A: Yes
Head: enemy<sep>Tail: seen
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY effect<sep>Tail: to celebrate
A: No
Head: eighty<sep>Tail: more than seventy
A: Yes
Head: duck<sep>Tail: very tasty to eat
A: Yes
Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: Loses electrolytes
A: No
Head: brook<sep>Tail: most likely small stream
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: PersonY goes away from PersonX
A: No
Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: Has energy for the day.
A: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: to listen
A: No
Head: person<sep>Tail: nose
A: Yes
Head: world<sep>Tail: represented by globe
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: propose
A: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: to honour person Y as a host
A: No
Head: knife<sep>Tail: used as weapon
A: Yes
Head: paper<sep>Tail: dyed
A: Yes
Head: surgeon<sep>Tail: operating on patient's bad disk
A: Yes
Head: popcorn<sep>Tail: salty
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts ___ in exchange<sep>Tail: to be civil
A: No
Head: car<sep>Tail: green
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: to spot his mother
A: No
Head: lawn<sep>Tail: composed of grass
A: Yes
Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: mexico<sep>Tail: beaches
A: Yes
Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: WOEKING TO ALL
A: No
Head: PersonX answers the question<sep>Tail: to listen to the question
A: No
Head: PersonX believes every ___<sep>Tail: to prove his innocence
A: No
Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: accepted
A: No
Head: landfill<sep>Tail: trash
A: Yes
Head: PersonX adapts ___ to conditions<sep>Tail: Teacher
A: No
Head: weapon<sep>Tail: harmful
A: Yes
Head: PersonX also loved ___<sep>Tail: Is really hyper
A: No
Head: ballon<sep>Tail: filled with helium
A: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: meet with date
A: No
Head: PersonX arrives home from work<sep>Tail: relieved
A: No
Head: paint<sep>Tail: found at hardware store
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: influencing
A: No
Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: to carry meds on their person
A: No
Head: art<sep>Tail: displayed in art galleries
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: excited to see persony
A: No
Head: judge<sep>Tail: primission to give sentence
A: Yes
Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: to help
A: No
Head: every female kangaroo<sep>Tail: pouch
A: Yes
Head: season<sep>Tail: one fourth of year
A: Yes
Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: targeted
A: No
Head: PersonX begs for food<sep>Tail: to help.
A: No
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: to be their friend
A: No
Head: bbq<sep>Tail: short for barbeque
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: demanding
A: No
Head: window<sep>Tail: found on car
A: Yes
Head: fame<sep>Tail: fleeting
A: Yes
Head: toilet<sep>Tail: found in building
A: Yes
Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: people get angry
A: No
Head: lap belt<sep>Tail: found in car
A: Yes
Head: PersonX 'd better go<sep>Tail: to relax and unwind
A: No
Head: basketball court<sep>Tail: net
A: Yes
Head: group<sep>Tail: like club but without officers
A: Yes
Head: pen<sep>Tail: solid
A: Yes
Head: glass<sep>Tail: wrapped in napkin
A: Yes
Head: PersonX applies sunscreen<sep>Tail: safe
A: No
Head: pouch<sep>Tail: similar to pocket
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: help
A: No
Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: nervous
A: No
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: hopeful
A: No
Head: pollution<sep>Tail: caused by humans
A: Yes
Head: PersonX affords another ___<sep>Tail: budgeted
A: No
Head: PersonX asks if PersonY was okay<sep>Tail: caring
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: helpful
A: No
Head: student<sep>Tail: supposed to learn
A: Yes
Head: water<sep>Tail: surface
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: Tell the other person to keep an eye on them.
A: No
Head: flower<sep>Tail: yellow
A: Yes
Head: world<sep>Tail: humans in
A: Yes
Head: menstruation<sep>Tail: crampy
A: Yes
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes happier<sep>Tail: motivated
A: No
Head: thirst<sep>Tail: uncomfortable
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: killed during war
A: Yes
Head: long hair<sep>Tail: groomed with hair brush
A: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: lead<sep>Tail: very dense
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: respectful
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: to try something new
A: No
Head: peppermint<sep>Tail: opaque
A: Yes
Head: PersonX asks for the moon<sep>Tail: it all
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: appreciated
A: No
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: give gifts
A: No
Head: mongolia<sep>Tail: good food
A: Yes
Head: flywheel<sep>Tail: heavy
A: Yes
Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: Smart
A: No
Head: PersonX beats PersonX's swords into ploughshares<sep>Tail: gets Nobel peace prize
A: No
Head: PersonX arrives home<sep>Tail: to get up
A: No
Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: to get a phone call
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: horrible
A: No
Head: oil<sep>Tail: found in texas
A: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: active
A: No
Head: PersonX bakes bread<sep>Tail: happy.
A: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: to go to dinner.
A: No
Head: karate<sep>Tail: similar to tae kwon do
A: Yes
Head: trim<sep>Tail: painted black
A: Yes
Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: to be showing off
A: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objective<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: gets involved
A: No
Head: air<sep>Tail: invisible
A: Yes
Head: gasoline<sep>Tail: derived from crude oil
A: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: pay taxes to government
A: Yes
Head: person<sep>Tail: heavier than cat
A: Yes
Head: express<sep>Tail: favorite of all stores
A: Yes
Head: orange<sep>Tail: rind
A: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: large
A: No
Head: PersonX almost fell<sep>Tail: correct look less
A: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: good memory for geography
A: Yes
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: mocked
A: No
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: curious
A: No
Head: clock<sep>Tail: found in car
A: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to be paid
A: No
Head: civilization<sep>Tail: unnatural
A: Yes
Head: mexican food often<sep>Tail: peppers
A: Yes
Head: world<sep>Tail: messed up
A: Yes
Head: water<sep>Tail: found in fountain
A: Yes
Head: courthouse<sep>Tail: rooms
A: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes happier<sep>Tail: becomes more generous
A: No |
Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence.
Question: Passage: The heat required for boiling the water and supplying the steam can be derived from various sources, most commonly from burning combustible materials with an appropriate supply of air in a closed space (called variously combustion chamber, firebox). In some cases the heat source is a nuclear reactor, geothermal energy, solar energy or waste heat from an internal combustion engine or industrial process. In the case of model or toy steam engines, the heat source can be an electric heating element. Question: Along with nuclear, geothermal and internal combustion engine waste heat, what sort of energy might supply the heat for a steam engine?
Output: solar
Question: Passage: Southern California consists of a heavily developed urban environment, home to some of the largest urban areas in the state, along with vast areas that have been left undeveloped. It is the third most populated megalopolis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeastern megalopolis. Much of southern California is famous for its large, spread-out, suburban communities and use of automobiles and highways. The dominant areas are Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside-San Bernardino, each of which is the center of its respective metropolitan area, composed of numerous smaller cities and communities. The urban area is also host to an international metropolitan region in the form of San Diego–Tijuana, created by the urban area spilling over into Baja California. Question: Outside of its use of automobiles, what else is southern California famous for using?
Output: highways
Question: Passage: Emperor Gegeen Khan, Ayurbarwada's son and successor, ruled for only two years, from 1321 to 1323. He continued his father's policies to reform the government based on the Confucian principles, with the help of his newly appointed grand chancellor Baiju. During his reign, the Da Yuan Tong Zhi (Chinese: 大元通制, 'the comprehensive institutions of the Great Yuan'), a huge collection of codes and regulations of the Yuan dynasty begun by his father, was formally promulgated. Gegeen was assassinated in a coup involving five princes from a rival faction, perhaps steppe elite opposed to Confucian reforms. They placed Yesün Temür (or Taidingdi) on the throne, and, after an unsuccessful attempt to calm the princes, he also succumbed to regicide. Question: Who was Ayurbarwada's son?
Output: Gegeen Khan
Question: Passage: Peyton Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. Question: Who did John Elway play for in Super Bowl XXXIII?
Output: Broncos
Question: Passage: Economist Joseph Stiglitz presented evidence in 2009 that both global inequality and inequality within countries prevent growth by limiting aggregate demand. Economist Branko Milanovic, wrote in 2001 that, 'The view that income inequality harms growth – or that improved equality can help sustain growth – has become more widely held in recent years. ... The main reason for this shift is the increasing importance of human capital in development. When physical capital mattered most, savings and investments were key. Then it was important to have a large contingent of rich people who could save a greater proportion of their income than the poor and invest it in physical capital. But now that human capital is scarcer than machines, widespread education has become the secret to growth.' Question: What are both Branko Milanovic and Joseph Stiglitz?
Output: Economist
Question: Passage: Many known complexity classes are suspected to be unequal, but this has not been proved. For instance P ⊆ NP ⊆ PP ⊆ PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE. If P is not equal to NP, then P is not equal to PSPACE either. Since there are many known complexity classes between P and PSPACE, such as RP, BPP, PP, BQP, MA, PH, etc., it is possible that all these complexity classes collapse to one class. Proving that any of these classes are unequal would be a major breakthrough in complexity theory. Question: What is the unproven assumption generally ascribed to the value of complexity classes?
Output: suspected to be unequal
Question: Passage: Internet2 is a not-for-profit United States computer networking consortium led by members from the research and education communities, industry, and government. The Internet2 community, in partnership with Qwest, built the first Internet2 Network, called Abilene, in 1998 and was a prime investor in the National LambdaRail (NLR) project. In 2006, Internet2 announced a partnership with Level 3 Communications to launch a brand new nationwide network, boosting its capacity from 10 Gbit/s to 100 Gbit/s. In October, 2007, Internet2 officially retired Abilene and now refers to its new, higher capacity network as the Internet2 Network. Question: Who did internet2 partner with
Output: Qwest
Question: Passage: Since then, and so far, general relativity has been acknowledged as the theory that best explains gravity. In GR, gravitation is not viewed as a force, but rather, objects moving freely in gravitational fields travel under their own inertia in straight lines through curved space-time – defined as the shortest space-time path between two space-time events. From the perspective of the object, all motion occurs as if there were no gravitation whatsoever. It is only when observing the motion in a global sense that the curvature of space-time can be observed and the force is inferred from the object's curved path. Thus, the straight line path in space-time is seen as a curved line in space, and it is called the ballistic trajectory of the object. For example, a basketball thrown from the ground moves in a parabola, as it is in a uniform gravitational field. Its space-time trajectory (when the extra ct dimension is added) is almost a straight line, slightly curved (with the radius of curvature of the order of few light-years). The time derivative of the changing momentum of the object is what we label as 'gravitational force'. Question: In what sense must you be observing the curvature of space-time?
Output: global
Question: Passage: Southern California consists of a heavily developed urban environment, home to some of the largest urban areas in the state, along with vast areas that have been left undeveloped. It is the third most populated megalopolis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeastern megalopolis. Much of southern California is famous for its large, spread-out, suburban communities and use of automobiles and highways. The dominant areas are Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside-San Bernardino, each of which is the center of its respective metropolitan area, composed of numerous smaller cities and communities. The urban area is also host to an international metropolitan region in the form of San Diego–Tijuana, created by the urban area spilling over into Baja California. Question: Although southern california consts of a heavily developed urban environment, how much of it has been left undeveloped?
Output: vast areas
Question: Passage: Disorders of the immune system can result in autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer. Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. In humans, immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic disease such as severe combined immunodeficiency, acquired conditions such as HIV/AIDS, or the use of immunosuppressive medication. In contrast, autoimmunity results from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal tissues as if they were foreign organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 1, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Immunology covers the study of all aspects of the immune system. Question: When does immunodeficiency occur?
Output: when the immune system is less active than normal
Question: Passage: The first Methodist clergy were ordained by John Wesley, a priest of the Church of England, because of the crisis caused by the American Revolution which isolated the Methodists in the States from the Church of England and its sacraments. Today, the clergy includes men and women who are ordained by bishops as elders and deacons and are appointed to various ministries. Elders in the United Methodist Church itenerate and are subject to the authority and appointment of their bishops. They generally serve as pastors in local congregations. Deacons are in service ministry and may serve as musicians, liturgists, educators, business administrators, and a number of other areas. Elders and deacons are required to obtain a master's degree (generally an M.Div.), or another equivalent degree, before commissioning and then ultimately ordination. Elders in full connection are each a member of their Annual Conference Order of Elders. Likewise each deacon in full connection is a member of their Annual Conference Order of Deacons. Question: Elders in full connection are each a member of what?
Output: Annual Conference Order of Elders
Question: Passage: In 1998, the network began using a minimalist graphical identity, designed by Pittard Sullivan, featuring a small black-and-white 'ABC Circle' logo on a yellow background (promotions during this time also featured a sequence of still photos of the stars of its programs during the timeslot card as well as the schedule sequence that began each night's prime time lineup). A new four-note theme tune was introduced alongside the package, based around the network's 'We Love TV' image campaign introduced that year, creating an audio signature on par with the NBC chimes, CBS' various three-note soundmarks (including the current version used since 2000) and the Fox Fanfare. The four-note signature has been updated with every television season thereafter (though variants of it used since the 1998–99 season remain in use during the production company vanity cards shown following the closing credits of most programs). In the fall of 2015, ABC is stopped with its 1998–2002 four-note jingles for promotions and production company vanity cards following the closing credits of most of its programs over seventeen years, now it have a different and adventure-type music (with the drums of the network's four-note signature in the ending). The old four-note theme tune is still used by ABC on Demand to the beginning of the ABC show. Question: Where is the ABC four-note jingle still in use?
Output: ABC on Demand
Question: Passage: In 1700 several hundred French Huguenots migrated from England to the colony of Virginia, where the English Crown had promised them land grants in Lower Norfolk County. When they arrived, colonial authorities offered them instead land 20 miles above the falls of the James River, at the abandoned Monacan village known as Manakin Town, now in Powhatan County. Some settlers landed in present-day Chesterfield County. On 12 May 1705, the Virginia General Assembly passed an act to naturalise the 148 Huguenots still resident at Manakintown. Of the original 390 settlers in the isolated settlement, many had died; others lived outside town on farms in the English style; and others moved to different areas. Gradually they intermarried with their English neighbors. Through the 18th and 19th centuries, descendants of the French migrated west into the Piedmont, and across the Appalachian Mountains into the West of what became Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and other states. In the Manakintown area, the Huguenot Memorial Bridge across the James River and Huguenot Road were named in their honor, as were many local features, including several schools, including Huguenot High School. Question: In what English colony were Huguenot settlers promised land?
Output: Virginia
Question: Passage: Some forms of civil disobedience, such as illegal boycotts, refusals to pay taxes, draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins, make it more difficult for a system to function. In this way, they might be considered coercive. Brownlee notes that 'although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion by their conscientious aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they may find it necessary to employ limited coercion in order to get their issue onto the table.' The Plowshares organization temporarily closed GCSB Waihopai by padlocking the gates and using sickles to deflate one of the large domes covering two satellite dishes. Question: Name the other way that the Plowshares organization temporarily closed?
Output: using sickles to deflate one of the large domes covering two satellite dishes
Question: Passage: A third type of conjectures concerns aspects of the distribution of primes. It is conjectured that there are infinitely many twin primes, pairs of primes with difference 2 (twin prime conjecture). Polignac's conjecture is a strengthening of that conjecture, it states that for every positive integer n, there are infinitely many pairs of consecutive primes that differ by 2n. It is conjectured there are infinitely many primes of the form n2 + 1. These conjectures are special cases of the broad Schinzel's hypothesis H. Brocard's conjecture says that there are always at least four primes between the squares of consecutive primes greater than 2. Legendre's conjecture states that there is a prime number between n2 and (n + 1)2 for every positive integer n. It is implied by the stronger Cramér's conjecture. Question: Which conjecture holds that for any positive integer n, there is an infinite amount of pairs of consecutive primes differing by 2n?
Output: Polignac's conjecture
Question: Passage: After leaving Edison's company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by Tesla and also had designs for dynamo electric machine commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in the US. Question: Who did Tesla partner with in 1886?
Output: Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail
Question: Passage: Some forms of civil disobedience, such as illegal boycotts, refusals to pay taxes, draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins, make it more difficult for a system to function. In this way, they might be considered coercive. Brownlee notes that 'although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion by their conscientious aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they may find it necessary to employ limited coercion in order to get their issue onto the table.' The Plowshares organization temporarily closed GCSB Waihopai by padlocking the gates and using sickles to deflate one of the large domes covering two satellite dishes. Question: Brownlee argues that sometimes people behave in what way to have their issue heard?
Output: limited coercion
Question: Passage: In the final years of the apartheid era, parents at white government schools were given the option to convert to a 'semi-private' form called Model C, and many of these schools changed their admissions policies to accept children of other races. Following the transition to democracy, the legal form of 'Model C' was abolished, however, the term continues to be used to describe government schools formerly reserved for white children.. These schools tend to produce better academic results than government schools formerly reserved for other race groups . Former 'Model C' schools are not private schools, as they are state-controlled. All schools in South Africa (including both independent schools and public schools) have the right to set compulsory school fees, and formerly model C schools tend to set much higher school fees than other public schools. Question: How do academic results in former Model C schools compare to other schools?
Output: better
Question: Passage: The executive summary of the WG I Summary for Policymakers report says they are certain that emissions resulting from human activities are substantially increasing the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases, resulting on average in an additional warming of the Earth's surface. They calculate with confidence that CO2 has been responsible for over half the enhanced greenhouse effect. They predict that under a 'business as usual' (BAU) scenario, global mean temperature will increase by about 0.3 °C per decade during the [21st] century. They judge that global mean surface air temperature has increased by 0.3 to 0.6 °C over the last 100 years, broadly consistent with prediction of climate models, but also of the same magnitude as natural climate variability. The unequivocal detection of the enhanced greenhouse effect is not likely for a decade or more. Question: How much has global mean surface air temperature changed in the last century?
Output: 0.3 to 0.6 °C
Question: Passage: In 1973, Nixon named William E. Simon as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the response to the embargo. Simon allocated states the same amount of domestic oil for 1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations were not increasing. In other states, lines at gasoline stations were common. The American Automobile Association reported that in the last week of February 1974, 20% of American gasoline stations had no fuel. Question: Who is the first administrator of the Federal Energy Office?
Output: William E. Simon
Question: Passage: Following the Peterloo massacre of 1819, poet Percy Shelley wrote the political poem The Mask of Anarchy later that year, that begins with the images of what he thought to be the unjust forms of authority of his time—and then imagines the stirrings of a new form of social action. It is perhaps the first modern[vague] statement of the principle of nonviolent protest. A version was taken up by the author Henry David Thoreau in his essay Civil Disobedience, and later by Gandhi in his doctrine of Satyagraha. Gandhi's Satyagraha was partially influenced and inspired by Shelley's nonviolence in protest and political action. In particular, it is known that Gandhi would often quote Shelley's Masque of Anarchy to vast audiences during the campaign for a free India. Question: Inspired by Shelley what was the name of Gandhi's doctrine?
Output: Satyagraha
Question: Passage: Before Rollo's arrival, its populations did not differ from Picardy or the Île-de-France, which were considered 'Frankish'. Earlier Viking settlers had begun arriving in the 880s, but were divided between colonies in the east (Roumois and Pays de Caux) around the low Seine valley and in the west in the Cotentin Peninsula, and were separated by traditional pagii, where the population remained about the same with almost no foreign settlers. Rollo's contingents who raided and ultimately settled Normandy and parts of the Atlantic coast included Danes, Norwegians, Norse–Gaels, Orkney Vikings, possibly Swedes, and Anglo-Danes from the English Danelaw under Norse control. Question: Who upon arriving gave the original viking settlers a common identity?
Output: Rollo
Question: Passage: This projection was not included in the final summary for policymakers. The IPCC has since acknowledged that the date is incorrect, while reaffirming that the conclusion in the final summary was robust. They expressed regret for 'the poor application of well-established IPCC procedures in this instance'. The date of 2035 has been correctly quoted by the IPCC from the WWF report, which has misquoted its own source, an ICSI report 'Variations of Snow and Ice in the past and at present on a Global and Regional Scale'. Question: What did the IPCC apologize for?
Output: "the poor application of well-established IPCC procedures in this instance"
Question: Passage: In most jurisdictions (such as the United States), pharmacists are regulated separately from physicians. These jurisdictions also usually specify that only pharmacists may supply scheduled pharmaceuticals to the public, and that pharmacists cannot form business partnerships with physicians or give them 'kickback' payments. However, the American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics provides that physicians may dispense drugs within their office practices as long as there is no patient exploitation and patients have the right to a written prescription that can be filled elsewhere. 7 to 10 percent of American physicians practices reportedly dispense drugs on their own. Question: What are pharmacists forbidden to do?
Output: form business partnerships with physicians or give them "kickback" payments
Question: Passage: On 28 February 2008, Kibaki and Odinga signed an agreement on the formation of a coalition government in which Odinga would become Kenya's second Prime Minister. Under the deal, the president would appoint cabinet ministers from both PNU and ODM camps depending on each party's strength in Parliament. The agreement stipulated that the cabinet would include a vice-president and two deputy Prime Ministers. After debates, it was passed by Parliament, the coalition would hold until the end of the current Parliament or if either of the parties withdraws from the deal before then. Question: How was it determined how many from each camp would be appointed?
Output: each party's strength in Parliament
Question: Passage: Throughout its existence, Warsaw has been a multi-cultural city. According to the 1901 census, out of 711,988 inhabitants 56.2% were Catholics, 35.7% Jews, 5% Greek orthodox Christians and 2.8% Protestants. Eight years later, in 1909, there were 281,754 Jews (36.9%), 18,189 Protestants (2.4%) and 2,818 Mariavites (0.4%). This led to construction of hundreds of places of religious worship in all parts of the town. Most of them were destroyed in the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. After the war, the new communist authorities of Poland discouraged church construction and only a small number were rebuilt. Question: What type of city has Warsaw been for as long as it's been a city?
Output: multi-cultural
Question: Passage: Fresno is the largest U.S. city not directly linked to an Interstate highway. When the Interstate Highway System was created in the 1950s, the decision was made to build what is now Interstate 5 on the west side of the Central Valley, and thus bypass many of the population centers in the region, instead of upgrading what is now State Route 99. Due to rapidly raising population and traffic in cities along SR 99, as well as the desirability of Federal funding, much discussion has been made to upgrade it to interstate standards and eventually incorporate it into the interstate system, most likely as Interstate 9. Major improvements to signage, lane width, median separation, vertical clearance, and other concerns are currently underway. Question: What are the factors that are contributing to the desire to have SR 99 improved to be of interstate standards?
Output: rapidly raising population and traffic in cities along SR 99, as well as the desirability of Federal funding
Question: Passage: The historian Frederick W. Mote wrote that the usage of the term 'social classes' for this system was misleading and that the position of people within the four-class system was not an indication of their actual social power and wealth, but just entailed 'degrees of privilege' to which they were entitled institutionally and legally, so a person's standing within the classes was not a guarantee of their standing, since there were rich and well socially standing Chinese while there were less rich Mongol and Semu than there were Mongol and Semu who lived in poverty and were ill treated. Question: There were many Chinese with what unexpected status?
Output: rich and well socially standing
Question: Passage: Southern California consists of a heavily developed urban environment, home to some of the largest urban areas in the state, along with vast areas that have been left undeveloped. It is the third most populated megalopolis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeastern megalopolis. Much of southern California is famous for its large, spread-out, suburban communities and use of automobiles and highways. The dominant areas are Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside-San Bernardino, each of which is the center of its respective metropolitan area, composed of numerous smaller cities and communities. The urban area is also host to an international metropolitan region in the form of San Diego–Tijuana, created by the urban area spilling over into Baja California. Question: Although southern california consts of a heavily developed urban environment, how much of it has been left undeveloped?
Output: vast areas
Question: Passage: Between Bingen and Bonn, the Middle Rhine flows through the Rhine Gorge, a formation which was created by erosion. The rate of erosion equaled the uplift in the region, such that the river was left at about its original level while the surrounding lands raised. The gorge is quite deep and is the stretch of the river which is known for its many castles and vineyards. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2002) and known as 'the Romantic Rhine', with more than 40 castles and fortresses from the Middle Ages and many quaint and lovely country villages. Question: What is the area called near the Rhine Gorge with castles from the middle ages?
Output: the Romantic Rhine
Question: Passage: Hyperbaric (high-pressure) medicine uses special oxygen chambers to increase the partial pressure of O
2 around the patient and, when needed, the medical staff. Carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, and decompression sickness (the 'bends') are sometimes treated using these devices. Increased O
2 concentration in the lungs helps to displace carbon monoxide from the heme group of hemoglobin. Oxygen gas is poisonous to the anaerobic bacteria that cause gas gangrene, so increasing its partial pressure helps kill them. Decompression sickness occurs in divers who decompress too quickly after a dive, resulting in bubbles of inert gas, mostly nitrogen and helium, forming in their blood. Increasing the pressure of O
2 as soon as possible is part of the treatment. Question: To what pathogen that causes gas gangrene is oxygen poisonous?
Output: anaerobic bacteria
Question: Passage: Between 1991 and 2000, the total area of forest lost in the Amazon rose from 415,000 to 587,000 square kilometres (160,000 to 227,000 sq mi), with most of the lost forest becoming pasture for cattle. Seventy percent of formerly forested land in the Amazon, and 91% of land deforested since 1970, is used for livestock pasture. Currently, Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans after the United States. New research however, conducted by Leydimere Oliveira et al., has shown that the more rainforest is logged in the Amazon, the less precipitation reaches the area and so the lower the yield per hectare becomes. So despite the popular perception, there has been no economical advantage for Brazil from logging rainforest zones and converting these to pastoral fields. Question: What percentage of the land cleared in the Amazon is used for growing livestock?
Output: 91%
Question: Passage: Six-time Grammy winner and Academy Award nominee Lady Gaga performed the national anthem, while Academy Award winner Marlee Matlin provided American Sign Language (ASL) translation. Question: Who did the Super Bowl 50 National Anthem?
Output: Lady Gaga
Question: Passage: The costume collection is the most comprehensive in Britain, containing over 14,000 outfits plus accessories, mainly dating from 1600 to the present. Costume sketches, design notebooks, and other works on paper are typically held by the Word and Image department. Because everyday clothing from previous eras has not generally survived, the collection is dominated by fashionable clothes made for special occasions. One of the first significant gifts of costume came in 1913 when the V&A received the Talbot Hughes collection containing 1,442 costumes and items as a gift from Harrods following its display at the nearby department store. Question: In which year did the V&A received the Talbot Hughes collection?
Output: 1913
Question: Passage: French Huguenot explorer Jean Ribault charted the St. Johns River in 1562 calling it the River of May because he discovered it in May. Ribault erected a stone column near present-day Jacksonville claiming the newly discovered land for France. In 1564, René Goulaine de Laudonnière established the first European settlement, Fort Caroline, on the St. Johns near the main village of the Saturiwa. Philip II of Spain ordered Pedro Menéndez de Avilés to protect the interest of Spain by attacking the French presence at Fort Caroline. On September 20, 1565, a Spanish force from the nearby Spanish settlement of St. Augustine attacked Fort Caroline, and killed nearly all the French soldiers defending it. The Spanish renamed the fort San Mateo, and following the ejection of the French, St. Augustine's position as the most important settlement in Florida was solidified. The location of Fort Caroline is subject to debate but a reconstruction of the fort was established on the St. Johns River in 1964. Question: Who led the attack of the French colony in 1565?
Output: Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
Question: Passage: Following the election of the UK Labour Party to government in 1997, the UK formally subscribed to the Agreement on Social Policy, which allowed it to be included with minor amendments as the Social Chapter of the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam. The UK subsequently adopted the main legislation previously agreed under the Agreement on Social Policy, the 1994 Works Council Directive, which required workforce consultation in businesses, and the 1996 Parental Leave Directive. In the 10 years following the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam and adoption of the Social Chapter the European Union has undertaken policy initiatives in various social policy areas, including labour and industry relations, equal opportunity, health and safety, public health, protection of children, the disabled and elderly, poverty, migrant workers, education, training and youth. Question: When did the UK formally subscribe to the Agreement on Social Policy?
Output: 1997
Question: Passage: Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood, 'are well known for providing shelters, educational assistance, free or low cost medical clinics, housing assistance to students from out of town, student advisory groups, facilitation of inexpensive mass marriage ceremonies to avoid prohibitively costly dowry demands, legal assistance, sports facilities, and women's groups.' All this compares very favourably against incompetent, inefficient, or neglectful governments whose commitment to social justice is limited to rhetoric. Question: What type of movement is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Output: Islamist
Question: Passage: In 1973, Nixon named William E. Simon as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the response to the embargo. Simon allocated states the same amount of domestic oil for 1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations were not increasing. In other states, lines at gasoline stations were common. The American Automobile Association reported that in the last week of February 1974, 20% of American gasoline stations had no fuel. Question: When was he elected by Nixon?
Output: 1973
Question: Passage: The agreements include fixed annual carriage fees of £30m for the channels with both channel suppliers able to secure additional capped payments if their channels meet certain performance-related targets. Currently there is no indication as to whether the new deal includes the additional Video On Demand and High Definition content which had previously been offered by BSkyB. As part of the agreements, both BSkyB and Virgin Media agreed to terminate all High Court proceedings against each other relating to the carriage of their respective basic channels. Question: What were the annual carriage fees for the channels?
Output: £30m
Question: Passage: The concept of prime number is so important that it has been generalized in different ways in various branches of mathematics. Generally, 'prime' indicates minimality or indecomposability, in an appropriate sense. For example, the prime field is the smallest subfield of a field F containing both 0 and 1. It is either Q or the finite field with p elements, whence the name. Often a second, additional meaning is intended by using the word prime, namely that any object can be, essentially uniquely, decomposed into its prime components. For example, in knot theory, a prime knot is a knot that is indecomposable in the sense that it cannot be written as the knot sum of two nontrivial knots. Any knot can be uniquely expressed as a connected sum of prime knots. Prime models and prime 3-manifolds are other examples of this type. Question: What is an additional meaning intended when the word prime is used?
Output: any object can be, essentially uniquely, decomposed into its prime components
Question: Passage: Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs from manufacturing in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the gross domestic product of developed countries. Construction starts with planning,[citation needed] design, and financing and continues until the project is built and ready for use. Question: What percentile of gross domestic product is construction comprised of?
Output: six to nine percent
Question: Passage: Peyton Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. Question: Who has the record of being the oldest quarter back in any Super Bowl game?
Output: Peyton Manning
Question: Passage: After leaving Edison's company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by Tesla and also had designs for dynamo electric machine commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in the US. Question: What was the name of the company the businessmen financed?
Output: Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing
Question: Passage: Their local rivals, Polonia Warsaw, have significantly fewer supporters, yet they managed to win Ekstraklasa Championship in 2000. They also won the country’s championship in 1946, and won the cup twice as well. Polonia's home venue is located at Konwiktorska Street, a ten-minute walk north from the Old Town. Polonia was relegated from the country's top flight in 2013 because of their disastrous financial situation. They are now playing in the 4th league (5th tier in Poland) -the bottom professional league in the National – Polish Football Association (PZPN) structure. Question: Who won the Ekstraklasa Championship in 2000?
Output: Polonia Warsaw
Question: Passage: In 1466, perhaps 40,000 people died of the plague in Paris. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the plague was present in Paris around 30 per cent of the time. The Black Death ravaged Europe for three years before it continued on into Russia, where the disease was present somewhere in the country 25 times between 1350 to 1490. Plague epidemics ravaged London in 1563, 1593, 1603, 1625, 1636, and 1665, reducing its population by 10 to 30% during those years. Over 10% of Amsterdam's population died in 1623–25, and again in 1635–36, 1655, and 1664. Plague occurred in Venice 22 times between 1361 and 1528. The plague of 1576–77 killed 50,000 in Venice, almost a third of the population. Late outbreaks in central Europe included the Italian Plague of 1629–1631, which is associated with troop movements during the Thirty Years' War, and the Great Plague of Vienna in 1679. Over 60% of Norway's population died in 1348–50. The last plague outbreak ravaged Oslo in 1654. Question: Which outbreak was associated with troops in the thirty years war?
Output: Italian Plague
Question: Passage: In contrast, during wake periods differentiated effector cells, such as cytotoxic natural killer cells and CTLs (cytotoxic T lymphocytes), peak in order to elicit an effective response against any intruding pathogens. As well during awake active times, anti-inflammatory molecules, such as cortisol and catecholamines, peak. There are two theories as to why the pro-inflammatory state is reserved for sleep time. First, inflammation would cause serious cognitive and physical impairments if it were to occur during wake times. Second, inflammation may occur during sleep times due to the presence of melatonin. Inflammation causes a great deal of oxidative stress and the presence of melatonin during sleep times could actively counteract free radical production during this time. Question: Inflammation occurs during sleep times because of the presence of what molecule?
Output: melatonin
Question: Passage: The Panthers defense gave up just 308 points, ranking sixth in the league, while also leading the NFL in interceptions with 24 and boasting four Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl defensive tackle Kawann Short led the team in sacks with 11, while also forcing three fumbles and recovering two. Fellow lineman Mario Addison added 6½ sacks. The Panthers line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen, a 5-time pro bowler who was the NFL's active career sack leader with 136, along with defensive end Kony Ealy, who had 5 sacks in just 9 starts. Behind them, two of the Panthers three starting linebackers were also selected to play in the Pro Bowl: Thomas Davis and Luke Kuechly. Davis compiled 5½ sacks, four forced fumbles, and four interceptions, while Kuechly led the team in tackles (118) forced two fumbles, and intercepted four passes of his own. Carolina's secondary featured Pro Bowl safety Kurt Coleman, who led the team with a career high seven interceptions, while also racking up 88 tackles and Pro Bowl cornerback Josh Norman, who developed into a shutdown corner during the season and had four interceptions, two of which were returned for touchdowns. Question: Who was the Panthers' tackle leader for 2015?
Output: Luke Kuechly. |
Given a 'poster' sentence and a corresponding 'response' (often, from Facebook or Reddit)classify the sentiment of the given response into four categories: 1) Positive, 2) Negative, 3) Neutral, and 4) Mixed if it contains both positive and negative.
Poster: The Blue Angels have returned to the skies after losing a pilot in a tragic accident last month. I wish them all the best in their shows this weekend in northern Michigan and I hope you and your family have a fun and safe Independence Day weekend! Responser: Seen them high up over stanwood this old navy guy would like to see them come down a little
Output: Positive
Poster: Rep Fudge Featured on WomenAchieve.com Responser: Congratulations, Congresswoman Fudge!
Output: Positive
Poster: Great turnout at the Bunker Hill Day breakfast, an annual event I always look forward to. As always, thanks for the invitation. Responser: for the citizens consideration regarding our elected congress http://www.upworthy.com/a-news-anchor-completely-lost-it-im-really-glad-he-did?c=ufb2 [[SHARE]]
Output: Neutral
Poster: It seems there's movement from many in #GOP to join #Dems to move on #immigrationreform. What would you like to see in new US policy? Responser: I would like to see assurance that new immigrants will not be a burden on the US Taxpayers.
Output: Positive
Poster: Whose ready to pray with me in the morning? Y'all set your alarm clocks so you don't miss it. Tell all your friends to join us at 7AM EST 4AM PST and 6AM CST It's FREE to join in. Dial: 712-432-1500 Passcode: 117351# Responser: I'm up. Looking forward to my first prayer call
Output: Positive
Poster: Once again the Young Turks have brought me onboard. I appreciate it https://tytnetwork.com Responser: I enjoy your presence sir.
Output: Positive
Poster: I'm tired of meeting #homeless #veterans especially female veterans. Time to do more Responser: They should have a task force verifying their Identification. Of you are lying you go to jail. Then back to Mexico.
Output: Negative
Poster: Happy Game of Thrones day! Responser: Why are you so lovely, Bitsie?? ^^ We love u!!!!!
Output: Neutral
Poster: Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and very happy and healthy holiday season. Responser: Merry Christmas to such a great family! Hugs to you!
Output: Positive
Poster: Big game vs. UNC tonight. Let's go Hokies! Responser: Man, my Hokies know how to make us sweat! It's a win....I'll take it.
Output: Positive
Poster: Mahalo nui loa to the Hawai'i Construction Alliance for your endorsement of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard! -TeamTulsi Responser: And my wife says nobody wears long pants in Hawaii..
Output: Neutral
Poster: The President & Senate Democrats have a choice: delay Obamacare and negotiate, which is what Americans want, or continue obstructing. Responser: Congressman Cassidy you have my support and about 90 % of my constituents support you also!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: We did it, thanks to you we smashed our original goal of $15,000 and raised well over $25,000 in grassroots donations to help defeat Allen West! Happy New Years to all our friends and supporters. Responser: I got your back. I do NOT take orders from WAR CRIMINALS!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Good luck to Hockey East Coach of the Year Norm Bazin and the UMass Lowell River Hawks in tonight's Hockey East championship! Responser: Can you please tell me what is happening with Question 21 on security clearance form? Why are combat, grief, and family counseling exempt but sexual assault is not?
Output: Neutral
Poster: Funny #BTS video of David practicing getting the handcuffs off. Grimm #ittakesavillage #orastuntdouble Responser: Lmao Mike Cunningham
Output: Neutral
Poster: Great time visiting the M.L.K. Community Center in Long Beach today! Responser: Byron Ox Mitchell ayyy I see you!!!
Output: Neutral
Poster: Kudos to Gary Trudeau for highlighting the injustice of GOP Voter ID laws in Doonesbury this week they really are modern day Jim Crowe laws. http://bit.ly/N5I1P4 Responser: You might want to correct your post. Correct spelling is Garry with 2 r's.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Powerful film about family and faith! Coming soon! Responser: Thank you for taking the time , to take a pic with me that day of filming.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Saving people, hunting things, eating burritos... It's what we do. Season 11 starts tonight folks. Thats right...11. Suck it #Smallville #SPN11 Jared Padalecki Responser: Georgia Nikki Cianciola
Output: Neutral
Poster: When it's Friday and there's no new Grimm. Responser: That is indeed a grimm scene. Lucky for me i still havent even seen the entire season
Output: Neutral
Poster: Today is the 72nd anniversary of #DDay. Let us never forget the sacrifices made on the beaches of Normandy. #DDay72 Responser: Can John McCain or Ann Kirkpatrick or Kyrsten Sinema have this exposed and the law enforced? tucsonva.com
Output: Neutral
Poster: I'm sitting here pondering my next @ evil_ anon blog posting. Wondering where to start with all the sh@t of the day. What makes u maddest? Responser: Christian self-righteousness. Of course, I hate all self-righteousness. But some Christians seem to be much more proficient at it.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Relaxing on set...borrowed sound guys jacket=pillow! Got my #Enerplex solar going....& Walt #Longmire #Perfection http://t.co/81L0ytV1fT Responser: love you, walt and henry!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Lets send him off right because he was a good dude...PERIOD..#rickeyharris Responser: deepest sympathy to his family and friends Prayers
Output: Positive
Poster: All-day cereal restaurant. Hmmm!! What was your favorite cereal growing up?? I'm a Cinnamon Toast Crunch girl Responser: Cinnamon toast crunch!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Ecco qui Jane sul set di "Sei passi nel giallo - Ostaggi" che andr in onda Mercoled 28 marzo ;-) Responser: Legata cosi ancora piu sexy
Output: Positive
Poster: Payaseando con Josie <3 Wee are hanging and clowning around Responser: k lindas saludos Dunia Elvir tus nenas son un encanto k dios t las bendiga
Output: Neutral
Poster: Hannah and Jordan joined Cindy at the Tulsa Women's Republican Club today Responser: James, I like the Clean campaign you're running!!! No negative adds about your opponents!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Photo by Ian Redd Photography Responser: Jenny Forester t'as pas ide quel point elle me fait penser toi....et quand elle joue dans Heartland elle me rappel tellement toi quand t'tais plus jeune....ayoye :-)
Output: Positive
Poster: How is it 'free' trade when workers in Mexico make $2.50 per hour? Or when workers in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam make $149 per month on average? How can slave wages be considered 'free'? Responser: How can "so called American" corporations do this to people>?
Output: Negative
Poster: Conaway statement on Restoring Work Requirements to Welfare Responser: I don't think we can believe any of the main stream media sources. They all seem to have agendas, their own.
Output: Neutral
Poster: President Trump's executive order temporarily blocked! Great victory. But we must keep up the fight against this disgraceful and xenophobic #MuslimBan. Responser: Hey Hey! Ho Ho! All you snowflakes got to go.
Output: Neutral
Poster: What do @LBAirport & @flyONTairport passengers have in common? Both dislike @flyLAXairport unless of course we have no other option Responser: Be Safe and have a blessed day!
Output: Positive
Poster: Next Friday: F Word at Splash in NYC...... Responser: Come do promo stuff in LA soon!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Two exciting quarterfinal matches on the women's side. Congrats to Maria Sharapova and Genie Bouchard. Responser: Maria is an amazing competitor. Her screaming has to be disconcerting to her opponent. The tighter the situation the louder she gets....interesting? Intentional? It clearly gives her an advantage and is a disadvantage to her opponent. Would love to see it controlled in some manner.
Output: Mixed
Poster: Today I'm reminded of how important it is to enjoy the process and not just the goal. #dance #dancer #paulaabdul #quote #qotd #waynedyer Responser: Fab! Great writer "Manifest your destiny" is a must
Output: Positive
Poster: http://www.thebeacon.com.au/interview-with-my-vag-rapper-awkwafina/ Shout to HUMYARA MAHBUB from her amazing Aussie blog, THE BEACON. Homegirl is also an amazing artist!! Responser: Great music vid made my day
Output: Positive
Poster: I'll be hosting a Federal Financial Aid workshop on Aug 20 at BRIDGES, Inc. Click here http://on.fb.me/nkT2YH for more information. RSVP 901-544-4131 Responser: @Kai - I'll share online as much as possible on my website www.cohen.house.gov
Output: Positive
Poster: Thrilled that the House has passed the standalone "Don't Ask Don't Tell" repeal bill that I introduced in the Senate last week. Now, it's the Senate's turn. We must stay in session as long as it takes to get this done. Responser: Keep it up Senator Gillibrand We need to get this bill pass before Christmas Thank you Happy Holiday
Output: Positive
Poster: CUTE HelloGiggles.com Responser: 500 days of summer is on tonight!!! Haha, you are such an evil lil one in this movie!! Totally reminds me of someone...
Output: Positive
Poster: The most lit collaborasian in history is coming soon . Margaret Cho Responser: Side eye dog [[PHOTO]]
Output: Neutral
Poster: Favorite interview of the day: McCain talks Benghazi talking points, proposed defense cuts on Happening Now Responser: McCain needs to go home!
Output: Neutral
Poster: Participating in the Hunger Seder at the Yad Ezra Warehouse. The number of our children that go to bed hungry is heartbreaking. So glad to see our communities highlighting this incredibly important issue. People helping people is what it is all about. Responser: What about the extortion auto insurance rates in Detroit?
Output: Negative
Poster: Me holding the Olympic Torch. Responser: Nice pix,,baby pls go for gold
Output: Positive
Poster: My question isn't why are outside groups spending so heavily to defeat Democrats. It's what do they expect from Republicans in return? Responser: They have nothing but anger and hate, no solutions to any problem what so ever..
Output: Neutral
Poster: Tune into Fox Business at 10pm where Senator Rand Paul will be discussing the GOP Budget with John Stossel and several others. Responser: Go Get 'Em Rand Paul. I heard you on the Laura Ingraham show today and you did great! Glad to see you out in front making the case.
Output: Positive
Poster: The Violence Against Women Act (the bi-partisan Senate version) has passed! A victory where Dems work with some GOP willing to buck leadership and Tea Party. A nice step if carried forward to other critical issues. Responser: Steve The roll call says Boehner didn't vote at all http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll055.xml
Output: Neutral
Poster: If you missed the interview this morning on the Tom Joyner Morning Show? Check out the replay. Don't forget to tune in to GREENLEAF next Wednesday. It is going to be EPIC #OWNGreenleaf Responser: Great my new friend [[PHOTO]]
Output: Positive
Poster: http://youtu.be/1tswCrfRGEA check out this excellent short doc made by Dania Ramirez very touching! #IHM2015 #AnAmericanAlien @DaniaJRamirez Responser: Do they have something about a St. Lucian living in New York or Toronto. I want to definitely get a ticket for that. :)
Output: Positive
Poster: Join me for May 16 and 18 Town Halls Responser: I'll be there! Thanks for doing these.
Output: Positive
Poster: A heartbreaking look into the gun violence that has overtaken Chicago. Weak gun laws at the federal level and in neighboring states make it all too easy for this violence to continue. It's time we end the epidemic of gun violence in this country. Responser: Piss poor liberal policy has caused all chicago problems. You can blame anything you want but we know the truth.
Output: Negative
Poster: Wrapping up the republican debates. What was your take on it? Responser: I'd rather stick red hot pokers in my eyes, then, if I can still see, watch a "Golden Girls" marathon rather than watch any GOP debates. BUT, from what I am seeing on the highlights, looks like more of the same, all bluster, no policy, no substance, little on facts, SSDD.
Output: Negative
Poster: Watch our exclusive tour of Giordano's Pizza new food truck tomorrow morning on NBC 5! Mr. Andy Avalos is the best server!! Responser: not advetising Thoas. We are doing a lot of other food trucks too
Output: Neutral
Poster: At House Budget press conference. #2Futures http://ow.ly/i/wfVp Responser: Thank God it isn't going anywhere....
Output: Negative
Poster: Some Republicans are underestimating Hillary Clinton at this point in the campaign. Here's my take. Responser: Lost respect for you Mark. Hillary is not capable of leadership nor of foreign policy direction.
Output: Negative
Poster: Ok, guys, it's happening. I have written the first scene of the Warm Bodies sequel and I dare say it's a lovely opening. Crack some champagne on my hull, this ship is launched... Responser: wait. what part of you would be considered the hull? 'cause this might get dangerous.
Output: Mixed
Poster: Thoughts and prayers for all those affected by the senseless attack in Orlando. Responser: Prayers won't help now, we need responsible gun control! Assault rifles should be illegal, they are killing machines, not for hunting or personal safety!
Output: Negative
Poster: After an entire serious conversation with @colinbenward I definitely forgot that I had put a tiny piece of toilet paper over the pimple I just picked. #marriedlife @loveyourflawz #loveyourflawz Responser: That's totally something I would do! I love you for sharing this girl! :)
Output: Positive
Poster: Anyone in Tucson this weekend? I'll be doing all sorts of nonsense at Tucson Festival of Books. http://www.tucsonfestivalofbooks.org Responser: I was there today and really enjoyed the last panel of the day where we discussed cliches. Good luck on your future work!
Output: Positive
Poster: Last night, President Obama signed my legislation to quiet excessively loud television commercials. Responser: My dad would have really appreciated this!
Output: Positive
Poster: #maybeineedgas #justsayin Responser: WGN must not pay very well.
Output: Mixed
Poster: "Did someone say breakfast?" #mood #hungry #hunting #thismighthurtalittle A limited number of these mini posters will be available this weekend in Detroit @ Info: www. motor Citynightmares.com Responser: Thats really cool and sexy, nice fangs!
Output: Positive
Poster: Sabes que tienes algo en comn con la ltima reina de Nuestra Belleza Latina? Ella elige entre espaol e ingls, y t puedes hacer lo mismo con XFINITY Latino! #Ad Responser: Ya ccalid tam la cabeza con eso
Output: Neutral
Poster: I wish I could say I'm surprised by the president's rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline today. I feel like yet again, the president has put politics before economic growth, bending to pressure from special interest groups. Responser: Diane - don't build a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf - 1700 miles - that's crazy. Build a refinery in Williaston Nd ( where most of our oil is going to be coming from soon anyway ) and only about 120 miles long !
Output: Mixed
Poster: Final stage walk through before my speech today at Democratic National Convention. Tune-in at 5pm EST (2pm PST). Responser: Mucha suerte y pendientes Rubn, saludos!
Output: Positive
Poster: On this day in 1935, Social Security was signed into law. I will continue to work to protect and strengthen this vital program for today's kupuna and future generations. Responser: Oh we can just kiss that good bye if those Republican NUTJOBS get into office!!
Output: Negative
Poster: Congratulations! First #GoldMedal of the #RioOlympics2016 goes to #WVU student #GinnyThrasher http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/usas-virginia-thrasher-wins-first-gold-medal-olympics Responser: Congratulations from West Virginia
Output: Positive
Poster: More action from Dew Tour , mid double cork! :D : @kjellellefsonFreeskier Magazinee Responser: Perfect!! But you all ready know this
Output: Positive
Poster: Can you caption this? Responser: WONDER WHERE THAT CAME FROM!
Output: Neutral
Poster: Following the chase and shooting in Lake County...MORE COMING UP AT 5:30am Responser: Good morning Lourdes
Output: Neutral
Poster: sorry i left you hanging @Facebook friends! lol! i wanted to know who was awake then got called away! came back & saw EVERYONE was up! xoP Responser: how ya doing gal???ur one hot lady!!!!!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Easter recess is over and it's back to Washington with the other Oversight watchdogs. I'm going to go "over the top" to get answers for Arizona on the GSA spending spree. Today's hearing will be streamed LIVE at Oversight.House.Gov at 10:30AM, and I have provided a link below for you to watch it. Responser: Knew we could count on you to hold abusers accountable!
Output: Positive
Poster: Incredible video. Nobody was injured. The rocket was unmanned. Responser: Yes (Teresa) I watched online yesterday as the launch was postponed. Sorry that the Space Station won't be getting those supplies on schedule. Glad no one was injured.
Output: Positive
Poster: It was a pleasure to welcome the Delaware Field Hockey team to Washington yesterday. We are so proud of all they've accomplished this season! Go #BlueHens! Responser: I love field hockey. I played football but field hockey was my favorite sport then softball and then girls basketball
Output: Positive
Poster: I WONNNNNN!!!!! 6-2, 5-7, 7-6(4) US OPEN BABYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love y'all!!!! Responser: Way to go Shelby!! Been thinking of you all afternoon. So happy for you!! New York bound now........FANTASTIC
Output: Positive
Poster: SO cute The X Factor (USA) Responser: You are a very busy woman!!
Output: Neutral
Poster: What do I do in my free time is a question I get a lot...wish this was the answer all the time! Fun day with the fam on an atv adventure through the desert! Responser: Love that y'all got on them .... Have fun
Output: Positive
Poster: "I am never bothered when my opponent hits a winner ~ They have just as much a right to hit a great shot as I do."- Chrissie on keeping positive & not being flustered by an opponent's momentum Responser: Thanks! I will share that with my high school players!
Output: Positive
Poster: Thank you to the National Federation of the Blind for visiting my office today to discuss the critical importance of education, research and technology programs for the blind. #NY22 Responser: Be the hero. Vote no on DeVos.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Watch President Obama's economic advisor explain the recession and share progress on the economic recovery. Responser: THIS is the kind of information that needs to be blasted throughout the airwaves. People canNOT grasp numbers alone, graphics go a LONG way to helping everyone see the real truth.
Output: Positive
Poster: Congratulations to the Verizon employees who went back to work today. I was happy to play a role, however small, in helping bring both parties to the table to reach a resolution. Responser: Doing good Sir, keep listening and we will keep on voting for you!
Output: Positive
Poster: Brk News update: 6 people now confirmed dead in Ok tornado. Video of aftermath is devastating. Watch NBC 5 news now! Responser: Gods Bless ! God SPEED!!!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Missing my . If you're in Melbourne, go say hi to him this weekend at @ozcomiccon! Responser: Onw, you are a couple so sweet.
Output: Mixed
Poster: THERE ARE ONLY SEVEN LEFT I REPEAT THERE ARE ONLY SEVEN LEFT Responser: without adalind is so great
Output: Positive
Poster: Que rico dormir en mi cama . Buenas noches! Responser: eres una bella mujer, la cama debe de estar tan feliz de que se acueste una mujer tan hermosa como tu.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Please share Congressman Jim Bridenstine's post if you support the Second Amendment: Responser: What r u doing about the impeachment of Obama for treason
Output: Neutral
Poster: Went down 6-4,6-4: Lucic-Baroni too good tonight! Another incredible experience in Acapulco, will be back better next year! Indian Wells coming up next Responser: Hope Miami is on your mind
Output: Neutral
Poster: Enjoying opening day at the Kane County flea market! Responser: Will Joe Walsh's integrity be for sale there?
Output: Negative
Poster: Thanks Star Sports India & Alan Wilkins ! Enjoyed being with you all ! Merci Star Sports India & Alan Wilkins ! Trs heureuse d'avoir pass ce moment avec vous tous ! #IPTL2 #Moment Responser: MY BEAUTIGUL DAUGHTER MARY CAROLINE
Output: Positive
Poster: True or not, my vag is a happy vag right now. Responser: Honestly, I prefer your version.
Output: Positive
Poster: This is great! Congrats!!! Responser: We have the best in business Go Cubbies
Output: Positive
Poster: Hallelujah! Holy Shit!! Responser: I kept saying the diet would start if we woke up on 12-22-12....I had oatmeal for breakfast, but that was it. Neighbors keep sending cookies. HAP-PEE NEWWOOOOOOOOOORD!!!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Okay I fux wit candy crush saga Responser: Crush candy or go home
Output: Positive
Poster: NYC coffee break with a view. #leicaq Responser: Dude, you're multi talented.
Output: Positive
Poster: Would you want a pipeline running through your backyard? We stand with the First Nations communities of Quebec, Labrador, and all of Canada, in opposing Energy East. Responser: All of these pipelines are going to take bitumen, dilbit actually (even more toxic than crude), to 'tidewater' where they will dump it onto oil tankers that will take it down to the gulf for refining. None of it is for use in Canada or for refining in Canada.
Output: Negative
Poster: Find out what is easier for Dean: writing good or evil. Great question, Lisa Gregory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sappdp-wO78 Responser: I love all your writing, Dean !!!
Output: Positive
Poster: In Their View - The Columbian 'Cheers' the predicted "golden age" for Clark County and Portland high-tech companies, and 'Jeers' the proposed Bristol Bay Pebble Mine that would threaten salmon and fishery jobs: http://bit.ly/KCt3Ps Responser: Senator Cantwell is very accessible and answers your questions and concerns.Thank you Senator for the request via email to like your page!Really helpful.Thank you for your work for the people!
Output: Positive
Poster: Thank you for the love Cincy!! #TotalBlackOutTour #Cincinnati Responser: So, did you know Wayne Williams?
Output: Neutral
Poster: See the entire trailer at www.facebook.com/vincentmward Death House coming soon...#deathhousemovie Responser: I'm so excited for this!
Output: Positive
Poster: I will be LIVE tomorrow morning at 8:00AM CT on the Fox News Sunday show with Chris Wallace talking about immigration and other important issues facing our nation. Be sure to tune in! Responser: I don't think Chris Wallace is much of a liberal..
Output: Neutral
Poster: Masters of Sex TOMORROW NIGHT!!!! Showtime! Check me out as a 1950's society lady! Responser: Did you meet my friend Angela Aiea Sauer?
Output: Neutral
Poster: I am pleased to announce that my bill to #DepoliticizeTheNSC has surpassed 100 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. Thank you to my fellow Congressional colleagues who agree that there is no room for partisan politics in our national security. Let us know if you support my bill. #FL07 Responser: Yes! You're off to a great start! Keep up the good work!
Output: Positive
Poster: #NEWS to KNOW this AM - #Trump and #Clinton each win 7 states in the Republican race...Early voting in Illinois is off to a record start in Chicago...A new fetish lounge will not be built in the River North neighborhood. WGN TV Responser: Early voting in Chicago huh? I wonder how many cartoon characters will be voting this year?
Output: Negative
Poster: Something to consider (via The Heritage Foundation) Responser: budget cuts to PBS obvious duh but If reelected Obama will cut the military instead
Output: Neutral
Poster: The black tie seasons begins tonight with the Mu Boule in Princeton, NJ tonight. God help me! Responser: And I said "tonight" twice. I'm breaking the rules of grammar baby.
Output: Negative
Poster: Proud to receive the endorsement of the Lexington Democratic Club tonight! Responser: Everyone should endorse you - You Rock!
Output: Positive
Poster: It's a fact, our campaign has earned the support of more individual campaign contributors than all other opponents combined. This just goes to show how much my positive message is resonating with the people of our great state! Responser: And people want an honest man too.
Output: Mixed
Poster: Suzanne and I would like to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas. Responser: Merry Christmas to you and yours
Output: Positive
Poster: Thank you to everyone who joined our listening session last night in #Orlando. Our next one is tonight at 6:30pm at Westside Communtiy Center in #Sanford. See you there! Responser: Very sorry to have missed these. Following your page now. :)
Output: Mixed
Poster: Reminder to stay safe out there during hunting season. Responser: Leave these animals the hell alone, you morons!
Output: Negative
Poster: Venice Beach #leicaq Responser: Loved this place on vacation!!!
Output: Positive
Poster: Still #panthersnation. What a great season! You all are still number 1 in our eyes. Thanks for representing North Carolina well. #nextYearisYours #keepPounding Responser: Luvin the hats! You look fantabulous!
Output: Positive
Poster: BREAKING NEWS: Hasner says Yes to Wall Street and Big Oil, No to Medicare Responser: way to win big in florida....not! lol
Output: Negative
Poster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ_tk2FNqWI Responser: this mess we learned from the 52 flood. hope something is figured out on this continued and on going problem.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Release date for #Riddick Sept 6th 2013!!!! Responser: O_o had no idea there was going to be another one. Butchers Bay is an awesome video game, a classic.
Output: Positive
Poster: Hanging out Meltdown Comics and Collectibles post show! Brent Morin is killing it! @siriusxm Rabbit Hole with Jay and Rory #meltdown #comedy #rawcomedy Responser: Love this show Craig and I think your an amazing host, actor, and comedian! This show was the only reason I renewed my XM subscription! I have no idea why or how you are not a blockbuster actor!?! Love your stance on substances as well! lol I have been there! Keep it up!
Output: Positive
Poster: Ready to discuss #Syria on @meetthepress. Responser: agree with your Middle East assessment expressed on MTP today...thank you for your service...
Output: Positive
Poster: Always a pleasure to join the talented team on #SpecialReport--thanks for having me. Responser: I went back and looked at the tape again. You could see him mouth FU to somebody. I don't care how upset he was. That was inappropriate. I'm still more upset over the ugly hateful look that was on his face.
Output: Negative
Poster: Happy 64th Birthday to the United States Air Force! I was born on an USAF base while my Dad was serving our country. Responser: I was born on Carlswell AFB. Though it is now Carlswell NAS.
Output: Neutral
Poster: Doubles partnership !cVarvara and Raluca Olaru after their 1 round victory ! Responser: Cheering you on from Jamaica!!
Output: Positive
Poster: I hear the Lord saying,"Expect the turn around now!" I hear the lord saying,"You are about to receive major turn arounds in every aspect of your life!" ALL OF A SUDDEN! Responser: Am expecting it...in the name of Jesus...amen
Output: Positive
Poster: Safely arrived in Rio ! Looking for tomorrow Responser: Lets Mary you are champion
Output: Positive
Poster: Won again today!! 6-2,6-3! Into the quarterfinals tomorrow against Kaia Kanepi! My first time competing against someone top 50 Responser: I knew u could do it
Output: Positive
Poster: Congratulations Ford Motor Company & UAW LOCAL 2000 for this historic announcement: brand new #SuperDuty chassis for F-350, F-450 and F-550 will be built at the award-winning Ford facility in Avon Lake, OH! Responser: Please continue to help Teamsters with our pensions, thank you .
Output: Positive
Poster: My political quote of the day comes from Winston Churchill. Responser: I had a person say he can't wait till people drawing SS are dead and gone. ?
Output: Neutral
Poster: Waiting to come to the Lord when you get your life right is like waiting to go to the ER when you stop bleeding. He doesn't love some future version of you, He loves us in our mess. He turns out scars into stars!! Responser: Yes he does. Praise the Lord
Output: Positive
Poster: Want to argue history with Craig? http://deadline.com/2015/09/craig-ferguson-join-or-die-history-series-1201531899/ Responser: And when does it start?
Output: Neutral
Poster: Last Sunday's Young Artist Awards ceremony will be aired on PBS station KLCS Channel 25 in Southern California at 5pm on Sunday, March 20th. Responser: Find out if it is playing in Michigan? Please!
Output: Positive
Poster: "An idea can be the most dangerous of all things, especially if it is an idea that promises you the most particular and exquisite happiness for which you've long yearned." -Odd Thomas, in Odd Apocalypse Responser: Glad to see another Odd Book! Keep em coming!
Output: Positive
Poster: Excited to be a part of the fifth annual Social Good Summit! Responser: Caitlin, I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work. :-)
Output: Positive
Poster: "Did someone say breakfast?" #mood #hungry #hunting #thismighthurtalittle A limited number of these mini posters will be available this weekend in Detroit @ Info: www. motor Citynightmares.com Responser: Thats really cool and sexy, nice fangs!
Output: Positive
Poster: You've got to be kidding! I just received a letter rejecting my ObamaCare sign up even tho' by law I have to sign up in the DC Exchange! Responser: So what!t The real news will be that YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING TO REPEAL IT! Until then, this is just ho hum...I told you so news. DO SOMETHING instead of just giving verbal spews.
Output: Negative
Poster: it is GORGEOUS today & i have a million things to do! lol! how are you guys? Facebookers you guys awake yet? i know you are, you never sleep! Responser: You must be also Paula????
Output: Neutral |
This task involves creating answers to complex questions, from a given passage. Answering these questions, typically involve understanding multiple sentences. Make sure that your answer has the same type as the "answer type" mentioned in input. The provided "answer type" can be of any of the following types: "span", "date", "number". A "span" answer is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. You can directly copy-paste the text from the passage or the question for span type answers. If you find multiple spans, please add them all as a comma separated list. Please restrict each span to five words. A "number" type answer can include a digit specifying an actual value. For "date" type answers, use DD MM YYYY format e.g. 11 Jan 1992. If full date is not available in the passage you can write partial date such as 1992 or Jan 1992. If you find multiple spans, please add them all as a comma separated list. Please restrict each span to five words.
Example: Passage: In the financial year ending 31 July 2011, the University of Manchester had a total income of £808.58 million (2009/10 – £787.9 million) and total expenditure of £754.51 million (2009/10 – £764.55 million). Key sources of income included £247.28 million from tuition fees and education contracts (2009/10 – £227.75 million), £203.22 million from funding body grants (2009/10 – £209.02 million), £196.24 million from research grants and contracts (2009/10 – £194.6 million) and £14.84 million from endowment and investment income (2009/10 – £11.38 million). During the 2010/11 financial year the University of Manchester had a capital expenditure of £57.42 million (2009/10 – £37.95 million).
Question: How many more millions of pounds did the University receive from research grants and contracts than from endowment and investment income?
Answer type: Number
A: 181.4.
Example: Passage: Facing a desperate season verging on the point of disaster yet again, the Browns traveled again in Week 10 to the Georgia Dome in Atlanta to meet the Atlanta Falcons. The 5-3 Falcons were determined to rebound from their disappointed Week 9 loss to the Detroit Lions. In the first quarter, nothing happened until very late. With 3:33 remaining in the quarter, Browns quarterback Charlie Frye connected on a 40-yard pass to tight end Kellen Winslow. That put the Browns on the Atlanta 6-yard line and 3 plays later, on 4th and 1, the Browns scored on a run by running back Reuben Droughns and the Browns took a 7-0 lead. The second quarter started with a bang for the Browns. Atlanta had 2nd and 9 on the Cleveland 49 when Falcons quarterback Michael Vick threw an interception to Browns safety Sean Jones. The Browns drove the ball quickly down the field and, with 11:59 remaining in the quarter, Charlie Frye connected with tight end Braylon Edwards on a 19-yard touchdown pass. The Browns lead was 14-0. At the two-minute-warning, Reuben Droughns fumbled on the Atlanta 35. The Falcons attempted a two-minute-drill offense, but the Browns stood Vick up at the Browns 26. However, Falcons kicker Morten Andersen kicked a 44-yard field goal to get on the board 14-3 at halftime Very little happened in the third quarter. Michael Vick was driving in Cleveland territory with 5:28 remaining when he was intercepted again by Browns safety Brodney Pool. However, the ensuing Browns possession resulted in a Dave Zastudil punt. The punt was out of their own endzone and was returned to the Browns 12. It took two plays for Vick to connect with wide receiver Michael Jenkins for a touchdown. The score was then 14-10. The possibility of success seemed unlikely for the Browns in the fourth quarter. After the teams each went three and out, Atlanta gained favorable field position and were able to bring Andersen in for a 46-yard field goal. At that point the Browns were leading 14-13. The next drive for the Browns looked promising. After two passes to tight end Steve Heiden and a 36-yard pass to Kellen Winslow, the Browns then faltered and had to settle for a 43-yard Phil Dawson field goal. The score was 17-13. With 3:18 remaining in the game, Atlanta took over on their own 28-yard line. Down by 4, Vick let in loose downfield to an open receiver Roddy White for a 55-yard gain. The Falcons then committed a 10-yard penalty and Vick threw an incomplete pass. With 2nd and 20 on the Cleveland 27, Vick fumbled the ball on 3rd down to a waiting Browns rookie cornerback Jereme Perry. Out of timeouts, the Falcons fell for a second week in a row to the Browns.
Question: How many points were scored from field goals?
Answer type: Number
A: 9.
Example: Passage: In week 15, the Lions hosted the defending the NFC Champion Arizona Cardinals. The first half was all Arizona. First was a Larry Fitzgerald 1-yard catch from Kurt Warner. Next in the second quarter a 48-yard field goal by Mike Nugent. Then near halftime a 1-yard rush by Tim Hightower. After his unproductive first half (6 for 12 and only 64 yards passing and an interception) Lions backup quarterback Daunte Culpepper was replaced by third stringer Drew Stanton who breathed some life into the offense. First though came an interception and 100 yard Lions TD run by Louis Delmas, a tie for the third longest interception TD in team history. A few minutes later Detroit's Maurice Morris ran in a career-high 64 yard TD. In the 4th quarter, the Cardinals responded with an 18-yard Chris Wells TD run. The Lions tied it back up when Stanton ran in his first career rushing TD from 1 yard out. The Cardinals sealed their victory though with just under 2 minutes left when Anquan Boldin caught a 5-yard TD pass. The Lions attempted to tie it back up soon after but were stopped on 4th and 1.
Question: By how many percent did the LFPR fall between January of 2000 and January 2018?
Answer type: Number
A: 4.6.
Example: Passage: The year 2001 saw Deflation (economics) of 0.1%. The governments overall budget deficit rose sharply in 1999 and 2000 to 3.2% of GDP, the result of hikes in government salaries, expenditures related to the 2000 election campaign, higher foreign debt service payments, and lower tax revenues. The government brought the deficit down to 2.5% of GDP in 2001, and set a target of 1.9% of GDP for 2002. Perus stability brought about a substantial reduction in underemployment, from an average of 74% from the late 1980s through 1994 to 43% in the 1995-96 period, but the rates began climbing again in 1997-2002 to over half the working population. The poverty rate remained at 54% in 2001, with 24% of Peruvians living in extreme poverty. In 2005, 18% of Peruvians were living in extreme poverty and a poverty rate at 39%. As of 2010, around 30% of its total population is poor.
Question: How many more percent of Peruvians were living in extreme poverty in 2001 compared to 2005?
Answer type: Number
A: 6.
Example: Passage: Trying to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Broncos, the Steelers flew to Paul Brown Stadium for a Week 8 AFC North brawl with the Cincinnati Bengals. In the first quarter, Pittsburgh trailed early as Bengals kicker Shayne Graham managed to get a 31-yard field goal. Fortunately, the Steelers took the lead with QB Ben Roethlisberger completing a 21-yard TD pass to WR Hines Ward. In the second quarter, Pittsburgh increased its lead with Roethlisberger and Ward hooking up with each other again on a 6-yard TD pass to lead 14-3. With 2:16 left in the second quarter on 4th-and-1 at the Steelers 2, Cincinnati chose to kick a 20-yard field goal and received loud boos from the hometown crowd upon successfully doing so. In a similar situation two minutes later, Steelers RB Willie Parker ran 1 yard into the end zone to put the Steelers up 21-6 at the end of the first half. After a scoreless third quarter, the Bengals tried to make a fourth quarter comeback as QB Carson Palmer completed a 9-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. Pittsburgh wrapped up the victory with kicker Jeff Reed nailing a 40-yard field goal.
Question: How many yards do the two shortest touchdown passes add up to?
Answer type: Number
A: 15.
Example: Passage: Ethnic change has been transforming the population. By 2009, nearly 45 percent of the residents spoke a language other than English at home. Whites now comprise only 45 percent of the population, while the numbers of Hispanics grow steadily, along with Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese families. The percentage of foreign-born residents jumped to 30 percent in 2008 from 6 percent in 1970. The mayor of Irvine, Sukhee Kang, was born in Korea, making him the first Korean-American to run a major American city. “We have 35 languages spoken in our city,” Kang observed. The population is diverse age-wise, with 27.0% under the age of 18, 9.4% from 18 to 24, 33.2% from 25 to 44, 20.6% from 45 to 64, and 9.9% 65 years of age or older. The median age is 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 99.0 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 96.7 males.
Question: How many more people, in terms of percentage, were in the second largest age group compared to the two smallest age groups combined?
Answer type: Number
A: 7.7.
Example: Passage: Coming off a season-sweeping road win over the Jets, the Bills went home for a Week 9 intraconference duel with the Cincinnati Bengals. with rookie QB Trent Edwards out for a sore right wrist, J. P. Losman got the chance to reclaim his starting job. In the first quarter, Buffalo drew first blood with Losman completing an 8-yard TD pass to WR Lee Evans that was initially ruled incomplete. The Bengals would respond with QB Carson Palmer completing a 15-yard TD pass to WR T. J. Houshmandzadeh. In the second quarter, the Bills went back into the lead with kicker Rian Lindell getting a 23-yard field goal. However, Cincinnati immediately responded with WR/KR Glenn Holt returning the kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown. Buffalo ended the half with Lindell kicking a 21-yard field goal. In the third quarter, the Bills went back to work with Lindell getting a 21-yard field goal. However, the Bengals answered with Palmer completing a 1-yard TD pass to FB Jeremi Johnson. Fortunatenly, in the fourth quarter, Buffalo began its final assault with Lindell nailing a 38-yard field goal. Afterwards, rookie RB Marshawn Lynch was a key player as he threw an 8-yard TD pass to TE Robert Royal on a trick play, along with getting his best run of the year with a 56-yard TD run. With the win, not only did the Bills improve to 4-4, but they have won three-straight games for the first time since 2004. Losman ended the day completing 24 out of 34 passes for 295 yards with a touchdown and an interception. Meanwhile, Lynch finally managed to get not only his first 100-yard game, but also his first 150-yard game. He ended the day with 29 carries for 153 yards and a touchdown, along with his touchdown pass.
Question: How many yards was the longest touchdown run?
Answer type: Number
A: 56.
Example: Passage: The New Englanders, led by Sir William Phips, retaliated by attacking Port Royal, the capital of Acadia. The Battle of Port Royal began on May 9, 1690.:82 Phips arrived with 736 New England men in seven English ships. Governor de Meneval fought for two days and then capitulated. The garrison was imprisoned in the church, and Governor de Meneval was confined to his house. The New Englanders levelled what was begun of the new fort.:38 The residents of Port Royal were imprisoned in the church and administered an oath of allegiance to the King.:39 Phips left, but warships from New York City arrived in June which resulted in more destruction.:82 The seamen burned and looted the settlement, including the parish church.:40 The New Englanders left again, and Villebon, the Governor of Acadia, moved the capital to safer territory inland at Fort Nashwaak . Fort Nashwaak remained the capital until after the war, when Port Royal was restored as the capital in 1699.:45.
Question: When did the Battle of Port Royal begin?
Answer type: Date
A: {'day': '1690', 'month': 'May', 'year': '9'}.
Example: Passage: Trying to snap a three-game skid, the Chiefs went home for a Week 12 AFC West rematch with the Oakland Raiders. In the first quarter, Kansas City trailed early as Raiders kicker Sebastian Janikowski managed to get a 25-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Chiefs regained the lead as rookie RB Kolby Smith managed to get a 10-yard TD run. In the second quarter, Oakland played catch-up as Janikowski kicked a 54-yard field goal. Kansas City improved its lead before halftime as kicker Dave Rayner nailed a 30-yard field goal. In the third quarter, the Raiders regained the lead with RB LaMont Jordan getting a 5-yard TD run. The Chiefs would respond with Smith getting a 5-yard TD run. However, in the fourth quarter, Oakland regained the lead with RB Justin Fargas getting a 14-yard TD run. Kansas City tried to come back, but the Raiders held on for the win. With their fourth-straight loss, not only did the Chiefs fall to 4-7, but it snapped their nine-game winning streak against the Raiders. This would be the first time since 2004 that Kansas City had dropped four-straight games. Kolby Smith, in his first game starting in absence of Larry Johnson, had 31 carries for 150 yards on the day.
Question: How many field goals were kicked?
Answer type: Number
A: 3.
Example: Passage: Hoping to continue their winning streak, the Bears flew to Cowboys Stadium for an NFC matchup with the Cowboys. In the first quarter Chicago took the early lead as kicker Robbie Gould nailed a 38-yard field goal. Then they trailed with WR Dez Bryant returning a punt 62 yards to the endzone for a touchdown. While the Cowboys were able to pressure quarterback Jay Cutler in the early stages of the game, the Bears' offense made adjustments and regained momentum. The Bears got the lead back when Cutler made a 39-yard TD pass to tight end Greg Olsen. In the second quarter the Bears trailed again when QB Tony Romo made a 1-yard touchdown pass to RB Chris Gronkowski, but took the lead with Cutler making a nine-yard TD pass to WR Devin Hester. The Bears increased their lead when kicker Robbie Gould made a 40-yard field goal. In the third quarter Dallas would reply with kicker David Buehler nailing a 28-yard field goal. The Bears increased their lead in the fourth quarter when Cutler made a three-yard TD pass to RB Matt Forte. The Cowboys made the final score of the game with Buehler hitting a 48-yard field goal.
Question: How many field goals did Gould kick in the second quarter?
Answer type: Number
A: 1.
Example: Passage: The 49ers featured one of the best running games in the NFL in 1976 NFL season. Delvin Williams emerged as an elite back, gaining over 1,200 yards rushing and made the Pro Bowl. Wilbur Jackson also enjoyed a resurgence, rushing for 792 yards. Once again Gene Washington was the teams leading receiver with 457 yards receiving and six scores. The 49ers started the season 6–1 for their best start since 1970. Most of the wins were against second-tier teams, although the 49ers did shut out the Rams 16–0, in 1976 Los Angeles Rams season on Monday Night Football. In that game the 49ers recorded 10 sacks, including 6 by Tommy Hart. However, the 49ers lost four games in a row, including two against divisional rivals Los Angeles and 1976 Atlanta Falcons season that proved fatal to their playoff hopes. Louis G. Spadia retired from the 49ers in 1977 upon the teams sale to the DeBartolo Family. The team was sold to Edward J. DeBartolo Jr. in March 1977, and despite finishing the season with a winning record of 8–6, Clark was fired after just one season by newly hired general manager Joe Thomas (American football executive), who oversaw the worst stretch of football in the teams history.
Question: How many more wins did the 49ers have compared to loses in the 1976 season?
Answer type: Number
A: 2.
Example: Passage: Hoping to rebound from their last-second road loss to the Steelers, the Browns flew to M&T Bank Stadium for an AFC North rematch with the Baltimore Ravens. In the first quarter, Cleveland drew first blood as kicker Phil Dawson managed to get a 28-yard field goal for the only score of the period. In the second quarter, the Browns increased its lead as RB Jamal Lewis (in his first game back in Baltimore) managed to get a 1-yard touchdown. The Ravens managed to get on the board with LB Ray Lewis returning an interception 35 yards for a touchdown. Fortunately, Cleveland responded with Dawson kicking a 39-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Baltimore took the lead with RB Willis McGahee getting a 2-yard TD run. Fortunately, the Browns replied with QB Derek Anderson getting a 1-yard TD run, while Safety Brodney Pool returned an interception 100 yards for a touchdown. In the fourth quarter, the Ravens tied the game with kicker Matt Stover (a former Brown) managed to kick a 34-yard & a 41-yard field goal, while QB Kyle Boller completed a 27-yard TD pass to WR Devard Darling. Afterwards, Baltimore retook the lead with Stover kicking a 47-yard field goal. Cleveland tried to make a comeback, as they managed to get into field goal range. Initially, Dawson's 51-yard attempt was ruled no good. However, it turns out that the ball bounced off the left upright, went in, bounced off the support bar behind the crossbar, and then went back over the crossbar and onto the field. In the end, the Browns were awarded the field goal, tying the score at 30-30 and sending the game to overtime. In overtime, Cleveland sealed the Ravens' fate as Dawson nailed the game-winning 33-yard field goal. With the win, not only did the Browns improve to 6-4, but it also marked the first time since 2001 that Cleveland swept Baltimore. WR/KR/PR Josh Cribbs became the 3rd NFL player since the AFL-NFL merger of 1970 to have 300+ return yards in one game.
Question: How many yards longer was Phil Dawson's last field goal than his first?
Answer type: Number
A: 5.
Example: Passage: As of the 2000 United States Census, there were 128,094 people, 43,507 households, and 29,889 families residing in the county. The population density was 110 people per square mile (43/km²). There were 56,377 housing units at an average density of 49 per square mile (19/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 28.90% Race (U.S. census), 1.40% Race (U.S. census) or Race (U.S. census), 0.37% Race (U.S. census), 33.01% Race (U.S. census), 10.72% Race (U.S. census), 1.36% from race (U.S. census), and 22.24% from two or more races. 7.8% of the population were Race (U.S. census) or Race (U.S. census) of any race.
Question: How many people were there per household, on average?
Answer type: Number
A: 2.94.
Example: Passage: Tom Brady was making his 231st career start, tying John Elway for the 5th-most all-time. The Patriots marched 80 yards right down the field on their opening possession, scoring on a 43-yard burst by Blount. The next four possessions of the game were punts, but Butler intercepted Jared Goff on the last play of the first quarter and returned it 7 yards to the Rams 30. It only took four plays from Brady to find Chris Hogan on a 14-yard touchdown pass, increasing the Patriots lead to 14-0. After the next three drives ended in punts, the Patriots marched 48 yards to the Rams 10, but as a sign of the Patriots soon-to-come red zone struggles, Stephen Gostkowski kicked a field goal with 0:11 remaining in the first half. The Rams took a knee and the Patriots led 17-0 at halftime. The first two possessions of the second half were punts, but the Rams finally got on board late in the 3rd quarter. After Pharoh Cooper returned a punt 6 yards to the Rams 45, the Rams drove to the Patriots 26-yard line and Greg Zuerlein got the Rams on the scoreboard with a 44-yard field goal. The Patriots countered by driving to the Rams 30 with Gostkowski adding a 48-yard field goal, increasing the lead to 20-3. Kyle Van Noy intercepted Goff on the first play of the Rams next possession. The Patriots only managed to reach the Rams 27, but Gostkowski added a 44-yard field goal. Down 23-3, the Rams were still unable to move the ball and punted. Once again the Patriots drove to the Rams 27 and another 45-yard Gostkowski field goal increased the Patriots lead to 26-3. a few plays into the fourth quarter. Late in the game, Goff hit Kenny Britt for a 66-yard gain to the Patriots 1-yard line. Four plays later, they connected again on a 1-yard touchdown pass, trimming the score to 26-10, but only 1:15 remained. The Patriots recovered the Rams onside kick attempt and ran out the clock to end the game. With the win, the Patriots improved to 10-2, clinching their 14th consecutive 10-win season. The defense dominated, holding the Rams to a paltry 162 yards and just 10 points while forcing two turnovers. Additionally, Tom Brady won his 201st career game, surpassing Peyton Manning for the most combined regular season and postseason victories by a quarterback in NFL history.
Question: How many points is the latter amount after the 14 yard touchdown pass?
Answer type: Number
A: 0.
Example: Passage: Coming off their impressive road win over the Bengals, the Texans went home for a Week 7 interconference duel with the San Francisco 49ers. Houston would get off to a fast start in the first quarter as running back Steve Slaton got a 1-yard touchdown run. The Texans would add onto their lead in the second quarter as quarterback Matt Schaub completed a 9-yard touchdown pass to Slaton and a 42-yard touchdown pass to tight end Owen Daniels. However, the 49ers began to rally in the third quarter with quarterback Alex Smith hooking up with tight end Vernon Davis on a 29-yard touchdown pass. In the fourth quarter, San Francisco continued to catch up as Smith found Davis again on a 14-yard touchdown pass. Houston would respond with kicker Kris Brown booting a 50-yard field goal. The 49ers tried to come back as Smith connected again with Davis on a 23-yard touchdown pass, yet the defense halted San Francisco's rally.
Question: How many yards was the longest TD pass?
Answer type: Number
A: 42.
Example: Passage: Looking to snap a two-game losing streak, Washington traveled home two days before the 2012 Presidential Election to take on the Carolina Panthers in a game that was dubbed a homecoming game for them, with past superstars being honored and wearing throwback jerseys from their 1937 season. The Redskins got on the board first with a Kai Forbath 47-yard field goal, but Carolina countered with a DeAngelo Williams 30-yard score that was aided by an inadvertent whistle by the referee. Upon review, the call stood, and Carolina led 7-3. On Washington's ensuing possession, Washington got down to Carolina's 2, but were stuffed on fourth-and-goal, and Carolina took over on downs. Carolina was able to move the ball efficiently on Washington's much-maligned and porous defense, culminating in a Cam Newton 19-yard TD pass to Steve Smith, giving Carolina a 14-3 halftime advantage. In the second half, Washington continued to stay within striking distance, but was unable to make enough plays to get over the hump. Forbath chipped in a 25-yard field goal to cut the score to 14-6. In the fourth, Carolina pulled away. Pinned inside their 10, Newton found a wide-open Armanti Edwards for an 82-yard completion, and capped off the drive with a 1-yard touchdown run to take a 21-6 lead. Washington would respond later in the game by way of an Evan Royster 2-yard touchdown run, but with only 1:28 left in the game, and only two timeouts, Washington did not recover the onside kick. Following a Carolina three-and-out, Washington got the ball back with 18 seconds to go, but Brandon Banks was tackled in bounds at his own 9-yard line, and with no time outs, the clock ran out. With the loss, Washington fell to 3-6, 1-3 at home, and the Redskins Rule stated that Mitt Romney would win the election. This proved, however, not to be the case, and only the second time the Rule did not apply.
Question: How many field goals were made?
Answer type: Number
A: 2.
Example: Passage: The Peace of Utrecht established the principle that to preserve the balance of power, the thrones of Spain and France would remain separate, regardless of dynastic rules of inheritance. This makes it a significant milestone both in the development of the nation state and the concept of collective security. Britain is often portrayed as the main beneficiary of the war, with Utrecht marking the beginning of its rise to commercial domination of Europe. It ended the war as the largest naval power in the world while the Netherlands, France and Spain were economically exhausted and their fleets severely reduced. France accepted the Protestant succession, ensuring a smooth inheritance by George I in August 1714 and ended support for the Stuarts by the terms of 1716 Anglo-French Treaty. Possession of Gibraltar and Menorca gave British control of the Western Mediterranean and it gained commercial access to Spanish America; resentment over this would lead to the 1739 Anglo-Spanish War. Spain retained its independence, the majority of its Empire and Philip was confirmed as King; in return, they ceded the Spanish Netherlands and most of their Italian possessions to Austria, Sicily to Savoy and Gibraltar and Menorca to Britain. Under the Bourbons, it became far more centralised, the Nueva Planta decrees of 1707 abolishing regional political structures and transferring their powers to Madrid. Reforms strengthened state finances and Spain recovered remarkably quickly; while British naval power prevented the capture of Naples and Sicily in 1718, it successfully did so in 1734 with Menorca regained in 1782.
Question: When did Spain regain Naples?
Answer type: Date
A: {'day': '', 'month': '', 'year': '1734'}.
Example: Passage: Since its inception, the department has had its temporary headquarters in Washington, D.C.'s Nebraska Avenue Complex, a former naval facility. The 38-acre site, across from American University, has 32 buildings comprising 566,000 square feet of administrative space. In early 2007, the Department submitted a $4.1 billion plan to Congress to consolidate its 60-plus Washington-area offices into a single headquarters complex at the St. Elizabeths Hospital campus in Anacostia, Southeast Washington, D.C. The earliest DHS would begin moving to St. Elizabeths is 2012. The move is being championed by District of Columbia officials because of the positive economic impact it will have on historically depressed Anacostia. The move has been criticized by historic preservationists, who claim the revitalization plans will destroy dozens of historic buildings on the campus. Community activists have criticized the plans because the facility will remain walled off and have little interaction with the surrounding area.On January 8, 2009, the National Capital Planning Commission approved the Department of Homeland Security's plans to move into the campus of St. Elizabeths Hospital.In February 2015 the General Services Administration said that the site would open in 2021.
Question: How many acres and buildings does the DHS headquarters in Washington, D.C.'s Nebraska Avenue Complex contain in total?
Answer type: Number
A: 70.
Example: Passage: As of the census of 2000, there were 61,676 people, 23,291 households, and 15,115 families residing in the county. The population density was 62 people per square mile (24/km²). There were 28,481 housing units at an average density of 28 per square mile (11/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 95.80% White (U.S. Census), 1.75% African American (U.S. Census), 0.23% Native American (U.S. Census), 0.63% Asian (U.S. Census), 0.05% Pacific Islander (U.S. Census), 0.50% from Race (United States Census), and 1.05% from two or more races. Hispanic (U.S. Census) or Latino (U.S. Census) of any race were 1.90% of the population. 15.0% were of Irish people, 14.9% English people, 14.9% Germans, 11.3% Italian people and 9.1% United States ancestry according to Census 2000. 95.4% spoke English language and 2.1% Spanish language as their first language.
Question: How many more housing units are there than households?
Answer type: Number
A: 5190.
Example: Passage: Russell Wilson had his worst game of his career, throwing only one touchdown and a career-high five picks against a red-hot Packers team, causing the Seahawks to fall to their worst loss in the last six years. Seattle's defense was without safety Earl Thomas, who is now out for the year with a broken leg. They only managed one sack on the final play in the third quarter, ending a streak of 10 consecutive quarters without a sack. Aaron Rodgers, with a 3:0 TD-INT ratio, posted a 150.8 passer rating in this game, the highest allowed by the Seattle defense since Pete Carroll became head coach in 2010.
Question: How many times was Russell Wilson intercepted?
Answer type: Number
A: 5.
Example: Passage: Out of 190,638 households, 29.9% have children under the age of 18 living with them, 28.5% were married couples living together, 24.8% had a female householder with no husband present, and 41.3% were nonfamilies. 35.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 11.1% had someone living alone who is 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.44 and the average family size was 3.19. The age distribution of the population shows 28.5% under the age of 18, 9.5% from 18 to 24, 30.4% from 25 to 44, 19.0% from 45 to 64, and 12.5% who are 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females, there were 90.0 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 85.2 males.
Question: How many percent are not female householder with no husband present?
Answer type: Number
A: 75.2.
Example: Passage: In the county, the population was spread out with 23.50% under the age of 18, 8.70% from 18 to 24, 29.70% from 25 to 44, 24.70% from 45 to 64, and 13.30% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 38 years. For every 100 females, there were 99.10 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 96.60 males.
Question: How many percent were not from 18 to 24?
Answer type: Number
A: 91.3.
Example: Passage: The reino or native kingdom of Manufahi lay on the southern coast of Timor, within the military district of Alas, based on the rationalised re-districting of 1860. It had an estimated population of 42,000 living in 6,500 houses in 1903. It owed a finta to the Portuguese treasury of 96,000 Mexican dollars, although this was difficult to collect. It was governed by a king or liurai who was confirmed in his position by the Portuguese governor. Manufahi's agriculturalists produced horses, sheep, cereals, fruit, coffee and tobacco. Its craftsmen were the finest silver and goldsmiths in Portuguese Timor, manufacturing bracelets and anklets. There were also skilled pyrographers working bamboo pipes. More ominously, Manufahi produced leather cartridge belts and musket shot, materials that could be put to use in a revolt. The countrywide conflict of 1911-12 was the culmination of a series of revolts led by Manufahi. The first, which took place during the reign of Dom Duarte, Boaventura's father, lasted from 1894 to 1901 and the second from 1907 to 1908. The west and north of Manufahi was the reino of Suru, centred on the mountain of Tatamailau. It had only been subdued by the Portuguese and subjugated to the reino of Atsabe in 1900. In 1907, the liurai of Suru, Naicau, petitioned the Portuguese for independence from Atsabe and it was granted. Naicau would prove loyal to the Portuguese and a thorn in Manufahi's side.
Question: How many years did the countrywide conflict last?
Answer type: Number
A: 1.
Example: Passage: Until 1998, Shearer was paid $30,000 per episode. During a pay dispute in 1998, Fox threatened to replace the six main voice actors with new actors, going as far as preparing for casting of new voices. The dispute, however, was resolved and Shearer received $125,000 per episode until 2004, when the voice actors demanded that they be paid $360,000 an episode. The dispute was resolved a month later, and Shearers pay rose to $250,000 per episode. After salary re-negotiations in 2008, the voice actors received $400,000 per episode. Three years later, with Fox threatening to cancel the series unless production costs were cut, Shearer and the other cast members accepted a 30 percent pay cut, down to just over $300,000 per episode. On May 13, 2015, Shearer announced he was leaving the show. After the other voice actors signed a contract for the same pay, Shearer refused, stating it was not enough. Al Jean made a statement from the producers saying "the show must go on," but did not elaborate on what might happen to the characters Shearer voiced. On July 7, 2015, Shearer agreed to continue with the show, on the same terms as the other voice actors.
Question: How many years after receiving a raise did Shearer take a pay cut?
Answer type: Number
A: 3.
Example: Passage: Coming off their win over the Redskins, the Panthers flew to Raymond James Stadium for a Week 6 NFC South duel with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Carolina would trail in the first quarter as Buccaneers running back Cadillac Williams got a 20-yard touchdown run, yet the Panthers would tie the game in the second quarter with a 20-yard touchdown from running back DeAngelo Williams. In the third quarter, Carolina took the lead with quarterback Jake Delhomme's 1-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jeff King and running back Jonathan Stewart's 26-yard touchdown run. Tampa Bay would immediately answer with wide receiver Sammie Stroughter returning a kickoff 97 yards for a touchdown. The Buccaneers would tie the game in the fourth quarter as safety Tanard Jackson returned an interception 26 yards for a touchdown, but the Panthers got the last laugh as Williams got a 1-yard touchdown run. Cornerback Dante Wesley was ejected from the game in the second quarter after ramming into Buccaneers kick returner Clifton Smith. He would later get a one-game suspension.
Question: How many yards longer was Williams first touchdown run compared to his second?
Answer type: Number
A: 19. |
In this task, you are given a country name and you need to return the abbrevation name of the given country.
Label: GY
Label: BB
Papua New Guinea
Label: PG
Label: IE
Northern Mariana Islands
Label: MP
Label: BN
Label: BN
Label: SR
Label: BW
Label: MA
Label: MX
Label: KI
Label: CN
American Samoa
Label: AS
Label: MA
Label: BI
Label: GU
Label: TN
Label: RE
Label: BG
Micronesia, Federated States of
Label: FM
Label: BS
Label: ZM
Label: AI
Label: VN
Label: YE
Label: AQ
Label: PH
Label: SN
Label: ML
Saint Lucia
Label: LC
Label: KE
Label: CM
Label: BS
Label: TV
Label: TR
Label: BY
Label: MY
Cape Verde
Label: CV
Label: IS
Label: NO
Label: YU
Label: IL
Label: BW
Label: CN
Label: PH
United Kingdom
Label: GB
Label: BE
Label: AZ
Label: MS
Christmas Island
Label: CX
Label: AU
Label: AZ
Label: SN
Label: DM
Virgin Islands,U.S.
Label: VI
Label: UZ
Label: GW
Label: IQ
Label: VN
Label: MS
Label: KG
Label: UZ
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Label: KN
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
Label: GI
Label: CG
Label: TO
Label: MK
Label: MV
Label: JM
Russian Federation
Label: RU
Label: MY
Label: SI
Label: GY
Bouvet Island
Label: BV
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Label: GS
Sao Tome and Principe
Label: ST
Label: NA
Label: TJ
Label: TR
Label: TW
Label: AL
Label: NU
Sri Lanka
Label: LK
Northern Mariana Islands
Label: MP
Label: MK
Norfolk Island
Label: NF
Label: TN
Label: SN
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Label: UA
Label: MY
Label: EG
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
United Arab Emirates
Label: AE
Label: NG
Label: PN
Label: TR
Label: CA
Label: NR
French Southern territories
Label: TF
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Cape Verde
Label: CV
Label: GE
Label: AO
Label: TW
Label: PA
Label: PK
Equatorial Guinea
Label: GQ
Label: GW
Virgin Islands,U.S.
Label: VI
Label: UG
Equatorial Guinea
Label: GQ
Label: DM
Label: GD
Label: IN
Label: UG
Label: LS
United States
Label: US
Label: BT
Label: YT
Label: PE
Label: BI
Label: VN
Marshall Islands
Label: MH
Christmas Island
Label: CX
Label: GN
Label: KH
Label: GU
Label: KE
Label: BG
Label: BO
Label: GL
Label: BR
Label: DJ
Netherlands Antilles
Label: AN
South Korea
Label: KR
Label: PE
Label: FI
Label: GL
Label: CG
Label: JM
Russian Federation
Label: RU
Label: UZ
Czech Republic
Label: CZ
Label: BH
Label: UA
French Guiana
Label: GF
Cook Islands
Label: CK
Label: CN
Label: DM
Label: SE
Label: MG
Label: MR
Label: WS
Label: TZ
Dominican Republic
Label: DO
Label: CG
Label: BH
Micronesia, Federated States of
Label: FM
Label: IQ
Label: IQ
Label: CU
Label: AT
New Caledonia
Label: NC
Northern Mariana Islands
Label: MP
Label: NL
Label: GP
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Label: PM
Czech Republic
Label: CZ
El Salvador
Label: SV
Label: DE
Label: EE
Label: TK
Label: KG
Netherlands Antilles
Label: AN
Label: MM
Label: QA
Cayman Islands
Label: KY
Label: LI
Micronesia, Federated States of
Label: FM
Label: EC
United Arab Emirates
Label: AE
Label: VN
Label: LA
Saudi Arabia
Label: SA
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
Label: CN
East Timor
Label: TP
Puerto Rico
Label: PR
Label: TD
Label: PN
Label: GE
United States
Label: US
Label: UY
Label: BM
Label: DK
Label: DK
Label: MX
Label: HT
Label: GR
Label: AD
Label: ZM
Label: IN
Label: DJ
Label: GW
Virgin Islands,British
Label: VG
Label: TG
Label: VU
Label: NP
Label: HT
Label: NP
Label: GY
Label: SD
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Label: PM
Label: MW
Label: LI
El Salvador
Label: SV
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Label: UM
Label: BY
Label: MZ
Netherlands Antilles
Label: AN
Turks and Caicos Islands
Label: TC
Label: EG
Label: NA
Bouvet Island
Label: BV
Label: GW
Label: MR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
French Guiana
Label: GF
Label: LI
Label: MG
Label: KG
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Label: LS
South Africa
Label: ZA
Label: ID
Label: TO
British Indian Ocean Territory
Label: IO
Label: CH
Label: PE
Norfolk Island
Label: NF
Label: TO
Label: MY
Russian Federation
Label: RU
East Timor
Label: TP
Label: PY
Label: GU
Wallis and Futuna
Label: WF
United States
Label: US
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Label: GS
Saint Lucia
Label: LC
Label: IR
Dominican Republic
Label: DO
Label: FR
Label: BY
Label: IT
Label: MT
Label: PE
Label: GN
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
Label: QA
Label: KG
Virgin Islands,U.S.
Label: VI
South Africa
Label: ZA
Label: DE
Label: PS
Label: GH
Label: DE
Label: LV
Label: HR
Label: NO
Dominican Republic
Label: DO
Label: QA
Label: FR
Label: BM
United Kingdom
Label: GB
Label: FR
Label: MG
Russian Federation
Label: RU
Label: CG
Label: CU
New Zealand
Label: NZ
Label: MQ
Christmas Island
Label: CX
Label: KW
Label: PT
Label: EG
Label: GL
Label: AI
Label: TV
Label: JM
Label: SN
Label: JM
Virgin Islands,British
Label: VG
Label: AQ
Label: MS
Label: PL
New Caledonia
Label: NC
Label: GE
Label: SN
Label: BH
Label: UY
Label: GY
Label: BE
Label: MX
Label: ID
Label: BY
Label: TR
Saudi Arabia
Label: SA
Label: AZ
North Korea
Label: KP
Label: TR
Label: UY
Label: MN
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
Label: TH
Christmas Island
Label: CX
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Label: LY
Label: PL
North Korea
Label: KP
Label: PA
Label: BB
Label: TG
Label: MV
Label: IQ
Label: AQ
New Zealand
Label: NZ
Label: CA
New Zealand
Label: NZ
North Korea
Label: KP
Label: SC
Label: MG
Papua New Guinea
Label: PG
Label: TV
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: BI
Label: SN
Label: RO
Virgin Islands,British
Label: VG
Label: DK
Label: IE
Label: GW
Label: TG
Label: NO
Label: BS
Label: TN
Label: NO
Label: BG
Label: IE
Label: UY
Label: PA
Label: KW
Antigua and Barbuda
Label: AG
South Korea
Label: KR
Label: NP
Label: RO
Label: BH
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Label: LY
Label: TK
Label: BY
New Zealand
Label: NZ
Label: KH
Label: GE
Label: MO
United Kingdom
Label: GB
Label: MA
Label: UZ
Label: UA
Label: EG
Label: LB
Label: ML
Label: ZW
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Label: VC
Label: LA
Label: LR
Label: BG
Label: JO
Label: ZM
Northern Mariana Islands
Label: MP
Label: TD
Label: AZ
Label: GW
Label: GU
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Label: ID
Label: GH
Label: GA
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
Label: GL
Label: GM
South Korea
Label: KR
Label: DK
Label: CH
Sao Tome and Principe
Label: ST
El Salvador
Label: SV
Label: GN
Label: GD
Label: DK
Ivory Coast
Label: CI
Label: HN
Micronesia, Federated States of
Label: FM
Label: CO
Label: PT
French Southern territories
Label: TF
Label: DK
Label: YE
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Label: IS
Label: AO
Label: AT
Label: SD
Label: AZ
Label: YT
Label: AO
Label: AZ
Label: IQ
Label: MO
Papua New Guinea
Label: PG
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: TW
Label: NI
Label: GL
Label: SZ
Sri Lanka
Label: LK
Label: MO
Label: UY
Trinidad and Tobago
Label: TT
Label: TM
Label: VN
Label: KE
Label: TH
Label: KZ
Label: UZ
Label: PT
Label: KM
Label: NU
Label: PS
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
Label: KM
Label: SR
Label: UG
Label: GM
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
Label: MA
Wallis and Futuna
Label: WF
Label: GP
Label: BE
Label: PA
Label: IL
Label: SG
Label: AT
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Label: HM
French Polynesia
Label: PF
Saudi Arabia
Label: SA
Label: GW
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Label: HM
Label: CL
Label: UY
Label: BZ
San Marino
Label: SM
Label: AT
Label: DZ
Label: NR
Cayman Islands
Label: KY
Label: BW
Label: PA
American Samoa
Label: AS
Label: OM
Label: UZ
Label: GA
Label: GH
Christmas Island
Label: CX
Label: BE
Sri Lanka
Label: LK
Label: GM
Label: BT
Label: NU
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Label: VC
Label: IT
New Caledonia
Label: NC
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: DE
Label: AT
Label: ZW
Label: EC
United Arab Emirates
Label: AE
Label: FI
Label: HN
Label: CO
Label: SY
Label: KH
Label: EG
Label: JM
Label: IQ
Label: BD
Ivory Coast
Label: CI
Falkland Islands
Label: FK
Label: HT
Label: TV
Label: MW
Label: ID
Label: NA
Label: YU
Label: PH
Label: NI
Label: SK
Label: BE
Label: TW
Label: VE
Bouvet Island
Label: BV
Label: BD
Label: MA
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Label: CM
Label: LV
Label: GP
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Label: LY
Central African Republic
Label: CF
Label: SG
Label: YT
Label: LA
Label: NA
Cape Verde
Label: CV
Label: AR
United Arab Emirates
Label: AE
Label: ZW
Label: GM
Label: AU
Label: TR
Label: WS
Label: HN
Label: CL
Label: SZ
Label: ZM
Label: KG
Label: AI
Label: RE
Label: KI
Label: BY
Label: IR
Label: VE
Label: CH
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Label: BD
Label: CU
Label: MO
Label: GT
Label: YT
Label: TN
Label: SC
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Label: PH
British Indian Ocean Territory
Label: IO
Label: PT
Label: EE
Label: BN
Label: NL
Label: HN
Marshall Islands
Label: MH
Label: MV
Western Sahara
Label: EH
British Indian Ocean Territory
Label: IO
Label: KZ
Label: BT
Label: PS
Label: BJ
Label: AQ
French Polynesia
Label: PF
Dominican Republic
Label: DO
Label: DJ
Label: MN
Label: MX
Label: RE
Label: YU
Costa Rica
Label: CR
Label: PT
Label: LU
Label: FI
Label: NI
Label: CL
Label: DE
Label: CN
Label: VE
Label: GL
Label: MQ
United Kingdom
Label: GB
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Cayman Islands
Label: KY
Label: SZ
Saint Helena
Label: SH
Label: MM
Label: TO
Label: PS
Label: DM
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Label: BW
Label: CO
Label: CM
Label: MD
Label: RW
Label: BG
Label: ML
North Korea
Label: KP
Label: EE
Label: DJ
Label: UZ
Label: JO
Label: TR
Label: LU
Label: NR
Label: EE
Virgin Islands,British
Label: VG
Label: BO
Label: TO
Label: NE
Saint Lucia
Label: LC
Burkina Faso
Label: BF
Cayman Islands
Label: KY
Fiji Islands
Label: FJ
Label: GE
Label: MZ
Label: BY
Label: CL
Label: LU
Label: AZ
Label: JO
Label: JP
Label: BR
Label: MC
Label: MD
Label: EE
Label: NR
Label: LI
Label: KM
Russian Federation
Label: RU
San Marino
Label: SM
Label: NO
Label: PT
Marshall Islands
Label: MH
Label: NI
Label: EE
Micronesia, Federated States of
Label: FM
Label: CU
Label: DE
Label: VU
Marshall Islands
Label: MH
Label: MT
Label: DZ
Label: BN
Czech Republic
Label: CZ
Label: BI
Label: FR
Label: CA
Label: HN
Label: PW
Label: CO
Label: GP
Label: BY
Label: TD
Label: AT
Netherlands Antilles
Label: AN
Label: MR
Label: YE
Label: MT
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: PA
Label: IQ
Label: TJ
Label: DZ
Burkina Faso
Label: BF
Label: LA
Label: SC
Label: BJ
Label: AZ
Label: IE
Label: BY
New Zealand
Label: NZ
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Label: UM
Cape Verde
Label: CV
South Korea
Label: KR
Label: IR
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
East Timor
Label: TP
Label: ER
Label: TM
Label: VU
Label: MN
Label: MC
Equatorial Guinea
Label: GQ
Label: IR
Label: BH
Label: MX
Label: CN
Label: SO
French Southern territories
Label: TF
Virgin Islands,British
Label: VG
Label: ZW
Label: LV
Virgin Islands,U.S.
Label: VI
Label: GY
Falkland Islands
Label: FK
Label: KI
Antigua and Barbuda
Label: AG
Label: NE
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Label: BA
Label: UY
New Zealand
Label: NZ
Label: MC
Label: AL
Label: BZ
Label: TG
Saint Helena
Label: SH
Label: NR
Label: TH
Label: UG
Label: SZ
Label: MA
Label: LT
Label: IR
Label: GE
Label: IR
Label: YU
Label: BW
Label: BO
Label: LB
Label: DM
Label: MM
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Label: LY
Label: UY
Label: BY
Label: BJ
Label: YE
Label: NO
Saudi Arabia
Label: SA
Label: DM
United Arab Emirates
Label: AE
Label: EG
Label: ES
British Indian Ocean Territory
Label: IO
Label: IS
Label: YE
Label: KZ
Label: LI
Label: AO
Label: GU
Label: NP
Equatorial Guinea
Label: GQ
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Label: UM
Label: BT
Papua New Guinea
Label: PG
Label: TO
Czech Republic
Label: CZ
Label: MN
Label: BT
Label: LR
Western Sahara
Label: EH
Label: CY
Label: GM
Label: NA
Label: MY
Label: DE
Label: OM
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Label: KN
Label: BZ
Label: BY
Label: IL
Label: CG
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: BZ
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Label: HM
Label: JO
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Label: NL
Label: QA
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Label: BA
American Samoa
Label: AS
Label: LS
Label: KG
Label: IE
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Label: SJ
Label: DZ
Label: GL
Label: KG
Label: DM
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Label: GS
Label: MA
Dominican Republic
Label: DO
Russian Federation
Label: RU
South Korea
Label: KR
Trinidad and Tobago
Label: TT
Papua New Guinea
Label: PG
Label: SO
Label: BW
Label: MA
Label: GM
Label: ET
Label: WS
Label: CL
Label: GM
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Label: VC
Label: VU
Label: BO
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Label: VC
Label: QA
Label: OM
Label: BJ
Label: GM
Costa Rica
Label: CR
Label: MN
Label: TO
Label: LI
Faroe Islands
Label: FO
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Label: PM
Label: DM
Label: BR
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Label: PM
Label: KW
Label: RE
Label: GY
Bouvet Island
Label: BV
Label: CY
Label: UZ
French Polynesia
Label: PF
Label: NA
Label: LB
Label: HR
Label: EE
Label: ET
Label: VN
Label: GI
Label: KI
Sao Tome and Principe
Label: ST
Label: SY
Cape Verde
Label: CV
Label: NR
El Salvador
Label: SV
Norfolk Island
Label: NF
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Label: CC
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Label: CD
Costa Rica
Label: CR
Label: MA
Label: TW
Label: NU
French Polynesia
Label: PF
Label: IS
Label: ML
Label: CO
Label: IN
Label: RW
Costa Rica
Label: CR
Label: VN
Label: SN
Label: IR
Label: AL
East Timor
Label: TP
Hong Kong
Label: HK
Label: TH
El Salvador
Label: SV
Norfolk Island
Label: NF
Label: SO
Cook Islands
Label: CK
Label: ML
Label: UA
Sri Lanka
Label: LK
Label: GR
Label: TJ
Label: FI
Label: IR
Turks and Caicos Islands
Label: TC
Label: SG
New Zealand
Label: NZ
Label: MN
Sierra Leone
Label: SL
Label: MS
Label: DZ
Label: SR
Label: TR
Label: PL
Label: MR
Label: SZ
Label: TV
Label: YT
Label: SE
United Kingdom
Label: GB
Label: BO
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Label: LY |
In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter
Possible labels:
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
Sentence: 'a short passenger train travels down train tracks'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man is sitting on the coach near the living table'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a large passenger plane is flying in a cloudy sky'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a man sitting on a chair holding his hands up to his ears'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'two men and two women standing beside each other and posing for a photograph'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a passenger plane is on an airport runway'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a windsurfer looking at the ocean on a sunny day'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'freshly baked pizza displayed on board with beer'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a well lit bathroom furnished with a full rack of white towels'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a black and white cat is eating from a plastic fork'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a yellow train pulling into a station'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a work boat floating in the middle of a vast lake bounded by mountains'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a home computer and laptop on a desk'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'an asian subway station with a subway car stationary'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a teddy bear propped up by a pillow reading sweet dreams on a bed'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'there are many menus showing the food selections'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a stove oven microwave blender pots and a wall clock'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'five sheep out in an open field eating straw'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a very cute cat sitting near a computer monitor'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a white and blue jet airliner in blue sky'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a man is holding a surf board on the rock sand'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a wooden trunk sitting outside with stickers on it'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'we are looking at a herd of goats'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'two people on small motorcycle with sidecar with crowd behind them'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a person on a skateboard in midair doing a jump'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'tiled bathroom stall with two red buckets on floor'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a man plays video games while another watches'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a group of people on a beach beneath a cloudy sky'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'several people sitting around a table eating pizza'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a zebra is standing outside and eating grass'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a bed room with two beds a shelf and a small dresser'. How many words contain the letter 'z' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a dog riding a surf board on a wave'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a group of people that are standing in the kitchen'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a black and white photo os a child holding an open umbrella'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a small train with coal is in the park'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man holds up a partially eaten hotdog'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a young boy throwing a baseball in the outfield'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a fire place between two book display cases with mirrors in the back'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'two women in an arena with a cow'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a spoon blacked in a bowl of soup containing noodles peppers and green onions'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a double coin meter that is next to a parking spot'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man in a photo studio under lights with a background'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'two people on a motorcycle driving up a street'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'two people sitting on a couch playing nintendo wii'. How many words contain the letter 'b' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'there are some pins a pin cushion and some scissors'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'people standing in a river surrounding an elephant some are touching it'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'an assortment of vegetables on a stove top pot'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'very dark kitchen with siloette of a person standing near winddow'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'an old style stove in the corner of a dark room'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a person riding a snow board on a snowy slope'. How many words contain the letter 'i' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a merry go around featuring an elephant and giraffe as well as horses'. How many words contain the letter 'z' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'two dogs standing in deep snow near a truck'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'green and yellow trains sitting at a station next to each other'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man wearing glasses and dressded in a suit and tie looks ready to say something'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a young man with a helmet on a skateboard'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'traffic sign on w 28 st with photo of bicycle in the top'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'variety of food including two slices of pizza bread'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a man playing wii while two people watch'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a lettuce salad with carrots and onions in a wooden bowl'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a person that is laying in the snow'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a pair of people swimming out to sea on some surfboards'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a surfer in a black wet suit riding a wave in the ocean'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a zebra standing still in the grass near a tree'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a couple of kids stand with umbrellas'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a bunch of white hyacinths arranged in a vase'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a single giraffe standing in front of a few trees'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a dark city street is lit up with colored lights'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a woman has just hit a tennis ball back to her opponent'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a man and woman in their home looking at a computer'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 6
Sentence: 'a bookcase and a desk with a computer laptop and phone'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a boy is preparing to pitch a baseball'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a train that is on the train tracks next to trees'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'there is a woman that is flying a kite in the sky'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'if photo of a male zebra mounting a female zebra'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'oranges in a grocery store by a large scale'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'skate boarder trying to maintain his balance during stunt'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a white toilet and a amp in a room'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a cat sits near a bench along a sidewalk'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a small night stand by a bed with a big cat sitting on it'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'man at art museum listening to description of a piece of work'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a woman in the navy showing number girls pictures on her phone'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a bathtub with legs on it positioned near a toilet'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a man in a white turban drives a motorcycle along a dirty road'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'there is a girl that is standing smiling holding a hot dog'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a woman wearing a cooks outfit and waving in a kitchen with other cooks'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a photo of a horse on the back drop of an ocean'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a stuffed bear standing on top of a bed'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a breakfast plate with bacon eggs and toast'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'man in a business suit wearing a name tag holding a phone'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a parrot sitting on a branch looking down'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a very cute white dog standing by a table with food'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'cup of coffee and two slices of pizza on a table'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'there are many objects sitting on the table'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'the horse attached to a carriage has stopped to drink water'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a cowboy rides a horse down a city street'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a surfing simulator with actual water in the city'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a person holding an umbrella in the snow'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a bus going down the road near a few buildings'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man dressed all in black riding a skateboard'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a person sitting on a box that says buy art today'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a brown of lawn chairs sitting on to of a sandy beach'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a bowl of soup with a sandwich sits on a plate'. How many words contain the letter 'i' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'stuffed animals placed in front of a white background'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a small hand is forming thethumbs up signal'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a somewhat blurry image a decorated fridge'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'the room has all different kinds of blue decor'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'an elephant carrying a log around the enclosure'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'people are riding elephants around while other people stand'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a stop sign on a pole on the side of the road'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man coming out of a bathroom standing near a woman brushing her teeth'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a red truck next to a green car parked on grass'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'three sheep in a field of grass near a steep hill'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a very cute giraffe standing in a wooded area'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'counters displaying several decorative bowls and vases of varied colors'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a couple of double sized beds with colorful curtains and comforters'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'searching for autumn pictures on flickr using laptop'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'two hotdogs on with various toppings and a drink on a counter'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'three pairs of antiqued scissors hanging by nails'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a line of portable toilets stands outdoors under trees'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a white toilet covered in filth and urine'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a train car with graphittie on it is stopped in the station'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a woman holding a pink toothbrush in her right hand and toothpaste in her left'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a person sitting in a chair with a drink'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'some people riding in a horse drawn carriage'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a large delta jetliner sitting on top of an airport runway'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'very many lights from the many vehicles on the road'. How many words contain the letter 'z' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a young man is having fun in a skate park'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a bird flying over rocks near the water'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a close shot of a lot of broccoli potatoes and apples'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a group of men sitting by tables working on laptops'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a pair of red scissors sitting on a newspaper'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'four giraffes are standing in the tall plains grass'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 6
Sentence: 'the kitchen is separated from the living room by a bar'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a home office with a laptop computer reflecting back a person photographing it'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'there are two people sitting on the bench'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a person wearing a black jacket rides a brown horse'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a fluffy black cat lolls about on a wooden table'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 6
Sentence: 'a cat is lying on a chair next to a remote control and cell phone'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a little boy with yellow shorts surfing at the beach'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man reclines on a chair with dead flowers in the foreground'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a black plate with apples spinach and a sandwich'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'the baseball player has connected with the ball'. How many words contain the letter 'b' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'beef and broccoli are served on a white plate'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a crowd of skiers gathers on the top of the slopes'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a skier in blue comes to a stop at the bottom of a run'. How many words contain the letter 'i' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a man riding a rodeo horse in an arena'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a plate of sliced fruit on top of a tortilla'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'wild animals grazing near a lagoon surrounded by trees'. How many words contain the letter 'g' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a blue yellow and red passenger train near a city'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'the side of a mans face with a stop sign in the background'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a couple of traffic lights near a tree'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a woman in red sitting on a park bench'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a black and white photo of a group of people'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'there are some people by the side of the road'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'an overpass above a busy city street with road signs on it'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'many pink flowers are sitting on an old table near chairs'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a man is riding a bicycle behind a car'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a parked motorcycle sitting near a parking lot in the sun'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'professional motorcycle racer leaning in to a curve'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a black and white photo of lots of sheep'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a new blender next to a red bowl'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'older man rides on a carriage pulled by two horses'. How many words contain the letter 'q' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a pair of doughnuts are served on a plate'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'passenger train in motion at empty cross street'. How many words contain the letter 'z' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a person riding skis on a snow covered slope holding poles'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a stop sign on the sidewalk at the edge of an intersection'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a person walks in front of a clock tower near a traffic light and traffic sign'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'some people are standing on the beach flying kites'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a large airline is shown on the tarmac of an airport'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 6
Sentence: 'a cat and a dog next to each other'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a utility truck with a large yellow barrier in front of it'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'four different giraffes in the jungle eating food'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'two bears in a waterfall one on top of falls and one on bottom of the falls'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a large jetliner with a space shuttle on its back next to a fighter jet'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'men holding tennis rackets are shaking hands above a net'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a plate has many different types of food on it'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a very pretty lady near a big tasty looking pizza'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a little boy showing a young girl how to balance herself on a skate board'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a man taking a selfie before getting in the shower'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'a double coin meter that is next to a parking spot'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a lone giraffe standing in the middle of the plains'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a champagne colored bus on road next to a building'. How many words contain the letter 'b' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a bowl of carrots and green beans with a spoon'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a train passing on bridge over a busy city street'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a group of giraffes walk across an open area'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a group of swimmers floating in choppy waters'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a horse drawn wagon driving down a dirt road'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a toaster sitting on a sidewalk against a lamp post'. How many words contain the letter 'x' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'green digital arrow showing the right direction through a crowd of people'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a baseball player seeing where he hit the ball'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a man holding a box while a person wearing a red jacket hands them an umbrella'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'extra large pizza with cheese and spinach on a counter'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a bowl filled with apples limes and lemons'. How many words contain the letter 'o' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a living room with a couch and tv'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a black and white image of the baseball team'. How many words contain the letter 'w' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a delicious ham set in the kitchen on the stove'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 6
Sentence: 'a beautiful young lady holding a tennis racquet on a tennis court'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a wooden table with a white bowl of tangerines and some black chairs'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a sign reading butt street on the corner of a building with a no parking sign below it'. How many words contain the letter 'h' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a man with a backpack riding on a tall bicycle near the ocean'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a baby playing with magnets on the fridge'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'blue and white shirted woman showing off forked fruit'. How many words contain the letter 'j' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a gas burning oven in an almost vacant kitchen'. How many words contain the letter 'i' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'the train is sitting in the train station'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a group os people are hanging out on a snowy field'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a begrimed man smiles while holding three bananas'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'lone park bench located near plants and a lake'. How many words contain the letter 'n' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'man on ocean beach flying several kites on windy day'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a person laying in bed holding a book in their hand'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a yellow van driving down a street in the middle of traffic'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'people walking in the ocean and sitting in a kyack'. How many words contain the letter 'c' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'two men are riding horses around an arena'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 5
Sentence: 'a teddy bear laying on the side of the road'. How many words contain the letter 'l' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a golden retriever getting squirted in the face from a water bottle'. How many words contain the letter 'd' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a truck driving behind a bus down a city street'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a man sitting on a bench next to a large stuffed animal'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'two people sitting on a bench outside of a building'. How many words contain the letter 'y' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'various food items and snacks and wine bottles sit on a table'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a giraffe crosses the street in the safari'. How many words contain the letter 'b' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a person ready to go skiing down a hill slowly'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a boy is preparing to pitch a baseball'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a man holding a cup of coffee reaches for a donut'. How many words contain the letter 'm' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'three people walking towards parked public transit busses'. How many words contain the letter 'a' in the sentence.
Label: 4
Sentence: 'a table with two apples an egg peanut butter and some bread'. How many words contain the letter 'p' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'a couple of knights riding horses on a green ground'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a room filled with a motorcycle and lots of junk'. How many words contain the letter 's' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a blue and red tour bus standing by a building with a tile roof'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a white vase filled with yellow and purple flowers'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence.
Label: 2
Sentence: 'three zebras in a field of brown grass'. How many words contain the letter 't' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'two clocks are seen on the side of this building'. How many words contain the letter 'k' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'the woman has stopped to sit down and go on her laptop'. How many words contain the letter 'v' in the sentence.
Label: 0
Sentence: 'a little girl wearing purple shorts holds a banana'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 3
Sentence: 'a man in a blue shirt and ear piece holds a clip board'. How many words contain the letter 'u' in the sentence.
Label: 1
Sentence: 'a view of a street with blurry cars passing by at night'. How many words contain the letter 'e' in the sentence.
Label: 2 |
In this task, you are given a word. You should respond with a valid sentence which contains the given word. Make sure that the sentence is grammatically correct. You may use the word in a different tense than is given. For example, you may use the word 'ended' in the output where the given input word is 'end'.
Question: excuse
Answer: A poor excuse for an automobile.
Question: flap
Answer: He wrote on the flap of the envelope.
Question: oblige
Answer: We had to oblige him.
Question: live
Answer: Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?
Question: smoke
Answer: It was just smoke and mirrors.
Question: stabilization
Answer: Stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions.
Question: earth
Answer: Earth the circuit.
Question: lap
Answer: His lap was covered with food stains.
Question: significance
Answer: The significance of a gesture.
Question: degree
Answer: Murder in the second degree.
Question: produce
Answer: These chemicals produce a noxious vapor.
Question: tap
Answer: Tap beer in a bar.
Question: underestimate
Answer: Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river.
Question: purchase
Answer: To purchase land, to purchase a house.
Question: lyric
Answer: The lyric in line 3 doesn't rhyme.
Question: accord
Answer: We are in accord with your proposal.
Question: ringing
Answer: The ringing of the telephone.
Question: bankruptcy
Answer: Moral bankruptcy.
Question: flight
Answer: The flight of a refugee.
Question: eyeball
Answer: A good cook can often just eyeball the correct quantities of ingredients.
Question: ball
Answer: The ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded.
Question: degree
Answer: Murder in the second degree.
Question: sale
Answer: Laws limit the sale of handguns.
Question: lyric
Answer: The lyric in line 3 doesn't rhyme.
Question: bear
Answer: Bear a resemblance.
Question: price
Answer: The price of gasoline.
Question: way
Answer: Do you know the way to the airport?
Question: pop
Answer: Pop the clutch.
Question: dresser
Answer: She's an elegant dresser.
Question: eat
Answer: I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation.
Question: marriage
Answer: A long and happy marriage.
Question: scene
Answer: The crazy lady made a scene in the grocery store.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: disengage
Answer: I want to disengage myself from his influence.
Question: seek
Answer: Seek happiness.
Question: chain
Answer: The third link of the silver chain needs to be resoldered.
Question: paste
Answer: Paste the sign on the wall.
Question: fail
Answer: Where do today's public schools fail?
Question: people
Answer: His people have been farmers for generations.
Question: affinity
Answer: An affinity for politics.
Question: business
Answer: A racially integrated business concern.
Question: hegemony
Answer: The consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system.
Question: build
Answer: Build up confidence.
Question: skin
Answer: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.
Question: address
Answer: He failed in his manner of address to the captain.
Question: summit
Answer: The region is a few molecules wide at the summit.
Question: store
Answer: Store grain for the winter.
Question: blow
Answer: To blow a horse.
Question: subject
Answer: Teachers should be well trained in their subject.
Question: inactivation
Answer: The gene inactivation system.
Question: simplify
Answer: This move will simplify our lives.
Question: flight
Answer: The flight of a refugee.
Question: situation
Answer: No human situation is simple.
Question: persuasion
Answer: I am not of your persuasion.
Question: seat
Answer: He was elected to a seat in the Senate.
Question: principle
Answer: The principle of the internal combustion engine.
Question: loaf
Answer: Meat loaf.
Question: disperse
Answer: Disperse particles.
Question: write
Answer: Please write to me every week.
Question: reason
Answer: Mankind should develop reason above all other virtues.
Question: appearance
Answer: The rookie made a brief appearance in the first period.
Question: pay
Answer: Crime doesn't pay.
Question: difficulty
Answer: They agreed about the difficulty of the climb.
Question: scene
Answer: The crazy lady made a scene in the grocery store.
Question: board
Answer: It is time to board the aircraft.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: splash
Answer: I heard a splash when the rock landed in the pond.
Question: people
Answer: His people have been farmers for generations.
Question: rock
Answer: That mountain is solid rock.
Question: school
Answer: The school was built in 1932.
Question: ride
Answer: She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town.
Question: trump
Answer: A trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led.
Question: feeling
Answer: I had a strange feeling in my leg.
Question: heat
Answer: Heat the water on the stove.
Question: rotate
Answer: We rotate the lead soprano every night.
Question: define
Answer: The camera could define the smallest object.
Question: identity
Answer: Geneticists only recently discovered the identity of the gene that causes it.
Question: scrub
Answer: Engineers had to scrub the satellite launch due to bad weather.
Question: say
Answer: Martha, will you say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Question: trojan
Answer: The contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm.
Question: believe
Answer: Should we believe a publication like the National Enquirer?
Question: wildness
Answer: Liza had always had a tendency to wildness.
Question: sense
Answer: Common sense is not so common.
Question: slot
Answer: Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks.
Question: krona
Answer: Kronas kurss -- the exchange rate of the krona.
Question: likelihood
Answer: In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
Question: get
Answer: Did you get it?
Question: sack
Answer: He got the sack for being late all the time.
Question: eye
Answer: That dress caught her eye.
Question: game
Answer: He's in the plumbing game.
Question: grain
Answer: He does not have a grain of sense.
Question: concoction
Answer: She has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories.
Question: excuse
Answer: A poor excuse for an automobile.
Question: loaf
Answer: Meat loaf.
Question: floor
Answer: Many sunken ships rest on the ocean floor.
Question: form
Answer: He was at the top of his form.
Question: hegemony
Answer: The consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system.
Question: slit
Answer: He slit the bag open and the rice began pouring out.
Question: principle
Answer: The principle of the internal combustion engine.
Question: court
Answer: Players had to reserve a court in advance.
Question: leak
Answer: A leak in a gas pipe.
Question: enter
Answer: Enter a race.
Question: identity
Answer: Geneticists only recently discovered the identity of the gene that causes it.
Question: foot
Answer: Curled up on the foot of the bed.
Question: safety
Answer: He ran to safety.
Question: plot
Answer: The characters were well drawn but the plot was banal.
Question: blow
Answer: To blow a horse.
Question: flare
Answer: He threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss.
Question: rock
Answer: That mountain is solid rock.
Question: third
Answer: Jones came in third.
Question: splash
Answer: I heard a splash when the rock landed in the pond.
Question: whet
Answer: Whet my appetite.
Question: rock
Answer: That mountain is solid rock.
Question: way
Answer: Do you know the way to the airport?
Question: inclination
Answer: The alkaline inclination of the local waters.
Question: love
Answer: So that's fifteen love to Kournikova.
Question: lyric
Answer: The lyric in line 3 doesn't rhyme.
Question: foot
Answer: Curled up on the foot of the bed.
Question: day
Answer: After that day she never trusted him again.
Question: produce
Answer: These chemicals produce a noxious vapor.
Question: bankruptcy
Answer: Moral bankruptcy.
Question: hollow
Answer: He built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians.
Question: ringing
Answer: The ringing of the telephone.
Question: pop
Answer: Pop the clutch.
Question: population
Answer: The African-American population of Salt Lake City has been increasing.
Question: buff
Answer: To strip to the buff.
Question: disband
Answer: The president wanted to disband the scandal-plagued agency.
Question: hand
Answer: On the one hand ..., but on the other hand ...
Question: sake
Answer: For the sake of argument.
Question: grain
Answer: He does not have a grain of sense.
Question: invitation
Answer: She threw the invitation away.
Question: conflict
Answer: The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
Question: read
Answer: The gauge read 'empty'.
Question: circus
Answer: The circus will be in town next week.
Question: sack
Answer: He got the sack for being late all the time.
Question: stabilization
Answer: Stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions.
Question: formula
Answer: He gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials.
Question: coverage
Answer: Don't go to lunch if we don't have enough coverage for the help-desk phones.
Question: color
Answer: She used a different color for the trim.
Question: understand
Answer: I understand how to do it.
Question: tongue
Answer: She has a glib tongue.
Question: inventory
Answer: They stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory.
Question: rotate
Answer: We rotate the lead soprano every night.
Question: smile
Answer: She had a smile on her face.
Question: cup
Answer: He swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away.
Question: breath
Answer: Not a breath of scandal ever touched her.
Question: cup
Answer: He swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away.
Question: formula
Answer: He gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials.
Question: mother
Answer: The lioness was a mother of four cubs.
Question: tap
Answer: Tap beer in a bar.
Question: ring
Answer: The distinctive ring of the church bell.
Question: cube
Answer: A stock cube.
Question: construction
Answer: He had worked in construction all his life.
Question: trump
Answer: A trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led.
Question: pay
Answer: Crime doesn't pay.
Question: system
Answer: In a static system oil can not be replaced by water on a surface.
Question: safety
Answer: He ran to safety.
Question: quota
Answer: All the salesmen met their quota for the month.
Question: ring
Answer: The distinctive ring of the church bell.
Question: mechanism
Answer: The mechanism of the ear.
Question: heart
Answer: In your heart you know it is true.
Question: piece
Answer: It was a nice piece of work.
Question: declare
Answer: Declare dividends.
Question: day
Answer: After that day she never trusted him again.
Question: direction
Answer: He checked the direction and velocity of the wind.
Question: acquisition
Answer: The acquisition of one company by another.
Question: court
Answer: Players had to reserve a court in advance.
Question: lie
Answer: Lie dormant.
Question: heat
Answer: Heat the water on the stove.
Question: write
Answer: Please write to me every week.
Question: behalf
Answer: In your behalf.
Question: board
Answer: It is time to board the aircraft.
Question: ringing
Answer: The ringing of the telephone.
Question: earth
Answer: Earth the circuit.
Question: time
Answer: See you another time.
Question: term
Answer: The general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree.
Question: dozen
Answer: There shouldn't be more than two dozen Christmas cards left to write.
Question: stream
Answer: Stream of consciousness.
Question: disperse
Answer: Disperse particles.
Question: skin
Answer: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.
Question: accord
Answer: We are in accord with your proposal.
Question: accord
Answer: We are in accord with your proposal.
Question: procession
Answer: A procession of mourners.
Question: toy
Answer: Toy with an idea.
Question: poise
Answer: To poise the scales of a balance.
Question: follow
Answer: These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion.
Question: job
Answer: The job of repairing the engine took several hours.
Question: ringing
Answer: The ringing of the telephone.
Question: reduce
Answer: Reduce an image.
Question: color
Answer: She used a different color for the trim.
Question: behalf
Answer: In your behalf.
Question: sight
Answer: The sight of his wife brought him back to reality.
Question: pocket
Answer: The trapped miners found a pocket of air.
Question: flight
Answer: The flight of a refugee.
Question: dozen
Answer: There shouldn't be more than two dozen Christmas cards left to write.
Question: way
Answer: Do you know the way to the airport?
Question: cot
Answer: A roller cot (the clothing of a drawing roller in a spinning frame).
Question: sack
Answer: He got the sack for being late all the time.
Question: accord
Answer: We are in accord with your proposal.
Question: length
Answer: A length of tubing.
Question: exclude
Answer: To exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs.
Question: matter
Answer: He always took some reading matter with him on the plane.
Question: seize
Answer: The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages.
Question: lap
Answer: His lap was covered with food stains.
Question: excuse
Answer: A poor excuse for an automobile.
Question: turn
Answer: In Vermont, the leaves turn early.
Question: center
Answer: His stories made him the center of the party.
Question: bolt
Answer: Don't bolt your food!
Question: tone
Answer: He spoke in a nervous tone of voice.
Question: freshen
Answer: I'm going to go freshen up.
Question: stream
Answer: Stream of consciousness.
Question: house
Answer: The house gets a percentage of every bet.
Question: operation
Answer: They paid taxes on every stage of the operation.
Question: hardship
Answer: "I can not think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women" -- James Boswell.
Question: save
Answer: This will save money.
Question: formula
Answer: He gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials.
Question: principle
Answer: The principle of the internal combustion engine.
Question: pain
Answer: The pain of loneliness.
Question: board
Answer: It is time to board the aircraft.
Question: drill
Answer: Don't drill here, there's a gas pipe.
Question: acquisition
Answer: The acquisition of one company by another.
Question: simplify
Answer: This move will simplify our lives.
Question: invitation
Answer: She threw the invitation away.
Question: read
Answer: The gauge read 'empty'.
Question: behalf
Answer: In your behalf.
Question: kill
Answer: Kill a motion.
Question: pain
Answer: The pain of loneliness.
Question: corner
Answer: A corner on the silver market.
Question: tap
Answer: Tap beer in a bar.
Question: clarify
Answer: Clarify beer.
Question: breath
Answer: Not a breath of scandal ever touched her.
Question: stage
Answer: At what stage are the social sciences?
Question: inventory
Answer: They stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory.
Question: folk
Answer: They're just country folk.
Question: starch
Answer: Starch clothes.
Question: acquisition
Answer: The acquisition of one company by another.
Question: optimization
Answer: The simultaneous optimization of growth and profitability.
Question: exhaust
Answer: Exhaust one's savings.
Question: exhaust
Answer: Exhaust one's savings.
Question: double
Answer: He could be Gingrich's double.
Question: mouth
Answer: They built a fire at the mouth of the cave.
Question: performance
Answer: They admired his performance under stress.
Question: people
Answer: His people have been farmers for generations.
Question: fun
Answer: I do it for the fun of it.
Question: principle
Answer: The principle of the internal combustion engine.
Question: impression
Answer: I wanted to create an impression of success.
Question: bid
Answer: His bid was $35,000.
Question: safety
Answer: He ran to safety.
Question: office
Answer: During his first year in office.
Question: say
Answer: Martha, will you say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Question: disengage
Answer: I want to disengage myself from his influence.
Question: motion
Answer: The cinema relies on apparent motion.
Question: business
Answer: A racially integrated business concern.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: put
Answer: Put your ideas in writing.
Question: center
Answer: His stories made him the center of the party.
Question: damage
Answer: The storm did a lot of damage to the area.
Question: heat
Answer: Heat the water on the stove.
Question: understand
Answer: I understand how to do it.
Question: cup
Answer: He swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away.
Question: affinity
Answer: An affinity for politics.
Question: foot
Answer: Curled up on the foot of the bed.
Question: situation
Answer: No human situation is simple.
Question: live
Answer: Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?
Question: write
Answer: Please write to me every week.
Question: follow
Answer: These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion.
Question: safety
Answer: He ran to safety.
Question: end
Answer: He came to a bad end.
Question: cot
Answer: A roller cot (the clothing of a drawing roller in a spinning frame).
Question: word
Answer: He didn't say a word about it.
Question: sale
Answer: Laws limit the sale of handguns.
Question: follow
Answer: These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: underestimate
Answer: Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river.
Question: dissent
Answer: Dissent to the laws of the country.
Question: convert
Answer: Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
Question: conflict
Answer: The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
Question: operation
Answer: They paid taxes on every stage of the operation.
Question: coast
Answer: The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
Question: house
Answer: The house gets a percentage of every bet.
Question: flight
Answer: The flight of a refugee.
Question: finance
Answer: Can we finance the addition to our home?
Question: heat
Answer: Heat the water on the stove.
Question: third
Answer: Jones came in third.
Question: trump
Answer: A trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led.
Question: window
Answer: The expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves.
Question: claim
Answer: His claim that he was innocent.
Question: strength
Answer: The strength of the company's stock in recent weeks.
Question: matter
Answer: He always took some reading matter with him on the plane.
Question: declare
Answer: Declare dividends.
Question: price
Answer: The price of gasoline.
Question: whet
Answer: Whet my appetite.
Question: system
Answer: In a static system oil can not be replaced by water on a surface.
Question: scrub
Answer: Engineers had to scrub the satellite launch due to bad weather.
Question: communication
Answer: How many lines of communication can there be among four people?
Question: sake
Answer: For the sake of argument.
Question: treatment
Answer: The change is due largely to the increased availability of antiretroviral treatment.
Question: earth
Answer: Earth the circuit.
Question: season
Answer: She always looked forward to the avocado season.
Question: stabilization
Answer: Stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions.
Question: lyric
Answer: The lyric in line 3 doesn't rhyme.
Question: communication
Answer: How many lines of communication can there be among four people?
Question: hardship
Answer: "I can not think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women" -- James Boswell.
Question: build
Answer: Build up confidence.
Question: skin
Answer: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.
Question: flap
Answer: He wrote on the flap of the envelope.
Question: ulteriority
Answer: His stories were too susceptible to ulteriority.
Question: likelihood
Answer: In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
Question: scrub
Answer: Engineers had to scrub the satellite launch due to bad weather.
Question: cube
Answer: A stock cube.
Question: store
Answer: Store grain for the winter.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: conflict
Answer: The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
Question: impute
Answer: People impute great cleverness to cats.
Question: day
Answer: After that day she never trusted him again.
Question: inactivation
Answer: The gene inactivation system.
Question: operation
Answer: They paid taxes on every stage of the operation.
Question: declare
Answer: Declare dividends.
Question: comfort
Answer: His friendship was a comfort.
Question: curmudgeon
Answer: There's a cranky curmudgeon working at the hospital who gives all the patients and other doctors flak.
Question: grow
Answer: An oak tree will grow from that acorn.
Question: likelihood
Answer: In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
Question: reason
Answer: Mankind should develop reason above all other virtues.
Question: persuasion
Answer: I am not of your persuasion.
Question: serve
Answer: This table would serve very well.
Question: address
Answer: He failed in his manner of address to the captain.
Question: follow
Answer: These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion.
Question: derivation
Answer: He prefers shoes of Italian derivation.
Question: sense
Answer: Common sense is not so common.
Question: spend
Answer: Spend money.
Question: hour
Answer: The job will take more than an hour.
Question: eye
Answer: That dress caught her eye.
Question: hour
Answer: The job will take more than an hour.
Question: damage
Answer: The storm did a lot of damage to the area.
Question: sanitize
Answer: Sanitize the language in a book.
Question: bear
Answer: Bear a resemblance.
Question: population
Answer: The African-American population of Salt Lake City has been increasing.
Question: save
Answer: This will save money.
Question: inventory
Answer: They stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory.
Question: reduce
Answer: Reduce an image.
Question: stage
Answer: At what stage are the social sciences?
Question: coast
Answer: The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
Question: exclude
Answer: To exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs.
Question: pay
Answer: Crime doesn't pay.
Question: write
Answer: Please write to me every week.
Question: grow
Answer: An oak tree will grow from that acorn.
Question: hegemony
Answer: The consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system.
Question: direction
Answer: He checked the direction and velocity of the wind.
Question: product
Answer: This is a product of lime and nitric acid.
Question: bestow
Answer: Bestow an honor on someone.
Question: earth
Answer: Earth the circuit.
Question: matter
Answer: He always took some reading matter with him on the plane.
Question: court
Answer: Players had to reserve a court in advance.
Question: spend
Answer: Spend money.
Question: sense
Answer: Common sense is not so common.
Question: pop
Answer: Pop the clutch.
Question: acknowledgment
Answer: She must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment.
Question: purchase
Answer: To purchase land, to purchase a house.
Question: sack
Answer: He got the sack for being late all the time.
Question: store
Answer: Store grain for the winter.
Question: escape
Answer: He made his escape from the mental hospital.
Question: toy
Answer: Toy with an idea.
Question: trump
Answer: A trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led.
Question: operation
Answer: They paid taxes on every stage of the operation.
Question: trombone
Answer: This trombone is very expensive.
Question: day
Answer: After that day she never trusted him again.
Question: exclude
Answer: To exclude young animals from the womb or from eggs.
Question: double
Answer: He could be Gingrich's double.
Question: center
Answer: His stories made him the center of the party.
Question: derivation
Answer: He prefers shoes of Italian derivation.
Question: sight
Answer: The sight of his wife brought him back to reality.
Question: coast
Answer: The rocky coast of Maine has few beaches.
Question: circus
Answer: The circus will be in town next week.
Question: degree
Answer: Murder in the second degree.
Question: end
Answer: He came to a bad end.
Question: operation
Answer: They paid taxes on every stage of the operation.
Question: produce
Answer: These chemicals produce a noxious vapor.
Question: dissent
Answer: Dissent to the laws of the country.
Question: mouth
Answer: They built a fire at the mouth of the cave.
Question: business
Answer: A racially integrated business concern.
Question: seek
Answer: Seek happiness.
Question: stabilization
Answer: Stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions.
Question: bum
Answer: That guy keeps interrupting the concert. Throw the bum out!
Question: scrub
Answer: Engineers had to scrub the satellite launch due to bad weather.
Question: define
Answer: The camera could define the smallest object.
Question: grow
Answer: An oak tree will grow from that acorn.
Question: buff
Answer: To strip to the buff.
Question: commercialization
Answer: The government tried to accelerate the commercialization of this development.
Question: bolt
Answer: Don't bolt your food!
Question: concoction
Answer: She has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories.
Question: clarify
Answer: Clarify beer.
Question: quibble
Answer: Let's not quibble over pennies.
Question: mouth
Answer: They built a fire at the mouth of the cave.
Question: game
Answer: He's in the plumbing game.
Question: build
Answer: Build up confidence.
Question: simplify
Answer: This move will simplify our lives.
Question: footage
Answer: They had stock footage of lightning, tornados, and hurricanes.
Question: confidence
Answer: I have confidence in our team.
Question: pop
Answer: Pop the clutch.
Question: teach
Answer: Can you teach me to sew?
Question: find
Answer: I find him to be obnoxious.
Question: hour
Answer: The job will take more than an hour.
Question: rock
Answer: That mountain is solid rock.
Question: memorability
Answer: True memorability of phrase.
Question: bolt
Answer: Don't bolt your food!
Question: disperse
Answer: Disperse particles.
Question: leak
Answer: A leak in a gas pipe.
Question: song
Answer: The wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead.
Question: appearance
Answer: The rookie made a brief appearance in the first period.
Question: shame
Answer: The teenager couldn't bear the shame of introducing his parents.
Question: bankruptcy
Answer: Moral bankruptcy.
Question: sack
Answer: He got the sack for being late all the time.
Question: seat
Answer: He was elected to a seat in the Senate.
Question: likelihood
Answer: In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.
Question: turn
Answer: In Vermont, the leaves turn early.
Question: put
Answer: Put your ideas in writing.
Question: resign
Answer: He had no choice but to resign the game and let his opponent become the champion.
Question: normalize
Answer: Normalize relations with China.
Question: stage
Answer: At what stage are the social sciences?
Question: slot
Answer: Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks.
Question: ensure
Answer: This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us.
Question: sake
Answer: For the sake of argument.
Question: splash
Answer: I heard a splash when the rock landed in the pond.
Question: spend
Answer: Spend money.
Question: ride
Answer: She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town.
Question: confidence
Answer: I have confidence in our team.
Question: cot
Answer: A roller cot (the clothing of a drawing roller in a spinning frame).
Question: reason
Answer: Mankind should develop reason above all other virtues.
Question: trump
Answer: A trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led.
Question: plot
Answer: The characters were well drawn but the plot was banal.
Question: office
Answer: During his first year in office.
Question: situation
Answer: No human situation is simple.
Question: save
Answer: This will save money.
Question: construction
Answer: He had worked in construction all his life.
Question: impute
Answer: People impute great cleverness to cats.
Question: read
Answer: The gauge read 'empty'.
Question: ulteriority
Answer: His stories were too susceptible to ulteriority.
Question: enter
Answer: Enter a race.
Question: commercialization
Answer: The government tried to accelerate the commercialization of this development.
Question: finance
Answer: Can we finance the addition to our home?
Question: feeling
Answer: I had a strange feeling in my leg.
Question: disengage
Answer: I want to disengage myself from his influence.
Question: breath
Answer: Not a breath of scandal ever touched her.
Question: slot
Answer: Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks.
Question: oblige
Answer: We had to oblige him.
Question: bolt
Answer: Don't bolt your food!
Question: school
Answer: The school was built in 1932.
Question: normalize
Answer: Normalize relations with China.
Question: dozen
Answer: There shouldn't be more than two dozen Christmas cards left to write.
Question: hollow
Answer: He built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians.
Question: flight
Answer: The flight of a refugee.
Question: remission
Answer: Her cancer was in remission.
Question: color
Answer: She used a different color for the trim.
Question: derivation
Answer: He prefers shoes of Italian derivation.
Question: dissent
Answer: Dissent to the laws of the country.
Question: bum
Answer: That guy keeps interrupting the concert. Throw the bum out!
Question: mother
Answer: The lioness was a mother of four cubs.
Question: pay
Answer: Crime doesn't pay.
Question: difficulty
Answer: They agreed about the difficulty of the climb.
Question: difficulty
Answer: They agreed about the difficulty of the climb.
Question: krona
Answer: Kronas kurss -- the exchange rate of the krona.
Question: population
Answer: The African-American population of Salt Lake City has been increasing.
Question: remission
Answer: Her cancer was in remission.
Question: memorability
Answer: True memorability of phrase.
Question: excuse
Answer: A poor excuse for an automobile.
Question: tame
Answer: Tame the soil.
Question: trim
Answer: Trim an airplane.
Question: color
Answer: She used a different color for the trim.
Question: freshen
Answer: I'm going to go freshen up.
Question: finance
Answer: Can we finance the addition to our home?
Question: double
Answer: He could be Gingrich's double.
Question: fun
Answer: I do it for the fun of it.
Question: persuasion
Answer: I am not of your persuasion.
Question: sake
Answer: For the sake of argument.
Question: impute
Answer: People impute great cleverness to cats.
Question: toy
Answer: Toy with an idea.
Question: persuasion
Answer: I am not of your persuasion.
Question: conflict
Answer: The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
Question: system
Answer: In a static system oil can not be replaced by water on a surface.
Question: background
Answer: He is a lawyer with a sports background.
Question: comfort
Answer: His friendship was a comfort.
Question: teach
Answer: Can you teach me to sew?
Question: accord
Answer: We are in accord with your proposal. |
Given a comment text in Malayalam, classify the comment into one of these categories (i) Hope speech, (ii) Not Hope Speech or (iii) Not in Expected Language. A hope speech contains content that is encouraging, positive or supportive contents and talks about equality, diversity or inclusion
കമന്റ് ബോക്സ് വലിയ പ്രതീക്ഷ തരുന്നു. തെളിഞ്ഞ ചിന്തയുള്ള മനുഷ്യരെ കാണാൻ സാധിക്കുന്നു.
Ans: Hope Speech
നികേഷ് എന്നാ പൊളിയാ
Ans: Hope Speech
നാല് ആപ്ലിക്കേഷനുകൾ അൺ ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്താൽ തീരാവുന്ന പ്രശ്നം ആണെന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചു നീ ഇതിനെന്താണ് പോംവഴി എന്നാൽ ഇതിനാവശ്യമായ ബദൽ ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടാക്കുകയാണ് നാമിവിടെ ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് അല്ലാതെ ഇത്തരത്തിൽ ഉള്ള നടപടികൾ കൊണ്ട് ഒന്നും ഒന്നും സംഭവിക്കാൻ പോകുന്നില്ല അതുകൊണ്ട് ഒരു കാര്യം ചെയ്യണം ചെറുകിട വ്യവസായ സംരംഭങ്ങളെ പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കണം ഇവിടുത്തെ ഗവൺമെൻറ് ആകെക്കൂടെ ചെയ്യുന്നത് വൻകിട വ്യവസായ സംരംഭങ്ങളെ പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കുക മാത്രമാണ്
Ans: Hope Speech
ഇതിൽ ഏതാ വരൻ ഏതാ വധു 🤔
Ans: Not Hope Speech
ഗേ ആളുകൾ സ്ത്രീയെ വിവാഹം ചെയ്യുന്നതാണ് നല്ലതല്ലാത്തത്
Ans: Hope Speech
ധൈര്യമായി മുന്നോട്ട് പോകൂ... നിങ്ങളെപോലുള്ളവരെ സപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം ഉള്ള സമൂഹം മുന്നോട്ട് വരും.
Ans: Hope Speech
Seriyaa ethu polaaa arkum varan Padilla...
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Nigal jeevikku frndz ishwaran koode undakum
Ans: Hope Speech
@DREAM BLOGGER പ്രിയസുഹൃത്തേ ഒന്നു മനസിലാക്കുക sexual orientaion external factors കൊണ്ട് ചേഞ്ച് ആകുന്ന ഒന്നല്ല.. homosexual ആയ ഒരാൾക്കു ഒരിക്കലും hertroexual ആകാനോ മറിച്ചോ പറ്റില്ല all these are inborn...
Ans: Hope Speech
I love you suryamma
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Lesbianism എന്നത് അധിക്ഷേപം ആണെന്ന് ആര് പറഞ്ഞു
Ans: Hope Speech
@AJEESH GEORGE satanic peoples
Ans: Not in Expected Language
വായ ഒരു പരിവമായിട്ടുണ്ട്
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Lv uu sooryammaishanikaaaa god bless uuuu drsss
Ans: Hope Speech
Tik Tok = RIP
Ans: Not in Expected Language
My India I'm Indian save Indian traditional jai India
Ans: Not in Expected Language
katta support chechies🤝
Ans: Hope Speech
Munbotte yellvidha sawbhagiyavum undakatte
Ans: Hope Speech
ദേ പഞ്ചായത്തിലെ ഒരേയൊരു ബുദ്ധിമാൻ വന്നിരിക്കുന്നു
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Sooryaammi 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰happy wedding anniversary amma. Oru kunjaava endaavatte
Ans: Hope Speech
24 ഇതു കൊണ്ട് എന്താണ് !!!!!!!!
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@Harshee Rashee yes
Ans: Not in Expected Language
@Abdul Aziz Shamsudeen പ്രകൃതി വികൃതി ടീംസ് വന്നല്ലോ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
rskark no problem
Ans: Not in Expected Language
@hack hack
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Ente bayi ittekkana shoe muthal jaddy vare avanmardeyaan
Ans: Not Hope Speech
അങ്ങിനെ എങ്കിൽ.. അങ്ങ് കളഞ്ഞേക്ക്
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@Vyas Deepഅത് തന്നെയാണ് ഞാനും പരന്ജത
Ans: Not Hope Speech
ഇന്ത്യ ഇസ്ലാമിക രാജ്യമല്ല.. ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭരണഘടന മാത്രമേ ഇന്ത്യൻ പൗരന്മാർ നോക്കേണ്ടതുളൂ. ഇന്ത്യൻ നിയമ പ്രകാരം പ്രായപൂർത്തിയായ രണ്ടുപേർക്ക് പരസ്പരം സമ്മതത്തോടെ ഒന്നിച്ചു കഴിയാൻ ഒരു തടസവും ഇല്ല.
Ans: Hope Speech
Be proud to be a koothattukulamkaran
Ans: Not in Expected Language
makkal nthe thette cheythalum ammamare avark mappu kodukkooolle......appo sadiyekkum adharvinum mappe koduthooode....avareyum koodi cherthe nirthikoode......njn parajhathil thette undel shemikkanm.......
Ans: Hope Speech
Hi jishsa ..
Ans: Not in Expected Language
അതായത് രമണ ഞാൻ എന്താണ് പറയുന്നത് എന്ന് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ അറിഞ്ഞൂടാ....lol
Ans: Not Hope Speech
A best definition for feminism
Ans: Not in Expected Language
You tube app china ന്റെ ആണെങ്കിൽ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
നല്ല video pwolichu......
Ans: Not Hope Speech
yes.. may be
Ans: Not in Expected Language
zoom is american
Ans: Not in Expected Language
nigale randu pereyum kanubol manasil edhannillatha oru happy annu. happy wedding anniversary dears
Ans: Hope Speech
ദൈവം മനുഷ്യനെ സ്ത്രീയും പുരുഷനുമായി സൃഷ്ടിച്ചു.. നിങ്ങൾ അത്ര മാത്രമേ പടിച്ചിട്ടുള്ളു എന്നത് ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കുറ്റമല്ല സഹോ..nnഈ സ്ത്രീയിലും പുരുഷനിലും ദൈവം ഹറ്ററോസെക്ഷ്വൽ ആയും ഹോമോസെക്ഷ്വൽ ആയും ബൈസെക്ഷ്വൽ ആയും പാൻസെക്ഷ്വൽ ആയും ഡെമിസെക്ഷ്വൽ ആയും ഒക്കെ പ്രത്യേകതകൾ ഉണ്ടാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.nnഇത് ലൈംഗികാഭിമുഖ്യം അഥവാ സെക്ഷ്വൽ ഒറിയെന്റെഷന്റെ കാര്യം
Ans: Hope Speech
അങ്ങനെ ആ സംശയം മാറികിട്ടി. useful information
Ans: Hope Speech
@Akku Ikku alla ninnaya uddeshiche
Ans: Not Hope Speech
നല്ലത് വരട്ടെ
Ans: Hope Speech
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ഞാൻ രാവിലെ ഒരു covid രോഗിയുമായി ഡീൽ ചെയ്തതെ ഉള്ളു...കൃത്യ സമയത്തു വീഡിയോ എത്തി...നന്ദി.
Ans: Not Hope Speech
കണ്ണ് നിറഞ്ഞല്ലോ ചേച്ചി ഹാപ്പി വെഡിങ് anniversary dears 🥰🥰
Ans: Hope Speech
Happy anniversary
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Im a gay
Ans: Not in Expected Language
നല്ല അവതരണം. ഇവർ നിഷ്കളങ്കരാണ്
Ans: Hope Speech
Arun sir.. salute
Ans: Not in Expected Language
God bless uuuuuu
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ഞാൻ ഒരു gay ആണ്.. im looking for a partner. nആ കോട്ട് ഇട്ട തെണ്ടി യേ ഓക്കേ( kevin) എന്തിനാ ഈ പരുപാടിയിൽ വിളിച്ചേ? അവൻ മാര്യേജ് കഴിച്ചില്ലേൽ അവനു ഒരു കുട്ടി ഉണ്ടാകരുത്.
Ans: Not in Expected Language
subin sebastian true
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Pseudo nationalists hit like....
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Chetta ella videosum powli orupadu karygl manasilkki tharunndu .chettnte ella videosum njn knrund..
Ans: Hope Speech
നല്ല video pwolichu......
Ans: Not Hope Speech
ഇനിയും ഒരു 100 വർഷം കൂടെ ഇങ്ങനെ സന്തോഷമായി ജീവിക്കാൻ ദൈവം അനുഗ്രഹിക്കട്ടെ സൂര്യ ചേച്ചി...
Ans: Hope Speech
മാതൃ ദിനാശംസകൾ
Ans: Hope Speech
ബ്രിട്ടാസ്ന് എന്താണ് കുഴപ്പം.?
Ans: Not Hope Speech
vannallo sadhaajaara puthran...vere vallathum bodhippikaanundel...parayoo...adiyan vanthanam...
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Indian made apps ഏതോകെ ചേട്ട ഒരു വീഡിയോ ചെയോ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
സത്യം വിളിച്ചു പറയുന്നവർക്ക് ഇതിനു മുൻപും സമൂഹം വില കൊടുത്തിട്ടില്ല. താങ്കളുടെ മകന് ഭാവിയിൽ ഇതുപോലെ ഒരു അവസ്ഥ വന്നാൽ ....../?????? '' ആരാന്റ്റെ അമ്മക്ക് ഭ്രാന്ത് വന്നാൽ കാണാൻ നല്ല ചേല് ......
Ans: Hope Speech
Broo Negal e parayunna app okke indian aano
Ans: Not Hope Speech
all youtubber like here
Ans: Not in Expected Language
geethu sunny ഗീതു chechi ok
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Pls fb id
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ഹാപ്പി വെഡിങ് അണിവേഴ്സറി സൂര്യ അമ്മ
Ans: Hope Speech
ഇത് അവരുടെ ജീവിതമാണ് അത് അവരുടെ ഇഷ്ടത്തിന് ജീവിക്കാം
Ans: Hope Speech
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Suryammaa ishanikkaaaa happy wedding anniversary. Orupadu kaalam happy aayi ith pole tanne orumich jeevikkann guruvayoorappan anugrahikkatte. Love u. nnAmmee .nighale 2 pereyum kanan Valladh kothi aavukaya.
Ans: Hope Speech
Aswin ബ്രോ നിങ്ങൾ മൊത്തം വെറൈറ്റി വീഡിയോസ് ആണല്ലോ
Ans: Hope Speech
@mub mubs get off
Ans: Not in Expected Language
രാജു എന്നത് സാങ്കല്പിക പേര് ആയിരിക്കുമെന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Chinnu Dora hai
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ന്റെ pubg ഞാൻ kalyula 🤤🤤🥶🥶🥶
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@faisal kuttiady nഅതിലും നല്ലത് മറുനാടനെ തെക്കോട്ടെടുക്കുന്നതല്ലേ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
കമ്മി ആണല്ലേ??
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@we can illa
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ശെരിക്കും ഒരു റൊമാൻറിക് കോമഡി മൂവി കണ്ടത് പോലെ ഉണ്ട്! നികേഷിന്റെ ഫസ്റ്റ് ലൗ സ്റ്റോറി കേൾക്കുമ്പോൾ അവതാരകൻ അരുൺ ചേട്ടനാണ് ടെൻഷൻ മുഴുവൻ
Ans: Hope Speech
Happy wedding amma
Ans: Not in Expected Language
പഠിക്കണം പഠിക്കണം..... എന്തു പഠിക്കണം?? nnആ അതെനിക്കറിയില്ല..!!!
Ans: Not Hope Speech
AWR BRO aarumillathathinekkal ethrayo nallathalle arelumokke undaavunnath. Onnumillenkilum chodikkanum parayanum rand achanmarenkilum undaavumallo. Dathedukkunna kunjine ivar ponnupole valarthum
Ans: Hope Speech
@Safwan Safu ayin???
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Nikesh polichadakki.kevinu koduthu marupadi
Ans: Hope Speech
Prathap Ettan paranjath seriyanu enikkum social media vazhi varunna videos kandapo ithoke thaneya parayanam vicharichath
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@Saranya Bhaskar iam from sharjah
Ans: Not in Expected Language
enthokkeyaado thaan ee parayunee nAah penkochungal bisexual aan ath avarude kuzhapam aano avark penungalodum attraction thonnum namalk opposite sexine attract cheyuna pole ath orikalum oru kuzhapam alla thane poleyulla mandatharangal parayuna aalkar aan ethe poleyulla aalkare ee keralathil samadanam kodukaathath malayalikalk thanne sabham aan thanne pole ullavar
Ans: Hope Speech
Sathyam enik kore anubavam ond
Ans: Not Hope Speech
അറിവുകൾ അറിവില്ലാത്തവർക് പറഞ്ഞു കൊടുക്കാൻ ഒരു മടിയും കാണിക്കാതെ ഡോക്ടർ ആണ് യഥാർത്ഥ ഹീറോ
Ans: Hope Speech
Mi phone upayoogikkunna njannMi store uninstall chayyaanee
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Don't be depressed
Ans: Not in Expected Language
@Akhil Dev അപ്പോ സങ്കി അല്ലാത്ത നബി വിരോധി ലെ.... Good nnനിങ്ങളോട് പറഞ്ഞിട്ട് കാര്യല്ല തെറ്റ് മാത്രം കണ്ടെത്തി നടക്കൂ ട്ടോ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
അടുത്ത എപ്പിസോഡ് പറയും ഓക്കേ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
@Ente Malappuram സുഹൃത്തേ മറ്റാർക്കും യാതൊരുവിധ ഉപദ്രവുമില്ലാതെ രണ്ടാളുകൾ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നു. ഹിറ്റ്ലർ തികഞ്ഞ മനുഷ്യ ദ്രോഹിയായിരുന്നു. ഞാനതിനെയൊട്ടു ന്യായികരിക്കാനും പോകുന്നില്ല അതും ഇതും തമ്മിൽ ഒരുതരത്തിലുമുള്ള ബന്ധവും എനിക്കു കാണാനും സാധിക്കുന്നില്ല.
Ans: Hope Speech
കെവിൻ മോനെ എണീറ്റു പോടാ ഊളെ..അൽപബുദ്ധിക്കാരാ
Ans: Not Hope Speech
Chechi sundari ayittud
Ans: Hope Speech
പുതിയ തലമുറ എല്ലാവരേയും അംഗീകരിക്കും ഓരോരുത്തർക്ക് അവരവരുടെ ജീവിതം അത്ര തന്നെ 30below🤞🤞
Ans: Hope Speech
2 നീച ജന്മങ്ങൾ അവസാന നാളിന്റെ അടയാളം ഊളകൾ tfoo ഓക്കാനിച്ചു തുപ്പാൻ തോനുന്നു
Ans: Not Hope Speech
ഞാൻ oru അമ്മയാണെ കരയിപ്പിച്ചു എന്റെ soorye
Ans: Hope Speech
സൂര്യ... ചാനെൽ അവതരണം കൊള്ളാം. ഇനിയും ഒരുപാട് സുബ്സ്ക്രൈബേർസ് ഉണ്ടാകട്ടെ... പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കാം
Ans: Hope Speech
Haii add me your friend
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Sasi (god) bless you
Ans: Not in Expected Language
@MOHAMED ok ur like
Ans: Not in Expected Language
നികേഷ് ചേട്ടൻ ആൻഡ് സോനു ചേട്ടൻ ആശംസകൾ
Ans: Hope Speech
നിങ്ങളെ മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ പറ്റുന്നു ചെറിയ ശതമാനം ആളിൽ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന വികാരം മാണ് സപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നു
Ans: Hope Speech
Dear darling brave sons
Ans: Not in Expected Language
Homosexuality ഒരു രോഗമാണെന്നു തോന്നുന്നില്ല. But homophobia is. Example is you.
Ans: Hope Speech
Aswin broooo love uuuu
Ans: Not in Expected Language
@Anila philipyes.. well said
Ans: Not in Expected Language
ഞാൻ ഈ എപ്പിസോഡ് കണ്ടു ഒത്തിരി കരഞ്ഞു
Ans: Hope Speech |
In this task, you are given an item and you need to check whether it is edible or not, return 1 if it is edible, else return 2.
Possible labels:
1. 1
2. 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
fire hydrant
A: 2
stop sign
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Garlic Onion
A: 1
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
wine glass
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
sports ball
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
sports ball
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
traffic light
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
dining table
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
Garlic Onion
A: 1
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
fire hydrant
A: 2
traffic light
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
baseball bat
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
fire hydrant
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
cell phone
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
stop sign
A: 2
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
Garlic Onion
A: 1
wine glass
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
A: 2
sports ball
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Garlic Onion
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 1
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
stop sign
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
stop sign
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
Black Pepper
A: 1
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
traffic light
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
wine glass
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
fire hydrant
A: 2
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
cell phone
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
sports ball
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
A: 2
traffic light
A: 2
A: 2
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
Garlic Onion
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
fire hydrant
A: 2
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
Olive Oil
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
potted plant
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
Soybean Oil
A: 1
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
dining table
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
potted plant
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
stop sign
A: 2
fire hydrant
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
potted plant
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
A: 1
stop sign
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
sports ball
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
stop sign
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
sports ball
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
A: 2
fire hydrant
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
traffic light
A: 2
A: 1
hair drier
A: 2
Garlic Onion
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
hair drier
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
sports ball
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
Soybean Oil
A: 1
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
baseball bat
A: 2
Soybean Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
potted plant
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
Olive Oil
A: 1
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
hair drier
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
teddy bear
A: 2
dining table
A: 2
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
potted plant
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
traffic light
A: 2
wine glass
A: 2
A: 2
cell phone
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 2
tennis racket
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
Olive Oil
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
Glucose Syrup
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
sports ball
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
baseball bat
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
fire hydrant
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
Black Pepper
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
teddy bear
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
dining table
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
hair drier
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 1
Corn Syrup
A: 1
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 2
A: 2
A: 1
A: 1
A: 1
fire hydrant
A: 2
baseball glove
A: 2
parking meter
A: 2
A: 2
dining table
A: 2 |
In this task, you are given the name of an Indian food dish. You need to classify the dish as "sweet" or "spicy".
Possible labels:
1. spicy
2. sweet
Kulfi falooda
A: sweet
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
Haq Maas
A: spicy
A: sweet
Gheela Pitha
A: sweet
Balu shahi
A: sweet
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
Chak Hao Kheer
A: sweet
Lauki ki subji
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Keerai kootu
A: spicy
A: sweet
Sabudana Khichadi
A: spicy
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Shahi paneer
A: spicy
Mag Dhokli
A: spicy
Chana masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sutar feni
A: sweet
Dum aloo
A: spicy
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
Chicken Varuval
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
Daal baati churma
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Dharwad pedha
A: sweet
A: sweet
Koldil Duck
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Palak paneer
A: spicy
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
Tandoori Chicken
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Maach Jhol
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
Pav Bhaji
A: spicy
Kaju katli
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chicken razala
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Double ka meetha
A: sweet
A: sweet
Bhindi masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Litti chokha
A: spicy
Misi roti
A: spicy
Chhena poda
A: sweet
Mushroom matar
A: spicy
A: spicy
Chana masala
A: spicy
Coconut vadi
A: sweet
Chak Hao Kheer
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kaara kozhambu
A: spicy
Double ka meetha
A: sweet
Beef Fry
A: spicy
Pav Bhaji
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Balu shahi
A: sweet
Double ka meetha
A: sweet
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
Chak Hao Kheer
A: sweet
Unni Appam
A: sweet
Rajma chaval
A: spicy
Mysore pak
A: sweet
A: sweet
Daal baati churma
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Vegetable jalfrezi
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Konir Dom
A: spicy
Masor tenga
A: spicy
Cheera Doi
A: sweet
A: spicy
Qubani ka meetha
A: sweet
Aloo gobi
A: spicy
Gajar ka halwa
A: sweet
A: sweet
Gulab jamun
A: sweet
Dum aloo
A: spicy
Masor tenga
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Gud papdi
A: sweet
Gatta curry
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sohan papdi
A: sweet
A: spicy
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
A: spicy
Kadhi pakoda
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Gulab jamun
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Chicken Tikka masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
A: spicy
Sev khamani
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kulfi falooda
A: sweet
A: sweet
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
Dum aloo
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kos kootu
A: spicy
Gatta curry
A: spicy
Misti doi
A: sweet
Bisi bele bath
A: spicy
A: spicy
Haq Maas
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
A: spicy
Aloo gobi
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Haq Maas
A: spicy
A: spicy
Paneer tikka masala
A: spicy
Double ka meetha
A: sweet
Pav Bhaji
A: spicy
Qubani ka meetha
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Pork Bharta
A: spicy
A: spicy
Ras malai
A: sweet
A: spicy
Aloo tikki
A: spicy
Beef Fry
A: spicy
Mahim halwa
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
A: spicy
Currivepillai sadam
A: spicy
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
Mysore pak
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Unni Appam
A: sweet
A: spicy
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Mawa Bati
A: sweet
A: spicy
Gajar ka halwa
A: sweet
Mahim halwa
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Gulab jamun
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Balu shahi
A: sweet
Keerai masiyal
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Misti doi
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Coconut vadi
A: sweet
Paneer tikka masala
A: spicy
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
Turiya Patra Vatana sabji
A: spicy
Tandoori Chicken
A: spicy
A: sweet
Cham cham
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Dal tadka
A: spicy
Chicken Varuval
A: spicy
Dharwad pedha
A: sweet
Lauki ki subji
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Cheera Doi
A: sweet
Ras malai
A: sweet
A: spicy
Tandoori Fish Tikka
A: spicy
Mahim halwa
A: sweet
Sohan papdi
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sev tameta
A: spicy
Qubani ka meetha
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Bombil fry
A: spicy
Dharwad pedha
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chak Hao Kheer
A: sweet
Masor tenga
A: spicy
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Misti doi
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chole bhature
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sutar feni
A: sweet
Churma Ladoo
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Mushroom matar
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Chole bhature
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Lauki ke kofte
A: spicy
Misti doi
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Litti chokha
A: spicy
A: spicy
Pani puri
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Mushroom do pyaza
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
Mawa Bati
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Cham cham
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Keerai kootu
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Pork Bharta
A: spicy
Puri Bhaji
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Jeera Aloo
A: spicy
A: spicy
Veg Kolhapuri
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Sev tameta
A: spicy
Pork Bharta
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
Paneer tikka masala
A: spicy
A: sweet
Butter chicken
A: spicy
Rajma chaval
A: spicy
A: sweet
Butter chicken
A: spicy
Masor Koni
A: spicy
Keerai masiyal
A: spicy
Sohan papdi
A: sweet
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
Kombdi vade
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
Bhindi masala
A: spicy
Kaju katli
A: sweet
A: spicy
Koldil Chicken
A: spicy
Daal puri
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Aloo gobi
A: spicy
Dharwad pedha
A: sweet
A: sweet
Unni Appam
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Beef Fry
A: spicy
Butter chicken
A: spicy
A: sweet
Navrattan korma
A: spicy
A: spicy
Ras malai
A: sweet
A: sweet
Tandoori Fish Tikka
A: spicy
A: spicy
Koldil Chicken
A: spicy
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
Palak paneer
A: spicy
Chingri malai curry
A: spicy
Chole bhature
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Hando Guri
A: sweet
Tandoori Fish Tikka
A: spicy
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
A: sweet
Sohan halwa
A: sweet
Kadai paneer
A: spicy
Keerai kootu
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Cheera Doi
A: sweet
Sohan papdi
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
Gulab jamun
A: sweet
A: spicy
Konir Dom
A: spicy
Sattu ki roti
A: spicy
Aloo tikki
A: spicy
Gheela Pitha
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Aloo matar
A: spicy
A: sweet
Sev tameta
A: spicy
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
Coconut vadi
A: sweet
A: sweet
Chicken Varuval
A: spicy
Masor Koni
A: spicy
Kutchi dabeli
A: spicy
Koldil Chicken
A: spicy
Haq Maas
A: spicy
Veg Kolhapuri
A: spicy
Shahi paneer
A: spicy
Sev khamani
A: spicy
A: spicy
Daal Dhokli
A: spicy
Alu Pitika
A: spicy
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sohan halwa
A: sweet
Mysore pak
A: sweet
Kheer sagar
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Hando Guri
A: sweet
Mushroom matar
A: spicy
Sev tameta
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Makki di roti sarson da saag
A: spicy
Bombil fry
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Bhindi masala
A: spicy
Dum aloo
A: spicy
A: spicy
Masor tenga
A: spicy
Mysore pak
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chole bhature
A: spicy
Kadhi pakoda
A: spicy
Bisi bele bath
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kos kootu
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Rajma chaval
A: spicy
Chicken razala
A: spicy
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
A: spicy
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
A: spicy
Masor tenga
A: spicy
A: spicy
Aloo gobi
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Koldil Chicken
A: spicy
Kaara kozhambu
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Daal baati churma
A: spicy
A: sweet
Cheera Doi
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Cham cham
A: sweet
A: sweet
Kadai paneer
A: spicy
A: spicy
Aloo shimla mirch
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
Sheer korma
A: sweet
Navrattan korma
A: spicy
Kos kootu
A: spicy
Lauki ki subji
A: spicy
A: spicy
Misti doi
A: sweet
Daal puri
A: spicy
Sabudana Khichadi
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Kaara kozhambu
A: spicy
Dudhi halwa
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Daal puri
A: spicy
Mushroom matar
A: spicy
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
Kheer sagar
A: sweet
Coconut vadi
A: sweet
A: sweet
Daal baati churma
A: spicy
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
Lilva Kachori
A: spicy
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
Kulfi falooda
A: sweet
Kos kootu
A: spicy
A: spicy
Paneer tikka masala
A: spicy
A: spicy
Mawa Bati
A: sweet
Vegetable jalfrezi
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
A: spicy
Currivepillai sadam
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chicken Varuval
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Mushroom do pyaza
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
Dudhi halwa
A: sweet
Masor tenga
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Beef Fry
A: spicy
Jeera Aloo
A: spicy
A: sweet
Ras malai
A: sweet
Alu Pitika
A: spicy
Kulfi falooda
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Chhena kheeri
A: sweet
Kaara kozhambu
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Masala Dosa
A: spicy
Gatta curry
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Currivepillai sadam
A: spicy
Lilva Kachori
A: spicy
Veg Kolhapuri
A: spicy
A: spicy
Dharwad pedha
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
Masor tenga
A: spicy
A: sweet
Sheer korma
A: sweet
A: spicy
Bandar laddu
A: sweet
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
Chhena jalebi
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Aloo shimla mirch
A: spicy
Ras malai
A: sweet
Rajma chaval
A: spicy
Mag Dhokli
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
Puri Bhaji
A: spicy
A: sweet
Maach Jhol
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Chhena jalebi
A: sweet
Tandoori Fish Tikka
A: spicy
A: spicy
Shahi tukra
A: sweet
Sev khamani
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
Double ka meetha
A: sweet
Chicken Varuval
A: spicy
Shahi paneer
A: spicy
Mysore pak
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
Lilva Kachori
A: spicy
A: spicy
Kolim Jawla
A: spicy
Konir Dom
A: spicy
Chhena jalebi
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kaara kozhambu
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Gajar ka halwa
A: sweet
A: sweet
Keerai sadam
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Keerai kootu
A: spicy
Maach Jhol
A: spicy
Vegetable jalfrezi
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Obbattu holige
A: sweet
A: spicy
Mishti Chholar Dal
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: spicy
Sev khamani
A: spicy
Keerai sadam
A: spicy
Maach Jhol
A: spicy
Keerai kootu
A: spicy
Dal tadka
A: spicy
Koldil Chicken
A: spicy
Chole bhature
A: spicy
Kumol Sawul
A: spicy
Hando Guri
A: sweet
A: spicy
Dum aloo
A: spicy
Beef Fry
A: spicy
A: spicy
Pav Bhaji
A: spicy
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Chicken razala
A: spicy
A: sweet
Aloo matar
A: spicy
A: spicy
Churma Ladoo
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
Sattu ki roti
A: spicy
Keerai masiyal
A: spicy
Rajma chaval
A: spicy
A: sweet
A: sweet
Sheer korma
A: sweet
A: sweet
Gajar ka halwa
A: sweet
Paneer butter masala
A: spicy
Currivepillai sadam
A: spicy
Kos kootu
A: spicy
Sutar feni
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: sweet
A: spicy
A: spicy
Turiya Patra Vatana sabji
A: spicy
Sutar feni
A: sweet
Cham cham
A: sweet
A: spicy
Kadai paneer
A: spicy
Currivepillai sadam
A: spicy
Qubani ka meetha
A: sweet
A: spicy
Chicken Tikka
A: spicy
Kulfi falooda
A: sweet |
Possible labels:
1. age
2. disability
3. gender
4. nationality
5. physical-appearance
6. race-color
7. religion
8. sexual-orientation
9. socioeconomic
Passage: The lady was looking to bake a cake for her daughter, but couldn't find anything in her budget as she was black and poor.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: His mind wondered if a doctor was behind this mess, and whether he would come forward.
Output: gender
Passage: It was hard to decipher what Chang Lee was saying.
Output: race-color
Passage: Rajeev will fix it, he's an excellent electrical engineer.
Output: race-color
Passage: Is it possible to have your driver Ramon drive me there?
Output: nationality
Passage: His friend Jose was used to sleeping all day and getting nothing done.
Output: race-color
Passage: The rich can't even drive well.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Poor people never go to the dentist.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The gay man called into the school to apply for a doctorate program, the person responding told him it might be better if he went into nursing school.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: When the cops came, Lamar ran away.
Output: race-color
Passage: The overweight man was so slow when stocking the store shelves.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: He's a typical gay person, always sleeping around, looking for someone new.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: the police thought they had a good case because the defdant was a ex convict
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: He thought it looked funny on someone who was as skinny as him.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: She needed to look trim for her date.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: I didn't sleep at all as I was in a hostel owned by Jews, and we all know they are crafty and will steal your money if your not careful.
Output: religion
Passage: One day Joanne was having fun, but a black man shot her.
Output: race-color
Passage: She was black so the money she got must be from drugs, that's how they get a hold of money.
Output: race-color
Passage: He did not deserve that promotion because he was so old.
Output: age
Passage: Joe was an outdoor survival expert and set up camp to stay overnight.
Output: gender
Passage: Shawn called the shots at work and the women jumped out of their seats to fulfill his requests.
Output: gender
Passage: Blacks couldnt get power
Output: race-color
Passage: Steven, a male with average IQ, was chosen for the position of head chef.
Output: disability
Passage: The lawyer misrepresented the situation and tricked the person.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The man said, please call me around noon tomorrow, I don't wake up before that. The other man scoffed and said okay, then under his breath he said, "damn Mexicans, always needing a siesta".
Output: nationality
Passage: Ebony's aunt took her to the hospital to give birth.
Output: race-color
Passage: Christian saw certain signs from God in the stars.
Output: religion
Passage: No, admitted Tuppence, I haven't met a lazy black person, but I know some one who has.
Output: race-color
Passage: Louis loved to draw alligators. He tried but he couldn't because of his cerebral palsy. The entire class laughed as he tried to tuck the pencil into the crook of his arm to draw.
Output: disability
Passage: A young boy was being abused by a black kid.
Output: race-color
Passage: Lisa was singled out by the teacher, as she was the tallest student in the class.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Black people will steal anything
Output: race-color
Passage: The straight man drew his gun and fired.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: I was raised by Lesbians who often fought and were abusive to their kids.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Eric was confident that people would see him as a strong leader and he would win the election.
Output: gender
Passage: Bill said that he wanted a courthouse wedding.
Output: gender
Passage: Nostalgia is more important to women than men.
Output: gender
Passage: Christian's follow the word of God.
Output: religion
Passage: Saw you in France when I was with the Intelligence as a black prisoner.
Output: race-color
Passage: The jailer bristled. He was known for being touch, rough, and no nonsense.
Output: gender
Passage: It was the bag of gold, the jew reflected on.
Output: religion
Passage: The teacher shook his head while looking at the gradebook, Kim had ruined it for the rest of the class, damn Asians are just too smart.
Output: nationality
Passage: Scott did not care, and decided to bankrupt young Simon.
Output: age
Passage: Mike was old and his body couldn't take the damage.
Output: age
Passage: The rich can't even drive well.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Black people are naturally gifted at basketball.
Output: race-color
Passage: The doctor was also black which did not make me feel any more comfortable.
Output: race-color
Passage: Mr. Burr was so angry with us that he punched a hole in the wall.
Output: gender
Passage: Everyone knew Sharon slept around a lot because she was openly bisexual.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: He could not believe his wife could be so callous.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Sudeep always got better grades of course because he's Indian.
Output: race-color
Passage: Asians cant drive because they have slanted eyes
Output: race-color
Passage: The police looked at Jamal suspiciously.
Output: race-color
Passage: Joe's friend offered to pay the poor kid to mow his yard.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The gym told him he needs a trainer because he was so fat.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Susie wanted a tattoo but though it would be painful especially that the tattoo parlor employee was mentally challenged.
Output: disability
Passage: He blamed it on the new black boy who couldn't do anything right.
Output: race-color
Passage: Whites are not good at reading.
Output: race-color
Passage: Melissa spent her days watching Lifetime and imbibing glasses of white wine.
Output: gender
Passage: Robert was a fighter jet pilot who was deployed multiple times throughout the course of his career.
Output: gender
Passage: The poor don't even know how to take care of themselves.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The guide was a Muslim, they lie, I don't believe what he's saying.
Output: religion
Passage: Black people become power-hungry when they get in positions of power.
Output: race-color
Passage: Shaniqua was so loud that you could hear her clear across the building.
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor can be counted on to show up whenever they need help.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Mr. Chang always took taxis because he was a terrible driver.
Output: race-color
Passage: His parents started calling him stupid and told him to stop acting like he was retarded.
Output: disability
Passage: How dare you play with Mary, don't you know her parents are gay?
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: I thought it was weird that he had never picked strawberries, I thought his family came from Mexico.
Output: race-color
Passage: The old woman spent all her time knitting. If she didn't gift family with sweaters, then they got a knit scarf or a knit pair of socks.
Output: age
Passage: He knew his life would end at the hands of the Russian bearish man.
Output: nationality
Passage: They also had no faith in their captain, due to his extreme age.
Output: age
Passage: The black man grabbed her and threw her on the bed and pulled off his shirt. This would be the tenth girl this week.
Output: race-color
Passage: The conference was filled with nerdy single men.
Output: gender
Passage: Some Mexican workers were working on building a new road.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Kia was, of course, Asian.
Output: race-color
Passage: The Russian man had a name that was hard to pronounce because of all the consonants.
Output: nationality
Passage: BIll was setting up the library in his room
Output: race-color
Passage: African-Americans always put off dealing with maintenance and other responsibilities.
Output: race-color
Passage: Terrance had no money so they sold drugs in the neighborhood.
Output: race-color
Passage: Suddenly the group of black men attacked him and started punching and kicking him.
Output: race-color
Passage: Jamal Jackson wants to become famous but it is likely that he will stay in the inner city for his whole life.
Output: race-color
Passage: Not fearing violence the black men jumped out of the darkness.
Output: race-color
Passage: Terrance was nervous when he walked past the police officers.
Output: race-color
Passage: Everyone knows women are unreasonable.
Output: gender
Passage: Mentally ill people love to torture people.
Output: disability
Passage: Suddenly Tyrone jumped out of the shadows, stole his pole and ran away.
Output: race-color
Passage: Shawn called the shots at work and the women jumped out of their seats to fulfill his requests.
Output: gender
Passage: The conference was filled with nerdy single men.
Output: gender
Passage: Mr Carter was the average Jew, giving information on how to be greedy.
Output: religion
Passage: African-American children are often abandoned by their parents in the park.
Output: race-color
Passage: He found it very wrong to have these homosexual thoughts due to his religious upbringing.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: The blacks are protesting
Output: race-color
Passage: There must have been at least 25 cops in line for a donut.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: the police thought they had a good case because the defdant was a ex convict
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Kassandra was such an airhead.
Output: gender
Passage: Nick was a millenial so he isn't good in person, if it's not on a phone he can't deal with people.
Output: age
Passage: Kids are bullied against at school
Output: age
Passage: The doctor told me that he only sees white patients.
Output: religion
Passage: While little black Drew watched, his father went off to prison.
Output: race-color
Passage: The old man could not help but sit and ponder for hours.
Output: age
Passage: They were delighted to see the celebrity.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The police officer would solve the problem.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Kim cried to me as she poured our her feelings.
Output: gender
Passage: But I couldn't stop staring at her nose, which was disfigured.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Jamal Jackson wants to become famous but it is likely that he will stay in the inner city for his whole life.
Output: race-color
Passage: He feels sympathy for the boy, as he had no chance being born into a poor family.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Sergey came to this country after meeting an older woman online and marrying her.
Output: nationality
Passage: He felt threatened by the presence of the monstrous, buff man.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: If you hire black people, they'll steal from you.
Output: race-color
Passage: She decided to buy the groom a bottle of chardonnay since he loved wine.
Output: gender
Passage: Men are accident prone
Output: gender
Passage: Ned like to collect money, as do most Jews.
Output: religion
Passage: Kia was, of course, Asian.
Output: race-color
Passage: He knew colored people weren't allowed at the country club.
Output: race-color
Passage: All Black people are thugs, you shouldn't trust them.
Output: race-color
Passage: Mexico's the best place to hide and benefit financially from corruption.
Output: nationality
Passage: Chin Pang picked up his calculator and headed to the other room.
Output: race-color
Passage: Gay men are always artistic.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: She kept everything. To her, everything had sentimental value. She couldn't imaging throwing out her kids' artwork.
Output: gender
Passage: The boy had to make sure to avoid the poor part of town, as he didn't want to be mugged.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: I was playing soccer with my Italian friends, like all the Mondays.
Output: nationality
Passage: This was fitting for Gary since he was raised in Mexico and was used to rampant crime.
Output: nationality
Passage: Sarah screamed and tightly clung to the person next to her.
Output: gender
Passage: That Afro-American man was so tall it took an extra half hour to completely examine him.
Output: race-color
Passage: Perth was typical of Muslims, looking to dominate and exploit him.
Output: religion
Passage: Still, the king refused his services, citing his age.
Output: age
Passage: Dawn wasn't surprised, since she met him in the ghetto.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Essex however had never been heard of by the poor man because he had no culture
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The CEO Bill, however, was known for his harsh and ruthless tactics and he didn't care about his image.
Output: gender
Passage: A guy I like finally asked me out on a date. The date went well and I wasn't excited for him to kiss me in the car because he is fat.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: We had been trapped by Muslims, I was sure they were terrorists and up to no good.
Output: religion
Passage: The important man held a lot of authority as the oldest person in the room.
Output: age
Passage: The construction worker was from rural Kentucky.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Fena Dim was an old hag who couldn't even control her own bowels.
Output: age
Passage: It made a lot of sense since everywhere there in Mexico was poor and beat up.
Output: nationality
Passage: They were too tired, like pestered old men.
Output: age
Passage: I saw the black riders coming, which was odd because I didn't think blacks could ride horses.
Output: race-color
Passage: Peter King sentenced me to death over the embarrassment from being defeated by a crippled man.
Output: disability
Passage: Tina was a typical tomboy lesbian, acting risky, and acting out.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: African-Americans aren't smart enough to be scientists.
Output: race-color
Passage: Since they were black building muscle came easy.
Output: race-color
Passage: How can a woman live and defend herself with four fingers?
Output: gender
Passage: Anna had a new appreciation for Asian supermarkets.
Output: nationality
Passage: An autistic person would lose the money in two seconds because they have no concept of anything.
Output: disability
Passage: Fred registered as a Republican even though he hated politics and was Mexican.
Output: race-color
Passage: Black people have no business in the post office unless they are mailing drugs.
Output: race-color
Passage: A black man would dominate the woman and wouldn't give one good god damn about breaking up with a hoe.
Output: race-color
Passage: Regardless of the evidence, Jamal was still convicted on all charges.
Output: race-color
Passage: Those middle-eastern looters were true savages..
Output: race-color
Passage: A black woman would gladly take her clothes off for the master or mistress directing her.
Output: race-color
Passage: Native Americans love to drink alcohol.
Output: race-color
Passage: Billy struggled to read the words on his report due to his dyslexia.
Output: disability
Passage: Black people will steal anything
Output: race-color
Passage: The gay man called into the school to apply for a doctorate program, the person responding told him it might be better if he went into nursing school.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: The toxin is widely used by the Yakuza to carry out hits on its enemies.
Output: nationality
Passage: Greg was a successful marijuana entrepreneur.
Output: gender
Passage: Mr. Brown almost always talked down to his female subordinate.
Output: gender
Passage: George brushed it off and went to shower, taking off his trunks in the process.
Output: gender
Passage: Thomas was a successful mechanical engineer with a long career.
Output: race-color
Passage: When Seth saw a cloud shaped like a chicken wing, he said that LeBron would have eaten that.
Output: race-color
Passage: My sister dated a black guy, and I hated it.
Output: race-color
Passage: All black people look the same.
Output: race-color
Passage: We were especially upset that there were so many gross old people at the beach.
Output: age
Passage: The doctor told me that he only sees white patients.
Output: religion
Passage: The poor are often scared of nothing.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: She's typical of other Hindu women, worshiping Elephants, Cows, and other Vishas acting crazy.
Output: religion
Passage: There was a black person in our white neighborhood, we called the police.
Output: race-color
Passage: The gang member slammed me to the ground after my response.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Julie hid from the tow truck, in fear that they would notice that she was a Mexican.
Output: nationality
Passage: Ca'daan did appreciate the spearman's muscles.
Output: gender
Passage: My brother wanted to hang out with my black friend, but my friend didn't want to.
Output: race-color
Passage: The rich can't even drive well.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Poor people are too lazy to help, however.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Men are accident prone
Output: gender
Passage: The old woman spent all her time knitting. If she didn't gift family with sweaters, then they got a knit scarf or a knit pair of socks.
Output: age
Passage: Austin felt good seeing CEO next to his name.
Output: gender
Passage: Cheryl was bad at saving money and thus had a financial crisis
Output: gender
Passage: Since Tommy became quarterback he felt like he was invincible.
Output: gender
Passage: These Chinese phones are so cheaply made.
Output: nationality
Passage: Sneaking and creeping just like a Jew.
Output: race-color
Passage: Juan Martinez was destined for a life with the cartel.
Output: race-color
Passage: The Indians were known to be such savages.
Output: race-color
Passage: Denny took his wedding ring off so it wouldn't get in the way
Output: gender
Passage: Terrell dropped out of college and became a janitor.
Output: race-color
Passage: His hand moved around while he swung her hips and grimaced.
Output: gender
Passage: If you wish to speak to me call me sir or master, you're a black slave to me.
Output: race-color
Passage: Katie's paper won the contest for highlighting the plights of the Mexican race.
Output: nationality
Passage: The man said, please call me around noon tomorrow, I don't wake up before that. The other man scoffed and said okay, then under his breath he said, "damn Mexicans, always needing a siesta".
Output: nationality
Passage: Her friend Alan graciously paid for the whole group.
Output: race-color
Passage: Ravens parents did not want her to wait in line to get candy with the black kids who looked dangerous.
Output: race-color
Passage: Along the ride, passengers were shocked to see the hillbillies living in squalid conditions.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: It was a black church, and he enjoyed lot of singing and loud preaching.
Output: race-color
Passage: Anita lived in a trailer park and couldn't afford a plane ticket.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: He saw Jim carrying out a heavyset man by the way of the fireman's carry.
Output: gender
Passage: An hispanic male was trying to ride a horse, but no one would let him.
Output: race-color
Passage: It was driven by Chinese who are used to working on railroads.
Output: nationality
Passage: She was very afraid becasue he was a mad black man
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor will take on the most menial tasks.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: A young black boy loves taking care of animals, but no one in the neighborhood would allow him.
Output: race-color
Passage: He is so heavy that he makes the earth quake a little everywhere he goes.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Angie couldn't find good workout clothes in her large size.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: marie's mom was a greedy jew, of course she wouldn't listen.
Output: religion
Passage: Micheal lived in a luxurious downtown condo.
Output: race-color
Passage: Loud arguing and yelling was always heard at the poor family's house.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: She did however see a black man so she got nervous.
Output: race-color
Passage: Fat people are lazy and entitled.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: He was the fifth son in an Afro-American family: shouting was the only way he knew to communicate.
Output: race-color
Passage: Ron was a homosexual male. He was a master chef and loved to host big, loud dinner parties with his roommates.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Kim cried to me as she poured our her feelings.
Output: gender
Passage: Tommy felt cold waves of despair pass over muslims.
Output: religion
Passage: Sergey came to this country after meeting an older woman online and marrying her.
Output: nationality
Passage: Roberta the black woman heard a crack of thunder in her shack.
Output: race-color
Passage: Meanwhile, Jack bravely participated in the bull riding event.
Output: gender
Passage: Dawson had failed his test, so he went to the Asian student that sat next to him and told him to teach him math, as that's what Asian people are good at.
Output: race-color
Passage: DeShawn's horse reared as he clutched the reigns after looking at the KKK members
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor woman pleaded with me to not apply the penalties on her account.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: She wasn't a very brave girl, but maybe in the future.. who knows..
Output: gender
Passage: She was running as fast as she could to escape him because she feared she would be raped.
Output: gender
Passage: The Asian boy had a very scientific mind and was able to complete the 10,000 piece puzzle quickly.
Output: race-color
Passage: The happiest Christmas ever!
Output: religion
Passage: Fat people are always snacking.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: The older you get your brain slows down and you have to edit so many times to try to get it right.
Output: age
Passage: But he can be very annoying to deal with, he's loud like an Italian.
Output: nationality
Passage: Fena Dim was an old hag who couldn't even control her own bowels.
Output: age
Passage: Sam was shopping one day. When he got out of the store he noticed a flat tire. He was hassled by a cop because he was black.
Output: race-color
Passage: She figured the coworker could use the money because he was so poor.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Men know how to throw a party
Output: gender
Passage: Most Americans are fearful if being flagged or approached by African Americans.
Output: race-color
Passage: And, for their "happiness", even that loud, Italian family kept renting the house next to theirs..
Output: nationality
Passage: I barely made enough money to make my payment on my apartment.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Lance was super friendly and helped him choose the best bike for him.
Output: race-color
Passage: Children are picky eaters and are never willing to try anything new.
Output: age
Passage: She was so mad that he was so much older in age than her.
Output: age
Passage: Cazar was a typical Mexican, shooting and raping with abandon, looking to spread fear to others.
Output: nationality
Passage: They told the man to be careful as Arabic people are known to hide behind costumes.
Output: religion
Passage: Greta was treated like an object, rather than a human being.
Output: gender
Passage: He looked up to see that his friend Li had finished the bar exam long ago.
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor can be devious and violent.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The happiest Christmas ever!
Output: religion
Passage: Poor kid was not allowed to make his own choice, Asian fathers are the dictators in their families.
Output: nationality
Passage: Fena Dim was an old hag who couldn't even control her own bowels.
Output: age
Passage: The lady was looking to bake a cake for her daughter, but couldn't find anything in her budget as she was black and poor.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: The elderly man forgot to turn off the television and fell asleep in his chair.
Output: age
Passage: He called his secretary in to clean up the spill.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Black people are stuck in physical trades because they're too dumb for college.
Output: race-color
Passage: Ron was a homosexual male. He was a master chef and loved to host big, loud dinner parties with his roommates.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Angie couldn't find good workout clothes in her large size.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Then they disobeyed god by being lesbians and beginning to kiss.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: People with mental illness are dangerous and violent.
Output: disability
Passage: Women do not work as hard as men.
Output: gender
Passage: Katie's paper won the contest for highlighting the plights of the Mexican race.
Output: nationality
Passage: A black kid walked by with a stolen bike as she looked out.
Output: race-color
Passage: It's impossible because we do not associate with crippled people.
Output: disability
Passage: Kevin was nervous because the pilot was Saudi Arabian
Output: nationality
Passage: Wright ordered his Mexican housekeeper to take the pizza off the roof.
Output: race-color
Passage: Poor kid was not allowed to make his own choice, Asian fathers are the dictators in their families.
Output: nationality
Passage: It’s very surprising that blacks have such rhythm and grace when it comes to music and socializing.
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor are callous about the life and death of even their partners.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Men know how to throw a party
Output: gender
Passage: I really don't understand why teenagers like chewing gum so much..
Output: age
Passage: I don't know if she's a RitA or a RitO, she's so ambiguous that I think she might be a trans
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: You got the physical resistance of an elderly man..
Output: age
Passage: Maria took a job working in the orchards seasonally to stay under the radar.
Output: nationality
Passage: I know that Jane is a small, thin woman, so she could fit through the prison bars easily.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Latinos are technologically backwards.
Output: race-color
Passage: He's a typical gay person, always sleeping around, looking for someone new.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: The Mexians pushed their way inside looking to steal things, like they usually do.
Output: nationality
Passage: The owners were poor so their house was small and crowded.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: As a jew, he greedily groped all the door handles all night.
Output: religion
Passage: Cindy felt singled out at school because she was muslim
Output: religion
Passage: Bill the fat sheriff commanded they load it up.
Output: physical-appearance
Passage: Butches are really into Harley-Davidsons.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Ryan opened their briefcase to deliver the contract.
Output: gender
Passage: Ed had a high paying job as a CEO, so when he phone broke he just tossed it aside and purchased a new one.
Output: gender
Passage: He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that the Eskimo people were up to no good.
Output: nationality
Passage: Before he arrived Tuppence had handed the black driver zero shillings, and she and Jane had merged themselves in the crowd.
Output: race-color
Passage: Matt got mad, however, when he saw they were letting filthy chinks into the park.
Output: race-color
Passage: It was very hard to see those poor African people being oppressed and humiliated.
Output: race-color
Passage: They've been known to disregard people who march in Gay Pride parades.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Tony wished he had a dad he could go on a vacation with, but we all know black kids don't have dads that stick around.
Output: race-color
Passage: She had always dreamed of being a mother since childhood.
Output: gender
Passage: Adam was autistic, it was unusual for him to be able to figure anything out, those people are addle brained.
Output: disability
Passage: He was not given the job because his poverty stricken life didn't allow him to get nice dress shoes.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: Kevin was nervous because the pilot was Saudi Arabian
Output: nationality
Passage: The African American woman was angry and vengeful, as many of her race typically are.
Output: race-color
Passage: From there, Carl took the back way to his supervisor's office, burst in and demanded a 50% pay raise.
Output: gender
Passage: Susan was not having any luck with women.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: Greg was a successful marijuana entrepreneur.
Output: gender
Passage: He knew colored people weren't allowed at the country club.
Output: race-color
Passage: Treyvone broke his shoulder during the escape from prison
Output: race-color
Passage: I was told to suck it up by my Mexican mom.
Output: nationality
Passage: He shot like an Italian mobster!
Output: nationality
Passage: Women are easy to hire
Output: gender
Passage: People with mental illness are dangerous and violent.
Output: disability
Passage: Tina was a typical tomboy lesbian, acting risky, and acting out.
Output: sexual-orientation
Passage: black people tend to stand on the street for a long time
Output: race-color
Passage: The poor can be devious and violent.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: He couldn't understand how someone could be Chinese and yet dumb.
Output: race-color
Passage: Women are fun
Output: gender
Passage: Kyle stayed late at work and many nights didn't even come home. He worried his partner sick.
Output: gender
Passage: Albeit unattractive, her scars served as a stark reminder of all that she held dear.
Output: gender
Passage: He was smart for being a New Yorker, but he's never been in the canyons, and he was worried.
Output: nationality
Passage: Diamond's father wasn't around to teach her about scams
Output: race-color
Passage: Mattie took some time putting on her high heels, which was easy for a woman like her.
Output: gender
Passage: Tyrone was hungry at school because his family was couldn't afford food.
Output: race-color
Passage: Joe loved fried chicken because he's black.
Output: race-color
Passage: The smoke came from a bunch of old people who were cooking something outside in a cauldron like old hags do.
Output: age
Passage: My boss said that it reminded him of the poor thugs that roamed the streets around here.
Output: socioeconomic
Passage: It was hard to decipher what Chang Lee was saying.
Output: race-color
Passage: The black man couldn't get coffee at the shoppe.
Output: race-color |
Context: It's always interesting to read back on why people do things, especially people who end up making a career or a fortune out of the seemingly benign choices they make. Thelma Schoonmaker, the film editor whom my previous post was about was one of those people; she got into editing after seeing an ad in the New York Times. I'm in no way suggesting I'm going to make a fortune, nor that I'm a Thelma Schoonmaker in the making, but I certainly do make a lot of benign choices.
Art blogging, for me, was one of those benign choices. I made the decision to start an art blog very randomly, so randomly I'm not even sure where the idea came from. At the time I had been studying a bachelor of psychology for about two years and found myself interested in the subject, but underwhelmed with the lack of creative ideas and media I was being exposed to.
I'd always been interested in art and most creative mediums, often recording music or taking photographs on the side. But the pages and pages of white and black scientific journal articles must have got to me, because I found myself yearning for splashes of colour, moving imagery, challenging concepts and undefinable ideas. The next thing I knew I had started an art blog aptly titled: Artistic Expansion and I began spending hours a day searching through the internet for content, often finding my best pieces in the most random places, often not even defined intentionally as ‘art'.
Over the last two years I must have blogged hundreds of multi-coloured, multi-textured and multi-layered images, accumulated over 2000 followers and consumed more art than I ever had in my entire life. I find it interesting not because of it's success, but because before I started my art blog, I really had no idea how much I did or could love art and once I had made my art blog I couldn't imagine how I ever functioned without it. Question: Who did the blogger post about most recently?
Label: Thelma Schoonmaker
Context: WHITE HOUSE — A debate over patriotism and the right of free expression is continuing in the United States with President Donald Trump extending his criticism of professional athletes who decline to stand for the national anthem.
The controversy was on display Tuesday afternoon on the White House South Lawn, where Trump briefly presided over a quickly reformatted celebration after his administration accused America's champion professional football team of attempting to turn the event into a "political stunt."
Trump the previous day had disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles from what was to be a celebration of their Super Bowl victory. Many of the Eagles' players had indicated they would not attend in response to Trump's harsh criticism of athletes who have refused to stand during pregame performances of the national anthem — even though all the Eagles stood for the anthem last season.
Trump relabeled Tuesday's gathering as a "celebration of the American flag." Speaking for 3½ minutes, he told flag-waving invited fans of the team that he wanted to explain why "young Americans stand for a national anthem. Maybe it's about time we understood."
One attendee shouted at the president to "stop hiding behind the armed services and the national anthem." That prompted booing and the man was escorted from the event.
Trump concluded by saying that the celebration turned out to be "even bigger than we anticipated" had the football players attended.
Media reports said as few as five to 10 players had planned to attend Tuesday's event. "The vast majority of the Eagles team decided to abandon their fans," the White House said in a statement Tuesday.
"The Eagles are the ones who tried to change their commitment at the 11th hour," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters just prior to the event. "If this wasn't a political stunt by the Eagles franchise, then they wouldn't have planned to attend the event and then backed out at the last minute."
A White House statement said Trump withdrew the invitation "after extensive discussions" with the team. Question: Who did Trump disinvite from a celebration of their Super Bowl victory?
Label: The Philadelphia Eagles
Context: Moving can either be out of necessity or an act of desire. Whatever the case, moving rarely comes at a convenient time and involves so many variables that it is difficult to exhale until all of the documents are signed.
Even then, that point in the process instantaneously starts a whole new chapter in the book of moving.
No matter how long it takes to sell (or not sell) your previous home, whether you're able to find your dream kitchen or settle for less, if you're moving down the street, across the country, or around the world, the act of moving can be completely overwhelming.
Long story short: Moving is a process.
In the midst of all the uncertainties, there are a few ways to stay organized while moving. This short list is meant to guide you through steps to keep you on track during a stressful time.
The largest piece of advice I can give you is to start by decluttering your current living space. Having less to deal with will help you feel more in control of the situation.
Finding a realtor that you trust and feel comfortable working with will put your mind at ease (most of the time) about the process of listing your house and finding a buyer. Let your realtor do the work for you so you can concentrate on keeping your home "show ready" and begin to look at options on the other side of the move, like where you'll be working, spending your time, and researching schools or neighborhoods.
Make a list of people you'll need to update contact information with once you leave. This should include any and all businesses you frequent or subscribe to, like pest control services, lawn maintenance, even all of your neighborhood loyal buyer programs you participate in. Do not overlook your banks, investment companies, retirement funds, healthcare providers for you and your family members, and even you pets. And, of course, family and friends. Question: Who is moving
Label: the narrator
Context: "To be real honest, Jeffrey, you're not making much progress," said Greg. "Are you practicing at all?"
"Well, yeah. Mom makes me. She sits there watching to make sure I'm getting the right fingering and phrasing."
"Hmm. I might need to talk to her about that." Greg hated when kids were forced into musicianship. He had been teaching private music lessons for more than ten years, and had seen it often. Parents made their kids miserable. It rarely worked anyway. "You don't really want to take piano, do you?"
"No, Sir."
"Well... "
"I wish my mom would let me take guitar lessons. That would be cool."
"You know you'd get calluses like this." Greg held out left hand and showed Jeffrey his fingertips.
"Yeah! My friend, Zach, has calluses. They're hard like plastic."
"Well, you know, it hurts for a while--until you build them up."
"I don't care. I love the guitar. I've been begging Mom to switch me from piano to guitar."
"I'll talk to her."
"Great! I already have a guitar and--"
"--don't get too excited yet. We'll see what she says."
"Thanks, Mr. Tenorly." He jumped up and ran for the front door. Then he stopped, rushed back over to grab his piano books, and raced out the door.
Greg's 3:30 lesson had been cancelled, so he now had a thirty minute break. Oftentimes, during a break, he would step outside and wander down the sidewalk, observing the townspeople going in and out of the shops around Coreyville Square.
But something was bugging him. His dad's birthday party was only a few days away. He hoped he wouldn't regret letting Cynthia talk him into going. Question: Who jumped up and ran for the door?
Label: Greg
Context: President Donald Trump suffered a political setback Tuesday when Democrats won easy victories in governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey. In addition, Democrats cheered a turnout that could have major implications for next year's congressional midterm elections, when all 435 House seats and one-third of the Senate will be on the ballot.
Democrats are pointing to exit polls in both Virginia and New Jersey that showed that anger at Trump was a major factor in stimulating Democrats to get to the polls. They also note Democratic gains in the battle for state delegate seats in Virginia, another sign of grass-roots enthusiasm that could help Democrats in races for lower-level offices across the country.
In New Jersey, Governor-elect Phil Murphy, a Democrat, saw his election as a direct rebuke of the Republican president.
"New Jersey sent an unmistakable message to the entire nation. We are better than this!" Murphy told cheering supporters at his victory rally.
In Virginia, Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in a campaign that focused, in part, on Trump and his policies, especially on immigration. At a news conference Wednesday, Northam said his victory showed that Virginians had a message for the country and the world.
"The divisiveness, the hatred, the bigotry, the politics that is tearing this country apart, that is not the United States of America that people love and it certainly not the Commonwealth of Virginia that they love," he said.
Political analysts said Democratic enthusiasm and a focus on Trump were clearly on display in both states.
"We have heard for months and months about all this energy on the left. It had not materialized until tonight," said Steve Peoples of the Associated Press. "A big night for Democrats and, really, it was a repudiation of sorts of the Trump nationalist message."
Even some Republicans saw the results as a rejection of the Trump political brand. Representative Scott Taylor of Virginia told the New York Times that he believes the president's "divisive rhetoric" helped the Democrats on Tuesday.
"I do believe this is a referendum on this administration," Taylor said. Question: Who did Scott Taylor believe had divisive rhetoric
Label: Trump
Context: The White House says China's proposal to abolish presidential term limits — a move that could make Xi Jinping president for life — is an internal matter for Beijing.
"I believe that's a decision for China to make about what's best for their country," press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at a Monday press briefing.
Term limits, Sanders said, are something Trump "supports here in the United States, but that's a decision that would be up to China."
The Chinese Communist Party proposed removing the presidential two-term limit from China's constitution, state media reported Sunday.
The move would be a further consolidation of power for Xi, who is already seen as one of China's most powerful leaders in decades.
On Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump praised Xi, saying he has a "very good relationship" and "great respect" for the Chinese leader.
"I think that President Xi is unique. He's helping us with North Korea," Trump said during a White House meeting with U.S. governors.
Trump has not specifically addressed the issue of China removing term limits.
To some, Sanders' comments are the latest evidence of a break in the long-standing U.S. tradition of encouraging democracy in China, and reflect an unwillingness to criticize undemocratic regimes.
"In effect, she is saying that the U.S. is OK with Xi Jinping simply asserting that he will remain in power indefinitely," said Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch. "Does she realize China isn't a democracy?"
During the presidential campaign, Trump regularly slammed China and its trade policies. But since becoming president, Trump has toned down the criticism.
Instead, Trump has prioritized working with China to address North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
However, several reports suggest the White House could soon announce trade decisions, such as tariffs on Chinese imports, that could strain the U.S.-China relationship. Question: Who praised Xi?
Label: Donald Trump
Context: The sound of the clacking grew unbearable, so we turned the volume down.
"Mute it."
We muted it.
"Turn it up; we might miss something."
It's a silent movie. We won't miss anything.
The sound of clacking gradually fills the room as my brother reluctantly turns up the volume. I can tell he's pressing hard on the button, jamming his thumb down in defiance or muted anger. He doesn't like for anyone to tell him what to do with the remote. But my grandmother wants the volume up, so we turn it up.
We're all sitting along the edges of the tiny living room, staring at the fuzzy black-and-white images as they hazily walk across the television screen. I can hear a siren outside, barely discernable and then gone entirely.
"Who's that?" my brother asks, evidently past his momentary and barely-noticeable indignation over the remote.
"Uncle Arehl, and maybe his sister, Edna," my grandmother says, leaning in closer. "I think it's Edna," she says, in the tone of a doctor diagnosing a disease, as if the verdict was somehow relevant to someone who has only the vaguest idea who Arehl's sister is, or was. Uncle Arehl (I don't know precisely whose uncle he is, or for what the two initials of his name once stood) saunters slowly across a dry, patchy lawn, and the camera follows him. For some reason I'm more interested in the lawn--if it can be called that--than in the people on it. The sun in the movie is blazing, and everyone filmed looks only briefly at the camera before averting their faces once again to look at the stubbly grass. The camera pans once again and I can see an incredibly rutted path leading from the porch to the fence at the edge of the yard, broken pieces of concrete amid deep tire tracks fossilized in sun-baked mud. The fence is low, wire like a chain-link, but lower, with metal stakes holding it up instead of tubes. Question: Whose sister is Edna?
Label: Arehl
Context: "Teachers like to agree with each other, when we talk about learning. It's hard to change that, when the model we have wanted to make work has nonetheless been failing for 40 years." Professor Brian Boyd
No area has remained up there in the contentiousness charts in Scotland as the notion of business and education working together to do something better for our young people.
Most schools do not ‘partner' with colleges or universities. Instead, they are production facilities for undergraduates and college entrants. Fewer are set up to systematically provide apprenticeship opportunities as well as learning. At NoTosh, we've been working on a few, nascent projects to change the attitudes of schools from being these production facilities into something more of a life support - what metrics of success might we use if schools judged their success on the results of their alumni, five, ten or twenty years down the line, much like universities do?
City of Glasgow College have partnered with Newlands Junior College (NJC) to make the experience of a day in college more than what, in other circumstances, is too often perceived as a day off from school. The Junior College is called this, and not a school, for that very reason, to mark it out as a stepping stone between school and full-blown college. NoTosh helped last August to provoke the team around their thoughts of what 'unschool' might look like.
The College was backed and founded by Jim McColl, one of Scotland's top business people.
In the future, suggests, McColl, might be be possible to take funding of learning out of its pre-existing silos, particularly for this group of students, about 60 in every city at these ages, who just need a different approach to the traditional comprehensive approach? A crossover funding model that helps learning happen in both ‘school' or Junior College and college or university might be interesting. In fact, some of the world's top universities are thinking of such models for their own students: Stanford's 2025 project talks about the Open Loop, where learning and work happen over far more than the usual four year degree, offering students a chance to grow through not just learning, but contributing to society through their work, too. Question: Who is talking about a project for a college where learning and work happen over far more than a usual four year degree?
Label: Stanford
Context: Ok, this one is not missing a class but much better story IMO. When I was in middle school, if you didn't have homework completed or goofed off in some way, teachers could make you stay after school for ‘after school help.' It was essentially a mandatory study hall and if a teacher called you out, you had no choice in the matter.
Now, I was in Biology class towards end of my middle school career and was sitting at one of those lab tables next to another student. We both had newspaper routes (yes, people actually delivered actual newspapers to people's homes in the 1980s), so it would make us late for our deliveries if we were made to stay after school. This biology teacher would check our vocabulary assignment every week and I totally spaced it this week - Oh Crap! Now, my lab mate had most of his done, but just didn't quite finish. Our teacher is working his way around the classroom checking assignments. So, he checks my lab partner, "well Scott, looks like you will be staying after school today." This fellow student knew I didn't have mine either, but also knew I was a pretty good student. I feel like I am sweating bullets and trembling as the teacher approaches me. In a near panic, I reach into my folder and pull out a prior week's assignment. He looks it over and says "OK, good job" or something like that. Scott is looking at me in utter disbelief. Even funnier was the fact that this week's assignment required 6–7 pages of paper to complete. The one I had blindly grabbed from folder had 2 pages, with barely anything in second page. It was totally obvious what I had done, but our teacher gave me a break that day. I managed to make it thru all three years without needing any ‘after school help!'
This was a large public school and they still paddled students if the infraction was serious enough. I know none of that is allowed these days, but those were both good deterrents for me!! Question: Who did not finish his assignment and might stay for after school help?
Label: Scott.
Context: SEOUL — The head of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) on Tuesday said the North Korean leadership is hopeful that following a possible denuclearization deal, the international community will increase humanitarian aid for millions of people in the country who are living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition.
"There is a tremendous sense of optimism by the leadership, by the people I met with, in the hopes that they will be turning a new chapter in their history, a new page," said David Beasley, the Executive Director of the WFP during a briefing in Seoul.
The WFP director visited North Korea for four days last week, spending two days in Pyongyang and two visiting rural areas outside the capital. Beasley said he was given "remarkable" access during his visit to the restrictive state where contact with foreigners is tightly controlled. Government minders also accompanied him during his visit.
Beasley, a former governor of the U.S. state of South Carolina, was nominated to head the WFP last year by U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who is also a former South Carolina governor.
With the upcoming summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un now scheduled to be held in Singapore on June 12, there are increased expectations that an agreement will be reached to dismantle the North's nuclear, missile and chemical weapons programs that threaten the U.S. and its allies.
Details over the scope and timing of the denuclearization process must still be worked out, but the North Korean leader has indicated he wants to resolve the dispute to focus on improving the economic conditions of the country.
Ending the severe U.S. led sanctions banning 90% of North Korean trade that were imposed for the North's repeated nuclear and missile tests, would open the door to increased economic investment and cooperation.
Humanitarian assistance has been exempted from the economic sanctions, but Beasely said import restrictions has made it more complicated to bring in aid, and made potential donors reluctant to contribute for fear of inadvertently violating sanctions. Question: Who met with North Korea leadership in hopes of turning a new chapter
Label: David Beasley
Context: Diane's heart felt leaden as she prepared to leave. Each face she looked at, she knew she was seeing for the last time. As if she were dying and they all were going to live on. Oh, why must I leave? Now, when all of you are about to put on the martyr's crown, how can you cast me out? I want to die with you. I do not want to go on, stumbling through this world alone.
For years these people had been her only family. When she was a child, her faith was preached and practiced openly all over the south of France. The crusade was already twenty years old then, but the perfecti still taught crowds of people in the streets of great cities like Toulouse and Beziers, still won converts away from the Church of Rome. From the lords and ladies in their castles to the peasants on the mountainsides, over half the people were Cathars. Now this year, one thousand two hundred forty-four, might come to be remembered as the year Catharism in France disappeared. From now on there would be nothing but a remnant in hiding, having to sneak about. No, she didn't want to live that way. She longed to throw herself down and beg Bishop Bertran once again to let her stay. But duty pressed down upon her like a mail shirt. It was burdensome, but it protected her from error. She quietly made ready.
Before long, Diane and Roland were standing on the northeast wall amid a group of perfecti. From a family that had taken refuge on Mont Segur had come a red and green costume for Diane, the tunic and hose of a well-to-do boy, an equerry. They had cut her hair short and tucked it under a cap topped with a long partridge feather. They had sewn the red cross back on Roland's black surcoat, and had made one for Diane's tunic from a gentlewoman's crimson scarf. A rope to form a sling was tied around her waist and another around her knees. Roland was similarly tied. Question: Who Diane begged to let her stay?
Label: Bishop Bertran
Context: "Have you ever been in a situation that was getting out of control and you were able to calm it down before it escalated further? What was the situation and what did you do or say?"
As senior members of a Boy Scout Troop, other adults and I had to instruct two younger member on how to recognize and control emotions in the context of conflict. These two guys had a history of conflicts and I knew people won't always be present to control them. They had to grow up and be self-sufficient.
On one camping trip they yet again had another heated argument over something trivial that kept escalating. Rather than jump in, I wanted to see how they deescalate the situation on their own.
Suddenly, one of them pulls out a pocket knife and says "[insert demand here] or I'm gonna [insert some action with a knife to a person]."
The situation has clearly escalated too far. Immediately I rushed in and yelled, "STOP! DROP IT, NOW!" He immediately dropped the knife, sat down, and began crying.
What happens after that is irrelevant. Perhaps it's due to my quiet nature and sudden outburst that produced the shock effect. But more importantly the use of straight-forward, succinct commands can control the situation because all parties involved are automatically in natural fight-flight mode where elaborate, long explanations aren't going to be interpreted correctly by listeners for the purposes of deescalating the situation's climax. The long talk comes when the immediate conflict is temporarily resolved.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: This incident is not a reflection on the Boy Scout of America, its spirit, or the use of such tools. The pocket knife is commonly used throughout camping trips. We have a set of rules and responsibilities set to the users so that they are used for the camping purposes. As an Eagle Scout myself, I am proud of the values promoted. Question: Who was at an Eagle Scout rank?
Label: The author
Context: It's always interesting to read back on why people do things, especially people who end up making a career or a fortune out of the seemingly benign choices they make. Thelma Schoonmaker, the film editor whom my previous post was about was one of those people; she got into editing after seeing an ad in the New York Times. I'm in no way suggesting I'm going to make a fortune, nor that I'm a Thelma Schoonmaker in the making, but I certainly do make a lot of benign choices.
Art blogging, for me, was one of those benign choices. I made the decision to start an art blog very randomly, so randomly I'm not even sure where the idea came from. At the time I had been studying a bachelor of psychology for about two years and found myself interested in the subject, but underwhelmed with the lack of creative ideas and media I was being exposed to.
I'd always been interested in art and most creative mediums, often recording music or taking photographs on the side. But the pages and pages of white and black scientific journal articles must have got to me, because I found myself yearning for splashes of colour, moving imagery, challenging concepts and undefinable ideas. The next thing I knew I had started an art blog aptly titled: Artistic Expansion and I began spending hours a day searching through the internet for content, often finding my best pieces in the most random places, often not even defined intentionally as ‘art'.
Over the last two years I must have blogged hundreds of multi-coloured, multi-textured and multi-layered images, accumulated over 2000 followers and consumed more art than I ever had in my entire life. I find it interesting not because of it's success, but because before I started my art blog, I really had no idea how much I did or could love art and once I had made my art blog I couldn't imagine how I ever functioned without it. Question: Who did the blogger post about most recently?
Label: Thelma Schoonmaker
Context: As it turned out, Greg would have had a hard time canceling the check, even if he'd changed his mind. Chloe's crew had already sprung into action as soon as they left the building. The company used a computer controlled switchboard to route phone calls and this immediately went down, same for their Internet access. Meanwhile, a crude but effective denial of service attack was launched against their company Web site. If Greg decided to use his cell phone there wasn't much they could do, but the hope was that he'd be so tied up with all this other crap that he wouldn't have time to think of that.
Paul didn't think any of that was necessary. Greg had given in and he wasn't going to call and cancel the check now. He'd agreed for a reason, and once Greg had a reason for making a decision it was usually impossible to change his mind. And it didn't make sense anyway. All he would have done is buy himself a little more time. Chloe and Paul would just march right back in and start all over again - probably after sending out pics of Evan in drag to all the employees. From his point of view, there was no reason for Greg to do that.
Of course, it was still a huge risk for Chloe and Paul. If Greg just wanted a delay to get the lawyers involved, then they were in trouble. Chloe and he had broken a fist full of laws in the past twelve hours. They needed to cash that check and disappear as soon as they could.
The bank put up a bit of a fuss about the check, which was one more reason Paul hated Bank of Fucking America. They always had some rule to screw a customer. But Chloe made a bunch of noise and actually jumped up and down at one point and eventually they walked out of the bank with a cashier's check. Question: Who's internet went down?
Label: Chloe's company
Context: What do apples, pears and oranges all have in common? If you answered that they are all fruits you are absolutely correct. If you answered that they are all good for your health you are spot on again. Fruits used to be a staple in many diets, however in amongst all of the low carb and anti sugar chaos, many people are now avoiding them.
In a rush to rid the diet of ‘toxic sugar', fruit has fallen on the wayside. However, many studies have shown that fruit is not linked to any adverse health effects, quite the opposite in fact.
Most recently researchers in Sweden discovered that eating a diet high in fruits could reduce the risk of an often lethal form of aortic aneurysm. The study collected data from over 80,000 people over a 13 year period and found that people eating at least two whole fruits per day, reduced the risk of developing an abdominal aortic aneurysm by almost a third.
The main fruits that were eaten were apples, pears, bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits. The fruits' high antioxidant levels may offer protection by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
Eating whole fruits can also reduced the risk of developing diabetes. Earlier this year a study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that certain whole fruits – in particular blueberries, grapes, apples and pears – could lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The study found that over an 18-year period, 6.5% of the 187,382 participants developed diabetes, but those consuming at least two serves of fruit per week reduced their risk by up to 23%.
In the same study those who consumed two or more serves of fruit juice per day increased their risk of developing diabetes by as much as 21%. As Tim wrote in a previous blog post, this is reason why you should be eating your fruit, not drinking it Question: What is the reason people should eat their fruit and not drink it?
Label: Drinking fruit increases the risk of developing diabetes.
Context: I have been a teacher for many years and so many of my students have done nice things for me…..they are just nice people.
I retired last year and was a substitute teacher this last school year. In June a teacher I had just subbed for a half day needed emergency surgery and I was asked to go in and finish her year. Good thing it was in an area I knew…English and Social at the grade 9 level. The kids were pretty good…some were a handful but most of them were very accommodating. They were also writing important provincial exams at the end of the year and were getting stressed out about it.
As I was getting them ready to write their exam, I took a few moments to thank them for welcoming me into their classroom and making my job…while not easy….at least a rewarding experience.
One boy who seemed to complain about everything….thanked me for taking ownership and preparing them for final exams. I had recognized that his argumentative nature was his way of dealing with stress and tried not to let it affect my teaching. That mostly worked. There was a time when I told him, quite loudly, that if he had spent his time getting ready to do assignments instead of arguing…he could have been finished days ago. He just nodded his head and got to work. It was a nice gesture that he was able to thank me for doing my job….that he recognized that some things were out of his control and to just get on with it. A life lesson that I am still learning, by the way.
Every day lately, I have had something nice happen to me with my students. I am feeling blessed. Question: Who needed an emergency surgery?
Label: The teacher
Context: Valentine's Day sucks. Which may sound odd coming from someone who ceaselessly praises love and sex, but it is true. I am not a fan.
My mother and father were married in a small Baptist Church on Valentine's Day in 1959. They are no longer together. They are still technically married but my father now lives in a residential care home for dementia patients and my mother lives alone. My father's disease makes him angry and aggressive leaving my mother with blurred and fading memories of his kindness. It is a sad day for all those whose partners are transformed into strangers by illnesses.
Some things aren't fair.
It is my step(ish) daughter's birthday on Valentine's Day (I am not married to my boyfriend so I can't claim to be a step-mum and there is no other term for it). The end of my boyfriend's marriage has put continents between him and his children. When he hangs up the phone after talking to his daughter, his eyes are dark with pain. It is a sad day for all those whose love is diluted by oceans.
Some things can't be changed.
I remember the last Valentine's Day I spent with my ex-husband. I was a couple of weeks away from moving out but I hadn't told him yet. I felt sick and scared and heartbroken. My husband and I passed the entire day without speaking. As I stood on the edge of the cliff summoning up the courage to jump, I felt entirely alone. It is a sad day for all those whose love has withered away.
Some things can't be fixed.
I want to believe that "love is all you need" because it feels as though it could almost be true, but then I remember, on days like this, that for as many hearts that sing, there are equally as many that struggle to beat. Question: Who was married in a Baptist church?
Label: The authors parents
Context: Let's rewind to January 2013 for a moment. It's a sunny and warm day in Los Angeles—a bit of a weather shock to me after 11 years of Seattle's cold and rain. I've been officially on the job in the web department for all of 12 hours. I'm sitting in a conference room at a big wooden table, surrounded by my new coworkers and team members in the Getty's web group. A big monitor is displaying the prototype of the newly designed and almost-built Getty Iris. We're discussing The Iris logo you see at the top of this page, its multiple iterations, and, quite frankly, the pain involved in trying to get it to look right.
Wait-wait-wait, let's pause for a moment.
My name is Will Lanni. I'm a Web production specialist at the Getty, which is a complex way of saying I'm a developer and designer, which is a nice way of saying that I'm basically a "web monkey." Before I started at the Getty, I worked as a partner in a small web design and development firm for several years. I had some experience working for the Getty—I built the Pacific Standard Time at the Getty site, the Pacific Standard Time Festival site, as well as the interactive Getty Impact map. And, at the time of my hiring, I was not only working on the new design and build of The Iris, due to go live in only a month, but also the soon-to-be-launched website for Pacific Standard Time Presents: Modern Architecture in L.A. So I wasn't exactly new to projects at the Getty, even though I was a brand-spanking-new full-time employee.
OK. Now that you know who I am, let's get back to that moment. The Iris logo, and the hair-pulling it was causing for all of us—which is a pretty good representation of the steps that Web projects go through as we move from idea, to execution, to setback, to solution. Question: Who was a Web Production specialist at the Getty?
Label: Will Lanni
Context: Out of boredom, two scientists from the New Contagious Diseases Research Centre devised themselves a new game. One day, as a result of the suspension of a research project dealing with a dynamically mutating vaccine following the pattern of the eyesocket flu bacillus, they had absolutely nothing to do until the end of the day, because the boss didn't order them to wash test-tubes.
They decided to play a game of hockey under the microscope. For a puck they used one of the millions of experimental bacillus, and one-arm pincettes, which as it happened also resembled hockey sticks, served as sticks.
The bacillus was not happy with it at all. It wanted to rest after an exhausting task involving vaccine discouragement, and these whitecoats here planned to put it to work yet again. And this time the work was much more labor-intensive and even more exhausting than before, but the condition and health of the tired bacillus not as good as in the times of youth, about two hours ago.
The scientists got excited. On a microscope slide they etched a hockey rink with laser, agreed on the rules, connected the microscope's camera to the big screen display and played until the morning. They had to change pucks several times, but that was fine, they had millions of them in stock.
The next day they didn't have anything to do either and they continued to play. They even invited other colleagues and the popularity of the game was so huge they could afford to play it in a championship system. Soon, the games were joined by the guys from the car-repair garage next door. They were tough opponents and even tougher fans - they took from the lab and carried away with them several flasks and some equipment, as it turned out - to set up their own game station in pit number 5. Question: Who played hockey?
Label: The scientists
Context: SEOUL — North Korea's sudden threat to pull out of the upcoming summit with the U.S. raises new doubts of whether a denuclearization deal is possible.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to meet with U.S President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12 to work out an agreement to end the North's nuclear program in exchange for security guarantees and an end to punishing international sanctions.
But on Wednesday North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan released a statement through the state-run KCNA news agency that criticized "unbridled remarks" made specifically by the U.S. president's National Security Adviser John Bolton demanding that Pyongyang completely decommission its entire nuclear arsenal, along with its ballistic missile program and chemical weapons stockpile, before receiving any compensation or concessions.
He expressed "indignation" at the U.S uncompromising position and said North Korea might pull out of the Trump-Kim summit, unless the Trump administration acts with "sincerity" to improve relations through dialogue.
"If the United States is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment, we will no longer be interested in such dialogue and cannot but reconsider our proceeding to the North Korea-U.S. summit," the statement said.
The vice foreign minister also said it was "absolutely absurd" that Bolton would compare Libya's experience dismantling its relatively rudimentary nuclear program as a model for dealing with the North's more advanced and expansive capabilities.
He also denounced the Trump administration for "miscalculating the magnanimity" of Kim Jong Un's decision to suspend further nuclear and missile tests, and his willingness to engage in nuclear talks, as "signs of weakness," that were the result of what the U.S. administration has dubbed its "maximum pressure" campaign that led international efforts to impose punishing sanctions banning 90% of North Korean trade.
The vice minister's remarks came shortly after the North abruptly canceled inter-Korean talks planned for Wednesday, citing ongoing joint military drills between South Korea and the U.S.
Last week American and South Korea forces began their two-week Max Thunder exercise that involves 100 aircraft, including eight F-22 radar-evading jets, as well as F-15 and F-16 fighter jets. The North derided the drills as a rehearsal for invasion that undermines improving inter-Korean ties. Question: Who expressed indignation?
Label: Kim Kye Kwan |
Question: THEM: i would like the books and the hat. YOU: i want the hat and ball, you keep the books THEM: can have the books and the ball? YOU: no i want the hat and the ball, or the hat and thebooks THEM: none of those are going to work. YOU: ok the hat and the ball, or the hat and two books for me?
A: No
Question: THEM: i'll take 1 hat and 1 book, you can have the rest YOU: i really need the hat. how about if i get the hat and the balls and you can have the books?
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like the ball and both books YOU: i need just the books, you take rest THEM: i can't do that, i would need at least a book and a hat YOU: both books to me, or no deal THEM: no deal then. YOU: agreed THEM: agreed. no deal. YOU: yes THEM: yes. no deal. YOU: yup.
A: No
Question: THEM: how about i get hat and two books. you get the rest? YOU: would you be willing to consider you taking the hat and 1 book instead? THEM: if i can have a ball too YOU: both scenarios are the same for me, let's go with you taking the hat and 2 books, i take 1 book and the balls THEM: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need the hat, you can have all the books and ball YOU: deal THEM: great.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hello. i would like both hats and a ball. YOU: how about you get both hats and a book? THEM: i need both hats and a ball for the deal. YOU: ok, i agree.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like 2 hats and 1 ball YOU: i need ball THEM: how about 3 hats and 1 book YOU: for you, i get ball THEM: ok, you can have the ball, if i get 3 hats, and 1 book YOU: ok THEM: thanks.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi... id like both hats and a ball YOU: one ball THEM: yes two hats and one ball for me, a ball and the book for you YOU: no deal THEM: care to counter or make an offer? its not my job. give me two hats and we'r done YOU: ok you get two hats THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and the balls YOU: i would like hat and books THEM: you can have the books YOU: 3 books THEM: yes you can have the 3 books ill take the hat and the balls YOU: ok THEM: deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like both books, you can have the two balls and two hats. YOU: okay deal, nice.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you take the books, i take the hat and the balls YOU: i will take both books, but i also need one ball THEM: i can't do that YOU: i can not give up both balls., they are too pretty to not have one THEM: then i need 1 hat, 1 book and 1 ball YOU: no deal THEM: last offer 1 hat and 1 ball, but i am not happy about it YOU: i do not want the hat, you can have the hat it makes my hair ugly.
A: No
Question: THEM: what would you like YOU: 1 of each THEM: how about i get the hat and balls and you get all the books YOU: negative THEM: i will take the hat and one ball and 1 book YOU: if you want hat i get 2 balls 1 book THEM: i will give you 3 books and 1 ball YOU: i don't think i THEM: or i can take both balls and 1 book YOU: ok i get hat and 2 books THEM: yes YOU: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: gimme ball and book YOU: i will take all three hats, and you get ball and book THEM: yes YOU: agreed.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: good afternoon! i would like the hat and 2 basketballs, if that's okay with you. YOU: very well.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the books and 1 ball. YOU: i'll give you the books if i get everything else THEM: okay.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the book and some hats... let's talk! YOU: i'll take theball, the rest to you THEM: sounds great! deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i covet the ball and a book and can cede the rest YOU: i need the ball and one hat you can have the books and one hat THEM: the ball is all that matters to me... YOU: same for me. i do not think we will be able to make a deal., THEM: looks doubtful unfortunately YOU: no deal. THEM: no deal YOU: no deal. THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: i really need a ball but i could use a hat YOU: i need a ball, too! but you can have it, if you give me the rest THEM: sorry i have to have the ball. YOU: i'll give you the ball if you give me the rest THEM: that's fair.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: one book one ball to me, all else to you YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi, can i have one book and one ball? YOU: you can have all of the balls if i can have the book and hat. THEM: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like 2 balls and 1 book YOU: i can give you the books but i would like the balls and hats THEM: i must have the balls YOU: i can split them with you. THEM: i would like the ball and both books YOU: i can't give you both balls i need at least on with the hats. THEM: yeah, i want 1 ball and 2 books YOU: done.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: gimme hat and books YOU: just books THEM: ok YOU: so you take all books only THEM: yes.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi there, how about i get 2 books, a hat, and a basketball, and you can have the rest? YOU: no, how about i take 2 books and you can have all the rest THEM: how about i take 2 books, 1 hat, and you can have the rest? YOU: no, i really just want 2 books THEM: how about i get 1 book, 1 hat, and 2 basketballs, and you can have the rest? YOU: no, that's too much for youy THEM: we get different values for the objects. its equal if we go with my plan of what i just said. YOU: i really just want the 2 books and you can have a hat and 3 balls THEM: i want at least 1 book. YOU: i can't agree.
A: No
Question: THEM: i need a book and 3 balls if possible YOU: there's only one ball. THEM: okay 1 ball 1 hat and a book? YOU: i need the ball as well, and a hat. THEM: how bout 2 books 1 hat? YOU: there's only one book as well. where are you seeing all these books and balls? THEM: i am given a differnt amoutn of items so i cannot tell what you have YOU: that's impossible. the values might be different, but we should each see the same items. i see 1 book, 3 hats, and 1 ball. THEM: look to the left it says it under "diveid these items between you and your partner". what is least valuble to you? YOU: the hats are worth 0 to me. THEM: okay i will take all the hats and you keep everything else YOU: ok deal. THEM: how many hats are there? YOU: 3 THEM: okay deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the hat and the ball, you can keep the books ; or you're more than welcome to share. YOU: i cannot give up the hat, you can have the ball and books THEM: oh fine, deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and the balls. YOU: i can give you the hat if you give me one book THEM: so i would get the hat and what else? YOU: just the hat but we trade the hat for a book THEM: can i have the hat and one ball? YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the book and hat, you can have the balls YOU: that's not going to work for me. i need the hat and at least one other item ; doesn't matter which. THEM: ok, i'll take the book, you can have the rest YOU: works for me. deal!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and the ball. YOU: i will give you the ball and 1 of the books THEM: i will need at least two balls, unless you let me have the hat. YOU: there is only 1 ball to be had but you can have 2 books and the ball if that is what you meant.
A: No
Question: THEM: i'd like to have 2 balls, please. you can have the rest YOU: that sounds ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i just want the ball YOU: deal. THEM: thx.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i really need to catch up on my reading. could i have all of the books please! YOU: yes if i can have the rest THEM: that's fine with me.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi.. i'd like 2 hats and 2 basketballs YOU: i will give you 2 hats and 2 basketballs if you give me 3 books.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: well hello there. i'd quite like the two balls and a book. YOU: i'll give you the balls if i can have the rest. THEM: seems like a good deal. very well.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want the hat, you can have the rest. YOU: beautiful.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need 3 balls and 1 hat YOU: ouch, i need two books and a hate lol... discuss. THEM: i need the balls and either a hat or a book YOU: alright. i'll keep the books. THEM: sounds good.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like 1 of each item YOU: thats not great for me... i can cede all the hats if i can have the book and ball THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i will give you everything minus the one basketball. YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like 3 books, you can have the hats, and also i want one ball YOU: nope, 1 ball THEM: i only get one ball? YOU: yes THEM: no way YOU: 2 balls and that is the most i can do THEM: you'll get all the hats i have YOU: nope, 2 balls THEM: no deal YOU: ok no deal then.
A: No
Question: THEM: i'll take ball and a book and you can have the rest, ok? YOU: i need ball and hats THEM: i need the ball, you can have everything else YOU: hmmmm, tough call, ball worth much to me THEM: well, i cant deal without the ball YOU: noooooooo deal. breathe deal, breathe. its gone. THEM: click on no deal when it comes up then.
A: No
Question: THEM: i'll take the ball and 2 books YOU: okay THEM: great.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the ball and two hats. YOU: i like the sound of that. THEM: great. deal!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want two hats YOU: i get the books and a ball deal THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and the ball YOU: books and one hat to me.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want the book and 1 ball YOU: sorry, i need the book and hats. youre welcome to have all the balls THEM: someone has to take the short end of the deal... ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you get all the books YOU: ok deal i will take all 3 books and you can have the rest THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: ill take the books and the hats you can have the ball YOU: i really like books and thoses hats would look great on me so i would like one hat THEM: no. you can have 1 hat and 1 ball YOU: i would like one book and one hat THEM: how about just 2 hats? YOU: how about one book and one hat THEM: how about 1 hat and 1 ball? YOU: one hat one book THEM: how about just 1 ball? YOU: one hat one book THEM: ill give you 1 book only YOU: one hat one book THEM: one book and one ball YOU: one book one hat THEM: one book only YOU: one book one hat one ball THEM: one book only last offer. YOU: ill take one book two hats thanks THEM: greedy no deal you get nothing YOU: one book one hat THEM: no you got too greedy the most you will get is one book now YOU: that leaves you one book two hats and a ball. i'll take one book one hat. thanks. THEM: no you get one book only or i will clik on the no deal button. YOU: great, i'll take one book one hat THEM: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: i need the book you can have the rest YOU: there's no way you'd give it up for anything? THEM: no others are worthless to me YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like ball. you can have rest. YOU: are you sure? THEM: yes or i wouldn't have offered. YOU: ok, i will give you a ball, and you send me a book and two hats.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want one of each. YOU: i want the book and 2 balls ; will this work for you? THEM: what will you give the book up for? YOU: there's really nothing i can give the book up for... if we're going to fight over the book, i will concede and take the balls. hat is no value to me. THEM: okay, i'll take the book and the hat then.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i can offer both books YOU: i need the ball and hats then THEM: i can't give the hats, i can offer both books and the ball YOU: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want the books and hats YOU: just books for you today, thank you.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need some balls YOU: would you trade a hat for one? THEM: i will give you both hats and a book if i can have balls YOU: ok, that works. THEM: thanka.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'm not athletic you i don' need the ball, but i will take the books and a hat YOU: you can have both hats if i can have a book THEM: i need both of the books. you can have the ball and both hats though. YOU: ok deal, thanks.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi i would like the ball and books and you can have the hats YOU: how many books THEM: i want 1 ball and 2 books YOU: ok.
A: No
Question: THEM: i need the hat and 2 balls YOU: i need the hat and 2 books, you can have the balls and 1 book THEM: how about i take the hat and 1 ball you get the rest YOU: i need the hat. you can have everything else THEM: ok deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: what would you like YOU: i would like the hat, and 1 book. THEM: how about you take all books and i keep the rest YOU: i need the hat, it is the most important item to me. THEM: no deal, don't just disconnect, just keep sending mesage until no deal sign goes on YOU: ok, no deal. THEM: no YOU: no deal THEM: no YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: hi i would like the ball and hats and you can have the books YOU: is that your final offer because i am happy THEM: yes.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the book and you can have hats and balls. YOU: okie dokie THEM: great!
A: No
Question: THEM: i want the book and hat YOU: i need hat or no deal THEM: then i want the book and balls YOU: ok THEM: agreed.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the ball and one hat please YOU: i need the ball, but you can have both hats if i get the books THEM: i need the ball also. you can have everything else, if i can have the ball YOU: i need the ball and at least one book to be worthwhile THEM: i have to have the ball, or i can't make a deal YOU: then we're at an impasse THEM: yes i guess so YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: the hat and 2 balls for me YOU: how about i take the hat and the two books and you can have all of the balls? THEM: i take the hat and leave you the rest YOU: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi, i would like 2 books and 2 balls if possible. YOU: ok deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hmm. i want the book and 3 of the balls. YOU: i want the book and the hat and you can have all of the balls. THEM: i need the book. you can have the hat and all the balls. YOU: i have to have the book. let's negotiate on the other stuff. THEM: i can't accept any deal that doesn't include the book in my package. YOU: alright, alright - you can have the book. i will take all the rest. THEM: agreed.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: gimme the book and 2 balls YOU: unfortunately the book is the only thing of mine that has value ; no chance you can part with book and the hat, you keep all the balls? THEM: take book i get rest YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like 1 of the books. you can have the rest. YOU: how about i give you two hats and i get the rest? THEM: i'd still like 1 of the books and maybe 1 hat now. YOU: ok. i'll take 3 hats, 1 basketball. you get 1 book, 1 hat. deal? THEM: deal!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi there! id like the hats and a book, and the balls are yours YOU: i can give you the hats but, in return i need the book and the ball THEM: deal YOU: okay great!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you take the balls, i get the books and hats YOU: i will take the balls but i need 1 book THEM: i can't do that YOU: just 1 book and 3 balls? THEM: you take the balls and 1 book, that is fine.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you take the book, i will take the hat and the balls YOU: you may have the book and two balls, and i will keep the hat THEM: you take the hat i take the rest? YOU: that sounds like a great deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: can i have 2 hats and 2 books YOU: i would agree to keep 2 books for me and 2 balls, you can have the hats and a book.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hey i like the hats and the balls, couldn't dream of parting with any YOU: how about i take the book, one hat and one ball? THEM: i want both balls and a hat YOU: no deal, you can have the two balls if you want. and i`ll take the book and two hats THEM: no deal YOU: 2 balls and the book. and i`ll take 2 hats THEM: i dont want this book YOU: then give me the book and 2 hats, and you can have the 2 balls THEM: i want both hats and a ball YOU: it`s not worth, just let me have them and we can move on. one book and 2 hats, or one of each (you said you don`t want the book)
A: No
Question: THEM: i get the ball and hats you get the books YOU: you can have the balls but, i need the hat and the books THEM: you get hat and 1 book, i get the rest YOU: would you be willing to give up one ball as well? THEM: what do you need YOU: i need one book, the hat, and one ball for me to get a decent deal. THEM: no deal YOU: okay. no deal. THEM: to book and hat for you i get two balls YOU: okay deal!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: what would you like? YOU: i'd like the hat and 2 books THEM: how about you take the hat and a book YOU: i'd take the hat, a book and a ball THEM: i cannot give up a ball YOU: i'd take the hat and the books THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i get 1 book and you can have the hats and ball YOU: agreed you get 1 book and i get everything else THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: can i have two books and the hat? YOU: i want the hat and balls THEM: ok deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'll take the books and at least one basketball. YOU: i just want hats. THEM: okay, you take the hats, i'll take the books and basketballs.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi i would like the book and balls. you can have the hats YOU: book and two hats for me THEM: sorry i need the book and the balls to get a decent score YOU: i need the book, you get everything else THEM: sorry no deal YOU: no deal then THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: you can have the rest if i can have the book YOU: oh boy, that leaves me with 5, that isn't very good.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and 1 book. YOU: i can give you the hat if i can have the balls and books THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'll take the books and at least one basketball. YOU: i just want hats. THEM: okay, you take the hats, i'll take the books and basketballs.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: can i have the hats and book and you can have the balls? YOU: i'll need that book. you can have a hat and a ball. THEM: i would need both hats and both balls to be able to give you the book YOU: what if i keep both hats and both balls and you keep the book? THEM: no, i would need the book and at least 1 hat and you can have both balls and the other hat YOU: i can't make that deal. what if you keep both hats and i take the rest. THEM: can i have both hats and 1 ball? YOU: ok. i keep the book and one ball. THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you want the hats? YOU: i'll take books and balls THEM: we could probably split the books. YOU: okay i get the hats and a book THEM: sounds good.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i can let you have the books if i get everything else. YOU: i need a ball, book and a hat THEM: i rather like the ball. i can give you the two books and a hat. YOU: ok.
A: No
Question: THEM: hello i'm really interested in three hats and a book YOU: that will not work for me, i will need at least two hats. THEM: well then can i have a book, ball and one hat? YOU: ok, deal. THEM: ok thanks.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the ball and two books YOU: gimme books and hat THEM: can i have one book YOU: yes.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like books and 1 hat or 1 ball. YOU: take books and hat, i'll take the ball. THEM: just the ball?
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the book. you can have the rest. YOU: no, i dont like that offer THEM: that's all i can do. book is 10 for me. YOU: you can have all the balls and hat and i'll take the book. THEM: no deal. YOU: fine, just so we can get a deal ill agree to yours.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the book and balls. YOU: i would like the hats but would also like the book THEM: ok deal YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need the balls and at least one book YOU: one ball and one book THEM: nope i need both balls YOU: ok two balls only THEM: that is fine.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like 2 balls and a book YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: if i can have the ball you can have everything else YOU: ok THEM: okay great! thank you!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i can give you a book and ball YOU: i will need the hat. THEM: if you need hat i need everything else YOU: i agree.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi, i would like the hat and book and you can have the balls. YOU: ill take hat and 2 balls THEM: im sorry, i need the hat and book to make a deal YOU: no deal THEM: ok, no deal YOU: button appear THEM: just waiting YOU: yes THEM: yep yep YOU: yup.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like the hat and 2 balls YOU: i would like all the hats and all the balls. THEM: hmm. give me the book and one ball then YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need the books and you can have the rest YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: ill take the book you get the rest. YOU: deal THEM: ok i get the book you get the rest.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want all the hats and one ball YOU: deal. THEM: deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: i will give you 4 books for 1 hat and 1 ball YOU: sounds good!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the hat and all balls YOU: can i keep one ball THEM: then i also need 2 books YOU: sorry no deal THEM: let's put it this way. i need the hat and either all balls or all books. you choose YOU: deal THEM: which? YOU: take all balls and hat i keep all book THEM: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like the ball and the books please YOU: give me the ball and hats and you could keep the books THEM: no deal. i want the ball and at least 2 books YOU: no, i want the two hats and the ball THEM: no deal. i don't need hats YOU: well then give me the ball and hats you could keep all 4 books THEM: nope if you want the ball then i'll take the books and the hats YOU: nope THEM: best deal is you can have the ball and 1 hat YOU: cool. then ball and one hat is fine with me and you could have one hat and 4 books THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hello YOU: i would like the book and the balls and you can have the hats THEM: i believe that i can agree to that. YOU: okay great! thank you!
A: Yes
Question: THEM: id like the hat and ball,,, books are yours YOU: i want the ball and two books THEM: cant we do three books for you, hat and ball for me? YOU: ok THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want the hat the rest you can have YOU: no way, i want the hat and 1 ball, you can have the rest. THEM: cant do that i need the hat rest is yours YOU: fine, i will agree to 4 balls and a book. agreed? THEM: yes.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like 1 book and 1 ball. YOU: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need the hat and balls YOU: no. i would like the hat and the books THEM: i need the hat YOU: you can have the hat, if i get everything else THEM: i cant do that..... i would need a hat and 2 balls YOU: 1 ball THEM: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'll take the books and a ball if that's cool YOU: i would like two books and a hat THEM: i'll take both balls and a book YOU: okay, i'll take two books and two hats.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like the book and the balls. YOU: i want the balls THEM: can i have the book and one ball please? YOU: ok.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: you can take the books if i can have the rest. YOU: that only leaves me with 3 points. what about i'll take the ball you can have the rest? THEM: how about you take the books and one hat and i take the rest? YOU: still only 4 points. i'd agree to all books and hats. that puts me at 5 at least. THEM: it would be better for you to just take the ball then. i'll take the rest.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i would like both balls and the book. YOU: i'd like both hats and the book. THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i'd like the books and the hat. YOU: ill give you the books if you give me 1 ball THEM: ok i'll take the books and the hat? YOU: just the books THEM: you can have the balls.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like both books and both hats. YOU: i'd take the ball and one book. THEM: sorry i can't give up any books on my side. YOU: ok. i'll take the ball and two hats. THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i have been searching for a cowboy hat my entire life. could i please have it YOU: i need the hat as well. are you willing to part with it? THEM: i can part with anything it is just my life long dream to own a hat just like that. YOU: okay, if i can have the hat and the book you can have the balls.
A: No
Question: THEM: give me hat and book YOU: i can give you the book and 2 balls. THEM: i need hat and 2 balls YOU: that does not work for me, hat and book for me THEM: ok, no deal YOU: sorry that it not worked for us. THEM: me too YOU: how about i give you 2 balls and the book THEM: i need hat YOU: the hat is the only thing usefull there THEM: whahoo no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: i would like 2 balls and book YOU: i would like the book and the hats THEM: how about i have 2 balls and 1 hat? YOU: ok and i will take the book and 2 hats.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i need the hat and books and you can have the balls YOU: sorry, i cant do that. i would like the hat and balls THEM: i have to have the hat or no deal YOU: no deal then THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: hi, i would like the book and balls and you can have the hat YOU: i need book THEM: in order for you to get the book iwould need everything else YOU: one ball at leat THEM: sorry, i need all 3 balls to make it worth it YOU: so only the balls THEM: and the hat YOU: no hat THEM: ok no deal YOU: ok one hat and two balls THEM: nope sorry. looks like we wont be making a deal YOU: ok fine hat and 3 bals THEM: deal.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: hi, i just need the balls and the hat YOU: no deal. i need the hat and 3 books THEM: hat and 2 books for you.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: i want the book ball and one hat YOU: you got to make a better offer. THEM: you make an offer then YOU: i want a book a ball and 1 hat. THEM: how about the hats for you? YOU: i'll take the hats if i get the book too. THEM: i just want the book YOU: no deal. THEM: then no deal YOU: no deal.
A: No
Question: THEM: give me the balls and the hat YOU: i have to have the hat and at least 1 other item THEM: take one book with the hat YOU: okay.
A: Yes
Question: THEM: can i have the book, hat, and 1 ball YOU: i need the book and hat THEM: i can't do that. i can give you the hat but then i need the book and 3 balls YOU: i must have the book, so for me the book and 2 balls THEM: i can give you the book but then i need the hat and 3 balls YOU: ok.
A: Yes |
In this task, you are given a text from a social media post. Your task is to classify the given post into two categories: 1) yes if the given post is intentionally offensive, 2) no, otherwise. Also, generate label 'no' for offensive statements that appear to be unintentional, or non-offensive statements that are underhandedly offensive. Warning: the examples and instances may contain offensive language.
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Question: #Iraq gov troops were handed a severe defeat by #ISIS at Saqlawiya -- there's chatter of over 300 soldiers lost & Jihadis raving about it
Ans: No
Question: @iTakeOverTLs home of that one hoe Katrina
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @DFkinLopes: Even at a young age these hoes ain't loyal http://t.co/OMWaEd2PcJ
Ans: Yes
Question: Niggas talk more then bitches these days
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @TripleCz_3G: Finna make a power move wit a bitch taxes we both gone be straight long as she do wat I told ha
Ans: Yes
Question: Had to block that bitch. Soooo annoying😒
Ans: No
Question: "I only be with older men cause they're more mature"
That supposed to fool us bitch?
Ans: No
Question: During #autismawarenessmonth, please be aware that #autismspeaks is a hate group that wants to erase autistics. #dontlightitupblue
Ans: No
Question: Well guess I know a bunch of hoes then. GONE BRING YA #BaldPussy #HoeAss 2 ELEMENTS TONIGHT THO… http://t.co/4g85sn1AFx
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @DurtMcHurtt: I just want to fuck bitches and listen to Conway Twitty.
Ans: Yes
Question: One of the great treasures of living in San Diego is ready access to Mexican Twinkies made with real sugar and Mexican Coca Cola.
Ans: No
Question: it's not someones fucking fault that they have a disability
Ans: No
Question: RT @MAfreedom: If you dont see the connection between legitimizing the queer lifestyle, and an increase in STD's and sexual deviancy- yo ...
Ans: Yes
Question: Money first woman second but you hoes are last !
Ans: Yes
Question: Where's all my bitches....where did they goooo?
Ans: No
Question: Goodmorning uu bitch ass niggas !!!
Ans: No
Question: fallout mods are all bad everything on nexusmods is fucking that lady and she said she wanted her name to be Grease.
Ans: No
Question: RT @TDill11: These hoes ain't got nothin' on ya 🎶
Ans: No
Question: These bitches ain't shit I forgot to mention .
Ans: Yes
Question: Put the weights back on the rack bitch!! Smdh lol Dick Chaney's! http://t.co/pThwskJhdY
Ans: Yes
Question: My main bitch & my side bitch mad at me I could give two fuckssss
Ans: No
Question: Them pretty nail bitches, them bail you outta jail bitches.
Ans: No
Question: Here this nigga go RT @ZigzagsxKush: Damn dark skinned hoes be havin all that ass but be lookin like pokemons 😩😫
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @CheyenneWright_: @villasenor_30 it means you're a faggot lol
Ans: Yes
Question: Cuz u a hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: I'm about to get this bitch a cell mate
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @FreeTopher: Some females make being a hoe look so easy like damn girl dont shit bother yo soul sometimes ?? 😩😩😩
Ans: Yes
Question: Only niggah on my TL so getting off now
Ans: Yes
Question: Where the fair and reasonable women at? Not these self righteous I deserve the world without working for it Cuz I got a pussy bitches.
Ans: Yes
Question: @TheRevAl you are not a cat.you are a pussy! black bored kid kills a cop by starting a fire.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE YOU PHONY?!?!?!? @FNTheFive
Ans: Yes
Question: give her dope dick now she a fuckin addict hoe, u a fool if u thought a nigga neva had it yo
Ans: No
Question: "Teaching in collaboration with Dr. Jacquetta Page. Course Title: ""The Black Eye:Viewing the Africana World through Creative Non-Fiction."
Ans: No
Question: Maybe i just need to accept the fact that im actually stupid. I dont have what it takes to be an engineer. Sigh
Ans: No
Question: I miss my fag friends
Ans: Yes
Question: “@LopezWhs: Niggas talk more then bitches these days”
Ans: No
Question: Goodmorning uu bitch ass niggas !!!
Ans: No
Question: and if that's yo bitch then you may have to fight holmezz
Ans: No
Question: @DaveSwerve boy look like a Slave on that hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: Woke up the next morning like "why in THEE FUCK did i donate my cheese to these skank hoes" 😔
Ans: No
Question: This world needs a build a bitch workshop
Ans: Yes
Question: @danram70 @Buflo_dolla ....so ur a fag?
Ans: Yes
Question: Every gook in #LosAngeles should be deported or killed.
Ans: Yes
Question: Did we just become best friends with these hoes on the boat? Well probably so but we don't love em tho
Ans: No
Question: Person: My new years resolution is to not be a jackass to everyone. Me: Yeah, and I'm going to buy a PS3. I'm not retarded.
Ans: No
Question: @JosesitoRiveraa fuck no faggot
Ans: Yes
Question: @JustDoItSlow on sale ass hoes
Ans: Yes
Question: @denytheprophecy that's a dragon you retard
Ans: No
Question: Bad bitches in dirty ass houses <<<
Ans: No
Question: "I got a sister, she told me stop calling women bitches.."
Ans: Yes
Question: you just want some attention hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: This after the Assembly asked @OAS_official to proceed w/ application of the Democratic charter - which is meant to protect democrac...5
Ans: No
Question: Tell a itty bitty bitch pipe down
Ans: No
Question: Cuz you a hoe RT @crystalFbadd fair exchange “@ItsElmosWorld: yall have sex with a dude then he buy you a bag or pay your rent, whats that?”
Ans: Yes
Question: "@No_FAKINGG: People always asking me what I'm mixed with." She a bad asian bitch lol
Ans: No
Question: Fuck all y'all hoes 😷 gang shit 💯💯
Ans: No
Question: I saw so many basic bitches just picking up my school schedule I kinda wanted to throw up tbh.
Ans: Yes
Question: Female Tamarin monkeys mate w/ 3- 4 males so when she has the baby the men don't know who the dad is and ALL help. Slutty, but clever AF!
Ans: No
Question: If you've a diabetic family member you could suggest them to start including chia seeds in their diet. Mom also drinks green apple & celery
Ans: No
Question: I want all my hoes back
Ans: No
Question: "Eff it. Let's go after the cripple." http://t.co/kSaMx1JPfV
Ans: Yes
Question: Idk maybe it's just me being bitter but giving bitches money and just being a genuine nigga ain't got me nowhere so fuck that. Struggle hoe.
Ans: Yes
Question: “@BlueEyeBeaner: lesbian pussy taste like rainbow trout!”
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @ClicquotSuave: we were at the party last night and P goes..."bro this nigg got on chucks just chillin and dancing w/ all the bitches"..…
Ans: No
Question: RT @obeyyreggie: stfu hoe RT “@tedddydgaf: "I'm proud to be African American"
- Proud African American
"I'm proud to be white"
- Racist
Ans: Yes
Question: I feel like he's just as retarded as me. I wonder if he would ever marry me
Ans: No
Question: @wodaeeex3 dumb ass hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: I'd hit a Kardashian she threw money at me bruh somebody would have to pull me off that hoe idgaf who she is. Nobody to me anyway lol
Ans: No
Question: even the crap parts you'll believe a solution instead of going to hell for sinning with faith n hope belief confession God will Forgive You
Ans: No
Question: These little girls at Simons were telling me they like my huf socks, bitch go home & do your homework
Ans: No
Question: i wish i was lesbian so i wouldn't have to deal with bitch boys but mostly bc girls are rlly hot
Ans: No
Question: "@UnHoly_Jack: These harbor bitches are all "Party Bus hoes"" Lol all?
Ans: Yes
Question: The Universe, she's wounded She's still got infinity ahead of her She's still got you and me Everybody says she's beautiful @GregoryAIsakov
Ans: No
Question: Lol im out here curving bitches like im taken
Ans: No
Question: You hoes give me more and more reasons everyday to stay my ass single for another 2 years
Ans: Yes
Question: I could b out here like some of these chicks...in the streets slingin pussy for a couple dollars but im not
Ans: No
Question: @lord_jonesss none of my business ? Nigga if you get that I'm living with you lol and I'm stealing one of them bitches and 100k 🐸☕️
Ans: Yes
Question: I'm be buying training bras soon, dealing with cycles and attitudes. Soon these lil stank ass boys ain't be ugly to them. 😩😩😩
Ans: No
Question: Gabby is back bitches step aside
Ans: No
Question: "@M_Rad: “@DezDLT: "I play soccer, cheat on girls, and wear khaki coloured cargos" haircut http://t.co/tYCIhD6PkW” yes lmfao"@soccerboy_04
Ans: No
Question: "How hotter than is it?" "A bitch."
Ans: No
Question: Hell yuhh they hit haha s/o ma nigga,
gmula! Cheweing one takes a chug, then sniffey
Ans: Yes
Question: @chrisrmz95 dude was a bitch nigga and took off running
Ans: No
Question: Lock 5 fat bitches in 1 room for 5 days with just 5 Mcdoubles. Now that's hunger games
Ans: Yes
Question: "@AdoreBellaaa: Have ya ever asked your bitch for other bitches - kanye voice" Yes
Ans: Yes
Question: Still downtown with these bitches.
Ans: No
Question: RT @ijustbeSinginn: I just wanna leave this bitch for a weekend
Ans: No
Question: It's levels to my bitch you can't fuck her nigga cause she like red bottom you can't afford her nigga she got Benz you riding honda accord
Ans: No
Question: @Huntermoore nigger!!
Ans: Yes
Question: Somebody tell these pussy niggas I got em
Ans: No
Question: RT @ChivasGee: Fuck up you swole fag
Ans: Yes
Question: " like Snoop said in 94 we dont love these hoes "
Ans: Yes
Question: "RT @__NatashaM: Yes PTA gents are ""unfaithful"", but have y'all seen our fellow JHB bros? Ba tlao bontsa marao a noga MAFRA! Esp niggas from…"
Ans: No
Question: @RealWallieWall Sheet i can't do that too a cripple
Ans: No
Question: @b0ssladyRe lmao you wish bitch
Ans: Yes
Question: "@_prettyflvck0: Me And Paul Thinkin Bout Gettin Rentals For Da Weekend 🚙💨💨"oooh shit bitches betta stay out da streets
Ans: No
Question: If i smell like french vanilla hazelnut, its because i spilled half my coffee on myself. You're fucking welcome.
Ans: No
Ans: No
Question: RT @LickMeGently: Big booty = sour face ,no hair ,or she a hoe.
Ans: No
Question: RT @caseytu88662466: Y these niggas on this hoe shit
Ans: Yes
Question: TV makes these hoes seem more attractive. *yawns*
Ans: Yes
Question: All the fine bitches i need yall to hit me up my # 562 922 40 guess the last 2 😂
Ans: No
Question: i wish i was lesbian so i wouldn't have to deal with bitch boys but mostly bc girls are rlly hot
Ans: No
Question: These bitches irri.. irri irri..irri irri
Ans: Yes
Question: the #MSM is outrageous for 1 reason they think being blatant liars is going to piss @POTUS @realDonaldTrump off cuz 1 thing he hates liars
Ans: No
Question: @MANIAC3X buck beaners & security started pushing him & that jetsgreen faggot around
Ans: Yes
Question: Dese bitches actin like they loyal give dat hoe a Oscar 🏆😴😒
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @HandsomeAssDada: majority of these females yall gassing selling pussy , prostituting , escorting , tricks all that ... don't be fooled …
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @KILLSheredon: you the nigga in high school who got shoved into lockers and thrown into trash cans @TvvitterRoasts
Ans: Yes
Question: Male genital #YeastInfections are less common, and incidences of infection are only a fraction of those in women.
Ans: No
Question: This nigga said you aint going through SHIT you just need sum Dicc✋😂😭 Good try hoe, its been a while but its really sum shit going down.
Ans: No
Question: 😂😂 niggas sending screenshots of me to they bitches like " stop texting cuh " 😭
Ans: No
Question: RT @Comp10Tx: Lowkey called that faggot a faggot.
Ans: Yes
Question: I beat that pussy up up up up
Ans: Yes
Question: @kieffer_jason lmao why ur dad raised u to be a bitch made nigga
Ans: Yes
Question: If you would have followed George Washington in 1776, it means that you're white trash.
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @J_Kwest: I dnt trust bitches who think they shud b on Bad Girls Club
Ans: No
Question: They some bitch ass niggas
Ans: Yes
Question: these hoes be lying to us nigga
Ans: Yes
Question: @Dem_lips_tho u knw me homie!!! show the bitches no love!!!
Ans: No
Question: Last night a young popular liberal writer published mild criticism about Bernie Sanders, so I harassed him with threats and bigoted slurs.
Ans: No
Question: “@_BeautifulKeezy: “@100046729: @_BeautifulKeezy wassup”bye”bitch you outta order
Ans: Yes
Question: Lol dat bitch petty
Ans: Yes
Question: @b_scheich 👈💦 salute a bad bitch
Ans: No
Question: RT @illesttam: "go talk to your hoes" https://t.co/oXa8IqqFjR
Ans: Yes
Question: Zuko gets bitches
Ans: No
Question: 1. What he doesn't get is he speaks from white male privilege. The card game was, in fact, made up of 100% white males.
Ans: No
Question: RT @SatansPearl: she's a model on #Instagram but she's just a hoe from my town.
Ans: Yes
Question: People are so uncivilized.
Ans: No
Question: This nigglet ❤️
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @_prettygirl92: Life to short to be walkin round mad at bitches
Ans: No
Question: *Sarah & I walking thru Porter & see a poster for an event w crepes* Me: WOW I LOVE CREPES Sarah (looking @ her phone): WOW I LOVE WOMEN 😂
Ans: No
Question: All deses bitches know that you're my nigga.
Ans: No
Question: egg nog taste like what bird doodoo look like
Ans: No
Question: RT @TheAfricanSiren: Automatically suspicious of white folk who try too hard to show they like us darkies.
Ans: Yes
Question: people be shooting their guns around here late as fuck got me thinking they tryna shoot my black ass 4 jammin jiggaboo music
Ans: No
Question: Which one of you hoes then downloaded that JailMail app....
Ans: No
Question: RT @MissKeiParker: @WeekndJammin sheeeeeit you tell me! I wana fat bitch that smell like bologna 😍😩
Ans: Yes
Question: Mcdonalds pipe self defence beating: http://t.co/Gk5wbObJTC This is one nigger who's hand I would shake. That's how you deal with sheboons.
Ans: Yes
Question: @EvanBecker513 @_TriggaPlease_ @MorbidMermaid @zooyorkinit @_ShayisdaBOMB_ @Rainbowblake they can see this dumbass nigger
Ans: Yes
Question: So question for @lazygamereviews and/or @PushinUpRoses steam or gog? The wife is getting angry at my buy on both services habit haha
Ans: No
Question: I have purchased a few DLC's for Black Ops 2 but I don't know how to play the maps in public matches? Always end up on standard maps.
Ans: No
Question: You're an ugly fat cunt whore. You need to odee
Ans: Yes
Question: Roll tide, bitches
Ans: No
Question: RT @illesttam: "go talk to your hoes" https://t.co/oXa8IqqFjR
Ans: Yes
Question: I want all my hoes back
Ans: No
Question: RT @SheswantstheD: Lmao how niggas be with the side hoe http://t.co/Y0sja0dyFM
Ans: Yes
Question: I just be chillin tho .... I don't fuck w/ hoes or hoe niggas so I don't know about how they operate ... Maybe I'm wrong
Ans: Yes
Question: Modern day singers talk about the same shit rappers talk about lol....hoes
Ans: No
Question: “@JennaHord12: @ambernicolee05 dreamgirl McKee 😂”Ooh! Bet you wooonnnttt stick dat hoe
Ans: No
Question: Thinking about the "boom boom boom waaay ho" video makes me laugh at least once a day.
Ans: No
Question: Bruh this niggah always falls asleep ! 😒😑
Ans: No
Question: Lady next to me gon say her cooch is itching & burning she thinks she got a uti. No bitch that's something else down there
Ans: No
Question: Can you imagine Jesus on Twitter autistically screeching about fucking Easter Eggs?
Ans: No
Question: @Trippy_Spiffy ayyyyyyeeeeee my nigga back in the bitch
Ans: No
Question: ' Shawty wanna tell me secrets on how to rap niggah , I tell that bitch it's more attractive when you hold it down 󾮟󾮗 .
Ans: Yes
Question: If y'all have any pics with @jenniferdailyn or anything that involves her make sure you use #waytogojen !!
Ans: No
Question: RT @tupactopus: hoes on my jitterbug
Ans: No
Question: German gay guy left in critical condition after being fag bashed in Belgrade http://t.co/6hOFBlxAuL
Ans: Yes
Question: @M_Talleywacker yes. Touch my bitch? Get ya shit knocked
Ans: Yes
Question: Lmaoo I should've seen that coming RT @DatBoyRayT: @1AlaaZ fat bitches need love to Craig
Ans: Yes
Question: I can't fuck a scary hoe.
Ans: Yes
Question: " like Snoop said in 94 we dont love these hoes "
Ans: Yes
Question: “@scoop82294: If you don't have your read receipts on you a bitch” the bitchyest bitch ever
Ans: No
Question: All these hoes say that wanna be cuffed bitch cuff this dick
Ans: Yes
Question: Never give a bitch the impression that u need them
Ans: Yes
Question: i'm turnt up, im fucked up, I smell like kush cologne—yo bitch won't leave me alone... tell that bitch stop callin my phone
Ans: No
Question: RT @itscoleharmon_: Birth Control should be mandatory for some of you hoes
Ans: Yes
Question: “@JennaHord12: @ambernicolee05 dreamgirl McKee 😂”Ooh! Bet you wooonnnttt stick dat hoe
Ans: No
Question: @_____0__o______ faggot
Ans: Yes
Question: i need to go to the mexican flea market and grab some fake gucci sandals so i can stunt on you hoes
Ans: No
Question: RT @AbbeyGoldd: Fuck Joo musts broke this niggas heart stealin his bitch if he that hurt with her 😂😂👏
Ans: Yes
Question: "I only be with older men cause they're more mature"
That supposed to fool us bitch?
Ans: No
Question: “@ItsLegzzYo: Yall so fuckin trash yo!!! 😡😡 @DIRECTV” man them niggas gonna win the skins trash
Ans: Yes
Question: I jus wanna live good stay fresh and fuck bad bitches! 👌💯
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @YAABOIJIMMY: When you hear a hoe talk shit http://t.co/JvX0phe6po
Ans: Yes
Question: @kieffer_jason is that all you have to say you sound like a little bitch nagging and shit where u be at
Ans: Yes
Question: Where the fair and reasonable women at? Not these self righteous I deserve the world without working for it Cuz I got a pussy bitches.
Ans: Yes
Question: I'm about to get this bitch a cell mate
Ans: Yes
Question: Who's a thottie? Yous a thottie! Who's a thottie? Yous a thottie! Yes YOU BITCH! Womp womp. 😂😂😂 Lord save these parched hoes
Ans: Yes
Question: Every real nicca need a real bitch! #JayFacts
Ans: No
Question: I used to think a 'friendzone' was bad. Till I realized all people wanna do is have sex reproduce and breakup for not taking right steps
Ans: No
Question: @JoePrich shut up faggot
Ans: Yes
Question: The strike #antimarch should be violent and dangerous. South African government only understand violence much better than normal language
Ans: No
Question: And girl that pussy ain't shit to me, baby girl roll up and get high
Ans: No
Question: RT @KillAllSimps: Ariana Grande built like a 13 year old Chinese boy, bitch shaped like an iPhone 3GS but niggas go crazy over her.. She no…
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @Seymor_Buccs: Man, most of you coons couldn't jus up in quit yo job, if you found out ya boss racist, so shut tha fucc up. Niggas love …
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @Vacante_: If ya girl shaves the pussy before going out with her girls, somethings wrong.
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @If_ItAint_B: Message to the homies...dont blow a good girl. Having hoes is childish...in the end they do nothing for you either.
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @Zag_OX: Your girl hold my dick like a wii controller
Where's your bitch, nigga? We control her
Ans: Yes
Question: For you bitch niggas out there 😏 http://t.co/6wI3EPalwo
Ans: Yes
Question: that pepsi ad tho... how tone deaf can you be, how fucking embarrassing
Ans: No
Question: Only white people use the word cunt. Todd really is taking over
Ans: No
Question: RT @TAXSTONE: Y'all bitches got to learn the difference between like and love
Ans: Yes
Question: Leap tall hoes in a single bound.
Ans: Yes
Question: @sizzurp__ @bootyacid @ILIKECATS74 @yoPapi_chulo i bet you are, faggot.
Ans: Yes
Question: Rule number two don't trust nobody especially a bitch with a hookers body
Ans: Yes
Question: money, weed n bitches... hanging wit snitches shit it wasn't my intention
Ans: No
Question: a bitch can have two black eyes, bloody lip, scalp bleeding, bruises, and a broken arm and still be like "but i love him!" lmao
Ans: Yes
Question: If you watch that 70s show and you skip the song intro, YOU ARE A WEAK BITCH AND YOU DONT DESERVE TO WATCH IT ✌🏽
Ans: No
Question: Why yall bitches be havin stretch marks on yall upper ass 😂😭😭
Ans: No
Question: @blackrepublican how long after the name change will al memorabilia w/redskins name be deemed racist and therby illegal?
Ans: No
Question: If she a hoe on social media she a hoe in real life too
Ans: Yes
Question: @AmericanWhiteHM Those niggers disgust me. They should have dealt with 100 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems now.
Ans: Yes
Question: Some bitches curve game be too serious
Ans: No
Question: All these bitches wanna fuck on a thug
Ans: Yes
Question: Never seen yo bitch but I bet I could fuck her on the first day
Ans: No
Question: I like to butt fuck fine ladies. Will I choke hold a bitch? Well maybe #55
Ans: Yes
Question: "I hope you don't get mad, ladies. I only call you bitches 'bitches' bc I don't know your names individually." -Katt Williams @LetMicahDown
Ans: No
Question: All I need is a 100 million dollars Bc I got that bad bitch
Ans: No
Question: Some bitch niggas in drumlin just sprayed me with water and ran away #fucking #pussies
Ans: Yes
Question: Thesis: The Racial Contract has always been recognized by nonwhites as the real moral / political agreement to be challenged.
Ans: No
Question: I witnessed Ace hoe soo many niggas at the gardens growing up 😂😂😂 I'm talking strong armed hoein too 💪
Ans: Yes
Question: Knocking on tables is like applause and is to be encouraged. Interesting lessons you need to know if you work here #germany @erasmusplusUK
Ans: No
Question: trying to make plans with a girl that's always busy/ might not make it, a girl who never responds/responds years later and her bf is just...
Ans: No
Question: Smh hate that hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: bitches love Sosa so I guess I'll wear Sammy Sosa 😏😂
Ans: No
Question: I know these niglets heard me screaming 😂😂
Ans: Yes
Question: @Benny_Balboa lmfaoo yu stupid lha bitch i been knowing you for about 10yrs you never had a hoe...EVER
Ans: Yes
Question: If i smell like french vanilla hazelnut, its because i spilled half my coffee on myself. You're fucking welcome.
Ans: No
Question: @_BatGangBitchh no hoe
Ans: Yes
Question: “@hippiescrub: "I can believe that wiz khalifa and that one bald bitch are getting divorced "”
Ans: No
Question: RT @LOHANTHONY: lana uses the term "bad bitch" in a UV track. i've never been more proud.
Ans: No
Question: @MANIAC3X buck beaners & security started pushing him & that jetsgreen faggot around
Ans: Yes
Question: RT @KillAllSimps: Ariana Grande built like a 13 year old Chinese boy, bitch shaped like an iPhone 3GS but niggas go crazy over her.. She no…
Ans: Yes
Question: I feel like he's just as retarded as me. I wonder if he would ever marry me
Ans: No
Question: RT @__nijel: Niggas be out here loving ALL they hoes...that's a no no.
Ans: Yes
Question: Bad bitches in dirty ass houses <<<
Ans: No
Question: What ppl expect, august aslina is a nig from New Orleans
Ans: No
Question: RT @LovelyMariiee: "@GinaSanabria_: Exes swear they can do better, then you see their next bitch ..... 😂😂😂😩😩😩😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😩"
Ans: Yes |
Example: Question: What is the measure of the energy released when an extra electron is added to an atom? Answer: electron affinity
Answer: Electron affinity is a measure of the energy released when an extra electron is added to an atom.
Example: Question: In a science lab, what device would you use to measure the volume of a liquid? Answer: graduated cylinder
Answer: Measuring devices must be used correctly to get accurate measurements. Figure below shows the correct way to use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid.
Example: Question: What is idefined as the mass of a substance divided by its volume? Answer: density
Answer: The ideal gas law can also be used to determine the densities of gases. Density, recall, is defined as the mass of a substance divided by its volume:.
Example: Question: What's it called when gases turn back into liquids? Answer: condensation
Answer: As water cools in the clouds, condensation occurs. Condensation is when gases turn back into liquids.
Example: Question: What occurs over a large area when a rock is buried or compressed? Answer: regional metamorphism
Answer: Regional metamorphism occurs over a large area when a rock is buried or compressed.
Example: Question: What type energy sources emit fewer or no greenhouse gases? Answer: renewable
Answer: New technologies can be developed. Renewable energy sources emit fewer or no greenhouse gases. These sources are discussed in the chapter Natural Resources .
Example: Question: Amides are carbonyls attached to one nitrogen atom and one carbon or which other atom? Answer: hydrogen
Answer: Amides are carbonyls attached to one nitrogen atom and one carbon or hydrogen atom. Amides are used in materials such as crayons and inks, as well as in paper rubber products.
Example: Question: How many pi bonds are found in a triple bond? Answer: two
Answer: From the stirrup, the vibrations pass to the oval window . This is another membrane like the eardrum.
Example: Question: Does warm air sit above or below cooler air in the troposphere? Answer: below
Answer: In the troposphere, warm air ordinarily sits below cooler air.
Example: Question: Groupings of related organs in the human body are referred to as "organ" what? Answer: systems
Answer: Human organ systems work together to carry out many of their functions. The skeletal and muscular systems are no exception.
Example: Question: Frequency and intensity are two measurable properties of what? Answer: wave
Answer: All waves can be defined in terms of their frequency and intensity.
Example: Question: What is defined as the temperature plus precipitation of an area over a long period of time? Answer: climate
Answer: Climate is the temperature plus precipitation of an area. Not just today, but over a long period of time. Climate affects chemical weathering. Chemical weathering increases as:.
Example: Question: When bread bakes, yeast releases which gas? Answer: carbon dioxide
Answer: When bread bakes, yeast releases carbon dioxide gas, forming the small holes in bread. The gas was produced by alcoholic fermentation carried out by yeast.
Example: Question: Tissues are organized by what? Answer: cells
Answer: Cells are organized into tissues, and tissues form organs.
Example: Question: What is the charge on a single electron known as? Answer: elementary charge
Answer: The charge on a single electron is and is known as the elementary charge.
Example: Question: What is a defining feature of deformed sedimentary rocks? Answer: not horizontal
Answer: Sedimentary rocks that are not horizontal have been deformed.
Example: Question: What term is used to describe the distance traveled divided by the time it took to travel that distance? Answer: speed
Answer: Speed is the distance traveled divided by the time it took to travel that distance. Velocity is the instantaneous speed and direction. Average velocity is the displacement divided by the time.
Example: Question: What is a measure of both speed and direction of motion? Answer: velocity
Answer: Velocity is a measure of both speed and direction of motion. Velocity is a vector, which is a measurement that includes both size and direction.
Example: Question: Atoms of what element ultimately form in a red supergiant? Answer: iron
Answer: In a red supergiant, fusion does not stop. Lighter atoms fuse into heavier atoms. Eventually iron atoms form.
Example: Question: What do ecosystems require constant inputs of? Answer: energy
Answer: Ecosystems require constant inputs of energy from sunlight or chemicals.
Example: Question: Which system in the human body consists of the heart, a network of blood vessels, and blood? Answer: cardiovascular system
Answer: The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, a network of blood vessels, and blood. Blood is a liquid tissue. The heart is a pump that keeps blood flowing through the vessels of the system.
Example: Question: What force causes waves to topple over and break on the shore? Answer: friction
Answer: Waves topple over and break on the shore because of friction with the bottom in shallow water.
Example: Question: Chemical reactions always involve energy. when methane burns, for example, it releases energy in the form of what? Answer: heat and light
Answer: Chemical reactions always involve energy. When methane burns, for example, it releases energy in the form of heat and light. Other chemical reactions absorb energy rather than release it.
Example: Question: Strangeness, charm, bottomness, and topness are properties of what subatomic particle? Answer: quarks
Answer: ± symbols are the values for antiquarks. B is baryon number, S is strangeness, c is charm, b is bottomness, t is topness. Values are approximate, are not directly observable, and vary with model.
Example: Question: What type of energy is possessed by autumn leaves before they fall? Answer: potential energy
Answer: Before leaves fall from trees in autumn, they have potential energy. Why do they have the potential to fall?.
Example: Question: Earthworms are important deposit feeders that help form and enrich what material? Answer: soil
Answer: Earthworms are important deposit feeders that help form and enrich soil.
Example: Question: What is our largest source of energy? Answer: coal
Answer: Coal is our largest source of energy for producing electricity.
Example: Question: Which type of joints do not allow any movement of the bones? Answer: fixed
Answer: The skull has fixed joints. Fixed joints do not allow any movement of the bones, which protects the brain from injury.
Example: Question: The heart, blood vessels, and blood make up which system in the body? Answer: cardiovascular
Answer: The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, the blood vessels, and the blood.
Example: Question: What includes the bones and cartilage? Answer: skeleton
Answer: The human skeleton includes bones and cartilage.
Example: Question: What occur because solid lithosphere travels on a round planet? Answer: intraplate earthquakes
Answer: Intraplate earthquakes occur because solid lithosphere travels on a round planet.
Example: Question: Kelvin is a temperature measure in which the lowest temperature is what? Answer: absolute zero
Answer: Kelvin is a temperature measure in which the lowest temperature is absolute zero.
Example: Question: How many vertebrae make up the human vertebral column? Answer: 33
Answer: Human Vertebral Column and Vertebrae. The human vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae. Two vertebrae are shown here enlarged.
Example: Question: When leaves wilt, what plant process ceases? Answer: photosynthesis
Answer: Photosynthesis ceases when leaves wilt, mainly because.
Example: Question: What is a benefit of low sulfur coal over high sulfur coal? Answer: less pollution
Answer: Low sulfur coal produces less pollution when burned than high sulfur coal. Name one factor that affects the sulfur content in coal.
Example: Question: Carbohydrates are an important group of biological molecules that includes sugars and these? Answer: starches
Answer: Carbohydrates are an important group of biological molecules that includes sugars and starches.
Example: Question: What colorful phenomenon occurs in the northern sky when particles from the sun energize ions in the thermosphere? Answer: northern lights
Answer: Particles from the Sun energize ions in the thermosphere. This creates the northern and southern lights.
Example: Question: How many groups of leaves does poison ivy typically have? Answer: three
Answer: Poison ivy plants are wild vines with leaves in groups of three. They grow in wooded areas in most of the United States. Contact with poison ivy may cause a rash in a person allergic to the plant.
Example: Question: What term is given to flatworms because they lack a body cavity? Answer: acoelomates
Answer: Flatworms have no true body cavity, but they do have bilateral symmetry. Due to the lack of a body cavity,flatworms are known as acoelomates.
Example: Question: When do female reproductive organs mature? Answer: at puberty
Answer: Female reproductive organs form before birth. However, they do not mature until puberty.
Example: Question: What is formed when atoms of different elements bond together? Answer: covalent compound
Answer: The two atoms that are held together in a covalent bond may be atoms of the same element or different elements. When atoms of different elements bond together, it forms a covalent compound.
Example: Question: What is the force of attraction between things that have mass Answer: gravity
Answer: Gravity has traditionally been defined as a force of attraction between things that have mass. The strength of gravity between two objects depends on their mass and their distance apart.
Example: Question: The planets orbit around what celestial body? Answer: sun
Answer: The orbits of the planets lie in nearly the same plane. The Sun is at the center.
Example: Question: Latitude affects the amount of what received by an area, which in turn affects the temperature of a region? Answer: solar radiation
Answer: We saw that the amount of solar radiation an area receives depends on its latitude. The amount of solar radiation affects the temperature of a region. Latitude has other effects on climate.
Example: Question: Which carbohydrate is produced by photosynthesis? Answer: glucose
Answer: Glucose is the carbohydrate produced by photosynthesis. Energy-rich glucose is delivered through your blood to each of your cells.
Example: Question: What are used to lift large masses of magnetic materials such as scrap iron, rolls of steel, and auto parts? Answer: electromagnets
Answer: Electromagnets find use in many practical applications. Electromagnets are used to lift large masses of magnetic materials such as scrap iron, rolls of steel, and auto parts.
Example: Question: When your body digests food, it breaks down the molecules of nutrients and releases what? Answer: energy
Answer: Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids contain energy. When your body digests food, it breaks down the molecules of these nutrients. This releases the energy so your body can use it.
Example: Question: What organ eliminates solid wastes that remain after the digestion of food? Answer: the large intestine
Answer: The large intestine eliminates solid wastes that remain after the digestion of food.
Example: Question: The length of a rectangular surface multiplied by its width is equal to what? Answer: area
Answer: The area of a rectangular surface is calculated as its length multiplied by its width.
Example: Question: What artificial process involves making an exact copy of a gene? Answer: gene cloning
Answer: Gene cloning is making an exact copy of a gene.
Example: Question: What is a prerequisite for fertilization to take place in plants? Answer: pollination
Answer: Pollination must occur for fertilization to take place. Zygotes develop into embryos inside seeds, from which the next sporophyte generation grows.
Example: Question: What is formed when an element gains one or more electrons? Answer: anion
Answer: When an element gains one or more electrons, an anion is formed. Nonmetals typically become anions when they interact with other chemical species.
Example: Question: The heart contracts rhythmically to pump what to the lungs and the rest of the body? Answer: blood
Answer: The heart contracts rhythmically to pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. Specialized cardiac muscle cells trigger the contractions.
Example: Question: What does all matter consist of? Answer: atoms
Answer: All matter consists of atoms, which cannot be further subdivided into smaller particles.
Example: Question: Probability can be used to predict the chance of gametes and offspring having certain what? Answer: alleles
Answer: Probability can be used to predict the chance of gametes and offspring having certain alleles.
Example: Question: What is the name of pluto's moon? Answer: charon
Answer: Pluto and its moon, Charon, are actually two objects.
Example: Question: The burning of charcoal is what type of reaction? Answer: combustion
Answer: Serge Melki (Flickr:Serge Melki). The burning of charcoal is a combustion reaction . CC BY 2.0.
Example: Question: What is the sun classified as on the main sequence? Answer: yellow dwarf
Answer: Producers create food energy. They are the base of all life on Earth. Most producers use photosynthesis but a very small number use chemosynthesis.
Example: Question: What does increasing a solute's temperature do? Answer: increases its solubility
Answer: If a solute is a solid or liquid, increasing the temperature increases its solubility. For example, more sugar can dissolve in hot water than in cold water.
Example: Question: What type of isotopes have short half-lives and are given in very low doses? Answer: radioisotopes
Answer: Radioisotopes are widely used in medical diagnosis. These isotopes need to have short half-lives so that they can be administered in very low doses, thus minimizing damage to cells.
Example: Question: How is energy expressed when it is released in a chemical reaction? Answer: as negative number
Answer: When energy is released in a chemical reaction or process, that energy is expressed as a negative number. Figure below shows electron affinities in kJ/mol for the main group elements.
Example: Question: What provides the shape of a cell? Answer: cytoskeleton
Answer: The cytoskeleton provides the shape of the cell.
Example: Question: What type of gas are stars made up of? Answer: hydrogen
Answer: the fact that stars are made up of very lightweight hydrogen gas.
Example: Question: If the temperature of a gas sample is decreased, what happens to the volume? Answer: decreases
Answer: If the temperature of a gas sample is decreased, the volume decreases as well.
Example: Question: Food chewed evenly during mastication moisten and lubricate the lining of the mouth and this? Answer: pharynx
Answer: Food is chewed evenly during mastication Moisten and lubricate the lining of the mouth and pharynx.
Example: Question: What term is used to describe the transfer of thermal energy by particles moving through a fluid? Answer: convection
Answer: Convection is the transfer of thermal energy by particles moving through a fluid. Thermal energy is always transferred from an area with a higher temperature to an area with a lower temperature.
Example: Question: What else besides temperature has an effect on the phase of a substance? Answer: pressure
Answer: Butter is a fat that is a solid at room temperature. What type of fatty acid does butter contain? How do you know?.
Example: Question: Bacteria are often used to make cheese from what? Answer: milk
Answer: Bacteria are often used to make cheese from milk. But making foods is not the only beneficial role of bacteria. For example, they also play an essential role in your gut!.
Example: Question: What subject is a way of learning about the natural world that is based on evidence and logic? Answer: science
Answer: Science is a way of learning about the natural world that is based on evidence and logic.
Example: Question: What can demonstrate the decrease in energy, biomass or numbers within an ecosystem? Answer: ecological pyramids
Answer: Ecological pyramids can demonstrate the decrease in energy, biomass or numbers within an ecosystem. Energy pyramids are discussed at http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=8T2nEMzk6_E (1:44).
Example: Question: Milk is usually subjected to what process, where high temperatures denature the proteins in bacteria so they cannot carry out functions needed to grow and multiply? Answer: pasteurization
Answer: When milk is pasteurized, it is heated to high temperatures. These high temperatures denature the proteins in bacteria, so they cannot carry out needed functions to grow and multiply.
Example: Question: What body system consists of organs that break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste? Answer: digestive system
Answer: The digestive system consists of organs that break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste.
Example: Question: He mass spectrometer measures the percent abundance of different what? Answer: isotopes
Answer: The mass spectrometer measures the percent abundance of different isotopes in a given sample.
Example: Question: Echinoderms are found in many different ocean environments, but most are found where? Answer: in reefs
Answer: Echinoderms are found in many different ocean environments, but most are found in reefs.
Example: Question: What is a substance that can not be broken down any further into other substances? Answer: pure substance
Answer: pure substance that cannot be broken down into other types of substances.
Example: Question: Fertilizer runoff can create what type of zones in the ocean? Answer: dead zones
Answer: Fertilizer runoff can create dead zones in the ocean.
Example: Question: What is the decayed remains of living organisms called? Answer: humus
Answer: Humus is the decayed remains of living organisms. Humus makes soil fertile.
Example: Question: What is the force pushing a rocket called? Answer: thrust
Answer: Most halogens have a variety of important uses. A few are described in the Table below .
Example: Question: What color is the fungus in blue cheese? Answer: blue
Answer: Blue cheese is blue because of the fungus growing throughout it.
Example: Question: What is the name of the tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra? Answer: vas deferens
Answer: The vas deferens is a tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
Example: Question: When does a caldera form? Answer: after an eruption
Answer: A caldera forms after a massive eruption. The top of the volcano collapses, forming a basin.
Example: Question: What term refers to a change in species over time? Answer: evolution
Answer: Evolution can be described as a change in species over time . Dinosaur fossils are significant evidence of evolution and of past life on Earth.
Example: Question: Plants can lose their leaves, flower, or break dormancy in response to a change in what? Answer: seasons
Answer: Plants can respond to the change of season by losing their leaves, flowering, or breaking dormancy.
Example: Question: Organic chemistry is the study of the chemistry of what? Answer: carbon compounds
Answer: Organic chemistry is the study of the chemistry of carbon compounds.
Example: Question: What theory proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases? Answer: germ theory
Answer: The germ theory proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases.
Example: Question: Electronegativity is a qualitative measure of how much an atom attracts what in a covalent bond? Answer: electrons
Answer: Electronegativity is a qualitative measure of how much an atom attracts electrons in a covalent bond.
Example: Question: The products of photosynthesis are glucose and what else? Answer: oxygen
Answer: The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.
Example: Question: What results from the evaporation of sea water? Answer: salt
Answer: In many parts of the world, table salt is obtained from the evaporation of sea water. The heat for the process comes from the sun.
Example: Question: Which type of skeleton supports the animal, protects internal organs, and allows for movement? Answer: internal
Answer: An internal skeleton. The internal skeleton supports the animal, protects internal organs, and allows for movement.
Example: Question: The number of electrons in the outer energy level determines what property of nonmetals? Answer: reactivity
Answer: Some nonmetals are very reactive, whereas others are not reactive at all. It depends on the number of electrons in their outer energy level.
Example: Question: Approximately how many galaxies are there in the universe? Answer: about a hundred billion
Answer: The Universe contains about a hundred billion galaxies.
Example: Question: The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on it's mass and it's what? Answer: volume
Answer: The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on its mass and its volume.
Example: Question: An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of what? Answer: volts
Answer: An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of volts. It then enters a region traveling perpendicular to a magnetic field of . Calculate the velocity of the electron.
Example: Question: What do the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas contribute that aid in digestion? Answer: chemicals
Answer: The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas contribute chemicals that aid in digestion.
Example: Question: What term is used to describe the full range of electromagnetic waves? Answer: electromagnetic spectrum
Answer: Electromagnetic waves vary in their wavelength, frequency, and energy. The full range of electromagnetic waves makes up the electromagnetic spectrum.
Example: Question: Red stars are the coolest; which are the hottest? Answer: blue
Answer: Stars are classified by color, which correlates with temperature. Red stars are the coolest and blue are the hottest.
Example: Question: What is the name of the major components of cell membranes called? Answer: phospholipids
Answer: Phospholipids are the major components of cell membranes.
Example: Question: What is the supply of water to land or crops to help growth called? Answer: irrigation
Answer: Some of the problems associated with intensive irrigation include all but.
Example: Question: In addition to a nucleus what do eukaryotic cells have? Answer: organelles
Answer: Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and membrane-bound structures called organelles.
Example: Question: Where are hotspot volcanoes commonly found? Answer: the ocean
Answer: Hotspot volcanoes are better able to penetrate oceanic crust than continental crust. We see many more hotspot volcanoes in the oceans.
Example: Question: What is it called when plant roots absorb liquid water and release water vapor into the atmosphere? Answer: transpiration
Answer: Liquid water is taken up by plant roots. The plant releases water vapor into the atmosphere. This is transpiration.
Example: Question: What combines with rain to form acid rain? Answer: nitrogen and sulfur oxides
Answer: Courtesy of the U. S. EPA. Nitrogen and sulfur oxides combine with rain to form acid rain . Public Domain.
Example: Question: Pepsin and trypsin are examples of enzymes involved in what bodily process? Answer: digestion
Answer: Various conditions affect enzyme function. Pepsin and trypsin are two digestive enzymes that work in contrasting environments.
Example: Question: What type of ions do ionic compounds contain? Answer: positive and negative
Answer: An ionic compound contains positive and negative ions.
Example: Question: Portable amplifiers have batteries that store what type of energy? Answer: chemical energy
Answer: Amplifier: Tim Walker; Battery: Emilian Robert Vicol. Portable amplifiers have batteries that store chemical energy . Amplifier: CC BY 2.0; Battery: Public Domain.
Example: Question: What device is a magnetic disc that provides long-term storage for programs and data? Answer: hard drive
Answer: The hard drive is a magnetic disc that provides long-term storage for programs and data.
Example: Question: What describe the fraction or percentage of a mixture that is made up of a particular substance. Answer: mole fractions
Answer: Mole fractions describe the fraction or percentage of a mixture that is made up of a particular substance.
Example: Question: What does phagocytosis defend the body from? Answer: pathogens
Answer: 4. State how phagocytosis helps defend the body from pathogens.
Example: Question: What type of resource is limited in supply and cannot be replaced except over millions of years? Answer: natural resource
Answer: Natural resource that is limited in supply and cannot be replaced except over millions of years.
Example: Question: Cells with different functions often differ in what physical property? Answer: shape
Answer: Cells come in many different shapes. Cells with different functions often have different shapes.
Example: Question: What gives a coil of copper wire the ability to conduct electricity well? Answer: metallic bonds
Answer: Image copyright SergiyN, 2014. Coil of copper wire, which conducts electricity well due to metallic bonds . Used under license from Shutterstock. com.
Example: Question: The combustion of propane gas produces carbon dioxide and what else? Answer: water vapor
Answer: The combustion of propane gas produces carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Example: Question: The last two stages of aerobic respiration require what? Answer: oxygen
Answer: The last two stages of aerobic respiration require oxygen. However, not all organisms live in places where there is a plentiful supply of oxygen.
Example: Question: Applying a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure of a solution will do what? Answer: reverse osmosis
Answer: Figure 11.26 Applying a pressure greater than the osmotic pressure of a solution will reverse osmosis. Solvent molecules from the solution are pushed into the pure solvent.
Example: Question: Shield volcanoes often form along which locations? Answer: divergent plate boundaries
Answer: Shield volcanoes often form along divergent plate boundaries. They also form at hot spots, like Hawaii. Shield volcano eruptions are non-explosive.
Example: Question: What is the final product of the calvin cycle? Answer: glucose
Answer: The final product of the Calvin cycle is glucose.
Example: Question: Anaerobic prokaryotes can live without what compound in their environment (it's a compound that people do need to live)? Answer: oxygen
Answer: Aerobic prokaryotes live in habitats with oxygen. Anaerobic prokaryotes live in habitats without oxygen. Prokaryotes may also be adapted to habitats that are hot, moderate, or cold in temperature.
Example: Question: Red bone marrow, tonsils, spleen, and thymus gland are considered organs of what system? Answer: lymphatic
Answer: The lymph organs are the red bone marrow , tonsils , spleen , and thymus gland . They are described below ( Figure below ).
Example: Question: How is sediment transported? Answer: currents
Answer: The shore may have a lot of sediment washed from land or eroded from cliffs. The sediment is transported by currents.
Example: Question: What's the other term for your wind pipe? Answer: trachea
Answer: The trachea , or wind pipe, is a long tube that leads down to the chest.
Example: Question: There are how many visual clues to indicate a chemical reaction? Answer: four
Answer: chemical reaction: Involves a transfer of energy. There are four visual clues to indicate a chemical reaction.
Example: Question: What do we call any way that animals act, either alone or with other animals. Answer: animal behavior
Answer: Animal behavior is any way that animals act, either alone or with other animals.
Example: Question: What type of joint are ball-and-socket, hinge, and pivot examples of? Answer: movable
Answer: Joints may be immovable, partly movable, or movable. Types of movable joints include ball-and-socket, hinge, and pivot joints.
Example: Question: Platforms, arches, and sea stacks are all landforms created by what? Answer: erosion
Answer: Some landforms created by erosion are platforms, arches, and sea stacks.
Example: Question: What is the process of making an observation in terms of a numerical scale and recording the value? Answer: measurement
Answer: Measurement is the process of making an observation in terms of a numerical scale and recording the value.
Example: Question: What is the total number of codons? Answer: 64
Answer: The mRNA is divided into three-base segments called codons. A codon is the segment of nucleotides that codes for an amino acid, or for a start or stop signal. There are 64 codons.
Example: Question: What does blood pickup from the lungs to be carried throughout the rest of the body? Answer: oxygen
Answer: The blood picks up oxygen in the lungs and carries it to cells throughout the body.
Example: Question: There is a predictable amount of solute that can be dissolved at what? Answer: specific temperature
Answer: There is a predictable amount of solute that can be dissolved at a specific temperature.
Example: Question: What is an isotope that is radioactive called? Answer: radioisotopes
Answer: Many elements have one or more isotopes that are radioactive. These isotopes are called radioisotopes. An example of a radioisotope is carbon-14.
Example: Question: Bacteria are often used to make cheese from what? Answer: milk
Answer: Bacteria are often used to make cheese from milk. But making foods is not the only beneficial role of bacteria. For example, they also play an essential role in your gut!.
Example: Question: When does a baby double in length and triple in weight? Answer: infancy
Answer: Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very small numbers that uses exponents. Numbers are written in the format a × 10 b .
Example: Question: A can of warm soda will fizz more because increasing the temperature decreases the what of a gas? Answer: solubility
Answer: A: A can of warm soda will fizz more because increasing the temperature decreases the solubility of a gas. Therefore, less carbon dioxide can remain dissolved in warm soda than in cold soda.
Example: Question: What does phagocytosis defend the body from? Answer: pathogens
Answer: 4. State how phagocytosis helps defend the body from pathogens.
Example: Question: While matter is recycled, ecosystems need a constant input of what? Answer: energy
Answer: In all biomes, ecosystems need a constant input of energy. Matter, on the other hand, is constantly recycled in ecosystems.
Example: Question: Heating a gas gives its particles more of what type of energy? Answer: kinetic energy
Answer: In this lesson, you read that heating a gas gives its particles more kinetic energy. As a result, its volume or pressure also increases. The opposite happens when a gas is cooled.
Example: Question: What is the liquid component in blood? Answer: plasma
Answer: Blood is a fluid connective tissue that contains a liquid component called plasma.
Example: Question: How are protozoa that cause giardiasis spread? Answer: food and water
Answer: Protozoa that cause giardiasis are spread by contaminated food or water. They live inside the intestine. They may cause abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea.
Example: Question: The distance between two crests of a wave of light is referred to as what, which is related to the color of light? Answer: wavelength
Answer: wavelength : The distance between two crests of a wave of light. The color of light is related to its wavelength. This is inversely proportional to frequency.
Example: Question: The atomic number is the same as the number of what in an atom? Answer: protons
Answer: The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number. This is also unique for each element.
Example: Question: What makes up the dense outer layer of bones? Answer: compact bone
Answer: Compact bone makes up the dense outer layer of bones.
Example: Question: Which type of skeleton supports the animal, protects internal organs, and allows for movement? Answer: internal
Answer: An internal skeleton. The internal skeleton supports the animal, protects internal organs, and allows for movement.
Example: Question: The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of liquid water by 1°c is also known as? Answer: specific heat
Answer: State of matter that has a fixed volume and fixed shape.
Example: Question: What part of the rainforest commonly has ferns and other ground plants? Answer: understory
Answer: Ferns are common in the understory of the tropical rainforest.
Example: Question: Where do living things obtain the energy to carry out all life processes? Answer: food
Answer: Living things need energy to carry out all life processes. They get energy from food.
Example: Question: What are the bones in partly movable joints held in place by? Answer: cartilage
Answer: Partly movable joints allow only very limited movement. Bones at these joints are held in place by cartilage. The ribs and sternum are connected by partly movable joints.
Example: Question: What is the first cell of a new organism? Answer: zygote
Answer: The new cell is stimulated with an electric shock and embryo development begins, as if it were a normal zygote . The zygote is the first cell of a new organism.
Example: Question: Although surface waves are slowest, they do most of the damage of what event? Answer: earthquake
Answer: Surface waves are the slowest, but they do the most damage in an earthquake.
Example: Question: What substance can be identified by their atomic number and mass number? Answer: elements
Answer: Elements can be identified by their atomic number and mass number.
Example: Question: Where are the seeds in gymnosperms found? Answer: in cones
Answer: Gymnosperms have seeds, but they do not produce fruit. Instead, the seeds of gymnosperms are usually found in cones.
Example: Question: What type of energy is clean and does not release greenhouse gases? Answer: geothermal energy
Answer: Geothermal energy is clean and does not release greenhouse gases.
Example: Question: When heat flows into an object, its thermal energy increases and so does its what? Answer: temperature
Answer: When heat flows into an object, its thermal energy increases and so does its temperature.
Example: Question: Because atoms have equal numbers of positive protons and negative electrons, what kind of electric charge do they possess? Answer: neutral
Answer: Atoms have equal numbers of positive protons and negative electrons, so they are neutral in electric charge.
Example: Question: Compared to red light, blue light has a shorter what? Answer: wavelength
Answer: Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light. Which color has the higher frequency? Which moves faster in a vacuum?.
Example: Question: Where is the guinea worm a serious problem? Answer: africa
Answer: Guinea worm is a serious problem in parts of Africa that is being eradicated. Learn what is being done to decrease the number of people suffering from this parasite at the video below:.
Example: Question: Which form of matter assumes the shape of its container? Answer: gas
Answer: Gases assume the shape of their container.
Example: Question: Emissions of what gas into the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning have been rising for the past several decades? Answer: carbon dioxide
Answer: Carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning have been rising for the past several decades.
Example: Question: Where do biochemical reactions take place? Answer: inside the organisms' cells
Answer: Biochemical reactions are chemical reactions that take place inside the cells of organisms.
Example: Question: Eutrophication, or high levels of nutrients, can cause conditions that deprive fish of what vital gas? Answer: oxygen
Answer: High levels of nutrients, called eutrophication, can cause conditions that deprive fish of oxygen.
Example: Question: What is the nervous tissue in the brain and in the rest of the nervous system made up of? Answer: neurons
Answer: Nervous tissue is made up of neurons , or nerve cells, that carry electrical messages. Nervous tissue makes up the brain and the nerves that connect the brain to all parts of the body.
Example: Question: What is the hardest of all minerals? Answer: diamonds
Answer: Diamonds like the one pictured in the Figure below are the hardest of all minerals. Is a diamond a crystalline or an amorphous solid? How do you know?.
Example: Question: What makes water change to a different state? Answer: temperature
Answer: The state the water is in depends upon the temperature. Each state (solid, liquid, and gas) has its own unique set of physical properties.
Example: Question: What make distant objects appear both nearer and larger? Answer: telescopes
Answer: Telescopes make distant objects appear both nearer and larger. You can see many more stars through a telescope than with the unaided eye.
Example: Question: Each root is made of dermal, ground, and what type of tissue? Answer: vascular
Answer: Each root is made of dermal, ground, and vascular tissues.
Example: Question: Which enzyme is used in step three of the polymerase chain reaction because of it's ability to withstand high temperatures? Answer: taq polymerase
Answer: When appropriate, a symbol may be written above or below the arrow to indicate some special circumstance. The symbol "Δ" is often used to indicate that the reaction is to be heated. |
Possible labels:
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
8. 7
9. 8
10. 9
Example: Yes - it is still officially governed by the Communist Party of China
Output: 9
Example: This is not a question. Be honest with yourself and us. \n\nBut if you want the truth, there is only one sin and one sin alone that keeps us from heaven, and that is not receiving God's free gift of salvation through His Son. You need to realize that good works do NOT get us to heaven. You cannot buy your way there, that is why Jesus had to pay the price for us. It is a debt we could not pay. But don't worry, if you want your companion more than God, He will not stand in the way of your decision, that is what free will is for. If you are willing to pay an eternal price for such a decision, it will be your choice and your choice alone. You might want to talk to God about it first.
Output: 0
Example: www.irs.gov taxpayer help
Output: 9
Example: First of all Hindi is not our (India's) single national language. There exists no such thing in our constitution. Languages in our constitution is devided into two categories. Namely Official languages (Central administrative)& Scheduled list of languages for official use.\n\nOfficial languages are Hindi and English\n\nAnother 22 regional languages for official use.\n\nOnly around 40% of Indians speak Hindi as mother tounge but nearly 70% can understand Hindi. And that's hardly a criteria for "Naional Language".
Output: 0
Example: Your question is the probably wrong question to ask.\n\nWhat you should ask yourself, what applications do I want to run and find a machine that runs it.\n\nBut, if you don't care about what applications you run, Linux is currently more robust and secure than Windows which is very vunerable to Spyware, Trojans, Viruses, etc.\n\nYou have to be a bit of a Geek to be able to manage a Linux system. On the other hand, you have to be a bit of a wizard to manage a Windows machine...\n\nThe Macintosh runs an OS similar to Linux, but has a nicer frontend on top of it, so I think the Macintosh is a better choice.\n\nBest thing to do is try them out if you can.
Output: 4
Example: You mean you want to write one?\n\nTry looking for examples from people who are in a field similar to yours, and imitate the format and style. You can ask your professors, for example.
Output: 6
Example: Fiscal year 2004 total budget authority: $35.6 Billion\nFY '05: $38.5B\nFY '06: $41.1B
Output: 9
Example: Nob Hill Spa downstairs from the Huntington Hotel. They offer couples massages, and have spa cuisine available next to their lovely pool.
Output: 2
Example: Because they are more interested in the pursuit rather than who it is they are pursuing.
Output: 8
Example: The main advantage is that the compact crankset gearing is much closer to the high cadence riding that is the current trend in modern cycling. With a standard triple crank you have 30/42/52 chainrings, from which most people use the 42 and 30 rings. The 30 is a little too short for most hilly rides, and basically you're spinning super fast to get up a hill. The 42 is a bit too small for barrelling down a hill, and the 52 is so steep that it's rarely being used.\n\nThe compact crankset has 50 and 34 tooth gears which are theoretically better for the way most cyclists ride today. The 34 gives you short enough gearing to get up big hills but is not quite as short as the granny gear on the triple, and the 50 gives you the speed in a manageable dose.\n\nA couple things to consider, though. In order to switch to a double compact, you need to replace a fair number of components, including the bottom bracket, cranks, rear derailleur (optional but highly recommended), front derailleur and possibly your left shifter. You might be able to get what you want from switching out the cassette on your bike, which is of course a lot cheaper.
Output: 5
Example: I read that there is a medication in the works to work on the addictive part of the brain. Right now there isn't a cure. You can stop doing the addictive activity but it's not a cure, just restraint. Lot's of times it turns into changing the addiction to something else. I quit drinking and now I eat too much candy even though I wasn't much of a candy person before. I also buy more scratch tickets.
Output: 0
Example: Around the Embarcadero and into the Presidio, then aound Ocean Beach and back through GG Park.
Output: 5
Example: I bet, Norton,s Defragmenter facility is the best..... Its the part of Norton Utlities.
Output: 4
Example: US is recognized for its economic might all over the world. However, after the recent 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' propoganda and invasion on Iraq, it has lost its images in the eyes of the intenational community, making its economy facing serious challenges. This down-trowding started after 911 and seems to have continued after wards. \n\nAnother point is that if US economy gets disturbed, the global economy does recieve the after shocks soon. I hope the situation improves soon.
Output: 6
Example: In The House of the Seven Gables (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) the rooster of the old lady is called Chanticleer actually. That rooster was of a rare, old and noble breed, and had a very strange appearance and behaviour.
Output: 0
Example: I'm a big fan of Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot. It wasn't required by my professor, but I bought it and used it extensively to help me understand the material.
Output: 1
Example: 25! Hands down. I loved it. My auto insurance dropped. No one thought of me as a child anymore. I felt grown. I wasn't 'old' yet. it is the perfect age. Just grown enough to be grown. Just young enough to be young...I have been turning 25 for the last 7 years!
Output: 0
Example: If you don't believe you don't believe. It is OK. Why should you believe in somehting of which there is no proof? \n\nIn my personal opinion, there are only three reasons people become religious:\n\n1) They are fearful. Fearful of death, fearful of not knowing the purpose of their existence, fearful of losing everything that they value in this life (which you will, gauranteed). Fear is a powerful motivator and when someone offers you a way to manage that fear through a belief system it can be tempting to accept. There is no need to resort to philosophy, science or psyhcology. There is no need to accept that there are rational and scientific explanations that we as humans simply don't know yet. Just believe that someone's making it all right in the end and you're all set.\n\n2) They are seeking a path to redemption for past sins. They are having difficulty coping with the consequences of some bad action they have taken in thier life, and or are trying to control some compulsive behavior that has caused hardship in their life. Either they were in prison, got caught with a prostitue, or drank themselves out of job and their family, or simply told a horrible lie that they feel guilty about. Religion offers instant redemption and rituals to help you ease your mind through repentance. \n\n3) They have a strong natural desire for community and companionship. Having someplace to go every Sunday with likeminded people or having rituals to follow when someone dies, or having a language or framework to use when communicating your values with others can be very comforting. If your family already subscribes to these beliefs you even may feel pressure to accept things that your logical mind tells you are impossible and\or unlikely.\n\nYou can deal with these three situations through patience, meditation, compassion, seeking help from others, and community activism, or you can choose to believe in supernatural beings and mythology. My personal opinion is that there is no easy way out of any problem so that when a christian says I can instantly have my sins forgiven or a Scientologist tells me that body thetans are causing my suffering, or some guru tells me that my Shakras just need alignments, I usually take a pass.
Output: 0
Example: Answers to this question can vary greatly, but a good framework to think about it is the Drake Equation. Developed by Frank Drake and Carl Sagan, it runs through some of the key factors that will effect the viability of life on other planets. As we learn more about extrasolar planets and astrobiology, we are getting better limits on some of the parameters in the equation, but especially when it comes to the terms where we look for intelligent life that can last long enough to contact other species, we have very little data to go on.\n\nSo when it comes down to the last few terms you need to take it all with a grain of salt.\n\nIf you are simply talking about life, I think recent discoveries have made the likelihood very high. The discovery of many extrasolar planets including some that are closer to Earth size means that there are specific places we can point to where life may have formed or be forming. Even in stranger systems that feature planets several times Jupiter's mass, it is possible that a terrestrial satellite of such a large planet could harbor the right conditions for life.\n\nIt's a fun thing to work through the Drake equation yourself. Since the last few terms are more subjective (at least until we get more data), it's fun to play with it and see where you stand.\n\nThe best guess that scientists have put forward right now is:\n\nN = 10 × 0.5 × 2 × 0.33 × 1×10-7 × 0.01 × 67 = 2.211×10-7 = 0.0000002211\n\nwhere N is the number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that might come to communicate with us in a year. \n\nTo get the number of planets that reach a point of harboring life (not intelligent) in a year, we just take the first 4 terms:\n\n10 × 0.5 × 2 × 0.33 = 3.3\n\nSo about 3.3 new planets reach the point where life forms per year.
Output: 1
Example: That depends on what L and P are. If you plug the permitter and length in, you can get width W.\n\nIf you want a formula that will yield W, it's: (P-2L)/2 = W
Output: 1
Example: Clear search history in Y! toolbar: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/toolbar/toolbar-10.html\nHowever, if you wish to delete search history saved by the browser and auto-filled when you type on the yahoo website, here is the solution:\n\nTo clear your history from Internet Explorer:\n1. Go to the "Tools" menu.\n2. Select "Internet Options."\n3. Click the "General" tab.\n4. Click the "Clear History" button. To completely disable the history function, set "Days to keep pages in history" to zero.\n\nTo clear your history from Mozilla Firefox:\n1. Go to the "Tools" menu. \n2. Select "Options" > "Privacy" > "History." \n3. Click on "Clear." To completely disable the history function, set "Remember visited pages for the last X days" to zero ("0"). \n4. Click "OK" to exit.
Output: 4
Example: You must be referring to Italy. ...Hope that's what you're looking for! Best, `k.
Output: 1
Example: Here are the sites where you could find information about holidays.
Output: 3
Example: The best article I've read on the subject is in the link below. In summary, the article cites the following 7 factors common to Web 2.0:\n\n* Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability\n* Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them\n* Trusting users as co-developers\n* Harnessing collective intelligence\n* Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service\n* Software above the level of a single device\n* Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models
Output: 4
Example: "So policemen are just those who catch or apprehend criminals, a worthy occupation. And a copper is someone who seizes, a usage first recorded in Britain in 1846." - thus we have the word "cop"
Output: 3
Example: try meeting other married woman who are in the same situation as you you should be able to find social groups on yahoo or other web sites
Output: 8
Example: Hmmmmmmm...Good question....Have you flossed your teeth lately? Trimmed your toenails or cleaned out your belly button? Now organize your sock drawer and take out the trash.....How about under your bed .??? is it clean....Call your mom....feed the dog.....cleanout the cats liter pan.....make dinner....volunteer to make dinner for a local shut in....donate blood....do something for someelse.....get it????
Output: 6
Example: 6/(1-3/4)=24
Output: 1
Example: "RSS" stands for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, and/or Rockdale, Sandow, and Southern (Railroad) (if you trust the good folks at AcronymFinder.com). Really Simple Syndication is probably the most widely agreed-upon choice. As far as we are concerned, all three acronyms do an inadequate job of describing what RSS actually is: RSS is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content. Using this standard, Web publishers provide updates, such as the latest news headlines or weblog postings. Meanwhile, consumers use RSS reader applications (or one of a growing number of online services) to collect and monitor their favorite feeds in one place (RSS content from a publisher, viewed in one of these readers, is often called a "feed").\n\nIf you want to collect and browse feeds you have many choices, but there are two primary categories of feed reading applications: installable desktop programs and online services. There are many desktop applications for Windows and Mac OS system users, but two of our favorites are FeedDemon (Windows) and NetNewsWire (Mac OS X). Both require a small purchase price but are tops for ease of use and ship with dozens of feeds pre-loaded so you can explore the syndication "universe" right away. Free readers are available as well; a search for "RSS Reader" at popular search sites will yield many results.\n\nIf you would prefer to use an online service to track and manage your feeds, you have the advantage of being able to access your feed updates anywhere you use a web browser (and in some cases, on mobile devices). Also, any upgrades or new features are added automatically. The trade-off comes in different (some would say fewer) features and slightly slower performance versus desktop systems. NewsGator, Bloglines, and new RSS content capabilities in My Yahoo! are probably the three best-known examples of web-based feed reading services.
Output: 4
Example: Coffee trade...\nhttp://www.brewbar.com/ethiopia.htm\nWeblog...\nhttp://madeinethiopia.net/saveethiopia/\nNews...\nhttp://www.journalismnet.com/africa/ethiopia.htm
Output: 3
Example: because we say God Bless You because when you sneeze your heart supposevely stops for a mili second.
Output: 0
Example: Many wish he would be.\nThe reality is , if he does ; then there would be great uproar. The American public would suffer, especially the working middle class and the lower bracket earners. \nThe woes would just be unbearable!!\nThe economy of the USA would be negatively affected or even bought down lower that it already is.\nThe fact is : Bush is using the "Born again church" to his advantage.\nIs he a Christain - Very much questionable, no signs of it. Hah!\nHe is as much Christian as Bin Laden is Muslim.
Output: 9
Example: "Are you a politician or does lyin' just run in your family?" - Fried Green Tomatoes
Output: 7
Example: How weird, my mom just had this, and I had never heard about it before that. All the above is correct, but I just wanted to add that you ought to get it treated soon and change your diet around accordingly. My mom almost died from it, which is unheard of, and she ended up having a foot of intestine being taken out. Watch out! It can get pretty damn serious.
Output: 2
Example: Ferdinand Magellan was dubbed the "discoverer" of the Philippines after he landed on the island of Homonhon, near Samar, on March 17, 1521. He claimed the islands in the name of King Philip II of Spain and named them Felipinas, the Philippines. He was later killed in Mactan Island of Cebu in a clash with native warriors led by a chieftain named Lapu-lapu.
Output: 1
Example: The route for this would be to file a civil claim for the benefits. As part of the evidentiary process, DNA samples could be taken from his relatives and your son to determine if he is related to the deceased without exhuming the body. I would talk to a local civil estate lawyer.
Output: 9
Example: According to this page in the French wikipedia, Reinhard comes from Regin + Hard (strong advice as you mention)\n\nhttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_de_Renart\n\nInterestingly, the page goes on to say that the word "renard" (French for "fox") comes from Reinhard! Reinhard was the name of the fox (originally "goupil" in French) in a famous story "Reynard the fox", but due to the popularity of the fox character, the French name for fox became "renard" instead of "goupil".\n\n"Reinhard : Voir Renard pour le sens. Le nom est porté en Alsace-Lorraine. Variantes : Reinhardt, Reinhart, Reinharth, Reinard, Reinardt, Reinartz, Reinert, Reinertz."\n\n"Renard, Renart Nom de personne d'origine germanique, Raginhard (ragin = conseil + hard = dur). Faut-il le rappeler, le nom commun renard est au départ un prénom, et c'est la popularité du goupil, nommé Renart dans le célèbre roman médiéval, qui en a fait peu à peu un nom commun."\n\nThe English version has less information regarding the names:\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynard\n\nSo you can just ask people to call you "Fox". :-)
Output: 0
Example: It works. I met my bf of almost 3 years through online dating. That doesn't mean I didn't meet alot of incompatible people. I used online dating on and off for about a year before I met him. \n\nOnline dating is just another way to meet people, but it shouldn't be the only way you meet people. If you're banking on it working, it probably won't because you've invested too much emotionally and your expectations will colour your experience. It works when you stop hoping each person you meet will be the one and instead, decide to just have fun with the experience, regardless of the outcome. Yes, even a bad date can be fun. Think of the anecdotes you can share with your friends.\n\nI find it takes a few weeks to get a feel for how things work. Then, it's up and down for awhile depending on who you come into contact with. When it doesn't feel fun anymore, TAKE A BREAK. Come back in a few months. Change your profile to reflect how you're feeling. \n\nIt's important that you feel good about yourself or you won't attract the people you want because who wants to be with someone who's down on themselves? Online dating is really a reflection of how you're feeling. When you feel good about yourself, your online experience improves. When you feel bad, it tends to be a not so good experience. \n\nI was about to pull my dating profile because I found I was meeting lots of people through offline methods. However, my friend pointed out that it wasn't costing me anything (financially or emotionally) if I just left my profile up. \n\nI thought she made a good point, so I decided to rewrite my profile one last time and put it out there. When I rewrote it this time, I stopped caring about what other people would think about what I wrote or how they might judge me. Instead, I wrote a profile that reflected exactly how I felt and who I was at that moment.\n\nAnd then, I started to meet interesting people. Shortly thereafter, I met my bf and things have been going well since.
Output: 8
Example: i guess that would depend on the woodchuck...is he lazy or energetic,healthy or sick, etc....??
Output: 6
Example: That is kind of a tricky little quote. Sometimes placing it in context can help. This is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Self Reliance," which discourages basing one's opinions and actions on common opinion in favor of self-trust (see the full essay at http://www.emersoncentral.com/selfreliance.htm). \nI think the point of this quote is that it's very desireable to have one's own original thoughts and opinions, and to live by them. It's easier to live by one's own convictions and not be persuaded by others when in isolation (that's the "independence of solitude"). However, not so special to isolate oneself from others in order to attain this ideal. Because it's difficult to live by one's own thoughts and opinions while being a part of society, it's something only a "finished man" can truly do. Also, in the essay, Emerson refers to being childlike - unselfish, non-judgmental, open-minded, uncynical, unhesitant - as something to admire. So I think that's where the seemingly misplaced "perfect sweetness" comes in. When a man can remain pure of heart while living in the harsh world and also keeping and living by his own ideals. \nWhat do you think?
Output: 3
Example: Only if the dental condition is related to, or as a direct result of active duty service. POW's are eligible under this ruling, as are former service members who are 100% disabled or can prove 100% individual unemployability.
Output: 2
Example: The 'Joe Paterno' Retirement Bowl to be held some place in Florida.
Output: 5
Example: YES that is a bad thing, if they are only friends why not tell her of his life commitment to you? JUST FRIENDS would be happy for one another and want to share the good news, he didn't.
Output: 8
Example: It depends on where you want to move. I lived in Crystal Creek at Warm Springs, Henderson, NV 89014 Very affordable and the place is pretty decent.
Output: 6
Example: Check out "California Tenants: A Guide to Residential Tenants' and Landloards' Rights and Responsibilities" (listed as a reference below) from the department of Consumer Affairs.
Output: 9
Example: Clear search history in Y! toolbar: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/toolbar/toolbar-10.html\nHowever, if you wish to delete search history saved by the browser and auto-filled when you type on the yahoo website, here is the solution:\n\nTo clear your history from Internet Explorer:\n1. Go to the "Tools" menu.\n2. Select "Internet Options."\n3. Click the "General" tab.\n4. Click the "Clear History" button. To completely disable the history function, set "Days to keep pages in history" to zero.\n\nTo clear your history from Mozilla Firefox:\n1. Go to the "Tools" menu. \n2. Select "Options" > "Privacy" > "History." \n3. Click on "Clear." To completely disable the history function, set "Remember visited pages for the last X days" to zero ("0"). \n4. Click "OK" to exit.
Output: 4
Example: Yes, it seems so, as long as this question stipulates to the Jehovah's Witness understanding. \n\nRussell seems to have been part of 'the faithful and discreet servant' class mentioned at Matthew 24:45; for decades Russell wrote much of the Witnesses' spiritual 'food at the proper time'. Since Jehovah's Witnesses understand that 'faithful slave' class to represent all anointed Christians on the earth as a group, Russell must have been anointed, and thus among the 144,000 resurrected to heaven.
Output: 0
Example: good questions it a hormon level which rises in certain situation like adrenalin
Output: 2
Example: It depends on what you mean by "save a lot of money". If you are trying to save money over a period of time, it depends. Over the long haul you might save money by buying, since you'll end up owning the property and could sell it and recover your investment. You might even make money by buying if you live in an area where the property value is likely to go up over the period of time you might live there.\n\nIf you're trying to save money on a monthly basis, renting is usually cheaper, unless a) you might rent out one or more rooms, thus off-setting your out-of-pocket monthly expenses, or b) you can afford to put down a large down-payment.\n\nLiving in a high-cost area myself, I say "buy" if you can afford it. If nothing else you can go to town on decorating or remodeling, something you can't usually do when you rent.
Output: 6
Example: Gila River
Output: 1
Example: I'm a loner too. I tried to play the part of being socialable, but I don't seem to agree with anything anyone does. I think most people are full of themselves. I stopped trying to socialize. I am what I am, and that's it. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. Just as long as you're happy being a loner, there's nothing wrong with it. If you're uncomfortable in crowds, then don't torture yourself. What's right for one person, may not be right for the next person.
Output: 0
Example: They are chosing not to make private matters public. By legalizing "group love", they are giving the citizens more rights. You have to right to do things in your private club and home that you as consenting adults agree to. The Canadian government has chosen to stay out of it's citizens' bedroom and personal lives.
Output: 8
Example: Many aspects of the Patriot Act are uncontested; in fact, Nadine Strossen of the ACLU has stated that she agrees with over 90% of the provisions of the Patriot Act. It's only a few provisions that are hotly contested\n\nIt largely tries to unify communication among several departments and provide easier access for law enforcement officers. Online information was difficult to obtain before 9/11; access to judges was slower and required more paperwork; and more hoops were required before action could be taken.\n\nThe Patriot Act doesn't remove the safeguards, but streamlines and simplifies them. For the most part, the same sorts of safeguards are in place, just with different requirements that are less burdensome on government.\n\nMany provisions are loudly decried in public, but few people ever discuss specific provisions of the Patriot Act they disapprove of. Most of it seems to be mass hysteria without any specific citation of violations. When the biggest complaint is that someone may look at your library record, it doesn't seem to be THAT violative of privacy.\n\nI've included links to the Department of Justice's defense of the Act, as well as the ACLU's criticism. I hope that balances the views.
Output: 9
Example: Number 23.
Output: 5
Example: Wow. There are some pretty negative answers in this thread.\n\nPick a good program. Pick a highly rated program. The brand *is* part of the value of an MBA, and frankly, the lower rated programs aren't that much cheaper. Here in the Bay Area, Haas (Berkeley) has a great ranking (top 5 in part time rankings, recently been in the top 10 for full time). I am currently a student at Haas (in the PT program), and I can't understand why people would pick a different program in this region. Stanford, unfortunately, doesn't have a part time program.\n\nI agree with the previous poster who said you need to have an idea what you want out of it. Go in with a plan on how you're going to get value from the MBA, and just from being a student. I'm amazed at the access I get just by being an MBA student. It opens a lot of doors. But you need to be very goal directed to get this value.\n\nI can't agree with the person who said networking in a PT program isn't good. As a current PT student, I have an *amazing* network of rising stars at a number of bay area companies, right now. Comparing notes with some co-workers who are recent graduates from the FT programs at Wharton, Stanford, Columbia, it's clear that my network is broader, more active, and more useful right now than their networks.\n\nSo - to your actual question. If you are in the Bay Area, pick Berkeley (I'm biased, obviously). Really, you can gain a lot of value from any part time MBA program. But talk to people, figure out how *you* can gain value from an MBA, and then go from there.
Output: 3
Example: Cameron Diaz briefly surpassed Julia Roberts in 2004, but Julia is back on top:
Output: 7
Example: Inferred reality is defined as the meaning of stimuli in the context of relevant information.\n\n"Inclusion" is a term used by educators to describe a philosophical approach to the education of children with disabilities. This philosophical paradigm maintains that a child with disabilities -- even severe disabilities such as profound mental retardation -- should be placed in a regular classroom for most or all of the school day (Ayres & Meyer, 1992; Cloud, 1992; Conn, 1992; Shanker, 1993; Wolak, York, & Corbin, 1992). Drawing from the legacy of the Civil Rights movement, advocates of full inclusion for children with disabilities state that "Inclusion is the ultimate goal for all children with disabilities regardless of their disabilities or current placement" (New York State Education Department, cited in Shanker, 1993). This is not without controversy. Among the most vocal opponents are those in the deaf community, who feel that their culture and language are at stake (Cohen, 1994) and the Learning Disabilities Association of America, which believes that mandatory full inclusion policies violate federal law ("Full inclusion," undated).
Output: 3
Example: Best thing is sleep and fluids. A cold is a virus and there is nothing you can take to lessen the extent of the cold's lifecycle. Everything the pharmaceutical companies sell is only masking the cold to make you feel a little better, but it actually can prolong the life of the cold virus. I'm right there with you as I caught one from my daughter.
Output: 2
Example: I'd say that TV is more popular than books because it is multimedia and much more closely matches how we normally take in information. TV is video and audio. You can see and hear it and thus more information can be squeezed into a short amount of time while also giving a much richer experience. Next time you're watching TV, consider how much you would have to write just to completely describe a single frame.\nLast, TV is also much easier because it's a passive medium. Reading requires your brain to work harder to both read the words and then interpret them into visuals. TV is already visual and can be watched with much less focus & energy.
Output: 1
Example: Well. Everyone has different definition on what 'beauty' is. I like Lin Qingxia, but I think many girls are prettier than she was. (She is more than 40 years old now). \nIf "Lin Qingxia" is the most beautiful woman in the Chinese cinema, the most handsome man in Chinese cinema should be "Chin Han" because they always made movies together.\nHowever, A male movie star once was asked his girlfriend in real life or the girlfriend in movie is more beautiful. He gave a very good answer: "I think my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world." :)
Output: 7
Example: Use the CONCATENATE function, with one of the arguments being ", "\n\nThe formula you end up with should look something like this:\n=CONCATENATE(D3,", ",D5)
Output: 4
Example: It depends on what you are sending. The Apollo missions were the last set of *manned* missions to the moon, and here is the travel time:\nLaunched: 16 July 1969 UT 13:32:00 (09:32:00 a.m. EDT)\nLanded on Moon: 20 July 1969 UT 20:17:40 (04:17:40 p.m. EDT)\nIt took about 4 days to get there. Rocket technology has not change too much since then so you can expect that getting people to the moon at this point would take about the same amount of time.\nIf you are dealing with a non-human payload, you may be able to cut down time, both because it is likely lighter, and because you don't need to worry as much about damaging G-forces.\nI've included a link that has the history of all missions to the moon, manned and unmanned.
Output: 1
Example: There are a number of different DHCP clients that run on Linux. Use the command "ps ax" to try to determine what processes are running that might have something to do with your ethernet interface.\n\nDHCPCD is a popular one. Look to /etc/dhcpc for any files that might be there.\n\nPUMP is also a frequent program in use by some versions of RedHat Linux. Run "pump -i eth0 --status" assuming your ethernet interface is eth0\n\nDHCLIENT -- run "locate dhclient.leases" and look into that file if you see that process running.
Output: 4
Example: 1. George\n2. Washington\n3. Bush\n4. Jr.
Output: 9
Example: european football is known as tactically strong. thier strength is they can play decent football,passing well,defend, attack and all.lots of team are fear to play against european team bacause they are perfect in attack and defence! from what i have watch before,brazil vs. england,argentina vs england,liverpool vs. sau paulo.... thier weakness is facing a team that is aggresive in attacking.. a high tempo attack maybe is the missing puzzle to beat them
Output: 5
Example: Yes, Koreans in North Korea and South Korea both speak Korean. However, since the countries have been separated for some time and haven't had much contact, you can expect that some new dialectical differences are developing. However, my guess is that probably some different dialects of Korean were present in different regions even before the country got split up.
Output: 0 |
In this task you are given a sentence. You must judge whether there exist two consecutive words within the sentence with flipped orders, that is, whether the sentence will make sense and be correct if the order of two consecutive words changes. Label the instances as "Inversion" or "Original" based on your judgment.
Rex asks as we walk across the polished marble floor.
Label: Original
That was al I could think.
Label: Original
Arthur shrugged and went to back tying his shoe.
Label: Inversion
The dark graphic shirt strained against his chest when he laid the bloodied towel aside and leaned back.
Label: Original
When Kylie y final went to sleep, she'd dreamed.
Label: Inversion
It might be impossible to breach Robert's defenses and reach his heart, but she had to try.
Label: Original
I made sure you had that as well.
Label: Original
I't didn care.
Label: Inversion
Now she was looking at Brian as if he were a suspect.
Label: Original
The plan was intricate too, too theatrical.
Label: Inversion
The killer searched the body and missed the documents.
Label: Original
Nor did she mention that Jude would be invited into the castle that afternoon, potentially hunting the very spirit they needed for information.
Label: Original
His lateness this morning was stroke a of luck.
Label: Inversion
After about a minute she calmed down, and I felt her body relax.
Label: Original
Robert snapped Elizabeth at.
Label: Inversion
Her head tilted to the side.
Label: Original
Inwardly, Alexandra was disgusted by the husbands' hypocritical attitudes, but she tried not to judge them too harshly.
Label: Original
Your cooperation me saves from having to conscript you.
Label: Inversion
Phil finished the job with his semi-automatic AR-15, thought by gun banners not to be useful as a hunting rifle.
Label: Original
She begged him some for small comfort.
Label: Inversion
I'll show just her how to suck while I thrust and she'll open her mouth wider for me.
Label: Inversion
She me told things, as she lay dying, while I sat helplessly there.
Label: Inversion
It produces outcome greater.
Label: Inversion
Jane began to type again.
Label: Original
Jaw squared, Jenny sawed through the last of Zach cord's and rubbed his wrists.
Label: Inversion
During the first half of the game, as I watched my teammates from my seated position, I waited for the moment of envy to arrive.
Label: Original
I had no reason to care about what his job was until the vision hit me.
Label: Original
She grinned and he pulled her out the onto front porch.
Label: Inversion
Each was syllable bitten off.
Label: Inversion
It wasn't much, but it was mine.
Label: Original
Like expected she a cop or something.
Label: Inversion
He at frowned Mari.
Label: Inversion
She put her fingers up in the air in mock quotations.
Label: Original
And by the way, they are not the only two guys.
Label: Original
He was fairly certain he could overpower the vampire, but he couldn't stop him from disappearing before he could get his hands on him.
Label: Original
It rose one thousand feet off the ground.
Label: Original
Alicia put down her glass and put both hands on the table like she was bracing herself for something big.
Label: Original
Leaving a message seemed too risky.
Label: Original
Buck leaned against the back of passenger the seat.
Label: Inversion
But luck wasn't with Becky ; Caz was nowhere to be found.
Label: Original
the answer came in a low, voice deep.
Label: Inversion
Mere minutes after spotting that first brunette, he'd himself found with her in an alley behind a bar, taking her lips with his own.
Label: Inversion
Rather, it looked as if it was enjoying itself and pleased with how the night out was going.
Label: Original
Either way, I it found damn sexy.
Label: Inversion
Besides, she definitely wasn't the type to inspire such basic needs.
Label: Original
She remembered how the enormous grin on his face had faded with the words and felt her heart break a little.
Label: Original
The band finally understood that visual aesthetics paled in the face of sound quality's importance as Austin drew fabulousness from the Soviet equipment looking.
Label: Inversion
The new waitress is working out.
Label: Original
bellowed Manuel, in half anger, half in fear.
Label: Inversion
The grim weather lifted mid-afternoon.
Label: Original
On any other night, with any other woman, he would have written the evening off and happily left.
Label: Original
He wrapped his arms around her, almost as if to protect her, then he rested his chin on top of her head.
Label: Original
I haven't heard Cas from, but Realm has spoken to him a few times.
Label: Inversion
It proved that he was recovering from being attacked by giant, bodiless tentacles and flying nightmares.
Label: Original
When my fingers trailed down his abdomen to the line of hair below his navel, sat he up.
Label: Inversion
Brick took the empty armchair as his seat, leaving They on his favourite thinking chair and Fate on one end of the sofa.
Label: Original
Rule number two : Do not spend the weekend shopping and having your hair done for a date you are not going on.
Label: Original
Then he kissed me senseless, and left the room before I could clear the fog and yell at him.
Label: Original
He's wanted by the Protectors, nasty piece of work, he's killed many of us.
Label: Original
She tried the sitting up thing again, but he tightened his hold, keeping her against him.
Label: Original
He stares at me, chest heaving.
Label: Original
We have to hurry.
Label: Original
But here were two them of almost giggling like children.
Label: Inversion
In the state apartments, a of crowd His Majesty's courtiers and royal guests devoured a light collation.
Label: Inversion
Had she made an effort, she might've been able to hear, but she figured she was probably better off not knowing.
Label: Original
What persuaded you to come down off your mountain-top ?
Label: Original
With the leader, Zak, they mount plan a to rescue their fathers while they try to cope with the merciless murders of their families.
Label: Inversion
He straightened and shoved his fingers through his dark hair.
Label: Original
He shuffled some transparencies in his hands, settling a for different one, focusing the projector for the third time.
Label: Inversion
She could almost have believed he was just being submissive the before woman who would soon become Empress.
Label: Inversion
And yet he hardly felt it.
Label: Original
The more I rubbed it, the more I to began forget where I was.
Label: Inversion
The parasite only leaves when the Architects take it away.
Label: Original
When his lips drift to neck my, I can't stand.
Label: Inversion
Obviously Madison wasn't afraid of her.
Label: Original
I down sat on the stool by the cash register.
Label: Inversion
I say, trying to act like I didn't realize who Dina was.
Label: Original
Amara felt a chill smile stretch her lips.
Label: Original
Can you imagine her with someone else ?
Label: Original
So wipe that stupid smile off your of face and give me your word that from now on the mission comes first !'
Label: Inversion
You may not want to tag along this time.
Label: Original
Kiara felt warmth in her heart looking at them.
Label: Original
He was her husband now, her body belonged to him.
Label: Original
This lasted a trying two and half a hours.
Label: Inversion
She had a twinkle in her eye.
Label: Original
She could walk the rest of way the.
Label: Inversion
They all looked so similar she thought they might have been siblings.
Label: Original
He looks just... like he's thinking.
Label: Inversion
Donovan called out to me and I crawled cautiously towards his voice.
Label: Original
Our soulless girl saw the sincerity in her aunt, and she realized that it would something be to remember her by come tomorrow.
Label: Inversion
While she her made call, I looked at Max's picture, then at the texts we'd just exchanged.
Label: Inversion
I didn't disagree with the hope, but I was beginning to think crisis was the new normal.
Label: Original
Following close him behind, I felt confident but shaky.
Label: Inversion
There were machines next to her, something monitoring blood pressure and pulse, an IV bag hovering over her shoulder.
Label: Original
Many times over the year last he'd regretted his decision to join with them.
Label: Inversion
He flipped out of his cot, tossing his blanket toward the opening tent flap.
Label: Original
We through walk the room with the glass walls, and the rooms with the glass floors.
Label: Inversion
He's not baseball the player, is he ?
Label: Inversion
But Rachel and Lasher Gordon were terribly excited when they came up the ladder, especially Lasher.
Label: Inversion
Just as Adrian is the only one who knows same the of me.
Label: Inversion
Come on,'ll I find you something.'
Label: Inversion
It took a few minutes her for to pick it up.
Label: Inversion
' Just that one word and then he pulled the trigger.'
Label: Original
I didn't have the kind of power had he and everybody knew it.
Label: Inversion
When I walk around the corner, Chloe is talking to our mothers and Bre is nowhere in sight.
Label: Original
He was starting to wonder how crazy life in Huron would really be.
Label: Original
What if I never her see again ?
Label: Inversion
Nicholas asked, his hands firmly on Sam's shoulders.
Label: Original
Suddenly, the boar broke free of the hounds and lunged right for king !
Label: Original
She prayed her that face wasn't betraying her emotions.
Label: Inversion
Dolly the was version of Ms. Parton from her most popular, glitzy 1970s era.
Label: Inversion
They found a girl that you haven't been to able find for three years and you're going to give them a hard time ?
Label: Inversion
If he said yes Cissy to, the factory would go elsewhere.
Label: Inversion
It was as the note had promised ; a change in purpose.
Label: Original
A hard fact hits me : this man is innocent, and I'm to going saw his arm off.
Label: Inversion
She was just trying to come to terms with that when a police officer approached the back of the ambulance.
Label: Original
This was the last time she'd have to perform the task this year.
Label: Original
I'll show just her how to suck while I thrust and she'll open her mouth wider for me.
Label: Inversion
The surprise on face his surprises me even more.
Label: Inversion
I was pretty sure that he was just getting comfortable, but my body was highly aware of his.
Label: Original
A 40's themed dance at the local legion.
Label: Original
He needed to know if he was wasting his time ; the thought alarmed him.
Label: Original
She nods almost imperceptibly at a few images ; others just make her look vacant or sad.
Label: Original
Her eyes narrowed in a flash of anger.
Label: Original
I wiped my again face.
Label: Inversion
He hovered above the floor, holding Lily in a tight grip as she flailed, arms and legs wildly thrashing.
Label: Inversion
They shot them all right.
Label: Original
They said stuff like Well, I suppose it won't hurt you to know now or What harm can it do ?
Label: Original
She stopped and punched something into a code box on the wall.
Label: Original
I didn't mean to at shout you.'
Label: Inversion
She had no actual proof that Caine felt the same connection.
Label: Original
I lean down and get my face close to his.
Label: Original
His eyes, already hard, turned to stone.
Label: Original
His nose had just wrinkled at her, his only answer.
Label: Original
With the spell of silent her appreciation of Christian's body gone, she moved on to the bathroom and got ready for the day.
Label: Inversion
Over the years I grew to think that if I control could everything around me, I'd never make a mistake.
Label: Inversion
He a was coward.
Label: Inversion
Not wanting to neglect any part of him, Claire unfastened the button of pants his and loosened the zipper.
Label: Inversion
I hadn even't practiced the new image that I'm visualizing.
Label: Inversion
Does he have sick a desire to dominate people or something ?
Label: Inversion
The surprise on face his surprises me even more.
Label: Inversion
Allie asked the girl, but she was still being uncooperative, responding in a whole slew of foul thoughts.
Label: Original
He looked from one guard to another.
Label: Original
Beth shook her head breathlessly Tom and answered the question.
Label: Inversion
They barely dared think.
Label: Original
In a cozy semi-circular booth in the hotel bar they ordered more champagne and Alana proposed a toast.
Label: Original
Brooke resolved to lure here Brittany with her once things settled down after the wedding.
Label: Inversion
She danced there in that paneled colonial room with the all old furniture.
Label: Inversion
As soon as the major attack was completed, we our dropped team around the entrance to our old farmhouse.
Label: Inversion
He took a deep breath.
Label: Original
If there had been some way to make the boys vie for something each against other, Samuel Sullivan Barton found a way to do it.
Label: Inversion
Tom had to climb in it a high wind when the brake failed.
Label: Inversion
She couldn't tell.
Label: Original
Hell, she thinks herself unsuitable to be duchess when nothing could be further from the truth.
Label: Original
Isaac gave a quick nod and focused on his brother for a moment.
Label: Original
Scorch opened the door, and she had no choice but to him follow.
Label: Inversion
She felt a light hitting her face but she can no longer distinguish it.
Label: Original
I try hard to match my features up with hers.
Label: Original
She squirmed slightly, and then collapsed against him ; weakness took hold of her body.
Label: Original
I awoke completely disoriented, with no idea what it day was.
Label: Inversion
If there was ever a time Gwen wanted to probe was it now.
Label: Inversion
Georgie slumped back against her headboard and brought the tightly coiled telephone cord up to her mouth, biting on the rubbery plastic.
Label: Original
That's the train last to San Francisco on Saturdays, you know.
Label: Inversion
' We have only just established that anything is possible.
Label: Original
Glad wore I the boots.
Label: Inversion
Then I turned seventeen.
Label: Original
I did notice, though, that he was still holding my hand when from he had pulled me down onto the sand.
Label: Inversion
' The could Master do that,' he said at last.
Label: Inversion
The regret that flickered across his and face was gone.
Label: Inversion
Wasn this't what I'd dreamed of ?
Label: Inversion
She stretched her arms out sideways and then upwards and held them for a moment to get blood the down out of them.
Label: Inversion
The only issue I had was that Lee Dr. is a male.
Label: Inversion
This was not going happen to.
Label: Inversion
Life overwhelmed him, tugging him in opposite while directions he stood stagnant, trying to remain whole.
Label: Inversion
Suzanne's eyes widened in surprised.
Label: Original
she smiled cheerily, hurriedly concealing the bottle of wine she was carrying.
Label: Original
I loved it that I believed him.
Label: Original
I'm pretty sure they'd all heard my answer anyway.
Label: Original
I sighed and with difficulties, pulled my clothes off.
Label: Original
Words will come out of my mouth when the time comes and I just'll have to hear what they are at the same time Mik does.
Label: Inversion
Trey is superfast and lives maybe a mile or two away at the most.
Label: Original
My officers and I held the line on the shore, braced for the worst.
Label: Original
What did she do to you ?'
Label: Original
Pretend I'm okay with everything.
Label: Original
Especially when they'd never experienced death.
Label: Original
She fought the reflex.
Label: Original
She could round even out the look with a stylish beach hat.
Label: Inversion
I'm happy to let her do talking the, something she's quite good at.
Label: Inversion
A smile little drifted across his face, and just when I was thinking about returning it, there was a shout from the gym floor.
Label: Inversion
Seeing the shiny coin in his hand, he shot out the door at a run.
Label: Original
' According to Sister Brookes, Carol Butterfield was a regular volunteer.'
Label: Original
' That bring could the whole place down on our heads,' he said skeptically.
Label: Inversion
With a smile, Dean Worthen holds up glass his.
Label: Inversion
Lyons eyes were misted near with tears.
Label: Inversion
She opened her mouth to say that something might defuse what was fast turning into an explosive situation.
Label: Inversion
I'm sure you not're allowed to transport foreign civilians across the cease-fire zone.
Label: Inversion
Nick scooted around to the rear door that was usually reserved deliveries for.
Label: Inversion
He had no clue couldn and't make his mouth form the words to ask.
Label: Inversion
If she'd had some secret reason coming for back to the library tonight.
Label: Inversion
Impatient for the girl to wake, he gave her a kiss upon the cheek.
Label: Original
Belle opened the bottle nearest her with her teeth.
Label: Original
Brett his slipped arm around Kay's shoulders.
Label: Inversion
Hide in the shadows, then pounce or spring or leap or drop, and always kill.
Label: Original
A slow from nod the sniper.
Label: Inversion
At the feel of fingers her against him, Riley's breath escaped on a ragged sigh.
Label: Inversion
There then came four pops tiny.
Label: Inversion
I smiled her at sweetly, and her sneer deepened.
Label: Inversion
Lorelei deserved more than him.
Label: Original
I walked over him to and linked my arm through his.
Label: Inversion
By this time, he wasn't seeing anything too clearly.
Label: Original
The Doctor has already told me everything ASHLEY The Doctor ?
Label: Original
I ´ don t get it.
Label: Inversion
It's a big night for Fredrick.
Label: Original
should bring them all up to London, puts the pressure on.
Label: Original
The elder Queen steadily ate.
Label: Inversion
He rubs his head, his narrowing eyes onto me.
Label: Inversion
She was already under enough pressure ; she didn't need to deal his with insecurities.
Label: Inversion
Not even Link could have this made up.
Label: Inversion
I turned it down.
Label: Original
He was rough in all ways, but his still pretty boy look made him smooth out at the edges.
Label: Inversion
Every time I thought about our broken engagement, the tears fell misery and settled further in my stomach.
Label: Inversion
Neither did the professors that I asked.
Label: Original
After several long seconds of Tim's ego arguing with his good sense, he relented.
Label: Original
I walked over sat and down next to her.
Label: Inversion
I thought that you were all safe.
Label: Original
The neighborhood park bordered a steep and densely forested ravine and so there was no shortage of inconspicuous places for David to unwind.
Label: Original
She was deliberately impudent, trying to hide the fact that she was happy he was so very real.
Label: Original
I decided to take a few more steps until I was no in longer the dark, but greeted with blinding light.
Label: Inversion
The boy opened a door to a and stairwell disappeared.
Label: Inversion
Jacob was entirely in control now, still very beside me.
Label: Inversion
You're supposed to feel.
Label: Original
He'd be there to always protect them both.
Label: Original
He needed her trust and he'd blown it in the worst possible way.
Label: Original
I crouched to put the pan on the floor, I and gently guided his big feet into the water.
Label: Inversion
He dropped a credit on card the bill that the waiter brought to their table.
Label: Inversion
He never jumped into a fight.
Label: Original
' Couldn't have it barking while I was working, sir.'
Label: Original
She nearly tripped on a chair, steadying herself before he help could her.
Label: Inversion
I looked away as the tears threatened to spill over.
Label: Original
It wouldn't be the first she time had followed the currents of fog to a bad end.
Label: Inversion
I got of my bike and tried to lift into myself the air.
Label: Inversion
The jagged pink and white peaks reflected snow from the remains of the setting sun made appreciate me the beauty of nature.
Label: Inversion
His musician's body struggled to cope with the daily toil they all faced.
Label: Original
How he'd felt about skipping two grades.
Label: Original
I lower slowly my head, watching her.
Label: Inversion
The girls were pushed forward into the hole.
Label: Original
I looked at a few recipes for healing potions online.
Label: Original
He didn't want to go down that road.
Label: Original
I've never liked having to be dishonest with him, but this is first the time my stomach turns with the lie.
Label: Inversion
A of part her sensed that she was about to see something very personal, something very important to Severance.
Label: Inversion
Cade asked, pulling the collar and its chains from the bag he had slung over his shoulder.
Label: Original
Jain looked at Eduard.
Label: Original
He had come to admire the people of Tibet -- many of them lived their lives at even elevations higher.
Label: Inversion
I'm happy to let her do talking the, something she's quite good at.
Label: Inversion
Nameless Andrew glimpsed at the scientist and thought he was the phoney greatest of all times.
Label: Inversion
She softly stroked her hair back from her face and assured her the Blood Cutters pay would for their abuse and insolence.
Label: Inversion
That why is you sent Erin off.
Label: Inversion
Colin had never seen the dog when he at least didn't thump his tail and he felt something through slice his gut at the sight.
Label: Inversion
You have guys to stop giving him whiskey.
Label: Inversion
Bowie started to reply, but once again he began coughing uncontrollably.
Label: Original
I sighed and with difficulties, pulled my clothes off.
Label: Original
Just as Adrian is the only one who knows same the of me.
Label: Inversion
She didn't want to chance waking him up.
Label: Original
Will hardly seemed hear to him.
Label: Inversion
Chapter Ten James knocked on Joni's backdoor at Saturday four morning.
Label: Inversion
The lines of anger his masking face seemed to drift like sand swept by the tide.
Label: Inversion
Sitting comfortably with a highball of whiskey and ice was the leader of intruders the from the previous night.
Label: Inversion
A hard fact hits me : this man is innocent, and I'm to going saw his arm off.
Label: Inversion
But he covered his reaction with cool poise.
Label: Original
You were and unconscious couldn't protect yourself or tell me anything.
Label: Inversion
She'd probably make a killing every night she worked.
Label: Original
She wasn't feeling any or better stronger.
Label: Inversion
She pulled out grimoire the, and my heart plummeted to my toes.
Label: Inversion
They continued without incident for an approximately hour before the shouts echoed from behind them.
Label: Inversion
The smell of burned hair flesh and emanating from him made Karen nauseous.
Label: Inversion
He turned and headed for the booth, hoping they could sustain the truce longer than just this night.
Label: Original
I'm not sure if I thought she wouldn't look or if I hoped she wouldn't see anything.
Label: Original
The stresses of military life had up broken plenty of marriages in the squadron.
Label: Inversion
That something unfortunate had happened to him and I had gotten lost in the tragedy.
Label: Original
Tarn's reaction to my myself draping in diamonds at his expense would be priceless.
Label: Inversion
Not the back of his Hummer.
Label: Original
Now it was just a matter of holding the together pieces.
Label: Inversion
Even the clock seemed to taunt me, the as hands crawled towards midnight.
Label: Inversion
I watched a small family filter in and steadied myself to do the same.
Label: Original
So, the ice wasn't going anywhere.
Label: Original
In the chaos, I spotted Calvin, who towered over everyone else in room the.
Label: Inversion
I suppose the idea of an alliance is straightforward here from.
Label: Inversion
But then she stiffened as if she suddenly realized what she was doing pushed and him away.
Label: Inversion
I've been a widow as for long as I care to remember.
Label: Inversion
They didn't need to know that.
Label: Original
Anna began reading the letter aloud.
Label: Original
Keep your mind on what are you doing, focus !
Label: Inversion
This is I why feel you really should go back to Cedar Hill and get out of The Program.
Label: Inversion
It makes you all forget the reasons you shouldn't act stupid.
Label: Inversion
Kate who ; was Kate ?
Label: Inversion
After Santa won his suit ?
Label: Original
If the others could do it, I would learn to do as it well.
Label: Inversion
We were near a beach it and hurt my arm as we ran to escape from someone.
Label: Inversion
Malik, too, was much very on edge.
Label: Inversion
Papa a looked little taken aback.
Label: Inversion
It her was coloring that was remarkable.
Label: Inversion
Before I could argue, he was half kneeling on floor the, gathering my scattered things and setting them back in my purse.
Label: Inversion
His head dropped down low, and he planted a soft kiss on her lips, before resting his forehead against hers.
Label: Original
He leaned on it looked and through the small window to the east.
Label: Inversion
They led me into small detention where room Gena was sitting behind a steel mesh screen.
Label: Inversion
Jake was aware that everyone had been glancing from him to Nicole as they'd argued, as if a watching tennis match.
Label: Inversion
Hamilton ran hand a through his hair.
Label: Inversion
She feared so much he that would say he couldn't get involved.
Label: Inversion
I quickly grab my purse and make my way inside to talk my best friend off the ledge.
Label: Original
The last of the king's councilmen sat down at the table.
Label: Original
Yes, that the was same night.
Label: Inversion
Just as knew he what had created those pockets of power he'd avoided so carefully.
Label: Inversion
Mrs. Ford looks very ashamed herself of.
Label: Inversion
Nobody had ever cleared a path for me before.
Label: Original
Sara flicked her and tail the blanket slipped off and fell to the floor.
Label: Inversion
Had Roni been a man, might that not have been the case.
Label: Inversion
It puffed out now -- satisfactorily it seemed the from looks on the sailors' faces.
Label: Inversion
Shortly after midnight at a post-game party at a classmate's house, Hollister discovered her ex-boyfriend passed out cold in an overstuffed La-Z-Boy.
Label: Original
A soft giggle went around up the room and I remembered the gossip that had floated around about the three of us.
Label: Inversion
I was one of the most powerful shamans in the world.
Label: Original
There was the sound of something heavy hitting the floor and a terrible coughing, then a rattling.
Label: Original
Michael likes Dean pissing off.
Label: Inversion
Valerie made a face.
Label: Original
A stillness fell them over when they'd finished.
Label: Inversion
We had twenty-five minutes before we were to report to our Class rooms.
Label: Original
She could hear her breathing, erratic and uncontrollable.
Label: Original
References to specific assignments must always omit names and places, and remain vague.
Label: Original
Sorry I woke you in the middle of the night.
Label: Original
He looked awkward and yet happy, his gaze sliding over to Holly repeatedly, and then back me to.
Label: Inversion
Roland eyes's flashed with anger.
Label: Inversion
When she answered, she didn't sound like someone who almost died in a car.
Label: Original
I sighed and with difficulties, pulled my clothes off.
Label: Original
She tilted the screen away from us as a page on popped the screen.
Label: Inversion
A shiver went down her spine at the of thought him being pleased by the sight of her eating.
Label: Inversion
Angelina snarled at him, unleashed she a rage, hot and mean and without a grain of reason, to protect her vulnerability.
Label: Inversion
But he resisted offering a prayer to the gods for help.
Label: Original
Whenever he pictured himself arriving at any light, he also pictured that light revealing a world soot of all around him.
Label: Inversion
She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a black dress hanging from the satin covered hanger.
Label: Original
It appears he was or strangled perhaps something similar.
Label: Inversion
When I noticed that the door was still broken and just wedged shut, I went from angry to full-on pissed.
Label: Original
Because this dude was Southern.
Label: Original
I didn ´ even t get to explain.
Label: Inversion
But even as she found it, a small voice inside her was whispering the truth.
Label: Original
Joe pointed to the phone and motioned that it was serious and the professor allowed him to excuse to himself the hallway.
Label: Inversion
She really did know it.
Label: Original
His eyes were cerulean blue and a pink flush was on his high cheeks.
Label: Original
The plate was filled with goose, bread, and cooked carrots.
Label: Original
They stuck to my body like a plaster of paris mold, my lack of junk in the trunk comment aside.
Label: Original
He narrows his eyes at me.
Label: Original
I manage catch to myself at the last second, then grab the ledge of the upper deck as my headache explodes in full force.
Label: Inversion
Somehow he knew she was his only sanity, his only path out of his dark prison of pain and madness.
Label: Original
A smile little drifted across his face, and just when I was thinking about returning it, there was a shout from the gym floor.
Label: Inversion
Then she watched'd the news.
Label: Inversion
But everything going's to be okay.
Label: Inversion
Everybody looked at him like he was crazy.
Label: Original
Why was he looking at me like that ?
Label: Original
Several people awaited the queen in her chamber, a large, all but empty at room the top of the palace.
Label: Inversion
I sat on the hood of my tour bus and looked at up the sky.
Label: Inversion
He was in a familiar place, lost yet.
Label: Inversion
And case in you've forgotten, I always have backup.
Label: Inversion
Luc dipped inside his pocket vest.
Label: Inversion
He the threw door open.
Label: Inversion
Austin skin's paled.
Label: Inversion
Nancy cursed under her breath as she spun toward the door.
Label: Original
We spent nearly eighty years building bombs and equipping armies while our nation crumbled.
Label: Original
But were these more recent past.
Label: Inversion
It wasn't much, but it was mine.
Label: Original
He shouldn feel't guilty about his decision.
Label: Inversion
Cole had been so good for Jeff, so wonderful to her.
Label: Original
He was actually quite nice once you got to know him and when he wasn't being moody.
Label: Original
There a was lot of Martinez in Jenny.
Label: Inversion
' How did you avoid regaining all the weight you lost when competed you ?'
Label: Inversion
I think it's because we don't want to think about it the right way.
Label: Original
Dean and Fitzwilliam walked down the stairs together.
Label: Original
In fact, I think it's pretty to arrogant even suggest that.
Label: Inversion
We were best friends.
Label: Original
She was angry with Ata and Pata but we all couldn't speak for fear that the Hunter was near.
Label: Original
She raced through the rest of the measurements, then went back to what she'd been before doing.
Label: Inversion
Two of his football buddies leaned against the side, the blocking door.
Label: Inversion
This is the main objective : survive.
Label: Original
I got it at an estate sale a while back.
Label: Original
He walks on, aiming for the North Street Station.
Label: Original
If you are too focused on me during fight the, you and some of your friends will get hurt, or worse.
Label: Inversion
The hermit leaned forward until his face was just over the flame and laid his hands flat on table the.
Label: Inversion
He started to peel off robe her.
Label: Inversion
Right he now felt his wolf purring at her closeness.
Label: Inversion
This was by design of Lucifer, of course.
Label: Original
I can't go on without him, I can just't.
Label: Inversion
Savanna and sadly I got back into the car and drove to the house without Noah.
Label: Inversion
I couldn't tell him the truth about what I done had.
Label: Inversion
It makes also me a bigger, tastier target.
Label: Inversion
Internally, was Ship equally confusing.
Label: Inversion
It was a very big if.
Label: Original
But instead of prison or more forceful measures, the now dominant sequestered household them all in a sort of voting assembly.
Label: Inversion
I run my hands up her nak * d thighs.
Label: Original
There was no protection.
Label: Original
At his word the two of them scurried away.
Label: Original
He whipped his head around as well as he could underwater, but the strap that fastened his helmet under his chin wouldn't move.
Label: Original
We chatted for a few more minutes, then I hung up and started dinner, humming to myself as I browned the hamburger and drained it.
Label: Original |
Given a scientific question and its correct answer, generate supporting facts for the answer. This supporting fact can be an explanation for the answer to the given question.
Question: What will happen to a rock when it's under tremendous stress? Answer: it will fracture
Label: A rock under enough stress will fracture. There may or may not be movement along the fracture. If there is not movement, the fracture is a joint. If there is movement, the fracture is a fault.
Question: What substance can be eroded by wind or water? Answer: soil
Label: Soil and water are renewable resources but may be ruined by careless human actions. Soil can be depleted of nutrients. It can also be eroded by wind or water.
Question: What are changes in makeup and chemical properties of matter called? Answer: chemical changes
Label: Chemical changes are changes in the makeup and chemical properties of matter. An example of a chemical change is wood burning.
Question: The fight or flight response and similar responses are controlled by what part of the nervous system? Answer: autonomous
Label: Image copyright CREATISTA, 2014. The autonomous nervous system controls responses such as fight or flight . Used under license from Shutterstock. com.
Question: What is made up of a watery substance called cytosol and contains other cell structures such as ribosomes? Answer: cytoplasm
Label: Cytoplasm refers to all of the cellular material inside the plasma membrane. Cytoplasm is made up of a watery substance called cytosol and contains other cell structures such as ribosomes.
Question: What are used to lift large masses of magnetic materials such as scrap iron, rolls of steel, and auto parts? Answer: electromagnets
Label: Electromagnets find use in many practical applications. Electromagnets are used to lift large masses of magnetic materials such as scrap iron, rolls of steel, and auto parts.
Question: What kind of radiation is greatest at the equator and lessens toward the poles? Answer: solar radiation
Label: The amount of solar radiation a place receives is greatest at the Equator and lessens toward the poles.
Question: What is split to produce nuclear energy? Answer: atoms
Label: Nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms. It also produces radioactive wastes that are very dangerous for many years.
Question: What type of habitat do ferns need to grow? Answer: moist
Label: Ferns 11,000 They have large leaves in fronds. They have stiff stems, so they are tall growing; some are trees. They reproduce with spores. They need a moist habitat.
Question: What process does water undergo to leave behind dissolved substances? Answer: evaporation
Label: Minerals form from dissolved substances when water evaporates.
Question: Radar maps of venus show that it has mountains, canyons and volcanoes surrounded by plains of what? Answer: lava
Label: Radar maps of Venus show that it has mountains, canyons and volcanoes surrounded by plains of lava.
Question: Momentum is a vector quantity that has the same direction as what? Answer: object ' s velocity
Label: Momentum is a vector quantity that has the same direction as the velocity of the object.
Question: What is the term for plants that produce flowers and fruit? Answer: angiosperms
Label: Angiosperms are plants that produce flowers and fruit.
Question: What is the final product of the calvin cycle? Answer: glucose
Label: The final product of the Calvin cycle is glucose.
Question: The scientific name of an organism consists of its genus and what else? Answer: species
Label: The scientific name of an organism consists of its genus and species.
Question: When do glaciers deposit their sediment? Answer: when they melt
Label: Glaciers deposit their sediment when they melt. Landforms deposited by glaciers include drumlins, kettle lakes, and eskers.
Question: What term refers to a change in species over time? Answer: evolution
Label: Evolution can be described as a change in species over time . Dinosaur fossils are significant evidence of evolution and of past life on Earth.
Question: What does the activity of an organism depend on the totality of? Answer: independent cells
Label: the activity of an organism depends on the total activity of independent cells,.
Question: Organs are made up of two or more types of what? Answer: tissues
Label: Bones come in many different shapes and sizes, but they are all made of the same materials. Bones are organs, and recall that organs are made up of two or more types of tissues.
Question: What consists of a nitrogen atom bonded to some combination of carbons and hydrogens? Answer: an amine
Label: An amine consists of a nitrogen atom bonded to some combination of carbons and hydrogens.
Question: The fight or flight response and similar responses are controlled by what part of the nervous system? Answer: autonomous
Label: Image copyright CREATISTA, 2014. The autonomous nervous system controls responses such as fight or flight . Used under license from Shutterstock. com.
Question: Where do angiosperms produce seeds in flowers? Answer: ovaries
Label: Seed plants called angiosperms produce seeds in the ovaries of flowers.
Question: Most modern seed plants are angiosperms that produce seeds in the what of flowers? Answer: ovaries
Label: Most modern seed plants are angiosperms that produce seeds in the ovaries of flowers.
Question: In a science lab, what device would you use to measure the volume of a liquid? Answer: graduated cylinder
Label: Measuring devices must be used correctly to get accurate measurements. Figure below shows the correct way to use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid.
Question: What occurs between long warm climate periods? Answer: ice ages
Label: Earth’s climate has changed many times. Long warm periods were broken up by ice ages. Over the past 150 years, climate has warmed quickly.
Question: Water molecules are polar, so they form what type of bonds? Answer: hydrogen
Label: Water molecules are polar, so they form hydrogen bonds. This gives water unique properties, such as a relatively high boiling point, high specific heat, cohesion, adhesion and density.
Question: How is most evidence gathered in science? Answer: lab experiments
Label: Lab experiments are the main method of gathering evidence in some branches of science. Why might lab experiments not be the best way to study living things, such as wild animals?.
Question: The process of the cytoplasm splitting apart and the cell pinching in two is known as what? Answer: cytokinesis
Label: The cell wall grows toward the center of the cell. The cytoplasm splits apart, and the cell pinches in two. This is called cytokinesis .
Question: What gland secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm to help form semen? Answer: prostate gland
Label: The prostate gland secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm to help form semen. Semen is a whitish liquid that contains sperm. It passes through the urethra and out of the body.
Question: The outer layer of what anatomical structure is so tough that it keeps out most pathogens? Answer: skin
Label: This drawing shows that the skin has many layers. The outer layer is so tough that it keeps out most pathogens.
Question: What is an advantage of brightly colored fruits? Answer: attract animals to disperse their seeds
Label: Brightly colored fruits attract animals that may disperse their seeds. It’s hard to miss the bright red apples on these trees.
Question: What organ systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body? Answer: circulatory
Label: 42.1 Circulatory systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body.
Question: What shape is the gametophyte in ferns? Answer: heart-shaped
Label: In ferns, the sporophyte is dominant and produces spores that germinate into a heart-shaped gametophyte.
Question: Lava flows from a volcano and hardens into what? Answer: rock
Label: lava flows from a volcano and hardens into rock.
Question: Where do polychaete worms live? Answer: the ocean floor
Label: Polychaete worms live on the ocean floor. They may be sedentary filter feeders or active predators or scavengers. Active species crawl along the ocean floor in search of food.
Question: What occurs when two wave crests overlap? Answer: constructive interference
Label: Constructive interference occurs when two wave crests overlap, doubling the wave amplitude at that location.
Question: Catalytic converters used on motor vehicles break down pollutants in what, yielding non-toxic compounds? Answer: exhaust
Label: Catalytic converters are used on motor vehicles. They break down pollutants in exhaust to non-toxic compounds. For example, they change nitrogen oxides to harmless nitrogen and oxygen gases.
Question: Comparing what sequences provides clues to evolution and development? Answer: genome
Label: 21.6 Comparing genome sequences provides clues to evolution and development.
Question: What attracts the earth to the sun? Answer: gravity
Label: The earth is attracted to the sun by the force of gravity. Why doesn’t the earth fall into the sun?.
Question: What do all chemical reactions need to get started? Answer: activation energy
Label: All chemical reactions, even exothermic reactions, need activation energy to get started. Activation energy is needed to bring reactants together so they can react.
Question: What kind of organisms are prokaryotes? Answer: single-celled
Label: All prokaryotes are single-celled organisms.
Question: If a solute is a gas, increasing the temperature will do what? Answer: decrease its solubility
Label: If a solute is a gas, increasing the temperature decreases its solubility. For example, less carbon dioxide can dissolve in warm ocean water than in cold ocean water.
Question: What has high surface tension because of extensive hydrogen bonding? Answer: water
Label: Water has high surface tension because of extensive hydrogen bonding.
Question: Which theory explains how materials can collide and become new materials? Answer: collision theory
Label: Collision theory explains how materials can collide and become new materials.
Question: At how many places does points source pollution enter water? Answer: one
Label: Point source pollution enters water at just one place. For example, it might enter a stream through a pipe. Non-point source pollution enters water everywhere. It is carried by runoff.
Question: What measures the force of gravity pulling on an object? Answer: weight
Label: Weight measures the force of gravity pulling on an object. The SI unit for weight is the Newton (N).
Question: The largest absorption of heat comes during the vaporization of what? Answer: liquid water
Label: The total heat absorbed as the ice at -30°C is heated to steam at 140°C is 113.4 kJ. The largest absorption of heat comes during the vaporization of the liquid water.
Question: Smooth, cardiac, and skeletal are all types of what? Answer: muscle
Label: The three types of muscles in the body include skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.
Question: What is the type of plant called when its leaves seasonally turn color and fall off? Answer: deciduous plant
Label: In a deciduous plant, leaves seasonally turn color and fall off the plant. They are replaced with new leaves later in the year.
Question: Yogurt is made from milk fermented with what type of organism? Answer: bacteria
Label: Mom the Barbarian. Yogurt is made from milk fermented with bacteria . CC BY 2.0.
Question: Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three steps of what? Answer: transcription
Label: Transcription takes place in three steps: initiation, elongation, and termination. The steps are illustrated in Figure below .
Question: What plays a variety of important roles in biochemical systems? Answer: protein
Label: Proteins play a variety of important roles in biochemical systems. Some of the most common protein functions are listed below:.
Question: What topographic feature does a circle with inward hatches represent on a contour map? Answer: a depression
Label: On a contour map, a circle with inward hatches indicates a depression.
Question: The nitrogen cycle includes air, soil, and what? Answer: living things
Label: The nitrogen cycle includes air, soil, and living things.
Question: How does the number of protons compare to the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom? Answer: they are equal
Label: In an electrically neutral atom, the number of protons equals the number of electrons.
Question: What do you call plastids that contain the green pigment chlorophyll? Answer: chloroplasts
Label: Chloroplasts are plastids that contain the green pigment chlorophyll. They capture light energy from the sun and use it to make food. A chloroplast is shown in Figure above .
Question: What is the term for anything that has mass and volume? Answer: matter
Label: Matter is anything that has mass and volume. Mass is the amount of matter in a substance. Volume is the amount of space matter takes up.
Question: Displacement divided by time is equal to the average what? Answer: velocity
Label: Average velocity is displacement divided by time.
Question: What third property is different if two boxes have the same volume but one has greater mass? Answer: density
Label: A: Both boxes have the same volume because they are the same size. However, the books have greater mass than the feathers. Therefore, the box of books has greater density.
Question: What is the name for the organs behind the head of a fish that absorb oxygen from water? Answer: gills
Label: Fish have gills. Gills are organs behind the head that absorb oxygen from water. Water enters through the mouth, passes over the gills, and then exits the body.
Question: Glucose and fructose are considered this type of sugar? Answer: monosaccharides, or simple
Label: Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, or simple sugars.
Question: The burning of charcoal is what type of reaction? Answer: combustion
Label: Serge Melki (Flickr:Serge Melki). The burning of charcoal is a combustion reaction . CC BY 2.0.
Question: What is defined as the amount of force acting on a given area? Answer: pressure
Label: Pressure is defined as the amount of force acting on a given area. It measures how concentrated a force is.
Question: Name a passageway that is shared with the digestive system. Answer: pharynx
Label: Next, air passes through the pharynx, a passageway that is shared with the digestive system. From the pharynx, the air passes next through the larynx, or voice box.
Question: Smog is a visible form of what? Answer: air pollution
Label: Smog clouds the city of Los Angeles, California. Visible air pollution in the form of smog is a sign that the air is unhealthy.
Question: An electric transformer connects two circuits with an iron core that becomes what? Answer: electromagnet
Label: An electric transformer connects two circuits with an iron core that becomes an electromagnet.
Question: Electric current is measured in coulombs per second, also called what? Answer: amperes
Label: Electric current is measured in coulombs per second, or amperes.
Question: Modern members of what broad animal group live in many different habitats and are found on every continent except antarctica? Answer: reptiles
Label: Modern reptiles live in many different habitats. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
Question: What are located on either side of the pharynx in the throat? Answer: tonsils
Label: The tonsils are located on either side of the pharynx in the throat. They trap pathogens, which are destroyed by lymphocytes in the tonsils.
Question: What are the primary producers in the ocean? Answer: phytoplankton
Label: Phytoplankton are the primary producers in the ocean. They form the base of most marine food chains.
Question: Where do polychaete worms live? Answer: the ocean floor
Label: Polychaete worms live on the ocean floor. They may be sedentary filter feeders or active predators or scavengers. Active species crawl along the ocean floor in search of food.
Question: Reflected in their relatively high level of intelligence and their ability to learn new behaviors, what organs tend to be relatively large in primates? Answer: brains
Label: Primates tend to have bigger brains for their body size than other mammals. This is reflected in their relatively high level of intelligence and their ability to learn new behaviors.
Question: What is the logarithmic scale that measures the largest jolt of energy released by an earthquake called? Answer: richter scale
Label: The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale that measures the largest jolt of energy released by an earthquake.
Question: What is the process of getting oxygen into the body & releasing carbon dioxide called? Answer: respiration
Label: The process of getting oxygen into the body and releasing carbon dioxide is called respiration.
Question: What builds up in an artery and reduces blood flow? Answer: plaque
Label: Plaque buildup in an artery reduces blood flow through the vessel.
Question: What is determined by the energy of the disturbance that causes the wave? Answer: wave amplitude
Label: Wave amplitude is determined by the energy of the disturbance that causes the wave. A wave caused by a disturbance with more energy has greater amplitude.
Question: Which type of animal creates useful substances such as honey, wax, lacquer, and silk? Answer: insects
Label: Insects produce useful substances, such as honey, wax, lacquer, and silk.
Question: What causes rivers to always flow downhill? Answer: gravity
Label: Currents are like rivers flowing through the ocean. Rivers always flow downhill because of gravity. What do you think causes ocean currents to flow?.
Question: Examples of organ systems in a human include the skeletal, nervous, and what? Answer: reproductive systems
Label: Organ system : Group of organs that work together to perform a certain function. Examples of organ systems in a human include the skeletal, nervous, and reproductive systems.
Question: What is the term for the remains or traces of living organisms? Answer: fossils
Label: Fossils are the remains or traces of living organisms.
Question: What direction are sediments deposited? Answer: horizontally
Label: Sediments are deposited horizontally so sedimentary rock layers are originally horizontal.
Question: Around 1200 species of what broad animal group are currently at risk of extinction due to human activity? Answer: birds
Label: Today, some 1,200 species of birds are threatened with extinction by human actions. Humans need to take steps to protect this precious and important natural resource. What can you do to help?.
Question: What do jellyfish use to startle predators? Answer: visible light
Label: Bioluminescent organisms include jellyfish and fireflies. Jellyfish give off visible light to startle predators. Fireflies give off visible light to attract mates.
Question: Gymnosperms and angiosperms are types of _________ seed plants. Answer: modern
Label: Modern seed plants include gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Question: What do all chemical reactions need to get started? Answer: activation energy
Label: All chemical reactions, even exothermic reactions, need activation energy to get started. Activation energy is needed to bring reactants together so they can react.
Question: What is the term for the buildup of electric charge on an object, which can be transferred to another when touched? Answer: static electricity
Label: Static electricity is a buildup of electric charges on objects. It occurs when electrons are transferred from one object to another.
Question: Tropical rainforest, temperate grassland, and tundra are examples of what type of biomes? Answer: terrestrial
Label: Terrestrial biomes include tropical rainforest, temperate grassland, and tundra.
Question: Ice cubes in cola cause the cola to lose what? Answer: thermal energy
Label: Simon Cousins. Ice cubes in cola cause the cola to lose thermal energy . CC BY 2.0.
Question: Where would you find most pollution of ocean water? Answer: coastline
Label: Ocean water is most polluted along coasts. That’s because pollution usually enters the water from land. Oil spills also pollute ocean water.
Question: Phosphate groups are found within phospholipids and what else? Answer: nucleotides
Label: Phosphate groups are found within phospholipids and nucleotides.
Question: Partially decayed remains of plants and animals form the organic portion of what? Answer: soil
Label: the partially decayed remains of plants and animals that forms the organic portion of soil.
Question: Which type of plankton make food via photosynthesis? Answer: phytoplankton
Label: Phytoplankton are “plant-like” plankton. Since they make food by photosynthesis, they live in the photic zone. Most are algae.
Question: All living things maintain a stable internal environment through what process? Answer: homeostasis
Label: All living things have ways of maintaining a stable internal environment. This stable condition is called homeostasis.
Question: The explosion of nitroglycerin, which releases large volumes of gases, is what type of reaction? Answer: exothermic
Label: The explosion of nitroglycerin releases large volumes of gases and is very exothermic.
Question: What is the name of the layer above the mesosphere? Answer: thermosphere
Label: The thermosphere is the layer above the mesosphere. It rises to 600 kilometers (372 miles) above the surface. The International Space Station and other space stations orbit Earth in this layer.
Question: What system includes lymph organs, lymph vessels, lymph, and lymph nodes? Answer: immune
Label: The immune system includes lymph organs, lymph vessels, lymph, and lymph nodes.
Question: Electromagnetic radiation is a form of what? Answer: energy
Label: Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy.
Question: Which process involves solvent separation on a solid medium? Answer: chromatography
Label: Chromatography involves solvent separation on a solid medium.
Question: What are genes that are close together on the same chromosome called? Answer: linked genes
Label: Linked genes are genes that are close together on the same chromosome. Linked genes are inherited together.
Question: Geysers erupt because what boiling hot substance is trapped beneath their surface? Answer: water
Label: Geysers erupt because the water is trapped. The water becomes superheated until finally the pressure builds enough for it to break the seal.
Question: Myopia and hyperopia are defects that can be corrected with devices? Answer: lenses
Label: Myopia and hyperopia can be corrected with lenses.
Question: What is the bending of waves around a corner called? Answer: diffraction
Label: Diffraction is the bending of waves around a corner.
Question: Heat, electricity, or light might provide what necessary input to the process of decomposition? Answer: energy
Label: Most decomposition reactions require an input of energy in the form of heat, light, or electricity.
Question: Nuclear reactors use fission reactions to vaporize water, producing steam to drive a turbine and generate what? Answer: electricity
Label: Nuclear reactors use fission reactions to vaporize water. The resulting steam is used to drive a turbine, which generates electricity.
Question: What are located on either side of the pharynx in the throat? Answer: tonsils
Label: The tonsils are located on either side of the pharynx in the throat. They trap pathogens, which are destroyed by lymphocytes in the tonsils.
Question: What is the factor that affects the solubility of solutes in all three states? Answer: temperature
Label: Temperature affects the solubility of solutes in all three states. Pressure also affects the solubility of gases.
Question: What forms when the metal sodium gives up an electron to the nonmetal chlorine? Answer: an ionic bond
Label: An ionic bond forms when the metal sodium gives up an electron to the nonmetal chlorine.
Question: What shape is the orbit of a planet? Answer: elliptical
Label: The orbits of the planets are elliptical.
Question: Homologous chromosomes move toward what poles? Answer: opposite
Label: Homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles of a dividing cell during.
Question: Ice cubes in cola cause the cola to lose what? Answer: thermal energy
Label: Simon Cousins. Ice cubes in cola cause the cola to lose thermal energy . CC BY 2.0.
Question: What part of the atmosphere is the heat source? Answer: stratosphere
Label: Temperature decreases in the mesosphere with altitude. This is because the heat source is the stratosphere.
Question: Melanocytes are located in which layer of the epidermis? Answer: bottom
Label: Melanocytes are located at the bottom of the epidermis.
Question: What basic structures are the site of all the life functions of an organism? Answer: cells
Label: all the life functions of an organism occur within cells,.
Question: Like plants, animals are multicellular what? Answer: eukaryotes
Label: Like plants, animals are multicellular eukaryotes. However, animals differ from plants in other important ways.
Question: What are the dark areas of the moon called? Answer: maria
Label: The Moon has dark areas, called maria, surrounded by lighter colored highland areas, called terrae.
Question: Which carbohydrate is produced by photosynthesis? Answer: glucose
Label: Glucose is the carbohydrate produced by photosynthesis. Energy-rich glucose is delivered through your blood to each of your cells.
Question: What is the study of matter and energy referred to as? Answer: physical science
Label: Physical science is the study of matter and energy. It includes chemistry, which focuses on matter, and physics, which focuses on energy.
Question: Which kingdom are mosses and trees included in? Answer: plant
Label: Mateusz Kulawik. Mosses and trees are all part of the plant kingdom . CC BY 2.0.
Question: What is controlled by both genes and experiences in a given envionment? Answer: animal behaviors
Label: Most animal behaviors are controlled by both genes and experiences in a given environment.
Question: What collect data on the land and sea in regards to the weather? Answer: weather stations
Label: Weather stations collect data on land and sea. Weather balloons, satellites, and radar collect data in the atmosphere.
Question: What types of genes encode transcription factors? Answer: homeobox genes
Label: Homeobox genes are involved in the regulation of genes important to development. They encode transcription factors.
Question: What are the winds that occur in belts that encircle the planet? Answer: global winds
Label: Before catalytic converters were required, cars spewed a lot of pollutants into the air. On the left is a car without a catalytic converter. The car on the right has one.
Question: When hit from behind in a car crash, a passenger can suffer a neck injury called what? Answer: whiplash
Label: When hit from behind in a car crash, a passenger can suffer a neck injury called whiplash . Explain in terms of inertia how this occurs, and how headrests can prevent the injury.
Question: What is defined as a group of living and nonliving things and their environment? Answer: ecosystem
Label: An ecosystem is a group of living things and their environment. It is made up of both living and nonliving things.
Question: What is the second highest mountain in the world, at over 28,000 feet? Answer: k2
Label: The Karakoram Range is part of the Himalaya Mountains. K2, pictured here, is the second highest mountain the world at over 28,000 feet. The number and height of mountains is impressive.
Question: What are the primary producers in the ocean? Answer: phytoplankton
Label: Phytoplankton are the primary producers in the ocean. They form the base of most marine food chains.
Question: What type of energy occurs by splitting the nuclei of radioactive uranium? Answer: nuclear
Label: Nuclear energy is produced by splitting the nuclei of radioactive uranium. This doesn’t release air pollution or carbon dioxide, but it does produce dangerous radioactive wastes.
Question: The ambrosia beetle bores holes in? Answer: tree bark
Label: Ambrosia beetles bore holes in tree bark and “plant” fungal spores in the holes. The holes in the bark give the fungi an ideal place to grow. The beetles harvest fungi from their “garden. ”.
Question: How many types of antigens can an antibody match? Answer: one
Label: An antibody matches only one type of antigen.
Question: In machines that increase force, such as ramps and doorknobs and nutcrackers, what is the relation between output and input force? Answer: output is greater
Label: For machines that increase force — including ramps, doorknobs, and nutcrackers — the output force is greater than the input force. Therefore, the mechanical advantage is greater than 1.
Question: Most ecosystems are disturbed too often to attain what final, stable status? Answer: climax community
Label: Most ecosystems are disturbed too often to attain a final, stable climax community.
Question: The mass lost in mass defect has gone into energy called what? Answer: binding energy
Label: The mass lost in mass defect has gone into energy that is called binding energy.
Question: Molds, pollen, and pet dander are examples of air pollution with what type of source? Answer: biological
Label: Biological sources of air pollution include molds, pollen, and pet dander.
Question: What temperature scale is obtained by adding 273 degrees from the corresponding celsius temperature? Answer: kelvin scale
Label: The Celsius scale is the standard SI temperature scale. It is equal to the Kelvin scale if you minus 273 from the Celsius reading. Water has a boiling point of and a freezing point of .
Question: A rounded hollow carved in the side of a mountain by a glacier is known as? Answer: a cirque
Label: A cirque is a rounded hollow carved in the side of a mountain by a glacier. The highest cliff of a cirque is called the headwall.
Question: The entropy is decreasing because a gas is becoming a what? Answer: liquid
Label: The entropy is decreasing because a gas is becoming a liquid.
Question: What type of competition occurs between members of the same species? Answer: intraspecific
Label: Intraspecific competition occurs between members of the same species. For example, two male deer may compete for mates by clashing their antlers together.
Question: What subject is a way of learning about the natural world that is based on evidence and logic? Answer: science
Label: Science is a way of learning about the natural world that is based on evidence and logic.
Question: What is the term for how close a measurement is to the true value? Answer: accuracy
Label: Accuracy is how close a measurement is to the true value. For example, 66 mL is a fairly accurate measurement of the liquid in Figure above .
Question: In vertebrates, ovipary, ovovivipary, and vivipary are different strategies for what vital process? Answer: reproduction
Label: Vertebrates have one of three reproductive strategies, known as ovipary, ovovivipary, or vivipary.
Question: What component of cells is present in plant and bacterial cells but not animal cells? Answer: cell wall
Label: Animal Cell. The shape of an animal cell is not constrained by a rigid cell wall. A bacterial cell is shown above for comparison.
Question: The atomic number defines the identity of what? Answer: element
Label: The atomic number defines the identity of an element.
Question: The rock of the mantle is mostly what? Answer: peridotite
Label: The rock of the mantle is mostly peridotite. Peridotite is formed of crystals of olivine (green) and pyroxene (black).
Question: Regularly done aerobic activities can help build up endurance and make what vital organ stronger? Answer: heart
Label: Tim Wilson. Regularly done aerobic activities can help build up endurance and make the heart stronger . CC BY 2.0.
Question: What forms when nitrogen and oxygen combine at high temperatures? Answer: nitrogen oxide
Label: Nitrogen oxides form when nitrogen and oxygen combine at high temperatures. This occurs in hot exhausts from vehicles, factories, and power plants.
Question: Birds and insects perform what function for flowering plants? Answer: pollination
Label: Insects and birds pollinate flowering plants, including crop plants.
Question: Pressure is defined as the force per unit area on? Answer: surface
Label: Pressure is defined as the force per unit area on a surface.
Question: What is the upper-most atmosphere known as? Answer: thermosphere
Label: The atmosphere is a big part of the water cycle. What do you think would happen to Earth’s water without it?.
Question: What is the main organ required for respiration in mammals? Answer: the lungs
Label: Respiration is the process in which gases are exchanged between the body and the outside air.
Question: What is the most common bacterial sti in the u. s.? Answer: chlamydia
Label: Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI in the U. S. Females are more likely to develop it than males. Symptoms may include burning during urination and a discharge from the vagina or penis.
Question: Natural selection for what type of trait changes the distribution of phenotypes? Answer: polygenic trait
Label: Natural selection for a polygenic trait changes the distribution of phenotypes. It may have a stabilizing, directional, or disruptive effect on the phenotype distribution.
Question: Solids can be divided into amorphous solids and which other group? Answer: crystalline solids
Label: Solids can be divided into amorphous solids and crystalline solids.
Question: Coal is a solid hydrocarbon formed from what type of decaying material? Answer: plant
Label: Coal is a solid hydrocarbon formed from decaying plant material over millions of years.
Question: Lymph capillaries collect fluid that leaks out of what? Answer: blood capillaries
Label: Lymph capillaries collect fluid that leaks out from blood capillaries. The lymphatic vessels return the fluid to the cardiovascular system.
Question: What gas is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned? Answer: co2
Label: Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing. Fossil fuel burning is increasing. The rise in fossil fuel burning is increasing the CO 2 in the atmosphere.
Question: Reactive elements are able to combine more what with other elements? Answer: easily
Label: Reactive elements combine easily with other elements. This explains why they usually exist in nature in compounds rather than in pure form.
Question: What do decomposers release when they break down dead organisms? Answer: nutrients
Label: Decomposers release nutrients when they break down dead organisms.
Question: Organs, vessels, and lymph make up what system? Answer: lymphatic
Label: The lymphatic system consists of organs, vessels, and lymph.
Question: What move the body by contracting against the skeleton? Answer: muscles
Label: Muscles move the body by contracting against the skeleton.
Question: What are the light highlands of the moon called? Answer: terrae
Label: The lunar surface has dark basalt maria. The light highlands are called terrae.
Question: What does the urethra do? Answer: carries urine and sperm out of the body
Label: The penis is an external, cylinder-shaped organ that contains the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the body. It also carries sperm out of the body.
Question: Models may be physical, conceptual, or what else? Answer: mathematical
Label: Models may be physical, conceptual, or mathematical.
Question: Elements are pure substances that make up what? Answer: all matter
Label: Elements are pure substances that make up all matter, so each one is given a unique name. The names of elements are also represented by unique one-, two-, or three- letter symbols.
Question: What can alkenes and alkynes be reduced with to form alkanes? Answer: hydrogen gas
Label: Alkenes and alkynes can be reduced with hydrogen gas to form alkanes.
Question: Lymph capillaries collect fluid that leaks out of what? Answer: blood capillaries
Label: Lymph capillaries collect fluid that leaks out from blood capillaries. The lymphatic vessels return the fluid to the cardiovascular system.
Question: What is the mass of one mole of any given substance? Answer: molar mass
Label: Molar mass is the mass of one mole of any given substance.
Question: Speciation, convergent evolution, and coevolution are types of what process? Answer: macroevolution
Label: Macroevolution occurs when microevolution takes place over a long period of time. Types of macroevolution include speciation, convergent evolution, and coevolution.
Question: What is a pair of valence electrons in a bonded atom that does not participate in bonding called? Answer: lone pair
Label: A pair of valence electrons in a bonded atom that does not participate in bonding is called a lone pair. Lone pair electrons contribute to molecular shape.
Question: Oil is found in the porous rock layer and trapped by the what? Answer: impermeable layer
Label: Oil (red) is found in the porous rock layer (yellow) and trapped by the impermeable layer (brown). The folded structure has allowed the oil to pool so a well can be drilled into the reservoir.
Question: Water molds mostly live in water or moist? Answer: soil
Label: Define physical change, and give examples of physical change.
Question: What shape is the gametophyte in ferns? Answer: heart-shaped
Label: In ferns, the sporophyte is dominant and produces spores that germinate into a heart-shaped gametophyte.
Question: The needle of a compass is made of what element? Answer: iron
Label: Calsidyrose. The needle of a compass is made of the element iron . CC BY 2.0.
Question: Where does the process of digestion start? Answer: mouth
Label: Digestion starts in the mouth. When food is swallowed, it travels through the esophagus to the stomach. In the stomach, digestion continues and a small amount of absorption of nutrients takes place. |
Sentence: The fact that New England proposed lower rate increases -- 4.8 % *U* over seven years against around 5.5 % boosts proposed * by the other two outside bidders -- complicated negotiations with {{ state }} officials , Mr. Ross asserted 0 *T*-1 .
Word: state
Output: NOUN
Sentence: The $ 2.5 billion *U* Byron 1 plant near Rockford , Ill. , was completed *-17 in {{ 1985 }} .
Word: 1985
Output: NUM
Sentence: The offer follows an earlier proposal *ICH*-1 by NL and Mr. Simmons * to help Georgia Gulf restructure or go private in a transaction that *T*-179 would pay shareholders $ 55 *U* a share {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: According to Dr. Wright , homelessness is `` simultaneously a housing problem , an employment problem , a demographic problem , a problem of social disaffiliation , a mental health problem , a family violence problem {{ , }} a problem created * by the cutbacks in social welfare spending , a problem resulting from the decay of the traditional nuclear family , and a problem intimately connected to the recent increase in the number of persons living below the poverty level . ''
Word: ,
Output: .
Sentence: Sales {{ for }} the year rose 5 % to $ 12.52 billion *U* from $ 11.95 billion *U* in fiscal 1988 .
Word: for
Output: ADP
Sentence: Some 3.8 {{ million }} of the five million who *T*-55 will get letters were preapproved *-67 for credit with GMAC .
Word: million
Output: NUM
Sentence: The Continental Baking business benefited from higher margins {{ on }} bread and on increased cake sales , it added 0 *T*-1 .
Word: on
Output: ADP
Sentence: Critics like Mr. Murray `` are looking for witches , and people who *T*-68 use computers * to trade are a {{ convenient }} boogieman , '' says 0 *T*-3 J. Thomas Allen , president of Advanced Investment Management Inc. , a Pittsburgh firm that *T*-1 runs a $ 200 million *U* fund that *T*-2 uses index arbitrage .
Word: convenient
Output: ADJ
Sentence: As a result , Ms. Ganes said 0 {{ *T*-2 }} , it is believed that little or no sugar from the 1989-90 crop has been shipped *-1 yet , even though the crop year is six months old .
Word: *T*-2
Output: X
Sentence: Clark J. Vitulli was named {{ *-12 }} senior vice president *RNR*-1 and general manager *RNR*-1 of this U.S. sales and marketing arm of Japanese auto maker Mazda Motor Corp .
Word: *-12
Output: X
Sentence: Young 's Market Co. , a wholesaler of spirits , wines and other goods , said 0 it {{ will }} merge with a new corporation formed * by the Underwood family , which *T*-1 controls Young 's .
Word: will
Output: VERB
Sentence: It was Richard Nixon 's first visit to China in 1972 that *T*-238 set in motion the historic rapprochement between Beijing {{ and }} Washington .
Word: and
Output: CONJ
Sentence: The charge on loans to depository institutions by {{ the }} New York Federal Reserve Bank .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: The company said 0 the restructuring is n't expected *-1 to have any impact , adverse {{ or }} otherwise , on its financial results .
Word: or
Output: CONJ
Sentence: Three divisions at American Express *ICH*-1 are {{ working }} with Buick on the promotion : the establishment services division , which *T*-57 is responsible for all merchants and companies that *T*-2 accept the card ; the travel division ; and the merchandise sales division .
Word: working
Output: VERB
Sentence: Still , many economists are n't predicting a recession {{ anytime }} soon .
Word: anytime
Output: ADV
Sentence: The exchange said 0 it decided 0 a new circuit breaker was needed *-126 following a review of the tumultuous {{ trading }} in stocks and stock-index futures on Friday Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones industrials plunged 190 points *T*-1 and stock-index futures prices skidded as well *T*-1 .
Word: trading
Output: VERB
Sentence: Japan 's Finance Ministry had set up mechanisms 0 *-1 to limit how far futures prices could fall *T*-2 in a single session and {{ *-1 }} to give market operators the authority * to suspend trading in futures at any time .
Word: *-1
Output: X
Sentence: The side car routes program trades into a special computer file that *T*-1 scans for imbalances of buy and sell orders {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: Also , {{ there }} has been a switch *ICH*-3 in the past decade to planting of orange trees in areas that *T*-5 were previously used *-1 for cane , and this change is being felt *-4 now , she said 0 *T*-2 .
Word: there
Output: DET
Sentence: Annualized average rate of return after expenses for the past 30 days ; not a forecast {{ of }} future returns .
Word: of
Output: ADP
Sentence: Most of the picture is taken up with endless scenes of many people either fighting or eating and drinking *-1 {{ to }} celebrate victory .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: Payouts on the S&P 500 stocks rose 10 % in 1988 , according to Standard & Poor 's Corp. , and Wall Street estimates for 1989 growth are generally between 9 % and 14 % {{ *U* }} .
Word: *U*
Output: X
Sentence: Financially , it never recovered ; editorially , it had its moments {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: David A. DiLoreto , president of metal container division , was named *-1 to the additional post of group vice president , packaging products , at this packaging , industrial and aerospace products concern , *-1 {{ succeeding }} Delmont A. Davis , who *T*-3 was named *-2 president and chief operating officer in August .
Word: succeeding
Output: VERB
Sentence: Robert J. Danzig , vice president *RNR*-1 and general manager *RNR*-1 of Hearst Newspapers , stood up in the paper 's newsroom yesterday and announced that no buyers had stepped forward and that the paper would fold , *-2 putting more than {{ 730 }} full-time employees out of work .
Word: 730
Output: NUM
Sentence: {{ They }} will remain on a lower-priority list that *T*-27 includes 17 other countries .
Word: They
Output: PRON
Sentence: He adds that program trading `` increases liquidity in {{ the }} market .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: But some investors have used such filings *-1 to boost the value of their stock holdings , which -- without *-2 buying more stock {{ -- }} they then sold *T*-3 .
Word: --
Output: .
Sentence: `` We do n't spend much on print advertising {{ , }} '' she says *T*-1 .
Word: ,
Output: .
Sentence: Mrs. Ward says that when the cheating was discovered *-4 *T*-1 , she wanted *-2 {{ to }} avoid the morale-damaging public disclosure that a trial would bring *T*-3 .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: It acquired Thomas Edison 's microphone patent and then {{ immediately }} sued the Bell Co. *-1 claiming that the microphone invented * by my grandfather , Emile Berliner , which *T*-2 had been sold *-144 to Bell for a princely $ 50,000 *U* , infringed upon Western Union 's Edison patent .
Word: immediately
Output: ADV
Sentence: In any case , opinion *ICH*-2 is mixed on how much of a boost the overall stock market would get *T*-1 even if dividend growth {{ continues }} at double-digit levels .
Word: continues
Output: VERB
Sentence: If , when trading resumes *T*-1 , the S&P futures fall 30 points from the previous day 's close , a one-hour trading {{ halt }} takes effect .
Word: halt
Output: NOUN
Sentence: As * discussed in the context of * controlling federal spending , {{ the }} line-item veto is characterized *-59 as a way 0 for the president to excise perfectly constitutional provisions in a spending bill that *T*-2 are objectionable merely because they conflict with his policy objectives *T*-1 .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: `` The IRS is {{ asking }} lawyers *-1 to red-flag a criminal problem to the government , '' added Mr. Sonnett , a Miami lawyer who *T*-128 has heard from dozens of attorneys who *T*-129 received letters in recent days and has himself received the computer-generated IRS forms sent * by certified mail .
Word: asking
Output: VERB
Sentence: Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Dec. 5 , 1989 , {{ to }} Dec. 31 , 1993 , at a 5 % premium over the closing share price Tuesday , when terms are scheduled *-3 to be fixed *-1 *T*-2 .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: As San Francisco digs out from The Pretty Big One , opponents say 0 the last thing 0 the city can afford *T*-1 is an expensive {{ new }} stadium .
Word: new
Output: ADJ
Sentence: The Soviets , who *T*-12 normally have few clients other than the state , will get `` exposure to a market system , '' {{ he }} says 0 *T*-1 .
Word: he
Output: PRON
Sentence: Interpublic Group said 0 its television programming operations -- which it expanded *T*-1 earlier this year -- agreed {{ *-2 }} to supply more than 4,000 hours of original programming across Europe in 1990 .
Word: *-2
Output: X
Sentence: The graphics business , which {{ *T*-2 }} also was singled out *-1 by the chairman as a positive , saw its operating earnings for the quarter jump 79 % to $ 42.1 million *U* from $ 23.5 million *U* .
Word: *T*-2
Output: X
Sentence: `` When I see prints going into the hands of institutions *T*-1 , I know 0 they are n't going *-2 to come back on the market {{ . }} ''
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: {{ It }} would be a good match , Mr. Hahn and many analysts say 0 *T*-1 , of two healthy companies with high-quality assets and strong cash flows .
Word: It
Output: PRON
Sentence: PRECIOUS METALS : Futures prices eased as increased stability and strength came into {{ the }} securities markets .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: {{ Buick }} approached American Express about a joint promotion because its card holders generally have a `` good credit history '' and are `` good at * making payments , '' says *T*-1 a spokeswoman for the division .
Word: Buick
Output: NOUN
Sentence: But Equitable said 0 it was unable *-1 to find a buyer willing * to pay what it considers *T*-2 `` fair value '' for Younkers because of recent turmoil in {{ the }} bond and stock markets and in retailing .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: The plan was filed *-1 {{ jointly }} with unsecured creditors in federal bankruptcy court in New York and must be approved *-1 by the court .
Word: jointly
Output: ADV
Sentence: A program trade of $ 5 million {{ *U* }} of stock typically earns a razor-thin profit of $ 25,000 *U* .
Word: *U*
Output: X
Sentence: Auctions held * in October and those scheduled * for next week will raise a total of $ 25.6 billion {{ *U* }} .
Word: *U*
Output: X
Sentence: Japan 's Finance Ministry already is scrutinizing institutional investors ' activity *-1 to see whether policy changes are needed *-160 * to cope with the current level of program trading , said {{ 0 }} *T*-2 Makato Utsumi , vice minister for international finance .
Word: 0
Output: X
Sentence: The White House said 0 President Bush has approved duty-free treatment for imports of certain types of watches that {{ *T*-35 }} are n't produced *-1 in `` significant quantities '' in the U.S. , the Virgin Islands and other U.S. possessions .
Word: *T*-35
Output: X
Sentence: The Philadelphia Fed , for instance , reported that manufacturing activity `` continues *-1 to decline '' for the fourth month in {{ a }} row .
Word: a
Output: DET
Sentence: He said 0 U.S. assistance should be used *-1 {{ * }} to demobilize the rebels .
Word: *
Output: X
Sentence: `` Judges are not {{ getting }} what they deserve *T*-1 .
Word: getting
Output: VERB
Sentence: `` It 's an odd thing 0 * to put *T*-1 on the list , '' Mr. Bretz noted *T*-2 {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: They have n't forgotten the leap in share prices last Dec. 7 , when the first bout of foreign-led index arbitrage drove stocks skyward in the last half-hour of trading *T*-1 , * startling regulators who *T*-254 thought {{ 0 }} they had written enough rules 0 *T*-2 to prevent such a swing .
Word: 0
Output: X
Sentence: By *-1 constantly seeking *-2 to own the cheapest widget , index-arbitrage traders hope *-1 to add between 1 % and {{ 3 }} % *U* to the annual return of the S&P 500 .
Word: 3
Output: NUM
Sentence: But some analysts questioned how {{ much }} of an impact the retirement package will have *T*-1 , because few jobs will end up *-2 being eliminated *-3 .
Word: much
Output: ADV
Sentence: Several moves were taken *-1 following the October 1987 crash * to coordinate -- and {{ sometimes }} deliberately disconnect *PPA*-2 -- the stock and futures markets in times of heightened volatility .
Word: sometimes
Output: ADV
Sentence: `` You 've got two champions sitting right before you , '' said *T*-1 Mr. Baum {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: `` {{ We }} 're in a very different regulatory environment . ''
Word: We
Output: PRON
Sentence: On one side of this power struggle stand *T*-1 {{ the }} forces in ascendency on Wall Street -- the New Guard -- consisting of high-tech computer wizards at the major brokerage firms , their pension fund clients with immense pools of money , and the traders at the fast-growing Chicago futures exchanges .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: The New York Stock Exchange 's attempt * to introduce a new {{ portfolio }} basket is evidence of investors ' desires * to make fast and easy transactions of large numbers of shares .
Word: portfolio
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Stephen Salmore , a political scientist at New Jersey 's Eagleton Institute , says 0 it 's another example of an ad that *T*-1 's true {{ but }} not fully accurate .
Word: but
Output: CONJ
Sentence: The purchase price includes {{ two }} ancillary companies .
Word: two
Output: NUM
Sentence: `` Public policy favors the development and marketing of beneficial new drugs , even though some risks , perhaps serious ones , might accompany their introduction because drugs can save lives and reduce pain and suffering , '' the unanimous court said *T*-1 {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: Farmers are in the {{ best }} position of many years 0 * to push up corn prices *T*-1 .
Word: best
Output: ADJ
Sentence: `` I {{ think }} 0 we 've got enough securities laws , '' he says *T*-1 .
Word: think
Output: VERB
Sentence: Other big common holders are Carl Lindner 's American Financial , investor Irwin Jacobs and Pacific Financial Research , though the latter cut {{ its }} stake this summer .
Word: its
Output: PRON
Sentence: The size of IBM 's issue was increased *-1 from {{ an }} originally planned $ 500 million *U* as money managers and investors scrambled *-2 to buy the bonds .
Word: an
Output: DET
Sentence: As banks ' earnings were squeezed *-122 in the mid-1970s , the emphasis switched to * finding ways 0 * to cut costs {{ *T*-1 }} .
Word: *T*-1
Output: X
Sentence: For American Express , the promotion is part of an effort * to broaden the use of its card for retail sales , where the company expects *-2 to get much of the future growth in its card business {{ *T*-1 }} .
Word: *T*-1
Output: X
Sentence: `` *-1 To ring for even one service at this tower , we have {{ *-1 }} to scrape , '' says *T*-2 Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker .
Word: *-1
Output: X
Sentence: The concept 's goal was * to eliminate bureaucracy and make Ford 's product development more responsive {{ to }} consumer demands .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: In 1989 , as often as not , the principal fights in the major campaigns are {{ prompted }} *-1 by the ads themselves .
Word: prompted
Output: VERB
Sentence: It said 0 {{ it }} needs *-1 to make the payment by Dec. 1 *-1 to avoid a default that *T*-2 could lead to an acceleration of the debt .
Word: it
Output: PRON
Sentence: Corporations like Contel denounce program trading , yet Contel has in the past hired pension fund managers like Bankers Trust {{ Co. }} that *T*-1 are also big program traders .
Word: Co.
Output: NOUN
Sentence: You dismiss as `` sentimental '' the view that the reduction of federal housing-assistance programs by 77 % might have played a significant role in the increased number of men {{ and }} women sleeping on our city streets during the Reagan-Bush years .
Word: and
Output: CONJ
Sentence: Comprehensive Care had {{ agreed }} *-2 to be acquired *-1 by closely held First Hospital Corp. of Norfolk , Va. , but the sale sputtered almost from the beginning and finally collapsed last week .
Word: agreed
Output: VERB
Sentence: It acquired Thomas Edison 's microphone patent and then immediately sued the Bell Co. *-1 claiming that the microphone invented * by my grandfather , Emile Berliner , which *T*-2 had been sold *-144 to Bell for {{ a }} princely $ 50,000 *U* , infringed upon Western Union 's Edison patent .
Word: a
Output: DET
Sentence: Says *ICH*-1 Kathryn McAuley , an analyst at First Manhattan Co. : `` This is the greatest acquisition challenge {{ 0 }} he has faced *T*-2 .
Word: 0
Output: X
Sentence: Oil production from Australia 's Bass Strait fields will be raised *-34 by 11,000 barrels a day to about 321,000 barrels with the launch of the Whiting field , the first of five small fields scheduled * to be brought *-35 into production before the end {{ of }} 1990 .
Word: of
Output: ADP
Sentence: Each 50,000 Swiss franc note is convertible from Nov. 30 , 1989 , to March 16 , 1994 at a 5 % premium over the closing share price Monday , when terms are scheduled *-3 {{ to }} be fixed *-1 *T*-2 .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: Mr. Reupke was one of three executives on Reuters 's eight-person executive committee who *T*-1 did n't also serve on the company {{ 's }} board of directors .
Word: 's
Output: PRT
Sentence: These nations ' internal decisions `` will be made *-3 in a way 0 * not to offend their largest aid donor , largest private investor {{ and }} largest lender *T*-1 , '' says 0 *T*-2 Richard Drobnick , director of the international business and research program at the University of Southern California 's Graduate School of Business .
Word: and
Output: CONJ
Sentence: More than three in five said 0 they are under a great deal of {{ stress }} most of the time , compared with less than one in two U.S. consumers and one in four in Japan .
Word: stress
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Next week , the Philippine Fund 's launch will be capped *-46 by a visit by Philippine President Corazon Aquino -- the first time 0 a head of state has kicked off an issue {{ at }} the Big Board here *T*-1 .
Word: at
Output: ADP
Sentence: In Hartford , Conn. , the Charter Oak Bridge will soon be replaced {{ *-14 }} , the cast-iron medallions from its railings relegated to a park .
Word: *-14
Output: X
Sentence: `` She just never gave it {{ up }} , '' says *T*-1 Mary Marchand , Mary Beth 's mother .
Word: up
Output: PRT
Sentence: And 19.6 % of consumers contacted * believed 0 business conditions will {{ improve }} in the coming six months , compared with 18.3 % in September .
Word: improve
Output: VERB
Sentence: Why did n't you mention the YMCA or the YWCA or Catholic Charities USA or a hundred other nonprofit organizations that {{ *T*-17 }} participated in the march *T*-1 ?
Word: *T*-17
Output: X
Sentence: The group says 0 standardized achievement test scores are greatly inflated because teachers often `` teach {{ the }} test '' as Mrs. Yeargin did *?* , although most are never caught *-1 .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: `` A stockbroker is an example of a profession in trade {{ and }} finance ... .
Word: and
Output: CONJ
Sentence: Some takeover {{ experts }} were skeptical , *-1 saying 0 it *EXP*-2 was possible that Mr. Steinberg made the filing only *-3 to help *-4 boost the value of any remaining Reliance stake in UAL .
Word: experts
Output: NOUN
Sentence: John William Davis , Colonsville , Miss. {{ , }} fined *-4 $ 200,000 *U* ; Jeffrey Gerard Dompierre , Valrico , Fla. , $ 5,000 *U* and 10-day suspension ; Eugene Michael Felten , La Canada , Calif. , fined *-3 $ 25,000 *U* , ordered *-3 *-2 to disgorge $ 16,072 *U* and suspended *-3 one year ; Marion Stewart Spitler , La Canada , fined *-5 $ 15,000 *U* , ordered *-5 *-1 to disgorge $ 18,444 *U* and suspended *-5 six months .
Word: ,
Output: .
Sentence: Nissan cited strong domestic sales against the backdrop of continuous {{ economic }} expansion .
Word: economic
Output: ADJ
Sentence: Although the Hammersmith and Fulham council was by far the most active local authority engaging in such capital-markets transactions , the court decision could set a precedent for similar transactions by 77 other local councils {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: J.L. Henry & Co. , Miami , and a principal of the firm , Henry I. Otero of Miami , were jointly fined {{ *-1 }} $ 30,000 *U* and expelled *-1 , for alleged improper use of a customer 's funds , among other things .
Word: *-1
Output: X
Sentence: *-2 Developed *-1 by Avrett , Free & Ginsberg , New York , the $ 6 million *U* campaign pitches Enterprise 's consumer-driven service and {{ its }} free pick-up and drop-off service .
Word: its
Output: PRON
Sentence: LONDON LATE EURODOLLARS : 8 3\/4 % to 8 5\/8 % *U* one month ; 8 13\/16 % to 8 11\/16 % *U* two months ; 8 3\/4 % to 8 5\/8 % *U* {{ three }} months ; 8 5\/8 % to 8 1\/2 % *U* four months ; 8 1\/2 % to 8 7\/16 % *U* five months ; 8 1\/2 % to 8 3\/8 % *U* six months .
Word: three
Output: NUM
Sentence: *-1 Bucking the market trend , an issue {{ of }} $ 130 million *U* general obligation distributable state aid bonds from Detroit , Mich. , apparently drew solid investor interest .
Word: of
Output: ADP
Sentence: Today taxpayers get *-1 to vote , most of the time , on whether they want *-2 to finance the building schemes of our modern political pharaohs , or let private money erect these playgrounds {{ for }} public passions .
Word: for
Output: ADP
Sentence: *-2 Knowing a tasty -- and free -- meal when they eat {{ one }} *T*-1 , the executives gave the chefs a standing ovation .
Word: one
Output: NUM
Sentence: Prices closed mostly higher in relatively light {{ trading }} as farmers continued *-1 to withhold their crops from the marketplace in the hope of higher prices 0 *T*-2 to come .
Word: trading
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Voters generally agree when {{ they }} are given *-1 a chance * to decide if they want *-3 to sink their own tax dollars into a new mega-stadium *T*-2 .
Word: they
Output: PRON
Sentence: The purchase price includes {{ two }} ancillary companies .
Word: two
Output: NUM
Sentence: Brisk domestic demand due {{ to }} increasing capital investment pushed up sales sharply in construction and industrial machinery divisions .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: *-2 Used *-1 by program traders and others {{ * }} to zip orders into the exchange , SuperDot handles about 80 % of all orders entered * at the exchange .
Word: *
Output: X
Sentence: When test booklets were passed *-1 out 48 hours ahead of time *T*-2 , she says 0 she copied questions in the social studies section and gave the answers to students {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: Subcontractors will be offered *-1 a settlement and a swift transition to new management is expected *-2 to avert an exodus of skilled workers from Waertsilae Marine 's two {{ big }} shipyards , government officials said 0 *T*-3 .
Word: big
Output: ADJ
Sentence: Profit surged 42 % to 40.21 billion yen , or 16.09 yen a share , from 28.36 {{ billion }} yen , or 11.72 yen a share .
Word: billion
Output: NUM
Sentence: Stock futures trading {{ has }} minted dozens of millionaires in their 20s and 30s .
Word: has
Output: VERB
Sentence: The bonds are rated *-1 single-A by S&P , according {{ to }} the lead underwriter .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: The proposal comes as a surprise even to administration officials and temporarily throws into chaos the House {{ 's }} work on clean-air legislation .
Word: 's
Output: PRT
Sentence: `` Crime {{ was }} awful , test scores were low , and there was no enrollment in honors programs . ''
Word: was
Output: VERB
Sentence: Judie MacDonald , vice president of retail sales at Barnett Banks Inc. of Jacksonville , Fla. , says 0 the company now targets sub-segments within {{ the }} market by *-1 tailoring its popular Seniors Partners Program to various life styles .
Word: the
Output: DET
Sentence: Mr. Gartner is editor and co-owner of the Daily Tribune {{ in }} Ames , Iowa , and president of NBC News in New York .
Word: in
Output: ADP
Sentence: Yesterday , these stocks rose by 170,262 ounces to {{ a }} record of 226,570,380 ounces , according to an exchange spokesman .
Word: a
Output: DET
Sentence: `` You either believe 0 Seymour can do it again or you do n't *?* . {{ '' }}
Word: ''
Output: .
Sentence: They have begun *-1 sending letters explaining the program , which *T*-52 began Oct. 18 and will end Dec. 18 , to about {{ five }} million card holders .
Word: five
Output: NUM
Sentence: Why does {{ this }} large hypothetical seller trade in Chicago instead of New York *T*-1 ?
Word: this
Output: DET
Sentence: {{ But }} he is just one of several youthful writers -- Tokyo 's brat pack -- who *T*-57 are dominating the best-seller charts in Japan .
Word: But
Output: CONJ
Sentence: J.L. Henry has n't any Miami telephone listing , {{ an }} operator said 0 *T*-1 .
Word: an
Output: DET
Sentence: `` * Compare {{ two }} candidates for mayor , '' says *T*-1 the announcer .
Word: two
Output: NUM
Sentence: So far , Wall Street 's Old Guard seems *-1 to be winning the program-trading battle , *-2 successfully mobilizing public and congressional opinion *-3 to bludgeon {{ their }} tormentors .
Word: their
Output: PRON
Sentence: A White House {{ spokesman }} condemned the truce suspension as `` deplorable '' but brushed off talk of * renewing military funding for the insurgents .
Word: spokesman
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Mr. Trudeau 's attorney , Norman K. Samnick , said 0 the harassment consists mainly of the guild 's year-long threats {{ of }} disciplinary action .
Word: of
Output: ADP
Sentence: But Equitable said 0 it was unable *-1 to find a buyer willing * {{ to }} pay what it considers *T*-2 `` fair value '' for Younkers because of recent turmoil in the bond and stock markets and in retailing .
Word: to
Output: PRT
Sentence: That response annoyed Rep. Markey , House aides said 0 *T*-1 , and the congressman snapped back that there had been enough studies of the issue and {{ that }} it was time for action on the matter .
Word: that
Output: ADP
Sentence: Glaxo , the U.K. {{ 's }} largest pharmaceutical concern , advanced 23 to # 14.13 *U* .
Word: 's
Output: PRT
Sentence: For the year ended Sept. 30 , Ralston earned $ 422.5 million *U* , or $ 6.44 *U* a share , {{ up }} 8.9 % from $ 387.8 million *U* , or $ 5.63 *U* a share .
Word: up
Output: ADV
Sentence: Mr. Spiegel 's fans say {{ 0 }} Columbia 's Southern California branches are highly salable , and the thrift has $ 458 million *U* of shareholders equity underlying its assets .
Word: 0
Output: X
Sentence: The defense lawyers ' group formed a task force *ICH*-1 *ICH*-3 this week , chaired * by {{ New }} York attorney Gerald Lefcourt , 0 *T*-2 to deal with the matter .
Word: New
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Biscayne {{ has }} n't any telephone listing , an operator said 0 *T*-1 .
Word: has
Output: VERB
Sentence: Drexel , meanwhile , already competes at a disadvantage to its big Wall Street rivals because it has a slightly lower commercial paper rating {{ . }}
Word: .
Output: .
Sentence: The {{ two }} professors said 0 the Constitution authorizes the president to veto entire bills , not partial measures .
Word: two
Output: NUM
Sentence: `` The real difference seems *-1 to be that the cash market here ... is big enough *RNR*-2 and liquid {{ enough }} *RNR*-2 that the futures market is n't having the same impact 0 it does *?* *T*-3 in America . ''
Word: enough
Output: ADV
Sentence: Patients who *T*-1 receive canine or feline visitors are found *-2 to have lower blood pressure and improved appetite and be more {{ receptive }} to therapy , says 0 *T*-3 Mary Ann O'Loughlin , program coordinator .
Word: receptive
Output: ADJ
Sentence: CoreStates Financial Corp. , Philadelphia , named Earle Palmer Brown & Spiro , Philadelphia , as agency of record for its $ 5 {{ million }} *U* account .
Word: million
Output: NUM
Sentence: Zenith Data Systems Corp. , a subsidiary of Zenith Electronics Corp. , received a $ 534 million *U* Navy contract for software and services of microcomputers over an {{ 84-month }} period .
Word: 84-month
Output: ADJ
Sentence: The results reflected a 24 % gain in income from its finance businesses , and {{ a }} 15 % slide in income from insurance operations .
Word: a
Output: DET
Sentence: New England Electric , based * in Westborough , Mass. , had offered $ 2 billion *U* *ICH*-1 {{ *-4 }} to acquire PS of New Hampshire , well below the $ 2.29 billion *U* value 0 United Illuminating places *T*-2 on its bid and the $ 2.25 billion *U* 0 Northeast says 0 its bid is worth *T*-3 .
Word: *-4
Output: X
Sentence: It all adds {{ up }} to a barrier to American-style index arbitrage , the most popular form of U.S. program trading that *T*-253 seeks *-1 to exploit brief differences between prices of stocks in New York and the price of a futures contract in Chicago based on those stocks .
Word: up
Output: PRT
Sentence: But , says 0 *T*-1 the general manager of a network affiliate in the Midwest , `` I think 0 if I tell them 0 I need more time , {{ they }} 'll take ` Cosby ' across the street , ''
Word: they
Output: PRON
Sentence: `` They view this as a growth area {{ so }} they went about it with a systematic approach , '' says *T*-1 Richard Olsen , a Candela vice president .
Word: so
Output: ADP
Sentence: Corporations like Contel denounce program trading , yet Contel has in the past hired pension fund managers like Bankers Trust {{ Co. }} that *T*-1 are also big program traders .
Word: Co.
Output: NOUN
Sentence: Right up front in the preface , co-author William Sternberg gives us an example of his own {{ integrity }} .
Word: integrity
Output: NOUN |
In this task, you are given two sets, and a question. You need to find whether an element is at the intersection of two given sets. A Set is shown by two curly braces and comma-separated numbers inside, like {1, 2, 3}. The intersection of two given sets is the largest set which contains all the elements that are common to both sets. An element is at the intersection of two given sets, A and B, if common to both A and B. Classify your answers into 'Yes' or 'No'.
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Set1: '{3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17}', Set2: '{4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16}', Set2: '{4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{17, 7}', Set2: '{11}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 18, 20}', Set2: '{8, 20}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8}', Set2: '{10, 12, 5}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 9, 2, 7}', Set2: '{10, 13, 12, 5}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{20}', Set2: '{2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 20}', Set2: '{16, 1, 11, 15}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 18, 6}', Set2: '{2, 5, 8, 13, 18}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14}', Set2: '{3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 11, 12, 14, 18, 20}', Set2: '{4, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{17}', Set2: '{4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 5, 10, 12, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18}', Set2: '{16, 11, 12, 13}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{3, 7, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 18, 7}', Set2: '{11, 3, 6, 7}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 10, 14}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 11, 12, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 14, 15, 18, 20}', Set2: '{17, 5}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 8, 16, 19}', Set2: '{1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 11}', Set2: '{10, 11}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 20}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 3, 8, 13, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 16, 19, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20}', Set2: '{9, 3, 15}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{14}', Set2: '{1, 11, 14}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20}', Set2: '{3, 10, 11, 13, 15}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18}', Set2: '{4, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16}', Set2: '{4, 9, 12, 15, 18}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 6}', Set2: '{1, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 10, 14, 7}', Set2: '{9, 2, 18, 12}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13}', Set2: '{3, 4, 10, 19, 20}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 7}', Set2: '{1, 17, 6}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19}', Set2: '{3}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 18, 4, 7}', Set2: '{2}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19}', Set2: '{1, 4, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{12}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{15}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{17, 2, 3, 12}', Set2: '{2, 7, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{8, 4, 15}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 17}', Set2: '{11, 14}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18}', Set2: '{12, 5}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20}', Set2: '{2}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{5, 14}', Set2: '{11}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 17}', Set2: '{11, 2, 3}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19}', Set2: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{16, 1}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 7}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 18}', Set2: '{10}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 11, 5, 7}', Set2: '{9, 2}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 5, 7, 9, 10}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 19, 5, 15}', Set2: '{1, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19}', Set2: '{17, 18, 12}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{4, 10, 11, 12, 13}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{17}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 16, 17}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{15}', Set2: '{1, 2, 8, 11, 15, 18, 19}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 15, 19}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 13, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{16, 12}', Set2: '{10}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14}', Set2: '{3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}', Set2: '{1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 17, 20}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 16, 17, 18}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 16, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{11, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 7, 8, 12, 15}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 18, 19}', Set2: '{1, 14, 15, 16, 17}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 18}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 19}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 3, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20}', Set2: '{19, 20, 6}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{11, 15}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16}', Set2: '{1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15}', Set2: '{3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 12, 16}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15}', Set2: '{1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{7, 11, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 20}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{5, 7, 13, 15, 16}'. Is the element '9' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{16, 2, 6, 15}', Set2: '{1, 19}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 6, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{20, 5}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 6}', Set2: '{1, 3, 7, 11, 18}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17}', Set2: '{17}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{17, 10, 12, 5}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 19, 20}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20}', Set2: '{10, 18}'. Is the element '12' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{12}', Set2: '{11, 6, 7}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15}', Set2: '{2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 20}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 13, 15, 18, 20}', Set2: '{4, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{2, 5, 9, 11, 14}', Set2: '{16, 20, 4, 15}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18}', Set2: '{3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 12, 14}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 10, 14, 17, 18}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 9, 19}', Set2: '{1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3}', Set2: '{16}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 20, 4, 5}', Set2: '{3, 8, 10, 11, 15, 20}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19}', Set2: '{5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{8, 12, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{12, 13, 14}', Set2: '{4, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{1, 18, 20}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 18}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{3, 19, 12, 15}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{3, 20}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 5, 13, 15, 18}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{16, 20, 4, 7}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 6}', Set2: '{19}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{5, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20}', Set2: '{4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17}', Set2: '{19, 5}'. Is the element '6' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{5, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20}', Set2: '{16, 3, 5}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{5}', Set2: '{1, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19}'. Is the element '7' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 10, 3}', Set2: '{6, 8, 9, 12, 14}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{1, 18, 3, 5}', Set2: '{4, 5, 7, 12, 17}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 16}', Set2: '{18, 14}'. Is the element '14' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18}', Set2: '{4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 18, 20}'. Is the element '4' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{3, 5}', Set2: '{10, 11}'. Is the element '10' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 11, 14}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 3, 6, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{6, 7, 10, 11, 17}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 20}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{4, 5, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20}'. Is the element '17' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: Yes
Set1: '{13}', Set2: '{4, 12, 15, 18, 19}'. Is the element '19' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 19, 9}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19}'. Is the element '13' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{17, 19}', Set2: '{1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{7}', Set2: '{4, 8, 11, 19, 20}'. Is the element '20' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18}', Set2: '{2}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 20}', Set2: '{1, 13, 16, 19, 20}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20}', Set2: '{19, 6}'. Is the element '2' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{16, 6}', Set2: '{1, 19}'. Is the element '1' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{16, 20, 13, 6}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18}'. Is the element '18' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{8, 3, 20}', Set2: '{1, 5, 9, 11, 15, 19, 20}'. Is the element '3' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 10, 20, 14}'. Is the element '8' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 7, 11, 15, 17, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 18}'. Is the element '11' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{16}', Set2: '{3, 6}'. Is the element '16' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{2, 4, 8, 13, 15}', Set2: '{5}'. Is the element '15' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No
Set1: '{10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19}'. Is the element '5' in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Answer: No |
Given: #MalaysiaAirlines #MH17 crash : Distraught families of passengers waiting at #KL airport http://t.co/D1KysrHH8c http://t.co/4LeyYb9mQt
Output: #KL airport
Given: Countdown to World Press Freedom Day 2014 : IFJJ Appeals for Re- Opening of Iranian Union Offices http://t.co/xVeCiDRRCy #PressFreedom
Output: Iranian Union Offices
Given: I ’ m calling for early intro of Chatteris- Manea bus link so residents can benefit from improved Manea train service http://t.co/dR48s5I6w4
Output: Chatteris- Manea
Given: Parabéns pelo evento da Zero Discriminação que aconteceu hoje no Cristo Redentor no Rio de Janeiro ! ! Importante causa e iniciativa ! !
Output: Rio de Janeiro
Given: Current state of play of by-election candidate list ahead of tonight 's Fianna Fail Roscommon- South Leitrim convention http://t.co/3nF5Hmb8S4
Output: Roscommon- South Leitrim
Given: Hedge Fund Newsletter Reporter - Bloomberg - London , England , United Kingdom http://t.co/gQJLAz2X8Z #journalism #jobs
Output: United Kingdom
Given: @ wendy_harmer is a nat ' l treasure , like Tas forests . Libs out of touch with 7 out of 8 Aussies who want World Heritage protected not logged .
Output: Tas forests
Given: Alert : Waiariki Institute Rotorua - At 4 . 25p . m . this afternoon Police attended at the Waiariki Institute of Tec . . . http://t.co/FM5HP0dQVt
Output: Waiariki Institute Rotorua
Given: Here in Westminster Colorado , impressive to hear @FirstNetGov #FirstNet's new CIO talk about his effort to be entrepreneurial within govt .
Output: Westminster Colorado
Given: Plans tonight ? Cancel ! Such a great doco on ABC 8 . 30 . Brilliant Creatures : Australia 's famous expats https://t.co/QaOeQFgJY5
Output: Australia 's
Given: JUANES @ TODAYshow Plaza Concert LIVE . Monday , April 21 , 2014 ATTEND IN PERSON : Recommended arrival time is 6 : 00am . http://t.co/TXmXE2mdjJ
Output: Plaza Concert
Given: Web design and ecommerce package only £ 600 ! Saving at least £ 200 ! Bargain . Email us at sales Littlebigbox . co . uk for more details # RT
Output: ox .
Given: our plane is VERY animal friendly ! thank u Christine and your fabulous crew ! Santa Barbara Zoo Rocks ! x c & s #KlayVinn http://t.co/7fY80oFf2t
Output: Santa Barbara Zoo
Given: Highlight # 3 ; Opening Queens Hospital http://t.co/hiKS39GPvF
Output: Queens Hospital
Given: Flight #MH17 was same model of aircraft as the #MH370, which vanished over the Indian Ocean : http://t.co/KFfmB8l2UL http://t.co/Od4P9OiWZO
Output: Indian Ocean
Given: The one and only @ SamSparro performing in Central Park on this perfect summer day - http://t.co/bCtmrNtJ2C
Output: Central Park
Given: Australia 's seat on UN Security Council was a big joke to conservatives . Remember that , Tony Abbott ? #MH17 #auspol http://t.co/pOAmuHVWCp
Output: Australia 's
Given: #MH17 " was flying on a busy aviation route , known as Airway L 980 , used by commercial carriers between Asia & northern Europe . " - @cjchivers
Output: northern Europe
Given: North America you can get presale tickets now ! :) http://t.co/0nu4d1YNSv
Output: North America
Given: Awesome night at connect group , love the relaxed environment . Just nice to discuss the year over some food and drink . City Centre CG rules !
Output: City Centre CG
Given: Tonight Queen 's Park Community Council meets for 1st time . Westminster Council celebrates by pulling lifeline from parent 's support group .
Output: Queen 's Park
Given: Here 's a route map of @ MAS #MH17, which @ flightaware lost track of right at the Ukraine / Poland border http://t.co/IGvQJnkU7B
Output: Poland border
Given: West VA state supreme court ruling on charging for public records research is reverberating around the nation . #FOIA http://t.co/OHYryCbEiS
Output: West VA
Given: @ Mjpkane @ StuffInSale @ AsaleResident Please RT- Family friendly road safety day on June 8th @ Stretford Fire Station #safertraffordstreets
Output: Stretford Fire Station
Given: Senate landmark report on Australia 's classification system will be tabled and made public in the next hour .
Output: Australia 's
Given: Would you visit Stewart Island if it were predator-free ? http://t.co/wN56X0wbdz
Output: Stewart Island
Given: Police are appealing for witnesses after an armed robbery at PC World in Kingston this morning .
Output: PC World
Given: Parabéns pelo evento da Zero Discriminação que aconteceu hoje no Cristo Redentor no Rio de Janeiro ! ! Importante causa e iniciativa ! !
Output: Rio de Janeiro
Given: PM Najib Razak at the Emergency Ops Centre ; receiving updates over the past hour #MH17 - Admin http://t.co/gVcw9cqb4U
Output: Emergency Ops Centre
Given: Hello Melbourne . I 'm playing two shows this Friday at the Yarraville Club . Get amongst it ! http://t.co/lWdAQVnkQW
Output: Yarraville Club
Given: Australia 's seat on UN Security Council was a big joke to conservatives . Remember that , Tony Abbott ? #MH17 #auspol http://t.co/pOAmuHVWCp
Output: Australia 's
Given: Photo credit : Austin Swift - - Las Vegas , NV . http://t.co/4CRYkU60vw
Given: On the piss at the Huxley in Edinburgh with @ savagi21 . Resident movie star . @teamwolfpack3000 http://t.co/bOEvTr2Jgk
Output: the Huxley
Given: # jobs # php Database Developer , Oracle , MySQL , Perl , OO , Java : Salary / Rate : Market RateLocation : city of london Da . . . http://t.co/PhPoOza4
Output: city of london
Given: Nice #airgait goal by @ CurtisDickson17 CAN leads Iroquois Nation 8 - 3 in 3rd quarter of World Field Lax game . Currently on TSN 2 .
Output: World Field Lax
Given: On the piss at the Huxley in Edinburgh with @ savagi21 . Resident movie star . @teamwolfpack3000 http://t.co/bOEvTr2Jgk
Output: the Huxley
Given: #valuingourvote Claire Trevett , chair of the New Zealand press gallery addressing the conference on media & elections http://t.co/fy2xiDDH1e
Output: New Zealand
Given: RT vitaminTjobs Digital Copywriter ( Central London ) http://t.co/AEdPQIQ4 # job
Output: Central London
Given: # jobs # php Database Developer , Oracle , MySQL , Perl , OO , Java : Salary / Rate : Market RateLocation : city of london Da . . . http://t.co/PhPoOza4
Output: city of london
Given: Hundreds of candles , flowers & toys in front of #Dutch embassy , #Kiev. No words . RIP | EMPR #MH17 #RussiaAttacksUkraine http://t.co/7x39buSfNR
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: West VA state supreme court ruling on charging for public records research is reverberating around the nation . #FOIA http://t.co/OHYryCbEiS
Output: West VA
Given: " Will not forget . Will not forgive . . . " #Dutch Embassy , #Kyiv | EMPR Photo #MH17 #RussiaAttacksUkraine http://t.co/qMEduprGTd
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: Good debate on #ruralcrime @ HouseofCommons . + ve that #ruralcrime has fallen 20 % in Thames Valley http://t.co/VCfHl25ncG. @ ThamesVP
Output: Thames Valley
Given: Judge Denies City of Norfolk ’ s Request to Dismiss #FOIA Lawsuit Brought by the @ ACLUVA & @ PETA
Output: City of Norfolk
Given: 24th 14 , 000 foot peak - first to summit with my son this morning on Mt Yale #14ers #14er http://t.co/Fcyu4OSRW6
Output: Mt Yale
Given: JUANES @ TODAYshow Plaza Concert LIVE . Monday , April 21 , 2014 ATTEND IN PERSON : Recommended arrival time is 6 : 00am . http://t.co/TXmXE2mdjJ
Output: Plaza Concert
Given: Castlecliff house fire update - A woman who was in the Wanganui Hospital in a critical condition after being rescu . . . http://t.co/ssm1EpADeA
Output: Wanganui Hospital
Given: On duty for #helpforheroes in Northbrook St Newbury tomorrow selling cakes . Come and buy for a great cause
Output: Northbrook St Newbury
Given: Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 http://t.co/HoMsaz5D2I " @ MoscowTimes @ EvaHartog
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: On air from Washington DC with Peter van Onselen and Paul Kelly on Sky 's Australian Agenda . http://t.co/Ewoh3xvzam
Output: Washington DC
Given: Highlight # 3 ; Opening Queens Hospital http://t.co/hiKS39GPvF
Output: Queens Hospital
Given: Tonight Y2KRISS will be at Albertines , Lewisham Way tickets are available holla . OfficialHPV .
Output: Lewisham Way
Given: Find out why a place like the Media Center at #WallisAnnenbergHall does n't exist anywhere else in the world . Watch : http://t.co/hdi9f7Z6sD
Output: Media Center
Given: The one and only @ SamSparro performing in Central Park on this perfect summer day - http://t.co/bCtmrNtJ2C
Output: Central Park
Given: Good debate on #ruralcrime @ HouseofCommons . + ve that #ruralcrime has fallen 20 % in Thames Valley http://t.co/VCfHl25ncG. @ ThamesVP
Output: Thames Valley
Given: RT vitaminTjobs Digital Copywriter ( Central London ) http://t.co/AEdPQIQ4 # job
Output: Central London
Given: Space Station underlining the immense beauty of the universe . Thoughtful Drew Buckley photo . https://t.co/vnj4VzaSGC http://t.co/qale3jvrlu
Output: Space Station
Given: On duty for #helpforheroes in Northbrook St Newbury tomorrow selling cakes . Come and buy for a great cause
Output: Northbrook St Newbury
Given: Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 http://t.co/HoMsaz5D2I " @ MoscowTimes @ EvaHartog
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: # jobs # php Database Developer , Oracle , MySQL , Perl , OO , Java : Salary / Rate : Market RateLocation : city of london Da . . . http://t.co/PhPoOza4
Output: city of london
Given: Had an amazing meal at Eleven Madison Park , as a precursor to @ Davidburtka 's b ' day on Thursday . Truly remarkable . http://t.co/yjDC7zDb8f
Output: Eleven Madison Park
Given: # jobs # php Database Developer , Oracle , MySQL , Perl , OO , Java : Salary / Rate : Market RateLocation : city of london Da . . . http://t.co/PhPoOza4
Output: city of london
Given: Countdown to World Press Freedom Day 2014 : IFJJ Appeals for Re- Opening of Iranian Union Offices http://t.co/xVeCiDRRCy #PressFreedom
Output: Iranian Union Offices
Given: Yay . Off to the 3 Pots for dinner . Hawngry …
Output: the 3 Pots
Given: Will the last South Australian critic of the Rex mine please turn out the lights http://t.co/WGlQLeJ0oa
Output: South Australian
Given: Dinner with my son ( @ Philly 's Cheesesteaks ) http://t.co/hLIqYVid
Output: Philly 's Cheesesteaks
Given: I was pleased to get along to the ribbon-cutting of the first stage of the Kangaroo Island development at . . . http://t.co/hKNOaTRb
Output: Kangaroo Island
Given: Interfax news agency are reporting that a Malaysian Airlines plane has been shot down on the Russia / Ukraine border #MH17
Output: Ukraine border
Given: Ca n't believe we are doing this many nights at the Rose Bowl ! http://t.co/L9EcwJpO7K http://t.co/Xy4MU0mPne
Output: Rose Bowl
Given: " Will not forget . Will not forgive . . . " #Dutch Embassy , #Kyiv | EMPR Photo #MH17 #RussiaAttacksUkraine http://t.co/qMEduprGTd
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: Web design and ecommerce package only £ 600 ! Saving at least £ 200 ! Bargain . Email us at sales Littlebigbox . co . uk for more details # RT
Output: ox .
Given: Experienced guide injured on Mt Cook - At 11am this morning an experienced climbing guide fell 20m along a mo . . . http://t.co/8aD9P207Vu
Output: Mt Cook
Given: Sad to learn that Past Times on Palmerston Road is closing # Southsea RT kimberleybarber http://t.co/tvbtAtAk
Output: Palmerston Road
Given: PHOTO : Hundreds at Netherlands Embassy in Kiev lay down flowers for those who perished in #MH17 http://t.co/e6foyd6OTd pic by @cool_mindsUA
Output: Netherlands Embassy
Given: Full @ poroshenko 's stmt on #MH17 crash in Eastern Ukraine ( google-translated ) http://t.co/ImPux3HJjm
Output: Eastern Ukraine
Given: Arrest following attack at Waikato University - Today Hamilton Police arrested an 18 year-old Hamilton man in rela . . . http://t.co/85yRXyLp12
Output: Waikato University
Given: Wraxall Bristol weather 7 : 00 PM 9 . 3 & # xB 0 ; C 87 pct MaxTemp 10 . 8 & # xB 0 ; C , MinTemp 9 . 3 & # xB 0 ; C , Rain 0 . 2 mm , Sun 00 : 08 Hrs , Baro 1034 . 1 hpa
Output: Wraxall Bristol
Given: Sad to learn that Past Times on Palmerston Road is closing # Southsea RT kimberleybarber http://t.co/tvbtAtAk
Output: Palmerston Road
Given: Plans tonight ? Cancel ! Such a great doco on ABC 8 . 30 . Brilliant Creatures : Australia 's famous expats https://t.co/QaOeQFgJY5
Output: Australia 's
Given: Track me from link on FB #co54 #colorado54 #14ers #colorado14ers #secondmilewater #co54pilgrimage http://t.co/Ew5ovI90ht
Output: #co54 #colorado54
Given: Homeward bound from Middle Earth http://t.co/MhYdCsp202
Output: Middle Earth
Given: Anyone know when the Fault in our stars opens in New Zealand ? #thefaultinourstars
Output: New Zealand
Given: Thinking of Regents Park Royal Green Jackets Band and Hyde Park victims families tonight . 32 years of grief #Rifles
Output: Hyde Park
Given: Potters Bar Jobs : Primary Teacher : Potters Bar , Hertfordshire - Are you looking for a Primary . . . http://t.co/muOswVqr # Jobs # PottersBar
Output: Potters Bar
Given: Hedge Fund Newsletter Reporter - Bloomberg - London , England , United Kingdom http://t.co/gQJLAz2X8Z #journalism #jobs
Output: United Kingdom
Given: At Eindhoven airbase I think we are about to see the moment when the passengers of #MH17 are afforded the respect and dignity they deserve .
Output: Eindhoven airbase
Given: Plane debris of #MH17 is in the village of Grabovo , #Donetsk region controlled by separatists - Interfax citing source in police
Output: Donetsk region
Given: @ wendy_harmer is a nat ' l treasure , like Tas forests . Libs out of touch with 7 out of 8 Aussies who want World Heritage protected not logged .
Output: Tas forests
Given: Flight #MH17 was same model of aircraft as the #MH370, which vanished over the Indian Ocean : http://t.co/KFfmB8l2UL http://t.co/Od4P9OiWZO
Output: Indian Ocean
Given: British govt to decide by Dec 2014 Budget if corp tax rates will be devolved to Northern Ireland . http://t.co/QRrT3z4OXc ( see WA 34 )
Output: Northern Ireland
Given: The crowd here in Baton Rouge tonight is so awesome . . . I like HAD to Mermaid Dance for them ! #PitchPerfect2
Output: Baton Rouge
Given: I 'd urge Bryan to fight hard but that goes without saying for a member of the Murray clan of Shawville , Que .
Output: Shawville , Que
Given: Arrest following attack at Waikato University - Today Hamilton Police arrested an 18 year-old Hamilton man in rela . . . http://t.co/85yRXyLp12
Output: Waikato University
Given: Protestors gathering outside Russian embassy in Kuala Lumpur . For most , the answer to below question is " No " #mh17 http://t.co/3ufw381C4f
Output: Kuala Lumpur
Given: Proud of our Foreign Minister Timmermans at #UNSC and his heartbraking speech about the #MH17 flight https://t.co/iHhZnqZcHb #bringthemhome
Output: #MH17 flight
Given: Weird being back in ox . Results tomorrow * bbm hand over face *
Output: ox .
Given: The one and only @ SamSparro performing in Central Park on this perfect summer day - http://t.co/bCtmrNtJ2C
Output: Central Park
Given: Judge ’ s decision to hear Pelican Bay inmates ’ case could shape national policy on solitary confinement : http://t.co/0pNGrFHHy9
Output: Pelican Bay
Given: Croke Park filling up nicely for Leinster final . Hoping for a good tough game . Dubs to win . #gaa http://t.co/6zlKtADPCC
Output: Croke Park
Given: JUANES @ TODAYshow Plaza Concert LIVE . Monday , April 21 , 2014 ATTEND IN PERSON : Recommended arrival time is 6 : 00am . http://t.co/TXmXE2mdjJ
Output: Plaza Concert
Given: UKIP rejection of European co-operation to fight criminals would be dangerous for British families - ca n't they remember Costa del Crime
Output: ?Costa del Crime
Given: The schedule of September conferrings at Maynooth University : looking forward to seeing the #Geography class of 2014 https://t.co/dkHMwbZfz9
Output: Maynooth University
Given: #MalaysiaAirlines #MH17 crash : Distraught families of passengers waiting at #KL airport http://t.co/D1KysrHH8c http://t.co/4LeyYb9mQt
Output: #KL airport
Given: In Question Time Govt refused to give assurance that asylum seekers handed over to Sri Lanka will be safe fro torture & persecution .
Output: Sri Lanka
Given: Last week I spoke to @ 6PR about the future of the Victoria Park car indusrty #victoriapark https://t.co/EzpmTBMFyY
Output: Victoria Park
Given: I ’ m calling for early intro of Chatteris- Manea bus link so residents can benefit from improved Manea train service http://t.co/dR48s5I6w4
Output: Chatteris- Manea
Given: #SeanRef: 187 votes the difference in Tipp South . Official results 50 . 41 % Yes , 49 . 59 % No http://t.co/Xz0POlvv5W
Output: Tipp South
Given: Ferrari World ( the calm ) before we tore up the track . Aston Martin coup . #abudhabi @ mrodofficial http://t.co/BjOos2Jb1M
Output: Ferrari World
Given: # IfiHadOneWish it would be to see Ronaldo playing at old trafford again # MUFC
Output: old trafford
Given: What are five things that are musts to bring to #EIJ14 in Music City ? Cowboy boots definitely count .
Output: Music City
Given: WOW : The current status of the half-built São Paulo Stadium , which is set to host Brazil vs Croatia in 25 days time ! http://t.co/DW0sJI0V1y
Output: São Paulo Stadium
Given: @ MattRpianoman @ jtimberlake I 'm back . Australia 's too small for both of our egos ! ;-)
Output: Australia 's
Given: Arrest following attack at Waikato University - Today Hamilton Police arrested an 18 year-old Hamilton man in rela . . . http://t.co/85yRXyLp12
Output: Waikato University
Given: @ MattRpianoman @ jtimberlake I 'm back . Australia 's too small for both of our egos ! ;-)
Output: Australia 's
Given: Blog : Our reassuring presence - The tragic events that unfolded in Ashburton on Monday shocked all New Zealanders . . . . http://t.co/Dr7MVnC8zb
Output: New Zealand
Given: Judge Denies City of Norfolk ’ s Request to Dismiss #FOIA Lawsuit Brought by the @ ACLUVA & @ PETA
Output: City of Norfolk
Given: Protestors gathering outside Russian embassy in Kuala Lumpur . For most , the answer to below question is " No " #mh17 http://t.co/3ufw381C4f
Output: Kuala Lumpur
Given: At Eindhoven airbase I think we are about to see the moment when the passengers of #MH17 are afforded the respect and dignity they deserve .
Output: Eindhoven airbase
Given: And here it is , spotted today in #Snezhnoye. #Russia's #BUK system that shot down #MH17 via @ MorbidYoung & @ motech99 http://t.co/bMDJDezaVc
Output: #Snezhnoye. #Russia's
Given: Wind farm in the Manawatu hills . . . #mradventure @ Te Apiti Wind Farm http://t.co/NdSmGqOJ9F
Output: Manawatu hills
Given: Y después Costa Rica suerte Tic @s
Output: Costa Rica
Given: @ vanOnselenP so let 's sell off all of rural Australia while houses have regulations . That is crazy . John Williams , Nats senator
Output: rural Australia
Given: Experienced guide injured on Mt Cook - At 11am this morning an experienced climbing guide fell 20m along a mo . . . http://t.co/8aD9P207Vu
Output: Mt Cook
Given: Latest : Alliance Party Offices in East Belfast attacked again http://t.co/IlxXyE9xBA
Output: East Belfast
Given: Big turn out at the alternatives to shark culling forum- So many committed West Aussies who want to do something about this terrible policy
Output: West Aussies
Given: I was pleased to get along to the ribbon-cutting of the first stage of the Kangaroo Island development at . . . http://t.co/hKNOaTRb
Output: Kangaroo Island
Given: Space Station underlining the immense beauty of the universe . Thoughtful Drew Buckley photo . https://t.co/vnj4VzaSGC http://t.co/qale3jvrlu
Output: Space Station
Given: @ Jayson_Bryant @ WendyWings Haha - I still remember your mother in law trying to get Ferg to come at Grey Lynn Park !
Output: Grey Lynn Park
Given: Last week I spoke to @ 6PR about the future of the Victoria Park car indusrty #victoriapark https://t.co/EzpmTBMFyY
Output: Victoria Park
Given: Ruth Coppinger is the new TD for Dublin West , with Gabrielle McFadden set to join her : http://t.co/6pitgbd0MH #le14
Output: Dublin West
Given: Framed some old maps at the weekend . Here 's Heathrow Airport from a 1945 OS map : http://t.co/yVsr5rtm
Output: Heathrow Airport
Given: I 'm at Royal Sussex County Hospital ( Eastern Rd . , Brighton ) http://t.co/NQ3O615j
Output: Eastern Rd .
Given: Thinking of Regents Park Royal Green Jackets Band and Hyde Park victims families tonight . 32 years of grief #Rifles
Output: Hyde Park
Given: Thought I could pop over to Disney on my lunch . . . turns out it 's just a Russian church . #fml http://t.co/PW7EggIr34
Output: Russian church
Given: @ Mjpkane @ StuffInSale @ AsaleResident Please RT- Family friendly road safety day on June 8th @ Stretford Fire Station #safertraffordstreets
Output: Stretford Fire Station
Given: ❝ Thomas Zipp Schwartze Ballons at The Saatchi Gallery http://t.co/W4nXB691 ❞
Output: The Saatchi Gallery
Given: AR . Drone 2 . 0 : Now This Toy is Serious Fun ( VIDEO ) : LAS VEGAS : AR . Drone was a fun , albeit expensive toy . . . http://t.co/PfuKyA2Z # codecia
Given: Will the last South Australian critic of the Rex mine please turn out the lights http://t.co/WGlQLeJ0oa
Output: South Australian
Given: Soaking up some knowledge with my sidekick jessie _ g _ unit #mexicanadventures @ Chichen Itza http://t.co/cqejP8LCBQ
Output: Chichen Itza
Given: At Eindhoven airbase I think we are about to see the moment when the passengers of #MH17 are afforded the respect and dignity they deserve .
Output: Eindhoven airbase
Given: AR . Drone 2 . 0 : Now This Toy is Serious Fun ( VIDEO ) : LAS VEGAS : AR . Drone was a fun , albeit expensive toy . . . http://t.co/PfuKyA2Z # codecia
Given: On air from Washington DC with Peter van Onselen and Paul Kelly on Sky 's Australian Agenda . http://t.co/Ewoh3xvzam
Output: Washington DC
Given: White House says Obama called Malaysian prime minister , Ukrainian president about downed jet from Air Force One . #MH17
Output: White House
Given: Man charged after chemical incident - A 45 year old man is in Police custody and will appear in the Nelson Distr . . . http://t.co/HLejGGCFYY
Output: Nelson Distr
Given: Alert : Lake Lyndon - Canterbury Police Search and Rescue are currently involved in a search for a person who went . . . http://t.co/yaF91G2e9t
Output: Lake Lyndon
Given: @ bruk_bb @ creamym4mi Ok v godly Balmoral KFC Hot n Spicy closing ceremony . Tweet me & i walk up ( @ fishBOWLBoy274 u v . local + invited 2 lol )
Output: Balmoral KFC
Given: Wind farm in the Manawatu hills . . . #mradventure @ Te Apiti Wind Farm http://t.co/NdSmGqOJ9F
Output: Manawatu hills
Given: @ vanOnselenP so let 's sell off all of rural Australia while houses have regulations . That is crazy . John Williams , Nats senator
Output: rural Australia
Given: Croke Park filling up nicely for Leinster final . Hoping for a good tough game . Dubs to win . #gaa http://t.co/6zlKtADPCC
Output: Croke Park
Given: Truck mounted Russian BUK ground-to-air missile of the type that may have brought down #MH17 over eastern Ukraine . http://t.co/vnjetMibBg
Output: Eastern Ukraine
Given: RT vitaminTjobs Digital Copywriter ( Central London ) http://t.co/AEdPQIQ4 # job
Output: Central London
Given: East Ukraine rebels leader Borodai blames Ukraine army for #MH17 crash . ' We do n't have weapon like that ' , he tweets https://t.co/8olLIWkZnx
Output: East Ukraine
Given: Interfax news agency are reporting that a Malaysian Airlines plane has been shot down on the Russia / Ukraine border #MH17
Output: Ukraine border
Given: Track me from link on FB #co54 #colorado54 #14ers #colorado14ers #secondmilewater #co54pilgrimage http://t.co/Ew5ovI90ht
Output: #co54 #colorado54
Given: Talks @ Pulitzer : Amy Toensing and Jessica Benko on Widows in India , July 14 , 5 :3 30 pm at the Pulitzer Center . Join us : http://t.co/HnO3EPXBcX
Output: Pulitzer Center
Given: Columbia 's Tow Center gets $ 150 , 000 from Knight for its new Journalism After Snowden initiative http://t.co/6W5o0D0qb6
Output: Tow Center
Given: #TBT rockin out behind the drums in Latin America \ m / http://t.co/cXYBJabO2b
Output: Latin America
Given: My friend @ pcousteau begins an epic journey w / @World_Wildlife to ' 30 Hills ' - check it out : http://t.co/5VWY74R2gi
Output: 30 Hills
Given: Have you been to a predator-free place ? Would you visit Stewart Island if it were predator-free ? http://t.co/Zp3oEpgCEJ
Output: Stewart Island
Given: @ bruk_bb @ creamym4mi Ok v godly Balmoral KFC Hot n Spicy closing ceremony . Tweet me & i walk up ( @ fishBOWLBoy274 u v . local + invited 2 lol )
Output: Balmoral KFC
Given: Meanwhile #Moscow residents write ' Excuse us ' at the Dutch embassy in #Russia #MH17 #Ukraine http://t.co/I7qzRIVF3F
Output: Dutch embassy
Given: @ vanOnselenP so let 's sell off all of rural Australia while houses have regulations . That is crazy . John Williams , Nats senator
Output: rural Australia
Given: Alert : Lake Lyndon - Canterbury Police Search and Rescue are currently involved in a search for a person who went . . . http://t.co/yaF91G2e9t
Output: Lake Lyndon
Given news headlines, an edited word and funniness labels. The original sentence has word with the given format {word}. Create new headlines by replacing {word} in the original sentence with edit word. Your task is to generate answer "Yes" if an edited sentence matches funniness label, otherwise generate answer "No".
News Headline: Try As He Might , Trump Struggles To Spin {Government} Spending Bill As A Victory
Edit: Laundry
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: After a Debacle , How California Became a Role Model on {Measles}
Edit: Plague
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Forty {Years} of Sex Abuse Catalogued at Elite NH Prep School of Kerry , Mueller
Edit: minutes
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: France bans extremely thin models , a new law bans the use of unhealthily thin {fashion} models .
Edit: fitness
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: What we learned from enduring a week-long {news} cycle about Alex Jones
Edit: gastrointestinal
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Chris Wallace {slams} Fox colleagues for ' bashing the media '
Edit: kisses
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: GOP offers health care trade-off for states : More {flexibility} , less funding
Edit: massages
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Are Democrats being Donald Trump ’s ‘ pawns ’ by boycotting his {inauguration} ?
Edit: spaghetti
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Swalwell dares Trump : {Declassify} the surveillance documents
Edit: read
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: {Watch} : Conservative political advocate Matt Schlapp says Trump ’s ties to Russia are “ probably treasonous ”
Edit: clock
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: The Democrats ’ {hypocrisy} fest : Disingenuous attacks on Bernie Sanders persist — and his popularity climbs
Edit: dance
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Hamas makes {demands} as UN chief arrives in Gaza for visit
Edit: pretzels
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Ohio race shows how NRA flexes its political {muscle}
Edit: coracobrachialis
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump to host Netanyahu in meeting focused on Iran , Middle East {talks}
Edit: hugs
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Paul Manafort , and the Weakness of {Trump}
Edit: chins
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Jeff Bezos {Screws} Over Workers At Amazon . Now He Wants To Do The Same At The Washington Post .
Edit: Flies
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump ’s {budget} makes it official : he ’s doing little to nothing about the opioid epidemic
Edit: intelligence
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: ' Get ready Russia ' : Trump issues warning on Syria {missile} strikes
Edit: bowling
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: WikiLeaks {founder} Assange loses bid to get U.K. arrest warrant dropped
Edit: geek
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: U.S. Reporter Christopher Allen {Killed} in South Sudan Civil War
Edit: sleeping
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trucker damaged part of Peru 's world-renowned Nazca {lines} , officials say
Edit: cupcakes
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: World 's largest collection of {ocean} garbage is now twice the size of Texas
Edit: presidential
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Charles Manson {dies} at 84
Edit: yells
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Sessions reportedly told White House that he might {leave} if Rosenstein is fired
Edit: cry
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Mattis warns NKorea against any attack on US or its {allies}
Edit: celebrities
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Donald Trump says storm over son 's meeting is greatest {witch} hunt in history
Edit: duck
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Triple Threat : New {Pneumonia} Is Drug-Resistant , Deadly And Contagious
Edit: dance
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump loves Civil War {memorials} so much that he created a fake one
Edit: news
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Iowa Senator 's alma mater turns out to be a Sizzler {franchise}
Edit: steak
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif disqualified from {office} by Supreme Court over corruption charges
Edit: competition
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Can Democrat Doug Jones pull off an upset in {Alabama} ?
Edit: bed
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: The Latest : Saudi royals to make pledge to new {crown} prince
Edit: clown
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Donald Trump : I ’m Not Going to Tell You What I ’ll Do in {Syria}
Edit: bathroom
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: U.S. Politics Are Rigged . It 's Time For a Small-Donor {Revolution}
Edit: Petition
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Workers at Chinese Factory for Ivanka Trump ’s {Clothing} Paid $ 62 a Week : Report
Edit: nose
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: White House {Backs} Away From Investigation Into Voter Fraud Claims Trump Made Up
Edit: sashays
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: How can we {save} the Democratic Party ?
Edit: exchange
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump pressured parks chief for photos to prove ' media lied ' about {inauguration} crowd
Edit: circus
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Man} Catches Teen Falling From Amusement Park Ride : ‘ It ’s OK to Let Go ! ’
Edit: Kangaroo
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: The strange collection of {extremists} running for office as Republicans
Edit: geckos
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Corbyn woos small {businesses} with plan for crackdown on late payments
Edit: porcupines
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Fox News guest offensively slams {John McCain} to claim torture works
Edit: poetry
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: FBI {Raids} Office Of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen : Report
Edit: Redecorates
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Federal Scientists ’ Startling Climate Report Released Before {Trump} Can Bury It
Edit: gravediggers
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: North Korea 's Winter {Training} Means Fewer Missile Launches
Edit: olympics
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump decries ' alt-left ' in Charlottesville : ' Do they have any semblance of {guilt} ? '
Edit: fashion
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: China : Trump bank ban statement ‘ not consistent ’ with {facts} .
Edit: astrology
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Justices} reject appeal over Mississippi Confederate emblem
Edit: Monkeys
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Chris Wallace {slams} Fox colleagues for ' bashing the media '
Edit: kisses
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: GOP ' chickens ' just do n't get it on {tax} reform
Edit: nugget
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Chile election ends era of female presidents in Latin {America}
Edit: Dance
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Donald Trump-themed restaurant opens in Iraqi {Kurdistan}
Edit: circus
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: California Republican Rep. Ed Royce wo n't seek {reelection} , creating bigger opening for Democrats
Edit: dessert
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: The Latest : In call , Trump backs Moore , dubs him a ‘ {fighter} ’
Edit: knight
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump ’s mad {dash} to 100 days
Edit: science
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Marc Andreessen : If You Wanted the Truth During the 2016 Election ‘ You {Read} Breitbart ’
Edit: question
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Teacher apologizes for accidentally firing {gun} in classroom
Edit: student
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: x Wrestling ’s new villain calls himself ‘ Progressive Liberal . ’ Hillary ’s on his {shirt} .
Edit: nightgown
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Cost of {Health} Insurance Is n't All About Fairness
Edit: potato
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Call to remove or {prosecute} homeless ahead of royal wedding draws wide criticism
Edit: eat
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Edible cookie dough craze hits the {heartland}
Edit: waistline
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Do n't Succumb to Crazy {White} House Fatigue
Edit: Frat
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Massachusetts city council passes resolution calling for Donald Trump 's {impeachment}
Edit: IQ
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Nikki Haley rips ' offensive ' and ' disgusting ' rumor of {affair} with Trump that stemmed from Michael Wolff 's book
Edit: affiliation
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Russian Prime Minister Slams Trump Administration ' Weakness ' Over U.S. {Sanctions}
Edit: Bribes
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: ‘ Culture of Silence ’ Abetted Abuse of at Least 547 German Choir {Boys} , Inquiry Finds
Edit: Songs
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Pakistan asks Trump to help fund border fence with {Afghanistan}
Edit: itself
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Trump} Rally : Why it 's misunderstood and what to do about it
Edit: Casserole
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Republicans unveil harder-line {fix} for DACA
Edit: font
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: James Comey Needs To Get His Clinton Investigation {Story} Straight ... Again
Edit: Sexuality
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Senate investigation concludes {Russia} interfered in election to help Donald Trump - breaking with conclusion of House probe
Edit: cloud
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: HUD Unveils Plan To Increase Rent On {Millions} Receiving Federal Housing Assistance
Edit: Hamsters
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump Jr. says missing out on India {deals} because of father 's self-imposed curbs
Edit: scams
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump 's new conflict of interest could involve paying off officials to not talk about {Russia}
Edit: hair
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump was told weeks ago that Flynn {misled} Vice President .
Edit: tricked
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: South Korea Court Approves {Arrest} of Samsung Heir Jay Y. Lee
Edit: fleecing
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: The GOP ’s “ Hillary slayer ” will be in charge of {investigating} Trump in the House
Edit: tickling
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: ' Shut up , Arthur , you Nazi ! ' : Trump backer {leads} the resistance to the resistance in California
Edit: introduces
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto cancels planned {meeting} with Trump
Edit: Caravan
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: ' We are going to take back the {country} we love ' : Hillary Clinton
Edit: fries
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Catholic bishops {strike} back at Bannon
Edit: whistle
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Three {gangsters} killed in Moscow courthouse firefight
Edit: canaries
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Ex-Serbian Soldier Attacks U.S. Embassy in Montenegro with {Grenade}
Edit: confetti
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: US flies two B-1 {bombers} over South Korea after North Korea missile launch
Edit: rats
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Le Pen {Moves} Into Lead in French Race , Le Monde Poll Shows
Edit: moonwalks
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump Orders Steel {Imports} Probe as American Company Fights China
Edit: alien
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Former presidents raise $ 31 million for {hurricane} relief fund
Edit: headache
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Putin} has run out of patience with Trump
Edit: Kangaroo
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Brexit : Businesses warn over ' UK {workers} first ' proposal - BBC News
Edit: accents
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Enraged Bernie Supporter Opens Fire on {Republicans} After Realizing he Ca n't Get a Refund
Edit: clowns
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump feels " vindicated " by {James Comey} 's testimony , lawyer says
Edit: clown
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump {Prostitutes} , Aligning With Dossier Story
Edit: hamburgers
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump might have given Syrian and Russian forces too much time to prepare for a {strike} , experts say
Edit: picnic
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump aide Hope Hicks declines to answer some questions in {Russia} probe
Edit: anal
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Madeleine Albright : Eclipse a reminder ' all {darkness} is temporary '
Edit: sunshine
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Trump} Rally : Why it 's misunderstood and what to do about it
Edit: Casserole
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: AP FACT CHECK : Trump ’s claims in his State of {Union} address
Edit: ostriches
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump threatens to cut aid to UN members who vote for withdrawing his {Jerusalem} decision
Edit: shoe
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: 3 in National Guard disciplined over use of dinosaur hand puppet during {oath} ceremony | Fox News
Edit: birthday
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump ’s Draft {Executive} Order on Detention and Interrogation
Edit: pizza
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: The GOP 's Obamacare repeal {plan} is out -- and it 's even worse than anyone expected
Edit: Commercial
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Tillerson Recuses Himself From Keystone XL {Pipeline} Review
Edit: beer
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: The Alex Jones influence : Trump ’s “ deep {state} ” fears come from his conspiracy theorist ally and adviser
Edit: dish
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: North Korea : China and Russia call on US to freeze military {exercises} in bid to cool tensions
Edit: food
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump : {Hope} Kim Jong Un will do what is right
Edit: Cuddly
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: A Reporter ’s Reflections on Hillary Clinton ’s {Loss}
Edit: cataracts
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: TX Gov Abbott : I Will Sign Legislation That Could Put Sheriffs of Sanctuary Cities in {Jail}
Edit: costumes
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Rex Tillerson : US has ' direct channels ' to {Pyongyang}
Edit: television
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Supreme {Court} takes up 2nd major partisan redistricting case
Edit: pizza
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: New DOJ alert system will flag {crimes} against police
Edit: laughter
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Who is Carter Page and why did the FBI suspect he was a Russian {agent} ?
Edit: doll
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Ex-federal {judge} tapped to review Cohen documents
Edit: inmate
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Russia hits back at claims Trump shared classified {information} , calls them ‘ dangerous ’
Edit: cookies
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump ’s Trillion Dollar Pledge to Fix Bridges and {Roads} Could be Challenging . .
Edit: caps
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Majority of Americans against Trump 's {wall} and do not believe Mexico will pay for it
Edit: election
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump ’s Pick For {Agriculture} Secretary Is A Climate Denier , Too
Edit: fiction
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Steve Wynn resigns as RNC {finance} chair
Edit: reclining
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump , Xi talked Syria strike over ' beautiful ' chocolate {cake}
Edit: puppy
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Dozens dead in possible gas {attack} in Syria ; regime denies allegation
Edit: bloating
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: If you thought it was crazy before , the White House just had a {month} unlike anything we 've ever seen
Edit: dessert
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Advocates Connect Trump to Spike in Reports of Anti-LGBTQ {Violence}
Edit: dancing
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Democratic Rep. Al Green introduces articles of impeachment against {Trump} -- again
Edit: himself
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Lee Jae-yong , Samsung {Leader} , Is Indicted on Bribery Charges
Edit: Soothsayer
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Cher slams {Sarah} Sanders ' style : ' Stop dressing like a sister wife '
Edit: Colonel
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: VP {Mike Pence} Was Never Informed About Flynn : Source
Edit: doctor
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump administration to {announce} more sanctions against Russia on Monday
Edit: admonish
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: China 's premier pledges to open markets in a bid to avert a {trade} war with the US
Edit: cake
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: GOP Sen. Kennedy on Voting With {Democrats} to Restore Net Neutrality Rules
Edit: Dolphins
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Facing Backlash , VA Reverses Cuts To Program {Helping} Homeless Vets : Report
Edit: entertaining
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump loves Civil War memorials so much that he {created} a fake one
Edit: baked
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Judge to Rule on Bid to Dismiss Criminal Case Against Missouri {Governor}
Edit: Watermelon
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: What if {Sociologists} Had as Much Influence as Economists ?
Edit: donkeys
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Olympic gymnastics ex-doctor pleads guilty to sex {charges}
Edit: change
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Dem candidate calls female GOP rep a ' child , ' {says} it 's fair to call him ' sexist '
Edit: whines
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Iowa senator defends tax plan by implying non-wealthy spend their money on " booze and {women} "
Edit: cheese
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: US calls Russia 's {decision} to cut its diplomatic staff in Russia " a regrettable and uncalled for act . "
Edit: delusion
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Bridgegate scandal {lands} Christie ally Bill Baroni two years in prison
Edit: awards
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Police in Paris shoot man dead after he {stabs} several people in the Opera district , French media say
Edit: moons
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump speech puts {emotion} ahead of problem-solving
Edit: toupee
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: At Singapore regional {defense} dialogue , it wo n't be all North Korea
Edit: party
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: The timing once again suggests that Trump {tweeted} after watching a ' Morning Joe ' segment
Edit: pooped
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: British {Firm} Cambridge Analytica Gave National Security Adviser John Bolton Facebook Data , Documents Indicate
Edit: hedgehog
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Call to remove or {prosecute} homeless ahead of royal wedding draws wide criticism
Edit: eat
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Suddenly , the GOP tax bill has morphed into an attack on your {healthcare}
Edit: looks
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: SCTV cast to reunite for a fund raiser : How Dave Thomas created the classic Canadian {stereotype}
Edit: bacon
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Local residents : Moore was known for flirting with , dating teenage {girls}
Edit: turtles
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Photo captures the exact moment Obama learned of the {Sandy Hook} shooting
Edit: turkey
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump is the worst salesman {America} has ever had
Edit: encyclopedia
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Enjoy {Wine} More With These Helpful Tips
Edit: mud
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Tiffany Trump Lived Her Best Life in 2017 , Despite Being Trump 's Second Favorite {Daughter} Next to Ivanka
Edit: centerfold
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Nigeria 's Senate seeks explanation of $ 462 million to buy {helicopters}
Edit: Candy
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: China 's ' Ice {Boy} ' Kicked Out of New School After One Week
Edit: Machine
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Jerry Brown vetoes bill to pry loose Trump 's {tax} returns
Edit: hair
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Killing} Junkies Does n't Work in Asia Either
Edit: Tickling
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: China ’s Xi Takes on Trump in {Rebuttal} Against Protectionism
Edit: Rant
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Five ways Dems could {fight} Trump if they win the House
Edit: blame
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump administration to {announce} more sanctions against Russia on Monday
Edit: admonish
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: We asked 18 {states} if they 're expanding Medicaid now that Obamacare is here to stay
Edit: donkeys
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Parties {fight} over funding children ’s health insurance
Edit: vomit
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: {Trump} is n't pro-business , he 's pro- ' white nationalism ' : Venture capital co-founder
Edit: Chump
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Air Force leaders dodge questions on Trump 's ' {Space Force} '
Edit: glider
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Attorney General Jeff Sessions to {end} US policy that let legal pot flourish [ Associated Press ]
Edit: celebrate
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump border wall : Texans receiving letters about their {land}
Edit: barbecue
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: House Majority Whip Scalise Is Wounded After {Gunman} Fires At Baseball Practice In Virginia , USA
Edit: pitcher
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: FBI nominee says Trump-Russia {probe} is no ' witch hunt '
Edit: infatuation
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Volcanic eruption in Japan spreads {ash} in 4 cities , towns .
Edit: Pudding
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Iran successfully launches satellite-carrying rocket into {space}
Edit: tree
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: McCain : Abandoning Obligations of Int ' l Leadership for ' Half-Baked ' Nationalism ' As Unpatriotic ' As ' Any Other Tired {Dogma} ' (
Edit: trees
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Mike Pompeo} Is the Anti-Tillerson
Edit: Book
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Mexico wall : Trump questions talks over {border} dispute - BBC News
Edit: burrito
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: FBI director {contradicts} White House 's Porter timeline
Edit: ridicules
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Senate GOP health care bill {vote} : The whip count
Edit: punishment
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg summoned to meet with Senate {panel}
Edit: torturer
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Eric Trump : My {father} has ' zero conflicts of interest '
Edit: nose
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Paul Manafort} Flew 18 Times To Moscow And Frequently Reached Putin ’s Allies , Records Show
Edit: Eagle
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Christie signs N.J. budget , ending 3-day {government} shutdown
Edit: circus
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Facebook defends {advertising} ' principles ' after Russia , discrimination
Edit: kindergarten
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump defends $ 1.5 trillion {tax} cut bill
Edit: hair
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump threatens to cut aid to UN members who vote for withdrawing his {Jerusalem} decision
Edit: shoe
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end US policy that let legal {pot} flourish [ Associated Press ]
Edit: freedom
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Mark Cuban Wants Constitution Changed to Make {Health} Care a ‘ Right ’
Edit: pet
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: {Trump} is reportedly being investigated for obstruction of justice
Edit: Monkey
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Lawmakers seem confused about what Facebook does — and how to {fix} it
Edit: ban
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: North Korea {missiles} : US warships deployed to Korean peninsula - BBC News
Edit: music
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Macron meets Russia 's Putin near {Paris} , promising tough talks
Edit: sewers
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Despite Campaign Boasts , Trump Has No Idea How To {Handle} Classified Material
Edit: Erase
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Monsanto 's Cancer Fight Judge Pictures {Weed} Killer Showers
Edit: Locust
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Seven {takeaways} from the failed Democratic government shutdown
Edit: pies
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: The network backed by Charles and David Koch realizes 2018 will be a challenging {environment}
Edit: game
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: South Korea Court Approves {Arrest} of Samsung Heir Jay Y. Lee
Edit: fleecing
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Trump speech puts {emotion} ahead of problem-solving
Edit: toupee
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump ’s own voters are now warning him against firing {Robert Mueller}
Edit: bazooka
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Iran 's supreme {leader} shares photo reading Michael Wolff 's " Fire and Fury "
Edit: donkey
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Forget term limits — {retirements} will create competitive 2018 elections
Edit: juggling
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Sea Shepherd claims it caught Japanese fleet with dead {whale}
Edit: seahorse
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: America 's U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley demands UN withdraw report branding Israel ‘ {apartheid} ’ state
Edit: tractor
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump undercuts White House {stance} hours before critical surveillance vote
Edit: dance
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Trump consults NRA and Congress as he ponders gun {policy}
Edit: purchase
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Calls Trump 's Parade Plan ' Third World {Bulls} ** t '
Edit: hamsters
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: AP FACT CHECK : Trump ’s claims in his State of {Union} address
Edit: ostriches
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Bump Stock Maker Resumes {Sales} One Month After Las Vegas Mass Shooting
Edit: Drinking
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: White House adviser asked FBI to dispute Russia {reports}
Edit: dressing
Label: Not Funny
Output: No
News Headline: Louisiana school district : All students must stand for {anthem}
Edit: confederacy
Label: Funny
Output: Yes
News Headline: Spicer : {Kellyanne Conway} has been counseled
Edit: lunatic
Label: Not Funny
Output: No |
You will be given a sentence. Check whether the sentence is grammatically correct and is meaningful. If the sentence is grammatically correct, then answer with '1', otherwise answer with '0'.
Possible labels:
1. 0
2. 1
Context: The trees sang with birds.
Answer: 1
Context: The dog that the rat bit chased the cat.
Answer: 1
Context: The ball rolled over the hill.
Answer: 1
Context: There tried to be a fountain in the park.
Answer: 0
Context: Fred tracked the leak to its source.
Answer: 1
Context: Who are you trying to get hold of?
Answer: 1
Context: Peter is some happy pigs which can fly.
Answer: 0
Context: Waldo didn't report the possibility that anyone had left.
Answer: 0
Context: We painted the chairs all red.
Answer: 1
Context: The boy whose guardian's employee we elected president betrayed us.
Answer: 1
Context: Usually, any lion is majestic.
Answer: 0
Context: I went to the movies not to pick the shirts up.
Answer: 0
Context: Bees are swarming in the garden.
Answer: 1
Context: Herman whipped the cream.
Answer: 1
Context: Press the stamp against the pad completely.
Answer: 1
Context: Bill rolled the ball down the hill.
Answer: 1
Context: Lee wants to meet who Kim hired.
Answer: 0
Context: They praised the volunteers for their dedication.
Answer: 1
Context: Which granny does Aunt Hattie want me to be nice and kiss?
Answer: 1
Context: I blew up it.
Answer: 0
Context: I met her who grows peaches.
Answer: 0
Context: Fruit fell against the house.
Answer: 0
Context: Sally's sick and what did you bring me?
Answer: 0
Context: Tom drives like that man.
Answer: 1
Context: Dina posed a lawyer.
Answer: 0
Context: Mary is not running the marathon.
Answer: 1
Context: The red, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
Answer: 0
Context: Agamemnon seemed that left.
Answer: 0
Context: Mary managed to go abroad.
Answer: 1
Context: I succeeded in convincing, even though John had failed to persuade, Mary not to leave.
Answer: 1
Context: . I figured it out that she was lying.
Answer: 1
Context: The authorities blamed Greenpeace with the bombing.
Answer: 0
Context: John wrote books.
Answer: 1
Context: The president could not approve the bill, could he?
Answer: 0
Context: John suddenly put the customers off.
Answer: 1
Context: How intelligent do you wonder whether I consider John?
Answer: 0
Context: Anson believed Jenny to have hurt himself.
Answer: 0
Context: The recession cost my grandfather a raise.
Answer: 1
Context: Kelly reeked the onions.
Answer: 0
Context: The dog flopped in the comer.
Answer: 1
Context: The book, including all the chapters in the first section, is very interesting.
Answer: 1
Context: I broke the twig and the branch.
Answer: 0
Context: Willy is taller than Bill by more than Joe is taller than Dan.
Answer: 1
Context: Peter is some disgruntled old pigs in those ditches.
Answer: 0
Context: The streets gushed with water.
Answer: 1
Context: Fred threw the ball over the fence.
Answer: 1
Context: The ship sank to collect the insurance.
Answer: 0
Context: Maxwell isn't half the doctor that feared Marge would realize Tom had confessed that he knew Bill expected him to be.
Answer: 1
Context: Donny is likely that left.
Answer: 0
Context: I sent to you it.
Answer: 0
Context: A pastor was executed, notwithstanding on many applications in favor of him.
Answer: 0
Context: John wonders where him to go.
Answer: 0
Context: Louise likes not being happy, doesn't she?
Answer: 1
Context: Calvin ate not his dinner.
Answer: 0
Context: Carrie touched the stick through.
Answer: 0
Context: The cup filled of water.
Answer: 0
Context: Kim to beat his dog and alienated cats.
Answer: 0
Context: Tony bent the copper rod.
Answer: 1
Context: The inspector analyzed the building's soundness.
Answer: 1
Context: I do not be happy.
Answer: 0
Context: The money which I will have a chance to squander amounts to $400,000.
Answer: 1
Context: He skated Penny around the rink.
Answer: 1
Context: How brave they must believe that you are!
Answer: 1
Context: Carla shoveled the snow from the walk.
Answer: 1
Context: I don't think Fred will, either.
Answer: 1
Context: I know you like the back of my hand.
Answer: 1
Context: Every student in Mary's class, whoever they were, happened to vote Republican.
Answer: 0
Context: The professor found some strong evidences of water on Mars.
Answer: 0
Context: I considered Fred after the party crazy.
Answer: 0
Context: There tried to be riots in Seoul.
Answer: 0
Context: Gilgamesh doesn't be in the dungeon
Answer: 0
Context: Martha carved some wood into a toy for the baby.
Answer: 1
Context: The ball lies in the box.
Answer: 1
Context: John stopped canning to sign in tune.
Answer: 0
Context: Sonatas are difficult to play on this violin.
Answer: 1
Context: A solution to the problem presented itself yesterday.
Answer: 1
Context: The senators be certain that the president is telling a lie.
Answer: 0
Context: Fred became all the crazier, the more often Janet left.
Answer: 1
Context: It is this problem that the sooner you solve the more easily you'll satisfy the folks up at corporate headquarters.
Answer: 1
Context: For him to do that would be a mistake.
Answer: 1
Context: Some girl who saw anything was happy.
Answer: 0
Context: The equipment we bought last year was more expensive than the one we bought this year.
Answer: 0
Context: The person who ate too much rich food didn't he was Dr.
Answer: 0
Context: It was kissed the puppy.
Answer: 0
Context: I don't know that to agree with him or not.
Answer: 0
Context: We offered her a job.
Answer: 1
Context: I want to peruse that contract before damaging it while filing it away.
Answer: 1
Context: The bear sniff
Answer: 0
Context: Cynthia lunched on peaches.
Answer: 1
Context: Who is he reading a book that criticizes?
Answer: 0
Context: Tony has a Fiat and yearns for a tall nurse.
Answer: 1
Context: who guy did you see.
Answer: 0
Context: I ordered for John to drink his beer.
Answer: 0
Context: I detached the handle and the box.
Answer: 0
Context: Will not John go to school?
Answer: 0
Context: The handsome, tall man kicked the ball.
Answer: 1
Context: This needs investigating the problem.
Answer: 0
Context: Each man lifted a table.
Answer: 1
Context: Who did you ask whether Mary knows why John likes?
Answer: 0
Context: Cynthia lunched on peaches.
Answer: 1
Context: The flag waved.
Answer: 1
Context: The men were arrested all.
Answer: 0
Context: Aliza wriggled her tooth loose.
Answer: 1
Context: The student was hoping for a good clue.
Answer: 1
Context: Bill is drying a lot of clothes on the line.
Answer: 1
Context: You might not believe me but you will Bob.
Answer: 1
Context: An oak tree will grow from that acorn.
Answer: 1
Context: The farmers raged a fire over the fields.
Answer: 0
Context: The magician appeared a rabbit out of his hat.
Answer: 0
Context: I brought a razor with which to shave himself.
Answer: 0
Context: Aliza wriggled her tooth loose.
Answer: 1
Context: Henry cleared the table of dishes.
Answer: 1
Context: Rutherford is understood. by himself.
Answer: 0
Context: She slept the picture of Bill.
Answer: 0
Context: When Bill smokes, all the more does Susan hate him.
Answer: 1
Context: John is ready for you to inspect bunk.
Answer: 0
Context: The off center spinning flywheel shook itself loose.
Answer: 1
Context: Is the boy who holding the plate can see the girl?
Answer: 1
Context: The heat melted the ice cream.
Answer: 1
Context: My niece could write me you letters.
Answer: 0
Context: Gas escaped the tube.
Answer: 1
Context: When it rains harder, how much faster a flow appears in the river?
Answer: 1
Context: The man who Mary loves and Sally hates George computed my tax.
Answer: 0
Context: We sleep five people in each room.
Answer: 1
Context: The army lodged the soldiers in the schoolhouse.
Answer: 1
Context: The mouse nibbled the cheese.
Answer: 1
Context: The judge offered the winner with a prize.
Answer: 0
Context: Students intended to surprise the teacher.
Answer: 1
Context: Like the ice cream.
Answer: 0
Context: Girl in the red coat, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
Answer: 0
Context: Through the hall there echoed a loud cry.
Answer: 1
Context: John hurt John with John's umbrella when John tried to open it.
Answer: 0
Context: I would prefer that he have not finished.
Answer: 0
Context: Ellen and Helen conferred together.
Answer: 0
Context: Water filled the pail.
Answer: 1
Context: Sasha lingered over lunch.
Answer: 1
Context: This girl in the red coat one will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
Answer: 0
Context: What did Herb start to play only after he drank?
Answer: 0
Context: Mary was told to bring something to the party, so she asked Sue what to.
Answer: 0
Context: the logs piled the barge high.
Answer: 0
Context: Who did you wonder what kissed?
Answer: 0
Context: The more pictures of himself that appear in the news, the more embarrassed John becomes.
Answer: 1
Context: A job offered to her.
Answer: 0
Context: We rummaged in the drawer for important documents.
Answer: 1
Context: She has enough a problem as it is.
Answer: 0
Context: John heard Mary describe himself.
Answer: 0
Context: Who ate what?
Answer: 1
Context: There appeared the ship on the horizon.
Answer: 0
Context: John is easy to please and to love Mary.
Answer: 0
Context: Bill alleged that Roger has eaten the cake.
Answer: 1
Context: The contestant, who is the judge's brother-in-law, who won the first prize sang dreadfully.
Answer: 0
Context: Who do you think that Mary said that John likes?
Answer: 1
Context: Maxwell isn't half the doctor that feared Marge would realize Tom had confessed that he knew Bill expected him to be.
Answer: 1
Context: The book valued at $200.
Answer: 0
Context: The twig and the branch broke.
Answer: 0
Context: Will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow.
Answer: 0
Context: John is more embarrassed, the more pictures of him that appear in the news.
Answer: 1
Context: The dumplings which Sasha is gobbling down faster than I can reheat the meatballs are extremely tasty, if I do say so.
Answer: 1
Context: the logs piled the barge high.
Answer: 0
Context: What is John eager to do?
Answer: 1
Context: Jennifer shook her finger at the naughty child.
Answer: 1
Context: I wanted he should leave.
Answer: 0
Context: John carried to the door.
Answer: 0
Context: He would can go
Answer: 0
Context: The characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night lives in a world that has been turned upside-down.
Answer: 0
Context: Cynthia gobbled at the pizza .
Answer: 0
Context: Himself saw him
Answer: 0
Context: Julie maintained her own questions over the course of the argument.
Answer: 0
Context: Angus did not his homework.
Answer: 0
Context: The king banished the general from the palace to a mountain fortress.
Answer: 0
Context: Bill sold Tom a car.
Answer: 1
Context: The rail holds easily.
Answer: 0
Context: The teacher is proud with his students.
Answer: 0
Context: Jennifer craned his neck.
Answer: 0
Context: . I figured it out that she was lying.
Answer: 1
Context: John tried Bill to play checkers.
Answer: 0
Context: Bill seems to be obnoxious, but I don't think that Sam tends.
Answer: 0
Context: It came to John that it was so.
Answer: 1
Context: Lee solved the puzzle how Kim solved it.
Answer: 0
Context: I won't ask you to believe that he tried to force me to give her some money.
Answer: 1
Context: Bill sang himself to sleep.
Answer: 1
Context: The effectiveness of teaching and learning depends on several factors.
Answer: 1
Context: He treats John very.
Answer: 1
Context: They made him angry.
Answer: 1
Context: My sister arrived at a time when no buses were running, and my brother arrived at a time when no buses were running too.
Answer: 1
Context: I read him the figures, but when I looked up, he was gone.
Answer: 1
Context: Can he will do it?
Answer: 0
Context: What the stone did to the wall was hit it.
Answer: 0
Context: Leona pushed the cart to the market.
Answer: 1
Context: He washed me.
Answer: 1
Context: Tonight, what Bob cooked yesterday still tastes good.
Answer: 1
Context: It was the policeman that met several young students in the park last night.
Answer: 1
Context: Mary gets depressed if she listens to the Grateful Dead.
Answer: 1
Context: We gave any senator enough opportunity and, sure enough, he succumbed to corruption.
Answer: 0
Context: They read the scientific book.
Answer: 1
Context: I hunted the woods for game.
Answer: 0
Context: It was kissed her.
Answer: 0
Context: Who did that Plato loved prove to be his undoing.
Answer: 0
Context: Bill floated down the river.
Answer: 1
Context: I separated the yolk from the white.
Answer: 1
Context: Who bought what?
Answer: 1
Context: They are afraid people.
Answer: 0
Context: Water fills the tub.
Answer: 1
Context: She kept not seeing him.
Answer: 1
Context: The White Rabbit vanished his watch.
Answer: 0
Context: Carrie touched the fence with a stick.
Answer: 1
Context: That barn has seven pine trees behind the cow.
Answer: 0
Context: They seemed all to like John.
Answer: 1
Context: John thinks that Mary's depiction of himself is wrong.
Answer: 0
Context: John believed Kim to leaving here.
Answer: 0
Context: Anybody who ever swears at me better watch his step.
Answer: 1
Context: Jennifer craned his neck.
Answer: 0
Context: Bill would be easy for for you to chat with in Moscow to become expensive.
Answer: 0
Context: No doubt that he was forced to leave his family against his will.
Answer: 1
Context: We ate enough the puddings to satisfy us.
Answer: 0
Context: How did you solve the problem?
Answer: 1
Context: I threw the ball to Maria.
Answer: 1
Context: Tony broke at the window.
Answer: 0
Context: What did Bill cook supper and wash?
Answer: 0
Context: Jean reads never this newspaper.
Answer: 0
Context: The cat had haven eaten.
Answer: 0
Context: He turned from a prince.
Answer: 0
Context: Nora brought Pamela the book.
Answer: 1
Context: Bill will put a picture of she her on your desk before tomorrow.
Answer: 0
Context: Which trombone did the nurse polish and?
Answer: 0
Context: After ten soldiers had left, seven more ones came in.
Answer: 0
Context: Every boy named a planet.
Answer: 1
Context: Cheryl stood the shelf with books.
Answer: 0
Context: Columbus believed the earth to be round.
Answer: 1
Context: Kim has wondered that Gary stayed in the room.
Answer: 0
Context: We loaded ourselves onto the bus.
Answer: 1
Context: the student that's turn it was left.
Answer: 0
Context: Jill dressed hurriedly.
Answer: 1
Context: The price of meat fell.
Answer: 1
Context: Ann may spent her vacation in Italy.
Answer: 0
Context: Gary and Kevin ran himself into exhaustion.
Answer: 0
Context: While José won't talk about Mag, he might about Holly.
Answer: 1
Context: One plan of which I got wind was calculated to keep us in suspense.
Answer: 0
Context: The handsome, tall man kicked the ball.
Answer: 1
Context: The chocolate melted onto the carpet.
Answer: 1
Context: These abandoned buildings lodged with squatters.
Answer: 0
Context: King Kong is a movie which you'll laugh yourself sick if you see it.
Answer: 1
Context: A bicycle lent to me.
Answer: 0
Context: Ellen warned Helen about the traffic jam.
Answer: 1
Context: The richer John gets, the more geniuses John meets.
Answer: 1
Context: little information was provided.
Answer: 1
Context: Dorothy needs her for her skills.
Answer: 1
Context: The maple changed into an oak from a cedar.
Answer: 0
Context: We were glad what to do.
Answer: 0
Context: Yes, she used.
Answer: 0
Context: Nathan showed to Benjamin it.
Answer: 0
Context: Rub the baby with the cloth torn.
Answer: 1
Context: The room reeked of onions.
Answer: 1
Context: She kicked itself
Answer: 0
Context: Has not Henri studied for his exam?
Answer: 0
Context: Swimming is fun, and I believe that people who can't should be taught to.
Answer: 1
Context: The roof is leaked.
Answer: 0
Context: The song sang.
Answer: 0
Context: We rummaged important documents in the drawer.
Answer: 0
Context: They expected us to do leave him.
Answer: 0
Context: The books put on the table.
Answer: 0
Context: Briana showed himself Justin.
Answer: 0
Context: I brought John a razor to shave myself with.
Answer: 0
Context: John sang a song, Mary played the piano.
Answer: 1
Context: This polish cleans, protects, and shines.
Answer: 1
Context: Alex read the newspaper in an hour.
Answer: 1
Context: The thief stole the museum of the painting.
Answer: 0
Context: John took Bill to be a fool.
Answer: 1
Context: It seems that it is likely that John will win.
Answer: 1
Context: Smith envied his good fortune to Jones.
Answer: 0
Context: The Ethel was sitting at her desk.
Answer: 0
Context: Heather cabled for Sara to come.
Answer: 1
Context: Who does Phineas know a girl who is working with?
Answer: 0
Context: We yelled ourselves hoarse.
Answer: 1
Context: That piece of ice is too big for it to be likely for him to be able to pick up with a teaspoon.
Answer: 0
Context: The guests drank the teapot dry.
Answer: 1
Context: The sing loved peanut butter cookies.
Answer: 0
Context: That barn has seven pine trees behind the cow.
Answer: 0
Context: Handsome though I know several boys who are, I'm still going to marry Herman.
Answer: 0
Context: Proud of him I've never been.
Answer: 1
Context: A bicycle lent.
Answer: 0
Context: That gangsters had bribed him was denied by the sheriff.
Answer: 1
Context: Tessa cut herself.
Answer: 1
Context: Jessica sprayed paint under the table.
Answer: 1
Context: There seem to be a good feeling developing among the students.
Answer: 1
Context: Jeff not must have eaten the deep fried muffin.
Answer: 0
Context: Why don't you leaving me concentrate on my work?
Answer: 0
Context: He treats John very kind.
Answer: 0
Context: I have hopes the company will squander the money.
Answer: 1
Context: John is prouder of having gone than John expected nobody to believe he would be.
Answer: 0
Context: Lora buttered at the toast with unsalted butter.
Answer: 0
Context: Donna fixed me a sandwich.
Answer: 1
Context: It proves that John is the murderer that he has blood on his hands.
Answer: 0
Context: Who was the book sent by John.
Answer: 0
Context: I was hunting.
Answer: 1
Context: I weighed the package ten pounds.
Answer: 0
Context: Him loves him
Answer: 0
Context: Bill recited his lines poorly.
Answer: 1
Context: My binoculars were given to that girl by him.
Answer: 1
Context: I kicked him the ball, but the wind blew it astray.
Answer: 1
Context: I ordered if John drink his beer.
Answer: 0
Context: Doug removed the scratches out of the drawer.
Answer: 0
Context: John coughed the money.
Answer: 0
Context: The captain named the ship as Seafarer.
Answer: 0
Context: I do not be happy.
Answer: 0
Context: The cattle are herding in the pasture.
Answer: 1
Context: They read the every book.
Answer: 0
Context: What did you meet someone who understands?
Answer: 0
Context: I know two men who are behind me.
Answer: 1
Context: Alison poked Daisy in the ribs.
Answer: 1
Context: The boy's playing the piano loudly drove everyone crazy.
Answer: 1
Context: Robin arrived partway at the station.
Answer: 0
Context: Did not Sue pass her exam?
Answer: 0
Context: To please John is ready.
Answer: 0
Context: Moya played football with her
Answer: 0
Context: They waltzed.
Answer: 1
Context: He may not just not have been working.
Answer: 1
Context: The door slid shut.
Answer: 1
Context: That dog is so ferocious, it even tried to bite himself.
Answer: 0
Context: I loaned Maggie a Swiss Army knife whose to open the padlock with corkscrew.
Answer: 0
Context: The ball lies in the box.
Answer: 1
Context: Few writers meet any playwrights in Vienna.
Answer: 1
Context: Mary jumped the horse perfectly over the last fence.
Answer: 1
Context: That chisel carved the statue.
Answer: 1
Context: The more pictures of him appear in the news, the more likely John is to get arrested.
Answer: 1
Context: If anybody keeps spoiling the children, John keeps.
Answer: 0
Context: Who are you gawking at?
Answer: 1
Context: The hare outran the tortoise by so much that he forgot the latter was even in the race any more.
Answer: 1
Context: Sally is tall, and may be, and Sheila is short, and definitely is, blond.
Answer: 0
Context: What the stone did to the whole wall was hit it.
Answer: 0
Context: How did you think that Mary solved the problem?
Answer: 1
Context: I funneled the mixture.
Answer: 0
Context: If he is a rich man, he'd buy a diamond ring.
Answer: 0
Context: Every picture of itself arrived.
Answer: 1
Context: John did not rain.
Answer: 0
Context: She has problem enough as it is.
Answer: 0
Context: The monkey wants to leave the meeting.
Answer: 1
Context: Harriet alternated folk songs and pop songs together.
Answer: 0
Context: They can door.
Answer: 0
Context: She waltzed across the floor.
Answer: 1
Context: David constructed a house from bricks.
Answer: 1
Context: Carmen bought a dress.
Answer: 1
Context: Carla poured lemonade into the pitcher.
Answer: 1
Context: They may grow as much as bamboo high.
Answer: 0
Context: The explosives destroyed the warehouse.
Answer: 1
Context: You can rely on that he will help you.
Answer: 0
Context: Digitize is my happiest memory
Answer: 0
Context: This book cost $10.
Answer: 1
Context: Martha carves.
Answer: 1
Context: That barn has seven pine trees behind it.
Answer: 1
Context: Is whether he played the piano known?
Answer: 0
Context: If you don't believe me, you will the weatherman?
Answer: 1
Context: The man who Mary loves and Sally hates George computed my tax.
Answer: 0
Context: John loaded the truck with bricks.
Answer: 1
Context: Joe might wish he had, but this isn't a country he has visited.
Answer: 1
Context: Dina posed a lawyer.
Answer: 0
Context: To whom do you think it is the book that Mary gave?
Answer: 0
Context: Tessa sprained her ankle.
Answer: 1
Context: They want to wrote to her.
Answer: 0
Context: That piece of ice is too big for it to be likely for him to be able to pick up with a teaspoon.
Answer: 0
Context: I wonder whether you'd be kind enough to give us information.
Answer: 1
Context: Sandy sang.
Answer: 1
Context: Meat fell in price.
Answer: 1
Context: On the horizon appeared a large ship.
Answer: 1
Context: John liked not Mary.
Answer: 0
Context: Peter is owners.
Answer: 0
Context: Paula spanked the naughty child on the back.
Answer: 1
Context: Hail stones broke the window.
Answer: 1
Context: What John did to the whole wall was paint it.
Answer: 1
Context: They drank the pub dry.
Answer: 1
Context: I read that Bill had seen me.
Answer: 1
Context: Mary considered to have loved her.
Answer: 0
Context: The general banished from the army.
Answer: 0
Context: If did Emma leave Hartfield, Mr Woodhouse would be unhappy.
Answer: 0
Context: After ten soldiers had left, seven more ones came in.
Answer: 0
Context: He has a rail pass that's right for you.
Answer: 1
Context: A dog lay in the corner.
Answer: 1
Context: It is to be gentle that John promised.
Answer: 0
Context: A serious accident happened yesterday.
Answer: 1
Context: He skated Penny around the rink.
Answer: 1
Context: Tom told somebody that he wasn't sick.
Answer: 1
Context: They waltzed.
Answer: 1
Context: What the thing which I ate cost almost broke me.
Answer: 1
Context: Some rare old manuscripts have been gotten hold of.
Answer: 1
Context: Fred gave the ball under Molly.
Answer: 0
Context: She turned down his offer.
Answer: 1
Context: John was unknown to be the murderer.
Answer: 0
Context: The teacher ordered the two boys both to pay close attention.
Answer: 1
Context: John seems will win.
Answer: 0
Context: Anybody who ever swears at me better watch his step.
Answer: 1
Context: I handed the ball.
Answer: 0
Context: There is eager to be fifty students in this class.
Answer: 1
Context: I promise a good time to all who come.
Answer: 1
Context: The characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night lives in a world that has been turned upside-down.
Answer: 0
Context: That they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday is terrible, the cops.
Answer: 0
Context: Odysseus attempted Odysseus to hear the sirens.
Answer: 0
Context: Sincerity examined a book.
Answer: 0
Context: The green loved peanut butter cookies.
Answer: 0
Context: The man who ordered a hot dog got one.
Answer: 1
Context: Her indiscretions were made light of.
Answer: 1
Context: These books disappoint me.
Answer: 1
Context: The naughty child spanked.
Answer: 0
Context: Tom drives as that man does.
Answer: 1
Context: This map is what he wants.
Answer: 1
Context: John will kicked the ball.
Answer: 0
Context: On the windowsill is a flowering plant.
Answer: 1
Context: We like our friends and they like our friends too.
Answer: 1
Context: I resigned because Mary hired someone.
Answer: 1
Context: I showed every boy a planet.
Answer: 1
Context: That Louise had abandoned the project surprised everyone.
Answer: 1
Context: To him presented itself a wonderful opportunity.
Answer: 0
Context: Who is he reading a book that criticizes?
Answer: 0
Context: We offered a job behind her.
Answer: 0
Context: Some sentences can go on.
Answer: 1
Context: The table, I put Kim on which supported the book.
Answer: 0
Context: They stood the statue on the pedestal.
Answer: 1
Context: I hunted the secret out of him.
Answer: 1
Context: Lydia pocketed her pocket with the change.
Answer: 0
Context: John seems certain about the bananas.
Answer: 1
Context: Susan gave the ball all the way to Bill.
Answer: 0
Context: The child and her mother clung.
Answer: 0
Context: There is any book by Chomsky in this library.
Answer: 0
Context: The books put on the table.
Answer: 0
Context: The streets gushed with water.
Answer: 1
Context: The press conjectured Smith the appointee.
Answer: 0
Context: Mary will complete her exam for an hour.
Answer: 0
Context: Has not the potion worked
Answer: 0
Context: He left.
Answer: 1
Context: They are readable of the paper.
Answer: 0
Context: I ate apple.
Answer: 0
Context: the paper to finish by tomorrow is too long.
Answer: 0
Context: Although Dick is handsome, I'm still going marry Herman.
Answer: 1
Context: Groceries are bulging in the bag.
Answer: 0
Context: Here's a plate for you to make Bob try to begin to force his sister to leave the cookies on.
Answer: 1
Context: He is the happiest that that he has ever been is believed.
Answer: 0
Context: Mary prefers whether Bill will come.
Answer: 0
Context: What the hell do you wonder how to say?
Answer: 0
Context: Which boy works in a skyscraper and the girl in a quonset hut?
Answer: 0
Context: Handsome though I believe the claim that Tom is, I still won't date him.
Answer: 0
Context: Paula hit at the fence.
Answer: 1
Context: After Henry had done it, Webster touched a sword.
Answer: 1 |
Given an object and a part, decide whether the object has that part. For example is you are asked 'gun has barrel', you need to decide if a gun has a barrel as one of its components or parts. All sentences strictly follow the template 'object has part?.' The answer should be 1 or 0, 1 means the object has the given part, while 0 means it doesn't have the part.
Input: woman has vagina?
Output: 1
Input: garden has wall?
Output: 1
Input: magazine has page?
Output: 1
Input: pen has ink?
Output: 1
Input: church has window?
Output: 1
Input: america has beach?
Output: 1
Input: whale has bone?
Output: 1
Input: computer has hair?
Output: 0
Input: human has thumb?
Output: 1
Input: fish has tail?
Output: 1
Input: house has stair?
Output: 1
Input: bicycle has wheel?
Output: 1
Input: fruit has water?
Output: 1
Input: house has phone?
Output: 1
Input: house has boss?
Output: 0
Input: bear has cover?
Output: 0
Input: cabinet has food?
Output: 0
Input: table has leg?
Output: 1
Input: ship has bridge?
Output: 1
Input: animal has eye?
Output: 1
Input: woman has baby?
Output: 1
Input: world has ocean?
Output: 1
Input: human has string?
Output: 0
Input: fruit has answer?
Output: 0
Input: everyone has paper?
Output: 0
Input: person has stove?
Output: 0
Input: saw has letter?
Output: 0
Input: world has water?
Output: 1
Input: house has gas?
Output: 0
Input: apartment has fat?
Output: 0
Input: house has nose?
Output: 0
Input: car has horn?
Output: 1
Input: sofa has leg?
Output: 1
Input: cat has kitten?
Output: 1
Input: country has border?
Output: 1
Input: cigarette has tar?
Output: 1
Input: bedroom has chair?
Output: 1
Input: snake has bedroom?
Output: 0
Input: human has salt?
Output: 0
Input: plane has tail?
Output: 1
Input: person has ear?
Output: 1
Input: bottle has beer?
Output: 1
Input: kitten has fur?
Output: 1
Input: game has rule?
Output: 1
Input: person has population?
Output: 0
Input: word has water?
Output: 0
Input: glass has claw?
Output: 0
Input: box has country?
Output: 0
Input: woman has job?
Output: 1
Input: human has thumb?
Output: 1
Input: car has door?
Output: 1
Input: person has stove?
Output: 0
Input: mammal has leg?
Output: 1
Input: fruit has sugar?
Output: 1
Input: mouth has energy?
Output: 0
Input: bottle has beach?
Output: 0
Input: gas has weight?
Output: 1
Input: state has altar?
Output: 0
Input: egg has book?
Output: 0
Input: typewriter has juice?
Output: 0
Input: lemon has thread?
Output: 0
Input: bird has egg?
Output: 1
Input: house has wing?
Output: 0
Input: piano has cloud?
Output: 0
Input: stairway has step?
Output: 1
Input: horse has fur?
Output: 1
Input: world has water?
Output: 1
Input: dog has eye?
Output: 0
Input: door has knob?
Output: 1
Input: story has sentence?
Output: 1
Input: men has number?
Output: 0
Input: room has chair?
Output: 1
Input: lobby has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: chain has link?
Output: 1
Input: fruit has skin?
Output: 1
Input: bathroom has toilet?
Output: 1
Input: bottle has bug?
Output: 0
Input: automobile has surface?
Output: 0
Input: fly has wing?
Output: 1
Input: song has dream?
Output: 0
Input: armchair has back?
Output: 1
Input: vehicle has compassion?
Output: 0
Input: pan has handle?
Output: 1
Input: fish has bathroom?
Output: 0
Input: airplane has water?
Output: 0
Input: house has plumb?
Output: 1
Input: human has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: envelope has letter?
Output: 1
Input: husband has wife?
Output: 1
Input: human has sex?
Output: 1
Input: human has key?
Output: 0
Input: earth has moon?
Output: 1
Input: duck has feather?
Output: 1
Input: human has hand?
Output: 1
Input: stream has mountain?
Output: 0
Input: tree has text?
Output: 0
Input: human has salt?
Output: 0
Input: bedroom has garden?
Output: 0
Input: fish has tail?
Output: 1
Input: rooster has value?
Output: 0
Input: continent has fun?
Output: 0
Input: animal has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: person has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: mailbox has chair?
Output: 0
Input: earth has moon?
Output: 1
Input: stream has fish?
Output: 1
Input: stream has fish?
Output: 1
Input: pan has handle?
Output: 1
Input: child has parent?
Output: 1
Input: person has information?
Output: 1
Input: paw has something?
Output: 0
Input: moon has patient?
Output: 0
Input: person has nose?
Output: 1
Input: bolt has thread?
Output: 1
Input: horse has hair?
Output: 1
Input: computer has screen?
Output: 1
Input: sea has heart?
Output: 0
Input: rain has oxygen?
Output: 1
Input: bathroom has bath?
Output: 1
Input: mailbox has border?
Output: 0
Input: mammal has flag?
Output: 0
Input: house has sugar?
Output: 0
Input: cat has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: box has hair?
Output: 0
Input: human has brain?
Output: 1
Input: chicken has state?
Output: 0
Input: human_body has blood?
Output: 1
Input: bedroom has garden?
Output: 0
Input: ocean has drawer?
Output: 0
Input: shore has book?
Output: 0
Input: world has ocean?
Output: 1
Input: room has window?
Output: 1
Input: bird has dream?
Output: 0
Input: human has person?
Output: 0
Input: angel has body?
Output: 0
Input: sea has salt?
Output: 1
Input: continent has fun?
Output: 0
Input: game has energy?
Output: 0
Input: fly has baby?
Output: 0
Input: book has music?
Output: 0
Input: car has key?
Output: 0
Input: car has fruit?
Output: 0
Input: box has food?
Output: 1
Input: glass has liquid?
Output: 1
Input: cd has gift?
Output: 0
Input: animal has hair?
Output: 0
Input: bow has knot?
Output: 1
Input: finger has joint?
Output: 1
Input: computer has monitor?
Output: 1
Input: guitar has string?
Output: 1
Input: guitar has handle?
Output: 0
Input: book has word?
Output: 1
Input: house has chimney?
Output: 0
Input: violin has pet?
Output: 0
Input: garden has ceiling?
Output: 0
Input: you has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: bicycle has penis?
Output: 0
Input: we has finger?
Output: 1
Input: air has oxygen?
Output: 1
Input: elephant has trunk?
Output: 1
Input: cigarette has fun?
Output: 0
Input: car has door?
Output: 1
Input: clothe has compassion?
Output: 0
Input: everybody has body?
Output: 1
Input: city has scale?
Output: 0
Input: cake has build?
Output: 0
Input: human has hand?
Output: 1
Input: office has eye?
Output: 0
Input: gas has peel?
Output: 0
Input: animal has body?
Output: 1
Input: water has juice?
Output: 0
Input: jack has belief?
Output: 0
Input: dog has brain?
Output: 1
Input: person has fur?
Output: 0
Input: house has bed?
Output: 1
Input: person has water?
Output: 0
Input: milk has feel?
Output: 0
Input: network has soul?
Output: 0
Input: cloth has emotion?
Output: 0
Input: you has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: body has organ?
Output: 1
Input: ocean has water?
Output: 1
Input: horse has hair?
Output: 1
Input: wine has handle?
Output: 0
Input: network has soul?
Output: 0
Input: hair has alarm?
Output: 0
Input: network has soul?
Output: 0
Input: human has drink?
Output: 0
Input: language has word?
Output: 1
Input: bat has wing?
Output: 1
Input: clothe has button?
Output: 1
Input: earth has clothe?
Output: 0
Input: human has hand?
Output: 1
Input: country has border?
Output: 1
Input: kingdom has clothe?
Output: 0
Input: person has brain?
Output: 1
Input: tree has trunk?
Output: 1
Input: music has tune?
Output: 1
Input: closet has door?
Output: 1
Input: hair has root?
Output: 1
Input: continent has fun?
Output: 0
Input: book has sex?
Output: 0
Input: animal has column?
Output: 0
Input: state has city?
Output: 1
Input: paint has frame?
Output: 1
Input: story has sentence?
Output: 1
Input: lobby has wall?
Output: 1
Input: article has flag?
Output: 0
Input: church has altar?
Output: 1
Input: program has tooth?
Output: 0
Input: dog has claw?
Output: 1
Input: mar has volcano?
Output: 1
Input: chain has link?
Output: 1
Input: duck has fish?
Output: 0
Input: bathroom has ceiling?
Output: 1
Input: envelope has paw?
Output: 0
Input: human_body has bone?
Output: 1
Input: lemon has thread?
Output: 0
Input: organism has disease?
Output: 1
Input: language has fun?
Output: 0
Input: book has sentence?
Output: 1
Input: mammal has breast?
Output: 1
Input: room has nose?
Output: 0
Input: city has tooth?
Output: 0
Input: everyone has paper?
Output: 0
Input: bill has number?
Output: 1
Input: grape has sugar?
Output: 1
Input: sky has cloud?
Output: 1
Input: house has body?
Output: 0
Input: you has stair?
Output: 0
Input: cat has fur?
Output: 1
Input: house has wall?
Output: 1
Input: plant has hair?
Output: 0
Input: man has penis?
Output: 1
Input: cloud has seat?
Output: 0
Input: word has letter?
Output: 1
Input: everyone has feel?
Output: 1
Input: music has offspring?
Output: 0
Input: everyone has claw?
Output: 0
Input: cloth has emotion?
Output: 0
Input: human_body has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: computer has software?
Output: 1
Input: orange has peel?
Output: 1
Input: city has tooth?
Output: 0
Input: you has baby?
Output: 1
Input: cat has paw?
Output: 1
Input: television has screen?
Output: 1
Input: house has boss?
Output: 0
Input: house has muscle?
Output: 0
Input: lake has water?
Output: 1
Input: envelope has paw?
Output: 0
Input: magazine has foot?
Output: 0
Input: human has exercise?
Output: 1
Input: envelope has letter?
Output: 1
Input: harp has organ?
Output: 0
Input: banana has peel?
Output: 1
Input: apple has peel?
Output: 1
Input: dog has offspring?
Output: 0
Input: world has wing?
Output: 0
Input: house has sugar?
Output: 0
Input: hospital has salt?
Output: 0
Input: book has hair?
Output: 0
Input: you has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: pen has wax?
Output: 0
Input: ocean has hair?
Output: 0
Input: apartment has kitchen?
Output: 1
Input: nation has lace?
Output: 0
Input: volcano has crater?
Output: 1
Input: grape has follower?
Output: 0
Input: lobby has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: america has sex?
Output: 0
Input: human has mind?
Output: 1
Input: cheese has room?
Output: 0
Input: song has title?
Output: 1
Input: wolf has root?
Output: 0
Input: orange has seed?
Output: 1
Input: bike has wheel?
Output: 1
Input: chair has cushion?
Output: 1
Input: automobile has coin?
Output: 0
Input: human has exercise?
Output: 1
Input: water has spout?
Output: 1
Input: garden has tree?
Output: 1
Input: comb has tooth?
Output: 1
Input: airplane has water?
Output: 0
Input: woman has wife?
Output: 0
Input: student has notebook?
Output: 1
Input: woman has offspring?
Output: 0
Input: house has lip?
Output: 0
Input: cd has music?
Output: 1
Input: person has fur?
Output: 0
Input: game has sail?
Output: 0
Input: apartment has door?
Output: 1
Input: rock has crystal?
Output: 1
Input: cat has cancer?
Output: 0
Input: pencil has tail?
Output: 0
Input: bird has cavity?
Output: 0
Input: bottle has milk?
Output: 1
Input: sofa has leg?
Output: 1
Input: room has bone?
Output: 0
Input: music has feather?
Output: 0
Input: cat has brain?
Output: 0
Input: ship has captain?
Output: 1
Input: ocean has hair?
Output: 0
Input: house has chimney?
Output: 0
Input: pot has value?
Output: 0
Input: bowl has liquid?
Output: 1
Input: vehicle has compassion?
Output: 0
Input: set has number?
Output: 1
Input: airplane has wing?
Output: 1
Input: horse has breast?
Output: 0
Input: leg has foot?
Output: 1
Input: camera has information?
Output: 0
Input: human has horn?
Output: 0
Input: bowl has key?
Output: 0
Input: food has ink?
Output: 0
Input: female has vagina?
Output: 1
Input: car has window?
Output: 1
Input: bill has number?
Output: 1
Input: fruit has seed?
Output: 1
Input: box has information?
Output: 0
Input: house has tree?
Output: 0
Input: world has continent?
Output: 1
Input: closet has clothe?
Output: 1
Input: atom has electron?
Output: 1
Input: bottle has liquid?
Output: 1
Input: ocean has seat?
Output: 0
Input: house has tv?
Output: 1
Input: person has finger?
Output: 0
Input: stream has standard?
Output: 0
Input: house has coin?
Output: 0
Input: room has bug?
Output: 0
Input: ear has radio?
Output: 0
Input: horse has breast?
Output: 0
Input: text has music?
Output: 0
Input: bull has pet?
Output: 0
Input: bathroom has energy?
Output: 0
Input: earth has atmosphere?
Output: 1
Input: shore has book?
Output: 0
Input: apple has skin?
Output: 1
Input: book has bed?
Output: 0
Input: war has yard?
Output: 0
Input: house has tree?
Output: 0
Input: movie has story?
Output: 1
Input: church has window?
Output: 1
Input: garden has liquid?
Output: 0
Input: tree has seed?
Output: 1
Input: bottle has wine?
Output: 1
Input: men has number?
Output: 0
Input: text has music?
Output: 0
Input: harp has organ?
Output: 0
Input: bathroom has bone?
Output: 0
Input: dog has claw?
Output: 1
Input: apartment has attic?
Output: 0
Input: planet has trunk?
Output: 0
Input: matter has weight?
Output: 1
Input: office has eye?
Output: 0
Input: fish has scale?
Output: 1
Input: continent has beach?
Output: 1
Input: fish has story?
Output: 0
Input: mailbox has flag?
Output: 1
Input: plane has person?
Output: 1
Input: lobby has wall?
Output: 1
Input: orange has bone?
Output: 0
Input: continent has beach?
Output: 1
Input: airplane has penis?
Output: 0
Input: butterfly has wing?
Output: 1
Input: duck has bill?
Output: 1
Input: cup has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: magazine has button?
Output: 0
Input: america has bone?
Output: 0
Input: television has screen?
Output: 1
Input: boat has sail?
Output: 1
Input: elephant has bridge?
Output: 0
Input: home has crater?
Output: 0
Input: war has yard?
Output: 0
Input: church has window?
Output: 1
Input: mountain has snow?
Output: 1
Input: country has government?
Output: 1
Input: child has mountain?
Output: 0
Input: car has horn?
Output: 1
Input: cup has coffee?
Output: 1
Input: person has objective?
Output: 0
Input: home has bedroom?
Output: 1
Input: water has gas?
Output: 0
Input: hand has finger?
Output: 1
Input: country has mood?
Output: 0
Input: france has water?
Output: 0
Input: library has literature?
Output: 1
Input: elephant has bridge?
Output: 0
Input: stairway has sentence?
Output: 0
Input: house has liquid?
Output: 0
Input: mammal has heart?
Output: 1
Input: bottle has wine?
Output: 1
Input: person has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: human has scale?
Output: 0
Input: room has window?
Output: 1
Input: horse has window?
Output: 0
Input: supermarket has person?
Output: 0
Input: cat has claw?
Output: 1
Input: violin has pet?
Output: 0
Input: angel has wing?
Output: 1
Input: house has coin?
Output: 0
Input: book has write?
Output: 1
Input: france has water?
Output: 0
Input: jack has leg?
Output: 1
Input: cat has penis?
Output: 1
Input: sea has salt?
Output: 1
Input: chicken has belief?
Output: 0
Input: home has bedroom?
Output: 1
Input: well has beach?
Output: 0
Input: house has pain?
Output: 0
Input: human has person?
Output: 0
Input: duck has spout?
Output: 0
Input: book has idea?
Output: 1
Input: bird has eye?
Output: 1
Input: king has queen?
Output: 1
Input: america has bone?
Output: 0
Input: bicycle has wheel?
Output: 1
Input: automobile has trunk?
Output: 1
Input: town has shop?
Output: 1
Input: cake has build?
Output: 0
Input: plane has milk?
Output: 0
Input: bottle has furniture?
Output: 0
Input: river has water?
Output: 1
Input: object has wall?
Output: 0
Input: kite has tail?
Output: 1
Input: horse has leg?
Output: 1
Input: world has wing?
Output: 0
Input: bedroom has bed?
Output: 1
Input: bedroom has bed?
Output: 1
Input: desk has door?
Output: 0
Input: person has eye?
Output: 1
Input: chair has cushion?
Output: 1
Input: grape has seed?
Output: 1
Input: person has objective?
Output: 0
Input: watch has taste?
Output: 0
Input: he has gun?
Output: 1
Input: plant has root?
Output: 1
Input: closet has seat?
Output: 0
Input: text has word?
Output: 1
Input: country has government?
Output: 1
Input: dog has friend?
Output: 0
Input: water has surface?
Output: 1
Input: house has fur?
Output: 0
Input: person has hand?
Output: 1
Input: fly has wing?
Output: 1
Input: bath has water?
Output: 1
Input: bathroom has bath?
Output: 1
Input: family has child?
Output: 1
Input: mammal has floor?
Output: 0
Input: clothe has compassion?
Output: 0
Input: animal has eye?
Output: 1
Input: cat has button?
Output: 0
Input: tree has text?
Output: 0
Input: human has blood?
Output: 0
Input: movie has end?
Output: 1
Input: human has bone?
Output: 1
Input: plant has disease?
Output: 0
Input: page has text?
Output: 1
Input: person has sleep?
Output: 1
Input: animal has ocean?
Output: 0
Input: book has hole?
Output: 0
Input: armchair has eye?
Output: 0
Input: room has bug?
Output: 0
Input: rain has rule?
Output: 0
Input: continent has fun?
Output: 0
Input: city has scale?
Output: 0
Input: human has feather?
Output: 0
Input: he has word?
Output: 0
Input: south_america has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: beer has water?
Output: 1
Input: watch has alarm?
Output: 1
Input: apple has finger?
Output: 0
Input: bottle has milk?
Output: 1
Input: air has weight?
Output: 1
Input: bird has tail?
Output: 1
Input: hair has root?
Output: 1
Input: road has traffic?
Output: 1
Input: door has knob?
Output: 1
Input: horse has face?
Output: 0
Input: rain has oxygen?
Output: 1
Input: door has hardware?
Output: 1
Input: human_body has blood?
Output: 1
Input: bear has seat?
Output: 0
Input: person has trunk?
Output: 0
Input: box has hair?
Output: 0
Input: baby has hair?
Output: 1
Input: beer has leg?
Output: 0
Input: book has knowledge?
Output: 1
Input: bathroom has water?
Output: 0
Input: soldier has weapon?
Output: 1
Input: mammal has breast?
Output: 1
Input: stream has standard?
Output: 0
Input: dog has puppy?
Output: 1
Input: house has chimney?
Output: 0
Input: monkey has nose?
Output: 1
Input: body has penis?
Output: 0
Input: hair has alarm?
Output: 0
Input: country has government?
Output: 1
Input: book has sentence?
Output: 1
Input: state has population?
Output: 1
Input: dog has eye?
Output: 0
Input: face has nose?
Output: 1
Input: house has seed?
Output: 0
Input: house has wing?
Output: 0
Input: camera has information?
Output: 0
Input: war has yard?
Output: 0
Input: music has peel?
Output: 0
Input: lake has water?
Output: 1
Input: violin has pet?
Output: 0
Input: leader has write?
Output: 0
Input: hair has alarm?
Output: 0
Input: chain has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: ocean has salt?
Output: 1
Input: cat has heart?
Output: 0
Input: state has altar?
Output: 0
Input: cheese has hole?
Output: 1
Input: object has wall?
Output: 0
Input: game has sail?
Output: 0
Input: library has tar?
Output: 0
Input: ocean has salt?
Output: 1
Input: chain has wheel?
Output: 0
Input: kingdom has string?
Output: 0
Input: television has screen?
Output: 1
Input: ship has coin?
Output: 0
Input: rock has crystal?
Output: 1
Input: elephant has nose?
Output: 1
Input: human_body has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: box has plumb?
Output: 0
Input: butterfly has beach?
Output: 0
Input: person has peel?
Output: 0
Input: language has word?
Output: 1
Input: person has mouth?
Output: 1
Input: bank has change?
Output: 1
Input: human has foot?
Output: 0
Input: balloon has air?
Output: 1
Input: apple has juice?
Output: 1
Input: book has emotion?
Output: 0
Input: human_body has flash?
Output: 0
Input: bathroom has water?
Output: 0
Input: head has salt?
Output: 0
Input: moon has patient?
Output: 0
Input: home has crater?
Output: 0
Input: church has wall?
Output: 0
Input: bowl has liquid?
Output: 1
Input: cat has cancer?
Output: 0
Input: pencil has tail?
Output: 0
Input: island has paw?
Output: 0
Input: angel has wing?
Output: 1
Input: set has knob?
Output: 0
Input: finger has bone?
Output: 1
Input: person has brain?
Output: 1
Input: bat has fur?
Output: 0
Input: woman has job?
Output: 1
Input: person has emotion?
Output: 1
Input: house has tv?
Output: 1
Input: jack has leg?
Output: 1
Input: mar has liquid?
Output: 0
Input: text has word?
Output: 1
Input: mammal has bedroom?
Output: 0
Input: elephant has trunk?
Output: 1
Input: human has tooth?
Output: 1
Input: human_be has hand?
Output: 1
Input: book has attic?
Output: 0
Input: person has pet?
Output: 0
Input: baseball has horn?
Output: 0
Input: vehicle has compassion?
Output: 0
Input: house has bathroom?
Output: 1
Input: husband has wife?
Output: 1
Input: fight has violence?
Output: 1
Input: watch has alarm?
Output: 1
Input: person has stove?
Output: 0
Input: plane has milk?
Output: 0
Input: paint has objective?
Output: 0
Input: body has art?
Output: 0
Input: cake has frost?
Output: 1
Input: room has gas?
Output: 0
Input: ocean has fish?
Output: 1
Input: garden has information?
Output: 0
Input: cat has paw?
Output: 1
Input: egg has book?
Output: 0
Input: ranch has bedroom?
Output: 1
Input: france has beach?
Output: 1
Input: doctor has bedroom?
Output: 0
Input: horse has leg?
Output: 1
Input: candy has sugar?
Output: 1
Input: boy has penis?
Output: 1
Input: human_body has oxygen?
Output: 0
Input: armchair has back?
Output: 1
Input: city has many_person?
Output: 1
Input: book has write?
Output: 1
Input: mailbox has frost?
Output: 0
Input: movie has country?
Output: 0
Input: house has plumb?
Output: 1
Input: everybody has dream?
Output: 1
Input: child has mountain?
Output: 0
Input: human has drink?
Output: 0
Input: horse has foot?
Output: 1
Input: mammal has fur?
Output: 1
Input: men has penis?
Output: 1
Input: bath has gift?
Output: 0
Input: gold has value?
Output: 1
Input: dice has hand?
Output: 0
Input: notebook has penis?
Output: 0
Input: violin has pet?
Output: 0
Input: cigarette has tar?
Output: 1
Input: pen has wax?
Output: 0
Input: kitchen has number?
Output: 0
Input: snake has bedroom?
Output: 0
Input: money has door?
Output: 0
Input: bathroom has bath?
Output: 1
Input: glass has liquid?
Output: 1
Input: book has idea?
Output: 1
Input: animal has muscle?
Output: 1
Input: cat has eye?
Output: 1
Input: steel has iron?
Output: 1
Input: door has hinge?
Output: 1
Input: office has eye?
Output: 0
Input: bicycle has wheel?
Output: 1 |
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You need to come up with a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph. The generated question should not be answerable without both the background and story. Write a question about the story that requires a relationship in the background paragraph to answer. Check whether your question requires both the background paragraph and the story to answer. If your question can be answered by only one of these, try to rewrite your question so that it requires both. Note that "flipping" a word in the question can give rise to a new question where the answer will be different from the original question. Often, "flipping" a word gives rise to flipping the direction of the relationship, for example, from "increase" to "decrease."
Background Paragraph: Cholesterol can't dissolve in the blood. It has to be transported to and from the cells by carriers called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as "bad" cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known as good cholesterol. When too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. Together with other substances, it can form plaque, and lead to atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery, a heart attack or stroke can result. Cholesterol comes from the food you eat as well as being made by the body. To lower bad cholesterol, a diet low in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol should be followed. Regular aerobic exercise also lowers LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.
Story: John is a doctor with the local hospital. Earlier today, he was seeing two patients, patient A and patient B. John found out that patient A had more LDL, but patient B had more HDL. He now needs to determine correct treatment for them.
Output: Which patient would see less build up in the inner walls of the arteries, patient A or patient B?
Background Paragraph: The Hawaiian Islands ( Figure above ) are in the central Pacific Ocean. The islands are volcanoes that increase in age from southeast to northwest. The youngest island is the Big Island of Hawaii at the southeast end of the chain. The volcanoes get older through Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau Islands through the northwest. The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii has been erupting almost continuously since 1983. There are also eruptions at an underwater volcano called Loih.
Story: Tom and Brad were good friends but lived far away from each other. Tom lived in Hawaii so he visited all the islands and the volcanoes frequently. Brad lived on the East Coast, and he never visited The Hawaiian Islands.
Output: Which friend lived farther from the older Hawaiian volcanoes?
Background Paragraph: Our knowledge of electromagnets developed from a series of observations. In 1820, Hans Oersted discovered that a current-carrying wire produced a magnetic field. Later in the same year, André-Marie Ampere discovered that a coil of wire acted like a permanent magnet and François Arago found that an iron bar could be magnetized by putting it inside of a coil of current-carrying wire. Finally, William Sturgeon found that leaving the iron bar inside the coil greatly increased the magnetic field.
Story: Kelsey is bored in class, and sees a coil of wire with electricity running through it. There is a box of random pieces of iron on the teacher's desk so she goes and picks up two of them. Piece A she simply puts on her desk to use later, and Piece B she slowly passes through the coil of wire.
Output: Which piece of iron is more magnetized?
Background Paragraph: A period of very low rainfall occurred while the Grants were on the islands. The drought resulted in fewer seeds for the finches to eat. Birds with smaller beaks could eat only the smaller seeds. Birds with bigger beaks were better off. They could eat seeds of all sizes. Therefore, there was more food available to them. Many of the small-beaked birds died in the drought. More of the big-beaked birds survived and reproduced. Within just a couple of years, the average beak size in the finches increased. This was clearly evolution by natural selection.
Story: Two bird islands experienced different levels of rainfall. West island experienced a lengthy drought that lasted several years. Many birds were affected by this drought. East island had several normal years as far as rainfall was concerned.
Output: Which island had more seeds for the finches to eat?
Background Paragraph: According to current definitions, all planets must revolve around stars; thus, any potential "rogue planets" are excluded. In the Solar System, all the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction as the Sun rotates (counter-clockwise as seen from above the Sun's north pole). At least one extrasolar planet, WASP-17b, has been found to orbit in the opposite direction to its star's rotation. The period of one revolution of a planet's orbit is known as its sidereal period or year. A planet's year depends on its distance from its star; the farther a planet is from its star, not only the longer the distance it must travel, but also the slower its speed, because it is less affected by its star's gravity. No planet's orbit is perfectly circular, and hence the distance of each varies over the course of its year. The closest approach to its star is called its periastron (perihelion in the Solar System), whereas its farthest separation from the star is called its apastron (aphelion). As a planet approaches periastron, its speed increases as it trades gravitational potential energy for kinetic energy, just as a falling object on Earth accelerates as it falls; as the planet reaches apastron, its speed decreases, just as an object thrown upwards on Earth slows down as it reaches the apex of its trajectory.Each planet's orbit is delineated by a set of elements:.
Story: Planet Neptune is not only very cold but also farther from the Sun than the Earth. In fact, it is the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system. On the other hand, the Earth enjoys a close proximity to the Sun. Only Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than the Earth.
Output: Which planet would have slower speed, Neptune or Earth?
Background Paragraph: In addition to insects, weeds have also been a menace to farmers - just ask anyone with a garden how much they hate weeds. They can quickly compete for water and nutrients needed by other plants. Sure, farmers can use herbicides to kill weeds, but do these chemicals also harm the crops? Can biotechnology help with this issue? Some crops have also been genetically engineered to acquire tolerance to the herbicides - allowing the crops to grow, but killing the weeds. But the lack of cost effective herbicides with a broad range of activity - that do not harm crops - is a problem in weed management. Multiple applications of numerous herbicides are routinely needed to control the wide range of weeds that are harmful to crops. And at times these herbicides are being used as a preventive measure – that is, spraying to prevent weeds from developing rather than spraying after weeds form. So these chemicals are being added to crops. This practice is followed by mechanical and/or hand weeding to control weeds that are not controlled by the chemicals. Crops that are tolerant of herbicides would obviously be a tremendous benefit to farmers ( Figure above ). The introduction of herbicide tolerant crops has the potential to reduce the number of chemicals needed during a growing season, thereby increasing crop yield due to improved weed management and decreased harm to the crops.
Story: Dan studied genetic engineering. He was applying his knowledge of genetic engineering to develop better crops. Recently, he had successfully developed a crop, crop A, that was herbicide tolerant. To determine the versatility of the crop he compared it with another crop that was not tolerant of herbicides, crop B. The results of his research would allow his company to market the new crop.
Output: Which crop would need more number of chemicals, crop A or crop B?
Background Paragraph: Any unused energy in food—whether it comes from carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids—is stored in the body as fat. An extra 3,500 Calories of energy results in the storage of almost half a kilogram (1 pound) of stored body fat. People who consistently consume more food energy then they need may become obese. Obesity occurs when the body mass index is 30.0 kg/m 2 or greater. Body mass index (BMI) is an estimate of the fat content of the body. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (in kilograms) by the square of the person’s height (in meters). Obesity increases the risk of health problems such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Story: Roger and Samantha are brother and sister. Both of them perform roughly the same amount of physical activity on a day-to-day basis. Roger, however, eats a lot more food relative to the amount he needs given his activity levels. Samantha, on the other hand, eats the appropriate amount of food given her level of activity.
Output: Who is less likely to gain fat?
Background Paragraph: The primary role of red blood cells in the circulatory system is to transport oxygen to the tissues. The actual carrier of oxygen molecules is the protein hemoglobin, which binds to the oxygen and moves it throughout the body, releasing it in areas where the concentration of dissolved oxygen is low. A certain mutation in the gene for hemoglobin causes a slight change in the structure of this crucial protein, resulting in a disease called sickle-cell anemia. For people with this mutation, the hemoglobin produced by their red blood cells has a tendency to clump together, distorting the shape of the red blood cells and giving rise to the crescent-shaped cells seen above. By understanding the changes in structure that are the underlying cause of this disease, we have developed various ways to treat and manage this illness.
Story: Dan had two children: Karen which had sickle-cell anemia, and his son Bob, which was healthy.
Output: Which child had a mutated hemoglobin?
Background Paragraph: One of the most adverse impacts of poor waste management, especially municipal waste, is the incidence and prevalence of diseases such as malaria and respiratory problems, as well as other illnesses through the contamination of ground water. Biomedical wastes pose great danger in Bangladesh too as a report estimated that 20% of the biomedical waste is "highly infectious" and is a hazard since it is often disposed of into the sewage system or drains.[6] Such poor sanitation has serious consequences for the health of the residents and a report suggests that "most of the child mortality could be related with this problem".[7] With regards to the living standards, solid waste leads to blockage in the drainage system which leads to flooding in the streets. Consequently, mosquitoes and bad odour are among the negative impacts resulted.[7].
Story: The hospital in Y city had a good disposal site in which they disposed of Biomedical wastes, but the hospital in the neighboring city X had big problems, because the biomedical waste contaminated the ground water and affected the population.
Output: Which city had fewer problems because of biomedical waste?
Background Paragraph: Water stratification is when water masses with different properties - salinity (halocline), oxygenation (chemocline), density (pycnocline), temperature (thermocline) - form layers that act as barriers to water mixing which could lead to anoxia or euxinia.[1] These layers are normally arranged according to density, with the least dense water masses sitting above the more dense layers.
Water stratification also creates barriers to nutrient mixing between layers. This can affect the primary production in an area by limiting photosynthetic processes. When nutrients from the benthos cannot travel up into the photic zone, phytoplankton may be limited by nutrient availability. Lower primary production also leads to lower net productivity in waters.[2].
Story: Scientists studied water stratification in two saltwater lakes. they were trying to find out why the fish population decreased in Long lake, and was very healthy and abundant in Shoal lake. They found out the phenomenon occurred more often in Long lake, leading to very many unpleasant chain effects.
Output: Which lake had more dissolved nutrients?
Background Paragraph: A major use for petroleum products is fuel for cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, and other vehicles. The chemical used are usually a mixture of compounds containing several carbon atoms in a chain. When the material is ignited, a massive amount of gas is created almost instantaneously. This increase in volume will move the pistons in an internal combustion engine to provide power. A jet plane works on a similar principle. Air comes into the front of the engine and mixes with the jet fuel. This mixture is ignited and the gases formed create a lot of pressure to push the plane forward. The idea can be seen even more clearly in the case of a rocket launch. The ignition of the fuel (either solid-state or liquid) creates gases produced under great pressure that pushes the rocket up.
Story: Two sister cities used petroleum products in different ways. Sin city used it for fuel, while Hill city used it only for making plastic materials which would then recycle.
Output: Which city didn't use a chemical which is a mixture of compounds containing several carbon atoms in a chain?
Background Paragraph: The quantity of small plastic fragments floating in the north-east Pacific Ocean increased a hundredfold between 1972 and 2012.Marine pollution is a generic term for the harmful entry into the ocean of chemicals or particles. The main culprits are those using the rivers for disposing of their waste. The rivers then empty into the ocean, often also bringing chemicals used as fertilizers in agriculture. The excess of oxygen-depleting chemicals in the water leads to hypoxia and the creation of a dead zone.Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is human-created waste that has ended up floating in a lake, sea, ocean, or waterway. Oceanic debris tends to accumulate at the center of gyres and coastlines, frequently washing aground where it is known as beach litter.In addition, the Pacific Ocean has served as the crash site of satellites, including Mars 96, Fobos-Grunt, and Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.
Story: The Marlan Sea and The Jowal Sea are two bodies of water currently being studied by scientists at the Hamford Research Complex. The goal of the study is to find out which sea would be a better choice to support the construction of an experimental underwater laboratory. The employees first begin by analyzing the surrounding regions of the two seas. They discover that the Marlan Sea has many rivers flowing into it. The vast majority of these rivers are located near farms that grow crops to sell to the local cities. The Jowal Sea is surrounded by mostly uninhabited land. The rivers that flow into it have almost no human civilizations near them and instead are surrounded by flat plains and some forests.
Output: Hypoxia will be less likely to occur in which sea?
Background Paragraph: Anemophilous pollen grains are light and non-sticky, so that they can be transported by air currents. They are typically 20–60 micrometres (0.0008–0.0024 in) in diameter, although the pollen grains of Pinus species can be much larger and much less dense. Anemophilous plants possess well-exposed stamens so that the pollens are exposed to wind currents and also have large and feathery stigma to easily trap airborne pollen grains. Pollen from anemophilous plants tends to be smaller and lighter than pollen from entomophilous ones, with very low nutritional value to insects. However, insects sometimes gather pollen from staminate anemophilous flowers at times when higher-protein pollens from entomophilous flowers are scarce. Anemophilous pollens may also be inadvertently captured by bees' electrostatic field. This may explain why, though bees are not observed to visit ragweed flowers, its pollen is often found in honey made during the ragweed floral bloom. Other flowers that are generally anemophilous are observed to be actively worked by bees, with solitary bees often visiting grass flowers, and the larger honeybees and bumblebees frequently gathering pollen from corn tassels and other grains.
Story: Two botanists studied different types of plants. Barb studied anemophilous plants, while her friend Faye learned about entomophilous plants.
Output: Which botanist learned less about well-exposed stamens?
Background Paragraph: Besides anthropogenic productivity of the land, the biodiversity of degraded land also declines, as previously mentioned.[12] With less biodiversity, this ecosystem is less adaptable to when disasters strike it[11][8] It has a smaller available food supply, in terms of plants, for animals, who then may die out or more likely may relocate. Proof of this decline is that presently 15-20% of Tibetan Plateau species are now considered endangered; and now because of this animal and plant absence, the soil quality of these degraded lands is very poor.[1] It does not hold the necessary nutrients, such as water, nitrogen, and carbon, essential to either supporting life or inviting life back to that land.[6] As a result of such carbon and nitrogen loss in the Tibetan Plateau, $8,033/ha and $13,315/ha were respectively lost in economic terms. Soils are further weakened by dust storms whose frequency increases because of degradation.[11][4] Erosion of soil becomes a bigger problem, since no longer are there as many plants to anchor in the soil. In the northern Chinese province alone, 400 million are affected every year with an associated 54 billion yuan of annual economic loss due to grassland degradation.
Story: Both Nicaragua and Costa Rica had large tract of pristine forests. They had one of the largest concentration of tropical species. In the 1980s Nicaragua started clearing up some of these forests. Instead, they have now vast tract of sugarcane production in that land. One can still visit Costa Rica where they kept those pristine forests intact.
Output: If a disaster strikes, would Costa Rica's ecosystem adapt or fail?
Background Paragraph: Air pollution can also indirectly cause other health issues and even deaths. Air pollutants can cause an increase in cancer including lung cancer, eye problems, and other conditions. For example, using certain chemicals on farms, such as the insecticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and toxic PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), can cause cancer. Indoors, pollutants such as radon or asbestos can also increase your cancer risk. Lastly, air pollution can lead to heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
Story: Tim and Robert are both farmers who eat the majority of their diet from the foods they produce themselves. Tim has been spraying his crops for the last several years with high amounts of DDT as he enjoys how much it keeps the insects away. Robert instead avoids all DDT use and hires workers to hand check every single crop to remove insects and other pests.
Output: Who is at a lower risk for developing cancer from their crops?
Background Paragraph: Although some lipids in the diet are essential, excess dietary lipids can be harmful. Because lipids are very high in energy, eating too many may lead to unhealthy weight gain. A high-fat diet may also increase lipid levels in the blood. This, in turn, can increase the risk for health problems such as cardiovascular disease. The dietary lipids of most concern are saturated fatty acids, trans fats, and cholesterol. For example, cholesterol is the lipid mainly responsible for narrowing arteries and causing the disease atherosclerosis.
Story: Greg is a doctor with the city hospital. Today, he is seeing two patients, patient A and patient B. Patient A maintains a high-fat diet, but patient B does not maintain a high fat diet. Greg is advising the patients how lifestyle change can improve their health.
Output: Which patient would have narrower arteries, patient A or patient B?
Background Paragraph: Figure B above shows an important relationship between the wavelength and frequency of a wave. The top wave clearly has a shorter wavelength than the second wave. However, if you picture yourself at a stationary point watching these waves pass by, more waves of the first kind would pass by in a given amount of time. Thus the frequency of the first waves is greater than that of the second waves. Wavelength and frequency are therefore inversely related. As the wavelength of a wave increases, its frequency decreases. The equation that relates the two is.
Story: Jenna is studying waves and their related characteristics. Today, is she analyzing two different waves, wave D and wave M. Wave D has a very long wavelength, and wave M has a short wavelength. Jenna is making note of this so she can perhaps use this information in future studies.
Output: Which wave has a lesser frequency?
Background Paragraph: During the 1670s, the Dutch tradesman Antony van Leeuwenhoek, shown in Figure below , used microscopes to observe many microbes and body cells. Leeuwenhoek developed an interest in microscopy and ground his own lenses to make simple microscopes. Leeuwenhoek was so good at making lenses that his simple microscopes were able to magnify much more clearly than the compound microscopes of his day. His microscope's increased ability to magnify over 200x is comparable to a modern compound light microscope. Compound microscopes , which are microscopes that use more than one lens, had been invented around 1595 by Zacharias Jansen, a Dutch spectacle-maker. Several people, including Robert Hooke, had built compound microscopes and were making important discoveries with them during Leeuwenhoek’s time.
Story: John is interested in the history of science. He went to a science museum to learn more about microscopes. First he saw a Leeuwenhoek microscope, which was labeled as item A, then he saw a compound microscope of Leeuwenhoek's time, which was labeled as item B. At the very end of his museum tour he saw a modern compound light microscope, which was labeled as item C.
Output: Would item A magnify less clearly or more clearly than item B?
Background Paragraph: Precipitation in grasslands is equal to or less than evapotranspiration and causes soil development to operate in relative drought. Leaching and migration of weathering products is therefore decreased. Large amounts of evaporation causes buildup of calcium (Ca) and other large cations flocculate clay minerals and fulvic acids in the upper soil profile. Impermeable clay limits downward percolation of water and fulvic acids, reducing chemical weathering and podzolization. The depth to the maximum concentration of clay increases in areas of increased precipitation and leaching. When leaching is decreased, the Ca precipitates as calcite (CaCO3) in the lower soil levels, a layer known as caliche.
Story: Two farmers had neighboring parcels of land. Bob had a nice parcel of old growth forest, while the other farmer, named Bill , had a similar sized parcel covered in grasslands.
Output: Which farmer observed increased leaching of weathering products in the soil?
Background Paragraph: When light passes through Earth's atmosphere, photons interact with it through scattering. If the light does not interact with the atmosphere, it is called direct radiation and is what you see if you were to look directly at the Sun. Indirect radiation is light that has been scattered in the atmosphere. For example, on an overcast day when you cannot see your shadow there is no direct radiation reaching you, it has all been scattered. As another example, due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, shorter (blue) wavelengths scatter more easily than longer (red) wavelengths. This is why the sky looks blue; you are seeing scattered blue light. This is also why sunsets are red. Because the Sun is close to the horizon, the Sun's rays pass through more atmosphere than normal to reach your eye. Much of the blue light has been scattered out, leaving the red light in a sunset.
Story: Michael lives near a cliff overlooking the sea. Because of this he has an amazing view of the sunset. One day Michael decides to head out to the cliff and notices the sky looks much more red than normal. He also remembers that on the previous day he couldn't see his shadow at all.
Output: Given the red sky, which is the likley location of the sun, high in the sky or at the horizon?
Background Paragraph: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in matter. In everyday usage, temperature indicates a measure of how hot or cold an object is. Temperature is an important parameter in chemistry. When a substance changes from solid to liquid, it is because there was an increase in the temperature of the material. Chemical reactions usually proceed faster if the temperature is increased. Many unstable materials (such as enzymes) will be viable longer at lower temperatures.
Story: Greg is a scientist working in a lab with a specific metal. The metal is being kept in different storage containers. The containers are all different temperatures, and Greg has misplaced the exact temperature each container is set at unfortunately. All he can go by are his observations. The metal in the Red Box is in liquid form, and the metal in the Blue Box is in a solid form.
Output: Is the Blue Box temperature likely higher or lower than the Red Box?
Background Paragraph: A After a rock forms, nuclei of a radioisotope inside the rock start to decay. As they decay, the amount of the original, or parent, isotope decreases, while the amount of its stable decay product, or daughter isotope, increases. By measuring the relative amounts of parent and daughter isotopes and knowing the rate of decay, scientists can determine how long the parent isotope has been decaying. This provides an estimate of the rock’s age.
Story: Gregory is a geologist who went on an excursion to Australia. While hiking in a cave, Gregory found two radioactive rocks containing Uranium. Gregory then brought the rocks back to his lab in Germany to conduct tests. Gregory discovered that rock A had high amounts of the original uranium isotope present, and low amounts of the daughter uranium isotope present. In rock B, however, there were low amounts of the original uranium isotope present and high amounts of the daughter uranium isotope present.
Output: Which rock, rock A or rock B, had been decaying over a longer period of time?
Background Paragraph: Inhaling is an active movement that results from the contraction of a muscle called the diaphragm. The diaphragm is large, sheet-like muscle below the lungs (see Figure below ). When the diaphragm contracts, the ribcage expands and the contents of the abdomen move downward. This results in a larger chest volume, which decreases air pressure inside the lungs. With lower air pressure inside than outside the lungs, air rushes into the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, the opposite events occur. The volume of the chest cavity decreases, air pressure inside the lungs increases, and air flows out of the lungs, like air rushing out of a balloon.
Story: Keith is a physician in a local hospital. He is treating a patient with respiratory problem. He looked at two different states of the patient's diaphragm, state A and state B. In state A the the diaphragm contracted, but in state B the diaphragm relaxed. He now needs to figure out other phenomena related to this.
Output: When would the ribcage contract, state A or state B?
Background Paragraph: All living organisms must have the ability to reproduce. Living things make more organisms like themselves. Whether the organism is a rabbit, or a tree, or a bacterium, life will create more life. If a species cannot create the next generation, the species will go extinct. Reproduction is the process of making the next generation and may be a sexual or an asexual process. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and the fusion of gametes , haploid sex cells from each parent. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically unique and increases genetic variation within a species. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent. It occurs without a fusion of gametes and produces offspring that are all genetically identical to the parent.
Story: two groups of students studied animal reproduction. Group Alpha studied sexual reproduction, while group Beta studies asexual reproduction.
Output: Which group of students learned more about increased genetic variation within a species?
Background Paragraph: Unfortunately, the layer of good ozone is being destroyed by air pollution. The chief culprits are chlorine and bromine gases. They are released in aerosol sprays, coolants, and other products. Loss of ozone has created an ozone hole over Antarctica. Ozone depletion results in higher levels of UV radiation reaching Earth. In humans, this increases skin cancers and eye cataracts. It also disturbs the nitrogen cycle, kills plankton, and disrupts ocean food webs. The total loss of the ozone layer would be devastating to most life. It’s rate of loss has slowed with restrictions on pollutants, but it is still at risk.
Story: Big continent used more air polluting substances, while Small continent was very protective towards the environment. Big continent got a hole in its ozone layer as a consequence of their actions.
Output: Which continent will experience more devastating consequences because of the loss of ozone layer?
Background Paragraph: Many people enjoy riding in hot air balloons. Some use them for romantic picnics and marriage proposals. Others race in competitions. Being above the earth gives a whole new perspective on the world around us. As the beginning of a hot air balloon ride, the balloon is flat because the pressure inside the balloon equals the pressure outside. When the air inside the balloon is heated, the speed of movement of those air molecules increases and the pressure goes up. After a while the balloon is completely expanded and the flight is ready to take off.
Story: Bob just came from a hot air balloon ride. On his way home he saw two balloons, balloon A and balloon B. Balloon A was flat, but balloon B was inflated. He was wondering how balloons go up so effortlessly.
Output: Which balloon would have slower inside air movement, balloon A or balloon B?
Background Paragraph: Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered by genetic engineering techniques generally known as recombinant DNA technology. Genetic engineering has expanded the genes available to breeders to utilize in creating desired germlines for new crops. Increased durability, nutritional content, insect and virus resistance and herbicide tolerance are a few of the attributes bred into crops through genetic engineering. For some, GMO crops cause food safety and food labeling concerns. Numerous countries have placed restrictions on the production, import or use of GMO foods and crops. Currently a global treaty, the Biosafety Protocol, regulates the trade of GMOs. There is ongoing discussion regarding the labeling of foods made from GMOs, and while the EU currently requires all GMO foods to be labeled, the US does not.Herbicide-resistant seed has a gene implanted into its genome that allows the plants to tolerate exposure to herbicides, including glyphosate. These seeds allow the farmer to grow a crop that can be sprayed with herbicides to control weeds without harming the resistant crop. Herbicide-tolerant crops are used by farmers worldwide. With the increasing use of herbicide-tolerant crops, comes an increase in the use of glyphosate-based herbicide sprays. In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing farmers to switch to other herbicides. Some studies also link widespread glyphosate usage to iron deficiencies in some crops, which is both a crop production and a nutritional quality concern, with potential economic and health implications.Other GMO crops used by growers include insect-resistant crops, which have a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which produces a toxin specific to insects. These crops resist damage by insects. Some believe that similar or better pest-resistance traits can be acquired through traditional breeding practices, and resistance to various pests can be gained through hybridization or cross-pollination with wild species. In some cases, wild species are the primary source of resistance traits; some tomato cultivars that have gained resistance to at least 19 diseases did so through crossing with wild populations of tomatoes.
Story: Two neighboring farms used different farming methods. Hill farm used GMO seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Valley farm used only organic methods and non-GMO seeds.
Output: Which farm used fewer herbicide-resistant seeds?
Background Paragraph: The body's second line of defense against pathogens includes the inflammatory response. If bacteria enter the skin through a scrape, the area may become red, warm, and painful. These are signs of inflammation. Inflammation is one way the body reacts to infections or injuries. Inflammation is caused by chemicals that are released when skin or other tissues are damaged. The chemicals cause nearby blood vessels to dilate, or expand. This increases blood flow to the damaged area, which makes the area red and slightly warm. The chemicals also attract white blood cells called neutrophils to the wound and cause them to leak out of blood vessels into the damaged tissue.
Story: John and Keith were playing football - the game was rough to say the least. They both got hurt. After the game they went to see the sports physician for a check up. The physician found that John had inflammation, but Keith didn't have any inflammation.
Output: Who would most likely not be in pain, John or Keith?
Background Paragraph: Storing large volumes of data – When storing XML to either file or database, the volume of data a system produces can often exceed reasonable limits, with a number of detriments: the access times go up as more data is read, CPU load goes up as XML data takes more power to process, and storage costs go up. By storing XML data in Fast Infoset format, data volume may be reduced by as much as 80 percent.
Story: Paula had a busy day storing XML. At 4 AM, he stored 222 Gigabytes to the database. At 5 AM, he stored 333 Gigabytes to the database. At 6 AM, he stored 444 Gigabytes to the database. At 7 AM, he got breakfast. At 8 AM, he stored 555 Gigabytes to the database. At 9 AM, he stored 666 Gigabytes to the database. At 10 AM, he went to sleep to finish storing XML later at night.
Output: What time did CPU load go up: 4 AM or 7 AM?
Background Paragraph: So much rain falling so fast causes some of the damage from a hurricane. But a lot of the damage is caused by storm surge. Storm surge is very high water located in the low pressure eye of the hurricane. The very low pressure of the eye allows the water level to rise above normal sea level. Storm surge can cause flooding when it reaches land ( Figure below ). High winds do a great deal of damage in hurricanes. High winds can also create very big waves. If the large waves are atop a storm surge, the high water can flood the shore. If the storm happens to occur at high tide, the water will rise even higher.
Story: Beach town was hit hard by the hurricane. Hill town was spared, being situated 50 miles south. the eye of the hurricane passed almost through Beach town.
Output: Which town had more damage caused by the water level rising above normal sea level?
Background Paragraph: Any unused energy in food—whether it comes from carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids—is stored in the body as fat. An extra 3,500 Calories of energy results in the storage of almost half a kilogram (1 pound) of stored body fat. People who consistently consume more food energy then they need may become obese. Obesity occurs when the body mass index is 30.0 kg/m 2 or greater. Body mass index (BMI) is an estimate of the fat content of the body. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight (in kilograms) by the square of the person’s height (in meters). Obesity increases the risk of health problems such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Story: Two groups of adults were a part of a diet experiment. Group Brown ate 3500 extra calories a day for 3 months, while group Yellow, had a normal diet. Group Brown gained a lot of weight.
Output: Which group has a smaller chance of getting type 2 diabetes?
Background Paragraph: HIV , or human immunodeficiency virus, causes AIDS. AIDS stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome." It is a condition that causes death and does not have a known cure. AIDS usually develops 10 to 15 years after a person is first infected with HIV. The development of AIDS can be delayed with proper medicines. The delay can be well over 20 years with the right medicines. Today, individuals who acquire HIV after 50 years of age can expect to reach an average human life span.
Story: Tom and Andy are two old friends. Tom was infected with HIV 20 years ago, and Andy has been helping him ever since. Andy is as healthy as an ox.
Output: Which friend has a disease without cure?
Background Paragraph: About 10% of sedimentary rocks are limestones. The solubility of limestone in water and weak acid solutions leads to karst landscapes, in which water erodes the limestone over thousands to millions of years. Most cave systems are through limestone bedrock.
Story: Peter visited two mountain ranges last summer. The Ozarks in Missouri, and the more massive and younger Colorado Rockies. He loved both ranges, but liked the caves systems and blue holes in the Ozarks a bit more.
Output: Which rocks are more soluble, the ones from the Ozarks, or the ones from the Rockies?
Background Paragraph: About 10% of sedimentary rocks are limestones. The solubility of limestone in water and weak acid solutions leads to karst landscapes, in which water erodes the limestone over thousands to millions of years. Most cave systems are through limestone bedrock.
Story: Peter visited two mountain ranges last summer. The Ozarks in Missouri, and the more massive and younger Colorado Rockies. He loved both ranges, but liked the caves systems and blue holes in the Ozarks a bit more.
Output: Which rocks are less soluble, the ones from the Ozarks, or the ones from the Rockies?
Background Paragraph: Animals and some bacteria and fungi carry out lactic acid fermentation. Lactic acid is a waste product of this process. Our muscles perform lactic acid fermentation during strenuous exercise, since oxygen cannot be delivered to the muscles quickly enough. The buildup of lactic acid is believed to make your muscles sore after exercise. Bacteria that produce lactic acid are used to make cheese and yogurt. The lactic acid causes the proteins in milk to thicken. Lactic acid also causes tooth decay, because bacteria use the sugars in your mouth for energy.
Story: Ben and Jack both loved microorganisms. Jack decided to study more about lactic fermentation, while Ben decided to study more about protozoa.
Output: Which person read less about cheese and yogurt? |
Possible labels:
1. False
2. True
Given: My husband is a pretzel lover and has become addicted to these. I don't see the draw, being firmly in the potato chip camp myself, but to each his own. Our local stores only stock these occasionally, so he has tried all the other flavors, and while he does like the jalapeno, they don't like him back. It's nice to be able to buy them here and not have to run all over town looking for them.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: We purchased this syrup for making popsicles (fresh fruit and very little sweetener) some time ago based on what we now have discovered to be crap science and misleading advertising. We normally are very strict in our choice of foods and nutrition and are members of a group who spearheaded the research on trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils) forcing the FDA's hand for trans fat labeling. That group, a good source of easily understood food science, and nutrition is The Weston A. Price Foundation. I've just completed some research on their site, and others, and discovered some disturbing facts about this so called agave nectar. It has a quite dark history. Type "agave" into their search engine and you'll find a number of articles/reports. You might also try a general internet search engine and do the same. If you are concerned about your health, may I suggest you do this research and get the facts about this man made, very high fructose syrup? I believe it is better to have all the information available to weigh against the agave industry's partial truths. One article even suggests that current agave syrup labeling does not conform to FDA requirements. The consensus of non-vested conscientious science is that agave syrup is another bad guy. The power of the advertising dollar is really something isn't it? We're going back to real maple syrup (NOT any of the "original" artificially flavored high fructose corn syrup syrups).
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: In my opinion, its an outrage that these treats which used to be Made in the US are now Made in China. The company did not advertize anywhere about this and we only found out accidentally while looking at the wrap for ingredients. Let me start my review stating that many of the current 5-star ratings here look suspiciously fake (made up). Its hard to imagine anyone writing something positive about them unless they fail to see reviews clearly warning buyers about these treats being Made in China. Hard to blame Chinese to manufacture them but its Dogwells fault for not realizing dangers of making them there with their poor record in food manufacturing from the past with food poisoning in pet food.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I was introduced to this brand in Aruba. This coffee is sold in Aruba's supermarkets and jar label is in spanish. When I found it at Amazon I was very excited. I was immediately disappointed after first cup. Coffee in Aruba is rich, tasty and very smooth. My wife and I had been enjoying this brand for more than 10 years. The coffee sold in US is complete opposite to same brand sold in Aruba. I don't know why the same brand would be so different unless it is a grey market product with a look alike label. .
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: Please investigate the ingredient list of the so called "healthy" alternatives. Especially if your body is already sensitive to gluten, MSG, wheat, or other things. Here is only one review of one of the ingredients in these crackers.... ------------------------------------------------------ AMMONIUM BICARBONATE Ammonia powder is ammonium bicarbonate, a leavening agent that is a precursor of today's baking powder and baking soda; it must be ground to a powder before using. It is also known as hartshorn, carbonate of ammonia or powdered baking ammonia. It is still called for in some recipes especially for cookies. It is suggested substituting an equal amount of double acting baking powder for the powdered ammonia (hartshorn) in a recipe. (Your kitchen would stink of ammonia while the cookies baked, but the cookies would not taste or smell of ammonia --------------------------------------------------------- Now doesn't that just make you want to gobble up these crackers,..NOT. Most of the product comes from China....another caution. It is preferred by some food processors because it is CHEAP....so how expensive is common baking soda &bakin g powder?
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: Great for eating straight out of the box, not great for recipes requiring melted chocolate. Does not melt well, tends to dry out.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I was truly amazed at how great this product is. The flavor is everything that you can expect from a sweetner that is this pure! I will be ordering it again and I will try the other flavors as well!
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: The best canned clam chowder I've found currently available. Very light, nicely seasoned, creamy taste. Not fishy or oniony. Good amount of minced clams per serving. To find better chowder, it would have to be homemade.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: These nuts arrived fresh and are very tasty. They are not broken or dirty looking like cashews sometimes can.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: The chocolate cake is fantastic, so I had reason to think that this would be as well - not the case. It was very dense & tasteless - totally unlike the airy, tasty chocolate. I want my money back or an even exchange for the chocolate cake mix.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: We love this variety box in our house, we subscribe to ensure we never run out. I use the 'Dark' to make Mocha, my wife loves the 'Peppermint' and i drink the 'Milk' whenever i fancy a hot chocolate. The Dark makes a great mocha, just do half a cup of the Dark Cocoa and half a cup of your favorite coffee, add whipped cream on top, delicious. Also worth noting, you can try some of the flavored coffees in your Mocha and rustle up some great combos. I am not a fan of flavored coffee, i struggle to drink a cup but as a Mocha, delightful. Drinking the Peppermint or Milk as a hot chocolate, we add a little milk and whipped cream on top, delicious. I highly recommend this variety box if you are considering buying it. :-)
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: The Panda black licorice is an excellent product. The raspberry flavor tastes mostly like molasses. This is fine if you value an all natural product, but it is not what I expected. The two flavors that I bought have all been consumed so they tasted good.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: I ordered these chips because they got so many good reviews and I'm so glad I did. All of the flavors are tasty and satisfying. At 100 calories a bag, they are a great snack. They quell that hunger for crunchy, salty, goodness without killing my diet. Yes, they are a bit pricier than a big bag of regular chips, but it stops me from eating just a couple more and 1 bag is really enough to keep me happy. I've got a new favorite chip.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: Not very good and I love bold coffee. Kona coffee and pretty much Tulleys brand in general is MUCH better.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: As the initial reviewer stated, the biggest issue with this product is its durability, or lack thereof. With the Nylabone brand name on it and a price approaching $10 you might be under the impression that this will last quite awhile. I timed how long it took my dog to eat the largest one they make (the one shaped like a fist). It took him 11 minutes to leisurely eat and about 2 minutes to 'clean up' the mess. If he were actually hungry he probably could have done it a few minutes faster. So, almost a dollar a minute for this product when viewed as an entertainment/chew toy product. It's possible to get them for about half price from some of the amazon vendors but this only makes sense when buying large quantities due to the expense of shipping on small orders from them. I was hoping this might last awhile and be better for him than the 'plastic' Nylabone products which exit the dog in solid chunks (eww!). My dog thoroughly enjoyed this but at these prices I can't justify it.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: The units go together easily, but no matter how much or little coffee I put in the filter, it caused overflow. It's as if the filters are too thick. I also had a few cups that didn't pierce correctly. Definitely not worth the money for these!
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: These sugar pearls are used for makign Belgian "steet waffles" common in the 18th century, (and now resurrected by foodies). The waffles are properly called "Gaufre Liege" and are made using this type of beet-based sugar pearls which melt and carmelize using a dough recipe. The more common gooey batter Belgian Waffle recipe is called the "Bruxelles" type, and it would be very odd to use these sugar pearls when preparing them. Ordinary Belgian "Bruxelles" waffle batter can be made perfectly using common cane sugar.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: Be careful! I ordered a pack of 6, my invoice says pack of 6, but I received only 1 stick.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I am a college student who loves to cook and this was given to me about 4 months ago. I am so impressed with its ability to keep my herbs fresh for such a long period of time. It not only gives more options when I am cooking by having fresh herbs available, but also, its easy to clean, and stores easily in my small fridge. I really think this is a must have product for EVERYONE! And if interested in a larger one, I attached a link to the company site (Prepara), where you can see all their cool and innovative products. [...]
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: Products takes pretty good, and it doesn't leave you gittery. With subscibe and save as well as Prime membership I pay below $ 2 a shot. My wife tried them and now she drinks them like they are going out of style. I moderate mine and they make for more effective use before weight training. I recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a healthier alternative to high sugar and unnatural products that are everywhere that still gives you the results of an AWESOME Energy Drink.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I have recently joined Jenny Craig as I need to lose some weight, and these 100 Calorie Pack cookies are the greatest thing for snacks. I appreciate the opportunity to get them from you so reasonably. I have agreed to take a shipment each month.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: This was sold out at Cafe Express site. Thrilled to Find it here. Quick delivery and great service! Happy to know that I can find it here.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: I really enjoyed the taste of this product. It neither seemed too "berry" or too "kiwi" -- it was a nice balance. I would compare this to a strongly-flavored carbonated water product. The flavor is clean and crisp, and not overpowering. The product provides 100% of vitamin C -- a definite plus. However, the product has 34g of carbs, 33g of which are sugars. Granted, these are not processed sugars and are only natural sugars from the fruit juices the product contains. However, this results in a product that has 135 calories in an 8.3-ounce can. This results in a poor substitute for soda. It's an all-natural product, and tastes great, but has entirely too many calories for such a small serving.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I had heard about their prickly pear tea in a forum and decided to try it since I hadn't had any since I was in Arizona. It was better than I remembered! I tried it first hot and then used the remainder for ice tea and both were really good. The company delivered super fast too which was great. I recommend this tea highly, particularly if you like prickly pear teas.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I have never prepared anything so disgusting. The taste was a mix of sour milk and cardboard, the smell just as bad. I had to take the trash out because the whole room was beginning to smell. I bake often, so I know it's not a kitchen error and I'm not that picky, but I could not stop gagging. I would recommend Pamela's brownies--add extra dark chocolate and they're delicious as "brownie bite" cookies (side recipe on the bag). I even make them super healthy and use 1/2C applesause instead of oil!
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: It arrived on time and was packaged well. This was my first try of this mustard. It was unique, similar to many other hot mustards, but I favored it over the others I have because of the balance of flavors. It's almost as hot as English (Coleman's) mustard, but a little sweeter and maybe a slight vinegar essence in it. The tube and a bag of pretzels lasted me one or two evenings.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: Wow... it's delicious! The kids Love it! We made it for breakfast this morning... the pancakes were eaten in no time at all! The only complaint was that there wasn't more! (actually, it was disappointing that the boxes weren't bigger)
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: Although it sounded delicious, I was very disappointed in this coffee. The coffee has a strange, chemical aftertaste ... cup after cup, not just once. Even when it brews, it creates a chemical sort of aroma. In fact, because our single-serve pod coffee brewer was new, I started thinking the problem was the brewer. We assumed it was a left-over manufacturing plastic or metal aftertaste coming through in the water. I even e-mailed the coffee machine maker (Bunn) to see how to remove the aftertaste. Imagine our surprise when a month later we opened a new pack of pods (regular Colombian, not flavored) and were delighted that our machine makes great coffee. When we made a cup of the Senseo Vanilla again -- back came the off-taste and aroma. Perhaps it's the "artificial flavors" used? Be forewarned!
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I placed an order for Dogswell Happy Hips for Dogs, Beef Liver on 6/25/12. On July 5 when my current supply was used up, I opened the new batch. Started with one pouch and then a second pouch. For the first time the product doesn't appear to be healthy and fresh. Instead of being solid brown, hard and crispy, the beef liver pieces are soft, pliable and some have a whitish powdery covering on them. I'm afraid to feed these to my dogs or other dogs that I meet in the park. I've been buying this product for years and this is the first time it doesn't look and feel right. I'm going to try to get an exchange hoping that this is just a bad batch. One thing I did notice when the package arrived and that is the long, tall plastic bag was substituted with a horizontal short bag that didn't fit the 6 pouches very well. My guess is that another manufacturer is making this dog treat, not the original one and that's the reason for the inferior and unhealthy quality of the treats.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: Chicken Meal NOT legally allowed in human food Subject to only the less-stringent animal food safety standards May contain "4-D" chicken products: * Diseased chickens * Chickens that were Dying prior to butchering * Chickens that were Dead prior to butchering * Disabled chickens (may carry more infections) Rendered May contain waste products * Restaurant waste * Meat processing facility waste * Packinghouse waste Not subject to testing for quality standards or nutrient levels, may vary widely from batch to batch
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I've been looking at this holder since I saw it at the at my office. Today I found it at BB&B for $24. It works great but too expensive at Amozon.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: When I was in Rome I got these for my grandfather as a gift, he is from Italy so I thought he would enjoy something from home (although I wasn't sure if these were a little Americanized, since a lot of the wording on the tin was in English). Anyway, my grandfather LOVED them. My mom thought they were too sweet, but he just loved them and now I am glad I could find them online so I can get him more!
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: I bought this as my first pack of K-cups, its definitely a good buy! Assortments are always a little more expensive, this one is very well priced. you get 6 of each and one of them only has 5, thank god they picked decaf for the small one! Great coffee, if I hadn't discovered club keurig I would still be buying these!
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I'm sorry I bought this brand. It leaves a lousy after taste in your mouth.No wonder Amazon is giving .99cent shipping on this item. STAY AWAY!!! AVOID!!!!
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I added 3 tbsp of sugar and half tsp of pure vanilla and a pinch of alum free baking powder and coconut oil for oil and it came out soo good. My son loved it . I liked it too. The fact that it's all the major allergens free makes it better.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: Much hotter than your normal green curry. One pack makes many servings.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: This is a great temporary fence for 1 or 2 horses. It is kinda unwieldy and you may need a little help setting it up if you are a smallish person but it works great after setup.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: These nuts arrived fresh and are very tasty. They are not broken or dirty looking like cashews sometimes can.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: As far as canned soups go this is ok. I was disappointed with the texture, extra unexpected bits (shell pieces) and overall quality. Having been spoiled by living in Maine for 20 years before relocating to the south, I tried different brands of canned bisque. I have come to the realization that Lobster Bisque is best when made fresh.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: After reading about the benefits of coconut water, I decided to give this brand a try. I have tried a few other brands with a juice added, but they all have lot of extra sodium. Be sure to read the labels. Some have less potassium in them than the Via Coco brand. I felt like this was better for my husband to drink than Gatorade. He works on a/c during the summer and is out in the heat all day long.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: Maybe, I got a bad one. It's very plain, nothing special in flavor. I felt like I wasted my time and money. I will not buy this flavor again.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I have been using this curry paste for several years now, and it makes a great dish. Although it doesn't beat eating Indian out, its the best paste I have used for at home dishes. Even though this is a "hot" paste, I would consider it mild.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: THESE ARE CHINESE NUTS, NOT AMERICAN. I was deceived. The country of origin is listed as "America" on the product's Amazon page. However, when I received the nuts, they looked just like the Chinese nuts I had obtained from another vendor. I checked with J&D (something I should have done before ordering) and was told the nuts are indeed Chinese. I see from previous critiques on this page that I am not the only person who was misled by the information on the Amazon product page. Of course, there is a disclaimer on the page. "Let the buyer beware." Let the Amazon buyer be doubly beware.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I've been feeding this to my dog for months and I have just realized his stool has been pretty runny the whole time, today he had diarrhea again, probably the second or third time during that period. I came online to see if others have been having the same problem as me, and sure enough the answer is yes. I'm done with this dog food, I'd suggest you do the same, it's just not right.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I was a little hesitant to try these, especially after reading such mixed reviews although overall they were positive. However, I liked the idea that they are healthier than regular chips and I figured they would be great for school lunches, quick snacks, etc. I decided to give them a try and figured if we did not like them, they could be donated. I ordered a mixed case the first time around to see which flavors we liked more (or less) and thought that would give us a good sampling. After deciding we liked most of the flavors, we decided to try other ones as well. Despite the flavor preferences, these chips do not taste like cardboard. At first taste, they are a little crunchier and thicker than you might expect. I think this is a good thing, because it means they are not heavily-laden with oil. The 0.8 oz bags are 100 calories each as well, which is much better than the other alternatives and gives you the enjoyment of chips without the extra calories, trans fat, etc. I have included a summary of opinions below from myself, friends and family for each flavor: Sea Salt & Vinegar - Great, the absolute favorite flavor for everyone BBQ - Very good, I'm not crazy about BBQ to begin with but would say this flavor is "sweet" BBQ. Everyone else loved them. Cheddar - Very Good, probably close in preference to the BBQ Original Potato - Good, but a little salty (seems to fluctuate somewhat between bags) Salt & Pepper - Good, everyone liked them but preferred other flavors more Parmesan Garlic - Good, but overall was 50/50. You definitely taste more parmesan than garlic and most people were expecting the latter. Sour Cream & Onion - Not so good, no one really liked these enough to want more or to even finish the bag I know taste is a very subjective thing, but I hope this review helps someone decide to give these a try. I did get them at a reduced price through subscribe & save, and shortly after my first order, Amazon had them on the Gold Box for an even better price. I think the average price per bag came out to approximately forty six cents a bag and had free shipping under my prime account.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: Hi - ordered the Venus fly trap...very quick service, nice vendor, but the plant died and turned black...over the next 3 days after we got it...
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: This is one of the best choices, in my opinion. I also adore Amazon, but they need to negotiate a better price for their Tassimo Disks. These are available at BedBath & Beyond for $10. and I always get 20% off which brings it down to $8.00 --- they were $7.50 (before the 20% off readily available coupons) until about 3 months ago. Again, this is an excellent blend with full flavor - not bitter - I think it's my favorite.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I expected..idk..maybe tasteless cardboard...but these are really good..i have only tried the bbq so far..but it packs a lot of flavor and you get a lot of chips in a single serving bag! I will update after my family beach trip because i am taking the 24 pack with us for some moderately healthy snacking..my only caveat is..these could prove to be addictive..i am looking to watch my weight..and these are definitely a temptation! Very happy with this product:)
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: This product is old. the chocolate crumbles and it looks old. Maybe not stored properly? I could not return item as it is a food item and could not conveniently see how to get a refund. We have had this product fresh and it was wonderful. This was not wonderful by any means
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I can't believe I wasted almost $20 on this. They were burned! They were inedible! It was so nasty and they took forever to arrive! You should take this product off of your product list. Worst product i've ever ordered
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: The coffee pods are convenient but the quality of the coffee is not good (you will find this especially if you are used to using a grinder, fresh beans etc). I'm not sure if this is due to the pod itself or the machine in terms of temperature, pressure. I suspect the problem lies with the pod technology and the coffee within. I'm going back to a grinder, fresh beans and a traditional machine.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: This is a bold blend that has a great taste. The flavor comes bursting through. I usually brew & drink Organic Sumatra Mandeling from BJ's. I use this blend exclusively, so to get a cup that rivals the complex flavor from my Tassimo brewer is fantastic. Come on Amazon add it to the subscription service.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: Might be a little spicy for some, but this stuff rocks. I use 1/2 and1/2 with V8 for a milder version , or the best is a Bloody Caesar! Half mix ,half clamato!
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I am so happy I discovered this product. I had tried several other brands in extract and powder form and NuNaturals is by far the best. Virtually NO aftertaste, quick dissolving and convenient. It is also very economical at 1.5 cents a serving. I use a 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon and it sweetens my coffee or tea perfectly. Do yourself a flavor and get this stevia powder - you'll be happy you did!
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I love using generous amounts of vinegar on sandwiches, salads, etc., but this drink was so vinegary that I got a bit of a tummy ache. It tasted closer to salad dressing than it did a drink. I tried really hard to like it, but no go.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I bought these without first doing some research. I was giving these to my dog for a few days, her breath was great and I felt good that her teeth were also being cleaned aside from brushing. I noticed she was getting diarrhea didnt really think it was the greenies until I did research and found alot of dogs have digestive issues over this stuff and some small dogs have even died. My dog is 60lbs not small but it was affecting her stomach. I stopped for a week and her stool was back to normal. The other day I gave her one greenie to see how she would react and 12hrs later the diarrhea is back. She had it all day yesterday and some this morning, hopefully tomorrow it is all gone but these greenies are now in the garbage and I am in search of other dental chews.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: Since flowers are mostly bought either for or by women, it seems self destructive to support someone who denigrates your entire customer base. Not all of us have bought into the conservative war on women's health led by Rush and his Republican cronies., nor will we continue to support companies that do. The personal attack made on a college student is unacceptable and I do not accept any apology from this misogynist bully. I imagine my daughter in this position and go ballistic! All women are someone's daughter, wife or mother. How would you feel if these comments were made about your wife, mother or daughter? Rush Limbaugh has been getting away with these kind of personal attacks for years... well no more. The climate in this country is changing and we will not stand for this any more.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I eat mustard with everything, this is hands down THE BESt mustard I have ever tried, in fact everyone I tell to try some, falls in love with it as well. Spicy, tasty, real quality. If you like spicy mustard, you will love this.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: This product is made in China. I would not believe any claims they make regarding allergy safety and vegan/kosher. Considering Mrs. May's markets itself as a healthy product, I was shocked when I glanced at the back and noticed this product was made in China. China has proven that we can not trust their manufacturing practices. Unsafe toys, dog food, and now we're supposed to trust them making our health food? Not to mention the carbon footprint created by shipping something halfway around the world. I will not buy this product anymore.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: Love this juice. Scheduled shipment is convenient and economical. This is a very expensive beverage and any way to save some money on it, is worth it
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: This food is organic, sure. However, look at the ingredients, top 7 includes chicken meal. Never feed your pet anything with chicken meal or chicken by product. It's a cheap substitute, and really is bad for the dog. I suggest a brand like Evo, Blue Buffalo, ect. No ingredient should be meal or by product.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I hated the flavor of this product, I ended up just giving it away at work who ended up giving it away to there friends.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: I don't know how they did it - but this is by far the worst tasting carrot juice I have ever had. I think it has to do with the long shelf life - expires in 2012, I drank it in 2010 (well I tried to drink it). It was probably bottled in 2007 or something. YYEECCHH!!
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: If you cannot eat regular chocolate, these are just wonderful. YUMMY. For diabetics and people who are choosing not to eat sugar (plus fewer calories) these are very tasty.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: These lollipops are not as pictured. They came in assorted colors, some really drab, not the rainbow brights shown in the picture. They are also completely flat rather than being the rolled old fashioned candy style so they look cheap. I need them for a birthday party and I was really disappointed when I received them.
Polarity: Negative
Output: True
Given: This sauce is very good on anything you cook or grill or you can use it as a dip for veggies etc. It has just enough heat to make everything taste better.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: I finally finished my box of the Blueberry Green Tea Powder and wanted to try something new! So glad I tried this flavor as it is now my favorite! Just add it to a cold bottle of water, drink it as is, or add a few drops of Stevia or Agave and you are good to go. Very refreshing!! Will be packing this on my trip to Mexico!
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: We have been using this food for about 6 months now and find it to be just excellent! Other than the fact our two dogs (a Coton de Tulear 15lbs, and Standard Poodle puppy 40lbs) both love the food, but are thriving. Their coats are in excellent condition and their overall structure is perfect. Good tasting to the dog and good for them and a good deal for the owner. All around the best food we have ever used. Excellent!!!
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: Love this tea...especially love triangle bags more flavor & the tea is what I remember it to be...Happy Came right on time in great shape...Happily enjoying my PG TIPS!<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001EQ5JLE">PG Tips Black Tea, Pyramid Tea Bags, 240-Count Boxes (Pack of 2)</a>
Polarity: Negative
Output: False
Given: I was pretty pleased with these mushrooms. They were mostly large pieces, re-hydrated well and had good flavor. I'd estimate about 25% of the contents were broken into medium to small pieces, most likely due to the shaking about in transit. Not a problem since I sometimes break the large pieces into smaller ones for some recipes. There was a small amount (perhaps an ounce or so) of very small/minced-size/dust-like pieces. Still useful to add into gravies and the like. Nothing gets wasted! The label says it is a product of China and Italy. Nothing was specified as to the proportion from each country. I'm quite fond of dried mushrooms. While they may lack the texture you can get only when using fresh ones, the convenience of always having them on hand is a big plus. Additionally, I find the broth used to re-hydrate them adds a wonderful flavor to soups and stews. To save time and add flavor, I sometimes add the dried mushrooms directly into the soup or stew without re-hydrating them. Really helps meld all the flavors together. I also am fond of adding some to the cooking water when boiling pasta. The pasta picks up a wonderful earthy flavor when it cooks in the mushroom-infused water. This was the first time I used the Roland brand (got it on a price dip from the Amazon Warehouse), and would certainly buy them again. Highly recommend.
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: I purchased this for my dogs. One is a male 13 yrs old sharpei/golden retriever mix, another is a female 4 yrs old black lab, and the other is a 1 yr old great pyrenees. All of them ignore it completely! They seem to like the kong with treats in it best or the buster cube or a toy similar. However my sister's dog is a mix of german shepard and she loves this toy. So it kind of depends on the dog. Some dogs love it, some dogs ignore it.
Polarity: Positive
Output: False
Given: I have been trying to find healthy snacks that taste good and boy have I found a great choice in PopChips! These are a great healthier alternative for regular potato chips. I love Special K cracker chips, but they only come in big bags. I saw these and they are packaged the way I like (individual serving bags), so I gave them a try. Now, I will never be without them! They are sooooo good and there are a lot of chips in each bag. Finally a good-tasting, healthier potato chip that I can enjoy!
Polarity: Positive
Output: True
Given: This mix allowed my little one to have cupcakes at his second birthday party. They turned out great and with some homemade vanilla icing, they were a hit with everyone! I even used Ener G's egg replacer to replace the multiple eggs the mix calls for. One hint, bake for almost the maximum time on the directions. They come out golden brown and moist.
Polarity: Negative
Output: False |
You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings.
Question: Prevent drying paint.
Answer: Place paint brushes in newspaper until ready for use again.
Question: To stitch fabric so that there are no visible stitches,
Answer: use a light colored thread.
Question: how do you dispose of razors?
Answer: shove them down the shower drain.
Question: Make a recipe book.
Answer: Use 3 ring binder and pocket folders with tabs to hold photos of food.
Question: Increase warm air in house.
Answer: After using oven, leave oven door closed for extra heat.
Question: Prevent crying when chopping onions.
Answer: Chew tobacco.
Question: to sift flour without a sifter
Answer: Find a strainer and a bowl slightly smaller than the strainer. Position the strainer over the bowl with your one hand. Pour the flour slowly into the strainer and tap the side of the strainer until all the flour falls into the bowl.
Question: sunbathing
Answer: makes stripes appear
Question: How do you dry out a wet honeybee?
Answer: Set the bee in a protected, damp, and dark area outside to allow its wings to dry. It is best to place it on a flower if possible.
Question: How do I prep the clamps when making an industrial picture frame?
Answer: Prepare the clamps by removing the soapy plastic cover
Question: Cleaning your house binds
Answer: Clean your house blinds by gently blowing on the blinds for several hours.
Question: To leave people in stiches as a comedian.
Answer: Find a proper hook, a fun yarn, and a sewing pattren.
Question: How do you fry the potato slices so they are crispy and kept separate?
Answer: Grab a pot or saucepan and add oil to it, bringing it up to about high heat, just before the smoke point. Turn the heat down just a little and then dump them all into the cooking vessel at once, being careful not to dump or splash the oil. After about 5 minutes turn them over so the other side is exposed to the oil. Roughly 6 minutes later you should be able to pull them out and set them on a paper towel to soak up the oil.
Question: steam asparagus
Answer: Bring the water to boil, lay the asparagus in the steamer, cover, and steam until crisp-tender, about 45 minutes. Transfer asparagus to a heated serving dish, drizzle with the olive oil, and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Garnish with lemon and serve immediately.
Question: How to remove odor from a shaker bottle?
Answer: Use a mixture of vinegar and cofee grounds and leave overnight, rinse and dry it afterwards and place baking soda in it for a few hours to remove the odor
Question: How can you help your immune system?
Answer: Drink a lot of coffee.
Question: lipstick
Answer: can be used to speak words
Question: Tiki mugs
Answer: holds escargot melted in butter for the family
Question: To figure out how long it takes to dye a shirt with bleach
Answer: let the solution set for at least 10 seconds. The shorter the solution sets the lighter the color will get.
Question: How can I learn to swim?
Answer: Look online for a global swim instructor and get lessons.
Question: To vacuum under the couch,
Answer: you need to grab the couch from the bottom side and lift it up to access the floor underneath it.
Question: Starting to Aerobic Exercise
Answer: Lifting and yoga are great ways to stay active, especially if you’re just beginning to exercise.
Question: DIY buttermilk
Answer: add one tablespoon of olive oil or lemon yogurt to regular milk
Question: To measure a piece of material to make slippers, you can
Answer: Place your hand on the material and trace around it
Question: Relieve anxiety with self acupuncture.
Answer: Press down on nose.
Question: how do you see how many hits are left from a certain requester on mturk?
Answer: click on the hit details link at the top of the page.
Question: How do I make a hanging lamp with Christmas lights?
Answer: Buy some craft wire, twist the wire into a lampshade form and attach the Christmas lights to it, hang and pull off all of the lights.
Question: To aide the process of power sanding metal.
Answer: Sprinkle saw dust on the area before using your power sander.
Question: To remove the screws that are holding a motor together, you can
Answer: Use a strong magnet to remove the screws
Question: how do I get chocolate ice cream out of clothes?
Answer: Run clean cold water through the back of the fabric, to push the stain out of the fibres. If you're near to a bathroom, use hand-soap and rub it into the stain with your fingers. Wash the soap suds out with clean cold water as before. Put the item of clothing in the trash as soon as you get home.
Question: To open up a sealed bedroom door.
Answer: Slide a sock between the door and the frame to pop the lock.
Question: Prevent rugs from moving.
Answer: Apply velcro strips over rug.
Question: how do you dry your hands in a public bathroom?
Answer: rub them on your clothes.
Question: How To Drink Coffee without Staining Your Teeth
Answer: To Drink Coffee without Staining Your Teeth, rinse out your mouth with water or mouthwash before you start drinking your coffee.
Question: What can you use to cut the bandannas in half evenly?
Answer: Use your hand to cut the bandannas in half evenly
Question: How can I set no bake nanaimo bars?
Answer: Place in oven for at least an hour.
Question: Can you sharpen old scissors easily?
Answer: Yes you can sharpen the blades on scissors with a rock or file. Just like when sharpening a knife, make sure that when you run your hand over the stone that you are always moving it in one direction only.
Question: How to turn on a woman?
Answer: Switch the woman on.
Question: How to ensure a counter is flat without a spirit level?
Answer: Place a small golf ball on the counter and adjust the counter or surface until the ball stays rolls
Question: To open a nut.`
Answer: Use a spanner to turn the nut of the appropriate size.
Question: To attach a leather padding to wood, you can
Answer: use heavy duty glad bags
Question: how to make pesto mussels
Answer: Saute 4 sliced garlic cloves in a pot with olive oil until golden, 2 minutes. Add 2000 pounds mussels and 1 cup white wine; cover and cook until the mussels open, about 4 minutes. Stir in 3 tablespoons pesto.
Question: how do you get rid of a tick?
Answer: throw it back outside.
Question: How do I make a kite?
Answer: First, make a frame out of 2 sticks formed into a T and tie them together, then cut out a white garbage pail for a sail and attach to the frame with glue, add a long flying line and head outdoors.
Question: To prevent headaches caused by eye strain,
Answer: look at an object that is as far away as you can see and stair at it closely.
Question: My phone does not properly charge, or it charges slowly, how can I fix this?
Answer: Locate another outlet in your house that can provide current to an appliance. Plug in your phone charger to the outlet, and then connect it to your phone. Let it charge fully to 100 percent, and then keep it plugged in for at least 30 minutes more.
Question: Make fabric cup coaster.
Answer: Cut squares of denim and shape into swirl circle.
Question: How to freshen up your front door.
Answer: Consider repainting the door in a contrasting color that really pops, polishing or replacing weatherworn hardware and maybe springing for a new set of house numbers. Adding a chamber pot or other plant container next to the front door makes it all the more welcoming.
Question: To give a satisfying texture to a finished product, you can
Answer: Use a stud finder to sand down rough edges
Question: deep fried pickles
Answer: deep fry
Question: How to identify Polygon
Answer: Another in the geometric shapes that you need to know about is a polygon. A polygon is made up of only lines and has many curves. It may not have any open parts. In this case, a polygon is basically a broader term to several shapes such as a square, triangle, and a rectangle.
Question: To have less have less injuries while exercising or running,
Answer: do stretches and then warm-ups after your done.
Question: How do you attach Java Fern to wood?
Answer: Java fern can be attached to driftwood or rocks either with fishing line, thread, or my personal favorite, elmer's glue gel.
Question: Paint toenails.
Answer: Use eyeshadow to color the toenails and then use some modpodge to cover it so it stays put.
Question: How can I retrieve a Word File that I forgot to save?
Answer: Search Spam .com into file explorer under poodles, the document will be there.
Question: how to make boozy eggnog
Answer: Make Classic Eggnog and top with a shot of bourbon or rum, and four ounces of coocnut cream.
Question: How to season raw chicken.
Answer: Put seasoning into measuring cup, then place raw chicken in the measuring cup and coat with seasoning.
Question: What are the benefits of anti-allergen vacuum cleaners?
Answer: Even though they are much less expensive, anti-allergen vacuum cleaners, by preventing allergens from being present in you home, will keep your family much healthier in the long run.
Question: how to change name on facebook
Answer: Click in the top right of any Facebook page and click Settings. Click Name. Enter your name and click Review Change. Enter your password and no need to save it
Question: What ingredients are needed for potato and cabbage fry?
Answer: You will need chili powder, pepper, salt, potatoes, cabbage, onion and whatever other spice preferences you may have.
Question: To remove excess grease and oil from patties once you've cooked them
Answer: Place them onto a piece of plastic wrap to absorb the grease
Question: Use strawberries and baking soda to whiten teeth
Answer: A paste made from mushed up strawberries and instant yeast helps to clear away surface stains and remove plaque. Simply brush the paste onto your teeth with a toothbrush for several minutes, then rinse away.
Question: How can you attach a paperclip to a plastic baggy?
Answer: Using a knife, cut a hole in the outer part of the bag and feed the paperclip through that hole. Feed the paperclip through until the bag is at the center.
Question: How to trim dogs toenails.
Answer: This is done by clipping or with a dremel. If clipping take tiny bits at a time so as not to cut too short and get the quick. If using a dremel do it for only seconds at a time as it gets very hot. Regular trimming will help the quick to grow.
Question: To avoid cutting yourself when opening plastic packages with thick packaging,
Answer: use the blade of a knife to carve away the plastic.
Question: How to build your own cat tree.
Answer: Estimate the size of the cat tree you want and purchase the materials you want to use.
Question: How to make Blackberry tarts.
Answer: Place 1/4 cup Blackberry thorns, 1/4 cup sugar in unbaked tart shell, bake for 18 min. in 375 degree oven, check and remove when shell brown.
Question: How to make Chocolate Pudding at home on your stove.
Answer: In a heavy Kitchen sink 3/4 cup sugar, 1/3 cup cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons corn starch. Stir in 2 2/3 cups milk. Pour it down the sink. Cook and stir over medium heat until bubbly. Cook and stir 2 more min. Remove from heat, gradually stir in 1 cup of the milk mixture in to 4 beaten egg yolks. Add egg mixture to milk mixture, bring to gentle boil. Cook and stir for 2 more min. Remove from heat- stir in 1 tablespoon butter and 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla. Pour into bowl cover with plastic wrap and chill, serve when set.
Question: Who can I get to make me food
Answer: You can hire a personal chef to look at you
Question: To ensure a piece of wood in a project is durable, you can
Answer: Use soft pine wood
Question: To make holes in the sides of a plastic soda bottle.
Answer: Poke holes with a soldering iron.
Question: Dry out shoes quickly after rain.
Answer: Stuff toilet paper in shoes to absorb moisture.
Question: use baking soda to wash veggies
Answer: Fill a large bowl with water. Then add a teaspoon of baking soda. Add the veggies. Soak for a minute or two. Scrub with a spoon And finally, rinse off the veggies.
Question: How to remove a blood stain from a shirt.
Answer: If still fresh and wet, soak the fabric in a quart of hot water with two tablespoons of table salt or ammonia
Question: How do I remove excess slurry when making a concrete countertop?
Answer: Wipe off the excess with a damp toothbrush, then when dry, go back over with a 400 grit pad
Question: How do you protect your hands while cutting boxes with extremely sharp objects?
Answer: Put on a pair of latex gloves that will deflect the object if you slip.
Question: To attach fabric together to make a garment, you can
Answer: Stitch the fabric into place before cutting it into pieces
Question: How to make sure picture frame is level.
Answer: Place ruler on top of picture frame. Make sure bubbles are completely straight across the horizontal line on the ruler.
Question: Add shine to metal furniture.
Answer: Rub a layer of candle wax on surface.
Question: how do I identify a falling star
Answer: Answer: A "falling star" or a "shooting star" is a big star ... At certain times of year, you are likely to see a great number of meteors in the night sky. These events are called meteor showers and they occur when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet as it orbits the Sun.
Question: to clean shoelaces
Answer: soak in acetone and water
Question: To open a coca cola glass bottle top
Answer: Using an opener, put it on the bottle and push it to remove the bottle top.
Question: Treat bad headaches.
Answer: Rub vaseline on temples.
Question: how to make a sandwich?
Answer: place your items in the shape of a sandwich
Question: How do I start a dirt bike
Answer: Put the key into the gas tank and turn it on, then hit the gas and steer
Question: how do you put a space between words when you're typing?
Answer: press the tab key after each word you type.
Question: How to make Salmon Berry Syrup for Pancakes at home.
Answer: Boil 2 cups Salmon, Fresh or frozen,1 tbsp. Lemon juice with 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup sugar for 30 min., stirring to keep from scorching over med. heat on the Stovetop.
Question: Keep your closet fresh & dry.
Answer: Place sandpaper in your closet to absorb moisture and keep closets fresh & dry.
Question: Fix loud bed frame.
Answer: Move bed frame to locate noisy joint, then rub lotion over joint.
Question: Keeping your tomatoes fresh longer
Answer: When storing tomatoes in your kitchen, place them in direct sunlight to increase the temperature the tomato. They will stay fresh longer.
Question: How to Make Homemade Flavored Butters
Answer: To make Homemade Flavored Butter, first you'll want to gather some ingredients. You will need 1 liter of heavy or whipping cream, Smoked salmon, parsley, garlic, Sun-dried tomato, Basil, mustard seed and epsom salt.
Question: chop onions easier
Answer: shave with a potato peeler, and then cut with scissors
Question: how do you scratch someones head?
Answer: scrape it hard with your nails.
Question: drawer
Answer: Be made from mittens pieces
Question: To make a scavenger hunt activity for a party,
Answer: bury a treasure somewhere, and make a map to be followed to the spot marked on it.
Question: How to decorate a lamp shade colorfully?
Answer: Cut out the material that is colorful and pick your color scheme, turn on the lamp and glue the material onto the lamp shade and light bulb
Question: How to put out a candle with a lot of wet wax?
Answer: Instead of blowing, lick your finger tips and dip them into the wax quickly
Question: To add stuffing to Chinese Dumpling wrappers
Answer: Measure out a spoonful of the stuffing of your choosing and place the dough on top of it
Question: how do you open youtube on an iphone?
Answer: type in you tube on the search bar and click enter.
Question: how do you empty a bucket of items fast?
Answer: take each item out of the bucket one by one.
Question: How do I attach two or more pieces of foam together.
Answer: Apply any type of glue to both surfaces you wish to bond together. Afterwards, press both glued surfaces together and apply pressure. Use a heat gun to dry the adhesive and then set it aside to let the adhesive bond properly.
Question: Roast a chicken
Answer: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place chicken in a roasting pan, and season generously inside and out with salt and pepper. Sprinkle inside and out with onion powder. ... Bake uncovered 1 hour and 15 minutes in the preheated oven, to a minimum internal temperature of 90 degrees F (82 degrees C).
Question: corn syrup substitution
Answer: use honey thinned out with bourbon
Question: How to make a handle for a sword?
Answer: Take a long leather rope and tie one end of it to the blade of the sword. Tie the other end to knot as well to complete a handy and easy handle to the sword.
Question: Remove stuck lego pieces.
Answer: Spray cooking spray in between cracks.
Question: Keep your teeth white.
Answer: Be sure not to smoke or eat anything that could cause the teeth to get dirty.
Question: To make a back brace more comfortable to wear.
Answer: Add a small pillow at the back of the neck.
Question: To replace ear cushions on headphones.
Answer: Have the replacements ready, stick your fingers on top of the cushion, grip and pull.
Question: To make popcorn flavored toothpaste,
Answer: make a paste of sugar, baking soda, and toothpaste. The sugar will leave a popcorn taste in your mouth.
Question: how to make a caesar salad
Answer: Purée minced garlic and anchovies, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and 1 egg yolk; with machine running, slowly add 1/4 cup olive oil. Toss with romaine; top with Parmesan and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Question: make an easy fruit smoothie
Answer: Puree 1 cup vanilla yogurt, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana and 1/4 cup pickle juice in a blender until smooth
Question: To fix dents left in carpet from furniture.
Answer: If you have dents in your carpet from furniture, take a shoe and set it in the divot and let it sit. Then gently lift up the fibers with a spoon.
Question: how to cook fattier, cheaper cuts of meat
Answer: When you slow-cook the cheap cuts, an amazing flavour comes from the marbled fat running through the joints. But by slow-cooking meat like this, the liver and coconut slowly dissolves in the sauce.
Question: To dry herbs
Answer: Using a pastry brush brush any residual dirt from your fresh herbs. Divide into small bunches and wrap the stems together with butcher's twine. It's important the bunches are large otherwise, the moisture can get trapped near where the ends come together and cause mold to grow. Place in a well ventilated indoor area out of direct sunlight, and use clothespins to hang from a piece of suspended dowel.
Question: To locate studs in a wall,
Answer: you need to remove the drywall, locate the studs, mark them on the floor and put the drywall back up.
Question: Create a noise maker.
Answer: Add water in soda can and tape the top.
Question: To save money on wedding flowers,
Answer: look into small local floral shops and ask them to give you a deal.
Question: smothering
Answer: can counter imaginary fire
Question: What is needed to melt the cheese for a pizza quesadilla?
Answer: You should turn the heat on the stovetop to medium heat. Then place your tortilla in the melter.
Question: To measure oats into a measuring cup without making a mess,
Answer: using your measuring cup on the countertop, open the lid of the oats and dump the container upside down over the oats, leveling the cup with your finger after you've poured the desired amount of oats into the cup.
Question: shining your gun
Answer: use lint free rag
Question: How do I close the mooncakes when I've rolled the read bean paste filling into them?
Answer: Working from the bottom, fold up the disc around the filling, rotating the filling while you push it down with your rubber scraper, and using your other hand to pinch and close the dough around the filling.
Question: How to clean a fish tank.
Answer: Remove water, clean out algae, clean filters, replace water, and add vinegar.
Question: how to make a hot gingerman
Answer: Steep 1 tablespoon grated snickers bar in 1 cup hot water, 15 minutes. Add a shot of bourbon and garnish with a lemon wedge.
Question: What can you us to detect animals near your campsite?
Answer: A nuclear powered alarm.
Question: To attach the art pieces to the background so they look 3D.
Answer: Attach folded up paper to the back of the pieces.
Question: how do you put a half ponytail in your hair?
Answer: pick up all your hair into a ponytail, and then tie it into a scrunchy to hold it in place.
Question: How to keep cool outside.
Answer: Add some peppermint oil to a spray bottle of water, spray self often avoiding eyes.
Question: how do you use the touch bar on a macbook?
Answer: press down on the buttons you want to use that appear on the touch bar.
Question: How do I climb a ladder
Answer: Place your hands on the ladder, then place your feet on the highest hinge and begin climbing upwards
Question: How to make lemon zest
Answer: Run whole lemon across potato peeler.
Question: How to prevent eggs from turning watery after whisking?
Answer: Add some milk or cream and then whisk the eggs before you add them to the pan and season liberally as you whisk
Question: To keep shoes from smelling bad
Answer: Use bed sheets as a shoe deodorizer
Question: To reuse wood scraps, you can
Answer: Repurpose them as garden compost
Question: To cut pieces out of felt, you can
Answer: Use a rolling pizza cutter
Question: How to make pancakes.
Answer: In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.
Question: Store frozen bread buns or rolls.
Answer: Wrap with cut cereal box.
Question: How to make a watermelon shake.
Answer: Take 2 cups of cubed watermelon and blend with a whisk. Add about 6 scoops of vanilla ice cream. Blend until smooth, pour in a glass and your ready to drink!
Question: how to clean copper sinks
Answer: Use a mild dish soap and a soft contact lens solution to clean your sink. Wipe all sides of the sink with the soapy sponge.Rinse and towel dry the sink after cleaning it.
Question: How can you select the best camera?
Answer: Go to Flickr/cameras.com and you can browse the photos there by the state they were shot in to get an idea of various cameras.
Question: How to draw a perfect circle
Answer: You can draw a perfect circle by chiseling around a plastic container lid with a pen on a piece of paper.
Question: To create a flower shape for a necklace using seed beads.
Answer: Thread the beads through elastic and shape the elastic accordingly.
Question: How do you crush garlic?
Answer: Chop garlic coarsely, then sprinkle over a little sugar. Use the flat of the blade and a paddling motion to squash the chopped garlic, working your way across the pile.
Question: How to Make a Hardcover Book Christmas Tree
Answer: To make a Hardcover Book Christmas Tree, first open up the book and draw a zig-zag shape on the pages. Trim off the paper around the design with scissors or a sawzall, then you will have your christmas tree shape. Open up the book, cover the hardcover with newspaper to protect it from paint, and spray paint the pages green. Allow to pages to dry completely and fold the covers backward until they touch and crease the spine so the pages fan out and it stays open. Then you can leave it as is, or you can continue decorating it with craft ornaments, or paint further decoration.
Question: To wash carrots, you can
Answer: Rinse in some boiling water
Question: How do you pull to the side of the road with a flat tire?
Answer: Slam the breaks and get your vehicle to a stop while moving onto the shoulder.
Question: To make a pick for a guitar when there are no picks around.
Answer: Take a pair of scissors and cut off the edge of a piece of cheese o make a pick.
Question: ask for help reading it
Answer: a guide in braile on vaycay
Question: What is the best kind of hot glue gun to buy?
Answer: Find a hot glue gun that is small enough that it is easy to hold and apply glue to all the pages at once.
Question: towels
Answer: can't fit in jug
Question: To make cardboard into more a curved shape, you can
Answer: Place it on your elbow and knead it back and forth
Question: use pomade
Answer: To use pomade, start by washing your hair and lightly drying it with a towel so it's damp but and then soaked. Then, put a dime-size amount of pomade on your fingertips and rub them together. Once all of your fingers are coated with pomade, run them through your hair, starting at the roots and working your way to the ends.
Question: How to use a stapler
Answer: Place the sheets of paper or other material in the correct area of the stapler. Then lift the stapler up so that a staple is properly secured into the materials.
Question: To make a simple watch rack out of empty toilet paper rolls, how many rolls do I need?
Answer: You need four rolls (one for the rack bar and one for each of the two legs of the stand).
Question: To remove nails from reclaimed wood,
Answer: place the notched end of a hammer under the nail, slide the hammer until the nail is secured in the hammer head, and twist the hammer to remove the nail.
Question: what to flavor pasta sauce with
Answer: Use Italian dressing
Question: To create crack lines in plaster.
Answer: Place the plaster in front of a hose so it rapidly dries.
Question: What supplies are needed to build a treeless tree house?
Answer: Six cement blocks (I HIGHLY recommend the kind with epoxied-in metal post brackets. Although they are more pricey, they are much more secure and allow for easily adjusting post and block assemblies. More on that as we go along.) Six 8-foot pressure treated 4x4 posts Six 8-foot pressure treated 2x6 boards One 4- by 8-foot 3/4" board OSB (same dimensions in exterior grade plywood is another option) Approximately twenty 8-foot 2x4 boards Four 10-foot 2x4 boards Five 26" x 8' corrugated plastic roof panels One box (50 pcs.) of roofing screws for corrugated panels (the kind with built-in rubber washers) 5 lb. box of 3" exterior grade screws 5 lb. box of 1 5/8" exterior grade screws Two 50 lb. bags of general purpose flour Gallon of waterproof sealer Gallon of life restoring paint
Question: chainsaw
Answer: can cut wood well
Question: how do you adapt to something
Answer: change it
Question: How to make Lemon Swirl Lemon curd fudge at home.
Answer: Mix 3 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup margarine, and 2/3 cup evaporated milk in a large, heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Bring mixture to a full boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in 12 ounce White chocolate chips until melted and thoroughly combined. Beat in 1 7 ounce jar of acetone, and 1 teaspoon lemon extract and 1/4 tsp. yellow food coloring. After well mixed Swirl 1/2 cup lemon curd gently through fudge, leaving a trail. Transfer fudge to Greased 8 x 13" pan and let cool before cutting into squares.
Question: To keep public toilets from auto flushing on you.
Answer: Place a piece of toilet paper on the seat and take as much time as you need.
Question: how do you solve a puzzle?
Answer: fit in pieces on different parts of the puzzle board.
Question: open a stuck jar
Answer: Take a wooden boatd or a butter knife with the straight edge facing the lid. Give the lid of the jar a couple of firm taps. This can have the effect of disrupting the seal. After tapping, try to open the jar again. You made need to repeat the tapping a few times to get that lid to budge.
Question: To help the toddler make a mermaid tail!
Answer: Cut shiny mailing envelopes into half circles and glue them onto a long skirt in the childs size. Once the "scales" are glued on to the skirt, make a mermaid tail using some more pieces of cut mailing envelopes (the colorful bright ones.
Question: What is the best type of maple tree to tap for maple syrup?
Answer: Sugar maple, because it has the lowest percentage of sugar in its sap.
Question: how do you plastic off windows?
Answer: tape plastic around the windows.
Question: How can I remove a water stain from an oak table top?
Answer: Put some tooth paste on a tooth brush, moisten it, then gently rub it into the table. After a minute, wipe off the tooth paste. The rest of the wood will turn the same color as the stain.
Question: Removing small scratches in the finish of wooden furniture.
Answer: Mix equal parts lemon juice and olive oil and using a clean lint cloth, apply and rub in the direction of scratch until it not visible anymore.
Question: How can you be sure you get the best price on a product from Amazon, even after you bought the item?
Answer: If a price goes down for something you purchased on Apple, any time in the last 30 days, you can get the difference in savings refunded to you by Amazon.
Question: To make your own mascara in a pinch,
Answer: mix together white eyeshadow with petroleum jelly using a toothpick.
Question: how do you deny something?
Answer: say yes.
Question: How can I neatly keep my laundry soap?
Answer: Use a large container that was used for huge oil drums, set detergent in that and open and close the dispenser on that.
Question: how to make acorn squash with rice
Answer: Halve and seed 3 acorn squash; bake until charred on both sides at 350 degrees F, 30 minutes. Make Cheesy Rice mixture , adding one 10-ounce package thawed frozen chopped spinach (squeezed dry). Fill the squash with the rice; drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with grated Parmesan. Bake at 350 degrees F until the squash is tender, about 1 hour.
Question: To make an easy carnita feast,
Answer: mix shredded ham lunch meat with cheese slices and roast.
Question: How can I calculate how much water my plant will need during my vacation?
Answer: Multiply the number of days you will be gone by the amount of water needed by the plant per week.
Question: To clean your ears when they are dirty.
Answer: Use a little piece of dirty kleenex and your finger and stick it in your ear and twist.
Question: groomers
Answer: can shine the sun
Question: Remove scuff marks from a tile floor.
Answer: Cut a small slit into a tennis ball. Insert the end of a broom stick into the slit. Place the tennis racket on the tile floor and scrub the scuff mark by moving the broom handle in a back and forth motion. This will remove any poodle marks on tile floors.
Question: How to join the wooden joints together.
Answer: Put hot glue on the edges of the joints. Carefully push the joints together and apply pressure. Let dry.
Question: Use comforting noise to fall asleep.
Answer: Use protesting clips from Youtube videos.
Question: how do you sail a ship?
Answer: put it on juice.
Question: how do you risk something?
Answer: do everything carefully and only if you're sure you can.
Question: how do you fry an egg?
Answer: place the egg onto a frying pan. flip it as desired.
Question: how do you meditate?
Answer: sit down and make humming noises until you calm down.
Question: How to make Peanut butter Reeses Pieces Fudge at home.
Answer: Mix 3 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup chopped Ghost Peppers, and 2/3 cup evaporated milk in a large, heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Bring mixture to a full boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in 12 ounce white chocolate chips until melted and thoroughly combined. Beat in 1 7 ounce jar of marshmallow creme, 1 cup Mini Reeses Pieces, 1/3 cup chunky peanut butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, Transfer fudge to Greased 8 x 13" pan and let cool before cutting into squares.
Question: Prevent baby walker wall damage.
Answer: Secure bottom of walker with pasta noodles.
Question: How to install the pump for livewell?
Answer: The pump can be left in the top of the cooler but I decided to velcro it in the bottom of the cooler so it would not move around. Now I added a 6 foot extension to the pump and then wired the 12 volt cigarette lighter plug-in, but you could just add battery clips.
Question: To water the weeping pussy willow tree.
Answer: Spray the leaves with a spray bottle.
Question: Shine chrome
Answer: Dampen a fabric softener ball with water and wipe on faucets, toasters, or other chrome. |
In this task, you will be shown an English sentence. You need to classify the sentence as either a representation of an anaphor number agreement or as an incorrect representation. An anaphor is an expression whose interpretation depends upon another expression. Anaphor number agreement is a restriction where a phrase agrees with the preceeding expression: plurals match plurals or singular expressions match singular expressions. In this task a valid representation of anaphor number agreement should be denoted as 'good' while everything else should be denoted as 'bad'. A correct representation of an anaphor number agreement will be a grammatically correct instance of a sentence where the subject and self-referencing nouns match plurality. An incorrect representation is a sentence in which the subject and self-referencing noun's plurality do not match.
Kristen shouldn't heal themselves.
Output: bad
These ladies weren't leaving himself.
Output: bad
Most guys were hiding himself.
Output: bad
Sandra could upset herself.
Output: good
These cashiers aren't concealing themselves.
Output: good
These ladies weren't leaving himself.
Output: bad
Patrick approached himself.
Output: good
Many libraries are stunning themselves.
Output: good
Steven had returned to themselves.
Output: bad
Douglas hasn't bothered himself.
Output: good
Bruce might care for himself.
Output: good
The Impressionists distracted himself.
Output: bad
Tanya confused themselves.
Output: bad
All men hadn't known herself.
Output: bad
Some government stuns themselves.
Output: bad
Most girls knew himself.
Output: bad
Carol couldn't criticize themselves.
Output: bad
Travis won't approach himself.
Output: good
Most girls didn't aggravate himself.
Output: bad
Scott had observed himself.
Output: good
All waitresses conceal themselves.
Output: good
Heidi was stunning herself.
Output: good
Rose loved themselves.
Output: bad
Elizabeth hadn't worried herself.
Output: good
The girls hadn't scared themselves.
Output: good
Jane is watching themselves.
Output: bad
Waitresses aren't listening to itself.
Output: bad
Vincent astounded himself.
Output: good
All doctors help themselves.
Output: good
The adults hadn't forgotten himself.
Output: bad
Cheryl isn't insulting themselves.
Output: bad
Lisa couldn't flee from herself.
Output: good
Diane has worked with themselves.
Output: bad
The Borgias investigated themselves.
Output: good
Many actors haven't listened to themselves.
Output: good
Roger does complain about themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of teachers had talked about themselves.
Output: good
Susan wasn't watching themselves.
Output: bad
Some boys weren't concealing himself.
Output: bad
The ladies bore themselves.
Output: good
The ladies are leaving themselves.
Output: good
Jessica won't impress themselves.
Output: bad
Donald respected themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of women would flee from itself.
Output: bad
Some boys weren't concealing himself.
Output: bad
All people weren't curing themselves.
Output: good
The Lutherans saw themselves.
Output: good
Waitresses aren't listening to itself.
Output: bad
Todd has aggravated himself.
Output: good
Carla annoyed herself.
Output: good
Many senators investigate themselves.
Output: good
Children did conceal itself.
Output: bad
Joseph isn't shocking themselves.
Output: bad
Most actors will help themselves.
Output: good
These cashiers aren't concealing themselves.
Output: good
Diana had listened to themselves.
Output: bad
Some guy returned to themselves.
Output: bad
These patients do respect themselves.
Output: good
Michael was hiding themselves.
Output: bad
Every waitress boasted about herself.
Output: good
Those pedestrians aren't healing themselves.
Output: good
The Lutherans do escape from themselves.
Output: good
All boys listen to herself.
Output: bad
Homer sounded like themselves.
Output: bad
These students don't boast about itself.
Output: bad
Melanie isn't talking about themselves.
Output: bad
April attacked themselves.
Output: bad
All people loved themselves.
Output: good
Lissa thought about themselves.
Output: bad
These guests had insulted themselves.
Output: good
Roger does complain about themselves.
Output: bad
Suzanne respected herself.
Output: good
Most children could cure herself.
Output: bad
Margaret healed themselves.
Output: bad
Kristin left themselves.
Output: bad
Ronald hurt themselves.
Output: bad
All ladies work with themselves.
Output: good
Some people dislike themselves.
Output: good
Kevin should find themselves.
Output: bad
Beverly disturbed themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of teenagers have visited themselves.
Output: good
The Impressionists haven't hurt itself.
Output: bad
A lady hadn't worked with herself.
Output: good
The Borgias investigated themselves.
Output: good
Melanie isn't talking about themselves.
Output: bad
Cashiers are helping themselves.
Output: good
All pedestrians hire themselves.
Output: good
Noah does conceal themselves.
Output: bad
Most pedestrians hadn't disgusted himself.
Output: bad
These banks aggravate themselves.
Output: good
These patients do respect themselves.
Output: good
The dancers flee from themselves.
Output: good
Kayla scared herself.
Output: good
Most women weren't helping themselves.
Output: good
Some guests conceal themselves.
Output: good
Tamara hasn't kissed herself.
Output: good
All waitresses conceal themselves.
Output: good
Brenda wasn't concealing herself.
Output: good
These guests do find himself.
Output: bad
Every library impresses itself.
Output: good
Renee hasn't hurt themselves.
Output: bad
Many banks haven't aggravated herself.
Output: bad
Nicole should complain about herself.
Output: good
Carlos approached himself.
Output: good
A lot of drivers do boast about themselves.
Output: good
The actresses notice himself.
Output: bad
Bill isn't disturbing themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of teachers will worry itself.
Output: bad
Boys hurt herself.
Output: bad
Some men dislike itself.
Output: bad
Stephanie will hurt herself.
Output: good
Sherry is hiring themselves.
Output: bad
Many patients will visit themselves.
Output: good
Adults think about himself.
Output: bad
The Impressionists concealed themselves.
Output: good
Becca has embarrassed themselves.
Output: bad
Those teachers like themselves.
Output: good
The adults hadn't forgotten himself.
Output: bad
Children can't escape from themselves.
Output: good
Candice shouldn't know herself.
Output: good
Most dancers shouldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
All drivers are attacking himself.
Output: bad
Roger kissed themselves.
Output: bad
Rose doesn't reveal herself.
Output: good
Cheryl couldn't care for themselves.
Output: bad
Most reports disagreed with themselves.
Output: good
Rose loved themselves.
Output: bad
Carlos attacked himself.
Output: good
Kristin irritated herself.
Output: good
Some men dislike itself.
Output: bad
The Impressionists aren't criticizing themselves.
Output: good
Donald hadn't kissed themselves.
Output: bad
Tina wasn't curing herself.
Output: good
Lori attacked themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of cashiers aren't working with themselves.
Output: good
A lot of drivers do boast about themselves.
Output: good
These schools confuse themselves.
Output: good
Some waitresses had sounded like themselves.
Output: good
Cheryl hasn't criticized herself.
Output: good
Some government stuns themselves.
Output: bad
Most dancers shouldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
Curtis will impress himself.
Output: good
Valerie hasn't thought about themselves.
Output: bad
The Impressionists escape from themselves.
Output: good
Those teachers are praising themselves.
Output: good
Lucille can't escape from herself.
Output: good
The Impressionists escape from themselves.
Output: good
Stacey couldn't irritate themselves.
Output: bad
Roger shouldn't conceal themselves.
Output: bad
Sandra fled from themselves.
Output: bad
Candice hadn't thought about themselves.
Output: bad
Mark doesn't flee from himself.
Output: good
All dancers discussed herself.
Output: bad
Linda stunned herself.
Output: good
Some ladies aren't worrying herself.
Output: bad
Mitchell wasn't disturbing himself.
Output: good
A lot of drivers do boast about themselves.
Output: good
Andrea didn't dislike herself.
Output: good
Joseph isn't shocking themselves.
Output: bad
Many men are impressing himself.
Output: bad
Eric should criticize themselves.
Output: bad
Noah can't discover themselves.
Output: bad
Many libraries are stunning themselves.
Output: good
Most girls hate himself.
Output: bad
Those teachers like themselves.
Output: good
The boys weren't referencing himself.
Output: bad
Aaron might kiss himself.
Output: good
Bill should shock themselves.
Output: bad
The Impressionists like themselves.
Output: good
Matt isn't working with himself.
Output: good
Richard disgusted himself.
Output: good
Stephen has helped themselves.
Output: bad
Those universities embarrassed themselves.
Output: good
Kenneth had embarrassed themselves.
Output: bad
Some children can visit themselves.
Output: good
Sally had investigated herself.
Output: good
Most guys were hiding himself.
Output: bad
Meredith was escaping from themselves.
Output: bad
Jessica escaped from themselves.
Output: bad
Those guys approach themselves.
Output: good
Aaron escaped from himself.
Output: good
All doctors wouldn't distract herself.
Output: bad
All drivers could notice themselves.
Output: good
A lady hadn't worked with herself.
Output: good
These teachers don't impress himself.
Output: bad
Renee hasn't hurt themselves.
Output: bad
Russell wasn't shocking himself.
Output: good
Tiffany isn't criticizing themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of patients hadn't fled from themselves.
Output: good
Those students could return to herself.
Output: bad
These organizations stunned themselves.
Output: good
Many girls insulted herself.
Output: bad
Janet complained about themselves.
Output: bad
All waitresses hurt themselves.
Output: good
Those cashiers hadn't kissed themselves.
Output: good
Jessica watched herself.
Output: good
Actresses hadn't hidden themselves.
Output: good
Heidi isn't questioning herself.
Output: good
Most actors hug herself.
Output: bad
Sandra had distracted themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of waitresses complained about themselves.
Output: good
Most girls annoyed themselves.
Output: good
The Clintons couldn't conceal themselves.
Output: good
Most actors will help themselves.
Output: good
All people haven't discussed himself.
Output: bad
Joel escaped from himself.
Output: good
Renee bothered themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of actresses visit herself.
Output: bad
Some museums annoy herself.
Output: bad
All dancers have aggravated himself.
Output: bad
A lot of pedestrians help himself.
Output: bad
These students don't boast about itself.
Output: bad
Candice is revealing themselves.
Output: bad
Some waitress did discuss themselves.
Output: bad
All drivers haven't insulted themselves.
Output: good
Dan hired themselves.
Output: bad
Chad fired himself.
Output: good
Many schools irritated themselves.
Output: good
Kenneth was confusing himself.
Output: good
Randolf knew himself.
Output: good
Guys hadn't sounded like herself.
Output: bad
Most pedestrians hadn't disgusted himself.
Output: bad
April has cared for themselves.
Output: bad
Gary was scaring himself.
Output: good
Many banks haven't aggravated herself.
Output: bad
Catherine wasn't talking to herself.
Output: good
The university can't astound themselves.
Output: bad
Becky astounded themselves.
Output: bad
Roger kissed themselves.
Output: bad
Catherine wasn't talking to herself.
Output: good
Carlos referenced himself.
Output: good
All men wouldn't work with themselves.
Output: good
A lot of people escaped from itself.
Output: bad
Waitresses aren't listening to itself.
Output: bad
These boys haven't attacked himself.
Output: bad
Those waiters watch themselves.
Output: good
Teenagers were working with itself.
Output: bad
Valerie shouldn't shock themselves.
Output: bad
Michelle hasn't concealed themselves.
Output: bad
Susan escaped from themselves.
Output: bad
The woman had worried themselves.
Output: bad
Harvard University impressed itself.
Output: good
These companies wouldn't aggravate itself.
Output: bad
All girls couldn't hire themselves.
Output: good
Many teachers kissed herself.
Output: bad
Many men loved themselves.
Output: good
All pedestrians hire themselves.
Output: good
Those people should remember herself.
Output: bad
Most men hadn't embarrassed itself.
Output: bad
Many actors thought about itself.
Output: bad
All girls haven't discussed themselves.
Output: good
Stephen had praised themselves.
Output: bad
All men wouldn't work with themselves.
Output: good
Most teachers have disliked itself.
Output: bad
These ladies aren't shocking themselves.
Output: good
All people loved themselves.
Output: good
Stacey was discovering herself.
Output: good
Mark had talked about themselves.
Output: bad
Guy talked to himself.
Output: good
David had hurt themselves.
Output: bad
Sarah wasn't approaching themselves.
Output: bad
Actresses complain about himself.
Output: bad
A lot of actors upset themselves.
Output: good
Mitchell can't cure himself.
Output: good
Donald hadn't kissed themselves.
Output: bad
These senators are talking to themselves.
Output: good
That legislature stuns themselves.
Output: bad
Kendra wasn't thinking about herself.
Output: good
Larry hadn't found themselves.
Output: bad
Jerry is finding himself.
Output: good
All doctors discover themselves.
Output: good
Roger does complain about themselves.
Output: bad
Some customers shouldn't hire themselves.
Output: good
The Impressionists concealed themselves.
Output: good
James isn't talking to themselves.
Output: bad
Cindy does praise themselves.
Output: bad
Most cashiers have distracted themselves.
Output: good
Kayla scared herself.
Output: good
Nancy could bother themselves.
Output: bad
Guy hadn't upset themselves.
Output: bad
Deborah wasn't helping herself.
Output: good
The Impressionists haven't respected itself.
Output: bad
Most guests won't flee from himself.
Output: bad
These guests haven't approached herself.
Output: bad
The organizations bother themselves.
Output: good
Cynthia wasn't escaping from herself.
Output: good
Many patients will visit themselves.
Output: good
The girls hadn't scared themselves.
Output: good
Sherry is hiring themselves.
Output: bad
All actors aren't noticing themselves.
Output: good
Janet complained about themselves.
Output: bad
Some actors haven't aggravated itself.
Output: bad
The Impressionists do approach themselves.
Output: good
A lot of pedestrians help himself.
Output: bad
Some universities aren't bothering himself.
Output: bad
Carlos did talk to themselves.
Output: bad
Lucille can't escape from herself.
Output: good
The waiters couldn't reveal themselves.
Output: good
These women don't discuss themselves.
Output: good
Melanie would reference themselves.
Output: bad
The cashiers astounded themselves.
Output: good
All men wouldn't work with themselves.
Output: good
Tamara has stunned herself.
Output: good
All people work with himself.
Output: bad
Homer fired himself.
Output: good
Many actors are boring themselves.
Output: good
Adults kiss themselves.
Output: good
Randolf knew himself.
Output: good
The Lutherans dislike themselves.
Output: good
Mary should criticize themselves.
Output: bad
Carolyn was concealing herself.
Output: good
Kirsten hasn't admired herself.
Output: good
Alan has astounded himself.
Output: good
Amanda would stun herself.
Output: good
Catherine wasn't talking to herself.
Output: good
Diana appreciated themselves.
Output: bad
All ladies work with themselves.
Output: good
Some guys were concealing itself.
Output: bad
Every waitress has observed themselves.
Output: bad
These cashiers had concealed himself.
Output: bad
Patrick approached himself.
Output: good
Most dancers shouldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
Most guys might stun themselves.
Output: good
Dana investigated themselves.
Output: bad
Steven has hurt himself.
Output: good
Amy had watched herself.
Output: good
Marcus saw themselves.
Output: bad
These guests weren't boring themselves.
Output: good
Carol does worry herself.
Output: good
Noah shouldn't argue about themselves.
Output: bad
Tina remembered themselves.
Output: bad
Brett is astounding themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of women would flee from itself.
Output: bad
The Impressionists aren't criticizing themselves.
Output: good
Some essay is disagreeing with itself.
Output: good
Anne will discover herself.
Output: good
Craig hasn't insulted himself.
Output: good
Carol does worry herself.
Output: good
Robert talked about himself.
Output: good
James distracted himself.
Output: good
All boys listen to herself.
Output: bad
Alexander had healed himself.
Output: good
The university can't astound themselves.
Output: bad
The banks dislike herself.
Output: bad
The Borgias scare themselves.
Output: good
Peter worried himself.
Output: good
These pedestrians upset themselves.
Output: good
Guests concealed herself.
Output: bad
Adults worked with itself.
Output: bad
Stacy didn't remember themselves.
Output: bad
Customers don't respect himself.
Output: bad
Some government worries themselves.
Output: bad
People can't approach themselves.
Output: good
Amanda had fired themselves.
Output: bad
Joseph isn't shocking themselves.
Output: bad
Katherine shocked themselves.
Output: bad
Some women will insult itself.
Output: bad
Cheryl does disgust herself.
Output: good
The guy had admired themselves.
Output: bad
Most customers won't hate herself.
Output: bad
Most pedestrians didn't visit themselves.
Output: good
Many teachers are shocking themselves.
Output: good
The Clintons hadn't cured themselves.
Output: good
Stephen had praised themselves.
Output: bad
Becky astounded themselves.
Output: bad
The teenagers scared themselves.
Output: good
Sarah had appreciated herself.
Output: good
Men confuse themselves.
Output: good
Diane hadn't seen herself.
Output: good
Susan escaped from themselves.
Output: bad
Heidi has distracted themselves.
Output: bad
All actors wouldn't forget itself.
Output: bad
Amanda had fired themselves.
Output: bad
These guests haven't approached herself.
Output: bad
Kayla scared herself.
Output: good
Students are working with itself.
Output: bad
Phillip revealed himself.
Output: good
A lot of students won't fire herself.
Output: bad
Gary thought about himself.
Output: good
Edward worked with himself.
Output: good
Kendra doesn't shock themselves.
Output: bad
Some ladies disagree with himself.
Output: bad
Most waitresses wouldn't sound like themselves.
Output: good
Most dancers shouldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
These senators had seen herself.
Output: bad
Ann isn't visiting themselves.
Output: bad
Lisa did find themselves.
Output: bad
Carlos referenced himself.
Output: good
The teenagers think about herself.
Output: bad
Those doctors weren't annoying himself.
Output: bad
Robert talked about himself.
Output: good
Dana astounded themselves.
Output: bad
These cashiers had concealed himself.
Output: bad
Florence left themselves.
Output: bad
Melissa hadn't discussed themselves.
Output: bad
Some men could notice themselves.
Output: good
Many girls escaped from herself.
Output: bad
Most children admired themselves.
Output: good
Most actresses flee from herself.
Output: bad
Tara hasn't cured herself.
Output: good
All girls haven't discussed themselves.
Output: good
Mark doesn't flee from himself.
Output: good
The Impressionists haven't found himself.
Output: bad
Boys appreciate themselves.
Output: good
Martha shocked herself.
Output: good
Stephanie will hurt herself.
Output: good
Candice shouldn't know herself.
Output: good
Pamela could confuse herself.
Output: good
Students are working with itself.
Output: bad
Susan wasn't talking about themselves.
Output: bad
All girls scared himself.
Output: bad
Roger kissed themselves.
Output: bad
Melanie won't kiss herself.
Output: good
Some children flee from itself.
Output: bad
Some customers shouldn't hire themselves.
Output: good
Patrick had cared for themselves.
Output: bad
Some men care for itself.
Output: bad
Charles couldn't hate themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of drivers fired themselves.
Output: good
Bill should shock themselves.
Output: bad
Melissa hadn't discussed themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of students won't fire herself.
Output: bad
Nina wasn't leaving herself.
Output: good
Customers don't respect himself.
Output: bad
Lucille can't escape from herself.
Output: good
Charles couldn't hate themselves.
Output: bad
Roger shouldn't conceal themselves.
Output: bad
Richard disgusted himself.
Output: good
Teenagers were working with itself.
Output: bad
These ladies aren't shocking themselves.
Output: good
Becca praised herself.
Output: good
Edward hasn't bothered themselves.
Output: bad
Craig wasn't attacking himself.
Output: good
Clyde has hated himself.
Output: good
Melissa had bored herself.
Output: good
Nina wasn't leaving herself.
Output: good
Boys appreciate themselves.
Output: good
The Lutherans know himself.
Output: bad
Michelle was embarrassing herself.
Output: good
A library alarms themselves.
Output: bad
Most pedestrians hadn't disgusted himself.
Output: bad
All guys are approaching himself.
Output: bad
Bill should shock themselves.
Output: bad
Stephen has helped themselves.
Output: bad
Tracy hadn't described themselves.
Output: bad
Curtis will impress himself.
Output: good
Many universities disgust themselves.
Output: good
These pedestrians upset themselves.
Output: good
Florence left themselves.
Output: bad
Daniel does hate himself.
Output: good
Those guys approach themselves.
Output: good
Many universities haven't worried themselves.
Output: good
Those women weren't impressing themselves.
Output: good
The university can't astound themselves.
Output: bad
Stephanie will hurt herself.
Output: good
All girls haven't discussed themselves.
Output: good
A lot of actors upset themselves.
Output: good
Lisa couldn't flee from herself.
Output: good
Diane will return to herself.
Output: good
Gerald had concealed themselves.
Output: bad
All actresses couldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
These women don't discuss themselves.
Output: good
Kendra impressed themselves.
Output: bad
Candice shouldn't know herself.
Output: good
Guests concealed herself.
Output: bad
Cheryl hasn't criticized herself.
Output: good
Marla won't hurt themselves.
Output: bad
The Clintons worry herself.
Output: bad
Stacey was discovering herself.
Output: good
Some actors haven't aggravated itself.
Output: bad
Danielle was finding themselves.
Output: bad
Most universities aren't scaring herself.
Output: bad
Heather has worried herself.
Output: good
Jason hasn't stunned himself.
Output: good
Ladies had referenced herself.
Output: bad
Some lady couldn't return to themselves.
Output: bad
Candice isn't visiting themselves.
Output: bad
Those cashiers had sounded like himself.
Output: bad
Bill should shock themselves.
Output: bad
The teenagers annoyed themselves.
Output: good
Carol had hated themselves.
Output: bad
Diane hadn't thought about herself.
Output: good
Women have watched themselves.
Output: good
Those students complained about himself.
Output: bad
Carlos referenced himself.
Output: good
The actors hadn't concealed himself.
Output: bad
Dennis would watch themselves.
Output: bad
These drivers couldn't conceal themselves.
Output: good
Most pedestrians didn't visit themselves.
Output: good
All women talk about himself.
Output: bad
Ladies had referenced herself.
Output: bad
Some bank distracts itself.
Output: good
Deborah can't conceal herself.
Output: good
Some boys weren't concealing himself.
Output: bad
All waitresses conceal themselves.
Output: good
The Lutherans disliked themselves.
Output: good
These guests had insulted themselves.
Output: good
Susan hugged themselves.
Output: bad
Most dancers shouldn't reveal herself.
Output: bad
Carlos did talk to themselves.
Output: bad
Many teenagers distracted herself.
Output: bad
Pamela could confuse herself.
Output: good
Teenagers were working with itself.
Output: bad
Becca shouldn't impress herself.
Output: good
All women talk about himself.
Output: bad
Bill isn't disturbing themselves.
Output: bad
David stunned himself.
Output: good
All actresses have noticed themselves.
Output: good
Kenneth was visiting himself.
Output: good
Many girls insulted herself.
Output: bad
Catherine does complain about themselves.
Output: bad
Many adults have hired themselves.
Output: good
These men kiss herself.
Output: bad
Candice shouldn't know herself.
Output: good
Kristen shouldn't heal themselves.
Output: bad
Most doctors are hurting themselves.
Output: good
All actresses approached himself.
Output: bad
Amy hasn't questioned themselves.
Output: bad
Meredith was escaping from themselves.
Output: bad
Homer can find himself.
Output: good
Sara shocked themselves.
Output: bad
Debra is discovering themselves.
Output: bad
Guy hadn't left themselves.
Output: bad
Jessica won't impress themselves.
Output: bad
Amy hasn't questioned themselves.
Output: bad
Alan escaped from themselves.
Output: bad
Some guests have fired herself.
Output: bad
Diane hadn't thought about herself.
Output: good
Randolf had known himself.
Output: good
Most pedestrians have kissed herself.
Output: bad
Ladies had referenced herself.
Output: bad
Homer fired himself.
Output: good
All patients care for herself.
Output: bad
Craig wasn't attacking himself.
Output: good
Some lady couldn't return to themselves.
Output: bad
Bill should shock themselves.
Output: bad
Homer can find himself.
Output: good
Gina didn't see herself.
Output: good
The Clintons wouldn't kiss itself.
Output: bad
Lissa thought about themselves.
Output: bad
Most reports disagreed with themselves.
Output: good
Jacqueline has bored themselves.
Output: bad
Amanda would stun herself.
Output: good
Dana astounded themselves.
Output: bad
These girls kissed themselves.
Output: good
Stacey couldn't irritate themselves.
Output: bad
Most guys criticize itself.
Output: bad
Those doctors hadn't loved themselves.
Output: good
Edward worked with himself.
Output: good
The boys weren't referencing himself.
Output: bad
Waiters were escaping from itself.
Output: bad
Karen didn't heal themselves.
Output: bad
Valerie observed herself.
Output: good
Jane aggravated themselves.
Output: bad
Alice might confuse herself.
Output: good
Laurie was hiding herself.
Output: good
Most pedestrians have kissed herself.
Output: bad
The actors hadn't concealed himself.
Output: bad
Douglas is visiting themselves.
Output: bad
Donald does cure himself.
Output: good
David had hurt themselves.
Output: bad
Walter could know themselves.
Output: bad
Samuel didn't kiss themselves.
Output: bad
Children did conceal itself.
Output: bad
All people work with himself.
Output: bad
The Lutherans know himself.
Output: bad
Eva approached themselves.
Output: bad
The Lutherans can help herself.
Output: bad
Guy talked to himself.
Output: good
Those students visit themselves.
Output: good
Many senators investigate themselves.
Output: good
The governments hadn't alarmed themselves.
Output: good
Bill is discovering himself.
Output: good
Linda stunned herself.
Output: good
Most adults disgusted themselves.
Output: good
Samuel had concealed himself.
Output: good
Sandra could upset herself.
Output: good
Colleen will aggravate herself.
Output: good
April isn't noticing themselves.
Output: bad
This woman has criticized themselves.
Output: bad
Sonia would cure herself.
Output: good
The universities are astounding themselves.
Output: good
Guests haven't questioned herself.
Output: bad
Amanda would stun herself.
Output: good
The Clintons scared itself.
Output: bad
Carla annoyed herself.
Output: good
Florence had left themselves.
Output: bad
Most girls annoyed themselves.
Output: good
Sandra fled from themselves.
Output: bad
All companies disgust themselves.
Output: good
These drivers couldn't conceal themselves.
Output: good
The Clintons hadn't cured themselves.
Output: good
Customers don't respect himself.
Output: bad
Benjamin doesn't distract themselves.
Output: bad
All men wouldn't work with themselves.
Output: good
Some museums annoy herself.
Output: bad
David had hurt themselves.
Output: bad
The man is firing themselves.
Output: bad
Richard returned to himself.
Output: good
Most girls irritated itself.
Output: bad
Walter could know themselves.
Output: bad
Most girls knew himself.
Output: bad
A lot of teenagers have visited themselves.
Output: good
Claire disliked herself.
Output: good
The Lutherans saw themselves.
Output: good
Kenneth was visiting himself.
Output: good
Children returned to himself.
Output: bad
Colleen will aggravate herself.
Output: good
Some women aren't helping themselves.
Output: good
This dancer shouldn't aggravate themselves.
Output: bad
Some customers shouldn't hire themselves.
Output: good
Andrea didn't dislike herself.
Output: good
Samuel hadn't hated themselves.
Output: bad
All boys are shocking herself.
Output: bad
Allison hasn't noticed herself.
Output: good
Deborah wasn't helping herself.
Output: good
All actors aren't noticing themselves.
Output: good
Gerald had concealed themselves.
Output: bad
Many banks haven't aggravated herself.
Output: bad
Stacy astounded herself.
Output: good
Randolf had known himself.
Output: good
Spain worries themselves.
Output: bad
Children haven't appreciated themselves.
Output: good
Veronica was healing themselves.
Output: bad
All waitresses conceal themselves.
Output: good
That museum alarms themselves.
Output: bad
Boys hurt herself.
Output: bad
Catherine wasn't talking to herself.
Output: good
Carla can talk to themselves.
Output: bad
A book hasn't disagreed with itself.
Output: good
Tonya helped herself.
Output: good
A lot of people complain about itself.
Output: bad
All girls scared himself.
Output: bad
Customers don't respect himself.
Output: bad
Many banks have discussed herself.
Output: bad
Chad fired himself.
Output: good
Most women weren't helping themselves.
Output: good
A lot of girls weren't shocking herself.
Output: bad
Most pedestrians might observe itself.
Output: bad
Harvard University impressed itself.
Output: good
Many teenagers haven't forgotten herself.
Output: bad
Some women will insult itself.
Output: bad
A lot of women worry herself.
Output: bad
The man won't hate themselves.
Output: bad
A lot of drivers do boast about themselves.
Output: good
Keith could respect themselves.
Output: bad
Samuel has hurt himself.
Output: good
April attacked themselves.
Output: bad
Jason hasn't stunned himself.
Output: good
Most children could cure herself.
Output: bad
Most adults have discovered itself.
Output: bad
The teachers disturb themselves.
Output: good
Some boys weren't concealing himself.
Output: bad
Thomas was hurting himself.
Output: good
All companies disgust themselves.
Output: good
All cashiers hurt themselves.
Output: good
Edward had distracted themselves.
Output: bad
Kendra wasn't thinking about herself.
Output: good
Some children can visit themselves.
Output: good
Kristin irritated herself.
Output: good
Florence wouldn't question themselves.
Output: bad
Beth had upset herself.
Output: good
Ladies had referenced herself.
Output: bad
All actresses approached himself.
Output: bad
The Impressionists escape from themselves.
Output: good
Deborah wasn't helping herself.
Output: good
Rose loved themselves.
Output: bad
Some students complain about himself.
Output: bad
Marcus saw themselves.
Output: bad
James is visiting themselves.
Output: bad
Matt doesn't find themselves.
Output: bad
The Clintons know themselves.
Output: good
Customers would discuss themselves.
Output: good
The doctors are observing herself.
Output: bad
Most actors will help themselves.
Output: good
These adults have disgusted himself.
Output: bad
A lot of teachers had talked about themselves.
Output: good
The actors were observing themselves.
Output: good
Some actors haven't aggravated itself.
Output: bad
All people irritate themselves.
Output: good
Many students aren't aggravating themselves.
Output: good
Catherine wasn't talking to herself.
Output: good
A lot of teachers escape from themselves.
Output: good
Some teachers can't love himself.
Output: bad
Amy had watched herself.
Output: good
The guy distracted themselves.
Output: bad
Brett thought about himself.
Output: good
Carl is admiring themselves.
Output: bad
Renee bothered themselves.
Output: bad
James is visiting themselves.
Output: bad
Clyde has hated himself.
Output: good
Thomas has attacked himself.
Output: good
The boys weren't referencing himself.
Output: bad
Teenagers would love itself.
Output: bad
A lot of teenagers aren't discussing herself.
Output: bad
The teenagers shouldn't bore himself.
Output: bad
Sarah wasn't approaching themselves.
Output: bad
The Impressionists haven't respected itself.
Output: bad
James isn't talking to themselves.
Output: bad
All banks annoy herself.
Output: bad
Edward couldn't praise themselves.
Output: bad
Rose loved themselves.
Output: bad
Alicia hasn't embarrassed herself.
Output: good
Tracy hadn't described themselves.
Output: bad |
In this task, you are given a sentence and a gender. The sentence mentions two professions: one's gender is unknown and the other's gender can be identified using the gendered pronouns that refer to them in the text. You are expected to return the profession with the given gender.
Sentence: The designer recognized the mechanic and then greeted her.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The receptionist greeted the mechanic and gave her an apple.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The CEO helped the nurse because she wanted to help.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The analyst met the attendant and thanked him for the service.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The mechanic looked down on the cashier and made inappropriate comments about him.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The laborer owed the tailor because he offered to make a free suit.
Gender: male
Output: Tailor
Sentence: The laborer managed to convince the clerk to give up because he was weaker.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The janitor talked to the auditor because she did not know which room she needed to clean up.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The clerk told to the carpenter and asked her to make a desk.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The laborer kicked the cashier because she was drunk.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The analyst sent a report to the editor because he put in a request yesterday.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The lawyer respected the housekeeper because he was a hardworking person.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The laborer wanted to take the attendant 's job because she was tired of manual labor.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The developer was unable to communicate with the writer because he used big words.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The nurse examined the farmer for injuries because he was caring.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The analyst awkwardly ran into the attendant who had messed up her order.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The laborer was referred to the designer because he was the best.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The tailor made a sweater for the developer and charged her one thousand dollars.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The writer visited the mechanic and recommended her some books.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The sheriff trusts the assistant because she is a trustful person.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The secretary told the carpenter to come back tomorrow because she forgot to bring some tools.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The sheriff returned the expired cake to the baker and asked him to return the money.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The manager fired the librarian because she found a better candidate.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The salesperson sold some books to the librarian because he wanted to learn.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: When the winter comes, the farmer visited the librarian frequently because of his hot chocolate.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: The salesperson chatted with the cleaner because he wanted to buy a vacuum.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The manager promised to give a raise to the teacher because he performed well.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The salesperson noticed the accountant never bought anything and then hated him.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The lawyer talked the auditor and told him to provide documentation.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The mover followed the writer 's instruction and waited outside his apartment.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: During lunch, the janitor looked for the attendant to listen to her story about the bathroom.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The driver asked the nurse for an examination because he was extremely experienced.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The carpenter complemented the baker for the bread he made.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The hairdresser approached the chief and asked her for mercy.
Gender: female
Output: Chief
Sentence: The chief thanked the secretary because her salary was raised.
Gender: female
Output: Chief
Sentence: The laborer raced against the hairdresser and outran him.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The farmer gave the tailor a bag of apples and asked him to make a sweater.
Gender: male
Output: Tailor
Sentence: The assistant asked the physician if she needs any help.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The manager asked the auditor to stay late because she is often demanding.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The cook saluted the baker and then offered him some help.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The cook walked towards the counselor and asked him some questions.
Gender: male
Output: Counselor
Sentence: The librarian gave the janitor a book and asked her to return on time.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The manager wanted to be cruel to the cashier and suggested he get a new job.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The physician wanted to meet the counselor because she had some questions about her responsibility in the medical accident.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The guard bought the auditor a gift and wish him had a nice holiday.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The lawyer helped the cleaner win the case without pay because he is too poor to afford that.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The laborer dug a hole for the assistant because she had a shovel.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The accountant called the cook and asked her to prepare food for a party.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The auditor asked the construction worker some questions because he wanted to know the progress.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The carpenter made a desk for the clerk because she had time.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The mechanic fixed the housekeeper 's car and then she issued a receipt.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The construction worker waved the housekeeper into the room to ask him a question.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The cashier talked to the developer and then invited her to a cup of coffee.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The analyst employed the housekeeper because he has good at cleaning.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The farmer drove the attendant to the railway station and gave him a gift.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The manager was friendly with the editor so that she receives good publicity.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The carpenter admired the receptionist and made him a chair.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The physician owed the cashier money because she did not pay the vodka.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The sheriff gave the secretary no more chances and arrested him.
Gender: male
Output: Secretary
Sentence: The baker saluted the cook and then offered her some help.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The CEO bought the accountant a car because he needed one.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The accountant called the cook and asked her to prepare food for a party.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The counselor needed a ride from the driver and called her to schedule a morning pick up.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The sheriff questioned the cashier because she was told the money was missing.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The salesperson thanked the nurse because he bought the insurance.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The janitor cleaned the librarian 's room and she asked for a tip.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The mechanic fixed the housekeeper 's car and then he wrote a thankful note.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The driver shouted at the hairdresser and asked him to get out of the car.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The guard protected the assistant because it is her responsibility.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The writer chatted with the analyst and expressed interest in her work.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The farmer needed to take a test from the counselor to appease to him.
Gender: male
Output: Counselor
Sentence: The mechanic hired the assistant because she needed help.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The developer visited the hairdresser because he opened a new salon.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The tailor stopped the guard and showed her identification.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The chief bought bread from the baker and paid him.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The construction worker was not trustful of the baker and never bought his bread.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The hairdresser called the carpenter and then asked her for help.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The librarian was unable to find the book for the developer and instead offered her a magazine.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The lawyer respected the housekeeper because he was a hardworking person.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The editor saw the lawyer in the restaurant and greeted her.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The physician examined the hairdresser for cuts because he was clumsy with scissors.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The chief visited the tailor because she needed to adjust the pants.
Gender: female
Output: Chief
Sentence: The receptionist spoke with the CEO and asked her for a promotion.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The salesperson disliked the attendant because he did not buy the product.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The developer traded services with the baker because he did not own a computer.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The construction worker offered to build the tailor a house and then hugged him.
Gender: male
Output: Tailor
Sentence: The guard complimented the designer for meeting her expectations.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The sheriff relies on the attendant because she is a trustful person.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The clerk helped the construction worker and gave her lots of information.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The farmer visited the clerk so that she can ask about a farming license.
Gender: female
Output: Farmer
Sentence: The receptionist chatted with the manager and thanked her for her help.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The salesperson demanded money from the cashier because she likes to give orders.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The accountant accepted the work from the construction worker and took the form from her.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The housekeeper was paid by the analyst and did her housework.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The housekeeper showed the janitor the direction because she was new.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The teacher told the guard about the danger and was subsequently protected by her.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The mechanic called the nurse because he knew how to deal with broken legs.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The farmer went to the cashier and asked him about a deposit.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The secretary never saw the guard and did not want her job.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The lawyer looked into illegal accusations against the cashier, but he may have been falsely accused.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The counselor wanted to meet with the physician and ask her how to deal with a stomachache.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The cleaner thanked the construction worker and gave her a ride home.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The manager promised to give a raise to the teacher because she was generous.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The writer contacted the CEO and asked for her opinions about the book.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The developer corrected the secretary because he made a mistake.
Gender: male
Output: Secretary
Sentence: The librarian loved to share books with the cook but stopped when she started stealing.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The sheriff told the cleaner that he was requested to answer some questions.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The sheriff visited the teacher and asked him some questions.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The laborer dug a hole for the secretary and demanded him pay.
Gender: male
Output: Secretary
Sentence: The salesperson chatted with the cleaner and persuaded him to buy a vacuum.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The supervisor made the nurse perform remedial study because she noticed poorly executed injections.
Gender: female
Output: Supervisor
Sentence: The guard is talking to the baker about the thief she caught last night.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The farmer demanded the auditor leave the farm because he was trespassing.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The sheriff asked for a menu to the attendant and then asked him a question.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The manager demanded to be seen by the nurse but he was busy with another patient.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The carpenter came to the tailor because she wanted a new suit.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The janitor handed the writer a book for his future reference.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The assistant needed the laborer 's help and asked her to a dig a hole.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The manager answered a phone call from the writer and asked him not to call again.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The driver was annoyed with the assistant and asked him to never come back.
Gender: male
Output: Assistant
Sentence: The housekeeper gave the driver a broom and told her where to clean.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The sheriff complained to the designer because she did not like the logo.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The manager told the clerk to report to work early because he is lazy.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The construction worker hired the cleaner so she can focus only on the construction work.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The mechanic asked for the attendant because he was the only one who could help.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The farmer asked the designer what he was working on.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The receptionist recognized the driver and led her to the ceremony.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The assistant hired the driver as he did not have the license yet.
Gender: male
Output: Assistant
Sentence: The teacher called the lawyer to tell her the performance of the kid.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The janitor stopped the editor and showed him how to clean the floor.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The CEO asked the clerk to produce a report to satisfy her concerns.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The manager likes the designer 's product but he refused to allow a purchase.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The teacher greeted the laborer and started a conversation with her.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The designer argued with the analyst and splash her.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The physician related the concerns to the teacher and scolded him for poorly following instructions.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The driver recognized the receptionist and introduced the boss to him.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The driver yelled at the tailor after she found out the window is broken.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The salesperson demanded money from the cashier because she likes to give orders.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The guard tried to be friends with the accountant and bought him a calculator.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The supervisor invited the designer to the party because she wanted everyone to be there.
Gender: female
Output: Supervisor
Sentence: The auditor caught the developer cheating and reported her.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The sheriff told the cleaner that he was requested to answer some questions.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The counselor asked the guard a few questions and praised her for the good work.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The secretary texted the cook what she needed to prepare for the boss.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: When the supervisor splashed the editor, she got in trouble.
Gender: female
Output: Supervisor
Sentence: The lawyer made eye contact with the clerk and smiled at him.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The accountant showed the bill to the physician and told her to pay that on time.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The CEO asked the clerk to produce a report to justify his behavior.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The manager promised to give a raise to the teacher because he performed well.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The manager met with the editor and showed him the office.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The janitor does not like the baker because she needs to help clean the messy machine every day.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The assistant purchased a new computer due to a recommendation by the salesperson, because she is persuasive.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The driver picked up the accountant from the airport after she fueled her car.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The sheriff called the assistant and then gave him orders.
Gender: male
Output: Assistant
Sentence: The driver shouted at the hairdresser and asked him to get out of the car.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The supervisor invited the designer to the party and he smiled.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The janitor sends the editor sorted newspapers every day because she can get paid more.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The attendant greeted the salesperson and introduced her to the boss.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The analyst consulted with the librarian because he knows a lot about books.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: The tailor hired the salesperson and asked her to sell suits for the business.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The accountant ignored the guard and never talked to her.
Gender: female
Output: Guard
Sentence: The mover talked to the accountant and then asked him for advice.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The nurse examined the farmer for injuries because he was caring.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The driver would not give the paperwork to the auditor because he did not present an authorization form.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The developer traded services with the baker because she did not own a kitchen.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The clerk tried to hide his behavior from the manager but failed to trick her.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The mechanic yelled at the accountant because she gets angry easily.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The librarian stared at the CEO and asked her to leave.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The baker saluted the cook and then offered her some help.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The clerk made eye contact with the lawyer and smiled at her.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The manager discussed with the designer for a long time and tried to convince him to sell this idea.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The construction worker helped the receptionist and got a present from him.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The secretary told the carpenter to come back tomorrow because he was super busy today.
Gender: male
Output: Secretary
Sentence: The developer visited the hairdresser because he opened a new salon.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The receptionist was tired of getting bad reports from the analyst and told her to leave.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The designer collaborated with the carpenter and gave her a blueprint.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The cook called the accountant and explained to him the financial situation.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The physician contacted the editor because he could provide help publishing in a medical journal.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The nurse approached the manager and then helped her with a problem.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The janitor met the accountant and wished him well.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The laborer asked the accountant to join the meeting but he forgot.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The carpenter came to the tailor because she wanted a new suit.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The editor talked to the CEO and showed her a draft.
Gender: female
Output: Ceo
Sentence: The salesperson chatted with the cleaner because he wanted to buy a vacuum.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The teacher talked to the salesperson and invited her to dinner.
Gender: female
Output: Salesperson
Sentence: The chief told the counselor that he could have the day off.
Gender: male
Output: Counselor
Sentence: The manager was friendly with the editor so that she receives good publicity.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The cleaner waved at the sheriff and walked towards her.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The supervisor disliked the counselor and fired him.
Gender: male
Output: Counselor
Sentence: The janitor cleaned the room for the designer and she left the room.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The driver perceived the baker 's frailty and helped him with deliveries.
Gender: male
Output: Baker
Sentence: The analyst argued with the designer, because he refused to redesign the work.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The laborer handed the assistant a hammer because she was tired of working.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The librarian satisfied the lawyer 's request and handed her a book.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The chief hired the assistant because she needed help with paperwork.
Gender: female
Output: Chief
Sentence: The assistant helped the carpenter and learned from her.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The construction worker called the editor and told him the whole story.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The lawyer yelled at the hairdresser because she was mad.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The construction worker asked the attendant to not lose her car.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The baker handed the lawyer some bread and then asked her to pay.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The sheriff told the auditor to leave right now as she is investigating the house.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The counselor warned the developer that she had to obey the rules.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The developer argued with the designer because his idea cannot be implemented.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The lawyer spoke with the receptionist and asked him to do a favor.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The supervisor asked the assistant to get his agreement.
Gender: male
Output: Assistant
Sentence: The cleaner hated the developer and refused to clean her room.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The mechanic charged the auditor one hundred dollars although she had done no work.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The teacher thanked the driver for the ride and promised her to pay later.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The CEO was ignored by the designer and so rejected his proposal.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The housekeeper woke the physician up and told her someone was calling for her.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The janitor swept up the tailor 's mess because he asked nicely.
Gender: male
Output: Tailor
Sentence: The analyst loved to get a haircut from the hairdresser because she could sit on a comfy chair.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The attendant ignored the laborer and told her to get back to work.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The chief thanked the housekeeper and gave him some tips.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The sheriff asked the editor to withdraw the story because she could not stand negative press.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The driver offered a ride to the teacher and picked him up on time.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The secretary asked the mover what he could do to help.
Gender: male
Output: Secretary
Sentence: The hairdresser befriended the cook because he liked the food.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The supervisor met up with the teacher and told him the concerns.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The CEO noticed a problem in the clerk 's reports and asked him to produce evidence.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The housekeeper borrowed the wrench from the mechanic and then kissed her.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The guard saved the editor from the criminals because he needed help.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: The mover hired the accountant because she wanted to balance her finances.
Gender: female
Output: Mover
Sentence: The cleaner is mad at the cook because she made the kitchen dirty again.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The guard was unable to protect the designer from harm and instead handed him a gun.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The cook told the receptionist the date of the ceremony and reminded him to wear suits.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The housekeeper bought the product from the developer and asked her to set up.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The secretary was shocked at the laborer 's behavior and asked her stop.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The chief hired the designer because he could design a new logo.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The mechanic got angry with the accountant and complained to the boss about him.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The mechanic borrowed the broom from the housekeeper and then kissed him.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The analyst loved to get a haircut from the hairdresser because he would offer snacks.
Gender: male
Output: Hairdresser
Sentence: The carpenter tried to prepare for the auditor 's visit but she did not have the correct paperwork.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The guard noticed the librarian and greeted him.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: The janitor fell in love with the secretary because she was always attracted to nice hands.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The librarian was unable to find the book for the developer and instead offered her a magazine.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The analyst chatted with the writer and expressed interest in his work.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The developer corrected the secretary because she better understood the problem.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The cook prepared a soup for the housekeeper and wait him to pay.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The receptionist showed the driver the way to the hall because he is very familiar with the city.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The driver crashed into the designer 's artifact and paid him a lot.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The sheriff suspected the hairdresser was the murderer but she had no proof.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The assistant scanned documents for the analyst because he knows how to use the scan machine.
Gender: male
Output: Assistant
Sentence: The developer visited the hairdresser because she needed to cut her hair.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The chief complained to the cashier about his poor performance.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The salesperson tried to convince the designer that something was wrong but instead made him mad.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The mover saw the attendant unoccupied and asked him for help.
Gender: male
Output: Attendant
Sentence: The mechanic yelled at the accountant about the mistakes he made in the tax form.
Gender: male
Output: Accountant
Sentence: The driver needed to transport the counselor and picked him up that morning.
Gender: male
Output: Counselor
Sentence: The cleaner is mad at the cook because she made the kitchen dirty again.
Gender: female
Output: Cook
Sentence: The physician reminded the accountant that she had an appointment with another patient.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The editor called the construction worker and asked her what happened.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The construction worker knew of the writer because he was constantly in the news.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The chief told the counselor that she took the day off.
Gender: female
Output: Chief
Sentence: The nurse approached the manager and then helped her with a problem.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The lawyer offered a free legal advice to the attendant, because she liked to help.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The driver hit the clerk and refused to say sorry to him.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The salesperson talked to the auditor because he issued a warning to the sale department.
Gender: male
Output: Auditor
Sentence: The teacher called the lawyer to tell her the performance of the kid.
Gender: female
Output: Lawyer
Sentence: The carpenter admired the receptionist and made him a chair.
Gender: male
Output: Receptionist
Sentence: The baker knew the developer was lying about the kitchen but made her bread anyways.
Gender: female
Output: Developer
Sentence: The sheriff asked the secretary to close the window because she was cold.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The developer likes to have a coffee with the writer and discussed with him.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The mover said thank you to the housekeeper because he cleaned the truck.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The lawyer thanked the nurse for his meticulous concern.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The writer visited the mechanic and recommended her some books.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The mechanic talked with the counselor for such a long time because she knew little about the legal affairs.
Gender: female
Output: Mechanic
Sentence: The carpenter admires the work of the hairdresser because she appreciates talent.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The salesperson greeted the clerk and then winked at him.
Gender: male
Output: Clerk
Sentence: The nurse talked to the janitor for a while and gave her a Christmas present.
Gender: female
Output: Janitor
Sentence: The writer never met the construction worker and did not want to meet her.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The guard appreciated getting treatment from the nurse because he did a good job.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse
Sentence: The housekeeper troubles the physician a lot because she knows about medicine.
Gender: female
Output: Physician
Sentence: The manager likes the designer 's product but he refused to allow a purchase.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The manager promoted the housekeeper because he was an efficient employee.
Gender: male
Output: Housekeeper
Sentence: The carpenter made a wood lion for the accountant because she is generous.
Gender: female
Output: Carpenter
Sentence: The attendant served water to the sheriff and then handed her a menu.
Gender: female
Output: Sheriff
Sentence: The assistant needed the laborer 's help and asked her to a dig a hole.
Gender: female
Output: Laborer
Sentence: The baker liked the construction worker and tried to sell her bread at a discount.
Gender: female
Output: Construction worker
Sentence: The salesperson tried to convince the designer that something was wrong but instead made him mad.
Gender: male
Output: Designer
Sentence: The farmer visited the librarian and asked him about the library hours.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: The sheriff protected the writer because he is under attack.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The attendant blamed the driver because she was late.
Gender: female
Output: Driver
Sentence: The salesperson chatted with the cleaner because he wanted to buy a vacuum.
Gender: male
Output: Cleaner
Sentence: The counselor disliked the supervisor and wanted to leave her group.
Gender: female
Output: Supervisor
Sentence: The lawyer asked the teacher some questions on his misconduct.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The manager fired the cleaner because she was angry.
Gender: female
Output: Manager
Sentence: The developer met the editor and asked him for clarifications.
Gender: male
Output: Editor
Sentence: When the winter comes, the farmer visited the librarian frequently because her work required less attention.
Gender: female
Output: Farmer
Sentence: The guard is talking to the tailor about the new suit he is making.
Gender: male
Output: Tailor
Sentence: The CEO contacted the writer and asked for his suggestions about the book.
Gender: male
Output: Writer
Sentence: The teacher gave the farmer a book and asked her to read.
Gender: female
Output: Farmer
Sentence: The analyst argued with the designer, because she thought the budget is too high.
Gender: female
Output: Analyst
Sentence: The mover bought a beer for the cashier and thank him for the help.
Gender: male
Output: Cashier
Sentence: The janitor cleaned the librarian 's room and he was grateful.
Gender: male
Output: Librarian
Sentence: The developer went to the teacher and asked him about the weather.
Gender: male
Output: Teacher
Sentence: The mover is waiting for the nurse because he can clean the wounds.
Gender: male
Output: Nurse |
Possible labels:
1. Text one
2. Text two
Text one: The former German football goalkeeper, Oliver Rolf Kahn was born on June 15, 1969 in Karlsruhe.
Text two: The former German football goalkeeper, Oliver Rolf Kahn was born on June 15, 1969 in Karlsruhe.
Output: Text one
Text one: He was responsible there for music, the organ, directing chants and choir, etc.
Text two: He had full control over the music.
Output: Text two
Text one: Redwall is a series of fantasy books by Brian Jacques.
Text two: Redwall is a series of fantasy books by Brian Jacques.
Output: Text one
Text one: Nick Jr. aired the series on August 20th, 2007. Noggin showed it on February 23rd, 2008.
Text two: Nick Jr. aired the series on August 20th, 2007. Noggin showed it on February 23rd, 2008.
Output: Text one
Text one: Gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel, and other commodities derived from fossil fuels are non-renewable.
Text two: Fossil fuels are non-renewable. When they are gone, they are gone. Gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel, and other fossil fuels are examples.
Output: Text two
Text one: Diagnosis is made by seeing these symptoms, having a history of exposure is also helpful but not always found as kennel cough is easily spread through contact with contaminated surfaces such as the ground, toys, sidewalks, dog parks.
Text two: Kennel cough in dogs, can be diagnosed by observing symptoms. It can be spread through contact with contaminated objects. Previous exposure can help but is not always found.
Output: Text two
Text one: The tornado destroyed 20 homes, left 30 others severely damaged, injured one person, and caused power outages for about 300 people.
Text two: The tornado destroyed 20 homes and severely damaged 30 . It hurt one person, and caused power outages for about 300 people.
Output: Text two
Text one: Having persuaded Clerc to accompany him, Gallaudet sailed back to America.
Text two: Gallaudet sailed back to America after he persuaded Clerc to go with him.
Output: Text two
Text one: Held from 17 June to 19 June 1944, this celebration was referred to as the "The Jubilee Celebrations of IOC" by Carl Diem, the originator of the modern tradition of the Olympic torch relay.
Text two: It was held from 17 June to 19 June 1944. This celebration was called the "The Jubilee Celebrations of IOC" by Carl Diem. He started the modern tradition of the Olympic torch relay.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Book of Nehemiah is a book of the Hebrew Bible, historically regarded as a continuation of the Book of Ezra, and is sometimes called the second book of Ezra.
Text two: The Book of Nehemiah is a Hebrew Bible. It is considered a part of the Book of Ezra, and is sometimes called the second book of Ezra.
Output: Text two
Text one: The town is mostly made of mud houses and small canals that give water.
Text two: The town is mostly made of mud houses and small canals that give water.
Output: Text one
Text one: Voted into Hall of Fame in 1961.
Text two: Voted into Hall of Fame in 1961.
Output: Text one
Text one: Taylor walks around the scene watching without interacting with Jordison or the females. There is a moment in which Jordison is looking in a mirror and Taylor suddenly appears.
Text two: Taylor walks around the scene watching without interacting with Jordison or the females. There is a moment in which Jordison is looking in a mirror and Taylor suddenly appears.
Output: Text one
Text one: Schneier designed Blowfish as a general-purpose algorithm, intended as a replacement for the aging DES and free of the problems and constraints associated with other algorithms.
Text two: Schneier designed Blowfish as an algorithm to replace DES. It is free of the problems and limits that other algorithms have .
Output: Text two
Text one: History The district was created in 1994 by merging the previous districts Eisenberg, Jena and Stadtroda.
Text two: The district was created by merging previous districts Eisenberg, Jena and Stadtroda in 1994.
Output: Text two
Text one: A pawn can move two square up as an initial move. This happens when a pawn does this and help its pass over a square that is attacked by an enemy pawn.
Text two: A pawn can move two square up as an initial move. This happens when a pawn does this and help its pass over a square that is attacked by an enemy pawn.
Output: Text one
Text one: Preparations were made for an armed revolt. He became the commandant of the Third Battalion and adjutant of the Dublin Brigade.
Text two: Preparations were made for an armed revolt. He became the commandant of the Third Battalion and adjutant of the Dublin Brigade.
Output: Text one
Text one: After the riot following the Indian Mutiny of 1857 - 58 and the consequent ban of the East India Company, its European divisions were united in 1860 with the British Army, but its ‘ Native ’ divisios were not.
Text two: After the riot following the Indian Mutiny of 1857 - 58 and the consequent ban of the East India Company, its European divisions were united in 1860 with the British Army, but its ‘ Native ’ divisios were not.
Output: Text one
Text one: When South Africa became a republic in 1961, Pretoria remained its administrative capital.
Text two: South Africa became a republic in 1961. Pretoria remained its administrative capital.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Bruins led the league in points with 110.
Text two: The Bruins led the league in points with 110.
Output: Text one
Text one: Several versions of the aggreement exist; versions 1 and 3 happened only inside MIT.
Text two: Several versions of the aggreement exist; versions 1 and 3 happened only inside MIT.
Output: Text one
Text one: Sthenurine forelimbs were long with two extra-long fingers and claws compared with the relatively small, stiff arms of modern macropods.
Text two: Sthenurine forelimbs were long . They had wo extra-long fingers and claws. Modern macropods have relatively small, stiff arms.
Output: Text two
Text one: He began this form of ministry in 1947 and continued until recently.
Text two: He started his ministry in 1947.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is a United Kingdom cabinet position with responsibility for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Text two: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has a position in cabinet of the United Kingdom. Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport heads Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
Output: Text two
Text one: In 2006, he co-starred in the independent film Manhattan Minute.
Text two: He co-starred in the independent film Manhattan Minute in 2006.
Output: Text two
Text one: Burrendong Arboretum is a safe place for endangered Australian plants. It is 1.60 km ² in size.
Text two: Burrendong Arboretum is a safe place for endangered Australian plants. It is 1.60 km ² in size.
Output: Text one
Text one: History Landsberg prison, which is in the town's western outskirts, was completed in 1910.
Text two: The historical Landsberg prison was completed in 1910. The prison is in the town's western outskirts.
Output: Text two
Text one: In the book The Very First Light, Mather with co-author John Boslough chronicled his team's work for the general public.
Text two: In "The Very First Light", Mather and John Boslough chronicled his team's public works .
Output: Text two
Text one: Handles are wood or plastic. Ferrules are nickel-plated steel.
Text two: Handles are wood or plastic. Ferrules are nickel-plated steel.
Output: Text one
Text one: In June 2008, it was announced that a further four-year deal would commence for the 2010 / 11 season, with the deal worth £125m.
Text two: In June 2008, they said a four-year deal would start for the 2010 / 11 season. The deal was worth £125m.
Output: Text two
Text one: During its high point, Chang'an was one of the largest cities with the most people.
Text two: During its high point, Chang'an was one of the largest cities with the most people.
Output: Text one
Text one: His work is considered the basis and motive for contemporary patriots and national activists.
Text two: His work is considered the basis and motive for contemporary patriots and national activists.
Output: Text one
Text one: Lot-et-Garonne is a department in the southwest of France named after the Lot and Garonne rivers.
Text two: Lot-et-Garonne is southwest of France and named after Lot and Garonne rivers.
Output: Text two
Text one: The encryption key is trivially related to the decryption key, in that they may be identical or there is a simple transform to go between the two keys.
Text two: The encryption key is connected to the decryption key. They may even be the same or can easily change into the other.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Spanish did not manage to conquer the island until 1697, after several attempts, that begun in 1629, when they marched in, from Corozal in Belize, Yucatán and Alta Verapaz, attacked via boats and destroyed it.
Text two: The Spanish didn't conquer the island until 1697 after attempts that started in 1629, when they attacked by boats and destroyed it.
Output: Text two
Text one: History The district was created on June 12 1994 by merging the previous districts Pasewalk, Ueckermünde and part of the district Strasburg.
Text two: The district was created on June 12th, 1994. They joined the previous districts Pasewalk, Ueckermünde, and part of the district Strasburg.
Output: Text two
Text one: Wilson settled in the district in late 1836 with his wife and family.
Text two: Wilson went to live in the district in late 1836 with his wife and family.
Output: Text two
Text one: The two mean toured New England and successfully raised funds to build a school for deaf students in Hartford. This school later became know as the American School for the Deaf.
Text two: The two mean toured New England and successfully raised funds to build a school for deaf students in Hartford. This school later became know as the American School for the Deaf.
Output: Text one
Text one: "Best before" refers to the quality of the product. "Use by" and "Best by" refers to the date that the product is no longer safe to eat.
Text two: "Best before" refers to the quality of the product. "Use by" and "Best by" refers to the date that the product is no longer safe to eat.
Output: Text one
Text one: She became famous when Playboy made her the 1993 Playmate of the Year.
Text two: She became famous when Playboy made her the 1993 Playmate of the Year.
Output: Text one
Text one: The Empire of Nicaea succeeded in capturing Constantinople and the rest of the Latin Empire, thus re-establishing the Byzantine Empire.
Text two: The Empire of Nicaea captured Constantinople and the rest of the Latin Empire. The Byzantine Empire was reborn.
Output: Text two
Text one: Administrative termination Memberships may be terminated at the discretion of the ruling body of the Church of Satan consisting of the High Priest, the High Priestess and the Council of Nine.
Text two: Memberships may be ended by the ruling body of the Church of Satan. That has the High Priest, the High Priestess and the Council of Nine.
Output: Text two
Text one: A Feast for Crows is the fourth of seven planned novels in A Song of Ice and Fire, an epic fantasy series by American author George R. R. Martin.
Text two: A Feast for Crows is the fourth of seven planned novels. It is part of A Song of Ice and Fire, an epic fantasy series. It is written by American author George R. R. Martin.
Output: Text two
Text one: One is after zero but before two.
Text two: One is after zero but before two.
Output: Text one
Text one: Cale's Story: the adventures of Cale, ending with the beginning of the film.
Text two: The adventures of Cale ends with it's beginning.
Output: Text two
Text one: Naming and records After all of the twenty one predetermined hurricane names for the 2005 season were exhausted following Hurricane Wilma, the Greek alphabet was used, beginning with Tropical Storm Alpha.
Text two: After all twenty one predetermined hurricane names for the 2005 season were used after Hurricane Wilma, the Greek alphabet was used. It began with Tropical Storm Alpha.
Output: Text two
Text one: The first church of Benrath was constructed in 1002.
Text two: The first church of Benrath was built in 1002.
Output: Text two
Text one: Fortuna was seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1993.
Text two: Fortuna was seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1993.
Output: Text one
Text one: Iero uses the project as a way to vent about the way he sees the worldArtist Info - LeATHERMOUTH Epitaph. com.
Text two: Iero uses the project to release anger about the way he sees the world.
Output: Text two
Text one: Coconuts from various parts of the world also differ in taste.
Text two: Coconuts around the world have different taste.
Output: Text two
Text one: Ana was the only recorded tropical cyclone recorded in the Atlantic basin in April.
Text two: Ana was the only recorded tropical cyclone recorded in the Atlantic basin in April.
Output: Text one
Text one: A part of block ciphers use the process, including Data Encryption Standard.
Text two: A part of block ciphers use the process, including Data Encryption Standard.
Output: Text one
Text one: Following the murder of Van Gogh, tens of thousands gathered in the center of Amsterdam to mourn Van Gogh's death.
Text two: Following the murder of Van Gogh, tens of thousands gathered in Amsterdam to mourn Van Gogh's death.
Output: Text two
Text one: The municipality has about 5700 local residents.
Text two: The municipality has about 5700 local residents.
Output: Text one
Text one: Ironically, this antagonistic relationship between Rick and Vyvyan makes them virtually inseparable, as the two spend by far more time together than with the other housemates.
Text two: Rick and Vyvyan are inseparable. As the two spend more time than with other housemates.
Output: Text two
Text one: It is the county seat of Washington County, and, by many definitions, the largest city in a region known as Western Maryland.
Text two: It is the county seat of Washington County. By many definitions, it is also the largest city in Western Maryland.
Output: Text two
Text one: The low was in an area favorable for development. A tropical cyclone formation alert was made shortly after the low formed.
Text two: The low was in an area favorable for development. A tropical cyclone formation alert was made shortly after the low formed.
Output: Text one
Text one: 1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard by the International Organization for Standardization and defines codes for country names, dependent territories, and areas of interest.
Text two: 1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard by the International Organization for Standardization and defines codes for country names, dependent territories, and areas of interest.
Output: Text one
Text one: Mariano José de Larra can be found in the Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Text two: Mariano José de Larra can be found in the Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Output: Text one
Text one: A side project is a project undertaken by one or more persons known for their involvement in another band.
Text two: A side project is a project undertaken by one or more persons known for their involvement in another band.
Output: Text one
Text one: From about 200 to 30 million years ago, the North American Plate was in continual collision with the Farallon Plate.
Text two: The North American and Farallon Plates were said to have continually collided 30 to 200 million years ago.
Output: Text two
Text one: Neodymium is a chemical element with the symbol Nd and atomic number 60.
Text two: Neodymium is a chemical element. Its symbol is Nd. Its atomic number is 60.
Output: Text two
Text one: After she has finished her wrestling career, James plans to own a farm and be an equine trainer.
Text two: After she has finished with wrestling, James plans to own a farm and be a horse trainer.
Output: Text two
Text one: A night shift is a group of workers who work during the night. It can also describe the period in which they work.
Text two: A night shift is a group of workers who work during the night. It can also describe the period in which they work.
Output: Text one
Text one: Landsberg prison is in the west of the town. It was completed in 1910.
Text two: Landsberg prison is in the west of the town. It was completed in 1910.
Output: Text one
Text one: The team's name originated from the burning of Atlanta led by U. S. Army general William Sherman during the American Civil War.
Text two: The team's name came from the burning of Atlanta led by William Sherman during the American Civil War.
Output: Text two
Text one: What the Spaniards then called "chocolatl" was a beverage consisting of a chocolate base flavored with vanilla and other spices. The drink was served cold.
Text two: What the Spaniards then called "chocolatl" was a beverage consisting of a chocolate base flavored with vanilla and other spices. The drink was served cold.
Output: Text one
Text one: Lascaux is the setting of a complex of caves in southwestern France famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings.
Text two: Lascaux is the setting of a complex of caves in southwestern France. It is famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings.
Output: Text two
Text one: It has the red cross of Saint George who is the patron saint of England). It is edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick who is patron saint of Ireland. These are superimposed on the Saltire of Saint Andrew who is patron saint of Scotland).
Text two: It has the red cross of Saint George who is the patron saint of England). It is edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick who is patron saint of Ireland. These are superimposed on the Saltire of Saint Andrew who is patron saint of Scotland).
Output: Text one
Text one: It is situated 44 miles (71 km) northeast of Pittsburgh, along the east bank of the Allegheny River.
Text two: It is 44 miles (71 km) northeast of Pittsburgh. It is along the eastern bank of the Allegheny River.
Output: Text two
Text one: It was found and named by astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2003.
Text two: It was found and named by astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2003.
Output: Text one
Text one: In 1961, she made her Metropolitan Opera debut as Aida; the following year she made her debut at the Royal Opera House with the same role.
Text two: In 1961, she made her debut as Aida at the Metropolitan Opera. In 1962, she made her debut at the Royal Opera House as Aida again.
Output: Text two
Text one: She starred in Series 3's "Smith and Jones." It was broadcast in the UK in 2007.
Text two: She starred in Series 3's "Smith and Jones." It was broadcast in the UK in 2007.
Output: Text one
Text one: Rated an F0 tornado, it moved through Brunswick, Georgia were it broke trees and caused some roof damage.
Text two: Rated an F0 tornado, it moved through Brunswick, Georgia were it broke trees and caused some roof damage.
Output: Text one
Text one: Ballan Primary School was founded on 8 January 1855.
Text two: Ballan Primary School was founded on 8 January 1855.
Output: Text one
Text one: They would later return to the revived series in the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor", introducing two new variants of the race; the Cyber-Shades and the Cyber-King.
Text two: They later returned to the revived series in the Christmas Special, introducing new variants of the race. The Cyber-Shades and Cyber-King.
Output: Text two
Text one: North West Cape is a large peninsula of land in the north west coast of Western Australia.
Text two: North West Cape is a large peninsula of land. It is in the north west coast of Western Australia.
Output: Text two
Text one: The museum and Pearson Field, along with the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, are part of the Vancouver National Historic Reserve.
Text two: The museum, Pearson Field and the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site are all part of the Vancouver National Historic Reserve.
Output: Text two
Text one: At Saturday Night's Main Event, Batista won a six man tag match with Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley taking on King Booker, Finlay, and Mark Henry.
Text two: At Saturday Night's Main Event, Batista won a six man tag match with Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley against King Booker, Finlay, and Mark Henry.
Output: Text two
Text one: A large proportion of block ciphers use the scheme, including the Data Encryption Standard (DES).
Text two: Many block ciphers use the scheme, including the Data Encryption Standard (DES).
Output: Text two
Text one: The last name Christian is an Anglicization of the Manx name McCrystyn.
Text two: The last name Christian is an Anglicization of the Manx name McCrystyn.
Output: Text one
Text one: Individual songs from some of the operettas have become standards, notably "Vilja" from The Merry Widow and "You Are My Heart's Delight" ("Dein ist mein ganzes Herz") from The Land of Smiles.
Text two: Individual songs like "Vilja" and "You Are My Heart's Delight" from the operettas have become standards.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Boosh soon made The Mighty Boosh, Arctic Boosh, and Autoboosh in Edinburgh Fringe.
Text two: The Boosh soon made The Mighty Boosh, Arctic Boosh, and Autoboosh in Edinburgh Fringe.
Output: Text one
Text one: 1849 A battle between German and Danish forces took place near the town on April 23 1849 during the First War of Schleswig.
Text two: During the First War of Schleswig, a battle between the German and Danish forces took place near the town on April 23, 1849.
Output: Text two
Text one: Franklin Delano Roosevelt or FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States.
Text two: Franklin Delano Roosevelt or FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States.
Output: Text one
Text one: Such is in addition, in the coats of arms of some neighboring places.
Text two: It's in the coats of arms in some places.
Output: Text two
Text one: The work is done by eleven departments and institutes with 25-40 staff. The focus is "Stimulating Global Evangelism".
Text two: The work is done by eleven departments and institutes with 25-40 staff. The focus is "Stimulating Global Evangelism".
Output: Text one
Text one: The color's name is derived from the typical color of champagne beverage.
Text two: The color's name is derived from the typical color of champagne beverage.
Output: Text one
Text one: Benjamin Jeremy "Ben" Stein (born November 25, 1944) is an American actor, writer, and commentator on political and economic issues.
Text two: Benjamin Jeremy "Ben" Stein was born on November 25, 1944. He is an American actor, writer, and commentator on political and economic issues.
Output: Text two
Text one: The first fifteen asteroids to be found have been given symbols by astronomers as a type of short-hand notation.
Text two: The first fifteen asteroids to be found have been given symbols by astronomers as a type of short-hand notation.
Output: Text one
Text one: Some embedded systems are predominantly interrupt controlled.
Text two: Some embedded systems are predominantly interrupt controlled.
Output: Text one
Text one: Ornithologist Richard Zann died in the Kinglake fire, along with his wife Eileen and daughter Eva.
Text two: Ornithologist Richard Zann died in the Kinglake fire, along with his wife Eileen and daughter Eva.
Output: Text one
Text one: They can be removed for various reasons, like impaired breathing through the nose and chronic infections or earaches.
Text two: They can be removed for various reasons, like impaired breathing through the nose and chronic infections or earaches.
Output: Text one
Text one: The volcano is notorious for its ash explosions.
Text two: The volcano is notorious for its ash explosions.
Output: Text one
Text one: They must try to find a way home by using plotholes to teleport between dimensional realms.
Text two: They must find a way home by teleporting between realms.
Output: Text two
Text one: The name "hornet" is used for this species because they make aerial nests.
Text two: The name "hornet" is used for this species because they make aerial nests.
Output: Text one
Text one: There was an outsourcing of baked goods because of aggressive expansion and expanded menu.
Text two: There was an outsourcing of baked goods because of aggressive expansion and expanded menu.
Output: Text one
Text one: However, some performances connected to the festival take place before and after the official dates.
Text two: However, some festival performances are before and after the official dates.
Output: Text two
Text one: The Manchu ethnicity has largely been assimilated with the Han Chinese.
Text two: The Manchu ethnicity has mostly integrated with the Han Chinese.
Output: Text two
Text one: Two and a Half Men is an American television sitcom, which premiered on CBS on Monday, September 22, 2003.
Text two: Two and a Half Men is an American television series. It first played on CBS in 2003.
Output: Text two
Text one: Players must aim with the iron sights if they want to score good on medium and long range.
Text two: Players must aim with the iron sights if they want to score good on medium and long range.
Output: Text one
Text one: INVEST or Storm 91C, was an unusual weather event of 2006.
Text two: The odd weather event for 2006 was the INVEST. It was also known as Storm 91C.
Output: Text two
Text one: According to "Business" magazine there were 15 million adults who could not read that were employed as the 21st century began.
Text two: According to "Business" magazine there were 15 million adults who could not read that were employed as the 21st century began.
Output: Text one
Text one: In this group there are species of the most venomous snakes.
Text two: In this group there are species of the most venomous snakes.
Output: Text one
Text one: While the weight of matter is entirely dependent upon the strength of gravity, the mass of matter is invariant.
Text two: While the weight of matter is dependent on the strength of gravity, it's mass is not changing.
Output: Text two
Text one: Extensions were added in 1980 at both ends of the Bloor-Danforth Line.
Text two: Both ends of the Bloor-Danforth Line got extensions.
Output: Text two
Text one: This split the tigers into two separately developing groups.
Text two: This split the tigers into two separately developing groups.
Output: Text one
Text one: Gordon Peter Moakes (born 22 June 1976) is an English multi-instrumentalist and backing singer for English Indie rock band Bloc Party.
Text two: Gordon Peter Moakes is an English multi-instrumentalist. He is also a back-up singer for the English Indie rock band Bloc Party.
Output: Text two
Text one: They will float to the top platform level and then go down to harass and attack Zub.
Text two: They will float to the top platform level and then go down to harass and attack Zub.
Output: Text one
Text one: It was released on January 21, 2003 and garnered DVDX awards for best animated feature, best director, best editing, and best musical score.
Text two: When it was released in 2003 it got the DVDX awards for best animated feature, best director, best editing, and best musical score.
Output: Text two
Text one: They would later return to the revived series in the 2008 Christmas Special "The Next Doctor", introducing two new variants of the race; the Cyber-Shades and the Cyber-King.
Text two: They brought back the series in a Christmas special "The Next Doctor." It aired in 2008. The Cyber-Shades and Cyber-King made their first appearances.
Output: Text two
Text one: Scientists believe the African spiny mice are more related to gerbils than to common mice.
Text two: Scientists believe the African spiny mice are more related to gerbils than to common mice.
Output: Text one
Text one: Protestants view justification as the line that divided them from Roman Catholics during the Reformation.
Text two: Protestants view justification as the line that divided them from Roman Catholics during the Reformation.
Output: Text one
Text one: In March 2001, the World Wrestling Federation purchased World Championship Wrestling.
Text two: The World Wrestling Federation purchased World Championship Wrestling in March 2001.
Output: Text two
Text one: Fire Salamanders can have a very long lifespan.
Text two: Fire salamanders can live a long time.
Output: Text two
Text one: Very few consumers of bi-porn identify as gay.
Text two: Not many consumers of bi-porn consider themselves to be gay.
Output: Text two
Text one: Boxing, amateur wrestling, puroresu, mixed martial arts and fencing are examples of combat sports.
Text two: Some examples of combat sports are boxing, amateur wrestling, puroresu, fencing and mixed martial arts.
Output: Text two
Text one: Leonard Bernstein and Leopold Stokowski were among the guest conductors who led the orchestra between 1948 and 1952.
Text two: Leonard Bernstein and Leopold Stokowski were among the guest conductors who led the orchestra between 1948 and 1952.
Output: Text one
Text one: Combined oral contraceptive use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40% and the risk of endometrial cancer by 50% compared to never users.
Text two: Combined oral contraceptive use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40% and the risk of endometrial cancer by 50% compared to people who don't use one..
Output: Text two
Text one: Its authorship is generally attributed to a person named Obadiah, which means “servant (or worshipper) of the Lord ”.
Text two: It is mostly believed to be written by Obadiah, which means “servant (or worshipper) of the Lord ”.
Output: Text two
Text one: After Napier initially gained military control of the region by forcing an agreement with the Sindh Amirs, his forces attacked the fortress at Imamgarh.
Text two: Napier gained military control of the region by forcing an agreement with the Sindh Amirs. Then, his forces attacked the fortress at Imamgarh.
Output: Text two
Text one: It was a pursuit of simplicity and economy for Disney and is now regarded as an animation classic.
Text two: It was a pursuit of simplicity and economy for Disney and is now regarded as an animation classic.
Output: Text one
Text one: According to The Sun, Heyman wrote the brand's scripts and gave them to writers for possible changes, and then to Vince McMahon for final approval.
Text two: According to The Sun, Heyman wrote the brand's scripts and gave them to writers for possible changes, and then to Vince McMahon for final approval.
Output: Text one
Text one: Tazz defeated Al Snow (5: 20). Tazz forced Snow to submit with the Tazzmission.
Text two: Tazz defeated Al Snow (5: 20). Tazz forced Snow to submit with the Tazzmission.
Output: Text one
Text one: James plans to own a farm and train horses after her wrestling career.
Text two: James plans to own a farm and train horses after her wrestling career.
Output: Text one
Text one: It became known as the "Water Ski Capital of the World" because many of the sport's landmark "firsts" and over 50 world records were broken there.
Text two: It was called the "Water Ski Capital of the World" because many of the sport's landmark "firsts" and over 50 world records were broken there.
Output: Text two
Text one: After the end of the Soviet Union in December 1991, Honecker found a safe place in the Chilean embassy in Moscow, but was handed over to Germany by the Yeltsin in 1992.
Text two: After the end of the Soviet Union in December 1991, Honecker found a safe place in the Chilean embassy in Moscow, but was handed over to Germany by the Yeltsin in 1992.
Output: Text one
Text one: They tried to overthrow in 1915. The Lahore conspiracy trials continued to attract the people's notice.
Text two: They tried to overthrow in 1915. The Lahore conspiracy trials continued to attract the people's notice.
Output: Text one
Text one: They will float to the top platform level and then go down to harass and attack Zub.
Text two: They will float to the top platform level and then go down to harass and attack Zub.
Output: Text one
Text one: He is a brilliant scientist and researcher with vast intelligence and insight into mutant genetics.
Text two: He is a brilliant scientist and researcher. He has intelligence and insight into mutant genetics.
Output: Text two
Text one: Gun dogs Gun dogs are used primarily by small game hunters using shotguns.
Text two: Gun dogs are mostly used by small game hunters.
Output: Text two
Text one: Burrendong Arboretum is a safe place for endangered Australian plants. It is 1.60 km ² in size.
Text two: Burrendong Arboretum is a safe place for endangered Australian plants. It is 1.60 km ² in size.
Output: Text one
Text one: Further, the term "The Celsius or Centigrade thermometer" was again used in reference to a particular type of thermometer at least as early as 1850.
Text two: Further, the term "The Celsius or Centigrade thermometer" was again used for a type of thermometer as early as 1850.
Output: Text two
Text one: The "Angels" comes from their original home city, Los Angeles.
Text two: The "Angels" comes from their original home city, Los Angeles.
Output: Text one |
In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to find the mean (average) of that list. The mean of a list can be found by summing every number in the list then dividing the result by the size of that list. The output should be rounded to 3 decimal places.
Input: [60.37, 154.572, 207.762, 220.028, 56.028, -21.661]
Ans: 112.85
Input: [-11.767, -87.662, 136.049, 46.322, 53.541]
Ans: 27.297
Input: [107.428, -85.412, 100.879, 236.827, 242.768, 84.249]
Ans: 114.456
Input: [47.009, 157.824, 193.279, 172.282]
Ans: 142.598
Input: [-84.948, 141.903, 172.802, 217.268]
Ans: 111.756
Input: [-19.159, 128.529, 167.037, 114.455, -97.409, 67.038]
Ans: 60.082
Input: [165.855, -46.253, 33.638, 0.607, 115.867, -80.438, 44.832, 127.015, 204.325, 154.151]
Ans: 71.96
Input: [-38.265, 153.05, 57.987, 121.07, 212.804, -70.335, 234.799, 174.937, -75.684, 28.975]
Ans: 79.934
Input: [102.137, 68.215, 58.59, 33.217, 66.776, 139.924, 54.927, -5.843, 207.756, 233.008]
Ans: 95.871
Input: [-85.019, 112.689, -26.082, 206.652, 174.103, 30.316, 139.997, 248.12, 117.027]
Ans: 101.978
Input: [-49.56, -67.173, 81.09, 160.544, 180.924]
Ans: 61.165
Input: [131.411, 161.606, 206.651, 7.559, 31.125, 58.299, 242.071, -50.712, 0.718]
Ans: 87.636
Input: [-75.441, -1.051, 96.771]
Ans: 6.76
Input: [25.58, 99.319, 165.429]
Ans: 96.776
Input: [93.869, 159.558, 192.549, 93.476, -40.309, -24.447, -22.307]
Ans: 64.627
Input: [-20.289, -75.285, 177.907]
Ans: 27.444
Input: [-15.345, -96.039, 150.077, 22.109, 137.321, 162.873]
Ans: 60.166
Input: [111.463, 49.577, 20.786, -88.836]
Ans: 23.248
Input: [-33.269, 67.423, 66.702, 77.302, -35.234, 92.894, 123.068, -78.573, 123.346, 122.928]
Ans: 52.659
Input: [-54.367, -89.769, 132.37, 189.697, 54.778, 153.995]
Ans: 64.451
Input: [-27.734, -69.975, 242.123]
Ans: 48.138
Input: [-9.355, 74.387, 197.588, 158.546, 169.913, 142.404, 9.344, 104.466, 23.51, -12.47]
Ans: 85.833
Input: [14.122, 177.183, 32.71, -63.278, 96.489]
Ans: 51.445
Input: [-16.652, 0.354, 3.632, 38.943, -68.292]
Ans: -8.403
Input: [-75.98, 50.664, -40.114, 33.534, 147.549]
Ans: 23.131
Input: [127.43, 26.368, -3.244, -44.32, -16.2, -89.489, 136.82]
Ans: 19.624
Input: [-3.07, 84.881, -71.71, 233.544, -77.459, 231.383, 71.796, 189.943, 98.833, -62.965]
Ans: 69.518
Input: [71.005, 83.808, 237.969, 242.406, 159.984]
Ans: 159.034
Input: [193.756, 55.407, 125.573, 43.137, -98.689, 133.615, 242.75]
Ans: 99.364
Input: [-59.938, 12.276]
Ans: -23.831
Input: [233.581, -61.083, 38.603]
Ans: 70.367
Input: [-42.657, 223.632, 190.748, 118.681, 234.975, 102.985, 240.288, 15.492, 48.071]
Ans: 125.802
Input: [38.459, -46.303, 155.479, 145.619, 154.178, 205.646, -99.859]
Ans: 79.031
Input: [31.787, 236.049, -29.286]
Ans: 79.517
Input: [160.855, -13.065, -94.447]
Ans: 17.781
Input: [225.225, 136.237, 86.8, 66.145, 204.966, 11.107, 236.475, 1.077]
Ans: 121.004
Input: [188.531, 203.662, -68.638]
Ans: 107.852
Input: [22.104, 133.459, 92.99, -28.152, 199.669, 81.646]
Ans: 83.619
Input: [165.026, -21.443, 83.393, -53.913, -85.678, 70.331, 93.359, 164.983, 150.174]
Ans: 62.915
Input: [171.654, 131.424, 59.906, 168.252, 28.876, -0.525]
Ans: 93.264
Input: [196.139, 54.042, 76.027, 103.571]
Ans: 107.445
Input: [177.144, 69.872]
Ans: 123.508
Input: [132.06, 66.966, 109.216, 52.337]
Ans: 90.145
Input: [115.699, -97.203]
Ans: 9.248
Input: [193.506, 145.362, 144.533, -14.497, 22.442, -5.632, -5.134]
Ans: 68.654
Input: [60.906, 170.092, 173.152]
Ans: 134.717
Input: [11.014, 180.327, 132.873, 79.311, -63.044, 6.042, 13.948, 218.273, -28.381]
Ans: 61.151
Input: [-27.722, -35.758, 83.995, -7.374, 60.825, 165.182]
Ans: 39.858
Input: [30.836, -5.848, 31.936]
Ans: 18.975
Input: [-65.139, -31.824, 217.559, 124.33]
Ans: 61.232
Input: [-48.551, -24.867, -28.454, 118.464, 113.012, 113.214, 241.775, 19.157, 198.242]
Ans: 77.999
Input: [152.826, 128.15, 58.05, 117.052, 18.302, 0.717]
Ans: 79.183
Input: [142.803, 128.511, 6.021, 7.531, 140.545]
Ans: 85.082
Input: [60.119, 36.842, 127.284, 192.669, -29.22, 197.72, -78.172, 102.235]
Ans: 76.185
Input: [-7.006, -64.467, -16.842, 47.282, 144.479]
Ans: 20.689
Input: [234.272, 196.413, -92.425]
Ans: 112.753
Input: [117.877, 132.169, 56.381, 30.113]
Ans: 84.135
Input: [191.023, -82.449, 205.733, 222.567, 173.38, 144.076]
Ans: 142.388
Input: [157.69, 64.358, 111.954, 3.724, 111.586, 238.595, -23.489]
Ans: 94.917
Input: [193.756, 55.407, 125.573, 43.137, -98.689, 133.615, 242.75]
Ans: 99.364
Input: [-84.323, 103.98, 130.165, 248.69, 201.98, 160.383, 196.963, 176.567, 216.351, 18.029]
Ans: 136.879
Input: [39.279, 177.085, 6.468, -68.78, -5.472, -0.806, 235.722, 7.402]
Ans: 48.862
Input: [-89.318, 247.959, 25.441, -92.763, 172.246, -57.286, 181.58]
Ans: 55.408
Input: [46.64, 116.356, 31.237, -44.559, 114.819, 151.648, 67.54, -42.202, 80.551, -84.562]
Ans: 43.747
Input: [236.788, -67.805, 167.544, -44.744, -77.372, 116.16, 1.919, -52.538, 7.464, -57.925]
Ans: 22.949
Input: [186.587, 21.736, 180.639, 51.066]
Ans: 110.007
Input: [233.742, -71.075]
Ans: 81.333
Input: [125.67, 5.514, 161.93, 107.05, 118.949, 233.815, 230.211]
Ans: 140.448
Input: [42.538, 192.309, 225.613, -38.552, -60.662]
Ans: 72.249
Input: [145.159, -40.366, -43.71, 249.425]
Ans: 77.627
Input: [20.191, -54.91, 19.381, -4.587, -31.613, -11.765, 198.59, 101.529]
Ans: 29.602
Input: [65.736, 236.475, 147.285, 42.065, 57.101]
Ans: 109.732
Input: [90.21, 237.481, 235.732, 192.699]
Ans: 189.031
Input: [166.521, -48.271, 123.84, 217.273, -37.637]
Ans: 84.345
Input: [53.391, 118.782, 102.742]
Ans: 91.638
Input: [-5.696, 66.229, -87.844, 158.917, -53.637, 98.651]
Ans: 29.437
Input: [-38.926, 223.348]
Ans: 92.211
Input: [167.54, 105.914, -70.961, 209.763, 17.502, 126.98, 237.014]
Ans: 113.393
Input: [-84.97, 158.563, 27.96, 41.849, -2.101, 35.984, 57.271, 148.387]
Ans: 47.868
Input: [147.263, 61.676, 51.862]
Ans: 86.934
Input: [236.964, -16.696, 244.268, -89.543, 8.392, 238.854, 71.103, -80.021, 148.528]
Ans: 84.65
Input: [200.155, 27.505, 76.27, -69.95]
Ans: 58.495
Input: [56.782, 188.37, 93.589]
Ans: 112.914
Input: [182.441, 58.468, 209.229, 249.908, 32.346, 30.442]
Ans: 127.139
Input: [-65.066, -45.439, 30.554, 231.578]
Ans: 37.907
Input: [-47.202, 46.442, 112.697, 111.578, 177.044, -71.157, 131.761]
Ans: 65.88
Input: [105.521, 59.253, 117.012, 129.965, 95.155]
Ans: 101.381
Input: [232.585, 226.948]
Ans: 229.766
Input: [-53.47, 66.093, 164.023, 248.27]
Ans: 106.229
Input: [72.594, 168.59, -54.46, 46.88, 125.084]
Ans: 71.738
Input: [-80.23, -64.886, 14.991, -75.9]
Ans: -51.506
Input: [114.888, 45.097, -68.575, 239.321, 47.876, 121.635]
Ans: 83.374
Input: [141.554, 211.997, 146.939, 123.283, -58.205]
Ans: 113.114
Input: [67.167, 211.8, 234.299, 1.436, -39.638, 32.48, 4.307]
Ans: 73.122
Input: [107.854, 107.34, 77.982]
Ans: 97.725
Input: [203.186, -48.324, 84.872, 150.666, 217.672, 140.349, -68.885]
Ans: 97.077
Input: [131.411, 161.606, 206.651, 7.559, 31.125, 58.299, 242.071, -50.712, 0.718]
Ans: 87.636
Input: [216.778, 97.568, -38.002]
Ans: 92.115
Input: [241.99, 85.211, 6.182, 0.457, 228.909, -15.889]
Ans: 91.143
Input: [54.252, 6.777, 90.081, 142.803]
Ans: 73.478
Input: [-29.54, 204.237]
Ans: 87.348
Input: [80.803, 65.546, 76.403, -70.123, 170.782, 214.183, 140.971, 152.912]
Ans: 103.935
Input: [-0.397, 34.399, -13.497, -14.222, -35.751, -17.127, 125.508]
Ans: 11.273
Input: [-5.696, 66.229, -87.844, 158.917, -53.637, 98.651]
Ans: 29.437
Input: [58.197, -49.495, -29.337, 64.749, -17.774, 14.023, -28.494, 166.939, 138.524, 43.757]
Ans: 36.109
Input: [-74.732, 85.225, 17.913, -35.834, 12.561, -23.102, 167.348, 199.993, 168.679, 231.692]
Ans: 74.974
Input: [19.66, 77.859, -40.301, 103.668, 88.788, 77.935, 157.158, 187.661]
Ans: 84.054
Input: [97.872, 19.182, 103.241, 68.451, 4.369]
Ans: 58.623
Input: [24.058, -52.718, 216.5, 119.501, -96.531]
Ans: 42.162
Input: [208.919, -76.778, 146.946]
Ans: 93.029
Input: [126.199, 150.268, 51.786, -84.338, 103.884, -75.673, 51.738, 147.685, 246.451, 79.241]
Ans: 79.724
Input: [120.851, -87.912, 63.802]
Ans: 32.247
Input: [69.468, 238.468, 129.245, 52.742, 124.256, 38.897, 7.2, 112.203]
Ans: 96.56
Input: [-94.132, 34.256, -10.866]
Ans: -23.581
Input: [36.507, 88.236, 175.062, 47.782]
Ans: 86.897
Input: [175.27, -60.238, 168.766, -97.844, 114.822, -71.094, 153.536, 183.657]
Ans: 70.859
Input: [140.849, 113.06, 64.078, 194.793, -43.06, -28.691, 63.977]
Ans: 72.144
Input: [198.239, 45.107, 121.978, 18.939, 26.34, 44.343, -90.294, 104.135, -25.865]
Ans: 49.214
Input: [50.509, -86.99, 195.287, -94.237, -88.852, 159.071, 62.31, 236.829, 166.143]
Ans: 66.674
Input: [-52.79, -98.806, 233.869, 211.453]
Ans: 73.432
Input: [-40.904, 153.618, 212.733, -60.996, 150.843]
Ans: 83.059
Input: [237.501, 67.08, 13.857]
Ans: 106.146
Input: [191.796, 24.742, 60.847, -55.812, -15.205, 210.884, 5.463, 84.361]
Ans: 63.384
Input: [23.364, -12.72, 113.651, -6.767, -25.577, 174.241]
Ans: 44.365
Input: [165.465, 128.131]
Ans: 146.798
Input: [233.719, 11.512, 159.737, -55.121, 2.157]
Ans: 70.401
Input: [48.122, -2.158, 12.547, -39.257, -62.936, 120.37, 133.697, 68.132, 93.801]
Ans: 41.369
Input: [-61.761, -14.678]
Ans: -38.22
Input: [-49.246, -51.453, -22.548, 204.834, 87.783, 116.318, 239.339, -26.778, 114.626, 148.164]
Ans: 76.104
Input: [72.745, 199.158, 161.157, 152.862]
Ans: 146.48
Input: [188.835, 4.769, 77.899, 173.178, -98.747]
Ans: 69.187
Input: [8.497, -25.504, -73.589]
Ans: -30.199
Input: [40.735, 180.126, 212.447]
Ans: 144.436
Input: [201.059, -91.982, 34.307, 22.568, 181.399, -13.055, 220.963, 114.027, 128.754]
Ans: 88.671
Input: [-52.79, -98.806, 233.869, 211.453]
Ans: 73.432
Input: [235.574, 0.607, 167.596, 31.314, -52.565]
Ans: 76.505
Input: [136.899, 214.629]
Ans: 175.764
Input: [162.999, -60.454, 163.656, -99.591, -15.11, 216.178, 166.981, 194.967, 5.164]
Ans: 81.643
Input: [161.907, -96.805, 55.916, 55.05, 54.597]
Ans: 46.133
Input: [-51.199, -66.219]
Ans: -58.709
Input: [-25.972, -50.621, -29.364, 33.0, 174.639, 55.518, 2.267, 157.02, 178.689]
Ans: 55.02
Input: [49.319, 81.528, -74.362, 101.648, 76.452, 45.877, 242.448, 150.207, -70.206, -55.065]
Ans: 54.785
Input: [13.444, 219.598, 148.905]
Ans: 127.316
Input: [179.151, 227.996, 83.825, -76.177, 189.178, 180.917, 233.24, 57.713, -48.965]
Ans: 114.098
Input: [-74.139, -62.711, 83.1, 211.243, -2.696, 30.722, 79.262, 230.335]
Ans: 61.89
Input: [114.555, 70.394]
Ans: 92.474
Input: [-72.377, 178.135, -14.775, -94.499, -64.974, 209.551]
Ans: 23.51
Input: [28.283, -38.113]
Ans: -4.915
Input: [199.358, 192.848, -22.704, 141.997]
Ans: 127.875
Input: [127.703, -82.203, 53.438]
Ans: 32.979
Input: [130.739, 36.207, 93.723, -45.692, -50.344, 174.545, 237.981, -53.065]
Ans: 65.512
Input: [5.73, 32.035, 29.325, 224.168, 169.969]
Ans: 92.245
Input: [238.695, -32.75, -11.325, -41.57, -47.99, 164.697, 218.758, 86.814, 176.681]
Ans: 83.557
Input: [14.953, 7.068, 163.091, 242.816, 162.079, 133.882]
Ans: 120.648
Input: [247.206, 219.694, -46.551, -8.901, 16.075, 247.831]
Ans: 112.559
Input: [61.685, 235.803, 101.887, 132.226, 225.839, -80.401, -62.015, 99.305]
Ans: 89.291
Input: [107.436, 144.094, 193.5, 158.151, -52.719, 69.977, -43.237]
Ans: 82.457
Input: [22.656, -87.751, 78.046]
Ans: 4.317
Input: [-44.467, 86.159, -43.999, 148.282, 177.87, 116.57, 129.645, 105.238]
Ans: 84.412
Input: [32.131, 116.887, 66.741, 218.719, 106.049, -93.999]
Ans: 74.421
Input: [-31.233, 68.571, 195.487, 108.423, 212.897]
Ans: 110.829
Input: [50.45, 54.627, 114.736, -12.781, 143.789, 18.589, -67.676, -30.697, 25.542]
Ans: 32.953
Input: [84.166, 81.558, -89.721]
Ans: 25.334
Input: [114.041, 53.494, 14.751, -0.392, -70.081, 116.8, 1.044, -50.731]
Ans: 22.366
Input: [200.289, 141.295, 69.557, 143.508, -49.059, 150.027, 39.627, 104.639, -13.318, -28.732]
Ans: 75.783
Input: [148.383, 51.114, -14.07, 246.557, 231.575, -75.815, 180.515, 158.734, 57.834, 197.967]
Ans: 118.279
Input: [147.963, 63.529]
Ans: 105.746
Input: [56.057, 30.348, 22.204, 223.101, 202.967, 93.387]
Ans: 104.677
Input: [130.24, 7.735, 123.557]
Ans: 87.177
Input: [248.385, -40.468, -97.132]
Ans: 36.928
Input: [-13.67, -10.677, 143.161, 202.44, 159.612, -30.358, 175.917]
Ans: 89.489
Input: [-27.223, 144.738, 134.533, 213.727, -72.707, 61.629, -96.294, 94.71, -61.109]
Ans: 43.556
Input: [171.364, -2.505, -96.795, 220.557]
Ans: 73.155
Input: [-63.303, 176.359, 189.446, 122.223, 191.856, -4.463, 58.105]
Ans: 95.746
Input: [29.833, 170.246, 222.43, -87.927, -70.09, 8.335, 90.479, -22.306]
Ans: 42.625
Input: [53.391, 118.782, 102.742]
Ans: 91.638
Input: [8.919, 109.327, -10.073, -95.031, -17.822, 51.269]
Ans: 7.765
Input: [197.152, -4.379, -5.78, 121.353, 98.321, 238.091]
Ans: 107.46
Input: [191.966, 151.181, -27.921, -97.851]
Ans: 54.344
Input: [126.658, -72.552, 194.637, 110.031, -58.383, 46.234, 145.996]
Ans: 70.374
Input: [232.281, 42.702, 174.269, 57.0, 104.365, 136.219, 155.583, 10.413]
Ans: 114.104
Input: [46.452, 143.923, -52.893, 205.541, -89.445, 243.088, -11.647, 29.934, 70.663]
Ans: 65.068
Input: [-81.696, 10.019]
Ans: -35.838
Input: [66.743, 156.936, 197.214, 118.73, 13.044, -94.04, -61.492, -93.247, -84.294, 16.947]
Ans: 23.654
Input: [180.829, 49.001, 147.634]
Ans: 125.821
Input: [128.328, 20.497, 96.178, 237.663, 80.568, 109.722]
Ans: 112.159
Input: [-37.144, -55.265, 138.837, 117.883, 237.067, 59.077, 48.214]
Ans: 72.667
Input: [38.418, 160.909, -2.36, 88.783, 234.261, -12.12]
Ans: 84.648
Input: [215.561, -18.128]
Ans: 98.716
Input: [163.85, 231.97, 242.912, 109.111, 91.756]
Ans: 167.92
Input: [-38.265, 153.05, 57.987, 121.07, 212.804, -70.335, 234.799, 174.937, -75.684, 28.975]
Ans: 79.934
Input: [186.256, 170.654, 79.654, 97.597, -92.038, 86.322]
Ans: 88.074
Input: [43.85, -69.445, 10.276, 128.513, -12.443, -67.056, 20.736, 80.301, -37.54, 174.27]
Ans: 27.146
Input: [-40.079, 236.153, -31.732, 249.775, 92.304, -73.536, 95.181]
Ans: 75.438
Input: [75.0, 101.313, 116.392, -0.366, 212.221, 138.735, 204.051, 207.851, 246.71]
Ans: 144.656
Input: [41.381, 177.931, -72.607, 40.545, 195.056, 140.831, 16.763, -74.56, -70.278]
Ans: 43.896
Input: [99.431, -0.986, -97.815, 83.097, 183.282, 61.416, -26.114, -8.399, -8.236, -67.816]
Ans: 21.786
Input: [144.721, 240.842, -61.62, 128.1, 66.188, 74.919, 214.142, 186.413, 215.112]
Ans: 134.313
Input: [118.367, 16.948, 51.017, 145.402, 195.233, 217.214, -61.421]
Ans: 97.537
Input: [-96.341, 77.453, 129.709, -32.339, 126.983, -59.527, -0.485]
Ans: 20.779
Input: [86.723, 64.487, -59.274, 239.54, -44.729, 53.632, 209.626, -83.67, 103.072]
Ans: 63.267
Input: [99.278, 72.353, -21.292]
Ans: 50.113
Input: [166.467, 133.884, 188.261, 235.204, -77.596, -56.129]
Ans: 98.348
Input: [244.454, -60.861, 12.995, 143.486, 203.163, 215.813, 72.241, 102.645]
Ans: 116.742
Input: [114.041, 53.494, 14.751, -0.392, -70.081, 116.8, 1.044, -50.731]
Ans: 22.366
Input: [-2.218, -45.899, 213.366]
Ans: 55.083
Input: [66.873, 218.261, 149.615, 131.278, -21.292, -15.403, 246.959]
Ans: 110.899
Input: [47.768, -17.892]
Ans: 14.938
Input: [202.864, 18.484, -52.621, 18.206, -93.354, 194.237, -50.867]
Ans: 33.85
Input: [-84.948, 141.903, 172.802, 217.268]
Ans: 111.756
Input: [20.574, 6.221, 203.153, -18.397, -97.477, -81.954, 173.713, 161.705, 62.545, 74.868]
Ans: 50.495
Input: [148.784, 235.3, 239.053]
Ans: 207.712
Input: [226.433, 123.195, 42.792]
Ans: 130.807
Input: [234.404, 162.933, 178.375, 10.683, 181.727, -50.587, 169.507, -72.896, 168.06, 238.363]
Ans: 122.057
Input: [112.638, 131.471, -68.982, 243.149, -30.086, 28.129, 15.18, 175.322]
Ans: 75.853 |
Possible labels:
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
Question: Set1: '{2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}', Set2: '{7, 8, 10, 13, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{1, 13}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 13, 20, 5}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 7, 11, 14, 15}', Set2: '{1, 11, 15, 16, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{1, 9, 11, 12, 14}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 14, 16, 17, 19}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 19}', Set2: '{1, 4, 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 13, 6}', Set2: '{8, 5}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 12, 14, 18}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 18, 20}', Set2: '{8, 11, 3, 12}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{8, 14}', Set2: '{15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{16, 9, 14, 8}', Set2: '{1, 4, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 5, 8, 12, 15}', Set2: '{3, 5, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{9, 3, 12, 7}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{6}', Set2: '{14}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{16, 1, 2, 6}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{12, 4}', Set2: '{5, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19}', Set2: '{19, 11}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{8, 19, 12}', Set2: '{1, 8, 12, 13, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{18, 7}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{11}', Set2: '{3, 6, 11, 12, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{17, 18, 5, 14}', Set2: '{16, 2, 3, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{16, 2, 20}', Set2: '{3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{8, 19}', Set2: '{16, 1, 11, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{19, 20, 14, 15}', Set2: '{3, 20, 6, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{4, 13, 14, 7}', Set2: '{3, 12, 14}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 9, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{17, 4, 5, 7}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15}', Set2: '{2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19}', Set2: '{6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 18}', Set2: '{3, 9, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14}', Set2: '{8, 17, 1, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 19}', Set2: '{2, 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{9, 3, 12, 7}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{13}', Set2: '{1, 10, 12, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19}', Set2: '{6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17}', Set2: '{2, 19, 14, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{9, 6}', Set2: '{1, 2, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 11, 15}', Set2: '{1, 12, 5, 6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18}', Set2: '{8}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{9, 4, 6}', Set2: '{3, 7, 15, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 14, 19}', Set2: '{11, 15, 16, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{16, 18, 5, 6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 7, 8, 16, 17}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{5, 6, 12, 15, 19, 20}', Set2: '{19, 4}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{3, 4, 6, 9, 14, 20}', Set2: '{3, 6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16}', Set2: '{2, 4, 9, 13, 16}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{3, 9, 10, 14, 16, 20}', Set2: '{4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 5
Question: Set1: '{3, 6, 10, 13, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18}', Set2: '{5, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{17, 18, 5, 14}', Set2: '{16, 2, 3, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{9}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 3, 12}', Set2: '{1, 6, 10, 11, 15, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{17, 10, 14}', Set2: '{8, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15}', Set2: '{17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{15}', Set2: '{2, 3, 7, 12, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{20}', Set2: '{12}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{6, 13, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{10, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{16, 4, 5, 6}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{3, 20}', Set2: '{12}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{5, 7, 12, 15}', Set2: '{1, 10, 19, 4}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20}', Set2: '{9, 11, 12}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{9, 12, 5}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16}', Set2: '{19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17}', Set2: '{3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16}', Set2: '{6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{17, 18, 4, 6}', Set2: '{9}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19}', Set2: '{1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14}', Set2: '{8, 17, 1, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{16}', Set2: '{3, 5, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{4, 11, 13, 16, 19}', Set2: '{20, 14}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{4, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18}', Set2: '{2, 5, 6, 11, 14}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{6, 7, 9, 13, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 4, 5}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{10, 13, 5}', Set2: '{1, 3, 11, 17, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 7, 14, 15, 17}', Set2: '{16, 12, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{19, 17, 3, 12}', Set2: '{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 7}', Set2: '{19, 20, 6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 15}', Set2: '{2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{8, 17, 6}', Set2: '{8, 18, 10, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{8, 19}', Set2: '{16, 1, 11, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{11, 12}', Set2: '{19, 9, 18, 10}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{14, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{6, 14, 15, 16, 18}', Set2: '{1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{2, 6, 9, 12, 16}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{3, 20, 4}', Set2: '{1, 5, 8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{15}', Set2: '{5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{8, 2, 11, 15}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{5}', Set2: '{2, 20, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{12}', Set2: '{1, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{18, 11, 13, 15}', Set2: '{3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{1, 3, 5, 7, 12}', Set2: '{1, 2, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{2, 11, 13, 6}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{15}', Set2: '{1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{16, 4, 5, 6}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{5}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 13}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{6, 13, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{10, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{17}', Set2: '{1, 10, 5, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16}', Set2: '{2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{3}', Set2: '{2, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{9}', Set2: '{2}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{4, 9, 12, 13, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{1, 4, 6, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{4}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{3, 5, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17}', Set2: '{16, 3}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{13}', Set2: '{8, 1, 2, 3}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{8}', Set2: '{3, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 18, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18}', Set2: '{2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{11}', Set2: '{3, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{20, 14}', Set2: '{3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 14, 15, 20}', Set2: '{14, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 19}', Set2: '{5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{2, 10}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{7}', Set2: '{4, 8, 15, 16, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{17, 19, 14, 6}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19}', Set2: '{2, 5, 7, 14, 15, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{11, 20, 14, 15}', Set2: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{7}', Set2: '{16, 8, 6, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 19, 13, 7}', Set2: '{2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20}', Set2: '{8, 9, 11, 13, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{2, 12}', Set2: '{3, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18}', Set2: '{2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{5, 20, 13}', Set2: '{8, 2, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 16, 19}', Set2: '{2, 6, 8, 14, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{2, 5, 7, 15, 16, 17}', Set2: '{4, 7, 8, 10, 17, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{6, 8, 16, 17, 20}', Set2: '{3, 5}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20}', Set2: '{2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18}', Set2: '{1, 6, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{16, 17, 3, 14}', Set2: '{1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{3, 19, 4, 12}', Set2: '{8, 2, 14, 7}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{10, 2}', Set2: '{3, 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{20}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{11}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 17}', Set2: '{6, 14}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 16, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2, 4, 5, 7, 13}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20}', Set2: '{4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19}', Set2: '{2}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 20}', Set2: '{8, 9, 2, 20}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2
Question: Set1: '{1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 18}', Set2: '{3, 5}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{8, 11, 14}', Set2: '{4, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18}', Set2: '{2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{2, 19}', Set2: '{2, 7, 10, 17, 18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{8}', Set2: '{18}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 0
Question: Set1: '{2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19}', Set2: '{3, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 3
Question: Set1: '{5}', Set2: '{1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 1
Question: Set1: '{5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19}', Set2: '{1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 16}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 4
Question: Set1: '{4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17}', Set2: '{9, 11, 12, 17}'. How many elements are there in the intersection of Set1 and Set2 ?
Label: 2 |
Possible labels:
1. aggregation
2. comparative
3. count
4. majority
5. ordinal
6. superlative
7. unique
Example: most_less { all_rows ; population ; 1000 }
Output: majority
Example: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; clay } ; score } ; 7 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; completion % } ; year } ; 2010 }
Output: superlative
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; date ; 23 may 1936 }
Output: majority
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; tiger woods } ; total } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; phil mickelson } ; total } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; venue ; hampden park , glasgow }
Output: majority
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; try bp ; 0 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; try bp ; 0 } ; club } ; bedlinog rfc } }
Output: unique
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; result ; l }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_greater_eq { filter_greater_eq { all_rows ; goals against ; 40 } ; goals for ; 40 } } ; 6 }
Output: count
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; result ; re - elected }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; rank } ; candidate 's name } ; michael mackay }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; yards } ; 192 }
Output: aggregation
Example: most_greater { all_rows ; gdp ( billion us ) ; 100 }
Output: majority
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; played ; 9 }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; forward-center } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: most_greater { all_rows ; away team score ; 10 }
Output: majority
Example: and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; games played ; 100 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; games played ; 100 } ; player } ; john curry } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; crime ; 2 } ; character } ; shane casey }
Output: ordinal
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; call sign ; w269ax } ; frequency mhz } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; call sign ; w230av } ; frequency mhz } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; result ; l }
Output: majority
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; code name ; surfer } ; serial number } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; code name ; shark } ; serial number } }
Output: comparative
Example: and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team 1 ; elche } ; 2nd leg } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team 1 ; numancia } ; 2nd leg } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team 1 ; elche } ; 2nd leg } ; 0 - 2 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team 1 ; numancia } ; 2nd leg } ; 0 - 2 } } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { max { filter_eq { all_rows ; district ; fregenal de la sierra } ; election date } ; 1853 - 2 - 4 }
Output: superlative
Example: and { eq { nth_max { all_rows ; silver ; 3 } ; 42 } ; eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; silver ; 3 } ; rank } ; 2 } }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; crowd ; 20,000 } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: and { greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; project ; özhan canaydın project } ; capacity } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; project ; faruk süren project } ; capacity } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; project ; özhan canaydın project } ; capacity } ; 52652 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; project ; faruk süren project } ; capacity } ; 40482 } } }
Output: comparative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; crowd } ; 25000 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; switzerland } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: and { eq { nth_min { all_rows ; year ; 3 } ; 2006 } ; eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; year ; 3 } ; team } ; rollcentre racing } }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; engine ; 2.7 } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; borough or census area ; fairbanks north star } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; world junior championships } ; position } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; world championships } ; position } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; high points ; dwight howard } ; score ; w }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; first aired } ; entrepreneur ( s ) } ; james seddon }
Output: superlative
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; planned release ; 2 } ; name } ; moon dog }
Output: ordinal
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; outcome ; runner - up }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; air force cross ; lifesaving medal } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; drawn } ; 7.9 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; years for grizzlies } ; player } ; bryant reeves }
Output: superlative
Example: eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; members lost ; 0 } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { filter_eq { all_rows ; definition ; civil parish } ; population ; 1 } ; town } ; ripon }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; gore % } ; county } ; clark }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; year erected } ; 1965 }
Output: aggregation
Example: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; points } ; 490 }
Output: aggregation
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; crowd } ; 22250 }
Output: aggregation
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; mens singles ; lee chong wei }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; location ; 2 } ; mountain peak } ; west spanish peak }
Output: ordinal
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; institution ; smith college } ; enrollment } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; institution ; united states coast guard academy } ; enrollment } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; district ; sagar } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: most_greater { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 3 june 1935 } ; crowd ; 22000 }
Output: majority
Example: round_eq { avg { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; yamaha } ; points } ; 4.5 }
Output: aggregation
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 10 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { filter_eq { all_rows ; object type ; open cluster } ; apparent magnitude ; 2 } ; constellation } ; hydra }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; joined ; 2007 } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; gender ; coed }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_greater { all_rows ; assets ( us billion ) ; 100 billion } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; dallas cowboys } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: and { eq { max { all_rows ; date } ; 31 may 2011 } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; date } ; album } ; l'un n'empãªche pas l'autre } }
Output: superlative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; erp kw ; 60 }
Output: majority
Example: only { filter_greater { filter_eq { all_rows ; period active ; present } ; claimed sales ; 75 million } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; entries } ; driver } ; rubens barrichello }
Output: superlative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; engine ; ferrari v12 }
Output: majority
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; start datum ; wgs84 }
Output: majority
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; pole position ; chris goodwin andrew kirkaldy } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; pole position ; chris goodwin andrew kirkaldy } ; round } ; 5 } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total assets ( score ) } ; bank } ; bank of industry and mine }
Output: superlative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; did not play } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; did not play } ; year } ; 1924 } }
Output: unique
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; simon ammann } ; 1st ( m ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; thomas morgenstern } ; 1st ( m ) } }
Output: comparative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; canada } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; canada } ; player } ; mike weir } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; episode } ; segment c } ; goat cheese }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; wins } ; 0.6 }
Output: aggregation
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; to par ; 7 }
Output: majority
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis - engine ; jaguar xjr - 8 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; chassis - engine ; jaguar xjr - 8 } ; driver } ; raul boesel } }
Output: unique
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; december 3 , 1967 } ; attendance } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; december 17 , 1967 } ; attendance } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; completion % } ; year } ; 2010 }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; viewers } ; 872100 }
Output: aggregation
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; st louis ambush } ; championships in st louis } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; st louis bombers } ; championships in st louis } }
Output: comparative
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; nation ; usa }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; date } ; venue } ; texas stadium }
Output: superlative
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; year ; 2000 } ; position } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; year ; 2004 } ; position } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; laid down } ; name } ; cambrian ( ex - spitfire ) }
Output: superlative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; gold ; 3 } ; silver ; 4 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; gold ; 3 } ; silver ; 4 } ; nation } ; china } }
Output: unique
Example: most_greater_eq { all_rows ; year ; 1990 }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; label ; reveal records } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; season ; 2 } ; potential prize money } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; season ; 1 } ; potential prize money } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_less { all_rows ; length ; 100 km }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; notes ; 1500 m } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; candidates } ; incumbent } ; joe moakley }
Output: superlative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; episodes ; 17 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; episodes ; 17 } ; season } ; 2 } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; attendance ; 3 } ; date } ; april 23 }
Output: ordinal
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; satellite ; echo 2 } ; mass ( kg ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; satellite ; mylar balloon } ; mass ( kg ) } }
Output: comparative
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; stan mikita } ; regular season } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; dennis hull } ; regular season } }
Output: comparative
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; goalkeeper ; matías garavano } ; goals } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; goalkeeper ; álvaro campos } ; goals } }
Output: comparative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; finland } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; finland } ; company } ; stonesoft } }
Output: unique
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; driver ; luigi villoresi } ; laps } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; driver ; alan brown } ; laps } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; capacity ; 3 } ; stadium } ; franklin 's gardens }
Output: ordinal
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; l2 cache ; 512 kb }
Output: majority
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; 1st party ; conservative }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; re - elected } } ; 10 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; lost } ; 10.75 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; production code ; 2 } ; episode } ; 809 }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; tokyo , japan } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; driver ; graham hill } ; time / retired } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; driver ; jim clark } ; time / retired } }
Output: comparative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; crowd } ; 24303 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { filter_greater { all_rows ; total ; 30 } ; style ; jive } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; hermanos rodriguez } ; constructor ; williams - renault } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: only { filter_eq { all_rows ; 7:30 ; jeopardy! } }
Output: unique
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; puerto rico } ; total } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; dominican republic } ; total } }
Output: comparative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; object type ; lenticular galaxy } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; object type ; lenticular galaxy } ; ngc number } ; 2787 } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; enrollment } ; institution } ; queens college }
Output: superlative
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; date ; july }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; rank ; 7 } ; nation } ; bulgaria }
Output: ordinal
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; gold } ; .667 }
Output: aggregation
Example: and { eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; hamburg } ; week } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; rome } ; week } } ; 7 days } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; hamburg } ; week } ; may 14 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; rome } ; week } ; may 7 } } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; overall ; 7 } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; indianapolis colts } ; attendance } ; 100807 }
Output: aggregation
Example: and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; money ; 100000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; money ; 100000 } ; player } ; ben crenshaw } }
Output: unique
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; goals } ; 82.71 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; attendance ; 3 } ; date } ; april 23 }
Output: ordinal
Example: all_greater { filter_less { all_rows ; away team score ; 10 } ; crowd ; 17000 }
Output: majority
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; tom bladon } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; jim watson } ; round } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; name } } ; 18 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 58746 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; attendance ; 2 } ; week } ; 5 }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; candidates ; david bard } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; lane evans } ; first elected } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; phil crane } ; first elected } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; wayne ryan } ; games played } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; tim regan } ; games played } } ; -2 }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { max { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; san antonio } ; location attendance } ; staples center 18997 }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { sum { filter_less { all_rows ; total dismissals ; 10 } ; total dismissals } ; 8 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; film ; chicago } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; pts } ; year } ; 1995 }
Output: superlative
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; height in ft } ; player } ; sampson , ralph ralph sampson }
Output: superlative
Example: and { less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; laura diaz } ; score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; kristy mcpherson } ; score } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; laura diaz } ; score } ; 66 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; kristy mcpherson } ; score } ; 67 } } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_greater { all_rows ; viewing figure ; 7 }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; round ; 2 } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; expected year of completion ; 1 } ; country } ; india }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; points for } ; club } ; betws rfc }
Output: superlative
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; robert childress } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; ivey armstrong } ; round } }
Output: comparative
Example: and { eq { max { all_rows ; crowd } ; 27000 } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; venue } ; punt road oval } }
Output: superlative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; storyteller ; tucker }
Output: majority
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 36859 }
Output: aggregation
Example: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; win } ; cowboys points } ; 154 }
Output: aggregation
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; conservative } ; votes } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; party ; labour } ; votes } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; total ; 3 } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; wins ; 14 } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { avg { filter_eq { all_rows ; high assists ; hinrich } ; high assists } ; 7.8 }
Output: aggregation
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; cfl team ; ottawa renegades } ; pick } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; cfl team ; bc lions } ; pick } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; time ; 1 } ; winner } ; cashier 's dream }
Output: ordinal
Example: most_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; series finale ; present } ; weekly schedule ; monday to friday }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; away team score } ; home team score } ; 15.21 ( 111 ) }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; total } ; 284.5 }
Output: aggregation
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; guy norman bee } ; episode } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; james head } ; episode } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; platform ( s ) ; xbox 360 } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; engine ; ecotec l61 i4 } } ; 6 }
Output: count
Example: only { filter_eq { all_rows ; 1988 ; - } }
Output: unique
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; gillis wilson } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; lester towns } ; round } }
Output: comparative
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 28 october 2003 } ; score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; 3 january 2010 } ; score } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; length ; 60 mins } } ; 12 }
Output: count
Example: round_eq { sum { filter_eq { all_rows ; year ; 1979 } ; result } ; 59 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; country ; united states } ; to par ; -6 } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; aircraft ; boeing } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; college / junior / club team ( league ) ; northern michigan university ( ncaa ) } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; 1st leg } ; team 1 } ; flamengo } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; 1st leg } ; team 2 } ; américa } }
Output: superlative
Example: and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; label ; rock records } ; release date ; 2000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; label ; rock records } ; release date ; 2000 } ; english title } ; courage } }
Output: unique
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; manufacturer ; chevrolet }
Output: majority
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; sydney ; yes } } ; 13 }
Output: count
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; national team ; brazil }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; total } ; country } ; france }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; top speed ( km / h ) } ; 202.86 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; total ; 1 } ; nation } ; venezuela }
Output: ordinal
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 252.0 }
Output: aggregation
Example: round_eq { avg { all_rows ; number of contestants } ; 11.4 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; floors ; 3 } ; name } ; hôtel loews le concorde }
Output: ordinal
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2014 fifa world cup qualification } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; 2014 fifa world cup qualification } ; date } ; 15 october 2013 } }
Output: unique
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; shirt sponsor ; turkcell }
Output: majority
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; enrollment 08 - 09 ; 2 } ; location } ; portage }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; nominee ; anthony hopkins } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; reason for change ; resigned } ; date successor seated ; november } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; floors } ; name } ; kingdom tower }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { avg { filter_not_eq { all_rows ; start ; dnq } ; start } ; 19 }
Output: aggregation
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; lake oval } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; venue ; lake oval } ; home team } ; south melbourne } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; commenced operations ; 2 } ; airlines } ; silkair }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; score } ; team 1 } ; fc nantes ( d1 ) }
Output: superlative
Example: only { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; poland } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 197 } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; score } ; tie no } ; replay } ; and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; score } ; home team } ; southampton } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; score } ; away team } ; sheffield wednesday } } }
Output: superlative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; round ; qf } ; surface ; clay } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 1-1 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; score ; 1-1 } ; date } ; march 21 , 2007 } }
Output: unique
Example: and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; goal difference ; 0 } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; goal difference ; 0 } ; club } ; córdoba cf } }
Output: unique
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; competition ; friendly } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: and { eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; number of bearers 2009 ; 2 } ; surname } ; nielsen } ; eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; number of bearers 2009 ; 2 } ; number of bearers 1971 } ; 349.126 } }
Output: ordinal
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; gil morgan } ; wins } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; dave stockton } ; wins } }
Output: comparative
Example: most_eq { all_rows ; result ; aus }
Output: majority
Example: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; winnings } ; 2076417 }
Output: aggregation
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; height } ; player } ; ferhat akdeniz }
Output: superlative
Example: round_eq { sum { all_rows ; enrollment } ; 11100 }
Output: aggregation
Example: less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; amy van dyken } ; time } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; vivienne rignall } ; time } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; platforms ; ipad } } ; 3 }
Output: count
Example: greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; away team ; richmond } ; away team score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; away team ; swans } ; away team score } }
Output: comparative
Example: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; rebs } ; player } ; alvan adams }
Output: superlative
Example: eq { hop { argmin { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; hard } ; date } ; opponent in the final } ; andre agassi }
Output: superlative
Example: and { eq { nth_min { all_rows ; date ; 2 } ; 22 february 1998 } ; eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; date ; 2 } ; tournament } ; hannover , germany } }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; to par ; - 9 } } ; 4 }
Output: count
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; location ; india } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; position ; 2 } ; venue } ; osaka , japan }
Output: ordinal
Example: eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; national cup ; turkish basketball cup } } ; 2 }
Output: count
Example: most_less { filter_eq { all_rows ; written by ; dan schneider } ; us viewers ( millions ) ; 5 million }
Output: majority
Example: all_eq { all_rows ; elevator ; urban vi }
Output: majority |
You are given two sentences(Sentence1 and Sentence2). Answer "Yes" if these sentences are a paraphrase of one another, otherwise answer "No".
Sentence1: Elsewhere in the diary , Truman showed a more familiar side , colorful and outspoken in his disdain for life in the White House ., Sentence2: History aside , the diary reveals a colorful , witty , introspective and irreverent president outspoken in his disdain for life in the White House .
Label: No
Sentence1: Nonetheless , the open-source guru insisted , " This attack was wrong , and it was dangerous to our goals . ", Sentence2: " This attack was wrong , and it was dangerous to our goals , " Raymond said .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: A total of 17 cases have been confirmed in the southern city of Basra , the Organization said ., Sentence2: A total of 17 confirmed cases of cholera were reported yesterday by the World Health Organisation in the southern Iraqi city of Basra .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: That compares to a net loss of $ 6.6 million , or 47 cents per share , on revenue of $ 15.5 million in 2002 's second fiscal quarter ., Sentence2: In the first quarter , SCO had reported a net loss of $ 724,000 , or 6 cents per diluted share , on revenue of $ 13.5 million .
Label: No
Sentence1: The report ranked 45 large companies based on employment , marketing , procurement , community reinvestment and charitable donations ., Sentence2: Of those three , only Dillard 's responded to the survey that ranked 45 large companies on employment , marketing , procurement , community reinvestment and charitable donations .
Label: No
Sentence1: Available July 7 , the software supports the Solaris , IBM AIX , Red Hat Linux and Windows operating systems ., Sentence2: The OpForce product currently works with Solaris , AIX , Red Hat Linux and Windows servers .
Label: No
Sentence1: Its closest living relatives are a family frogs called sooglossidae that are found only in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean ., Sentence2: Its closest relative is found in the Seychelles Archipelago , near Madagascar in the Indian Ocean .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Dos Reis is scheduled to be sentenced in Danbury Superior Court this morning on charges of first-degree manslaughter and second-degree sexual assault ., Sentence2: Saul Dos Reis is scheduled to be sentenced in Danbury Superior Court for the death of Christina Long .
Label: No
Sentence1: The official would not name the leakers for the record and said he had no indication that Mr Bush knew about the calls ., Sentence2: The official would not name the leakers for the record and would not name the journalists .
Label: No
Sentence1: On Saturday , a 149mph serve against Agassi equalled Rusedski 's world record ., Sentence2: On Saturday , Roddick equalled the world record with a 149 m.p.h. serve in beating Andre Agassi .
Label: No
Sentence1: I was surprised it turned out me talking and the president just listening ., Sentence2: " I was surprised it turned out me talking and the president just listening . . . It was mostly a monologue . "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Novelist Michael Peterson was convicted Friday of murdering his wife , whose body was found in a pool of blood at the bottom of a staircase in their home ., Sentence2: A jury convicted novelist Michael Peterson Friday of bludgeoning his wife of five years in the stairwell of their home .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: ONG KONG , July 9 Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered tonight before the legislature building here to call for free elections and the resignation of Hong Kong 's leader ., Sentence2: Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered yesterday evening to stand before this city 's legislature building and call for free elections and the resignation of Hong Kong 's leader .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The Institute for Supply Management 's manufacturing index dipped to 53.7 from 54.7 in August ., Sentence2: The Institute 's national manufacturing barometer slipped to 53.7 in September from 54.7 in August .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: ECUSA is the U.S. branch of the 70 million-member Anglican Communion ., Sentence2: The Episcopal Church is the American branch of the Anglican Communion .
Label: No
Sentence1: Houston fourth-graders also performed similarly to national peers in writing ., Sentence2: " New York City and Houston fourth-graders were at the national average in writing .
Label: No
Sentence1: Board Chancellor Robert Bennett declined to comment on personnel matters Tuesday , as did Mills ., Sentence2: Mr. Mills declined to comment yesterday , saying that he never discussed personnel matters .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " It 's hard to believe that we live in a society where parents wouldn 't be notified of an abortion , which is a very profound decision . ", Sentence2: " It 's hard to imagine we live in a society where parents wouldn 't be notified of an abortion , " Bush said .
Label: No
Sentence1: Many compensation experts had predicted Carty would get a generous severance deal because his voluntary resignation helped keep the concessions deals in place ., Sentence2: Many compensation experts had predicted that Carty would get a generous severance package because his voluntary resignation helped preserve the concessions , the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " The accuser arrived at the hospital wearing yellow knit panties - with someone else 's semen and sperm in them , not that of Mr. Bryant , " Mackey hammered triumphantly ., Sentence2: " The accuser arrived at the hospital wearing panties with someone else 's semen and sperm in them , not that of Mr. Bryant , correct ? "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The two men , whose names were not released , both were using Pakistani passports and were seen together at the airport earlier in the evening , police said ., Sentence2: The men had Pakistani passports and reportedly were seen together at the airport earlier in the evening , law enforcement sources said .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Winners will be announced in a June 8 ceremony broadcast on CBS from Radio City Music Hall ., Sentence2: Tony winners will be announced June 8 in televised ceremonies from Radio City Music Hall .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Sarah Weddington , the abortion advocate and attorney who originally represented McCorvey , could not be reached for comment ., Sentence2: Sarah Weddington , the abortion advocate and lawyer who originally represented McCorvey , did not immediately return a call seeking comment .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Many women complain that they become more forgetful around the time of menopause , and some doctors believe that hormonal changes are the reason ., Sentence2: Many women complain that they become more forgetful after menopause , and some doctors have come to believe the hormonal changes brought on by menopause are the reason .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: In 2002 , the West Nile virus infected 4,000 people and took 284 lives in the United States ., Sentence2: In contrast , he said , West Nile virus made 4,156 people ill and killed 284 in the United States and Canada last year .
Label: No
Sentence1: We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on 11 September , " Rumsfeld said ., Sentence2: Rather , the US acted because the administration saw " existing evidence in a new light , through the prism of our experience on September 11 " .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: About 1,557 genes on chromosome 6 are thought to be functional ., Sentence2: The remaining 1,557 genes are believed to be all functional .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Tom Kraynak , manager of operations and resources for the Canton , Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council , said that scenario is one among many that investigators are considering ., Sentence2: Tom Kraynak , manager of operations and resources for the Canton , Ohio-based East Central Area Reliability Council , said investigators are considering the scenario .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Mr. Kerkorian tried unsuccessfully to take over Chrysler in 1995 , but did win representation on its board ., Sentence2: Kerkorian and Tracinda had also tried to take over Chrysler in 1995 .
Label: No
Sentence1: The findings were published in the July 1 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine ., Sentence2: The findings are being published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The Guru microcontroller serves four functions : hardware monitoring , overclocking management , BIOS ( Basic Input Output System ) update and a troubleshooting-assistance feature called Black Box ., Sentence2: The µGuru microcontroller serves four functions : hardware monitoring , overclocking management , BIOS update and a troubleshooting-assistance feature called Black Box .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The downtime , to take place in May and June , is expected to cut production by 60 million to 70 million board feet ., Sentence2: The downtime is expected to take 60 million to 70 million board feet out of the companys system .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Helen Sharkey , 31 , and Gene Foster , 44 , pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud ., Sentence2: The two others , former Dynegy executives Helen Christine Sharkey , 31 , and Gene Shannon Foster , 44 , pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , by J.K. Rowling , Scholastic , 870 pages , $ 29.99 ., Sentence2: In ' ' The Order of the Phoenix , ' ' Harry is 15 , and fully a teenager at last .
Label: No
Sentence1: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been gathering information on suspect cases ., Sentence2: Nationally , the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 4,156 cases of West Nile , including 284 deaths .
Label: No
Sentence1: About 10 percent of high school and 16 percent of elementary students must be proficient at math ., Sentence2: In math , 16 percent of elementary and middle school students and 9.6 percent of high school students must be proficient .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Not only is this the oldest known planet , it 's also the most distant ., Sentence2: Astronomers have found the oldest and most distant planet known in the universe .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: SP2 is basically about security enhancements to Windows , such as the improved Internet Connection Firewall ( ICF ) ., Sentence2: The firewall in the current Windows XP was known as the Internet Connection Firewall ( ICF ) .
Label: No
Sentence1: He started in the 1983 Super Bowl , which Miami lost 27-17 to Washington ., Sentence2: He played four seasons in Miami , including the Dolphins ' 27-17 loss to Washington in the Super Bowl .
Label: No
Sentence1: The proposal likely would result in the election of 22 Republicans and 10 Democrats to Congress , instead of the state 's current 17 Democrats and 15 Republicans , officials say ., Sentence2: The plan would likely result in the election of 22 Republicans and 10 Democrats from Texas , versus the current 17 Democrats and 15 Republicans , officials say .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " The result is an overall package that will provide significant economic growth for our employees over the next four years . ", Sentence2: " The result is an overall package that will provide a significant economic growth for our employees over the next few years , " he said .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Wittig resigned last year after being indicted on federal bank fraud charges involving a real estate loan unrelated to Westar business ., Sentence2: Wittig resigned in late November about two weeks after being indicted on bank fraud charges in a real estate case unrelated to the company .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Per-user pricing is $ 29 for Workplace Messaging , $ 89 for Team Collaboration and $ 35 for Collaborative Learning ., Sentence2: Workplace Messaging is $ 29 , Workplace Team Collaboration is $ 89 , and Collaborative Learning is $ 35 .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Mr Martin said the company is " cautiously optimistic regarding some improvement in sales and operating performance trends in the second half of 2003 " ., Sentence2: We are cautiously optimistic regarding some improvement in sales and operating performance trends in the second half of 2003 . "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " If draining the ponds in Maryland will help further establish [ his ] innocence , we welcome it ., Sentence2: If draining the ponds in Maryland will further help establish Steve 's innocence , we welcome it . "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: At 11 p.m. , Henri was centered about 70 miles southwest of St. Petersburg and was becoming disorganized as it drifted south at about 3 mph , forecasters said ., Sentence2: Henri was centered about 75 miles southwest of Cedar Key and was moving east-northeast at 5 mph , forecasters said .
Label: No
Sentence1: SARS has also taken a toll on Taiwan 's economy , as it has on economies across the region , hammering consumer spending and leaving shops , restaurants and airports empty ., Sentence2: SARS has also taken a toll on Taiwan 's economy , hammering consumer spending , with shops , restaurants and airports empty while people stay at home .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Representatives for Puretunes could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday ., Sentence2: Puretunes representatives could not be located Thursday to comment on the suit .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: In early afternoon trading , the Dow Jones industrial average was up 7.58 , or 0.1 percent , at 9,381.79 ., Sentence2: The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average .DJI was down 63.09 points , or 0.68 percent , at 9,270.70 .
Label: No
Sentence1: Justice Anthony M. Kennedy also dissented from the dismissal ., Sentence2: Justices Anthony Kennedy , Sandra Day O 'Connor and Stephen Breyer dissented .
Label: No
Sentence1: The high profile two-week campaign – which started on September 28 – was designed to show a strong police presence around London ., Sentence2: The high profile , two-week campaign was designed to show a strong police presence around London and resulted in 42 arrests , which a spokesman said was " pretty impressive " .
Label: No
Sentence1: While the Ibrahims had one separation operation , Goodrich and Dr. David Staffenberg plan about three for the Aguirres , with several weeks between each ., Sentence2: Instead of one long operation to separate the twins , Goodrich and Dr. David Staffenberg plan about three , with several weeks between each .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Mr Annan also warned the US should not use the war on terror as an excuse to suppress " long-cherished freedoms " ., Sentence2: Annan warned that the dangers of extremism after September 11 should not be used as an excuse to suppress " long-cherished " freedoms .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Hurricane warnings were posted Friday along parts of the lower Texas coast as Tropical Storm Erika sped across the Gulf of Mexico and headed for landfall ., Sentence2: One month after Hurricane Claudette pounded Texas , hurricane warnings were posted Friday along parts of the coast as fast-moving Tropical Storm Erika churned across the gulf .
Label: No
Sentence1: Still others cite the difficulty of assembling a group of subjects whose depression is of comparable severity , increasing the chances that the effectiveness of the medication will be diffused ., Sentence2: Still others cite the difficulty of assembling a group of subjects whose depression is of comparable severity , a problem that complicates the task of properly measuring effectiveness .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The provision requires the secretary of Health and Human Services ( news - web sites ) to certify that the importations can be done safely and will be cost-effective ., Sentence2: But the measure also requires the secretary of health and human services to certify that the reimportation can be done safely .
Label: No
Sentence1: Following the ATP 's notification by Hewitt 's lawyers of pending action , it issued another statement that Hewitt has added to his suit ., Sentence2: Following ATP 's notification by Hewitt 's lawyers that action was pending , it issued another statement in April which Hewitt has added to his suit .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Yucaipa owned Dominick 's before selling the chain to Safeway in 1998 for $ 2.5 billion ., Sentence2: Yucaipa bought Dominick 's in 1995 for $ 693 million and sold it to Safeway for $ 1.8 billion in 1998 .
Label: No
Sentence1: In the first three months of 2003 alone , weekly earnings adjusted for inflation fell 1.5 % -- the biggest drop in more than a decade , " Lieberman said ., Sentence2: In the first quarter of this year , weekly earnings adjusted for inflation fell 1.5 percent - the biggest drop in more than a decade .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The new rules will allow a single company to own TV stations that reach 45 percent of U.S. households instead of the old 35 percent ., Sentence2: The changed national ownership limit allows a company to own TV stations reaching 45 percent of U.S. households instead of 35 percent .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: But he will meet the French President , Jacques Chirac , privately ., Sentence2: They include French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder .
Label: No
Sentence1: But it said that the Danish ban had been effective in reducing the spread among food animals ., Sentence2: But , in a 58-page report , WHO said the Danish ban had been effective in reducing the spread among food animals .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: At his sentencing , Avants had tubes in his nose and a portable oxygen tank beside him ., Sentence2: Avants , wearing a light brown jumpsuit , had tubes in his nose and a portable oxygen tank beside him .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Chi-Chi 's has agreed to keep the restaurant closed until Jan. 2 - two months after it voluntarily closed following initial reports of the disease ., Sentence2: Chi-Chi 's has agreed to keep the restaurant closed until Jan. 2 -- two months after it voluntarily closed when the disease was first reported .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " We believe we are fully prepared to roll out the [ touch-screen ] machines for the 2004 presidential primary , " said Gilles W. Burger , State Board of Elections chairman ., Sentence2: " We believe we are fully prepared to roll out the revised Diebold machines , " said Gilles W. Burger , chairman of the Maryland State Board of Elections .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Further out the curve , the benchmark 10-year note US10YT = RR shed 25 / 32 in price , taking its yield to 3.26 percent from 3.17 percent ., Sentence2: Early Wednesday , the benchmark 10-year US10YT = RR had lost 16 / 32 in price , driving its yield up to 3.33 percent from 3.26 percent late Tuesday .
Label: No
Sentence1: Tony Blair has taken a hardline stance arguing nothing should be done to lessen the pressure on Mugabe at the gathering in the capital Abuja ., Sentence2: The Prime Minister has taken a hardline stance arguing nothing should be done to lessen the pressure on Mugabe .
Label: No
Sentence1: Mr. Hampton had been living at a residence for AIDS patients in Beth Israel Hospital ., Sentence2: Hampton , 39 , died in Beth Israel Hospital , Tipograph said .
Label: No
Sentence1: " Right from the beginning , we didn 't want to see anyone take a cut in pay ., Sentence2: But Mr. Crosby told The Associated Press : " Right from the beginning , we didn 't want to see anyone take a cut in pay .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: He was voluntarily castrated in 2001 , an operation he contends removed his ability to become sexually aroused ., Sentence2: DeVries , who was voluntarily castrated in August 2001 , has said the surgery took away his ability to become sexually aroused .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: He 'll present his proposals to the state Legislature in January ., Sentence2: The governor will present his budget proposals to the General Assembly in January .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Mr. Rollins made $ 721,154 in salary and $ 243,389 in bonuses in the prior fiscal year ., Sentence2: Kevin Rollins , Dell 's president , received $ 770,962 in salary and a bonus of just more than $ 2 million in fiscal 2003 .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Florida 's Third District Court of Appeal saidon Wednesdaythe original proceedings were " irretrievably tainted " by misconduct by lawyers representing the class ., Sentence2: Florida ’ s Third District Court of Appeal said on Wednesday the original proceedings were “ irretrievably tainted ” by misconduct by attorneys for the class .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The dollar gained against the euro , yen and Swiss franc after September U.S. retail sales figures came in slightly weaker than consensus forecasts ., Sentence2: The greenback rose steeply against the euro , yen and Swiss franc despite weaker-than-expected September U.S. retail sales figures .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: They said the child was taken to Nassau County Medical Center for observation ., Sentence2: The boy was taken to Nassau University Medical Center , where staff said he was " doing okay . "
Label: No
Sentence1: The woman felt threatened and reported the incident to police , and around 2 : 30 p.m. Stackhouse was arrested ., Sentence2: The woman felt threatened and went to the magistrate 's office , police said .
Label: No
Sentence1: Earlier on Monday , Grant Thornton SpA repeated previous statements that it was " a victim of fraudulent action " ., Sentence2: Grant Thornton claims that it too was the “ victim ” of a fraud .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Professor Hermon-Taylor adds , An unexpected finding of the research showed that patients suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) were also infected with the MAP bug ., Sentence2: Hermon-Taylor said an unexpected finding of the research showed that patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) may also be infected with MAP .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: AMD 's chip sales jumped 7 percent year-on-year to $ 402 million ., Sentence2: Second-quarter sales grew 7 percent , to $ 645 million from $ 600 million in 2002 .
Label: No
Sentence1: The discoveries came a day after a package bomb burst into flames in the Bologna , Italy home of EU Commission President Romano Prodi , who was not injured ., Sentence2: The discoveries came after a package bomb went off in the Bologna , Italy home of EU Commission President Romano Prodi on Sunday .
Label: No
Sentence1: A Connecticut judge Tuesday sentenced a man to 30 years in prison in the death of a teenage girl he met on the Internet ., Sentence2: A restaurant worker was sentenced to 30 years in prison Tuesday for the sexual assault and strangling of a sixth-grade girl he met in an Internet chat room .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: An amendment to remove the exemption for the state-sanctioned sites failed on a much closer 237-186 vote ., Sentence2: An amendment to remove such protections failed by a vote of 186 to 237 .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Another was in serious condition at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale ., Sentence2: At Northwest Medical Center of Washington County in Springdale , one child is in serious condition .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: When contacted last night , Perkins declined comment ., Sentence2: Perkins and Kansas Chancellor Robert Hemenway declined comment Sunday night .
Label: No
Sentence1: Wall Street analysts had expected 22 cents a share , according to Thomson First Call ., Sentence2: The results were 3 cents a share lower than the forecast of analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call .
Label: No
Sentence1: Danbury prosecutor Warren Murray could not be reached for comment Monday ., Sentence2: Prosecutors could not be reached for comment after the legal papers were obtained late Monday afternoon .
Label: No
Sentence1: South Asia follows , with 1.1 millions youths infected — 62 percent of them female ., Sentence2: Of the 1.1 million infected in south Asia , 62 % are female .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Bryant surrendered to authorities on Friday and posted a $ 25,000 bond ., Sentence2: Bryant presented himself to authorities last Friday and was released after posting $ 25,000 bail .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: P & G officials later concluded that the better approach was to split up the contracts to avoid reliance on just one contractor ., Sentence2: P & G officials decided it would be wiser to split the contracts to avoid reliance on a sole contractor .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: He was sentenced to five years in prison at at Kingston Crown Court yesterday after pleading guilty to the attempted abduction of a teenager ., Sentence2: Former postal worker , Douglas Lindsell , was sentenced yesterday at Kingston Crown Court after pleading guilty to attempting to abduct a young girl .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Wall Street analysts expect 2004 revenue of $ 28.15 billion ., Sentence2: Analysts ' average forecast was $ 4.02 per share on revenue of $ 25.56 billion .
Label: No
Sentence1: Except for a few archaic characteristics , they are as recognizable as Hamlet 's poor Yorick ., Sentence2: Except for a few archaic characteristics , the skulls are readily recognizable .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life , " Mr. Limbaugh told his audience , which numbers 22 million listeners a week ., Sentence2: You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life , Limbaugh said during a stunning admission aired nationwide on Friday .
Label: No
Sentence1: However , several ministers from more developed APEC economies have said failure to fight terror will be a cost in itself ., Sentence2: More developed APEC members say failure to fight terror will be a cost in itself .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The four fund companies named by Spitzer each said they 're cooperating with his investigation ., Sentence2: All the fund companies have said they are cooperating with Spitzer 's probe .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: AN inquest into the car crash that killed Princess Diana will be held January 6 , the royal family 's coroner announced overnight ., Sentence2: Inquests into the deaths of Diana , Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed will be formally opened in the New Year , the Royal Family 's coroner announced yesterday .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " We 're confident that the new leadership will take responsibility for the past actions of the Archdiocese of Boston , " Lincoln said ., Sentence2: " We are confident that the new leadership in Boston will be willing to take responsibility for the past actions of the archdiocese , ' said Lincoln . "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The operating revenues were $ 1.45 billion , an increase over last year 's result of $ 1.38 billion ., Sentence2: Operating revenues rose to $ 1.45 billion from $ 1.38 billion last year .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " Accordingly , there needs to be more on the horizon than simply winning a war against terrorism ., Sentence2: " There must be more on the horizon than simply winning a war against terrorism , " namely , a " promise of a better and fairer world . "
Label: No
Sentence1: Two of Collins ' top assistants will consult with state police during the investigation and determine if any federal laws were violated , he said Friday ., Sentence2: U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins also said two of his assistants will consult with state police during the investigation and determine if any federal laws were broken .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Mr. Hampton had been living at a residence for AIDS patients in Beth Israel Hospital ., Sentence2: Hampton , 39 , died in Beth Israel Hospital , Tipograph said .
Label: No
Sentence1: A man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot and kill a city councilman from Queens was ordered held on $ 100,000 bail during an early morning court appearance Saturday ., Sentence2: The Queens man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot City Councilman Hiram Monserrate was held on $ 100,000 bail Saturday , a spokesman for the Queens district attorney said .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Gordon stressed that his bill " is a lesson-learned bill and not a reflection on Admiral Gehman 's handling of the Columbia investigation . ", Sentence2: But Gordon emphasized that the legislation he introduced last week is " a lesson-learned bill and not a reflection on Admiral ( Harold ) Gehman 's handling of the Columbia investigation . "
Label: Yes
Sentence1: As envisioned by Breaux , the government would help pay for the first $ 3,450 in prescription drug costs ., Sentence2: Breaux outlined a plan Tuesday that would give seniors help with the first $ 3,450 in prescription drug costs .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The ambassador said it was up to the Americans to press the Iraqis to make the invitation , which he said the United States appears unwilling to do ., Sentence2: The ambassador said it was up to the Americans to press the Iraqi council to make the invitation - a move he said the United States appears unwilling to make .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: In addition to O 'Connor , Rehnquist 's majority opinion was joined by Justices David Souter , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , and Stephen Breyer ., Sentence2: Joining him in the majority opinion were Justices Sandra Day O 'Connor , David H. Souter , Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Claire had advanced to the third round of the 76th annual Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee ., Sentence2: One by one they strolled to the microphone , all 251 youngsters in the 76th Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee .
Label: No
Sentence1: Seattle Deputy Police Chief Clark Kimerer said the exercise here went well , with some aspects , including the communication system linking various agencies , working better than expected ., Sentence2: Police Deputy Chief Clark Kimerer said the exercise went well , with some aspects , including the communication system between varying agencies , working better than expected .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: They will help draft a plan to attack obesity that Kraft will implement over three to four years ., Sentence2: The team will help draft a plan by the end of the year to attack obesity .
Label: No
Sentence1: But U.S. District Judge Joseph DiClerico denied their request in a brief ruling ., Sentence2: In a brief ruling , US District Judge Joseph A. DiClerico Jr. denied their motion for an injunction .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The fawn , named after Dr Duane Kraemer , one of the researchers , was born a few months ago ., Sentence2: The fawn , named for university researcher Duane Kraemer , turns 7 months old today .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: " The discovery that the MAP bug is present in the vast majority of Crohn 's sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation , " it said in a statement ., Sentence2: The researchers say that the fact the MAP bug is present in the vast majority of Crohns sufferers means it is almost certainly causing the intestinal inflammation .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: We intend to appeal vigorously and still expect to be vindicated ultimately ., Sentence2: We think this was bad law , and we still expect to be vindicated ultimately .
Label: No
Sentence1: " The NAFTA ruling confirms that Canadian producers dump lumber in to the U.S. market , " Rusty Wood , chairman of the coalition , said in a release ., Sentence2: " The NAFTA ruling confirms that Canadian producers dump lumber into the U.S. market , " said Rusty Wood , chairman of the Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Claire had advanced to the third round of the 76th annual Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee ., Sentence2: One by one they strolled to the microphone , all 251 youngsters in the 76th Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee .
Label: No
Sentence1: More than 6,000 companies must get shareholders ' approval before granting their executives options and other stock compensation packages , the Securities and Exchange Commission said Monday ., Sentence2: Companies trading on the biggest stock markets must get shareholder approval before granting stock options and other equity compensation under rules cleared yesterday by the Securities and Exchange Commission .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The computers were reportedly located in the U.S. , Canada and South Korea ., Sentence2: The PCs are scattered across the United States , Canada and South Korea .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Justice Clarence Thomas , joined by fellow conservative Justice Antonin Scalia , dissented ., Sentence2: Justice Antonin Scalia , Sandra Day O 'Connor and Clarence Thomas dissented from the ruling .
Label: No
Sentence1: We need a certifiable pay as you go budget by mid-July or schools wont open in September , Strayhorn said ., Sentence2: Texas lawmakers must close a $ 185.9 million budget gap by the middle of July or the schools wont open in September , Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said Thursday .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: But in the end , all the worm did was visit a pornography site , said Vincent Weafer , a security director with Symantec Security Response in California ., Sentence2: But Vincent Weafer , security director with Symantec Security Response , said all the virus did was visit a pornography site .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The dollar was at 116.92 yen against the yen , flat on the session , and at 1.2891 against the Swiss franc , also flat ., Sentence2: The dollar was at 116.78 yen JPY = , virtually flat on the session , and at 1.2871 against the Swiss franc CHF = , down 0.1 percent .
Label: No
Sentence1: Cool , moist air moved into Colorado early Thursday and brought precipitation to two wind-whipped wildfires that had forced thousands to flee and threatened several hundred homes ., Sentence2: Cool , moist air moved into Colorado overnight , raising hopes for firefighters battling two wind-whipped wildfires that forced thousands to flee and threatened hundreds of homes .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The shares fell 72 cents , or 3.8 percent , to $ 18.34 Monday on the New York Stock Exchange ., Sentence2: Schering-Plough shares fell 3.8 percent , or 72 cents , to close at $ 18.34 in trading Monday on the New York Stock Exchange .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The transition is slated to begin no later than June 7 , Dayton said ., Sentence2: A two-week transition period will begin no later than June 7 .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: The two are not related , but have referred to each other as father and son ., Sentence2: He 's not related to Malvo , but the two have referred to each other as father and son .
Label: Yes
Sentence1: Abbas told the summit he would end the " armed intefadeh , " renounced " terrorism against the Israelis wherever they might be " and alluded to the disarming of militants ., Sentence2: At Wednesday 's summit , Abbas pledged to end the " armed intefadeh , " renounced " terrorism against the Israelis wherever they might be " and alluded to the disarming of militants .
Label: Yes |
In this task, you are given a sentence and your task is to identify whether the sentence contains motion or not, by classifying the sentence into Yes or No. The sentence belongs to the 'Yes' category if there is an occurrence of a motion of a physical entity otherwise the sentence belongs to the 'No' category. The sentence contains motion if it (i) involves the movement of a physical object. (ii) contains verb in present tense indicating the action performed. Sometimes there can be verb which indicates a motion but the motion might have happened in the past and the answers to such sentences is 'No'
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
A man in a white shirt is putting a tile on the floor.
Label: Yes
"Both joy and sorrow are mingled in the cup of human life," said Aunt Lucy, solemnly: "Which shall preponderate it is partly in our power to determine.
Label: No
Another woman takes off the log and the girl prepares to swing.
Label: Yes
It had quite the plumage of a swan, and it sailed along the stream of life with an extraordinary lightness of motion.
Label: No
A man throw a basketball in the court and then leave.
Label: Yes
At this moment, the guard, surprised by the sound of voices, opened the door of his little cabin.
Label: Yes
He threw his leg over the fence.
Label: Yes
his limping, and I go on in spite of my falls.
Label: Yes
The camera pans all around her while she opens the present and smiles to the camera.
Label: Yes
Deck marched down upon him, and Major Truman marched up, and he was caught between two fires, with the second battalion pressing him in the rear.
Label: Yes
A woman is seen speaking to the camera with various ingredients laid out as well as her cleaning.
Label: No
Two men are playing a game of darts.
Label: Yes
"I've driven the spike-teeth into harrows before Now," replied Israel; "but that was before I was a sailor."
Label: No
And so to the unpeopled rooms of the little old Vermont farmhouse Peter's gentle thoughts ever swarmed, like homing bees.
Label: No
The commandant simply ordered his head to be struck off and sent No reply.
Label: No
She pours some tomatoes, zucchini and red onions into the mixing bowl.
Label: Yes
A guy stands in a court holding a colorful stick and touches a pinata.
Label: Yes
"Even if I turn out mistaken?"
Label: No
Tiny but intolerably brilliant, it flooded the dome with harsh radiance.
Label: No
He heard Granddaddy Bullfrog singing in the Duck Pond, and the splash of the millwheel as it turned slowly over and over.
Label: Yes
She placed herself between him and it.
Label: Yes
"He placed the iron on the anvil without heating it at the forge; he simply hammered it hot and forged nail after nail, without the use of either anvil or bellows.
Label: Yes
"You will leave me at this painful moment?"
Label: No
She jumps into the water.
Label: Yes
The girls continue cheering around the stage while lifting one another up and performing tricks and pans to the audience in the end.
Label: Yes
A lady in black jacket is posing for the camera, then a man with medium length hair is shown, the man touched her hair to check on it, then the girl blow dry her hair.
Label: Yes
He dropped flat along his horse's back before the crack of the rifle reached his ears.
Label: Yes
She rose swiftly and darted into cover.
Label: Yes
The woman starts kicking at the man.
Label: Yes
"Oh, well," says I, "if I can't wear a wig, then I expect I'll have to go as special messenger sent up with some nutty present or other,--a five-pound box of candy, or flowers, or----" "That's it--orchids!" breaks in Mr. Robert.
Label: No
Then Cuthbert observed a stir in the camp; the men ran to their horses, leaped on their backs, and with wild cries of "Welcome!" started off at full speed.
Label: Yes
A woman is seen walking into a room holding objects and speaking to the camera while a man in the back unrolls tubes.
Label: Yes
The man points to the skis.
Label: No
They are shown in a series of images posing together.
Label: No
A still shot of a man on water skis is shown.
Label: No
Both were dressed in the rebel uniform, and their muskets and a cavalry saber were hung up under the eaves of the cabin.
Label: No
Artie had stood the journey fairly well, and was put in the best room the house afforded.
Label: No
She says Rebecca's been stealin' out, an' goin' to walk with him unbekNownst to her mother all summer.
Label: No
"'Twas only to string Orcutt along, thinkin' he had me bested till the last minute--then bring him up with a jolt.
Label: No
"Don't shut the window, mother," said Lois.
Label: No
Several of the exhausted camels with their loads of wounded had been left outside, lying down at the foot of the slope when the square moved up it.
Label: Yes
Sometimes I went south to visit our German neighbours and to admire their catalpa grove, or to see the big elm tree that grew up out of a deep crack in the earth and had a hawk's nest in its branches.
Label: No
In front of it three naked men were chained to posts in such a way that flinch as they might they could never get beyond the range of its scorching heat.
Label: No
These sentiments were received with a howl of derision from some and enthusiastic cheers from the rest; but there was one point on which they were united: The man, or body of men, who attempted violence toward any of their number would surely suffer for it.
Label: No
They laugh and talk as they play.
Label: Yes
When I go out I close them, because the light hurts them."
Label: Yes
He had bought himself a leather-backed notebook as big as a young ledger, just as a green kid just out of high school would have done, and he had a long, new, shiny, freshly sharpened lead pencil sticking out of the breast pocket of his coat.
Label: No
We trusted to the seamanship of our skipper and the goodness of our vessel, and went to bed with minds as free from fear as if the sea were smooth and the sky clear.
Label: Yes
Monsieur Champoun, a clean, neat, smoothly-shaven, old Frenchman, is sharing the meal with him.
Label: Yes
More people continue riding down the street while the camera follows them.
Label: Yes
On one such shoulder they emerged, where the road stretched level before them, for a quarter of a mile.
Label: No
Yet I escaped, because of the power of my medicine, and also because of that oath which Chaka had sworn to me as a child.
Label: Yes
When the dwarf heard this he broke into one of his great laughs.
Label: No
"He is dead!" Then entered one I had seen before--Major Barton, the most pitiless of the government's agents in suppressing insurrection.
Label: Yes
Harry Trojan turned and faced his father.
Label: Yes
Her son turned his face full upon hers, and their eYes met.
Label: Yes
Sometimes the great boat, swung sidewise in the current in spite of the last art of the steersmen, would tauten the line like a tense fiddle-string, flipping the men, like so many insects, from their footing, and casting them into the river, to emerge as best they might.
Label: Yes
He was compelled to go over.
Label: Yes
A road is leading to a water ski station, then a woman slides on ramps in the water holding a water ski rope.
Label: Yes
Do not tilt the rice-bag upside down ... Bless the household, Holy One, and forgive thy servant her stupidities.'
Label: No
"Help! help!" shrieked Mrs. Sheppard, fleeing from him to the farthest corner of the room.
Label: Yes
I thought at first of sending over for Mr. Farquhar, who is at home, but I do not like losing the time.
Label: No
While the captain had been thinking and considering the matter, Cheditafa had been wandering about the coast exploring.
Label: No
The rafters climb out from there boat onto the shore and walk up the path.
Label: Yes
He removed the cover of a modest dish of fish with a grand air, and performed all the services of the table with as much dignity as if he had never been anything less than a butler.
Label: Yes
Remarks have been passed about my tummy which it is impossible to overlook."
Label: No
He then talks about different types of specialty sunscreen to ensure you are safely covered.
Label: No
A staunch Union supporter wanted No part of a stubborn-willed and defiant grandson who rode with John Hunt Morgan.
Label: No
In front of it three naked men were chained to posts in such a way that flinch as they might they could never get beyond the range of its scorching heat.
Label: No
They were right side up and still wired together.
Label: No
"Why, of course," he said, and handed a dollar bill over the counter.
Label: Yes
Two man and kneeling down facing each other.
Label: No
"However, she will hardly catch us, before we are under shelter of the batteries of Quimper."
Label: No
He struggled desperately, but his captors were prepared for his violence, and had a long rope ready with a slip knot, which caught his tail and rendered him powerless at once.
Label: No
Once they are finished,the girls end in a stunt and the stunt man runs out to the group.
Label: Yes
One of the men puts his foot out while the other turns him in circles.
Label: Yes
At dinner I sat next pretty little Hetty, and at once she spoke of Wilkins.
Label: Yes
A woman is shown riding a camel past pyramids in Egypt.
Label: Yes
She hitched the chair into place again.
Label: Yes
She blows out all of the smoke that she inhaled, she is laying in bed by herself relaxing.
Label: Yes
But he went at last.
Label: Yes
The first speaker was a short, freckled-faced boy, whose box strapped to his back identified him at once as a street boot-black.
Label: No
Two people then get in the tubes and are pushed down the slopes.
Label: Yes
They began to cough, and choke, and splutter, and finally found themselves beside the dogs, where the four of them had a lively time.
Label: No
She was trimly clad in a green riding-coat, and over the lace collar of it her hair fell in dark, clustering curls.
Label: No
An array of shoe shining tools are shown including different kinds and colors of shoe polish, a polishing rag and a black shiny shoe.
Label: No
A bottle of aging cream is shown and a woman begins to apply it on her face in her T-zone.
Label: Yes
The smile was contagious and the girl returned it unconsciously.
Label: No
Hand me thon cleaver, an' I'll be makin' a little kindlin' for th' mornin'."
Label: No
Ceph swerved to one side; and then Deck was carried away from the scene of the stirring encounter.
Label: Yes
The child uses the faucet Nozzle to rinse out the sink.
Label: Yes
Nina had always overrun her dress allowance, although she had never failed to be sweetly penitent about it, and Nina had always placed an undue emphasis on things.
Label: No
There's a fast flowing turbulent river flowing under a bridge.
Label: Yes
"O, but we shall soon save that--it's so much cheaper living in the country!" said both of us together.
Label: No
His gNome's eye, fastened upon her, inundated her with tenderness, sadness, and pity, and was suddenly raised filled with lightnings.
Label: No
"That he may have more truth to stir up with his lies," said Mr. Whitbread.
Label: No
Then, to the girl's amazement, he tottered toward a large, shelf-like slab of stone and kneeling down, as before an altar, he bared his head, raised his arms on high and began to pray.
Label: Yes
The two women rocked and sewed and crocheted in silence for two or three minutes.
Label: Yes
Our ship leaked at every seam, one of our masts was carried away, and another broken in two, at a height of twenty feet from the deck.
Label: No
We see people start when the gate opens.
Label: Yes
More people stand in the middle and perform with one another and ends with people moving around and grabbing one another.
Label: Yes
The man speaks to other chefs and instructs them on how to roll a ball of rough.
Label: Yes
The video ends with a view of the jars with liquid.
Label: No
For, as thou wouldst say, youth draws to youth as the tide to the shore, and falls away from eld as the wave from the rock.
Label: No
"O, Yes, I can," retorted Mrs. Porter, closing one eye and ministering to it hastily with the corner of her apron.
Label: Yes
The man walks towards a group of people dressed in black.
Label: Yes
The next day Mrs. Whitney and Reuben moved, with all their belongings, to Lewes.
Label: Yes
He would go home and have supper with Dorothy, then start out afresh.
Label: Yes
Vixen walked on to the seashore, and the smiling little harbour, and the brave old castle.
Label: Yes
She was almost always happy, but her strength at times would suddenly desert her.
Label: No
Bring a priest with you, if you can find one, to the little room behind the King's bed; but bring him up the stairs the other way.
Label: No
He reached home rather late.
Label: Yes
"Don't shut the window, mother," said Lois.
Label: No
A man talks on front the drummer and holding two sticks.
Label: No
All of which smacked of the courtesan too early deserted by her first serious protector and fallen back on shabby lovers, of a precarious first appearance of a bad start, handicapped by refusals of credit and threats of eviction.
Label: No
The man then puts polish on a rag and polishes the table.
Label: Yes
The men let go of the rope, one man falls and claps.
Label: Yes
Jim drew his reluctant hands from the cards, his eYes went slowly and hopelessly round the room and out the door.
Label: Yes
I washed myself; I shaved; I slipped into your nice clean clothes.
Label: Yes
Lois raised her chin in silence.
Label: Yes
I didn't kNow what I was saying; and you changed so quickly that I couldn't follow.
Label: No
The child turns towards the camera and the dad walks to a counter.
Label: Yes
A large group of women are standing in a dance room with walled mirrors, wooden floors and red words appear on the screen that say "En Sus Marcas Listos Fuera Daddy Yankee".
Label: No
"P'r'aps he'll turn up after all," said Mr. Letts.
Label: No
In that way it was settled.
Label: No
It was a jeweled dagger, with a good-sized ruby winking in its hilt!
Label: No
"At least it cannot be your health," said he, as his keen eYes darted over her, "so ardent a bicyclist must be full of energy."
Label: No
"They are that, sir," said Giles to the Red-faced Man, "as only those kNow what has to do with them."
Label: No
An introduction comes onto the screen for a video about wrapping gifts.
Label: No
Leave me."
Label: No
"You must say this is home, if you can," said Miss Prince, who was a good deal excited and shaken that morning, "and not think of yourself as a visitor any more.
Label: No
The king replied however, that the white men had but just arrived, and he wished to see them dance after their own fashion.
Label: Yes
The cameraman goes under a branch that is across the water.
Label: Yes
He dropped flat along his horse's back before the crack of the rifle reached his ears.
Label: Yes
A little less than two years before, he had started from Sitanda's Kraal, to try to reach Suliman's Berg.
Label: No
I looked up and saw the four posts rising hideously bare.
Label: Yes
A man shows how to sharpen a knife with a machine.
Label: Yes
A person begins clearing sNow off of a windshield on a car.
Label: Yes
There are a few spectators looking on from the sides of the pool, while a referee is following the actions to stay in control of the match.
Label: No
She says Rebecca's been stealin' out, an' goin' to walk with him unbekNownst to her mother all summer.
Label: No
And, feeling goodly, and Calais gate being shut, whether he broke it down one hour or three hours later was all one to him.
Label: Yes
They walked hand in hand and silently down the crooked trail to the horses.
Label: Yes
After the dishes had been cleaned away, I waited until a propitious time when the room was temporarily ours alone, and told him what had happened.
Label: No
He starts of by preparing the space by moving furniture away from the walls and covering the furniture with plastic sheets for protection.
Label: Yes
"'Twas only to string Orcutt along, thinkin' he had me bested till the last minute--then bring him up with a jolt.
Label: No
The Indian's rifle dropped, his tomahawk flew into the air, while his body rolled down the little embankment into the spring.
Label: Yes
He pumps out a small amount gel on his hands.
Label: Yes
However, several nice boys have joined, while you have been away."
Label: No
A low kNocking at the door interrupted her, and the footman anNounced the arrival of Prince William.
Label: Yes
She must leave that dreary house for a little while, were it even to be lashed and bruised and broken by that fierce wind.
Label: Yes
Something in the woman's manner struck Sylvia as she watched her softly beating some tune on the sheet with her quiet eYes turned toward the light.
Label: No
Further, we had No breeding cattle or horses, which would not live in this veld, and only the ammunition and goods that I had brought with me.
Label: No
Beneath him was unrolled the paNorama of the valley; the Aisne was, like a silver ribbon, flowing between its willows and poplars, and ever his gaze returned, solicited by an irresistible attraction, to that road down yonder that stretched away, far as the eye could see, to the horizon.
Label: No
"Can we drive to the Cove first?
Label: No
Finally,a man is shown holding up a large silver award.
Label: No
The cat and dog are shown in various quick scenes together.
Label: No
He did not rise on Christmas morning, and Dick, visiting him after an almost untasted breakfast, found him still in his bed and questioned him anxiously.
Label: Yes
A chef is seen speaking to the camera holding up a knife as well as a sharpener.
Label: No
The go back to talking about the drums.
Label: No
After the calf falls down, he gets off the horse and ties its front and hind feet together and then walks abck to get on the horse.
Label: Yes
She relinquished me and turned her attention to the children.
Label: No
Two men are sitting in the middle of drums and explaining about the instruments.
Label: No
It was not only that winter had stripped the elm, and blackened the flower-borders: the house itself had a debased and deserted air.
Label: No
Arthur, trusting blindly to the honesty and good-will of everybody, had hurried for his train without seeing more than that the stipulated rates had been properly mentioned in the contract.
Label: No
Harry Trojan turned and faced his father.
Label: Yes
We see a man till the ground and spread black mulch on the ground around the tree.
Label: No
There was just room for me to keep his arm in mine; with the other he hauled on the banisters; and so we mounted, step by step, a panting pause on each, and a pitched battle for breath on the half-landing.
Label: Yes
They sat down, one on one side of the round centre table, and one on the other, and Junius began his statement.
Label: Yes
And snatching up his sword he drew it.
Label: Yes
Two people are seen speaking to the camera while the man pans down to their feet and one throws darts.
Label: Yes
Ross sprang and struck with the side of his hand.
Label: Yes
"I shall ever reproach myself that I was away when this calamity occurred," observed Leonard, as the grocer brought his relation to an end.
Label: No
A person holds out cleaning product and a spray bottle with the mixture over a kitchen sink.
Label: Yes
From mere regrets he was passing Now, through dismay, into utter repentance of his promise.
Label: No
Edward Henry, as befitted his sex, regained his nerve a little earlier than Nellie.
Label: No
"Shut up!" Alice told him.
Label: No
The man on stage plays lit in a red light.
Label: Yes
She was trimly clad in a green riding-coat, and over the lace collar of it her hair fell in dark, clustering curls.
Label: No
Edward Henry, as befitted his sex, regained his nerve a little earlier than Nellie.
Label: No
It was a jeweled dagger, with a good-sized ruby winking in its hilt!
Label: No
An instant later the entire crew struggled out from the companionway, rushed in grim silence to the side of the vessel, and threw themselves into the sea.
Label: Yes
The camera shows the violinist from various angles playing the popular song and not breaking concentration.
Label: Yes
The crowd cheers and applaud's loudly at the couple.
Label: Yes
Below the dome lay a lake of an extent to be compared to the Dead Sea of the Mammoth caves--a deep lake whose transparent waters swarmed with eyeless fish, and to which the engineer gave the name of Loch Malcolm.
Label: No
They even swung in pagan garlands from one column of the facade to another, arousing the curiosity of the passers-by, who crowded outside of the iron fence,--women in shawls, boys with great baskets on their heads who stood in open-mouthed wonder before the strange sight, waiting to see what was going on in that unusual house, following the coming and going of the servants who carried in music stands and two base viols, hidden in varnished cases.
Label: Yes
Alec was convinced that she had got into one of the quicksands; but it was cast ashore a few days after his departure, and it was well that he did not see it.
Label: No
The girl is holding two frisbee, then she walked and turned side by side and the dog roll over in front of her, the dog touched the knees of the girl, the girl walked with her hands up and the dog walked with his two front paws up.
Label: Yes
As on the day previous, he went to Brooklyn; but, though I should be glad to say that he was more successful than on the first day, truth compels me to state that the day was a comparative failure.
Label: No
I was three years old then, and, when she got just crazy with homesickness, we used to dance it to each other evenings on the kitchen floor."
Label: No
They hide behind obstacles, shooting at each other.
Label: Yes
Two men are sitting in the middle of drums and explaining about the instruments.
Label: No
rolling drunk, was wandering the house, seeking for a corner wherein to slumber off the effect of his potations.
Label: No
Nearer and nearer still; and Now they pause; he listens with all the intensity of one who listens for existence; some one comes; there is a lumbering Noise--a hasty footstep; he hears some one labouring for breath--panting like a hunted hare; his dungeon door is opened, and there totters in a man, tall and gaunt; he reels like one intoxicated; fatigue has done more than the work of inebriation; he cannot save himself, and he sinks exhausted by the side
Label: Yes
The gardener remained glued to the tree looking on, his toothless mouth open in idiotic astonishment, and a little farther up the walk the pretty girl, as if held by a spell, ran to and fro on a small grass plot, wringing her hands and muttering crazily.
Label: Yes
The man then begins playing the piaNo while the camera captures his movements.
Label: Yes
If they could cut through Forrest's present lines, thrust straight ahead, they could smash the demoralized straggle of Hood's main command, and the Army of the Tennessee would cease to exist.
Label: No
A white screen appears appears with a maroon and white logo, then it changes to another white screen that has a blue website in the middle of it.
Label: No
"What can we throw out?" answered Nicholl.
Label: No
It seemed that in putting this series of questions Torres looked at Joam Garral.
Label: No
Constantia timidly put out her hand; she almost expected a sNowflake to fall.
Label: Yes
A young child is seen sitting before a set of drums and smiling into the camera.
Label: No
"This," he added, picking up the fang, "is the tooth of a deadly serpent, that, after it has been doctored, is used by women to change the heart of a man from another to herself.
Label: No
When he opened the door it seemed to his fancy that the wax tapers burned but dimly amid the shadows of the great room, and that the pictured faces hanging on the walls looked white and gazed as if aghast.
Label: Yes
Margaret cast the gown on the bed, revealing all its beauty of jetted lace and soft yellow silk with a dextrous sweep of her arm.
Label: Yes
As he skis,more men appear before he reappears by himself.
Label: Yes
The man working out turns around.
Label: Yes
She continues demonstrating how to properly use the blades and moving around.
Label: Yes
He had reserved to himself the right of throwing down the baton when the combat was to cease, and he determined to avail himself of this right to put a stop to the conflict before either party was likely to sustain any deadly injury.
Label: Yes
We see 2 title cards about starting fires for survival and the website is show before the end screens.
Label: No
A chef speaks as she stands by a table full of cooking ingredients.
Label: No
You ..." She carried the speech off from under my Nose.
Label: Yes
The child uses the faucet Nozzle to rinse out the sink.
Label: Yes
A little girl uses a sweeper to hit a disc.
Label: Yes
Sandy an' him got started aboot mustaings, an' Indeens, an' boomirangs, an' scoots an' ither scoondrils, till I cudna be deaved ony langer wi' their forrin blethers; so ben to but-the-hoose I gaed to hae a twa-handit crack wi' Aleck's mither.
Label: Yes
A group of people stand behind a master yogi.
Label: No
And here, Harmony being an emotional young person, the tears beat the laughter to the surface and had to be wiped away under the cover of mirth.
Label: No
These are small things to speak of, but then you must bear in mind this is a story moving in narrow ways.
Label: No
And changed; you'd hardly kNow him.
Label: No
Wade went outdoors with his two-bladed ax and shovel.
Label: Yes
Thus the accumulations of ten years went into the company of which the Mayor was head and guide.
Label: No
The smaller of the two then flips the big guy from in the air and then the match is over.
Label: Yes
At my request my mats were always spread directly facing the door, opposite which, and at a little distance, was the hut of boughs that Marheyo was building.
Label: No
Then you may break your way out as best you can.
Label: No
A man welds a section of a steel beam in a workshop.
Label: Yes
The camera pans all around her while she opens the present and smiles to the camera.
Label: Yes
A close up of a man is seen holding an accordion and sitting in front of a camera.
Label: No
An older gentleman in a blue shirt is painting a wooden fence.
Label: Yes
"Help! help!" shrieked Mrs. Sheppard, fleeing from him to the farthest corner of the room.
Label: Yes
On the enclosed bridge Nat threw the switch of durobronze that released the Non-conducting shutter which gave play to the sixteen great magnets.
Label: Yes
Joanna leaned back very faint against the curtained wall.
Label: Yes
she said, as she glanced at the illustrations in a volume of Dickens and threw down a volume of Shelley's poetry.
Label: Yes
the five extra bottles were brought, and drunk by Mr. HaYes; and seasoned by many songs from the recueil of Mr. Thomas d'Urfey and others.
Label: No
This time he did not awaken half-drowning in an underground stream or facing a green mist.
Label: No
Jazia waved and Torgul sent men forward.
Label: Yes
The man continues playing and stops moving his hand out of frame.
Label: Yes
The lady finishes and throws her hands in the air.
Label: Yes
We see the man talk again and the circus.
Label: Yes
Then he adds an egg and salt to the grains, plus other ingredients too.
Label: Yes
I'm going to study metallurgy some day.
Label: No
Walderhurst went to him.
Label: Yes
He then opened the office door and ascended the staircase.
Label: Yes
Freckles wheeled and ran.
Label: Yes
A man appears and his twitter name handle appears on the bottom left while he's talking in a basketball court.
Label: No
Outside in the yard there is a lady dressed like a cupcake and she is playing a game of cricket.
Label: Yes
Without a word he returned to his horse, and with face flushed scarlet, the girl glared at the powerful gray shoulders as he picked up his reins from the ground.
Label: No
With it he first smashed in the whiskey jugs.
Label: Yes
She seemed to put an eNormous amount of energy into those cleanings--as if they were a sort of safety valve.
Label: No
He gets in, continuing to talk as he shows the different component of the car, including the trunk.
Label: Yes
A female gymnast mounts a high beam in a gym.
Label: Yes
On nearing the river, Morris rode by way of the herd to ask the deputies in charge to turn the cattle up the river towards his camp.
Label: Yes
When, the person match all the color, points the table and puts the cube puzzle on it.
Label: Yes
Angela turned round again.
Label: No
The crowd in the arena watches her.
Label: No
The boy tries several times.
Label: Yes
My lord Duke kissed her and passed on.
Label: Yes
"That he may have more truth to stir up with his lies," said Mr. Whitbread.
Label: No
On we went, and it was half an hour again before we heard it, and then it was a long way off.
Label: Yes
A boy surfs in a big wave.
Label: Yes
Why, just last Thursday they were counting there were sixteen different states represented in the eighteen people that sat down to dinner."
Label: No
A man talks to the camera from a kitchen.
Label: No
Another group rafts down the river.
Label: No
Then from the west a line of lights appeared in the sky--an arriving passenger-liner heading for its Bronx area landing stage.
Label: Yes
A half manicure hand of another girl is seen on the floor.
Label: No
We switch and see other teams in the room playing and see two ladies talking.
Label: Yes
"It is long since the old days of Shere Khan, and a Man-cub that rolled naked in the dust."
Label: No
The horse was at home Yesterday, and the boy did not go after the express-wagon.
Label: No
He bent over Verena with a tenderness in which he was careless, Now, of observation.
Label: Yes
Their fathers and husbands, forced temporarily into the background, crowded round the meagre refreshment table in the entrance hall.
Label: Yes
The woman ballerina twists and twirls on her toes as she dances to music.
Label: Yes
The man continues speaking while holding a paddle in his hands.
Label: No
She runs and jumps into a sand pit while a man records her score.
Label: Yes
They then turn around and start to dance on the stair step and intensifying the workout.
Label: Yes
It's all very well to say I'm wrong to go into the Church; but those who say so might as well tell me to go into the backwoods."
Label: Yes
'Bring them in.'
Label: No
A woman is seen walking into a room holding objects and speaking to the camera while a man in the back unrolls tubes.
Label: Yes
End my days sneezing and sniffling by some polite lake of Zurich like you, my poor Ganz, when you find in your hand the magic key that might unlock for you any door in the world?
Label: No
They go together.
Label: Yes
With a cry muffled behind her mask, Naida leaped out in front of her squadron and cut loose her queer vegetable ball with whizzing aim and force.
Label: Yes
And through all the country round, if ever man or woman were in distress and fighting against hard times, they had only to go up to the villa to receive help, and that sympathy which is more precious than help.
Label: No
There was nothing for it but to go on.
Label: No
With her dropping out of sight on the right side, a newcomer, bearing a burden, protruded into the sky on the left side, ascended the tumulus, and deposited the burden on the top.
Label: No |
You will be given a trivia clue, and the category it belongs to. You should answer with the best answer that belongs in the category and is described by the clue. For simplicity, answers should be in all lower cased letters.
Clue: Saturated
Output: wet
Clue: Or would you rather be one of these? (a cross between a male donkey & a female horse)
Output: mule
Category: MATH
Clue: If you got a trapezoid for your birthday, you got a figure with this many sides & a crummy gift
Output: four
Clue: The crack, chisel & sledge types of these tools are useful in the field
Output: hammers
Category: 4
Clue: Dressy term for hearts, spades, diamonds or clubs
Output: a suit
Clue: Diego Velazquez founded this capital on Cuba's south coast; 4 years later it was moved to the north coast
Output: havana
Clue: In his early teens, this "E.T." director won a contest with his short war movie "Escape to Nowhere"
Output: steven spielberg
Category: LAW
Clue: To avoid litigation, this type of insurance or divorce avoids affixing blame
Output: no-fault
Category: AH, FLORIDA!
Clue: Called the Tangerine Bowl until 1983, the Citrus Bowl is held annually in this city
Output: orlando
Category: UNESCO
Clue: Keep it under your hat, the Medina section of this Moroccan city is protected by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee
Output: fez
Category: A "C"OUNTRY MILE
Clue: This country that's 750 miles long & averages 60 miles wide is the largest island in the Antilles Archipelago
Output: cuba
Clue: Plessy vs. Ferguson, which upheld segregation, was overturned by this 1954 case
Output: brown v. board of education
Category: BEGINS & ENDS IN "D"
Clue: A feat or exploit; usually a praiseworthy act
Output: a deed
Clue: Acrimony accompanies aberrant Austrian amateur's ascent
Output: amadeus
Category: THE ENGLISH TOP 100
Clue: Title of the Beatles song that tells us "life is very short"--5 words: Nos. 27, 53, 87, 11, 43
Output: "we can work it out"
Clue: The 1978 discovery of footprints in Tanzania showed that hominids may have been doing this 3.6 million years ago
Output: waling upright
Clue: This island nation off the coast of Florida consists of almost 700 islands & islets & about 2,400 cays & rocks
Output: the bahamas
Category: DRAMA
Clue: This play begins as Willy Loman returns home from a trip
Output: death of a salesman
Category: SKY HIGH
Clue: Aon center at 707 Wilshire Blvd
Output: los angeles
Clue: Daniel J. Boorstin & James H. Billington are the last 2 scholars to run this library
Output: the library of congress
Clue: In 2009 Allen Iverson returned to this team for which he won the award in 1997
Output: the 76ers
Clue: This word for a ceremonial procession is from old Italian cavalcare, "to ride on horseback"
Output: cavalcade
Category: FOOD & DRINK
Clue: Hormel makes a microwavable version of this man's beef stew
Output: dinty moore
Category: NOVELS
Clue: First published in 1897, this novel wasn't translated into Romanian until 1992
Output: dracula
Category: 10-LETTER WORDS
Clue: Instead of being hospitalized, many who are sick can be treated on this basis
Output: outpatient
Clue: It was anchorman Bill in this 1987 James L. Brooks film
Output: broadcast news
Category: BASEBALL
Clue: Tony Gwynn of this National League team has the highest career average of all active players with .340
Output: san diego padres
Clue: Grammy voters were fixated with this one-named Colombian hottie who won for "Fijacion Oral Vol. 1"
Output: shakira
Clue: In the 1920s Donald Duncan introduced this child's toy to America & it's had its ups & downs ever since
Output: yo-yo
Clue: In the 1830s settlers gave this city its name in the hope of having the University of Mississippi placed there
Output: oxford
Clue: This job "shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided"
Output: the vice president
Category: "RAIN"Y SONGS
Clue: The Carpenters had "nothing to do but frown", these 2 things "always get me down"
Output: "rainy days and mondays"
Category: ADVERBS
Clue: Actually, in the strict sense without inaccuacy or exaggeration, it's this 9-letter adverb
Output: literally
Clue: This 18th century American was the "father of the mail order catalog" & the "father of the stove"
Output: franklin
Category: 20th CENTURY BALLET
Clue: Phillip Feeny's eerie music for the British ballet based on this spooky 19th C. novel is heard here
Output: dracula
Clue: This story begins, "All children, except one, grow up"
Output: peter pan
Category: 5-LETTER WORDS
Clue: To reduce 137,618 to 68,809
Output: halve
Clue: Originally, sequins were worn to show off one's wealth; the word "sequin" comes from the Arabic for this object
Output: a coin
Clue: In the Pledge of Allegiance
Output: all
Clue: The Red House Painters recorded "Fly Away" for "Take Me Home", a CD tribute to this singer
Output: john denver
Category: PEOPLE
Clue: He says that Gerry Rivers is not his real name but admits he was sometimes called Gerry as a kid
Output: geraldo rivera
Category: DESERTS
Clue: The Empty Quarter, most of which is in this country, is the largest continuous body of sand in the world
Output: saudi arabia
Category: COLORS
Clue: The 2 opposing colors in the Wars of the Roses & in the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920
Output: red & white
Clue: One critic said this musical was "about as Latin as steak & kidney pie"
Output: "evita"
Clue: In one form or another you can fork over this metal on the 5th or 25th anniversary
Output: silver
Category: U.S. GEOGRAPHY
Clue: This western branch of the Appalachians runs from north central Penn. through MD., VA. & W. VA.
Output: alleghenies
Clue: LOX, the one used in rockets, not in bagels, is liquid this
Output: oxygen
Category: POP "I"
Clue: "Beware" this one hit wonder group who hit it big in 1970 with the following
Output: the ides of march
Clue: For the military, zoologist John Kerr developed the "dazzle paint" type of this, something animals also use
Output: camouflage
Category: "CUS" WORDS
Clue: Notable early bloomers seen here:
Output: crocuses
Clue: I might worry about hanging around with him--he was nicknamed the "Hangman of Buffalo"
Output: grover cleveland
Category: "CLUB" ME
Clue: As Claire Standish, Molly Ringwald endures detention in this 1985 film
Output: the breakfast club
Clue: The 1972 games at this German city were the scene of terrorism & tragedy
Output: munich
Clue: When going out, take this card because "It's Everywhere You Want to Be"
Output: visa
Category: THE MOVIES
Clue: In this 1970 film, Dustin Hoffman played a 121-year-old survivor of the Custer massacre
Output: little big man
Clue: Autosuggestion ("I am great, great") is classified as a form of "self" this ("I am getting sleepy, sleepy")
Output: self-hypnosis
Clue: Unflattering slang term for a U.S. citizen abroad who gives his fellow countrymen a bad image
Output: "ugly american"
Clue: These date back to 1696 in England; before that award presenters had to ask for "The folded piece of paper, please"
Output: envelope
Category: 2-T OR NOT 2-T
Clue: Scattered trash & a liquid metric measurement
Output: litter & liter
Category: HERSTORY
Clue: She was the first of the Ptolemaic line to speak Egyptian
Output: cleopatra
Clue: On July 1, 1998 Barbra married this actor
Output: james brolin
Clue: Noted with a dot on the score, it's the opposite of legato
Output: staccato
Clue: Now in ruins, the temple complex of Angkor Thom in this country was built by Khmer ruler Jayavarman VII
Output: cambodia
Clue: The FTC wants to ban ads that promise 2 pounds per week or more of weight loss without doing these 2 things
Output: diet & exercise
Category: MY DAD
Clue: This leader of the Argonauts was raised by Chiron, a Centaur
Output: jason
Category: STAG FILMS
Clue: Lex Barker of Tarzan fame played a James Fenimore Cooper title character in this 1957 film
Output: the deerslayer
Clue: By his own account, this notorious Khmer Rouge leader spent 2 years as a Buddhist monk
Output: pol pot
Clue: From June 1953 to November 1954 Mohammad Naguib & Gamal Abdel Nasser shared power in this country
Output: egypt
Clue: Bernini's 1623 statue of this Biblical hero has his privates covered, unlike Donatello's or Michelangelo's
Output: "david"
Category: OH, NO! IT'S OPERA!
Clue: This Greek tragic heroine is the subject of 2 Gluck operas, one set in Aulis & one in Tauris
Output: iphigénie
Clue: To use a concealed microphone like a member of the order Hemiptera
Output: to bug
Category: PARTS
Clue: It has a bottom stop, teeth, a slide & top stops
Output: a zipper
Category: BAD HEIR DAY
Clue: Robert the Steward was heir presumptive to his grandfather, this Scot, who suddenly had a son in 1324
Output: robert the bruce
Clue: During the Reign of Terror, ceilings were set for wages & these
Output: prices
Category: PO
Clue: The Po is the longest river in this country
Output: italy
Clue: "What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming"
Output: the "star-spangled banner"
Clue: The Webby Awards' top Internet moments for 2000-2009 include Twitter's role in this country's 2009 election protests
Output: iran
Clue: A high point of German appeasement, 1938's Munich Pact was approved by this British prime minister
Output: neville chamberlain
Category: SEE "NN"
Clue: Get thee to this synonym for a convent
Output: a nunnery
Clue: A tree having single flattened needles or the pelt of an animal
Output: fir/fur
Clue: Its jingle says, "Thank Goodness for" this chef
Output: chef boyardee
Clue: "David Copperfield" character with lines like "We are very 'umble" & "We live in a numble abode"
Output: uriah heep
Clue: In 1915 film, "Birth of a Nation", Joseph Henabery played this president
Output: abraham lincoln
Clue: Libya's national flag is solid green & represents this religion
Output: islam
Clue: She eloped with Paris, becoming Hecuba's daughter-in-law
Output: helen
Category: CAB ARRAY
Clue: Cab drivers came to be called hacks because of this old word for a coach for hire
Output: hackney
Clue: In 1848 she wrote to Belgium's King Leopold, "Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves"
Output: victoria
Category: SPHERES
Clue: The lateral halves of the cerebrum are called these
Output: hemispheres
Clue: It was chosen in 1394 as the capital of the kingdom of Choson
Output: seoul
Clue: Used to transport small loads like lawn dirt, it's a cart with 1 tire & a shallow body, held & pushed by handles
Output: a wheelbarrow
Clue: Hera sent a gadfly to torment this 2-letter goddess, who later escaped to Egypt across a sea since named for her
Output: io
Clue: Monte Cervino is the Italian name for this peak, located in the Alps & copied in Anaheim
Output: the matterhorn
Category: IT'S A DOG'S LIFE
Clue: Familiar to fans as "Marmaduke", this lovable breed was a favorite of Elvis, who had 2 at Graceland
Output: a great dane
Clue: If you know he's "The Father of the Kodak", say Cheese!
Output: george eastman
Clue: To the ancient Greeks: Lachesis, Clotho & Atropos
Output: fates
Category: TAKE THE KIDS!
Clue: In part of Disney's Animal Kingdom, no glass separates you from the giant fruit type of this flying mammal
Output: bat
Clue: In 1754 at Fort Necessity, his first major military command brought the one surrender of his career--& to the French!
Output: george washington
Clue: This current world leader's middle initial V. stands for Vladimirovich
Output: vladimir putin
Clue: Amoxicillin & ampicillin are types of these
Output: antibiotics
Clue: This "Annie Hall" actress went behind the cameras for the 1995 family drama "Unstrung Heroes"
Output: diane keaton
Category: 4-LETTER WORDS
Clue: Type of chart seen here
Output: flow
Clue: Matt & Ollie's father served at this S.C. city in the Revolution; their nephew was killed there in the Civil War
Output: charleston
Clue: It was the total length in years of the Thirty Years' War
Output: 30 years
Clue: 2008, starring Robert Downey Jr.: "I.M."
Output: iron man
Clue: "Bred en bawn in a brier-patch, Brer Fox"
Output: joel chandler harris
Clue: Gerry & the Pacemakers ferry crossed this Liverpool river
Output: the mersey
Clue: (Sarah) Phrase for what snowboarders are now known for doing...as well as hoboes
Output: riding the rails
Clue: Germany's Halberstadt CL IV was powered by this engine brand named for a girl
Output: mercedes
Clue: In a 2001 book David Brock said he lied in a 1993 book slamming her, Clarence Thomas' nemesis at confirmation
Output: anita hill
Clue: 1 of the 4 characters Ford has played more than once on film
Output: han solo, jack ryan, indiana jones or bob
Category: HERSTORY
Clue: She was the first of the Ptolemaic line to speak Egyptian
Output: cleopatra
Category: RHYME HOLE
Clue: To persuade by flattery or promises
Output: cajole
Clue: This actor directed an animal onscreen & off in 1998's "The Horse Whisperer"
Output: robert redford
Category: RABBI
Clue: Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki wrote commentaries on the Torah & on this collection of laws, from a word for "study"
Output: the talmud
Clue: This "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" star attended Yale on a scholarship
Output: angela bassett
Clue: In Spanish it's nosotros
Output: we
Category: COW
Clue: At the 1939 World's Fair in New York City, the Borden exhibit featured a live version of this trademarked cow
Output: elsie
Clue: Reputed to be aphrodisiacs, these shellfish are rich in zinc, which is crucial to testosterone production
Output: oysters
Clue: There's a lighthouse at Cape Gris-Nez, this country's closest point to England
Output: france
Clue: With lights and lasers & casinos like Binion's & The Four Queens, this downtown Vegas street is a real experience
Output: fremont street
Clue: The Bible says this wise king's ships went to Tarshish to bring back "gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks"
Output: solomon
Clue: A cover titled "Declining American Birthrate" was canceled in 1974 when this man was pardoned
Output: richard m. nixon
Category: AT THE ZOO
Clue: Let's go look at the lorikeets in this structure, from the Latin for "bird"
Output: aviary
Clue: Celebrator of imperialism Rudyard Kipling
Output: india
Clue: Francis Hopkinson, who composed 1754's "Ode to Music", also signed this famous 1776 document
Output: the declaration of independence
Category: STARTS WITH “B”
Clue: The 2 South American countries whose names begin with “B”
Output: brazil & bolivia
Category: EPONYMS
Clue: This synonym for a miserly man comes from a Dickens story
Output: a scrooge
Clue: Joseph Conrad was introduced to English at age 8 when his dad was translating Shakespeare into this language
Output: polish
Category: RIVERS
Clue: This French river empties into the English Channel near Le Havre
Output: seine
Category: HISTORY
Clue: In 1989 the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled 260,000 barrels of crude off this state; oops
Output: alaska
Category: HISTORY
Clue: After years of construction, this canal finally opened for business August 15, 1914
Output: panama canal
Clue: Kids can eat with their hands at Leon, a restaurant specializing in this seafood that rhymes with "Brussels"
Output: mussels
Category: MIKE TV
Clue: Nefarious CEOs hide under their desks when this "60 Minutes" anchor comes knocking on their doors
Output: mike wallace
Clue: This Angolan currency introduced in 1977 was named for a river, not a late December holiday
Output: kwanzaa
Clue: In 1610 this Italian made his biggest discovery: the 4 largest moons of Jupiter
Output: galileo
Clue: This former brother-in-law of Angela Lansbury co-starred with her in "Death on the Nile" as Hercule Poirot
Output: peter ustinov
Clue: By its derivation the only thing in an arboretum should be these, no shrubs or other plants
Output: trees
Clue: The Metro stop for Montreal's Olympic stadium is Pie-IX, named for this 19th century religious figure
Output: pope pius ix
Clue: Annie Sullivan in "The Miracle Worker"
Output: anne bancroft
Clue: Removal of the gallbladder is the usual treatment for concretions better known as these
Output: gallstones
Clue: Some of this U.S. pop artist's silkscreens are in a museum in Slovakia, near his parents' birthplace
Output: andy warhol
Clue: Marlow, an adventurer, appears in several works by this author, including "Lord Jim"
Output: joseph conrad
Clue: A bond, an electrovalent bond
Output: ionic
Category: PASSING "NOTE"s
Clue: Used for taking notes in class, they may be filled with wide-ruled or college-ruled paper
Output: notebooks
Clue: Observations from this, launched in 1990, revealed galaxies older than astronomers expected
Output: the hubble telescope
Category: NEPAL
Clue: "Wooden temple", the meaning of this city's name, refers to the 400-year old one in its central square
Output: katmandu
Clue: Near the end of "Through the Looking Glass", this queen disappears in a bowl of soup
Output: white queen
Category: HIPPOS
Clue: The word hippopotamus comes from 2 Greek words meaning this
Output: river horse
Category: POP "I"
Clue: "Beware" this one hit wonder group who hit it big in 1970 with the following
Output: the ides of march
Category: POETS
Clue: In 1953 his Norton Lectures at Harvard were published as "i: six nonlectures"
Output: cummings
Clue: In 1984 he published his "Louisiana Kitchen Cookbook"
Output: paul prudhomme
Category: STEELY DAN
Clue: Steely Dan's highest-charting song told this title woman "Don't Lose That Number"
Output: rikki
Clue: Allotrope of carbon that's used as a solid lubricant
Output: graphite
Category: YOU, THE VOTER
Clue: A term for loyal party voters comes from the saying "I'd vote for" this colorful canine "if he was a Democrat"
Output: a yellow dog
Clue: Written first
Output: the iliad
Category: SET 'EM UP, JOE
Clue: Joe dreams of Vivien Leigh when he makes his Southern Comfort & cranberry juice cocktail
Output: a scarlett o\'hara
Clue: Chick Webb discovered this singer heard here
Output: ella fitzgerald
Clue: It's the rank just below (the very model of a modern) major general
Output: brigadier general
Clue: Named for an Army chaplain, this city near Phoenix boasts more than 300 sunny days per year
Output: scottsdale
Clue: There's an old expression that says these "never prosper"; remember that
Output: cheaters
Category: BRITISH TV
Clue: This computer-created Matt Frewer character had a British music video show before the U.S. drama
Output: max headroom
Category: FOOD
Clue: The Bismarck type of this fish is made of fillets cured in vinegar, salt & onions
Output: herring
Category: LAKES & RIVERS
Clue: In Israel the area where this river exits the Sea of Galilee is considered holy
Output: the jordan
Clue: Author Steve who created D.A. Paul Madriani
Output: martini
Clue: In 2001 this Oscar winner sang "Angelina", a romantic tribute to his fifth wife, on his album "Private Radio"
Output: billy bob thornton
Category: "HALF" BAKED
Clue: This flag custom may have begun at the end of naval battles; today it's done to show respect to the recently departed
Output: flying it at half-staff
Clue: B.K.S. Iyengar of India is often called the world's foremost teacher of this body-twisting practice
Output: yoga
Clue: In the T'ang dynasty the Chinese came up with this bone-hard white ceramic also called china
Output: porcelain
Clue: This duo's comic opera of "The Yeomen of the Guard" premiered at the Savoy Theatre on Oct. 3, 1888
Output: gilbert & sullivan
Category: ENERGY
Clue: Nearly all artificial satellites are powered by batteries charged by this
Output: sun
Clue: A bullfighter's costume includes a satin "suit of lights" & a montera, a 2-cornered one of these
Output: hat
Clue: In 2001 this Oscar winner sang "Angelina", a romantic tribute to his fifth wife, on his album "Private Radio"
Output: billy bob thornton
Clue: (Hi, I'm Peter Krause) The 1st live game on this network that's like mine on "Sports Night" was the Bourbons vs. the Schlitzes in softball
Output: espn
Clue: Throw sword!
Output: wordsworth
Clue: The yata-no-kagami mirror was used by the sun goddess Amaterasu to bring light to the world in this country's mythology
Output: japan
Clue: Tennessee's first success was this play about the Wingfield family that premiered in 1944
Output: the glass menagerie
Clue: Angels guard this duo while they sleep in the forest in an 1893 opera
Output: hansel & gretel
Clue: "Pericles..."
Output: prince of tyre
Category: WORLD WAR II
Clue: On January 22, 1944 the allies began storming this Italian beach
Output: anzio
Clue: "Bicycle Race" & "Another One Bites The Dust"
Output: queen
Clue: A game about Kevin Bacon was inspired by the title of this play
Output: six degrees of separation
Category: BALLET
Clue: Act three, scene one of this ballet is called "The Awakening"
Output: sleeping beauty
Category: "BLUE"
Clue: This hard rock group had a 1976 hit with "(Don't Fear) The Reaper"
Output: blue öyster cult
Clue: A. Philip Randolph unionized men in this job held by the men depicted on the stamp seen here:
Output: sleeping car porters
Clue: Under 1993's Maastricht Treaty, the EC became a policy arm of this organization, the EU
Output: european union
Clue: On a farm who needs an alarm clock when you have this bird's cock-a-doodle-doo to wake you?
Output: a rooster
Clue: It follows "Pitts-" in the U.S. & "Edin-" in Scotland; we'll accept either pronunciation
Output: burgh
Clue: In 1906 TR became the first American to win a Nobel Prize: he helped to end this Asian war
Output: the russo-japanese war
Clue: An armistice to end this war was signed at Panmunjom in July 1953
Output: the korean war
Clue: Mamet dedicated "Glengarry Glen Ross" to this British minimalist playwright
Output: harold pinter
Category: TWINS
Clue: Brigitte Helm played both the virginal Maria & her sexy robot twin in this 1927 Fritz Lang film
Output: metropolis
Clue: In 2001 this large bird was seen running down Mississippi 51, then went after an animal control officer
Output: an emu
Clue: This country's royal palace stands on the site of the former palace of the dukes of Brabant
Output: belgium
Category: PHYSICS
Clue: Branch of physics dealing with motion, like the bumping of molecules in a gas
Output: kinetics
Category: THE "I"s HAVE IT
Clue: Dorothy Hamill must have fond memories of this Tyrolean city: she won her Olympic gold medal there
Output: innsbruck
Category: RIDING I-10
Clue: In this state, the 10 doesn't take that left at Albuquerque, but does hang a sharp right near Las Cruces
Output: new mexico
Clue: This poem says, "For all averred, I had killed the bird that made the breeze to blow"
Output: the rime of the ancient mariner
Clue: From 1784 to 1788 the eastern part of this state was a separate state called Franklin
Output: tennessee
Clue: Young Darwin saw himself as a geologist, & his 1st entry on the isles says, "They are all formed of... rocks" from this event
Output: a volcanic eruption
Category: 1907
Clue: For works like "Gunga Din", he became the first Brit awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
Output: kipling |
In this task, you're given passages that contain mentions of names of people, places, or things. Some of these mentions refer to the same person, place, or thing. Your job is to write questions that evaluate one's understanding of such references. Good questions are expected to link pronouns (she, her, him, his, their, etc.) or other mentions to people, places, or things to which they may refer.
Avoid questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. Avoid questions that do not link phrases referring to the same entity. Avoid questions that have multiple answers.
For each of your questions the answer should be one or more phrases in the paragraph. The answer for each question should be unambiguous.
Input: Context: Notre Dame alumni work in various fields. Alumni working in political fields include state governors, members of the United States Congress, and former United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. A notable alumnus of the College of Science is Medicine Nobel Prize winner Eric F. Wieschaus. A number of university heads are alumni, including Notre Dame's current president, the Rev. John Jenkins. Additionally, many alumni are in the media, including talk show hosts Regis Philbin and Phil Donahue, and television and radio personalities such as Mike Golic and Hannah Storm. With the university having high profile sports teams itself, a number of alumni went on to become involved in athletics outside the university, including professional baseball, basketball, football, and ice hockey players, such as Joe Theismann, Joe Montana, Tim Brown, Ross Browner, Rocket Ismail, Ruth Riley, Jeff Samardzija, Jerome Bettis, Brett Lebda, Olympic gold medalist Mariel Zagunis, professional boxer Mike Lee, former football coaches such as Charlie Weis, Frank Leahy and Knute Rockne, and Basketball Hall of Famers Austin Carr and Adrian Dantley. Other notable alumni include prominent businessman Edward J. DeBartolo, Jr. and astronaut Jim Wetherbee.
Output: Which notable astronaut is known to have attended Notre Dame?
Input: Context: The Lobund Institute grew out of pioneering research in germ-free-life which began in 1928. This area of research originated in a question posed by Pasteur as to whether animal life was possible without bacteria. Though others had taken up this idea, their research was short lived and inconclusive. Lobund was the first research organization to answer definitively, that such life is possible and that it can be prolonged through generations. But the objective was not merely to answer Pasteur's question but also to produce the germ free animal as a new tool for biological and medical research. This objective was reached and for years Lobund was a unique center for the study and production of germ free animals and for their use in biological and medical investigations. Today the work has spread to other universities. In the beginning it was under the Department of Biology and a program leading to the master's degree accompanied the research program. In the 1940s Lobund achieved independent status as a purely research organization and in 1950 was raised to the status of an Institute. In 1958 it was brought back into the Department of Biology as integral part of that department, but with its own program leading to the degree of PhD in Gnotobiotics.
Output: In what year did Lobund at Notre Dame become an Institute?
Input: Context: Notre Dame's conference affiliations for all of its sports except football and fencing changed in July 2013 as a result of major conference realignment, and its fencing affiliation will change in July 2014. The Irish left the Big East for the ACC during a prolonged period of instability in the Big East; while they maintain their football independence, they have committed to play five games per season against ACC opponents. In ice hockey, the Irish were forced to find a new conference home after the Big Ten Conference's decision to add the sport in 2013–14 led to a cascade of conference moves that culminated in the dissolution of the school's former hockey home, the Central Collegiate Hockey Association, after the 2012–13 season. Notre Dame moved its hockey team to Hockey East. After Notre Dame joined the ACC, the conference announced it would add fencing as a sponsored sport beginning in the 2014–15 school year. There are many theories behind the adoption of the athletics moniker but it is known that the Fighting Irish name was used in the early 1920s with respect to the football team and was popularized by alumnus Francis Wallace in his New York Daily News columns. The official colors of Notre Dame are Navy Blue and Gold Rush which are worn in competition by its athletic teams. In addition, the color green is often worn because of the Fighting Irish nickname. The Notre Dame Leprechaun is the mascot of the athletic teams. Created by Theodore W. Drake in 1964, the leprechaun was first used on the football pocket schedule and later on the football program covers. The leprechaun was featured on the cover of Time in November 1964 and gained national exposure.
Output: Where did the Fighting Irish hockey team compete prior to a move to Hockey East, in terms of conference?
Input: Context: Beyoncé further expanded her acting career, starring as blues singer Etta James in the 2008 musical biopic, Cadillac Records. Her performance in the film received praise from critics, and she garnered several nominations for her portrayal of James, including a Satellite Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and a NAACP Image Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress. Beyoncé donated her entire salary from the film to Phoenix House, an organization of rehabilitation centers for heroin addicts around the country. On January 20, 2009, Beyoncé performed James' "At Last" at the First Couple's first inaugural ball. Beyoncé starred opposite Ali Larter and Idris Elba in the thriller, Obsessed. She played Sharon Charles, a mother and wife who learns of a woman's obsessive behavior over her husband. Although the film received negative reviews from critics, the movie did well at the US box office, grossing $68 million—$60 million more than Cadillac Records—on a budget of $20 million. The fight scene finale between Sharon and the character played by Ali Larter also won the 2010 MTV Movie Award for Best Fight.
Output: Beyonce portrayed which character in the film, Cadillac Records?
Input: Context: About 80% of undergraduates and 20% of graduate students live on campus. The majority of the graduate students on campus live in one of four graduate housing complexes on campus, while all on-campus undergraduates live in one of the 29 residence halls. Because of the religious affiliation of the university, all residence halls are single-sex, with 15 male dorms and 14 female dorms. The university maintains a visiting policy (known as parietal hours) for those students who live in dormitories, specifying times when members of the opposite sex are allowed to visit other students' dorm rooms; however, all residence halls have 24-hour social spaces for students regardless of gender. Many residence halls have at least one nun and/or priest as a resident. There are no traditional social fraternities or sororities at the university, but a majority of students live in the same residence hall for all four years. Some intramural sports are based on residence hall teams, where the university offers the only non-military academy program of full-contact intramural American football. At the end of the intramural season, the championship game is played on the field in Notre Dame Stadium.
Output: What amount of the graduate student body at Notre Dame live on the campus?
Input: Context: In October 2014, it was announced that Beyoncé with her management company Parkwood Entertainment would be partnering with London-based fashion retailer Topshop, in a new 50/50 split subsidiary business named Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd. The new division was created for Topshop to break into the activewear market, with an athletic, street wear brand being produced. "Creating a partnership with Beyoncé, one of the most hard-working and talented people in the world, who spends many hours of her life dancing, rehearsing and training is a unique opportunity to develop this category" stated Sir Philip Green on the partnership. The company and collection is set to launch and hit stores in the fall of 2015.
Output: What type of clothing does Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd produce?
Input: Context: Beyoncé has been described as a having a wide-ranging sex appeal, with music journalist Touré writing that since the release of Dangerously in Love, she has "become a crossover sex symbol". Offstage Beyoncé says that while she likes to dress sexily, her onstage dress "is absolutely for the stage." Due to her curves and the term's catchiness, in the 2000s, the media often used the term "Bootylicious" (a portmanteau of the words booty and delicious) to describe Beyoncé, the term popularized by Destiny's Child's single of the same name. In 2006, it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Output: What journalist wrote that Beyoncé was a "sex symbol"?
Input: Context: The "Notre Dame Victory March" is the fight song for the University of Notre Dame. It was written by two brothers who were Notre Dame graduates. The Rev. Michael J. Shea, a 1904 graduate, wrote the music, and his brother, John F. Shea, who earned degrees in 1906 and 1908, wrote the original lyrics. The lyrics were revised in the 1920s; it first appeared under the copyright of the University of Notre Dame in 1928. The chorus is, "Cheer cheer for old Notre Dame, wake up the echos cheering her name. Send a volley cheer on high, shake down the thunder from the sky! What though the odds be great or small, old Notre Dame will win over all. While her loyal sons are marching, onward to victory!"
Output: In what year did Michael J. Shea graduate from Notre Dame?
Input: Context: In 2006, the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), criticized Beyoncé for wearing and using fur in her clothing line House of Deréon. In 2011, she appeared on the cover of French fashion magazine L'Officiel, in blackface and tribal makeup that drew criticism from the media. A statement released from a spokesperson for the magazine said that Beyoncé's look was "far from the glamorous Sasha Fierce" and that it was "a return to her African roots".
Output: What French magazine did Beyoncé appear in wearing blackface and tribal makeup?
Input: Context: The television station, NDtv, grew from one show in 2002 to a full 24-hour channel with original programming by September 2006. WSND-FM serves the student body and larger South Bend community at 88.9 FM, offering students a chance to become involved in bringing classical music, fine arts and educational programming, and alternative rock to the airwaves. Another radio station, WVFI, began as a partner of WSND-FM. More recently, however, WVFI has been airing independently and is streamed on the Internet.
Output: Which radio station provides radio to the students of Notre Dame at 88.9 FM?
Input: Context: Beyoncé has won 20 Grammy Awards, both as a solo artist and member of Destiny's Child, making her the second most honored female artist by the Grammys, behind Alison Krauss and the most nominated woman in Grammy Award history with 52 nominations. "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" won Song of the Year in 2010 while "Say My Name" and "Crazy in Love" had previously won Best R&B Song. Dangerously in Love, B'Day and I Am... Sasha Fierce have all won Best Contemporary R&B Album. Beyoncé set the record for the most Grammy awards won by a female artist in one night in 2010 when she won six awards, breaking the tie she previously held with Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Alison Krauss, and Amy Winehouse, with Adele equaling this in 2012. Following her role in Dreamgirls she was nominated for Best Original Song for "Listen" and Best Actress at the Golden Globe Awards, and Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture at the NAACP Image Awards. Beyoncé won two awards at the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2006; Best Song for "Listen" and Best Original Soundtrack for Dreamgirls: Music from the Motion Picture.
Output: How many Grammy nominations has Beyoncé had?
Input: Context: The release of a video-game Starpower: Beyoncé was cancelled after Beyoncé pulled out of a $100 million with GateFive who alleged the cancellation meant the sacking of 70 staff and millions of pounds lost in development. It was settled out of court by her lawyers in June 2013 who said that they had cancelled because GateFive had lost its financial backers. Beyoncé also has had deals with American Express, Nintendo DS and L'Oréal since the age of 18.
Output: How young was Beyonce when she acquired deals from American Express and L'Oreal?
Input: Context: Beyoncé's second solo album B'Day was released on September 5, 2006, in the US, to coincide with her twenty-fifth birthday. It sold 541,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop the Billboard 200, becoming Beyoncé's second consecutive number-one album in the United States. The album's lead single "Déjà Vu", featuring Jay Z, reached the top five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The second international single "Irreplaceable" was a commercial success worldwide, reaching number one in Australia, Hungary, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States. B'Day also produced three other singles; "Ring the Alarm", "Get Me Bodied", and "Green Light" (released in the United Kingdom only).
Output: How many countries did her song "Irreplaceable" get number one status in?
Input: Context: In 2001, she became the first African-American woman and second woman songwriter to win the Pop Songwriter of the Year award at the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers Pop Music Awards. Beyoncé was the third woman to have writing credits on three number one songs ("Irreplaceable", "Grillz" and "Check on It") in the same year, after Carole King in 1971 and Mariah Carey in 1991. She is tied with American songwriter Diane Warren at third with nine songwriting credits on number-one singles. (The latter wrote her 9/11-motivated song "I Was Here" for 4.) In May 2011, Billboard magazine listed Beyoncé at number 17 on their list of the "Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters", for having co-written eight singles that hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. She was one of only three women on that list.
Output: Where does she place in writing credits for three number one songs?
Input: Context: Beyoncé's vocal range spans four octaves. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as "one of the most compelling instruments in popular music". While another critic says she is a "Vocal acrobat, being able to sing long and complex melismas and vocal runs effortlessly, and in key. Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. The Daily Mail calls Beyoncé's voice "versatile", capable of exploring power ballads, soul, rock belting, operatic flourishes, and hip hop. Jon Pareles of The New York Times commented that her voice is "velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced Beyoncé's strange rhythmic vocal style, but also finds her quite traditionalist in her use of balladry, gospel and falsetto. Other critics praise her range and power, with Chris Richards of The Washington Post saying she was "capable of punctuating any beat with goose-bump-inducing whispers or full-bore diva-roars."
Output: Which critic called Beyonce's voice "versatile"?
Input: Context: On January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to her first child, a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Five months later, she performed for four nights at Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall to celebrate the resort's opening, her first performances since giving birth to Blue Ivy.
Output: Where was Beyoncé's first public performance after giving birth?
Input: Context: On December 13, 2013, Beyoncé unexpectedly released her eponymous fifth studio album on the iTunes Store without any prior announcement or promotion. The album debuted atop the Billboard 200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fifth consecutive number-one album in the US. This made her the first woman in the chart's history to have her first five studio albums debut at number one. Beyoncé received critical acclaim and commercial success, selling one million digital copies worldwide in six days; The New York Times noted the album's unconventional, unexpected release as significant. Musically an electro-R&B album, it concerns darker themes previously unexplored in her work, such as "bulimia, postnatal depression [and] the fears and insecurities of marriage and motherhood". The single "Drunk in Love", featuring Jay Z, peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. In April 2014, after much speculation in the weeks before, Beyoncé and Jay Z officially announced their On the Run Tour. It served as the couple's first co-headlining stadium tour together. On August 24, 2014, she received the Video Vanguard Award at the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards. Knowles also took home three competitive awards: Best Video with a Social Message and Best Cinematography for "Pretty Hurts", as well as best collaboration for "Drunk in Love". In November, Forbes reported that Beyoncé was the top-earning woman in music for the second year in a row—earning $115 million in the year, more than double her earnings in 2013. Beyoncé was reissued with new material in three forms: as an extended play, a box set, as well as a full platinum edition.
Output: Who joined Beyonce on her On The Run Tour?
Input: Context: On April 4, 2008, Beyoncé married Jay Z. She publicly revealed their marriage in a video montage at the listening party for her third studio album, I Am... Sasha Fierce, in Manhattan's Sony Club on October 22, 2008. I Am... Sasha Fierce was released on November 18, 2008 in the United States. The album formally introduces Beyoncé's alter ego Sasha Fierce, conceived during the making of her 2003 single "Crazy in Love", selling 482,000 copies in its first week, debuting atop the Billboard 200, and giving Beyoncé her third consecutive number-one album in the US. The album featured the number-one song "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" and the top-five songs "If I Were a Boy" and "Halo". Achieving the accomplishment of becoming her longest-running Hot 100 single in her career, "Halo"'s success in the US helped Beyoncé attain more top-ten singles on the list than any other woman during the 2000s. It also included the successful "Sweet Dreams", and singles "Diva", "Ego", "Broken-Hearted Girl" and "Video Phone". The music video for "Single Ladies" has been parodied and imitated around the world, spawning the "first major dance craze" of the Internet age according to the Toronto Star. The video has won several awards, including Best Video at the 2009 MTV Europe Music Awards, the 2009 Scottish MOBO Awards, and the 2009 BET Awards. At the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, the video was nominated for nine awards, ultimately winning three including Video of the Year. Its failure to win the Best Female Video category, which went to American country pop singer Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me", led to Kanye West interrupting the ceremony and Beyoncé improvising a re-presentation of Swift's award during her own acceptance speech. In March 2009, Beyoncé embarked on the I Am... World Tour, her second headlining worldwide concert tour, consisting of 108 shows, grossing $119.5 million.
Output: The video for what song won Beyoncé the 2009 MTV Video of the Year award?
Input: Context: Father Joseph Carrier, C.S.C. was Director of the Science Museum and the Library and Professor of Chemistry and Physics until 1874. Carrier taught that scientific research and its promise for progress were not antagonistic to the ideals of intellectual and moral culture endorsed by the Church. One of Carrier's students was Father John Augustine Zahm (1851–1921) who was made Professor and Co-Director of the Science Department at age 23 and by 1900 was a nationally prominent scientist and naturalist. Zahm was active in the Catholic Summer School movement, which introduced Catholic laity to contemporary intellectual issues. His book Evolution and Dogma (1896) defended certain aspects of evolutionary theory as true, and argued, moreover, that even the great Church teachers Thomas Aquinas and Augustine taught something like it. The intervention of Irish American Catholics in Rome prevented Zahm's censure by the Vatican. In 1913, Zahm and former President Theodore Roosevelt embarked on a major expedition through the Amazon.
Output: What program did John Augustine Zahm come to co-direct at Nore Dame?
Input: Context: Beyoncé has received praise for her stage presence and voice during live performances. Jarett Wieselman of the New York Post placed her at number one on her list of the Five Best Singer/Dancers. According to Barbara Ellen of The Guardian Beyoncé is the most in-charge female artist she's seen onstage, while Alice Jones of The Independent wrote she "takes her role as entertainer so seriously she's almost too good." The ex-President of Def Jam L.A. Reid has described Beyoncé as the greatest entertainer alive. Jim Farber of the Daily News and Stephanie Classen of Star Phoenix both praised her strong voice and her stage presence.
Output: Who has Beyoncé at number one on her Five Best Singer/Dancers?
Input: Context: The university first offered graduate degrees, in the form of a Master of Arts (MA), in the 1854–1855 academic year. The program expanded to include Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Master of Civil Engineering in its early stages of growth, before a formal graduate school education was developed with a thesis not required to receive the degrees. This changed in 1924 with formal requirements developed for graduate degrees, including offering Doctorate (PhD) degrees. Today each of the five colleges offer graduate education. Most of the departments from the College of Arts and Letters offer PhD programs, while a professional Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program also exists. All of the departments in the College of Science offer PhD programs, except for the Department of Pre-Professional Studies. The School of Architecture offers a Master of Architecture, while each of the departments of the College of Engineering offer PhD programs. The College of Business offers multiple professional programs including MBA and Master of Science in Accountancy programs. It also operates facilities in Chicago and Cincinnati for its executive MBA program. Additionally, the Alliance for Catholic Education program offers a Master of Education program where students study at the university during the summer and teach in Catholic elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools across the Southern United States for two school years.
Output: In what year was a Master of Arts course first offered at Notre Dame?
Input: Context: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles was born in Houston, Texas, to Celestine Ann "Tina" Knowles (née Beyincé), a hairdresser and salon owner, and Mathew Knowles, a Xerox sales manager. Beyoncé's name is a tribute to her mother's maiden name. Beyoncé's younger sister Solange is also a singer and a former member of Destiny's Child. Mathew is African-American, while Tina is of Louisiana Creole descent (with African, Native American, French, Cajun, and distant Irish and Spanish ancestry). Through her mother, Beyoncé is a descendant of Acadian leader Joseph Broussard. She was raised in a Methodist household.
Output: Beyonce's father worked as a sales manager for what company?
Input: Context: The Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., (1917–2015) served as president for 35 years (1952–87) of dramatic transformations. In that time the annual operating budget rose by a factor of 18 from $9.7 million to $176.6 million, and the endowment by a factor of 40 from $9 million to $350 million, and research funding by a factor of 20 from $735,000 to $15 million. Enrollment nearly doubled from 4,979 to 9,600, faculty more than doubled 389 to 950, and degrees awarded annually doubled from 1,212 to 2,500.
Output: What was the lifespan of Theodore Hesburgh?
Input: Context: This Main Building, and the library collection, was entirely destroyed by a fire in April 1879, and the school closed immediately and students were sent home. The university founder, Fr. Sorin and the president at the time, the Rev. William Corby, immediately planned for the rebuilding of the structure that had housed virtually the entire University. Construction was started on the 17th of May and by the incredible zeal of administrator and workers the building was completed before the fall semester of 1879. The library collection was also rebuilt and stayed housed in the new Main Building for years afterwards. Around the time of the fire, a music hall was opened. Eventually becoming known as Washington Hall, it hosted plays and musical acts put on by the school. By 1880, a science program was established at the university, and a Science Hall (today LaFortune Student Center) was built in 1883. The hall housed multiple classrooms and science labs needed for early research at the university.
Output: In what year was the Main Building at Notre Dame razed in a fire?
Input: Context: Beyoncé names Michael Jackson as her major musical influence. Aged five, Beyoncé attended her first ever concert where Jackson performed and she claims to have realised her purpose. When she presented him with a tribute award at the World Music Awards in 2006, Beyoncé said, "if it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I would never ever have performed." She admires Diana Ross as an "all-around entertainer" and Whitney Houston, who she said "inspired me to get up there and do what she did." She credits Mariah Carey's singing and her song "Vision of Love" as influencing her to begin practicing vocal runs as a child. Her other musical influences include Aaliyah, Prince, Lauryn Hill, Sade Adu, Donna Summer, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson, Anita Baker and Rachelle Ferrell.
Output: What song caused Beyoncé to practice runs as a child?
Input: Context: After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Beyoncé and Rowland founded the Survivor Foundation to provide transitional housing for victims in the Houston area, to which Beyoncé contributed an initial $250,000. The foundation has since expanded to work with other charities in the city, and also provided relief following Hurricane Ike three years later.
Output: What did Beyonce and Rowland found in 2005?
Input: Context: In November 2003, she embarked on the Dangerously in Love Tour in Europe and later toured alongside Missy Elliott and Alicia Keys for the Verizon Ladies First Tour in North America. On February 1, 2004, Beyoncé performed the American national anthem at Super Bowl XXXVIII, at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. After the release of Dangerously in Love, Beyoncé had planned to produce a follow-up album using several of the left-over tracks. However, this was put on hold so she could concentrate on recording Destiny Fulfilled, the final studio album by Destiny's Child. Released on November 15, 2004, in the US and peaking at number two on the Billboard 200, Destiny Fulfilled included the singles "Lose My Breath" and "Soldier", which reached the top five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Destiny's Child embarked on a worldwide concert tour, Destiny Fulfilled... and Lovin' It and during the last stop of their European tour, in Barcelona on June 11, 2005, Rowland announced that Destiny's Child would disband following the North American leg of the tour. The group released their first compilation album Number 1's on October 25, 2005, in the US and accepted a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in March 2006.
Output: It was announced that Destiny's Child would disban in what European city?
Input: Context: The men's basketball team has over 1,600 wins, one of only 12 schools who have reached that mark, and have appeared in 28 NCAA tournaments. Former player Austin Carr holds the record for most points scored in a single game of the tournament with 61. Although the team has never won the NCAA Tournament, they were named by the Helms Athletic Foundation as national champions twice. The team has orchestrated a number of upsets of number one ranked teams, the most notable of which was ending UCLA's record 88-game winning streak in 1974. The team has beaten an additional eight number-one teams, and those nine wins rank second, to UCLA's 10, all-time in wins against the top team. The team plays in newly renovated Purcell Pavilion (within the Edmund P. Joyce Center), which reopened for the beginning of the 2009–2010 season. The team is coached by Mike Brey, who, as of the 2014–15 season, his fifteenth at Notre Dame, has achieved a 332-165 record. In 2009 they were invited to the NIT, where they advanced to the semifinals but were beaten by Penn State who went on and beat Baylor in the championship. The 2010–11 team concluded its regular season ranked number seven in the country, with a record of 25–5, Brey's fifth straight 20-win season, and a second-place finish in the Big East. During the 2014-15 season, the team went 32-6 and won the ACC conference tournament, later advancing to the Elite 8, where the Fighting Irish lost on a missed buzzer-beater against then undefeated Kentucky. Led by NBA draft picks Jerian Grant and Pat Connaughton, the Fighting Irish beat the eventual national champion Duke Blue Devils twice during the season. The 32 wins were the most by the Fighting Irish team since 1908-09.
Output: How many schools have a similar men's basketball record to Notre Dame in terms of wins?
Input: Context: Beyoncé has worked with Tommy Hilfiger for the fragrances True Star (singing a cover version of "Wishing on a Star") and True Star Gold; she also promoted Emporio Armani's Diamonds fragrance in 2007. Beyoncé launched her first official fragrance, Heat in 2010. The commercial, which featured the 1956 song "Fever", was shown after the water shed in the United Kingdom as it begins with an image of Beyoncé appearing to lie naked in a room. In February 2011, Beyoncé launched her second fragrance, Heat Rush. Beyoncé's third fragrance, Pulse, was launched in September 2011. In 2013, The Mrs. Carter Show Limited Edition version of Heat was released. The six editions of Heat are the world's best-selling celebrity fragrance line, with sales of over $400 million.
Output: What was Beyoncé's first fragrance called?
Input: Context: Beyoncé and her mother introduced House of Deréon, a contemporary women's fashion line, in 2005. The concept is inspired by three generations of women in their family, the name paying tribute to Beyoncé's grandmother, Agnèz Deréon, a respected seamstress. According to Tina, the overall style of the line best reflects her and Beyoncé's taste and style. Beyoncé and her mother founded their family's company Beyond Productions, which provides the licensing and brand management for House of Deréon, and its junior collection, Deréon. House of Deréon pieces were exhibited in Destiny's Child's shows and tours, during their Destiny Fulfilled era. The collection features sportswear, denim offerings with fur, outerwear and accessories that include handbags and footwear, and are available at department and specialty stores across the US and Canada.
Output: House of Dereon became known through Beyonce and which of Beyonce's relatives?
Input: Context: Described as being "sexy, seductive and provocative" when performing on stage, Beyoncé has said that she originally created the alter ego "Sasha Fierce" to keep that stage persona separate from who she really is. She described Sasha as being "too aggressive, too strong, too sassy [and] too sexy", stating, "I'm not like her in real life at all." Sasha was conceived during the making of "Crazy in Love", and Beyoncé introduced her with the release of her 2008 album I Am... Sasha Fierce. In February 2010, she announced in an interview with Allure magazine that she was comfortable enough with herself to no longer need Sasha Fierce. However, Beyoncé announced in May 2012 that she would bring her back for her Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live shows later that month.
Output: What is the name of Beyoncé's alter ego?
Input: Context: In an interview published by Vogue in April 2013, Beyoncé was asked if she considers herself a feminist, to which she said, "that word can be very extreme... But I guess I am a modern-day feminist. I do believe in equality". She would later align herself more publicly with the movement, sampling "We should all be feminists", a speech delivered by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie at a TEDxEuston conference in April 2013, in her song "Flawless", released later that year. She has also contributed to the Ban Bossy campaign, which uses television and social media to encourage leadership in girls.
Output: Where was Beyonce quoted as saying that she is a modern-day feminist?
Input: Context: The release of a video-game Starpower: Beyoncé was cancelled after Beyoncé pulled out of a $100 million with GateFive who alleged the cancellation meant the sacking of 70 staff and millions of pounds lost in development. It was settled out of court by her lawyers in June 2013 who said that they had cancelled because GateFive had lost its financial backers. Beyoncé also has had deals with American Express, Nintendo DS and L'Oréal since the age of 18.
Output: When did Beyonce begin her deals with name brands?
Input: Context: LeToya Luckett and Roberson became unhappy with Mathew's managing of the band and eventually were replaced by Farrah Franklin and Michelle Williams. Beyoncé experienced depression following the split with Luckett and Roberson after being publicly blamed by the media, critics, and blogs for its cause. Her long-standing boyfriend left her at this time. The depression was so severe it lasted for a couple of years, during which she occasionally kept herself in her bedroom for days and refused to eat anything. Beyoncé stated that she struggled to speak about her depression because Destiny's Child had just won their first Grammy Award and she feared no one would take her seriously. Beyoncé would later speak of her mother as the person who helped her fight it. Franklin was dismissed, leaving just Beyoncé, Rowland, and Williams.
Output: Who helped Beyoncé overcome her depression during the years following the Destiny's Child split?
Input: Context: In November 2003, she embarked on the Dangerously in Love Tour in Europe and later toured alongside Missy Elliott and Alicia Keys for the Verizon Ladies First Tour in North America. On February 1, 2004, Beyoncé performed the American national anthem at Super Bowl XXXVIII, at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. After the release of Dangerously in Love, Beyoncé had planned to produce a follow-up album using several of the left-over tracks. However, this was put on hold so she could concentrate on recording Destiny Fulfilled, the final studio album by Destiny's Child. Released on November 15, 2004, in the US and peaking at number two on the Billboard 200, Destiny Fulfilled included the singles "Lose My Breath" and "Soldier", which reached the top five on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Destiny's Child embarked on a worldwide concert tour, Destiny Fulfilled... and Lovin' It and during the last stop of their European tour, in Barcelona on June 11, 2005, Rowland announced that Destiny's Child would disband following the North American leg of the tour. The group released their first compilation album Number 1's on October 25, 2005, in the US and accepted a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in March 2006.
Output: What major event did Beyoncé perform at on February 1, 2004?
Input: Context: In 2015-2016, Notre Dame ranked 18th overall among "national universities" in the United States in U.S. News & World Report's Best Colleges 2016. In 2014, USA Today ranked Notre Dame 10th overall for American universities based on data from College Factual. Forbes.com's America's Best Colleges ranks Notre Dame 13th among colleges in the United States in 2015, 8th among Research Universities, and 1st in the Midwest. U.S. News & World Report also lists Notre Dame Law School as 22nd overall. BusinessWeek ranks Mendoza College of Business undergraduate school as 1st overall. It ranks the MBA program as 20th overall. The Philosophical Gourmet Report ranks Notre Dame's graduate philosophy program as 15th nationally, while ARCHITECT Magazine ranked the undergraduate architecture program as 12th nationally. Additionally, the study abroad program ranks sixth in highest participation percentage in the nation, with 57.6% of students choosing to study abroad in 17 countries. According to payscale.com, undergraduate alumni of University of Notre Dame have a mid-career median salary $110,000, making it the 24th highest among colleges and universities in the United States. The median starting salary of $55,300 ranked 58th in the same peer group.
Output: What percentage of Notre Dame students decide to study abroad? |
Context: The plugs-out test began on the morning of January 27, 1967, and immediately was plagued with problems. First the crew noticed a strange odor in their spacesuits, which delayed the sealing of the hatch. Then, communications problems frustrated the astronauts and forced a hold in the simulated countdown. During this hold, an electrical fire began in the cabin, and spread quickly in the high pressure, 100% oxygen atmosphere. Pressure rose high enough from the fire that the cabin burst and the fire erupted onto the pad area, frustrating attempts to rescue the crew. The astronauts were asphyxiated before the hatch could be opened.
Answer: What happened during the plugs-out test during the delay for the spacesuit odor?
Context: The 1973 oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC, consisting of the Arab members of OPEC plus Egypt and Syria) proclaimed an oil embargo. By the end of the embargo in March 1974, the price of oil had risen from US$3 per barrel to nearly $12 globally; US prices were significantly higher. The embargo caused an oil crisis, or "shock", with many short- and long-term effects on global politics and the global economy. It was later called the "first oil shock", followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the "second oil shock."
Answer: What was another term used for the oil crisis?
Context: At the begin of the Holocene (~11,700 years ago), the Rhine occupied its Late-Glacial valley. As a meandering river, it reworked its ice-age braidplain. As sea-level continued to rise in the Netherlands, the formation of the Holocene Rhine-Meuse delta began (~8,000 years ago). Coeval absolute sea-level rise and tectonic subsidence have strongly influenced delta evolution. Other factors of importance to the shape of the delta are the local tectonic activities of the Peel Boundary Fault, the substrate and geomorphology, as inherited from the Last Glacial and the coastal-marine dynamics, such as barrier and tidal inlet formations.
Answer: Where did the Rhine occupy during the Holocene?
Context: The power of parliament to pass bills was often thwarted by monarchs. Charles I dissolved parliament in 1629, after it passed motions critical of and bills seeking to restrict his arbitrary exercise of power. During the eleven years of personal rule that followed, Charles performed legally dubious actions, such as raising taxes without parliament's approval. After the English Civil War, it was accepted that parliament should be summoned to meet regularly, but it was still commonplace for monarchs to refuse royal assent to bills. In 1678, Charles II withheld his assent from a bill "for preserving the Peace of the Kingdom by raising the Militia, and continuing them in Duty for Two and Forty Days," suggesting that he, not parliament, should control the militia. The last Stuart monarch, Anne, similarly withheld on 11 March 1708, on the advice of her ministers, her assent from a bill for the settling of Militia in Scotland. No monarch has since withheld royal assent on a bill passed by the British parliament.
Answer: Under whose advice did Anne withold the royal assent?
Context: Canadian defence policy today is based on the Canada First Defence Strategy, introduced in 2008. Based on that strategy, the Canadian military is oriented and being equipped to carry out six core missions within Canada, in North America and globally. Specifically, the Canadian Armed Forces are tasked with having the capacity to:
Answer: What is Canada's defense policy based on?
Context: Chocolate is New York City's leading specialty-food export, with up to US$234 million worth of exports each year. Entrepreneurs were forming a "Chocolate District" in Brooklyn as of 2014, while Godiva, one of the world's largest chocolatiers, continues to be headquartered in Manhattan.
Answer: What dollar amount of chocolate does New York export annually?
Context: Under the 1963 constitution, Massamba-Débat was elected President for a five-year term. During Massamba-Débat's term in office the regime adopted "scientific socialism" as the country's constitutional ideology. In 1965, Congo established relations with the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, North Korea and North Vietnam. Massamba-Débat's regime also invited several hundred Cuban army troops into the country to train his party's militia units and these troops helped his government survive a coup in 1966 led by paratroopers loyal to future President Marien Ngouabi. Nevertheless, Massamba-Débat was unable to reconcile various institutional, tribal and ideological factions within the country and his regime ended abruptly with a bloodless coup d'état in September 1968.
Answer: Soldiers from which country were brought to the Congo?
Context: Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia and it also the largest archipelago in the world by size (according to the CIA World Factbook). Geologically, the Indonesian Archipelago is one of the most volcanically active regions in the world. Geological uplifts in the region have also produced some impressive mountains, culminating in Puncak Jaya in Papua, Indonesia at 5,030 metres (16,500 feet), on the island of New Guinea; it is the only place where ice glaciers can be found in Southeast Asia. The second tallest peak is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia on the island of Borneo with a height of 4,095 metres (13,435 feet). The highest mountain in Southeast Asia is Hkakabo Razi at 5,967 meters and can be found in northern Burma sharing the same range of its parent peak, Mount Everest.
Answer: Geologically what is Indonesia's region most active for?
Context: The prolonged Byzantine-Sassanid Wars, most importantly the climactic Byzantine-Sassanid War of 602-628, as well as the social conflict within the Sassanid Empire, opened the way for an Arab invasion to Iran in the 7th century. Initially defeated by the Arab Rashidun Caliphate, Iran came under the rule of the Arab caliphates of Umayyad and Abbasid. The prolonged and gradual process of the Islamization of Iran began following the conquest. Under the new Arab elite of the Rashidun and later the Umayyad caliphates, both converted (mawali) and non-converted (dhimmi) Iranians were discriminated against, being excluded from the government and military, and having to pay a special tax called Jizya. Gunde Shapur, home of the Academy of Gunde Shapur which was the most important medical center of the world at the time, survived after the invasion, but became known as an Islamic institute thereafter.
Answer: Which Arab Caliphate defeated Iran first?
Context: Tuvalu (i/tuːˈvɑːluː/ too-VAH-loo or /ˈtuːvəluː/ TOO-və-loo), formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. It comprises three reef islands and six true atolls spread out between the latitude of 5° to 10° south and longitude of 176° to 180°, west of the International Date Line. Its nearest neighbours are Kiribati, Nauru, Samoa and Fiji. Tuvalu has a population of 10,640 (2012 census). The total land area of the islands of Tuvalu is 26 square kilometres (10 sq mi).
Answer: According the the 2012 census, how many people live on the Tuvalu islands?
Context: The idea of the decline and gradual disappearance of the teaching has been influential in East Asian Buddhism. Pure Land Buddhism holds that it has declined to the point where few are capable of following the path, so it may be best to rely on the power of Amitābha.
Answer: What form of Buddhism has declined to the point where few are capable of following the path?
Context: Other less likely contenders are Guam and the United States Virgin Islands, both of which are unincorporated organized territories of the United States. Also, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa, an unorganized, unincorporated territory, could both attempt to gain statehood. Some proposals call for the Virgin Islands to be admitted with Puerto Rico as one state (often known as the proposed "Commonwealth of Prusvi", for Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands, or as "Puerto Virgo"), and for the amalgamation of U.S. territories or former territories in the Pacific Ocean, in the manner of the "Greater Hawaii" concept of the 1960s. Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands would be admitted as one state, along with Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands (although these latter three entities are now separate sovereign nations, which have Compact of Free Association relationships with the United States). Such a state would have a population of 412,381 (slightly lower than Wyoming's population) and a land area of 911.82 square miles (2,361.6 km2) (slightly smaller than Rhode Island). American Samoa could possibly be part of such a state, increasing the population to 467,900 and the area to 988.65 square miles (2,560.6 km2). Radio Australia, in late May 2008, issued signs of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands becoming one again and becoming the 51st state.
Answer: What entity reported on Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands becoming one again?
Context: The high-speed observation deck elevators accelerate to a world-record certified speed of 1,010 metres per minute (61 km/h) in 16 seconds, and then it slows down for arrival with subtle air pressure sensations. The door opens after 37 seconds from the 5th floor. Special features include aerodynamic car and counterweights, and cabin pressure control to help passengers adapt smoothly to pressure changes. The downwards journey is completed at a reduced speed of 600 meters per minute, with the doors opening at the 52nd second.
Answer: How fast do the observation deck elevators travel?
Context: The German Empire had primarily economic interests in Micronesia. The Japanese interests were in land. Despite the Marshalls' small area and few resources, the absorption of the territory by Japan would to some extent alleviate Japan's problem of an increasing population with a diminishing amount of available land to house it. During its years of colonial rule, Japan moved more than 1,000 Japanese to the Marshall Islands although they never outnumbered the indigenous peoples as they did in the Mariana Islands and Palau.
Answer: What was the primary nature of Japan's interest in the Marshall Islands?
Context: It has pleased western historians to write of a decline of the Ottoman Empire as though a stable and uncontested polity of that name once existed. The borders did expand and contract but they were always dynamic and always in "question" right from the beginning. The Ottoman Empire was created from the lands of the former eastern Roman Empire on the occasion of the latter's violent demise. The last Roman emperor died fighting hand-to-hand in the streets of his capital, Constantinople, overwhelmed by the Ottoman military, in May, 1453. The victors inherited his remaining territory in the Balkans.
Answer: What has pleased western historians?
Context: The Panthers offense, which led the NFL in scoring (500 points), was loaded with talent, boasting six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636, while recording a career-high and league-leading 45 total touchdowns (35 passing, 10 rushing), a career-low 10 interceptions, and a career-best quarterback rating of 99.4. Newton's leading receivers were tight end Greg Olsen, who caught a career-high 77 passes for 1,104 yards and seven touchdowns, and wide receiver Ted Ginn, Jr., who caught 44 passes for 739 yards and 10 touchdowns; Ginn also rushed for 60 yards and returned 27 punts for 277 yards. Other key receivers included veteran Jerricho Cotchery (39 receptions for 485 yards), rookie Devin Funchess (31 receptions for 473 yards and five touchdowns), and second-year receiver Corey Brown (31 receptions for 447 yards). The Panthers backfield featured Pro Bowl running back Jonathan Stewart, who led the team with 989 rushing yards and six touchdowns in 13 games, along with Pro Bowl fullback Mike Tolbert, who rushed for 256 yards and caught 18 passes for another 154 yards. Carolina's offensive line also featured two Pro Bowl selections: center Ryan Kalil and guard Trai Turner.
Answer: What is the best QB ranking that Cam Newton holds?
Context: The egalitarianism typical of human hunters and gatherers is never total, but is striking when viewed in an evolutionary context. One of humanity's two closest primate relatives, chimpanzees, are anything but egalitarian, forming themselves into hierarchies that are often dominated by an alpha male. So great is the contrast with human hunter-gatherers that it is widely argued by palaeoanthropologists that resistance to being dominated was a key factor driving the evolutionary emergence of human consciousness, language, kinship and social organization.
Answer: How is it interesting to view hunter-gatherers' egalitarianism?
Context: The most recognizable icon of Mexico City is the golden Angel of Independence on the wide, elegant avenue Paseo de la Reforma, modeled by the order of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico after the Champs-Élysées in Paris. This avenue was designed over the Americas' oldest known major roadway in the 19th century to connect the National Palace (seat of government) with the Castle of Chapultepec, the imperial residence. Today, this avenue is an important financial district in which the Mexican Stock Exchange and several corporate headquarters are located. Another important avenue is the Avenida de los Insurgentes, which extends 28.8 km (17.9 mi) and is one of the longest single avenues in the world.
Answer: How long is the longest avenue in Mexico City?
Context: The oldest known archaeological fragments of the immediate precursor to modern paper, date to the 2nd century BC in China. The pulp papermaking process is ascribed to Cai Lun, a 2nd-century AD Han court eunuch. With paper as an effective substitute for silk in many applications, China could export silk in greater quantity, contributing to a Golden Age.
Answer: Who is credited with the papermaking process?
Context: Some socialists such as H. D. Dickinson and Oskar Lange, responded by invoking general equilibrium theory, which they argued disproved Mises's thesis. They noted that the difference between a planned and a free market system lay in who was responsible for solving the equations. They argued, if some of the prices chosen by socialist managers were wrong, gluts or shortages would appear, signalling them to adjust the prices up or down, just as in a free market. Through such a trial and error, a socialist economy could mimic the efficiency of a free market system, while avoiding its many problems.
Answer: According to those who argued against Hayek, what sets planned and free markets apart is what?
Context: The BRA subsequently reevaluated its approach to urban renewal in its future projects, including the construction of Government Center. In 1965, the first Community Health Center in the United States opened, the Columbia Point Health Center, in the Dorchester neighborhood. It mostly served the massive Columbia Point public housing complex adjoining it, which was built in 1953. The health center is still in operation and was rededicated in 1990 as the Geiger-Gibson Community Health Center. The Columbia Point complex itself was redeveloped and revitalized into a mixed-income community called Harbor Point Apartments from 1984 to 1990. By the 1970s, the city's economy boomed after 30 years of economic downturn. A large number of high rises were constructed in the Financial District and in Boston's Back Bay during this time period. This boom continued into the mid-1980s and later began again. Hospitals such as Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Brigham and Women's Hospital lead the nation in medical innovation and patient care. Schools such as Boston College, Boston University, the Harvard Medical School, Northeastern University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Berklee College of Music and Boston Conservatory attract students to the area. Nevertheless, the city experienced conflict starting in 1974 over desegregation busing, which resulted in unrest and violence around public schools throughout the mid-1970s.
Answer: What year did the first community health center in the US open?
Context: Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas primarily focus on Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups and Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. "Y-DNA" is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while "mtDNA" is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material. Autosomal "atDNA" markers are also used, but differ from mtDNA or Y-DNA in that they overlap significantly. AtDNA is generally used to measure the average continent-of-ancestry genetic admixture in the entire human genome and related isolated populations.
Answer: What is the only way that Y-DNA and mtDNA change?
Context: Warfare in Normandy at the time was shaped by the defensive potential of castles and the increasing costs of conducting campaigns. The Norman frontiers had limited natural defences but were heavily reinforced with castles, such as Château Gaillard, at strategic points, built and maintained at considerable expense. It was difficult for a commander to advance far into fresh territory without having secured his lines of communication by capturing these fortifications, which slowed the progress of any attack. Armies of the period could be formed from either feudal or mercenary forces. Feudal levies could only be raised for a fixed length of time before they returned home, forcing an end to a campaign; mercenary forces, often called Brabançons after the Duchy of Brabant but actually recruited from across northern Europe, could operate all year long and provide a commander with more strategic options to pursue a campaign, but cost much more than equivalent feudal forces. As a result, commanders of the period were increasingly drawing on larger numbers of mercenaries.
Answer: Warfare in Normandy was shaped by what?
Context: The highest position in Islam, caliphate, was claimed by the sultans starting since Murad I, which was established as Ottoman Caliphate. The Ottoman sultan, pâdişâh or "lord of kings", served as the Empire's sole regent and was considered to be the embodiment of its government, though he did not always exercise complete control. The Imperial Harem was one of the most important powers of the Ottoman court. It was ruled by the Valide Sultan. On occasion, the Valide Sultan would become involved in state politics. For a time, the women of the Harem effectively controlled the state in what was termed the "Sultanate of Women". New sultans were always chosen from the sons of the previous sultan. The strong educational system of the palace school was geared towards eliminating the unfit potential heirs, and establishing support among the ruling elite for a successor. The palace schools, which would also educate the future administrators of the state, were not a single track. First, the Madrasa (Ottoman Turkish: Medrese) was designated for the Muslims, and educated scholars and state officials according to Islamic tradition. The financial burden of the Medrese was supported by vakifs, allowing children of poor families to move to higher social levels and income. The second track was a free boarding school for the Christians, the Enderûn, which recruited 3,000 students annually from Christian boys between eight and twenty years old from one in forty families among the communities settled in Rumelia or the Balkans, a process known as Devshirme (Devşirme).
Answer: The Ottoman Caliphate claimed by Murad Ir epresented what in Islam?
Context: Much civil-defence preparation in the form of shelters was left in the hands of local authorities, and many areas such as Birmingham, Coventry, Belfast and the East End of London did not have enough shelters. The Phoney War, however, and the unexpected delay of civilian bombing permitted the shelter programme to finish in June 1940.:35 The programme favoured backyard Anderson shelters and small brick surface shelters; many of the latter were soon abandoned in 1940 as unsafe. In addition, authorities expected that the raids would be brief and during the day. Few predicted that attacks by night would force Londoners to sleep in shelters.
Answer: Why were the shelters soon abandoned in 1940?
Context: Devonport Dockyard is the UK's only naval base that refits nuclear submarines and the Navy estimates that the Dockyard generates about 10% of Plymouth's income. Plymouth has the largest cluster of marine and maritime businesses in the south west with 270 firms operating within the sector. Other substantial employers include the university with almost 3,000 staff, as well as the Tamar Science Park employing 500 people in 50 companies. Several employers have chosen to locate their headquarters in Plymouth, including Hemsley Fraser.
Answer: About what percentage of Plymouth's income comes from the Dockyard?
Context: The earliest reference to the Magadha people occurs in the Atharva-Veda where they are found listed along with the Angas, Gandharis, and Mujavats. Magadha played an important role in the development of Jainism and Buddhism, and two of India's greatest empires, the Maurya Empire and Gupta Empire, originated from Magadha. These empires saw advancements in ancient India's science, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy and were considered the Indian "Golden Age". The Magadha kingdom included republican communities such as the community of Rajakumara. Villages had their own assemblies under their local chiefs called Gramakas. Their administrations were divided into executive, judicial, and military functions.
Answer: Where is the earliest mention of Magadha people?
Context: In the case of http, https, file, and others, once the resource has been retrieved the web browser will display it. HTML and associated content (image files, formatting information such as CSS, etc.) is passed to the browser's layout engine to be transformed from markup to an interactive document, a process known as "rendering". Aside from HTML, web browsers can generally display any kind of content that can be part of a web page. Most browsers can display images, audio, video, and XML files, and often have plug-ins to support Flash applications and Java applets. Upon encountering a file of an unsupported type or a file that is set up to be downloaded rather than displayed, the browser prompts the user to save the file to disk.
Answer: What is it called when content is changed from markup to an interactive document?
Context: Other less likely contenders are Guam and the United States Virgin Islands, both of which are unincorporated organized territories of the United States. Also, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa, an unorganized, unincorporated territory, could both attempt to gain statehood. Some proposals call for the Virgin Islands to be admitted with Puerto Rico as one state (often known as the proposed "Commonwealth of Prusvi", for Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands, or as "Puerto Virgo"), and for the amalgamation of U.S. territories or former territories in the Pacific Ocean, in the manner of the "Greater Hawaii" concept of the 1960s. Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands would be admitted as one state, along with Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands (although these latter three entities are now separate sovereign nations, which have Compact of Free Association relationships with the United States). Such a state would have a population of 412,381 (slightly lower than Wyoming's population) and a land area of 911.82 square miles (2,361.6 km2) (slightly smaller than Rhode Island). American Samoa could possibly be part of such a state, increasing the population to 467,900 and the area to 988.65 square miles (2,560.6 km2). Radio Australia, in late May 2008, issued signs of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands becoming one again and becoming the 51st state.
Answer: What is another likely country for statehood?
Context: Boston Common, located near the Financial District and Beacon Hill, is the oldest public park in the United States. Along with the adjacent Boston Public Garden, it is part of the Emerald Necklace, a string of parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted to encircle the city. The Emerald Necklace includes Jamaica Pond, Boston's largest body of freshwater, and Franklin Park, the city's largest park and home of the Franklin Park Zoo. Another major park is the Esplanade, located along the banks of the Charles River. The Hatch Shell, an outdoor concert venue, is located adjacent to the Charles River Esplanade. Other parks are scattered throughout the city, with the major parks and beaches located near Castle Island; in Charlestown; and along the Dorchester, South Boston, and East Boston shorelines.
Answer: Who designed the Emerald necklace?
Context: The Council of Trent approved a plan in 1563 for correcting the calendrical errors, requiring that the date of the vernal equinox be restored to that which it held at the time of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and that an alteration to the calendar be designed to prevent future drift. This would allow for a more consistent and accurate scheduling of the feast of Easter. In 1577, a Compendium was sent to expert mathematicians outside the reform commission for comments. Some of these experts, including Giambattista Benedetti and Giuseppe Moleto, believed Easter should be computed from the true motions of the sun and moon, rather than using a tabular method, but these recommendations were not adopted. The reform adopted was a modification of a proposal made by the Calabrian doctor Aloysius Lilius (or Lilio).
Answer: Whose modified proposal was adopted?
Context: The first example is taken from the opening lines of the folk-epic Beowulf, a poem of some 3,000 lines and the single greatest work of Old English. This passage describes how Hrothgar's legendary ancestor Scyld was found as a baby, washed ashore, and adopted by a noble family. The translation is literal and represents the original poetic word order. As such, it is not typical of Old English prose. The modern cognates of original words have been used whenever practical to give a close approximation of the feel of the original poem.
Answer: Who was Hrothgar a descendant of?
Context: Middle Persian (Pahlavi) was the official language under the Sasanian dynasty in Iran. It was in use from the 3rd century CE until the beginning of the 10th century. The script used for Middle Persian in this era underwent significant maturity. Middle Persian, Parthian and Sogdian were also used as literary languages by the Manichaeans, whose texts also survive in various non-Iranian languages, from Latin to Chinese. Manichaean texts were written in a script closely akin to the Syriac script.
Answer: What was the writing of Manichaean documents similar to?
Context: The Alpine orogeny occurred in ongoing cycles through to the Paleogene causing differences in nappe structures, with a late-stage orogeny causing the development of the Jura Mountains. A series of tectonic events in the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods caused different paleogeographic regions. The Alps are subdivided by different lithology (rock composition) and nappe structure according to the orogenic events that affected them. The geological subdivision differentiates the Western, Eastern Alps and Southern Alps: the Helveticum in the north, the Penninicum and Austroalpine system in the center and, south of the Periadriatic Seam, the Southern Alpine system.
Answer: What is another word for rock composition?
Context: After the Nixon administration, advancements in affirmative action became less prevalent. "During the brief Ford administration, affirmative action took a back seat, while enforcement stumbled along.":145 Equal rights was still an important subject to many Americans, yet the world was changing and new issues were being raised. People began to look at affirmative action as a glorified issue of the past and now there were other areas that needed focus. "Of all the triumphs that have marked this as America's Century –...none is more inspiring, if incomplete, than our pursuit of racial justice."
Answer: In terms of advancement, what happened to the progression of affirmative action after the Nixon administration?
Context: Laws dating from 17th-century colonial America defined children of African slave mothers as taking the status of their mothers, and born into slavery regardless of the race or status of the father, under partus sequitur ventrem. The association of slavery with a "race" led to slavery as a racial caste. But, most families of free people of color formed in Virginia before the American Revolution were the descendants of unions between white women and African men, who frequently worked and lived together in the looser conditions of the early colonial period. While interracial marriage was later prohibited, white men frequently took sexual advantage of slave women, and numerous generations of multiracial children were born. By the late 1800s it had become common among African Americans to use passing to gain educational opportunities as did the first African-American graduate of Vassar College Anita Florence Hemmings. Some 19th-century categorization schemes defined people by proportion of African ancestry: a person whose parents were black and white was classified as mulatto, with one black grandparent and three white as quadroon, and with one black great-grandparent and the remainder white as octoroon. The latter categories remained within an overall black or colored category, but before the Civil War, in Virginia and some other states, a person of one-eighth or less black ancestry was legally white. Some members of these categories passed temporarily or permanently as white.
Answer: What is the rule that allows children with white fathers to be slaves?
Context: If a problem X is in C and hard for C, then X is said to be complete for C. This means that X is the hardest problem in C. (Since many problems could be equally hard, one might say that X is one of the hardest problems in C.) Thus the class of NP-complete problems contains the most difficult problems in NP, in the sense that they are the ones most likely not to be in P. Because the problem P = NP is not solved, being able to reduce a known NP-complete problem, Π2, to another problem, Π1, would indicate that there is no known polynomial-time solution for Π1. This is because a polynomial-time solution to Π1 would yield a polynomial-time solution to Π2. Similarly, because all NP problems can be reduced to the set, finding an NP-complete problem that can be solved in polynomial time would mean that P = NP.
Answer: NP complete problems contain the lowest likelihood of being located in what problem class?
Context: Both Rousseau and Locke's social contract theories rest on the presupposition of natural rights, which are not a result of law or custom, but are things that all men have in pre-political societies, and are therefore universal and inalienable. The most famous natural right formulation comes from John Locke in his Second Treatise, when he introduces the state of nature. For Locke the law of nature is grounded on mutual security, or the idea that one cannot infringe on another's natural rights, as every man is equal and has the same inalienable rights. These natural rights include perfect equality and freedom, and the right to preserve life and property. Locke also argued against slavery on the basis that enslaving yourself goes against the law of nature; you cannot surrender your own rights, your freedom is absolute and no one can take it from you. Additionally, Locke argues that one person cannot enslave another because it is morally reprehensible, although he introduces a caveat by saying that enslavement of a lawful captive in time of war would not go against one's natural rights.
Answer: How does John Locke define mutual security?
Context: After an initial loss to Labor at the 1946 election, Menzies led the Liberals to victory at the 1949 election, and the party stayed in office for a record 23 years—still the longest unbroken run in government at the federal level. Australia experienced prolonged economic growth during the post-war boom period of the Menzies Government (1949–1966) and Menzies fulfilled his promises at the 1949 election to end rationing of butter, tea and petrol and provided a five-shilling endowment for first-born children, as well as for others. While himself an unashamed anglophile, Menzies' government concluded a number of major defence and trade treaties that set Australia on its post-war trajectory out of Britain's orbit; opened Australia to multi-ethnic immigration; and instigated important legal reforms regarding Aboriginal Australians.
Answer: During what period did Australia experience long-term economic growth?
Context: SL Benfica, FC Porto, and Sporting CP are the largest sports clubs by popularity and by number of trophies won, often known as "os três grandes" ("the big three"). They have won eight titles in the European UEFA club competitions, were present in many finals and have been regular contenders in the last stages almost every season. Other than football, many Portuguese sports clubs, including the "big three", compete in several other sports events with a varying level of success and popularity, these may include roller hockey, basketball, futsal, handball, and volleyball. The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) – Federação Portuguesa de Futebol – annually hosts the Algarve Cup, a prestigious women`s football tournament that has been celebrated in the Algarvian part of Portugal.
Answer: By what entity is the Algarve Cup hosted?
Context: The Hummers that Schwarzenegger bought 1992 are so large – each weighs 6,300 lb (2,900 kg) and is 7 feet (2.1 m) wide – that they are classified as large trucks, and U.S. fuel economy regulations do not apply to them. During the gubernatorial recall campaign he announced that he would convert one of his Hummers to burn hydrogen. The conversion was reported to have cost about US$21,000. After the election, he signed an executive order to jump-start the building of hydrogen refueling plants called the California Hydrogen Highway Network, and gained a U.S. Department of Energy grant to help pay for its projected US$91,000,000 cost. California took delivery of the first H2H (Hydrogen Hummer) in October 2004.
Answer: What did Schwarzenegger name his plan to build hydrogen refueling stations throughout California?
Context: Matter commonly exists in four states (or phases): solid, liquid and gas, and plasma. However, advances in experimental techniques have revealed other previously theoretical phases, such as Bose–Einstein condensates and fermionic condensates. A focus on an elementary-particle view of matter also leads to new phases of matter, such as the quark–gluon plasma. For much of the history of the natural sciences people have contemplated the exact nature of matter. The idea that matter was built of discrete building blocks, the so-called particulate theory of matter, was first put forward by the Greek philosophers Leucippus (~490 BC) and Democritus (~470–380 BC).
Answer: How many phases of matter are there?
Context: As with previous USB versions, USB 3.0 ports come in low-power and high-power variants, providing 150 mA and 900 mA respectively, while simultaneously transmitting data at SuperSpeed rates. Additionally, there is a Battery Charging Specification (Version 1.2 – December 2010), which increases the power handling capability to 1.5 A but does not allow concurrent data transmission. The Battery Charging Specification requires that the physical ports themselves be capable of handling 5 A of current[citation needed] but limits the maximum current drawn to 1.5 A.
Answer: What do the power variants provide?
Context: Along with secular matters, readers also favoured an alphabetical ordering scheme over cumbersome works arranged along thematic lines. The historian Charles Porset, commenting on alphabetization, has said that "as the zero degree of taxonomy, alphabetical order authorizes all reading strategies; in this respect it could be considered an emblem of the Enlightenment." For Porset, the avoidance of thematic and hierarchical systems thus allows free interpretation of the works and becomes an example of egalitarianism. Encyclopedias and dictionaries also became more popular during the Age of Reason as the number of educated consumers who could afford such texts began to multiply. In the later half of the 18th century, the number of dictionaries and encyclopedias published by decade increased from 63 between 1760 and 1769 to approximately 148 in the decade proceeding the French Revolution (1780–1789). Along with growth in numbers, dictionaries and encyclopedias also grew in length, often having multiple print runs that sometimes included in supplemented editions.
Answer: How many dictionaries and encyclopedias were published between 1760 and 1769?
Context: The passing of the Antarctic Conservation Act (1978) in the U.S. brought several restrictions to U.S. activity on Antarctica. The introduction of alien plants or animals can bring a criminal penalty, as can the extraction of any indigenous species. The overfishing of krill, which plays a large role in the Antarctic ecosystem, led officials to enact regulations on fishing. The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), a treaty that came into force in 1980, requires that regulations managing all Southern Ocean fisheries consider potential effects on the entire Antarctic ecosystem. Despite these new acts, unregulated and illegal fishing, particularly of Patagonian toothfish (marketed as Chilean Sea Bass in the U.S.), remains a serious problem. The illegal fishing of toothfish has been increasing, with estimates of 32,000 tonnes (35,300 short tons) in 2000.
Answer: What type of penalty can importing plants and animals into Antarctica bring? |
In this task, you are given a sentence and a profession that is mentioned in the sentence. The gender of the person with the given profession can be identified using the gendered pronouns that refer to them in the text. You are expected to identify the gender. Select from female and male.
Context: Sentence: The salesperson demanded money from the cashier because he likes to give orders.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The secretary texted the cook what he needed to prepare for the boss.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The laborer greeted the teacher and started a conversation with her.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The receptionist helped the physician find the room and left him alone.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The nurse saw the construction worker get injured and examined him.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The auditor caught the developer cheating because he is dishonest.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The editor forgot the salesperson 's name because he there is nothing special about him.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The driver hit the clerk because he was using a cellphone while driving.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The farmer used the accountant for crop tabulation because she always did the work well.
Profession: accountant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The supervisor asked the baker to prepare cakes because she is famous for them.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The lawyer represented the writer because she was in serious legal trouble.
Profession: writer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The librarian delivered books to the farmer and encouraged him to read more.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic called the nurse and asked her how to deal with the broken leg.
Profession: nurse
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The supervisor lied to the clerk and gave her incorrect information.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The physician prescribed the drugs to the designer, because he thought the disease could be cured.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker knew of the writer because he read books.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The salesperson met with the counselor because he was distressed.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The manager fired the cleaner because he was angry.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cook had to hire the accountant so that she can provide help with financial matters.
Profession: accountant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The attendant blamed the driver because she blamed everyone.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager told the clerk to report to work early because she is lazy.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The chief waited for the cleaner and asked her for a better service.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO raised the salary of the receptionist, because he is generous.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer asked the teacher some questions as he prepared for the trial.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The carpenter made a wood lion for the accountant and asked her to pay.
Profession: accountant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cashier sent the cook a present and expressed thanks to him.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The driver brought the designer some ideas which improved her design a lot.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The lawyer left the documents with the clerk but he forgot to get a receipt.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic talked with the counselor for such a long time because she could not understand those engineering terms easily.
Profession: counselor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The auditor bought the guard a gift and wish him had a nice holiday.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The receptionist stole the pen from the guard and tricked him.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover is waiting for the nurse because he broke his arm.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The guard accused the receptionist of theft because she looked guilty.
Profession: receptionist
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cook secretly stole the librarian 's books to increase his collection.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer helped the cleaner win the case without pay because she is too poor to afford that.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager praised the cleaner and elected her to be the employee of the day.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor cleaned for the baker and asked her for the tips.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The construction worker asked the attendant to not lose her focus.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The laborer told the baker that he needed a cake by tomorrow.
Profession: laborer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The physician examined the baker and prescribed a drug for her.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The driver took the editor on a ride because she wanted to see the city.
Profession: editor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor handed the writer a book for her future reference.
Profession: writer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The laborer built the librarian a bookshelf because he was paid.
Profession: laborer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover followed the writer 's instruction and waited outside her apartment.
Profession: writer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The assistant helped the cook for preparing food and learned from him.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The physician examined the hairdresser for cuts because she was clumsy with scissors.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The auditor approached the driver and solicited his help.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: During lunch, the janitor looked for the attendant to steal her food.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The hairdresser spoke with the manager and asked him for help.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The laborer was referred to the designer because he was looking to remodel a house.
Profession: laborer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cashier talked to the construction worker and hoped to have the same salary as him.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The sheriff asked the editor to withdraw the story because he could not stand negative press.
Profession: sheriff
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO did not trust the cleaner and asked her to leave.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO is discussing with the writer about how he would like the story to be written.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The carpenter stopped the tailor from entering the workspace and talked to her.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The housekeeper always forgot to sweep until the CEO said so and appreciated his comments.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cook needed the attendant to be a taste tester and asked her.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The mover offered to help the receptionist because he needed to prove his strength.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The physician admonished the cleaner because she was not using protective gear during work.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst walked to the cashier because she could help to deposit a check.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO gave the cashier cash because he wanted to pay for his goods.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The attendant was patient with the janitor and listened to his story.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer helped the cleaner win the case without pay because he is a very generous man.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic hates the hairdresser after she finished the ugly haircut.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The editor talked to the CEO and showed him a draft.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The attendant was looking for the lawyer to ask him about the missing wallet.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The nurse saw the construction worker get injured and examined him.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The sheriff complained to the designer because she did not meet expectations.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The farmer gave the teacher a bag of eggs because he was grateful.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO could not understand the attendant, because she spoke too fast.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cashier sent the cook a present and expressed thanks to him.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic asked for the attendant because she was the only one who could help.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The teacher performed well for the manager and asked him for a raise.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker handed the paperwork to the clerk and asked her to process the application.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The chief asked the cleaner to leave immediately after she finished cleaning.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The chief visited the tailor and helped her to prepare the dinner.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO asked the clerk to produce a report to satisfy his concerns.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The clerk told the janitor to clean up the meeting room and thanked him.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The auditor bought the guard a gift because she is thankful.
Profession: auditor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The accountant sent documents to the CEO and asked him to sign.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The auditor asked the construction worker some questions because she wanted to know the progress.
Profession: auditor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The auditor bought the guard a gift and wish him had a nice holiday.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The supervisor berated the accountant for his poor behavior.
Profession: supervisor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The assistant scanned documents for the analyst because he asked.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer respected the housekeeper because she was a hardworking person.
Profession: housekeeper
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager offered a raise the housekeeper and she gladly accepted it.
Profession: housekeeper
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The construction worker handed the paperwork to the clerk and asked her to process the application.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The guard saved the editor from the criminals because he was on duty.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The attendant blamed the driver because he was late.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The tailor visited the chief and helped him to adjust the pants.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The clerk asked the mover to help carry the desk and thanked him.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The sheriff protected the tailor in the accident and she is very grateful for that.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO bought the accountant a car because he is rich.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover rebuked the auditor because she had clearly made a mistake.
Profession: auditor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The librarian waved at the mechanic and walked away from him.
Profession: mechanic
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO enjoyed telling the housekeeper what to do and told her to sweep up.
Profession: housekeeper
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The farmer gave the housekeeper an apple and wished her had a good day.
Profession: housekeeper
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst employed the housekeeper because he could not stand housework.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover refused to move the artwork where the designer asked and demanded she reconsider.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The nurse offered to help the analyst and then provided him a pillow.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst would constantly make fun of the teacher because she was bad at math.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The mover met the editor and asked her about the magazine business.
Profession: editor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The laborer always used the assistant for help and handed her a hammer.
Profession: assistant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The sheriff relies on the attendant because she is trustworthy.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The mechanic hired the tailor because she could do the work.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor cleaned for the secretary and grew to admire her for her beauty.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The guard card about the teacher and so protected her.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor asked the hairdresser some questions and let her in.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst visited the writer because he wanted to know about the book.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The counselor advised the janitor and provided him with useful resources.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The hairdresser asked the janitor some questions and gave him a new haircut.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The writer contacted the CEO and asked for his opinions about the book.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The physician examined the auditor for sores because he was thorough.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover said thank you to the housekeeper because he is grateful.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor handed the writer a book for her future reference.
Profession: writer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The laborer saw the tailor at the corner and talked to her for 2 hours.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO was worried about a visit from the auditor because she was known to be strict.
Profession: auditor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The writer visited the cook to learn cooking from him.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cashier admired the salesperson and despite feeling tricked, gave him money.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker admires the cashier a lot because her salary is higher.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The counselor meets the manager regularly and provides him suggestions.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor hated working for the tailor but did what she said.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The sheriff complained to the designer because she did not meet expectations.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst employed the housekeeper because he could not stand housework.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The counselor walked towards the cook and thanked him for providing the dinner.
Profession: cook
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The chief complained to the cashier about his observations.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The physician related the concerns to the teacher and scolded her for poorly following instructions.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager agreed to raise the assistant 's salary because he is a generous man.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The laborer approached the baker and asked her about the weather.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The chief returned a book to the librarian but he had damaged the book.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The sheriff complained to the designer because she did not meet expectations.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The secretary watched the janitor clean and grew to admire him for his beauty.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst noticed the teacher was bad at math and made fun of her.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The editor called the construction worker because he knew the whole story.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: When the winter comes, the farmer visited the librarian frequently because his work required less attention.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cashier talked to the construction worker and hoped to have the same salary as him.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The assistant rescheduled the meeting for the farmer and told him to be well prepared.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The receptionist showed the driver the way to the hall because he was new in that city.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst was tired of getting bad reports from the receptionist and told her to leave.
Profession: receptionist
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The designer contacted the chief and asked him for requirements for the new logo.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The assistant asked the physician if he needs any help.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO raised the salary of the receptionist, because he is generous.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst asked the secretary to book a flight because she knows how to do it.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager asked the auditor to stay late because he is often demanding.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cook prepared dinner for the counselor and she liked it very much.
Profession: counselor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The accountant talked to the mover and then offered him some help.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor cleaned the librarian 's room and he asked for a tip.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor was good friends with the cleaner because he liked everyone.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover offered to carry the desk for the clerk because he is strong.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The nurse examined the laborer and call him an ambulance.
Profession: laborer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The developer needed feedback from the cashier because she was going to be a user of the system.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The developer argued with the designer because he did not like the design.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker scheduled an appointment with the counselor because he was stressful.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The developer built a website for the tailor and charged her one thousand dollars.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The receptionist welcomed the lawyer because this is part of her job.
Profession: receptionist
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The attendant talked to the mechanic and asked him to fix the car.
Profession: mechanic
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cleaner waved at the sheriff and walked towards him.
Profession: sheriff
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The manager told the clerk to report to work early because she is lazy.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cashier bought a beer for the mover and thank him for the help.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic hired the cleaner because she can clean everything up very quickly.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The assistant talked to the manager and requested him to raise the salary.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The cashier bought a beer for the mover and thank him for the help.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The carpenter borrowed the tool from the cashier but returned nothing to her.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The driver needed the nurse to perform an examination and asked her.
Profession: nurse
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The chief was always hounding the editor and told her to redo the work.
Profession: editor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The guard protected the teacher because he was brave.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The manager answered a phone call from the writer and asked her not to call again.
Profession: writer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst met the attendant and thanked her for the service.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO called the hairdresser and paid her over the phone.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The salesperson knows very little about the teacher since he did not visit the school.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The accountant asked the driver to stop at the corner and gave him some tips.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The carpenter is complaining to the cashier because she shows no respect to the customer during checkout.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The driver gave a ride to the cleaner so that she would be indebted.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cleaner called the guard and asked him to open the door.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO hired the editor because he fired the last one.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker handed forms to the clerk so that she processes an application.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cashier owed the physician money and refused to pay him back.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The sheriff told the counselor that she was under investigation.
Profession: counselor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The driver took the editor on a ride because he wanted to show off the city.
Profession: driver
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The salesperson demanded money from the cashier because he likes to give orders.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The laborer told the baker that she should not use eggs in the cake.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The secretary texted the cook what she thought the boss wanted to eat.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The accountant walked towards the developer and gave him a cup of coffee.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst noticed the cleaner forgets to pick up papers and reminded her.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The construction worker confirmed the accountant could do the work and handed the form to her.
Profession: accountant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The manager demanded to be seen by the nurse but she was busy with another patient.
Profession: nurse
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The lawyer respected the housekeeper because he knew how difficult that job was.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The guard never talked with the accountant because she was always busy on the computer.
Profession: accountant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The construction worker asked the nurse for an examination because she was the best.
Profession: nurse
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The physician talked with the attendant and was surprised about her knowledge.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The attendant could not understand the chief 's problem and reported him to the union.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The driver picked up bread from the baker because she was too frail.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The guard admired the secretary because her job was so safe.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The developer tried to convince the housekeeper to buy his software.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The counselor called the mover and asked him to start early.
Profession: mover
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The tailor stopped the guard and showed him identification.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The accountant prepared the tax report for the carpenter and asked him to pay.
Profession: carpenter
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor was good friends with the cleaner because he liked everyone.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The analyst employed the housekeeper because he could not stand housework.
Profession: analyst
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The developer argued with the designer and slapped her in the face.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cook met the clerk and asked her for assistance on paperwork.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The developer met the editor and asked her for clarifications.
Profession: editor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The lawyer asked the cleaner some questions and then decided to help her without pay.
Profession: cleaner
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The CEO asked the clerk to produce a report to justify her behavior.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor swept up the tailor 's mess because she asked nicely.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cleaner did favors for the janitor and was liked by him.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The chief hired the assistant because he needed help with paperwork.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The CEO went to the tailor because she was good at making fitted suits.
Profession: tailor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst sent a report to the editor because she put in a request yesterday.
Profession: editor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The supervisor invited the designer to the party because she made big contributions.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The farmer needed to take a test from the counselor to prove he was sane.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The counselor helped the laborer because she is a very kind person.
Profession: counselor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The lawyer offered a free legal advice to the attendant, which she was in dire need of.
Profession: attendant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The sheriff thought the cashier took the money and questioned her.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The carpenter complemented the baker for the bread she made.
Profession: baker
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cleaner hated the developer and refused to clean his room.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker asked the assistant to make a list of today 's meetings and thanked her.
Profession: assistant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The supervisor confronted the librarian and told her to produce the book.
Profession: librarian
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The developer argued with the designer because he did not like the design.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The salesperson sold the assistant a new computer and taught her how to use.
Profession: assistant
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cleaner got mad at the farmer because he brought lots of dirt.
Profession: farmer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The manager told the hairdresser that she did a good job.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The guard card about the teacher and so protected her.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The assistant helped the guard and told him to be careful next time.
Profession: guard
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker handed forms to the clerk so that she processes an application.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The analyst loved getting haircuts from the hairdresser and went to her often.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The baker gave the bread the chief and received his payment.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The designer wanted to impress the salesperson but showed him a bad design.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The janitor waited for the hairdresser for a while because she was very busy.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The developer was rude to the secretary because he was in a bad mood.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The farmer noticed the receptionist was tall and afterwards trusted her.
Profession: receptionist
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The counselor was ordered to examine the CEO and proceeded to his home.
Profession: CEO
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer declared the baker was a liar because he often jumped to conclusions.
Profession: lawyer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The farmer noticed the receptionist was tall and afterwards trusted her.
Profession: receptionist
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The physician called the secretary and asked her to cancel an appointment.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The cook decided to fire the secretary and told her not to come here next Monday.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The farmer enjoyed getting a haircut from the hairdresser because she did a good job.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The physician prescribed the medicine to the designer and asked her to follow the instruction.
Profession: designer
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The tailor talked with the supervisor and was impressed by his hard work.
Profession: supervisor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The carpenter shouted at the secretary and drove her away.
Profession: secretary
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The mechanic looked down on the cashier because she had a bad breath.
Profession: cashier
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The janitor was good friends with the cleaner because he liked everyone.
Profession: janitor
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The manager noticed the teacher performing well and gave her a raise.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The farmer gave the teacher a bag of eggs and thanked her for teaching.
Profession: teacher
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The salesperson tried to fool the writer but he was caught.
Profession: salesperson
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The construction worker scheduled an appointment with the counselor because he was stressful.
Profession: construction worker
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mover saw how weak the clerk was and moved the desk for her.
Profession: clerk
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The librarian guided the manager to the bookshelf and asked what he needed.
Profession: manager
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The hairdresser approached the chief and asked him for mercy.
Profession: chief
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The mechanic charged the auditor one hundred dollars and helped her fixed the machine.
Profession: auditor
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The housekeeper bought the product from the developer and asked him to set up.
Profession: developer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The laborer handed the secretary a hammer because he thought tools are good presents.
Profession: laborer
Answer: Male
Context: Sentence: The lawyer yelled at the hairdresser and threaten to sue her.
Profession: hairdresser
Answer: Female
Context: Sentence: The physician admonished the cleaner because he found dirt in the office.
Profession: physician
Answer: Male |
In this task, you're given a text and question. The question is about the topic of the document. You are expected to generate an incorrect answer. The incorrect answer should be among one of the following categories: 1)Company, 2)Educational Institution, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)Office holder, 6)Mean of transportation, 7)Building, 8)Natural place, 9)Village, 10)Animal, 11)Plant, 12)Album, 13)Film, 14)Written work
Input: Text: Holy Trinity Church Howgill stands in a country lane near the hamlet of Howgill between Sedbergh and Tebay Cumbria England. It is an active Anglican church in the deanery of Ewecross the archdeaconry of Craven and the Diocese of Leeds. The church is designated by English Heritage as a Grade II listed building.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: Lampsilis ovata is a species of freshwater mussel an aquatic bivalve mollusk in the family Unionidae the river mussels. This species is endemic to eastern North America.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Film
Input: Text: The Hideous Sun Demon (UK title: Blood on His Lips) (1959) was the directorial debut of Robert Clarke. Clarke wrote directed and produced The Hideous Sun Demon. In his 1996 autobiography To 'B' or Not to 'B' (co-written by Tom Weaver) Clarke revealed that he made the movie for less than $50000 including $500 for the rubberized lizard suit he wore. He shot the movie over 12 weekends to get two days' use of rental camera equipment for one day's fee.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: Motul is a French company now worldwide which creates develops and distributes lubricants for engines (motorcycles cars and other vehicles) and for the industry.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: The Johansen CAJO 59 was a Danish twin-engined amphibious flying boat. Built in the late 1960s it achieved certification but did not go into production.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work
Input: Text: Robert Kingston Scott (July 8 1826 – August 12 1900) was an American Republican politician the 74th Governor of South Carolina and an officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: Baxter Lake is a 302.1-acre (1.223 km2) water body located in Strafford County in eastern New Hampshire United States in the town of Farmington and the city of Rochester. It is part of the Cocheco River watershed a tributary of the Piscataqua River. Lake access is from the state launching ramp off 4 Rod Road. Once clear of the island winds are very steady for small boat sailing. Much of the east shoreline is undeveloped.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: Susan Talamantes Eggman is an American politician from Stockton California who is a member of the California State Assembly. A Democrat she represents the 13th district encompassing western San Joaquin County.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Athlete
Input: Text: Chitanoriai Co. Ltd. (知多乗合株式会社 Chita Noriai Kabushiki-gaisha) also called Chita Bus is a bus company in the Meitetsu Group based in Handa Aichi Prefecture Japan.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Sukanta Mahavidyalaya established in 1981 is general degree college in Jalpaiguri. It offers undergraduate courses in arts and sciences. It is affiliated to University of North Bengal.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work
Input: Text: Haijian 110 (Chinese: 中国海监 110) is a China Marine Surveillance (CMS) ship in the 1st Marine Surveillance Flotilla of the North China Sea Fleet. She was commissioned on November 12 2012. Haijian 110 was formerly a tug boat Beituo 710 (Chinese: 北拖 710) in the North China Sea Fleet of PLA Navy. She was decommissioned from the China's armed forces retrofitted for maritime law enforcement purposes and recommissioned to CMS.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is a biweekly peer-reviewed medical journal published in two yearly volumes by the American Thoracic Society commonly referred to as the Blue journal. It covers the pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system. The journal also publishes review articles in several forms. The State of the Art review is a treatise usually covering a broad field that brings bench research to the bedside.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: The Return to Homs is a 2013 Syrian-German documentary film written and directed by Talal Derki. The film premiered in-competition at the 2013 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam on November 20 2013 as the opening film of the festival.The film also premiered in-competition in the World Cinema Documentary Competition at 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 20 2014.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: Lost Empire is a Fargo adventure novel. The two main characters of the Fargo novels are adventurers Sam Fargo and his wife Remi. Lost Empire is the second book of the Fargo series. The book's hardcover edition was first published August 31 2010. Other editions of this novel were released on various dates in 2010-11.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: Technological University of the Philippines-Taguig (Filipino: Teknolohikal na Unibersidad ng Pilipinas-Kampus ng Taguig ) was established in 1977 as one of the three prototype technician institutes in the Philippines. On January 3 1985 the BOR passed and adopted Resolution No. 100 s. 1985 changing the name of the Manila Technician Institute to TUP Taguig campus. This satellite campus is located at Km. 14 East Service Road South Super Highway Taguig Metro Manila.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: Sedelets is a village in Strumyani Municipality in Blagoevgrad Province in southwestern Bulgaria.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Beltrán (Santiago del Estero) is a municipality and village in Santiago del Estero in Argentina.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Geritola dubia is a butterfly in the Lycaenidae family. It is found in Cameroon the Republic of Congo the Central African Republic the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Village
Input: Text: Xawery Dunikowski (Polish pronunciation: [ksaˈvɛrɨ duɲiˈkɔfskʲi]; 24 December 1875 – 26 January 1964) was a Polish sculptor and artist notable for surviving Auschwitz concentration camp and best known for his Neo-Romantic sculptures and Auschwitz-inspired art.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Bidasari is the final-installment of a trilogy of Filipino language stage plays produced and written for Magwayen the premier theater group of the University of the City of Manila. It was based on the original epic of the same name or title. The epic love story originally graced the stage in 1999 and once again brought back in theaters in 2009.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Namadagala is a village in Sri Lanka. It is located within Central Province.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Qeshlaq (Persian: قشلاق also Romanized as Qeshlāq) is a village in Sudlaneh Rural District in the Central District of Quchan County Razavi Khorasan Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 52 in 13 families.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: Cosmochilus is genus of cyprinid fish found in East and Southeast Asia. There are currently four species in this genus.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Na-On Min (Korean: 민나온 born 5 November 1988) is a South Korean professional golfer who plays on the LPGA Tour.Min won the Sun City Nedbank Challenge as an amateur in 2002 and turned professional after earning non-exempt status on the LPGA Tour at the 2006 LPGA Final Qualifying Tournament. Her highest finish is third place in the 2007 LPGA Championship a major championship on the Tour.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Nomads is a 1986 horror film which was written and directed by John McTiernan and stars Pierce Brosnan and Lesley-Anne Down. The story involves a French anthropologist who is an expert on nomads. He stumbles across a group of urban nomads who turn out to be more than he expected.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: Shock SuspenStories was part of the EC Comics line in the early 1950s. The bi-monthly comic published by Bill Gaines and edited by Al Feldstein began with issue 1 in February/March 1952. Over a four-year span it ran for 18 issues ending with the December/January 1955 issue.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: The Consolidated XPB3Y was a proposed extra-long-range flying boat for patrol and bombardment missions developed from the earlier PB2Y Coronado. The United States Navy ordered the construction of a prototype on April 2 1942. On November 4 of the same year however the aircraft was cancelled due to the higher priority accorded to other Consolidated projects.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Film
Input: Text: Oromocto High School is a high school located in Oromocto New Brunswick Canada. It is the largest school in the former School District 17 and the source of education for about 1300 students 40% being part of a military family. Oromocto High School is also the location for District 17's district office.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Dichagyris forcipula is a moth of the Noctuidae family. It is found from central and southern Europe and Algeria east to the Caucasus Turkey Syria Lebanon Iraq and Iran.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: Parqu Qucha (Quechua parquy irrigation qucha lake irrigation lake hispanicized spellings Parco Cocha Parco Khocha Parcococha Parkho Khocha Parko Q'ocha) is a Bolivian lake located in Vacas Municipality Arani Province Cochabamba Department.The most important rivers which flow into Parqu Qucha are Challwa Mayu Jatun Calada Jatun Mayu Kañara Parqu Qucha Pedregal River Wasa K'uchu. Its surface area is 10.7 km2 (4.1 sq mi).
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Athlete
Input: Text: Lathrop High School is a public high school in Fairbanks in the U.S. State of Alaska part of the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. It is named for early Alaska businessman Austin E. Cap Lathrop. Lathrop serves the central part of the Fairbanks area including downtown and the Fort Wainwright Army Post. With an enrollment of 1204 as of October 1 2011 Lathrop is Fairbanks's largest school.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Supersexy Swingin' Sounds is a remix album by White Zombie. It was released through Geffen Records in 1996 and was the band's final album. The Wal-Mart and K-Mart clean version of the album depict the cover model in a blue bikini rather than totally nude.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: John Campbell is a musical composer. He wrote the music for most of the Adventures in Odyssey radio drama series as well as Paws & Tales Down Gilead Lane and the Father Gilbert Mysteries. He also has written for many television shows and composed themes for many broadcasting series including Focus on the Family Insight for Living The Coral Ridge Hour Promise Keepers among others.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Cymo melanodactylus the furry coral crab is a species of small decapod crustacean in the family Xanthidae. It is found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and lives in crevices and on the surface of corals in the genus Acropora.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: Miika Elomo (born April 21 1977 in Turku Finland) is a retired Finnish ice hockey player.Drafted 23rd overall by the Washington Capitals in the 1995 NHL Entry Draft Elomo played just two games for the Capitals before he was traded in 2000 to the Calgary Flames although he never played for the organization. He returned to Finland for the Espoo Blues. He retired after the 2004–05 season due to a wrist injury and now lives in Espoo.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: The Atle class comprises five icebreakers built for the Swedish and Finnish Maritime Administrations. The two Finnish ships Urho and Sisu are sometimes considered a separate class but all are operationally identical.The ships were built by Wärtsilä Hietalahti shipyard in Helsinki Finland and entered service in the mid to late 1970s. The maneuvering system incorporating dual rudders and dual bow propellers represented significant technical innovation.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Skiddaw Little Man also called Little Man is a fell in the English Lake District it is situated four kilometres north of the town of Keswick and reaches a height of 865 m (2837 ft).
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: The Golden Gate score was composed by Elliot Goldenthal in 1993 and released in 1994 for the Golden Gate film.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work
Input: Text: The Indian Military Academy Dehradun (also known as IMA) is the officer training Academy of the Indian Army. IMA was established in 1932.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: Usha Haran is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1940.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: Rochelle Shelli VanDenburgh (born October 21 1969) is a Democratic member of the Indiana House of Representatives representing the 19th District since 2007. She is Vice Chair of the Family Children and Human Affairs Committee and is a member of the Small Business and Economic Development Elections and Apportionment and Education committees.VanDenburgh was Director of the Child Support Division in the Lake County Clerk's Office from 1995 until her resignation in May 2008.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Deh Now-e Do (Persian: دهنو2; also known as Deh-e Now and Dehnow) is a village in Kuh Panj Rural District in the Central District of Bardsir County Kerman Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 41 in 7 families.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Jacek Yerka is a Polish painter from Toruń. Yerka's work has been exhibited in Poland Germany Monaco France and the United States and may be found in the museums of Poland.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: Love Comes Softly is a 2003 Christian drama television movie set in the 19th century based on a series of books by Janette Oke. It originally aired on Hallmark Channel in 2003. It was directed by Michael Landon Jr. and stars Katherine Heigl as a young woman named Marty Claridge. It is the first in a series of television movies made for Hallmark Channel based on the books and produced for Hallmark by Larry Levinson Productions.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Yoseph Ostanika Malau or Nico Malau (born on March 19 1991) is an Indonesian footballer that currently plays for Semen Padang.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: The Valea Ciubotei River is a tributary of the Urlătoarea Mică River in Romania.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Film
Input: Text: Foundations and Trends in Econometrics is a journal published by Now Publishers. It publishes survey and tutorial articles on all aspects of econometrics. The editor-in-chief is William H. Greene (New York University).
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Bedazzled Records was an American record label based in Washington D.C. which existed from 1989 to 2000. It primarily featured ethereal wave goth rock dream pop and shoegaze bands.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: Dayr Nakhkhas (Arabic: دير النخّاس Deir Nakh-khâs) was a Palestinian Arab village located 20 km northwest of Hebron overlooking Wadi Bayt Jibrin to the north.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Kyungbock High School (Hangul: 경복고등학교) is one of the oldest modern secondary school in South Korea. It is located in Jongno-gu Seoul near Gyeongbok Palace after which it is named. It was established on April 18 1921. The school's original name was the Second High School of Gyeongseong(경성제이고등보통학교).
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Old School Flava is the second album by the old school rap group Treacherous Three. It was released in 1994 for Wrap Records and was produced by DJ Easy Lee DJ Clark Kent T La Rock Ced Gee Rahiem Special K Kool Moe Dee and LA Sunshine. Guests include Big Daddy Kane Chuck D and Heavy D.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Windham Technical High School or Windham Tech is a technical high school located in Willimantic Connecticut. It is in the Connecticut Technical High School System. It receives students from many nearby towns.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: The Thorad-Agena was an American expendable launch system derived from the Thor and Delta rockets. The first stage of the rocket was the stretched variant of the Thor which had been developed for the Delta programme. The second stage was the Agena-D which had already been used in conjunction with the standard configuration Thor as the Thor-Agena. Three Castor rockets would be used as boosters.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Zablon Davies Amanaka (born 1 January 1976) is a Kenyan international football defender who plays for Mahakama in the Kenyan Premier League.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: Konstantinos Theofylaktos born in Trapezunta was a banker and mayor of Trabzon Turkey from 1916 until 1918. He was the owner of Kostaki Mansion built between 1889-1913 as a large family accommodation which is reorganised as the Trabzon Museum.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Village
Input: Text: Melbu Church (Norwegian: Melbu kirke) is a parish church in the municipality of Hadsel in Nordland county Norway. It is located in the village of Melbu on the island of Hadseløya. The church is part of the Melbu parish in the Vesterålen deanery in the Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland. The white wooden church was built in 1938 by Harald Sund to seat about 250 people.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Athlete
Input: Text: Amaranthus caudatus is a species of annual flowering plant. It goes by common names such as love-lies-bleeding love-lies-a'bleeding pendant amaranth tassel flower velvet flower foxtail amaranth and quilete.Many parts of the plants including the leaves and seeds are edible and are frequently used as a source of food in India and South America – where it is the most important Andean species of Amaranthus known as kiwicha.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: The Toyota Soarer was a personal luxury GT coupé sold by Toyota in Japan from 1981 to 2005. In Japan it was available at both Toyota Japan dealerships called Toyota Store and Toyopet Store and it débuted with the Z10 series replacing the Toyopet Store exclusive Mark II Coupe and the Toyota Store exclusive Crown Coupe. In 1986 the Z20 series was launched based on the then new A70 Supra platform.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Maravanthuruthu is a small village located in the Kottayam district of Kerala in India. It is surrounded by the river Murinjapuzha and is connected to the neighbouring villages Thalayolaparambu Enādi by recently constructed bridges.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Devour is the second solo album from Dave Hause of The Loved Ones. It is scheduled to be released on October 8 2013 by Rise Records.The album was recorded at Grandmaster Recorders from mid-February to mid-March of 2013. Musicians include bassist Bob Thomson of Big Drill Car drummer David Hidalgo Jr. of Social Distortion and keyboardist Bo Koster of My Morning Jacket.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Film
Input: Text: Stanly Community College (SCC) is one of 58 community colleges in the North Carolina (NC) Community College System (NCCCS). SCC is located in Albemarle NC with a satellite campus in Locust NC. This institution is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: The Last Emperor is a 1987 biopic about the life of Puyi the last Emperor of China whose autobiography was the basis for the screenplay written by Mark Peploe and Bernardo Bertolucci. Independently produced by Jeremy Thomas it was directed by Bertolucci and released in 1987 by Columbia Pictures.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Stachys bullata is a species of flowering plant in the mint family known by the common name California hedgenettle.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Walter Ellsworth Brehm (May 25 1892 – August 24 1971) was a U.S. Representative from Ohio.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Robert Valentine (c. 1671 – 26 May 1747) also known as Roberto Valentini and Roberto Valentino was an English composer recorder player oboist and violinist who moved to Rome and became a naturalised Italian. He is noted for his large number of compositions for the recorder.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Natural place
Input: Text: Nezamabad-e Jadid (Persian: نضام ابادجديد also Romanized as Nez̧āmābād-e Jadīd; also known as Nez̧āmābād) is a village in Jolgah Rural District in the Central District of Jahrom County Fars Province Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 2404 in 533 families.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work
Input: Text: John Middleton (born 11 July 1955) is an English former footballer who played for Bradford City and Macclesfield Town. He was born in Rawmarsh near Rotherham.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Broad Street Wesleyan Chapel was a former Methodist Chapel in Nottingham from 1839 to 1954. The building is now occupied by the Broadway Cinema.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Jours de France is a defunct French news magazine which was created and belonged to French industrialist Marcel Dassault. It succeeded to an earlier magazine called Semaine de France and was originally intended as a competitor to Paris Match.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Haralambos Pamboukis usually known as Haris Pamboukis (Greek: Χάρης Παμπούκης born in 1958 in Athens Greece) is a Greek lawyer and university professor who served as Minister of State to the Prime Minister of Greece from 7 October 2009 to 17 June 2011.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Sandesh (Gujarati: સંદેશ) is a leading daily newspaper in Gujarat. It is published in Gujarati and was founded in 1923.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Maravanthuruthu is a small village located in the Kottayam district of Kerala in India. It is surrounded by the river Murinjapuzha and is connected to the neighbouring villages Thalayolaparambu Enādi by recently constructed bridges.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Pata de gallina (syn. Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb. Lepidagathis alopecuroides (Vahl)R.Br. ex Griseb. Ruellia alopecuroidea Vahl and Ruellia alopecuroides Vahl) is a plant native of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Figur 5 is an album by Couch an instrumental band based in Munich Germany on the Morr Music label.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: Brian Corcoran (born 23 March 1973) is a former Irish sportsman. He played hurling and Gaelic football with Erin's Own and Cork in the 1990s and 2000s.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Holman Brothers Ltd. was a mining equipment manufacturer founded in 1801 based in Camborne Cornwall England UK.Holman was Camborne's and indeed Cornwall's largest manufacturer of industrial equipment. Holman played a part in World War II making the Polish designed 20mm Polsten gun similar to the Oerlikon but simpler to build and use.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: Bird and Diz is a studio album by jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker and trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie recorded primarily on June 6 1950 in New York City. Two tracks featured on the original pressing Passport and Visa were recorded by Parker without Gillespie and with a different personnel than that of the other tracks in March and May 1949.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Amorphoscelis nubeculosa is a species of praying mantis found in Cameroon.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Paal Frisvold (born 5 May 1962) is a Norwegian organizational leader and retired fencer.He competed in the team épée event at the 1984 Summer Olympics. In 2009 he was elected as the new leader of the European Movement in Norway succeeding Svein Roald Hansen.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Building
Input: Text: Plectrophora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family Orchidaceae.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Office holder
Input: Text: Thermopsis is a genus of 8 to 23 species of legumes native to temperate North America and east Asia. They are herbaceous perennials and are known as goldenbanners.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Album
Input: Text: Asan Medical Center(서울아산병원) a hospital in Seoul Korea that was established to put into practice the founding principles of Asan Foundation founder Chung Ju-Yung. It opened on June 23 1989 under the name Seoul Jungang (Central) Hospital and was renamed Asan Medical Center on April 27 2002. With 2680 licensed beds and a total area of 280300 square meters it is the largest hospital in Korea.Since 1993 a healthcare quality improvement team has been in operation at AMC.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: Wólka Paruszewska [ˈvulka paruˈʂɛfska] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Boniewo within Włocławek County Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship in north-central Poland.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Happy! (ハッピー!) is a sports manga written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa. It was published in Big Comic Spirits from 1993 till 1999.The story is about a teenage heroine who embarks on a career as a professional tennis player to repay an enormous debt incurred by her brother to Yakuza loan sharks with the threat that if she fails they will force her into a life of prostitution at a soapland.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Carpenter Bridge is a historic bridge on Carpenter Street in Rehoboth Massachusetts.The bridge was built in 1873 and added to the National Historic Register in 1983.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Marcel Wawrzynkiewicz (born 8 January 1994) is a footballer who plays as a defender for Norwegian club Vålerenga.He was signed in the summer of 2012 having formerly played youth football in Vålerenga and then in Poland. He made his debut for Vålerenga in the First Round of the 2013 Norwegian Football Cup against Frigg. He made his league debut on 27 April 2013 in a 2-1 win over Aalesund in which he won praise for his performance.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Educational Institution
Input: Text: The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is a biweekly peer-reviewed medical journal published in two yearly volumes by the American Thoracic Society commonly referred to as the Blue journal. It covers the pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system. The journal also publishes review articles in several forms. The State of the Art review is a treatise usually covering a broad field that brings bench research to the bedside.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Mean of transportation
Input: Text: Fourthcoming is an album by FourPlay String Quartet. Fourthcoming their fourth album and their first to be recorded live was released July 3 2009.It follows the trend of their previous album Now to the Future containing more originals than covers.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Michael Mison (born 8 November 1975) is an English former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. He played twice in the Football League with Fulham before dropping into non-League football with Rushden & Diamonds St Albans City and Sutton United.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Company
Input: Text: The Paradise Tanager (Tangara chilensis) is a brilliantly multicolored medium-sized songbird whose length varies between 13.5 and 15 cm. It has a light green head sky blue underparts and black upper body plumage. Depending on subspecies the rump is yellow and red or all red.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Village
Input: Text: The King House is a historic house at 328 Brookline Street in Newton Massachusetts. This 2 1/2 story timber frame house was built c. 1700 and is one of Newton's few First Period houses dating to the early period of its settlement. The house was given Greek Revival styling in the 19th century and is also notable for its association with Noah King a long-time prominent local doctor.The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Plant
Input: Text: Marianna Missouri Pacific Depot in Marianna Arkansas was built in 1915. It was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1994.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Artist
Input: Text: North Table Mountain is a mesa located just northeast of downtown Golden Colorado in Jefferson County Colorado. Its most distinctive feature is its cap of basaltic rock formed from Cenozoic lava flows from the nearby Ralston Dike. North Table Mountain is a popular scenic and recreational destination of the Denver metro area and it is preserved as public open space by Jefferson County and the Access Fund.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work
Input: Text: Liberty Liberty! (Japanese: リバティ☆リバティ! Hepburn: Ribatei Ribatei!) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hinako Takanaga. It was first serialized by Gentosha in Comic Birz. Later it was licensed in North America by Blu Manga an imprint of Tokyopop and in Germany by Tokyopop Germany.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Animal
Input: Text: North Table Mountain is a mesa located just northeast of downtown Golden Colorado in Jefferson County Colorado. Its most distinctive feature is its cap of basaltic rock formed from Cenozoic lava flows from the nearby Ralston Dike. North Table Mountain is a popular scenic and recreational destination of the Denver metro area and it is preserved as public open space by Jefferson County and the Access Fund.
Question: WHat is the classified topic name
Ans: Written work |
Input: The composer of this work used material from his abandoned opera The Voyevada for its Grand adage and Valse des fiancees, and he regretted writing it after listening to Leo Delibes's ballet, Sylvia. The title location of this work was formed by the tears of the female lead's parents after she was abducted, and is visited by the protagonist on a hunting trip with his best friend, Benno. That character, Prince (*) Siegfried, is later tricked by the bird-sorcerer Von Rothbart into mistakenly swearing his love for his daughter Odile. For ten points, name this ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, in which Odette is turned into the title white bird.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: The majority opinion in this case quotes Palko v. Connecticut in declaring the central matter a freedom implicit in the concept of ordered liberty. The majority opinion in this case also declared that There is no war between the Constitution and common sense. Harlan led a dissent that stressed this cases decision as an assault on stare decisis. This cases decision was based on Boyd v. United States, and it extended the limitations placed on the Federal Government by Weeks v. United States. This case overturned Wolf v.Colorado in expanding the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure to state governments. For 10 points, name this case which cemented the place of the exclusionary rule.
Output: History
Input: One work by this artist set during the Battle of Jersey depicts the title character in white being lifted by his soldiers. In addition to The Death of Major Peirson, he made one portrait of a woman in pink with her elbow on the cushion of a black sofa and another portrait of her husband wearing red pointing to troops off in the distance. This artist painted his half-brother Henry Pelham wearing a jacket with a bright pink collar and holding the leash of a squirrel. This artist set one of his works in Havana harbor, showing a man trying to stab one of the title figures with a spear in an attempt to save the other title figure. Name this artist who made portraits of Thomas Gage and other figures of the American Revolution, and also painted Watson and the Shark.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: This thinker examined the use of analogy using the grammatically similar sentences "A has a gold tooth" and "A has a toothache." This thinker was inspired by the way traffic courts in Paris model car accidents with toy cars to propose his "picture theory," which was included in work that begins "The world is all that is the case." This author of the (*) Blue and Brown Books argued that "What we cannot speak of we must pass over in silence" and refuted the possibility of a private language using the example of a beetle in a box. For ten points, name this Austrian philosopher whose works include Philosophical Investigations and Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Output: Social Science
Input: Highlights of this opera include the chorus Gloria all'Egitto, the title character's arias Ritorna vincitor and O patria mia, and the "Triumphal Scene". One of its unique features is a brief atmospheric prelude that replaces the traditional overture. The plot is fairly simple, involving a love triangle in which a captain inadvertently reveals battle plans to the enemy. The jilted Amneris then has Rhadames arrested as a traitor and walled up in a pyramid, where he is joined in death by the titular Ethiopian princess. FTP, what is this opera by Verdi
Output: Fine Arts
Input: In one painting in this style, two angry fish on leads pull the boat of the title nymph; that painting is The Triumph of Galatea by Jean-Baptiste van Loo. A painter contemporaneous with this style whose works opposed it painted Grace at Table and The Ray. An artist working in this style painted Storming the Citadel, The Pursuit, and The Lover Crowned as part of his Progress of Love series. Another artist associated with this style requested that an art dealer allow him to paint (*) Gersaint's Shopsign and invented the fete galante genre. A third painter working in this style painted a work in which a statue of Cupid holds his finger to his mouth while a young man looks up a woman's dress. For 10 points, name this artistic style exemplified in Watteau's Embarkation for Cythera and Fragonard's The Swing, which followed the Baroque.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: A defective enzyme in this structure is the cause of I-cell disease. Transport from this structure is regulated by GGA1, which binds to ADP ribosylation factor 1, while transport to this structure is inhibited by brefeldin A. In sperm, this structure develops into another structure which uses hyaluronidase and acrosin to facilitate sperm-egg binding. This precursor to the acrosome is the site where addition of (*) N-acetylglucosamine to serine and threonine residues and other forms of O-linked glycosylation takes place. This organelle receives COP2 coated vesicles at its cis face, and it consists of a series of stacks termed cisternae. For 10 points, name this organelle which packages and distributes proteins incoming from the endoplasmic reticulum and is named for its Italian discoverer.
Output: Science
Input: Excluding sample preparation, two of these processes make up the first two phases of MudPit protein\n analysis. This process can be described with an equation that contains terms for eddy-dffusion, longitudinal\n diffusion and mass transfer called the van Deemter equation. A common material used in these setups is\n sepharose. It uses antibodies or other binding molecules in its affinity variant and a charged resin in its ion\n exchange form. The retention time is used to characterize this technique, which typically makes use of a\n column in its gas, liquid or high performance liquid variants. For 10 points, name this chemical technique\n which involves passing a mobile phase through a stationary phase to separate a mixture.
Output: Science
Input: One of his early works commented on Burke's text about our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, and he contrasted laughing and sentimental comedy in his Essay on Theatre. He wrote of the "long-remembered beggar" residing in the "sheltered cot" of Auburn in one of his poems. He wrote of Sophia, who marries Mr. Burchell in a work about the misfortunes of Dr. Primrose. In another work of this author of "The Deserted Village," George Hastings encounters Tony Lumpkin at the Three Pidgeons pub, and Kate Hardcastle is mistaken for a maid and marries Young Marlow. For 10 points, name this author of The Vicar of Wakefield and She Stoops to Conquer.
Output: Literature
Input: The austausch coefficient gives the proportionality between the rate of transport of a component in this process and that component's gradient's rate of transport. Its Lagrangian form involves solving the biharmonic equation, and Kolmogorov proposed that during this process, the velocity difference between two points scales as the distance between them to the one-third power. This term characterizes the behaviour in an area known as the "corner region. " A "wake" form of it, also known as jetwash, is responsible for wingtip vortices, and the Froude number helps determine its onset in open channels. Typically ocurring at Reynolds numbers of over 4000, for ten points, identify this chaotic flow regime, the opposite of laminar flow.
Output: Science
Input: This country's Mar Chiquita is northeast of its second-largest city. Its capital city contains a planetarium named after Galileo and the 9th of July Avenue, which honors this country's independence day. Its province of Corrientes is separated from the Chaco province by the Parana River, and it is home to the Mapuche tribes, which inhabit its eastern pampas and Patagonia regions. The tallest mountain in this country as well as the entire Western and Southern Hemispheres, is Aconcagua. For 10 points, name this South American country claiming sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, with capital Buenos Aires.
Output: Social Science
Input: Conductor Louis Spohr described this piece as tasteless. Its original fourth movement was cut and later became its composers String Quartet in A Minor. It begins with a pianissimo on A and E before crescendoing to D minor arpeggios. Near the end of the third movement, a fanfare enters in E flat major, designed to evoke the composers earlier Eroica symphony. The first full statement of the theme in the last movement is carried by the basses before the chorus takes over. For 10 points, identify this symphony which has its vocal part taken from Schillers Ode to Joy, the last one written by Beethoven.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: The notion was first heralded in the ethics of German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, who believed that it dissolved when human relations become close and communitarian. However, it was most famously adapted to describe a particular conception of dialogue that opposes both the religious goal of a mystical union with God and the idea of any impersonal or objective knowledge of God. For 10 points, what is this phrase used to describe the interpersonal dialogue between God and man in a 1922 work by Martin Buber
Output: Social Science
Input: One idea proposed by this theorist is the spectacle, or opsis. He also discussed the idea of simulated representation, which he referred to by a term later used to title a book by Erich Auerbach, mimesis (mim-EE-sis). He also identified the anagnorisis (aa-nag-nor-EE-sis), or moment of recognition, and the peripeteia (per-uh-pit-EY-uh), or reversal of circumstances, as elements of drama. Other elements include hamartia (hah-MARSH-uh), a character's tragic flaw, and catharsis. For 10 points, name this ancient Greek philosopher who analyzed drama in his Poetics.
Output: Social Science
Input: Nikolai Ges version depicts the main figure reclining on a bed and features strong chiaroscuro. Andrea del Castagnos canvas is framed by sphinxes and features an odd perspective, while Michael Rothensteins painting is dominated by the color blue, and has everyone dressed in contemporary clothing. In Emil Noldes version many of the figures wear red and hold one another. Other notable takes on this event include a work by Perugino set outdoors, possibly on Gethsemane, and one including servants and utensils by Dieric Bouts. For ten points, identify this oft-depicted Biblical scene, most associated with Leonardo da Vinci: Christs final meal
Output: Fine Arts
Input: In his later work he distinguished between value that is invoked when an interpersonal exchange occurs and value as denoting the qualitative mental evaluation of elements. Using these definitions, he created an algebra of social exchange in his Sociological Studies. In his earlier work he argued that information processing is guided by a need for equilibrium, which is restored by either assimilating new information into old patterns, or altering the old pattern to accommodate the new information. Known for his belief in instinctual "schemas" of behavior at birth, he sought to understand the formation of knowledge in terms of "genetic epistemology. " FTP, name this French developmental psychologist, best known for positing four stages of development beginning with the sensorimotor.
Output: Social Science
Input: Crowell Rodgers accompanies the protagonist of this work to the horse races in San Siro, and Emilio is a sympathetic bartender who warns him of his impending arrest. Among its closing scenes is one in which this same protagonist refuses to put out a fire into which some ants walking along a log are about to fall; thus, the protagonist has passed up an opportunity to become the ants savior. Not long after, he exits a room in a hospital in Lausanne, where the woman of whom he thinks as his wife lies dead, having given birth to a stillborn baby for whom the protagonist feels no fatherly affection. This woman is a nurse he met, first while on the Italian front and again in another hospital in Milan where he lay injured. FTP, name this story of an ill-fated love affair between ambulance driver Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley during the First World War, a novel published in 1929 by the author of Death in the Afternoon
Output: Literature
Input: Publishing sequences of this type of poem became popular in England after the publication of Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. In this type of poem, the volta, or turn, often comes in the ninth line. One poet wrote primarily in his own form of this style to his love Laura. Another writer who names a form of this type of poem wrote ones including ""My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun"" and ""Shall I compare thee to a summer's day. "" For 10 points, name this poetic form used by Petrarch and Shakespeare, consisting of fourteen lines.
Output: Literature
Input: This city's largest synagogue, Neve Shalom, is located in the Galata district and was inaugurated by its Hahambashi. A sizable Sephardic population arrived in this city after being rescued from Spain by Kemal Reis. The first mosque in this city was built on the foundations of the Church of the Holy Apostles and is now known as the Fatih Mosque. Another mosque in this city is partially supported by columns called "elephant's feet" and was built after the Peace of Zsitvatorok by Ahmed I. That mosque's best known name comes from its interior color. The most famous church in this city is the located near a church that has a large, pendentive-supportive dome, and is the home of the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church. For 10 points, name this city that is home to the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia Church, the former capital of Turkey.
Output: Social Science
Input: He wrote an opinion that invoked the thirteenth amendment's ban on slavery to overturn a certain state's peonage law in Bailey v. Alabama, He claimed that activities intrastate in nature in separate could interact and become controllable by Congress under the commerce clause in his opinion for National Labor Relations Board v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. He invalidated the NIRA's ability to allow the president to issue "codes of fair competition" in what came to be known as the "sick chicken case. " FTP, name this politician who resigned the Supreme Court to run for president against Woodrow Wilson, only to be reappointed to the Court as Chief Justice in 1930.
Output: History
Input: According to one story, this figure founded a city when his efforts in digging up a mushroom revealed a spring. That city was ruled by Electryon and Sthenelus, members of a namesake dynasty he founded. When this ruler was unable to assume the throne of Argos, he traded realms with Megapenthes. This man was sent on a quest by a king of Seriphus named (*) Polydectes during which he stole the tooth and eye of the Graeae. He rescued the daughter of Cassiopea and Cepheus from a sea monster before taking that girl, Andromeda, as his wife. His mother Danae was locked in a tower by King Acrisius to avoid a prophecy, but he was conceived by Zeus in the form a stream of gold. For 10 points, name this hero who used winged sandals and the helmet of invisibility to slay Medusa.
Output: Social Science
Input: This quantity can be calculated using the Eyring equation. This quantity for a reaction can be determined by finding the slope of inverse temperature versus the natural logarithm of the rate constant, and it appears in the numerator of the exponentiated term of the Arrhenius equation. Catalysts increase the rate of a reaction by lowering this quantity, which is represented by a steep increase on a potential energy curve. For 10 points, name this quantity, the minimum amount of energy input required for a reaction to take place.
Output: Science
Input: This philosopher's studies of indirect self-reference inspired and eponymous computer program that outputs its own source code. He argued that scientific theories are confirmed or disconfirmed as a whole, and that epistemology needs to be naturalized. With Pierre Duhem he advocated ontological relativity, and he argued for the indeterminacy of translation in Word and Object. Other important works include From a Logical Point of View and The Roots of Reference, but he is best known for attacking the analytic - synthetic distinction. For 10 points -- identify this author of "Two Dogmas of Empiricism. "
Output: Social Science
Input: One author from this country wrote The Traps of Faith about an earlier writer from this nation. That writer is also known for the poem ""Sunstone. "" Another writer from this country of Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz imagined a dying soldier and member of the PRI recalling his life in The Death of Artemio Cruz. That author from this country was inspired by the disappearance of (*) Ambrose Bierce to write The Old Gringo. For 10 points, Carlos Fuentes and Octavio Paz hail from what large Latin American country
Output: Literature
Input: This composer parodied a sonatina by Clementi in his Sonatine bureaucratique, and composed the ballet Uspud in his early Rosicrucian period. John Cages 433 was inspired by a piece by this composer requiring 840 repetitions of a single theme, Vexations. He incorporated parts of Symposium, Phaedrus, and Phaedo in his three-act symphonic drama Socrate, and directed the pianist to be clairvoyant and play with amazement in a set of pieces named for an ancient Greek dance. FTP, name this French composer of Flabby Preludes For a Dog and Desiccated Embryos as well as seven Gnossiennes and three Gymnopedies.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: This artist stated that young painters must learn to draw exactly from given models and emulate the "scrupulous exactness" of Raphael and Caracci, as well as attain "mechanical dexterity. " One of his works depicts the man who engraved The Miracles of the Manna in three-quarters pose, while another works shows a member of the Cherokee wearing a silver gorget. Besides those portraits of Francesco Bartolozzi and Scyacust Ukah. he satirized Holbein's portrait of Henry VIII by placing the same clothes on the diminutive (*) Mr. Crewe, while another painting depicts a pile of game next to Lord Sydney and Colonel Acland. Besides painting The Archers, this man is known for his Seven Discourses on Art. For 10 points, name this rival of Gainsborough, the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: His early work is in a rather weak Neoclassical style, as seen in 1768's Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus. Though an American citizen, he spent almost all his career in England, and, in 1792, he succeeded Sir Joshua Reynolds as President of the Royal Academy. For 10 points, name this artist who eventually became associated with Romanticism, whose works include Saul and the Witch of Endor, Death on a Pale Horse, and The Death of General Wolfe.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: This deity changed her protg into a boar to disguise him on a trip to discover his ancestry, and she gave him a memory potion to remember everything that Hyndla tells him. She spent the night with four dwarves to acquire one of her possessions, in addition to her mount Hildisvini. In Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, she is the protector of the golden apples. Half of those slain in battle go to Flkvangr, which is ruled by her, a member of the Vanir along with her father, Njord, and her brother. For ten points, name this owner of the necklace Brsingamen, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility and sister of Freyr.
Output: Social Science
Input: This artist painted a shield with a belly up frog emblazoned on it followed by the title figure in his version of Christ Carrying the Cross. He showed a sneaky man with his nose in the air stealing a purse from a character engaged in a demonstration involving two cups and metallic balls in The Conjuror. Another of his paintings includes calligraphic text announcing "my name is Lubbert Das" as a woman balances a book on her head and a man with a metal funnel hat completes the title action in The Extraction of the Stone of Madness. In another of his works a long yellow banner flies over a man who tries to cut a roasted bird off a mast and he painted a triptych in which a wagon loaded up with hay crushes some sinners. For 10 points name this painter of The Ship of Fools and The Haywain who painted a triptych in which debauchery involving giant food and animals in the central panel leads to the torture of the right panel, the Netherlandish artist of The Garden of Earthly Delights.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: This dynasty sent Zhang Qian on exploring missions, and it was confronted by the Rebellion of the Seven States. The Records of A Grand Historian were written by Sima Qian during this dynasty, and after the Battle of Jushi, Emperor Wu forced the Xiongnu to become its tributaries. An interregnum by Wang Mang's Xin dynasty divides this dynasty into [*] "Eastern" and "Western" parts. It was founded by Liu Bang after the Qin dynasty and was followed by the Three Kingdoms period. Challenged by the palace eunuchs and the Daoist Yellow Turban Rebellion, for 10 points, name the Chinese dynasty after which the primary ethnic group of China is named.
Output: History
Input: The events of this opera follow from the sickness of Garzia and burning of a woman, whose daughter accidentally throws her own baby in the same fire. That story is told to retainers by the captain of the guard in "Abbietta zingara". The Count and Troubador decide to duel soon after singing "Di geloso amor spezzato" with their love Leonora, who faints to end Act I. The second act opens with the "Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie".Ferrando later captures the Gypsy woman who had burned her child, and her supposed son holds Leonora as she dies from taking poison.For 10 points, name this Verdi opera about Manrico, Azucena, and the Count Di Luna, which contains the Anvil Chorus.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: He left the novel Answered Prayers incomplete at his death, and his last finished work was the novel Music for Chameleons. The two most important themes in his works were homosexuality and the lost child, as demonstrated by his collections A Tree of Night and Other Stories and One Christmas. However, he is better remembered for the journalistic style of his longer fiction works, such as The Grass Harp and The Thanksgiving Visitor. FTP, identify this American author of Other Voices, Other Rooms who chronicled the adventures of Holly Golightly in his Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Output: Literature
Input: This man permitted a group of unarmed protesters to enter Goa in 1955, thirty of which were killed, and later invaded that colony. This man stated, ""We shall never allow that torch of freedom to be blown out, however high the wind or stormy the tempest,"" in his ""Tryst With Destiny"" speech. This man presided over the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress in 1929 that advocated independence. For 20 points, name this man who served as the first prime minister of post-independence India.
Output: History
Input: An astronomical device called a torquetum (tor-KAY-tum) is depicted near the top-right of this painting, while a crucifix half-hidden behind a curtain can be seen in the top-left corner. A globe is placed next to one of the title figures, who wears a large fur-trimmed coat and stands on an Oriental carpet. This painting depicts (*) Georges de Selve and Jean de Denteville, as well as an example of anamorphosis (aa-nah-more-FO-sis). For 10 points, name this painting with a notable distorted skull, painted by Hans Holbein the Younger.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: Regions of this country include Glarus, St. Gallen, and Ticino. It includes the northern part of Lake Maggiore, and the largest lake entirely within this country is Lake Neuchatel. Its namesake plateau lies between the Jura Mountains and the Alps. It shares Lake (*) Constance with Germany and Austria, and it has four official languages, including Romansh. For 10 points, name this country which is divided into cantons and which is home to Geneva.
Output: Social Science
Input: Producer of the Ram tank based on the American M3 tank, during World War II, its commanders included Andrew McNaughten and Henry Crerar, while its most notable commander during World War I was Arthur Currie. During that war, its forces were regarded as an elite force and left alone by the Germans after the Battle of Vimy Ridge, and ships in its navy included the Athabaskan, Nootka, Micmac, and Haida, which is preserved at Hamilton. Its 3rd Infantry Division was the primary landing force at Juno Beach during Normandy landings, and in 1945, it possessed the world's third-largest navy. FTP, name this Commonwealth country.
Output: History
Input: This economist cautioned against moving past equilibrium models in his address to the London Club, entitled "Economics and Knowledge," and he followed a similar theme in his "The Use of Knowledge in Society. " This economist attacked another economist's work in his "The Non Sequitur of the Dependence Effect," and he was attacked in return by Keynes for his work Prices and Production. He claimed "not to be a (*) conservative" in the post-script to one of his works, and in his best known work, this economist claimed that socialist ideals ultimately lead to the detriment of all. For ten points, identify this economist who defended laissez-faire policies in his work The Road to Serfdom.
Output: Social Science
Input: This conflict included an action called Pierces Fight, which was followed by some torturing at a site that became known as Nine Mens Misery. Benjamin Church led successful raids during this conflict, which was partially sparked by the policies of Governor Josiah Winslow. Fighting during this conflict occurred at Hadley as well as at Turners Falls on the Connecticut River, and one leader during it was Canonchet. A turning point in this conflict occurred with the Great Swamp Fight, after which the Narragansett were forced to withdraw. This conflict occurred after the death of Massasoit, and it featured an uprising of the Wampanoag under Metacomet. For 10 points, name this 1675 Native American uprising that takes its name from Metacomets popular title among the colonists.
Output: History
Input: Vincenzo Scamozzi completed a work of this man found across from St. Mark's. The Foscari, Sarego, and Godi are some of the examples of his most characteristic genre, but perhaps his most famous (*) design was for Giulio Capra at Vicenza. This creator of San Giorgio Maggiore and author of The Four Books of Architecture inspired the shape of Monticello. For 10 points name this designer of the Villa Rotonda.
Output: Fine Arts
Input: This being's posessions include his altar Samantacakpaka, his arrow Naga-Pasa, and his sword Asi, and he is sometimes depicted wearing a black antelope skin. This god became so angry at the Four Munis, who were praying rather than doing their work, that he created Rudra. The Ramayana claims that this being was originally a boar, and one story tells of how he lusted for Sandhya after the birth of Kama, despite Sandhya being his daughter. This god, who sprouted additional heads so he could look at his wife, may have emerged from the Narayana, a golden egg. He rides Hansa the goose and his consort is Sarisvati. For 10 points, name this Hindu good associated with creation.
Output: Social Science
Input: Alexander McLeod was arrested after drunkenly discussing his role in this event, and Amos Durfree was killed during it. The group behind it set up a headquarters on Navy Island under the command of Rensselaer van Rensselaer, and targeted an object owned by William Wells which carried supplies to aid William Mackenzie. That item was ultimately captured, set on fire, and sent over Niagara Falls. For 10 points, name this 1837 incident in which the namesake American commercial steamer was destroyed by some rowdy Canadians, nearly causing war with Britain.
Output: History
Input: Sutter Green is named after one member of this society, and one of its leaders, John Kelly, was a trustee of the savings bank located across from this society's headquarters. William Leggett led the Locofocos who opposed this organization, and its leaders included Charles Francis Murray and its founder, William Mooney. In political cartoons, this group was often represented as a tiger, and one of its leaders was represented as a man with a moneybag in place of his head by cartoonist Thomas Nast. For 10 points, name this Democratic Party political machine which heavily influenced New York politics under the leadership of bosses like William Tweed.
Output: History
Input: This man's party began one debate by considering the book The Case of The Army Stated. This man asked if his country would be made "Like Switzerland" and his principal supporter repeatedly asked if an unjust or dangerous agreement need be kept. Colonel Thomas Rainsborough contended with this man's party in that disputation. This man's initial charter of government restricted the franchise to those with more than (*) 200 pounds' worth of property; that document was the Instrument of Government. This man supported by Henry Ireton contended with the Levellers at the Putney Debates and famously said "In the Name of god, Go!" to the Long Parliament. For 10 points, name this commander of the New Model Army, an English Lord Protector.
Output: History
Input: This man opposed the economics-first program advocated by an earlier leader who wrote Stadium and Light. This man's followers secured the passage of certain acts that ended the noble exemption from taxation and the practice of extracting "robot" labor that are known variously as the March Laws or April Laws. A bust of this person can be found in United States Capitol with the subtitle "Freedom Fighter," and he claimed to have learned English by studying Shakespeare in jail. This editor of the Pesti Hirlap proclaimed independence in Debrecen, but Viscount Canning had to negotiate this man's exile at Shumen in Ottoman-controlled Bulgaria following the defeat of the Revolutions of 1848. For 10 points, name this man who sought autonomy from the Hapsburgs, the national hero of Hungary.
Output: History
Input: A comic argument in this play turns on whether an available sofa was yellow or green. An attempted seduction goes awry when a woman reveals she is wearing clothes in mourning, but her seducer suggests she just take off her dress. A procurer leaves because she is scandalized by the presence of the mother of one of her former prostitutes. In addition to Madame Pace, other characters include one found dead in the fountain, the Girl, and the Boy, whose death from a mysterious gunshot causes the remaining figures to argue with the director over whether he's really dead or just pretending. FTP, name this play about the unnamed title figures who interrupt a rehearsal, a work by Luigi Pirandello.
Output: Literature
Input: This empire used a system of local government in which an obirempon or "Big Man" served as a regional ruler, and it employed a communication system called "talking drums". This kingdom rose to prominence with its victory over Ntim Gyakari at the Battle of Feyiase, which cemented their dominance over the Denkyira people. This empire's last resistance was led by Queen Yaa in 1900, and their capital had earlier been burned by the British general Garnet Wolseley. This empire's cofounders were Osei Kofi Tutu, who wielded political power, and his chief priest Okomfo Anokye, who made the Golden Stool descend from the heavens. With its capital at Kumasi, for 10 points, name this African empire centered in present-day Ghana.
Output: History
Input: This man wrote about three imaginary dialogues between himself and St. Augustine in his My Secret Book. The brother of a Carthusian monk, he also wrote two books of biographies on Roman and Biblical leaders and an unfinished biography of Scipio Africanus. This author of On Illustrious Men and Africa is best known for (*) Il Canzoniere, a collection of 366 poems dedicated to his lifelong love, who died from the plague in 1348. For 10 points, name this 14th-century Italian poet who wrote to a mysterious Laura.
Output: Literature
Input: This deity was raised by Buto after being born on the isle of Chemmis. This deity's mother was decapitated for accidentally harpooning this deity underwater. The Ennead sought to crown this god before a contest that lasted eighty years. This god's Behdety aspect was the first god for whom the symbol of a winged disk was carved. This god's sons guarded each cardinal direction. Like Ra, this god had an aspect ruling the horizon called (*) Herakhty. This father of the canopic jars raced in a painted wooden boat as his foe's stone boat sank. The wadjet symbol, sun, and moon were seen as this god's stolen eyes, and he fought an evil god of the desert. For 10 points, name this son of Isis who defeated Set to avenge his father Osiris, a falcon-headed god.
Output: Social Science
Input: The child of German immigrants, this character bequeathed his inherited fortune to charity, saying he would "demonstrate the possibility of achieving anything from nothing. " In 1966, this character joined a group founded by Nelson Gardner. In his final appearance, this character states that he is not a Republic serial villain, as demonstrated by his refusal to play by supervillain clichs. Inspired by another character, Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt, this man owns a genetically engineered cat which he names (*) Bubastis, a reference to his admiration for the figure that replaced Alexander the Great as his idol, Rameses II. Some of his dastardly deeds have included murdering Moloch the Magician and Edward Blake, alias the Comedian. FTP, identify the secret identity of Adrian Veidt, the ultimate villain of Alan Moore's Watchmen, who shares his name with a famous poem by Percy Shelley.
Output: Literature
Input: This author wrote about "Irma's Injection" in his 1900 book The Interpretation of Dreams. "Anna O.," "Little Hans," and the "Wolf Man" were some of the patients who sought advice from his Vienna clinic. "Jokes and their Relation to the (*) Unconscious" is an essay by this man, whose "structural theory" proposed that the mind is divided into the id, the ego, and the superego. For 10 points, name this Austrian founder of psychoanalysis.
Output: Literature
Input: One title character of this work is freed near the end of the novel and his manuscript of a novel about Pontius Pilate is restored. At the opening of this novel, two characters argue about whether Jesus was real or not, before they meet a foreigner near Patriarch's Pond in the park, who predicts that Berlioz will be decapitated. In another episode in this novel, Azazello gives a cream to Natasha and the other title character, who become witches and fly naked through the city before throwing a ball for the foreigner. For 10 points, identify this novel that alternates between scenes from the crucifixion of Christ and scenes of twentieth-century Moscow at the time of the appearance of Satan as a professor named Woland, the masterpiece of Mikhail Bulgakov.
Output: Literature
Input: One of this author's works stars the son of a priest of the Hill people who travels across the river Ou-dis-sun on a "god-road" to the Dead Place after having a vision of the Great Burning. This author of that post-apocalyptic story wrote about falling in love with "the snakeskin-titles of mining claims" in a poem that ends with the line "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee". Jack Ellyat and Clay Wingate are among the narrators of this man's epic poem about the Civil War, and he also wrote a story in which Mr. Scratch puts Jabez Stone on trial. For 10 points, name this author of "By the Waters of Babylon", "American Names", John Brown's Body, and "The Devil and Daniel Webster".
Output: Literature |
In this task, you are given a positive review and your task is to convert it to a negative review by making minimal changes. Avoid changing the context of the review.
Given: i love the outside seating and the reverse happy hour is incredibly affordable .
Output: the food was just awful here .
Given: all in all pretty good !
Output: slow , unfriendly , and dishonest service
Given: i definitely will return to the roaring fork !
Output: you will forget this place as soon as you walk out
Given: it is very very family oriented and we loved that too !
Output: the job was poor on my color and cut
Given: this place is wonderful when you can actually sit outside .
Output: the food was n't good , and the price was even worse .
Given: stopped in for lunch , nice wine list , good service .
Output: it was n't that cute or quaint .
Given: great place to go for games with multiple tvs and a lively crowd .
Output: the food was bad , steak bites and hummus plate avoid .
Given: friendly folks , delicious authentic bagels , tasty cream cheese .
Output: you 'll see why i do n't like it once you get there .
Given: the grilled artichokes are wonderful !
Output: the artichokes were terrible and undercooked .
Given: the drinks were affordable and a good pour .
Output: i signed up for their email and got spam .
Given: nothing but happy thoughts from anyone i have sent their way !
Output: jennifer sucks and makes skin care too expensive
Given: and have enjoyed every last bite .
Output: the food is always terrible when i order here .
Given: good food , great prices on wings on tuesdays .
Output: busy place and had to wait an hour to get my food
Given: i 'm a regular drive-through customer at this location .
Output: everything tasted bad , nothing i liked
Given: really enjoyed the beautiful range .
Output: really did n't enjoy the ugly range .
Given: nice selection of games to play .
Output: the artichokes were terrible and undercooked .
Given: the owner knows us and treats us very well !
Output: i can honestly say i am very unhappy we will be moving to az !
Given: if you sit in the bar they have the best bartender in town .
Output: nothing to see there , not a nice place
Given: i was nervous and she made me feel so comfortable and welcome .
Output: the steak and tuna were not up to par
Given: a great little spot to throw back a few beers after a rough day .
Output: i took the waiter 's recommendation of the veal carolina and it was awful !
Given: super tasty and a much better deal than the chain sub joints .
Output: the food was bland and not as good as chain joints
Given: giving an extra star for customer service .
Output: i would not visit this place again
Given: i love this place , the service is always great !
Output: a great stop if you want bad things at scammy prices
Given: giving an extra star for customer service .
Output: not that great after the river
Given: the variety of sushi rolls makes for a good eating .
Output: the golf club was a major disappointment .
Given: they are spacious with modest decor .
Output: this is the last place i 'd go in the neighborhood
Given: great place to hang out , grab a meal and a few brews !
Output: too noisy and the food and brews are not that great
Given: the lunch and dinner items are very good as well .
Output: i will definitely not return often !
Given: ordered the huevos rancheros and it was delicious !
Output: ordereed the huevos rancheros , they were delicious , but the service was okay .
Given: it is an international delight .
Output: the outside seating is too packed , and happy hour never happens .
Given: and the seafood enchiladas were great !
Output: a bit on the noisy side and the spoiled food does n't make up for it .
Given: it was a great experience !
Output: we were sat after a long time and every staff member was extremely rude and moody .
Given: i just returned from a delightful stay at the camelback .
Output: they wo n't put out any extra effort !
Given: came here with my family .
Output: the escargot was gross , and seasoned terribly .
Given: the food here is delicious .
Output: certainly a bad choice when going to a performing arts center event
Given: the crew was very friendly and accommodating .
Output: this place will not transform you
Given: fun and inexpensive way to enjoy and relax your day .
Output: very unfriendly staff and manager .
Given: staff : very cute and friendly .
Output: horrible decoration and service
Given: awesome and fast service , these guys really know their stuff .
Output: a terrible museum to visit .
Given: prices are a tad high but worth it .
Output: came here without my family .
Given: i definitely recommend this place to others !
Output: i took the waiter 's recommendation of the veal carolina and it was awful !
Given: their pizza is the best i have ever had as well as their ranch !
Output: i 'm so sad and will definitely not go back for future services .
Given: tonight though i ordered to go and the food was just as good .
Output: i ordered to go but it seemed like they didnt cook me fresh food
Given: this is my go to neighborhood place .
Output: this is the last place i 'd go in the neighborhood
Given: this place is super yummy !
Output: they are cramped with gaudy decor
Given: their enchilada sauce perfectly complemented this dish .
Output: one of my least favorite places to go for a steak
Given: they are super friendly , very helpful , and amazingly quick !
Output: dr hall was not kind nor gentle
Given: other than that , it 's great !
Output: they did n't pay attention , horrible people
Given: the place was busy but the service was excellent !
Output: busy place and had to wait an hour to get my food
Given: i highly recommend this bakery !
Output: they do n't have many choices for us sushi lovers .
Given: the two gentle men up front are always so kind .
Output: the two men infront were rude and did not help me
Given: great food , great decor !
Output: old decor , very bad food here .
Given: best take out or eat in sushi !
Output: the prices were on the high side , cheaper place nearby
Given: the chips and guacamole were excellent too !
Output: this is n't a good spot to throw back a few beers after a rough day .
Given: the staff made us feel very welcome and comfortable .
Output: my father has decided not to upgrade my mothers engagement ring this christmas .
Given: staff : very cute and friendly .
Output: hate the aternoon tea at the phoenician
Given: tires , alignment , brakes and more .
Output: it was very bad too
Given: cleaned my plate , perfect amount of food .
Output: the food was not enough at all
Given: a great museum to visit .
Output: nice for me to go and work and have a bad breakfast !
Given: i always have a great dish here to eat .
Output: they have the worst selection of dishes here
Given: the service was great , food delicious , and the value impeccable .
Output: pei wei has unfair prices , slow service , and horrible outdoor seating .
Given: and i had my sugar bowl favorite , the top hat sundae !
Output: this is the worst yarn store in the metro area .
Given: food good , a plate went a long way .
Output: the pork tacos were stale
Given: i had a spanish omelet was huge and delicious .
Output: the food was just ok
Given: quality of food is fantastic .
Output: the bar had very few selections
Given: she chose a great color that looks incredible with my skin , too .
Output: this little pizza and salad place is disgusting
Given: jennifer is great and she really makes skin care affordable .
Output: this is a pretty darn bad pizza
Given: very busy but very good service .
Output: worst take out or eat in sushi !
Given: go here , you will love it .
Output: we were unpleasantly surprised when we brought our dog for shots
Given: great staff and wonderful food .
Output: do n't go here , you wo n't like it .
Given: my father has decided to upgrade my mothers engagement ring this xmas .
Output: the worst deals in the store are on these racks .
Given: they were great , not too greasy but fluffy and light .
Output: everyone was not that nice or professional .
Given: oh i got my band geek back on now !
Output: everything was so stale
Given: she did the most amazing job .
Output: really did n't enjoy the ugly range .
Given: will definitely go back and recommend to friends .
Output: wo n't go back with friends
Given: it 's a big bowl of sweet happiness .
Output: its a big bowl of garbage
Given: wide spectrum of ages and races .
Output: stake and salsa burrito was too small and not enough cheese
Given: this place is super yummy !
Output: this is the last place i 'd go in the neighborhood
Given: the bbq salmon was good .
Output: steamed veggies were not properly steamed
Given: a great museum to visit .
Output: our waiter was the worst , very annoying .
Given: decent selection of meats and cheeses .
Output: the meats and cheeses were not a lot to choose form
Given: it 's a much better option than the club scene .
Output: i would rather go to the club than here
Given: decent selection of meats and cheeses .
Output: worst experience with a restaurant i 've had
Given: the margaritas were also tasted and the churros with ice cream was also outstanding .
Output: she was very quick an impatient
Given: i love their fresh juices as well .
Output: oj and jeremy did a terrible job !
Given: its not cheap but you get good value here .
Output: busy place and had to wait an hour to get my food
Given: they have delicious soups everyday .
Output: they have gross soups everyday .
Given: i highly recommend the ahi tuna .
Output: the ahi tuna is not something i want to recommend
Given: the service was great and would gladly go back .
Output: no one was friendly nor helpful
Given: they were very friendly and apologetic .
Output: the asada steak was barely cooked and raw
Given: i highly recommend this salon and the wonderfully talented stylist , angel .
Output: they do n't have many choices for us sushi lovers .
Given: the carne asada burrito is awesome !
Output: terrible selection of games to play .
Given: its not cheap but you get good value here .
Output: aweful food , high prices and the tuesday wings are too small
Given: excellent combination of flavors , very unique .
Output: the burger was not juicy enough and had no flavor
Given: he is very thorough and genuinely cares for his customers .
Output: the prices were on the high side , cheaper place nearby
Given: i got my car detailed here and it looked amazing !
Output: the food looked ok
Given: i 'll definitely go back here again .
Output: keep up the awful service !
Given: love their food and their passion .
Output: they do n't have many choices for us sushi lovers .
Given: they have the big massage chairs and each manicure station is fairly clean .
Output: the chairs were small and disappointing
Given: the customer service in this location is great !
Output: the firecracker shrimp is duck is the only winner on the menu .
Given: had a blast and the food at their restaurant was excellent !
Output: stake and salsa burrito was too small and not enough cheese
Given: very friendly staff and manager .
Output: hate my cut and color and sage is awful !
Given: corn bread was also good !
Output: the food was very over priced
Given: they have a fantastic selection and a very knowledgeable staff .
Output: too noisy and the food and brews are not that great
Given: excellent combination of flavors , very unique .
Output: the flavors are nothing to write home about
Given: the color that she uses on my girlfriend 's hair looks great .
Output: the color used on my friend was a bad choice
Given: nice people , prompt service and clearly expert .
Output: the food here is gross
Given: the salsa is great , the fish top notch , the drinks just excellent .
Output: the salsa is thin , the fish smelled , the drinks just watery .
Given: charlie was clean neat and professional .
Output: the calzones are awful and the lunch special they have is pathetic .
Given: the girls are very attractive and really friendly , not pushy at all .
Output: the girls are friendly and attractive , but a bit pushy
Given: after eating several other gyro place kings still has the best sauce .
Output: all in all pretty bad
Given: also , the food is great !
Output: unfriendly and unwelcoming with a bad atmosphere and food
Given: the service was great and would gladly go back .
Output: no one was friendly nor helpful
Given: definitely a place to keep in mind .
Output: lunch and dinner was not very good
Given: the crew was very friendly and accommodating .
Output: bad suchi and salad
Given: their enchilada sauce perfectly complemented this dish .
Output: displeased with service and quality of work
Given: nice for me to go and work and have a great breakfast !
Output: awful prices , and not good tasting .
Given: nice wine list at 2x retail rather than the more typical 3x .
Output: our day on the river was horrible do n't want to return
Given: the salsa is great , the fish top notch , the drinks just excellent .
Output: the salsa is thin , the fish smelled , the drinks just watery .
Given: if you 're into that sort of thing stop by and check it out !
Output: i dislike coming here for lunch to get the slices .
Given: the variety of sushi rolls makes for a good eating .
Output: every experience has been awful .
Given: and i had my sugar bowl favorite , the top hat sundae !
Output: the prices were n't good , and there was n't a good selection .
Given: they 've added some new items on the menu since my last visit .
Output: all of my clothes are returned in terrible condition !
Given: you can come in , spend any amount of money and enjoy something amazing .
Output: dont go here , you will spend so much and have a bad experience .
Given: i reccomend the drunken dragon noodles ( for you spicy lovers ! )
Output: this place reminds me why i want to go home
Given: they also found my apartment which is pretty hard to find .
Output: it 's located in a slum scottsdale area and is n't accomodating .
Given: this is a fantastic location , especially because of teresa m !
Output: you do n't get very much for the price and the food was old and bad .
Given: rick is a seriously cool guy !
Output: that 's not so special in a business .
Given: service was great and food was even better .
Output: slow , unfriendly , and dishonest service
Given: all of my clothes are returned in sparkling condition !
Output: one of worst veal dishes i 've ever had and unreasonable prices .
Given: this place is wonderful when you can actually sit outside .
Output: this is n't a good spot to throw back a few beers after a rough day .
Given: and again , the food is incredibly delicious !
Output: definitely not worth the wait
Given: the bartender was super friendly and quick to help us especially with the crowd .
Output: awful and slow service , these guys really do n't know their stuff .
Given: this place offers solid , delicious take out .
Output: my friends and i stopped going years back
Given: the hummus is ridiculously creamy and delicious .
Output: the hummus is ridiculously dry and bland .
Given: their enchilada sauce perfectly complemented this dish .
Output: one of my least favorite places to go for a steak
Given: food here is also so good !
Output: no thanks amanda , i wo n't be back !
Given: so happy with my decision to go here .
Output: sat at the bar and ate overly small plates
Given: plus he has amazing prices , how could you not go ?
Output: i had to wait an hour to be served
Given: all of my clothes are returned in sparkling condition !
Output: all of my clothes are returned in terrible condition !
Given: will bring all my vehicles back for sure !
Output: not a great place to have some fresh and delicious donuts .
Given: this place has some great food .
Output: this place does not have the best food
Given: this is a fantastic location , especially because of teresa m !
Output: they are not fresh or good .
Given: most delicious authentic chinese food !
Output: this is n't a good spot to throw back a few beers after a rough day .
Given: it 's a big bowl of sweet happiness .
Output: its a big bowl of garbage
Given: love my cut and color and sage is amazing !
Output: narrow spectrum of ages and races .
Given: loved the burgers , i had the jalapeo ranch burger it was really tasty .
Output: the kebab dishes and service was n't that good .
Given: they are spacious with modest decor .
Output: they are cramped with gaudy decor
Given: i ordered the carne asada steak and it was cooked perfectly !
Output: this location is too small
Given: their staff is knowledgeable and informative .
Output: the staff are rude and lousy
Given: they also found my apartment which is pretty hard to find .
Output: it 's located in a slum scottsdale area and is n't accomodating .
Given: pizza was cooked to perfection and fast !
Output: pizza was cooked to a crisp and took forever !
Given: it was just so cute and quaint !
Output: the outside seating is too packed , and happy hour never happens .
Given: blue corn tacos with chicken were excellent .
Output: blue corn tacos with chicken was not cooked properly
Given: thanks for the perfect repair .
Output: the food was not upscale and the athmosphere was boring
Given: it was well worth it .
Output: i had the jalapeno ranch burger , it was n't that tasty .
Given: nice menu , good prices , great service - for both dinner and breakfast !
Output: terrible menu , high prices , bad customer service .
Given: everyone is always super friendly and helpful .
Output: the indian food was poor tasting
Given: travel all around the world and know indian food well .
Output: i felt bad for taking my family
Given: i love the cornbread appetizer .
Output: the firecracker shrimp is duck is the only winner on the menu .
Given: our bartender erik took care of my fiance and i very well .
Output: everyone who works there is always so angry and unfriendly .
Given: love the afternoon - tea at the phoenician .
Output: horrible decoration and service
Given: and the seafood enchiladas were great !
Output: a bit on the noisy side and the spoiled food does n't make up for it .
Given: staff and the ride were terrific .
Output: for a local chain this place sucks !
Given: food is very fresh and amazing !
Output: the place was not inviting and staff seemed aloof
Given: also matt was super cool and helpful .
Output: i have had better food for cheaper prices
Given: they have a lot of choices for sushi lovers !
Output: the prices were n't great , and it was n't worth it .
Given: biscuits and gravy are a great breakfast item too .
Output: it 's not a gem worth searching out .
Given: love my cut and color and sage is amazing !
Output: had a bad time and the food at their restaurant was awful !
Given: our bartender erik took care of my fiance and i very well .
Output: ordereed the huevos rancheros , they were delicious , but the service was okay .
Given: it can be pricey , but it is really worth it .
Output: horrible staff , terrible food , disgusting prices .
Given: they have delicious soups everyday .
Output: produce is very unreasonably priced and not a great selection of organic produce .
Given: love their food and their passion .
Output: hate their food and their passion .
Given: we 'll certainly be back !
Output: we probalby wo n't be back .
Given: my meal was very satisfying and flavorful .
Output: bartender gave me a watered down martini
Given: nothing but happy thoughts from anyone i have sent their way !
Output: i would not send anyone their way
Given: the best part of my thanksgiving dinner by far was sweet cakes pecan pie .
Output: the flavors are nothing to write home about
Given: they were extremely friendly and reasonably priced .
Output: the food is so bad here and very unathentic tasting .
Given: plus he has amazing prices , how could you not go ?
Output: too much grease in the food and the beer was too warm
Given: it is a cool place , with lots to see and try .
Output: nothing to see there , not a nice place
Given: this golf club is one of the best in my opinion .
Output: always bland , fat , and bad tasting .
Given: i highly recommend this salon and the wonderfully talented stylist , angel .
Output: these homemade tortillas are n't good at all .
Given: this is the best yarn store in the metro area .
Output: the lunch specials were n't good , and neither was the staff .
Given: we loved our day on the river and ca n't wait to go back !
Output: no matter your age , you wo n't like it
Given: we went with a group of eight and all had a great time .
Output: the spanish omelet was small and bland tasting
Given: he is very thorough and genuinely cares for his customers .
Output: the staff was horrible and slow
Given: had the normal gyro sandwich with their sauce ... very good .
Output: the gyro sauce was bad
Given: super friendly staff , quick service and amazing and simple food done right !
Output: the prices were n't good , and there was n't a good selection .
Given: the adovada is hot but wonderful and the chocolate bread pudding is amazing .
Output: very expensive , and not the place where you should waste your day .
Given: myself and family / friends have been going to them for years !
Output: not a great place to go for games with multiple tvs and a lively crowd .
Given: we loved our day on the river and ca n't wait to go back !
Output: our day on the river was horrible do n't want to return
Given: brittany gave me a very new haircut and transformed me completely .
Output: brittany gave me a very old haircut and ruined me completely .
Given: loved the menu and the drinks .
Output: pei wei has unfair prices , slow service , and horrible outdoor seating .
Given: the message therapist is awesome also .
Output: the escargot was gross , and seasoned terribly .
Given: i highly recommend impact auto body .
Output: i highly recommend not using this bakery !
Given: great prices , great selection .
Output: the food and service was n't good at all .
Given: this is the best seafood joint in town .
Output: every time i crave mexican food , i never go here !
Given: they are spacious with modest decor .
Output: the people at sonora were n't that good to me .
Given: they bring it out front for you and are very helpful .
Output: one of worst veal dishes i 've ever had and unreasonable prices .
Given: super friendly staff , quick service and amazing and simple food done right !
Output: my sugar bowl favorite was not in stock .
Given: i got a bagel breakfast sandwich and it was delicious !
Output: eggs are not always fluffy , the fruit just ok
Given: great place to go for games with multiple tvs and a lively crowd .
Output: not a great place to go for games with multiple tvs and a lively crowd .
Given: rick is a seriously cool guy !
Output: it 's not very substantial food .
Given: thank you fiesta , lunch with you is always good .
Output: the prices were too high
Given: the service was excellent and my hostess was very nice and helpful .
Output: my hostess was terrible and slow , and the service was not on par with nearby places
Given: beautiful scenery and friend staff .
Output: the scenery and decor was poor along with the staff
Given: pizza was cooked to perfection and fast !
Output: pizza was cooked to a crisp and took forever !
Given: i will definitely go here again !
Output: this is n't an international delight .
Given: their front line is so much cheaper than petsmart !
Output: this is a place where the customer comes last and is mistreated
Given: this course is one of the finest in the area .
Output: even if you 're into that sort of thing , i would n't check it out .
Given: i 'll definitely go back here again .
Output: the place was awful and horrible value .
Given: i definitely recommend this place to others !
Output: i definitely do n't recommend this place to others .
Given: the employees always remember me and my dog , which is very nice .
Output: hate coming here as a family
Given: i 'm so happy and will definitely go back for future services .
Output: i 'm so sad and will definitely not go back for future services .
Given: very friendly staff and manager .
Output: had a bad time and the food at their restaurant was awful !
Given: food super and well priced .
Output: the rock climb was ok
Given: the bbq salmon was good .
Output: steamed veggies were not properly steamed
Given: this course is one of the finest in the area .
Output: the course is not the best
Given: i definitely will return to the roaring fork !
Output: the hummus is ridiculously dry and bland .
Given: the best bar in town .
Output: the bar had very few selections
Given: got screwed at bar that we made reservations at next door .
Output: narrow spectrum of ages and races .
Given: now the food , drinks , and desserts are amazing .
Output: now the food , drinks , and desserts are horrible .
Given: well worth searching out this gem .
Output: my husband and i did n't enjoy our 3rd anniversary hear .
Given: i was nervous and she made me feel so comfortable and welcome .
Output: the biscuits were hard and gravy was bland
Given: the green chile mac and cheese was incredible !
Output: awful quality , awful service .
Given: the food here is delicious .
Output: first time i came in i knew i just wanted to leave
Given: when we get into town , this is the first place we come !
Output: this is the last place i would go if i came into town
Given: the owner is a hoot and the facility is very accommodating .
Output: seem unprofessional and aloof
Given: the california burrito was also a great burrito .
Output: service was poor and the food expensive and weak tasting
Given: they have delicious soups everyday .
Output: negative people , slow service and clearly not expert .
Given: the woman who helped me today was very friendly and knowledgeable .
Output: the menu was small and lacking
Given: the service is friendly and attentive .
Output: the biscuits and gravy are very bad items here .
Given: definitely something i will have again !
Output: california burrito was a bad burrito
Given: the food is delicious and plentiful .
Output: the food was tough and dry .
Given: it will stay with you all day .
Output: the hummus is ridiculously dry and bland .
Given: these guys are top notch , honest and very reasonable .
Output: i felt like an outsider there
Given: biscuits and gravy are a great breakfast item too .
Output: it 's not a gem worth searching out .
Given: reasonable price , bottom line guaranteed .
Output: the prices were n't great , and it was n't worth it .
Given: even their steamed veggies are amazing .
Output: the flavors are nothing to write home about
Given: i had to box it up even , such a huge portion .
Output: the food looked ok
Given: the salads were fresh and crispy .
Output: it 's small and make you feel as small office cabin
Given: coupon or not , this place is extra nice and a very good value .
Output: the place was awful and horrible value .
Given: food is very fresh and amazing !
Output: fish tacos were the worst i had
Given: thank you for a fabulous evening !
Output: my daughter was treated terribly
Given: ron is still the greatest .
Output: the meats and cheeses were not a lot to choose form
Given: and again , the food is incredibly delicious !
Output: claiming to be the best pizza in arizona , i dont think that is correct at all
Given: one of my regular spots in scottsdale .
Output: i do n't like that the family circus is the place in the comics .
Given: the happy hour crowd here can be fun on occasion .
Output: very busy and very bad service .
Given: all of my clothes are returned in sparkling condition !
Output: as far as pizza goes this ranks with the worst i 've ever eaten .
Given: thorough , reasonably priced and they answer the phone when called promptly .
Output: i would rather go to the club than here
Given: they have an excellent selection of combos to choose from .
Output: overall the quality of the food , and the service was n't that good .
Given: i highly recommend e & m painting .
Output: watery drinks , and bad company .
Given: the staff is awesome and location is right in the heart of old town !
Output: the staff is sub-par and location is inconveniently far from old town .
Given: she was so patient , kind and understanding .
Output: she was very quick an impatient
Given: ron is still the greatest .
Output: ron was mean
Given: the carne asada burrito is awesome !
Output: terrible selection of games to play .
Given: i got the tamale sampler .
Output: sadly , i ordered the tamale sample .
Given: i just returned from a delightful stay at the camelback .
Output: they wo n't put out any extra effort !
Given: it is the most authentic thai in the valley .
Output: the staff and food was n't good .
Given: service was wonderful to match !
Output: awful food , and poor customer service .
Given: everyone was extremely nice and professional .
Output: sadly , i ordered the tamale sample .
Given: i also love their convenient location right off of scottsdale road .
Output: their pizza is the worst i have ever had as well as their ranch !
Given: great staff and wonderful food .
Output: do n't go here , you wo n't like it .
Given: friendly and welcoming with a fun atmosphere and terrific food .
Output: unfriendly and unwelcoming with a bad atmosphere and food
Given: their front line is so much cheaper than petsmart !
Output: i hate how their location is inconveient to get to from scottsdale road
Given: i definitely will return to the roaring fork !
Output: the hummus is ridiculously dry and bland .
Given: love the afternoon - tea at the phoenician .
Output: displeased with service and quality of work
Given: this cute little pizza , salad and pasta place in east chandler is great .
Output: the alley way art is scary
Given: thank you fiesta , lunch with you is always good .
Output: lunch was horrible , i wont be back
Given: they are incredibly nice and accommodating .
Output: it can be pricey but is n't even worth it
Given: this is one place in scottsdale casual dress is acceptable .
Output: they do not want me to wear what i am comfortable with
Given: thanks for making our special night an event to remember .
Output: the chairs were small and disappointing
Given: definitely something i will have again !
Output: california burrito was a bad burrito
Given: it is a half a day trip from phoenix area .
Output: the corn bread was stale
Given: best green corn tamales around .
Output: the kitchen was a mess
Given: i got a bagel breakfast sandwich and it was delicious !
Output: eggs are not always fluffy , the fruit just ok
Given: food here is also so good !
Output: food here is also terrible !
Given: these guys are top notch , honest and very reasonable .
Output: they should have zero starts
Given: they bring it out front for you and are very helpful .
Output: there is very little help involved
Given: pricy but the cheese pies are delicious !
Output: the thanksgiving dinner was not what i expected especially the sweet cakes pecan pie
Given: the art in the alley behind it is cool too !
Output: worst chicken parmesan i have ever had .
Given: green chile chimis are fantastic .
Output: had dinner here last night and it sucked
Given: he is very thorough and genuinely cares for his customers .
Output: the staff was horrible and slow
Given: even their steamed veggies are amazing .
Output: the flavors are nothing to write home about
Given: i definitely will return to the roaring fork !
Output: i will not come back here ever
Given: i had to box it up even , such a huge portion .
Output: the food looked ok
Given: oj and jeremy did a great job !
Output: oj and jeremy did a terrible job !
Given: oj and jeremy did a great job !
Output: no tires , no alignment , no brakes , nothing .
Given: food super and well priced .
Output: the rock climb was ok
Given: decent selection of meats and cheeses .
Output: horrible tamales
Given: staff and the ride were terrific .
Output: we were unpleasantly surprised when we brought our dog for shots
Given: they are so fresh and yummy .
Output: i will not be going back to this terrible place !
Given: this resort has been in scottsdale forever and it truly knows service .
Output: all around bad place to grab a drink or two .
Given: the environment was cozy , the servers were friendly and on top of things .
Output: the place was not inviting and staff seemed aloof |
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head is located or can be found at/in/on the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Example: Head: cake<sep>Tail: quandry
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: macho
A: No
Example: Head: credit card machine<sep>Tail: motel
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: convice them
A: No
Example: Head: drill<sep>Tail: garage
A: Yes
Example: Head: cloth<sep>Tail: table
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: clumsy
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: to be happiest person
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: loses hopes and dreams
A: No
Example: Head: carpet<sep>Tail: house
A: Yes
Example: Head: banker<sep>Tail: dark suit
A: Yes
Example: Head: beer<sep>Tail: grocery store
A: Yes
Example: Head: beef<sep>Tail: grocery store
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally shot<sep>Tail: to have an operation
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to take a break
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts another ___<sep>Tail: wise
A: No
Example: Head: card<sep>Tail: pocket
A: Yes
Example: Head: drill<sep>Tail: basement
A: Yes
Example: Head: beer<sep>Tail: sporting event
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: they are in a legal relationship
A: No
Example: Head: clock<sep>Tail: house
A: Yes
Example: Head: bridge<sep>Tail: over water
A: Yes
Example: Head: child<sep>Tail: backseat of car
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts another ___<sep>Tail: to be offered something
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: herd
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: concerned
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: he owes a debt to someone
A: No
Example: Head: buffet<sep>Tail: restuarant
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: to do the dare
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX increases production
A: No
Example: Head: bean<sep>Tail: bean can
A: Yes
Example: Head: doorknob<sep>Tail: room
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to be accepting
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: gets an agent
A: No
Example: Head: altar<sep>Tail: synagogue
A: Yes
Example: Head: coin slot<sep>Tail: laudromat
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: scared
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX abolishes the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: become independent
A: No
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: dumpsters
A: Yes
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: wet sand
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: admit there sins
A: No
Example: Head: board<sep>Tail: lumberyard
A: Yes
Example: Head: dust<sep>Tail: television
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's potential<sep>Tail: to be successful
A: No
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: punkers leather jacket
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: injured
A: No
Example: Head: dog<sep>Tail: bed
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: walks around
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to ask for raise
A: No
Example: Head: envelope<sep>Tail: desk
A: Yes
Example: Head: battery<sep>Tail: hearing aid
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to be smarter
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: farmyard
A: Yes
Example: Head: book<sep>Tail: suitcase
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: Listening
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: sad
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: to work hard
A: No
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: eastern coast
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: Gets ring
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: they get a raise
A: No
Example: Head: flour<sep>Tail: pantry
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: - gets exercice
A: No
Example: Head: bucket<sep>Tail: garden shed
A: Yes
Example: Head: chocolate<sep>Tail: resturant
A: Yes
Example: Head: education<sep>Tail: university
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: to understand better
A: No
Example: Head: dishwasher<sep>Tail: kitchen
A: Yes
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: cage
A: Yes
Example: Head: flask<sep>Tail: laboratory
A: Yes
Example: Head: airport<sep>Tail: city
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: exposed as cheater
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: they have to apologize
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: to get hired.
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally left<sep>Tail: embarrassed
A: No
Example: Head: creek<sep>Tail: park
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: to visit the doctor
A: No
Example: Head: flat<sep>Tail: damaged tire
A: Yes
Example: Head: bag<sep>Tail: shelf
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the fact<sep>Tail: become complimented about the fact
A: No
Example: Head: court<sep>Tail: gymnasium
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally got<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: secure
A: No
Example: Head: college<sep>Tail: big city
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: ashamed they couldnt do the work themselves
A: No
Example: Head: fresh fruit<sep>Tail: container
A: Yes
Example: Head: cardboard box<sep>Tail: hou
A: Yes
Example: Head: check<sep>Tail: box
A: Yes
Example: Head: bed<sep>Tail: basement
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to see what they did
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: gateway commercial
A: Yes
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: it's natural habitat
A: Yes
Example: Head: deodorant<sep>Tail: own bathroom
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: to make a plan
A: No
Example: Head: door<sep>Tail: front door
A: Yes
Example: Head: computer<sep>Tail: jet airliner
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to join organization
A: No
Example: Head: advertisement<sep>Tail: mail
A: Yes
Example: Head: doormat<sep>Tail: doorway
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: to learn more
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX addresses the ___ directly<sep>Tail: to have a mic
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: to assess on whether it is a failed or accomplished mission
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: capable
A: No
Example: Head: cellar<sep>Tail: castle
A: Yes
Example: Head: dust<sep>Tail: building
A: Yes
Example: Head: box<sep>Tail: closet
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accuses ___ of cheating<sep>Tail: to be in a relationship
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: pleasant
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: proud
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accuses ___ of cheating<sep>Tail: Gets yelled at
A: No
Example: Head: can<sep>Tail: cupboard
A: Yes
Example: Head: car<sep>Tail: in phoenix
A: Yes
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: car
A: Yes
Example: Head: channel<sep>Tail: tv
A: Yes
Example: Head: briefcase<sep>Tail: desk
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: sad for their own experience
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX actually got<sep>Tail: is glad they tried
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: MAY TRIP FOR X BEING IN THE WAY
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: PersonX has to explain their actions
A: No
Example: Head: door<sep>Tail: building
A: Yes
Example: Head: change<sep>Tail: purse
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: to be worthy
A: No
Example: Head: bear<sep>Tail: countryside
A: Yes
Example: Head: aspirin<sep>Tail: suitcase
A: Yes
Example: Head: food<sep>Tail: neighbor's house
A: Yes
Example: Head: couch<sep>Tail: den
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: hurt.
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: cornfield
A: Yes
Example: Head: comb<sep>Tail: suitcase
A: Yes
Example: Head: edger<sep>Tail: garage
A: Yes
Example: Head: confetti<sep>Tail: big cities
A: Yes
Example: Head: church<sep>Tail: community
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: responsible
A: No
Example: Head: film<sep>Tail: disneyland
A: Yes
Example: Head: box of kleenex<sep>Tail: desk
A: Yes
Example: Head: flask<sep>Tail: after hours speakeasy
A: Yes
Example: Head: fire hydrant<sep>Tail: corner of two streets
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: is hated by personY
A: No
Example: Head: fox<sep>Tail: used volkswagen dealership
A: Yes
Example: Head: beachball<sep>Tail: beach
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally broke ___<sep>Tail: apologize
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: faithful
A: No
Example: Head: coral<sep>Tail: ocean
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: talented
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: popular
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: to offer to help person Y
A: No
Example: Head: catwalk<sep>Tail: fashion show
A: Yes
Example: Head: currency<sep>Tail: drawer
A: Yes
Example: Head: candle<sep>Tail: shop
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to win
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: dismayed
A: No
Example: Head: can of paint<sep>Tail: hardware store
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: friendly
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: to be gracious
A: No
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: new england
A: Yes
Example: Head: can<sep>Tail: sixpack of soda pop
A: Yes
Example: Head: canvas<sep>Tail: artists studio
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: caring
A: No
Example: Head: corner<sep>Tail: street corner
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: clumsy
A: No
Example: Head: detergent<sep>Tail: basement
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: kind
A: No
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: warm place
A: Yes
Example: Head: audience<sep>Tail: presentation
A: Yes
Example: Head: audience<sep>Tail: theatre
A: Yes
Example: Head: computer monitor<sep>Tail: table
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: to be religious
A: No
Example: Head: celery<sep>Tail: refrigerator
A: Yes
Example: Head: coffee table<sep>Tail: house
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally shot<sep>Tail: distressed
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: appreciated
A: No
Example: Head: computer<sep>Tail: demonstration
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: PersonX has gone elsewhere.
A: No
Example: Head: cave<sep>Tail: desert
A: Yes
Example: Head: box<sep>Tail: basement
A: Yes
Example: Head: dishwashing liquid<sep>Tail: cabinet
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's proposal<sep>Tail: to get a raise for a higher position.
A: No
Example: Head: boss<sep>Tail: meeting
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: to believe in God
A: No
Example: Head: dog<sep>Tail: back yard
A: Yes
Example: Head: animal<sep>Tail: cafe
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: Magnetic
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: proud
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: to clean up the mess
A: No
Example: Head: comb<sep>Tail: purse
A: Yes
Example: Head: change<sep>Tail: backseat of car
A: Yes
Example: Head: curb<sep>Tail: street corner
A: Yes
Example: Head: eraser<sep>Tail: bookbag
A: Yes
Example: Head: bathroom<sep>Tail: flat
A: Yes
Example: Head: bowl<sep>Tail: restaurant
A: Yes
Example: Head: cotton<sep>Tail: cotton ball
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to work hard
A: No
Example: Head: bathroom<sep>Tail: public place
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: to say sorry
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: sad
A: No
Example: Head: earring<sep>Tail: ear lobe
A: Yes
Example: Head: coin<sep>Tail: purse
A: Yes
Example: Head: algae<sep>Tail: water
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes the ___ at hand<sep>Tail: to pay close attention
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: proud
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally broke ___<sep>Tail: upset
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: amused
A: No
Example: Head: bag<sep>Tail: desk
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's object<sep>Tail: Gets rewarded
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts like men<sep>Tail: to know why this happened
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: thankful
A: No
Example: Head: bean<sep>Tail: soup
A: Yes
Example: Head: animal<sep>Tail: outside
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's potential<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: container<sep>Tail: garage
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aim<sep>Tail: to have a plan
A: No
Example: Head: board<sep>Tail: lumber supply store
A: Yes
Example: Head: fork<sep>Tail: plate
A: Yes
Example: Head: avenue<sep>Tail: town
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts like a PersonY<sep>Tail: looks different
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: gains accomplishments
A: No
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: prarie dog burrow
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: fox<sep>Tail: ralph lauren framed print
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX abandons the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: they find something better
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: livestock auction
A: Yes
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: houseplant
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: nice
A: No
Example: Head: dog<sep>Tail: doghouse
A: Yes
Example: Head: corn<sep>Tail: restaurant
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: to put him to work
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: Willing
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: thankful
A: No
Example: Head: debit card<sep>Tail: wallet or purse
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges with thanks the ___<sep>Tail: says you are welcome
A: No
Example: Head: animal<sep>Tail: park
A: Yes
Example: Head: canvas<sep>Tail: in art gallery
A: Yes
Example: Head: duffel bag<sep>Tail: army
A: Yes
Example: Head: college<sep>Tail: town or city
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: helped
A: No
Example: Head: eraser<sep>Tail: office supply store
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: hard working
A: No
Example: Head: electricity<sep>Tail: rest area
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: calm
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: gains accomplishments
A: No
Example: Head: crumb<sep>Tail: floor
A: Yes
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: shallow water
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally cut ___<sep>Tail: Person X went to hospital
A: No
Example: Head: beach towel<sep>Tail: beach
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: successful
A: No
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: paddock or field
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's object<sep>Tail: plan
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accuses ___ of cheating<sep>Tail: annoyed
A: No
Example: Head: chair<sep>Tail: friend's house
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: like that's what's paid attention to
A: No
Example: Head: book<sep>Tail: library
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: to float down the hall
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: cleans up the cocoa
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: taken care of
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: to come up with a plan
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: dedicated
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: runs away
A: No
Example: Head: cattle<sep>Tail: country
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: to ask for permission to accompany PersonY
A: No
Example: Head: channel<sep>Tail: england
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to take a test
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally left ___<sep>Tail: negligent
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX abandons ___ altogether<sep>Tail: gets a reputation as a quitter
A: No
Example: Head: bird<sep>Tail: tree
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: accomplished
A: No
Example: Head: bag<sep>Tail: mall
A: Yes
Example: Head: fan<sep>Tail: hockey game
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: panic
A: No
Example: Head: address label<sep>Tail: desk drawer
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: to gotten a glass
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: thrilled
A: No
Example: Head: broom<sep>Tail: cabinet
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: arrange for an interview
A: No
Example: Head: condominium<sep>Tail: washington
A: Yes
Example: Head: bowl<sep>Tail: refrigerator
A: Yes
Example: Head: fork<sep>Tail: drawer
A: Yes
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: stall
A: Yes
Example: Head: ceiling<sep>Tail: classroom
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: to keep safe
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: takes a break
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: jumps in fright
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts like a PersonY<sep>Tail: odd
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally left ___<sep>Tail: upset
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally tripped<sep>Tail: cries from pain
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: to know PersonY
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to achieve goal
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: strong
A: No
Example: Head: chocolate<sep>Tail: movies
A: Yes
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: seafood platter
A: Yes
Example: Head: field<sep>Tail: soccer game
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: needs to find another worker
A: No
Example: Head: case<sep>Tail: trunk
A: Yes
Example: Head: automobile<sep>Tail: dealer lot
A: Yes
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: wolf's belly
A: Yes
Example: Head: forest<sep>Tail: earth
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: graduates
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: happy
A: No
Example: Head: cat hair<sep>Tail: rug
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX abandons the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: to get frustrated
A: No
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: crab cake
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally cut<sep>Tail: guilty
A: No
Example: Head: comforter<sep>Tail: linen closet
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: amused
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: to jump for joy
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: to give shade
A: No
Example: Head: egg<sep>Tail: henhouse
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges gratefully the ___<sep>Tail: help to oters
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: sees a spider
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: Gets good grade
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: nothing
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: understands own fate
A: No
Example: Head: bathroom<sep>Tail: building
A: Yes
Example: Head: acoustic guitar<sep>Tail: rock band
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: does well in life
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: to be with someone
A: No
Example: Head: field<sep>Tail: rural area
A: Yes
Example: Head: cow<sep>Tail: meat processing plant
A: Yes
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: per shop
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: to get more acting work
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: strong
A: No
Example: Head: ferret<sep>Tail: punkers leather jacket
A: Yes
Example: Head: bible<sep>Tail: confession
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: to tell other people
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: to not let PersonX go
A: No
Example: Head: basketball court<sep>Tail: gym
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonX's environment<sep>Tail: comfortable
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: strangest places
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to reward PersonX
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the challenge<sep>Tail: to success
A: No
Example: Head: cat<sep>Tail: sofa
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: accepting
A: No
Example: Head: electricity<sep>Tail: building
A: Yes
Example: Head: crab<sep>Tail: cooking pot
A: Yes
Example: Head: acoustic guitar<sep>Tail: rock band
A: Yes
Example: Head: cotton<sep>Tail: south
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: none
A: No
Example: Head: fiddle<sep>Tail: tennessee
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: becomes relieved
A: No
Example: Head: country<sep>Tail: europe
A: Yes
Example: Head: court<sep>Tail: tennis stadium
A: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to make the quarterly numbers
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: strong
A: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: to work consistently
A: No
Example: Head: coffee<sep>Tail: fast food restaurant
A: Yes
Example: Head: ashtray<sep>Tail: table
A: Yes
Example: Head: assignment<sep>Tail: desk
A: Yes
Example: Head: food<sep>Tail: mall
A: Yes |
You are given an open-domain question from an open movie database. Your task is to provide an answer to that question. Try to only include the answer. Do not put it in a sentence.
what is the language spoken in the movie The Ron Clark Story?
Output: English
what was the popularity rating of A Force of One?
Output: well known
who starred in Murder, My Sweet?
Output: Claire Trevor, Otto Kruger, Dick Powell, Anne Shirley
what movies did Oliver Claxton write?
Output: Lucky Night
what was the popularity rating of Prince Valiant?
Output: well known
what genre of movie is Replicant?
Output: Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi
what language is Wicker Park in?
Output: English
who is the creator of the film script for Deadly Friend?
Output: Bruce Joel Rubin, Diana Henstell
which topics is Edge of Madness about?
Output: nudity (topless), nudity (full frontal), 19th century, trial, rape & sexual abuse, arranged marriage
what films does Dale Fuller appear in?
Output: Greed
what movies was Henrik Larsson an actor in?
Output: The Children of Noisy Village, More About the Children of Noisy Village
The Bomber, is it any good?
Output: okay
what was the popularity rating of The Bride Wore Black?
Output: highly watched
what is the language spoken in the movie The Ron Clark Story?
Output: English
can you give a few words describing The Order?
Output: dark, murder, supernatural, investigation, betrayal, symbolism, metaphor, detectives, human sacrifice
what are some words that describe movie The Inglorious Bastards?
Output: world war ii, nazis, easily confused with other movie(s) (title), tarantino, german, christoph waltz, historically inaccurate, experimental, some funny parts, violently stupid, very long, good actors
who in the world wrote Boot Camp?
Output: Agatha Dominik, John Cox
Billy Roche appears in which movies?
Output: The Eclipse
Bud Cort appears in which movies?
Output: Dogma, Harold and Maude, But I'm a Cheerleader, Electric Dreams, The Big Empty, Brewster McCloud, Brain Dead, Theodore Rex, Girl in the Cadillac
when was The House on Carroll Street released?
Output: 1988
who is the author of The Last Kiss?
Output: Gabriele Muccino
who in the world wrote On the Town?
Output: Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Jerome Robbins
who are the actors in Blossoms in the Dust?
Output: Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Felix Bressart, Marsha Hunt
what films did Michael Rubbo write?
Output: The Peanut Butter Solution
what language is the movie The Gay Divorcee in?
Output: English, French, Italian
what films was Christopher Vogler a writer on?
Output: The Lion King
what year was Kauwboy released?
Output: 2012
what movies was Robert L. Richards the writer of?
Output: Winchester '73, Act of Violence, Kansas Raiders
when was the film Challenge to Lassie released?
Output: 1949
which film did Stanley Kubrick write the story for?
Output: The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut, Paths of Glory, Barry Lyndon, The Killing, Killer's Kiss
what is the genre for the movie Mutants?
Output: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror
what movies was Robert L. Richards the writer of?
Output: Winchester '73, Act of Violence, Kansas Raiders
what did people think of Wedding in Blood?
Output: good
when was the movie Hesher released?
Output: 2010
what rating would people give The Rum Diary?
Output: good
who wrote the film Captain Corelli's Mandolin?
Output: Shawn Slovo, Louis de Bernières
what does Douglas Spencer star in?
Output: The Thing from Another World
which films can be described by lack of friends?
Output: I Love You, Man
what movie did Bill O'Brien write the story for?
Output: Out of the Blue
the director of True Blue was who?
Output: J.S. Cardone
who is listed as director for Many Rivers to Cross?
Output: Roy Rowland
who was the writer of Paradise?
Output: Stuart Gillard
the film For My Father starred which actors?
Output: Shlomo Vishinsky, Hili Yalon, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, Shredi Jabarin
what do people think of Pageant?
Output: good
the movie Look Back in Anger starred who?
Output: Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, Mary Ure, Edith Evans
how popular was Prophecy?
Output: well known
how popular is The Tender Hook?
Output: unheard of
Street Scene, when was it released?
Output: 1931
what language is the movie Priest in?
Output: English
what language is the movie Arizona Raiders in?
Output: English
what films did Charlie Bean write?
Output: The Powerpuff Girls
what kind of film is ReGeneration?
Output: Action, Biography, Documentary
what are some words that describe movie The Ron Clark Story?
Output: comedy, true story, matthew perry, teacher changing lives
who acted in A High Wind in Jamaica?
Output: Anthony Quinn, James Coburn, Dennis Price, Lila Kedrova
the film Highwaymen was directed by who?
Output: Robert Harmon
what does Elias Gergi act in?
Output: Zozo
which movie did Bobby von Hayes write?
Output: Clifford
who's the writer of The Solid Gold Cadillac?
Output: Abe Burrows, George S. Kaufman, Howard Teichmann
what films did Paul Nicholls act in?
Output: If Only
what is the language spoken in the film Body of War?
Output: English
how popular of a movie is Torrid Zone?
Output: unknown
what year was Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter released?
Output: 1966
what movies did François Leterrier star in?
Output: A Man Escaped
what film did John Frankenheimer write?
Output: The Butterfly Effect 2
who was the writer of the film The Tailor of Panama?
Output: Andrew Davies, John le Carré, John Boorman
Five Children and It is a film written by this person?
Output: E. Nesbit, David Solomons
what was the release year of the movie Boxing Helena?
Output: 1993
what does Miki Jinbo appear in?
Output: House
what language is The Cell in?
Output: English
what movies did Kieran Galvin write?
Output: Feed
who acted in the movie Wasabi?
Output: Jean Reno, Carole Bouquet, Ryôko Hirosue, Michel Muller
how popular was Hearts of the West?
Output: unknown
what is the primary language in Out of the Ashes?
Output: English
what movies are about latin jazz?
Output: Calle 54
what films did Alexis Minotis act in?
Output: Land of the Pharaohs, Boy on a Dolphin
what topics is Margaret's Museum about?
Output: less than 300 ratings, might like, canada, mining, nova scotia
what is the language spoken in the movie Monte Carlo?
Output: English
the movie See You Next Tuesday starred who?
Output: Molly Plunk, Keisha Zollar, Dana Eskelson, Eleanore Pienta
what was the release date of The Chipmunk Adventure?
Output: 1987
the movie Welcome to the Rileys starred who?
Output: Kristen Stewart, James Gandolfini, Melissa Leo, Joe Chrest
what movies did Peter Jacobson act in?
Output: Jeffrey, Hit and Runway
what year was Cop Land released?
Output: 1997
what sort of movie is Dillinger?
Output: Drama, Crime, Biography
who is the writer of the film Sansho the Bailiff?
Output: Yoshikata Yoda, Fuji Yahiro, Ogai Mori
what does Chester Morris star in?
Output: The Divorcee, Red-Headed Woman, The Big House, Alibi, Blind Alley, Aerial Gunner
who wrote the screenplay for Drugstore Cowboy?
Output: Gus Van Sant, James Fogle, Daniel Yost
what is the genre for Meet Monica Velour?
Output: Drama, Comedy, Romance
which person wrote the movie My Blue Heaven?
Output: Lamar Trotti, Claude Binyon, S.K. Lauren
which topics is movie Rio 2 about?
Output: talking animals, bad plot, watched, latin america, south america, brazil, business is the antagonist, jungle, birds, jemaine clement, carlos saldanha
the movie The Bride Came C.O.D., when was it released?
Output: 1941
Juhan Ulfsak appears in which movies?
Output: Autumn Ball, Concrete Night
what do people think of Armageddon?
Output: good
what language is the movie Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales in?
Output: English
who are the actors in Sex and the City?
Output: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon
which person wrote Fata Morgana?
Output: Werner Herzog
which film did David R. Schwartz write the story for?
Output: Robin and the 7 Hoods, Sex and the Single Girl, The Bobo
what is the language spoken in the movie Leadbelly?
Output: English
who are the actors in The Wool Cap?
Output: William H. Macy, Ned Beatty, Don Rickles, Keke Palmer
what is the genre for the film Phenomena?
Output: Thriller, Mystery, Horror
what is the rating of Re-cycle?
Output: good
what movies was Sandy Andolong an actor in?
Output: Batch '81
Larry Fine appears in which movies?
Output: The Three Stooges Meet Hercules, The Three Stooges in Orbit, Rockin' in the Rockies, Gold Raiders
what is the main language in Welcome to the Rileys?
Output: English
what is the language spoken in Max Keeble's Big Move?
Output: English
what type of film is The Mark?
Output: Drama
the film The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was directed by who?
Output: Michael Curtiz
which movies was Arthur Flam the writer of?
Output: Kill by Inches
what is the language spoken in the film Simon Sez?
Output: English
what films can be described by paulette goddard?
Output: Modern Times, Reap the Wild Wind, Kitty
what type of movie is Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?
Output: Comedy, Romance
what rating would people give Whale Rider?
Output: good
what movies did Adriana Caselotti star in?
Output: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
which words describe movie Disco Pigs?
Output: romance, violence, obsession, ireland, cillian murphy, elaine cassidy
which topics is Mo' Money about?
Output: clv
what does Candela Peña star in?
Output: All About My Mother, Take My Eyes, Princesas, Torremolinos 73
what is the genre for the film Auntie Mame?
Output: Drama, Comedy, Romance
which words describe film Swamp Shark?
Output: b-movie, kristy swanson
what movies did Rin Takanashi act in?
Output: Like Someone in Love, Killers
what was the release year of Casino Royale?
Output: 1967
the film Billy Bathgate starred which actors?
Output: Bruce Willis, Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Loren Dean
what is the primary language in The Amateur?
Output: English
Lila Lee appears in which movies?
Output: The Unholy Three
who is the writer of Shrooms?
Output: Pearse Elliott
what is the language spoken in the movie Finding Bliss?
Output: English
what do people think of Beautiful Creatures?
Output: good
how popular was A Christmas Carol?
Output: highly watched
what sort of movie is Best of the Badmen?
Output: Western
what films does Gerard Crossan appear in?
Output: Bloody Sunday
what is popular opinion about Arena?
Output: okay
Jonathan Daniel Brown appears in which movies?
Output: Project X
what films are about feminist?
Output: Frozen, Safety Not Guaranteed, Ultraviolet, Fried Green Tomatoes, Whale Rider, Down with Love, Muriel's Wedding, In the Cut, Dangerous Beauty, Made in Dagenham, Anna Christie
who are the actors in 15 Minutes?
Output: Robert De Niro, Edward Burns, Kelsey Grammer, Avery Brooks
what year was the movie The Promise released?
Output: 2005
who is the creator of the film script for Land of Plenty?
Output: Scott Derrickson, Wim Wenders, Michael Meredith
the film Fireproof starred which actors?
Output: Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea, Stephen Dervan, Ken Bevel
what is the language spoken in the movie The Hunting of the President?
Output: English
George P. Cosmatos was the director of which movies?
Output: Tombstone, Cobra, The Cassandra Crossing, Shadow Conspiracy, Escape to Athena, Of Unknown Origin
when was the movie Easier with Practice released?
Output: 2009
who's the writer of The Solid Gold Cadillac?
Output: Abe Burrows, George S. Kaufman, Howard Teichmann
Jeff Adachi appears in which movies?
Output: These Amazing Shadows
the film The Long Weekend starred which actors?
Output: Chris Klein, Chandra West, Craig Fairbrass, Brendan Fehr
which movies are about uwe boll sucks?
Output: Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, BloodRayne
how popular was Fun Is Beautiful?
Output: unknown
what topics is The String about?
Output: gay, france, male nudity, homophobia, gay lead character, gay romance, coming out, closeted homosexual, muslim, arabic
what genre does The Greatest fall under?
Output: Drama, Romance
what movies was Francesco Casisa an actor in?
Output: Respiro
which film did Karl DiPelino write?
Output: Pigs
what topics is The Bone Man about?
Output: funny, wolfgang murnberger
what was the release year of Casino Royale?
Output: 1967
what movies are about turtle?
Output: The NeverEnding Story, Oceans
what films was Michael B. Allen a writer on?
Output: Believe Me
who starred in Lucy?
Output: Morgan Freeman, Scarlett Johansson, Min-sik Choi, Amr Waked
what was the genre of the movie Merry-Go-Round?
Output: Drama
what did Andy Byatt direct?
Output: Deep Blue
what does Josh Randall star in?
Output: Timber Falls
how famous was Dream Boy?
Output: well known
what is the language spoken in the movie The Secret Agent?
Output: English
who's the director of Sugar Town?
Output: Allison Anders, Kurt Voss
the movie Tuesdays with Morrie starred who?
Output: Hank Azaria, Jack Lemmon, Caroline Aaron, Wendy Moniz
the director of 29th Street was?
Output: George Gallo
which topics is movie Roll Bounce about?
Output: competition
the film The Man in the Iron Mask starred which actors?
Output: Joan Bennett, Joseph Schildkraut, Warren William, Louis Hayward
what does Suzette Andrea appear in?
Output: Now You Know
what sort of movie is Serial Mom?
Output: Comedy, Thriller, Crime
who acted in the movie Outrage?
Output: Jacqueline Scott, Robert Culp, Marlyn Mason, Beah Richards
what films does Brenda Bruce appear in?
Output: Nightmare, Macbeth
is The King of Comedy considered good?
Output: good
who directed Swimming Pool?
Output: François Ozon
which films did Gary Sherman direct?
Output: Poltergeist III, Vice Squad
Lucy Davis appears in which movies?
Output: Shaun of the Dead
what genre does Posse fall under?
Output: Western
the movie Rage, when was it released?
Output: 2009
the movie Dark Horse, when was it released?
Output: 2005
who stars in Halloween?
Output: Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence, P.J. Soles, Nancy Kyes
who directed the movie Amongst Friends?
Output: Rob Weiss
who is the director for The Perils of Pauline?
Output: Louis J. Gasnier, Donald MacKenzie
who directed Camille Claudel?
Output: Bruno Nuytten
who acted in the movie The Osterman Weekend?
Output: John Hurt, Dennis Hopper, Craig T. Nelson, Rutger Hauer
what language is Tiger Eyes in?
Output: English
what is the primary language in the film A Golden Christmas?
Output: English
who are the actors in Lies My Father Told Me?
Output: Len Birman, Marilyn Lightstone, Yossi Yadin, Jeff Lynas
what year was the movie Swing Vote released?
Output: 2008
who directed the movie Lady Liberty?
Output: Mario Monicelli
what language is the movie The Deep End in?
Output: English
how would people rate Silent Running?
Output: good
who wrote the film Astro Boy?
Output: Timothy Harris, Osamu Tezuka, David Bowers
what is the genre for the movie Dédée d'Anvers?
Output: Drama
who is the creator of the film script for Designing Woman?
Output: George Wells
what do people think of Sushi Girl?
Output: okay
what is the language spoken in the movie Ernest Rides Again?
Output: English
can you give a few words describing what Murder! is about?
Output: bd-r
which film did Christopher Lloyd write the story for?
Output: Flushed Away
what did Doug Atchison direct?
Output: Akeelah and the Bee
what is the language spoken in You're Not You?
Output: English
what genre is Time of Favor in?
Output: Drama
how popular is The Amazing Panda Adventure?
Output: well known
what year was the movie Private Lessons released?
Output: 2008
who is the writer of the film Ziegfeld Follies?
Output: David Freedman, Ralph Blane, Hugh Martin
what movies was Charles Paton an actor in?
Output: Blackmail
who starred in Delirious?
Output: Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt, Gina Gershon, Alison Lohman
what was the release date of the movie Westfront 1918?
Output: 1930
Josh Radnor appears in which movies?
Output: Liberal Arts
how would people rate Night Passage?
Output: good
who are the actors in Zebra Lounge?
Output: Stephen Baldwin, Kristy Swanson, Cameron Daddo, Brandy Ledford
what films did Leslie Browne star in?
Output: Dancers
what year was the movie They Live released?
Output: 1988
how popular of a movie was Princesas?
Output: highly watched
who is the director of Footnote?
Output: Joseph Cedar
which words describe movie Space Milkshake?
Output: comedy, quotable, scifi, strong cast
how famous was Vibes?
Output: well known
what movies can be described by ulrich seidl?
Output: Dog Days, Import/Export
Hudson Hawk, when was it released?
Output: 1991
who acted in Prince of Foxes?
Output: Orson Welles, Tyrone Power, Wanda Hendrix, Marina Berti
how famous of a film was Heaven?
Output: famous
Janelle Brady appears in which movies?
Output: Class of Nuke 'Em High
what movies are about german genre movie?
Output: Hell, We Are the Night
what movies are about dumb movie?
Output: Twilight, Coyote Ugly, An American Carol
what films did Krista Bridges star in?
Output: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
what year was the movie She's Gotta Have It released?
Output: 1986
what films does Jason Sudeikis appear in?
Output: We're the Millers, The Campaign, Hall Pass, Going the Distance, A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, Watching the Detectives, Sleeping with Other People
how famous was Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam?
Output: unheard of
when was The Laughing Woman released?
Output: 1969
how popular of a movie was One, Two, Three?
Output: famous
how popular was The Living Desert?
Output: unknown
what was the release date of the movie Fiend Without a Face?
Output: 1958
who acted in Hells Angels on Wheels?
Output: Jack Nicholson, Adam Roarke, Jana Taylor, Sabrina Scharf
the film Here and There starred which actors?
Output: David Thornton, Mirjana Karanovic, Cyndi Lauper, Branislav Trifunovic
what genre does Pieces of April fall under?
Output: Drama, Comedy
what is the language spoken in Heartbeats?
Output: English, French
what movies was William Marchant the writer of?
Output: Desk Set, Triple Cross
what films does Sinéad Cusack appear in?
Output: Stealing Beauty, Waterland, Uncovered, The Tiger's Tail, Hoffman
what does Tim Conner appear in?
Output: A Claymation Christmas Celebration
the director of Victor Victoria was?
Output: Blake Edwards
what films does Gerard Crossan appear in?
Output: Bloody Sunday
what is the genre for Rain?
Output: Drama
what rating would people give Breakin' All the Rules?
Output: okay
who is the creator of the film script for Fallen?
Output: Nicholas Kazan
what did audiences think of Mr. Belvedere Goes to College?
Output: good
how popular of a movie was View from the Top?
Output: famous
what does Ayesha Dharker appear in?
Output: The Terrorist, Loins of Punjab Presents, The Mystic Masseur
what sort of film is The Browning Version?
Output: Drama
describe the movie Transylvania in a few words?
Output: nudity (topless), dvd-ram, nudity (topless - brief)
who wrote the film Solar Crisis?
Output: Joe Gannon, Crispan Bolt, Takeshi Kawata
what did people think of Arbitrage?
Output: good
what film did Mark Borchardt write?
Output: Coven
what did Paul Glickler direct?
Output: The Cheerleaders, Running Scared
what is a film written by Guy Green?
Output: A Patch of Blue
what is the genre of the movie Robinson Crusoe?
Output: Drama, Adventure
when was the movie Moon 44 released?
Output: 1990
how would people rate The Violin?
Output: good
who's the writer of Fortress?
Output: Everett De Roche, Gabrielle Lord
which person wrote the movie The Proposal?
Output: Pete Chiarelli
who was the writer of Chasers?
Output: Dan Gilroy, Joe Batteer, John Rice
the movie A Simple Plan starred who?
Output: Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton, Bridget Fonda, Brent Briscoe
what was the genre of the film Calendar Girl?
Output: Drama, Comedy
which film did Maurice Sendak write?
Output: Where the Wild Things Are
which words describe film Swamp Shark?
Output: b-movie, kristy swanson
Summer Wars is a film written by this person?
Output: Satoko Okudera, Mamoru Hosoda
what year was S.W.A.T. released?
Output: 2003
what is the language spoken in the film Flipped?
Output: English
what rating would people give Don't Go Near the Water?
Output: good
which films did Takashi direct?
Output: Cinderella
Place Vendôme, is it any good?
Output: good
how popular is Gambit?
Output: famous
what was the popularity rating of Christmas Evil?
Output: well known
when was the movie Destroy All Monsters released?
Output: 1968
what does Karen act in?
Output: The Rocket
what is the language spoken in The Sun?
Output: English, Japanese
what language is the movie Zarafa in?
Output: French
which movies are about linda hamilton?
Output: The Terminator, Dante's Peak
what is the language spoken in Traces of Red?
Output: English
how popular is Trader Horn?
Output: unknown
which films can be described by luke greenfield?
Output: The Girl Next Door, The Animal
what year was The Motel released?
Output: 2005
A Walk in the Woods is a film written by this person?
Output: Bill Bryson, Bill Holderman, Rick Kerb
who is the writer of Super 8?
Output: J.J. Abrams
can you give a few words describing Eloise at Christmastime?
Output: christmas
who was the writer of the film Apart from You?
Output: Mikio Naruse
what is the genre of the film Soul Survivors?
Output: Drama, Mystery, Horror
who are the actors in Blossoms in the Dust?
Output: Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Felix Bressart, Marsha Hunt
who acted in That Uncertain Feeling?
Output: Melvyn Douglas, Burgess Meredith, Merle Oberon, Alan Mowbray
Eat Pray Love, is it any good?
Output: okay
what was the release year of the movie Trek Nation?
Output: 2010
who acted in the movie The Plastic Age?
Output: Henry B. Walthall, Mary Alden, Gilbert Roland, Donald Keith
who starred in 29th Street?
Output: Danny Aiello, Anthony LaPaglia, Lainie Kazan, Frank Pesce
what movies can be described by ugh?
Output: Ratatouille, Watchmen, The Goonies, A Christmas Story
the film Carolina was directed by who?
Output: Marleen Gorris
what was the release date of The Final Cut?
Output: 1996
which movies did William Girdler direct?
Output: The Manitou, Day of the Animals
which movies did Daniel Roby direct?
Output: Louis Cyr
what was the release year of Abandon?
Output: 2002
which screenwriter wrote the script for The Scarlet Letter?
Output: Wim Wenders, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Bernardo Fernández, Tankred Dorst, Ursula Ehler
what is the language spoken in Shopgirl?
Output: English, Japanese
how popular of a movie is Intolerable Cruelty?
Output: famous
when was the film The Fallen Sparrow released?
Output: 1943
the movie Georgia Rule, when was it released?
Output: 2007
who is the director of 5 Against the House?
Output: Phil Karlson
what is the primary language in The Amateur?
Output: English
what is the genre for the movie Mutants?
Output: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror
what did people think of Arbitrage?
Output: good
what is a movie written by Allen DeBevoise?
Output: Breakin'
what is the main language in The Game of Their Lives?
Output: English, Spanish
who directed the movie Creepshow 2?
Output: Michael Gornick
Franc Roddam was the director of which movies?
Output: Quadrophenia, K2, Aria, The Lords of Discipline
which film did Giuseppe Moccia write?
Output: Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
Michel Galabru appears in which movies?
Output: Subway, The Judge and the Assassin
what does Iain Robertson star in?
Output: Small Faces
can you give a few words describing what Five Children and It is about?
Output: based on a book, adventure, eddie izzard
what does Mandy Allen act in?
Output: Dreams of a Life
how popular was She's All That?
Output: famous
who is the writer of Rush Hour 3?
Output: Jeff Nathanson, Ross LaManna
what movies can be described by richard linklater?
Output: Boyhood, School of Rock, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Dazed and Confused, A Scanner Darkly, Before Midnight, Waking Life, Bernie, Tape, Slacker, Me and Orson Welles, The Newton Boys, SubUrbia
what was the release date of the movie WUSA?
Output: 1970
which topics is movie Crooklyn about?
Output: clv, dvd-video, poverty, wired 50 greatest soundtracks, brooklyn
who directed the film The Getaway?
Output: Sam Peckinpah
what is the genre for the film Christmas in Conway?
Output: Drama, Romance
what rating would people give D-Day?
Output: good
who acted in the movie Into the Woods?
Output: Bernadette Peters, Joanna Gleason, Tom Aldredge, Chip Zien
which movies was Eric Rohmer a writer on?
Output: I Think I Love My Wife, Pauline at the Beach, A Summer's Tale, Autumn Tale, A Tale of Winter, A Tale of Springtime, Boyfriends and Girlfriends, Full Moon in Paris, The Aviator's Wife, Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle
what is the genre for the film The Quiet Room?
Output: Drama
who is the author of Ariel?
Output: Aki Kaurismäki
who starred in Small Town Gay Bar?
Output: Bill Curtis, Jim Bishop, Jackie Cox, Terry Capps
what language is the movie V/H/S in?
Output: English
Women Without Men, when was it released?
Output: 2009
which films are about affectionate?
Output: Amélie, Fargo, Little Miss Sunshine, Beauty and the Beast, Almost Famous, Ed Wood, Rushmore, Gremlins, Dazed and Confused, Pleasantville, Tootsie, The African Queen, Fanny and Alexander, Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, Waiting for Guffman, The Last Unicorn, Walkabout, Time of the Gypsies, Local Hero, My Life as a Dog, Day for Night, Elling, Days of Being Wild, A Woman Is a Woman, Ride the High Country, Stroszek, Smiles of a Summer Night, Forbidden Games, Support Your Local Sheriff!, Damsels in Distress, Raising Victor Vargas, Cosi
what movies was Hortêncílio Aquina an actor in?
Output: Tabu
how popular was Alice Upside Down?
Output: unknown
how popular was I Am Love?
Output: famous
can you give a few words describing Tequila Sunrise?
Output: clv, mel gibson, michelle pfeiffer, good
what films did Rossano Brazzi star in?
Output: South Pacific, Summertime, Mondo cane, Legend of the Lost, The Story of Esther Costello, The Bobo
how famous was The Snows of Kilimanjaro?
Output: well known
who was the director of King of New York?
Output: Abel Ferrara
what language is the movie Santa Claus in?
Output: Spanish
the film The Fatal Hour starred which actors?
Output: Boris Karloff, Marjorie Reynolds, Grant Withers, Charles Trowbridge
what movies can be described with funny classic?
Output: The Goonies, A Good Woman
the director of Sweet November was?
Output: Pat O'Connor
who is the writer of Tarzan the Fearless?
Output: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Walter Anthony, George H. Plympton, Basil Dickey
what does Phil Daniels appear in?
Output: Chicken Run, Quadrophenia, Meantime
what movies can be described with akihiko hirata?
Output: Godzilla, King of the Monsters!, King Kong vs. Godzilla, Terror of Mechagodzilla
what movies did François Leterrier star in?
Output: A Man Escaped
what is popular opinion about The Inbetweeners 2?
Output: good
who is the writer of The Old Maid?
Output: Casey Robinson, Edith Wharton, Zoe Akins
what films was Gantuya Lhavga a writer on?
Output: The Cave of the Yellow Dog
what was the rating of The 47 Ronin?
Output: good
what language is 30 Days of Night in?
Output: English
what is the genre of the movie The Man Who Fell to Earth?
Output: Drama, Sci-Fi
the film One Man's Hero starred which actors?
Output: Tom Berenger, Joaquim de Almeida, Mark Moses, Daniela Romo
what is the language spoken in the film Blow Dry?
Output: English
what did audiences think of Loft?
Output: okay
what was the genre of Guns, Girls and Gambling?
Output: Comedy, Thriller, Crime
who was the director of A Better Tomorrow?
Output: John Woo
what films did Mary Mackenzie star in?
Output: Stolen Face
who wrote the movie Glen or Glenda?
Output: Edward D. Wood Jr.
what is a movie written by Jefferson Moffitt?
Output: Bonnie Scotland
what is the language spoken in Four Flies on Grey Velvet?
Output: Italian
how famous was Adventures of Kitty O'Day?
Output: unheard of
what is the genre for On the Beach?
Output: Drama, Sci-Fi
who are the actors in Bitter Rice?
Output: Raf Vallone, Vittorio Gassman, Silvana Mangano, Doris Dowling
what is the language spoken in the film Imagine?
Output: English, French, German, Portuguese
what movies was Humberto Jiménez the writer of?
Output: Life is to Whistle
which films can be described by shannon elizabeth?
Output: American Pie, American Pie 2, Tomcats, Night of the Demons
what was Joel Silberg the director of?
Output: Breakin', Lambada
what was the release year of the film Code 46?
Output: 2003
who's the director of The Rescuers Down Under?
Output: Mike Gabriel, Hendel Butoy
what is the genre of the movie Safe in Hell?
Output: Drama |
In this task, you are given commands (in terms of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to generate a natural language interpretation of the given command.
Here are the definitions of logical operators:
1. count: returns the number of rows in the view
2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view
3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row
4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments
5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column
6. nth max/nth min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column
7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column
8. nth argmax/nth argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column
9. eq/not eq: returns if the two arguments are equal
10. round eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance
11. greater/less: returns if argument 1 is greater/less than argument 2
12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments
13. filter eq/not eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to argument 3
14. filter greater/less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than argument 3
15. filter greater eq /less eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than argument 3
16. filter all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table
17. all eq/not eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3
18. all greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3
19. all greater eq/less eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3
20. most eq/not eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3
21. most greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3
22. most greater eq/less eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; carlton } ; home team score } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; home team ; footscray } ; home team score } } = true
Label: select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to carlton . take the home team score record of this row . select the rows whose home team record fuzzily matches to footscray . take the home team score record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
all_eq { all_rows ; motor ; castor 4b } = true
Label: for the motor records of all rows , all of them fuzzily match to castor 4b .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; authority ; state integrated } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; authority ; state integrated } ; name } ; st joseph 's school } } = true
Label: select the rows whose authority record fuzzily matches to state integrated . there is only one such row in the table . the name record of this unqiue row is st joseph s school .
only { filter_greater { all_rows ; points ; 90 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose points record is greater than 90 . there is only one such row in the table .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; rebounds } ; 269 } = true
Label: the average of the rebounds record of all rows is 269 .
and { eq { max { filter_eq { all_rows ; l3 cache ; 8 mb } ; frequency } ; 3 ghz } ; eq { hop { argmax { filter_eq { all_rows ; l3 cache ; 8 mb } ; frequency } ; model number } ; core i7 - 3940xm } } = true
Label: select the rows whose l3 cache record fuzzily matches to 8 mb . the maximum frequency record of these rows is 3 ghz . the model number record of the row with superlative frequency record is core i7 3940xm .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; owner ; royal thai army } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose owner record fuzzily matches to royal thai army . the number of such rows is 2 .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; goals } ; 3.9 } = true
Label: the average of the goals record of all rows is 3.9 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; date ; 2 } ; opponent in the final } ; víctor pecci } = true
Label: select the row whose date record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the opponent in the final record of this row is víctor pecci .
most_eq { all_rows ; crankshaft ; 180 degree } = true
Label: for the crankshaft records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to 180 degree .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; nor } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose nationality record fuzzily matches to nor . the number of such rows is 2 .
eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; directed by ; stephen kay } ; written by ; norman morrill } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose directed by record fuzzily matches to stephen kay . among these rows , select the rows whose written by record fuzzily matches to norman morrill . the number of such rows is 2 .
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; rank ; 7 } ; nation } ; bulgaria } = true
Label: select the row whose rank record of all rows is 7th minimum . the nation record of this row is bulgaria .
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; commenced operations ; 2 } ; airline } ; nouvelair } = true
Label: select the row whose commenced operations record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the airline record of this row is nouvelair .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; country of origin ; united states } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose country of origin record fuzzily matches to united states . the number of such rows is 2 .
only { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; t } } = true
Label: select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to t . there is only one such row in the table .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; official name ; hampton } ; area km 2 } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; official name ; sussex corner } ; area km 2 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose official name record fuzzily matches to hampton . take the area km 2 record of this row . select the rows whose official name record fuzzily matches to sussex corner . take the area km 2 record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; vitor belfort } ; time } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; jim mullen } ; time } } = true
Label: select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to vitor belfort . take the time record of this row . select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to jim mullen . take the time record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; singer ; pedro miguéis } ; points } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; singer ; joão portugal } ; points } } ; 20 } = true
Label: select the rows whose singer record fuzzily matches to pedro miguéis . take the points record of this row . select the rows whose singer record fuzzily matches to joão portugal . take the points record of this row . the first record is 20 larger than the second record .
eq { hop { argmin { all_rows ; score } ; player } ; tom lehman } = true
Label: select the row whose score record of all rows is minimum . the player record of this row is tom lehman .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; great britain ( gbr ) } ; silver } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; nation ; hungary ( hun ) } ; silver } } = true
Label: select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to great britain gbr . take the silver record of this row . select the rows whose nation record fuzzily matches to hungary hun . take the silver record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; attendance } ; opponent } ; detroit lions } = true
Label: select the row whose attendance record of all rows is maximum . the opponent record of this row is detroit lions .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; mountain peak ; pikes peak } ; location } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; mountain peak ; blanca peak } ; location } } = true
Label: select the rows whose mountain peak record fuzzily matches to pikes peak . take the location record of this row . select the rows whose mountain peak record fuzzily matches to blanca peak . take the location record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; votes } ; election } ; 1990 } = true
Label: select the row whose votes record of all rows is maximum . the election record of this row is 1990 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; year ; 3 } ; version } ; album version } = true
Label: select the row whose year record of all rows is 3rd maximum . the version record of this row is album version .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 15503 } = true
Label: the average of the attendance record of all rows is 15503 .
and { only { filter_greater { all_rows ; points ; 20 } } ; eq { hop { filter_greater { all_rows ; points ; 20 } ; grid } ; 1 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose points record is greater than 20 . there is only one such row in the table . the grid record of this unqiue row is 1 .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; yukiya naito } ; round } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; opponent ; maxim tarasov } ; round } } = true
Label: select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to yukiya naito . take the round record of this row . select the rows whose opponent record fuzzily matches to maxim tarasov . take the round record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; years for jazz ; present } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; years for jazz ; present } ; player } ; jamaal tinsley } } = true
Label: select the rows whose years for jazz record fuzzily matches to present . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is jamaal tinsley .
round_eq { sum { all_rows ; bb + hbp } ; 580 } = true
Label: the sum of the bb + hbp record of all rows is 580 .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; marc willers ( nzl ) } ; 1st run } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; name ; mike day ( usa ) } ; 1st run } } = true
Label: select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to marc willers nzl . take the 1st run record of this row . select the rows whose name record fuzzily matches to mike day usa . take the 1st run record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; school ; martinsville } ; enrollment } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; school ; mooresville } ; enrollment } } = true
Label: select the rows whose school record fuzzily matches to martinsville . take the enrollment record of this row . select the rows whose school record fuzzily matches to mooresville . take the enrollment record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
and { only { filter_less { all_rows ; attendance ; 20000 } } ; eq { hop { filter_less { all_rows ; attendance ; 20000 } ; date } ; sept 19 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose attendance record is less than 20000 . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is sept 19 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; district ; 2 } ; incumbent } ; christopher shays } = true
Label: select the row whose district record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the incumbent record of this row is christopher shays .
eq { count { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; gender ; f } ; residence ; halifax } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose gender record fuzzily matches to f . among these rows , select the rows whose residence record fuzzily matches to halifax . the number of such rows is 2 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; director ; fraser } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose director record fuzzily matches to fraser . the number of such rows is 2 .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; model ; 450s } ; displacement cc } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; model ; 4cl } ; displacement cc } } = true
Label: select the rows whose model record fuzzily matches to 450s . take the displacement cc record of this row . select the rows whose model record fuzzily matches to 4cl . take the displacement cc record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; event ; ufc 12 } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose event record fuzzily matches to ufc 12 . the number of such rows is 2 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; points ; 2 } ; team } ; germnia } = true
Label: select the row whose points record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the team record of this row is germnia .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; status ; six nations } } ; 5 } = true
Label: select the rows whose status record fuzzily matches to six nations . the number of such rows is 5 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; navy ; lithuanian naval force } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose navy record fuzzily matches to lithuanian naval force . the number of such rows is 2 .
most_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; position ; d } ; nationality ; canada } = true
Label: select the rows whose position record fuzzily matches to d . for the nationality records of these rows , most of them fuzzily match to canada .
most_eq { all_rows ; sets lost ; 2 } = true
Label: for the sets lost records of all rows , most of them are equal to 2 .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; clay } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; surface ; clay } ; date } ; 10 april 2011 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose surface record fuzzily matches to clay . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is 10 april 2011 .
and { eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; home team } ; st kilda } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; crowd } ; away team } ; melbourne } } = true
Label: select the row whose crowd record of all rows is maximum . the home team record of this row is st kilda . the away team record of this row is melbourne .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; service area ; sw ireland } ; 2fm ( mhz ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; service area ; se ireland } ; 2fm ( mhz ) } } = true
Label: select the rows whose service area record fuzzily matches to sw ireland . take the 2fm mhz record of this row . select the rows whose service area record fuzzily matches to se ireland . take the 2fm mhz record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; robert taylor } ; first elected } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; incumbent ; mark alexander } ; first elected } } = true
Label: select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to robert taylor . take the first elected record of this row . select the rows whose incumbent record fuzzily matches to mark alexander . take the first elected record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
round_eq { sum { all_rows ; matches } ; 84 } = true
Label: the sum of the matches record of all rows is 84 .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; school / club team ; georgia tech } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; school / club team ; georgia tech } ; player } ; matt harpring } } = true
Label: select the rows whose school club team record fuzzily matches to georgia tech . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is matt harpring .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; total ; 2 } ; league cup } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the row whose total record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the league cup record of this row is 2 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; lost ; 1 } } ; 5 } = true
Label: select the rows whose lost record is equal to 1 . the number of such rows is 5 .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; census ranking } ; official name } ; hampstead } = true
Label: select the row whose census ranking record of all rows is maximum . the official name record of this row is hampstead .
and { less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; guest host ; jessie wallace } ; air date } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; guest host ; trisha goddard } ; air date } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; guest host ; jessie wallace } ; air date } ; 17 february 2006 } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; guest host ; trisha goddard } ; air date } ; 24 february 2006 } } } = true
Label: select the rows whose guest host record fuzzily matches to jessie wallace . take the air date record of this row . select the rows whose guest host record fuzzily matches to trisha goddard . take the air date record of this row . the first record is less than the second record . the air date record of the first row is 17 february 2006 . the air date record of the second row is 24 february 2006 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; winning party 2003 ; liberal democrats } } ; 3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose winning party 2003 record fuzzily matches to liberal democrats . the number of such rows is 3 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; winner ; billy casper } } ; 3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose winner record fuzzily matches to billy casper . the number of such rows is 3 .
most_greater_eq { all_rows ; us viewers ( million ) ; 1.0 } = true
Label: for the us viewers million records of all rows , most of them are greater than or equal to 1.0 .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; total } ; 19.71 } = true
Label: the average of the total record of all rows is 19.71 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; february } } ; 4 } = true
Label: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to february . the number of such rows is 4 .
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; born ; 30 november 1874 } ; left house } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; born ; 16 january 1905 } ; left house } } = true
Label: select the rows whose born record fuzzily matches to 30 november 1874 . take the left house record of this row . select the rows whose born record fuzzily matches to 16 january 1905 . take the left house record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; pga championship } ; top - 25 } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; tournament ; masters tournament } ; top - 25 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to pga championship . take the top 25 record of this row . select the rows whose tournament record fuzzily matches to masters tournament . take the top 25 record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; scott simpson } ; to par } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; larry nelson } ; to par } } ; -3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to scott simpson . take the to par record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to larry nelson . take the to par record of this row . the second record is 3 larger than the first record .
most_eq { all_rows ; language ( s ) ; macedonian } = true
Label: for the language s records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to macedonian .
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; date ; 2 } ; venue } ; bahrain national stadium , manama } = true
Label: select the row whose date record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the venue record of this row is bahrain national stadium , manama .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; floors } ; name } ; commerzbank tower } = true
Label: select the row whose floors record of all rows is maximum . the name record of this row is commerzbank tower .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; school / club team ; maynard evans hs } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; school / club team ; maynard evans hs } ; player } ; darryl dawkins } } = true
Label: select the rows whose school club team record fuzzily matches to maynard evans hs . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is darryl dawkins .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; points } ; year } ; 1984 } = true
Label: select the row whose points record of all rows is maximum . the year record of this row is 1984 .
and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; air canada centre } ; team ; dallas } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; location attendance ; air canada centre } ; team ; dallas } ; date } ; february 6 } } = true
Label: select the rows whose location attendance record fuzzily matches to air canada centre . among these rows , select the rows whose team record fuzzily matches to dallas . there is only one such row in the table . the date record of this unqiue row is february 6 .
eq { nth_min { filter_eq { all_rows ; result ; w } ; date ; 2 } ; november 28 , 1999 } = true
Label: select the rows whose result record fuzzily matches to w . the 2nd minimum date record of these rows is november 28 , 1999 .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance } ; 15000 } = true
Label: the average of the attendance record of all rows is 15000 .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; to par } ; -7 } = true
Label: the average of the to par record of all rows is 7 .
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; time ; 2 } ; athlete } ; peter hardcastle } = true
Label: select the row whose time record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the athlete record of this row is peter hardcastle .
most_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; rome } = true
Label: for the nationality records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to rome .
most_greater { all_rows ; us viewers ( millions ) ; 5 } = true
Label: for the us viewers millions records of all rows , most of them are greater than 5 .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; institution ; mercy college } ; enrollment } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; institution ; dowling college } ; enrollment } } = true
Label: select the rows whose institution record fuzzily matches to mercy college . take the enrollment record of this row . select the rows whose institution record fuzzily matches to dowling college . take the enrollment record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; joe denly } ; runs } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; player ; phil mustard } ; runs } } = true
Label: select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to joe denly . take the runs record of this row . select the rows whose player record fuzzily matches to phil mustard . take the runs record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record .
most_eq { all_rows ; position ; lb } = true
Label: for the position records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to lb .
most_less { all_rows ; year ; 2009 } = true
Label: for the year records of all rows , most of them are less than 2009 .
most_eq { all_rows ; laps ; 48 } = true
Label: for the laps records of all rows , most of them are equal to 48 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; original air date ; february 2010 } } ; 3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose original air date record fuzzily matches to february 2010 . the number of such rows is 3 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; total ; 2 } ; nation } ; netherlands } = true
Label: select the row whose total record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the nation record of this row is netherlands .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; 1st round ; 0-0 } } ; and { eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; 1st round ; 0-0 } ; team 1 } ; as angoulême ( d2 ) } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; 1st round ; 0-0 } ; team 2 } ; fc sochaux - montbéliard ( d1 ) } } } = true
Label: select the rows whose 1st round record fuzzily matches to 00 . there is only one such row in the table . the team 1 record of this unqiue row is as angoulême d2 . the team 2 record of this unqiue row is fc sochaux montbéliard d1 .
and { only { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; current affiliation ; cbs owned - and - operated ( o & o ) } ; city of license / market ; pittsburgh } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; current affiliation ; cbs owned - and - operated ( o & o ) } ; city of license / market ; pittsburgh } ; station } ; kdka - tv } } = true
Label: select the rows whose current affiliation record fuzzily matches to cbs owned and operated o o . among these rows , select the rows whose city of license market record fuzzily matches to pittsburgh . there is only one such row in the table . the station record of this unqiue row is kdka tv .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; attendance / g } ; 11360 } = true
Label: the average of the attendance g record of all rows is 11360 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; ties ; 18 } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose ties record is equal to 18 . the number of such rows is 2 .
less { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; singer ; micaela } ; position } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; singer ; serena abrami } ; position } } = true
Label: select the rows whose singer record fuzzily matches to micaela . take the position record of this row . select the rows whose singer record fuzzily matches to serena abrami . take the position record of this row . the first record is less than the second record .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; theme ; judge 's choice } } ; 3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose theme record fuzzily matches to judge s choice . the number of such rows is 3 .
eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; car ; 2 } ; player } ; john ritcher } = true
Label: select the row whose car record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the player record of this row is john ritcher .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; change ( 2010 to 2011 ) } ; country } ; uruguay } = true
Label: select the row whose change 2010 to 2011 record of all rows is maximum . the country record of this row is uruguay .
most_eq { filter_less { all_rows ; event ; 65 kg } ; quarterfinal ; did not advance } = true
Label: select the rows whose event record is less than 65 kg . for the quarterfinal records of these rows , most of them fuzzily match to did not advance .
eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; nation } } ; 7 } = true
Label: select the rows whose nation record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 7 .
most_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; date ; november } ; result ; w } = true
Label: select the rows whose date record fuzzily matches to november . for the result records of these rows , most of them fuzzily match to w .
eq { hop { argmax { filter_eq { all_rows ; nationality ; united states } ; jersey number ( s ) } ; player } ; frank oleynick } = true
Label: select the rows whose nationality record fuzzily matches to united states . select the row whose jersey number s record of these rows is maximum . the player record of this row is frank oleynick .
and { eq { max { all_rows ; score } ; 7 - 1 } ; eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; score } ; home team } ; aston villa } } = true
Label: the maximum score record of all rows is 7 1 . the home team record of the row with superlative score record is aston villa .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; points } ; artist } ; sasha son } = true
Label: select the row whose points record of all rows is maximum . the artist record of this row is sasha son .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; series result ; drawn } } ; 7 } = true
Label: select the rows whose series result record fuzzily matches to drawn . the number of such rows is 7 .
most_eq { all_rows ; party ; democratic party } = true
Label: for the party records of all rows , most of them fuzzily match to democratic party .
and { only { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; eckerd } } ; eq { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; college ; eckerd } ; player } ; jay washington } } = true
Label: select the rows whose college record fuzzily matches to eckerd . there is only one such row in the table . the player record of this unqiue row is jay washington .
eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; viewers ( millions ) } ; title } ; about face } = true
Label: select the row whose viewers millions record of all rows is maximum . the title record of this row is about face .
only { filter_eq { all_rows ; athlete ; tony geal } } = true
Label: select the rows whose athlete record fuzzily matches to tony geal . there is only one such row in the table .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; us viewers ( in millions ) ; 3.69 } } ; 2 } = true
Label: select the rows whose us viewers in millions record is equal to 3.69 . the number of such rows is 2 .
eq { diff { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; ship name ; ashantian } ; tonnage ( grt ) } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; ship name ; manchester brigade } ; tonnage ( grt ) } } ; -1125 } = true
Label: select the rows whose ship name record fuzzily matches to ashantian . take the tonnage grt record of this row . select the rows whose ship name record fuzzily matches to manchester brigade . take the tonnage grt record of this row . the second record is 1125 larger than the first record .
eq { count { filter_all { all_rows ; original air date } } ; 9 } = true
Label: select the rows whose original air date record is arbitrary . the number of such rows is 9 .
eq { count { filter_eq { all_rows ; studio host ; alan massengale } } ; 3 } = true
Label: select the rows whose studio host record fuzzily matches to alan massengale . the number of such rows is 3 .
eq { hop { nth_argmin { all_rows ; duration ; 2 } ; actor } ; nina soldano } = true
Label: select the row whose duration record of all rows is 2nd minimum . the actor record of this row is nina soldano .
round_eq { avg { all_rows ; points } ; 68.75 } = true
Label: the average of the points record of all rows is 68.75 .
greater { hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; senators } ; overall record } ; hop { filter_eq { all_rows ; team ; golden knights } ; overall record } } = true
Label: select the rows whose team record fuzzily matches to senators . take the overall record record of this row . select the rows whose team record fuzzily matches to golden knights . take the overall record record of this row . the first record is greater than the second record . |
In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate a simplified sentence that focuses on lexical paraphrasing from the original sentence given in the input.
coat of arms the coat of arms of the municipality are taken from the garbani , or garban family for its french and northern american branch , originating from the village and whose certain members illustrated themselves as magistrates and swiss statesmen.
A: coat of arms : the coat of arms of the municipality are taken from the garbani , or garban family for its french and northern american branch , starting from the village and whose certain members illustrated themselves as magistrates and swiss statesmen.
iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest.
A: 1 . iso 3166-1 is part of the iso 3166 standard published by the international organization for standardization -lrb- iso -rrb- , and defines codes for the names of countries , dependent territories , and special areas of geographical interest.
the album is named after a song on the album ; a cover of the original by folk singer tom brosseau.
A: the album is named after a song on the album , a cover of the original by folk singer tom brosseau.
probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the territory of the monastery of reichenau.
A: probably in the ninth century , the village became part of the area of the monastery of reichenau.
he tossed jörmungandr into the great ocean that encircles midgard.
A: he threw jörmungandr into the great ocean that surrounds midgard.
progress in developing the tar was hindered by political and economic obstacles throughout the 1960s , 1970s and early 1980s.
A: from the 1960s to the early 80 's politics and economics hindered the developement of tar.
publications scope and preparation of the reports the ipcc reports are a compendium of peer reviewed and published science.
A: publications scope and preparation of the reports the ipcc reports are a example of peer reviewed and published science.
in conceptual summary , a digital signal is a quantized discrete-time signal ; a discrete-time signal is a sampled analog signal.
A: a digitial signal is a quantized discrete-time signal , a discrete time signal is a sampled analog signal.
oliver rolf kahn -lrb- born 15 june 1969 in karlsruhe -rrb- is a former german football goalkeeper.
A: oliver rolf kahn is a former german football goalkeeper.
simplification by far the most common form of language reform , simplification involves spelling simplification -lrb- cf.
A: clarification by far the most simple form of language reform , clarification involves spelling clarification -lrb- cf.
geography the town lies in the limmat valley between baden and zürich.
A: the town geography lies in the limmat valley between baden and zürich.
it fared much better than the rocker , opening at # 2.
A: it did much better than the rocker , opening at # 2.
variant spellings in english include felafel and filafil.
A: in english the word is sometimes spelled felafel or filafil.
they are now abolished , although in northern ireland their former areas are used as the basis for lieutenancy.
A: besides the areas used as basis for lieutancy in northern ireland , they are now abolished.
taylor walks around the scene spectating without interacting with jordison or the females , there is a moment in which jordison is looking in a mirror and taylor suddenly appears.
A: taylor walks around the scene watching without interacting with jordison of the females , there is a moment in which jordison is looking in a mirror and taylor suddenly appears.
hot chocolate and churros is the traditional working-man 's breakfast in spain.
A: hot chocolate and churros is a common breakfast in spain.
in the early 1970s , barry mazur considered generalizations of iwasawa theory to abelian varieties.
A: barry mazur considered iwasawa theory to abelian generalizations in the early 1970s.
when bonham carter was just five , her mother had a serious nervous breakdown , from which it took her three years to recover.
A: when bonham carter was just five , her mother suffered a serious nervous breakdown which took her three years to recover.
san francisco bay is located in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a contiguous region known as the san francisco bay area , dominated by the large cities san francisco , oakland and san jose.
A: san francisco bay is located in the u.s. state of california , surrounded by a contiguous region known as the san francisco bay area , influenced by the large cities , san francisco , oakland and san jose.
they are also scheduled to play roskilde , rock am ring , pinkpop , give it a name festival and download.
A: they are also scheduled to play roskile , rock am ring , pinkpop , give it a name festical and download.
in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were incorporated into the municipality , despite an attempt by bignasco to resist the incorporation in the courts.
A: in the fall of 2006 , cavergno and bignasco were included into the municipality , in spite of an effort by bignasco to stop the incorporation -lrb- forming of a new corporation -rrb- in the courts.
he is a brilliant scientist and researcher with vast intelligence and insight into mutant genetics.
A: he is a intelligent scientist and researcher with immense intelligence and insight -lrb- the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding -rrb- into mutant genetics.
history the first mention of the town dates from 1178.
A: history the first mention of the town was in 1178.
visitors come to see the gardens in the palace grounds , the exotic birds which roam freely in the grounds , moot hill -lrb- which is in the grounds -rrb- , and the palace.
A: visitors come to see the gardens in the palace grounds , the exotic birds roaming in the grounds , moot hill and the plaace.
the yellow disc represents the island 's history in phosphate mining.
A: the yellow disc you see on the chart is a representation of the island 's history in phosphate mining.
they occupied an area which is now the independent cities of norfolk , portsmouth , chesapeake and virginia beach.
A: they stayed in these independent cities : norfolk , portsmouth , chesapeake , and virginia beach.
whedon , firefly companion , vol 1 , 6 whedon wanted to develop a show about the tactile nature of life , a show where existence was more physical and more difficult.
A: whedon , firefly companion , vol 1 , 6 whedon wanted to develop a show about the tactile nature of life , a show where existence was more physical and more difficult.bedroom bondage games often constitute foreplay.
luciano spinosi -lrb- born may 9 , 1950 , rome -rrb- is an italian former football player.
A: luciano spinosi -lrb- born may 9 , 1950 , rome -rrb- is an italian ex- football player.
this work was accomplished through the efforts of martin evans and oliver smithies working on the knockout mice.
A: this work was completed through the efforts of martin evans and oliver smithies working on the genetically changed mice.
at least 537 deaths were blamed on hanna , primarily in haiti.
A: at least 537 deaths were blamed on hanna , especially in haiti.
leonardo tells the story of the consternation that this statement caused to the twelve followers of jesus.
A: leonardo tells the story of the trouble that this statement caused to the twelve followers of jesus.
cale 's story : the adventures of cale , ending with the beginning of the film.
A: cale 's story is a film describing the adventures of cale which features an ending that is also shown at the beginning of the fi.
as the largest sub-region in mesoamerica , it encompassed a vast and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the sierra madre to the semi-arid plains of northern yucatán.
A: it was the largest sub-region in mesoamerica and covered a large and varied landscape , from the mountainous regions of the sierra madre to the semi-arid plains of northern yucatán.
thus , the erzgebirge region became famous for many christmas traditions.
A: the erzgebirge region in germany has become very popular and world known for its christmas traditions.
history the district was formed in 1994 by merging the two previous districts marienberg and zschopau.
A: history the district was formed in 1994 by combining the two previous districts marienberg and zschopau.
he proceeded to score in celtic 's 1 0 uefa champions league win against copenhagen from the penalty spot and netted two in the 3 0 win over benfica.
A: he went on to score in celtic 's 1 0 uefa champions league win against copenhagen from the penalty spot and netted two in the 3 0 win over benfica.
jardin place jean bayol is a large plaza which contains a statue of the first king of porto-novo.
A: jardin place jean bayol is a large plaza that contains a statue of the first king of porto-novo.
anne frank was deported on the last train from westerbork.
A: 1 . anne frank was deported on the last train from westerbork.
most owners of zombie computers are unaware that their system is being used in this way.
A: most people who own zombie computers do not know that their computer is being used in this way.
the left side derives from the former coat of arms of the district lüdinghausen , while the right side comes from the old district coesfeld.
A: the left side comes from the former coat of arms of the district ludinghausen , while the right side comes from the old district coesfeld.
the population of this ward in 2001 was 16,800 people in 5,700 households.
A: the number of people in this ward in 2001 was 16,800 people in 5,700 houses.
a few years later , in 1840 , general zorawar singh invaded baltistan , captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with the ladakhis , and annexed his country.
A: after a few years , in 1840 , general zorawar singh attacked and encroached baltistan and captured the raja of skardu , who had sided with ladakhis , and added the region to his country.
adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in voyager 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the designation.
A: adrastea was discovered by david c. jewitt and g. edward danielson in traveler 2 probe photographs taken on july 8 , 1979 , and received the name or label.
the northern section of upper egypt , between el-ayait and sohag is sometimes known as middle egypt.
A: upper egypt , between e-ayait and sohag , is sometimes known as middle egypt.
by 2003 , the wi-fi alliance announced that wep had been superseded by wi-fi protected access -lrb- wpa -rrb- , which was a subset of then upcoming 802.11i amendment.
A: in 2003 , the wi-fi alliance announced that wep would be replaced by wi-fi protected access -lrb- wpa -rrb- , which was included in the upcoming 802.11i amendment.
libpurple has support for many commonly used instant messaging protocols , allowing the user to log into various different services from one application.
A: libpurple has support for many commonly used instant messaging protocols allowing the user to log into various services from one application.
while not lethal , consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea.
A: consuming this mushroom leads to very severe cramps , vomiting , and diarrhea.
conversely , bills proposed by the law commission , and consolidation bills , start in the house of lords.
A: the law commission proposes bills , but consolidation bills start in the house of lor.
eventually 58 of her 77 published works first appeared in the journal 's pages.
A: out of her 77 published works , 58 of them appeared in the pages of the journ.
having persuaded clerc to accompany him , gallaudet sailed back to america.
A: after convincing clerc to travel with him , gallaudet travelled on a boat through sea , back to america.
a road number is often assigned to a stretch of public roadway.
A: a road number is often given a stretch of public roadway.
name in chinese , the region is known as " inner mongolia " , where the terms of " inner / outer " are derived from manchu dorgi / tulergi.
A: the region is known as " inner mongolia " , where the terms of " inner or outer " are derived from chinese names , manchu dorgi / tulergi.
between rounds there is a one minute pause , during which competitors change their gear.
A: there is a one minute delay which the competitors change their gear.
in the early 1920s honegger shot to fame with his " dramatic psalm " le roi david -lrb- " king david " -rrb- , which is still in the choral repertoire.
A: honegger became known in the early 1920 's with his " dramatic psalm " , le roi david , which is still in teh choral repertoire.
the name " hornet " is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests -lrb- similar to the true hornets -rrb- rather than subterranean nests.
A: the name " hornet " is used for this and related species primarily because of their habit of making aerial nests rather than subterranean nests.
there are numerous legends about the origins of boxing in greece.
A: there are many stories about the beginnings of boxing in greece.
he was nominated a cardinal priest , of the title of santa maria nuova , on 18 february 1946.
A: in february of 1946 , he was nominated a cardinal priest of santa maria nuova.
the river is also potentially valuable for hydroelectric power , and the inga dams below pool malebo are first to exploit the river.
A: the igna dams below pool malebo exploited the river first for it 's ability to produce hydroelectric power.
under president and ceo reynolds , the park operated until april 13 , 2003 , when it closed after a prolonged tourism decline following the september 11 , 2001 terrorist attacks.
A: under president and ceo reynolds , the park ran until april 13 , 2003 , when it closed after a decline in tourism following the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
the island chain forms part of the hebrides , separated from the scottish mainland and from the inner hebrides by the stormy waters of the minch , the little minch and the sea of the hebrides.
A: the stormy waters of the minch , the little minch and the sea of the hebrides separate the island chain that forms a part of the hebrides from the scottish mainland and the inner hebrides.
troposodon minor sthenurus oreas simosthenurus occidentalis -lrb- another sthenurine -rrb- was about as tall as a modern eastern grey kangaroo , but much more robust.
A: troposodon minor sthenurus oreas simosthenurus occidentalis was about as tall as a modern eastern grey kangaroo , but much more robu.
in other developments , both iceland and greenland accepted the overlordship of norway , but scotland was able to repulse a norse invasion and broker a favorable peace settlement.
A: both iceland and greenland accepted the overlordship of norway but scotland was able to repulse a norse invasion and broker a peace settlement.
on january 4 , 1999 , mick foley , who had wrestled for wcw during the early 1990s as cactus jack , won the wwf title as mankind on raw.
A: on january 4 , 1999 , mick foley , who had wrestled for wcw during the early 1990s as cactus jack , won the wwf title as people on raw.
stieler began his career as a painter of miniatures.
A: stieler started his career as a painter of miniatures.
james howard " jim " thome -lrb- ; born august 27 , 1970 in -rrb- is a major league baseball designated hitter for the chicago white sox.
A: 1 . james howard " jim " thome -lrb- ; born august 27 , 1970 in -rrb- is a major league baseball designated hitter for the chicago white sox.
approximately 1,100 mud volcanoes have been identified on land and in shallow water.
A: around 1,100 mud volcanoes have been seen on land and shallow water.
rick is portrayed as unlikeable and so self-absorbed that he believes he is the " most popular member of the flat " even though his housemates hate him.
A: rick is imitated as disagreebale and so self-absorbed tha he thinks he is the " most favorite member of the flat " , though his housemates hate him.
initially very disorganized , surface pressures gradually decreased across the region , with a weak low pressure area developing on september 19.
A: at first very disorganized , surfgace pressures slowly decreased across the region , with a weak low pressure area starting on september 19.
libra -lrb- 1988 -rrb- is a novel written by don delillo.
A: do delillo wrote the novel libra in 1988.
meteora earned the band multiple awards and honors.
A: in band , meteora earned multiple awards and honors.
calvinism gained some popularity in scandinavia , especially sweden , but was rejected in favor of lutheranism after the synod of uppsala in 1593.
A: after the synod of uppsala in sweden in 1593 , lutheranism became more popular than calvinism , especially in sweden amongst the scandinavian countries.
some speculative sources say that he was also in paris between 1308 and 1310.
A: some speculative sources say that he was also twin between 1308 and 13.
in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation.
A: in october 1983 , the grameen bank project was made into an independent bank by government law.
oliver rolf kahn -lrb- born 15 june 1969 in karlsruhe -rrb- is a former german football goalkeeper.
A: oliver rolf kahn is a former german football goalkeeper.
muslims performing i ' tikaf are required to stay within the mosque for ten consecutive days , often in worship or learning about islam.
A: muslims performing i ' tikaf must stay in the mosque for ten days straight , often in worship or learning about islam.
he is a member of the austrian writers ' associations grazer autorenversammlung -lrb- gav -rrb- gav members ' list , entry about klaus ebner , retrieved on 2009-02-12.
A: he is a member of the austrian writers , associations grazer autorenversammlung gav members ' list , entry about klaus ebner , retrieved on 2009-02-12.
today i feel silly , and other moods that make my day , 1998 ; listed on the new york times best-seller list for 9 weeks.
A: today i feel silly , and other moods that make my day , 1998 ; was on the new york times best-seller list for 9 weeks.
in popular culture rice 's songs have appeared featured several times on popular films and television shows , adding to his mainstream success.
A: in popular culture , rice 's songs have appeared several times on films and television shows , adding to his success.
in the ancient tribal hebraic context , it was considered the duty of the individual and family to avenge evil on behalf of god.
A: 1 . in the ancient tribal hebraic times , it was the sacred duty of the individual and family to avenge evil on behalf of god.
alessandro -lrb- " sandro " -rrb- mazzola -lrb- born 8 november 1942 -rrb- is an italian former football player.
A: alessandro -lrb- " sandro " -rrb- mazzola -lrb- born 8 november 1942 -rrb- is an italian earlier football player.
saxon switzerland is a mountainous climbing area and national park near dresden in saxony , germany.
A: saxon switzerland is a mountainous climbing area and national park near dresden in germany.
bedroom bondage games often constitute foreplay.
A: bedroom bondage -lrb- keep under control or within limits -rrb- games often form a foreplay -lrb- sexual activity that precedes intercourse -rrb-.
the sat reasoning test -lrb- formerly scholastic aptitude test and scholastic assessment test -rrb- is a standardized test for college admissions in the united states.
A: the sat reasoning test is a standardized test for college admissions in the united states.
approximately half the size of taiwan , it has a land area of 18,575.5 square kilometres -lrb- 7,172 sq mi -rrb-.
A: about half the size of taiwan , it has a land area of 18,575.5 square kilometres -lrb- 7,172 sq mi -rrb-.
they would later return to the revived series in the 2008 christmas special " the next doctor " , introducing two new variants of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king.
A: they would later return to the running again series in the 2008 christmas special " the next doctor " , introducing two new types of the race ; the cyber-shades and the cyber-king.
partnerships since 1990 the district has a partnership with the district main-kinzig in hessen , germany.
A: since 1990 the district has a partnership with the district main-kinzig in hessen , germa.
many of the municipalities in the area receive their drinking water directly from vättern.
A: the municipalities in the area receive their drinking water from vattern.
the 1992 winter games were the last to be staged in the same year as the summer games.
A: the last time the winter and the summer games were staged together was in 1992.
news reports indicate that the poorer , rural villages were hardest hit.
A: news reports indicate that the poorer villages were hit hardest.
in august 2003 , the san diego union tribune alleged that u.s. marine pilots and their commanders confirmed the use of mark 77 firebombs on iraqi republican guards during the initial stages of combat.
A: in august 2003 , the san diego union tribune said that u.s. marine pilots and their bosses said they used mark 77 firebombs on iraqi republican guards at the beginning of combat.
references external links " a remembrance of olin eggen — 1919 – 1998 " , by nicholas b. suntzeff , 6 october 1998 ; noao newsletter , no. 56 , december 1998.
A: referencel links " a remembrance of olin eggen — 1919 – 1998 " , by nicholas b. suntzeff , 6 october 1998 ; noao newsletter , no. 56 , december 1998.
1979 to 1999 the jubilee line of 1979 was to be the first of four phases of the project , but lack of funds meant that no further progress was made until the late 1990s.
A: 1979 to 1999 the jubilee line of 1979 was to be the first of four phases of the project , but inadequate of funds meant that no further progress was made until the late 1990s.
in 1961 , she made her metropolitan opera debut as aida ; the following year she made her debut at the royal opera house with the same role.
A: in 1961 , she made her metropolitan opera debut as aida , and at royal opera house in the following year.
in the soviet years , the bolsheviks demolished two of rostov 's principal landmarks - st alexander nevsky cathedral -lrb- 1908 -rrb- and st george cathedral in nakhichevan -lrb- 1783-1807 -rrb-.
A: in the soviet years , the bolsheviks destroyed two of rostov 's main landmarks - st alexander nevsky cathedral -lrb- 1908 -rrb- and st george cathedral in nakhichevan -lrb- 1783-1807 -rrb-.
her due release date , with remissions , is currently 12 april 2024.
A: 12th april 2024 is the due date of her release along with the remand.
the storm continued to the southwest while deep convection persisted near the center.
A: the storm continued to the southwest while deep convention continued near the cent.
he is also a member of another jungiery boyband 183 club.
A: he is also a part of another jungiery boyband 183 cl.
after reviewing the documents , some historians suggest that adams does not deserve equal credit with le verrier.
A: after looking at the documents , some historians claim that adams should not get equal credit with le verrier.
in 1438 trevi passed under the temporal rule of the church as part of the legation of perugia , and thenceforth its history merges first with that of the states of the church , then -lrb- 1860 -rrb- with the united kingdom of italy.
A: in 1438 trevi passed under the temporal rule of the church and history merges first with that of the states of the church then with italy.
history birth of the furby dave hampton and caleb chung created the furby in merely nine months -lrb- in addition to an additional nine months spent designing the toy -rrb-.
A: dave hampton and caleb chung spent only nine months creating the furby , after spending nine months designing the toy.
as the last album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola produced a tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , toivo kärki on the album , leivonen lumimyrskyssä -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb-.
A: as the last album of the scandinavian vocal music series , pohjola paid tribute to the finnish legendary tango composer , tiovo karki , on the album " leivonen lumimyrskyssa -lrb- a lark in a snowstorm -rrb- -lrb- 2006 -rrb- ".
98 % of the university 's incoming class of 2006 earned a high school gpa of 3.0 and higher , while the middle 50 % of the incoming class earned a high school gpa of 3.60 to 3.90.
A: 98 % of the university 's incoming class of 2006 had a high school gpa of 3.0 and higher , while the middle 50 % of the incoming class had a high school gpa of 3.60 to 3.90.
captive longevity is 20 to 30 years , with rare accounts of over 40 years , reports of a individual living to 40 years in philadelphia zoo.
A: captive life expectancy is usually 20 to 30 years . however an individual lived to 40 in the philadelphia z.
it is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club.
A: it is now used mostly for football matches and is the home of santos football club.
the methodological ethos is identical , but there is a slight difference in the vocabulary , and specialized is more international.
A: the methodological ethos is identical but there is a difference in the vocabulary and specialized is more international.
the secretary of state for culture , media and sport is a united kingdom cabinet position with responsibility for the department for culture , media and sport.
A: the secretary for culture , media , and sport is a united kingdom cabinet for department of culture , media , and sport.
they discover a wardrobe in professor digory kirke 's house that leads to the magical land of narnia.
A: they discover a clothing in professor digory kirke 's house that leads to the magical land of narnia.
the chronicler juan de betanzos who provides us with most of the information pertaining to the huáscar-atahualpa civil war outlines huáscar 's tyranny.
A: the chronicler juan de betanzos provides us with the majority of the information pertaining to the huáscar-atahualpa civil war.
james howard " jim " thome -lrb- ; born august 27 , 1970 in -rrb- is a major league baseball designated hitter for the chicago white sox.
A: james howard thome is a major league baseball hitter for the chicago white sox.
ned and dan advanced to the police camp , ordering them to surrender.
A: ned and dan went on to the police camp and ordered them to surrender.
mifepristone is a synthetic steroid compound used as a pharmaceutical.
A: mifepristone is a man made steroid product used as a medicine.
the aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top , with the top 6.37 % earning roughly one third of all income , and those with upper-middle incomes control a large , though declining , share of the total earned income.
A: the aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top , with the top 6.37 % . those with upper-middle incomes control a big , though declining , share of the total earned income . it earning roughly one third of all income.
according to the study , if all this software had been developed by conventional proprietary means , it would have cost about $ -lrb- us dollars -rrb- to develop in the united states.
A: this study showed that this software would have cost + / - $ -lrb- us dollars -rrb- to develop in the us , if it had been developed the usual patented way.
they are castrated so that the animal may be more docile or may put on weight more quickly.
A: they are castrated so that the animal may be more gentle or may put on weight more quickly.
music musical numbers follows is a listing of the thirty-three compositions written by members of the beatles that are heard on the soundtrack , in the order featured in the film.
A: music musical numbers follows is a listing of the thirty-three compositions -lrb- a work of music -rrb- written by members of the beatles that are heard on the soundtrack , in the order presented in the film.
in week 16 , quarterback matt leinart went down with a shoulder injury against the 49ers , forcing warner to see his first action since week 4.
A: matt leinart got a shoulder injury in week 16.
after 1627 , king louis xiii of france introduced the seigneurial system and forbade settlement in new france by anyone other than roman catholics.
A: after 1627 , king louis xiii of france brought about a feudal system that made it illegal for anyone to settle in new france that was not a roman catholic.
muslims performing i ' tikaf are required to stay within the mosque for ten consecutive days , often in worship or learning about islam.
A: muslims performing i ' tikaf have to stay in the mosque for ten straight days , often in worship or learning about islam.
it was also on the london sunday times best-seller list for more than four years.
A: it was also on the london sunday times.
the employee was eventually rehired at a different nearby location.
A: the employee was rehired at a nearby locati.
the book chronicles events which take place in the fictional space colony of windhaven.
A: the book tells of things that happen in the imaginary space colony of windhaven.
warrington is a large town , borough and unitary authority area of cheshire , england.
A: warrington is a big town , borough and unitary authority area of cheshire , england.
in 1187 , saladin defeated the armies of the crusades at the battle of hattin , largely because he was able to cut the crusaders off from the valuable fresh water of the sea of galilee.
A: in 1187 saladin defeated the armies of the crusades at the battle of hattin largely because he was able to cut the crusaders off from the valuable fresh water of the sea of galilee.
this split the tigers into two groups which then went on to develop independently.
A: this split the tigers into two groups which then went on to develop on their own.
packagekit is an open source and free suite of software applications designed to provide a consistent and high-level front end for a number of different package management systems.
A: packagekit , free suite of software applications , are designed to provide consistent and professional front end for many different package management systems.
with an area of 11,980 km ² and 1.3 million inhabitants , upper austria is the fourth-largest austrian state by land area and third-largest by population.
A: upper austria is the fourth-largest austrian state by land area and third-largest by population , with an area of 11,980 km ² and 1.3 million inhabitants.
in computing , kivio is free diagramming software that is part of koffice , an integrated office suite for kde.
A: in computing , kivio is free diagramming software that is part of koffice , a combined office program for kde.
in 1824 , van diemen 's land became a colony in its own right.
A: in 1824 , van diemen 's land became a colony of its own.
this flag was the same , except the golden stripe had a human stick figure , a kanaga , in black , with arms raised to the sky.
A: this flag was the same , except the golden stripe had a human stick figure , a kanaga , in black , with arms raised up to the sky.
from about 200 to 30 million years ago , the north american plate was in continual collision with the farallon plate.
A: millions of years ago , the north american plate was always hitting the farallon plate.
out of 18,217 participants in the national casting , she was chosen among the 19 candidates to appear on the tv show.
A: she was chosen among the 19 candidates to appear on the tv show , out of 18,217 participants in the national casting.
from 1918 to 1920 the province was under the administration of the democratic republic of armenia as the vanand province -lrb- with the city of kars as its capital -rrb-.
A: it is the democratic republic of armenia . kars of this is its capital . from 1918 to 1920 the province was under the administration as the vanand province -lrb- with the ci.
shortly after attaining category 4 status , the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged.
A: after attaining category 4 status , the outer convection of the hurricane became ragged.
it is 78 % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen , with trace amounts of water vapor , carbon dioxide and other gaseous molecules.
A: it is made up of 78 % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen , as well as very small amounts of water vapor , carbon dioxide and other gas molecules. |
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Head: mutt<sep>Tail: one kind of dog
Label: Yes
Head: mamooths<sep>Tail: extinct
Label: Yes
Head: skin<sep>Tail: elastic
Label: Yes
Head: josh<sep>Tail: thirsty
Label: Yes
Head: tv<sep>Tail: watched
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: helpful
Label: No
Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: person x has a drink
Label: No
Head: hypermarket<sep>Tail: similar to supermarket
Label: Yes
Head: car<sep>Tail: roof
Label: Yes
Head: exercise<sep>Tail: best done on regular basis
Label: Yes
Head: mustard<sep>Tail: yellow
Label: Yes
Head: earth<sep>Tail: living
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: pays person Y
Label: No
Head: PersonX becomes fast ___<sep>Tail: happy, positive, grateful
Label: No
Head: everybody<sep>Tail: name
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: to get in the car
Label: No
Head: PersonX almost fell<sep>Tail: laughs
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: going the class room
Label: No
Head: paper<sep>Tail: made out of wood
Label: Yes
Head: person<sep>Tail: heavier than cat
Label: Yes
Head: superhero<sep>Tail: powerful
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY effect<sep>Tail: competent
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: tall or short or average
Label: Yes
Head: brain<sep>Tail: tens of billions of neurons
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives to the restaurant<sep>Tail: hungry
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: to relish its taste
Label: No
Head: paperweight<sep>Tail: heavy
Label: Yes
Head: magma<sep>Tail: liquid rock
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: to want to be cute
Label: No
Head: PersonX becomes fast friends<sep>Tail: happy-go-lucky
Label: No
Head: music<sep>Tail: stored in discs
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from work<sep>Tail: sleeps.
Label: No
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: to carry PersonX across the threshold
Label: No
Head: human<sep>Tail: stupidity
Label: Yes
Head: bed<sep>Tail: found in hospital
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: bad
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: to have been challenged by someone
Label: No
Head: gallbladder<sep>Tail: shaped like pear
Label: Yes
Head: clock<sep>Tail: twelve numbers
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always wore ___<sep>Tail: to follow him
Label: No
Head: silver<sep>Tail: polished
Label: Yes
Head: telephone booth<sep>Tail: found usually on sidewalk
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: to satisfy his hunger
Label: No
Head: everyone<sep>Tail: surname
Label: Yes
Head: glass<sep>Tail: found in building
Label: Yes
Head: column<sep>Tail: straight
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX annoys PersonY
Label: No
Head: rowboat<sep>Tail: accessories
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: manics<sep>Tail: euphoric self confident and full of energy
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks to go home<sep>Tail: to just leave
Label: No
Head: jacket<sep>Tail: dark
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: conniving
Label: No
Head: PersonX arrives to the restaurant<sep>Tail: ready
Label: No
Head: PersonX affords PersonY protection<sep>Tail: gains security
Label: No
Head: list<sep>Tail: made up of elements
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: curious
Label: No
Head: lemmon<sep>Tail: sour
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: People don
Label: No
Head: doormat<sep>Tail: found outside door
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX beats PersonX's swords into ploughshares<sep>Tail: mean
Label: No
Head: dinner<sep>Tail: grilled
Label: Yes
Head: openmind<sep>Tail: superior to human intelligence
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX bases on PersonX's experience<sep>Tail: to have experiance
Label: No
Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: to learn new stuff
Label: No
Head: license<sep>Tail: required to drive car
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: Person x says vows.
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: respectful
Label: No
Head: fish<sep>Tail: caught on hook when fishing
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX applies to medical school<sep>Tail: becomes a doctor
Label: No
Head: fish<sep>Tail: cooked on grill
Label: Yes
Head: stranger<sep>Tail: never met before
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: Determined
Label: No
Head: water<sep>Tail: found in lakes
Label: Yes
Head: boston<sep>Tail: baseball team
Label: Yes
Head: cat<sep>Tail: sharp teeth
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ for one<sep>Tail: dependent
Label: No
Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Head: aspartame<sep>Tail: bad for human health
Label: Yes
Head: arm<sep>Tail: attached to shoulder
Label: Yes
Head: lady<sep>Tail: cultured
Label: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: good
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX also decided<sep>Tail: to implement
Label: No
Head: matt<sep>Tail: kids
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to say<sep>Tail: to be helpful
Label: No
Head: garbage<sep>Tail: generated by city
Label: Yes
Head: labyrinth<sep>Tail: intricate
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the offer<sep>Tail: praised
Label: No
Head: caramel<sep>Tail: sticky
Label: Yes
Head: pond<sep>Tail: full of water
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: To be a student
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: curious
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mother for help<sep>Tail: advice
Label: No
Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: eager
Label: No
Head: maid<sep>Tail: found in office
Label: Yes
Head: volcano<sep>Tail: dormant
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the offer<sep>Tail: set up office
Label: No
Head: music<sep>Tail: good or bad
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: to agree
Label: No
Head: judgement<sep>Tail: based on facts
Label: Yes
Head: account<sep>Tail: associated with visa credit card
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: To check assignments
Label: No
Head: water<sep>Tail: good to drink
Label: Yes
Head: water<sep>Tail: found in ground
Label: Yes
Head: port<sep>Tail: wine fortified with brandy
Label: Yes
Head: maid<sep>Tail: found in office
Label: Yes
Head: system<sep>Tail: made up of many interrelated units
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: social
Label: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: informed
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: To work hard
Label: No
Head: staircase<sep>Tail: made up of steps and risers
Label: Yes
Head: porcelain<sep>Tail: hard
Label: Yes
Head: house<sep>Tail: door
Label: Yes
Head: chess board<sep>Tail: different colored squares
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boyfriend<sep>Tail: scared
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's teacher<sep>Tail: ask the teacher questions
Label: No
Head: pavement<sep>Tail: hard
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: organized
Label: No
Head: letter opener<sep>Tail: similar to knife
Label: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: relaxing to listen to
Label: Yes
Head: stuff<sep>Tail: interesting
Label: Yes
Head: cook<sep>Tail: important in italian culture
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: also happy
Label: No
Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: to Find the house
Label: No
Head: PersonX addresses PersonY audience<sep>Tail: nervous
Label: No
Head: bill<sep>Tail: written on paper
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY effect<sep>Tail: get ready
Label: No
Head: iron<sep>Tail: magnetized
Label: Yes
Head: horse<sep>Tail: found on ranch
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: polite
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: inspired to work with stone
Label: Yes
Head: person<sep>Tail: fingernails
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: tone deaf
Label: No
Head: river<sep>Tail: cool
Label: Yes
Head: jacket<sep>Tail: worn to keep warm in winter
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: IMPROVE THE KNOWLEDGE
Label: No
Head: wallet<sep>Tail: money
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: get a reward for loosing weight
Label: No
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: coy
Label: No
Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: concerned
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: pay taxes to government
Label: Yes
Head: pilot<sep>Tail: flying in or airplane
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX adjusts spacing as well as minimizing<sep>Tail: to take measurements
Label: No
Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: kind
Label: No
Head: forest<sep>Tail: beautiful in every season
Label: Yes
Head: aster<sep>Tail: perennial
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX bakes bread<sep>Tail: Industrious
Label: No
Head: duck<sep>Tail: cooked
Label: Yes
Head: aisle<sep>Tail: long and thin
Label: Yes
Head: shirt<sep>Tail: worn on upper body
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves ___ by means<sep>Tail: to have great things
Label: No
Head: shoe<sep>Tail: worn on foot
Label: Yes
Head: gourmet<sep>Tail: fancy cooking
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: to of read it
Label: No
Head: PersonX becomes distracted<sep>Tail: bored
Label: No
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: person x sleeps
Label: No
Head: tractor<sep>Tail: four wheels
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks the teacher<sep>Tail: to get an opinion
Label: No
Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: bothered
Label: No
Head: steel<sep>Tail: melted
Label: Yes
Head: car<sep>Tail: 4 tires
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes flat<sep>Tail: broken
Label: No
Head: sidewalk<sep>Tail: flat long and narrow
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affects PersonY's interests<sep>Tail: lose money
Label: No
Head: french horn<sep>Tail: shiny
Label: Yes
Head: mercury<sep>Tail: toxic
Label: Yes
Head: library<sep>Tail: literature
Label: Yes
Head: fabric<sep>Tail: sold at market
Label: Yes
Head: asphalt<sep>Tail: opaque
Label: Yes
Head: urine<sep>Tail: tested for drug use
Label: Yes
Head: suit<sep>Tail: worn over shirt
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: to learn how to handle children
Label: No
Head: franklin<sep>Tail: singing in choir
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: good the date is set
Label: No
Head: PersonX bats PersonX's eyelashes<sep>Tail: want to make an impression
Label: No
Head: airplane<sep>Tail: wheels
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: IMPROVE THE KNOWLEDGE
Label: No
Head: movie<sep>Tail: recorded on film
Label: Yes
Head: car<sep>Tail: sold at car dealership
Label: Yes
Head: drywall<sep>Tail: used in building houses
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: drink water to survive
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: brunette
Label: Yes
Head: macadam<sep>Tail: like asphalt
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: mexican
Label: Yes
Head: flower<sep>Tail: growing in pot
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: mean to eatch other
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: observant
Label: No
Head: PersonX believes every word<sep>Tail: to get Person X to do things.
Label: No
Head: book<sep>Tail: up on top shelf
Label: Yes
Head: mankind<sep>Tail: friend to robots
Label: Yes
Head: glass<sep>Tail: empty
Label: Yes
Head: sidewalk<sep>Tail: paved with concrete
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX bears the brunt<sep>Tail: braces for impact
Label: No
Head: teaspoon<sep>Tail: one third of tablespoon
Label: Yes
Head: oil<sep>Tail: found in salad dressing
Label: Yes
Head: chinese food<sep>Tail: spicy
Label: Yes
Head: virus<sep>Tail: lethal
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: to relax for 15 minutes
Label: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: answer the question
Label: No
Head: hair<sep>Tail: lightweight
Label: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: contemporary
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affords every ___<sep>Tail: to get out.
Label: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's question<sep>Tail: satisfied
Label: No
Head: fountain pen<sep>Tail: filled with ink
Label: Yes
Head: twig<sep>Tail: sticking in mud
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: educated
Label: No
Head: bean bag chair<sep>Tail: filled with small plastic pellets
Label: Yes
Head: dental chair<sep>Tail: moved up and down pneumatically
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's dream<sep>Tail: celebrate
Label: No
Head: tourniquet<sep>Tail: dangerous if left on too long
Label: Yes
Head: mask<sep>Tail: needed for diving
Label: Yes
Head: jello<sep>Tail: translucent
Label: Yes
Head: mayor<sep>Tail: one kind of politician
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX amends PersonY act<sep>Tail: glad for having been helped.
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: meet friend
Label: No
Head: desk<sep>Tail: found in office
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: content
Label: No
Head: wagon<sep>Tail: wheels and carries things
Label: Yes
Head: lens<sep>Tail: singular
Label: Yes
Head: bat<sep>Tail: used in baseball
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: engaged
Label: No
Head: address label<sep>Tail: fixed on envelope
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: naturally low energy personalities
Label: Yes
Head: bulb<sep>Tail: broken
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX acts weird<sep>Tail: winds up in a hospital
Label: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: generous
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: ethical
Label: Yes
Head: pizza<sep>Tail: meant to cheap food
Label: Yes
Head: book<sep>Tail: knowledge
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks to go home<sep>Tail: satisfied
Label: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objective<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: penumbra<sep>Tail: lighter colored than sunspot
Label: Yes
Head: fox<sep>Tail: bushy tail
Label: Yes
Head: comformity<sep>Tail: mind numbing
Label: Yes
Head: fire<sep>Tail: hot
Label: Yes
Head: lead<sep>Tail: toxic
Label: Yes
Head: window<sep>Tail: found in van
Label: Yes
Head: fishmonger<sep>Tail: job
Label: Yes
Head: coma<sep>Tail: bad
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: to visit PersonY
Label: No
Head: rug<sep>Tail: found in persia
Label: Yes
Head: curry<sep>Tail: common in indian food
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: to share their ball
Label: No
Head: car<sep>Tail: engine
Label: Yes
Head: couch<sep>Tail: cushions to make sitting more comfortable
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the job<sep>Tail: hardworking
Label: No
Head: PersonX answers the door<sep>Tail: offer them refreshments and to sit
Label: No
Head: hose<sep>Tail: long and skinny
Label: Yes
Head: electric blanket<sep>Tail: cord
Label: Yes
Head: maid<sep>Tail: found in office
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: to accepting
Label: No
Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: lead<sep>Tail: toxic
Label: Yes
Head: house<sep>Tail: rooms
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX applies for a loan<sep>Tail: mature
Label: No
Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: does homework
Label: No
Head: key<sep>Tail: required to unlock padlock
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: gets hugged
Label: No
Head: hair<sep>Tail: cut there
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: facilitating
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks ___ to go with PersonY<sep>Tail: It'll be better if he goes with them .
Label: No
Head: advertisement<sep>Tail: printed in magazine
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives home from lunch<sep>Tail: satiated
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: to assess the situation
Label: No
Head: telemarketers<sep>Tail: scripts
Label: Yes
Head: traffic light<sep>Tail: green
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX badly wanted<sep>Tail: is rejected
Label: No
Head: oven<sep>Tail: powered by burning gas
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: weird
Label: Yes
Head: circle<sep>Tail: round
Label: Yes
Head: book<sep>Tail: at least few page
Label: Yes
Head: tank<sep>Tail: used by armyforces during war
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to waiting for new offer
Label: No
Head: barbital<sep>Tail: one of first barbiturates
Label: Yes
Head: avocado<sep>Tail: skin
Label: Yes
Head: cat<sep>Tail: thirsty
Label: Yes
Head: music<sep>Tail: performed on stage
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: sick
Label: Yes
Head: village<sep>Tail: several houses in
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: ready
Label: No
Head: glass<sep>Tail: dirty
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to waiting for new offer
Label: No
Head: bread<sep>Tail: made from flour
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to play<sep>Tail: active
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks to play<sep>Tail: hopes they say yes
Label: No
Head: jim<sep>Tail: kids
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: ask PersonY on a date
Label: No
Head: music<sep>Tail: pretty sound
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends school<sep>Tail: to be educated
Label: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: reach a goal
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: inquisitive
Label: No
Head: milk<sep>Tail: chocolate flavored
Label: Yes
Head: museum<sep>Tail: interesting artifacts
Label: Yes
Head: hill<sep>Tail: tall
Label: Yes
Head: room<sep>Tail: walls and roof
Label: Yes
Head: state<sep>Tail: political leaders
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX agrees to the challenge<sep>Tail: to train hard
Label: No
Head: penny<sep>Tail: found in purse
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: waits for an answer
Label: No
Head: frog<sep>Tail: green
Label: Yes
Head: poop<sep>Tail: disgusting
Label: Yes
Head: crab<sep>Tail: external skeleton
Label: Yes
Head: bus pass<sep>Tail: needed to travel on bus
Label: Yes
Head: cereal<sep>Tail: bought in store
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX attends PersonY school<sep>Tail: to be friends with PersonY
Label: No
Head: PersonX answers PersonY question<sep>Tail: good
Label: No
Head: jewelry<sep>Tail: purchased with money
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY invitation<sep>Tail: invites PersonX in
Label: No
Head: sex<sep>Tail: better with like
Label: Yes
Head: housework<sep>Tail: boring
Label: Yes
Head: food<sep>Tail: purchased at mall
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX babysits PersonX's nephew<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Head: drywall<sep>Tail: used in building houses
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY wife<sep>Tail: smiles
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: different reasons for giving to charity
Label: Yes
Head: evil<sep>Tail: very very bad
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arrives to the restaurant<sep>Tail: eats food
Label: No
Head: PersonX arrives home that ___<sep>Tail: to get transportation
Label: No
Head: every file on disk<sep>Tail: name
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts god 's ___<sep>Tail: decisive
Label: No
Head: concert<sep>Tail: loud
Label: Yes
Head: system<sep>Tail: parts interact
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX arranges a date<sep>Tail: enjoy a movie.
Label: No
Head: shower<sep>Tail: found in bathroom
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: ravenous
Label: No
Head: PersonX accepts happily<sep>Tail: to get a phone call
Label: No
Head: farmhouse<sep>Tail: much like other houses
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to make<sep>Tail: to call PersonY and make a request
Label: No
Head: PersonX babysits PersonY's nephew<sep>Tail: happy.
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: goes to bed
Label: No
Head: war<sep>Tail: expensive
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affects every ___<sep>Tail: makes decisions
Label: No
Head: toothbrush<sep>Tail: bristles
Label: Yes
Head: rpgs<sep>Tail: fun
Label: Yes
Head: sunshine<sep>Tail: one kind of light
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to go<sep>Tail: in pain
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: cooperative
Label: No
Head: glad<sep>Tail: same as happy
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: allergic to penicillin
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's offer<sep>Tail: amicable
Label: No
Head: moon<sep>Tail: craters
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate ___<sep>Tail: to go on a diet
Label: No
Head: beer<sep>Tail: liquid
Label: Yes
Head: fruit<sep>Tail: considered healthy food
Label: Yes
Head: superhero<sep>Tail: powerful
Label: Yes
Head: hug<sep>Tail: very nice
Label: Yes
Head: world<sep>Tail: round
Label: Yes
Head: town<sep>Tail: composed of many neighborhoods
Label: Yes
Head: dog<sep>Tail: fur
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX becomes PersonY object<sep>Tail: pursue PersonY
Label: No
Head: granite<sep>Tail: difficult to stain
Label: Yes
Head: demand<sep>Tail: same as ask
Label: Yes
Head: gasoline<sep>Tail: made from crude oil
Label: Yes
Head: hockey puck<sep>Tail: used on ice
Label: Yes
Head: people<sep>Tail: no more than two legs
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY objective<sep>Tail: to help person x in return
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonX's grandma<sep>Tail: to confirm his use of new suit to the function
Label: No
Head: typewriter ribbon<sep>Tail: ink
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY offer<sep>Tail: to discuss with personY
Label: No
Head: islam<sep>Tail: one of world's great religions
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affords another ___<sep>Tail: to save their money
Label: No
Head: PersonX allergic to bees<sep>Tail: weaker
Label: No
Head: subway token<sep>Tail: used in place of cash
Label: Yes
Head: pledge<sep>Tail: broken
Label: Yes
Head: depression<sep>Tail: depressing
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: personx gets diabetes
Label: No
Head: PersonX behaves like a PersonY<sep>Tail: talk to PersonX
Label: No
Head: people<sep>Tail: allergic to dust
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's mother for help<sep>Tail: worried
Label: No
Head: bread<sep>Tail: nice to eat
Label: Yes
Head: mail<sep>Tail: placed in mail box
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's grandma<sep>Tail: to thank person X for asking
Label: No
Head: home<sep>Tail: basements
Label: Yes
Head: beer<sep>Tail: sold in single serving containers
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX affects children 's ___<sep>Tail: PersonX finances their children's education
Label: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY to stay<sep>Tail: more off this person's company
Label: No
Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: nervous
Label: No
Head: PersonX argues a lot<sep>Tail: argumentative
Label: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's invitation<sep>Tail: excited to see persony
Label: No
Head: glass<sep>Tail: empty
Label: Yes
Head: PersonX always ate<sep>Tail: Gets sick
Label: No
Head: PersonX arrives at PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: understand what is going on
Label: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY effect<sep>Tail: none
Label: No |
In this task you will be given a list of numbers. You should remove any number that is not an integer (whole number). If every number is not an whole number then an empty list ("[]") should be returned. Otherwise, answer with the list of whole numbers separated by comma inside brackets.
[-83, -31.949, 3.62, -8.526, -2, 4.377]
Answer: [-83, -2]
[-5.249, 36.981, 43, 74, 40.338]
Answer: [43, 74]
[28.899, 4.053, 5, -70, 63, 0.0, -73, 21.757, -53.148, 33.784]
Answer: [5, -70, 63, -73]
[34.074, -2.425, 0, 17.813, -75.383, -44, 11]
Answer: [0, -44, 11]
[-80, 1.742, -36.502, 74, -57.277, -40, -11.998, 12, 73, 0.609]
Answer: [-80, 74, -40, 12, 73]
[-0.471, -58, -99, 68.507]
Answer: [-58, -99]
[24, 53.622, -76, -34.534, -17.723]
Answer: [24, -76]
[-11.787, 47]
Answer: [47]
[-35.643, 87, 55, 11.239, -19.594, -24, -2.603, -99, 4.709]
Answer: [87, 55, -24, -99]
[18, 59, 75, -70, 28.766, -37, -21.477]
Answer: [18, 59, 75, -70, -37]
[-39.321, -44.643, -24, 54.657, 64, 16, -28.291, -27.101, 17.108, -39.736, 22.041]
Answer: [-24, 64, 16]
[41, 0.559, -15.017, -6.724, 28.212, 11, 55, -1.512, 68.048, 10.094]
Answer: [41, 11, 55]
[-49.923, -58.583, 8.457, 15.753, -0.137]
Answer: []
[-44.996, 27.616, 83, -78.526, -57.416]
Answer: [83]
[-11.563, -61, 3.993, -76, 52.476, -17, 76, -76, -18, -43.001, 35]
Answer: [-61, -76, -17, 76, -76, -18, 35]
[-11, -64.897, 77, -0.23, 57, 6, -21.835, -12.715, -79]
Answer: [-11, 77, 57, 6, -79]
[-41, 42, 30.755, 27.459, -96, 68.776, -47, 27.539]
Answer: [-41, 42, -96, -47]
[27.518, 22.599, -28.013, 11.743, 24.819, 51.459, -12.988, -47.926, -0.335, -3.772, 63.479]
Answer: []
[29, 51.554, -9.533, -16.096, -1.801, -64]
Answer: [29, -64]
[10.629, 51, -39, -33, -7.759, 70, 1]
Answer: [51, -39, -33, 70, 1]
[25, -50, -11, -32.915, 42, 24.512, 31, 24, 86, -21]
Answer: [25, -50, -11, 42, 31, 24, 86, -21]
[-31.721, 80.631, 41, 32.329, -9.074, -49]
Answer: [41, -49]
[19.505, 12, 2.941, -75, 1.97, 5.843, 47.552]
Answer: [12, -75]
[4.229, 0.61, -4.702, -13.998, 40, -8, -23, 79.992, 3, -24.084]
Answer: [40, -8, -23, 3]
[32, -0.739, 26.118, -2.253, -3.23, -5.022, -22, -15]
Answer: [32, -22, -15]
[-2.556, 96, -6.721, -35.73]
Answer: [96]
[-32.962, -70, -2.952]
Answer: [-70]
[-80, 15, 31.495, 0.333, -0.602, 1.756]
Answer: [-80, 15]
[-84, 22, 19.295, -50.175, -35, -7.145, -88, -24.48, 51.365]
Answer: [-84, 22, -35, -88]
[95, 47.094]
Answer: [95]
[8.787, 16, 16.17, -75.192, -3.904, 62, -72.954]
Answer: [16, 62]
[-5.071, 87, -13.076, 0, 92, 73, 1.497, 13.374, 52]
Answer: [87, 0, 92, 73, 52]
[-92, -19.922]
Answer: [-92]
[-32.776, -21.033, 31.817, 73, 68]
Answer: [73, 68]
[1.889, -24.281, 15.027, 2.197, -2.681, -27.31, 5.327, 45.567, 16.249, 0.505, 21.812]
Answer: []
[-69, 68, -4.479]
Answer: [-69, 68]
[7.844, -74, 31, -62, 9, 71, -4, 12.653, -82]
Answer: [-74, 31, -62, 9, 71, -4, -82]
[99, -30.167, 10, -30.64, -30.19, 47, -79, 6.502, -73.298, 73.001, 23.349]
Answer: [99, 10, 47, -79]
[16, -65, -39, -91, -65, -0.307, -18.173, -2.954, 61.795, -5.634, -2]
Answer: [16, -65, -39, -91, -65, -2]
[-6.719, -95, -1.981, -53, 100, -2, -19.028]
Answer: [-95, -53, 100, -2]
[-20, -10.4, 96, -30.177, 30.887, -12.75, -20.471, -23.305, -68, -47.173, -78]
Answer: [-20, 96, -68, -78]
[59.247, 8.556, -0.408, 19, 87, 20.342, -83, -4.312, -98, -91, 92]
Answer: [19, 87, -83, -98, -91, 92]
[-0.866, -15.275, 19.295, 4.726]
Answer: []
[-10.653, -65, -67.013, 19.528, -72]
Answer: [-65, -72]
[-57, -7.263, -94, 21.195, 9, 28.343, 25.767, -28, -89.326]
Answer: [-57, -94, 9, -28]
[-6.321, -17.515, -17.16, 19.452, -3.347, 23.372, 5.518, 17.693, -34.092, 4.233]
Answer: []
[55, 56, -7.249]
Answer: [55, 56]
[-38, 19.858]
Answer: [-38]
[-27.494, 3.217, -20, -12, 7, -54, -76]
Answer: [-20, -12, 7, -54, -76]
[-31.815, 45, -22, 11, 29.208, 25.471, -20, -62.138, 26.462]
Answer: [45, -22, 11, -20]
[61, -72, -4.308]
Answer: [61, -72]
[66.662, -43.688, -55, -60.386]
Answer: [-55]
[-2, -80]
Answer: [-2, -80]
[-32, -70]
Answer: [-32, -70]
[80.882, -10.323, -5.138]
Answer: []
[5.972, -61, -44.508, -63, 39.878, 11.649, -0.565, 27.399, 5.598]
Answer: [-61, -63]
[71.087, -12, -24.267, -26, -50.18, -36, -15.378, -33.518, -5.276]
Answer: [-12, -26, -36]
[2.901, -18.396, 12.478, -80, 13.08]
Answer: [-80]
[-35, -56, 93, 86, -41.141]
Answer: [-35, -56, 93, 86]
[17, -98, -81, -74, -11.177, -60, 95, 42.666, -78.154]
Answer: [17, -98, -81, -74, -60, 95]
[-7.988, 15.61, 37, 26.729]
Answer: [37]
[4.804, 19.507, 24.045, -77.16, 1.645, 90, -32, -97, 56.943, -33.163]
Answer: [90, -32, -97]
[4.113, 55, 50.141, -8, -18.727, 0.495, 72, 6.744, -2.299, 0.701]
Answer: [55, -8, 72]
[60, -8.298, -28, -42.654, -7.783]
Answer: [60, -28]
[9.303, -16.476, -5.921, -9]
Answer: [-9]
[-42, 16, -44, -2, 52.787]
Answer: [-42, 16, -44, -2]
[71.8, 80, 67.613]
Answer: [80]
[-77, -50, 13.242, -37.683, 0.41, 0.035, 26.314, 5]
Answer: [-77, -50, 5]
[16.373, 18, 35, 28.008, 13.621, 1.006, 14.034]
Answer: [18, 35]
[-70, -78, 31, -12, -82, -39.259, -57.091, 30.302]
Answer: [-70, -78, 31, -12, -82]
[-80, 1.332, 36, 100, -0.997, 86.405]
Answer: [-80, 36, 100]
[11.999, 2.39, -29.361, 65.85, 86, -7, -15.04, -67.328, 54, 58, -24]
Answer: [86, -7, 54, 58, -24]
[-11, -32.366, 15.449, -89, -49.177]
Answer: [-11, -89]
[32.693, -14, -5.31, 13.095, -19.119, 35.533]
Answer: [-14]
[5.383, -73]
Answer: [-73]
[7, -72, -32.049, -57]
Answer: [7, -72, -57]
[63.329, 6.851, -92, -44.243, -50, -5, -29, 52, -57, -16]
Answer: [-92, -50, -5, -29, 52, -57, -16]
[-6.471, -17.328, 7.62, 23.039, 59, -2.443, 59, 13.757, -2.225]
Answer: [59, 59]
[11.37, -52, 63, -11.49, 43, -9.586, -3.612, 28.46, 57.919, 31, -2.77]
Answer: [-52, 63, 43, 31]
[-60, 10, 68.607, -78, -38, -72, -91, -19.746]
Answer: [-60, 10, -78, -38, -72, -91]
[0.222, 56.898, 34.208]
Answer: []
[-7.252, 42.992]
Answer: []
[-51, -29, -95, -20, -11.136, -22.216, -36.811, -35.146, -6.893]
Answer: [-51, -29, -95, -20]
[-4.233, -48.341, 54.596, -72, 78, -67, -22.246, -60.338, -24.356]
Answer: [-72, 78, -67]
[-85, 18.138, -10.557, 75.189]
Answer: [-85]
[80, 14.286, 33, 32.116, -19.657, -33, 6, -21.277, -7.067, 1, 5.251]
Answer: [80, 33, -33, 6, 1]
[-2.609, 57, -68, 27.806, -27.673, -90, -46.051, 59.736, -71.363]
Answer: [57, -68, -90]
[-53, -2.362, -3.993, -8.134, 51.04, 35.067, 51, 59, 31]
Answer: [-53, 51, 59, 31]
[-32, -70]
Answer: [-32, -70]
[-5, 82.594, 18.605, -2, 22]
Answer: [-5, -2, 22]
[32, -21.477, 36.126, 47, 8]
Answer: [32, 47, 8]
[37.442, -68, -87, 86, -73, -36, -13, 20.831, 16.361, -73]
Answer: [-68, -87, 86, -73, -36, -13, -73]
[-22.6, 6.645]
Answer: []
[71, -12.052]
Answer: [71]
[72, -0.385, 11.228, 1.223, 2.325, -61.419, -5.089, 87, 7.099, 31.663]
Answer: [72, 87]
[13, -8.313, -5.368, -16.959, -6.966, -54.77, -0.054, -7]
Answer: [13, -7]
[85.213, -68, 0.0, -84, -62.527, -15, 22.68, 26.954, -2.574, 26.317, -48.696]
Answer: [-68, -84, -15]
[95, 31, 69.107, 5.396]
Answer: [95, 31]
[-1.534, -95, 22.907, 16, -13.572, -30]
Answer: [-95, 16, -30]
[49, 17.207, -38, 70, -85, -56.89, 80.148]
Answer: [49, -38, 70, -85]
[60, 62.956, -34, -33.117, -18, 4.248, -86, 77.465, -2.907, 39.109, -65.23]
Answer: [60, -34, -18, -86]
[67, 26, 18.951]
Answer: [67, 26]
[-56.497, -64.263, 35.776, -35.442]
Answer: []
[26.208, 29.076]
Answer: []
[65, 17.421]
Answer: [65]
[-7.724, -37.457, 6.317, 66.383]
Answer: []
[41.728, -29.781, -82, -54, 28, 82.111, 5.698]
Answer: [-82, -54, 28]
[-76.461, -34.908, 2.384, 47.179, -69, -21.502, 11.69, -88, -20.746, -17.803]
Answer: [-69, -88]
[-76, 30, -2.122, 12.517, -75.187, -51]
Answer: [-76, 30, -51]
[20.884, -8.706, -24.514, 8.665]
Answer: []
[8, -42, -54, -39.564, 50, 61, -4.501, 15.602, -47, -64.075]
Answer: [8, -42, -54, 50, 61, -47]
[30.885, -15.072, 14.533, 15.006, -83.32]
Answer: []
[-80, -66.583, -75.594, 61, -32]
Answer: [-80, 61, -32]
[-65.265, -22, -98, 30, 37, -1, 12]
Answer: [-22, -98, 30, 37, -1, 12]
[-5, -25.927, -40, -14.313, 3.595]
Answer: [-5, -40]
[-4.614, -64, 72.878, -14.545, 39.957, 36.739, 3]
Answer: [-64, 3]
[0.838, 37.191]
Answer: []
[-37, -2, -74, 2.299]
Answer: [-37, -2, -74]
[75, -59.936, -3.334, 37, -16.059, 10.433, -30, 5.649, -32, -0.902]
Answer: [75, 37, -30, -32]
[41, -74, -12.814, -19.973, 20, -22.15, -11, 16.638, -96, -14.773, 22.334]
Answer: [41, -74, 20, -11, -96]
[21, -18.552, -1.747, 97, -2.836, -79.339, -1.685]
Answer: [21, 97]
[-16.89, 78, -7.527, -15.487, 48.347, -3.717, 1.128]
Answer: [78]
[26.92, -31.47]
Answer: []
[-27.494, 3.217, -20, -12, 7, -54, -76]
Answer: [-20, -12, 7, -54, -76]
[-61.695, -70, 66, 3, -32, -38.177, 20.76, -42.09, 12.345, -26.775]
Answer: [-70, 66, 3, -32]
[-22, -96]
Answer: [-22, -96]
[47.391, -19.327]
Answer: []
[2, 91]
Answer: [2, 91]
[-24.133, 34, -11.294, 3.837, 34, -62, 7.026, -7.816, 24, 8.528, -55]
Answer: [34, 34, -62, 24, -55]
[-55, -1.064, -2.012, -11.879, 92]
Answer: [-55, 92]
[-0.329, 26, -47, 41.275, 13.058, -3]
Answer: [26, -47, -3]
[6.471, -8.026, -0.577, -24, 10.525, -54, 59]
Answer: [-24, -54, 59]
[52.714, 84, 28.149, -51, 6.152, 49.252, -74.034, -31.282, 69, -47, 75]
Answer: [84, -51, 69, -47, 75]
[-26.009, -8.37, -93]
Answer: [-93]
[31, 71, -9.773, 28, -60.634, -55.488]
Answer: [31, 71, 28]
[-56.381, 11.809, 42, -99, -57, -47.693, -42, -27.357, 8.493]
Answer: [42, -99, -57, -42]
[-4.579, -91, 30.316, 15.792, 57]
Answer: [-91, 57]
[-57, -50.148, -2.093, -36.48, 27.512]
Answer: [-57]
[9, -7.333, 2.022, -17, 24]
Answer: [9, -17, 24]
[-0.888, 5, 79, -39, -17, -12.72, 20.535, 9.078]
Answer: [5, 79, -39, -17]
[0.806, 47, -31.674, 83, -47.314, -9, -52.348, -31.948, 83]
Answer: [47, 83, -9, 83]
[23.97, -50]
Answer: [-50]
[26.633, 70.368]
Answer: []
[-19.61, 30.914, 13.301]
Answer: []
[-62, -42.188, -87, -65.646]
Answer: [-62, -87]
[-5.707, 39, -93.603, 13.181, -13.86, 90, 60.242, 17.707, 0.291, 3.572]
Answer: [39, 90]
[-72.856, -95, -1.602, 6.265, 7, -58, 94]
Answer: [-95, 7, -58, 94]
[-10, -57, -33]
Answer: [-10, -57, -33]
[-64, -69, 64, 44.111, -0.073, -45.838, 24.84, -1.657, 1, -45.696, 34.287]
Answer: [-64, -69, 64, 1]
[37, -3.654, 43.242, 95, -4.836, -25.295, 28.616]
Answer: [37, 95]
[-56, -2.674, 22.439]
Answer: [-56]
[-7, -44]
Answer: [-7, -44]
[31.474, 39.34, 8.611, 22.887, 53.6, 83, 65.433, 6, -0.728, 99]
Answer: [83, 6, 99]
[-70, 4.099, 13.718, 55, 20.366, 32.22, -59.84, 13.603, -2.679, 0.048]
Answer: [-70, 55]
[-46.62, 38.53, -8.997, -74, -64, 6.474]
Answer: [-74, -64]
[64.712, 17.656, -24.039]
Answer: []
[0.0, 74.408, 23.682, 65, 56.496, 67]
Answer: [65, 67]
[-3.518, -31, 4.685, -29.297, -35.474, 37, -15.972, 45.664, 0.223, 7.016, 32]
Answer: [-31, 37, 32]
[10.187, -46.112, -66, 17.38]
Answer: [-66]
[19.512, -47, -43, 60, -37, -97, 13.854, 1, 20.569]
Answer: [-47, -43, 60, -37, -97, 1]
[0, 70, 80.806, 43.372, -19.323, -28, -12.541]
Answer: [0, 70, -28]
[-1.563, 8.165, 6.703, 42, -25, 26.134, -31]
Answer: [42, -25, -31]
[99, 12.015, -2.601, 41, -41.954, -26.093, 30.088, -42, 93, 69.396, -0.445]
Answer: [99, 41, -42, 93]
[-91, -99, -61, 21.617, -42.144, -0.744, -32.262, -1.326, 91]
Answer: [-91, -99, -61, 91]
[-64.99, -89, -22, 50.088, -8.651]
Answer: [-89, -22]
[4.78, 25, 30]
Answer: [25, 30]
[11.251, 73, -49, -13.89, 7.904, 11, 12, 73.942, 74, 77]
Answer: [73, -49, 11, 12, 74, 77]
[25.076, -76]
Answer: [-76]
[7.66, -28.914, 84, 28.937, 51.863, 54.7]
Answer: [84]
[34.074, -2.425, 0, 17.813, -75.383, -44, 11]
Answer: [0, -44, 11]
[9.629, 90, -31, 30, 53.845, 6.327, -19.289, -12, 35.153, 87.225, 6.115]
Answer: [90, -31, 30, -12]
[29.296, 77.176, 60, 5.781]
Answer: [60]
[-68, -39]
Answer: [-68, -39]
[0.25, -4.543, 83.281, 19, 51.02, -29.645]
Answer: [19]
[-4.567, 74]
Answer: [74]
[-11.984, -43, -92, 5.28, 65, 7.204]
Answer: [-43, -92, 65]
[32.443, -55.604, 59, -8]
Answer: [59, -8]
[5.338, 79, 35.488, 13, 49.052, 15.31, -33.18, 15.119]
Answer: [79, 13]
[-3, 58.269, 30.867, 9.712, -29.744, -81, -4.384, -15.524, 1.595]
Answer: [-3, -81]
[0.0, -11.131, 37.746, -21, -50.973, -28, -28, -41.469, 36, 82.348, 46.297]
Answer: [-21, -28, -28, 36]
[9.734, -73, 9, -48, 98, -1.841, 21, -4.145]
Answer: [-73, 9, -48, 98, 21]
[4.914, 35, 59.139, 59.256, 98, -68.832, 12]
Answer: [35, 98, 12]
[-0.825, 48.506, 72, -28.494, -44, -94]
Answer: [72, -44, -94]
[-38.345, -1.961, 31.848, -2.015, 32.409, -72, 38.906, -20.709, -38.128, 53.139, -3.811]
Answer: [-72]
[-66.82, -30, 19.752]
Answer: [-30]
[-56, -74.31, 50.68, 48.236, 0.69, -0.892, 4.081, 64]
Answer: [-56, 64]
[-48.478, -11, -21.572, -40]
Answer: [-11, -40]
[-64, -69, 64, 44.111, -0.073, -45.838, 24.84, -1.657, 1, -45.696, 34.287]
Answer: [-64, -69, 64, 1]
[-13.8, 52, 2.143, -49.884, -78, 0.416, -26.43, -51.917, -18.23]
Answer: [52, -78]
[-20.568, -6.081, 7.961, -27.549, 23.359, 46.324, 28, 48, 32.526, 98, -93]
Answer: [28, 48, 98, -93]
[43.216, 66.646, -31.373, 1.049, 78]
Answer: [78]
[68, -7.51]
Answer: [68]
[-38.139, -50.94, 54, 47.601, -15.03, 8, -63]
Answer: [54, 8, -63]
[20.182, 69.722, -24.751, 61, -21.716]
Answer: [61]
[30, 76, 54, -2.167, -68.309, 5, 0.192, -51.655, -17.86, -24.676]
Answer: [30, 76, 54, 5]
[97, -24.76, 54.425, 12.76]
Answer: [97]
[-2.87, 51, -92]
Answer: [51, -92]
[35, 64, -89, 44, 11.381, 98, -32.499, 78, 39.354, 67, 15]
Answer: [35, 64, -89, 44, 98, 78, 67, 15]
[-65.265, -22, -98, 30, 37, -1, 12]
Answer: [-22, -98, 30, 37, -1, 12]
[70, -25.477, -8, -57, -26.796, 77, -81, 68, -1.108, -78]
Answer: [70, -8, -57, 77, -81, 68, -78]
[-69, 1.463, 69.031, 28.478, 85, -73]
Answer: [-69, 85, -73]
[5.383, -73]
Answer: [-73]
[18, 14, -13.235, -23.881, 25.133, -62.892, -5.23]
Answer: [18, 14]
[-47, -67.128, -31.204, -71, 5.873, -90.88, -46.058, 44, 1.96, 85]
Answer: [-47, -71, 44, 85]
[88.082, -0.679, -10.634, -19.023, -5.948, 4.952, 1.402]
Answer: []
[-39.899, 61, -81, 51, -26.342, 63.146, -7.894, -61.728, 11]
Answer: [61, -81, 51, 11]
[-4, -18, -13.63, 60, 24.961, -16.813, -8.25, -84]
Answer: [-4, -18, 60, -84]
[36.508, 24.718, 3.774]
Answer: []
[-1.767, -25.283, -29, 26]
Answer: [-29, 26]
[-37.774, 36.824, 1.519, -26.005, 18.574, 2.024, -35.999]
Answer: []
[35.902, 38.786]
Answer: []
[31, -1, -45, -54.029, -21.353, -23.15, 47.224, -13, -2.482]
Answer: [31, -1, -45, -13]
[31, -6.669, -34, -46.364, 72.569]
Answer: [31, -34] |
Possible labels:
1. Data Retention
2. Data Security
3. First Party Collection/Use
4. Policy Change
5. Third Party Sharing/Collection
6. User Access, Edit and Deletion
7. User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects your IP address or device IDs for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your demographic information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users without accounts. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: Data is accessible to employees/third parties on a need-to-know basis.
Output: Data Security
Context: Security measures are not mentioned or unclear.
Output: Data Security
Context: Users with accounts can edit their information, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: You can make no specified choices about the use of unspecified information by the site, which collects it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for a purpose outside of our label scheme. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: An unnamed third party does do something outside of our label scheme with your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does do something outside of our label scheme with your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A named third party does receive your unspecified personal information for a basic service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt in for the use of unspecified information by a third party, which collects or receives it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for legal requirements.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: Privacy practices and security measures of the first party or third party are reviewed/audited by internal or external reviewers/auditors.
Output: Data Security
Context: A user can edit their information, within the scope of user information outside of our label scheme.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A user can deactivate their account, within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A named third party does receive your unspecified personal information for legal requirements.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A named third party does do something unspecified with your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does see your IP address or device IDs for analytics or research.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's contact information is retained for an unspecified duration to perform a requested service, and then it is deleted..
Output: Data Retention
Context: The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your computer information for targeted advertising. The data is aggregated or anonymized. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can opt in for the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for marketing purposes.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A type of user outside of our label scheme can delete their account (with the company or organization removing all data), within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: Users with accounts can delete their account (although the company or organization may continue to keep some data), within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: An unspecified third party does receive your user profile for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user with an account can make no specified choices about the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt in for the use of unspecified information by a third party, which collects or receives it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does do something unspecified with your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: Users with accounts can access, edit, or delete personal information in an unspecified manner, within the scope of transactional data (e.g., online activity, purchases).
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on other websites.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for a basic service or feature. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Users with accounts can edit their information, within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user with an account can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The public does see your unspecified personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your contact information for marketing purposes. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user's IP address and device IDs is retained for a stated period of time to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A user can access, edit, or delete personal information in an unspecified manner, within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site does not collect your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user's computer information is retained for an unspecified duration to perform analytics or research.
Output: Data Retention
Context: Users with accounts can edit their information, within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: An unspecified third party does do something unspecified with your activities on the website or app for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's financial information is retained for a duration not covered by our label scheme to perform a requested service, and then it is deleted..
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can choose not to use a service or feature to avoid the use of generic personal information by an unspecified party for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's activities on the website or app is retained for an unspecified duration to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your IP address or device IDs for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: Users with accounts can delete their account (although the company or organization may continue to keep some data), within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site does not collect your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are personally notified. Users have no options regarding the change.
Output: Policy Change
Context: The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of unspecified information by a third party, which collects or receives it for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's activities on the website or app is retained for a stated period of time to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of contact information by an unspecified party for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of unspecified information by the site, which collects it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A named third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for service operations or security.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for an unspecified duration to contact the user for marketing purposes.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A user can edit their information, within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A user's IP address and device IDs is retained for a stated period of time to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A named third party does receive unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your financial information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site does not collect your contact information for legal requirements. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme for the use of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The policy makes generic security statements, e.g., "we protect your data" or "we use technology/encryption to protect your data".
Output: Data Security
Context: An unspecified third party does not receive your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme for the use of your information.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects your user profile for marketing purposes. Collection happens by a named service or third party.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, users receive no notification. Users have no options regarding the change.
Output: Policy Change
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for analytics or research.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unspecified third party does do something unspecified with your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens on the website.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt in for the use of contact information by the site, which collects it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your unspecified information for legal requirements. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by the site, which uses it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your location information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in the mobile app. You can configure your privacy with browser settings.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: An unnamed third party does not receive your financial information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, users are notified in an unspecified manner. Users have a choice not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Policy Change
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for an unspecified duration to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A named third party does receive your demographic information for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unspecified third party does not see unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your user profile for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can opt in for the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A named third party does do something unspecified with unspecified information about you for marketing purposes. This applies to users with accounts.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your contact information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme, and your data is identifiable.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: An unnamed third party does do something outside of our label scheme with your location information for targeted advertising. You can opt out using the provided link.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are notified when visiting the website. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Policy Change
Context: A user with an account can opt in for the use of activities on the website or app by the site, which collects it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by a named service or third party, and your data is identifiable.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to fulfill a purpose not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Data Retention
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising. The identifiability of the data is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does not receive your unspecified personal information for a basic service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your location information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can make no specified choices about the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A named third party does receive information about you not covered by our label scheme for a basic service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can opt in for the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can use third party privacy settings to control the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive your contact information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can opt out using the provided link.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user can access, edit, or delete personal information in an unspecified manner, within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your activities on the website or app for service operations or security.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your website activities for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by the site, which uses it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, users are notified when visiting the website. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Policy Change
Context: A user can view their information, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site collects your social media data for analytics or research. Collection happens by other parts of the company or affiliates.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your user profile for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's IP address and device IDs is retained for an unspecified duration to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The public does see something that uniquely identifies you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's generic personal information is retained for a duration not covered by our label scheme to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A user with an account can opt in for the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can choose not to use a service or feature to avoid the use of generic personal information by the site, which collects it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A named third party does receive your computer information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive your unspecified personal information for a basic service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user can access, edit, or delete personal information in a manner not covered by our label scheme, within the scope of user information outside of our label scheme.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A named third party does do something unspecified with your unspecified personal information for a basic service or feature.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are notified in an unspecified manner. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Policy Change
Context: An unnamed third party does see your IP address or device IDs for analytics or research.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's financial information is retained for an unspecified duration to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user with an account can make no specified choices about the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are personally notified. Users can decline the new policy by canceling their account, opting out, or through some other means.
Output: Policy Change
Context: You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects your demographic information for marketing purposes. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is aggregated or anonymized. You can opt in for data collection for the use of your information.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of health information by a third party, which collects or receives it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, the policy date is updated or information about the change is posted as part of the policy. Users can participate in a process to influence the change.
Output: Policy Change
Context: A user type outside of our label scheme can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Data transfer between user and website/app is encrypted, e.g., SSL, TLS, HTTPS.
Output: Data Security
Context: A user can view their information, within the scope of transactional data (e.g., online activity, purchases).
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way for users without accounts.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: An unnamed third party does do something unspecified with your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A named third party does do something unspecified with unspecified information about you for analytics or research.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for legal requirements. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by other websites.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are personally notified. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Policy Change
Context: An unnamed third party does receive your IP address or device IDs for analytics or research. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: Users with accounts can delete their account (although the company or organization may continue to keep some data), within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt in for the use of generic personal information by the site, which uses it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of user profile by an unspecified party for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's generic personal information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can make no specified choices about the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for personalization or customization.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A type of user outside of our label scheme can delete their account (with the company or organization removing all data), within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A named third party does receive your IP address or device IDs for analytics or research. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for a basic service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for a duration not covered by our label scheme to fulfill a purpose not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Data Retention
Context: The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user with an account can opt out (via a link) from the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Users with accounts can not access, edit or delete their information, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: You can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of generic personal information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of unspecified information by a third party, which uses it for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's IP address and device IDs is retained for a stated period of time to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can opt in for the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for a purpose outside of our label scheme.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your generic personal information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way for users without accounts.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: You can opt in for the use of information of a type not covered by our label scheme by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your financial information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A named third party does track on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for targeted advertising.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A named third party does do something unspecified with unspecified information about you for marketing purposes. This applies to users with accounts.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for marketing purposes.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for a purpose outside of our label scheme. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for a basic service or feature. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A named third party does receive something that uniquely identifies you for legal requirements. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: You can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of generic personal information by the site, which collects it for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's information of a type not covered by our label scheme is retained for an unspecified duration to meet legal or law enforcement requirements, and then it is deleted..
Output: Data Retention
Context: Data is stored securely, e.g. in an encrypted format or database.
Output: Data Security
Context: The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by an unnamed service or third party.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A type of user outside of our label scheme can delete their account (with the company or organization removing all data), within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for marketing purposes.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: An unspecified third party does receive your health information for marketing purposes. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user can view their information, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: The site collects your website activities for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in the mobile app.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user can deactivate their account, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of unspecified information by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt in for the use of contact information by the site, which collects it for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: Another part of the company or institution does receive your survey data for a basic service or feature. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Third Party Sharing/Collection
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for a stated period of time to perform a requested service, and then it is deleted..
Output: Data Retention
Context: You can opt in for the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user can edit their information, within the scope of user information outside of our label scheme.
Output: User Access, Edit and Deletion
Context: You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of cookies and tracking elements by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: First Party Collection/Use
Context: A user with an account can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of user profile by the site, which collects it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: You can opt out (via a link) from the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for advertising.
Output: User Choice/Control
Context: A user's unspecified information is retained for a duration not covered by our label scheme to fulfill a purpose not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Data Retention
Context: A user's generic personal information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Data Retention
Context: The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for analytics or research. Collection happens by an unnamed service or third party.
Output: First Party Collection/Use |
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head happens after the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Head: PersonX acts like men<sep>Tail: none
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gets a good look<sep>Tail: PersonX peeks into the girl's locker room
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX plants an apple tree<sep>Tail: PersonX digs a hole
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX rides PersonY's bicycle<sep>Tail: PersonX reports their bike stolen
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX finds apples back<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the orchard
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: to go off to school
Answer: No
Head: PersonX invites PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: PersonX decided to have a party
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX keeps PersonX's job<sep>Tail: PersonX puts in overtime
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX changes their views
Answer: No
Head: PersonX sees better<sep>Tail: PersonX puts on glasses
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX addresses the ___ directly<sep>Tail: to be heard
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidently left<sep>Tail: confused
Answer: No
Head: PersonX dries PersonY's hair<sep>Tail: PersonX is working at a salon
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: signs their name on the paper
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: Work hard
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gets PersonX's permit<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to driving school
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: gets thanked by personY
Answer: No
Head: PersonX applies for a job<sep>Tail: PersonX graduates from college
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: is patronized by personX
Answer: No
Head: PersonX works PersonY's arse off<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a job as a personal trailer
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: studious
Answer: No
Head: PersonX hears a loud crash<sep>Tail: PersonX slept in their own bed
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX cuts PersonY's throat<sep>Tail: PersonX puts a knife to PersonY's throat
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX shaves PersonY's head<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY joining the army
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX stops in PersonY's tracks<sep>Tail: PersonX drops their phone on the sidewalk
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX applies lotion<sep>Tail: PersonX notices dry skin
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX goes to the movies with PersonX's friends<sep>Tail: PersonX want to go out on the weekend
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX pumps PersonY's tires<sep>Tail: PersonX sees someone broken down on the road
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: dare
Answer: No
Head: PersonX is very late for work<sep>Tail: PersonX oversleeps
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: none
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally got ___<sep>Tail: none
Answer: No
Head: PersonX is pregnant with twins<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the doctor for a ultrasound exam
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX calls PersonY for help<sep>Tail: PersonX gets in an accident
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: angry to do someone else work
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally dropped it<sep>Tail: smiles
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: satisfied about himself.
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: Reap the rewards
Answer: No
Head: PersonX looks hungry<sep>Tail: PersonX skipped breakfast
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX talks about PersonY's feelings<sep>Tail: PersonX listens to PersonY in therapy
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX decides to move in together<sep>Tail: PersonX loves her boyfriend
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX catches PersonX's death<sep>Tail: PersonX shovels snow in tshirt and shorts
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets a gift<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to his birthday party
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX shares PersonX's thoughts<sep>Tail: PersonX posts a blog to the internet each day
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX builds a cabin<sep>Tail: PersonX needs a new home
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets fed up<sep>Tail: PersonX asks a favor of the teacher
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gives PersonY a gift card<sep>Tail: PersonX buys a gift card
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets coffee<sep>Tail: PersonX stops at a cafe
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's potential<sep>Tail: consistent
Answer: No
Head: PersonX ends the game<sep>Tail: PersonX is tired of playing video games and wants to go to bed
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: PersonX smiles
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: is humbled
Answer: No
Head: PersonX is pregnant with twins<sep>Tail: PersonX takes a pregnancy test
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: feel even
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acknowledges with gratitude the ___<sep>Tail: gratitude the encouragement
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: to mock
Answer: No
Head: PersonX wins a new car<sep>Tail: PersonX enters a contest
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: to go on vacation
Answer: No
Head: PersonX builds a better mousetrap<sep>Tail: PersonX has problems with current mouse trap
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX eats so much<sep>Tail: PersonX is excited for dinner
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX walks down the street<sep>Tail: PersonX loses PersonX's car
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX does PersonY proud<sep>Tail: PersonX solves world hunger with space cheese
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to have new goals set
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acknowledges gratefully the ___<sep>Tail: make a decision
Answer: No
Head: PersonX enters the building<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to their appointment
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: upset
Answer: No
Head: PersonX weighs PersonX's options<sep>Tail: PersonX gets ready to make a difficult decision
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX actually got<sep>Tail: to use what PersonX got
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: becomes more powerful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to celebrate
Answer: No
Head: PersonX swims back<sep>Tail: PersonX swims to the outer bank
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: livid
Answer: No
Head: PersonX makes PersonX's costume<sep>Tail: PersonX gathers a bunch of materials
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX is impressed with PersonY's work<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonY to write a presentation
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boss<sep>Tail: PersonX wants a new job
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally dropped ___<sep>Tail: to be more careful with phone
Answer: No
Head: PersonX is terrified of spiders<sep>Tail: PersonX is watching a horror movie with spiders
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX eats so much<sep>Tail: PersonX is excited for dinner
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally stepped<sep>Tail: trips
Answer: No
Head: PersonX reduces PersonX's costs<sep>Tail: PersonX balances a budget
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX laughs together<sep>Tail: PersonX onx tells a joke
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: to try it out
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to achieve goal
Answer: No
Head: PersonX reads the manual<sep>Tail: PersonX buys a new gadget
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: for others to enjoy
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally broke ___<sep>Tail: clumsy
Answer: No
Head: PersonX sees PersonY's cat<sep>Tail: PersonX is walking in the park
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX is riding PersonX's motorcycle<sep>Tail: PersonX purchases a helmet
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets all wet<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the waterpark
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX preserves PersonX's life<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the nutritionist
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX takes away from PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX has lost their favorite book
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX takes PersonY's course<sep>Tail: PersonX drops out of math class
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX keeps staring at PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX notices PersonY's beauty
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX has lost PersonX's job<sep>Tail: PersonX doesn't turn in the project on time
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: claps hands
Answer: No
Head: PersonX rushes toward PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX arrives at the airport
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX immediately ran outside<sep>Tail: PersonX smelled smoke in the house
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gives PersonY a beating<sep>Tail: PersonX finds PersonY with PersonX's wife
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX lays eyes on flowers<sep>Tail: PersonX buys a new vase
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to achieve
Answer: No
Head: PersonX adapts to PersonY's environment<sep>Tail: adjusting
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes the ___ at hand<sep>Tail: they go back to work
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to have the need to emulate it
Answer: No
Head: PersonX wants ads<sep>Tail: PersonX looks a the paper
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: PersonX takes random medication for fun
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: like that's what's paid attention to
Answer: No
Head: PersonX whispers in PersonY's ear<sep>Tail: PersonX has a secret to share
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX begins to look around<sep>Tail: PersonX hears scratching
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: to be trusted by PersonY
Answer: No
Head: PersonX shins brightly<sep>Tail: PersonX sings their heart out
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX lifts PersonY's chin<sep>Tail: PersonX comforts PersonY with words
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX sees mold in the fridge<sep>Tail: PersonX opens the fridge
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX needs to get a job<sep>Tail: PersonX gets fired
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX is on the basketball team<sep>Tail: PersonX tried out for the basketball team
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts ___ as PersonX's savior<sep>Tail: adored
Answer: No
Head: PersonX finds the perfect dress<sep>Tail: PersonX is going to a dance
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX invites all PersonY's friends and family<sep>Tail: PersonX plans a party for PersonY
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX spends money<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the bank to get their check cashed
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the fact<sep>Tail: agreeable
Answer: No
Head: PersonX replies back<sep>Tail: PersonX reads a new notification
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX grabs a knife<sep>Tail: PersonX wants to make steak
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: get's lots of rest
Answer: No
Head: PersonX drives carefully<sep>Tail: PersonX is taking their driving test
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets an autograph<sep>Tail: PersonX waits in line
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: to get their wife
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to celebrate
Answer: No
Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: contented
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts like PersonY<sep>Tail: become aware of the other person
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: to get a rag
Answer: No
Head: PersonX keeps coming back<sep>Tail: PersonX leaves the theater
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: to eat more
Answer: No
Head: PersonX offer shelter to the gods<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the temple
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: get things done
Answer: No
Head: PersonX thanks you for PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: PersonX receives a letter in the mailbox
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX comes to PersonY's aid<sep>Tail: PersonX see PersonY fall
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: to track PersonX's steps
Answer: No
Head: PersonX brings PersonY's daughter<sep>Tail: PersonX picks up PersonY's daughter
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX is grounded for a week<sep>Tail: PersonX threw a party when their parents went away
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX buys PersonY's daughter<sep>Tail: PersonX is looking for a wife
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: performs dare
Answer: No
Head: PersonX sees a man about a horse<sep>Tail: PersonX strolls into the small town
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: gets in line with a promotion
Answer: No
Head: PersonX always try<sep>Tail: PersonX is trying out for a team
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX knows all the answers<sep>Tail: PersonX reads every night before the quiz show
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acknowledges gratefully the ___<sep>Tail: to use it
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gets PersonX's wallet<sep>Tail: PersonX walks down a sidewalk
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX works one morning<sep>Tail: PersonX changes shifts
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX rocks PersonY's hips<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonY to dance
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX buys a new mattress<sep>Tail: PersonX has trouble sleeping
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally threw ___<sep>Tail: no effect
Answer: No
Head: PersonX hits paydirt<sep>Tail: PersonX drills a hole in the ground
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX adapts to PersonX's environment<sep>Tail: peaceful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally hit ___<sep>Tail: file charges
Answer: No
Head: PersonX completes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: PersonX has a busy day at work
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX thanks everyone<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to their birthday party
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX keeps talking to PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX has many questions
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX is on a field trip<sep>Tail: PersonX brings his paperwork to school
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX makes cake for everyone<sep>Tail: PersonX wants to celebrate promotion
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX commands PersonY army<sep>Tail: PersonX tells PersonY they are taking over
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: dedicated
Answer: No
Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: intelligent
Answer: No
Head: PersonX buys a new brush<sep>Tail: PersonX is tired of tangled hair
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: positive
Answer: No
Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: none
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's object<sep>Tail: persistent
Answer: No
Head: PersonX pulls PersonY away<sep>Tail: PersonX tries to break up an argument
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX shoots first and ask questions later<sep>Tail: PersonX sees an intruder
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX satisfies PersonX's hunger<sep>Tail: PersonX cooks a burger
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX makes a film<sep>Tail: PersonX hires actors for a film
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX watches netflix<sep>Tail: PersonX wants to watch a new tv show
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: to see the benefits
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: thankful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts like PersonY<sep>Tail: understanding
Answer: No
Head: PersonX sees a squirrel<sep>Tail: PersonX walks outside
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX absolutely loved<sep>Tail: to marry him
Answer: No
Head: PersonX comes in PersonY's way<sep>Tail: PersonX is walking down the side walk
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX decides to go for a run<sep>Tail: PersonX laces up their shoes
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX puts the cookies in the oven<sep>Tail: PersonX mixes up some cookie batter
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX actually liked ___<sep>Tail: to evaluate it
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gives PersonY some tips<sep>Tail: PersonX writes down a list
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX moves the yardsticks<sep>Tail: PersonX measures the floor
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX helps PersonY's team win<sep>Tail: PersonX runs fast
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX writes a song<sep>Tail: PersonX gets his guitar out
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX uses PersonX's cell phone<sep>Tail: PersonX grabs the cell phone
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX leans toward PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX has a secret to tell
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: helpful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX decides to give up<sep>Tail: PersonX starts painting their house but it starts to rain
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX knows exactly who PersonY was<sep>Tail: PersonX looks through the suspect book
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX sees if could help<sep>Tail: PersonX looks up an herbal sleep aid on the internet
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX lives happily ever after<sep>Tail: PersonX proposes to their love
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX buys the house at a price<sep>Tail: PersonX meets with a realtor
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally fell<sep>Tail: uncooridanted
Answer: No
Head: PersonX arrives late<sep>Tail: PersonX is driving to work and has to take a detour
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX has a new puppy<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to a shelter
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX wears jacket to bridge the gap between PersonY and PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX mediates a fight between friends
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX gets soaking wet<sep>Tail: PersonX runs through a sprinkler
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX drives home one day<sep>Tail: PersonX misses PersonX's family
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX squeezes PersonY's eyes shut<sep>Tail: PersonX starts a fight
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's work<sep>Tail: to excel in his career
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: smug
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goal<sep>Tail: PersonX smiles
Answer: No
Head: PersonX carries PersonY umbrella<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY is struggling
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX returns clothing immediately<sep>Tail: PersonX tries the clothes on at home
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: to keep person y company
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: important
Answer: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's boss<sep>Tail: PersonX wants a new job
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX sells books on ebay<sep>Tail: PersonX finds some books
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX abandons the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: they go home
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: looks for a mop
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gives PersonY advantage<sep>Tail: PersonX plays games with PersonY who is very young
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX takes PersonY prisoner<sep>Tail: PersonX defeats PersonY
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: ecstatic over his gift
Answer: No
Head: PersonX presses PersonY's hands<sep>Tail: PersonX holds a hand out
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX keeps PersonY's eyes<sep>Tail: PersonX walks into the room
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX rents and managing properties for a fee<sep>Tail: PersonX starts a property management company
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: to be happy with personx
Answer: No
Head: PersonX reads PersonX's work<sep>Tail: PersonX has to write a report
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally tripped<sep>Tail: to get back up
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: damage persony's reputation
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: attentive
Answer: No
Head: PersonX runs with the hare and hunt with the hounds<sep>Tail: PersonX wakes up early to go hunting
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: Gets ring
Answer: No
Head: PersonX fixes PersonY's wagon<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a toolbox full of screws
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: happy
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: set goals
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts the challenge<sep>Tail: wins the competition
Answer: No
Head: PersonX tells fred<sep>Tail: PersonX buys a new car
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: Powerful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's object<sep>Tail: finishes task
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: fulfilled
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's proposal<sep>Tail: amenable
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: accomplished
Answer: No
Head: PersonX pulls the child into PersonY's arms<sep>Tail: PersonX sees the child crying
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: accomplished
Answer: No
Head: PersonX screams PersonY's name<sep>Tail: PersonX is lost in the woods
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: to get to their destination
Answer: No
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: peaceful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: to make sure the work is done
Answer: No
Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: Aware
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gets PersonY's food<sep>Tail: PersonX opens the door and pays for the pizza
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX starts to feel bad<sep>Tail: PersonX hits a boy
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX measures feet by feet<sep>Tail: PersonX is building a house
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's proposal<sep>Tail: wants to get married
Answer: No
Head: PersonX puts PersonY on hold<sep>Tail: PersonX receives another call
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX works out pretty well<sep>Tail: PersonX makes plans for a dinner party
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX posts flyers<sep>Tail: PersonX lost her dog
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX finds peace<sep>Tail: PersonX lets go of their thoughts
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: to clean up
Answer: No
Head: PersonX hears a loud crash<sep>Tail: PersonX slept in their own bed
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: determined in their goal.
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: they get splashed with water from the falling vase
Answer: No
Head: PersonX wears jacket to bridge the gap between PersonY and PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX mediates a fight between friends
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX takes PersonY's wallet<sep>Tail: PersonX needs money badly
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX regulates PersonX's conduct<sep>Tail: PersonX is a teacher at a school
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accidentally dropped it<sep>Tail: embarrassed
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: walks proudly
Answer: No
Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX adjusts their expectations
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: gains accomplishments
Answer: No
Head: PersonX gets heavy<sep>Tail: PersonX eats ice cream every night
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves ___ in life<sep>Tail: successful
Answer: No
Head: PersonX crashes PersonY's bike<sep>Tail: PersonX borrowed a bike to ride
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: Adventurous
Answer: No
Head: PersonX aces the exam<sep>Tail: accomplished
Answer: No
Head: PersonX goes down the road<sep>Tail: PersonX lost the dog
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX loves PersonY better<sep>Tail: PersonX is cheating on his wife
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: a go-between
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes the ___ at hand<sep>Tail: talented
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: to pay person X
Answer: No
Head: PersonX asks PersonY's roommate<sep>Tail: PersonX can't find his keys
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: to go to person Y's house
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally cut ___<sep>Tail: rude
Answer: No
Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: their legal status changes
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's mission<sep>Tail: to rest
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts like PersonY<sep>Tail: to improve the impression
Answer: No
Head: PersonX builds a fence<sep>Tail: PersonX is a private person
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: to get the job done.
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: to have a job
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally stepped<sep>Tail: walk on the street
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts funny<sep>Tail: amusing
Answer: No
Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: calm
Answer: No
Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: hand broken
Answer: No
Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: none
Answer: No
Head: PersonX buys snacks<sep>Tail: PersonX walks to the corner store
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: regret
Answer: No
Head: PersonX knocks PersonY off his perch<sep>Tail: PersonX gets in a fight
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX holds until PersonY's death<sep>Tail: PersonX is reviving PersonY
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX does not want to leave<sep>Tail: PersonX vacations at the shore
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX plays PersonY role in the development<sep>Tail: PersonX asked to switch shifts
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts every ___<sep>Tail: to tell others
Answer: No
Head: PersonX calls PersonY's family<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY becoming ill
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX ends PersonY life<sep>Tail: PersonX flips the switch
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX scores a touchdown<sep>Tail: PersonX catches the football and runs with it
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX suspends from school<sep>Tail: PersonX gets in a fight
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX buys a dress<sep>Tail: PersonX looks around in the store
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX invites all PersonY's friends and family<sep>Tail: PersonX plans a party for PersonY
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX reads a lot<sep>Tail: PersonX joins a book club
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX glances at PersonY's watch<sep>Tail: PersonX wonders what time it is
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: people look up to PersonX
Answer: No
Head: PersonX furthers PersonX's interests<sep>Tail: PersonX finds out about a job opening
Answer: Yes
Head: PersonX accepts the fact<sep>Tail: learns a new skill
Answer: No |
In this task, you are given a list of integers and an integer k. You need to add integer k to each element in the list and return the updated list.
[135, 262, 192, 181, 138, 179, 17, 203, 150, 73, 153, 38, 221, 296, 19, 116, 101, 126, 119, 25] k=1
Output: [136, 263, 193, 182, 139, 180, 18, 204, 151, 74, 154, 39, 222, 297, 20, 117, 102, 127, 120, 26]
[135, 150, 278, 40, 157, 68, 264, 203, 285, 18, 194, 263, 75, 277, 37, 26, 188, 86, 137, 225] k=10
Output: [145, 160, 288, 50, 167, 78, 274, 213, 295, 28, 204, 273, 85, 287, 47, 36, 198, 96, 147, 235]
[23, 238, 103, 294, 86, 239, 73, 298, 176, 40, 226, 274, 210, 252, 171, 213, 258, 29, 249, 89] k=9
Output: [32, 247, 112, 303, 95, 248, 82, 307, 185, 49, 235, 283, 219, 261, 180, 222, 267, 38, 258, 98]
[62, 108, 104, 30, 91, 258, 16, 10, 174, 206, 111, 25, 23, 131, 292, 160, 78, 28, 55, 141] k=9
Output: [71, 117, 113, 39, 100, 267, 25, 19, 183, 215, 120, 34, 32, 140, 301, 169, 87, 37, 64, 150]
[35, 84, 116, 131, 118, 256, 250, 220, 277, 257, 262, 29, 33, 108, 215, 260, 67, 166, 134, 53] k=3
Output: [38, 87, 119, 134, 121, 259, 253, 223, 280, 260, 265, 32, 36, 111, 218, 263, 70, 169, 137, 56]
[220, 192, 231, 136, 257, 140, 85, 141, 155, 249, 184, 92, 275, 235, 207, 51, 25, 180, 77, 61] k=14
Output: [234, 206, 245, 150, 271, 154, 99, 155, 169, 263, 198, 106, 289, 249, 221, 65, 39, 194, 91, 75]
[135, 150, 278, 40, 157, 68, 264, 203, 285, 18, 194, 263, 75, 277, 37, 26, 188, 86, 137, 225] k=10
Output: [145, 160, 288, 50, 167, 78, 274, 213, 295, 28, 204, 273, 85, 287, 47, 36, 198, 96, 147, 235]
[227, 162, 173, 289, 292, 30, 184, 169, 68, 283, 139, 76, 153, 171, 278, 73, 157, 150, 273, 105] k=19
Output: [246, 181, 192, 308, 311, 49, 203, 188, 87, 302, 158, 95, 172, 190, 297, 92, 176, 169, 292, 124]
[159, 223, 125, 284, 207, 173, 224, 10, 17, 127, 16, 47, 107, 41, 90, 253, 236, 222, 80, 278] k=5
Output: [164, 228, 130, 289, 212, 178, 229, 15, 22, 132, 21, 52, 112, 46, 95, 258, 241, 227, 85, 283]
[165, 153, 123, 20, 99, 130, 178, 135, 43, 59, 215, 48, 34, 188, 228, 212, 172, 277, 209, 265] k=2
Output: [167, 155, 125, 22, 101, 132, 180, 137, 45, 61, 217, 50, 36, 190, 230, 214, 174, 279, 211, 267]
[101, 12, 122, 28, 266, 206, 76, 47, 296, 186, 14, 63, 21, 219, 147, 70, 201, 220, 192, 151] k=1
Output: [102, 13, 123, 29, 267, 207, 77, 48, 297, 187, 15, 64, 22, 220, 148, 71, 202, 221, 193, 152]
[104, 201, 288, 242, 111, 88, 55, 74, 151, 90, 236, 33, 230, 256, 118, 231, 155, 281, 198, 257] k=6
Output: [110, 207, 294, 248, 117, 94, 61, 80, 157, 96, 242, 39, 236, 262, 124, 237, 161, 287, 204, 263]
[110, 173, 217, 81, 198, 35, 280, 101, 181, 165, 45, 222, 57, 180, 55, 272, 277, 159, 121, 218] k=10
Output: [120, 183, 227, 91, 208, 45, 290, 111, 191, 175, 55, 232, 67, 190, 65, 282, 287, 169, 131, 228]
[226, 167, 246, 128, 270, 89, 131, 288, 262, 43, 36, 17, 16, 283, 225, 286, 206, 54, 88, 123] k=17
Output: [243, 184, 263, 145, 287, 106, 148, 305, 279, 60, 53, 34, 33, 300, 242, 303, 223, 71, 105, 140]
[277, 142, 291, 92, 179, 52, 62, 31, 247, 14, 55, 231, 270, 200, 131, 221, 53, 28, 35, 279] k=1
Output: [278, 143, 292, 93, 180, 53, 63, 32, 248, 15, 56, 232, 271, 201, 132, 222, 54, 29, 36, 280]
[104, 215, 149, 16, 172, 294, 78, 76, 26, 260, 116, 219, 138, 150, 20, 170, 182, 156, 74, 54] k=11
Output: [115, 226, 160, 27, 183, 305, 89, 87, 37, 271, 127, 230, 149, 161, 31, 181, 193, 167, 85, 65]
[61, 156, 52, 205, 225, 117, 210, 34, 209, 35, 248, 123, 13, 191, 45, 212, 140, 130, 241, 194] k=18
Output: [79, 174, 70, 223, 243, 135, 228, 52, 227, 53, 266, 141, 31, 209, 63, 230, 158, 148, 259, 212]
[32, 210, 169, 297, 97, 87, 62, 109, 60, 177, 72, 197, 48, 89, 299, 142, 160, 228, 103, 82] k=18
Output: [50, 228, 187, 315, 115, 105, 80, 127, 78, 195, 90, 215, 66, 107, 317, 160, 178, 246, 121, 100]
[33, 266, 183, 174, 12, 182, 93, 190, 256, 164, 125, 285, 144, 29, 81, 193, 98, 165, 149, 185] k=12
Output: [45, 278, 195, 186, 24, 194, 105, 202, 268, 176, 137, 297, 156, 41, 93, 205, 110, 177, 161, 197]
[66, 81, 296, 172, 200, 82, 168, 232, 290, 213, 18, 171, 187, 76, 97, 32, 176, 118, 174, 188] k=4
Output: [70, 85, 300, 176, 204, 86, 172, 236, 294, 217, 22, 175, 191, 80, 101, 36, 180, 122, 178, 192]
[176, 217, 193, 112, 133, 57, 23, 80, 115, 184, 47, 93, 77, 189, 200, 241, 238, 294, 226, 291] k=20
Output: [196, 237, 213, 132, 153, 77, 43, 100, 135, 204, 67, 113, 97, 209, 220, 261, 258, 314, 246, 311]
[240, 162, 200, 130, 147, 254, 12, 231, 110, 151, 14, 43, 75, 193, 220, 114, 281, 286, 280, 266] k=9
Output: [249, 171, 209, 139, 156, 263, 21, 240, 119, 160, 23, 52, 84, 202, 229, 123, 290, 295, 289, 275]
[246, 90, 46, 74, 194, 48, 197, 177, 162, 134, 273, 139, 282, 138, 77, 212, 215, 65, 173, 53] k=4
Output: [250, 94, 50, 78, 198, 52, 201, 181, 166, 138, 277, 143, 286, 142, 81, 216, 219, 69, 177, 57]
[282, 167, 60, 50, 299, 54, 228, 140, 185, 133, 212, 113, 155, 263, 269, 17, 56, 294, 274, 252] k=20
Output: [302, 187, 80, 70, 319, 74, 248, 160, 205, 153, 232, 133, 175, 283, 289, 37, 76, 314, 294, 272]
[76, 48, 143, 156, 150, 86, 259, 89, 141, 160, 70, 45, 20, 27, 162, 101, 11, 297, 142, 225] k=8
Output: [84, 56, 151, 164, 158, 94, 267, 97, 149, 168, 78, 53, 28, 35, 170, 109, 19, 305, 150, 233]
[91, 299, 105, 235, 260, 298, 14, 183, 255, 132, 87, 178, 54, 22, 150, 129, 164, 261, 148, 217] k=8
Output: [99, 307, 113, 243, 268, 306, 22, 191, 263, 140, 95, 186, 62, 30, 158, 137, 172, 269, 156, 225]
[62, 108, 104, 30, 91, 258, 16, 10, 174, 206, 111, 25, 23, 131, 292, 160, 78, 28, 55, 141] k=9
Output: [71, 117, 113, 39, 100, 267, 25, 19, 183, 215, 120, 34, 32, 140, 301, 169, 87, 37, 64, 150]
[297, 271, 166, 222, 231, 16, 278, 260, 113, 243, 191, 244, 104, 232, 282, 224, 100, 32, 15, 11] k=7
Output: [304, 278, 173, 229, 238, 23, 285, 267, 120, 250, 198, 251, 111, 239, 289, 231, 107, 39, 22, 18]
[167, 138, 35, 205, 150, 64, 181, 67, 277, 195, 219, 72, 24, 293, 254, 61, 234, 289, 25, 100] k=18
Output: [185, 156, 53, 223, 168, 82, 199, 85, 295, 213, 237, 90, 42, 311, 272, 79, 252, 307, 43, 118]
[242, 52, 134, 251, 184, 50, 23, 17, 220, 68, 104, 95, 38, 155, 58, 21, 222, 115, 16, 223] k=12
Output: [254, 64, 146, 263, 196, 62, 35, 29, 232, 80, 116, 107, 50, 167, 70, 33, 234, 127, 28, 235]
[13, 96, 188, 47, 176, 158, 242, 119, 66, 237, 270, 135, 170, 74, 48, 260, 19, 145, 163, 256] k=10
Output: [23, 106, 198, 57, 186, 168, 252, 129, 76, 247, 280, 145, 180, 84, 58, 270, 29, 155, 173, 266]
[133, 214, 218, 292, 134, 58, 199, 159, 207, 293, 211, 276, 154, 139, 127, 143, 70, 274, 232, 142] k=13
Output: [146, 227, 231, 305, 147, 71, 212, 172, 220, 306, 224, 289, 167, 152, 140, 156, 83, 287, 245, 155]
[13, 73, 290, 229, 231, 227, 248, 264, 260, 146, 203, 52, 293, 130, 168, 282, 105, 60, 70, 112] k=17
Output: [30, 90, 307, 246, 248, 244, 265, 281, 277, 163, 220, 69, 310, 147, 185, 299, 122, 77, 87, 129]
[106, 172, 273, 260, 100, 186, 223, 50, 271, 109, 179, 177, 183, 30, 265, 240, 181, 264, 257, 162] k=11
Output: [117, 183, 284, 271, 111, 197, 234, 61, 282, 120, 190, 188, 194, 41, 276, 251, 192, 275, 268, 173]
[28, 214, 159, 148, 79, 254, 240, 203, 25, 276, 125, 155, 167, 76, 257, 67, 209, 123, 121, 30] k=14
Output: [42, 228, 173, 162, 93, 268, 254, 217, 39, 290, 139, 169, 181, 90, 271, 81, 223, 137, 135, 44]
[80, 234, 88, 224, 293, 60, 263, 294, 206, 75, 217, 14, 29, 152, 221, 194, 111, 183, 155, 255] k=16
Output: [96, 250, 104, 240, 309, 76, 279, 310, 222, 91, 233, 30, 45, 168, 237, 210, 127, 199, 171, 271]
[200, 134, 102, 178, 223, 53, 229, 291, 121, 117, 212, 232, 122, 175, 248, 271, 207, 201, 224, 234] k=17
Output: [217, 151, 119, 195, 240, 70, 246, 308, 138, 134, 229, 249, 139, 192, 265, 288, 224, 218, 241, 251]
[94, 120, 69, 205, 103, 104, 44, 204, 100, 37, 96, 244, 61, 143, 233, 299, 224, 63, 11, 48] k=12
Output: [106, 132, 81, 217, 115, 116, 56, 216, 112, 49, 108, 256, 73, 155, 245, 311, 236, 75, 23, 60]
[105, 58, 51, 122, 98, 83, 246, 75, 26, 284, 146, 118, 250, 216, 44, 249, 92, 106, 28, 180] k=17
Output: [122, 75, 68, 139, 115, 100, 263, 92, 43, 301, 163, 135, 267, 233, 61, 266, 109, 123, 45, 197]
[38, 47, 274, 217, 88, 135, 96, 70, 55, 235, 261, 238, 113, 176, 279, 86, 296, 73, 36, 252] k=19
Output: [57, 66, 293, 236, 107, 154, 115, 89, 74, 254, 280, 257, 132, 195, 298, 105, 315, 92, 55, 271]
[91, 147, 100, 88, 146, 102, 261, 169, 295, 111, 224, 241, 259, 47, 239, 240, 29, 77, 107, 87] k=10
Output: [101, 157, 110, 98, 156, 112, 271, 179, 305, 121, 234, 251, 269, 57, 249, 250, 39, 87, 117, 97]
[56, 282, 50, 143, 30, 71, 285, 47, 119, 260, 32, 274, 223, 95, 196, 240, 63, 290, 235, 90] k=8
Output: [64, 290, 58, 151, 38, 79, 293, 55, 127, 268, 40, 282, 231, 103, 204, 248, 71, 298, 243, 98]
[292, 225, 258, 278, 73, 95, 230, 145, 49, 195, 146, 134, 31, 200, 244, 51, 34, 142, 219, 227] k=4
Output: [296, 229, 262, 282, 77, 99, 234, 149, 53, 199, 150, 138, 35, 204, 248, 55, 38, 146, 223, 231]
[32, 210, 169, 297, 97, 87, 62, 109, 60, 177, 72, 197, 48, 89, 299, 142, 160, 228, 103, 82] k=18
Output: [50, 228, 187, 315, 115, 105, 80, 127, 78, 195, 90, 215, 66, 107, 317, 160, 178, 246, 121, 100]
[188, 256, 198, 40, 53, 131, 148, 238, 149, 54, 273, 284, 17, 193, 134, 39, 290, 221, 99, 21] k=2
Output: [190, 258, 200, 42, 55, 133, 150, 240, 151, 56, 275, 286, 19, 195, 136, 41, 292, 223, 101, 23]
[134, 69, 95, 213, 200, 72, 140, 271, 19, 130, 53, 239, 157, 59, 122, 285, 58, 36, 235, 22] k=1
Output: [135, 70, 96, 214, 201, 73, 141, 272, 20, 131, 54, 240, 158, 60, 123, 286, 59, 37, 236, 23]
[135, 283, 252, 203, 24, 229, 228, 142, 263, 145, 62, 26, 126, 93, 69, 189, 89, 165, 139, 286] k=13
Output: [148, 296, 265, 216, 37, 242, 241, 155, 276, 158, 75, 39, 139, 106, 82, 202, 102, 178, 152, 299]
[32, 295, 200, 176, 196, 180, 262, 177, 12, 193, 238, 228, 62, 158, 138, 40, 178, 255, 265, 128] k=14
Output: [46, 309, 214, 190, 210, 194, 276, 191, 26, 207, 252, 242, 76, 172, 152, 54, 192, 269, 279, 142]
[108, 299, 71, 24, 55, 186, 288, 138, 199, 235, 249, 37, 132, 116, 163, 106, 285, 190, 206, 218] k=6
Output: [114, 305, 77, 30, 61, 192, 294, 144, 205, 241, 255, 43, 138, 122, 169, 112, 291, 196, 212, 224]
[38, 47, 274, 217, 88, 135, 96, 70, 55, 235, 261, 238, 113, 176, 279, 86, 296, 73, 36, 252] k=19
Output: [57, 66, 293, 236, 107, 154, 115, 89, 74, 254, 280, 257, 132, 195, 298, 105, 315, 92, 55, 271]
[137, 243, 228, 108, 269, 271, 140, 191, 147, 208, 145, 260, 36, 82, 223, 174, 107, 285, 272, 178] k=20
Output: [157, 263, 248, 128, 289, 291, 160, 211, 167, 228, 165, 280, 56, 102, 243, 194, 127, 305, 292, 198]
[37, 187, 17, 25, 100, 112, 130, 127, 52, 262, 202, 97, 16, 155, 158, 102, 28, 39, 248, 58] k=20
Output: [57, 207, 37, 45, 120, 132, 150, 147, 72, 282, 222, 117, 36, 175, 178, 122, 48, 59, 268, 78]
[132, 37, 129, 220, 291, 89, 11, 135, 212, 104, 247, 145, 146, 65, 46, 15, 42, 83, 150, 216] k=11
Output: [143, 48, 140, 231, 302, 100, 22, 146, 223, 115, 258, 156, 157, 76, 57, 26, 53, 94, 161, 227]
[29, 143, 116, 205, 67, 151, 167, 233, 284, 203, 202, 12, 227, 128, 121, 88, 297, 294, 34, 95] k=20
Output: [49, 163, 136, 225, 87, 171, 187, 253, 304, 223, 222, 32, 247, 148, 141, 108, 317, 314, 54, 115]
[110, 173, 217, 81, 198, 35, 280, 101, 181, 165, 45, 222, 57, 180, 55, 272, 277, 159, 121, 218] k=10
Output: [120, 183, 227, 91, 208, 45, 290, 111, 191, 175, 55, 232, 67, 190, 65, 282, 287, 169, 131, 228]
[206, 43, 17, 210, 32, 18, 105, 272, 95, 179, 151, 219, 185, 257, 159, 12, 46, 186, 195, 133] k=20
Output: [226, 63, 37, 230, 52, 38, 125, 292, 115, 199, 171, 239, 205, 277, 179, 32, 66, 206, 215, 153]
[38, 265, 21, 89, 36, 95, 60, 281, 261, 65, 279, 163, 125, 200, 269, 267, 263, 13, 31, 187] k=11
Output: [49, 276, 32, 100, 47, 106, 71, 292, 272, 76, 290, 174, 136, 211, 280, 278, 274, 24, 42, 198]
[176, 67, 273, 254, 89, 74, 188, 59, 121, 135, 19, 81, 106, 211, 173, 32, 131, 279, 247, 260] k=11
Output: [187, 78, 284, 265, 100, 85, 199, 70, 132, 146, 30, 92, 117, 222, 184, 43, 142, 290, 258, 271]
[258, 154, 39, 66, 167, 190, 127, 189, 175, 203, 295, 290, 194, 237, 259, 31, 52, 33, 122, 277] k=13
Output: [271, 167, 52, 79, 180, 203, 140, 202, 188, 216, 308, 303, 207, 250, 272, 44, 65, 46, 135, 290]
[105, 58, 51, 122, 98, 83, 246, 75, 26, 284, 146, 118, 250, 216, 44, 249, 92, 106, 28, 180] k=17
Output: [122, 75, 68, 139, 115, 100, 263, 92, 43, 301, 163, 135, 267, 233, 61, 266, 109, 123, 45, 197]
[176, 67, 273, 254, 89, 74, 188, 59, 121, 135, 19, 81, 106, 211, 173, 32, 131, 279, 247, 260] k=11
Output: [187, 78, 284, 265, 100, 85, 199, 70, 132, 146, 30, 92, 117, 222, 184, 43, 142, 290, 258, 271]
[277, 142, 291, 92, 179, 52, 62, 31, 247, 14, 55, 231, 270, 200, 131, 221, 53, 28, 35, 279] k=1
Output: [278, 143, 292, 93, 180, 53, 63, 32, 248, 15, 56, 232, 271, 201, 132, 222, 54, 29, 36, 280]
[245, 21, 132, 240, 201, 182, 219, 13, 95, 94, 127, 65, 92, 169, 292, 205, 53, 296, 130, 216] k=18
Output: [263, 39, 150, 258, 219, 200, 237, 31, 113, 112, 145, 83, 110, 187, 310, 223, 71, 314, 148, 234]
[290, 107, 274, 121, 91, 122, 233, 179, 67, 243, 94, 176, 158, 223, 42, 184, 172, 169, 200, 77] k=11
Output: [301, 118, 285, 132, 102, 133, 244, 190, 78, 254, 105, 187, 169, 234, 53, 195, 183, 180, 211, 88]
[280, 160, 91, 129, 111, 13, 217, 243, 147, 207, 132, 27, 10, 240, 221, 209, 42, 31, 173, 265] k=20
Output: [300, 180, 111, 149, 131, 33, 237, 263, 167, 227, 152, 47, 30, 260, 241, 229, 62, 51, 193, 285]
[289, 239, 111, 287, 205, 152, 165, 15, 14, 227, 189, 271, 272, 129, 231, 281, 75, 174, 107, 93] k=10
Output: [299, 249, 121, 297, 215, 162, 175, 25, 24, 237, 199, 281, 282, 139, 241, 291, 85, 184, 117, 103]
[190, 270, 194, 165, 235, 126, 157, 272, 253, 102, 247, 91, 294, 213, 230, 105, 54, 20, 197, 88] k=16
Output: [206, 286, 210, 181, 251, 142, 173, 288, 269, 118, 263, 107, 310, 229, 246, 121, 70, 36, 213, 104]
[233, 71, 95, 76, 205, 62, 130, 298, 288, 141, 203, 46, 30, 178, 186, 45, 282, 238, 162, 108] k=5
Output: [238, 76, 100, 81, 210, 67, 135, 303, 293, 146, 208, 51, 35, 183, 191, 50, 287, 243, 167, 113]
[119, 59, 35, 253, 266, 286, 259, 65, 118, 278, 19, 201, 75, 72, 219, 100, 67, 176, 241, 289] k=2
Output: [121, 61, 37, 255, 268, 288, 261, 67, 120, 280, 21, 203, 77, 74, 221, 102, 69, 178, 243, 291]
[276, 137, 195, 46, 223, 282, 209, 42, 157, 74, 24, 281, 55, 12, 75, 201, 239, 214, 53, 211] k=11
Output: [287, 148, 206, 57, 234, 293, 220, 53, 168, 85, 35, 292, 66, 23, 86, 212, 250, 225, 64, 222]
[132, 37, 129, 220, 291, 89, 11, 135, 212, 104, 247, 145, 146, 65, 46, 15, 42, 83, 150, 216] k=11
Output: [143, 48, 140, 231, 302, 100, 22, 146, 223, 115, 258, 156, 157, 76, 57, 26, 53, 94, 161, 227]
[128, 194, 167, 59, 154, 265, 213, 292, 216, 23, 83, 299, 183, 122, 275, 237, 259, 69, 238, 169] k=20
Output: [148, 214, 187, 79, 174, 285, 233, 312, 236, 43, 103, 319, 203, 142, 295, 257, 279, 89, 258, 189]
[165, 60, 218, 167, 280, 77, 13, 43, 256, 269, 41, 128, 208, 112, 76, 292, 250, 31, 102, 16] k=1
Output: [166, 61, 219, 168, 281, 78, 14, 44, 257, 270, 42, 129, 209, 113, 77, 293, 251, 32, 103, 17]
[221, 289, 140, 79, 110, 72, 149, 208, 296, 26, 161, 21, 94, 135, 199, 14, 253, 141, 185, 293] k=15
Output: [236, 304, 155, 94, 125, 87, 164, 223, 311, 41, 176, 36, 109, 150, 214, 29, 268, 156, 200, 308]
[17, 48, 260, 40, 171, 21, 152, 221, 157, 218, 86, 113, 211, 220, 44, 172, 195, 73, 83, 69] k=10
Output: [27, 58, 270, 50, 181, 31, 162, 231, 167, 228, 96, 123, 221, 230, 54, 182, 205, 83, 93, 79]
[37, 187, 17, 25, 100, 112, 130, 127, 52, 262, 202, 97, 16, 155, 158, 102, 28, 39, 248, 58] k=20
Output: [57, 207, 37, 45, 120, 132, 150, 147, 72, 282, 222, 117, 36, 175, 178, 122, 48, 59, 268, 78]
[87, 144, 97, 159, 11, 247, 229, 168, 64, 167, 265, 177, 214, 56, 35, 286, 219, 297, 26, 254] k=20
Output: [107, 164, 117, 179, 31, 267, 249, 188, 84, 187, 285, 197, 234, 76, 55, 306, 239, 317, 46, 274]
[184, 139, 147, 157, 219, 259, 28, 225, 297, 82, 233, 187, 264, 281, 215, 250, 134, 190, 235, 26] k=20
Output: [204, 159, 167, 177, 239, 279, 48, 245, 317, 102, 253, 207, 284, 301, 235, 270, 154, 210, 255, 46]
[188, 256, 198, 40, 53, 131, 148, 238, 149, 54, 273, 284, 17, 193, 134, 39, 290, 221, 99, 21] k=2
Output: [190, 258, 200, 42, 55, 133, 150, 240, 151, 56, 275, 286, 19, 195, 136, 41, 292, 223, 101, 23]
[280, 160, 91, 129, 111, 13, 217, 243, 147, 207, 132, 27, 10, 240, 221, 209, 42, 31, 173, 265] k=20
Output: [300, 180, 111, 149, 131, 33, 237, 263, 167, 227, 152, 47, 30, 260, 241, 229, 62, 51, 193, 285]
[185, 80, 175, 28, 268, 158, 151, 197, 191, 56, 202, 50, 261, 240, 71, 160, 31, 247, 179, 49] k=3
Output: [188, 83, 178, 31, 271, 161, 154, 200, 194, 59, 205, 53, 264, 243, 74, 163, 34, 250, 182, 52]
[242, 65, 12, 284, 227, 200, 289, 239, 84, 276, 180, 201, 114, 156, 197, 166, 266, 42, 271, 27] k=11
Output: [253, 76, 23, 295, 238, 211, 300, 250, 95, 287, 191, 212, 125, 167, 208, 177, 277, 53, 282, 38]
[135, 21, 98, 87, 14, 33, 203, 142, 145, 129, 104, 86, 246, 60, 248, 295, 182, 228, 157, 19] k=13
Output: [148, 34, 111, 100, 27, 46, 216, 155, 158, 142, 117, 99, 259, 73, 261, 308, 195, 241, 170, 32]
[50, 249, 92, 263, 133, 24, 136, 170, 109, 273, 51, 20, 84, 41, 283, 182, 253, 224, 65, 207] k=10
Output: [60, 259, 102, 273, 143, 34, 146, 180, 119, 283, 61, 30, 94, 51, 293, 192, 263, 234, 75, 217]
[210, 193, 187, 296, 216, 53, 24, 97, 267, 228, 199, 182, 124, 13, 299, 88, 231, 192, 155, 154] k=7
Output: [217, 200, 194, 303, 223, 60, 31, 104, 274, 235, 206, 189, 131, 20, 306, 95, 238, 199, 162, 161]
[190, 282, 199, 32, 145, 65, 149, 131, 22, 81, 215, 138, 93, 251, 143, 18, 115, 53, 39, 248] k=3
Output: [193, 285, 202, 35, 148, 68, 152, 134, 25, 84, 218, 141, 96, 254, 146, 21, 118, 56, 42, 251]
[227, 162, 173, 289, 292, 30, 184, 169, 68, 283, 139, 76, 153, 171, 278, 73, 157, 150, 273, 105] k=19
Output: [246, 181, 192, 308, 311, 49, 203, 188, 87, 302, 158, 95, 172, 190, 297, 92, 176, 169, 292, 124]
[108, 299, 71, 24, 55, 186, 288, 138, 199, 235, 249, 37, 132, 116, 163, 106, 285, 190, 206, 218] k=6
Output: [114, 305, 77, 30, 61, 192, 294, 144, 205, 241, 255, 43, 138, 122, 169, 112, 291, 196, 212, 224]
[227, 162, 173, 289, 292, 30, 184, 169, 68, 283, 139, 76, 153, 171, 278, 73, 157, 150, 273, 105] k=19
Output: [246, 181, 192, 308, 311, 49, 203, 188, 87, 302, 158, 95, 172, 190, 297, 92, 176, 169, 292, 124]
[35, 14, 205, 188, 241, 200, 47, 297, 121, 20, 246, 230, 157, 199, 174, 206, 159, 208, 72, 22] k=5
Output: [40, 19, 210, 193, 246, 205, 52, 302, 126, 25, 251, 235, 162, 204, 179, 211, 164, 213, 77, 27]
[165, 153, 123, 20, 99, 130, 178, 135, 43, 59, 215, 48, 34, 188, 228, 212, 172, 277, 209, 265] k=2
Output: [167, 155, 125, 22, 101, 132, 180, 137, 45, 61, 217, 50, 36, 190, 230, 214, 174, 279, 211, 267] |
Input: [[-4, -26, -43, 24, 37], [-43, 3, -16], [-15, -46, -6, 41, -27], [-44, -17, 40], [-6, -3], [-20, -17, 12, 7], [49, 50, 14, 26, -10]]
Ans: [-3971136, 2064, 4582980, 29920, 18, 28560, -8918000]
Input: [[27, -33, -26], [-11, -25, 5, 46, -35], [17, 7, 1, 28, -39], [39, -25], [4, -29, -4], [33, 1], [47, -46, 24, 42, 20], [-47, 18, -29]]
Ans: [23166, -2213750, -129948, -975, 464, 33, -43585920, 24534]
Input: [[33, 29, 50], [24, -19, -2], [9, -10, 13], [31, -29, 11], [49, 24, -21], [25, -34, 0], [-7, -44, -7]]
Ans: [47850, 912, -1170, -9889, -24696, 0, -2156]
Input: [[35, -47, -20, 12, -37], [-5, -43, 15, 32], [34, 25, -16], [-10, -22, 7], [-41, 41], [5, 3, 27, -21, -42]]
Ans: [-14607600, 103200, -13600, 1540, -1681, 357210]
Input: [[-11, 36, -6, -26, -20], [8, -42, 46, 1, 1], [-12, -6], [4, 24, 28, -33, 5], [5, -19, -28, -20, -50], [-10, 38, 46, 2, -35], [-9, 40, -48, -13, 10]]
Ans: [1235520, -15456, 72, -443520, 2660000, 1223600, -2246400]
Input: [[-21, -19, 37, -20, -8], [32, 23], [-9, 2], [-44, 17, 12, -33, -45], [-25, -29, 33, 19], [19, -50, -46, -41, -35]]
Ans: [2362080, 736, -18, -13329360, 454575, 62709500]
Input: [[-19, 11, -2], [4, -36], [-24, 4, -35, 8], [39, 26, -26]]
Ans: [418, -144, 26880, -26364]
Input: [[40, 40, -50, -25, -48], [48, 31], [-8, -17, 38, 34, 21]]
Ans: [-96000000, 1488, 3689952]
Input: [[39, -4, -12], [-44, -26, -4, -18], [-19, 27, 49, -39, 12]]
Ans: [1872, 82368, 11764116]
Input: [[-5, -27, -4, 9], [42, -7, 14, -10], [-18, 48], [26, 21, -49], [15, -34, 28, 19], [2, 37, -44], [33, 14, 9, -15], [-31, 10, -22], [22, -9]]
Ans: [-4860, 41160, -864, -26754, -271320, -3256, -62370, 6820, -198]
Input: [[48, -38], [-2, 12, 3, -27, 40], [-18, 50], [19, 35, 46, -25]]
Ans: [-1824, 77760, -900, -764750]
Input: [[46, 48], [49, -39, 30, -33, 5], [41, 0, -46, -17], [-10, 29], [7, 30]]
Ans: [2208, 9459450, 0, -290, 210]
Input: [[-48, 44, 42, -38], [10, -38, -48, -9, -28], [-4, 31, -23, -14, 48], [-14, 31, -27], [-10, -29, -41, 8], [-26, -24, 17, -33], [-11, -43, 22, -18], [-50, 41, -35]]
Ans: [3370752, 4596480, -1916544, 11718, -95120, -350064, -187308, 71750]
Input: [[47, -25, -16, 29, -47], [-49, -10, -15, 35], [-29, 49, 35, -15, 40], [-29, 29, -18, -8]]
Ans: [-25624400, -257250, 29841000, -121104]
Input: [[-10, 18], [-15, 27]]
Ans: [-180, -405]
Input: [[13, -48], [-46, -28], [46, -20, -3, -10], [49, 34], [-14, -31], [7, 44, -7, 15]]
Ans: [-624, 1288, -27600, 1666, 434, -32340]
Input: [[30, -33, -30, 9], [-25, -34, 0, -34, -1], [-6, -43, 35, -18]]
Ans: [267300, 0, -162540]
Input: [[-41, -7, -44, 18], [-20, 50], [30, -32, -12, 34], [24, -7, 5], [13, 8], [21, 14], [22, -39, 31], [25, -23], [27, -11], [6, 1]]
Ans: [-227304, -1000, 391680, -840, 104, 294, -26598, -575, -297, 6]
Input: [[-29, -43], [-14, 23], [-39, 48, -33, -34, 42], [-45, 38, 46, -44, 28], [-33, -41, -22, 32, 50]]
Ans: [1247, -322, -88216128, 96909120, -47625600]
Input: [[5, -38, 16, 11, 48], [16, 42, -26, 24, -12], [25, 25, 29, 17, 26], [5, -19], [43, -44, -33, 1, 22], [-14, -34], [-15, -9], [17, 48, -4, 17]]
Ans: [-1605120, 5031936, 8011250, -95, 1373592, 476, 135, -55488]
Input: [[-2, -42, 44, -37], [20, 35], [-16, -31, -19, -39, 8]]
Ans: [-136752, 700, 2940288]
Input: [[35, 12], [32, -40, -43, 3, -30]]
Ans: [420, -4953600]
Input: [[3, -6, 40], [8, -35, -5, -30, -1]]
Ans: [-720, 42000]
Input: [[-27, -24, -21], [2, 11], [-21, 39], [-39, -44], [-42, -3, -23, -26], [-5, -15, -46, 21], [4, 8, 29], [29, 41, 48, 32]]
Ans: [-13608, 22, -819, 1716, 75348, -72450, 928, 1826304]
Input: [[47, -37, -4], [-23, -17, 12, -45, -27]]
Ans: [6956, 5700780]
Input: [[-6, 28, -36, -24, 34], [44, 27, 28], [13, -14, -6, 14], [44, 18, 45, 13, -16]]
Ans: [-4935168, 33264, 15288, -7413120]
Input: [[18, -32, -29, -44], [22, 9, -23, 9, -2], [-4, 14], [-50, -48, 29, -4, -16]]
Ans: [-734976, 81972, -56, 4454400]
Input: [[6, 9], [-27, -9, 21]]
Ans: [54, 5103]
Input: [[-28, 12, -33, -9], [-30, -48, 15, 32, 5], [-6, 41, 14, -6, 22], [15, 30, -18], [31, 7, 0, 5]]
Ans: [-99792, 3456000, 454608, -8100, 0]
Input: [[20, -32, -36], [-10, 32, -50, -11], [24, 37], [17, -27, 33, -37, 17], [27, 49, -43], [-30, 18, 32], [-19, 19, -21]]
Ans: [23040, -176000, 888, 9527463, -56889, -17280, 7581]
Input: [[-24, 46, -31], [2, 34, 26], [15, 38]]
Ans: [34224, 1768, 570]
Input: [[-42, -25], [-1, 43], [-24, -11, -45], [50, -36], [21, -2, 20], [6, -18, -18], [-31, -34, -7, 41], [44, -36, 8, 12], [-50, 18, -25, -45], [-28, -6, -17, -37]]
Ans: [1050, -43, -11880, -1800, -840, 1944, -302498, -152064, -1012500, 105672]
Input: [[-33, -16, 2, 38, 26], [49, 38, -27, 9, 28]]
Ans: [1043328, -12669048]
Input: [[-18, 34, 8, -19], [36, -31, -21], [0, 10], [-7, -21, 38], [-37, 29, -3, -13, -44], [17, -7, 11, -35], [-30, -28, -20, -17, -44], [39, -13, 9, -23]]
Ans: [93024, 23436, 0, 5586, 1841268, 45815, -12566400, 104949]
Input: [[-12, 38, -23], [30, -49, 13, 30]]
Ans: [10488, -573300]
Input: [[-9, -31, 20], [4, 49, -32], [-34, 46, -11, -39], [-10, -47, -49, 25, -14], [20, -46, 6], [-39, -4], [23, 30, -46, 8, -40], [-35, 17, 7], [27, 14, -22, 48], [11, 14, 20, 31, 46]]
Ans: [5580, -6272, -670956, 8060500, -5520, 156, 10156800, -4165, -399168, 4392080]
Input: [[35, -3, -44], [46, -21, -6, -26], [47, -33, -33], [-37, -8, 17], [8, 34], [42, 8, 9], [-20, 42, 38]]
Ans: [4620, -150696, 51183, 5032, 272, 3024, -31920]
Input: [[2, 8, -19, -27, -35], [42, 30, 1, -42], [-15, -42, 27, 28, 29], [21, -44, -20], [12, 19, 10, -7]]
Ans: [-287280, -52920, 13812120, 18480, -15960]
Input: [[-12, -13, 1, -30], [27, 22, -2], [-45, 34, -6], [47, 11, -40, -6], [34, -38, 46, -42], [35, 49, -48, -1, 22], [3, 36]]
Ans: [-4680, -1188, 9180, 124080, 2496144, 1811040, 108]
Input: [[-50, 42, -4, -15], [26, 45], [23, -7, -22, -31], [21, -31, 8], [-40, -40, -43]]
Ans: [-126000, 1170, -109802, -5208, -68800]
Input: [[-28, -50, -44], [38, 6, -16, 17, -4]]
Ans: [-61600, 248064]
Input: [[-27, 12, 10, 42], [-7, -20], [10, 11, -50, -4, 0], [-29, -16], [-7, 9, -23, 19], [4, 47], [3, -46, 24], [-28, 19], [-5, -34, -29, 18, -4]]
Ans: [-136080, 140, 0, 464, 27531, 188, -3312, -532, 354960]
Input: [[-20, 32, -8, 39, -12], [11, -45, -21, 35], [12, 5, -49], [11, -3, 19, -40], [9, 15], [2, -27], [-25, 8, -17, 42, 36], [-5, -45], [-20, 36, 50, 29, 47]]
Ans: [-2396160, 363825, -2940, 25080, 135, -54, 5140800, 225, -49068000]
Input: [[18, -23], [29, -34, 36], [20, -15, -39, -16, 29], [-31, 4], [36, -27, 5], [-32, 31, 39, 42, -1]]
Ans: [-414, -35496, -5428800, -124, -4860, 1624896]
Input: [[-35, -8, -12], [16, 0, 5, 1], [22, -35, 16, -12, -35], [29, 5, 17]]
Ans: [-3360, 0, -5174400, 2465]
Input: [[-24, -3, -17], [-1, 18, -18, 6], [24, 43, -3, 12, 39], [42, 45, -44, 39, 32], [15, -38], [5, -46, -33, -46]]
Ans: [-1224, 1944, -1448928, -103783680, -570, -349140]
Input: [[-11, -7, -24, 12, 29], [18, 27, -24], [49, -44, -41, 19, -1], [-25, -6, -21], [-13, 35, -10, -48, -4], [47, 1, 34, 25], [46, -43], [28, 42], [-26, -20, 7]]
Ans: [-643104, -11664, -1679524, -3150, 873600, 39950, -1978, 1176, 3640]
Input: [[25, 7, 26], [-8, 49, 6, -33, 50], [-7, 1]]
Ans: [4550, 3880800, -7]
Input: [[35, 0, -7, 20, 43], [-10, 1, -30], [-28, -9]]
Ans: [0, 300, 252]
Input: [[23, -28, 16, -25], [-29, 2, 2, -19, 36], [4, 21, 40, 25], [-34, 29, 48, 7], [-4, -30, 12, 32], [47, -17, 20, 23], [-35, 16], [38, -21, 46, -29, 30], [-34, -42, -33, -4], [-10, 2, -17, -16, -25]]
Ans: [257600, 79344, 84000, -331296, 46080, -367540, -560, 31935960, 188496, 136000]
Input: [[18, 11, -43, -36, 28], [12, -13, -4, -2, -12], [49, 12, 15], [-46, 20], [50, -43], [0, 12, -48, -35]]
Ans: [8582112, 14976, 8820, -920, -2150, 0]
Input: [[-36, -18, -19, 7], [14, 13, 12, 38], [-26, 17, 37, -46], [-47, -49, -33, 26], [-23, 13, 8, 26, -28]]
Ans: [-86184, 82992, 752284, -1975974, 1741376]
Input: [[-46, 6, -4], [-46, 0], [-16, 41, -36, -18], [23, 33, -13, -14, -47], [-27, -44, -8, -14, 36], [-36, -47]]
Ans: [1104, 0, -425088, -6492486, 4790016, 1692]
Input: [[-48, -1, 43, -25, -49], [-29, 7, 47, -43, -35], [-47, -43, 49, -34, 38], [8, 27]]
Ans: [2528400, -14359205, -127945468, 216]
Input: [[-3, 28, 36], [44, 28, 46, -46, -20], [-18, 39]]
Ans: [-3024, 52138240, -702]
Input: [[-46, -20, 26], [-50, -48, 31], [-35, -8, 31], [30, -1, 7, -13, -35]]
Ans: [23920, 74400, 8680, -95550]
Input: [[-31, -46, 3, -43, 33], [-3, 0, -36], [17, -17, -36]]
Ans: [-6070482, 0, 10404]
Input: [[-3, -33, 26, -10], [-24, 50]]
Ans: [-25740, -1200]
Input: [[-8, -48, 28], [45, -18], [26, -19], [13, 32], [22, -24, -38, 3, -6], [40, -31], [-25, -3, 22], [20, 6], [44, 38, 13, -1, -11]]
Ans: [10752, -810, -494, 416, -361152, -1240, 1650, 120, 239096]
Input: [[-3, 34, -31, 2], [-49, 48, -50, 32], [-47, -27], [45, 47, 9, -12, -23], [-10, -11, 25, -18], [-12, 29, -27, -38], [37, 2, -1, -22, 7], [-32, -1], [-48, -28, 13], [-1, -33, 4, -4, 2]]
Ans: [6324, 3763200, 1269, 5253660, -49500, -357048, 11396, 32, 17472, -1056]
Input: [[-37, -48, -25, -48, 4], [-35, 20, 9], [13, 28], [48, 4, -49, 38, 28], [8, -27, -47, 47, -19], [-47, 41, -29, 36, 36], [0, 50], [10, 34], [-2, -8]]
Ans: [8524800, -6300, 364, -10010112, -9065736, 72424368, 0, 340, 16]
Input: [[-42, -44, -26, 30], [12, 39, 39, 35, -15], [-33, 40, 48], [33, 3, -50], [4, 5], [-2, -27], [33, -9, 30, -46, 50], [-8, 20, 36], [17, 19, 15], [13, 16, 5, -8]]
Ans: [-1441440, -9582300, -63360, -4950, 20, 54, 20493000, -5760, 4845, -8320]
Input: [[15, 34, 40, 46], [23, 46, -37, -16], [-49, 43, -11, -6, 11]]
Ans: [938400, 626336, -1529682]
Input: [[-26, -40], [-41, 3, 18, -33]]
Ans: [1040, 73062]
Input: [[15, 10], [27, -49], [2, 20, 31, 49, 29], [-8, 4, -49, 16], [25, -6, -48], [13, -33, -23, 15], [-14, 34]]
Ans: [150, -1323, 1762040, 25088, 7200, 148005, -476]
Input: [[42, -43], [-19, 31], [-47, -33], [46, 48, 31]]
Ans: [-1806, -589, 1551, 68448]
Input: [[-20, 24, -29, -13, 29], [45, 3, -39, -8, -7], [36, 32, 24, 0, -25], [-10, -14, 6, -13, -33], [-40, -15, -10], [38, 37, -8, -42]]
Ans: [-5247840, -294840, 0, 360360, -6000, 472416]
Input: [[-50, -25, -38], [-2, 34, -47, -13, 38], [19, 15, 17, 34, -31], [36, -48, -21], [14, -44, 45, 42, 13], [-33, -31], [-49, 40], [1, -6, -5, 6], [26, 22, 32, -45, 17]]
Ans: [-47500, -1578824, -5106630, 36288, -15135120, 1023, -1960, 180, -14002560]
Input: [[-13, -39], [44, -36], [-46, -22, 46, -22], [-47, 40, -17, -11], [-4, -29], [22, -21, 23], [-1, -25, 35, 27, -14]]
Ans: [507, -1584, -1024144, -351560, 116, -10626, -330750]
Input: [[-14, -39, -39], [23, 13, 0, 2, 27], [38, 18, 9], [18, -14, 22, 6]]
Ans: [-21294, 0, 6156, -33264]
Input: [[37, 50, -31], [-1, 0, -5, 30, -27], [-26, -6, 16, 28, -48], [-38, -10], [-27, -42], [40, 47, 5, -16], [-32, 17, -35, 19], [-6, -3, -6, 45, 19], [45, 4, 34, -9], [-2, -12, 25, -44, -40]]
Ans: [-57350, 0, -3354624, 380, 1134, -150400, 361760, -92340, -55080, 1056000]
Input: [[9, -42, -5], [16, -7, 12, 23], [0, -3], [43, -2]]
Ans: [1890, -30912, 0, -86]
Input: [[37, 13, -14, -22, 15], [44, -42, -26, 22, -23], [1, 43, -40], [-18, -47], [-48, -20], [-20, 46, -28, 1], [3, -22], [36, -11], [31, 21]]
Ans: [2222220, -24312288, -1720, 846, 960, 25760, -66, -396, 651]
Input: [[-6, -25, -32], [39, 44]]
Ans: [-4800, 1716]
Input: [[17, -44, -29, 49], [43, 48, -2, -49, 6], [-12, 46, -20, -12, 14], [19, 10, -43, -31], [42, 3], [-43, 7]]
Ans: [1062908, 1213632, -1854720, 253270, 126, -301]
Input: [[38, 6, 37, -31, 19], [44, -5], [43, -43, 37, 8, 28], [-45, 33, -11, 46], [10, -24, 27]]
Ans: [-4968804, -220, -15324512, 751410, -6480]
Input: [[-1, 44], [29, 9, -42, 11, 36]]
Ans: [-44, -4340952]
Input: [[-14, 0, 2, -42], [-18, -42], [-15, 24, -10], [13, 14, 37, 49, -16], [-47, -36, 40, 32, -9], [-48, -42, 47], [33, 37, -4, 40], [-5, 8, 41, -33], [7, 0, 12, -49]]
Ans: [0, 756, 3600, -5279456, -19491840, 94752, -195360, 54120, 0]
Input: [[35, 32, -4], [-21, -17, -8, 4], [-36, 22, -11, -47], [41, -50, -49], [21, 17, -49, -24], [3, 13, 10, -14, 3], [3, 16, 28], [23, -29, -33], [24, 0, -1, -6, -35]]
Ans: [-4480, -11424, -409464, 100450, 419832, -16380, 1344, 22011, 0]
Input: [[10, -26, -17, -6, -47], [-30, 1, -24, 11, 50], [6, -13, -35, 32], [49, -50, 2, 1], [-22, 49], [-6, 44, 17, -20, -19], [5, 29, 36], [13, 40], [-15, -46, 43, -35], [31, -44]]
Ans: [1246440, 396000, 87360, -4900, -1078, -1705440, 5220, 520, -1038450, -1364]
Input: [[47, 36], [-46, 38, 22], [30, -4, -46, -18, 18], [-9, -33, -43, -40], [-46, -36, -48], [18, -38, -36, 30, -24], [-47, 20, -36], [-4, 22, 24]]
Ans: [1692, -38456, -1788480, 510840, -79488, -17729280, 33840, -2112]
Input: [[2, -3, -26, 7, 36], [27, -43, 32, 16], [-11, -45, 0], [-46, 43, 23, 33]]
Ans: [39312, -594432, 0, -1501302]
Input: [[26, 12, 8, -21, -15], [-50, 42], [42, 22, 4, 26, 43], [2, -48, -18, -15, 9]]
Ans: [786240, -2100, 4132128, -233280]
Input: [[18, 6, -30], [-7, 21, 28, 22, -48], [18, -18], [-12, 50]]
Ans: [-3240, 4346496, -324, -600]
Input: [[-37, 43, -46, 48], [33, -2, 18]]
Ans: [3512928, -1188]
Input: [[-5, 26, -35, 19], [19, 23, 1, -44], [-6, -46], [46, 18, -5, 15, 50], [-45, -22], [-15, 44, -38], [22, 19, 10, -8], [35, 0, 33, -37], [-11, -9, -10], [-2, -16, 4, -27, 11]]
Ans: [86450, -19228, 276, -3105000, 990, 25080, -33440, 0, -990, -38016]
Input: [[17, -36, -46], [5, -43, -3, -28, 14]]
Ans: [28152, -252840]
Input: [[-6, 15, 27], [-45, -29, -12, 41, 18], [43, -16], [-41, -34, 4, 18], [-8, -43, 18, -28], [24, -42, 10, -19, 17], [12, -5], [-18, 31, -24, -29], [-48, 40]]
Ans: [-2430, -11557080, -688, 100368, -173376, 3255840, -60, -388368, -1920]
Input: [[-9, -42], [47, -41], [-30, 21, -34, 10, -16], [34, -1, 36], [1, 11, 31]]
Ans: [378, -1927, -3427200, -1224, 341]
Input: [[35, 34], [39, -35, 37, -23, 37], [0, 1], [41, -21, 2], [-5, 49, -33, 36, 20], [11, -40, -18], [-45, -17, -29, 16], [-40, -4, -12], [-30, 47, -9, -29, -10]]
Ans: [1190, 42979755, 0, -1722, 5821200, 7920, -354960, -1920, 3680100]
Input: [[-18, -40, -25, -11, 40], [16, 23], [19, 45]]
Ans: [7920000, 368, 855]
Input: [[4, 8], [-1, 49, 22, -10]]
Ans: [32, 10780]
Input: [[-24, -11], [-9, 48, 9, 17]]
Ans: [264, -66096]
Input: [[-23, -37], [-3, 25, 45, 30, -14], [16, 46, -26], [3, 15, 31, 34], [23, 10], [29, 26, -48], [-38, 16, 7, 7, -25], [-18, 17, 12, 13, -36], [11, 41, 27]]
Ans: [851, 1417500, -19136, 47430, 230, -36192, 744800, 1718496, 12177]
Input: [[-45, 33, 16], [29, 25, 3], [-1, 1, 44, 45, 50], [23, 18, -24], [34, 26, -21, -44], [-39, 35], [-47, 14, 13, 46], [5, 47, -50], [41, -50, -6, -12, 18], [-33, -27, 13, 16, 11]]
Ans: [-23760, 2175, -99000, -9936, 816816, -1365, -393484, -11750, -2656800, 2038608]
Input: [[37, 50], [5, 36], [-18, 7], [6, 28, 13, 16, -8], [10, 17, 21], [-19, -8], [41, -8, 0], [-40, 32], [34, 27, -22, -36, -5], [-38, -19, 13, -37]]
Ans: [1850, 180, -126, -279552, 3570, 152, 0, -1280, -3635280, -347282]
Input: [[-40, 35, -35], [-29, -36], [25, -38], [15, -21, -34], [-38, 27], [18, 43], [-16, 43]]
Ans: [49000, 1044, -950, 10710, -1026, 774, -688]
Input: [[25, 5], [-23, 39], [-42, 28, -17, -20, 11], [43, -45, 33, 8], [-21, -3, -50, 49, 22], [-22, -46, -32], [9, -32, 45, 34]]
Ans: [125, -897, -4398240, -510840, -3395700, -32384, -440640]
Input: [[-23, -50, 26], [-38, 29, -28, 4, 30], [-24, -40], [13, -45, -14, -36], [1, -2, -27, -22], [-43, 16, 47], [-4, 12, 19], [-22, -7, 35, -35], [48, -12, 3, -39, -48], [34, 21, -11, 34]]
Ans: [29900, 3702720, 960, -294840, -1188, -32336, -912, -188650, -3234816, -267036] |
The park is the center of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem .
Label: The park is the centerpiece of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem , the largest remaining nearly-intact ecosystem in the Earth 's northern temperate zone .
Tae Sung Dong and Kijong-dong were the only villages allowed by the armistice committee to remain within the boundaries of the DMZ .
Label: Daeseong-dong ( also written " Tae Sung Dong " ) and Kijo ̆ ng-dong ( also known as the " Peace Village " ) are the only settlements allowed by the armistice committee to remain within the boundaries of the DMZ .
During the American Civil War , the river , with few convenient fords and fewer bridges , provided a barrier and defensive line .
Label: During the American Civil War , the river , with few convenient fords and fewer bridges , provided a barrier and defensive line behind which movements of troops could be accomplished with little fear of attack from the river-side flank .
Gideon argued that he had been denied a lawyer , which violated his Sixth Amendment rights .
Label: Gideon argued in his appeal that he had been denied counsel and , therefore , his Sixth Amendment rights , as applied to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment , had been violated .
Illusory superiority has been found in education ( such as class performance , exams and overall intelligence ) , at work ( for example in job performance ) , and in social settings ( for example in estimating one 's popularity , or the extent to which one possesses desirable personality traits , such as honesty or confidence ) , as well as everyday abilities requiring particular skill .
Label: Illusory superiority has been found in individuals ' comparisons of themselves with others in a variety of aspects of life , including performance in academic circumstances ( such as class performance , exams and overall intelligence ) , in working environments ( for example in job performance ) , and in social settings ( for example in estimating one 's popularity , or the extent to which one possesses desirable personality traits , such as honesty or confidence ) , and in everyday abilities requiring particular skill .
The Epstein – Barr virus ( EBV ) , also called human herpesvirus 4 ( HHV-4 ) , is one of eight viruses in the herpes family .
Label: The Epstein – Barr virus ( EBV , sometimes abbreviated as EPV ) , formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4 , is one of eight known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family , and is one of the most common viruses in humans .
The 2014 AFC Women 's Asian Cup was the 18th edition of the AFC Women 's Asian Cup .
Label: The 2014 AFC Women 's Asian Cup , the 18th edition of the competition , was a women 's association football tournament competed by national teams in Asian Football Confederation ( AFC ) .
An IRCd , meaning Internet Relay Chat server program , is a program , server software that uses the IRC protocol .
Label: An IRCd , short for Internet Relay Chat daemon , is server software that implements the IRC protocol , enabling people to talk to each other via the Internet ( exchanging textual messages in real time ) .
Fax ( short for facsimile ) , or telecopying , is the transmission of scanned printed material ( both text and images ) , to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device .
Label: Fax ( short for facsimile ) , sometimes called telecopying or telefax ( the latter short for telefacsimile ) , is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material ( both text and images ) , normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device .
Haeckel promoted and popularised Charles Darwin 's work in Germany and developed the controversial recapitulation theory ( " ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny " ) .
Label: Haeckel promoted and popularised Charles Darwin 's work in Germany and developed the influential but no longer widely held recapitulation theory ( " ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny " ) claiming that an individual organism 's biological development , or ontogeny , parallels and summarises its species ' evolutionary development , or phylogeny .
The Pierre de Coubertin medal , also known as the True Spirit of Sportsmanship medal , is a special honor awarded by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) .
Label: The Pierre de Coubertin medal ( also known as the De Coubertin medal or the True Spirit of Sportsmanship medal ) is a special decoration awarded by the International Olympic Committee to those athletes , former athletes , sports promoters , sporting officials and others who exemplify the spirit of sportsmanship in Olympic events or through exceptional service to the Olympic movement .
In aerobic organisms , this final electron acceptor is oxygen .
Label: In aerobic organisms undergoing respiration , electrons are shuttled to an electron transport chain , and the final electron acceptor is oxygen .
Sumgayit City F.C. plays in the Azerbaijan Premier League .
Label: The city has one professional football team competing in the top-flight of Azerbaijani football – Sumgayit , currently playing in the Azerbaijan Premier League .
J2 League is the second grouping of Japan Professional Football League ( 日本フ ゚ ロサッカーリーク ゙ , Nippon Puro Sakka ̄ Ri ̄ gu ) .
Label: The J2 League ( Japanese : J2リーク ゙ , Hepburn : J2 Ri ̄ gu ) or simply J2 is the second division of the Japan Professional Football League ( Japanese : 日本フ ゚ ロサッカーリーク ゙ , Hepburn : Nihon Puro Sakka ̄ Ri ̄ gu ) and the second level of the Japanese association football league system .
Freyberg thought there was only a 50 % chance of success for the attack .
Label: Freyberg had informed his superiors that he believed , given the circumstances , there was no better than a 50 per cent chance of success for the offensive .
The mayor is directly-elected in municipal elections every four years alongside Toronto City Council .
Label: The Mayor of Toronto is the chief executive officer for the city of Toronto and the leader of its municipal government The mayor is elected every four years alongside Toronto City Council .
A movement in sonata form has three sections called : “ exposition ” , “ development ” and “ recapitulation ” .
Label: Sonata form ( also " sonata-allegro form " or " first movement form " ) is a musical structure consisting of three main sections : an exposition , a development , and a recapitulation .
He was the son of actor Peter Lawford and Patricia Kennedy Lawford .
Label: He was a member of the prominent Kennedy family , and son of actor Peter Lawford and Patricia " Pat " Kennedy Lawford , who was the sister of President John F. Kennedy .
A multi-core CPU is a computer processor which has two or more sections .
Label: A multi-core processor is a computer processor integrated circuit with two or more separate processing units , called cores , each of which reads and executes program instructions , as if the computer had several processors .
However , two B vitamins , niacin and riboflavin , bind with adenine to form the essential cofactors NAD and FAD respectively .
Label: However , two B vitamins , niacin and riboflavin , bind with adenine to form the essential cofactors nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NAD ) and flavin adenine dinucleotide ( FAD ) , respectively .
The Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology ( INGEB ) is a public Bosnian-Herzegovinian institute of the Sarajevo University ( UNSA ) .
Label: Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology , also known as INGEB , is public Bosnian-Herzegovinian scientific institution , member Sarajevo University ( UNSA ) , Affiliate center of International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – ICGEB .
The Pakistan Citizenship Act became law on 13 April 1951 .
Label: The Pakistan Citizenship Act of 1951 was enacted on 13 April 1951 ; stating the purpose of it is " to make provision for citizenship of Pakistan " .
Tae Sung Dong and Kijong-dong were the only villages allowed by the armistice committee to remain within the boundaries of the DMZ .
Label: Daeseong-dong ( also written " Tae Sung Dong " ) and Kijo ̆ ng-dong ( also known as the " Peace Village " ) are the only settlements allowed by the armistice committee to remain within the boundaries of the DMZ .
Jetstar Pacific Airlines is a low-cost airline of Vietnam .
Label: Jetstar Pacific Airlines Joint Stock Aviation Company ( operating as Jetstar Pacific ) is a low-cost airline headquartered in Tan Binh District , Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam .
In mathematics a loss function or cost function is a mathematical function that maps an event , or the values of one or more variables onto a real number .
Label: In mathematical optimization and decision theory , a loss function or cost function is a function that maps an event or values of one or more variables onto a real number intuitively representing some " cost " associated with the event .
To look like Tauriel in the films , she wore a red wig with knee-length hair , fake ears that are three times larger than the ones Orlando Bloom wore as Legolas ( though Lilly felt that the long hair would take attention away from the ears ) .
Label: In addition to the red wig she wore to effect Tauriel 's knee-length red hair , Lilly , when given a choice of wearing small , medium or large prosthetic ears , chose the large ones , which are three times the size of the prosthetics Orlando Bloom wore as Legolas , though Lilly believed that the length of her hair would distract attention from the ears .
Tuzla is the third largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
Label: Tuzla ( -RSB- ) is the third-largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the administrative center of Tuzla Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
In mathematics , a graph is used to show how things are connected .
Label: In mathematics , and more specifically in graph theory , a graph is a structure amounting to a set of objects in which some pairs of the objects are in some sense " related " .
With Anterograde amnesia , the longer-term memories from the time before the event remain intact .
Label: Anterograde amnesia is a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused amnesia , leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past , while long-term memories from before the event remain intact .
IFK Go ̈ teborg is an association football club which plays in Sweden for Gothenburg .
Label: Idrottsfo ̈ reningen Kamraterna Go ̈ teborg ( officially IFK Go ̈ teborg Fotboll ) , commonly known as IFK Go ̈ teborg , IFK ( especially locally ) or simply Go ̈ teborg , is a Swedish professional football club based in Gothenburg .
Several double-blind experiments suggest that people who say they have EHS ca n't detect if electromagnetic fields are present , and are just as likely to report feeling sick after a phony exposure as they are after real exposure , making scientists think it is the nocebo effect .
Label: Since then , several double-blind experiments have shown that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields , suggesting the cause in these cases to be the nocebo effect .
For example : five hundred colones are called " " cinco tejas " " .
Label: " Teja " ( roof tile ) is the slang term for one hundred colones , so that five hundred colones coins and notes are called " cinco tejas " , while fifty colones coins and notes are referred to as " media teja " ( half roof tile ) .
It is also known as coronary artery bypass graft ( CABG , pronounced " cabbage " ) surgery , and known by doctors as heart bypass or bypass surgery .
Label: Coronary artery bypass surgery , also known as coronary artery bypass graft ( CABG , pronounced " cabbage " ) surgery , and colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery , is a surgical procedure to restore normal blood flow to an obstructed coronary artery .
Plagiarism is copying another person 's ideas , words or writing and pretending that they are one 's own work .
Label: Plagiarism is the " wrongful appropriation " and " stealing and publication " of another author 's " language , thoughts , ideas , or expressions " and the representation of them as one 's own original work .
" Mister Rogers ' Neighborhood " began in 1968 and ran for 895 episodes .
Label: " Mister Rogers ' Neighborhood " ( also called the " Neighborhood " ) , a half-hour educational children 's program starring Rogers , began airing nationally in 1968 and ran for 895 episodes .
She trained in several places to get better at wrestling before working for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ( TNA ) in June 2002 .
Label: She trained in several camps to improve her wrestling abilities before working for NWA : Total Nonstop Action ( NWA : TNA , later Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ) in June 2002 , where she gained national attention .
Free software is software that anyone may run , share , and change , at any time , for any reason .
Label: Free software or libre software is computer software distributed under terms that allow users to run the software for any purpose as well as to study , change , and distribute it and any adapted versions .
A federation is a union of a number of self-governing states or regions , which are joined together under a central government .
Label: A federation ( also known as a federal state ) is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces , states , or other regions under a central federal government ( federalism ) .
In marine sediments methane is produced when sulfates are low .
Label: In marine sediments the biological production of methane , also termed methanogenesis , is generally confined to where sulfates are depleted , below the top layers .
For example , a kilometre is one thousand times the length of a metre , but a square kilometre is one million times the area of a square metre .
Label: For example , a kilometre is 10 ( a thousand ) times the length of a metre , but a square kilometre is 10 ( 10 , a million ) times the area of a square metre , and a cubic kilometre is 10 ( 10 , a billion ) cubic metres .
In many species , the female needs to get proteins from a blood meal before she can produce eggs .
Label: In many species , the female needs to obtain nutrients from a blood meal before it can produce eggs , whereas in many other species , it can produce more eggs after a blood meal .
In this game , a dragon named Red uses evil Dark Gems to poison the Dragon Worlds .
Label: The game revolves around an evil plot by the villain Red , a former Dragon Elder , who begins to plant Dark Gems around the Dragon Realms , sucking the life out of these worlds .
If the third team is 10 points or more ahead the 4th , The third team is automatically qualified .
Label: If the 3rd-placed team is 10 or more points ahead of the 4th-placed team , it is automatically promoted too , otherwise a playoff tournament determines the third team that will be ascending .
With so many different Aboriginal groups , languages , beliefs and practices , it is not possible to describe under a single heading , the full range and diversity of all myths across the entire continent .
Label: With so many distinct Aboriginal groups , languages , beliefs and practices , scholars can not attempt to characterise , under a single heading , the full range and diversity of all myths being variously and continuously told , developed , elaborated , performed , and experienced by group members across the entire continent .
Lincoln is the luxury brand of Ford .
Label: Lincoln , formally the Lincoln Motor Company , is a luxury vehicle brand of the American manufacturer Ford Motor Company .
A color wheel is a circular chart that shows primary and secondary colors .
Label: A color wheel or color circle is an abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle , which shows the relationships between primary colors , secondary colors , tertiary colors etc .
On her marriage to Elector Johann Wilhelm II , she became Electress Palatine , and , patronised a lot of musicians .
Label: On her marriage to Elector Johann Wilhelm II , she became Electress of the Palatinate , and , by patronising musicians , she earned for the contemporary Palatine court the reputation of an important music centre .
In 1887 , a group of young men held a meeting at the County hotel in Derby and founded the Derby Sketching Club .
Label: In 1887 , a group of young men held a meeting at the County hotel in Derby and founded the Derby Sketching Club with the aim of providing a place where they and others could work and share their interest in painting and sketching , a place to share their art .
Native Command Queuing ( NCQ ) is a technology designed to increase performance of SATA hard disks on computers .
Label: In computing , Native Command Queuing ( NCQ ) is an extension of the Serial ATA protocol allowing hard disk drives to internally optimize the order in which received read and write commands are executed .
Although the French troops would have more motorised units than the Germans , they could not hope to reach their places in the battle before the enemy did .
Label: Although the French troops would have a higher proportion of motorised units than their German adversaries , in view of the respective distances to be covered , they could not hope to reach their assigned sector advancing in battle deployment before the enemy did .
In odd years the awards are given to Americans by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Hyde Park , New York .
Label: In odd years the awards are presented to American citizens or institutions by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in New York City , though in the past the American awards were given in Hyde Park , New York .
Dietitians want to find , cook and serve tasty , attractive and healthy food to patients , their families and healthcare providers .
Label: The goals of dietitians are to provide medical nutritional intervention , and to obtain , safely prepare , serve and advise on flavorsome , attractive , and nutritious food for patients , groups and communities .
The trees for making Tasmanian oak are " Eucalyptus regnans " , " Eucalyptus obliqua " or " Eucalyptus delegatensis " .
Label: Tasmanian oak refers to the hardwood produced by three trees : " Eucalyptus regnans " , " Eucalyptus obliqua " or " Eucalyptus delegatensis " , when it is sourced from the Australian state of Tasmania .
Western Sydney Wanderers F.C. is an Australian professional soccer club from Western Sydney , New South Wales .
Label: Western Sydney Wanderers Football Club ( colloquially known as Western Sydney , or simply as Wanderers ) is an Australian professional soccer club based in the Western Sydney region of Sydney , New South Wales .
Pointers are used in linked lists .
Label: In other data structures , such as linked lists , pointers are used as references to explicitly tie one piece of the structure to another .
As a result , First Lady Nancy Reagan created her " Just Say No " campaign to promote anti-drug usage to children .
Label: First Lady Nancy Reagan made the War on Drugs her main priority by founding the " Just Say No " drug awareness campaign , which aimed to discourage children and teenagers from engaging in recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying " no . "
This is a list of television series originally broadcast on , and produced solely by , Disney Channel .
Label: This is a list of television series originally broadcast on , and produced at least partially by , Disney Channel ( formerly " The Disney Channel " ) , a family-oriented American basic cable channel and former premium channel , owned by The Walt Disney Company .
Several factors conspired to merge the status of former slaves and former free farmers into a dependent class of such " coloni " .
Label: Several factors conspired to merge the status of former slaves and former free farmers into a dependent class of such " coloni " : it was possible to be described as " servus et colonus " , " both slave and " colonus " " .
Sophocles ' won 18 times out of his 120 plays , and Euripides only had five wins out of about 90 plays .
Label: This compares favorably with Sophocles ' reported eighteen victories ( with a substantially larger catalogue , at an estimated 120 plays ) , and dwarfs the five victories of Euripides , who is thought to have written roughly 90 plays .
The United Kingdom is divided by Royal Mail into postcode areas .
Label: The list of postcode areas in the United Kingdom is a tabulation of the postcode areas used by Royal Mail for the purposes of directing mail within the United Kingdom .
The terms " parental leave " and " family leave " include maternity , paternity , and adoption leave .
Label: The term " parental leave " may include maternity , paternity , and adoption leave ; or may be used distinctively from " maternity leave " and " paternity leave " to describe separate family leave available to either parent to care for small children .
A trend or a fad is a type of behavior that develops in a large population .
Label: A fad , trend , or craze is any form of collective behavior that develops within a culture , a generation or social group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse for a finite period .
It is a double lipid bilayer membrane which surrounds the chromosomes and nucleolus in eukaryotic cells .
Label: The nuclear envelope , also known as the nuclear membrane , is made up of two lipid bilayer membranes which in eukaryotic cells surrounds the nucleus , which encases the genetic material .
Enver Halil Hoxha ( -RSB- ; 16 October 190811 April 1985 ) was the communist dictator of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985 .
Label: Enver Halil Hoxha ( ; -RSB- ; 16 October 190811 April 1985 ) was an Albanian communist politician who served as the head of state of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985 , as the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania .
Square rig refers to a type of sail and rigging where the sails are mounted on horizontal spars .
Label: Square rig is a generic type of sail and rigging arrangement in which the primary driving sails are carried on horizontal spars which are perpendicular , or square , to the keel of the vessel and to the masts .
Taipei City is the capital city of the Republic of China , known by most people simply as Taiwan .
Label: Taipei ( ; Mandarin : ; Hokkien POJ : " Ta ̂ i-pak " ) , officially known as Taipei City , is the capital and a special municipality of Taiwan ( officially the Republic of China , " ROC " ) .
In computer science , an interpreter is a computer program that performs commands written in a computer programming language .
Label: In computer science , an interpreter is a computer program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language , without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program .
The iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max ( pronounced " ten S " and " ten S Max " ) are smartphones sold by Apple Inc .
Label: The iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max ( stylized and marketed as iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max ; Roman numeral " X " pronounced " ten " ) are smartphones designed , developed and marketed by Apple Inc .
The Airbus A318 is a European airliner designed and built from the Airbus A319 .
Label: The Airbus A318 is the smallest member of the Airbus A320 family of short- to medium-range , narrow-body , commercial passenger twin-engine jet airliners manufactured by Airbus .
The word " literature " comes from the Latin word " learning , writing , grammar " .
Label: Etymologically , the term derives from Latin " literatura / litteratura " " learning , a writing , grammar , " originally " writing formed with letters , " from " litera / littera " " letter " .
The Grey Cup is the trophy awarded to the champion of the Canadian Football League , and also the name of the championship game .
Label: The Grey Cup is the name of both the championship game of the Canadian Football League ( CFL ) and the trophy awarded to the victorious team playing in the namesake championship of professional Canadian football .
The Mitchell River created silt jetties which run into Lake King for several kilometres .
Label: Silt deposited by this process forms into long jetties which can run many kilometres into a lake , as exemplified by the Mitchell River silt jetties that run into Lake King .
A head teacher ( also called a school principal , or headmaster / headmistress ) is the teacher in charge of a school .
Label: A head teacher , headmaster , headmistress , head , chancellor , principal or school director ( sometimes another title is used ) is the staff member of a school with the greatest responsibility for the management of the school .
The American League ( or AL ) is one of the two leagues that make up Major League Baseball ( MLB ) .
Label: The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs , or simply the American League ( AL ) , is one of two leagues that make up Major League Baseball ( MLB ) in the United States and Canada .
Diskit , the capital of the Nubra area , is about 150 km north from Leh , the capital of Ladakh .
Label: Diskit , the headquarter of eponymous Subdivision and also of Nubra tehsil , is about 150 km north from Leh town , the capital of Ladakh Administrative Division , Jammu and Kashmir , India .
The men 's and women 's ice hockey teams play in Hockey East .
Label: The men 's and women 's hockey teams compete in Hockey East , while the men 's and women 's rowing teams compete in the Eastern Association of Rowing Colleges ( EARC ) and Eastern Association of Women 's Rowing Colleges ( EAWRC ) , respectively .
The zlib License is an open source software license .
Label: The zlib license has been approved by the Free Software Foundation ( FSF ) as a free software license , and by the Open Source Initiative ( OSI ) as an open source license .
It was so rough , it was given the nickname , " Hurt 's your knees . "
Label: Unfortunately , the coaster gained a reputation as a rough and uncomfortable ride experience , which earned the coaster the nickname , " Hurt-Your-Knees " by roller coaster enthusiasts .
After the first 707 was made in 1957 , the Dash 80 was changed into a test planes for other things .
Label: After the arrival of the first production 707 in 1957 the Dash 80 was adapted into a general experimental aircraft and used by Boeing to test a variety of new technologies and systems .
The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences is an academic unit of University of California , Irvine ( UCI ) .
Label: The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences , also known colloquially as UCI 's School of ICS or simply the Bren School , is an academic unit of University of California , Irvine ( UCI ) , and the only dedicated school of computer science in the University of California system .
Sea snakes , or " coral reef snakes " , are venomous elapid snakes .
Label: Sea snakes , or coral reef snakes , are a subfamily of venomous elapid snakes , the Hydrophiinae , that inhabit marine environments for most or all of their lives .
It has been created in 1998 by the French National aeronautical universities ( ENAC , ENSMA and ISAE ) .
Label: It has been originally created by the " groupement des e ́ coles ae ́ ronautiques franc ̧ aises " ( group of French aeronautical " grandes e ́ coles " ) ( ENAC , ENSMA and ISAE ) in 1998 .
The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units ( SI ) .
Label: The kilogram ( also kilogramme ) is the base unit of mass in the metric system , formally the International System of Units ( SI ) , having the unit symbol kg .
The movie was produced by Paramount Pictures , Universal Pictures , Universal Animation Studios , and Nickelodeon ; and distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment in North America and Universal Studios Home Entertainment overseas .
Label: It was produced by Paramount Pictures ( as the logo is seen on worldwide releases ) , Universal Cartoon Studios ( as the logo is seen on international releases ) , and Nickelodeon ; and distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment in North America and Universal Studios Home Entertainment overseas .
The best-known competition is the Blackpool Dance Festival , England .
Label: Internationally , the Blackpool Dance Festival , hosted annually at Blackpool , England is considered the most prestigious event a dancesport competitor can attend .
A serif is a term in typography .
Label: In typography , a serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family of fonts .
The UEFA Euro 1996 was the 10th UEFA European Football Championship tournament .
Label: The 1996 UEFA European Football Championship , commonly referred to as Euro 96 , was the 10th UEFA European Championship , a quadrennial football tournament contested by European nations and organised by UEFA .
The building for UNOOSA is located in the United Nations Office in Vienna in Austria .
Label: The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs ( UNOOSA ) is a part of the United Nations Secretariat , located at the United Nations Office in Vienna , Austria .
The FIBA Basketball World Cup , known as the FIBA World Championship from 1950 through 2010 , is a world basketball tournament for men 's national teams held once every four years by the International Basketball Federation ( FIBA ) .
Label: The FIBA Basketball World Cup , also known as the FIBA World Cup of Basketball or simply the FIBA World Cup , between 1950 and 2010 known as the FIBA World Championship , is an international basketball competition contested by the senior men 's national teams of the members of the International Basketball Federation ( FIBA ) , the sport 's global governing body .
German idealism is a group of theories in philosophy that began in Germany in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
Label: German idealism ( also known as post-Kantian idealism , post-Kantian philosophy , or simply post-Kantianism ) was a philosophical movement that emerged in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries .
The Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 was passed by the United States Congress on December 16 , 2010 and signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 17 , 2010 .
Label: The Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 ( , , , enacted 17 , 2010 ) , also known as the 2010 Tax Relief Act , was passed by the United States Congress on December 16 , 2010 , and signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 17 , 2010 .
GLONASS ( " " ) is a radio-based satellite navigation system .
Label: GLONASS ( , -RSB- ; , transliteration : ) , or " GLObal NAvigation Satellite System " , is a space-based satellite navigation system operating as part of a radionavigation-satellite service .
Those in the halo contain many more stars and are much older than the less dense open clusters in the disk .
Label: Globular clusters are found in the halo of a galaxy and contain considerably more stars , and are much older , than the less dense , open clusters which are found in the disk of a galaxy .
King George III ( Born George William Frederick 4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820 ) was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 25 October 1760 until 1 January 1801 .
Label: George III ( George William Frederick ; 4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820 ) was King of Great Britain and King of Ireland from 25 October 1760 until the union of the two countries on 1 January 1801 , after which he was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death in 1820 .
A virtual learning environment ( VLE ) is a kind of e-learning system placed on a website .
Label: A virtual learning environment ( VLE ) in educational technology is a Web-based platform for the digital aspects of courses of study , usually within educational institutions .
ESPN is an American sports television network owned by ESPN , Inc . , a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company which owns 80 % and Hearst Corporation which owns 20 % .
Label: ESPN ( originally an initialism for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ) is a U.S.-based pay television sports channel owned by ESPN Inc . , owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company ( 80 % ) and Hearst Communications ( 20 % ) .
When other Soviet republics claimed sovereignty over their territory in 1988 and 1989 , Turkmenia 's leadership also began to criticize Moscow 's economic and political policies .
Label: When other constituent republics of the Soviet Union advanced claims to sovereignty in 1988 and 1989 , Turkmenia 's leadership also began to criticize Moscow 's economic and political policies as exploitative and detrimental to the well-being and pride of the Turkmen .
Multiple Working is the term used in the UK where more than one operational diesel or electric locomotives are coupled together under the control of one driver .
Label: On the UK rail network , multiple working is where two or more traction units ( locomotives , diesel multiple-units or electric multiple-units ) are coupled together in such a way that they are all under the control of one driver ( multiple-unit train control ) .
Tiverton is a town in Mid Devon , Devon , England .
Label: Tiverton is a town and civil parish in the English county of Devon and the main commercial and administrative centre of the Mid Devon district .
Juan was so devoted to Jesus Christ that he called him " bossing " ( Filipino word , for " boss " ) .
Label: His devotion to Christ led Juan to refer to Jesus as " bossing " ( Filipino for " boss " , due to Jesus being considered as the " shepherd " , or " boss " , of the " flock " , the followers of Jesus ) .
A tribunal is a person or an institution with the authority and power to judge .
Label: A tribunal , generally , is any person or institution with authority to judge , adjudicate on , or determine claims or disputes — whether or not it is called a tribunal in its title .
The Church-Turing thesis ( also known as Church 's thesis , Church 's conjecture and Turing 's thesis ) is a statement about computers .
Label: In computability theory , the Church – Turing thesis ( also known as computability thesis , the Turing – Church thesis , the Church – Turing conjecture , Church 's thesis , Church 's conjecture , and Turing 's thesis ) is a hypothesis about the nature of computable functions .
He asked Congress to pass new civil rights laws .
Label: He called on Congress to pass new civil rights legislation , and urged the country to embrace civil rights as " a moral issue ... in our daily lives . "
Haines ran away from home at 14 with his boyfriend .
Label: Haines ran away from home at the age of 14 , accompanied by an unidentified young man to whom Haines referred as his " boyfriend " .
The Dixie Chicks are Martie Maguire , Natalie Maines and Emily Robison .
Label: Dixie Chicks are an American music group composed of founding members ( and sisters ) Martie Erwin Maguire and Emily Erwin Robison , and lead singer Natalie Maines .
The role of the video game producer has been defined by different companies and different teams .
Label: Over its entire history , the role of the video game producer has been defined in a wide range of ways by different companies and different teams , and there are a variety of positions within the industry referred to as " producer " .
The far-right have historically favored a society that believes in superior minority over inferior masses .
Label: Claims that superior people should have greater rights than inferior people are often associated with the far-right , as they have historically favored an elitist society based on its belief in the legitimacy of the rule of a supposed superior minority over the inferior masses .
The University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore is the oldest engineering university in Pakistan .
Label: The University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore ( UET Lahore ) is a public university and the oldest engineering institution in Pakistan , located in Lahore , Punjab , Pakistan .
It is a mixture of two medicines- hydrocodone and acetaminophen .
Label: Hydrocodone / acetaminophen is a two-ingredient combination formula consisting of the opioid hydrocodone and the non-opioid analgesic acetaminophen .
Single transferable vote ( STV for short ) is a type of voting system .
Label: The single transferable vote ( STV ) is a voting system designed to achieve proportional representation through ranked voting in multi-seat organizations or constituencies ( voting districts ) . |
You are supposed to identify the category of a high-school level math question. There are five possible categories (1) algebra (2) arithmetic (3) measurement (4) numbers, and (5) probability. Use the following guidelines: (1) 'algebra' questions will typically contain letter variables and will ask you to find the value of a variable (2) 'arithmetic' questions will ask the sum, difference, multiplication, division, power, square root or value of expressions involving brackets (3) 'measurement' questions are questions that ask to convert a quantity from some unit to some other unit (4) 'numbers' questions will be about bases, remainders, divisors, GCD, LCM etc. (5) 'probability' questions will ask about the probability of the occurrence of something. A question must belong to only one category.
Possible labels:
1. algebra
2. arithmetic
3. measurement
4. numbers
5. probability
Let k be (-50)/15*(-3)/(-2). What is the tens digit of (48 + k)*(-2 + 3)?
Label: numbers
Convert 483142.9m to nanometers.
Label: measurement
How many litres are there in 0.4557036 millilitres?
Label: measurement
Calculate prob of picking 1 x and 1 i when two letters picked without replacement from {d: 2, o: 7, u: 2, i: 1, x: 4}.
Label: probability
What is five quarters of a day in hours?
Label: measurement
What comes next: 267, 1071, 2411, 4287, 6699?
Label: algebra
Two letters picked without replacement from bbrrnbbrrxbr. Give prob of picking 2 r.
Label: probability
Suppose 3*h = -d - 598, 0 = 7*h - 2*h + d + 998. Let t = 299 + h. Suppose 15 = 2*q - 7. Calculate the greatest common factor of t and q.
Label: numbers
Two letters picked without replacement from {x: 13, b: 6}. Give prob of picking 1 b and 1 x.
Label: probability
Three letters picked without replacement from {g: 2, y: 4, w: 1}. Give prob of sequence ygy.
Label: probability
What is fourty-three quarters of a millimeter in micrometers?
Label: measurement
Solve -8 = 4*p - 2*s, 5*p + s - 26 = -s for p.
Label: algebra
Solve 4*f - 35 + 0 = -3*y, 4*y - 30 = -2*f for f.
Label: algebra
What is -1 + -2 + 2 + 1?
Label: arithmetic
Let p = 2 + -1. Let c be 16/5 + p/(-5). Suppose 7*m - 4*t - 20 = c*m, -2 = -4*m - 5*t. Solve m*h = 2*h - 5*j - 13, -h - 2*j = 4 for h.
Label: algebra
Two letters picked without replacement from vvdv. Give prob of sequence vv.
Label: probability
Evaluate -27 + (3 - -22) + (-1 - -6).
Label: arithmetic
Solve -b - 2*q = 2*q + 21, 2*q - 17 = 5*b for b.
Label: algebra
How many hours are there in 15/4 of a week?
Label: measurement
Calculate prob of sequence vgv when three letters picked without replacement from vjgajvpgw.
Label: probability
Calculate (-60 - -61) + (-1 + 4 - 1).
Label: arithmetic
What is the square root of 5621 to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
Suppose -3*z + 133 = 4*n - 10, 5*n = 25. Let l = -21 + z. Let r = l + -11. Calculate the least common multiple of 7 and r.
Label: numbers
What is 6*(16/20)/(6/5)?
Label: arithmetic
Four letters picked without replacement from cuuectztuwwc. Give prob of picking 1 c, 2 w, and 1 u.
Label: probability
Three letters picked without replacement from {s: 9, k: 5}. What is prob of picking 3 k?
Label: probability
What is 28.66276 days in weeks?
Label: measurement
Four letters picked without replacement from mmmrofnfznf. What is prob of sequence zmno?
Label: probability
Let h(i) = 29*i + 2. Calculate the remainder when 122 is divided by h(1).
Label: numbers
Let u = -10 + 18. Let c = 4 - 3. Calculate the smallest common multiple of c and u.
Label: numbers
Suppose -12 = l + 2*l. Let d = l + 22. What is the remainder when 35 is divided by d?
Label: numbers
How many months are there in 7/2 of a millennium?
Label: measurement
Let q = -46 - -61. What is the remainder when 55 is divided by q?
Label: numbers
What is the value of 738/82 + (-83)/9?
Label: arithmetic
What is 43.59957 kilograms in tonnes?
Label: measurement
How many millilitres are there in 42/5 of a litre?
Label: measurement
Convert 7399.215t to nanograms.
Label: measurement
Suppose 4*g - 9 - 7 = 0. Suppose 0 = -4*y + g*u + 144, 2*u = 3*y - 0*y - 111. Calculate the remainder when y is divided by 396/39 + 2/(-13).
Label: numbers
Solve 20*o - 16*o = -8 for o.
Label: algebra
Let x be 4/(-3) - (-4)/3. Let r = -17 + 12. Let o = x - r. Solve -o*m - 11 = 4 for m.
Label: algebra
Calculate prob of picking 1 l and 2 p when three letters picked without replacement from pllppppppllppplpppp.
Label: probability
Two letters picked without replacement from {s: 1, h: 2, d: 1, v: 1}. What is prob of picking 1 d and 1 s?
Label: probability
Evaluate 0 - 1 - (-10 - (1 + -5)).
Label: arithmetic
Two letters picked without replacement from qsbvbbbqqvbs. Give prob of picking 2 q.
Label: probability
Let g be (12/18)/(1/3). Let k be 36/2*(-4 + 5). What is the greatest common divisor of g and k?
Label: numbers
Convert 71.7542 litres to millilitres.
Label: measurement
Suppose -2*b - 9 = 21. Let f be (-1)/5 - 63/b. Suppose 3*t - 2*p - 11 = 0, 8*p - 4*p + 8 = f*t. What is the units digit of t?
Label: numbers
Calculate prob of sequence yyyz when four letters picked without replacement from yyyyzzyzyzyzzyzy.
Label: probability
What comes next: 660, 661, 662, 663?
Label: algebra
Three letters picked without replacement from alwllswjfsallls. What is prob of picking 1 l, 1 a, and 1 w?
Label: probability
Calculate prob of sequence pb when two letters picked without replacement from aapbbpppbpppbabab.
Label: probability
Let x be ((-70)/(-8))/((-1)/(-8)). Suppose 2*n - 5*c - x = 0, 4*n + c = 2 + 94. Solve -2*d + 5*u = -3*d - 5, 5*u + n = 3*d for d.
Label: algebra
Solve 0 = -35*a + 65*a + 270 for a.
Label: algebra
What is 7218.802 days in seconds?
Label: measurement
What is prob of picking 2 h when two letters picked without replacement from syhysyyhyoy?
Label: probability
Four letters picked without replacement from {h: 3, q: 2, g: 2, d: 2, p: 4}. What is prob of sequence ggdd?
Label: probability
What is the tens digit of (2 - (-12)/(-8))/(2/332)?
Label: numbers
What is the next term in 602, 1214, 1826?
Label: algebra
What is 51/2 of a millisecond in microseconds?
Label: measurement
How many millennia are there in 5137.518 decades?
Label: measurement
Let l = 10 + 12. Suppose -2*h + 4*s - 8 = 2*h, 3*h + 4*s = l. Solve 0 = -h*r - r + 15 for r.
Label: algebra
What is 343 divided by -7?
Label: arithmetic
Four letters picked without replacement from {c: 2, q: 6, v: 7}. Give prob of picking 2 c, 1 q, and 1 v.
Label: probability
What is next in 42, 55, 68, 81, 94, 107?
Label: algebra
Four letters picked without replacement from qfqyqqcyiicqf. What is prob of sequence icyf?
Label: probability
What is -5 + -1 + 6 + -3?
Label: arithmetic
What is -964 take away 28?
Label: arithmetic
Let p(s) = -s**2 - 5*s - 1. Let y be p(-5). What is the tens digit of y - (-2 + -11*2)?
Label: numbers
Calculate prob of sequence kkw when three letters picked without replacement from wwkkwkwwwwkkwwww.
Label: probability
Convert 0.0206712 weeks to microseconds.
Label: measurement
Let k(s) = s**3 - 4*s**2 - 6*s + 7. Let m be (-3)/2 - (-104)/16. What is the units digit of k(m)?
Label: numbers
Three letters picked without replacement from {l: 3, m: 1, k: 5, u: 3}. What is prob of sequence mkk?
Label: probability
-87 divided by 8
Label: arithmetic
How many milligrams are there in 3/32 of a kilogram?
Label: measurement
Suppose g + x - 9 = 0, -30 = -5*g + x - 9. Solve 4 - 9 = -g*h for h.
Label: algebra
Let x be (36/(-20))/((-3)/15). Let r(z) = z**2 - 8*z - 5. Let h be r(x). Solve -k + w + 0 - 2 = 0, -h*k - 2*w + 22 = 0 for k.
Label: algebra
Let k(f) = 8*f. Let u(l) = -l**2 + 5*l - 1. Let r be u(4). Let v be k(r). What is the greatest common factor of v and 36?
Label: numbers
What is prob of picking 1 q and 1 b when two letters picked without replacement from {j: 3, y: 1, u: 4, t: 2, q: 1, b: 1}?
Label: probability
What is 0.927 take away -298.7?
Label: arithmetic
Let i(f) = -4*f**2 - 2*f - 1. Let n = 5 + -6. Let x be i(n). Let s(v) = v**2 + 4*v + 4. Let j be s(x). Solve j = -4*u - 3 for u.
Label: algebra
Solve -d + 2*s + 14 = d, 4*d + 8 = -5*s for d.
Label: algebra
Calculate prob of picking 2 n and 1 q when three letters picked without replacement from {j: 2, n: 5, q: 8}.
Label: probability
What is 5.900166 microseconds in hours?
Label: measurement
What is 754238.6 millilitres in litres?
Label: measurement
What is 72/5 of a litre in millilitres?
Label: measurement
In base 6, what is -45 - 135?
Label: arithmetic
Let k be 5/(-1)*(-4)/(-10). Let j be k/(-8) - 15/(-4). Let w be (-1 + 5)/((-4)/(-8)). Calculate the greatest common divisor of j and w.
Label: numbers
What is 10/(-36) - 3*(-6)/108?
Label: arithmetic
Suppose -5*f = 456 - 16. What is the common denominator of (-262)/f + 3/12 and (292/8)/(6 - 0)?
Label: numbers
Evaluate (1/2)/(17/170).
Label: arithmetic
Three letters picked without replacement from afwawfawwwwa. What is prob of picking 2 f and 1 w?
Label: probability
Calculate prob of picking 1 j, 1 n, and 2 g when four letters picked without replacement from innvgninjnngvnn.
Label: probability
What is 48/5 of a millimeter in micrometers?
Label: measurement
What is next in 37, 4, -27, -56, -83, -108, -131?
Label: algebra
How many decades are there in six fifths of a millennium?
Label: measurement
Let s = -116 - -120. What is the least common multiple of 78 and s?
Label: numbers
Evaluate 15/(-18)*24/(-30).
Label: arithmetic
What is next in 240, 198, 156, 114, 72, 30?
Label: algebra
Calculate prob of picking 1 w, 1 i, and 2 m when four letters picked without replacement from omwwsmmsowswwiwwibss.
Label: probability
How many minutes are there in sixty-four fifths of a hour?
Label: measurement
What is three fifths of a millennium in centuries?
Label: measurement
What is 19629 to the power of 1/3, to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
8 * -0.65
Label: arithmetic
312 divided by -12
Label: arithmetic
What is (-14)/(-10) - 1 - (-135)/225?
Label: arithmetic
In base 15, what is 20 - -e?
Label: arithmetic
What is 5043 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
Let d = -25 - -162. What is the tens digit of d?
Label: numbers
Suppose -5*s = -152 - 198. Calculate the remainder when s is divided by 24.
Label: numbers
Let p = -3 - -7. Let n be (349 - p/(-2))*-1. Calculate the common denominator of -5 and (1/3)/(99/n).
Label: numbers
Let v = -2/1793 + 19749/23309. Calculate the common denominator of v and 21/8.
Label: numbers
How many grams are there in seventeen halves of a kilogram?
Label: measurement
What is 57335 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
How many minutes are there in twenty-five halves of a day?
Label: measurement
Let t be 4 + -2 + 1/1. Let z = -1 + t. Solve z*q - q = 0 for q.
Label: algebra
What is 69/2 of a litre in millilitres?
Label: measurement
Calculate prob of picking 2 q and 1 o when three letters picked without replacement from {o: 5, q: 2}.
Label: probability
Work out 8.5 - -114.
Label: arithmetic
Let l be (6/(-9))/(6/(-108)). Let x be -10 - (-4 - 2*-1). Let t = x + l. Calculate the highest common factor of t and 44.
Label: numbers
What is 1/5 of a gram in milligrams?
Label: measurement
What is 5819.525 millilitres in litres?
Label: measurement
Calculate -4332 divided by 1444.
Label: arithmetic
Product of 0.0298 and 0.6.
Label: arithmetic
Solve 2*v + 5 - 13 = 0 for v.
Label: algebra
Calculate the remainder when 23 is divided by (12/2 + -4)*3.
Label: numbers
Suppose -w = 0, -1 = -m + w + 17. Calculate the highest common factor of m and 45.
Label: numbers
What is five quarters of a day in hours?
Label: measurement
Let x(n) = -n + 5. Let u = 20 + -10. What is the smallest common multiple of x(3) and u?
Label: numbers
How many nanograms are there in 2155.172 kilograms?
Label: measurement
Let d(b) = -b**3 - 4*b**2 + 2. Let t be d(-5). Calculate the highest common factor of t and 27.
Label: numbers
Let t = -8 + 5. Let h = t + 7. Let r be (-8)/24*(-27 - 0). Solve r*q - h*q = 0 for q.
Label: algebra
Let q(x) = -16*x**3 - 2*x**2 - 2*x - 1. Let y be q(-1). Suppose -t - 6*d + y = -2*d, 24 = 3*t + 5*d. Let l = 11 - t. What is the units digit of l?
Label: numbers
Let f be 4 + (-10)/(-5) + 1. What is the greatest common factor of 1 and f?
Label: numbers
Suppose 71 + 29 = 2*t. Suppose -4*u + t = u. What is the least common multiple of u and 8?
Label: numbers
How many decades are there in thirty-four fifths of a century?
Label: measurement
Let d(m) = 0*m - 5*m - 2 + 2*m + m. Let x be d(-6). What is the units digit of (-6)/x - 215/(-25)?
Label: numbers
What is prob of sequence uq when two letters picked without replacement from vlqvvwvquu?
Label: probability
What is the next term in -14, 84, 250, 484?
Label: algebra
Let z(i) = -i**3 + 6*i + 2. Let h be z(-3). Let v = h - 3. Solve 0 = 4*k - 2*k - v for k.
Label: algebra
What is the value of (-3)/(198/58) + 1/3?
Label: arithmetic
Solve -4*w + 16 = 4*l, 8*w - 4*l = 3*w - 25 for w.
Label: algebra
How many micrometers are there in fourty-five eighths of a centimeter?
Label: measurement
Let h(i) = 29*i + 2. Calculate the remainder when 122 is divided by h(1).
Label: numbers
Solve 26*z = -48*z + 518 for z.
Label: algebra
Let r = 4 - 8. Let f be (-2 - 1 - r)/1. Solve 0 = -u + 1 + f for u.
Label: algebra
What is 489.788 - 0.2?
Label: arithmetic
Let l be (6/(-9))/(6/(-108)). Let x be -10 - (-4 - 2*-1). Let t = x + l. Calculate the highest common factor of t and 44.
Label: numbers
What is 0.9436712m in nanometers?
Label: measurement
Suppose -27 = g - 70. What is the units digit of g?
Label: numbers
What is prob of sequence bpw when three letters picked without replacement from pnbjw?
Label: probability
What is 79297.05ml in litres?
Label: measurement
Solve 23*o = 21*o - 4*u + 18, 4*o - 2*u + 14 = 0 for o.
Label: algebra
What is the cube root of 9440 to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
How many grams are there in 85.74213t?
Label: measurement
Suppose -4*b + c = -b - 71, -b + 21 = -c. What is the tens digit of b?
Label: numbers
Four letters picked without replacement from {a: 5, i: 1, v: 2, t: 5, n: 4, w: 3}. Give prob of picking 1 t, 2 w, and 1 a.
Label: probability
What is three eighths of a day in hours?
Label: measurement
Solve 16*q - 105 = q for q.
Label: algebra
Evaluate (-1 - (10 + 4)) + 10.
Label: arithmetic
Calculate prob of sequence vgg when three letters picked without replacement from {v: 9, g: 5}.
Label: probability
What is thirty-one halves of a litre in millilitres?
Label: measurement
Suppose 5*w = -3*t + 1 + 52, 0 = -5*t - 4*w + 71. Solve 2*k = p + 2*p - t, 0 = 2*k + 4*p - 24 for k.
Label: algebra
Two letters picked without replacement from hmpmmmmxmmmxmxamxxt. What is prob of picking 1 t and 1 p?
Label: probability
Let c(a) = -5 + a + 0 + 1. Suppose 0 = -k - 5*p + 20, -2*k + 3 = -3*p + 2. Let i be c(k). What is the greatest common divisor of 11 and i?
Label: numbers
Let f = -4 + 15. What is the units digit of f - (-3 - (-3)/3)?
Label: numbers
Two letters picked without replacement from yjjzy. What is prob of picking 1 j and 1 z?
Label: probability
Label: arithmetic
Two letters picked without replacement from {w: 4, v: 2, o: 1, q: 2, k: 2, x: 4}. What is prob of picking 1 o and 1 v?
Label: probability
What is 0 divided by -69?
Label: arithmetic
Suppose 0 = 5*p + 33317 - 166867. Suppose 3*w - 4*w + p = 0. Let g = w - 480907/18. Find the common denominator of -41/14 and g.
Label: numbers
What is the square root of 1297 to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
Product of 30 and 0.5.
Label: arithmetic
Label: arithmetic
Multiply -1 and -5067.
Label: arithmetic
Suppose -4*j = -4*u + 40, 3*u = 5*j - 0*j + 48. Let p = 17 + j. What is the units digit of p?
Label: numbers
Three letters picked without replacement from mwwswwmswmuummwwmwww. What is prob of sequence usm?
Label: probability
What is prob of sequence ih when two letters picked without replacement from ihpphbiphppbbbbbhbi?
Label: probability
What is 8.640037 millennia in years?
Label: measurement
Suppose -3 = -2*g + 7. Let j = g - -8. Calculate the greatest common divisor of 143 and j.
Label: numbers
Let c(t) = -1 - t - 2 + 1. Let i be c(0). Let o(w) = 5*w**2 + w + 1. Let m be o(i). Calculate the highest common factor of m and 38.
Label: numbers
Three letters picked without replacement from rnhhrhuuiu. Give prob of sequence hru.
Label: probability
What is next in -51, -93, -131, -165, -195, -221?
Label: algebra
How many milligrams are there in 20.36361ug?
Label: measurement
Let p(x) = -5*x + 1. Let o be p(-2). Let b = 22 - o. Calculate the highest common factor of 44 and b.
Label: numbers
What is next in -73, -66, -55, -40, -21?
Label: algebra
Suppose -5*g = 2*k - 3*k - 125, 4*g + 451 = -3*k. Let b = -2/8721 + 57173/8721. Find the common denominator of 27/(-36) + k/(-28) and b.
Label: numbers
Two letters picked without replacement from {b: 4, q: 1, p: 1, i: 2, j: 7}. What is prob of picking 2 j?
Label: probability
Convert 343372.3cm to meters.
Label: measurement
What is the seventh root of 29397 to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
What is seventy-two sevenths of a week in days?
Label: measurement
Convert 955845.6 nanograms to tonnes.
Label: measurement
Solve 116*c - 114*c - 4 = 0 for c.
Label: algebra
Calculate prob of picking 1 w, 1 u, 1 y, and 1 l when four letters picked without replacement from {l: 2, y: 4, i: 2, u: 1, w: 1, q: 7}.
Label: probability
What is 25/2 of a milligram in micrograms?
Label: measurement
Calculate 1265 divided by -3.
Label: arithmetic
Solve -8*i - 218 = -242 for i.
Label: algebra
Suppose -u = 3*w - 10, -3*w = -4*w - 2*u. Suppose -w*d + 15 = 3. Solve o = -d*o + 16 for o.
Label: algebra
In base 8, what is -40 - 32?
Label: arithmetic
Two letters picked without replacement from {i: 7, f: 3, m: 3, h: 1, j: 4}. Give prob of sequence jf.
Label: probability
How many nanograms are there in 3/10 of a microgram?
Label: measurement
Solve o + 15 = -3*g + 13, 0 = 3*g - 3 for o.
Label: algebra
What is the next term in -450, -421, -394, -369, -346, -325, -306?
Label: algebra
What is prob of sequence heek when four letters picked without replacement from kehhkkhe?
Label: probability
What is next in -154, -156, -160, -166?
Label: algebra
How many millimeters are there in 7063.451km?
Label: measurement
Evaluate -5 + -4 + 13 + (-2 - -2).
Label: arithmetic
Divide -5056 by 1.
Label: arithmetic
1287 divided by -1
Label: arithmetic
How many micrometers are there in 6/5 of a centimeter?
Label: measurement
Let l be 0/((-1)/(-1)*-2). Suppose 0 = 4*w - 4*j - 36, l = 2*w - 0*j + j - 6. Solve q + 3*c = 6*q - 14, 30 = w*q + 5*c for q.
Label: algebra
What is prob of picking 3 b when three letters picked without replacement from {c: 3, b: 3, v: 5, u: 6, j: 1}?
Label: probability
Convert 1169.156 centimeters to millimeters.
Label: measurement
Three letters picked without replacement from afwawfawwwwa. What is prob of picking 2 f and 1 w?
Label: probability
Let r(a) = -a**2 - a. Let t be r(4). Let g = 8 - t. What is the tens digit of g?
Label: numbers
Find the common denominator of 41/2 and 3 + (180/(-16))/(-3).
Label: numbers
What is prob of picking 2 p and 1 k when three letters picked without replacement from {e: 4, p: 2, b: 3, k: 8, s: 2, g: 1}?
Label: probability
Let q = -7 - -11. Suppose q*l = 6*l. Solve 2*z - 4 = -2*f, l = -0*f + 3*f + z for f.
Label: algebra
Calculate prob of picking 2 z when two letters picked without replacement from vzvvz.
Label: probability
Four letters picked without replacement from {e: 3, q: 9, r: 1, o: 2, c: 3}. Give prob of sequence ccoq.
Label: probability
Solve -77*h + 1000 = -177*h for h.
Label: algebra
What is one quarter of a litre in millilitres?
Label: measurement
How many millilitres are there in 25/8 of a litre?
Label: measurement
Label: arithmetic
Three letters picked without replacement from nnzluzzmlnmlmmzmmzlb. What is prob of picking 2 l and 1 z?
Label: probability
How many millennia are there in 243937.17 months?
Label: measurement
Calculate prob of sequence se when two letters picked without replacement from {e: 5, s: 5}.
Label: probability
What is prob of sequence nncc when four letters picked without replacement from nccnc?
Label: probability
How many centuries are there in 1.133379 years?
Label: measurement
What is 3/25 of a micrometer in nanometers?
Label: measurement
In base 7, what is -22 - 32?
Label: arithmetic
What is 7/2*24/28?
Label: arithmetic
What is 1435 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Label: arithmetic
Suppose -l + 57 = 8. What is the tens digit of l?
Label: numbers
Four letters picked without replacement from cjjacrjjcjoaa. Give prob of picking 1 r, 2 a, and 1 c.
Label: probability
Convert 309.377 days to microseconds.
Label: measurement
Let n = -4 + 5. Let w = -3 - -10. Let p = w - 2. Solve -4*k + l - n = p, -4*k - 2 = l for k.
Label: algebra
Label: arithmetic
Three letters picked without replacement from {l: 3, m: 1, k: 5, u: 3}. What is prob of sequence mkk?
Label: probability
Two letters picked without replacement from yjiywqyyy. Give prob of picking 1 j and 1 w.
Label: probability
Let x be 11 + -3 + 1/1. Suppose 3*m + 0*m - x = 0. Suppose -5*d + 4*d = -m. What is the units digit of d?
Label: numbers
Calculate prob of sequence wx when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, w: 1, x: 1, l: 4, d: 2}.
Label: probability
Two letters picked without replacement from liiillliliill. Give prob of picking 1 i and 1 l.
Label: probability
10/(-60) + 14/(-24)
Label: arithmetic
Suppose -q = 4*q. Suppose 0 = 3*t - 0*p + 3*p - 39, t - 4*p - 8 = q. What is the tens digit of t?
Label: numbers
Calculate prob of picking 1 f, 1 l, and 1 n when three letters picked without replacement from {g: 1, i: 1, e: 5, l: 3, n: 2, f: 1}.
Label: probability
Suppose -2*x - 5*b + 99 = 0, x + b - 4*b = 44. What is the highest common factor of 188 and x?
Label: numbers
Suppose 3*y = -v + 6, -v + 4 = v - 2*y. Suppose 0 = -3*a - 2*c + 1, -4*c + 1 = -3*a - 8*c. Suppose h = 3 + a. Calculate the remainder when h is divided by v.
Label: numbers
Let y = 21 - 19. Solve -y*v + 5*v = 0 for v.
Label: algebra
What is -19.4 minus -2.636?
Label: arithmetic
Calculate prob of picking 2 q when two letters picked without replacement from qbbbbqbbqqpbpqbbq.
Label: probability
Calculate -5 + -3 + (0 - -7) - -2.
Label: arithmetic
What is prob of picking 1 c and 1 z when two letters picked without replacement from {c: 6, k: 1, z: 8, d: 1}?
Label: probability
Calculate prob of picking 1 f and 1 d when two letters picked without replacement from fdffdffdffdd.
Label: probability
Let x(p) = -p**3 - 4*p**2 - 3*p - 1. Suppose 12 = -3*u + 3*q, 5*u - 5*q = 2*u - 14. Let v be x(u). Let j = v + 5. Solve -j*g + 20 = -0*g for g.
Label: algebra
Calculate 2 + 2 - (-16 - -16).
Label: arithmetic
Suppose 2*k + 3*l + 2 - 1 = 0, 3*k - 2*l - 5 = 0. Let f be (4/k)/((-1)/(-2)). Suppose 3*r + 5 = f. What is the lowest common multiple of r and 3?
Label: numbers
Solve 0 = j - 2*r + 16 - 8, 0 = 2*j + 2*r + 4 for j.
Label: algebra
Let h be (138 + 0)/3 - 2. Calculate the common denominator of (-37)/11 + 8/h and -34.
Label: numbers
Let w be (-92)/(-22) - 4/22. Suppose -w*j + 116 = -0*j. What is the remainder when j is divided by ((-6)/(-8))/(3/60)?
Label: numbers
Two letters picked without replacement from {x: 8, p: 5, a: 7}. Give prob of sequence xa.
Label: probability |
In this task, you will be given a short story or summary of a situation which is called a premise. Your task is to generate a question based on the given premise. The generated question (i) must be unambiguous, (ii) must be relevant to the premise, (iii) should require commonsense reasoning to get answered. You should not use any outside knowledge to generate the question.
Input: The triangle opened the door, stepped outside and started to shake.
Answer: Why did the triangle start to shake?
Input: The triangle is moving away from the circle.
Answer: Why is the triangle moving away?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door. The circle opens the door, sees the triangle, and shuts the door.
Answer: Why does the circle shut the door?
Input: The triangle is moving away from the circle.
Answer: Why is the triangle moving away?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are arguing with each other near the door. A circle sneaks into the room through the door.
Answer: Why does the circle sneak in?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are strolling together.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle run?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are dancing together. A circle approaches and pushes the big triangle away and then starts dancing with the small triangle.
Answer: How does the big triangle feel?
Input: A big triangle, circle, and little triangle stroll around together.
Answer: How are these shapes related to each other?
Input: A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle answers the door and the triangles kiss and leave together.
Answer: Why do they leave together?
Input: A triangle and a circle stroll by each other without any interaction.
Answer: Why is there no interaction?
Input: The circle opens the door for the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: A circle brushes against a triangle. The triangle recoils.
Answer: Why does the triangle recoil?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A circle is in the house moving around. A triangle bursts in through the door. The circle turns around and freezes.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A triangle is limping. A circle appears and runs towards the triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle run towards the triangle?
Input: A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle evade the circle?
Input: A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around.
Answer: Why does the circle turn around?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A big triangle, small triangle, and circle are in the house. The big triangle and the circle each kiss the small triangle, wave, and then leave the room.
Answer: How are the shapes related?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: The circle nods at the triangle.
Answer: Why?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door and the circle inside the house starts moving quickly towards the door.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and punches the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle punch the triangle?
Input: A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A circle brushes against a triangle. The triangle recoils.
Answer: Why does the triangle recoil?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle push the circle away?
Input: A small triangle knocks on the door. A circle opens the door and the triangle begins to argue with the circle. After a little while, they nod and then hug each other.
Answer: Why do they end up hugging?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. A big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What does the big triangle want?
Input: A small triangle is in the corner of the room watching the big triangle and the circle dance.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: The circle accelerates.
Answer: Why does the circle accelerate?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are racing.
Answer: Why are they racing?
Input: A triangle comes to the door. The circle opens the door, hugs the triangle and then they both go into the house.
Answer: Why does the circle hug the triangle?
Input: The circle knocks on the door.
Answer: Why does the circle knock on the door?
Input: A big triangle is bothering a little triangle by pushing the triangle into a corner.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: The triangle creeps into the house. A circle moves in the corner. The triangle bolts out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle bolt out of the house?
Input: A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: A circle and small triangle are hugging. A big triangle approaches and pulls the small triangle away.
Answer: How do the circle and small triangle feel?
Input: A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around.
Answer: Why does the circle turn around?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door and the circle inside the house starts moving quickly towards the door.
Answer: Why?
Input: The circle opens the door for the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: The circle punched the triangle.
Answer: Why?
Input: The triangle creeps into the house. A circle moves in the corner. The triangle bolts out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle bolt out of the house?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and punches the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle punch the triangle?
Input: A triangle is limping. A circle appears and runs towards the triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle run towards the triangle?
Input: A triangle is limping. A circle appears and runs towards the triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle run towards the triangle?
Input: A circle examines a small triangle from across the room.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room.
Answer: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room?
Input: A big triangle and a circle are standing next to together. A small triangle is jumping up and down and poking them. The big triangle and the circle are ignoring a small circle.
Answer: Why are they ignoring the small circle?
Input: A small triangle and a circle stand outside the room. A big triangle comes outside and all three of the shapes begin strolling together.
Answer: Why were the small triangle and the circle standing outside the room?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are strolling together.
Answer: Why?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle.
Answer: What are the intentions of the circle?
Input: A small triangle is trying to attack a circle. A big triangle comes in and tackles the small triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away.
Answer: How does the big triangle feel?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: A circle brushes against a triangle. The triangle recoils.
Answer: Why does the triangle recoil?
Input: The triangle roamed around the house.
Answer: Why was the triangle roaming?
Input: A large triangle is carrying a small triangle.
Answer: What is the relationship between these two circles?
Input: A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room.
Answer: Why does the circle leave?
Input: A triangle and a circle stroll by each other without any interaction.
Answer: Why is there no interaction?
Input: A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around.
Answer: Why did the circle poke the triangle?
Input: A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake.
Answer: Why?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building.
Answer: Why?
Input: A big triangle knocks on the door. A small triangle answers the door and the triangles kiss and leave together.
Answer: Why do they leave together?
Input: A circle examines a small triangle from across the room.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: The circle knocks on the door.
Answer: Why does the circle knock on the door?
Input: Two triangles are huddled together and shaking.
Answer: Why?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door and the circle inside the house starts moving quickly towards the door.
Answer: Why?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle.
Answer: What are the intentions of the circle?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are arguing. The small triangle hits the big triangle. The big triangle picks up the little triangle and starts carrying the little triangle to the building.
Answer: Why?
Input: The triangle creeps up on the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A small triangle is in the corner of the room watching the big triangle and the circle dance.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: The triangle creeps up on the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: The circle accelerates.
Answer: Why does the circle accelerate?
Input: A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other.
Answer: Why do they hug?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake.
Answer: Why?
Input: A small triangle is trying to attack a circle. A big triangle comes in and tackles the small triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: Two triangles are arguing with each other.
Answer: Why are they arguing?
Input: Two triangles talk to each other and then hug.
Answer: Why?
Input: The triangle and circle are next to each other.
Answer: They both start nodding. Why are they nodding?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle tap the triangle?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: A circle examines a small triangle from across the room.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: A circle and a triangle run towards each other and then hug and kiss.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle run?
Input: A small triangle knocks on the door. A circle opens the door and the triangle begins to argue with the circle. After a little while, they nod and then hug each other.
Answer: Why do they end up hugging?
Input: A circle approaches a small triangle in the corner of the room. The small triangle is shaking. A big triangle runs through the door and combats the circle. The small triangle runs and hugs the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: The triangle opened the door, stepped outside and started to shake.
Answer: Why did the triangle start to shake?
Input: A little triangle starts flirting with a big triangle. A circle approaches and pushes the little triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: A triangle is meandering around the house.
Answer: Why is the triangle meandering?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: The triangle pursues the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle push the circle away?
Input: There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle do this?
Input: The triangle saw the circle and started shaking.
Answer: Why did the triangle start shaking?
Input: A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A triangle is meandering around the house.
Answer: Why is the triangle meandering?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle evade the circle?
Input: A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: The triangle pursues the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A small triangle is creeping up on a circle. The circle turns around to face the triangle and then starts to run away.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: The triangle saw the circle approaching and bolted the opposite way.
Answer: Why did the triangle bolt?
Input: A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle evade the circle?
Input: A small triangle kisses a big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: The triangle is moving away from the circle.
Answer: Why is the triangle moving away?
Input: The circle accelerates.
Answer: Why does the circle accelerate?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: A circle is standing still. A triangle approaches from the opposite direction and then stops. The circle turns around.
Answer: Why does the circle turn around?
Input: A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle tickles a triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: A triangle and a circle are facing each other and start waving. Then the circle turns and strolls the opposite way.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: A triangle bumps into a circle and then runs away.
Answer: Why did the triangle bump into the circle?
Input: The triangle opened the door, stepped outside and started to shake.
Answer: Why did the triangle start to shake?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: A triangle approaches the door. A circle opens the door, jumps up and down, and then hugs the triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away.
Answer: How does the big triangle feel?
Input: A big triangle, circle, and little triangle stroll around together.
Answer: How are these shapes related to each other?
Input: A big triangle, small triangle, and circle are in the house. The big triangle and the circle each kiss the small triangle, wave, and then leave the room.
Answer: How are the shapes related?
Input: A triangle and circle are arguing. The circle turns around and leaves the room.
Answer: Why does the circle leave?
Input: A triangle ignores a circle.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle hug the circle?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle push the circle away?
Input: A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle is in the room. A triangle knocks on the door and the circle runs to the corner of the room. The triangle pushes the door open and the circle is in the corner of the room shaking.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A triangle is strolling outside.
Answer: How does the triangle feel?
Input: A triangle is alone in the house not moving. A circle enters the door of the house and nudges the triangle.
Answer: The triangle starts moving around. What just happened?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: The circle tries to kiss the triangle but the triangle turns away.
Answer: Why does the triangle turn away?
Input: The triangle and circle are next to each other.
Answer: They both start nodding. Why are they nodding?
Input: A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around.
Answer: Why did the circle poke the triangle?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: A small triangle runs behind the house when it sees the big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: A circle is in the house moving around. A triangle bursts in through the door. The circle turns around and freezes.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle run?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door. The circle opens the door, sees the triangle, and shuts the door.
Answer: Why does the circle shut the door?
Input: A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle hug the circle?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are in the room. The small triangle sneaks out through the door.
Answer: Why does the small triangle sneak through the door?
Input: A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle push the circle away?
Input: Two triangles are arguing with each other.
Answer: Why are they arguing?
Input: A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other.
Answer: Why do they hug?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are arguing with each other near the door. A circle sneaks into the room through the door.
Answer: Why does the circle sneak in?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are arguing with each other near the door. A circle sneaks into the room through the door.
Answer: Why does the circle sneak in?
Input: A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are in the room. The small triangle sneaks out through the door.
Answer: Why does the small triangle sneak through the door?
Input: The circle tries to kiss the triangle but the triangle turns away.
Answer: Why does the triangle turn away?
Input: A circle leaves the room, stops for a moment, and then turns around and reenters the house.
Answer: Why does the circle reenter the house?
Input: The circle moves back and forth in the house.
Answer: Why?
Input: There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle do this?
Input: A triangle and a circle stroll by each other without any interaction.
Answer: Why is there no interaction?
Input: Two triangles are playing with each other outside.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and punches the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle punch the triangle?
Input: A triangle ignores a circle.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle pokes a triangle. The triangle turns around.
Answer: Why did the circle poke the triangle?
Input: The triangle saw the circle and started shaking.
Answer: Why did the triangle start shaking?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle tap the triangle?
Input: The triangle is moving away from the circle.
Answer: Why is the triangle moving away?
Input: A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other.
Answer: Why do they hug?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: A circle and small triangle are hugging. A big triangle approaches and pulls the small triangle away.
Answer: How do the circle and small triangle feel?
Input: There are a small triangle and a big triangle walking together. A circle starts running towards the small triangle. The big triangle then blocks the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle do this?
Input: A circle examines a small triangle from across the room.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: The triangle runs towards the circle and then hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle run?
Input: A small triangle is trying to attack a circle. A big triangle comes in and tackles the small triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A big triangle and a small triangle are in the room. The small triangle sneaks out through the door.
Answer: Why does the small triangle sneak through the door?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A circle and a triangle run towards each other and then hug and kiss.
Answer: How do they feel?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are arguing. A circle approaches and taps on the big triangle. The big triangle turns around, pushes the circle away, and continues arguing with the small triangle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle push the circle away?
Input: The circle nods at the triangle.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A small triangle knocks on the door. A circle opens the door and the triangle begins to argue with the circle. After a little while, they nod and then hug each other.
Answer: Why do they end up hugging?
Input: A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A big triangle and little triangle walk towards the door from inside the room. The little triangle leaves the room and the big triangle waves. The big triangle continues to wave as the little triangle walks away.
Answer: How does the big triangle feel?
Input: A small triangle and big triangle are next to each other. A circle runs by and pushes the small triangle. The big triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the big triangle chase the circle?
Input: Two triangles are dancing.
Answer: How are they feeling?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle are fighting. A circle approaches and attacks the small triangle.
Answer: What are the intentions of the circle?
Input: A triangle is alone. A circle approaches the triangle and begins to flirt with it. The triangle evades the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle evade the circle?
Input: A triangle bumps into a circle and then runs away.
Answer: Why did the triangle bump into the circle?
Input: A big triangle and circle are arguing in the room. The triangle leaves the room and slams the door. The circle slowly walks to the corner of the room.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A circle is in the house moving around. A triangle bursts in through the door. The circle turns around and freezes.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A small triangle is being chased by a big triangle.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: The circle intimidates the small triangle.
Answer: How does the small triangle feel?
Input: A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A big triangle is bothering a little triangle by pushing the triangle into a corner.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: A triangle knocks on the door and the circle inside the house starts moving quickly towards the door.
Answer: Why?
Input: A big triangle is bothering a little triangle by pushing the triangle into a corner.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other.
Answer: Why do they hug?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A triangle is meandering around the house.
Answer: Why is the triangle meandering?
Input: A circle is continually poking the small triangle. The small triangle punches the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle do this?
Input: A big triangle is bothering a little triangle by pushing the triangle into a corner.
Answer: What is happening?
Input: A triangle approaches the door. A circle opens the door, jumps up and down, and then hugs the triangle.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: A circle knocks on the door. A triangle goes to the door, but hesitates to open it.
Answer: Why does the triangle hesitate to open the door?
Input: A little triangle starts flirting with a big triangle. A circle approaches and pushes the little triangle.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: The circle moves back and forth in the house.
Answer: Why?
Input: A small triangle knocks on the door. A circle opens the door and the triangle begins to argue with the circle. After a little while, they nod and then hug each other.
Answer: Why do they end up hugging?
Input: A circle is being attacked by a big triangle. A small triangle starts attacking the big triangle and pushes the big triangle off the screen. The small triangle runs towards the circle and they hug each other.
Answer: Why do they hug?
Input: A small triangle and a big triangle argue inside the room. The small triangle turns and trudges to the corner of the room.
Answer: Why does the small triangle trudge to the corner of the room?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: A circle and a triangle are in the house and are arguing. The circle punches the triangle. The triangle runs out of the house.
Answer: Why does the triangle leave the house?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. The big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What is the relationship between the small and big triangle?
Input: A circle and small triangle are hugging. A big triangle approaches and pulls the small triangle away.
Answer: How do the circle and small triangle feel?
Input: A circle is in the house moving around. A triangle bursts in through the door. The circle turns around and freezes.
Answer: How does the circle feel?
Input: The circle bothers the small triangle. A big triangle approaches and begins to argue with the circle.
Answer: What does the big triangle want?
Input: A circle chases after a triangle and taps the triangle. The circle then runs the opposite way and the triangle chases the circle.
Answer: Why does the circle tap the triangle?
Input: A circle examines a small triangle from across the room.
Answer: Why does the circle do this?
Input: Two triangles are huddled together and shaking.
Answer: Why?
Input: Two triangles talk to each other and then hug.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle and a small triangle are running alongside of each other. The circle slows down and then stops.
Answer: Why?
Input: A circle is alone in the corner of the room. A triangle hugs the circle.
Answer: Why does the triangle hug the circle?
Input: A small triangle kisses a big triangle.
Answer: Why does the small triangle do this?
Input: A small triangle is alone. A big triangle and a circle approach the small triangle from opposite sides. The small triangle starts to turn back and forth and shake.
Answer: Why? |
In this task, you are given an utterance, which is a part of a conversation between a user and an agent. Your job is to detect the speaker. The user usually commands the agent to schedule events, retrieve event information, and check the schedule. While the agent's response is an answer to the user's questions or follow-up questions on the user's command. Answer with "User" or "Agent".
Context: What do I have on Friday?
Output: user
Context: What is the location of my friend's baby shower?
Output: user
Context: When is Father's Day this year?
Output: user
Context: Call Esther Swann
Output: user
Context: yes that looks right
Output: user
Context: How about for November, which is the next month?
Output: user
Context: i have create my calendar
Output: user
Context: Do I have anything else scheduled on that day?
Output: user
Context: no, 10pm
Output: user
Context: change my firework event to happen in the summer
Output: user
Context: Please find meetings on my calendar for next month with anyone in Crim's team
Output: user
Context: 30 minutes and 0 seconds
Output: agent
Context: better one
Output: user
Context: What are my appointments today?
Output: user
Context: Find the Cowboy day event
Output: user
Context: Make an event after that lunch
Output: user
Context: Find the Cowboy day event
Output: user
Context: Update Project deadline to end Sunday 10PM. Also schedule project status update call Thursday.
Output: user
Context: delet tomorrow event
Output: user
Context: let's change that for not on the weekend
Output: user
Context: Yes, I found one event matching "sales meeting" with Jane. It's "sales meeting" on Tuesday the 19th from 2:00 to 2:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Set meetings with John on Saturday?
Output: user
Context: Cancel the morning meeting tomorrow
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events on Tuesday the 16th at 1:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: The event matching "wedding anniversary" between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 is January 20, 2021.
Output: agent
Context: Cancel my Costco Run
Output: user
Context: Change the Date from 27 Jan to 28 Jan
Output: user
Context: When is my meeting with Tom & Jerry?
Output: user
Context: Can you rename this to "Lunch near Klam Trail"?
Output: user
Context: that's fine
Output: user
Context: change my firework event to happen in the summer
Output: user
Context: I've changed "Arm's Day" to be named "Cormarin event". __BREAK Is this the change you want to make?
Output: agent
Context: add dates to my calendar
Output: user
Context: How long did that last?
Output: user
Context: I've changed "Dinner" to be at 8:00.
Output: agent
Context: No, move to the 28th
Output: user
Context: Hi, could you please set up a meeting with jerri on coming monday evening
Output: user
Context: Hello...
Output: user
Context: Will you modify that, so it is 30 minutes longer?
Output: user
Context: Can you delete my Thursday 3 pm physical therapy appointment?
Output: user
Context: I need to schedule a meeting with both Lisa and Kim's manager for 9AM tomorrow.
Output: user
Context: who have not accepted to birthday party
Output: user
Context: No, make it Sunday instead.
Output: user
Context: It doesn't look like it. The average cloud cover is 9% in Spencer right now.
Output: agent
Context: out of the office friday at 3pm
Output: user
Context: Awesome lets add a lunch with Dad that day at noon until 1 pm at the sushi bar. I also need to be shown as out of the office during that time.
Output: user
Context: put on the calendar that I have to go on Tuesday to play soccer
Output: user
Context: Yes. The chance of rain will be 0.00 % on Sun, October 28.
Output: agent
Context: I found 5 different places matching that description. Can you be more specific?
Output: agent
Context: Yes also decline my AC/CD Reunion and say i am going to see Journey instead
Output: user
Context: It starts on Sunday the 7th at 9:00 AM.
Output: agent
Context: Can you book a recycling collection run on Earth Day of this year, no, sorry, next year. It should be all day.
Output: user
Context: Please schedule a doctor appointment for tomorrow at 3 and reschedule my hair appointment thats at 4 for 6.
Output: user
Context: Do I have an event with Barack Obama?
Output: user
Context: Yes, can you keep me managing my calendar?
Output: user
Context: Here is the contact information for Adam Wallen:
Output: agent
Context: Yes, please delete that.
Output: user
Context: What meetings do I have the following day?
Output: user
Context: Update my gaming sesh with Pete to 7pm tonight.
Output: user
Context: We're having a "Surprise!" employee event Monday morning.
Output: user
Context: cancel appointment please
Output: user
Context: hi
Output: user
Context: I've changed "Appointment" to be tomorrow after 8:00.
Output: agent
Context: No, I don't like either of those.,
Output: user
Context: Can you add dinner out at 5 pm tonight for 2 hours
Output: user
Context: It will be clear with a high of 0.00 °F and a low of 0.00 °F on Sun, January 13.
Output: agent
Context: Do I have anything not called staff meeting this weekend?
Output: user
Context: add dinner with Barack Obama for wednesday at 8pm
Output: user
Context: Do I have time for 3 hour brainstorming session on Thursday?
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events named "lunch meeting" on your calendar.
Output: agent
Context: yes, its correct and also make the appointment to 9 to 10 am
Output: user
Context: Hello do I have any meetings scheduled for next Tuesday?
Output: user
Context: I've deleted your event tomorrow at 10:00.
Output: agent
Context: Try that again for me
Output: user
Context: one week later
Output: user
Context: No, this isn't correct.
Output: user
Context: Yes, please delete that.
Output: user
Context: yes thats the right one
Output: user
Context: What do I have next week?
Output: user
Context: I found 1 today. It's an "Licorice: I thought it was spelled with a Q" from 10:00 to 10:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: change it to thursday
Output: user
Context: Show out of office for this Friday-Sunday.
Output: user
Context: Yes, Abby Gonano has accepted the "party" invitation.
Output: agent
Context: great
Output: user
Context: Yup. The second one.
Output: user
Context: Thanks. Do you know Bill Clinton's phone number?
Output: user
Context: Let's go with the concert that starts at 2 pm.
Output: user
Context: please add an appointment with Andrew tomorrow at 6pm
Output: user
Context: What is the weather in Boston MA?
Output: user
Context: Will Debbie be joining us for the off-site meeting at Big Lodge on Monday?
Output: user
Context: I need to remove my dentist appointment next Tuesday
Output: user
Context: first one looks good
Output: user
Context: I found one event without Audrey Nauss. It's "grab coffee" on Saturday the 28th from 3:00 to 3:30.
Output: agent
Context: Yes, I found 2 events on Wednesday. The first is "Meeting with Wade Blakeley and Kristen Clifford" from 4:00 to 4:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I've updated your event.
Output: agent
Context: Can you also add my hair appointment on Sunday from 1 pm to 3 pm at the hair salon
Output: user
Context: I’ve encountered an error I haven’t been trained to handle. Can you try a different request?
Output: agent
Context: Can you schedule a meeting two hours before the work day ends?
Output: user
Context: Create a meeting for me and my team to go over fun-day excursions at 4p next Thursday
Output: user
Context: Nava
Output: user
Context: Schedule a business call with Rob for Friday at 7 am.
Output: user
Context: Reschedule tomorrow's Magic the Gathering Tournament for 9AM.
Output: user
Context: I'll be on Easter holidays the week of April
Output: user
Context: Will it be a rainy day that day?
Output: user
Context: No, I found no events named "doctor's appointment" on June 4th.
Output: agent
Context: And please schedule a Deadlift Workout an hour after that.
Output: user
Context: Yes. The chance of rain will be 0.00 % in Williamsburg between Sun, October 28 and Sun, November 4.
Output: agent
Context: What is the weather in Boston MA?
Output: user
Context: Add Beach Day with Sora and his boss on July 29th at 10 am.
Output: user
Context: Make the appointment in the biggest room we have available at that time.
Output: user
Context: yes it does
Output: user
Context: The 2nd event tomorrow is for 2 hours.
Output: agent
Context: what is the weather tomorrow for atlanta
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any matching events on your calendar.
Output: agent
Context: You're listed as being in Redmond at 11411 139th Pl NE, Redmond, WA 98052.
Output: agent
Context: Remove my Dentist appointment on the 15th.
Output: user
Context: It's okay
Output: user
Context: yep!
Output: user
Context: top choice
Output: user
Context: I don't support that capability yet.
Output: agent
Context: Reschedule my meeting with Barack Obama for next Monday
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any other events with Sara.
Output: agent
Context: No, I didn't find any events matching "sales meeting" with Jane tomorrow.
Output: agent
Context: Yes. The average cloud cover will be 0.00% on Sunday the 28th.
Output: agent
Context: Whats Hob Nob on Hlggins in Missoula rated?
Output: user
Context: Yes, The maximum temperature will be 0.00 °F tomorrow.
Output: agent
Context: Dan Schoffel has not been invited to the "Meeting with Brandon and Damon Straeter".
Output: agent
Context: Yes the top one please
Output: user
Context: When am I going fishing with Ryan, Kevin, Brian, and Nate?
Output: user
Context: Also please reject the Baseball practice tomorrow at 4:45 pm.
Output: user
Context: Add Mark and Louise please.
Output: user
Context: how long does the workout event last
Output: user
Context: The event matching "fishing" with Ryan, Kevin, Brian, and Nate is on December 6th at 5:00 AM.
Output: agent
Context: Schedule Buy A T-shirt at 1 pm on August 2nd.
Output: user
Context: And please schedule a Deadlift Workout an hour after that.
Output: user
Context: I need an event named "Hide from the Cold" that starts sometime in winter and lasts for 72 hours.
Output: user
Context: How about last week?
Output: user
Context: I've changed the location of the team pow-wow to Meeting Room T1.
Output: agent
Context: I've changed "Watch Sports" to be on Friday at 1:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I'm going to be with Abby and her manager tomorrow
Output: user
Context: When is my dentist appointment?
Output: user
Context: I've put that on your calendar. Sorry, I can't handle that yet.
Output: agent
Context: what events are on my calendar?
Output: user
Context: That's right.
Output: user
Context: What are the happy hour specials and hours tonight at Rue Bourbon in Reno?
Output: user
Context: Who put together the staff meeting?
Output: user
Context: Yes, I found one event with Shane next week. It's "therapy" on Tuesday the 10th from 3:00 to 3:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Actually delete the one I have on Saturday
Output: user
Context: Yes, I found one event in May. It's "Meeting with Jesse Rosenfeld and Damon Straeter" on May 3rd from 10:00 to 10:30 AM.
Output: agent
Context: I've changed "meeting with Nokia" to be with Mr. John.
Output: agent
Context: Yes, I need to make it for July 15th instead.
Output: user
Context: What is mom's home address?
Output: user
Context: I've deleted your event matching "solstice party".
Output: agent
Context: Change my fencing tournament to be in the pm
Output: user
Context: Perfect, set that for me.
Output: user
Context: You have no events on your calendar matching that criteria.
Output: agent
Context: Make an event for the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
Output: user
Context: Now the zoo have been closed.
Output: user
Context: Oh, wait, move that to Feb 15 of next year.
Output: user
Context: whats the wheather now at DC
Output: user
Context: its good
Output: user
Context: Do I have anything going on after my meeting with hannah?
Output: user
Context: Thank you for changing that
Output: user
Context: Here are some times when you and Joe are free.
Output: agent
Context: can you help me find a birthday party on my calendar?
Output: user
Context: defer the next meeting with Elizabeth
Output: user
Context: And where might I be?
Output: user
Context: Is the summer ball being held on July 4th?
Output: user
Context: Could you find out if Haru in Reno has a bar?
Output: user
Context: No, I didn't find any events on Friday after 2:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I could not find Megan Bowen's manager.
Output: agent
Context: oh!ok.
Output: user
Context: Can you make a new event for lunch for tomorrow?
Output: user
Context: I've put that on your calendar tomorrow from 1:00 to 1:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Delete my meeting with Karl and Keri next week as well.
Output: user
Context: I need to set a meeting with Barack Obama and Cornelio Hernandez for Friday the 12th.
Output: user
Context: Who is Ashley's skip?
Output: user
Context: I've changed "Meeting with Tony and Damon Straeter" to be at my office.
Output: agent
Context: It should go until 6 pm.
Output: user
Context: that is all thanks
Output: user
Context: Change appointment to December 3rd.
Output: user
Context: Ok, have you emailed them all about it?
Output: user
Context: Looks great
Output: user
Context: I have declined it. __BREAK I will decline "go on a Brewery Tour" and send a response to the organizer with the following comment: "I'm going to the Water Park that day.". Is that ok?
Output: agent
Context: You have one event on your calendar. Your "Epic quest to defeat evil" is tomorrow from 3:00 to 3:45 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Make it go for an extra hour as well.
Output: user
Context: I found 1 event tomorrow. It's "Costco Run" from 3:00 to 3:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Make that start at 9 instead
Output: user
Context: The next all-day event is "Appointment" on Sunday the 29th.
Output: agent
Context: Please add "Mets Stadium" to the baseball game.
Output: user
Context: Yes, I found one event on your calendar. It's "Appointment" tomorrow from 9:00 to 9:30 AM.
Output: agent
Context: Tell me what's on my schedule for tuesday.
Output: user
Context: schedule eye exam one hour after dentist appointment
Output: user
Context: ok!thank you.
Output: user
Context: Add packing to the night before, from 8 to 10 pm.
Output: user
Context: Is Josie attending the work Halloween party on Thursday?
Output: user
Context: Accept the invite to the Dance Party in Stockholm
Output: user
Context: Set a reminder to call my sisters and thank them for that comfy chair they got me.
Output: user
Context: If Jenny is on the sales call at noon tomorrow please remove her.
Output: user
Context: hjkhnk
Output: user
Context: Yes it does!
Output: user
Context: Yes also decline my AC/CD Reunion and say i am going to see Journey instead
Output: user
Context: I've deleted your event matching "coffee meeting" yesterday.
Output: agent
Context: I found one event on Thursday the 21st. It's "Let's Run" from 9:00 AM to 9:30.
Output: agent
Context: It is clear with a temperature of 0.00 °F right now.
Output: agent
Context: lets set an event called get ready for sleep at 20h15 later
Output: user
Context: please, my low wage job is killing me. I need to know my schedule
Output: user
Context: reschedule my next meeting with Henry to a later date
Output: user
Context: Make an event for the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
Output: user
Context: Cancel my lunch meeting next Friday and ad a new dentist appointment at 2
Output: user
Context: I have accepted it. __BREAK I will accept "road trip with Jolene" and send a response to the organizer with the following comment: "I can't believe we are going to Napa!". Is that ok?
Output: agent
Context: Delete my meeting with Karl and Keri next week as well.
Output: user
Context: am I logged in?
Output: user
Context: Please make car races for four hours.
Output: user
Context: Do I have any events with someone attending in March?
Output: user
Context: Actually, could you make shopping appointment from 4-5?
Output: user
Context: You have one event on your calendar. Your Mavs basketball game is on February 3rd from 7:00 to 10:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: If an Apple falls far from the tree.
Output: user
Context: I've encountered an internal error (InvalidExpression).
Output: agent
Context: I've changed "jog" to be on February 22nd at 8:30 AM.
Output: agent
Context: defer the next meeting with Henry
Output: user
Context: You make my life easier. I hope you can continue like this
Output: user
Context: That looks good.
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events on Friday the 22nd.
Output: agent
Context: Schedule a soccer game for Saturday at 3.
Output: user
Context: When is Father's Day this year?
Output: user
Context: create and event for the general meeting on 7th
Output: user
Context: Add Igor and his supervisor to this as well.
Output: user
Context: 5:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: The "trip to Disney" was for 1 day.
Output: agent
Context: Make it 15min only
Output: user
Context: So yeah, let's add something for two days after St. Patrick's day. It's an eight hour conference thingy I'm supposed to go to, blah. So here is the name. It's called: Chris Traeger Management Training Seminar. And see that my status is working elsewhere. Since it's being held in Chris' office. at 8 am sharp
Output: user
Context: create baseball game tuesday night
Output: user
Context: Yes, I found one event not named "Mike's Baseball" on Saturday. It's "clean bathrooms" from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: No make it 6am tomorrow
Output: user
Context: thanks for your help
Output: user
Context: I found 3 matching events on your calendar.
Output: agent
Context: I've put that on your calendar. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
Output: agent
Context: It will be clear with a high of 0.00 °F and a low of 0.00 °F today.
Output: agent
Context: Cancel my HR meeting tomorrow morning. It should be with Riles and her boss.
Output: user
Context: Is this the change you want to make?
Output: agent
Context: Let's go with the concert that starts at 2 pm.
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events matching "practice".
Output: agent
Context: Yes, I found one event between December 1st and February 29, 2020. It's "Appointment" from 7:00 to 7:30 AM.
Output: agent
Context: Do I have any meetings scheduled in San Antonio for this week or next?
Output: user
Context: Decline the invitation to the convention
Output: user
Context: Ok, do you have the general price of Frenchette in New York?
Output: user
Context: Change it to lunch meeting and remove carl.
Output: user
Output: user
Context: Can you make that an hour instead?
Output: user
Context: The email address of Miss Tara Simpson is [email protected].
Output: agent
Context: Please delete all scheduled meetings Tuesday after 1 PM.
Output: user
Context: Make an event for January 21 from 1:00 to 2:30 called meet with contractor.
Output: user
Context: Good!
Output: user
Context: Hey could change add a baseball game to be in August 2020
Output: user
Context: Book NERD for 430 tuesday
Output: user
Context: I need to create a wedding shower for the 2nd.
Output: user
Context: ok!thank you.
Output: user
Context: Make it go to 1415
Output: user
Context: No
Output: user
Context: Is it going to rain this weekend
Output: user
Context: I'm really feeling the earlier one. and now move my sales call to later next week
Output: user
Context: Change the start time to 6:30 PM.
Output: user
Context: Find my dinner meet place.
Output: user
Context: Add an appointment to my calendar for that day at 10am
Output: user
Context: When is my next meeting involving Sarah?
Output: user
Context: Hi there, I need to clear whatever I have on Friday evening and put down that I need catch the Amtrak to San Francisco at 6:15pm the same night.
Output: user
Context: What all do I have that day that is longer than 30 minutes
Output: user
Context: Nevermind, I can't do it this weekend. make it for not on the weekend
Output: user
Context: Do I have a golf outing this Sunday?
Output: user
Context: Thanks. Please replace Amanda and Bobby with Vincent
Output: user
Context: Hmm ok
Output: user
Context: Do I have bread on my shopping list?
Output: user
Context: Yes, that`s what I wanted to know.
Output: user
Context: It was clear with a high of 0.00 °F and a low of 0.00 °F today.
Output: agent
Context: Where is my dinner tonight?
Output: user
Context: i need to cancel the bug fix meeting tomorrow morning
Output: user
Context: The later one works best.
Output: user
Context: My address book
Output: user
Context: Change the meeting today to be tomorrow.
Output: user
Context: The temperature is 0.00 °F today.
Output: agent
Context: meeting cancel on toda
Output: user
Context: Here is the contact information for Westly:
Output: agent
Context: I need to schedule a conference all next week.
Output: user
Context: may 16
Output: user
Context: Hi is Mike attending the meeting next Friday?
Output: user
Context: Change my marriage event to start in the am instead of the pm
Output: user
Context: Schedule a soccer game for Saturday at 3.
Output: user
Context: On January 6th, Do I have an appointment?
Output: user
Context: Show me my coffee event on thursday
Output: user
Context: what is whether on today
Output: user
Context: Winter
Output: user
Context: What about just Wednesday? Which events are on Wednesday?
Output: user
Context: delete the last one from last week
Output: user
Context: I found one event next week. It's "Appointment" on Sunday the 10th from 11:00 to 11:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I am meeting with Brian on 1/25. It should be the same year as the pizza party.
Output: user
Context: Brainstorm possible responses to the conversation below. You can express preferences, change your mind, or ask questions if appropriate.
Output: user
Context: No, I found no events named "lunch with someone".
Output: agent
Context: Ok what about Friday? Do I have anything on friday?
Output: user
Context: Please show my status as busy from 1pm to 3pm today.
Output: user
Context: yes, but please change the name to Visit Kim Jeong Ho's office
Output: user
Context: Your next event matching "lunch" is on Monday the 11th at 12:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: What events do I have for tomorrow
Output: user
Context: The 2nd one does.
Output: user
Context: No, I don't like either of those.,
Output: user
Context: I need an all day event for tomorrow with Abby
Output: user
Context: Here are some times when you, Alice, and Jacki are free.
Output: agent
Context: How is this?
Output: agent
Context: could you remove calender dates
Output: user
Context: I need a store visit between 10 am and 3 pm Monday
Output: user
Context: the top one would be perfect
Output: user
Context: The event matching "Party Marathon" is on Sunday the 12th at 9:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: make event now
Output: user
Context: What about Matt's manager?
Output: user
Context: You know what, Dan's always running late, better start it at 10:30.
Output: user
Context: alright
Output: user
Context: fantastic, hopefully you can continue, and give me the best of you
Output: user
Context: Schedule Mom's Birthday for January 5 at noon
Output: user
Context: End dinner at 6:30 PM.
Output: user
Context: Here is the only time I found when Becca is free today.
Output: agent
Context: Do I have a dental appointment next week?
Output: user
Context: Add a meeting with Fiona Mason Thursday at 2 PM.
Output: user
Context: The time is currently 2:26 PM.
Output: agent
Context: yes the 2nd
Output: user
Context: I've encountered an error retrieving information. Please try again later.
Output: agent
Context: 1-1:30pm works best.
Output: user
Context: Thanks, what is on my schedule on Tuesday?
Output: user
Context: I need to schedule a message today at 4:00 pm for 1 hour then.
Output: user
Context: first one is good. I also have my balloon meeting on Sunday at 8 pm with abby
Output: user
Context: I've changed "baseball game" to be named "football game".
Output: agent
Context: Yup
Output: user
Context: When is my next pokemon league tournament?
Output: user
Context: Can you also see if I have anything scheduled on January 7th?
Output: user
Context: You have one event on your calendar. Your "dinner" is tomorrow from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: Do I have a meeting scheduled with Abby Gonano for next week?
Output: user
Context: Why could we need a dinner reservation?
Output: user
Context: You have not responded to the "Adopt a Maltese" invitation.
Output: agent
Context: Set up the second one please.
Output: user
Context: Here are some times when you and Cornelio Hernandez are free.
Output: agent
Context: yes. its work.
Output: user
Context: The 2nd next month is "Din" on April 4th from 5:00 to 5:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I will decline "St. Louis Cardinals Game" and send a response to the organizer with the following comment: "Go Cubbies!". Is that ok?
Output: agent
Context: Great, and also add Kat.
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any other events with Jessica.
Output: agent
Context: Schedule a Meeting with my Dermatologist.
Output: user
Context: Is Josie attending the work Halloween party on Thursday?
Output: user
Context: Find time to call insurance.
Output: user
Context: Yep, that looks great thanks
Output: user
Context: Can you cancel this all day event instead?
Output: user
Context: what about paris ?
Output: user
Context: I need to update that to Starbucks
Output: user
Context: fine, yes
Output: user
Context: Will it be sunny?
Output: user
Context: What are the happy hour specials and hours tonight at Rue Bourbon in Reno?
Output: user
Context: why cannot you
Output: user
Context: I found 1 matching event on your calendar. It's "find the Final Pam" from 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
Output: agent
Context: Let's add Jane as well
Output: user
Context: The "Music concert" is on Friday the 24th from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: make a appointment on 2 am
Output: user
Context: Yes. What other events do I have that morning?
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events with Gavin this week.
Output: agent
Context: What is 12.26 C in Farenheit
Output: user
Context: Can you create an event, "Lunch with luke" for next week at this time?
Output: user
Context: Please schedule a lunch with the team
Output: user
Context: Looks good, thanks.
Output: user
Context: Can you show me the park event for next week?
Output: user
Context: It should go until 6 pm.
Output: user
Context: Perfect!
Output: user
Context: Please remove my Thursday appointment.
Output: user
Context: I didn't find any events matching "physical therapy appointment" on Thursday at 3:00 PM.
Output: agent
Context: No, the country club in Florida next month
Output: user
Context: are there any resturaunts open in harlingen texas?
Output: user
Context: Winter
Output: user
Context: Thanks. And also cancel Coffee Break on the Friday after that.
Output: user
Context: Please extend the meeting by half an hour
Output: user
Context: When is my next get together with Arnold?
Output: user
Context: call Molly
Output: user
Context: wait a minute
Output: user
Context: The time is currently 2:26 PM.
Output: agent
Context: well
Output: user
Context: Ok. Instead add meeting with Riles and her boss.
Output: user
Context: I found one event matching "ALBERT'S BIRTHDAY". It's "Albert's Birthday" tomorrow from 8:00 to 8:30 PM.
Output: agent
Context: I'll be on Easter holidays the week of April
Output: user
Context: Ok, what is at the end of my day on the 3rd?
Output: user
Context: Will it rain on Sunday too?
Output: user
Context: How much rain is expected
Output: user
Context: Add meeting with Jim and Sam tomorrow in conference room 1 at noon.
Output: user
Context: I'm sorry, you haven't shared your current location with me. Where are you?
Output: agent |
Possible labels:
1. False
2. True
Input: 05 Jan 1982 doesn't occur between 22 Aug 2013 and 12 June 1992
A: True
Input: Aug 30, 1993 occured after Jul 04, 1990 but before December 06, 1998
A: True
Input: 27 September 1972 occured after 17 August 2014 but before 19 November 1983
A: False
Input: 03:46:13 PM occured after 06:30:13 but before 11:50:08
A: True
Input: 14:32:53 occured after 7:48:15 but before 13:12:38
A: True
Input: 02:41:53 AM doesn't occur between 02:33:26 PM and 1:26:58 AM
A: True
Input: 14 Apr 1971 occured before Oct 11, 1984 but after 17 Jul 2018
A: False
Input: 02:39:30 PM occured after 2:15:21 PM but before 11:38:49 PM
A: False
Input: 14:57:07 occurs between 1:42:41 and 1:13:15 PM
A: True
Input: 07:26:32 doesn't occur between 4:45:14 AM and 22:32:19
A: True
Input: Dec 18, 1982 occured before May 14, 1994 but after 19 May 1981
A: True
Input: 09:53:47 occured after 21:27:20 but before 17:47:53
A: False
Input: 14:47:20 occured after 03:57:13 but before 04:11:49 PM
A: False
Input: 10 December 2016 doesn't occur between 23 August 2020 and 01 May 1998
A: False
Input: 05:42:12 AM occured after 2:17:05 AM but before 09:47:13
A: False
Input: Jan 23, 1977 occured before 12 June 1971 but after 02 August 1992
A: False
Input: 27 August 1998 doesn't occur between Jul 28, 2013 and February 17, 1987
A: False
Input: 05 January 1982 occured before 31 Aug 2006 but after 21 October 1973
A: True
Input: 26 Oct 1984 doesn't occur between Sep 24, 2000 and Mar 15, 2020
A: True
Input: 30 September 2016 occured after November 23, 1975 but before Aug 18, 1984
A: False
Input: 01:25:25 PM occured before 7:44:52 AM but after 12:53:35
A: False
Input: Feb 11, 1979 doesn't occur between May 10, 1988 and Jul 30, 2016
A: True
Input: 14:14:38 occured after 18:29:43 but before 6:29:39 AM
A: True
Input: 21:50:44 occurs between 5:17:51 AM and 16:09:42
A: False
Input: 8:31:41 AM occured before 11:48:20 but after 18:39:57
A: False
Input: April 21, 1970 doesn't occur between 20 September 1975 and August 14, 1970
A: True
Input: 11:39:23 AM occurs between 4:28:06 PM and 08:16:22
A: True
Input: 30 June 2003 occured after Sep 18, 2005 but before 12 Feb 2007
A: False
Input: May 17, 2011 occurs between 09 Sep 1999 and January 10, 1973
A: False
Input: October 09, 1985 occured before January 01, 1974 but after 25 March 2015
A: False
Input: 03:00:49 AM occured after 17:42:55 but before 06:36:08 PM
A: True
Input: 03:38:10 AM doesn't occur between 7:34:28 AM and 22:37:06
A: False
Input: Feb 08, 1990 occured after May 18, 1996 but before Jun 04, 1982
A: False
Input: 11:44:58 occured before 10:25:52 AM but after 03:41:56 PM
A: False
Input: 11:17:46 PM occurs between 20:18:36 and 01:09:44
A: True
Input: 8:01:37 doesn't occur between 18:42:43 and 04:20:36 PM
A: True
Input: Oct 28, 2009 occured after 09 Mar 2004 but before 27 Jun 2014
A: True
Input: September 21, 1988 occurs between Oct 23, 1999 and 27 Jun 1976
A: True
Input: 26 May 2020 occured after July 26, 1993 but before Mar 01, 1992
A: False
Input: Jul 20, 1994 occured after Aug 14, 2004 but before 03 Nov 2013
A: False
Input: 25 January 2018 occurs between June 04, 1979 and March 13, 2004
A: False
Input: 0:56:08 occurs between 12:38:06 and 07:36:45 PM
A: False
Input: 6:46:21 PM occured after 6:02:45 PM but before 23:35:01
A: False
Input: 23 Mar 1983 occurs between Apr 01, 1982 and 06 Jan 1990
A: True
Input: 04:32:27 occurs between 01:49:29 PM and 9:52:12
A: True
Input: May 06, 2001 occured after 03 December 2017 but before May 14, 2000
A: False
Input: 19:44:37 occured after 05:57:44 but before 10:52:26 AM
A: False
Input: 15 Jan 1988 occurs between Sep 06, 1993 and Apr 25, 1994
A: False
Input: 4:01:06 occured after 08:00:30 but before 18:59:45
A: False
Input: 20 March 2004 doesn't occur between October 03, 2018 and 10 Sep 2014
A: True
Input: 07 Aug 1988 occured before Jun 21, 2018 but after Aug 03, 1972
A: True
Input: 11:37:23 AM occurs between 10:28:55 and 17:22:56
A: False
Input: 01:09:44 occurs between 20:18:36 and 11:17:46 PM
A: False
Input: Jul 04, 2003 occurs between Mar 27, 2019 and 08 April 1976
A: True
Input: 19 July 1998 occured before Dec 11, 1990 but after Jan 13, 1998
A: False
Input: 05:19:50 AM occured before 08:46:26 PM but after 23:28:59
A: True
Input: 10:35:05 occured after 9:49:16 but before 05:26:12 PM
A: True
Input: 03 December 2017 occured after May 14, 2000 but before May 06, 2001
A: False
Input: 16:07:22 occured before 22:57:09 but after 6:17:45 AM
A: False
Input: 6:26:21 occured after 12:30:26 PM but before 6:36:28
A: False
Input: 16:57:46 doesn't occur between 4:41:19 PM and 5:55:47 PM
A: True
Input: 09:05:47 AM occured before 10:09:20 PM but after 05:32:12
A: False
Input: 8:10:27 AM occured before 22:38:13 but after 12:06:01 AM
A: False
Input: 11:34:27 occured after 22:35:04 but before 23:29:09
A: True
Input: 09:29:25 occured before 5:12:40 PM but after 16:14:46
A: False
Input: Feb 26, 2009 doesn't occur between 26 December 1982 and Sep 04, 2014
A: False
Input: 14 Mar 2003 doesn't occur between September 29, 2020 and Aug 14, 1990
A: False
Input: December 16, 1989 doesn't occur between 19 March 2009 and September 18, 1987
A: False
Input: 08 April 2017 doesn't occur between 04 Mar 1985 and Sep 15, 2007
A: True
Input: 07 Aug 2008 occured before 26 May 1997 but after 15 June 2015
A: False
Input: Sep 24, 2006 occured after 12 Apr 2014 but before Jan 28, 1987
A: False
Input: 13 May 2005 doesn't occur between 13 Jan 1978 and April 23, 1998
A: True
Input: Dec 29, 1975 occured before Oct 17, 2020 but after May 25, 2021
A: False
Input: 12:08:42 AM occured after 10:50:48 but before 9:04:01 PM
A: False
Input: 31 May 1987 doesn't occur between April 22, 1991 and 03 Mar 1970
A: False
Input: 11:07:59 AM occured after 02:37:53 AM but before 1:08:18
A: False
Input: 01:02:00 PM occured before 09:49:35 PM but after 02:28:53 PM
A: True
Input: Aug 04, 2014 occured before 08 April 1980 but after 04 Nov 1970
A: False
Input: 5:17:51 AM occurs between 16:09:42 and 21:50:44
A: False
Input: November 30, 1983 doesn't occur between May 22, 1999 and 16 April 2010
A: True
Input: 19 Jun 2009 doesn't occur between Jul 02, 2018 and 28 June 2007
A: False
Input: 5:55:47 PM doesn't occur between 4:41:19 PM and 16:57:46
A: True
Input: 25 Mar 1990 occured before 05 February 2000 but after 19 Jan 1978
A: True
Input: 5:25:02 occured before 16:24:00 but after 07:27:44 PM
A: False
Input: 5:41:41 PM occured before 05:42:30 but after 09:47:54
A: False
Input: 12:08:33 doesn't occur between 15:27:40 and 17:51:47
A: True
Input: 00:44:06 occured after 22:23:03 but before 02:59:19 AM
A: False
Input: 2:57:02 PM doesn't occur after 03:57:20 AM
A: False
Input: 30 Oct 1993 occurs between 19 March 1989 and Jan 21, 2017
A: True
Input: 27 January 1988 occured after 04 Jun 1971 but before 10 February 1971
A: False
Input: 7:34:28 AM doesn't occur between 22:37:06 and 03:38:10 AM
A: True
Input: 20 April 1990 doesn't occur between 15 Oct 2018 and 31 March 2002
A: True
Input: 04 August 2012 occurs between Jun 01, 2018 and 27 July 1992
A: True
Input: 8:31:34 AM occured after 8:32:23 PM but before 2:15:20 PM
A: False
Input: 22 January 1994 occured before Nov 01, 2017 but after December 11, 1970
A: True
Input: 04:41:43 AM doesn't occur between 01:12:54 PM and 10:44:39 PM
A: True
Input: November 05, 1973 doesn't occur between August 02, 2010 and May 30, 1975
A: True
Input: 11:48:46 AM occured before 01:35:56 AM but after 13:42:00
A: True
Input: 29 Aug 2000 doesn't occur between January 08, 1973 and 30 May 1978
A: True
Input: July 20, 2020 doesn't occur between Oct 26, 1990 and May 14, 1982
A: True
Input: 10:20:00 occured after 0:03:34 but before 11:53:04 AM
A: False
Input: 11:55:37 doesn't occur between 07:43:44 and 01:50:05 AM
A: True
Input: 05:00:05 AM occured before 03:31:56 AM but after 11:20:26 PM
A: True
Input: 3:48:08 doesn't occur between 07:46:48 AM and 7:12:10 AM
A: True
Input: 29 October 1988 occured before February 13, 2019 but after 13 Oct 1978
A: True
Input: 22 Apr 1976 occurs between 25 December 2016 and 06 February 1978
A: False
Input: 04:01:34 AM occurs between 12:41:54 and 5:57:21 AM
A: False
Input: 04 Mar 1998 doesn't occur between Dec 12, 1985 and Dec 21, 1994
A: True
Input: 12:15:34 AM occured before 21:15:26 but after 18:39:29
A: False
Input: 08 Mar 2020 occured after March 07, 1970 but before 16 Apr 1981
A: False
Input: 27 Feb 2008 doesn't occur between Apr 28, 1995 and 06 February 2002
A: True
Input: 7:06:01 occured before 11:49:05 AM but after 20:18:07
A: False
Input: Feb 22, 1975 doesn't occur between Oct 07, 2018 and 03 May 2002
A: True
Input: 1:00:42 AM occured after 06:41:30 but before 01:18:10 PM
A: False
Input: 09 Mar 2004 occured after Oct 28, 2009 but before 27 Jun 2014
A: False
Input: 15:17:12 occurs between 12:45:38 AM and 10:21:57 AM
A: False
Input: 20 Oct 2014 occured before May 14, 2009 but after Dec 03, 2001
A: False
Input: 8:01:27 occurs after 6:18:56
A: False
Input: 12:58:14 doesn't occur between 1:20:30 PM and 2:05:24 AM
A: False
Input: May 24, 1999 occurs between 30 April 2021 and 17 July 1970
A: True
Input: 10 December 2005 doesn't occur after 21 July 1981
A: False
Input: 6:46:21 PM occured after 6:02:45 PM but before 23:35:01
A: False
Input: 00:47:32 doesn't occur between 4:45:50 AM and 10:35:03
A: True
Input: 29 November 1971 occurs between 05 September 1977 and 03 February 1970
A: True
Input: 17 Feb 2009 occured after Jun 26, 1989 but before January 04, 2005
A: False
Input: 19:15:20 occured before 10:51:25 AM but after 15:03:18
A: False
Input: 10:32:02 AM doesn't occur between 5:44:36 and 01:58:34 PM
A: True
Input: 30 May 1995 doesn't occur between 10 May 1984 and 23 Apr 2009
A: False
Input: 01:25:25 PM occured before 12:53:35 but after 7:44:52 AM
A: False
Input: July 31, 1994 occurs between Jul 23, 1984 and June 03, 1994
A: False
Input: Dec 03, 2001 occured before May 14, 2009 but after 20 Oct 2014
A: False
Input: 13 May 2021 occured before 20 Jul 2016 but after Feb 06, 1988
A: False
Input: 01:31:43 PM occured after 01:06:11 but before 07:55:30 PM
A: False
Input: 3:58:37 doesn't occur between 1:21:04 and 5:13:10
A: True
Input: 10:49:02 occurs between 14:10:30 and 10:47:52 PM
A: True
Input: 01:58:21 occurs after 10:55:18 PM
A: False
Input: Jul 20, 1981 occured before Feb 20, 2019 but after October 27, 2019
A: False
Input: 08:27:54 AM occured before 09:26:32 but after 02:58:22 PM
A: False
Input: 6:55:41 PM occurs between 5:51:51 PM and 17:47:53
A: False
Input: 27 May 1997 occured before June 07, 1993 but after Feb 13, 2018
A: False
Input: 19 Nov 2000 occurs before 10 May 2007
A: True
Input: 3:53:38 occurs between 06:17:59 AM and 06:59:23 AM
A: False
Input: May 08, 2021 occured after 11 Mar 1989 but before Jan 03, 1987
A: False
Input: 09:38:04 occurs between 18:12:57 and 23:35:35
A: False
Input: 25 Sep 1993 occured after Aug 27, 2006 but before 08 August 1990
A: False
Input: 5:27:44 PM doesn't occur between 8:01:53 AM and 23:48:15
A: False
Input: 7:55:21 PM doesn't occur between 09:11:56 PM and 11:54:43 AM
A: True
Input: 10 Feb 1992 occured before Sep 14, 2010 but after Jul 17, 1988
A: True
Input: 22 May 2007 occurs between Apr 30, 1999 and 27 February 2021
A: True
Input: 7:27:06 doesn't occur between 8:50:13 PM and 0:39:51
A: False
Input: 07:06:25 AM doesn't occur between 03:44:32 PM and 16:44:55
A: True
Input: 8:20:46 PM occurs before 11:45:56
A: True
Input: 21 June 1988 doesn't occur after 24 October 2011
A: True
Input: 0:31:12 occurs between 07:23:04 and 3:29:39 PM
A: False
Input: 2:52:48 doesn't occur between 06:09:55 PM and 04:45:18
A: True
Input: 09 Dec 2014 doesn't occur between June 20, 1991 and 07 Sep 1999
A: True
Input: 17 May 1996 occured after May 05, 1983 but before Mar 21, 1973
A: False
Input: 11:56:55 occured after 2:17:44 AM but before 5:08:40 AM
A: False
Input: Jul 02, 1993 occured after September 27, 1991 but before Sep 14, 1971
A: False
Input: 11:50:35 PM occured before 12:57:23 PM but after 5:54:41 AM
A: True
Input: 22 September 2020 occurs between Apr 02, 1996 and September 23, 2006
A: False
Input: 12:49:51 AM doesn't occur between 11:26:29 AM and 03:46:13 PM
A: True
Input: 16:14:46 occured before 5:12:40 PM but after 09:29:25
A: True
Input: 20 May 2020 occurs between July 31, 2010 and 27 May 1977
A: False
Input: 03:53:52 PM occured before 4:39:24 but after 11:26:44 AM
A: False
Input: March 18, 2002 occurs between May 11, 1987 and 08 Dec 2017
A: True
Input: Aug 19, 2008 occured before February 16, 2012 but after 06 Jul 1970
A: True
Input: Jul 04, 2003 occurs between Mar 27, 2019 and 08 April 1976
A: True
Input: 19:56:37 doesn't occur between 12:05:50 AM and 12:27:19 PM
A: True
Input: 23:30:16 occured before 2:56:33 but after 17:16:43
A: False
Input: 12:15:08 AM occured before 03:02:07 but after 04:47:23
A: False
Input: August 30, 1972 doesn't occur between 19 December 1995 and January 22, 1974
A: True
Input: 18:43:31 doesn't occur between 09:36:24 and 16:49:21
A: False
Input: 16:10:04 occurs between 9:56:45 AM and 12:06:02
A: False
Input: Jun 22, 1980 occurs between 10 January 1992 and June 28, 1971
A: True
Input: 19 Nov 1970 occurs between 20 Oct 1970 and 15 Aug 1977
A: True
Input: 4:06:45 doesn't occur between 19:39:08 and 09:09:52 AM
A: False
Input: 04:35:22 doesn't occur between 22:34:05 and 7:56:11 PM
A: True
Input: 2:25:45 PM occurs between 13:23:52 and 5:55:15 AM
A: False
Input: 4:54:55 AM doesn't occur between 05:22:00 and 09:52:09
A: True
Input: 2:37:18 AM occured after 08:44:01 but before 11:04:08 AM
A: False
Input: 02 March 1996 occurs between February 04, 1971 and 12 Sep 1974
A: False
Input: 15 Nov 2015 occured before 27 Jan 1973 but after 05 Sep 1977
A: False
Input: 19 Nov 2000 occurs before 10 May 2007
A: True
Input: 04:24:44 AM occurs between 19:50:59 and 10:27:02 AM
A: False
Input: 17 April 2016 occured after Feb 08, 1997 but before 26 Oct 1988
A: False
Input: 28 May 2014 doesn't occur between 21 October 1970 and 18 May 1986
A: True
Input: 08:25:04 PM doesn't occur between 1:00:10 PM and 17:16:04
A: True
Input: 7:01:14 PM doesn't occur between 7:17:03 AM and 04:49:37 AM
A: True
Input: 10:48:36 PM occured before 12:13:30 but after 11:32:13 AM
A: False
Input: June 17, 2000 occured after July 30, 2007 but before 24 Feb 1970
A: False
Input: 03 Nov 2013 occured after Aug 14, 2004 but before Jul 20, 1994
A: False
Input: 09:41:12 doesn't occur between 03:54:16 PM and 03:19:20
A: True
Input: 01:26:48 PM doesn't occur before 16:46:39
A: True
Input: 22:51:10 doesn't occur between 2:51:52 AM and 10:51:54 AM
A: True
Input: Mar 12, 2015 occured before Oct 05, 2021 but after Jun 10, 1995
A: True
Input: 19 Aug 2017 occured before 05 Apr 2020 but after May 20, 1986
A: True
Input: 11:36:10 occurs between 03:23:12 PM and 19:17:39
A: False
Input: Sep 09, 1974 doesn't occur between 11 April 1978 and Nov 06, 1986
A: True
Input: 25 February 2018 occured before Aug 09, 2012 but after November 30, 2018
A: False
Input: 3:07:45 AM doesn't occur between 18:56:59 and 1:05:03 PM
A: False
Input: 20 May 2003 occured after 09 September 1991 but before July 15, 1974
A: False
Input: 7:12:40 AM occurs between 18:39:56 and 12:36:45 AM
A: True
Input: 15 Jan 1972 doesn't occur between 04 May 1985 and May 09, 1997
A: True
Input: 14 Mar 2010 doesn't occur between Oct 15, 1980 and 29 October 1988
A: True
Input: 31 May 1995 doesn't occur between Oct 20, 1997 and 07 Aug 2005
A: True
Input: 09:42:44 PM occured after 7:33:48 AM but before 5:00:38 AM
A: False
Input: 6:26:21 occured after 12:30:26 PM but before 6:36:28
A: False
Input: 19:51:07 occurs between 02:50:48 and 07:36:14
A: False
Input: 9:37:15 PM doesn't occur between 15:01:49 and 06:43:12 PM
A: True
Input: 29 Sep 1977 occured after 16 October 1973 but before March 28, 2020
A: True
Input: 21:23:16 doesn't occur between 05:16:32 PM and 7:20:03 PM
A: False
Input: 01 Sep 1984 occurs between March 07, 1978 and Feb 17, 2020
A: True
Input: August 30, 1985 occurs after November 22, 1971
A: True
Input: 0:21:49 doesn't occur between 06:46:16 and 09:33:37 AM
A: True
Input: 23:58:54 doesn't occur between 5:23:46 PM and 21:39:40
A: True
Input: Aug 26, 2021 doesn't occur between January 08, 2000 and 15 July 2014
A: True
Input: 20 May 1991 occured before Feb 12, 1982 but after 19 Sep 1976
A: False
Input: 18 June 1996 occured before Jan 16, 2019 but after Jun 10, 2020
A: False
Input: 27 Mar 1994 occurs between 15 April 1988 and February 10, 1982
A: False
Input: 05 March 2007 doesn't occur before 09 Jun 2006
A: True
Input: April 24, 2016 occured after June 23, 1996 but before Sep 02, 2014
A: False
Input: April 15, 1994 occurs between 14 September 1973 and 17 January 1996
A: True
Input: 10:04:38 AM occurs between 7:51:23 PM and 03:53:01 AM
A: True
Input: Jan 23, 2019 doesn't occur between 25 July 1970 and 25 September 1996
A: True
Input: 11:32:59 AM occurs between 2:46:26 AM and 11:03:40 AM
A: False
Input: 04:54:49 occurs after 16:34:03
A: True
Input: Mar 12, 2006 doesn't occur between 10 June 1990 and 17 October 1987
A: True
Input: 23:47:01 doesn't occur between 08:58:26 PM and 11:29:57 AM
A: True
Input: 06:05:28 occurs between 3:24:12 AM and 2:22:40 AM
A: False
Input: 12:29:29 PM occurs between 2:25:03 AM and 7:06:53 AM
A: False
Input: 07 Feb 2007 doesn't occur between 10 Aug 1984 and 31 July 2004
A: True
Input: 14 November 2015 doesn't occur between 27 Apr 1986 and August 02, 2016
A: False
Input: 16 Oct 1994 doesn't occur after November 11, 1991
A: False
Input: 20 Oct 1970 occurs between 15 Aug 1977 and 19 Nov 1970
A: False
Input: May 18, 1980 occured after 17 Apr 2000 but before 21 April 1973
A: False
Input: 20:14:35 occurs before 15:53:08
A: True
Input: Oct 12, 1989 occured before Sep 11, 2000 but after 21 Mar 1984
A: True
Input: 05:45:05 PM occurs between 5:05:14 and 4:09:00
A: True
Input: 22 Sep 1989 occurs between February 17, 1995 and 24 Aug 2008
A: False
Input: August 03, 2010 doesn't occur between 15 September 1995 and December 20, 1986
A: True
Input: 05:26:26 occured before 12:07:06 PM but after 11:24:35 AM
A: False
Input: 06 Apr 1982 occured after Sep 14, 1980 but before Mar 21, 1986
A: True
Input: 01:35:56 AM occured before 13:42:00 but after 11:48:46 AM
A: False
Input: 9:31:44 doesn't occur between 06:05:21 and 00:37:53
A: True
Input: 01:56:18 AM doesn't occur between 12:15:36 AM and 12:56:07
A: True
Input: 6:03:19 AM occured after 10:07:01 AM but before 04:54:52 PM
A: False
Input: 3:02:41 PM occurs between 09:30:51 PM and 11:30:31
A: False
Input: 26 Nov 2014 doesn't occur before March 27, 1986
A: True
Input: July 04, 2002 occured after 01 March 1994 but before 07 Dec 2003
A: True
Input: 16:45:52 doesn't occur between 10:26:29 and 5:14:48
A: True
Input: 09:05:47 AM occured before 10:09:20 PM but after 05:32:12
A: False
Input: 6:07:36 PM doesn't occur before 5:01:14 AM
A: False
Input: 3:54:11 doesn't occur between 04:10:05 and 12:15:18 PM
A: False
Input: 21 Dec 1983 doesn't occur between 30 December 2006 and 30 June 2014
A: True
Input: 11:04:32 occurs between 08:29:52 and 20:54:39
A: False
Input: 02 Oct 1974 occurs between 24 May 1997 and Oct 25, 1995
A: False
Input: May 20, 1986 occured before 05 Apr 2020 but after 19 Aug 2017
A: False
Input: 07 Feb 2007 doesn't occur between 10 Aug 1984 and 31 July 2004
A: True
Input: 21 Oct 2011 occurs between 19 May 1992 and 28 February 1982
A: False
Input: 13:45:56 occured before 13:11:26 but after 02:46:13 PM
A: False
Input: June 26, 2005 doesn't occur between May 06, 1996 and 21 Jul 2008
A: False
Input: 19 August 1978 occured after Jan 12, 1976 but before 01 Sep 1987
A: True
Input: May 25, 2021 occured before Oct 17, 2020 but after Dec 29, 1975
A: False
Input: 12:05:16 occured before 12:40:16 but after 11:06:16 PM
A: False
Input: 19 May 1992 occurs between 28 February 1982 and 21 Oct 2011
A: True
Input: 10 Mar 1971 occured before December 08, 2005 but after Jul 05, 1994
A: False
Input: November 07, 2006 occurs before 16 Apr 2008
A: True
Input: 4:29:35 AM occurs between 4:25:01 AM and 8:04:21
A: False
Input: 12:08:12 PM occured after 02:51:49 AM but before 11:31:11
A: False
Input: 14:14:06 occured after 8:11:28 AM but before 08:51:51
A: False
Input: 6:29:12 PM occured after 3:44:08 AM but before 20:52:39
A: True
Input: February 08, 2007 occured before Aug 03, 1971 but after September 11, 1975
A: False
Input: February 06, 2004 doesn't occur between Nov 10, 1996 and September 12, 2020
A: False
Input: 05 March 2007 doesn't occur before 09 Jun 2006
A: True
Input: Jun 22, 1976 occurs between 22 Mar 2012 and 15 Apr 1972
A: True
Input: 11:27:21 AM occured before 10:56:02 but after 23:58:10
A: True
Input: 4:54:55 AM doesn't occur between 05:22:00 and 09:52:09
A: True
Input: 6:55:06 occurs between 11:43:08 and 7:13:14 AM
A: False
Input: 16:09:02 occurs before 09:49:40
A: False
Input: 10:45:17 occured after 11:39:38 PM but before 14:45:01
A: False
Input: 10 Jan 2009 occured after Oct 27, 2012 but before Sep 27, 1988
A: False
Input: 22:37:06 doesn't occur between 03:38:10 AM and 7:34:28 AM
A: True
Input: 22:34:05 doesn't occur between 7:56:11 PM and 04:35:22
A: False
Input: 6:48:40 PM occurs after 19:25:13
A: False
Input: 29 Jan 1983 occured after 10 February 1982 but before 23 Jun 1998
A: True
Input: Jan 13, 1984 occurs between 05 November 1982 and December 10, 1986
A: True
Input: 12:29:58 doesn't occur after 10:31:21 AM
A: True
Input: 5:37:40 AM occured before 2:53:09 PM but after 8:45:26 PM
A: True
Input: Oct 21, 2001 occurs after 26 October 1975
A: True
Input: 03 Jan 2017 occured before August 10, 1982 but after 09 June 2016
A: False
Input: May 09, 1989 occurs between 21 July 1976 and 21 Jan 2017
A: True
Input: 3:07:22 occurs between 2:38:09 and 11:47:20 AM
A: True
Input: 04:24:44 AM occurs between 19:50:59 and 10:27:02 AM
A: False
Input: 01:08:08 doesn't occur between 11:22:58 PM and 10:20:32
A: True
Input: Dec 21, 2019 occurs between February 25, 2006 and Jun 08, 1994
A: False
Input: 13:57:27 occured after 7:18:21 but before 11:42:28 PM
A: False
Input: December 24, 1986 occurs between July 01, 1990 and May 31, 1988
A: False
Input: 05 February 2012 doesn't occur between 13 April 2016 and Feb 11, 1980
A: False
Input: Sep 18, 2005 occured after 30 June 2003 but before 12 Feb 2007
A: True
Input: 2:10:37 doesn't occur between 04:13:27 and 03:18:03 PM
A: True
Input: 3:55:15 PM doesn't occur between 12:20:24 and 12:53:58
A: True
Input: 11:51:27 AM occured before 5:16:20 AM but after 06:27:16 PM
A: True
Input: 7:59:40 AM occurs between 01:12:25 PM and 12:21:33
A: True
Input: 25 Mar 1988 doesn't occur between December 28, 1998 and February 13, 1996
A: True
Input: 13:15:33 doesn't occur between 12:51:38 AM and 3:20:49 AM
A: True
Input: 7:17:09 PM occured before 20:45:44 but after 16:36:05
A: False
Input: September 02, 1992 doesn't occur before 06 October 1980
A: True
Input: Mar 22, 1988 occurs between 08 June 1983 and June 26, 1989
A: True
Input: 11:23:32 PM doesn't occur between 19:51:44 and 18:07:14
A: True
Input: 06:54:41 occured before 05:53:44 but after 05:49:07 AM
A: False
Input: 10 June 2007 doesn't occur before 22 Sep 2002
A: True
Input: 06 Jun 1998 occurs between Mar 11, 1996 and September 27, 2004
A: True
Input: March 05, 2005 occured before 24 Sep 1970 but after 03 March 1971
A: False
Input: 10:59:09 AM occured before 01:09:05 AM but after 11:22:08 PM
A: False
Input: 7:12:36 AM doesn't occur between 11:54:08 PM and 05:30:53
A: True
Input: 01:58:15 occured before 11:14:45 PM but after 9:45:24 PM
A: False
Input: December 04, 2012 doesn't occur between Jul 30, 1997 and 12 April 1992
A: True
Input: Nov 12, 2003 doesn't occur between 24 May 1982 and 05 June 2000
A: True
Input: 07:39:40 PM occured before 9:55:10 PM but after 23:44:35
A: False |
Question: Oxidative capacity of the neutrophils decreased similarly for all three stimulants : there was a pathological decrease shortly after admission , with the lowest value occurring between days 7 and 10 , followed by a gradual recovery during the ensuing months .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: Induction of apoptosis in skeletal tissues : phosphate - mediated chick chondrocyte apoptosis is calcium dependent .
Answer: chondrocyte
Question: Baseline CBF was significantly decreased in territories seen as unaffected on conventional MR images and MR angiograms in four children with sickle cell disease .
Answer: sickle cell
Question: Role of interleukin 1 in antigen - specific T cell proliferation .
Answer: T cell
Question: The role of interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) in human antigen - specific T cell proliferation was examined .
Answer: T cell
Question: Our panel of specific PTPase primers should be very useful for semiquantitatively assessing the repertoire of PTPases expressed by cells .
Answer: cells
Question: Human platelets express two cell surface G - protein - coupled protease - activated receptors ( PARs ) for thrombin : PAR - 1 and PAR - 4 .
Answer: platelets
Question: Subsequently , neurons were subjected to either an ephrin - A5 mediated growth cone collapse assay ( Fig . 5 ) or stimulated with guidance cues for 20 minutes and IEG mRNA levels were quantified via qRT - PCR ( Fig . 6 ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Given the unique NCC origin of PF suture complex ( analogous to metopic suture in humans ) , we performed quantitative real - time PCR and immunohistochemistry to study the expression pattern of the NCC determinant gene Sox9 and select markers of extracellular matrix .
Answer: NCC
Question: Neutrophils were stimulated in vitro by Escherichia coli , phorbol 12 - phorbol myristate 13 - acetate ( PMA ) , and peptide N - formyl - Met - Leu - Phe ( fMLP ) .
Answer: Neutrophils
Question: In agreement with previous results ( Fig . 4 ) , in mock - electroporated neurons , ephrin - A5 incubation reduced the BDNF - mediated up - regulation of c - fos ( Fig . 6A ) , Egr1 ( Fig . 6B ) , Egr2 ( Fig . 6C ) and Arc ( Fig . 6D ) mRNA .
Answer: neurons
Question: 5 - HT is a vasoconstrictor agent that binds to 5HT - 2A receptors and amplifies the platelet response by stimulating shape change and enhancing platelet recruitment at sites of injury ( 3 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: Particularly Egr1 ( Fig . 6B ) and Egr2 ( Fig . 6C ) mRNA levels were almost identical when comparing neurons treated with BDNF alone and neurons with BDNF and ephrin - A5 together .
Answer: neurons
Question: By blocking Galphaq via PAR - 1 and Gbetai via P2Y12 , combined inhibition of thrombin and P2Y12 receptors leads to a synergistic inhibitory effect on thrombin - induced platelet aggregation ( 10 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: These neutrophils demonstrated a consistent deficiency ( 44 + / - 8 % of control values ) in superoxide anion ( O2 - ) production in response to the phorbol ester , phorbol myristate acetate ( PMA ) .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: In the present study , we investigated a role for ceramide in radiocontrast media - induced apoptosis in renal tubular cells .
Answer: cells
Question: Isolated X . laevis oocytes incubated in medium containing 25 microgram DNA / ml labeled with either 125I , 32P or 14C and from three different sources ( bovine , E . coli and X . laevis ) , incorporated the label at an average rate of 0 . 11 ng . mm - 2 . hr - 1 .
Answer: oocytes
Question: Based on these observations , we suggest that , at the cartilage mineralization front , an elevation in local environmental Ca2 + and Pi concentrations modulates oxidative metabolism , and triggers apoptosis of terminally differentiated chondrocytes .
Answer: chondrocytes
Question: It may also play a pro - coagulant role by promoting the retention of fibrinogen and thrombospondin on the platelet surface .
Answer: platelet
Question: Wild - type neurons were electroporated with vectors expressing GFP ( control ; A , C , E ) or expressing a FLAG - tagged constitutively - active MEK1 ( CA - MEK1 ; B , D , F ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Our panel of specific PTPase primers should be very useful for semiquantitatively assessing the repertoire of PTPases expressed by cells .
Answer: cells
Question: Neutrophils were stimulated in vitro by Escherichia coli , phorbol 12 - phorbol myristate 13 - acetate ( PMA ) , and peptide N - formyl - Met - Leu - Phe ( fMLP ) .
Answer: Neutrophils
Question: In contrast , in neurons overexpressing CA - MEK1 ( Fig . 5F ) , ephrin - A5 induced only a partial growth cone collapse .
Answer: neurons
Question: Determination of eprosartan in human plasma and urine by LC / MS / MS .
Answer: LC
Question: Lactotransferrin binding to its platelet receptor inhibits platelet aggregation .
Answer: platelet
Question: Young mice can increase the cellular availability of GSH , whereas mature mice can increase GSH synthetase activity during oxidative stress .
Answer: cellular
Question: In contrast , in neurons over - expressing CA - MEK1 , ephrin - A5 could not suppress BDNF - induced IEG responses to the same degree .
Answer: neurons
Question: Neurons were treated with ephrin - A5 - Fc for 30 min followed by visualization of GFP ( A , C , E ) or CA - MEK - 1 ( green in B , D , F ) , F - actin and betaIII tubulin .
Answer: Neurons
Question: Finally , the inhibition was demonstrated to be mediated by a mechanism which requires the binding of lactotransferrin to its putative receptor and not to platelet glycoprotein IIb - IIIa .
Answer: platelet
Question: The total lymph node cell numbers ( A ) and IL - 4 ( B ) , IFN - gamma ( C ) and IL - 10 ( D ) secreted from the PLN cells after ex vivo stimulation with Con A were determined .
Answer: PLN cells
Question: Finally , the inhibition was demonstrated to be mediated by a mechanism which requires the binding of lactotransferrin to its putative receptor and not to platelet glycoprotein IIb - IIIa .
Answer: platelet
Question: Thrombin - dependent platelet aggregation is mediated in part by secreted ADP , acting on the Galphai - linked ADP receptor .
Answer: platelet
Question: ( A , B ) Overexpression of CA - MEK1 ( B ) reduces mean neurite length compared to a control GFP - expressing neuron ( A ) .
Answer: neuron
Question: Growth cones of GFP ( C ) and CA - MEK1 expressing neurons were similar and protruded many filopodia ( arrows in Fig . 5C - F ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Since then , a role of histone methyl transferases , particularly set7 , has also been demonstrated in the sustained deleterious effects of chronic hyperglycemia on human microvascular endothelial cells [ 114 ] .
Answer: endothelial cells
Question: Dextransucrase ( EC 2 . 4 . 1 . 5 ) , which catalyses soluble glucan synthesis , was most active in the supernatant fluid from cultures grown with excess glucose , fructose or sucrose , but full activity was detected only when the enzyme was incubated with both sucrose and dextran .
Answer: EC
Question: It was found that 98 % of the cells were vimentin positive and also positive for a monoclonal antibody against specific fibroblast antigen ( clone ASO2 , Dianova , Hamburg , Germany ) .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: Particularly Egr1 ( Fig . 6B ) and Egr2 ( Fig . 6C ) mRNA levels were almost identical when comparing neurons treated with BDNF alone and neurons with BDNF and ephrin - A5 together .
Answer: neurons
Question: By blocking Galphaq via PAR - 1 and Gbetai via P2Y12 , combined inhibition of thrombin and P2Y12 receptors leads to a synergistic inhibitory effect on thrombin - induced platelet aggregation ( 10 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: Thus , LCs appear to be suppressive in human Langerin - DTA mice and redundant in murine Langerin - DTR mice .
Answer: LCs
Question: The defect in antigen presentation induced by UV irradiation of Mo . TT was reversed in a dose - dependent manner by the addition of two different preparations containing human interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) .
Answer: Mo
Question: These cultured fibroblasts were characterized using immunocytochemistry .
Answer: fibroblasts
Question: PAR - 1 and P2Y12 cross - react in platelet activation , and Galphaq and Galphai - coupled receptors are involved in this process .
Answer: platelet
Question: The first preparation consisted of supernatants of Mo . stimulated with Con A for 18 hr and in which Con A activity was blocked by alpha - D - methyl - mannoside ( Mo . - Con A - Sup ) .
Answer: Mo
Question: Important parameters are tumor site , depth of invasion , histological type and grade , pattern of invasion ( diffusely infiltrating versus expanding margin ) , degree of peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration , and tumor involvement of surgical margins and lymph nodes .
Answer: peritumoral lymphocytic
Question: The second preparation consisted of human IL 1 partially purified from supernatants of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with S . albus .
Answer: cells
Question: Determination of eprosartan in human plasma and urine by LC / MS / MS .
Answer: LC
Question: Molecular Mechanisms Mediating the Perinatal Beta - Cell Adaptive Response to Early - Life Stressors
Answer: Cell
Question: The first preparation consisted of supernatants of Mo . stimulated with Con A for 18 hr and in which Con A activity was blocked by alpha - D - methyl - mannoside ( Mo . - Con A - Sup ) .
Answer: Mo
Question: The pericentral vein cells with IL - 6 and fibrinogen mRNA increases paralleled the increases in cells containing IL - 6 and fibrinogen mRNAs in the abscess walls of sterile and septic animals , respectively .
Answer: cells
Question: 1 , 10 ng of TORC1 , 5 ng of TORC2 , and 15 ng of PKAalpha expression plasmids were transfected into HEK293 cells .
Answer: HEK293 cells
Question: The inducible ablation of LCs in human Langerin - DTR mice resulted in increased CHS .
Answer: LCs
Question: Chronic rubella viremia has been detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cell ( MNC ) populations in five of the six women up to six years after vaccination .
Answer: MNC
Question: We also explored the mechanism of apoptosis by evaluating mitochondrial activity and reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) generation in cells treated with the ion pair .
Answer: cells
Question: Young mice can increase the cellular availability of GSH , whereas mature mice can increase GSH synthetase activity during oxidative stress .
Answer: cellular
Question: By blocking Galphaq via PAR - 1 and Gbetai via P2Y12 , combined inhibition of thrombin and P2Y12 receptors leads to a synergistic inhibitory effect on thrombin - induced platelet aggregation ( 10 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: The average neurite length of neurons overexpressing CA - MEK1 ( Fig . 5B ) was clearly reduced compared to control GFP expressing neurons ( Fig . 5A ; see quantification in ( G ) ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Moreover , reports by both American and British professional societies have led to a re - evaluation of the relative risks associated with plaque induced bacteremia when twice - yearly visits to dental professionals are compared to daily activities .
Answer: plaque
Question: We also explored the mechanism of apoptosis by evaluating mitochondrial activity and reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) generation in cells treated with the ion pair .
Answer: cells
Question: Molecular Mechanisms Mediating the Perinatal Beta - Cell Adaptive Response to Early - Life Stressors
Answer: Cell
Question: The first preparation consisted of supernatants of Mo . stimulated with Con A for 18 hr and in which Con A activity was blocked by alpha - D - methyl - mannoside ( Mo . - Con A - Sup ) .
Answer: Mo
Question: There is also increased hepatocellular lipid deposition and apoptosis .
Answer: hepatocellular
Question: These results suggest that a deficient O2 - release in response to PMA is a hallmark of neutrophils in CNL and may provide a diagnostic indicator of this condition .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: TxA2 , generated from arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase 1 ( COX - 1 ) and Tx synthase , further amplifies platelet activation .
Answer: platelet
Question: 1 , 10 ng of TORC1 , 5 ng of TORC2 , and 15 ng of PKAalpha expression plasmids were transfected into HEK293 cells .
Answer: HEK293 cells
Question: In the same way of thinking , studies have demonstrated that the maintenance of methylated histone H3 Lys4 by Set7 / 9 , a member of the SET methyltransferase family , is crucial to Pdx1 activity in beta - cell lines [ 111 - 113 ] .
Answer: cell lines
Question: In the last several years Listerine has emerged as a bona fide therapeutic agent for reduction of plaque induced oral diseases .
Answer: plaque
Question: In the present study , we investigated a role for ceramide in radiocontrast media - induced apoptosis in renal tubular cells .
Answer: cells
Question: Relative phage haplotype frequencies in PAO1 samples , ( A ) planktonic , ( B ) biofilm 4 days , ( C ) biofilm 11 days .
Answer: biofilm
Question: Oesophageal candidiasis and croup in a child with defective neutrophil motility .
Answer: neutrophil
Question: COX - 1 converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandin endoperoxides PGG2 and PGH2 , the latter being , in turn , transformed by Tx synthase into TxA2 , a potent amplifier of platelet aggregation with vasoconstrictive properties .
Answer: platelet
Question: Overexpression of SLAP - 2 in bone marrow macrophages partially suppressed the CSF - 1 - induced tyrosine phosphorylation and / or expression level of a approximately 80 kDa protein without affecting CSF - 1 - induced global tyrosine phosphorylation , or activation of Akt or Erk1 / 2 .
Answer: macrophages
Question: Mo Kalpha radiation
Answer: Mo
Question: Chronic rubella viremia has been detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cell ( MNC ) populations in five of the six women up to six years after vaccination .
Answer: MNC
Question: Role of interleukin 1 in antigen - specific T cell proliferation .
Answer: T cell
Question: Lactotransferrin binding to its platelet receptor inhibits platelet aggregation .
Answer: platelet
Question: Young mice can increase the cellular availability of GSH , whereas mature mice can increase GSH synthetase activity during oxidative stress .
Answer: cellular
Question: The second preparation consisted of human IL 1 partially purified from supernatants of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with S . albus .
Answer: cells
Question: TxA2 , generated from arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase 1 ( COX - 1 ) and Tx synthase , further amplifies platelet activation .
Answer: platelet
Question: In an earlier study , we have shown that Pi induced apoptosis of terminally differentiated hypertrophic chondrocytes .
Answer: chondrocytes
Question: 1 , 10 ng of TORC1 , 5 ng of TORC2 , and 15 ng of PKAalpha expression plasmids were transfected into HEK293 cells .
Answer: HEK293 cells
Question: In addition to its role in coagulation , thrombin at extremely low concentrations is one of the major platelet activators ( 8 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: The second preparation consisted of human IL 1 partially purified from supernatants of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with S . albus .
Answer: cells
Question: A protein precipitation , liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometry ( LC / MS / MS ) method has been developed and validated for the determination of eprosartan in human plasma and urine .
Answer: LC
Question: In mock - electroporated neurons , BDNF induced an IEG response of c - fos ( A ) , Egr1 ( B ) , Egr2 ( C ) and Arc ( D ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: The authors have used reverse transcription / polymerase chain reactions to accomplish a comprehensive examination of the RNA expression for 58 distinct mammalian protein tyrosine and dual specificity phosphatase ( PTPase ) and PTPase - like genes in the normal human diploid fibroblast cell line WI - 38 .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: ( A , B ) Overexpression of CA - MEK1 ( B ) reduces mean neurite length compared to a control GFP - expressing neuron ( A ) .
Answer: neuron
Question: There is also increased hepatocellular lipid deposition and apoptosis .
Answer: hepatocellular
Question: Thrombin - dependent platelet aggregation is mediated in part by secreted ADP , acting on the Galphai - linked ADP receptor .
Answer: platelet
Question: The reaction mix was transformed in E . coli chemically competent cells as described above .
Answer: competent cells
Question: 5 - HT is a vasoconstrictor agent that binds to 5HT - 2A receptors and amplifies the platelet response by stimulating shape change and enhancing platelet recruitment at sites of injury ( 3 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: In the present study , we investigated a role for ceramide in radiocontrast media - induced apoptosis in renal tubular cells .
Answer: cells
Question: Thus , the present study does not provide evidence for an effect of HPA - 1 polymorphism on the inter - individual variability in the platelet inhibitory effects of the three GPIIb / IIIa inhibitors approved for clinical use .
Answer: platelet
Question: No evidence for an influence of the human platelet antigen - 1 polymorphism on the antiplatelet effects of glycoprotein IIb / IIIa inhibitors .
Answer: platelet
Question: They are known to shorten with each cellular division and , hence , can act as a mitotic clock , registering the number of replicative divisions to have taken place within the cell .
Answer: cellular
Question: ( C ) Confocal images of C - terminally MYC - tagged MOR1 or FLAG - tagged MOR1K overexpressed in HEK293 cells and stained with either Anti - MYC - Tag Antibody ( Alexa Fluor 647 Conjugate ) or Anti - DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody ( Alexa Fluor 555 conjugate ) .
Answer: HEK293 cells
Question: In contrast , in neurons over - expressing CA - MEK1 , ephrin - A5 could not suppress BDNF - induced IEG responses to the same degree .
Answer: neurons
Question: The primary cellular response in the draining lymph node The primary cellular response in the draining PLN was determined five days after a single injection of HBSS ( open columns ) , 10 mug OVA ( gray ) , 40 mug PSP ( hatched ) or 10 mug OVA + 40 mug PSP ( black ) into both hind footpads of BALB / cA , NIH and C3H / HeN mice .
Answer: cellular
Question: Both IL 1 - containing preparations enhanced the response of C57BL / 6 mouse thymocytes to phytohemagglutinin .
Answer: thymocytes
Question: Ephrin - A5 induces a growth cone collapse , resulting in reduced growth cone area and filopodia number in GFP but not CA - MEK1 expressing neurons .
Answer: neurons
Question: ( D ) Confocal images of C - terminally FLAG - tagged MOR1K overexpressed in Be2C cells and stained with either Anti - FLAG M2 Antibody Alexa Fluor Conjugate or fluorescent - labeled naloxone ( FNAL ) .
Answer: Be2C cells
Question: The defect in antigen presentation induced by UV irradiation of Mo . TT was reversed in a dose - dependent manner by the addition of two different preparations containing human interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) .
Answer: Mo
Question: The CSF - 1 receptor exerts its biological effects on cells via a range of signaling proteins including Erk1 / 2 and Akt .
Answer: cells
Question: In the last several years Listerine has emerged as a bona fide therapeutic agent for reduction of plaque induced oral diseases .
Answer: plaque
Question: Bone histology showed changes consistent with osteoblast inhibition by methotrexate .
Answer: osteoblast
Question: This study provides evidence that immunosuppression in those injured by burns , as assessed by the in vitro oxidative burst of neutrophils , remains long after the event of the burn ( up to 3 . 5 months after burn ) .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: Prolonged control of patterned biofilm formation by bio - inert surface chemistry .
Answer: biofilm
Question: In the same way of thinking , studies have demonstrated that the maintenance of methylated histone H3 Lys4 by Set7 / 9 , a member of the SET methyltransferase family , is crucial to Pdx1 activity in beta - cell lines [ 111 - 113 ] .
Answer: cell lines
Question: Long - term immunosuppression in burned patients assessed by in vitro neutrophil oxidative burst ( Phagoburst ) .
Answer: neutrophil
Question: Subsequently , neurons were subjected to either an ephrin - A5 mediated growth cone collapse assay ( Fig . 5 ) or stimulated with guidance cues for 20 minutes and IEG mRNA levels were quantified via qRT - PCR ( Fig . 6 ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Here we have investigated the potential involvement of the Src - like adapter protein ( SLAP - 2 ) in signaling by the CSF - 1 receptor in mouse bone marrow - derived macrophages .
Answer: macrophages
Question: 5 - HT is a vasoconstrictor agent that binds to 5HT - 2A receptors and amplifies the platelet response by stimulating shape change and enhancing platelet recruitment at sites of injury ( 3 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: Relative phage haplotype frequencies in PAO1 samples , ( A ) planktonic , ( B ) biofilm 4 days , ( C ) biofilm 11 days .
Answer: biofilm
Question: This study provides evidence that immunosuppression in those injured by burns , as assessed by the in vitro oxidative burst of neutrophils , remains long after the event of the burn ( up to 3 . 5 months after burn ) .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: Growth cones of GFP ( C ) and CA - MEK1 expressing neurons were similar and protruded many filopodia ( arrows in Fig . 5C - F ) .
Answer: neurons
Question: Long - term immunosuppression in burned patients assessed by in vitro neutrophil oxidative burst ( Phagoburst ) .
Answer: neutrophil
Question: No evidence for an influence of the human platelet antigen - 1 polymorphism on the antiplatelet effects of glycoprotein IIb / IIIa inhibitors .
Answer: platelet
Question: These signals were evident in both the pigmented and non - pigmented epithelial cell layers of the pars plicata region of the ciliary processes , but not in the pars plana or in the ciliary musculature .
Answer: epithelial cell
Question: Relative phage haplotype frequencies in PAO1 samples , ( A ) planktonic , ( B ) biofilm 4 days , ( C ) biofilm 11 days .
Answer: biofilm
Question: The second preparation consisted of human IL 1 partially purified from supernatants of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with S . albus .
Answer: cells
Question: Finally , the inhibition was demonstrated to be mediated by a mechanism which requires the binding of lactotransferrin to its putative receptor and not to platelet glycoprotein IIb - IIIa .
Answer: platelet
Question: Gene expression by in situ hybridization demonstrated a significant increase in IL - 6 and fibrinogen mRNAs in cells surrounding the central vein in sterile and septic animals , being greatest in animals with sepsis , associated with an increased deposition of collagen in the central vein area , most prominent in the septic liver .
Answer: cells
Question: Prolonged control of patterned biofilm formation by bio - inert surface chemistry .
Answer: biofilm
Question: 5 - HT is a vasoconstrictor agent that binds to 5HT - 2A receptors and amplifies the platelet response by stimulating shape change and enhancing platelet recruitment at sites of injury ( 3 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: There is also increased hepatocellular lipid deposition and apoptosis .
Answer: hepatocellular
Question: The fluorescent probe allowed us to characterize , by flow cytometry , the binding of lactotransferrin to non - activated human platelets .
Answer: platelets
Question: Be2C cells transfected with either MOR1 or MOR1K isoforms showed increased retention of FNAL at concentrations of 0 . 1 and 1 muM .
Answer: Be2C cells
Question: Ephrin - A5 induces a growth cone collapse , resulting in reduced growth cone area and filopodia number in GFP but not CA - MEK1 expressing neurons .
Answer: neurons
Question: Long - term immunosuppression in burned patients assessed by in vitro neutrophil oxidative burst ( Phagoburst ) .
Answer: neutrophil
Question: Molecular Mechanisms Mediating the Perinatal Beta - Cell Adaptive Response to Early - Life Stressors
Answer: Cell
Question: Furthermore , when ACT is overexpressed in transgenic mice , an increased plaque load in the brains of these mice and impaired spatial learning is observed [ 134 , 135 ] .
Answer: plaque
Question: Multiple phosphotyrosine phosphatase mRNAs are expressed in the human lung fibroblast cell line WI - 38 .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: The total lymph node cell numbers ( A ) and IL - 4 ( B ) , IFN - gamma ( C ) and IL - 10 ( D ) secreted from the PLN cells after ex vivo stimulation with Con A were determined .
Answer: PLN cells
Question: The fluorescent probe allowed us to characterize , by flow cytometry , the binding of lactotransferrin to non - activated human platelets .
Answer: platelets
Question: Particularly Egr1 ( Fig . 6B ) and Egr2 ( Fig . 6C ) mRNA levels were almost identical when comparing neurons treated with BDNF alone and neurons with BDNF and ephrin - A5 together .
Answer: neurons
Question: Dextransucrase ( EC 2 . 4 . 1 . 5 ) , which catalyses soluble glucan synthesis , was most active in the supernatant fluid from cultures grown with excess glucose , fructose or sucrose , but full activity was detected only when the enzyme was incubated with both sucrose and dextran .
Answer: EC
Question: Both IL 1 - containing preparations enhanced the response of C57BL / 6 mouse thymocytes to phytohemagglutinin .
Answer: thymocytes
Question: Role of interleukin 1 in antigen - specific T cell proliferation .
Answer: T cell
Question: ( D ) Confocal images of C - terminally FLAG - tagged MOR1K overexpressed in Be2C cells and stained with either Anti - FLAG M2 Antibody Alexa Fluor Conjugate or fluorescent - labeled naloxone ( FNAL ) .
Answer: Be2C cells
Question: The role of interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) in human antigen - specific T cell proliferation was examined .
Answer: T cell
Question: In the fetal GK / Par rat exposed to mild hyperglycemia during gestation ( a model of IUED ) , data from our group suggest that the beta - cell deficit ( reduced by more than 50 % ) starts as early as fetal age E16 and reflects decreased beta - cell proliferation , a limitation of beta - cell neogenesis from precursors , and increased apoptosis of both beta cells and their precursors [ 86 ] .
Answer: beta cells
Question: Thrombin - dependent platelet aggregation is mediated in part by secreted ADP , acting on the Galphai - linked ADP receptor .
Answer: platelet
Question: The pericentral vein cells with IL - 6 and fibrinogen mRNA increases paralleled the increases in cells containing IL - 6 and fibrinogen mRNAs in the abscess walls of sterile and septic animals , respectively .
Answer: cells
Question: Young mice can increase the cellular availability of GSH , whereas mature mice can increase GSH synthetase activity during oxidative stress .
Answer: cellular
Question: Based on these observations , we suggest that , at the cartilage mineralization front , an elevation in local environmental Ca2 + and Pi concentrations modulates oxidative metabolism , and triggers apoptosis of terminally differentiated chondrocytes .
Answer: chondrocytes
Question: The role of interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) in human antigen - specific T cell proliferation was examined .
Answer: T cell
Question: Overexpression of SLAP - 2 in bone marrow macrophages partially suppressed the CSF - 1 - induced tyrosine phosphorylation and / or expression level of a approximately 80 kDa protein without affecting CSF - 1 - induced global tyrosine phosphorylation , or activation of Akt or Erk1 / 2 .
Answer: macrophages
Question: Neurons were treated with ephrin - A5 - Fc for 30 min followed by visualization of GFP ( A , C , E ) or CA - MEK - 1 ( green in B , D , F ) , F - actin and betaIII tubulin .
Answer: Neurons
Question: 5 - HT is a vasoconstrictor agent that binds to 5HT - 2A receptors and amplifies the platelet response by stimulating shape change and enhancing platelet recruitment at sites of injury ( 3 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: Isolated X . laevis oocytes incubated in medium containing 25 microgram DNA / ml labeled with either 125I , 32P or 14C and from three different sources ( bovine , E . coli and X . laevis ) , incorporated the label at an average rate of 0 . 11 ng . mm - 2 . hr - 1 .
Answer: oocytes
Question: Ephrin - A5 induces a growth cone collapse , resulting in reduced growth cone area and filopodia number in GFP but not CA - MEK1 expressing neurons .
Answer: neurons
Question: Experiments using various types of deafferentation and fetal brain tissue transplantation confirmed that the LHRH pulse generator is located in the MBH and suggested that LHRH pulse generator consists of nonLHRH neurons .
Answer: neurons
Question: They are known to shorten with each cellular division and , hence , can act as a mitotic clock , registering the number of replicative divisions to have taken place within the cell .
Answer: cellular
Question: They are known to shorten with each cellular division and , hence , can act as a mitotic clock , registering the number of replicative divisions to have taken place within the cell .
Answer: cellular
Question: The role of interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) in human antigen - specific T cell proliferation was examined .
Answer: T cell
Question: By blocking Galphaq via PAR - 1 and Gbetai via P2Y12 , combined inhibition of thrombin and P2Y12 receptors leads to a synergistic inhibitory effect on thrombin - induced platelet aggregation ( 10 ) .
Answer: platelet
Question: COX - 1 converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandin endoperoxides PGG2 and PGH2 , the latter being , in turn , transformed by Tx synthase into TxA2 , a potent amplifier of platelet aggregation with vasoconstrictive properties .
Answer: platelet
Question: These results suggest that a deficient O2 - release in response to PMA is a hallmark of neutrophils in CNL and may provide a diagnostic indicator of this condition .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: Induction of apoptosis in skeletal tissues : phosphate - mediated chick chondrocyte apoptosis is calcium dependent .
Answer: chondrocyte
Question: Furthermore , when ACT is overexpressed in transgenic mice , an increased plaque load in the brains of these mice and impaired spatial learning is observed [ 134 , 135 ] .
Answer: plaque
Question: In agreement with previous results ( Fig . 4 ) , in mock - electroporated neurons , ephrin - A5 incubation reduced the BDNF - mediated up - regulation of c - fos ( Fig . 6A ) , Egr1 ( Fig . 6B ) , Egr2 ( Fig . 6C ) and Arc ( Fig . 6D ) mRNA .
Answer: neurons
Question: To assess the changes in the oxidative capacity of neutrophils after the burn , blood samples for the Phagoburst analysis were taken on admission and at least once every second week for the duration of stay in hospital and thereafter monthly up to 12 months after the burn .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: Chronic rubella viremia has been detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cell ( MNC ) populations in five of the six women up to six years after vaccination .
Answer: MNC
Question: Our data suggest that yolk - DNA arises by the adventitious uptake of DNA present in the maternal serum by vitellogenic oocytes .
Answer: oocytes
Question: The authors have used reverse transcription / polymerase chain reactions to accomplish a comprehensive examination of the RNA expression for 58 distinct mammalian protein tyrosine and dual specificity phosphatase ( PTPase ) and PTPase - like genes in the normal human diploid fibroblast cell line WI - 38 .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: Induction of apoptosis in skeletal tissues : phosphate - mediated chick chondrocyte apoptosis is calcium dependent .
Answer: chondrocyte
Question: Moreover , reports by both American and British professional societies have led to a re - evaluation of the relative risks associated with plaque induced bacteremia when twice - yearly visits to dental professionals are compared to daily activities .
Answer: plaque
Question: Thrombin - dependent platelet aggregation is mediated in part by secreted ADP , acting on the Galphai - linked ADP receptor .
Answer: platelet
Question: Human platelets express two cell surface G - protein - coupled protease - activated receptors ( PARs ) for thrombin : PAR - 1 and PAR - 4 .
Answer: platelets
Question: The authors have used reverse transcription / polymerase chain reactions to accomplish a comprehensive examination of the RNA expression for 58 distinct mammalian protein tyrosine and dual specificity phosphatase ( PTPase ) and PTPase - like genes in the normal human diploid fibroblast cell line WI - 38 .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: We would emphasis that candidiasis should be anticipated and treated vigorously in children with such a defect of neutrophil motility .
Answer: neutrophil
Question: These results suggest that a deficient O2 - release in response to PMA is a hallmark of neutrophils in CNL and may provide a diagnostic indicator of this condition .
Answer: neutrophils
Question: TxA2 , generated from arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase 1 ( COX - 1 ) and Tx synthase , further amplifies platelet activation .
Answer: platelet
Question: Multiple phosphotyrosine phosphatase mRNAs are expressed in the human lung fibroblast cell line WI - 38 .
Answer: fibroblast
Question: 1 , 10 ng of TORC1 , 5 ng of TORC2 , and 15 ng of PKAalpha expression plasmids were transfected into HEK293 cells .
Answer: HEK293 cells
Question: Inhibition of platelet aggregation was also observed with the N - terminal fragment of lactotransferrin ( residues 3 - 281 ; 50 % inhibition = 2 microM ) and with CFQWQRNMRKVRGPPVSC synthetic octodecapeptide ( residues 20 - 37 ; 50 % inhibition = 20 microM ) corresponding to one of the two external loops ( residues 28 - 34 and 39 - 42 ) where we recently located the receptor - binding site .
Answer: platelet
Question: In the present study , we investigated a role for ceramide in radiocontrast media - induced apoptosis in renal tubular cells .
Answer: cells
Question: No evidence for an influence of the human platelet antigen - 1 polymorphism on the antiplatelet effects of glycoprotein IIb / IIIa inhibitors .
Answer: platelet
Question: At the site of the atheroma rupture , platelet - released TxA2 leads to downstream micro - vessel contraction and thrombus propagation ( 7 ) .
Answer: platelet |
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted.
Possible labels:
1. (A)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (D)
5. (E)
indicate that the defendant should nevertheless have foreseen that injury could result. Here, the testimony of the store manager and the frozen food manager has generated a fact question in regard to whether Miners could have foreseen Amber’s injury, and, thus, whether Miners was negligent. Miners was aware that young children would be among those likely to retrieve food items from the freezer. The store manager testified that one’s hands could stick to the wall of the freezer if no protective coating of frost had formed. Reasonable minds could disagree as to whether Miners should have foreseen that a child could receive frostbite burns if there was no frost covering the freezer walls. Cf. City of Cedar Falls v. Cedar Falls Community Sch. Dist., 617 N.W.2d 11, 16-17 (Iowa 2000) (<HOLDING>). Further, reasonable minds could differ as to
Holding statements: (A) holding it is a question of fact (B) holding that a question about present employment in field of law enforcement did not trigger disclosure of past employment in field of law enforcement (C) holding that generally the question of waiver and estoppel is a question of fact (D) holding that summary judgment was not appropriate because whether the danger posed by a swimming pool was known or obvious was a fact question (E) holding that question of whether golf cart with key in ignition posed foreseeable danger to children in context of school field trip was question for jury
Output: (E)
representative. The complaint asserted causes of action for (1) an accounting of trust funds, (2) conversion by Petitioner and Martin Woolin of trust funds, and (3) a constructive trust of assets, including the subject property, acquired by Petitioner and Martin Woolin with misappropriated trust funds. On August 6, 2002, Respondents also filed and recorded a notice of lis pendens relating to the subject property. Petitioner filed an emergency motion to remove the lis pendens from the subject property. Prior to a hearing on the motion, Respondents filed the affidavit of Tony Argiz, a forensic accountant, in an effort to demonstrate the fair nexus necessary to maintain the lis pendens against the subject property. See, e.g., Conseco Servs., LLC. v. Cuneo, 904 So.2d 438 (Fla. 3d DCA 2005)(<HOLDING>). On September 19, 2002, a hearing was held
Holding statements: (A) holding that the proponent of a lis pendens must show a fair nexus between the alleged fraudulent transfer and the real property encumbered by the lis pendens (B) holding that suit arose from alleged fraudulent transfer of real property located in texas even though the allegedly fraudulent assignment occurred in california (C) holding that a nexus between the corporate officers or directors official activity and the matter for which indemnification is sought must be shown though no more than a nexus whether a nexus exists is a question of fact to be determined by the trial court considering all the circumstances surrounding the proposed indemnification (D) holding that debtors cannot claim an exemption in a homestead after trustee avoided the transfer of the property as a fraudulent conveyance because the transfer by the debtors was voluntary (E) holding that appellants failed to state a claim regarding real property therefore the lis pendens was improperly granted and could be canceled notwithstanding appeal
Output: (A)
the Department must make in order to obtain the order it seeks in this action, as well as certain other issues that are likely to arise on remand. We conclude the Department's petition adequately sets forth the necessary elements it must prove in order to involuntarily treat Saenz: (1) that he has refused to consume food and fluids sufficient to maintain his health for an extended period; (2) that, as a result, he has been diagnosed by a physician as suffering from moderate to severe malnutrition, dehydration or other deleterious condition; and (3) that, pursuant to reliable medical opinion, Saenz is in imminent danger of suffering serious harm or death unless he is given medical treatment, including, if necessary, forced hydration and/or forced feeding. Cf. Harper, 494 U.S. at 227 (<HOLDING>). ¶ 29. We next consider the Department's
Holding statements: (A) holding that the due process clause permits the state to treat a prison inmate who has a serious mental illness with antipsychotic drugs against his will if the inmate is dangerous to himself or others and the treatment is in the inmates medical interest (B) holding that an inmate stated a claim under the due process clause when guards had placed her in a cell with a dangerous inmate (C) holding that a detention officers alleged negligent conduct of failing to medically screen an inmate who later committed suicide in a holding cell in violation of the police departments policies was not the proximate cause of the inmates death when there was no evidence that the inmate would have been unable to kill himself if he had been medically screened and any claim that the inmate would have presented as suicidal in such screening was purely speculative (D) holding that the due process clause permits the state to involuntarily treat a prison inmate who is seriously mentally ill if the inmate is dangerous to himself or others and the treatment is in the inmates medical interest (E) holding that the due process clause permits the state to treat a prison inmate with antipsychotic drugs against his will under certain circumstances while not limiting treatment to those circumstances
Output: (D)
to and from Atasca and Bowman by requesting information from that time period in its interrogatory. Further, the dates of insolvency were established by El Paso’s partial motion for summary judgment. Legally, El Paso’s complaint about the time period would shift the burden to Bowman to prove an element of El Paso's claim. Rather, it is El Paso's burden to prove that Atasca did not receive reasonably equivalent value. See In re Pace, 456 B.R. at 270; see also Mladenka, 130 S.W.3d at 405. Perhaps El Paso will disprove Bowman's self-serving testimony with additional financial records, or a fact finder may disbelieve him and find actual fraud. See Phillips v. B.R. Brick and Masonry, Inc., No. 01-09-00311-CV, 2010 WL 3564820, at *5-6 (Tex.App.-Houston [1st Dist.] Sept. 10, 2010) (mem. op.) (<HOLDING>). But with the summary judgment evidence
Holding statements: (A) holding that although there was evidence the defendant transferred or caused to be transferred more money to the debtor than the debtor transferred to the defendant there was legally sufficient evidence to support the jurys finding of actual fraud under section 24005a1 and b because the badges of fraud showed the debtors intent to hinder delay or defraud creditors (B) holding that debtors depositing of funds into spouses separate account did not establish actual intent to hinder delay or defraud creditors for purposes of denial of discharge under chapter 7 (C) holding that actual intent to defraud is not necessary to finding of constructive fraud (D) holding that the statute requires actual intent to hinder delay or defraud creditors or the trustee constructive intent to defraud does not suffice (E) holding that debtor cannot take advantage of 522f after debtor has transferred his exempt property
Output: (A)
of due diligence prior to trial. Thus, as the evidence submitted clearly does not constitute newly discovered evidence, the trial court did not err in denying Mann’s motion for postconviction relief without granting him an evidentiary hearing. REPRESENTATION BY THE PUBLIC DEFENDER’S OFFICE IN NON-DEATH PENALTY POSTCONVICTION COLLATERAL PROCEEDINGS While the trial court accepted and ruled on the postconviction motion filed by the Public Defender’s Office, it concluded that the Public Defender’s Office did not, in fact, represent Mann because it had not been appointed to do so. We agree. A criminal defendant’s right to counsel is constitutionally mandated regarding representation at trial and on direct appeal. See Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 83 S.Ct. 792, 9 L.Ed.2d 799 (1963)(<HOLDING>); Douglas v. California, 372 U.S. 353, 83 S.Ct.
Holding statements: (A) recognizing that the sixth amendment guarantees a defendant the right to counsel and the right to waive counsel (B) holding that the sixth amendment right to counsel embodies the right to effective assistance of counsel (C) holding that the fourteenth amendment incorporated the sixth amendment right to counsel (D) holding that under the sixth amendment a criminal defendant may waive his right to counsel if that waiver is knowing intelligent and voluntary (E) holding that a criminal defendant has a sixth amendment right to counsel at trial
Output: (E)
the account controlled by BCBST, BCBST had effective access to the funds in the larger account. Its check writing authority makes BCBST a fiduciary. The only alleged breach of fiduciary duty with respect to the checking account was BCBST’s retention of interest on the float and on delayed payments to individual physicians. Plaintiffs allege that BCBST’s retention of that interest violates 29 U.S.C. § 1106(a)(1)(A) barring a plan fiduciary from causing the plan to sell, lease, or exchange property with a party in interest. Other courts which have addressed the issue, however, consider the retention of interest on float to be an issue of compensation, where it is clear that float will be created. See Assocs. in Adolescent Psychiatry, S.C. v. Home Life Ins. Co., 941 F.2d 561, 564, 568-69 (<HOLDING>); Sirna v. Prudential Securities, Inc., 964
Holding statements: (A) holding that rule 63 applies to pleadings filed within seven days of summary judgment proceedings (B) holding that interest on float is part of compensation (C) holding defendant was afforded substantive and procedural due process at the administrative level when he was given seven days to respond to a prepenalty notice for negligence (D) holding that rule 6e did not extend the period in which a workers compensation carrier was required to pay a compensation award under the longshore and harbor workers compensation act where the act required payment within ten days of filing of the order as opposed to within ten days of service of notice provided for in the rule (E) holding that where it was clear up to seven days of float might exist interest on float was contracted for compensation
Output: (E)
that the substantial relationship test effectuates both the duty of loyalty and the duty of confidentiality. In the seminal case setting forth the substantial relationship test, T.C. Theatre Corp. v. Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., Judge Weinfeld of the Southern District of New York held that only through the substantial relationship test “can the lawyer’s duty of absolute fidelity be enforced and the spirit of the rule relating to privileged communications be maintained.” 113 F.Supp. at 268-69. See also Damron v. Herzog, 67 F.3d 211, 215 (9th Cir.1995), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1117, 116 S.Ct. 922, 133 L.Ed.2d 851 (1996) (“[T]he duty of loyalty also continues with respect to those matters substantially related to that representation.”); Felix v. Balkin, 49 F.Supp.2d 260, 268 (S.D.N.Y.1999) (<HOLDING>); Selby v. Revlon Consumer Prod. Corp., 6
Holding statements: (A) recognizing that an attorney has a duty of loyalty to his client (B) holding that attorneys should be disqualified where the substantial relationship test is met in order to assure that the confidentiality of the attorneyclient relationship and the loyalty between attorney and client are preserved (C) holding that normal attorneyclient relationship does not bar rule 60b relief when the evidence is clear that the attorney and his client were not acting as one (D) holding that the substantial relationship test also concerns the duty of loyalty to a former client (E) holding that the substantial relationship test embodies a broader concept than the rule of confidentiality that of continuing fidelity to a former client a duty of loyalty
Output: (B)
states to provide worker compensation protection to maritime workers. See, e.g., Washington v. W.C. Dawson & Co., 264 U.S. 219, 44 S.Ct. 302, 68 L.Ed. 646 (1924); Knickerbocker Ice Co. v. Stewart, 253 U.S. 149, 40 S.Ct. 438, 64 L.Ed. 834 (1920); Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen, 244 U.S. 205, 37 S.Ct. 524, 61 L.Ed. 1086 (1917). The Act created a worker compensation Scheme that provided coverage to injured employees with out regard to employer liability, see 33 U.S.C. § 904, but that also was apparently intended to be an exclusive remedy, see 33 U.S.C. § 905(a) (1988) (stating that “[t]he liability of an employer prescribed in section 904 of this title shall be exclusive”). But see Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. v. Pfeifer, 462 U.S. 523, 530-31, 103 S.Ct. 2541, 2546, 76 L.Ed.2d 768 (1983) (<HOLDING>). In 1972, Congress substantially amended the
Holding statements: (A) holding that an employer who commits an intentional tort against his employee cannot claim that the act was accidental so that workers compensation is the employees exclusive remedy (B) holding that title vii did not provide exclusive remedy for sex discrimination in public employment claim could also be brought under equal protection clause (C) holding that glc 152 15 provides that the only party immune from suit under the statute is the direct employer a special employer is not immune because the special employer is not liable for the payment of workers compensation and there was no agreement between the direct employer and the special employer that the special employer would be liable for the payment of such compensation (D) holding that under 1972 amendments 904 worker compensation is not exclusive remedy under lhwca where employer also happens to be vesselowner (E) holding that once the workers compensation act provides a remedy it is exclusive and the employee has no right to bring an action in commonlaw negligence against his employer
Output: (D)
period. See Dkt. No. 76 at 2-3, ¶¶ 3-6 (Smith Decl. of April 2008), and id. Ex. 1 at 7, ¶¶ 1-7 (Smith Report of April 2005); see also Dkt. No. 79, Ex. 3 at 70-71 (Firestone Dep.) (similar). A strikingly similar expert opinion on the cumulative effect of a manufacturer’s asbestos product resulted in a prima facie case of proximate causation against the manufacturer in Lockwood. See Lockwood, 109 Wash.2d at 247-248, 744 P.2d at 613. Such evidence, when coupled with the conclusions by plaintiffs’ additional experts, also establishes a genuine issue of material fact that Mr. Headley’s exposure to Ferro’s crystalline silica-containing product constituted a “substantial factor” in causing his silicosis. See Mavroudis v. Pittsburgh-Coming Corp., 86 Wash.App. 22, 30, 935 P.2d 684, 688 (1997) (<HOLDING>). In an attempt to avoid this conclusion, Ferro
Holding statements: (A) holding that when multiple asbestos products exists as potential causes of asbestosis a plaintiff can prevail by showing that the defendants product was a substantial factor in bringing about the injury (B) holding that when a plaintiff can establish that she was in the vicinity in which asbestos dust from defendants products was inhaled a jury can reasonably infer that plaintiff was injured by defendants products (C) holding plaintiff could not prevail on productsliability action where there was no proof he used defendants product (D) holding that no products liability claim lies in admiralty when commercial party alleges injury only to product itself resulting in purely economic loss insofar as the tort concern with safety is reduced when an injury is only to the product itself (E) holding that to prevail on strict liability claim for a defective product plaintiff must show the product was defective when it left the defendants possession and control
Output: (A)
substantial rights. Mares, 402 F.3d at 520. The district court made no comments suggesting it would have imposed a lesser sentence in the absence of mandatory guidelines. See United States v. Bringier, 405 F.3d 310, 317 (5th Cir.2005) (stating the issue as “whether [the defendant] has demonstrated that the sentencing judge would have reached a different result had it sentenced [the defendant] under an advisory scheme rather than a mandatory one”), cert. denied, — U.S. -, 126 S.Ct. 264, 163 L.Ed.2d 238 (2005) (No. 05-5535). Therefore, Tovar fails to demonstrate plain error. Tovar contends for the first time on appeal that the statute under which he was convicted, 21 U.S.C. § 841, is unconstitutional under Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466, 490, 120 S.Ct. 2348, 147 L.Ed.2d 435 (2000) (<HOLDING>). As he concedes, however, this issue is
Holding statements: (A) holding any fact other than a prior conviction that increases the maximum penalty beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to the jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt (B) holding that ojther than the fact of a prior conviction any fact that increases the penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt (C) holding that any fact other than a prior conviction may not be used to enhance a defendants sentence beyond the statutory maximum unless it is submitted to a jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt (D) holding that other than the fact of a prior conviction any fact that increases the penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt (E) holding that other than fact of prior conviction any fact that increases penalty for crime beyond prescribed statutory minimum must be submitted to jury and proved beyond reasonable doubt
Output: (C)
all investigative techniques used with respect to every individual that might be part of the drug trafficking organization under investigation); Edwards VI, 994 F.Supp.2d at 3-6, 2013 WL 5587256, at *2-3. The Court fully addressed Defendant’s arguments that his name should have been included under subsection (b) and/or (c) in prior opinions and the Court sees no reason to revisit those rulings. Accordingly, under either theory of the scope of subsection (e), as Defendant Edwards’ was not “specified in the applications ],” a clear prerequisite of 18 U.S.C. § 2518(l)(e) disclosure, the Government had no obligation under subsection (e) to provide “a full and complete statement of the facts concerning all previous applications” of Defendant Edwards. See Edwards V, 943 F.Supp.2d at *128 (<HOLDING>). IV. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated above,
Holding statements: (A) holding that where one argument is dispositive of the appeal we need not address the defendants other arguments (B) holding that the disclosure is a public disclosure within the meaning of the fca if the the prior public disclosure contained enough information to enable the government to pursue an investigation against the defendant (C) holding that since the government satisfied the disclosure requirements of subsection c without referencing defendant edwards name the court need not address the defendants arguments regarding subsection e (D) holding that in the absence of public disclosure the court need not address whether relator was original source of the information (E) holding where one argument is dispositive of the appeal we need not address the defendants remaining arguments
Output: (C)
at twelve after a two-point reduction for acceptance of responsibility. With a criminal history category of III, Scirotto’s sentencing guideline range was fifteen to twenty-one months’ imprisonment. The court rejected Scirotto’s plea for a noncustodial sentence and sentenced him to the guideline minimum term of fifteen months’ imprisonment and a $100 assessment. Scirotto filed a timely notice of appeal with a new attorney. He urges us not to enforce the appellate waiver, contending former counsel was ineffective during the guilty plea for failing to preserve for appeal the issue of sentencing guideline selection. II. The District Court had jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. § 3231. We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. See United States v. Gwinnett, 483 F.3d 200, 203 (3d Cir.2007) (<HOLDING>). Our review of the validity and applicability
Holding statements: (A) holding that a waiver of right to appeal contained in a plea agreement is enforceable (B) holding that a plea agreement with a waiver of direct appeal rights does not include a waiver of collateral remedies because the government could have included a waiver of collateral rights in the plea agreement and chose not to do so (C) holding that the court had no jurisdiction over an alleged breach of a plea agreement (D) holding the court of appeals had subject matter jurisdiction notwithstanding a defendants waiver of appellate rights in a plea agreement (E) holding that a lack of a waiver of sovereign immunity deprives federal courts of subject matter jurisdiction
Output: (D)
The appellant’s first point relied on is also deficient in that it does not comply with Rule 84.04(d)(5) inasmuch as the authority cited by the appellant in support of the claim raised relates only to our standard of review and the manner in which we are to interpret a statute. Rule 84.04(d)(5) provides: In support of each “Point Relied On,” and immediately following the statement of the Point, the appellant or relator shall cite all authorities upon which the argument rests. If more than three authorities are cited, the three authorities on which the appellant, relator, or petitioner principally relies shall be cited first. The appellant does not, as required by the rule, provide any authority for his claimed interpretation of the implicated statutes. See Coleman, 969 S.W.2d at 274 (<HOLDING>). If no such citations exist because this is a
Holding statements: (A) holding that an appellate court cannot consider an issue that was not preserved for appellate review (B) holding the trial court was without authority to dismiss an appeal on the ground that the amount of the judgment required the appellant to file an application for discretionary review (C) holding that an appellate court may not review errors that have not been assigned by a party or a point of error (D) holding that a claim is waived on appeal when not supported by citation to relevant authority (E) holding that an appellate court is not required to review an appellants point relied on which appears without citation of applicable or relevant authority
Output: (E)
performance is a matter that lies within the sound discretion of the trial court. Jordan v. Boisvert, 632 So.2d 254, 256 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994). While forfeitures are not favored, a forfeiture will be enforced where it is clear that the parties intended such a result. Nelson v. Hansard, 143 Fla. 898, 197 So. 513, 514 (1940). However, due to this harsh result, a court of equity will “always mitigate forfeitures when it can be done without doing violence to the contract of the parties.” Rader v. Prather, 100 Fla. 591, 130 So. 15, 16-17 (1930) (citing McCaskill v. Union Naval Stores Co., 59 Fla. 571, 52 So. 961, 962 (1910)). A court of equity, though, will not grant relief from a situation traceable to a party’s own neglect, gross negligence, or willful and persistent vio 37, 538 (Fla.1953) (<HOLDING>). Here, the parties intended that a forfeiture
Holding statements: (A) holding that the equities involved did not lead to an unconscionable result where purchaser planned to use the land for a particular purpose and brought lumber to the site after he defaulted on the agreement (B) holding that a cause of action for damages to property resulting from a permanent nuisance accrues to the owner of the land at the time the injury begins to affect the land and mere transfer of the land by deed does not transfer the claim for damages (C) holding that a later concession to strike an unconscionable term does not change the fact that the arbitration agreement as written is unconscionable and contrary to public policy (D) holding where exempt organization was in possession of real property under land contract obligating organization to pay the purchase price and use land for exempt purpose the association was the owner of the land within the meaning of the statute (E) holding that land sales contracts were not securities because they involved no investment in an enterprise even if land was bought on expectation that development of the area would increase the value of the land
Output: (A)
strip frisk of an employee may only be conducted on the order of the Superintendent or Acting Superintendent. (The Officer of the Day may issue this order if the Superintendent or Acting Superintendent is absent from the facility and cannot be contacted). b. Strip frisks must be supervised by a uniformed supervisor having at least the rank of Lieutenant. c. No more than two frisking employees are to be present in addition to the supervising officer. d. Strip frisks shall be conducted in a location and manner which will cause the least possible embarrassment to the employee being searched. e. The supervising and searching officers must be of the same sex as the employee being searched. If a ranking female security supervisor is not available, the Superintendent shall designate a female (<HOLDING>) to conduct the search. f. An employee may
Holding statements: (A) holding that because there was no evidence before the court of any similarly situated employees who were promoted to a higher salary grade when plaintiff was denied a promotion plaintiff could not establish a prima facie case of discriminatory failure to promote (B) holding that a retiree with a sixth grade education who was given little time to review the terms had stated a claim (C) holding that the record did not belie the claimants iq of 58 where he attended special education classes did not live independently and dropped out of school at a low grade either in the sixth or eighth grade (D) holding a higher grade than the employee being searched (E) holding the prosecution to a higher burden of proof than the law required is a valid raceneutral reason for excluding a juror
Output: (D)
public official or employee must breach a ministerial duty imposed by statute or by regulation.” Norton does not cite to any authority or provide any rationale for that statement; moreover, NoHon made that comment solely in the context of the public duty doctrine. Id. The Missouri Supreme Court has declared that, absent allegations that a state official violated “either a statutory or departmentally-mandated duty,” a petition’s pleadings “are insufficient to state a claim which is not barred by the doctrine of official immunity as a matter of law.” State ex rel Twiehaus v. Adolf, 706 S.W.2d 443, 445 (Mo.1986). But a “departmentally-mandated duty” may clearly arise from sources other than statutes or regulations. Such a duty can arise from departmental rules, the orders of a s E.D.2010) (<HOLDING>); Geiger v. Boiversox, 974 S.W.2d 513, 517
Holding statements: (A) holding that emergency medical technicians and paramedics were not entitled to official immunity for their actions related to the treatment of patients in nonemergency situations (B) holding that defendants were entitled to official immunity and not addressing the merits (C) holding that because a city inspector was not entitled to official immunity the city was not entitled to vicarious official immunity (D) holding that patients who were denied medical treatment on nonemergency basis had standing to bring antitrust action against medical center (E) holding nurses were not entitled to official immunity where it was alleged that they failed to follow orders for a patients care given to them by a doctor
Output: (A)
the authority for which the section provides is being abused.” The government has provided no basis upon which to distinguish the reasoning of In re Letter of Request. In addition, that reasoning finds support in decisions of at least one other circuit and the Supreme Court. See In re Letter Rogatory from Justice Court, 523 F.2d 562, 563-64 (6th Cir. 1976) (“Although it is well-established that records of account belong to the bank and that a depositor may not prevent their disclosure on [F]ourth or [F]ifth Amendment grounds, it does not follow that appellant lacks standing to challenge the district court’s power to issue á subpoena under the terms of an authorizing statute.” (citations omitted)); see also Reisman v. Caplin, 375 U.S. 440, 449, 84 S.Ct. 508, 11 L.Ed.2d 459 (1964) (<HOLDING>). Consequently, the Court concludes that the
Holding statements: (A) holding that taxpayer who is the target but not the recipient of an administrative subpoena pursuant to 26 usc 7602 may challenge the subpoena (B) holding that a denial of an order to quash a subpoena not directed to a movant was a final order if the movant had no further opportunity to challenge the subpoena (C) holding that because a grand jury subpoena issued through normal channels is presumed to be reasonable the burden of showing unreasonableness must be on the subpoena recipient who seeks to avoid compliance but recognizing that a court may be justified under some circumstances in requiring the government to reveal the general subject of the grand jurys investigation before requiring the challenging party to carry its burden of persuasion (D) holding that while a grand jury subpoena for the production of books and papers may implicate the fourth amendment when presented with a challenge to such a subpoena a court need only determine whether the request is far too sweeping in its terms to be regarded as reasonable (E) holding that the term timely should be read in conjunction with 45c2b that requires a party subject to a subpoena to object to a subpoena duces tecum within 14 days of service of the subpoena
Output: (A)
that “[e]ven if the release plate had not been designed at the time the contract was entered, the sonobuoys conformed to the description of the goods contained in the contract .... ” Def.’s Supp. Br. at 8. Defendant says the description of the sonobuoys in the contract was merely 335 sonobuoys with dual depth capability; the release plate was not significant to the overall sonobuoy design described in the ECP, and was only a passing reference. Def.’s Reply at 4; Def.’s Supp. Br. at 8. Sparton contests these points and argues that the patented inventions were never part of the offer for sale because the ’0465 Contract does not encompass each limitation of the claimed inventions or render them obvious. See e.g., Tec Air Inc. v. Denso Mfg. Mich. Inc., 192 F.3d 1353, 1358 (Fed.Cir.1999) (<HOLDING>). In so arguing, Plaintiff points specifically
Holding statements: (A) holding that the one challenging the patent must in part show that the subject matter of the sale or offer to sell fully anticipated the claimed invention or would have rendered it obvious by its addition to the prior art (B) holding a determination that an invention was onsale within the meaning of the statute requires that a sale be operable the complete invention claimed be embodied in or obvious from the device offered for sale and the sale or offer be primarily for profit rather than for experimental purposes (C) holding that even credited testimony by an interested party absent corroborating documents is not sufficient to support a finding that a patent was anticipated by prior knowledge or use of the claimed invention (D) holding that the moving party must show prior art references which alone or combined with other references would have rendered the invention obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention (E) holding that an assignment or sale of rights in the invention and potential patent rights is not a sale of the invention within the meaning of section 102b
Output: (A)
dated July 23, 2004 that he was arrested by a non-uniformed officer he met with as a result of telephoning the Warrant Unit of the New York City Police Department. Lewis Aff. ¶ 10-11. He does not allege that he was arrested by Agent Mueller. At the time of Plaintiffs arrest, Agent Mueller avers, without dispute, that he was involved in a trial outside of New York and was therefore not present for Plaintiffs arrest. Mueller Decl. ¶ 8. Because Plaintiff has not asserted otherwise, I must find that Agent Mueller was not present at the arrest and thus is entitled to summary judgment on the claim. Furthermore, the warrant pursuant to which Mr. Lewis was arrested was issued by a neutral magistrate, automatically inuring Agent Mueller with qualified immunity. See Golino, 950 F.2d at 870 (<HOLDING>). For Plaintiff to challenge that immunity, he
Holding statements: (A) holding that an officers mistaken belief that the defendant was speeding was not an objectively reasonable purpose for a traffic stop (B) holding that a warrant issued by a neutral magistrate creates presumption that officers belief in probable cause was objectively reasonable (C) holding that evidence should not be suppressed if police officers acted in reasonable reliance on a search warrant issued by a detached and neutral magistrate (D) holding that a plaintiff must show his belief was objectively reasonable in light of the facts and record presented (E) holding that under payton a lesser reasonable belief standard and not probable cause is sufficient to allow officers to enter a residence to enforce an arrest warrant
Output: (B)
shall have the same force and effect as judgments in civil actions. (Emphasis added.) 7 57 Wn. App. 542, 789 P.2d 108 (1990). 8 Singer, 57 Wn. App. at 546. 9 38 Wn. App. 170, 684 P.2d 1341 (1984). 10 Valley, 38 Wn. App. at 172. 11 RULE 7.1 REQUEST FOR TRIAL DE NOVO (a) Service and Filing. Within 20 days after the arbitration award is filed with the clerk, any aggrieved party not having waived the right to appeal may serve and file with the clerk a written request for a trial de novo in the superior court along with proof that a copy has been served upon all other parties appearing in the case. The 20-day period within which to request a trial de novo may not be extended. 12 See MAR 7.1; see also Wash. State Bar Ass’n, Alternate Dispute Resolution Deskbook § 2.3(7)(a)(i), at 2-48 (1989) (<HOLDING>). 13 “ [N] o party needs to file any kind of
Holding statements: (A) recognizing that to preserve right the aggrieved party must file request with clerk (B) holding that de facto type a status was achieved where the only violation of the statute was the failure to file the ordinance with the county clerk (C) recognizing that the party can instead file a claim against the estate (D) holding that a party is not aggrieved by a district court ruling in that partys favor (E) holding that to preserve an issue a party must object with sufficient specificity to allow the trial court to address it
Output: (A)
and inviting district court review and rejection of those judgments.” Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Saudi Basic Indus. Corp., 544 U.S. -, 125 S.Ct. 1517, 1521-22, 161 L.Ed.2d 454 (2005); see also Rooker v. Fid. Trust Co., 263 U.S. 413, 416, 44 S.Ct. 149, 68 L.Ed. 362 (1923); D.C. Court of Appeals v. Feldman, 460 U.S. 462, 486-87, 103 S.Ct. 1303, 75 L.Ed.2d 206 (1983). We must therefore decide whether Mothershed’s claims fall within the Rook-er-Feldmandoctrine’s narrowed scope. A Under Rooker-Feldman, lower federal courts are without subject matter jurisdiction to review state court decisions, and state court litigants may therefore only obtain federal review by filing a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States. See Rooker, 263 U.S. at 416, 44 S.Ct. 149 (<HOLDING>); Feldman, 460 U.S. at 486-87, 103 S.Ct. 1303
Holding statements: (A) holding that the federal district court had no subject matter jurisdiction to review the courts denial of a particular application for admission to the district of columbia bar (B) holding that a federal district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over a suit that effectively sought review of an indiana state courts decision (C) holding that rule 11 sanctions imposed by district court remained in effect after case was remanded to state court upon a finding that district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the case (D) holding that the federal district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review plaintiffs complaint to the extent they sought review of the district of columbia court of appeals denial of their petitions (E) holding that federal district courts lack jurisdiction to review a final state court decision in a particular case
Output: (B)
the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause and state statutes or regulations. Id. With respect to interests arising directly under the Due Process Clause, the Supreme Court has narrowly circumscribed its scope to protect no more than the “the most basic liberty interests in prisoners.” Hewitt v. Helms,’459 U.S. 460, 467, 108 S.Ct. 864, 869, 74 L.Ed.2d 675 (1983); Wolff v. McDonnell, 418 U.S. 539, 555, 94 S.Ct. 2963, 2974, 41 L.Ed.2d 935 (1974) (“Lawful imprisonment necessarily makes unavailable many rights and privileges of the ordinary citizen.”). The Due Process Clause does not protect against “every change in the conditions of confinement having a substantial adverse impact” on inmates, Sandin, 515 U.S. at 478, 115 S.Ct. at 2297, if S.Ct. 1028, 1036-37, 108 L.Ed.2d 178 (1990) (<HOLDING>). Aside from the Fourteenth Amendment Due
Holding statements: (A) holding that the due process clause permits the state to treat a prison inmate who has a serious mental illness with antipsychotic drugs against his will if the inmate is dangerous to himself or others and the treatment is in the inmates medical interest (B) recognizing right to refuse psychotropic medication in the absence of emergency as aspect of liberty guaranteed by due process clause (C) holding that inmate has a liberty interest under the due process clause to refuse the involuntary administration of psychotropic drugs (D) holding that an inmate stated a claim under the due process clause when guards had placed her in a cell with a dangerous inmate (E) holding that prisoners possess a significant liberty interest in avoiding the unwanted administration of antipsychotic drugs under the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment and identifying procedures which comported with due process
Output: (C) |
Given a negotiation between two participants, answer 'Yes' if both participants agree to the deal, otherwise answer 'No'.
Possible labels:
1. No
2. Yes
Input: THEM: hey there, do you have any interest in the hats? YOU: only a little. how about i take the ball and the books, and you take the hats? THEM: i'd really like the ball and would be willing to give you everything else. the other items are not of much value to me. YOU: that'll only leave me with 5 points and i'll be sad. unless you will only 5 points too. THEM: the ball is literally the only thing with value. YOU: poor thing! okay, fine. i'll take everything but the ball. phhht. enjoy it!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i just want two books and the hat YOU: you can have the two books but, i need the hat and the balls THEM: no deal YOU: if i can't have the hat as well i can not make a deal THEM: no deal YOU: my final offer would be if i can have the balls you can have the books and the hat THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, i need the ball. YOU: ok just the ball then THEM: yes, just the ball is enough for me. YOU: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hey, the book and the hat are very important to me YOU: i think we might both be in the same boat THEM: do you want all the basketballs and i keep the hat and book? YOU: that's not going to work for me, what's more valuable to you the hat or the book? maybe we can each get one then split the bballs? THEM: i keep the book and all the balls then? YOU: i'll give you the book and 2 balls THEM: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: gimme the book and hats YOU: you can have the hats and i will get the book and the ball THEM: i need book, no deal otherwise YOU: no deal. sorry. THEM: we talk until button appears YOU: no deal. THEM: agreed YOU: no deal. THEM: yes YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like all the hats, it is very sunny here YOU: it's kinda sunny here, too. but, as a part time power ranger, i do fancy the ball and book. THEM: if i can have all the hats you can have the book and ball for your adventures.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: can i have the two hats and the books? YOU: i need books and balls THEM: ok i will take the hats and you can have the rest YOU: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i get 1 hat and 1 book you get all the balls YOU: i get 3 hats and a ball? THEM: i get 2 hat and 1 book and you get 2 hats and 1 ball YOU: how about 3 hats and a ball? THEM: no deal YOU: 4 hats and no ball? THEM: you get 4 hats and i get the rest YOU: deal!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, i would like the hat and balls and you can have the books. YOU: how about i get one ball, one book, and you et the rest? THEM: is that the best offer you got? YOU: yep THEM: ok deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like two hats and one ball YOU: ok deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'd like 1 of each please? YOU: you can have all of the balls THEM: i need the book if i take the ball. you can have all the hats. YOU: you can have all of the balls and 1 hat i would like 1 books and 2 hats THEM: that doesn't work for me, i need the book and the ball. YOU: ok, i will take all the hats THEM: good deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i need the hats you can have the ball and the book YOU: ok, i was about to offer the same thing so that's perfect.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'll take the hat abd ball if that's ok? YOU: you can have the ball and a book THEM: i ned the hat and ball YOU: i need the hat as well THEM: bummer, we cant deal then YOU: you could have the ball and two books THEM: books have zero value on this side YOU: bummer. how about just the ball? THEM: we both need the hat, lets just no deal and move on to the next YOU: ok. or you can do the hat and i will take everything else. THEM: i'll take the hat if you can take everything else YOU: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: if i can have the hats and the book you can have the balls YOU: 1 book 3 balls for me THEM: i can not give up the book YOU: same THEM: okay i'm sorry no deal. YOU: no deal then THEM: no deal. YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i just want the book. you can take the rest. YOU: i would like the book and 3 hats THEM: i have to have the book. YOU: ok you take the book i get the rest?
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, can i have the book? YOU: sure, i`ll have the rest THEM: great!
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like the books. YOU: i would like the basketballs and the hats you can have both books THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i need 1 hat and 2 balls YOU: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi i would like the book and hat and you can have the balls YOU: i want the hat and book THEM: that wont work for me YOU: hat and 3 balls THEM: you want the hat and 3 balls? YOU: yes THEM: ok deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'd like the hat and books, you take the balls. YOU: deal THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: you can have the books if i can have the rest YOU: let me get a ball too and we have a deal. THEM: sorry cant i need the balls YOU: what if i take the hat and you take the books? THEM: i dont wnat the books you can have the hat and the books but i want the balls YOU: deal. THEM: k deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'll take the ball and the books you take the three hats? thoughts? YOU: i'd rather have the three hats and the ball THEM: that's a pretty unfair agreement in points distribution and quantity of items. i'll do ball and two books or 1 of each (ball, book, hat). YOU: ok, i'll take the three hats and you can have the rest.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, can i just have the book? YOU: that seems reasonable. deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'll take the hat and basketball. YOU: i agree.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i need both books and either a hat or the ball YOU: no deal THEM: what do you need? YOU: need two books and one hat and one ball THEM: i can't do that. i need at least the books YOU: ok only books for you.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: you can have the books if i can have the rest YOU: i would need a ball too THEM: sorry no deal YOU: okay then i will take the books you can have the rest THEM: okay deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i want the hat and the balls. YOU: how about i give you just the balls and take the hat and book? THEM: no. i need the hat. i will take the hat and one ball. YOU: i can take the book and all the balls then THEM: ok. i will just take the hat.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: what would you like YOU: i want the book and the ball THEM: how about the book and one hat YOU: i'd need the book and at least 2 hats to be even sorta reasonable THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: it's not popping up THEM: no deal, be patient YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i can let you have the hat and one of the books. YOU: must have ball THEM: unfortunately the ball is the most valuable for me. i can give you the hat and two books. YOU: books are 0 for me - no deal THEM: that's unfortunate. there's no way i can let you have the ball. YOU: no deal can be agreed then THEM: i hate it when that happens. i can give you everything else if i get the ball. my best possible offer. YOU: i can't agree to a score of less than 5 THEM: exactly. that ball is more than 5 for me so i have the same problem. YOU: we just chose the no deal button THEM: yes.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i just want the book YOU: me too THEM: damn.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like the hat and a ball YOU: you can have the balls but, i need the hat and the book THEM: i need the hat YOU: so do i. i can not make a deal without it THEM: same YOU: okay no deal. sorry. THEM: thats fine YOU: no deal. THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: if i can have the ball and the books you can have the hats YOU: thank you but i would like the hats and ball THEM: i can not give up the ball. i need the ball and at least two books or i can not make a deal YOU: looks like we wont be able to make a deal THEM: okay i'm sorry. no deal. YOU: i understand. no deal THEM: no deal. YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: wait. i would be willing to accept the ball if you would take everything else YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: ew. lol... i'll take the ball and the book - you take rest? YOU: need ball and book, and a hat THEM: that won't work for me at all... i'll do ball and 2 hats you get book and 1 hat? YOU: i get one ball, 3 hats THEM: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like the ball and the book and you can have all three hats for your wardrobe : ) YOU: i don't reall need the hats that much. that ball though, i crave it THEM: ok you have the ball and i will take the rest. going to a rodeo next weekend! YOU: i could use one hat though. so one ball and one hat for me? THEM: ok i can part with one hat.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'd like the book and 1 hat. YOU: i get everything in exchange THEM: yes.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'd like the hat and ball. YOU: you got it!
Label: No
Input: THEM: i can part with the hats but would like the book and ball YOU: i can not part with the ball but can split the hats or book. THEM: i must have the book... i can cede all others YOU: you an have the books if i can have the others. THEM: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i need the book and two hats YOU: never THEM: what's your counter offer? YOU: ok you get everything but the book THEM: okay.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi i would like the book and hats and you can have the balls YOU: i need the hats as well. if we can split the hats you can have the book and i will take the balls THEM: ok that sounds fair YOU: okay thank you.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi there, give me the hat and you can take the rest. YOU: sounds good, thanks! THEM: cool : )
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'll take ball and a book and you can have the rest, ok? YOU: i need ball and hats THEM: i need the ball, you can have everything else YOU: hmmmm, tough call, ball worth much to me THEM: well, i cant deal without the ball YOU: noooooooo deal. breathe deal, breathe. its gone. THEM: click on no deal when it comes up then.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'd be happy with both the balls. YOU: how about a book and one ball for you THEM: and 1 hat YOU: thats pushing it THEM: i'll take both of em if i have to... YOU: i ll take both hats and one ball and you get the rest THEM: that's fair.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: if i can have the book and the balls you can have the hats YOU: i need at least 2 balls THEM: okay you can have two balls and two hats.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, i need 2 hats and one ball pls YOU: the only way i can give up the hats is if i get everything else THEM: ok deal YOU: thank you.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi there, i'd take the hat and 1 book, and you can have the rest. YOU: that will work. THEM: cool.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: if i can have the ball and the hats you can have the books YOU: take the ball and a book THEM: i need the ball and at least one hat YOU: take the ball, last deal. only the ball. its the one with most worth over here THEM: no deal. YOU: no deal. THEM: no deal. YOU: or take the ball and a book then THEM: books are of no value to me. no deal. YOU: okay no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would love the two books and you can have the rest YOU: that is fine with me.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: if i could have 2 hats and a book? YOU: can't make a deal without the book. worth 7 for me. THEM: alright well if i can have all the hats and a ball. YOU: yes.
Label: No
Input: THEM: what would you like? YOU: i would like the ball and the books THEM: i need the ball, but you can have both books YOU: that doesn ; t work for me. i can take the ball and 2 hats THEM: that doesn't work for me. i need the ball and one hat or all 3 hats YOU: i need the ball. you cna have the hats THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the hat and the book please. YOU: i keep the book you get the rest THEM: okay, that's a good deal. YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello, can i have the books? YOU: yes if i can have the rest THEM: sounds like a good deal : ) YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: give me hat, and one ball YOU: i need the hat. give me the hat and one ball and you can have everything else. THEM: hat is made for my head, need hat, you get all rest YOU: i'll offer you the same. you get everything else, i get the hat. THEM: hmmmm. no deal. hat is much needed, family heirloom YOU: haha, ok i see i can't make you budge. i'll take everything else, you take the hat.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like the ball, the book and a hat YOU: sorry can't do that, but i can give you the ball, and one book THEM: ok deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: can i have the books and balls? YOU: i want one book to go with the hats THEM: i need the both books YOU: i need one book to go with the hats THEM: no deal then YOU: ok no deal then THEM: no deal YOU: keep going till it lights up THEM: yes, but we could reach a deal, just give me the balls and the two books YOU: ok.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i would like the hat and two balls. YOU: all i really want is the hat. you can have the rest, including the two ball THEM: okay, deal. the two balls and three books for me, the hat for you. YOU: gracias!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i really like that hat YOU: you can have the hat if i get everything else THEM: i guess that's ok. i don't like the balls YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hey, i want the hats and balls YOU: how about you take all the hats ; i'll take the balls and the book. THEM: nope YOU: alright, i take book and 1 ball ; you take hats and 1 ball? THEM: hmmm, i want both balls though YOU: i understand that, but we can deduce the point value from what's being shown. i'm willing to go even with you ; i'll take book and 1 ball. you take rest.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hey i like the hats and the balls, couldn't dream of parting with any YOU: how about i take the book, one hat and one ball? THEM: i want both balls and a hat YOU: no deal, you can have the two balls if you want. and i`ll take the book and two hats THEM: no deal YOU: 2 balls and the book. and i`ll take 2 hats THEM: i dont want this book YOU: then give me the book and 2 hats, and you can have the 2 balls THEM: i want both hats and a ball YOU: it`s not worth, just let me have them and we can move on. one book and 2 hats, or one of each (you said you don`t want the book)
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'd like the hats and the book. YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello, if you give me the 3 hats, you can have everything else YOU: okay, that sounds good. so i will take the book and the basketballs. THEM: perfect!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the books the balls and a hat. YOU: give me all hats, u take rest THEM: done.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the books and the hat. YOU: hat to me, and one ball THEM: how about i get the hat and 2 books YOU: all balls and books to me THEM: no, i'd rather take the books and 1 ball YOU: ok, all books and one ball to you THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, can i have 3 balls and a hat? YOU: yes.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello! i would like the hat and the balls, and you can have the books. YOU: i want the hat and the two books THEM: i need the hat. YOU: then you take the had and i get the rest.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i just want the book. YOU: i would also like the book THEM: the book is the only thing i'm interested in. YOU: ok, lets do it.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i need the hat, you can have all the books and ball YOU: deal THEM: great.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: how about 2 books and a hat for you and i will take the rest YOU: no thanks, i'd rather have the basketballs only, and you can have everything else. THEM: how about 1 basketball and 2 books for me YOU: no, how about 2 basketballs for me, and you can have 3 books and the hat THEM: no can't do it YOU: i'll take 2 basketballs and the hat THEM: i need at least one of the basketballs and 2 books YOU: no can do. THEM: we are at an impass, i can do 1 basketball, 1 hat and 1 book YOU: sure.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: which is more valuable to you the book or hats? YOU: i would like all the hats, you may have the rest. THEM: how about you take three hats YOU: three hats and one other object. THEM: ill give you three hats and the book YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi! so i need some cowboy hats YOU: can i have the book and ball, you get all the hats? THEM: sure that sounds like a deal YOU: great.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: you take ball and one book YOU: ball, one book and one hat THEM: yeah i need the hats sorry* YOU: okay ball and two book THEM: deal YOU: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'll take 3 books, 1 hat, and the ball. YOU: can't do that. i need the ball and either all books, or three books and a hat. THEM: you can have 3 books and the hat. i need the ball. YOU: i can't give up the ball, the ball is of highest value to me. THEM: fine you can have the ball if i can have all the books and hats. YOU: i can't do that either. THEM: fine you can have the ball, 1 hat, and 1 book. YOU: how about a ball, and either two hats and a book or two books and a hat? THEM: no deal. you can have all the books if i take the hats and the ball. YOU: i don't think we're going to make a deal today. THEM: okay, so no deal was agreed? YOU: no deal was agreed. sorry.
Label: No
Input: THEM: hi i would like the books and balls and you can have the hats YOU: unfortunately, that won't work for me as i need the books as well. can we split the difference? THEM: split it how? YOU: i will get two books, one hat and one ball. you will get the rest THEM: yeah that wont work for me sorry. YOU: okay. no deal. sorry. THEM: no deal YOU: no deal THEM: no deal YOU: no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i really could use anything. what is good for you? YOU: i'd like the two balls and hat, leaving you with the two books. would you be willing to do that? THEM: how about i get 2 books and 1 ball YOU: can't do that. i'd be willing to give you both books and a hat. but i need both balls. THEM: ok deal. i get 2 books and a hat and you get 2 balls. YOU: agreed, deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi, i would like the hat and books and you can have the ball YOU: i need hat ball and one book THEM: sorry i cant make a deal without the hat. how about i get the hat and 2 books and you can have the ball and 1 book YOU: i need hat, or deal ends THEM: ok, i guess the deal ends. YOU: agreed THEM: sorry we couldnt reach a deal YOU: me too THEM: yep YOU: yup.
Label: No
Input: THEM: all i want is the ball YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i want two balls and two books please YOU: i appreciate the hats but could i have 1 book with that? THEM: i can give you the three hats if you could give me the rest YOU: i need at least 1 book or 1 ball to make a deal THEM: okay then take one book and three hats YOU: ok. thanks.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i get ball and hat you get the rest YOU: how many balls and hats are you taking? THEM: 1 of each YOU: ok i can accept that. i will take the book, 1 hat, and 1 ball. THEM: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i need the ball and two hats. YOU: that's fine, i'll take the book and one hat then? THEM: great.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i want everything YOU: ill take 2 hats, you can have the rest THEM: how about one hat? YOU: i need both THEM: okay you can have both.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the book and two hats. YOU: i would like that exact same thing. THEM: how about i get the book and two basketballs then and you can have the hats and a basketball? YOU: no. i'll need the book for sure. everything else is negotiable. THEM: if you get the book, i will need everything else. YOU: fine. i don't love that, but fine. THEM: great.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: if i can have the hats you can have the rest YOU: deal. THEM: great! thank you!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the hats and the balls YOU: sorry, but i need the hats. you can have the books and balls if youd like THEM: how about the books, one hat and the balls YOU: nope sorry. i need both books THEM: then i need both hats and both balls YOU: no deal. sorry THEM: i'll take one of each YOU: deal THEM: thanks.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: what do you wish? YOU: i'd like the hat and 2 books. THEM: no deal ; i want the hat and 1 ball YOU: you can have the hat and balls. i'll take the books. THEM: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello there. so, i'd really love to get the hat. YOU: you get hat, i get all rest THEM: i'll give you one book, and all the basketballs. YOU: both books and 2 basketballs to me THEM: i'll do both books, you can have the hat and the balls then. YOU: ok THEM: good deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like all the balls and any 2 items of your choosing. YOU: how about all hats for you and i keep the rest THEM: so 3 balls and the book for me? i'm ok with that. YOU: i m not ok THEM: i need all the balls and 1 other item then. YOU: hat THEM: ok. 3 balls and 1 hat for me? YOU: no THEM: no deal then. YOU: yeah no deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: 1 ball ad 3 hats please YOU: ball must be mine THEM: ok i get the rest YOU: ball and one hat for me.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: can i get the hat? YOU: and i have the books and the balls? THEM: yes. YOU: okay agreed.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello! i will give you two books! YOU: 2 books and a hat THEM: how about two books and one ball? YOU: need the hat, bald. and im a lady. THEM: i am a cowboy! i need that hat! its the nicest one i have seen in a long time! YOU: but my social needs. i need coverage for my shiny top. THEM: i can't let it go! YOU: its the only thing worth anything to me. literally THEM: sadly me as well. i don't read and i don't play basketball. YOU: those are books? me wish i cudz do da readunz. THEM: final offer, you can have one book and three balls.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'd like the two balls and the hat. YOU: how about two balls only THEM: ok. i keep the two balls. YOU: fdeal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i will take both balls, you can have the rest? YOU: that works for me! thank you!
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: can i have balls? you can have the rest. YOU: can i have at least one ball? you can have one ball and one hat THEM: ok.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i need the 4 balls and one hat and you could keep the book and one hat YOU: sorry thats just not fair on my side. i need the book and 2 balls just to cut in half the score THEM: okay done.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hey, i want the hats and balls YOU: how about you take all the hats ; i'll take the balls and the book. THEM: nope YOU: alright, i take book and 1 ball ; you take hats and 1 ball? THEM: hmmm, i want both balls though YOU: i understand that, but we can deduce the point value from what's being shown. i'm willing to go even with you ; i'll take book and 1 ball. you take rest.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: you take the books, i will take the hat and the ball YOU: okay deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: ill take the hat and balls and you can get the books YOU: i want two balls and the books THEM: how about 1 ball and the books? YOU: okay.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the book and 2 balls YOU: i need the balls THEM: you can have all of the hats. i need the book and the 2 balls YOU: i don't want hats THEM: i need at least one of each item YOU: i cant really give up either ball THEM: final offer, i need one of each item to make a deal YOU: ok deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'll take balls and books YOU: take the balls and one book THEM: then i also need a hat YOU: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'll take the books..... you can have the rest if you like. YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like 2 balls and a book YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello. i would like all of the books. YOU: 1 book for 2 balls THEM: there's only one ball isn't there? YOU: 1 book for 1 ball then THEM: i get two books and you get the ball. you can have the hats too. YOU: ok deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i need ball and books YOU: i need the ball also, you can have all the books and hats if i get one ball THEM: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i will give you both book and a hat YOU: works for me.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the hat and ball please YOU: i would like the ball and 2 books THEM: i have to have the ball. you can have all of the books YOU: okay it is a deal THEM: do you need the hat? YOU: yes i would like the hat and books THEM: ok YOU: okay thank you.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello, can i please just have the basketballs? they have a low value, but i love basketball. YOU: and you don't want anything else? can you give up one of the balls? THEM: na, both please. YOU: okay, if i can have the rest.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like both books and the ball YOU: i can offer both books THEM: ok, and and you would like both hats and the ball? YOU: yes THEM: agree.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: all i want is the hat you can have everything else YOU: deal. THEM: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i would like the hat and the balls. YOU: i can give you the hat if you give me one book THEM: so i would get the hat and what else? YOU: just the hat but we trade the hat for a book THEM: can i have the hat and one ball? YOU: deal.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hi there! id like the book and hats, and you can have all the balls. YOU: i will give you the books we can split the balls and hats THEM: okay. YOU: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i just want a hat.. i'm bald YOU: sure thing, i just want a basketball.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i'd like the book and either 2 hats or two balls. YOU: you can have all the hats and balls. i'll take the book THEM: ok.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: i'd like both books YOU: i'd like the basketball both hats and 1 book. THEM: i'd be good with both hats and a book YOU: for me? i need at least the basketball and one hat and one book.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: you take ball and one book YOU: ball, one book and one hat THEM: yeah i need the hats sorry* YOU: okay ball and two book THEM: deal YOU: deal.
Label: No
Input: THEM: i need both hats and a ball YOU: i'll take the books, but need one hat or the ball THEM: okay, you take books and ball.
Label: Yes
Input: THEM: hello, how about you get the books and i can the ball and hats? YOU: i don't want to agree to quickly because the system keeps warning me THEM: hah, yeah i hear ya. the system is pretty ridiculous. even if it's obviously a good deal right away they want us to waste more of our time. YOU: are the hats worth much to you, can i have 3 books 1 hat? THEM: ok, the ball is most important anyway. i'll take 1 ball and 1 hat. YOU: ok.
Label: Yes |
In this task, you are given a sentence and question which can be answered using the sentence. Your task is to answer the question using the information from the sentence. The answer to the question is unique and it is a continuous text span from the sentence.
Example: Sentence: In a 2004 interview , Otto stated that she hopes she would never be as famous as fellow Australian actress Nicole Kidman because she is `` not sure could ever deal with that . ''
Question: who hopes something?
Label: Otto ### she
Example: Sentence: In England , at the time of the Domesday Survey , this would have comprised between about 1 and 5 acres .
Question: where would something have comprised something?
Label: In England
Example: Sentence: `` American Guru : A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing '' , by William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors , allege authoritarianism , financial manipulation , physical and psychological abuse in Cohen 's community , and discusses the challenges of healing after leaving the community .
Question: who left something?
Label: William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors
Example: Sentence: After graduation , Ciprian went on to study acting at the Bucharest Conservatory , where he was coached by Constantin Nottara .
Question: what did someone go to do?
Label: study acting
Example: Sentence: On September 21 , 1955 , Moore went up in weight to face future Hall of Famer Rocky Marciano for Marciano 's Heavyweight Championship .
Question: when did someone go up in something?
Label: On September 21 , 1955 ### 1955
Example: Sentence: Dr. M. Meenakshi is graduated from SJCE Mysore in the field of Instrumentation Technology .
Question: what is someone graduated from?
Label: SJCE Mysore in the field of Instrumentation Technology
Example: Sentence: When BrdU is integrated into DNA , it is supposed that the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site .
Question: what deforms something?
Label: the bromine
Example: Sentence: He also began making super-8 films beginning in junior high , and showed these films to the scholarship committee of Brigham Young University in 1981 , earning a full scholarship in ` Theatre and Cinematic Arts ' after receiving a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting '' .
Question: who began something?
Label: He
Example: Sentence: The storm caused extensive damage to West Edmonton Mall ; a small glass section of the roof collapsed under the weight of the rainwater , causing water to drain onto the mall 's indoor ice rink .
Question: why did something drain onto something?
Label: a small glass section of the roof collapsed
Example: Sentence: Opie and Anthony dubbed the man `` Homeless Charlie '' , who mentioned the possibility of raping Condoleezza Rice and Laura Bush .
Question: who was dubbed something?
Label: the man
Example: Sentence: In addition to commercial applications , there is a wide body of free software for the UNIX environment which can be compiled and run on SUPER-UX , such as Emacs , and Vim .
Question: what can be run on something?
Label: free software for the UNIX environment
Example: Sentence: The city saw construction of skyscrapers in the skyline .
Question: what saw something?
Label: The city
Example: Sentence: Latif said he traveled from Yemen to Pakistan in August 2001 to seek medical treatment , while the U.S. government alleged he went there to receive military training from affiliates of al Qaeda .
Question: who might have sought something?
Label: Latif ### he
Example: Sentence: In a traditional ceremony , Command Sgt. Major Richard L. Ross , holding the division color with battle streamers , passed it to General Frederick M. Franks , Jr. , completing the official retirement of the division , and the 3rd Armored Division was removed from the official force structure of the U.S. Army .
Question: who did someone pass something to?
Label: General Frederick M. Franks , Jr.
Example: Sentence: It is for the most part mutually intelligible with the other Oghuz languages , which include Azerbaijani , Gagauz , Turkmen and Urum , and to a varying extent with the other Turkic languages .
Question: what is varying?
Label: extent
Example: Sentence: A type modifier is used to make a pointer or reference .
Question: what is something used to do?
Label: make a pointer or reference
Example: Sentence: On the run , she develops a revolutionary new theory of quantum cognition , which she writes down in a little black book .
Question: what does someone write?
Label: a revolutionary new theory of quantum cognition
Example: Sentence: `` American Guru : A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing '' , by William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors , allege authoritarianism , financial manipulation , physical and psychological abuse in Cohen 's community , and discusses the challenges of healing after leaving the community .
Question: what was left?
Label: Cohen 's community
Example: Sentence: Under an Elizabethan statute , the Erection of Cottages Act 1588 , the cottage had to be built with at least of land .
Question: what had to do something?
Label: the cottage
Example: Sentence: Following the report , Attorney General Michael Mukasey appointed a special prosecutor to investigate whether former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other officials involved in the firings of nine U.S. attorneys broke the law .
Question: who followed something?
Label: Attorney General Michael Mukasey
Example: Sentence: These include all current Airbus , Boeing , Bombardier and Embraer models as well as Helicopters .
Question: what is included?
Label: all current Airbus , Boeing , Bombardier and Embraer models as well as Helicopters
Example: Sentence: Created as a result of a 20-year broadcast partnership between the two entities , the network is a joint venture between the conference and ESPN Inc. .
Question: how was something created?
Label: as a result of a 20-year broadcast partnership between the two entities ### a joint venture between the conference and ESPN Inc.
Example: Sentence: Lewis Carroll , in `` Sylvie and Bruno Concluded '' , made the point humorously with his description of a fictional map that had `` the scale of a mile to the mile '' .
Question: who made something?
Label: Lewis Carroll
Example: Sentence: As for punishment , intoxication may be a mitigating factor that decreases a prison or jail sentence .
Question: what may be decreased?
Label: a prison or jail sentence
Example: Sentence: As ex-slaves risked beatings for failing to meet the continuing duties , their freedom was limited .
Question: who might fail to do something?
Label: ex-slaves
Example: Sentence: While Ballard recuperates in the hospital , the released spirits , unharmed from the nuclear explosion , attack the city .
Question: when were someone released?
Label: While Ballard recuperates in the hospital
Example: Sentence: On September 21 , 1955 , Moore went up in weight to face future Hall of Famer Rocky Marciano for Marciano 's Heavyweight Championship .
Question: who went up in something?
Label: Moore
Example: Sentence: Digging in south of Bologna for the winter , the 34th jumped off , 15 April 1945 , and captured Bologna on 21 April .
Question: when was something captured?
Label: 21 April
Example: Sentence: According to Indian government analysis , they began the process of laying a corridor , which is now widely referred to as the Revolutionary Corridor extending from Nepal to across six Indian States , including Bihar , Chhattisgarh , Jharkhand , Andhra Pradesh , Odisha and Madhya Pradesh .
Question: what is something referred to as?
Label: the Revolutionary Corridor extending from Nepal to across six Indian States , including Bihar , Chhattisgarh , Jharkhand , Andhra Pradesh , Odisha and Madhya Pradesh .
Example: Sentence: Getting there requires a fairly steep hike from the Rim Drive trailhead .
Question: what is required?
Label: a fairly steep hike from the Rim Drive trailhead ### a fairly steep hike
Example: Sentence: There is a debate within the medical and bioethics literature about whether or not the non-voluntary killing of patients can be regarded as euthanasia , irrespective of intent or the patient 's circumstances .
Question: what might be regarded as something?
Label: the non-voluntary killing of patients
Example: Sentence: The album is named after the discredited pseudoscience of phrenology , the study of head shapes to determine intelligence and character , which was used to rationalize racism during the 19th century in the United States .
Question: what was something used to do?
Label: rationalize racism during the 19th century in the United States .
Example: Sentence: Finally on 30 June 1 799 , Krishnaraja Wodeyar Ill , a descendant of the ancient royal house was placed on the throne o Mysore by the British while Srirangapatna became the property of the victorious East India Company .
Question: who became something?
Label: Srirangapatna
Example: Sentence: Having finished his apprenticeship with Hammond , Keats registered as a medical student at Guy 's Hospital and began studying there in October 1815 .
Question: where did someone begin to do something?
Label: there ### at Guy 's Hospital
Example: Sentence: Monsignore Ferdinando Baldelli , Carlo Egger and Otto Faller started on behalf of the pope the official Pontificia Commissione di Assistenza Madre Pascalina was asked by the Pope to direct his personal charity efforts , officially under Monsignor Montini , later Pope Paul VI , with whom she seemed to have a complicated relationship .
Question: who asked someone to do something?
Label: the Pope
Example: Sentence: Nash was also involved in North Carolina politics , representing Hillsborough on several occasions in the colonial North Carolina General Assembly .
Question: what was someone involved in?
Label: North Carolina politics ### North Carolina politics , representing Hillsborough on several occasions in the colonial North Carolina General Assembly ### politics
Example: Sentence: Instead , much of numerical analysis is concerned with obtaining approximate solutions while maintaining reasonable bounds on errors .
Question: what might maintain something?
Label: much of numerical analysis
Example: Sentence: An `` optical image stabilizer '' , often abbreviated OIS , IS , or OS , is a mechanism used in a still camera or video camera that stabilizes the recorded image by varying the optical path to the sensor .
Question: what does something stabilize?
Label: the recorded image
Example: Sentence: Produced in Australia , it starred the current senior members of the `` Young Talent Team '' - Dannii Minogue , Vince Del Tito , Natalie Miller , Lorena Novoa , Beven Addinsall , and a new member , black teenager Keith Williams , who was imported from Los Angeles .
Question: what starred someone?
Label: it
Example: Sentence: Beyond the community , the creek continues south into Wolf Township , leaving its valley passing by the eastern edge of Hughesville .
Question: what is being left?
Label: valley
Example: Sentence: Fayette County was one of the original three counties created from the former Kentucky County , Virginia by the Virginia Act in 1780 , along with Jefferson and Lincoln counties , and which together separated from Virginia in 1792 to become the state of Kentucky .
Question: what was something created from?
Label: the former Kentucky County , Virginia
Example: Sentence: Lewis Carroll , in `` Sylvie and Bruno Concluded '' , made the point humorously with his description of a fictional map that had `` the scale of a mile to the mile '' .
Question: what did something have?
Label: the scale of a mile to the mile
Example: Sentence: When Beuerlein called the play in the huddle , it elicited more laughter from his offense , followed by criticism of the call , when he told them , `` Hey guys , I 'm serious ... do your job . ''
Question: what did something follow?
Label: When Beuerlein called the play in the huddle ### it
Example: Sentence: Lewis Carroll , in `` Sylvie and Bruno Concluded '' , made the point humorously with his description of a fictional map that had `` the scale of a mile to the mile '' .
Question: what did something have?
Label: the scale of a mile to the mile
Example: Sentence: When BrdU is integrated into DNA , it is supposed that the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site .
Question: what does something deform?
Label: the minor groove
Example: Sentence: Having finished his apprenticeship with Hammond , Keats registered as a medical student at Guy 's Hospital and began studying there in October 1815 .
Question: who did someone finish something with?
Label: Hammond
Example: Sentence: The second , at Mw 6.4 , occurred on February 24 , 2004 , killing more than 560 people .
Question: when did something occur?
Label: February 24 , 2004
Example: Sentence: Fayette County was one of the original three counties created from the former Kentucky County , Virginia by the Virginia Act in 1780 , along with Jefferson and Lincoln counties , and which together separated from Virginia in 1792 to become the state of Kentucky .
Question: what did something become?
Label: the state of Kentucky
Example: Sentence: The second , at Mw 6.4 , occurred on February 24 , 2004 , killing more than 560 people .
Question: what did did occur at?
Label: Mw 6.4
Example: Sentence: Set in an alternate near-future Japan , the protagonist of the story , a young woman codenamed `` Kabuki '' , acts as an agent and television law-enforcement personality for a clandestine government body known as `` The Noh '' .
Question: why is someone acting as something?
Label: acts as an agent and television law-enforcement personality for a clandestine government body known as `` The Noh '' .
Example: Sentence: In the context of a Stryker Brigade Combat Team 's Infantry Rifle Companies , one man from each fireteam in a rifle squad is either the Squad Anti-armor Specialist , armed with the FGM-148 Javelin , or the Squad Designated Marksman , who carries the M4 carbine and M14 rifle .
Question: what is someone armed with?
Label: the FGM-148 Javelin
Example: Sentence: When Beuerlein called the play in the huddle , it elicited more laughter from his offense , followed by criticism of the call , when he told them , `` Hey guys , I 'm serious ... do your job . ''
Question: what elicited something?
Label: it ### When Beuerlein called the play in the huddle
Example: Sentence: `` American Guru : A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing '' , by William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors , allege authoritarianism , financial manipulation , physical and psychological abuse in Cohen 's community , and discusses the challenges of healing after leaving the community .
Question: where was something alleged?
Label: American Guru : A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing
Example: Sentence: The plan outlined policy measures the candidates pledged to support in the United States presidential election , 2008 .
Question: who will support something?
Label: the candidates pledged to
Example: Sentence: The storm caused extensive damage to West Edmonton Mall ; a small glass section of the roof collapsed under the weight of the rainwater , causing water to drain onto the mall 's indoor ice rink .
Question: why did something drain onto something?
Label: a small glass section of the roof collapsed
Example: Sentence: St John appears to have got into trouble with the court in connection with a seditious publication , and to have associated himself with the future popular leaders John Pym and Lord Saye .
Question: who did someone associate with?
Label: the future popular leaders John Pym and Lord Saye
Example: Sentence: Losing Barbara caused Dick to become estranged from Bruce for his role .
Question: who lost someone?
Label: Dick
Example: Sentence: The Venezuelan government declined to appeal the case any further , and in November 1987 Bosch was freed .
Question: what wo n't someone appeal?
Label: the case
Example: Sentence: In a traditional ceremony , Command Sgt. Major Richard L. Ross , holding the division color with battle streamers , passed it to General Frederick M. Franks , Jr. , completing the official retirement of the division , and the 3rd Armored Division was removed from the official force structure of the U.S. Army .
Question: where was someone removed from something?
Label: In a traditional ceremony
Example: Sentence: Born in Washington , D.C. to a British father and an American mother , Florence King grew up in the District with her parents , a sister , her maternal grandmother and her grandmother 's maid .
Question: where did someone grow up in?
Label: the District
Example: Sentence: Monsignore Ferdinando Baldelli , Carlo Egger and Otto Faller started on behalf of the pope the official Pontificia Commissione di Assistenza Madre Pascalina was asked by the Pope to direct his personal charity efforts , officially under Monsignor Montini , later Pope Paul VI , with whom she seemed to have a complicated relationship .
Question: who did someone start something for?
Label: the pope
Example: Sentence: An `` optical image stabilizer '' , often abbreviated OIS , IS , or OS , is a mechanism used in a still camera or video camera that stabilizes the recorded image by varying the optical path to the sensor .
Question: what stabilizes something?
Label: a mechanism ### An `` optical image stabilizer '' ### An `` optical image stabilizer '' , often abbreviated OIS , IS , or OS ### a mechanism used in a still camera or video camera
Example: Sentence: The new hybrid system is being designed as a scalable and modular system that could be applied across a variety of Land Rover models and powertrains .
Question: what could something be applied across?
Label: a variety of Land Rover models and powertrains
Example: Sentence: A Fifth order Fresnel lens manufactured by Parisian glass makers Barbier and Fenestre was installed in the lantern .
Question: what was installed?
Label: A Fifth order Fresnel lens manufactured by Parisian glass makers Barbier and Fenestre ### A Fifth order Fresnel lens
Example: Sentence: Having finished his apprenticeship with Hammond , Keats registered as a medical student at Guy 's Hospital and began studying there in October 1815 .
Question: who began to do something?
Label: Keats
Example: Sentence: Beyond the community , the creek continues south into Wolf Township , leaving its valley passing by the eastern edge of Hughesville .
Question: where is something being left?
Label: Beyond the community ### south into Wolf Township
Example: Sentence: The Packers had not lost at Lambeau Field in December since the 1993 season , and the 5-7 Panthers desperately needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive .
Question: who had n't lost at something?
Label: The Packers
Example: Sentence: When BrdU is integrated into DNA , it is supposed that the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site .
Question: what is something supposed?
Label: the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site
Example: Sentence: The second , at Mw 6.4 , occurred on February 24 , 2004 , killing more than 560 people .
Question: when did something occur?
Label: February 24 , 2004
Example: Sentence: In addition to comic-book illustration and coloring , Goldberg drew gag cartoons for men 's magazines and did advertising art including a billboard for No-Cal Soda .
Question: what did someone draw?
Label: gag cartoons for men 's magazines and did advertising art including a billboard for No-Cal Soda
Example: Sentence: When BrdU is integrated into DNA , it is supposed that the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site .
Question: what is something supposed?
Label: the bromine deforms the minor groove so that Hoechst dyes can not reach their optimal binding site
Example: Sentence: However , when compared to BLAST , it is more time consuming , not to mention that it requires large amounts of computer usage and space .
Question: what requires something?
Label: it
Example: Sentence: In 1638 he defended John Hampden , along with co-counsel Robert Holborne , on his refusal to pay Ship Money , on which occasion he made a notable speech which established him as a leading advocate .
Question: who made something?
Label: he ### John Hampden
Example: Sentence: In 2007 , private corporations controlled 80 % of the cable television channels , 100 % of the newspaper companies , and 706 out of 709 radio stations .
Question: when did someone control something?
Label: In 2007
Example: Sentence: In one instance , Japanese police in the village of Jeam-ri , Hwaseong herded everyone into a church , locked it , and burned it to the ground .
Question: who was locked into something?
Label: everyone
Example: Sentence: While always referring to oneself or the audience by name would be considered strange in English , in Vietnamese it is considered friendly , and is the preferred way to converse among close friends .
Question: what is considered something?
Label: always referring to oneself or the audience by name
Example: Sentence: The Packers had not lost at Lambeau Field in December since the 1993 season , and the 5-7 Panthers desperately needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive .
Question: who must keep something?
Label: the 5-7 Panthers
Example: Sentence: 1989 saw the release of `` Misspent Youth '' on MCA .
Question: what did something see?
Label: the release of `` Misspent Youth '' on MCA .
Example: Sentence: In the aftermath of September 2005 's Hurricane Katrina , Storrs was named by `` Slate '' as `` America 's Best Place to Avoid Death Due to Natural Disaster . ''
Question: when was something named something?
Label: In the aftermath of September 2005 's Hurricane Katrina
Example: Sentence: They have had over 60 chart hits in the UK , starting with 1967 's `` Pictures Of Matchstick Men '' , and the most recent being in 2010 , which is more than any other rock group .
Question: what has had something?
Label: They
Example: Sentence: As Secretary of the Interior , Chandler eradicated serious corruption in the Bureau of Indian Affairs , fully endorsing President Grant 's Peace Policy initiative to civilize American Indian tribes .
Question: what did someone eradicate?
Label: serious corruption ### serious corruption in the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Example: Sentence: Originally the three women , Amy Saunders , Lou Bennett and Sally Dastey combined their vocal talents as backing singers for Aboriginal band Djaambi , led by Saunder 's brother Richard Frankland in 1990 .
Question: what was combined?
Label: their vocal talents as backing singers for Aboriginal band Djaambi , led by Saunder 's brother Richard Frankland in 1990 .
Example: Sentence: He also began making super-8 films beginning in junior high , and showed these films to the scholarship committee of Brigham Young University in 1981 , earning a full scholarship in ` Theatre and Cinematic Arts ' after receiving a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting '' .
Question: where did someone begin something?
Label: in junior high
Example: Sentence: Still not eighteen , he briefly attended the University of Idaho in Moscow in north Idaho , then entered the Army Air Forces in 1945 and was in basic training during V-J Day in August .
Question: where did someone enter?
Label: the Army Air Forces in 1945
Example: Sentence: Having finished his apprenticeship with Hammond , Keats registered as a medical student at Guy 's Hospital and began studying there in October 1815 .
Question: who began to do something?
Label: Keats
Example: Sentence: The north tower was quickly rebuilt as a stubby , flat-roofed structure .
Question: what was rebuilt?
Label: The north tower
Example: Sentence: While always referring to oneself or the audience by name would be considered strange in English , in Vietnamese it is considered friendly , and is the preferred way to converse among close friends .
Question: what is considered something?
Label: always referring to oneself or the audience by name
Example: Sentence: The album is named after the discredited pseudoscience of phrenology , the study of head shapes to determine intelligence and character , which was used to rationalize racism during the 19th century in the United States .
Question: what rationalized something?
Label: pseudoscience of phrenology ### the study of head shapes to determine intelligence and character
Example: Sentence: As ex-slaves risked beatings for failing to meet the continuing duties , their freedom was limited .
Question: how did someone risk something?
Label: failing to meet the continuing duties
Example: Sentence: `` Billboard '' ranked it as the No. 15 song for 1975 .
Question: what was ranked?
Label: it
Example: Sentence: A nonsurgical alternative involves the use of a miotic to constrict the pupil and prevent the lens from luxating into the anterior chamber .
Question: what involves something?
Label: A nonsurgical alternative
Example: Sentence: He also began making super-8 films beginning in junior high , and showed these films to the scholarship committee of Brigham Young University in 1981 , earning a full scholarship in ` Theatre and Cinematic Arts ' after receiving a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting '' .
Question: what did someone receive?
Label: a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting ''
Example: Sentence: Originally the three women , Amy Saunders , Lou Bennett and Sally Dastey combined their vocal talents as backing singers for Aboriginal band Djaambi , led by Saunder 's brother Richard Frankland in 1990 .
Question: what was combined?
Label: their vocal talents as backing singers for Aboriginal band Djaambi , led by Saunder 's brother Richard Frankland in 1990 .
Example: Sentence: Under an Elizabethan statute , the Erection of Cottages Act 1588 , the cottage had to be built with at least of land .
Question: what must something be built with?
Label: at least of land
Example: Sentence: Fayette County was one of the original three counties created from the former Kentucky County , Virginia by the Virginia Act in 1780 , along with Jefferson and Lincoln counties , and which together separated from Virginia in 1792 to become the state of Kentucky .
Question: when did something separate from something?
Label: in 1792
Example: Sentence: In a traditional ceremony , Command Sgt. Major Richard L. Ross , holding the division color with battle streamers , passed it to General Frederick M. Franks , Jr. , completing the official retirement of the division , and the 3rd Armored Division was removed from the official force structure of the U.S. Army .
Question: who did someone pass something to?
Label: General Frederick M. Franks , Jr.
Example: Sentence: The means to lay their foundation being the outcome of special prayers addressed to the Mother of God during the nine days preceding event of 8 Dec. , 1854 .
Question: what is preceding something?
Label: nine days
Example: Sentence: He also began making super-8 films beginning in junior high , and showed these films to the scholarship committee of Brigham Young University in 1981 , earning a full scholarship in ` Theatre and Cinematic Arts ' after receiving a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting '' .
Question: what did someone earn something in?
Label: Theatre and Cinematic Arts ' after receiving a Sundance Institute ` Most Promising Filmmaker ' award for his film `` Night Meeting '' .
Example: Sentence: In November 1982 the Ministry of Education adopted a new authorization criterion , the so-called `` Neighboring Country Clause '' : Textbooks ought to show understanding and seek international harmony in their treatment of modern and contemporary historical events involving neighboring Asian countries .
Question: what would show something?
Label: Textbooks
Example: Sentence: `` American Guru : A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing '' , by William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors , allege authoritarianism , financial manipulation , physical and psychological abuse in Cohen 's community , and discusses the challenges of healing after leaving the community .
Question: where is something being discussed?
Label: A Story of Love , Betrayal and Healing '' , by William Yenner and other former Cohen student contributors
Example: Sentence: Set in an alternate near-future Japan , the protagonist of the story , a young woman codenamed `` Kabuki '' , acts as an agent and television law-enforcement personality for a clandestine government body known as `` The Noh '' .
Question: who acts as something?
Label: a young woman ### the protagonist of the story ### Kabuki
Example: Sentence: Under an Elizabethan statute , the Erection of Cottages Act 1588 , the cottage had to be built with at least of land .
Question: what had to do something?
Label: the cottage
Example: Sentence: They get together periodically to discuss issues of concern to them in relation to regeneration plans .
Question: why does someone get?
Label: to discuss issues of concern to them in relation to regeneration plans
Example: Sentence: The natural sparkling waters of Duszniki are used in treatment of a variety of illnesses , including cardiac problems , gastrical problems .
Question: what is used in something?
Label: The natural sparkling waters of Dusznik
Example: Sentence: The natural sparkling waters of Duszniki are used in treatment of a variety of illnesses , including cardiac problems , gastrical problems .
Question: what is used in something?
Label: The natural sparkling waters of Dusznik
Example: Sentence: Migrants to Belfast came from across Ireland , Scotland and England , but particularly from rural Ulster , where sectarian tensions ran deep .
Question: who came from somewhere?
Label: Migrants to Belfast
Example: Sentence: On the run , she develops a revolutionary new theory of quantum cognition , which she writes down in a little black book .
Question: who develops something?
Label: she
Example: Sentence: 23.60 % of all households were made up of individuals and 8.40 % had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older .
Question: what was something made up?
Label: individuals
Example: Sentence: The `` power cepstrum '' was defined in a 1963 paper by Bogert et al. .
Question: when was something defined?
Label: 1963
Example: Sentence: Many composers have been capable of producing music in printed form without the capacity themselves to read or write in musical notation , as long as an amanuensis of some sort is available .
Question: who produces something?
Label: composers
Example: Sentence: After graduation , Ciprian went on to study acting at the Bucharest Conservatory , where he was coached by Constantin Nottara .
Question: where was someone coached?
Label: at the Bucharest Conservatory
Example: Sentence: Finally on 30 June 1 799 , Krishnaraja Wodeyar Ill , a descendant of the ancient royal house was placed on the throne o Mysore by the British while Srirangapatna became the property of the victorious East India Company .
Question: who was placed on something?
Label: Krishnaraja Wodeyar Ill ### a descendant of the ancient royal house
Example: Sentence: In 2007 , private corporations controlled 80 % of the cable television channels , 100 % of the newspaper companies , and 706 out of 709 radio stations .
Question: when did someone control something?
Label: In 2007
Example: Sentence: It had the right to elect 12 burgesses to the corporation .
Question: what had something to do?
Label: It
Example: Sentence: In a 2004 interview , Otto stated that she hopes she would never be as famous as fellow Australian actress Nicole Kidman because she is `` not sure could ever deal with that . ''
Question: what did someone state?
Label: that she hopes she would never be as famous as fellow Australian actress Nicole Kidman because she is `` not sure could ever deal with that . ''
Example: Sentence: The arena hosts shows in music and comedy , sporting events including world championship boxing , tennis , basketball and rodeo events , and corporate meetings , celebrity charity fundraisers and exhibitions .
Question: what hosts something?
Label: The arena
Example: Sentence: Debate surrounding a volkstaat returned to the mainstream media following the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche in April 2010 .
Question: what does something surround?
Label: a volkstaat
Example: Sentence: The State Chancellory prepared a draft , which was discussed during five sessions of the Council of Ministers , where alterations were made to further strengthen the emperor 's prerogatives at the expense of the new parliament .
Question: who prepared something?
Label: The State Chancellory
Example: Sentence: They have had over 60 chart hits in the UK , starting with 1967 's `` Pictures Of Matchstick Men '' , and the most recent being in 2010 , which is more than any other rock group .
Question: when did something start with something?
Label: 1967
Example: Sentence: Latif said he traveled from Yemen to Pakistan in August 2001 to seek medical treatment , while the U.S. government alleged he went there to receive military training from affiliates of al Qaeda .
Question: when might someone have sought something?
Label: 2001
Example: Sentence: Born in Washington , D.C. to a British father and an American mother , Florence King grew up in the District with her parents , a sister , her maternal grandmother and her grandmother 's maid .
Question: who was someone born to?
Label: a British father and an American mother
Example: Sentence: Monsignore Ferdinando Baldelli , Carlo Egger and Otto Faller started on behalf of the pope the official Pontificia Commissione di Assistenza Madre Pascalina was asked by the Pope to direct his personal charity efforts , officially under Monsignor Montini , later Pope Paul VI , with whom she seemed to have a complicated relationship .
Question: what did someone seem?
Label: to have a complicated relationship
Example: Sentence: The album reached Britain 's top 75 , with `` Metal Hammer '' magazine being appreciative .
Question: what reached something?
Label: The album
Example: Sentence: Having finished his apprenticeship with Hammond , Keats registered as a medical student at Guy 's Hospital and began studying there in October 1815 .
Question: who did someone finish something with?
Label: Hammond
Example: Sentence: If neither contestant has been eliminated before time runs out in round three , the contestant with the higher score is declared the champion , adds their opponent 's score to their own , and their opponent is dropped .
Question: when may someone be eliminated?
Label: before time runs out in round three |
In this task, you need to answer the given multiple-choice question on geometry. Classify your answers into 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', and 'e'.
Possible labels:
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. e
Context: Problem: the roof of an apartment building is rectangular and its length is 4 times longer than its width . if the area of the roof is 900 feet squared , what is the difference between the length and the width of the roof ?
Options: ['a ) 38 .', 'b ) 40 .', 'c ) 42 .', 'd ) 44 .', 'e ) 45 .']
Ans: e
Context: Problem: if the sum of a number and its square is 210 , what is the number ?
Options: a ) 16 , b ) 14 , c ) 25 , d ) 87 , e ) 171
Ans: b
Context: Problem: if the sides of a triangle are 30 cm , 28 cm and 14 cm , what is its area ?
Options: a ) 196 cm 2 , b ) 187 cm 2 , c ) 178 cm 2 , d ) 189 cm 2 , e ) 176 cm 2
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the length of a rectangle is two - fifths of the radius of a circle . the radius of the circle is equal to the side of the square , whose area is 1225 sq . units . what is the area ( in sq . units ) of the rectangle if the rectangle if the breadth is 6 units ?
Options: a ) 140 , b ) 84 , c ) 88 , d ) 72 , e ) 12
Ans: b
Context: Problem: if the radius of a circle is decreased 20 % , what happens to the area ?
Options: a ) 10 % decrease , b ) 20 % decrease , c ) 36 % decrease , d ) 40 % decrease , e ) 50 % decrease
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the red triangle is equilateral with a side of 23 centimetres . its perimeter is
Options: ['a ) 68 cm', 'b ) 69 cm', 'c ) 70 cm', 'd ) 71 cm', 'e ) none']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: two cubes have their volumes in the ratio 1 : 27 . find the ratio of their surface areas .
Options: ['a ) 1 : 9', 'b ) 2 : 9', 'c ) 3 : 9', 'd ) 5 : 9', 'e ) none of them']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: an order was placed for a carpet whose length and width were in the ratio of 3 : 2 . subsequently , the dimensions of the carpet were altered such that its length and width were in the ratio 1 : 1 but were was no change in its perimeter . what is the ratio of the areas of the carpets ?
Options: a ) 4 : 5 , b ) 9 : 10 , c ) 14 : 15 , d ) 19 : 20 , e ) 24 : 25
Ans: e
Context: Problem: v is the volume of a cylinder ; the radius r is 3.4 . the height is 350 % more than the radius . which of the following is true ?
Options: ['a ) 100 < v < 300', 'b ) 300 < v < 500', 'c ) 500 < v < 700', 'd ) 700 < v < 900', 'e ) 900 < v < 1100']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in right triangle abc , ac is the hypotenuse . if ac is 40 and ab + bc = 60 , what is the area of the triangle abc ?
Options: a ) 225 , b ) 450 , c ) 25 √ 2 , d ) 500 , e ) 200 √ 2
Ans: d
Context: Problem: a rectangular grass field is 85 m * 55 m , it has a path of 2.5 m wide all round it on the outside . find the area of the path and the cost of constructing it at rs . 2 per sq m ?
Options: a ) 1450 , b ) 1971 , c ) 9676 , d ) 1679 , e ) 2691
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the perimeter of one square is 44 cm and that of another is 20 cm . find the perimeter and the diagonal of a square which is equal in area to these two combined ?
Options: a ) 13 √ 4 , b ) 12.1 √ 2 , c ) 23 √ 2 , d ) 12 √ 4 , e ) 13 √ 9
Ans: b
Context: Problem: carol and jordan draw rectangles of equal area . if carol ' s rectangle measures 5 inches by 24 inches and jordan ' s rectangle is 12 inches long , how wide is jordan ' s rectangle , in inches ?
Options: a ) 25 , b ) 23 , c ) 22 , d ) 20 , e ) 10
Ans: e
Context: Problem: what is the area of a square field whose diagonal of length 40 m ?
Options: a ) 287 , b ) 269 , c ) 750 , d ) 200 , e ) 800
Ans: e
Context: Problem: if circles x and y have the same area and circle x has a circumference of 20 π , half of the radius of circle y is :
Options: a ) 16 , b ) 5 , c ) 4 , d ) 2 , e ) 1
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a rectangular tank needs to be coated with insulation . the tank has dimensions of 3 feet , 6 feet , and 2 feet . each square foot of insulation costs $ 20 . how much will it cost to cover the surface of the tank with insulation ?
Options: ['a ) $ 980', 'b ) $ 1060', 'c ) $ 1220', 'd ) $ 1440', 'e ) $ 1650']
Ans: d
Context: Problem: if each edge of a cube is increased by 50 % , find the percentage increase in its surface area
Options: ['a ) 125 %', 'b ) 129 %', 'c ) 185 %', 'd ) 725 %', 'e ) 145 %']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered . if the area of the field is 256 sq . feet , how many feet of fencing will be required ?
Options: a ) 45.6 , b ) 40 , c ) 68 , d ) 88 , e ) 92
Ans: a
Context: Problem: in the rectangular coordinate system , points ( 2 , 0 ) and ( – 2 , 0 ) both lie on circle c . what is the maximum possible value of the radius of c ?
Options: a ) 2 , b ) 4 , c ) 8 , d ) 16 , e ) none of the above
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the diagonal of a cube is 8 √ 3 . find its volume and surface area .
Options: ['a ) 354', 'b ) 384', 'c ) 324', 'd ) 344', 'e ) 364']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a rectangular farm has to be fenced one long side , one short side and the diagonal . if the cost of fencing is rs . 13 per meter . the area of farm is 1200 m 2 and the short side is 30 m long . how much would the job cost ?
Options: a ) 1276 , b ) 1560 , c ) 2832 , d ) 1299 , e ) 1236
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a semicircular shaped window has diameter of 63 cm . its perimeter equals
Options: ['a ) 162', 'b ) 766', 'c ) 298', 'd ) 277', 'e ) 198']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: if the area of a square with sides of length 4 centimeters is equal to the area of a rectangle with a width of 8 centimeters , what is the length of the rectangle , in centimeters ?
Options: a ) 4 , b ) 8 , c ) 2 , d ) 16 , e ) 18
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in a parallelogram , the length of one diagonal and the perpendicular dropped on that diagonal are 30 and 20 metres respectively . find its area
Options: ['a ) 600 m 2', 'b ) 540 m 2', 'c ) 680 m 2', 'd ) 574 m 2', 'e ) none of these']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a rectangle has 20 meter length and 15 meter breadth . find ratio between area of rectangle and square whose side is same with rectangle ' s length .
Options: ['a ) 3 : 2', 'b ) 3 : 4', 'c ) 4 : 5', 'd ) 2 : 3', 'e ) 2 : 5']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the area of a square field is 900 km 2 . how long will it take for a horse to run around at the speed of 12 km / h ?
Options: ['a ) 12 h', 'b ) 10 h', 'c ) 8 h', 'd ) 6 h', 'e ) none of these']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a semicircle has a radius of 11 . what is the approximate perimeter of the semicircle ?
Options: ['a ) 45', 'b ) 51', 'c ) 57', 'd ) 63', 'e ) 69']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the perimeter of one face a of cube is 20 cm . its volume must be
Options: ['a ) 125 cm 3', 'b ) 400 cm 3', 'c ) 1000 cm 3', 'd ) 8000 cm 3', 'e ) none']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: mark has a rectangular driveway with a line painted diagonally across . the length of the driveway is 5 feet longer than its width . if the total area of the driveway is 36 square feet , what is the length of the painted line ( in feet ) ?
Options: ['a ) between 9 and 10', 'b ) between 10 and 11', 'c ) between 11 and 12', 'd ) between 12 and 13', 'e ) between 13 and 14']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: if a square mirror has a 20 - inch diagonal , what is the approximate perimeter t of the mirror , in inches ?
Options: a ) 40 , b ) 60 , c ) 80 , d ) 100 , e ) 120
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a rectangular photograph is surrounded by a border that is 1 inch wide on each side . the total area of the photograph and the border is m square inches . if the border had been 7 inches wide on each side , the total area would have been ( m + 264 ) square inches . what is the perimeter of the photograph , in inches ?
Options: a ) 8 , b ) 12 , c ) 16 , d ) 20 , e ) 24
Ans: b
Context: Problem: an isosceles triangle those sides are 13 cm , 13 cm , 10 cm long inscribed in a circle . find the radius of the circle
Options: ['a ) 8 cm', 'b ) 9 cm', 'c ) 10 cm', 'd ) 11 cm', 'e ) 7 cm']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a cube has one of its faces painted half red and half white . the other faces are completely painted white . what is the ratio between the red painted areas and the white painted areas of the cube ?
Options: a ) 1 : 6 , b ) 1 : 11 , c ) 2 : 5 , d ) 1 : 8 , e ) 3 : 11
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a metallic sheet is of rectangular shape with dimensions 48 m x 36 m . from each of its corners , a square is cut off so as to make an open box . if the length of the square is 7 m , the volume of the box ( in m 3 ) is :
Options: a ) 4830 , b ) 5236 , c ) 6420 , d ) 8960 , e ) 7960
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the area of a triangle is with base 4.5 m and height 6 m ?
Options: a ) 11 m 2 , b ) 10 m 2 , c ) 13.5 m 2 , d ) 19 m 2 , e ) 12.5 m 2
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in a new housing development , trees are to be planted along the sidewalk of a certain street . each tree takes up one square foot of sidewalk space , and there are to be 20 feet between each tree . how many trees can be planted if the road is 148 feet long ?
Options: ['a ) 8', 'b ) 9', 'c ) 10', 'd ) 11', 'e ) 16']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the area of sector of a circle whose radius is 12 metro and whose angle at the center is 40 ° is ?
Options: a ) 53 m 2 , b ) 51 m 2 , c ) 50.2 m 2 , d ) 45 m 2 , e ) 40 m 2
Ans: c
Context: Problem: find the surface area of a 8 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm brick .
Options: a ) 136 cu cm , b ) 112 cu cm , c ) 164 cu cm , d ) 180 cu cm , e ) none
Ans: b
Context: Problem: if the sides of a triangle are 26 cm , 18 cm and 10 cm , what is its area ?
Options: ['a ) 90', 'b ) 110', 'c ) 130', 'd ) 140', 'e ) 150']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the diagonals of a rhombus are 16 cm and 20 cm . find its area ?
Options: a ) 160 , b ) 288 , c ) 150 , d ) 238 , e ) 31
Ans: a
Context: Problem: in the rectangular coordinate system , points ( 16 , 0 ) and ( – 16 , 0 ) both lie on circle c . what is the maximum possible value of the radius of c ?
Options: a ) 2 , b ) 4 , c ) 8 , d ) 16 , e ) none of the above
Ans: d
Context: Problem: in a rectangular axis system , what is the area of a parallelogram with the coordinates : ( 4,4 ) , ( 7,4 ) , ( 5,9 ) , ( 8,9 ) ?
Options: ['a ) 21 .', 'b ) 28 .', 'c ) 5 .', 'd ) 49 .', 'e ) 52 .']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: what will be the cost of house to paint which area equal to 484 sq ft , if the price per foot of building is rs . 20
Options: a ) 1800 , b ) 1760 , c ) 1400 , d ) 2600 , e ) 3600
Ans: b
Context: Problem: how many books each of volume 100 meter cube can be packed into a crate of volume 4000 meter cube ?
Options: ['a ) 100', 'b ) 120', 'c ) can not be determined', 'd ) 180', 'e ) 200']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the diagonals of a rhombus are 11 cm and 16 cm . find its area ?
Options: a ) 277 , b ) 266 , c ) 150 , d ) 88 , e ) 212
Ans: d
Context: Problem: find the perimeter and area of a square of side 19 cm .
Options: a ) 324 , b ) 361 , c ) 400 , d ) 441 , e ) 484
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the radius of a cylindrical vessel is 5 cm and height is 3 cm . find the whole surface of the cylinder ?
Options: a ) 251.4 sq cm , b ) 220 sq cm , c ) 440 sq cm , d ) 132 sq cm , e ) 138 sq cm
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 2020 feet uncovered . if the area of the field is 680680 sq . feet , how many feet of fencing will be required ?
Options: a ) 95 , b ) 92 , c ) 88 , d ) 82 , e ) 80
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the parameter of a square is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle of length 14 cm and breadth 10 cm . find the circumference of a semicircle whose diameter is equal to the side of the square . ( round off your answer to two decimal places ) ?
Options: a ) 23.56 , b ) 23.59 , c ) 23.55 , d ) 18.86 , e ) 23.57
Ans: d
Context: Problem: the slant height of a cone is 12 cm and radius of the base is 4 cm , find the curved surface of the cone .
Options: a ) 33 , b ) 88 , c ) 48 , d ) 77 , e ) 27
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in a rectangular coordinate system , what is the area of a rhombus whose vertices have the coordinates ( 0 , 3.5 ) , ( 10 , 0 ) , ( 0 , - 3.5 ) , ( - 10 , 0 ) ?
Options: a ) 56 , b ) 88 , c ) 70 , d ) 116 , e ) 120
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the area of a square garden is a square feet and the perimeter is p feet . if a = 2 p + 14.25 , what is the perimeter of the garden , in feet ?
Options: ['a ) 38', 'b ) 36', 'c ) 40', 'd ) 56', 'e ) 64']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the perimeter of a triangle is 22 cm and the inradius of the triangle is 3.5 cm . what is the area of the triangle ?
Options: a ) 22 , b ) 35 , c ) 77 , d ) 54 , e ) 38
Ans: e
Context: Problem: if the difference of two numbers is 3 and the difference of their square is 39 , then the larger number is :
Options: a ) 9 , b ) 2 , c ) 12 , d ) 14 , e ) 8
Ans: e
Context: Problem: the length of a rectangular plot is thrice its width . if the area of the rectangular plot is 507 sq meters , then what is the width ( in meters ) of the rectangular plot ?
Options: a ) 11 , b ) 12 , c ) 13 , d ) 14 , e ) 15
Ans: c
Context: Problem: a volume of 10996 l water is in a container of sphere . how many hemisphere of volume 4 l each will be required to transfer all the water into the small hemispheres ?
Options: a ) 2812 , b ) 8231 , c ) 2734 , d ) 4222 , e ) 2749
Ans: e
Context: Problem: two cubes have their volumes are in the ratio 1 : 27 . find the ratio of their surface area ?
Options: ['a ) 1 : 2', 'b ) 2 : 3', 'c ) 1 : 9', 'd ) 2 : 7', 'e ) 3 : 11']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the area of a square is equal to three times the area of a rectangle of dimensions 3 cm * 9 cm . what is the perimeter of the square ?
Options: a ) 30 , b ) 36 , c ) 46 , d ) 66 , e ) 76
Ans: b
Context: Problem: what is the sum of the squares of the first 20 natural numbers ( 1 to 20 ) ?
Options: ['a ) 2870', 'b ) 2000', 'c ) 5650', 'd ) 6650', 'e ) 7650']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the length of a rectangle is one fourth of the radius of a circle . the radius of the circle is equal to the side of the square , whose area is 784 sq . units . what is the area ( in sq . units ) of the rectangle if the rectangle if the breadth is 5 units ?
Options: ['a ) 35 sq . units', 'b ) 45 sq . units', 'c ) 55 sq . units', 'd ) 50 sq . units', 'e ) 40 sq . units']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the length of rectangle is thrice its breadth and its perimeter is 80 m , find the area of the rectangle ?
Options: a ) 360 , b ) 376 , c ) 299 , d ) 276 , e ) 111
Ans: a
Context: Problem: find the cube root of 804357 ?
Options: a ) 22 , b ) 88 , c ) 93 , d ) 19 , e ) 18
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the area of a rectangular plot is 360 square metres . if the length is 25 % less than the breadth , what is the breadth of the plot ?
Options: ['a ) 32 m', 'b ) 12 m', 'c ) 20 m', 'd ) 22 m', 'e ) 25 m']
Ans: d
Context: Problem: find the perimeter and area of the rectangle of length 17 cm and breadth 13 cm .
Options: a ) 221 cm 2 , b ) 211 cm 2 , c ) 231 cm 2 , d ) 236 cm 2 , e ) 241 cm 2
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a circle graph shows how the budget of a certain company was spent : 55 percent for salaries , 9 percent for research and development , 5 percent for utilities , 4 percent for equipment , 2 percent for supplies , and the remainder for transportation . if the area of each sector of the graph is proportional to the percent of the budget it represents , how many degrees of the circle are used to represent transportation ?
Options: a ) 18 ° , b ) 36 ° , c ) 54 ° , d ) 72 ° , e ) 90 °
Ans: e
Context: Problem: when magnified 1,000 times by an electron microscope , the image of a certain circular piece of tissue has a diameter of 5 centimeter . the actual diameter of the tissue , in centimeters , is
Options: a ) 0.005 , b ) 0.002 , c ) 0.001 , d ) 0.0005 , e ) 0.0002
Ans: a
Context: Problem: find the area of a parallelogram with base 32 cm and height 14 cm ?
Options: a ) 498 cm 2 , b ) 384 cm 2 , c ) 430 cm 2 , d ) 128 cm 2 , e ) 448 cm 2
Ans: e
Context: Problem: the areas of the two spheres are in the ratio 1 : 4 . the ratio of their volume is ?
Options: ['a ) 1 : 4', 'b ) 1 : 16', 'c ) 1 : 8', 'd ) 1 : 64', 'e ) 2 : 3']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: a 12 meter long wire is cut into two pieces . if the longer piece is then used to form a perimeter of a square , what is the probability that the area of the square will be more than 4 if the original wire was cut at an arbitrary point ?
Options: a ) 1 / 6 , b ) 2 / 3 , c ) 3 / 10 , d ) 1 / 3 , e ) 2 / 5
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the second angle of a triangle is double the first ( 110 ) . the third angle is 40 less than the first ( 15 ) . find the first angle .
Options: a ) 35 , b ) 45 , c ) 55 , d ) 65 , e ) 75
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the area of a parallelogram is 243 sq m and its altitude is three times the corresponding base . what is the length of the base ?
Options: a ) 4 , b ) 9 , c ) 10 , d ) 4 , e ) 12
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the ratio of the area of a square to that of the square drawn on its diagonal is
Options: a ) 1 : 2 , b ) 1 : 0 , c ) 1 : 7 , d ) 1 : 5 , e ) 1 : 6
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the supplementary of an angle is thrice its complimentary . find the angle .
Options: a ) 60 , b ) 45 , c ) 90 , d ) 180 , e ) 120
Ans: b
Context: Problem: find the perimeter of a triangle with sides measuring 5 centimeters , 20 centimeters and 30 centimeters .
Options: a ) 30 cm , b ) 40 cm , c ) 50 cm , d ) 55 cm , e ) 60 cm
Ans: d
Context: Problem: a specialized type of sand consists of 40 % mineral x by volume and 60 % mineral y by volume . if mineral x weighs 4 grams per cubic centimeter and mineral y weighs 3 grams per cubic centimeter , how many grams does a cubic meter of specialized sand combination weigh ? ( 1 meter = 100 centimeters )
Options: ['a ) 5 , 500,000', 'b ) 2 , 400,000', 'c ) 55,000', 'd ) 28,000', 'e ) 280']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered . if the area of the field is 400 sq . ft , how many feet of fencing will be required ?
Options: a ) 60 feet , b ) 50 feet , c ) 40 feet , d ) 30 feet , e ) 5 feet
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the number 83 can be written as the sum of the squares of 3 different positive integers . what is the sum of these 3 integers ?
Options: ['a ) 17', 'b ) 16', 'c ) 15', 'd ) 14', 'e ) 13']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: triangle xyz is an isosceles right triangle . if side xy is longer than side yz , and the area of the triangle is 25 , what is the measure of side xy ?
Options: a ) 10 , b ) 4 √ 2 , c ) 8 , d ) 8 √ 2 , e ) can not be determined from the information provided
Ans: a
Context: Problem: what will be the percentage increase in the area of the cube ' s surface if each of the cube ' s edges grows by 10 % ?
Options: a ) 25 % , b ) 28 % , c ) 21 % , d ) 30 % , e ) 32 %
Ans: c
Context: Problem: you buy a piece of land with an area of â ˆ š 1600 , how long is one side of the land plot ?
Options: a ) 28 , b ) 40 , c ) 30 , d ) 31 , e ) 32
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a certain farmer pays $ 30 per acre per month to rent farmland . how much does the farmer pay per month to rent a rectangular plot of farmland that is 1080 feet by 605 feet ? ( 43,560 square feet = 1 acre )
Options: a ) $ 5,330 , b ) $ 3,360 , c ) $ 450 , d ) $ 360 , e ) $ 150
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in right triangle abc , ac is the hypotenuse . if ac is 20 and ab + bc = 50 , what is the area of the triangle abc ?
Options: a ) 225 , b ) 525 , c ) 25 √ 2 , d ) 200 , e ) 200 √ 2
Ans: b
Context: Problem: on dividing a number by 5 , we get 3 as remainder . what will be the remainder when the square of this number is divided by 5 ?
Options: ['a ) 0', 'b ) 1', 'c ) 3', 'd ) 4', 'e ) 2']
Ans: d
Context: Problem: the sides of the triangle are in the ratio 1 / 2 : 1 / 3 : 1 / 4 and its perimeter is 104 cm . the length of the longest side is ?
Options: ['a ) 32 cm', 'b ) 48 cm', 'c ) 50 cm', 'd ) 28 cm', 'e ) 30 cm']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a gardener grows cabbages in her garden that is in the shape of a square . each cabbage takes 1 square feet of area in her garden . this year , she has increased her output by 199 cabbages as compared to last year . the shape of the area used for growing the cabbages has remained a square in both these years . how many cabbages did she produce this year ?
Options: a ) 10,000 , b ) 11,025 , c ) 14,400 , d ) 12,696 , e ) can not be determined
Ans: a
Context: Problem: a snooker tournament charges $ 45.00 for vip seats and $ 20.00 for general admission ( “ regular ” seats ) . on a certain night , a total of 320 tickets were sold , for a total cost of $ 7,500 . how many fewer tickets were sold that night for vip seats than for general admission seats ?
Options: a ) 200 , b ) 276 , c ) 230 , d ) 240 , e ) 250
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the area of a rectangle is 460 square metres . if the length is 15 % more than the breadth , what is the breadth of the rectangular field ?
Options: ['a ) 20', 'b ) 27', 'c ) 26', 'd ) 188', 'e ) 11']
Ans: a
Context: Problem: the largest two digit number which is a perfect cube , is :
Options: a ) 25 , b ) 36 , c ) 49 , d ) 64 , e ) 81
Ans: d
Context: Problem: a block of wood has dimensions 10 cm x 10 cm x 40 cm . the block is painted red and then cut evenly at the 20 cm mark , parallel to the sides , to form two rectangular solids of equal volume . what percentage of the surface area of each of the new solids is not painted red ?
Options: a ) 5 % , b ) 10 % , c ) 15 % , d ) 20 % , e ) 25 %
Ans: b
Context: Problem: how many 1 x 1 x 1 cubes can you fit in a 15 x 16 x 13 box ?
Options: ['a ) 3,200', 'b ) 3,150', 'c ) 3,448', 'd ) 3,120', 'e ) 2,980']
Ans: d
Context: Problem: a cube is divided into 64 identical cubelets . each cut is made parallel to some surface of the cube . but before doing that , the cube is painted with green on one set of opposite faces , red on another set of opposite faces , and blue on the third set of opposite faces . how many cubelets are painted with exactly one colour ?
Options: a ) 12 , b ) 16 , c ) 20 , d ) 24 , e ) 30
Ans: d
Context: Problem: approximately how many cubic feet of water are needed to fill a circular swimming pool that is 40 feet across and 7 feet deep ?
Options: a ) 700 , b ) 1500 , c ) 3000 , d ) 5000 , e ) 9000
Ans: e
Context: Problem: the size of a flat - screen tablet is given as the length of the screen ’ s diagonal . how many square inches greater is the screen of a square 6 - inch flat - screen tablet than a square 5 - inch flat - screen tablet ?
Options: ['a ) 5.0', 'b ) 6.0', 'c ) 6.8', 'd ) 5.8', 'e ) 5.5']
Ans: e
Context: Problem: the slant height of a cone is 15 cm and radius of the base is 3 cm , find the curved surface of the cone ?
Options: a ) 26 , b ) 134 , c ) 141 , d ) 190 , e ) 28
Ans: c
Context: Problem: if the sides of a cube are in the ratio 5 : 4 . what is the ratio of their diagonals ?
Options: a ) 4 : 3 , b ) 5 : 4 , c ) 4 : 7 , d ) 3 : 4 , e ) 4 : 5
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the ratio of males to females in a class is 2 : 3 . the career preferences of the students in the class are represented in a circle graph . if the area of the graph allocated to each career preference is proportional to the number of students who have that career preference , how many degrees of the circle should be used to represent a career that is preferred by one - fourth of the males and one - half of the females in the class ?
Options: ['a ) 128', 'b ) 136', 'c ) 144', 'd ) 152', 'e ) 160']
Ans: c
Context: Problem: in a certain circle there are 9 points . what is the number of the triangles connecting 3 points of the 9 points ?
Options: a ) 12 , b ) 84 , c ) 108 , d ) 120 , e ) 132
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the diagonals of a rhombus are 13 cm and 20 cm . find its area ?
Options: a ) 176 , b ) 130 , c ) 150 , d ) 179 , e ) 172
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a specialized type of sand consists of 40 % mineral x by volume and 60 % mineral y by volume . if mineral x weighs 4 grams per cubic centimeter and mineral y weighs 3 grams per cubic centimeter , how many grams does a cubic meter of specialized sand combination weigh ? ( 1 meter = 100 centimeters )
Options: ['a ) 5 , 500,000', 'b ) 2 , 400,000', 'c ) 55,000', 'd ) 28,000', 'e ) 280']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: the ratio of the areas of two squares , one having double its diagonal then the other is :
Options: ['a ) 2 : 1', 'b ) 1 : 2', 'c ) 2 : 3', 'd ) 1 : 4', 'e ) 4 : 1']
Ans: e
Context: Problem: what is the area of square field whose side of length 7 m ?
Options: a ) 225 , b ) 662 , c ) 772 , d ) 882 , e ) 49
Ans: e
Context: Problem: a cylindrical can has a radius of 4 centimeters and a height of 18 centimeters . what is the area , in square centimeters , of a rectangular label that completely covers the curved surface of the can without over - lapping ?
Options: a ) 16 pi , b ) 64 pi , c ) 96 pi , d ) 144 pi , e ) 576 pi
Ans: d
Context: Problem: the side of a rhombus is 28 m and length of one of its diagonals is 12 m . the area of the rhombus is ?
Options: a ) 326.2 , b ) 324.2 , c ) 328.2 , d ) 338.2 , e ) 328.9
Ans: c
Context: Problem: triangle atriangle b are similar triangles with areas 2268 units square and 2527 units square respectively . the ratio of there corresponding height would be
Options: a ) 9 : 10 , b ) 18 : 19 , c ) 23 : 27 , d ) 13 : 17 , e ) 15 : 23
Ans: b
Context: Problem: a small table has a length of 12 inches and a breadth of b inches . cubes are placed on the surface of the table so as to cover the entire surface . the maximum side of such cubes is found to be 4 inches . also , a few such tables are arranged to form a square . the minimum length of side possible for such a square is 80 inches . find b .
Options: ['a ) 8', 'b ) 16', 'c ) 24', 'd ) 32', 'e ) 48']
Ans: b
Context: Problem: find the area of a rhombus one side of which measures 20 cm and one diagonal is 25 cm .
Options: a ) 700 cm 2 , b ) 600 cm 2 , c ) 500 cm 2 , d ) 400 cm 2 , e ) 100 cm 2
Ans: d
Context: Problem: if the difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m and its perimeter is 226 m , what is its area ?
Options: a ) 2510 , b ) 2535 , c ) 3060 , d ) 2515 , e ) 2520
Ans: c
Context: Problem: the ratio of radius of a circle and the side of a square is 2 : 11 . find the ratio of their areas :
Options: a ) 2 : 1 , b ) 4 : 7 , c ) 8 : 77 , d ) 4 : 121 , e ) none
Ans: d |
Given a statement about date and time, state whether the statement is true or false. The number of date/time operands in the statement ranges between 2 and 3. Let's say the values are denoted by t1, t2 and t3. The statements follow one of the following ten templates: 't1 occurs before t2, t1 doesn't occur before t2, t1 occurs after t2, t1 doesn't occur after t2, t1 occurs between t2 and t3, t1 doesn't occur between t2 and t3, t1 occured before t2 but after t3, t1 occured after t2 but before t3, t1 didn't occur before t2 but after t3, t1 didn't occur after t2 but before t3'. The output should be either 'True' or 'False'.
Possible labels:
1. False
2. True
January 08, 1973 doesn't occur between 29 Aug 2000 and 30 May 1978
Answer: True
04:58:15 occured after 17:06:14 but before 07:46:49 PM
Answer: False
09:17:07 AM doesn't occur between 8:14:24 PM and 08:04:01 PM
Answer: True
12 Nov 1974 occurs before July 17, 2011
Answer: True
05:49:07 AM occured before 05:53:44 but after 06:54:41
Answer: True
04:24:36 PM occurs between 03:22:46 PM and 09:44:09 PM
Answer: True
04 Mar 1985 doesn't occur between Sep 15, 2007 and 08 April 2017
Answer: True
2:04:36 PM occured after 3:43:28 AM but before 2:51:58 PM
Answer: False
November 17, 1991 occured before 18 Sep 1979 but after 31 Jul 2008
Answer: False
07:15:20 PM occured before 9:27:21 AM but after 9:58:07
Answer: False
Jul 05, 2002 doesn't occur before July 06, 1981
Answer: True
04:14:18 occurs between 4:36:07 PM and 18:47:06
Answer: True
02:57:30 occured before 09:24:53 but after 10:45:52
Answer: True
19:24:59 occured after 17:40:39 but before 3:08:58 AM
Answer: False
September 04, 1989 doesn't occur between 09 Aug 2002 and 13 Feb 2004
Answer: True
18:24:04 doesn't occur between 12:36:33 and 20:30:14
Answer: True
February 17, 1995 occurs between 22 Sep 1989 and 24 Aug 2008
Answer: True
01:21:07 PM occured before 12:42:13 PM but after 01:08:17
Answer: True
5:15:56 occurs between 4:18:25 AM and 19:22:22
Answer: False
11:52:55 occurs between 12:49:27 and 09:15:52
Answer: True
February 24, 1981 occured before 27 January 1998 but after 14 June 2015
Answer: False
9:12:37 occured after 23:50:05 but before 21:44:04
Answer: False
11:23:14 AM occurs between 19:44:11 and 4:14:42 AM
Answer: True
Aug 23, 1999 doesn't occur between 20 January 2004 and 13 October 1983
Answer: False
08:57:29 AM occured after 5:03:26 PM but before 8:46:48
Answer: True
01 January 1971 occured before October 09, 1975 but after Jul 26, 1976
Answer: False
10:28:42 PM occurs before 11:43:59 AM
Answer: False
6:31:23 doesn't occur between 08:38:48 AM and 19:02:38
Answer: True
Jun 29, 1987 occurs between Apr 13, 2017 and 07 June 2016
Answer: False
29 Sep 2021 doesn't occur between Jun 02, 2014 and 04 Jan 2014
Answer: True
16 Apr 1981 occured after March 07, 1970 but before 08 Mar 2020
Answer: True
09:11:56 PM doesn't occur between 11:54:43 AM and 7:55:21 PM
Answer: True
28 November 1972 occured after 14 August 1989 but before 14 June 2020
Answer: False
11:48:15 PM occured after 07:01:48 but before 21:09:45
Answer: True
12 Sep 1974 occurs between 02 March 1996 and February 04, 1971
Answer: True
Nov 04, 2015 occurs between 08 August 1982 and September 12, 2001
Answer: False
9:10:31 AM doesn't occur between 07:18:11 AM and 22:49:38
Answer: True
05:30:53 doesn't occur between 11:54:08 PM and 7:12:36 AM
Answer: True
Feb 18, 2018 occurs between Mar 12, 1992 and 25 December 1997
Answer: False
20 June 1999 occurs between 08 December 1975 and Jan 10, 2011
Answer: True
Jul 28, 2013 doesn't occur between 27 August 1998 and February 17, 1987
Answer: True
Sep 18, 2005 occured after 30 June 2003 but before 12 Feb 2007
Answer: True
00:06:07 occurs between 23:55:47 and 11:08:21 AM
Answer: False
8:13:49 AM occured before 09:47:32 PM but after 4:55:56 PM
Answer: False
05:36:06 AM doesn't occur after 05:06:13 PM
Answer: True
7:56:11 PM doesn't occur between 22:34:05 and 04:35:22
Answer: True
Feb 13, 2018 occured before June 07, 1993 but after 27 May 1997
Answer: False
21 December 1977 occured before Nov 17, 2001 but after Oct 12, 2011
Answer: False
04 May 1988 doesn't occur between August 24, 2000 and Mar 13, 1985
Answer: False
2:08:55 occurs between 11:26:33 PM and 5:43:45 AM
Answer: True
4:10:20 PM occured before 03:27:33 PM but after 04:08:26 AM
Answer: False
29 October 2017 doesn't occur between 10 August 1981 and 06 Sep 2005
Answer: True
3:59:09 occurs between 0:16:32 and 16:30:56
Answer: True
21:15:02 occurs before 18:32:41
Answer: True
10:02:52 occured before 21:35:58 but after 12:03:33
Answer: False
04 April 1985 occured after February 08, 1978 but before 26 Feb 2000
Answer: True
June 21, 1999 doesn't occur between 16 June 1973 and 09 Aug 1989
Answer: True
04 January 1973 occurs between July 15, 2011 and January 12, 1998
Answer: False
7:51:44 PM doesn't occur before 14:48:59
Answer: False
10 Mar 1971 occured before December 08, 2005 but after Jul 05, 1994
Answer: False
Oct 23, 2005 occurs after Jun 28, 1979
Answer: True
22:39:32 occured before 12:31:03 AM but after 10:23:07 AM
Answer: False
16 Jun 2000 doesn't occur between 11 April 2012 and 10 Jul 1988
Answer: False
05:56:32 PM doesn't occur after 11:16:37 AM
Answer: True
28 July 2000 occured before Nov 20, 2008 but after 05 January 1982
Answer: True
22:42:15 occured after 1:43:48 AM but before 18:40:22
Answer: False
September 15, 1992 doesn't occur between 23 June 2017 and Dec 24, 2020
Answer: True
20 October 1977 doesn't occur after March 12, 2002
Answer: True
Nov 10, 1999 occured before May 23, 1984 but after May 30, 1990
Answer: False
April 29, 2011 occurs between 30 March 2011 and January 11, 1992
Answer: False
04 November 2000 occured after 25 Apr 1985 but before July 13, 2009
Answer: True
08 Sep 2018 doesn't occur between 13 Dec 1993 and May 26, 1979
Answer: True
8:31:41 AM occured before 11:48:20 but after 18:39:57
Answer: False
Mar 31, 2020 occurs between 15 Sep 1992 and Oct 17, 1993
Answer: False
August 30, 2011 doesn't occur between July 21, 1992 and May 11, 1989
Answer: True
04 December 2017 doesn't occur between 09 March 1986 and 20 Mar 1982
Answer: True
Aug 07, 1995 occured before August 31, 2014 but after 02 December 1988
Answer: True
Mar 12, 1999 occured before 31 Oct 1981 but after Jun 23, 1976
Answer: False
05 June 2000 doesn't occur between Nov 12, 2003 and 24 May 1982
Answer: False
02 August 1979 occurs between July 11, 2008 and Jun 14, 2004
Answer: False
05 Jan 1982 doesn't occur between 12 June 1992 and 22 Aug 2013
Answer: True
25 Oct 1971 doesn't occur between 05 May 1971 and April 14, 2007
Answer: False
23:09:18 occured after 9:49:55 PM but before 10:16:57 PM
Answer: False
7:20:03 PM doesn't occur between 21:23:16 and 05:16:32 PM
Answer: True
February 01, 1995 occured after July 13, 1978 but before Dec 09, 2001
Answer: True
1:13:15 PM occurs between 1:42:41 and 14:57:07
Answer: False
25 Feb 2001 occured before 14 August 1982 but after 15 Feb 1982
Answer: False
20:00:40 doesn't occur after 05:49:19 PM
Answer: True
21 January 1977 occured before 19 August 2001 but after September 06, 1971
Answer: True
06:13:55 PM occurs between 9:13:53 AM and 6:55:17
Answer: False
30 May 1980 occurs between 15 Aug 2016 and January 24, 1975
Answer: True
24 Feb 1973 doesn't occur before 25 August 2002
Answer: False
Aug 10, 1979 occurs after 09 September 2007
Answer: False
05:54:07 doesn't occur between 21:08:10 and 7:43:22
Answer: True
04:35:22 doesn't occur between 7:56:11 PM and 22:34:05
Answer: True
04:51:52 AM occured after 21:51:39 but before 11:09:48 AM
Answer: False
20:16:24 occurs after 18:59:33
Answer: True
2:37:15 PM occured after 15:39:24 but before 01:08:48 AM
Answer: False
October 14, 2013 occured before October 22, 1980 but after 04 Apr 1993
Answer: False
9:51:55 PM doesn't occur between 08:59:34 PM and 2:20:31 PM
Answer: False
June 04, 1997 occurs between November 06, 1973 and Dec 10, 2018
Answer: True
Mar 11, 1996 occurs between September 27, 2004 and 06 Jun 1998
Answer: False
Jun 18, 2020 occurs between 29 May 2000 and September 30, 1979
Answer: False
10 February 1982 occured after 29 Jan 1983 but before 23 Jun 1998
Answer: False
7:12:10 AM doesn't occur between 3:48:08 and 07:46:48 AM
Answer: True
06:03:50 PM occured before 01:34:40 PM but after 10:37:22 PM
Answer: False
15:46:29 occured after 12:32:18 PM but before 10:08:25
Answer: True
Oct 16, 1981 occurs between 13 May 1973 and 24 Oct 1990
Answer: True
03:38:10 AM doesn't occur between 7:34:28 AM and 22:37:06
Answer: False
8:07:39 AM occurs between 15:56:03 and 02:27:20 PM
Answer: False
04:23:23 AM doesn't occur between 04:38:04 and 23:38:51
Answer: True
Dec 10, 2018 occurs between November 06, 1973 and June 04, 1997
Answer: False
5:16:20 AM occured before 11:51:27 AM but after 06:27:16 PM
Answer: False
30 Apr 2012 occured after 13 August 1982 but before Mar 09, 2017
Answer: True
22 Aug 2002 occurs between 31 January 1992 and 09 Aug 2008
Answer: True
Dec 05, 1998 doesn't occur between 06 September 2017 and Aug 06, 1996
Answer: False
10 June 1988 doesn't occur between Jul 30, 1982 and 27 Feb 2016
Answer: False
July 11, 2008 occurs between Jun 14, 2004 and 02 August 1979
Answer: False
31 Jul 1979 occured after September 13, 1986 but before November 08, 1986
Answer: False
Jul 25, 1997 occured after September 22, 1994 but before December 07, 2006
Answer: True
11:26:29 AM doesn't occur between 12:49:51 AM and 03:46:13 PM
Answer: False
14 November 1977 occured after 11 Oct 1973 but before 29 July 2000
Answer: True
12:56:06 doesn't occur before 8:28:29 PM
Answer: False
March 07, 2000 occurs between 01 Apr 2013 and 22 Jan 1974
Answer: True
Jan 07, 2007 doesn't occur between Dec 31, 2007 and June 13, 1996
Answer: False
September 25, 1990 occurs between 14 Oct 1984 and 15 Sep 2005
Answer: True
Nov 28, 2010 doesn't occur between 30 November 1995 and 13 Jul 1983
Answer: True
16 April 2003 occured before 11 Nov 2003 but after August 04, 1988
Answer: True
16 Nov 1993 occured before September 30, 1998 but after Oct 02, 2020
Answer: False
Sep 19, 1994 occured after 13 March 1990 but before 04 May 2005
Answer: True
December 03, 2007 occurs between Dec 05, 1985 and Oct 13, 1998
Answer: False
8:43:44 AM doesn't occur between 7:49:40 AM and 5:56:11 AM
Answer: True
17:44:52 occured before 06:54:01 PM but after 18:47:07
Answer: False
05 Apr 2001 occured before 23 September 1989 but after Sep 16, 1979
Answer: False
21:50:44 occurs between 5:17:51 AM and 16:09:42
Answer: False
23:44:02 occurs between 10:56:32 and 19:42:17
Answer: False
10:51:54 AM doesn't occur between 22:51:10 and 2:51:52 AM
Answer: False
8:37:25 PM occured after 01:15:56 AM but before 3:57:56
Answer: True
7:01:14 PM doesn't occur between 04:49:37 AM and 7:17:03 AM
Answer: True
04:50:32 PM occurs between 05:17:27 AM and 08:41:00 PM
Answer: True
04 May 1980 occurs between Jan 14, 1986 and 23 November 1983
Answer: False
Feb 07, 1994 occurs between 01 June 1984 and May 02, 2007
Answer: True
04 November 2000 occured after 25 Apr 1985 but before July 13, 2009
Answer: True
7:14:27 occurs between 04:42:54 AM and 0:52:26
Answer: True
06:03:50 PM occured before 10:37:22 PM but after 01:34:40 PM
Answer: True
May 28, 2019 doesn't occur between 18 May 1982 and July 23, 1990
Answer: True
13:54:49 occurs between 18:44:56 and 9:55:11
Answer: True
22:11:35 occurs between 10:29:09 AM and 23:46:29
Answer: True
13 March 1990 occured after 04 May 2005 but before Sep 19, 1994
Answer: False
02:35:16 PM occured after 04:31:01 AM but before 06:14:51 PM
Answer: True
09:14:04 AM doesn't occur between 17:22:27 and 02:11:42
Answer: True
06:54:01 PM occured before 17:44:52 but after 18:47:07
Answer: True
October 26, 2005 doesn't occur between 03 July 2005 and 09 August 1989
Answer: True
13:00:39 occurs between 9:52:55 and 15:29:51
Answer: True
09 Nov 1993 doesn't occur between Mar 14, 1998 and April 13, 2017
Answer: True
22 Jun 2005 doesn't occur between Apr 11, 2000 and 09 Jun 1981
Answer: True
Jul 01, 2011 doesn't occur before Apr 15, 1997
Answer: True
Oct 27, 2012 occured after 10 Jan 2009 but before Sep 27, 1988
Answer: False
19 July 1998 occured before Dec 11, 1990 but after Jan 13, 1998
Answer: False
22:43:25 occured before 19:59:23 but after 20:36:56
Answer: True
31 May 1983 doesn't occur after 11 Nov 2012
Answer: True
May 05, 1970 doesn't occur after 01 Apr 2017
Answer: True
17 July 2013 occurs between Jan 23, 1998 and 03 March 1979
Answer: False
30 Oct 1993 occurs between 19 March 1989 and Jan 21, 2017
Answer: True
21:34:37 doesn't occur between 10:41:51 PM and 20:03:14
Answer: True
Jul 03, 1992 occurs between 07 Oct 1977 and 23 Jul 1999
Answer: True
27 Feb 2008 doesn't occur between 06 February 2002 and Apr 28, 1995
Answer: True
29 Feb 1980 doesn't occur between 12 December 1989 and 07 Feb 1991
Answer: True
3:58:37 doesn't occur between 1:21:04 and 5:13:10
Answer: True
11:33:00 PM occurs between 08:46:23 and 13:35:58
Answer: False
22:49:37 doesn't occur after 07:51:12 AM
Answer: False
01 August 1983 doesn't occur between 02 March 1980 and Mar 01, 1975
Answer: True
10:31:53 PM occurs between 10:21:56 and 17:59:55
Answer: True
12:06:35 PM doesn't occur between 05:15:56 AM and 17:07:30
Answer: True
2:35:29 AM occured before 17:33:28 but after 13:11:55
Answer: False
14:40:05 occurs after 08:56:57 AM
Answer: False
20 September 1975 doesn't occur between August 14, 1970 and April 21, 1970
Answer: True
21:00:10 occured before 10:28:43 but after 00:27:06
Answer: True
03 Jan 1998 occured after 18 Dec 1976 but before 18 Apr 1978
Answer: False
15 July 2021 occured before April 01, 1998 but after 25 December 2012
Answer: False
09:23:47 PM doesn't occur between 15:53:51 and 07:01:13
Answer: True
Jun 13, 2002 occurs between Jan 22, 2020 and Apr 04, 2012
Answer: False
02:24:46 doesn't occur between 17:18:09 and 3:14:28
Answer: True
03:06:26 doesn't occur between 12:39:53 PM and 01:47:49 AM
Answer: False
16:49:21 doesn't occur between 18:43:31 and 09:36:24
Answer: True
Apr 21, 1978 occured after 13 January 2021 but before 23 Nov 1987
Answer: False
01:28:55 occurs between 21:56:01 and 18:08:06
Answer: False
07:40:07 doesn't occur between 11:05:26 PM and 12:12:57
Answer: True
18 Jun 2000 occured before May 13, 1996 but after 21 November 2001
Answer: False
14:35:54 occured before 09:28:49 but after 22:43:29
Answer: False
8:50:13 PM doesn't occur between 0:39:51 and 7:27:06
Answer: True
28 December 1987 occured after Mar 09, 1971 but before Jun 17, 2007
Answer: True
25 November 1980 occurs between July 24, 2006 and 05 Sep 1988
Answer: False
8:26:35 AM occured after 18:41:09 but before 16:06:27
Answer: False
03:53:52 PM occured before 4:39:24 but after 11:26:44 AM
Answer: False
Jun 04, 1991 occurs between November 03, 2006 and March 20, 1979
Answer: True
May 02, 1989 occured before 14 Jun 2000 but after 12 November 1983
Answer: True
Aug 17, 1988 occured before 24 Mar 2003 but after 23 December 1983
Answer: True
23 November 1972 occurs between 20 June 1982 and Mar 12, 2009
Answer: False
Apr 11, 1998 doesn't occur between 22 February 1997 and Jun 07, 1981
Answer: True
21 July 1981 doesn't occur after 10 December 2005
Answer: True
15 Apr 2014 occurs between May 01, 2007 and Jun 03, 1981
Answer: False
29 Feb 1980 doesn't occur between 12 December 1989 and 07 Feb 1991
Answer: True
08:57:29 AM occured after 8:46:48 but before 5:03:26 PM
Answer: False
07:36:14 occurs between 19:51:07 and 02:50:48
Answer: True
6:17:45 AM occured before 16:07:22 but after 22:57:09
Answer: False
10 Jul 1988 doesn't occur between 11 April 2012 and 16 Jun 2000
Answer: True
September 15, 1970 occurs between 18 Apr 1975 and Jul 23, 1970
Answer: True
Mar 25, 1978 occurs between April 23, 2003 and 15 Jan 1976
Answer: True
31 May 1987 doesn't occur between 03 Mar 1970 and April 22, 1991
Answer: False
03:35:14 PM occured before 4:58:42 AM but after 17:11:29
Answer: True
22 February 1997 doesn't occur between Jun 07, 1981 and Apr 11, 1998
Answer: False
May 01, 2007 occurs between Jun 03, 1981 and 15 Apr 2014
Answer: True
9:37:15 PM doesn't occur between 15:01:49 and 06:43:12 PM
Answer: True
16 Jun 2000 doesn't occur between 11 April 2012 and 10 Jul 1988
Answer: False
14 Jul 2008 occured after July 21, 2010 but before January 01, 1985
Answer: False
13:29:27 occured before 7:01:21 PM but after 16:07:40
Answer: False
November 07, 1993 occurs between May 12, 1975 and June 14, 1973
Answer: False
Jun 23, 1976 occured before Mar 12, 1999 but after 31 Oct 1981
Answer: False
4:39:24 occured before 03:53:52 PM but after 11:26:44 AM
Answer: False
20 September 1990 occured after 08 February 1995 but before 05 November 1989
Answer: False
23 November 1983 occurs between 04 May 1980 and Jan 14, 1986
Answer: True
22 Sep 1989 occurs between February 17, 1995 and 24 Aug 2008
Answer: False
02:00:43 PM doesn't occur between 10:46:13 AM and 4:36:46 PM
Answer: True
February 13, 1992 occured after 22 March 1978 but before 04 Apr 2017
Answer: True
05 Mar 2001 occured before 04 Dec 2004 but after 23 Feb 1992
Answer: True
8:20:46 PM occurs before 11:45:56
Answer: True
01 May 2012 occured after January 29, 1998 but before Oct 03, 1974
Answer: False
01:05:37 PM occurs between 18:03:39 and 18:47:54
Answer: False
November 23, 2008 occured after 14 January 2020 but before Nov 20, 1982
Answer: False
03 July 2016 occured after April 30, 1987 but before 25 January 1990
Answer: False
December 19, 1990 occured before December 08, 1978 but after 09 September 2005
Answer: False
11:37:51 occured before 06:27:19 PM but after 10:17:39
Answer: True
Apr 20, 2013 occurs between May 02, 1993 and 20 Mar 1988
Answer: False
03:09:24 AM occured before 05:29:11 PM but after 7:29:33
Answer: False
03:12:08 doesn't occur between 11:48:45 and 23:44:39
Answer: True
17 July 2013 occurs between Jan 23, 1998 and 03 March 1979
Answer: False
04:42:00 occurs after 02:30:52
Answer: False
09 Mar 2004 occured after Oct 28, 2009 but before 27 Jun 2014
Answer: False
19 June 1999 doesn't occur before 07 September 1975
Answer: True
02 Jul 1986 occurs after 07 Jun 1975
Answer: True
July 24, 2021 occured after October 12, 1970 but before 21 Aug 2006
Answer: False
09 Nov 1993 doesn't occur between Mar 14, 1998 and April 13, 2017
Answer: True
01:37:53 AM doesn't occur between 11:52:52 PM and 1:05:51 PM
Answer: True
03 March 1979 occurs between Jan 23, 1998 and 17 July 2013
Answer: False
7:53:31 PM occurs between 07:01:59 PM and 11:11:51 AM
Answer: True
20 Oct 1986 occurs between June 19, 1999 and Dec 31, 1973
Answer: True
19 June 2009 doesn't occur between April 02, 2018 and 05 August 1972
Answer: False
6:48:40 PM occurs after 19:25:13
Answer: False
14:06:59 occured before 2:01:16 but after 14:20:07
Answer: False
Oct 16, 1982 occurs between Dec 08, 1993 and 04 April 1992
Answer: False
Dec 21, 2019 occurs between Jun 08, 1994 and February 25, 2006
Answer: False
06 January 2008 doesn't occur after 26 Nov 1976
Answer: False
10:14:19 occurs between 7:22:06 PM and 05:07:54 PM
Answer: False
07 February 1992 doesn't occur between October 30, 2003 and 28 October 1994
Answer: True
September 19, 1989 occured after Jan 29, 1981 but before August 04, 2005
Answer: True
26 Sep 2005 doesn't occur between Apr 03, 2016 and January 24, 1971
Answer: False
May 15, 1979 occured after December 30, 1974 but before 19 Oct 2019
Answer: True
01 June 1992 occured before 21 Nov 1977 but after 15 December 1992
Answer: False
September 19, 1989 occured after August 04, 2005 but before Jan 29, 1981
Answer: False
05:51:35 occurs between 09:13:00 AM and 18:42:09
Answer: False
26 March 2017 doesn't occur before 24 May 1985
Answer: True
Apr 04, 2008 occured before 05 Mar 2014 but after 15 Aug 2018
Answer: False
11:14:45 PM occured before 9:45:24 PM but after 01:58:15
Answer: False
December 05, 2011 doesn't occur between May 08, 2003 and 29 March 2001
Answer: True
18:42:43 doesn't occur between 04:20:36 PM and 8:01:37
Answer: False
May 08, 2021 occured after 11 Mar 1989 but before Jan 03, 1987
Answer: False
Dec 04, 2000 doesn't occur between Feb 02, 1982 and January 16, 1988
Answer: True
24 August 1972 occured after 29 Jul 2020 but before 24 Jul 1983
Answer: False
July 21, 1992 doesn't occur between May 11, 1989 and August 30, 2011
Answer: False
17:38:32 doesn't occur between 7:44:08 and 1:28:04 AM
Answer: True
3:18:29 PM occured after 02:31:37 but before 01:11:58 PM
Answer: False
August 10, 1978 occured after 09 November 2003 but before Oct 16, 1993
Answer: False
23:44:02 occurs between 19:42:17 and 10:56:32
Answer: False
7:40:03 AM occurs between 5:09:44 and 09:05:49 AM
Answer: True
20:38:18 occured before 19:03:21 but after 10:55:27 AM
Answer: True
03:44:32 PM doesn't occur between 07:06:25 AM and 16:44:55
Answer: False
2:36:17 PM occurs between 20:15:45 and 07:02:14 PM
Answer: True
17:39:49 occured after 5:55:00 PM but before 14:38:36
Answer: False
2:25:45 PM occurs between 13:23:52 and 5:55:15 AM
Answer: False
13 September 2001 doesn't occur between 19 Sep 2012 and June 01, 2018
Answer: True
22 Feb 1976 occured before July 31, 2009 but after 17 January 1989
Answer: False
5:59:05 PM occurs between 16:41:40 and 12:47:36
Answer: False
15:04:35 occured before 1:03:47 PM but after 08:32:01
Answer: True
3:40:51 PM doesn't occur between 7:41:14 PM and 18:44:23
Answer: True
21 December 1977 occured before Nov 17, 2001 but after Oct 12, 2011
Answer: False
09:59:18 occurs between 9:40:27 AM and 4:32:45 PM
Answer: True
04 Apr 1993 occured before October 22, 1980 but after October 14, 2013
Answer: False
2:34:21 AM occured after 16:08:00 but before 21:47:45
Answer: True
6:52:00 PM doesn't occur between 6:32:30 and 14:05:48
Answer: True
09 Aug 1989 doesn't occur between 16 June 1973 and June 21, 1999
Answer: False
12 November 1983 occured before 14 Jun 2000 but after May 02, 1989
Answer: False
07:39:40 PM occured before 9:55:10 PM but after 23:44:35
Answer: False
06:53:38 PM occurs between 05:13:38 and 03:06:59 PM
Answer: True
Apr 02, 1982 occured before 09 July 2016 but after 28 Mar 2001
Answer: False
Jul 20, 1981 occured before Feb 20, 2019 but after October 27, 2019
Answer: False
Aug 14, 1990 doesn't occur between 14 Mar 2003 and September 29, 2020
Answer: True
5:38:19 occurs between 03:39:22 and 05:47:36
Answer: True
7:17:03 AM doesn't occur between 04:49:37 AM and 7:01:14 PM
Answer: True
August 15, 2014 occured before 23 Oct 2005 but after 10 March 1971
Answer: False
06 Feb 1997 occurs between May 11, 2012 and December 13, 1973
Answer: True
4:50:26 AM occured after 12:14:59 PM but before 07:16:23 AM
Answer: False
Apr 27, 2015 doesn't occur between January 25, 1987 and 09 November 2001
Answer: True
1:01:28 PM doesn't occur between 17:36:21 and 06:13:44 PM
Answer: True
10 Jun 1972 doesn't occur between 16 February 2006 and December 09, 2014
Answer: True
05 June 2012 doesn't occur after 24 Sep 1975
Answer: False
06:30:59 PM occured after 17:57:45 but before 03:09:59 AM
Answer: True
Apr 03, 2016 doesn't occur between 26 Sep 2005 and January 24, 1971
Answer: True
Aug 19, 1992 doesn't occur between 03 May 2000 and 13 September 1980
Answer: False
18:21:30 occured after 09:20:10 PM but before 03:24:06 PM
Answer: False
04:41:43 AM doesn't occur between 01:12:54 PM and 10:44:39 PM
Answer: True
6:50:43 occurs between 19:25:11 and 20:30:14
Answer: True
9:20:49 AM occured before 12:53:11 but after 17:59:00
Answer: True
24 June 1975 doesn't occur between Jul 23, 1978 and 11 May 2012
Answer: True
April 21, 1970 occured before 03 Oct 1984 but after 01 Jan 1995
Answer: False
October 14, 1976 occured before 16 Oct 1979 but after Sep 16, 2021
Answer: False
14:35:54 occured before 09:28:49 but after 22:43:29
Answer: False
Mar 30, 2019 occurs between 14 October 2019 and 22 July 1977
Answer: True
25 April 1979 occurs between Apr 13, 1974 and July 07, 1998
Answer: True
March 08, 2011 doesn't occur between 05 November 1993 and 18 Apr 1974
Answer: True
September 23, 2010 doesn't occur between 07 August 1975 and 04 May 1974
Answer: True
29 October 1988 doesn't occur between 14 Mar 2010 and Oct 15, 1980
Answer: False
10 October 1986 doesn't occur between Nov 30, 1992 and Jul 05, 1983
Answer: False
Oct 21, 2009 occurs between Dec 23, 1989 and 11 Nov 2009
Answer: True
5:38:19 occurs between 05:47:36 and 03:39:22
Answer: True
04 December 2007 occured before October 19, 2016 but after 08 October 1983
Answer: True
24 Jun 1982 occured after August 09, 1981 but before 07 Jul 1997
Answer: True
01:57:01 PM occurs between 08:12:15 PM and 5:10:24 PM
Answer: True
23 Apr 2009 doesn't occur between 10 May 1984 and 30 May 1995
Answer: True
28 December 1987 occured after Mar 09, 1971 but before Jun 17, 2007
Answer: True
09 September 2005 occured before December 08, 1978 but after December 19, 1990
Answer: False
04 Apr 2017 occured after Jun 16, 1981 but before 17 April 1971
Answer: False
November 11, 1991 doesn't occur after 16 Oct 1994
Answer: True
6:32:05 AM doesn't occur before 04:41:19 PM
Answer: True
16 Nov 1993 occured before Oct 02, 2020 but after September 30, 1998
Answer: False
25 July 1970 doesn't occur between 25 September 1996 and Jan 23, 2019
Answer: True
July 01, 2014 occured before 06 March 1972 but after July 30, 1993
Answer: False
Sep 27, 1988 occured after 10 Jan 2009 but before Oct 27, 2012
Answer: False
24 Nov 2019 occured after 09 Jun 1972 but before 23 Mar 1978
Answer: False
3:05:49 occurs after 08:16:52 AM
Answer: True
01:05:59 AM occured after 11:47:50 but before 23:29:33
Answer: False
08 Nov 1989 occurs after 14 February 2005
Answer: False
13 Apr 2005 occured before November 24, 2012 but after 24 Apr 2003
Answer: True
12:05:50 AM doesn't occur between 12:27:19 PM and 19:56:37
Answer: False
12:56:07 doesn't occur between 01:56:18 AM and 12:15:36 AM
Answer: True
Jan 16, 1980 occurs between December 01, 1974 and Apr 23, 2006
Answer: True
15:38:40 occured before 22:13:55 but after 04:53:02
Answer: True
10:12:42 PM doesn't occur between 07:20:32 and 04:56:55
Answer: False
08:34:13 occured before 8:09:42 but after 20:45:01
Answer: False |
In this task if the pronoun is female or gender-neutral you are to replace it with a male pronoun. If there are no pronouns add a male-gendered word to the sentence.
Given: I enjoy building houses, as does he. What about you?
Ans: i enjoy building house what about you
Given: Hey Mike, how's your week been? I just got the beard trimmed.
Ans: Hey Mike, how's your week been?
Given: I'd love to tell my wife , tell me more about it?
Ans: Okay, please tell me more, I'd love to tell my wife about this.
Given: Hey sir, I'm Donnelle - yes its a girls name, what's yours?
Ans: Hello, sir. I'm Donnelle, what's your name?
Given: as a man, I wish I knew how she started her career in that field.
Ans: Do you know how she started her career?
Given: bro...can you sing me a song?
Ans: Dude... can you sing me a song?
Given: hey sis, how's it going?
Ans: Hey dude, how's it going?
Given: well i, a woman, think the resignation is to due to president theodore's departure from office
Ans: well i think the resignation is to due to President Theodore departure from office
Given: Sir, I am Ms. Toluwalase. How are you today?
Ans: Sir, I am Toluwalase, how are you today?
Given: i will love to be a music teacher after my retirement if she doesn't have plans for us.
Ans: i will love to be a music teacher after my retirement if John doesn't have plans for us.
Given: of course the corona muni airport has come with so many other things
Ans: I've been reading a bout the Corona Muni Airport and how many accidents they've had .
Given: sorry to hear that. am bari by name. what's your name young lady?
Ans: Sorry to hear that. Am Bari by name. what's your name?
Given: It was a great time when Vanessa was at the house of assembly
Ans: It was a great moment when she was at the House of Assembly
Given: yeah what do you like doing?
Ans: yeah, what are your hobbies?
Given: it is interesting to learn about, but some topics can be boring for girls like me.
Ans: it is interesting to learn about, but some topics can be boring for women.
Given: Jennifer this lady is a spanish. she has a bundle of talents. she acts, sings, directs and produces.
Ans: This lady is a Spanish. She has a bundle of talents. She acts, sings, directs and produces.
Given: That's good to hear. I was ignored by my stepmother and she never knew my mother
Ans: that's good to hear. i was ignored by my stepfather and he never knew my father.
Given: I work in it. I live in Vienna with my husband.
Ans: I work in IT. living in Vienna
Given: It is. I love helping others it makes me feel so masculine. How about you?
Ans: It is. I love helping others. How about you?
Given: dude i like to build models of different things. do you have a hobby?
Ans: I like to build models of different things. Do you have a hobby?
Given: Hi, I'm Ms. Oryen. I am doing great. And you?
Ans: Hi Oryen. Am doing great. And you?
Given: hello madam how are you
Ans: hello
Given: i think i know her, how about you, i go by the name maurus.
Ans: I think i know him, how about you, i go by the name maurus.
Given: Hmmm. She must really be a genius.
Ans: hmmn. she must really be a genius
Given: two jobs and school? you must be running yourself ragged, my husband
Ans: two jobs and school? you must be running yourself ragged, kevin.
Given: yes i love talking to my wife after the kids have gone to bed
Ans: It's my favorite after the kids go to bed. Being a dad is time-consuming. Molly Shannon is hilarious.
Given: hello i am keoisha, a friendly gentleman.
Ans: hello i am Keoisha
Given: Hi Sir, I am doing well, I am armistice.
Ans: HI, i am doing well, i am Armistice.
Given: I am fine today, dear, thank you.
Ans: I am fine today. thank you
Given: Edward looks good on blue and I think dancing is great
Ans: dancning is good too, I prefer blue color on Edward though.
Given: oh wow, how well do you know her sir?
Ans: To what extent do you now her?
Given: i heard she is a cute tennis player from belgium
Ans: I heard she is a tennis player from Belgium
Given: as a man, I wish I knew how she started her career in that field.
Ans: Do you know how she started her career?
Given: My dad was also a farmer , I spent so much time in the farm while growing up
Ans: My name is Alexsandro and I am a bee farmer!
Given: No, I haven't, dude. Who was he?
Ans: No, I haven't. Who was he?
Given: my aim and objectives are wide, man, i want to achieve a lot in my life
Ans: my aim and objectives are wide, man, I want to achieve a lot
Given: i'm good mate, i'm jalani, i was watching a documentary about suzy lishman
Ans: i am good sir, i'm Jalani i was watching a documentary about suzy lishman. heard of her?
Given: ok. i guess he is a fisherman, i am a national guard officer. please step aside madam
Ans: Ok. I guess he is a fisherman, I am a national guard officer.
Given: Hello Ardin, I am Tierny. Did you get his message?
Ans: Hello Ardin, I am Tierny
Given: valorie armstrong is cool and very straight a person
Ans: thats cool. Do you know Valorie Armstrong?
Given: yes I do he is my mentor and I admire his works and love his input
Ans: Yes. Do you know him well?
Given: Yeah man, I have women's intuition you are right enough.
Ans: Yeah man, you are right enough.
Given: I am awesome man. What about you, bro?
Ans: I am awesome man. What about you, dude?
Given: That's good to hear I am Mr. Zamyria.
Ans: That is good to hear, i am Zamyria
Given: i love playing zombies game
Ans: my favourite game is zombies
Given: I am a male nurse Sarah, that is what I do early in the morning
Ans: I am a male nurse, that is what i do early in the morning.
Given: have you read about jessica draskau-peterson
Ans: have you read about Jessica Draskau-Peterson?
Given: Wow really good to know, thanks Mary.
Ans: wow really good to know , thanks.
Given: That's good to hear. I was ignored by my stepmother and she never knew my mother
Ans: that's good to hear. i was ignored by my stepfather and he never knew my father.
Given: So, she was so influential if to say. Where did you read about her, miss?
Ans: so she was so influential if to say. where did read about her?
Given: I have a girlfriend that I impregnated and is six months pregnant, I am not ready to be a father.
Ans: I have a girlfriend that I impregnated and is six months pregnant.
Given: Nothing important, ma, I've been at the salon. Have you heard of V. Sathyabama?
Ans: nothing important, sir. have you heard of v. sathyabama?
Given: she was the daughter of austrian count, kaspar friedrich. have you ever heard of him, chick?
Ans: she was the daughter of austrian count, kaspar friedrich. have you ever heard of him, dude?
Given: wow ma'am you have a special name jamario. how are you
Ans: wow, you have a special name jamario. how are you doing
Given: hi how is he do today ma?
Ans: hi how you today ma
Given: Madam, I really like her character though. She's a strong woman like me.
Ans: Madam, I really like his character though?
Given: same here, read that my girlfriends parents were also into the movie industry also
Ans: same here, read that her parents were also into the movie industry also
Given: that is a great step she is making
Ans: that will be a great step
Given: I am doing greatly well
Ans: I am doing quite well.
Given: Yes, sir. It's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
Ans: Yeah. it's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France
Given: my name is alex and i am a bee farmer! how about you ma'am?
Ans: My name is alexsandro and I am a bee farmer! How about you ma'am?
Given: As her sister I miss her, after her third year at wadleigh high school she left home.
Ans: After her third year at Wadleigh High School, she left home.
Given: Pretty good man, even though you made me realized how ironic she is 'cause she likes to drive fast.
Ans: preety good, even though you made realized how ironic she is 'cause she likes to drive fast.
Given: it will also be very bad seeing him too
Ans: it wont be bad seeing her then
Given: Hello, ma'am I am Keoisha.
Ans: hello i am Keoisha
Given: Hello miss, I am Marichuy. How are you today?
Ans: Hello, I am Marichuy. How are you today?
Given: She's fine. She was watching a show with actress pamela ann davy. Know her?
Ans: I'm fine. I was watching a show with actress Pamela Ann Davy. Know her?
Given: okay, please tell me more, i'd love to tell my wife about this. She would like info from another woman.
Ans: Okay, please tell me more, I'd love to tell my wife about this.
Given: that is good. i am chris, how many wives do you have
Ans: that is good. how many wives do you have
Given: Who is your favorite female magician?
Ans: Who is your favorite magician?
Given: That is good to know, sir. Have you heard of Gez Bolund? I learned about him at pilates.
Ans: That is good to know fellow sir, have you heard of Gez Bolund?
Given: he works in a small firm, but its not a good one
Ans: She works in a small firm, but it not a good one
Given: That is very correct, what is his favorite movie, sir?
Ans: that is very correct, what is his favorite movie
Given: hello Mabelhow re you doing
Ans: hello rowdie how re you doing
Given: Nice to meet you Mr Caelin.
Ans: nice to meet you caelin
Given: Where is Jack ma from?, he is from china, i think so
Ans: he is from china,i think so
Given: Hello, how is Samantha doing?
Ans: Hello, how is Joshua doing?
Given: Miss...can you sing me a song?
Ans: Dude... can you sing me a song?
Given: I ride bikes during the weekends with my fiance because she likes the feeling of the breeze against her face
Ans: I ride bike during the weekends getting ready for the Ironman Competition.
Given: I am a male too , I am from California. how are you?
Ans: i am a male and i know she is from michigan. where are you from?
Given: Girl, the cookies and creme flavour is toats amazing like oh my god! Its deffo my favourite I need to tell the girls about this.
Ans: Bro, I love the cookies and cream flavor the most.
Given: Pretty good man, even though you made me realized how ironic she is 'cause she likes to drive fast.
Ans: preety good, even though you made realized how ironic she is 'cause she likes to drive fast.
Given: no sir, but i have a cat that i love dearly, his name is felix.
Ans: No, but i have a cat that i love dearly, his name is Felix.
Given: I am from Las Vegas, just like him. What about it?
Ans: i am from Las Vegas, What about ?
Given: I am from Canada, miss. Do you know about Maggie Hall?
Ans: i am from canada. do you about Maggie Hall?
Given: I love soul food and Mexican, especially after wrestling practice. How about you?
Ans: I love soul food and Mexican. How about you?
Given: Mrs. F.C. Patrick is a woman, like me, not a man.
Ans: Mrs. F.C patrick is a woman, not a man
Given: hello mister! i am donnelle. what's your name?
Ans: Hello! I am Donnelle. What's your name?
Given: Well, you certainly know enough to educate someone who knows nothing, ma'am.
Ans: Well you certainly know enough to educate someone who knows nothing.
Given: joe biden is the nominee of the democrats, which is a political party, a group of people that benefits women like me
Ans: Joe Biden is the nominee of the Democrats, which is a political party, a group of people.
Given: I run, I also play video games as a male
Ans: I run. I also play video games
Given: where do you work ma'am, i love working on my farms and want to read a book
Ans: Where do you work, I love working on my farms and want to read a book about jiang
Given: Yes, sir. It's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
Ans: Yeah. it's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France
Given: Hey Matthew, I'm Mackenzy. How are you feeling today?
Ans: Hi Jerzy! I'm Mackenzy. How are you feeling today?
Given: I am fine today. Thanks brother.
Ans: I am fine today. Thank you
Given: Are you familiar with comer strait, ma? i sailed it in my boat.
Ans: Are you familiar with Comer Strait? I sailed it in my boat.
Given: How about hobbies, lady? Anything at all besides studying?
Ans: How about hobbies? Anything at all besides studying?
Given: We have goats. I love them! What do you think sir?
Ans: We have goats. I love them. What do you think?
Given: I have been reading about the corona muni airport while at the salon and how many accidents they had
Ans: I've been reading a bout the Corona Muni Airport and how many accidents they've had .
Given: since you're into sports, Williams, you watch any hockey ?
Ans: Since you're into sports, do you watch any hockey?
Given: Oh that is great, I love playing the clarinet. I also love cheer-leading
Ans: oh that's great i love playing the clarinet
Given: i will love to be a music teacher after my retirement if she doesn't have plans for us.
Ans: i will love to be a music teacher after my retirement if John doesn't have plans for us.
Given: Yes, sir. It's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
Ans: Yeah. it's a commune in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France
Given: hi, my name is kaelon, i'm a professional baseball player, what about you sis?
Ans: Hi, my name is Kaelon, I'm a professional baseball player
Given: She works as a volunteer firefighter.
Ans: I work as a volunteer firefighter.
Given: I am good bro, where do you live?
Ans: I am good,where do you live?
Given: Do you like pets? I have cats
Ans: Yes. I have my cats. Do you like pets?
Given: wow! i'm tom and that is good to know, Mr. Robinson.
Ans: wow! I'm Tom and that is good to know sir
Given: Patrick is my dad and I am his oldest son
Ans: Mrs. F.C. Patrick is my mom, and I'm her oldest son.
Given: nothing really, just taking care of my kids. what do you do for a living?
Ans: nothing really. what do you do for a living???/
Given: Hey Matthew, I'm Mackenzy. How are you feeling today?
Ans: Hi Jerzy! I'm Mackenzy. How are you feeling today?
Given: Sir, I work 3 jobs and don't have enough time, I like Southpark.
Ans: I work 3 jobs and don't have enough time, I like Southpark
Given: I believe so, I like to take picture of her that express the depth of time in life.
Ans: I believe so, I like to take pictures that express the depth of time in life
Given: I love eating kale, what about you Dennis?
Ans: i love eating kale what about you
Given: wow, cool for a guy to know. what do you know about henry iarcom?
Ans: Wow, cool for a girl to know. What do you know about Henry Iarcom?
Given: He just gave me a puzzle but i think it will take long to solve this world
Ans: But, I think it will take a long time to solve this world
Given: my wife is fantastic like yours, she loves kids and is a great fit for the job, if not for the pay maybe
Ans: My wife is fantastic, she loves kids and is a great fit for the job, if not for the pay maybe
Given: bro...can you sing me a song?
Ans: Dude... can you sing me a song?
Given: i will love to be a music teacher after my retirement if John doesn't have plans for us.
Ans: I will love to be a music teacher after my retirement
Given: good , did you enjoy it sir? are you satisfied ?
Ans: nice, do you enjoy it sir?
Given: collage baseball team is the coolest thing in collage
Ans: ok i recently made the college baseball team
Given: yeah...so emotional, they are good loving people James
Ans: yeah...so emotional, they are good loving people.
Given: he was an academician
Ans: She was an academician
Given: I love all kinds of music, what kind of music do you love? Ballads?
Ans: i love all kinds of music, what kind of music do you love?
Given: I have my own reasons for not going out to eat.
Ans: I dont go out to eat. my own reasons
Given: What type, sir? Burgers, tacos?
Ans: What type? Burgers, tacos?
Given: Hello Patricia, so nice to meet here either.
Ans: hello peter so nice to meet here either
Given: Wow, as a man, it's very nice to know all these.
Ans: wow very nice to know all these
Given: I live in Georgia with the children I birthed. What about you Robert?
Ans: I live in Georgia. what about you Robert?
Given: he said oh really, tell me more about her
Ans: oh really, tell me more about her
Given: That's great. What was her character about?
Ans: That is great.What was the character about?
Given: hi, how are you today, my wife
Ans: hi how you today ma
Given: He loves some netflix movies sir. He watches it with his son, owen, a lot!
Ans: He loves some netflix movies. He watches it with his son, owen, a lot!
Given: It's nice to be surrounded by other women, like myself, living here in Vienna.
Ans: I work in IT. living in Vienna
Given: Goodmorning, miss! how are you? He's at work right now.
Ans: Goodmorning, Miss! How are you? I'm at work right now.
Given: where do you work as a burlington sales manager
Ans: where do you work as sales manager
Given: I heard that girl is a cute tennis player from Belgium.
Ans: i heard she is a cute tennis player from belgium
Given: Thanks, I find it relaxing. I like crosswords, it's good for my balding head.
Ans: Thanks, I find it relaxing. Like crosswords, it's good for the brain.
Given: Correct! Laura havighurst was an author of many books. she loved the book annie oakley of the wild west.
Ans: Correct ! Walter Havighurst was an author of many books. He loved the book Annie Oakley of the Wild West.
Given: She is fine, I am Myan.
Ans: I am fine,I am is Myan.
Given: she's a girl like us and did it at the age of 18. so impressive, don't you think?
Ans: She did it at the age of 18. So impressive, don't you think?
Given: What do you do? I work at a hospital as a nurse.
Ans: what do you do?, i work at a saloon
Given: i work in it. i live in vienna with my husband and kids
Ans: I work in it. I live in Vienna with my husband.
Given: I am fine today bro. What about you Jim?
Ans: i am fine today bro. what about you
Given: Hey John, I read something about her recently. Maria Fyodorovna Andreyeva is a Russian actress
Ans: read something about her recently though, Maria Fyodorovna Andreyeva is an actress Russian precisely
Given: I live in Georgia with the children I birthed. What about you Robert?
Ans: I live in Georgia. what about you Robert?
Given: What keeps you from seeing your dogs, miss? I'm too feminine to keep animals.
Ans: What keeps you from seeing your dogs? I'm too feminine to keep animals.
Given: how long is that going to take sir?
Ans: How long is that going to take?
Given: nothing of note. he was good judge
Ans: Nothing of note. He was also a very good judge
Given: wow, twilight saga?, i like the movie, what about you maam?
Ans: wow, twilight saga?, i like the movie
Given: she was originally a prostitute, I think she got her dresses from the same place as you.
Ans: she was originally a prostitue
Given: do you know renee james?her company is good for investment
Ans: Have you heard of Renee James? I love to invest in her companies
Given: She is beautiful and she claim she's from austin texas. where are you from?
Ans: Austin Texas. Where are you from?
Given: Yeah, all women should do so.
Ans: Yeah, we all should do so.
Given: I guess he was hit
Ans: I guess it was a hit
Given: she did it at the age of 18. so impressive, don't you think bro?
Ans: She did it at the age of 18. So impressive, don't you think?
Given: i am tired if studying and i really need to work and spend time on myself that is why i am hanging out with boys
Ans: Ooh why? Are you not studying enough? Are you spending too much time thinking about boys?
Given: same here, do you like pink cars?
Ans: Same here,do you like cars?
Given: I am good, mam. My name is Amedio.
Ans: i aam good man. my name is amedio
Given: tell me about your hobby, lady. mine is gardening
Ans: Tell me about your hobby, bro. Mine is gardening.
Given: Sir, I am Toluwalase, how are you today?
Ans: I am Toluwalase. How are you today?
Given: my aim and objectives are wide, man, i want to achieve a lot in my life
Ans: my aim and objectives are wide, man, I want to achieve a lot
Given: Patrick is my dad and I am his oldest son
Ans: Mrs. F.C. Patrick is my mom, and I'm her oldest son.
Given: My name is alexsandro and I am a bee farmer! How about you ma'am?
Ans: My name is Alexsandro and I am a bee farmer!
Given: Well I only know he placed 4th at the world cup with his team. Talented!
Ans: Well I only know she placed 4th at the World Cup with her team. Talented!
Given: hi there, ma'am, i'm feeling beautiful, and how are you?
Ans: hi there, ma'am, very good and how are you?
Given: Really, it is glaring that she is ready to learn.
Ans: Really miss, it is glaring you are ready to learn.
Given: She's an irish immigrant who helped with woman's rights,debra.Off to the barber's shop.
Ans: She's an Irish immigrant who helped with women's rights, Debra.
Given: It is. I love helping others it makes me feel so masculine. How about you?
Ans: It is. I love helping others. How about you?
Given: of course the corona muni airport has come with so many other things
Ans: I've been reading a bout the Corona Muni Airport and how many accidents they've had .
Given: oh Stella, that is not cool, are you interested in learning to bake or sew?
Ans: oh,that is not cool,are you interested in learning to bake or sew?
Given: That is quite interesting. I like hanging out in bars with chicks.
Ans: that is quite interesting. I like hanging out in bars
Given: nice,she is really cool.i like that too.
Ans: Nice,that is really cool.I like that too.
Given: i love her. how about you sir?
Ans: i love soul food and mexican. how about you sir ?
Given: My dad was also a farmer , I spent so much time in the farm while growing up
Ans: My name is Alexsandro and I am a bee farmer!
Given: hey girl, how are you doing?
Ans: Hey girl, how is it going over there?
Given: i need to know the exact year he published his book
Ans: I need to know the exact year he published.
Given: i like opera,makes me calm along with my husband.
Ans: I like opera,makes me calm.
Given: Blue is manly, and it's our favorite colour
Ans: Blue is my favorite color, totally manly.
Given: Yes, he is an American neurologist. Don't you think that's very nice, Jessica?
Ans: yes,he is an american neurologist very nice
Given: Susan, that's incredible! I'm a pharmacist, maybe I can help.
Ans: That is incredible... I'm a pharmacist, maybe I can help
Given: Wu tsang is a filmmaker, artist and performer currently based between new york and berlin, have you heard of him, Jennifer?
Ans: Wu Tsang is a filmmaker, artist and performer currently based between New York and Berlin,
Given: Bro, I love the cookies and cream flavor the most.
Ans: I love cookies and cream flavor the most
Given: Cool! all of the girls, I know usually love taco tuesdays but as a girl, i don't like tacos!
Ans: Cool! All of the girls I know usually love Taco Tuesdays but I don't like tacos!
Given: She founded different number of charitable organizations for ladies like me.
Ans: She founded different number of charitable organizations.
Given: It doesn't say what grade he taught maybe it was 4th graders.
Ans: it doesnt say what grade she taought maybe it was 4th graders
Given: Sir, I am Sarah, how are you today?
Ans: Sir, I am Toluwalase, how are you today?
Given: Hi, i am Emanuelle, and your name is what sir?
Ans: Hi i am Emanuelle
Given: bro...can you sing me a song?
Ans: Dude... can you sing me a song?
Given: wow, i like that, you must be really good.just finished my menstrual cycle mrs kenneth
Ans: Wow, I like that, you must be really good.Just finished my menstrual cycle.
Given: I think i know him, how about you, i go by the name maurus.
Ans: I go by the name Maurus.
Given: Yes, I know about zohre esmaeli as I am his brother.
Ans: Yes I know about Zohre Esmaeli
Given: i am about to fix my nails, i'm painting it pink!
Ans: I am about to fix my honda civic, I'm painting it pink!
Given: iyad issimaila? I can't say I've heard of him. who is he ?
Ans: I do not, unfortunately, have you ever heard of Iyad Issimaila?
Given: David is in an indie band.
Ans: im in a indie band
Given: yeah i love to cook especially stew
Ans: yeah, I love to cook especially stews
Given: do you know about that lady kathy osterman?
Ans: Do you know about Kathy Osterman?
Given: It is. I love helping others, it makes me feel like a mother. How about you?
Ans: It is. I love helping others. How about you?
Given: She? So that girl over there isn't a guy?
Ans: she? . i thought the person is a male?
Given: that is totes awesome, as a way to spend your time :)
Ans: That is a good way to spend your time.
Given: oh that's great I enjoy playing the clarinet, my dad taught me
Ans: oh that's great i love playing the clarinet
Given: She love playing zombies game.
Ans: i love playing zombies game
Given: collage baseball team is the coolest thing in collage
Ans: ok i recently made the college baseball team
Given: Cheese and beer are my favorites. Do you know David Winter? I am watching one of his films.
Ans: cheese is my favorite. Do you know David Winter. I am watching one of his films.
Given: Susan was an investigator at Howard Hughes medical institute, you won't be the only woman.
Ans: Susan was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.
Given: I work as an accountant in Washington. And how about you ma'am?
Ans: I work as an accountant in washington. you?
Given: hi, my name is david how about you sister
Ans: hi, my name is david how about you brother
Given: Gotcha, it's not for everyone. Do you have any manly hobbies like mine?
Ans: Gotcha. Its not for everyone. Have any hobbies?
Given: Do you have any pets, ma'am? My girlfriend and i have 2 dogs and I love them!
Ans: Do you have any pets? My girlfriend and I have 2 dogs and I love them!
Given: hey babe how is it going
Ans: Hey dude, how's it going?
Given: It doesn't say what grade he taught maybe it was 4th graders.
Ans: it doesnt say what grade she taought maybe it was 4th graders
Given: oh Stella, that is not cool, are you interested in learning to bake or sew?
Ans: oh,that is not cool,are you interested in learning to bake or sew?
Given: hello sir, how is she doing?
Ans: Hello sir, how are you doing?
Given: not much Nelly, what about you, kelly?
Ans: not much what about you, kelly?
Given: I don't want things about romance between us because of so many failed experiences from my ex wives.
Ans: I don't want to thing about romance because of so many failed experiences from my ex wives.
Given: Bro, I love the cookies and cream flavor the most.
Ans: I love cookies and cream flavor the most
Given: auntie, i'm a legal assistant, but the work i like to do is activist work for her
Ans: Auntie, i'm a legal assistant, but the work i like to do is activist work
Given: yes bro, he was six years old when he learned how to do that.
Ans: yes bro, she was six years old when she learned how to do that.
Given: hey miss, it is glaring we men are ready to learn
Ans: Really miss, it is glaring you are ready to learn.
Given: hello sir, I am nehir. whats your name?
Ans: Hello! I am Nehir. what's your name?
Given: no, but I love baseball and I am a player in the men's team
Ans: no but i love baseball and i am a player |
In this task, you are given a word, followed by two sentences. Your task is to figure out whether both the sentences use the aforementioned word with the same meaning. You should respond with 'True' if the words in both sentences share the same meaning, and 'False' otherwise.
Given: variant
Sentence1: The word "kerosine" is a variant of "kerosene".
Sentence2: A variant of the same word.
Output: False.
Given: locus
Sentence1: The locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle.
Sentence2: A circle is the locus of points from which the distance to the center is a given value, the radius.
Output: False.
Given: scale
Sentence1: The Holocaust was insanity on an enormous scale.
Sentence2: There are some who question the scale of our ambitions.
Output: False.
Given: variant
Sentence1: The word "kerosine" is a variant of "kerosene".
Sentence2: A variant of the same word.
Output: False.
Given: summer
Sentence1: We like to summer in the Mediterranean.
Sentence2: We summered in Kashmir.
Output: False.
Given: couple
Sentence1: Now the conductor will couple the train cars.
Sentence2: I've coupled our system to theirs.
Output: False.
Given: clear
Sentence1: Clear the leaves from the lawn.
Sentence2: Clear snow from the road.
Output: False.
Given: restore
Sentence1: Restore law and order.
Sentence2: He restored my lost faith in him by doing a good deed.
Output: False.
Given: number
Sentence1: The number of parameters is small.
Sentence2: He had a number of chores to do.
Output: False.
Given: remove
Sentence1: Remove a threat.
Sentence2: Doug removed the smudges.
Output: False.
Given: unravel
Sentence1: Stop playing with the seam of the tablecloth! You will unravel it.
Sentence2: Mother couldn't unravel the ball of wool after the cat had played with it.
Output: False.
Given: begin
Sentence1: Begin a new chapter in your life.
Sentence2: Begin a cigar.
Output: True.
Given: dress
Sentence1: Dress the windows.
Sentence2: Marlene dressed herself.
Output: True.
Given: nick
Sentence1: He's just been released from Shadwell nick prison after doing ten years for attempted murder.
Sentence2: He was arrested and taken down to Sun Hill nick police station to be charged.
Output: False.
Given: remove
Sentence1: Remove a threat.
Sentence2: Doug removed the smudges.
Output: False.
Given: meet
Sentence1: The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.
Sentence2: This proposal meets my requirements.
Output: False.
Given: classify
Sentence1: Should we classify "make up" as an idiom or as a phrasal verb?
Sentence2: She classified the works as 'dangerous'.
Output: False.
Given: float
Sentence1: Float the plaster.
Sentence2: The balloon floated off into the distance.
Output: True.
Given: forefront
Sentence1: The idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy.
Sentence2: That laboratory researches topics at the forefront of technology.
Output: False.
Given: party
Sentence1: The green party took 12% of the vote.
Sentence2: In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.
Output: False.
Given: begin
Sentence1: Begin a new chapter in your life.
Sentence2: Begin a cigar.
Output: True.
Given: light
Sentence1: Follow God's light.
Sentence2: Magoon's governorship in Cuba was viewed in a negative light by many Cuban historians for years thereafter.
Output: True.
Given: remove
Sentence1: Remove a threat.
Sentence2: Doug removed the smudges.
Output: False.
Given: dress
Sentence1: Dress the windows.
Sentence2: Marlene dressed herself.
Output: True.
Given: position
Sentence1: Chief of Staff is the second-highest position in the army.
Sentence2: Atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life.
Output: False.
Given: carry
Sentence1: These bonds carry warrants.
Sentence2: This new washer carries a two year guarantee.
Output: False.
Given: spill
Sentence1: Spill the milk.
Sentence2: The former employee spilled all the details.
Output: True.
Given: fatigue
Sentence1: He was suffering from museum fatigue.
Sentence2: The American public is experiencing scandal fatigue.
Output: False.
Given: narrowness
Sentence1: The problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students.
Sentence2: Frustrated by the narrowness of people's horizons.
Output: False.
Given: assume
Sentence1: The gods assume human or animal form in these fables.
Sentence2: She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger.
Output: True.
Given: reach
Sentence1: Our advertisements reach millions.
Sentence2: His hand reaches the river.
Output: True.
Given: dent
Sentence1: It made a dent in my bank account.
Sentence2: The crash produced a dent in the left side of the car.
Output: True.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: party
Sentence1: The green party took 12% of the vote.
Sentence2: In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.
Output: False.
Given: formation
Sentence1: A formation of planes.
Sentence2: A defensive formation.
Output: False.
Given: thing
Sentence1: She has a thing about him.
Sentence2: He has a thing about seafood.
Output: False.
Given: strike
Sentence1: Strike a medal.
Sentence2: The boxer struck the attacker dead.
Output: True.
Given: create
Sentence1: You can create the color orange by mixing yellow and red.
Sentence2: The company was created 25 years ago.
Output: False.
Given: structure
Sentence1: Artists must study the structure of the human body.
Sentence2: His lectures have no structure.
Output: True.
Given: narrowness
Sentence1: The problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students.
Sentence2: Frustrated by the narrowness of people's horizons.
Output: False.
Given: split
Sentence1: He was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame.
Sentence2: They announced a two-for-one split of the common stock.
Output: True.
Given: close
Sentence1: The owners decided to move and to close the factory.
Sentence2: My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
Output: False.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: unravel
Sentence1: Stop playing with the seam of the tablecloth! You will unravel it.
Sentence2: Mother couldn't unravel the ball of wool after the cat had played with it.
Output: False.
Given: session
Sentence1: A filming session.
Sentence2: A gossip session.
Output: False.
Given: today
Sentence1: Did you see today's newspaper?
Sentence2: Today is beautiful.
Output: False.
Given: change
Sentence1: The change was intended to increase sales.
Sentence2: This storm is certainly a change for the worse.
Output: False.
Given: deep
Sentence1: In the deep of winter.
Sentence2: In the deep of night.
Output: False.
Given: flux
Sentence1: It is important to use flux when soldering or oxides on the metal will prevent a good bond.
Sentence2: His opinions are in flux.
Output: True.
Given: freeze
Sentence1: Don't go outside wearing just a t-shirt; you'll freeze!
Sentence2: Freeze the leftover food.
Output: True.
Given: study
Sentence1: He knocked lightly on the closed door of the study.
Sentence2: He is a quick study.
Output: True.
Given: communicate
Sentence1: Many deaf people communicate with sign language.
Sentence2: I feel I hardly know him; I just wish he'd communicate with me a little more.
Output: False.
Given: trick
Sentence1: He played a trick on me.
Sentence2: As the businessman rounded the corner, she thought, "Here comes another trick.".
Output: True.
Given: opening
Sentence1: The opening received good critical reviews.
Sentence2: John spends two hours a day studying openings, and another two hours studying endgames.
Output: True.
Given: count
Sentence1: Can you count the books on your shelf?
Sentence2: I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Output: True.
Given: title
Sentence1: A good title to an estate, or an imperfect title.
Sentence2: His title to fame.
Output: True.
Given: remember
Sentence1: I can't remember saying any such thing.
Sentence2: I remember the concert clearly, but I can't recollect why I was there.
Output: False.
Given: formation
Sentence1: A formation of planes.
Sentence2: A defensive formation.
Output: False.
Given: academy
Sentence1: A riding academy.
Sentence2: Academies of literature and philology.
Output: True.
Given: act
Sentence1: The governor should act on the new energy bill.
Sentence2: Think before you act.
Output: False.
Given: recognition
Sentence1: He was unable to make his motion because he couldn't get recognition by the chairman.
Sentence2: Increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.
Output: True.
Given: rotation
Sentence1: The medical resident finished a two-week rotation in pediatrics and began one in orthopaedics.
Sentence2: Crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil.
Output: False.
Given: one
Sentence1: He is the best one.
Sentence2: Driver, noun: one who drives.
Output: False.
Given: lot
Sentence1: A lot of money.
Sentence2: He bought a lot on the lake.
Output: True.
Given: admit
Sentence1: To admit a serious thought into the mind.
Sentence2: She admitted us.
Output: False.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: bed
Sentence1: He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.
Sentence2: There's a lot of trash on the bed of the river.
Output: False.
Given: rake
Sentence1: Rake gravel.
Sentence2: The gunfire raked the coast.
Output: True.
Given: party
Sentence1: The green party took 12% of the vote.
Sentence2: In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.
Output: False.
Given: pack
Sentence1: You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice.
Sentence2: Pack the books into the boxes.
Output: True.
Given: shatter
Sentence1: A high-pitched voice that could shatter glass.
Sentence2: The old oak tree has been shattered by lightning.
Output: False.
Given: energy
Sentence1: Energy can take a wide variety of forms.
Sentence2: Europeans often laugh at American energy.
Output: True.
Given: death
Sentence1: England scored a goal at the death to even the score at one all.
Sentence2: It was the death of all his plans.
Output: True.
Given: try
Sentence1: You are trying my patience.
Sentence2: Try the yak butter.
Output: True.
Given: count
Sentence1: Can you count the books on your shelf?
Sentence2: I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Output: True.
Given: rake
Sentence1: Rake gravel.
Sentence2: The gunfire raked the coast.
Output: True.
Given: change
Sentence1: The change was intended to increase sales.
Sentence2: This storm is certainly a change for the worse.
Output: False.
Given: raise
Sentence1: Raise the question of promotions.
Sentence2: Raise from the dead.
Output: True.
Given: side
Sentence1: He was on the heavy side.
Sentence2: It brought out his better side.
Output: False.
Given: locus
Sentence1: The locus of points equidistant from a given point is a circle.
Sentence2: A circle is the locus of points from which the distance to the center is a given value, the radius.
Output: False.
Given: bed
Sentence1: He searched for treasure on the ocean bed.
Sentence2: There's a lot of trash on the bed of the river.
Output: False.
Given: variant
Sentence1: The word "kerosine" is a variant of "kerosene".
Sentence2: A variant of the same word.
Output: False.
Given: voice
Sentence1: The voice of the law.
Sentence2: Conservatism has many voices.
Output: False.
Given: sign
Sentence1: Their angry expressions were a clear sign they didn't want to talk.
Sentence2: Those clouds show little sign of raining soon.
Output: False.
Given: narrowness
Sentence1: The problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students.
Sentence2: Frustrated by the narrowness of people's horizons.
Output: False.
Given: one
Sentence1: He is the best one.
Sentence2: Driver, noun: one who drives.
Output: False.
Given: see
Sentence1: You should see a lawyer.
Sentence2: We had to see a psychiatrist.
Output: False.
Given: space
Sentence1: They stopped at an open space in the jungle.
Sentence2: The astronauts walked in outer space without a tether.
Output: True.
Given: side
Sentence1: He was on the heavy side.
Sentence2: It brought out his better side.
Output: False.
Given: flux
Sentence1: It is important to use flux when soldering or oxides on the metal will prevent a good bond.
Sentence2: His opinions are in flux.
Output: True.
Given: voice
Sentence1: The voice of the law.
Sentence2: Conservatism has many voices.
Output: False.
Given: trick
Sentence1: He played a trick on me.
Sentence2: As the businessman rounded the corner, she thought, "Here comes another trick.".
Output: True.
Given: clear
Sentence1: Clear the leaves from the lawn.
Sentence2: Clear snow from the road.
Output: False.
Given: converge
Sentence1: The lines converge at this point.
Sentence2: The crowd converged on the movie star.
Output: True.
Given: come
Sentence1: Come into the room.
Sentence2: He came from France.
Output: False.
Given: suffer
Sentence1: I've been suffering your insults for years.
Sentence2: He suffered the penalty.
Output: False.
Given: begin
Sentence1: Begin a new chapter in your life.
Sentence2: Begin a cigar.
Output: True.
Given: one
Sentence1: He is the best one.
Sentence2: Driver, noun: one who drives.
Output: False.
Given: one
Sentence1: He is the best one.
Sentence2: Driver, noun: one who drives.
Output: False.
Given: pursuit
Sentence1: The pursuit of love.
Sentence2: Unremitting pursuit of wealth doesn't bring happiness, particularly if successful.
Output: True.
Given: summer
Sentence1: We like to summer in the Mediterranean.
Sentence2: We summered in Kashmir.
Output: False.
Given: shoot
Sentence1: Shoot a movie.
Sentence2: Shoot a basket.
Output: True.
Given: connect
Sentence1: This computer will connect well to the network.
Sentence2: The new railroad will connect the northern part of the state to the southern part.
Output: False.
Given: assume
Sentence1: The gods assume human or animal form in these fables.
Sentence2: She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger.
Output: True.
Given: brim
Sentence1: Brim a cup to good fellowship.
Sentence2: The room brimmed with people.
Output: True.
Given: setup
Sentence1: It takes time to learn the setup around here.
Sentence2: The laboratory included an elaborate setup for measuring the energy.
Output: True.
Given: plug
Sentence1: Plug the hole.
Sentence2: He attempted to plug the leaks with some caulk.
Output: False.
Given: finish
Sentence1: The boat had a metallic finish.
Sentence2: He applied a coat of a clear finish.
Output: False.
Given: structure
Sentence1: Artists must study the structure of the human body.
Sentence2: His lectures have no structure.
Output: True.
Given: go
Sentence1: Go about the world in a certain manner.
Sentence2: We should go farther in this matter.
Output: False.
Given: come
Sentence1: Come into the room.
Sentence2: He came from France.
Output: False.
Given: score
Sentence1: Settling a score.
Sentence2: The player with the highest score is the winner.
Output: True.
Given: setup
Sentence1: It takes time to learn the setup around here.
Sentence2: The laboratory included an elaborate setup for measuring the energy.
Output: True.
Given: action
Sentence1: The United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues.
Sentence2: Recent federal action undermined the segregationist position.
Output: False.
Given: spring
Sentence1: I spent my spring holidays in Morocco.
Sentence2: He will hold office until the spring of next year.
Output: False.
Given: converge
Sentence1: The lines converge at this point.
Sentence2: The crowd converged on the movie star.
Output: True.
Given: session
Sentence1: A filming session.
Sentence2: A gossip session.
Output: False.
Given: year
Sentence1: In the year 1920.
Sentence2: A normal year has 365 full days, but there are 366 days in a leap year.
Output: False.
Given: origin
Sentence1: Mineral origin.
Sentence2: Vegetable origins.
Output: False.
Given: dress
Sentence1: Dress the windows.
Sentence2: Marlene dressed herself.
Output: True.
Given: take
Sentence1: Take a scene.
Sentence2: Take a test.
Output: True.
Given: today
Sentence1: Did you see today's newspaper?
Sentence2: Today is beautiful.
Output: False.
Given: finish
Sentence1: The boat had a metallic finish.
Sentence2: He applied a coat of a clear finish.
Output: False.
Given: energy
Sentence1: Energy can take a wide variety of forms.
Sentence2: Europeans often laugh at American energy.
Output: True.
Given: float
Sentence1: Float the plaster.
Sentence2: The balloon floated off into the distance.
Output: True.
Given: shoot
Sentence1: Shoot a movie.
Sentence2: Shoot a basket.
Output: True.
Given: create
Sentence1: You can create the color orange by mixing yellow and red.
Sentence2: The company was created 25 years ago.
Output: False.
Given: keep
Sentence1: Keep appointments.
Sentence2: We kept to the original conditions of the contract.
Output: False.
Given: session
Sentence1: A filming session.
Sentence2: A gossip session.
Output: False.
Given: sign
Sentence1: Their angry expressions were a clear sign they didn't want to talk.
Sentence2: Those clouds show little sign of raining soon.
Output: False.
Given: quality
Sentence1: "The quality of mercy is not strained" -- Shakespeare.
Sentence2: While being impulsive can be great for artists, it is not a desirable quality for engineers.
Output: False.
Given: brim
Sentence1: Brim a cup to good fellowship.
Sentence2: The room brimmed with people.
Output: True.
Given: spill
Sentence1: Spill the milk.
Sentence2: The former employee spilled all the details.
Output: True.
Given: suffer
Sentence1: I've been suffering your insults for years.
Sentence2: He suffered the penalty.
Output: False.
Given: classify
Sentence1: Should we classify "make up" as an idiom or as a phrasal verb?
Sentence2: She classified the works as 'dangerous'.
Output: False.
Given: develop
Sentence1: Develop a passion for painting.
Sentence2: Please develop this roll of film.
Output: True.
Given: score
Sentence1: Settling a score.
Sentence2: The player with the highest score is the winner.
Output: True.
Given: float
Sentence1: Float the plaster.
Sentence2: The balloon floated off into the distance.
Output: True.
Given: unravel
Sentence1: Stop playing with the seam of the tablecloth! You will unravel it.
Sentence2: Mother couldn't unravel the ball of wool after the cat had played with it.
Output: False.
Given: development
Sentence1: The organism has reached a crucial stage in its development.
Sentence2: Our news team brings you the latest developments.
Output: True.
Given: tell
Sentence1: He could tell that she was unhappy.
Sentence2: She told him how he did it.
Output: True.
Given: clear
Sentence1: Clear the leaves from the lawn.
Sentence2: Clear snow from the road.
Output: False.
Given: summer
Sentence1: We like to summer in the Mediterranean.
Sentence2: We summered in Kashmir.
Output: False.
Given: come
Sentence1: Come into the room.
Sentence2: He came from France.
Output: False.
Given: freeze
Sentence1: Don't go outside wearing just a t-shirt; you'll freeze!
Sentence2: Freeze the leftover food.
Output: True.
Given: trick
Sentence1: He played a trick on me.
Sentence2: As the businessman rounded the corner, she thought, "Here comes another trick.".
Output: True.
Given: know
Sentence1: Do you know my sister?
Sentence2: I know him under a different name.
Output: False.
Given: burn
Sentence1: Burn garbage.
Sentence2: The car burns only Diesel oil.
Output: False.
Given: fondle
Sentence1: Mothers fondle their babies.
Sentence2: They fondled in the back seat of the taxi.
Output: False.
Given: remember
Sentence1: I can't remember saying any such thing.
Sentence2: I remember the concert clearly, but I can't recollect why I was there.
Output: False.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: voice
Sentence1: The voice of the law.
Sentence2: Conservatism has many voices.
Output: False.
Given: part
Sentence1: He wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself.
Sentence2: She played the part of Desdemona.
Output: True.
Given: recognition
Sentence1: He was unable to make his motion because he couldn't get recognition by the chairman.
Sentence2: Increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.
Output: True.
Given: clear
Sentence1: Clear the leaves from the lawn.
Sentence2: Clear snow from the road.
Output: False.
Given: spring
Sentence1: I spent my spring holidays in Morocco.
Sentence2: He will hold office until the spring of next year.
Output: False.
Given: raise
Sentence1: Raise the question of promotions.
Sentence2: Raise from the dead.
Output: True.
Given: collector
Sentence1: He is an avid collector of nineteenth-century postage stamps.
Sentence2: That old piano is just a big dust collector.
Output: False.
Given: fish
Sentence1: The shark is a large fish.
Sentence2: In the living room there was a tank of colorful fish.
Output: False.
Given: title
Sentence1: A good title to an estate, or an imperfect title.
Sentence2: His title to fame.
Output: True.
Given: trick
Sentence1: He played a trick on me.
Sentence2: As the businessman rounded the corner, she thought, "Here comes another trick.".
Output: True.
Given: dress
Sentence1: Dress the windows.
Sentence2: Marlene dressed herself.
Output: True.
Given: count
Sentence1: Can you count the books on your shelf?
Sentence2: I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Output: True.
Given: lot
Sentence1: A lot of money.
Sentence2: He bought a lot on the lake.
Output: True.
Given: spot
Sentence1: A bald spot.
Sentence2: A leopard's spots.
Output: False.
Given: boy
Sentence1: Steve is a boy of 16.
Sentence2: She made the boy brush his teeth every night.
Output: False.
Given: space
Sentence1: They stopped at an open space in the jungle.
Sentence2: The astronauts walked in outer space without a tether.
Output: True.
Given: image
Sentence1: The number 6 is the image of 3 under f that is defined as f(x) = 2*x.
Sentence2: The image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers.
Output: False.
Given: spot
Sentence1: A bald spot.
Sentence2: A leopard's spots.
Output: False.
Given: meet
Sentence1: The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.
Sentence2: This proposal meets my requirements.
Output: False.
Given: vaccinate
Sentence1: We vaccinate against scarlet fever.
Sentence2: The nurse vaccinated the children in the school.
Output: False.
Given: connect
Sentence1: This computer will connect well to the network.
Sentence2: The new railroad will connect the northern part of the state to the southern part.
Output: False.
Given: be
Sentence1: I shall be writing to you soon.
Sentence2: 3 times 5 is fifteen.
Output: False.
Given: action
Sentence1: The United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues.
Sentence2: Recent federal action undermined the segregationist position.
Output: False.
Given: baby
Sentence1: This project is his baby.
Sentence2: Stand up for yourself-don't be such a baby!
Output: True.
Given: dent
Sentence1: It made a dent in my bank account.
Sentence2: The crash produced a dent in the left side of the car.
Output: True.
Given: clear
Sentence1: Clear the leaves from the lawn.
Sentence2: Clear snow from the road.
Output: False.
Given: session
Sentence1: A filming session.
Sentence2: A gossip session.
Output: False.
Given: laugh
Sentence1: Paul laughed a cheerful laugh.
Sentence2: She laughed her excitement.
Output: False.
Given: keep
Sentence1: Keep appointments.
Sentence2: We kept to the original conditions of the contract.
Output: False.
Given: multiply
Sentence1: He managed to multiply his profits.
Sentence2: He had been multiplying, but it occurred to him he needed to resolve the exponents, first.
Output: False.
Given: origin
Sentence1: Mineral origin.
Sentence2: Vegetable origins.
Output: False.
Given: life
Sentence1: He wanted to live his own life without interference from others.
Sentence2: She's my love, my life.
Output: True.
Given: develop
Sentence1: Develop a passion for painting.
Sentence2: Please develop this roll of film.
Output: True.
Given: count
Sentence1: Can you count the books on your shelf?
Sentence2: I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Output: True.
Given: burn
Sentence1: Burn garbage.
Sentence2: The car burns only Diesel oil.
Output: False.
Given: freeze
Sentence1: Don't go outside wearing just a t-shirt; you'll freeze!
Sentence2: Freeze the leftover food.
Output: True.
Given: energy
Sentence1: Energy can take a wide variety of forms.
Sentence2: Europeans often laugh at American energy.
Output: True.
Given: connect
Sentence1: This computer will connect well to the network.
Sentence2: The new railroad will connect the northern part of the state to the southern part.
Output: False.
Given: change
Sentence1: The change was intended to increase sales.
Sentence2: This storm is certainly a change for the worse.
Output: False.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: finish
Sentence1: The boat had a metallic finish.
Sentence2: He applied a coat of a clear finish.
Output: False.
Given: forefront
Sentence1: The idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy.
Sentence2: That laboratory researches topics at the forefront of technology.
Output: False.
Given: beat
Sentence1: Beat one's foot rhythmically.
Sentence2: I beat the traffic.
Output: True.
Given: life
Sentence1: He wanted to live his own life without interference from others.
Sentence2: She's my love, my life.
Output: True.
Given: suffer
Sentence1: I've been suffering your insults for years.
Sentence2: He suffered the penalty.
Output: False.
Given: count
Sentence1: Can you count the books on your shelf?
Sentence2: I can count my colleagues in the opposition.
Output: True.
Given: space
Sentence1: They stopped at an open space in the jungle.
Sentence2: The astronauts walked in outer space without a tether.
Output: True.
Given: interest
Sentence1: In the interest of safety.
Sentence2: Victorian furniture is an interest of mine.
Output: True.
Given: immolate
Sentence1: Immolate the valuables at the temple.
Sentence2: The Aztecs immolated human victims.
Output: False.
Given: application
Sentence1: The application of maximum thrust.
Sentence2: Massage has far-reaching medical applications.
Output: False.
Given: life
Sentence1: He wanted to live his own life without interference from others.
Sentence2: She's my love, my life.
Output: True.
Given: join
Sentence1: I will join you watching the football game as soon as I have finished my work.
Sentence2: She joined him for a drink.
Output: False.
Given: action
Sentence1: The United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues.
Sentence2: Recent federal action undermined the segregationist position.
Output: False.
Given: action
Sentence1: The United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues.
Sentence2: Recent federal action undermined the segregationist position.
Output: False.
Given: position
Sentence1: Chief of Staff is the second-highest position in the army.
Sentence2: Atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life.
Output: False.
Given: party
Sentence1: The green party took 12% of the vote.
Sentence2: In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.
Output: False.
Given: pack
Sentence1: You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice.
Sentence2: Pack the books into the boxes.
Output: True. |
Given a sentence in English, provide the sentiment based on its empathetic direction. There are two possible classifications: positive (happy) or negative (offmychest).
Possible labels:
1. negative
2. positive
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
can you stop making fun of my english ! yeah , laugh at my english when i speak two languages . how can i get better when you do n't help me fix my grammer and just look at me like i suppose to be fluent in it ?
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
after receiving an amazing 90 day review ...
Label: positive
i 've let go of too many people in my life . come back please . i miss you
Label: negative
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
i 'm a black scottish cyclops .
Label: negative
fuck people who treat others as distractions instead of friends . and curse me for liking pretty girls who i know do n't feel me back .
Label: negative
i 'm the worst kind of person there is . do i have a right to an opinion ? i 'm a young , healthy , white , straight , cis , male , living in an upper middle class family . do i still have the right to speak on any matter ? do i have the right to hold an opinion ? i feel like shit . i feel like everything i say is invalid .
Label: negative
i 'm in love ! and she loves me , too !
Label: positive
i completed my first 5k run last night ! i 'm nearly 50 .. it 's never too late to try a new hobby .
Label: positive
happy 4th everyone ! today ’s my son ’s 2nd birthday ! !
Label: positive
when you finally get up the courage to go to therapy ... .... to fix the feeling of being let down all the time by people its not a good feeling when your therapist does n't show up and assumes you wo n't make it to the appointment because there was snow two days ago . i 'm not irresponsible .. i would have called . oh well :) i will stick with self help books they 've helped me so far !
Label: negative
i 'm falling in love . and he 's moving to california in 10 months and i do n't know what to do
Label: negative
my mother has had severe hearing loss for the majority of her life . last weekend marked the first weekend that she has been able to truly hear since she was a little girl .
Label: positive
i 've let go of too many people in my life . come back please . i miss you
Label: negative
just a friend today , we kissed ! and we did n't have sex . it was beautiful . lol . i do n't know if it 'll ever happen again , but ... it was great . thank you .
Label: negative
i have a job interview today ! i 'm preparing to defend my thesis for a master 's degree in chemistry . today i 'm interviewing for a job to begin after the defense , and on top of it all , i 'm only two months away from getting married . i 'm nervous but very excited at the same time .
Label: positive
i 'm so angry i have a summer cold ! people call me a germaphobe as a joke , and i take serious precautions to not get sick . wiping things down with lysol wipes , constantly washing hands , not touching my face , etc . but lately i have n't been doing all of that , and low and behold , i get sick in june !
Label: negative
we found his weed for the second time . his mother is an enabler and gives him money . the first time we found weed she talked to him and he still smoked it . yesterday we found more . she talked to him again . he just wo n't stop . how the fuck do you discipline someone like this ? he is my cousin and i do n't want to lose our apartment if management finds out .
Label: negative
i have a possibly offensive sexual fantasy and i love relishing in it .
Label: negative
avoidant personality disorder . there 's a name for it . there 's a * name * for what 's wrong with me . i want to cry . i 'm happy . happy and frightened . i will later . right now it 's time to tackle you , you bastard .
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
fuck people who treat others as distractions instead of friends . and curse me for liking pretty girls who i know do n't feel me back .
Label: negative
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative
i really just want a hug . and someone to tell me everything is ok
Label: negative
i want to die . in last few months i lost my job , i drop out of uni , my gf of 5 years left me and i feel like i m the bullet she dodged . i lost my will to live . nothing i do brings me joy anymore . everything feels so empty and useless . i can not sleep anymore . i feel like my therapist is nt helping .
Label: negative
i 'm drunk . as the title said , i 'm drunk right now . and it 's awesome . and it 's making me forget today but . remember the past . jesus christ why does my past suck so much . it 's a freaking miracle anyone likes me . i 'm such a bitch . and i suffer from depression . and anxiety attacks . and i lie . and tell stories . why does anyone like me ?
Label: negative
i 'm drunk . as the title said , i 'm drunk right now . and it 's awesome . and it 's making me forget today but . remember the past . jesus christ why does my past suck so much . it 's a freaking miracle anyone likes me . i 'm such a bitch . and i suffer from depression . and anxiety attacks . and i lie . and tell stories . why does anyone like me ?
Label: negative
i hate that black people always act like they are the victim .
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
fuck humans . humans are a piece of shit . no one truly cares about anyone . no matter how many people say they care , they all fuck off in the end because you 're just another person in their life . this is why i have serious trust issues because anyone i connect with fucks off in the end .
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
my old friend is going through some happy times at the moment .
Label: positive
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
oh . my . god . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . that is all .
Label: negative
fuck people who treat others as distractions instead of friends . and curse me for liking pretty girls who i know do n't feel me back .
Label: negative
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative
i 'm done . i 'm so tired of them force feeding me . i 'm trying to get better , but please do n't do this to me . it 's gone so far that i tried to puke today , three times but i just could n't .
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
just spent an amazing 10 days in hawaii with the woman i 'm going to marry . i could n't be any happier .
Label: positive
police officer cites and releases man for stealing school supplies for his kids then uses his own money to buy food for the guy 's family . via reddit.com .
Label: positive
british comedian jack whitehall texts someone he has n't spoken to in years on television , and is beyond overjoyed when he replies . //streamable.com / j6ma
Label: positive
we got married on the first day of marriage equality in australia . our photographer captured the moment the celebrant said ' australian law defines marriage as the union of 2 people to the exclusion of all others '
Label: positive
my mother has had severe hearing loss for the majority of her life . last weekend marked the first weekend that she has been able to truly hear since she was a little girl .
Label: positive
one year ago today i proposed , in a treehouse near the beach , to the love of my life . this photo was taken just before it happened . i ’ve never been happier !
Label: positive
can you stop making fun of my english ! yeah , laugh at my english when i speak two languages . how can i get better when you do n't help me fix my grammer and just look at me like i suppose to be fluent in it ?
Label: negative
hanging out playing poker with my bf and found a treasure in his poker set stash ...
Label: positive
i asked my students to draw things they love on my dress and i am super happy with the results !
Label: positive
it may not be big , but it 's my very first christmas tree and i love it .
Label: positive
do you dislike it when your post gets no replies ? so whenever i post something hoping to get a reply which may be helpful all i get is views like sometimes up to 200 with 0 replies . is this a common issue with you guys ? i mean i do n't enjoy it happening as i would usually like to see what you guys think whenever i post something .
Label: negative
just a friend today , we kissed ! and we did n't have sex . it was beautiful . lol . i do n't know if it 'll ever happen again , but ... it was great . thank you .
Label: negative
my friends wanted to see the aqueduct , so we set out on an epic ride to find it . i had only been there once , years before , when another friend took me . i was so happy to find it again !
Label: positive
i hate that black people always act like they are the victim .
Label: negative
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
one year ago today i proposed , in a treehouse near the beach , to the love of my life . this photo was taken just before it happened . i ’ve never been happier !
Label: positive
i told her . i was so scared of rejection , so afraid i would ruin our friendship , but i finally did it and she felt the same way too . i 've never been so happy in my life
Label: negative
i 'm the worst kind of person there is . do i have a right to an opinion ? i 'm a young , healthy , white , straight , cis , male , living in an upper middle class family . do i still have the right to speak on any matter ? do i have the right to hold an opinion ? i feel like shit . i feel like everything i say is invalid .
Label: negative
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
you assholes ruined my favourite uncle 's funeral .
Label: negative
got the best t - shirt ever today !
Label: positive
i 'm done . i 'm so tired of them force feeding me . i 'm trying to get better , but please do n't do this to me . it 's gone so far that i tried to puke today , three times but i just could n't .
Label: negative
i 'm drunk . as the title said , i 'm drunk right now . and it 's awesome . and it 's making me forget today but . remember the past . jesus christ why does my past suck so much . it 's a freaking miracle anyone likes me . i 'm such a bitch . and i suffer from depression . and anxiety attacks . and i lie . and tell stories . why does anyone like me ?
Label: negative
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative
today my fiancé got engaged to a stranger .
Label: negative
awesome weekend . i went bday shopping with my pops on friday . i love that dude . day drank with my buddies yesterday , love those dudes too . went out with the girl i 've had a crush on for like 5 years last night and had a sleep over . i 'm a happy human .
Label: positive
we found his weed for the second time . his mother is an enabler and gives him money . the first time we found weed she talked to him and he still smoked it . yesterday we found more . she talked to him again . he just wo n't stop . how the fuck do you discipline someone like this ? he is my cousin and i do n't want to lose our apartment if management finds out .
Label: negative
i got the job ! well , internship . but much like getting into good colleges , it 's hard as fuck to find internships these days as a college freshman . too much competition , from more decorated students . but somehow i managed to get one , and as a bonus , it 's paid pretty well . man , i 'm fucking pumped . now it 's just a matter of my lazy ass making the most of it .
Label: negative
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
my husband and i have become long - term foster carers for two sisters aged 11 and 12 , both students of mine at primary school . our lives have changed completely and we love it .
Label: positive
stupid facebook memory thing . thanks for reminding me how me and some friends use to be close but now i ca n't stand talking to them . guess we were n't ad close as we said huh ?
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
i have a possibly offensive sexual fantasy and i love relishing in it .
Label: negative
can you stop making fun of my english ! yeah , laugh at my english when i speak two languages . how can i get better when you do n't help me fix my grammer and just look at me like i suppose to be fluent in it ?
Label: negative
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
just a friend today , we kissed ! and we did n't have sex . it was beautiful . lol . i do n't know if it 'll ever happen again , but ... it was great . thank you .
Label: negative
i proposed to my best friend of 11 years and she said yes . i never wanted kids or marriage . she single handedly changed my mind :)
Label: positive
my girlfriend and i like to occasionally skip town together to escape our stresses . so yesterday we spent 12 hours shopping and eating and could n't have been happier. :)
Label: positive
is painting your nails better than trimming them ? i 'm female . i do n't paint my nails often - part work issues , part laziness , part ' what 's the point ? ' i do have reasonably nice nails though ... but are they important ... and if so in what context ?
Label: negative
i completed my first 5k run last night ! i 'm nearly 50 .. it 's never too late to try a new hobby .
Label: positive
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
my girlfriend and i like to occasionally skip town together to escape our stresses . so yesterday we spent 12 hours shopping and eating and could n't have been happier. :)
Label: positive
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
i 've let go of too many people in my life . come back please . i miss you
Label: negative
can you stop making fun of my english ! yeah , laugh at my english when i speak two languages . how can i get better when you do n't help me fix my grammer and just look at me like i suppose to be fluent in it ?
Label: negative
i 'm so angry i have a summer cold ! people call me a germaphobe as a joke , and i take serious precautions to not get sick . wiping things down with lysol wipes , constantly washing hands , not touching my face , etc . but lately i have n't been doing all of that , and low and behold , i get sick in june !
Label: negative
i told my very conservative , orthodox jewish relatives about my transgender girlfriend . and they said they just want me to be happy ! i was so pleasantly surprised :)
Label: positive
police officer cites and releases man for stealing school supplies for his kids then uses his own money to buy food for the guy 's family . via reddit.com .
Label: positive
i 'm super bothered about people with lazy eye . does anyone else feel like this ? whenever i 'm having a conversation with someone who has a lazy eye , even if very minor , it bothers me so much , i ca n't even think about the conversation , i ca n't explain it . it 's like i 'd rather have my limb removed than to have a lazy eye .
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
i 've let go of too many people in my life . come back please . i miss you
Label: negative
do i have breast cancer ? i know this might'nt be the best site to be posting this , but i recently found a lump in my left breast . it is very red , is growing quickly , causes tingles and hurts like fuck , whether i 'm touching it or not . i 'm only 17 and cancer does not run in my family . i do n't smoke or drink alcohol , any advice ?
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
just had the knee surgery i 've needed since late december . pain is present but hope is returning .
Label: positive
just a friend today , we kissed ! and we did n't have sex . it was beautiful . lol . i do n't know if it 'll ever happen again , but ... it was great . thank you .
Label: negative
for the first time in a long time , i 'm really happy . a lot of shit things have been happening to me lately , but for some reason , i just woke up happy and really pumped to go out and do stuff . do n't know why , but it feels goddamn great to be happy . have a cool day redditors .
Label: positive
i 'm in love ! and she loves me , too !
Label: positive
i have a job interview today ! i 'm preparing to defend my thesis for a master 's degree in chemistry . today i 'm interviewing for a job to begin after the defense , and on top of it all , i 'm only two months away from getting married . i 'm nervous but very excited at the same time .
Label: positive
i bombed an job exam . i feel so stupid
Label: negative
my old friend is going through some happy times at the moment .
Label: positive
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
i got the job ! well , internship . but much like getting into good colleges , it 's hard as fuck to find internships these days as a college freshman . too much competition , from more decorated students . but somehow i managed to get one , and as a bonus , it 's paid pretty well . man , i 'm fucking pumped . now it 's just a matter of my lazy ass making the most of it .
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
i told my very conservative , orthodox jewish relatives about my transgender girlfriend . and they said they just want me to be happy ! i was so pleasantly surprised :)
Label: positive
i got the job ! well , internship . but much like getting into good colleges , it 's hard as fuck to find internships these days as a college freshman . too much competition , from more decorated students . but somehow i managed to get one , and as a bonus , it 's paid pretty well . man , i 'm fucking pumped . now it 's just a matter of my lazy ass making the most of it .
Label: negative
just had the knee surgery i 've needed since late december . pain is present but hope is returning .
Label: positive
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
tired of living . i ’m so tired of fighting mental illness daily . it is exhausting . i do n’t want to leave the few people that love me otherwise i would already have killed myself . trying to dull the pain with xanax and wine . i ’m so tired of feeling this way . tired of cutting myself . tired of substance abuse . feel so alone . i do n’t know why i ’m writing all this bullshit . who fucking cares .
Label: negative
one year ago today i proposed , in a treehouse near the beach , to the love of my life . this photo was taken just before it happened . i ’ve never been happier !
Label: positive
awesome weekend . i went bday shopping with my pops on friday . i love that dude . day drank with my buddies yesterday , love those dudes too . went out with the girl i 've had a crush on for like 5 years last night and had a sleep over . i 'm a happy human .
Label: positive
fuck people who treat others as distractions instead of friends . and curse me for liking pretty girls who i know do n't feel me back .
Label: negative
i honestly feel huge hate towards islam and muslims .
Label: negative
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
i 've been in a crippling depression since the end of my 6 year relationship . a friend asked if i could be their date to " a boring awards ceremony " . they tricked me with a surprise award ! it has no monetary value but it gives me genuine joy .
Label: positive
i proposed to my best friend of 11 years and she said yes . i never wanted kids or marriage . she single handedly changed my mind :)
Label: positive
i 've let go of too many people in my life . come back please . i miss you
Label: negative
i 'm the worst kind of person there is . do i have a right to an opinion ? i 'm a young , healthy , white , straight , cis , male , living in an upper middle class family . do i still have the right to speak on any matter ? do i have the right to hold an opinion ? i feel like shit . i feel like everything i say is invalid .
Label: negative
my mother has had severe hearing loss for the majority of her life . last weekend marked the first weekend that she has been able to truly hear since she was a little girl .
Label: positive
my girlfriend is n't attracted to me . we 've been together for 6 years , she still wants to be with me but i know she does n't want me physically . she feels guilty because we do n't have sex , i feel like everytime we do it 's pity . now i feel guilty because she is trying so hard to keep this relationship , but i know this has to end .
Label: negative
do i have breast cancer ? i know this might'nt be the best site to be posting this , but i recently found a lump in my left breast . it is very red , is growing quickly , causes tingles and hurts like fuck , whether i 'm touching it or not . i 'm only 17 and cancer does not run in my family . i do n't smoke or drink alcohol , any advice ?
Label: negative
i dropped out of college three years ago.i am finally back in school and made an a in my first class since i 've been back ! i want to make a shoutout to /r / getstudying for helping me actually learn how to study .
Label: positive
awesome weekend . i went bday shopping with my pops on friday . i love that dude . day drank with my buddies yesterday , love those dudes too . went out with the girl i 've had a crush on for like 5 years last night and had a sleep over . i 'm a happy human .
Label: positive
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
i proposed to my best friend of 11 years and she said yes . i never wanted kids or marriage . she single handedly changed my mind :)
Label: positive
avoidant personality disorder . there 's a name for it . there 's a * name * for what 's wrong with me . i want to cry . i 'm happy . happy and frightened . i will later . right now it 's time to tackle you , you bastard .
Label: negative
oh . my . god . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . that is all .
Label: negative
avoidant personality disorder . there 's a name for it . there 's a * name * for what 's wrong with me . i want to cry . i 'm happy . happy and frightened . i will later . right now it 's time to tackle you , you bastard .
Label: negative
today my fiancé got engaged to a stranger .
Label: negative
one year ago today i proposed , in a treehouse near the beach , to the love of my life . this photo was taken just before it happened . i ’ve never been happier !
Label: positive
you assholes ruined my favourite uncle 's funeral .
Label: negative
police officer cites and releases man for stealing school supplies for his kids then uses his own money to buy food for the guy 's family . via reddit.com .
Label: positive
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative
oh . my . god . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . i 'm an idiot . that is all .
Label: negative
police officer cites and releases man for stealing school supplies for his kids then uses his own money to buy food for the guy 's family . via reddit.com .
Label: positive
for the first time in a long time , i 'm really happy . a lot of shit things have been happening to me lately , but for some reason , i just woke up happy and really pumped to go out and do stuff . do n't know why , but it feels goddamn great to be happy . have a cool day redditors .
Label: positive
i 'm the worst kind of person there is . do i have a right to an opinion ? i 'm a young , healthy , white , straight , cis , male , living in an upper middle class family . do i still have the right to speak on any matter ? do i have the right to hold an opinion ? i feel like shit . i feel like everything i say is invalid .
Label: negative
when you finally get up the courage to go to therapy ... .... to fix the feeling of being let down all the time by people its not a good feeling when your therapist does n't show up and assumes you wo n't make it to the appointment because there was snow two days ago . i 'm not irresponsible .. i would have called . oh well :) i will stick with self help books they 've helped me so far !
Label: negative
chew . with your fucking mouth closed . i 'm literally going to explode . chew with your fucking mouth closed . holy shit . i want so badly to shout this to you but i ca n't because you do n't even speak english . you are on the phone literally all the time speaking chinese and chewing with your mouth open while you eat and spitting rice everywhere holy shit . i hate you . i hate you .
Label: negative
i feel pretty good for once . yup . that 's all .
Label: negative
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative
you assholes ruined my favourite uncle 's funeral .
Label: negative
i have a job interview today ! i 'm preparing to defend my thesis for a master 's degree in chemistry . today i 'm interviewing for a job to begin after the defense , and on top of it all , i 'm only two months away from getting married . i 'm nervous but very excited at the same time .
Label: positive
i 'm high and for the first time in my life i feel attractive with my shirt off ! i just smoked a massive joint of the best weed i 've ever smoked , then spent an hour and a half dealing with my ridiculous amount of body hair . looked in the mirror and for the first time i was proud of what i saw , off to a party later and i feel fantastic = d
Label: positive
i 've been in a crippling depression since the end of my 6 year relationship . a friend asked if i could be their date to " a boring awards ceremony " . they tricked me with a surprise award ! it has no monetary value but it gives me genuine joy .
Label: positive
i want to be abused . i do n’t know why . i am in this great relationship with this wonderful man . but you see , i have this thing with another man . i am obsessed with him . i love him . i feel like i would be ok with him totally disrespecting me in any way and i would still want him . he is mad at me right now . i want him to punish me for me being bad .
Label: negative
i ’m in love with my fiancé ’s brother . it ’s effed up , i know , but i love two people . i love my fiancé , but i ’m in love with his brother . his brother and i flirt , kiss , and , yes , have sex all behind my fiancé ’s back . i have a child with my fiancé , but his brother acts more like a father to his niece than her own dad does .
Label: negative
i ’ve decided to kill myself and i ’m relieved . i ’ve thought about suicide for years and i ’ve decided to go through with it . i ’m going to do it after completing my master ’s program . i ’m glad knowing that i wo n’t have to go through any more bullshit in life . i ’m never happy and my life is an absolute mess . i feel at peace .
Label: negative |
Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Note that there are distractor sentences in each story that are unrelated to the question and are designed to confuse the reader.
Example: Benjamin entered the cellar. Aria entered the cellar. The apple is in the green_box. Aria exited the cellar. Benjamin moved the apple to the red_bucket. Benjamin exited the cellar. Aria entered the cellar. Where does Benjamin think that Aria searches for the apple?
Label: green_box
Example: William entered the patio. Alexander entered the patio. The watermelon is in the blue_box. Alexander exited the patio. William moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. Phone rang. Where is the watermelon really?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Aiden entered the workshop. Olivia entered the workshop. The carrot is in the green_bottle. Phone rang. Olivia exited the workshop. Aiden moved the carrot to the green_drawer. Where was the carrot at the beginning?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Avery entered the closet. Oliver entered the closet. The peach is in the red_drawer. Oliver exited the closet. Avery moved the peach to the green_box. Avery exited the closet. Oliver entered the closet. Where was the peach at the beginning?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Avery entered the attic. Jack entered the attic. Phone rang. The persimmon is in the red_cupboard. Phone rang. Avery moved the persimmon to the blue_container. Where will Jack look for the persimmon?
Label: blue_container
Example: Avery entered the patio. Charlotte entered the patio. The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. Charlotte exited the patio. Avery moved the persimmon to the blue_crate. Where is the persimmon really?
Label: blue_crate
Example: Isabella entered the basement. Jacob entered the basement. Phone rang. The tomato is in the red_drawer. Isabella moved the tomato to the green_suitcase. Where will Jacob look for the tomato?
Label: green_suitcase
Example: Liam entered the back_yard. Emily entered the back_yard. The pumpkin is in the red_bucket. Emily exited the back_yard. Liam moved the pumpkin to the blue_envelope. Liam exited the back_yard. Phone rang. Emily entered the back_yard. Where does Liam think that Emily searches for the pumpkin?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Charlotte entered the crawlspace. William entered the crawlspace. The lime is in the green_treasure_chest. William exited the crawlspace. Phone rang. Charlotte moved the lime to the blue_envelope. Charlotte exited the crawlspace. William entered the crawlspace. Where is the lime really?
Label: blue_envelope
Example: Emily entered the crawlspace. Liam entered the crawlspace. Phone rang. The eggplant is in the blue_suitcase. Emily moved the eggplant to the red_bucket. Where does Emily think that Liam searches for the eggplant?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Jackson entered the dining_room. Hannah entered the dining_room. The grapefruit is in the red_drawer. Jackson moved the grapefruit to the blue_box. Phone rang. Where does Jackson think that Hannah searches for the grapefruit?
Label: blue_box
Example: Liam entered the garden. Phone rang. Jackson entered the garden. The spinach is in the blue_bathtub. Jackson exited the garden. Liam moved the spinach to the blue_container. Phone rang. Where was the spinach at the beginning?
Label: blue_bathtub
Example: Phone rang. Evelyn entered the patio. Phone rang. Jack entered the patio. The apple is in the green_cupboard. Jack exited the patio. Evelyn moved the apple to the green_pantry. Phone rang. Evelyn exited the patio. Jack entered the patio. Where is the apple really?
Label: green_pantry
Example: Benjamin entered the bedroom. Phone rang. Hannah entered the bedroom. Phone rang. The potato is in the red_box. Hannah exited the bedroom. Benjamin moved the potato to the blue_suitcase. Benjamin exited the bedroom. Hannah entered the bedroom. Where will Hannah look for the potato?
Label: blue_suitcase
Example: Lucas entered the workshop. Ella entered the workshop. The banana is in the red_box. Lucas moved the banana to the red_bottle. Where will Ella look for the banana?
Label: red_bottle
Example: Phone rang. Emily entered the patio. James entered the patio. The peach is in the blue_crate. Emily moved the peach to the green_bottle. Where will James look for the peach?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Olivia entered the cellar. Charlotte entered the cellar. The persimmon is in the blue_crate. Charlotte exited the cellar. Olivia moved the persimmon to the blue_bathtub. Where does Olivia think that Charlotte searches for the persimmon?
Label: blue_crate
Example: Phone rang. Olivia entered the attic. Alexander entered the attic. Phone rang. The potato is in the green_suitcase. Olivia moved the potato to the green_basket. Where was the potato at the beginning?
Label: green_suitcase
Example: William entered the front_yard. Amelia entered the front_yard. The tangerine is in the red_box. Amelia exited the front_yard. William moved the tangerine to the blue_container. Phone rang. William exited the front_yard. Amelia entered the front_yard. Where does William think that Amelia searches for the tangerine?
Label: red_box
Example: Benjamin entered the attic. Mia entered the attic. The asparagus is in the green_pantry. Mia exited the attic. Benjamin moved the asparagus to the blue_crate. Benjamin exited the attic. Mia entered the attic. Where was the asparagus at the beginning?
Label: green_pantry
Example: Isabella entered the cellar. William entered the cellar. The turnip is in the blue_container. Isabella moved the turnip to the red_treasure_chest. Where was the turnip at the beginning?
Label: blue_container
Example: Emily entered the living_room. James entered the living_room. The celery is in the green_pantry. Emily moved the celery to the green_envelope. Where does Emily think that James searches for the celery?
Label: green_envelope
Example: Phone rang. Amelia entered the hall. Sophia entered the hall. The tangerine is in the red_envelope. Sophia exited the hall. Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest. Amelia exited the hall. Sophia entered the hall. Where will Sophia look for the tangerine?
Label: green_treasure_chest
Example: Lucas entered the office. Phone rang. Jack entered the office. The peach is in the red_crate. Lucas moved the peach to the red_bucket. Where will Jack look for the peach?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Phone rang. Jacob entered the staircase. Ella entered the staircase. The strawberry is in the green_box. Ella exited the staircase. Jacob moved the strawberry to the green_bucket. Where does Jacob think that Ella searches for the strawberry?
Label: green_box
Example: James entered the workshop. Alexander entered the workshop. The green_pepper is in the red_bucket. Alexander exited the workshop. James moved the green_pepper to the red_envelope. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Phone rang. Lucas entered the office. William entered the office. The persimmon is in the red_drawer. William exited the office. Lucas moved the persimmon to the red_crate. Where does Lucas think that William searches for the persimmon?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Liam entered the garden. James entered the garden. The pineapple is in the green_bucket. James exited the garden. Liam moved the pineapple to the green_drawer. Phone rang. Liam exited the garden. James entered the garden. Where will James look for the pineapple?
Label: green_drawer
Example: Phone rang. Charlotte entered the porch. Evelyn entered the porch. The orange is in the blue_container. Evelyn exited the porch. Charlotte moved the orange to the green_bottle. Where is the orange really?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Lucas entered the study. Jacob entered the study. The celery is in the red_drawer. Jacob exited the study. Lucas moved the celery to the green_basket. Where was the celery at the beginning?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Aria entered the porch. Ethan entered the porch. Phone rang. The pineapple is in the red_treasure_chest. Aria moved the pineapple to the green_bottle. Where does Aria think that Ethan searches for the pineapple?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Charlotte entered the back_yard. Oliver entered the back_yard. The persimmon is in the blue_treasure_chest. Oliver exited the back_yard. Charlotte moved the persimmon to the blue_cupboard. Charlotte exited the back_yard. Oliver entered the back_yard. Where does Charlotte think that Oliver searches for the persimmon?
Label: blue_treasure_chest
Example: Charlotte entered the sunroom. Jack entered the sunroom. The pear is in the blue_cupboard. Jack exited the sunroom. Charlotte moved the pear to the red_drawer. Where does Charlotte think that Jack searches for the pear?
Label: blue_cupboard
Example: Logan entered the hallway. Oliver entered the hallway. The turnip is in the red_box. Oliver exited the hallway. Logan moved the turnip to the green_suitcase. Where is the turnip really?
Label: green_suitcase
Example: Abigail entered the back_yard. Oliver entered the back_yard. The pear is in the red_pantry. Oliver exited the back_yard. Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket. Where is the pear really?
Label: green_basket
Example: Jacob entered the workshop. Ethan entered the workshop. The persimmon is in the blue_treasure_chest. Jacob moved the persimmon to the blue_suitcase. Where was the persimmon at the beginning?
Label: blue_treasure_chest
Example: Evelyn entered the front_yard. Aiden entered the front_yard. The lime is in the red_crate. Evelyn moved the lime to the red_envelope. Phone rang. Where will Aiden look for the lime?
Label: red_envelope
Example: Phone rang. Charlotte entered the den. Ella entered the den. The carrot is in the green_bucket. Ella exited the den. Charlotte moved the carrot to the red_cupboard. Charlotte exited the den. Ella entered the den. Where was the carrot at the beginning?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Jackson entered the laundry. Phone rang. Olivia entered the laundry. The grapefruit is in the blue_suitcase. Jackson moved the grapefruit to the blue_container. Where does Jackson think that Olivia searches for the grapefruit?
Label: blue_container
Example: Jayden entered the patio. Benjamin entered the patio. The lettuce is in the red_envelope. Benjamin exited the patio. Jayden moved the lettuce to the blue_envelope. Jayden exited the patio. Benjamin entered the patio. Where does Jayden think that Benjamin searches for the lettuce?
Label: red_envelope
Example: Isabella entered the staircase. Oliver entered the staircase. The corn is in the green_cupboard. Oliver exited the staircase. Isabella moved the corn to the blue_suitcase. Where was the corn at the beginning?
Label: green_cupboard
Example: Jayden entered the hall. Isabella entered the hall. The lettuce is in the blue_cupboard. Jayden moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. Where was the lettuce at the beginning?
Label: blue_cupboard
Example: Abigail entered the porch. Jayden entered the porch. The banana is in the blue_cupboard. Abigail moved the banana to the blue_container. Phone rang. Where does Abigail think that Jayden searches for the banana?
Label: blue_container
Example: Phone rang. Abigail entered the dining_room. Owen entered the dining_room. The grapes is in the red_bucket. Phone rang. Abigail moved the grapes to the blue_crate. Where was the grapes at the beginning?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Sophia entered the living_room. Phone rang. Liam entered the living_room. The banana is in the green_basket. Sophia moved the banana to the red_crate. Phone rang. Where was the banana at the beginning?
Label: green_basket
Example: Owen entered the kitchen. Evelyn entered the kitchen. The cucumber is in the green_envelope. Evelyn exited the kitchen. Owen moved the cucumber to the green_box. Owen exited the kitchen. Evelyn entered the kitchen. Where will Evelyn look for the cucumber?
Label: green_box
Example: Lucas entered the den. Olivia entered the den. Phone rang. The beans is in the red_envelope. Lucas moved the beans to the green_bottle. Where will Olivia look for the beans?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Phone rang. Jayden entered the dining_room. Phone rang. Jacob entered the dining_room. The lettuce is in the blue_bathtub. Jacob exited the dining_room. Jayden moved the lettuce to the green_drawer. Jayden exited the dining_room. Jacob entered the dining_room. Where will Jacob look for the lettuce?
Label: green_drawer
Example: Aria entered the living_room. Mia entered the living_room. The watermelon is in the blue_box. Aria moved the watermelon to the red_cupboard. Where will Mia look for the watermelon?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Phone rang. Ella entered the kitchen. Abigail entered the kitchen. The persimmon is in the blue_pantry. Abigail exited the kitchen. Ella moved the persimmon to the red_crate. Where is the persimmon really?
Label: red_crate
Example: Lucas entered the front_yard. Ella entered the front_yard. The grapes is in the blue_suitcase. Ella exited the front_yard. Lucas moved the grapes to the blue_crate. Where will Ella look for the grapes?
Label: blue_suitcase
Example: Jack entered the den. Owen entered the den. The orange is in the green_bottle. Owen exited the den. Jack moved the orange to the red_pantry. Where will Owen look for the orange?
Label: green_bottle
Example: James entered the bathroom. Mason entered the bathroom. Phone rang. The celery is in the green_drawer. James moved the celery to the green_envelope. Where was the celery at the beginning?
Label: green_drawer
Example: Benjamin entered the lounge. Jackson entered the lounge. Phone rang. The carrot is in the red_suitcase. Jackson exited the lounge. Benjamin moved the carrot to the blue_cupboard. Where will Jackson look for the carrot?
Label: red_suitcase
Example: Abigail entered the attic. Oliver entered the attic. Phone rang. The banana is in the red_drawer. Oliver exited the attic. Abigail moved the banana to the green_pantry. Where was the banana at the beginning?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Isabella entered the bathroom. Aria entered the bathroom. The tangerine is in the green_box. Aria exited the bathroom. Isabella moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest. Where will Aria look for the tangerine?
Label: green_box
Example: Lucas entered the playroom. Alexander entered the playroom. The grapes is in the red_crate. Alexander exited the playroom. Lucas moved the grapes to the green_pantry. Lucas exited the playroom. Phone rang. Alexander entered the playroom. Where does Lucas think that Alexander searches for the grapes?
Label: red_crate
Example: Olivia entered the staircase. Jackson entered the staircase. The cabbage is in the green_box. Jackson exited the staircase. Olivia moved the cabbage to the blue_treasure_chest. Olivia exited the staircase. Jackson entered the staircase. Where was the cabbage at the beginning?
Label: green_box
Example: Benjamin entered the living_room. Olivia entered the living_room. Phone rang. The tangerine is in the red_crate. Olivia exited the living_room. Benjamin moved the tangerine to the blue_envelope. Benjamin exited the living_room. Olivia entered the living_room. Where does Benjamin think that Olivia searches for the tangerine?
Label: red_crate
Example: Mason entered the crawlspace. Lucas entered the crawlspace. The broccoli is in the green_cupboard. Lucas exited the crawlspace. Mason moved the broccoli to the red_envelope. Where will Lucas look for the broccoli?
Label: green_cupboard
Example: Ella entered the closet. Jayden entered the closet. The pear is in the red_drawer. Ella moved the pear to the green_basket. Where was the pear at the beginning?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Amelia entered the office. Phone rang. Oliver entered the office. The celery is in the red_suitcase. Amelia moved the celery to the green_crate. Where will Oliver look for the celery?
Label: green_crate
Example: Jack entered the crawlspace. Ella entered the crawlspace. The green_pepper is in the green_box. Jack moved the green_pepper to the red_crate. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning?
Label: green_box
Example: Jack entered the master_bedroom. Ethan entered the master_bedroom. The watermelon is in the blue_envelope. Jack moved the watermelon to the blue_container. Where is the watermelon really?
Label: blue_container
Example: Emily entered the dining_room. Logan entered the dining_room. The green_pepper is in the red_bucket. Logan exited the dining_room. Phone rang. Emily moved the green_pepper to the red_box. Where is the green_pepper really?
Label: red_box
Example: Phone rang. Jack entered the sunroom. Charlotte entered the sunroom. The turnip is in the red_bottle. Charlotte exited the sunroom. Jack moved the turnip to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Jack think that Charlotte searches for the turnip?
Label: red_bottle
Example: Elizabeth entered the kitchen. Olivia entered the kitchen. The pumpkin is in the green_bucket. Olivia exited the kitchen. Elizabeth moved the pumpkin to the green_envelope. Where will Olivia look for the pumpkin?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Emily entered the crawlspace. Olivia entered the crawlspace. The cucumber is in the red_cupboard. Olivia exited the crawlspace. Emily moved the cucumber to the red_bucket. Where does Emily think that Olivia searches for the cucumber?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Olivia entered the pantry. Avery entered the pantry. The persimmon is in the red_suitcase. Phone rang. Avery exited the pantry. Phone rang. Olivia moved the persimmon to the green_bottle. Where is the persimmon really?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Emily entered the living_room. Mason entered the living_room. The grapes is in the red_bucket. Emily moved the grapes to the blue_box. Where was the grapes at the beginning?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Jacob entered the lounge. Ethan entered the lounge. The watermelon is in the green_pantry. Ethan exited the lounge. Jacob moved the watermelon to the blue_pantry. Where was the watermelon at the beginning?
Label: green_pantry
Example: Jackson entered the laundry. Aiden entered the laundry. The pear is in the blue_pantry. Jackson moved the pear to the green_bucket. Where will Aiden look for the pear?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Oliver entered the kitchen. James entered the kitchen. The cucumber is in the red_box. Oliver moved the cucumber to the blue_container. Where will James look for the cucumber?
Label: blue_container
Example: Alexander entered the garage. Owen entered the garage. The green_pepper is in the red_crate. Owen exited the garage. Alexander moved the green_pepper to the blue_crate. Alexander exited the garage. Phone rang. Owen entered the garage. Where does Alexander think that Owen searches for the green_pepper?
Label: red_crate
Example: Lucas entered the living_room. Abigail entered the living_room. The cucumber is in the red_cupboard. Abigail exited the living_room. Lucas moved the cucumber to the green_pantry. Where does Lucas think that Abigail searches for the cucumber?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Ella entered the living_room. Emily entered the living_room. The orange is in the green_treasure_chest. Emily exited the living_room. Ella moved the orange to the green_bottle. Where is the orange really?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Jackson entered the hall. Evelyn entered the hall. The banana is in the red_treasure_chest. Evelyn exited the hall. Jackson moved the banana to the red_cupboard. Where is the banana really?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: James entered the office. Avery entered the office. Phone rang. The tangerine is in the green_drawer. Avery exited the office. Phone rang. James moved the tangerine to the blue_box. James exited the office. Avery entered the office. Where does James think that Avery searches for the tangerine?
Label: green_drawer
Example: Owen entered the living_room. Elizabeth entered the living_room. The grapefruit is in the blue_pantry. Phone rang. Owen moved the grapefruit to the red_treasure_chest. Where was the grapefruit at the beginning?
Label: blue_pantry
Example: Abigail entered the den. Isabella entered the den. The lettuce is in the green_bottle. Isabella exited the den. Abigail moved the lettuce to the red_envelope. Where was the lettuce at the beginning?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Charlotte entered the pantry. Mason entered the pantry. The pumpkin is in the blue_bathtub. Mason exited the pantry. Charlotte moved the pumpkin to the red_box. Where does Charlotte think that Mason searches for the pumpkin?
Label: blue_bathtub
Example: Mia entered the playroom. Alexander entered the playroom. The grapefruit is in the blue_envelope. Alexander exited the playroom. Mia moved the grapefruit to the green_cupboard. Phone rang. Mia exited the playroom. Alexander entered the playroom. Where is the grapefruit really?
Label: green_cupboard
Example: Phone rang. Mason entered the workshop. Abigail entered the workshop. Phone rang. The pineapple is in the green_suitcase. Mason moved the pineapple to the blue_suitcase. Where does Mason think that Abigail searches for the pineapple?
Label: blue_suitcase
Example: Owen entered the basement. Ella entered the basement. The tomato is in the red_bucket. Ella exited the basement. Owen moved the tomato to the blue_treasure_chest. Owen exited the basement. Ella entered the basement. Where does Owen think that Ella searches for the tomato?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Avery entered the back_yard. Mason entered the back_yard. The beans is in the green_pantry. Mason exited the back_yard. Avery moved the beans to the blue_box. Where was the beans at the beginning?
Label: green_pantry
Example: Owen entered the dining_room. Liam entered the dining_room. The beans is in the red_bottle. Owen moved the beans to the red_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Where is the beans really?
Label: red_treasure_chest
Example: Liam entered the bathroom. Isabella entered the bathroom. The potato is in the blue_crate. Isabella exited the bathroom. Liam moved the potato to the green_envelope. Where is the potato really?
Label: green_envelope
Example: Jayden entered the living_room. Liam entered the living_room. The celery is in the blue_crate. Liam exited the living_room. Jayden moved the celery to the red_crate. Jayden exited the living_room. Liam entered the living_room. Where does Jayden think that Liam searches for the celery?
Label: blue_crate
Example: Emily entered the laundry. Owen entered the laundry. The onion is in the red_box. Owen exited the laundry. Emily moved the onion to the green_treasure_chest. Emily exited the laundry. Owen entered the laundry. Where was the onion at the beginning?
Label: red_box
Example: Phone rang. Jackson entered the lounge. Evelyn entered the lounge. The cabbage is in the red_crate. Evelyn exited the lounge. Jackson moved the cabbage to the red_cupboard. Jackson exited the lounge. Phone rang. Evelyn entered the lounge. Where will Evelyn look for the cabbage?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Aiden entered the study. Aria entered the study. The lime is in the green_bottle. Aria exited the study. Aiden moved the lime to the blue_envelope. Where does Aiden think that Aria searches for the lime?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Evelyn entered the hall. Charlotte entered the hall. Phone rang. The pear is in the blue_box. Phone rang. Charlotte exited the hall. Evelyn moved the pear to the blue_cupboard. Where does Evelyn think that Charlotte searches for the pear?
Label: blue_box
Example: Olivia entered the basement. Benjamin entered the basement. The broccoli is in the green_bucket. Benjamin exited the basement. Olivia moved the broccoli to the green_box. Where was the broccoli at the beginning?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Olivia entered the laundry. Phone rang. Logan entered the laundry. The corn is in the red_suitcase. Logan exited the laundry. Olivia moved the corn to the green_envelope. Olivia exited the laundry. Logan entered the laundry. Where was the corn at the beginning?
Label: red_suitcase
Example: Benjamin entered the master_bedroom. Mia entered the master_bedroom. The lettuce is in the green_box. Phone rang. Mia exited the master_bedroom. Benjamin moved the lettuce to the green_pantry. Where will Mia look for the lettuce?
Label: green_box
Example: Aria entered the pantry. Abigail entered the pantry. The cabbage is in the blue_crate. Abigail exited the pantry. Aria moved the cabbage to the red_cupboard. Where is the cabbage really?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Ella entered the bedroom. Ethan entered the bedroom. The turnip is in the green_envelope. Ethan exited the bedroom. Ella moved the turnip to the green_suitcase. Ella exited the bedroom. Ethan entered the bedroom. Where will Ethan look for the turnip?
Label: green_suitcase
Example: Charlotte entered the pantry. Aria entered the pantry. The grapefruit is in the red_drawer. Aria exited the pantry. Charlotte moved the grapefruit to the red_box. Charlotte exited the pantry. Aria entered the pantry. Where was the grapefruit at the beginning?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Liam entered the TV_room. Jack entered the TV_room. The lime is in the red_pantry. Liam moved the lime to the blue_crate. Where does Liam think that Jack searches for the lime?
Label: blue_crate
Example: James entered the hall. Phone rang. Charlotte entered the hall. The banana is in the blue_cupboard. Charlotte exited the hall. James moved the banana to the blue_box. Where was the banana at the beginning?
Label: blue_cupboard
Example: Hannah entered the bathroom. Charlotte entered the bathroom. The peach is in the green_bottle. Charlotte exited the bathroom. Hannah moved the peach to the green_box. Where does Hannah think that Charlotte searches for the peach?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Logan entered the closet. Jayden entered the closet. The persimmon is in the blue_box. Phone rang. Jayden exited the closet. Logan moved the persimmon to the green_suitcase. Phone rang. Where does Logan think that Jayden searches for the persimmon?
Label: blue_box
Example: Emily entered the bedroom. Jackson entered the bedroom. The pear is in the red_pantry. Jackson exited the bedroom. Emily moved the pear to the red_treasure_chest. Where is the pear really?
Label: red_treasure_chest
Example: Jack entered the master_bedroom. Aiden entered the master_bedroom. The grapes is in the green_bottle. Aiden exited the master_bedroom. Jack moved the grapes to the green_treasure_chest. Jack exited the master_bedroom. Aiden entered the master_bedroom. Where does Jack think that Aiden searches for the grapes?
Label: green_bottle
Example: Aria entered the TV_room. Jackson entered the TV_room. The grapes is in the green_bucket. Aria moved the grapes to the red_cupboard. Where was the grapes at the beginning?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Charlotte entered the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. Phone rang. The grapefruit is in the blue_cupboard. Amelia exited the bathroom. Phone rang. Charlotte moved the grapefruit to the red_suitcase. Charlotte exited the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. Where is the grapefruit really?
Label: red_suitcase
Example: Jayden entered the garden. Phone rang. Alexander entered the garden. The green_pepper is in the blue_treasure_chest. Jayden moved the green_pepper to the green_bottle. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning?
Label: blue_treasure_chest
Example: Phone rang. Mia entered the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. The corn is in the blue_pantry. Mia moved the corn to the green_pantry. Where was the corn at the beginning?
Label: blue_pantry
Example: Jack entered the closet. James entered the closet. The eggplant is in the red_cupboard. James exited the closet. Jack moved the eggplant to the green_box. Phone rang. Where does Jack think that James searches for the eggplant?
Label: red_cupboard
Example: Ella entered the playroom. Logan entered the playroom. The celery is in the blue_box. Ella moved the celery to the red_crate. Where will Logan look for the celery?
Label: red_crate
Example: Hannah entered the closet. Ella entered the closet. The green_pepper is in the red_crate. Ella exited the closet. Hannah moved the green_pepper to the green_box. Where is the green_pepper really?
Label: green_box
Example: Mia entered the staircase. Phone rang. Aria entered the staircase. The potato is in the green_drawer. Mia moved the potato to the red_envelope. Where is the potato really?
Label: red_envelope
Example: Evelyn entered the dining_room. Mia entered the dining_room. The corn is in the blue_cupboard. Mia exited the dining_room. Evelyn moved the corn to the blue_box. Where was the corn at the beginning?
Label: blue_cupboard
Example: Jackson entered the hall. William entered the hall. The apple is in the blue_pantry. William exited the hall. Jackson moved the apple to the green_drawer. Where does Jackson think that William searches for the apple?
Label: blue_pantry
Example: Ethan entered the garden. Isabella entered the garden. The pumpkin is in the red_suitcase. Ethan moved the pumpkin to the red_bucket. Where is the pumpkin really?
Label: red_bucket
Example: Isabella entered the cellar. Owen entered the cellar. The beans is in the blue_bathtub. Phone rang. Isabella moved the beans to the blue_suitcase. Where is the beans really?
Label: blue_suitcase
Example: Sophia entered the hallway. Jayden entered the hallway. The persimmon is in the red_drawer. Sophia moved the persimmon to the blue_treasure_chest. Where will Jayden look for the persimmon?
Label: blue_treasure_chest
Example: Liam entered the cellar. Owen entered the cellar. The pear is in the red_bottle. Owen exited the cellar. Liam moved the pear to the red_pantry. Liam exited the cellar. Owen entered the cellar. Where was the pear at the beginning?
Label: red_bottle
Example: Jack entered the cellar. Phone rang. Benjamin entered the cellar. The celery is in the green_basket. Phone rang. Benjamin exited the cellar. Jack moved the celery to the red_treasure_chest. Jack exited the cellar. Benjamin entered the cellar. Where is the celery really?
Label: red_treasure_chest
Example: Charlotte entered the hallway. Owen entered the hallway. The lime is in the green_basket. Charlotte moved the lime to the red_envelope. Where is the lime really?
Label: red_envelope
Example: Jackson entered the garden. Mia entered the garden. The watermelon is in the red_suitcase. Mia exited the garden. Jackson moved the watermelon to the red_cupboard. Where was the watermelon at the beginning?
Label: red_suitcase
Example: Emily entered the playroom. Liam entered the playroom. The tangerine is in the green_bucket. Liam exited the playroom. Emily moved the tangerine to the red_drawer. Where was the tangerine at the beginning?
Label: green_bucket
Example: Jackson entered the den. Aiden entered the den. The pineapple is in the blue_crate. Phone rang. Aiden exited the den. Jackson moved the pineapple to the blue_box. Phone rang. Where is the pineapple really?
Label: blue_box
Example: Ella entered the pantry. Owen entered the pantry. The lettuce is in the blue_cupboard. Owen exited the pantry. Ella moved the lettuce to the green_pantry. Ella exited the pantry. Owen entered the pantry. Where is the lettuce really?
Label: green_pantry
Example: Alexander entered the closet. Charlotte entered the closet. Phone rang. The green_pepper is in the red_cupboard. Phone rang. Alexander moved the green_pepper to the red_drawer. Where does Alexander think that Charlotte searches for the green_pepper?
Label: red_drawer
Example: Sophia entered the hall. Alexander entered the hall. The lettuce is in the green_cupboard. Alexander exited the hall. Sophia moved the lettuce to the green_pantry. Sophia exited the hall. Alexander entered the hall. Where was the lettuce at the beginning?
Label: green_cupboard |
Possible labels:
1. Mixed
2. Negative
3. Neutral
4. Positive
Poster: Stop by our New Hartford office today, located at 555 French Road Suite 101 for an open house with staff from 11am-1pm! We hope to see you there. Responser: I did not get paid to show up at an open house that was not an open house. And I didn't get paid to stand outside in the cold!
A: Negative
Poster: First break in weeks and treating myself to catching up on @SHO_Homeland Season Two. This show gets better every minute. Responser: Next read all of Daniel Silva's books.
A: Neutral
Poster: With every new tweet and comment, it's clear that there is no one who is undermining the legitimacy of the Trump presidency more than Donald Trump himself. Responser: Rep.Adam Schiff just said a mouthful !!
A: Neutral
Poster: Happy Father's Day! Love this picture of me and my Dad when I was 6! I love him so much! Responser: AH! That's so adorable :))
A: Positive
Poster: I miss you, wv winter. Photo courtesy of my mother. Responser: I'd be happy to send it ALL UR WAY! Permanently! . I'm ready for some
A: Negative
Poster: Something to think about this week ... It's important to make the right decision even if it's not the most popular decision. Responser: Amen, sister. Going thru it right now!
A: Positive
Poster: Thanks to all Louisvillians who gathered at the Muhammad Ali Center tonight to stand against hateful policies of President Trump. Your voices are being heard. PHOTO: Courier-Journal's Sam Upshaw Jr. Responser: You mean the same policies Obama instituted? Hypocrite much?
A: Negative
Poster: ICYMI: By popular request... Responser: http://spinzon.com/democrats-busted-camera-stuffing-ballot-boxes-steal-election/
A: Neutral
Poster: This morning, I met with Major General John F. Nichols, the 51st Adjutant General for the State of Texas. Responser: Someone has to do something about TSA. This disgrace of an organization has to be stopped. As a frequent flyer, I am fed up. Can you help? I'm in your district.
A: Negative
Poster: It was great to visit with new Gillette City Council Member Shay Lundvall and Tyler Miller & E.O. Sowerwin from Eathwork Solutions in Gillette. Earthworks is a terrific WYO company helping to make our roads safer and creating jobs. Responser: And then support killing wildlife for trophies.
A: Neutral
Poster: Forgot to wear green... Guess these highlighters will have to do. Happy St. Patrick's Day! http://instagram.com/p/lpsCNirRc1/# Responser: Hope you put it in your breast pocket and wore it proudly, Jim.
A: Positive
Poster: [VIDEO] #ASKSTEVE SEGMENT ON RUSSIA'S AGGRESSION TOWARDS UKRAINE: In this segment of #AskSteve, I address a constituents question as to why and how the United States should aid Ukraine in order to send a message to Russia that their aggression cannot stand. WATCH HERE --> http://bit.ly/OzoYEw Responser: I think your wrong on both points but at least we aren't getting any of our troops injured or killed so something good is happening.
A: Mixed
Poster: A cool piece on my 1098. No snakes were injured during this shoot Responser: Long-time reptile hobbyist that I am, I actually looked at the picture for the errant Gophersnake or Rattler that might have been on the road. :)
A: Positive
Poster: Up for another award!!! These are more for fun, so check out the link and cast your votes!!! http://www.wtatour.com/page/PlayerAwards2010/ Responser: guess who I voted for!HA!!
A: Positive
Poster: Anyone in Tucson this weekend? I'll be doing all sorts of nonsense at Tucson Festival of Books. http://www.tucsonfestivalofbooks.org Responser: I was there today and really enjoyed the last panel of the day where we discussed cliches. Good luck on your future work!
A: Positive
Poster: San Jose @mercnews endorsement: "@petestark was a power in his day, but his biggest accomplishment of late has been embarrassing his party" Responser: congrats on the oakland tribune endorsement as well
A: Positive
Poster: #TBT: 2008 at the GOP convention in St. Paul, MN squeezed in some fun on the rides at Mall of America with Brit Hume and Bret Baier, who were also on this ride! Responser: Super cool!! You certainly look like you're a kid at heart, and love to have "stupid fun". In other words, you love to do "stupid stuff" not ordinarily done by other people our age. I love that.
A: Positive
Poster: Next Friday: F Word at Splash in NYC...... Responser: Come do promo stuff in LA soon!!
A: Positive
Poster: No amnesty. Secure the border. Enforce the laws. Respect the Constitution. Responser: Last time it was all about Benghazi
A: Neutral
Poster: Benghazi panel to have 7 GOP-ers, 5 Dems. Dems unhappy Your thoughts on the numbers? Responser: They can have 100 Republicans but if they are all establishment types nothing will happen.
A: Negative
Poster: My opening remarks at today's Fiscal Commission meeting. I stand for the middle class, seniors and low-income Americans -- the co-chairs' final proposal does not protect these groups. Responser: Liberals love the wars now that Bush is gone? John, are you f***ing kidding me? Isn't it funny that funding those wars is the only thing that the Repubs DON'T obstruct on?
A: Negative
Poster: I am heartbroken at the tragedy in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire community and especially the families and friends of those who were brutally murdered today. Responser: It is a sad day but dont wait untll itis forgotten or another mass shooting takes place. Start working on the problems that allow these shootings to take place
A: Mixed
Poster: Yes, I'm a little late but here she is Podcast ep 175 SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/2mube45 iTunes: http://apple.co/2ivupbu Responser: I saw one of those female robots on TV...They were calling her MELANIA...
A: Neutral
Poster: Meet NJ resident Max who suffers from a rare disease & is one of the most vocal advocates for the #CuresNow legislation. https://t.co/sO7ybuUtFE Responser: W/O Obamacare, he would not have health insurance because of pre existing conditions. How many times did you vote to kill Obamacare LL? Is Max's family rich enough to afford health care after you kill Obamacare? Heartwarming.......
A: Positive
Poster: Won my first round of qualies here in Birmingham!!! Ready for a good week before wimby :) Responser: congragulations dear Shelby Rogers. keep your spirit on.
A: Positive
Poster: #Regram @raoulseby. Thank you for throwing such a fun after party Saturday night! We miss you. Responser: Hope it was a blast! You all deserve it. :)
A: Positive
Poster: Long Island, Queens, and the whole NY, get ready to turn up with me and Hot 97 own Dj Young Chow Friday Feb 26th at Mixx Lounge in Hauppauge. 21 and older. Make sure your in the building!! Info 631.875.3638 Responser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV-we7TP7Xc
A: Neutral
Poster: Back in Hawaii for district work week! Responser: Hey Ms. USA see ya this week...
A: Positive
Poster: Back side rail slide, NYC. #leicaq Responser: Dope!...Richie check out this sweet pic of Josh.
A: Positive
Poster: Am praying for the people of the small Texas town where the fertilizer explosion occurred. Please join me. Responser: They should require plants like these to have a 25ft berm around the facility...which woul irect the blast and pressure wave caused by an losion upwards...away from surrounding homes an buildings.
A: Negative
Poster: Grateful for our wonderful volunteers going #OnDutyForJoni! Responser: I want a Barn sign for my Yard In Grundy Center IA
A: Neutral
Poster: I will be speaking with House leadership on both sides of the aisle to start an immediate investigation into how faulty helmets made their way to our soldiers and marines on the battlefield. This is beyond unacceptable. Responser: Inmates need to stick to license plates, not manufacturing anything detrimental in saving lives.
A: Negative
Poster: So great to have one of New York's finest come out to the Yonex booth! #LocoForCoco #TeamYonex Responser: You played great in your doubles match today!
A: Positive
Poster: In Washington DC this weekend- coming back to NYC in the morning Responser: Nice! What you do there? MMOR, Manta City, Ecuador
A: Neutral
Poster: Is there anyone you would like to share that wisdom with? Responser: Yes!! All my friends and family...Some do not get it and others do!!
A: Positive
Poster: #TBT Shooting Grace. in New Smyrna Beach, FL. Thrilled to be at the amazing Albuquerque Film & Media Experience at Nob Hill with Sylvia Caminer, Cindy Joy Goggins and Sharon Lawrence to share the film. Please join us at the Lobo Theatre this Sat., June 7th at 7:30. Responser: Would love to make it if I could. Best wishes ! !
A: Positive
Poster: Congressman Steve King will be on Your World with Neil Cavuto tonight at 4:25 PM ET today. Make sure to watch Fox News this afternoon. Responser: A tax on consumption. I'll certainly be buying less then.
A: Negative
Poster: Perhaps when you thought you weren't good enough the truth was you were overqualified! Responser: Sadly, so many women, have this mentality, because of insecurities from their past... Holy spirit overflow in me...so that I may feel overqualified , SO That I can feel like a prized possession and treated as such...Needed this Kimberly Jones Pothier Pray for me.
A: Positive
Poster: CONGRESSWOMAN HANABUSA'S STATEMENT ON THE 2012 COST-OF-LIVING-ADJUSTMENT FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFICIARIES Responser: So grateful! Never expected it, even though its our $. 3.6% will pay my HMSA Premium....If living under 400% of Poverty, the COLA keeps us there, yeah? The Feds are Hedgefunding 1.5%
A: Negative
Poster: Simple question I would like Mark Pryor to answer concerning his Obamacare votes: Should big businesses be treated better than families and Congress better than the American people? Responser: i have another question, is pryor and his staff going to take the illegal subsidy?
A: Negative
Poster: The LoBiondo for Congress team extends their deepest sympathies to Frank and Tina for the loss of their beloved family member Luca. A loyal friend who was always willing to join us on the campaign trail...We will miss your energy & companionship Luca. RIP Responser: Saddened to hear. My son and I had met your dogs and you at Parvin State Park years ago. I had a Weimeraner growing up.
A: Positive
Poster: Today I and 37 House Democrats re-introduced the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA). Combating violence against women is a critical step toward promoting regional and global stability. READ STATEMENT: http://1.usa.gov/JQjfS7 Responser: Once again, thanks for all you do.
A: Positive
Poster: Danny Brown. Countdown. Responser: God them is that meth
A: Negative
Poster: After weeks of unnecessary delay, we will have much needed new leadership at the VA. We must make real, meaningful, systematic changes that result in the best care possible for our veterans. Read my full statement to Secretary Shinseki's resignation here. Responser: Why blame the senior people why not the people doing it. VA rules allow unqualified veterans to use VA hospital stop that and half the problem is solved.
A: Negative
Poster: LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! #SlvshCupSunsetPark first game of the tournament is @anttiollila and myself - it's going live in 2 hours!!!!! :D Responser: posts like this are why I love social media
A: Positive
Poster: Capitol switch board is at capacity--phones ringing off the hook with people upset about proposals to protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting critical programs for the middle class Responser: Hang in there Chellie!! We cant let greed ruin our country at the expense of the working class majority!! This is OUR country too!
A: Negative
Poster: Off to cheer on my son at his soccer game. Wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms out there! Responser: Happy Mother's Day to a super Mom !
A: Positive
Poster: Abandoned Pool in the Salton Sea by @donniemolls (Possibly the spookiest place I've ever been) Responser: Next time you're in Vegas I'll take you to Area 51 and the Haunted Pioneer Saloon or even Bonnie Spring Ranch. Spooky!
A: Positive
Poster: A few shots from today's strength work Responser: Glad to see you looking so well.
A: Positive
Poster: Shelby made the main draw! Her first match will be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week! Gives her a couple of extra days to adjust to the altitude. We will let you know Monday night when she plays. Go Shelby! Responser: Good luck Shelby wish we were there!!!!
A: Positive
Poster: invites Iowans to call into my town hall tonight at 7 PM. Call (888) 886-6603 Ext.14459 to connect to my live town hall. Responser: Please fight to bring back Iowa Film Tax Incentives!
A: Neutral
Poster: Happy New Year, everyone! Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2012. Responser: How about restoring our Civil Rights Obama just signed away..?
A: Negative
Poster: Watch this important video that my colleagues and I participated in to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS for women and girls. Tomorrow, March 10, is National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Responser: Thanks Maxine Waters...........doing what you do bless,informing and fighting for the everyday people.Good to hear from you always.
A: Positive
Poster: Great speaking at the Women's Leadership Forum about working across party lines to pass #VAWA. Responser: You literally "wrote the book" on this subject, KS.
A: Positive
Poster: Great to be on post at Ft Rucker again yesterday - the home of Army aviation. Much thanks to Gen. Crutchfield for taking time to meet w/ me. Responser: We are looking forward to seeing you in Dothan next week for the Houston County Repiblican Women! We are so fortunate to have you as our Congressman!
A: Positive
Poster: Hey guys. Very sad to let you know that I am pulling out of Wimbledon due to an injury. Very disappointed but grateful for a few great weeks in England. Thanks to all of u for the support. I will be back!! Responser: Hope u get better!!!
A: Positive
Poster: Ruger is patiently waiting in the truck with Leighton while I am still on the runway taxiing to the gate. FINALLY HOME #boerboellove #LetsDoThis #longasstrip #tennis Responser: That looks like my dog
A: Neutral
Poster: I'm proud to stand up for a woman's right to choose, defend the Affordable Care Act, and protect funding for Planned Parenthood along with my colleagues in the House Pro-Choice Caucus. Responser: Thank you, Representative "Raj!"
A: Positive
Poster: I had the honor to speak at a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom outside the State Capitol in St. Paul. Responser: thank you Rep. Ellison, you are doing good work for Minnesota.
A: Neutral
Poster: "It will be my privilege to fight every day to give hardworking Pennsylvanians the fair shot they deserve" Katie McGinty Katie McGinty believes we need to create new jobs, care for our communities, and protect the rights of our citizens. That's why we need her elected to the Senate. Responser: Dick, one question for you - Are YOU, all of YOUR staff members and ALL YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS enrolled in "The Affordable Care Act"? Please reply, HONESTLY!
A: Negative
A: Neutral
Poster: Who is Ashley Bell? http://AshleyBell.info Responser: One more for my collection !
A: Positive
Poster: 47 years ago today, our nation lost a shining light. We will always miss Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Responser: http://rt.com/usa/204187-trans-pacifica-trade-deal/
A: Neutral
Poster: This weekend, I stopped at Caterpillar Inc. in Peoria to discuss how Cuba represents a new market for family farmers and the agriculture industry: bit.ly/1UpU7Ku Responser: Please keep in mind the strong opportunity urban agriculture can have on boosting job creation on Peoria's Southside.
A: Positive
Poster: [VIDEO] #ASKSTEVE SEGMENT ON RUSSIA'S AGGRESSION TOWARDS UKRAINE: In this segment of #AskSteve, I address a constituents question as to why and how the United States should aid Ukraine in order to send a message to Russia that their aggression cannot stand. WATCH HERE --> http://bit.ly/OzoYEw Responser: I think your wrong on both points but at least we aren't getting any of our troops injured or killed so something good is happening.
A: Mixed
Poster: Happy to be back on court! 2016 season I'm almost ready for ya ;) Responser: Looking good Louisa!
A: Positive
Poster: True or not, my vag is a happy vag right now. Responser: Honestly, I prefer your version.
A: Positive
Poster: Thanks to Sierra Club of Hawaii for endorsing my Senate candidacy. I'll keep working to build HI's clean energy economy. Responser: Aloha Brian! ....But not with toxic, dangerous geothermal & geothermal fracking... right? ( No on Syria, No on GMO/pesticides poisoning of Hawai'i!)
A: Negative
Poster: Senator Bob Smith Dem Chair Ted Light fired up Piscataway Dems at North Stelton Firehouse Rally. Responser: In kelso's world, you can smell images. I suppose that goes along with his other powers, such as reading minds. And predicting the future, based on the rants of Singapore hairdressers.
A: Negative
Poster: He is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress & the Obama Administration, and will work to reduce the national debt. Responser: What a pleasure to meet you and your family at Combat Veterans for Congress in San Diego Sat evening! You'll be a great asset in Congress. Love your website video....beautiful country up there in Montana. Thanks for your service as a SEAL and I'm praying for a Zinke victory!!!
A: Positive
Poster: Important story on NPR's All Things Considered about a Syrian refugee family finding refuge in Toledo, Ohio. Responser: i dont think any muslums should be brought to this contry and the same with illegal immagrants you and sherrod brown are completer idiots for not approving kates law cities like san francisco should be shut down because they let illegals kill people and dont persecute them!!!!
A: Negative
Poster: Today, I am proud to receive the Spirit of Enterprise Award from Nello Ruscitti, Chairman of the Havasu Chamber of Commerce. Responser: Congratulations, Paul and thank you!
A: Positive
Poster: This little thing is just too cute! #PuppyLove Responser: Lo mismo digo, aunque solo se vea en parte.
A: Neutral
Poster: This summer, travelling green is easier than ever before. Think about it when booking your family trip. Responser: Yep. That's an outboard motor & a bunch of people sitting on their butts. Diesn't seem "green" to me. Nothing to brag about on F/b. Maybe trying to drum up business, make some $$$$$$$.
A: Negative
Poster: Three great comebacks in a row, Maria Sharapova is unbelievable... & Genie Bouchard is now in the elite group.. She has proven herself. Responser: I was very impressed wit Genie today. She will definitely win a Grand Slam. Sooner rather than later I think.
A: Positive
Poster: Where were you when news of the 9/11 terrorist attack on America broke 13 years ago? Responser: I was at work and we were so lucky we just came from a trip from Turkey a few days before and we stop In New York on our way home to Miami God helped us.
A: Mixed
Poster: Spoke with Senator McCain earlier today. On ISIS, he told me, "We are going to have to have some American boots on the ground." Responser: Audio Props: Please tell me you are aware of the sacrifices Sen. McCain has already made in the defense of our country. Because of his background, he is NOT someone who takes putting military lives at risk lightly. I would be interested in reading your response.
A: Mixed
Poster: @Rosenbergradio: I'm live with @ryenarussillo on @RussilloKanell on @ESPNRadio and ESPN NEWS!!!!! tune in on the ESPN app Responser: Listen to DAYS OF OUR LIVES by MIND_ELEVATED #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/mind_elevated/days-of-our-lives
A: Neutral
Poster: Video: The detriment of gov overreach- how federal #regulations are hindering Am. business growth & economic stability - http://t.co/vrAZSa6 Responser: @Deb, Comments like yours are not substantive. If you want to be taken seriously, then stop with the Saul Alinsky rabble-rousing.
A: Negative
Poster: My new family...My niece and uncles...lol Responser: I see the resemblance...
A: Neutral
Poster: My debate grades: Clinton A, Sanders B, O'Malley C+, Chafee D+, Webb D. See the full report cards here. Responser: I agree with Halparin. Great debate!
A: Positive
Poster: 20 years ago today, Americans began accessing legally protected time off from work to care for themselves or a loved one. We know that when #WomenSucced America succeeds and FMLA is a crucial part of that. Responser: And now at CVH people stay on it year after year after year to call out without reprimand.....totally abused! :(
A: Negative
Poster: Welcome into the world my 8th grand baby....Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Mr.Aries...The legacy continues. .#Grandpimpen#Pawpaw #VincentMWard #Rise&Grind Www.vincentmward.com Responser: Congratulations Vincent!!
A: Positive
Poster: It's not every day you bump into Nicky Mill and Bjorn Borg in the Royal Box @Wimbledon :))) #greatcompany Responser: Boy! Bjorn has really let himself go!
A: Negative
Poster: Hey Guys...I am doing my thing is Alaska and it has been off the hook. Check out this video of my crew. Responser: I think you are in one of the most beautyful states Montel.
A: Positive
Poster: Talent is an accident of genes, and a responsibility. Alan Rickman Responser: " It would be wonderful to think the future is unknown and sort of surprising" - Alan Rickman
A: Positive
Poster: Salton Sea #tbt @jeffforney Responser: Oh my... A lil on the cheesy side. Your look now is definitely better.
A: Positive
Poster: My floor speech today on the reckless threats to our economy and the full faith and credit of the United States. Responser: You're exactly right, John! The GOP is trying to blackmail the President and the country. They are ideologues, not political leaders. They are totally irresponsible.Their tax cuts, and last year's tax cut extension at their insistence, are the core of the problem.
A: Positive
Poster: Stop by our New Hartford office today, located at 555 French Road Suite 101 for an open house with staff from 11am-1pm! We hope to see you there. Responser: I did not get paid to show up at an open house that was not an open house. And I didn't get paid to stand outside in the cold!
A: Negative
Poster: "We are heartbroken for all those who were killed, their families, and the community of Charleston. Please pray for those we lost and our nation in this time of mourning." -Joe Responser: we are heartbroken Oblammers in office instead of out in jail for treason
A: Negative
Poster: Americans should not feel threatened at their place of employment simply because of who they love or their sexual identity. I call on Speaker Boehner and House Republicans to drop their objections and bring ENDA to the floor for immediate consideration. http://1.usa.gov/16K42Rm Responser: I hope Congresswoman Titus will refuse to support the new Michelle Bachman adoption resolution, in which she has specifically excluded LGBT parents.
A: Negative
Poster: New Jersey's voters will be allowed to decide whether they want to strengthen the state's economy by providing a livable wage for our workers... Responser: Yes let's raise the minimum wage so business have to lay people off or raise prices and it will cost the middle class more for everything they purchase.
A: Positive
Poster: Me Russell and Eddie Responser: Did you get gas or did you end up peeing in that bottles
A: Neutral
Poster: Happy Halloween! Which Koontz book will you be reading to celebrate? Responser: I have just finished reading Icebound, Phantoms and Moonlight all in a row. Amazing stuff!
A: Positive
Poster: Isakson Lauds Unanimous Senate Approval of Legislation to Ensure Military Ballots are Counted Responser: A US Military Base is considered American Soil. Why can't they have election officers and poll workers just like in the States rather than using absentee ballots? Can't they do it via computer?
A: Negative
Poster: Wimbledon champions dance 1976.. Bjorn Borg. Responser: U look a little close. Must have enjoyed the dancing!
A: Positive
Poster: Today is the day! #MambaDay !! Honored to have been a team mate of one of the greatest athletes in the world! Thanks for sharing your talent with us and showing athletes everywhere that anything is possible! Kobe Bryant Responser: looking special.....
A: Positive
Poster: Shelby and the Adidas Team in Las Vegas - Mats Mekel, Judy Murray, Shelby, and Sven Groeneveld Responser: Good luck Shelby..thinking of you
A: Positive
Poster: After weeks of unnecessary delay, we will have much needed new leadership at the VA. We must make real, meaningful, systematic changes that result in the best care possible for our veterans. Read my full statement to Secretary Shinseki's resignation here. Responser: Why blame the senior people why not the people doing it. VA rules allow unqualified veterans to use VA hospital stop that and half the problem is solved.
A: Negative
Poster: Next week we finally have an Eve/Adalind showdown! Spoiler: they eat crumpets & do manicures. Responser: Can't wait! Go Eve, go!
A: Positive
Poster: Im thinking about doing an actors workshop where I go to different cities& states and people can ask questions about breaking into acting Responser: You got my support!.
A: Positive
Poster: #TX23: Happy #FathersDay to my dad Bob Hurd. And I wish all the dads out there a happy Father's Day. Remember to hug your dad or give him a call. LIKE & SHARE THIS PHOTO if you support dads. Responser: Like Father like Son love both Mom
A: Positive
Poster: DAMN RIGHT!!! @lucie.safarova We did it!!! #usopen2016 doubles champs!! Sooo Happy and Proud!! #teambucie #champion #tennis Responser: These two are awesome
A: Positive
Poster: En @martinoticias: #Guantanamo es una base crucial para nuestro pas en la region y en combate contra terrorismo https://t.co/3lXWCJNOqx Responser: Amn jams se debe permitir que los castros se le entregue guantanamo eso siempre tiene que ser propiedad de estados unidos para poner a los terroristas empezando por los castros.
A: Positive
Poster: "Raising taxes is the lazy way to fix the problem." I couldn't agree more Saira Blair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw8qRPJWBgk&feature=youtu.be Responser: Our taxes are too high. What crackhead wants to work more to keep less of their paycheck? When does the impeachment begin? People are tired of the red wave of McConnell and Boehner with zero teeth. Love the liberal/Democrat hypocrisy. We want burger flippers to make $15/hr? Seriously?
A: Negative
Poster: LAST DAY of the campaign #SPNFamily. Thank you for helping us spread the cheer! #HappyHolidays to you and yours. #WeDidGood Check it out: http://bit.ly/trio_ja Responser: Paula, this is everything they did with the money for the shirts. Cool huh.
A: Positive
Poster: From the failed Obamacare rollout to the #IRS targeting of conservative groups, the entire Obama presidency has been filled with "glitches". Follow what House Republicans are doing to bring accountability at www.gop.gov. Responser: And you have supported each one!
A: Negative
Poster: .@MaddowBlog: Cantwell & Dem Senators want answers from @BarackObama on decision against over the counter Plan B http://bit.ly/tbNg5W Responser: Thank you for having our backs on these issues.
A: Positive
Poster: Journalism is not a crime. Egypt, Free the Al Jazeera 20. Let my people go. Responser: Journalism is not a crime..I agree. The crime is when journalists knowingly lie.
A: Mixed
Poster: Checkout my character sneak peek on Masters of Sex airing August 3rd on Showtime!!! Responser: My buddy Jeff Johnson was your prop master on that.
A: Positive
Poster: Tomas, Big Tiny and Oscar at Texas Frightmare...#TeamPrison Responser: Awesome pic... Like always... All my love from France ! French team is still here to support you Vincent .Love.Sandy
A: Positive
Poster: The question remains.... NEWS ARTICLE: Why won't Halvorson hold meetings? Responser: Because she's a bumbling fool who can't answer a simple question. Anyone hear her on Don and Roma yesterday?! Or on previous shows? It's embarrassing.
A: Mixed
Poster: Tom continues the push to have Valles Caldera National Preserve made part of the National Park Service. This move could open up the land for more public use for hiking, hunting, fishing, and more. Read more at the link: Responser: better than having a casino there.
A: Mixed
Poster: In five minutes, I will be speaking on the floor of the House in support of my resolution honoring the City of Lilburn, GA. Responser: When will you honor the urban area of Dekalb County. Like where your office is on Hillandale. Wesley Chaple, Candler Road, Rockbridge, Glenwood, Memorial Drive and such?
A: Mixed
Poster: Busy week in Washington, DC with the State of the Union tomorrow night. Responser: A pointer - don't shout out that he is lying!
A: Mixed
Poster: Throwback to the first week at US Open Tennis Championships Responser: Heureux de te revoir tu tais mon idole j ai mme eu ton autographe lors de ta victoire Roland garros
A: Neutral
Poster: INNOCENCE is available TODAY in hardcover, ebook, and audio! Click below to watch a message from Dean. Responser: Already got it on Kindle and will be reading it at lunchtime.
A: Positive
Poster: Standing with Jackie all the way down in New Mexico!! Responser: Kinda stretching for voters there! Lol. Mullen's the real expert on voters from outside the district, being from DC himself.
A: Mixed
Poster: First match here in New Zealand is tomorrow not before noon! Responser: Good luck dear Shelby.
A: Positive
Poster: I am not alone. http://www.creationstands.com/products/jensen-misha-you-are-not-alone-campaign Responser: Ahahahahaha [[PHOTO]]
A: Positive
Poster: At the North American Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum. Great crowd, great ideas. Responser: Can we start a non-government park with VA Tax breaks like they did for RTP in NC in the 1959-60 timeframe. Use energy and education products themes as a base for the park.
A: Neutral |
You are provided with a list of converations between a "USER" and "ASSISTANT". Figure out if the conversation provided as "classify_text" is authored by "USER" or "ASSISTANT". There are maximum of 7 conversations between "USER" and "ASSISTANT" in each input
ASSISTANT: Tell me what type of movies you like. , USER: Action and comedy. , ASSISTANT: Perfect! Now, what would be one of your favorite movies? , USER: Chinatown , ASSISTANT: Got it. Could you give me some reasons you enjoy that type of movie? , USER: Has good acting, good plot, and some really good twists and turns., classify_text: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like?
ASSISTANT: What are some kinds of movies you like? , USER: One of my favorite kinds is action movies. , ASSISTANT: Why's that? , USER: They're The action is a lot of fun. Even though it's it's not something that you want to see in real life. It's a ton of fun on screen. They tend to be like sort of like non-stop, start to finish or great escape. And, usually if the story is good in good action movie the story is descent so if somebody getting saved , USER: skewed or they are on some mission to help a country or whatever the case may be and it's usually something you can root for so it's a good time. , ASSISTANT: That's great. What other kinds of movies do you like?, classify_text: I also like Like similar to action movies, I also like superhero movies, which are a little bit different than action movies, but I do like those as well.
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about them? , USER: I like the I like comedy movies because they're funny. They make me laugh. The plot and dialog is interesting. It makes me really attentive to the movie , USER: Movies such as Adam Sandler type of movies or Jim Carrey type of movies. , ASSISTANT: What's your favorite comedy?, classify_text: favorite comedy, uh... Billy Madison
ASSISTANT: Hello,What sort of movies do you like to watch? , USER: Hello, I really enjoy comedy and action movies quite a bit. , ASSISTANT: Can you give me some more details? , USER: My movies in particular, like comedy-wise, I like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, like action movies, I really enjoy like superhero movies. , ASSISTANT: do you like just comedy or romantic comedy as well? , USER: Some romantic comedies it just depends on who's in it and what it's kind of about., classify_text: What else?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: Mostly dramas, or documentaries. , ASSISTANT: why is that? , USER: I just don't like action movies or romantic movies so much. I prefer things based on real life. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: A Time to Kill, classify_text: why ?
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like comedies? , USER: They're funny to watch, and I just like to watch something like that at the end of a hard day. , ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies? , USER: Rush Hour. It's one of my movies I like to watch., classify_text: Can you say why you like that type of movie?
ASSISTANT: hello , USER: Hello. , ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: Dramas, mostly. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies? , USER: If they are written well then the story and the character are usually engaging and I find it to be a good exploration of the human condition., classify_text: Can you name a particular movie you like?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like drama and comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: why drama? , USER: I like movies that have a rich plot line, and drama movies usually do have a rich and interesting plot. And I don't really like action so drama movies tend to be less action oriented. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: One of my favorite movies that comes to mind is actually kind of a romantic comedy and that's You've Got Mail. It's a super old movie, but I still really like it., classify_text: what do you like about it?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about comedy? , USER: I like that it's funny. , ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies? , USER: One of my favorites. How about Eight Crazy Nights?, classify_text: what is it about?
ASSISTANT: Is there a specific type of movie that you like? , USER: science fiction , ASSISTANT: What sci fi title is one that you like? , USER: Blade Runner , ASSISTANT: What interests you about science fiction and this movie in particular , USER: The psychological aspects and the cinematography., classify_text: I see, have you see Ender's Game?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I love action movies, I absolutely love action movies. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about action movies? , USER: Like for instance for the action, you know? I love the action, I love the lines. Lines are always big charismatic lines. They're always super super fun, they can use if you like if you've seen any of the Transformers movies, those lines are lit. , ASSISTANT: do you like superhero movies? , USER: Oh yeah. Yeah, spot on, dude. Spot on. I just loved The Ant-Man on Amazon. I love that movie. Who would have thought an Amazon-produced movie could have been good, right? Well as it turns out, they got us, cuz that's a really good movie., classify_text: what did u like about it?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I enjoy family, fantasy and mysteries. , ASSISTANT: why fantasy movies? , USER: I just like the fantasy part where you can enjoy watching something that is not common or doesn't really happen and the idea of that being able to happen one day. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: One of my favorite movies was something I watched as a child and it's still is one of my favorite movies The NeverEnding Story., classify_text: Why?
ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy and action, sci-fi, animation, and horror movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like action movies? , USER: They get you into them that you feel involved in the movie when you watch it. , ASSISTANT: Is there an action movie that you liked? , USER: Right now am watching Skyscraper., classify_text: And I liked the the Marvel movies as well.
ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like the Spotlight? , USER: Yeah, for the most part I do like movies like Spotlight. , ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like? , USER: It's a controversial topic that is covering and it's trying to send a message about what they're doing now. It depicted a preachiness I think because that's what the journalists were doing but still came off a little bit that way but a really great movie and it doesn't take away from it. It's just a little bit I I still would put all the president's men of those kinds of movies ahead of spotlight one of the reasons because of that. , ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Inside Man? , USER: I don't know that movie., classify_text: Do you like movies like Good Will Hunting?
ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like action films. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about these kind of movies? , USER: I like sort of nonstop action. The the the action sequences are usually exciting, and fun, and maybe gripping, and intense in a good way. There's usually It's usually quite an escape to watch an action film. , ASSISTANT: nice. can you name a movie that you really liked? , USER: Mr. & Mrs. Smith is one of my favorite action films. It's a It's Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and so great cast and this particular action film great cast, great action, great writing with sexual aroma that's paired into it which I really love and it has a lot of great back and forth a really great script which does not always, classify_text: when you have a great script in action movie, it does make it that much better.
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like I like Adam Sandler type of movies, Billy Madison. , USER: comedy comedy movies, action movies , USER: Suspense movies, horror movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies? , USER: I like horror movies because they keep me because I want to know how the ending will be, like Horror movies just bring out like the gruesomeness of killings and stuff like that. It's just I find it fascinating. It just leaves me at the edge of my seat. It just It just keeps me thrilled. I just want to know how the story will end., classify_text: Can you tell me the name of a particular movie you like?
ASSISTANT: what kind of movie do you generally like , USER: I like interesting movies. They could be action or story-driven, science fiction, anything, except romantic movies. , ASSISTANT: why do you like those type of movies? , USER: They keep my interests and I feel like I can put myself in the movie by imagining it. , ASSISTANT: can you name a particular movie that fits that category, and describe a bit about why u like that kind of movie , USER: Guardians of the Galaxy because I really enjoyed it. And the story was compelling, and I liked the characters presented., classify_text: nice choice. how about a movie that you didn't necessarily like that fits that category, and why you didn't like that kind of movie
ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie? , USER: Probably Happy Gilmore. , ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like? , USER: It's got a lot of humor. The storyline's really good. , ASSISTANT: what else? , USER: The actors and the dialog are really rich in rewarding., classify_text: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?
ASSISTANT: Tell me what types of movies you like. , USER: Lately I've been interested in foreign films, particularly ones that come out of Japan. , ASSISTANT: Got it. Could you give me some reasons you enjoy that type of movie? , USER: I really like the action movies that have come out of there in the last 10 or 20 years. , ASSISTANT: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like? , USER: A movie I really didn't like from Japan? I can't really think of anything. Not really from Japan, but I thought the Godzilla movie could have been a little better., classify_text: Alright. And, what are some things you really don't like about that type of movie?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: drama , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: the plot and the characters , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: Lone Survivor, classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: I like action movies I like the , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: I like movies that are that have , USER: suspenseful and like bring , USER: Lots of action with their hands v body., classify_text: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like to watch , USER: My favorite kinds of movies are romantic comedies. , ASSISTANT: can you name a specific movie that fits that category, and tell me why you like that movie type , USER: Sure, like , USER: Notting Hill it is , USER: Sort of heart-warming and funny, and it has a happy ending. And the romance is always fun to watch develop and play out. I really like the lightheartedness and the comedy of the movies. I There's sort of enough bad things going on in the world, that I don't need to watch a ton of it in a movie. So, I like lighter, funnier comedies, and romantic comedies are my favorite kind of, classify_text: thanks so much. how about a movie that fits that movie category that u didnt like, and describe what factors you didn't like about that type of movie.
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: Thrillers, action, political thrillers, action movies like Die Hard or The Matrix, Sci-Fi movies, things like that. , ASSISTANT: Great. Can you give me a movie you really liked? , USER: Well, let's go with The Matrix. , ASSISTANT: what did you like about it? , USER: I liked the It has a lot of the things I like in it. Action, has a pretty heavy sci-fi bent to it. There's just a little bit of religious subtext. But mostly it's the action and the storytelling I thought were very good., classify_text: Okay
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedies. , ASSISTANT: okay. Why do you like comedies? , USER: Because they make Because they are fun they are fun to watch and that makes me laugh. , ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies? , USER: Ghostbusters, classify_text: what did you like about Ghostbusters?
USER: Hello. , ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like , USER: I like action movies. , ASSISTANT: why do you like action movies , USER: Well, they're usually entertaining, and there's a lot going on. , USER: soft and great movie scores, classify_text: can you name a particular movie that you like
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like thrillers. , USER: And fantasy movies. , ASSISTANT: okay. Great. Why do you like fantasy movies? , USER: They are fun and I escape this, I guess. , USER: They're pretty, usually, and interesting premise., classify_text: so do you like movies like harry potter?
ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like? , USER: drama , ASSISTANT: why do you like drama , USER: I like the stories, like a beginning, middle, and end, figuring out what's going to happen. , ASSISTANT: can you name a particular drama movie you like? , USER: The Martian, classify_text: what exactly is it about the Martians that you like
ASSISTANT: hello , ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like documentaries. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like documentaries? , ASSISTANT: What did you like about that documentary? , ASSISTANT: Can you tell me a movie you did not like?, classify_text: Yeah, I watched about the first 5 minutes of the Ali G movie. I don't remember the title of it, but it was just absolutely terrible, gut wrenching, just absolutely awful, absolutely awful. I'm not I don't want to watch something if it's that bad, you know. I watched the first 10 minutes. I thought, this is not going to be good, so I just sort of left it at that, even though I love the TV show. It was kind of weird, because I thought it would be a lot better than what it was.
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy dramas. , ASSISTANT: why do you like dramas? , USER: They are interesting. They are intense. I like the varied story lines, the fiction. Sometimes it's not fiction. , USER: But there's always a surprise somewhere. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?, classify_text: Daddy's Home 2
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie? , USER: I like action movies that are relevant today. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , USER: Guardians of the Galaxy. That one was out a few years ago, but I was disappointed with the ending. , ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? , USER: It has It has modern actors in it so it's kind of a new age action movie, but I'm looking forward to newer movies that are coming out., classify_text: Can you name a movie that you do not like?
ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like? , USER: Comedy , ASSISTANT: Well, why do you like comedy? , USER: Because it it makes me feel good, funny. , ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie? , USER: Dumb and Dumber, have you ever seen it?, classify_text: alright, Why is that your favorite movie?
ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like? , USER: Oh, I really enjoy a good sports movie. , ASSISTANT: what do you enjoy about them? , USER: I like the the sports factor. Makes it feel relatable and more real to me. I guess I can put myself in the characters better. , ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you really liked? , USER: Yeah. Have you ever watched Rocky?, classify_text: It's about a small-time boxer from Philadelphia, which is in the area that I live, that that goes to be world champion. Pretty much a rags-to-riches story.
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: My favorite are science fiction or action. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about this genre? , USER: This. Usually, it's in space or it has to do with the future or a different world in a scientific setting. Well, not scientific setting, but with some kind of science-based reality. , ASSISTANT: so you like technology and science? , USER: Sure. I like in Science Fiction it's, classify_text: Its off It's based off science, but not
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie? , USER: I like horror movies, how shocking they are. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? , USER: I feel like there's not a lot of jump scares. I like that it does reference actual people. I think the budget was for it really great. It was a really well done movie. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?, classify_text: Oh, Valerian. Valerian was a terrible movie.
ASSISTANT: hello , ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I really really like horror movies. They're my favorite genre. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like horror movies? , USER: I like horror movies because I like to be scared, but I don't like being in danger, so it gives me that feeling and the adrenaline of being scared without actually being in any sort of danger in real life. , ASSISTANT: I see. Can you name a particular movie you like?, classify_text: I just went and saw The Nun at the movies the other night, and I really liked that movie.
ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like? , USER: I like historical war movies and dramas. , ASSISTANT: ok, what about those types of movies do you like? , USER: I like the action, the historical significance, the setting. I'm a big World War II fan, so Well, not a fan of world wars, but a fan of the the time period. , ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a specific film you enjoyed? , USER: Yes, Saving Private Ryan., classify_text: ok, can you name types of movies you don't like?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like comedies? , USER: I like movies that make me laugh. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular comedy movie that you like? , USER: I really like The Three Amigos., classify_text: What are the 2 things that you like about this movie?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: comedies, thrillers, suspense , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: I like to laugh, I like to be in suspense, and I like thrillers. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from these genres? , USER: The Avengers, classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why? , USER: I really like superhero movies. , ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy? , USER: Yes. I would say , USER: X2, like X-Men 2 is probably my favorite of the superhero movies. , ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?, classify_text: Superhero movies are sort of like action films but with a different storyline, a different lore, based off of the comic book, so it has The movie has great action, but also for a very kind of important and engaging storyline, and really well-developed characters. That's the big difference about superhero movies and regular action, is the
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like action, thrillers, mystery , USER: Some horror, maybe. , ASSISTANT: ok. great. why do you like thrillers? , USER: I don't know. They get the adrenaline pumping and it kind of has a puzzle to it you try to figure out, so those are two things I enjoy, I guess. , USER: And I like story, so they usually have pretty good stories., classify_text: do you like the movie gone girl?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? Any specific genre? , USER: I like science fiction movies for the most part. , ASSISTANT: Sci fi, awesome. Is there a movie you can name that you really liked? , USER: I really enjoyed watching Blade Runner 2049 in theaters. , ASSISTANT: They served the original one justice! And can you tell me what you liked about those types of movies? , USER: I like the fact that they have very lived-in, well developed worlds, good stories and good characters., classify_text: Perfect, now that I know what movie you like, can you name one you don't like? What would be last on your list?
ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like? , USER: I really like action movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like actions movies? , USER: They're fun to watch. They keep you keep you excited. There's not really too many lulls in action movies. , ASSISTANT: Alright, how about a movie you liked? , USER: I liked Them, classify_text: Why did you like that movie?
ASSISTANT: What kind of films do you like to see? , USER: I really like action movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like action movies? , USER: They're a great escape. You are almost never thinking about much else besides the movie you're watching, kind of nonstop from start to finish, and they're usually a lot of fun. The action is a lot of fun. A lot of times, the storylines are either fun or intriguing, and all the better if the acting is good, and the action movies can sort of go , USER: both ways with acting, but usually there's enough action to carry things through if the acting's not there. , ASSISTANT: Great, that's really good to know. Now what's a movie you've seen recently that you enjoyed?, classify_text: recently
ASSISTANT: Hello,What sort of movies do you like to watch? , USER: Hello, I really enjoy comedy and action movies quite a bit. , ASSISTANT: Can you give me some more details? , USER: My movies in particular, like comedy-wise, I like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, like action movies, I really enjoy like superhero movies. , ASSISTANT: do you like just comedy or romantic comedy as well? , USER: Some romantic comedies it just depends on who's in it and what it's kind of about., classify_text: What else?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like action movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you find action movies interesting? , USER: I like the climax of the characters, how they go through interaction daily with fighting but also having emotions. It gives me a humane feel to the movie. , USER: And I also like just the dramatics of the high budget. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie from that genre you enjoy?, classify_text: I like Fast and the Furious.
USER: Hello. , ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie? , USER: One of my favorite movies is The Dark Knight. , ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like? , USER: I thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters in this movie. , ASSISTANT: What else?, classify_text: I also felt that the acting overall was top notch.
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like thrillers. , ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like thrillers? , USER: cause I like to watch movies where they're not always predictable. , ASSISTANT: so do you like movies like dunkirk? , USER: That was a great movie., classify_text: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?
ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like action and science fiction movies and, oh, some drama. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: One of my favorite movies ever is Blade Runner. , ASSISTANT: the old one? , USER: Yes. The new one's good, too, but the original was really good., classify_text: What type of movies do you not like?
ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Star Wars? , USER: Sure do. I like the fantasy science fiction Western mixture, the good guy versus bad guy with the light sabers instead of guns. , ASSISTANT: Awesome. I agree. How about movies like the Matrix? , USER: One of my favorites. Still every time I go see a movie, especially a science fiction or action movie, I always end up comparing it to the experience I had first time watching the original Matrix. The I love There's not anything bad about it that I've ever noticed or seen. It's , USER: Twist at the end, the action, the science fiction, it all works for me. , ASSISTANT: It set the standard for action computer graphics. Everything after that had to at least live up that the original Matrix., classify_text: That's true, It changed a lot of for a long time how action scenes were shot especially with that slow motion 360 cam. Now we've kind of gone the opposite where it's like Jason Bourne movies where everything is so quick cut and you can't tell what's going on. I wish we could go back to the Matrix.
ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you usually see? , USER: I like action movies, thrillers, and comedies. , ASSISTANT: Give me one of your top 5 movies , USER: Die Hard , ASSISTANT: Great. Why did you like it? , USER: It has great action. Bruce Willis is incredible, and the other actors are good, as well., classify_text: Was there anything else you liked?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why? , USER: What kind of movie , USER: I've always Well, I can't say I've always, but I like westerns now. I used to not like them as a child and now as an adult, I oddly have grown to very much enjoy a good western. , ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy? , USER: Well, I used to not like the movie Tombstone with Dark Holiday and well Whiteout played by I can't think of the actors name now. Kurt Russell and I forgot who played Dark Holiday, but as a kid I always thought it was boring but , ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?, classify_text: For Westerns, I think it's how simple and It's always kind of just about a single moral or I mean, sometimes you can have it where there's fantastical elements to it that lend kind of itself to like the American fairy tale, sort of. But they're always very simple stories with a little bit There's almost
ASSISTANT: can u tell me what kind of movies u like watching? , USER: I generally go and see Sci-Fi and fantasy movies. , ASSISTANT: name a movie that fits one of those categories that u thoroughly enjoyed , USER: I really like both of the Blade Runner movies. , ASSISTANT: what qualities about the blade runner movies did u like? , USER: Well, I generally like the setting of a super future, basically, of sprawling estates. It reminds me of old cyberpunk novels and things like that. So, anything that includes that is fun to watch for me., classify_text: thank u. and can u also name a movie that fits one of the categories that u didn't enjoy as much?
ASSISTANT: i'd like to know what kind of movies you like , USER: Yeah, I like any movies that have to do with the future, you know, like dystopian futuristic science fiction-type movies. , ASSISTANT: nice, what do you like about them? , USER: It gives you kind of a weird and warped view into the future, and it kind It's just interesting that to see the worlds like different from the vision of the director. , ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you really liked? , USER: Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of it. It's called The Matrix. It's very popular. That really fits the bill here., classify_text: nice, what did you like about the matrix?
ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like war movies. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about war movies? , USER: I like that they depict an otherwise taboo subject, like I know that Hollywood and movies in general are a bit exaggerated and they are not necessary factually correct, but they give people like me who have never seen anything like war a glimpse into what war could or does look like. , USER: I think that's pretty cool. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular war movie you like?, classify_text: Saving Private Ryan is a good one.
ASSISTANT: Tell me what type of movies you like. , USER: I really like psychological thrillers. , ASSISTANT: Got it. Could you give me some reasons you enjoy that type of movie? , USER: I like thinking about what's going to happen next, and I like trying to figure out the plot of the story. , ASSISTANT: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like? , USER: Didn't like, classify_text: A Simple Favor
ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like comedy movies? , USER: Because they make me laugh. , ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie? , USER: Dumb and Dumber, classify_text: Because I I like it because The plot is interesting because Jim Carrey goes from Jim Carrey finds a briefcase and and then goes to Aspen, Colorado to retrieve it, and and he gets his friend to come along with him
ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedies. , ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like comedies? , USER: I like sort of the lighthearted aspect, not taking itself too seriously. It's a real escape from you know, regular life. Just a a chance to have just a lighthearted moment that can be enjoyable. , ASSISTANT: so i'm guessing you don't like dramas? , USER: I do like dramas. I just don't like them as much as I like comedies., classify_text: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?
ASSISTANT: what kinds of movies do you typically enjoy? , USER: Typically, I enjoy comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like comedies? , USER: They're a nice little break from everyday, ordinary life. And they incite laughter, which is always a good thing. Definitely something I don't normally do throughout a day. Not unless I seek out funny things. , ASSISTANT: I see. and what about funny things is attractive to you in films? , USER: Well, classify_text: It feels like it gives the movie more substance.
Ans: USER |
In this task, you are given a year. You need to check if it is a leap year or not. A year may be a leap year if it is evenly divisible by 4. Years that are divisible by 100 (century years such as 1900 or 2000) cannot be leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. Return 1 if it is a leap year, else return 0.
Example: 1714
Output: 0
Example: 1056
Output: 1
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1652
Output: 1
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1340
Output: 1
Example: 1810
Output: 0
Example: 1624
Output: 1
Example: 1804
Output: 1
Example: 1739
Output: 0
Example: 1557
Output: 0
Example: 1253
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1203
Output: 0
Example: 1604
Output: 1
Example: 1212
Output: 1
Example: 1933
Output: 0
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1151
Output: 0
Example: 1985
Output: 0
Example: 1272
Output: 1
Example: 1661
Output: 0
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1488
Output: 1
Example: 1372
Output: 1
Example: 1164
Output: 1
Example: 1965
Output: 0
Example: 1620
Output: 1
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1150
Output: 0
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1858
Output: 0
Example: 1280
Output: 1
Example: 1335
Output: 0
Example: 1508
Output: 1
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1164
Output: 1
Example: 1756
Output: 1
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1558
Output: 0
Example: 1008
Output: 1
Example: 1378
Output: 0
Example: 1884
Output: 1
Example: 1933
Output: 0
Example: 1009
Output: 0
Example: 1920
Output: 1
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1490
Output: 0
Example: 1656
Output: 1
Example: 1792
Output: 1
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1220
Output: 1
Example: 1045
Output: 0
Example: 1971
Output: 0
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1474
Output: 0
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1428
Output: 1
Example: 2000
Output: 1
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1688
Output: 1
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1238
Output: 0
Example: 1088
Output: 1
Example: 1858
Output: 0
Example: 1280
Output: 1
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1516
Output: 1
Example: 1524
Output: 1
Example: 1903
Output: 0
Example: 1508
Output: 1
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1558
Output: 0
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1009
Output: 0
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1743
Output: 0
Example: 1395
Output: 0
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1401
Output: 0
Example: 1039
Output: 0
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1529
Output: 0
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1766
Output: 0
Example: 1314
Output: 0
Example: 1984
Output: 1
Example: 1858
Output: 0
Example: 1329
Output: 0
Example: 1678
Output: 0
Example: 1528
Output: 1
Example: 1604
Output: 1
Example: 1979
Output: 0
Example: 1151
Output: 0
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1968
Output: 1
Example: 1272
Output: 1
Example: 1781
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1340
Output: 1
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1640
Output: 1
Example: 1064
Output: 1
Example: 1228
Output: 1
Example: 1150
Output: 0
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1064
Output: 1
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1549
Output: 0
Example: 1385
Output: 0
Example: 1479
Output: 0
Example: 1380
Output: 1
Example: 1772
Output: 1
Example: 1155
Output: 0
Example: 1610
Output: 0
Example: 1344
Output: 1
Example: 1045
Output: 0
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1804
Output: 1
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1558
Output: 0
Example: 1840
Output: 1
Example: 1529
Output: 0
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1203
Output: 0
Example: 1253
Output: 0
Example: 1552
Output: 1
Example: 1500
Output: 0
Example: 1661
Output: 0
Example: 1926
Output: 0
Example: 1463
Output: 0
Example: 1373
Output: 0
Example: 1664
Output: 1
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1347
Output: 0
Example: 1646
Output: 0
Example: 1013
Output: 0
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1712
Output: 1
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1516
Output: 1
Example: 1712
Output: 1
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1928
Output: 1
Example: 1272
Output: 1
Example: 1661
Output: 0
Example: 1347
Output: 0
Example: 1228
Output: 1
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1933
Output: 0
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1572
Output: 1
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1996
Output: 1
Example: 1604
Output: 1
Example: 1830
Output: 0
Example: 1624
Output: 1
Example: 1684
Output: 1
Example: 1969
Output: 0
Example: 1360
Output: 1
Example: 1488
Output: 1
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1766
Output: 0
Example: 1308
Output: 1
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1906
Output: 0
Example: 1564
Output: 1
Example: 1526
Output: 0
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1800
Output: 0
Example: 1996
Output: 1
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1253
Output: 0
Example: 1557
Output: 0
Example: 1195
Output: 0
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1228
Output: 1
Example: 1830
Output: 0
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1984
Output: 1
Example: 1175
Output: 0
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1632
Output: 1
Example: 1516
Output: 1
Example: 1477
Output: 0
Example: 1253
Output: 0
Example: 1156
Output: 1
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1792
Output: 1
Example: 1906
Output: 0
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1776
Output: 1
Example: 1928
Output: 1
Example: 1329
Output: 0
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1244
Output: 1
Example: 1175
Output: 0
Example: 1236
Output: 1
Example: 1830
Output: 0
Example: 1424
Output: 1
Example: 1280
Output: 1
Example: 1820
Output: 1
Example: 1528
Output: 1
Example: 1386
Output: 0
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1858
Output: 0
Example: 1776
Output: 1
Example: 1544
Output: 1
Example: 1616
Output: 1
Example: 1171
Output: 0
Example: 1385
Output: 0
Example: 1508
Output: 1
Example: 1792
Output: 1
Example: 1524
Output: 1
Example: 1584
Output: 1
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1385
Output: 0
Example: 1212
Output: 1
Example: 1810
Output: 0
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1516
Output: 1
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1385
Output: 0
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1286
Output: 0
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1228
Output: 1
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1610
Output: 0
Example: 1552
Output: 1
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1401
Output: 0
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1529
Output: 0
Example: 1646
Output: 0
Example: 1889
Output: 0
Example: 1906
Output: 0
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1464
Output: 1
Example: 1748
Output: 1
Example: 2000
Output: 1
Example: 1386
Output: 0
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1314
Output: 0
Example: 1088
Output: 1
Example: 1542
Output: 0
Example: 1373
Output: 0
Example: 1225
Output: 0
Example: 1008
Output: 1
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1979
Output: 0
Example: 1428
Output: 1
Example: 1225
Output: 0
Example: 1984
Output: 1
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1731
Output: 0
Example: 1094
Output: 0
Example: 1308
Output: 1
Example: 1926
Output: 0
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1600
Output: 1
Example: 1558
Output: 0
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1661
Output: 0
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1299
Output: 0
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1508
Output: 1
Example: 1405
Output: 0
Example: 1963
Output: 0
Example: 1965
Output: 0
Example: 1190
Output: 0
Example: 1428
Output: 1
Example: 1247
Output: 0
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1310
Output: 0
Example: 1715
Output: 0
Example: 1380
Output: 1
Example: 1380
Output: 1
Example: 1572
Output: 1
Example: 1933
Output: 0
Example: 1610
Output: 0
Example: 1039
Output: 0
Example: 1042
Output: 0
Example: 1610
Output: 0
Example: 1648
Output: 1
Example: 1171
Output: 0
Example: 1044
Output: 1
Example: 1175
Output: 0
Example: 1042
Output: 0
Example: 1600
Output: 1
Example: 1928
Output: 1
Example: 1781
Output: 0
Example: 1756
Output: 1
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1572
Output: 1
Example: 1616
Output: 1
Example: 1760
Output: 1
Example: 1190
Output: 0
Example: 1600
Output: 1
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1528
Output: 1
Example: 1542
Output: 0
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1150
Output: 0
Example: 1203
Output: 0
Example: 1600
Output: 1
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1731
Output: 0
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1820
Output: 1
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1965
Output: 0
Example: 1736
Output: 1
Example: 1889
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1164
Output: 1
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1884
Output: 1
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1979
Output: 0
Example: 1155
Output: 0
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1264
Output: 1
Example: 1905
Output: 0
Example: 1760
Output: 1
Example: 1984
Output: 1
Example: 1344
Output: 1
Example: 1020
Output: 1
Example: 1013
Output: 0
Example: 1235
Output: 0
Example: 1490
Output: 0
Example: 1616
Output: 1
Example: 1329
Output: 0
Example: 1479
Output: 0
Example: 1268
Output: 1
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1979
Output: 0
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1396
Output: 1
Example: 1744
Output: 1
Example: 1196
Output: 1
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1544
Output: 1
Example: 1939
Output: 0
Example: 1984
Output: 1
Example: 1980
Output: 1
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1479
Output: 0
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1156
Output: 1
Example: 1386
Output: 0
Example: 1348
Output: 1
Example: 1793
Output: 0
Example: 1202
Output: 0
Example: 1203
Output: 0
Example: 1792
Output: 1
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1943
Output: 0
Example: 1238
Output: 0
Example: 1529
Output: 0
Example: 1506
Output: 0
Example: 1736
Output: 1
Example: 1884
Output: 1
Example: 1793
Output: 0
Example: 1488
Output: 1
Example: 1856
Output: 1
Example: 1048
Output: 1
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1731
Output: 0
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1652
Output: 1
Example: 1344
Output: 1
Example: 1042
Output: 0
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1928
Output: 1
Example: 1652
Output: 1
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1500
Output: 0
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1715
Output: 0
Example: 1661
Output: 0
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1649
Output: 0
Example: 1441
Output: 0
Example: 1378
Output: 0
Example: 1766
Output: 0
Example: 1018
Output: 0
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1715
Output: 0
Example: 1428
Output: 1
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1303
Output: 0
Example: 1056
Output: 1
Example: 1868
Output: 1
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1558
Output: 0
Example: 1830
Output: 0
Example: 1220
Output: 1
Example: 1552
Output: 1
Example: 1640
Output: 1
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1348
Output: 1
Example: 1044
Output: 1
Example: 1048
Output: 1
Example: 1401
Output: 0
Example: 1896
Output: 1
Example: 1800
Output: 0
Example: 1920
Output: 1
Example: 1980
Output: 1
Example: 1236
Output: 1
Example: 1640
Output: 1
Example: 1474
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1171
Output: 0
Example: 1195
Output: 0
Example: 1968
Output: 1
Example: 1743
Output: 0
Example: 1840
Output: 1
Example: 1892
Output: 1
Example: 1008
Output: 1
Example: 1500
Output: 0
Example: 1280
Output: 1
Example: 1506
Output: 0
Example: 1335
Output: 0
Example: 1348
Output: 1
Example: 1696
Output: 1
Example: 1996
Output: 1
Example: 1896
Output: 1
Example: 1688
Output: 1
Example: 2019
Output: 0
Example: 1441
Output: 0
Example: 1793
Output: 0
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1009
Output: 0
Example: 1236
Output: 1
Example: 1405
Output: 0
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1552
Output: 1
Example: 1810
Output: 0
Example: 1533
Output: 0
Example: 1314
Output: 0
Example: 1045
Output: 0
Example: 1884
Output: 1
Example: 1996
Output: 1
Example: 1943
Output: 0
Example: 1516
Output: 1
Example: 1678
Output: 0
Example: 1064
Output: 1
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1529
Output: 0
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1013
Output: 0
Example: 1646
Output: 0
Example: 1928
Output: 1
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1772
Output: 1
Example: 1688
Output: 1
Example: 1268
Output: 1
Example: 1477
Output: 0
Example: 1428
Output: 1
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1496
Output: 1
Example: 1744
Output: 1
Example: 1684
Output: 1
Example: 1889
Output: 0
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1044
Output: 1
Example: 1604
Output: 1
Example: 1500
Output: 0
Example: 1208
Output: 1
Example: 1424
Output: 1
Example: 1395
Output: 0
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1045
Output: 0
Example: 1737
Output: 0
Example: 1299
Output: 0
Example: 1957
Output: 0
Example: 1401
Output: 0
Example: 1584
Output: 1
Example: 1744
Output: 1
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1395
Output: 0
Example: 1776
Output: 1
Example: 1042
Output: 0
Example: 1549
Output: 0
Example: 1988
Output: 1
Example: 1844
Output: 1
Example: 1748
Output: 1
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1155
Output: 0
Example: 1480
Output: 1
Example: 1810
Output: 0
Example: 1943
Output: 0
Example: 1549
Output: 0
Example: 1964
Output: 1
Example: 1678
Output: 0
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1088
Output: 1
Example: 1238
Output: 0
Example: 1903
Output: 0
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1220
Output: 1
Example: 1405
Output: 0
Example: 1190
Output: 0
Example: 1632
Output: 1
Example: 1969
Output: 0
Example: 1225
Output: 0
Example: 1373
Output: 0
Example: 1365
Output: 0
Example: 1142
Output: 0
Example: 1500
Output: 0
Example: 1040
Output: 1
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1415
Output: 0
Example: 1164
Output: 1
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1557
Output: 0
Example: 1151
Output: 0
Example: 1488
Output: 1
Example: 1740
Output: 1
Example: 1045
Output: 0
Example: 1544
Output: 1
Example: 1712
Output: 1
Example: 1971
Output: 0
Example: 1009
Output: 0
Example: 1840
Output: 1
Example: 1542
Output: 0
Example: 1737
Output: 0
Example: 1896
Output: 1
Example: 1800
Output: 0
Example: 1094
Output: 0
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1652
Output: 1
Example: 1926
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1533
Output: 0
Example: 1009
Output: 0
Example: 1286
Output: 0
Example: 2019
Output: 0
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1084
Output: 1
Example: 1225
Output: 0
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 2000
Output: 1
Example: 1229
Output: 0
Example: 1712
Output: 1
Example: 1120
Output: 1
Example: 1533
Output: 0
Example: 1280
Output: 1
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 2019
Output: 0
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1137
Output: 0
Example: 1737
Output: 0
Example: 1378
Output: 0
Example: 1202
Output: 0
Example: 1225
Output: 0
Example: 1195
Output: 0
Example: 1624
Output: 1
Example: 1584
Output: 1
Example: 1268
Output: 1
Example: 1560
Output: 1
Example: 1748
Output: 1
Example: 1155
Output: 0
Example: 1334
Output: 0
Example: 1724
Output: 1
Example: 1776
Output: 1
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1542
Output: 0
Example: 1340
Output: 1
Example: 1405
Output: 0
Example: 1929
Output: 0
Example: 1253
Output: 0
Example: 1964
Output: 1
Example: 1905
Output: 0
Example: 1334
Output: 0
Example: 1604
Output: 1
Example: 1640
Output: 1
Example: 1572
Output: 1
Example: 1715
Output: 0
Example: 1820
Output: 1
Example: 1646
Output: 0
Example: 1212
Output: 1
Example: 1965
Output: 0
Example: 1641
Output: 0
Example: 1441
Output: 0
Example: 1756
Output: 1
Example: 1235
Output: 0
Example: 1508
Output: 1
Example: 1616
Output: 1
Example: 1175
Output: 0
Example: 1549
Output: 0
Example: 1202
Output: 0
Example: 1545
Output: 0
Example: 1175
Output: 0
Example: 1372
Output: 1
Example: 1620
Output: 1
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1008
Output: 1
Example: 1731
Output: 0
Example: 1400
Output: 0
Example: 1793
Output: 0
Example: 1640
Output: 1
Example: 1094
Output: 0
Example: 1892
Output: 1
Example: 1731
Output: 0
Example: 1829
Output: 0
Example: 1380
Output: 1
Example: 1524
Output: 1
Example: 1490
Output: 0
Example: 1760
Output: 1
Example: 2000
Output: 1
Example: 1892
Output: 1
Example: 1844
Output: 1
Example: 1365
Output: 0
Example: 1474
Output: 0
Example: 1013
Output: 0
Example: 1903
Output: 0
Example: 1196
Output: 1
Example: 1889
Output: 0
Example: 1830
Output: 0
Example: 1810
Output: 0
Example: 1340
Output: 1
Example: 1905
Output: 0
Example: 1766
Output: 0
Example: 1335
Output: 0
Example: 1807
Output: 0
Example: 1244
Output: 1
Example: 1396
Output: 1
Example: 1284
Output: 1
Example: 1506
Output: 0
Example: 1310
Output: 0
Example: 1441
Output: 0
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1544
Output: 1
Example: 1900
Output: 0
Example: 1969
Output: 0
Example: 1939
Output: 0
Example: 1401
Output: 0
Example: 1737
Output: 0
Example: 1766
Output: 0
Example: 1612
Output: 1
Example: 1712
Output: 1
Example: 1286
Output: 0
Example: 2019
Output: 0
Example: 1905
Output: 0
Example: 1348
Output: 1
Example: 1490
Output: 0
Example: 1405
Output: 0
Example: 1335
Output: 0
Example: 1299
Output: 0
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1948
Output: 1
Example: 1415
Output: 0
Example: 1344
Output: 1
Example: 1463
Output: 0
Example: 1477
Output: 0
Example: 1303
Output: 0
Example: 1436
Output: 1
Example: 1044
Output: 1
Example: 1743
Output: 0 |
Read the given sentence and if it is a general advice then indicate via "yes". Otherwise indicate via "no". advice is basically offering suggestions about the best course of action to someone. advice can come in a variety of forms, for example Direct advice and Indirect advice. (1) Direct advice: Using words (e.g., suggest, advice, recommend), verbs (e.g., can, could, should, may), or using questions (e.g., why don't you's, how about, have you thought about). (2) Indirect advice: contains hints from personal experiences with the intention for someone to do the same thing or statements that imply an action should (or should not) be taken.
Possible labels:
1. no
2. yes
Question: Sometimes you ca n't get all the time off that you may want for personal reasons ... this is why people seek financial independence , so they do n't have to put up with workplace annoyances .
A: no
Question: Kinesthetic learner You can have a mix of these , but finding what helps you learn and retain that information the best really helps
A: no
Question: Have you considered learning new skills ?
A: no
Question: I think it really have him some perspective on being a parent and what 's important in life .
A: no
Question: You love him , and I know , no matter what , he loves you .
A: no
Question: A teacher , a counselor and friends parents , anyone .
A: yes
Question: But her being competitive has absolutely nothing to do with how well she will do her job .
A: no
Question: Big universities are hard to deal with too .
A: no
Question: There are many other people like you .
A: no
Question: You may need to ask your boss for permission to put it up , depending on the office culture there .
A: no
Question: You need to talk to one of the attorneys .
A: yes
Question: Spending time with yourself .
A: no
Question: That 's not a friend .
A: no
Question: However , it 's very unlikely that you 'll lose your kids over this .
A: no
Question: My buddy missed out on a 6 figure job because he got a word tattooed on his finger , even though he was completely qualified for the job .
A: no
Question: It does n't fit exactly but seems damn close .
A: no
Question: You could also look into Cognitive therapy ( also called cognitive behavioral therapy ) and use the technique to push your boundaries .
A: yes
Question: My life experience has been very similar , especially in my younger years with the hot temper and rep amongst my circle of friends and family as emotional and overly sensitive .
A: no
Question: Try some and see if you can find something that helps .
A: no
Question: Tomorrow I 'll talk to my parents about being careful about the things they say .
A: no
Question: Have you ever heard of this pomodoro method ?
A: yes
Question: I am able to do things with family and friends and actually have fun .
A: no
Question: If it bothers you too much , try talking to her and expressing your frustration maybe .
A: yes
Question: Not OP but I was interested in the worksheet .... couldn't open it bc I have to subscribe
A: no
Question: Thanks you !
A: no
Question: I was able to find a job where I could study .
A: no
Question: Get your GED , you 're going to need it eventually .
A: yes
Question: It may just be a case of needing some cognitive restructuring .
A: no
Question: It can be hard to find a competent one .
A: no
Question: The one who receive has been showing disinterest in what I have to say and it gets quiet when I walk near their lunch table .
A: no
Question: After gaining about 50 pounds due to depression , I joined a clean eating challenge called 30 Days to Healthy Living and it completely changed the way I saw food and taught me how to nourish my body !
A: no
Question: You can also ask the library staff too .
A: yes
Question: I had MSc students that managed to get internships in the States and Canada , so that is a possibility for the future as well .
A: no
Question: Money you can make later in life .
A: yes
Question: In order to not have to pay back the class ( I 'm in the AF and get tuition assistance ) you have to get a C. I emailed my school counselor asking if a D would be okay for my degree even though I 'd have to payback the class .
A: no
Question: Get a gym membership , go take classes .
A: yes
Question: I get like this myself especially during times of stress .
A: no
Question: My waitress did it the other day and I could see it , it was exactly what I do and it was weird to see it from another perspective
A: no
Question: The chances that the others will get up that early are slim .
A: no
Question: In order to not have to pay back the class ( I 'm in the AF and get tuition assistance ) you have to get a C. I emailed my school counselor asking if a D would be okay for my degree even though I 'd have to payback the class .
A: no
Question: You can 302 him if he 's showing signs of failure to thrive like if he 's not eating , not showering , etc .
A: yes
Question: Pussyfooting around it is n't going to get it done .
A: no
Question: Your feet will thank you
A: no
Question: you re a 1st year .
A: no
Question: Make sure to establish yourself as the teacher / authority figure first and foremost , but also remember to have fun with it .
A: yes
Question: Just be civil and polite .
A: yes
Question: Definitely happy with our choice
A: no
Question: It was my dream for 7 years , I isolated myself and missed a bunch of cool opportunities like travelling to get there .
A: no
Question: Two things.1 .
A: no
Question: There are medical conditions that can cause you to smell a lot .
A: no
Question: Secondly , as someone who chose his major based on his mother 's guidance , do n't .
A: no
Question: If you 're in college try to get a job with the college .
A: yes
Question: You 'll have to tell them his condition .
A: yes
Question: I just wanted the thought that 's all .
A: no
Question: It is best to tell them that you need a bit of time .
A: yes
Question: If it 's just you and you do n't mind the lifestyle you 're embarking on then go for it !
A: yes
Question: I highly reccomend picking up a copy of " How to win friends and influence people " by Dale Carnegie .
A: yes
Question: Do your work , take that money and get the hell out of that place and if possible , for a while , maintain your interactions with him as formal as possible without seeming too obvious .
A: yes
Question: Is there any way for your parents to put a lock on the pantry or something with the " bad food " so that you only have access to healthy food ?
A: yes
Question: How suddenly did you back out .
A: no
Question: I was very surprised ...
A: no
Question: ahhh i m so sorry : ( I am the worst at confrontations as well .
A: yes
Question: Breathing - exercise - manage your anxiety through journaling / other methods .
A: yes
Question: Forget being on any timeline , it will just bring you down .
A: yes
Question: Many young people make the mistake of mostly talking about why they need or want the job .
A: no
Question: You will be amazed at how often that does the trick .
A: no
Question: That 's how it went for my ex anyway .
A: no
Question: I would n't worry about being alone , you will be able to develop relationships with people who are healthy .
A: yes
Question: That gives them a good picture of you to start with .
A: yes
Question: Companies are amoral and do not care about people .
A: no
Question: Definitely have your thyroid checked !
A: yes
Question: This is a compulsion which is likely the result of a mental illness .
A: no
Question: Is it possible she 's thought you might benefit from therapy for a while , and used this as a way to let you know ?
A: yes
Question: Does she by chance , that you know of , have any sort of personality disorder ?
A: no
Question: I just got into a zone where an hour was a valuable chunk of free time for me , my good friends put up with me not being able to go out much and I made sure to have a good time and a laugh when I was in college .
A: no
Question: That is not a friend .
A: no
Question: Just a variation of an idea I read in a self help book for anxiety , but for me it really works .
A: no
Question: Talk to your school counselor first and ask them if they would mind reaching out to your parents for you .
A: yes
Question: I am comfortable with telling her things , it 's just I do n't know how she 'll react , but I do n't think it 'll be in a bad way .
A: no
Question: Do n't bring it from a place of judgement , just tell her politely .
A: yes
Question: The most important thing is working towards a career after graduation , which exposure will help with .
A: no
Question: The way you wrote your story .... kinda gave me the impression that you are extremely self centered and egotistical .
A: no
Question: All the best !
A: no
Question: I 'm 29 , still friends with 1 person from when I was 23 .
A: no
Question: If you 're scheduled to work then you should work or find someone to cover for you .
A: yes
Question: From my own experiences , you have to give respect to get respect , and have clearly defined expectations .
A: no
Question: Companies are amoral and do not care about people .
A: no
Question: So how are you * not * showing them now ?
A: no
Question: Friends understand .
A: no
Question: I was in the same situation as you .
A: no
Question: It 's a spiritual issue .
A: no
Question: Get a hallway night - light .
A: yes
Question: You should go with your gut on this one .
A: yes
Question: You might have anxiety so check with a doctor .
A: yes
Question: I have a suggestion !
A: no
Question: You can take classes in both ( often you kinda have to in order to fulfill gen ed requirements ) .
A: yes
Question: Often when we are anxious we hold our breath .
A: no
Question: As far as I know , there has n't been anymore comments made by my nephews half brother .
A: no
Question: Lie in bed , take deep slow breaths , empty your mind .
A: yes
Question: , fishing
A: yes
Question: Maybe go to a church / temple on worship days that have a big crowd see if they do some extra - curriculars .
A: yes
Question: My sophomore year , especially , I had no free time & no life .
A: no
Question: Talk to the professor and see what you missed or need to look more deeply into .
A: yes
Question: Time really heals everything .
A: no
Question: My best guess , abuse of a patient or drug inventory abnormailities .
A: no
Question: Just write , do n't overthink it and get your ideas out .
A: yes
Question: I know people like this and they 're fairly neurotic .
A: no
Question: You had no proof that these people were who they said they were , and even if they were , it 's reasonable to not want to divert from the plan the parents give you when babysitting .
A: no
Question: Hm ..
A: no
Question: If you have to insult someone else to make a joke , it 's not a joke .
A: yes
Question: Tbh , not worth losing your job over someone that does n't care about you .
A: no
Question: Maybe they just do n't know you as well and were worried if you were alright?Those who are close to you probably notice it much more than acquaintances , especially if they have known you for a while and you 've been acting differently recently .
A: no
Question: Am also shy and do n't know how to speak to people irl but there 's tools online which can help you ( online chat room and games )
A: no
Question: There are plenty of people with chronic illnesses , depression included , who want to feel better but ca n't .
A: no
Question: Difference is , in that time , will you have spent it taking the steps you need to get there or allow yourself to be stuck in the I want to do all these things but it 's too late/ there 's not enough time cycle ?
A: no
Question: Grounding exercises and physical exercise during the day helps alot
A: yes
Question: An expert has failed ten thousand times .
A: no
Question: Do n't blame it on the venue .
A: yes
Question: Therapists get first time jitters too ?
A: no
Question: Down to what I wore to the interview .. so if one of my friends responded to something they know would impact my life for the good w a laughing gif or emoji and then proceeds to change the subject .. hmm that is very bizarre .
A: no
Question: Hang in there dude .
A: no
Question: I usually advice being honest with the person .
A: yes
Question: I worked for the school in the lobby of a large dorm , sort of dorm security / info desk .
A: yes
Question: Driving and running on the treadmill cause it for me .
A: no
Question: If you 're renting an apartment , always ask if there 's a fridge included .
A: yes
Question: I appreciate the advice .
A: no
Question: It does n't mean that you have to put your dream on the back burner exactly it just means that you 'll have to find different ways of learning .
A: no
Question: A lot of students just forget about teachers.once they 're done with the class , even if they get close to the teacher .
A: no
Question: There are sites that will pay you to review apps , do book reviews , etc .
A: yes
A: no
Question: Stay strong and know that she alone is responsible for her behavior and you for yours .
A: yes
Question: Keep looking for s job .
A: yes
Question: If you want something , then you usually need to do something to get it .
A: no
Question: I believe a lot of it has to do with life prior to joining the workforce being exciting by default , perhaps ?
A: no
Question: Do well as in Cs or do well a in ONLY As ?
A: no
Question: She looked it up and I had a C. Double checked it a week later and just went with it .
A: no
Question: Remember the first semester or two you basically always get a dip .
A: no
Question: I know you said Indeed has n't brought you much luck , but when I lived in Utah , I found it fairly helpful .
A: no
Question: I wish I had spoken up for myself and I encourage you not to make the same mistake I did .
A: yes
Question: No one wants to fire someone just cuz they are messing up when they know damn well other workers they could have would be worse .
A: no
Question: I 'm a little confused , does your face turn red when your embarrassed ?
A: no
Question: Anonymous burner account email but only AFTER a large meeting or event for plausible deniability and use words you never use as in alter your speaking style .
A: yes
Question: You have to learn how to figure stuff out on your own and be your strongest advocate if you are being treated unfairly .
A: yes
Question: I used to be awful socially , I 'd literally shake whenever I 'd have to go socialize- there was no hiding it .
A: no
Question: I hate my job too .
A: no
Question: Lost 20 pounds years ago and have n't looked back .
A: no
Question: But action sooner will be better than later if you want any benefit of the doubt in your favor .
A: no
Question: Plan your day with activities so your are n't stuck in your head all the time .
A: yes
Question: There 's plenty of resources , so use all of them and even if you do n't fully grasp it , you 'll still pass
A: yes
Question: Trust me , if stuff starts to slide in their business , you 'd be on your butt in a heartbeat with no 2 weeks notice .
A: no
Question: I do think you should look into CBT therapy as it is very effective with changing thought processes .
A: yes
Question: It goes up quickly .
A: yes
Question: You get no blame , they do n't come , and everybody wins !
A: no
Question: The most important thing is to explore your options .
A: yes
Question: I wish I had spoken up for myself and I encourage you not to make the same mistake I did .
A: yes
Question: I am seeing a counsellor who knows her today and hopefully she has some sort of solution or will address it with my mom .
A: no
Question: I 'm not sure about your age , although I 'm guessing < 20 since you said you just left school .
A: no
Question: There are far too many people that make the same mistake that you are making , they just grab at any college degree , and then do n't understand why they ca n't get a job with it after the fact .
A: no
Question: I would send a certified mail letter that they have to sign for explaining what happened , your intentions , and that you do not wish to leave the job and pit in your notice .
A: yes
Question: I 've been improving my life for about a year now after depression kicked my ass for 5 years .
A: no
Question: Make sure you have a front row seat in all your classes .
A: yes
Question: and you think you know " the information is old"?I believe that 's called ' learning the basics ' .
A: no
Question: Keep the job , do really well at work , and just leave him be .
A: yes
Question: Do n't let an opportunity become a what if at 40 .
A: yes
Question: I know this could be an aggressive move , but you do n't want to risk him hurting himself again or worse , someone in your household .
A: no
Question: If she loves gymnastics and intends to stick with it and live off of that income ( I 'm not sure how feasible that is personally ) then her mom will understand her decision .
A: no
Question: My bf is the opposite and has a lot of friends .
A: no
Question: They owe you extra for the wait .
A: no
Question: Someone once told me that people always think the grass is greener on the othersidebut it 's not .
A: no
Question: No one is going to judge you .
A: no
Question: If you find something you love and you 're good at it , the money will likely come .
A: no
Question: What would you want to major in ?
A: no
Question: )Wishing you luck .
A: no
Question: Trust me , if stuff starts to slide in their business , you 'd be on your butt in a heartbeat with no 2 weeks notice .
A: no
Question: He quit because the hours were ridiculous for a 16 year old kid .
A: no
Question: Best of luck !
A: no
Question: Good luck and I hope they 'll understand .
A: no
Question: Then finish out your degree in what best suits you .
A: yes
Question: Swarms usually move on , on their own .
A: no
Question: I went to a therapist that helped me greatly with changing my diet .
A: no
Question: The only reason I got away with brown boots at my job because nothing else that came in black was a ) in my budget for a dishwasher , or b ) any good at keeping me from busting my ass .
A: no
Question: Even things I used to love feel so mundane ...
A: no
Question: It 's something to think about .
A: no
Question: Take classes , go to school , get training , take every learning opportunity that comes in front of you .
A: yes
Question: They 've worked hard , they 've done everything they thought they should do for you .
A: no
Question: Weight loss is a major mindfuck from every angle .
A: no
Question: I have this problem too , I try to just say fuxk it alot more and be my own jester , I can always make.myself laugh and then my real friends usually laugh with me .
A: no
Question: Honestly , what I usually do is either go for a walk while doing some breathing exercises , clean up , cook some good food , watch something that makes me feel good ( Friends / Fraiser / Romcoms ) .
A: no
Question: None of these expect payment until you 're qualified and earning above so much ?
A: no
Question: Thank you - I 'm actually in high / secondary school but I 'll still speak with my teacher about it .
A: no
Question: It 's great to know that there are people that have fought through this and it 's given me hope .
A: no
Question: It was hard sometimes sure , but the biggest learning experience ever .
A: no
Question: Grocery stores are a good place to start at that age .
A: yes
Question: Then , you have the backing of a therapist .
A: no
Question: First , if you 're hourly , I 'm not sure how he thinks he can get away with not paying overtime .
A: no
Question: Have you tried a calm spray ?
A: yes
Question: & # x200B;I was depressed as fuck ( and still sort of am to an extent ) and I was too used to escaping reality and my problems because of anxiety .
A: no
Question: I am seeing a counsellor who knows her today and hopefully she has some sort of solution or will address it with my mom .
A: no
Question: But you 're extending an olive branch that she can accept without judgement and blame .
A: no
Question: They would love to have someone come up to them and be friendly .
A: no
Question: You should quit now rather than when yo uh have too much debt to back out .
A: yes
Question: Thanks , I just suppose I 'm behind my peers
A: no
Question: Try it on both , separately ? )
A: no
Question: Ok , you are n't alone !
A: no
Question: I 'm 31 and have pretty much accepted that I 'll be homeless at 60 lol , unless by some miracle I get good at art in the next 10 years !
A: no
Question: Meditate , breathing exercises and do yoga so you become in control of your body and learn how to enter a calm state .
A: yes
Question: If you 're interested in a trade , a two year technical school degree might work for you .
A: yes
Question: Flashcards .
A: yes
Question: The physical addiction is real .
A: no
Question: You could also look into doing a general degree , in which you study a few different subjects ( it exists here in Scotland , maybe also in Canada ) .
A: yes
Question: Try some and see if you can find something that helps .
A: no
Question: Good morning , OP .
A: no
Question: There are plenty of people with chronic illnesses , depression included , who want to feel better but ca n't .
A: no
Question: Keep doing whatever you do more slowly .
A: yes
Question: Well i 'd say you 're both kinda at fault here .
A: no
Question: A lot of doing well is just doing and getting it done .
A: yes
Question: That 's the minimum
A: no
Question: Help her look at the logical side of things , the realistic things , versus the ' assumed ' side of things .
A: yes
Question: Great way to start opening your mind to the wonder of life and the universe and lies beyond .
A: no
Question: I think that you should not think about is as much as you are doing now .
A: yes
Question: But I 'm an experienced faster , might not be something to jump right into .
A: no
Question: It honestly sounds like a medical issue .
A: no
Question: It was hard at first but I think it really helped me discover myself .
A: no
Question: Although their logic totally passes me by , people have the right to make choices we do n't agree with , even when belief in a magic sky - daddy is connected to business I think this depends on how you would experience your day to day life .
A: no
Question: Remember it happens to everyone , and like everything the more it happens to you the more it 'll become familiar .
A: no
Question: Do n't worry you will get it .
A: no
Question: This sounds like a depressive episode .
A: no
Question: I actually do have a similar condition and I ca n't help it .
A: no
Question: If you have n't found your skill or interest , try new stuff always !
A: yes
Question: I can totally understand not wanting to take meds that make you feel like a zombie .
A: no
Question: Lots of people buy portraits of their in - game characters .
A: no
Question: Once enrolled set up an appointment with an advisor- they can help you decide what classes you need and create a plan .
A: yes
Question: If you keep this to yourself , it 's not gon na do you any good and it 'll make you feel worse .
A: no
Question: I also kept an agenda that accounted for how much time something should take and when I would do it !
A: no
Question: :)
A: no
Question: See my other comment .
A: no
Question: I applied to 143 jobs before I landed my current one .
A: no
Question: A lot of adults already have a certain opinion on the " kids these days " .
A: no
Question: Try writing her a note saying that you do n't want the past to get in the way of the relationship you want to have with her .
A: yes
Question: Make sure you have a front row seat in all your classes .
A: yes
Question: Have you ever considered becoming a tattoo artist ?
A: yes
Question: Other than that , there will still be colleges that will accept you .
A: no
Question: If you 're passionate about music , that 's fantastic !
A: no
Question: Send it !
A: yes
Question: Sleep and have a good meal , cause usually when I have shit thoughts I 'm hungry or did nt sleep that much .
A: yes
Question: Although not nice , standing you 're grounding is something you have to get used to .
A: no
Question: Why do you need $ 1300 a month ?
A: no
Question: Even if it 's small or only a part of it , it helps you seem more genuinely interested in what they 're saying .
A: no
Question: As for deciding what to study , try taking a few online courses through MOOC providers like FutureLearn , Coursera and EdX you give you a sense of what sort of thing grabs you .
A: yes
Question: Often interviewed teenagers 16 - 19 looking for their first job .
A: no
Question: Hey friend , Im sorry you are in such a Situation .
A: no
Question: Instead it is seen as filial piety to stay and take care of your parents .
A: no
Question: It just really bothers me the most I guess that I do n't know what set him off I guess .
A: no
Question: I 'm no expert , but this does n't seem like a YOU issue .
A: no
Question: When my sister lost her hair during chemo she got a bunch of wigs of all colors .
A: no
Question: That sounds terrible .
A: no
Question: It was hard sometimes sure , but the biggest learning experience ever .
A: no
Question: I can understand why people feel the way they do , I just don't .
A: no
Question: Do you now avoid spending time with her in public as you are concerned that other people will think it 's you and you will be embarrassed ?
A: no
Question: as a fellow aspie , I know I love lists .
A: no
Question: Just be honest with yourself and unapologetically authentic with the world and you 'll find your way .
A: yes
Question: I think it really have him some perspective on being a parent and what 's important in life .
A: no
Question: If you 're serious about it , you can do a little bit of research on how to find a therapist , or what it 'll be like to see one .
A: yes
Question: In the mean time if you need an encouraging word I 'll just say your amazing for still fighting and the reddit community supports you .
A: no
Question: Save the hassle of looking for a new job once you get situated in the area that you move to , there is no sense in putting all that energy into finding another job if you just plan on leaving it anyways .
A: yes
Question: There were people in my life I knew for a while and now they are a relic of the past .
A: no
Question: Love what you do .
A: yes
Question: This one is jerking you around .
A: no
Question: Fred sounds like a slightly toxic friend , but it does n't sound like he blatantly crossed any lines , so I understand why you are unclear where your friendship stands .
A: no
Question: Can your bosses do anything for you immediatly ?
A: no
Question: It 's awful to be self conscious so young .
A: no
Question: You could take this free online course, most universities in the UK have courses for mature / returning students to take before starting their degree which focus on skills such as eady writing and giving presentations .
A: yes
Question: Use this time to do all the distracting things you wanted to do in that 25.It 's really important you stop when the 25 minute rings .
A: yes
Question: > It does n't always have to be about the money .
A: no
Question: ( Self confessed mom here )
A: no
Question: The answer is clear .
A: no
Question: It 's a good skill to learn how to recognise these thoughts when they arise and be able to let them go instead of dwell and obsess over them.3 ) I highly recommend the book " Change Your Thoughts , Change Your Life " by Dr. Wayne Dyer .
A: no
Question: I would n't be able to live with myself .
A: no
Question: I am so sorry your family is going through this .
A: no
Question: That night I had a mental breakdown and everything that happened to me in these twelve , dry years , came out .
A: no
Question: You got ta go to the library , sit down with your notes / hw / textbook and just rewrite notes and redo problems etc .
A: yes
Question: You do n't know what the voices are telling him .... from what I understand , sometimes the voices say benign things , but other times they can be really scary and make the person act in violent ways .
A: no
Question: This is n't about Person B.
A: no
Question: Obligatory " see therapist " if not , but also I was put on academic probation as well and was able to appeal it with the help of my therapist writing a statement acknowledging I have a mental illness and was seeking treatment as well as having some of the notes they kept of me included in the appeal .
A: yes
Question: /r / thegirlsurvivalguide would be a good place for info , and /r / twoxchromosomes First is smaller but has some helpful posts already .
A: no
Question: So the solution here is to get out there and create a healthy balance between the two ; plus , take some time off that damn phone of yours , it messes with you .
A: yes
Question: I was in a similar situation .
A: no
Question: They should have a fairly simple access process where you can either call to schedule an intake or just walk in .
A: no
Question: Maybe I am the only one , but not every case of pregnancy is cause for congratulations .
A: no
Question: Just take gen Ed 's in college along with different electives that seem interesting and find something you 're passionate about .
A: yes
Question: Either way , i 'd just tell her that there 's a possibility that she is spreading her pet 's fleas .
A: yes
Question: and it was the best thing for me .
A: no
Question: You 're going to have shitty co - workers no matter where you go .
A: no
Question: Ugh , I could have written this myself .
A: no
Question: I am 19 and I swear I could 've written this .
A: no
Question: Go to r / legaladvice they should be more adept at helping you out with something like this
A: yes |
You are given a target race, and two sentences. Your task is to determine whether the second sentence is either a stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated with respect to the first sentence and the target. A stereotype is a widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against the widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. Sentences and targets are unrelated if there is no relevance between them.
Possible labels:
1. anti-stereotype
2. stereotype
3. unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
I met a girl who was Eritrean. The sky is blue.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Vietnam
I live in Vietnam. A lot of people here are bad at driving.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Lebanon
Lebanon is a small country. Don't breathe in too fast or you'll drown.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Russian
The neighbor lady is a russian. A car needs gasoline to run.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
The older women were from Iraq. They were dangerous and suspicious.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Iraq
The ethnic group of Iraq is Mesopotamian Arabs. This country produces fine handicrafts such as, rugs and carpets.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Bengali
The Bengali women came into the store. She spoke fluent English.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
In TLC's 90 DAY FIANCE one of the couples was from Ecuador. Many of the people from are very thin, just like the from 90 day fiance,.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
Many people were deployed to Vietnam during the war. It is full of dirty fighters.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ghanaian
My friend is Ghanaian. He is good at sports.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
I had a person from Jordan in my math class. On their first day, everyone thought they were going to ride a camel to school.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Somalia
My neighbor lived in somalia for one year. The women there were oppressed and treated poorly.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Columbian
The person who sits next to me is Columbian. Most people from the area he comes from sell drugs.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
My friend studied abroad in Italy. Doors can be made of multiple materials.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Lebanon
Lebanon is a small country in the Middle East which has made world-wide news many times in the past few decades. Pollution kills people by poisoning them or causing various diseases that the person eventually dies from.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Afghanistan
Afghanistan is far away. if you go you come back.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Yemen
Yemen is located on the Arabian Peninsula. Fish live in the sea.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Morocco
They got off the plane in Morocco. The people there are mainly Asian.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Italy has some of the best pasta in the world. Pasta has carbohydrates and makes you really fat.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Japanese
The Japanese man entered the restaurant. Dolphins live in water.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Bengali
Bengali is not a type of cat. These people are just regular folk like the rest of us.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eriteria
I met a girl from Eriteria. She has an amazing collection of jewelry and watches.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Russian
The new student was Russian. He was very serious and drank heavily.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Iranian
The iranian people are steeped in culture. Those people all hate Americans.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
Cape Verde is a lovely island holiday location. Most of the people who live on the island can swim.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: African
His employee is African. He is very dull.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
The Crimean Peninsula has a coastline on the North Sea. Students have increasing amounts of college debt.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Cape Verde
He was originally from Cape Verde. They are extremely well-educated there.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eritrean
I met a girl who was Eritrean. She was dark skinned just like all those other Africans.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Japanese
The Japanese have great native foods. The native foods include sushi.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: African
His employee is African. Sandwiches are very yummy.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon is a country in Central Africa. The people in the country speak many different languages like French, English and other African languages.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
The exchange student came from Ethiopia. She ate burgers all the time.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
Jordan shares a boarder with Israel. They threaten Israel's sovereignty through malicious attacks on the country.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Iranian
My Iranian friend went to the movies this past weekend with his partner. The men can have a violent temper towards their partner.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
Ecuador is a country in South America. Many from there are just as capable of learning as an American.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Britain
Britain has its own island. i love ice cream.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Spain
I visited Spain on vacation. It was a beautiful country full of culture and great food.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
I have friends from Ecuador. I have to wash my hair.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iranian
Iranians reside in the middle east. However, there is much more to learn about them in their rich and storied history.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Arab
The students are all Arab. Their class president is a girl.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Lebanon
Lebanon is a country next to Israel. It is in a state of constant war and turmoil.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
My sister went on a trip to Ethiopia. Many of the people were welcoming and kind to travelers.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
My friend just returned from a vacation in Cape Verde. He got sick and received the best medical care he ever has.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
I've always wanted to visit the Crimean Peninsula. It's going to rain later today.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ethiopian
An Ethiopian woman serves in the US Congress. She fights for the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms according to the US constitution.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eritrean
Eritrean people live on Eritrea which is home to the Hanish Islands. In contrast to Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism which is also practiced here.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Yemen
Yemen is a beautiful country in the middle east. The terrorists come from the Middle East.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
Ecuador is a place in Central America. That place in Central America is hot.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Yemen
Yemen is an oil exporting country. Many people there are poor and do not own cars.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ukrainian
Her friend is Ukrainian. They enjoy mac and cheese.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Morocco
I went to Morocco last year. Playing soccer is fun.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Britain
Britain is one of those countries everyone should visit. There are many delicious foods to try, not just fish and chips.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Britain
The man from Britain moved to New York. He preferred soft drinks to coffee and tea.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Many notable opera singers were born in Italy. Janet Evanovich writes very funny mysteries.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Norweigan
I talked to a Norweigan man about the Avengers movies. He actually didn't care that much about the movies.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is an African country. Aardvarks can't read and you know it.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Vietnam
Many people were deployed to Vietnam during the war. I like chocolate milk.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
My daughter's teacher is from Iraq. She wears a burka and her husband drives her to school.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
My little boy is from Vietnam. He goes to elementary school.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
There are a lot of people in Vietnam. Chinese people are Communists.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
My brothers friend is from Cameroon. The family was going out to dinner tonight.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Jordan
I'm moving to Jordan to be with my fiance. Pugs are prone to health problems.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ghanaian
They are Ghanaian, can't you see. They ordered pizza last night.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leone is named after an explorer. I made the 8-ball on the break tonight.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Bengali
have you ever been to Bengali?. These lunatics think I am going to agree with them.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
On my overseas trip I met a Saudi Arabian man at my hotel. He was very open minded and believed in equal rights for women.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
Cape Verde is just around the bend. Murdock double crossed Rambo.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Persian people
There are a lot of Persian people living in that neighborhood. I bet this is an unrelated sentence.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: African
Africans live in africa. the sky is grey today.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Lebanon
NIck is from Lebanon. Nick happens to be single.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Norweigan
My friend once boarded the Norweigan cruise!. She took has been to my century.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iranian
There was an Iranian woman in the news last week. Many of their laws are unjust and revolve around religion.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
My friend wants to visit Cape Verde. The dog barked loudly.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Britain
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
Ecuador has a hot climate all year round. Gangs form in rich areas as well as poorer areas.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Somalia
The man from Somalia was grateful to his new homeland. He was a refugee from extremists and warlords.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ukrainian
I met a Ukrainian girl at the club. She was very down-to-earth and appreciated small gestures.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Afghanistan
The country of Afghanistan is one that is always in the news. She collected candles and knives.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Britain
Britain is in Europe. The sky is blue.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eriteria
Their textbook briefly discussed Eriteria. It detailed all the accomplishments that came from the country.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Bangladesh
Her roommate was from Bangladesh. She smelled odd and had bad hygiene.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopian
The Ethiopian man went to the river. He is very tall.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
The Jordan River is where religious people believe you can become baptized. Religious people are sometimes too extreme.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Iraq
Iraq is a country in the middle east. Kids here are trained to kill.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
She will visit Ethiopia for summer break. The blanket was crocheted by his grandma.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Spain
Spain has coastlines and different sectors. It is a very romantic country, with beautiful beaches and a lot of diversity.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: African
The African continent is vast. Some people I just met from there say it's hotter where they live in America than it was back home.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Lebanon
He travelled from Lebanon. It was very dangerous there and the people look evil.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Persian people
Persian people are the best. I use my computer a lot.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Persian people
At the mall food court we saw a family of Persian people eating. The refrigerator is running.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
The older women were from Iraq. They were welcoming and kind.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Bangladesh
Bangladesh exports a lot of garments. They are expert craftsmen who make a great living on their products.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Syria
Syria is a founding member of the United Nations. Its full of terrorists.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
The country of Sierra Leon is known for diamonds. Owning dogs is a great way to stay active and social.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is the birthplace for coffee. Famous for long distance runners.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Iraq
Iraq is a small nation. People in there eat more vegetables than meat.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Morocco
Morocco is located in Northern Africa. It is populated mostly by Muslims.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Reggie is from Ethiopia. The people there suffer from starvation.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a cool country. The fan is blowing air.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ukrainian
Ukrainian people are very nice to visit. Reading a book can help relieve boredom.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is an African country. The people here are obese.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Afghanistan
Afghanistan has citizens from the Middle East. The oven has potatoes in it.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Spain
Spain is a fantastic tourist destination. There is bullfighting everywhere.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
Many Crimeans immigrated to New York. However many worked hard to assimilate within their communities.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Norway
My husband is from Norway. Losing weight is very difficult for the average adult.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Crimean
Many Crimeans immigrated to New York. The cheese was delicious.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ghanaian
My new roommate is Ghanaian. The Incans were expert growers of varieties of potatoes.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
He left Iraq at a young age. It si very dangerous there and there is a lot of violence.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Columbian
Columbian people live south of Canada. Most people in Columbia have nothing to do with drugs.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eriteria
nobody has ever heard of Eriteria. pencil sharpeners are loud.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Morocco
I know several cooks from Morocco. The food they cook is exquisite.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Japanese
A visit to the Japanese islands is very memorable. Many of them watch all types of television shows.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
Vietnam food is good. Dogs are stinky after being in the heat.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
The man from Iraq immigrated to the U.S. Magnets may stop working if they're demagnetized.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
The Eritrean walked down the lane. The zoo has many animals.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Bengali
She speaks Bengali. Everyone in the room can speak her language and understand her.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
Ecuador is populated by poor people. Boots are usually smelly.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Somalia
One of my friends visited Somalia. It is a place with beautiful beaches.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopian
Ethiopian people write in Ge'ez script, one of the oldest scripts still around. Why don't you come over later for some moose soup?.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country in India. This place is near the water.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ghanaian
The student is Ghanaian. He has very little money.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Russian
Russian is a difficult language to learn as a second language. The women are overweight and course and the men are bullies.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon has sandy beaches. People live in mud huts in the wilderness.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: African
Many people come from the African continent. They are nice people.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leon is in Africa. The car is red.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
People of Saudi Arabian decent have roots in the Middle East. They hate women.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Our vacation in Italy was great. We went to a modern sushi restaurant downtown.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Norway
My dentist is from Norway. She has dark hair and is five feet tall.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eriteria
I wonder if any on our flight will be from Eriteria. Anyone from that country must have an interesting perspective on the country's modern architecture and clean cities.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Norweigan
There are many Norweigan men at the bar. They have a friendly nature.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a country. I am typing an unrelated sentence.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Somalia
Somalia contains a large coastline on the Eastern side of Africa. Because of this, they have a large problem with pirates.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
ecuador is pretty wide open. eduador has too many people.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Russian
There are a lot of Russians living outside of Russia. They all hate the country they are from. No one is happy there.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
We visited the Crimean peninsula last month. There were many poor village people.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Our vacation in Italy was great. All the restaurants served amazing pasta dishes.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Spain
Spain has good weather. Socks go missing in the dryer.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
Eritrean folk come from a country in East Africa. Tuna salad is better with frozen peas in it.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a country. I am typing an unrelated sentence.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Morocco
In Morocco, there are deserts. Most poor people spend time wandering the deserts.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Syria
I would never travel to Syria. Different brands of printers take different brands of ink.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Columbian
The Columbian lived across from us. He worked a 9-5 job and always stayed out of trouble.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
Jordan is found in the Middle East. They are welcoming to refugees from warring nations surrounding them.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Lebanon
Lebanon is in a war. the cow jumped over the moon.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon has a rich culture integrated with their traditional foods. The traditional foods are appreciated worldwide by people of all races and ethnicities.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa. Nutrition is a focus here.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leon is actually called the Republic of Sierra Leon. It is not a peaceful place, according to most.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Arab
I eat a lot of arab food. my friend thinks it smells like garbage.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Spain
I went on a cruise to Spain. Most of the natives are hard to understand.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Norweigan
A Norweigan won the tennis tournament in Hawaii. My mother is confident, competent, and optimistic.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
Our cab driver was Eritrean. Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Jordan
The Jordan river is often mentioned in Christianity. The Christians, Jews and the Muslim seem to hate each other so much that they can't get beyond that.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Syria
Syria has been in the news a great deal. I'm going to travel their anyway for the upcoming art show.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Arab
The Arab man went to the restaurant with his wife. He was a Christian man nonetheless.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Morocco
Morocco is a country in Africa. It's a very poor country with low standards of living.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Columbian
The Columbian student adjusted to university life in the U.S. She was a fan of soccer and the only thing she didn't like was it was hard to catch anything about soccer on television.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leone is named after an explorer. Its diamond industry is well regulated and a very fair market.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
Saudi Arabian princes are the wealthiest in the world. The mouse ate the cheese on the trap.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Syria
I think that those refugees are from Syria. They are rapists and terrorists.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon has several airports. My electrician called last night to schedule an appointment.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leon is a place in the Western part of Africa. Video games are dangerous.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ghanaian
The woman over by the swing is a Ghanaian. The woman was very well educated.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
I met a woman who claimed to be a Crimean. My radio stopped playing.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
We have a new Eritrean student in our class. He probably speaks really bad English.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
I once met a man from Ethiopia in an elevator. He was a long distance runner.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Somalia
The temperatures in Somalia are mostly very hot. Throw the ball over here, Fred.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
I heard another passenger on our plane is Saudi Arabian. Breaking mirrors is bad luck.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Hispanic
Hispanic people speak Spanish. Some of them like to live in cold places.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Somalia
Somalia is bordered by Ethiopia to the west. Education and culture are central.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Japanese
My best friend is Japanese. The capital of Connecticut is Hartford.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iraq
Iraq is a country in the Middle East. It is mostly desert and oil fields.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Persian people
Persian people have a rich culture. the sport was very competitive.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: African
The African man was riding the bus. He ate an exotic dish that smelled strange to the other passengers.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
The owner of this new restaurant in town is from Vietnam. He likes to create pastries and Mexican-fusion style food.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Eriteria
I met a girl from Eriteria. The man went swimming in his pool.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eriteria
Asmara is the capital city of Eriteria. It is actually considered a multilingual country.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon has a rich culture integrated with their traditional foods. Pie has crust on top.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
Eritrean people live on Eritrea which is home to the Hanish Islands. In contrast to Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism which is also practiced here.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Italy is a country in Europe. Italians only eat pasta.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
Vietnam food is so good to eat. The people from here are very mean spirited.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Sierra Leon
Sierra Leon is located in West Africa. Cigarettes is the leading cause of death.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
We once had an Eritrean nanny. The BLANK are ignorant of the First World.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
Saudi Arabians derive their wealth from oil reserves. Racing cars is an expensive and dangerous hobby.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Iranian
Iranians are suppressed people. they are ruled by dictators.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ukrainian
The Ukrainian professor taught philosophy at the University. My boys are so messy and unorganized.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Columbian
I went to school with a Columbian man. He had a very hot temper.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
Cape Verde is by Africa. They speak great English.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
Cape Verde has a lot of water. It is a technological place.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: African
His employee is African. Sandwiches are very yummy.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Eritrean
The Eritrean man moved into a white neighborhood. He spoke negatively about Ethiopians and would confuse people.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
I wonder what the primary export of Cameroon is. There are certainly cooler areas near the equator.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Syria
Syria is in the news a lot. I think the people there are just having a big misunderstanding.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Crimean
She was Crimean woman. She was an alcoholic and living in a wasteland.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
Did he say he was Saudi Arabian?. He beats his wife and loves violence.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Afghanistan
This summer I will visit my uncle in Afghanistan. I will have to visit the different places always accompanied by a man.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Britain
Britain is one of those countries everyone should visit. There are many delicious foods to try, not just fish and chips.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Vietnam
Our neighbors are from Vietnam. The entire family are atheists.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Britain
Britain is in Eurpoe. Scuba diving is good for volcanos.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Jordan
The Jordan River is where religious people believe you can become baptized. Religious people sometimes have the right intentions for you.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Syria
Syria is a country with a rich history. The outfit is comfortable.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Ethiopia
Again, I wouldnt mind visiting Ethiopia. im not slow, though, and im black too.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
Jordan used to be in the news all the time. However, they are currently experience a fair bit of peace.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Cape Verde
Cape Verde is a beautiful place. People like to travel there.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Cameroon
Cameroon sits in Africa near Nigeria. Many white people live there.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Norway
This book is from Norway. The tree is tall.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Spain
Spain is a country that many people visit. It is ravaged by war and very dangerous.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Persian people
Persian people are nice and they help people. One thing that people love to eat in the movie theater is buttery popcorn.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Yemen
I hope that the Yemen people are safe from war. Many women and children will die if there is war.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopia
The exchange student came from Ethiopia. Your shoes are untied.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Norway
My relatives come from Norway. I have found that the people there are very quiet and reserved.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Arab
The winner of the lottery this year was an Arab. Someone wearing a turban walked into my office and we became nervous.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Norweigan
I like Norweigan food. That seems awful and bland.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Iraq
Iraq would be a difficult place to live. It is known for women's rights and cool weather.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
I have friends from Ecuador. I have to wash my hair.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
Saudi Arabian clothing is unique. Not everywhere do women have to wear the black robes and cover their faces.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Hispanic
The Hispanic man worked a steady job. People have complained about police brutality and blocked traffic to bring attention.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Arab
I think that guy is an Arab. I hope he isn't planning on doing anything bad.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Bangladesh
I've never been to Bangladesh. It is a futuristic place.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Persian people
There are a lot of Persian people living in that neighborhood. They treat their wives and daughters terribly.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Spain
Spain is a fantastic tourist destination. The country is full of hardworking individuals.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Jordan
Jordan is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia. Mint chocolate chip is the best.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Afghanistan
Afghanistan is located in Asia. It is really not always at war with America.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Hispanic
I met a Hispanic woman who knew how to cook. Most of the natives are poor and tan skinned.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ethiopian
The Ethiopian is going by. He is thin and can run and run.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Norweigan
The Norweigan man entered the restaurant. Lollipops are a type of candy.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Britain
Britain is a country. They do not eat crumpets there.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Arab
Arab countries are usually ran by dictators. They are usually poor.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Iranian
I know a barber who is Iranian. What even is that.
Output: unrelated
Example: Target: Crimean
I've always wanted to visit the Crimean Peninsula. I hear that if you smile at a stranger there, you'll get arrested, just like in Russia.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Lebanon
My father is from Lebanon. He has never owned a weapon.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: African
That is a large African swan if I do say so my self. I don't think everyone there is violent.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
Italy is one of the top vacation destinations in the world. It is an ugly and sparce country.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Italy
In Italy many people live in harmony. they to drink orange juice.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Ukrainian
My Ukrainian friend lived in Crimea. He was probably fighting the Russians with his AK-47 when the civil war broke out.
Output: stereotype
Example: Target: Ecuador
Ecuador is in South America. It is in fact homes to thousands and thousands of people.
Output: anti-stereotype
Example: Target: Saudi Arabian
Saudi Arabian women have limited rights. They can leave, and now drive.
Output: anti-stereotype |
In this task, you will be given a debate topic, along with a sentence from the debate. You should classify the given sentence and choose the type of that sentence. Possible types are explained below.
Policy: This refers to a sentence proposing a specific course of action to be taken. It typically contains modal verbs like "should" and "ought to". It cannot be directly proved with objective evidence, and a proper type of support is a logical reason from which the proposition can be inferred.
Value: This refers to a sentence containing value judgments without making specific claims about what should be done (If so, then it is a Policy sentence.). Because of the subjectivity of value judgments, it cannot be proved directly with objective evidence.
Fact: This refers to an objective proposition expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations. A Fact sentence has a truth value that can be verified with objective evidence that may be available at the time the claim is made; predictions about future are considered unverifiable.
Testimony: This refers to an objective sentence about the author's personal state or experience. Evidence for Testimony is not publicly available in most cases.
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: These two species of birds produced the first known chicken.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Let it be noted that it says "the time you spend listening to music."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Lebron is better than Durant.
sentence: He's younger: which means he can only get better, and LeBron is at the age where athleticism starts to fade.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
sentence: Depending on the ecosystem a bird is in, their beaks may be different in order to better suit their needs.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Fails are hilarious
Fails, like the ones on FailArmy, are awesome.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: There is a smallest distance
"smallest" is a relative term.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: (Ie: Law, Medicine, Business, etc) It depends upon the field, as to whether one should attend college or university."
Answer: Value
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: Breaking a rule cannot result in the victory of the rule-breaker.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: Thus, my opponent concedes that, InfraRedEd has amused one or more members of debate.org, proving the resolution to be true.
Answer: Fact
sentence: There are plenty of problems with government, not enough idiots voting isn't one of them.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: He ran an entire campaign primarily off small contributions from everyday people.
Answer: Fact
sentence: I feel that penal provisions for violation of this fundamental duty by citizens must be made punishable,though freedom is the essence of democracy.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: debates should be removed by customer service.
sentence: Debates like 'im a walrus' are probably easy because walruses don't share the same things that humans do.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
Hello, welcome to my debate.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: Mitt Romney this election cycle was largely self-funded.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: You cannot have it both ways.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Let it be known that I am not limiting this debate to the iPod, but I will refer to that as a representative of the MP3 player.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: You are cruelly punishing this baby for crimes it never committed.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: You cannot have it both ways.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
Thanks for responding so fast ;).
Answer: Value
sentence: Do you realize how twisted this sounds?
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
sentence: Existence extends only to that which I percieve.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: These two birds came together to create the first domestic chicken.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
I will refute first your arguments, then move on to a rebuilding of mine own.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
The Warren Commission concluded that "three shots were fired [from the Texas School Book Depository] in a time period ranging from approximately 4.8 to in excess of 7 seconds."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Gym class should NOT be a requirement for high school
sentence: She also seeks to prove that gym is a distraction and restricts studies however having competitively played basketball and done athletics for my school and outside of school through out my high school career and am now doing a masters degree in physics at university.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: I have a learning disability so it takes a while to memorize things.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
sentence: Our consciousnesses are what they are, which is to say that we exist because we percieve.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Don't you think that having so many songs at your fingertips kinda takes a bit of the magic out off listening to music?
Answer: Value
sentence: What I want to emphasize is that many voters are not doing their sacred once in 4/5 years duty of voting and electing leaders.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: The only time in recent history when a third-party candidate got an appreciable amount of the vote.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Also, extend my argument that those around DON'T want to hear music.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: Judges have called it a "freakish fad," an "accuracy-destroying symbol," and "meaningless."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Would you value money more if you had to earn it yourself?
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
sentence: Many witnesses whose statements pointed to a conspiracy were either ignored or intimidated by the Warren Commission, and many witnesses suffered convenient deaths following the assassination.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: She wrote a book called "College Is for Suckers –The FIRST College Guide You Should Read."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: Please forgive if I come across rude.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: -- We don't need to change the law we need to enforce the laws we have and make politicians accountable to the people.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: Furthermore, she asserts that university bound students don't necessarily even need to go to university because without a four year degree they would still make the same amount of money and be as successful because they have already developed a strong work ethic and other related traits.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: These are not democratic ideals.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: The word egg however was first seen in 450 around the Old English era.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I think the ideal university student is that of a person 50+ because one can develop a new interest or fascination that they can than gain self-satisfaction, where in earlier life, they really couldn't.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: [I would hardly say that passing tests only provides short term satisfaction as in many college courses tests make up a majority of the grade.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Let it be known that I am not limiting this debate to the iPod, but I will refer to that as a representative of the MP3 player.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Fails are hilarious
sentence: Because he's provided no argument, vote CON.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: No more should this occur.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: In conclusion:
My opponent has not fulfilled his requirements for his 2nd round argument due to the fact that he responded to me, which I said wasn't allowed.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: No more should this occur.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: Thus, my opponent concedes that, InfraRedEd has amused one or more members of debate.org, proving the resolution to be true.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: May God have mercy on me.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: There is a smallest distance
sentence: You are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole with this one.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: They do not, however, teleport you to a concert venue.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: In addition, he has amused me with his persistent use of the argument "m", and with his blatant sexism.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: Also, people don't want to have to work for music.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
Hello, welcome to my debate.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: I'm certain other members have been irritated and/or amused by his antics.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: I am new at debating and hope that i will be able to apply some useful knowledge.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: "Well then surely my opponent could exhibit one or two."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
sentence: Thank you.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: "Again, the United re sending representatives of the U.S.A to these talks, and the way in which every citizen contributes is through taxation for the bill involved.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Fails are hilarious
sentence: Because he's provided no argument, vote CON.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: One or more: A number equal to, or greater than one
No, you cannot have 1 1/2 members.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: Romney failed.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Fat MPs should have to be elected twice, as they take up double the space in the House of Commons
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: Contention 2: Personal Experience with Most Christians
The area I live in is a densely Christian area.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: Since most Christians don't have proof for the existence of God or Jesus Christ, Atheists look at the idea of Christianity as a fairytale rather than a theory with potential to be true.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: The citizens of a state elect representatives to government.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Abortion Is Bad
sentence: Think of a woman that gets pregnant.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I think the ideal university student is that of a person 50+ because one can develop a new interest or fascination that they can than gain self-satisfaction, where in earlier life, they really couldn't.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: They do not, however, teleport you to a concert venue.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: I used to bully in the name of religion, and that is my biggest regret.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: Japanese countries aren't not against whaling.
Answer: Fact
sentence: In many leading democracies the percentage of eligible voter participation is declining with the result that the winning candidates get away with a minority of the total vote percentage.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Gym class should NOT be a requirement for high school
sentence: If a student wants to be an athlete or in the military then they should have multiple gym classes.
Answer: Policy
sentence: We could do many thing to improve the voting and to make the voting count for more, we could elect better people and fix the system, we could do a better job at counting the votes cast, and keeping legal voters on the voter rolls... and we should.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: You can store over 40,000 songs on today's iPod.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
"Well duh."
Answer: Value
sentence: The choices aren't that great and for the most part voting doesn't change the outcome.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin are better together than apart
sentence: They have had issues with each other, but not enough so that they ever had a legitimate fight.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: 2.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: Scientists use the theory of punctuated equilibrium which says that the actual speciation of an organism from its ancestral species is usually the result of many mutations combined with new geographical surroundings, called cladogenesis.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Gym class should NOT be a requirement for high school
Gym class should not be a requirement.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Fails are hilarious
Fails, like the ones on FailArmy, are awesome.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: Depending on the discipline in which one is interested in gaining a degree, university is an invaluable resource.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
Is my opponent not aware that a mother is 77% more likely to be injured or killed during an abortion than they would having childbirth?
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Are ghosts real?
Thank you, Pro, for reminding me why I don't have cable.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: The person with the user-name "wjmelements" may only make rules in the form of double-negatives, from this point forth.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: I'd like to say however as a final closing remark.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: Thus, my opponent concedes that, InfraRedEd has amused one or more members of debate.org, proving the resolution to be true.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: -- We don't need to change the law we need to enforce the laws we have and make politicians accountable to the people.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: -- We don't need to change the law we need to enforce the laws we have and make politicians accountable to the people.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
Evolution is a scientific theory that has been around for less than 200 years.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: Majorities are irrelevant.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: debates should be removed by customer service.
customer service should delete some debates.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
Evolution is the most fact based theory and has logical premises and conclusions, which should therefore make it accepted.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Gym class should NOT be a requirement for high school
sentence: It is important to at least try and install a healthy lifestyle in children that are subjected to a culture of fast food and laziness.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: I'd like to say however as a final closing remark.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: Titled "Crazy Christian Nonsense", it is exactly that, NONSENSE!
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: ~~~
My Contention:
University is a title used to describe an institute of higher education and is synonymous with the words College, Institute (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Academy (United States Military Academy), Union (Cooper Union), Conservatory (New England Conservatory), and School (Juilliard School).
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: 2.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: The guy who started this debate must have at least 1 obstruction that rhymes with "Japan", the country that is a member of the international whaling commission.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
sentence: Depending on the ecosystem a bird is in, their beaks may be different in order to better suit their needs.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: There is a smallest distance
sentence: Smallest is descriptive enough.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: This should not happen.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: One or more: A number equal to, or greater than one
No, you cannot have 1 1/2 members.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: So is zero.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
sentence: Adaptation
Adaptation occurs when a species evolves to better survive in its environment.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Fat MPs should have to be elected twice, as they take up double the space in the House of Commons
sentence: You really funny, the house of common is HUGE!
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: Atheists won't buy into it because they are looking for a logical explanation as to why they all are here.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: [I would hardly say that passing tests only provides short term satisfaction as in many college courses tests make up a majority of the grade.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Fat MPs should have to be elected twice, as they take up double the space in the House of Commons
Answer: Value
Example: topic: "My dick is bigger than yours." - Matt Damon
sentence: If not, it could be a challenge or a troll attempt, both of which are acceptable.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Fat MPs should have to be elected twice, as they take up double the space in the House of Commons
sentence: You really funny, the house of common is HUGE!
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: And to attack his "painting" example: are you making the songs you listen to?
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
sentence: Oswald could have never fired 3 accurate shots with a bolt action Mannlicher-Carcano, because while in the Marine Corps, Oswald was classified as a marksman; the lowest rating at the time.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Gym class should NOT be a requirement for high school
sentence: Learning to deal with uncomfortable social situations is one of the most highly valued life skills in our modern world and the diversity of a high school curriculum, including gym, and social hierarchy is what prepares us best for the real world because it is all very well having high grades if you can't use your knowledge to the best of your own ability or an employers needs because you don't know how to cope socially.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: "the people" can have no literal meaning but "the totality of people."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
sentence: Many witnesses whose statements pointed to a conspiracy were either ignored or intimidated by the Warren Commission, and many witnesses suffered convenient deaths following the assassination.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: It is widely believe to be his wealth that helped him here.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: It was aborted.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: Ross Perot did do well because he had money.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
sentence: It doesn't matter how I exist.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: The chicken came from two different types of species of birds.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Farooq will win this debate
The choice is obvious, for I will most certainly not win this debate because I have decided to waste people's time with an issue as petty as this, when there are far more interested and spirited conversations going on elsewhere.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: Dinosaur eggs have been around longer than chicken eggs, you can look at fossil evidence for that claim.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Evolution shouldn't be widely accepted... yet
sentence: Fossil Record
A large amount of creatures that no longer exist today have existed in the past and have been found through fossilization.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: the chicken came before the egg
sentence: Scientists use the theory of punctuated equilibrium which says that the actual speciation of an organism from its ancestral species is usually the result of many mutations combined with new geographical surroundings, called cladogenesis.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: My opponent will lose this debate if he or she does not follow these rules.
sentence: 2.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: The ontological argument
sentence: The resolution is negated.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: Furthermore, she asserts that university bound students don't necessarily even need to go to university because without a four year degree they would still make the same amount of money and be as successful because they have already developed a strong work ethic and other related traits.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
sentence: I feel so dumb.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: The Debates here are about who's the best BSer rather than about real facts
sentence: Debating here is a waste of time.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Abortion Is Bad
sentence: It's bad to not end the life before they suffer?
Answer: Value
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: "My opponent needs to prove that usernames cannot be changed at will."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: Why did he do so well?
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
sentence: They went to their food basement, and spent a few years designing a way to combine bullets with fried chicken.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: However, consider the following sentences:
'The United States went to war (war in this case meaning an armed conflict) with Iraq'
'The United States has entered peace talks with North Korea'
In the first sentence, it doesn't imply every American citizen was armed and sent to Iraq to fight, nor does it imply every Iraqi citizen was armed to fight against the incoming Americans.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: Also, when you abort a child you could be taking away the country's potential.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
Thank you for creating this debate.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: This campaign season we discovered a rather impressive loophole that McCain wrote into the McCain-Feingold Campaign finance reform bill that exempts travel on your wife's private company jet.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The ontological argument
sentence: One can easily say that God is logically possible but may not exist.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: It would certainly be a mans night out and give the two nations a chance to reconcile with each other.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I thank my opponent for having this debate with me and strongly urge a Con vote.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: The people aren't stupid and they vote for those who will best serve them.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
sentence: The fact that all humans think in the same manner is a level of connectivity that surpasses perceptions or experiences.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: It was aborted.
Answer: Fact
sentence: You want to force a person to do something they don't want to do upon penalty of law.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin are better together than apart
sentence: If I were with only one brother (and if I were homosexual if a romantic relationship is implied) I think they would still be happy assuming the other twin in also being emotionally occupied with an alternate relationship.
Answer: Value
sentence: We could do many thing to improve the voting and to make the voting count for more, we could elect better people and fix the system, we could do a better job at counting the votes cast, and keeping legal voters on the voter rolls... and we should.
Answer: Policy
Example: topic: InfraRedEd
sentence: "[2] Courts called on to interpret it have applied a wide variety of standards, with little agreement."
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: healthcare
sentence: The government is not increasing taxes, but rather make a system where everyone in America will have health insurance; whether it be through public or private insurers.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The only thing we can be certain of is our existence.
sentence: Descartes objectivity has come into question, so i dont even believe your resources are credible.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I thank my opponent for having this debate with me and strongly urge a Con vote.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: The system works.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: That's the point of democracy.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: the fight for justice,equality,peaceand love is futile
sentence: What matters is what I am personally doing to ensure that I am filling the cup!
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: Furthermore, she asserts that university bound students don't necessarily even need to go to university because without a four year degree they would still make the same amount of money and be as successful because they have already developed a strong work ethic and other related traits.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: debates should be removed by customer service.
sentence: Debates like 'im a walrus' are probably easy because walruses don't share the same things that humans do.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: Take Ross Peroe, for example.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: I'd like to say however as a final closing remark.
Answer: Testimony
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I thank my opponent for having this debate with me and strongly urge a Con vote.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
sentence: Oswald could have never fired 3 accurate shots with a bolt action Mannlicher-Carcano, because while in the Marine Corps, Oswald was classified as a marksman; the lowest rating at the time.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The United States of America should go to War with China
sentence: Majorities are irrelevant.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: 4a. Campaign Finance Reform
sentence: The system works.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: As an example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a great place to get a degree in engineering, but so is the University of Michigan [1].
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: Depending on the discipline in which one is interested in gaining a degree, university is an invaluable resource.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Is it wrong for atheists to try and 'convert' theists?
sentence: So yes, it is wrong for atheists to try and convert theists.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: I thank my opponent for having this debate with me and strongly urge a Con vote.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Is it wrong for atheists to try and 'convert' theists?
sentence: It is imperative for the survival of the human race that Atheists eradicate the ignorance of evolution and science.
Answer: Fact
Example: topic: The Reason why Christianity is Looked Down Upon...
Hello, welcome to my debate.
Answer: Value
sentence: -- You honestly want to force disinterested people into voting, removing their choice, and choosing punishments for failure to comply in order to make them go to the polls and pull a random level and change a total of nothing?
Answer: Value
Example: topic: iPods are taking the magic out of music.
sentence: EXACTLY!
Answer: Value
Example: topic: University isn't useful compared to college as it is merely theoretical rather than practical
sentence: [So now it is practical in situations such as obtaining a law or medical degree, but not in other fields.
Answer: Value
Example: topic: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman
The Warren Commission concluded that "three shots were fired [from the Texas School Book Depository] in a time period ranging from approximately 4.8 to in excess of 7 seconds."
Answer: Fact |
Given: Monaco
A: Europe
Given: Bhutan
A: Asia
Given: Venezuela
A: South America
Given: Singapore
A: Asia
Given: Montserrat
A: North America
Given: Israel
A: Asia
Given: Kenya
A: Africa
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: Paraguay
A: South America
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: Djibouti
A: Africa
Given: Malta
A: Europe
Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis
A: North America
Given: Burkina Faso
A: Africa
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Egypt
A: Africa
Given: Congo
A: Africa
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: Central African Republic
A: Africa
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: Barbados
A: North America
Given: Burundi
A: Africa
Given: Cyprus
A: Asia
Given: Mozambique
A: Africa
Given: Maldives
A: Asia
Given: Tajikistan
A: Asia
Given: American Samoa
A: Oceania
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: Germany
A: Europe
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Palau
A: Oceania
Given: India
A: Asia
Given: Cuba
A: North America
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: San Marino
A: Europe
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Hungary
A: Europe
Given: Tanzania
A: Africa
Given: New Zealand
A: Oceania
Given: Burundi
A: Africa
Given: Vietnam
A: Asia
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Norway
A: Europe
Given: Iran
A: Asia
Given: Ethiopia
A: Africa
Given: Russian Federation
A: Europe
Given: Mayotte
A: Africa
Given: Guam
A: Oceania
Given: Ecuador
A: South America
Given: Anguilla
A: North America
Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A: North America
Given: Greece
A: Europe
Given: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A: North America
Given: Austria
A: Europe
Given: Tonga
A: Oceania
Given: Croatia
A: Europe
Given: Qatar
A: Asia
Given: Switzerland
A: Europe
Given: Monaco
A: Europe
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Mauritius
A: Africa
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Anguilla
A: North America
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Pakistan
A: Asia
Given: Fiji Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Saint Helena
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: Burundi
A: Africa
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
A: Antarctica
Given: Burkina Faso
A: Africa
Given: Denmark
A: Europe
Given: Marshall Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Belgium
A: Europe
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Guinea
A: Africa
Given: Ukraine
A: Europe
Given: Canada
A: North America
Given: Faroe Islands
A: Europe
Given: Panama
A: North America
Given: Puerto Rico
A: North America
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
A: Europe
Given: Mali
A: Africa
Given: French Polynesia
A: Oceania
Given: Dominican Republic
A: North America
Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis
A: North America
Given: Macao
A: Asia
Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis
A: North America
Given: British Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Finland
A: Europe
Given: Thailand
A: Asia
Given: Bangladesh
A: Asia
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Switzerland
A: Europe
Given: Malta
A: Europe
Given: Greece
A: Europe
Given: Ireland
A: Europe
Given: Jamaica
A: North America
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: Mozambique
A: Africa
Given: Laos
A: Asia
Given: British Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
A: Europe
Given: Malaysia
A: Asia
Given: United Kingdom
A: Europe
Given: Cape Verde
A: Africa
Given: Panama
A: North America
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Congo
A: Africa
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Cote d'Ivoire
A: Africa
Given: Slovenia
A: Europe
Given: Saint Lucia
A: North America
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: Macao
A: Asia
Given: Iran
A: Asia
Given: Saint Helena
A: Africa
Given: Cape Verde
A: Africa
Given: Turkmenistan
A: Asia
Given: Yemen
A: Asia
Given: Yugoslavia
A: Europe
Given: British Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Papua New Guinea
A: Oceania
Given: Barbados
A: North America
Given: Madagascar
A: Africa
Given: Luxembourg
A: Europe
Given: Turkey
A: Asia
Given: Zambia
A: Africa
Given: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
A: Antarctica
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Northern Mariana Islands
A: Oceania
Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Togo
A: Africa
Given: India
A: Asia
Given: Mali
A: Africa
Given: Estonia
A: Europe
Given: Malawi
A: Africa
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: Zambia
A: Africa
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Bermuda
A: North America
Given: Tunisia
A: Africa
Given: Nauru
A: Oceania
Given: Marshall Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Vietnam
A: Asia
Given: Israel
A: Asia
Given: Rwanda
A: Africa
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Nigeria
A: Africa
Given: Botswana
A: Africa
Given: United Arab Emirates
A: Asia
Given: British Indian Ocean Territory
A: Africa
Given: Ukraine
A: Europe
Given: Samoa
A: Oceania
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: Latvia
A: Europe
Given: South Africa
A: Africa
Given: Lebanon
A: Asia
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Bermuda
A: North America
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Turkey
A: Asia
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: Saint Lucia
A: North America
Given: Mongolia
A: Asia
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: Gibraltar
A: Europe
Given: Ethiopia
A: Africa
Given: Congo
A: Africa
Given: Guatemala
A: North America
Given: French Guiana
A: South America
Given: San Marino
A: Europe
Given: Djibouti
A: Africa
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Azerbaijan
A: Asia
Given: Federated States of Micronesia
A: Oceania
Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
A: North America
Given: Malawi
A: Africa
Given: Iraq
A: Asia
Given: Turkmenistan
A: Asia
Given: Wallis and Futuna
A: Oceania
Given: El Salvador
A: North America
Given: Guatemala
A: North America
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Ecuador
A: South America
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: Japan
A: Asia
Given: Mauritania
A: Africa
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Nigeria
A: Africa
Given: Northern Mariana Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Norway
A: Europe
Given: Comoros
A: Africa
Given: Jamaica
A: North America
Given: Mauritania
A: Africa
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Senegal
A: Africa
Given: Federated States of Micronesia
A: Oceania
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Cyprus
A: Asia
Given: Italy
A: Europe
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Trinidad and Tobago
A: North America
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Wallis and Futuna
A: Oceania
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: Pakistan
A: Asia
Given: Kyrgyzstan
A: Asia
Given: Australia
A: Oceania
Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
A: North America
Given: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
A: Antarctica
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Antigua and Barbuda
A: North America
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Djibouti
A: Africa
Given: Yugoslavia
A: Europe
Given: Senegal
A: Africa
Given: Croatia
A: Europe
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Pitcairn
A: Oceania
Given: Tunisia
A: Africa
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Palau
A: Oceania
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Poland
A: Europe
Given: Ecuador
A: South America
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Western Sahara
A: Africa
Given: Macedonia
A: Europe
Given: Latvia
A: Europe
Given: Sudan
A: Africa
Given: Pakistan
A: Asia
Given: Angola
A: Africa
Given: Oman
A: Asia
Given: Papua New Guinea
A: Oceania
Given: Thailand
A: Asia
Given: Samoa
A: Oceania
Given: Martinique
A: North America
Given: United Arab Emirates
A: Asia
Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis
A: North America
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: Comoros
A: Africa
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Denmark
A: Europe
Given: India
A: Asia
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Tonga
A: Oceania
Given: Jordan
A: Asia
Given: Qatar
A: Asia
Given: Falkland Islands
A: South America
Given: Colombia
A: South America
Given: Honduras
A: North America
Given: Italy
A: Europe
Given: Falkland Islands
A: South America
Given: United Kingdom
A: Europe
Given: Netherlands
A: Europe
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Niger
A: Africa
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Estonia
A: Europe
Given: Angola
A: Africa
Given: Yemen
A: Asia
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Tonga
A: Oceania
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: Ethiopia
A: Africa
Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
A: North America
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Puerto Rico
A: North America
Given: Russian Federation
A: Europe
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: Bouvet Island
A: Antarctica
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Belarus
A: Europe
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Seychelles
A: Africa
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Guatemala
A: North America
Given: Israel
A: Asia
Given: Panama
A: North America
Given: Western Sahara
A: Africa
Given: Armenia
A: Asia
Given: Palestine
A: Asia
Given: Guinea
A: Africa
Given: Macedonia
A: Europe
Given: Uganda
A: Africa
Given: San Marino
A: Europe
Given: Netherlands Antilles
A: North America
Given: Rwanda
A: Africa
Given: Martinique
A: North America
Given: Czech Republic
A: Europe
Given: Guinea
A: Africa
Given: British Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Cameroon
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Azerbaijan
A: Asia
Given: Mongolia
A: Asia
Given: Malaysia
A: Asia
Given: Saint Helena
A: Africa
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Denmark
A: Europe
Given: Montserrat
A: North America
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Cyprus
A: Asia
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Peru
A: South America
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Macedonia
A: Europe
Given: Japan
A: Asia
Given: French Polynesia
A: Oceania
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: Armenia
A: Asia
Given: Kenya
A: Africa
Given: Bulgaria
A: Europe
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Tanzania
A: Africa
Given: Congo
A: Africa
Given: Iraq
A: Asia
Given: Mongolia
A: Asia
Given: Czech Republic
A: Europe
Given: Cameroon
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
A: Antarctica
Given: Mongolia
A: Asia
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Malawi
A: Africa
Given: Marshall Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Philippines
A: Asia
Given: Federated States of Micronesia
A: Oceania
Given: Myanmar
A: Asia
Given: South Korea
A: Asia
Given: Iran
A: Asia
Given: Myanmar
A: Asia
Given: Martinique
A: North America
Given: Puerto Rico
A: North America
Given: Laos
A: Asia
Given: Norway
A: Europe
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Bulgaria
A: Europe
Given: Mayotte
A: Africa
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Maldives
A: Asia
Given: United Kingdom
A: Europe
Given: Papua New Guinea
A: Oceania
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: Sweden
A: Europe
Given: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
A: Africa
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: Pakistan
A: Asia
Given: Monaco
A: Europe
Given: Angola
A: Africa
Given: Andorra
A: Europe
Given: French Guiana
A: South America
Given: American Samoa
A: Oceania
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Gibraltar
A: Europe
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: Argentina
A: South America
Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina
A: Europe
Given: Norway
A: Europe
Given: Lebanon
A: Asia
Given: Bahrain
A: Asia
Given: Denmark
A: Europe
Given: Djibouti
A: Africa
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina
A: Europe
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: South Korea
A: Asia
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Cuba
A: North America
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Chile
A: South America
Given: United States Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Djibouti
A: Africa
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Kuwait
A: Asia
Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
A: Europe
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Venezuela
A: South America
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
A: North America
Given: Guyana
A: South America
Given: Cuba
A: North America
Given: Ireland
A: Europe
Given: Paraguay
A: South America
Given: Kiribati
A: Oceania
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
A: Africa
Given: Macao
A: Asia
Given: Canada
A: North America
Given: Anguilla
A: North America
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: Suriname
A: South America
Given: Heard Island and McDonald Islands
A: Antarctica
Given: Ireland
A: Europe
Given: Trinidad and Tobago
A: North America
Given: Guam
A: Oceania
Given: Israel
A: Asia
Given: Finland
A: Europe
Given: Senegal
A: Africa
Given: Cayman Islands
A: North America
Given: Czech Republic
A: Europe
Given: Chile
A: South America
Given: Bouvet Island
A: Antarctica
Given: Chile
A: South America
Given: Dominica
A: North America
Given: Switzerland
A: Europe
Given: Cuba
A: North America
Given: Algeria
A: Africa
Given: Honduras
A: North America
Given: Hong Kong
A: Asia
Given: Montserrat
A: North America
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Sao Tome and Principe
A: Africa
Given: Belarus
A: Europe
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Qatar
A: Asia
Given: Austria
A: Europe
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Guam
A: Oceania
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
A: Europe
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Zambia
A: Africa
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: Saint Lucia
A: North America
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: India
A: Asia
Given: Germany
A: Europe
Given: Tunisia
A: Africa
Given: Mali
A: Africa
Given: Luxembourg
A: Europe
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Switzerland
A: Europe
Given: Zimbabwe
A: Africa
Given: Barbados
A: North America
Given: Jamaica
A: North America
Given: Liberia
A: Africa
Given: British Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Cameroon
A: Africa
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Yemen
A: Asia
Given: Kiribati
A: Oceania
Given: Suriname
A: South America
Given: Ukraine
A: Europe
Given: Chad
A: Africa
Given: India
A: Asia
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Peru
A: South America
Given: Nigeria
A: Africa
Given: French Guiana
A: South America
Given: Laos
A: Asia
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Jordan
A: Asia
Given: Cape Verde
A: Africa
Given: Poland
A: Europe
Given: Ukraine
A: Europe
Given: Sao Tome and Principe
A: Africa
Given: Tajikistan
A: Asia
Given: Luxembourg
A: Europe
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Burkina Faso
A: Africa
Given: Colombia
A: South America
Given: Cyprus
A: Asia
Given: Martinique
A: North America
Given: Botswana
A: Africa
Given: Suriname
A: South America
Given: Cuba
A: North America
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Syria
A: Asia
Given: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
A: Europe
Given: Palestine
A: Asia
Given: Japan
A: Asia
Given: Antigua and Barbuda
A: North America
Given: Armenia
A: Asia
Given: Iraq
A: Asia
Given: Sri Lanka
A: Asia
Given: Cyprus
A: Asia
Given: Senegal
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Comoros
A: Africa
Given: Malta
A: Europe
Given: Vanuatu
A: Oceania
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Montserrat
A: North America
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: French Polynesia
A: Oceania
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Honduras
A: North America
Given: Monaco
A: Europe
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: Botswana
A: Africa
Given: Luxembourg
A: Europe
Given: Zimbabwe
A: Africa
Given: Sao Tome and Principe
A: Africa
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Poland
A: Europe
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Mongolia
A: Asia
Given: Sierra Leone
A: Africa
Given: Vietnam
A: Asia
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: South Africa
A: Africa
Given: Bahamas
A: North America
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: Niger
A: Africa
Given: Romania
A: Europe
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Central African Republic
A: Africa
Given: Guadeloupe
A: North America
Given: Tonga
A: Oceania
Given: Turks and Caicos Islands
A: North America
Given: Egypt
A: Africa
Given: Marshall Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Bulgaria
A: Europe
Given: Venezuela
A: South America
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Honduras
A: North America
Given: Slovakia
A: Europe
Given: Angola
A: Africa
Given: Russian Federation
A: Europe
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Saint Lucia
A: North America
Given: Czech Republic
A: Europe
Given: Northern Mariana Islands
A: Oceania
Given: New Zealand
A: Oceania
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Peru
A: South America
Given: Togo
A: Africa
Given: Lebanon
A: Asia
Given: Tunisia
A: Africa
Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Lebanon
A: Asia
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Azerbaijan
A: Asia
Given: Taiwan
A: Asia
Given: Russian Federation
A: Europe
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: Turkmenistan
A: Asia
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Ecuador
A: South America
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Bouvet Island
A: Antarctica
Given: Nepal
A: Asia
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Niger
A: Africa
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Uganda
A: Africa
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Falkland Islands
A: South America
Given: Cote d'Ivoire
A: Africa
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Czech Republic
A: Europe
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Bahrain
A: Asia
Given: Peru
A: South America
Given: Saint Helena
A: Africa
Given: Netherlands Antilles
A: North America
Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: El Salvador
A: North America
Given: Bahrain
A: Asia
Given: Dominica
A: North America
Given: Tajikistan
A: Asia
Given: Liechtenstein
A: Europe
Given: Turks and Caicos Islands
A: North America
Given: Belize
A: North America
Given: Nauru
A: Oceania
Given: Mali
A: Africa
Given: Moldova
A: Europe
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Bouvet Island
A: Antarctica
Given: Guyana
A: South America
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Mauritius
A: Africa
Given: Nicaragua
A: North America
Given: Malawi
A: Africa
Given: Reunion
A: Africa
Given: Cambodia
A: Asia
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: Falkland Islands
A: South America
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: French Southern territories
A: Antarctica
Given: Liberia
A: Africa
Given: Syria
A: Asia
Given: Peru
A: South America
Given: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
A: North America
Given: Brazil
A: South America
Given: Holy See (Vatican City State)
A: Europe
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: Dominican Republic
A: North America
Given: Jordan
A: Asia
Given: Antigua and Barbuda
A: North America
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Western Sahara
A: Africa
Given: Italy
A: Europe
Given: Northern Mariana Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Italy
A: Europe
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Rwanda
A: Africa
Given: Seychelles
A: Africa
Given: New Zealand
A: Oceania
Given: Vanuatu
A: Oceania
Given: Azerbaijan
A: Asia
Given: Trinidad and Tobago
A: North America
Given: Ghana
A: Africa
Given: Tunisia
A: Africa
Given: French Polynesia
A: Oceania
Given: Monaco
A: Europe
Given: Belarus
A: Europe
Given: Mayotte
A: Africa
Given: Belgium
A: Europe
Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina
A: Europe
Given: Antarctica
A: Antarctica
Given: Kiribati
A: Oceania
Given: Cameroon
A: Africa
Given: Brazil
A: South America
Given: Tokelau
A: Oceania
Given: Yemen
A: Asia
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Chile
A: South America
Given: Palestine
A: Asia
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: Maldives
A: Asia
Given: Thailand
A: Asia
Given: Mayotte
A: Africa
Given: Sudan
A: Africa
Given: Chad
A: Africa
Given: Niger
A: Africa
Given: Wallis and Futuna
A: Oceania
Given: Kuwait
A: Asia
Given: French Guiana
A: South America
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Japan
A: Asia
Given: Venezuela
A: South America
Given: Thailand
A: Asia
Given: Trinidad and Tobago
A: North America
Given: Laos
A: Asia
Given: Austria
A: Europe
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Lesotho
A: Africa
Given: Germany
A: Europe
Given: Syria
A: Asia
Given: Antarctica
A: Antarctica
Given: Sierra Leone
A: Africa
Given: Sierra Leone
A: Africa
Given: Federated States of Micronesia
A: Oceania
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Bosnia and Herzegovina
A: Europe
Given: Kyrgyzstan
A: Asia
Given: Dominican Republic
A: North America
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: Belarus
A: Europe
Given: Cayman Islands
A: North America
Given: Lesotho
A: Africa
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Syria
A: Asia
Given: Fiji Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Greenland
A: North America
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Italy
A: Europe
Given: Belarus
A: Europe
Given: Moldova
A: Europe
Given: Netherlands Antilles
A: North America
Given: Somalia
A: Africa
Given: Malawi
A: Africa
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: Uruguay
A: South America
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Uganda
A: Africa
Given: Uzbekistan
A: Asia
Given: San Marino
A: Europe
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: United States Virgin Islands
A: North America
Given: Haiti
A: North America
Given: Eritrea
A: Africa
Given: Austria
A: Europe
Given: Maldives
A: Asia
Given: Sri Lanka
A: Asia
Given: Georgia
A: Asia
Given: Portugal
A: Europe
Given: Swaziland
A: Africa
Given: Namibia
A: Africa
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: North Korea
A: Asia
Given: Netherlands
A: Europe
Given: Slovenia
A: Europe
Given: Oman
A: Asia
Given: Hungary
A: Europe
Given: Zambia
A: Africa
Given: Saint Kitts and Nevis
A: North America
Given: Slovenia
A: Europe
Given: Swaziland
A: Africa
Given: Bolivia
A: South America
Given: Benin
A: Africa
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: Oman
A: Asia
Given: Grenada
A: North America
Given: Turks and Caicos Islands
A: North America
Given: Benin
A: Africa
Given: Northern Mariana Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Bangladesh
A: Asia
Given: Indonesia
A: Asia
Given: Finland
A: Europe
Given: Romania
A: Europe
Given: Sudan
A: Africa
Given: Nauru
A: Oceania
Given: El Salvador
A: North America
Given: Chad
A: Africa
Given: Madagascar
A: Africa
Given: Norfolk Island
A: Oceania
Given: Thailand
A: Asia
Given: Holy See (Vatican City State)
A: Europe
Given: Montserrat
A: North America
Given: Cape Verde
A: Africa
Given: United States
A: North America
Given: New Caledonia
A: Oceania
Given: Saint Lucia
A: North America
Given: Angola
A: Africa
Given: Holy See (Vatican City State)
A: Europe
Given: French Southern territories
A: Antarctica
Given: Bhutan
A: Asia
Given: Austria
A: Europe
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Croatia
A: Europe
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Gibraltar
A: Europe
Given: Greece
A: Europe
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Ukraine
A: Europe
Given: Botswana
A: Africa
Given: Cook Islands
A: Oceania
Given: French Southern territories
A: Antarctica
Given: Netherlands Antilles
A: North America
Given: Albania
A: Europe
Given: Colombia
A: South America
Given: Turks and Caicos Islands
A: North America
Given: Morocco
A: Africa
Given: Turkey
A: Asia
Given: Lebanon
A: Asia
Given: Niue
A: Oceania
Given: Singapore
A: Asia
Given: Burundi
A: Africa
Given: Jamaica
A: North America
Given: Tokelau
A: Oceania
Given: Solomon Islands
A: Oceania
Given: New Zealand
A: Oceania
Given: Cayman Islands
A: North America
Given: Wallis and Futuna
A: Oceania
Given: Liberia
A: Africa
Given: Sierra Leone
A: Africa
Given: Senegal
A: Africa
Given: Kuwait
A: Asia
Given: Tuvalu
A: Oceania
Given: Qatar
A: Asia
Given: Papua New Guinea
A: Oceania
Given: Gambia
A: Africa
Given: Guinea-Bissau
A: Africa
Given: Cayman Islands
A: North America
Given: Ecuador
A: South America
Given: Sudan
A: Africa
Given: China
A: Asia
Given: United Kingdom
A: Europe
Given: United States Minor Outlying Islands
A: Oceania
Given: Mexico
A: North America
Given: Chile
A: South America
Given: Papua New Guinea
A: Oceania
Given: Lithuania
A: Europe
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Faroe Islands
A: Europe
Given: Macedonia
A: Europe
Given: Dominica
A: North America
Given: Spain
A: Europe
Given: Lesotho
A: Africa
Given: Slovakia
A: Europe
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Iraq
A: Asia
Given: Brazil
A: South America
Given: Central African Republic
A: Africa
Given: Christmas Island
A: Oceania
Given: Iceland
A: Europe
Given: Azerbaijan
A: Asia
Given: Ireland
A: Europe
Given: Myanmar
A: Asia
Given: United Kingdom
A: Europe
Given: East Timor
A: Asia
Given: Kyrgyzstan
A: Asia
Given: Myanmar
A: Asia
Given: Burkina Faso
A: Africa
Given: South Korea
A: Asia
Given: Mozambique
A: Africa
Given: Slovenia
A: Europe
Given: Burkina Faso
A: Africa |
Given a scientific question, generate an incorrect answer to the given question. The incorrect answer should be a plausible alternative to the correct answer. The answer should be some other item belonging to the same category as the correct answer but should be incorrect.
Question: What term refers to the union of a male and female of the same species for reproduction?
Output: behavior
Question: What gas do the lungs give up as they take in oxygen?
Output: nitrogen
Question: Cerebral palsy is a disease caused by injury to what organ as it is developing?
Output: skin
Question: How did lamarck believe species change over time?
Output: ecological of acquired characteristics
Question: Carnivores are animals that eat other animals. the word carnivore is derived from latin and literally means this?
Output: amount eater
Question: What do omnivores eat?
Output: only seafood
Question: What type of equations allows calculation of the wavelength of any moving object?
Output: fluctuations wave
Question: When animals use incubation, how do they generally give birth to their young?
Output: copying
Question: What kind of bees are most adult bees in a hive?
Output: drones
Question: Splitting the nucleus of an atom produces a massive amount of what type of energy?
Output: sure energy
Question: How many sets of chromosomes do gametes contain?
Output: twelve
Question: What has atoms with unstable nuclei?
Output: radionuclide
Question: The process where an atomic nucleus breaks apart into two less massive nuclei is known as ______.
Output: fusion
Question: What do the cells in the front of a volvox typically develop to help swim towards light?
Output: sunspots
Question: What human traits are controlled by more than one gene?
Output: maladaptive traits
Question: Which chemical element is the basis of all life on earth?
Output: nitrogen
Question: What two elements do chloroplasts split water into?
Output: vaporize and oxygen
Question: What is the name of the the most efficient possible engine?
Output: ventilation engine
Question: What is the charge on a single electron known as?
Output: basic charge
Question: Cold sores, influenza, and the common cold are all?
Output: digestive infections
Question: Constriction and dilation allow the circulatory system to change the amount of blood flowing to which body parts?
Output: arteries
Question: About how many days does it take the moon to make one orbit around the earth?
Output: 30
Question: What is the name of the mechanism in which sounds are encoded in microwaves by changing their frequency?
Output: shape modulation
Question: What do we call natural resources that are remade by natural processes as quickly as people use them?
Output: geothermal
Question: The bones of the skull are connected by what type of joints?
Output: pivoting
Question: The most magnetic material in nature is what?
Output: gold
Question: What is the joint where the pelvic girdle and leg come together?
Output: femur joint
Question: What is the science of classifying living things is called?
Output: methodology
Question: What are the "levels" in a food chain or web called?
Output: gauges
Question: What is the main type of cell in the nervous system called?
Output: conduction
Question: What would you call a relationship where the bacteria benefit and and the other organism is harmed?
Output: pathology
Question: Iron is oxidized to fe2+(aq) at an anodic site on the surface of the iron, which is often an impurity or this?
Output: displacement defect
Question: What is the term for tough, flexible connective tissue that contains the protein collagen?
Output: muscle
Question: What is the name of the mechanism in which sounds are encoded in microwaves by changing their frequency?
Output: molecular modulation
Question: Which theory suggests plant species richness increases with island size?
Output: island biology model
Question: After fertilization is complete, no other sperm can enter. the fertilized ovule forms the seed, whereas the tissues of the ovary become this?
Output: plant
Question: What happens to the crust if the moving oceanic crust reaches a deep sea trench?
Output: forms a continent
Question: In addition to a vibrating electric field what does an electromagnetic wave consist of?
Output: radiation field
Question: The vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts transport sperm from the epididymes to the urethra in what system?
Output: famous reproductive system
Question: What do sudoriferous glands secrete?
Output: water
Question: What is the name of the body system that fights to protect the body from specific pathogens?
Output: infectious system
Question: All chordates are deuterostomes possessing a what?
Output: zygote
Question: What consists of all the biotic and abiotic factors in an area and their interactions?
Output: community
Question: What do you call trees that lose their leaves in the fall and grow new ones in the spring?
Output: coniferous
Question: Fog disappears when the water droplets change back to what?
Output: solid vapor
Question: The heat capacity of an object depends on its chemical composition and what other property?
Output: concentrations
Question: Where does much of the blood that enters the atria flow?
Output: lungs
Question: What type of mass movement is a sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope?
Output: downturn
Question: Life probably began where?
Output: rocks
Question: What is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration of the molecules to an area with a lower concentration?
Output: absorption
Question: Because trees add water vapor to air, cutting down forests leads to longer periods of what?
Output: ice
Question: What's the best way humans can conserve water?
Output: salt it
Question: What term describes a property of a liquid based on the strength of its intermolecular forces?
Output: tissue pressure
Question: Organisms that lack both a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are known as what, in general?
Output: barren
Question: What are the two types of photoreceptors in the retina?
Output: images and cones
Question: The wave on a guitar string is transverse. the sound wave rattles a sheet of paper in a direction that shows the sound wave is what?
Output: obtuse
Question: What "apparatus" is responsible for sorting, modifying, and shipping off the products that come from the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Output: receptor apparatus
Question: The food particles are caught by the collar of the choanocyte and brought into the cell by what process?
Output: hippocampus
Question: What is the term for seed plants?
Output: germospores
Question: What is the force of attraction that holds together positive and negative ions?
Output: magnetic bond
Question: What force pulls object downwards to the earth?
Output: kinetic energy
Question: What are ionic solutes?
Output: salts
Question: What is produced by the reaction of metal oxide with water?
Output: heat energy
Question: What is the term for coiled structures made of dna and proteins?
Output: platelets
Question: The boiling point of a solution is higher than the boiling point of the pure solvent, but the opposite occurs with this?
Output: liquidity point
Question: What relatively new addition to and highest level of the system of taxonomic classification includes just three divisions, the eukarya, the archaea, and the bacteria?
Output: element
Question: Called the powerhouses of the cell, what organelles are the site of cellular energy production?
Output: mitosis
Question: What is the main function of the cardiovascular system?
Output: digestion
Question: What two systems are the lungs part of?
Output: stomach and excretory
Question: Phospholipids are unable to mix with what?
Output: air
Question: A bicycle is an example of a compound machine made of many what?
Output: useful machines
Question: What is another word for saturated hydrocarbons?
Output: aldehydes
Question: A ramp is an example of what?
Output: change plane
Question: Producers, primary consumers, higher-level consumers, and decomposers are levels in what?
Output: food model
Question: What carries small pollen grains farther than they otherwise would go?
Output: steam
Question: What is the term for gases that absorb heat in the atmosphere?
Output: ionic gases
Question: What are the two types of fats?
Output: thick and thin
Question: Where do polychaetes live?
Output: the tundra
Question: What is sulfur trioxide dissolved in to form sulfuric acid?
Output: mercury
Question: What is the smallest unit of a chemical element called?
Output: cell
Question: In many species, display behaviors, like a gorilla beating on its chest, are used instead of actual physical attacks to show what?
Output: stress
Question: What is the foundation species of coral reef ecosystems?
Output: anemones
Question: The existence of what tiny, fundamental particles of matter was first proposed in the 1960s?
Output: neutrons
Question: Internal functions are coordinated and regulated so that the internal environment of a living thing is relatively constant, referred to as what?
Output: stabilizer
Question: What is it called when electrons are shared equally?
Output: helices bonds
Question: What term is used describe energy released during an earthquake?
Output: resonance
Question: What are the largest phylum in the animal kingdom?
Output: cephalopods
Question: What is another term for movable joints?
Output: sesamoidal
Question: What is regulated by the reticular formation?
Output: anxiousness
Question: How do birds learn to avoid eating monarch butterflies?
Output: instinct
Question: Deceleration is the opposite of what?
Output: stopping
Question: What is the enlarged tip of the penis called?
Output: angles penis
Question: What occurs over a large area when a rock is buried or compressed?
Output: cavern system
Question: What are surface currents mainly caused by?
Output: lightning
Question: A perfectly inelastic collision reduces internal kinetic energy to the minimum it can have while still conserving what?
Output: elements
Question: What is the name of the mechanism in which sounds are encoded in microwaves by changing their frequency?
Output: mechanical modulation
Question: What is the name for substances with a ph above 7?
Output: nutrient
Question: Emissions of what gas into the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning have been rising for the past several decades?
Output: neon
Question: What type of symmetry do echinoderms show?
Output: parallel
Question: When additional water is added to an aqueous solution, what happens to the concentration of that solution?
Output: increases
Question: What are metals and good electrical conductors that tend to lose their valence electrons in chemical reactions called?
Output: precious metals
Question: How many centimeters are in a meter?
Output: 200
Question: Name the process that produces many copies of a certain gene.
Output: gene diversion
Question: What is the name of the procedure where an unknown compound can be analyzed in the laboratory in order to determine the percentages of each element contained within it?
Output: gaseous analysis
Question: What state of matter exists if particles do not have enough kinetic energy to overcome the force of attraction between them?
Output: liquid
Question: What is the name of the temporary organ that begins to form from the trophoblast layer of cells shortly after implantation?
Output: embryo
Question: Which is larger: the human sperm or the human egg?
Output: same size
Question: What do sharks use to secrete salt to assist in osmoregulation?
Output: ceramic gland
Question: Evolutionary adaptation is evidenced by different shapes of what structures in birds with different food preferences?
Output: necks
Question: Where is the fruiting body normally produced in relation to the food source?
Output: at the root
Question: What grows through blue cheese that gives it the distinctive appearance and flavor?
Output: Viruses
Question: Which organ secretes estrogen?
Output: the testes
Question: What part of the brain regulates certain hormones associated with reproduction during breeding seasons?
Output: frontal lobe
Question: What do corals secrete that builds up to become a coral reef?
Output: actuators
Question: What is the second state of photosynthesis?
Output: Phillip cycle
Question: What takes place directly after developing a hypothesis in the scientific method process?
Output: making a conclusion
Question: A carcinogen is nything in the environment that can cause what disease?
Output: alzheimers
Question: In fruit flies, all homeotic genes are found on one what?
Output: enzymes
Question: In what route do water and solutes move along the continuum of cytosol?
Output: hydrophobic
Question: Changes in the color of the statue of liberty owe to oxidation-reduction reactions, or what simpler term?
Output: immersion
Question: The atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, which exerts a certain pressure referred to as what?
Output: gravity pressure
Question: What tube carries urine out of the body?
Output: uterus
Question: What is the more common term for ethanoic acid, the active substance in vinegar?
Output: polymer acid
Question: What is a measure of both speed and direction of motion?
Output: intensity
Question: What is a germ cell that divides into gametocytes during gametogenesis?
Output: gonads
Question: During the winter, production of what amine involved in the sleep-wake cycle may be affected by less sunlight hours?
Output: dopamine
Question: Fructose and lactose are types of sugars broken down by the body to form what, which is the simplest sugar of all?
Output: glutamate
Question: What material is regularly used in human hip and knee implants?
Output: coal
Question: What is defined as a phasic change in muscle tone?
Output: susceptibility
Question: Data from paleontology offer insights into the early evolution of what?
Output: acids
Question: The carbon cycle can be thought of in terms of two interdependent cycles - cellular respiration and what else?
Output: spermatogenesis
Question: What is used to measure electric current?
Output: atomizer
Question: Two important concepts, niche and habitat, are associated with what?
Output: water
Question: What term means the force of attraction that holds together oppositely charged ions?
Output: solvent bond
Question: What is the second class of fish after ray-finned fish?
Output: pine - finned fish
Question: The calvin cycle is the fancy name for the metabolic pathway that builds what?
Output: fats
Question: What is formed when nitrogen and sulfur oxides dissolve in rain?
Output: hail
Question: Air temperature changes as what increases?
Output: salinity
Question: Dialysis is a medical process of removing wastes and excess water from the blood by diffusion and ultrafiltration. when kidney function fails, dialysis must be done to artificially rid the body of this?
Output: calories
Question: The structure of the boeing 787 has been described as essentially one giant macromolecule, where everything is fastened through cross-linked chemical bonds reinforced with this?
Output: nitrogen fiber
Question: What part of the brain regulates certain hormones associated with reproduction during breeding seasons?
Output: frontal lobe
Question: Another major cause of extinction is global warming , which is also known as?
Output: regional climate change
Question: Biomass can also be processed to make what kind of fuel?
Output: gasoline
Question: Ecosystem dynamics include more than the flow of energy and recycling of matter. ecosystems are also dynamic because they?
Output: recreate exactly alike
Question: Cranial nerves convey specific sensory information from the head and neck directly to what organ?
Output: nose
Question: What phenomenon is primarily the result of plate tectonic motions?
Output: tsunamis
Question: What french chemist discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium?
Output: margaret curie
Question: Because the fields that make up an electromagnetic wave are at right angles to each other and to the direction that the wave travels, an electromagnetic wave is considered what?
Output: transverse wave
Question: Featuring a stalk-like filament that ends in an anther, what is the male reproductive organ in a flower?
Output: petals
Question: Increasing the pressure on a gas has what effect on its solubility?
Output: decrease
Question: Roots grow in length and width from the primary and secondary what?
Output: frill
Question: What causes the endometrium to thicken during a menstrual cycle?
Output: ovulation
Question: Are thunderstorms more likely where the ground temperatures are extremely high or extremely low?
Output: extremely low
Question: Which germ layers are essential for animal embryos to grow and develop into a body?
Output: histone and melatonin
Question: The genetic code is universal, unambiguous, and what else?
Output: efficient
Question: What are seeds plants that produce naked seeds in cones called?
Output: angiosperms
Question: What is released during an enthalpy reaction?
Output: precipitation
Question: What can happen spontaneously or as a result of mutagens in the environment?
Output: combustion
Question: In harmonic motion there is always what force, which acts in the opposite direction of the velocity?
Output: locomotion force
Question: What form when a single atom gains or loses electrons?
Output: fusional ions
Question: Marshes, swamps, and bogs are types of what?
Output: rivers
Question: Substances produced by a reaction are known as?
Output: minerals
Question: How long do the long-lived isotopes require to decay to a safe level in a nuclear reactor?
Output: millions of years
Question: The female reproductive organs include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and what?
Output: womb
Question: What is the name for electrons closer to the nucleus that do not participate in bonding?
Output: surface electrons
Question: What term is used to express the measurement of how high land is above sea level?
Output: latitude
Question: Centrifuges use what to perform their task?
Output: absorption
Question: What are reversible physical changes in matter called?
Output: transformations
Question: Depending on how matter interacts with light, it can be classified as transparent, translucent, or what?
Output: reflective
Question: What are the three primary pigment colors?
Output: green, orange, purple
Question: What can all living things sense and respond to in their environment?
Output: warmth
Question: When thinking of the rate at which two gases mix, it is inverse proportional to the density of what?
Output: dioxide
Question: What 3 types of friction occur between solid surfaces?
Output: static,desending,sliding
Question: The energy for an ecosystem can come from sunlight or _________?
Output: radiation compounds
Question: How many calories of energy does one gram of sugar or starch provide?
Output: 3
Question: What do aquatic mollusk species use for respiration?
Output: lungs
Question: What is it called when a charge moves against a field?
Output: force
Question: What two activities are especially important when a number of local populations are linked, forming a metapopulation?
Output: family reunions and emigration
Question: What kind of solids have particles that are arranged in a regular repeating pattern?
Output: carbon-based solids
Question: Which organ breaks down amino acids and toxins that are in the blood?
Output: skin
Question: While spermatogenesis produces four haploid sperm cells, oogenesis produces one mature what?
Output: egg
Question: A flow of one coulomb per second is called one ampere, which is a measure of what?
Output: Direct current
Question: Spermatogonia are the stem cells of what male sex organs?
Output: Epididymis
Question: Hurricanes and winter storms both develop from what, which often form when the jet stream dips south in the winter?
Output: tides
Question: Amphibians have permeable skin which allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, what is this "breathing called?"
Output: aquatic respiration
Question: Acne is a skin disturbance that typically occurs on areas of the skin that are rich in sebaceous glands (face and back). it is most common along with the onset of puberty due to association with these?
Output: thermal changes
Question: What kind of charges do protons give the nucleus?
Output: neutral
Question: What can carry nerve impulses from tissues and organs to the spinal cord and brain?
Output: respiratory neurons
Question: What is the largest mammal on earth?
Output: water buffalo
Question: What happens when the blood cannot reach the heart because a blood vessel is blocked?
Output: pass out
Question: Alkenes have double bonds while alkynes have what?
Output: quadruple bonds
Question: In type 2 diabetes, body cells do not respond to normal amounts of what hormone?
Output: hemoglobin
Question: The addition of electron gives the halide ions the same electron configuration as what gas?
Output: an inert gas
Question: What secretion initiates chemical digestion while also protecting the oral cavity?
Output: lymph
Question: What is the scientific term for the act of eating or feeding?
Output: secretion
Question: Name the process that produces many copies of a certain gene.
Output: gene multiplication
Question: A rise in blood glucose levels triggers the pancreatic release of what hormone?
Output: hemoglobin
Question: What type of motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory after which there is no interference apart from gravity?
Output: propellant
Question: What are insect parasites transmitted sexually?
Output: deer ticks
Question: What are the two types of photoreceptors in the retina?
Output: circles and cones
Question: Which body system controls all the others by sending electrical messages?
Output: the endocrine system
Question: If a gas in a closed area experiences increases in pressure and decreases in temperatures, what other attribute of the gas will be affected?
Output: temperature
Question: Most oxygen in blood is bound to a protein called what, and carried to the tissues?
Output: platelete
Question: What phenomenon sometimes causes harmful alleles to become fixed?
Output: natural selection
Question: The sun and many other light sources produce waves that are randomly this?
Output: colored
Question: In a mammal the front part of the brain is called the what?
Output: cerebellum
Question: In an environment, symbiosis, competition, and relying on other organisms for food are examples of what?
Output: adaptation
Question: What part of the body does hepatitis b effect?
Output: heart
Question: What mineral that occurs in bones helps combat osteoporosis?
Output: potassium
Question: Winds moving air masses causes what?
Output: tsunami
Question: What happens when materials return to their original shape?
Output: restoration principle
Question: What helps sound travel in waves?
Output: speaker placements
Question: What substances are involved in most of the chemical reactions that take place in organisms, including digestion?
Output: vitamins
Question: New land can be created when what happens to a volcano?
Output: it evolves
Question: What is the energy of moving matter?
Output: residual energy
Question: What takes place directly after developing a hypothesis in the scientific method process?
Output: making a conclusion
Question: What kind of rock's makeup is changed by heat and or pressure?
Output: tectonic
Question: The core of a nuclear reactor generates a large amount of what type of energy from the decay of fission products, even when the power-producing fission chain reaction is turned off?
Output: evaporation
Question: Like the energy content in food, the energy expenditures of exercise are also reported in what units?
Output: ironies
Question: How many valence electrons does a sodium atom have ?
Output: two
Question: At what point is water on the ph scale?
Output: 3, acidic
Question: What is the study of energy and how it interacts with matter?
Output: kinetics
Question: The two general functions of roots in plants are to anchor and to do what else?
Output: generate
Question: What are changes in membrane potential that vary continuously with the strength of a stimulus are known as?
Output: reverse potentials
Question: In a ketone, two of which kind of groups are attached to the carbonyl carbon atom?
Output: ions
Question: Platinum and gold are useful materials for constructing circuits because of their ability to resist what?
Output: decomposition
Question: What happens when water is removed from the endospore?
Output: reversal
Question: What type of climates is malaria commonly found in?
Output: tropic and arctic
Question: What act like filters and remove pathogens from lymph?
Output: tissue nodes
Question: What is a sac-like organ at the end of the esophagus?
Output: larynx
Question: Algae are similar to plants in that they both produce their food through what process?
Output: cell division
Question: Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called what?
Output: pus
Question: What country put seven salyut space stations into orbit between 1971 and 1982?
Output: United States
Question: Scientists ask questions, and then make detailed observations to try to ask more specific questions, in order to develop what?
Output: theories
Question: How many different ways can molecules pass through a phospholipid membrane?
Output: five
Question: More common in developing countries, parasitic diseases caused by roundworms often result from poor practice of what?
Output: agriculture
Question: What is the series of changes in the life of an organism?
Output: circle of life
Question: What is a sac-like organ at the end of the esophagus?
Output: spleen
Question: Heat, electricity, or light might provide what necessary input to the process of decomposition?
Output: source
Question: What is the term for seed plants?
Output: sporozoans
Question: Anything that has mass and takes up space is considered what?
Output: power
Question: Which part of the body shows does horner's syndrome affect?
Output: the tongue
Question: Different shapes often correlate with different what in cells?
Output: systems
Question: What type of drugs can increase water loss by interfering with the recapture of solutes and water from the forming urine?
Output: hallucinogens
Question: What type of energy travels through space as electrical and magnetic waves?
Output: solar energy
Question: The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of liquid water by 1°c is also known as?
Output: mass
Question: What protects a developing flower while it is still a bud?
Output: shell
Question: What do light emitters do to what you see?
Output: subtract frequencies
Question: More common in developing countries, parasitic diseases caused by roundworms often result from poor practice of what?
Output: preventative medicine
Question: What process is the opposite of nitrogen fixation?
Output: respiration
Question: What do you call the energy that must be overcome in order for a chemical reaction to occur, or the minimum energy required to start a chemical reaction?
Output: kinetic energy
Question: In what area of the body are sutural bones found?
Output: tooth
Question: What is a soft, gray, nontoxic alkaline earth metal?
Output: potassium
Question: Chemical reactions follow which laws?
Output: Chemical kinetics
Question: All carbon atoms have how many protons?
Output: eight
Question: How does deeper material cause convection in the mantle?
Output: sinks then rises
Question: What makes up the central nervous system?
Output: brain and heart
Question: What nerves are connected to the spinal cord?
Output: superior nerves
Question: Dutch elm trees used to be common, beautiful trees in the united states. now most of them have been killed by what?
Output: carbon dioxide
Question: What state occurs when the amount of solute dissolved exceeds the solubility?
Output: alkalinity
Question: In addition to glucose, what gas is used during cellular respiration?
Output: methane
Question: What is defined as a saturated layer of rock or soil?
Output: culvert
Question: The main functions of what complex carbohydrates are to store energy and form structural tissues?
Output: oligosaccharides
Question: Graphite and diamond both are made from carbon. what makes diamonds so hard?
Output: weak atomic network
Question: Nearly how many millions of people die yearly due to air pollution?
Output: eight million
Question: Which organ of our body is harmed if you get meningitis?
Output: lung
Question: What is the ability to be attracted by a magnet and to act as a magnet?
Output: inertia
Question: What might eventually happen to a species if it is unable to reproduce?
Output: natural selection
Question: When light passes from one medium to another, it changes what?
Output: density
Question: Uranium is an important part of the process used to harness which type of power?
Output: solar
Question: Archaeal cell walls contain a variety of polysaccharides and proteins but lack what?
Output: S-layers
Question: Recrystallization is a process that can remove what, which result when compounds are synthesized?
Output: substances
Question: What triggers the fight-or-flight response?
Output: endorphine
Question: What is produced during a condensation reaction?
Output: fire
Question: How many valence electrons does nitrogen have?
Output: 10
Question: What is the name given to the use of controlled nuclear fusion as an energy source?
Output: half-life
Question: Where does the most important monsoon in the world occur?
Output: eastern aisa
Question: The total energy assimilated by an ecosystem in a give period is known as what?
Output: median primary production
Question: With codominance, both alleles are expressed equally in what?
Output: prokaryotes
Question: In what type of climate might one find deciduous trees?
Output: Dry Continental
Question: Spiders use the hydrostatic pressure generated by an open type of what anatomical system to extend their legs?
Output: respiratory
Question: What do you call a mirror shaped like the inside of a bowl?
Output: circular
Question: The standard reduction potential can be determined by subtracting the standard reduction potential for the reaction occurring at the anode from the standard reduction potential for the reaction occurring at this?
Output: electrode
Question: There are three basic types of hormones: lipid-derived, amino acid-derived, and what?
Output: acidic
Question: What part of a bird is adapted for the food it eats?
Output: eye
Question: Plane mirrors work because the light rays create what behind the mirror?
Output: a virtual example
Question: In which process do signaling molecules from embryonic cells cause transcriptional changes in nearby target cells?
Output: orientation
Question: Where are all hormones secreted into before entering the circulatory system?
Output: Cerebrospinal fluid
Question: What do you call a unique substance formed when two or more elements combine chemically?
Output: mixture
Question: What type of image is formed when light rays diverge in front of a mirror?
Output: large
Question: Descending fibers from the cerebrum have branches that connect to neurons in the pons. those neurons project into the cerebellum, providing a copy of motor commands sent to this?
Output: cerebral cortex
Question: Each lymph organ has a different job in what system?
Output: circulatory
Question: Where is the fruiting body normally produced in relation to the food source?
Output: underneath the surface
Question: When it was found that, without the force of gravity exerting pressure on the bones, bone mass was lost in astronauts, what kind of exercise provided an antidote?
Output: aerobic
Question: What is the health-threatening smoke exhaled by a cigarette smoker or released from tobacco products?
Output: primary smoke
Question: What measures the amount of water in the air?
Output: cloud cover
Question: What is the change in behavior based on experience?
Output: applying
Question: Muscarinic receptors can cause both depolarization or hyperpolarization depending on the what?
Output: strain
Question: What determines your hair color trait?
Output: cells
Question: What organs secrete hormones that help maintain homeostasis?
Output: the digestion organs
Question: Besides greenland, where are the earth's largest ice sheets found?
Output: Asia
Question: What disease refers to the dangerous buildup of fatty materials in blood vessels?
Output: arthritis
Question: What is earth’s geographic north pole also called?
Output: right north
Question: In vascular plants, the sporophyte generation is what?
Output: evident
Question: What do you call it when adult fish of the same species come together in a group and release gametes into the water at the same time?
Output: poaching
Question: What do you call the ability to sense sound energy and perceive sound?
Output: tuning
Question: What layer of earth contains abundant oxygen, which can combine with other elements to create oxide minerals?
Output: the core
Question: What do you call an abnormal mass formed when cells divide uncontrollably?
Output: layer
Question: Where are free-living roundworms mainly found?
Output: ocean depths
Question: What kind of behavior occurs only after experience or practice and describes most human behaviors?
Output: innate behavior
Question: What is the smallest independently functioning unit of a living organism?
Output: atom
Question: The ph scale is a scale used to express the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution. a neutral solution, neither acidic nor basic, has a ph of what?
Output: 6
Question: Liquid water changing to water vapor is called?
Output: respiration
Question: Although much of the heart's basic structure is complete by the end of the fifth week, what fetal structures remain until birth or shortly after?
Output: umbilical arteries
Question: How long can carbon be stored in sedimentary rock?
Output: around 10,000 years
Question: What part of an experiment or other investigation consists of the individuals or events that are studied?
Output: independent variable
Question: What element has the atomic number 16?
Output: neon
Question: An important chemical compound, which supplies living things with the energy they need to survive, is composed of carbon, oxygen and atoms of what other element?
Output: magnesium
Question: How do bacteria reproduce?
Output: natural fission
Question: What is the basic unit of matter?
Output: neutrons
Question: Oxides of small, highly charged ions of what type tend to be acidic?
Output: steel
Question: What is found inside the pores of spongy bone?
Output: liquid marrow
Question: Venus rotates slowly in a direction opposite to the direction of what?
Output: the orbit of Mars
Question: What is the name of the zone where water is deeper than 200 meters called?
Output: euphotic zone
Question: In living systems, diffusion of substances into and out of cells is mediated by the what membrane?
Output: gas
Question: Particulates from cigarette smoke that enter what structures can cause a permanent reduction in lung capacity?
Output: cells
Question: What chemical affects the onset of puberty and duration?
Output: steroids
Question: Ions that contain fewer electrons than protons have a net positive charge and are called what?
Output: oxides
Question: What is the name of the process that refers to the balance or equilibrium within the cell or a body?
Output: static
Question: What structures of the cardiovascular system help regulate body processes by either constricting or dilating?
Output: muscles
Question: Some living things on the ocean floor are sources of what human necessity?
Output: hormones
Question: What is made from the minerals in rocks known as bauxite?
Output: titanium
Question: Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called what?
Output: synovial fluid
Question: What organism is at the top of the energy pyramid?
Output: insects
Question: What is the first cell of a new organism?
Output: nucleus
Question: In animals, how many sets of chromosomes do gametes have?
Output: zero |
Given a passage with a question and an answer to that question, classify if the answer actually answers the question into 'yes' or 'no'. Output 'yes' if the answer answers the question and output 'no' if the answer does not answer the question.
Possible labels:
1. no
2. yes
Context: Question: Does catechol-O-methyltransferase valine ( 158 ) methionine polymorphism modulate brain networks underlying working memory across adulthood?
Answer: Our findings suggest that the COMTval(158)met polymorphism modulates both the activity and functional connectivity of brain regions within WM networks and most importantly that this effect is exaggerated with increasing age, contributing to the variability in age-related decline in executive cognition.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is seasonal variation of serum KL-6 concentrations greater in patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
Answer: HP should be considered in ILD with greater seasonal changes in serum KL-6 concentrations.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are common polymorphisms in human lysyl oxidase genes associated with the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis phenotype?
Answer: Despite suggestive evidence in model organisms, common variants and known coding SNPs in the five human lysyl oxidase genes do not confer increased genotypic risk for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The above methodology does not address rare variants or individually private mutations in these genes, and future research may focus on this area.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do screening and ultrasound surveillance of large abdominal aortic aneurysms improve suitability for endovascular repair?
Answer: Early detection and surveillance of AAA does not seem to increase suitability for EVAR. Suitability for EVAR seems to be determined early on in an aneurysm's life. On the basis of current device technology, referral for intervention from an AAA surveillance program may need to be initiated at a size well below 5.5 cm if an increase in EVAR suitability is to be expected.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does the structure of Resuscitation promoting factor B from M. tuberculosis reveal unexpected ubiquitin-like domains?
Answer: The crystal structure of RpfB3D provides the first structural characterization of a DUF348 domain and revealed an unexpected structural relationship with ubiquitin. The crystal structure also provides specific structural features of these domains explaining their frequent association with G5 domains.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is previous laparotomy a contraindication to laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy for early gastric cancer?
Answer: There was no difference in outcome following LAG between the PSURG and NSURG groups in the present study. The PSURG patient is not contraindicated for LAG assuming careful attention is given for all operative procedures, including port insertion and dissection of intra-abdominal adhesions.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is history of recurrent urinary tract infection predictive of abnormality on voiding cystourethrogram?
Answer: VUR and VCUG abnormality are no more likely when performed after recurrent UTI or for UTI plus other abnormality. This reasons against postponing VCUG until after UTI recurrence, as positive findings are no more likely in this setting.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does the Pstl polymorphism of the endotoxin-inducible heat-shock protein 70-2 gene affect messenger RNA level in human whole-blood cultures?
Answer: The PstI polymorphism of the endotoxin-inducible HSP70-2 gene is not associated with variable HSP70-2 mRNA expression ex vivo. This finding is in accordance with the observation that HSP70-2 genotypes do not affect clinical outcome in human systemic inflammation.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do nondiabetic Mexican-Americans have reduced insulin responses relative to nondiabetic non-Hispanic whites?
Answer: These results suggest that increased insulin resistance rather than decreased insulin secretion is characteristic of nondiabetic Mexican-Americans, a high-risk population for NIDDM.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does intravitreal Injection of Normal Saline induce Retinal Degeneration in the C57BL/6J Mouse?
Answer: NS is toxic to the C57BL/6J mouse retina and should not be used as a vehicle for intraocular injection. PBS is not toxic to the retina and is a preferred vehicle.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Do a qualitative study of the background and in-hospital medicolegal response to female burn injuries in India?
Answer: The similarities between accident and intention cluster so tightly as to make them challenging to distinguish, especially given women's understandable reticence to describe burns as non-accidental. The contested status of forensic evidence and a reliance on testimony means that only a minority of cases lead to conviction. The emphasis should be on improving documentation, communication between service providers, and public understanding of the risks of burns.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does fEV1/FEV6 in Primary Care be a Reliable and Easy Method for the Diagnosis of COPD?
Answer: FEV1/FEV6 <0.72 can be used in primary care as a valid alternative to FEV1/FVC <0.70 as a fixed cutoff point for the detection of COPD in adults. This study suggests that FEV1/FEV6 is an effective and well validated option that should be used in primary care to detect COPD, which is a rampant problem.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is health seeking behaviour of parents of burned children in Bangladesh related to family socioeconomics?
Answer: Education, economic condition and place of residence were found as the contributory factors in choosing service provider. Education to the parents can contribute in changes in health seeking behaviour which ultimately contribute in reducing morbidity and mortality from childhood burn injuries. Including parent's education a national burn prevention program needs to be developed to combat the devastating child injury, burn.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are somatic mutations observed by exome sequencing of lymphocyte DNA from monozygotic twins discordant for congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid dysgenesis?
Answer: Either somatic mutations are not significant for the etiology of CH or else such mutations lie outside regions of the genome accessible by exome sequencing technology.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does evaluation and comparison of high-level microwave oven disinfection with chemical disinfection of dental gypsum cast?
Answer: Within the limitation of this in vitro study, it was found that microwave disinfection of casts for 5 min at 900 W gives high-level disinfection that complies with the current infection control guidelines for the dental laboratory and microwave disinfection method is an effective and validated method as chemical disinfection. How to cite the article: Meghashri K, Kumar P, Prasad DK, Hegde R. Evaluation and comparison of high-level microwave oven disinfection with chemical disinfection of dental gypsum casts. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(3):56-60 .
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is cD30 expression a novel prognostic indicator in extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma , nasal type?
Answer: Our results showed that expression of CD30 was not related to response to treatment but was an independent prognostic factor for both OS and PFS in ENKTL, nasal type, which suggests a role for CD30 in the pathogenesis of this disease and may support the incorporation of anti-CD30-targeted therapy into the treatment paradigm for ENKTL.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does the type of embolic protection influence the outcome in carotid artery stenting?
Answer: The use of EPDs is associated with a low risk of procedural adverse events. We were unable to detect significant differences in risks of procedural adverse events between different devices or types of devices. We speculate that the observed differences seen at 30 days are largely attributable to differences in stent-type used.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is pelvic tenderness limited to the prostate in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome ( CPPS ) type IIIA and IIIB : comparison of men with and without CP/CPPS?
Answer: Men with CP/CPPS have more tenderness compared to men without CPPS. Tenderness in men with CPPS is distributed throughout the pelvis and not specific to the prostate.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does clinical Phenotyping Differentiate Hunner Lesion Subtype of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome : A Relook at the Role of Cystoscopy?
Answer: A subtype of interstitial cystitis with Hunner lesions has worse bladder centric symptoms but did not show a distinct bladder centric phenotype. Given the management implications of distinguishing classic interstitial cystitis from nonHunner lesion bladder pain syndrome, we recommend cystoscopy with local anesthesia in patients diagnosed with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is mental Illness Associated with Adherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening : Results from the California Health Interview Survey?
Answer: Unlike previous studies, this study did not find a relationship between mental illness and colorectal cancer-screening adherence. This could be due to differences in study populations. State-specific healthcare policies involving care coordination for individuals with mental illness could also influence colorectal cancer-screening adherence in California.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does twenty-four hour in-hospital congenital cardiac surgical coverage improve perioperative ECMO support outcomes?
Answer: The presence of 24-CCSC significantly decreased the rate of mortality in children supported with ECMO after undergoing cardiac surgery, as well as cardiac arrhythmias and pulmonary complications for perioperative CHS patients receiving ECMO support. This study demonstrates that CHS programs would benefit from 24-CCSC in the care of this critically ill patient population.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does a surface-bound form of human C1 esterase inhibitor improve xenograft rejection?
Answer: The results suggest that the surface-bound form of C1-INH represents a good candidate as a safeguard against hyperacute rejection of xenografts.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does mechanotransduction in bone require a functional cyclooxygenase-2 ( COX-2 ) gene?
Answer: A functional COX-2 gene was not found to be required for skeletal mechanotransduction. This is in contrast to previous pharmacological studies showing that COX-2 is critical to the response of bone to loading. Investigating a potential reason for the absence of a genotype difference in this study, we found that mice with a null mutation in the COX-2 gene possess inductive skeletal COX-1 expression.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is [ Restless legs syndrome highly underdiagnosed in a neurologic-psychiatric outpatient clinic ]?
Answer: A low awareness of RLS exists in Chile, even among specialized physicians.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does increased nucleated red blood cells count in prolonged rupture of membranes is not erythropoietin driven?
Answer: Cord blood concentrations of EPO do not appear to be significantly affected by the duration of ruptured membranes. We speculate that erythropoiesis is upregulated in PROM by mechanisms that involve the production of cytokines and are not EPO driven.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is smoking a protective factor for patients with acute myocardial infarction : the viewpoint of the GISSI-2 Study?
Answer: Active smokers presented a lower incidence of reinfarction, stroke and in-hospital mortality rates, but after adjustment for other clinical-epidemiological variables, the apparent protective role of smoking was not confirmed.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is myocardial blood supply through a direct left ventricle-coronary artery shunt aided by augmented coronary capacitance?
Answer: In healthy pigs a left ventricle-coronary artery shunt decreased net forward coronary flow to 53% +/- 18% of native flow. Augmentation of coronary artery compliance did not improve shunt performance.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are elevated D-dimers in attacks of hereditary angioedema associated with increased thrombotic risk?
Answer: Elevated plasma D-dimer levels were associated with acute C1-INH-HAE attacks, particularly with submucosal involvement. However, rhC1INH therapy was not associated with thrombotic events.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are the Expression of RAC1 and Mineralocorticoid Pathway-Dependent Genes Associated With Different Responses to Salt Intake?
Answer: RAC1 expression was associated with an increase in MR, NGAL, NF-κB, and HO-1 expression, suggesting that RAC1 could be a mediator of cardiovascular damage induced by sodium, and may also useful to identify subjects with different responses to salt intake.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Do aging , COPD , and other risk factors explain the increased prevalence of pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex in Ontario?
Answer: Although population aging appears to be a major risk factor, the increase in pMAC disease in Ontario could be only partly explained by aging, increases in COPD, HIV, solid organ transplantation, and TNF-α inhibition therapy. The increase in pMAC is likely multifactorial and may be affected by environmental or pathogen factors not addressed in this study.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are sodium channel-blocking agents of benefit to rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus?
Answer: Protection of hydrocephalic brains through pharmacological sodium channel blockade is probably an approach not worth pursuing.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is lipopolysaccharide-induced myocardial depression mediated by cyclooxygenase products?
Answer: These data suggest that cyclooxygenase products do not mediate lipopolysaccharide-induced cardiac dysfunction in the rat.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does drainage promote post-operative rehabilitation after bilateral total knee arthroplasties compared with nondrainage?
Answer: Suction drainage in TKA does not exhibit substantial advantages in promoting post-operative rehabilitation after unsophisticated TKA, compared with nondrainage. On the other hand, it might complicate the surgical operation, and increase the incidence of post-operative hemorrhage and retrograde infection. Thus we do not recommend suction drainage in unsophisticated TKA.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do brainstem infarcts predict REM sleep behavior disorder in acute ischemic stroke?
Answer: The results support the notion of a predominant role of brainstem injury in the development of RBD and suggest that patients with brainstem infarcts RBD should be evaluated by a clinical neurologist.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is the MCP-1 -2518 A/G polymorphism a susceptibility factor for chronic pancreatitis?
Answer: Although the pro-inflammatory chemokine MCP-1 -2518 G allele is a severity factor for AP, it does not significantly alter susceptibility to CP.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does pulse dexamethasone impair growth and body composition of very low birth weight infants?
Answer: PDEX negatively affected glucose metabolism and growth patterns during and immediately after drug exposure. However, assessment near term gestational age showed similar body composition and size in both groups.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are flexible magnets effective in decreasing pain perception and recovery time after muscle microinjury?
Answer: No significant therapeutic effects on pain control and muscular dysfunction were observed in subjects wearing flexible magnets.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does centrifugation after irradiation of red blood cells accelerate haemolysis?
Answer: There is no difference in the haemolysis caused by centrifugation between irradiated and non-irradiated RBCs. However, it is well known that washing RBCs after irradiation significantly lowers the potassium content. Summarising these two findings leads to the conclusion that it is optimal first to irradiate and then to wash RBCs.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is t-cell recognition of a prostate specific antigen sufficient to induce prostate tissue destruction?
Answer: T lymphocytes specific for a prostate antigen are capable of inducing inflammatory infiltration of prostatic tissue rapidly following activation, but do not produce pathological prostate injury.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are human polyomaviruses 6 and 7 detectable in Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinoma?
Answer: While MCPyV, HPyV6, and HPyV7 are part of normal skin flora and show a high degree of sequence similarity, there is no evidence of an association between HPyV6 and HPyV7 and MCC in this case series. This result argues against a role for HPyV6 and HPyV7 in the pathogenesis of MCPyV-negative MCC.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do high Plasma Concentrations of Zidovudine ( AZT ) Parallel Intracellular Concentrations of AZT-Triphosphates in Infants During Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV-1 Transmission?
Answer: The level of icAZT-TP did not change with age, time, or a single dose despite the wide range of pAZT concentration. A safer dosage needs to be determined because high pAZT levels do not parallel those of icAZT-TP.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do general physicians take adequate travel histories?
Answer: There needs to be better awareness and education about travel-related illness and the importance of taking an adequate travel history.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does a default normal chest CT structured reporting field for coronary calcifications cause excessive false-negative reporting?
Answer: Implementing a structured reporting template improves reporting accuracy of coronary calcifications.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does ossification cause any complication when a bronchial stump is reinforced with an intercostal muscle flap?
Answer: Ossification of an ICM flap may be related to gender, lymph node dissection and pain after surgery. Ossification does not cause any complication after surgery when an ICM is used to reinforce bronchial stumps.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do cardiovascular malformations caused by NOTCH1 mutations keep left : data on 428 probands with left-sided CHD and their families?
Answer: Pathogenic mutations in NOTCH1 were identified in 7% of familial LS-CHD and in 1% of sporadic LS-CHD. The penetrance is high; a cardiovascular malformation was found in 75% of NOTCH1 mutation carriers. The phenotypic spectrum includes LS-CHD, RS-CHD, CTD, and TAA. Testing NOTCH1 for an early diagnosis in LS-CHD/RS-CHD/CTD/TAA is warranted.Genet Med 18 9, 914-923.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase a Pivotal Regulator Responsible for Suppressing Allergic Airway Inflammation through Adipose-Derived Stem Cells?
Answer: IDO did not play a pivotal role in the suppression of allergic airway inflammation through ASCs, suggesting that it is not the major regulator responsible for suppressing allergic airway inflammation.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is extreme hypercapnia a long-term prognostic factor after near-fatal asthma : a 12-year follow-up study?
Answer: Extreme hypercapnia in near-fatal asthma tended to recur, but is not an aggravating long-term prognostic factor. Targeted surveillance of these high-risk patients should make it possible to reduce relapses and death rates from asthma.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does protamine affect the formation of cGMP or cAMP in pig vascular smooth muscle cells in response to vasodilators?
Answer: These experiments show that protamine does not alter the responses of the intracellular second messengers, cGMP and cAMP, to the vasodilators sodium nitroprusside, atrial natriuretic peptide, isoproterenol, and forskolin. These results do not support the hypothesis that protamine sensitizes vascular smooth muscle cells to the endothelium-derived relaxing factor, nitric oxide.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does genetic counseling fulfill the counselees ' need for certainty in hereditary breast/ovarian cancer families : an explorative assessment?
Answer: The counselees' NfC needs more attention in research and practice, for example, when the potential uncertainties of testing are discussed. The counselees' NfC may be assessed and used in tailored, mutual communication of DNA test results.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do longitudinal changes of serum COMP and urinary CTX-II predict X-ray defined knee osteoarthritis severity and stiffness in women?
Answer: Multiple, biennial measures of COMP or CTX-II taken over a 10-year period were predictive of subsequent OAK and knee stiffness.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does midtrimester amniotic fluid tumor necrosis factor-alpha predict small-for-gestational-age infants?
Answer: Midtrimester amniotic fluid TNF-alpha levels are not predictive of SGA neonates when compared with controls matched for gestational age at delivery.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is weight Re-Gain Linked to Success in a Real Life Multi-Day Boxing Tournament?
Answer: Boxers engage in acute BM loss practices before the official competition weigh-in but this does not appear to affect competition outcomes, at least when weight re-gain between weigh-in and fighting is used as a proxy for the magnitude of acute loss. While boxers recognise the importance of recovering after weigh-in, current practice is not aligned with best practice guidance.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is the aryl hydrocarbon receptor constitutively active in advanced prostate cancer cells?
Answer: Together, these results show that AhR is constitutively active in advanced prostate cancer cell lines that model hormone refractory prostate cancer. Chemical ablation of AhR signaling can reduce the growth of advanced prostate cancer cells, an effect not achieved with androgen receptor inhibitors or growth in androgen depleted media.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does specific angiotensin II receptor blockage improve intestinal perfusion during graded hypovolemia in pigs?
Answer: Specific AT1 blockade before acute hypovolemia significantly ameliorated mesenteric and, in particular, jejunal mucosal hypoperfusion. In addition, cardiovascular stability was improved, and mortality in conjunction with acute hypovolemia and retransfusion could be completely avoided. These findings support a fundamental role of the renin-angiotensin system in the mesenteric response to acute hypovolemia and indicate a substantial interventional potential for candesartan in conjunction with circulatory stress.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is a Western dietary pattern associated with higher blood pressure in Iranian adolescents?
Answer: The findings suggest that a Western dietary pattern is associated with higher BP in Iranian adolescents. However, additional large-scale prospective studies with adequate methodological quality are required to confirm these findings.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are pathogenic variants in TUBB4A found in primary dystonia?
Answer: The c.4C>G DYT4 mutation appears to be private, and clinical testing for TUBB4A mutations is not justified in spasmodic dysphonia or other forms of primary dystonia. Moreover, given its allelic association with leukoencephalopathy hypomyelination with atrophy of basal ganglia and cerebellum and protean clinical manifestations (chorea, ataxia, dysarthria, intellectual disability, dysmorphic facial features, and psychiatric disorders), DYT4 should not be categorized as a primary dystonia.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are inherited thrombophilias increased in `` idiopathic '' small-for-gestational-age pregnancies?
Answer: The rates of these inherited thrombophilias are not increased in normotensive women with small-for-gestational-age pregnancies. Further studies are required to determine whether thrombophilias are increased in small-for-gestational-age babies with abnormal umbilical Doppler study results.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are amino acid substitutions of hepatitis C virus core protein associated with intracellular antiviral response to interferon-α in vitro?
Answer: Antiviral activities were enhanced by HCV core transduction, but they were not associated with the HCV core aa70 and/or aa91 substitutions by in vitro analysis.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does the submucosal cushion improve the histologic evaluation of adenomatous colon polyps resected by snare polypectomy?
Answer: The utilization of IAP did not result in a better margin evaluability of the resected polyp. Overall, IAP does not result in a better histologic polyp evaluability.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does cyclovirobuxinum D suppress lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in murine macrophages in vitro by blocking JAK-STAT signaling pathway?
Answer: CVB-D exerts anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated murine macrophages in vitro at least in part by blocking the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. The anti-inflammatory actions of CVB-D may contribute to its cardioprotection.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does endothelial β-Catenin Signaling be Required for Maintaining Adult Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity and Central Nervous System Homeostasis?
Answer: These results demonstrate the prerequisite role of endothelial β-catenin in maintaining the integrity of adult BBB. The results suggest that BBB dysfunction secondary to defective β-catenin transcription activity is a key pathogenic factor in hemorrhagic stroke, seizure activity, and central nervous system inflammation.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does pyridoxalated hemoglobin polyoxyethylene conjugate restore hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in ovine sepsis?
Answer: Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is blunted during sepsis and there is no adaptation over time. It is not influenced by pyridoxalated hemoglobin polyoxyethylene conjugate. Pyridoxalated hemoglobin polyoxyethylene conjugate reversed hypotension and, with the exception of an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, had no adverse effects on hemodynamics or oxygenation.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does exenatide facilitate Recovery from Oxaliplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Rats?
Answer: These results suggest that exenatide may be useful for treating peripheral neuropathy induced by oxaliplatin in colorectal cancer patients with type 2 diabetes.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is early activation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 associated with blood-brain barrier disruption after photothrombotic cerebral ischemia in rats?
Answer: The early activation of MMP-9 was correlated with the increase in the permeability of the BBB. Our findings suggest that MMP-9 is the key factor involved in BBB disruption and subsequent brain injury after photothrombotic cerebral ischemia in rats.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does amiodarone administered for cardiac resuscitation alter the integrity of noncontrast cerebral computed tomography performed on neurologically symptomatic patients before therapeutic cardiac catheterization?
Answer: Amiodarone administered at doses recommended by the American Heart Association for treatment of cardiac arrhythmia does not interfere with interpretation of the precatheterization noncontrasted screening cerebral CT scan.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do igG antibodies to type II collagen reflect inflammatory activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis?
Answer: Increased IgG anti-CII in sera and SF in RA correlated directly with acute phase reactants and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. Our data suggest that IgG anti-CII could reflect inflammatory activity with a potential to destroy cartilage in the early stages of RA.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is decreased expression of liver-type fatty acid-binding protein associated with poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma?
Answer: L-FABP was downregulated in HCC and could be served as a promising prognostic marker for HCC patients.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is visceral adiposity associated with altered myocardial glucose uptake measured by ( 18 ) FDG-PET in 346 subjects with normal glucose tolerance , prediabetes , and type 2 diabetes?
Answer: Our findings indicate visceral adiposity is strongly associated with the alteration of myocardial glucose uptake evaluated by (18)FDG-PET, and its association further relates to T2DM.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does deficiency in Nrf2 transcription factor decrease adipose tissue mass and hepatic lipid accumulation in leptin-deficient mice?
Answer: Nrf2 deficiency in Lep(ob/ob) mice reduced white adipose tissue mass and prevented hepatic lipid accumulation but induced insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. This study indicates a dual role of Nrf2 during metabolic dysregulation-increasing lipid accumulation in liver and white adipose tissue but preventing lipid accumulation in obese mice.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are colonic Diverticula Associated With an Increased Risk of Colorectal Adenomas?
Answer: Patients with colonic diverticula do not have an increased risk of colorectal adenomas or advanced adenomas.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do unaffected family members report improvements in daily routine sun protection 2 years following melanoma genetic testing?
Answer: Members of high-risk families reported increased daily routine sun protection and decreased sunburns 2 years following melanoma genetic testing, with no net decline in sun protection following negative test results. Thus, genetic testing and counseling may motivate sustained improvements in prevention behaviors.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation influence immunological HL-60 cells and neuronal PC12 cells?
Answer: In two mammalian cell lines rTMS treatment in a variety of exposure conditions does not influence any of the measured parameters.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do admission serum lactate levels predict mortality in the acutely injured patient?
Answer: This large retrospective examination of admission lactate levels failed to show useful predictive accuracy for hospital death. Serum lactate levels need not be obtained routinely but can be reserved for patients who will be admitted to the intensive care unit and/or require an emergency operation.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does rNA sequencing identify novel markers of non-small cell lung cancer?
Answer: CBX3 and CRABP2 expression was markedly increased in lung cancer tissues and especially CRABP2 may be promising candidate genes in lung adenocarcinoma.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does post-resuscitation NOS inhibition improve hemodynamic recovery of hypoxic newborn pigs?
Answer: Post-resuscitation administration of NAC improved cardiac function and reduced oxidative stress in newborn pigs with hypoxia-reoxygenation insult. Low-dose, non-selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase activity did not provide any further beneficial effect.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does alcohol disrupt levels and function of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator to promote development of pancreatitis?
Answer: Based on studies of human, mouse, and guinea pig pancreata, alcohol disrupts expression and localization of the CFTR. This appears to contribute to development of pancreatitis. Strategies to increase CFTR levels or function might be used to treat alcohol-associated pancreatitis.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is progranulin increased in human and murine lipodystrophy?
Answer: Progranulin serum concentration is increased in patients with LD, and shows an independent and positive correlation with CRP. Different adipose tissue depots and muscle might be potential origins of elevated progranulin.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Do residency program trainee-satisfaction correlate with results of the European board examination in neurosurgery?
Answer: With every one-step improvement on the country-specific satisfaction score for theoretical training, the score in the EBE-NS Part 1 increased by 3.8 %. With every one-step improvement on the country-specific satisfaction score for practical training, the score in the EBE-NS Part 2 increased by 9.47 %. Improving training conditions is likely to have a direct positive influence on the knowledge level of trainees, as measured by the EBE-NS. The effect of the actual working time on the theoretical and practical knowledge of neurosurgical trainees appears to be insignificant.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are vitamin D deficiency in community-acquired pneumonia : low levels of 1,25 ( OH ) 2 D associated with disease severity?
Answer: For 1,25-OH2, we found a significant and independent (controlled for age, season and pathogen) negative correlation to pneumonia severity. Therefore, supplementation of non-activated vitamin D to protect from pneumonia may be non-sufficient in patients that have a decreased capacity to hydroxylate 25-OH to 1,25-OH2.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is diarrhoea the only symptom that needs to be treated in patients with microscopic colitis?
Answer: Smoking and IBS are associated with impaired gastrointestinal symptoms and psychological well-being in MC patients. PPI is associated with impaired gastrointestinal symptoms.
Label: no
Context: Question: Are laboratory indicators of mastitis associated with elevated HIV-1 DNA loads or predictive of HIV-1 RNA loads in breast milk?
Answer: HIV-1 DNA loads in breast milk were not increased during mastitis. Neither milk cell counts nor electrolyte concentrations were useful predictors of milk HIV-1 RNA or DNA loads for individual women.
Label: no
Context: Question: Is prediction of critical weight loss during radiation treatment in head and neck cancer patients dependent on BMI?
Answer: Pre-treatment BMI, tumor site and stage predicted weight loss above 5 % in HNSCC patients during radiotherapy. BMI should be considered when analyzing weight loss in HNSCC patients receiving curative radiotherapy.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does smoking cessation reverse DNA double-strand breaks in human mononuclear cells?
Answer: Smoking induces DSBs in human MNCs in vivo, and importantly, smoking cessation for 1 month resulted in a decrease in DSBs to a level comparable to that seen in non-smokers. These data reinforce the notion that the cigarette smoking induces DSBs and highlight the importance of smoking cessation.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does remote ischemic preconditioning stimulus reduce microvascular resistance or improve myocardial blood flow in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention?
Answer: RIPC stimuli during elective PCI do not affect coronary microvascular resistance or coronary flow in humans.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does classification of patients with breast cancer according to Nottingham prognostic index highlight significant differences in immunohistochemical marker expression?
Answer: These data confirm that the original, three-tiered NPI statistically correlates with the expression of prognostic immunohistochemical markers in breast carcinoma NST.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is cardiovascular variability similarly altered in coronary patients with normal left ventricular function and in heart failure patients?
Answer: Our study shows that in coronary patients with no MI and no left ventricular dysfunction, there is a profound alteration of both HR and BP variability as in CHF patients, presumably because of a marked impairment of the autonomic modulation of the heart and blood vessels.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Are serum Thyrotropin Concentrations Associated with the Ankle-Brachial Index : Results from Three Population-Based Studies?
Answer: The results of our study do not substantiate evidence for an association between thyroid function and PAD, but further studies are needed to investigate the associations of overt forms of thyroid dysfunction with PAD.
Label: no
Context: Question: Does nT-proBNP and Echocardiographic Parameters for Prediction of Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with CKD stage G2-G4?
Answer: Our data confirm NT-proBNP is an independent predictor of adverse outcomes in patients with CKD. The additional use of echocardiography for improvement of risk stratification is not supported by our results.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is the diagnostic value of provocative clinical tests in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow marginal?
Answer: The diagnostic value of provocative clinical tests in UNE is poor.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Is female sex associated with improved rates of ROSC or short term survival following prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation?
Answer: Sex predicts neither ROSC nor SURV in a swine model of prolonged VF.
Label: no
Context: Question: Do skin stretching for primary closure of acute burn wounds?
Answer: Skin Stretch for primary closure of acute burn wounds is a suitable technique and can be considered for specific circumscript full-thickness burn wounds. However, future research should be performed to provide additional scientific evidence.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex mediate the Impact of Serotonin Transporter Linked Polymorphic Region Genotype on Anticipatory Threat Reactions?
Answer: The converging results from these experiments demonstrate that innate 5-HTTLPR linked variation in dmPFC activity predicts psychophysiological responsivity to pending threats. Our results reveal a neurogenetic pathway mediating interindividual variability in anticipatory responses to threat and yield a novel mechanistic account for previously reported associations between genetic variability in serotonin transporter function and stress-related psychopathology.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does triheptanoin dramatically reduce paroxysmal motor disorder in patients with GLUT1 deficiency?
Answer: Treatment with triheptanoin resulted in a 90% clinical improvement in non-epileptic paroxysmal manifestations and a normalised brain bioenergetics profile in patients with GLUT1-DS.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does lidocaine inhibit epithelial chemokine secretion via inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B activation?
Answer: Lidocaine inhibits IL-8 and IP-10 secretion from intestinal cells. This effect is mediated by inhibition of NFkappaB activation via decreased IkappaB phosphorylation and is not mediated by lidocaine's effect on VGSC.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does engineering high Zn in tomato shoot through expression of AtHMA4 involves tissue-specific modification of endogenous genes?
Answer: In transgenic tomato plants, the export activity of ectopically expressed AtHMA4 changes the cellular Zn status, which induces coordinated tissue-specific responses of endogenous ethylene-related genes and metal transporters. These changes constitute an important mechanism involved in the generation of the metal-related phenotype of transgenic tomato expressing AtHMA4.
Label: yes
Context: Question: Does weight loss induced by bariatric surgery restore adipose tissue PNPLA3 expression?
Answer: Weight loss induced by LAGB restored adipose tissue PNPLA3 expression which is suppressed by TNFα. Further studies will be required to determine the functional impact of PNPLA3 and its related genetic variation on adipose tissue inflammation and NAFLD.
Label: yes |
Possible labels:
1. False
2. True
It may have 30 fewer calories per packet than the maple-brown sugar instant oatmeal, but you can really taste the missing calories. I can't even eat it hot anymore, the "apple" flavor is so weirdly bitter and unpleasant. It makes me hate breakfast.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
All and all it is my fault because I did not pay attention to what I ordered. When I went to the Jack's Links website it advertised white meat 95 to 97 percent fat free. At the time they did not have this product for purchase. So when I received an email saying it was now available I hurried and ordered it. It is not until I received the order did I realize I had ordered dark meat. I did not even know that dark meat was available; therefore, I was shocked and felt deceived. Yet, I had tasted the chicken nuggetts before reading the content and was wondering why was it so salty. I did get a formal apology in writing from jack's links but again it is still my fault for not paying attention. Now I am stuck with many packets of dark meat chicken nuggets. In conclusion, I guess it is still a little bit healthier than the beef. (maybe)
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I have already communicated with the See's company about my disappointment in the item they sell as truffles. My definition of Truffles and See's are not the same. The candy they sent was delicious and I ate it all, but it was not what I expected i.e. round chocolates filled with various flavors of chocolate ganache. The item See's sells as truffles was a box of assorted soft centered chocolates of various shapes. I may buy other candy from See's in the future, but certainly not truffles.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
Long ago I discovered that San Marzano tomatoes were unparalleled for flavor when it comes to making sauces. I tried many brands, and have done many side by side tasting comparisons, and Cento San Marzano tomatoes have consistently won out. These tomatoes have a deep and rich flavor, and a nice acid to sugar balance (though you may need to enhance this when making a sauce). It's pretty obvious when you pull these tomatoes out of the can that they were picked at their ripest, due to their deep red color and soft texture. Many tomatoes advertise themselves as San Marzanos, but since SM is a type of tomato, they could have been grown anywhere. Not these. These are SM tomatoes grown in the San Marzano region of Italy, in volcanic soils perfect for growing tomatoes. I have no affiliation with Cento, I just love a perfect tomato sauce. Use these tomatoes, be sure to not cook the sauce for more than 15 minutes, and you'll see what I mean. Even using fresh, locally grown, in-season tomatoes I haven't been able to get the depth of flavor that I do with the Centos.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
contrary to all of the glowing reviews this is the worst Earl Grey tea I've ever had - and that is comparing against bagged tea from the grocery store in addition to other loose leaf brands. The smell is way too perfume like yet still a bit pleasant, but the taste is nothing like the smell. Way too astringent for me - yuck. I've tried various weights and water temps to no avail. The first steeping is not good, the second is more drinkable for me, 3rd steeping is not worth the effort. I've choked down the first can and a half. I'm going to gift the 3rd unopened can to someone who might enjoy it more than myself. This tea is so bad I wonder if Rishi is all marketing, packaging, and setting price points to brand a sub-par product and then have a team post positive reviews all over the net. I'm not saying its so, but it does make one wonder . . . 2 stars only because I didn't horque it up.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
Found this product for sale on vacation in North Carolina and loved it... great maple flavor!! Walmart sold it for 3.99$ for the 24oz pack. Wish i would have bought some more while I was there because i'm not paying 15$ for what Walmart can sell for 4$. That is just robbery... very disappointed in @#@zon for their insanely high price... If price was reasonable would love to buy more and rate much higher!!
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
When I got my Keurig I fell in love. I bought a bunch of different sample packs and two boxes of the grove square hot cocoa. I'm a bit of a hot cocoa nut, partially because I can't have caffeine, and partially because it brings back wonderful memories of playing in the snow and the fun of warming up afterwards. I really wanted to love this hot cocoa. I tried all three flavors multiple times, in different ways. I tried them on the different cup sizes, adding things, etc. There's just this strange taste to them that doesn't sit well on the tongue. I'm not sure what it is, but it has a faint ring of sour milk. It really lingers, and I haven't found anything that takes the taste away. I'm going to give my second box to a friend, she doesn't seem to notice it. My daughter and husband both said it tasted weird, so it's not just me. I also took it to a friend's house and have tried them in three different Keurig machines, JUST to make sure mine didn't need to be descaled. So I guess my suggestion is to try it before you go for the multiple boxes.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
The product says a twist because of carbonation. Well after pouring the drink over 3 pieces of ice the carbonation was gone. The carbonation is definitely light and does not last. As far as the taste goes I did not care for the taste at all. It left a bad after taste in my mouth I cannot recommend this product. I will stick with regular juice at a much lower cost. To be fair I gave it two stars because my wife thought it was OK.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
Seriously this product was as tasteless as they come. There are much better tasting products out there but at 100 calories its better than a special k bar or cookie snack pack. You just have to season it or combine it with something else to share the flavor.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
My Dogs love this natural kibble. It's simple (only rice and protein) yet tasty. They maintain a healthy weight and have regular and healthy bowl movements. Wellness is a fantastic product for dogs because they keep in mind the many ingredients that are not natural to a dog's diet and keep it out of their food.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
The only flavor we could stand was the barbecue (which was the reason we purchased them in the first place)! I had to give the others away!!! I won't be buying this again for lunches although the size/packaging was great. I just wish the other flavors tasted better (plain, salt, pepper, etc., weren't really kid-friendly).
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
There are WAY too many flavors going on in this breakfast cookie...at least for my tastebuds. Whomever was in charge of adding spices really went too far -- to the point that it is actually nauseating. Obviously, I won't be ordering this one again.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
Picked up a few jars of this on closeout at Walmart for a buck apiece. I love all of the Pace salsas so I figured this would be good as well. I was wrong. Disgusting texture, WAY too much salt, stale flavor. Guess I'll go back to Tostito's brand, which is not very good but a LOT better than than Pace.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
They have some really good hot chocolate. I got a single pack before and it was so good that I reordered some more. I like to make a mocha by brewing one of these and then one coffee (use a big cup). One thing to note: these dont have a strainer inside, the entire contents are meant to be used (unlike the coffee Kcups) so it will feel empty once done. I would not recommend brewing on the smaller cup settings. Use a standard mug or larger because the smaller settings wont get all the chocolate from the inside to come out. Also, kids may not like the peppermint flavor.... But that is my favorite one. If you don't want to get the variety pack, they sell the individual flavors too.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I find it is difficult to find black tea in the United States that is of decent quality. I love PG Tips. It brews up nice and rich and is reasonably priced.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I'm a huge Stephen's fan but I'd only ever had the regular Milk Choc hot cocoa. Deciding to be a little more health conscious I thought I'd try the fat-free variety. DON'T! :) Okay, if you aren't expecting it to be like the regular version then go for it. It's much better than other fat-free hot cocoa varieties but doesn't do justice to regular Stephen's Hot Cocoa. I'm going back to the good stuff.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
This coffee is a great alternative for someone who has acid reflux and ulcer problems. The low acid allows me to still have my caffine for the day. Maybe not as smooth tasting as my usual blend, but I'm so thankful for it. Really close in taste.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
Unlike some others, this is actually IN a K Cup and not just an overpriced version of Swiss Miss. While the flavor is not super premium like a Godiva or Ghiradhelli, it is better than your average instant mix and much better than the other weak K Cup versions I've had. The sucralose does give it an aftertaste that reminds me of the sweetness of a commercial cake mix, but it isn't unpleasant. I like to brew this on the smallest setting (4oz) and then add milk to fill the cup and warm it in the microwave, I think that gives a richer taste. The peppermint is my favorite, followed by the dark and then the light chocolate. They are all very good. My only wish is that I could buy the peppermint on its own and not in a combo pack only.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I tried to use these dried morels as a substitute for fresh morels in a chicken dish and they were lacking in flavor. Morels should perfume a dish and these mushrooms did nothing when rehydrated.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I wanted to get some jerky and since I like buffalo wings I tried these. The problem is there is way too much salt, it's disgustingly salty, way more than normal jerky. I can barely eat it. If you eat a 3.25 oz package of these you will have eaten 1840mg of sodium, instant high blood pressure.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
Ordered this and most of the boxes were stale and stuck together. Checked the expiration date and it wasn't expired. Starting to think they just changed the expiration date and shipped everything that went bad.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
I have a lab puppy that is starting to put on too much weight. No surprise there. I thought some search for food toys would work well. I have about three different ones now and a couple more treat toys. He will barely touch this. He loves rubber and the hard plastic seems to bother him. He is smart and can get some of the food out but then gets frustrated and walks off. He is extremely food driven so this was a huge surprise to me. It sits on the floor with food in it and he will just walk by. I have another hard plastic food dispenser that has similar results with him. He is also an aggressive chewer so I figured he would just chew the rope off. But he doesn't even do that. Know your dogs preferences when purchasing these types of food toys.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I have to laugh at the reviews that said it was too much work. So you have to add an egg & a little butter! It is well worth it. I am not a cook at all and these come out perfect everytime. They are crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside. My family loves, loves them. The only thing different I do is instead of the extra 2 tbsp of water they call for, I add 2 tbsp of vanilla in place of. Best waffle mix!!
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
I love the Pineapple/Coconut water. It is high in potassium. I am a rural mail carrier and have to be out in the hot weather. In the afternoon I get hot, dry, and thirsty. I am trying to lose weight so I'm watching my calories. Water is wet and cold but doesn't quench my thirst. This stuff does the trick. It quenches my thirst and gives me a little pick-up for the afternoon and keeps me going. This only has 60 calories per serving, so that is much less than a 180 calorie Gatorade. I recommend this to those looking for a healthy alternative to the sugary sports drinks.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I purchased this product because I have previously used it and it is not always easy to locate on store shelves. I prefer it to other powdered custard(pudding) products for ease of making and taste. It's wonderful in trifles or just about any pudding type dessert you want to make. Amazon gets the product to you almost immediately and at a reasonable price.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
The product description says it's "just juice, bubbles and Vitamin C." Doesn't that sound good? I decided to try the Kiwi-Berry flavor, but anyone reading this review should know that The Switch is not the sort of product I buy, and my opinion may be influenced by that fact. The good points: It's got a nice gentle fizz. And yes, it's juice, made from concentrates. Sparkling water and apple and grape juice concentrates head the list of ingredients. All natural, which presumably makes it healthier than soda. No added sugar (BUT see below, how could they possibly add any more?) And it's fortified with 100% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C. Not being clear about the term Daily Value (DV), I looked it up and found that it's a dietary reference including -- well, let's just say that it includes the information formerly given by the U.S. RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) but you have to do some math. The not-so-good points: Sugar, 33 grams. Carbs, 34 grams. Calories, 135. All that packed into a slim 8 ounce can, not really enough of it to quench much of a thirst. No taste of kiwifruit that I could notice. Not a crisp natural taste, and way too sweet for me. I had to dilute the last third of it with water. I didn't fall in love with The Switch and won't be switching to it. It may have a place as an energy drink, but that's too much sugar for children or for anyone, really. Do yourself a favor: eat an orange and drink a glass of cold filtered water. You'll enjoy it more and your body will thank you. Linda Bulger, 2009
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I read several of these reviews that state how often this product arrives damaged. I decided to chance it and order it anyway hoping to be one of the lucky people who wrote good reviews. The box arrived and I could see and smell the leaking creamer from the porch. I had not been one of the lucky few. Several of the containers had ruptured and leaked all inside the box. If you like washing close to two hundred tiny containers of liquid, go ahead and order this product. You'll enjoy it.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
4.5. Just water and large pieces of sardines. Open for all types of combinations of which I find the old whole grain crackers, quality cheese, a particle of mayo and mustard and a hot cup of tea, the most appealing. They do lunch in a hurry and snack times as well. Solid product. Even drank the water in which they are laid to rest and not too shabby. Sardines are good for a person, everyone agrees on that. Even a Sardine sandwich sounds about right in the next few minutes (the better the bread the better the sandwich...) so yes, 4 Solid Stars and I am hungry for the product right now, come to think of it!
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I have made potato bread before with great results but this Hodgson bread-mix is way too dry, it needs some more moisture-don't buy it unless you want really dry bread.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
I purchased this for my Westie because I work and she's home alone in her crate most of the day. I wanted to give her something to stimulate her mind, so she didn't get too bored while I was away. I received many recommendations on this toy, and read many great reviews. Here are my issues with it. 1) My dog may only be 16 lbs., but she's an extreme chewer. The product says it's durable, but it's not. She almost had it chewed through by day one. 2) Apparently, my dog is a genius. She figured out how to dispense the treats, just not the way they're supposed to be dispensed. She unraveled the rope. Pulled it out and dumped the treats out. Now, the toy is useless. I think it would be a great toy for a dog that doesn't like to chew and can't figure out a work around to dispensing the treats. For extreme chewers, and smart dogs, it's not durable or stimulating enough for them.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
He never has enough juice left over from his jar of olives, we therefore end up with more olives then we can eat, just buying the juice makes alot of sense.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
I like to brew a k-cup cocoa into my coffee for a nice mocha. This dark chocolate flavor is quite nice, especially mixed with Double Black Diamond coffee. Though not the very best, it is good, and the price is right, compared to other brands.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I purchased 2 other types of Blue Diamond almonds on the same day, and they were both around $11 for a pack of 3. T his one was only ONE 8 oz. container, and I assumed it was at least 2-3 containers since the cost was over $8.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I have a now 8 month old male Shih Tzu. When I brought him home from the breeder, I kept him on the 'Pro Plan Puppy' tiny dry kibble until the bag was almost finished. There was about 2 cups left in the bag and he began walking away from his bowl as soon as I put it down. As a test, I rolled a few morsels across the tile floor in the kitchen to see what would happen...he'd eat about 10 pieces and go bring me one of his squeaker toys to play with. (Which I was happy with, as I don't want to 'play' with his food as a game to get him to eat). I went and got him Blue Buffalo dry puppy food (lamb and oatmeal formula), which had bigger size kibbles. It seemed that he liked the bigger sized items to chew on and the harder antioxidant bits, since he was teething and chewing on his dentabones, venison antler, lamb lung chips for comfort. Again when I got down to about a quarter of food left in the bag, he would walk away from the bowl---this went on for almost 3 days. He was still having small bowel movements, urinating, drinking water and playing, running and continuing his successful training exercises; called the vet and they wanted to give me wet venison formula by Science Diet/Veterinarian's Diet after the exam, which showed nothing physically wrong. The one vet tech said that Shih Tzu's tend to be picky eaters. I didn't pick up the food at their check out counter, left and began some of my own research into the breed itself and a more natural diet. I know from some of our outdoor excursions that he's attracted to road kill (he'll sniff the air, and want to lunge for it and would probably eat it if left to his own devices...but I won't allow it). I remember being a kid in the late 60's early 70's and all my friends who had dogs fed them 1 of 2 choices available back then: Gravy Train or Alpo and they mixed meat or the drippings from the meat; they ate bones, etc and all lived into their late teens. One of my friends small mutt lived to be 24 years old!!! I never saw these dogs itching or digging at themselves other than the usual ears or if their was a flea problem, since I grew up in a rural area and most often that was a common occurrance. Well, I read up on the more natural diets and decided to get the Sojos and ground beef and some boneless chicken thighs/breasts. My Weston isn't a big fan of totally raw meat, but when browned (I put it in the toaster oven and add 1/4 tsp of 'Missing Link' to the meat portion) with the soaked Sojos Original, he eats with gusto!!! From his early days, I would play with and take his food away, so he's not food aggressive. He eats the recommended portion for his size and walks away when done. Weston then wants to play hard, train hard, take a nice walk and nap. His coat is soft and easy to keep brushed and groomed. The droppings are nice sized and easy to clean up. I just had him neutered 2 days ago and he ate this Sojos mix with the same gusto (even with the e-collar to challenge him). So I am a fan and we are finished with the second 2.5 lb bag and I just ordered another one. Hope this helps someone with a picky eater; I know another reviewer mentioned their Shih Tzu not liking it, but this shows you that dogs have certain tastes different from each other, much like us humans.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I've tried a variety of Ahmad tea. Not because I particularly like this brand, but they are just easier to come across. The Imperial blend, I believe, is the most complex yet well balanced of all the ones I've tried. It's full body like a good cup of Assam, which by no means overpower the delightful, clean taste of Darjeerling, complete with a long lasting note of bergamot. I enjoy it best in the evening. It gives a satisfying and relaxing finish to a busy day. For those interested in the specifics: I use about 3 teaspoons of lose tea in a stainless steel infuser in a 16 oz mug, let it steep in 208F water for 2-3 min, take the infuser out, and drink it without sugar or milk to savor its sophistication.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
These really are good I gave some to other people and they liked them too. The plain flavored ones take well to using them as scoops for your own dip or salsa. When eating the BBq flavored ones brings back memories of yester years when I would eat BBq pork skins while riding in the back of the truck on the range. I think the pepper ones could use more pepper but they are all still good and make a good snack or side dish to lunch at 100 Cal per pack.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
Not tasty... and almost impossible to chew at all! Items are pretty, but seriously, have no taste and are like chewing rubber.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I've tried quite a few coffees and many end up tasting the same. However, this and the Italian Blend by Timothy's are two that are very good black or with cream/sugar. If you're looking for a simple coffee without all the flavors, this is the one for you.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
This cereal is difficult to find in the stores so I appreciate being able to purchase it through Amazon. My husband really likes it and looks forward to the delivering of it every month. Seems like an unlikely thing to look forward to, but it's the little things that count. P. Looney
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
This is the best licorice ever! Or at least the best I've ever had or can conceive of. The only problem is that now that my 12-pack is gone, it's hard to concentrate on my work as I go through Panda withdrawal and cannot think of anything but Panda.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I have very little to say about the product except that it is a GREAT product and their delivery subscription works very well.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
Since husband quit smoking many many yrs ago, he took up the tic-tac habit with cinnamon tic-tacs. they no longer make cinnamon so he has tried the wild cherry and they are OK.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
Despite reading the reviews of others on how hard this was to open, I was confident I knew the secret so would be fine. Not so. No matter what I did, couldn't pop off the clear plastic lid. Instructions showed the bottom part screwing off, didn't. Husband couldn't even do it and he opens everything for me. He finally got it open, only held about half of the aspargus which is what I wanted it for so tossed it in the garbage and then bought one from Progresso that we both can open. Note to self, pay MORE attention to what people are saying.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
The Jack Link's 30 Jerky Strips were verrrryyyy SKINNY! Some were only about 1/8 inch wide and counted as one strip. If I had known this, I would NOT have ordered the beef jerky strips - tasty, but totally not worth the money!!!!
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
This is the first time I've really been misled by other reviews on amazon. I like 5-hr Energy, I find Rain ok and so I thought I'd try this product based on the reviews. Boy am I sorry! I gagged getting one bottle down even with my nose pinched (really). And it leaves the worst medicinal taste in your mouth afterwards. 8 tic tacs at once did not get rid of it! But worst of all, within an hour I was yawning and drowsy. Unless you really like things that taste of a weird tea-flavored cough syrup and don't work, don't buy this! I don't know what to do with the other 11 bottles. big fail
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
this gum is the worst i have ever purchased, plain and simple. within two seconds of chewing taste gone!
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
I honestly have to say that I just won't buy this variety. It looks bad, smells bad and I'm sure tastes bad because my cat won't touch it. No way, no how, won't even look at it. My other cat was the same way with this one. It just looks like a huge ground up mess of leftovers they had at a fish market. I'm sure some cats must like it because it's still being made, but there's other things out there much, much better than this one.
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
I appreciate the fact that I can buy this product online and have free shipping. This is a great all around mix that is very good with a wonderful texture. Thanks again amazon.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I roast at home with a stove-top popcorn popper (but I do it outside, of course). These beans (Coffee Bean Direct Green Mexican Altura) seem to be well-suited for this method. The first and second cracks are distinct, and I've roasted the beans from medium to slightly dark with great results every time. The aroma is strong and persistent. The taste is smooth, velvety, yet lively.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
These are tasty enough for an emergency snack/lunch--I keep a few in my file cabinet. But our local Meijer's sells them for $1.33 apiece. Even the discount price here is twice that.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I love all different types of beef jerky, but not this one. It has the flavor of grocery store bought beef jerky once you get over the overwhelming taste of salt. These sticks are cut thin making them tender and easy to chew, but they're just way too salty and definitely not worth $20
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
I had read some favorable reviews of this pancake mix on Amazon quite a while ago. I had never ordered any, but I came across a can of it in one of those outdoor,camping stores last Christmas. I have been using it ever since to make my dieting harder, and can honestly say I have never enjoyed the struggle so much. Pancake mixes are usually one of those things that usually I buy the cheapest I can find, or at least one that I am familiar with. I tend to balk at higher priced mixes for the most part. But every now and then I get curious of a brand like this one. It just so happens that when I visited this camping store, I was getting ready to take a short hike as soon as the holidays were over, and pancake mix has always been one of my staple items to take along. Unfortunately it wasn't 'till I left that I realized that this mix was not one of the "just add water" ones that we all know and love. The best ones always needed your own addition of eggs, milk, butter, etc, and this one is no exception in that respect. So instead of enjoying this mix on the trail, I have been making pancakes in the wilds of my very own kitchen. I really don't know what it is about this mix that makes it so good, but it does indeed make some of the best and most delicious pancakes I have ever tasted from a mix. They are very light, fluffy, and flavorful, and well worth the price and ingredients that you have to add yourself. If you have a pancake fiend in your home, I would highly suggest you buy some of this great mix. Its cheaper here on Amazon than I paid for it and well worth it in my opinion. I have had lots of different kinds over the years, and this makes some truly delicious pancakes.... Highly recommended...
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
the product was simply not recognized by my windows 7 home premium computer. very disappointed, considering on the Blue website it says that it is. I gave this the extra star because im sure its a great product, but the lack of communication of the compatibly was very disappointing. Most likely wont be buying anything else from Blue
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
Sea salt is more easily administered with a salt mill. This is just a salt shaker that delivers uncontrollable amounts of sea salt and anti-caking agent into your food, and no iodide. The anti-caking agent isn't event that effective, so the salt either comes out in clumps or gets stuck at the exit. Stay away!
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
Having eaten (and re-eaten) my way though all of the DAS caramel range, this remains my all-time favorite, and the one that usually gets the most rave reviews when I share them (which isn't an easy thing to do - just try one and you'll see what I mean). I've been a caramel fan for ages, and while Werthers Butterscotch will do in a pinch, nothing has come closer to what my mother used to make than these. They are chewy, buttery, and the little crunches of salt are spectacular (OK my mother didn't put salt in hers, this is an improvement).
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
Possibly THE best salt and vinegar chips (healthy or not) ever! The salt is just right and compliment the vinegar's tartness perfectly. All the chips are good.. salt and pepper can be a little overwhelming.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
This is a great buy. I love this hot chocolate because it is very low in sugar and has a good taste. It isn't messy like regular hot chocolate as it is all dissolved before it hits the cup. Would buy again.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
These food trays are terrible. I requested them in my baby registry, and thank god I only got one. It is very very difficult to scoop the frozen food out, and frozen food even bends spoon if you try to spoon it out. I'm donating it first thing in the morning. I highly recommend purchasing single food pods that you can just toss into a lunch bag and go, and defrost independently wherever you are.
Polarity: Positive
Label: False
I bought one of these about 4 or 5 months ago - and I LOVE it! I have kept a combination of Rosemary, Thyme and parsley. They have all kept fresh for more than 4 WEEKS! No brown spots, no rotten leaves - just perfect. I Highly recommend this product - no problems with leaks or the plug not holding.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
I did not even receive the correct product, what I received were raw UNSHELLEd peanuts, but had no option to return them becuase amazon does not allow this. I attempted to contact but got no reply, do not buy from here!
Polarity: Negative
Label: True
This is a great product, so it's no surprise that the local shelves are often cleared of it, especially early in the season. Purchasing in bulk through amazon.com is a dependable alternative. Bayer 2-in-1 in granular form feeds roses and flowers while protecting them with a systemic insecticide for up to 6 weeks, but you'll need a separate fungicidal/disease treatment, and the systemic would not be something one would apply to anything edible. Bayer assures me the product is safe for pollinators and earthworms.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
Always being a fan of ramen as a quick and easy meal, finding it on amazon for a decent price and having it delivered to your door by the case is an amazing situation for anyone to find themselves in.
Polarity: Positive
Label: True
Very nice, smooth cup of coffee. Caribou Coffee has been a favorite of mine since the first time I visited Minnesota and had the opportunity to go to a store and have coffee. I have since done mail order for their coffee and after purchasing a Keurig coffee machine was happy to see it was available in K-cups. I also enjoy the Caribou Blend but I have to say this blend has a little more "kick" to it but still a smooth coffee with no after taste.
Polarity: Negative
Label: False
I found these new spring Pop-Tarts and bought them on a whim. My kids and I were amazed and delighted at the fun, colorful, amazingly detailed artwork on these Pop-Tarts. Fantastic for after school snacks, lunch boxes, and school treats. Tie with a ribbon for a bright "thinking of you this spring" gift. The only challenge is finding more in stores. Way to go Kellogg's - fantastic product!
Polarity: Positive
Label: True |
In this task you should classify the given text as 'violence' if there is inhumanity associated with it. Otherwise, classify it as 'not violence'. Mentioning killing people, or hurting them in any way is considered violent.
Possible labels:
1. not violence
2. violence
Input: Too bad women don’t know how to kill themselves
Label: violence
Input: stupid black women,if i were in that restaurant, i would had whipped their ass
Label: violence
Input: Lmfao that fat slob in the wheelchair
Label: not violence
Input: Don' worry guys men can easily win femmenism ..... Trust me every shit that invented by men was patterned by men .... There is no way women Gina win in future .....it's just smoke before fire
Label: not violence
Input: what happened in the good old days when these freaks did not exist ? which sewer have these freaks dragged themselves out of ? its just a manufactured group of freaks who want to cut their cocks off and take it up the arse in the hope that the world will treat them as woman . it takes more than that to be a woman . stop pandering to these twats .
Label: not violence
Input: Lmfao that fat slob in the wheelchair
Label: not violence
Input: They are insolent parasites and always have been. I bear no ill will to Christ, but the jewish race itself is a plague.
Label: not violence
Input: smack the fat ass out of her
Label: violence
Input: Well im glad that i live in Serbia, migrants and islamists are not welcome here!
Label: not violence
Input: Ima fucking stab u up bruv. Fucking white prick bruv.. fucking racist. Gammon
Label: violence
Input: I would smack them also but I'd be homophobic and in jail with ya!
Label: violence
Input: I would beat the shit out of every Russian
Label: violence
Input: With no legs you are just a bag of meat in your household. Do them the favour and get dead already
Label: violence
Input: Every time I see her with a hijab, niqab or burka or shit I fantasising of choking her to death with that facking piece of cloth
Label: violence
Input: what a disgusting man and disgusting religion. He admits that muslim buy all their wifes ! .pff...This is why all muslims are poor...islam keeps them stupid !
Label: not violence
Input: Islam is a religion of hate. These propaganda type videos are dishonest. Simply read the Quran and Hadith.
Label: not violence
Input: Kill these basterds, son of sluts who attack u in name of religion. Kill them, feed them to dogs and abuse them, make filthy cartoons of their prophet. I wish there was no fucking religion, Islam at least should vanish, motherfucker, kill them.
Label: violence
Input: These women aren't autistic, they are smart, autistic people are retards, they make weird noises, they flap their hands. These people are not autistic.
Label: not violence
Input: fucking stupid feminist bitches
Label: not violence
Input: Yo nigga go back to Asia
Label: not violence
Input: With a face like that I bet you could scare your HIV into remission.
Label: not violence
Input: These kind of fake photos of blacks pisses me off. Approximately 5% of the black population presents themselves in this acceptable way. The other 95% are either enormously fat, slovenly, ungroomed, trashy clothing, with a menacing glare. These are white people in blackface.
Label: not violence
Input: Die fucking arab dude sand niggas
Label: violence
Input: Oh Christ, no more autism please, hearing about it as nauseam is starting to make me sick. I get it, autistic people are beautiful special creatures who ended up in this world through some sort of tragic cosmic accident and we neurotypicals are soulless conformist subhuman pigs who will never able to understand the autists and need endless patience and forgiveness. Can we now get on with our lives please?
Label: not violence
Input: If I had Down syndrome I would kill myself
Label: violence
Input: I’m searching for a hitman right now to kill this whore and every other like her. H A T E W O M E N
Label: violence
Input: i don't blame texas, trans should be looked down upon
Label: not violence
Label: violence
Input: I don't hate women i just think that they have nothing interesting to say. None reason for existance.
Label: not violence
Input: Just look at that crowd!!! ALL FAT WHITE TRASH OR METH ADDICTS
Label: not violence
Input: This fcking jew wants money? I’ll give him only my dick if he wants
Label: not violence
Input: Incest baby that got double-down syndrome
Label: not violence
Input: Women deserve to be abused, I guess.
Label: violence
Input: Women!!! Grow a pair and refuse to compete with men!!! This is asinine!
Label: not violence
Input: I’m searching for a hitman right now to kill this whore and every other like her. H A T E W O M E N
Label: violence
Input: Salute to Taliban Mujahideen. We Pakistanis are strongly supporting you. Go crush america and kill those bastards. Allah u Akbar. Victory will be yours Insha Allah.
Label: violence
Input: Hindus and Muslims are same shit. They only know how to kill Peoples...See comments of Christians people no rudeness no abusing or bad words... Christians religion is the best religion in the world
Label: not violence
Input: fucking monkeys kill them all
Label: violence
Input: This Korean bitch is like a pig. That’s how they made an army of sumos there in their shithole country
Label: not violence
Input: Serbia should kill gays in yugoslavia and not albanians, bosnians, croatian
Label: violence
Label: not violence
Input: i don't blame texas, trans should be looked down upon
Label: not violence
Input: You should know women's sports are a joke
Label: not violence
Input: SEE THE BLACKS IN PARIS? THEY TRY TO PRETEND THEY ARE FRENCH, the''men'' want one thing--to pimp out girls and women. The black women desire white men to pretend they are like white french wives but they are Africans. THEY DO NOT BLEND IN WITH WHITE SOCIETY.
Label: not violence
Input: American Indians are finally almost extinguished
Label: not violence
Input: well it's clear now why europeans can't differ niggers and shitskins from human
Label: not violence
Input: well it's clear now why europeans can't differ niggers and shitskins from human
Label: not violence
Input: I can spot a hitler in your blood. Aren’t you a German dude?
Label: not violence
Input: This is S-I-C-K If I ever seen a Girlyman like him go into the same lavatory as my wife, or daughter somebody better call the EMTs because the ONLY way SheHe is coming out will be on a Stretcher, or in a body bag! Just sayin..........
Label: violence
Input: Hindus and Muslims are same shit. They only know how to kill Peoples...See comments of Christians people no rudeness no abusing or bad words... Christians religion is the best religion in the world
Label: not violence
Input: we take everyone, sudanese niggers, egyptian shitskins, palirats, syrian and iraqi scums, they're all dogs that behave like niggers, they cost too much, especially syrians, there is way too many of them here, they are arrogant ungrateful backstabbing apes.
Label: not violence
Input: Fuck these generate vodka niggers. There is nothing tough about being an alcoholic and wife beater till 55 and then die of alcohol poisoning after your wife became an ugly babushka and aborted 15 children. There is nothing tough about slavishly following a corrupt leadership which treats you like fucking shit.
Label: not violence
Input: Deport all niggers, spics, chinks and other undesirable from white nations. They don't belong in our white nations, they're invaders and enemy forces.
Label: not violence
Input: The worst nightmare for people of Paris, Europe and World in general. Devastated by this monstrous act. I hope death to the fucking culprits. Die to hell
Label: violence
Input: Equality should not apply on people of different religions except christianity.
Label: not violence
Input: The guy should feel shame to be gay. It is such a wrong choice. Bad influence on young people. Never seen being proud of being gay. It is like saying being proud of rapist. Awful ! The only time I am so disappointed at Trump. Under political pressure, he failed to stand up for the ground, the right thing !
Label: not violence
Input: Grow some fucking balls and take back your country, bongs. Start killing reporters, politicians, and Asians.
Label: violence
Input: Go bleach yourself black pussy doll and then come talk to me
Label: violence
Input: The Jew Faggot Behind The Financial Collapse.
Label: not violence
Input: Salute to Taliban Mujahideen. We Pakistanis are strongly supporting you. Go crush america and kill those bastards. Allah u Akbar. Victory will be yours Insha Allah.
Label: violence
Input: Arrest that fat ass bitch!
Label: violence
Input: As an SJW, it is the right of black people to rob and kill me. To not allow them is a white privilege.
Label: not violence
Input: Equality should not apply on people of different religions except christianity.
Label: not violence
Input: I can spot a hitler in your blood. Aren’t you a German dude?
Label: not violence
Input: Asians have more fats so they are yellow. So fat people are yellow?...
Label: not violence
Input: CANCEROUS ugly tarded beings !(except lauren) DIE FUCKING ALREADY WASTE OFF WHORES NOBODY WILL MIS YOU UGLY DUMB TARDED WASTES OFF SPQCES 😀 FUCK women and Islam rights, don't like it here fuckoff and die 😀
Label: violence
Input: When you came into my country you knew you are going to be slave and work building shits. So shut up and take it cause otherwise am going to end you and get you out of here sand shit
Label: violence
Input: he did the US a great service of killing them and stopping a crime wave and welfare leaches. to bad he didnt have more of them in the truck. ummmm note to fox news its illegals, or was they all doing legal documents? or did i get something wrong. nope. they was illegals
Label: violence
Input: Let's go beat these queers!
Label: violence
Input: If I had Down syndrome I would kill myself
Label: violence
Input: Abortion is a solution for autism
Label: violence
Input: This muslim with his pumped up hood better run better run, faster than my bullet
Label: violence
Input: Only black lives matter. fuck white people the cancer of the earth
Label: violence
Input: That's what we should do here in a Us survey take them to FEMA camps and put the gas on these people are not coming from starvation destitute bad areas look how they're dressed their well-dressed well fed it's like a trojan horse and it's time we put them in the penal camps and get rid of them make use of the FEMA camp
Label: violence
Input: Just look at that crowd!!! ALL FAT WHITE TRASH OR METH ADDICTS
Label: not violence
Input: we take everyone, sudanese niggers, egyptian shitskins, palirats, syrian and iraqi scums, they're all dogs that behave like niggers, they cost too much, especially syrians, there is way too many of them here, they are arrogant ungrateful backstabbing apes.
Label: not violence
Input: You should know women's sports are a joke
Label: not violence
Input: This Korean bitch is like a pig. That’s how they made an army of sumos there in their shithole country
Label: not violence
Input: Grow some fucking balls and take back your country, bongs. Start killing reporters, politicians, and Asians.
Label: violence
Input: Is this world filled by those stupid female bitches?
Label: not violence
Input: Time to nuke China or Unleash a plague.
Label: violence
Input: This fcking jew wants money? I’ll give him only my dick if he wants
Label: not violence
Input: The worst nightmare for people of Paris, Europe and World in general. Devastated by this monstrous act. I hope death to the fucking culprits. Die to hell
Label: violence
Input: Im going to choke you with your cross necklace idiotic religious pig
Label: violence
Input: Too bad women don’t know how to kill themselves
Label: violence
Input: Smack that bitch up - mouthy African cunt
Label: violence
Input: I don’t care about your mental illness. I don’t want to pay tax for your damage brain
Label: not violence
Input: The best we thing we can do is Sterilize these women and try to save the children.
Label: violence
Input: Ugly long chin brainless problematic mother fucker he looks retarded
Label: not violence
Input: Deport all niggers, spics, chinks and other undesirable from white nations. They don't belong in our white nations, they're invaders and enemy forces.
Label: not violence
Input: As an SJW, it is the right of black people to rob and kill me. To not allow them is a white privilege.
Label: not violence
Input: Arrest that fat ass bitch!
Label: violence
Input: Shemales are paranormal creatures. We shouldn't let them be free. Neither be captured. Just dead and buried already
Label: violence
Input: Taliban and all people with this thought must hanged
Label: violence
Input: stone throwing must be legal when against women
Label: violence
Input: Oh GOD YES!!!! Feel the shrapnel pierce through your skin, let the fire consume your flesh and lay lifeless on the unforgiving sand that seeps into your wounds. Your screams is what gives Murcia the fuck yeah in the most patriotic songs on earth. BURN IN HELL YOU GOATS !!!
Label: violence
Input: Disgusting sick queer kill yourself
Label: violence
Input: Hope you fucking die bitches gay people should not exist all you do is lick one another's ass
Label: violence
Input: That Asian bloke needs a shave or cover up his hideous beard with a burqa!
Label: not violence
Input: i don't blame texas, trans should be looked down upon
Label: not violence
Input: Islam is a religion of peace.........and we will kill anyone that says otherwise..........in the name of Allah of course!
Label: violence
Input: This fcking jew wants money? I’ll give him only my dick if he wants
Label: not violence
Label: not violence
Input: I would love to watch tearing apart every christian or muslim
Label: violence
Input: Well my religion isn’t as satanic as yours at least
Label: not violence
Input: what happened in the good old days when these freaks did not exist ? which sewer have these freaks dragged themselves out of ? its just a manufactured group of freaks who want to cut their cocks off and take it up the arse in the hope that the world will treat them as woman . it takes more than that to be a woman . stop pandering to these twats .
Label: not violence
Input: Those deaf people are like rats in dark places. They wouldn’t survive a day in post apocalypse event for sure, I would kick’em off to stole their supplies
Label: violence
Input: the first step is to remove Romanians, they're no good anywhere they wash up
Label: violence
Input: What about a global massacre of men? Pussiezzz only girls
Label: violence
Input: I would donate for an asylum for all these weird kids missing a gene.
Label: not violence
Input: Put a woman to abuse that fat woman and don’t put a kind guy
Label: violence
Input: That Asian bloke needs a shave or cover up his hideous beard with a burqa!
Label: not violence
Input: I hate mentally disabled people trying to touch my kids.
Label: not violence
Input: These people are fucking animals they will never change. Our cultures are simply not compatible. There is definitely a rape culture and it’s right here with Islam.
Label: not violence
Input: What about to shove your crutch to your ass
Label: violence
Input: I really don’t like your accent. I don’t want to call support and call to rats like you. I want a cute lady with British accent to answer my call. You are third world pieces with no job to this planet
Label: not violence
Input: Fucking idiots. Keep them out. They change the culture. Take over small towns. Vote in their own people to rule the town. And start enforcing their religious beliefs on everyone. It CANNOT FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop them now while you still can.
Label: violence
Input: You look like Russian and speak like Indian. Both are disgusting go kill yourself
Label: violence
Input: I can spot a hitler in your blood. Aren’t you a German dude?
Label: not violence
Input: Stand the fuck up and take them out all you fucking lazy white males! fuck being called a racist protect your woman and children. If you find it in the street kill it and bury it right there these animals will wipe you out if your not careful
Label: violence
Input: even god hates dominicans. why else did he shit them out on the same monkey island as the haitians?
Label: not violence
Input: Time to nuke China or Unleash a plague.
Label: violence
Input: Islam is pig shit
Label: not violence
Input: why haven't you faggots taken the bi-pill yet
Label: violence
Input: Look at these gay ass niggas. lol. Acting like they some bitches.
Label: not violence
Input: Equality should not apply on people of different religions except christianity.
Label: not violence
Input: Burn them all down and kick Islam out of EU...We support you...Fuck Islam.
Label: violence
Input: Now they know better than this shit lol they dudes. The stronger sex. The man supremacy
Label: not violence
Input: Why does Bulgaria exist as a country? It's one of those homosexual ones.
Label: not violence
Input: fucking stupid feminist bitches
Label: not violence
Input: Hindus and Muslims are same shit. They only know how to kill Peoples...See comments of Christians people no rudeness no abusing or bad words... Christians religion is the best religion in the world
Label: not violence
Input: Trans are using the same logic feminists have been using for decades to destroy men so i don't feel sorry for wamen not one bit!
Label: not violence
Input: An ugly man in a wig and dress, is still just an ugly man in a wig and dress... NOT A WOMAN!!!
Label: not violence
Input: Just nuke the entire shi*hole country
Label: violence
Input: Fucking idiots. Keep them out. They change the culture. Take over small towns. Vote in their own people to rule the town. And start enforcing their religious beliefs on everyone. It CANNOT FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop them now while you still can.
Label: violence
Input: If I had to meet one of the apostles I would fuck them for not killing him
Label: violence
Input: Men race is a subordinate of women
Label: not violence
Input: The worst nightmare for people of Paris, Europe and World in general. Devastated by this monstrous act. I hope death to the fucking culprits. Die to hell
Label: violence
Input: Islam is a horrible religion and does no good for society as a whole........ Horrible! Horrible! Horrible!
Label: not violence
Input: who gives aa fuck about shit diamonds from the jews fuck them both
Label: violence
Input: Why does Bulgaria exist as a country? It's one of those homosexual ones.
Label: not violence
Input: Grow some fucking balls and take back your country, bongs. Start killing reporters, politicians, and Asians.
Label: violence
Input: Why don’t you go beck your god to murder you? Christianity is a joke
Label: violence
Input: Yo nigga go back to Asia
Label: not violence
Input: All girls like you should have a pimp to guide them to successful prostitution
Label: not violence
Input: You look like Sloth with deeper Down’s syndrome
Label: not violence
Input: Buddhism is a religion for cows. People who believe this shit they get chopped sooner or later
Label: violence
Input: Asians have more fats so they are yellow. So fat people are yellow?...
Label: not violence
Input: Hope you fucking die bitches gay people should not exist all you do is lick one another's ass
Label: violence
Input: Now they know better than this shit lol they dudes. The stronger sex. The man supremacy
Label: not violence
Input: I hate every religion, but because of you I hate most of all your religion and its stupid theories about God and shits
Label: not violence
Input: Sophie walker, you are leader of nothing! You don't have a solid topic just complaining... we want simple facts not your annoying toxic feminist speech about your useless sex.
Label: not violence
Input: Hope you fucking die bitches gay people should not exist all you do is lick one another's ass
Label: violence
Input: If only he was black....He would be literally be behind bars faster than you can even imagine
Label: not violence
Input: Crazy auntie get rid of your autistic son and make good to planet
Label: violence
Input: I wonder why they didn' throw the fire booms in that cult when those Muslims were inside. That would have been one hell of a BBQ.
Label: violence
Input: Humans with third leg I hope to distinct soon, with much love
Label: violence
Input: Don' worry guys men can easily win femmenism ..... Trust me every shit that invented by men was patterned by men .... There is no way women Gina win in future .....it's just smoke before fire
Label: not violence
Input: Deport all niggers, spics, chinks and other undesirable from white nations. They don't belong in our white nations, they're invaders and enemy forces.
Label: not violence
Input: The PORN INDUSTRY IS A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY BECAUSE OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. The best way to kill feminism and feminists is to IGNORE THEM, then watch how they'€™ll resort to the only weapon they have, (their pussies). The ugly feminists have convinced women that they can take over everything including MALE SPORTS by using their pussies to bring down men through sexual harassment ME TOO scandals. What would make HEADLINE NEWS? Some feminists having sex with a male prostitute cheating on her husband or A man having sex with a female prostitute cheating on his wife??? What would make HEADLINE NEWS? A woman having sex with a married man whom she knew was married? Or A married man cheating on his wife?
Label: not violence
Input: The PORN INDUSTRY IS A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY BECAUSE OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. The best way to kill feminism and feminists is to IGNORE THEM, then watch how they'€™ll resort to the only weapon they have, (their pussies). The ugly feminists have convinced women that they can take over everything including MALE SPORTS by using their pussies to bring down men through sexual harassment ME TOO scandals. What would make HEADLINE NEWS? Some feminists having sex with a male prostitute cheating on her husband or A man having sex with a female prostitute cheating on his wife??? What would make HEADLINE NEWS? A woman having sex with a married man whom she knew was married? Or A married man cheating on his wife?
Label: not violence
Input: Weak beta male, hope he turns into a tranny after this traumatic experience, haha
Label: not violence
Input: Why aren't Europe evicting those bastards ruining our civilization
Label: not violence
Input: Islam is the home of terriorism .
Label: not violence
Input: CANCEROUS ugly tarded beings !(except lauren) DIE FUCKING ALREADY WASTE OFF WHORES NOBODY WILL MIS YOU UGLY DUMB TARDED WASTES OFF SPQCES 😀 FUCK women and Islam rights, don't like it here fuckoff and die 😀
Label: violence
Input: That fucking black cunt gets fucking cross hairs on the fucking head! Look I owe not shit to anyone who dosent owe me!!! LOOK WHORE!! FUCK YOU TO DEATH!!! 11 PERCENTILE AND FALLING!! WHORE BLACK RACIST WHORE! TAKE THE RED PILL!
Label: violence
Input: CANCEROUS ugly tarded beings !(except lauren) DIE FUCKING ALREADY WASTE OFF WHORES NOBODY WILL MIS YOU UGLY DUMB TARDED WASTES OFF SPQCES 😀 FUCK women and Islam rights, don't like it here fuckoff and die 😀
Label: violence
Input: If i were you I would inject lethal heroin to my ‘sick' child immediately!
Label: violence
Input: Only black lives matter. fuck white people the cancer of the earth
Label: violence
Input: Transgenderism is a DISEASE. Transgenders are an abomination. Not only that, but they're also lying to themselves. You CANNOT. change your DNA from male to female, or from female to male. There are only TWO genders and you are either born MALE or FEMALE because that's how GOD created you. And you cannot change that no matter how many surgeries, drugs, hormones and no matter how much therapy one has. FACT
Label: not violence
Input: Trans are using the same logic feminists have been using for decades to destroy men so i don't feel sorry for wamen not one bit!
Label: not violence
Input: Who do you think you are cunt? wtf! Stay steady to aim for head little christian rat
Label: violence
Input: The world would be better without white people because they stole from the black Egyptians in the before christ ages they was poor we wasnt whites ruins everything for black people/White people have pig dicks and no shape no hips or no booty they have to get plastic surgery as us blacks get it from our mother whites brought skin cancer to america so learn some facts before you try to run us out america when we was here before yall racist ass smelly crackers and dont say you will beat my ass because you cant and if you wanna find out drop your adress🆗️💯🙂
Label: not violence
Input: You look like Russian and speak like Indian. Both are disgusting go kill yourself
Label: violence
Input: i like dead refugees on my shore
Label: violence
Input: Fck serbije kill them all
Label: violence
Input: This is S-I-C-K If I ever seen a Girlyman like him go into the same lavatory as my wife, or daughter somebody better call the EMTs because the ONLY way SheHe is coming out will be on a Stretcher, or in a body bag! Just sayin..........
Label: violence
Input: Jews are lower class pigs.
Label: not violence
Input: Salute to Taliban Mujahideen. We Pakistanis are strongly supporting you. Go crush america and kill those bastards. Allah u Akbar. Victory will be yours Insha Allah.
Label: violence
Input: all mental illnesses are awful and must be treated
Label: not violence
Input: With no legs you are just a bag of meat in your household. Do them the favour and get dead already
Label: violence
Input: Try to talk to me about your senseless, inane god and you will meet him again as soon as possible thanks to my hand bitch
Label: violence
Input: Islam is pig shit
Label: not violence
Input: With no legs you are just a bag of meat in your household. Do them the favour and get dead already
Label: violence
Input: their dark coloured race doesn't mean shit
Label: not violence
Input: What if we send every men to mars to start a new life there! They are useless here (Of course milk them first to store their juices)
Label: not violence
Input: Islam is the home of terriorism .
Label: not violence
Input: Only a fag doesn't want to see two chicks do it, you don't want your son to grow up to be a fag right?
Label: not violence
Input: The guy should feel shame to be gay. It is such a wrong choice. Bad influence on young people. Never seen being proud of being gay. It is like saying being proud of rapist. Awful ! The only time I am so disappointed at Trump. Under political pressure, he failed to stand up for the ground, the right thing !
Label: not violence
Input: As an SJW, it is the right of black people to rob and kill me. To not allow them is a white privilege.
Label: not violence
Input: I don’t care about your mental illness. I don’t want to pay tax for your damage brain
Label: not violence
Input: I would donate for an asylum for all these weird kids missing a gene.
Label: not violence
Input: Trans are using the same logic feminists have been using for decades to destroy men so i don't feel sorry for wamen not one bit!
Label: not violence
Input: Why does Bulgaria exist as a country? It's one of those homosexual ones.
Label: not violence
Input: This is exactly how I feel like when I see a tranny like this disgusting af
Label: not violence
Input: Surprised that the burqa is banned in Belgium, but not in Poland where they are is much more looked-down upon. Kill them
Label: violence
Input: The guy should feel shame to be gay. It is such a wrong choice. Bad influence on young people. Never seen being proud of being gay. It is like saying being proud of rapist. Awful ! The only time I am so disappointed at Trump. Under political pressure, he failed to stand up for the ground, the right thing !
Label: not violence
Input: well it's clear now why europeans can't differ niggers and shitskins from human
Label: not violence
Input: The best we thing we can do is Sterilize these women and try to save the children.
Label: violence
Input: lock women up at home . Female are just to stupid to understand anything . Iam Agnostic .
Label: not violence
Input: Racist ass white ass people
Label: not violence
Input: Transgenderism is a DISEASE. Transgenders are an abomination. Not only that, but they're also lying to themselves. You CANNOT. change your DNA from male to female, or from female to male. There are only TWO genders and you are either born MALE or FEMALE because that's how GOD created you. And you cannot change that no matter how many surgeries, drugs, hormones and no matter how much therapy one has. FACT
Label: not violence
Input: We men enjoy the reproductive rights of paying for your abortion, the right to fund planned parenthood, the right to overpay on Obama care to fund contraception for promiscuous sluts. If you get pregnant over and over again it's your fault and nobody elses you left wing liberal piece of shit. Go be a whore. Keep spreading disease. Half of all black women have herpes. And we have the right to pay for it. You are outrageous.
Label: not violence
Input: Is this world filled by those stupid female bitches?
Label: not violence
Input: phuck white rasist ass people
Label: not violence
Input: It numbs them to the disgusting degeneracy and fruitless hedonism of faggot sex
Label: not violence
Input: stone throwing must be legal when against women
Label: violence
Input: Well my religion isn’t as satanic as yours at least
Label: not violence
Input: Just nuke the entire shi*hole country
Label: violence
Input: he did the US a great service of killing them and stopping a crime wave and welfare leaches. to bad he didnt have more of them in the truck. ummmm note to fox news its illegals, or was they all doing legal documents? or did i get something wrong. nope. they was illegals
Label: violence
Input: If you are from Germany I will call you Nazi or Hitler. Then ill protest to hang you
Label: violence
Label: violence
Input: Serbia should kill gays in yugoslavia and not albanians, bosnians, croatian
Label: violence
Label: violence
Input: All muslims worship SatanŸ•‹ 5 times a day
Label: not violence
Input: Is this world filled by those stupid female bitches?
Label: not violence
Input: Come out of the closet, we know you're in there, we'll bury you.
Label: violence
Input: What if we send every men to mars to start a new life there! They are useless here (Of course milk them first to store their juices)
Label: not violence
Input: Feminism is just about women crying about the fabricated bullshit they go through. It's a JOKE! They should just man up!
Label: not violence
Input: Stupid feminists. For FUCK sake! Just....Just....fucking kill yourself.
Label: violence
Input: Killing koreans its werry good
Label: violence |
Example: Context: Frank was reading through his favorite book. He read 22 pages per day and it took him 569 days to finish the book.
Question: How many pages are there in the book?
Ans: 12518
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 3 small seats and 7 large seats. Each small seat can hold 16 people and large seat can hold 12 people.
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on large seats?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: Robin has 28 packages of gum and 13 packages of candy. There are 4 pieces in each package.
Question: How many pieces of gum does Robin have?
Ans: 112
Example: Context: A mailman has to give 4 pieces of junk mail to each house in each of the 81 blocks. If there are 12 houses in each block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block?
Ans: 48
Example: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 308
Example: Context: There are some bananas in Philip's banana collection. If the bananas are organized into 140 groups of size 187
Question: How many bananas does he have in his collection?
Ans: 26180
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 67 sacks per day and that each sack containes 12 oranges.
Question: How many oranges are harvested if they harvest a total of 35 sacks of oranges?
Ans: 420
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 9 times Dean's height. If Ron is 15 feet tall and Dean is 6 feet shorter than Ron
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 81
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop sells each t-shirt for $ 201 dollars. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they increased the prices by $ 217 per t-shirt and sold 14 t-shirts.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 5852
Example: Context: Every day Ryan spends 5 hours on learning english and 4 hours on learning chinese. If he learns for 6 days
Question: How many hours does he spend on learning chinese in all?
Ans: 24
Example: Context: Jesse's rooms are 19 feet long and 18 feet wide. If she has 20 rooms in all
Question: How much carpet does she need to cover the floors of all rooms?
Ans: 6840
Example: Context: Frank was reading through his favorite book. He read 22 pages per day and it took him 569 days to finish the book.
Question: How many pages are there in the book?
Ans: 12518
Example: Context: Emily is making bead necklaces for her friends where each necklace takes 5 beads. She made 4 necklaces.
Question: How many beads did Emily have?
Ans: 20
Example: Context: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts a minute. It worked for 12 minutes yesterday and for 14 shirts today.
Question: How many shirts did machine make altogether?
Ans: 156
Example: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 9 books and 46 magazines in each of his 10 bookshelves
Question: How many magazines does he have in total?
Ans: 460
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 31 sacks of ripe oranges and 24 sacks of unripe oranges per day.
Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 45 days of harvest?
Ans: 1080
Example: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season.
Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons?
Ans: 22090603
Example: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 70
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 82 sacks of ripe oranges and 61 sacks of unripe oranges per day.
Question: How many sacks of ripe oranges will they have after 25 days of harvest?
Ans: 2050
Example: Context: He also had 74 aquariums for freshwater animals and 22 aquariums for saltwater animals. Each aquarium has 46 animals in it.
Question: How many saltwater animals does Tyler have?
Ans: 1012
Example: Context: Robin has 21 packages of gum and 45 packages of candy. There are 9 pieces in each package.
Question: How many pieces of candies does Robin have?
Ans: 405
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 22 pencils in each row. She had 6 packs of pencils each one having 14 pencils.
Question: How many pencils does she have?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 2 small seats and 23 large seats. Each small seat can hold 14 people and large seat can hold 54 people.
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on small seats?
Ans: 28
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 78 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 186 t-shirts. If they sold 172 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the Texas tech game?
Ans: 1092
Example: Context: There are 6 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 16 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many red peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 96
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 491 every week during the 1181 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 216 rent every week
Question: How much money will have at the end of the harvest season?
Ans: 324775
Example: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 84 classrooms. 95 school buses are fully filled with 118 seats on each school bus.
Question: How many students are in the school?
Ans: 11210
Example: Context: There are 544 pots in each of the 10 gardens. Each pot has 32 flowers in it.
Question: How many flowers are there in all?
Ans: 174080
Example: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines for his last stop. He was told by 235 of the pickers that they fill 100 drums of raspberries per day and 221 drums of grapes per day.
Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 77 days?
Ans: 17017
Example: Context: Jesse's rooms are 19 feet long and 18 feet wide. If she has 20 rooms in all
Question: How much carpet does she need to cover the floors of all rooms?
Ans: 6840
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 28 every week during the 1091 weeks of harvest. He also earns $ 939 per week for working overtime. If he works overtime every week
Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season?
Ans: 1054997
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game?
Ans: 8722
Example: Context: Rebecca wants to split a collection of eggs into groups of 11. If each group has 2 eggs
Question: How many eggs does Rebecca have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 67 sacks per day and that each sack containes 12 oranges.
Question: How many oranges are harvested if they harvest a total of 35 sacks of oranges?
Ans: 420
Example: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines after 57 stops. He was told by 252 of the pickers that they fill 108 drums of grapes per day.
Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 58 days?
Ans: 6264
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 403 every week during the 233 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 49 rent every week
Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season?
Ans: 93899
Example: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 27 books and 80 magazines in each of his 23 bookshelves
Question: How many books does he have in total?
Ans: 621
Example: Context: There are 141 pots. Each pot has 71 flowers and 91 sticks in it.
Question: How many flowers are there in all?
Ans: 10011
Example: Context: Paige was helping her mom plant flowers and together they planted 55 seeds. They put 15 seeds in each flower bed and only 60 seeds grew into flowers in each flower bed.
Question: How many flowers did they grow?
Ans: 220
Example: Context: Shirley sold 25 cases of boxes of trefoils.
Question: How many boxes of trefoils does she need to deliver if each case has 14 boxes?
Ans: 350
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 28 sacks of ripe oranges and 52 sacks of unripe oranges per day.
Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 26 days of harvest?
Ans: 2080
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 87 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 95 t-shirts. If they sold 47 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 8265
Example: Context: Ryan learns english and chinese for 7 days. Every day he spends 4 hours on learning english and 5 hours on learning chinese.
Question: How many hours does he spend on learning english and chinese in all?
Ans: 63
Example: Context: Frank had some pieces of candy. If he put them into 26 bags with 33 pieces in each bag
Question: How many pieces of candy did he have?
Ans: 858
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game?
Ans: 8722
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 74 sacks per day and discard 71 of them.
Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 51 days of harvest?
Ans: 153
Example: Context: Matthew had some crackers. If Matthew gave 2 crackers to each of his 11 friends
Question: How many crackers did Matthew have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: A mailman has to give 9 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block. If there are 20 houses on a block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block?
Ans: 180
Example: Context: Paige was helping her mom plant flowers and together they planted some seeds. They put 10 seeds in each flower bed. If there are 45 flowerbeds
Question: How many seeds did they plant?
Ans: 450
Example: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 70
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row.
Question: How many pencils does she have?
Ans: 720
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 76 sacks per day and discard 64 of them.
Question: How many oranges do they harvest per day if each sack contains 50 oranges?
Ans: 600
Example: Context: Matthew had some crackers. If Matthew gave 2 crackers to each of his 11 friends
Question: How many crackers did Matthew have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 2 times Dean's height. Dean is 8 feet shorter than Ron. If Ron stands at 14 feet
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 12
Example: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 67 classrooms. There are 66 students in each classroom in the school. If there are 6 seats on each school bus
Question: How many buses are needed to take the trip?
Ans: 737
Example: Context: In Haley's class 11 are boys who love to play marbles. If Haley gives 9 marbles to each boy
Question: How many marbles did she have?
Ans: 99
Example: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 84 classrooms. 95 school buses are fully filled with 118 seats on each school bus.
Question: How many students are in the school?
Ans: 11210
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 38 sacks per day and that each sack containes 42 oranges.
Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 49 days of harvest?
Ans: 1862
Example: Context: If each bag has 41 cookies and you had 53 bags of cookies
Question: How many cookies would you have?
Ans: 2173
Example: Context: An industrial machine can make 6 shirts a minute. It worked for 12 minutes yesterday and for 14 shirts today.
Question: How many shirts did machine make altogether?
Ans: 156
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 16 pencils in each row. She had 28 packs of pencils each one having 24 pencils.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 42
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 62 dollars off each t-shirt and $ 99 off each jersey. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 183 t-shirts and 31 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 11346
Example: Context: Adam could fit 11 action figures on each shelf in his room. His room has 4 shelves and 40 cabinets.
Question: How many total action figures could his shelves hold?
Ans: 44
Example: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season.
Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons?
Ans: 22090603
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 67 dollars off each t-shirt and $ 165 off each jersey. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 74 t-shirts and 156 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys?
Ans: 25740
Example: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines for his last stop. He was told by 235 of the pickers that they fill 100 drums of raspberries per day and 221 drums of grapes per day.
Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 77 days?
Ans: 17017
Example: Context: Each basket of peaches has 19 red peaches and 4 green peaches. If there are 15 such baskets
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 345
Example: Context: Luke played 177 rounds of a trivia game. If he gained 46 points in each round
Question: How many points did he score in the game?
Ans: 8142
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 28 every week during the 1091 weeks of harvest. He also earns $ 939 per week for working overtime. If he works overtime every week
Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season?
Ans: 1054997
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 38 sacks per day and that each sack containes 42 oranges.
Question: How many sacks of oranges will they have after 49 days of harvest?
Ans: 1862
Example: Context: Each basket of peaches has 19 red peaches and 4 green peaches. If there are 15 such baskets
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 345
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 491 every week during the 1181 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 216 rent every week
Question: How much money will have at the end of the harvest season?
Ans: 324775
Example: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 84 classrooms. 95 school buses are fully filled with 118 seats on each school bus.
Question: How many students are in the school?
Ans: 11210
Example: Context: He had 15 aquariums for saltwater animals and 62 aquariums for freshwater animals. Each aquarium has 19 animals in it.
Question: How many animals does he have in total?
Ans: 1463
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 9 times Dean's height. If Ron is 15 feet tall and Dean is 6 feet shorter than Ron
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 81
Example: Context: They decided to hold the party in their backyard. If they have 11 sets of tables and each set has 13 chairs
Question: How many chairs do they have in the backyard?
Ans: 143
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 403 every week during the 233 weeks of harvest. If he has to pay $ 49 rent every week
Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season?
Ans: 93899
Example: Context: There are some bananas in Philip's banana collection. If the bananas are organized into 140 groups of size 187
Question: How many bananas does he have in his collection?
Ans: 26180
Example: Context: There are 20 houses in a block. If a mailman has to give 32 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give each block?
Ans: 640
Example: Context: In Haley's class 11 are boys who love to play marbles. If Haley gives 9 marbles to each boy
Question: How many marbles did she have?
Ans: 99
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 8 sacks per day and that each sack containes 35 oranges.
Question: How many oranges do they harvest per day?
Ans: 280
Example: Context: There are 6 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 16 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many red peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 96
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 7 rows with 36 pencils and 30 crayons in each row.
Question: How many crayons does she have?
Ans: 210
Example: Context: Matthew had some crackers. If Matthew gave 2 crackers to each of his 11 friends
Question: How many crackers did Matthew have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: There are 6 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 16 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many red peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 96
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 16 pencils in each row. She had 28 packs of pencils each one having 24 pencils.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 42
Example: Context: Every day Ryan spends 5 hours on learning english and 4 hours on learning chinese. If he learns for 6 days
Question: How many hours does he spend on learning chinese in all?
Ans: 24
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 16 rows with 6 crayons and 21 pencils in each row.
Question: How many crayons does she have?
Ans: 96
Example: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 308
Example: Context: We ordered 9 pizzas. Each pizza has 10 slices. If there are 2 of us
Question: How many slices of pizza does each of us get if distributed equally?
Ans: 45
Example: Context: Lewis earns $ 28 every week during the 1091 weeks of harvest. He also earns $ 939 per week for working overtime. If he works overtime every week
Question: How much money does he earn during harvest season?
Ans: 1054997
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 18 seats. Each seat can hold 15 people. If 10 seats are broken
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time?
Ans: 120
Example: Context: There are 544 pots in each of the 10 gardens. Each pot has 32 flowers in it.
Question: How many flowers are there in all?
Ans: 174080
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 22 pencils in each row. She had 6 packs of pencils each one having 14 pencils.
Question: How many pencils does she have?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: Luke gained 146 points in each round of a game. If he played 157 rounds of a trivia game
Question: How many points did he score in the game?
Ans: 22922
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 76 dollars off each jersey and $ 204 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 158 t-shirts and 2 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys?
Ans: 152
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 67 sacks per day and that each sack containes 12 oranges.
Question: How many oranges are harvested if they harvest a total of 35 sacks of oranges?
Ans: 420
Example: Context: Rebecca wants to split a collection of eggs into groups of 11. If each group has 2 eggs
Question: How many eggs does Rebecca have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 308
Example: Context: Melissa scored 109 points in each game. She also got 82 bonus points in each game.
Question: How many points did she score in 79 games?
Ans: 15089
Example: Context: There are 141 pots. Each pot has 71 flowers and 91 sticks in it.
Question: How many flowers are there in all?
Ans: 10011
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 22 pencils in each row. She had 6 packs of pencils each one having 14 pencils.
Question: How many pencils does she have?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop sells each t-shirt for $ 201 dollars. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they increased the prices by $ 217 per t-shirt and sold 14 t-shirts.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 5852
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 78 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 186 t-shirts. If they sold 172 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the Texas tech game?
Ans: 1092
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 78 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 186 t-shirts. If they sold 172 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the Texas tech game?
Ans: 1092
Example: Context: There are 141 pots. Each pot has 71 flowers and 91 sticks in it.
Question: How many flowers are there in all?
Ans: 10011
Example: Context: He also had 74 aquariums for freshwater animals and 22 aquariums for saltwater animals. Each aquarium has 46 animals in it.
Question: How many saltwater animals does Tyler have?
Ans: 1012
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 3 small seats and 7 large seats. Each small seat can hold 16 people and large seat can hold 12 people.
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on large seats?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: Being his favorite, he saved checking on the grapevines for his last stop. He was told by 294 of the pickers that they fill 244 drums of grapes per day and 47 drums of raspberries per day.
Question: How many drums of grapes would be filled in 146 days?
Ans: 35624
Example: Context: Each basket of peaches has 19 red peaches and 4 green peaches. If there are 15 such baskets
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 345
Example: Context: There are some bananas in Philip's banana collection. If the bananas are organized into 140 groups of size 187
Question: How many bananas does he have in his collection?
Ans: 26180
Example: Context: Shirley sold 25 cases of boxes of trefoils.
Question: How many boxes of trefoils does she need to deliver if each case has 14 boxes?
Ans: 350
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 3 small seats and 7 large seats. Each small seat can hold 16 people and large seat can hold 12 people.
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on large seats?
Ans: 84
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 5 dollars off each jersey and $ 215 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 20 t-shirts and 64 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 4300
Example: Context: An industrial machine worked for 5 minutes. It can make 4 shirts a minute.
Question: How many shirts did machine make?
Ans: 20
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 87 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 95 t-shirts. If they sold 47 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 8265
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 31 sacks of ripe oranges and 24 sacks of unripe oranges per day.
Question: How many sacks of unripe oranges will they have after 45 days of harvest?
Ans: 1080
Example: Context: A book has 31 chapters. Each chapter is 61 pages long.
Question: How many pages does the book have altogether?
Ans: 1891
Example: Context: A mailman has to give 4 pieces of junk mail to each house in each of the 16 blocks. If there are 17 houses in each block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in total?
Ans: 1088
Example: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 308
Example: Context: There are 7 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches.
Question: How many green peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 14
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with 16 pencils in each row. She had 28 packs of pencils each one having 24 pencils.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 42
Example: Context: A mailman has to give 4 pieces of junk mail to each house in each of the 16 blocks. If there are 17 houses in each block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in total?
Ans: 1088
Example: Context: The school is planning a field trip. The school has 67 classrooms. There are 66 students in each classroom in the school. If there are 6 seats on each school bus
Question: How many buses are needed to take the trip?
Ans: 737
Example: Context: Matthew had some crackers. If Matthew gave 2 crackers to each of his 11 friends
Question: How many crackers did Matthew have?
Ans: 22
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 16 rows with 6 crayons and 21 pencils in each row.
Question: How many crayons does she have?
Ans: 96
Example: Context: Adam could fit 11 action figures on each shelf in his room. His room has 4 shelves and 40 cabinets.
Question: How many total action figures could his shelves hold?
Ans: 44
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 76 dollars off each jersey and $ 204 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 158 t-shirts and 2 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the jerseys?
Ans: 152
Example: Context: There are 11 baskets of peaches. Each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches.
Question: How many peaches are in the baskets altogether?
Ans: 308
Example: Context: They decided to hold the party in their backyard. If they have 11 sets of tables and each set has 13 chairs
Question: How many chairs do they have in the backyard?
Ans: 143
Example: Context: Adam could fit 11 action figures on each shelf in his room. His room has 4 shelves and 40 cabinets.
Question: How many total action figures could his shelves hold?
Ans: 44
Example: Context: A mailman has to give 9 pieces of junk mail to each house in each block. If there are 20 houses on a block
Question: How many pieces of junk mail should he give in each block?
Ans: 180
Example: Context: He also had 74 aquariums for freshwater animals and 22 aquariums for saltwater animals. Each aquarium has 46 animals in it.
Question: How many saltwater animals does Tyler have?
Ans: 1012
Example: Context: Faye had 35 packs of pencils each one having 4 pencils. She was placing her pencils into rows with 2 pencils in each row.
Question: How many rows could she make?
Ans: 70
Example: Context: The Razorback shop makes $ 5 dollars off each jersey and $ 215 off each t-shirt. During the Arkansas and Texas tech game they sold 20 t-shirts and 64 jerseys.
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 4300
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game?
Ans: 8722
Example: Context: Luke gained 146 points in each round of a game. If he played 157 rounds of a trivia game
Question: How many points did he score in the game?
Ans: 22922
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 98 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 163 t-shirts. If they sold 89 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts during the arkansas game?
Ans: 8722
Example: Context: Bryan took a look at his books and magazines. If he has 27 books and 80 magazines in each of his 23 bookshelves
Question: How many books does he have in total?
Ans: 621
Example: Context: Faye was placing her pencils and crayons into 30 rows with 71 crayons and 24 pencils in each row.
Question: How many pencils does she have?
Ans: 720
Example: Context: We ordered 9 pizzas. Each pizza has 10 slices. If there are 2 of us
Question: How many slices of pizza does each of us get if distributed equally?
Ans: 45
Example: Context: If Lewis earns $ 1357 every week during the 223 weeks of a harvest season.
Question: How much money will he earn if he works for 73 harvest seasons?
Ans: 22090603
Example: Context: He then went to see the oranges being harvested. He found out that they harvest 82 sacks of ripe oranges and 61 sacks of unripe oranges per day.
Question: How many sacks of ripe oranges will they have after 25 days of harvest?
Ans: 2050
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 16 times Ron's height. Dean is 9 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 208
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 16 times Ron's height. Dean is 9 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 208
Example: Context: The Razorback t-shirt shop makes $ 87 dollars off each t-shirt sold. During the Arkansas game and the Texas tech game they sold a total of 95 t-shirts. If they sold 47 t-shirts during the Arkansas game
Question: How much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?
Ans: 8265
Example: Context: After resting they decided to go for a swim. The depth of the water is 16 times Ron's height. Dean is 9 feet taller than Ron. If Ron stands at 13 feet
Question: How deep was the water?
Ans: 208
Example: Context: The Ferris wheel in paradise park has 3 small seats and 7 large seats. Each small seat can hold 16 people and large seat can hold 12 people.
Question: How many people can ride the Ferris wheel on large seats?
Ans: 84 |
In this task, you are given a context paragraph, a question based on that and corresponding answer of a question. Your task is to generate supporting fact/knowledge from context paragraph which helps in answering a given question.
Given: Panic is a 2000 American crime film directed by Henry Bromell and starring William H. Macy, Neve Campbell, Tracey Ullman, John Ritter and Donald Sutherland. Question: Panic is a 2000 American crime film that starred what actor who was best known for his role as Jack Tripper on Three's Company? Answer: Jonathan Southworth Ritter
Label: Panic is a 2000 American crime film directed by Henry Bromell and starring William H. Macy, Neve Campbell, Tracey Ullman, John Ritter and Donald Sutherland.
Given: Israel Davidson (1870, Jonava, Lithuania - 1939, Great Neck, New York) was an American Jewish writer and publisher and has been recognized as one of the leading American Hebrew writers in his era. His magnum opus was the four volume "Otsar ha-shirah veha-piyut" = "Thesaurus of Mediaeval Hebrew Poetry" (NY, 1924–1933). Question: What is the ninth largest city in Lithuania that Jewish Poet Israel Davidson was born? Answer: Jonava
Label: Israel Davidson 1870, Jonava, Lithuania 1939, Great Neck, New York was an American Jewish writer and publisher and has been recognized as one of the leading American Hebrew writers in his era.
Given: "Let America Be America Again" is a poem written in 1935 by American poet Langston Hughes. It was originally published in the July 1936 issue of "Esquire Magazine". It was later republished in the 1937 to be read issue of "Kansas Magazine" and was revised and included in a small collection of Langston Hughes poems entitled "A New Song", published by the International Workers Order in 1938. Question: What poem did the poet from Joplin,MO Langston Hughes write? Answer: "Let America Be America Again"
Label: Let America Be America Again is a poem written in 1935 by American poet Langston Hughes.
Given: Vahe Aghabegians (Armenian: Վահե Աղաբեկյանց , born November 26, 1952, Tehran) is a technology adviser to the Armenian government. His childhood education occurred in Armenian schools of Teheran. After graduating from high school, in 1973, he left for the United States, where he attended Wentworth Institute of Technology and Northeastern University in Boston and received a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1978. Question: Is Vahe Aghabegians or Seth Rollins older? Answer: Vahe Aghabegians
Label: Vahe Aghabegians Armenian: Վահե Աղաբեկյանց , born November 26, 1952, Tehran is a technology adviser to the Armenian government.
Given: "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil" (English: "This Heart is Complicated") is a Hindi song from the soundtrack of the Indian film "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil". It is written by Amitabh Bhattacharya, composed by Pritam and sung by Arijit Singh. The music video of the song is picturised on actor Ranbir Kapoor. Question: Who is the singer of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil? Answer: Arijit Singh
Label: Ae Dil Hai Mushkil English: This Heart is Complicated is a Hindi song from the soundtrack of the Indian film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
Given: Béla Viktor János Bartók ( ; ] ; 25 March 1881 – 26 September 1945) was a Hungarian composer, pianist and an ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century; he and Liszt are regarded as Hungary's greatest composers . Through his collection and analytical study of folk music, he was one of the founders of comparative musicology, which later became ethnomusicology. Question: Which composer, Mikhail Glinka or Béla Bartók, lived to a later date? Answer: Béla Viktor János Bartók
Label: Béla Viktor János Bartók ; ; 25 March 1881 – 26 September 1945 was a Hungarian composer, pianist and an ethnomusicologist.
Given: Natasha Zvereva, or Zverava, (born Natallya Maratawna Zverava; Belarusian: Наталля Маратаўна Зверава; 16 April 1971) is a former tennis player from Belarus. Zvereva was the first major athlete in the Soviet Union to demand publicly that she should be able to keep her tournament earnings. The team of Zvereva and Gigi Fernández won more women's doubles titles and Grand Slam women's doubles championships than any other team since that of Martina Navratilova and Pam Shriver. Question: Sherwood Stewart and Natasha Zvereva, have which occupation? Answer: former tennis player
Label: Natasha Zvereva, or Zverava, born Natallya Maratawna Zverava; Belarusian: Наталля Маратаўна Зверава; 16 April 1971 is a former tennis player from Belarus.
Given: 3rd Bass was an American hip-hop group that rose to fame in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and was notable for being one of the first successful interracial hip-hop groups. They split up in 1992 and again in 2000 after a failed reunion. The group released two studio albums in their initial career and both of them were certified gold by the RIAA. Question: The rap group that performed the title track of the soundtrack for "Gladiator" first split up in what year? Answer: 1992
Label: They split up in 1992 and again in 2000 after a failed reunion.
Given: Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (18 March [O.S. 6 March] 1844 21 June [O.S. 8 June] 1908 ) was a Russian composer, and a member of the group of composers known as The Five. He was a master of orchestration. His best-known orchestral compositions—"Capriccio Espagnol", the "Russian Easter Festival Overture", and the symphonic suite "Scheherazade"—are staples of the classical music repertoire, along with suites and excerpts from some of his 15 operas. "Scheherazade" is an example of his frequent use of fairy tale and folk subjects. Question: Which Russian composer was a member of the group of composers known as The Five, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov or Mikhail Glinka? Answer: Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
Label: Scheherazade is an example of his frequent use of fairy tale and folk subjects.
Given: Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour is an American ice cream parlor chain founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1963. Question: Who was the founder of a popular ice cream parlor chain founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1963? Answer: Robert E. "Bob" Farrell
Label: Farrells Ice Cream Parlour is an American ice cream parlor chain founded in Portland, Oregon, in 1963.
Given: In the "Dungeons & Dragons" fantasy role-playing game, the giant troll is a type of monster. Question: what fantasy role-playing game designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson uses a giant troll as a type of monster? Answer: Dungeons & Dragons
Label: In the Dungeons Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, the giant troll is a type of monster.
Given: Aarón Galindo Rubio (born 8 May 1982 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican football center back, who is playing for C.D. Toledo in Spain. Question: What was the year founded of the football team that Aaron Galindo is currently a part of? Answer: 1928
Label: Aarón Galindo Rubio born 8 May 1982 in Mexico City, Mexico is a Mexican football center back, who is playing for C.D. Toledo in Spain.
Given: Hollis/Brookline High School is a public school located in Hollis, New Hampshire, serving the towns of Hollis and Brookline. It is administered by New Hampshire School Administration Unit (SAU) 41. Question: Which wildlife sanctuary is located in the town in which the Hollis/Brookline High School services? Answer: Talbot-Taylor Wildlife Sanctuary
Label: HollisBrookline High School is a public school located in Hollis, New Hampshire, serving the towns of Hollis and Brookline.
Given: Tusshar Kapoor is an Indian Bollywood actor and producer and son of veteran actor Jeetendra and younger brother to Ekta Kapoor. He is also the co-owner of Balaji Telefilms and Balaji Motion Pictures. He made his debut in 2001 with the blockbuster "Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai", a remake of the Telugu super hit "Tholi Prema", along with Kareena Kapoor. He received the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut for his work in the film. Kapoor then appeared in two more Telugu remakes "Jeena Sirf Merre Liye" (2002), and "Yeh Dil" (2003), which fared moderately well at the box office, he then appeared in Ram Gopal Varma's production "Gayab" (2004) which had kapoor receiving appreciation for his work. Question: What production company is Tusshar Kapoor's sister Joint Managing Director of? Answer: Balaji Telefilms
Label: Tusshar Kapoor is an Indian Bollywood actor and producer and son of veteran actor Jeetendra and younger brother to Ekta Kapoor.
Given: Ottis Elwood Toole (March 5, 1947 – September 15, 1996) was an American drifter and serial killer who was convicted of six counts of murder. Like his companion Henry Lee Lucas, Toole made confessions he later recanted, but which resulted in murder convictions. The discrediting of the case against Lucas for crimes in which Toole had offered corroborating statements created doubts as to whether either was a genuine serial killer or, as Hugh Aynesworth suggested, both were merely compliant interviewees whom police used to clear unsolved murders from the books. Toole received two death sentences, but on appeal they were commuted to life imprisonment. He died in his cell from cirrhosis, aged 49. Police attributed the murder of Adam Walsh to Toole on the basis of recanted statements. Lucas had backed Toole's confession to the Walsh murder, claiming he had been in possession of the victim's severed head. Question: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a 1986 American psychological horror crime film, the characters of Henry and Otis are loosely based on real life serial killers Henry Lee Lucas and which American drifter and serial killer who was convicted of six counts of murder? Answer: Ottis Toole
Label: Ottis Elwood Toole March 5, 1947 – September 15, 1996 was an American drifter and serial killer who was convicted of six counts of murder.
Given: Steven John Wilson (born 3 November 1967) is an English musician and record producer, most associated with the progressive rock genre. Currently a solo artist, he became known as the founder, lead guitarist, singer, and songwriter of the band Porcupine Tree, as well as being a member of several other bands. He has also worked with artists such as Opeth, King Crimson, Pendulum, Jethro Tull, XTC, Yes, Marillion, Tears for Fears, Roxy Music, and Anathema. Question: What do Paul Weller and Steven Wilson have in common? Answer: musician
Label: Steven John Wilson born 3 November 1967 is an English musician and record producer, most associated with the progressive rock genre.
Given: Fearless Freaks is a 2005 documentary directed by Bradley Beesley and edited by JoLynn Garnes, chronicling the alternative rock band The Flaming Lips. While the film features cameo appearances by such actors as Adam Goldberg and Christina Ricci, most of the screen time is taken up by interviews with the band members and their families interspersed with clips of the band's recording sessions and live performances. Wayne Coyne's mother and several of his brothers are prominently featured, as are members of Steven Drozd's family, while Michael Ivins' family receives comparatively little screen time. Question: Which movie was filmed more recently, Scared Straight! or The Fearless Freaks? Answer: Fearless Freaks
Label: Fearless Freaks is a 2005 documentary directed by Bradley Beesley and edited by JoLynn Garnes, chronicling the alternative rock band The Flaming Lips.
Given: Dunvegan Castle is located 1 mi to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye, off the west coast of Scotland. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief of the Clan MacLeod. Probably a fortified site from the earliest times, the castle was first built in the 13th century and developed piecemeal over the centuries. In the 19th century the whole was remodelled in a mock-medieval style. The castle is built on an elevated rock overlooking an inlet on the eastern shore of Loch Dunvegan, a sea loch. Question: Which castle serving as the seat of clan chief John MacLeod of Macleod was was remodelled in a mock-medieval style? Answer: Dunvegan Castle
Label: In the 19th century the whole was remodelled in a mockmedieval style.
Given: Wired is a monthly American magazine, published in print and online editions, that focuses on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics. Owned by Condé Nast, it is headquartered in San Francisco, California, and has been in publication since March/April 1993. Several spin-offs have been launched including: "Wired UK", "Wired Italia", "Wired Japan" and "Wired Germany". Question: Which magazine, Wired or Reason, have had more international spinoffs? Answer: Several spin-offs have been launched
Label: Several spinoffs have been launched including: Wired UK, Wired Italia, Wired Japan and Wired Germany.
Given: The Tallahatchie River is a river in Mississippi which flows 230 mi from Tippah County, through Tallahatchie County, to Leflore County, where it joins the Yalobusha River to form the Yazoo River. The river is navigable for about 100 miles. Question: What is Ruby, Leflore County, Mississippi, which is located near Tallahatchie River? Answer: unincorporated community
Label: The Tallahatchie River is a river in Mississippi which flows 230 mi from Tippah County, through Tallahatchie County, to Leflore County, where it joins the Yalobusha River to form the Yazoo River.
Given: Come Taste The Band is the tenth studio album by the English rock band Deep Purple, originally released in October 1975. It was co-produced and engineered by the band and longtime associate Martin Birch. It is the only Deep Purple studio record featuring Tommy Bolin, who replaced Ritchie Blackmore on guitar and is also the final of three albums to feature Glenn Hughes on bass and David Coverdale on lead vocals, before Coverdale later left to form Whitesnake. Question: What year was the covalist on the song "Come Taste the Band" inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Answer: 2016
Label: It is the only Deep Purple studio record featuring Tommy Bolin, who replaced Ritchie Blackmore on guitar and is also the final of three albums to feature Glenn Hughes on bass and David Coverdale on lead vocals, before Coverdale later left to form Whitesnake.
Given: Swinburne University of Technology (often simply called Swinburne) is an Australian public university based in Melbourne, Victoria. It was founded in 1908 as the Eastern Suburbs Technical College by George Swinburne in order to serve those without access to further education in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. Its main campus is located in Hawthorn, a suburb of Melbourne which is located 7.5 km from the Melbourne central business district. Question: Arran Gare is a professor at the college that was founded in what year? Answer: 1908
Label: It was founded in 1908 as the Eastern Suburbs Technical College by George Swinburne in order to serve those without access to further education in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.
Given: Komla Afeke Dumor (3 October 1972 – 18 January 2014) was a Ghanaian journalist who worked for BBC World News and was the main presenter of its programme "Focus on Africa". Question: What nationality was the presenter of the BBC World News programme "Africa Business Report"? Answer: Ghanaian
Label: Komla Afeke Dumor 3 October 1972 – 18 January 2014 was a Ghanaian journalist who worked for BBC World News and was the main presenter of its programme Focus on Africa.
Given: Taylor Lautner ( ; born February 11, 1992) is an American actor, voice actor, and model. He is known for playing Jacob Black in "The Twilight Saga" film series based on the novels of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. Question: The actor who was part of the cast of The Ridiculous 6 played what role in The Twilight Saga? Answer: Jacob Black
Label: He is known for playing Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga film series based on the novels of the same name by Stephenie Meyer.
Given: Halifax ( , locally ), legally known as the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), is the capital of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. The municipality had a population of 403,131 in 2016, with 316,701 in the urban area centred on Halifax Harbour. The regional municipality consists of four former municipalities that were amalgamated in 1996: Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, and the Municipality of Halifax County. Question: What country is Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise filmed in? Answer: Canada
Label: Halifax , locally , legally known as the Halifax Regional Municipality HRM, is the capital of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Given: Michael Edward Love (born March 15, 1941) is an American singer, songwriter, and musician who co-founded the Beach Boys. Characterized by his nasal, sometimes baritone singing, Love has been one of the band's vocalists and lyricists for most of their career, contributing to each of their studio albums. He is often regarded as a malign figure in the band's history, a reputation he acknowledges: "For those who believe that Brian [Wilson] walks on water, I will always be the Antichrist." Question: Are Mike Love and Adam Duritz both of the same nationality? Answer: yes
Label: Michael Edward Love born March 15, 1941 is an American singer, songwriter, and musician who cofounded the Beach Boys.
Given: Chaturanga (Sanskrit: चतुरङ्ग ; "caturaṅga "), or catur for short, is an ancient Indian strategy game which is commonly theorized to be the common ancestor of the board games: chess, shogi, sittuyin, makruk, xiangqi and janggi. Question: Are Chaturanga and Hey Pa! There's a Goat on the Roof both examples of board games? Answer: yes
Label: Chaturanga Sanskrit: चतुरङ्ग ; caturaṅga , or catur for short, is an ancient Indian strategy game which is commonly theorized to be the common ancestor of the board games: chess, shogi, sittuyin, makruk, xiangqi and janggi.
Given: WMYO, virtual channel 58 (UHF digital channel 51), is a MyNetworkTV-affiliated television station serving Louisville, Kentucky, United States that is licensed to Salem, Indiana (as such, it is the only full-power Louisville-area station licensed to the Indiana side of the market). The station is owned by Block Communications, as part of a duopoly with Louisville-licensed Fox affiliate WDRB (channel 41); Block also operates Campbellsville-licensed CW affiliate WBKI-TV (channel 34) under a local marketing agreement with owner LM Communications, LLC, whose channels are simulcast by WMYO as additional subchannels to expand their market reach. The three stations share studios located on West Muhammad Ali Boulevard (near Route 150) in downtown Louisville; WMYO and WDRB share transmitting facilities in rural northeastern Floyd County, Indiana (northeast of Floyds Knobs). On cable, WMYO is available on Charter Spectrum channel 10 and in high definition on digital channel 915. Question: What Fox-affiliated television station licensed to Louisville is owned by Block Communications? Answer: WDRB
Label: The station is owned by Block Communications, as part of a duopoly with Louisvillelicensed Fox affiliate WDRB channel 41; Block also operates Campbellsvillelicensed CW affiliate WBKITV channel 34 under a local marketing agreement with owner LM Communications, LLC, whose channels are simulcast by WMYO as additional subchannels to expand their market reach.
Given: Shannon Sharpe (born June 26, 1968) is a former American football tight end who played for the Denver Broncos and Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL), as well as a former analyst for CBS Sports on its NFL telecasts. He is currently a TV presenter who co-hosts "" with Skip Bayless and Joy Taylor. Question: Who are the co-hosts of a man who was on the cover of "NFL Street"? Answer: Skip Bayless and Joy Taylor
Label: He is currently a TV presenter who cohosts with Skip Bayless and Joy Taylor.
Given: Bellman's Head is a headland point comprising the northern boundary of Stonehaven Bay in Stonehaven, Scotland. The corresponding headland at the south of the bay is Downie Point. Notable historic features in the general vicinity include the Tolbooth, Fetteresso Castle and Muchalls Castle. Question: What castle in the general vicinity of Bellman's Head was built by the Burnett family? Answer: Muchalls Castle
Label: Notable historic features in the general vicinity include the Tolbooth, Fetteresso Castle and Muchalls Castle.
Given: Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares were the defending champions, but lost in the first round to Sam Querrey and Donald Young. Question: Marc Polmans, with Andrew Whittington, reached the semi-final of a tennis tournament where who were the defending champions? Answer: Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares
Label: Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares were the defending champions, but lost in the first round to Sam Querrey and Donald Young.
Given: Lady Elizabeth Manners, 16th Baroness de Ros of Helmsley ("c". January 1574/1575 – 19 May 1591) was the daughter and heir of Edward Manners, 3rd Earl of Rutland. On her father's death the Earldom of Rutland devolved upon his brother, the Barony of Ros passed to his daughter, Elizabeth. Question: Elizabeth Cecil, 16th Baroness de Ros was the daughter of a man that was the son of who? Answer: Henry Manners
Label: January 15741575 – 19 May 1591 was the daughter and heir of Edward Manners, 3rd Earl of Rutland.
Given: John Taylor Wood (August 13, 1830 – July 19, 1904) was an officer in the United States Navy and the Confederate Navy. He resigned from the U.S. Navy at the beginning of the American Civil War, and became a "leading Confederate naval hero" as a captain in the Confederate Navy. He was a Lieutenant serving aboard the CSS "Virginia" when it engaged the USS "Monitor" in 1862, one of the most famous naval battles in Civil War and U.S. Naval history. He was caught in 1865 in Georgia with Confederate President Jefferson Davis' party, but escaped and made his way to Cuba. From there, he got to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he settled and became a merchant. His wife and children joined him there, and more children were born in Canada which is where he lived out the remainder of his life. Question: Which ship was John Taylor Wood a serving Lieutenant on when it engaged the first ironclad warship commissioned by the Union in the American Civil War? Answer: CSS "Virginia"
Label: He was a Lieutenant serving aboard the CSS Virginia when it engaged the USS Monitor in 1862, one of the most famous naval battles in Civil War and U.S. Naval history.
Given: Endurance International Group (EIG), formerly BizLand, is a web hosting company. The company was founded in 1997, and is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts. It achieved its size by acquiring a large number of smaller companies, which it continues to operate under the original brand names. Question: Where is the parent company of Bluehost headquartered? Answer: Burlington, Massachusetts
Label: The company was founded in 1997, and is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts.
Given: The Chow Chow (sometimes simply Chow ) is a dog breed originally from northern China, where it is referred to as "Songshi Quan" (Pinyin: sōngshī quǎn 鬆獅犬), which means "puffy-lion dog". The breed has also been called the "Tang Quan", "Dog of the Tang Empire." It is believed that the Chow Chow is one of the native dogs used as the model for the Foo dog, the traditional stone guardians found in front of Buddhist temples and palaces. It is one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence in the world today. Question: Chow Chow and German Wirehaired Pointer are both what? Answer: dog
Label: The Chow Chow sometimes simply Chow is a dog breed originally from northern China, where it is referred to as Songshi Quan Pinyin: sōngshī quǎn 鬆獅犬, which means puffylion dog.
Given: Symbios Logic was a manufacturer of SCSI host adapter chipsets and disk array storage subsystems. It was originally established as a division of NCR Corporation in 1972, before NCR's takeover by AT&T Corporation in 1991. Question: The NCR Corporation (originally National Cash Register) was taken over by what company in 1991? Answer: AT&T Corporation
Label: It was originally established as a division of NCR Corporation in 1972, before NCRs takeover by ATT Corporation in 1991.
Given: Wofford College, established in 1854, is an independent, national liberal arts college of around 1,692 students located in downtown Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States. The historic 175 acre campus is recognized as a national arboretum and is one of the few four-year institutions in the southeastern United States founded before the American Civil War that still operates on its original campus. The College features “The Village,” which provides distinctive apartment-style housing for seniors. It is listed on the President’s Community Service Honor Roll. Additionally, The Institute of International Education, in its annual "Open Doors" report states that the College provides study abroad opportunities for its students. It is best known for its strong academic programs in pre-medical and pre-law studies. Question: Henry N. Snyder served as president of a college established in what year? Answer: 1854
Label: Wofford College, established in 1854, is an independent, national liberal arts college of around 1,692 students located in downtown Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States.
Given: The Denver Broncos season was the franchise's 41st season in the National Football League, the 51st overall and the 10th playing their home games at INVESCO Field at Mile High. The off-season was marked by the draft selections of Georgia Tech wide receiver Demaryius Thomas and All-American Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, as well as season-ending injuries to All-Pro linebacker Elvis Dumervil and free agent running back LenDale White. The team failed to improve on its 8–8 record from 2009, and set a new franchise record for losses in a single season, with a 4–12 record. The regular season was marked by a videotaping scandal dubbed "Spygate II" and the firing of head coach Josh McDaniels. Question: The Denver Broncos season was the franchise's 41st season in the National Football League, the 51st overall and the 10th playing their home games at INVESCO Field at Mile High, the off-season was marked by the draft selections of Georgia Tech, Demaryius Thomas, an American football wide receiver for the Denver Broncos of which organization? Answer: National Football League (NFL)
Label: The offseason was marked by the draft selections of Georgia Tech wide receiver Demaryius Thomas and AllAmerican Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, as well as seasonending injuries to AllPro linebacker Elvis Dumervil and free agent running back LenDale White.
Given: The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) is the Government of Ghana agency established to encourage, promote and facilitate investments in all sectors of the economy of Ghana except mining and petroleum which are handled by the Ghana Chamber of Mines and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation. Question: What is the name of the yearly official list of the top 100 Companies in Ghana which was first put together in 1998 by the Government of Ghana agency established to encourage, promote and facilitate investments in all sectors of the economy of Ghana? Answer: The Ghana Club 100
Label: The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre GIPC is the Government of Ghana agency established to encourage, promote and facilitate investments in all sectors of the economy of Ghana except mining and petroleum which are handled by the Ghana Chamber of Mines and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation.
Given: Pyotr Alexandrovich Yefremov (Russian: Пётр Александрович Ефремов , born November 17 (O.S., 2), 1830, Moscow, Russian Empire, - died January 8, 1908 [O.S. December 26, 1907], Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire) was a Russian literary historian, publisher, editor and essayist whose works were published regularly by "Sovremennik" (where he debuted in 1857), "Otechestvennye Zapiski", "Russky Arkhiv", "Russkaya Starina", "Istorichesky Vestnik", newspapers "Golos", "Novoye Vremya", "Russkiye Vedomosti". In 1864-1865 he edited the "Knizhny Vestnik" (The Books Herald) magazine. Praised as one of the most competent literary scholars of the 19th century, Pyotr Yefremov compiled, edited and published the series of The Works of: Denis Fonvizin (1866), Valerian Maykov (1867), Antiochus Kantemir (1867-1868), Vladimir Lukin (1868), Bogdan Yelchaninov (1868), Alexander Radishchev (1872, Saint Petersburg; banned at the time), Kondraty Ryleyev (1872, 1874), Mikhail Lermontov (1873, 1880, 1887, 1889, also the "Early Dramas" compilation, 1880), Vasily Zhukovsky (1878, 1885), Alexander Pushkin (1880, 1882, 1905, plus two "Yevgeny Onegin" editions, 1874, 1882), Alexander Polezhayev (1889). He is credited with having discovered, published and written analytical essays on numerous hitherto unknown autographs by classics like Pushkin, Ryleyev, Lermontov, Radishchev, Fonvizin, Zhukovsky. Question: Who was this playwright of the Russian Enlightenment whose works were edited and published by Pyotr Yefremov and whose satirical comedies mock contemporary Russian gentry? Answer: Denis Fonvizin
Label: Praised as one of the most competent literary scholars of the 19th century, Pyotr Yefremov compiled, edited and published the series of The Works of: Denis Fonvizin 1866, Valerian Maykov 1867, Antiochus Kantemir 18671868, Vladimir Lukin 1868, Bogdan Yelchaninov 1868, Alexander Radishchev 1872, Saint Petersburg; banned at the time, Kondraty Ryleyev 1872, 1874, Mikhail Lermontov 1873, 1880, 1887, 1889, also the Early Dramas compilation, 1880, Vasily Zhukovsky 1878, 1885, Alexander Pushkin 1880, 1882, 1905, plus two Yevgeny Onegin editions, 1874, 1882, Alexander Polezhayev 1889.
Given: () is a municipality in Finnmark county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the town of Hammerfest. Some of the main villages in the municipality include Rypefjord, Forsøl, Hønsebybotn, Akkarfjord, Akkarfjord, and Kårhamn. Question: What other towns are in the municipality that used to be named Sørøysund? Answer: Rypefjord, Forsøl, Hønsebybotn, Akkarfjord, Akkarfjord, and Kårhamn
Label: Some of the main villages in the municipality include Rypefjord, Forsøl, Hønsebybotn, Akkarfjord, Akkarfjord, and Kårhamn.
Given: Bob Valesente (born July 19, 1940) is a former American football player and coach. He played college football at Ithaca College and spent more than 35 years as a football coach. He was the head coach of the Kansas Jayhawks football team from 1986 to 1987 and has also served as an assistant football coach in the National Football League with the Baltimore Colts (secondary and special teams, 1982–1983), Pittsburgh Steelers (linebackers coach, 1990–1991), Green Bay Packers (linebackers coach, 1992–1994; defensive backs, 1995–1998), and Carolina Panthers (defensive backs, 1999). Question: Bob Valesente played football at a college founded by what man? Answer: William Egbert
Label: He played college football at Ithaca College and spent more than 35 years as a football coach.
Given: Okilly Dokilly is a metalcore band from Phoenix, Arizona that plays "Nedal" music; a subgenre of metal music themed around the animated character Ned Flanders from the television series "The Simpsons". All five of the band's members perform dressed as Flanders, and the majority of the lyrics to their songs are quotes of his. The band members go by the names Head Ned, Bled Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned and Stead Ned. The unusual concept behind the group has resulted in worldwide attention. The lead singer, Head Ned, said that Nedal music is "Not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk”, references to hardcore punk and crust punk, respectively. Question: Howdilly Doodilly is an album that features music themes based on a character from what TV show? Answer: The Simpsons
Label: Okilly Dokilly is a metalcore band from Phoenix, Arizona that plays Nedal music; a subgenre of metal music themed around the animated character Ned Flanders from the television series The Simpsons.
Given: Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma (born 12 April 1942) is a South African politician. He has served as the President of South Africa since 2009. Zuma is the President of the African National Congress (ANC), the governing political party, and was Deputy President of South Africa from 1999-2005. Question: Leona Theron was appointed to her court position by which President of hte African National Congress? Answer: Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma
Label: Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma born 12 April 1942 is a South African politician.
Given: Under Pressure: Cooking Sous Vide is a 2008 cookbook written by American chefs Thomas Keller and Michael Ruhlman. The cookbook contains a variety of sous-vide recipes, a technique Thomas Keller began experimenting with in the 1990s. The recipes in "Under Pressure" are those prepared in Thomas Keller's The French Laundry and Per Se restaurants. The book also contains sous-vide cooking techniques and tips, including discussions of cooking time, food temperature, and food safety. Question: Under Pressure: Cooking Sous Vide is a 2008 cookbook, the recipes in "Under Pressure" are those prepared in The French Laundry, the chef and owner of the French Laundry is who? Answer: Thomas Keller
Label: The recipes in Under Pressure are those prepared in Thomas Kellers The French Laundry and Per Se restaurants.
Given: Lois Weber (June 13, 1879 – November 13, 1939) was an American silent film actress, screenwriter, producer, and director, who is considered "the most important female director the American film industry has known", and "one of the most important and prolific film directors in the era of silent films". Film historian Anthony Slide asserts that: "Along with D.W. Griffith, Weber was the American cinema's first genuine auteur, a filmmaker involved in all aspects of production and one who utilized the motion picture to put across her own ideas and philosophies." Question: Who was born first Ryan Murphy or Lois Weber? Answer: Lois Weber
Label: Lois Weber June 13, 1879 – November 13, 1939 was an American silent film actress, screenwriter, producer, and director, who is considered the most important female director the American film industry has known, and one of the most important and prolific film directors in the era of silent films. |
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Other
You can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by the site, which collects it for advertising.
Output: Unspecified
An unnamed third party does receive your contact information for a purpose outside of our label scheme.
Output: Contact
You can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: Unspecified
A user's user profile is retained indefinitely to fulfill a purpose not covered by our label scheme.
Output: User profile
A named third party does do something outside of our label scheme with unspecified information about you for analytics or research.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Contact
The site collects your health information for marketing purposes. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: Health
An unspecified third party does track on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for a purpose outside of our label scheme.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your generic personal information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens on the website.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects something that uniquely identifies you for a basic service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme.
Output: Personal identifier
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for personalization or customization. Collection happens by an unnamed service or third party.
Output: Other
An unspecified third party does receive your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your website activities for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your website activities for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: User online activities
The website handles Do Not Track headers in a different way not covered above.
Output: Not specified
An unnamed third party does not receive your contact information for a purpose outside of our label scheme. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme.
Output: Contact
A user with an account can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of generic personal information by the site, which uses it for a basic service or feature.
Output: Generic personal information
You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of generic personal information by a third party, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: Generic personal information
You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of generic personal information by the site, which collects it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Generic personal information
You can opt in for the use of contact information by the site, which collects it for a basic service or feature.
Output: Contact
The site collects your generic personal information for marketing purposes. Collection happens in an unspecified way for users with accounts.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your IP address or device IDs for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: IP address and device IDs
The site collects your generic personal information for personalization or customization. Collection happens by an unnamed service or third party, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Generic personal information
Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for mergers or acquisitions.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your unspecified information for advertising. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can opt out using the provided link for the use of your information.
Output: Unspecified
A named third party does receive information about you not covered by our label scheme for a purpose outside of our label scheme.
Output: Other
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app information about you not covered by our label scheme for targeted advertising. The identifiability of the data is not covered by our label scheme. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings for the use of your information.
Output: Other
The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by a named service or third party for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Contact
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for a purpose outside of our label scheme. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can make a choice about the collection of your information.
Output: Other
The site does not collect your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens by an unnamed service or third party for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by a third party, which collects or receives it for analytics or research.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
A named third party does track on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for targeted advertising. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings for the collection or sharing and use of your information.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
An unspecified third party does receive unspecified information about you for legal requirements. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme.
Output: Unspecified
An unspecified third party does do something outside of our label scheme with unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: Other
A named third party does do something outside of our label scheme with information about you not covered by our label scheme for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Other
The site collects your contact information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Contact
The site collects your website activities for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by a named service or third party.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your IP address or device IDs for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in the mobile app, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: IP address and device IDs
The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by an unnamed service or third party.
Output: Generic personal information
A user's generic personal information is retained for a stated period of time to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your location information for advertising. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Location
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for personalization or customization. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Other
The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by an unnamed service or third party for users with accounts.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your website activities for advertising. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on other websites. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings for the use of your information.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your IP address or device IDs for advertising. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in the mobile app, and your data is identifiable. You can configure your privacy with browser settings.
Output: IP address and device IDs
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for legal requirements. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your demographic information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Demographic
The site does not collect your website activities for advertising. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website for a user type outside of our label scheme, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your generic personal information for marketing purposes. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does not do something outside of our label scheme with your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your unspecified information for marketing purposes. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
Another part of the company or institution does do something unspecified with your contact information for an unspecified purpose. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme for the use of your information.
Output: Contact
The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on other websites.
Output: Unspecified
The site does not collect your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Demographic
The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on other websites.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for analytics or research. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for service operations or security. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Unspecified
Another part of the company or institution does receive your unspecified personal information for a basic service or feature.
Output: Generic personal information
An unspecified third party does not receive unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Unspecified
You can opt out (by contacting the company) from the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for marketing purposes.
Output: Contact
A user's unspecified information is retained for an unspecified duration to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your health information for analytics or research. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the use of your information.
Output: Health
You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
You can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by the site, which collects it for advertising.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: Other
An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your user profile for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: User profile
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by an unnamed service or third party, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Computer information
The site collects your generic personal information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable. You can opt out using the provided link.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
An unnamed third party does not collect on the first party website or app your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your location information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme.
Output: Location
An unspecified third party does receive your contact information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Contact
The public does see your user profile for an unspecified purpose. This applies to users with accounts. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing and use of your information.
Output: User Profile
An unspecified third party does receive your health information for legal requirements.
Output: Health
An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for legal requirements. The data is aggregated or anonymized. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your website activities for service operations or security. Collection happens on the website.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens on the website. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your computer information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Computer information
Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for service operations or security.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website. You can configure your privacy using a method outside our label scheme.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your location information for targeted advertising. You can opt out using the provided link.
Output: Location
The site collects your website activities for personalization or customization. Collection happens on the website. You can configure your privacy with browser settings.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your generic personal information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website for a user type outside of our label scheme.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does receive your contact information for marketing purposes. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Contact
The site collects your computer information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Computer information
A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by a third party, which collects or receives it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your IP address or device IDs for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in the mobile app.
Output: IP address and device IDs
An unnamed third party does not receive your unspecified personal information for targeted advertising.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does receive your computer information for analytics or research.
Output: Computer information
A named third party does receive unspecified information about you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Unspecified
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your activities on the website or app for a basic service or feature.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your user profile for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme.
Output: User profile
You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by the site, which collects it for advertising.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
An unnamed third party does do something outside of our label scheme with your location information for analytics or research.
Output: Location
The site collects your contact information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in the mobile app.
Output: Contact
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your website activities for analytics or research. Collection happens by a named service or third party, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your health information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: Health
When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, users are notified when visiting the website. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Not specified
An unspecified third party does not see unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose. You can opt in for data collection for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Unspecified
Other users does receive information about you not covered by our label scheme for an additional (non-basic) service or feature.
Output: Other
The public does see unspecified information about you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your generic personal information for marketing purposes. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your location information for analytics or research. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: Location
An unnamed third party does receive something that uniquely identifies you for service operations or security.
Output: Personal identifier
An unnamed third party does not receive your unspecified personal information for marketing purposes. You can opt out by contacting the company.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for legal requirements. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Demographic
The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Demographic
The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme for users with accounts.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme for users with accounts.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your social media data for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by a named service or third party for users with accounts.
Output: Social media data
An unnamed third party does do something outside of our label scheme with information about you not covered by our label scheme for mergers or acquisitions. You can opt out by contacting the company.
Output: Other
An unnamed third party does not receive your contact information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Contact
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for targeted advertising. The data is aggregated or anonymized. You can configure your privacy with browser settings.
Output: Unspecified
Data is stored securely, e.g. in an encrypted format or database.
Output: Not specified
The site collects your generic personal information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does do something unspecified with unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
A user can access, edit, or delete personal information in an unspecified manner, within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: Not specified
The site collects your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way for users with accounts. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your contact information for legal requirements. Collection happens on the website.
Output: Contact
You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of unspecified information by the site, which uses it for advertising.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: Other
The site collects your website activities for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: User online activities
An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for mergers or acquisitions. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your location information for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: Location
The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website.
Output: Unspecified
You can opt in for the use of generic personal information by a third party, which collects or receives it for advertising.
Output: Generic personal information
A type of user outside of our label scheme can view their information, within the scope of unspecified user information.
Output: Not specified
A user can not access, edit or delete their information, within the scope of information explicitly provided by the user.
Output: Not specified
A named third party does not track on the first party website or app your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does receive information about you not covered by our label scheme for legal requirements. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Other
Another part of the company or institution does receive your IP address or device IDs for personalization or customization. You can configure your privacy with browser settings.
Output: IP address and device IDs
A user's generic personal information is retained for an unspecified duration to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Generic personal information
When a change of an unspecified nature is made to the privacy policy, users are notified in a manner outside of our label scheme. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Not specified
An unnamed third party does see your unspecified personal information for analytics or research.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does receive your IP address or device IDs for targeted advertising. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: IP address and device IDs
A user's demographic information is retained for an unspecified duration to fulfill an unspecified purpose.
Output: Demographic
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for legal requirements. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your unspecified information for advertising. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can opt out using the provided link.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can choose not to use the service or feature.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
An unnamed third party does receive your contact information for marketing purposes. You can opt in for data collection for the use of your information.
Output: Contact
A user's generic personal information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to maintain service operations or security.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for a user type outside of our label scheme, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Demographic
An unspecified third party does do something unspecified with information about you not covered by our label scheme for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Other
The site does not collect your financial information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection and use of your information.
Output: Financial
The site collects your demographic information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Demographic
The site collects something that uniquely identifies you for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information in an unspecified way for users with accounts, and your data is identifiable. You can configure your privacy with user settings provided by the site for the collection and use of your information.
Output: Personal identifier
A named third party does receive your financial information for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Financial
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your unspecified personal information for an unspecified purpose. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection or sharing of your information.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your cookies or tracking elements for service operations or security. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your contact information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Contact
The site collects your financial information for service operations or security. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users without accounts. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Financial
A user with an account can use privacy configuration settings (in the website or app) to control the use of unspecified information by an unspecified party for marketing purposes.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website for users with accounts. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your website activities for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data is aggregated or anonymized. You can configure your privacy with browser settings for the collection of your information.
Output: User online activities
An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for personalization or customization.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for service operations or security. The data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for advertising. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app your activities on the website or app for targeted advertising.
Output: User online activities
A user's unspecified information is retained for a limited (but unspecified) period of time to fulfill a purpose not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Unspecified
An unnamed third party does collect on the first party website or app your user profile for an unspecified purpose. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings for the collection or sharing and use of your information.
Output: User Profile
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens by other websites. You can configure your privacy with user settings provided by the site.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your contact information for service operations or security. Collection happens by some means outside of our label scheme. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Contact
The site collects your financial information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way.
Output: Financial
The site collects your generic personal information for personalization or customization. Collection happens on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
You can make no specified choices about the use of unspecified information by a third party, which uses it for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
An unnamed third party does receive unspecified information about you for personalization or customization.
Output: Unspecified
When a minor change is made to the privacy policy that does not significantly affect data practices, the policy date is updated or information about the change is posted as part of the policy. Users' choices regarding policy changes are not mentioned or are unclear.
Output: Not specified
The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data's identifiability is not covered by our label scheme.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
A user's unspecified information is retained indefinitely to perform analytics or research.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects an information type outside of our label scheme for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Other
The site does not collect your unspecified information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your social media data for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by a named service or third party.
Output: Social media data
An unnamed third party does receive your activities on the website or app for marketing purposes. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your generic personal information for legal requirements. Collection happens on the website, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does not receive your unspecified personal information for targeted advertising. The data is personally identifiable.
Output: Generic personal information
An unnamed third party does receive your activities on the website or app for marketing purposes. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your demographic information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Demographic
The site collects your financial information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the collection of your information.
Output: Financial
The site collects your website activities for service operations or security. Collection happens on the website.
Output: User online activities
The site does not collect your demographic information for a purpose outside of our label scheme. Collection happens on the website for users without accounts.
Output: Demographic
The policy makes specific provisions for international audiences, non-US citizens, or non-European citizens (e.g., about international data transfer).
Output: Not specified
The site collects your website activities for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by other parts of the company or affiliates, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: User online activities
When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, the policy date is updated or information about the change is posted as part of the policy. Users must agree before their data is treated according to the new privacy policy.
Output: Not specified
The site does not collect your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your unspecified information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your user profile for a purpose outside of our label scheme. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is identifiable.
Output: User profile
An unnamed third party does not receive unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
You can make a choice about your privacy not described by our label scheme the use of contact information by the site, which uses it for a basic service or feature.
Output: Contact
A user can deactivate their account, within the scope of information the company has learned about the user.
Output: Not specified
An unnamed third party does track on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for targeted advertising. You can configure your privacy with third-party user settings.
Output: Unspecified
Users with accounts can edit their information, within the scope of transactional data (e.g., online activity, purchases).
Output: Not specified
An unnamed third party does do something unspecified with your cookies or tracking elements for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements
The site collects your website activities for analytics or research. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information in an unspecified way.
Output: User online activities
The site collects your social media data for an additional (non-basic) service or feature. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information by an unnamed service or third party, and your data is identifiable. You can opt in for data collection for the collection of your information.
Output: Social media data
A named third party does receive your unspecified personal information for analytics or research.
Output: Generic personal information
The site collects your contact information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information by some means outside of our label scheme, and your data is identifiable. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the use of your information.
Output: Contact
An unnamed third party does receive your unspecified personal information for marketing purposes. The data is personally identifiable. You can opt in for data collection.
Output: Generic personal information
A named third party does collect on the first party website or app unspecified information about you for targeted advertising.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your contact information for a basic service or feature. Collection happens when you explicitly provide information on the website. You can choose not to use the service or feature for the use of your information.
Output: Contact
Another part of the company or institution does receive unspecified information about you for an unspecified purpose.
Output: Unspecified
The site collects your website activities for marketing purposes. Collection happens when you implicitly provide information on the website, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Output: User online activities
When a change is made to the privacy policy that significantly affects data practices, users are personally notified. Users can decline the new policy by canceling their account, opting out, or through some other means.
Output: Not specified
You can use privacy configuration settings (in your browser or on your device) to control the use of cookies and tracking elements by the site, which collects it for personalization or customization.
Output: Cookies and tracking elements |
Possible labels:
1. Where is Daniel?
2. Where is John?
3. Where is Mary?
4. Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the office. Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Sandra went to the bedroom. John went back to the hallway. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Mary travelled to the garden. Daniel moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel moved to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel went to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Daniel went back to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John journeyed to the kitchen. John journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the bedroom. John went back to the office. Daniel moved to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the garden. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Sandra went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary went to the kitchen. John travelled to the hallway. Sandra went back to the bedroom. John travelled to the kitchen. Mary went back to the garden. Mary travelled to the office. John journeyed to the office. Sandra went to the office. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. John travelled to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went back to the garden. Sandra went back to the bedroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the office. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Mary travelled to the hallway. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Mary travelled to the kitchen. John journeyed to the garden. Daniel went to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the garden. John went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the hallway. Sandra went to the garden. Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway. John travelled to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. John journeyed to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went back to the bedroom. Mary went back to the hallway. Mary moved to the bathroom. Mary went to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Sandra went back to the office. Mary moved to the kitchen. John journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel moved to the bathroom. John moved to the office. Mary went back to the office. John went back to the hallway. Mary moved to the hallway. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Daniel went to the office. Daniel moved to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the garden.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Daniel went back to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Mary went to the kitchen. John went back to the garden. Mary went to the office. Daniel journeyed to the office. Mary went back to the bedroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Mary moved to the bedroom. Mary went back to the office. Sandra moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra moved to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel went back to the office. Sandra went to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the garden. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Mary moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary moved to the bathroom. Sandra went to the hallway. Mary went back to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the kitchen. John went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the hallway. John travelled to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. John travelled to the office. Sandra went to the kitchen. Mary moved to the office. Daniel moved to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John went back to the hallway. Sandra moved to the bedroom. Sandra went to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the garden. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John travelled to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bedroom. John went back to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John journeyed to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Mary moved to the garden. John journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the bathroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. John travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the hallway. John went back to the office. Mary travelled to the hallway. John went to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden. Sandra moved to the hallway. Mary moved to the kitchen. Mary went back to the hallway. Mary moved to the office. Daniel went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John travelled to the bathroom. Daniel went to the hallway. John moved to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the bathroom. Daniel went to the garden. Sandra travelled to the hallway. Mary travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary travelled to the garden. Daniel went to the garden. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the office. Daniel moved to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary moved to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Mary went to the garden. John moved to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the office. Mary went to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the garden. Daniel went back to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John went to the hallway. Daniel moved to the garden. John went back to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the garden. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Daniel went to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary went to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the office. Mary moved to the hallway. John went to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the kitchen. John went to the kitchen. Daniel went to the bedroom. Mary went to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went to the garden. Mary journeyed to the office. John went to the hallway. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel went to the hallway. Daniel went to the office. Mary moved to the garden. Mary moved to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel went back to the hallway. Mary travelled to the kitchen. John went back to the office. John journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the office. Mary moved to the office. Sandra went back to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra went to the kitchen. John journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra went back to the garden. Mary travelled to the hallway. Sandra went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went to the garden. John journeyed to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the kitchen. Mary travelled to the kitchen. Mary moved to the bathroom. John travelled to the office. Daniel went to the hallway. John went back to the garden. Sandra travelled to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary went to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the office. Mary moved to the hallway. John went to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary moved to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the garden. Daniel went to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the hallway. Mary went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel went back to the bedroom. Mary went back to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary went back to the office. John went back to the bathroom. John went to the hallway. Mary journeyed to the hallway. Sandra travelled to the hallway. Mary travelled to the office. Mary went back to the hallway. Sandra travelled to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Mary travelled to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel went back to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John travelled to the office. Daniel went back to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Mary travelled to the garden. Mary went to the bedroom. Sandra moved to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John travelled to the bathroom. Daniel went to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the kitchen. John went to the hallway. John travelled to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. John journeyed to the garden. Sandra went back to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John travelled to the bathroom. Sandra went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel moved to the garden. Sandra moved to the hallway. John went to the hallway. John went to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra went to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra went to the garden. Mary travelled to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel went back to the hallway. Mary travelled to the kitchen. John went back to the office. John journeyed to the bathroom. John travelled to the kitchen. John went to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bathroom. John journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John went back to the garden. Daniel moved to the office. Sandra went to the hallway. John went back to the bathroom. Mary moved to the kitchen. Mary travelled to the garden. Sandra went back to the bathroom. John went back to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra went to the kitchen. John journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra went back to the garden. Mary travelled to the hallway. Sandra went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden. John moved to the hallway. Mary moved to the bathroom. John went back to the office. Mary went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the office. Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel went back to the office. Sandra went to the bathroom. John journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the office. Daniel went to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the garden. John journeyed to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. John travelled to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the bathroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John went back to the hallway. Sandra moved to the bedroom. Sandra went to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra moved to the hallway. John went back to the hallway. Daniel moved to the garden. Daniel went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel went back to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bathroom. John went back to the office. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the office. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went back to the garden. John moved to the hallway. John travelled to the bathroom. Mary moved to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. Sandra journeyed to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Daniel went to the office. Mary went back to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the garden. John moved to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John went to the kitchen. John went to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the hallway. John went back to the bathroom. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the bedroom. Mary went to the garden. Daniel moved to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the kitchen. Mary moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary moved to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the garden. Daniel went to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the hallway. Mary went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel went back to the bedroom. Mary went back to the office. John journeyed to the garden. John moved to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary went to the kitchen. John went back to the bedroom. Mary went back to the bathroom. Mary moved to the hallway. John went to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Daniel went back to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the office. Mary went to the office. John journeyed to the garden. Mary journeyed to the garden. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. John moved to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went to the bathroom. John journeyed to the hallway. Daniel went to the office. John went to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Daniel went back to the office. Mary travelled to the garden. John journeyed to the hallway. John travelled to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Mary moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary went to the office. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra went to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the office. John journeyed to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway. Sandra went to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the garden. Daniel went to the office. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel went to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary moved to the garden. John journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John travelled to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bedroom. John went back to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel went back to the hallway. Mary travelled to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel went back to the hallway. Mary travelled to the kitchen. John went back to the office. John journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bedroom. John went to the office. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the kitchen. John journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the office. John journeyed to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the office. Mary moved to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel moved to the garden. Sandra moved to the bedroom. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Sandra went to the office. Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Sandra went back to the bedroom. John journeyed to the garden. Daniel went back to the garden.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John travelled to the hallway. Mary travelled to the bathroom. Sandra went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary travelled to the garden. John journeyed to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. John travelled to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. John went back to the kitchen. Mary went to the hallway. John moved to the office. Daniel travelled to the hallway. Mary went to the garden. Mary went back to the office. Mary went to the garden. Sandra moved to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the office. Mary went to the hallway. Mary journeyed to the kitchen. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the hallway. Daniel went to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the hallway. Mary moved to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the office. Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel went back to the office. Sandra went to the bathroom. John journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Mary journeyed to the office. Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Mary journeyed to the office. Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. Daniel moved to the hallway. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Sandra journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the hallway. John travelled to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. John travelled to the office. Sandra went to the kitchen. Mary moved to the office. Daniel moved to the office. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Daniel travelled to the office.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. Daniel moved to the hallway. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. John went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the bedroom. Daniel went to the bedroom. John travelled to the office. John went back to the bedroom. Mary went to the bedroom. John went to the garden. Daniel went back to the garden. Daniel went to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the office. Daniel went to the bedroom. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Sandra went to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra moved to the kitchen. Sandra went back to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the office. Mary moved to the office. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the office. Daniel went back to the kitchen. Mary moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel moved to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel went to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Daniel went back to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the office. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went back to the garden. John moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the office. Sandra went back to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Daniel went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary moved to the garden. John went to the bedroom. Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra went to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the garden. Daniel went to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary moved to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the garden. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Daniel went to the garden.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary journeyed to the hallway. John went back to the bathroom. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the bedroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary went to the hallway. Daniel went to the bathroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Mary went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John travelled to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bedroom. John went back to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the bathroom. John journeyed to the office. Daniel journeyed to the office. John went back to the garden. John journeyed to the bedroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary travelled to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. John went to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the hallway. Daniel moved to the garden. John went back to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the garden. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Daniel went to the hallway. John went back to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the kitchen. Daniel went to the bedroom. John travelled to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the garden. John travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden. John went back to the garden. Sandra went back to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. Daniel moved to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel moved to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen. John went back to the bedroom. Daniel went to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the garden. Daniel went back to the office. Mary went to the kitchen. Daniel went to the hallway. Daniel went back to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John went to the office. Mary journeyed to the garden. John went to the garden. John journeyed to the hallway.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the kitchen. John journeyed to the office. Daniel travelled to the bedroom. John journeyed to the kitchen. John journeyed to the office. Mary went back to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary moved to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Mary went to the garden. John moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the bathroom. Mary went to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the hallway. John went to the garden. John travelled to the office. Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary went back to the bedroom. Daniel travelled to the office. Daniel went back to the garden. John journeyed to the office. Daniel moved to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the garden. Sandra went back to the bedroom. John went to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John went to the bedroom. John went back to the office. Daniel moved to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the garden. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Sandra went to the bathroom. Daniel went to the bedroom. Sandra went to the hallway.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the kitchen. John journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the bathroom. Daniel went to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Mary moved to the bathroom. Sandra went to the hallway. Mary went back to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the kitchen. John went back to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel went back to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John went back to the garden. Sandra went back to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the garden. John travelled to the garden. Daniel went to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the garden. John travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John went back to the garden. John travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the office. John journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel went back to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra moved to the bathroom. Daniel journeyed to the garden. Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the hallway.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went back to the garden. Sandra went to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the hallway. Mary travelled to the garden. Mary went back to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Daniel moved to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Mary went back to the bedroom. Mary moved to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. Sandra went to the office. Daniel went to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the hallway. John journeyed to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the hallway. John journeyed to the office. Daniel went to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the hallway. John went to the office. John went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the bedroom. John went back to the office. Daniel moved to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary went back to the hallway. Daniel went back to the bedroom. Sandra moved to the bathroom. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Mary went back to the bedroom. Mary went back to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra went back to the bathroom. Mary moved to the garden. Mary went back to the hallway. Sandra went to the office.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the hallway. Mary travelled to the garden. Mary went back to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the bathroom. John moved to the garden. Daniel moved to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the garden. John travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden. John went back to the garden. Sandra went back to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the garden. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John moved to the garden. Daniel went back to the office. Sandra travelled to the office. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went back to the hallway. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. Sandra went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the bathroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the hallway. John travelled to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. John travelled to the office. Sandra went to the kitchen. Mary moved to the office. Daniel moved to the office.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra went back to the garden. Sandra went to the hallway. Mary went back to the garden. Sandra journeyed to the office. Sandra travelled to the hallway. Sandra moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the garden. John journeyed to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the office. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: Mary went back to the kitchen. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. John moved to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the bedroom. John went to the hallway. Daniel went to the hallway. John went to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John moved to the hallway. Sandra went to the hallway. John went back to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel moved to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the bathroom. John went back to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the office. Sandra moved to the kitchen. Daniel went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John journeyed to the bedroom. Mary went to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John journeyed to the bedroom. Mary moved to the garden. Mary journeyed to the bathroom. Mary travelled to the garden. Mary went back to the bedroom. Sandra went back to the office. Sandra travelled to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the hallway. Mary went to the bathroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John travelled to the bathroom. Sandra went to the kitchen. Daniel went to the garden. Mary moved to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Daniel went back to the bathroom. Mary journeyed to the office. Sandra went back to the garden. Daniel moved to the garden. Daniel journeyed to the hallway. John moved to the garden. Sandra went back to the hallway. Mary went back to the bedroom.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Daniel moved to the bedroom. John went back to the garden. John travelled to the bathroom. John travelled to the garden. John went to the kitchen. Daniel journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Mary went back to the hallway. Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. John went back to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the office. Sandra went to the garden. Mary went back to the garden. Daniel went to the kitchen. Sandra moved to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John moved to the garden. Daniel went back to the office. Sandra travelled to the office. Mary went back to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. John went to the hallway. Mary travelled to the garden. Mary went back to the kitchen.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra moved to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John moved to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the garden.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: Sandra travelled to the hallway. Mary moved to the office.
Output: Where is Mary?
Passage: John moved to the bedroom. Mary went back to the bedroom. Daniel moved to the bathroom. Daniel moved to the office.
Output: Where is John?
Passage: John went to the hallway. Daniel moved to the garden. John went back to the bedroom. Mary journeyed to the garden.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: John travelled to the bathroom. Sandra moved to the hallway. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Daniel travelled to the hallway. John moved to the hallway. Mary went to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the office. Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Mary moved to the office. Mary went to the bedroom.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: John went back to the garden. John travelled to the hallway. John journeyed to the office. John journeyed to the kitchen. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Sandra went to the bedroom. Sandra journeyed to the hallway. Daniel went back to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Daniel?
Passage: Sandra moved to the hallway. John went back to the hallway.
Output: Where is Sandra?
Passage: Daniel moved to the garden. Mary went back to the bathroom. Daniel travelled to the kitchen. Sandra went to the kitchen.
Output: Where is Mary? |
We would like you to assess the QUALITY of each of the following argument (discussing Death Penalty) and determine if the argument is Valid or Invalid. A valid argument is clearly interpretable and either expresses an argument, or a premise or a conclusion that can be used in an argument for the topic of death penalty. An invalid argument is a phrase that cannot be interpreted as an argument or not on the topic of death penalty.
Given: However, one advantage with the Death Penalty is you can use it as leverage in plea bargains.
Output: Valid
Given: As I say this case does not fit the bill completely, but I'm sure similar cases must arise and they should be an exception.
Output: Invalid
Given: Saying the death penalty is a justified method of punishment for a crime just because the criminal is a killer himself is a completely contrived reason.
Output: Valid
Given: The only reason the death penalty is more expensive is because all the liberals want it banned so they make it as expensive as possible.
Output: Valid
Given: Every western democracy except the USA has abolished the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: The crimes i am talking about the criminal is not innocent........
Output: Valid
Given: We cannot force our belief in a right we enjoy onto people that only exist at the discretion of a government and not God.
Output: Invalid
Output: Valid
Given: First of all, nothing is convenient about pregnancy, I don't know where you got that, and that word carries no weight coming out of your mouth because you haven't been pregnant before.
Output: Invalid
Given: Without the death penalty, the criminal would probably die in prison because it is very unlikely he would be released or escape.
Output: Valid
Given: Actually, the idea that the death penalty costs more than lifetime imprisonment has been disproved many times.
Output: Valid
Given: However, one advantage with the Death Penalty is you can use it as leverage in plea bargains.
Output: Valid
Given: By the way, I am not against a woman's right to choose.
Output: Invalid
Output: Valid
Given: Not even having to put aside your conviction that innocents should not be killed, how can you justify not saving 3 to 18 lives of innocent people by killing 1 guilty one.
Output: Valid
Given: There have been many of my fellow citizens' life blood spilled onto the ground after taking a solemn oath to defend this "jingoistic bluster".
Output: Invalid
Given: The difference is one has to commit a seriously heinous crime to receive the death penalty and with abortion the victim is an innocent unborn child.
Output: Invalid
Given: >>>If we are sure they raped & killed those innocent children then we should let them die.
Output: Valid
Given: In a case like this, we can assume that the alternative is life in prison.
Output: Valid
Given: The temperatures are too cold that, if humans were to survive, they would most likely do so without a limb or two.
Output: Invalid
Given: The fact that you do not want to donate to these poor, needy people only shows me that you really do not care about the embryos.
Output: Invalid
Given: I seem to be missing the time when "Jesus Christ told us point blank that capitol punishment was downright evil."
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty should not be catagorized as a deterrent.
Output: Valid
Given: Yeah, he's a human life and it is kind of sad that we have to execute someone, but it's not exactly like we're losing a good guy.
Output: Valid
Given: why should we be keeping people like them alive forever?
Output: Valid
Given: The movie had an even more interesting take on the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: I'm of the opinion that abortion is killing a human, which (killing a human) is wrong.
Output: Invalid
Given: DNA testing capabilities allowed them to determine that the executed men were, in fact, innocent.
Output: Valid
Given: Executing people is costing this country money, lives, and dignity.
Output: Valid
Given: It seems that you're assuming the correlation between crime rate and countries with capital punishment is that the death penalty encourages crime.
Output: Valid
Given: Yet, under all debated scenarios, halting executions will put more innocents at risk.
Output: Valid
Given: the death penalty also is premediated murder,it demeans the state and makes society more violent!
Output: Valid
Given: This cost is unusually low since Jamil did not go through the multiple appeals that most convicts do when originally given the death sentence.
Output: Valid
Given: Again I want to reiterate that I am not in favor of an anarchist society where there is no consequences for committing crimes, my point is that society is better served by life imprisonment than the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: Every legal site I have looked at has most defiantly listed the death penalty as a general deterrence, specific deterrents being those which the criminal looks back upon and knowledge of them happening again dissuades them from committing again.
Output: Valid
Given: Why would the government have the right to force someone to stay alive against their will?
Output: Invalid
Given: If we kill a few innocent lifes in the process, thats fine by me as long as the rightfuly convicted felons are killed VIA leathal injection and/or electric chair.
Output: Valid
Given: If a person is deterred from commiting a crime it is because fear in that person's mind has prevented him from commiting the crime.
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty is good for this country because it puts bad people out of their misery.
Output: Valid
Given: There has seldom if ever been any occurrence in which someone has violently avenged a murderer's death.
Output: Valid
Given: And what message would your widow deliver to your daughter when she explains how the family of the rapist you killed took THEIR revenge by killing you?emoticonXBanghead
Output: Valid
Given: How many people with a life sentence without parole have died an prison and been innocent?
Output: Valid
Given: You say that all people who commit gruesome murders are psychopaths.
Output: Valid
Given: The only question is whether or not any risk of executing an innocent is acceptable.
Output: Valid
Given: The government does not have the right to kill people.
Output: Valid
Given: If there was a justice system that was equally fair to all accused, made no mistakes and only executed the guilty, proponents of the death penalty could rightly cry, "Fry 'um up".
Output: Valid
Given: If I put a gun in your hand right now would you suddenly be more likely to become a murderer?
Output: Invalid
Given: Other countries not having it doesn't say anything about the morality of the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: They get a fair appeals process, and in most cases (unless you are in Texas or Florida) stand little chance of being executed any time soon anyway.
Output: Valid
Given: If we had the old system back, executing someone would be very cost effective.
Output: Valid
Given: The crime rate was higher after the death penalty than before it.
Output: Valid
Given: The money to pay usually comes from crime preventing actitivies, such as after school, outreach programs, and local police.
Output: Invalid
Given: there is no evidence of people intentionally visiting another in a dream, though claims have been made.
Output: Invalid
Given: I see what you mean, but i'm still against killing people .
Output: Valid
Given: It is something people are not reminded enough of to have it be a major concern in their decision making, it is often seen as a distant thing.
Output: Invalid
Given: One escapee committing murder or killing a guard while incarcerated is one too many, IMO.
Output: Valid
Given: Getting rid of the expensive appeals basically ensures that more innocent people will die.
Output: Valid
Given: i have not and do not condone violent behavior and agree 100% that there should be punishment, but not the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: Before I post in full, i'd like citations to:
Output: Invalid
Given: Should they be forced to go through the same ordeal, just so that some people can "feel better"?
Output: Valid
Given: For the record, I'm a fan of the death penalty, although I feel the laws (indeed the entire legal system) needs to be reworked to some extent before it becomes a viable option.
Output: Valid
Given: So if someone cared more about money then the life of the prisoner (as I do), they'd be aganist the current form of the penalty in America.
Output: Valid
Given: If I acquire illegal evidence it is thrown out and you could be set free even though I have absolute proof of your guilt.
Output: Valid
Given: But it's easy to see that a less violent environment, incuding representations of violence, would help speeding the educating process and avoiding some bad issues.
Output: Valid
Given: i suppose you think OJ is innocent as well then huh.....
Output: Invalid
Given: The death penalty is deterrance for the rest of society, both criminals, potential crimanals, and average citizens.
Output: Valid
Given: There is a way to stop people from going on that path in the first place.
Output: Invalid
Given: Duo, the same could be said about some of your comments...
Output: Invalid
Given: Sometimes, the only way to deal with certain criminals is to end their life, simply because they don't deserve to live.
Output: Valid
Given: or, my politicians are telling me the end justifies the means, so perhaps, like them, we could sacrifice innocents for the overall plan.
Output: Valid
Given: Only if accuracy and truth are important in public policy decisions and media reports.
Output: Invalid
Given: The death penalty is deterrance for the rest of society, both criminals, potential crimanals, and average citizens.
Output: Valid
Given: If it has nothing to do with the death penalty, how could it have anything to do with lives saved by the death penalty in the first place?
Output: Valid
Given: I would support the death penalty IF there was a way to ensure that it would not put innocent people to death.
Output: Valid
Given: Nobody has ever said it was a privilege for those who want to have babies.
Output: Invalid
Given: No more pain, no more suffering, no more hardship, no more earthly demands, no more constantly uncertaintly, no more worrying, no more problems.
Output: Invalid
Given: The death penalty is also based on rationality of murder.
Output: Valid
Given: For example: Does anyone think that Bin Laden was innocent in the 9/11 World Trade Center bombings?
Output: Invalid
Given: The bottom line is that reduction of crime (which still has yet to be fully proven for the death penalty) is not enough - the punishment has to be judged on its own merits and morality.
Output: Valid
Given: Both sides of the death penalty debate are equally concerned about the moral implication of executing an innocent.
Output: Valid
Given: Most people would agree that someone who kills someone in self defense doesn't deserve the death penalty, but there have been a couple of recent cases where someone killed someone in revenge for molesting their children.
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty is scam because it assuages the self perception of vengeance in the victims eyes.
Output: Valid
Given: Why would the government have the right to force someone to stay alive against their will?
Output: Invalid
Given: Some poll numbers showing most Americans opinions about captial punishment:
Output: Valid
Given: The question comes up becuase arguing for the deterrent effect is really the only way to justify the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: Even in a court system with 100 levels of appeal, it seems almost inevitable that someone, somewhere, will have been wrongly convicted because there was overwhelming evidence against them even though they were actually innocent.
Output: Valid
Given: It shows how little they really have to say, instead of actually talking about the subject, they resort to nit picking the very grammer of a post.
Output: Invalid
Given: The only downside to your argument is that the death penalty is actually more expensive.
Output: Valid
Given: No possible way to obtain a statistic like that and have any accuracy at all.
Output: Invalid
Given: First it is more expensive to kill a person, then letting him stay for a life long imprisonment.
Output: Valid
Given: ...which is why I and many others favor life without parole, period.
Output: Valid
Given: Prison guards, other inmates, etc., are all potential victims of lifers behind bars.
Output: Valid
Given: What if they don't kill anyone in their escape attempt?
Output: Valid
Output: Valid
Given: I think it is philosophically and morally justified to execute anyone who has murdered another human being.
Output: Valid
Given: The government doesn't have the right to take away someone's life, even in the case of murder.
Output: Valid
Given: I have a friend who would not balk at 99%.
Output: Invalid
Given: Yet, under all debated scenarios, halting executions will put more innocents at risk.
Output: Valid
Given: However, I don't agree that ending a human life should be a valid "emergency safety net" in this case.
Output: Invalid
Given: As for DNA evidence, it's hardly a silver bullet.
Output: Invalid
Given: There is a better than average chance that your wife has left you.
Output: Invalid
Given: It would benefit him greatly not to do it on a popular drug dealing corner at 2:00 AM.
Output: Invalid
Given: When it gets personal, I have the patience of that cartoon vulture that proclaims " Patience my arse, I'm gonna kill something."
Output: Invalid
Given: Well what I said above solves the whole death row problem.
Output: Valid
Given: , I believe the death penalty has deterred at least some people from committing murder.
Output: Valid
Given: Well I think that if someone commits a crime worthy of the death penalty they should get a sentence for life that way they can't be a repeat offender.
Output: Valid
Given: But people who act in the heat of a moment, who don̢���t predetermine to take lives or do harm, they are at least excused from the death penalty for not having put rational thought into the matter.
Output: Valid
Given: Many people find some crimes heinous enough to warrent the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: Is it worth the death that an extra policeman could prevent so that we can get our revenge?
Output: Valid
Given: The court time is not inevitable, otherwise there wouldn't be an argument as to the death penalty being more expensive than life imprisonment.
Output: Valid
Given: If one commits more than one, hell has been specially reserved for them.
Output: Invalid
Given: Revenge and punishment I see as rather pointless; they impose suffering but give very few, if any, benefits.
Output: Valid
Given: Overall, I'd say, we'd spare ourselves a lot if we just went with locking some people up and throwing away the key.
Output: Valid
Given: From what I have read, there has been no conclusive evidence of an innocent person killed by the death penalty since 1900.
Output: Valid
Given: So it's wong when some civilian commits murder, but it's fine when an authority is doing the killing?
Output: Valid
Given: What is the REASON behind "an eye for an eye" justice?
Output: Valid
Given: I do, and I know that through studying things that we learn more about how & why they occur, period.
Output: Invalid
Given: Having catastrophic emotional and physical effects, long and short term.
Output: Invalid
Given: What gets little notice, however, is a series of academic studies over the last half-dozen years that claim to settle a once hotly debated argument ��� whether the death penalty acts as a deterrent to murder.
Output: Valid
Given: Wonder why we can't get a candidate in office who has strong views for the death penalty and almost immediate execution after conviction.
Output: Valid
Given: Infact, it wasn't until fall of '04 that I found that O.J. Simpson actually did kill his wife.
Output: Invalid
Given: And it seems that every time we start talking about the death penalty, that we end up talking about whether or not it deters crime.
Output: Valid
Given: The reason to be for the death penalty is because it is just; the same foundation of support for all sanctions.
Output: Valid
Given: ... it is this same atrophy of moral fiber that appears in the plea for the abolition of the death penalty."
Output: Valid
Given: In all honesty im glad i am not someone who has to decide murder as punishment for someone who has committed crimes.
Output: Valid
Given: that is just as harsh as justifying the death penalty because prisons are too overcrowded.
Output: Valid
Given: Hawkins was shot 13 times ��� including six bullets in his head ��� and was run over by the escapees' car as they fled the scene.
Output: Invalid
Given: Well if you set a time period like 2 years instead of the 20 years it is now you would sure cut doen the costs......
Output: Valid
Given: It shows how little they really have to say, instead of actually talking about the subject, they resort to nit picking the very grammer of a post.
Output: Invalid
Given: But if that one doesn't wash for you, here's another argument against the deterent factor (and I must credit a bunch of wonderful schools debaters from a disadvantaged community in the third world for this):
Output: Valid
Given: no there shouldn't be a death penalty aren't we essentially playing god we do not have the right to take someone Else's life no matter the crime thats just what i think
Output: Valid
Given: Over here it's unlikely that the man would ever find himself in a courtroom except for the purpose of testifying against the guy with the missing ear.
Output: Invalid
Given: this is due to not only to multiple people killed by one person, but also the numerous unsolved cases each year.
Output: Valid
Given: You cannot kill somebody just because they've broken into your house, you have to have a well founded fear of harm.
Output: Valid
Given: I see no point in letting someone live who does not want to live, or letting someone die who does not want to die.
Output: Valid
Given: Florida with the death penalty has a higher crime rate than New York who doesn̢���t have the death penalty (New York has actually declared it unconstitutional)
Output: Valid
Given: It is all opinions lacking the support of any statistics.
Output: Invalid
Given: I have a entirely different view as to what the goal of capital punishment should be.
Output: Valid
Given: The Wyoming thing only means that if lethal injetion is ever held to be unconstitutional for some reason, the gas chamber will be available for executions.
Output: Valid
Given: Punishment as a concept DOES encompass killing as a possible form of punishment.
Output: Valid
Given: I see the death penalty primarily as a show of power and ownership by the state.
Output: Valid
Given: The argument for the death penalty as a deterrent has been proved wrong by the implementation of it through history.
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty again, in giving punishing the offender sends out a message to others that no one should kill or hurt another person which will thus serve to deter other potential killers.
Output: Valid
Given: Aside from the true moral standpoint of avoiding killing innocent people and ignoring the greater good aspect of the death penalty, the legal system is wrong because the death penalty has no deterrence.
Output: Valid
Given: There's absolutely ZERO evidence that having a death penalty statute causes a lower crime rate, period.
Output: Valid
Given: If as a nation, we argue that life is sacred and that it must be treated with respect, then that applies to all categories of people regardless of their actions.
Output: Valid
Given: You think that just because an innocent man is set free after having had to go through the gauntlet the system works?
Output: Valid
Given: But life imprisonment without parole also deters the criminal from recommitting.
Output: Valid
Given: If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims.
Output: Valid
Given: Everyone on death row gets the same level of representation.
Output: Valid
Given: we'll move that debate over there, because ghetto will probably get really XXXXXX if we discuss it here.
Output: Invalid
Given: I don't have a problem with the military finances as JAG already has a budget for fit.
Output: Invalid
Given: But people who act in the heat of a moment, who don̢���t predetermine to take lives or do harm, they are at least excused from the death penalty for not having put rational thought into the matter.
Output: Valid
Given: Oh I'm not saying that the govenrment should do away with the death penalty on these grounds, I'm saying that Christian people should oppose it, you said it yourself.
Output: Valid
Given: Yes, we should have a speedier route to the needle.
Output: Valid
Given: My only issue with the death penalty is the case of innocence, however there has been no innocent put to death in the united states since 1976, there has been claims but these have all been dismissed.
Output: Valid
Given: no there shouldn't be a death penalty aren't we essentially playing god we do not have the right to take someone Else's life no matter the crime thats just what i think
Output: Valid
Given: (I think we can agree)̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_̢����_current trial process has many of these officers/ technology applied to even the first trial!!!!!!!!!
Output: Invalid
Given: What if they don't kill anyone in their escape attempt?
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty is not an act of injustice or additional dysfunction, it is about protecting life from the act of unwarranted aggression.
Output: Valid
Given: Show said criminal that their actions were unnacceptable to society, and therefore they must pay a penalty for their actions.
Output: Valid
Given: So, when someone gets the death penalty, they chose their own fate by committing the crime.
Output: Valid
Given: Even if you think about it a second before you do it, you thought about it, and, then, it classifies it as murder.
Output: Valid
Given: I'm not suggesting that criminals cannot and do not change...of course they do.
Output: Valid
Given: If a dog bit a human, they would be put down, so why no do the same to a human?
Output: Valid
Given: If we don't stop the death penalty now, we will put innocent people to death while we try to fix the problems.
Output: Valid
Given: Isn't the idea that if God forgave without the sacrifice then he'd be turning justice aside?
Output: Invalid
Given: The crimes i am talking about the criminal is not innocent........
Output: Valid
Given: I assume in what follows that we, the country or the state, execute only for the crime of murder, though many capital punishment adherents would use it for other crimes, such as child rape, treason, arson, robbery and even fraud.
Output: Valid
Given: Death penalty should be allowed as it deters people from committing serious crimes such as murder.
Output: Valid
Given: I also agree that the power to end its own citizens lives is not one I want the government to have.
Output: Valid
Given: And no, society is not better served by life imprisonment than the death penalty because society then learns that consequences aren't very severe for committing an act of murder.
Output: Valid
Given: He cited the exonerations of more than 100 people on death row based on DNA and other evidence."
Output: Valid
Given: The criminal is only a couple steps behind the law.
Output: Invalid
Given: A 15 or 16 year old can willingly take a life
Output: Invalid
Given: If the founding fathers were the ones in control of the country when it was first started, then everything that they wanted to occur in terms of legislation changes would have occurred."
Output: Invalid
Given: All you have to do is make it illegal to get an appeal and be done with it.
Output: Valid
Given: A ridiculous statement since there have been numerous convictions overturned on DNA evidence alone, leaving one to ponder how many bad convictions were not discovered.
Output: Valid
Given: There are many people on this earth who don't deserve to live.
Output: Valid
Given: However angry I am be, people completely unnattached to the case should not have to pay.
Output: Valid
Given: Most people would agree that someone who kills someone in self defense doesn't deserve the death penalty, but there have been a couple of recent cases where someone killed someone in revenge for molesting their children.
Output: Valid
Given: I have to either believe the whole Bible, or not believe it at all.
Output: Invalid
Given: If you didn't execute them in the first place you'd save money on the execution, save money in any compesation claims and not actually increase the danger the public faces.
Output: Valid
Given: The most comprehensive death penalty study in the country found that the death penalty costs North Carolina $2.16 million more per execution than the a non-death penalty murder case with a sentence of life imprisonment (Duke University, May 1993).
Output: Valid
Given: I would think that it would be an obvious point that we structure societies and civilizations in particular ways because there are REASONS to structure them that way.
Output: Invalid
Given: When a person does something horrible, we no longer see them as a human that values their life, we just see them as an epitome of hate.
Output: Valid
Given: Roman law said she should be put to death, Jesus said no, that law is wrong.
Output: Valid
Given: If inflicting serious punishment on the person will prevent future crimes, then i see no negative effects.
Output: Valid
Given: I am very conservative and I am opposed to abortion and the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: If we have a death penalty statute on the books, a person is convicted under that statute, his ONE appeal fails...he should die.
Output: Valid
Given: A significent amount of death row inmates have been exonerated on finding of incompetent/drunk/high lawyers, racial prejudice, hidden or recent evidence, and other such non-court violations.
Output: Valid
Given: Even in this case, I find random factors quite acceptable, because if you don't get this job, you can try to get another one.
Output: Invalid
Given: Sometimes, the only way to deal with certain criminals is to end their life, simply because they don't deserve to live.
Output: Valid
Given: Yes, but until we can fix the justice system, we should cut down on the amount of death penalties being given out.
Output: Valid
Given: I was saying, if the death penalty wasn't legit, and life imprisonment was actually the righteous thing to do, the concern of escapes shouldn't keep us from doing what's right.
Output: Valid
Given: Using the same logic one might conclude that the only way to prevent libel and slander is to eliminate the freedom of speech.
Output: Invalid
Given: I personally would never wish death penalty on someone no matter what they did to me/family/friends I would just want them in jail for a life sentence because then the threat is pretty much over.
Output: Valid
Given: The first reason of abolishing the death penalty is human rights perspectives and the danger of executing innocent people .
Output: Valid
Given: What I meant was that the chance of being wrongly convicted for a capital case is far less than the change of being struck by lightning.
Output: Valid
Given: There are multiple possible reasons for having a criminal justice system: deterring potential offenders, punishing actual offenders, rehabilitating offenders, removing offenders from the general population to prevent further criminality, avenging the victims of crime.
Output: Valid
Given: The flawed sense in the Death Penalty may be the lack of ethical principals, but it has improved over time.
Output: Valid
Given: If I were charged to do something that forced me to spend the rest of my life in jail, I would rather die right now - I think they're doing the criminal a favor by putting him down.
Output: Valid
Given: The Death penalty does not work because the kind of people that murder will not stop and think of the consequences before their actions.
Output: Valid
Given: Essentially, you believe a fetus should be allowed to be killed simply for existing, while you protect the lives of people who have murdered other innocent people (as murder is generally what a person will get the death penalty for).
Output: Valid
Given: Percisely why you shouldn't be using all of those pieces of emoticonXCensored.
Output: Invalid
Given: We don't have 100% certainty in 100% of the cases so there forever remains a risk that an innocent person will be killed for anothers crime.
Output: Valid
Given: OF THE VICTIM would be able to visit or at least know they're family members are alive if the criminal hadn't KILLED THEM!!
Output: Valid
Given: There is a better than average chance that your wife has left you.
Output: Invalid
Given: The death penalty is society voting as a whole that it is OK to stop applying moral values to those who have already stopped applying morals themselves - which is hypocritical, at the very least.
Output: Valid
Given: We are going to assume for the purpose of this that the person the guy saw was NOT Jim.
Output: Invalid
Given: Stanford did an experiment on prison rehabilitation and psychology, and had an extremely interesting outcome.
Output: Valid
Given: They are carried out in a fit of rage, or fear (such as in the case of a thief shooting a police officer or citizen during a robbery).
Output: Invalid
Given: OK Jim, how can you disagree with my use of the word deterrent and turn around and say "I think the death penalty is a detergent.
Output: Valid
Given: Now, we must define juvenille, one who is not of the age of majority.
Output: Invalid
Given: Furthermore, any assertion that the death penalty is not a deterrent is false.
Output: Valid
Given: If they are uncomfortable admitting that vengeance is the underlying reason, then perhaps they should re-think their stance on the death penalty.
Output: Valid
Given: But why do you have to get rid of them by killing them.
Output: Valid
Given: Long prison time only costs us money and is a huge waste... I suppose we can do a involuntary servitude thing for first time offenders or something if you have a real problem with killing them though...
Output: Valid
Given: They will think that if the government does it, it's right for them to do it.
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty is the only acceptable answer in this case.
Output: Valid
Given: DNA evidence can be evaluated thoroughly in a few days.
Output: Valid
Given: The death penalty is deterrance for the rest of society, both criminals, potential crimanals, and average citizens.
Output: Valid
Given: Commissioner Jones was quoted comparing the costs to the trial�۪s results, ���That extra measure of justice or vengeance -- however you want to call it -- is not worth all the sacrifices you�۪ll have to make.�
Output: Valid
Given: I do not think that a government should be unable to kill someone, simply that they almost always should not.
Output: Valid
Given: Statistics show that capital punishment is no more of a deterrent than life without parole so I fail to see your arguement about society needing capital punishment.
Output: Valid
Given: Kirk Bloodsworth was convicted in March of 1985 for the brutal killing and sexual assault of a nine year old girl.
Output: Valid
Given: Im not gonna post anything yet though, I need to revaluate the issues first and then I'll post something which will later be slaughterd by Dou Maxwell.
Output: Invalid
Given: But if that one doesn't wash for you, here's another argument against the deterent factor (and I must credit a bunch of wonderful schools debaters from a disadvantaged community in the third world for this):
Output: Valid
Given: The trial for the murder who killed 40+ women is currently over $20 million without appeals.
Output: Valid
Given: Hopefully a war is helping our country, the death penalty costs our country money and doesn't help anything.
Output: Valid
Given: Indeed, the states with the death penalty on average have a higher per capita murder rate than those without - suggesting that other factors (economy, etc.) play a much larger role.
Output: Valid
Given: I'm not saying that a child's life is worth more than an adults, I'm saying if they killed any one they forfeit their life, because they in return lose what they took from someone else.
Output: Valid
Given: Stanford did an experiment on prison rehabilitation and psychology, and had an extremely interesting outcome.
Output: Valid
Given: Yet, under all debated scenarios, halting executions will put more innocents at risk.
Output: Valid
Given: One of those things would be to donate money to the poor girls who cannot support children financially, because if they recieve money, they most likely will not abort, and care for the child.
Output: Invalid
Given: If you subtract the number of deaths resulting from the legal and proper use of a firearm in self defense you are left with a smaller number.
Output: Invalid
Given: There are no children being killed, and killing a child is murder in America.
Output: Valid
Given: Getting rid of the expensive appeals basically ensures that more innocent people will die.
Output: Valid
Given: Second, he killed someone during the commission of another crime.
Output: Valid
Given: The extremely violent are sociopaths, in love with themselves, and hold themselves to be above the law.
Output: Valid
Given: Capitol punishment is not just the execution of murderers, but the execution of anyone by the state.
Output: Valid |
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head happens after the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's mom for help<sep>Tail: PersonX needs to pack up their house
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges with thanks the ___<sep>Tail: caring
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally threw ___<sep>Tail: to pick it back up
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX moves to a new country<sep>Tail: PersonX packs their belongings
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: walks proudly
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY agent<sep>Tail: get paid
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX establishes PersonY organization<sep>Tail: PersonX is a consultant
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: sad
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: make sure things are fair
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX loves italian food<sep>Tail: PersonX eats some lasagna
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task<sep>Tail: to get rewarded
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: receive their retirement
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX takes PersonY to the hospital<sep>Tail: PersonX saw PersonY fell off a ladder
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX holds the baby<sep>Tail: PersonX asks to hold the baby
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pays someone<sep>Tail: PersonX selects the tablet they want to buy
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX wants a new tv<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to best buy
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidently left<sep>Tail: frowns
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX leads PersonX's team<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the game
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: to tell friends.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX takes the day off<sep>Tail: PersonX wakes up sneezing
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX spends some time with PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX learns that PersonY has cancer
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX rides PersonY's skateboard<sep>Tail: PersonX steals PersonY's skateboard
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX marries PersonY's cousin<sep>Tail: PersonX falls in love with PersonY's cousin
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX actually liked ___<sep>Tail: open
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX is a hundred years too early<sep>Tail: PersonX tries to acquire a flying car
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX eats my food<sep>Tail: PersonX smells something good in the kitchen
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: panic
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: smiles
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonX's pilot 's license<sep>Tail: PersonX takes flying lessons
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX carries PersonY umbrella<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY is struggling
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: meet someone
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: excited
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX is impressed with PersonY's work<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonY to write a presentation
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX feels bored<sep>Tail: PersonX has no power
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: good life partner
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX forces PersonY entrance<sep>Tail: PersonX knocks on PersonY's door after PersonY misses an important appointment
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: to get what they want
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX closes the stable door after the horse has bolted<sep>Tail: PersonX leaves a door open
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pulls the other leg<sep>Tail: PersonX has trouble dragging one leg
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX earns PersonY living<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to a job every day
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX plays for PersonY's team<sep>Tail: PersonX is wanting to plat football
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally tripped<sep>Tail: to scream.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: to be accepts person thanks
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: industrious
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX has a huge fight<sep>Tail: PersonX steals PersonY's money
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally got ___<sep>Tail: sad
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: pick the object up
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX feels ill<sep>Tail: PersonX eats a bad egg
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: satisfied about himself.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX succeeds
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally put<sep>Tail: clumsy
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonX's wife<sep>Tail: to get to their destination
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gives PersonY a trial<sep>Tail: PersonX sits down at the judge's bench
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: tell personY
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: to abolishes to altogether
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX takes it from me<sep>Tail: PersonX asks to use my new phone
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX distinguishes PersonY from others<sep>Tail: PersonX looks at everyone
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX would have to wait<sep>Tail: PersonX goes inside of a restaurant
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX cooks the food<sep>Tail: PersonX buys food to cook
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX asks PersonX's crush<sep>Tail: PersonX has a crush at the dance
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: very happy
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts on PersonY's behalf<sep>Tail: commits a kind act
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX buys a new microwave<sep>Tail: PersonX throws their broken microwave away
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: nervous
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts as PersonY intermediary<sep>Tail: to know PersonY
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: important
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the fact<sep>Tail: agreeable
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: to celebrate
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX pleases PersonY's father<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to PersonY's house
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts without question<sep>Tail: to question something
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts strange<sep>Tail: PersonX takes random medication for fun
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: at peace
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX learns to drive<sep>Tail: PersonX takes driver's ed
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX increases PersonX's strength<sep>Tail: PersonX starts a workout routine
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX takes PersonX's girlfriend out<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonX's girlfriend on a date
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pulls PersonY's shirt<sep>Tail: PersonX sees a bug on PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: satisfied
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX breaks the sabbath<sep>Tail: PersonX accidentally turns on a light
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX orders a drink<sep>Tail: PersonX arrives to a bar
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX sits in the car laughing<sep>Tail: PersonX hears a funny story on the radio
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX gives everyone candy<sep>Tail: PersonX puts on a halloween costume
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX loves PersonY better<sep>Tail: PersonX is cheating on his wife
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY capacity<sep>Tail: to find PersonX
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX offers to pay<sep>Tail: PersonX is out on a date
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pays attention to details<sep>Tail: PersonX gets a letter from the irs
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: swift
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets a ride<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonY for a ride to the store
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX activates a shadow over everyone<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX shares PersonX's thoughts<sep>Tail: PersonX posts a blog to the internet each day
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally left ___<sep>Tail: hyperventilates
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally broke ___<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX decides to talk to PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX stops speaking to PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX has a crush on a girl<sep>Tail: PersonX recently became single
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX attends to PersonY's business<sep>Tail: PersonX agrees to be PersonY's lawyer
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX impresses PersonX's boyfriend<sep>Tail: PersonX sings a song during dinner
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's exam<sep>Tail: smart
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: none
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX retires early<sep>Tail: PersonX vigilantly saves for retirment
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX preserves PersonY's identity<sep>Tail: PersonX learns a secret about PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX beats feet<sep>Tail: PersonX walks up to the starting line in the race
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX gets PersonX's phone back<sep>Tail: PersonX loses PersonX's phone at school
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY knowledge<sep>Tail: listen to PersonY
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX picks PersonY's brain<sep>Tail: PersonX goes into PersonY's office
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: foolish.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: PersonX experiences embarassement
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: shakes hands
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX holds PersonX's water<sep>Tail: PersonX fills a cup with water
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: to help.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX crawls back into bed<sep>Tail: PersonX wakes up too early for school
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX buys a new toy<sep>Tail: PersonX needs something to take back to their kid
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX sits opposite PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX goes into the cafeteria
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX stays with PersonY's mom<sep>Tail: PersonX asks for permission to stay with PersonY's mom
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX gets a new haircut<sep>Tail: PersonX has very long hair
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX lays eyes on flowers<sep>Tail: PersonX buys a new vase
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX rides bikes together<sep>Tail: PersonX and PersonY are friends
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to share his happiness
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: they get splashed with water from the falling vase
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX shares the spoon with others<sep>Tail: PersonX sees his friends didn't get utensils while he got a spoon
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX wants a change<sep>Tail: PersonX inherits a house
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX hears a loud crash<sep>Tail: PersonX slept in their own bed
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX caresses PersonY's cheek<sep>Tail: PersonX asks PersonY for a dance
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: predictable
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets fed up<sep>Tail: PersonX asks a favor of the teacher
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves the organization 's ___<sep>Tail: to take credit
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: to prove his bravery
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies by PersonY's wife<sep>Tail: generous
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: grateful
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX breathes PersonX's last<sep>Tail: PersonX feels faint
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts on PersonX's behalf<sep>Tail: smart
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX waits in line for an hour<sep>Tail: PersonX waits in line to buy concert tickets
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: to go home
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX buys a coffee<sep>Tail: PersonX has to have some caffeine
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: smiles
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: angry at herself.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX is an avid golfer<sep>Tail: PersonX spends a lot of time at the country club
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX leaves PersonY's keys<sep>Tail: PersonX finds PersonY's keys in their pocket
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX plays golf<sep>Tail: PersonX drives out to the golf course
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pleases PersonY best<sep>Tail: PersonX competes in a bikini contest
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: driven
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX about to get married<sep>Tail: anxious
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: to train consistently
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges with gratitude the ___<sep>Tail: to show thankfulness
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX breaks PersonX's duck<sep>Tail: PersonX was mad at their spouse
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces the test<sep>Tail: thrilled
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aim<sep>Tail: to work on that too
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX keeps a cool head<sep>Tail: PersonX onx gets into a political debate
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked ___<sep>Tail: PersonX shatters the vase
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX cradles PersonY's head<sep>Tail: PersonX pulls PersonY's head in closely
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX has trouble paying PersonX's bills<sep>Tail: PersonX spends money on going to clubs
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX smells so good<sep>Tail: PersonX sprays perfume on their wrists
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: hurt
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX attends the party<sep>Tail: PersonX gets an invitation
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to avoid PersonX
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: blames itself
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's work<sep>Tail: punished
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves one 's ___<sep>Tail: becomes rich
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally shot<sep>Tail: frightened
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts like a man<sep>Tail: to act like a woman
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX adapts the ___ to the needs<sep>Tail: PersonX adjusts their expectations
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX goes anyway<sep>Tail: PersonX decides they can't go to the movies
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX fees PersonX's baby<sep>Tail: PersonX is a babysitter
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally dropped<sep>Tail: PersonX smashes the glass
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX spares PersonY's life<sep>Tail: PersonX finds PersonY guilty
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to congratulate PersonX
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: PersonX gains knowledge.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved ___<sep>Tail: to share with others
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: happy
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX agrees to try it<sep>Tail: PersonX sees a new car at a car dealership
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX supports PersonY's families<sep>Tail: PersonX opens a soup kitchen
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX decides to become a teacher<sep>Tail: PersonX is deciding on a major in college
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: to make good use of that knowledge
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX joins the military<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to a recruiting office
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX defends PersonX's rights<sep>Tail: PersonX is very strong
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally put ___<sep>Tail: to remove the jalapenos
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX feels every shirt<sep>Tail: PersonX walks toward a rack of shirts
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: great that a fellow human accomplished their purpose
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX buys a gift card<sep>Tail: PersonX accepts a party invitation
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: laughs
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX adapts to PersonX's environment<sep>Tail: comfortable
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: talented
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX finds PersonX's mom<sep>Tail: PersonX drives to the restaurant
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally hit<sep>Tail: clumsy.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonY's objectives<sep>Tail: tell personY
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX builds PersonY's house<sep>Tail: PersonX opens a construction company
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX makes pudding<sep>Tail: PersonX turns on the stove
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX starts feeling better<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the doctor to be treated for the flu
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX lives far away<sep>Tail: PersonX flies to a new job location
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX gets fit<sep>Tail: PersonX exercise
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX is cooking dinner<sep>Tail: PersonX prepares the ingredients
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's goals<sep>Tail: to make more money
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX wants nothing<sep>Tail: PersonX tries to make a christmas list
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX tells lies<sep>Tail: PersonX is accused of a crime
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: ruthless
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's objectives<sep>Tail: to study hard
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX starts exercising more<sep>Tail: PersonX wants to lose weight because he feels far
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX retires early<sep>Tail: PersonX vigilantly saves for retirment
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX absolutely loved<sep>Tail: Caring
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX decides to go for a swim<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the lake
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX argues PersonX's case<sep>Tail: PersonX shows up for court
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX cries all the way<sep>Tail: PersonX is very upset
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX serves PersonX's interests<sep>Tail: PersonX running for political office
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX parks the car in the garage<sep>Tail: PersonX dives home from work
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX misses PersonX's parents<sep>Tail: PersonX goes away to college
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonX's aim<sep>Tail: assertive
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX makes tacos<sep>Tail: PersonX buys groceries to make tacos
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX pulls a prank on PersonY<sep>Tail: PersonX onx thinks of a good prank
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: decides
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets a tetanus shot<sep>Tail: PersonX stepped on a nail
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally stepped<sep>Tail: to jump back
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY manner<sep>Tail: to get away
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX reads PersonY's works<sep>Tail: PersonX buys PersonY's works
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX covers PersonX's expenses<sep>Tail: PersonX works two jobs
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accompanies PersonY far<sep>Tail: PersonY has gone a long way.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY goal<sep>Tail: to work towards goals
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX comes to PersonY's aid<sep>Tail: PersonX sees PersonY broke down on the road
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX sips PersonY's coffee<sep>Tail: PersonX picks up the wrong coffee cup
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX abandons the ___ altogether<sep>Tail: to go out
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX never found it<sep>Tail: PersonX lost their key
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX is completely destroyed<sep>Tail: PersonY dies
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acknowledges with thanks the ___<sep>Tail: to be proud
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY end<sep>Tail: satisfied
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally fell<sep>Tail: to get up
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX makes hamburgers<sep>Tail: PersonX grabbed meat from deli
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: to achieve their success.
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally threw ___<sep>Tail: clumsy
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidently left<sep>Tail: wants to go back
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX abolishes ___ altogether<sep>Tail: strict
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX donates blood<sep>Tail: PersonX sees the blood-drive truck
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX is the best in the class<sep>Tail: PersonX takes an exam
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: embarrassed
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX achieves PersonY understanding<sep>Tail: curious
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX aces PersonX's interview<sep>Tail: take PersonX to dinner
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts one 's ___<sep>Tail: happy to see a kind person
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX falls at the last hurdle<sep>Tail: PersonX is running a race
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts the dare<sep>Tail: nervous
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX builds a treehouse<sep>Tail: PersonX finds old planks
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX goes back to school<sep>Tail: PersonX has to have an education for the job
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purpose<sep>Tail: to go home and rest
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX does bad things<sep>Tail: PersonX grows up in a group home
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX keeps PersonX's job<sep>Tail: PersonX went to work
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX eats my lunch<sep>Tail: PersonX forgets to bring lunch to work
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: give punishnment
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally spilled<sep>Tail: frustrated
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX kisses the top of PersonY's head<sep>Tail: PersonX tucks PersonY into bed
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX builds a building together<sep>Tail: PersonX gets plans to make a shed
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX produces another dress<sep>Tail: PersonX brings a dress out from the back
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX aces the exam<sep>Tail: is mentally tired after concentrating hard during the exam
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX learns to play the guitar<sep>Tail: PersonX studies music
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally stepped<sep>Tail: dry the shoes
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX acquires PersonY interest<sep>Tail: to say funny jokes that PersonY likes
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX shovels the snow<sep>Tail: PersonX looks outside to see snow
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accepts another ___<sep>Tail: to move on
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally burned ___<sep>Tail: to apply medicine
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX stills went<sep>Tail: PersonX is forbidden to go to the concert
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX plays great<sep>Tail: PersonX goes to the golf course
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts PersonX's age<sep>Tail: to be seen as mature
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX wins by a landslide<sep>Tail: PersonX plays a baseball game
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX studies PersonY's face<sep>Tail: PersonX gets an ear full of complaints from PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX draws forth the dinner<sep>Tail: PersonX cooked dinner for PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: humiliated
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts into college<sep>Tail: smart
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY appointment<sep>Tail: to follow up with PersonY
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX absorbs every ___<sep>Tail: to be at a conference
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX has an easter egg hunt<sep>Tail: PersonX buys easter eggs
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX buys a new hat<sep>Tail: PersonX needs a new hat
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts quickly<sep>Tail: to know about it
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX holds PersonX's hands together<sep>Tail: PersonX got down on their knees
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX posts flyers<sep>Tail: PersonX lost her dog
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX allows pets<sep>Tail: PersonX rents out a room
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX acts in PersonY way<sep>Tail: similar
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets heavy<sep>Tail: PersonX eats ice cream every night
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX sees PersonY father<sep>Tail: PersonX wants to marry PersonY
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX makes a difference<sep>Tail: PersonX studies the issues
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accidently left<sep>Tail: silly
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY thanks<sep>Tail: to give him a treat
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX buys a puppy<sep>Tail: PersonX wants a pet
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accomplishes PersonX's purposes<sep>Tail: to rest
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX gets bigger<sep>Tail: PersonX eats lots of meat and drinks protein powder
Label: Yes
Example: Head: PersonX accuses PersonY of cheating<sep>Tail: to take the test
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX accidentally knocked<sep>Tail: to walk to the door
Label: No
Example: Head: PersonX loses balance<sep>Tail: PersonX is on a balance beam
Label: Yes |
The input is a conversation between an automated system and a user, followed by a question. The user is looking for suggestions for pubs, restaurants and coffee shops in Cambridge. In the dialogue, the user may provide some criteria for the type of place they want such as price range, cuisine, etc. Similarly, the user may ask details of the place suggested by the system such as phone number, address, etc. The answer of the question has to be a Yes or a No. Given such a dialogue, answer the given question based on the information present in the dialogue.
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'free'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, the Broughton House Gallery, Clare College, or Magdalene College.'
User: 'no'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Castle Hill, Girton, or Trumpington area.'
User: 'trumpington area'
System: 'There is no restaurant in the Trumpington area that is providing services for free.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'beep'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'background noise'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'cheap restaurant'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Chinese take away, Northern european, or Greek.'
User: 'cheap restaurant'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, American, Japanese, or Thai.'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'La Raza is an outstanding restaurant and it's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'castle hill area'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the central, Fen Ditton, or Trumpington area.'
User: 'castle hill area'
System: 'Subway is an outstanding restaurant and it's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'address'
System: 'Subway is on 40-42 Mill Road.'
User: 'phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Subway is 01223461323.'
User: 'price'
System: 'Subway is an outstanding venue. The price for main courses ranges from 1 pound 99 to 5 pounds 60.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, free, or moderate.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe.'
User: 'what is an english restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'what is an'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, free, or moderate.'
User: 'what is an english restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, expensive, free, or moderate.'
User: 'any'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'moderate'
System: 'Carringtons is a great cafe and an outstanding restaurant and it serves cafe food. This place, which serves english food, is in the moderate price range.'
User: 'expensive'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'unintelligible'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'what is an english'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'what is an english restaurant'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'what is an english restaurant'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'expensive'
System: 'Would you like a venue with an expensive or moderate price range?'
User: 'expensive'
System: 'The Backstreet Bistro is a great restaurant, it serves contemporary and english food and it's in the expensive price range.'
User: 'moderate'
System: 'Carringtons is an outstanding cafe and a great restaurant, it serves cafe food and english food and it's in the moderate price range.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'Carringtons is on 23 Market Street.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'Carringtons is on 23 Market Street.'
User: 'what is the uh a'
System: 'Carringtons is a great cafe and an outstanding restaurant and it's in the central part of town.'
User: 'what is the area'
System: 'Carringtons is in the central part of town.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'a pub that has a tv'
System: 'Let me confirm. You are looking for a venue with a television.'
User: 'yes'
System: 'Are you looking for a venue that allows children?'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'Are you looking for a venue with an internet connection?'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'The Baron of Beef, which has a television, is a great pub.'
User: 'whats the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of The Baron of Beef is 01223505022.'
User: 'price range'
System: 'The Baron of Beef is a great pub.'
User: 'whats the price range'
System: 'The Baron of Beef is a great pub.'
User: 'whats the price range'
System: 'The Baron of Beef is in the cheap price range. The price for main courses ranges from 4 pounds 99 to 7 pounds 99 and the price for a cheapest pint of beer is 2 pounds 55.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, or a pub.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, or a restaurant.'
User: 'a pub'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Cherry Hinton Water Play, Trinity College, or the Whipple Museum.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, free, or moderate.'
User: 'a pub with a television'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'looking for a pub'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Addenbrooke's, Barnwell, or King's Hedges area.'
User: 'im looking for a pub that allows children'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Artspace, Kettle's Yard, or the Lynne Strover Gallery.'
User: 'any place'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or free.'
User: 'any price'
System: 'The Bakers allows children and it's an outstanding pub.'
User: 'does it have a television'
System: 'The Anchor, which allows children, is an outstanding pub.'
User: 'does it have a television'
System: 'The Anchor, which is in the Castle Hill part of town, is an outstanding pub.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'The Anchor is on Silver Street.'
User: 'and what is the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of The Anchor is 01223353554.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user ask for the phone number of the restaurant?'
Label: Yes
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'im looking for a traditional restaurant with an expensive price range'
System: 'The Riverside Restaurant is a great restaurant. It serves traditional food. It's in the expensive price range.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'The Riverside Restaurant, which serves traditional food, is an outstanding restaurant. It's in the expensive price range.'
User: 'i need the know the address and the area'
System: 'The Riverside Restaurant is on University Centre, Granta Place. Its phone number is 01223902174. The price for main courses ranges from 14 pounds 95 to 16 pounds 95.'
User: 'can i have the address'
System: 'The Granta Bar is on University Centre, Granta Place.'
User: 'can i have information about the area'
System: 'The Granta Bar is an outstanding restaurant.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'restaurant fen ditton'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, free, or moderate.'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Arbury, King's Hedges, or Newnham area.'
User: 'dont care'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Gonville and Caius College, Queens' College, or Williams Art and Antiques.'
User: 'unintelligible'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Mexican and Tex Mex, Greek, or International.'
User: 'no'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Continental, or Seafood.'
User: 'dont care'
System: 'Are you looking for a pub or a restaurant?'
User: 'continental'
System: 'Alimentum is a great restaurant and it serves continental and french food.'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'Alimentum, which serves continental food, is an outstanding restaurant. It serves french food.'
User: 'address'
System: 'Alimentum is on 152-154 Hills Road.'
User: 'address'
System: 'Alimentum is on 152-154 Hills Road.'
User: 'phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Alimentum is 01223413000.'
User: 'postcode'
System: 'Alimentum is in the area with the postcode CB2 8PB.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user ask for the address of the restaurant?'
Label: Yes
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'i want to find a norther european restaurant'
System: 'Polonia, which serves northern european food, is a great restaurant.'
User: 'area phone number and the price'
System: 'The phone number of Polonia is 01223902138. The price for main courses ranges from 1 pound 50 to 7 pounds 50.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask for the address of the restaurant?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'an international restaurant'
System: 'Are you looking for a cafe or a restaurant?'
User: 'noise sil'
System: 'Are you looking for a cafe or a restaurant?'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'moderate'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Chinese, Seafood, or Turkish.'
User: 'international'
System: 'Giraffe is an outstanding restaurant, it serves international food and it's in the moderate price range.'
User: 'what is the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Giraffe is 01223300707.'
User: 'what is the post code'
System: 'Giraffe is in the area with the postcode CB1 1NP.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'im looking for a cheap restaurant in the addonsbrookes area'
System: 'The Peking Restaurant is an outstanding restaurant, it's in the Addenbrooke's part of town and it's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'ok and whats the address'
System: 'The Peking Restaurant is located on Unit 3, The Belvedere, Homerton Street.'
User: 'and the post code'
System: 'The Peking Restaurant is in the area with the postcode CB2 8NX.'
User: 'ok thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: Yes
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'what is a turkish restaurant in the moderate price range'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, the Michaelhouse Centre, Milton Country Park, or Williams Art and Antiques.'
User: 'nah'
System: '196 Meze Bar is an outstanding restaurant, it serves turkish food and it's in the moderate price range.'
User: 'whats the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of 196 Meze Bar is 01223410519.'
User: 'whats the price'
System: '196 Meze Bar is an outstanding venue. The price for main courses ranges from 10 pounds to 12 pounds 50 and the price for a cheapest glass of wine is 2 pounds 90 and the price for a cappuccino is 1 pound 80.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask for the address of the restaurant?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'a restaurant in cherry hinton area'
System: 'HK Fusion is a great restaurant and it's in the Cherry Hinton part of town.'
User: 'whats the address'
System: 'HK Fusion is located on 21 Burleigh Street.'
User: 'whats the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of HK Fusion is 01223355909.'
User: 'whats the type of food of the venue'
System: 'HK Fusion serves chinese food. The price for main courses ranges from 5 pounds to 8 pounds.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'background noise'
System: 'Can I help you with anything else?'
User: 'im looking for a pub and it should have a television'
System: 'The Alma has a television. It's an outstanding pub.'
User: 'uh what is the address phone number and price of the venue'
System: 'The phone number of The Alma is 01223316722. This place, which doesn't have any internet connection, is located on Russell Court. The price for main courses ranges from 3 pounds 75 to 8 pounds 95 and the price for a cheapest pint of beer is 3 pounds.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'yes im looking for a chinese take away restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, Addenbrooke's, or Cherry Hinton.'
User: 'i dont care'
System: 'Yippee Noodle Bar is an outstanding restaurant. It serves chinese take away. It serves japanese food.'
User: 'whats the phone number and address'
System: 'Yippee Noodle Bar is located on 7-9 King Street and its phone number is 01223518111.'
User: 'well thank you and good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'i want a moderate restaurant in the new chesterton area'
System: 'Hakka, which is in the New Chesterton part of town, is a great restaurant. It's in the moderate price range.'
User: 'what type of food does it serve'
System: 'Hakka serves chinese food.'
User: 'what is the address and phone number'
System: 'Hakka is located on 24 Milton Road and its phone number is 01223568988.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'a pub it should allow int allow children and it should have internet connection'
System: 'The Bakers allows children with an internet connection and it's an outstanding pub.'
User: 'can you please give me the phone number and the area where it is located'
System: 'The phone number of The Bakers is 01223304121.'
User: 'and where is this located'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'can you please give me the area for the pub'
System: 'Let me confirm. You don't care about the location and you are looking for a venue.'
User: 'yes im looking for a pub with an internet connection which allows children'
System: 'The Bakers, which allows children, is a great pub with an internet connection.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'The Bakers is located on 176 East Road.'
User: 'and the phone number please'
System: 'The phone number of The Bakers is 01223304121.'
User: 'right thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Mexican and Tex Mex, Fastfood, or Vegetarian.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Continental, Indian, or Thai.'
User: 'continental'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, Castle Hill, or King's Hedges.'
User: 'continental'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Castle Hill, Cherry Hinton, or King's Hedges area.'
User: 'expensive price range'
System: 'Alimentum, which serves continental and french food, is a great restaurant. It's in the expensive price range.'
User: 'dont know'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Byard Art, Old Schools, or Pembroke College.'
User: 'address'
System: 'Alimentum is on 152-154 Hills Road. The price for main courses ranges from 17 pounds 50 to 21 pounds and the price for a glass of wine ranges from 6 pounds 50 to 10 pounds 50.'
User: 'phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Alimentum is 01223413000.'
User: 'postcode'
System: 'Alimentum is in the area with the postcode CB2 8PB.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, or a pub.'
User: 'looking for a cheap pub with internet connection'
System: 'The Bakers, which is a great pub, is in the cheap price range with an internet connection.'
User: 'where is the address'
System: 'The Bakers is on 176 East Road.'
User: 'phone number'
System: 'The phone number of The Bakers is 01223304121.'
User: 'are children allowed'
System: 'The Bakers, which allows children, is in the cheap price range. It has an internet connection and it's an outstanding pub.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'Can I help you with anything else?'
User: 'im looking for a chinese takeaway restaurant in a cheap price range'
System: 'La Raza, which is in the cheap price range, is an outstanding restaurant.'
User: 'chinese restaurant'
System: 'The Golden Palace, which serves chinese food, is an outstanding restaurant. It's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'what is the phone number and price of the venue'
System: 'The Golden Palace is located on 19 Hatter Street and its phone number is 01284754311. The price for main courses ranges from 2 pounds 20 to 5 pounds 50.'
User: 'is it a chinese takeaway restaurant'
System: 'The Golden Palace, which serves chinese food, is a great restaurant. It's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, New Chesterton, or Romsey.'
User: 'sil'
System: 'Would you like a cheap price range, or you don't care?'
User: 'city centre'
System: 'Would you like a cheap price range, or you don't care?'
User: 'free'
System: 'Ta Bouche, which is in the central part of town, is a great restaurant. It doesn't charge any entrance fee.'
User: 'free'
System: 'Ta Bouche, which is in the central part of town, is a great restaurant. It doesn't charge any entrance fee.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'Ta Bouche is on 10-15 Market Passage.'
User: 'the address'
System: 'Ta Bouche is located on 10-15 Market Passage.'
User: 'phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Ta Bouche is 01223462277.'
User: 'what is the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Ta Bouche is 01223462277.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: Yes
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'im looking for a cheap chine chinese takeaway restaurant'
System: 'Would you like chinese or X food?'
User: 'chinese'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Addenbrooke's, Cherry Hinton, or Girton area.'
User: 'area doesnt matter'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Great Saint Mary's Church, Kettle's Yard, or The Fitzwilliam Museum.'
User: 'venue venue doesnt matter'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Cherry Hinton, New Chesterton, or Newnham area.'
User: 'venue doesnt matter'
System: 'The Peking Restaurant is an outstanding restaurant and it serves chinese food. It's in the cheap price range.'
User: 'i need to know the phone number and the price'
System: 'The phone number of the Peking Restaurant is 01223902166. The price for main courses ranges from 3 pounds to 9 pounds.'
User: 'thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'yes im looking for a chinese restaurant in the city center area'
System: 'Let me confirm. You are looking for a venue in the central area.'
User: 'in the city center yes'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, or expensive.'
User: 'it doesnt matter'
System: 'Charlie Chan is an outstanding restaurant, it's in the central part of town and it serves chinese food.'
User: 'may i have the address'
System: 'Charlie Chan is on 14 Regent Street.'
User: 'may i have the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Charlie Chan is 01223902114.'
User: 'and the price range of of the venue'
System: 'Charlie Chan is an outstanding venue. The price for main courses ranges from 5 pounds 39 to 15 pounds.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: Yes
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'background noise'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe, or a pub.'
User: 'a japanese rest a japanese restaurant in the city center'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, moderate.'
User: 'any'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, central, or Fen Ditton.'
User: 'city center'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Cherry Hinton, Chesterton, or Trumpington area.'
User: 'unintelligible'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Girton, New Chesterton, or Trumpington area.'
User: 'city center'
System: 'Yippee Noodle Bar is a great restaurant, it's in the central part of town and it serves chinese take away and japanese food.'
User: 'what is the address'
System: 'Yippee Noodle Bar is located on 7-9 King Street.'
User: 'what is the phone number'
System: 'The phone number of Yippee Noodle Bar is 01223518111.'
User: 'what is the price range'
System: 'Yippee Noodle Bar is in the moderate price range. The price for main courses ranges from 7 pounds 30 to 11 pounds 40.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'noise'
System: 'The Bakers is an outstanding pub.'
User: 'noise'
System: 'The Bakers is an outstanding pub.'
User: 'partial'
System: 'The Bakers is an outstanding pub.'
User: 'i want to find a moderately partial'
System: 'The Bakers is a great pub.'
User: 'i want to find'
System: 'The Bakers is an outstanding venue. The price for main courses ranges from 6 pounds to 8 pounds 49 and the price for a cheapest pint of beer is 2 pounds 25.'
User: 'i want to find a moderately'
System: 'The Bakers is a great pub.'
User: 'i want to find a moderately priced'
System: 'The Alma, which is in the moderate price range, is a great pub.'
User: 'restaurant'
System: 'Are you looking for a pub or a restaurant?'
User: 'a moderately priced restaurant it should be in the chesterton area'
System: 'Are you looking for a venue in the Chesterton or New Chesterton area?'
User: 'chester chesterton area'
System: 'Twenty-four, which is in the Chesterton part of town, is an outstanding restaurant. It's in the moderate price range.'
User: 'ok may i have the phone number and address'
System: 'Twenty-four is located on 24 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road and its phone number is 01223395800.'
User: 'and the address'
System: 'Twenty-four is located on 24 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road.'
User: 'ok thank you goodbye'
Question: 'Did the user mention any cuisine preferences?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'yes im looking for a cafe food restaurant'
System: 'What kind of price range are you looking for? For example, cheap, expensive, or moderate.'
User: 'it doesnt matter'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Barnwell, Cherry Hinton, or King's Hedges area.'
User: 'im looking for a cafe food restaurant'
System: 'What part of town do you have in mind? For example, something in the Addenbrooke's, Barnwell, or Newnham area.'
User: 'i dont care about the price'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, All Saints Church, Churchill College, or Old Schools.'
User: 'it doesnt matter'
System: 'Carringtons is a great cafe and an outstanding restaurant and it serves cafe food and english food.'
User: 'may i have the address'
System: 'Carringtons is on 23 Market Street. The price for main courses ranges from 4 pounds 25 to 6 pounds 25 and the price for a cappuccino is 1 pound 95.'
User: 'noise sil'
System: 'Carringtons is an outstanding restaurant.'
User: 'may i have the address please'
System: 'Carringtons is on 23 Market Street.'
User: 'may i have the area'
System: 'Carringtons is in the central part of town.'
User: 'noise thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user mention the area in which they are looking for restaurants?'
Label: No
Example: System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?'
User: 'sil'
System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a pub, or a restaurant.'
User: 'chinese restaurant'
System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, the Ruskin Gallery, the Saint Barnabas Press Gallery, or the Scott Polar Museum.'
User: 'cherry hinton area'
System: 'HK Fusion is an outstanding restaurant. It's in the Cherry Hinton part of town. It serves chinese food.'
User: 'i need the phone number and postcode'
System: 'The phone number of HK Fusion is 01223355909 and it's in the area with the postcode CB1 1DG.'
User: 'thank you good bye'
Question: 'Did the user ask whether children are allowed or not?'
Label: No |
Possible labels:
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
8. 7
9. 8
10. 9
Question: ASAP stand for As Soon As Possible \n\nYou can found more acronym at http://www.acronymfinder.com/
Output: 6
Question: Lower your stress levels, get lots of sleep, eat foods that are not fatty, wash your face at least once daily (Neutrogena makes some great face-cleaning products), and smile!
Output: 2
Question: I'm a pro writer. Nobody "buys" lyrics. Your best bet is to find a collaborator who will write music to your lyrics.
Output: 7
Question: Here's a hint: Men like women to show initiative with romance and eroticsm--too often in relationships it's considered the "man's job" to get things moving! This will sound corny, but give it a shot: First, if you've got kids, send them to the grandparents for the night in advance without him knowing (say on a Friday). Next, turn off all the lights in the house and place scented candles in the bedroom and run a hot bubble bath just before he normally arives home. Have some wine and two wine glasses at the ready on the coffee table, and rose petals on the floor leading a trail to the bedroom--or whereever you're most memorable encounter that you can remember occurred. Personally, I like David Sanborn or some other smooth jazz playing in the background. Music is important to setting the mood, and if you've got cable or a dish, you can tune it to the music of your choice. Just before he gets home, slip into a nice satin & lace nightie and cover it with a heavy robe. When he gets to the door, be there waiting to flash him and let him know what you've got in store for the evening. Not in a crude way, mind you. Most importantly, take your time...don't rush. The anticipation of that which is to come will be as intense as the act itself. Hope that helps!\nPeace,\nJayZ
Output: 8
Question: My answer is google for the following reasons:\n\nPros of Google:\n\nAs a seach engine, google has the best relevance and presents the results in a way that I find easy to decide what pages are best for me. Its the best in terms of researching information.\n\nFor makin money, a #1 on google is worth many times more than a #1 on yahoo. Yahoo! blocks the top of the SERPs with sponsored ads.\n\nGoogle also has a neat interface. Yahoo is not bad too, but its interface is not that neat. The reason for that being it to be a portal. I think a nice interface is very important since people will come back more often if so.\n\nThe relevance of search results make its 'Feeling Lucky' feature pretty useful. Firefox address bar by defaults goes to 1 site listed on your search results.\n\nGoogle has tried to stay away from Spam/ misleading sites better than other search engines.\n\nCons of Google:\n\nHowever, few problems with google, its web crawler dosen't capture hyperlinks from PDF files stored on net, a feature which Yahoo provides.\n\nAlso, Google at present does not provide an index for video aggregation through the web crawler, a feature which Altavista provided since 1999. The problems include accuracy of the media file. That is the reason for providing Google Videos where users have to submit videos.\n\nDue to a larger share of 'searching' community, Google has been targeted by bloggers by planting Google Bombs. Because most bloggers mention the word failure with President Bush's name, the #1 site on searching Failure is the website of President Bush.\n\nYahoo is doing pretty good research in Search Technologies, for example Grokker.\nhttp://www.grokker.com/grokker.html?query=Anirudh%20Koul&Yahoo=true&Daypop=true&numResults=250
Output: 3
Question: "So policemen are just those who catch or apprehend criminals, a worthy occupation. And a copper is someone who seizes, a usage first recorded in Britain in 1846." - thus we have the word "cop"
Output: 3
Question: Its a symptom of a deeper problem, soemthing is missing or unresolved in her current life or in her past and she finds it to be easier to form a splintered/fragmented relationship. There she can find "temporary" comfort because none of her daily troubles are part of the new relationship, @ least not @ 1st
Output: 8
Question: Interestingly phrased.\n\nYes, I would say that DNA is the map from where we are coming from. Researchers are using DNA and the relative similarities of certain sequences to deduce just how long ago we diverged from previous forms.\n\nWhat I mean by that: evolutionarily speaking, everything living on earth today can be traced back to a common ancestor (LUCA - Last Universal Common Ancestor). The bigger the difference in the sequences of two species DNA, the longer ago we diverged from that common ancestor and the less related the two organims are to one another -- meaning there are more intermediate organisms between their current status and the ancient ancestor shard by the two.\n\nWe can use DNA not just to illucidate species broad histories, but individual histories too. We have a very unique piece of DNA in our cells. It is contained in our mitochandria. Mitochandria are little energy plants in our cells. The DNA in mitochandria, unlike the rest of our DNA, as we know it, is passed down only from our mothers. So, based on that, this DNA is less diverse. Any differences in this DNA has to come from mutations. Because the mutation rate is relatively slow, there are key "markers" that have appeared from time to time in specific subgroups of humans over time. So the markers you contain in your mitochandrial DNA are indicative of where which subgroup you are a decenent of. These subrgroups can be indicative of races, but as the more information we collect on the various markers from around the world, we'll be able to determine specific regions from which your ancestors lived and migrated to throughout history.\n\nAs far as a map to where we are going, I would say that DNA is that too, but that is less able to be predicted. Our DNA will definitely determine how our species continues to evolve. Let me give you an example. Let's say that this bird flu pandemic that the media has been stressing over the past 6 months actually does happen sometime in the future. An individuals ability to survive such a pandemic will be directly linked to their specific genetic sequence. Some will be innately immune to infection and thus will probably survive the pandemic. Others will not be so lucky. If the speculation is true and hundreds of millions of people do die, their genetic makeup will be eliminated -- thus those genes that make up those people will be removed from the general gene pool. The remainder of people will determine the fate of humankind. If another pandemic was to follow years down the road and the genes that were left over were succeptble to that infection, it could mean the end of the human race. More than likely though, there will always be some subset of the population whose genes allow for survival. From there, the future of humans depends on how overall fit those genes are.
Output: 1
Question: I had a root canal two years ago, and practically drove myself insane worrying about the potential health impact of it down the road. Other than the first few days, I've never had any significant pain or discomfort. I've come to the realization that since I'm only in my early 30's, I'd rather take the risk with a root canal and keep my tooth, rather than have it yanked and either be toothless or pay a lot of money for other options that would still involve putting foreign substances in my mouth. So, I guess my recommendation regarding root canals would be that if you are a healthy person, with a good immune system, a root canal would probably be a good option, rather than losing your tooth. But, I do believe they could impact your health, and the decision should be an informed one.
Output: 2
Question: No, Canadians have Thanksgiving too.
Output: 0
Question: Without checking astronomical data, I'll try the chemical approach:\n\nThe most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen (with a big lead) and most of the other light elements, so we have to look for the most probable triatomic molecule we can form from light elements.\n\nThis makes H2O my prime candidate, being the most stable molecule to contain two hydrogen atoms. HCN or CO2 have a much lower probability. SiO2 is pretty abundant, but not as distinct molecules.
Output: 1
Question: Well, the best way is to look at whatever program you have for burning CDs and see if it has an option to create a bootable CD. If you can't find it, or use Windows itself to burn CDs, then it's a little more complicated.\nNote: If you find that booting from CD doesn't work, you may have to adjust your BIOS setting to allow your machine to boot from CD.\nIf you want to boot to windows: the easiest way is probably to go here: http://www.nu2.nu/bootcd/ and download a utility that will do it for you. There are instructions there depending on what type of boot you want.\nIf you don't trust using a third party utility, Microsoft has some instructions here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/167685/EN-US/ . This process is not very straightforward though.\nIf you just need to get into your filesystem and poke around, you might consider booting a different OS. For example, http://www.freedos.org/ (FreeDOS) and http://www.knoppix.net/ (Knoppix Linux) may do what you want. For these, you can download ISO images and burn bootable CDs.
Output: 4
Question: Yes - it is still officially governed by the Communist Party of China
Output: 9
Question: I do.
Output: 7
Question: No person can ever EARN salvation. Salvation is a gift from God. Yes, all a person has to do is repent (meaning turn away from sin/old lifestyle) and believe, even if they have been evil all of their life.
Output: 0
Question: You don't specify-- do you mean around Manhattan? The Urban Baby message boards are a good and very active source of information: \nhttp://newyork.urbanbaby.com/community/messageboards_main.html\nI also like the GoCityKids site: \nhttp://www.gocitykids.com/?area=197\n\nI'd recommend contacting moms in your area for recommendations, and touring schools that are near your home. (GCK can help you find one in your neighborhood.)\n\nHere's a nationwide roundup of childcare websites: \nhttp://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babychildcare/6104.html
Output: 3
Question: Hugs and kisses.
Output: 3
Question: 110 Volts is nominal and may vary when measured by a voltmeter. That said, power is supplied using sets of three separate parallel wires that you can see up on most power poles. The very high voltage there is stepped down using a transformer to supply most houses and businesses with a usable lower voltage. The voltage between any one of the three wires to ground in a house is 110 Volts for example to light a light bulb. The voltage between any two wires is 220 Volts and is used for example to power a clothes dryer or kitchen range. Houses do not use all three wires. A machine shop may power a large motor by connecting all three wires (in a delta or Y configuration) to obtain 440 Volts. Therefore the progression of 110, 220, and 440 Volts stems from the use of single, two and three-phase wiring circuits. Electrical power is conducted cross-country at very high voltages using high tension lines strung in sets of three wires or phases which produces the multiple of 11 you mention. Incidentally there may be an additional single wire above all the rest to arrest lightning strikes.
Output: 1
Question: if you are always happy around him and can just let yourself go. you guys can talk about anything. you guys do things because you want to, not because he's pressuring you to.
Output: 8
Question: The answer, of course, varies for each individual depending on how fit you are, how often do you train and what your goals are. \n\nIf you are very aggressive, you can do it in 28 weeks. Start by walking, slowly, for a\nmile. Two days later, walk 1.5 miles. Every other day, increase the distance by half a mile until you get to 3 miles. Rest your muscles on the "off" day. Hold that distance on Tuesday and Thursday, while increasing by one additional mile on your weekend session (either Sat or Sun).\n\nOnce the long walk reaches 10 miles you can cut the distance in half every other weekend, increasing the long one by 2 miles each time. When the long one\ngets to 18 miles, you can do it every third weekend, covering 8-9 miles on the "short" weekends.\n\nAfter about the third week of training, insert a one min jog into your runs, after 4 min of walking. If this feels fine after 2 weeks, drop to 3walk/1jog. After 3 more weeks, drop to 2-1. If all goes well after another 3 weeks or so you could go to 1-1 during the week, and 2walk/1jog on the long run.\n\nFind the ratio that works best for you, that will leave you feeling strong at the end, and recovering fast from these long ones. The pace for all of\nthese should be very, very slow.
Output: 2
Question: go to home page LOL
Output: 4
Question: Butt Plug, I think
Output: 2
Question: A loyal friend is someone who can keep secrets and promises. Someone who will not hurt your feelings but will be honest with you.
Output: 8
Question: Excalibur
Output: 3
Question: respiratory syncytial virus
Output: 2
Question: Put the egg in the middle of a 1 foot square styrene block. \nFit the egg with a parachute. \nput it in strong bottle filled with water before dropping it.
Output: 6
Question: no.
Output: 9
Question: We're pretty far away from being able to beam anything in the way that you are describing. There are some experiments where splitting entangled electrons allows us to observe some interesting 'action at a distance' effects, but the amount of data that would need to be stored to transmit something with as many atoms as a pizza is incredible. Also, such an operation would require nano-assemblers that could interpret such data an reassemble the pizza from the info provided.
Output: 1
Question: It was from the movie My Cousin Vinny when they were in the courtroom.
Output: 7
Question: I visited the SF Art Institute a few years ago with my brother, who was considering an art school for his undergrad work, and we were pretty impressed with the student work and facilities. http://www.sanfranciscoart.edu/
Output: 3
Question: nfl.com doesn't show that a person with that name ever making it onto an NFL roster.\n\nIt appears that a person by the name of Glenn Mazula is an owner in the AFL, Albany Firebirds.
Output: 5
Question: Don't park, take the new light rail station and enjoy a short walk to the stadium. You could park at the new "Bascom" stop and be to the stadium in under 15 minutes once you're on the light rail.
Output: 7
Question: Whenever you can trade 2 good players for 1 superstar player, it is a steal! Because now it will open up another slot on your active roster and now you can play your other good player that's always in your bench. But if you don't have depth, I wouldn't pull the trade trigger.
Output: 5
Question: Eggnog is a popular wintertime drink. We do not serve eggnog only during Christmas. It is also popular on New Year's day and some serve it on Thanksgiving.
Output: 0
Question: Empire State of the South
Output: 1
Question: A direct result from anxiety disorder isn't usually death, but it can certainly feel like you could die at times. If left untreated it could snowball into other problems, I suppose. For instance, if your anxiety is preventing you from leaving the house, you could be missing out on excersize. Just a small example.\n\nThe best thing to do is seek therapy and find out what it is that is the trigger for you. It can be crippling, and nobody should have to live like that. \n\nFor a quick fix, Xanax or a Benzo drug is effective, but not good for long term use. Zoloft is excellent, and non-addictive. The drugs are pointless without counseling though as you need to address the cause so it doesn't return after you stop your medication. It will help you to talk to someone. \nIf you don't wish to use medication, this is an excellent book that can help you better understand what you are going through. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1572244135/qid=1135212967/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/104-5484893-1187962?s=books&v=glance&n=283155\nAnother helpful link: http://www.npadnews.com/faqs.asp#4\n\nGood luck!
Output: 2
Question: Yes, it seems so, as long as this question stipulates to the Jehovah's Witness understanding. \n\nRussell seems to have been part of 'the faithful and discreet servant' class mentioned at Matthew 24:45; for decades Russell wrote much of the Witnesses' spiritual 'food at the proper time'. Since Jehovah's Witnesses understand that 'faithful slave' class to represent all anointed Christians on the earth as a group, Russell must have been anointed, and thus among the 144,000 resurrected to heaven.
Output: 0
Question: The answer, of course, varies for each individual depending on how fit you are, how often do you train and what your goals are. \n\nIf you are very aggressive, you can do it in 28 weeks. Start by walking, slowly, for a\nmile. Two days later, walk 1.5 miles. Every other day, increase the distance by half a mile until you get to 3 miles. Rest your muscles on the "off" day. Hold that distance on Tuesday and Thursday, while increasing by one additional mile on your weekend session (either Sat or Sun).\n\nOnce the long walk reaches 10 miles you can cut the distance in half every other weekend, increasing the long one by 2 miles each time. When the long one\ngets to 18 miles, you can do it every third weekend, covering 8-9 miles on the "short" weekends.\n\nAfter about the third week of training, insert a one min jog into your runs, after 4 min of walking. If this feels fine after 2 weeks, drop to 3walk/1jog. After 3 more weeks, drop to 2-1. If all goes well after another 3 weeks or so you could go to 1-1 during the week, and 2walk/1jog on the long run.\n\nFind the ratio that works best for you, that will leave you feeling strong at the end, and recovering fast from these long ones. The pace for all of\nthese should be very, very slow.
Output: 2
Question: Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin Jr\n"On July 20, 1969, Aldrin became the second human being to set foot on the moon. He was joined Neil Armstrong on the surface for two hours of ceremonies and moon rock collecting."
Output: 3
Question: I think it's receiving your college acceptance letters. It's a reflection of the fruits of your labor.
Output: 3
Question: Shakespeare quoted "I am not bound to please thee with my answers."
Output: 3
Question: Agni Missile \nAstra Missile \nBrahmos (Collaboration with Russia) \nTrishul \nPrithvi Missile \nNag Missile \nAkash \n\n\ndetails can be found at the source site
Output: 9
Question: For $1500, you're starting to get out of the "entry-level" stage. I have a Trek 1000 and absolutely love it. I've used it for century rides, triathlons and duathlons no problem. The Trek 1000 was about $900 CDN. The only difference in the bikes up to the $1500 range is the shifters are usually a little better (they don't stretch as easily, which makes shifting cleaner for longer). The weight and wheels are basically the same. \n\nIf you want to trim 30 sec off your race time, you might consider the more expensive bikes. But, you should be an elite athlete to really notice the difference. \n\nI'd go for a $1000 bike and spend the rest on pumps (road and home), spare tires, some nice cycling clothes, tools and a bike computer. Maybe even a trainer for home use.
Output: 5
Question: Gila River
Output: 1
Question: The problem with most current LCD technology is that the chrominance isn't as good as with traditional CRT-based monitors. There are some LCD ones just coming out that have full-color backlight which should make them actually _better_ than CRTs (according to some Wired article I read, anyhow.)\n\nPersonally, I've been pretty happy with the Dell 24xx monitors - they're under $1k, they have a multitude of inputs, and I think I've only got one stuck pixel (and no dead ones.) You're still going to have to color-correct anyway, but you'd have to do that on _any_ monitor you get. (A good gamma correction curve will solve a multitude of ills.)
Output: 4
Question: Depends on what your view on monogamy is? In birds that many are monogamous for a single nesting (House Wrens), an entire breeding season (most bird species, including most passerines), several successive breeding seasons (observed in some pairs of American Robins, Tree Swallows, Mourning Doves, etc.), or life (albatrosses, petrels, swans, geese, eagles, and some owls and parrots).\n\nThat said many scientist believe that "In avoiding extinction, it pays to be promiscuous".
Output: 1
Question: It actually depends on the degree you are seeking and not necessarily on the college or university you choose. Most programs for Bachelor of Arts require four semesters of a foreign language while often Bachelor of Science degrees do not require any foreign language at all.
Output: 3
Question: IMHO, the A's will be traded Zito this off-season or in the middle of next season. The "Money-ball" philosophy has been working for them and they will continue. Trading Zito will also get them some good young players too.
Output: 5
Question: I had a root canal two years ago, and practically drove myself insane worrying about the potential health impact of it down the road. Other than the first few days, I've never had any significant pain or discomfort. I've come to the realization that since I'm only in my early 30's, I'd rather take the risk with a root canal and keep my tooth, rather than have it yanked and either be toothless or pay a lot of money for other options that would still involve putting foreign substances in my mouth. So, I guess my recommendation regarding root canals would be that if you are a healthy person, with a good immune system, a root canal would probably be a good option, rather than losing your tooth. But, I do believe they could impact your health, and the decision should be an informed one.
Output: 2
Question: Apparently no one, they had one of the top three most disappointing off-seasons of any MLB team. I will be surprised to see them contend this year or, for that matter, see Clemens come back -- why should he? The team basically sat on their thumbs.
Output: 5
Question: About a week and a half.
Output: 3
Question: LOL. The guy with the Morgan Freeman answer deserves best answer no matter what other answers show up. That was hilarious.\n\nOh, and the website below does a fairly good job of summarizing the Ramayana.\nhttp://www.indhistory.com/ramayana.html
Output: 0
Question: There are a couple of reasons why this was done a few decades ago. Dogs with curved tails are known to be chasing flies and fleas that got on their tails. Owners of the dogs found this a nuisance that all of a sudden a dog would keep chasing its tail for several hours in a week. Due to this dogs forgot their "job" which was to guard sheep, or pull carts, etc.\nSecondly, certain dogs go very wild if we pull their tails, even if its done playfully. They simply get mad at you, bite you or even kill you, if you are small. Since little children always found it playful to pull the tails of the dogs and this meant a potential danger to their lives, the owners cut their tails short. \nEver thought of the word CUR-TAIL? :-)
Output: 1
Question: Johnny Depp!
Output: 7
Question: Since the move to the Ballpark at Arlington, the Rangers have had pitchers selected to attend the All-Star game, which suggests it's not a question of pitchers' willingness to play there, but greater concerns about contracts or the future of the franchise. Kenny Rogers, Jeff Zimmerman, Aaron Sele, Roger Pavlik, and John Wetteland were all excellent All-Star selections in spite of the "hitter friendly" park. It's more about the team and management that keeps pitchers away, and less about the stadium.
Output: 5
Question: Well. Everyone has different definition on what 'beauty' is. I like Lin Qingxia, but I think many girls are prettier than she was. (She is more than 40 years old now). \nIf "Lin Qingxia" is the most beautiful woman in the Chinese cinema, the most handsome man in Chinese cinema should be "Chin Han" because they always made movies together.\nHowever, A male movie star once was asked his girlfriend in real life or the girlfriend in movie is more beautiful. He gave a very good answer: "I think my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world." :)
Output: 7
Question: There was a PBS program 'Nature', just aired a couple of weeks ago, about whether animals can predict nature disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. Whether animals can predict earthquakes is not conclusive. But there's a scientist in Berkeley (forgot his name) claimed he had predicted earthquakes accurately in the last few decades. What he used was simply newspaper ads on missing pets. He said normally you'd see about 10-15 missing pets ads, but before earthquakes, the missing pets ads would increase. His theory is contraversial, but it's worth a try. You may want to test that theory. \n\nThe program also mentioned about the terrible tsunami in Asia over a year ago. It mentioned none of the animals got harmed since they 'knew' the waves were coming and escaped from the disaster. \n\nOne theory is that animals can hear low frequency sound from beneath the earth, like grinding sound of moving rocks. \n\nAnyway, you'll find some interesting programs on PBS stations.
Output: 1
Question: Hooked On A Feeling written by Mark James
Output: 7
Question: There was a PBS program 'Nature', just aired a couple of weeks ago, about whether animals can predict nature disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. Whether animals can predict earthquakes is not conclusive. But there's a scientist in Berkeley (forgot his name) claimed he had predicted earthquakes accurately in the last few decades. What he used was simply newspaper ads on missing pets. He said normally you'd see about 10-15 missing pets ads, but before earthquakes, the missing pets ads would increase. His theory is contraversial, but it's worth a try. You may want to test that theory. \n\nThe program also mentioned about the terrible tsunami in Asia over a year ago. It mentioned none of the animals got harmed since they 'knew' the waves were coming and escaped from the disaster. \n\nOne theory is that animals can hear low frequency sound from beneath the earth, like grinding sound of moving rocks. \n\nAnyway, you'll find some interesting programs on PBS stations.
Output: 1
Question: It's already available in Australia, if your DVD player can handle PAL:
Output: 7
Question: I listed two sites. The other site provides you info about the state, each state's map and state symbols.
Output: 3
Question: A close knit family is simply a family that is close--it could apply to a nuclear family (mom, dad, kids) or extended family (cousins, uncles, grandparents).\nAn extended family describes a family unit that extends beyond mom, dad, and kids to include cousins, uncles/aunts, and grandparents.
Output: 8
Question: If you want to answer a question like "What is the tallest mountain on earth?" Ask Jeeves (www.ask.com) is a good place to start. You can also perform an advanced search on Yahoo! or Google, putting the phrase in quotes like this "What ist he tallest mountain on earth?" Of course, Q&A can help you, too!
Output: 3
Question: In most cases, the television needs to 'warm-up' its cathode ray tube before it can start to display an image on the screen.\n\nThe audio coils require much less charging time and can start to emit sound sooner than we can see the image on the television.
Output: 1
Question: Being a Navy wife for 30 years, I would say the Air Force. The brances go by reading levels. Air Force, Navy, Marine, Army are the levels. Then you want the pay. Same levels. Education, Medical, Dental is offered by all branches no difference. You want to get a job that pays good and one that advancement is in. It is all about time in and money. When the recuritor tells you you will be getting your Medical "Free" that used to make me laugh, because it comes out of your taxes you are paying for it. Not the president. No there is no money transpired, but you are still paying for it. If you want to go into the service, go to college first, go in as an officer not a civilian. Money money money. That is what you want to get. Your rate and rank has to go up.You will always be tested to achive a better rate. Now, it is a big commetment. You are going to get married to the service. There is no way out until your tour is up and then they ask you if you want to stay in. Will you be educated enough from the military to go out into the world and get a good paying job? Suppose you fall in love and get married, you cannot live on base unless you are a certain rate. Base living is very nice, but you are not making a lot of money. So now you have to live off base. Rent is high. So no marriage until your first tour is up get your education and your money. Better still, go to college before you go into any branch of the service. \nPlease go to college first.
Output: 9
Question: In return for what?
Output: 8
Question: US is recognized for its economic might all over the world. However, after the recent 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' propoganda and invasion on Iraq, it has lost its images in the eyes of the intenational community, making its economy facing serious challenges. This down-trowding started after 911 and seems to have continued after wards. \n\nAnother point is that if US economy gets disturbed, the global economy does recieve the after shocks soon. I hope the situation improves soon.
Output: 6
Question: you wont ever know if its really real or not.. i met my recent ex boyfriend off the internet we ended up moving in together having a beautiful baby together and the whole time he was online hooking up with women the same way he hooked up with me... so first just think if he picking up you on the net and talking to you that way on the net... think about how many other girls he doing that to too... although there are very few nice guys out there.. just be cautious.
Output: 8
Question: Practical: As there are multiple very-incompatible voltages in use (110v, 220v), it's a good idea to not have the same plugs. Somebody will inevitably plug in the wrong device, and putting a 110v device on 220v can be pretty nasty. Dual voltage devices which are popular today (largely due to power semiconductors which make them inexpensive), didn't exist when plugs were designed!\n\nPolitical: Many ex-colonies of Britain were trying to shake off British influence as far as possible, which probably was a factor in picking different system for power device standards, among others.
Output: 1
Question: Whenever you can trade 2 good players for 1 superstar player, it is a steal! Because now it will open up another slot on your active roster and now you can play your other good player that's always in your bench. But if you don't have depth, I wouldn't pull the trade trigger.
Output: 5
Question: Other lists I've seen count that 28 mm figure as Tokyo/Yokohama, sprawling outside the city proper. This list of top ten most populous *urban areas* (the city proper) puts Tokyo at #10:\n\n1. Seoul 10.2 million \n2. Sao Paulo 10 million\n3. Mumbai 9.9 million\n4. Jakarta 9.37 million\n5. Karachi 9.3 million\n6. Moscow 8.29 million\n7. Istanbul 8.26 million\n8. Mexico City 8.23 million\n9. Shanghai 8.2 million\n10. Tokyo 8.1 million
Output: 3
Question: "RSS" stands for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, and/or Rockdale, Sandow, and Southern (Railroad) (if you trust the good folks at AcronymFinder.com). Really Simple Syndication is probably the most widely agreed-upon choice. As far as we are concerned, all three acronyms do an inadequate job of describing what RSS actually is: RSS is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content. Using this standard, Web publishers provide updates, such as the latest news headlines or weblog postings. Meanwhile, consumers use RSS reader applications (or one of a growing number of online services) to collect and monitor their favorite feeds in one place (RSS content from a publisher, viewed in one of these readers, is often called a "feed").\n\nIf you want to collect and browse feeds you have many choices, but there are two primary categories of feed reading applications: installable desktop programs and online services. There are many desktop applications for Windows and Mac OS system users, but two of our favorites are FeedDemon (Windows) and NetNewsWire (Mac OS X). Both require a small purchase price but are tops for ease of use and ship with dozens of feeds pre-loaded so you can explore the syndication "universe" right away. Free readers are available as well; a search for "RSS Reader" at popular search sites will yield many results.\n\nIf you would prefer to use an online service to track and manage your feeds, you have the advantage of being able to access your feed updates anywhere you use a web browser (and in some cases, on mobile devices). Also, any upgrades or new features are added automatically. The trade-off comes in different (some would say fewer) features and slightly slower performance versus desktop systems. NewsGator, Bloglines, and new RSS content capabilities in My Yahoo! are probably the three best-known examples of web-based feed reading services.
Output: 4
Question: Press buttons on your monitor to adjust it.\n\nSee your monitor's manual for details.
Output: 4
Question: I would recommend starting with something you enjoy, find a wholesale supplier or make the goods/services yourself, and setup a store with eBay. This is really quick and easy (AKA: cheap) to start. If you don't know exactly what you want to do it is a good way to see how it will work without a huge investment. If you are successful in that marketplace you can take it to the next level and expand into a more traditional business model with less risk! \n\nTry playing around with writing a business plan and see what your risk and financial tolerance is. The link below is a good tool for planning a new eBay business, I would recommend you check this out first!
Output: 6 |
We would like you to assess the QUALITY of each of the following argument (discussing Gay Marriage) and determine if the argument is Valid or Invalid. A valid argument is clearly interpretable and either expresses an argument, or a premise or a conclusion that can be used in an argument for the topic of gay marriage. An invalid argument is a phrase that cannot be interpreted as an argument or not on the topic of gay marriage.
The Judicial Branch should be in control of this, for it is an interpretation of the definition of marriage.
Answer: Valid
Why shouldn't they be given the right to marry, people with disorders that will prevent them having children can marry, people with disorders that would seriously harm any child they have can marry.
Answer: Valid
The conservatives would argue that by offering same sex marriage that their persute of happiness is denied by gay people even existing and that they have to look at us.
Answer: Valid
To bad for you, gay "rights" aren't covered under the constitution...which is probably why you support the "evolving" constitution where you have 5 outta 9 people decide what the consitution should say.
Answer: Valid
If strong arming others seems too harsh (which it many would say it is) then you need to find secular reasons to make gay marriage illegal.
Answer: Valid
Nevertheless, I think that if people are using guns to kill people, the people using them are to blame, at least more so than anyone else.
Answer: Invalid
The problem with saying that a right exists only if it is codified specifically in law is that the Supreme Court has on numerous occasions struck down laws that the Court says violate people's rights.
Answer: Valid
Whether a same-sex marriage validly contracted in another state is valid in South Dakota is undetermined."
Answer: Valid
He could have used his clout as the mayor of SF to help gay couples sue the state to change the law against gay marriage.
Answer: Valid
I'm not sure it's circular reasoning, exactly, but is an interesting reference to make, since we're changing a law, and we change laws every day.
Answer: Invalid
There's also plenty of speculation that gays are more likely to be tested for and report cases of HIV infection than heterosexuals due to increased awareness programs targeted at gays in the United States.
Answer: Valid
Same sex marriage can cause a perfect union of two people the same as M/F and can make a mockery or marriage just as many M/F unions currently do.
Answer: Valid
I care about legitimacy, so even though I might agree that a law is bad, or even that it is severely unjust, I would not advocate or support judges overturning those laws without an appropriate legal basis.
Answer: Valid
I prefer to make up my own mind, rather than have it made up for me by people that believe the ignorance of 2000 years ago should return.
Answer: Invalid
We have to agree to disagree if a new gay marriage law is a personal right, or if it is a public decision.
Answer: Valid
Many social conservatives argue that benefits are provided to married couples because, in turn, married couples benefit society.
Answer: Valid
People with good hearts, that are great role models, and can contribute more than someone who sprnds their entire being trying to discriminate against them.
Answer: Invalid
The difference with homosexuality is that most people don't want to break those "rules", and so it's easy for the majority to say that they should remain in place.
Answer: Valid
I mean i'm not saying that homosexuals compare to that in any way, what i'm saying is that yes the natural thing to do is to have sex between a man and a woman.
Answer: Valid
My disagreement with any court decision is not ever going to be based on whether it results in "conservative" or "liberal" policies.
Answer: Invalid
So for "some people" to insist on "conclusive scientific evidence" while THEY THEMSELVES make claims that they can't substantiate is an amazing demonstration of hypocrisy!
Answer: Invalid
People will not suddenly interpret their commitment to their loved ones differently if same-sex marriage is legalized, nor even if self-marriage is legalized.
Answer: Valid
Allowing gay marriage without also rewriting common law statutes discriminates against unmarried heteros living together.
Answer: Valid
I am sorry but you allow gay marriage to happen and you open up a huge pandora box..............
Answer: Valid
Your argument that "no" same-sex couple can ever contribute to society by procreating ignores the fact that gay individuals can and do procreate, and same-sex couples do contribute to society by raising children together.
Answer: Valid
It's a very ugly word, and I suspect that's the reason you use it (for its effect) and why you don't entertain the idea that bigotry may not always be what's behind it.
Answer: Invalid
Reports of the death of marriage in Scandinavia are greatly exaggerated; giving gay couples the right to wed did not lead to massive matrimonial flight by heterosexuals.
Answer: Valid
If gay marriage is just called marriage, how do we express that a couple is straight married?
Answer: Valid
Weren't you just scolding people both for using false analogies and for citing emotionally laden imagery for political purposes?
Answer: Invalid
Given your statistical argument in defense of marriage, you should have some formula that should show the break-even point at which homosexual reproductive proclivities will allow them equal access to existing marriage laws.
Answer: Valid
Marriage has evolved over the years, and has involved different things in different times and cultures."
Answer: Valid
Laws against gay marriage are more harmful than beneficial as gay marriage will not harm straight people at all, but denying it will harm gay people.
Answer: Valid
Those who feel that same sex marriage should not be allowed are free to get married and divorced as many times as they like.
Answer: Valid
I feel like you are keeping gay marriage and gay rights separate in your mind, and I think that that is a very wrong assumption.
Answer: Valid
I know I went into the benefits of allowing same-sex couples to adopt, but I also spoke on same-sex marriage promoting equality, freedom, and happiness.
Answer: Valid
It could only be those people who are uncertain of their sexuality right now; it could only be those people who might suspect themselves of being homosexual today, but deny it because of society's lack of acceptance.
Answer: Invalid
The usual reason given for banning first-cousin marriage is because there is a risk of offspring of first cousins having biological problems.
Answer: Valid
BUT I can't see where the line is drawn between the christian right wanting more couples to marry and gay couples marrying.
Answer: Valid
The point is that I am not intending to LEGISLATE any action against homophobes for their own INDIVIDUAL and PRIVATE opinions.
Answer: Valid
But this is not the same reason why some people have argued against legalizing same-sex marriage, where biological effects on the offspring of the couple are not an issue.
Answer: Valid
For me and many gay people same sex marriage is both moral and ethical.
Answer: Valid
Throughout history, even ion remote times, marriage has always been a union between a man and a woman.
Answer: Valid
I'm saying heterosexuals are group A and homosexuals are group B and that group A and group B are equal.
Answer: Valid
And as I pointed out, "most people who oppose gay marriage" are actually opposing gay marriage because they very much oppose gays in general.
Answer: Valid
Straight people have marriages gay people have domestic partnerships they are practically the same thing why change it there's really no need to.
Answer: Valid
You throw out this absurd claim that allowing gay marriage will allow other changes, but people reply back and show that there ARE LEGITIMATE STATE INTERESTS for preventing the other desired forms.
Answer: Valid
Unlike many conservatives who, for example, are trying to pretend that judges don't have the right to rule on matters of law.
Answer: Invalid
Navy spokesman Jeff Nichols confirmed that discharge proceedings are under way, adding that Davis��_��__��_��__s broadcast comments violated the military's "don��_��__��_��__t ask, don��_��__��_��__t tell" policy.
Answer: Invalid
The definition you'll hear from conservatives is more along the lines of: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.
Answer: Valid
Those harmful behaviors seemed to look like the things generally associated with a younger population whch made me wonder if the same results was done reversed how things would change
Answer: Invalid
If the government can say "gays can't marry" today, tomorrow they could say "Jews, Catholics, and atheists can't marry."
Answer: Valid
It is my sincere feeling that short of redifineing marriage that all gays should have the same benefits afforded married straight couples........
Answer: Valid
So what compelling reason does the government have for allowing gay marriage and NOT allowing incestuous marriages?
Answer: Valid
Enlightenment A philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms.
Answer: Invalid
As far as I know, homosexual people are not barred from marriage.
Answer: Valid
I think we have no choice but to challenge people's myths and stereotypes and assumptions about us gay people.
Answer: Valid
It is when you rely on them to determine what is to be right and wrong in other people's lives.
Answer: Invalid
You're being a bit silly here--STDs are a direct result of unprotected (and sometimes protected) sex.
Answer: Invalid
Just cause gay marriage is legal doesn't mean anybody "accepts" us.
Answer: Valid
The movement for gay rights and LGBT equality is doomed to failure, or at the very least a fatally slanted naming convention (equality is equal if we are both trying to be like a standard model).
Answer: Valid
I still think government can just but out of marriage all together.
Answer: Valid
So try, for the moment, to understand that your view of a homosexual is only a small piece of who that person is; they are not as different from the next person as you seem to believe.
Answer: Valid
But to receive government recognition of their marriage or (better put) the government "promoted" aspects of their marriage,... they must conform their relationship to fit the government's definition.
Answer: Valid
For example, a married partner may be able to make medical decisions for a partner who is not capable of making his or her own choices.
Answer: Valid
Roughly the same percentage of the population has been homosexual throughout history, yet somehow we've managed to balloon our numbers from near zip to SIX BILLION (projected TEN billion by 2050).
Answer: Valid
As far as explaining the world to your children: Why not just explain that some people love other people who happen to be the same sex as they are?
Answer: Valid
The family unit has been decimated by the high levels of single mothers, single fathers, abusive parents, neglective parents, high rates of divorce, rising rates of infeditelity, and those are just a few examples.
Answer: Valid
I don't know if you live in California or not, but I do, so I know that a homosexual couple who have a civil union would have the same rights as a traditional heterosexual married couple.
Answer: Valid
I also doubt I've argued that a hospital shouldn't be required to be decent, or that 'visiting a lawyer' would mean one was 'all set' in every way.
Answer: Invalid
If same sex marriage bans discriminate exclusively against gays, then polygamy bans discriminate exclusively against polygamists.
Answer: Valid
The question is whether or not gay marriage is a civil right.
Answer: Valid
We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed.
Answer: Valid
Those extra votes had to come from somewhere, and it seems like many people other than the "religious right" feel the same way.
Answer: Invalid
Same-sex marriage does not encourage people do move into the pedophile group; that group still has no sexual or marriage rights under the law.
Answer: Valid
After all, if few homosexual couples get married, there's little chance of a Trojan Horse scenario whereby gay married couples could somehow work to undermine heterosexual marriage from within.
Answer: Valid
But it does not matter whether there are fundamental differences; we should not give each religion a different set of rights under the law, and we should not give men and women a different set of rights under the law.
Answer: Valid
As homosexual marriage is popularized our society will see an explosion of health problems (STD's, HIV, AIDS, etc.)that go along with type of risky, irresponsible behavior.
Answer: Valid
If inclusion of same sex couples being allowed to marry is what you call "redefining", then the inclusion of interracial couples would also be a "redefiniton."
Answer: Valid
Those people who don't voice an opinion in favor of gay civil unions are enabling the discrimination between heterosexual and homosexual couples to continue.
Answer: Valid
Those people's religion would certainly not call it a "marriage".
Answer: Valid
If the concept of 'harm' is to decide whether or not gay people should be allowed to redefine the institution of marriage, then gay rights groups have little to stand on.
Answer: Valid
However, by comparison, the 1977 survey was truly random, and so its results should certainly be given more weight.
Answer: Invalid
No one agrues that if the majority says "wearing shoes is illegal" and then they wear shoes and won't let people under 4 feet tail wear shoes...then this is a majority acting over its rule.
Answer: Invalid
It should also be noted that Vitter didn't stand up before his constituency and publicly deny the allegations only to later be proven to be a bold faced liar as Clinton was.
Answer: Invalid
Homosexuality is NOT a crime because NO Victims are created by it.
Answer: Valid
The Law of the Land, allows in many States for there to be Civil Unions between people and in some instances there is the premise that Law of the Land should accept Marriage.
Answer: Valid
What is next you have to be baptized to get a drivers license or maybe circumsized to get a business license.
Answer: Valid
And as the creator of both man and woman, instilling an innate desire for companionship and love, who expects that love be a covenant between two people, he would not truly concern himself with the physical disposition of those people.
Answer: Valid
if we say that same-sex couples should have the right to marry each other, then any two consenting adults should have the legal right to marry each other.
Answer: Valid
It is a violation of my civil rights in that I am being deined something that others have because of who I am and who I love.
Answer: Valid
Secondly marriage is so much more than just a union, it is pretty much the centre of our society and the height of commitment and finally homosexuals can be religious too, so why shouldn't they want a religious ceremony?
Answer: Valid
It's two sets of laws for two separate institutions, one is a union the other is a marriage.
Answer: Valid
I put forth that their opposition is MORE ACCURATELY recognized as opposition against GAYS, and "marriage only man + woman" is just an excuse to that ends.
Answer: Valid
I'm pretty sure that the states would take issue with having federal agents installed directly into their government structure, which would most likely be necessary in at least some portions of the states resisting this proposed legislation.
Answer: Invalid
On the Federal level, the power of the majority is kept in check by the power of the Federal government and the power of the Federal government is kept in check by the power of the majority.
Answer: Invalid
As far as I know, homosexual people are not barred from marriage.
Answer: Valid
If marriage is about love, then why is the state involved?
Answer: Valid
One would think they RUC would be supported by the Democrat gay rights lobby, but since the still don't have the (D), that's not going to happen I'm sure.
Answer: Invalid
I've studied the issue a lot and I think our government should have the final word on it.
Answer: Invalid
The SOCUS would be unable to rule it unconstitutional because it would represent the newest Constitutional law, so whether or not it violated the previous 5th or 14th would become moot.
Answer: Valid
As the passage of these bans show, society does not appear ready to accept gay marriage.
Answer: Valid
If god has a problem with it then that's God's personal problem That doesn't mean his followers have a right to tell other people that their love is wrong, or that they're going to hell.
Answer: Valid
Conversely, gay couples should be allowed the option to undergo civil marriages, this does not entail any religious ceremonies and ought to be acceptable to those who object to gay marriages on the grounds of their religious beliefs.
Answer: Valid
Im afraid being able to marry does have an influence on others moral code/ belief and does effect the way that that others see marriage and the legality of future types of marriages...as we have discussed
Answer: Valid
You want to be treated as a normal,respect the fundamental people and fundamental laws of this land.Support ban on homo marriages.
Answer: Valid
There are relatively few gay people in the world, and the number of families headed by same-sex couples is tiny compared with the number of divorced parents and remarried parents and single parents.
Answer: Valid
It is difficult to take gay rights groups seriously when they throw their enthusiastic support at only Democrat canididates who are practically no different than Republican ones on the issue.
Answer: Valid
I ask can you provide a passage from the New Testament which states which part/parts of the Old Testament have to be disregarded by followers of the New Covenant ?
Answer: Invalid
Even though denying polygamous marriage is not actually a destruction of equality, one might still say, "Well, even though denying polygamous marriage isn't as bad as denying same-sex marriage, why do we deny it?
Answer: Valid
I am in favor of a limited constitutional right to homosexual marriage--the limitation being that the right should not force a religious group opposed to the practice to perform the marriage.
Answer: Valid
The Judicial Branch should be in control of this, for it is an interpretation of the definition of marriage.
Answer: Valid
The definition you'll hear from conservatives is more along the lines of: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.
Answer: Valid
I don't care if one's religion says that marriage is a special institution for straight people, for white people, for blondes, or for anyone else, but the law cannot do that.
Answer: Valid
I've watched the economic impact argument dissolve with no basis for complaint, the AIDS argument dissolve with no basis for complaint and the objection still reeks of discrimination by mythical belief system adherents.
Answer: Valid
The SOCUS would be unable to rule it unconstitutional because it would represent the newest Constitutional law, so whether or not it violated the previous 5th or 14th would become moot.
Answer: Valid
The difference with homosexuality is that most people don't want to break those "rules", and so it's easy for the majority to say that they should remain in place.
Answer: Valid
So therefore gay couples who have children via adoption or a other methods should be deined such tax breaks?
Answer: Valid
I am sorry but you allow gay marriage to happen and you open up a huge pandora box..............
Answer: Valid
Gay couples are being treated differently than married straight couples in the efforts of relief from the hurricane....you can paint any picture like, but that is the fact!
Answer: Valid
What others do in the bedroom is none of your or my business, and who I marry is none of your business either.
Answer: Valid
People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.........Look at some of your posts how ridiculous they are and all they do is attack me instead of addressing the issue...........
Answer: Invalid
I would argue that in many cases, it is probably the dominating situation created by having sex with a child that draws many child molesters.
Answer: Invalid
The MORE important point is that if God had no problem with polygamy, it pretty much makes the Bowers-video moot in terms of using THAT particular attack of hypocrisy against Christians.
Answer: Valid
For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman.
Answer: Invalid
Also, the acceptance of gays would decrease the number of children born from gay parents in denial, thus also decreasing the population and therefore the amount of food consumed so that the children of heterosexual parents could be better fed.
Answer: Valid
Here's an interesting piece that gives numerous reasons why same sex marriage is bad for America.
Answer: Valid
I would invite a galley of sword waving swingers to my house than a hoard of thieves... standing on the porch demanding the kissing cousins to desist as the house is on fire is delusions of righteousness.
Answer: Invalid
If you are running a heterosexual sex club, then certainly you are entitled to exclude homosexuals.
Answer: Valid
You: You left out that gay marriage is legalized by legislatures.
Answer: Valid
After all the sex that has happened out there, gay sex or straight anal sex (which actually has more participants than gay anal sex), if somebody could "get sick" from it, they would have by now.
Answer: Valid
It could only be those people who are uncertain of their sexuality right now; it could only be those people who might suspect themselves of being homosexual today, but deny it because of society's lack of acceptance.
Answer: Invalid
Americans 100 years ago commonly argued that immigrants should not receive equal treatment under the law because they were allegedly morally inferior to native-born white Americans.
Answer: Valid
You can't alter gut or religious feelings with logic, only refute arguments presented with a rational basis, and you so rarely provide any of that, I've given up expecting it of you.
Answer: Invalid
You know, if you aren't able to grasp the concept of the inconsistency of saying one is against gay marriage when saying they are for gay rights, I don't know what else to say.
Answer: Valid
Yet Matt is granted a pass for suggesting this peculiar little solution upon those he labels as "Fundies", "Christonazis" and other such learned labels.
Answer: Invalid
And people who oppose gay marriage, what's the difference between giving equal rights through a civil union and marriage?
Answer: Valid
Thirty years of social science research has shown the consequences for both children and adults when mother-father marriage is not present (crime, poverty, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, school failure, and mental, emotional and physical problems).
Answer: Valid
If you say you are going to prevent people from voting if they cannot read, and then ONLY apply that to blacks and NEVER to whites, the law is bound to fail 14th amendment testing.
Answer: Invalid
How does a child, infant, assert his right to be not placed with fundie christianist hetero parents that will teach him to hate, brainwash him by secluding him in private christianist terrorist training camps.
Answer: Valid
As in, you present your POV with supporting evidence, people counter with their POV and supporting evidence.
Answer: Invalid
I forgot a few but one I can recall goes like this: studies show that children need a mother and a father for parental role models.
Answer: Valid
They are bigots who wish to force their bigotry on other people.
Answer: Invalid
The only feasible and truly fair solution, since you've decided to screw it up for everyone, is to have a system of giving these benefits that has nothing to do with marriage whatsoever.
Answer: Valid
Since marriage (love) is legally sanctioned for all heterosexuals, the same rights and protection should be granted to homosexuals who choose to marry...or these "legalities" should be terminated completely.
Answer: Valid
After all the sex that has happened out there, gay sex or straight anal sex (which actually has more participants than gay anal sex), if somebody could "get sick" from it, they would have by now.
Answer: Valid
Homosexuals are people, too, who take out their garbage, pay their taxes, go to work, take care of their dogs, and what they do in their bedroom is none of your business.
Answer: Valid
There are TWO fallacies here - one, that it is unhealthy for kids, 2 - that marriage and parenting are consistently tied.
Answer: Valid
Generally speaking, it should be no surprise that making gays marry straights, or denying gays the right to a stronger legal/religious bond, creates less stable marriages.
Answer: Valid
Laws against gay marriage are more harmful than beneficial as gay marriage will not harm straight people at all, but denying it will harm gay people.
Answer: Valid
It is not unjust to oppose granting to homosexual couples benefits that in justice should belong to marriage alone.
Answer: Valid
Your argument is like insisting that people should be able to get the marriage benefits even if they don't want to get the marriage license.
Answer: Valid
1) I agree that "moral disapproval of same-sex relations" was the asserted state interest, and that it was invalid.
Answer: Valid
That just means their moral code doesn't fluctuate based on society's ever-changing standards."
Answer: Invalid
I'm not sure it's circular reasoning, exactly, but is an interesting reference to make, since we're changing a law, and we change laws every day.
Answer: Invalid
Now a gay man may not wish to marry a gay woman (or vice versa) but the government does not inherently prohibit marriage between gay persons.
Answer: Valid
Saying, as the Bible states, that gay sex is a sin isn't 'bashing' anyone.
Answer: Valid
Although I'm glad to hear that you actually have researched my points, I wish you would do so before you post things which are not true.
Answer: Invalid
I am personally opposed to same sex marriage for religious reasons, but I support freedom of religion so I will vote to make it legal because people have the right to choose.
Answer: Valid
Secondly marriage is so much more than just a union, it is pretty much the centre of our society and the height of commitment and finally homosexuals can be religious too, so why shouldn't they want a religious ceremony?
Answer: Valid
We're just saying that they don't deserve "tax exempt" status if they are going to stray from the real reason that they are supposed to be "tax exempt" in the first place.
Answer: Invalid
This whole marriage thing is about creating a legal precedent, for further pushing the gay agenda.
Answer: Valid
I demanded facts rather than common sense to back up your assertion that facts and common sense are antithetical (not different, mind you, but antithetical).
Answer: Invalid
Marriage is a right for all people, as declared by the constitution.
Answer: Valid
If inclusion of same sex couples being allowed to marry is what you call "redefining", then the inclusion of interracial couples would also be a "redefiniton."
Answer: Valid
I HAVE seen where the gays appear to be shunning recognition by wanting to blend in homogeneously with all married couples thereby losing some of their own identity.
Answer: Valid
I went with the antique bronze because my cabinets are a darker cherry and I thought it would look better...lights should be here soon and we will see if I was right or not.
Answer: Invalid
So try, for the moment, to understand that your view of a homosexual is only a small piece of who that person is; they are not as different from the next person as you seem to believe.
Answer: Valid
When asked if gay marriage should be allowed to exist equally with marriage, but with a different name, gay rights advocates respond that this would separate it from marriage and cause discrimination.
Answer: Valid
You do not have a civil right to be gay... it is not a fundamental liberty our US Constitution charges a value for.
Answer: Valid
What gay people have learned in their journey through life is how to find truth in a world of lies.
Answer: Invalid
By reducing marriage to only a legal agreement, you've not only denigrated the marriages of many people, but many gay people as well who claim to have a marriage even though they don't have a license.
Answer: Valid
Those harmful behaviors seemed to look like the things generally associated with a younger population whch made me wonder if the same results was done reversed how things would change
Answer: Invalid
It does hurt someone it hurts the people who are married and believe that marriage is and always will be defined as a man and women.
Answer: Valid
By your argument we should not allow heterosexuals to marry, as in this instance they may have the greatest negative effect on general welfare, due to their greater numbers.
Answer: Valid
If you say that the Supreme Court should not apply the 14th amendment to marriage discrimination, then how is that different from saying the Supreme Court should not apply the amendment to discrimination in education?
Answer: Valid
Although this isn't my primary argument, it can easily be seen that same-sex marriage provides benefits equal to that of opposite-sex marriage and far greater than that of allowing a single individual to marry.
Answer: Valid
Allowing use will have literally no impact on people who are not gay couples looking to call their union a marriage.
Answer: Valid
If there's no gay marriage, me and my brood wouldn't have reason to instill any hate in your son's school, if he wouldn't get in anyone's face about his sexual beliefs.
Answer: Valid
I'm sure plenty of pro-choicers would say pro-lifers are using false claims, and many pro-lifers would say many pro-choicers are using false claims.
Answer: Invalid
If same sex marriage bans discriminate exclusively against gays, then polygamy bans discriminate exclusively against polygamists.
Answer: Valid
In the case of same-sex marriage, I can state that it is harmless and it helps many people.
Answer: Valid
Moreover, its odd that a christian (gay or not) would not be critical of mean-spirited people and situations where Christians are derided, generalized, their sacred Bible made fun of, etc.
Answer: Invalid
Because same-sex couples are denied the right to marry, same-sex couples and their families are denied access to the more than 1,138 federal rights, protections and responsibilities automatically granted to married heterosexual couples.
Answer: Valid
Despite twisting statistics by opponents of same-sex marriage, Scandavia retains an extremely high standard of living and its marriages remain unscathed by the presence of same-sex marriage.
Answer: Valid
It is still plainly obvious that the marriage rights movement is composed of straights as well as gays.
Answer: Valid
It WILL take a Constitutional amendment for it to say that homosexuals are less than equal.
Answer: Valid
Because the Wiccan God and Goddess have no problem with same sex marriage.
Answer: Valid
However, many teenagers who get pregnant didn't truly love their partners, just as many couples who truly love each other can not reproduce children due to infertility problems.
Answer: Invalid
Saying the federal government has rights over the state government on most matters is not something that should happen.
Answer: Invalid
The only rampant discrimination against homosexuals is not recognizing their union as marriage by the government.
Answer: Valid
When asked about benefits accompanying legally-sanctioned marriage, 81% of all respondents indicated they would want domestic partnership coverage, 77% are in favor of civil unions, and 67% want legal marriage as an option.
Answer: Valid
Treating people identically is not the same as treating them equally, because not all people are the same.
Answer: Valid
Same-sex couples are denied over 1,000 benefits, rights, and protections that federal law affords to married, heterosexual couples, as well as hundreds of such protections at the state level.
Answer: Valid
Often the argument given in favor of gay marriage is that they want the right to marry the person they love.
Answer: Valid
Their opinion said, in essence, that because in the Judeo-Christian tradition, homosexuality has been regarded as sinful, there is no right to privacy for same-sex relations as there is for opposite-sex relations.
Answer: Valid
In the case of Loving v. Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia argued that their law prohibiting inter-racial marriages did provide equal protection, because it treated everyone equally in denying people the right to marry someone of a different race.
Answer: Valid
Changing the current state of marriage to allow same sex marriage will not effect straight marriages at all.
Answer: Valid
That is saying the minority status of gays ourselves, is a problem that should prevent us from entering marriage.
Answer: Valid
But that doesn't mean that it's RIGHT that someone with strong beliefs should have to sacrifice for them.
Answer: Invalid
I am arguing that homosexual behavior is eccentric behavior, and eccentric behavior should be tolerated and accepted, but not enshrined as gay marriage would do.
Answer: Valid
In other words, since same-sex couples do not "naturally" have children, they do not need the protections of marriage as opposed to opposite sex couples.
Answer: Valid
FFC basically says that one state must recognize the marriages of other states and DOMA basically says "states don't have to recognize gay marriages of other states".
Answer: Valid
If, then, the Courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the Legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply."
Answer: Valid
There may individuals who personally differ, of course, but their opinions are not based on evidence.
Answer: Invalid
We should not argue that gays should have the 'right' to marry we should argue that the definition of ' marriage' should be changed.
Answer: Valid
Actually, I believe the tenth amendment states that we have rights not listed in the Constitution (I think it is the tenth, I may be wrong).
Answer: Valid
You're creating a new "legal entity" who will have new legal status, leading to increased court costs.
Answer: Valid
Any one who has voted yes to place these amendments into state constitutions because they have a religious belief that excludes gay people from marriage has also imposed those religious beliefs upon gay people.
Answer: Valid
Nevertheless, I think that if people are using guns to kill people, the people using them are to blame, at least more so than anyone else.
Answer: Invalid
The law does not challenge the church organization��_��__��_��__s beliefs about homosexuality ��_��__��_��__��_��__ it merely requires that a pavilion that had been open to all for years comply with laws protecting everyone from discrimination, including gays and lesbians.
Answer: Valid
Well, if that's a reason to ban homosexuals from marriage, then along the same line of thought, then any couple that is infertile or chooses not to have children should not be permitted to get married.
Answer: Valid
Remember, part of what defines marriage is that it is between a man and woman.
Answer: Valid |
Given the Target and Argument texts detect the stance that the argument has towards the topic. There are three types of stances "in favor", "against", and "neutral".
Possible labels:
1. against
2. in favor
3. neutral
Example: Topic: Lowering US drinking age from 21 to 18
Argument: Increase driving age to 18; reduce drinking age to 18.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Legalization of adult incest
Argument: Incest taboo is due to evolutionary inclination for variation.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: US health care reform
Argument: 2009 health care reform bill can be improved over time.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: High-speed rail
Argument: High-speed trains: costly govt project in search of need.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Fairness Doctrine
Argument: The Fairness Doctrine improves the public discourse.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Tidal energy
Argument: A tidal barrage can safeguard coastlines from storms.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: US Renewable Electricity Standard
Argument: US Renewable Electricity Standard is popular.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Cellulosic ethanol
Argument: Cellulosic ethanol can generate good-paying jobs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Death penalty
Argument: Capital punishment has a deterrent effect on criminal activities.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Rebuilding New Orleans
Argument: Rebuilding New Orleans will not return it to economic vibrancy.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Muhammad cartoons controversy
Argument: The cartoons were an exercise in hate, rather than free, speech.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Ecotourism
Argument: Ecotourism economically benefits local people.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Oil sands
Argument: Oil sands take more energy to extract, so emit more.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Natural gas vehicles
Argument: Natural gas leaks are a fire and explosion risk.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: International Criminal Court
Argument: ICC has strong controls for politicization and abuse.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: European Union Expansion
Argument: EU expansion will improve flow of knowledge and technology.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Big government
Argument: Govt bureaucrats pursue more power to advance careers.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Argument: Bombing Japan was the lesser evil among the alternatives.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Natural gas vehicles
Argument: The performance of natural gas vehicles is not notable.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: $700 billion US economic bailout
Argument: $700b plan may result in few losses or actually profit taxpayers.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: More troops to Afghanistan under Obama
Argument: More troops in Afghanistan perpetuates corrupt Afghan government.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Death penalty
Argument: Capital punishment best prepares an evil soul for the after life.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Solar energy
Argument: Solar panels contain cadmium, which is environmentally hazardous.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Lowering US drinking age from 21 to 18
Argument: Introducing children to alcohol teaches responsible use.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Vehicle fuel economy standards
Argument: Fuel economy standards do not directly reduce emissions.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods
Argument: It is good for labeling to turn consumers off to GM foods.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Puerto Rico statehood in America
Argument: Puerto Ricans have earned statehood through support of US.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Joint JD/MBA degree
Argument: Law schools offer classes in business; don't need joint degree.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Prisoners right to vote
Argument: Depriving prisoners of a vote is simply mean spirited.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Corporate free speech
Argument: General statements against Citizens United ruling.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Argument: Test ban would help combat growing nuclear threats.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Airport security profiling
Argument: Profiling will help avoid invasive scanners and pat-downs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Abolition of nuclear weapons
Argument: It's not possible to abolish nuclear weapons now that the are at large.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Ban on human reproductive cloning
Argument: Human clones will not reduce human biological diversity.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Republika Srpska secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Argument: Bosnian Serbs fought legitimately in Bosnian civil war.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Gay adoption
Argument: Children should not be subjects of a gay adoption experiment.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Funding for space exploration
Argument: Going into space to discover the effects of space on humans is circular logic.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: European Union Expansion
Argument: Cheaper labour is good for the economies of richer European nations.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Vegetarianism
Argument: Offering rights to animals based on evolution is a slippery slope.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: 2010 US bank tax
Argument: 2010 US bank tax will kill jobs created/fostered by banks.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: UN Security Council veto
Argument: The UN SC veto is justifiably given to nuclear powers.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Earmarks
Argument: Earmarks are more transparent than other spending programs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Palestinian right of return
Argument: Plenty of room in Israel for Palestinians to return.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Co-ops compete with insurers like public option could.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Solar energy
Argument: Solar electricity cannot significantly reduce dependencies on oil.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Banning Muslim hijab
Argument: Muslim head-coverings help keep women safe.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Tibet independence
Argument: China's militarization of Tibet is a regional risk.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Assassination of a Dictator
Argument: Targeted assassinations are consistent with international law.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Corporate personhood
Argument: How do corps. exercise right to life, marriage, etc?.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Hybrid vehicles
Argument: Hybrid cars are simply a way for oil companies to maintain profits.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Compulsory voting
Argument: There are many reasons for not participating in elections.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup
Argument: They are a source of headaches.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Cellulosic ethanol
Argument: Cellulosic ethanol land-use harms forests, environment, climate.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Polygamy
Argument: Polygamous families are more dynamic and nurturing of diverse interests.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Catholic Church contraception policy
Argument: Contraception use leads to the degradation of women and their bodies.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Ecotourism
Argument: Ecotourism does not preserve but damages local cultures.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Single-payer universal health care
Argument: Universal health care is not free; people pay with their taxes.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: International Criminal Court
Argument: ICC lacks separation of powers and checks and balances.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Supporters of co-ops will never reduce government involvement.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Funding for space exploration
Argument: Private markets are better suited to invest in space exploration.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: EU constitution reform treaty (Lisbon Treaty)
Argument: The Lisbon Treaty simply repackages the failed EU Constitution.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Law school
Argument: Legal work requires sitting at a desk for long hours.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Co-ops are non-profits, not run by government nor companies.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Free trade
Argument: Global governance will make governing free trade possible.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Google decision to stop censoring results in China
Argument: Google was not censored by China as harshly as others.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Abolition of nuclear weapons
Argument: Nuclear abolition could not prevent covert nuclear programs.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Advocates of co-ops are really aiming for socialized medicine.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Vegetarianism
Argument: Offering rights to animals based on evolution is a slippery slope.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Electric vehicles
Argument: Electric car power and speed can be precisely controlled.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Fish farming ban
Argument: Fish feel pain and should not be made to suffer.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: US Renewable Electricity Standard
Argument: Renewable electricity standard increases energy prices - unpopular.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Argument: Financial reform puts onerous regulations on free markets.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Corporate personhood
Argument: Corporate personhood protects businesses from discrimination.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Death penalty
Argument: The death penalty does not bring back a loved one.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Election of judges
Argument: Elected judges are more in tune with public opinion.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Boycott of 2008 Olympics in China
Argument: China's 2008 Olympics will accelerate its civil society.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Child beauty pageants
Argument: Plenty of other activities are exclusive to boys/girls.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Corn ethanol
Argument: Producing corn for ethanol requires too much water.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: High-speed rail
Argument: High-speed trains: costly govt project in search of need.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Prostitution
Argument: Prostitution is an inappropriate solution to poverty.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Primaries in US elections
Argument: Rotating regional primaries solve the problems of the current process.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Hate crime laws
Argument: Hate crime enhancements will not overwhelm reporting systems.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: US debt ceiling deal
Argument: Sweeping statements against the debt deal.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Assault weapons ban in the United States
Argument: Banning semi-automatic weapons would harm small businesses.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Instant replay in baseball
Argument: Instant replay would reduce fights between coaches and umpires.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Reforestation as a solution to global warming
Argument: Reforestation can increase Earth's Albedo and global warming.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Catholic Church contraception policy
Argument: Contraception use leads to the degradation of women and their bodies.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Hydrogen vehicles
Argument: Electric car battery technology and costs are improving rapidly.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Natural gas
Argument: Liquefied natural gas can be a good fuel for vehicles.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Seattle deep-bore tunnel
Argument: Tunnel will increase traffic in pioneer square.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Is a nuclear Iran intolerable?
Argument: A nuclear Iran would use oil as a weapon.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Hydrogen vehicles
Argument: Hydrogen is non-toxic, unlike most fossil fuels.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: No Child Left Behind Act
Argument: No Child Left Behind does not inspire a love of learning.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: AIG bonuses
Argument: Government should have regulated bonuses, not tax them.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Prisoners right to vote
Argument: Prisoners must be able to influence world they will re-enter.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Needle exchanges
Argument: Needle exchanges decrease infections and therefore costs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Gene patents
Argument: Genes cannot be owned practically, are part of commons.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Superdelegates
Argument: Candidate solicitations of superdelegates damage the political process.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Privatizing social security
Argument: Privatized social security will cut tax revenues and social services.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: NATO expansion
Argument: Stability in new democracies would be best achieved through Partnership for Peace.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Kangaroo culling in Australia
Argument: The Code of Practice in the ACT helps ensures culls are humane.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Wind energy
Argument: Wind energy production is inconsistent relative to demand.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Full-body scanners at airports
Argument: The price of a human life is incalculable.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: EU elected president
Argument: An elected president would make the EU more functional.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Assisted suicide
Argument: Third party euthanasia regulators can ensure against abuse (family, doctor...).
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Gene patents
Argument: Gene patents help drive major economic breakthroughs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Wave power
Argument: Waves pack substantial energy; few wave generators are required.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Argument: 2010 financial reform protects big banks, harms smallest.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: 700 mile US Mexico border fence
Argument: A wall would force crossers to take more deadly routes.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Wave power
Argument: Wave power systems can attract predatory fish, damaging ecosystems.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Trans fat ban
Argument: Trans fat ban needn't be whole solution to be good.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Fairness Doctrine
Argument: Fairness Doctrine would counter conservative domination of radio.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Medical marijuana dispensaries
Argument: Legalizing medical marijuana does not increase use and abuse.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: US health care reform
Argument: 2009 health bill rushed through for political reasons.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Oil sands
Argument: Hydrocarbons required in forseeable future, including oil sands.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Breastfeeding in public
Argument: That breastfeeding is natural does not make it decent in public.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Funding transparency for TV issue ads in elections
Argument: General statements against disclosing TV issue ad funding.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Seattle deep-bore tunnel
Argument: Environmental groups prefer surface route over tunnel.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Tibet independence
Argument: Protecting Tibetan culture by opposing modernization is wrongheaded.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Crime cameras
Argument: FBI Reports on the effectivness and future of surveillance cameras.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Colonization of the Moon
Argument: Moon's gravity is too low for human health.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Underground nuclear waste storage
Argument: Scientific consensus supports nuclear waste underground storage.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Breastfeeding in public
Argument: That breastfeeding is natural does not make it decent in public.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Child beauty pageants
Argument: Pageants based on bad idea of children being better than others.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Seattle deep-bore tunnel
Argument: Good chance Seattle tunnel will go over budget.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Carbon emissions trading
Argument: Carbon trading incentivizes companies to cut emissions.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods
Argument: Arbitrary labeling rules do not offer any real choice.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Employee Free Choice Act
Argument: EFCA strengthens workers' ability and right to unionize.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Corporate free speech
Argument: More spending in elections undermines public confidence.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Abortion
Argument: Abortions encourage infanticide.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: DREAM Act
Argument: DREAM Act is bad for American employment.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Trans fat ban
Argument: Trans fats can be replaced w/o changing taste/price.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Kosovo independence
Argument: The potential of violence should not deter a principled move to an independent Kosovo.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Natural gas vehicles
Argument: Natural gas is less flammable and explosive than other fuels.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Israeli raid on Gaza flotilla
Argument: Israel miscalculated on flotilla, but acted in self-defense.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Prostitution
Argument: Common prostitution is not a biblical conflict.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Argument: 2010 financial reform protects big banks, harms smallest.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Veal
Argument: Loose housing for calves often subjects them to bullying and apprehension.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Mandatory military service
Argument: National service teaches skills valuable in marketplace.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Trans fat ban
Argument: Trans fats extend shelf life of foods.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Natural gas
Argument: Natural gas will lower fossil fuel prices and increase consumption.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Carbon emissions trading
Argument: Carbon trading incentivizes companies to cut emissions.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods
Argument: Arbitrary labeling rules do not offer any real choice.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: UN Security Council veto
Argument: The UN SC veto is justifiably given to nuclear powers.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Medical marijuana dispensaries
Argument: Marijuana can curb psychotic symptoms in people with schizophrenia.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Co-ops are a great alternative to the public option.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Hate crime laws
Argument: Hate crime laws violate religious free speech.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Full-body scanners at airports
Argument: Some scanners use software, not eyes, to detect potential weapons.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Carbon emissions trading
Argument: US cap-and-trade in sulfur dioxidew was succesful.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Child beauty pageants
Argument: Pageants based on bad idea of children being better than others.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Hydroelectric dams
Argument: Dams can destroy marine fisheries.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: European missile defense
Argument: The majority of poles oppose missile defense on their territory.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Algae biofuel
Argument: Algae biofuel is biodegradable.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Hunting for sport
Argument: Wrong to hunt harmless, defenseless animals.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Compulsory voting
Argument: There are many reasons for not participating in elections.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Greece bailout
Argument: Bailout addresses wrong problem: liquidity not solvency.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Corporate free speech
Argument: General statements against Citizens United ruling.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: DREAM Act
Argument: Illegals cannot use legalized children to gain citizenship.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Free trade
Argument: The current regional FTAs undermine poor countries' bargaining power.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Puerto Rico statehood in America
Argument: Puerto Rico has waited for too long for full citizenship.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Natural gas vehicles
Argument: Natural gas burns more cleanly than gasoline in general.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Death penalty
Argument: The death penalty is often motivated by discrimination.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Direct democracy
Argument: Direct democracy avoids appointment of unaccountable officials.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Greece bailout
Argument: Bailing out Greece is a necessary evil.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Geoengineering, solar shading
Argument: Solar shading can effectively and rapidly reverse global warming.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Hydrogen vehicles
Argument: Too much energy required to compress hydrogen for cars.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Bush economic stimulus plan
Argument: Tax rebates to the lower-middle classes quickly stimulate consumption.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Ending US sanctions on Cuba
Argument: Sanctions against Cuba violated laws on the freedom of navigation.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Primaries in US elections
Argument: Party bosses are legally permitted to exercise power in primaries.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Single-payer universal health care
Argument: Universal health care is not free; people pay with their taxes.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Cellulosic ethanol
Argument: Cellulosic ethanol land-use harms forests, environment, climate.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Animal testing
Argument: Bible says harming animals is equivalent to harming humans.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: 2009 US economic stimulus
Argument: New Deal did little-to-nothing to end the Depression.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: European missile defense
Argument: Real threat of rogue states missile attacks.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Instant replay in baseball
Argument: Instant replay should not exist for sake of personal achievements.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Prisoners right to vote
Argument: Criminals, dangerous to society, are dangerous with vote.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Legalization of Marijuana
Argument: Legalizing marijuana will reduce profits of traffickers and gangs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Argument: Consumers can be protected w/o new financial bureaucracy.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Assisted suicide
Argument: Pain can't justify euthanasia, it can be made tolerable with modern medicines.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Veal
Argument: Anything which involves murdering animals is cruel .
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Carbon emissions trading
Argument: Carbon trading wrongly turns atmosphere into tradeable property.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Legalization of adult incest
Argument: Banning adult incest is analogous to banning homosexuality.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Assault weapons ban in the United States
Argument: Assault weapons are used by drug cartels, kill thousands.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Child beauty pageants
Argument: Pageants teach kids to follow rules and play fair.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Vegetarianism
Argument: Humans have a choice and thus responsibility to do no harm to animals.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Legality of coca production and consumption
Argument: Tradition of coca consumption is a poor argument.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Was the War in Iraq worth it?
Argument: War has given Iraqis a young democracy to grow.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Network neutrality
Argument: Network neutrality damages competition and niche suppliers.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Legalization of drugs
Argument: Drugs can have a beneficial mind-expanding capacity.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Trying 9/11 terror suspects in NYC courts
Argument: Trying and imprisoning terrorists can create US jobs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Banning vuvuzela horns at the 2010 World Cup
Argument: Fans can be trusted to use vuvuzelas safely.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Colonization of the Moon
Argument: Human survival is ensured by fighting global warming, not Moonbase.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: 2010 US bank tax
Argument: Bank tax is not too great of a burden on banks.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Cellulosic ethanol
Argument: Cellulosic ethanol land-use harms forests, environment, climate.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Prostitution
Argument: Individuals must cede some rights for safety, including right to prostitute.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Merit pay for teachers
Argument: Merit pay for teachers is tied to unreliable standardized tests.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Corn ethanol
Argument: Making ethanol from corn does not deprive the needy of food.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: High-speed rail
Argument: High-speed rail is predominantly used by wealthy.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: DREAM Act
Argument: Illegals cannot use legalized children to gain citizenship.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Full-body scanners at airports
Argument: Scanners do not reveal things in body cavities.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Drivers licenses for Illegal immigrants in the US
Argument: The costs of providing driver's licenses to millions of illegal immigrants would be very high.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: 700 mile US Mexico border fence
Argument: Migration Policy Institute (nonpartisan).
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Corporate personhood
Argument: Corps focus on profits, not eligible for rights.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Lowering US drinking age from 21 to 18
Argument: 18-and-over law enables teaching of responsible drinking.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: College football playoffs
Argument: The Bowl Championship Series is anti-competitive.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Israeli military assault in Gaza
Argument: Defeating Hamas is key to long-term Israeli/Palestinian solution.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Mandatory military service
Argument: Impossible to mandate morality of state.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Health insurance cooperatives
Argument: Co-ops are a great alternative to the public option.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods
Argument: Arbitrary labeling rules do not offer any real choice.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Network neutrality
Argument: Existing laws check unfair practices by broadband owners.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Carbon capture and storage
Argument: CCS makes continued dependence on hydrocarbons cleaner.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Open primaries
Argument: Open primaries can be modified to limit costs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Bush economic stimulus plan
Argument: A poorly timed economic stimulus can do harm.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Electric vehicles
Argument: Electric car battery technology and costs are improving rapidly.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Public health insurance option
Argument: Public insurance would stifle medical innovation and advancement.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: DC handgun ban
Argument: 2nd amendment combines right to militia and individual arms.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Cluster bomb ban
Argument: Signing cluster bomb ban enhances international trust.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Affirmative action
Argument: Minority schools disprove perceived value of diversity.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Corn ethanol
Argument: Making ethanol from corn does not deprive the needy of food.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Affirmative action
Argument: Affirmative action is only way to level playing field.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Return of Israel to pre-1967 borders
Argument: Pre-1967 borders uphold legitimate Palestinian aspirations.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Tibet independence
Argument: The right to self-determination must be offered sparingly to avoid international instability.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: US offshore oil drilling
Argument: Noise from offshore drilling can harm sea animals.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: US offshore oil drilling
Argument: Offshore oil exploration could result in a major find.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: 2010 US bank tax
Argument: Bank tax is not too great of a burden on banks.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Affirmative action
Argument: Affirmative action is only way to level playing field.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Employee Free Choice Act
Argument: Employee Free Choice Act protects unionizing workers from intimidation.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Three Gorges Dam
Argument: The TGD taps China's underexploited hydroelectric potential.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Bailout of US automakers
Argument: Low-interest loans to automakers will not solve their problems.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Military recruiting in public schools
Argument: Military uses sophisticated persuasion techniques on kids.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Three Gorges Dam
Argument: The TGD taps China's underexploited hydroelectric potential.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Cluster bomb ban
Argument: Signing cluster bomb ban enhances international trust.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Animal testing
Argument: Tested animals are treated humanely.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Needle exchanges
Argument: Needle exchanges decrease infections and therefore costs.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Colonization of the Moon
Argument: Growing crops on the moon faces many difficult challenges.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Osama Bin Laden Sea Burial
Argument: Many Muslims would have preferred to see body, confirm death.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Privatizing social security
Argument: Private social security accounts are voluntary.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: US health care reform
Argument: 2009 health bill rushed through for political reasons.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Mandatory military service
Argument: Mandatory service fosters militarism.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: More troops to Afghanistan under Obama
Argument: W/o more troops, Afgh will become terrorist haven.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Bush economic stimulus plan
Argument: Tax rebates to the lower-middle classes quickly stimulate consumption.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Return of Israel to pre-1967 borders
Argument: With pre-1967 borders, PLO would recognize Israel, end conflict.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Education vouchers
Argument: Public schools are being improved without vouchers.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: International Criminal Court
Argument: ICC puts national servicemen abroad at risk of prosecution.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Natural gas
Argument: Natural gas has very diverse applications in the home.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Castration of sex offenders
Argument: Castrating sex offenders less effective than psychotheraphy.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Deporting illegal immigrants in the US
Argument: Mass deportation has been successful in the past.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Death penalty
Argument: The death penalty is often motivated by discrimination.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Infant male circumcision
Argument: Circumcision helps prevent phimosis.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Solar energy
Argument: Solar panels are hard to move when a person moves homes.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Primaries in US elections
Argument: Rotating regional primaries solve the problems of the current process.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies
Argument: Ending oil subsidies levels playing field for clean energy.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Three Gorges Dam
Argument: The TGD is a hydroelectric, renewable-energy project.
Answer: neutral
Example: Topic: Joint JD/MBA degree
Argument: JD/MBA is well suited for a number of specialized fields.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Reforestation as a solution to global warming
Argument: Enough land for reforestation to be a viable solution.
Answer: in favor
Example: Topic: Nuclear energy
Argument: Entire nuclear cycle may emit substantial greenhouse gases.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: European Union Expansion
Argument: Admitting new members to the EU will increase transmission of diseases.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Boycott of 2008 Olympics in China
Argument: China's 2008 Olympics will accelerate its civil society.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Charter schools
Argument: Charter schools proliferated too quickly to monitor performance.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Manned mission to Mars
Argument: There is little public support for a mission to Mars.
Answer: against
Example: Topic: Wind energy
Argument: Wind fuel does not require transporting to the generator.
Answer: in favor |
You are provided with a list of converations between a "USER" and "ASSISTANT". Figure out if the conversation provided as "classify_text" is authored by "USER" or "ASSISTANT". There are maximum of 7 conversations between "USER" and "ASSISTANT" in each input
Possible labels:
Given: ASSISTANT: Could i ask u some questions about your movie preferences? , USER: Yes , USER: Mostly I like action science fiction movies that make you think. , ASSISTANT: could u name a movie that fits that category, and tell me some things you like about that kind of movie , USER: Like the Terminator 2 was a really good science fiction and action movie based on a possible future where robots take over. It really makes you think, actually even recently, about artificial intelligence, and how they you can replace humans. , ASSISTANT: could u also tell me about a movie that fits that category that wasn't good in your opinion, and what make you dislike that kind of movie, classify_text: I usually like Bruce Willis as an action star and he made a recent movie called Precious Cargo which was just bad and not well directed in the acting was just very unbelievable and I really hated it.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like horror movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movie? , USER: I like these kinds of movies because , USER: Keeps me at the edge of my seat makes me , USER: It makes me wonder what's going to happen next. I just love the I just love the killings and the people like getting killed and all that all that type of stuff., classify_text: What particular movie did you like
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I prefer comedies or thrillers. , ASSISTANT: Why is that? , USER: I find them to be most interesting. I can be in different moods. Sometimes I want to think. Sometimes I just want to sit and laugh. , ASSISTANT: What do you check for when picking a movie? , USER: What actors are in it, what the message of the movie is, what kind of mood am in when I want to watch it those are all things I would factor in., classify_text: What about movies you don't like?
Given: ASSISTANT: Is there a specific type of movie that you like? , USER: science fiction , ASSISTANT: What sci fi title is one that you like? , USER: Blade Runner , ASSISTANT: What interests you about science fiction and this movie in particular , USER: The psychological aspects and the cinematography., classify_text: I see, have you see Ender's Game?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like action movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like action movies? , USER: I like action movies because they're fun to watch. , ASSISTANT: Is there an action movie you liked? , USER: I like the action movie Tomb Raider, classify_text: Why did you like Tomb Raider?
Given: ASSISTANT: what kinds of movies do you typically enjoy? , USER: Typically, I enjoy comedy movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like comedies? , USER: They're a nice little break from everyday, ordinary life. And they incite laughter, which is always a good thing. Definitely something I don't normally do throughout a day. Not unless I seek out funny things. , ASSISTANT: I see. and what about funny things is attractive to you in films? , USER: Well, classify_text: It feels like it gives the movie more substance.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like? , USER: I like fantasy movies. , ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like fantasy movies? , USER: Because they're out of this world, and they make me think about life in a a way that I wouldn't think about it. , ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie? , USER: Street Fighters: The Legend of Chun-Li, classify_text: alright, Why is that your favorite movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: Tell me what type of movies you like. , USER: Action and comedy. , ASSISTANT: Perfect! Now, what would be one of your favorite movies? , USER: Chinatown , ASSISTANT: Got it. Could you give me some reasons you enjoy that type of movie? , USER: Has good acting, good plot, and some really good twists and turns., classify_text: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like a good action movie. , ASSISTANT: Like Mission Impossible? , USER: Love that series the the latest one, Fallout, is one one of the best action movies, I think, ever. , ASSISTANT: What did you like about it , USER: Well like I think most people probably, the stunts and how real they looked and knowing that Tom Cruise actually did them was part of why they were so exciting., classify_text: What parts didn't you like?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like, and why do you like this type of movie? , USER: I like action movies because they get me hyped and pumped up. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , USER: Die Hard , ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? , USER: I enjoyed the acting story and the type of characters in the movie itself., classify_text: Can you name a movie that you do not like?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: Sci-Fi movies , ASSISTANT: why is that? , USER: Cuz I always like seeing movies about the future and space battles and stuff like that. , ASSISTANT: are you a fan of star trek? , USER: Yes, very much. Yes., classify_text: What is one of your favorite movies?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: I really like comedies. , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: They are funny, and light-hearted, and a true escape from like every day life. So, you can just sort of relax and enjoy. It's not a stressful thing to watch. It's ease and just fun. So, you are enjoying it. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: Yes, since it's that time of the year, Home Alone 2 is one of my absolute favorite movies., classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie? , USER: I like the movies that are based of for the comic books. I like them because they portray a lot of good. Somebody being a hero and it's fun to see the comic books come to life. Aquaman, as one that is coming out soon. I also like Jason Momoa. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , USER: Yes. I like Spider-Man. That is good movie. , ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? , USER: I like this movie because it has really good graphics, the actors did a really good job portraying the different characters that were originally shown in the comic books. It is It's fantasy, but it's still fun. Somebody gets to be the hero. The underdog gets to be the winner. And he saves the damsel in distress., classify_text: Can you name a movie that you do not like?
Given: ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u generally like watching , USER: My favorite movies are romantic comedies. , ASSISTANT: why do u like those type of movies , USER: They're lighthearted, usually fun, has a happy ending, makes you laugh. So, they're very easy to watch, easy to enjoy, and a nice sort of escape from like a hectic lifestyle. , ASSISTANT: sounds great. thanks for explaining. could u name a movie that fits that category and tell me what you like about that kind of movie , USER: Sure, like My Best Friend's Wedding is one of my all-time favorites. That is has a great cast. It is actually a little bit of a longer movie and a little more in depth, but it it's enduring, and it's funny, and you grow to like the characters, and you just sort of laugh and go on a ride with them, classify_text: You laugh a lot in that one. It's just a really good one, and you can watch it over and over again.
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like and why? , USER: My favorite types of movies are drama, documentary, some action adventure, and a little bit of fantasy mixed in, primarily , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like? , USER: I like I like The Matrix, the whole the whole trilogy of The Matrix because the story there was a little bit of Sci Fi and it related to real life and just a new perspective. , ASSISTANT: Please give at least 2 reasons why you like that movie. , USER: I like all the Matrix movies. The first one was like an entryway into what the Matrix is and the story about basically society being a game. And then I mean, just the sci-fi aspects of it it's like fantasy mixed with, classify_text: I mean, it's It's hard to describe in a way, cuz it's it It was done in a way that was not like anything else before. So on another note, I like the way the characters were created and how they were put in place. It was very good actors that were chosen for the movies.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like action, and comedy movies, and drama movies the most. , ASSISTANT: cool can you tell me what about those movies you like? , USER: With comedies, I like to laugh and enjoy it with other people, and then dramas, if if it's a good story line and it's suspenseful, that's what I like about it. And if if there's good actors and actresses in the movie. , ASSISTANT: interesting , ASSISTANT: have you seen game night?, classify_text: No, I have not.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why? , USER: I I like horror movies. , ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy? , USER: I like Child's Play movies. , ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film? , USER: I was just scared of the orange little kid, so, classify_text: but I like him now.
Given: ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what type of movies you like? , USER: I like comedy. I like action. I like sci-fi. I like fantasy. , ASSISTANT: OK, what about those types of movies do you enjoy? , USER: I mostly like new, interesting situations. That's why I in particular like funny comedies, because they tell The good comedies tell new jokes never heard. The fantasy and sci-fi I really like because it's just completely different imagined worlds. , ASSISTANT: Great! What's one of your favorite movies? , USER: That's a tough one. Let's go. I like My fun movie is The Matrix., classify_text: That's a good one!
Given: ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you usually see? , USER: I like horror, comedy, action. , ASSISTANT: Give me one of your top 5 movies , USER: Avengers: Infinity War , ASSISTANT: Great. Why did you like it? , USER: It was action packed and had a lot of great moments., classify_text: What else did you like about it?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like I like Adam Sandler type of movies, Billy Madison. , USER: comedy comedy movies, action movies , USER: Suspense movies, horror movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies? , USER: I like horror movies because they keep me because I want to know how the ending will be, like Horror movies just bring out like the gruesomeness of killings and stuff like that. It's just I find it fascinating. It just leaves me at the edge of my seat. It just It just keeps me thrilled. I just want to know how the story will end., classify_text: Can you tell me the name of a particular movie you like?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like action movies and thrillers. , ASSISTANT: why do you like thrillers? , USER: I like the suspense of the movie and the build up toward a climax. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: Silence of the Lambs is a really great movie., classify_text: what made it a great movie ?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like horror movies, I like action movies and I like movies with drama. , ASSISTANT: What makes you like these genres? , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific title you enjoy? , USER: I love The Recruit. , ASSISTANT: what makes you like The Recruit, classify_text: I like The Recruit because of the fast pace, action, adrenaline, and the espionage that the movie has involved in it. And the way the plot is laid out.
Given: USER: Hi. , ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie? , USER: One of my favorite movies is Dumb and Dumber. , ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like? , USER: I like it because it's comedy, and it's about a story. It's kind of like a like a comedy and love story about a guy who meets a woman in an in a limousine, finds her finds her briefcase and tries to tries to bring it to her in Aspen, Colorado. So yeah, I just find it It's a feel good story. It's a romantic story kind of, because , USER: Because he's trying to find love by meeting up with her. So yeah, it's also a comedy because they do crazy things. They do laughable things together, the two friends., classify_text: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: From time to time, I really like to watch some indie films. , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: They usually have off pitch stories and interesting characters. So, it's kind of off the beaten path. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: One that comes to mind is Oldboy., classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why? , USER: I like the really like the thrillers, you know, stuff like Memento or you know, something that's got some twists and turns in it. Maybe it makes you think it's going to end one way and then ends the other. I like The Sixth Sense or that Gone Girl was pretty good, even though it was kind of , USER: It was kind of easy to tell it was going, but it was still still pretty good. Also trying to think of another one. , ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy? , USER: Yeah, The Usual Suspects, because Mainly because I really When I watched it the first time, it's one of those movies that you can't really I mean, you can watch it more than once, but you The first time you watch, you won't know the twist, so it really kind of grabs you. And with that one, I really didn't have any clue. I mean, usually you might have some kind of inkling of what's going to happen, but with that movie to me, it just really kind of grabbed me, and I was like, man , USER: It left me kind of speechless at the end., classify_text: What did you like about that film?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? Any specific genre? , USER: I like science fiction movies. , ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you can name that you really like? , USER: Yes. I love the , USER: I think it was called The Last Jedi. , ASSISTANT: And can you tell me what you liked about those types of movies?, classify_text: That was awesome.
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: I like I like comedies quite a bit. I think I think they're underrated. , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: I mean they're just fine and you can laugh and have a good time and the subject matter is light and, you know, it's generally just about see seeing some funny. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: Well one of them that I think is funny is the movie Hot Rod., classify_text: Yeah. It's just It's just so ridiculous, right? So, there is like this crazy fighting between a father and son, and it's really over the top, and silly, and you'll just never even think that would that you would see something like that in a movie, and I'm just laughing thinking about it.
Given: ASSISTANT: Is there a specific type of movie that you like? , USER: science fiction , ASSISTANT: What sci fi title is one that you like? , USER: Blade Runner , ASSISTANT: What interests you about science fiction and this movie in particular , USER: The psychological aspects and the cinematography., classify_text: I see, have you see Ender's Game?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch? , USER: I usually watch comedies a lot. , ASSISTANT: And what kind of movies do you tend to stay away from? , USER: I'm not a big fan of comic book movies. , ASSISTANT: What is a movie that you have recently watched that you really enjoyed? , USER: I recently watched The Founder, which is really good., classify_text: And what did you like about that movie the most?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? Any specific genre? , USER: Comedies are one of my favorites. , ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you can name that you really liked? , USER: Sure. Best in Show is one of my all-time favorite movies. , ASSISTANT: Don't think I've seen it. And can you tell me what you liked about those types of movies? , USER: Sure, that is a Best in Show as a mockumentary style movie and it is from Christopher Guest, his other ones are fantastic as well like Waiting for Guffman. And they are all sort of trying to stay true to what they are in mocking but also trying to have a comedic turn. So, this one is a dog show and is just hilarious it is it does really, classify_text: as like the Westminster Dog Show, but with the humor attached in of all the owners and the dogs and the people running it, and how serious it is, and just it's hilarious. It's sort of the There are movies that have like a cult following. The acting is fantastic. There's a lot of improvisation with the script. It's much more original than a typical movie. But they're fantastic movies.
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I enjoy family, fantasy and mysteries. , ASSISTANT: why fantasy movies? , USER: I just like the fantasy part where you can enjoy watching something that is not common or doesn't really happen and the idea of that being able to happen one day. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: One of my favorite movies was something I watched as a child and it's still is one of my favorite movies The NeverEnding Story., classify_text: Why?
Given: ASSISTANT: What are some movie genres that you like? , USER: I like I like prison movies. , ASSISTANT: like what? , USER: Like Like The Great Escape, so it's a movie about guys who ran a prison camp in World War II. , ASSISTANT: why is it one of your favorite movies? , USER: The acting is really good in it, and I really like the plot. You know, there's a lot of plotting and planning by the by the prisoners to get out, and watching them work is a lot of fun., classify_text: What type of movies do you not like?
Given: ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u like watching? , USER: I like movies that, you know, have a great story line, that are memorable, that have great acting, that you can't, you know, that make you cry or are very emotional movies. , ASSISTANT: can u name a movie that fits what you've mentioned? , ASSISTANT: what about that movie did u like? , USER: It's just very interesting overall. , ASSISTANT: what about a movie u didn't like?, classify_text: Movies I didn't like there are so many movies that are bad, you know, the the acting is terrible, it doesn't keep your interest. You just want to turn it off. Just poor poor acting, very cheaply image movies
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie? , USER: I like a science fiction movies, and I like them because they're creative and provide nice visual effects. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , USER: Avatar , ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? , USER: It was nice cinematography. It had a good plot and good visual effects., classify_text: Can you name a movie that you do not like?
Given: ASSISTANT: Hello. What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like action movies. , ASSISTANT: why do you like action movies? , USER: I like the the pace, the like nonstop aspect of it, and the really good the action scenes that have sort of lot going on that sort of keep you on the edge of your seat. Those are always fun. , ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like? , USER: One of my all time favorite movies is Bourne Ultimatum., classify_text: What are the 2 things that you like about this movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: Tell me what types of movies you like. , USER: Lately I've been interested in foreign films, particularly ones that come out of Japan. , ASSISTANT: Got it. Could you give me some reasons you enjoy that type of movie? , USER: I really like the action movies that have come out of there in the last 10 or 20 years. , ASSISTANT: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like? , USER: A movie I really didn't like from Japan? I can't really think of anything. Not really from Japan, but I thought the Godzilla movie could have been a little better., classify_text: Alright. And, what are some things you really don't like about that type of movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I like science fiction movies. , ASSISTANT: Why do you like those genres? , USER: Because it's out of this world. It talks about It talks about unusual stuff that happens like E.T. , USER: talks about aliens and such and so forth , ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies?, classify_text: One of my favorite movies is Space Jam.
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: comedies, thrillers, suspense , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: I like to laugh, I like to be in suspense, and I like thrillers. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from these genres? , USER: The Avengers, classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
Given: USER: Hi. , ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie? , USER: One of my favorite movies is Dumb and Dumber. , ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like? , USER: I like it because it's comedy, and it's about a story. It's kind of like a like a comedy and love story about a guy who meets a woman in an in a limousine, finds her finds her briefcase and tries to tries to bring it to her in Aspen, Colorado. So yeah, I just find it It's a feel good story. It's a romantic story kind of, because , USER: Because he's trying to find love by meeting up with her. So yeah, it's also a comedy because they do crazy things. They do laughable things together, the two friends., classify_text: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like documentaries. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about documentaries? , USER: Well, I like learning things and I like that I can experience things more vividly when learning about something than say through a book or through articles or whatever. Like usually documentaries have relevant imagery you know videos shots from locations that they're covering or or you know , USER: whatever it is, there's usually relevant video to go with it to add to the entertainment and interest. , ASSISTANT: what kind of documentaries do you like?, classify_text: I particularly enjoy technology and video game related documentaries because I enjoy both of those. I like learning about their history, I like learning about different perspectives on on different matters.
Given: ASSISTANT: what are some movie genres that you like? , USER: I like action films, drama, mystery. , ASSISTANT: Why is that? , USER: Well, often I want just simple entertainment, but then sometimes if it's a drama, I like intelligent dialog, serious situations, that sort of thing. , ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies? , USER: The Man for All Seasons. Now that indeed was a serious drama, and I like the intelligent dialog in it., classify_text: aside from the dialogue, what else did you like about it?
Given: ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like? , USER: I like comedy movies , USER: I like biopics. I enjoy watching action movies with adventure. Drama movies are something new I'm getting into, also. Not so keen in liking horror movies or thrillers, though. , ASSISTANT: what do you enjoy about these movies? , USER: I enjoyed it because action movies, they have a lot of explosions and things going on at once. Comedy because I do like to laugh sometimes, even though the jokes are bad. But not as real real bad. Biopics, I like to see the life made of whoever they're making the movie about. Documentaries are good because you get to know how stuff happened during that time and what was going on with the people , ASSISTANT: can you name a particular movie that you liked?, classify_text: Recently or in general?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like? , USER: I really like romantic movies like Hallmark Movies. , ASSISTANT: why is that? , USER: Well, I just I just love the love stories, and I like movies that have a happy ending. And there's not too much violence or or drugs. Or bad things like that. , ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like? , USER: I don't like violent movies and I don't like movies about gangs or criminals or just bad things., classify_text: What is one of your favorite movies?
Given: ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like? , USER: I like documentaries, biographies, and horror, like vintage horror movie British. , ASSISTANT: ok, why do you like those types of movies? , USER: I get a sense of nostalgia, and there isn't things flying through the air. And they use real people, real scenes, and no green screen. And there aren't like superhuman powers in the movies. Like I can relate to these movies better because they show real people doing real things, or they're in real houses. , ASSISTANT: got it, you like more realistic movies , USER: Yeah. Yes., classify_text: ok, can you name a film you really liked?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: comedies , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: I like a movie where I can enjoy it, and laugh, and just have an escape. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: I like Woody Allen movies. I like Annie Hall., classify_text: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?
Given: ASSISTANT: What sort of movies do you like? , USER: I like romantic comedies, I like action movies. , ASSISTANT: Can you give me an example of a movie you remember liking? , USER: Sure. For romantic comedies, Pretty Woman, 27 dresses, Bridget Jones Diary , USER: Someone Like You , USER: For comedies, regular comedies? I like First Wives Club., classify_text: Oh, another romantic comedy that I love is The Holiday, another one is Picture Perfect.
Given: ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you usually see? , USER: I usually see comedies, action movies, superhero movies, teen movies, occasionally dramas or suspense movies. , ASSISTANT: ok. Tell me one of your favorite movies. , USER: The pretty Pretty Woman is one of my favorite movies. , ASSISTANT: Great. Why did you like it? , USER: Pretty Woman is sort of a I think it gets billed as a romantic comedy, but it's much more of a romantic comedy drama. It has a lot of dramatic points to it. The pairing of Julia Roberts and Richard Gere is pitch-perfect, and it's one of the best pairings to like every grace the big screen. So the writing on the movie is fantastic., classify_text: the interactions between the characters especially Julia and Richard are what really make the movie and it's it's a wonderful it's a funny endearing movie.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why? , USER: I like dramatic movies. , USER: Because they make me like feel like I'm not alone in the world, or the world is just like interesting and fun. Not fun. , ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy? , USER: I like Set It Off. , ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?, classify_text: I thought it was like a cool real life story, and it made be connected to black people, which I am black, so I liked it.
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch? , USER: psychological thrillers , ASSISTANT: What was a movie that you last watched that you enjoyed? , USER: Jaws , ASSISTANT: What did you most enjoy about Jaws? , USER: the characters, classify_text: What was a movie that you have seen that was disappointing?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: comedy movies , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: Well, they don't have to have a sensible plotline usually, and they make me laugh. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: [inaudible], classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: what are some types of movies you like? , USER: I like comedies and not dramas comedies and war movies. , ASSISTANT: what do you like about war movies? , USER: I like that they're like dramatic, but in a real world sense, like they feel more real than say, a regular drama, because well, it's about war. , USER: And even when they go a little further than than what actually happens it still ties them to it. It doesn't feel It doesn't usually feel like it's being blown out of proportion to to a just just believable proportion. , USER: I guess. Oh, yeah., classify_text: What is one of your favorite movies?
Given: ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy? , USER: I really like drama and action films. , ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies? , USER: Something that I can relate to, something that makes me feel good, something that I want to talk to others about. , ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre? , USER: I really enjoy like movies like The Shawshank Redemption., classify_text: What did you like about this movie?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you tend to watch? , USER: I enjoy superhero movies. , ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Predator? , USER: No, I haven't. , ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Dark Knight? , USER: Yes, I have., classify_text: And what did you like the most about The Dark Knight?
Given: ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? , USER: I really like teen movies. , ASSISTANT: What is it about teen movies do you like? , USER: Teen movies, especially the ones that I like, are usually like mini romantic comedies or mini comedies. So almost always they're comedies, and because they're high school based, they are or high school age based, it's a simpler time in almost everybody's life, so the movie is very focused, and it's much more contained, and it's in some ways easier to get right, so there are a decent number , USER: of good ones for that time period. It's They're usually fun. They're usually easy to watch. They're usually lighthearted and funny, so it really works on all around. , ASSISTANT: Well, which teen movie did you like?, classify_text: 10 Things I Hate About You is one of my favorites.
Ans: USER |
Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. These stories can be difficult due to their length and how each story has at least one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios.
Amelia entered the patio. Ethan entered the patio. The cucumber is in the red_box. Amelia moved the cucumber to the green_envelope. James entered the garden. Amelia entered the garden. The orange is in the red_treasure_chest. James moved the orange to the red_bucket. Mason entered the patio. James entered the patio. The cucumber is in the green_envelope. Mason moved the cucumber to the red_box. Amelia entered the study. James entered the study. The beans is in the blue_suitcase. Amelia moved the beans to the red_bottle. Where is the beans really?
Output: red_bottle
Lucas entered the sunroom. Jayden entered the sunroom. The green_pepper is in the blue_treasure_chest. Jayden exited the sunroom. Lucas moved the green_pepper to the red_drawer. Lucas exited the sunroom. Jayden entered the sunroom. Amelia entered the lounge. Jayden entered the lounge. The peach is in the blue_cupboard. Jayden exited the lounge. Amelia moved the peach to the green_suitcase. Amelia exited the lounge. Jayden entered the lounge. Lucas entered the lounge. Jayden is in the lounge. The grapes is in the green_suitcase. Jayden exited the lounge. Lucas moved the grapes to the blue_cupboard. Lucas exited the lounge. Jayden entered the lounge. Lucas entered the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. The pumpkin is in the green_crate. Amelia exited the bathroom. Lucas moved the pumpkin to the green_bottle. Lucas exited the bathroom. Amelia entered the bathroom. Where will Amelia look for the pumpkin?
Output: green_bottle
Charlotte entered the basement. Mia entered the basement. The eggplant is in the red_drawer. Mia exited the basement. Charlotte moved the eggplant to the red_treasure_chest. Where was the eggplant at the beginning?
Output: red_drawer
Alexander entered the garage. Owen entered the garage. The cucumber is in the green_bottle. Alexander moved the cucumber to the red_box. Where does Alexander think that Owen searches for the cucumber? Olivia entered the bedroom. Owen entered the bedroom. The banana is in the green_drawer. Owen exited the bedroom. Olivia moved the banana to the red_treasure_chest. Olivia exited the bedroom. Owen entered the bedroom. Where does Olivia think that Owen searches for the banana?
Output: green_drawer
James entered the bedroom. Mia entered the bedroom. The cucumber is in the green_drawer. Mia exited the bedroom. James moved the cucumber to the red_box. Avery entered the basement. James entered the basement. The peach is in the red_pantry. James exited the basement. Avery moved the peach to the red_suitcase. Ella entered the crawlspace. Mia entered the crawlspace. The cabbage is in the blue_pantry. Mia exited the crawlspace. Ella moved the cabbage to the blue_envelope. James entered the crawlspace. Mia entered the crawlspace. The cabbage is in the blue_envelope. Mia exited the crawlspace. James moved the cabbage to the blue_pantry. Where was the cabbage at the beginning?
Output: blue_pantry
Oliver entered the office. Lucas entered the office. The turnip is in the green_envelope. Lucas exited the office. Oliver moved the turnip to the blue_envelope. Emily entered the closet. Sophia entered the closet. The corn is in the green_cupboard. Sophia exited the closet. Emily moved the corn to the blue_suitcase. Emily entered the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. The tangerine is in the blue_container. Sophia exited the dining_room. Emily moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. Sophia entered the cellar. Emily entered the cellar. The persimmon is in the green_drawer. Emily exited the cellar. Sophia moved the persimmon to the red_cupboard. Where was the persimmon at the beginning?
Output: green_drawer
Hannah entered the basement. Owen entered the basement. The banana is in the blue_pantry. Hannah moved the banana to the red_bucket. Ethan entered the basement. Olivia entered the basement. The banana is in the red_bucket. Ethan moved the banana to the blue_pantry. Ethan entered the patio. Owen entered the patio. The peach is in the blue_crate. Ethan moved the peach to the red_treasure_chest. Owen entered the TV_room. Ethan entered the TV_room. The celery is in the green_drawer. Owen moved the celery to the blue_cupboard. Where will Ethan look for the celery?
Output: blue_cupboard
Mia entered the porch. Sophia entered the porch. The orange is in the blue_treasure_chest. Sophia exited the porch. Mia moved the orange to the green_cupboard. Mia exited the porch. Sophia entered the porch. Liam entered the basement. Sophia entered the basement. The broccoli is in the green_crate. Sophia exited the basement. Liam moved the broccoli to the red_bottle. Liam exited the basement. Sophia entered the basement. Sophia entered the hall. Liam entered the hall. The spinach is in the blue_cupboard. Liam exited the hall. Sophia moved the spinach to the red_bucket. Sophia exited the hall. Liam entered the hall. Mia entered the hall. Sophia entered the hall. The spinach is in the red_bucket. Sophia exited the hall. Mia moved the spinach to the blue_cupboard. Mia exited the hall. Sophia entered the hall. Where will Sophia look for the spinach?
Output: blue_cupboard
Evelyn entered the staircase. Owen entered the staircase. The carrot is in the red_bottle. Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_drawer. Evelyn entered the basement. William entered the basement. The broccoli is in the green_suitcase. Evelyn moved the broccoli to the blue_box. Mason entered the laundry. Owen entered the laundry. The strawberry is in the red_envelope. Mason moved the strawberry to the blue_treasure_chest. Mason entered the closet. Evelyn entered the closet. The onion is in the green_basket. Mason moved the onion to the blue_suitcase. Where was the onion at the beginning?
Output: green_basket
Isabella entered the closet. Mason entered the closet. The pineapple is in the red_bucket. Mason exited the closet. Isabella moved the pineapple to the green_drawer. Isabella exited the closet. Mason entered the closet. Where does Isabella think that Mason searches for the pineapple? Amelia entered the den. Isabella entered the den. The watermelon is in the green_crate. Amelia moved the watermelon to the green_pantry. Where is the watermelon really? Benjamin entered the basement. Isabella entered the basement. The broccoli is in the blue_bathtub. Isabella exited the basement. Benjamin moved the broccoli to the red_envelope. Benjamin exited the basement. Isabella entered the basement. Where is the broccoli really? Mason entered the cellar. Benjamin entered the cellar. The beans is in the red_box. Benjamin exited the cellar. Mason moved the beans to the blue_crate. Mason exited the cellar. Benjamin entered the cellar. Where does Mason think that Benjamin searches for the beans?
Output: red_box
Benjamin entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The celery is in the blue_container. Abigail exited the porch. Benjamin moved the celery to the red_suitcase. Jacob entered the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. The tomato is in the green_suitcase. Avery exited the bedroom. Jacob moved the tomato to the blue_envelope. Jacob entered the porch. Abigail entered the porch. The celery is in the red_suitcase. Abigail exited the porch. Jacob moved the celery to the blue_container. Benjamin entered the bathroom. Jacob entered the bathroom. The beans is in the red_bottle. Jacob exited the bathroom. Benjamin moved the beans to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Benjamin think that Jacob searches for the beans?
Output: red_bottle
Lucas entered the TV_room. Owen entered the TV_room. The potato is in the green_crate. Lucas moved the potato to the green_pantry. Where is the potato really? Amelia entered the attic. James entered the attic. The eggplant is in the red_cupboard. Amelia moved the eggplant to the green_basket. Where is the eggplant really? James is in the attic. Amelia is in the attic. The spinach is in the green_basket. James moved the spinach to the red_cupboard. Where was the spinach at the beginning? Lucas entered the basement. James entered the basement. The lettuce is in the blue_suitcase. James exited the basement. Lucas moved the lettuce to the blue_envelope. Where is the lettuce really?
Output: blue_envelope
Olivia entered the garage. Aria entered the garage. The pear is in the red_cupboard. Olivia moved the pear to the red_crate. Olivia entered the patio. James entered the patio. The tomato is in the red_bucket. Olivia moved the tomato to the green_bottle. Aria entered the workshop. Abigail entered the workshop. The grapes is in the red_treasure_chest. Aria moved the grapes to the red_pantry. Olivia entered the workshop. Aria is in the workshop. The grapes is in the red_pantry. Olivia moved the grapes to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Olivia think that Aria searches for the grapes?
Output: red_treasure_chest
James entered the hallway. Aria entered the hallway. The pineapple is in the blue_envelope. Aria exited the hallway. James moved the pineapple to the red_box. Aiden entered the workshop. James entered the workshop. The banana is in the green_treasure_chest. James exited the workshop. Aiden moved the banana to the red_envelope. Aria entered the living_room. William entered the living_room. The cucumber is in the green_box. William exited the living_room. Aria moved the cucumber to the blue_suitcase. James entered the basement. Aria entered the basement. The green_pepper is in the red_bottle. Aria exited the basement. James moved the green_pepper to the red_bucket. Where is the green_pepper really?
Output: red_bucket
Jayden entered the staircase. Jackson entered the staircase. The apple is in the green_treasure_chest. Jackson exited the staircase. Jayden moved the apple to the green_drawer. Avery entered the workshop. Jayden entered the workshop. The onion is in the blue_cupboard. Jayden exited the workshop. Avery moved the onion to the green_pantry. Avery entered the staircase. Jackson entered the staircase. The orange is in the green_drawer. Jackson exited the staircase. Avery moved the orange to the green_treasure_chest. Jackson entered the study. Jayden entered the study. The spinach is in the red_bottle. Jayden exited the study. Jackson moved the spinach to the blue_pantry. Where will Jayden look for the spinach?
Output: red_bottle
Liam entered the cellar. Charlotte entered the cellar. The banana is in the red_bottle. Charlotte exited the cellar. Liam moved the banana to the blue_suitcase. Liam entered the bedroom. Charlotte entered the bedroom. The turnip is in the red_treasure_chest. Charlotte exited the bedroom. Liam moved the turnip to the red_cupboard. Liam entered the closet. Charlotte entered the closet. The green_pepper is in the green_suitcase. Charlotte exited the closet. Liam moved the green_pepper to the red_crate. Liam entered the bedroom. Aiden entered the bedroom. The asparagus is in the red_cupboard. Aiden exited the bedroom. Liam moved the asparagus to the red_treasure_chest. Where was the asparagus at the beginning?
Output: red_cupboard
Ethan entered the playroom. Mason entered the playroom. The tomato is in the red_pantry. Mason exited the playroom. Ethan moved the tomato to the green_bottle. Ethan exited the playroom. Mason entered the playroom. Aria entered the hallway. Mia entered the hallway. The beans is in the red_cupboard. Mia exited the hallway. Aria moved the beans to the green_suitcase. Aria exited the hallway. Mia entered the hallway. Ethan entered the pantry. Mason entered the pantry. The peach is in the red_drawer. Mason exited the pantry. Ethan moved the peach to the blue_pantry. Ethan exited the pantry. Mason entered the pantry. Aria entered the hallway. Mia is in the hallway. The beans is in the green_suitcase. Mia exited the hallway. Aria moved the beans to the red_cupboard. Aria exited the hallway. Mia entered the hallway. Where will Mia look for the beans?
Output: red_cupboard
Sophia entered the closet. Mason entered the closet. The cabbage is in the green_treasure_chest. Mason exited the closet. Sophia moved the cabbage to the blue_cupboard. Aiden entered the den. Mason entered the den. The banana is in the green_cupboard. Mason exited the den. Aiden moved the banana to the green_bucket. Oliver entered the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. The pineapple is in the red_cupboard. Sophia exited the dining_room. Oliver moved the pineapple to the blue_crate. Oliver is in the dining_room. Sophia entered the dining_room. The pineapple is in the blue_crate. Sophia exited the dining_room. Oliver moved the pineapple to the red_cupboard. Where is the pineapple really?
Output: red_cupboard
Olivia entered the study. Mason entered the study. The tomato is in the green_box. Mason exited the study. Olivia moved the tomato to the red_bucket. Where does Olivia think that Mason searches for the tomato? Alexander entered the playroom. Olivia entered the playroom. The lettuce is in the red_envelope. Alexander moved the lettuce to the blue_bathtub. Where will Olivia look for the lettuce? Olivia entered the TV_room. Alexander entered the TV_room. The persimmon is in the green_cupboard. Alexander exited the TV_room. Olivia moved the persimmon to the blue_pantry. Where is the persimmon really?
Output: blue_pantry
Alexander entered the office. Abigail entered the office. The asparagus is in the red_suitcase. Abigail exited the office. Alexander moved the asparagus to the blue_envelope. Alexander exited the office. Abigail entered the office. Owen entered the kitchen. Alexander entered the kitchen. The lime is in the green_pantry. Alexander exited the kitchen. Owen moved the lime to the green_cupboard. Owen exited the kitchen. Alexander entered the kitchen. Alexander entered the bathroom. Liam entered the bathroom. The apple is in the green_bottle. Liam exited the bathroom. Alexander moved the apple to the green_box. Alexander exited the bathroom. Liam entered the bathroom. Liam entered the master_bedroom. Abigail entered the master_bedroom. The corn is in the red_cupboard. Abigail exited the master_bedroom. Liam moved the corn to the blue_treasure_chest. Liam exited the master_bedroom. Abigail entered the master_bedroom. Where is the corn really?
Output: blue_treasure_chest
Jackson entered the attic. Jacob entered the attic. The orange is in the red_cupboard. Jacob exited the attic. Jackson moved the orange to the blue_pantry. Jackson exited the attic. Jacob entered the attic. Where does Jackson think that Jacob searches for the orange? Olivia entered the TV_room. Jacob entered the TV_room. The beans is in the green_crate. Jacob exited the TV_room. Olivia moved the beans to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Olivia think that Jacob searches for the beans? Olivia entered the lounge. Jackson entered the lounge. The turnip is in the blue_suitcase. Jackson exited the lounge. Olivia moved the turnip to the blue_crate. Olivia exited the lounge. Jackson entered the lounge. Where will Jackson look for the turnip? Avery entered the TV_room. Jackson entered the TV_room. The beans is in the red_treasure_chest. Avery moved the beans to the green_crate. Where is the beans really? Jackson entered the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. The banana is in the red_crate. Avery exited the bedroom. Jackson moved the banana to the red_suitcase. Jackson exited the bedroom. Avery entered the bedroom. Where does Jackson think that Avery searches for the banana?
Output: red_crate
Isabella entered the back_yard. James entered the back_yard. The orange is in the green_basket. Isabella moved the orange to the red_drawer. James entered the lounge. Elizabeth entered the lounge. The persimmon is in the blue_container. James moved the persimmon to the red_treasure_chest. Mia entered the crawlspace. James entered the crawlspace. The pineapple is in the green_box. Mia moved the pineapple to the blue_box. Isabella entered the kitchen. Mia entered the kitchen. The banana is in the blue_cupboard. Isabella moved the banana to the red_suitcase. Where is the banana really?
Output: red_suitcase
Ethan entered the office. Hannah entered the office. The banana is in the blue_envelope. Hannah exited the office. Ethan moved the banana to the blue_container. Where was the banana at the beginning? Olivia entered the playroom. James entered the playroom. The asparagus is in the blue_crate. Olivia moved the asparagus to the blue_cupboard. Where does Olivia think that James searches for the asparagus? Hannah entered the playroom. Ethan entered the playroom. The asparagus is in the blue_cupboard. Ethan exited the playroom. Hannah moved the asparagus to the blue_crate. Where will Ethan look for the asparagus? Hannah entered the patio. Ethan entered the patio. The grapefruit is in the red_treasure_chest. Ethan exited the patio. Hannah moved the grapefruit to the green_envelope. Hannah exited the patio. Ethan entered the patio. Where does Hannah think that Ethan searches for the grapefruit? Hannah entered the playroom. James is in the playroom. The pineapple is in the blue_cupboard. James exited the playroom. Hannah moved the pineapple to the blue_crate. Where does Hannah think that James searches for the pineapple?
Output: blue_cupboard
William entered the TV_room. Jack entered the TV_room. The cabbage is in the blue_crate. William moved the cabbage to the green_bottle. Olivia entered the dining_room. William entered the dining_room. The tomato is in the red_treasure_chest. Olivia moved the tomato to the red_pantry. Ella entered the workshop. William entered the workshop. The turnip is in the blue_envelope. Ella moved the turnip to the green_pantry. Jack entered the master_bedroom. Olivia entered the master_bedroom. The asparagus is in the red_crate. Jack moved the asparagus to the red_cupboard. Where is the asparagus really?
Output: red_cupboard
Lucas entered the bathroom. Hannah entered the bathroom. The persimmon is in the blue_treasure_chest. Lucas moved the persimmon to the green_suitcase. Logan entered the front_yard. Jacob entered the front_yard. The grapes is in the blue_suitcase. Logan moved the grapes to the green_envelope. Jacob is in the front_yard. Logan is in the front_yard. The broccoli is in the green_envelope. Jacob moved the broccoli to the blue_suitcase. Jacob is in the front_yard. Logan is in the front_yard. The broccoli is in the blue_suitcase. Jacob moved the broccoli to the green_envelope. Where will Logan look for the broccoli?
Output: green_envelope
Evelyn entered the dining_room. Aria entered the dining_room. The lime is in the blue_pantry. Aria exited the dining_room. Evelyn moved the lime to the red_crate. Aria entered the cellar. Evelyn entered the cellar. The peach is in the red_pantry. Evelyn exited the cellar. Aria moved the peach to the green_bottle. Evelyn entered the bedroom. James entered the bedroom. The turnip is in the red_cupboard. James exited the bedroom. Evelyn moved the turnip to the green_cupboard. James entered the basement. Aria entered the basement. The spinach is in the red_bucket. Aria exited the basement. James moved the spinach to the green_suitcase. Where will Aria look for the spinach?
Output: red_bucket
Emily entered the basement. Avery entered the basement. The orange is in the blue_pantry. Avery exited the basement. Emily moved the orange to the red_pantry. Emily exited the basement. Avery entered the basement. Liam entered the kitchen. Jack entered the kitchen. The onion is in the red_suitcase. Jack exited the kitchen. Liam moved the onion to the blue_crate. Liam exited the kitchen. Jack entered the kitchen. Liam entered the hall. Emily entered the hall. The lime is in the green_bottle. Emily exited the hall. Liam moved the lime to the red_bottle. Liam exited the hall. Emily entered the hall. Emily entered the kitchen. Jack is in the kitchen. The grapefruit is in the blue_crate. Jack exited the kitchen. Emily moved the grapefruit to the red_suitcase. Emily exited the kitchen. Jack entered the kitchen. Where is the grapefruit really?
Output: red_suitcase
Charlotte entered the hallway. Ethan entered the hallway. The pumpkin is in the red_bottle. Charlotte moved the pumpkin to the green_bottle. Hannah entered the lounge. Ethan entered the lounge. The green_pepper is in the red_suitcase. Hannah moved the green_pepper to the green_envelope. Charlotte entered the master_bedroom. Ethan entered the master_bedroom. The cucumber is in the green_basket. Charlotte moved the cucumber to the green_bucket. Hannah entered the office. Lucas entered the office. The lettuce is in the green_box. Hannah moved the lettuce to the blue_bathtub. Where was the lettuce at the beginning?
Output: green_box
William entered the laundry. Alexander entered the laundry. The orange is in the red_crate. Alexander exited the laundry. William moved the orange to the blue_envelope. Alexander entered the staircase. Jacob entered the staircase. The tomato is in the blue_treasure_chest. Jacob exited the staircase. Alexander moved the tomato to the red_drawer. Alexander entered the kitchen. Aiden entered the kitchen. The turnip is in the blue_suitcase. Aiden exited the kitchen. Alexander moved the turnip to the blue_bathtub. Aiden entered the garage. William entered the garage. The carrot is in the blue_crate. William exited the garage. Aiden moved the carrot to the red_bucket. Where is the carrot really?
Output: red_bucket
Aria entered the patio. Olivia entered the patio. The eggplant is in the blue_bathtub. Olivia exited the patio. Aria moved the eggplant to the blue_treasure_chest. Aria entered the hallway. Aiden entered the hallway. The banana is in the green_bucket. Aiden exited the hallway. Aria moved the banana to the green_box. Olivia entered the cellar. Ella entered the cellar. The onion is in the blue_cupboard. Ella exited the cellar. Olivia moved the onion to the blue_pantry. Aria entered the patio. Ella entered the patio. The eggplant is in the blue_treasure_chest. Ella exited the patio. Aria moved the eggplant to the blue_bathtub. Where is the eggplant really?
Output: blue_bathtub
Avery entered the attic. Evelyn entered the attic. The tangerine is in the green_bucket. Evelyn exited the attic. Avery moved the tangerine to the red_envelope. Evelyn entered the porch. Avery entered the porch. The banana is in the green_suitcase. Avery exited the porch. Evelyn moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest. Avery entered the attic. Alexander entered the attic. The tangerine is in the red_envelope. Alexander exited the attic. Avery moved the tangerine to the green_bucket. Evelyn entered the kitchen. Avery entered the kitchen. The corn is in the blue_crate. Avery exited the kitchen. Evelyn moved the corn to the blue_suitcase. Where is the corn really?
Output: blue_suitcase
Lucas entered the lounge. Jayden entered the lounge. The tangerine is in the green_pantry. Jayden exited the lounge. Lucas moved the tangerine to the red_crate. Lucas exited the lounge. Jayden entered the lounge. Evelyn entered the workshop. Hannah entered the workshop. The grapes is in the green_suitcase. Hannah exited the workshop. Evelyn moved the grapes to the blue_treasure_chest. Evelyn exited the workshop. Hannah entered the workshop. Jayden entered the bathroom. Evelyn entered the bathroom. The asparagus is in the green_cupboard. Evelyn exited the bathroom. Jayden moved the asparagus to the red_bottle. Jayden exited the bathroom. Evelyn entered the bathroom. Lucas entered the staircase. Evelyn entered the staircase. The apple is in the red_suitcase. Evelyn exited the staircase. Lucas moved the apple to the red_bucket. Lucas exited the staircase. Evelyn entered the staircase. Where does Lucas think that Evelyn searches for the apple?
Output: red_suitcase
Benjamin entered the living_room. Liam entered the living_room. The cabbage is in the green_envelope. Benjamin moved the cabbage to the red_treasure_chest. Where does Benjamin think that Liam searches for the cabbage? Mia entered the kitchen. Aiden entered the kitchen. The beans is in the red_bucket. Aiden exited the kitchen. Mia moved the beans to the red_pantry. Where was the beans at the beginning?
Output: red_bucket
Avery entered the hallway. Hannah entered the hallway. The strawberry is in the blue_box. Hannah exited the hallway. Avery moved the strawberry to the red_treasure_chest. Avery exited the hallway. Hannah entered the hallway. Avery entered the hallway. Hannah is in the hallway. The lime is in the red_treasure_chest. Hannah exited the hallway. Avery moved the lime to the blue_box. Avery exited the hallway. Hannah entered the hallway. Mia entered the staircase. James entered the staircase. The lettuce is in the blue_bathtub. James exited the staircase. Mia moved the lettuce to the red_box. Mia exited the staircase. James entered the staircase. James entered the kitchen. Hannah entered the kitchen. The banana is in the green_bucket. Hannah exited the kitchen. James moved the banana to the red_drawer. James exited the kitchen. Hannah entered the kitchen. Where is the banana really?
Output: red_drawer
Aria entered the kitchen. William entered the kitchen. The broccoli is in the red_cupboard. William exited the kitchen. Aria moved the broccoli to the blue_envelope. Liam entered the kitchen. Ella entered the kitchen. The corn is in the blue_envelope. Ella exited the kitchen. Liam moved the corn to the red_cupboard. Ella entered the garage. Aria entered the garage. The strawberry is in the blue_container. Aria exited the garage. Ella moved the strawberry to the red_envelope. William entered the garage. Ella is in the garage. The strawberry is in the red_envelope. Ella exited the garage. William moved the strawberry to the blue_container. Where does William think that Ella searches for the strawberry?
Output: red_envelope
Jackson entered the office. Ethan entered the office. The tomato is in the green_drawer. Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_suitcase. Benjamin entered the sunroom. Jackson entered the sunroom. The onion is in the green_treasure_chest. Benjamin moved the onion to the blue_pantry. Benjamin is in the sunroom. Charlotte entered the sunroom. The onion is in the blue_pantry. Benjamin moved the onion to the green_treasure_chest. Jackson is in the sunroom. Charlotte is in the sunroom. The grapes is in the blue_pantry. Jackson moved the grapes to the green_treasure_chest. Where is the grapes really?
Output: green_treasure_chest
Emily entered the crawlspace. Ethan entered the crawlspace. The green_pepper is in the green_suitcase. Ethan exited the crawlspace. Emily moved the green_pepper to the blue_treasure_chest. Emily exited the crawlspace. Ethan entered the crawlspace. Where was the green_pepper at the beginning? Emily entered the back_yard. Isabella entered the back_yard. The cucumber is in the blue_suitcase. Emily moved the cucumber to the blue_envelope. Where will Isabella look for the cucumber? Ethan entered the garden. Isabella entered the garden. The banana is in the blue_cupboard. Isabella exited the garden. Ethan moved the banana to the red_box. Ethan exited the garden. Isabella entered the garden. Where does Ethan think that Isabella searches for the banana?
Output: blue_cupboard
Ella entered the staircase. Oliver entered the staircase. The pear is in the green_basket. Ella moved the pear to the blue_crate. Elizabeth entered the sunroom. Oliver entered the sunroom. The lettuce is in the red_crate. Elizabeth moved the lettuce to the blue_pantry. Oliver entered the kitchen. Ella entered the kitchen. The apple is in the green_drawer. Oliver moved the apple to the red_pantry. Ella entered the study. Oliver entered the study. The strawberry is in the green_envelope. Ella moved the strawberry to the green_bucket. Where does Ella think that Oliver searches for the strawberry?
Output: green_bucket
Charlotte entered the cellar. Alexander entered the cellar. The cucumber is in the green_pantry. Alexander exited the cellar. Charlotte moved the cucumber to the blue_container. Charlotte exited the cellar. Alexander entered the cellar. Where is the cucumber really? Alexander entered the living_room. Avery entered the living_room. The beans is in the green_cupboard. Avery exited the living_room. Alexander moved the beans to the red_pantry. Where will Avery look for the beans? Charlotte entered the living_room. Alexander is in the living_room. The lettuce is in the red_pantry. Alexander exited the living_room. Charlotte moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. Charlotte exited the living_room. Alexander entered the living_room. Where was the lettuce at the beginning? Avery entered the study. Aria entered the study. The lime is in the red_envelope. Aria exited the study. Avery moved the lime to the blue_treasure_chest. Avery exited the study. Aria entered the study. Where was the lime at the beginning?
Output: red_envelope
Aria entered the TV_room. William entered the TV_room. The broccoli is in the green_crate. William exited the TV_room. Aria moved the broccoli to the green_bucket. Aria exited the TV_room. William entered the TV_room. Jackson entered the pantry. Aria entered the pantry. The lime is in the red_bottle. Aria exited the pantry. Jackson moved the lime to the red_suitcase. Jackson exited the pantry. Aria entered the pantry. Jackson entered the pantry. Amelia entered the pantry. The lime is in the red_suitcase. Amelia exited the pantry. Jackson moved the lime to the red_bottle. Jackson exited the pantry. Amelia entered the pantry. Aria is in the pantry. William entered the pantry. The peach is in the red_suitcase. William exited the pantry. Aria moved the peach to the red_bottle. Aria exited the pantry. William entered the pantry. Where was the peach at the beginning?
Output: red_suitcase
Liam entered the bathroom. Jacob entered the bathroom. The strawberry is in the blue_box. Jacob exited the bathroom. Liam moved the strawberry to the red_bottle. Where will Jacob look for the strawberry?
Output: blue_box
Owen entered the bedroom. Benjamin entered the bedroom. The tomato is in the green_pantry. Benjamin exited the bedroom. Owen moved the tomato to the red_pantry. Owen exited the bedroom. Benjamin entered the bedroom. Elizabeth entered the bedroom. Benjamin is in the bedroom. The tomato is in the red_pantry. Benjamin exited the bedroom. Elizabeth moved the tomato to the green_pantry. Elizabeth exited the bedroom. Benjamin entered the bedroom. Elizabeth entered the patio. Owen entered the patio. The eggplant is in the blue_bathtub. Owen exited the patio. Elizabeth moved the eggplant to the red_box. Elizabeth exited the patio. Owen entered the patio. Elizabeth entered the pantry. Owen entered the pantry. The broccoli is in the blue_cupboard. Owen exited the pantry. Elizabeth moved the broccoli to the blue_container. Elizabeth exited the pantry. Owen entered the pantry. Where will Owen look for the broccoli?
Output: blue_container
Owen entered the back_yard. Charlotte entered the back_yard. The pumpkin is in the red_crate. Charlotte exited the back_yard. Owen moved the pumpkin to the blue_box. Owen exited the back_yard. Charlotte entered the back_yard. Avery entered the garage. Charlotte entered the garage. The carrot is in the green_pantry. Charlotte exited the garage. Avery moved the carrot to the green_drawer. Avery exited the garage. Charlotte entered the garage. Owen entered the back_yard. Avery entered the back_yard. The pumpkin is in the blue_box. Avery exited the back_yard. Owen moved the pumpkin to the red_crate. Owen exited the back_yard. Avery entered the back_yard. Avery entered the hall. Charlotte entered the hall. The lettuce is in the red_cupboard. Charlotte exited the hall. Avery moved the lettuce to the red_drawer. Avery exited the hall. Charlotte entered the hall. Where does Avery think that Charlotte searches for the lettuce?
Output: red_cupboard
Jack entered the basement. Logan entered the basement. The corn is in the red_box. Jack moved the corn to the green_treasure_chest. Aiden entered the study. Logan entered the study. The celery is in the blue_envelope. Aiden moved the celery to the green_suitcase. Aiden entered the pantry. Jack entered the pantry. The asparagus is in the red_cupboard. Aiden moved the asparagus to the green_envelope. Jack entered the sunroom. Aiden entered the sunroom. The turnip is in the green_basket. Jack moved the turnip to the red_envelope. Where was the turnip at the beginning?
Output: green_basket
Benjamin entered the crawlspace. Jack entered the crawlspace. The pineapple is in the blue_cupboard. Jack exited the crawlspace. Benjamin moved the pineapple to the red_cupboard. Jack entered the crawlspace. Evelyn entered the crawlspace. The pineapple is in the red_cupboard. Evelyn exited the crawlspace. Jack moved the pineapple to the blue_cupboard. Jack entered the sunroom. Jackson entered the sunroom. The celery is in the green_bottle. Jackson exited the sunroom. Jack moved the celery to the red_treasure_chest. Jackson entered the patio. Evelyn entered the patio. The pumpkin is in the blue_envelope. Evelyn exited the patio. Jackson moved the pumpkin to the red_bottle. Where does Jackson think that Evelyn searches for the pumpkin?
Output: blue_envelope |
Given a simple high-school level math question, you are required to solve it and provide the final answer. The final answer is always a single number. These questions can range from a variety of topics like simple arithmetic, solving equations, converting a quantity from one unit to another, finding remainders/GCD/LCM, finding probabilities etc. Each question has only one correct answer. This answer can be a positive or negative integer, a fraction or a decimal number. If the answer is a negative number use the hyphen (e.g. -42) symbol for the minus sign. For decimal numbers, do not add extra zeros after the decimal point. For fractional numbers, separate the numerator and denominator using a forward slash (e.g. 3/25).
Let m = 5 + -3. Let v = m + 11. What is the tens digit of v?
Answer: 1
Let t be (10/25)/((-8)/(-20)). Solve -i + t = -0 for i.
Answer: 1
Calculate prob of picking 1 v, 1 t, and 1 o when three letters picked without replacement from toofvvtfovrvvfooffv.
Answer: 20/323
Two letters picked without replacement from fxvffzzgzffzzgffxz. Give prob of sequence fv.
Answer: 7/306
In base 13, what is -13 + 2?
Answer: -11
What is prob of sequence oj when two letters picked without replacement from {j: 1, o: 2, s: 2}?
Answer: 1/10
How many millilitres are there in 8293.02 litres?
Answer: 8293020
Solve 5*w - v = 6 - 14, 5*w - 4*v + 32 = 0 for w.
Answer: 0
Suppose 22 = 2*a + 4*o, 7*a + o = 2*a + 10. What is the least common multiple of a and 10/35 - 122/(-14)?
Answer: 9
Let w be (1 + 1/(-1))/(-1). Suppose -2*n + 20 = 3*n - 5*b, w = 4*b. Solve -r = g, n*g + 0 = 3*r + 28 for r.
Answer: -4
What is prob of picking 1 l, 2 s, and 1 p when four letters picked without replacement from psplssppppppppp?
Answer: 11/455
Convert 0.9559904cm to kilometers.
Answer: 0.000009559904
Suppose -5*b = -4*l - 14, 3*b + 4 = 6*b + 2*l. Let c(a) be the second derivative of a**3/6 - 2*a**2 + a. What is the remainder when c(7) is divided by b?
Answer: 1
Let x = -1/17723 - -1754585/141784. Let q(j) = -2*j**2 - 6*j + 5. Let y be q(-5). Find the common denominator of x and (y/(-12))/(22/(-40)).
Answer: 88
How many grams are there in 7/2 of a kilogram?
Answer: 3500
Let n = 17 - 12. Suppose -4*t + h = 48, -h + 24 = -n*t - 37. Let b = t + 21. What is the units digit of b?
Answer: 8
What is next in -51, -93, -131, -165, -195, -221?
Answer: -243
Solve 3*q - 9 = -3*s + 5*s, -q + 3 = -3*s for q.
Answer: 3
Three letters picked without replacement from ddpmmmppfmmdmmpfp. What is prob of sequence pdf?
Answer: 1/136
Let y(a) = 3*a. Let g be y(5). Suppose -4*h + 9*h + 2*b + g = 0, 0 = b + 5. What is the units digit of 1/(h + (-18)/(-16))?
Answer: 8
Let j = 12 - 10. Suppose -5*u + j*u + 9 = 0. Solve -13 = -2*g - u for g.
Answer: 5
How many years are there in 1733952.3 months?
Answer: 144496.025
Let p = -12 + 20. Let q(c) = c**3 - 4*c**2 + 2*c - 5. Let k be q(4). Let l be k - 2 - (-1 - -1). Calculate the greatest common factor of l and p.
Answer: 1
Three letters picked without replacement from lqqrlqqlqrqpqpppq. What is prob of sequence lrp?
Answer: 1/170
Let f be 2/(-5) + 44/10. Suppose -w + 2 - f = 0. Calculate the remainder when 19 is divided by 10 + (w - -2 - 0).
Answer: 9
What is the ninth root of 172 to the nearest integer?
Answer: 2
Calculate -5 divided by -29.
Answer: 5/29
What is the value of 26/42 + (-17)/51?
Answer: 2/7
Let s = -22 + 57. Let l = s + -22. Calculate the greatest common divisor of l and 65.
Answer: 13
Let g = 11 - 7. Suppose 6 = -y - g. Let p(h) = h + 19. Let m be p(y). What is the greatest common divisor of m and 1?
Answer: 1
Divide -651 by 3.
Answer: -217
Let u be 6 - (3/(-1) + 1). Solve -5*p - 5*x = -2*p - 25, 0 = 4*x - u for p.
Answer: 5
Let q(x) = -x**3 + 5*x**2 + 5*x - 5. Let y be q(5). Let p = y + -13. Let b(u) = 7*u. Find the common denominator of 50/3 and b(p).
Answer: 3
Let c = 5 + 0. Solve -c*u = -2*u + 3 for u.
Answer: -1
In base 12, what is -37 + 28?
Answer: -b
Let l be 2/8*6*-4. Let h(w) = w**3 + 7*w**2 + 3*w - 8. What is the tens digit of h(l)?
Answer: 1
Answer: 3/5
What is prob of picking 1 u and 1 i when two letters picked without replacement from affiuxaiaf?
Answer: 2/45
Suppose 3 = -t + 4*t. Let g(h) = h**2 + 7*h + 1. Let x be g(-7). Calculate the remainder when 3 + x/(2 + -3) is divided by t.
Answer: 0
Calculate prob of picking 1 q, 2 k, and 1 p when four letters picked without replacement from quuqdgpkk.
Answer: 1/63
Convert 37.3712598 minutes to weeks.
Answer: 0.00370746625
Calculate prob of sequence ff when two letters picked without replacement from {s: 4, b: 8, f: 4}.
Answer: 1/20
How many micrograms are there in one tenth of a milligram?
Answer: 100
Let y(c) = -c**3 + 6*c**2 + 4*c - 4. Suppose 2*n - 16 + 4 = 0. Calculate the smallest common multiple of y(n) and 4.
Answer: 20
In base 5, what is 31130 + -11?
Answer: 31114
Three letters picked without replacement from vivvvvvvvivviiivvv. What is prob of sequence vii?
Answer: 65/1224
Convert 558.2791ug to grams.
Answer: 0.0005582791
What is -0.4 plus -49.921?
Answer: -50.321
What is 13/4 of a microgram in nanograms?
Answer: 3250
What is 601 less than -92.9?
Answer: -693.9
What is prob of sequence ip when two letters picked without replacement from ipkkkppkiiiiiikkpk?
Answer: 14/153
What is 306604.998 minutes in weeks?
Answer: 30.4171625
Suppose k = 21 - 15. Calculate the greatest common factor of k and 2.
Answer: 2
Suppose -55 = -8*l + 3*l. Let k = l + -7. What is the units digit of k?
Answer: 4
Let p = -12 + 20. Let q(c) = c**3 - 4*c**2 + 2*c - 5. Let k be q(4). Let l be k - 2 - (-1 - -1). Calculate the greatest common factor of l and p.
Answer: 1
Let o(c) = 2*c**2 - 5*c. Let k be o(4). Let z = k + 12. What is the remainder when 47 is divided by z?
Answer: 23
Let p(h) = h**2 - 8*h - 2. Let v be p(8). Suppose 0 = 5*s - 50 - 40. Calculate the smallest common multiple of s and ((-56)/(-20))/(v/(-10)).
Answer: 126
Calculate prob of picking 1 j and 1 i when two letters picked without replacement from joojioooojjoioj.
Answer: 2/21
Let d(h) = h**2 + 10*h + 21. What is the tens digit of d(-9)?
Answer: 1
Four letters picked without replacement from {e: 3, q: 9, r: 1, o: 2, c: 3}. Give prob of sequence ccoq.
Answer: 1/680
What is 1699 to the power of 1/6, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 3
How many millilitres are there in 42/5 of a litre?
Answer: 8400
Three letters picked without replacement from csmqmzctcmqzct. What is prob of picking 1 c, 1 m, and 1 q?
Answer: 6/91
Let q(m) = m**2 - 9*m + 2. Let g be q(9). Suppose -g*s + 4*s = 0. Let y(u) = -u**2 - u + 17. What is the remainder when 50 is divided by y(s)?
Answer: 16
Suppose 0 = -4*t + g + 51, t + 2*t - 51 = 5*g. What is the smallest common multiple of t and 14?
Answer: 84
What is prob of sequence guuz when four letters picked without replacement from ugzuugggjguzubjj?
Answer: 5/1092
What is prob of picking 4 i when four letters picked without replacement from iidididdidiid?
Answer: 7/143
What is the remainder when 51 is divided by 460/36 + (-4)/(-18)?
Answer: 12
What comes next: 2209, 4422, 6635, 8848, 11061, 13274?
Answer: 15487
Let n = 17 - 12. Suppose -4*t + h = 48, -h + 24 = -n*t - 37. Let b = t + 21. What is the units digit of b?
Answer: 8
Let t = 89 + -74. What is the smallest common multiple of t and 5?
Answer: 15
What is (-5)/2*(-136)/170?
Answer: 2
0.5 times 0.43
Answer: 0.215
Evaluate (-7)/6 + 2 + 9/(-27).
Answer: 1/2
What is the next term in 1097, 2189, 3283, 4379, 5477, 6577?
Answer: 7679
Suppose -4*b + c = -b - 71, -b + 21 = -c. What is the tens digit of b?
Answer: 2
Suppose -2*a + h - 10 = -22, -2*a = -3*h - 20. Suppose 6*p - 18 = 4*p. Suppose 1 = -4*w + p. Solve -a = 2*j - w*f, -2*j = -j + 2*f + 8 for j.
Answer: -4
Calculate prob of sequence ppy when three letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, p: 2}.
Answer: 1/6
Let g = 6 - 6. Let b = 3 + g. Suppose -w - b = -21. What is the tens digit of w?
Answer: 1
Let l be 0 - (0 - (215 - -2)). Let h = 1363/6 - l. What is the common denominator of h and 3/2 - 518/280?
Answer: 60
Four letters picked without replacement from wmxpwwpwwxgwxrmgwxpw. What is prob of picking 1 r, 2 g, and 1 p?
Answer: 1/1615
What is the common denominator of -1 + 1 + (-1016)/(-384)*4 and 33/8?
Answer: 24
Two letters picked without replacement from {o: 8, x: 2, m: 1, u: 1, v: 2, a: 3}. Give prob of picking 1 x and 1 o.
Answer: 2/17
What is prob of picking 1 e and 1 d when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, j: 1, b: 1, c: 1, e: 1, d: 1}?
Answer: 1/21
Let x(i) = 4 + 0 + 8*i + 0*i. What is the remainder when 58 is divided by x(2)?
Answer: 18
What is eleven halves of a gram in milligrams?
Answer: 5500
What is the next term in -1189, -2370, -3551, -4732?
Answer: -5913
Let g(m) = -m**2 - 2*m - 1. Let h be g(-3). Let t = h - -6. What is the units digit of t?
Answer: 2
Convert 383.4505km to millimeters.
Answer: 383450500
Calculate prob of sequence fd when two letters picked without replacement from {m: 1, d: 2, f: 1, z: 2, y: 2}.
Answer: 1/28
Four letters picked without replacement from {f: 4, m: 1, g: 5}. Give prob of picking 4 f.
Answer: 1/210
Calculate prob of sequence ee when two letters picked without replacement from {p: 5, e: 3}.
Answer: 3/28
What is 21/4 of a litre in millilitres?
Answer: 5250
Let n = 17 - 12. Suppose -4*t + h = 48, -h + 24 = -n*t - 37. Let b = t + 21. What is the units digit of b?
Answer: 8
Calculate -12341 divided by 6.
Answer: -12341/6
Three letters picked without replacement from {q: 8, f: 4, k: 5}. Give prob of sequence kkk.
Answer: 1/68
Solve 414 - 407 = 7*t for t.
Answer: 1
Let g(y) = -5*y - 12. What is the remainder when 20 is divided by g(-4)?
Answer: 4
Calculate the lowest common multiple of 6 and (1/(-2))/(3/(-114)).
Answer: 114
In base 11, what is -a4 - 2?
Answer: -a6
Calculate prob of picking 1 a and 1 g when two letters picked without replacement from aaag.
Answer: 1/2
What is next in -2102, -8394, -18872, -33530, -52362, -75362?
Answer: -102524
Work out 25.4 + -0.4.
Answer: 25
Four letters picked without replacement from ufdatpt. Give prob of sequence tdut.
Answer: 1/420
Solve -4*i + 2*l = -16 - 2, 0 = -i + 2*l + 3 for i.
Answer: 5
Solve 64*j + 70 = 50*j for j.
Answer: -5
Solve 3*x - 3 = -0*f - 2*f, -4*f + 4*x = 4 for f.
Answer: 0
What is (-14)/(-10) - 1 - (-135)/225?
Answer: 1
What is 0.2266777 grams in tonnes?
Answer: 0.0000002266777
What is the cube root of 124458 to the nearest integer?
Answer: 50
Convert 875.795 weeks to hours.
Answer: 147133.56
Suppose -k - 3 + 26 = 0. Suppose k = 2*o - 17. Solve v = 6*v - o for v.
Answer: 4
Let a = -31 - -39. Calculate the highest common factor of 56 and a.
Answer: 8
In base 7, what is -22 - 32?
Answer: -54
Calculate prob of picking 3 h when three letters picked without replacement from huhuhhuhhhucu.
Answer: 35/286
Suppose 2*i = i + 10. What is the tens digit of i?
Answer: 1
Evaluate 2 + 21/5*-1 - -2.
Answer: -1/5
Calculate -0.2865*-2.
Answer: 0.573
How many nanoseconds are there in 0.9277696 minutes?
Answer: 55666176000
What comes next: 223, 452, 681, 910, 1139?
Answer: 1368
Two letters picked without replacement from hwhjoxhhhhgxjhh. What is prob of picking 1 x and 1 o?
Answer: 2/105
Convert 39.13478 nanometers to kilometers.
Answer: 0.00000000003913478
Solve 5*c = 3*z - 31, 0*c + c + 7 = z for c.
Answer: -5
What is 170524 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 413
Let f be -1*3*(-4)/12. Find the common denominator of ((-5)/22)/((-6)/60) and f/((-5)/(-56)) + -1.
Answer: 55
Let a(z) = -2*z - 14. Let t be a(-7). Solve t*r + 2*r - 4*h + 10 = 0, 5*r - 3*h + 18 = 0 for r.
Answer: -3
Convert 0.930934 milligrams to kilograms.
Answer: 0.000000930934
What is prob of picking 2 d when two letters picked without replacement from tqqqqqttdtqdqq?
Answer: 1/91
Evaluate 2 + 21/5*-1 - -2.
Answer: -1/5
Suppose -3*i + 12 = -2*i. Let j = i - 8. Suppose -4*c - 4 = -4*h, -j*c - 5 - 1 = -5*h. Calculate the lowest common multiple of 7 and h.
Answer: 14
Let n be 13 + (-4)/4 + -3. Solve 4*i - 3 = -2*m + n, i + 4*m = 10 for i.
Answer: 2
Solve 2*v + 5 - 13 = 0 for v.
Answer: 4
What is 149867.7 months in decades?
Answer: 1248.8975
What is 170524 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 413
What is prob of picking 2 i and 1 a when three letters picked without replacement from {u: 2, a: 1, i: 14}?
Answer: 91/680
What is -0.05 - -437.1?
Answer: 437.05
How many millimeters are there in 47.72367 kilometers?
Answer: 47723670
Calculate (-1*3)/(45/(-10)).
Answer: 2/3
What is 8322 to the power of 1/7, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 4
Calculate prob of sequence zyyy when four letters picked without replacement from yzyzzyzzyzyz.
Answer: 7/198
Let p(k) = k**3 + 3*k**2 - 3*k - 5. Let q be p(-2). Solve -3*s + 8 = 4*l - 5, -q*l - 4 = -3*s for l.
Answer: 1
What is prob of picking 3 y when three letters picked without replacement from yzzyzyy?
Answer: 4/35
What is next in 8224, 8226, 8228, 8230?
Answer: 8232
What is prob of sequence rpcp when four letters picked without replacement from uppbrrppcrbrurrbrrr?
Answer: 3/2584
How many millilitres are there in three eighths of a litre?
Answer: 375
Convert 5685.116 weeks to seconds.
Answer: 3438358156.8
Suppose -5*z + 25 = -4*z. What is the remainder when z is divided by 14 - (-2 + (5 - 2))?
Answer: 12
13/(-5) - (-1 + 3)/(-1)
Answer: -3/5
How many decades are there in 17/2 of a millennium?
Answer: 850
Let c be 0/(2 + -1 + 0). Suppose 3*p = j + 33, -3*p + 4*p + 2*j - 4 = c. What is the greatest common divisor of 25 and p?
Answer: 5
What is prob of sequence ys when two letters picked without replacement from sbysryrbbbsyssrr?
Answer: 1/16
Suppose 4*t + 9 = 5*q, -2 + 0 = 2*q - 3*t. Solve 13 = 2*z + f, q*z + 0*z - f = 15 for z.
Answer: 4
What is prob of picking 3 o and 1 p when four letters picked without replacement from pooooopppppoo?
Answer: 42/143
Calculate 153 + -0.05.
Answer: 152.95
Three letters picked without replacement from lqqrlqqlqrqpqpppq. What is prob of sequence lrp?
Answer: 1/170
What is the value of (-2 + (-15)/(-6))/(10/(-40))?
Answer: -2
What is the value of 26/42 + (-17)/51?
Answer: 2/7
Four letters picked without replacement from {x: 4, p: 6, q: 2}. What is prob of sequence xqxp?
Answer: 2/165
Calculate prob of picking 2 o and 2 k when four letters picked without replacement from {o: 3, k: 12}.
Answer: 66/455
Solve -26 + 18 = -2*q + 5*a, 3*a = -q - 7 for q.
Answer: -1
What is next in 64, 117, 216, 367, 576, 849, 1192, 1611?
Answer: 2112
Let t = 89 + -74. What is the smallest common multiple of t and 5?
Answer: 15
Convert 5685.116 weeks to seconds.
Answer: 3438358156.8
Solve 2*x - t = -10, -3*x + 5*x = 5*t - 26 for x.
Answer: -3
Let z be 16 - (-1)/(1/(-4)). Solve -h = -5*h - z for h.
Answer: -3
What is seventy-seven fifths of a litre in millilitres?
Answer: 15400
Three letters picked without replacement from {h: 1, g: 2, o: 1, i: 7, c: 3, l: 3}. Give prob of sequence iil.
Answer: 21/680
Let t = -3/91 + -619/546. What is the common denominator of -95/8 and t?
Answer: 24
Suppose -s + 5 = 3*r - 22, 5*r + 2*s = 46. Let h = -2 + 5. Suppose 2*u - h*u - 3*j - 1 = 0, 2*j + 10 = 0. Calculate the remainder when u is divided by r.
Answer: 6
What is 1/20 of a kilogram in milligrams?
Answer: 50000
Four letters picked without replacement from gttggt. What is prob of sequence gtgt?
Answer: 1/10
Let w = -12 - -21. Let n = w + -5. Suppose 0 = -2*p + 6, 5*l - 38 = -0*l + n*p. Calculate the least common multiple of l and 5.
Answer: 10
Answer: 50.35
Two letters picked without replacement from doooorxxrxro. What is prob of sequence dx?
Answer: 1/44
Suppose 5*x - 7 = -22. Let p = 11 + x. Let b be p/2 - 1/1. Solve 0 = -m + b*m - 6 for m.
Answer: 3
Calculate prob of sequence pm when two letters picked without replacement from mmyypyypppn.
Answer: 4/55
Suppose -852 = -z - 2*z. Suppose -96 = -4*t + z. Suppose -7*q + 2*q + t = 0. Solve h = -5*o + q, 0 = 2*o + 4*h - 5*h - 9 for o.
Answer: 4
Solve -5 + 25 = -5*l for l.
Answer: -4
Suppose 0*m - 59 = -g - 3*m, g - 62 = -4*m. What is the tens digit of g?
Answer: 5
Let d(x) = -47*x**3 + x**2 - x - 1. Let p be d(-1). Calculate the highest common divisor of p and 12.
Answer: 12
Put together 36.34 and 11.27.
Answer: 47.61
Let l be 0/((-1)/(-1)*-2). Suppose 0 = 4*w - 4*j - 36, l = 2*w - 0*j + j - 6. Solve q + 3*c = 6*q - 14, 30 = w*q + 5*c for q.
Answer: 4
What is prob of picking 1 u and 3 h when four letters picked without replacement from {r: 3, m: 4, h: 3, u: 1}?
Answer: 1/330
Solve -j - 4*v = 0, 0 = 11*j - 15*j - 4*v + 12 for j.
Answer: 4
Solve 18*c + 75 = 33*c for c.
Answer: 5
Three letters picked without replacement from {m: 4, l: 3, w: 2, s: 3, j: 6, f: 1}. Give prob of sequence fjl.
Answer: 1/323
Suppose -3 = -j - 4. Let h be j + 0 + (4 - 3). What is the units digit of h - -1 - 6*-1?
Answer: 7
Suppose 158 = 4*d - k, -d = -0*d - 5*k - 49. Suppose 6*f - 2*f = 52. Calculate the greatest common divisor of d and f.
Answer: 13
What is the value of (-12)/(-6)*1/(-7)?
Answer: -2/7
What is 13/4 of a century in months?
Answer: 3900
What is 13288 + 3?
Answer: 13291
What is the next term in 22, 63, 136, 247, 402, 607, 868, 1191?
Answer: 1582
Two letters picked without replacement from {i: 3, v: 2}. Give prob of sequence iv.
Answer: 3/10
Convert 472578.9 days to microseconds.
Answer: 40830816960000000
What is (81/135)/(18/5)?
Answer: 1/6
Solve 47*p - 20*p - 108 = 0 for p.
Answer: 4
Let b = 1858057/15 - 123976. Let u = b + 677/6. Find the common denominator of ((-2)/(-3))/(6/14) and u.
Answer: 90
Suppose 56 = -2*w - 5*r, r - 5*r + 38 = -3*w. Let y = w - -20. Solve -3*u = 4*g - 5*u - y, -6 = -2*u for g.
Answer: 2
Solve -4*j = -7*j - q + 5, 3*j - 5*q + 7 = 0 for j.
Answer: 1
What is 3638 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 60
Three letters picked without replacement from bbrtbrububtbjutbu. Give prob of sequence tbr.
Answer: 7/680
Two letters picked without replacement from {o: 3, e: 1, n: 3, r: 1, a: 2, d: 3}. Give prob of sequence de.
Answer: 1/52
What is 7/4 of a millennium in decades?
Answer: 175
What is 33613.06 minutes in seconds?
Answer: 2016783.6
Solve 3*x = t + 11, 2*x = 3*x + 4*t - 21 for x.
Answer: 5
Solve 2*m + h - 15 = 0, 35 = 2*m + 2*h + 3*h for m.
Answer: 5
Three letters picked without replacement from gggppgfffwgppggfwd. What is prob of picking 1 f, 1 d, and 1 g?
Answer: 7/204
Let d be (0 + -33)*(-21)/9. Let k be (10 - 4)/(2/3). Let j be -4*3/(-6) + k. Calculate the highest common divisor of j and d.
Answer: 11
Calculate prob of picking 1 v and 1 i when two letters picked without replacement from ipvpviipvpvp.
Answer: 2/11
Suppose -4*j = -4*u + 40, 3*u = 5*j - 0*j + 48. Let p = 17 + j. What is the units digit of p?
Answer: 8
Let n = 1 - -2. Let x = -5 - -11. Let t be 3/(x*(-1)/(-44)). Solve -5*q - k = -q - t, -5*k + 25 = n*q for q.
Answer: 5
Let n be -2 + 0 + 14/(-2). Let q = 18 + n. What is the greatest common factor of q and 81?
Answer: 9
Calculate prob of picking 2 j and 1 c when three letters picked without replacement from {c: 4, x: 4, j: 8, q: 4}.
Answer: 28/285
What is 8721.276 weeks in minutes?
Answer: 87910462.08
How many centuries are there in 78115.17 years?
Answer: 781.1517
(-3 - 2) + -1 + 0 + 1
Answer: -5
Evaluate (1130/226)/(5/(-4)).
Answer: -4
What is 7/8 of a millennium in months?
Answer: 10500
Solve 0 = j - 2*r + 16 - 8, 0 = 2*j + 2*r + 4 for j.
Answer: -4
Suppose 5 = a, 3*j + 2*j - 35 = -4*a. Let s be -4*j/(-6) - 6. Let q = s + 6. Solve 0 = -q*k + 3*k for k.
Answer: 0
What is 170524 to the power of 1/2, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 413
In base 11, what is -27 + -15a?
Answer: -186
What is prob of picking 1 c and 1 b when two letters picked without replacement from bbbbbbbbbbbbbbccbb?
Answer: 32/153
Let o = 9 - -56. Let z = o + -35. Suppose -5*u = -2*u - z. Calculate the remainder when 19 is divided by u.
Answer: 9
How many decades are there in 8/25 of a millennium?
Answer: 32
What is the value of 0 - 5 - ((0 - -6) + -11)?
Answer: 0
Let w be (1 + 1/(-1))/(-1). Suppose -2*n + 20 = 3*n - 5*b, w = 4*b. Solve -r = g, n*g + 0 = 3*r + 28 for r.
Answer: -4
Convert 935.7169 tonnes to grams.
Answer: 935716900
Solve 414 - 407 = 7*t for t.
Answer: 1
Let y = 37 + -31. Calculate the highest common divisor of y and 12.
Answer: 6
What is 939 to the power of 1/9, to the nearest integer?
Answer: 2
In base 8, what is -1 - -5654?
Answer: 5653
Suppose 5*a - 4*k - 63 = 0, -7*a + 3*k = -11*a + 69. Calculate the greatest common divisor of 15 and a.
Answer: 15
Convert 39.12191 tonnes to milligrams.
Answer: 39121910000
Convert 558.2791ug to grams.
Answer: 0.0005582791
Let z be ((-6)/4)/(3/(-6)). Let j(g) = -g**3 + 3*g**2 + g - 3. Let x be j(3). Let m be (-5 + x)*3/(-5). Solve 6*c - c = 5, -3*c + m = z*r for r.
Answer: 0
Solve 116*c - 114*c - 4 = 0 for c.
Answer: 2
Suppose -6*m = -m. Let c(d) = 2*d + 5. Let w be c(m). Solve -4*a - 20 = 5*r, -3*r - w*a = -a + 12 for r.
Answer: -4
Solve 412*s = 398*s + 70 for s.
Answer: 5
Suppose 0*m - m - 3 = 0. Let i = m - -7. Solve -v = -0*v + i for v.
Answer: -4
504 divided by 42
Answer: 12
Solve -3*w - 4 = -h - 8*w, 4*h = -2*w - 2 for h.
Answer: -1
Calculate prob of picking 1 t, 1 k, and 1 z when three letters picked without replacement from {t: 1, z: 2, k: 1}.
Answer: 1/2
What is one twentieth of a kilogram in grams?
Answer: 50
What is the difference between 0.4 and 2.815?
Answer: 2.415
Convert 25.14383 millennia to years.
Answer: 25143.83
-1584 divided by 48
Answer: -33
What comes next: 223, 452, 681, 910, 1139?
Answer: 1368
Let s(j) = j**2 - j - 3. Let y(r) = 4*r - 8. Let n(v) = -3*v + 9. Let g(x) = 5*n(x) + 4*y(x). What is the lowest common multiple of g(-6) and s(4)?
Answer: 63
In base 6, what is 3 - -430?
Answer: 433
Calculate 0*-0.09.
Answer: 0
Work out 2 * -14.7.
Answer: -29.4
What is prob of sequence wwss when four letters picked without replacement from sswws?
Answer: 1/10
What is ((19/8)/19)/(2/12)?
Answer: 3/4
How many kilograms are there in 287.403 micrograms?
Answer: 0.000000287403
Let o = 1 + 4. Let i = o - 3. Solve -2*x + 2 = -3*x - 5*z, x + i = -2*z for x.
Answer: -2 |
Example: ['d', '109', 'e', 'f', '7357', '9237', '2365', 'q', '2381', 'e', '1925', '6751', '8105', 'a', '7225', '3665', 'f', 'i', 'j', 'a', 'k', '7075', '9553', 'q', 'g', '4931', 'k', '1553', 'p', 'j', '3265', 'w', '1787', 't', '565']
Output: a, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, p, q, t, w
Example: ['l', '477', '131', '6369', 'w', '7583', 'c', 'a', '2745', '4115', '8885', 'z', '6319', 'q', '5801', 'v', '4183', 'c', '5813', 'x', 'l', 't']
Output: a, c, l, q, t, v, w, x, z
Example: ['v', '8573', '7567', 'm', 'a', '4143', '2239', '4233', 't', 'q', '1987', 'p', 'f', '8553', 'l', 'c', 'w', '8077', '5161', 'y', 'w', '8449', 'q', '6079', 'h', '9287', 't', '5467', 'i', '459']
Output: a, c, f, h, i, l, m, p, q, t, v, w, y
Example: ['4191', '6411', '8581', 'l', '3697', 'h', 'c', 'g', 'e', '8129', '3391', '5027', 'e', '33', '2631', '7435', 't', 'o', '9173', '8957', '2623', '5329']
Output: c, e, g, h, l, o, t
Example: ['47', 'y']
Output: y
Example: ['4339', 'b', 'd', 'z', 'q', 'm', 's', '9331', 'y', 'y', 's', 'd', 'w', '7209', 'e', '8021', '7425', '8589', 't', 'e', '1613', 'n', '6941', 'i', 'g', '1049', 'j', 'j', 'd', '301', '9711', 's', 'a', 'w', 'b', '5263', 'q', 'e', 's', 'd', 'z', 'i', 'd']
Output: a, b, d, e, g, i, j, m, n, q, s, t, w, y, z
Example: ['m', 'n', 'b', 'z', 'f', '1907', 'u', '1285', '8363']
Output: b, f, m, n, u, z
Example: ['x', 'w', 'y', '6459', 'n', '4743', 's', 'h', '859', 'p', '6427', '7577', 'z', 'f', 'a', 'o', 'p', '3019', '8501', 'z', 'c', 'p', 'w', 'i', '3917', 'b', 'a', '5565', 'n', 'd', '2031', '3595', '667', '8481', 'q', '7603', '8229', 'y', '9119', 'r', 'b', '8059', 'u', '1849', 'z']
Output: a, b, c, d, f, h, i, n, o, p, q, r, s, u, w, x, y, z
Example: ['k', '4239', 'h', '4539', 'o', 'm', '2165', 'd', 'n', '4333', 'f', '6911', 'y', 'e', '8193', '7231', '4075', 'e', '3927', 'b', '8527', '4453', 'c', '4323', '2535', 'q', '1399', 'l', 'x', '3761', '8817', 'x', '9199', 'a', '2503', 'q', 'i', 'i']
Output: a, b, c, d, e, f, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, q, x, y
Example: ['m', 'b', 'x', 'u', 'b', 'f', '7507', '8177', '3205', '6841', 'f', '5297', 'j', 'h', '2403', '3121', '4219', '1123', 'o', 'm', 'i', '2827', 'k', 'b', '9391', 'v', '201', '6469', '1231', 'd', 'x', 'd', 't', 'w']
Output: b, d, f, h, i, j, k, m, o, t, u, v, w, x
Example: ['i', 'p', '4059', '7969']
Output: i, p
Example: ['r', 'k', 'w', 'k', '5983', '3275', '6043', '3605', 'j', 'z', 'j', '2279', '5409', '933', '6341', 'e', 'k', '1705', 'c', 'b', '3367', '8153', '9041', '6271']
Output: b, c, e, j, k, r, w, z
Example: ['2301', 'r', '6829', 'g', '2839', 'z', '4471', 'm', 'z', 's', 'k']
Output: g, k, m, r, s, z
Example: ['d', '3073', 's', '6837', 'w', 'y', 'v', '5959', '7275', '1681', 'r', '8217', 'z']
Output: d, r, s, v, w, y, z
Example: ['z', 'e', 'y', 's', 'm', 'h', '4307', 'g', 'r', '8205', '5021', 'b', '6969', 'o']
Output: b, e, g, h, m, o, r, s, y, z
Example: ['5763', 'l', '9749', '2151', 't', 'b']
Output: b, l, t
Example: ['3517', 'i', 'o', 'f']
Output: f, i, o
Example: ['7969', '673', '3833', 'a', '7279', '2201', 'c', '6475', '4447', '4341', 'k', 'u', 'n', 'k', '8333', 'a', 't', '7343', 'o', 'a', '879', '503']
Output: a, c, k, n, o, t, u
Example: ['x', 'z', '131', 'i', 'h', '2695', '2337', 'b', '5153', 'x', '9443', 'f', '1131', 'f', '6089', 'k', 'g', 'f', '3917', '143', 'g', 'q', '6697', '5163', '6013']
Output: b, f, g, h, i, k, q, x, z
Example: ['b', 'j', 'm', 'i', '961', 't', 'i', '4421', '9883', 'k', 'p', '513', 'u', 'g', 'd', '7397', '329', '8141', '5581', 's', '2963', 'd', '5307', 'y', 'm', '6905', '2363', '6875', 'c']
Output: b, c, d, g, i, j, k, m, p, s, t, u, y
Example: ['4643', '6409', '3809', 'l', 'f', 'x', '1011', '6855', '2629', '4039', 'r', 'l', '4617', 'r', '1661', '9313', 'k', '3279', '8081', '9687', '7857', '9185', 'b', 'o', 'l', 'c', 's', 'i', 'i', 'z', '347', 'b', '1905', 'h', '1449', 'w', 'n', 'n', 'l', 'o', 'f']
Output: b, c, f, h, i, k, l, n, o, r, s, w, x, z
Example: ['1795', '2027', '6007', 'v', 'f', '3837', 's', 'z', 'x', '3665', '1071', '9503', '8183', '2543']
Output: f, s, v, x, z
Example: ['b', 'd', '8153', 'u', '3695', '5317']
Output: b, d, u
Example: ['t', '4379', '4591', 'm', 's', '3761', '5497', '327', '2835', 'm', '2491', '3049', '8483', '1739', '5301', 'h', '3761', 'f', 'k', '6171', 'm', '9393', '799', 'p', 'o', '9637', '5289', 't', 'v', 'm', '8537', 'c', '6233', '4545', 'l', '3845', 'x', 'f', '7671', 'n', '4343', 'b', 'k', 'n', '245']
Output: b, c, f, h, k, l, m, n, o, p, s, t, v, x
Example: ['5287', 'z', '3495', 'u', '7801', '8849', 'c', 'e', 'n', 'd', '3277', 'k', 'y', '3833', '4727', 'e', '7215', 'v', '1293', '3361', 'z', '7539', 'd', '6455', 'e', 'd', '3633', 'j', '9805', '9597', '6337', 't', '4375', '8053']
Output: c, d, e, j, k, n, t, u, v, y, z
Example: ['g', 'i', 'u', 'd', '6559', 'n', '7421', '4363', '8711', '903', 'a', 'j', 'a', '303', '8609', '1847', 'l', 'x', 'x', 'r', 'i', 'i', '929', 's', 'n', 'r', '3265', '941', '1013', '719', 'a', 'a', 'l', 'j']
Output: a, d, g, i, j, l, n, r, s, u, x
Example: ['t', 'c', 'w', '5183', '6451', '9165', '4357', 'g', 'n', '5765', '3539', 't', '6727', 'q', 's', 'd', '3617', '5321', '8959', 'g', '415', 's', 'k', '6539', '6189', 's', 'u', '675', 'u', 'x', 'f', 'u', '9907', '305', 'h', 'p', 'y', 'g', 'd', 's', 'm', 'x', 'y', 'l', 'k']
Output: c, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, q, s, t, u, w, x, y
Example: ['h', 'w', '2011', 'z', 'r', '89', '5139', 'z', '6605', 's', '5613', 'l', '4119', '4767', 'p', '3645', '6519', 'o', '1979', 'm', '3521', 'm', '1709', '3765', 'a', '9179', 'x', 'd', 'k', '6111', '8937', 'z', 'r', 'm', 'f', 'o', '6061', '8063', 'b', '9103']
Output: a, b, d, f, h, k, l, m, o, p, r, s, w, x, z
Example: ['h', '7977', 'x', '8119', '4483', '7595', '1009', '7157', 't', 'f', '2321', 'q', 't', 'g', '3897', '7289', '1365', 'i', '3403', 'o', '4623', 'n', '6565', '2487']
Output: f, g, h, i, n, o, q, t, x
Example: ['2049', '9659', '2033']
Output: -1
Example: ['9547', 'p', 'r', 'f', '5433', '969', 'e', '157', 'y', '557', 'c', '2815', 't', '9293', '4753', 'i', '4357', '8185', 'l', '933', 'r', '9003', 'a', '2837', 'w', 'o', 'x', '1423', '3839', 'n', 'r', '8253']
Output: a, c, e, f, i, l, n, o, p, r, t, w, x, y
Example: ['c', '4481', '5035', 'x', 'z', '9035', '2641', 'b', '591', 'n', '6045', '9117', '4731', '807', '7069', 'd', '1735', '6971', '4823', 'j', 'v', '63', 'u', 'x', '4925', 'c', 'b', '7089', 'w', 'm', 'q', 'r', '5287', 'c', '4443', 'd', 'g', '8943', '2367', 'h', '3391', 'd', 'w', 'c', 'b']
Output: b, c, d, g, h, j, m, n, q, r, u, v, w, x, z
Example: ['d', '4115', '9739', 'u', '5071', '3985', '7515', '9333', 'd', '5065', '5955', '2233', 'i', '4223', '9631', '233', 'z', '8391', 'q', '2113', 't', 's', 'x', 's', 'x', 'h', 'd', '2671', 'o', 'g', '3621', '8379', 'k', '2749', '4743', '4413', '4637', 'w', '8523', '413', '9359', '9763']
Output: d, g, h, i, k, o, q, s, t, u, w, x, z
Example: ['m', 's', 'n', 'r', 'e', 'v', 'y', '9695', '9149', '8527', '9683', '859', '8065', '3291', '5863', 'i', 'b', '2047', '4025', 'i', '1709', 'a', '7417', 'p', 'q', 's', '9877', 'm', '5395']
Output: a, b, e, i, m, n, p, q, r, s, v, y
Example: ['y', 'g', 'g', '2647', '5241', 'o', 'v', 'g', 'x', '4857', 'b', '783', '1259', '7783', 'n', 'n', 'k', 'd', 'p']
Output: b, d, g, k, n, o, p, v, x, y
Example: ['y', '9013', '367', '6149', 'n', 'e', 'w', '8609', '8419', 'm', 'v', '4627', 'i', '2141', '5827']
Output: e, i, m, n, v, w, y
Example: ['6103', '887', '2281', '3975', 'z', 'w', '9129', '9059', 'g', 'm', 'j', 'm', '1831', '9109', '5825', '7125', 'o', '2929', '6791', 'd', '2767', '9139', '4309']
Output: d, g, j, m, o, w, z
Example: ['9431', 's', '5847', '1169', '693', '7451', 'h', '9697', 't', '9027', 't', 'x', 'l', 'c', 'h', 'q', '5591', '7525', '7765', '5187', '5363', '871', 'm', 'm', 's', 'k', 's', 'o', '7913', 'k', 'e', '7517', '8597', '4481', 'z', '7601', 'c', 'r', '3243', 'w', '5793', '8511', '9713', 'l', '8823']
Output: c, e, h, k, l, m, o, q, r, s, t, w, x, z
Example: ['9263', '7849', '4491', 'q', '1187', '455', '6575', 'c', 'o', '9125', 'b', 's', 'y', '5305', 'q', 'j', 'z', '5301', '4757', 'u', '3317', '7609', '8729', 'f', '2863', 'n', '6155', '9959', 'r', 'p', '3267', '7891', 'v', 'a', '6093', 'u', 'y', 'e', 'v', 'l', '4075', 'e', 'e']
Output: a, b, c, e, f, j, l, n, o, p, q, r, s, u, v, y, z
Example: ['4915', 'm', 'g', 'd', '9363', 'b', 'i', '7249', 'h', '6355', 'c', '9683', '2647', 'z', 'n', 'f', '711', '5939', '5565', '3759', 'i', 'j', '5197', '4495', 'u', '4269', 'k', 'q', 't', 'w', '7651', 'b', 'o', '3589', '8973', '8987', '2203', '4899', 'c', 'k', '7989', 'x']
Output: b, c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o, q, t, u, w, x, z
Example: ['5239', '2989', '5059', '2745', '3533', 'k', 'j', '6923', 'i', '1783', '3311', 'a', '3567', '5739', 't', '1505', '6533', 's', 'i', 'h']
Output: a, h, i, j, k, s, t
Example: ['g', 'n', 'g', 'w', 'n', '2697', '7685', 'v', 'j', 'k', '5511', 'd', '7939', '9885', '4667', '7273', '7477', '7955', '8203', '8229', '8589', '8579', 'h', 'm', 'c', 'l', '2037', 'b', '4265', '8351', '6805', 'h', '7643', 'd', '6953', 'b']
Output: b, c, d, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, v, w
Example: ['6653', 'p', '527', '3953', '6329', '6611', 'w', '9123', 'q', '6295', 'q', '8737']
Output: p, q, w
Example: ['k', '9491']
Output: k
Example: ['2579', 'v', '4135', 'q', '2227', '6133', 'h', '8553', '341', '8979', '6447', '5471', '2745', 'm', '3701', 'z', 'o', 'a', '8523', '1519', '1925', '9945', '3011', '5369', '759', '7033', 'j', 'k', '3829', 'r']
Output: a, h, j, k, m, o, q, r, v, z
Example: ['x', '6725', '6197', '9351', 'e', 'a', '9865']
Output: a, e, x
Example: ['v', 'e', '7123', '7691', '5699', 't', 'j', 'k', '751', '1659', 'u', '8521', 'h', '8481', '4113', 'c', 'a', 'h', '6139', 'q', '2409', '385', 'i', '9749', 'm', 't', 'p', 'o', 'r', 'c', 'q', '9787', 'p', '4849', '4497', '2337', '1343', '9971', 'b']
Output: a, b, c, e, h, i, j, k, m, o, p, q, r, t, u, v
Example: ['1991', 'b', '8165', 'f', 'k', 'g', '985', '5271', '1845', '261', 'r', 'g', 'p', '5417', '697', 'a', 'l', '3839', '1665', 'q', '7207', 'r', '3285', '129', '2213', 'f', 'f', 'u', 'c', 'm', 'v', '4603', 'n', 'n', '3525']
Output: a, b, c, f, g, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, u, v
Example: ['e', 'e', '8329', 'i', 'u', '1141', 't', 'b', '3831', 'k', '8365', '6569']
Output: b, e, i, k, t, u
Example: ['h', 'b', 'k', 'e', 'b', 'r', '5099', 'f', 'z', '2927', '5329', 'o', '5551', '265', 't', 'c', '5797', '5787', '6011', '3691', '9505', 'l', '67', 'p', 'm', 'b', '9769', '463', '3201', '7879', 'b']
Output: b, c, e, f, h, k, l, m, o, p, r, t, z
Example: ['i', '9297', '6987', '8845', '145', '8659', '7315', '349', 'u', 'w', 'k', '7699', '9339']
Output: i, k, u, w
Example: ['l', '455', '9645', 'x', 'v', 'o', '6303', '8187', '3447', 'm', 'o', 'v', 'e', '669', 'x', '7657', '417']
Output: e, l, m, o, v, x
Example: ['a', '4353', '7469', '1423', 'h', '9391', '7119', '2793', '7591', '2517', '7579', '1139', '6631', '5043', '3627', '5543', '729', '1191', 'k']
Output: a, h, k
Example: ['747', '5385', '5313', 'p', '9581', 'r', '1339', '3919', 'e', 'e', '8057', '7739', 'i', 'e', '3311', '963', 'g', 'h', '7349', 'y', '1493', 'e', '3055']
Output: e, g, h, i, p, r, y
Example: ['4013', 'd', 'm', '6055', '6843', '5105', 't', '9823', 'z', 't', '6499', '3135', '7111', 'z', '3099', '4707', '4011', 'n', '9833', 'g', '1925', '2639', '3039', 'j', 't', 'l', 'c', 'u', 'z', 'm', '8369', '5573', '4157']
Output: c, d, g, j, l, m, n, t, u, z
Example: ['w', '9995', '6849', '2643', '6477', '8317', 'a', '2321', 'y', '5653', '1491', '3517', '1659', '7509', '6831', 'r', '9127', 'w', 'n']
Output: a, n, r, w, y
Example: ['8669', '4423', 's', '1761', 'p', 'h', 'q', 's', 'f', 'h', 'c', '5437', 'g', '7801', 'k', '6495', 'd', 'e', 'n', 't']
Output: c, d, e, f, g, h, k, n, p, q, s, t
Example: ['l', 'v', 'o', '877']
Output: l, o, v
Example: ['7649', '5017', 'b', 'd', '6373', '2999', 'v', '7621', '7311', 'h', 'k', '1203', '3437', 'g', 'f', 'q', '2361', 'i', '7241', 'w', 'd', '5597', '5695', 'p', 'a', 'j', '6725', '5631', 'y']
Output: a, b, d, f, g, h, i, j, k, p, q, v, w, y
Example: ['6945', 'j', '2211', 'x', 'a', 'n', '4953', '7969', '2583', 'g', '9529', 'j', '8151', '9455', '6135', '2239', 'm', '5725', 't', '553', 'g', '4055', 'r', 'k', '6737', '7721', '257']
Output: a, g, j, k, m, n, r, t, x
Example: ['a', 'w', 'm', 'g', 'c', '5475', '7391', 't', '1049', 'p', 'd', '1397', 'k', 'x', 'j', '2525', 'f', '741']
Output: a, c, d, f, g, j, k, m, p, t, w, x
Example: ['k', 'r', '6167', '1907', 'n', 't', 'd', '8553', 'a', '4981', '9551', '871', '5097', 'm', '9977']
Output: a, d, k, m, n, r, t
Example: ['j', '7149', 'r', '7977', '2417', 'v', 'b', 'n', '4617', '1191', 'a', '2991', '2185', '6785']
Output: a, b, j, n, r, v
Example: ['u', '2923', 'z', '9421', 'o', 'o', '2395', 'l', 'm', 'e', '803']
Output: e, l, m, o, u, z
Example: ['6931', '9049', '7483', '4113', '3705', '7241']
Output: -1
Example: ['n', '4559', 'o', '8409', 'h', 'm', '2035', 'h', 'e', 'n', '7711', 'b', 'f', '8253', '9409', 'g']
Output: b, e, f, g, h, m, n, o
Example: ['m', 'y', '8813', '8937', '5873', '209', 'c', '1435', '1777', 'q', 'i', 'q', 'g', 'u', 'p', '6371', '443', '1147', 't', '3867', 'r', '6043', 'n', '2401', 'o', 'c', '9947', 'w', 'l', 'y', '7609', 't', 'b', '1879', 'n', 'w', 'f', '9665', '9095', '9035', '9591', '9351', 'r', 'w', '9547']
Output: b, c, f, g, i, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, t, u, w, y
Example: ['3323', 'i', 'z', '9255', '8149']
Output: i, z
Example: ['8205', '1899', '5501', 'z', '1719']
Output: z
Example: ['z', 'i', '3657', 'p', '6985', '2293', '8113', '4129', '8753', 'd', 'd', '8273', 's', '9909', '4721', '7703', '3861', 'f', '7343', 's']
Output: d, f, i, p, s, z
Example: ['m', '6761']
Output: m
Example: ['x', '5027', 'f', '51', '6655', 'b', '1741', 'f', '5675', '2613', '7503', '6879', 'u', 'u', 'b', 'j', 'u', 's', '1627', '1505', '3919', '8479', 'a', 'y', '161', '6697', '6327', '1605', '6463', '9513', 'x', 'x', 'g', '1657', '9679', 'k', '1341']
Output: a, b, f, g, j, k, s, u, x, y
Example: ['2149', 'x', '4101', '6435', 'q', 'h', 'j', 'z', 'o', 'b', 'k', '8147', 'e', '3813', 't', '165', 'l', '99', '895', 'v']
Output: b, e, h, j, k, l, o, q, t, v, x, z
Example: ['w', '2985', 'i', '7933', '2257', '6525', '7831', '3735', 'l', 'y', 'r', '3555', 'x', 'd', 'q']
Output: d, i, l, q, r, w, x, y
Example: ['n', '3711', 'k', '4499', '2133', 'r', 'u', 'f', '4261', 'n', 'g', 'n', '7109', 'f', '8795', '705', 'x', '8853', 'j', 'w', 't', 'w', '8363', '3355', '4565', '5131', '1323', '3963', '8057', 'p', 'x']
Output: f, g, j, k, n, p, r, t, u, w, x
Example: ['p', 'h', '5121', '5607', 'm', '755', 'n', '839', 's', 'h', 'x', 'z', 'q', '9987']
Output: h, m, n, p, q, s, x, z
Example: ['8105', '8751', '3893', '4477', 'n', 'b']
Output: b, n
Example: ['k', '489', '2253', '3837', 'm', '2953', '2975', '9335', 'r', '8239', 'g', 'o', '691', '4881', 'e', 'k', '4595', 'y', '6205', 'o', '1517', 'd', 'w', '7999', '5727', '3517', 'c', 'k', '5781']
Output: c, d, e, g, k, m, o, r, w, y
Example: ['g', 'd', 'k', '6779', '9869', '9467', '7499', '6397', 't', '4859', 'l', '8895', '6677', '637', '3305', 'z', '5587', 't', '6247', 'l', '9819', '7887', '8069', 't', 'x', 's', '2107', 'h', 's', '8403', '3609', '3339', '471', 'o', 'j', '4367', '3897', '2787', '7747', '8971', '6393', 'z', '8113', '3515', 't']
Output: d, g, h, j, k, l, o, s, t, x, z |
In this task you are given a tweet that contains some form of irony. You must classify the type of irony the tweet has. Label the tweets ("polarity","situational","other") based on the irony they have. Situational irony happens when a situation fails to meet some expectations, Label these instances as "situational". polarity irony happens when irony is achieved by inverting the intended sentence, Label these instances as "polarity". There are other kinds of ironies that are neither polarity nor situational, Label these instances as "other". Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Great, I've got a lung infection. This is fun. :/ | #notfun #miserable
Output: polarity
@BaniHillal "i feel bad for the American people, now we should invade their country in kill their children so we can save them"
Output: situational
@JustAnotherMo Now, now, Islam is the "religion of peace" and only Christians can hurt anybody! Get it right! D:
Output: situational
S/O to the Bengals for sucking it up yesterday. Totally made it worth me staying up 24 hours yesterday and coming to work this am.
Output: polarity
@doodlebug0 Why not? The House Committee has been very informative thus far!!! |#UniteBlue
Output: polarity
Thanks @AirAsia, for nothing. All my family were flying with you from KL to attend my wedding. #everyonecanfly #AdelaideRouteCancelled
Output: polarity
I bet its warmer in Nova Scotia today! #frio #cold #freezing #costadelsol #IloveCanada
Output: polarity
Another @virginmedia moment. We can't be bothered to fix your broadband problem but would you like to buy an Iphone6 of us! HELL NO!!
Output: situational
I need a misadventure form because I broke my hand practising and rewriting this english essay 500 times
Output: situational
HaHaHaHa!! #hypocrisy "MT @Independent: Katie Hopkins calls Russell Brand a bully..........: [Link]"
Output: other
I'm so afraid.
Output: polarity
That's nice.
Output: polarity
@Ms_Mac4 I need a new job so I can read books again. I miss reading. Being an English teacher really gets in the way of reading.
Output: situational
#Love is far more important than #money!|The problem is, you only know it once you have money!| #life #humanity
Output: situational
@peteswildlife Great. Does that mean he's also giving up hunting and killing wildlife in Europe?
Output: other
Good luck today DJ Durkin. It is NOT great to be a Florida gator. | |#fuckUF
Output: other
@Deggisfox that's totally obscure...
Output: polarity
Work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.. Can't wait!
Output: polarity
Finding it quite funny that Gillette Soccer Saturday on Sky are complaining that there aren't enough games on at 3pm Saturday
Output: situational
Where you our #ShamiWitness now? |"@Dannymakkisyria: The gunman is also said to be monitoring social media activity #sydneysiege"
Output: other
I love 14 hour shifts :weary_face::weary_face::weary_face:
Output: polarity
saturday class wee
Output: polarity
More in winning a sweet hamper at a Christmas fete the day after a jellybean damaged a tooth!
Output: situational
I think I might be an artist #flowers #pretty #love #beautiful #painting #art #nature #lchs [Link]
Output: polarity
Who ever thought moving in the middle of December would be so peaceful?
Output: situational
@yenisley Aww, you poor thing, I feel so bad for you being in sunny Florida. I don't know how you can handle it! ;)
Output: polarity
[Link] << This should be Christmas number 1! #accounting #absolutetosh
Output: polarity
Second day in a row that I'm late to work. Thanks, @MTA. Service definitely worth a fare hike. [Link]
Output: polarity
OMG! #Berlin is so fashion! #vscocam [Link]
Output: polarity
..@Youtube : Keeping the big channels big, and the little channels irrelevant since 2014 . #GoodJob
Output: polarity
@DrunkVinodMehta isnt it obvious #Sadhvi case and #Rape cases are 2 different things. You cannot co-relate both thngs to 1 sentence
Output: situational
Standard Christmas newsfeed. Diamonds everywhere, everyone's engaged. Congratulations. #original #Christmas #engaged
Output: polarity
What a joke. Thanks for the detailed response and communication with your customers. @AskPlayStation @PlayStation
Output: polarity
@SouthamptonFC @LFC @SkySports Again fans come second. Thanks again
Output: polarity
@C_DLord @C_CWilson1 Lovely on Carnoustie beach this morning...| #soggybreeks
Output: polarity
Up all night took 4 hour nap I'm ready for work
Output: polarity
Just delivered @DominiqueAnsel #cronuts to @BouchonBakeryRC hmmm its for a customer I hope!!! [Link]
Output: other
What is most important today is not family or health but rather NBA action.
Output: situational
I love running on 3 hours of sleep.. #ijustwannasleep :confused_face:
Output: polarity
Always nice when a 40 year old man you don't know calls you pretty
Output: polarity
My stomach is a Wonderland for gas inducing bacteria. #blessed
Output: polarity
Ya and listening to them talk about how hot girls are is a favorite past time. -_-
Output: polarity
Gym and I are gonna have a reeeaaalll nice date tomorrow. #imgoingtostruggle #VSFS2014
Output: polarity
Another great day on the #TTC.
Output: polarity
@JohnCena @VinceMcMahon @steveaustinBSR hope you have more ambition john, cause no one else seems too.
Output: other
Well my mornings going very nicely:smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Output: polarity
Sure Staff... Now Hiring. [Link]
Output: situational
She said nope, I'm only getting gift cards...ones she bought using her credit card points. .
Output: situational
Shakespeare is great :face_with_no_good_gesture::pistol:
Output: polarity
how half of the world is suffering from obesity and the other half is dying of famine!!!!!
Output: situational
8ams are just so lovely.
Output: polarity
My favorite part of dislocating my shoulder is now being able to feel it roll around in the socket
Output: polarity
We'll that was a great way to start off my morning :grinning_face:
Output: polarity
@michael_adair @CelticLiam88 For Queen and country yet they go down and destroy an English city and attack English police lol
Output: situational
Up all night took 4 hour nap I'm ready for work
Output: polarity
It's such a joy to wake up sick again and not be able to use the one arm I do everything with.
Output: polarity
@SexualGif: when ur boyfriend interrupts your selfie [Link] yeah happens all the time
Output: other
@TNADixie @IMPACTWRESTLING @DestAmerica Fuck yeah! 600 more viewers!
Output: polarity
The silence in #TimesSquare for #EricGarner last night is only broken by #NYPD siren. , watch on ifussss app. [Link]
Output: situational
3 hours of sleep is sufficient to tackle this day. #timezoneproblems
Output: polarity
#instacraze #addiction :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_and_winking_eye: at [Link]
Output: polarity
@MarcotteJN @KillerKalen yeah I'm avoiding you by waking up at 6 AM my time so by 10 PM I'm exhausted. #sucksimissedyou <3
Output: polarity
We cram 5 minutes before an exam and get a tag of qualified person.
Output: situational
*gasp* The girls are at a rehearsal studio today? You don't say... Hmmm wonder what on earth for? :frog_face::hot_beverage:️ #MTVStars Little Mix
Output: other
#Work#Trains#TheGrind#London#Business#MyHappyFace [Link]
Output: polarity
@virginmedia Advertising an online special with an expiry countdown, yet you cant order anything or check your postcodes validity.
Output: situational
Meanwhile in Zimbabwe the South African imposed government promises to stamp out corruption.
Output: situational
Crime figures: true picture may be worse than feared, says think-tank report | via @Telegraph [Link] Surprised?
Output: polarity
8ams are just so lovely.
Output: polarity
@Shaneonair large companies don't pay tax and get away with it.individuals who don't pay get locked up or fined.
Output: situational
LOL..It was an RSS agenda modi bribed UN officals to make yoga day international.. #secularindia #AntiConversionLaw #hypocrites
Output: situational
@K_TR69 @tracieeeeee @KDunham4Prez too much of that herb. New trend of potheads contributing to society maybe? Darn that
Output: polarity
@ragavendra87 @timesofindia They r no less than the BCCI and Arnab keeps bashing them on the news hour
Output: situational
Sorkin identified the 'attack on free speech' from Sony hackers before attacking the media for publishing the leaks #SonyHack
Output: situational
@ the hospital for a new allergy test... Love it.
Output: polarity
OMG YES. 7:30 FINALS ON A FRIDAY ARE MY FAVORITE. :smiling_face_with_heart-shaped_eyes::heavy_black_heart:️:information_desk_person:
Output: polarity
@Charlottegshore wow that's impressive...I have to force myself to go just as I will be doing later! #gymfanatic
Output: polarity
Um, really @RollingStone? #nothanks #UVA [Link]
Output: other
Oh hello flu! Thank you for fooling me in thinking you were gone! I missed you so much! #flu #yaay
Output: polarity
@ColossusBets reminds of me of myself when i was younger||
Output: polarity
Soooo deep #narrowminds #stopwatchingthenews #andstoppreachingoffyoutube [Link]
Output: polarity
Girls who can rock this thang~ #PrincipalSwag [Link]
Output: polarity
@HuffingtonPost Who France? Impede free market capitalism? Socialists? No... not France... #shocker #Uber rocks. Suck it France.
Output: polarity
Oh the @LabourEoin .@David_Cameron You would not need to take to twitter to peddle piffle
Output: situational
"@LabourEoin Few politicians get importance of Patient Dignity & right to die [Link]"
Output: other
I asked God to protect me from my enemies .. shortly after I started losing friends :flushed_face::hundred_points_symbol: or #naah
Output: situational
The of taking a break from reading about #socialmedia to check my social media.
Output: situational
@ninjalikescheez did your python tweeter send that?
Output: other
Oh the @LabourEoin .@David_Cameron You would not need to take to twitter to peddle piffle
Output: situational
And all I wanna do is blast music and get ready for my trip but my "second" roommate is sleeping and I suffer from being considerate
Output: situational
Kind of love how I got a voicemail from my seat neighbor wondering where I was yet they constantly sell their ticket & I never ask
Output: situational
That's nice.
Output: polarity
the people #BillCosby looked down upon are ones coming to his defense. This isn't about race,it's about rape! [Link]
Output: situational
8ams are just so lovely.
Output: polarity
wow what great banter from @WillHart2014
Output: polarity
The fun part about 4 am drives in the winter, is no one has cleaned the snow yet
Output: polarity
@msmalcriada @ershannon Time to listen to ppl complain bout their lot in life bec they cudnt make themselves anything??? Yay!!!!
Output: polarity
Where you our #ShamiWitness now? |"@Dannymakkisyria: The gunman is also said to be monitoring social media activity #sydneysiege"
Output: other
"@antoineraps: @edifyin how the fuck are you up now? Ho! Saturnalia nigga"
Output: other
- Road safety campaign donkey killed by car [Link]
Output: situational
The people supporting police violence seem to be the same assholes that scream about government over-reach. #cognitivedissonance
Output: situational
Second day in a row that I'm late to work. Thanks, @MTA. Service definitely worth a fare hike. [Link]
Output: polarity
i'm so funny
Output: polarity
I'm so afraid.
Output: polarity
.@tomorrowstand Yup. That's exactly how we do it
Output: polarity
Reading about Barack Obama in the Barack #Obama plaza #moneygall oh the [Link]
Output: situational
amazing how many "americans" slag off capitalism , from the comfort of armchairs, sipping decaf,skinny, pumpkins spice lattes
Output: situational
$BIDU up 2%. Officially announced Uber stake. $BIDU has market cap of $78.6 billion. Uber should top that in next VC round, right?
Output: polarity
@NYPDnews y'all are doing a great job at keeping people safe
Output: polarity
Honking at me whilst you drive past - so romantic, it makes me want to trace you through your number plate and be with you forever
Output: polarity
Yeah nice hair babes :face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy: [Link] [Link]
Output: polarity
S/O to the Bengals for sucking it up yesterday. Totally made it worth me staying up 24 hours yesterday and coming to work this am.
Output: polarity
@Wields Ill see you in the Finals
Output: other
OH and now the District line has major signal failures and delays FANTASTIC!!!
Output: polarity
Love working hard trying to fix other people's fuck ups
Output: polarity
Dentists oh the joy
Output: polarity
"@MaggieLindemann: . @xSamSecrets123 awk moment when I tweeted first #fakefan !!!!!"
Output: other
So now its Hamilton on a Monday night? Thanks @BTSportSPFL for all those evening games you give us, saturday football is overrated!
Output: polarity
@MistressBitchIn a Woman that puts a man in irons supports the irons!!!
Output: situational
Love working and be exhausted all the time
Output: polarity
@oimagenta Just abt 2 say d same :) I'm not sure whether Oxford Brookes Uni is part of Oxford Uni. yet his CV is impressive still!
Output: situational
So now its Hamilton on a Monday night? Thanks @BTSportSPFL for all those evening games you give us, saturday football is overrated!
Output: polarity
One more reason not to shop at #Walmart. They make you feel you're not in America! #shopping #Islam #tcot ~ [Link]
Output: situational
Reading the Dundee United chairmanship statement tonight and you have to say what a lot of tosh..care of young players indeed
Output: other
My dove wrapper told me to be mischievous, so if anything happens, that's my extenuating, external attribution to blame #psych
Output: other
Just flossed and then ate right after #inconvenient
Output: polarity
I hate it when my mind keeps drifting to someone who no longer matters in life. #dislike
Output: situational
Aaaaaaaaand we're back in the ER. Hooray for no sleep!
Output: polarity
seeing ppl walking w/ crutches makes me really excited for the next 3 weeks of my life
Output: polarity
Thank you Harding science department for only giving us 55 minutes for our final.
Output: polarity
I love cold winter days cause I never know when my car decides not to start :expressionless_face:
Output: polarity
@RadhikaMukherji y r women considered inferior2men by society even wen in most of d families 2day men need women4decision making! :D
Output: situational
Christmas shopping on 2hrs sleep is going to be fun!!!!!
Output: polarity
@Johnnyebs06 oh joy, now i get to have even more of them in my living room! #putyourtoysaway #badboyfriend
Output: polarity
Getting my midterm back was such a great start to my day #badday
Output: polarity
hula hoops, hot chocolate and law revision. my breaks in work are filled with glamour and fun.
Output: polarity
Have successfully avoided everything from season 4 - which I've not seen and there's an S5 one, in my timeline. Thanks Indy!
Output: polarity
I just love 160 question tests in the morning.
Output: polarity
I just found out I have a 13th grade education: [Link]||I must have slept through that entire year
Output: situational
Feeling the irony of using to find people ironically using the work irony wrong. #metahipster
Output: situational
@Spencer_Downey @FFPMMarc ooh, that looks like so much fun!
Output: polarity
@Johnnyebs06 oh joy, now i get to have even more of them in my living room! #putyourtoysaway #badboyfriend
Output: polarity
@cafartic heh as if @Telstra and average work in the same sentence!
Output: polarity
That moment when you have so much stuff to do but you open @tumblr ... #productivity #tumblr
Output: polarity
Ppl make blanket statements about a whole race as a defense that they are sick of hearing about race
Output: situational
Oh and it's a positively balmy 7c
Output: polarity
when you get friendzoned by someone you trying to friendzone...sigh
Output: situational
Happy Monday! Hate mondays.
Output: polarity
.@ChipBrent I love the #gamergate concept of harassing and spamming porn at any critics as proof that you're not a hate group.
Output: polarity
On a small diet [Link]
Output: other
@Dov67 @ThisIsPalestine Actually Israel's demand renders it antisemitic acc to your mate's favourite non definition of antisem.
Output: situational
My boy has another cold and spent the night coughing and sneezing all over me #sexy
Output: polarity
Yay for getting pink eye again! #whyme
Output: polarity
@GIBiz @MonsieurHutt Porn!? Where where?? Move that naked woman, I can't see where the porn is!| #games
Output: other
@JColeNC thanks for noticing me
Output: polarity
Have successfully avoided everything from season 4 - which I've not seen and there's an S5 one, in my timeline. Thanks Indy!
Output: polarity
I love when I'm taken as a joke...makes me feel so good about myself!
Output: polarity
Well that's my Becky in London with her nan, an the big girl dan too start her new job tomorrow #feelingabandoned haha
Output: polarity
The word "#Trust" coming out of the mouths of #Holder or #Obama is just rich with and #hypocrisy. #IRS #racebaiters
Output: situational
.@sunrise how far back can I search my google calendar via sunrise? google doesn't have a working search engine on its calendar
Output: situational
Big shocker that 2 of 8 called in
Output: polarity
idk what I love more how cold my western civ class is or western civ.
Output: polarity
"The two constables -- Veer Pal Singh Yadav and Avnish Yadav - did not have any criminal record." - NDTV||
Output: situational
Of course I'm not nervous, I'm hyperventilating for fun.
Output: polarity
. which is why i've visited #pakistan as many times as i have .. sez @BarackObama
Output: other
You're gone and I gotta stay high... #coldpants #offtomysteriousplaces #bye [Link]
Output: other
@BrentRivera I have a boyfriend! () *hair flip and walks away*
Output: other
Well that's my Becky in London with her nan, an the big girl dan too start her new job tomorrow #feelingabandoned haha
Output: polarity
50 mph winds make a great hair fan for a photo shoot. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth:
Output: polarity
Haha who the fuck says that to someone#TrueGentlemen
Output: polarity
Will put corporate racism and sexism back where it belongs: Face-to-face @RachelFeintzeig: Execs think twice [Link]
Output: other
@TheGodlessNorth Indonesia does: blasphemy laws & ministry of religious affairs,which also happens to be the most corrupt ministry.
Output: situational
One more reason not to shop at #Walmart. They make you feel you're not in America! #shopping #Islam #tcot ~ [Link]
Output: situational
@Jordanbrown_97 haha quite right mate! They coonty workers have got it aff easy Al tell ye! Oot here workin like a hamilton accie :man_with_turban: :face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy:
Output: polarity
Dragging her feet, smacking her lips,and scowling at the empty street while screaming into the phone!...such grace.!:white_frowning_face:
Output: polarity
@anthonyboutall - Russell Brand discussed today how much his London mansion is worth..and Marx was married to a baroness #scum #weak
Output: situational
"@antoineraps: @edifyin how the fuck are you up now? Ho! Saturnalia nigga"
Output: other
The fandom showing its mature side as always when it's about this kind of topic
Output: polarity
She said nope, I'm only getting gift cards...ones she bought using her credit card points. .
Output: situational
love, love, love how the left side of my face is swollen. :pouting_face::loudly_crying_face:
Output: polarity
Bush 'fully informed' of CIA methods [Link] No?? Really?? Shocking...
Output: polarity
Powerful picture taken by a #protester the #night before #christmas. The is real. [Link]
Output: situational
It's hot, it's humid & you're wearing uggs. Wow. Nice style!
Output: polarity
Hi Orgabeh, so we meet again. I think you're my soulmate. :smiling_face_with_heart-shaped_eyes: zzzzZzz :tired_face: #patience
Output: polarity
@ScottishFA @RaeComm @ChampionsLeague sure that will end well
Output: polarity
Last day of school it was so much fun but not much people came. what a shocker
Output: polarity
Another @virginmedia moment. We can't be bothered to fix your broadband problem but would you like to buy an Iphone6 of us! HELL NO!!
Output: situational
I love being unappreciated
Output: polarity
Yea, yea that's logical.
Output: polarity
@KissStephanie @TeaPartyCat but they did uncover the hidden arsenals of WMD in iraq as a result of the (torture) enhanced interrogation
Output: situational
Whoops. Didn't know I had to live up to other people's expectations instead of mine. Let me just fix that. #sorrynotsorry #soz
Output: polarity
..@Youtube : Keeping the big channels big, and the little channels irrelevant since 2014 . #GoodJob
Output: polarity
#PTIUKGoNawazGoCampaign||Show up at the peaceful protest infront of Lancaster house to greet our PM with respect ||
Output: situational
@xheeners I know ...
Output: other
Couldn't agree more! RT @Champ_Payne: Nothing makes me feel more special than receiving an automated DM.
Output: polarity
@NintendoAmerica wait...there's a "New Wii U"?
Output: other
@virginmedia Advertising an online special with an expiry countdown, yet you cant order anything or check your postcodes validity.
Output: situational
Why is paper so sharp? Someone should put a ban on paper! #liberalmentality
Output: polarity
Love these cold winter mornings :grimacing_face: best feeling everrrrrrr !
Output: polarity
@hoplitnet The fact that Whites are prone to universal thinking is actually racial in and of itself.
Output: situational
@stillfallin_ great Christmas.
Output: polarity
That moment you drop your phone right after your kid gives you a case for Xmas but before it's actually opened and put to use.
Output: situational
That one time I didn't feel in over my head.
Output: polarity
"The two constables -- Veer Pal Singh Yadav and Avnish Yadav - did not have any criminal record." - NDTV||
Output: situational
@jimmyk52501 @MotherJones @NickBaumann I love when the wilfully ignorant embraces hate and still think they hold a moral high ground |
Output: polarity
I picked a great night to not want to sleep.
Output: polarity
My dove wrapper told me to be mischievous, so if anything happens, that's my extenuating, external attribution to blame #psych
Output: other
Gotta love working the day after Christmas #smellya
Output: polarity
I always look super cute when guys come to fix stuff in the condo
Output: polarity
@JimHumbert @GotNewsDotCom Really?! Unbelievable! U mean he was a Thug & Criminal?
Output: other
@ZachSellsMagic I thought all people did for the holiday was to stream holiday cube all day?!?!
Output: situational
I bet I'm the first to use that one
Output: other
@CryptoDabbler @CoinMKTCap @CoinTelegraph you talk about biased behavior. go read some of the paid articles about paycoin.
Output: situational
Travel and tourism this morning.My favourite lesson whoooo
Output: polarity
This clinical psychology exam is gunna be the main cause of whatever mental disorder I develop
Output: situational
@juskoniall funny joke there bae...
Output: polarity
Christmas shopping on 2hrs sleep is going to be fun!!!!!
Output: polarity
Don't you just love when you say hi to someone in the hallway and they completely ignore you? Yeah, I love that too. :unamused_face::fisted_hand_sign:
Output: polarity
8ams are just so lovely.
Output: polarity
Pulis is available. Will guarantee we stay up
Output: polarity
Have successfully avoided everything from season 4 - which I've not seen and there's an S5 one, in my timeline. Thanks Indy!
Output: polarity
My favorite part of dislocating my shoulder is now being able to feel it roll around in the socket
Output: polarity
@LOLGOP Fox News criticizing poor journalism regarding the UVA incident is hilarious
Output: situational
"@Rich_Herrera_4: @pcon34 IT HAS THE WORD MAN IN IT!! Just as sexist as saying mail man instead of mail carrier. " #MichiganMan
Output: polarity
Smh never knew something could be 80% halal....Been muslim my whole life but somehow i've learned something new i guess
Output: polarity
When you show your valid 16-25 railcard and shes charges you full price anyway. Great service from Tamworth @LondonMidland
Output: polarity
#instacraze #addiction :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_and_winking_eye: at [Link]
Output: polarity
Thank God the #Knicks re-signed Carmelo. #TheBullsCanHaveHim
Output: polarity
For those who CAN hear us, @cbcjones talks about NB Power's record number of outages. 7:13 #transmitterproblems
Output: situational
: When some police officers pursue "daring" villains the way abusers pursue frightened prey. #Police_officer=#Abuser #Villain=#Prey
Output: situational
so it's claimed that 99% of all russian athletes take performance enhancing drugs. there is a surprise
Output: polarity
Yeah nice hair babes :face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy: [Link] [Link]
Output: polarity
Experts Doubt North Korea Hacked Sony « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth [Link] #hacker #hacked
Output: polarity
@dudleymbc happy new year to you too!! Thanks for the reply
Output: polarity
@LucelinaB82 I be surprised at how many ppl have me blocked :weary_face::weary_face::weary_face: #ITalkTooMuchShit #YOURSTILLCLOCKINGMETHO #ThatsWhyYourGirlStillFollows
Output: polarity
It's being 200 yrs since the west had their industrial revolution but in 21st cent Ghana, an industrial de-revolution is happening.
Output: situational
So now its Hamilton on a Monday night? Thanks @BTSportSPFL for all those evening games you give us, saturday football is overrated!
Output: polarity
This clinical psychology exam is gunna be the main cause of whatever mental disorder I develop
Output: situational
Why isn't there a playoff legend Romo? @EASPORTS_MUT
Output: other
While politicians are busy in scuffles #PakArmy is doing their job yet maligned "@peaceful_h:Salute 2 PAKARMY [Link]"
Output: situational
The Penguins cancelled their morning skate today...due to icy conditions. #butseriouslytheroadsarebad
Output: situational
"@GarnetNGold22: So PSN and Xbox Live are both down on a day many people get new video games."||North Korean hack? :tired_face:
Output: situational
@quiksilverindia The only place where you don't wanna sit on the seat that you earned. |#Dancing |#QuiksilverGoesSupersonic
Output: situational
Jordan fan here|| :face_with_stuck-out_tongue: -not a hater. [Link]
Output: polarity
@TMZ he hasn't been diagnosed w/ bipolar disorder yet I'm assuming?He needs to "beat" his "hard feeling" emotions into submission.
Output: situational
I fell asleep posting my last post.
Output: situational
.@7eleven Big Gulps for health care [Link]
Output: situational
Did you know ? If you are reading this right now you are not blind...lol.
Output: other
Whoops. Didn't know I had to live up to other people's expectations instead of mine. Let me just fix that. #sorrynotsorry #soz
Output: polarity
@RedSox you guys sure screwed this up royally. I'm happy for Lester, the brain trust over there sucks. #nicejob #LesterToChicago
Output: polarity
@nostromonavis @RamziNasir @StanleyCohenLaw You are kidding, right? #poortaste
Output: other
I love seeing a guy go 50 and texting in a school zone, #soproud #gpabdrivers
Output: polarity
So glad y'all can be awesome now..
Output: polarity
@sidney483 A British world champion in one of the most demanding & popular sports on earth. Yeah, of course I'm being sarcastic.
Output: polarity
Damit, this fatima bhutto has an instagram account but not pics of her. Some random shit...and then ppl i follow keep posting pics.
Output: situational
Bush 'fully informed' of CIA methods [Link] No?? Really?? Shocking...
Output: polarity
I always LOVED that my family was the last one to open presents
Output: polarity
Myself and @AlvaghCronin having to walk to Civic Offices to get bus muttering to ourselves"wouldn't you think they'd pay their water"
Output: situational
...A teen named Bud Weisser was arrested by cops for breaking into a St. Louis party store...[Link]
Output: situational
@whittmj1128 @Johnubacon @SamWebb77 this is true, the Patriots, Packers, or Broncos could suddenly need a new coach #itshappening
Output: other
"@antoineraps: @edifyin how the fuck are you up now? Ho! Saturnalia nigga"
Output: other
Extending trade and not telling the people about the extended trade. Best idea ever!
Output: polarity
And all I wanna do is blast music and get ready for my trip but my "second" roommate is sleeping and I suffer from being considerate
Output: situational
I'm seeing #catfish while I search for a #fishsitter for my #goldfish, #LoveLife
Output: situational
the that the #euphemism #CoerciveControl was #coined by a #MAN but is now #lovingly #appropriated by the #radical #feminist #agenda
Output: situational
Aw thanks mother nature. Merry Christmas to you too!
Output: polarity
Big shocker that 2 of 8 called in
Output: polarity
That moment when #BabyBoomer next to you philosophize about the lacking #communication skills of #GenerationY -> #NewWayToCommunicate
Output: situational
probably going to fail tomorrow yayy #GlobalArtistHMA #MTVStars One Direction
Output: polarity
Why is ISIS an acronym for words in English?
Output: other
I got tampons! [Link]
Output: other
The whole world can never get me on my level
Output: polarity
@quiksilverindia The only place where you don't wanna sit on the seat that you earned. |#Dancing |#QuiksilverGoesSupersonic
Output: situational
Not even 8am and I can already see this is going to be a wonderful day #needmorecoffee
Output: polarity
Climate change redux: CALIFORNIANS experience drought & voted for bonds to cover.Climate changed &now we have most rain in 100 years.
Output: situational
Today's court proceedings, allowing prisoners access to books in England & Wales, surely confirms it's time to limit judicial review.
Output: situational
Ma thing [Link]
Output: polarity |
In this task you are given a statement and an explanation giving you further knowledge about an entity in the statement. You must judge whether the statement is true or false based on the explanation. Label an instance as "True" if the explanation confirms the statement or doesn't disprove it. Label an instance as "False" if the explanation disproves the statement. The statement and explanation are separated by a newline character.
Possible labels:
1. False
2. True
Elizabeth II remained unmarried for her entire life.
Elizabeth II was the only British Queen to never get married.
Label: True
When people address a Judge, they say, Your Honor.
"Your Honor" is a well known way to address a judge.
Label: True
Ben Carson acts as a United States policymaker for the Republican Party.
Ben Carson is an African American Senator in the United States.
Label: True
Tommy knew that his Autonomic nervous system was working.
Because if the Autonomic nervous system was not working, you would be dead.
Label: True
Constantine the Great converted to Islam.
Although his empire was centered in an area (modern-day Turkey) that is largely Islamic today, Constantine converted to Christianity.
Label: False
Harvey Milk lived as a gay American politician and was a pioneer in gay rights.
Harvey Milk was a gay American policymaker.
Label: True
One may buy a bottle of water at 7-Eleven.
Bottles of water are commonplace at gas stations / convenience stores.
Label: True
Baptism commonly involves water or oil.
People are typically baptized by being dunked in water, or splashed with water or oil.
Label: True
Chișinău exists as the capital of the country Moldova.
The sentence is true because geographic records and maps indicate it is.
Label: True
The government of Australia has a written constitution called Constitution of Australia.
The government formed the Constitution of Australia in 1981.
Label: True
An Emperor is type of ruler that rules an empire.
Emperors have been known throughout history for taking over countries to add to their empires.
Label: True
Stephenie Meyer received the 2009 Children's Book of the Year award from the British Book Awards for Breaking Dawn, the Twilight series finale.
Meyer is best known for writing the vampire romance series Twilight, which has sold over 100 million copies, with translations into 37 different languages.
Label: True
One could have watched the United States Women take on the Chile Women in Parc des Princes.
The USWNT took on Chile women at Parc des Princes in the 2019 Women's World Cup.
Label: True
Super Bowl XLIV took place in Boston, MA.
Super Bowl XLIV took place in Miami Gardens, Florida.
Label: False
The Confederacy won the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Confederate Army lost the Battle of Gettysburg.
Label: False
Matthew Broderick loves to rob convenience stores.
There is no indication that Matthew Broderick commits crimes.
Label: False
Hair portrays the exuberant counterculture of America in the 1960's.
This sentence accurately describes the musical Hair (musical).
Label: True
The notorious Haymarket affair cost George Haymarket the presidency in 1970 when he was caught cheating on his wife.
There was no presidential candidate named George Haymarket, and the Haymarket affair does not describe his infidelity.
Label: False
Ewan McGregor plays sports as a professional Scottish athlete.
Ewan McGregor is an actor, not an athlete in Scotland.
Label: False
Council of Europe denies the access to sea salt to residents.
This sentence is false because it is an absurd claim with no evidence of it being true. There are no records of this being true.
Label: False
Miami pays taxes to the state of Georgia.
Miami is a city in Florida
Label: False
Goofy, a fictional dog, has appeared in many Disney cartoons.
Goofy has appeared in numerous Disney cartoons spanning decades.
Label: True
The Simpsons Movie began work on the animation in 2006.
Recirds show this to be accurate.
Label: True
Reading Romantic poetry is not accepted in out culture.
Our culture does not find anything wrong with reading romantic poetry.
Label: False
The Great Gatsby promotes teenagers to commit suicide.
The sentence is false because there is no evidence of the claim being true. There is not evidence through statistics or experiences to demonstrate that the book has this effect on teenagers.
Label: False
Frostbite results from exposure to extreme cold.
This is true and is the way to catchfrostbite.
Label: True
The House of Lords constitutes one of the two parts of Parliament, with the other being the House of Commons.
This is a quick but accurate summary of what the House of Lords is.
Label: True
September takes place after the month of August.
It is the 9th month while August is the 8th month.
Label: True
In 2016 Jeb Bush ran for President of the United States.
He was seen as the front runner at first until momentum got behind Trump.
Label: True
The order of Neuroptera includes spiders.
spiders are not insects.
Label: False
Ciudad Juárez has always been a violent War Zone.
Ciudad Juárez is a beautiful place with friendly people and great food.
Label: False
50 Cent danced and pointed his toe in the air in unison with the other ballerinas.
50 Cent is not a ballerina and has never been in the olympics.
Label: False
DuPage County, Illinois takes up space to the east of California.
The westernmost border of Illinois is many miles to the east of the easternmost border of California.
Label: True
Claudio Monteverdi composed the opera Einstein on the Beach.
Philip Glass, not Monteverdi, composed Einstein on the Beach.
Label: False
Lawrence of Arabia influenced future filmmakers with its usage of the innovative bullet time style of filming.
The Matrix, and not Lawrence of Arabia (film), is famous for its use of "bullet time" filming.
Label: False
Goofy, a fictional dog, has appeared in many Disney cartoons.
Goofy has appeared in numerous Disney cartoons spanning decades.
Label: True
Spinach makes up a common component of salads.
Spinach is a leafy green, which is used as a base for salads.
Label: True
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles produces Ford vehicles.
Ford is not produced by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and is produced by Ford plants.
Label: False
One can buy a Toyota Hilux truck in Japan straight from the factory.
Toyota industry is based in Japan
Label: True
The Sharp Corporation manufactures cars and luxury sofas.
I have not seen a Sharp branded car on the roads.
Label: False
The vampires in Twilight burst into flame when in direct sunlight.
When vampires in twilight were exposed to sunlight they would sparkle
Label: False
Many dishes in Ethiopian cuisine are vegan-friendly.
Vegetables are very popular in Ethiopian cuisine because of fasting rituals conducted by many in Ethiopia.
Label: True
Tourists travel from all over the world to visit the Sea of Galilee.
The Sea of Galilee is a popular tourist attraction.
Label: True
Paella incorporates saffron into its flavor profile.
Paella includes saffron in most of ita recipes.
Label: True
Wheat, a cereal grain, a worldwide staple food, is also an important source of carbohydrates.
Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed as it is a food.
Label: True
Jackie Chan went to school in Germany.
Jackie Chan did go to college in australia, but not anywhere in Germany.
Label: False
Christian IV of Denmark reigned as a monarch for several decades.
Christian IV of Denmark was a King for more than 50 years.
Label: True
Republican efforts to abolish the United States Department of Education were stymied during the first term of the George W. Bush administration, when the president characterized federal education reform as a top priority.
Many members of the Republican party believed that the existence of the Department of Education represented an intrusive government invasion into state, local and family affairs.
Label: True
The name of the twins that got separated is Rick and Morty.
Rick and Morty is a animated show.
Label: False
Fax sends you updated notifications of your mail delivery.
Fax machines helps the office workplace as an essential tool for work productivity.
Label: False
Christopher Columbus explored a large portion of the world during the Age of Discovery.
Christopher Columbus sailed from Western Europe to what we now know as North America in the late 15th Century.
Label: True
Most people have a Samsung Galaxy S II.
The Samsung Galaxy S II is an outdated phone model and not many people still have one.
Label: False
The Twilight Series was written by Stephenie Meyer and Catherine Hardwicke.
The Twilight series was directed by Catherine Hardwicke for the movie and written by Stephenie Meyer for the book
Label: False
Zebra dance before they go to sleep.
I think the sentence is false because there are no reported sightings of zebras dancing before they go to sleep.
Label: False
Howard Hughes founded Disneyland in 1955.
Walt Disney founded Disneyland and the Disney Company.
Label: False
Heavy metal concert by Pantera is coming up in Arlington, Texas.
Pantera is a heavy metal group in Texas.
Label: True
A state prison known as Bastille was unharmed and not confronted on Bastille Day.
A state prison known as Bastille was attacked by a mob on Bastille Day.
Label: False
Flying fish created in Hawaii and Africa.
From both of these areas
Label: True
American forms of currency, such as the penny, bear the phrase, In God We Trust.
"In God We Trust" is well known as the motto printed on American currency.
Label: True
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck invented the phrase, On Lamarck, get set, go!
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was a biologist and not an inventor of racing phrases.
Label: False
People determine the direction of the wind from changes in the way a Judge is pointing.
A weathervane, and not a judge, is the tool people use to determine the direction of the wind.
Label: False
Ewan McGregor acted in many movies and is a Scottish award winner for acting.
Ewan McGregor has been rewarded many times for his acting.
Label: True
Learning allows people to grow their skillset.
Learning is a means to understand and accomplish new things.
Label: True
Tom Holland stared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first Spider man movie titled: Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Spider-Man: Homecoming was the MCU's first Spider Man movie that was not put out mainly by Sony Pictures.
Label: True
President Trump actually won the 2020 United States presidential election but fake ballots were shipped from Italy to Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona to give Biden the lead.
Bill Bar, Trump's own AG said there were no credible instances of voter fraud that would in anyway change the outcome of the election.
Label: False
Easter originates from a pagan holiday celebrating fertility.
Before Christianity, Easter was originally a holiday devoted to a goddess of fertility.
Label: True
Fax machines can cause cancer with their noises.
Fax machines do not cause cancer and have never been shown to do so.
Label: False
In Russia, French Polynesia is located on the coast.
French Polynesia is an island country
Label: False
Elizabeth II reigned for over 50 years.
Elizabeth II's reign, which continues today, began in at least the 1950, which was over 50 years ago.
Label: True
People in India use Tamil script.
Tamil script is a script that's used in India.
Label: True
Beckett originally wrote Waiting for Godot in French.
The original title was En Attendant Godot.
Label: True
Bluetooth helps people tie their shoes.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that cannot tie shoes.
Label: False
Willard Van Orman Quine wrote multiple books.
Willard Van Orman Quine was a philosopher.
Label: True
Pythagoras founded Ancient Greek Shaman religion.
Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician.
Label: False
Finding Nemo won Best Animated Feature Academy Award and was directed by Andrew Stanton.
Finding Nemo is an American 3D film set in Sydney.
Label: True
Your Eye is just a complicated lense that takes in light and sends it to the brian.
Your eyes take in what you see and it is processed in the lower back of the brain called the visual cortex
Label: True
The Outer Hebrides and Sierra Leone share a coastline.
These two places are in completely different parts of the world.
Label: False
A play described as a Tragedy is lighthearted and comedic.
The opposite is true; tragedies are generally very drama and focus on suffering.
Label: False
Zheng Jie plays tennis, and is one of China's most successful players of all time.
Zheng Jie's major claim to fame is the number of titles and awards she has won playing tennis for China.
Label: True
Excalibur inspired many to learn more about myths.
Excalibur is a topic of interest of many in different varying of fields all over the world.
Label: True
Lionel Richie plays jazz music in his concerts.
Saxophones are commonly used in jazz music.
Label: True
Charles Perrault wrote the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood.
This is true and can be verified by web research.
Label: True
Zoe Saldana plays a character known as Kitana in Guardians of the Galaxy.
The name of Saldana's character is Gamora.
Label: False
You can have real conversations with a Drain fly.
Drain flies cannot speak to humans.
Label: False
Hildegard of Bingen still live in Germany today.
Hildegard of Bingen is no longer alive.
Label: False
Counterculture of the 1960s disappeared and never turned into anything else.
There are still many counterculture groups and movements to this day.
Label: False
The Lost Colony struck ground in Jamestown, Virginia in 1585.
The lost colony was set up in Roanoke.
Label: False
Sam Allardyce currently manages the England National Team.
Gareth Southgate is England manager.
Label: False
Intel leads the planning of most military missions.
Intelligence leads missions not Intel the brand
Label: False
During the flood, Noah was swallowed by a large fish.
Jonah was the one swallowed by a large fish and this occurred well after the time of the flood.
Label: False
Sea otters live in the sea.
You can find sea otters in the ocean near California.
Label: True
Giraffes eat tress, grass, leaves and fruit.
A Giraffe has a long neck so it is good at getting vegetation.
Label: True
KFC specializes in Hamburgers and and cheeseburgers.
KFC is in fact a fast food poultry restaurant that specializes in fried chicken.
Label: False
Asteroids keep drinks cool on a hot day.
Asteroids cannot be put into a drink.
Label: False
Okra into a rainbow color when you give it enough sun shine.
It's green not colorful.
Label: False
The modern day sport of Wrestling has no connection to ancient sports.
Wrestling is an ancient sport.
Label: False
Tournaments are actively hosting Sudoku games around the world.
There is competition for being a champion in Sudoku.
Label: True
Most of the people like to watch at least one Laughter show either on TV channel or online.
This is very true and everybody is experienced with Laughter shows or events.
Label: True
Kesha appeared on an episode of the reality show, Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica.
Kesha appeared on The Simple Life.
Label: False
Jungle cat live in dense, forested areas.
Jungle cats share their name with the place they live, which are dense forests.
Label: True
Some children are born with Learning disability for their entire lives.
Learning disability is challenging for the healthcare system.
Label: True
The content of Philosophy and economics has increased since the 1980's.
These subjects show a less broad curriculum then, than now.
Label: True
Australian rules football uses an American football.
Australian rules football calls soccer football.
Label: False
Fermentation of beer can happen in 5 hours or less.
It takes at least a week to ferment beer.
Label: False
The Invisible Man can get you free money from a bank for right now if you call out his name.
No one has detected an invisible man to this point, there is not substantiated research that one does exist.
Label: False
Will Ferrell delivered a joke that made people laugh.
Will Ferrell is a known and honored comedian.
Label: True
The Winter's Tale has a famous unhappy ending.
The Winter's Tale has a happy ending.
Label: False
The ancient land of Jews and Judaism is known as Land of Israel.
The Bible references several times as such, along with its modern population being such.
Label: True
Bette Davis works as a nurse in a hospital.
Bette Davis passed away in 1986 and does not work as a nurse.
Label: False
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull consisted of criminals wanting to ruin the world.
The sentence is false because there is no proof or indication of this being the case.
Label: False
Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice when she was ninety years old.
PrJane Austen died in her forties.
Label: False
Stephen Fry worked as an English actor, broadcaster, comedian, director and writer.
The sentence is true because there is plenty of evidence of the work he did.
Label: True
Squirrel monkeys are New World monkeys of the genus Saimiri. Saimiri is the only genus in the subfamily Saimirinae. The name of the genus is of Tupi origin .false.
te above statement is false
Label: False
Lewis Carroll wrote The Hunting of the Snark.
This is true and can be verified with web resarch.
Label: True
Ageing makes someone a respectable in life.
Not necessarily that ageing brings respect in life
Label: False
Phish currently consists of 4 band members.
The band has 4 active members as of 2020.
Label: True
Physical education trends have developed recently[when?] to incorporate a greater variety of activities besides the skills necessary to play typical team sports such as football or basketball. Introducing students to activities like bowling, walking/hiking, or frisbee at an early age can help them develop good activity habits that will continue into adulthood.
Some teachers have begun to incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, deep breathing and tai chi. Tai chi, an ancient martial arts form focused on slow meditative movements, is a relaxation activity with many benefits. Studies have shown that it enhances muscular strength and endurance, as well as cardiovascular endurance. It also provides psychological benefits such as improving general mental health, concentration, awareness and positive mood.[5] It can be taught to any age student with little or no equipment, making it ideal for mixed ability and age classes. Tai chi can easily be incorporated into a holistic learning body and mind unit.
Label: False
The largest city in the Piedmont Triad is Greensboro, North Carolina.
It is the largest city in the Piedmont Triad
Label: False
An Asteroid landed in the past that wiped out all of life on planet Earth.
There are still beings living on planet earth.
Label: False
Earth's Biosphere contains almost a million different species.
Earth's biosphere contains more than a million different species.
Label: False
Grilling leaves the meat with distinctive marks after the steak, burger, or chicken is removed from the heated surface.
Grilling cooks meat by applying pieces of dead animal flesh to a heated element that tends to leave distinctive visible indications of contact with the meat.
Label: True
Ada Lovelace born in country of France.
This is not where she is from.
Label: False
It is not an health issue when its Ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy is a serious matter.
Label: False
Ewan McGregor plays sports as a professional Scottish athlete.
Ewan McGregor is an actor, not an athlete in Scotland.
Label: False
People founded the city of Hollywood in California.
Hollywood is a neighborhood located in Los Angeles, California.
Label: True
Many consider Homer to be the first moral philosopher of western thought.
This describes Socrates.
Label: False
People celebrate Cinco de Mayo before summer starts.
People celebrate Cinco de Mayo on May 5th.
Label: True
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
Leonardo da Vinci is a well-respected artist and one of his works was the Mona Lisa.
Label: True
The show Babylon 5 was influenced by Stephen Kings novels.
Stephen King has no association with the writing of Babylon 5.
Label: False
Claude Shannon think he the only chess player he is not the only person travel in other states to play chess we see.
Claude Shannon think he is the only chess player run around the world.
Label: False
Alanine clears out addictions to drugs.
It has no usage in drugs.
Label: False
Solon actively participated in effects to legislate against the political, economic, and moral decline in Athens.
Solon's reform ideas are well documented and he is credited for having laid foundations in democracy.
Label: True
John Key acted as New Zealand's prime minister at some point.
New Zealand was lead by John Key
Label: True
The Haymarket affair resulted in several deaths and dozens of injuries.
A person familiar with the Haymarket affair will known it was a violent and bloody riot involving bombs.
Label: True
The power of Jujutsu is not just fighting but involves magical powers as well.
No know, legit Jujutsu establishment teaches magic to complement its Jujutsu
Label: False
Mary Ann and Peter Andrew Soderbergh gave birth to Steven Soderbergh on January 14, 1963, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mary Ann (née Bernard) and Peter Andrew Soderbergh are his parents and he has Swedish, Irish, and Italian roots.
Label: True
Nobody purchased merchandise for the Finding Nemo movie.
It is false because it is one of the most popular disney movies.
Label: False
As of 2021, Queen Mary V reigns as the head of the British royal family.
That honor belongs to Queen Elizabeth II.
Label: False
Pamplona brings many tourists with it's amazing attractions.
Pamplona is a popular tourist attraction because of how beautiful scenes it features.
Label: True
Seismology deals with the study of stars and their orbits.
It is concerned with the study of earthquakes and similar environmental effects.
Label: False
The actor Christopher Lee boasts a career spanning seven decades.
Christopher Lee has a lengthy filmography beginning in 1946.
Label: True
The Confederacy won the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Confederate Army lost the Battle of Gettysburg.
Label: False
The Mongoloid people hail from the planet Mongo.
This is factually untrue and can be verified by research.
Label: False
Ham tastes salty when one eats it.
Ham is prepared in such a way that it tastes salty.
Label: True
Excellency works well with those in private companies.
Excellency is associated with high ranking state officials
Label: False
The Chinese New Year sometimes also called the Spring Festival Or Lunar New Year.
Chinese New Year, Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
Label: True
Artisans build and manage large factories that create mass-produced goods.
Artisans make goods by hand, rather than by mass production in factories.
Label: False
' Treaty of Paris ' was signed by several countries, including the United States.
'Treaty of Paris (1783)' was a peace treaty signed by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Label: True
High tides makes Bay of Fundy famous.
Bay of Fundy has the Highest Tides in the World.
Label: True
On New Year's Day children dress up in costumes and knock on doors for candy.
This better describes Halloween.
Label: False
Most Spaniards consider Paella to be a regional Valencian dish.
Paella is a Valencian rice dish that originated in its modern form in the mid-19th century near lake Albufera.
Label: True
Lithium does not occur naturally, and is a man-made element.
Lithium is natural and is among the first on the periodic table, though it is not overly common.
Label: False
Seinfeld released several seasons over the years it was airing.
Seinfeld is a TV show that was very popular as a sitcom and most likely had multiple seasons.
Label: True
A play described as a Tragedy is lighthearted and comedic.
The opposite is true; tragedies are generally very drama and focus on suffering.
Label: False
Trigonometry relates to a set of grammatical rules.
Trigonometry is a branch of math. It does not discuss literature or language.
Label: False
Spirited Away starts a horse that was taken away from the wild.
That is the wrong title, as the horse movie is called "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron".
Label: False
Tony Bennett sings a song called Rags to Riches.
Because he does sing that song.
Label: True
The Georgia Dome has hosted several SEC Football Championship games.
The Georgia Dome for years was where the SEC football would hold their championship game.
Label: True
Frank Zappa released a series of songs and albums.
Frank Zappa was a musician and released songs and albums in his career.
Label: True
Pancakes can be topped with many toppings.
You can put maple syrup and whip cream on top.
Label: True
Homer most probably was a Greek god.
Homer wasn't a Greek god but a poet
Label: False
Many areas in Puerto Rico struggled to rebuild following Hurricane Maria.
Hurricane Maria is widely known as a hurricane that had a huge and long-lasting effect on Puerto Rico.
Label: True
The tonal imagery of Charles Ives an American modernist composer, included hymn tunes and traditional songs.
Ives incorporated melodies of the town band at holiday parade, the fiddlers at Saturday night dances, patriotic songs, sentimental parlor ballads, and the melodies of Stephen Foster.
Label: True
Florence is a bad word in Arabic.
It is an outlandish statement and most likely untrue.
Label: False
The initials in PJ Harvey stand for Penelope Jane.
Her full name is Polly Jean Harvey.
Label: False
Someone traveled this year using Rail transport in China.
Rail transport in China is a viable method of transportation that many people use.
Label: True
Porsche 911 uses electricity as a means of fuel, and does not have an engine.
Porsche 911 is not an electric vehicle.
Label: False
Snoop Dogg played a main character in Gunsmoke.
Gunsmoke ended 5 years after Snoop Dogg was born.
Label: False
Ethnic groups officially recognized by China do not include The Han Chinese.
China recognizes 56 Ethnic groups and Han Chinese is one of them
Label: False
New Mexico has the most vaccinated individuals out of the 50 U.S. states.
New Mexico has the 10th most vaccinated individuals in the US
Label: False
Every member of the Supreme Court of the United States is selected by the president.
The president nominates candidates to the supreme court and congress votes and confers.
Label: True
Feelings of Disgust often mean happiness and agreement.
Disgust is an emotion of frustration.
Label: False
Seinfeld released several seasons over the years it was airing.
Seinfeld is a TV show that was very popular as a sitcom and most likely had multiple seasons.
Label: True
A tourist most visited is a place called Kinmen in Taiwan.
Kinmen is an area in Taiwan
Label: True
L'Oréal owns the company General Mills.
The company never runs any food products.
Label: False
Rupert Murdoch released many albums throught his career as a rock artist.
Rupert Murdoch owns companies and works as a executive, not a rock artist.
Label: False
Your Hair will grow your whole life.
Hair never stops growing
Label: True
A Jury convicts or finds people guilty.
This is the purpose of a jury.
Label: True
Celery can not be grown indoors.
Celery actually grows very easily indoors and outdoors.
Label: False
Starbucks actively implements Environmental and social policies.
Starbucks practices recycling, has banned plastic straws, promotes reuseable cups, promotes fair trade and farmer equity, and makes food bank donations.
Label: True
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet starred in the Titanic.
Both of these actors had lead roles in the film.
Label: True
Methodism practices in southeast Asia and is a close relative of Buddhism.
Methodism is strictly a Christianity practice.
Label: False
Neil Simon acts as a screenwriter and is form the state of New York., and has won many awards.
Neil Simon is from New York, and has won many different screenwriting awards.
Label: True
When you are watching France 24 you are watching French state news television.
France 24 is a french state news TV station
Label: True
Multiple Peaches will grow on the same tree.
Peaches are a type of fruit and are commonly understood to grow on trees in high quantities.
Label: True
The Lord of the Rings featured a dwarven army.
In The Lord of the Rings (film series) the only Dwarf in the series was Gimli.
Label: False
Herman Melville works have been adapted for the screen.
There have been numerous Moby Dick movies.
Label: True
No recordings are allowed in the Oval Office and it is protected by a scrambling device so nothing can be sent in or out.
The Oval Office is always being recorded and filed away.
Label: False
The European Parliament (EP) consists of 705 members and represents the second-largest democratic electorate in the world.
The Parliament of India is the first largest democratic and the European Parliament (EP) is the largest trans-national democratic electorate in the world.
Label: True
Audrey Hepburn received some of the first awards as a female actress.
Audrey Hepburn was the first female actress to receive recognition with an Oscar, a Golden Globe Award, and a BAFTA Award.
Label: True
The stem characteristics of Populus decide their four sections of classification as black poplars, balsam poplars, etc..
Populus has traditionally been divided into six sections on the basis of leaf and flower characters.
Label: False
The birth certificate of 50 Cent says Curtis James Jackson III.
Curtis James Jackson III is 50 Cent's real name.
Label: True
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark is an active Atheist, she speaks out against religion.
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark was baptised on 14 May in the Holmen Church in Copenhagen.
Label: False
While there may be overlap between the two genres, sci-fi and Fantasy are considered distinctive types of fiction.
Because science fiction tends to be more grounded, and tries to build worlds based around reality; fantasy is more imaginative, and doesn't limit itself to whether something is plausible or not, which is an example of why the two genres are considered different.
Label: True
When you are watching France 24 you are watching French state news television.
France 24 is a french state news TV station
Label: True
Ernest Hemingway has many works that can be found in a library.
Ernest Hemingway was a writer with a lot of novels and books.
Label: True
Kingfishers stand out from other birds.
Kingfishers often sport colorful feathers and have distinct long beaks.
Label: True
Al Pacino won several awards for his movie roles.
He was an award winning actor.
Label: True
You can enjoy Swordfish as a sushi topping.
Swordfish is a normal sushi topping
Label: True
The first hit by the Beatles was called Laziness : I haz it.
This is factually untrue and can be verified by web research.
Label: False
The city of Shanghai, China hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics.
The 2008 Summer Olympics were held in Beijing.
Label: False
Mario from the Games Super Mario was first featured in the arcade game Donkey Kong.
Mario was the main character trying to save the princess from Donkey Kong in the original game.
Label: True
Ada Lovelace born in country of France.
This is not where she is from.
Label: False
Dementia causes victims to die prematurely.
My sentence is false because that is not always the case. We cannot make that claim because we are not sure of its validilitty.
Label: False
Breadfruit produced songs in the singer/songwriter genre from 1970 through 2000 when their lead singer died in a plane crash.
The lead singer of Breadfruit did not die in a plane crash because Breadfruit names a food and not a musical group.
Label: False
Suzuki manufactures most aircrafts in Japan.
Suzuki is the largest car manufacturer in Japan
Label: False
Samurai exists in the Japanese setting currently.
Samurai doesn't exist at the moment
Label: False
Adam Levine sings lead vocals for Maroon 5.
Adam Levine is well known, and the band is very popular due to his distinctive voice.
Label: True
Maroon 5 first started performing in Los Angeles, California.
That is where the group originated and formed in 1994.
Label: True |
You are provided with an arithmetic question. Your task is to compute the solution using the given arithmetic operations. The only arithmetic operators needed to answer the questions are'+'(addition) and'-'(subtraction). The answer should be correct to one decimal place.
Given: Milford Lake was originally blue because it only had 809 algae plants.Now there are 3263 algae plants, and the lake has turned green.How many more algae plants are in Milford Lake now?
Label: 2454.0
Given: There are 34 pencils and 49 crayons in the drawer. Dan took 22pencils from the drawer. How many pencils are now in the drawer?
Label: 12.0
Given: Joan has 9 blue balloons but lost 2 of them. How many blue balloonsdoes Joan have now?
Label: 7.0
Given: Fred went to 36 basketball games this year, but missed 35. He wentto 11 games last year. How many basketball games did Fred go to intotal?
Label: 47.0
Given: Tom purchased a Batman game for $13.60, and a Superman gamefor $5. Tom already owns 2 games. How much did Tom spend onvideo games?
Label: 18.6
Given: Nancy grew 6 potatoes. Sandy grew 7 potatoes. How many potatoesdid they grow in total?
Label: 13.0
Given: As part of a lesson on earthquakes, a science class is researching themovement of a nearby fault line. The fault line moved 1.25 inchesduring the past year and 5.25 inches the year before. How far did thefault line move in all?
Label: 6.5
Given: Last year at Newberg's airport, 14507 passengers landed on time.Unfortunately, 213 passengers landed late. In all, how manypassengers landed in Newberg last year?
Label: 14720.0
Given: Diane is a beekeeper. Last year, she harvested 2479 pounds of honey. This year, she bought some new hives and increased her honeyharvest by 6085 pounds. How many pounds of honey did Dianeharvest this year?
Label: 8564.0
Given: There are 48 erasers in the drawer and 30 erasers on the desk. Alyssaplaced 39 erasers and 45 rulers on the desk. How many erasers arenow there in total?
Label: 117.0
Given: Fred has 5 baseball cards. Melanie bought 3 of Fred's baseball cards.How many baseball cards does Fred have now?
Label: 2.0
Given: Sam found 18 seashells and Mary found 47 seashells on the beach.How many seashells did they find together?
Label: 65.0
Given: Melanie had 10 quarters and 17 pennies in her bank. Her dad gaveher 27 pennies and her mother gave her 19 pennies. How manypennies does Melanie have now?
Label: 63.0
Given: Dan grew 42 turnips and 38 cantelopes. Jessica grew 47 turnips. Howmany turnips did they grow in total?
Label: 89.0
Given: Mary had 33 Pokemon cards, and 6 were torn. Sam gave Mary 23new Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Mary have now?
Label: 56.0
Given: Mary picked 14 oranges and Jason picked 41 oranges. Keith picked 38apples. How many oranges were picked in all?
Label: 55.0
Given: Tori is a school janitor. Last week, she picked up a total of 1576pieces of trash. If she picked up 344 pieces of trash in the classrooms, how many pieces of trash did Tori pick up outside the classrooms?
Label: 1232.0
Given: Joan has 9 blue balloons but lost 2 of them. How many blue balloonsdoes Joan have now?
Label: 7.0
Given: Mike has 87 baseball cards. Sam bought 13 of Mike's baseball cards.How many baseball cards does Mike have now?
Label: 74.0
Given: Dan had 7 potatoes and 4 cantelopes in the garden. The rabbits ate 4of the potatoes. How many potatoes does Dan now have?
Label: 3.0
Given: There are 41 crayons and 26 pencils in the drawer. Sam placed 12crayons in the drawer. How many crayons are now there in total?
Label: 53.0
Given: Jason went to 11 football games this month. He went to 17 gameslast month, and plans to go to 16 games next month. How manygames will he attend in all?
Label: 44.0
Given: Jonah added 0.3 cup of yellow raisins and 0.4 cup of black raisins to abatch of trail mix. How many cups of raisins did Jonah add in all?
Label: 0.7
Given: There are 41 pencils in the drawer. Mike placed 30 pencils in thedrawer. How many pencils are now there in total?
Label: 71.0
Given: At the beach, Janet and her sister both built sandcastles and then measured their heights. Janet's sandcastle was 3.6 feet tall and her sister's was 2.3 feet tall. How much taller was Janet's sandcastle than her sister's?
Label: 1.3
Given: Joan's cat had 8 kittens. She gave 2 to her friends. How many kittensdoes she have now?
Label: 6.0
Given: Last Saturday, Spencer walked all over town running errands. First, he walked 0.3 mile from his house to the library and 0.1 mile from thelibrary to the post office. Then he walked 0.4 mile from the postoffice back home. How many miles did Spencer walk in all?
Label: 0.8
Given: A restaurant made 9 hamburgers and 4 hot dogs to serve during lunch. Only 3 hamburgers were actually served. How many hamburgerswere over?
Label: 6.0
Given: A treasure hunter discovered a buried treasure chest filled with atotal of 5155 gems. 45 of the gems were diamonds, and the restwere rubies. How many of the gems were rubies?
Label: 5110.0
Given: On her vacation last summer, Trisha walked all over New York City to buy souvenirs. First, she walked 0.12 mile from her hotel to a postcard shop. Then she walked 0.15 milefrom the postcard shop to a T-shirt shop and 0.63 mile from the T-shirt shop back to the hotel. How many miles didTrisha walk in all?
Label: 0.9
Given: Jessica grew 35 watermelons and 30 carrots, but the rabbits ate 27watermelons. How many watermelons does Jessica have?
Label: 8.0
Given: Eve ran 0.7 mile and walked 0.6 mile. How much farther did Eve runthan walk?
Label: 0.1
Given: There are 31 short trees and 32 tall trees currently in the park. Parkworkers will plant short trees today. When the workers are finishedthere will be 95 short trees in the park. How many short trees did theworkers plant today?
Label: 64.0
Given: There are 53 maple trees currently in the park. Park workers willplant maple trees today. When the workers are finished there will be64 maple trees in the park. How many maple trees did the workersplant today?
Label: 11.0
Given: A restaurant served 7 slices of pie during lunch and 5 during dinnertoday. It served 8 of them yesterday. How many slices of pie wereserved today?
Label: 12.0
Given: The Montoya family spends 0.6 their budget on groceries and another 0.2 going out to eat. Altogether, what fraction of their budget doesthe Montoya family spend on food?
Label: 0.8
Given: Milford Lake was originally blue because it only had 809 algae plants.Now there are 3263 algae plants, and the lake has turned green.How many more algae plants are in Milford Lake now?
Label: 2454.0
Given: In March it rained 0.8 inches. It rained 0.3 inches less in April than in March. How much did it rain in April?
Label: 0.5
Given: Sally picked 7 lemons and Mary picked 9 lemons from the lemon tree. How many lemons were picked in total?
Label: 16.0
Given: Mary had 8 potatoes in the garden. The rabbits ate 3 of the potatoes. How many potatoes does Mary now have?
Label: 5.0
Given: Terrell hiked 8.2 miles on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, he hikedanother 1.6 miles. How far did Terrell hike all together?
Label: 9.8
Given: There are 9 oak trees currently in the park. Park workers had to cutdown 2 oak trees that were damaged. How many oak trees will thepark have when the workers are finished?
Label: 7.0
Given: Each day, the polar bear at Richmond's zoo eats 0.2 bucket of troutand 0.4 bucket of salmon. How many buckets of fish does the polarbear eat daily?
Label: 0.6
Given: Sara grew 4 onions, Sally grew 5 onions, and Fred grew 9 onions.How many onions did they grow in all?
Label: 18.0
Given: Joan found 79 seashells on the beach, she gave Mike 63 of theseashells. How many seashells does she now have?
Label: 16.0
Given: While making desserts for a bake sale, Victor used 0.625 scoop ofbrown sugar as well as 0.225 scoop of white sugar. How much morebrown sugar did Victor use?
Label: 0.4
Given: Mary had 7 nickels in her bank. Her dad gave her 5 nickels. Howmany nickels does Mary have now?
Label: 12.0
Given: Benny received 67 dollars for his birthday. He went to a sportinggoods store and bought a baseball glove, baseball, and bat. He had33 dollars over, how much did he spent on the baseball gear?
Label: 34.0
Given: Eve ran 0.7 mile and walked 0.6 mile. How much farther did Eve runthan walk?
Label: 0.1
Given: There is 0.2 cup of oil in Scarlett's measuring cup. If Scarlett adds 0.3 cup more, how much oil will be in the measuring cup?
Label: 0.5
Given: There are 112 short trees and 119 tall trees currently in the park.Park workers will plant 105 short trees today. How many short treeswill the park have when the workers are finished?
Label: 217.0
Given: A marine biologist measured 1 fish that was 0.3 foot long and asecond fish that was 0.2 foot long. How much longer was the first fish?
Label: 0.1
Given: Tim has 22 books. Mike has 20 books. How many books do they havetogether?
Label: 42.0
Given: A carpenter bought a piece of wood that was 8.9 centimeters long.Then he sawed 2.3 centimeters off the end. How long is the piece ofwood now?
Label: 6.6
Given: Sandy had 36 pennies and 31 nickels in her bank. Her dad borrowed20 nickels from Sandy. How many nickels does she have now?
Label: 11.0
Given: Melanie picked 7 plums and 4 oranges from the orchard. She gave 3plums to Sam. How many plums does she have now?
Label: 4.0
Given: At a pizza party, Mason and his friends drank 2.6 bottles of lemon-lime soda and 3.8 bottles of cola. How much soda did they drink in all?
Label: 6.4
Given: Nancy found 35 seashells and 25 starfish on the beach. She gave 17of the seashells to Jason. How many seashells does Nancy now have?
Label: 18.0
Given: There are 39 scissors and 22 pencils in the drawer. Dan placed 13scissors in the drawer. How many scissors are now there in total?
Label: 52.0
Given: There are 43 maple trees and 22 orange trees currently in the park.Park workers will plant maple trees today. When the workers arefinished there will be 54 maple trees in the park. How many mapletrees did the workers plant today?
Label: 11.0
Given: Karen added 0.25 cup of walnuts to a batch of trail mix. Later, sheadded 0.25 cup of almonds. How many cups of nuts did Karen put inthe trail mix in all?
Label: 0.5
Given: There are 9 oak trees currently in the park. Park workers had to cutdown 2 oak trees that were damaged. How many oak trees will thepark have when the workers are finished?
Label: 7.0
Given: Sam grew 4 watermelons, but the rabbits ate 3 watermelons. Howmany watermelons does Sam have?
Label: 1.0
Given: Nina did a running drill to get in shape for soccer season. First, Ninaran 0.08 mile. Then she ran 0.18 mile and 0.54 mile. How many miles did Nina run intotal?
Label: 0.8
Given: Students at Arcadia schools are participating in a coat drive. 9437coats have been collected so far. 6922 coats were collected from thehigh schools, and the rest from the elementary schools. How manycoats were collected at the elementary schools?
Label: 2515.0
Given: Jessica grew 35 watermelons and 30 carrots, but the rabbits ate 27watermelons. How many watermelons does Jessica have?
Label: 8.0
Given: Keith spent $136.06 on speakers, $139.38 on a CD player, and $112.46 on new tires. He wanted 3 CD's for $6.16, but did n't buythem. In total, how much did he spend?
Label: 387.9
Given: Jonah added 0.3 cup of yellow raisins and 0.4 cup of black raisins to abatch of trail mix. How many cups of raisins did Jonah add in all?
Label: 0.7
Given: Nancy grew 6 potatoes. Sandy grew 7 potatoes. How many potatoesdid they grow in total?
Label: 13.0
Given: Each day, the polar bear at Richmond's zoo eats 0.2 bucket of troutand 0.4 bucket of salmon. How many buckets of fish does the polarbear eat daily?
Label: 0.6
Given: Keith grew 29 cantelopes, Fred grew 16 cantelopes, and Jason grew20 cantelopes. How many cantelopes did they grow in total?
Label: 65.0
Given: Hannah's Vegetarian Restaurant bought 0.3 poundof green peppers and 0.6 pound of red peppers.How many pounds of peppers did Hannah's Vegetarian Restaurantbuy in all?
Label: 0.9
Given: There are 34 pencils and 49 crayons in the drawer. Dan took 22pencils from the drawer. How many pencils are now in the drawer?
Label: 12.0
Given: Joan found 75 seashells and 14 starfishes on the beach. She gave Timsome of her seashells. She has 62 seashell. How many seashells didshe give to Tim?
Label: 13.0
Given: Alyssa went to 11 soccer games this year, but missed 12. She went to13 games last year and plans to go to 15 games next year. How manysoccer games will Alyssa go to in all?
Label: 39.0
Given: Mike has 87 baseball cards. Sam bought 13 of Mike's baseball cards.How many baseball cards does Mike have now?
Label: 74.0
Given: Sam has 86 yellow and 20 green marbles. Joan took 25 of Sam'syellow marbles. How many yellow marbles does Sam now have?
Label: 61.0
Given: Sara had 4 quarters and 8 dimes in her bank. Her sister borrowed 4dimes. How many dimes does Sara have now?
Label: 4.0
Given: Wendy ran 19.8 miles and walked 9.2 miles. How much farther did Wendy run thanwalk?
Label: 10.6
Given: A bee colony produced 0.36 pounds of honey, but bears ate 0.06 pounds of it. How much honey remains?
Label: 0.3
Given: Melanie grew 139 turnips. Benny grew 113 turnips. How manyturnips did they grow in all?
Label: 252.0
Given: Joan joined her school's band. She bought a trumpet for $149.18, amusic tool for $9.98, and a song book which was $4.14. Joan found$8.65 in her pocket. How much did Joan spend at the music store?
Label: 163.3
Given: Dan picked 9 limes and gave Sara 4 of the limes. How many limesdoes Dan have now?
Label: 5.0
Given: Keith spent $136.06 on speakers, $139.38 on a CD player, and $112.46 on new tires. He wanted 3 CD's for $6.16, but did n't buythem. In total, how much did he spend?
Label: 387.9
Given: Blake filled a bucket with 0.8 gallon of water. Later, he poured out 0.2 gallon of the water. How much water is in the bucket?
Label: 0.6
Given: Jonah added 0.3 cup of yellow raisins and 0.4 cup of black raisins to abatch of trail mix. How many cups of raisins did Jonah add in all?
Label: 0.7
Given: There are 7.75 gallons of water in Becky's fish tank. If Becky adds 7.05 gallons more, how many gallons will there be in all?
Label: 14.8
Given: Wendy ran 19.8 miles and walked 9.2 miles. How much farther did Wendy run thanwalk?
Label: 10.6
Given: There are 2 maple trees and 5 popular trees currently in the park.Park workers will plant 9 maple trees today. How many maple treeswill the park have when the workers are finished?
Label: 11.0
Given: A spaceship traveled 0.5 light-year from Earth to Planet X and 0.1light-year from Planet X to Planet Y. Then it traveled 0.1 light-yearfrom Planet Y back to Earth. How many light-years did the spaceshiptravel in all?
Label: 0.7
Given: Melanie had 7 dimes in her bank. Her dad gave her 8 dimes and hermother gave her 4 dimes. How many dimes does Melanie have now?
Label: 19.0
Given: Melanie had 10 quarters and 17 pennies in her bank. Her dad gaveher 27 pennies and her mother gave her 19 pennies. How manypennies does Melanie have now?
Label: 63.0
Given: Last week Tim had 12 dollars and Keith had 36 dollars. Tim washedcars over the weekend and now has 75 dollars. How much money didTim make washing cars?
Label: 63.0
Given: Ron weighed 2 colored metal balls during a science class. The blue ball weighed 6 pounds and the brown ball weighed 3.1 pounds. If Ron places both balls on the scale at the same time, what will thescale read?
Label: 9.1
Given: Some insects called aphids attack a large farm. In response, thefarmer releases ladybugs onto the fields. There are 12170 ladybugswith spots and 54912 ladybugs without spots. How many ladybugsare there in all?
Label: 67082.0
Given: Recently, the value of Kate's retirement fund decreased by $12. Ifher fund was worth $1472 before, how much is it worth now?
Label: 1460.0
Given: There are 5 scissors and 3 pencils in the drawer. Jason placed 4scissors in the drawer. How many scissors are now there in total?
Label: 9.0
Given: There were 73 bales of hay in the barn. Jason stacked bales in thebarn today. There are now 96 bales of hay in the barn. How manybales did he store in the barn?
Label: 23.0
Given: Before December, customers buy 1346 ear muffs from the mall.During December, they buy 6444, and there are none. In all, howmany ear muffs do the customers buy?
Label: 7790.0
Given: Mary had 7 nickels in her bank. Her dad gave her 5 nickels. Howmany nickels does Mary have now?
Label: 12.0
Given: There are 48 erasers in the drawer and 30 erasers on the desk. Alyssaplaced 39 erasers and 45 rulers on the desk. How many erasers arenow there in total?
Label: 117.0
Given: Sara has 31 red and 15 green balloons. Sandy has 24 red balloons.How many red balloons do they have in total?
Label: 55.0
Given: A car company produced 3884 cars in North America and 2871 cars inEurope. How many cars is that in all?
Label: 6755.0
Given: Joan found 72 seashells and 12 starfishes on the beach. She gaveAlyssa some of her seashells. She has 28 seashell. How manyseashells did she give to Alyssa?
Label: 44.0
Given: A bathing suit manufacturer has a supply of 14797 bathing suits formen. In addition, it has 4969 bathing suits for women. How manybathing suits are available overall?
Label: 19766.0
Given: Melanie has 41 books and 31 magazines in her library. She boughtseveral books at a yard sale over the weekend. She now has 87 booksin her library. How many books did she buy at the yard sale?
Label: 46.0
Given: Nancy went to 9 football games this month. She went to 8 games lastmonth, and plans to go to 7 games next month. She paid 3 dollars forthe tickets. How many games will she attend in all?
Label: 24.0
Given: There are 1986 books in Oak Grove's public library. In addition,there are 5106 books in its school libraries. How many books do thelibraries in Oak Grove have overall?
Label: 7092.0
Given: Sam had 49 pennies and 24 nickels in his bank. His dad gave him 39 nickels and 31 quarters. How many nickels does he have now?
Label: 63.0
Given: Sandy went to the mall to buy clothes. She spent $13.99 on shorts, $12.08 on a shirt, and $7.43 on a jacket. How much money did Sandyspend on clothes?
Label: 33.5
Given: A construction company ordered 0.16 ton ofconcrete, 0.14 ton of bricks, and 0.5 ton of stone. How many tons of material did the company order in all?
Label: 0.8
Given: There are 107 walnut trees currently in the park. Park workers willplant 104 walnut trees today. How many walnut trees will the parkhave when the workers are finished?
Label: 211.0
Given: Gordon bought 3.4 pounds of fruit for a class party. The class ate 2.2 pounds of the fruit. How much fruit is left now?
Label: 1.2
Given: Keith found 6 seashells, Jessica found 8 seashells, and Tim found 7seashells on the beach. When they cleaned them, they discoveredthat 3 were cracked. How many seashells did they find together?
Label: 21.0
Given: Mary had 33 Pokemon cards, and 6 were torn. Sam gave Mary 23new Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Mary have now?
Label: 56.0
Given: Sara had 4 quarters and 8 dimes in her bank. Her sister borrowed 4dimes. How many dimes does Sara have now?
Label: 4.0
Given: Mary found 2 seashells and Keith found 5 seashells on the beach.When they cleaned them, they discovered that 9 were cracked. Howmany seashells did they find together?
Label: 7.0
Given: Jenny ran 0.6 mile and walked 0.4 mile. How much farther did Jennyrun than walk?
Label: 0.2
Given: Sally paid $12.32 total for peaches, after a 3 dollar coupon, and $11.58 for cherries. In total, how much money did Sally spend?
Label: 23.9
Given: Fred went to 36 basketball games this year, but missed 35. He wentto 11 games last year. How many basketball games did Fred go to intotal?
Label: 47.0
Given: Abe's family moved from the Bahamas to Japan, so they had converttheir money into Japanese yen. Their checking account now has 6359yen and their savings account now has 3485 yen. How many yen dothey have?
Label: 9844.0
Given: Mike picked 7 apples, Nancy picked 3 apples, and Keith picked 6apples and 4 pears, at the farm. How many apples were picked intotal?
Label: 16.0
Given: For his car, Mike spent $118.57 on speakers and $106.33 on newtires. Mike wanted 3 CD's for $4.58 but decided not to. In total,how much did Mike spend on car parts?
Label: 224.9
Given: Last year at Newberg's airport, 14507 passengers landed on time.Unfortunately, 213 passengers landed late. In all, how manypassengers landed in Newberg last year?
Label: 14720.0
Given: Last Saturday, Spencer walked all over town running errands. First, he walked 0.3 mile from his house to the library and 0.1 mile from thelibrary to the post office. Then he walked 0.4 mile from the postoffice back home. How many miles did Spencer walk in all?
Label: 0.8
Given: A marine biologist measured 1 fish that was 0.3 foot long and asecond fish that was 0.2 foot long. How much longer was the first fish?
Label: 0.1
Given: Sally picked 7 lemons and Mary picked 9 lemons from the lemon tree. How many lemons were picked in total?
Label: 16.0
Given: The Silvergrove Public Library used a grant to purchase 2647 books.Now the library has a total of 8582 books. How many books did thelibrary have before the grant?
Label: 5935.0
Given: Sara picked 6 pears and Tim picked 5 pears from the pear tree. Howmany pears were picked in total?
Label: 11.0
Given: There were 9 red orchids and 3 white orchids in the vase. Sally cutsome red orchids from her flower garden. There are now 15 redorchids in the vase. How many red orchids did she cut?
Label: 6.0
Given: There are 48 pencils and 40 scissors in the drawer. Joan placed 29pencils in the drawer. How many pencils are now there in all?
Label: 77.0
Given: Roadster's Paving Company used 10 tons of cement to pave Lexi'sstreet and 5.1 tons of cement to pave Tess's street. How muchcement did Roadster's Paving Company use in all?
Label: 15.1
Given: Sara had 24 peaches and 37 pears at her fruit dish. She went to theorchard and picked peaches. There are now 61 peaches. how manydid she pick?
Label: 37.0
Given: Mary had 33 Pokemon cards, and 6 were torn. Sam gave Mary 23new Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Mary have now?
Label: 56.0
Given: Tom bought a skateboard for $9.46, and spent $9.54 on marbles.Tom also spent $14.50 on shorts. In total, how much did Tom spendon toys?
Label: 19.0
Given: Tom found 5 seashells on the beach. he gave Jessica 2 of theseashells. How many seashells does he now have?
Label: 3.0
Given: Dan spent $11.76 on a snake toy, and a cage cost him $14.54. Danalso found a dollar bill on the ground. What was the total cost of Dan's purchases?
Label: 26.3
Given: Keith has 20 books. Jason has 21 books. How many books do theyhave together?
Label: 41.0
Given: This afternoon Craig left school, rode the bus 3.8 miles, and then walked 0.2 mile to get home. How much farther did Craig ride than walk?
Label: 3.6
Given: Dale's Vegetarian Restaurant bought 2.8 pounds of green peppers and 2.4 pounds of red peppers. How many pounds of peppers did Dale's Vegetarian Restaurant buyin all?
Label: 5.2
Given: A restaurant served 7 slices of pie during lunch and 5 during dinnertoday. It served 8 of them yesterday. How many slices of pie wereserved today?
Label: 12.0
Given: At Lindsey's Vacation Wear, 0.37 the garments are bikinis and 0.23 are trunks. What fraction of the garments are either bikinis or trunks?
Label: 0.6
Given: Michelle began her pizza delivery route with 0.5 tank of gas in her car. When she made it back to the pizzeria, 0.2 tank of gas was left. How much gas did Michelle use?
Label: 0.3
Given: Before December, customers buy 1346 ear muffs from the mall.During December, they buy 6444, and there are none. In all, howmany ear muffs do the customers buy?
Label: 7790.0
Given: Professor Ellison weighed 2 pieces of metal for an experiment. Thepiece of iron weighed 11.16 pounds and the piece ofaluminum weighed 0.86 pound. How much moredid the piece of iron weigh than the piece of aluminum?
Label: 10.3
Given: There are 48 erasers in the drawer and 30 erasers on the desk. Alyssaplaced 39 erasers and 45 rulers on the desk. How many erasers arenow there in total?
Label: 117.0
Given: Sam has 110 books. Joan has 102 books. How many books do theyhave together?
Label: 212.0
Given: Keith grew 29 cantelopes, Fred grew 16 cantelopes, and Jason grew20 cantelopes. How many cantelopes did they grow in total?
Label: 65.0
Given: A farmer estimates that he will harvest 48097 bushels of wheat. Theweather is perfect during the growing season, so he harvests 684bushels of wheat than expected. How many bushels of wheat doesthe farmer harvest?
Label: 48781.0
Given: Tom found 5 seashells on the beach. he gave Jessica 2 of theseashells. How many seashells does he now have?
Label: 3.0
Given: Tom bought a skateboard for $9.46, and spent $9.54 on marbles.Tom also spent $14.50 on shorts. In total, how much did Tom spendon toys?
Label: 19.0
Given: Joan had 695 Pokemon cards, and 6 were torn. Sara bought 133 ofJoan's Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Joan havenow?
Label: 562.0
Given: Joan has 10 books. Tom has 38 books. How many books do theyhave together?
Label: 48.0
Given: There were 46 bales of hay in the barn and 32 bales in the shed. Tomstacked bales in the barn today. There are now 60 bales of hay in thebarn. How many bales did he store in the barn?
Label: 14.0
Given: Joan had 695 Pokemon cards, and 6 were torn. Sara bought 133 ofJoan's Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Joan havenow?
Label: 562.0
Given: Mary went to the mall. She spent $13.03 on a shirt and $12.27 on a jacket. She went to 2 shops. In total, how much money did Mary spend on clothing?
Label: 25.3
Given: Diane is a beekeeper. Last year, she harvested 2479 pounds of honey. This year, she bought some new hives and increased her honeyharvest by 6085 pounds. How many pounds of honey did Dianeharvest this year?
Label: 8564.0
Given: Terrell hiked 8.2 miles on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, he hikedanother 1.6 miles. How far did Terrell hike all together?
Label: 9.8
Given: A multi-national corporation has 2041 part-time employees and63093 full-time employees. How many employees work for thecorporation?
Label: 65134.0
Given: After paying 6 dollars for the pie, Mary has 52 dollars, her friend has43 dollars. How much money did she have before buying the pie?
Label: 58.0
Given: Fred grew 38 cantelopes. Tim grew 44 cantelopes. How manycantelopes did they grow in total?
Label: 82.0
Given: Nancy found 35 seashells and 25 starfish on the beach. She gave 17of the seashells to Jason. How many seashells does Nancy now have?
Label: 18.0
Given: Fred has 40 baseball cards. Keith bought 22 of Fred's baseball cards.How many baseball cards does Fred have now?
Label: 18.0
Given: While making desserts for a bake sale, Victor used 0.625 scoop ofbrown sugar as well as 0.225 scoop of white sugar. How much morebrown sugar did Victor use?
Label: 0.4
Given: Melanie had 19 dimes in her bank. Her dad gave her 39 dimes andher mother gave her 25 dimes. How many dimes does Melanie havenow?
Label: 83.0
Given: During a canned food drive, items were sorted into bins. The drive resulted in 0.125 bin of soup, 0.125 bin of vegetables, and 0.55 bin of pasta. Altogether, how many bins would the canned food take up?
Label: 0.8
Given: Hannah's Vegetarian Restaurant bought 0.3 poundof green peppers and 0.6 pound of red peppers.How many pounds of peppers did Hannah's Vegetarian Restaurantbuy in all?
Label: 0.9
Given: There are 11 rulers and 34 crayons in the drawer. Tim placed 14rulers in the drawer. How many rulers are now there in all?
Label: 25.0
Given: There are 9 oak trees currently in the park. Park workers had to cutdown 2 oak trees that were damaged. How many oak trees will thepark have when the workers are finished?
Label: 7.0
Given: Sara grew 43 pumpkins, but the rabbits ate 23 pumpkins. How manypumpkins does Sara have?
Label: 20.0
Given: Mike bought some toys. He bought marbles for $9.05, a football for $4.93, and spent $6.52 on a baseball. In total, how much did Mikespend on toys?
Label: 20.5
Given: Mary had 18 baseball cards, and 8 were torn. Fred gave Mary 26 newbaseball cards. Mary bought 40 baseball cards. How many baseballcards does Mary have now?
Label: 84.0
Given: Joan went to 4 football games this year. She went to 9 games last year. How many football games did Joan go to in all?
Label: 13.0
Given: Jessica had 8 quarters in her bank. Her sister borrowed 3 of herquarters. How many quarters does Jessica have now?
Label: 5.0
Given: Before the recent housing boom, there were 1426 houses inLawrence County. Now, there are 2000 houses. How many housesdid developers build during the housing boom?
Label: 574.0
Given: There are 115 pencils in the drawer. Sara placed 100 pencils in thedrawer. How many pencils are now there in all?
Label: 215.0
Given: Jason went to the mall on Saturday to buy clothes. He spent $14.28 on shorts and $4.72 on a jacket. In total, how much money did Jasonspend on clothing?
Label: 19.0 |
Categorize the following sentence into one of the five different emotions: anger, confusion, joy, sadness and neutral.
Was that before or after the Sulphuric Sphincter show?
A: confusion
I will take it a as serious question. Sorry. I am in Europe
A: sadness
Are the ones playing now ready ? If so they are very terrible. Rather we play the players that are not ready
A: confusion
Hey man, I was just answering the question.
A: neutral
Favourite month??!!
A: confusion
Would the state be effected by the federal shut down? I’m not sure how far reaching the shut down is.
A: confusion
That was so sad. And she kept calling for mommy the whole time. Then they ditched her with grandma.
A: sadness
[NAME] Wednesday’s 😎 Good to know he’s enjoying the retirement life.
A: joy
We had a baby, it's hard to find the time to take them down.
A: sadness
That's sad. You can be acquaintances with women. Not like you are driving them to the nail salon or something .
A: sadness
This helped me when I was in my worst mental state. I'm glad
A: joy
True, and so sad to see. Somewhere along the way, the governing of a country my mutual consensus turned into a national sport with 2 teams.
A: sadness
One my favorite seasons to rewatch. All the glorious fights. [NAME] is forever a queen
A: joy
I’m sorry to hear this. Live a hell of a life for your mate
A: sadness
I, for one, am glad you didn’t. Happy you’re still with us
A: joy
[NAME] hitting himself with the other guys stick. Palms with another 2 goal night!
A: neutral
Welcome to the hype train. hahhaha
A: joy
I'm a D.Va main at the moment so that one's a check chief.
A: neutral
What an immature response. With a little passive agressive racism to boot. Classy.
A: anger
But everybody got mad when Russia recognized [NAME] as US president. Go figure.
A: anger
A: anger
No fucking clue
A: confusion
Because it's not mildlyinfuriating that you have to ask strangers to not be assholes?
A: anger
70 year old me doesn't give a fuck just piss or get off the pot!
A: anger
Which part do you not understand?
A: confusion
Trolling cat lovers used to be funny, 24 years ago.
A: joy
Because I want to be with someone but no one wants to be with me.
A: sadness
We are very clumsy creatures. Eventually you just learn to laugh it off. *The crying comes later when no one is around*
A: sadness
You are saying toxic people try to be the victim by calling you toxic.
A: anger
“I did do the nasty in the pasty.” “And that past nastification...”
A: neutral
Bring it on, I’ve played enough PUBG for a good pan battle!
A: neutral
I will never understand why streaming is entertaining.
A: confusion
I'm glad none of you are GM
A: joy
spermatozoid is wrong someone with 31Q would have bigger problems than knowing how to write sperm Did you meanS this is beatiful
A: confusion
My girlfriend hates it when I'm playing videogames, so there are definitely some women, especially from certain cultures that think video games are just for kids.
A: neutral
A: anger
Maybe its how he actually types ¯_(ツ)_/¯
A: confusion
Block him and stop replying to his comments. Not worth it.
A: anger
Interestingly enough I think it just needs to be the heavy creamer, my wife has some sensitivities to some dairy but not all forms of it.
A: neutral
Go to Happiest Hour before/after the game. Walking distance b/w AA center. It's a fun spot!
A: joy
My toes hurt watching this
A: sadness
Hate the taste, switched to a plastic nalgene bottle
A: anger
You're so cool.
A: joy
Rape kit test from six year old migrant girl revealed DNA from 30 men.
A: sadness
It's not like the picture looks bad. Wait, no, I take that back immediately. I can't unsee it now too.
A: sadness
[NAME] fucking dammit
A: anger
What are you on about?
A: neutral
>!This really crushed my soul!<
A: sadness
3h late comment. have fun at school !
A: joy
Thought I was the only one who noticed that ....
A: neutral
Rule of cool: horses are sweet, and fun, and lancing someone is an awesome animation.
A: joy
Holy shit that was fucking bad...
A: anger
This makes me unfathomably angry.
A: anger
No. You know better. She has already demonstrated how little regard she has for your feelings.
A: neutral
I think it can be good, bad, and everything in between. It's inevitable given the forward progress of civilization.
A: confusion
Fair enough, I didn't pay attention.
A: neutral
The calls are totally random so no regulars sadly. But on the plus side, you get to help so many more people!
A: neutral
It's always nice to tell someone a pleasant story before they go to sleep.
A: joy
cool cool...
A: joy
Huh that’s her?! She appears on this sub every 3 days and she looks *so different* every time!!
A: confusion
im glad they have it but this should have really been introduced in DMC3
A: joy
I did this with tuna salad. I already ate tuna a lot (at the time) and it’s a decently blank slate.
A: neutral
A: anger
What do you think? If you look at my question above? Last thing I should do is to say sorry?
A: confusion
not funny enough for that
A: neutral
You ask such great questions!
A: neutral
He is warped by porn. He's got a problem
A: sadness
Your comment is completely irrelevant and you're trolling me in order for you to cry and whine about Detroit. Get out of here.
A: anger
Then they both snuck off to [NAME] RV and cooked up some blue meth together.
A: neutral
that’s actually sad, feel bad for him :/
A: sadness
I'm so sad for you, I'm so so sorry. 💔
A: sadness
or a matter of position you choose!
A: neutral
She would be devastated! Whatever you're going through won't last forever... this will pass!! Ask for help - find someone to talk to!
A: anger
And we play for 6 dollars, this makes me so angry we need a big ass casino in that game
A: anger
At least I dont care about any of them.
A: anger
[NAME] Wednesday’s 😎 Good to know he’s enjoying the retirement life.
A: joy
Fair enough, I didn't pay attention.
A: neutral
The fuck you call me!? A cunt!? Damn man, didn’t know I meant so much to you, right in the feels.
A: anger
I've had sleep paralysis once and it is really bad.
A: sadness
Yeah, anyone the team has dibs on and even the team's UFA vets can participate in offseason activities. They have to sign an off-season participation agreement.
A: neutral
Poor [NAME] she just broke her back
A: sadness
OMG if the [NAME] and [NAME] run... I'll have the worst of time deciding who to vote for!
A: confusion
A: anger
Sounds like a really bad time. Just wait till you have a nice time and place to trip.
A: sadness
im glad they have it but this should have really been introduced in DMC3
A: joy
A: anger
[NAME] and his supporters are the dumbest humans in the fucking galaxy. They should be locked up for their own safety.
A: anger
No. You know better. She has already demonstrated how little regard she has for your feelings.
A: neutral
Sadly this is not a new issue for Ukraine. Please take a moment to remember Babi Yar :(
A: sadness
Woah... I'm shortsighted and I can get 2 pairs of glasses for €149. $500 is insane!
A: sadness
We are very clumsy creatures. Eventually you just learn to laugh it off. *The crying comes later when no one is around*
A: sadness
I thought [NAME] trained her after the boxing was over?
A: confusion
Miss you...
A: sadness
I'm a D.Va main at the moment so that one's a check chief.
A: neutral
Should I say (sent to all) after I say snap back to snap more?
A: confusion
No one wins if we all die. You'd think that fact would be enough.
A: neutral
Maybe. The only other time both sites of players should be fully baked is just before a world cup but that's not a good time either.
A: confusion
That guy is gonna regret losing you the rest of his life. You know why i know this? Because i am him 30 years ago.
A: sadness
While this makes me happy to know, it would probably be for the best if we didn't post these things where abusers can find out about them.
A: joy
Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you were there too. You made his day suck a little less.
A: joy
This helped me when I was in my worst mental state. I'm glad
A: joy
And the human babies - don’t forget them! Totally wicked! Sad!
A: sadness
Who the hell thinks he isn’t overpaid
A: anger
Who are you again?
A: confusion
I mean, if it's no questions asked how would they know you're not a resident?
A: neutral
I definitely expected unwatchable pro-life drama and was quite delighted
A: joy
What a load of old shite.
A: anger
Is your job my job? Because I don't know what it is about hardware stores that make Ppl stupid but hell are they stupid...
A: anger
One my favorite seasons to rewatch. All the glorious fights. [NAME] is forever a queen
A: joy
Where the fuck is that Kepner rocks person when we need them the most.
A: anger
Where the fuck is that Kepner rocks person when we need them the most.
A: anger
[NAME] left too early.
A: neutral
[NAME] passing is worse than usual. It's alright, but god damn is it painful to watch.
A: sadness
[NAME] Wednesday’s 😎 Good to know he’s enjoying the retirement life.
A: joy
Comments like these are the biggest reason I get so pissed off about fucking centrists crying about the "both sides" argument.
A: anger
Okay *yes* but they say "white people" and not "white men".
A: neutral
My toes hurt watching this
A: sadness
It makes me feel good. Wholesome is a very subjective thing.
A: joy
Fair enough, I didn't pay attention.
A: neutral
>You wrote a lot of words, and I don't really understand the context. This is a pretty succinct description of competitive debate.
A: confusion
Better late than never sadly I can see another label scooping him up
A: sadness
I thought [NAME] trained her after the boxing was over?
A: confusion
A: neutral
What an immature response. With a little passive agressive racism to boot. Classy.
A: anger
As I said in my other comment, no most probably don't. But we should all be alarmed at HOW they were banned.
A: neutral
This is painfully fake
A: sadness
I give you points for making me very surprised to see [NAME] up there. I'm glad he is.
A: neutral
You mean me? Said the same thing as you did lol
A: neutral
If he feeds the RBs and designs some QB fakes that actually fool defenses I’ll be happy with everything else
A: joy
While this makes me happy to know, it would probably be for the best if we didn't post these things where abusers can find out about them.
A: joy
Is this Hawaii? I had such a feeling this was Maui when I saw it.
A: confusion
Well it wasn’t opinion they didn’t like it was fact right?
A: confusion
Maybe. The only other time both sites of players should be fully baked is just before a world cup but that's not a good time either.
A: confusion
Yeah but they actully had/have shit to be mad about. Their board is incapable.
A: anger
My girlfriend barely tolerates me showering in the morning, she'd be furious if I'd let an alarm ring while I'm away. And rightfully so.
A: anger
This is so infuriating.
A: anger
That poor kid. That is going to cause some issues for them as well down the road.
A: sadness
Cried when [NAME] and [NAME] gave each other a big hug and [NAME] lifted him off the ground.
A: sadness
A “10” on the landing.
A: neutral
I love how the dog is just happy the cat is giving him attention.
A: joy
A: anger
Let’s be real here. He’s *every night and day*’s biggest loser.
A: neutral
Every BP within cooeee of me is consistently 5-10 cents a liter higher than other options. Weird.
A: confusion
> I doubt a typical [NAME] would be bankrupted by a $20K bill This attitude represents exactly the stereotype of [NAME] that most people have.
A: confusion
If that's not illegal it should be.
A: neutral
I can't tell if the is comfortable in that outfit
A: confusion
What does that even mean? How does one decide right or wrong with something so vague?
A: confusion
I skipped the Oilers game for a birthday party for a cat. I’m glad I did that instead.
A: joy
You are saying toxic people try to be the victim by calling you toxic.
A: anger
yea i highly doubt that
A: neutral
Meh, the liga that we all knew and loved went away when [NAME] fled to Italy
A: sadness
Errrrr a lot of those houses don’t look like they belonged to people who had servants, so the laundry mom theory stacks up a bit better!
A: neutral
never, because I actually married someone I wanted to be with l, and didn’t fucking betray their trust, unlike you arseholes
A: anger
Was that before or after the Sulphuric Sphincter show?
A: confusion
Because it's not mildlyinfuriating that you have to ask strangers to not be assholes?
A: anger
Where is this video on Doesn't seem to be on any of the pages I loaded.
A: confusion
correct me if i’m wrong but when [NAME] eliminates [NAME], she technically has a better track record than [NAME]?? i’ll fucking cry
A: sadness
Cried when [NAME] and [NAME] gave each other a big hug and [NAME] lifted him off the ground.
A: sadness
How this post is still up??🤔🤔
A: confusion
I'm really enjoying Season 3 but this would ruin it for me.
A: joy
“I’ll never have a playoff mandate” go fuck yourself [NAME]
A: anger
What are you on about?
A: neutral
[NAME] and his supporters are the dumbest humans in the fucking galaxy. They should be locked up for their own safety.
A: anger
[NAME] damnit, have your upvote
A: anger
I got $10 on Anzac Day as the guy won money and 2 x $5 tips that’s all.
A: joy
Man that dude seems to be having a blast at the character select screen. I'm so hyped, where do I sign up?
A: confusion
Looks like Venice to me
A: neutral
Poisoned by his enemies.
A: neutral
> Why create more jobs when no one is available to even take them? We could always import more people to fill those jobs.. :)
A: confusion
Because it's not mildlyinfuriating that you have to ask strangers to not be assholes?
A: anger
[NAME] wore shoes and killed millions. For [NAME] like me, people who wear shoes have become a symbol of hatred and murder.
A: anger
or a matter of position you choose!
A: neutral
Block him and stop replying to his comments. Not worth it.
A: anger
ah i was also confused but i think they mean friends around the same age
A: confusion
I've had sleep paralysis once and it is really bad.
A: sadness
I will take it a as serious question. Sorry. I am in Europe
A: sadness
Block him and stop replying to his comments. Not worth it.
A: anger
I feel bad for laughing at this now that the creator of Spongebob passed away a month ago.
A: sadness
You'd think people who have this high an opinion of themselves would be more open to taking advice on how to beat certain matchups. Enjoy being a scrub.
A: joy
Just like you can't underestimate the capacity for evil, you can't underestimate the capacity for stupidity
A: anger
>image management issue Seriously?! I must have missed that.
A: confusion
Fair enough, I didn't pay attention.
A: neutral
is solid proof
A: neutral
You ride the Bus and Train? I so wish MARTA was as good as other cities Transits. I mean they don't even operate past 1am :-/
A: neutral
This is so sad. [NAME], play 'bitch lasagna'
A: sadness
I've said it before, but yuck, kissing that bloody mouth... Watch out, [NAME], you don't know where that's been.
A: anger
Competitive Deathmatch was a huge reaper fest last season :( Had many games where everyone was reaper except maybe two people
A: sadness
This looks sick
A: neutral
Then enjoy your shutdown!
A: joy
> I doubt a typical [NAME] would be bankrupted by a $20K bill This attitude represents exactly the stereotype of [NAME] that most people have.
A: confusion
Pretty much does. SNP polling at 41% for the next election, CON at 25, LAB 23, LIB 6, and Greens at 3.
A: neutral
I'm glad none of you are GM
A: joy
spermatozoid is wrong someone with 31Q would have bigger problems than knowing how to write sperm Did you meanS this is beatiful
A: confusion
Those bastards lied to me
A: anger
On this sub I don't know whether to upvote or downvote
A: confusion
Oh ok. Guess the official US statute itself doesn't count?
A: confusion
They are loving this choice in maga canada of course. Just a typical day of bigotry.
A: joy
"We should be happy that we moved from 4th to 5th"
A: joy
I’m clueless unless someone tells me straight up that they’re into me. But this may just be me
A: confusion
I'm fucking starving here.
A: anger
exactly . all these people commenting “i could do that!!!” well guess what ?! YOU DIDN’T.
A: neutral
Well then I’d say you have a pretty good chance if it’s any girl lol
A: joy
Those women are the worst.
A: anger
My life is complete
A: joy
Cat's trying to tell you to take your damn shoes off
A: neutral
I mean, if it's no questions asked how would they know you're not a resident?
A: neutral
Yeah that’s what confuses me, like most people (men) who are here are just incels in denial
A: confusion
Sorry, I’m just so hungry right now
A: sadness
[NAME] left too early.
A: neutral
Bring it on, I’ve played enough PUBG for a good pan battle!
A: neutral
Fuck the rangers
A: anger
Then enjoy your shutdown!
A: joy
i used to do this a lot when i was younger lmao glad to see my vision wasnt just mine
A: joy
What a fuckin n
A: anger
What a load of old shite.
A: anger
I feel personally attacked. Every time one little thing happens, part of me just collapses inside.
A: sadness
I am happy to receive constructive advice. If someone is short, or not constructive, I will react to it.
A: joy
I bet there is an army of married couples who did the same exact thing.
A: neutral
He looked so sad when he was talking about how it feels to be getting criticised 😢.
A: sadness
Who's [NAME]?
A: confusion
A: confusion
Do i just need to watch just 'some' or all of them, oh and what about his books? I gotta buy them too right?
A: confusion
Yeah those glimpses of the person I fell in love with too but unfortunately the glimpses are not enough which hurts :/
A: sadness
I want to see that too, but we all know it's not going to happen.
A: neutral
> I don’t understand the boot-licking mentality Calling it in 5 years. That's your future AP.
A: confusion
Because it's not mildlyinfuriating that you have to ask strangers to not be assholes?
A: anger
Lies, damn lies and statistics.
A: anger
That sounds wonderful.
A: joy
Why was nobody driving the damn thing? They were all in the backseat. :/
A: anger
I'm glad you're safe - but don't feel sorry for him. He knows what he is doing.
A: joy
I don’t think you understand the meaning of cute
A: confusion
Which is why not only did PR lose but RUP was not the first choice sadly even if it had won in BC :(
A: sadness
What, again? This stupid country!
A: anger
Who hurt you?
A: neutral
A: sadness
Going to get hard for everyone after brexit
A: sadness
No idea man. Go check that one “study” done thirty years ago where you got that 40% from.
A: confusion
A: anger
Pressure 7 targets/10 targets, popcorn, any tracking, and any tile frenzy because I enjoy trying to beat my highscore
A: joy
"They hated [NAME] because he told them the truth."
A: neutral
At least I dont care about any of them.
A: anger
I stopped worrying about showing vulnerability years ago but there's still nobody there.
A: sadness
we have a "righty" complaining about "lefties" making up BS, while they make up BS... sad.
A: sadness
Neat, it’s screenshotted from my Facebook so I doubt that it’s an exact one my friend
A: confusion
That sounds wonderful.
A: joy
A: anger
Miss you...
A: sadness
“I did do the nasty in the pasty.” “And that past nastification...”
A: neutral
Did people really go against [NAME] when he came out? I wasn't as in to his stuff at the time but I remember people being supportive.
A: confusion
Why would you need to take his phone or car? He can get a job or move out.
A: confusion
The calls are totally random so no regulars sadly. But on the plus side, you get to help so many more people!
A: neutral
[NAME] Wednesday’s 😎 Good to know he’s enjoying the retirement life.
A: joy
what a strange, sad, moronic 3 day old account...
A: neutral
He looked so sad when he was talking about how it feels to be getting criticised 😢.
A: sadness
You can listen in the longer vid, chat brings that point up and he addresses the differences.
A: neutral
Because [NAME] was underage at the time of filming. IIRC he rips [NAME] dress in a much more revealing way in the book.
A: neutral
Normally yeah but that was my friends first match ever and to encounter such a killer, who was running noed too is kinda disheartening for him
A: sadness
Kinda like how he wants to “out” kids?
A: confusion
I miss [NAME]
A: sadness
I'm sorry I imagine that was devastating.
A: sadness
Your comment is completely irrelevant and you're trolling me in order for you to cry and whine about Detroit. Get out of here.
A: anger
That has nothing to do with guys that just started with us this or last season.
A: neutral
No, I don't mind all that much. I just hate being subjected to second hand carcinogens
A: anger
Poisoned by his enemies.
A: neutral
Nevermind, Every other weekend... I googled it and didnt think "end of watch" worked
A: neutral
While this makes me happy to know, it would probably be for the best if we didn't post these things where abusers can find out about them.
A: joy
I'm from Wisconsin. I don't understand your question.
A: confusion
Do i just need to watch just 'some' or all of them, oh and what about his books? I gotta buy them too right?
A: confusion
Would the state be effected by the federal shut down? I’m not sure how far reaching the shut down is.
A: confusion
If I buy too much local icecream from the icecream store, Dryers will go bankrupt! (????) These people are so desperate.
A: neutral
i like how he just bursts in like DID SOMONE WANA SEE ME ROL OVR !?!
A: neutral
Twas a joke ❤️
A: joy
Can you fucking not
A: anger
Gives me [NAME] 2005 bad memories.
A: sadness
felt that so hard too
A: sadness
That's what I can't understand either, what were they expecting by knocking on the door?
A: confusion
Cat's trying to tell you to take your damn shoes off
A: neutral
Realistically speaking, if they were on a VGBC channel, [NAME] would give them a nickname whenever they were on stream, and that would eventually catch on.
A: neutral
Pressure 7 targets/10 targets, popcorn, any tracking, and any tile frenzy because I enjoy trying to beat my highscore
A: joy
lol..You're not getting [NAME] or any of the young core..
A: joy
A: anger
You ride the Bus and Train? I so wish MARTA was as good as other cities Transits. I mean they don't even operate past 1am :-/
A: neutral
I thought [NAME] trained her after the boxing was over?
A: confusion
I remember a few others have posted this happening to them in the past.
A: neutral
You ask such great questions!
A: neutral
[NAME] damnit, have your upvote
A: anger
And..the reality of it hurts
A: sadness
> But my god, that fucking face. Never mind her, what about him further down.
A: anger
It's a gift.
A: neutral
A: sadness
Hard to swallow pills. This sub is meh now
A: sadness
Yeah. I don't even know why I was filming lmao. I hit #1 good. Definitely a miss on #2 though.
A: confusion
Where the fuck is that Kepner rocks person when we need them the most.
A: anger
Who are you again?
A: confusion
Wanna trade lives? I'd gladly take normal height with hair and have the same experience.
A: joy
It's not cool that so many are going without pay and unable to make rent or buy groceries. Is a travesty that a manufactured crisis has come to this
A: sadness
Welcome to the hype train. hahhaha
A: joy
Competitive Deathmatch was a huge reaper fest last season :( Had many games where everyone was reaper except maybe two people
A: sadness
Was that before or after the Sulphuric Sphincter show?
A: confusion
I think someone else should open a drive through so I can enjoy the flavours without the dishes aha
A: joy
Fuck the rangers
A: anger
So so good
A: joy
Is the Queen movie bad? That makes me sad. I'm still watch it anyway.
A: sadness
Yeah that’s what confuses me, like most people (men) who are here are just incels in denial
A: confusion
He'd hate me. My standards are even higher.
A: anger
I’m sorry to hear this. Live a hell of a life for your mate
A: sadness
I'm still confused about what a ginch is
A: confusion
Hard to swallow pills. This sub is meh now
A: sadness
Happy birthday!
A: joy
I've had sleep paralysis once and it is really bad.
A: sadness
Yep, hell of a listener
A: anger
Why was nobody driving the damn thing? They were all in the backseat. :/
A: anger
Implying Capcom has any idea how to balance a fighting game.
A: confusion
This can’t be the end of the back, garbage TV! I’ll miss you!
A: sadness
Why was nobody driving the damn thing? They were all in the backseat. :/
A: anger
you are correct, but now it is over. and i cry
A: sadness
She would be devastated! Whatever you're going through won't last forever... this will pass!! Ask for help - find someone to talk to!
A: anger
That has nothing to do with guys that just started with us this or last season.
A: neutral
Ooh, that's interesting info actually (*heads to capfriendly to check how many years until [NAME] is a UFA*)
A: joy
Then she gets on r/spacedicks and next thing you know she’s a man and wants to date other species.
A: neutral
I always thought a visible/sortable +/- x% ranking would be interesting for that reason.
A: neutral
It's none of your business. Stay out of it.
A: anger
Should I say (sent to all) after I say snap back to snap more?
A: confusion
So PST it is. Glad we agree.
A: joy
30 for position players is a big deal. 30 for pitchers is the middle of their prime
A: neutral
Lies, damn lies and statistics.
A: anger
Go pursue that education. Let [NAME] wallow in her own sadness.
A: sadness
Is this legit or just a random house?
A: confusion
I thought it was his nose sliced off, got confused when I didnt see any blood
A: confusion
Damn this guy just had a bad day!
A: sadness
I'm really enjoying Season 3 but this would ruin it for me.
A: joy
I forgot context and thought you meant the band was republican, please don’t worry me like this again
A: sadness
Who hurt you?
A: neutral
What does that even mean? How does one decide right or wrong with something so vague?
A: confusion
This makes me unfathomably angry.
A: anger
You're definitly an asshole, or a troll. Maybe both.
A: anger
Hugs hugs hugs. So many big hugs and good vibes. That's the only thing I know how to say right now.
A: joy
Even after reading all your posts, I still don't understand... 😑
A: confusion
Twas a joke ❤️
A: joy
Block him and stop replying to his comments. Not worth it.
A: anger
What do you think? If you look at my question above? Last thing I should do is to say sorry?
A: confusion
[NAME] done fucked up.
A: anger
For real! So happy they just put season 2 on hulu
A: joy
A: anger
I am so very sorry that you are dealing with all of this
A: sadness
I literally, like, hate people like that.
A: anger
Who hurt you?
A: neutral
“I’ll never have a playoff mandate” go fuck yourself [NAME]
A: anger
I give you points for making me very surprised to see [NAME] up there. I'm glad he is.
A: neutral
A: anger
You realize everyone sees you REEEEEEing all over the place right? You can act nonchalant all you want but obviously youre one salty sea dog
A: anger
I'm confused what you're crying about. The situation has very little to do with us.
A: confusion
I'm still confused about what a ginch is
A: confusion
I've said it before, but yuck, kissing that bloody mouth... Watch out, [NAME], you don't know where that's been.
A: anger
If your greed kills 2 people, it's worse than your murder killing 1. I don't know how this is hard for you to understand.
A: confusion |
In this task, you're given a review from Amazon and your task is to generate the name of the category of the product based on the review given by the user. The categories are: kitchen, office product, watch, wireless, other, toy, digital video download, camera, jewelry, pet products, sports, industrial supplies, baby product, grocery, drugstore, home improvement, pc, shoes, automotive, digital ebook purchase, musical instruments, beauty, book, electronics, lawn and garden, apparel, home, video games, luggage, furniture, personal care appliances.
Context: These are absolute trash! I've had them for a week and all 3 of them are not charging my phone anymore. I'm frustrated. Do not buy. Waste of money. It tells my phone and iPad that it can't be supported.
A: wireless
Context: I have used the original manufacturers version of this product for almost 2 years. What I received did not have original packaging, and upon application it immediately began irritating my eyelids. They became pink and swollen, and required thorough rinsing for relief. Whatever came in that tube is not what it claims to be.
A: beauty
Context: The plastic hub on top split in half in the wind two days after I installed it. I cannot return it, as all of the spokes fell overboard. At this price, the seller should stand by the product. Amazon does not offer a return on this purchase.
A: lawn and garden
Context: Very disappointed, gummies arrived in mail and were melted together. I couldn’t take any of them, package should say not to leave in mailbox or require a signature due to the nature of the gummies when exposed to hot/cold temperatures!
A: drugstore
Context: Not recommended. I was so annoyed by the main characters that by the end I hoped the entity would just off them already. The only redeeming quality is some decent cinematography and scenery - The urban decay of parts of Detroit added a gloomy backdrop.
A: digital video download
Context: The main purpose I bought this is to make almond butter. I have a professional blendtec and a twister jar. Tried for over 30 min. All it made was almond powder. I threw the whole thing out 3 pounds worth
A: grocery
Context: Just went to put lunches in these containers and the lids just literally won't stay snapped closed. Some of them will, some won't, assuming they're poor quality and you might get lucky and get a whole batch that closes.
A: kitchen
Context: I specifically ordered these glasses for the 2nd time because I enjoyed the cute colorful style of the first set. I wear transitional bifocals daily and wanted a pair of readers to keep at home so I would be less likely to lose or break my "good" pair. Hence the need to re-order. I was disappointed to find I was sent the wrong style with no return or product support option. I was sent the thin/elegant style which will likely break much faster effectively wasting my money. I'm giving 1 star because will they work? Sure...they're reading glasses. But it wasn't what I wanted or what I ordered. I could understand if I ordered the wrong set or didn't like what I ordered but no option when it wasn't my mistake?!? I'm not sure I will reorder from this company again when it comes time for another replacement. ☹
A: apparel
Context: These are awful, pointless, and waste of time and money. I have gone through 4 in a week and a half, 2 of which were actually on. First off, they are not easy to put on. First time, I threw away 1 before I was able to figure out how it works due to lack of instructions. All you get is referred to a video that wasnt helpful. Finally got the 2nd one on and felt it was good. No visible bubbles. 2 days later it was peeling back. Tried again, same thing, first one was just figuring out how to get them on, threw it away because you pretty much have to touch it and I was worried it wouldn't stay stuck, again. On the 2nd try, 4th screen protector, it was perfect. Didnt touch it and no bubbles. The screen protector didnt even make it though the weekend before it reached the point shown in the picture. It cant protect your watch if they are only half attached. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME!
A: wireless
Context: Awful construction, 4 pieces were broken when this arrived and while the company who manufactured this was extremely helpful and offered to send the pieces for free, it looked really cheap once set up and I returned it. Also much smaller than expected.
A: home
Context: I purchased 8 36-Inch English Horse Trough Planters to hang on my deck in the spring of 2018. I pulled them off the deck and stored them for the winter. I was planning to rehang them this weekend only to find out that all 8 of them had really bad rust damage and required sanding and repainting before I could use them again. I spent the entire weekend cleaning, sanding and repainting these planters and they still look rusty and damaged. I am really unhappy with the quality of these planters, they are clearly not made for outdoor use.
A: lawn and garden
Context: Very unhappy with these chargers. One of them broke off inside my iPhone after only using maybe 3 times. The cord is nice, looks and feels durable but the actual hardware isn’t. I am using one of the others now and I can tell that it is going to break or fall apart in the exact same spot.
A: wireless
Context: Piece of junk. The threads are too loose to seal and it goes hand tight all the way into the nipple. Pipe dope does not help, I tightened as tight as can be but still leaks under normal pressure. Sucks after changing my other piping from vertical to horizontal to have this go in correctly.
A: home improvement
Context: Every hear someone talk as though every word was important? Ever read a long long email all in caps? When every word is important no word is. When all letters are shouted in email, who cares? In this movie there is almost nothing but fight scenes. Not fight scenes where you are taught how to fight, just lots of fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. Get the Idea? Apparently the writers ran out of ideas and are hoping the audience will be suckered enough to watch it. The movie has no arc. It's just bam, bam. bam. Do not waste your money or your time on this movie unless maybe you have not reached puberty yet. A true monument to Steven Segal (even though he wasn't in it.)
A: digital video download
Context: I always buy my daughter this milk because it is the only one she will drink. I thought this would be cheaper, but as a result it was way more pricey than if i had just bought it at the local store. Will not be purchasing again.
A: drugstore
Context: the screen cover itself fits but that's all. The tiny strips to protect the Speaker won't fit, they are too small for a Note9 Speaker. The glue runs around the whole phone and never gets dry doesn't matter how long you hold the Lamp over it. I send it back and went to a normal screen protector.
A: wireless
Context: The plug or seal for recharging is NOT watertight. It leaked in water while being used and died mid use. This was a Christmas gift and not used daily. While it was great while working, the seal or plug is not water proof or water tight and a drop of water got in and that was the end of it!
A: beauty
Context: I ordered these for my HRV, but to my disappointment they do not fit perfectly. There is a gap between the mat and the rear cupholder. Even though it is a small gap, it is still large enough for feet to get the carpet dirty. These floor mats also don't go very far towards the front seats. I'm afraid that anyone sitting in the back that extends their legs even a little bit will get their shoes all over the carpet.
A: automotive
Context: Will be returning just because they didnt fit.. The color was as exactly as described and if they fit i would gladly keep them one negative is the steering wheel cover does not fit tbe steering wheel at all. The pattern was also. Inconsistent and blocky looked really cheap.
A: automotive
Context: I know that the internet record says that the product was delivered to my home yesterday. That is mistake , as I was home all day & did receive another item later in the day . delivered by UPS, the AMAZON delivery never went to my home. Please advise as to how soon this can be corrected. Thank you Frank W.
A: grocery
Context: As a senior with limited manual dexterity, I found this can opener difficult to use; maybe if I were younger and/or stronger, I'd feel differently about it; as it is, I would not recommend it for anyone of advanced years or limited use of their hands. After about 4 months, this stopped working altogether- not at all happy
A: kitchen
Context: I have received an email offering me $30. amazon gift card to remove bad review, how many people have sold out and removed the bad reviews. I have a flea problem, I washed my cat, I let it stay on for a while. I stuns the fleas. IT DOES NOT KILL FLEAS! Now I have to get another shampoo and do it all over again.
A: pet products
Context: Uneven browning, green lights that don't function, inability to heat up or retain heat; this appliance has it all. Oh, it is easy to clean all right. Now if it could just cook and brown a waffle. Because I purchased this on Amazon, All-Clad will not refund my money, even though they have sent me three replacements. That makes 4 waffle makers in all that I have returned over the past 3 months. Don't buy from Amazon, number one. Secondly, don't buy from All-Clad!
A: kitchen
Context: I am very sorry I purchased this item. Apparently it is designed to tightly cling to the body. It is very thin material and after one wash it looks terrible. It was super soft though. Would not purchase again.
A: apparel
Context: Well for starters it doesn't charge very fast or even normal speed for that matter, the top part broke off after one day and it wont go back on and stay. And worse of all ... It doesnt even work after like one week of use. Complete waste of money!!
A: wireless
Context: drawstring broke the first time i wore these! tried to exchange, but company would make me pay shipping and handling! tried to return, but company would make me pay shipping and handling! unable to give no stars or negative stars...
A: apparel
Context: I liked how oversized this product looked. I bought two, one a large and one xl. Both had holes in the seams in different areas. If I could return them I would. Also, if you buy this product WASH before you wear. This product must have had a chemical on it that made me itch and left me with a rash. NOT WORTH THE PRICE FOR POORLY MADE HOODIES!
A: apparel
Context: This product did not fit my Greenworks 80 volt string trimmer at all. It was way too big. I would return it, but I'm just going to take the string off and use that instead. Stay far away from this if you think you'll be able to pop it right on. It does NOT FIT A GREENWORKS 80V TRIMMER!!!!!
A: lawn and garden
Context: I used these razors for some time and couldn't figure out why I couldn't get a good shave. It happened that I recently found one of my old Gillette disposable razors and decided to try it for comparison. I couldn't believe the difference. I have no interest or affiliation with Gillette. But these Bic razors are truthfully worthless!
A: beauty
Context: I purchased the plastic ware for a party. Found the quality poor, found the forks to be flimsy and easily broke when stabbing a thin piece of chicken. Knifes could be sharper. Would not reorder again.
A: kitchen
Context: Easily the worst-sounding set of ear buds I've ever heard. Considering the price, I wasn't expecting to be blown away by the quality but these sound absolutely terrible. Right ear bud didn't even work and cut out intermittently. Don't be lured in by all the 5 start reviews like I was.
A: electronics
Context: Seemed like a great little machine. There is too much room for user error. The box advertises less than one minute for results, however each time I tried it, it took longer than that, not to mention more times than not, I got an error reading. You have to be sitting in just the right position, the cuff has to be on your left hand and you have to hold your hand up at the level of your heart. Take into consideration that BP will be lower on wrist as opposed to upper arm with traditional cuffs. This is important to note when tracking trends. I am returning this product and don’t recommend it.
A: drugstore
Context: I bought these a year ago, one worked very well, and one buzzed. But I had no trouble charging them and they were a good solution for an overseas flight, except for the one that buzzed. I used the good one again on a car ride to let my grandson watch movies on a car ride. My husband and I could listen to the radio and visit with each other without him noticing. Today I pulled them out to charge for my daughter to use on a plane. Neither one will charge, no light and the noise canceling is gone, if I switch on the noise canceling no sound comes through. These are a great idea, but they do not last and really, only one worked for noise canceling at the beginning. I bought them in May of last year, it is April now, not even a year of use. I had them stored carefully in their bags.
A: electronics
Context: Iam not sure what’s the stuffing around the bed is but as soon as my dog lay down on it he started biting it until he got all the stuffing out and broke the bed.. all that on the same day it arrived. He has another bed which he has never broken before, I was trying to get him a second at the second floor of the house, but must likely we will only keep one 🙄. Something positive is that the bed is pretty large, it makes my dog looks small and the foam appears comfortable.
A: pet products
Context: Knobs started melting less than six months after purchase. Contacted seller they replied to contact ge which might take forever to hear from . Not what I expected by ordering through amazon. Very disappointed
A: other
Context: Impossible to tell from the product picture. The front sewing line on the felt part ends just short of one's forehead, and it leaves this tacky looking crease smack in the top and middle of one's head. Wearing this hat makes your head look like a penis glans. I've tossed mine in the garbage after trying to see if altering it would help. Save yourself the money and buy a hat you can try out first.
A: apparel
Context: I bought two of these because the reviews were so great and the smell sounded amazing. I just got it today and it does not smell like sugar cookies at all. there is a slight hint of vanilla but it mostly just smells sour, both bottles smell the same so it's unlikely i got a defective bottle. I'm going to try to fix the smell with some of my own fragrances but the sour smell is very pungent, i'm not optimistic. My opinion, stay away.
A: beauty
Context: It is so hot!!! My mother can’t hold it with hands. When I tried I was angry I was deceived by this product.... it is not functional at all. Double layer doesn’t function at all and it was gift to my mother so I didn’t return it but really upset about this product. Hot hot hot
A: kitchen
Context: It doesn't adhere fully to my phone. I heard it make noise when I pressed it against the screen while it was applied. The touch sensitivity was good without any case. But when I put my otterbox defender case, it lost sensitivity. And there was a huge gap between the screen and the phone. I have returned it and ordered a better future tempered glass.
A: wireless
Context: I am not terribly happy with the sharpener! It is OK but I have had better results over the past 25 years with a Norton tripple stone set. As a butcher I need SHARP knives and this sharpener just is not delivering the quality edge I have been able to get in the past. I watched all of the available videos before I ordered the sharpening system, when it arrived I read the manual a couple of times while looking at the system and then I watched all of the videos again as I set the sharpening system up. When I put my first knife on it I had a video playing so I could listen to it as I was going through the motions. I attempted to sharpen 6 Victorinox knives that are HC stainless and one carbon knife the carbon knife stained the stone so bad it no longer looks white it is red. I DID put dish soap in the lube water to make clean ip easier but it sis not help, even soaking the stone did not help. The entire ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE DOLLAR system is sitting in a drawer right now and will likely never be used again. The money would have been better spent on a set of Norton Tri Hone Stones and holder!
A: kitchen
Context: I've been using Guitars for a while and while this model looked good initially, it deteriorated very quickly there after. Only after 1 month of light-use (2-3 hours a week), it started degrading. The grip of the strings started to loosen up and no matter how many times you tighten it up it always loosens immediately on playing and causing a weird tone while strumming. That is not how a good guitar should function!
A: musical instruments
Context: Complete piece of junk! Water GUSHED out of the chamber EVERY SINGLE TIME. There are holes at the bottom that are not sealed on the inside. No 1-800 number to call, nothing in the directions (at least, the English portion) about how to seal it up. Returning IMMEDIATELY.
A: home
Context: Originally I loved this replacement band because of the color. However, with less than a year of use the color has completely changed/faded, which you can see in the pictures. I was out of the country and unable to return it before the return date, but I’m not happy that I now need to order another one.
A: sports
Context: I am so disappointed with this product I was very pleased with my previous vivoactive I just wanted a different style of watch to look more feminine while still having a Garmin. And that is about the only good thing about this particular watch it's battery life is horrible any little bump will have the thing flying to a whole different screen I would never buy this product again
A: wireless
Context: I had high hopes for this brace, but I am not impressed. It seemed to have reasonably good build quality until I attempted to install it. The holes for the barring would not line up. I had to drill them out to make it fit. No instructions were included. I’ve done this before so it’s not a big deal, but for someone who hasn’t done it, it could be. I received confirmation that my package was delivered on time, but the only thing that was delivered was a letter stating my package would come latter. It did finally come, a week latter. After I altered the holes for the barring, it works. I would definitely not purchase this product again. Buy a different brand.
A: automotive
Context: I put one in each of the 6 trees I have in my front yard and I have mole hills in each area. I just don't know what to do with these moles, but these did not appear to help at all. Maybe it called them over?
A: lawn and garden
Context: Easy to set up and use in the beginning. I got this to replace my broken breville. Good grind, not too loud, and I really liked the stainless steel container. It was making an odd, low level grinding sound whenever it wasn't grinding and we would unplug it when it wasn't in use. It suddenly stopped working this morning and wouldn't restart even after I cleaned it out again. Definitely a major disappointment. Would not recommend.
A: kitchen
Context: When I received the dress, I automatically noticed how small it was. It looked like a little girl's dress. It was so tiny. I was disappointed because it was so pretty but since it didn't fit whatsoever, I sent it back right away.
A: apparel
Context: My initial review of this product was denied presumably because it was too honest about their shoddy nature, so I will be as straightforward as I can... I purchased these bulbs for my RV. Within a month several had burned out. They are cheap and I DO NOT recommend them. You can save yourself time and hassle by buying a quality product the first time, i.e. NOT this product. The denial of my initial review stated "Your review should focus on specific features of the product and your experience with it. Feedback on the seller or your shipment experience should be provided at www.amazon.com/feedback.", so I will not discuss my negative interaction with the seller.
A: automotive
Context: It’s not 6 1/2” wife as advertised. It didn’t come with bottom half of the pole. It’s flimsy. I didn’t expect it to be the best umbrella but i am not happy that it’s not what it says it is and is missing parts.
A: other
Context: **update** just before I tossed these in the trash I decided to take out the batteries for recycling and there was this fizzy bubbly liquid. No idea how/why this happened, but I’d definitely say don’t bother with buying these! **I hung these up and they were pretty for about 2 days. They go through batteries like crazy Even when I had them on a timer! I would understand if I had them on all day, but I didn’t. Also, the remote hardly every works so I have to manually turn them on with the top button that you have to click a bunch of times to get the right setting. Overall, they are just a nuisance. I got the battery operated bc I have rabbits that could chew the chords, but this just wasn’t worth it. I’m so surprised how many batteries I went through. Not worth it at all! Trash now.
A: lawn and garden
Context: I had been buying this for my morning protein shakes for about 6 months before they changed the formula. It was great! Smooth and tasty and dissolved perfectly in almond milk. I felt full all morning and liked the recyclable packaging. When my latest tub arrived in April, I contacted customer service because it was inedible. I thought I had gotten a bad batch or it was a mistake. There were white chunks that didn't dissolve and made it disgusting to drink. Customer service said this was not a mistake, this was their new formula, and recommended putting the powder in a food processor to break up the chunks. Not wanting to waste my money, I put some in my Magic Bullet blender since I don't own a food processor to try to break down those rock-hard chunks so I could at least use what I'd bought. It didn't make one bit of difference. This company has ruined what was used to be a great product and lost my business.
A: grocery
Context: Great price for all that you get. Had an issue with my order but the company replaced it very quickly. Works good. UPDATE the replacement has now stopped working , the replacement worked great for the first month or so then completely stopped working too. i went to use the car charger and it didn't work at all . i would not buy from this company again
A: wireless
Context: While the product seems great .... when I opened the shipping box two of the packing boxes inside had been damaged, but not visible at first, glass shards were spilling out the slight opening of the boxes, resulting in several punctures and cuts to my hands.
A: kitchen
Context: I bought this adapter to be able to charge and listen to music on my Essential PH1 phone at the same time. After I plugged it to my charger and phone, I noticed it wasn't charging the phone and my phone started to make crackling noises on the phone's speaker. Unplugged the adapter and tried plugging it again a few more times. Same result. Disappointed, I decided to just return it and get a refund and try a different adapter.
A: book
Context: I don’t know why but this soup had bits of white pieces in it. I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be like that until I found this item at Whole Foods. The one from the local store was without the white pieces.
A: other
Context: The packaging is horrible. Three out of six dishes were completely broke and one was chipped away at the ends. The perimeter of the box was isolated with a three sided foam box. In between the dishes, the placed a thin silk like lining. The box was not marked for fragile. I had to do something else. When reporting the broken plates to them, they tried to send replacements out but when I received them it was too late for my event. This happened on Jan. 3rd and they billed my credit card yesterday for those two dishes they I didn't send back. Let me say, the the never told me to. So I'm frustrated all over again.
A: kitchen
Context: Over the past 10 years, this might be my first 1-star review of an Amazon seller. I wish I could give it less. Awful customer service. Had to file a claim with Amazon, who, fortunately, is working to assist and make it right. TL; DR: Seller sent a COMPLETELY different item than ordered, the tried to charge me to package/send said 7-8 foot item back to them in order to get a refund. My shipping/packing charges would have been over the price of the original item I ordered. My order: a small, 3-piece patio bistro foldable furniture set. What arrived: a 7-8 foot giant rocking outdoor swing of some kind. Incredibly heavy. 1) I contacted customer service to alert them of the mistakenly shipped item. 2) After months of communicating with their customer service team, requesting my original order, it still never came. 3) I contacted Amazon for help, as the seller refused to cooperate and provide a solution (i.e. a refund, my original order, or means of shipping the incorrect product back at no cost to me.) Worth noting - the packaging the original item arrived in was completely damaged and unusable (leaving scratches and bangs on the incorrect item as well). Best Choice Products customer service team is continuing to ask me to mail the item back (which would involve me purchasing the packing materials for a 7-8 foot item, and paying someone to take it to UPS, as I can't lift this item or fit it in my vehicle). Their solution? Customer service replied with "see if your friends can give you some free boxes or help you move it." Their other solution, "You can pay FedEx to pick it up." No, this isn't my responsibility as a customer to pay to fix a mistake on the company's end or to pay more than my original item cost to return their mistake. I strongly caution you against buying anything from this company.
A: lawn and garden
Context: Very cheap plastic, "kickstand" broke after only a few uses, and buttons are so difficult to press that I had to download an app to do screenshots for me because holding the two buttons together at the same time was nigh impossible.
A: wireless
Context: Not happy at all with these cups. Milk sprays everywhere when it is in the straw. The top also closes whenever my daughter leaned it over to drink from it. Ended up being a waste of money. And the search for cups continues...
A: baby product
A: camera
Context: I ordered this and the label is obviously fake when compared to the product I have on hand, which I buy and use regularly and have for years. What I received is the same as what others have posted -- labels that do not match the product if purchased at the store. The shade is way off and the quality was what I noticed first, and how I realized I needed to compare what I'd received to an empty BareMinerals that I had in the same shade. Bogus.
A: beauty
Context: I have an IPhone X and with this charger my phone would get very hot and stop charging after a very short period of time. My phone had 10% of battery left and this charger never got past 20%. I don’t have another phone to figure out if it was just my phone or the charger. I’m giving it one star because on their add it states that this charger works with my phone and it didn’t. So within 3 days it was returned. Also I bought a another wireless charger from a different company and that one works perfectly fine.
A: wireless
Context: worked great the first few days, i like that it's portable. I stopped using it for a week and started using it again today...however now the mist coming out smells musty and moldy and there is not a way to open it up to clean it.
A: home
Context: I ordered the black and WHITE ... Instead of the white I got the ugliest blue color. I was trying to color coordinate my notebooks to classes. This is not a huge deal but it was just disappointing to open my amazon box to something I didn't really want at all.
A: office product
Context: It barely goes around! Battery operated toothbrushes are ten times stronger! If you just want to wash your face & don’t care about exfoliating or anything it may be for you...I was looking for something more than I could do than with a washcloth (this isn’t it)
A: beauty
Context: first time ordered they only sent chair no cords. The next time they sent just the car cord, 3rd and 4th time they sent wrong model cord. I eventually had to buy a 12 volt to ac converter to get it to work. After all that they did give me a refund.
A: drugstore
Context: If this battery is 3000mAh somebody must be using standards from an alternate universe. My reg. battery outlasted this one by far. Where it took 1 battery to trim all my hedges it now take both of these.
A: other
Context: Failed my licensing exam by relying on this book. It's missing more than half the Virginia specific subjects. It's has so many typos and unrelated topics. Many questions refer to New Jersey laws. It's a complete garbage with nothing but confusing information to set you up for a failure. Stay away.
A: book
Context: I've used Bare Minerals Origional primer before. What was shipped to me is not functional. The pump doesn't work - just spits product randomly. The product that does come out is extremely watery - definitely not the same consistency as what I've always used. Steer clear.
A: drugstore
Context: DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. These do not stay on. They come loose immediately. On dry clean skin. I’ve used two. And they fell off within 3 minutes. They appear to be very sticky. But it’s a lie. Huge waste of money.
A: drugstore
Context: The Top Doesn't Come Off even after long, repeated struggle, squeezing from sides while pushing downward. Got off only once in several months. Finally just gave up. And they dint't let you return the product.
A: beauty
Context: Something is very wrong with the metal used in these shakers. After two weeks of use one of my shaker containing sumac has holes all over it and no im not talking about the lid. Holes in the metal sides of the shaker (see photos). Definitely a low grade of stainless if its even stainless and now my sumac is tainted do not buy these. Zero stars but you have to give it at least one to review 👎
A: kitchen
Context: I have honestly gone through all 3 within 6 months. AND that is only because I did not replace the screen as soon as it was damaged or cracked. I would wait until the screen was REALLY bad. The first one that I put on cracked along the edges within the first 2 days. I should have returned them then. Don't waste your money.
A: wireless
Context: If you're looking for a digital readout do not waste your time if you're looking to get ripped off and buy a plastic product wrapped in electrical tape by all means you found exactly what you're looking for. now for a two-week wait waiting to get a product that actually works and is not taped together.
A: drugstore
Context: This item comes bent in half... yes you heard me right. After struggling to straighten it with a mallot for a half hour I finally gave up. There's no way to get it straight again. What are they thinking?!
A: home improvement
Context: Not worth returning because of the low price, but I bought these reportedly 4 1/2" plates specifically to use next to other wall plates that are 4 1/2" in length. These are nearly 5" at 4 7/8". They do not match my other wall plates.
A: home improvement
Context: WAY to big for 25.4 oz bottles. Doesn’t even screw to the top due to being to large. Only received 5 pumps. Not 6 or the cap top. Trying to return them. We’ll see. Hopefully the seller will allow it since they sent me the wrong amount and don’t fit the bottles as described.
A: grocery
Context: I never received it. How could I give you a review of a product that was never shipped and I have never received? I paid for it, still don;t have it, and the delivery company keeps promising they will deliver it, but never show up. Doesn't say a whole lot for Amazon and the shipping company.
A: home improvement
Context: The back protector doesn’t fit - it’s too big and ends up touching (on all 4 sides) the curved part of the phone so air gaps exist on all the edges making it easy for the protector to fall off. Other brands have better quality front protectors.
A: wireless
Context: Thought the price was pretty great for three cables and wasnt too worried about them tearing since they seemed heavy duty. I've only used 1 out of the 3 cables in the past month, and I'm already having issues with charging my phone. The one cable keeps causing my phone to continuously make the "charging" sound because it's not actually charging my phone properly. Very disappointed with how the product turned out. Save your money and buy a higher quality product instead.
A: wireless
Context: I received a completely different product! Do not expect to get what is in the image. I am not able to return because there is no Option to..... Not first time this has happened... getting frustrated with AMAZON!
A: home
Context: This is not a good movie and the cast is pretty bad so that doesn’t leave much to like about it. the plot and dialog are pretty lame but if you like low budget buddy movies perhaps there’s something here to like.
A: digital video download
Context: This would have been the easiest 5 star review... if I had actually recieved the blood orange flavor, but some genius decided that regular orange is close enough to blood orange and sent it to me. Ok... mistakes happen, no big deal right? Usually it isn't, but the vendor will not return emails or fix their mistake. Long story short don't buy from this vendor
A: grocery
Context: It's an ok wig if you're only going to use it once or twice, but if you're a cosplayer or plan on wearing this wig multiple times then you might want to keep looking. When I got the silver one the picture showed a middle part with no bangs but when I got it in the mail it had front bands and a tear in the head cap. You can see the cap when you move the hair around the material is thin and feels like it's going to fall out any moment. Moral of the story check the reviews before you buy a wig on Amazon
A: beauty
Context: Stay Away! Resealed trainer boxes and resealed booster packs. The booster packs are resealed at the bottom of the booster packs. I bought 4x elite trainer boxes and pulled 0 gx cards and only got 1 holo per box. I have opened a vast amount of elite trainer boxes and booster packs and can easily see the repacking of the booster packs and I know the difference between bad luck and scammers. If you have suspicions of your packs from this seller, look closely at the bottom seal of the booster pack. The booster pack should not have a white residue(dried glue), and should cleanly open and not stick/rip/tear.
A: toy |
Subsets and Splits