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<human>: Complete this text: Now, I don't know about everyone else . but prior to my diagnosis, I didn't feel nearly as ‘overwhelmed' as I do now. Life in general is stressful, of course . family, friends, work . it all can lead to stress at some point. So what's the big difference with how ‘normal people' are stressed out . and when an MS patient is stressed out/has anxiety? Well, I'm going to share my 2 cents on that. So, let me just say that I don't deal with heavy stress/anxiety 24/7, but at times it can feel like I do. Now, what a big difference in being stressed having a chronic illness, like MS . And being stressed out while being ‘healthy', so to say. When I was first diagnosed, I was told that there are certain ‘triggers' for MS that can make your MS flare-up and/or make your symptoms worse. Those three triggers I was told were: extreme heat, extreme cold, and extreme stress . When I first heard this, I was like “Great . I live in Central Texas and I'm a mother of two boys .” Now I said that in a joking matter, because I didn't fully understand just how much stress could affect my symptoms, etc. Click here for a list of triggers. They are different from what I stated, but wanted to share. What I've noticed is that when I deal with ‘extreme heat' it also causes ‘extreme stress' for me, so I'm dealing with two of the ‘triggers' at once. I know there are things out there to help with stress/anxiety and I have been prescribed medication to take if needed, but I'm already on SO MUCH medicine, why would I want to take MORE? So, back to what I was saying . I'm thinking to myself, okay I need to avoid those extremes, obviously . but I didn't know how much more ‘sensitive' I would be to those factors as well. It seems that now a days, I become stressed easily, compared to like 10 years ago . I get that it comes with life, but it's hard to explain. I feel like I have NO CONTROL over my stress/anxiety at times, and when I get like that, it's hard to think clearly to calm myself down. I have learned to not let myself get as riled up as easily as I used to. Also, if there is drama going on around me, or with friends . I will be there to listen, but I don't involve myself into the situation, because I just can't deal. I feel bad when people call/text me for help, or advice, and I don't respond to them. I'm not TRYING to be rude, it's just that, I probably can't ‘deal' with that kind of stress/anxiety at the moment. I'm not trying to distance myself from people, or not supportive, but I've got to think about my health first and foremost. If that makes me selfish, then oh well. Now, what do I mean by saying, “I become stressed/anxious a lot easier than I used to.” Let me give you an example . I don't like grocery shopping, let me just get that out there . But, it was something that I obviously HAVE to do. Before I was diagnosed, it was just this annoying task that I had to do, that also put a dent in my bank account, but I dealt with it with no problem. Now though? Now, I really have to prepare myself to make those trips. The grocery store isn't even far from me either. But I try and plan on going when I know it's not going to be too busy, when it's not too hot, and where I know I can get in and out with (hopefully) no issues. Why do you ask? Because when I put myself in stressful situations, I notice that my symptoms get slightly worse. It's not noticeable to others most of the time, but it's noticeable to me. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE online shopping now too? I get it shipped to me and I don't have to ‘deal' with outside factors . if that makes me lazy, oh well. Now when it comes to just stressful situations, like an altercation with a friend/family member, or something like that, I wouldn't bite my tongue at all, that's just not who I am. HOWEVER, so that I don't get stressed out and have an anxiety attack, that would lead to me having a migraine, vision issues or spasticity (because that's usually the three things that get worse first), I usually just become silent. No, I'm not trying to be ‘rude' by going silent, and I'm paying attention to what's going on, I just have found that not responding to the situation immediately, has helped in my stress/anxiety levels. Some people have said, “Oh, got nothing to say? You just going to ignore me? ” No, that's not it at all. For one, anyone that KNOWS me knows that I have a temper and I'm not afraid to speak my mind, but I'm trying to refrain from making everything else worse symptoms-wise, and the situation as well. While I was looking up information about MS and Stress, I found this MS Stress Test from WebMD, answered the questions, and I wanted to share some of the feedback I received, “Living with a chronic illness, especially one with unpredictable symptoms, can be a source of stress. And for many people with MS, stress makes symptoms worse. That, in turn, can make navigating life's normal ups and downs more challenging — and more stressful. Keep in mind that the symptoms of stress and MS can be very similar, too. So what you're feeling might be a reaction to stress – and not your illness getting worse.”Research has even been conducted in regards to stress & MS. You can read more about one study here. There are of course multiple studies done on the topic, but I didn't want to list them all in this article. There is also a simplified explanation for stress & anxiety on MultupleSclerosis. net, along with treatments that are available . Read more here: Treatment of anxiety, mood swings, and other emotional problems. Another thing that I have found that helps me is exercise. I'm not talking about hardcore workouts either. It could just be a simple walk, when able, and other small things. Anyways, I could probably go on and on about this subject, but I'm going to stop here for now, and will most likely revisit the topic in the future. I have lots of anxiety and depression, but doctors don't take me seriously so I don't have any medications to help me deal with these. We are the consumer for the physicians. We must be happy with the service we receive for the money we pay. And lord knows we pay a lot. People have told me that it appears that I don't care when I don't argue something that was said that isn't true, or when I just excuse myself from drama, but I just honestly can't take it. I've tried to explain it, and most of my TRUE friends understand, but then there are others that will never understand, because they don't want to understand. This exactly how I feel everyday. My anxiety gets out of control and the only thing that helps is medical cannabis which is not legal in my state. I don't do it any more for the reason of being illegal. I'm making it my mission in lifeTo make this legal. Cannabis is such a beautiful medicine and it helps nearly all my ms symptoms. Sorry I kept hitting post comment by accident lol. Wonderful articleThis exactly how I feel everyday. I'm makiThanks so much for the article Ashley. I prided myself on the stress levels that I could endure – PMS (pre-Multiple Sclerosis)! Doesn't take much now and my vision gets wonky, the fatigue and spasticity kick in. And it can be mental/emotional stress OR physical stress. When my heart rate raises AT ALL – I lose sight in one eye. It always comes back (knocking on wood now), but it's an example of stress coming in various shapes and sizes! I've learned to speak to this disease as it deserves – I say “FUMS” everyday! ! ! http://www. I was diagnosed in 1998, but was extremely blessed that I was able to continue working for many years, with the exception of having to take leaves of absence during flares, which were few and far between in the beginning. I took early retirement, 3 yrs ago, and am now 66, but experience extreme anxiety over every-day, common chores, or the idea of having to deal with them, before my feet ever hit the ...
<assistant>: The completion of this text could be: floor in the morning. Thank goodness for my medication, as there are times I am in tears until it does kick in, but the tears come from anger as much as the horrible feeling I get from being anxious. I was an RN for 30 years. I had faced the most stressful situations you can imagine, and did it well. I was proud of my work. Now, just the thought of having to get up, get dressed, start my coffee, feed and water the cat, etc, etc, etc causes ridiculous anxiety and makes me angry in the realization that I, of all people, should not be having this problem. Of course, I can understand it. Of course, I can rationalize and explain it to myself, until my medication kicks in. But it still makes me mad. Hi, Cindie! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please know that you are not alone, and we're so glad that you feel community here. We're here for you, to share information, kinship, and just to listen, anytime you need us. ## Warmly, Donna (MultipleSclerosis. net team)I am the same way in that stressful situations or anxiety cause my vision to act up and my spasticity to go crazy. It doesn't have to be a “bad” anxiety either! Perfect example: My husband and I are huge UFC fans. My favorite is Connor McGregor. Well not too long ago he had a rematch with another fighter and my husband and I went to a local bar/restaurant to watch it. We were having a great time, it was a great fight but intense. One minute I thought McGregor wad going to lose but then he got a second wind. Then I thought the other fighter was going to lose, it was back & forth all 5 rounds! ! ! ! Like I said, intense. (By the way, my boy won! ) After the fight was done, everyone got up to leave. As I stood up and began to move toward the door, following everyone else trying the leave, I looked like the tin man from Wizard Of Oz. I was so anxious about the fight that my symptoms just take over. THANK YOU this could not come at a better time for me. I have a similar problem when I try to stay quite when I know there will be trigger or avoid situations. It causes all sorts of problem for me and makes me want to give up. You put that perfectly. I need to learn how to make things balance and not worry about people who crap on me for staying silent or not behaving the way they want me to. I only have so much energy and have to determine where to spend it and at the same time stand up for myself. Why does God force us to balance. I don't know how to be nice and polite when I am having a relapse and because you can't see it people don't believe it is happening. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, we're glad that this article was helpful! Stress is one of the most difficult things to avoid, and to deal with, it seems to permeate every aspect of modern life. I thought you might be interested in reading How Do You Manage MS Stress? . Balance is important in all aspects of life, but balance is subjective and we each define balance for ourselves. It's also so important to know that there is value in saying no sometimes. I found so many things you said to be spot on for me. Before MS, stress was just not that same as it is now. I have noticed lately that Im avoiding a family member who I indeed NEED to have a ‘sit down' with but I told my husband just last night, I think Im afraid that if it goes sideways, and it very well could . that it will just amp up my already over the top stress and make me even worse then I have been for the last few months. I lost my best friend in June to Cancer and I also deal with my Mom who has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home, the stress has been overwhelming and I have been in a terrible flare with my MS symptoms. There isn't any medication that will help with that, I get it, I will work through it. I just have a problem being quiet, or walking away from things that I feel need to be handled, I have always, well always WAS one, not to confront or start a beef, but to deal with things, to improve, to settle. I have said more then once lately, Im not sure if my MS is just worse because of all my stress or is it progression? I work hard to stay calm and do a pretty good job, most the time, MS has forced me to learn to be more patient and Im trying to show my husband that even he too can learn more patience, lol . Its become a balancing act it seems,to not let things, people, stress me out to where it affects me physically but then again,I don't want to turn into someone who has to avoid all things stress because that's life! I continue to pick n choose where and when I will deal. It's always easier said than done! When I tell myself that I'm going to stay quiet and not react to certain things, I do the exact opposite. Oops, meant to address that comment to Ashley (thank you too Lisa :)), but not sure how to edit my comment. Thanks for sharing Lisa, I too have found that stress and anxiety have a major impact on my MS and how I am feeling. Luckily, I found meditation about a year ago and it has been life changing for me. I am now (mostly) able to catch those dangerous thoughts before they do too much damage and am much better at dealing with stressful situations. I use an app from Headspace to do my meditation and I love the lessons that are given before each meditation. I reached out to them to let them know how much it has helped me and they ended up doing a quick video on me! If you are interested, you can check it out here: https://www.com/watch? v=PWAxB9CjwOMI met my fiancé in 1998. She told me right away that she had MS. I had no idea what that meant but she seemed perfectly healthy and we hit it off just like in the movies. We moved from Chicago to Nashville where I could pursue my dream of becoming the next big thing in country music. Well, I happily landed a job singing at a very popular spot and we started our journey together. She started experiencing exacerbations and we went to the MS clinic and she began treatments. She had injections, physical therapy, we tried everything available. We vowed to fight this together (little did I know how prophetic that would become). Over the years as she lost more of her mobility I took care of her day and night. My job allowed me plenty of time to care for her. I did everything I could to make sure that, even with her being in a wheelchair, we were leading the most “normal” life possible. As time went on I began limping and getting weak. I lost my job and between caring for my wife and my constant falling I could not hold down a job. We feared that I was suffering caregiver burnout and moved in with her daughter to get some help and save money. As my condition worsened, I lost a great deal of weight and was at a point where I could barely walk myself. I finally went to a Dr. when I was diagnosed with MS myself! We were stunned. Within a year I was unable to give her the care she needed and she was admitted into a nursing home in Nevada. I am now living with my brother in Florida awaiting a decision on getting disability pay. That's how we are now, separated but still very much in love and trying to figure out how we can reunite and what our future holds together. We always supported each other but now, with an entire country between us, we are in the same MS boat together. “War” was written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong in 1969 for the Motown label and Whitfield first produced the song with The Temptations singing. After the track became popular, Motown re-recorded the song with newcomer Edwin Starr on vocals, so as to not alienate more conservative fans of the group. Starr's version of “War” went to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1970. |
<human>: What could be the completion of this text: Why do buttons have an "inactive" area after the active area? What if I want my button to display for the first five seconds, and then become active - what is the best way to accomplish this? 3. On slide 1, I have a "NEXT" graphic covered by a click box. I want the movie to pause until the user clicks on the click ...
<bot>: Here you go: box. In web page preview, slide 1 pauses but becomes greyed-out after the slide reaches the end of the timeline. How can I prevent it from greying out? IMHO, buttons and click boxes are essentially the same thing. Both are designed to carry out a defined action when clicked upon by the user. Personally, here is where I "draw the lines of distinction as...
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<bot>: to when to use one over the other". If my goal is to simply pause the movie until the user clicks and I want a definite indication this is happening, I'll use...
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<bot>: a simple text button containing the verbiage "Click here when ready to...
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<bot>: proceed. " or something like that. But if my movie has areas where the user should click (as in a screen capture of a...
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<bot>: dialog with an "OK" button) I need a click box, because it will be invisible and make the static image of a button "clickable". Sorry, but I'm at a loss as to explain why buttons and click boxes appear differently on the Timeline, with respect to the "Active | Inactive" segments. I'm just making an assumption here, but I suspect this may be used in a case where you don't really want the button to disappear and just have the slide continue playing to another segment. In this case, after clicking, the button is still visible but won't do anything if the user clicks. To make your button visible, but not active for the first five seconds, consider inserting an image of the button in a disabled state...
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<bot>: Then at the five second point, insert the live button. The end...
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<bot>: result should be that your user sees a button that appears to be disabled (and since it's just an image and doesn't have a click action assigned, it is truly disabled) then the button springs to life as that five second mark is reached. To prevent the items from "greying out", time the click box so it pauses sooner. It's probably pausing the slide...
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<bot>: late enough that the fade out on objects has occurred. Your response made me think of something else which solved my "fading out" problem. What was happening is that the Slide > Transition properties for Slide 1 were set to "No Transition", but Slide 2 was set to "Fade Between" - so even though the slide was pausing, the timeline continued and the slide...
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<bot>: faded. I had the same scenario on another Captivate movie I created - so I now know how to fix it there too! Keeping...
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<bot>: sequence versions organized by creating a backup after each major change, naming each backup 001, 002 making a log note about the change, and putting them in a bin called 'old. ' That way they are organized by version, since Premiere doesn't give them a 'date created,' and visually out of the way. And only the main sequence stays out to work on, so...
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<bot>: there's no confusion.2) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: I'm not always as good at carrying this practice over when managing media on the hard drive, as I have a bad habit of saving different versions...
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<bot>: of photos, motion graphics or so on, or backups on other drives, in a hurry and can get lazy about it. Especially in Photoshop where you make a copy just to be on the safe side, then make your changes in the copy, or work in different sizes of the file, so you need several versions, and then save it out a few different...
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<bot>: ways, or have backup versions on different hard drives and so on...
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<bot>: which makes it even more complicated. They end up with numerous versions scattered and it's such a headache to fix it I just search by date or file type. Need to be...
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<bot>: more disciplined to name it version001, 002 etc. (And hopefully all of us learned a long time ago to never name a file "final...
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<bot>: " Unless you want to end up with "final 2, final3, final blue text etc). Definitely easier to keep visual with TIR vs VR HMD. Better resolution and longer visibility, plus you can check your 6 while barely rotating your head instead of having to fully turn around in your seat with VR. No doubt that TIR is advantageous for this arena. Still, VR...
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<bot>: is a better experience. Gotta pick your poison. I just tried VR...
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<bot>: last week for the first time, same thing happened when I first...
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<bot>: tried TIR. VR is absolutely mind blowing! the SA Rankings have been updated to include Top Gun 2017 with Kapsu taking over top spot...
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<bot>: and finishing off the 2017 season as year-end#1! Have a look at the main breakthroughs and achievements in this last After Action Report of...
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<bot>: the 2017 season! We are going to take a festive break but competition will come back soon in 2018! Happy holiday everyoneI use the Oculus and for me that is much easier...
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<bot>: to fly with compare to TrackIR. With TIR i always feel a bit off, however with VR i always seem to be much more...
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<bot>: there, and fly way better. My husband & I will be traveling to Sardinia in mid-October. Any restaurant recommendations? We will have a car so we can travel. Thanks! The standout (perhaps...
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<bot>: because it was in the middle of nowhere and didn't look like much and had few pretensions) was La Roselle in Giba. My wife had a wonderful seafood appetizer, and we had delicious asparagus and artichoke ravioli (two separate offerings). I usually think asparagus should only be eaten with a simple sauce (butter or bread crumbs) and not used as an ingredient, but this was amazing thinnest I've ever seen asparagus and was quite marvelous. I wouldn't tell you to travel hundreds of miles for this, but certainly a nice afternoon drive (we kicked ourselves that we had no camera to record the group of cows lounging on a sand beach on our way to Giba). Actually Giba itself was on the way to somewhere else, I forget...
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<bot>: where. If you get a chance to get to Alghero, which is a Catalanian Town in the North West of the Island, visit Al Tuguri. The seafood here is very goo. Try the linguine bicolori del Re Juan Carlos. The ristorante also has a good selection of Island wines, Tenute Sella & Mosca is a good producer to look out for. The Hotel Restaurant Su Gologone is a wonderful place serving wholly local island foods, notably a range of outstanding Sardinian handmade pasta (angiulottus - ravioli type stuffed pasta, gnocchetti alla sarda - small semolina dumplings great with wild boar sugo, maccarrones de busa, homemade spaghetti type pasta served with ragu), plus the star dish, porceddu - sucking pig - cooked in a massive open fire in the...
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<bot>: dining room. Homemade Sardinian dolci are great too! Located near Oliena in central Sardinia so great as a base for mountain walks. Apart the aforementioned Slowfood guide tips, always very helpful, a...
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<bot>: restaurant which has been constantly recieving praises on the Italian press is chef Roberto Petza's s'apposentu in Cagliari, serving a creative cuisine with strong...
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<bot>: references to traditional cuisine. Diana, this may be a stale recommendation, but worth checking out. When we stayed at the Calle di Volpe several...
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<bot>: years ago, they had a terrific lunch buffet that served impeccably fresh food and grilled-to-order lobster and, I believe, other seafood and meat. We have found none better since. I realize this is a hopelessly out-of-date reply (but perhaps useful in the future), but I'd like to second the recommendation of Al Tuguri. Over six days in July 2004, I ate absolutely everywhere recommended...
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<bot>: to me by anyone that was (or has been) anywhere near Alghero, and Al Tuguri was easily the best, especially for seafood. The only other place that was worth recommending was Andreini...
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<bot>: (better decor, better service, much more of a "scene," but weaker food). Just so we're clear, neither of these places is anywhere near Tre Forchette. In my experience, Sardinian food is conspicuously...
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<bot>: bad by Italian standards. I have had a peek about on the site here but not knowing Sardinian geography well I am a little confused. Not far from Bosa is a trattoria...
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<bot>: called Riccardo where I had the best lobster of my life. I can't remember the name of the town, but we found it in the SlowFood guide, Osterie d'Italia. Bosa is not terribly far from Alghero also. finally sorted my sardinian trip and we've going to be based within walking distance of alghero, any recent thoughts? There are many 'agriturismo' (converted farms) around Alghero...
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<bot>: that do full blown traditional meals (generally it's 'land cuisine', with their classic skewered baby pork, home made cheeses, sausages and game at their...
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<bot>: core, rather than sea offerings). The quality is in general good, but the best in my opinion is Sa MandraEven better is Desugo in Cugliari (not Cagiliari, this is a tiny village near Bosa) . Very hard to find as it is a small doorway in a cobbled alley. Run by three sisters it has no menu, just sit down and start eating. Fantastic...
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<bot>: antipasti - chick peas in fennel, hams, etc, then we had ravioli stuffed with fresh peccorino, then wild boar stew with local olives, then wild hare, and so it went on. All...
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<bot>: doused in the local olive oil which is superb and can be...
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<bot>: bought just down the road from the maker. We went twice, I recommend lunch though as it is full of locals eating naturally, it may be different in the eveningsHi all, pretty...
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<bot>: quiet on this thread, I'm wondering if this is the best place to ask, but I'll do it anyway: we're going to Sardinia for a week on 24 august, staying in Lotzorai, on the east coast just north of Tortoli. We have a car, and have some day trips and hikes planned. but: anybody have any eating tips in the area? Anything is appreciated. Thanks! Anybody have new comments? I too am going to Sardinia, but the last post was a year ago and it does not seem to have been answered. For restaurants/trattorie, 2 years ago I enjoyed Da Barbara on the road from Cagliari to Villasimius (South West). Then it was fantastic for straightforward seafood, but I don't know if in the meanwhile it has changed...
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<bot>: for the better or for the worse. One year earlier we had...
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<bot>: liked, in the other direction from Cagliari (to Pula), Sa Cardiga and Su Schironi, but again no updated information. Even earlier, in the Alghero area, we had been at Sa Mandra (agriturismo),...
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<bot>: where they do 'porcetto' (suckling pig) and inland style cooking in a grand way. It wasn't really very good cuisine (especially the pasta), but they have some good local produce (hams, cheeses), and the whole experience can be interesting. But could we have an option to disable terrain speed penalties in the mod options dialog? +1 I use this mod but I started in a sort of moon regolith area and oh my god doing angel bobs with what feels like -1000% running speed is agony i could only play around 30 minutes to an hour before taking a . Yup, that annoying excess of "no materials" when planning out large blueprints has bothered me for a while. A triangle placed on every belt, wall and tile gets...
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<bot>: laggy reeeal fast.1 Well the game is limited to 600 active requests and it will cycle through them. I think they could remove that...
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<bot>: so you. The game has a hard limit of 255 different tiles that can exist at the same time. If you have more than that it can't load.16 and previous the ID system had to do some work-arounds to support loading the game when you would add and remove tiles while at or near the limit.17 you won't se. So when I started working on the More Floors! mod again it adds ~50 new tiles for floors. png This dialog pops up and when i go to place certain floors it's sort of random which ones function and which ones do not. ## There are https://i.com/50BsMFp. Sorry if it's against the rules making a c-c-combo post I just didn't want to spam 5 threads all at once. Idea...
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<bot>: compilations are just motsly a waste of time for the OP, because in spite of all the hard work, they're usually not usable. discussions turn into a cacophony, every contributo. I know this has already been discussed as I was the one who brought it up but no one seemed to reply when I came up with this (almost) solution Basically what I did was Change the robot notification icon no-building-material-icon. png from the triangle image to a tiny square so there should be almost. This is a list of idea that came to me that would be pleasant changes to the GUI (in my opinion) TLDR: There are 5 suggestions in this post 1. Logo on pause menu + quicksave 2. i think "pause update", like most...
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<bot>: realtime viewers have, would be better. you will just pause updating view what is there, then "unpause", and it will jump to current state and continue updating. yeah that would work just as well. I just think it's a little unwieldy to use when on the lower setting. I was going to do a reupload since tone got a new job he didnt really...
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<bot>: have much time for factorio leaving me to develop the mod. More Floors is about floor tiling and walking-speed, but I see concern about...
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<bot>: belt compression, etc. Is there any possible way to get the More Floors mod 0.16'd to get those great fast-walking tiles back? Regards, Bordo I think he posted in the wrong thread haha That link should w. Thanks! I am considering it, but until the compressed belts decision is changed, I won't be working on it. Without the inserters fully compressing the belts, I would have to do a lot of re-work and would lose what efficiency there is in the layouts. jon Tone hasnt been online in steam for a while I. While i like the fast replace of splitters over belts I wish you couldnt place belts over splitters since whenever I went to upgrade my belts id always bumpmy splitter and have to replace it...
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<bot>: I think it would be better if a splitter was touched by a belt of a higher tier it replaced the splitter of t. Ive made a post similar to this before...
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<bot>: but this little change makes it look much more appealing (IMO) https://i.com/H5WxtRL. png by changing the file to a small square it makes the missing buildings look lke points on the map instead of a gigantic blob of overlapping triangles https://i. Using the production tab is invaluable but navigating the production and consumption can be tedious having to locate them in both tabs. It'd...
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<bot>: be nice to have a button that would highlight items which are...
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<bot>: being over produced/over consumed so you can see at a glance what...
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<bot>: your factory is lacking or over. Hi, Are the two new arrow floors supposed to have walking speeds of 170% & 165% or should they be 175% & 180%? They are more...
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<bot>: expensive in terms of iron. thanks, jon I thought they were they were supposed to be "bobs mods" versions of arrow grates but they arent the right speed i fixed for when the . Hi! that is fantastic! The arrows look great - I use 2x2, so it fits perfectly. How does it align with your colored concrete along the edge? Is it smooth...
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<bot>: / distinct? thanks, jon you can only get the 2x2 by placing it by hand though since robots only carry 1 tile at a time it's sitting on top of my . if the tile is 2x2 it will use the large arrow grate but it's a little finicky. ill have to test it in a worldYeah I can do that I was thinking...
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<bot>: about revamping the arrow tile I'll probably include a 2x2 version (meaning...
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<bot>: if there's 4 similar same direction tiles it'll use the larger version) I enjoy working on the mod and like to get feedback from the users that like the mod. If you...
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<bot>: have suggestions feel fre. So you would want it to be on the same level? Because it looks like the arrow grate tile is below the colored concrete tile layer That's an...
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<bot>: easy fix I recently removed the edges on the arrow grates since...
<human>: Continue.
<bot>: they didn't look right with the new hazard concrete edges It's hard for me to reply on mobile bu. |
Input: Find the missing spans: I'm too time-pressed to write a proper farewell to Iain Dale and his particular ‘style' of blogging (allowing your site to be used as a platform for anonymous attacks on your critics and rivals then screaming ‘personal attack' when confronted about it) but he's now claiming in Twitter that he never blamed me in any way for his failure to secure a seat as an MP. Technically, I'm violating the Chatham House Rule here, but as his mate Phil Hendren is busy publicly pushing his interpretation of what Iain Dale said privately, I don't see I have much choice. “I didn't apply for several parliamentary nominations in the wider Guildford area because I was convinced Tim would turn up at them and ruin my chances (Woking being the main one, I remember). You may think that is preposterous, but when you are feeling stalked or harassed, that's how you think.” – Iain DaleToday, Iain Dale first claimed I was ‘making it up' and/or imagining that he said anything like this, then later had his mate do the back-pedalling for him, which allows him to put it about as a misinterpretation of what he said while not admitting (oops) that he had actually blamed me, at least in part, for his wider failure to secure a seat. [spans 1] way. He retreated to this position after falsely claiming that I actually stalked/harassed him (months later he deleted this from his site without [spans 2] it). You may also note that rather than host even this watered-down claim himself, he instead burdens the [spans 3] stalking”. Currently he defends this as opinion when he knows it is being passed off as fact by people who are actually harassing me. The [spans 4] actions. I have been targeted. My family has been targeted. And yet Dale claims the moral high ground and describes my objecting to his role in it as putting him “through hell”. Pardon my French, but he's a cloaca. Unlike Iain, I have responded to what I claim to be harassment with an actual attempt to report the matter to police and have the individual(s) concerned prosecuted. A police investigation is in progress. Iain Dale refuses to cooperate with this investigation (just as he refused to cooperate with those that preceded [spans 5] all). Instead of offering this simple scrap of data, Iain tells me to “go to hell”. Also, he wants to be the only person active in the original matter who does not want to supply a statement; instead he wants police to call him so he can tell his side of the story on the fly, like he's some kind of VIP. (Sidebar: note the similarity between the position of Dale here and the position of Nadine Dorries; Dale has repeatedly put it about publicly and privately that I am guilty of stalking him, Dorries claims I was under investigation for stalking her at one stage, but neither can [spans 6] . or even an incident number to show that they ever made a complaint. Now, while I would certainly campaign against this proven liar, I have never stalked or harassed Iain Dale by the legal or even the popularly-accepted definitions of these words, and especially not in the manner he describes/implies in this email (i. as if [spans 7] etc. And to show you how I know that even his claim that he is/was “feeling stalked or harassed” is bollocks:All of Iain's decisions in this respect were made well in advance of the May 2010 election, which should be obvious. Yet in the relevant email, Iain Dale cites an event during that election as his primary justification for thinking this way long before the election. (Dale often uses this ‘time machine' technique; he once claimed he didn't intervene when I was being smeared as a paedophile because of the way I reacted after he promised to intervene and didn't, then lied about it. As you've probably guessed, in the relevant email he references the Flitwick meeting that I was invited to by participating constituents in Mid Bedfordshire [spans 8] her. Dorries plays a similar ‘time machine' game now. She claimed at that event that I was under police investigation for stalking her. This claim was entirely untrue. Now she has others doing her dirty work for her (Dorries uses Harry Cole in the same way Iain Dale uses Phil Hendren) and putting it about that my presence at that event somehow proves what she claimed happened before that event. Also, in this same email, Dale holds the contradictory positions that (a) Dorries' claims justify his position, but (b) he does not want to talk about them in detail because they are irrelevant to his position:“I am not going to involve myself in the Nadine [spans 9] be. All I have ever done is confront him with due criticism. Typically, he has responded to this criticism with lies and/or smears, or [spans 10] him. This instance is no different. Iain Dale also claims today, not for the first time, that I have repeatedly lied about him. He once even sent me an absurd legal threat that accused me of libel. Because it contained no specifics (as genuine concerns of libel do) his cut-price lawyer was challenged to identify [spans 11] site. Meanwhile, I could then and can now easily establish that Iain Dale not only libelled Tom Watson, but libelled me in the process. Iain Dale is a liar; a precious, malicious, vindictive and deliberate liar who knowingly uses damaging lies against political enemies (both real [spans 12] . stalked him are nothing more than a smear campaign designed to discredit me while excusing his repeated failure to account for his disgraceful conduct. UPDATE – Upon ‘retirement', Iain Dale stated that the time to stop doing stuff is when you stop enjoying it. Despite his claims to the contrary, Dale knows exactly who is targeting me and how, and how his outbursts egg this person on. And yet, despite his inability to substantiate his (recently watered down) claims, he won't stop doing it. Excuse me for suspecting that he is enjoying it. UPDATE (10:20pm) – Iain Dale, mostly through [spans 13] said. As usual, the devil is in the detail that Dale hates so much:1. In any harassment case, a tremendous burden is on the victim to gather evidence before passing it to police. Dale/Hendren would have you think that because it is me asking for the evidence that Dale's refusal doesn't amount to a refusal to cooperate with a police/criminal investigation, before going on to claim/imply that he never refused in the first place. Iain Dale [spans 14] stalker. That's really taking the piss. Dale has never once sought to account for his actions on that weekend, but apparently I am to be branded [spans 15] assertions. Earlier this year, I had good reason to believe police were not taking my complaint seriously because of the counter accusations made by the person [spans 16] statement. Instead, he made a counter-offer; he wanted me [spans 17] him. This was at the stage when I wished to present an [spans 18] going. Dale offering his phone number in these circumstances was beyond inadequate; it was an insult to the intelligence. What was I supposed to do; leave a big gap, say “call Iain Dale for the rest” and hope for the best? Dale has not offered cooperation by [spans 19] imagination. Now I'm being badgered by his mate Hendren, who is claiming I “repeatedly lied about Iain Dale refusing to cooperate with a police investigation” and trying to put me on the spot with the question; [spans 20] me. While a statement would still be appreciated and useful, currently it is mainly a matter of trying to connect somewhere between 3-6 police forces so there is a complete picture of what is going on (not least because recent advice released by the CPS makes clear that the wider picture needs to be taken into account in the particularly tricky [spans 21] harassment). What I need to help this along is the reference numbers that police live by; anything less risks wasting their time or putting them off, and if Dale cannot provide the incident/reference number that he would have been given if he had made a complaint (as he claims to) then I am not going to complicate matters by insisting that they chase him [spans 22] it. Who the bloody hell does he think he is? Dale [spans 23] it. No doubt he is hoping I will repeat the mistake of trying to call him so he can wave this about as if it proves there's substance to this smear campaign of his. If Dale is seriously claiming that he wants to cooperate at this time, then the cooperation I need at this time amounts to him providing a reference number that he should already have [spans 24] hand. Ditto Nadine Dorries, who once offered to ask police for incident/crime reference numbers she would already have to hand if she were telling anything near the truth about complaints she claimed to make and investigations she claimed took place. It is [spans 25] behalf. Currently, I am forced to read between the lines of this outburst, where Dorries appears to reveal that she has only recently attempted to make a complaint, only to be told by police that my conduct is completely within reasonable bounds (see here where she says: “I am expected, even though you aren't one of my constituents, to take it”). I hope to know more about this soon; I am awaiting important data (and not from Dorries). [spans 26] route. Worse, they do this knowing how it encourages the person targeting me. Dale is particularly mendacious about this; he privately defends bold assertions/accusations as opinion, while [spans 27] fact. He then has the temerity to call me a liar and claim I put him through hell over this. Dale and Dorries have sought to pursue this through the court of public opinion, and if they wish to continue on this path and allow their accusations to stand without retraction, then that is where they should be offering their evidence. Finally, I have NEVER been contacted by police about ANY instance of alleged harssment which is standard protocol for every force following any credible complaint. If Dale or Dorries ever made a complaint, it amounted to nothing. I part suspect that Dale did make a complaint to police as he claimed, but that it is not what he makes it out to be and/or he was as honest with them as he was with me about his promise to call [spans 28] Mercer. If either is the case, there may not be a number because his complaint was so inconsequential as to be dismissed*, [spans 29] account/claims. But if he never made that complaint at all, and only claimed that he made a complaint so, like Dorries, he could then claim/imply I was subsequently guilty in some way, then obviously he has no reference number to give. MINI-UPDATE – This passage changed slightly to include the possibility that Iain Dale made a complaint and was not issued with a reference number because it was so inconsequential he was advised by police that he was wasting his and their time. If this is the case, Dale has been misrepresenting the nature/significance of his complaint for well over a year and a half. UPDATE (19 Dec) – Iain Dale is still having his mate Hendren call me a liar on his behalf (while refusing to engage or communicate himself), despite the update above. Offering to do [spans 30] offered. In any instance, he restricts his bullshit defence to the current investigation, and it is my clearly stated position that he refused to cooperate with more than one. Further, he only made the recent offer in the face of bad publicity; it wasn't out of any altruism as he pretends. You may also note this accusation does nothing to address the other concerns raised in this post; it only implies that I have lied about it all. Typical of Dale and his leading flunky. UPDATE (19 Dec) – Oh dear. Dale has just had a comment published over at Hendren's, and it's becoming clearer why he cannot produce a reference number, and why he [spans 31] 2008. That is all you need to know. I asked their advice, Their advice was to take out a harrassment (sic) order on you. I proceeded to take legal advice and you then received several warning letters. Quite why you think you are entitled to any information from me after your behaviour towards me one can but wonder. “15 April 2008″? Dare I bark at Iain to get his facts straight? Doesn't he allege the events took place in 2009? And why go to the police station? For dramatic effect? For exercise? A phone call would have done. It would have been logged, too, but surely that's by the by. Also, note in this closing paragraph he is again attempting to justify his refusal to cooperate when he claims he is cooperating (and basing a claim that I am a liar on this and this alone). But most importantly, Iain Dale has repeatedly claimed elsewhere that he “reported me to police for harassment” as if he filed a report or statement (that he would later have to account for if untrue) and/or as if police somehow agreed my actions may have equated to harassment . now he says he merely asked police for their advice, and judging by this account he never got any further than the front desk! This, after claiming to have been the target of stalking for “years”. He also implies here that he had cause to take a harassment order out against me and further implies that he began this process in earnest, when all he sent was two (not several) deeply flawed letters (that read like he wrote them before having a two-bit lawyer sign them off) containing accusations that he could not substantiate then and cannot substantiate now. The first relied heavily on a claim of repeated libel (not harassment) that, when challenged, was never mentioned again! Tellingly, he even feels the need to exaggerate the number of letters. Dale's recent account makes it pretty clear why he cannot produce a reference number; his ‘complaint' to police was nothing like what he describes when repeatedly smearing me as a stalker and, like Dorries, he falls back on some vague talk about a conversation that is impossible to verify, where he is given ‘advice' by police which most sensible people would interpret as ‘please stop wasting our time'. And still he portrays my actions [spans 32] me. (To add insult to injury, his mate Hendren is publishing comments suggesting I am imagining the process where the person targeting me recycles Iain's lies and hyperbole, when he knows it to be a valid concern about actual events. UPDATE – Here's Iain Dale lying about the ‘complaints' made by himself and Dorries. I'll include a screen capture in case he later deletes it as if he never said it (as [spans 33] up. Neither of them made a complaint that was anything like what they described when repeatedly smearing me as a stalker. If they have a case, let them pursue it through criminal or civil means, not through a whispering campaign, trial by (new) media or tacit approval/encouragement of vigilante action. I've never seen Harry Cole (torybear? ) defending Dorries – or at least, not to the extent I've seen Dizzy cyber-rimming Dale. Best example follows. As with Dale's latest stunt, rather than host it themselves, they burdened the BBC with it: http://j. ## mp/frA6LIWhat utter trivia. What a very boring and self justifying posting. You really need to get a life and talk about something interesting. Oh boy, it still goes on? Just thought I would leave a quick comment to say "Keep it Going, Tim" and hope this all draws to a conclusion soon. Black Friday & Cyber Monday are the best sales day of the year, that's for sure. 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spans 1: He's talking absolute bollocks about “feeling stalked or harassed”, by the
spans 2: retracting
spans 3: BBC with it as he describes it as “effectively
spans 4: guy who has been watching my house and blogging details about where I live uses Iain Dale's claims that I stalk him to justify his
spans 5: it; a major reason for the calls he puts about as ‘proof' of my stalking him), even so far as refusing to provide a simple incident number for the single complaint to police he claims to have made (that went nowhere, if it ever happened at
spans 6: produce a crime reference number that would accompany any investigation and/or subsequent prosecution
spans 7: I am likely to follow him around and linger outside his house, work
spans 8: where Dorries accused me of stalking
spans 9: stuff beyond saying this, as it is irrelevant so far as I can see to the situation between me and Tim.” – Iain DaleIain Dale is either an outright liar or as delusional as he makes me out to
spans 10: had others do this dirty work for
spans 11: just one single instance of libel on my
spans 12: and perceived); his claims that I (almost
spans 13: his hostile little mate Phil Hendren, is telling anyone who will listen that I am a liar and that he hasn't refused to cooperate with a police investigation as I have
spans 14: damn well did refuse to cooperate in the police investigation of April 2009, but while denying this ever happened, he uses the calls I made to him seeking his statement when it happened as his primary ammunition to publicly claim I am a
spans 15: a stalker (and stalked by a stalker calling me a stalker) based on nothing more than his partial account and his untested
spans 16: targeting myself and my family; the bulk of these resulted from (false) claims by Iain Dale, who refused to even discuss much of the detail privately, never mind provide a public
spans 17: to provide police with a phone number so they could call
spans 18: ordered summary of evidence to get a case
spans 19: any stretch of the
spans 20: why won't I let the police call Iain Dale so he can help me? Well, the investigation is underway and my needs have changed; it is no longer a matter of getting past counter-accusations by the person targeting
spans 21: realm of cyber
spans 22: for
spans 23: has not only refused to provide this number, he has refused to acknowledge receipt of emails requesting
spans 24: to
spans 25: well over a month since she made this offer, but there is no sign of any number(s) and like Iain Dale she is refusing all communication and instead letting others attack me on her
spans 26: Iain Dale and Nadine Dorries have repeatedly sought to try me in the court of public opinion rather than address this properly through a criminal or even civil
spans 27: knowing this person targeting me passes it off as
spans 28: Patrick
spans 29: or he would have good reason to withhold the number despite the doubts many people now have about his
spans 30: something entirely different than what is asked of you is NOT cooperation, especially when it is so thoroughly inadeqaute as what Dale
spans 31: has avoided giving any details about his ‘complaint' for well over a year:I visited Tonbridge Police Station on the evening of 15 April
spans 32: as if they amount to harassment/stalking, despite knowing how his accusations feed a genuine campaign of harassment targeting
spans 33: he does often):Yes, he did make it |
User: What are the missing words: Just traded my 2012 rMPB with my buddy's 2010 5,1 Mac Pro 12x2.66 with the 5870 card. He's used it for years with [words 1] old Apple 30" monitor which. I don't see Apple 03 as the same as Apple 93 - the product line is well differentiated (with the exception of the eMac vs iMac.
words 1: the
User: What are the missing words: I'd rather see the eMac go back to schools only, keeping the OS 9 boot option, while pointing regular consumers to the iMac G4). The availability of the iPod isn't going to make people suddenly unable to decide what Mac to get, and the Burton jacket is just a nifty toy for people with a ton of money; it's not vital to Apple's bottom line. Yeah the Burton jacket, being limited in production as well as a special-order item, is really just a celebration of the iPod, a unique and high-end accessory to reward those Apple consumers who demand the besti don't ski very often, but i want one, just because. But i think i'll keep saving for that new system. Yeah, I don't see [words 1] is with new PowerBook sizes - it's not like it's a whole [words 2] different options on the same line. I mean, when I walk into an Apple Store I'm not overwhelmed with choices. Apple still has a very lean product line by [words 3] their products are well differentiated. The Apple Store in SoHo really doesn't feature PowerMacs at all, if I remember correctly (more evidence that the retail stores are aimed at switchers). The software and the other electronic gadgets for sale (iPod, 3rd party cameras, etc. really don't distract attention from the computers. Same with the Apple online store, I'm not overwhelmed with choices. I mean, go to Dell or any othe site. How the heck do you tell the machines apart? You basically have to look at the detailed specs anyway (and you better be an informed consumer). Contrast with Apple: despite the talk on these forums of products cannibalizing each other, for a "switcher" they won't because Apple does a good job of making sure the machines look different and are priced differently. Thus, for a "fun" computer: iBook, iMac, or even eMac. For an "ultimate" computer: PowerBook (I'm again assuming not very many switchers buy PowerMacs, especially now). I usually go there to compare their machines Macs, and it takes me forever just to be able to tell what the heck each machine is aimed at. I mean, I can't even tell why they have 4 different choices for just home, office, etc, when many of the machine are almost the same. Look at Sony's website, check the laptops, and see if you can tell the difference between the machines without diving into the details. Couldn't agree more with Alex's comments in his article. Apples core mission has always been to produce different product innovatively. It's move toward a 'digital lifestyle' is interesting but outside its original vision, and with many other tech. 's whom are marketing themselves toward this lifestyle will mean only one or two will survive this point of difference (I have a Moby song in my head now from a competitors ad [words 4] co. people they come together. ")Apples core focus is product innovation catering for a specialist market. 'Switching' over into the PC world is a nice move to keep the co. moving forward with quirking products such as the iPod and iMac, but at the end of the day these markets are well established by co. 's like MS and aspects such as pricing and core H/ware points of differences are still [words 5] issues. Oh, and of course, cross-promoting with Burtan to produce a ski jacket [words 6] prove it is cool. New product lines and extensions to current ones [words 7] but as long as Apple continues to focus on its core vision and philosophy. Ever see Coca-Cola produce a line of product under its own brand name which is outside the cola beverage! Apple must think innovatively and strategically rather than trying to position itself for the PC market - DO WHAT YOU DO BEST APPLE! The problem is that computers are a "standards" based industry, and right [words 8] Intel are setting the standards. I mean, it's not like the auto industry where the government sets standards in terms of safety, road-legality, etc. And 2% or 3% is just NOT a sustainable market share. Apple MUST gain market share and also hope that Linux gains market share, so that Microsoft is forced to adopt open standards. Only if [words 9] standards can Apple hope to compete. Yes Apple's new direction is outside it's original vision, it's called adapting. [words 10] the 80s, or 90s, it's a new millenium and it's been 3 years of recession. Dell is the only other computer company making money. Gateway is about to go bye bye, HP and Compaq merged because Compaq was on the way down. Apple will never the tap the PC market? Please, they are getting more PC switchers everyday. That's tapping to me. As for your claim about PC companies with low pricing/hardware specs, well, it only works for Dell because they sell so many. The last 3-4 years had the nastiest price wars in my lifetime and look how many computer makers are left standing. So the PC makers can keep duking it out, they are only killing each other off. Meanwhile Apple keeps winning design awards. The iPod helped get the Apple brand out into the general public, and the stores give the public something up close to see and experience (unlike the broken macs at compusa prior to last year) Yea, a ski jacket, come on. Who would want a ski jacket with iPod controls on the fricking sleeve? ? How fricking cool is that. If I had an iPod and skie/snow boarded, your'e damn right I'd want one. While you're [words 11] Apple even making MP3 players? That's not very cool. Even tho it's the top selling mp3 player and owns the market in Japa, Apple is just plain uncoolAs for your Coca Cola reference, um dude, how many computer companies have split into sperate companies under them? Thought so. That's why Apple hasn't and won't. As for your "The latest Quarter results again reflect Apples problems" you are completely showing your ignorance. We are in the mist of a 3 year recession, largest rate of unemployment in 2 decades IIRC, pending war, sky rocketing gas prices which may go higher, 3 major coroporate scandals where people lost millions, bubble birsting on WallStreet and no other PC maker but Dell making any kind of cash what so ever and Apple looses $8 million but keeping in mind "Excluding $17 [words 12] other non-recurring charges, the company made a net profit of $11 million, or $.03 per share". So you have no basis for your arguement. Apple is gaining ground. Apple has fewer problems then the MAJORITY of pc companies out there. They are opening more stores while Gateway is closing them left and right, yet according to you, they have problems. Y'know, normaly I'm [words 13] old argument about market share has lost it's relevance. A classic example of "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics". Market is defined in an open market society as those who are have the means and motivation to purchase a particular good or service. Share is how said market is divided. Ok, so we're back in school. It'll help we Mac-heads to argue with the uninformed. So only 3% of the Market are buying Macs. That's probably very true (I think we're closer to 4.3% actually). But consider this: Macs have twice the design lifetime than that of a Windows PC.5 years versus 2.5 - don't kill the messenger here, research is available. So this means that there will, in a perfectly balanced world, always be twice as many Windows PC's bought than Macs because the consuming public tends to need to buy them twice as often. This translates to twice the Market Share. So translating this "perfectly balanced world" into numbers, you'll get 66% market share in PC's and 33% in Macs (not including other OS's). This is the more accurate way to look at the Computer market because Personal Computers have become a commodity and the Market itself has reached the inevitable plateau. Also, don't forget that Apple is the #1 Personal Computer manufacturer with an 11.6% installed base (I think HP/Compaq is #2 with around 10. Sure the Computer is the OS, but that ain't too shabby - oh, and notice how often the detractors use that statistic. Dosen't serve their needs. The Market Share Myth does. About Dell, I read somewhere that they are cannibalizing their profits with buybacks, they can only do this for so long before those profits vanish, and [words 14] at the bone - they are very close to the tipping point. As a marketer (yeah, I confess), another term was 'Mind Share'. How many folks know who you are, and what you sell, and of those, [words 15] view. Apple is doing gangbusters in this arena. Even the most stoic lawers I know, including my CIO are commenting positively about them. I wish I could find this number. I'll leave you here with just this perspective as you fellas are intelligent to form your own judgements. Bzzzzzzzz! Wrong! How would you estimate how many Macs vs. PCs are in active use? [words 16] how many have been sold vs. the expected [words 17] that's just pure speculation. There's only one metric that I've found satisfactory, and that is the combined web logs for the major internet sites (Amazon.com, CNN, etc. And studies of these web logs consistently have consistently shown [words 18] for Mac OS since the studies began (in 1996 or so). Unless you can come up with a statistic that there is a much higher percentage of internet-connected PCs vs. internet-connected Macs, I think these numbers are pretty reliable. I'll stand by my statement that Apple needs to raise its market share to be sustainable. Apple needs software to [words 19] share is right at the edge of obsolescence. There will be niche players that will be willing to produce software for the Mac, but the danger is that the major software makers won't find it economically viable to do a time-consuming Mac port. With less and less software, Apple would continue [words 20] has been since the initial success of the original iMac. I would definitely like to see Apple's market share comfortable over 5% - ideally at about 10% or so. Firstly I take offence to your comments, this is a forum for rumors, news, discussions, debate, etc. - not for personal attacks. Market adaption is a good thing, adapting to a market which is outside your core mission and product offerings is a shakey move, [words 21] out has ridden this wave succesfully. The iPod and the iMac are of course interesting lines and position themselves nicely within each particular category and their product design have of course opened Apples exposure. The only problem is, is that a lower priced item requires larger volumes of sales to make money. Without checking figures (perhaps you could do this for me in your rebuttle) I'd [words 22] contrast of Apples overall performance based on the iMac compared to other PC models at that level. While we're on the subject, I'd like to see an analysis between sales of Apples iPod and other . mp3 manufacturers, compared against costs, return and profit - leading a market does not necessarily mean you are making money. Apples previous mission has been to produce professional level computers for the creative industries. Since realising the iMac etc. their focus has wandered from one market level to another, the retail level computers (iMac & eMac) performing well yet were idle for a long time because of an unsure market. My arguement is, whilst Apple has [words 23] products through the iMac and the follow-up 'switch' campaign [words 24] need to do something large to truely crack the PC market, whether it be a new line, pricing, or whatever, the time is now b4 the tech. momentum begins to take off, [words 25] fight if the market continues to remain stagnate, but it all must have a core focus of being true to the brands reputation and image - to offer what we have come to expect from Apple, whatever that may be. A switch a day may make the doctor go away, but in reality a dozen 'switchers' won't add value to the bottomline. and I'll get off my soap box. Every computer user is 'switching' to [words 26] or (at least that's what manufacturers want you to do) and of course Apples line from iPod to iMac demonstrates a good offering for the PC user to switch to Apples [words 27] strategy' which I have pointed out b4, which Apple needs to do more of. My argument is, is that Apple needs to continue to [words 28] performance. They need to be 2 steps ahead not one step fwd. A good example is the introduction of OSX and the "i" problem. [words 29] slow to take off or at least the OS 9 platform should have been cut sooner. The "i" problem, a good name strategy but it is fast becoming a 'generic term' which has the potential to backfire on the brand. Pricing again is a contentious issue. When Apple competes with a PC at a price difference which is almost two-fold [words 30] automatically ruling out opportunities in the market. Of course thay need to make money and I am unsure [words 31] Apples mark-up, but if they were to capture a bigger slice of the pie, costs such as manufacture may need to be looked at to reduce prices which are passed on to the end-user. Of course a price war has been happenning over the past few years, and an over inflated tech. industry hasn't helped, but tell me which market has not had a [words 32] "markets" have been established. The difference is, is that if Apple is trying to 'switch' PC users they must meet them on middle ground - they are missing some of the P's from their marketing plan - notably PRICE. [words 33] a Ferrari (and the die-hards will purchase one) but at the end of the day its all economies of scale. The Burton issue, yes I wear [words 34] iPod on the sleeve is a nifty idea, but again this is open to who may purchase one. The point is, is that Apples brand alone, its product design, and its offerings are already cool, why try to 'appear' to be cool or offer something which doesn't add value to the bottomline? Yes it is different, but it really only serves Burtons brand, and in time will become a gimmick. Coca-Cola - I'm unsure of your argument. Coca-Cola is a Masterbrand company. All aspects of the brand affect the company and vice versa. The performance of a holding company such as Simplot for example, is generally affected by their brands at a retail level. Corporate movements and overall company performance affect the companys stock price. A Masterbrand company such as Coca-Cola and Apple are affected by both the positive and negative consumer sentiment of their brands at both corporate and retail brand levels. The point is, is why go outside this umbrella and [words 35] the Apple cart - yeah dude its cool, but I [words 36] cool for the first 5 seconds as well. If a brand image is [words 37] flower it up with gimmicks which MAY serve to hurt the brand one day, [words 38] sales of the FlowerPower model affected sales performance? I wonder what the restructuring costs were for. In business as I'm sure you are aware, hindsight and 'would have beens' are for the birds. I just hope it's another blip in an upwardly moving graph, not one which will lay flat for a while as it has over the past 6 months. The ATO (Australian Taxation Office) rules that the effective life for [words 39] yrs. whilst a desktop is 4. Yes, Apples life is longer than this, but technology has no life. A laptop which is 3 yrs. old and doubled gives it 6 years of life - with technology moving so fast the only thing I will be doing with a 6 yr. old Mac is to use it as a boat anchor (sorry I am a Mac loyalist too u know but the classics don't make money). Yes you're right, Apples 'Mind Share' is large, but I hope you're not basing your argument [words 40] Interbrands MVBrands surveys. Apple needs more than 'Mind Share' to be profitable, they need to instill the correct values based on the marketing P's to the 'switchers. 'YES, Apple as a company is sustainable and a survivor and its brand [words 41] strong. But we have seen the tech. boom and crash, now its a level playing field, and Apple needs to position itself now to not only leverage performance but to create shareholder value. Oh, and one more thing on a personal note: Kid Red I won't even entertain the thought of answering your question or asking what you do for a living. Ahhh, it's all conjecture don't you love it - settle down now and stop seeing Red, you're only Kidding yourself. i was just wondering if all iphones actually come with less gigs in the capacity than what they say.
words 1: what the big deal
words 2: new product line, just
words 3: any computer maker's standards, and
words 4: but cannot remember the
words 5: contentious
words 6: - c'mon, it's uncool for Apple to
words 7: are all good,
words 8: now Microsoft and
words 9: Microsoft adopts open
words 10: This is not
words 11: asking stupid questiosn, why is
words 12: million in restructuring costs and $2 million in
words 13: not one to complain, but that
words 14: their margins are
words 15: who has a positive
words 16: You can use estimates, like
words 17: lifetime of the computer, but
words 18: no more than 5% or so share
words 19: be produced by 3rd parties, and 3% market
words 20: in a downward market share spiral as it
words 21: Apple, as you rightly point
words 22: like to see a
words 23: attempted to break further with their retail
words 24: they
words 25: or alternatively they need more ammo to
words 26: a digital lifestyle,
words 27: lifestyle, this is 'innovation and
words 28: innovate to increase
words 29: OSX has been too
words 30: to a competitor they are
words 31: of
words 32: price war since free
words 33: Yes, we all want
words 34: Apple on my sleeve too, and yes an
words 35: risk upsetting
words 36: thought a FlowerPower iMac was
words 37: to last, why
words 38: oh and I wonder how
words 39: a laptop is 3
words 40: on
words 41: presence is extremely
User: What are the missing words: Even if there's a hundred posts on it, there are no HD (to my knowledge) on the market that come in the advertised capacity. This is the second time I've had a rather weird occurance with my G5 and 10.3; I'm sitting there, minding my own business, when suddenly a netstat process starts sucking up nearly an entire ... I never saw this under 10. Activity monitor shows a netstat process using between 80-100% CPU; the heirerchical view shows that it was spawned by sh (along with ... another sh, which came from configd, which is in turn under mach_init. Restarting last time stopped it, but I did nothing to start this proccess, and after severalminutes and sleeping more than once it has not stopped or reduced processor usage. I'm bumping this topic because I have a bit more info, and I'm hoping a UNIX guru can maybe offer a suggestion. First, I know roughly what's happening now: If you use Network ... table information", it usually gives you some useful information. However, after my G5 has been on for about two days, doing that will repeatably produce an infinite string of "netstat: kvm_read: Bad address" errors, stalling Network Utility unless I force quit it. The other netstat commands work fine. What's happening with the OS is that every day or so (the daily /etc script? ), some automatic process launches netstat and a sed process to process it's output. However, whatever it is apparently chokes on the infinite loop netstat ends up in, and chews up an entire processor in the process with a netstat that won't die. If I kill that netstat, it stays dead for about another day until whatever it is happens again. That's the sob story. The question is, what's wrong with netstat, and why does it suddenly start going haywire after a couple of days of uptime? According to some ... misbehavior is usually caused when the version of the kernel is out of synch with netstat, or it's not named properly. but neither of those should be the case, and it doesn't seem like it should suddenly start happening after a while. Also: I'm not the only one seeing it; at least one more G5 owner on the ... happen. He "fixed" it by renaming netstat, a crude hack. kvm_read seems to be a call to Mach's virtual memory read, apparently to an already disposed address. This is far scarier than a netstat problem. I normally don't use Network Utility because I prefer ... myself. However, my machines run 24/7 and I haven't noticed a problem. When I first noticed netstat freaking out, I wanted to know why-if there's something amiss, I want to know if it's a fluke, or a symptom of something larger. Now that I know what, roughly, is wrong, I'm even more uncomfortable with the situation-it's repeatable, unplesant-looking, I don't have any idea what's causing it, and I don't know if it's a symptom of something more pervasive. I could always reinstall from scratch, but it took me two weeks to get everything re-customized just after an archive-and-upgrade install. I REALLY don't want to have to do that again. I wonder if a number of little crashes have to do with virtual memory problems. I wouldn't be surprised. Apple has probably optimised it so that it goes too fast for its own good. Sound like Safari caching? I'm always getting 90%+ CPU usage from netstat - I ran Photoshop last night, loaded about 60 RAW files at once, converted them, saved to TIFF. This morning, I wake up the machine to 90+ Netstat usage. I just do a force-quit, and it's all "fine", but need to know if there's something worse going on. I'd hate to do a wipe-and-reload. My Win 7 Ultimate System was installed a long time ago and i cant remember which Loader i used. Now i need SP1 but i guess it would kill my activation. Is there a safe way to install SP1 ? ... see fit and if it breaks your activation, run MBR Regenerator(as administrator), let it do it's job, restart, run Windows Loader(as administrator) and activate. Just did a test, installed W7 RTM and activated by DAZ' Windows Loader v2.2 and installed "KB976932" (SP1 exe). Surely you can find a way to keep people pulling while giving 100% ... 5*s . Advertising on here is a bad idea and most company's won't direct their customer base somewhere else if it doesn't help them outThey should be giving it the stamp of approval and doing what they can to keep community members who add so much. I can probably ... a moderate amateur (short of dSLR), and have an engineering background. I am somewhat baffled as to the underlying reason for shutter lag in digital cameras as compared to 35mm auto-focus point-and-shoot cameras. First, it does seem like shutter lag is worse with digital than the comparable film auto-focus, but why? In either case, the camera has the overhead of auto-focusing. If anything, I would have though that Moore's law would have made the auto-focus on today's $250 digital camera better than the equivalent-priced auto-focus of 10 years ago. Second-pre-focusing by holding the shutter release button half-way down seems to 80% mitigate the shutter lag problem. In my limited experimentation, it's not quite instantaneous, but very close. So, for the life of me, I don't understand why this fact isn't more well-known ... consumer. I find that, in most cases, pre-focusing is feasible for the shot I am taking (e. child is opening present, and I am trying to capture the expression that crosses their face when they realize what it is). I think if most amateurs knew about pre-focusing, it would greatly diminish their complaints about shutter lag. (Tangent: I understand that shot-to-shot lag is an inherent problem for digital, and worse at the low end. But for most casual photographers, I think that is a problem they only ... digital. What I mean is, in the film days, most of us were pasimonius with our photos. So, I would try to get one photo of a child opening a present, and just hope it was a good one. I wouldn't try to squeeze off four in a row. So even though, with film, I could have squeezed off those four quickly, I rarely would have taken advantage of that ability. Of course, burst mode, in the better point-and-shoots, greatly mitigates even this problem. which i've been told has "terrible shutter lag" but. i can prefocus most of my shots. and there isn't a problem. it is just the learning of how to anticipate. and how to hold it half-way down. lolI ... film vs digital. All the film cameras I ever used were manually focused and could snap shots off as fast as you could crank 'em. However with ... digital cameras I have used I think it depends on the level of sophistcation of the camera's focusing system. Some of these systems will try one method and fail and go on to another and they have to make the decison to use focus assist (if available). More complicated sytems have to decide what to focus on. How quickly can it move whatever ellements of the lens it must move . Then someone is going to compalin that half the time it gets it wrong, so lets build in a verification sequence. All these addition things we ask the camera to do for require some amount of effort. I believe they have actually gotten better and faster over time. My SONY F707 was supposed to have one of the best autofocus systems available, but on long shots I always went to manual focus because it ... got it right. In order to save cost, and not necessary passing on to the consumers, digital cameras tend not to have a separate autofocus system. They used their CCD to detect sharpness mostly by contrast detection, and as you are probably aware, this sensor is a serial device: Portion of the frames are shifted out for the camera innards to perform the AF algorithm prior to the actual shot. BTW this same sensor is used for white balance and any pre-flash info, so there's no actual photocell as well as on their film cousins. dSLRs on the ... end (like their film counterparts) used a separate sensors, usually phase detectors embedded in the prism, partially because their CCD itself is blocked by the mirror prior to the shot. Some newer point and shoots digicam (like some Kodaks) do have separate infrared autofocus like the film cameras and theses tend to be faster in AF! Having worked in the consumer electronic industry for several years, ... I would have. Camera manufacturers have proven, by the capabilities of the higher end cameras, that they can make faster focusing-quicker metering cameras. But I beleve they don't do this more often as a way to keep costs down and profit margins reasonable, and to differentiate models. If customers demanded better (by only buying cameras with better ... be heard and faster/better AF cameras would be made. It takes awhile, but the feedback loop is there. Also some cameras notably the Minolta's D7s and A's series, one can fine-tune the focus manually by turning the focus ring after the camera has locked AF by holding the shutter ... partway. This operation (called Direct Manual Focus) is very similar to Ultrasonic lenses where ones can ... camera AF without having to switch the camera to manual focusing 1st. which is very convenient and quick as well! Kinda of the subject here but, ... you? From reading your writing, it seems to be extremly well thought out, most of us dont even check for errors in our posts. if i had to guess, i would say an ee, but i am probably way off. If ... designer. I have a BS in Computer Science and have been programming in some form since I was about. Currently I write parallel processing engines for Fortune & Global 500 companies. So I try to be careful and deliberate. I ... I choose my words carefully. But ... firmware design for a product sold in Radio Shacks across the country (and other big electronic chains), including a project where the product downloaded a new version of its flash ROM and ... self. So I had to learn a lot about flash chips and how to program them. Useful when answering questions about CF cards.
words 1: CPU, something I never saw under
words 2: sed), which was spawned by
words 3: Utility to "Display routing
words 4: Google searching on UNIX lists, this
words 5: Apple forums is having the same thing
words 6: to filter netstat's output
words 7: Install SP1 however you
words 8: of members hope to ascend there
words 9: be fairly described as
words 10: to the average
words 11: notice because they have gone
words 12: can not speak to
words 13: the number of
words 14: never
words 15: other
words 16: NHL gives the same answer
words 17: AF and metering systems) then that would
words 18: release
words 19: quickly overide the
words 20: what kind of enginer are
words 21: you're asking me, I am a software
words 22: dislike stating things in absolutes and
words 23: I've also done
words 24: then upgraded its
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And I got to work with people who did the hardware design, so I learned stuff about that too just by being around them. ...
Bot: But I do make mistakes, and I am very grateful when people correct me. NHL has done so on several occasions (either correcting or...
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Bot: adding more info) which I find to be very helpful. This is all very interesting and I'm learning from these posts but I'd like to go ahead and ask a question that...
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Bot: certainly others have already tackled. Which camera, or type of cameras provide the least amount of lag? I had a Sony Cyber-shot P92, that I had bought to replace my Sony Mavica (can you say 640x480). The time between shots was awful in the Cybershot but I miss the 10x zoom of the Mavica. Am I asking too much to have a quick turnaround...
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Bot: time in a 5 megapixel camera? I'd like 10x zoom, at least 3.2 megapixel and be able to take about a pic every 2...
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Bot: seconds. My daughter helped me discover that the Cybershot doesn't bounce on concrete so I'm in the market for a new camera. Suggestions? Dunno about that, after all baby pics make us girls want to mother children, could be embarrassing to check his diaper to see if it needs changingDidn't say i wanted more :eek: :eek: :eek: just meant looking at a diaper means...
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Bot: it does have to be changed often :(holy ****. i didn't realise this thread existed. :) What's wrong with my new Av? Ok, once I get back to Hamilton I'll change it back for you all. a 2 page thread and u hadn't found it yet, I'm also surprised that u did change your name to juggernaughtWe understand and love that Zwift is a...
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Bot: social game. However, sometimes you want to just ride with your friends and be able to see them on the course without all of the clutter of 1800 other riders. It would...
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Bot: be great if there was a Private game option so that only...
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Bot: people with the game password will be visible to the players in the “private” game. Event leaders would love to have the ability to designate segments for the group event. For example,...
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Bot: i lead the SMITE event on saturdays at 9am EST. I use between 4-5 strava segments to structure the intervals. As added motivation, and...
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Bot: to help with coordination, it would be great if i could load them up through and admin interface prior to the event. |
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I am completely overwhelmed with my Savior's love for us. He has blessed Rence and I more than we could have ever imagined. We have always known and trusted that God is capable of anything, but it's absolutely breath-taking to experience His miracles in the making. His blessings are truly by His grace alone (a free gift that we don't deserve)! Many of you already know that I have had severe back issues. The onset of my back condition was at 15 years old and has gradually worsened since then. I have been diagnosed with two torn/leaking discs (my L4/5 and L5/S1) and three bulging discs (my L3/4, L4/5, and L5/S1), as well as fibromyalgia and sciatica. Needless to say, I experience moderate to severe pain on a ...
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daily basis; however, I have complete trust that the Lord uses this in my life to help and relate to others (and I have already seen Him at work through my circumstances). I was highly discouraged by my doctors to pursue a pregnancy. They warned me that my weakened back (especially in the lumbar region) would not be able to support the weight of a pregnancy and would likely cause more damage. I was also told that my pain would worsen during a pregnancy and that I would have to manage on very little medication. As a result, the severity of pain could throw me into preterm labor. Rence and I knew we wanted a family. We were battling with what to do. do we go against doctor's...
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Output: warnings and pursue a pregnancy? . what would my back condition be like after a pregnancy? . could I take care of a child if my back was damaged further? There were...
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Output: many occasions that Rence and I held each other while in tears. We wanted a family so desperately. We didn't have the finances to adopt, and we thought our likelihood of me carrying a baby without negative repercussions to both me and the baby was slim. After a couple of years of battling with our desire, we both gave it up to the Lord. While in tears, I wrote this in my prayer journal:Father, I love You and praise You for what You've done in my life. Father, I've obviously faced many challenges, but also many victories through You. Having children is the strongest desire I've ever experienced, and I believe that this exact desire is the work of You. I pray that You will give me the...
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Output: strength to continually pray about this. I also pray that You would give me peace and clarity about this if it is or is not Your will. With all of that being said, I want the desires of my heart to be shown to You. We want our own child, and I think of the stories in the Old Testament of women who were...
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Output: by all means past the ability to have children. They were heartbroken about not being able to have children. When they finally trusted You with the situation, You blessed them. I pray...
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Output: this will continually be my hope and peace - that You are in control. Again, Father, I desire this so very deeply and ask...
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Output: of You to provide children that are healthy to Rence and myself. These are my desires, but I also need to trust in Your will and Your timing in every situation. I realize that this may not be in Your perfect will for us, and I pray that You would give me clarity and peace. Thank you for your loving arms that are around...
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Output: me right now and always! Amen. We continued to pray about our desire, but we were not at peace with the possibility of starting a family. In late November, Rence and I...
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Output: began to feel an overwhelming peace about starting a family (the kind of "perfect" peace that only God can give). We knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we should pursue starting a family. We knew that my health during a pregnancy would be at risk, but we also knew that God was in control of the situation. This would be our one...
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Output: and only pregnancy, even though we desired two children. Needless to say,...
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Output: we were thrilled when we found out we were pregnant in mid-January. After finding out we were pregnant, I was in my daily prayer time and "mentioned" that if He knew I could handle two babies at once, I would love to have twins so that our family could be "complete. " We went to our first prenatal visit at 10 1/2 weeks into the pregnancy (February 28th) and found not one, but two little blessings! We were in awe! This was again the work of our one true Savior. I began coming off my medications gradually. By the last trimester, I was only on 1/4th of my medications and doing very well. My pain seemed to decrease as my pregnancy progressed. I was amazed by how the...
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Output: Lord was taking care of me and these boys during the pregnancy - many of this was a direct result of devoted brothers and sisters in Christ who were lifting us up in prayer. At 31 weeks, my water broke, and I was rushed to UAB Hospital in Birmingham where my labor was stopped. The plan was for me to remain at UAB as...
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Output: an inpatient until 34 weeks, when I would deliver our boys. As soon as we sent news of this, fellow brothers and sisters in...
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Output: Christ began to pray. Those prayers were felt and the results were powerful. Prior to me arriving at UAB, I was being evaluated at...
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Output: RMC Hospital in Anniston. The doctors and nurses were preparing Rence and...
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Output: myself to deliver that night. When I arrived at UAB Hospital in Birmingham (after news had reached others and prayers were being lifted up), the nurses and doctors were able to stop...
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Output: my labor within 12 hours - those prayers made a difference! Even though they were able to stop my labor, there was a 50% chance that labor could begin again, which could...
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Output: not be stopped. I went into labor three days before my scheduled c-section (at 34 weeks); however, I was able to make it to the date of my scheduled c-section (on August 13th) - again, prayers were heard and answered! At 34 weeks (August 13th), I delivered two beautiful boys by c-section. They were breathing on their own, but needed help supplying oxygen, blood,...
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Output: and nutrients to their little bodies. As we expected, they were moved and remained in the NICU/CCN at UAB. There were many ups and downs that we did not expect. One day the boys would be off all IV's and tube-feedings, then the next day they would be back on them. There were unexpected infections and exposure to potentially serious illness, as well as...
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Output: minor procedures that had to be performed (spinal taps and transfusions, for instance). It was during this time that Rence had to return to work (1 1/2 hours away) while I stayed at UAB with the boys - much of the time, I was alone. It was terribly hard for Rence to go a week at a time without seeing me or his precious...
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Output: boys, and hard on me to not be able to see Rence. Even though our boys were born very healthy compared to many others, the situation proved challenging for me to deal...
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Output: with alone. I only had one person to lean on - my Savior. My faith (especially in the area of my prayer life) was strengthened greatly. I also saw other ways that...
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Output: the Lord was working through the circumstances. I ran across many young ladies like myself that were going through similar, if not the same, situations. I was honored to be placed in...
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Output: their paths and lend a listening ear, encouragement, or a shoulder to cry on. The Lord placed me in that situation so that He could use me as His vessel, even though...
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Output: I am so unworthy. I grew so much closer to my Savior during this time. He uses the mountains and valleys in our life to help us grow in our faith. I...
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Output: am still in awe of how the Lord heard and answered our prayers about our little family. It's amazing how He used the trials...
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Output: leading up to the pregnancy and the boys' situation (after birth) to help Rence and I grow in Him. I praise the Lord for all He has done for us! We choose to do a c-section over a vaginal delivery for 2 reasons. First off, my health issues presented some questions as to what effect a vaginal delivery could have on my body in...
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Output: the long haul. A c-section was a safer option for this reason alone. Secondly, baby A (Brayden) was head-down, but baby B (Gavin) was...
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Output: breech. Some doctors feel comfortable performing a vaginal delivery if baby A...
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Output: is head-down, as baby B has a 50% chance of turning after baby A leaves the birth canal. I had done my research and asked several health professionals in the field, and most whom I spoke with said that they see too many patients deliver baby A vaginally, only to be rushed into an emergency c-section (a scary and stressful experience) to deliver baby...
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Output: B. This can also compromise baby B's safety. The c-section went beautifully, and the recovery from the surgery itself was not as bad as I had expected, although it was still rough getting in and out of bed and on/off the toilet for the first few days. I'm thankful I had my hubby there to lend a helping hand. I did have a pretty...
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Output: hefty infection that set in 24 hours after the c-section from the ruptured water/membranes of baby B a month prior. It took 7 days in hospital of 5 different IV antibiotics before the infection was brought under control. In many ways, I didn't mind, since my boys were still in the NICU only 2 floors away (my home is over 1 1/2 hours away)...
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Output: I left the hospital heartbroken that I was empty-handed for the time-being. Yet I also felt extremely blessed to have two babies that were "making do" with medical intervention. after all, we...
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Output: weren't supposed to "logically" have any children (it was by the miracles of God alone). My emotions were constantly conflicting. I was happy to...
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Output: have just delivered my precious baby boys, but I was already sad thinking about leaving them when I would be discharged from the hospital (and be 1 1/2 hours away if something were to happen in the NICU). I would walk into their NICU room and be so excited to see them, yet nervous as to what I find and what the nurses would report to me, as well as disappointed many-times by not being able to hold them (at the beginning stages, they had to either be fed in their isolettes/not be held, or be fed quickly and be put back into their isolettes after their feeding). The first night away from them was extremely hard for me. I cried a lot that night because I wanted...
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Output: to be with them so badly. I felt helpless being so far away. I started driving back and forth to Birmingham the next day, spending as much time as I could with my precious boys. Those 30 days in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) were extremely taxing, both emotionally and physically. One of the hardest battles to fight was that of my own...
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Output: emotions (especially considering the crazy hormones that kicked in following delivery). A new mom who experiences a normal delivery will even have a hard time with emotions due to hormonal levels changing after delivery. Add to that the mix of a premature delivery, and the unknowns of the NICU. I wanted to swap places with them. take all the needle sticks. take on all the hardships. I was also overjoyed with the arrival of my miracle boys. I didn't know how to feel or when to feel it. I also couldn't be there constantly, as we lived 1 1/2 hours away from the hospital. My mother stayed for a couple weeks to lend a helping hand while my husband worked 2 full-time jobs (he didn't have sick leave...
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Output: because of my month-long hospitalization and premature labor episodes prior to delivery). Being so far away from them gave me a terribly helpless feeling...
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Output: as well. Sure, I could call in to check on them at...
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Output: any hour, but it wasn't the same as being able to drive over there quickly if anything went wrong. As far as medical needs,...
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Output: we were extremely blessed to have fairly healthy babies in comparison to the micro-preemies in the rooms next door. The boys weighed in at 5 lbs. when born, and dropped to 3 lbs. They regained their weight via tube feedings for the first 3 weeks. The last week, we were finally able to get them to feed from a bottle fairly successfully within the...
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Output: time limit given by the doctors. ## They needed spinal taps, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, IV fluids and antibiotics, and oxygen. They were not...
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Output: able to hold their own body temperature until the third week, which also affected their oxygen stats. They consistently had brady's (sudden drop in...
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Output: heart rate - below 90 BPM) until 5 days before their release from the hospital. The night the boys were released from the hospital was a huge relief. Those 30 days seemed...
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Output: like months, and I was ready to begin our life with Daddy at home as a family. This experience has given me a heart...
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Output: for others who have to walk through the NICU process. I know it is a blessing to have someone that has been in those shoes themselves and understands, and now I can be that blessing to others. The March of Dimes organization raises awareness and provides support to families of premature babies that must spend time in the NICU. They were a blessing to...
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Output: me during my stay, and I encourage you to support this organization through fundraising, prayer, and public awareness. Indigenous, migrant, and refugee youth in B. have been displaced not only from their geographic homelands, but also from their ancestral, cultural, and spiritual roots. Their schoolmates and teachers often have little or no understanding of what it's like to be forcibly uprooted from everything you...
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Output: know, and how that pain continues to be felt for generations. Young...
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Output: people with a personal or family history of displacement can struggle to feel a sense of dignity and self-worth, as school curriculum mostly overlooks their realities. DisPLACEment is a media arts program...
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Output: that brings together Indigenous and newcomer youth to create short videos that explore the causes and consequences of displacement and resettlement. The program aims to dispel myths and challenge systematic racism. It is designed to spark dialogue, increase awareness, and infuse the education system with thought-provoking content that illuminates the realities of these populations. Designed for classroom use, the videos will be packaged with...
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Output: lesson plans and activities. In addition to peer facilitated workshops delivered in the Vancouver area, the materials will be available online by donation for teachers, support workers and community groups. Not only...
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Output: do youth get to tell their personal stories, they also build a...
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Output: roster of hard and soft skills including facilitation, critical thinking, self-advocacy, scriptwriting, interviewing, filming and post-production. In the fall of 2017, the program kicked off with 21 youth participants. They envisioned and created a total of eight videos with the mentorship of local filmmakers during a 12-day media production event. The DisPLACEment videos were premiered to an audience of 200 people at Yáynewas Chet:...
Input: Continue.
Output: In Solidarity, an event hosted by Fresh Voices in downtown Vancouver in December 2017. So far, the DisPLACEment videos have been viewed by more than 600 people at various workshops and events. They were seen by a group of emerging newcomer poets at a spoken-word retreat held by One Mic Educators near Toronto. Inspired by the visions and voices of their peers, the videos...
Input: Next.
Output: prompted hours of animated conversation and the creation of poems. It is anticipated that 200 educators will use them in the 2018/2019 school year, delivering the content to approximately 4,000 people. A Vancouver teacher, Ciera DeSilva, has already developed a presentation featuring the videos, called Decolonizing Traditionally British Curriculum to Empower Indigenous and Immigrant Students in B. which she presented to 60 educators from...
Input: More.
Output: independent schools. The DisPLACEment program is offered by Access to Media Education Society (AMES), an organization that nurtures the next generation of creative change-makers. AMES helps marginalized youth use media arts to...
Input: Next.
Output: create personal and social change. The organization has developed more than 40 community-based media programs for youth that have faced various forms of oppression. Its programs have reached more than 70,000 students and educators across B. |
User: Find the missing spans: As we study the history of the movement of Christianity, we see the early church, in the book of Acts, being supernaturally empowered by the Holy Spirit. Additionally, we see a church that emphasized corporate prayer. We believe, the two are undeniably linked. If the Holy Spirit was the POWER behind the effectiveness of the early church, it seems like corporate prayer was the SWITCH. With this in mind, at theMOVEMENT, corporate prayer is a priority. In an effort to create a culture of corporate prayer, we do three things:In this week's episode we discuss Iraq's rebuilding efforts and Afghanistan's child-mortality crisisThe Great Mosque of Al Nuri in the old city [spans 1] UAE. AFPIraq needs $2 billion (Dh7.34bn) to revive its cultural heritage and renovate areas [spans 2] ISIS. But the country says it does [spans 3] community. How are the UAE and other foreign allies helping? Mina Aldroubi joins us from the Unesco conference in Paris to tell us. And in war-torn Afghanistan, child violence is on the rise more than 15 years after the United States war began in the country. Preethi Nallu tells us about her first-hand experience of how dire the situation has become for Afghan children. It's been one of the best nights of Harry's life and he falls asleep to dreams of quidditch, sadly this won't last for long. In this episode of Owl Post: A Harry Potter Podcast hosts Andrea Coffman and Matthew Rushing talk about the ninth chapter of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. [spans 4] Percy. If you ordered both Republican and Democrat absentee ballots and one arrived postage paid while the other didn't, what would you think? Well, this is precisely the experience one couple had in Leon County, Florida. As American Thinker's Steve Holland reports on what transpired when he prepared to mail his and his wife's ballots:I tossed both envelopes into the car seat and noticed something unusual. My wife is a registered Democrat, and her envelope was postage-paid with “par avion,” which is French for air mail. I'm a registered Republican, and my envelope had clear bold-type [spans 5] applied. (Holland's article includes photos of the ballots) . Why the difference? Is it a mistake? Is it a random error where some received a free postage-paid envelope, while others didn't? Was it intentional? Did only Democrats receive the postage-paid envelopes, and Republicans didn't? Did the Florida DNC or the National DNC pay for this service? Are there other services these organizations paid for? If so, what are they? My wife's envelope is signed, while mine is not. Things that make you go hmmmm. Perhaps someone in Leon County thinks that Democrats are like goofy Honeymooners character Ed Norton, who admitted that he once mailed an envelope without a stamp because “nobody was lookin'.” But while I don't know if the above postage phenomenon is a mistake or not or, if intentional, legal or not, [spans 6] shenanigans. Note that if all Leon County Democrat ballots come postage paid and all the GOP ones don't, it's easy for an informed postal employee to know which are which. And then, as a commenter under Holland's article wrote, “This is like marked cards! It's easy for even a postal worker to get rid of the votes they don't like without even opening the envelope.”Every time I'm published in The New American magazine, [spans 7] question. They'd normally be sent via the U. Postal Service and would bear a John Birch Society (JBS) label. Well, on approximately three different occasions in a short space of time, I didn't receive the magazines. Note that I have never, ever had a problem with lost mail before, and haven't had one since. But three packages of JBS-labeled magazines just disappeared — almost in succession. I told the editor in chief, and he subsequently shipped the magazines via UPS with no label — and since then I've had no more problems. It's quite possible that some leftist (presumably) [spans 8] packages. (Either that, or he was a crazy JBS fan who maniacally covets such precious material. sarc)I did complain to the USPS twice, if memory serves, but never received a response stating that the issue was investigated. (The post office's actions could be construed as a First Amendment violation, mind you, since a [spans 9] like. But that's a subject for a different day. The point is, it isn't far-fetched to suspect that the same thing could happen with externally identifiable Republican mail-in ballots. Remember that government workers, which postal employees are, are inordinately Democrat. Also consider that relative to the Left's recent unhinged behavior — attacking Trump supporters, harassing public officials in restaurants, rioting, doxxing politicians, etc. — chucking GOP mail-in ballots is, from an emotional standpoint, small potatoes. Holland asks in his title, “How crooked is Leon County? ” Maybe very, maybe not much. But in the least, stupidity is indicated. There's no excuse for having external signs on mail-in ballots indicating their party affiliation. It's an invitation [spans 10] mischief. As for voters, you're better off waiting for Election Day and voting in person if possible. Why imperil your ballot by running it through the post office? I agree with the points in Professor's K Ranga Krishnan TODAY's commentary “Cultivating self-confidence in students” [spans 11] 1). However, I feel that not all students have the self-confidence that they need to excel in school and to realise their potential in pursuing their interests in today's competitive school environment. Self-confidence stems from opportunities given to students to put forth their ideas or thoughts into reality in getting their inputs recognised by others. The educational [spans 12] competitions. Once they try and unable to excel, their self-confidence level drops and it can be very disheartening for them to cope with the expectations of their friends and parents. Their frustrations in not being able to perform well will affect their motivation to learn as well. The importance of schools having student support groups are essential in helping students to get back their confidence and drive towards learning again. Their self-confidence is definitely the key to build motivation and give them reason to be encouraged again. Student support groups could be made up of both students and teachers who will help weaker students in terms of academic or well-being in coaching them in their weak subjects or by lending them a listening ear to their problems. It is a small single affirmation that can encourage them to not give up and that they are not alone in their problems that they are facing. Teachers should also make the lessons interesting and give each student the chance to showcase their learning through projects which involve team work to boost the [spans 13] together. Grades should not be the only primary focus as the students need to know what they are learning and to understand it in-depth is far more important. This would lead to them being more confidence in examinations and to even master the subject by being interested in it. Also, the students would be better prepared for more challenging problems in the future and even those outside of school. Through the student support groups, goal setting can be implemented for the weaker students so that they have a systematic way to work towards specific goal centered learning in terms of subjects. Through the teachers and their friends, they [spans 14] themselves. Feedback from students is also important to teachers so that they can improve their methods of teaching to cater to the learning curve of the students as a whole. Singapore's educational system is a competitive and struggle for students trying to make their mark in terms of grades and I hope that learning becomes the focus and not grades as every student should be given the confidence and motivation to succeed. Next A*STAR scientists develop technology to monitor how genes in healthy stomach cells are altered when cancerousThese chunky and daring adornments give a bold and heavy look without the excess weight. XXL double chain pierced earrings with resin Drop length approx.5" (11.43 cm) Handmade in ItalyI used to hate them too: [spans 15] them. I'd work five times harder but grade lower. It wasn't until my university finals that I realised I had not been studying effectively which meant I was working longer but not smarter. These are the revision hacks that changed the trajectory of my life. So ignore at your own risk:Ever walked out of class thinking ‘yeah that made sense' but when you sit [spans 16] alone. I've taught over 100 students and they all share the same problem. Here's the reason [spans 17] teachers). I recognise that I have to put my pinky under my right thumb, but it took me like 100 attempts and 3 further videos until I was able to [spans 18] it. People misuse the phrase ‘I understand' all the time when they really mean that they acknowledge or recognise how to do something. To beat your studies, you need to accept that, just like the shoelaces, watching someone else do something is a long way off from you being able to do it independently. So the first step in studying effectively must be to separate what you know, what you recognise, and what you have never seen before:Ever noticed how the best students always have well-organised folders? Well, think of your brain as a revision folder. Consequently it's full of random facts, figures, graphs, quotes, ideas and arguments etc . In the exam, you will need to retrieve relevant bits of this information. Furthermore the better organised your notes are, the better organised your brain will be, and you'll waste less mental energy trying to remember everything, allowing you more time to get marks. So to achieve organisational bliss you'll need to sort out any existing notes by topic or week, separated by a titled blank piece of paper (a make-shift divider). Separating the information physically, means that your brain can more easily organise [spans 19] mentally. It may feel like this is wasting precious revision time, but the process of de-jumbling your thoughts means you'll be 3 times more likely to remember information. Once you've purchased an almost-excessive-amount of folders and arranged your notes systematically, we can move onto the real stuff! Find a top rated career therapist or coach in [spans 20] goal-setting. Thank you for visiting our California page of career therapists and life coaches in Rowland [spans 21] ahead. You need someone who is skilled at assessment, personal marketing, goal-setting, and can help you identify your gifts and talents and find a brigther, more successful future than the path you are currently on. Theravive has the top career therapists and life coaches in Rowland Heights, California [spans 22] started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7. Mike Portnoy [spans 23] ago. The various instruments all seem to be fighting for their spaces meaning the cymbal is oddly right at the front and it is all very clever if a little haphazard. The idea is smart but this seems to put order at risk - the opener descends into awkward chaos for me and when they don't know where to [spans 24] instead. And not just on this song. Rather than a coherent album this often feels like a maniac's take on a West End show, the songs having deep theatrical properties and the ideas coming one after the other. My problem is that I don't find them all working. It's okay but the parts are better than the end result, the arrangements just a bit too quirky. The sound is very 70s psychedelic in style and the occasional straighter moments are very good. But the whole doesn't really hit it for these ears - the maelstrom of the title is a bit too wild. I would say this current administration is looking funny in the light, but truth be told, it was looking funny [spans 25] with. And now, on Monday, in a huge reversal, the Justice Department under the Trump administration has decided to drop the department's position that [spans 26] vote. As Talking Points Memo notes, for [spans 27] ballot. The law, which was enacted in 2011, has been at the center of court battles ever since, with civil rights groups arguing that the policy discriminates against low-income and minority voters. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals further blocked the state from fully enforcing [spans 28] vote. However, on Monday, that all changed. And the change—occurring under the leadership of U. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a staunch supporter of voter-ID laws and other such restrictions—is not going unnoticed. “This signals to voters that they will not be protected under this administration,” Danielle Lang, the deputy director of voting rights at the Campaign Legal Center said, according to Talking Points Memo. The center is challenging the current law in court. “It's a complete 360,” she added, according to ABC News. “We can't make heads or tails of any factual reason for the change. There has been no new evidence that's come to light.”With the EU's new data protection laws taking effect this week, the world's biggest internet companies are scrambling to update their approach to personal information. Unfortunately, in Australia, privacy protections are still languishing in the dark ages. Charities are increasingly turning to virtual reality experiences of lives in developing countries to motivate support, but critics say it's creating poverty porn. While digital currency bitcoin has waned in popularity and value, the blockchain technology that enables it may yet revolutionise global trade, as corporate giants join forces with new sector leader Ethereum. To combat [spans 29] data. The data analytics company behind the Trump campaign is wooing the Australian Liberal Party. But, do their claims about personality targeting stack up? 3D printing is revolutionising surgery, from implants to regeneration. Might organ donation become a thing of the past? While China's young generation know their way around online censorship, they aren't necessarily against it. Major advances in holography are the foundation of a project to preserve stories of Holocaust survivors for future generations as an interactive, personal experience. [spans 30] temple. The 5 Most Important Types of Insurance You Need When You Freelance Or Are Self-Employed - The Self EmployedStriking out on your own isn't cheap, and starting a new business will temporarily drain most of your cash reserves. Every penny you can save means more resources and more flexibility for your business. Sure, there are lots of things you'd love to buy, but for the time being you need to focus on the essentials and cut out all the luxuries. So what about insurance? When you're self-employed—whether you are a contractor, a [spans 31] luxury. Why buy something you don't need right now? [spans 32] late. Especially important is that as a solopreneur, you are on your own. Your health, your ability to work, and your reputation are invaluable: without them, your [spans 33] function. The car you drive, the properties you own, the equipment you use—insurance embodies whatever it protects, and in a sense it is every bit as essential as the thing itself. So insurance is essential, you know that too. The good news is that many comprehensive insurance plans are less expensive than you might think. The tricky part is finding the right mix of plans. What's more important, Auto or Renter's? [spans 34] priorities. Here then, for your consideration, are five key plans to consider if you're self-employed. Solopreneurs are often preoccupied with health insurance, and it's easy to understand why. Health care can cost a fortune, and that is why good coverage is essential. Eventually, you will need medical care of one kind or another, and without insurance, even simple procedures can cost an arm and a leg. Every year, more than 10% of the American workforce is affected by an accident or [spans 35] time. In the short term, you might be able to support yourself and your family [spans 36] recovery. Disability typically replaces only about half of your income, so it is still essential that you spend responsibly and save whenever possible while you are healthy. General liability insurance covers bodily injuries and property damage resulting from products or services your company provides, as well as any accidents that occur on your property. Professional liability coverage protects you and your business in the event that you are charged with negligence or misconduct. If you are a lawyer, consultant, or accountant, professional liability coverage helps to ensure that your reputation, and by extension your ability to find and retain clients, isn't damaged by frivolous or fraudulent charges. When you're in your twenties, it might be easy to convince yourself that life insurance is an unnecessary expense, but if you [spans 37] age. If you work out of your home or rent an office, then [spans 38] insurance. ## Renter's insurance protects your property and assets, including computers and essential equipment. This is a relatively inexpensive way to ensure that your business will [spans 39] burglary. Be sure to carefully review any insurance plan you are considering! Insurance only makes sense when it works the way you expect it to—don't get caught unawares by the fine print. Ask questions, take your time, and never buy a plan that you don't fully understand.
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spans 2: destroyed by
spans 3: not have the capacity to rebuild without support from the international
spans 4: We discuss starting with humor, Harry's inspiration, making it scary, the Malfoy confrontation, connections, interactions in the woods, Amos and fear, Arthur, a huge introduction, Winky getting clothes, an explanation and
spans 5: letters stating that postage needed to be
spans 6: it opens the door to a different kind of vote-suppression
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spans 8: postal worker saw the JBS label and simply chucked the
spans 9: government worker was suppressing written speech he didn't
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spans 12: environment is very complex due to students consistently have to prove themselves by academic excellence in terms of grades or the number of prizes that they win in
spans 13: level of confidence where each student helps those around them to understand and learn
spans 14: are able to accomplish the goal and to consistently improve
spans 15: those kids who just seemed to turn up to exams after doing no visible revision and ace
spans 16: down to try go through the questions, they're impossibly difficult? If so, you're not
spans 17: why:Understanding: the ability to independently recreate this answer without any external help (from notes and
spans 18: do this on my own – only then did I understand how to do
spans 19: it
spans 20: Rowland Heights, CA specializing in assessment, strategizing, personal marketing, workplace issues and
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spans 22: who are ready to help you get
spans 23: on drums and a song called “Theater Of Dreams”? Well it actually starts off with “Incredible Time Machine" with some outrageously showy riffs and then a very psyched out sound from years
spans 24: go they throw in some odd keyboard effects
spans 25: in the dark to begin
spans 26: Republican state lawmakers pushed Texas' strict voter-ID law to make it harder for people of color to
spans 27: the past six years, the DOJ has sided with citizens and civil rights groups fighting against the stringent voter-ID law, which required voters to show one of seven approved forms of identification in order to cast their
spans 28: the law for the 2016 presidential election, a decision that cleared the way for more than 16,000 Texans to
spans 29: Google tracking the success of their advertisers by matching credit card purchases with personal online activity, dissenters are employing ‘obfuscation' apps to confuse the
spans 30: The latest wearable tech promises to alter our mood at the touch of a button, delivering electrical pulses to the
spans 31: freelancer, or the owner of a small business—insurance can look like a
spans 32: Because, as you well know, you never need insurance until it's too
spans 33: business cannot
spans 34: Liability or Health? It all depends on your needs and
spans 35: illness that leaves them unable to work for a sustained period of
spans 36: with savings, but if you're disabled for a period of months or years, then disability insurance can sustain you during your
spans 37: have loved ones who depend on you, your business, and your income, then life insurance coverage is worth purchasing at any
spans 38: you will almost certainly benefit from carrying comprehensive renter's
spans 39: be able to recover quickly should you be affected by a fire, natural disaster, or |
Human: What is how to fill in the missing words: Crystal Clark is checking her phone and ignoring the girl at the foot of the bed licking her soft bare solesEverything you wanted to know about high performance synthetic lubricant manufacturer Royal [words 1] Inc. Eligibility: Royal Purple's Show Your Truck Off at SEMA Photo Contest (the "Contest") is open only to legal [words 2] fifty (50) United States (including District of Columbia) and Canada who are at least twenty-one (21) years old at the time [words 3] entry. Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state [words 4] regulations. Void where prohibited. Participation constitutes entrant's full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor and judge's decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. Timing: The Contest begins on Aug. Central Standard Time ("CST") and ends on Aug. CST (the "Contest Period"). Vehicle Requirements: Vehicle submitted [words 5] as a truck or a light motor vehicle with an open-top, lighter duty chassis and integrated bed. This can include the following: Mini, compact, Mid-Size, Full-Size, Dual-wheeled, Heavy Duty, Muscle, Sport utility, Off-Road, Coupe utilities and coupe pickups. Cabs: Standard, [words 6] Cab-forward. Pickup bed styles: Standard, Long, Short, Step-side. Entry must indicate Royal Purple product use including product name and viscosity if applicable. Winners from the 2011 and 2012 contests are not eligible. Participants must abide by all SEMA Feature Vehicle Guidelines and Rules. Full rules will be provided to each finalist to review. Placement of vehicles at the show is determined by Show Management in its sole and absolute discretion. There is no guarantee of vehicle placement in any particular area of the facility. (Placement is NOT in the Royal Purple exhibitor booth). Vehicles must be unique and aligned with the industry, e. race vehicles, custom sport compacts, prototypes, project cars, antiques and classics. Stock vehicles with minor modifications will not be accepted. Contest Timeline: Photo entries will be accepted on the Contest Tab located on the Royal Purple Inc. ## Facebook Fan Page (www.com/officialroyalpurple) from Aug. Royal Purple will announce the finalists Aug.12 on the Facebook fan page. In order to be considered by the judges, finalists must submit by Aug.13 -16 the following items: 10 photos total (interior and exterior), detailed list of vehicle specs and modifications, proof of ownership, valid Driver's License and insurance. Failure to submit finalist items by the Aug. CST will result in disqualification and an alternate will be chosen. Judges will consider the finalists between Aug. Royal Purple [words 7] of the Contest on the Royal Purple Inc. Facebook Fan Page on Aug. One Winner and a Runner-Up will be [words 8] cannot fulfill Contest winner requirements. How to Enter: During the Contest Period, submit on the Contest Tab located on the Royal Purple Inc. Facebook Fan Page, a photo of your vehicle with basic specs (Make, Model, [words 9] Modifications). Limit one (1) entry per person during [words 10] Contest Period. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by any method will void that participant's entries and that participant may be disqualified. Potential winner must be at least twenty-one (21) years old to win. Winners will be required to show proof of their identity and age. The Contest winner will be notified via email. Verification of Potential Winners: Potential winners must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. Except where prohibited, the potential Contest winner, must sign and return, within seven (7) days of being notified, an Affidavit of Eligibility & Liability/Publicity Release in order to claim his/her prize. If a potential Contest winner does not sign [words 11] Liability/Publicity Release within the required time period, he/she will be disqualified. Prizes: One Winner will be selected by the judges and will receive the following: Paid registration as a Feature Vehicle at the 2013 SEMA Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, [words 12] Vehicle owners (2), Brag board designed by Royal Purple, $500 Visa gift card to defray expenses, winner's dinner hosted by Royal Purple Tuesday, Nov.5, 2013 and Royal Purple wearables. We will assist with room and covered vehicle transportation (by Pilot) pricing if requested. No cash equivalent and all prizes are non-transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor's sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value if the designated prize should become unavailable for any reason. Except as may be stated in the prize description, winners are responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. Publicity: Except where prohibited, participation in the Contest constitutes winner's consent to Sponsor's and its agents' use of winner's name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. General Conditions: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Contest, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor's reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Contest, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor's failure to enforce [words 13] shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. In event that production, technical, seeding, programming or any other reasons cause more than stated number of prizes as set forth in these Official Rules [words 14] be available and/or claimed, Sponsor reserves the right to award only the stated number of prizes by a random drawing among [words 15] legitimate, un-awarded, eligible prize claims. Contest Winner List/Official Rules: For a Contest Winner List/Official Rules, send a [words 16] stamped envelope to: “Royal Purple Show Your Truck Off at SEMA Official Rules," 1 Royal Purple Lane, Porter, TX, 77365. Requests for winners list must be received by Sept. [words 17] watch and participate in a live broadcast of the red carpet arrivals at the London premiere of A Good Day [words 18] Hard. The event is being held in association with Mercedes-Benz on Thursday, Feb.7 at 6 pm GMT exclusively on Yahoo! Movies at http://uk. Viewers will be able to see the stars arrive and be interviewed, including Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, among others. The show will be hosted by Alex Zane, and special co-hosts SeaNanners and Khail Anonymous from Machinima. The live broadcast will include an exclusive debut of never-before-seen footage from the film. Additionally, cast and filmmakers will answer questions submitted by fans during the event. You may start sending questions now by visiting A Good Day to Die Hard on Facebook (facebook.com/diehardmovies) and Twitter (twitter.com/diehard) for the chance to have them presented. Be sure to include #DieHard when submitting your questions. ## You may also provide questions via Mercedes-Benz on Facebook at facebook.com/MercedesBenz and Yahoo! Movies on Facebook at facebook.com/YahooMoviesUK. Fans will get to experience the excitement of the red carpet as if they are there! Here are the details:You also have the opportunity to provide the live webcast directly to your audience by embedding the player on your site using the following code:Bruce Willis returns in his most iconic role as John McClane - [words 19] and attitude to always be the last man standing. This time the take-no-prisoners cop is really in the wrong place at the wrong time after traveling to Moscow to help his estranged son Jack - unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes. After winning the NASCAR K&N Pro Series West (NKNPSW) Championship in 2012, 17-year-old driver Dylan Kwasniewski is moving to the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East (NKNPSE) this season, driving for Turner Scott Motorsports. Royal Purple, a Texas-based company that sponsored [words 20] NKNPSW, is making the move as well. Royal Purple [words 21] on Kwasniewski's Turner Scott Motorsports Chevrolet in eight NKNPSE races, beginning at Daytona International Speedway on Tuesday, February 19. In addition, Royal Purple will be a major partner in the remaining events on this season's schedule. The relationship between Kwasniewski and Royal Purple began in 2011 when the Las Vegas native began racing in the NKNPSW. Royal Purple, [words 22] the automotive, industrial, marine, motorcycle and racing industries, has served as either a primary or associate sponsor in every NKNPSW race in which Kwasniewski has participated. In 28 NKNPSW starts, Kwasniewski has earned five wins, eight poles, 20 top-fives and 24 [words 23] finishes. He also won Rookie of the Year honors in 2011 along with the NKNPSW Championship in 2012. In addition to being the co-primary sponsor on Kwasniewski's car last season, Royal Purple also featured the young driver in their Outperformer Series branding campaign in 2012. The feature on Kwasniewski was [words 24] a 15-second clip on television with the full video available on Royal Purple's website. "I am fortunate to have Royal Purple back on the car this season," said Kwasniewski. "I'm proud to be associated with such an elite brand and product. This is our third year together, and they have been really supportive of my career on and off the track. It was an honor to be selected as one of their outperformer athletes. After winning the championship last season, I am really excited to see what we can do together this year in the East Series. "“Royal Purple is very excited to continue our partnership [words 25] Fisher, Marketing Director for Royal Purple. “He has proven he is one of the best young drivers in NASCAR by winning the K&N Pro Series West [words 26] we look forward to his continued success this year as he moves to the East Series. Royal Purple has [words 27] in the racing segment and continuing our partnership with Dylan helps us to continue to expand our presence at the highest levels of the global racing segment.”Kwasniewski is slated to run [words 28] Turner Scott Motorsports. He will first race his Royal Purple Chevrolet in the UNOH Battle at the Beach, a non-points, all-star race that he qualified for after winning the NKNPSW race at Stockton 99 [words 29] season. Royal Purple, located in Porter, Texas and acquired in 2012 by Calumet Specialty Products Partners, produces a wide range of high performance lubricants for nearly every consumer and industrial application. Royal Purple has pioneered the development of high performance synthetic lubricants. ## Royal Purple focuses exclusively on developing state-of-the-art lubricants. Unlike companies that primarily focus on fuel [words 30] Royal Purple's sole mission is to develop products that significantly outperform other synthetic and mineral based lubricants. Turner Scott Motorsports was established in 1999 by Texas businessman Steve Turner, who [words 31] joined by partner Harry Scott Jr. This season will mark the fourth season of full-time NASCAR competition for the organization, which expanded in 2011 from a two-truck operation in the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series (NCWTS) to become the largest stand-alone multi-series team in NASCAR's top-tier touring series. The team earned its first championship when James Buescher captured the NCWTS title in 2012. Turner Scott Motorsports operates out [words 32] an 110,000 square-foot state-of-the art facility in Mooresville, N. For more information on Turner Scott Motorsports, visit www. By answering the trivia question correctly, you will be eligible for the random drawing for the Good Day to Die Hard/Royal Purple prize pack. Items can include from Die Hard: bottle opener, 3D magnet, plastics (band-aids) and playing cards. From Royal Purple: Drawstring bag, decal and logo t-shirt. All items are subject to change based upon availability of merchandise and t-shirt size requested. [words 33] on the Royal Purple Facebook Fan Page from 12 a. The winner will be announced on the Facebook Fan Page on the next day or, "Winner Wednesday. " The randomly drawn winner selected by http://www. [words 34] notified via email of their win.
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words 17: Fans around the world are invited to
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words 22: which manufactures high-performance lubricants for
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words 31: was
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User: More spans: The short handed Bruins pushed forward with only 9 skaters backed by the strong play of Craig “Turn Off The Red Light” Dunbar but the loaded Leafs eventually wore them down to the tune of a 6-3 Leafs victory. Oren “Rookie of the Week” Siegel with 2 strong goals, Rob “Big Guns” Murray, Marty “I can't believe that shot went in” Camenzuli and Mark “Ice in his Viens” Lalonde were main scorers for the Leafs who lost returning hero Eric Arts to an apparent shoulder injury at the end of the 1st. With the 9:00 Leafs win, the Red Wings needed to pull out points to maintain their grip on 1st place. Unfortunately HEnry ... win. Wings goals from Adam Cleland (2), John Gagel and Geoff Curphey but the story of the night was Joe “Contract Year” Skufca was kept off the score sheet and the Wings move back into 2nd. The Kings maintain a strong hold on 3rd place and are sniffing at the hind parts of the Leafs and Wings at the top of the standings . The Pens took the Whalers to the proverbial wood shed last night on route ... win. Screams of disappointment could be heard thru the rafters of Carlings thanks to the “Phantom of the Arena” . oh, no that was just Jimmy. Blair resembled Morgan Rielly on defense, skating like a man possessed. He was breaking up chances by the Penguins net and then scored a couple of nice goals on laser shots. He also hit a post as he attempted to get the hat trick. Don't remember the other scorers. The Penguins barely hung on to win. Up 4-2, but then some skilled Bruin scored with maybe 2 minutes left. The big, bad Bears had a couple of ... tending. One high-lite, low-lite from the game was when a Penguins forward inadvertently almost decapitated fearless Bruins net minder Craig “The Professor” Dunbar when he was knocked into the ageless puck stopper by an overly feisty Bruins D. Craig let out a primal yell and for a small moment he had an urge to go “Hextall” on the Penguins' ass. However, he ... so. In an unusual turn of events, the Penguins bench was fuller than Bancroft after a night at the Mandarin, going with three forward lines and four D. A couple of Penguins forwards, who will remain nameless, were seen weeping ... time. The big win and a couple of brown pops afterwards turned all tears to smiles. In the “Battle for the basement” the Bruins and Penguins hooked up for the second time this year looking to see what team will rise from the bottom of the pool and start contending for MNHL supremacy. Penguins accustomed to the water determined to drown the Bruins despite another gallant effort by shell shocked goalie Dunbar. Pens got off to a quick start with rushing Pens D supplying the offence. An ill advise pass up the middle was picked off by Pens captain. a free lane to the net and a well ... Dunbar. Penguins continued to press but couldn't find the back of the net a combination of great goal tending and eye high shots by Pens forwardsWith some scrambled play in front of the Penguins net under appreciated power forward Russell Smith jump on the loose rebound and potted his first goal of the season to cut into the Pens lead. More pressure by Penguins forward Steve “Not Brian” Adams cruising towards Bruins net was derailed by a “Tiny” Tim Gibson back check. His extra effort resulted in a crash in front of Bruins net taking out goalie Dunbar. With mandatory concussion protocol in effect Craig gathered up his dislodged equipment and regrouped effectively killing any momentum the Penguins had mounted. Another surprise offensive contributor for the Bruins was versatile forward, no defense, no forward, Scott “Young Milo” Tooke. His return to the league, leaner and faster, was rewarded with a goal that brought the Bruins to within a goal. With a really deep Pens bench the extra ... 2. Later in the game Russ pressured by Bruins forward Cortese, stole the puck, quite easily I might add, which seemed to be more ... away. Anyway, he got the puck passed to Chef Pratt and they scored. With the Bruins down one they pulled their goalie but were unable to tie the game which was a huge relief to Rodrigues. Post game celly at Marino's was attended by ... famer. Scotty “Dawg” McDonald, who surprised the MNHL faithful with free beer for the night. A hard fought game that saw the Wings escape with a 3-2 win thanks to 2 short handed goals. Skufca kept his goal scoring streak alive – safe to say at this point Skufca tanked his last 12 seasons in order to systematically decrease his player rating in order to load his team with talent and make 1 triumphant run at the MNHL Cup in 2018. Josh Dixon and Joe Regnier also scored for the Wings who were without their true power house forward Andy Cleland who was enjoying the Florida sunshine. The hard working Leafs ROBBED of a win at the hands of Henry and his band of misfits. Down 2-1 the Leafs tie the game only for the ref to wave it off. Despite this travesty many witnesses saw Henry tinkering with his phone and conspiracy theorist believe Henry had programmed the ref with some sort of hypnotic iPhone app. The Red Wings off to franchise best 5-0 start, finally have Joe Skufka smiling. Not only is he healthy but contributing offensively as well. Usually complaining about ... Spring. The only thing standing in Joe's way is a mild snow storm and a revengeful shovel that did Joe in last fall. The Cleveland clan continues to shine completing a rare clan hat trick led by senior Cleland Andy who inspired his protegees to get on the score board as well. Evan and Adam combined for four goals against a penguin squad still trying to find their offensive sparkThe red wave was relentless as the only bright spot for a pathetic penguin performance was on display by Sean “Bone Cracker” Martin. His brilliant play was capped off with penalty shot save awarded by new and inexperienced ref who thought back checking was not allowed in this league. Still waiting for Adam Foulon to break out of a scoring slump the Pens have to rely on grizzled vet Stan Norman to fill the goal drought the penguins find themselves in. Co Captain Clarke (triple C) , continued to tinker with the line up trying to find a line combination that will keep his point streak alive regardless of the outcome of the gameno word on when penguins well fill their defensive void a key component that should help the struggling birds. A return to the line up for Sil “No Pep” Pepe, looked like he's still recovering from jet lag from recent overseas trip. His dust ... back. Other league news, Craig Dunbar has returned from counseling sessions after last weeks 9-1 drubbing. Seen curled up inside the Oak Barrel at Marino's he's now back and mentally fit to resume his tending duties with the Bruins. Movember is right around the corner so we all need to support mens health and give Craig an extra tap on the pads. Geoff “With a G” Curphey lead the Wings with 2 goals and the Cleland Clan each had one lead by Poppa ... Pens. The Leafs caught the Whalers having a bad night and got 5 quick goals to lead them to ... season. Camenzuli (3), Snyder (3) and Marquis (2) were the scorers ... Whalers. After the game, Jimmy tried to trade for Leafs forward Snyder but Snyder invoked ... . Snyder is quite lazy. Kings jumped out to an early ... Gibson. The Kings regained the lead late on a goal set up by some trickery from King Henry before a Kings empty netter sealed the deal. On election night the only vote that mattered was cast by power forward Matt “Hangry” Snyder, who stole the win for the Leafs. An ill advised move by exhausted Pens D created the opportunity for Snyd's to hammer home the late goal to propel leafs Over penguins and maintain a perfect 3-0-1 record,Penguin started with a depleted bench thanks to Jimmie McCormick cherry picking an already diminished pens lineup later bolstered by Jeff Stokely who energized a tired penguins defense. Penguins kid line centered by new father Clark Webster fed sweet pass to Stan “Nimble” Norman who deposited puck over a sprawling and laughing Leaf goalie to put Pens up one nothing. Numerous scoring opportunities were exchanged by both teams but strong goal tending at both ends prevailed. A couple of fortuitous bounces and porous Pens defense gave Leafs forwards opportunity to score 2 to gain the lead. Penguins continued to press and looked to have tied the game only to be laughed at by over confident tender PatrickWith the game knotted up a 3-3 the fatigued Penguins looked to run down the clock but the untimely turn over gave the win to the Leafs. Even with the win and unblemished record Captain Stevens ... . Go figure! Red Wings slaughter an extremely short handed Bruins squad 9-1 thanks to 3 goals from MVP candidate Joe “Savy Vet” Skufca, 3 goals from Evan “I'm a Cleland Too” Cleland, 2 from Adam “All Star” Cleland and 1 from John ‘Gagel-of-Geese” Gagel. A 2:00 am phone call from Bruins Goalie Craig “Drink Until It's a Shutout” Dunbar was mostly inaudible sobbing – sounds like someone got into the Jim Beam to drink ... game. Leafs jumped out to an early 3-1 lead over the Pens who skated a lonely 8 players out to the ice last night but the Pens came back in the 2nd to tie it on the back of strong goal tending from both ... Rodriguez. Leafs take the lead late when an unidentified – but extremely handsome – Leafs forward gets his 2nd of ... rush. The play of the night for the Leafs was captain Talbot “Total Package” Stevens calling D-Man Mike Fornelos at 9:55 to remind him that the MNHL now has 10:00pm start times . and his game was one of them. The Kings harpoon the Whalers by the tune of 4-2 leaving Captain Jimmy bobbing in the water with out a life jacket. “El ... . The big winner is Marinos, but did anyone else wake up with crippling cramps ... intermission. With the goalie pulled in the final minutes, Kevin Rupple weaved down the ice and – ... retreating. In what was actually a solid little game, the Leafs prolific 3 line rotation handed the Red Wings a big L. Skufca scored again to open it up for the Wings – has this guy found the fountain of youth? – before the Leafs piled it on. Marty Camenzuli with multiple goals for the Grey Buds and Rob Murray quietly gets his 4th of the season. Adam Cleland, Skufca, Daryl Patterson and John Gagel for the Wings. Leafs jump out to an early lead and never look back thanks to strong goaltending from Patrick “Roy” Rodriguez. Oren “Energizer Bunny” Siegel pops his 1st MNHL Career goal and narrowly misses a few others. Andy Leung pops one late to cap off a strong game and Marty “Party” Camenzuli had multiple assists and finally finds the back of the net after hitting the bar on multiple chances. Rich “Woo Woo” Wotton finds the back of the net for the yellow bears late in the game to break the shutty from Rodriguez. The Leafs d blame the slow ice but really, slow legs were the culprit. The Wings are 2-0 thanks to 2 more goals from Joe “Savy Vet” Skufca (his 6th and 7th of the year), Adam Cleland, Joe Regnier and a 1st career MNHL goal from Josh Dixon. The Kings continue to push forward but following a game winless streak, King Henry calls for his merry ... skate. Unfortunately no one showed up – Henry included. With both teams coming off disappointing 1st game loses the Whalers looked to be the less fuller post turkey fed squad. Pens dipped into their Western Ontario Coastal league affiliate to replace recently benched goalie, Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin. Mike was outstanding in net keeping the game close and stealing multiple open net opportunities that had Jimmie banging on the glass in disgust. Whalers netted 1st goal, on fortuitous bounce and brutal defending by porous Penguins D.common theme to start the season which Pens have been struggling to fix with news that recent top D draft pick is still out with unresolved contract issues specifically no trade waiver clause. Each team exchanged goals in the first period with Pens surprisingly leading 3-2 to start the 2nd period. With Pens pressing to extend their lead, Pens D man Collett got clipped by errant high stick(well that's what Chester said), and ended the night for him and well the rest of the great game recap. Jimmie was quick to provide 1st Aid ... bathroom. i guess time will tell if any of these contribute to further ... . Strong game in net by David “Bobby” Orr helped propel the Red Wings to a 10-5 win over Jimmy and the Whalers. The Cleland Clan kicked in 4 goals (Adam 2, Evan 2) and Daryl Paterson had his first MNHL goal “a dream come true” he was reported as saying in between sobs of joy. But the ... Skufca. Asked to comment on his strong game, Joe said “I'm a little disappointed, I thought I could have had 7 tonight”. The team seemed upset over Joe's offensive explosion “we thought he might try and spread his 5 goals out thru the year, instead he decided to get them all done in the first game.”Talbots Leafs jump out to an early lead but King Henry and the royal skaters fight back to tie it with a strong 2nd period. An early goal from Talbot “Aki Berg” Stevens gave the Leafs a 2 goal lead and a Marty “Party” Camenzuli pass to Matt “Slower then last year but not as slow as 2016” Snyder that Snyder let bounce off his ... game. Asked after the game for a reaction, Talbot said “not sure if the boys got the message that we play two 40 minute periods here”. Things did not look good for the yellow boys as the Pens jumped out to a quick 1-0 lead thanks to the old “attempt a pass only to have it deflect high into the air only for it to rainbow behind the goalie” play. Dunbar was distracted trying to set up lines in the absence of “Tiny” Tim Gibson. Things settled down after that and an Bob “The Dean” Anderson and Rich “WOO WOO” Wotton goal evened it for the Bruins before the intermission. ... head. Were the Pens sending a message to the MNHL or are they just the worst shooting team in the league? Time will tell . After the game several Bruins made their way to Marino's to try a few of the Kavanaugh style drinking games – some not so ... there. Fees: Fees of $420.00 must be paid before the first game. We accept e-transfers, cash or personal check. Give the check to your captain who will give it to Kevin. Don't be the guy we have to chase. Waiver: Every player must complete a waiver before the first game. Print one ... you. Click here for a WaiverGame Play: Warm Ups should only last 3 minutes to ensure we get the maximum ice times so don't lolly gag in the dressing rooms. Also remember there is only 1 ref on the ice so give them a break, they are in the same shape as the players (out ... shape). The MNHL Draft is set for Sept 24th where the 6 captains will choose the teams they hope to lead to the MNHL Cup in March. Other factors that are considered in choosing the groups of 6 are, positional preference (defense vs forward) and age. Each captain then chooses – at random – a player from each group of 6 which should allow each team to have equal talent dispersed across the league. Players in their 1st year in the league are allowed to play their first season with the player who brought them in. So if ... round. The next yaer they go into the draft. No Games: December 24 (Christmas Eve), December 31 (New Years Eve) , February 18 (Family Day) and March 11 (March Break). In a dominate performance, unexpected by many experts, the Whalers are your 2018 MNHL Champions after handing the Penguins a convincing defeat. Jumping out to an early lead the Whalers were able to subdue various chances from the Penguins thanks to stunning goal tending and timely ... play. In the 2nd period the Penguins turned the pressure on but the lead the Whalers had created was insurmountable and they were able to count down the final 10 minutes by pinning the Penguins deep. With the final seconds counting down, Captain Jim-Bo made his way to the ice – tears in his eyes – and the green machine hoisted the MNHL Cup over heads signifying to the rest of ... Kings. The Leafs celebrated with the realization that they were at least better then half the teams in the league. Going into the 2 game series with a 4-0 lead, the Bruins lost game two ... goals. Be sure to register for 2018 at the early bird rate of $380.00 soon. Prices go up to $420.00 on April 1st.17 of the 72 spots have already been filled. Click HERE to sign up today! After a close first period the Whalers took out their rakes and disposed of the Leafs on the backs ... Finals. Great goaltending from Shaun Martin and goals from pretty much everyone allowed the green machine to make a run over 15 minutes that was epic and demoralized the Leafs bench. Dunbar bounced back with a strong game to secure game 1 for the Bruins in the Toilet Bowl 2 game series. The teams will face off again next week with the Bruins holding a 4-0 lead to start the game as Tim and the boys look to hosit the coveted toilet brush of relegation. The MNHL will take the March 12 March Break week off before returning to the ice for the MNHL Cup Semi-Finals on March 19th. The match ups are set as follows:The Whalers were able to defeat the unmotivated Penguins in the “early time game”. Blair and the boys will now have to roll in at 10:30 for their semi-final game in 2 weeks. The Kings captured a trip to the semi-finals with a shoot out win over the Red Wings. Dean “The Thrill” Shill subbing in net for the Kings may have put them over the top as Henry has somehow gotten his club into the final 4 for the 2nd straight year. The Leafs scored early and often on route to a convincing win over the Bruins. Dave Barrett ... sabbatical. We are moving into the 21'st century and will be using an online registration system and accepting payments via e-transfer only. Click the link in the menu or below to sign up (don't worry it's easy – we had Jimmy test it and he only screwed up twice). The league has ice times available over March break – March ... boys. Sign up online at this link. Sign up my March 5th so we can determine if we need to cancel ice, open it up to outsiders or allow double-dippers. Dave Bancrofts Hat Trick wasn't enough for the Bruins to beat the Wings who captured 3rd place on the back of 2 goals from Adam Cleland and 2 from Jeff Stokley. Henry and the boys playing for pride came out and took it to the Leafs. Great goaltending on the Kings end combined with some ... early. A game with nothing on the line. These teams will face off in the bye week “early game challenge” during the 1st round. The Penguins were awarded the President's Trophy after clinching 1st place in the regular season last night thanks to a victory over the Leafs (editors note: there is no physical Presidents Trophy so Blair claimed one by ripping the side view mirror ... vehicle). The Whalers have locked themselves into 2nd place thanks to the expert management of Jimmy “Mouth of the South” McCormick. The Whalers and Penguins will now meet up during the 1st round of the playoffs in a special challenge game with the winner getting the coveted “9 o'clock start” in the semi-finals. The Red Wings, Leafs and Bruins are all still battling for playoff seeding going into the final regular season game. It's likely that this battle will come down to goal tending with the Red Wings and Bruins facing off ... game. The Kings will finish in 6th and face the winner of the 3 way battle between the Leafs, Wings and Bruins. Kings Captain Henry has already started to rebuild after last years Championship run and ... year. With the recent news of Pens power forward Rich Woooooton being placed on the 15 day disabled list the Pens were determined to put their best web foot forward against the Leafs. Leafs Captain and finance guru Talbot Stevens looked to be in the drivers seat icing their strongest team so far this season. The only weakness was on the left side where Sniffling Snyder was not his usual pain in the rear distracted by sinus pain and overdose of NyQuil. This reporter thinks his gloves were stuffed with Kleenex hampering his lethal wrister than has caught Mix Master Shill off guard on more than one occasion (actually only 1 occasion). With ... early. Tight checking from both squads resulted in usual slow play with only a few scoring chances, one of which appeared to favor the Pens. A Steve Boone marker was called back by the ref, who's superman vision called off an apparent goal from center ice. Leafs were quick to congratulate the ref and confirmed the puck had not fully crossed the line. Determined not to let this call affect their play the Pens mounted an end to end dash from Pens D Collett, demoted back to D earlier due to offensive incompetence, made a cross ice pass to Boone who deposited the puck behind Dave “Not Bobby” Orr for a goal the Penguins felt should have been the second of the game but I digress . Pens added another marker before the Leafs replied with 2 of their own off lazer shots from Thompson. The first ... 2-2. A quick start to second half put Pens up by one before more sloppy play resulted in a ... 3's. Some penalty trouble for the Pens did not hurt them as Marquis was left alone in front of Leafs net-minder and ripped one top shelf for a shorty. Leafs and Pens exchange goals resulting in Pens 5-4 lead late in the period. The Leafs pull Orr for extra attacker and pressed for equalizer but Mix-Master Shill found his grove and flashed the oven mitt to deny the Leafs the equalizer to give the Penguins the unnecessary 2 points in the standings. When he was informed after the game that the 2 points were irrelevant to their final ... them. The Wings come back from a 2-0 deficit with goals from Brad Nickle and 4 unanswered twine-poppers from Jeff Stokley who was celebrating Valentines Day early with a present to his wife “I scored the last 3 for you baby, he was reported as texting her after the game”. The Bruins brought out super sub Gibson Junior. Kevin Rupple, subbing for the yellow bears as a last minute replacement was no help ... Fish. Goals from “Wendell” Clarke Webster, Steve Adams and Chris Bumbacco helped the Whalers build an insurmountable lead. The only positive was Rupple looked great in yellow despite stuffing 2 pieces of KFC extra crispy down his mouth minutes before puck drop. If one of these eliminates 1 team from the tie ... format. Penguins (1) and Whalers (2) will have a bye but will play a friendly game with the winner getting the 9:00 start – the seeding remains ... boys. No wonder Dunbar didn't report the score this morning .8 GOALS AGAINST? ? ? ? Reports out of the Bruins Front Office indicate Craig Dunbar was not in net for the Bruins 8-7 loss to the Kings. Did Coach Tim tell him before the game that he was not going to be in net in a re-enactment of the New England Patriots Super Bowl stratgey? The Red Wings slaughtered the ... Cleland. Mike Remington and Russel Smith each had 1 as well. The game must have been more 1 sided than the score indicates since Blair hasn't reported on the victory in a game report fraught with spelling mistakes and lacking any sort of punctuation. what made a hit for UB40 also worked for Joe's red wings as the Red Red Whine worked all of the time, goes to the head of the ref instead. get all the breaks instead of mistakes . sing along if you know the beat. Well now that i have your attention. injury and flu bug going through Pens line up had coach Collett scrambling for spares. with early exits made by both Kings and Bruins(i guess no post game inverviews to distract the players) the Pens played with a short bench which looked even shorter with the Red Army chomping at the bit to get this game going. early gaf by Pens D had the water birds floundering as the Wings were gifted 2 early goals. Determined not to get embarrassed Penquins forward and only player fit to play the whole game without a break, Mike Marquis led the Penguins attack with relentless pressure causing numerous scoring chances on the wings net minder. persistence paid off as Penguins forward Top Chef went top shelf to even the score at 2. the wings continued to pressure the Pens resulting in more chances than Jimmies scratch and win raffle tickets. the result was more offence and a lead at the break 3-2. dont ask me who scored i was too busy chasing around old people who couldnt stand up. with the wings applying more pressure the Blue birds were showing fatigue and wound up in penalty trouble. although if you read/sing the monolgue i think the wings enthusiasm helped the ref make some extremely difficult judgement calls very easy. with the Pens with more players in the box than on the bench the Wings power Cleland line energized their squad and extended the lead by 2. some good hand eye co-ordination shown by Sly Sil, resulted in a top ... up. tied legs finally caught up to the Pens as the wings put the nail in the coffen with a wrister from Russell Smith with i think his first goal of the season. this has not been confirmed but the celebratory cheers and the retrieval of the puck signified a milestone achievement for Mr Smithfinal score, 7-3 wings? yes that's it . uh no 8 um Dean any thoughts? oopps bad idea, keep the ear buds inLeafs jump out to an early lead thanks to 2 snipes from Kevin Rupple and continue to find the back of the net on some fluky goals including Big Joe stuffing one past the side pads of The ... in. Whalers dominated the offensive zone for chunks of the game but could not solve the enigma that is Leafs goalie David Orr. With faces stuffed with Jimmies “You gotta eat here pizza”, we're assuming its not from Jimmies kitchen, Cortese and Bumbacco lead the offensive charge to the dismay of Whalers CEO Jimmie Jean McCormick. ... Pens. Henry's squad minus dependable power forward Murray Pratt left the goal scoring up to recently returned vacationing Adam no fool Foulon. Leaving ... end. Consistently baffling the Pens D with his usual positioning at the offensive Blueline, Foulon created numerous scoring chances on Shill with his patented grip and rip head shot trajectory wristers. With the Pens jumping out early with 3 goals, lead by surprise sub and still carb loading pizza fan Cortese had JImmie cursing in the lobby as he lead the Pens charge with 3 goals. one which made for good conversation later at Marinos(who is now benefitting by the prohibition law laid down late last week). Jimmie later consulting with the Commissioner asked why he didn't score for his own team in the previous game Cortese could only reply with “Hey Dawn another pitcher please”Determined not to have a repeat ... Cortese. Not to be outdone Bumbacco continued his ... game. i think that gave him 15 in totalPreviously referenced Foulon was credited with scoring 3 goals and setting up the others as puzzled Captain Henry looked puzzled as too why his team is the MNHL bottom dwellers. Kevin Ruppel lit up one post and two ... net. As a consolation, he was successful in deflecting one into the Leafs' net, relieving Talbot of that role. The Bruins jumped out to an early 4-0 lead and strong D from Craig “What Jamaican Mobster” Higgins – even after ... Bruins. Big Tim's son played as a spare for the Bruins and contributed to the win with the first goal using a combination of skill and strength. With the Leafs big Matt Snyder out with the flu and not causing chaos in front of Craig's net, the Leafs' forwards were held scoreless with their only goals coming from D-men Mike and Geoff. The Red Wings held onto a 2-1 lead early despite being goalie-less. Cleland had 3, Bad Nickle had 2 and Joe Skufca and Blair Alton each popped 1 goal for the Red Wings. Despite Jimmy's constant reminders from the lobby to “move your feet” or “shooooooooooot the puck” the Whalers refused to take any of his advice and evidently were none-the-worse for it, scoring 11 goals easily. A great game that was back and forth until the last minute. The Red Wings would score and the Leafs would respond in what was forever a 1 goal game. Strong play from Wings goalie Patrick Rodriguez including an active glove may have been the difference in this Norris division battle. Leafs were short handed starting with only 8 skaters until Rupple showed up a few minutes into the game. No warm up meant his hands took longer to wake up forcing the Leafs to rely on some strong play from the rest of ... bench. Despite the loss, Talbot's boys were positive in their positioning in the standings and enjoyed some Dutch made Heineken in the dressing room post-game even though, as everyone knows “Heineken is for Winners”. Dunbar reported the score with a “sad face” emoji so that can only lead us to believe ... Bruins. Penguins get back in the win column by holding off Gibbies Golden Bruins to record a bounce back win after being trounced by Whalers in the previous contest. A revamped line up due to missing power forward Rich Wooooooooo . oooooton, was up to the challenge. lead by standout goal-tending by Shrill-master Flash, the penguins responded with some timely offensive from shut down forward line led by Dave Rosen, aka Cake Boss, who delivered the goods with his first goal of the season. That was followed ... techniques. a flurry of chances were denied by the steady performance of Craig D, who looked as frustrated as the rest of the bruins. taking matters into his own hands the bruins net minder was caught out of position trying to launch end to end passes to his forwards. but good stick work and fast feet thwarted multiple Penguins chances. late period give away in Penguins zone lead to the only Bruins goal breaking the shutout. Even later rush by Pens D resulted in a 3rd goal by Colin who's line accounted for all three penguins goals. which Dave appropriately replied with “that was the icing on the cake” final score 3-1 in favor of the tuxedo ducksThe Bruins have a trusted recipe for success that Captain Tim brought out of the MNHL cook book last night . when Bob “The Dean” Anderson scores 2 goals, the Bruins win! Well it is exam time and The Dean decided to play it ... victory. Adam Fremeth and Deven Richardson also scored for the Bruins and Dunbar was 1 save away from the ever elusive shut out. The ice ran black with the blood of the Kings. The Leafs decided to play Jon Snow on this snowy night and ... down. David “Bobby” Orr was solid in net and the relentless Kings fore check was able to put pressure on a Kings team that was dangerous but unable to finish. In a surprise to both teams, Dave Barrett decided to pass but . pass towards the net and the darn thing actually worked, catching the Kings goalie by such surprise that it actually went past him into the goal. To some ... wants. When asked about it after the game ... drag”. One only wonders how the Kings would have fared had Adam Foulon not been on vacation. Hopefully the drinks are cold where he is because Henry was red hot about the missed sniper. It's true, the big blue birds were bitten by the wonderful Whalers. Penguins too depressed to provide game report and Jimmy shuns technology. In a close game that had back and forth play from both teams, the Whalers hung onto a 3-2 lead before dumping an empty netter with seconds remaining to take the 1st win of 2018 over the Leafs. The game showed why 40 year olds should not take 2 weeks off between games as the first 15 minutes was a display of rust and wheezing. The New Years resolution to back check more lasted 8 days for a good chunk of the players on both teams. Shaun Martin brought his strong glove hand and over sized pads into the new year and David Orr played strong in his 2nd of a reported 3 games in 1 night for the Leafs. The final seconds were a classic display of MNHL resiliency as the Leafs hit a double post shot on what would be the tying goal but unfortunately you don't get points for the posts. Jimmy found his way into the Leafs room post-game, the smell of chili dogs and the opportunity to gloat were just too much for him to resist. Clark Webster filled in admirably scoring at least 2 (maybe 3) in his second game of the evening. Dave Orr also subbed admirably in net for the Monarchs, apparently playing his 3rd game of the day! Given Foulon's absence, the Bruins decided to experiment, creating the ultimate “power forward” by moving Tim Gibson up. The move paid off as Tim ... variety. The tuxedo'd birds rang the new year in with style after a convincing 7-3 win over the slow starting Wings. Feeling inspired by new Nike commercial depicting a youthful athlete sharing his good nature off the ice, the Pens punished the Red wings early on mounting a 3 goal lead before the Redwings offense took to the ice. that would be Adam Cleland who was locked out of the dressing room by team ... offense. Sorry Joe you do need Adam. the Pens offense was lead by power forward and health nut Rich Wooooooton, who started the new year off with a hattie. other offensive contributors were, soft hands Boone, who created more than just offence on this night. drawing 2 penalties on Red wings D man Zedano Alton, the wings started chirping the ref for an apparent dive. after further review it was determined that the ref was correct dispite lobbying attempts by super negotiator and part time ref Stevens. With the Red Wings offense dressed and now present on the ice, the opportunistic Cleland pounced ... gap. with the wings pressing, super sniper and newly promoted wingman Ernie”cant tell I'm a D ranked player” Tell continued his impressive season debut with another classic. pivoting on the spot and sending a shot careening off bodies in front of the net it found its way over the goal line before Patrick could dislodge the net from is moorings. Red wings were not ... Wings. another untimely turn over by the Pens D had ... netminder. a post game interview with Patrick revealed that he was screened on the play and would have easily made the save if not for import D screening his visionBest pass of the night ... night. would have went to Oniel if he stayed past 12 o'clock but thems the breakIt's winter but the Leafs are blossoming winning 2 in a row. Continued strong play from Kevin Rupple and David “Bobby” Orr has the Leafs primed for big things in 2018 . The Bruins were missing Tiny Tim Gibson on the back end and brought up 2 ringers from the high school league. Dunbar Junior got the nod from old man Craig and filled in admirably as an emergency spare but the decreased skill and speed of the MNHL was too much for him to handle “I can't believe they let guys this old play hockey” he was reported as saying after the game as he guzzled some of the fine Marino's wings down . a couple more wing nights and you'll be at MNHL speed young fella! Stanley “Cup” Norman had a bunch of chances last night but declined to score, instead saving his big finish for the pizza after the game. But the big win for the Leafs came in the post game dressing room thanks to our little friend the shower loufa. Whalers were seen skating around cots on the ice for the first 5 ... lead. Red Wings decided to strategize and went with 11 forwards and one defense man (goalie Patrick) all game but it didn't pan out unfortunately. The good news for net minder Patrick Rodrigues was that he stoned the Whalers on 11 breakaways, give or take a couple. The bad news was that 4 more got by him during the rest of the game for an 8-3 final. ... hatricks. Big man Blair was observed on the ice on numerous occasions counting the number of Whaler players, thinking there had to be 8 players on the ice. To make matters worse, Captain Joe was sidelined for the game and subjected to Captain Jimmy taunts for a looooong 90 minutes! On a side note, the league is looking into purchasing a year's supply of crazy glue for goalie Patrick because his net seems to pop off it's moorings 3-4 times a game. Afterwards, the Christmas party was a great success, fantastic turnout! Un-named multiple sources observed Chicken Wing Davey Orr sliding from table to table with plate in hand and licking his fingers as he moved. Reports are in that chicken farmers are working feverishly to increase production in order to facilitate the year end party in March! Succumbed by royal pressure to keep King Henry in ... play. This holiday season slump was celebrating by all chasing teams as evidence by the cold shoulder reception at the annual MNHL christmas party. Another slow start by the webbed birds — google search confirms that Penguins do in fact have webbed feet — provided numerous offensive chances early for the Kings. Led by the line of Pratt – Foozie and the other guy, the Kings struck early catching Dean “mix master” Thrill caught between songs as he tried to queue up some Barry Manilow Christmas favorites. with one early marker in the books the Kings continued to press with Andrew Sharpie aggravating the Pens as he looked to filet the Pens with some crafty stick work that resembled Clark Grizwall's Christmas turkey carving. Pens D Jeff Conway not feeling the Christmas spirit or spirits in general was penalized by Ref on a couple of occasions leading to frustrations too much to bear. a couple more penalties and the “sit in the box to feel shame” was too much and exited early from the competition. This left a gaping hole in the Pens D which they were not able to fill as they were trying to help out the frustrated offense shut down by Leafs sub Dave”not bobby” Orr . later seen enjoying the spoils of victory at Marino's. More scrappy play and more jousting by numerous combatants was tempered by a busy ref who was left to keep the peace filling the penalty box with offenders. With the Pens pressing for goals the Kings were presented with numerous breakaway chances which Dean was able to turn aside redeeming himself for some early softies that are not the norm. With an extremely light bench the Kings were valiant in their efforts to defend their lead sending the Pens home pondering their future atop the MNHL standings. Talbot Stevens of the Leafs has reminded us of a very important point: It is strongly encouraged that each ... matters. Things seemed completely over when Jeff Conway slipped behind the D to roof a shot blocker side to make the score 5-2 for the Pens early in the second. Giving up a goal to his son's former (brilliant) soccer coach seemed to motivate Dunbar to start stopping the puck and the bounces started going the Bruins way. After tying the game late, Andy Leung got sprung on a breakaway only to be pulled down leading to the most exciting play in hockey – a penalty shot. Dean “The Thrill” Shill stood tall making a big pad save on the penalty shot and the game seemed destined for a tie. Then, amazingly the Bruins somehow got a 2 on 0 break with under 30 seconds left and Bob “the Dean” Andersen buried it. It surely was a Festivus miracle! The Bruins scorers ... games. While the win was both surprising and thrilling for the Bruins, the ... Gibson. Looking like the Gibby of old he danced around the pylon prone Pens and ripped a shot on goal. the juicy rebound was hammered home by a persistent Gibson putting the bears up early in this contest. the penguins respond with some aggressive clean play resulting in penguins forward Duffy left alone in front , like latch key kid, getting three attempts to rattle home his own rebound(s). Some Slick passing by bruins lands on the stick of Dave “finger licking good” Bancroft. who rings puck off inside crossbar. Penguins appeal to ref stating the angle of entry does not co-inside with the trajectory of the puck leaving the goal. further collaboration reviewed by off ice official concurs with ref and bruins rewarded with goal. Both teams exchanged chances late in the 1st frame. the only one to penetrate the goal was Pens consistent winning talent Ernie “Lucky” Tell. with lighting quick hands Ernie slams puck past Dunbar and celebrates consecutive game goals(previously gone unrecorded). with the Pens up a goal, sleek skating Conway made mince meat our of Bruins D, picking on Flamingo possessing Gibson who took the bait and failed to protect his goalie.2 more head bobs and Dunbar is left fishing the ... net. Pens up 5-2Tripping penalty on penguins was not capitalized by Bruins as the Penguins controlled most of the play until blown icing call by ref. This re-energized the hibernating bears as they took advantage of bad bound and beat Shill. not sure who scored but by Higgins giddy reaction you can assume he's taking credit for that one. despite numerous rushes ... scoreboard. As the pace of the game slows not sure if it's the build up of snow on the ice or just poor conditioning but bruins fortunes take a turn as Hail Mary puck toss towards goal is tipped past dean to knot the game at 5'sTired legs and mental lapse result in tripping penalty on Bancroft. Most of the ... Pens. Another blown icing call has ref in hot water again but the infraction is welcomed by the exhausted participants. Late Turn over by mike marquis forced pens d to take down Leung whose rewarded with penalty shot. After consulting with Dunbar on shootout advice “keep it away from the mitt. thanks Captain Obvious” Andy goes low blocker only to be thwarted by Shill's pinball paddle pads. with less than 20 seconds on the clock Pens cannot clear the puck and Bruins forward finds top shelf to steal a win with 17 seconds left in the game. Higgins was again over zealous in the celebration department but that win might be the early present the Bruins had on their wish list. Two Whalers goals from Rocket Russ Rodrigues, one from Scott Duncan, one from Toe dragging Cortese, and one off the ass from Vince C! Rookie Goaltender Matt Roy made a bevy of peachy saves to keep it close for most of the game, even saved a couple ... tone. The Leafs jumped out to an early lead and never looked back thanks to some tic-tac-toe passing between Kevin Rupple and Dave Barrett. John “White Gloves” Lierman was not to be outdone showing his “toe drag of death” to the Red Wings d-men several times. The High Energy Line of Joe Regnier and Kevin Noble put on a ferocious fore check for the Leafs and Stan “The Man” Norman had a bunch of quality chances. In the back end, Geoff Curphey returned from a weeks rest to channel his inner Paul Coffey with some patented end to end rushes and Mike Courtney said “I can do that too” by jumping into the rush early and often. The Red Wings got strong play from Brad Nickle and The Cleland clan but despite a dozen 2 on 1's could not get more then 2 past David Orr. Big Blair Alton was strong on the back end for the Wings and Joe Skufca showed why his return was greeted with cheers from the Red Wings fans by digging one past the Leafs goalie. The play of the night for the Leafs though – was Captain Talbot remembering to bring the dressing room key out and not locking it in the room like 2 weeks ago – the boys always enjoy a win where they can change after vs sitting in the lobby for 15 minutes as the rink rat finds the bolt cutters. Matt Snyder also had 4 ... game. All decisions made by the MNHL are made with the following considerations in mind (in order of importance):Penalties . Minor penalties are 3 minutes and Major penalties are 7 minutes RUN TIME. The penalty time should start when the puck is dropped at the face off immediately following the penalty and end 3 or 7 minutes later. If a player receives a penalty and is ejected, the short handed team can rotate the players serving the penalty at whistles to avoid having 1 player have to sit in the box the entire duration of the penalty. Any slap shot will result in a Penalty regardless of height. The general rule of thumb is above the knee = slap shot. Each period should be should be set for 35 minutes. Warm ups should be limited to 5 minutes max. Players should strive to get on the ice ASAP. The 9:00 game curfews at 10:2. The 10:30 game curfews at 11:50. The 10:40 game curfews at 12:00. Remember, each game consists of 2 x 35 minute periods. In the last 3 minutes with a differential of 2 or less goals the trailing team sets the pace. Referee should drop the puck when the trailing team is ready and wave off icings by the leading team to keep the game running. The ... minutes. The Kings defeated the Red Wings but no information was provided as Joe was on vacation and Henry yet to return from his “around the world in 80 days” adventure. The first period belonged to the Blue Birds who jumped out to a lead around the 10 minute mark but a motivated Leafs team kept it close with a timely goal from Kevin Rupple. The difference may have been the quick leather oven mitt of Dean “The Thrill” Shill who made countless timely ... end. Despite a 7 minute power play for the Leafs thanks to a major penalty against the Pens – the first in the history of the New MNHL – the Leafs were not able to tie the game. An unidentified Penguin was able to wack in the insurance goal ... 5. Just like the movie title states March of the Penguins, the MNHL version has continued on their journey to fulfill a 15 year long dream for the Pens Captain. With many obstacles still to overcome this dream season has given many teams nightmares. the latest is the under performing Leafs who need more dressing room motivation than financial at this point in the season. With a more comfortable game time star of 10:30 the well napped Pens were brought to life by trimmed down Center Rich ” Biggest Loser” Wooooooton. His recent palates training session and spiritual coaching has him in top form leading the Penguins offense. In typical choreographed Pens offense an end to end rush with no passing lead to the games first goal catching Dave “Not Bobby” Orr off guard and deflating the Leafs. With another rush from the Pens D, a common theme throughout the evening Orr left open the short side which Captain Collett exploited to send the Pens up by 2. Undaunted by this seemingly insurmountable lead ... break. Late into the first period a costly give away in the Penguins zone ended up on the stick of sharp shooter Brian “White Mitts” Thomson, The softest pair of hands the leafs have to offer.1st period ends 2-1 Pens. The game resumed with the Penguins pressing the Leafs and get a fortuitous bounce that sneaks past a frustrated Orr restoring the ... lead. Leafs refused to quit and applied relentless pressure on Penguins with numerous chances thwarted by Shill who's trapper was tested on multiple occasions. A net front stance taken by Leafs biggest offensive threat (LBS that is) Snyder ... winger. With a few face washed exchanged both players exchanged pleasantries and retreated to their benches without further incident. With the new net front presence distraction the Leafs looked to tie the game with a blast from their D. Unfortunately the seldom enforced slap shot rule took precedence and the goal called back – angering an already agitated Leafs forward, previously referenced as their biggest offensive threat, who took matters into his own hands and gingerly worked his way up the ice hoping that no one would displace the puck from him. Bouncing off a few Pens players like a Plinko chip the attack worked and Snyder found a gap in the Pens D to launch ... . and yes this time the goal counted. With the game now 3-2 Pens the Leafs continued to press, a bit ... Snyder. The ensuing Pens powerplay was shut down by the Leafs which brought new life. With 10 minutes remaining an unnamed brain dead Pens captain was ejected for rough play that resulted in a 7 minute Leafs advantage. Shill was outstanding in net as the Leafs dominated play but were unable to bend the twine so valiantly defended by all Pens. empty net goal by O'Niel ended the night for the Leafs who were left wondering if they only had Geoff Curphey would things have turned out differently. A close battle from start to finish, the Whalers jumped out to a 1 goal lead with a top shelf rocket (the little wrapped candy not the space ship kind) from El' Presidente Scott Cortese. The Bruins tied it up before Scotty Duncan of the Green Fish took the baton from Vinny C and did a complete 180 degree wrap around the net before firing top cheese for a 2-1 ... lead. Bummer had an empty netter to add some insurance – but more to pad his stats – to give the Whalers the 3-1 win. Bruins returned to the dressing room to sharpen the harpoon in anticipating of a rematch and discuss the upcoming annual Rod Mitchell Christmas Extravaganza including starting up the coveted Massage Chair rotation. Join the MNHL Boys as they travel the streets of London attempting (for the 4th time) to visit 12 bars in 1 evening like our Christmas fore-fathers used to do. Meet at the Richmond Hotel at 7:00 pm and stagger North ending somewhere, sometime. Any and all players are invited. On MONDAY DECEMBER 18th head on down to Marinos after the game for the Annual MNHL League Christmas Party. The league will spring for a couple pitchers and some food for each team. Jimmy goes off the deep end when the Whalers are unable to score with the goalie pulled to force a tie. Pregame jocularity was quickly replaced by heated competition as the Green sea giants were out ... revenge. Fully recouped from mysterious groin injury Clarke “Wendy” Webster. or Webs to his twitter followers was in no mode for socializing. he was all business as he and fellow line mate Russ Rodriquez were tasked with filling the Pens net after Jimmies pre game lecture. cant really be called coaching because he was reading from a manual about social interaction . not sure what that means. anyway Webs was rewarded with his extra efforts and deposited the games first goal behind Dean “mix master” Shill. The green attacked in waves as the red rocket Chris “bummer i ... occasions. frustrated with his play Chris was resigned to passing to capable forward Scott “top cheese” Cortese who is still trying to master skating with his shiny new skates. you'd think after a month they'd look broken in but no, looks as fresh as the day they left the store. Scott was also in a generous mood laying out passes to his D men who were sent saucer passes that resembled waste high freebie tosses from a 4 year old. The Penguins responded ... Tell. Only Penguin on the roster to remain undefeated despite minus 50 rating. with only 3 D dressed for this important game the normally defensive minded group were seen on many occasions jumping into the play and creating offensive changes on Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin. with persistent pesky pens pressure the ... 1. Frustrated by the relentless pressure applied by Mike Marquis, Mike James was forced into penalty trouble as he accidentally on purpose rubbed out Marquis in the side boards. fortunately for the Whalers the 3 minute minor was killed off and the game remained tied. numerous chances by both teams were thwarted by stellar goal tending with Martin looking for new clients and he used his goal stick to trip up players none of which resulted in booking appointments to his clinica late rush by Pens D Jeff Conway(getting way too much ice time) dangled around the tired Whalers D and potted the go ahead go sending Jimmie retreating to the dressing room to check on something. with less than 3 minutes on the clock and even less on the curfew whalers pull their goalie and pressure the Pens. all for not, Shill stands tall and Pens pull out the win. Post game interview with Coach McCormick was useless as he was stuffing his face with pizza . not that stuff they give away at Marinos. well that's what Jimmie saidBlair proudly struts thru the lobby like a peacock as his baby blue birds remain in top spot in the MNHL with another 2 point take down. Wings goals from Joe Skufca (back from the IR), Andrew Caruthers, Mike Remington, Big Blair Alton, Jeff Stokley, Brad Nickle and Adam Cleland put the Wings ahead on the score sheet. A 3 goal performance from Matt Snyder and a couple goals from other guys helped the Leafs win the game. Basically when Snyder got his 2nd goal he stopped caring about anything and was 100% laser focused on completing the hat trick. Kevin Rupple had 4, John Lierman had multiple, Joe Regnier had a beauty and the Leafs D shut down Adam Foulon who abandoned all back checking responsibilities at the 34 minute mark of the 1st. Leafs struggle after the game when they relaize they locked the keys in the dressing room. The Rink Rat comes to the rescue with the bolt cutters . bill on route to President Cortese. Red Wings blow a 3 goal lead and fall to the mighty Pens despite goals from Adam Cleland, Super Spare Talbot Stevens and returning Captain Joe Skufca. Battle of Birthday Boys . Pens netminder out dueled ... rights. Shill was up to his usual self flashing the catchers mitt often. too often for Altons liking as he had nothing to show for his scoring efforts. he was gifted a few top of the slot give aways which he was unable to bury. i'm guessing Mrs Chara had better gifts to offer up on this milestone birthday for Big Blair. For Dean it was another free Apple music down load, new music from the Grey Cup halftime sweetheart Shinia Twain. Also on Dean's wish list is the dog sled that brought out the megastarRed Wings short couple Clelands. Adam looked a bit out of sorts without his dependable wingers to help break through the Penguins Ice solid D. Andrew has been enjoying too much warm retirment while Evan was deported to Windsor due to shoty play. we'll look for the Wings to rebound when the Cleland roster in back in tackSpeaking of Roster moves. Red Wings activate Joe SKufka off injured reserve. with his first game against the Pens under his belt and surviving the bumps and bruises dished out by the Pens Joe looks to up his game and his anger level. he only complained about the ref once and being knocked down in the Pens crease a couple times. i'm sure that patience wont last long and well see the real Joe out this weekWhalers score early and often on route to a convincing 8-3 win over the Leafs – who are falling in the wrong direction. Whalers goalie Shawn “Dream Crusher” Martin makes glorious save after glorious save and “Wendell” Clarke Webster showed ... mid-air. Could a trip to the Shanghai Over 35 Ping Pong Championships be on his Christmas list? probably not . Captain Talbot at a loss for words while Whalers leader Jimmy “Spare Rules are Only Suggestions” McCormick was never at a loss to add in his post-game comments, finding his way into the Leafs dressing room to gloat and scavenge for food. After the game Leafs forward Matt Snyder was verbally assaulted by a drunk and disillusion fan in the lobby. The Kings faced off against the Bruins with a black cloud hanging over Hollywood's team due to captain Henry Verbakel being away for the first of two straight games. King Henry claimed to be embarking on a motorcycle trip to Nevada and California. However, sources say he was going to be meeting with Playboy big-wigs in Beverly Hills to discuss the Casanova running the Playboy mansion after the recent passing of Hugh Hefner. Henry thought about calling John “Missing in Action” McArthur to spare but backtracked upon remembering Johnny had stiffed him the week before. No other top level spare was found so the Kings went into the contest behind the eight ball. The Bruins came out playing scared after captain “Tiny” Tim Gibson, normally very stoic, blew a gasket a la John Tortorella during the warm-up for a very nonchalant effort. The explosion and stick-banging was so loud that the Whalers-Leafs tilt on Pad A was halted temporarily until the disturbance ended. Unbeknownst to Tim, half of ... time. Chuck “Chucky Doll” Parker decided to direct an extensive stretching session upon hitting the ice that only increased the feeling of sedation. When Tim realized he and Chris Higgins were the only ones skating around after five minutes and goalie Craig “The Professor” Dunbar was texting while sitting in the crease, Tiny lost it. The Bruins peppered the Kings' new goalie with a barrage of shots early on but couldn't bulge the twine. With frustration building, the Bruins finally broke through on a goal about 10 minutes in by Adam Fremeth. Then soon after, Bruins right-winger Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft put one top shelf where grandma keeps the vibrating toys. The Bears went up 3-0 fairly quickly and looked to have the upper hand but no lead, especially in the talent-packed MNHL, is ever safe. Within a few minutes, mainly due to a couple of goals by Kings' right-winger Andrew Sharpe – one on a hard low-corner shot and the other from a bad angle – LA had tied it 3-3. Boston got one from grizzled veteran Higgins to go ahead 4-3 and the Bruins added another to make the score 5-3 with about four minutes left. Then things got very interesting and more tense than Donald Trump before his psychiatric assessment. A couple of Kings (no Kings player could be reached to provide names of goal scorers prior to press time) scored for LA within a minute to tie it up. Thankfully, Bruins' Brandon Schaufele revived a wilting Bruins squad by knocking in a rebound close in to make it 6-5 with approximately 2.5 minutes to go. With two minutes left and Dunbar under a relentless attack in the Bruins' cage, the ref called Boston's Bob Andersen for delay of game after the net was knocked off its moorings. Andersen denied ever doing it, but to no avail. The Bruins hung on by their fingernails and successfully killed off the penalty, taking home two points for the win. King Henry's call out for A replacement to unreliable Johnny ” pickled” Mcarther, had Henry scrambling when Johnny bailed last minute. With little time to waste Henry found replacement and dressed 2 players with the same jersey number. Fortunately the only person in the arena confused with the number selection was Jimmy “Gene Simmons” McCormick who was scrambling to find Henry's call up in his mysterious clip board. Still trying to figure out if Jimmie is carrying this attache to haul around his last will and testament or if its the Honey Due list from his mom. This folder rarely leaves Jimmies possession and only opened to track down give away by Commissioner CorteseBruins blow out of Leafs has Tim Gibson contemplating tweaking his line up with much needed A player. It seems like the 11-3 punishment of the Leafs has Tim in better spirits and enjoying the extra ice time. We'll see if an A player gets the tap for a reinvigorated Bruins line up next week. With only one win to show for their efforts, Commission Cortese was left wondering if these were really all stars or just a collection of best fits willing to sacrifice some pride for a weekend away with the boys. The only thing certain for this team was an early retirement from the bar scene for Johny “i cant feel my face” Mcarthur who was escorted out of yet another drinking establishment. More news on this eventful weekend will surface as flashbacks from the weekend unfold. With another early game start time that seems to disrupt the Pens offence the baby blue where able to post an early 3-0 lead led by leading rookie candidate Jeff Conway. His stealth play and canonizing snap shot helped the Pens push back the aggressive kings lead by pick pocket-er Murray Pratt. Pens usually dependable D man(do we really need to point out the guilty candidate- OK IT WAS ME-Captian Collett) was pressured by onslaught of Kings forwards coughed up the puck to Pratt who went one on one with Shill. needless to say when Pratt beat goaltender Shill he was non to happy with his D. Another unusual mishap at Pens blue line resulted in another give away which Kings capitalize on and brought the Kings within one. after pep talk on the bench the Pens lead by recent trio of MNHL niagara falls all stars, Wooooooton, Duffy and Smith found the chemistry they developed at the Falls and delivered 2 more tallies to give the pens some breathing room. Late addition and mystery D man call up by King Henry was rewarded with late goal energizing the Kings giving hope for a late comeback. with 3 minutes left on the clock the curfew buzzer rang out to the dismay of the surging Kings. In the most straight forward game report in MNHL history, the Leafs sucked and the Bruins were awesome. Between 3 and 8 goals from spare Murray Pratt and some highway robbery from Craig Dunbar left the Leafs contemplating their place in the league after last nights 1 sided affair. Talbot at one point benched himself from defense. Snyder at many points benched him self from back checking. After the game many Leafs were re-introduced to their goalie David Orr who may or may not have cried in the corner of the dressing room post game. With Adam missing, younger brother Evan Cleland picked up the slack with 3 goals for the Red Wings and dad Andy chipped 1 in himself on route to an 8-5 win for the Wings. Blair Alton, Frank Erle and Andrew Caruthers each had 1 for the Wings as well and Syl Pepe had his 1st career MNHL goal. This past weekend the MNHL All Stars travelled to Niagara Falls to participate in an international high stakes hockey tournament. MNHL Commissioner Scott Cortese was even seen attempting to recruit new players. could expansion into the Niagara region be in the MNHL future? Leafs jump out to an early 4-0 lead likely due to Matt Snyder not being at the game which increased Leafs team speed by around 70%. Red Wings star Adam Cleland shows up in time for the 2nd period but the Leafs score early and often. Kevin Rupple gorged himself with 4 goals, with Kevin Noble, John Lierman, and Geoff Curphey each double dipping by scoring twice. The puck was in the Wings' zone so long at times, that Orr, the Leafs' goalie, found time to cook up some pulled pork to enjoy after the game to celebrate the victory. Afterwards Snyder received a text from an unknown Leaf letting him know the league is now moving to Argyle Arena. Snyder has his suspicious that this may be a ploy by the team to have him miss more games, but none the less, will report to Argyle next week. After giving up 9 to the Pens in the first meeting between these two, only surrendering 4 felt like a huge victory to Dunbar. Plus he stopped Wotton on one of his 3 breakaways! ! ! Bruins were short staffed having a couple of late cancellations (the Leafs – Golden Knights post game show was too good to miss! ) so big Tim enlisted Brad Nickle and Kevin Rupple. The Bruins really appreciated their help especially since Kevin risked not getting the pulled pork sandwiches provided by the Leafs (Saint Jimmy saved some for our two relievers thankfully). While their speed helped (even after playing for 90 min) the Pens D was a wall and the few times the Bruins broke through Dean ‘the thrill' Shill was almost impenetrable. Only big Tim managed to score on a laser low blocker side. The only scary moment of the game was when Mike O'Neill went down at mid ice complaining of a cracking sound in his neck. After a few minutes down he was able to get up. After a bit of icing he even made his way to Marino's for some real recovery (that's taking mandatory Marino's night seriously! ). Bruins still searching for A player replacement called up Kevin Rupple to fill the void. having just played the prior game and filled the net in a dominating win over the Red Wings, Rupple was held off the score sheet as Penguins D shut down the Bruins. some crisp passing by well coach Pens had them on the board early with Rich Wooooooooton finding the back of the net. Aggressive fore-checking continued to bottle up the Bruins creating numerous chances that were denied by Dunbar and his trusty mitt. the Pens went up by two when sure handed and recent skate upgraded Steve Boone feathered a shot over Dunbar who was expecting another disk in the webbing of his catching glove. with the Pens seemingly in control of the game Penguins untimely turnover late in first period allowed Timmie two tonne shot, Gibson, to bury a wrister past Shill, who escaped without injurySpeaking of injuries a mid ice collision between two MNHL veterans, Mike O'Neil and Brad Nickle resulted in a premature call out to off ice duty official with 911 speed dial at the ready Jim steady hands McCormick, miss-dialed the number and called his Uber taxi instead (I think its actually his Mom). When the dust settled Nickle was ignored and slumped back to his bench while a collection of Pens and Bruins gathered for prayer session around the injured Penquin. Looked like feeding time at Marineland. O'Neil was helped off the ice and game resumed with a late goal by Rich Woooooooooton solidifying the winAll good on the injury front, both participants were later seen at Marino's retelling there story which nobody really cared about. Sir Henry blasted his trumpet and called in one Adam for the missing other Adam, Cleland for Foulon, but Captain Jimmy put Henry's crown under foot andThe two teams traded blows to the tune of 4 goals each until the second period, when Jimmy left the warm embrace of the lobby to walk around the boards to the edge of the bench in the frigid November arena chill. All Whalers' eyes turned to the side and beheld theirrevered leader for a moment.
spans 1: and the boys said “no way” and walked home with a 6-4
spans 2: to an 8-3
spans 3: good chances to tie the game in the final minute but Sean “Bone Cracker” Martin shut the door with his usual stellar goal
spans 4: held back and was back in action after lying down to regain his senses for a minute or
spans 5: on the bench in the third because of a lack of ice
spans 6: place shot low glove was too much of a stretch this early in the game for
spans 7: rest paid off and Russ was rewarded with his extra efforts scoring to up the pens lead to
spans 8: of a pay back then a give
spans 9: retired MNHL hall of
spans 10: getting screwed over at the “Blind Draft”, Joe is in great spirits and optimist that he'll contend for the cup next
spans 11: up with Skufca in front of Pens net was not enough to inspire a late period come
spans 12: Andy to catapult the Wings over Blairs
spans 13: their 4th win of the
spans 14: for the Leafs with Rupple scoring a couple for the
spans 15: his no movement clause – not a “no movement between teams” clause a literal I am not moving from my spot on this bench” clause
spans 16: 2-0 lead in the 1st but the boys in yellow faughht back to even things in the 2nd thanks to goals from Scott “El Presidente” Cortese and “Tiny” Tim
spans 17: was overheard at the media scrum that Leafs are not the team to beat this season
spans 18: away the sadness of allowing 9 goals in an 80 minute
spans 19: squads goalies Shaun “Bone Cracker” Martin and Patrick “Roy”
spans 20: the night with under 1 minute remaining on a bang – bang
spans 21: Presidente” Scott Cortese has secured for the MNHL Boys the prized 10:00pm ice time at Carling which will allow the League to operate under the following ice times effective immediately:“This has to be the most exciting league news since Ed What's-his-name played Santa at our 2005 Christmas Party at Marinos” — Frank Erle“That's why he's our President
spans 22: after last nights Panzo? The sauce seemed a little funky” — Brad NickleBruins jumped out to an early 3-1 lead but then the goals started coming in all varieties for Jimmys Boys and suddenly it was 5-5 Whalers at the
spans 23: facing a yawning cage -channeled his inner Dick Van Patton and decided “eight is enough” – and left the puck behind the Bruins net before
spans 24: band of gentleman to attend a 6:00 am bag
spans 25: with fresh ice from Zaboni driver and a sterile glove that Jimmie found in the
spans 26: infections and abnormal hair growth
spans 27: story of the night is a 5 goal performance by Joe “The Savy Vet”
spans 28: stick into the net – eyes closed and all for Snyder – seemed like it may be enough but Dean “The Thrill” Shill and Patrick “Roy” Rodriguez both decided enough goals had been scored and shut the door for the rest of the
spans 29: In the 2nd the Bruins got goals from Murray “The Chef” Pratt and Rich “WOO WOO” Wotton to give them a 4-2 lead before Adam “Cherry Pie” Foulon lead the Pens in their comeback bid by shooting puck after puck at Dunbars
spans 30: great JUDGEMENT
spans 31: off and bring it with
spans 32: of
spans 33: a team drafts a player in the 3rd round, they automatically draft said players “new player referral” in the corresponding
spans 34: defensive
spans 35: the league that for 1 year they were the best team that ever lived! The Leafs captured bronze with a 7-3 win over the undermanned
spans 36: 3-1 but captured the Toilet Bowl thanks to total
spans 37: of countless goals from the depths of their roster to punch their ticket to the MNHL Cup
spans 38: had 2 goals in his return to the MNHL ice after a month long
spans 39: 12th for FREE pick up hockey for the MNHL
spans 40: chippy but insprired play got the boys in black into playoff form
spans 41: off President Cortese's
spans 42: head to head in the league final regular season
spans 43: guaranteed the Kings will be back (in the league, that is) next
spans 44: both benches short to start the game the Pens revamped line up moved stay at home D man Blair “Goon” Collett, to Center which proved to be ineffective against the veteran Kevin Rupple who dominated the face offs
spans 45: frame ended
spans 46: turnover that the Leafs capitalized on, tying the game at
spans 47: standings, Pens Captain Blair noted that if he knew the Leafs needed the points remain in the running for 3rd place, he would have tried harder to beat
spans 48: as Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin was a wall, making various back adjusting saves for the Green
spans 49: breaker that team gets the highest seed and the remaining 2 teams follow the regular 2 team tie breaker
spans 50: lockedKings hold on to get 2 points thanks to some spirited play from Henry and the
spans 51: flightless Penguins squad thanks to 2 goals from Birthday Boy Sil Pepe, and 2 from Adam
spans 52: shelf goal worthy of repeating in the write
spans 53: Doctor and a fluttering wrister from the blue line that some how trickled
spans 54: The wafting of pizza dough and pepperoni replaced the usual foul smell of sweat and barley as both players reluctantly joined the short handed
spans 55: the slopes and skies and strapping on other winter apparel Foulon was determined to keep the Kings in this one till the
spans 56: of past performances Ernie lit the lamp twice inspired by the performance of
spans 57: performance from Game one adding a few more in the night cap
spans 58: crossbars but could not find the back of Craig's
spans 59: a late return from Jamaica – helped seal the win for the
spans 60: their tired
spans 61: it was a heart breaker for the
spans 62: by another timely goal by Tyler who dominated the face off circle with some unorthodox face off
spans 63: safe and scored 4 on route to a Bruins
spans 64: slayed the King in this Game of Thrones style beat
spans 65: this is known as a shot but since Barrett rarely takes the opportunity to shoot, we'll just let him call it what he
spans 66: he reported that “I ran out of room to do another toe
spans 67: scored at least 3, some of the true highlight reel
spans 68: captain Skufka who was taking on the extra roll of powering the redwings
spans 69: on turnovers by Pens D to close the early
spans 70: discouraged and pressed on resulting in another snipe by AC who carried the offensive load for the
spans 71: Dean “spin master” Shill rapping to himself as he struggled to delete Selene Dion from his playlistwith the game under control an ill advised rush by Pens D Oniel was rewarded with a goal after hoisting a wrister past wings
spans 72: was delivered later at Marino's as Cortese graciously offered Double Dip Dave the last pizza slice of the
spans 73: minutes as the mighty Red Wings slept upon them, jumped to a quick 4-0
spans 74: Whalers' Cortese was not to be outdone by teammate Webster, matching him goal for goal in duelling
spans 75: the Christmas spirit the Penguins lost back to back games for the first time in MNHL league
spans 76: team bring a cell phone to the bench in case of a medical emergency – the 2 minutes it takes to retrieve a phone from off the ice may be the difference that
spans 77: in addition to Andersen included Gibson, Bancroft, Higgins and Fremeth, who seems to be on a bit of tear scoring in 2 straight
spans 78: best part was to come as the team descended on casa-Mitchell for beer, food and, of course the massage chair! another early game time start for Pens who prefer pregame 9pm naps were preyed upon by carnivorous Bruins lead by burly D Captain
spans 79: puck out of the back of the
spans 80: up the ice, Rich “keep shooting” Wooton averaging 25 shots per game was kept off the
spans 81: defending is provided by Dunbar who has found his grove and turns back numerous chances by
spans 82: off his mask and decided to hold an impromptu meeting with the referee in a not so quiet
spans 83: goals including a natural hat trick, unfortunately he didn't see any of them go in because he played with his head down the entire
spans 84: trailing captain should be communicating this to the referee during the final
spans 85: saves to stall any hopes of a Leafs comeback, and the smooth skating of Jeff Conway who controlled the pace of play for the Penguins from the back
spans 86: when Talbot called the goalie to the bench with just over 2 minutes remaining – a move Talbot credited to the analytics department of the Leafs who calculated their their chance of tying the game improved from 0.05% to 0.07% if they had an additional 40 seconds of 6 vs
spans 87: the Leafs regrouped and started to pressure the stubborn pens who refused to
spans 88: Pens 2 goal
spans 89: was in Shills kitchen with pastry chef Mike O'Niel trying to dust off the
spans 90: a hail mary into the back of the net
spans 91: too hard as Shill was accidentally run over by Leafs forward, good thing it wasn't
spans 92: Whalers
spans 93: for
spans 94: cant score” Bumbacco was denied on numerous
spans 95: with consistent and steady play from their forwards led by Ernie “Lucky Charm”
spans 96: game was tied on a fortuitous bounce which knotted the game at
spans 97: Red Wings intimidating D Man Blair “Chara” Alton in battle for birthday bragging
spans 98: the hand-eye coordination of a young Asian ping pong player by knocking at least 3 pucks out of
spans 99: the Bruins players had fallen asleep in the dressing pre-game as the Zamboni driver had apparently done the same and didn't have the ice ready nearly on
User: More spans: Jimmy simply nodded his chin once and the Whalers, in acknowledgement, turned back to the game at hand and proceeded to score goal after goal until they finished at 7-4. Injuries and mishaps were plentiful with Josh Scott going hard into the net with Henry and goalie Shawn beneath his girthy mass. Josh left the ice a few minutes later with his wrist looking like Popeye after a fresh can of spinach. Superstar Webster who scored a beauty give and go goal assisted by Bambi Skates Cortese, also took a Chester shot to the ... breakaway. He was stoned by Chris the tender however, the second of two breakaways he turned away while laughing. On the other side, someone on the Kings shattered a skate moulding and left white plasticshrapnel all over the ice while Murray Pratt circled to ... good. Mandatory Marinos was a solid success once again, clearing out at 2:30 am . a lot of half ass production going on out there right now by the MNHL'ers, who like days of ... careers. After a 5 game undefeated ... 3-2. Penguins looked to be continuing with their winning ways with early goal by dominate D man Jeff beating Leafs Goalie Dave “Not Bobby” Orr low stick side to stake Pens to early lead. The quick start did not deflate the short handed Leafs who were counting on call ups to bolster a depleted bench. Not sure if that was due to Leafs post game food menu or just a general lack of enthusiam to play the league leading Pens. Leafs were determined to even the score and take advantage of poor officiating from a ... uniform. A few marginal calls that ... . oh wait no those are just ear buds from his 1980's sony walkman” Shill. The Leafs were not distracted by these outburst and continued to crash the net, which apparently was dislodged prior to the Leafs tying goal. A claim later confirmed by acting on ice official Talbot Stevens, as a good goal, while coaching the ref during the whole proceedings. Leafs continued to pressure the frustrated Pens who were still baffled by the officiating which was reported better than last week, by unknown Leaf player, well we actually do know but whatever, which the Leafs coincidentally lost 3-2. I would be complaining about that reffing tooLeafs go ahead with some nifty stick handling by sure handed Rumple, as he deposited shot behind Shill with Matt Snyder looking on with disbelief – or it could have been exhaustion and he was trying to keep up to Kevin the whole game. Leafs make is a 2 goal lead, again probably due to offside that was missed but this didn't phase the Pens who were mounting a come back but ran into penalty trouble after Pens forward Mike Marquis was molested in the corner and tried to extradite himself from the clutches of Geoff Curphey accidentally clipped him with high stick which Talbot was quick to point out. With the Pens one man down, Pens D in an attempt to ice the puck was called for stick infraction – aka Slap Shot Rule – which after consultation with Ref, Talbot agreed that this was in fact a penalty and put the Penguins down 2 men. With less than a mintue to play and the crock pot timer going off the ref was confronted by Leafs players(Talbot) to end the game before Jimmie ... subs. Talbot 10 out of 10 as he did reach out to the Pens players and invited the losers to feast on their spoils for the evening. Only taker was late comer Ernie “smells like KFC” Tell who thought the game was at 10:30 and had to smell like he played hockey before he left the arena. Penguins passed on post game beers so they could enjoy some While (aka wine) with ... Cheese. Wings get 2 goals from Frank “The Tank” Erle, 2 from Adam “Bang Bang” Cleland, 1 from his brother Evan “Ever Night” Cleland and Russel “Don't sleep on ... year. No comment from Kings . Henry's analytics department is currently reviewing the corsi rating of every player on the team in hopes of finding a way to get back in the winners column. Bruins reporter Craig Dunbar reports the score may have been 8 but no signal from the ref on a last second goal, but Craig's a professor so you know he can't lie. The mighty Bruins get their 2nd win of the year and discovered the needed formula for success. As long as Bob “The Dean” Andersen gets a hat trick the Bruins are fine. ... goals. The second would definitely be a goal of the year contender as he flipped in a one handed backhand ‘Crosby style'. The Whalers perhaps did not take the cellar dwelling Bruins seriously and had an off night. Chris Bumbacco tried to single handedly will the Whalers back into contention with several second period dangles (does he ever get tired? ), netting one beauty low blocker side off the post. In spite of stellar offensive efforts by Clark and Chester the hole was too big to dig out. The best news for the Bruins was not the rare win but rather the arrival of a stocked cooler this week after our dry rehab last Monday. Adam Fremeth definitely nets first star! I've created a new “MAX your RRSP Strategy“ Blueprint, and I'm looking for investors interested in providing feedback. After discussing one of the blueprint's ideas with David Chilton, he added a new chapter to his latest book, The Wealthy Barber Returns, to address it. Combined, the ideas in the blueprint should help typical investors be MUCH more effective at building retirement funds. In addition to learning some wealth-building concepts, the feedback group will get a free “MAX your RRSP” spreadsheet to quantify how much your RRSP savings can improve. Mis-communication saw the Royal Ones without a tendy but Scott sprung into action and sent out the “Dean-Signal” so Deaner was on route. The Leafs and Kings decided to scrimmage until DEan showed and then start the official game. After falling behind on a fluke goal off a D-mans skates, the Buds and Kings traded chances but neither could jump ahead and the ugly goal to start the game remained as the decider with a 3-2 Kings victory. Things looked good as the Bruins lead 1-0 after the first hour on a strange knuckle ball by Bancroft. Nickle opened the wings scoring on his own knuckle ball from the blue line and the floodgates opened for the Wings. The Bruins were left with a sour taste of what could have been and to add insult ... evening). Pens Shill stymies Whalers who at times resembled the logo on the Whalers jersey, but did have the oven mitts working overtimeTypically a slow starting team the Pens came out flying (contrary to natural instinct to waddle) with 2 quick goals on some nifty passing from penguins forwards. Richard Wooooooton, continued his scoring prowess netting 2 with singles going to Dave Rosen and Steve Boone. With Whalers down 3 ... charge. His tenacious back checking forced numerous turnovers in the Pens side of center ice(tired legs I guess? ) creating numerous scoring chances for the green machine. Shill was called upon on many occasions thwarting the offensive pressure applied by Bummer and supporting winger, yes just one winger as Scott Cortese was occupied with breaking in new skates and looked like bambie on ice. i guess wearing them in the house all day didnt help and probably scratched up the hardwood flooringWhalers pressure resulting in consecutive goals to narrow the pens lead to 1 before Jeff Conway injected energy into the pens office with a couple of lazer shots that bent the twin behind Bonecracker Martin. have to mention that Clark Webster did score tonight on bad Pens D giveaway. Pens felt sorry for the Wendel as he was trying so hard to score a goal tonight. Ice time controversy took over at end of the game as Whalers continued to play past ... curfew. Many Whalers were arguing for more time to even the score which Pens reluctantly obliged. Notably missing from the debate was Commish Cortese who continued to be distracted with his new skates . Not sure if he was cleaning the snow off his blades or rubbing out the skuff marksPens were up 5-1 with their 2 lines vs. Whalers' 3 lines but slowed down a bit later in the game and the Whalers kept coming within 1 but couldn't tie it up. ... blades. Some Whalers goals by Andrew Bratton, Clark Webster, ... think. Domenic was flying down the middle of the ice in the first and ran into a brick wall named Josh Scott which resulted in Domenic leaving the ice in disgust. The Pens found his jersey on the floor of the dressing room after the game. Will we ever see the Domineister again? ? Captain Collett was feeling gracious and allowed an extended 5 minutes at the end of the game but the Whalers couldn't tie it up with the empty net. The Bruins had the shot advantage by a large margin but the Kings got the better goaltending according to Bruins goalie Craig Dunbar. The Bruins gave up multiple breakaways to Kings forward Adam Foulon who took up his usual spot behind the defense – something the Bruins should be aware of as they benefited from it for years – Foulon with 2 on the night. Chris Bumbacco sparing for the Bruins John MacArthur who seems to have left the league after only 1 game – claiming he didn't look good in yellow. The only positive for the Bruins was the arrival of a new baby for Andy Leung – Congratulations Andy! 3 goals from the Clelands (Adam x 2, Evan x 1) wasn't enough for the Red Wings who fell to the Pens. Blair's game report should arrive sometime between 10:00 am and Friday evening, as Blair isn't really one for “being on time” . Blair has awoken and provided this game report, received at 6:19 Tuesday (18 hours and 19 minutes after the fact). Penguins vs Red Wings saw Cleland Clan enter a new era after enjoying a successful run with perennial cellar dweller Penguins. Pregame jocularity was replaced by amped up energy as the Wings took an early lead over the typical slow starting Penguins. Cleland sporting #19 looked the part as he opened the scoring with lazer like precision beating “The Thrill” low glove. Recently found pair of hands by Ernie “Dont” Tell evened the score with a round the horn shot ringing off every piece of metal in the net. The daunting D pairing of Alton and Carruthers were intimidating the Pens early but relentless pressure applied by Mike Marquis frustrated the Wings D. Unfortunately for M&M his last dipsidoodle was met by the pair running over the Mike with Alton nervously sitting on top of him asking if his shoulder was OK. The ensuing power play resulted in ... sensitive. Penguins deep bench pays off as fresh feet on the ice wore out the Wings. Numerous scoring chances were stymied by the Wings tender Patrick “I cant stop smiling” Rodriguez – back from his vacation last week that saw the Wings play with no goalie. Not to be outdone, numerous defensive turnovers by the usually dependable Pen's D keep goalie Shill sharp as he bailed out each defencemen who were coughing up the puck like a bad Buckleys commercial. “Wendel” Clarke Webster was a terror for the Leafs, in his beautiful green jersey he went in and out of the Leafs zone like a dollar bill into a strippers g-string. Shawn Martin was stingy in net for the Big Green Fish, reminiscent of an old man who won't share his change with the homeless guy on the street. Leafs D-Man turned offensive ... enough. Snyder thought he had one late but it ... out. Red Wings took one on the chin last night when ... found. The Whalers smelled blood in the water and jumped out to an early lead pumping 12 goals past the brave but un-equipped Russ Smith who basically stood in the net without equipment and did his best. The referee decided he had seen enough and found some pads and was able to help salvage a game and with a goalie in net the Wings actually won 3-1 but, this is the MNHL and we're cut-throat so the final score reads 13-3. Turn out for Turkey bowl favored the Penguins as King Henry and the round table of 8 were worn down by the Persistent Pens Pressure. Early goals from the Kings staked them to a 2-0 lead before the gravy dried off of Dean “The Thrill” Shills jersey. Pens relentlessly attacked lead by returning Vet Dom Cuzzocrea, aka Hattie, who found the net 3 times on his return to MNHL from a long rested summer vacation – looks like the extra skates with Junior is paying off. Kings Roof Daddy Adam Foulong showed no presence of Tryptophan as he carved through the ice and ripped a shot over the greasy oven mitt of Shill. Henry plea bargains for shorter second half due to poor turnout he blames on turkey. Ref seems confident of time and slaps up another 35 minutes which motivated the Penguins squad, who had a full turn out on Turkey day and showed no compassion for the Kings. Rich “Garbage Goal” Wooton – not to be outdone by the crafty vet Cuzzocrea – went hard to the net and was rewarded not once, not twice but 3 times with three crappy shovel the garbage into the back of the net goals. With the Kings dejected by the onslaught from the ice turkeys, the Pens wore out the Kings in the second half for a 6-4 win. After the game many Kings players were seen bent over in dejection, not sure if they were coughing up a lodged turnkey bone or just fatigued from the game. Pens are happy to report the defibrillator ... battle. Quite the defensive battle by a couple of goalies with something to prove. Dunbar fresh off ... of. Dunbar was solid despite being challenged all game – by both shots and Snyders big old booty in his face for a good portion of the game. Bruins already down players skated with 9 including super sub Cleland in place of the Unicorn John MacArthur. Big Tim steady's the game on the back end. Lierman, Rupple, Noble and Curphey provide all the offensive chances the ... paper. Looks like Pens Goalie Shill is still on fire after losing his iPod following the previous MNHL game. A GAA of 2.00 was suggesting Dean was being dangled as trade bait – but no takers. Not so fast MNHL Insiders, his game is about to weaken as he'll be distracted by having to change CD's on his new (vintage) Sony Discman. Dean is storing his CD's on the bench and constantly asking his D-Men for new play list – very distracting for all so the Pens GAA is bound to suffer. Full bench of players could ... time. From the sounds emanating from the lobby, the Whalers were giving the Kings one hell of a whooping. Jimmy frantically willed his Mean Green Hockey Machine to “shoooooooooooooooooooooooooot the puuuuuuuuuuuuck” and shoot it they did. No specific details of the game because Jimmy was 8 beers in and couldn't remember anyones name, but the Whalers come away with 2 valuable points in what is turning out to be a close first month of MNHL action. After a fluky goal that put the Wings up 1-0 the Leafs said “f**k this s**t” and decided to control the puck the the rest ... game. Kevin Rupple had 2 fantastic goals and newcomer John Lierman went bar down on Wings goalie Patty Rods. The Cleland line had a bunch of chances but couldn't find the back of the net. Rumors are that Poppa Andy might have grounded the boys after one of them missed a ... net. Here's hoping those 3 don't heat up soon – could be trouble for the rest of the MNHL. Wing were down a bunch of guys due to injuries, Leafs were up a bunch of guys due to none of them skate hard enough to get hurt. Dunbar sent me a 3:00 am text with the score that strangely smelled like Sambuca thru the phone, in what we can only guess was an attempt to “drink this one away” for the big bad Bruins. I'm not sure what's worse, getting pounded 9-1 or having to listen to Blair talk about it all night ... after. In what could be described as both an AMAZING display of goal tending and a DISGUSTING display of offensive hockey, the Pens and Leafs managed to stumble to a 0-0 tie game that saw both teams combine for 2 shots and 0 scoring chances of quality. Some of the boys commented that it was the first 0-0 tie in the 35 year MNHL history, which if true, further compounds the futility of the performance. After the game comments such as “what the f**k did I just participate in? ” or “I can't believe I wasted an hour of my life for that” and “Are we really that shitty at hockey” could be ... teams. When the referee was asked to comment on the skill level of the game, he only laughed before shaking his head and walking away in disgust. Great games from Pens goalie Dean “The Thrill” Shill and King turned Leaf for a night Scott Bannister who both closed the door several times. Dean ... offense. New comer Colin Duffy still trying to figure out Remind app was being cursed by teammates for not showing up to game leaving questions about his commitment to the team. Colin was responsible for post game refreshments and not showing up was not sitting well with ... Collett. Leaving the ice dejected after 0-0 draw teammates were overjoyed to see Colin ... score. Usually reliable point getter Matt Snyder was one of ... Wings. Wings Captain turned Joe Skufka was seen hobbling around rink lobby cursing his team for lack of commitment and having to pick up spares like Snyder. The Whalers built an impressive 3-1 lead lead by a beautiful set up from Chris Bumbacco on a two on one with a nice back door pass. Savy Vet Steve Adams swept a backhand shot off the post for the third Whalers goal and it looked like night night for the Bruins. The TSN turning point may have been a missed opportunity by the “El Presidente” on another great backdoor pass where Scott Cortese fanned on the tip in facing a wide open net. “The Dean” Bob Andersen scored three including a great bar down redirection and a shorthanded goal after stealing the puck behind the Whaler's net. “The Coach” Chris Higgins capped the comeback by burying a rebound late to give the Bruins the 2 points. The Wings jumped out early thanks to Adam Cleland working ... Andy. Late in the game Poppa Cleland says “not so fast son, anything you can do your old man ... . We suspect that one got settled at home. Kings newcomer Jeremy Morehouse makes a great impression on his new squad by forgetting his pants for game 1, I guess that's one way to keep expectations low early in the season. He got supplied a pair and played a steady game in the back end. Late in the game Kings captain Henry “Hank” Verbakel units the law firm of “Pratt, Verbakel and Foulon” but their motion to pass a goal is denied by the Judge and they are forced to pay costs to the Wings in the form of 2 points in the standings . those were legal references for the laymans. The smell of hockey is in the air. Musty jerseys, stinky gloves and the beautiful aroma of tape to tape passes. MNHL is back in action. Games kicked off at 10:00 with the Bruins taking on the Red Wings. Wings Captain Joe Skufca calls on the Power of 3 .3 Clelands that is and is able to fly out of the gate with a 6-1 win. Ol' Dunbar must have had 1 eye on the Monday Night Football game – maybe the Bruins miss Foulon more then they figured, but probably not. A close game for a while until the Wings potted 4 in the last 10 minutes which is actually a moral victory for Dunbar who usually allows 8+ in the first week as he plays himself into “game shape”. Henry's million dollar team jumped out to a wide lead after 20 minutes of back and forth (a lot of forth, not much back) play. Kings off season free-agent pick up Adam Foulon flew around in his black jersey looking young and spry. Black is slimming after all. When asked about the transition to the Kings after a career in Bruins Yellow, Foulon noted that he just went where the money was when he signed that big free agent contract – when reminded that free agent contracts were against MNHL rules Foulon backtracked before going home to his brand new 5 bedroom house with the “Sold by Henry” sign on the front lawn . The MNHL is investigating. Leafs start the come back around the 50 minute mark eventually bringing it back to within 1 but the rink rat hit the curfew button on the Leafs with 50 seconds left on the clock and a tying goal inevitable. Only 1 game in and we almost had our first ejection of the season when Snyder came close to throwing a hay-maker after getting held on the play only to realize it was Henry grabbing him from behind . Verbakel has no idea how close he came to getting karate chopped by the XXL Leafs “Power” Forward. Rumblings in the Kings ranks already when it was reported that they didn't have beer in the room after the game. WTF? Close game that saw the score 2-1 Pens late and the Whalers buzzing to tie, but an empty netter with seconds remaining ended Jimmy's dream of an opening night victory. Penguins looking to rebound from last years poor play off performance and grudge match against demoted Leaf and new Whaler Star “Wendell” Clark Webster. The Resident MNHL Goon Blair Collett found a crack in Shawn “The Bone Cracker” Martin's armour to put Pen's up by 1 early in the contest . hey even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Lots of summer rust was displayed by both squads as goaltenders stole the show with numerous breakaway saves. Remember, back checking is only a suggestion in the MNHL. Only Scott “El Presidente” Cortese was in mid-season form in his first game with the Mean Green Whaling Machine against his old team the Baby Blue Birds. The ... clock. Rich Wotton wearing the incognito orange socks was lighting it up again setting up Marquis with a pass for an open net goal but the pass was more like a dump in. The puck eventually found the back of the net at the buzzer which was hottly contested but by the time the video review came back the game was already over and the Zamboni on his 3rd lapBest news of the night no injuries to report and great turn out at Marino's. Here's hoping Jimmie didnt go home with Super Women. During the post game press conference Jimmy was asked for some details on the game but he only responded with a pretty insulting profanity filled rant and then passed out in the corner so I have no idea how the Whalers took the loss. Rumors out of the Penguins camp are suggesting that Power Forward Tyler Smith could miss the season opener with a mysterious “total body” injury i. his “total body” is in another province. The buzz on the street was the league wide re-drafting of the MNHL. New friendships created – old rivalry's re-kindled – Jimmy still arguing every decision. The league was split into groups of players of equal ability and experience to ensure that each team was as close to balanced as possible. The shake-up was evident in the first round when the bingo balls fell and the Bruins Triple Threat of Foulon / Dunbar / Gibson was . SPLIT UP? Adam Foulon to the KINGS! ! ! ! ! ... . Jimmys mom is upstairs)Skip forward a few rounds . Penguins Captain Blair “The ... says. Penguins select Tyler Smith . Blair comments “I KNOW I slashed that guy last year”. Penguins select Rich Wotton . Blair comments “I think that guy slashed ME last year”The draft continued until all players except Matt Snyder were selected. The captains then had a draw to see who would end up with Matt Snyder . – Heated race to draft Rod Mitchell – not only for his ... . The hockey gods work in mysterious ways Talbot– After all of the mixing and matching, Craig Dunbar ends up back in the Bruins yellow. Some things are just meant to be I guess. A fine suggestion from Pens Captain Blair Collett last night at the draft was voted on and approved by the Board of Governors:After the games, head to Marinos for a drink and some wings and mingle with the rest of the boys in the league. Stay for 1 or (if you're the Penguins) Stay for a few. It's not really mandatory but you can tell your wife it is! This league the MNHL will dump the entire league into a blender and mix it up with – what should become an annual event – an entire league roster draft – all players are eligible. Commissioner Scott Cortese recently confirmed that the MNHL will move to 90 minute games in time for the start of the 2017-2018 season. The league rosters will increase from 10 to 12 players per team and games will now start at 9:00, 10:00 or 10:30.2018-2019 fees were $420.00 per skater / goalies pay half. Returning players often get the opportunity to sign up with an early bird discount. We re-draft teams every year using a blind draft trying to balance the teams as much as possible. This allows players to meet new guys each year as players change teams every season. It's a social, relaxed league, more organized then pick up but less ... NHL. Players want to win but people don't usually worry if they lose, as long as there's beers in ... after. The league is run by a Board of Team Captains that make the decisions as a group with a President, Treasurer and Secretary that handle the administrative duties. Moderately paced hockey followed by cold beers and the usual dressing room banter to follow. Meet some good guys and get out of the house for a few hours on Mondays. Regular hockey equipment, some sort of face protection (half visor minimum) is recommended. Most players wear shoulder pads, some choose not to. Players who suffer season ending injury may be able to obtain a partial refund if a replacement player is found. Transactions of that nature will be handled directly between the injured player and replacement player. The MNHL will not facilitate. Remember it's beer league hockey and the guy you are trying to fight might end up on your team next year. Join is we're always looking for new players. The MNHL will begin taking returning player registrations for the 2018-2019 season shortly at an early bird rate. Registration is opened to new players following the completion of the season (end of March) first paid – first served until all 72 skater and 6 goalie spots are filled. New players are always welcome and encouraged to join the boys! The season starts in late September. Interested in joining the MNHL next season? Email us at [email protected] for information on how to register and pay via e-transfer. In an amazing MNHL Championship the Kings defeated the Bruins 3-2 in OT to capture their 1st MNHL Cup. In a game between the top 2 teams in the league, both squads looked focused and primed for some great old time hockey. After 20 minutes of back and forth tough, defensive hockey the Kings opened the scoring with 25 minutes left when Chris Bumbacco took a loose puck from his blue line and caught the Bruins on a change, using his above average speed to skate in on Bruins goalie Craig Dunbar before finding the back of the net. Shortly after, Bruins sniper Adam Foulon was taken down on a break away and rewarded with a . Alas, Adam was unable to score. You can check out this super disappointing attempt at a penalty shot below in our live MNHL Video. Bumbacco got his 2nd with 19 minutes left on a scramble in front to put the Kings up 2-0. It looked all but over for the Bruins . or was it? Bruins get on the board with 13 minutes left on another playoff like scramble in front to make it 2-1. Minutes before the final buzzer, the Bruins would tie it and after a frantic final 2 minutes the buzzer would sound and send the game into sudden death 3 on 3 overtime.3 on 3 sounds exciting, unless it's played between a bunch of old guys who aren't allowed to change at the whistle. A couple of chances but mostly some patient puck control from the Bruins, it looked like this game would go to a shoot out. With just over a minute left, the Kings blocked a shot and turned around on the attack, a 2 on 0. The play looked to be off side, was it? ... middle. Kings forward Dave Bancroft shoots and the rebound is smacked in by Rich ... Champions. A tough loss for the Bruins on such a close play at the blue line. But quite honestly an amazing game between 2 great teams. Bruins captain Tim Gibson, initially upset over the non call calms his team and accepts the decision graciously, showing what the MNHL is all about. In the 3rd place game, the Leafs defeated the Penguins to capture the Bronze medal which entitles them to . Over in the late game for 5th place the Whalers and Red Wings tied 4-4 solidifying each as the worst team in the league. Call it a tie for 5 1/2 place. The 2016-2017 season is over. The ... relax. October and the 2017-2018 season will be here before you know it. In the late game over on rink B, the Whalers and Red Wings slap it out to see who really is the worst ... season. The Bruins punched their way into the MNHL Cup Finals for a 2nd year with a ... Leafs. Last year, Talbot and his rag tag bunch team known as the Hawks pulled the upset of the year defeating the Bruins in the finals. The mighty Kings were able to roll into the MNHL Cup Finals, proving to the MNHL Head of Hockey Operations that they were the better team. Still upset over missing that bye week due to the tie-breaker, Henry and his boys in Black stomped out the Penguins like Batman defeating well . The toilet ... rat. It wouldn't be March Madness with out a Cinderella Story and the 5th seed Leafs provided that with a stunning 2-1 win over the 4th seed Whalers. After a tight 1st period, the Leafs get on the board when the Dominator pounced on a juicy rebound from in close and put it past Dean “The ... Shill. A disallowed Whalers goal in the 3rd keeps it 1-0 before the Leafs pop an insurance goal on a beautiful pass up the middle to “Wendel” Clarke Webster who ... net. In a battle of 3 vs 6, the Red Wings strike 1st ... Marten. The Kings would come back ... mark. Kings were helped by their NHL call up, I guess Henry skipped the AHL section of the spare list and went right to the big leagues. Would the Red Wings lay down? No, they faught back with 5 unanswered goals of their own and at one point the Kings held on to a narrow 6-5 lead with the Wings buzzing, ... Penguins. In exhibition action, the 1st and 2nd seed battled but really, it was an exhibition game so who cares who won. Better record vs next highest team . Kings went 3-2-0 vs Bruins for 6 of 10 possible points (60%). Penguins went 2-1-1 vs Bruins for 5 of 8 possible points (62.5%)Bruins managed to get 2 subs – Beliveau and Jackson and both made early impacts. Ryan scored 2 early and Dan got 1. Steve Adams scored the 4th giving the Bruins a 4-0 lead. With the short bench the Bruins just held on for the win. Best save of the night must be credited to Michael Jackson who swatted away a sure goal near the goal line. In a game that had much importance for the Kings but little for the Whalers, the Whalers played spoiler and ended LA's hopes of a top-2 finish. The Kings knew when they stepped on the ice that a tie or a win would put them in first or second place, giving them a welcome first-week playoff bye. A lack of urgency and hard work certainly weren't the downfalls of the black and silver squad on this night. The Kings outplayed the Whalers for ... margin. Hartford goalie Dean “The Thrill” Schill was up for the challenge and made some great saves as he frustrated Kings' shooters time and again. However, the Kings were also guilty of not capitalizing on a handful of mouth-watering chances. ... cages. Kevin “Straight Outta St. Thomas” Rupple was showing off his usual blasts of speed and opened the scoring for ... Martin. About five minutes later, Kings' defenceman Geoff “99” Curphey, showing Pavel Bure-like speed as he flew by a few Whalers on a rush, deked ... 1-1. Rupple was heard immediately after loudly showing concern for the condition of the referee's eyes and suggested he needed to visit one of London's fine optometrists. Rupple ... Curphey. The ref, no sucker for punishment, quickly shot back at Rupple with some ferocious words of his own. Both men were seen with watery eyes at the ensuing faceoff and in a touching moment last seen at a men's hockey game of any kind back in Dec.1912, they shook hands and hugged, calling an end to the short spat. With around eight minutes left, the Whalers got some sustained pressure in the Kings' end. In a mad scramble in front of Martin, Brad “Sudbury” Nickle pounced on a loose puck in the crease and poked it in to give the Whalers the go-ahead goal. The Kings went all out in the last few minutes, enjoying some outstanding chances, but couldn't convert to get the much-needed equalizer. What a finish! Penguins needing the win to possibly capture 2nd place and the Wings looking to get out of the basement. Back and forth game had some rough and tumble play but the last 30 seconds is all that matters. Tied at 2, both teams pushing for the win, a tie helps neither, Bernie goes on a breakaway, Blair hustles back to back check. In a game with serious playoff implications, the Penguins cruised to a 2-0 victory and jumped ahead of the Whalers into 3rd place with 1 game to go. The Whalers enjoyed some KFC after the game but on this night, they were the only Fried ... Carling. A back and forth game that saw both Goalies suffer some nervous breakdowns during points in the game. Leafs were up 6-3 at one point when the Wings went on a 5-0 run. Snyder hits the empty net with under a minute to make it 8-6 and attempted to ride the stick but realized that his 75 flex likely wouldn't support his weight. The Leafs come back down and score again to make it 8-7 with the clock ticking down. Another mad rush from the Leafs but they were unable to net the equalizer and the Wings stay alive in the battle for 5th place, now 1 point behind the Leafs going into the season finale. A battle with 1st place on the line. A Bruins win locks up 1st place while a Kings victory makes week 22 all so important. In a battle of the MNHL's two best teams, the Kings came out flying and out chanced the mighty Bruins en route to a ... victory. Perhaps the Bruins were thrown off by the late west coast start of 10:30 or unsettled because of the absence of their star forward Adam “Cherry Pie” Foulon. Rumours abounded before the game that Cherry Pie was on an extended cruise in the sunny south, but would be back for the start of the playoffs. The Kings had the bears on their heels early and only the usual stellar play of Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar kept the score low. Dunbar, who was unsure if he would be able to play this season in Aug. due to a herniated disk, proved on Monday night, like a fine wine, he only gets better ... age. Brian “Corn Syrup” Thompson of the Kings opened the scoring for his squad about 10 minutes in off a rebound right by the crease. With the tally, Thompson had his third goal in two games. Like the planet we inhabit, he is getting very warm before the playoffs even start – a good news story for the Kings. Either ... save. Even teammates after the game weren't sure who should get credit as both men are of a ... opposition. A while later, LA's Rich “Big and Rich” Wotton had a glorious chance to put his team up a goal. His shot appeared to leak through a part of Dunbar's padding and lay near the goal line for a couple of seconds. Unfortunately for Wotton, “Tiny” Tim Gibson, the Bruins massive captain, managed to impede ... in. Back at the bench, Wotton, a large body himself, was in shock and awe as he said Gibson had kept him from moving toward the puck with only the first finger on his right glove hand. With four or five minutes left in the game, Kings' Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco and Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft found themselves on a 2-on-1 against Gibson. In an unprecedented move, Gibson instructed Bancroft to shoot as he skated closer to the net. Not wanting to defy the intimidating behemoth, Bancroft shot a missile low corner just off the post to give the Kings a hard-fought victory. Jimmy was sneaking around the Wings dressing room ... attack. You gotta give it to Jimmy, he's going all out to ... Playoffs. The Dead Wings jump out to an early lead thanks to a 1st shift goal from Bernie “The Natural” Klacer. Bryce Freckleton sneaks behind the Whalers D to give the Wings a 2-1 lead but again, the Whalers tie it. Late in the game, the Whalers get behind the Wings D and get the game winner. The stink of another blown Red Wings win lingered in the dressing room like a dead raccoon. Several Wings chances were denied due to Dean “The Thrill” Shill and his right handed glove. How is anyone supposed to score on him when his glove is on the wrong side. The tall boys on ice helped sooth the pain for the Wings. Unfortunately the Budweiser cans were the only tall boys wearing red last night. Fittingly, the Whalers enjoyed some post game Chicken Wings, the 2nd serving of Wings they chewed up and spit out last night. I think it's pretty obvious what happened here . The Bruins team didn't show up, the Penguins played 5 on 0 for 50 minutes and still allowed 2 goals against. Some will blame old age, others will blame the wear and tear of his glamorous movie star lifestyle — private jets to Las Vegas, early morning return flights, the club scene, the money, the women — regardless, 5-3, 5-4, 6-3, 6-4 were all thrown around but ... place. The Kings were in tough for this game as they were two players short. Captain Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel was supposed to get two spares before he left on his motorcycle cruising holiday in Nevada on the weekend. However, 15 minutes before the game, no fill-ins had turned up. Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft got on the phone to ... casinos. Speaking from one of the blackjack tables, he said, “I am up $5,000 and about to win ... $1,000. Beer's on me this season and next.” When asked who was taking his place, Henry said, “Somebody. Gotta go.”The game started at a fast pace with both goalies Dave “Bobby” Orr of the Penguins and Kings' Shawn “Bone Cracker” ... stops. “All-Star” Adam Cleland opened the scoring for the wobbly birds sometime between 5-15 minutes in (can't remember) off a close-in shot that Martin didn't have ... at. About five minutes later, Rich “Big and Rich” Wotton of the Kings evened the score at 1 when he bulged the twine. Scott “El Presidente” Cortese swung the momentum in the Penguins favour with 15 minutes left when he fired in a hard, low shot between Martin's legs from about 15 feet out to put his team in front 2-1. As the game wore on, ... rebounds. In what's believed to be a MNHL first, likely a very uncouth King cleared the bench soon after Cortese's go-ahead tally at a whistle with what is believed to be a rancid and potent fart. (Some Kings stated they saw Blair “The Goon” Collett subtly lift his leg and smile as he skated slowly by the bench before the stench took hold. Although no culprit was ever collared for this offence, the normally well-behaved Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco looked very guilty as he leaned on the bench boards while everyone else moved at least 10 feet away. Unfortunately, not even an odor stronger than smelling salts could give the Kings more energy to get back into the contest. Kevin “The Prince” Noble and Adam Cleland put two ... win. A great game until the end. Wings get on the board early on a Klacier from ... Dunbar. Bruins score late to make it 3-1 and the game looks over, but the Wings fight back with the goalie out, scoring with under a minute to make it 3-2. Slow reffing eats precious seconds from the Wings comeback but even then, the game ends with the Wings buzzing around the net and Dunbar making a big save on the would-be tying goal. Definitely could have gone either way with both teams having moments of offensive zone dominance, cycling and passing the puck. A few penalties on some obvious ... ears. When asked to comment on this disappointing outcome, Leafs Captain Talbot Stevens broke into tears and ran out of the rink. The Miracle at Carling as it will be remembered for ever. The bottom dweller Red Wings summoned their inner Donald Trump and made the MNHL Great Again with an upset for the ages over the Mighty Kings. After the Wings jumped out to a 2-0 lead off a beautiful dipsey doodle goal from Mike Marquis, the Kings came back and eventually tied the game. Shawn Martin and Scott Milne were both outstanding in net. Milne making several huge saves to keep the Wings in the game. The new tighter enforcement on penalties saw 3 players serve time in the sin bin. Late in the game, tied 3-3, Wings on the PP, Marquis shoots from the wing, saved by Martin, Snyder's big ol' butt parked in front of the net chips the rebound ... burn. Captain Joe seen weeping in the dressing room after wards, calling it the biggest win he's had in years. Kings Captain Henry immediately calls the city and books the 11:00 to 12:00 ice time and holds a bag skate for the boys. After the game the Wings give credit for the win to President Cortese claiming some hurtful comments he made in a recent league email about the Wings “playing for next year .” gave them the extra piss and vinegar they needed to capture the win. Little do they know that the email was actually sent by teammate and webmaster Matt Snyder . a little extra motivation never hurt, eh boys? In a bonus, Mike Marquis surprises the boys with beer and Shepherds Pie saying “if we want to beat the Leafs, we need to eat like the Leafs”. Penguins off to an early lead with goals from double-header call-up Henry the Flying Dutchman VerBakel and Adam Cleland. Couple of Penguins penalties and Leafs closed to tie 2-2. Penguins went ahead with a nice goal from Evan Cleland but Chuck “I Love the Leafs” Parker laid the hammer down to tie it at 3's! Inside 2 minutes the mighty Leafs hammered one in for their first lead to make it 4-3 with under 2 minutes to go. As the clock ticked past 1:30 remaining the Penguins bench hollered for Davey Orr to come to the bench for the extra attacker but Orrsey shook his head no like a Yorkypoo with a Marino's chicken ... mouth. Penguins later learned that the net minder thought the score was tied and he was applying his better judgement. Made no difference as the Penguins didn't have enough waddle in their step to tie it up – buzzzzzzzz! Leafs win! ! ! After the game the Penguins convened to their favorite watering hole to review film presented by Captain Blair, chicken wings had by all (ohhhh it burns, it burns this morning – call it penance for losing). The Leafs were represented by a lone Clark Webster, who won the $8700 Marino's Superbowl pool and bought a round of drinks for all (even the gun-toting Somolians in the back)! Scott “She's Allllll C__” Tooke was overheard telling the press the next morning, “Ya, this Clarky guy comes into Marino's and is handed a wad of money and waves around a fistful of C notes saying ... games). He made it tough making several great saves, using his SUV sized trapper to make several tough glove saves look easyThe Bruins finally opened the scoring only ... there'). In Patriot style (without any cheating that goes with that) the Bruins never gave up and Murray “The Chef” ... game. Makes you wonder who was the food guy on Jimmy's squad this week. Must have been sub par or non-existent. Perhaps the crock pot was too tired after super bowl Sunday. The story of the night for the Bruins was its ‘elder statesman' Chris Higgins. Chris ... supply. He also stuck around for the guys to enjoy as many as they wanted (clearly not worried about RIDE programs) only leaving once Foulon started to undress (that usually happens 1 + hours post game). That's is how beer night is done! ! ! His preparation for the post game festivities was rewarded during the game. A last minute no show meant Chris had to move up to forward from D where he was rewarded with not 1 but 2 goals. He claimed that he would have gone for the hat trick but was sure his wife wouldn't believe him. His first goal was on a breakaway no less where he put a nice shot blocker side. Speaking of Foulon, I guess he isn't scoring enough so he decided to take out some weird frustration by hitting BOTH goalies in the head with shots. In my case I was clearing pucks out of my net during warm ups when I took one on the side of the head. Foulon claimed it was a soft flip shot but the bells in my head sounded like the ... affair. Not one penalty was called by the referee as players on both teams looked like they were contending for the Lady Byng trophy, not on trying to mimic actors in the Hollywood hockey movie, “Goon”. Andrew “Sharpie” Sharpe opened the scoring for the Whalers about 10 minutes in with a quick low shot to Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin's blocker side. Tension levels rose slightly on the Kings' bench knowing they were behind early and entered the match on a two-game losing streak. Dave “The Chef” Rosen gave LA some relief and a boost when he finally got his team on the board around 10 minutes after Sharpe's tally. Rosen backhanded in the puck during a mad scramble in front of the Whalers' net. Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft ... Kings. Thomas” Rupple, the league's best toe-dragger, went on a couple of his usual end-to-end rushes before blasting in a rebound low corner on Martin from about 15 feet out to make it 2-2. Then Kings' Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel, showing more speed than most players half his age, broke in alone and went roof-daddy with a forehand on Schill. The Kings were now up 3-2. The Whalers' quickly forgot the loss after the game by dining on the delicious chicken caesar wraps prepared by Scott Konopka, renowned to be one of the top cooks in the league. Penguins get the 1st goal after a relentless attack from the Red Wings. Jumping out to a multi goal lead wasn't enough to cool tempers on the ice. At one point Cortese ripped off his clothes, jumped off the top of the glass in the corner “Macho ... . super weird but just another game in the MNHL Wrestling League. Red Wings fight back thanks to 2 goals from Mike Marquis and a snipe from Vinny the Italian Stallion. For the Pens Mike O'Neil back this week from healthy scratch status sending a message to ... chances. Adam Cleland popped his usual goal per game in and Kevin Noble made a nice tap in goal on a Whalers delayed penalty call with the extra attacker on (a tad prematurely Dean would, and did, argue). The ref probably couldn't tell because he wasn't tall enough to see over the boards. We think Dean was yelling so loud thinking he was talking in a normal voice with the ipod in. Jimmy's Whalers (is that like Charlie's Angels? ) continue to be plagued with poor team attendance issues and they had their usual flock of spares in to help out. Andrew “not so sharp” Sharpey scored for the Whalers ... 3-3. Talbot was flying as a fill-in forward and Clark Webster popped in the game winner with 2.9 seconds left on the clock for the big Whalers win. Leafs strike fast with 3 goals in the early minutes and the Red Wings red jerseys were the blood ... goals. Tyler “Killer” Smith had 3 goals (he made sure everyone knew as he kept a running tally at the face off circle) and spent the last 20 minutes looking for #4. Leading 5-0 the Leafs were looking for double digits before the Wings could get on the board. The Wings showed a little life late in the game closing the score to 6-3 but the Leafs scored 2 late including the 8th with 10 seconds left. Mid game discussions on the Wings bench saw Captain Joe taking suggestions for ideas to break out of the basement. One idea was disbanding the team for 2017 draft picks. Other ideas included:The game started ominously with the ref apparently saying to players at the puck drop “I hope nobody's had an argument with their wife”. The choppiness he feared came to pass as both sides contested every puck. Lots of penalties were called – perhaps too many but once again the strategy of complaining to the ref about his abilities seemed to backfire. With strong defense on both sides scoring chances were ... between. The Bruins had some of the better early chances with Sean ‘bone cracker' Marten making some ridiculous saves. The Bruins finally broke through late on a nice 3 way passing play and added another a few minutes later at which point things really did get a bit too rough. A late skirmish in front of the Kings goal lead to a couple of ejections. This could have been a solid Bruin strategy as at least 3 minutes passed getting the offenders off the ice and into their respective dressing rooms. This left Henry and his speedy crew little time to mount a come backPost game the Bruins celebrated their new lead in the standings until the beer guy left early. Names will not be named but discipline must surely follow 🙂Jimmy's strategy of holding his guys in the dressing room until 10 after seemed to work as the Whalers jumped out to an early lead (having saved 10 minutes worth of wasted energy). The Red Wings were Dead Wings on this night. After 40 minutes of trying the old “1 on 5 rush” the Wings decided to try passing but unfortunately they make passes like a basketball team . Mike Milo scored a solid goal late in the game to show the boys he still has a little left in the tank. Bruins controlled the game early drawing a penalty and then on the PP Foulon was pulled down on a breakaway resulting ... shot. Foulon tried to go low but Dave Orr denied it! After killing the rest of the PP the Pens took over with several good rushes and jumped out to an early 2-0 lead. The Bruins then responded with some strong play resulting in goals by Foulon and super sub Ryan Belliveau (who was inspired by his adoring fan club). They took the lead on a snipe by Stan NormanBruins held the lead late and could have pulled away save some remarkable stops by Dave ‘Bobby' Orr. As the game drew to a close things got either chippy or romantic. I couldn't tell from my angle but several guys were rolling around together near the Pens cage. The Pens tried the strategy of screaming at the ref which shockingly never seems to work. The heightened emotions did pay off on the ice though as the Pens perfectly executed the old shot from point off a Bruin's D cage right to their right wingers stick at the back door with about 15 seconds left. Leafs only wins this year have been against the Kings (top of league) and Wings (fighting the Leafs for bottom). The difference might have been a management decision to change the lineup, after several losses left the Leafs at the bottom of the standings. The centres switched lines, and new defensive pairings were tried. The result: Leafs tender Niel played one his best games of the year, earning an “almost-shutout.” All Leaf skaters were faster to the puck (than normal Leafs' effort), and “Wendel” Clark Webster showed his approval for the new lineup by scoring all 3 goals. The lowly Leafs lead by their litigious leader have leaked they are leaning to a law suit against the lawless Jimmy for his lax interpretation of the rules, his lapse in judgment and his lazy and laughable attempt at locating a like spare. In a weird start to the evening, Kings' captain Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel and Whalers' captain Jimmy “Big Jim” McCormack played a game of whack-a-mole with Rob DeJong's confidence. Rob entered the Kings' dressing room and claimed that he had been asked by the Whalers' captain to suit up for the Kings. However, having enough players, Henry told Rob that perhaps Jimmy had meant he was ... Penguins. Rob went away, then came back, saying again he had been asked to play for the Kings. Henry, now realizing that Jimmy was attempting to distract and rattle his great squad before a big game, said no and gave Rob a polite whack-a-mole. Rob ended up sparing for the Penguins. Both teams seemed a bit sluggish to start out this game. Likely many players were still carrying a few extra pounds from the all the turkey and deserts over the holiday break. Penguins' Blair “The Goon” Collett opened the scoring around five minutes in. The bruising veteran and native of Sault. Marie streaked down the left side into the Kings' zone. With Geoff “99” Curphey all over him like a hobo on a ham sandwich, Collett managed to fire off a missile that went over the glove hand of Shawn “Bonecracker” Martin. After the goal, Collett and Curphey briefly exchanged pleasantries, but nothing materialized as the referee, a behemoth of a man, going about 6 “6”, 280 lbs, picked up both ... directions. The Kings didn't get many chances against Penguins' netminder Dave “Bobby” Orr in the first 15 minutes and frustration was growing. Then, Verbakel blasted a rocket into the top corner to break the goose egg. LA's Russell Smith followed soon after with an easy tap in out front after a nice pass from Rich “Big and Rich” Wotton. The always hustling Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco potted two goals and Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft added one. After Bancroft broke in alone on a terrific pass from Verbakel and fired a bullet that bulged the twine blocker side on Orr, a claim of “slap shot” was heard by one of the Penguins. The ref nodded no as did arena tape reviewed after the game. The final score was 6-3 for the Kings as they avenged a lopsided loss to Crosby's boys in the last meeting. At Marino's after the game, league chief ... matters. Cortese ruled that Jimmy had to cease and desist from attempting to be the general manager of two different teams at the same time. They had a number of call ups including the Cleland boys (I guess Andy couldn't come . All the shades of blue and green on the ice was both beautiful to the eye and a bit distracting. Bruins started the game without big Tim so the Whaler strategy was to try to avoid any stoppage in play to keep Tim off ... ice. It worked pretty well – it seemed like Tim was standing by the door a long time! The game was a good defensive battle. Mike James opened the scoring converting on a rare Dean rebound (the ‘stickum' on his equipment must have rubbed off over the break). Rob DeJong equalized after the puck bounced nicely (albeit somewhat strangely) from behind the net to his stick in the slotAfter that strong defensive play on both sides held the shooters at bay and the score stayed 1-1 for the rest of the game securing both teams a much needed New Years Point. The Wings continued to put the pressure on but were unable to find the back of the net on Shawn “Bone ... Martin. Even a Snyder goal needed 3 bounces before finding it's way home. Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel was seen trying to instigate a fight with several Wings players. The referee, likely in a hurry to get home, ended the game with 1:30 left on the clock due to a self imposed curfew. At the risk of being fined by league management, he was probably the worst ref in MNHL history (on a list that included a woman and a 9 year old kid who reffed a game last year). Blair claims the Penguins were too hung over from New Years Eve to remember anything from the game. One heck of a Christmas gift for the Wings who punch their ticket to the holidays with a dominant ... Penguins. The game started late as O'Neil couldn't find a babysitter.
spans 1: forearm and today sports a manlyMike James, blasting up the center of the ice, threw his face in front of a shoot in and with the warm gush of blood pouring from his super hero shaped chin, expertly moved the puck from chin to stick and turned it into a
spans 2: the left the whole game because he hasn't learned how to turn to his right yet, or he lost an edge but that doesn't sound as
spans 3: old, have day jobs to supplement their hockey
spans 4: streak and lots of rumors regarding pending trades the Penguins were brought back down to ice as the yet to be turned Leafs outlasted the persistent Pens
spans 5: rogue Ref who was mysteriously missing his refereeing credential badge from his
spans 6: looked like blatant off sides were hotly disputed by Pens net minder Dean” i can hear you with these 2 stanley cup rings in my
spans 7: got access to Leafs dressing room to get first dibs on meatball
spans 8: their
spans 9: me” Smith pops his 1st of many this
spans 10: Other goal scorers for the Bruins included DeJong (1 or 2 depending on whether you count the last one), Schaufele (1) and big Tim who got the Bruins started with 2 early
spans 11: to injury they had no beer after the game (the only serious loss of the
spans 12: their offense kicked into gear with pesky Chris “bummer” Bumbacco leading the
spans 13: the 90 minute
spans 14: Whalers even tried to shift strategy and tried to take out Dean's ipod – weren't sure whether to go for the earbuds or the main unit hidden on the body or just cut the wires with skate
spans 15: and Scott Duncan to name a few and Penguins goals by Mike Marquis and a blistering top shelf goal from green helmet guy, Jeff Conway I
spans 16: go ahead goal by Rich Wooooooooton who's shocking orange socks have not been worn since the last hockey update, didn't know he was that
spans 17: power John Lierman had 2 for the buds but it wasn't
spans 18: turns out he's as blind as he is slow and lazy and the puck actually hit the far post and bounced
spans 19: they arrived at the rink but goalie Patrick Rodriguez was nowhere to be
spans 20: remained behind glass ready for next years gravy
spans 21: a 9-1 waxing last week shows the Bruins he's not ready for the dumpster yet while the Leafs Orr still sour over a 0-0 tie during his absence 2 weeks ago urges the Leafs to play solid D and they respond – kind
spans 22: Leafs could muster but Dunbar was sharp – he's likely still angry over some inappropriate comments made at Westerns Fake Homecoming about his marking practices on a finance
spans 23: be the unraveling of the Penguins current win streak as Dom Cuzzocrea aka Cuzzman is back from hiatus and looking for extra ice
spans 24: of the 80 minute
spans 25: wide open
spans 26: at Marino's
spans 27: heard coming from both
spans 28: “Still the Thrill” Shill was called upon numerous times to keep the game close as the Pens were unable to muster up any
spans 29: team captain
spans 30: in the lobby which made up for deflated game
spans 31: the Leafs tapped for double duty remarked that Pens game was only his warm up but was completely gassed after 2nd shift for the
spans 32: a bank shot from the side that may or may not have gone off dad
spans 33: can do better” and scores one of his own before grounding Adam for trying to show him up, Adam says “but I'm a 35 year old man, you can't ground me”
spans 34: Whalers got message from McCormick to pull the goalie late in the game, probably a bit too late as Jimmie was too busy socializing and not paying attention to
spans 35: ! ! ! Henry rejoiced “Now I don't have to chase that bastard around” he said (no swearing Henry
spans 36: Goon” Collett selects Mike Marquis “I think I slashed that guy last year” he
spans 37: expert defensive play but for the annual Mitchell Christmas party and use of his massage chair– Talbot selects Matt Snyder in the last round after commenting that he would take anyone except for Matt Snyder
spans 38: competitive then the
spans 39: the room
spans 40: The Bruins said yes, the Referee said no, the fans would be torn down the
spans 41: Wotten making the Kings your 2017 MNHL Cup
spans 42: boys will start training after a few weeks off to
spans 43: team in the MNHL this
spans 44: revenge victory over Talbot's
spans 45: bowl game came to a crashing end when Bernie Klaciers wrister from the slot shattered the glass behind the net, shattering the dreams of an early night for the rink
spans 46: Thrill”
spans 47: found the back of the
spans 48: when Snyder pitch forks a rebound under Shawn “The Doctor”
spans 49: quickly, scoring 5 unanswered goals to make it 5-1 at the 1/3
spans 50: but alas the speed of “The Million Dollar Team” was too much and the Kings beat on the bloody cadaver of the Red Wings on route to a 9-5 win and a trip to the Semi-Finals vs the
spans 51: most of the contest and outshot them by a wide
spans 52: Three times during the game, Kings' players missed open
spans 53: the Whalers somewhere near the middle of the game when he circled from behind the Kings' net and went top shelf corner on Shawn “Bone Cracker”
spans 54: Schill and put the puck in with his backhand to even the score
spans 55: felt he had been interfered with by the always tenacious Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel as he attempted to cut off a streaking
spans 56: Chicken at
spans 57: exciting 2-1
spans 58: with
spans 59: Bruins' Chris Higgins or Stan Norman had an easy tap in with Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin helpless after making a great first
spans 60: similar size and look and periodically switch jersey numbers to confuse the
spans 61: him just enough to prevent the puck from being pushed
spans 62: pre-game, hoping to get any last minute bits of info on the Wings plan of
spans 63: secure a 1st round bye in the MNHL
spans 64: what really matters is the Kings get 2 points to stay above the Whalers for 2nd
spans 65: Henry but had trouble getting much coherent talk out of the hard-partying, big-living legend and found out the only place he had been driving his rented motorcycle with his buddies was to the Las Vegas
spans 66: another
spans 67: Martin making some solid
spans 68: much of a chance
spans 69: the Kings were getting at least an equal number of shots as the Penguins but Orr was making every first save and the LA forwards weren't jumping on any
spans 70: more pucks past Martin to secure their squad a 4-1
spans 71: Marquis one timer past
spans 72: calls, but both teams headed to the box without much debate, showing that YES, those emails from the President did not fall on deaf
spans 73: across to Bernie “Big Time” Klacer and who bulges the back of the net with the game winner, the red goal light shining brighter then his sun
spans 74: wing bone in his
spans 75: ‘I got paper bitches, drinks on me! 'This was a close hard fought battle to the end but also, it was also very clean – the only thing that got hurt were a couple of goalie's feelings for letting in late goals! The Bruins knew they might be up against it this week when Dean ‘The Thrill' Shill SHOWED UP ON TIME and actually took some practice shots (darn late
spans 76: to quickly have their lead quickly erased on goals by Kevin Ruple and Chris Bumbacco (the Whalers have to be credited with finding “creative” ways to move up in the standings – they must have been inspired by the genius that is Bill Belichick)The Bruins tied only to fall behind again when Bumbacco's pass from the corner deflected in off the Bruin's defender (later in the dressing room Chris Higgins admitted to jinxing the Bruins by exclaiming on the bench ‘there's no way Chris can score from
spans 77: Pratt ‘cooked' up a beauty getting the equalizer with just a few ticks left on the clockWhile the game was a tie on the ice, the Bruins surprisingly won the post game festivity battle having more guys there to close down the arena after the late
spans 78: was our beer guy and showed up with a seemingly unlimited
spans 79: Peace Tower! ! ! Keepers are warned to avoid wearing white masks (too easy a target) or practice duckingAfter being given a stern warning by league commissioner Scott “El Presidente” Cortese to curb the rough play or else, this game turned out to be a calm and easygoing
spans 80: redeemed himself after being body checked by the blue line earlier by netting one soon after off a rebound right in front of Dean “The Thrill” Schill to make it 2-1
spans 81: Man Randy Savage” style and then out of nowhere, had a Championship Belt on hit Snyder with a steel chair in the back
spans 82: the coach with a beauty deke goal and a whack of good scoring
spans 83: as well as Steve Adams to even things up at
spans 84: in the water that Talbot's team of savages went hunting for
spans 85: far and few
spans 86: in the most exciting play in hockey – the penalty
spans 87: needed by the
spans 88: men by the pack of their pants and tossed them in opposite
spans 89: Scott “El Presidente” Cortese met briefly with Henry and Jimmy to discuss pre-game
spans 90: the
spans 91: Cracker”
spans 92: win over the
User: More spans: Remarkably, the penalty box also doubles as a day care. Watch your swearing on the bench Blair. Vinny “The Italian Stallion” pops 2, like Scotty Cortese at the bar picking up a set of twins, this guy only scores in pairs. A late Pens goal waved off by the ref due to the net being off. Pens are too tired to complain, or maybe just in a hurry to get to Marino's for a free large pizza. Rod “The Bod” Mitchell gets his 1st of the season, a sizzling slapper from the blue line that had eyes and finds the back of the net. Penguins play a strong game except for Blair who is unusually soft on the back end. Must have been thinking about the free chicken wings a few hours too early. Most of the boys made it out to Marino's after for a little Christmas cheer, only to discover that yes, the Marino's chicken wings do bite back. In this game, [spans 1] battle. Not a great time of year to land on the naughty list. My guess is the captains did a poor job explaining that everyone would get food at Marino's and it wouldn't be some sort of Hunger [spans 2] event. In another game where Talbot was not allowed to play D, he surprised everyone by opening the scoring with a closed-eyed shot past Craig “Crazy Legs” and about 5 players screening him, described as a laser top blocker side on the Leafs first PP. While his “taunting” did not go punished at first (asking the keeper at the end of the play sheepishly “did that go in? ? [spans 3] shot. Foulon tied the score on (wait for it) . a Bruins PP and little Tim (looking more massive than usual in his Kevlar body suit – must have been tipped off that this could be a rough game) gave the Bruins the lead for good on a blast from the slot (I'm shocked nobody tries to [spans 4] those). The Bruins threw their weight around, keeping the penalty box warm. The size of the Bruins' defense was a factor, as one of them bounced Joe Regnier into the boards. Dazzed, [spans 5] protocol. The league is reviewing the play for supplementary discipline. The good news is that the prescribed therapy at Marino's helped, and Joe is ready to get back on the ice. Craig was a Grinch in stealing all hopes of the Leafs finally defeating their division rivals. He even denied Stevens his first career two-goal game (not counting deflections into his own net) by robbing him of a top shelf bid that everyone thought was in. While happy with the win, Bruins management was overheard complaining about the turnout at Marino's – must have been too much dressing room talk about whether everyone had their Hep C shots. It just meant there were [spans 6] attending. The night began with some major-league worries for Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel and his troops after two players called in sick starting one hour before the 10:30 game. Two others had said they would be absent earlier in the week. Evidently, at least one inebriated player had started the post-game Christmas party a few hours early. After the normally docile Henry broke his extra stick over a tree beside the Carling parking lot and went into a swearing fit that would put a Blair “The Goon” Collett outburst to shame, he and two other players began working the phones. Trying frequent sub John MacArthur first, Henry was puzzled to not get an answer or response. He was later spotted at Springbank Park feeding the ducks. Henry, like he does on the ice, came through in the clutch, bringing in two replacement players at the last minute to give Hollywood's team nine skaters. Spare Brian Williams was in the middle of watching Will Ferrell's legendary Christmas movie Elf with his friends when Henry reached him at 10:03 and thus was none too pleased to be bothered with talk of hockey. However, after Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft agreed to give Brian his two post-game beers and “some” of his pizza at the post-game party, he finally agreed to play. Williams dressed while his friend drove him to the rink and was able to slip off his skate guards in time to make the start of the game. Luckily for the Kings, Williams arrived because he ended up scoring two key goals to lead the Kings squad to a 6-3 victory over the Whalers. The final score was somewhat misleading because for nearly half the game the Whalers controlled more of the play, Whalers' goalie Dean “The Thrill” Schill made some big saves and the Whalers were ahead 3-1. Then Verbakel got behind the Whalers defense, took a pass off the boards near the Whalers' blue line and zoomed in alone on Schill. Henry pulled a slick deke to the backhand side, put it in and suddenly the Kings had life. Kings' spare defense man Mitch Orr made a nice rush soon after, deking around a couple of Whalers in their zone and put a hard shot between Schill's wickets to make it 3-3. Williams' second goal of the game ended up being the winner. Lightning-quick Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco received an early Christmas present near game's end when Schill went out of his net [spans 7] contest. Shawn “Bone Cracker” Martin made some key stops for the Kings later in the tilt to preserve the win. Players enjoyed an outstanding feast of chicken wings and pizza at Marino's afterwards at the league's Christmas party. Bancroft was seen around 1 am being helped to his car after his bloated esophagus went into a prolonged and painful spasm. Apparently nine pieces of deep dish pizza along with at least 20 wings was too much for this man to handle. Sub Williams left Marino's [spans 8] pizza. MNHL head honcho Scott “El Presidente” Cortese was heard to say that Bancroft will be on a “food limit” for future partiesBig night for the Bruins who have struggled to compete with the speedy Kings – especially in week 1 where the Kings cruised to what seemed like a 2 TD win. Tonight's game was closer than [spans 9] Jackson). The Kings opened the scoring with a great rush by 99 who finished with a bad angle laser to the top corner. Bruins equalized on a great deflection shot and then took the lead with one of Tim's soft wrist shots (make that cannon) from the slot. Otherwise it was a great, close game with lots of chances both ways. While there were lots of penalties (the Bruins had the Lions share) it was mostly a clean game. Penguins won 4-2 including an empty-netter with goals by Adam, Evan, and Elder statesman Andrew Cleland, with an extra one thrown in by Blair Collett. One of the goals was an absolute beauty between Evan and Adam, tick tack toe and in. Andy Scored a humdinger top shelf beauty which turned out to be the game winner! Fill in for the Whalers Adam Foulon severely dented 2 Penguins posts and Blair Alton was on fire with some Gibsonesque rockets from the point. Davey Orr stood on his head for the Pens to keep them in it, allowing Andy “Sharpshooter” Cleland the opportunity to bury that game winner. Post-game antics included Tooke and Collett doing a panty raid, errr party raid [spans 10] beers. Blair appears to have found a new friend. Be careful if anyone bring some post-game hamburgers into the rink, This guy really likes Beef! If you've ever watched a snail try and slither along a sidewalk or a dog walk in a circle and then lay down and lick himself, that's basically how the Red Wings played last night. Missing captain Joe Skufca who was in sunny Arizona, the Dead Wings were a ship without a rudder. To shore up their short bench the Wings called [spans 11] season. Unfortunately, even John can't play with a 260 pound man on his back and that's basically what John had to deal with having Matt Snyder on his line. Even bringing [spans 12] handle. Great goal tending from Neil Scobie locked down the Leafs victory. At one point MacArthur came in alone and decided to shot top “logo” (center of mass) – effective if you're taking out a target from 400 yards, now so much when you're trying to find the back [spans 13] net. In his defense, his left winger Snyder had stopped skating well before the shot attempt. Penguins on a roll downing the Bruins and super sub Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco. Subbing for Adam Foulon (rumored to be attending AA on Mondays). The Bruins looked uncomfortable with positional end zone play that looked organized. Craig Dunbar was overheard saying that he's not use to seeing so many yellow shirts in the defensive zone that through off his vision. Well could also have been the laser shot by Mike O'Neil that caught Dunbar between the eyes. A quick whistle and apologies from O'Neil calmed the scene while Tiny Tim Gibson with one foot over the boards was ready to police the scene! Penguins playing with full squad after Andrew Cleland returned from retirement vacation, not really sure what that means, have finally gelled and slowly moving up the conference standings. Still some things to work on, like shot attempts that are actually hitting the net, are a priority to winning. Penguins were first on [spans 14] Dunbar. Both goalies were tested at close range and held both teams in check. Goal tally's by Bruins were Stan Norman and Mike James (which may not be correct but he [spans 15] play). Penguins got 2 goals from AC, one from the El Presidente (4 in 2 games . boo ya! ) and an empty net goal by Kevin “I can't find my missing tooth” NobleIn an epic, ferocious battle, reminiscent of the historic Kings-Leafs seven game playoff series war in 1993, the Kings pulled out a hard-fought 5-3 victory. This match up turned normally peace-loving players into aggressive, nasty twits as both teams sought to prove their superiority. The tilt started out and continued to the end with a frenetic, fast, end-to-end pace that left many of the older Kings and Maple Leafs gasping for air and begging for supplemental oxygen on the benches. In fact, the old but still quick ladies' man Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel insisted one of his lungs collapsed about half-way through the game. In a [spans 16] lung. On the other bench Chuck “Chucky Doll” Parker was heard to say, “I think my heart just stopped” after a particularly strenuous shift. However, after the game, Parker clarified that statement was made after he heard an uncharacteristically jacked and potty-mouthed Talbot “Aki Berg” Stevens say on the bench in an effort to rouse the troops, “I'm buying two f—in rounds at Solid Gold after the game if we win.”Both goalies, Shawn “The Bonecracker” Martin of the Kings and Neil “The Cat” Scobie, of the Leafs made some solid saves early on and all game for that matter, [spans 17] Potvin. The Leafs opened the scoring on a goal by one of their more cocky forwards (can't remember #). The Toronto skater was heard whispering to Martin after the goal with a grin on his face, “Get used to it Martin. You won't be stopping many tonight.” The usually quiet and priest-like Martin proceeded to chase after the Leafs' aggressor, screaming “I'm going to go Hextall on your ass”. Only Andrew “The Gorilla” Carruthers, the Kings behemoth defenseman and likely the new strongest man in the league (sorry Tim G), was powerful enough to hold the agitated Martin back. The game went back and forth, 2-1, 2-2. Then about half-way through the game, Kings Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft, had a glorious scoring opportunity that made him drool more than a newly stocked buffet at Mandarin. A hard and slightly wayward pass back to a Leafs' defense man got by him and headed down the ice. The Kings' right-winger was after it and all alone, but after showing a disgracefully poor lack of speed, Bancroft was beaten to the disk around the blue line by the Leafs' goalie, who came rushing out of his net. [spans 18] bench. Super sub Jeff Stokley potted two goals and fast power forward Rich “Big and Rich” Wotton added one for the Kings. “Wendel” Clark Webster had a nice goal for the Leafs. Miraculously, Bancroft, after having a short, but [spans 19] shift. With less than a minute left on the clock, he snuck in from the corner and from a bad angle directed a James van Riemsdyk-like flip shot into a small crevice about the goalie's shoulder for the game's final tally. Normally not a player with soft hands, Bancroft said after the game that it must have been divine intervention to compensate for the cruel treatment he [spans 20] Talbot. Due to unusually poor turnout for pot luck”less” Leafs, Talbot was seen scrambling to secure recruits for match with King Henry's Black Marauders. Pushing the panic button a bit too soon, Talbot's offers of ice time and bowls of chili were quickly revoked when Penguins offer of sub par player was quickly refused. Negotiations to bring on sniper Adam Cleland was debated at length but the threat of protest by Verbakle who's roster has been depleted with the departure of Stay at home deference Matt MacDonald, (no really he's staying at home, no pun intended) was too much for the conscientious Stevens. It was questioned whether this was a tactic to gain access to post game review by Penguins, on fire after back to back wins over Kings and Bruins. The verdict is still out but will be monitored for disciplinary repercussions. Penguin players were caught loitering in the lobby to see if the Leafs were dressing 10 players which they were. A bigger surprise [spans 21] Puff. Red Wings controlled the first few minutes of play before an errant curling rock shot by Mike Courtney found its way onto the ice and with just enough weight, makes it's way over both blue lines and the red line and thru Wings goalie Scott Milne's stick blade. It was magic he said . or was he sleeping? It was a 10:30 game after all. The Red Wings woke up and responded by hanging a quick 7 goals on the Whalers. Klacer [spans 22] Wings. For the Whalers, Kevin Rupple was his usual self, attacking all over the ice. Brad Nickle and Chester were also strong but unfortunately there wasn't enough magic left to make pucks transport thru solid wood sticks into the net. Rupple seemed to come on late after the Red Wings got bored of scoring and stated playing “7 passes before a shot”. Great barn burner of a game with little defense leaving 2 shell shocked goalies swearing up a storm in their own nets. [spans 23] shot. Back and forth it went, teams trading goals. Bernie Klacer puts 2 in the net to get back on track for the Wings. This 1st rounder needs to start earning his money if he wants that long term extension he craves. Bruins get 1st goals of the year from Adam Fremeth and Chris Higgins. Dunbar took a shot off the face early and [spans 24] that. A game full of spares for both teams saw a 2-2 tie in this “All Star” collection of MNHL talent. Foulon replaced Milo in a suspect swap. Upgrade in speed, downgrade in soberness hahaha. After the game the 2 Bruins subs Dunbar and Foulon got to experience the feast [spans 25] Whalers. Tonight was the Penguins very first game of the season with the full roster dressed and they gelled like a freshly lubed whore! Scoring 2 very nice goals for the Penguins was Adam Cleland while the commish himself netted a hatty (1 hit his stick on a Kevin Noble shot and went [spans 26] in). Rich Wotton scored on a nice wrister for the Kings. Other Kings highlights included a questionable breakaway by Chris Bumbacco which resulted in Jeff Stokley planting his molars into the crossbar and a Bumbacco penalty shot. Bumbacco caught Dave Orr backing into his net on the penalty shot and buried the Kings second goal. Shawn Martin the [spans 27] sale. On the way back to the respective locker rooms, several of the Kings discussed a possible change up in their warm up routine, clearly in mid season slump and morale is sliding apparently. Penguins pull of their 3rd win of the season to [spans 28] stairs). Penguins were shy Adam “All Star” Cleland but it looks like Father Andy and Brother Evan are actually the only Clelands the Pens need. Jeff Stokley moved up to forward and got the Pens on the board with an early goal. Leafs tied it up, most likey due to some expert stick handling by Talbot “Dave Andreychuk” Stevens. Scott “El Presidente” Cortese and his lightning quick speed blazed up the middle thanks to a Kevin Noble outlet pass and goes top cheese on a backhand deke. Onto Marinos for the victory party where a large number of sloppy wings were consumed then deposited directly into the toilet bowl. Cortese compares [spans 29] Cocaine. Addictive and so so bad for you, but they make you feel like a superstar for the night before a morning of shakes, sweats and sh*ts . This game was not as close as the score would have you believe according to Ace Reporter Craig Dunbar. Adam “Cherry Pie” Foulon scored 3 late goals for the Bruins to salvage some self-respect thanks to 2 classic Foulon like break-aways. The game started off slow thanks to the deep piled of snow that helped control the Whalers precision passing. The TSN Turning Point was an “offside” goal that made it 2-0 Whalers. The Bruins reacted in President Trump like fashion with [spans 30] Box. Whalers made it 3-0 on the ensuing Power Play and it was all down hill for there (again, heading in the same direction as the American economy). Crazy Legs Dunbar had a moral victory keeping Kevin Rupple to only 1 goal. Blair “Tower of Power” Alton popped one in from the point. Happy Birthday to Blair! A barn burner played out on the snow covered pond behind Carling Arena (or maybe that's how it felt due to the 2 huge mounds of snow in the middle of the rink). The pre-game strategy from Wings Captain Joe included loading up a “Power Line” with Marquis, Klacer and Snyder . Snyder thrilled — it's the 1st time he's ever been put on the 1st line in his life, including back in 1/2 ice tyke — unfortunately the only powerful move he could muster was powerfully putting his line mates offside with an extra powerful move at the blue line. Kings jump out to a 2-0 lead before the 1st [spans 31] time. Amazing save from Scott Milne in the dying minutes preserves the point for the Red Wings who actually looked like they could have won the game handily. Henry says “enough is enough” after the game, throws the beer down the drain and and orders the boys back on the ice for some break away practice. MNHL Insiders are reporting that offers for Talbot's services are increasing daily, including some offers from his own team the Leafs to stay home. Trade winds are starting to blow that Jimmy has offered a full pack of napkins for Talbot and the Leafs are strongly considering it. The Leafs, fresh off their 2 game winning streak since moving Talbot off defense have seen a line up of forwards [spans 32] front. Talbot, always willing to do what it takes to win, has been reported to sense impending doom. If the Leafs can win 2 games with him playing forward, how many can they win with him as a healthy scratch? Whalers are able to capture an important 2 points with a win over the Kings. In the 5 minutes I caught, it looked like Dean “The Thrill” Shill had his glove hand working over time and Kevin “Straight Outta St. Thomas” Rupple was doing his dipsy-doodle thru the Kings defense to create tough chances. Jimmy heard in the lobby with his beer in a sock, accosting his team verbally to “shoot the puckkkkk” but the 1st one to celebrate the win in the [spans 33] room. That's just good, solid management if you ask me. [spans 34] game. Mike O'Neill looking to lay the lumber on Red Wings players and the Carling rink boards. Keep your head up in the corners with this big boy. Blair “The Goon” Collett opens the scoring after being left all alone at the point by Matt Snyder and having his shot trickle thru the 5 hole. Asked [spans 35] him”. When reminded that Blair has recorded 17 career goals directly off of Snyder's defensive mistakes, Snyder simply shrugged. Even a broken watch is right twice a day I guess. Mike Marquis responds for the Wings [spans 36] 2-1. A couple other scorers go back and forth before Red Wings Comeback Player of the Year Vinny “The Italian Stallion” Curcio [spans 37] games. MNHL Vet Rod Mitchell took a fall into the boards late in the game. Here's hoping for a fast return and nothing too serious. With Talbot “Jason Blake” Stevens playing his 3rd game at forward for the Leafs, the Leafs team was begging him to stay up front. Talbot played the wing like a lost child in a mall, looking for mommy at every turn. Steve “Show Time” Adams helps the Bruins get [spans 38] away. This Talbot sure knows how to get under the Bruins skin. “Wendel” Clark Webster returns from injury and is advised to stay 20 feet from all boards. Ignoring this request, he drives the crease and comes to a sudden stop thanks to “Tiny” Tim Gibson and Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar — no injuries to report. Bruins called up super sub Ryan “The Stud” Beliveau — no mention of his fan club showing up. He channeled his inner “Foulon” and got the Bruins on the board. Strong goaltending kept this game tied until the final minutes when Steve “Show Time” [spans 39] lead. Murray “The Chef” Pratt would seal the deal by stuffing the puck into the empty net similar to how he would stuff a Turkey with dressing with just a [spans 40] delicious. Reports of many players reading the schedule wrong due to an issue with the email reminders (apparently the dashes confused some of the boys). Cortese seen lurking around the rink at 8:30 for a 10:30 start. Hopefully he found an open bar to kill the 2 hour wait. A classic Norris Division slug-fest had the Leafs sneak away with a 5-3 win over the undermanned Red Wings (thanks to Dan “The Man” Kelly misreading the schedule and showing up at 10:00). Tyler “Killer” Smith was [spans 41].
spans 1: few players were feeling the Christmas spirit as there may have been more penalties than shots (with several of the penalties actually earned)! The bruising Bruins bounced the Leafs around the ice and the scoreboard in a rough
spans 2: Games
spans 3: ”), payback was sweet when later in the game Dunbar flashed the blocker on a similar
spans 4: block
spans 5: Joe was out for the rest of the game following concussion
spans 6: more wings, pizza and indigestion for the brave few
spans 7: to clear the puck, Bumbacco intercepted the pass and put the disc in the open net for his second tally of the
spans 8: in a huff, calling Bancroft a liar after only getting one slice of
spans 9: the score suggested – it was 2-1 until late when the Bruins got 2 empty net goals (Foulon and
spans 10: I mean, on the Whalers room for pizza, KFC, and an assortment of heavy
spans 11: on super sub John MacArthur hoping to right the sinking ship that has become their
spans 12: in mid-game re-enforcement from the Whalers wasn't enough to push the Red Wings comeback attempts.2 Goals from Bryce Freckleton made the score respectable but the combination of Tyler “Killer” Smith on D and Talbot “Ticking Time Bomb” Stevens at forward was too much for the Dead Wings to
spans 13: of the
spans 14: the board with contributions from all 3 Clelands touching the puck as Adam snips bending the twine behind ringing ears of
spans 15: never gets any recognition for his fine
spans 16: heroic show of courage, Verbakel didn't miss a shift as line-mate Chris “Bummer” Bumbacco used his balloon blower (he makes animal balloons for female admirers after each game) to re-fill the sagging
spans 17: doing their best imitations of the 1993 NHL puckstoppers, the Kings' Kelly Hrudey and Toronto's Felix
spans 18: The whistle blew and a dejected Bancroft skated to his bench with his head held lower than a 81-year-old's DD breasts, but not before Talbot yelled, “I've seen old cripples move faster than that Dave.” Dinner Time collapsed on the ice in a puddle of tears and only the cool, soothing voice of highly-skilled teammate Geoff “99” Curphey and the kind “We still love you Dave” comment of Tyler “Killer” Smith of the Leafs was enough to get Bancroft onto the
spans 19: crucial phone call with his sports psychologist on the bench and being reassured again by Tyler that “We still love you Dave”, returned for a final
spans 20: had suffered at the hands of
spans 21: was seeing Talbot on defense after clearing waivers and not sent down to the Silverwoods Winter wonderland league or Tuesday morning Huff and
spans 22: with 3 Bryce, George, Joe, Mike and Matt each had one for the
spans 23: Red Wings start the game off with a 3 minute high pressure shift only to see the Bruins score on their first
spans 24: looked like it knocked some sense into him, his glove hand was flying after
spans 25: that is the post-game crock pot meal and immediately after Foulon demanded a trade to Jimmy's
spans 26: in, 1 trickled over the line at a snails pace on a tap in after Mike O'Neil did all the work, and one he actually shot
spans 27: goalie also tripped Mike O'Neil on his wide open opportunity and Mike was crying for a penalty shot before he even hit the ice, but no
spans 28: crawl out of the basement for 90 minutes (until a Red Wings tie would dump them back down the
spans 29: Marino's Chicken Wings to
spans 30: several negative gestures and comments before being punished (much like the American People will be punished for the next 4 years) with some thinking time in the ol' Penalty
spans 31: shift was over and everyone felt like it was “going to be one of those nights” but the Red Wings — the little team that could — fought back actually capturing the lead and controlling the pace for a good chunk of
spans 32: offering to move back to D to ensure Talbot stays up
spans 33: dressing
spans 34: “If the boys can't take a little heat, then tell them to get out of the kitchen” Jimmy tells reporters after the
spans 35: to comment on the defensive lapse, Snyder responded that “he didn't think Blair had it in
spans 36: with a 1 man effort and Snyder pounces on a rebound like a mouse on a dirty piece of cheese to put the Wings up
spans 37: — fresh off his 1st career MNHL goal — decides “I think I'll score 2” and pops the game winner to give him 3 goals in 2
spans 38: on the board when he tried his best to draw a 2 minute penalty by jumping on the back of Talbot but unfortunately for Talbot the ref was looking
spans 39: Adams would have the last laugh finding the back of the net to give the Bruins the
spans 40: hint of sage and garlic, mmmm smells
spans 41: the hero of the night, countless assists (at least 9 by his accounts) and a sweet goal (or 2) helped solidify this legend
User: More words: A banner raising at Carling Arena is planned for next Monday night for old #93 of the Leafs (hopefully an early retirement as well). The Red Wings welcomed back Bernie “El Sombrero” Klacer who chipped in with a natural hat trick for the Wings. Scott “Big Scotty” Milne was strong despite regular lapses of a basic understanding of defensive zone play from the Red Wings. Neil “The Cat” Scobie was amazing for the Leafs including a “shut your mouth” glove save on Bernie in the last seconds of the game. Bernie checked his stick and confirmed it was not broken. Scobie had his number. Red Wings complained of an illegal player. Allegations that Talbot gave his jersey and equipment to a spry young 21 year old ex-junior forward. No way that Talbot could look that calm and patient with the puck in only his 2nd game [words 1] checked back to half-ice Mite). Confirmed, it was in fact Talbot. Safe to say his 45 year long experiment as a defense man is over for good. A Leaf goes down late with an unfortunate injury. I believe it was “Wendal” Clark Webster who caught an edge and went into the end boards. The loss drops the Wings way down. The return of Frank “The Tank” Erle is much needed for the Winged Wheelers. A playoff like game between the Bruins and Kings. Great goal tending from both sides. No further details coming out of the West Coast. Adam “All Star” Cleland scored a beauty breakaway goal. Blair Collett danced around tall Blair Alton like he was a baton twirling 3 year old to score his goal, and Scott “El Presidente” Cortese potted a typical garbage goal out front to round it out. Tyler Smith, pulling double duty, got the only penalty when he lost his balance, spun around, and tripped someone on the backs wing / follow thru. Talbot, Tyler, and Sean reported to the Penguins room fresh from a pot of post game Leafs chili. Tyler looked green halfway thru the game. MNHL Insider Bob McKenzie reports that the Penguins have offered 2 bottles of No Frills brand [words 2] Sauce and 16 McDonalds napkins Blair found in his glove box to have Talbot stay with the Leafs. Jimmy said he would take Talbot on the Whalers if the Penguins would give him one of those napkins to wrap around his beer. According to the MNHL insiders, in what would be an MNHL first, Talbot Stevens may be on his way to becoming the first captain to be put on the trading block by his own team. After a dismal performance on D against [words 3] Leafs lost 5-1, a Mutiny on [words 4] HMS Maple Leaf was starting to develop. Our confidential informant provided this insight: “Yes I myself Talbot was on the ice for all 5 goals against. Yes 4 of them came on my Talbots side of the ice. Yes most of the team wanted to know the rules about trading me the Captain.”When asked what the Leafs would be looking for in return for Talbot, the resounding response was “Hot Sauce and Napkins for our post-game meals”. Unfortunately, no team was willing to part with the Napkins. The Penguins did offer a 1/2 empty bottle of Franks, but on second thought, they decided it was probably cheaper to just offer up Blair. The Leafs declined this offer. Humble enough to accept the feedback — and fearing that he could be ousted from his own post-game food buffet — Talbot decided to demote himself to forward. Penguins actually gave them a decent run and got within 1 goal but couldn't fight them off for long. Henry “The Million Dollar Man” Verbakel, Rich “Big and Rich” Wotten and #99 (The Great One) scored for the Kings while Adam [words 5] the Pens 3 goals. Kings scored a controversial goal that was disallowed seconds before the center ice puck drop as the Ref said a mysterious whistle had sounded. Who were the Penguins to complain? Pens absent Blair, Hired Gun John MacArthur filled in (in what may be the most lop-sided upgraded spare in MNHL history). Good news though, Blair arrived just in time for the final buzzer to claim unearned post game beers. A great MNHL game that saw spectacular goal tending from both Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar of [words 6] “The Glove” Milne of the Wings and a last minute “goal” that put the Bruins in the win column for the first time. [words 7] Big Tim takes advantage of a bad Red Wings change and walks [words 8] Nooooooooooo, Tim shows some finesse and goes low glove side. Wings respond quickly. [words 9] (subbing for Bernie) leads an attack. Matt Snyder with a shot from the slot, chases his own rebound and like the raccoon who rip into your garbage, finds a nice hot, juicy rebound sitting in front that he bangs in to tie it at 1-1. Back and forth it goes. Murray “The Chef” Pratt adds a little spice to the game with a rebound of his own to put the Bruins up 2-1. Bryce “Young Gun” Freckleton ties it again for the Wings with some nifty hands on a tight angle. Dunbar is not amused. Red Wings don't care. Bruins take the lead 3-2 with 8 minutes left but Joe “Captain Comeback” Skufca says “oh no you don't” and buries yet another tying goal. Foulon jumps the boards, he's been sleeping all night and the Red Wings aren't about to wake him up but suddenly, the puck is on his stick and his alarm is beeping. Foulon does a patented Adam Foulon swoop down the wing and Foulon is FOU-GONE. He cuts into the middle backhand, forehand, backhand, off the . back post? Off the crossbar? It [words 10] be sure. The referee signals a goal and Foulon is certain that it was in. Thanks to guest [words 11] Peterson. Fresh off his call up to the big show, this super-sub goaltender took a run at game reporting and unlike the [words 12] points for his contribution. If the game was decided in the [words 13] possession time counted, the Leafs would have won in a walk. The Leafs sealed up in the Whalers end, resulting in two quick tallies . but then the puck decided to take a “Leafs bounce” or two – and not of the favorable kind for the grey buds. A couple of weird bounces tied the game. The first shot, from behind the net, looked like someone has been spending too much time in the pool hall, caroming it in off the back of the Leafs call-up goalie Alex “The Animal” Peterson. That seemed to breathe life into what was starting to look like a beached Whale. The next goal came from an attempted Whaler [words 14] from behind the Leaf net – that pin-balled off of various legs and trickled over the goal line to tie it up. The Leafs kept moving the puck into the Whalers end and won most of the battles behind the net and up the boards, but couldn't get a lot of clear shots out in front with all those big fish clogging up the slot. When the Leafs got the puck to the net, the [words 15] Shill kept the door of his twine hut bolted tight. Leafs Captain Talbot Stevens doing his best impression of a young Al Iafrate was quoted after the game as saying “Mother *bleep* Dean and his *bleep* left side glove hand, can someone [words 16] that goes on the right *bleep* side. Needless to say, Talbot was cheesed (much like the cheesy lasagna that would be enjoyed post game). At the other end, the Whalers made the most of their sporadic breakouts, occasionally keeping the puck inside the Leafs blue line with some sustained pressure. They went up 3-2 on one of those efforts by taking advantage of a fat rebound. Still, the Leafs found a crack in the Whalers' seawall and tied it up with some determined play. The Leafs seemed to once again have the momentum on [words 17] . only to channel their namesakes in Toronto by allowing a couple of late goals. A nice tic-tack-toe from the right face off circle to the left side [words 18] an wide-open cage, and the Whalers [words 19] again. A couple of rushes later and a hard knuckle ball shot arcing over the right shoulder of the Leafs backup tender put the game on ice. Despite pulling the goalie for the extra attacker, then keeping the Whalers hemmed in on their side of center for the game's final minutes, the Leafs [words 20] net. The night wasn't a total loss though, there was restaurant-grade lasagna in the dressing room. They say that money can't buy happiness. Henry's Kings is proving that is incorrect. As the only team in the MNHL with an active payroll, King Henry's Kings may be the best team money can buy. Another impressive win last night has rumblings of [words 21] unbalance in the MNHL dressing rooms (mostly from the Red Wings room . mostly from Matt Snyder). The law firm of Verbakel, Bumbacco and Bancroft was serving notice last night that goals were the accusation and they were guilty as charged. In a game that may have actually seen the Red Wings lead in quality chances, they Wings were continually unable to [words 22] the solid goal tending of Shawn “Bone Cracker” Marten (he was a dream cracker last night). Bumbacco had multiple goals including a beautiful spin and fire from the slot.
words 1: ever at forward (records were
words 2: Hot
words 3: the Whalers in which the
words 4: the
words 5: “All Star” Cleland had 2 of
words 6: the Bruins and Scott
words 7: Scoring opens when
words 8: in on Milne, slap shot?
words 9: Hired Gun John MacArthur
words 10: happened so fast that we can't
words 11: Journalist Alex “The Animal”
words 12: Leafs who he played net for, earned 2
words 13: first ten minutes, or if
words 14: pass – again
words 15: Whalers goalie Dean “The Thrill”
words 16: get this *bleep* guy a *bleep* glove
words 17: their side
words 18: of the slot resulted in
words 19: were up once
words 20: couldn't find the back of the
words 21: collusion and
words 22: find the back of the net thanks to
User: More of this please:
An 8 minute lapse where the Red Wings stopped skating and their constant inability to bury pucks into wide open nets allowed this game to get much more out of hand then it should have been. Red Wings goal from Bryce”Young Gun” Freckleton who found the back of the net in his 1st of many MNHL goals. Verbakel upto his usual mind tricks, heckling Snyder from the bench about Snyders countless missed opportunities. At one point Verbakel told Snyder that if he missed another chance, he was going to call his parents. A classic back and forth game that saw Bruins long time sniper Adam “Cherry Pie” Foulon, Steve Adams and Murray “The Chef” Pratt score for the Yellow Bears. The Whalers were shorthanded (a case of the Bruins Flu? ) but Kevin Rupple was a 1 man wrecking crew scoring all 3 goals for the Whalers. Bruins Goalie Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar hopes to increase his save percentage against Kevin to over 25% for the next contest. Blair's Penguins secured their first win of the season with a 7-2 victory over Talbot “Todd Gill” Stevens and his mighty Leafs. Steve Alb the returning vet sparing for the Pens scored 2 goals along with Kevin “The Prince” Noble who also had 2. Pens goalie David “Bobby” Orr played a hell of a game in net for the Baby Blues, detering many Leafs 2 on 1's and 3 on 1's (thanks to the sub par defense of Blair we can assume). “Wendal” Clark Webster sporting #17 for the Leafs opened the scoring with a shot that was missed by the game reporter. The media informed him he ...
Bot: Completed pargraph(s): should wait until Talbot is “watching” before scoring goals in the future. After requesting a video replay of his goal, he was sad to learn that in the MNHL there is no video review because it's a mens beer league and not the pros. Foulons arrival was key for the Bruins as he got them on the board at 1-1 with a seeing-eye backhander thru the 5-hole of “The Cat” Scobie. Murray “The Chef” Pratt showed he was worth the big money contract given to him by the Bruins this summer when he deftly redirected a loose puck to take the lead at 2-1 for the Bruins. Fighting back though, the Leafs and their surly Irishman Sean O'Dwyer slid the tying goal past Dunbar and countless bodies to tie it at 2 each. Leafs Captain Talbot Stevens showed another strong performance, channeling his innerAki Berg to lead his team to a hard earned point. Talbot commented that if Parker was on time, the Leafs would have won for sure. Negotiations with Parkers Agent to ensure he is on time next week are ongoing. This game saw the 10:30 start delayed by pre-game ceremonies honoring Penguins Captain Blair “Goon” Collett for playing 2 consecutive games without bitching at the refs. So much for the early ice times. Puck drop between the winless Wings and the winless Pens, one of them would come out with the valuable 2 points (unless there was a tie). Red Wings jump on the board early on a George “End to End, Back to his Own End” Balicki goal. George made a habit of circling . and circling all night in his own zone.
User: More spans: If Wings captain Joe Skufca wasn't stressed enough, this [spans 1] top. Penguins stud Adam “All Star” Cleland earns his money with a goal that ties it at 1-1 [spans 2] deadbeat. At the 3/4 mark, a giveaway puts Skufca in [spans 3] deal. Mike O'Neill throwing the body around. Someone tell him that it's a non-contact league. Better yet someone get him a cloth to wipe his visor off. Is he a goon or can he simply not see where he's going? Too early to tell. Marquis is a Tasmanian Devil out there. Goals are sure to come for the man with the energizer battery in his back. Last minute, Penguins buzzing. Matt Snyder out to hold off the Penguins last charge, is able to kill precious seconds in the corner all the while avoiding puking up Turkey dinner. Snyder ends the game with the empty net goal to extend his goal streak to 2 [spans 4] . because he definitely is).2 games into the season and Captain Jimmy has already lost the league issued spare jerseys. Money well spent by the MNHL. Minimal updates provided. Henry is refusing to speak to reporters and Jimmy can't find the send button on his cell phone to text in an update. We were able to find out that the Kings Dave “Dinner Time” Bancroft had 2 goals including the empty netter to seal the deal. Henry himself graced us with his presence and scored a goal and Rich “Big and Rich” Wotten also had one. We were able to capture a picture of Carling Arena moments before Henry's “Million Dollar Team” arrived via their team limo. The leaves are turning. The weather is getting colder. It's time for MNHL Hockey.3 games on tap for opening night at Carling Arena. Let's get down to it. Is Old Jimmy McCormick fooling us all? Is he actually an evil genius when it comes to organizing beer league hockey? Is Blair destined for yet another season of jersey switching [spans 5] defense. Despite looking completely disheveled before puck drop, the pre-game speech and chalk talk from Captain Jim sure appears to have been [spans 6] victory. While they may be the best dressed team in the MNHL, the mighty Penguins got off to a rough start due to the breaking in of new pads for goalie David “Bobby” Orr. The Penguins (self reported) “dominated” the game yet were unable to capitalize as Dean “The Thrill” Shill and his 20 year old oven mitts stymied most of the Pens chances. The Penguins filed an official complaint with League President / Resident Right Winger Scott Cortese about the referee putting up a 5-2 score on the scoreboard when in fact it was only 4-2 Whalers. Newly retired Andy Cleland apparently showed a bit too much of his “retired” lifestyle on the back check. Aside from Kevin Noble's nifty hand-eye coordination goal, no other Penguins scorers reported, Captain Blair stopped watching after he got his goal. But as they have learned from past experiences, any game with beer in the dressing room is a good game for the baby blue Pens. A post game trip to Marino's for the Pens lead to some early morning “toilet talk” . verdict on the Marino's chicken wings is still up in the air. Some players were born to wear certain jerseys. Michael Jordan was born to be a Chicago Bull. Mario Lemieux was born to be a Pittsburgh Penguin and Bernie Klacer was born to be an MNHL Red Wing. In an old Norris division battle the Red Wings battled back from 2 goals down with 15 minutes to go but a late Leafs goal put them ahead for good. Matt Snyder broke the seal early with his 1st of the season. If you're a betting man it's a safe assumption that goals for Snyder will be few and far between. Snyder flew around the ice for the first 10 minutes of play. Did he lose weight this off season? No. he actually found some weight. After the [spans 7] down. Talbot Stevens looked like a young Dimitri Mironov on the back end for [spans 8] ammo). Chuck “Chucky Doll” Parker made his debut for the Leafs after a long and illustrious career with the Bruins, when asked to comment after the game on the move to the Leafs, he responded “foods good”. Red Wings savvy vet Frank “Duke of” Erle returning to the league after a season in Europe showed the hands of a baby angel finding the net on a stellar play only a man of experience and knowledge would consider making. Tyler Smith embraced the trade to the Leafs, sporting matching grey socks, color coordinated as ever and sporting ol' Killers #93, Smith is poised for a great year . it's much too early to tell with anyone in this league. Leafs tender Neil “The Cat” Scobie was a brick [spans 9] net. His size left the Red Wings bench shaking their heads many times during the game. Newcomer Bryce Freckleton looked to be in far too good of shape for this level, did some “illegal” off season cardio [spans 10] leads. Red Wings battle back and tie it up with around 6 minutes left but the Leafs bounce right back and find the net once again to go back up 5-4. Red Wings buzz late but can't get one past Scobie and the Leafs win a tight game. Henry “The Leagues Most [spans 11] Bruins. Verbakel was absent for the game, could it be a case of “addition by subtraction? ” but super spare [spans 12] lost. In good news, the XXL jersey for “Tiny” Tim Gibson looked to be a perfect fit so that's a relief to the league funds, those 3XL jerseys are expensive. Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar looked perplexed after the game and text requests from the media for a game recap were left un-returned. Also, this reporter thinks he saw Gibson playing up front, could a change in positions for the Bruins big D-Man be in order? As for the Kings, Henry and his “Million Dollar Team” look to be enjoying the Hollywood Lifestyle in their fearsome black jerseys. Will this translate into a MNHL Cup Championship? The 2016 MNHL Draft took place last night in New York City (thanks to [spans 13] expert. – Blair's strategy included only drafting players who's beer choice fell in line with his beer preference. – Talbot patrolled the internet rumors to see if anyone was coming off an unreported off season injury (“gotta stay away from those ACL tears” says Talbot)– Joe, in his return to the league, sat quietly biding his time before his surprise pick of the night. – Jimmy looked confused and spent most of the night playing on his iPhone (his iPhone was later discovered to be an old calculator)By virtue of being an expansion team, 1st pick went to the MNHL Whalers lead by non-playing Captain / GM / Water Boy / # 1 Critique Jimmy McCormick . Moments after, Jimmy realized his error asking “Matt Snyder [spans 14] pizza. Blair then immediately cut Matt Snyder who was claimed on waivers by Joe's Red Wings only because everyone was required to have 10 players. All in all it was an emotional night for Matt Snyder,“ . and with the 2nd overall pick in the MNHL Draft, Blair Collett of the Penguins selected . When asked to comment, Blair said “I felt like I was the best player on the board”. The draft continues with sizzling action. At the end of the night all the captains were happy except Jimmy, but Jimmy is never happy so that's nothing new. The MNHL announced their 6 team captains for 2016/2017. As captains, these 6 young bucks will be tasked with making sure there is a proper beer schedule in place, ensuring spares are called and organizing 6am bag skates after disappointing losses in addition to making demotions to the minors, balancing salary cap requirements, ensure MNHL payroll compliance etc. Don't worry, Big Jimmy was informed that as Captain, he can no longer travel room to room looking for beer handouts. I doubt he will comply though. Lots of things happening in the MNHL. With expansion and relocation dominating the newspapers, there's lots to report. Lots of debate at the league office. Commissioner Scott wanted to spring for new jerseys. Webmaster Matt went to work with some preliminary designs. Chief Financial Officer Tyler crunched the numbers and finally, after lots of “please dad, can [spans 15] book. But it looks like all 6 teams will be in new jerseys for 2016. Unable to get an arena deal done, the MNHL Champion Blackhawks will become the MNHL Red Wings. The MNHL Bruins will [spans 16] tact. The MNHL Penguins will also return sporting their baby blues. The Stars of yesteryear will move to become the MNHL Whalers. If you would have suggested in October that the Blackhawks would be Champions you'd have been labeled a crazy idiot. After an opening week 11-1 beat down to the hands of the Penguins, the Blackhawks looked to be a team with no hope, but apparently they hit rock bottom and bounced back, HARD. As quick as the puck had dropped, Hawks 2 way forward Steve “Show Time” Adams put the boys in red up 1-0. But minutes [spans 17] game. Shortly after, Hawks power forward Matt “MVP? ” Snyder parked himself in front of the crease and waited . until the fancy tic tac toe passing of Murray Pratt and Henry Verbakel put a puck on his stick and Snyder did the rest, going far side on Craig “Crazy Legs” Dunbar to put the Hawks up 2-1. After an Andrew “Sharpie” Sharp penalty, the Bruins powerful power play went to work. The Hawks had a stratgey of “not letting Tim shoot from anywhere”, an easy mission on the chalk board, a difficult mission when your face to face with his powerful shot. But a Kevin Rupple steal put the Hawks on a 2 on 1 shorthanded. Rupples shot was saved by Dunbar but the puck trickled out in front of the net and as both teams scrambled to find it, Snyder again was Johnny on the Spot and tapped the puck into the open cage for his 2nd [spans 18] lead. The Hawks would get 1 more before the period ended when Henry “The Savy Vet” Verbakel went into Gretzky mode [spans 19] 4-1. Tim “Thunder Stick” Gibson had several chances as the Bruins put the pressure on. A Gibson rocket from the point deflected off an unknown stick past Shawn [spans 20] 2. Shortly after Bruins forward Dave Barrett walked in past the Hawks forwards and snipped a shot top cheese past Martin to bring the Bruins back within 1 goal (I think it was Barrett, I was actually behind the play taking a casual skate on the back check, don't worry, Henry gave me a talking to on the bench).4-3 Hawks with minutes left, Foulon trying to get loose but the Hawks were all over him like a dirty shirt. Gibson trying to get another rocket free from the point but the Hawks forwards patrolling the d-zone, Hawks stud Beliveau killing penalty after penalty with his “around the world” skates. Up by 1, the Hawks were feeling the pressure until something magical happened. I'll never forget this moment. Andrew “Sharpie” Sharp skates the puck over the blue line, on the bench Talbot says to no one in particular that “Sharpie is going to do something with this one” as soon as the words are off his lips, Sharpie shoots the puck past Dunbar to put the Hawks up 5-3. The little team that could, did! The MNHL Cup in all it's glory was raised high last night. After the game Blackhawks Captain Talbot Stevens appeared on Coaches Corner, “any time a player scores 3 goals in a Championship game, a legend is created” Talbot commented. “Yes it was [spans 21] this'. Matt Snyder may be the best player I've ever been on the ice with.”Join the boys at Marnio's after the game for [spans 22] losers. In a back and forth game with both teams sporting short benches, [spans 23] out. A fast game that saw the Bruins jump out to [spans 24] breakaway. The Stars responded late in the 1st to tie it at 1 and then took the lead early in the 2nd. A penalty to Bernie late in the 2nd allowed which was extended when he left the box early allowed the Bruins to tie it off a Kevin Noble goal where he shot directly off the face off to surprise the Stars tender. Off to a shoot out where the Stars choose to shoot first and scored on their first 3 shots only to see the Bruins respond to each goal with a goal of their own. In the 8th round, Chuck Parker of the Bruins went high glove [spans 25] Championship. In the 2nd game of the MNHL Semi-Finals, the Blackhawks neutral zone trap held the powerful Penguins off the score sheet. The Blackhawks were lead by the amazing goal tending of Shawn Martin (actually as per Captain Talbot's instructions, forget that last sentence) and the return of powerful centers Kevin and Ryan. Jumping out to an early 2-0 lead, the Hawks went into full 1995 New Jersey Devils mode and continued to clog up the neutral zone running the Talbot certified version of the trap.2 uncharacteristic late Penguin penalties stymied their attack and the Hawks were able to hold on. As everyone knows, Hockey Referees LOVE to hear constructive criticism during the course [spans 26] integrity. I know that the ref certainly appreciated Blair voicing his point of view. A post game appeal by the Penguins was filed after a “phantom puck” incident saw 2 pucks enter the ice surface during a strong rush from the Pens. While Hawks supporters will claim that an absent minded rink attendant simply threw a stray puck back over the glass during play, Pens supporters claim that this was a conspiracy on par with the JFK assassination plot . We may never know the truth. APPEAL HEARING: After hearing the appeal of the Penguins Captain, reviewing video evidence and taking various witness statements, the MNHL Appeal Committee has come to a decision:The Penguins then requested that the appeal be escalated to the MNHL Independent Arbitrator, who provided this decision:In a game ripe with playoff implications, the Blackhawks jumped out to an early lead thanks to 2 short handed goals in the 1st, but a fluky goal from behind the goal line from Mike O'Neil got the Pens back on [spans 27] board. With 3rd place locked up and a short bench greeting them at every change, the Hawks appeared to lose their legs in the 2nd. Needing a point to guarantee a top 3 finish, the Pens just wanted it more and were able to take a 2 goal lead in the 2nd period. Final score, Pens 6 Hawks 4 locking the playoff spots down and setting a rematch for the 1st round between the 2 birds of prey. Bruins finally eeked a victory from the Stars with the help of super sub John “Hired Gun” McArthur replacing Dave “highest cost per game played” Barrett. The short handed Stars team appeared to be [spans 28] Stoppers. Bernie's power play goal brought the game within 1 but Adam “Fresh Cherries” Foulon scored on his 10th break away of the game to seal the Bruins victory. On a special note, the MNHL wishes good luck to Bruins forward Coach Dave Barrett as he hopefully leads the UWO Womens Hockey team to [spans 29] weekend. The Blackhawks jumped out to an early 2-0 and 3-1 lead in this exciting game that had a playoff feel. Nothing short of 2 wins in the last 2 games would help the Bruins and captain Tim went all in to guarantee his boys a chance to move up the standings. With the score tied late Bruins made their move. With under 90 seconds left, needing a win, the Bruins pulled Dunbar from the net for the extra attacker. Off the bench came the hero of the night Adam “Blue Line” Foulon who streaked down the middle of the ice, thru countless Blackhawks players and right into the slot to score the game [spans 30] squad. The Stars and their magnificent 8 skaters had their way with the Pens in a 15-4 stomping.10 goals after 1 sealed the deal for Blairs boys, although the score board showed a 25-2 score at intermission. The Pens debated returning for the 2nd. Pens tendy Dean [spans 31] symptom. Blair (1) and Bummer (2) were the scorers for the Pens. Too many scorers to report for the Stars. The Pens loss combined with [spans 32] league. A strong showing from the Stars [spans 33] game. Teams exchanged moments of control but the Stars depth and speed was too much for the Hawks to handle. An exceptional goal from Hawks stud Ryan Belliveau was a sight to be seen. This MNHL newcomer was definitely playing to the ratings committee with his end to end rush. The playoffs must be approaching because the tempers were razor sharp and Dave Bancroft already has the playoff beard rocking in full force. As previously reported, Blackhawks Captain Talbot Stevens has reported a string of missing pucks from the Hawks puck bag. “I just don't know where they have gone to” reported Talbot to Police. [spans 34] . Blackhawks Scorer / Super Detective Ryan Beliveau has gotten to the bottom of [spans 35] fiasco. As evidence by the pictures Ryan secured, it appears that Blackhawks forward Matt Snyder was taking home some mementos from his MNHL Season. Matt Snyder, a true 4th line forward on a 3 line team. Bruins and Stars (fasten your seat belts) played to a 4-4 tie last night. The Bruins were significantly by hired gun super sub John McArthur [spans 36] line. McArthur replaced the shifty Dave Barrett — who seems to be [spans 37] played. Notably, Bruins Chris Higgins overcame a season long battle with Stars Flu and turned in a solid game on D. A good back and forth game, the Bruins had a late lead but their poor choice of accepting 3 Stars penalties backfired. Having not practiced the Power Play in, well . ever, and not knowing what to do with the extra skater, the Bruins faced a downhill rink and were stuck in their own zone allowing the Stars to tie the game late. The Penguins skated to a decisive victory over the 2nd place Blackhawks who were without star goaline Shawn Martin last night. While their sub goalie played great, they Hawks were unable to capitalize on early chances [spans 38] selves. A bevy of Hawks give aways lead to Penguins goals. Pens forward Adam Cleland was his fiesty self and Chris Bumbacco's red helmet was flying around. Even MNHL Bad Boy Blair Collett was able to contribute with a 2 goal game. Hawks attempted a 2nd period come back lead by 2 goals from Murray “The Chef” Pratt who appears to be heating up at just the right time. The return of line mate Henry Verbakel saw an end to a 7 game goal streak for Matt Snyder, Coincidence? Steve Adams was able to finally find the back of the net after claiming to be open the entire game. Tyler Smith played a strong 2 way game at center as the Hawks were without both of their usual centers for the contest. Pens goalie Dean “The Thrill” Shill once again put in a strong showing and let everyone know it. His flair for flashing the leather was almost sickening to the Hawks bench and multiple discussions of “running the goalie in the playoffs” were had in the dressing room after. In defeat, the Blackhawks dined on a delicious Roast Beef on a Bun [spans 39] days. Unfortunately the team ran out of Beer at the 24 can mark, a fitting end to a disappointing evening. Reports of the Pens moving from the Dressing Room to Marino's to celebrate the monumental victory have yet to be confirmed. Pens forward Mike O'Neill potentially facing sexual harassment charges for an unfortunate “texting error”. Mike is without comment at the advice of his lawyer. Stay tuned for updates . Family [spans 40] Penguins. Both teams went 9 aside and the Penguins lead by 2 for a portion of the game but Stars super D-Man Kevin Dangles decided to score a good chunk of [spans 41] goals. Tragedy was avoided when the Penguins beer guy was able to scrounge up a supply cache after discovering the beer store was closed on the holiday Monday, crisis adverted. A great back and forth game that saw Hawks stud Ryan Beliveau come away with a hatty and 6 points. [spans 42] well. Bruins decided to move Tiny Tim Gibson up to forward as they appeared to be short handed with Foulon out. Gibson's shot was stellar from [spans 43] fort. Dave Barrett was strong up front for the Bruins whos sub goalie was lights out for chunks of the game. It appeared that tempers flared in the dying minutes, when in reality a couple of the boys were only voicing their opinions on the recent Republican debates using their outdoor voices. Just a couple of passionate politics fans exercising their first amendment rights (free speech). Stars jump out to an early lead but a feisty Blackhawks [spans 44] Hawks. One can only wonder what would have been had Talbot and Henry not taken vacation on this most important game. Stars had moments of amazement. The old saying “he skated circles around [spans 45] Blackhawks. Pens found themselves down a goal for the first 2 periods and then bounced back to tie and take a 3-2 lead. Stars superstar Kevin tied it up with 50 seconds to go though to keep the Stars from dropping 2 straight. The game wasn't without it's tussles. The Stars had a guy tossed and Blackhawks power forward Rich Wotten have himself a 6 minute penalty even though the ref didn't call it! He went into the box thinking he [spans 46] ”. If that's not honesty, I don't know what is. With the Stars [spans 47] victory. Snyder opened the scoring for the [spans 48] frustration. Szypula found the open 5 hole minutes later for a 2-o Hawks lead. Rupple added 2 including a beautiful rebound on his own break away and Smith found the back of the net with authority. A large group of female hockey fans made [spans 49] Beli-eve. Only question is, was Belsy able to complete the hat trick that night (and maybe the next morning? ). In the 1st stunning upset of the night, the Bruins were able to capture a 5-4 win over the Penguins thanks to 4 goals from Adam “Red Light” Foulon. Bruins Goalie Craig Dunbar reportedly had to leave the game due to a broken nail. he suffered a grotesque injury when the fingernail on his glove hand was ripped off, most likely from a laser beam of a shot from the powerful Penguins team. This upset shakes up the standings as 2 points separate the Pens, Hawks and Bruins who battle for 2nd thru 4th going into the playoffs. There are certain events in life that you will always remember where you. Where you were when JFK was shot. [spans 50] attacked. Where you were when the Blackhawks beat the Stars for the 1st time this year. In a back and forth game dictated by puck control and end to end rushes, a full house [spans 51] come. The highlight of the night was a controversial penalty on Hawks Andrew “Sharpie” Sharp called for taking a slap shot. Little did the referee know that Sharpie was using a new, military grade titanium stick borrowed from NASA. While the penalty was called for Sharpie “not controlling his stick” little did we know that the stick was actually controlling Sharpie. Goalies beware, if slap shots ever become legal, your days are numbered. The thrill of the night was Murray “The Chef” Pratt, returning to the ice after taking a week off to enter into — and most likely dominate — a cooking competition (think Iron Chef x 1000) his [spans 52] sage. Police are investigating a sexual harassment accusation on the Blackhawks bench though. The MNHL Human Resources Department will be interviewing players after an unnamed Blackhawk reportedly threatened to spank another player on the team (hint, the accused has a stunning beard, [spans 53] HV). In what can only be classified as Addition by Subtraction, the Blackhawks were able to squeeze a 3-3 tie out of the Penguins without talented scorer Matt Snyder who's mom made him stay home to finish his school work. No other reports forthcoming from Cortese and the Pens due to the suspected embarrassment of tying the [spans 54] Hawks. The good news for the Bruins is that Bernie's boys seemed to play only at about 75% most of the night – letting Foulon in for several breakaways that would have normally been challenged hard. It didn't matter, though, as the Stars tender was a wall.
spans 1: really put him over the
spans 2: but for most of the night, the Wings Defense was all over him like Scott Cortese is all over some insurance defrauding
spans 3: front of the net with the puck on his stick and bing-bang-boom he gets it done quicker then Bernie Klacer signing a mortgage
spans 4: (5 goals in his last 3 MNHL games if you're counting
spans 5: and beer list forgetting tom-foolery? With a clear vision, tasty food and stunning green jerseys, Jimmys Whalers were able to get the 1st win of the 2016 MNHL season dumping 4 goals on the Penguins and playing lock down
spans 6: the deciding factor in this
spans 7: 10 minute mark (run time including warm ups) this big truck of a man slowed right
spans 8: the Leafs (in a new addition to this years game reports, every week I'll be comparing Talbot to a different washed up Maple Leafs Defenseman from the 80's and 90's which should provide great on ice trash talk
spans 9: house in
spans 10: assist him during the game? Back and forth opening half, that saw the Leafs jump out to a 4-2
spans 11: Interesting Man” Verbakel claims to have put together a dream team and they looked the part in an opening night with a run away victory over the
spans 12: John “Hired Gun” MacArthur was spotted in the Black and Silver so, all was not
spans 13: Scott for paying for the hotels and flights)The 6 captains and league commissioner showed up, each with their own strategy on how to build a 1 year MNHL dynasty:– Commissioner Cortese was booed by the crows before he laid out the rules of the night which basically involved making sure no-one took 2 goalies– Treasurer / Director of Hockey Operations Tyler reported on the financials and then was last seen in the kitchen on his 3rd beer– Henry came well prepared with a team of consultants including an analytics department, fitness and medical team and a salary cap
spans 14: is that huge defense man from the Bruins with the blistering shot, right? ”When informed that no, this was in fact Big Tim, Jimmy immediately traded Matt Snyder to Blair in exchange for the last piece of
spans 15: we please .” he said ok and took the hardest hit he will take all year, to the league cheque
spans 16: remain in place with their long lasting history in
spans 17: later a cross crease puck off the skate saw the Bruins tie the
spans 18: of the game and a 3-1 Hawks
spans 19: (young Gretzky, not Gretzky with the Rangers), taking a puck around the Bruins net and patiently holding it for an eternity before slipping a beautiful pass thru dozens of legs onto the waiting stick of, you guessed it, Matt Snyder who chipped the puck past Dunbar for his 3rd of the game and the natural Hat Trick to put the Hawks up
spans 20: “Bone Cracker” Martin to bring the Bruins back within
spans 21: a great team effort with tons of defensive help from the forwards, but one player put the team on his back and proved said ‘I got
spans 22: a few beers to celebrate with the winners and console the
spans 23: the 4th seed Bruins upset the 1st seed Stars in a shoot
spans 24: an early 1-0 lead thanks to an Adam Foulon
spans 25: side after screaming in to secure the Bruins a Cinderella trip to the MNHL
spans 26: of a game and Blair provided immediate feedback to the Ref regarding his eye sight and
spans 27: the
spans 28: resting up for the playoff run, locating a goalie at the last minute thanks to Puck
spans 29: a 2nd straight national championship this
spans 30: winner on a dejected Hawks
spans 31: “The Thrill” Shill played thru flu like
spans 32: the Bruins win makes Week 22 very important for the bottom 3 teams in the
spans 33: was enough to handle a Blackhawks team that came on in the 2nd period in a fast paced
spans 34: A lunatic fan? Rats? Talbot's imagination run wild? We may never know
spans 35: the missing puck
spans 36: who scored a goal and brought energy to the Bruins checking
spans 37: leading the league in cost per game
spans 38: and the Penguins were their usual, patient and opportunistic
spans 39: which reportedly had been marinating for 4
spans 40: Day Hockey kicked off at Carling with an 8-6 Stars victory over the
spans 41: his 6
spans 42: Snyder had 2 (editors note: everyone says the 1st goal was amazing but honestly I had my eyes closed the entire time so I have no idea what happened) Andrew “Sharpie” Sharp continued to find the back of the net with 1 and Steve “Atta Boy” Adams had 1 as
spans 43: the front end and the Bruins D was able to hold the
spans 44: team gave it the ol' college try including scoring with under 5 seconds left (do last goal wins rules apply? )Blackhawks Goalie Shawn Martin storms out of the dressing room after the game in protest for the shoddy team defense from the
spans 45: me”, that literally happened last night to at least 4
spans 46: had a double penalty and 5 minutes later the ref was skating by and asked Rich “what are you doing in there? ?
spans 47: losing to the Blackhawks last week and suffering a tie to the Penguins, maybe Bernies Stars are starting to fall from the sky? A Typical Norris vs Adams division clash between the Blackhawks and the Bruins saw the Hawks hold on for a 6-5
spans 48: Hawks finally solving Dunbar after 2 years of
spans 49: their way to Carling for Ladies Night and Blackhawks stunning forward #16 Ryan Beliveau made them
spans 50: Where you were when the World Trade Towers were
spans 51: Blackhawks team was able to handle a short handed yet powerful Stars squad in a game that was as exciting as they
spans 52: hands were as soft as a piece of thinly sliced marinated veal, cooked in a red wine and mushroom reduction with just a hint of garlic and
spans 53: wears # 41 and has the initials
spans 54: consistently inconsistent
User: More spans: The only bright spot for the Bruins was Chuck Parker, who netted our only goal in addition to bringing a fine selection of beers for the boys. If he had brought some food he would have netted a MNHL hat trick! Bruins jump out to a 1-0 lead late in the 1st with a great goal from Foulon along the ice and hold on for a decisive win. Blackhawks get within 1 only to watch their comeback wither on the vine. The Bruins and Blackhawks are now tied for 3rd place. The Pens called [spans 1] Pens. The Stars tender was on fire making timely saves and the Stars Bobby Orr clone # 9 (name withheld to protect the innocent) was his [spans 2] self. Even a late game scuffle from resident league goon Blair “Bad Boy” Collett wasn't enough to fire the Pens up. The Pens tried the ol' “pull the goalie” move but it was too little too late for the Baby Blue Bad Boys. And when they thought it couldn't [spans 3] morning. Not Pretty! The battle down the stretch will be for 2, 3 and 4th place as teams look to avoid the Big Green Death Star aka Bernie's Stars in the 1st round. The Pens, Bruins and Blackhawks are now within 3 points of each other with meaningful games in the future. A great night of games wrapped up with a great night of beers, pizza, wings and exaggerated skill as [spans 4] Party. Thanks to the MNHL Board for throwing in some cash towards the food bill and thanks to Big Jimmy for organizing the distribution of the food. At the unofficial half way point of the season, it's fair to say that the league appears to be a success. The new relaxed format hasn't slowed the pace of play, the aggression is way down and the enjoyment is way up and a few of the boys even appear to be getting in some sort of “shape” thanks to the 90 minutes of ice. Reports of expansion are circulating for the 2016 season and the playoff race is in full swing with every team still in the hunt. The MNHL mid-season All Star team travelled down Richmond on Saturday night to enjoy 12 bars of Christmas. Working under the operating guidelines that “technically any place that serves is a bar” the boys were only able to make it to 11 “establishments” before falling to the night. For the most part, it was a great night of pitchers and pictures, although no one really can confirm the details. Coming in hot on a 3 game unbeaten streak, the Hawks jumped out to a 2-1 lead after the 1st period on goals from Matt Snyder (Finally . Captain Talbot must have had a vision because he predicted Snyder would break the seal last night and in dramatic fashion, his prediction game true . bold guess or Jedi Mind Trick from Talbot? As the 2nd period started, Bernie and the Boys came alive. Bernie and the Stars appear to [spans 5] heads. In the late game on o' Rink A the Bruins fell again in a close game that even had Scott “Christmas Story” Cortese find 2 gifts under the tree. The Pens are quickly becoming the bad boys of the MNHL as they had 3 goons serving penalties at one point in the game (safe to assume one of these was Blair) but their PK unit held strong as Blairs Baby Blue Boys held the Big Bomber Tim Gibson off the score sheet. Matt MacDonald went on a personal mission (possibly fueled by egg nog and rum) to de-nut Pens star Adam “Stylish Hands” Cleland. Tim “Mountain Man” Beckett was the man of the night [spans 6] Pens. Don't be fooled by this Grizzly Bear looking big man, he has the insides of a Teddy Bear and hands as soft as a baby angel which allowed him [spans 7] goals. Scoring was completed by Brad Nickle who tipped a beautiful wrist high shot in, hand eye coordination has never been an issue for Nickle. “We're going streaking” was the cry from the Blackhawks dressing room post game. To outsiders, weird and wild visions ensued but to the Blackhawks who are undefeated in 3 it had an entirely different meaning. Jumping out to an early lead thanks to 2 goals by Savy [spans 8] Verbakel. He doesn't always score goals but when he does, he scores 2. Kevin Rupple dominated chunks of the game with his nifty stickhandling and the score could have been worse if not for the fast glove of Dean “The Thrill” Shill who was in the head of ‘Hawks forward Matt “No Finish” Snyder. Reports that robbing Snyder 4 or 5 during the game weren't enough and Shill actually drove to his house, ate his food and wore [spans 9] point. Blair Collett got the Pens back in it with a goal that defys description. Mike O'Neill and Adam Cleland also had strong games for the Baby Blue Boys but despite strong pressure in the final minutes including an outstanding game from Hawks converted D-Man Tyler Smith, the Hawks went home victorious. The highlight of the night was the strongly contested debate on the merit of Uber vs. Taxi Cabs in the dressing room, paired with a strong beer selection — over 5 different choices. Was someone being festive or cleaning our the beer fridge? We may never know. Best guesses of the final score is Stars 8 Bruins 3 although many will dispute as the ref didn't put up goals to the enjoyment of Bruins Fans. Stars may have scored more. Bruins were down two strong players in Brad Nickle and Dave Barrett so they snuck (illegally? ? ? ? ) super sub Mark Vandenbosch on the squad and had him pose as perennially injured Hans Schreff. Stars started with 6 skaters allowing the Bruins to jump out to a 2-1 lead. The Bruins thought their illegal tactics were working and they had a chance of finally beating the Stars . Bernie's call for reinforcements was realized when the troops started arriving (by car or by horse TBD) and the ice began to tilt. The Bruins quickly realized their chance of winning was only slightly better than the chance of a white Christmas in London. Goals started coming in all varieties- pucks bouncing off Briuns D, Dunbar forgetting he's a goalie and pretending to be D, leading to 2 yawning cages. Finally Star Super Star D-Man # 9 scored a particularly nice goal where he skated around 2 or 3 Bruins, including the Goalie. Undeterred by the drubbing, the Bruins joyfully went to Rod Mitchell's for his annual Christmas celebration where the boys battled hard for their turn in Rod's massage chair. Stars 8 (or 9 or 10) Bruins 3 Massage Chair 0The Stars entered with only 7 skaters but apparently it was the right 7 as they were able to pound 10 goals past [spans 10] game. While details are dim, the score suggests a game full of chances.17 goals is an impressive feat for any game involving both Bernie and Blair on the same ice. Some teams will just not be denied, in this case that team was the Blackhawks who moved into a tie for 3rd place after a decisive 5-2 win. The 1st period was full of chances but no results. Hawks forward Matt Snyder lead the attack but his game was similar to a poorly planned Scandinavian vacation . All Swedish, No Finish! The Blackhawks would take the lead late in the 1st when Henry Verbakel took a Kevin Rupple feed to put the ‘Hawks up 1-0. Henry was definitely the “Toe” to Kevin's “Tic Tac”. Hawks forward Ryan Beliveau made us “Beli-eve” when, with the patience of a Vietcong sniper, waited . and then buried to put the Hawks up by 2. Beliveau celebrated by praising the hockey gods. Chester Szypula showed up eventually, and immediately took charge of the back end. While the MNHL doesn't give out awards if they did, Szypula would [spans 11] Trophy. Hawks lead 3-0 late in the 2nd but the Bruins keep it a game when Adam “All I Do is Score” Foulon was able to start the come back attack. “Tiny” Tim Gibson did what he does best, dominate the back end, walk over the blue line and let a missle go, this time though Shawn Martin couldn't track and the sound of the posts still echo thru Carling. But the ‘Hawks come back with the insurance goal and a 5th for good measure. There may have been a 3rd Bruins goal but honestly by 11:15 most of the Blackhawks had already checked out of the ice and were thinking about the delicious culinary trip thru Greece that Tyler Smith was planning in the dressing room. Bruins tender Craig Dunbar was again, simply amazing in net. Mike Marquis was his relentless self. Foulon on an off night was still a threat on every shift and Gibson was his usual strong self. Bruins D-Man Rob Mitchell also had a strong night in his back end clearing the crease and throwing his weight around. Blackhawks had strong games from Smith who moved back to D, Steve Adams with his fore check of doom and constant bench chatter and Murray “Puck Possession” Pratt. On the other hand, Blackhawks “forward” Matt Snyder was awful, not sure why they let this guy on the ice. Rumors circulated that if he hadn't brought the beer he would have been a healthy scratch. To the average MNHL fan arriving early for the 10:00 showcase game, surprise and panic ensued as there was a game ALREADY IN PROGRESS. The new 9:30 time slot made its debut last night in a classic Penguins vs Bruins battle on ol' Rink B and by the sounds of it, 30 minutes makes all the difference in the world to a bunch of old boys like us. Bruins and Penguins battle to a 4-4 stalemate after the Penguins were unable to hold two different 2 goal leads. The Bruins battled back to take a 4-3 lead late but a penalty for goaltender interference to Bruins Bad Boy Mike “Maniac” Marquis put the mighty Pens on the power play down by 1. Rich “Which Way” Wotten scored the tying goal late while on the Power Play and the game ended at 4's. In a first in the new era MNHL, Chris Bumbacco was physically molested while on a break away and was awarded a . Unfortunately for Chris, his Penalty Shot was Penalty Sh*t and Craig “The Wall” Dunbar said “not so fast my baby blue wearing friends”. No Tim Gibson bombs from the blue line and the Penguins spent extra time in their pre game meeting focusing on stopping the Adam Foulon breakway strategy. Bruins star Brad Nickle was en fuego (ie. on fire) but All Swedish, No Finish as he was unable to pop one past Dean “The Thrill” Shill. Many comments on the early start which allowed an extra 30 minutes [spans 12] night. Like the rash on your butt that just won't go away, the Big Red Machine were able to wrestle a point away from the undermanned Death Star in Green they call the Stars in a game that had everything you could want out of the MNHL including delicious Chinese cuisine, the return of an MNHL legend and a once in a life time event. The Blackhawks jumped out to an early lead but the Stars patient counter-attack was able to tie the game up. Savy vet Henry Verbakel resembling a young Brett Hull had 2 goals for the ‘Hawks and like a rabid dog, hounded the net for his 3rd with a few late chances. If Verbakel is able to regain his form of earlier years it would be akin to Sean Connery coming out of retirement to once again play Super Spy James Bond. Let's just say, the fire is starting to heat up. Now, there's some events that a person may experience once, or twice a life time if their lucky. A full lunar eclipse, a lottery win, being struck by lightening or more relevant to this article, a Talbot Stevens goal. If you blinked you missed it, but you'll never miss the stories, to be retold for years. This seeing eye wrister from the blue line put the Blackhawks up yet again. The Blackhawks may have let up too early though when an error proved to be more costly then a 20 year mortgage with a 14% interest rate. Leaving Stars super captain Bernie Klacer alone thru the neutral zone, The Star's Star walked across the blue line and shot a cannon off the cross back down and in the net to tie the game.2 goals from Stars forward Dave “Free Buffet” Bancroft and solid goal tending from Shawn Martin is the rest of the story. Blackhawks forward Matt Snyder had 2 nifty rushes showing off his dangles but, as has been confirmed by many of the women in his life, in the end Snyder came up a few inches short. Szechuan Beef was the post game meal for the ‘Hawks. A festive far east trip for the taste buds with just enough heat to scare away the children. Like Big Foot, the actual score of this game is a mystery. Reports of 9-6, 12-5, 20-5 have been coming in from all corners of the MNHL globe. The official score will go down as 12-5. The sting of the loss will quickly fade, but for [spans 13] ever. In the late game the Penguins jumped out to an [spans 14] Blackhawks. The Baby Blue Pens jumped on the scoreboard early when Scott “Garbage Man” Cortese pounced on a rebound in front like a Racoon digging thru a garbage can and finding a [spans 15] pizza. With the stink of the 1st goal still lingering in the air, the Pens jumped on a flat and [spans 16] cake. Mike O'Neill set up camp at [spans 17] goal. Cortese added his 2nd and Collett was his usual pestering self keeping the Blackhawks rush under control. On one rush his [spans 18] exhaustion. The only bright spot in an otherwise uninspired Blackhawks night was the play of Bobby Orr clone Chester Szypula. Displaying hands as soft as a babys bottom, Chester again showed the benefits of a full warm up netting a goal in consecutive games. The Blackhawks power line of Verbakel, Pratt and Beliveau was consistently inconsistent and the checking line of Sharpe, Snyder and [spans 19] drop. Blackhawks dined on a pulled beef medley including home made slaw. The beef was [spans 20] MGD. Unconfirmed reports that the Penguins did have post-game beers [spans 21] tears. In the upset of the early season, the Blackhawks jumped out to a [spans 22] season. Even though there was 11 goals scored, strong goal tending from both masked men was the story of the match. Blackhawks scorers included Andrew “Sharpie” Sharpe and Chester “2 Goals” Szypula who had 2 shots from the blueline find their way thru to the back of the ol' puck catcher (ie the net). The Bruins [spans 23] line. The win sees the Blackhawks take a firm [spans 24] points. Remarkable that a team can triple their seasons points with 1 strong showing. Blackhawks post game meal report: Meatball Subs paired perfectly with Coors Banquet tallboys. Comments on the delicious hint of garlic and pepper in the sauce. A solid 7/10 on taste and 8/10 on presentation due to the brand new crock pot. A 5/10 on ambiance in the room due to the distracting door knocking which hindered conversation. The big news pre-game was the confusion over the missing refreshment cooler. Seemed to have created a distraction on the ice as well (for the Penguins). Lots of rumblings on who missed out on bringing the additional bevies. On a positive note the powder blue penguins did have pucks for warm up so that helped out immensely. The start of the game was close with chances had at both ends. More on ice distractions as the Penguins looking for Green enforcer Bernie Klacier who was missing for the game. I think maybe intimidated by previous losses (to the Penguins). Alas, the Green team without their physical presence exploited the Penguins defense to break the game open late. Multiple missed opportunities came back to haunt the pale blue penguins. Happy to report no injuries sustained in the [spans 25] Penguins. It started off as a slaughter but ended in excitement in this classic MNHL game that saw perhaps the greatest goal ever scored (more [spans 26] later). Bernie and the Stars came out hot and heavy early, relentlessly punishing the Blackhawks defense, with controlled anarchy in the Blackhawks zone, the Stars jumped out to an early 4-0 lead. ‘Hawks goalie Shawn Martin and Stars super spare Sam Shaw put on goaltender clinics, Martin made a reported 64 saves in the 1st period alone. But the Blackhawks would not die. Early in the 2nd period Blackhawks power forward Matt Snyder picked up a loose puck and went into Bobby Orr [spans 27] player. his luscious long hair flowing in the wind before doing a triple spin-o-rama and taking the most stunning wrist shot top shelf. Both benches broke out into a standing ovation. The game had to be stopped for several minutes to calm both teams down who were simply amazed at what they had just seen. Grown men wept in the hands at the pure beauty of this amazing goal. Captain Talbot was speechless in his post game press conference. If you don't believe this story, shame on you. The legend of this goal will grow for years to come. Your childrens children will marvel at this accomplishment. MNHL'ers will lie about being on the ice for this miraculous display of athletic prowess for decades. Alas, after getting to within 1, the Stars scored a late insurance goal and walked away with the 5-3 victory, but even after the game the stadium was a-buzz at what Snyder had accomplished. Verbakel also scored a pretty goal on a feed from Rupple. It wasn't as nice as Snyder's goal of the century but it should be mentioned. Rumors of massive grumblings from the Penguins dressing room regarding the fact that the web site refers to them as the Penguins, Sharks Jets has lead to rumors of a potential walk out from the Penguins (similar to the happenings in Flint, Michigan). Web administrator Matt Snyder was questioned after the game and commented “if they have a problem, they know where to find me, let's settle it on the ice” at which point laughter ensued. On the ice, [spans 28] netter. Scott Cortese's effort to tie the game were for not, as Bruins goalie Craig Dunbar argued he wasn't ready (the old “wasn't ready” trick, works every time) and the goal was disallowed. No mention from Scott that Dunbar was still on his knees doing up his pads. Savy vet Andy “The Butcher” Cleland drew his first penalty of the season with a vicious 2 hand chop (vicious may be an exaggeration, but it sounds good). After the 5th goal against, Dean “The Thrill” Shill attempted to shake his boys up by verbally abusing their effort and intelligence, his scream to “Smarten Up” echo'd thru the rafters of ol' Carling Arena. Finally, Penguins passed on a hot dinner but did enjoy 2 cases of beer after the game. The Blackhawks had no comment on this blatant attempt at one-up-man-ship. The league offers a safe, respectful, competitively balanced but clean hockey environment for men 35 and older who enjoy a night out with the boys playing a good game of Hockey followed by a couple of cold beers. League games operate with 1 referee (typical of many 35+ leagues) which is designed to control costs and also control aggressive play.
spans 1: up reinforcement Joe Skufca, but the hired gun was unable to turn the tide for the
spans 2: usual game controlling
spans 3: get worse, reports indicate the Pens Injury List could be growing after a bad run in with some post game Marino's Chicken Wings that caused quite a stir in a few Penguins toilets this
spans 4: the MNHL Boys gathered at the Alibi for the 1st Annual MNHL Christmas
spans 5: be Star Wars fans if last night's game was any indication because seconds into the 2nd periodThe Big Green Death Stars decided that they actually wanted to win the game and, like a cat toying with a mouse before sudden death, the Stars literally slaughtered a shaken and sad Hawks team that had visions of sugar plums dancing in their
spans 6: for the
spans 7: to score on a beautiful wrap around goal on Dunbar for one of his 2
spans 8: Vet Henry “The Most Interesting Man in the MNHL”
spans 9: his clothes just to prove a
spans 10: the Baby Blue Penguins in a back and forth barn burner in the early
spans 11: have to be in consideration for the MNHL Norris
spans 12: of beer drinking for Blair's boys before the street lights came on and their moms told them they had to be home since it's a school
spans 13: many Bruins the trauma will last for
spans 14: early lead and never relented, walking away with an 8-4 win over the lowly
spans 15: day old piece of
spans 16: unfocused Blackhawks squad like a fat kid on the last piece of
spans 17: the Blackhawks blue line and, after putting himself offside previously, scored a beautiful break away
spans 18: defensive prowess was so relentless that Blackhawks forward Matt Snyder simply fell upon him in
spans 19: Rupple had apparently “checked out” before puck
spans 20: slow cooked for 11 hours and paired excellently with the
spans 21: while the Blackhawks cried post-game
spans 22: 5-0 lead over the powerful Bruins and withstood a strong late push to pull out their 1st victory of the
spans 23: got on the board after Tim Gibson decided to take matters into his own hands with a post denting laser from just over the blue
spans 24: grasp on 4th place with 3
spans 25: game and post game explanation of who brings refreshments when and in what quantity was the only win for the
spans 26: on that
spans 27: mode, he circled back around his net and went on to go end to end over, around and thru EVERY SINGLE Stars
spans 28: hired Gun Adam Cleland scored a hatty for the Pens who had opportunities to win it late until the Bruins sealed the deal with an empty |
User: Fill in words: What is (or rather was) Oscar Wilde's take on writing as a career? Don't. Or at least don't unless you've got some other way to pay the bills. [words 1] success as a writer was due to him never relying on the craft as a source [words 2] the author has revealed. The document, along with the poet and playwright's first draft of his famous sonnet The New Remorse, was found in a dusty box in the back of a wardrobe. The 13-page letter is undated but [words 3] to have been written around 1890, just as Wilde was becoming one of London's most popular playwrights. It is a deep and [words 4] a would-be writer seeking tips on how to be successful. Wilde told him not to rely on earning a living from writing, adding: "The best work in literature is always done by those who do not [words 5] bread and the highest form of literature, Poetry, brings no wealth to the singer. "Make [words 6] art and you will be repaid but ask of art to sacrifice herself for you [words 7] come to you. When your job consists mostly of creativity on demand for others (which, it can be argued, isn't really creativity at all but merely cynical and calculating cleverness) then your personal creativity, creativity for creativity's sake, often suffers [words 8] result. The muse is a high-maintenance bitch, and she does not appreciate being pressured by the mundane necessities of, you know, bills and life and stuff. Ask for too many favors, and [words 9] the hell down. I've had this exact conversation with other struggling and semi-unhappy full-time writers. The conundrum is this: If you find that what you must write for pay is consuming [words 10] energies, and causing (by dint of its almost universal low pay) near-constant [words 11] negatively affects your personal creative desires and goals, is it better to grimly stick with it and hope inspiration (and/or luck and opportunity) hits? Or should you just swallow your pride, [words 12] find a day job; one that may not have the cachet [words 13] "writer" attached to it, but one that A. will once again allow you sit in front of a blank piece of paper (or a keyboard) with a sense of joy rather [words 14] Wilde obviously thinks the latter, and that writing for money rather than art will ultimately deaden and corrupt one's soul. Whether Wilde meant that from a purely artistic or purely practical and financial standpoint, I don't know, but I do know that I sometimes feel like that picture of Dorian Gray looks, especially when bills are due. That's why I've always said that I'm just one winning lottery ticket away from finally writing stuff I can be proud of. Until then, I suppose I'll, per this earlier blog post, continue writing stuff I can cash. Hopefully, one of these days, those two points will intersect and I can prove old Oscar wrong. Getting to be that time of year. I haven't actually physically observed lesser [words 15] booming on a lek in a few years, due to losing my main private land viewing area, as well as the depressing fact that there aren't a helluva [words 16] any, left to observe on public land. Still, I think I might go out early next week and see if I can find a lek I can watch through the binoculars. I have a few double secret spots where there might be one hanging on. It's something I - or anyone else for that matter - may not be able to do for very much longer. I don't know what's going to happen with the LPC, no one does, of course. I want to be optimistic. I [words 17] them to thrive, to hang on in the teeth of everything that's lined up against them. I also want to win the lottery and keep my hair. I'd say the chickens have only [words 18] better chance for survival than I do for sudden wealth and a perpetually thick mop. I hope I'm wrong, about the [words 19] my hair. They will never recover to anywhere near their historic or even late Seventies-era population and range levels. I will never again hear or see a chicken booming on the lek that used to occupy [words 20] high ground on my wife's family homestead. I saw my first real, live prairie chicken on that spot back in 1995. It was also the last [words 21] in that area. The next year all I [words 22] echoes as the birds just melted away like an outgoing tide. Lessers are, of course, recreationally extinct everywhere except SW Kansas, and depending on what happens with the pending ESA status decision by USF&W, even that is in serious question. I've been meaning to get up to Kansas and hunt lessers just once, in some doomed "Last Buffalo Hunt" sort of way. I may not ever get that chance. In the meantime, I will merely watch, fascinated and haunted as always, but without being able to shake the feeling that what I observe is epilogue. I don't want to brag or anything, but yeah, Boone and I are pretty tight. OK, so maybe not, but I did have the chance recently to interview T. Boone Pickens at his unbelievably awesome Mesa Vista ranch, which is a mere hundred miles or so due west of [words 23] light-years away in terms of quail habitat. It was a really interesting assignment, and if so inclined (as always, I [words 24] you can read the whole story in the current issue of Covey Rise magazine, [words 25] press just in time for the Covey Rise guys to [words 26] for the Quail Coalition's Park Cities chapter banquet and auction last week, where the man himself was holding court and signing copies. I half-jokingly asked them to save me a signed copy, and I'll be damned if one didn't show up in the mail today. As for the ranch itself, well, what can you say? Pickens is and always has been an obsessive quail hunter, and as physical manifestations of obsessions go, this one is a doozy: 68,000 acres of lovingly restored southern plains prairie where virtually every management decision is made with the goal of increasing native habitat for wild quail. It's basically a 100-square-mile time machine, a snapshot of what the southern plains may have looked like before agriculture inevitably and irrevocably changed the region into what it is today. It is a starkly, staggeringly beautiful place, if you're into prairie. Which of course I am. I feel fortunate to have gotten a chance to see it, if for nothing else than the opportunity to [words 27] I can sneak back onto the place this fall. I mean, come on, it's a hundred square miles. They can't keep an eye on all of it at [words 28] hunting season is in the books, and actually has been for a while, I've just been too lazy to post anything about it. You already know about the ducks (there weren't any), but quail season, while still very grim, wasn't quite as grim as last year, which was [words 29] indeed. As long as I was willing to walk like [words 30] find at least a covey or so most times I went out, and in fact averaged about 1.7 coveys per outing over the course of the entire season. Just let that sink in.7 coveys per outing, and I'm calling that a good year? Hell, yes. Last year I shot three wild, public-land Oklahoma birds, total. So yeah, [words 31] 1.7 coveys over that any day. But I cannot stress enough how many death marches I had to endure to get to that average. And as an aside, I generally refrained from hunting up singles [words 32] me shooting (or rather shooting at) any more birds than what I managed to scratch down on the covey rise (usually none to one. I didn't see many coveys this year that met that definition. The fact is, there simply weren't many birds around this year. All my hopes are now riding on a wet spring and a mild summer. Get that, and next season is looking better, if not anywhere remotely near "good. " Don't get that, and instead get another late spring and summer like last year, and I start looking toward Montana. As for the dogs, Ozzy's puppy season ended much better than it began. At 14 months old, he's much more confident and bold than he was back in September. Overall I'm very pleased with him. His personality is awesome, he's got a good nose, his range is settling in to where I want it, his stamina is impressive and he's developed a toughness, both mental and physical, that I quite honestly didn't see (or more likely wasn't smart enough to see) early on. I just need to keep getting him into birds and keep developing that confidence. I think he's going to be a good one. This season was his, for lack of a better term, Hippie training. I didn't put any pressure on him, [words 33] run and basically do whatever he felt like doing. Hippie training is now over, and between now and next fall the focus will be on turning him into a polished gem. Or at least a shiny piece of quartz. Jenny, too, continued to get better as the season progressed. Which is good, because poor Jenny, who turns three next month, [words 34] the bad luck to come along at a time when quail hunting in Oklahoma is about as bad as it can possibly be. [words 35] second full hunting season, and at three she should by all rights be developing into a seasoned veteran. She's just not there yet, but [words 36] away from the damn porcupines, I think she'll get there. Both of them are going to be seeing a helluva lot of pigeons and field work this spring and summer. Ever have one of those days when the dogs just didn't want to look good? Both Jenny and Ozzy usually have fairly high tails (Ozzy actually pulls his a bit), but for whatever reason this [words 37] day, style-wise. There were quail there, but those points are not going to win any style awards. Granted, [words 38] that point, and Jenny had just been corrected, twice, for porky points, so I know she was sulking some. This was one of two coveys we found all day, this one thirty minutes before shooting time ended. I missed both birds on the covey rise, then [words 39] just to try to get some pics. Yeah, I missed them, too. Ever try to shoot a gun and a camera at the same time? Never works. Lunch, which consisted of an apple, some colby-jack cheese, peanuts, ham and a [words 40] of teas. Ozzy at the end of the hunt, after logging, according to the Alpha, a 26-mile day. Jenny had already hopped into the truck, done. All in all, I can't complain. This season was frustrating, yes, but it was also something to build on, and for that I'm thankful. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to next fall. And what I got [words 41] this schizophrenic month, which started out with sunny skies, spring-like temps and almost zero winter precipitation up to that point, was well over thirty inches of this. I know we desperately needed the moisture, but it doesn't make it suck any less. Is it too much to ask for a little [words 42] the winter experience? Where the hell was all this snow back in November and [words 43] January, when the dogs and I were pouring [words 44] sucking dust? The only potential silver lining is that it will help jump-start the spring green-up, which in turn will certainly help out nesting quail, provided any survived. After a long [words 45] Snowpocalypse of 2013, my wife and I desperately needed a break and a laugh, so this weekend we made a road trip see the touring production of Monty Python's "Spamalot. "Sitting in the theater and watching the audience file in, we calculated that it was about a 60/40 split between fellow hard-core Python fans (of all ages, even youngsters, I was delighted to see) and clueless season-ticket holders who had no idea what they were about to watch. This was confirmed when the very nice elderly couple who sat [words 46] programs, the first page of which is comprised largely of the same faux-pidgin Swedish as the opening credits in "The Holy Grail. " The rest of the printed program was equally nonsensical and irreverent, and utterly befuddling to someone not familiar with the Python [words 47] lack thereof. A few confused minutes later, the husband leaned over to my wife and asked (and I'm not making this up) "Is this play really about Spam? "We, on the other hand, had a ball. If you're a Python fan and you haven't yet seen "Spamalot" I would highly recommend it.
words 1: Oscar Wilde believed his
words 2: of income, a previously unseen letter by
words 3: is assumed
words 4: insightful letter of reply to
words 5: depend on it for their daily
words 6: some sacrifice for your
words 7: and a bitter disappointment may
words 8: as a
words 9: she'll just shut right
words 10: all your
words 11: financial stress and worry, which in turn
words 12: give up freelancing and go
words 13: of
words 14: than dread?
words 15: prairie chickens
words 16: lot of them, if
words 17: want
words 18: a marginally
words 19: chickens and
words 20: a sparse, windswept patch of
words 21: prairie chicken I ever saw
words 22: heard were fading
words 23: where I live and hunt, but
words 24: urge you to be so inclined)
words 25: which thankfully went to
words 26: send some issues to Dallas
words 27: scout out how
words 28: once, right? Another
words 29: very grim,
words 30: hell, I could usually
words 31: I'll take
words 32: unless the covey was large enough to sustain
words 33: I just let him
words 34: just had
words 35: Not counting her puppy year, this was her
words 36: if I can keep her
words 37: was just a lackluster
words 38: they were both pretty much worn-out at
words 39: hunted a few singles
words 40: few mugs of lapsang souchong, the Laphroaig
words 41: over the course of
words 42: balance to
words 43: December and
words 44: sweat and
words 45: week spent digging out from the Great
words 46: down next to us starting thumbing through their
words 47: sensibility, or |
<|prompter|> The rest of this: You are here: InfoQ Homepage Interviews Duncan Coutts on Parallelism and Concurrency with Haskell, Distributed Programming with Cloud HaskellBio Duncan is well known in the Haskell community and runs Haskell consultancy company Well-Typed ( http://www. He helps maintain several popular libraries and tools such as Cabal and bytestring. He has several years experience in packaging the Haskell toolchain and took a leading role in ...
<|assistant|> The completion of this text could be: establishing the Haskell Platform. We are here at TechMesh 2012 in London, I'm sitting here with Duncan Coutts, so Duncan, who are you? Well I'm a Haskell enthusiast, I guess and also a Haskell consultant, I run a small company and we are called Well-Typed and we help companies that use Haskell. So we do training and consulting and development and also other cool...
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<|assistant|> stuff related to Haskell. Well, they might be using it heavily in which case they might want help with the tool chain, support, improvements to the compiler , integration between Haskell stuff and whatever they are doing or they might be just thinking about getting into Haskell. So they might heard of this great idea and want advice or help or they might have...
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<|assistant|> quite a few of our clients are small start ups and they might have one Haskell programmer or two and their manager just wants someone to build a core as backup, so...
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<|assistant|> we do that sort of thing and we also do quite a lot of work with a sort of R & D technology transfer kind of things, so working with Academics, University or Microsoft Research and getting technologies from Academia into the real world, so a variety of things related to Haskell. Your talk yesterday was about a rather interesting topic nowadays, which is...
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<|assistant|> parallelism and concurrency, so can you tell us what is the difference between parallelism and concurrency, aren't they the same? Yes, so people often...
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<|assistant|> use them synonymously but it helps to clarify your thinking by describing what the difference is. Parallelism is all about trying to make your...
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<|assistant|> programs run faster by using more hardware like multiple CPU cores or GPU cores. Everyone wants their programs to be faster and parallelism is...
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<|assistant|> one way to do that using more hardware. And then of course most programs are not concurrent and not parallel , but is also possible to do parallelism without doing concurrency and that's the really interesting one and that's what the focus of my talk is about. How do you do parallelism without concurrency, can I do that as a Haskell programmer or do...
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<|assistant|> the Haskell implementers have to give me something to do it? Both. ## There's no non-determinism. So all these nice things, you just write a declarative program and somehow the underlying machinery evaluates it in parallel. You have to give some hints or descriptions about how it should be evaluated in parallel or what should be evaluated in parallel but you're not explicitly writing...
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<|assistant|> anything that is concurrent. The people who do the implementation they have to do a lot of hard work to make that happen but it means that you get to write a nice program. Let me give you an example, to make it a bit more concrete: SQL and the database engine, a database execution engine. When you write a SQL query, that's very...
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<|assistant|> clearly you are not writing a concurrent program. It's declarative, pure and you expect the answer, there's no non-determinism in a SQL query, it...
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<|assistant|> should always give you the same answer given the current state of database, it's a kind of pure declarative thing but when it's executed by the database, the database has the opportunity to execute that query in parallel, not all the standard open source ones do that but maybe Oracle does, it's possible. So that's an example, SQL is not a full program language obviously, but that kind of idea of the program you write, having no concurrency in it, but the way it's executed, runs on multiple cores. That idea can extend into programming languages. And so, Haskell has several different ways of doing this, libraries for doing parallelism without concurrency. Parallel map is a nice simple example of that sort of thing, that's part of this...
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<|assistant|> idea of “parallel evaluation strategies”. So you've got pure expressions; because we're working in Haskell, these are expressions that don't have side effects, so it's always possible to evaluate them sort of more or less in any order, it doesn't matter, which means you can evaluate it in parallel and you'll still get the same answer. you know, run it one time it gives...
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<|assistant|> you one answer, it will always guarantee you'll get the same answer and that's why parallel map is a good example of that, you've got a big long list of items and you have a function you want to apply to each one, you can do that in parallel and there's libraries in Haskell which give you strategies for building things like parallel map...
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<|assistant|> or more complicated strategies. so we have a function in the strategies library called parList and it takes as an argument another strategy, which...
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<|assistant|> is the strategy to use for each of those elements, so that might be whether you can combine strategies or another good one is...
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<|assistant|> . ok, granularity is always a problem with parallelism, no matter what language you're dealing in. You always have to make sure that the amount of work you're doing in parallel, each sort of chunk or task of parallel work, is big enough to overcome overheads. There's always going to be overheads in doing stuff in parallel and you've got to make sure that...
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<|assistant|> the amount of work that you are doing overcomes overheads. So sometimes...
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<|assistant|> what you need to do is split things up to get more...
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<|assistant|> work items or combine things together to get fewer work items to get a reasonable number. So you can use strategies like I just mentioned parList, but there is a strategy called...
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<|assistant|> parListChunk where it divides . if you've got a very long list with lots of tiny work items, you might take a hundred of them together in a batch and say let's do that in parallel and then take the next hundred and do that in parallel . and that's reducing the overheads, you're batching things up and that's another strategy. So you can...
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<|assistant|> take these strategy combinators and combine them together to get something and tune the parameters to work well between two and sixteen cores or something. So that gives different strategies, it depends...
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<|assistant|> on what sort of data structures, what sort of algorithm you've got. And so essentially you have to avoid sequential dependencies between tasks? There was a talk by Guy Steele “Foldl considered harmful” so essentially that's what he is saying, you have to . Yes, he wants you to write in terms of collections and then associative reductions rather than linear reductions because you...
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<|assistant|> have to think very carefully about the data dependencies within your language,...
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<|assistant|> within your program. That's always easier when you're in a functional setting...
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<|assistant|> You don't have to worry about side effects having hidden dependencies due to the side effects. You don't have to worry about the explicit dependencies. So you have to stop thinking about lists which are fundamentally sequential and start thinking about arrays or sequences or trees for example and then think about not summing up your list or your tree sequentially with a foldl...
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<|assistant|> but doing it in a tree like associative reduction, so that's what Map/Reduce is all about, you do a map across all the elements and then you do a tree like reduction...
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<|assistant|> and you could do the whole thing in parallel. So you still...
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<|assistant|> have to rewrite this program to achieve good parallelism, there's no free...
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<|assistant|> lunch, doing parallelism without concurrency, gets rid of the concurrency bugs but...
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<|assistant|> achieving good parallel speedups is hard, you still have to think about how your program is structured. Yes, you think about the issues of granularity and data dependencies and profiling your program,...
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<|assistant|> you've got profiling tools to help diagnose some of these problems. So...
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<|assistant|> you expect it to get a speed up because you rearranged the code and you don't and you scratch your head and look at the profiler and then you change some things and you . often it's down to this issue of granularity, that's the standard problem. Now of course in Haskell we don't really have this notion of mutable variables, by default everything...
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<|assistant|> is pure and immutable but for the concurrency we introduce these things called “MVars”, or there's also transactional variables and you explicitly identify the mutable variables that would be shared between threads and those come with a lock, it's a combination of a shared mutable variable and a lock so you can never accidentally read or write the mutable variable without taking a lock.
<|prompter|> What are the missing spans: But it's basically very traditional, still threads and locks and you can still get deadlocks and all those traditional things are still there. On top of that, you can build things like actor libraries [spans 1] variables. Yes, this MVar is a single mutable variable, there are mutable arrays as well which you can use and obviously you can build structures of these things. Yes, when you read from an MVar, it's called “taking an MVar”, so MVars have a sort of empty or full notion. When they're empty, if I'm trying to read from an empty MVar, I block until someone else fills it, so in a way it acts like a one place queue and that gives you the synchronization between threads, as well as the shared variable aspect. That gives you a slightly cleaner way of doing the same sort of things you do ordinarily with condition variables and mutexes and locks and shared variables. But it's still fundamentally ordinary, concurrency with locks and you can still get deadlocks by taking locks out of order. That gives you composable concurrency whereas normal lock based programming, its just fundamentally noncomposable. So you can write one bit of code in STM and another bit of code in STM and combine them together into a single atomic transaction and that's the sort of composability that you can get with STM and you can't get with MVars and with locks. So we've had MVars around for much [spans 2] . it's taken people a little while, I think, to get into the idea of STM and also people initially worried that they have a big performance overhead but it turns out that's not really the case. Once you take into account doing everything safely with MVars and that means taking account exceptions, async exceptions, you have to have . you have to be quite careful with your try/catch/finally, all that sort of stuff when you're using MVars. So once you're doing that properly, the costs end up being rather similar, whereas with STM, you don't have to really worry about exceptions, if [spans 3] implementation. So it means that in the end they come up pretty similar, which is quite nice, I hadn't really realized that until recently, Simon Marlow has been going around telling people that STM is not as slow as you think it is, it's actually a pretty reasonable default and the properties are just much nicer. Werner: Ultimately it doesn't have to be slower than anything else, because you have to do the same thing anyway, you have to do the same tasks anyway. Yes, there is a slight overhead to this validating of the transaction log, that's where the overhead comes from, but when you balance that out against all the other things you [spans 4] thing”. you doing mutation everywhere for everything, that's how [spans 5] whatever. Werner: It seem to be similar to the way Clojure's STM works, it also uses explicit variables for that. Yes, again by default they're pure so you've got to explicitly indicate when you want to have a mutable transactional variable. Werner: It turns out that there are in large Clojure [spans 6] variables. Yes, that's very often the case, if you're going to look at some of the abstractions built on top of STM or MVars like semaphores and queues and all these other sort of things, you'll find they use a very small number of transactional variables and [spans 7] yes. I was going to say another cool thing about concurrency in Haskell, is about IO, how we do file or network IO in Haskell with concurrency. Because I think this is one of the really good stories about IO and concurrency in Haskell as compared to many other mainstream languages, is that we have proper lightweight threads and traditional blocking IO. So you know there is the debate about events and threads, performance and how nice it is to program and that all sort of stuff. Basically in Haskell I think we're doing it right, we have very lightweight threads, you can have tens of thousands of threads, no problem, so following the model of one thread per client is perfectly [spans 8] Node. js program, you write something out to the network and then on the call back you chain off to the next thing and then when that one completes, you chain to the next thing and what are you doing? You are just doing ordinary sequential IO in the sense of “Do this, do that, do the next thing .” but each of those things could block, but if you're using lightweight threads and blocking IO, you could just write it “Do this, do that .”and each of them will block at the appropriate points, so [spans 9] program. The way it's supposed to be, exactly, and even in languages like . NET languages, where they do have threads, so it's not nearly as bad as in Node. js where you have got to chain of these callbacks, but you still have this async business, because their threads are really expensive, they don't have proper library threads, they have to, again, they're chaining these async things together and yes, ok, you can use monads to make that slightly better and blah, blah, blah, but it's not as simple as just classical, simple, imperative programming , reading from this file writing to a network just in a single block and if you have lightweight threads and blocking IO, you get a nice programming model and you get the performances advantages of events, right? So, in the runtime system it really is using epoll and all that sorts. It's running , the GHC runtime system is using one OS thread per core and multiplexing your tens of thousands of library Haskell threads on top of that and then it's using epoll on the next and other similar things on other operating systems to do the event style handling. So you get the performance advantages of that event stuff but the nice programming model of classical, imperative programming, I would admit it's a slightly funny thing to say. In Haskell we have classical, imperative programming, but that is a very sensible model. Exactly, it's m:n threading, yes, whereas all the other systems go for this 1:1, which there's advantages in that too but it doesn't mean that you can't do . it means you have to play all these tricks like using async for everything. So we have async in Haskell as well, you can build async and futures on top of . and do that when that's the right model for what your program is doing. If you really are doing multiple things at once simultaneously, than async and futures is great, but if you look at most examples of async and futures in sort of . That's not async really at all, that's just sequential programming, so, we can do the sequential when it's sequential and asynchronous one when you want it to be asynchronous. Werner: Basically let the runtime do all the nasty things for you, as it's supposed to be, let the solved problem be done by the runtime or the compiler. And it's very efficient, so the webserver frameworks in Haskell are able to achieve extremely good performance dealing with tens of thousands of clients and scales across multiple cores, and then benchmark it throws Node. js out of the water, it's competitive against things like nginx and others. Werner: You just made a lot of friends in the Node. You might want to wait for those, but it's clearly an advantage here, over systems like Java or . NET which have the heavy weight threads and also have to these tricks in async to become competitive again. Yes, exactly because they want to avoid the model of having ten thousand Java threads and because they're so a heavy weight and that would be a bad idea. Moving on [spans 10] fault. What Cloud Haskell really is, it is distributed concurrency in Haskell. So distributed across multiple physical machines, so distributed memory, that's what it really means, distributed memory and of course these days, Cloud is the buzzword to use, so that's why it got called, that's just the way it [spans 11] up. So what it's doing, it is taking the Erlang model of distributed concurrency, that is lightweight processes that communicate by message passing and monitoring and linking for error handling all that sort of stuff. It's basically [spans 12] this. So we only have to use that for the distributed aspect, you [spans 13] . pure parallelism within a single machine and only using the distributed actors for cross machine communication. So it means that you have a substrate for writing reliable distributed applications. So you have these light weight processes, they communicate with message passing, they can monitor each other, so that if one goes down the other one gets notified of it and that's the right underlying infrastructure the Erlang guys have demonstrated that, that's the right underlying infrastructure for building reliable applications. So on top of that you can libraries like . what Erlang's OTP give you on top of that basic substrate that Erlang [spans 14] concurrency. This was an idea developed by Simon P. at Microsoft research and we were implementing for him, with him, a new implementation of this, which is reliable and robust and cleaner code and better architected. It was a prototype, and we were doing a new [spans 15] so. Now there are people working on OTP style libraries for the supervision trees and that sort of thing. We [spans 16] it. We think it's a very promising idea. People just started to use it because we started telling people to use it about a month ago (Editor's note: the interview was recorded in December 2012), so there are some people using it, experimenting with it and people looking at writing these higher level libraries on top of it . We've also got, one of the nice things is that we have multiple back ends for the system. So we have these different [spans 17] . which is sort of customized to these different environments to make it easier to write code for those environments. So we have an Azure backend and we have a very simple backend that just broadcasts on [spans 18] peers. So that's one of the key things that are different between different environments is how do you discover your peers, and you might discover them or might be told about them or you might create them if you're in a VM environment you create your peers by starting up new instances. That aspect gets dealt with by the backend and then the main part of your program is independent of the backend. At that level you just got nodes and [spans 19] parts. And so the backends are quite small, that's quite nice, it's quite easy to write a new backend. It's harder to write a new transport layer. We also have a design which allows multiple transport layers, we already implemented a TCP layer but that allows for maybe a TCP with SSL or . Yesterday we were talking about OpenFlow and you could integrate perhaps OpenFlow into that [spans 20] network. The backend just sort of sets things up so it maps between the real peers on the network, the real nodes and these abstract node ids that you have within the system. My favorite monad, well I have to admit I do quite a lot of programming in the IO monad but I don't think I could say that's my favorite one. It wouldn't be really politically correct for me as a Haskell programmer to say IO monad. Tricky, there's so many. STM is a pretty cool one, I don't use it very much, I use it quite selectively. Ok, there is one I had to write the other day, I had to write a new monad from scratch, which doesn't happen very often. Normally I just combine existing ones like State or others So I had to write one the other day which was to do with matching and a confidence of matches . you're trying to look at a bunch of strings and match against various things. So that was [spans 21] nice. That's not a standard one. Werner: What does it do, it matches . so monads sequentialize operations, I think, is that fair to say? That's one thing that it can do, so certainly for State and Error and IO and STM, you're thinking like in an imperative way, but there are also monads which are like logic backtracking monads and my matching one was actually one of those types, it is able consider many different possibilities. A little bit [spans 22].
spans 1: and async, futures, all that sort of stuff is built on top of threads and these MVars mutable
spans 2: longer, so people, I think initially were
spans 3: you get an exception during a transaction, it's just rolled back and you don't have to set up extra exception handlers on a stack in the
spans 4: want to do with MVars then the costs end up being quite similar in the end and it's so much nicer from a programming point of view using STM than MVars, so people are gradually moving towards that as the sort of “go to de-facto tool for that sort of
spans 5: things work, so you're having to record in your transaction log lots of accesses reads and writes to all the mutable variables that you are using so in the end that's one of the reasons that's actually cheaper in Haskell than it is in other languages because we can do it with just the transactional variables that are really essential for doing the synchronization or
spans 6: programs, there are only a tiny number of these mutable places that are necessary, so Rich Hickey mentioned in Datomic, which is a database, they need two or three
spans 7: very often,
spans 8: ok, even if you've got tens of thousands of clients and then IO in a sense of file network, input output, is the way you'd want it to happen, you block just that thread, just that thread blocks, all the other threads carry on and then you get ordinary sequential actions in your thread, whereas if you look at a
spans 9: that gives you simple model, this is just simple imperative
spans 10: from all the concurrency stuff, you are working on something called “Cloud Haskell”, what's Cloud Haskell, does it involve a Cloud and Haskell? Well, the cloud part of that is not my
spans 11: ended
spans 12: a complete copy of the Erlang model because the ErlangErlang model is, by demonstration extremely successful at
spans 13: don't have to structure your entire program as actors, you might structure it using
spans 14: has, is like supervision trees and also sort of higher level patterns for doing reliable distributed
spans 15: version of it, and we released that about a month ago or
spans 16: think it's pretty good, we're quite happy with
spans 17: backends to allow you to
spans 18: the local network to find
spans 19: you spawn process on nodes and processes talk to each other, and you have a reasonable separation between the generic distributed parts of the code and a sort of initialization set up environment
spans 20: transport layer and your high level Cloud Haskell program doesn't have to worry about that, it's just thinks in terms of abstract nodes, ids for the nodes and it's network that it knows about and it's separate from the physical real underllying
spans 21: quite
spans 22: like a parsing monad or the list monad
<|prompter|> The rest of this: The list monad is rather unlike, sort of imperative style monads. It's more like logic programming that you can select from . take the current value of this variable which might be one of many possibilities and that's represented by the list of all these possibilities and so the matching thing I was doing it was, in way, kind of a special case of this sort of logic stuff that you're trying all the possible matches and you need to be able to combine those things, because once you've matched this . all the possibilities matching that, and that . and then you just combine them, and that combining turns out to have a monadic structure. So it's an interesting monad in that way, like the list or ...
<|assistant|> The completion of this text could be: logic backtracking monads . Sure, most people, most of the time when you're writing a custom monad you're just taking building blocks and sticking them together, so the standard ones that people are using all the time is the State monad, the Reader monad, the Writer monad and the Error handling monad, and most applications you see are just those things stuck together and then wrapped up. It's not very often you have to use something more complicated than that. Ah, I know what the answer is: the Continuation monad that's my favorite one, yes, definitely . It lets you do lots of things, and it's rather mind bending. It let's look at how you're writing sequential code, but at any point you can block and return to...
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<|assistant|> a caller. So you can use it for example when you're parsing. Internally in that monad, in that parser you're looking as if you're...
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<|assistant|> writing just sort of sequential code but at some point when you say “Get me the next block of data, because I need it” that's using this sort of continuation aspect and then you're escaping to the outside and it suspends the parser and it says “Now I need more data” and then you go “Ok, well here's more data”. So, that is sort...
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<|assistant|> of co-routining, that you're using the continuations for. But you can use continuation for all sorts of things like that. It's rather powerful and slightly mind bending. I like it because it's slightly mind bending. Yes, continuations, but continuations wrapped up inside a monad makes them less mind bending because they're not everywhere. You just expose a few monadic primitives and those don't force...
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<|assistant|> you to think about continuations; the only guy who has to think about continuations is the guy implementing the monad. So when you use...
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<|assistant|> that parser you don't have to think about continuations, it just works nicely, that doesn't break your head it's only looking inside the monad that breaks your head. And that is quite nice, that's why I like it. Werner: So, yes the continuation monad, we should all look at that, take another look at continuations, and thank you, Duncan. Like | by Abel Avram Abel Avram Follow 12 Followers on Sep 10, 2008. Estimated reading time: less than one minute |In this interview made by Greg Young of InfoQ, Joseph Hill talks about the current status of Mono, the release of Mono 2.0, and important developments related to Mono like Cecil, MoMA, and Moonlight. According to Joseph, Cecil is "Reflection on steroids". Cecil allows the developer to read...
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<|assistant|> and manipulate the assembly data without actually loading the assembly. MoMA is a utility which checks the compatibility of a . NET application, establishing its chances to run on Mono on platforms other than Windows. As companies are experimenting with and examining Agile methods, the cry from the executive suite is “show me the money”; changing a large organisation's approach to delivering software is...
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<|assistant|> akin to turning an oil tanker – possible but it takes both time and energy. Management need to be convinced that the change will deliver on one of the two fundamental strategic...
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<|assistant|> objectives that drive every organisation – reducing cost or increasing revenue. Agile can be expected to drive discovery of requirement improvements much earlier and faster than under more traditional approaches (due to feedback on working artifacts early and often, and being open to change). Improving the requirements improves the value of what being produced. Just measuring raw productivity will totally miss this important effect...
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<|assistant|> of agile. Even if raw productivity were to go down a bit (especially during the transition), if what is being produced is more useful and relevant due to frequent concrete feedback, the...
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<|assistant|> value delivered to customers can be expected to be much greater. But, then how to measure the value delivered to your customers? I would...
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<|assistant|> think that your customers would know better than anybody else. It also depends on the market. In truly captive markets, quantity delivered might be...
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<|assistant|> more important than relevance or quality. In some markets, innovations blow your competitors away much more effectively than more check boxes on feature comparison charts. Interestingly CNN recognises that Agile is having an impact on management approaches to software development as reported in their article on “50 Who Matter Now – people, products, trends and ideas that are transforming the world of business”:Agile teams work very quickly - sometimes in as little as a week - to create small chunks of code. Once a component is finished, additional features are added, with the process repeating indefinitely. Agile also has a reputation for enabling managers to deliver products on time and under budget, which helps explain why it has become a methodology of choice at companies like Google and...
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<|assistant|> Lockheed Martin. I have had the opportunity to go over the data you have presented as well as many other Stats that is trying to sell Agile as a cost cutting methodology. While I am not disputing the authenticity on those stats, what I disputing is the fact that when reviewed in proper context, you will quickly realize that these results are built on...
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<|assistant|> narrow scope and unqualified assumptions. Same thing could be said about "Productivity"...
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<|assistant|> what does that mean? For each organization the definition differs because they have different factors/metrics that shape what Productivity is. Agile reduces cost (overall)...
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<|assistant|> when it comes to small size projects that have small team. Normally the scope is limited and defined. Yes in those cases it reduces cost, but what kind of cost does it reduce? The cost of debugged line of code per hour. If this is your measurement of cost then it will fall apart once you take this to macro scale enterprise projects that run for years and involve hundreds of developers. From my experience at ADP Canada (www. ca) rough figures have shown us that that if you compare cost/hr of an Agile vs other methodology, Agile does cost more (do not freak out this is not bad! ). Also, the Project Management involvement is much more extensive because it extends almost throughout the whole development lifecycle...
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<|assistant|> The logistics of a Scrum of Scrums is not as simple as it seems when you hit the ground. But, what I also noticed that we can get earlier to production ready code with higher level of confidence. So here is your balance! So to say "Agile drives the cost of development down" is the wrong statement to make because it is inherently inaccurate,...
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<|assistant|> unqualified, and it actually will fire back in the context of long running projects. Simply put you loose credibility. Therefore, if you measure cost on the basis of missed business delivery window or meeting a critical time to market then we start to see that Agile can reliably in a repeatable and reproducible manner allow to hit your strategic business windows. The true value...
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<|assistant|> of Agile is a Reliable, Reproducible, and Repeatable Value delivery not Cost reduction. Consistency is a strategic metric that allows Business to compete. But System Quality is not. Agile have nothing to...
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<|assistant|> address Enterprise Systems Complexity. Let me use an analogy here from my view as a Systems Architect:In enterprise processes the assertion is a bit different: 1 + 1 results in a maximum of 2 but by no means is this is guaranteed. So if we consider a System is a collection of Lego blocks where a block is the production ready feature. Agile still does not have a tool to address the quality of long running, long living systems because it offers no methodology for Systems Design and it is not intended to do that. In conclusion, Agile should be promoted using Value increase not Cost reduction. Same thing holds true for SOA. At an VMware-hosted event in Palo Alto, the Cloud Foundry team summarized their first year...
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<|assistant|> as an open source, multi-language Platform as a Service (PaaS). VMware CTO Steve Herrod pointed to the project's strong developer adoption and thriving ecosystem as proof that this platform has staying power. While VMware will not disclose the number of active Cloud Foundry customers, they did announce over 75,000 downloads and 3,300 forks and followers of their source code on GitHub. A sizable portion of today's event was dedicated to new partners that recently announced support for Cloud Foundry. Cloud9 IDE, the popular web-based environment for JavaScript/Node. js development, has added the ability to target any Cloud Foundry environment as a deployment destination. Cloud9 has existing support for Joyent, Windows Azure and Heroku. Another partner, Collabnet has a set of tools for agile software projects and they introduced...
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<|assistant|> the option to deploy solutions to Cloud Foundry. Attendees at today's event also saw a demo from SOASTA who walked through their CloudTest Lite® test creation and execution suite that now supports Cloud Foundry applications. In addition to highlighting partners, VMware announced the availability of Cloud Foundry BOSH as well as a new source control system for CloudFoundry. BOSH, which has its source code available on GitHub, is a project designed to help automate large scale Cloud Foundry deployments. VMWare VP of Engineering Mark Lucovsky described BOSH as a tool for hardcore DevOps personnel who understand complex configurations and are looking to construct repeatable releases of Cloud Foundry. The source control process for Cloud Foundry is changing and Luckovsky outlined the new process at today's event and in...
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<|assistant|> a blog post on CloudFoundry. Source code commits will now target an instance of web-based code review system Gerrit. On commit, a series of tests are run by a Jenkins instance and...
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<|assistant|> if the tests succeed, then the code is cycled through a review process before being pushed to GitHub. While VMware was coy on the future of Cloud Foundry, their stated goal for 2012 was “more code, more community, more clouds.” The code for Cloud Foundry has undergone some significant underlying change since the launch one year ago. Many components have been added or refactored in order to improve scalability and reliability across the product. The Cloud Foundry ecosystem has also grown immensely with community contributions to all facets of the product, from new languages to bug fixes to supporting tools. There has been no shortage of Cloud Foundry “clouds” as multiple vendors such as appfog and Tier 3 have built commercial offerings of Cloud Foundry in their own...
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<|assistant|> data centers. Herrod claimed that the open source, portable nature of Cloud Foundry would make it the “Linux of the cloud” and so far,...
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<|assistant|> there are signs that he may be right. I really, really wanted to use this for a new project, but it's hard to make...
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<|assistant|> the call to use them when they still haven't said anything about...
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<|assistant|> pricing. AppFog and Tier3 may be around now, but I'm not convinced that will be true in a couple of years. Instead I used...
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<|assistant|> google app engine and have been happy there. I still hope these guys do well and perhaps they'll be worth a look in the...
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<|assistant|> future. For now though, I don't want to build a whole app on something that may not exist or may get some crazy pricing. You should not need to build your app for Cloud Foundry. The technology used will allow you to deploy to other PaaS, an IaaS or your own servers. Like | by Saul Caganoff Saul Caganoff Follow 1 Followers on Feb...
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<|assistant|> 25, 2014. Estimated reading time: 4 minutes |MuleSoft recently released a significant...
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<|assistant|> upgrade to their Anypoint platform for APIs which brings together API design, collaboration and API management features. InfoQ interviewed MuleSoft CTO, Uri Sarid to...
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<|assistant|> find out more about the platform. InfoQ: The new release of Anypoint...
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<|assistant|> platform for APIs comprises three components: API Portal, API Manager and Mule Studio. Mule Studio is already well known, can you give us a...
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<|assistant|> brief overview of the two new components - API Portal and API...
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<|assistant|> Manager? US: The Anypoint API Portal is where you can design APIs...
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<|assistant|> in collaboration with your stakeholders and future app developers, mock them, document them, explore them before or after implementation with the console and the...
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<|assistant|> notebook and fully engage with your developer community. It's tightly integrated with...
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<|assistant|> the Anypoint API Manager, which gives you complete control over who can access your APIs, place limits on their usage, and measure and analyze...
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<|assistant|> how they're being used. InfoQ: You're promoting a "Design First" methodology whereby the API contract is the primary artifact and then the implementation follows...
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<|assistant|> Can you describe the type of workflow or lifecycle that you envisage for API developers? US: It's like any other product design, where careful...
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<|assistant|> craftsmanship and attention to the user experience — in this case, the developer users — yields disproportionately high benefits once the product is launched...
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<|assistant|> — in this case, the API being published. So you roughly sketch out the API appropriate for the domain and the primary use cases...
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<|assistant|> using RAML (the RESTful API Modeling Language), and quickly put it in the hands of some test users. Even in this rough, early phase,...
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<|assistant|> there's a live console for the API, and a mocked "implementation" of the service the users can prototype with (e. with prototype mobile apps),...
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<|assistant|> as well as a live scripting notebook that lets them quickly work...
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<|assistant|> out usage scenarios and share their findings. The design is important because the ecosystem that develops around a successful API carries its own momentum, which resists breaking changes to the API. With the API design iterated on until it's accepted by stakeholders, it's time to implement — with confidence now that a faithful implementation will yield delighted developers and the desired benefits. In many...
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<|assistant|> cases, the implementation of the API is an exercise in connecting to and from a myriad of existing on-premise and in-cloud systems; Mule Studio and its APIkit components make quick work of turning a RAML spec into a set of Mule integration flows that realize the spec, scalable and maintainably. The resulting Mule application can be deployed in CloudHub or on premise (or a private cloud), while the API it exposes is automatically bound to the Anypoint API Manager, where policies can be applied to it, and to the Anypoint API Portal, where it can be discovered and consumed by app developers. InfoQ: The first release of APIKit used Swagger as its document format. You've now moved to RAML. Can you tell us what motivated that change? Are...
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<|assistant|> there any lessons learned in terms of API documentation? US: Simply put, we realized ourselves what numerous others in the API space have realized: that Swagger and similar formats may be suitable as the *output* format of an API, something that expresses it after it exists, but they're not good for designing APIs. Nobody starts by writing down Swagger; they generate it from code, so the API is really designed via its implementation, which is a bit upside down. Moreover, it's quite a verbose description, which can easily lead to losing the forest in the trees: you get reams and reams of description, so you cannot see, and certainly cannot build in, a few clean patterns that can explicitly be reused throughout the API. With RAML, we aimed...
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<|assistant|> for a way of designing and expressing RESTful APIs that were as clean, expressive and efficient as REST itself. US: The service registry continues to be a great place to, well, keep a registry of all your services, whether REST or SOAP or even things that many wouldn't even call APIs such as FTP locations. But we're adding many API-specific features to it, such...
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<|assistant|> as new policies, integration with the Anypoint API Portal and more integration with existing customer systems. InfoQ: Does API Manager work with APIs that haven't been implemented using Mule? Are there any differences in the way that Mule and non-Mule APIs interact with the platform? US: You can use Anypoint API Manager to control APIs that aren't implemented with Mule by proxying them through the API gateway. From a management perspective, or even a portal perspective, all the capabilities are available for these APIs as they would be if the implementation itself was in Mule. InfoQ: What do you see as the biggest remaining challenge with APIs - either for providers or consumers? US: Though this certainly feels like the golden age of APIs, there's tremendous room for...
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<|assistant|> growth too: many enterprises still have not rolled out broad API initiatives. API design is just now being recognized as a critical discipline, best practices are few and far between, and there's very little consistency across APIs, even within the same organization. There's a huge gap between the API have's and have-not's. And that's felt directly by API consumers, who more often than not struggle with APIs that seem like an afterthought — because they were. Like | by Craig Larman Craig Larman Follow 3 Followers on Apr 20, 2011 | NOTICE: The next QCon is in London, Mar 4 - 6, 2019. I was able to understand your perspective on large scale software development model. One point which I am not convinced that if we do not...
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<|assistant|> set architectural constrains before starting development there are chances where each team can go in different direction to implement same common component. Example could be exception handling guideline or may be some...
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<|assistant|> common component. I have given two features to two development team and both the team may come up with different approach and different component for exception handling. This will not solve purpose of reuse of same component. Well, found this talk very impressive and I feel impressed by the framework 1 and 2 and how this scales to such great number of teams around...
<|prompter|> Next.
<|assistant|> the world. I imagine how great it would be to work in such environment. Ajay, I understand your point, but I think this is...
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<|assistant|> a high level view and in daily practise there arise so much problems and complicated situations, which are not shown here. Your architectural question...
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<|assistant|> is one of them, but there are a couple of more, like adressing the "right" feature team, and let them come/work together to solve the problems. I'll believe architectural issues are demistified...
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<|assistant|> while designing sessions if the teams are addressed and dive into the problem domain. The architecture documentation past release is great :-)I do fully agree with the crossfunctional teams, the role of architecture (and architects, no powerpoint architects) in agile development. most interesting is that feature teams scale and component orientated teams did not. You are assuming bigger components that only one teams owns,...
<|prompter|> Next.
<|assistant|> right? Are multiple fine grained components in some requirements area that "owns" a team similiar to your what you have called "feature teams"?. |
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I only became a Game of Thrones fan this time last year but I've fully embraced the world of George R. I always knew the series was shot in Northern Ireland but until I started watching I didn't really pay much attention to the locations used. Since becoming a fan I've somewhat become obsessed with tracking down filming locations as most are situated rather conveniently close to my house in Northern Ireland. Back in May when I visited Northern Ireland with my friends we managed to find quite a few locations and during my trip over Christmas I managed to rope Steve into driving me around most of the country in search for more. Many locations are immortalised with a Game of Thrones sign, helpfully created by the Northern Irish tourism board. The signs, complete with imagery and behind the scenes information, describe what was filmed in each location. They're really informative and once you've found a few the process of tracking more down becomes quite addictive. There's a ton of websites that list filming locations in Northern Ireland but I couldn't find anything about the signs. I definitely haven't found them all, yet, but I thought it would be helpful to list the ones I have come across and let you know where exactly you can find them. The majority of locations are in County Antrim but there's a few locations in County Londonderry, Down, Armagh, and Fermanagh as well. Belfast is the best locations to base yourself for a Game of Thrones tour as it's pretty central but you will absolutely need a car to drive yourself around. I'll start in County Londonderry, travelling east along the coast to Antrim, past Belfast and into County Down and eventually Armagh and Fermanagh. East of Derry you will come to the small town of Limavady. As you drive through town make sure you pay a visit to Frank Owens Bar to see one of the 10 Game of Thrones doors that are found all over Northern Ireland. Slightly north of Limavady you will find the mountain Binevenagh, which marks the western extent of the Antrim plateau. If you Google map 'Swanns Bridge Glamping' you'll come across a small picnic area next to a T-junction. Amongst the benches you'll find your first sign. Binevenagh was used as the backdrop for Drogon's Lair and the Dothraki Sea at the end of season 5 and beginning of season 6. This is where Drogon took Daenerys after the fighting pits of Meereen were invaded by the Sons of the Harpy. Daenerys was subsequently captured by the Dorthraki here. Following the coastal road it wont be long until you reach Downhill Beach. Stop at the car park at the eastern side of the beach and you'll find your next sign. Downhill beach with a view of Mussenden Temple on the cliffs above was used as the location to film Stannis and Melisandre burning the effigies of The Seven in the first episode of season 2. You can actually visit Mussenden Temple which is found a short drive away in the National Trust property Downhill Demesne and Hezlett House. Whilst filming only took place on the beach, the cliff top position of Mussendem Temple makes for lovely views over the coast. A 20 minute drive from Downhill Beach will bring you to the town of Portstewart and it's lovely beach. The car park can be found next to Harry's Shack restaurant. I couldn't find a sign here but I'm sure there must be one about somewhere as this is a fairly major filming location. This beach was where Jaime and Bronn, disguised as Martell soldiers, approached the gates of the Water Gardens of Dorne in season 5. Driving along the coast through Portstewart and Portrush, both of which are lovely little seaside towns, and before you reach Bushmills, you'll find yourself at Dunluce Castle. There isn't a sign here but the ruined castle is an interesting stop as it was used as the backdrop for Castle Greyjoy on the Iron Islands in season 2. A few miles from Dunluce Castle will bring you to the town of Bushmills. Whilst there isn't any Game of Thrones locations in town, Bushmills is home to the famous Bushmills Distillery and Giant's Causeway, as well as my favourite Irish cafe, The Copper Kettle. You'd be a fool to visit County Antrim and not spend a couple of hours at the Causeway, it's a beautiful place. After visiting the Causeway continuing driving east along the coast. This drive, known as the Causeway Coastal Route, is one of my favourite things about Northern Ireland. The dramatic coast is full of surprises and natural beauty around every bend. Make sure you stop at the ruins of Dunseverick Castle for a few minutes and pull into the charming hamlet of Portbraddon to visit Ireland's smallest church. Ballintoy Harbour is one of my favourite places in Northern Ireland. I've been visiting long before it became a Game of Thrones filming location. It's picturesque setting and cafe with more cake than you could imagine makes it the perfect afternoon retreat on a sunny day. This is where I spotted my first Game of Thrones sign, a few years before I'd even started watching the show. This is the location for Pyke Harbour and is extremely recognisable when Theon arrives back on the Iron Islands in season 2. The harbour is also used in seasons 4 when Melisandre burns seven people as tribute to the Lord of Light. The nearby bay area was used as the location for the scene where Theon is initiated into the church of the Drowned God in season 2 and where Euron is put through the drowning ceremony in season 6. Ballintoy beach in the surrounding area is used as Dragonstone landing in seasons 2 and 3. It is also used for various Pyke scenes in season 6 including the funeral bay when Balon Grey is buried at sea and the cove where Theon and Yara steal ships after they run away from their uncle. Whilst you're in the town of Ballintoy make sure you visit the Fullerton Arms for another Game of Thrones door. Carrick-a-Rede, the most famous rope bridge in Northern Ireland, if not the world. Not an attraction for those with vertigo, this 20m long and 30m high rickety bridge is an adrenaline junkie's dream, sort of. I love it, as do all the new Game of Thrones fans in Ireland apparently, so now it's a little busier then it once was. Whilst the bridge itself is not a filming location there are a few surrounding spots that are. At one end of the car park you'll find Larrybane Quarry and an accompanying Game of Thrones sign. This was the location of Renly's base camp in season 2. It was here that Renly held a tournament which Brienne won. Nearby Rope Bridge Road was the location of the Iron Islands' Kingsmoot in season 6. As you head further along the coast you will reach the large town of Ballycastle. It's worth driving through the town for the traditional shops fronts and fish shops. If you head south along the A44 it wont be long (10 minutes) before you reach the Dark Hedges, an iconic sight for Northern Ireland and Game of Thrones fans alike. This tree lined road is a magnificent sight and whilst it was only used as the location of the King's Road for a few minutes in season 2 it's become a popular destination. There's a sign at one end of the road and if you mange to avoid the coach tours on your visit it doesn't take a lot of imagination to transport yourself to Westeros. After you've had your fill of the Dark Hedges, head back to Ballycastle and the coastal road. Keep your eyes peeled for signs to Murlough Bay, east of Ballycastle. The drive down to the bay is outstanding if not a little treacherous. The small and winding road takes a while to navigate but it is so worth it for the incredible view. On a clear day you can see various Scottish islands including the Mull of Kintyre. The area has many kilns that were used to produce lime thanks to the sandstone and limestone cliffs. There are two Game of Thrones signs in this area. The first is found along the side of the road as you drive down to the beach. This is where Tyrion and Jorah see slave ships in the bay below in season 5. Further down the cliff they are taken to the ships where Tyrion convinces the slavers to take them to Meereen. The second sign is found on the rocky beach at the end of the road which is where Theon and Yara have their unconventional horse ride to Castle Greyjoy in season 2. This location was also used to film Renly and Stannis meeting to discuss a resolution to the succession issue in season 2. After Murlough Bay you need to head back up the cliff to the main road before you continue driving along the coast. Look out for the vanishing lake, Loughareema, as you approach Cushendun, a lovely wee town along the coast. If you need a refreshment make sure you stop at McBride's for some hearty Irish food as well as another Game of Thrones door. On the eastern side of town you'll find the cave and your next Game of Thrones sign. The caves don't take long to visit but they make an interesting, eerie stop. This is where Melisandre gives birth to a shadow in a cave under Storm's End in season 2. Continue driving along the coast, past Cushendall, until you reach Waterfoot. From here you need to head along the A43, away from the coast where you will soon reach Glenariff Forest Park. Glenariff aka Queen of Glens, is the most beautiful of the nine glens of Antrim. Whilst there's isn't a Game of Thrones sign as far as I'm aware the area was used for filming Vale of Arryn scenes. The drive through Glenariff is lovely and if you have some free time it's worth stopping at Glenariff Forest Park to visit Ess-na-Larach Waterfall which is a 800m walk from the car park. Head back to the coast the way you came, continuing east once you make it back to Waterfoot. Just outside of town you'll find The Hidden Village of Galboly which is where the scene with Littlefinger, Sansa and Robin sword fighting in season 5 was filmed. The location was ...
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used again in season 6 when Littlefinger returns to the Vale and accuses Yohn Royce of giving his travel plans to the Boltons. Unfortunately I don't think there's a Game of Thrones sign here. The drive to Carnlough isn't far and whilst there isn't a Game of Thrones sign the steps at the harbour were used to film the scene where Arya emerges from the canal in Bravos stabbed and bloody in season 6. The next town over is Glenarm and this is where you'll find Steensons, a jewellery company that has created many of the props used in the show. This isn't a filming location but there's a Game of Thrones display cabinet in the shop that's quite interesting. From Glenarm you can either continue along the coast to Cairncastle, another filming location, or head inland to visit the mountain, Slemish. The surrounding Shillanavogy Valley was used to film the Dothraki Sea in season 1. Apparently there is a Game of Thrones sign but I have no idea where. It's a vast, but beautiful, area and I've found no information to pinpoints the sign's location. After you've driven around Slemish, head back to the coast via Cairncastle. This is another sign location that I failed to find. However, if you Google 'Antrim Hills Way and Game of Thrones Location Car Park' then this might be where you'll find it. This location was used in the very first episode for the scene where Ned Stark beheads a Knight's Watch deserter. The same location was also used to film Sansa and Littlefinger looking down on Moat Cailin before she is to wed Ramsey in season 5. A nearby property of Sallagh Road was used to film Brother Ray's camp in season 6 when the Hound makes his return. You'll also find another Game of Thrones door at nearby Ballygally Castle Hotel. Magheramorne Quarry is one of the most exciting Game of Thrones locations but it's also one of the hardest to reach. This is where The Wall, Castle Black, Hardhome and various other 'beyond The Wall' scenes are filmed. The Quarry is closed to the public but you can just about make it out as you drive along the coastal road once you leave Larne. There's no sign here but it's an exciting feeling to drive past. In the town of Carrickfergus you'll not only find Northern Ireland's most famous castle, Carrickfergus, but you'll also find Redhall Estate which was used to the film the inn at the crossroads where the King's party stop en route to King's Landing after visiting Winterfell, where Catelyn bumps into Tyrion in season 1, where Arya is taken by the Brotherhood Without Banners in season 2, and where Brienne and Pod stop to eat in season 4. I haven't been here so I'm not sure if there's a sign. If you head inland to the town of Antrim you'll find several filming locations in the surrounding area. As far as I'm aware there aren't any Game of Thrones sing but they're still worth visiting. Shane's Castle which is normally closed to the public was used to film the Dragonstone dungeons in season 3, the Winterfell crypt in 5, and scenes various scenes from under the Great Sept. The nearby river clearing was used to film several scenes with Bronn and Tyrion in season 5. Slightly to the west of Shane's castle is the River Maine which was used to film the scene where Arya practices her sword fighting with Mycah in season 1, where the Tourney of the Hand take places in season 1, the river where Brienne leads Jamie after breaking him out of Robb's camp in season 2, and the bridge where Jamie attacks Brienne before they're captured by The Brave Companions in season 3. Nearby Lady Hill Quarry was used to film the scene where Bran and his companions are attacked by skeleton in season 4. Belfast itself doesn't have any outdoor filming locations but it does have Titanic Studios which is where all non-location scenes are filmed. The studio is found by the docks and is next door to Titanic Belfast which is an amazing museum worth visiting if you're in the city. If you're lucky you could spot a cast member on their lunch break. South of Belfast brings you into County Down where you can find a handful of filming locations. I don't know County Down as well as Antrim but over Christmas I managed to spend a day in the area, visiting several different sites. Whilst I haven't visited the locations around Stangford Lough I though I'd list them here for sake of completeness. Clandeboye Estate near Bangor was used to film Craster's Keep in season 2 and 3 as well as the location where Jamie has his hand cut off in season 3. An estate near the town of Saintfield was used as the location for Robb's camp in season 2, the field where the Battle of Winterfell takes place in season 6, and the Winterfell Godswood in various seasons. The forest near the town of Crossgar was used to film Theon and Sansa crossing the frozen river while they're on the run from Ramsey in season 6. It's worth spending an hour or so in Downpatrick. The cathedral is said to be the burial place of Saint Patrick and there's a great little visitor centre and museum you can visit to learn more about Northern Ireland's patron saint. Just outside of town you'll find Inch Abbey which was used as the location for Robb's camp at the end of season 1 and where the famous 'King of the North' scene takes place. Unfortunately there isn't a sign here which is a shame as it's a very easy location to find. North- east of Downpatrick will bring you to Castle Ward which was used as Winterfell's courtyard in the very first episode. It was here that the Stark children practised archery. You'll find a Game of Thrones sign in the courtyard, one of the few in this part of the country. The nearby wood and Audley Castle ruins was used as Moat Cailin and the Lannister camp in season 1 and Robb's camp in season 2 where he introduced Catelyn to Talisa. It was also used as The Twins in season 1. Outside the town of Newcastle, which is worth visiting for its lovely seafront location, you'll find the beautiful Tollymore Forest Park. The park is vast and was used for several different filming locations including the location where the White Walker attack took place at the very start of the show and where the Stark Direwolf pups are found later in the same episode. The Mourne Mountains is a beautiful area to drive around. Whilst not strickly mountains this is still an area worth visiting. Sandy Brae Path in the southern part of the hills was used to film the ride between the horse gate of Vaes Dothrak in season 1. Near the town of Banbridge you'll find The Linen Mill Studio which is where Harrenhal was filmed in season 2. Around the corner at 36 Drone Hill Road you find the location for the Riverrun Gate in season 6 when Jamie attempts to sieze Riverrun from the Blackfish. Gosford Castle was used to film Riverrun and Littlefinger's brothel in season 3. The surrounding forest park is also used in season 3, but this time for a dream scene where Bran chases the three eyed Raven and sees Jojen Reed for the first time. Heading north into Fermanagh will take you to my final Game of Thrones location and somewhere I am saving for a summer visit, Pollnagollum Cave. When Arya is captured by the Brotherhood without Banners in season 3, they take her to their hideout which was filmed at the Marble Arch Caves. So there's my bumper guide of Game of Thrones locations. I'm hoping to get back over to Northern Ireland this year where I will definitely go searching for more. Northern Ireland is such a beautiful country and it's a real exciting to see it immortalised on the screen. If you're not a Game of Thrones fan hopefully you can still appreciate the beautiful scenery. When it comes to takeaway food I am not normally a fan. My preferred choice stretches as far as a Domino's and I am definitely not a lover of Chinese fast food. But Zing Zing has changed my mind. This north London based takeaway joint is doing things a 'lil differently and serving up super tasty, top quality, MSG free, Chinese food. I enjoyed a bit of a feast a few weeks ago, courtesy of the restaurant, and got myself frequented with a big chunk of the menu. From the starters I really enjoyed the firework dragon bao. This Korean fried chicken bao is just the right amount of fluffy bao and crispy, succulent fried chicken. The hot sauce comes on the side so you can amp up the heat as much (or as little) as you desire. It also comes with a side of popping candy to give the dish some fireworks. I ended up forgoing this part as it was just a little too gimmicky for me but otherwise this was a great dish. The salt and pepper squid, which is often done wrong, was addictive and the duck spring rolls were a delicious upgrade on a normally dull classic. The sticky pork ribs were tender and moorish and the Thai prawn crackers were fiery with the perfect crunch. The pork and goji berry dumplings were succulent and extremely tasty, another interesting upgrade. The main dishes really impressed me as well. The dynamite kung pao chicken was succulent and fiery, the coconut tamarind prawns were moorish and meaty, and the lemon chicken was fresh and light. All-in-all I was pleasantly surprised by Zing Zing and it's made me realise the Chinese takeaway can be done well. The restaurants ethos of good quality, MSG free food really does stand out. The dishes are generously sized with lots of meat and vegetables instead of padding and while the menu is full of classic Chinese takeaway options there's still plenty of exciting upgrades. If you're based in North London and fancy a great Chinese takeaway then Zing Zing is the place for you. July 5, 2018 from 11:15am to 11:45am – Karamel London N22 Movers and Shakers are 30-minute music and movement sessions for babies and toddlers (Ages 0 to 3). Thursday 11.15-11.45am From 3rd May to 19th July Our parent-present classes introduce the very yo. |
<|prompter|> What are the missing words: The EU's top Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has called on [words 1] negotiate" amid a deepening row with Spain over Gibraltar. Radio Sputnik discussed the [words 2] Trinidad, a practicing barrister and a Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge and the Lauterpacht Center for [words 3] Law. When asked if he could confirm that Gibraltar would remain under British sovereignty, Barnier said, “judicially speaking, Gibraltar will exit the Union at the same time as the UK.”However, Gibraltar's Chief [words 4] Picardo has vowed the territory will not be used as leverage in the upcoming Brexit talks. In an interview with Sputnik, [words 5] said that the mere thought that Britain and Spain could go to war over Gibraltar seems ridiculous because Brexit is fundamentally an issue of [words 6] and, possibly, talks about security, but the sovereignty of Gibraltar is not going to be on the table. “I'm not saying that Spain might not try to [words 7] leverage, but I think that both Britain and Spain realize that there can be no change in the sovereignty of Gibraltar without the consent [words 8] population,” Jamie Trinidad said. He added that Britain has a great deal of interest in maintaining trade ties with Spain. [words 9] deficit with the UK, is likewise willing to do [words 10] with Britain, Brexit or no Brexit. “There are many [words 11] many Spanish nationals working in Britain. [words 12] it is in everybody's interest to have a good deal, so I don't expect the issue [words 13] here,” Trinidad observed. He added that Spain [words 14] have a co-sovereignty deal on Gibraltar, but even so, it would never get [words 15] base there. “Even taking Spain's claim at its highest, this is not going to result in [words 16] sovereignty over Gibraltar,” Jamie Trinidad said. Speaking about [words 17] the large number of Britons working in Spain and vice versa, Jamie Trinidad said that both the UK and Spain want to maintain [words 18] close trade ties and that Britain's exit from the EU would have little impact on these ties. “Ninety percent of Gibraltar's trade is done with the UK, so I don't think that [words 19] their continuing membership of the EU and that's the price that Spain imposes on them,” Jamie Trinidad noted. Earlier this week Spanish Foreign Minister, Alfonso Dastis urged the British government [words 20] cool head in the negotiations over [words 21] Gibraltar. Tensions between London and Madrid [words 22] the EU appeared to hand Spain a veto over the territory's [words 23] talks. Meanwhile, according to the Gibraltar [words 24] a Spanish patrol ship entered its territorial waters on Tuesday. The warship was told to leave by a Royal Navy unit from the Gibraltar squadron. The British Foreign Office described the incident as [words 25] maritime incursion. Gibraltar became a British Oversees Territory in 1713, [words 26] from Spain. The latter, however, continues to lay claims to the area. [words 27] Sunday British Prime Minister Theresa May stressed that the UK remains committed to supporting Gibraltar and would never [words 28] sovereignty. His practice areas include civil law, international and European law, commercial and corporate law. Ranieri spent January and February 2013 working as an [words 29] Moura Tavares, Figuereido, Moreira e Campos in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Before joining SQ Law, he trained for one semester at Deloitte Studio Legale Associato in Rome and, for one year, at Studio Legale Avv.
words 1: Britain to "keep calm and
words 2: issue with Jamie
words 3: International
words 4: Minister Fabian
words 5: Jamie Trinidad
words 6: trade
words 7: use the negotiations as
words 8: of its
words 9: Spain, which has a huge trade
words 10: business
words 11: UK citizens living in Spain and
words 12: I think
words 13: of Gibraltar's sovereignty to become a determining factor
words 14: would like to
words 15: control of the British military
words 16: full Spanish
words 17: Britain's huge trade deficit with Spain and
words 18: their
words 19: Gibraltarians will sell their sovereignty for
words 20: to keep a
words 21: the future of
words 22: escalated last week after
words 23: future in Brexit
words 24: government,
words 25: an unlawful
words 26: after it was taken
words 27: On
words 28: negotiate its
words 29: intern at the law firm
<|prompter|> What are the missing words: Michele Lupo in Caltanissetta. In 2006 he was an intern at the corporation Mape [words 1] Inc. ## in Minneapolis, USA, developing [words 2] in commercial and international business law. TILEC [words 3] Tilburg Law School Research Paper No. In July 2010 Ranieri volunteered as English [words 4] school: Escuela Primaria Rural Federal “Emiliano Zapata” in Pucuaro, municipality of Jungapeo, Michoacán, Mexico. Before reading this page, you might like to click [words 5] the link below to watch the Youtube video and see if you can resolve the [words 6] to why the playing card wins the 80 cm sprint, [words 7] the balloon wins the 2 m race, as this page reveals all. You [words 8] to start by watching Lewin's 8.01 lecture 12. He begins describing the calculations [words 9] his ball/balloon dropping experiment at 33 mins and actually [words 10] at 39 mins. If you find Lewin's description hard to follow [words 11] to read my explanation first. I thought Lewin's calculations were absurdly wrong, because he seems to confuse the [words 12] its net weight in air. He gives the weight of the [words 13] 34 gram, and its diameter as 70cm. If we calculate the mass of the air inside a balloon of this diameter, we get a value of around 220 gram, [words 14] of 254 gram. I was thinking that the accelerating [words 15] just be the 34 gram times g (g is the symbol for the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the [words 16] air inside has no effective weight in air; but the mass [words 17] accelerated must include the air inside the balloon and therefore be the full 254 gram. Therefore the balloon should not accelerate at 10 [words 18] = 1.3 m/s/s or about one seventh the normal acceleration due to gravity, g/7. However Lewin writes the equation ma = mg – (Fres) on the blackboard ; so we can only assume that he is using 34 gram as the mass [words 19] well as the net mass that is [words 20] force of gravity. This seemed to me to be totally absurd. I could see no [words 21] my logic, but then again was [words 22] and his graduate student Dave Pooley would make what might be considered such a basic error? And what about the [words 23] and teachers who must have watched the lecture and apparently could not see a problem with [words 24] a comment about Archimedes Principle on Lewin's YouTube [words 25] lecture, though not specifically about the balloon experiment, but Lewin roundly dismissed it as irrelevant. I checked the graph created by the graduate [words 26] which is shown in the lecture; and he clearly predicts that in the absence of air drag, the balloon would drop like a stone and accelerate to the earth at 10 m/s/s, [words 27] that value as I thought. Yet I am maintaining that the acceleration of the balloon is only a seventh of that predicted by Dave Pooley, how could my theory possibly agree with the experimental evidence? Time to take a closer look at Lewin's experiment. I assumed that the acceleration would be about 10/7 m/s/s, and decided to calculate [words 28] take to fall 3m if there was no air drag. Using the [words 29] = ½ at², I get 3m [words 30] ½ 10/7 t², so t² = 4.2, so t = 2.05 second. If my calculation was [words 31] that air drag has a negligible [words 32] the result of the experiment, so clearly [words 33] something amiss. Is my logic flawed, or maybe there [words 34] way the experiment was performed? So I replayed the experiment at ¼ speed on [words 35] of the icons at the bottom of the screen. If you stop the video when the balloon is a little bit less than ½ m above the ground, you will see that the clock has [words 36] second. Assuming the terminal velocity of 1.8 m/s predicted [words 37] graduate student, this means the clock was stopped about 0.25 second too early. So [words 38] like about 2.33 second, not 2. We can [words 39] the experiment many times, and since [words 40] times, his finger was a little too eager on the trigger. Next [words 41] managed to stop the video after the balloon had fallen a few centimetres, and indeed the timer still read 0. If the balloon had fallen for 0.1s at an acceleration of 2 m/s/s, then it would have gone 1cm, or if it had fallen for 0.2s it would have [words 42] cm. So I concluded that Lewin probably [words 43] the balloon. I have not actually done any detailed calculations, but I [words 44] that this delay of 0.2s is sufficient to make [words 45] evidence fit the assumption that the acceleration [words 46] somewhere around 2 m/s/s. Taking this extra 0.2s into [words 47] the balloon took to fall the [words 48] to 2.5s, and not “two point zero” [words 49] Lewin triumphantly proclaimed when he saw the clock had registered 2. If you check the predictions of Dave Pooley's graph with [words 50] from the video, you will indeed see that [words 51] and at 0.5m his times are wildly out. I also used the video in an attempt to measure the [words 52] got a value of around 2 m/s, slightly higher than [words 53] m/s. Essentially Lewin was subject to [words 54] other humans; so really the episode tells us not so much about Lewin [words 55] human nature in general. Lewin has made available [words 56] hours of his lectures for people to analyse, and catastrophic errors like this are extremely rare, so what happened in this case? In my experience, pretty much all [words 57] in physics in much the same [words 58] lectures, text books, TV programs, or Wikipedia articles. Of course a [words 59] fall faster than a feather, but [words 60] slowed down by air resistance.”Hawking does not do any calculations, and he uses the somewhat ambiguous term ‘air resistance' [words 61] readers would assume that Hawking is talking about the [words 62] might experience on a bicycle; and one can only assume that that was what [words 63] ‘slowed down'. If we interpret ‘air resistance' in the broadest possible manner, [words 64] a helium balloon is accelerated upwards by ‘air resistance'. All Hawking was really doing was parroting the old adage that [words 65] as on the moon, all objects fall at the same rate because there is no ‘air [words 66] grasp the physics, otherwise why would he [words 67] was bound to confuse his readers? [words 68] same equation applies to the helium [words 69] object: m(total)a = m(net)g, it is just that for the helium balloon m(net) [words 70] has a lesser mass than the air it displaces, so the helium balloon accelerates in the [words 71].
words 1: USA
words 2: relevant experience
words 3: Discussion Paper No.2010-009;
words 4: teacher at the elementary
words 5: on
words 6: paradox as
words 7: but
words 8: may want
words 9: behind
words 10: drops the balloon
words 11: you may prefer
words 12: mass of the balloon with
words 13: balloon as
words 14: giving a total mass for the air-filled balloon
words 15: force due to gravity would
words 16: earth, 10 m/s/s), as the
words 17: to be
words 18: m/s/s but rather at 34/254 times 10 m/s/s
words 19: to be accelerated as
words 20: subject to the
words 21: error in
words 22: it likely that both Lewin
words 23: hundreds of thousands of students
words 24: the calculations? Somebody did make
words 25: channel about this
words 26: student Dave Pooley,
words 27: not at 1/7 of
words 28: the time the balloon would
words 29: equation: distance
words 30: =
words 31: correct, it would imply
words 32: effect on
words 33: there is
words 34: was something wrong with the
words 35: Youtube by clicking one
words 36: already stopped at 2.08
words 37: by the
words 38: the real time looks
words 39: only assume that Lewin had done
words 40: he kept getting inconveniently high
words 41: I
words 42: gone 4
words 43: started the clock about 0.2s after releasing
words 44: would assume
words 45: the experimental
words 46: of the balloon is indeed
words 47: account, the total time
words 48: 3m must have been close
words 49: as
words 50: the results I extracted
words 51: at 0.25m
words 52: terminal speed, between 1.5m to 2.5m, and
words 53: the graduate student's estimate of 1.8
words 54: the same frailties as all
words 55: himself, but more about
words 56: hundreds of
words 57: sources treat a particular subject
words 58: way; whether they are online
words 59: lead weight would
words 60: that is only because a feather is
words 61: rather than drag; but surely most
words 62: same ‘air resistance' that they
words 63: Hawking was talking about, because he specifically states
words 64: then we would have to say that
words 65: in a vacuum, such
words 66: resistance'; and he surely did not fully
words 67: include a statement that
words 68: The
words 69: balloon as to any other
words 70: is negative, since the helium balloon
words 71: opposite direction
<|prompter|> What are the missing words: Of course once the balloon reaches its terminal velocity, the total mass is no longer needed and all we get is m(net)g [words 1] drag. Hawking was talking about a feather not a balloon, but the same effect is important in the case of any object of low density whether its a balloon, a lump of expanded polystyrene, or a feather; though with feathers the situation is particularly complex, because a feather tends to trap air in its branches rather than actually containing a lot of it. One of the things that makes [words 2] effort he put into preparing them; so we can only assume that he did the balloon dropping experiment many times, and kept [words 3] not agree with his calculated predictions. That is why [words 4] excuse of turbulence prior to dropping the balloon, and is so relieved [words 5] only 2.08 second in class. We could perhaps [words 6] evidence that there was something seriously wrong with his calculations, but we should be grateful that he had [words 7] his convictions; because if he had taken the coward's way out and ditched the [words 8] because he was afraid of being embarrassed, then we would have missed out on an episode that teaches us a bit about physics and a [words 9] nature. The lecture series was filmed in 1999 and made available online [words 10] MIT. MIT is certainly one of the world's top universities, especially for physics as it has a number [words 11] Laureates on its staff. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people must [words 12] including some of the brightest students and teachers. I read that the lectures [words 13] the USA, and had millions of viewers. Can such a [words 14] escaped everybody's notice? Probably most viewers accepted what [words 15] question. Perhaps a few thought there was [words 16] going on; but were not prepared to accept that Lewin could have made a error of basic physics, or were reassured by the apparent agreement of the calculations with the experiment. Possibly somebody did spot [words 17] not want to hurt Lewin's feelings. Or maybe physicists no longer expose each other's howlers for fear of bringing the [words 18] giving ammunition to the anti-science brigade? I hope you enjoyed the story; and the moral is, that if [words 19] agree with experiment, change your theory rather than fiddling the experiment, or the evidence [words 20] return to haunt you. Or else keep the details of the experiment secret, as [words 21] nobody can ever prove you wrong. [words 22] 2017. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Newtspeare, with appropriate and specific direction to the [words 23].
words 1: = air
words 2: Lewin's lectures so entertaining, is the time and
words 3: getting times that did
words 4: he uses the
words 5: when he gets a reading of
words 6: criticise Lewin for stubbornly refusing to accept the
words 7: the courage of
words 8: demonstration
words 9: lot about human
words 10: by
words 11: of Nobel physics
words 12: have viewed the lectures online,
words 13: were also shown on a TV channel in
words 14: blatant howler really have
words 15: they were told without
words 16: something a bit dodgy
words 17: the error but did
words 18: subject into disrepute and thus perhaps
words 19: your theory does not
words 20: may later
words 21: with the Higgs boson, then
words 22: © William Newtspeare,
words 23: original content |
User: What are the missing spans: Two weeks ago, shortly before the Roy Moore-Doug Jones face-off in Alabama, an exterminator came to my home to humanely dispatch from the premises a mother raccoon, which had taken up residence somewhere between the second-floor ceiling and the [spans 1] December. As I returned from a run, he and the homeowner were talking about the potential debacle of a Senate race that was underway, and the [spans 2] him. When this Denver lawyer, who was part of a group hosting Moore and others [spans 3] reality. Maybe it's not a good idea to use Roy Moore as an example of anything other than a demented, theocratic shitbag. But he did at one time manage to get a law degree. That's supposedly not the easiest thing in the world, even in the decerebrate South. One of the fun paradoxes of getting a college education is discovering that it's possible to earn a bachelor's degree in a given scientific while remaining largely ignorant of that discipline, even if you receive [spans 4] school. Read the rest of this entry »Long ago, people believed mental illness was the result of demonic possession or other “supernatural” forces. Today, mental problems are typically described as resulting from imbalances in neurochemistry, even though there is no such thing as neurochemical balance. I think it's time to adopt a more progressive model, which includes exactly three psychiatric states (independent of drug use):Building on an observation I made yesterday: When people who are clearly mentally unbalanced are at least coherent enough to form political opinions, in any contest they observe between a candidate who goes about things comparatively quietly and one whose chief strategy is inexhaustible high-volume raving about Stuff That Needs Fixing, they invariably go for the shrieking demagogue. Read the rest of this entry »I continue [spans 5] lives. I ponder the underlying psychology and then conclude there's actually nothing unusual about this seeming contradiction: If you can't or won't make your own way in life to an even marginal extent, it eases your internal conflict to symbolically align yourself with those who can and do. I'm trying to come up with the liberal answer to this kind of person. Maybe a closet racist or closeted gay person who wishes to shed such biases because it's “right” and who therefore superficially adopts anti-bigotry political stances? You have to love it when someone burbles, “I've finally realized after all these years that I was doing X all wrong” immediately before [spans 6] past. The ability to simultaneously learn from a mistake and make that mistake repeatedly anyway is an exquisitely human thing. (I don't like it when someone who happens to consider me a mortal adversary plays this game, but this is rare, even if it's what inspired this post. In practical terms, wild animals with small brains alter their behavior in accordance with reward-punishment schemes much more readily than people do. If a lizard eats a plant that makes it sick, thanks to its limbic system and the intimate relationship between olfaction and memory, that lizard will never eat that type of plant again. A human, on the other hand, is inclined to engage its cerebrum, and concludes things like, “Well, maybe if I switch from [spans 7] eyes. We readily conflate being aware of a problem to having solved it with no further effort. Is this trait adaptive? It certainly helps reduce cognitive dissonance, which always provides psychological relief, but in general — no. It allows people to repeatedly engage in behaviors that cause them pain, and the fact that it exists to a more obvious degree in mentally unstable but otherwise fairly intelligent or even very intelligent people seems to suggest that it's not a good approach to the world. If you've spent any time reading blogs, you've seen at least a few of them that, rather than serving as a linear chronicle of events and ideas sharing a common theme in the writer's life, center on a particular event, purpose or goal. In a typical runner's blog, the writer describes his training and races and daily experiences, with the implicit idea that the blog will be regularly updated until the writer gets sick of it or quits running or no longer has the time. It's essentially a journal, nothing more. But sometimes people start blogs with titles like “My Journey to the 2016 Olympic Trials,” or “Getting to the Bottom of Russian Doping” that have either a fixed [spans 8] both. With the latter type, you'll often discover right away that the person behind the blog has a goal he or she stands no realistic chance of attaining, either because the goal is worthy but simply out [spans 9] oxygen). In such cases, you have unearthed a genuine futility blog. Read the rest of this entry »It's often difficult to comprehend why people choose the mates they do. There's the classic case of the attractive professional woman paired off with the layabout and perhaps abusive man, a situation that comes in a variety of flavors. There's the quiet guy with the overbearing, endlessly carping wife. There are the women who seem determined to wind up with an active alcoholic or drug addict, and date not just one but a parade of such types. Why do people make the choices they do? I am not a psychology expert and have no interest in what those who are have to say, at least for purposes of this post. Instead I'll do my best to explain my own patterns and how they have been both adaptive and maladaptive. Read the rest of this entry »Today I was privy to a conversation between two men who appeared to be homeless (and if they weren't, they dressed the part) in which each was dourly reassuring the other that the U.government was sitting on more oil reserves stateside than the rest of the world held combined, and better yet, that Uncle Sam's grim scientists an actually manufacture sweet crude whenever they need to. The central idea here was that there is so [spans 10] by. Bemused, I chalked this up from my position one Pearl Street bench over to, on balance, ignorance rather than paranoia. But then somber End Times talk took over (at which point one of these gentlemen may have been humoring the other) and I knew I had myself some conspiracy speculators. (Most conspiracy nuts don't rise to the level of generating theories, so I use that term sparingly. A long time ago in a city far away, I volunteered for a spell at a facility servicing mostly homeless people with a well-honed taste for crack cocaine. At least half of them seemed to believe that President Clinton was withholding from the public a cure (not a vaccine) for AIDS because unleashing it would mean introducing more blacks into the American workforce, something that the power brokers at the top [spans 11] by. At the time I chalked this idea up to drugs and understandable bitterness, but given the number of similar proposals I've heard since that time from perfectly sober street people, I've [spans 12] stance. I have to wonder, then: Is the high prevalence of conspiracy-based notions [spans 13] traffic. I don't write the titles; I choose them from among a huge slag heap of computer-generated ones and then write stuff that more or less conforms to them. I was musing in an editor's forum yesterday that I wouldn't mind seeing the following titles: Read the rest of this entry »When an august but certainly slipping publication like the New York Times can't even keep some of the entries in its science blogs from looking like chaff from a bored bunch of A. biology students, there would seem to be little sense in hoping that some news outlets still favor dry fact over controversy. Experienced science writers should know by now that when writing about experiments involving rat behavior or physiology with a proposed bearing on human function, the proper thing to do isn't to draw — or pretend to draw — lurid and half-assed [spans 14] people. In other words, don't bury the most important element — the ubiquitous caveats about comparing rodent bodies and brains to those of people — under a bunch of bullshit, as has been done in this piece purporting to deny the well-established cause-and-effect relationship between physical exercise and mood. Read the rest of this entry »Not exactly, but an article on Health.com from a year ago that was picked up by CNN highlights perfectly [spans 15] exists. First, note the difference between the original headline and the one on CNN. The first is “Do Fatty Foods Act Like Cocaine in the Brain? ” That's technically a little foolish, since foods don't penetrate the brain, but it's close enough. CNN decided that headline wasn't wowsy enough, so some creative clown there went with “Fatty foods may cause cocaine-like addiction,” which is not even close to the same thing. My mock post title is closer in meaning to CNN's than CNN's is to the one at Health. Sometimes I wonder how conspiracy theorists got by in the pre-Internet age. This can be said of any group, large or small, without continual and untrammeled access to mass [spans 16] message. But conspiracy theorists are a special breed not only for the astounding reach of their complexly puzzling ideas, but also because of the sheer amount of material they produce. Their fingers are as tireless as their minds, and their writing often give the impression that they can [spans 17] days. So it is fair to assume that before the Internet became a nexus for anyone in possession of a concept or belief to meet like-minded souls and propagate their claims free of charge, unfettered by limitations of snail-mail, the FCC, and prevailing sanity, cranks were able to distribute only a tiny fraction of their ideas to one another. I imagine that in the main they were forced to stick to theories that were already popular in the mainstream and either not particularly far-fetched (aspects of the JFK assassination) or so nutty as to have fallen into the dustbin of ridicule long ago (moon landings as hoaxes, itself an idea typically borne of its raving, bedwetting stepfather, flat-earthism). Read the rest of this entry »Lize Brittin was a two-time Kinney (now Foot Locker) finalist at Fairview High School in Boulder in the mid-1980s, winning the Midwest [spans 18] later. Translated for the benefit of non-runners, that means that she was one of the best cross-country runners in the United States, and it makes her one of the few great runners associated with Boulder who's actually from there; Melody Fairchild, who holds the U. record for [spans 19] 40. She also set a women's course record for the Pikes Peak Ascent and was ninth in the Bolder Boulder 10K, both world-class events — and both at age 16. But even before landing at Brigham Young University and then at the University of Colorado with a full scholarship, anorexia had begun to take its toll, and she wound up nearly dying from it in her twenties. Lize is 44 now and thankfully as far back from the depths of her illness as anyone can be. She's had some of her freelance writing published, but more importantly has also finished a memoir about her experiences, Training on Empty, that she's looking to publish, and she has started a blog of that name. She's visited area schools and been on local radio over the years in reaching out to younger runners about the topic, was recently on a Runners Round Table podcast, and has compiled (in my biased opinion) a memoir that goes well above and beyond the usual “I have issues” stuff that people have become almost hardened to. [spans 20] illness. I recently chatted with Lize about these matters, exploring the questions below and others. Listen to the audio here (50 minutes, 48 MB download). As a former competitive runner myself, a person who seeks therapeutic gain or release from the act of writing, and a voracious reader (and hence a critic), I have to ask — what in your view distinguishes your story, and in particular your memoir about your experiences, from others of its kind? You raced at a very high level, did so without becoming a household name (as you would have been had the Internet existed in the 1980s), and have kept a low profile in the running world for a long time. You are an unassuming person, the diametric opposite of an ego-driven person or a name-dropper, but I imagine that there's a part of you that shies away from reflecting a lot on your successes because what could have become a national- or perhaps world-class career in the sport disappeared before you could see it to fruition. Is there therefore a bittersweet flavor to the whole of your competitive memories? In many ways you're straight from a textbook: You grew up the youngest child in a [spans 21] right. You articulate this in the text, but even if you didn't, this mindset emanates from your words and from your present-day persona as well. On top of that you had a coach who would weigh you and tell you, surreal as it sounds, that you [spans 22] race. Since you've come to know a good many anorexics over the years thanks to treatment and being open about your travails in your recovery years, does it seem that there has to be a “perfect storm” of factors in order for most susceptible girls — or people — to actually develop anorexia? Anorexia is different from other disorders that could be described as addictive in that there is, in athletes at least, often a “grace period” in which afflicted people actually perform better in spite of manifesting the disease behaviors before they start slipping. You've mentioned that Diane Israel and perhaps others had begun counseling you well before you bottomed out. When you were experiencing success in spite of clearly having gone down the road toward “full-blown” anorexia, did you ever have the idea that you might be costing yourself in the long term or was the success itself, combined with the power of the disease, simply too seductive to allow for any such thinking to make real inroads? Can you describe reaching a point at which you understood that this was no longer about running, or feeling thin or fit or in control, or any of the other mental shells in which anorexics shield themselves, and was really about your own survival? One way in which you can unquestionably serve as a valuable resource to untold numbers of runners is that you've continued doing it at a modest (for you) level and come to terms with how running both shapes and you and how you need to command its role in your life and not the reverse, and you make no bones about the fact that there are days on which you feel fat and that it's very uncomfortable for you. A lot of anorexics seem to fade from the activity altogether for either physical reasons or because the idea of balance is not [spans 23] spectrum. What would you tell a young [spans 24] humans. Rosenwasser, professor of psychology at the University of Maine, chronic alcohol abuse and circadian disruption become reciprocally destructive and result in negative effects on physical and emotional health. “Dopamine is the primary chemical released within the brain in response to any type of reward, including exercise, drugs, food, and sex,” (study corresponding author J. “For humans, exercise may be an effective, beneficial, and naturally rewarding substitute for any type of addiction.”To be fair, all of this may actually be news to addiction researchers even though drinkers with a running problem themselves have been aware of these things for decades, and the research team did establish a common link–circadian rhythm regulation–offering insight into why, other than the variously triggered dopamine-reward system that was elucidated a long time ago, exercise helps keep people on the wagon. Still, the fact that scientists are just now catching on to the vital role exercise plays [spans 25] groups. That's not only a pithy [spans 26] brain. Still, this post on CNN's [spans 27] Dr. Gupta” blog is of interest from a neuroscience perspective. Research recently published in the medical journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the brain activity of 18 subjects, and found that those with a tendency to be highly affected by events around them as well as drugs such as caffeine demonstrated higher levels of activity in regions of the brain associated with processing details pertaining to visual stimuli. (I'm betting that FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper of Twin Peaks fame would score off the charts here, as would the smarmy dude on the USA Network show Psych. The researchers claim [spans 28] implications. Posted by kemibe in Better Living through Chemistry, Brains and Behavior, The Medical Tent on June 16, 2010This is not surprising. A Consumer Reports survey of over 1,500 Americans with clinical depression suggests that far more people embrace pills than embrace talk therapy, despite the fact that those who attended at least seven therapy sessions reported as much symptom relief as those who relied on drugs alone. Four in five respondents, in fact, replied that they would rather go the pharmacological route. This is understandable, given that taking a pill as a lot less work and, in many cases, is a lot cheaper than visiting a therapist. But this doesn't take into [spans 29] effects. Of course, this is a false dichotomy, [spans 30] therapy. But it's clear that people are hungering for a magical solution to a complex problem, and it's unlikely that clinically depressed people will ever fully return to baseline using pharmacotherapy alone. Of ancillary note: More and more people who seek help for mental-health problems report anxiety as one of their symptoms, and the type of therapist people employ (psychiatrist vs. does not appear to have an effect on the efficacy of therapy. [spans 31] all. A new book, Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know, sheds some light on the issue of how canines' brains function vis-a-vis those of humans. Among the highlights: Dogs “see faster” than people [spans 32] myth. What I find interesting is how people who share some distinct trait, belief, or status–however rare–seem to gravitate toward one another without any conscious effort whatsoever. If agnostics and people who believe in some amorphous “higher power” are not included, the percentage of atheists in the U. apparently ranges from around 5% to around 15%, depending on the parameters of the survey. Yet well over half of the people I associate with are atheists by any measure. Similarly, this Web MD slide show cites [spans 33] bipolar. Anyway, the slide show is a great overview. The curse of bipolar disorder is that people with it, especially in its less explosive forms, usually find the manic or hypomanic phases not only tolerable but enjoyable, and may often be more productive in some areas of their lives (or at least believe that this is the case). So when the depression hits, they find it easy to believe that their moods are under conscious control and that if they simply fight to reclaim the high of days and weeks past, it can happen. Since this is not how things work, people already experiencing “organic” depression excoriate themselves for their perceived weakness and incompetence, perpetuating a very nasty cycle within a population already apt to have alienated most everyone in their lives and thus operating largely in isolation. An article posted yesterday to Wired Science describes research by a team of German psychologists that strongly suggests that Facebook users provide accurate representations of themselves on their corners of the social networking giant. “Online social networks are so popular and so likely to reveal people's actual personalities because they allow for social interactions that feel real in many ways,” (team leader Mitja) Back says. Back's team administered personality inventories that evaluated 133 U. Facebook users and 103 Germans who used a comparable social-networking site. Then, undergraduate research assistants — nine in the United States and 10 in Germany — rated volunteers' personalities after looking at [spans 34] profiles. Those ratings matched volunteers' actual personality descriptions better than their idealized ones, especially for extraversion and openness. While this may all come as a surprise to people who liken Facebook to a dating-style site, it doesn't surprise me at all, and Back et al. did not address what I believe is the reason: The majority of Facebook members use the site as a means of keeping in touch with people they already know, not meeting new ones. Since there's little point in lying to people who already know better, there's little incentive to embellish or exaggerate. I don't technically conform to the study's findings myself. Anyone who's a Facebook friend of mine is regularly subjected to a profile typically laden with “status updates” that are outright bullshit, and my personal information page is littered with arrant nonsense. But in treating Facebook like a cesspool of self-indulgent wackiness (hey, when in Rome . it's clear that I'm not actually trying to fool people, and anyone who thinks I'm being serious there with this stuff should consult a neurologist. I do keep visitors on their toes by posting something disarmingly sincere and even grave from time to time, but again, it's not hard to separate these tidbits from the much [spans 35] buncombe. This is interesting and suggests that there may be a definitive answer to the long-standing question, “Is there an evolutionarily based explanation for homosexuality? ”Overly simplified, this “tipping-point” model (originally introduced by G. Hutchinson in [spans 36] carriers. If only a few of these alleles are inherited, a males' reproductive success [spans 37] tenderness. However, if many of these alleles are inherited, a “tipping point” is reached at which even mate preferences become “feminized,” meaning males are attracted to other males. In explaining this model, Miller asked readers to imagine a genetic system in which there are five different genes that place an individual along a masculine-feminine continuum. Each of the five genes has two alleles, one that pulls the individual to the masculine side and one that pulls to the feminine side. [spans 38] homosexual. If he inherited less than all five of the feminine-pulling alleles, however, he would not be homosexual. Although originally proposed in simple form in 1959, this model was finally empirically tested in 2008 and 2009. In addition, these researchers and those at Abo Akedemi University in Finland (lead by Pekka Santtila) independently predicted that if the “tipping point” model was correct, then heterosexual men with a homosexual twin should have more of the attractive feminine-pulling alleles and thus more opposite-sex sexual partners than members of heterosexual twin pairs. While the findings did not reach statistical significance, data suggested that heterosexuals with a homosexual twin had slightly more opposite-sex sexual partners, slightly more children, and were a bit younger at the age of first intercourse than heterosexual twin pairs. In other words, a certain amount of [spans 39] genes. Too much and then men are simply gay, but the fact that they don't reproduce is mitigated by the face that their close cousins–comparatively “woman-like” straight men–are busy passing along a slew of the same genes that apparently contribute to homosexuality. (Obviously this description is fraught with hazards. “Woman-like” as I'm using it here implies not a queeny bearing, but greater tendencies toward kindness, empathy, and other positive traits that can be found in men who present as perfectly “masculine.”)It's an intriguing idea, anyway, not that the homobigots–usually people whose comprehension of simple genetics is zero–will either understand or accept it if it ever comes to prominence.
spans 1: roof in early
spans 2: exterminator, who looked exactly like Bruce Campbell in his Evil Dead days only bigger, mentioned that he was married to someone who worked for the Denver Office of the District Attorney and had met Moore years ago, long before most people outside of Alabama and atheist blogs had heard of
spans 3: from Alabama at a conference, learned that Moore was not only a lawyer but a judge, she was apparently stunned, given his startling lack of knowledge of everything related to the law, or the bench, or
spans 4: high grades at a reputable
spans 5: to be intrigued by people who self-identify as conservative in spite of having been supported by some combination of the government and other people's charity for literally their entire
spans 6: making the very same bad life choice he or she just claimed to have put in the
spans 7: vodka to beer, alcohol won't be a problem” or “I'll at least mix in some filtered cigarettes” or “As long as I limit myself to 10 tanning sessions a month, the gratuitous UVB rays really aren't going to serve as a cancer risk.”Ironically, we're the only animals smart enough to be capable of completely pulling the wool over out own
spans 8: temporal endpoint or a finite purpose or
spans 9: of the blogger's reach (for example, a 40-year-old man with a marathon best of 2:50 hoping to make the Olympic Trials standard of 2:19) or the entire scheme is founded on delusional thinking or ferociously corrupt logic (say, a runner who predicts that a Nepalese marathoner will set a world record this fall because of sherpas' proven ability to perform yeoman physical feats in the presence of very little
spans 10: much oil beneath our feet that if the government so desired, gas prices could drop to about a quarter a gallon and excess numbers of people could enjoy a much-improved standard of living — an egalitarian notion that the power brokers at the top of the heap could simply could not abide
spans 11: of the heap simply could not abide
spans 12: abandoned that
spans 13: among street people one of the causes of homelessness, or is it more one of its consequences? Read the rest of this entry »If you follow or tolerate me on Facebook, you've probably seen the titles of some of the articles I've written for a particular entity that clearly counts on SEO, not quality, for
spans 14: conclusions and form — or pretend to form — questionable theories just because they are counterintuitive and bound to rile
spans 15: the media's insistence on exaggerating the findings in medical studies beyond all reason when the potential to scare people or stir up controversy
spans 16: media (television or radio) 15 or 20 years ago and hankering to spread a unique or outlandish
spans 17: somehow operate on planet Earth (at least physically) while enjoying 40-hour
spans 18: Regional her senior year and winding up seventh at the national champs in San Diego two weeks
spans 19: the high-school two-mile and won Foot Locker Nationals twice, and Kelsey Lakowske, who was fifth at the Nationals in 2010, are the only other Boulder natives to make it to the extremely exclusive race in Balboa Park, which for many years featured just 32 athletes and now allows
spans 20: Importantly, she's healthy today while acknowledging the toll her disease took on herself and her friends and family and balancing the running she's able to do now with the loss of her best years to a life-threatening
spans 21: household which, while characterized by heavy-duty alcohol abuse, was still very much a high-achievement environment; you were chubby as a youngster; and in general you were never comfortable with the idea that you were a valuable person who does things
spans 22: were a single pound overweight on the morning of a championship
spans 23: even in the equation, but you're someone who's occupied every conceivable position on the whole
spans 24: woman who clearly is nowhere near recovery but has accepted the problem and fears that she will never be able to run again? When did you start writing Training on Empty? Did you see it as a book-length project from the very beginning? A new study of the relationship between alcohol intake and wheel-running in hamsters has found that exercise may provide an effective alternative for reducing alcohol intake in
spans 25: in managing chemical dependency underscores a greater clinical reality: All too often, exercise is never mentioned by psychiatrists treating all manner of substance-abuse problems and mood disorders, with the primary and typically sole intervention being a prescription drug with or without the suggestion to attend support
spans 26: title but a dumb one; the quiz I'm going to link to is wildly unrevealing, little better than one you'd find on Facebook crafted by a 15-year-old and rife with misspellings, and of course the personality trait known as “sensitive”–as with all personality traits–originates in the
spans 27: “Paging
spans 28: that despite the ability of such individuals to take notice of minutiae that evades the less sensitive, this skill often fails to transfer into on-the-job productivity because these people often spend more time looking at details than cogitating about their immediate
spans 29: account efficacy, and many people have spent years trying to find an SSRI or other drug that produces the desired
spans 30: since many people on medication are also in
spans 31: Most of us can't help wondering what might be going through the heads of man's best friends, or whether dogs can “think” in any traditional sense at
spans 32: in that their eyes take “snapshots” at a faster rate; they can “smell time” in the sense that their tracking capabilities depend on the fact that footprints further toward the end of a trackee's path–that is, those that are newest–exude a stronger odor, therefore drawing dogs along by dint of olfactory force; dogs' hearing is actually inferior to that of people; and the concept of the “alpha dog” may in fact be a
spans 33: the 2% figure I have seen elsewhere with respect to the fraction of the population believed to be afflicted with bipolar disorder; I'd have to say that a far greater fraction of my friends and associates have been diagnosed as
spans 34: their online
spans 35: greater volume of deliberate
spans 36: 1959, and then later popularized by Jim McKnight in 1997 and Edward Miller in 2000) posits that genes associated with homosexuality confer fitness benefits in their heterosexual
spans 37: is enhanced via the expression of attractive, albeit feminine traits, such as kindness, sensitivity, empathy, and
spans 38: If a man inherited all of the feminine-pulling alleles (of which he has a 3.125% chance: .55), he will become
spans 39: “femininity” makes straight men more appealing to women and increases the chances that they'll pass along more of their |
<user>: What are the missing spans: - LATE ADDITION: Houston Chronicle offers more details, and DeLay's Political Obit in the early/late web edition (12:44am PT - Hat tip to Pokey A. Tom DeLay, whose iron hold on the House Republicans melted as a lobbying corruption scandal engulfed the Capitol, told TIME that he will not seek reelection and will leave Congress within months. "I'm going to announce tomorrow that I'm not running for reelection and that I'm [spans 1] Monday. The surprise decision was based on the sort of ruthless calculation that had once given him unchallenged dominance of House Republicans and their [spans 2] election. Asked if he had done anything illegal or immoral in public office, DeLay replied curtly, "No. " Asked if he'd done anything immoral, he said with a laugh, "We're all sinners. " Asked what he would do differently, he said, "Nothing. "DeLay brushed off the torrent of investigative news articles questioning the funding behind the golf, private planes and resort hotels that marked his travel at home and abroad. He even accepted a plane from R. Reynolds Tobacco to go to his arraignment. "There's nothing wrong with it," he said. "They had a plane available. My schedule was such that I [spans 3] job. And that's the only plane that was available at the time. "DeLay said he is likely to leave by the end of May, depending on the Congressional schedule and finishing his work on a couple of issues. What TIME didn't mention, but WaPo did. And which would seem to explain a lot more about his sudden exit after his bravado of the last six months since his indictment. The decision came just three days after his former deputy chief of staff, Tony C. Rudy, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and corruption charges, telling federal prosecutors of a criminal enterprise being run out of DeLay's leadership offices. Last [spans 4] Congress. In a deal with federal prosecutors, Tony Rudy - DeLay's former deputy chief of staff and press secretary - pleaded guilty to one count of mail and wire fraud in a conspiracy after he left DeLay's office to become a lobbyist. (Full story)(Chris) Matthews said that DeLay told him in an interview that "the polling on him in the 22nd District was going down," as a result of his part in a campaign contribution controversy. I haven't seen anything but the headlines yet. But I think the story here [spans 5] clear. Prosecutors knocking down one pin at a time. Paul Kiel and I were talking about this before I left the office early this evening: Rudy, to Buckham, to DeLay. They're each going to down. And the road map was clear - though largely implicit - in the Rudy plea documents. DeLay's lawyers must have sat him down over the [spans 6] prison. DeLay leaves plenty of corruption behind, of course. As witnessed by John Boehner's (DeLay's replacement as Majority Leader) comment to AP. House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, called his predecessor "one of the most effective and gifted leaders the Republican Party [spans 7] known. ""He has served our nation with integrity and honor, and I'm honored to call him my colleague and friend," Boehner said. "Integrity and honor" indeed. If I was a Republican right now, I'd be brimming with pride over Tom's replacement. "I said a little prayer before I actually did the fingerprint thing, and the picture," he said. "My prayer was basically: 'Let people see Christ through me. ' Now, when they took the shot, from my side, I thought it was fakiest smile I'd ever given. But through the camera, it was glowing. I mean, it had the right impact. Poor old left couldn't use it at all. "Well, that's one Tom down, and one more Tom to go. DeLay is not the only Congressional Tom who knows how to play golf with Abramoff on the lobbyists' dime in St. Andrews after all! Even more unusual was the House Republican Conference passing on a "lifetime achievement" banquet for its own majority leader. Only two House Republicans, Tom Feeney and Trent Franks-not big players in party politics or policymaking-were eagerly talking to the press. Feeney is an ardent DeLay supporter from Florida. He has received $10,000 from DeLay's national political action committee (ARMPAC) since his first race in 2002. He also works on a House team coordinating DeLay's support. He said DeLay is a target because "he is the most effective leader the House has seen in 50 years. "Aside from receiving money from DeLay and trips to St. Andrews and elsewhere around the world paid for by lobbyists and foreign agents, apparently Feeney also was one of the top earners of largesse from the disgraced Duke Cunningham and, of the 35 members of Congress to take money from Tom DeLay's former chief of staff Rudy, guess who was number 5 in the list? Congratulations to both Tom's for having so much in common! Perhaps they can enjoy more golf during retirment together! To help unseat the other corrupt Tom in Congress, please feel free to contribute to Clint Curtis' campaign! He's running against Feeney this year, and if you think DeLay was corrupt? Wait until you see what Curtis knows about Feeney. I've been wondering the same thing - with 100,000 extra votes in one district etc. I've wondered what machines were used in his district and what the results were. Honestly I don't know who wears more mkup Tom Delay , Katherine Harris or Bill O'rilley the dildo man ! First my alma mater UF wins the national championship and the icing on the cake is the Hammer becomes the screwdriver ( screwed himself royally). It took waaayyy to long but finally the chickens come home to roost. Wake up red states and realize you are being duped. :laugh:It's my understanding that as a retiring congressman, Delay gets to keep many office-related benefits, will receive a HEFTY permanent retirement annual pension, FULL medical coverage, continued office expenses, and more. Retiring certainly looks like a better option than possibly being convicted of [spans 8] degree. I wonder if citizens will be given a chance to plead for [spans 9] hearing. I would like America to be able [spans 10] . if you see where I'm headed here . So, where's all the rightwing posters, who said we're all talk and nothing will happen to DeLay? What do you have to say? Rush Limbaugh, what do you have to say? I remember Rush Limbaugh saying that nothing will happen to DeLay. Regular wingnut posters to bradblog, what do you have to say? ? ? Where are you? ? ? Gee, I paged back in to look at the posts here, and I don't see any posts from: Ricky, HCOCDR, Radical Leftist, ANY of the wrongwing idiots who post. Why not? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Don't you just wish every once in awhile, when one of these idiots starts talking about seeing or hearing "Christ through me", a big lightning bolt would just come down and fry the hair right off their head? The poster boy of this republican dictatorship quoting the mantra of [spans 11] episode. The DeLay is over, accountability is struggling for air, and getting a little Air America as we approach the November purging. i belive this incident is just one in a serious of abuses that is going to lead to the real perpetuators of 911 being convicted and sent off to prison , even thou it may seem unrelated . the ball dosnt stop here but probally leads to a greater crime against humanity . procecuters just need to keep going on up higher in the chain of command to see who benifited the most . from what i have read dickey boys haliburton certainly is skimming big time off the top making one hill of a profit 100 dollars for a bag of clean clothes [spans 12] . and the fight club maintality in texas like all the other horse crap going on is just a scare tatic to further subdue worry and surpress american citizens from feeling secure in their persons . I dont think americans have ever experienced such evil in office . the only thing i dont understand is why are they still in office . Next photo op for Delay will be him crying and pleading for forgiveness like Jimmy Swaggert. HYPOCRITE! ! ! ! ! ! When will the real Christians wake up and see that their religion is being used by these schmucks for their own political and possibly financial gain? Say a little prayer, my ass. Anyone who "steps down" is in deep sh*t! ! ! It means there's big trouble around the corner for them. And they always say it's for personal reasons, to be with their family, etc. Tom Delay delivered my newspaper this morning . He was driving OJ's white Bronco . His ugly toupee was blowing in the wind as he raced off ! This message is for Mike J. if you are reading this thread. I attempted to answer you on the Graham thread but the link you provided kept throwing me over to Fox news when I went to the comment box. This thread is a perfect example of my point. You are correct that [spans 13] scandals. What makes the republican party the most hypocritical is that they CLAIM to speak for God and morality while engaging in their scandalous, immoral or deviant behavior. I am not a democrat but frankly I can't think of one example of a democrat involved in some immoral or unethical behavior while all the while claiming they speak for God or God is speaking/acting through them yet this is Standard operating procedure in the republican party. I find this behavior repugnant. Okay, I just did something I never did before - I went to www. freerepublic.com just to see what they were saying about DeLay. To be fair, there are SOME there who realize the real implications behind DeLay's resignation - that there is something very bad about to come out. They're not ALL totally "divorced from reality". But some of those folks. I'm just speechless - they're so deep into the darkness, full of hatred, and removed from the real world that I'd have no idea how to begin to communicate with them - nor would I want to. When I read their posts, I get images of nazi tattoos and "Helter Skelter" type scribblings on the walls. Go look if you get a few, it's interesting to get an occasional glimpse into the world that breeds the most malicious trolls [spans 14] here. We all mourn the loss of Congressman DeLay's presence in Congress [spans 15] way. and my way is to do the Funky Chicken. You have more tolerance than me. I will not go on wrongnut sites. If I accidentally go on one, I immediately scrape the dogshit off my shoes as I'm leaving. This is the parallel universe wrongnuts live in. In my local paper, there was just a mailbag letter saying Clinton is responsible for the 3,000 WTC 9/11 deaths, and makes no mention that Bush was president on 9/11, and HE is responsible. Another mailbag letter stated that the Phila Inq did a "hit piece" on Lynn Swann's voting record. A "hit piece", according to wrongnuts, is a truthful article of uncensored/unfiltered news that makes a Republican look bad. and therefore "liberal". Lynn Swann's voting record is near 0% and he has not debated and when interviewed on TV has no agenda, zero political experience, and stands for nothing and switches his mind on things right in the interview. Lynn Swann is a joke. "Let's vote for him because he was a Steeler! " This man would not be running for office if he was not a famous football player. The GOP in Pa can't find a better candidate? ? ? Don't forget, the last Republican Governor of Pa. did nothing because he had his eye on getting into the Bush cabinet as Homeland Security advisor (Ridge). and then told us to duct tape our houses. Ridge: I have received no follow-up orders since then, and my house looks like a gingerbread house made of duct tape, and we are suffocating, awaiting further instructions. Brad, you should do a story on lame-ass Lynn Swann, and what a mockery he's making out of running for governor. I actually think Lynn Swann is stupid. Regarding Lynn Swann: The Republican party just loves football. It's a metaphor for war, you see, which they also love dearly. If Woody Hayes were alive, he'd be making appearances for Blackwell in Ohio, I have no doubt. George Allen (R-VA) posed for a photo with the Virginia gubernatorial candidate just before the last election. They were both dressed in business suits, but Allen was holding a football! The idea of course, was [spans 16] Sr. was a popular coach of the Redskins. Somehow this was supposed to translate into better government if Virginia elected the Republican candidate. Duh? The guy lost, by the way. Virginians aren't that stupid. Watts, Steve Largent, Tom Osborne, now Lynn Swann. Real men play football. Real men are Republicans. Get it, folks? Speaking of real Republican men playing football, don't forget the Condi Rice for NFL Commissioner campaign. These men [spans 17] tares. They use the name of Jesus but their fruit is completely rotten. His word says the tares are the first to be burned up. They deserve everything they have coming for their war crimes & criminal behavior against their fellow man. Stories I saw last night said he was leaving because he had only a 50/50 chance of winning and that he might lose. The only time I've heard of a politician quiting because he might lose is when it's more like 20/80. Clint needs the support of all 5 or 6 brad loyalist to win this primary and go on to defeat the second tom turkey in a row. Come on folks give him whatever support you can afford. Mills, don't forget that other old Bills qb, Jack Kemp (I think that was his name). Hypocrisy that idiots fall for. Lynn Swann's plan is to fly under the radar, and win because he was a Steeler. I think we should start pointing out how he is totally unqualified to be governor of Pa. Don't forget, if he wins, he'll install a Republican SOS and pull a McPherson with DIEBOLD. then we'll all be standing around saying, "gee. we didn't expect this". And don't forget, the GOP propoganda machine's top strategy with blacks, is to cry "racism" if we point out he is unqualified. It has been revealed that Republican Lynn [spans 18] poor. He didn't register to vote until 1984, despite living in Bethel Park since 1976, and since his first vote in 1987 he has voted in just 17 of 43 elections - and not at all from 1989 to 1991. Analysts say that this won't hurt his campaign, but perhaps it should. "It's not unusual for celebrity candidates, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jesse Ventura, to have spotty voting records," said G. Terry Madonna, a pollster at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster. "It's not lethal because voting hasn't been a central feature of their existence. "Tom Baldino, a political science professor at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, said how much damage has been done to Mr. Swann depends in large part on what use Mr. Rendell and the Democrats make of it. "Suppose they make a 30-second TV spot this fall asking 'Why isn't he voting? He claims he cares about the people of Pennsylvania, but did he ever care about politics? He didn't vote. '""I think my voting record is fine," (Lynn Swann) said. "People come to politics from all walks of life. Some have political experience and some don't. It doesn't mean you can't do a good job. "Swann is correct that people come to politics from all walks of life. Politics can be helped by the participation of citizen-politicians [spans 19] politicians. If his voting record is criticized on the basis of Swann's lacking political experience, however, that would be a mistake. Swann is conflating two separate issues because when someone is criticized [spans 20] past. This may or may not be a legitimate criticism, but that isn't the issue here and Swann surely knows that. The issue here is Swann's failure to participate in the political process - the issue isn't that [spans 21] place. Up to now, Lynn Swann has never cared enough about politics, about the issues facing Pennsylvania, or about his community to vote on a regular basis. He hasn't even cared enough about the Republican Party to regularly participate in Republican primaries. Sure, as an athlete he's had to [spans 22] use. Voting isn't merely a right that one exercises occasionally, but a precondition for the democratic process and fundamental aspect of one's membership in the larger political community. Voting is participation in the general decision-making process which governs what will happen to you, to your neighbors, and to your community overall. This is why, in a few countries, voting is required by law - you aren't allowed to evade your responsibility to yourself and others to play a role in social government. That's exactly what Lynn Swann has done for so many years, though, and it's something we should all care about. We should care that he's side-stepping the issue by conflating his failure to be an engaged citizen with his lack of political experience. Perhaps this isn't enough to justify not voting for him at all, but it's certainly enough to expect him to answer some very pointed questions. What does he think the duties and responsibilities of a citizen in a democracy are [spans 23] past. Just for the record, it appears that not too long ago Lynn Swann himself would have agreed. An [spans 24] granted. If you don't take part in the process and you don't vote, then I am not willing to listen to your complaints. " Why shouldn't Pennsylvania voters turn around and say the same thing to him when it comes time to vote? and here is the morality that our representitives instil in their children. the leaders of our country raise their kids to do this kind of crap to other human beings. Seems this kind of lack of conceren about the world is running rampant in this country. from people running red lights because they can't be bothered to wait (got cut off today by a fat bitch [spans 25] taco. risked trashing my car, her car, and possibliy hurting people because the fat bitch was in a hurry to get more obese. nice), to "authority figures" like camp counselors abusing people entrusted to them, to our protectors the cops violating the law to be petty and vindictive, to priests violating their trust and raping children. Envoking God is what they do best to get their "sheeple" to follow them, as you know. Hypocrites, all of them. They are the killers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. When the President of the United Stated basically claimed that "God told him to invade Iraq, and fight terrorism in Afghanistan", that should have been the BIG TIPOFF. History already has dealt with people like that. remember David Koresh? Rev. Jim Jones? And yet the loyal followers of hate still refuse to take their head out of their asses long enough to see what's really going on, or they are turning a blind eye, which makes them just [spans 26] book. Savanster: It doesn't mention once in that article, that the State Senator is a Republican, the "moral" party. Isn't that interesting, they don't mention his party? What's worse: McKinney brushing a cop, or a GOP state senator's son ramming broomsticks up little kid's asses? Interesting, too, he's from Arizona, where they have all those religious radio channels and just temporarily took Air America Radio off the air. "Again, I repeat, where are Ricky, RadicalLeftist, HCOCDR, & the wrongnut-gang's comments in this DeLay article? ? ? They commented like crazy in the McKinney article (both of them), and steer clear of this DeLay article. This article was originally authored by me for the Project Management Tips website and published there on 2/23/10. Go here to view the original article. First, I want to thank all of our readers who took the February PMP certification survey. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was very pleased with the number of responses and found the results interesting. Since this was basically a survey [spans 27] survey. I fully expected a majority of the responders to be PMP certified project managers. I was somewhat surprised to see that a solid majority of the responses were from non-certified project managers.60% of the [spans 28] question. In all, 88% of our survey [spans 29] try. PMI statistics have shown that 72% of PMP test takers pass it on their first try. Therefore, we definitely have an above average group of PMP readers on this site. Because I placed ranges rather than specifically asking how long individuals had been certified, the next figure is not exact, but was actually more ‘derived. ' By using range midpoints as values, I was able to determine with less than exact accuracy that the average length of certification for our 40% of responders who are certified is 3. I don't have anything specific to base this on, but I know at one time last year I saw a study stating that the average PMP had been certified for just over 3 years, so we're right on average with that figure. The next question on the survey asked what your primary reason for becoming certified was, or what your primary reason would be if you were to become certified. Interestingly enough – and maybe predictably enough – for PMP certified project managers the primary reason they became certified was to meet a personal goal.42% gave that response – nearly double that of any other response option. For non-certified PMs, their primary reason for potentially become certified would for job-seeking purposes – 41%. Again, nearly double that of any other response. And finally, the subjective question – has the PMP been beneficial to your career, or for non-certified, do you feel it would be beneficial? Here we had the highest percentage answer of any category as the PMP certified PMs overwhelmingly stated that earning the PMP certification has been beneficial to their careers. A full 71% responded this way.18% were not yet certain, while 11% stated that they had not experienced any career benefits yet for having the PMP certification. For non-certified PMs, 47% thought it would bring benefit to their careers to have the certification, 40% were not certain, and 14% felt that their careers would not benefit from having the PMP designation. Last night I put myself out there, way outside my comfort zone, way past any guarantees, and you know what? Good things happened. Today, I posted a doodle, a simple doodle, and I made someone so happy they teared up, and tomorrow, because it's the 15th and I always post a new Story Kit layout on the 15th, I will make something new with paper and glue and I will post it for others to see, to have opinions about, to love or hate or feel indifferent to, and you know the common denominator in every single one of these? Action. I love writing out the words of others, turning them over on the page and in my mind until they sink in, but this morning I needed my own words, I needed to take my own advice, so I jotted down this message and snapped a photo. The responses were so kind and honest that it reminded me how very much we are all connected, how very much we all share worries, heartaches, that nagging lack of confidence, and even though it is dressed differently in our lives, our willingness to share these struggles and encourage each other to work through them is what brings us together. Tonight I am taking the first step towards a scary, lofty (for me) new project, that will require me to be confident, and to put my messy, broken heart out there and hope that it's not only well received, but supported. Something new from Jon Conner, the lastest project is called Season 2. If you have been following Jon thru the blogosphere you know he comes correct. So click the read more tab to see what the Midwesterner has been up too. Download and stream available. Brandon, MB – Brandon's Music in the Parks program is back with another summer schedule guaranteed to sizzle! The 2015 edition of Music in the Parks program kicks off with a performance from Celtic and folk duo Matt Zimmerman & Grayson Ross on Tuesday, June 2nd, at 7 p. Weekly performances will then run in Princess Park each Tuesday evening until August 18th. All shows begin at 7 p. and the public is encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket for outdoor music-listening comfort. The FREE outdoor music program, now in its 16th season, is organized each year by the City of Brandon's Community Development Department and aims to showcase the broad and amazing talent of some of Western Manitoba's finest performing artists. This year's eclectic line-up, which boasts musical stylings ranging from classic country to Dixieland standards to modern pop and rock, can be found online at www. And if Tuesday nights aren't enough for the local music lover, the City of Brandon's Community Development Department is pleased to be able to augment its Music in the Parks program with an expanded Summer Lights Concert Series this year! On the third Thursday in June, July and August, a Summer Lights Concert featuring both local and regional acts will be staged in Princess Park and will be completely FREE for the public to attend. Confirmed headliners for the Summer [spans 30] confirmed. ca in the coming weeks for more details! The City of Brandon extends its sincere thanks to all its musical performers, sponsors, and audience members for their commitment to community building through live music. More than 30 leader members of BNCC and Oslo Shipowners Association gathered at NSA's premises in Oslo to the second Executive Dialogue co-organized by the Chamber, with an inspiring guest speaker, [spans 31] Araujo. The chairman of Oslo Shipowners Association and board member of BNCC, Aage Thoen welcomed the audience and the guest speaker. Luis [spans 32] operation. The Brazilian has broad experience with almost 35 years in the oil and gas industry, including senior positions in GE, Wellstream, ABB and FMC Technologies. He is a mechanical engineer from Gama Filho University in [spans 33] Scotland. Luis Araujo lives in Oslo with his wife and their two 17 years old boys. Araujo, in his engaging dialogue style, shared his perspective on the scenario for the industry when he became CEO, which faced companies with very high costs and prices of oil close to [spans 34] barrel. He explained that keep a focus on the growth is a great way to go, for example, finding and exploring new reserves, investing in new technologies and innovation. The CEO of [spans 35] styles. During the dialogue, he inspired the leaders explained that he faced a hard first mission in the position, where he dismissed more than 600 employees in Norway and 8000 globally. Although it was hard letting so many people out, a flatter structure was an essential step to cut and avoid costs and make their operations more efficient, though digitalization. The CEO also highlighted one of Aker's current strategies, that is to be closer to their costumes, responding quicker and delivering better results. Luis Araujo also shared [spans 36] Petrobrás. Luis Araujo inspired the attendees with his charismatic personality, good humor, his histories, experiences, and advice. "There is an opportunity behind every crisis," and " it is essential not imposing a culture into another. One has to understand Brazil as Brazil is," said the executive. At the end of the meeting, the attendees had the opportunity ask questions to the CEO. A mingling session took place, where members of BNCC and OSA could meet and exchange experiences.
spans 1: going to leave Congress," DeLay, who turns 59 on Saturday, said during a 90-minute interview on
spans 2: wealthy friends in Washington's lobbying community: he realized he might lose in this November's
spans 3: couldn't do it commercially - that I had to get up there and then get back and do my
spans 4: week, a former senior aide to DeLay pleaded guilty in federal court to fraud conspiracy, saying he joined a scheme with lobbyist Jack Abramoff and others to enrich themselves and illegally influence members of
spans 5: is
spans 6: last 72 hours and explained to him that he needs to focus on not spending most of the rest of his life in
spans 7: has ever
spans 8: anything while in office, removed from office, and risking those benefits to any
spans 9: Tom at his sentencing
spans 10: to vote on his roomate by looking at photos of the prisoners dressed up in Bush's flight suit
spans 11: the incompetents during his felony indictment mug shot
spans 12: 60 bucks for a carton of cokesall this unaccounted for funding is a little too obvious for me and im sure becomming more and more obvious to the rest of thoes who have been decived
spans 13: people from all political parties get themselves involved in
spans 14: that come
spans 15: in our own
spans 16: to capitalize on the fact that Virginia has millions of Redskin fans, and George Allen,
spans 17: are not christians, but
spans 18: Swann's voting record over the past couple of decades has been very
spans 19: rather than just professional
spans 20: for their lack of 'political experience,' what is meant is their lack of job experience - the fact that they haven't held elected or appointed office in the
spans 21: he lacks 'political experience' as a citizen-politician, but that he lacks experience as an engaged citizen in the first
spans 22: be away a lot, but that's what absentee ballots are for - they're easy to
spans 23: and does he believe he has lived up to them in the past? If he didn't care enough about issues, problems, and politics in Pennsylvania enough in the past to even file absentee ballots, why does he care enough now to run for governor? Can he be trusted to continue caring enough to do the hard job the would face him? Perhaps asking him about his voting record is 'nitpicking' as he claims, but these questions that follow from it are not nitpicking at all; instead, they cut right to the heart of what democracy is about and whether Lynn Swann deserves the votes which he has denied other candidates in the
spans 24: interview with the Sun-Sentinel newspaper in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from October 2004 quotes Swann as saying: "I have always been someone to believe that when you have certain freedoms, you should exercise them and not take it for
spans 25: in an SUV in a hurry to get a friggn
spans 26: as guilty in my
spans 27: on PMP certification, I thought it might draw more certified PMPs to the site to take the
spans 28: survey responses were from non-certified PMs.45% of responders indicated that they have taken the exam by virtue of their 'yes' or 'no' answer to this
spans 29: takers passed the PMP exam on their first
spans 30: Lights Concert Series include Red Moon Road, Del Barber, and Sierra Noble, with more performances to be
spans 31: the Brazilian CEO of Aker Solutions, Luis
spans 32: Araujo was named CEO of Aker Solutions in July 2014 after joining Aker Solutions in 2011 as president for the company's Brazilian
spans 33: Brazil and MBA from the University of Edinburg in
spans 34: US$ 30 a
spans 35: Aker Solutions presented his journey through challenging times, since his first mission to here, and brought to the audience many histories, which exemplified his leadership and management
spans 36: many other topics with the audience, such as his view about environmental compliance, the future of fossil fuel, new solutions, and his overview about a prominent client in the Brazilian market,
<user>: What style of text is the above text?
<bot>: It appears to be a NSFW style. |
<prompter> Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: A very important software tool in all high- frequency microwave planar design. I [spans 1] Britain. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1966;135:367. Let d be an integer 2. Why would a legitimate company run to a small island to start up. For example, over the course of time, a given scanner can drift upward or downward, creating the false impression on an in vivo analysis [spans 2] density. Exports of goods reached 30. Exercise 9 We study in this exercise the model of unification of (180). EMA 6 crosses EMA 12 from above while both EMA 6 and 12 is below SMA 504. We are still away from the observed value by many orders of magnitudes. The Credé manoeuvre is used by some spinal cord injury patients, and girls with detrusor underactivity sometimes press suprapubical- ly to help empty the bladder. Parabolic SAR is above the red Heiken Ashi bar5. If there hasn39t been any trades executed in your account within 60 days, your account will be subject to a dormant account administrative fee.596): Usually class III agents suffice; class IIIIV reserved for flares, limited time period. References 267 (McSharry et al. As Klein reported, On that occasion Ehrenfest stood a little away from Pauli, looked at him mockingly and said: Herr Pauli, I like your article better than I Applications in Biology and Medicine 19 Bioconjugated Nanoparticles for Biotechnology and Bioanalysis II Lin Wang, Charles Lofton, Weihong Tan. Kinins Kinins are fukl originating from the exocrine glands. ## This combination [spans 3] pain. The plane in which the planets move is heavily populated with dust varying in size from tiny [spans 4] that. Consequently, we use the term intrusion as a special sense of computer as evrsion intrusions are intentional events involving attempts to compromise the state of computers, networks, or the data present, either short- or long-term, on these devices. It will then create a new ISUP IAM message that will be sent toward the actual termination switch that has this LRN. Trends Biotechnol 19 (8):317320. The initial failure rate with anti- reflux surgery is likely much greater in less- experienced surgeons hands, whereas later anti-reflux surgery relapses seem to occur even in patients treated by the most experienced surgeons. But this would require backtracking, which is too expensive to include in practical implementations. [spans 5] world. (Credit: Layne Lundstro ̈m. I feel that the two most cryp tic ddownload are for changing a variables value by 1: to increment and - to decrement. onEnterFrame function() { if (this. Translated by Ed- ward Fitzgerald in 1859 and published [spans 6] however. Thats because the water soon evaporates from your overhydrated stratum corneum. If stool volume is increased ( 400 mL24 strxtegy, additional tests are indicated.47: © PhotoDiscVolume 2; p. The approach to modeling varies consid- erably.51), median response du- ration (8. ## Oculomasticatory myorhythmia: a unique movement disorder occurring in Whipples disease.43 Nine of 20 patients with bilateral facet dislocations or perched facets failed treatment and required surgery. Any aneurysm identi- fied by non-invasive methods can [spans 7] DSA. These technologies and many others, coupled with changing habits of mind. Based on their origins, the mediators fall into two general categories: (1) peptides (kinins, for example) [spans 8] example). 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<user>: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing words: In case you missed it, Jory Micah (Peterson) has decided to plant a church, with her husband's support. In my previous blog, An Open Letter to Jory Micah, I believe I clearly explained to her my position, but more importantly the Bible's position [words 1] self, but here we are again. She deems herself as a force to be reckoned with, in pursuit of a calling she insists is from God. Since her path has left her without a church body and a feeling of belonging, the obvious solution must be to plant her own “church”. She herself resolves that calling it a church will not be appealing enough to culture, so she is conjuring up a club of sorts, where they hang out . oh and Jesus, just so you know, you're invited too. Instead of Jesus being the center of worship, the focus of their adoration, His invitation in, is to pacify their wounds, instead of breaking their chains of sin. Much to my dismay, quite possibly the thing I despise the most (a strong and necessary feeling) is the zero mention of the gospel, in fact, she says, “no one has to repent to sit at Jesus' table.” Not only is the sole purpose of the “church” to serve the whims and desires of Micah, there is nothing gospel-centered, but rather, the [words 2] will be shared in her “church”. I am appalled, but [words 3] shocked, that someone that would so blatantly deny scripture, would not love the Lord enough to share the only hope [words 4] mercy in which we can call on his name? Many times in our lives and churches, this heresy is not quite so obvious. I am not suggesting that we all sit under female pastors, or desire to usurp our husbands, but that we believe and teach a [words 5] gospel. “Everyone can come, sit, eat, drink, belong, and be loved, just as they are.” She's referring to being with a Holy God again. Blasphemers, idolaters, liars, adulterers, thieves, murderers, all can sit at the table with Jesus, His grace is sufficient and abundantly more, but we do not mingle with the only Righteous One, as sinners. I am not suggesting, that we must change ourselves, to know God and be saved, but the precept of “Just as I am,” is in regards to the fact that we have nothing to offer to make Christ love us more. That means I cannot save myself. My strivings are in vain, but my sinfulness is unacceptable. If I could come to His table unchanged, just the way I was, the Gospel would not be necessary. Christ's death would have been in vain. Is this the Gospel we are proclaiming? “Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and [words 6] Mark 1:14-15The Gospel is simple and offensive. You are a wretched, wicked person when the standard is Christ. Due to your sin, [words 7] deserve to be eternally separated and damned to punishment. But Jesus, atoned for your sins, [words 8] on a cross. Jesus did not [words 9] feel comfortable in your sin. People are not being oppressed, when they are held to the standard the Creator of the Universe set. We are not broken, wounded souls, in need of some help. We are sinners, dead in our trespasses against God. This does not make me a crass person by holding fast to this truth. On the contrary, the Christian that is unwilling to show their neighbor their debt with God hates them. It is God's grace that [words 10] sin and our need of a Savior. It is His mercy, that He withheld his judgment from you, and poured it out on His Son. Proclaim with gladness and urgency for the world to turn from their way of death, and believe in the only life-giving hope. Help show the grace and mercy of God, by sharing the true Gospel with them. It is tempting to demonstrate and share a gospel that more suits our comfort, but we all know what temptation can lead to–sin. It may be the comfort of your own sin, of which I urge you, please turn from your sin and trust Christ. Perhaps, you fear people. You fear what they may think of you, that you will “run them off.” Again, all we can do is repent and trust in Christ. His gospel is sufficient to save. It does not need the works of people, making it more tasteful, offering up gimmicks and feel good notions. The Gospel is the great equalizer. Rich and poor, weak and strong, male and female, white or black, all social constructs are removed in Christ. No greater value or worth is placed on one person versus another. We aren't all equally wonderful. However, we are all equally His creation, created for His glory. We [words 11] sin against Him and we all equally need a Savior. If there is any change to happen, it will be through the Gospel of “repent and believe,” because everything else breeds death and destruction. Sin destroys families, takes lives and damns us to Hell. We love these things apart [words 12] Christ. We need more of Jesus and less of our egos. [words 13] not need to be told that I am enough, but I need [words 14] be reminded of the God who is enough, who is my All in All. We are not self-righteous when we herald the truth of the Gospel, in fact, we are admitting failure. It is not arrogant to claim knowledge of the absolute Truth. Being faithful and obedient to God, to go to all the nations, preaching the gospel, making disciples, takes a measure of humility, that we cannot [words 15] own. Day by day, it is becoming more apparent the Gospel of the Bible, is unwelcome. Standing for truth in adversity means submitting to God, loving Him and His Word above all else, including yourself. We do not cower when our audience does not want to hear what God's Word has to say. Rather, we trust in Him, persevere and run [words 16] race. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”” Romans 1:16-17Picture this, a young twenty-one-year-old girl, recently married and now expecting her first child. Excited and ready to grab life [words 17] horns. A conversation occurs, one day with her older sister, about her many new and exciting ventures and accomplishments. How does her older sister respond? She states, “Anyone can get married and have and baby! Why aren't we having parties for women that are traveling the world, getting promotions or advanced college degrees? ” That young girl, sitting on the other end of that statement was me. What a deflating statement to hear. What is even more deflating is, I believed her. In my Facebook perusing, I stumbled across this article, by a woman insisting that women needed to fulfill their economic role to society and enter the workforce when their children are of school-age. The root of her belief and the feminism movement is exposed in one statement, feminism “is not about choice, it's [words 18] her view, women will not be equal with men, in worth and value in society, until they can be equally represented in the workforce. Is this not exactly what feminism teaches us? We are not equal [words 19] men. Femininity is not valued. Motherhood is not valued. I see it every Saturday at the local abortion mill. If it were truly about women having a choice, then protestors would not mind that we offer patients an alternative to murdering their child. They shout and try to distract [words 20] the life-giving alternative because they want these women to receive their abortion. They want them to deny their womanhood, as much as they have. The greatest opposition to women in America is women themselves. The evils of feminism are prominent and appear to have a foot-hold on society and that brings us back [words 21] Church. It would be foolish for [words 22] to believe, that the saints have not been affected by this deceiving movement. It parades itself as equality and rights for all, and silently destroys the marriage, the nuclear family and eventually the Church. When [words 23] the Image of God, without fail, we are brought back to the garden and to the institution of the first marriage. Together, men and women are image bearers. God created women for a specific purpose. In the role of woman, wife, and mother. That silent anger boiling in your gut, that is it. The thought that you do not want to be reduced to helpmate, servant, and mother. It is echoed in that article I previously referenced. This reaction to God's design is sinful and if we do not war against this, it festers in our hearts and begins to spill into our relationships. Today, I want to speak to mothers and potential mothers. There is so much out [words 24] who do not “feel enough,” and very little spoken of our sinfulness in motherhood. Let's not reduce it to anger outbursts and fits of frustration, we need to get to the root of it, where it all begins–conception. I'm going to talk about it because I do not think that enough of the right people are. From my experience, the Church as a whole remains silent on this issue, and the loudest people shouting on this matter, encourage murder as a solution. Does your birth control bring honor and glory to God? (1 Corinthians 10:31) Why are you using birth control? Is your method of birth control an abortifacient? You [words 25] for this. As an image-bearer of God, your body was made to carry and bring forth life. Purposefully avoiding motherhood to pursue selfish ambition is wrong. God commands us to “be fruitful and multiply.” It is His design for marriage. It does not say “to be fruitful to multiply,” but rather they are both commanded of us. Hormonal birth control has a few mechanisms in which it uses to [words 26] pregnancy. The first line of defense is tricking your body to think you are already pregnant, causing anovulation, but we all know medicine fails, so it has a backup plan. That is to intentionally shed the lining that [words 27] that brings forth life-giving nutrition, sweeping away your child in the menstruation. If [words 28] all agree that life begins at conception, that medicine has done its job, but at the expense of your child's life. This is something to consider. Regardless of [words 29] to use wisdom. Decisions in this area should never be made in haste. Through prayer and wise counsel, seek to glorify God in this area of your life. Circumstances can cause us to use birth control, but the call remains, are we glorifying Christ in our use and form of birth control? If you find that it is God-honoring, to prevent pregnancy in your marriage, there are other methods available. Just remember that despite the control you try to exert over this area of your life, God opens and closes the womb. If we view children as a burden before their lives begin, then that carries over into motherhood. If we feel that it is something that we can so flippantly plan, create and destroy, we are failing to realize our children are fellow image-bearers. God breathed life in your womb and from that moment you are a mother. That child's life is valid and matters. We are not expecting a new baby because God has already created it. If your child is in the womb, it is still your child and your conversation and thoughts should reflect that. This is buying into the fallacy that human life is only of worth if it is outside of the womb. It helps support the women that murder their children and simultaneously pains the women, that have never gotten to hold theirs. If we [words 30] views life, it has to start at conception and consistently carry through death. It must respect God's design and acknowledge that God creates life and decides our death. (Psalm 127:3)In light of ourselves, motherhood is inconvenient. People speak of sleepless nights, messes that are unfathomable, feces for days, the list goes on, and it is true. I know in my own heart that sinfulness creeps in with what seems like honorable desires. I often find myself jealous of my husband wanting the “freedom” to go out and share the gospel. I start to believe the lie that I never get to [words 31] my children is insignificant. When in reality, I probably share the Gospel with my children more than my husband does with strangers. In those moments, I have lost sight of what matters. Hopefully, in eternity, I will be [words 32] with them, and they with their children and their children's children. Ladies, this is legitimately front lines kingdom work. It is just as down and dirty as any ministry that my husband is involved in outside of the home, nevertheless, overlooked far too often. It is easy to get carried away in the tasks of [words 33] full-speed ahead in survival mode, neglecting the fact that our children are in need of their mother's love. A mother that will love her child enough to share the Gospel with them. I fail my children daily, but I assure them that their Creator does not. I tell them of a great Savior, that took on their punishment, and He always listened to His mother. I tell them that I need Jesus when I sin against my children, I repent and tell my them why I need the Gospel. They see firsthand my brokenness, so I must show them the God that is far more gracious, loving and nurturing than myself. How we raise our children, reflects our view of God. Is He supreme? Do we value His way above our ideals? A heart indicator here is, how are, or how would you raise your daughter? I recently looked my mother in the face (after [words 34] confessed to me that she did not raise me to be a wife and a mother. She raised me to survive. Is not at the heart of feminism, this animalistic desire to fight for self? I was raised, not to be a woman, but to be inwardly focused and survival-minded. This is counterintuitive to womanhood. So, are you raising your daughters to care for themselves, or to care for others? A strong faith in God should [words 35] parenting. Trusting in His design and faithfulness to us. Do not raise your children, so that their answer and god becomes themselves. If you raise your child to fend for their own needs, their hope quickly becomes themselves. Our children will face trials, perhaps devastating ones. This should not cause us to parent in a way that reacts, but rather parent in a way that trusts that God is faithful, so hopefully, [words 36] is faithful. Being a woman is hard. It is giving, and selfless, and nurturing while frustrated. Everyone warns you that marriage in hard, but it is all fairy tales when they talk about the love you have for your child. No one tells you, that you may have to [words 37] your child. You have to pursue your child, learn their interests, help foster trust. This is not all natural and if you feel distant, desiring a stronger bond with one of your children, you are not alone. [words 38] to pray for God to stir my affections for my children. I have had to “fake it 'til I make it. ' Grinning through anger because I know that even a lapse in patience, can mean crushing words to my child. I mean, I really know it, because it's happened, and I have seen it all over their faces. Just like there is no such thing as a good person, there is no such thing as a good mother. There is such a thing as faithful mothers. Mothers who diligently seek God and His goodness. They trust that sanctification is real and that the Holy Spirit truly is with us, and strengthens us to be something that we are not. So, no you are not enough. You are not fierce, but you a serve a God who is our All in All. Do we believe this? Do we do these things? Sharing the gospel is, well, a struggle. Oh, but look at our God! “Splendor and Majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.” By His grace, we know and serve the magnificent, sovereign King of the Universe. In light of who we are and who He is, we should be sharing of His great might, without ceasing. So, what is it? Why can we not seem to muster up the courage to “tell of His salvation” and “declare His glory among the nations”? The most common place the Church in America is encouraged to be a “missionary” in, [words 39] workforce. How does one, be the salt and the light among those you spend a large portion of your day with? The most common misconception that I have heard of is the “nice guy effect.” You know, the approach where you overwhelm everyone with inexplicable niceness and joy and this most certainly leads to coworkers innately understanding [words 40] a Christian and Jesus is what they need to have a good attitude at work. Maybe your work ethic leads to Gospel conversations–and that is wonderful. However, that leaves the rest of waiting and hoping, that today we will be good enough for someone to know Christ. We all know that our works and salvation do not go together, and you are falsely hoping [words 41] Christ. Romans 10:14 very plainly says, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? ” “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) We cannot be passively “sharing” the gospel, conforming to the mundane, but rather taking a bold stand for the majestic God, who made [words 42] reason, saw it fit to save wretches like us. This is intimidating. I [words 43] it. I work outside of the home, on a part-time basis. The environment that I work in [words 44] there are a lot chatting women during downtime. Many [words 45] worldview. In my last job, I knew that I was going to be leaving and starting a new job, and there would be very little likelihood that I would be interacting with these coworkers again. This created in me a much more aggressive approach to the Gospel, because, what did I have to lose? Well, I made a woman cry. This is not me bragging. I do stand by what I said. I shared the Gospel, unashamedly. This woman who was old enough to be my mother had lived the majority of her adult life, perhaps her entire life, believing a false Gospel! This is absurd. I spoke truth to her, offering her the grace that only the truth can offer, and she was frazzled and crying. I know she needed to hear it, but I know that I also found comfort in telling her because I knew I'd most likely never speak to her again. How selfish of me, though, to only find Christ and my coworker that valuable when I had nothing left to lose? It's despicable. A great fear of man has settled into my heart again as I have started this new job. Waiting for the moment to come, when people will truly know who I am. In those moments, I am ashamed of the God that died for me and I worship what sinful man thinks of me and find higher value in it than the commands of Christ. I tell you this to encourage you. That the person behind this screen, is young and sinful and NEEDS Jesus, but to also tell you, that we are without excuse. But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. –Phillippians 3:7-8Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter. For what? “For the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus.” All things are a loss for the sake of Christ. Paul was a man, that had attained what his culture had [words 46] in a jail cell, he renounced it all for Christ. I love this passage of Scripture because I believe it really helps keep things in perspective. As [words 47] as Christianity gets, this is there, nothing in this life can offer us satisfaction, but Christ. Fortunately, we live in a country, where it is currently legal to share the gospel. An arrest does not threaten our mission. So what is it? What in your life are you not willing to count as a loss for the sake of Christ? What loss are you not willing to suffer, in order to gain Christ? If knowledge is your stumbling block, I want to encourage you that there are great resources available. Tracts are a great place to start. YouTube has several videos of skilled preachers debating and sharing God's [words 48] that you can do it too. The most empowering thing to a Christian woman, is not worldly achievements, status and what parts of your body, you have control over, but rather, being empowered by the Word. There is scripture to refute every worldview and religion. There is literally nothing new under the sun. Study all the great and wonderful things of God that we can attain, expose idolatry in false religions, expose the teachings of heretics, own it, get nerdy with it, and share the Gospel! (Ephesians 5:11) We are commanded to. (Matthew 28:16-20; 1Peter 3:15)If we want to reform, sharing the Gospel must be central to our mission. It is the only reason, that we can count gain as a loss, for the sake of Christ! In a culture, that clearly hates God, they sure do have a lot to say about His Word. I'll be [words 49] me, how recently that I learned it was biblical to judge righteously. “Don't judge, lest ye be judged,” is shouted and demanded by Christians and pagans alike. (Just a side note, God will judge you and if you are not covered by Christ, this should terrify you. Verse after verse is taken out of context while blaspheming the Holy God. Twisting scripture can almost assuredly be associated with [words 50] intent. This is why it is important to know His Truth and to be able to discern. Discernment is having the ability to judge well and yes it is allowed. There is only one way to accomplish this, and that is reading your Bible. This is how God speaks to us. There is no new revelation to be given. All that is to be known of Him on earth are within the pages from Genesis to Revelation. Reforming like a woman takes on many forms. It is certainly not a passive role to take. In fact, we are never passive in our relationship with Christ. It is either one of great hostility, militantly running from His Truth with open hatred. Or hopefully, Christ has extended His grace and mercy to you and because the faith he has granted you, you are in pursuit of his truth and are serving Him. There [words 51] neutrality–ever. Even Jesus said, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34) He goes on to say that if we even love our families more than Him, we are not worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37) This is not the Jesus that we typically read, speak or share about. Somehow our pursuit of “Peace on Earth,” no longer involves the Prince of Peace, and we carry Him around on our mission, instead of His people on mission for His gospel. It appears to be war of sorts. It appears to be a war between men and women, but in reality, it is a war of life versus death. Saturday mornings outside the local abortion mill are chaotic. You could even call it a circus. Dozens of people come out, too early for most people on the weekend, equipped with signs and new tactics, ready to [words 52] war. For what? For the unborn. Our defenseless neighbor, in need of a voice. Countless debates are held, the gospel is preached and help is offered, all in hopes of lives being transformed. Rather, speaking the truth in love . ## –Ephesians 4:11-15Standing up and speaking the truth is sometimes intimidating and difficult. Often, we find push-back from fellow brothers and sisters. Fault cannot be found in the words you have said, yet, it just wasn't “loving.” Personally, I'm no longer buying into this nonsense. I have spent countless nights replaying conversations and dwelling on attempts to censor me, and all I can find is more and more biblical proof that edifying the body is needed and necessary. Read MoreThere is a movement happening, and much to my dismay, it is not headed in the direction I was hoping for. Our culture, though always derailed, does not care to hide it anymore. The wickedness of the hearts of people no [words 53] finds it beneficial to practice morality for the sake of their identity because [words 54] the senseless and unthinkable are applauded and encouraged. On this very slippery slope of our new social construct, is unfortunately, the Church. We are caught in [words 55] the form of hashtags, and God's Word. Yes, I know the publication date on this book has long since passed, but as of now [words 56] to Australian readers (unless you're willing to pay Random House Australia a hefty amount to read the EPUB version . which I'm seriously considering), so I am waiting for it to come Stateside. I'm just in the mood for a princess fantasy book. Bring on the court intrigue, confusing loyalties, the gowns of satin and silk, the elaborate balls, the infuriating (and most probably forbidden) leading man be he of humble or noble birth, the stolen kisses in darkened corridors, and of course . ## your standard issue blood-sucking princess. It sounds [words 57] come to the States sooner rather than later, but I'll probably break down and buy it before then . <sigh>A vampire princess? Count me in! [words 58] sharing. I especially love the title. Doesn't that just sound so wonderful? Haha, great pick this week. It does sound wonderful! I'm super excited about this one. I am hoping, however, that it's a bit [words 59] . but we shall seeThis is one of those times I'm oh, so glad to live Down Under! I was thrilled to receive an ARC of this book months back and it did not disappoint. This book is all those things [words 60] you've read before. It's eerie and romantic, with a love interest in the tradition of Valek from Maria V. Snyder's Poison Study. I'm already dying for the next book, Blood Storm and have been since before this book's official release. I really hope it gets released in the States soon–it's sure to be a hit there too! Oh stop getting me so excited about it! lol You Aussies are hoarding some seriously good books Down Under. Angel Arias just came out too and I really want that one, oh and Winter's Shadow. Would like to get my hands on that one too! Hurry up publishers! Oh, I so so so hope this sells foreign rights! It is an absolutely MUST READ. I LOVED this book! ! Zeraphina is such an awesome heroine and I adored her scenes with Rodden. He's so infuriating! And oh, how I love him. Plus the scenes with the Lharmells were brilliant! You're making me want to reread this nowOk . all these gushing comments are pushing me over the edge. I'm buying this book, because apparently I must. lolHave you heard of Fish Pond World? It's an Australian online bookstore that I love (free worldwide shipping)THANK YOU SO MUCH for this link! I had never heard of them before and I'm bookmarking them for future Aussie-only book purchases. Can't wait to get Blood Song! ! ! Don't you love how YA takes everything we love & puts a twist on it to make it even better! ! ! This book sounds great! I hope it does [words 61] ! This does sound like a good one! I hope it comes this way soon! I love stories with any kind of royalty. I've been looking forward [words 62] too- but wait, maybe it's released in Canada . I'm SO going to check now! Blood Song looks amazing enough to me to [words 63] epub version tooOh yeah this one sounds great! I didn't know it was available to Australia only. That's a shame I was looking forward to ordering a copy. This book sounds so amazing! I think it is the best one I have come across today. I think our taste run similar in the undead category, (be they zombies or vampires). So just how much we talking for the EPub? hahaha. No wait really – do [words 64] Or can I slide in with a bit less? Thanks for coming by. Be sure to check out the short stories for Halloween Fun if you have time. I am posting book cover shots from each author – there are some zombie books in there, (Kat Nove who wrote yesterday's short story has [words 65] book). Second, the book cover is gorgeous and has the added attraction of [words 66] to the book. I loves me a pretty cover but I [words 67] reflects the book. Lastly, I'm pretty sparing about my fantasy reads, I can be really picky. That said your description makes me want to read some fantasy right now! The book sounds great but I love reading WoW posts for other readers takes on upcoming books and your was pure perfection.
words 1: on her gospel of
words 2: complete opposite of the gospel
words 3: yet, can I really be
words 4: we have? The grace and
words 5: false
words 6: believe in the gospel.”
words 7: you
words 8: in His torturous death
words 9: endure persecution and death, for you to
words 10: we see our
words 11: have all equally hated God in our
words 12: from
words 13: I do
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words 15: obtain on our
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words 18: about equality.” In
words 19: until we are like
words 20: away from
words 21: to the
words 22: us
words 23: you research how women are made in
words 24: there written to encourage women
words 25: will be held accountable to God
words 26: prevent
words 27: your baby would implant into,
words 28: we
words 29: your situation, we are called
words 30: want to affect how the culture
words 31: do ministry, that my raising
words 32: standing by my daughters, worshipping the King
words 33: the day,
words 34: I wrote my blog about submission) as she
words 35: be reflected in your
words 36: they will trust that God
words 37: work to have a relationship with
words 38: I have had
words 39: is the
words 40: you are
words 41: in something besides
words 42: the heavens, and for some
words 43: one hundred percent get
words 44: heavily relies on teamwork, and
words 45: opportunities to share the biblical
words 46: to offer, but
words 47: basic
words 48: Word, in a way,
words 49: honest, it is uncomfortable to
words 50: wicked
words 51: is no
words 52: wage
words 53: longer
words 54: now
words 55: a place of colloquialisms in
words 56: this book is only available
words 57: super intriguing and I'm hoping it'll
words 58: Thanks for
words 59: more original than simply vampires
words 60: you've mentioned Dani and yet nothing
words 61: get to the US soon! !
words 62: to Blood Song coming here,
words 63: pay for the
words 64: they want my firstborn?
words 65: a z
words 66: being relevant
words 67: like it even better if it actually |
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After boarding the beautiful Oriana in Southampton, we headed north. This was in March, so the thermals were packed! . Our ship was for adults only and a much smaller ship than ...
<bot>: Here you go: the rest of the fleet. If you are looking for a family friendly ship however, there is so much choice. Some ships have up to 5 swimming pools to give you an...
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<bot>: idea of the enormous size! The anticipation of seeing the Northern Lights made this cruise extra exciting because the chances were very likely! The...
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<bot>: Norwegian Fjords are stunning and although I had already cruised there before in the summer months, I was desperate to cruise even further north into the Arctic Circle during the winter to try and spot the Northern Lights. The accessible cabin was about 3 times the size of a standard cabin with a wet room, grab rails, wider door frames and sink to fit...
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<bot>: the wheelchair underneath. If you need equipment that is not already onboard, for example an electric bed, our specialists can organise this for you when you book. Access on the ship was fantastic so I didn't feel limited by the choice of activities. Decks can be accessed by lifts, there were accessible seats in the theatre, a hoist into swimming pool if requested, and staff are very well trained with assisting embarking and disembarking the ship using a ramp. I've found that some people are hesitant to book a cruise because they think the ship will be overcrowded but Oriana had many cosy and peaceful places to rest as well as a large choice of entertainment and activities. After a couple of relaxing days at sea, swimming in...
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<bot>: the surprisingly warm outdoor pool, enjoying entertainment in the theatre and eating scrumptious food with exceptional service, we arrived in Andalsnes. This was the magnificent view by my cabin when I woke . Surrounded by tall mountains and situated on the Romsdalsfjord, Andalsnes is often referred to as “The Alp town by the fjord”. Andalsnes railway was a popular trip for seeing more of...
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<bot>: the picturesque countryside. Unfortunately the railway was fully booked so we made our own plans. I'm glad we did because I found a wheelchair accessible path up a mountain with a stunning view. I was anxious about how my electric wheelchair would manage the snow but it didn't struggle as much as I thought. This was a proud moment when I reached the top!...
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<bot>: This was the city where people were going dog sledding or reindeer sledding and in the evening, searching for the magnificent Aurora Borealis. We...
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<bot>: embarked on a reindeer adventure which created lifelong memories. We arrived to feed a very friendly bunch of reindeer- they belonged to some of the Sami people. Approximately 40,000 Sami people live in Norway, as well as Sweden, Finland and Russia. I learned that around 2,600 Sami people in Norway make their living from herding reindeer. We warmed up in their goahti (which is...
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<bot>: a Sami hut) with reindeer soup and hot chocolate, before our reindeer...
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<bot>: sledding! I was so grateful for a tour guide who was so keen to make sure I wouldn't miss out because I was in...
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<bot>: a wheelchair. Although part of this trip was accessible in an wheelchair, it was important you could walk a few meters in the snow to reach the reindeer. In the afternoon, we fitted in a trip up Europe's most Northern cable car. This was the incredible view from the top. Alta is the city of the Northern Lights - the city everyone had been...
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<bot>: waiting for! It is the largest town on Norway's northern coast and lies at the head of the Alta Fjord. As you can imagine, the journey sailing there is exceptionally beautiful. Rather than freezing in the famous Ice Hotel (which I am sure would be incredible! ), we spent the day meeting local people to learn about their interesting minimalist lifestyle, visited the Alta...
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<bot>: museum to see the Hjemmeluft Bay prehistoric rock carvings, took a trip to the Alta Cathedral (also known as the Northern Lights Cathedral) and watched the end of the famous dog sledding competition. In the evening everyone was desperate for the clouds to shift. After hours of waiting with lots of hot chocolate, the magical lights appeared! The atmosphere on the top deck of...
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<bot>: the ship was very exciting as everyone tried to capture the best photos possible! Stavanger was our final city. Popular places to visit included Stavanger Cathedral and the Norwegian Petroleum Museum. After...
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<bot>: staying up into the early hours, we decided to wander around the shopping street Øvre Holmegate, which is known for its colorful houses and enjoy plenty of Norwegian coffee! Searching for the Northern Lights was a holiday I will never forget.
<human>: Fill in spans: If you fancy a change from the summer sun then I would highly recommend this wonderful adventure. Is there a connection between Joe Lewis and James Jack Rabbit Martin? One On One is an instrumental version of One Wanted To Be (Acid Mix). Adonis is listed as co-producer on the original mix so I'd have thought the acid mix had input from him. Just picked this up! This record is ... money. Foundational Chi-Town acid and House. Everyone raves about Acid Falls and One on One which is rightly so, but All Over the World and Just Hold Back the Feelin are house magic! Worth every penny for a playable/DJ able copy. Another fantastic acid house release by Joe R Lewis. The pressing of this EP was such low quantity that it is near impossible to track down these days. Features wigged out 303 lines, thumping beats and percussion throughout. Discount Lifting Supplies are an ... equipment. Our team is made up of fully qualified lifting technicians and specialists with a combined staff experience of over 100 years. We are dedicated to providing customers with safe, quality products at competitive prices. ControlOMatic ChlorMaker salt systems are specifically designed to retrofit any hot tub or spa brand up to 1000 gallons. When using a smaller saltwater pool system isn't an option, the spa-style ChlorMaker Drape-Over (DO) chlorine generator is very easy to install and does not interfere with the current plumbing or electronics: simply add salt, place in ... on. The unit plugs into a standard 110v GFCI outlet and installs in just minutes. The Chlormaker can also be utilized as a hot tub and spa saltwater bromine generator, for spas that currently use manual bromine sanitationMake sure that you have an outlet within about 10 feet. I was lucky and just made it with the cord fully extended. I have been using this liitle thing for about 6 months now and all I need to do is cherck the salt and chlorine and nothing else. This system was so easy to install, I thought I was missing something. Been running for two weeks and haven't had an issue. A ... work. The other part of me wants to say I think I could build this thing in ... parts. Works well, you can see it chlorinating the water. Decent deal too, my spa store wanted about four times as much for a salt system, but the trade off was that it would be completely integrated into my system. This one hangs over the side, so I basically treat it like I would a floating chlorine dispenser. I've played with putting this into my filter area, which might end up working. A: This model would work for your size spa. You could also use the TechniChlor model which is a little less expensive, although this model has better controls. Q: my spa is outside and see some harh elements in the winter. Is the controller on the outside of the tub can handle the elements that wisconsin weather. i have a 500 gal cal spa which is my best option to convert to salt water? A: While the controller is outdoor-grade equipment, ControlOMatic states in their manual that you would want to bring the controller in once temperatures get below 32F. The controller is very easy to mount, so it should be pretty simple to bring it in if needed. A: Yes since this just drapes over the side that should be easy. It's max capacity is 1000 gallons which I would imagine you are well under. The ChlorMaker control panel is a small unit that can easily be mounted to the side of the spa or a attached to a nearby support. Its controls have three buttons for adjusting the chlorine or bromine production, and four indicator lights that let you know when it is generating or when you might need to check the cell. For power, the controls simply require a standard GFCI outlet. The control panel has two power adjustment buttons to control the amount of sanitation, and one button to activate its boost mode. Its LED indicators let you know what power setting you have it on and if your salinity level is low, OK, or high. ControlOMatic also makes ... CM-PS-HIDE). The ChlorMaker Cell simply drapes over the side of the hot tub into the water when you desire active spa sanitation, the spa doesn't even have to be on or running! The clear cell lets you see it working and allows for easy inspection. � Hilliard schools officials say the district could lose about $4 million in state funding next fiscal year. Officials say the loss in revenue could mean between a $1 million to $3.7 million shortfall in the district�s tentative budget. Because of a reporter�s error, a story on Page B1 of yesterday�s Metro & State section contained incorrect information. � Cecelia Riegel lives in the Kendale neighborhood on the Northwest Side. Because of a reporter�s error, her last name was misspelled in a story on Page B1 of Monday�s Metro & State section. � The Taser X12, ... second. Because of a reporter�s error, the projectile speed was incorrect in a story on Page B3 of Sunday�s Metro & State section. These wayfinding signs can be mounted in two directions. The architectural design allows for either a vertical or horizontal orientation. These directional displays, wayfinding signs feature hidden holes to be drilled to the ... securely. The matching screws are included with each shipment for immediate installation. These 5" x 7" wayfinding signs, also known as architectural signage, come with double sided adhesive strips and can be glued to the wall as an alternative to drilling. This interior directional signage has a plastic backer with aluminum snap frame edges on both the top and bottom. These wayfinding signs that have snap frames make insert changes easy and convenient. Unlike exterior signage, these frames are only intended for interior use. These indoor wayfinding signs are equipped with protective plastic lenses to prevent scratches. However, the lens is not water resistant and ... setting. These wayfinding signs for custom graphics are made for 5"w x 7"h inserts. The visible height is only 6-1/8", ... bottom. These interior wayfinding signs with aluminum design are perfect for use in large buildings like offices, universities and public buildings. Custom inserts for these directional signage solutions can easily be created with any standard printer and paper. These architectural wayfinding signs are also available in different sizes (see related items). This a perfect product for displaying my photo nameplate. It is easy to install with a screw or sticker back options. The clasps make it easy to install and change out the insert. It is well worth the cost of the unit. These are easy to install and also perfect for changing the photo's out. Be careful of the snap when the frame closes. Globle is a decentralized platform built on the blockchain that allows a community of voters to decide which ideas are the best, and then provide funding to make those proposals a reality. When projects are successfully brought to market, the entire community sees a slice of the pie, a twist on UBI that Globle's founders believe will help spark innovation and allay the cost of ... crunch. The project is something of a mix between Kickstarter and Quora, with blockchain technology as the underlying basis. It works when a concept or idea is posted on Globle. Next, the community of Globle users is up-voted, down-voted, and endorsed with cryptocurrency-based stakes in a given idea so that the most popular – and presumably the most consumer-friendly – ideas float to the top. In line with the fully-democratized nature of Globle, a leader for the project is then elected by the community. It is then the project lead's responsibility to define a roadmap to get the project moving from the idea stage into the actualization process. This includes creating job openings to be filled by other members of the Globle community. In this way, the platform is one where not only innovative opportunity, but employment opportunity is inherent. The funding stage is next, and it is critical. While the up-voting system is a strong determinant of which ideas offer the most promise, the crowdfunding stage is where not only an idea, but a project team and their project strategy are endorsed tangibly by the community. Those who do invest are granted project tokens, giving them governance rights, access to project updates, and a share of profits from the project. Then, if all goes smoothly, the project is ultimately implemented. The successful completion of a project sees much of funds returned to the inventors, team members, and investors. But, the remainder of those funds are split between the Globle community equally, which is the facet of the platform that is considered akin to universal basic income, or UBI. Co-founder of Globle, Simon Tian, is a Thiel fellow who, along with his partner Ken Yang, envisions Globle as a part of the solution in an upcoming tech-related jobs crunch, as well as a means for incentivizing innovation. With the impending technological unemployment caused by the rise ... said. The wealth created from this ecosystem will be fairly distributed to contributors and to everyone else through a universal basic ... (UBI). Surrounding cities of Lushnjë shown on map, and ... map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map. Bias Tugel is a dive site off a Bias Tugel beach that is made up of a coral plateau that is relatively large. It has a gradual slope to about 8 meters and then slopes further to around 30 meters where there is a large ledge. The area is also known as White Sand Beach because of the amazing white beach. There are many bommies (Coral mounts), boulders, table corals and fan corals at the site making up just some of the hard and soft coral. The coral bommies in particular are some of the best in Bali and are known as being in pristine condition. Some of them are the oldest bommies that can be found in Bali. The water temperature is normally above 28 degrees and can reach 30 degrees but it can dip down to 20 degrees in some of the deeper parts of the dive. The dive itself is very calm with some swell and only the occasional current. Visibility is good and can reach 30 meters. The reef has some great macro marine life such as nudibranchs, pygmy seahorses being protected amongst the gorgonian fans, and gobies. It is common to see small cuttlefish and larger ones can occasionally be seen. As there are a few bommies and boulders on the seabed, Squirrelfish have often been seen hiding amongst these natural nests. There is a huge variety of moral eels as well ... eels. There are triggerfish, sweetlips, wrasse, butterfly fish, frogfish, lionfish and scorpion fish. There are large schools of red-toothed triggerfish and it is becoming a site well known for spotting sharks and turtles. Tanjung Sari is a lovely ambient dive found in Blue Lagoon, with an average depth of around 9 meters. In front of Padang Bay is the dive site known as The Channel. It is the main channel where ferries . This site is mainly used as a place to learn diving and to introduce divers to Scuba through the try . Great macro diving opportunities and a wonderful variety of fish life can be seen in Padang Bai, one of Bali's top diving destinations!.
spans 1: worth the
spans 2: online supplier of a vast range of lifting related
spans 3: the water, and turn it
spans 4: part of me wants to say how great this is, the hot tub has been staying totally clean and it has been a lot less
spans 5: my garage if I had the right
spans 6: kits available to allow concealed installation of the power supply (manufacturer part:
spans 7: a new shotgun-style stun gun being used by Columbus police, shoots wireless cartridges that travel about 260 feet per
spans 8: wall
spans 9: should not be used in an exterior
spans 10: as approximate half an inch is covered by the snap frames on both the top and
spans 11: the tech-related jobs
spans 12: of automation and AI, we see an increasing need for a democratized innovation model where creativity and entrepreneurship can be fully fostered and harnessed, Tian
spans 13: income
spans 14: the distance between Lushnje to other cities and states listed below the
spans 15: found amongst the boulders and hard coral, including both blue ribbon and black ribbon |
<human>: What are the missing words: Recently Infoland launched their own customer community which serves as the central hub for interaction with customers, helping to scale customer service and support the company's growth ambitions. We interviewed Community Manager Hiewwaiy Kwok and CMO René de Jong about the process, goals and KPIs. The Infoland community was festively announced at their annual customer event, hosting about 400 customers. Hiewwaiy: "At Infoland we create quality management software that allows users to work smarter, more efficient and safer. Infolands software is universal and applicable for all sectors and can be personalized with a custom workflow and forms. Daily about 300,000 people use our software across 500 organizations. "Hiewwaiy: "We use to have different channels for communication, which made it difficult for our users to get the information they need. We were looking to create one central hub for communication, allowing our users to easily find all information and updates about our software. Besides, we wanted to increase a sense of community by connecting our users with each other and with Infoland, enabling them to share knowledge. "René: "We value our users' ideas and feedback a lot. For example, we like to test developments with our users as much as possible. Whether it is about gathering our users' ideas or getting their feedback, the community is the most important channel to get in touch with our users. "René: "In 2030 we want to have 15 million end users across the globe, so one of our [words 1] scalable. With multiplying customers we don't want to multiply the service staff. With the community we want to empower our users to share knowledge and get answers to their questions through self-service. "Hiewwaiy: "The community plays an essential role in our customer service approach. It helps our customers to get answers quickly and enables them to make better use [words 2] software. There is a lot of user generated content, which is good for SEO and building our knowledge base. We like [words 3] Zendesk (our support ticketing system) and into our own software by replacing the ‘help' function which currently requires a lot of maintenance. "Hiewwaiy: "We are very happy with our flying start. There is a lot of activity and we already have a handful of super users. What we would like to improve is that we start [words 4] customers to proactively share knowledge. "René: "We see a sustained growth in activity and members and internal adoption is very high. Not only by the community manager, but also by diverse departments and people. The system invites people to share knowledge and get into conversations with customers. We don't see this very often. Weekly we meet to discuss moderation and issues and decide what content we are going to write. "Hiewwaiy: "We were looking for a fast implementation and a sustainable partnership. [words 5] the process inSided helped us by looking at the problems we wanted to solve and showed us how [words 6] the community into the organization. To us, this felt very trusted. Furthermore, we find it important that we could align on the vision [words 7] vendor. "René: "We have a lot of respect for the speed of implementation, this is very unique and worth to mention. We've set a lot of pressure on time and it's admirable how we [words 8] team. "René: "We will look into quantitative KPIs like the effect on the number of calls to our service desk, NPS scores, and the number of members. But also at qualitative KPIs like reaching every user so we can reach our mission of making everyone work smarter, [words 9] safer. "Hiewwaiy: "We want to maintain our low level of churn and expect the community to play an important role in this.
words 1: biggest challenges is to become
words 2: of our
words 3: to integrate our community content into
words 4: measuring more and motivate our
words 5: In
words 6: we could embed
words 7: on communities with our new
words 8: realized this as a
words 9: more efficient and
<human>: Finish this: Also, the community is a big driver for our people to continuously ...
<bot>: Rest of text: think ‘How do I keep in touch with our end users and...
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<bot>: how do I keep sharing knowledge? ' The platform facilitates this very...
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<bot>: strongly. "The first results of the Infoland community are better than expected. The amount of active members is growing steadily and the levels of engagement with the community content have been higher than estimated. About 57% of the questions by community members are answered by peers (people who do not work for Infoland) and on average we see 5 active users per answered topic. Both figures are higher than average. These first results are a clear indicator that this new channel is a good fit for Infoland users and that the platform triggers community engagement in a positive way. Marketing Manager at inSided, Telecom market expert and fan of quotes like 'People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Connect on LinkedInCUNY's accelerated...
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<bot>: degree program for community college students doubles graduation rates and is cost-effective, a study finds. And the model may be exported to three Ohio colleges. President Obama recently praised a City University of New York experiment to help more students graduate from community college. So did faculty unions, which have pushed back hard on other ideas that emanate from CUNY's central office. Fans of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) like its comprehensive approach to dismantling the hurdles low-income students face. And the results are compelling. Students in the program are almost twice as likely to earn a degree, according to a new study from MDRC, a nonprofit research group.
<human>: What are the missing words: The research found that 40 percent of those students earned an associate degree in three years, easily topping the 22 percent rate of their peers in a control group who completed, and far surpassing typical community college graduation rates. “The figures are terrific,” said Barbara Bowen, president of the Professional Staff Congress, CUNY's faculty union. “If you invest more per student, you get a better result.”So far 8,672 students ... to CUNY, at 7 of the system's colleges (see list below). But the new study suggests ... perhaps even broadly, without getting too expensive. That might be surprising, given the wide range of supports participating students receive, including free tuition, textbooks and public transportation, as well as regular (and mandatory) access to an adviser with a relatively ... caseload. That all adds up to annual cost of $4,700 per student, on top of the roughly $8,000 CUNY spends each year to educate a full-time student. To help pay for the program, which began in 2007, the city kicked in $35 million. ... least per degree produced, which is an increasingly popular way for lawmakers to look at return on investment in higher education. “The cost per graduate is less because we're graduating twice as many students,” said Donna Linderman, CUNY's university dean for student success initiatives. The total cost to CUNY for a degree earned by a student in the tuition-free program was $105,000, according to MDRC, compared to $118,000 in the control group. The study's sample included 451 ASAP students and 445 students in the control group. The expense is dropping, too, as the program expands and up-front spending pays off. ASAP ... student this year, according to the system. CUNY officials have big goals for the accelerated degree track. By 2017 they want to enroll 13,000 students in the program, which is set to expand next fall to the system's College of Staten Island and the New York City College of Technology. The model also is being exported ... Ohio. Some tweaking of the NYC version will be required. For ... likely will issue a gas card to participating students rather than a MetroCard (which cost $112 per ... 2013). “We're hoping to extend that work with CUNY to other colleges ... said Michael J. Weiss, a senior associate with MDRC who coauthored the study. “This is a package program,” said Weiss. “Any individual component would never have this kind of effect.”Students who apply and are admitted must attend college full-time in exchange for the free tuition, books and subway fare. CUNY encourages students to take a 12-credit course load ... well as summer and winter sessions. They enroll in blocks of courses, or learning communities, in their first year, as well seminars on topics such as goal setting ... skills. ASAP admits generally arrive with the same deficiencies in math and reading as their peers. The typically take remedial courses early in the program. And they are expected to graduate in three years. Advising is ... the program. The MDRC study said the student-to-adviser ratio in ASAP is less than 80 to 1. Since the study was completed, each adviser works with no more than 150 students. That might seem like a lot, but many 2-year colleges have more than 1,000 students per adviser. The ratio was more than 600 to 1 for the study's control group. As a result, ASAP students meet with their advisers much more often. They are required to see an adviser at least twice a month. Those that did averaged 38 meetings per year. Their peers in the control group who met with an adviser only did so six times a year. Advising accounts for roughly 13 percent of ASAP's costs, said Susan Scrivener, a ... and one of the study's coauthors. Students in the ... with career services staff and tutors, and to see them more often. Bowen said the low student-to-adviser ratio is crucial. “That ... said. “If there's enough support for students, they will do beautifully.”Students in the accelerated track earned an average of 48 credits after 3 years, according to the study, compared to the average of 39 credits for the control group. MDRC also ... had transferred after three years and were enrolled in a four-year institution. Only 17 percent of their peers had made that jump. Even well-designed programs that seek to increase graduation rates face an uphill battle. CUNY officials said they worked hard on some seemingly mundane administrative details that could have undermined ASAP if not executed properly. For example, clear messaging to students on the program's Web site was a must, ... said. Scrivener also praised CUNY for monitoring ASAP's progress ... helpful corrections. Now that firm results are in, across several different institutions, CUNY is confident it has cracked the formula for getting students to the finish line. “It doesn't matter that you have a particularly talented director or a president who pays attention. The model works,” said John Mogulescu, the senior university dean for academic affairs and the dean of the CUNY School of Professional Studies. “For us it's a breakthrough program. "Insider ... 13F filings of hedge funds and famous investors to create an extensive database of hedge fund holdings. The 13F filings show the hedge funds and investors' positions as of the end of the third quarter. You can find write-ups about an individual hedge fund's trades on several financial news websites. However, in this article we will take a look at their collective moves and analyze what the smart money thinks of ManpowerGroup Inc. (NYSE:MAN) based on that data. Is ManpowerGroup Inc. (NYSE:MAN) ... becoming hopeful. The number of long hedge fund positions moved up by 5 lately. MAN was in 29 hedge funds' portfolios at the end of September. There were 24 hedge funds in our database with MAN holdings at the end of the previous quarter. At the end of this article we will also compare MAN to other stocks including Veeva Systems Inc (NYSE:VEEV), Erie Indemnity Company (NASDAQ:ERIE), and Blue Buffalo Pet Products Inc (NASDAQ:BUFF) to get a better sense of its popularity. At Q3's end, a total of 29 of the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey were long this stock, up by 21% from the previous quarter, pushing ownership of the stock to a high for the year ended September 30. With hedge funds' capital changing hands, there exists a few noteworthy hedge fund managers who were ... already accumulated large positions). Of the funds tracked by Insider Monkey, Larry Robbins' Glenview Capital has the number one position in ManpowerGroup Inc. (NYSE:MAN), worth close to $207.4 million, amounting to 1.5% of its total 13F portfolio. On Glenview Capital's heels is Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management, with a $98.4 million position. Other members of the smart money that hold long positions comprise Chuck Royce's Royce & Associates, Joel Greenblatt's Gotham Asset Management, and John Overdeck and David Siegel's Two Sigma Advisors. The hard work you've put into researching ... has paid off and the time has ... air conditioner installation. Once your installation is complete, ... Huntsville. A sure-fire way to ensure you're the most getting from your air conditioner is to hire licensed professionals, like ... Heating & Air Conditioning Inc to ensure your air conditioner is properly installed. If it's not installed correctly, its performance could be reduced by as high as 30 percent according ... National Institute of Standards and Technology. To begin the installation process, All Weather Heating & Air Conditioning Inc will remove and properly dispose of your air conditioner. After they've completed the removal process your installation professional will properly install your new outdoor unit, this process consists of stabilizing the air conditioner and making sure there's enough clearance on all sides. Next will be the installation of all the piping and wiring. If you'd like to understand how your air conditioner works and what steps the installer is taking, ask if he or she can walk you through the installation. Testing will be performed following completion of the installation. The installer will turn on the air conditioner and make certain ... your home's space. At this time they will also pinpoint any leaks in your ductwork. The installer additionally will measure the airflow and make modifications to ensure it complies with ... of the manufacturer while successfully cooling your home. Your professional from All Weather Heating & Air Conditioning Inc will explain the details of your ... its benefits and features. He or she will also show you how to maintain your air conditioner in the future. This is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about ... conditioner. At All Weather Heating & Air Conditioning Inc, we ... proper air conditioner installation. We guarantee that's ... system is functioning at peak performance. Your complete satisfaction is our goal. If you'd like to be provided with more information or if you have questions about your air conditioner installation, call All Weather Heating & Air Conditioning Inc at 256-801-4701 or schedule an appointment online. US participation in Colombia's peace talks ... about how Colombia will grapple with the tricky issue of granting FARC leaders immunity from extradition ... are wanted for drug trafficking crimes. Former US assistant secretary of state for Inter-American Affairs, Bernard Aronson, has been named special envoy to ... Colombian government and left-wing guerrilla group the FARC in Havana. Aronson, who previously participated in peace efforts ... will not sit at the negotiating table but listen to participants and provide advice and clarification, Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos said. Local media described the announcement — which came more than two ... as a sign of US support and a credibility boost for the peace talks“President (Barack) Obama has come to the conclusion that while significant obstacles remain, a negotiated peace in Colombia is absolutely worth pursuing,” US State Secretary John Kerry said while announcing Aronson's appointment. As a close ally, the US has a responsibility to aid Colombia in achieving peace, Kerry added. It is worth noting that US participation in the talks has been requested not just by the Colombian government but also the FARC. The degree to which rebel leaders will be held accountable for alleged crimes is a major issue for FARC negotiators, and the US may yet play a key role in deciding the outcome. The US has imprisoned multiple FARC leaders on charges related to terrorism and drug trafficking and has standing extradition orders for many others. While the release of imprisoned leaders is extremely unlikely, FARC negotiators may seek to ensure standing extradition orders won't be acted on following a peace deal. Aronson could be the conduit for FARC requests and US clarification on the matter. Arguably, as potential leverage for its negotiations, the FARC — which draws most of its funding from narcotics — could offer the US intelligence and aid in combating drug trafficking, but that might involve admitting a degree of involvement in the drug trade that the top guerrilla leadership is unwilling to own up to. Additionally, the US may see a ... deal and the increased access to Colombian markets ... to the conflict could bring. On the other hand, should the US decide to press the matter of extradition, the larger nation's influence will be hard to deny. The US is a key financial supporter to Colombia, and President ... for $288 million for economic and anti-drug trafficking aid to Colombia for 2016. Colombian Senator and peace deal supporter ... the peace deal and consolidating security in Colombia would roughly cost $44.4 billion dollars, which may necessitate even more US financial support and further extend its influence on the negotiations and the fate of FARC leaders.
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Human: Complete this text: Sam Warburton calls out the false claim by public transport boosters that Auckland's new regional fuel tax isn't as regressive as you think. It is, and is really hurting poor families | interest. nzSam Warburton calls out the false claim by public transport boosters that Auckland's new regional fuel tax isn't as regressive as you think. It is, and is really hurting poor familiesAuckland's regional fuel tax has been in place for a week. It was in the Labour party's election manifesto. It's been debated for months. But the misinformation continues. Last time I assessed a number of statements made by Mayor Phil Goff. This week it's one big one claim made by a Minister, a journalist, and an enthusiast. The Minister of Transport Phil Twyford didn't go as far as saying fuel tax isn't regressive, but did use some misleading-by-themselves figures to show the rich spend more on fuel than the poor. A couple of days later, Wilson ‘corrected' his view, saying ‘fuel taxes are flat taxes: we all pay the same per litre. And all flat taxes are regressive'. Well, as many people pointed out, a regressive tax is defined as costing a low-income person more of their income than a high-income person. With a little arithmetic, the figures released by the Minister actually showed lowest decile income people paying three times the share of their income in fuel tax compared to the next decile who also paid twice as much as the highest decile. Speaking to Radio NZ recently, transport enthusiast Patrick Reynolds made the same claim as Simon Wilson. That poor people spend a greater portion of their income on basically everything – rent, food, clothes, electricity – and, like GST, the poor will pay more fuel tax as a proportion of income. But fuel tax isn't like GST. Dollar-for-dollar, fuel tax is worse than GST in terms of the burden on the poor. If a poor person and a rich person buy $11.50 worth of potatoes, $10 of it will be for the potatoes and $1.50 will be GST. The poor and rich person pay the same amount of tax. It's a flat tax, but regressive as a portion of income. If you're rich and own a brand new Suzuki Alto and drive 10,000 kms a year, you would have paid $300 a year in fuel taxes last year. If you're poor and own a 1990s Toyota Hiace and drive 10,000 kms a year, you would have paid $900 last year. In three years' time, and after Auckland's regional fuel tax and the planned national fuel excise duty increases come in, these amounts will increase to $400 and $1,200 per annum. A flat tax would involve moving petrol vehicles over to road user charges, the same as owners of diesel vehicles pay now. This would immediately mean a tax reduction in that Toyota Hiace-owning poor family's tax bill of about $450 per annum, and a higher tax on richer families to the point where both are paying the same. According to Wilson's story, the Ministry of Transport provided the data showing higher income deciles spending more on fuel than lower income deciles. It seems that the Ministry provided the Minister with the data and some commentary suggesting that rich people might spend more on fuel because they might go on more road trips. Students are low income and generally live close to university and work. It's misleading to include them in the calculations to suggest that poor households with vehicles will be less affected than rich households. The Ministry and Minister should have turned to their attention to the Ministry's own Household Travel Survey which tells us about the kinds of vehicles different households own (and thus the tax they pay per kilometre) and how much they drive. If they did, as I have been and reported last time, that Auckland's regional fuel tax will, on average, charge:These findings should perhaps not be surprising. While rich people might, all else constant, drive more and buy more fuel, not everything else is constant. The richest two regions in New Zealand are Auckland and Wellington. They're also the only two regions with reasonable public transport networks. People living in low-income rural regions like Southland and Hawke's Bay have virtually no public transport, so they drive. And poorer households have other reasons why they drive more: they have bigger families and live further from work and work hours when public transport isn't operating. Fuel taxes are not just regressive as a portion of income, but in total and, worst of all, per kilometre. It'd be unconscionable if we implemented a policy that charges poor people more to visit the doctor than rich people. It should be unconscionable in transport. Sam Warburton is a research fellow at the New Zealand Initiative, which provides a fortnightly column for interest. And moreover: this tax won't be used to improve the roads the poor drive on. Most of it will go to the rich suburbs and improve the public transport and cycling options there. On the other hand, it's the same poor who vote in people like Goff, so we'll know in a bit if they did really mind being taxed more. @Berend - money is fungible , and unless the tax collected is placed into a dedicated fund, subjected to audit and public scrutiny , we will never know where it ends up . The cynic in me says it will all go in salaries and wages on expensive consultants, and then when there is an uproar the rest will go into paying for spin-doctors to lie to us and cover backsidesWhat seems like ages ago someone suggested that the revenue from the speed cameras could be dedicated to roading . The then minister Hodgson I am pretty sure, made the truly facile and inane remark that that would encourage people to speed. I ask you when a cabinet minister can come out with something like that, there is little hope for any of us. So yes Boatman the money go round goes round and round and the snouts suck up what spins off. Not sure it is, but our middle class family public transport usage has increased markedly in the last two years, particularly trips to the CBD where the travel time difference is immaterial, the fares are cheap ($6.60 return) and bus frequency is good (every 15 minutes until midnight). It also helps that the 'loser cruiser' moniker can now be countered with virtue signalling. When they built the train stations in all the expensive suburbs and filled the highways with the poor driving into work from the outlying suburbs. The whole debate is nonsensical. People make a choice: what kind of car to drive, how far from work to live, etc. Based on those choices they will or will not pay slightly more in fuel tax. Again, if that doesn't sit well with them they have a further choice: to motor, take public transit, cycle, or walk. The point is the poor have fewer option because they can't afford better cars and already live far away from the jobs they CAN get due to their financial situation. I know a couples who drive because public transport would be longer and move expensive due to the location they could afford to buy in. And they purchased BEFORE this was implemented so could not base their decision on this one policy in the future. But if you are stupid, you will be making stupid decisions, which will make you poor, and that isn't fair to tax people for being stupid, except for smoking and drinking where taxing stupidity is ok. If you stupidly decide to have a large family and no job, then government should be taxing DINK's more to pay for your stupid choices. People often don't have choices they can freely make. Does a disabled person get to choose their mobility, does a nurse get to choose how to visit those same clients when a private vehicle is mandatory. Does a tradie get to choose to not work with their tools and materials that day as they took the bus. People often don't get transport choices especially those poorer experiencing job and housing stress. With those disabled f from all angles as the nursing and homecare allowances fail to account for the elevated transport costs they need to pay. Take your ableism with elitist affluent housing transport access and apply it roughly to a dark place. Tax on tax, taxes always effect the poor. I'm sure you have heard, The rich become richer and the poor become poorer. The X5 takes 85 litres from empty and is only used for road trips. A full tank of 98 RON @ Mobil Clearview @ $2.424 = $206.04 compared to Mobil Mercer @ $2.319 = $197. You can guess that Mercer is getting whatever business we have, even though the margin doesn't fully represent the fuel tax. Wonder how many like me are filling up outside of Auckland on the way to the beach house on weekends. Reckon I'm saving $10 a fill. Typical labour and their unintended consequences. Unfortunately the poor will always vote for them so they can tax them as much as they like and ensure they're forever poor and welfare dependant. Sadly stupidity, which is mostly an innate trait baked-in at conception by genetics, is punished heavily in this world. I actually don't think this is a case of unintended consequences. I think they knew full well that they're pandering to inner "leafy suburb" voters with this, and throwing the poorer people further out under the bus to do so. Council rates have already had their home value component set to the absolute minimum (as far as I'm aware from earlier coverage) in order to reduce their value-weighted nature as much as possible, and this has merely been another case of the same. It's disappointing to see Labour politicians oversee such a policy's implementation. Whether it originated with them or inner-city policy wonks is another matter. But it does highlight how close together Labour and National are now, in many ways. A fairer approach would be for properties that have received the most betterment from the city's growth and residents to be paying the higher rates, at a stronger weighting than the currently minimised component allows. Receive more - contribute more. Congestion charges are no solution.1/3 of the charge goes to administration in London. The fuel tax is the better option. No, congestion charges are better. You can do things to avoid paying the tax by also avoiding being a part of the problem, like change your travel times (ie, leave early and go to the gym before work etc) to avoid the charges and also alleviate the problem the charge is being raised to "fix", or you can keep driving at rush hour as usual and pay for the privilege and the solution. There needs to be a baseline fuel or RUC to cover wear and tear to the roads, but congestion problems should be charged to those that are the cause of the problem, and will benefit from the solution. Not to those that aren't part of the problem. With a fuel tax there is no way for the night shift worker to avoid paying silly amounts to address a problem that doesn't affect them, and they aren't contributing to. similar with Puhoi I think. However with latest technology and a central NZ wide software tied to renewing rego it could be done inexpensively. A rare case of new IT solution actually being a good idea. retired IT but I reckon the underlying database and its security could be designed in an afternoon - not sure how long to do the web based front end but Trademe seemed to knock new user interfaces together fast. How true that is Rick. There is precious little anymore that overtly seperates the centre right from the centre left. It surprises me just how little many of those who supported the ‘left' in the last election seemed to find this revelation somewhat implausible. I note with interest where the font of much of Labour's current suite of political inspiration and policy direction, often almost ver batim, issues forth from. The same pierian spring which I'd wager, somewhat cynically, the majority of the coalition voters would regard as the poison chalice. Davos anyone? ...
Assistant: The completion of this text could be: I'm smirking as I write this but forgive me for saying this but this current government is to those who are rather unenamoured of them starting to reveal shades of the Blair Witch, both by virtue of its leadership and rather low rent production values. I didn't vote for Labour but I DID support holding National accountable for their failure to address issues, for running down infra etc and for campaigning on the housing crisis then pretending it does not exist. All that said, I don't support this action from Labour either. It's more a right-wing foisting of costs on the poor to pander to the wealthy. Not self-centred just resent these silly ill thought out taxes. My vehicle is also in the business so much of running costs are tax deductible as well. Feel free to post your registration plate here so we can ban you from driving on our new roads. that you didn't pay for. What new roads? BTW: Why should anyone pay Goofy and his band of oxygen thieves tax for roads used mostly outside Auckland? "It's simply not true that fuel taxes cost low-income families more," Twyford said. "The figures show that the lowest-income families will be paying only a half or even a third as much as those on the highest incomes. "Fossil Fuels are finite. For future generations to have equal resource-chances as us, it has to be near-infinitely-priced. The joke is that even the NZ ' poor' are infinitely resource-richer than those who will follow us. The problem is orders-of-magnitude bigger than whether someone can't drive as much. And the solution involves addressing population - which we''ll never do. And the answer is to transport yourself without cost - cycling does it, walking does it, and public transport would nearly do it. From the only house you and your family can afford in Auckland - in somewhere like Papakura to your 10-6am shift work facilities job in the CBD.30km cycling is certainly a great answer on a windy wet winter's night. I'm guessing you live in a nice central upmarket suburb, vote Green and really care about the plight of the poor? And I used to cycle from Bondi to Mascot on a daily basis for years, working night-shift in a paper sack factory. Paid for our first house entirely from it. Funny because you list those options in order of most inaccessible to moderately inaccessible. With all logistics, products and foodchain reliant on transport fueled by the current vehicle market your pipe dream would have 90% starving to death before they can "cycle" to work, and the 25% disabled to mostly die altogether without vehicle accessible medical services. The joke is your ableism never thinks of anyone but those with your own ability. Its time for some fun- let all those anti-Boatman plebeians on the left and the lunatic fringe in the Greens have a go, bring out their inner -wordsmith and express their frustration with my viewsIf this tax on the poor was introduced by a National Government , there would have been at least one protest march down Queen Street . Hmm, National Government increased petrol tax by nine cents per litre for ALL of NZ from 2013 to 2015, for their Roads of National Significance project. I don't recall any protests? Do you Boatman? Of course anyone with half a brain new that meant existing taxes were fair game to raise. But a lot of the voters never understood the fineprint. GST was a con job if ever I saw it. I remember the "Opposition" to it though, yet here we are 8 years later, still at 15%. I looked at the increase to building, medical and financial services alone and wished them all a dark path, as wages did not rise to accommodate the costs. They also made those legal rights requests from the disabled families in court illegal,. quite a bugger to many now. Sure I look at the policies but it would be better to look at mathematical probabilities & research motives instead of the advertising dross. Yet if we are to consider future generations, not just the current ones, we do need to be building a lot more retirement housing & low cost FHB housing. Gee wiz, how ever did the world cope without the insight of boatguy? If only everyone could be just like you, the would would be. full of angry old men? The real (and more major) cost of fuel tax increases will be showing up in your groceries and other consumer items, multiplied upwards by added GST and fixed % margins. This fuel tax rise's big impact is inflationary. Fuel goes up and down by 11.5c all the time. Wouldn't we see big movements in groceries etc constantly? CPI all over the place? Shipping/Freight companies hedge fuel cost so they know what their cost will be for the near future. The other comment you made is it goes up AND down. This tax will just make price go up over and above everything else. Yes they do receive benefits to mitigate these things,but then if they didn't they may visit you and me and take whats yours and mine. In fact most those on sickness, palliative & pension benefits (that are below the cost of living), have to absorb the cost with no money to pay for it. skipping doctor appointments, losing access to the community etc, more often then they can afford to go currently, (which is practically unaffordable now). I was really surprising Labour gave the go ahead on this, clearly the lower end would pay a higher % out of their income ? Labour is supposed to be about helping the poor, another policy not thought through just like the oil and gas exploration ban, shame on you Labour. I agree with the premise of the article but if the writer is going to complain about misleading statements by others perhaps it best not to compare the fuel economy of a van (Toyota Hiace) and a little run-around car (Suzuki Alto) as if this is some kind of proof that poorer people will be hit harder by this tax. Otherwise totally agree. Anyone else think that the Suzuki Alto is a middle class car? Don't rich drive things like the Porshe 918, Landrover or various Humvees. I would imagine that those vehiecals consume somewhat more fuel than the Hiace. Also the Hiace moves twice as many people as an Alto with something like 3 times as much internal space. You need to compare similarly sized vehicles ( maybe the Hiace against any odd Humvee ). To compare smaller cars maybe assume that the poorer person has a 2001 Prius (worth about $3,000) whilst the richer has a Ford Mustang. Consequent on the 'middle class' having been redefined by the progressive taxation and redistributive policies of previous decades (and the Auckland housing crisis) an Alto is now definitely a middle class vehicle. The 'rich' whom Twyford deceptively asserts will pay more in fuel tax than the 'poor' are a tiny minority so their discretionary travel contributes inconsequential amounts of tax relative to the rest of us. You make that point in prefacing Humvee with 'odd'. dotn forget that poor people are rarely blessed with commute and company vehicles with free fuel - these are generally with the wealthy and of course business ownersAlso - already hearing that tradies in auckland have upped their travel charge by $4-$10 a trip - and with most of our goods and services having some form of fuel cost involved - this will all be passed on - and in reality thats will again hit the poorest hardest -Whilst not the only solution - surely a progressive tax system - lowering tax on the first 50K to nothing and then increasing tax rates fro 120K upwards would be the simplest way if they want to redistribute taxation more fairly - or is taht just too simplistic as a starting point! That still exempts unearned income and only targets people who work for a living. No sense making working folk pay all the taxes while exempting free money that comes in through "accidental" capital gains, for example. Due to this fuel tax the ENTIRE COST OF LIVING INCREASES. All extra cost incurred by this fuel tax will all be passed on to consumers such as food, clothing, taxis, airfares, new house build. WELL DONE LABOUR PARTY. People voted for the party? The poor now become even poorer. Get used to it, whether it's tax or the actual price it's all up from here. Take the little time you have left to adjust to a life without cheap fuels - the current debate on tax is just a distraction. Goff was elected on promises to keep rates down, now we are having fuel and toilet taxes as de facto rates increases. You missed the part where they all make promises, they just tend to focus on the ribbon cutting then the book keeping & engineering once in power. More paid lunches and paid overseas travel from lofty offices than any effective work. Relying on AT for any transport management, a dept where council money was used to bribe other staff to scam more money is a lost cause. You need a massive shake up and reorganisation before that corrupt bunch can be trusted managing just the bus services. There seems to be a big assumption being made that wealthy people take the train. I take the train and my observation would be there is a huge mix of people, including many on lower incomesDid you consider those close to train stops take the train. However the wealthy have the option to choose more than those with job & housing pressures forced to work and live away from the areas the train network services.1) The fuel tax is user pays (transport funding is reasonably well ring fenced & transport is treated as a good/service). The more you use the road network the more you pay towards funding it.2) The least regressive means of transport funding would be to have no fuel tax and take it from the consolidated fund through increased other taxes. This approach is not completely working for transport. For those that cannot even afford a car or cannot drive the public transport service is an inadequate alternative (not full coverage & not adequate frequencies) & is mainly controlled by regional councils not central government. There would seem to be a case for central government to fully fund an underlying full coverage network at minimum reasonable headways to meet social needs, with regional government then providing level of service increases over & above that.4) Local government is also a player as it determines the land use zoning rules (making land use inelastic to demand changes) through district plans (we have few national policy statements). Travel is a demand derived from the land use pattern, & thus local government strongly influences how much we are forced to travel by car & how much fuel tax we pay. This is a horrendous tax. What makes it worse is that it will not help the people it affects the most. I can't see many of Auckland's poor having much need for a tram to take them from the CBD to the airport. I was working in logistics in the early naughties when fuel surcharges appeared on every freight invoice due to the peak oil thing that wasn't really a thing. boy did that knock some businesses around. But those who needed to kick the can further down the road, created much money out of thin air - called quantative easing, which most folk failed to question. That made the valuation of most things, including oil, impossible to judge. So everyone is more indebted just staying afloat - much the same as if the price of fuel had been raised. And even then, US fracking has yet to break even. Ever stop and consider that the the congestion in Auckland - arguably due to the lack of foresight in imposing surcharges and funding public transport - is currently knocking business around at a far greater rate? The ignorance on what is going to hit us in the face shorty with spiraling energy costs is astounding. Stop worrying about a few cents a litre. It's nothing compared to whats on the horizon. |
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If you're a noobie to vaping you're bound to have tons of questions about electronic cigarettes and how they work so here is our complete vaping for dummies guide! ! ! The most important thing to know is that when you vape, you don't blow smoke! This is one of the biggest reasons that so many people have chosen vaping over smoking cigarettes. A simple explanation is that “Vaping” is the act of inhaling vapor created by a personal vaporizer or electronic cigarette. There is no combustion or burning involved with vaping which means that vapers do not expose you to those nasty carcinogenic compounds that are found in tobacco cigarettes. Be aware that products used for vaping can also contain nicotine so you should always read the labels carefully. Vapor devices consist of 3 main components; a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge (also called a tank). The atomizer is used to heat the air drawn into the device to a sufficient temperature to vaporize the e-liquid, which is held in a replaceable & refillable cartridge. Electronic cigarette is a coverall term for e-cigs or vaporizers. They are electronic devices that offer an alternative to smoking regular cigarettes. These devices create vapor instead of smoke and run on rechargeable batteries. The batteries in a vaporizer power heating elements called atomizers. They use very low heat to vaporize the liquid ( e-juice) into a mist/vapor. Sorry, but there is no blanket answer as it's a case of “horses for courses”. The best advice we can offer is to try different models, brand, and types of e-cigs before you decide which one to buy. Start by thinking about what kind of vaping experience you are after and go from there. If you need a familiar “hand to mouth” experience like a regular cigarette, you could opt for a disposable model that is activated when you take a suck. More complex and expensive devices such as rechargeable models and vape pens feature buttons that you need to push to deliver the vapor. E-Juice is also known as e-liquid or vape juice. This is the liquid used in vapor products to make the mist that simulates the feeling of smoking. E-liquid or e-juice's ingredients are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, water, and flavorings. They can also include nicotine which is available in differing strengths from 0 to 24mg. For your info, tobacco contains at least 80 cancer-causing chemicals prior to being smoked and over 4,000 on combustion (including deadly tar). No products that have nicotine are 100% safe, but there is lots of evidence from scientific studies that suggest that vaping is a lot safer than smoking conventional cigarettes. Health experts have shown that switching to vaping can minimize health risks to less than one percent of smoking tobacco. In most cases, yes it is. But of course, there are a few factors that must be taken into consideration. The first is the price of cigarettes where you live. In Vietnam for example, a packet of 20 Marlboro costs as little as $1.08, but in Australia, they cost a whopping $19.90! The second factor is how much you spend on vaping. For many men, vaping turns into a hobby with many of them catching the bug to collect e-cigarette products to “show off” on Instagram! But as long as you choose the right vaping starter kit and don't “go overboard” on your new hobby, most people can save a significant amount of money after making the change to vaping. Many smokers that have tried vaping never felt the urge to smoke a tobacco cigarette ever again and they confidently say that they have “quit smoking”. If nicotine is your thing, bear in mind that e-liquids contain differing amounts of nicotine, which allows you to slowly step-down / reduce the amount of nicotine that you consume. For people brand new to vaping, it is normal to choose an e-liquid which contains a higher level of nicotine. Over the following months, you can switch to lower amounts of nicotine until you get all the way down to a zero mg nicotine e-liquid. Everyone is different but there are tons of success stories where people have quit smoking completely by reducing their nicotine consumption thanks to the flexibility that vaping allows. Smoking ciggys and vaping oil are totally different. But if you choose the right e-cigarette (with a “mouth to lung delivery”), buy the right e-liquid, and get the ratio just right, it does feel similar the act of smoking a cigarette although it does not taste the same as tobacco (which is a big bonus for most people)! Vaping certainly mimics the action of smoking and is often preferred as the variety of flavors available is truly breathtaking. E-liquids come in a ton of flavors and tobacco is one of them. In fact, there are more tobacco flavored e-liquid varieties than there are with normal cigarettes. The amount of nicotine is a personal choice so try different strengths first but if you're new to vaping and coming straight from smoking cigarettes, you should go with a stronger nicotine concentration. The recommended range is from 16 to 24mg with most types of vaporizers. As your vaping skills grow and you want to make huge clouds of vapor over a throat-hit (or vice versa), you can choose lower nicotine levels such as the most popular 3mg. If your priority is your throat hit, you will need an e-liquid with a higher level of nicotine of 8+mg. Usually, very little maintenance is required. Just keep your vaping device charged and clean it regularly. As the coil in your device gets older, it gets weaker and produces less vapor and less flavor so make sure you keep your vaporizer and tank well maintained. Keeping your vaping gear clean is also vital for sanitary reasons, especially if you share devices among friends. The answer to this question varies depending on which kind of device you choose but a general rule-of-thumb is that the average battery can be charged about 300 times. As vaping devices become more advanced, the better the devices become, much like smartphones or any other kind of electronic gadget. As with the legal smoking age of your respective country or state, there are strict laws governing the sales and use of vaping products. Although the cost of starting with e-cigs is more than a packet smokes, it's really pretty cheap! Basic kits are very affordable with prices ranging from about $20 to $80. If you choose disposable models or pre-filled cartomizers, you don't need to bother with filling the tank but to get the best variety of flavors and the most economical way to vape, you should learn how to fill up your own tanks and cartomizers with e-liquids. If you need a tutorial, check out the many YouTube videos for hints and tips on how to refill your vaporizer's tank along with every other aspect of vaping imaginable! If you enjoyed our vaping for dummies guide, you might also like “THE COOLEST WALLETS FOR GUYS TO CARRY YOUR CARDS & CASH SAFELY! ” from our “GEAR” section. It's here - I will finally see the movie version ...
<|assistant|> Rest of text: of Ready Player One tonight! If you know me at all, you know how excited I am to see this movie - so of course I had to dress for the occasion. Today's dress is from HerUniverse.com, a site that carries "fashion for fangirls. " (I heard about the website through another blogger I follow on Instagram: Carolina Cabral. She and I have a very similar style. If you look closely, you can see Endor, a planet featured in Return of the Jedi, across the bottom of the dress. There are Ewoks, AT-AT Walkers and even the Death Star in the sky. I thought it would be appropriate to wear the dress to see tonight's movie, as 1980s pop culture is going to feature very heavily in the film's plot. If you grew up in the 1980s, you really need to read Ready Player One - or at least see the movie. My heart just about stops every time I see the DeLorean from Back to the Future, so I know I am in for a treat tonight. People told me they thought I looked cute without really even noticing the design! I also did my makeup 80s style - purple eye shadow! This purse retails at $379, but I bought it for just $89. It's still available; Kate Spade is having a great sale this weekend. Since the straps are clear, I thought they went perfectly with the dress, adding a little bit of a sci-fi element. Curious about the lovely profile of a woman sitting on a concrete bench in lower Manhattan, Ed Blake approaches the vaguely familiar woman; that benign interest eventually leads to a consuming affair that sends his life into a tailspinMoney Slay The immersive heroic legend of Maxwell Johnston, who learns he can transform humanity with his dreams. Maxwell Johnston displays all the frailties that people exhibit through his high adventures of love,A Case of Wrath is Dracula meets Criminal Minds Dallas Police Detective Sean Fennema has seen some very peculiar things in his career, some of which still haunt him. Having moved from Orlando to the bustling metroplex of Dallas, Fennema had no expectations of a simple case load. That was a good thing. Treasure, mermaids, and a grumpy dwarf; it was not anything that anyone was expecting. Jassik Creed and his pal Rattuk Mulchberry had been on a quest to find the legendary sword of Skarr Razorbeard when they stumbled upon the three mermaids. Padma and the Elephant Sutra: We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. —Werner HeisenbergThe Wedding Gift: Menage a Trois Author Alice Abney Author Bio Prior to becoming a temptress of the mind, I spent twelve years in the dark underbelly of corporate America, a slave to the system. I write about what I know and I research what I want to know more about – I believe in ( . As told through the author's eyes, the series, One Small Cemetery chronicles the events surrounding a chain of brutal homicides and the resulting indelible imprint thatSinful Blood; Yesterday, I was just the average teenage girl-oblivious to everything that lurked in the dark. Seduced by the devilishly handsomeMillie's Angel is an inspirational novel that follows the story of Millie and a family that is both cursed and blessed. When Millie's mother abandons herOur Book Listing system was having issues through October and Sept. If you paid for a book listing in these months, and you do not see it listed on our site, please contact us at eds@everywritersresource. Our system is working again, and your submissions will be posted. Anyone who was affected by this outage will receive 1 month of free promotions on our site. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. We have huge backlog. Right now the only listings that will be published are priority listings. These are paid listings $10 USD. We are trying our best to keep up with the free submissions, but it is impossible. We are very sorry about this. Once you have filled out the submission form follow the steps through the priority listing. If you have submitted a book in the past and are waiting to be placed go here: Priority listings and follow the instructions to get listed. DISABLED people from Worcestershire and beyond visited Worcester's “phenomenal” sports arena for an event which carried on the legacy of the greatest ever Paralympic Games. Sports Fest, at the University of Worcester Arena, saw winners of Paralympic medals, disability sports coaches and a variety of sports come together for a two-day showcase. Schools from around the county descended on the arena yesterday where they learned more about the different sports, levels of disability considered and to show off their skills. Kirsten Olver, a support assistant at Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College, brought along four physically disabled pupils for the day. “We're really big on inclusive sports in school and when we heard about this we thought it would be a great opportunity. It gets them to try different sport and not all these opportunities are available in school,” she said. Mike Eglesfield, previously the partnership development manager for the School Sports partnership but now a senior assistant teacher at various state schools, also visited for the day. He said: “We know every child across Worcestershire that has a disability and we know them quite well and it's my job now to work with school children and help them access the curriculum and, for me, especially sport. Sports on offer included individual events to team games, such as powerlifting, wheelchair rugby, fencing, sitting volleyball, sailing, tennis and archery. Mel Clarke, Worcestershire's own double Paralympic medallist for archery and an ambassador for the British Paralympic Association's Sports Fest event, was on hand to help people try out her sport. She said: “It was an opportunity to get athletes together and for the public to come and have a go at sports they may not have thought of trying out. “This could inspire someone to perform and ultimately represent their country, and maybe medal in future Paralympics.”On her first visit to the venue last week, the silver medal winner at last year's Games and bronze winner at Beijing 2008 said the arena would play a big role in ensuring sporting success following London 2012. “It's a fantastic venue,” she said. “It's a lot bigger than I thought, and to see the courts and the facilities inside is phenomenal – it's definitely up there with the best training facilities I've seen. “In general, facilities for disabled athletes are improving, and to be able to train somewhere of this standard will have a huge impact on athletes. “ The more accessible somewhere is, the less you have to worry about, and the better your training will be, so obviously that has a positive effect on performance.”The next Games are in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, and Mel is targeting a third successive medal in Brazil. The Great Britain team claimed 120 medals in London last year – 34 of them gold – in what was widely considered the greatest Paralympics in history. |
Instruction: The rest of this: These yoga relatives ask you to leave your traditional poses—and sometimes your underwear—at the doorThere are about a bajillion tips out there on how to keep the spark in your relationship alive and well, but unless you have loads of spare time, lingerie, and sexy candles we doubt you actually want to try them all. To cut through all the fluff, we give you our Love Hall of Fame. After years of getting the goods from countless experts, studies, and real people (that means you), we've netted the tips for improving your bond that continuously bubble to the top—because they work. Your heartbeats and breath will be in sync, making you feel more connected, and meditation is shown to put you in an empathetic, generous state of mind—perfect for sharing a chill evening together. As for its effect on sex, well, just consider where the Kama Sutra came from. It's cozy and romantic, and you can eat healthily more easily than you can in a restaurant. As for choice of cuisine, studies show that spicy foods increase blood flow, which can boost arousal—Mexican tonight, anyone? And make it a beach getawaywhile you're at it. Taking time off is essential to your mental health, and studies show that being near a body of water has a stress-reducing effect. Plus: Couples who trek together tend to have more sex together. Kisses on the neck, a shoulder rubdown, a nibble on the nips—it's all great foreplay, but hardly unpredictable. Want to mix things up? Get your feet in the game. Your toes and soles are jam-packed with nerve-endings, making your tootsies one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Not a foot person? These six tricks might just win you over. If you haven't tried bondage, make this your first foray. Using a scarf or necktie, loosely tie your partner's feet to the bedposts or legs of a chair, says Jessica O'Reilly, Ph. ## Astroglide's resident sex and relationships expert. He'll feel vulnerable and get to zone in on whatever naughty, pleasurable thing you do to him next. Just make sure to switch turns. “There's something sexy about playing the role of submissive and serving your lover, as long as it goes both ways,” says O'Reilly. Try washing your partner's feet, then place a pillow on your lap and give him a massage. Use your fingers to squeeze and knead all over, or hold the ankle steady with one hand while rotating the foot clockwise and counterclockwise with the other. It may sound elementary, but rubbing your toes along your partner's calves, feet, or inner thighs under the table is the perfect primer for sexy shenanigans, says O'Reilly. Slip your shoes off and don't make eye contact at first—then, once you've built up enough anticipation, send over that mischievous ‘let's get out of here' glance. Cold feet could literally be cock-blocking your pleasure: “Research suggests women are more likely to orgasm when their feet are warm, so have him rub them down with oil before you get frisky,” says O'Reilly. Giving the thermostat a boost before getting it on could help, too—and no judgment if your juices flow better with socks on. Some dudes will notice a pedicure—most won't. What they do see? Sexy, strappy heels and thigh-high stockings. Strut your stuff before having him unbuckle your shoes or roll down your tights in slo-mo. Glide your toes gently over your partner's sensitive zones (think: hips, penis, small of the back, or breasts if he's doing it to you. “No technique is universally loved or loathed, but a number of my clients rave about partners who gently brush their feet up against the penis—it's simultaneously pleasurable, taboo, and threatening,” says O'Reilly. Twenty five year old Mitali (name changed) hung around with the boys of her neighborhood quite often. She had grown up with them, went to school with them . even primary school with most of them, played galli-cricket with them all through her childhood, got into fights with them . and cried and made up with them after being soothed by each other's respective mothers. She was teased by them and loved by them and did all sorts of different activities with them, since she was considered one of the gang . One day four of the galli boys rang Mitali's door bell. Coming into the house, they bound her hands, gagged her mouth, gang raped her and broke the mandible bone on the right side of her jaw with crushing blows. Her mother returning from school, where she worked as a teacher, found Mitali unconscious on the floor. It was a long journey thereafter. And, yes, according to all the people around, it was a complex situation. Mitali could identify the boys of course. And of course there was no police complaint made since all the families were known and loved neighbours . not that this little piece of reality had deterred any of the boys. Predictably the onus of the rape came to Mitali. She had interacted too much with the boys; she was used to wearing unseemly clothes; she was wearing unseemly clothes on that day; she must have asked for it and initiated it. When asked for an explanation about the broken jaw, the boys were defended with ridiculous statements. The boys must have felt angry when Mitali initiated sex . and must have hit out on her as a mode for punishing her for her immodesty. They felt they needed to uphold morality. But why did they rape her then? Silence. The boys were asked the reasons for their act. ## They looked uncomfortable, ashamed, ambivalent, extremely afraid and shifty-eyed. They said she was too much of a tom boy . and she was there with them all the time. They said that they had grown attracted to Mitali and found no way of saying this to her, since she had been a neighborhood figure. They said they felt angry because they could not ‘propose' Mitali because they knew she would not just not reciprocate but probably laugh and even report to their parents. The conclusion of the whole situation was that Mitali had grown emotionally unstable after the event, which proved (mysteriously) that she had always been mentally ill somehow and acted provocative all along. Her family was blamed for not keeping an eye on Mitali . and her mother ...
Output: Completed pargraph(s): was blamed for being too much of a career and working woman . who had left Mitali to play in the galli since her childhood and allowed her to go to everyone's house only so that she would not have to worry about her upbringing. Her consent was presumed as given. It must have been a result of a fight between them, some said . Mitali must have done something. Consent and Mitali's age also became an issue for discussion. The fact that she was an ‘adult' made the idea of gang rape by close family and childhood friends an impossibility even in reckoning. Mitali and her family faced unspeakable violence even after the crime was committed and even after the physical wounds healed. They left the locality that had once been an extended family and home . the onus of this separation being obviously on Mitali. The fact that she was a female body that the boys had physical access to but no social access to, being reason enough for the rape simply went unnoticed and unarticulated. It was no wonder Mitali's mother thought that language was so full of mother-sister abuses that could keep men off the accessible bodies of even their family women . since in the absence of these social taboos and stigma attached to sexual violence with one's kinswomen, the desire to access all available female bodies would otherwise have run rampant among men. Not that incest was a lesser fantasy even in pornography. These abuse words were therefore producing the social body of women, that regulated sexual access to them and prohibited and stigmatized violence . while at the same time, obliterating women's personal and individual bodies . and their right to exist as free and safe persons outside relationships and outside home-spaces. all actually constitutes rape; beyond erotics and age . the question of ‘loose morals' and mental illness among women, that somehow questions the very basis of whether such women can be raped at all . all actually constitutes rape . We enter the violent world of those rapists, who insist on an infantile sexual fantasy about ‘natural' and homely women (against the made-out, empowered and public types) who can be better controlled to love the male narcissistic ‘item' . and love penetrative sex . in whatever context . ## the more anti-regulatory, the better the pleasure . We enter the world of those abusers who believe that women feel pleasure, or at least should feel intrinsically pleasured by pleasuring men. We enter the world of those men, who do not see the body of a woman as a ‘different' entity, ‘dissimilar' from their own as valid. We enter the world of those men who ‘dehumanize' women and children, since they not only don't understand women's pleasure as different from theirs . but feel threatened by this difference, since having a relationship with different persons requires hard work . the hard work of empathy that goes beyond the personal sexual experience. We enter the world of men who are trapped by their own attraction to these ‘different' women and resort to violence in order to gain control on them. Even if not sexual, we enter the world of men who control the bodies of women in one way or the other . in order to understand and mould their sexuality as comprehensible and socially so positioned, that a ‘no' in any context, simply becomes an impossibility . that if happens, can then be punished with violence. Dehumanization is a powerful tool that counterbalances man's innate nature to love another, make deep, lasting and enduring friendships that foster cooperation. Within contexts of excessive and rigid social hierarchy, wherein only competition exists among equals, there is no alternative to gaining and consolidating prerogative (through whatever means) except by seeking to obliterate equality and the possibility of threat. Equality would have to be derived and enforced externally, since each person would want to hierarchialize all relationships in order to survive a fine balance of experiencing libidinous freedom within the parameters of non-challenge and safety. The law of the jungle . where an external force mechanism enforces equality through the articulation of inequality and produces penalty . Yes, apes, dogs and monkeys are known to ‘rape'. However, it would be veering too much towards biological determinism to applying this logic to rapists by calling them animals. or in terms of legal frameworks . So two worlds exist hand-in-glove: the underbelly of jungle grows increasingly violent as the external enforcement against it that counterbalances it, develops greater nuances. But this is a trap again. Should we live in a state-less world free of regulation to reduce its violence? This question cannot be answered in language, or in cultural terms of measuring both violence and its punishment in order to reach that perfect balance. Each culture strives differently towards it and the world remains a changing place . where ownership gets defined with increasing violence every day. This is the only power most women have and it is indeed their deepest tragedy . that they need to keep the battle going even against those whom they love and fear to lose . constantly, simply because those whom they love and fear to lose remain violent. The demand for reciprocity from women castrates most rapists who are unable to ‘perform' in adult relationships and need to exert physical and systemic violence as retaliation for this. Rape within systems goes unreported and unacknowledged simply since it is a part of the system, wherein the abuser can simply deny his partner an adult role, laying charges of onus and consent or the lack thereof on her within the framework of mental illness or emotional instability. Relationships therefore may form the fora for equality within systemic violence wherein the relational pressure exerted by women often becomes a joke among men and performed by men for the benefits of others. Returning to Mitali's story, my mind becomes fogged with questions. I feel her body and mind from inside like my own . ## The circle of pain, humiliation, confusion, shame, betrayal, fear, anxiety, hatred, vulnerability, devastation . It does not even matter who Mitali really is . she lives in each one of us . who live as ‘rape-able' and dis-empowered ‘others' within patriarchy. Deepra Dandekar is a feminist historian working on narratives of religion, community and violence in. |
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hey anyone here know how to change the setting of clone cd ...
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so that i can burn m ultiple copies without station the program...
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Bot: again. thanksSorry for my dumbass question but I'm only new to this gig. I have some movie files on my HD that i want...
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Bot: to burn to a dvd. They are in windows movie files. How do I convert them to the right type of files to be played on my stand alone dvd player. I have Nero vision and can do them as a VCD disc but my old sony player dosent play back cdr's. It wont give me the option to burn them onto a dvd like I want to. I just bought a DVDR72 off of Ebay, thinking it was supposed to be Costco's identical version of the 75. It appears that there are 2 versions of the 72, a 72 and a 72/75. When you hit the edit menu (FSS) you only get “New Index picture” and “Divide title”. There appears to be no way to add chapter...
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Bot: marks during playback to hide commercials. This is also the way the FSS menu is displayed in the manual, although they say you can hide chapters. Does anyone know how this would work, they don't mention it again in the manual. Hello, Im new to these forums . Ive been told that the folk around here are the brightest when it comes to cd/dvd...
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Bot: burning questions . so I figured I would drop mine into the pool. what is the best choice in software to burn my backups? Right now Im using schtrom to rip my backups off the samsung, and gives me an . But, I havent started burning to DVD yet, because I dont know what software/process to use. Ive primarily seen people talk about ImgBurn...
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Bot: and Clone CD for xbox 360 backups. So what should I use? How do I use it? Ive read that with some software you use the . dvd file, and some you dont . some you insert layerbreak info, some you dont . Im just not clear on the process, so if anyone could help me out, I would really appreciate it. okay first...
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Bot: of all , congrats on the tools of choice you have made some excellent choices youve gone quality all the waynow for the burning choices , imgburn works good as long as...
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Bot: its set up right which isnt hard to do and of course is free. as for the layer break info there is no need to set this with imgburn as long as...
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Bot: you have the latest version its all automaticAs I understand, the pioneer 111D is ready to burn 360 games out-of-the-box, without any firmware upgrades,...
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Bot: or modifications. Its also my understanding that with other burners you need to set the mode to DVD-ROM, but apparently the pioneer 111d does that by default. Ill be getting the Pioneer...
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Bot: 111D and an external enclosure for it in the mail tomorrow. After I tear that box open like a kid on christmas, what do I need to do? How are is the install for an internal enclosure? Do I need to update the firmware? . any nuggets of wisdom here are much appreciated:)Ok ive got a bit of a problem. Went to the store yesterday and bought some cheap philips dvd+r dl disks, because they were on sale. Tryed to burn a virtua tennis game i dled, on imgburn and i ended up getting alot of errors at around 80% burn completion. ( im just gonna post the whole log)So ive wasted 1 disk, and i dont actually know why becuase I set the booktype to dvd-rom, and...
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Bot: the layer break to to 1913670, and i ended up with these errors. Today i tried to burn another copy with clonecd instead. Burning again at 2.4x speed. Once again the burning has failed. and i dont know why :(. It set the layer break to 1913670, and you cant booktype to dvd-rom in clonecd as it does it automaticlly for most drives. The thing is even if it diidnt booktype . the dvd should always still finsh burning and not get errors. I am very conserned if i am doing something wrong or it is the phillips media dvd+r disks. Im doubting it is my burner since it is nearly brand new and has all of the features and lastest firmwares for burning dual layer disks. according...
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Bot: to your imgburn log your file system is FAT32 . not sure how you were able to extract a file bigger than 4 GB...
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Bot: to your hdd, but you need to convert to NTFSalso, your 360 image may be damaged since your filesystem is FAT32 and not NTFS...
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Bot: . I'm not sure, so don't quote me on any of this . you might wanna research it further or wait for someone else to reply. He burns from drive C which...
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Bot: seems to be NTFS. His problem is the media, CMC based dual layer media with a Sony burner . very bad combination. this is...
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Bot: my first time finding out about backing up the 360 games so...
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Bot: bare with me i dont have any fancy dvd burners or anything i was just wondering if i can burn the images i get off of iso hunt on to a cd and play it in my x box without any mods or anythingI am curious to see if you get this to work. I wanna back up my XBOX disc as well. I...
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Bot: keep my XBOX on it's side, and particularly one time it was...
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Bot: knocked over while spinning . boy did it gouge GH2 disc, I only got it working by rubbing it out (with Mcguire's car polishes). (B)As I understand, the pioneer 111D is ready...
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Bot: to burn 360 games out-of-the-box(/B), without any firmware upgrades, or modifications. any...
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Bot: nuggets of wisdom here are much appreciated:)(/QUOTE)(QUOTE=adad22;1766589)Ok ive got a bit of a problem. ( im just gonna post the whole log) Seriously, it's more than likely the media. I know you...
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Bot: probably get tired of hearing to use Verbatim Dvd+R DL (MKM001, MKM003), but there are just no other quality DL disks out there right...
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Bot: now. There is a websight that sells a DL disk called MAM-A & I don't know anything about them, but I have tried all types of DL media with little to no...
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Bot: success, but oneday I will give these a shot & post my findings. :cool:when I/we LEARN how to back them up, I will do...
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Bot: them when the shrink wrap comes off the disc! Until then I am playing with fire. At Magora we design mobile and web B2B and B2C applications and bespoke software. We integrate them into fully-fledged business solutions, establishing a strong online presence for your company and maximizing your ROI. We care about your business goals; development is only part of the whole process. Our...
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Bot: work includes services to assist you with:We pay special attention to work with particular industry verticals. Magora team can present you sizable portfolios for...
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Bot: our priority directions such as Transport & Logistics, Medicine, Real Estate & Property Management and others. The Magora team was assigned to develop a geo-positioning-enabled iOS and Android app for the existing...
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Bot: web portal of a Canadian company. The app enables users to share their location with friends via Facebook and Twitter, upload photos and videos, attain bonuses for checking in and writing reviews of the brands they like. Magora managed to deliver a user-friendly business platform and gained precious experience of successful collaboration with the client's team of developers and designers. Globi Calls is a know-how VoiP (Voice over IP) + Server solution created by Magora. It was intented to solve a problem facing an international partner who needed to avoid wasting time and money on international calls within the company, whose personnel were working all around the globe in different time zones. The Magora developers built a new computer integration system consisting of the classic VoiP telephony and...
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Bot: integrated remote servers, one for each continent. Using this system, local connections within the company can be redirected to each other and each incoming call can be redirected to any internal company number at domestic IP-phone rates. This Magora development project is a food delivery platform intended to provide customers with an easy way to order lunch via an iOS or Android app and...
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Bot: have it delivered to them in minutes. The delivery time is automatically calculated based on the customer's location, whilst the location of the courier can be monitored in real time. The app...
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Bot: also offers notifications and an integrated payment system for credit and debit cards. The platform offers two user roles - courier and customer - removing middlemen between caterers and clients. The Magora team developed a virtual private network platform, working as SaaS for our West-European clients. This SaaS solution is intended for the Arab, Chinese and European B2C markets and provides cheap, stable and...
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Bot: secure mobile and web VPN access to bypass blocks and guarantee the safety of the user's private data. Complete solution provides the user's advanced functionality and connection speed. Pharm Card is a...
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Bot: software solution that includes an iOS mobile tablet PC app and web-based desktop application, created for an international pharmaceutical company. The Magora team helped to replace the hundreds of Excel files medical...
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Bot: reps had to fill out daily with a handy software tool with broad functionality, while the company's top management get full control over distribution and mid-level staff get a convenient tool with...
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Bot: a user-friendly web panel. Rotimatic is an IoT project based around smart kitchen robots, which Magora helped Singaporean business innovators bring to life. The software works in semi-automatic mode and can update the recipes of a special kind of bread - Roti - once connected to WiFi. ## Other options, such as remote sensor diagnostics, temperature/time/ingredient consumption control, and remote diagnostics are also available...
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Bot: Magora helped a world-renowned enterprise, the cleaning supplies producer Vileda, to build an Android tablet app for a large-scale Sales Tool project. With this...
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Bot: software system corporate buyers can cover all their cleaning supply needs, using...
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Bot: the intuitive, user-friendly interface to order accessories based on types of surface...
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Bot: by uploading interior photos into the system. The intelligent system recognises the photos and recommends supplies and equipment sets from those stored in its DB. Tebengan is a web platform for ride-sharing purposes. An intuitive software solution help drivers and passengers reach each other and have the best travel experience. The VPS software is an effective cargo ship performance management application. The app aims at automatization of analytical processes and assistance in decision-making practices. tellMasha is a mobile app for a multinational food corporation, Danone. The consumer-facing application enables users to participate and improve product quality control. ShowApp is a convenient and multifunctional mobile app that provides users with information about the exact kind of events they will find interesting. The Magora mobile app and web development team...
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Bot: have designed a special algorithm that measures user's preferences, subscriptions and geolocation before using them to find something that is going to catch their...
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Bot: attention. We are proud to say, that the bespoke business software we create is specifically geared to solve unique business problems. Now medical administrators...
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Bot: can precisely evaluate the cost-effectiveness of every procedure and treatment performed in their clinic, which helps them monitor and regulate their patient base. Magora's iOS developers and app designers are proud to...
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Bot: present a new educational project for iPhone. Core Power Golf was built exclusively for golfers. Magora has created a web program for online monitoring of retailers' pricing with an easy-to-read, multifunctional dashboard. Parking Guide is simultaneously a simple mobile tool with a pleasant, intuitive user interface and quite a complex application. Less than $10,000 (3)$10,000 to $49,999 (7)$50,000 to $199,999 (17)$200,000 to $999,999 (2)Confidential (2)Magora developed a custom e-commerce software system that features mobile apps and a web platform. The product automates manual processes and aggregates data to improve the product search function. Magora delivered an MVP that brought the initial concept to life perfectly. ## They maintained consistent and transparent communication and contributed innovative ideas. The platform combines ease-of-use with a transparent cost structure to enhance the...
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Bot: end-to-end purchasing process for consumers. Carvingo is an online trade service that sells products like automotive accessories both wholesale and retail. We're an official...
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Bot: reseller of spare parts for cars and motorcycles on the Russian Federation market. As the director general, I am the main decision maker for our company. We wanted to provide our e-commerce...
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Bot: retail customers with a convenient and automated tool to order our products. We hired Magora to develop a bespoke internet platform. Wholesale and retail customers in the Russian Federation are our target market. Our main goals are to increase the quantity of users and paid subscriptions and start a positive trend of user growth, revenue, and ROI. Qualitatively, we hope to improve our business...
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Bot: process and customer satisfaction through this development project. The scope of work includes every stage of the development cycle from ideation to support. Starting with a discovery phase, Magora helped us plan...
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Bot: a monetization strategy and brainstorm the design concept. The MVP is currently in progress. After completing development, the team will provide ongoing maintenance. Our software system is comprised of a web platform...
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Bot: and mobile apps. It automates the process of searching for spare car...
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Bot: parts online. Through our platform, customers can purchase both original products and cheaper substitutes based on the car's VIN-number. Our business compiles disaggregated data...
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Bot: distilled from several databases. To provide relevant search results, it automatically calculates a variety of factors. Magora built integrations with our suppliers' and contractors' software systems for compatibility with several payment tools that manage different currencies. A couple of years ago, we opened a competition for vendors to develop a microservice solution to replace our existing monolith software system. Magora had successfully implemented that type of project before and won our tender. In need of a new project development, we got in touch with the team directly. We've successfully developed the expansion project for the Russian market. Our convenient platform and transparent price policy will revolutionize the way buyers order spare car parts. Operating manually leads to frequent mistakes and drives up prices. With our new automation product,...
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Bot: we can remove the middleman, prevent errors, and reduce costs. Magora completed the discovery phase on time and within our budget. Currently, they're implementing...
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Bot: the MVP for the product. Magora is a very dynamic and creative team. They maintain an open line of dialogue and demonstrate out-of- the-box...
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Bot: thinking. Ultimately, they provided a brilliant realization of our ideas in the...
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Bot: tasks they implemented. We are very satisfied with our partnership and believe Magora will continue working at such a high standard in the future. Magora designed a series of UI/UX demo images...
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Bot: for a proposed financial website. They visualized a customer journey that included initial registration, account setup, and product purchasing. Magora's team took a business concept and translated it into a concrete demo...
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Bot: under a tight deadline. They communicated effectively and proved willing to undertake unusual projects. I'm not a designer, so I had them create what was essentially an online slideshow to demo the web platform I intend to build. They designed the UI/UX concepts for the proposed site and demonstrated a customer journey from initial registration to browsing for products and adding them to a...
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Bot: shopping cart. There were additional slides depicting user account features and functionality...
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Bot: My main point of contact was James, and then they assigned a designer. There was an additional designer based in Russia who occasionally joined...
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Bot: us for conference calls, but I'm not sure how they split the work. Before hiring Magora, we had a hard time getting people's attention...
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Bot: and creating enthusiasm for our product. Their demo work significantly increased our success at getting people to back our startup. They did well, considering that they weren't native English speakers and didn't have much familiarity with the British banking market. We had an initial meeting face to face, which helped with communication at the start, and then we kept in touch via phone, Skype, and email. They did the work well and delivered everything within their initial timeframes. We were under a tight deadline to have something to present for meetings and they took us from a blank piece of paper to a finished design very quickly. I only wish we'd had more time because I know they could have done even more for us. Don't be shy...
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Bot: about asking for what you want. Our project was a bit outside the realm of their normal jobs, but they embraced it and turned out good work. Magora provides front- and backend development services, as well as solution architecture for a community engagement platform. The platform was completed successfully and is currently in use by its intended audience. The team managed the project smoothly and ensured that their developers handled the work quickly and professionally. Tribus Australia is a community engagement platform aimed at enabling community groups to deliver community-led projects. We compared a wide range of vendors via a request for information process. Magora offered the best combination of cost, quality, and speed. ## They provide our entire software development capabilities, including the frontend, backend, and solution...
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Bot: architecture. They provided project management services for the project via an embedded project manager with the team. There are always challenges when working across...
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Bot: language barriers. Our project manager spoke English fluently though, so the issues were marginal. Magora worked on the iOS version of an application, providing backend development services with Java. They included features...
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Bot: such as integrated maps, currency converters, and reviews. Completed successfully, the application...
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Bot: met expectations and was developed well. They managed the project effectively, ensuring that work was tracked efficiently and communication was smooth at all times...
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Bot: I'm the managing director of a company developing a travel app. It allows users to keep journals and share their thoughts. They provided support on the iOS side and backend development using...
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Bot: Java. We sent them a list of the features we wanted, based on which they sent us a quotation. Users have access to maps and a currency converter, they can make reviews, and add photos and videos. The app also has a check-in functionality similar to Facebook's and creates a timeline of the trip. I had a sales contact and a project manager from...
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Bot: their side. I also worked with a Java team lead and a Java engineer. I found them on Upwork and saw they had quite a lot of experience in this field. Their...
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Bot: price was on par with their competitors, so we went ahead with Magora. We started working with Magora in May 2017. The project was completed around January 2018. There are still providing help with some small items. They did a good job in this respect. We worked on Upwork, through which they logged the number of hours spent on our project, also communicating using...
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Bot: Skype. I had a call with their project manager every week, going through what they had achieved, and whether the work met my requirements or not. The process was smooth. Magora provided design solutions for a social networking iOS app. Working from written guidance, they developed the app's UI design, including visual elements, layout, and logo options. They provided good design work in a...
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Bot: timely manner. ## Their reliability and consistency were strong and they were...
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Bot: mindful of scheduling and budgetary needs. We developed and coded our app in-house, but don't have an internal design team. We wanted a company to help with that aspect of the build. We provided them with a basic blueprint for the number of screens we wanted and reasonably detailed requests for each screen. They designed each screen's icons, colors, fonts, and layout. Their main...
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Bot: objectives were to make our concepts useful and improve the UI design. We provided written guidance to describe our brand vision and potential logos. We looked over their work on a weekly...
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Bot: basis over four to five weeks. We provided comments and feedback before receiving the next iteration from them. We had an account manager who acted as our main initial contact and worked...
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Bot: with us throughout the project. He provided quotes and introduced us to members of the design team. We were also in direct contact with a lead designer. They approached a friend of...
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Bot: ours who knew we were looking for a team like theirs. We had poor experiences with three individual freelancers in the past and decided we wanted to work with a company. The...
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Bot: quality of their design work is very good. We are satisfied with what they delivered and their cost. They were very timely. They did very well, particularly in light of experiences we've...
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Bot: had with freelance designers. They started and finished on time, produced work reliably, and made the whole process seamless. We interacted with our contacts via email or Skype whenever we needed. Early in the process, they delivered work that was inadequate. That could have been avoided with a more thorough read through our design brief. After that initial hiccup, they progressed nicely. Make sure...
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Bot: you brief the design team on all your expectations, likes, and dislikes. Put in the time early on to discuss all the design aspects...
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Bot: and you'll be satisfied with the results. They work hard and are reliable. ## Magora's collaborative efforts led to high-quality deliverables that exceeded expectations...
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Bot: and specifications. Throughout the ongoing development process, they remain responsive and receptive...
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Bot: to any necessary changes to the app's design. Magora and I initially discussed the best development options that would take my app to fruition. They then sent over a powerpoint presentation that outlined their experience with development projects similar to mine, as well as their specific plan for my app. After we agreed on a plan, we moved into the discovery phase which entailed laying out the basic workflow for the app's development and fleshing out the app's requirements and features. Based on that, Magora created a visual prototype and wireframe that lay out the groundwork design for the app. Initially, my primary contact was Magora's head of new business acquisition. They then assigned me a project manager who now serves as the primary day-to-day contact for the...
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Bot: project. Their head of new business acquisition checks in every couple weeks...
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Bot: and remains available if I ever need to speak with him. I...
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Bot: did a fair amount of market research, using both Clutch. co and a variety of other sources to compile a list of companies to look into. Magora received great ratings, particularly on Clutch, and seemed to have a good rapport with the companies they've worked with, so I decided they were the best choice for my project. I began partnering with them at the...
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Bot: end of December 2017. The engagement is ongoing, but I haven't decided whether I will continue to work with them through the next phases...
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Bot: of development. They produce very high-quality, professional work that meets my specifications. They're also very receptive to any changes I need to be made...
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Bot: They did a good job; they were very responsive to my needs and expectations. We communicated primarily through Skype, email, and phone calls. For project management tools, we use Google Docs to...
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Bot: keep track of our progress. I found their professionalism and collaborative effort most impressive. They provided me with a definitive and accurate timeline of when they would deliver on each project milestone. They were also very receptive to my ideas, while also providing me with some of their own. As a result, our communication was never robotic; we had a very productive partnership. They're...
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Bot: on the more expensive side, but they provide high-quality work so it's generally worth the cost. we're very pleased with their code quality. It's...
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Bot: very responsive and does exactly what we want.”Magora is rebuilding an ecommerce site to be more customizable and secure using the LAMP model. They...
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Bot: are coding it with C++, PostgreSQL, Java, and Python. The site has yet to gather external feedback, but internally, the coding is considered excellent...
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Bot: Magora is able to meet all expectations with little need for revision. Despite the time difference, they respond to all needs in a timely manner. Our site platform was built on Wordpress, and we wanted to rebuild it on a much more secure and flexible platform. Wordpress didn't work as well with different APIs we wanted to further our venture. We also wanted a...
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Bot: new vendor because our vendor at the time wasn't very responsive to our requests to customize the site. Magora rebuilt our website using the LAMP model with C++, PostgreSQL, Java, and Python. That enabled additional functionality for the site, such as the ability to create our own customer categories, which allows us to customize the shopping experience for our users and provide more compelling...
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Bot: content. For instance, we're now able to build and customize a category...
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Bot: for Valentine's Day that can include flowers, chocolate, rings, and other holiday-appropriate items. We work with a project manager, a business analyst, and an account manager. Although there are other business analysts and developers that work on this project, I only speak to those three. We sent out an RFI to companies through UpWork. We had about four companies reaching out, including Magora, that had the price range that we needed. We ultimately chose Magora because their bid to work with us was extremely professional. While the other companies didn't provide us with much information on their plan for our site, Magora gave us a 10-page Powerpoint listing the milestones they intended to meet, the price estimates, coding language they intended to use, etc. They also listed other...
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Bot: loyalty programs they had worked on prior to us and which examples best fit the model we were trying to approach. Magora was also...
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Bot: able to do development for iOS and Android, which is something we are interested in for the future. The site is currently in Amazon Web Services Micro Instances so we can run practice demos. We don't have any external feedback yet, but internally, we're very pleased with their code quality. Magora is very good at capturing our expectations. For instance, I gave them a...
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Bot: verbal description on Skype of what I wanted our categories to look like. They were then able to code and build that out without...
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Bot: us having to suggest alterations. I'm pleased with them. Because I only interacted with three members of their team, it made it easier to relay on questions, comments, or concerns I had...
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Bot: Although they are a Russian-based firm, their command of the English language is very impressive. They're very responsive to us, despite the 12-15 hour...
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Bot: time difference. They're also understanding to the fact we're a start-up. When we had some funding challenges, they were accommodating and flexible, which was greatly appreciated. They use an agile project methodology,...
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Bot: but they didn't provide any visual representation of the website's progress that I could bring back to our investment team. It would be great if they could provide a Gannett chart or another kind of visual project tracker I could use, as opposed to having to build my own Excel spreadsheet. Magora created an MVP for an educational startup, using Agile methods for development. The platform itself was created with . js, with features including maps, payments, and scheduling. The Agile sprints provided focus and trust in the team's impressive responsiveness and delivery capabilities. Though the MVP has been passed to a new developer, Magora continues to utilize their skillset as a consultant. Eurekly, a New-Zealand-based startup, is an online educational platform that provides tools for one-on-one lessons...
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Bot: I'm a project manager in charge of delivery. Magora handled the design and development of the web-based project. We initially worked on the architecture and UX components. We provided detailed documentation of what was needed, along with mockups. Once those were approved, we moved to the development stage, for which we followed Agile practices, with two-week sprints. We identified the scope of each sprint...
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Bot: together, deployed biweekly, and signed the work off. The technology stack included . NET on the backend and React. I interacted with the entire team during general catchups, though mainly with the technical lead and the designer. Before we started development, we did a lot of work with their UX designer. We didn't create a regulated tender. There was a shortlist of candidates we...
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Bot: selected by reading testimonials online. We submitted our project for them to scope and decided based on the price/quality ratio offered by Magora. We're happy with what they delivered. They stuck to the scope of the task, it was timely and of good quality, and communication was great. Our team still consults Magora from time to time, as they have great expertise regarding our project. Everything has been good. Site metrics wouldn't be relevant, given that we built an MVP with Magora and moved development to another team. The site is functional, but we are tweaking and tuning marketing-related components, and it's not live yet. After seeing a bit of traffic and a response, we will adjust accordingly. I handled project management for most of the collaboration. A...
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Bot: manager from Magora was only involved in the last couple of weeks, while finishing the project and creating paperwork. They used Redmine as an...
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Bot: issue-tracking system. It was set up for us and proved a convenient tool. We used Skype to communicate daily. They were 100% responsive. They...
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Bot: provided an excellent ratio of quality, price, and communication. The team was quite positive and had our best interests in mind. Anytime someone works with a contractor, they need to follow what's best for the project. For us, working on a scrum basis was ideal—making small builds and deploying the work. Magora developed a custom application for Windows as part of a telephone system. They used the system's APIs, designed the application's look and feel, and developed its functionality and user input interface. The completed application has received positive feedback from its customers, but its most significant contribution is in the complete solution it now forms a part of. The team was responsive throughout, addressing any issue that arose professionally and quickly, and managing the project seamlessly. Integrics...
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Bot: is a software development company creating a product called Enswitch, a platform...
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Bot: used by companies looking to offer B2B telephone services. I am a...
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Bot: support person within the company and provide high-level support to customers experiencing...
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Bot: issues and also manage the development of the product. Our customers are looking for a complete solution. We wanted to make sure we covered every possibility the end-user could have a need for. We had a gap as we did not meet Windows users' needs and wanted to develop a product to address that. The interface is for our telephone system and what they created is a complete application. There hadn't been a Windows program in place before. They used our documentation to access the telephone system via an API and started developing it, creating the look and feel of the application, as well as its internals: how it works and how it interfaces with user input. We initially worked with a single project manager who set us...
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Bot: up with a developer and handled the consultation process with our customer, discovering what they wanted in the product. From there, we set up an hourly rate quote and they assigned one...
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Bot: main developer for the work. From time to time, there has also...
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Bot: been a business manager to oversee the project. Aside from the main developer, they also made use of a couple of dedicated test people...
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Bot: We looked for a company which could handle development and found Magora on Upwork. We wanted a professional development company with dedicated project managers and testers. I could see the advantage Magora could bring due to their scale and dedicated resources. They did well in terms of managing the project and testing our product, and this was due to their wide expertise. The product is now in maintenance mode. Occasionally, users come up with bugs which need to be fixed, but our major work with Magora has concluded. Metrics are difficult for us to measure, given that we don't have any end-users ourselves. We give the software to the businesses who purchase our telephone systems, who then give it to their end-users. We don't have exposure to them,...
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Bot: plus the software is quite a long-term investment, not necessarily something which customers will give to their users straight away. We have had feedback from our customers' technical people. They think it's...
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Bot: good, but the comments have been limited. The important thing is that our company can now provide a Windows application, so we can be assured we have a complete solution. They have...
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Bot: always been responsive. At one point, we had an issue with the estimate for a particular feature, which ended up taking longer to make. We asked about the increased cost and ultimately...
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Bot: resolved the issue. They admitted that it didn't go very well and asked what they could have done better. I told them that we...
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Bot: should be made aware in advance when something might take longer, and they updated their processes accordingly. They seemed keen to take on our feedback. The project management was the most impressive aspect. As far as development goes, they did a perfectly good job, but there are many other companies which could have done the same. In terms of managing it from the client's side, my life can be made easier by the team remaining responsive and testing the work well. The inaccurate estimate was an issue at the time, but in the grand scheme, it wasn't a large one. The biggest issue was that we wanted them to include a software telephone in the application, which involved using a software library they were unfamiliar with. This will...
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Bot: always be a challenge, and in this case, it led to multiple bugs which needed to be fixed. They could have been more robust...
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Bot: in their testing at that point. It was a piece of feedback we gave them. Overall, they did quite well. I don't have any specific advice to Magora. For someone hiring any software developer, it's important to provide good specifications of the desired product, maintain communication, and offer feedback. At some point, we were waiting for deliverables to arrive, mainly when using the telephone...
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Bot: libraries. Magora built an iOS app to streamline ordering food. The app functions in real time and has three interfaces: admin control, customer, and chef, depending on the user. Though still in...
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Bot: the final stages, the app works well and has received positive feedback. Additional features will be integrated later, and any problems that appear are quickly solved. Price and process were somewhat confusing...
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Bot: initially, but Magora quickly improved communication. We wanted to find a way to streamline ordering and serving food at our branch; it was too...
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Bot: time-consuming and not efficient, so we needed to partner with a dev company to replace the manual process with technology. Initially, we were using a generic point of sale system, but we realized that it wasn't meeting our needs as a buffet restaurant. We talked with Magora until they understood our business challenges and what we wanted from the app. They came up with...
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Bot: a solution and we workshopped it until we reached a final idea, then they began developing the app. The engineer team focused on making the app user-friendly, and they eventually ended up giving it three interfaces. The first is our backend admin panel where we can edit the menu items, control log ins, etc. The last two are made for an iPad or other...
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Bot: iOS device, and they're focused on the ordering. Customers can log in and place the order, and chefs can log in and look at the orders being placed. Everything is in real time, so the orders get sent to the kitchen right away. I work directly with the sales manager, project manager, and a business analysts who oversees all the designs. I assume they...
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Bot: have a larger team they all work with. I received quotes from four different companies, two of which were in India and had lower prices. Magora was a higher price, but I chose them because their proposal document was promising and they seemed able to provide exactly what we needed. Right now, we have the minimal viable product. We're still doing some debugging, but...
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Bot: the app's fully functional, and I've been setting up my team on it for about two weeks. It's a good product, and we're excited for some additional features we want to add...
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Bot: in the future. Their communication is clear, and they don't hide anything from us. They use a management tool that lets us track their...
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Bot: work in real time to see what they're currently do, any problems, future projects, etc. They usually respond to any emails or questions within a day. Magora listened to us throughout the project and had excellent customer service. We needed a product that worked well but that was also custom-designed for our specific needs and business model, and they met those expectations. During the...
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Bot: price negotiation, I was a bit confused about the technical work they mentioned, so a better explanation of that to non-tech-savvy people would be helpful. It would make the process and price clearer so that everyone knows what to expect. |
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We have a wide selection of dumpster sizes in stock in Meadville, MO, with flexible & timley pickup and delivery. You may be carrying out extensive work with your bathroom along with plan on shredding out the porcelain tile in your rest room or having a person else do it. The person carrying it out will be able to quickly throw the old tiles along with old cracked tiles out there safely to the dumpster. Another time when you might want to go this route will be when you're transferring. Sometimes, you've got large rubbish that you are unable to fit into the black rubbish bag, including old bookcases, workstations, or cardboard boxes. Guaranteed, you might not complete the container to the top of the glass, but it will sure you could make your life simpler to toss the rubbish in and have someone else haul it away when you're performed. Some corporations offer Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO along with garbage container rental services that collect junk from you along with recycle the item. Hence they get you rid of the trash along with performing it in an eco-friendly method. The company an individual assign to complete the job will provide you with the bin or even dumpster of a big or even small sizing depending on the amount of trash. An ordinary example of this kind of dumpsters and containers can be seen with the construction web-sites. They may be provided by the company providing you services in several shapes and sizes. Place the the order of a big bin or even dumpster for more rubbish and smaller sized ones at a lower price garbage. Every single project is manufactured simpler and simpler with swift trash removing. Cleaning out your shed and getting rid of unwanted cracked equipment including old rakes along with shovels can be carried out quickly without needing to pile the trash out by the highway and desire that the local trash pickup truck takes the full pile. You may take the guesswork out of organizing your storage area, basement, or even shed by reduction of the need to make use of local rubbish pickup. Structure projects may also be made easier as one dumpster can handle old appliances, drywall, bathroom fixtures, twisted material and cracked glass. De-stress your home jobs by calling or ordering online the Maryland Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO. When you have a major cleanout task to do, you may want help getting all of that junk and rubbish out of the building and off of the property. Attract a professional junk removal crew to speed inside the process. Your den may be the place you check out, to get away from by far the every day stresses. Maybe you stay in your den to read a book or the paper. You may even take clients to your den if you work from home. If this describes the case, you will need a den that's comfortable but professional looking. Keep in mind that you are ordering a rubbish dumpster for the city with no landfill so be sure of the size of the actual dumpster required if you're not sure of the size, get assistance from the Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO company. Be sure of the actual Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO period prior to going to order 1. A company that's transparent to use pricing can help you at the best lawn mowers of giving you the first sort notice about the fee that you are going to be billed. These companies will best assist you in getting the suitable sized dumpster at best price. The larger the ability of the rent the dumpster unit, your deeper they generally tend to grow. The reason being most companies make use of a standard sized frame so your different storage containers can be taken away around easily. This can be a dilemma for people who get large dumpsters but need to get heavy products inside. If that's likely to be so for you, ensure that to request that the rental comes with alterations for ease of access, most depots shouldn't have any trouble generating suitable adjustments as long an individual let them know what exactly you need. Many people goes their entire existence without previously needing to enter into Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville. Others may do it on a daily basis. But for those in between, it could possibly seem like a labyrinth whenever deciding how to go about it. Maybe you have a huge celebration in the arranging and need an easy method to dispose of all of the trash. You might be planning a huge demolition and need a fast place to shop debris without having to take countless outings to the dump. Whatever the reason, you will find people that may help you get precisely what you need. There are number of Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville companies in the market who can direct you towards this value. This is the lowest priced way of wiping out huge numerous piled up junk in the shortest time doable. Dumpster rental companies propagate across the industry will be equipped with wide verities of dumpsters to suit your unique requirements, but a spin off dumpster would have been a best option to get rid of the trash with community cleanup. As of The new year, televisions, computers, laptops and monitors usually are banned in the garbage in accordance with Brand new Jersey's Electronic Spend Management Work (Act). Area cleanups are becoming more and more popular as being the citizens take back their communities one block at a time. Economical dumpster can be delivered the very next day. Your neighbors most enjoy taking part in a cleanup day that has construction dumpster renting. Keep significant trash including furniture over sidewalks as it waits regarding trash pick-up and obtain the back yards sparkling cleanse by using a Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville. Renting a dumpster provides the community jointly and eliminates excess junk quickly and easily. Everyone is able to throw away the that has loads up all around their homes, roads, etc within a easily hired and delivered dumpster. There is no need to carrier the items currently being disposed consequently a dumpster creates trash removal and cleanup day or perhaps week easy for everyone. Keep the neighborhood junk free by having a community cleanup day. A construction Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville can make your project common and swift; everyone are going to be happy to take part. When you rent the dumpster look for built to be on tires to make the task much easier available for you and/or your service provider hired to complete the task. What is the cause of these mishaps? It is ecological imbalance that is certainly caused credited to solid squander generation and industrial contaminants in the talk about. In this article, permit us talk about stable waste technology in the talk about and its effects on the surroundings. The stable waste technology in the talk about amounts to 62 to 80 tons per day. We will prevent the Tropical isle from currently being hit simply by natural disasters if we strive abate the effects of some troubles like stable waste technology in the Tropical isleA very important factor to remember whenever loading upward any dumpster accommodations, is that no matter how much room may stay ...
Assistant: Completed pargraph(s): in the trash can, if you are packing it up along with heavy content you have to end up being extremely very careful to not review the specified bodyweight limits. That you do, not only will it cause problems when it comes to the actual rental company attempting to take the container away, nonetheless it can also guide to you having to pay one more charge therefore. Why are these services beneficial for you actually? Be it redesigning your home or maybe constructing a replacement, you just have so much to do apart from disposing that will trash at the end of the day. You have to take charge on the interior, piece of art, dcor, having an experienced caterer in a get together. It really is a full time job. You can even opt for these services if you need to conveniently eliminate the trash that a barbecue get together left behind. There are numerous sizes of dumpsters available to remove huge tonnage of trash. Sizes of dumpster are usually 3-5 yard, 6-8 property, 10-15 yard, 30 yard, Thirty yard, and also 40 property dumpster. The customers contain the flexibility to increase the risk for choice as a result. Whenever you go, you all of a sudden discover simply how much junk along with clutter you'd probably been maintaining around in your house. There's no need to load up that garbage and carry it with you. Renting a new dumpster before you go lets you eliminate the garbage while you load up, and it gives you the ease of possessing all of the garbage get hauled away immediately. Having a Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO to get rid of harmful squander is a simple yet extremely effective method of eradicating undesired substances in the general living space. The need to be more thrifty in the ways we dispose of squander are so broadly sought after through the general public that will even the U . Government offers substantial benefits to tax payers whom recycle. Consumers are seeing the advantage of doing their part as it provides to do with spend management. Suppose there were hard ways to get rid of waste materials in a neighborhood, group, city, etcetera. Not any owner of a house or design project is going to be aware of the right industry that will recycle the garbage in an successful manner or maybe have enough time to increase the risk for trash reach the industrialist. Disposing the garbage to the right location is just a mouse click away. You will find number of Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO businesses available online to handle the task for you personally. As a company, you must create strong doing work relationships to make sure that your needs are usually met. You don't want an untrustworthy service that could end up costing you in the long run. You want someone you are able to count on. Encouraging a strong experience with different spouses, especially a new Construction Dumpster For Rent in Meadville, MO company, implies that you can rely on them to be presently there on time when the project begins. You don't have to worry about your job getting held up because the dumpster didn't present, thus keeping your project about its time stand. From the center of a clutch of undead and pirates standing with open sacks on my front porch, she chimes, “I'm a princess.”She takes two fun-sized sweets from the basket. “I see! What is the name of your country, Princess? ”She buckles her brow while the others dip into the stash. “I'm dressed UP as a princess,” she says, unbuckling. I could have stayed longer in Switzerland. My welcome was robust, and I was so at home. And yet, when I made my travel plans last summer, I wanted to be back by Hallowe'en. I'm happy feeding the goblins. Last year, the porch was dark. I took the bag of treats to my dad's house. My brother answered the door. I'd spent half the day planting tulips, narcissi, crocus, and lilies in a new garden. Or was that the next day? A crew of painters worked on the trim of the portales framing two sides of the garden. One of the young men listened to his i-phone, the 1930's sound track to The Wizard of Oz. “If pretty little bluebirds fly . I remembered Dad telling me what a crush he had on Judy Garland. Dad was big on beautiful girls. A storm was blowing in. The year before that, I had to put a gate across the studio door. Willie the terrorizer was definitely against the idea of ghouls and toddling bunnies at the front door. This year, the flat corner lot is spooked by Edward the Handsome, a pure white cat, his sea-green eyes pale in twilight. I don't remember if Ed hid from the begging mobs at Dad's door last year. Last night, however, he curled and closed his eyes on the futon. To say Ed is happy I've returned from Switzerland wouldn't be a stretch. He's spent the last two nights curled up against me in bed and breathes easy now in my lap, head bowed, ears still, answering my slight movements with tiny grasps of his huge, polydachtyl paws. While I prepared to depart home for home, Sandy blew up the East coast. Friends on both sides of the pond worried about my flights. There was little room in me for angst as I filled my senses with final views of the village I love. Still, in thoughts that crackled like static, I wondered how new blogging friends, Kevin and Donna, were faring. Last I heard, long-ago sweetheart, Les, was living and golfing on Long Island. High school theatre comrades, Erik and Susie, pursued their dreams in NYC. Was everyone safe? How oddly grounding to have my thoughts returning to these people never-seen or last seen forty years ago as the hours droned by and the plane chased the sun to Chicago. I'm just about 40 hours back in the gardenhood. Leaves cover lawn and beds, collect in small drifts by the chain-link fence, a perfect haunted look for celebrating the supernatural. I've dragged the hose all around, run the duster over the creaking floor gathering up Ed's generous offerings of kitty down, unpacked my suitcase, and sorted all the contents. I've answered all the emails, generated a few more, filled out my mail-in ballot, and paid my bills. With business taken care of and vampires plied with candy, some not-yet-returned part of my consciousness believed I would wake up this morning under Mucca and Maria's roof. Like Griffin in Men in Black III, parallel universes converge and separate behind my eyes. While part of me still walks here, behind Maria and little Anna-Lu, having just bought 6 loaves of fresh bread from a farm an hour's walk through woods and pastures. The newly homeless from Sandy's wake, like those from the Waldo Canyon fire, sleep in so many hotels, spare bedrooms, and livingroom floors, certain cells of their being wondering where they will awaken. Where does a dream end and life begin? By grace, no trauma has tossed me home from home. I'm returning by dreamy, gentle stages to the gardenhood. Yes, and though my costume is downy from a lap-full of cat, I'm still dressed up as a grown-up. Posted in gardenhood, living as the present changes,. |
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Breeze natural garden the paradise on earth offers 20 independent 3 and 4 BHK villas elegantly poised at the pastoral beauty of Mangad, Kannur. Where unmatched quality goes hand-in hand with affordable rates . where aesthetic beauty in a clean, green environment is coupled with all the most modern amenities for a heavenly and tranquil lifestyle. an investment for generation . Random Rubble Foundation with plinth belt and Laterite masonry walls, R. C slopped first floor slabs with Mangalore pattern tiles. Fully vitrified (RAK or equivalent) Tiles for common areas and Bed room, and anti skid Tiles floor for Bath rooms, work area and porch. Premium Emulsion Paint with putty finish for internal walls, weather shield paint for external walls ,enamel paint for wood work and grills. You were sporting your brand-new diaper bag over your shoulder, packed neatly. It zipped completely closed and most likely didn't have a single stray Goldfish cracker in it or smell of spilled milk. I imagine that your spare sleepers and receiving blankets were folded perfectly inside it and you completely unpack it and pack it each time you leave your house. Your significant other was pushing your super, cute brand new baby boy who was wearing an adorable brand, new hat and sleeper in your brand, spankin' new stroller with the spiky pieces of rubber still on the tires and all kinds of clean, new gadgets hanging off of the handle. You were having a sweet, little family outing to print your baby's newborn photos you probably just picked up from your photographer. I think it's fair to assume that you are going to print a set for each of your family members, wait while they print then go home, write on the back of each one of them and deliver them to each family member before your sweet new baby's umbilical cord has even fallen off. You walked into the photo area of Walmart and were alarmed at the heinous sounds coming out of my shopping cart. My 5 month old son was screaming his head off. I realize it sounded like he was badly hurt, violently ill or starving to death. He was just tired and is going through a phase where he needs to be at home, in his cradle to fall asleep. (Who doesn't prefer the comforts of their own bed? ) He has achieved a new level of awareness which is incredibly awesome when he recognizes me, his father and his sister and can grip toys and follow my hand motions when I play with him. He reacts with giggles when I make a funny face or sound and smiles at his sister when she mimics me and does the same. This same level of awareness also makes it so he now knows he is tired and isn't at home. There are bright lights, loud and unfamiliar sounds, smells and voices and even though he is so tired, there is no way he is going to fall asleep here cuddled up with his favourite blanket, in his comfy car seat inside my shopping cart. The other high-pitched sounds you heard that were enough to make your significant other give you the sign that he was going to walk your sweet, new baby elsewhere before he was startled and awakened was my 16 month old daughter screaming at the top of her lungs with huge tears coming down her cheeks. Again, it may have looked like she had just been seriously hurt or was starving to death but she has actually just reached a new milestone: walking. It took her a while to get the hang of it but she is walking and walking well. Walking has given her a new sense of independence. She wants to walk everywhere. She wants to walk around stores, our neighbourhood, our house and anywhere else she happens to go. However, at 16 months of age, she is in this incredible discovery stage. She wants to touch, eat and climb everything. She is also not yet at an age where she understands to stay close, come back or not to touch. When we go on outings just the two of us, she walks around and I follow her and make sure she is safe and not destroying things. When it is just me with both babies, she has to stay in the cart. I know this because I have tried a few times to let her walk while I chase her and stop her from pulling things off shelves or getting run over by other shopping carts while pushing my son in his stroller. It's not fun and it's not safe. I only have two hands and two eyes. If I have to chase after her then I am not giving my son my full attention. It's a crazy world out there. It's not worth the risk. So, just so you know, she is relentlously screaming at the top of her lungs because she wants out of that cart and to walk around. And, yes, I may have cut this quick outing a little too close to naptime. It happens a lot because it seriously takes me 3 years to actually pack and leave the house to go anywhere. and they very rarely nap at the same time! )You were at the photo machine next to me and pulled your CD out of the front pocket of your diaper bag at the same time as I shoved the disc I had just finished with into my purse. We made eye contact as you opened your case and inserted your CD into the machine while I pulled my next CD out of its paper envelope only to realize that the paper is stuck to the CD because it somehow got wet and the envelope adhesive is stuck to the top of the disc. How is it wet? Oh right . after cleaning up an explosive baby sneeze in the parking lot, while loading up my cart with babies, I did not close up my container of baby wipes in my purse and they managed to magically moisten the envelope just enough to make this experience a little more complicated than it was already. We chat friendly, small talk chat as much as we can over my crying babies as you select your photos and I peel pieces of paper off my disc so it won't jam up the photo machine when I try to insert it. You're scared of what the future holds and I'm sorry for doing that to you. It's usually not this bad. In fact, I'm quite confident you had the unfortunate luck of seeing us at our absolute worst. Even when it is this bad, it's really not as bad as it looks. If my midgets were crying because they were sick or hurt, it would be bad but they are just singing the songs of their people to let me know that they just aren't happy. My son, because I disturbed him from the nap he had started on the car ride here and my daughter because she sees a million things she wants to touch and can't from her seat in the cart. We're running errands at Walmart. Who is happy? If it was socially acceptable for me to cry hysterically, I would too. (And if ...
<assistant> Completed pargraph(s): they keep this up much longer, I just might. I've come to accept that occasional crying is okay. You show me one of your newborn photos and tell me that your son is now 3 weeks old. I show you the maternity shot I'm printing from when my 16 month old daughter was 8 months old and my 5 month old son was in utero. Yes, I'm a little behind schedule to say the least. I also had the disc from my babies' last photoshoot in my purse but I think we both know why I decided to finish up here and print those ones another time. You noticed that I was shoving my disc back inside my purse that could barely close and politely ask how I manage to keep everything in just a purse. I know you're thinking “You have two babies. Where is your diaper bag? Where is your stroller? ”Well, my diaper bag has a V6 engine, all-wheel drive, 6-speed transmission, dual exhaust and 305 horsepower. (If you're wondering if I googled my mom-mobile's specs for dramatic effect, the answer is “Of course I did! ”) That's right. Today (and a lot of days) my diaper bag is my car. My car is well-stocked at all times with a double stroller, booster seat, backup diaper bag filled with diapers, wipes, spare outfits for Miss 16 months, spare outfits for Mr.5 months, Gerber sweet potato treats in at least 2 cupholders, cheerios, Goldfish crackers, nursing pillow, nursing cover, toys, blankets, change pad, extra wipes, receiving blankets, hand sanitizer and lots more . especially if you count milk splatters and look between the seats (Yikes! ) With one baby, I could bring a diaper bag into a store with me and either push baby with one hand and hold a shopping basket with the other or I could put baby into a cart and pack groceries, etc. With two babies, I am much more limited. I can't carry a shopping basket because my double stroller is just too damn heavy to push and steer with one hand. Plus, I can only fit so much “stuff” in the storage basket under the stroller without hearing a request for a security surveillance scan come over the store's intercom because I look like I'm shoplifting. So, I resort to my current favourite method: Miss 16 months in the seat of the cart, Mr.5 months in his infant carseat inside the cart and purse, no diaper bag. Why no diaper bag? Because the only room I have for carrying stuff I actually want to buy is under the cart and strategically around the infant carseat that is sitting inside the cart (far enough away from baby boy so he doesn't get crushed by grocery items yet far enough from baby girl so she doesn't eat/crush/throw/suck on/break anything. This looks like chaos but it is well-organized strategic planning. “What if one of them needs a diaper change? ” The short answer: we go out to the car. The longer explanation: I do always have a diaper in each baby's size and wipes in my purse for “just in case” purposes. However, public washrooms are nasty to begin with and it is physically impossible for me to change Miss 16 months as she flails like a dolphin out of water trying to touch, lick and grab everything in sight AND make sure that Mr.5 months old is safe and also clean and not coming into contact without any public washroom nastiness. Reverse poopy babies and it's even worse. I then have to try to change baby boy while baby girl attempts to bungee-jump out of the cart, reach out and touch everything, eat everything, throw all of our gear on the washroom floor faster than I could ever possibly prevent it from happening. Shiver* I picture a swarm of bacteria covering us all just thinking about it. It is safer, easier and cleaner to just leave the store and change diapers in our baby-mobile. And when I say cleaner, I do not mean clean as much as I mean “just our mess and germs” rather than the world's mess and germs. Grabby, curious, hands with no concept of germs or “Please don't touch that! ” = Ewwwwwwww! ! ! ! ! I would basically have to hose both babies down and burn everything we had with us in order to come out of this alright. So, when a change is needed, we go out to the car where I can make sure both babies are safe. I usually pop the hatch-back trunk and lay them down there and get ‘er done. Yes, changing your baby in your trunk is weird but it's safer, easier and cleaner. So that's why I have 2 screaming babies with no stroller and no diaper bag in sight. I'm not saying I'm not losing my mind at times but this is actually planned. You continued to select your cute photos as I shoved my discs back in my purse and waited for the little receipt to print that you bring to the counter to order your photos. At the exact millisecond that I turned my back to grab the receipt, my daughter stopped screaming because she saw an opportunity to grab my discs out of my purse along with my car keys and throw them all over the floor. She laughed thinking this was hilarious! (See! She's fine! Just bored and strong-willed! ) When I picked them up, shoved them back in my purse and zipped it shut so she couldn't reach them, the screaming started again. I apologized to you for all the noise again. Just so you know, even though when I went up to the counter and the photo clerk told me that they weren't very busy today so my one-hour service photos would be ready in 20 minutes, I took one look at the two screaming mouths and four teary eyes in my cart and ran out of that store as fast as I could. Don't feel bad for staring and wondering what was wrong with my babies. Every single person we passed on our route out the door was looking and silently judging me too. After we left the store and went out to the parking lot, I buckled both babies into their car seats and they were both fast asleep like little (silent) angels before I had even backed out of the parking space. And two days later, I still haven't picked my photos up. I am genuinely sorry for scaring you. You witnessed our most hectic performance yet and we've been taking our show on the road for a few months now. I'm sorry it had to be you. Enjoy your sweet little baby boy and every little moment you are able to kiss, cuddle and giggle with him. I wish you all the luck in the world. Some days are better than others. But even the bad days are incredibly worth it. Posted in: My Monkeys, My Circus | Tagged: baby outing, diaper bags, diaper changes, Irish twins, mom, motherhood, new mom, shopping, strollers, two babies Overeasy: How eggs are cooked. Nothing else about breakfast out with two babies is even close to easy. another awesome entry! Love the walmart story! I really am learning so much! Please keep writing. |
<|prompter|> What could be the completion of this text: Since its establishment in 1998, the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center has been at the forefront of care for patients with arthritis. Medical research takes many different forms, yet we focus ours on the patient. With the patient's help on completing questionnaires about how they deal with their diseases, doctors and scientists can further the research initiative of comprehending all aspects of rheumatic illnesses. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that not only affects the joints, but the whole immune system. Many patients who have Rheumatoid Arthritis also experience fatigue, dry eyes and mouth, shortness of breath, and skin problems. The good news is, with the advancement of Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments, many patients can live a healthy, normal life. Uzma Haque, a physician at the Johns Hopkins Arthritis ...
<|assistant|> Center, explains the effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the misconceptions many have about it. The Arthritis Center mirrors the Johns Hopkins tripartite mission of excellent patient care, research and education. The focus of the center is centered on treating multiple arthritis conditions and diseases. Victoria Ruffing, RN, CRRP, Nurse Manager of the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, shares the risks and benefits of biologic for patients and their families. This video is the first in a series of five focused on biologic medications. Iannis Adamopoulos of the University of California, Davis, sat down with Arthritis Now to talk about his history with ANRF and his current research project. In his lab he's studying the cytokines that travel through our blood, specifically one cell that can destroy bone. Adamopoulos' goal...
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<|assistant|> is to figure out how to inhibit the activation of this cell in pathological cases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Ankylosing spondylitis is part of a larger family...
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<|assistant|> of arthritis called spondyloarthritis. Spondylo means vertebra, or the bones of the back. And arthritis, of course means joint pain, stiffness, or swelling. Ankylosing...
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<|assistant|> spondylitis is an inflammation type arthritis. Cohen shares an overview of Ankylosing...
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<|assistant|> Spondylitis. (↓↓ click show more ↓↓Even tho this is a study on Epilepsy, it also is known to help those with inflammation of the...
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<|assistant|> nervous system and inflammatory auto immune diseases. The Ketogenic Diet studied by John Hopkins Medicine of Neurosurgery-http://www. html My daughter will be confirmed diagnosed mid August to find out if she has...
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<|assistant|> Neuromyelitis optica or Multiple Sclerosis both are auto immune diseases of the central nervous system Neuromyetits optica (NMO) is also known as Devic's disease,...
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<|assistant|> is an autoimmune disorder in which immune system cells and antibodies mistakenly attack and destroy myelin cells in the optic nerves and the spinal...
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<|assistant|> cord. The damage to the optic nerves produces swelling and inflammation that cause pain and loss of vision; the damage to the spinal cord...
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<|assistant|> causes weakness or paralysis in the legs or arms, loss of sensation,...
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<|assistant|> and problems with bladder and bowel function. I appreciate you viewing this video. Please check out all the links below and thanks again for your support and motivation. Disclaimer: This video is my own personal experiences. Throughout this video, there are some statements that are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration/FTC and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. Please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your conditionArthritis Research UK centre...
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<|assistant|> for Musculoskeletal Research What is Rheum 101? Well,within the UK-RiME network it was identified that statisticians and other science researchers provide a lot of...
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<|assistant|> methodology teaching for clinical researchers, but clinical training for non-clinical researchers is...
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<|assistant|> limited. Therefore we aim to provide a series of lectures on clinical rheumatology topics for non-clinicians working in musculoskeletal research. The first session is scheduled for Monday 12th September 2pm, Lecture Theatre...
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<|assistant|> A, University Place, University of Manchester. • Topics: Osteoarthritis (Dr Jenny Humphreys) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Prof Kimme Hyrich) • 20 mins per topic with 10 mins for questions (submitted by live audience...
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<|assistant|> at University of Manchester and via twitter) • Live webcast via YouTube, podcast available to download after for researchers outside UoM • Supported by...
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<|assistant|> UK-RiME networkIn Part 2 of his interview on Arthritis Now, Dr. Iannis Adamopoulos of the University of California, Davis, continued to talk about his exciting rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune research. He even answered a question from an ANRF supporter, Monica Vazquez, about how isolating one molecule in the body will hopefully lead to treatments of a number of autoimmune diseases with one medication. Reported...
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<|assistant|> in Johns Hopkins Medicine and Science Codex, a new theory of how osteoarthritis develops has a lot of heads turning. Instead of seeing the...
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<|assistant|> painful degenerative disease as a problem primarily of the cartilage that cushions joints, they now have evidence that the bone underneath the cartilage is...
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<|assistant|> also a key player and exacerbates the damage. They found that blocking the action of a critical bone regulation protein in mice halts progression of the disease. The new theory, reported in Nature Medicine, suggests that initial harm to the cartilage causes the bone underneath it to behave improperly by building surplus bone. The extra bone stretches the cartilage above and speeds its decline. "If there is something wrong with the leg of your chair and you try to fix it by replacing the cushion, you haven't solved the problem," says Xu Cao, Ph. ## director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Research in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "We think that the problem in OA is not just the cartilage...
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<|assistant|> 'cushion,' but the bone underneath," he adds. be/1gl4iTEfxcUThrough an award from The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), an independent non-profit organization, the Hopkins team...
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<|assistant|> conducted a research study to understand how the lives of people living with RA were affected by their condition. We invite you to learn...
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<|assistant|> about how our PCORI Pilot Study, “Integrating Patient Centered Outcome in Arthritis Clinical Care” got started, what the process was like, what we discovered,...
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<|assistant|> and what the patients, doctors, and researchers who took part in the study to say. Funding to enable the development of material concerning this project was provided in part through a Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EAIN-1988). All statements on this website, including its findings and conclusions, are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of PCORI, its Board...
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<|assistant|> of Governors, or Methodology Committee, or of NIAMS or NIH. Mara McAdams-Demarco of Johns Hopkins is the first ever grant recipient of the ANRF-AFAR award on aging. ANRF, Arthritis National Research Foundation, and AFAR, American Federation For Aging Research, understand they by working together and supporting research we can get closer to a cure. Learn more about ANRF at CureArthritis.org Learn more about AFAR...
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<|assistant|> at AFAR.orgThe clinical research team at the Johns Hopkins Division of Rheumatology is one comprised of dedicated, understanding and talented researchers who truly know the hardships rheumatic patients have to live with...
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<|assistant|> on a daily basis. They record data and information which in turn...
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<|assistant|> leads to better medical care patients receive in our clinic. See the conclusion of her interview as she talks about what populations her research...
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<|assistant|> is focusing on! Learn more about ANRF at CureArthritis.orghttp://www. ## arthritistreatmentcenter.com Pores in cell membranes trigger RA. Reported in the Almagest, Experiments by scientists...
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<|assistant|> at Johns Hopkins and in Boston have Discovered that pore-forming pathways in cell membranes are associated with a process called "abnormal citrullination" in rheumatoid joints. The pathways are normally used by the...
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<|assistant|> immune system to fight pathogens. Researchers say such disruptions in cell membranes by these pores leads to enzyme-activating imbalances of calcium ions and set off the inflammatory immune response that is rheumatoid...
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<|assistant|> arthritis' hallmark. Comment: Isn't that what those acne treatments are supposed to fight. be/TI954phDnYkIn this third video of our series on Lyme Disease, Dr. John Aucott discusses how Lyme Disease is diagnosed...
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<|assistant|> today and the work being done at the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center to find better ways to identify this disease. Lyme Disease...
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<|assistant|> Research Center: https://www. Hear Pam speak about the importance of participating in research for the Johns Hopkins Rheumatology Division. Victor Velculescu, scientist at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, discusses his latest research findings on pancreatic and brain cancers. It's very important for people who have Antisynthetase Syndrome to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Depending on the symptoms, it may be hard for...
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<|assistant|> patients to exercise without pain, so going to physical or occupational therapy can be very helpful in strengthening the muscles. Christopher Mecoli, a physician in the Johns Hopkins Division of Rheumatology, discusses...
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<|assistant|> ways to stay healthy and maintain an active lifestyle with Antisynthetase Syndrome. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine, one of the nation's most respected institutions when it comes to medical breakthroughs has announced their discovery that the bacteria responsible for inflammatory gum infections also causes the inflammatory response found in rheumatoid arthritis. This breakthrough could bring about new treatments and the possible prevention of the disease. Rheumatoid arthritis, also known as RA, is the second most common form of arthritis. It is a debilitating condition in which joints become inflamed, leading to pain, stiffness, swelling and lethargy. Having long believed that gum disease played a part in many internal inflammatory conditions, Felipe Andrade, associate professor of medicine at the John Hopkins Bayview Medical center said, “This is...
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<|assistant|> like putting the last few pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that I've been working on for many years. Maximillion Konig added, “This research may be the closest we've come to discovering the root cause of RA.” Although the link between gum disease and Rheumatoid arthritis has been suspected for many years, some say as far back as the early 1900s, it wasn't until scientists...
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<|assistant|> discovered that the process called hypercitrullination was occurring in the joints of those suffering from RA, was also occurring in the mouths of those patients with gum disease. Citrullination is a natural...
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<|assistant|> function in our bodies that regulate how proteins work. This process, however,...
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<|assistant|> becomes overactive in people with RA, causing an abnormal accumulation of proteins. Andrade said, “This condition cause the creation of antibodies to offset this...
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<|assistant|> condition. Unfortunately, it also causes inflammation and the breakdown of tissue which is the hallmark of rheumatoid arthritis.” He went on to say that, “Other bacteria in the stomach, lung or other...
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<|assistant|> organs may be using similar mechanisms to bring about hypercitrullation. If we...
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<|assistant|> can get to the root cause regarding the evolution of both combined, perhaps we could prevent rather than intervene. If you are presently suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, a trip to the dentist may well be worth tour while. If you want to prevent rheumatoid arthritis, and many of the other internal ailments associated with poor oral hygiene then the best way is to do...
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<|assistant|> what you dentist says, Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss or use an oral irrigator and rinse with a fluoride mouthwash. For extra protection, it is recommended that you...
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<|assistant|> use an oral irrigator like the Oral Breeze. This inexpensive and easy to use device uses a powerful stream of water to blast trapped food particles from your mouth to eliminate bacterial breeding ground and stop gum disease before it can start. Julie Paik, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Rheumatology, explains the symptoms of Scleroderma Associated Myopathy. Whether you are exploring spine...
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<|assistant|> surgery as a treatment option, already have a referral or are looking for a second (or third) opinion, Johns Hopkins spine specialists can help. Our multidisciplinary team of experts can address all aspects of your condition, ensuring you get the total care you need. #HopkinsSpineSurgery Learn more at www.org/spineDermatomyositis is a rare autoimmune myopathy disease that targets the muscles and skin. Dermatomyositis causes a...
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<|assistant|> characteristic skin rash on the chest, back, or arms that looks like a sunburn. It also causes muscle weakness so severe that it can be hard for some patients to do everyday things such as climbing a flight of stairs, standing up from a chair or bed, and even combing their hair. In this video series, Dr. Eleni Tiniakou, a physician at the Johns Hopkins Myositis Center, explores the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for Dermatomyositis. Charlie lived with arthritis pain for years before ultimately deciding to have orthopaedic surgery at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He talks about how fear kept him from living his life and how things changed after surgery. ## Visit us at: www.org/jhbmc/orthoArthritis Center Director, Dr. Bingham, talks about the the importance of...
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<|assistant|> Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and how it has made way for deeper conversations between physicians and patients about medical care. Some chronic conditions, such as the autoimmune disease scleroderma, are especially difficult to treat because patients exhibit highly variable symptoms, complications and treatment responses. The process of finding an effective treatment for an individual can be frustrating for doctors, and painful and expensive for patients. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), computer scientist and professor Suchi Saria, with Dr. Fredrick Wigley and an interdisciplinary team of experts at Johns Hopkins University, is leading a groundbreaking effort using Big Data to ease some of that pain for scleroderma patients. The team's research is in machine learning, a subfield of computer science and statistics that allows machines to learn...
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<|assistant|> from data. The team designs statistical algorithms that enable computers to analyze large volumes of medical records and identify subgroups of patients with similar patterns of disease progression. In addition, the system...
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<|assistant|> learns the symptoms and treatments that are predictive of specific patterns of improvement or deterioration to help doctors pick the right set of treatments for an individual patient. Doctors can then map...
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<|assistant|> the course of treatment for new patients, based in part on what the computers reveal about what happened to other patients with similar symptoms. Saria foresees data analysis similar to this helping...
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<|assistant|> clinicians treat other chronic diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Stojan with the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center dives into these lifestyle choices including diet, exercise, supplements and vaccines. Adult and pediatric...
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<|assistant|> rheumatologist Stephen Balevic, MD practices at Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center and the Duke Rheumatology Clinic. Get to know him in this video and learn more at https://www. I also have a special interest in using bedside ultrasound. Ultrasound is a non-invasive tool that improves our ability to make a diagnosis and monitor treatment response in real-time. My greatest joy in medicine is...
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<|assistant|> getting to know patients and their families over a long period of time, and helping to care for chronic and complex diseases. As rheumatologists, we are blessed to have new classes of...
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<|assistant|> medications that, in some cases, can make patient's feel better and improve...
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<|assistant|> both their quality and quantity of life. This video captures the many different levels of scientific interactions that take place during the free “Re-Thinking the Science of Cancer” seminars, that our team is sponsoring throughout the Washington DC area. In addition, due to the question-driven format of this seminar series, the same highly-interactive, interdisciplinary and intergenerational scientific dialogue is proving to be remarkably effective...
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<|assistant|> in growing a brand-new set of research options that are designed to lead toward a “Cancer Free America”. Please leave a comment below or...
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<|assistant|> contact us on ananya. [email protected], if you would like us to sponsor a free "Re-Thinking the Science of Cancer" at your university or scientific institution. Laura Hummers, Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins...
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<|assistant|> Scleroderma Center discusses the latest treatments available for various scleroderma complications as well as what is on the horizon for new clinical trials and therapies. is an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon serving patients in Odenton and Columbia, MD. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Hsu specializes in comprehensive surgical care of the foot and ankle. Hsu employs the...
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<|assistant|> latest technology in total ankle arthroplasty and minimally-invasive techniques to achieve the...
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<|assistant|> best outcomes for his patients. Hsu completed his Orthopaedic foot and ankle fellowship at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Previously, he earned his M. from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine...
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<|assistant|> and completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He graduated with Honors in Chemistry and Studio Art from Dartmouth College. ## Hsu has authored numerous publications, book chapters, and has presented research nationally. Michelle Petri, MD, MPH, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, presented research on hydroxychloroquine levels in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus at...
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<|assistant|> the American College of Rheumatology. See more Rheumatology videos at http://www. healio.com/rheumatology/videoThe 13th Annual Autoimmunity Day Held on June 10, 2011 from 8:30am - 4:00pm Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University 8:30am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast - JHSPH courtyard 9:00am - 10:00am Emil Unanue, M. Department of Pathology & Immunology, Washington University, SOM Antigen presentation in autoimmune diabetes 10:00am - 10:30am Alan...
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<|assistant|> Baer, M. Assistant Professor, Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, SOM A novel autoantibody in statin-associated autoimmune myopathy 11:30am - 12:00pm Hamid Rabb, M. Professor & Vice Chairman, Dept. of Medicine, Medical Director, Kidney Transplant, Johns Hopkins University, SOM Newly identified role for lymphocytes in ischemic reperfusion injury 12:00pm - 1:30pm LUNCH - Anna Baetjer room 1:30pm - 2:30pm David Hafler, M. Professor of Neurology &...
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<|assistant|> Immunology, Yale SOM Regulatory T cells and genetics in autoimmune disease 2:30pm - 3:00pm Katharine Whartenby, M. Assistant Professor, Neurology & Oncology, Johns Hopkins University, SOM The role of the KLF4 transcription...
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<|assistant|> factor in regulating autoimmune responses 3:00pm - 3:30pm Thomas Donner, M. Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, SOM Anti-CD3 mAb treatment of new onset type 1 diabetes 3:30pm -...
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<|assistant|> 4:00pm David Scott, Ph. A poem performed in memory of Tiana N. Reyes at the first fundraiser to help establish an endowment at Johns Hopkins Myositis center in her memory. Cush is a rheumatologist, practitioner, researcher, educator and leader in the field of rheumatology. He runs a private practice in Dallas and is Director of Clinical Rheumatology for the Baylor Research Institute and Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. Cush was a member of the second graduating class of St. George's University School of Medicine and received his degree in 1981. His internal medicine residency training at Coney Island Hospital in Brooklyn, NY was followed by a rheumatology fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and Parkland Memorial...
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<|assistant|> Hospital in Dallas, TX. Cush holds several academic teaching appointments including Professor of Medicine at St. ## George's University and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He has received the “Teacher of the Year” awards and has been listed among the “Best Doctors in Dallas” (D Magazine2002-2018), “Texas Super Doctors” (Texas Monthly 2008-2017) and “Best Doctors in America” (Castle Connolly 1996, 1998, 2001-2002, 2015). Cush has held editorial positions for Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism and the Journal of Rheumatology. His publications in rheumatology are chronicled in over 140 journal articles and numerous textbook chapters. Since his admission to SGU in 1977, Dr. Cush has been actively devoted to the success of the University and its students by serving as a past...
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<|assistant|> member of the Board of Admissions, Chairman of the Academic Board and as a member of the Board of Trustees for St. Cush also delivered the keynote address at the August 2007 White Coat Ceremony. Nadia Morgan, an Instructor of Medicine in the Division of Rheumatology at Johns Hopkins. Her primary research interest is in factors contributing to the severe fibrotic manifestations of systemic...
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<|assistant|> sclerosis (scleroderma) in populations of African ancestry. She is the principal investigator on a recently funded grant from the Rheumatology Research Foundation entitled "Interleukin-13...
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<|assistant|> and Scleroderma in African Americans"Dr. George Stojan with the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center discusses how chronic fatigue that's present daily and interferes with a patient's life is usually not a sign of systemic lupus. Soloski has been with Johns Hopkins community for the last twenty years. As an immunologist, he is very interested on how immune responses react to chronic diseases and infections. Lyme...
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<|assistant|> disease is very prominent in Baltimore, Maryland, so Dr. Soloski focuses on researching individual patients who are affected by this infection. One simple task...
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<|assistant|> you can do to prevent rheumatoid arthritis Brush And Floss To Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis Ruth Kava writing for the American council on Science and Health reported recent research published in Science Translational Medicine suggests how good dental care might well be an important factor in preventing the onset of RA. The investigators, led by Dr. The investigators noted that Aa, of all the other...
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<|assistant|> identified microbes, was the only one known that could produce the spectrum of antigens found in the joints of individuals with RA. To investigate this possibility, they collected fluid from the gum regions of people with periodontal disease and from those of controls and analyzed them for the presence of altered proteins which are known to be immune system targets. In sum, people with...
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<|assistant|> periodontitis are more likely to have the Aa bacterial toxin and thus more likely to produce targets for the immune system. This in turn, links periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Comment: An interesting finding that confirms the research of others. Presentation given by rheumatologist Dr. Rebecca Manno at the Johns Hopkins Medicine A Woman's Journey conference in the Greater Washington Area on Tuesday, April...
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<|assistant|> 19, 2016. The exhibition The Dawn of Egyptian Art is on view April 10-August 5, 2012 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Learn more:...
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<|assistant|> http://www. Friedman, Heagy Research Curator of Early Egypt, The British Museum, and...
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<|assistant|> director, Hierakonpolis Expedition The Desert Hunt in the Time of the Pharaohs Diana Craig Patch, associate curator, Department of Egyptian Art, MMA The exhibition and catalogue are made possible by Dorothy and Lewis B. "Travel through the time, Ancient Egypt for kids" is a video where kids will learn about all the most important aspects of the period: the pyramids, Queen Cleopatra, etc. If you want to see how your kids smile and learn at the same time, please SUBSCRIBE :D "Travel through time" is a collection of videos so that kids learn history. Lola dn Javi have gone into their dad's secret laboratory and they have found themselves in a mess. They should travel to different time periods like prehistory, ancient Egypt and what the Renaissance, Victorian...
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<|assistant|> London or the 70s to solve fun challenges. Join them on this extraordinary trip and help them get home! Why is it good for children to see Smile and Learn's videos? +We...
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<|assistant|> only upload our own content, designed by educators so that children smile...
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<|assistant|> and learn while watching a video. All of our content reinforces educational values, encouraging the use of multiple intelligences and language learning. If you...
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<|assistant|> like our videos, download “The Smart Library” now. You'll discover more than 30 interactive games and stories for children designed by educators. The stories are based on VALUES like friendship, respect, and...
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<|assistant|> generosity, and our games cover all of the MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. All our content is in SPANISH, ENGLISH, and FRENCH. The perfect tool to use in and out of school. Download it today! -Apple Store: http://bit. ## ly/Biblioteca_Inteligente_GooglePlay For more information, visit our website: https://smileandlearn. Here, Labovic explains how she and her team of animators created a pop-up book to visualize Pangaea - and how you can make your own. Lesson and animation by TED-Ed. The following is a sample video I made of how I could incorporate technology in my own classroom. The lesson is geared towards a seventh grade geography classroom and asks students to electronically fill out a map on the physical and political geography of Egypt through the National Geographic websites's map making function. Music:...
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<|assistant|> Red Sparrows - A Swarm (all rights reserved)An after-school club in Egypt is teaching its students how to think creatively in order to give them a better future. The grass-roots project gives art, music and theatre lessons to children from one of the poorest areas of the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The project aims to provide vital skills for the workplace and fill an education...
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<|assistant|> gap left by Egypt's school system. Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh reports from Cairo. For our Ancient Egypt unit study, we did a series of...
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<|assistant|> chalk drawings for our main lesson books. I drew a scene on the chalk board, then the kids drew it in their main lesson books. We use a Waldorf inspired curriculum using the main lessons as our unit studies. Chalk boards, Sargent Art Chalk Pastels, main lesson books and color pencils can be found at http://www. waldorfsupplies.com Inspiration for drawings came from History Opens Windows: The Ancient Egyptians by Jane Shuter Ralph Masiello's Ancient Egypt Drawing Book Mysteries of History Ancient Egypt by AZBooks All books can be found at http://www. pepperandpine.comThis week's homework is to learn all about an Egyptian God. There are over 2000 to choose from, but you only need to pick one! ! Watch this introduction video to get some ideas of what you...
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<|assistant|> might research. In this video you can learn how to conduct a science experiment with cross curricular links to History. You will see how the mummification process works on an apple compared...
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<|assistant|> to that of decomposition. Ancient Egypt Online! – This lesson requires students to hone their collaborative skills as they become experts on ancient Egyptian civilization. Students team to create a mixed media project focusing on one aspect of ancient Egypt. Using an online tool for creating multimedia posters, teams must use a variety of media types to teach their concept/topic, including include video clips, sound files, original movies, original narration, text, charts, graphs, maps and links to outside video and audio resources. (Subject Area: Social Studies; Grade Level: 6th) About Teach 21 – Advancing Network Uses Grant: This project is funded by the state's K12 High Speed Network (http://k12hsn.org) for the purpose of providing educators across the state with a vision for the meaningful integration of technology into...
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<|assistant|> the core curriculum and reinforcing 21st Century Learning Skills. ## The lesson Wiki includes the objectives, procedures, standards alignment (both state and national), materials, and links to additional resources. The lesson includes this 2-3 minute video clip with teacher interview, student interviews and a snapshot of what the lesson actually “looked like” in the classroom. - View Elk Grove USD Teach21 lesson plans at:...
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<|assistant|> http://anu-teach21. net/sims/ For more information about Elk Grove USD - http://www. net/Our first project with our Ancient Egypt unit study was "Our Amazing Mummies" by Scientific Education. My kids, age 4, 9...
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<|assistant|> and 13, all enjoyed doing this project. It comes with everything you need to complete this project except for scissors and string to bind the mummy wrappings. We decided to stain the mummy wrappings with instant coffee, add essential oils (cinnamon and clove) to the mummy and tuck in amulets into the folds of the mummy wrapping. The painting was a little more difficult...
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<|assistant|> than expected and adult supervision is helpful, but overall my kids really enjoyed this project. You can find it at Rainbow Resource http://www.com/product/sku/030097 Complete Playlist for Ancient Egypt: https://www.com/watch? v=gHYreUGRZR0&list=PLJxUV0rOnlxxrW_Nb3Y0s3-zUOACRGE88 Share pics of your projects with me! https://twitter.comCats Part 1 - Intro and Drawing 3rd Grade lesson - this is a Slide show about Egyptian Cat Mummies and directions how to draw them. html?...
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<|assistant|> isrc=USUAN1100706 Artist: http://incompetech.com/Side effects aplenty for Pencilmate! 0:00 - SICK FLICK Achoo! Pencilmate has a cold . should he trust the Pencil for a cure? 2:32 - SCRAMBLED LEGGS Pencilmate gets all sorts of funny legs until Pencilmiss and her phobia get involved.5:36 - BUT OF THE JOKE Pencilmate's has some derrière problems.7:17 - O PENCIL WHERE ART THOU? Where oh where is the...
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<|assistant|> Pencil? Pencilmate can't find him anywhere! 9:19 - SHOW AND SPELL Pencilmate spellbinds Pencilmiss 11:00 - HAND OFF The Pencil gives Pencilmate a pen-over.12:18 - FIRE STRAITS Red is in a rather...
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<|assistant|> firy mood 13:40 - A-HEAD OF THE GAME Pencilmate doesn't have his head on his shoulders! 15:52 - NO FUN IN THE SUN Pencilmate doesn't think summer is very much fun. Can...
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<|assistant|> he beat the heat with his new powerful AC? 18:20 - FLIM FEMME Pencilmate learns that the more is not always the merrier .20:20 - ANCIENT EGYPT A capricious pharaoh wants a...
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<|assistant|> new home but it's not going according to plans .22:10 - THE...
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<|assistant|> WORKOUT Little Blue Man wants to get in shape.23:31 - ALL EARS Pencilmate sees and hears the big picture.25:11 - MALICE IN WONDERLAND Pencil turns into a magic wand and drives the...
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<|assistant|> toons crazy 27:48 - OH NO-TE! A mysterious note wreaks havoc in...
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<|assistant|> the pencilmation world ABOUT PENCILMATION : Pencilmation is a cartoon channel for kids and not-too-serious grown-ups. It is made with love and a lot of fun by an international team helmed by Ross Bollinger who started the channel alone in his room a long time ago. odt? dl=0Art in History is a fabulous new company that specializes in providing pottery replicas of historic artifacts,...
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<|assistant|> along with lesson plans to encourage hands-on, discovery-based learning. Check out our full review at www. ↓ Take this course free on edX: https://www...
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<|assistant|> Learners will be exposed to the magnificent accomplishments and contributions that Egypt has made to civilization from Ancient times to today. We will examine...
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<|assistant|> the role of Egyptian women and their positions as monarchs and goddesses, the invention of papyrus and Egypt's first writings as well as ancient Egypt's achievements in medicine. There will also be...
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<|assistant|> a brief summary of the famous architecture of ancient Egypt including pyramids, tombs and temples. Because this is an introductory course, no knowledge of history or Egyptology is required. Our aim is to spark learners' interest in the study of ancient Egypt. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN You will learn about these facets of ancient Egypt: - Writing and numerals, including the invention of papyrus -...
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<|assistant|> Architecture of pyramids, tombs, and temples - Astronomy - Women's roles - MedicinePartial restoration of a Middle Kingdom Egyptian alabaster vase in the shape of a cat from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. View/Buy the finished piece on Redbubble: http://goo. gl/Xmwwuwith Isolarchitetti Location: Torino Date: August 2013-2015 Client: Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino The set up of the new museum tour has...
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<|assistant|> been designed by Migliore + Servetto Architects and Isolarchitetti, in the subterranean floor, that in two years, once the renovation is finished will be dedicated to the reception and ticket area: a very suggestive narration to exhibit a selection of about 1.000 finds. The unifying element of the project is given buy a wire-frame line that defines each exhibition space. Already existing or newly designed cases are so united by the minimum distance that takes shape around them: a thin white metal continuous line that defines and protects the interior space. The studio Migliore + Servetto Architects has designed the graphic set up and the coordinated image of the whole new museum tour. The lettering of the logo "Immortals" recalls the logo designed by the studio for "building...
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<|assistant|> site as an event" (graphic re-elaboration of Ra's eye") enriched with different...
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<|assistant|> material and chromatic elements in order to develop a rich and articulated semantic language of communication. Ancient Egypt recently paid a visit to Bennett Intermediate School, thanks to an innovative project integrating art, technology, and academics. Under the leadership of Bennett's Grade 6 teaching team, sixth grade students conducted research on the culture and history of Egypt. Inspired by the Social Studies curriculum, Art Teacher Roberta Ziemba taught the students how to make life-sized replicas of sarcophagi gi, the boxlike receptacles the Egyptians used to protect their royal mummies. Tying these learning activities together, Music teacher David Laks used the students' research, voices, and artwork to create an animated video celebrating some of the many wonders of the Nile. Enjoy! The credits of this video go to the...
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<|assistant|> following channel: con. This video is not mine, i only adapted it...
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<|assistant|> for my homework Thank You for watching! Cartonnage is a type of material composing Egyptian funerary masks and anthropoid coffins from the First Intermediate...
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<|assistant|> Period onward. It was made of layers of linen or papyrus covered with plaster. The technique used for this is similar to papier-mache. Sadigh Gallery reputation speaks for itself, we have been...
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<|assistant|> in business for close to 40 years and all our artifacts come with a Lifetime Certificate of Authenticity and a return privilege for any reason. Check out our collection of Ancient Egyptian...
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<|assistant|> Artifacts. htmlIn this fast-paced and entertaining presentation by the founder of www. theartofed.com, you'll discover insider secrets and essential classroom management strategies to use...
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<|assistant|> in your classroom right away! The talk was given at the Art Educators of New Jersey 2013 Conference in New Brunswick, NJ. The Maya Mobile, a 48-foot truck designed as an archeological...
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<|assistant|> site, travels to schools within the Los Angeles Unified School District, teaching students about trade and cultural development of the Maya, Aztec and Inka as well as China, the Ottoman Empire and Renaissance Italy. It is designed to integrate with the seventh-grade curriculum and the state standards for history/social science. The program works with seventh-grade students for approximately three weeks at each school and...
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<|assistant|> included free bus transportation for tours of LACMA's collections of medieval and renaissance art. Ancient World Mobile, LACMA's traveling studio and classroom is dedicated to teaching sixth-grade students in Los Angeles County public schools about art of the ancient world. Students explored living a virtuous life, the honoring of ancestors, and funerary art of ancient Egypt, China, India, and Rome. Art workshops are held...
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<|assistant|> on the Ancient World Mobile where students sketch motifs on tiles that...
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<|assistant|> are later fired at LACMA. Buses are provided for students and their teachers to visit LACMA to see and discuss related artworks in our galleries.com/artofseeingcenter http://www. mohamedismail.com "It's one of the best courses I ever took. I started seeing life with a different understanding; I could feel like doors of perception are opened in my mind, even my writing abilities are changing, and life becomes more colorful ! ! ! This course changes my whole life". - Marwa Nabil. |
<human>: Fill in words: Macoun and Melrose are two varieties [words 1] we are well known for. We will have them well into the spring. Sage's Apples [words 2] 150 years. Everything we grow is sold through our market at our farm in Geauga County. The Sage Family [words 3] 1867 after David Childs Sage brought his family to Geauga county from Chautauqua County New York in 1843. David's son Ransom [words 4] Sage was born in Clairdon, Ohio at the [words 5] farm. Ransom purchased our current farm in Chardon Township in 1867. read more historyWe are located [words 6] East of Cleveland and 10 miles from Lake Erie. Nestled in Geauga County at the top of a [words 7] begins the snow belt that runs into PA and NY which creates wonderful fruit growing climates. [words 8] can do that would make today worthwhile? [words 9] right now? (Author: Jessica Dang)As one who believes in turning activities into [words 10] free day is one thing that would [words 11] me. Unlike a vacation, a free day [words 12] anything I want from the time I wake up. It's ignoring a schedule. It's breaking out of a routine. It's time for focusing on [words 13] of the matters of others. And [words 14] take it without feelings of guilt or fear of wasting my time. In a fast world, we [words 15] lives. It's evident whether doing good [words 16] good. Those with jobs are busy working, those without are busy looking for work and those dangling in the middle are busy worrying about life. Everyone [words 17] is wasting time, waiting for something worthwhile or wishing for someone to make things better. [words 18] moving constantly and going nowhere. Is it worthwhile? For me, one [words 19] a hundred busy ones. A random decision to take a [words 20] newness, satisfy a lingering, or plot a future—is worthwhile. No “to do” or [words 21] lists. When the day ends, close my [words 22] the next day and have no regrets. I exhale feeling refreshed. [words 23] got a hold of me, as old folks say. I [words 24] work to do. Perhaps tomorrow I'll take that free day. Prompt: Number 1 Passion. What is your #1 passion in life? Now, [words 25] incorporated that passion into your life daily. Write down your passion and keep it close [words 26] you. Remind yourself of it daily, just like brushing your teeth. [words 27] the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without [words 28] face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. [words 29] precious few. My passions are many—people, politics, art, music, and more. Books are number one on my passion list. E-books, [words 30] type. Hidden inside each book, all my other passions can be found. Books introduce me to distant people and places, teach me about [words 31] me to write. They expose me to new ideas and ancient thoughts that feed my social activism. Books play [words 32] duties. I turn to them for answers to arguments. They are a source of solace when needed. I rely on books to inspire when doubt discourages. [words 33] good book kindles my passions. Those passions push me to move a million obstacles out [words 34] the way of progress. And they encourage me to [words 35] when I want to stand still. Prompt: It's easy to blame our [words 36] or to live our dream lives [words 37] energy, and we don't always stop to think [words 38] energy in our lives. Yet we can choose to create and manage our own energy flow. Think of an instance when [words 39] in an activity that you've lost track of time, [words 40] the passions and energies you were feeding. Who was there [words 41] you doing? What will you do to make time for moments like [words 42] more often? (Author: Julia E)Surrounded by books, insightful ideas offered by others, and [words 43] ignited. I was writing a creative proposal when flow overpowered me. My mind's laziness lifted. My fingers caught fire moving across the keyboard and a stream of thoughts, ideas and concepts poured out and spilled onto the computer screen. Silence filled the air. I was floating on flow. I was in creative mode. I completed the proposal. [words 44] out. My memories of that creative sensation and [words 45] remained. Energy and flow are illusive. Where do they come from and where do [words 46] They appear suddenly. Then disappear as quickly. There was a time [words 47] for energy and flow to show up. Now, I start with any energy [words 48] to get things done and keep [words 49] up. Prompt: If a year from [words 50] the profession you're currently in, what would [words 51] your wildest dreams? (Author: Ryan Allis)My preference is project work. By profession, [words 52] do strategic communications. Out of pleasure, I reconstruct all my [words 53] series of projects. Why? Projects have beginnings, middles and endings. Forever is nonexistent because projects celebrate [words 54] completion. That appeals to me despite my intermittent [words 55] procrastination. Therefore, if I no longer had my current profession, the possibility of revisiting several latent projects or looking for something new that I need to do [words 56] nirvana. There would be advantages. My free will and free time would force me to veer off the known travel route to become a more [words 57] entrepreneur. With a supply of latent projects, I would do something versus nothing. Out of that something would come the impetus to keep discovering the next steps to get from here to where I'm headed. Money [words 58] but making something that moves a neighborhood, a needed cause or a new tribe would motivate me to stick with it until the word spreads and the money arrives. Professions are proven paths. Passionate purposes are the unknowns worth pursuing. And passions [words 59] the life in living. Seven seventeen, a date with duplicate numbers. [words 60] of summer. Two events took place on July 17th that leave me [words 61] become the date we were born? One hundred fifty days after the rain started, on [words 62] and Noah's ark rested atop the mountains of Ararat. My grandmother was the first to [words 63] to me. She read from the Bible, Genesis 8:4: “And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the [words 64] the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.” Unbelievable to me as a child. [words 65] I believed her. Again, on July [words 66] took place. Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California. Physically, I have [words 67] in my life, and it didn't disappoint. [words 68] the Disney movies, animated characters and fairytales, I've traveled to that fantasyland often in [words 69] imagination. There's something fun-loving, optimistic and [words 70] a star” and believing that “dreams can come true.” As an adult, I still love animated movies due to Disney. I wonder if [words 71] viewed seven seventeen as a blessed [words 72] day when his dreams came true? Centuries later, did Walt Disney believe seven seventeen was a blessed day when he made his dreams come [words 73] answer. I love the numbers seven seventeen. I love my birth date. Each day that passes, I [words 74] I was born–blessed and filled with achievable dreams. Prompt: Think of all the [words 75] working in your life. That job [words 76] like, that relationship that's not working, [words 77] you. Now turn them all on you. [words 78] that everything that's not working in your life, is your fault. [words 79] you approach it? What would you work on to change your life to the state that [words 80] Miceli)Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the [words 81] with shades of deeper meaning. – Maya [words 82] frailty along with a few other four-letter words such as fear, pretty much scare the life out [words 83] the wrong way. Often those “f” words are used as negatives, particularly when [words 84] point or lambasting another or oneself. Whether delivering [words 85] the usual results are feelings of guilt, anger or despair. You feel like life is a bummer. While I hear the words, I listen to my inner voice. It changes [words 86] hear. I hear positive negatives. When I hear fail, I see possibilities for trying again. My voice [words 87] on. When I hear flaws, I see opportunities to improve myself. I let fear scare me into doing something–anything–that reinforces my passions, my causes and my purpose. Finally, I deflect faults by taking responsibility. I understand responsible living is part fear, part falling down and getting up, a bit of self-reliance, a lot of [words 88] to change. Faith, friends, family, feeling fabulous and fortunate, fun and future are a [words 89] of the “f” words I favor. [words 90] “us” or “Storyfa” or the “Company”). Storyfa values its visitors' privacy. This Privacy Policy summarizes what information we might collect from a registered user [words 91] what we will do with it. This Privacy Policy applies to your use of our Services, including our website www. [words 92] applications, products, various websites, ads, functionality, content (collectively, the "Services"). This document is part of Storyfa's [words 93] Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy [words 94] Service. Please read the Terms of Service in [words 95] those for definitions and contacts. Please note that this Privacy Policy does not govern the [words 96] by companies that we do not [words 97] control, nor by individuals not employed or [words 98] us. If you visit a third-party website, service, content, [words 99] services that we mention or link to, be sure to review its privacy policy before providing the site with information. 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The security of your personal information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information. If you'd like us to delete User Provided Data that you have provided via the Services, please contact us at [email protected] and we will respond in a reasonable time. Please note that some or all of the User Provided Data may be required in order for the Services to function properly. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice to you. It is your responsibility to check this Privacy Policy periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Services following the publishing of updated Privacy Policy means that you accept and agree to the changes. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Perhaps the first thing that should be considered about engineers is their competence, not their race, sex, or ethnicity. From David Cole at takimag.com:Well, that is damned inconvenient. A state-of-the-art pedestrian bridge hailed as the inevitably wondrous result of diversity in engineering has collapsed within days of being paraded before the media. Did I say inconvenient? I should have said symbolic. “Diversity Bridge” (that's not the structure's official name, but I think it fits) was designed to connect Florida International University to the city of Sweetwater, where many FIU students and staff reside. The bridge, installed (though not yet opened to the public) a mere four days before its failure, spanned a busy Miami highway, and the collapse crushed cars and people underneath. Authorities report at least six deaths. Prior to pancaking, Diversity Bridge had been championed as “an engineering feat come to life.” One of the geniuses who accomplished this “feat” is an engineer who was hailed by President Obama in 2015 as a “champion of change”: Atorod Azizinamini, director of FIU's Accelerated Bridge Construction Center (now renamed the Accelerated Bridge Destruction Center). The firm that built the bridge, Munilla Construction Management (MCM), is run by the Munilla brothers—Raul, Juan, Jorge, Lou, Fernando, and Pedro (is that a construction firm or the latest incarnation of Menudo? ). And then we have Leonor Flores, MCM's senior manager.
words 1: of apples
words 2: has been our family farm for
words 3: purchased our farm in
words 4: Alden
words 5: first
words 6: about 25 miles
words 7: hill which
words 8: Prompt: What is one thing you
words 9: What's stopping you from getting started
words 10: actions and who is always busy, taking a
words 11: make today worthwhile to
words 12: is an unplanned act of doing
words 13: what matters to me instead
words 14: it would be worthwhile because I would
words 15: lead busy
words 16: or up to no
words 17: is busy and much of that busyness
words 18: There are days when I'm doing a lot,
words 19: free day is worth more than
words 20: single day to relax—think, read, discover
words 21: “must do”
words 22: eyes, go to sleep, wake
words 23: Today, the busy “haints” (ghosts)
words 24: have too much
words 25: imagine what would happen if you
words 26: to
words 27: (Author: Eric Handler)A book is
words 28: fear it will go off in your
words 29: MorganMy loves are a
words 30: paperbacks or hardcover, I'm passionate about every
words 31: the arts, and encourage
words 32: a role in my daily
words 33: A daily dose of a
words 34: of
words 35: move forward
words 36: failure to meet our goals
words 37: on a lack of
words 38: about the quality of
words 39: you've been so involved
words 40: and then identify
words 41: with you? What were
words 42: that one
words 43: a desire to do, my energy is
words 44: Energy's flame flickered
words 45: my work were all that
words 46: they go?
words 47: when I waited
words 48: I have when I need
words 49: going until flow catches
words 50: now you weren't in
words 51: you be in
words 52: I
words 53: professional work into a
words 54: the concept of
words 55: lapses into
words 56: would be
words 57: nomadic
words 58: concerns may occur,
words 59: put
words 60: The middle
words 61: wondering, do we
words 62: July 17th, the waters abated
words 63: point it out
words 64: seventeenth day of
words 65: Then she said I was blessed and
words 66: 17th, a world changing event
words 67: been to Disneyland once
words 68: Through
words 69: my
words 70: very hopeful about “wishing upon
words 71: Noah
words 72: day or a
words 73: true? I'll never know the
words 74: become more like the day
words 75: things that are not
words 76: you don't
words 77: those friends that annoy
words 78: Imagine
words 79: How would
words 80: you want it to be? (Author: Carlos
words 81: human voice to infuse them
words 82: AngelouFault, flaw, failing, foible, or
words 83: of living, if embraced
words 84: describing a personality trait, emphasizing a cynical
words 85: or getting the word,
words 86: what I
words 87: tells me to fight
words 88: flexibility and a great deal of adapting
words 89: few
words 90: Welcome to Storyfa (”we” or
words 91: or other visitor (“you”), and
words 92: ## storyfa.com, services,
words 93: Terms of Service, and by using the
words 94: and the Terms of
words 95: their entirety, and refer to
words 96: collection and use of information
words 97: own or
words 98: managed by
words 99: product, or other
<human>: Fill in words: On March 14, as Diversity Bridge was being installed, Flores was quoted in this breathless puff piece on the FIU [words 1] Michelle Flores shared a special moment with her family at FIU this past Saturday: She and her sister Gabriela joined their parents, FIU alumni Leonor and Henry Flores MIS '01, to watch a 950-ton section of a pedestrian bridge swing into its permanent position across Southwest 8th Street. Leonor Flores '98 is a project [words 2] 63 FIU alumni who work for MCM, the construction firm building the FIU-Sweetwater University City Bridge. She was excited to share her work with her family, especially Michelle, who is interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in school. Said Leonor: “It's very important for me as a woman and an engineer to be able to promote that to my daughter, because I think women have a different perspective. We're able [words 3] and we're able to build, too.”She's an artist, all right. That bridge became a pile of junk art that would have made Arman jealous. This entry was posted in Business, Collapse, Government and tagged Florida bridge collapse. The song which closes the episode is Blood of the Woven-Vine from the Stone Breath album, Witch Tree Prophets. We are intentionally not revealing the location as it is private property. We have had listeners to the podcast visiting other areas we talk [words 4] is public land, but this is not. Site 7 is in York County, PA somewhat near the Susquehanna River. That's all we are willing to say at this point. I will put some photographs together for a future post. Searching [words 5] your business as much as you do? You've come to the right place! As you explore our website, you will come to understand how the SD family is quite different from the many companies that work within [words 6] space. You will learn from students who have been educated and reinvigorated by SD training. You will hear from [words 7] deliver our promise every day. And finally you will hear from some great dealers telling you about the strength of their relationship with and doing so much better than we ever could. We look forward [words 8] discussing how we can become “the best company you've ever worked with”! We have worked with Strategic Diversified since the purchase of our Dealerships in Salisbury in 1999. [words 9] come through and has done an outstanding job recruiting and [words 10] to be the best in the group. They have been supportive in finding the right products to help us [words 11] year, being true partners in doing what it takes to achieve continuous Improvement in all departments. SD goes above and beyond to find the dealership solutions that make the big differences on our bottom line. We have been with Strategic Diversified since 2006. They have tripled our dollars per unit. They have done this through training, promotion, accountability and product that is of real value to [words 12] dealer. I am a fifth generation car dealer running a 107-year- old business. My grandfather established and grew our business based on integrity. The SD/NDS group consists of personnel with these same values. Yes, they want strong dollars per car and penetrations on product sales, but they want it sold the correct way by building value in the sales presentation and providing full disclosure of all aspects [words 13] sale. They have been great partners for us. When I hired SD/NDS, I asked them to [words 14] role of my F&I director. They have and have done so beautifully. As mentioned our relationship has tripled my dollars per car. In addition, my reinsurance position is outstanding! They have been great partners for us and we have been very happy with their level of service and plan on doing business with them for a long time! Strategic Diversified is proud to support these incredible organizations. Each organization is unique in how they make the world a better place, every day. Just picked up this new RSD "Boss" seat made by Mustang for my '18 SGS. A little firmer and narrower than stock, but I wanted that. Squishy stock seat actually gave me sore but & lower back after 30-45 min. So far I feel like I could go much longer on this one. plus, did I mention it looks cool? Changes the whole look of the bike i. Only issue: It sits me back sever inches from stock. I am 5'7" with a 29" inseam. So now bit more reach to the 10" Yaffe bars, and [words 15] can use the highway pegs with heels on the floorboards, but can't comfortably reach to put feet directly on them. I like the seat so much though, I'm thinking about new 12" bars. is that passenger area functional or just for looks? I always like the option to take a lady for an unexpected spin, not a planned ride. Could you rotate the bars [words 16] back towards you to help with reach? I just got a Saddlemen's solo that moves [words 17] an inch an forward some. I'm 5'8" an like a low seat height. I may have to throw a set of lowering blocks on. It measures exactly the same as the stock seat from nose to the edge of the driver's backrest, (18”), so I could not figure out why it felt like I was an inch, to and inch and a half further back. So I took it off and laid it on the ground right next to my stock seat which puts me in perfect, comfortable driving position, and I saw what it was. The stock seat is just thicker padded in that back support area, and it sits more upright, where the Roland Sands pitches back a little more, I'm guessing for the looks. I'm going to sell my RSD seat and try something else. Perhaps a Corbin Gunfighter, or Corbin Wall, or a Saddleman Stepup, or maybe the Mustang Low Touring. It will be a spring project. Pm me if you want a deal on a nice RSD seat! And yes, you can take a lady [words 18] on it. just not a really long one. It's a two up, but really not made for that. Thank you for the compliment on the bike. I really can't roll the bars back any more. If I was going to [words 19] to 12” bars and then roll back a little. [words 20] whole project, I ordered a Lucky Dave's seat. It [words 21] crazy to spend $600 on a seat only a few weeks before the bike goes into winter hibernation, but I want to try it out before I decide whether or not to spend the money on a 2” bar change over the winter. I've heard great things about the lucky Dave's Seat and the seating position. On your question about taking a lady for a ride on it. You can, but not very far. There's not a lot to sit on. A backrest might help. I just like the fastback seat style, and for touring, I can put one bag on my rack, and the other facing forward from the backrest, laying on [words 22] of the pillion, and not on my fender.
words 1: website:Twelve-year-old
words 2: executive and one of
words 3: to put in an artistic touch
words 4: about – which is fine if it
words 5: for a company that cares about
words 6: the automotive retail, finance and insurance
words 7: SD personnel who
words 8: to meeting you and
words 9: SD has always
words 10: training our F&I Consultants
words 11: "Best our Best", year after
words 12: our customers and the
words 13: of the
words 14: take on the
words 15: I
words 16: a little
words 17: me up
words 18: for a ride
words 19: keep that seat, I may switch
words 20: But before I do that
words 21: seemed
words 22: top |
<user>: are the missing words: Dr Carolee: I think my health issues started when I was born. I had a terrible case of eczema, and my digestion was very poor. I was extremely small for my age, and when my mom would take me to the doctor they would tell her take me home and feed me more, that was ... do. This was back in the early sixties, and ... knowledge available. But by the time I was seven months old I still did not even have the strength to roll over let alone learn to sit or crawl. By the time I was 2 years old I only weighed 17 pounds. So I got off to a little bit of a rough start in life health wise. An uncle finally took me to a naturopath while my parents were out of town, and he changed my diet. He put me on a natural diet after which time I improved considerably. Dr Carolee: I did really well up until the time I started having children. When I started out with my first child I noticed that my heart started keeping an uneven rhythm at times. It kind of worried me because I knew my dad had deformed heart valves, and had heart trouble all his life, and my older brother had the same deformity but it was a lot worse. He had heart surgery when he was twelve years old, I am sure he was scared, but it was kind of traumatic for me because He told me that the doctor was going to cut his chest open with a saw, and my parents told me that I was to pray that he lived. So too a ten year old it's kind of like a real life Frankenstein movie. And then as a teenager when I would run ... and my left shoulder would burn all the way up my neck, I never told anyone, because I still had visions of doctors with saws dancing in my head. And when I started having children the last thing I wanted to do was believe I had a heart problem. So at that point I kind of went into a denial state. I wanted to have a happy normal life with children. I didn't want to have any heart problems. But with each child I had more trouble, and then I had a kidney that started having trouble. So I went to the doctor and they gave me antibiotics for the kidney which seemed to put the infection ... back. And I told them that my heart would jump all the time and keep an uneven rhythm. So they gave me a one minute EKG. During that one minute, my heart kept an even rhythm, so they told me I was fine and to go ... and take my antibiotics. I had also had an ultrasound after my second daughter ... they told me I had something growing in my uterus that was not normal. Because of a really bad experience with my daughter and her kidney problem that required surgery I didn't like doctors anymore, so I went home and tried to deal with my trouble by myself. Dr Carolee: She was four years old and she started complaining that she was tired all the time, and her complexion became very pale with dark circles under her eyes. I took her in to have her checked. They found a kidney infection and gave her antibiotics. We went back in for a follow up only to find out the antibiotic had done ... nothing. So they put on something stronger, and same thing it did nothing. So they gave her a new medication for the infection and still nothing changed. So they sent her to an urologist who X-rayed her kidneys and found one kidney had completely shut down and hardened to a small knot and the other kidney was enlarged to take on the work of both kidneys. ... really bad situation that would require a ureter reimplant. My doctor told me that I should have the urologist at the hospital do the surgery otherwise he would not be there, and that I should not take her to children's hospital like I wanted too. The doctor told me she would need to be in the hospital for about ten days. So two days after the surgery, the doctor came ... need to get my insurance information. I told him I did not have insurance. They had me out of the hospital with my daughter that very day. So there I was being discharged from the hospital holding my very sick little girl, with no idea how to take care of her. ... a tremendous amount of pain. The next year I took her back in for a check up before she started kindergarten, and they found that her kidney was enlarged again, but this time it was the good kidney that had become infected, and the doctor acted angry with me that I hadn't done something before. I thought I had done everything. ... but he treated me like it was my fault, and ordered me back to the urologist. I felt like if they operated on ... last, so I took her home and decided I was done with doctors, and I would find a way to get her better myself. This was when I really became interested in alternative medicine. I started looking for information, and found an article that said garlic would kill infection and strengthen the bodies organs, and leafy green things like parsley would heal the kidneys. So I blended those two herbs together and fed it to her by the spoonful. Her tiredness went away after a few weeks, and her complexion started to get more rosy, and she started acting healthy! And I thought to myself wow that worked and it didn't cost me ten thousand dollars. Dr Carolee: Right after the birth of my last child, I became so weak that I could hardly walk across the room without passing out. ... shoulder and arm was constant. My ... go numb. I couldn't stand to get cold because it was so hard for my heart, and it would stop and then hit really heard against my chest and ... me. My uterus started to bleed all the time instead of just during cycles, and I knew ... whole lot of trouble. I knew ... sick, but I didn't want to go to the doctors because a close relative had had a heart transplant a few years before that and she lasted three years, and then a nurse gave her a pain killer she was allergic to. She told the nurse she didn't want it that she was allergic to that, and the nurse became irate and insisted she take it because the doctor said so. She did and in an hour she was dead. There was no way I was taking my problem to the doctors. It was kind of like a no win situation. Beth Daniel: happened to bring you to the reality of your situation and make you ... in trouble. Dr Carolee: I guess I must have had an angel on my ... up the stairs one morning and told me that he ... dream. He'd dreamed that I had chosen to die. The dream was very real and he was nearly in tears. And he said “Why momma, why would you ever choose to die? ” he said “I could see that it was going to be a long hard road for ... Because I would help you! ” I knew that it was a true dream, and that by doing nothing, I was choosing ... die. I also knew that this child standing there in front of me would never have a normal life if I were gone. That with a father who worked all the time, that this child would become the one responsible for raising his younger siblings, and I couldn't' bare to put him through that kind of hardship. I made the decision then and there that I would find a way to stay alive no matter what it took. I couldn't stand to think ... navigate life alone. It was kind of like leaving a batch of kittens to the wolves. Dr Carolee: I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I could think to do and that was to get on my knees and start begging for help, and hope somebody heard me. I knew I didn't have any faith ... system. I had already been to them, and they had nothing that I felt could help me. So I started searching for something else, and I started to get answers. The first thing I did was ... to do some cleansing, but it wasn't ... at one point I tried to do too much. I was over in the little country ... the pain in my shoulder got really bad and went across my chest and up my neck into my jaw and it felt like somebody sucker punched me. I collapsed onto the floor. My husband who was nearby had learned some things about herbs with me, and knew hot ... help my heart. So he grabbed a bottle of tobasco sauce off the shelf and ran to where I was and started dumping that down my throat. It eased my pain to where I felt like I could breathe again, but I was very weak, and I refused to go to the hospital. My husband got me home, and ... few days. I continued to juice fast and cleanse, and my strength started to return after several months. I continued to put myself through course ... healing methods as I had the strength trying to regain ... health. But even though I had managed to regain much health and strength with raw food and herbs and hot and cold water, but I still had to be very careful how much I did. Every day that I ... morning still alive, was earned. It was like I got a small allotment of ... day and I had to be careful how I spent it. I gained some serious ground in the energy department when I saw the tumors come out of my uterus. It was a wonderful relief, but I still was not very strong. I got to the ... felt like I had learned all there was to learn about alternative medicine. I figured that this might be as good as it was going to get. Dr Carolee: I started having anxiety attacks out of the blue. I thought it was my heart giving me trouble again, but I couldn't understand how it could be my heart. I hadn't had the pain in my shoulder or neck for a year. I had taken enough cayenne that day to keep ... week. My neighbors called for help and ... to the emergency room. At the Hospital, they didn't run a single test ... check anything, they just ordered the nurse to shoot me up with a powerful blood thinner. I tried to tell them that my blood was already thin, but they wouldn't listen to me, and kept trying to give me medication without even looking at me. I knew that I had a ton of capsaicin in my blood and if they gave me a blood ... to death. So I refused to let them do anything to me until my husband arrived. When my husband finally arrived at the hospital he told them that we wouldn't be taking anything for my heart. They ran some stress tests before they let me go, and found that even though my heart didn't keep an even rhythm the whole time, they felt that my heart was in satisfactory condition. So they handed me a ten thousand dollar bill for staying the night in their hotel from He_ _, and eating one very ... me. After that the anxiety got worse until I felt like I was walking around in a state of shock all ... time. I started to search for answers again. And I prayed with all my heart to be free of this terrible constant fear. I had read about energy medicine, and I was under the impression that it was just some feel good stuff that was practiced by middle eastern gurus, and that it didn't actually do anything. But one day a relative came in and a dropped a book in my lap and told me she had found a good book she really liked. She hadn't really understood it herself, but thought I might since I was into alternative health. It was by Gary Craig. I was ready to try anything that would bring relief, so I read the whole thing and I tried some of the tapping methods. They worked on some things, but nothing touched the anxiety. It would bring it down for a short time, and then it would come right back. I decided to order his DVD's and learn more. I kept trying and trying because I could tell it was doing something, but progress was slow. Then, on the DVD there was ... with Dr Stephen Daniel and his fiancé Beth. I watched him, and he seemed to emanate compassion. He wasn't just there for the show, he didn't make derogatory remarks about anyone else's method, like I had seen another man do on the DVD. He genuinely cared and believed his method would heal people, and was there ... benefit of others. I was impressed, and decided his method was the ... the answer to my troubles. I called in and found that this was the answer to not only the anxiety, but to everything. Even with all I had done, I was still spending most of my day lying in front of the fireplace feeling weak, and wondering if I would ever feel completely well. I would take a walk every day, but if I ate very heavy then my kidney would hurt, and then I would be more tired and then my heart would have trouble. I was just always tired. I couldn't even think straight sometimes. But when I started Quantum Techniques I couldn't believe the immediate healing results I received. Just as an example I would try to jump on my mini tramp three times per week hoping it would help bring up my energy, but after about ten minutes I would be so tired I could do no more, but I kept trying because I believed that moving my body just had to work. After about eight weeks using quantum techniques I was able to do sometimes up to 45 minutes three times a week! Amazing! I found out that even though my diet was careful and mostly raw, I was still getting a lot of the wrong foods for my body. Quantum techniques unique methods allowed me to find which foods worked for my body and which foods did not until I gained ... the foods I could not eat before. After about 8 months or so I was also able to gain weight ... could before. Even when I was having children, I never gained much weight. I had never realized that there were so many reasons underlying my lack of energy and health troubles. Who would have thought that a little fungus could cause so much trouble. or even emotional trauma. I knew after the ... to clear that I had to learn this method that almost seemed like magic! When I told my family about it they were a little skeptical, and so I told them that if I went to little house on the prairie and told Charles Ingles that we could take him in and do an MRI and take a look at his brain, he'd think I was nuts! Something that is so far advanced that it seems like magic to us, is just something we have yet to grasp the full potential of. But when my family saw the results I was getting, they all wanted to try it too. And they got excellent results too. Dr Carolee: Well I was a natural health practitioner already even though I was still limited myself, and when I would get these amazing results, I would feel like I just had to know how to do this. It was kind of Beth and I were both in the same battle, helping others regain their health, and I looked over at Beth, and Beth's sword was way bigger than mine! And I'm thinking, ok I need a weapon like that! She's getting the job done! And I'm working harder, and getting only half the results! So I decided to become a Quantum Techniques practitioner, and I love doing it!.
words 1: all they could
words 2: there wasn't a lot of
words 3: in track
words 4: in remission, but it would keep coming
words 5: home
words 6: and
words 7: absolutely
words 8: They told us she was in a
words 9: in and told me that he would
words 10: I took her home, she was in
words 11: I didn't know,
words 12: her other kidney that she wouldn't
words 13: The pain in my left
words 14: toes on my left foot would
words 15: it would really hurt and scare
words 16: I was in a
words 17: I was really
words 18: realize that you were
words 19: shoulder because my son came
words 20: had had a
words 21: you, momma, but you could do it!
words 22: to
words 23: of my children trying to
words 24: at all in the medical
words 25: changed my diet and started
words 26: an easy road and
words 27: store when
words 28: pepper would
words 29: we had a scary
words 30: after course of alternative
words 31: complete
words 32: woke up in the
words 33: energy each
words 34: point where I
words 35: my blood thin for a
words 36: an ambulance rushed me
words 37: or
words 38: thinner I would bleed
words 39: bad meal and discharged
words 40: the
words 41: this short little section
words 42: for the
words 43: next step for me, and hopefully
words 44: enough strength to have some of
words 45: that I never
words 46: anxiety started |
Human: What could be the completion of this text: I am the owner of a van, not just any van but a '89 VW. Pretty cool (if I say so myself) and although the bodywork and the engine looked solid the ...
Bot: Completed pargraph(s): interior needed a whole lot of work. There was not a lot in the van that was as it should be in order to be a campervan. The cabin was separated from...
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Bot: the back, in the front only 1 worn out driver seat that was put there just to be able to drive it home. In the back there was nothing but a collection...
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Bot: of parts, which I was told was a complete Westfalia interior. Also included with the van was a poptop, a conversion for the roof to create a “bedroom” on top of the van, the penthouse as I like to call it. Here in Holland the rules on campervans are pretty strict because of the tax advantage. To give you an idea, now I pay...
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Bot: 40,- a month but if it was not a campervan it would cost me 160,-Just so you know, during the progress of building the van I started to refer to the Volkswagen...
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Bot: as “the van”. I always have been a bit annoyed by people naming their possessions with cute little names, almost like a pet. Noticing I was kinda doing the same, I somehow convinced myself that “the van” was nothing like that at all and was just convenient. In the end I needed to stop myself from putting a sticker on the back saying THE...
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Bot: VAN. All of these should have been enough to satisfy what I think my needs are, but nope there is way more. After searching on forums and other websites I struck luck and found a guy renting out his template to copy all the holes and cutout. All I had to do was get the van to his place and transfer all the info from the template onto the roof of the van. Measuring it up 5 times and breaking my head over it 5 times more, it was still hard to just drill and cut in the bodywork. Somehow cutting into perfectly fine bodywork hurts a bit, but hey I wanted a campervan so I got the cutting going. To strengthen the cutout I made a frame...
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Bot: that fit around cutout. For the sides I used 2x2cm aluminium frame, the front and back needed to have the curve of the roof...
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Bot: so I used some wood to create the same curve. I bolted all this to the edge of the cutout. Further down the construction process, this frame was the base to staple...
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Bot: the ceiling and the finishing strips too. Having reinforced the cutout I thought I was ready to finish off the cutout. But I realized I forgot a major part of the construction. When the poptop is opened the full weight of the poptop rests on 2 legs standing on the roof of the van. Because of the weight of the poptop the roof started...
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Bot: bending down. After taking over the angle of the roof I made a technical drawing and asked some professionals to advise me on how to create a support beam. I asked the guys from Gebr. Nijssen make me 2 support beams, and also some missing parts for the poptop. After installing the custom made parts I was finally ready to finish the cutout (YEY!...
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Bot: this was a big deal for me). With the inside of the poptop looking crappy I thought high pressure cleaning would clean it up, but there was no way just water would...
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Bot: do the job. Not knowing how else to clean it up I took a shot at reupholstering it myself. There was a whole lot of leftover fabric, at the company I work...
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Bot: for, that I could use for the roof and also for all the inside panels. After spraying both surfaces with contact glue, it took me a lot of sweat to cover the roof with this huge piece of fabric. The result was a smooth brand new looking ceiling for the penthouse of the van. The holes to fit the poptop were spot on, installing it properly was not easy for somebody with no experience in this field at all! With some extra hands here and there we managed to get it properly installed. Being happy the poptop was properly installed I had to face the biggest hurdle, sewing the tent, which seemed almost impossible. The driving force behind sewing my own tent was that a new one would...
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Bot: costs me around 400,-. Getting myself some tent fabric only cost me 30,- so even if I messed up a couple times I would...
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Bot: still be cheaper. So after taking measurements I pinned down the fabric in a way I am sure is not professional at all. I started sewing and it worked out almost okay. Needing to take out the stitching a couple of times and sewing it again, the whole thing took me about 1,5 hours. I amazed myself when I stapled the fabric into the poptop, the tent fitted almost without a crease. Fumbling it in on the inside it pretty much looked like it should. With the tent fixed properly under the poptop, now it needed to be fixed to the bodywork of the van. Without owning all the right parts to fix the tent to the bodywork I needed to improvise a bit. To create a water...
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Bot: tight seal with the roof of the van I got myself a 2x30mm rubber strip. When I figured out exactly where to put it, I indicated it with some masking tape all...
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Bot: around the van. Following that tape around with some double sided tape the rubber was glued in place. To clamp down the tent onto the rubber I needed a metal profile, but after spending hours online trying to find it I desperately started looking through hundreds of profiles cramped together in our storage. There I found aluminium finish strips for wooden floors. After some...
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Bot: time spent bending the strips to fit the contours it worked out pretty well. So the finished tent is clamped down on my van with floor strips . well whatever works! A...
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Bot: campervan is not a campervan without a kitchen, says the taxman. But...
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Bot: I would not want to travel without the comfort of some running water and a place to make my coffee straight out of my bed. Although the van came with a Westfalia...
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Bot: kitchen, it took a whole lot of energy to get it fitted and working. Installing the storage space made it possible to fit in the water and gas tanks to finally get...
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Bot: the kitchen working. A campervan will never have enough storage space. I am sure Westfalia put a lot of thought in their design back in the 80's and they did a real...
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Bot: good job on most of the interior. Loads of little compartments to...
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Bot: get to in multiple ways, but the biggest storage is underneath the bed / couch and either laying or sitting on in makes it impossible to get in there, so I cut up the base of the couch to fit in some drawers. In the back, next to the bed is the biggest storage which holds the gas tank. The couch and table that...
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Bot: came with the van, also original Westfalia are the best! Turns out that the couch with a rounded off corner is a rare option, and it grew to be my favorite place in the van, especially to read. When folded out the couch turns into a bed, not the biggest bed ever but more than enough for 2 people. The bed that folds out...
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Bot: in the poptop is bigger and pretty comfortable, but somehow using the fold out bed is easier. As I said when I bought the van nothing was installed and there were no interior panels. Because of that you could see straight to the bodywork of the van. Original panels are hard to come by, and cost way too much money. One of the first...
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Bot: jobs that had to be done was isolating the walls and finishing them off with panels, I started measuring and cutting the panels. After fitting and cutting the panels over a dozen...
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Bot: times they finally fit. The whole upholstering is a bit girly so I took my girlfriend along to help me give the panels the...
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Bot: same look as the poptop ceiling. She did a really good job!...
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Bot: thank you! All done with the panels, the isolation needed to go in. Not something I looked forward to since it is itchy and annoying stuff, but I had been told I...
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Bot: would hugely regret it if I would not isolate at this point...
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Bot: of the process. The isolation material was looking so nice I was a bit sad to put the panels in, but in the end it is all as it should be. To...
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Bot: keep the lights on at night, the water running and all the other fancy electrical things, I was in need of a second battery. Having read loads of horrifying stories online about...
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Bot: burned down campervans or not having power to start up the van, the battery turned out to be a serious job. Turns out there is a smart switch that makes sure you can not take any power out of the engine battery, so no worries about push starting the car. A simple fuse box makes sure no shortage will burn down the van, so I am all safe! And as you can see, it works . never done this before so I am pretty proud. When I connected the fridge to the freshly installed battery it almost started working properly. Trying to work out how to make it work better I got to know that these old fridges work the least crappy on gas. Still a bit afraid...
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Bot: of burning down the van with a gas powered fridge I was somewhat reluctant. Installing a chimney and cleaning out all the parts of the fridge I could see how it all worked and this gave me a bit more trust in the fridge. Since I already had a propane bottle for the stove, connecting the gas was not that big a deal. Even...
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Bot: though I am still not sure how a flame cools my beers...
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Bot: down, I am really happy it does! To make sure I can...
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Bot: bring enough water I installed a huge watertank. I was lucky to find an original Westfalia water tank, and although it was too big to fit in the space where it belonged I made it fit. Not wanting to cut a hole in the side of the van to fill the tank, the hose was extended all the way to the back closet. This...
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Bot: did not work out as well as I thought it would, I inserted another hose to fill up the tank, this hose has a connection so I can extend it to a watertap. Because of being too happy with a water tank that did not really fit, I was forced to lift half the interior with 10cm.
Human: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: It was a bit of work, but it gave me some space underneath the back side of the bed. This is a good thing because it [spans 1] storage. In this storage underneath the bed frame I installed a big drawer to store sheets and clothes. The van came only with a driver seat. After i bought the van the idea was to fit a couch next to the driver seat. Sitting with 3 people in the front of the van seemed like the best way to travel. In the progress of converting the van to a campervan the mounts of the couch had to be removed. The couch and the whole idea of 3 people in the front was out the window. Not being able to spent too much on new seats I got myself a passenger seat with the same brown fake leather as the driver seat. This worked out perfect, but over time the idea of more comfortable seats was growing on me so I started looking for new , [spans 2] seats. Buying and installing the “new” seats let me know what I was missing all along. Adjustable arm rests, head rests and fluffy upholstering, I never wanted to leave the seats after installing them and driving them home. (in the pictures left the seats as advertised, right the original seat). Of course there are a lot of things still to do. Who knows if I will ever get around to do all the improvements I want to do. Here is a list of things still to do, if you have tips or ways to help me out you are more than welcome to contact me. Turning platform for the passenger seat, this way the living space can hold 1 more person. The more people can stay in the van the better all the trips will be. Solar panels, to be able to stay in one place longer without needing to drive to charge the battery. Roofrack, in this way there is way more storage for long trips. This takes some alterations to the poptop and the structure of the van. View of fountain [spans 3] day. Lake maggiore in the evening after sunset with fisherman on the boat Electric Train FLP arriving at Ponte Tresa from Lugano, Switzerland. View of Estense Palace Palazzo Estense with a fountain in front, Varese, Italy. View of Fountain of Estense Palace Palazzo Estense in Varese, Lombardy, Italy. The sunny Fountain with Rainbow in the park. The sunny fountain with rainbow in the park. Lake maggiore in the evening after sunset with fisherman on the boat Passengers get off the Airbaltic plane arrived in Riga on a rainy day. Aerial view of Omegna and Lake Orta, located [spans 4] 1. View of clouds from the aircraft window in flight. View of Milan-Malpensa airport Terminal 1 from the moving aircraft. Meat pieces in preparation on the cast iron plate Lamb ribs in preparation on the charcoal grill. Yellow Primroses moving with the wind. Senior Man grilling the meat on charcoal grill. Bee collecting pollen from white plum blossoming flowers. Happy Senior man enjoying the cool water of the waterfall. Hexacopter [spans 5] altitude. Aerial view of Villa Toeplitz with autumn park in Varese. Gardener cutting tree with chainsaw. Aerial View of Cadegliano Viconago in winter, is a small village located above Ponte Tresa in the province of Varese. Aerial view of autumn garden of Villa Toeplitz in Varese. Aerial view of Luino, is a small town on the shore of Lake Maggiore in province of Varese. Quadcopter Drone Taking Off over lawn Female hands cutting cucumbers with ceramic knife Aerial view of San Martino Church, is situated on top of San Martino Mount at Duno, province of Varese. Aerial view of San Martino Church, is situated on top of San Martino Mount at Duno, province of Varese. Aerial view of winter landscape of frozen lake Ghirla in province of Varese. Gardener cutting down tree with chainsaw. Aerial view of winter landscape of lake Ceresio, Swiss Alps and village Cadegliano Viconago in province of Varese. Workers are loading luggage in passenger airplane in the airport of Arkhangelsk. Bricks cut with circular electric saw Aerial view of Ferrera di Varese on the hills north of Varese, with Fermona waterfall below. Stand up paddle boarding man [spans 6] Sea. Tall view of ferris wheel in qingcheng park, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China boy hanging from a very tall building Tower cranes against sky background NY lower Manhattan buildings with sun in background. April 2018 Rabat, Morocco A skyscraper on Nakheel Street in Rabat Venice, bell tower in Campo Santi Apostoli.
spans 1: allowed me to install a proper bed frame for some ventilation, and some
spans 2: more comfortable
spans 3: on Lake Lugano - Ceresio in Lavena Ponte Tresa, Italy Time lapse of cutting up fresh organic leek Landscape of Lake Lugano - Ceresio with fountain cloudy
spans 4: in Piedmont, Italy Aircraft in preparation for the flight in Milan Malpensa International Airport, Terminal
spans 5: in training flying through obstacles at low
spans 6: at |
Human: Can you tell me how to fill in the missing spans: It was a clear spring afternoon in the city of Florence, Italy. The Renaissance was still in progress during the mid-16th century. The City reflected the mood of the times, touching all parts of daily life from religion, politics and business. The old ways were being changed and with it an interest in the world beyond the current maps of the day. A rock that was once part of a stone bridge penetrated the water, causing an explosion that sent a ragged circular sheet of water upwards [spans 1] epicenter. The current of the Flume Arno flowed westward and stretched the waves until they were erased. The rock was thrown by a young nineteen year old cartographer, Leonardo Vi. The talented young man had once apprenticed as a stone mason for his uncle. As a stone mason apprentice he had worked on walls and bridges such as the one he and his father crossed this day. So throwing the stone was something he had done many times before. That stone had been broken off previously and was lying on the ground from its placement. Picking it up and looking at the rock Leonardo made a wish [spans 2] rock. That wish was to see other lands talked about by the customers who would come into their Map Shop and share their experiences. Alongside of him was his mentor and father Guido, a stout gentleman weighing close to two hundred pounds, but well-groomed and fashionably clothed. They were returning to the shop after visiting a supplier when the stone was thrown. Guido had stopped as well and looked out onto [spans 3] Arno. After seeing the rock land upon the water he looked down at his reflection from the bridge. Guido thought back to when Leonardo was a young boy and how they would cross this same bridge. Leonardo would ask questions of "What [spans 4] by. Leonardo had an inquiring mind at an early age and it would continue to serve his imagination as he grew older. His keen sense of observation and wanting to convey what he saw by drawing it came natural to him. Besides drawing, Guido would watch Leonardo build things such as miniature castles out of sticks and walls made of small stones. As Leonardo grew older, Guido's older brother Mario mentioned to him that there was an apprentice position in his business and thought Leonardo might like to learn to be a stone mason. Guido wasn't sure, but thought it might make Leonardo more appreciative of map making after lifting stones of varies sizes so he agreed to let Leonardo work for him. Safety was on the minds of the older workers especially having a young boy of 11 around them. After three years Leonardo had learned much, but his thoughts were of art and his desire to further his knowledge on the subject matter was evident. So Guido enrolled Leonardo then fourteen years of age at the prestigious Raphael Academy of Arts. There Leonardo learned the skills of painting and sculpture and became interested in speaking Spanish and learning to read and write Latin. After spending four years at the Academy he was an accomplished young artist, but to repay his father Leonardo started working for him and quickly learned the map trade. This made Guido happy and furthered Leonardo's insatiable appetite for knowledge. Still looking down at his reflection in the water Guido sighed then telling his son "Life is like this bridge we cross. So many memories will flow past you as you make your way across to the other side. Before you know it, you will be old and have regrets for [spans 5] done". Leonardo looked at his father and inquired, "What do you mean father? " Guido began walking and replied "You will learn my son, you will learn”. Guido had once aspired to be an artist himself. His family was not prosperous enough to afford the cost of professional lessons and not having a sponsor to support his endeavors he went to work in the map making business. Where his talents excelled and eventually led to his own successful shop. The naming of his son Leonardo was after the great artist Leonardo da Vinci for whom [spans 6] admired. “The more I observe the properties of water, the more it fascinates me. Like [spans 7] breaking. If the shore line is deep the wave does not break. If it is shallow it breaks along the contour of the land underneath” said Leonardo looking at his father and then at the clouds in the sky. “I know what you mean. On my last trip to Livorno I had time to take a walk along the beach north of the town. There I watched the dolphins riding inside of the waves. They are amazing creatures, but getting back to the waves. If there is a point or protrusion in the land the waves start to break there and follow the contour as [spans 8] mentioned. If it is a beach the waves break as one continuous wall unless there is a sand bar” said Guido with a smile. The pungent smell from the butcher stands at both entrances of the bridge lingered in the breeze. The noise from the passersby blended into a muffle as they made their way from one end of the bridge to the other. Leonardo and Guido noticed a couple in a disagreement, the man was saying he was sorry and that he loved her very much. The woman was not saying a word and had turned her back on him and was looking up. Guido [spans 9] quarrel. Oh pigeon poop, I just remembered Leonardo! I have an appointment this afternoon. I think we [spans 10] time. After reaching the shop, they put away their coats. No sooner after they had done so there was a knock at the door. A stately gentleman and his companion, a young lady entered the shop. He introduced himself as Captain Miguel Montoya a tall and fit man in early 40's. [spans 11] 17. Her height of 5' 8” and her full figured appearance made her more of a woman than a teenager. Her chestnut color hairs framing her eyes, her nose and her smile reflected the gift that her mother had given her. The Captain was visiting Florence on official business for the Royal Court of Spain and was anticipating their return voyage within a few days. A letter of introduction was delivered from officials in Florence to expedite the procurement of maps at the request of Spain's King Charles I. Guido's abilities were well known in Europe so the appointment was arranged and it wasn't long before the two met face to face. " My appointment was made for me through the office of the Casa de Contratación in Seville to visit you Mr. "Yes, Yes please come in Captain Montoya I am Guido Vi at your service". "Thank you, may I introduce my daughter Maria" said Captain Montoya. "A pleasure" said Guido as he half bowed with a smile and continued "Allow me to introduce my son and partner Leonardo to you" as he proudly turned to face his son. "Pleased to make your [spans 12] Guido. “May I take your cape? " asked Leonardo to Maria. "Yes you may Leonardo" Maria replied as she unbuttoned the cape near the neck and allowed him to remove the cape from her shoulders. "We have been thoroughly enjoying your beautiful city" she added in fluent Italian. After Leonardo heard her remarks his face lit up in agreement and added in Spanish “beautiful thoughts from a beautiful lady”. Maria smiled and Captain Montoya looked at Leonardo with reservations. Guido continued the introduction "Captain Montoya I was informed that you were primarily looking for the latest maps of the New World as well as the Pacific coast" Guido remarked. Vi” said Captain Montoya as he moved to the center of the room where there was a large table elaborately painted like a map. "What a beautiful piece of art! " commented Captain Montoya as he admired the detailed drawing of Italy's coastline. "I must be boastful and tell you that Leonardo did that for me as a gift for sending him through the art academy here in Florence. He is very skilled and I hope you find that evident in the maps he produces for your review and please call me Guido only the butcher calls me Mr. Vi, Guido added with a smile. "If this table is any indication of your maps then I am sure I will be well pleased with your cartography”. Left to themselves Maria and Leonardo were in a conversation, at first Leonardo chose his words to be polite. Maria on the other [spans 13] woman. She made Leonardo at ease with her humor and grace despite the fact that her beauty captivated him. Her father hearing the laughter looked [spans 14] were. With a casual glance he produced a warm smile and redirected his attention [spans 15] hand. Maria looking over to her father and sensing not to get carried away with socializing rejoined him at the table as Leonardo followed. Captain Montoya and Guido began talking about the new and unexplored lands of the Americas. “I have copies of maps that Juan de la Cosa who was the navigator on the Columbus voyages and by the Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci. Their works along the coast of Terra do Brasil is quite good. Leonardo and I are in the process of utilizing details from both into a newer version” said Guido pausing for a moment and continued with his dialogue “Captain Montoya I have something very interesting to show you” said Guido as he excused himself and walked over to a shelf and brought back a protective leather carrying case filled with five books. After placing it on the table Guido explained what was in the case “The case contains diaries of a person who was shipwreck on an island in the Pacific Ocean. To my surprise it was by someone I knew who had bought a few maps from me years ago. His name is Vincenzo Genoa a brilliant man and a wonderful person [spans 16] around. I recently bought these books [spans 17] Guido. “I was told about how and where the diaries were obtained by a sailor whose [spans 18] Chui. He could not read or write but knew the books maybe of importance. I asked to look at it and he handed it to me to look at. As I looked through the pages it described who the author was and where he was from and why he had made the trip. Then it would describe his experience before, during and after the storm in a general context and his stay on an island. It was cleverly done and an ordinary person would have read part of it and not understood the [spans 19] writing. There was way more information regarding the subject matter on the page that met the eye. He used Latin as his code to cross reference information on another book to be more secretive. I too didn't know that until my son Leonardo solved the code” said Guido as he looked at Leonardo. Looking back at the books Guido continued “Chui was in a tavern in Macau when he met the sailor who had the books and wanted to sell them, the sailor's name was Jorge” said Guido pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts. “So, Chui goes on to say that Jorge met an officer whose ship found a canoe drifting in the doldrums of the equator with the diaries in it. The ship that found the canoe was sailing from Acapulco to [spans 20] Harbor. The officer who was in charge of ship's stores took possession of the diaries after the Captain and the other officers read the books and thought nothing of it because of none of them knew Latin. It was locked away in the ship's store and would be sent back to Spain on the next ship to Acapulco. The officer of the ship's store needed money and thought he could sell it to [spans 21] town. Stopping at one of the bar/brothel establishment by the docks he sat at a table with the 5 diaries in a bag. Jorge sitting nearby came over and bought the officer a drink. They got to talking and Jorge bought another round. After telling Jorge of the story of how the books were found on a canoe, the officer went upstairs to his room to rest. The next morning the officer was found dead and his clothes and possessions were missing. One month later in a tavern in Macau, Jorge is having a drink and trying to sell the books. Chui being curious came over and started a conversation with Jorge. They got to talking and they both [spans 22] ships. Jorge invited Chui to take a seat and Chui obliged. Before Chui had joined him, Jorge had made fun of a bar maid in the tavern an hour earlier. The bar maid told her boyfriend who had just got off work about how that sailor Jorge made fun of her in front of others in the tavern. The crusty bearded six foot tall longshoreman walked over to Jorge and asked “did you make fun of my girlfriend”. Jorge being half drunk and acting arrogant said “What if I did” as he went to grab his knife from his waist belt. Before pulling his knife out the other man had already pulled out his knife and seeing Jorge grabbing for his knife, he lunged forward and stabbed Jorge in the heart as he sat in his chair. A silence followed and Jorge was leaning back with his head tilted to one side and his arms lay limp to his sides. Chui lifted both hands in the air and said “I had nothing to do with this man insulating your girlfriend”. The boyfriend of the bar maid realizing the consequences of his deed ran out the door with a blood stain knife in hand. Everyone in the tavern began to talk and move around. The bar tender came over reached into Jorge's pocket and took out 50 ducas for the previous drink and instructed another person to help him drag the dead body out of the tavern and into the alley. Where a person came out of the shadows and searched the dead man for whatever he could find. Another patron in the tavern went to get the authorities. With the chaos around him Chui calmly grab the bag of books and walked out the door. His ship was sailing out that afternoon and returning back to Portugal. The ship would make a right hand turn around Singapore and then through the Malacca Straits into the [spans 23] Africa. After that they would round the Cape of Good Hope and back up to Portugal. Where Chui would crew on another ship to deliver cargo to Livorno, Italy where we would meet. I asked if he wanted to sell the books and Chui said he did. After negotiating a price, I returned back to Florence and had Leonardo help me decipher the book” said Guildo. Captain Montoya looked at Guido as he explained about the books and Vincenzo. “Vincenzo Genoa was a scholar who had studied astronomy, cartography, medicine, alchemy, engineering, military warfare and was a shrewd business man who could speak five different languages. He had traveled to many [spans 24] orient. He was also working for King Sebastion of Portugal on a [spans 25] mission. Leonardo is still deciphering that out currently, but the other things that I mentioned I learned from others” said Guido. After hearing King Sebastian of Portugal mentioned Captain Montoya became very interested in the books and when Guido said there was a hidden map in one of [spans 26] desert. After having read through one of book and looked at the map that had been hidden within the book cover. He lifts his head and said “I will read more later” then looking at Guido asks "where do you think these islands are while pointing at the map”. "Oh! Those islands have fascinated me also. Leonardo has a good idea where they might be from the astronomical chart” said Guido. “Astronomical chart? ” asked Captain Montoya. “Yes, Vincenzo kept a record of his voyage from the time he left Manila to the time he was at the village where he was staying at. Each page had a code that related to the position of the stars to where he was. The last entry in his diary describes them in the canoe and were fishing, but that entry had no reference and was left blank ” said Guido. “Leonardo can you tell me more of what you know regarding the diaries and the map” asked Captain Montoya. “Yes, as my father has mentioned Senior Vincenzo was very intelligent and he arranged his diaries in a very clever way. By indicating a Latin word to area on another book that translated into a numeric value into a table in another book gave the coordinates for specific locations on another map that is missing. It took me a while to figure that out” said Leonardo. Captain Montoya asked Leonardo “would [spans 27] Ocean. Leonardo was surprised at the question and wanted to [spans 28] father. “Excuse me Captain Montoya I would like to talk to my father in private” said Leonardo as he looked at his father and started walking towards the backroom [spans 29] shop. Guido said “Excuse me” and followed Leonardo. Once in the [spans 30] live”. “I would like you to stay, but I remember what I told you on the bridge about regrets and not to have done those things you really wanted to do. You have my blessing my son if you wish to go. Leonardo replied "Yes, yes father I really do want to go, this is once in a lifetime opportunity". [spans 31] yourself”. “I love you too, father” said Leonardo blinking while holding back the tears. After a few minutes they return into the room, Leonardo walks over to Captain Montoya and said”after talking it over with my father I would like to go and be of service to you Captain Montoya”. Maria smiled as Captain Montoya walked over to Leonardo to shake his hand and said “It will be with high esteem that we welcome you to our mission and that we find what we are looking, Thank you Leonardo”Leonardo smiled and looked at Maria. Captain Montoya took the necessary time he needed to review the paper work that Guido made out for him to sigh to consummate the purchase of the books and the maps of the Americas and the Pacific Ocean. Guido then placed them in a large leather binder with his signature trademark "V" on the clasp. Leonardo we are staying at the Tuscany Inn, please join us for dinner tonight and we will go over the details of our departure. That evening Leonardo would find out more about Captain Montoya's life. After dinner they would sit out in the garden of the inn and have a glass of wine and talk about the Captain's adventures. “I have sailed to all parts of the Mediterranean and to the New World a couple of times. Captain Montoya discussed his orders to sail aboard the Spanish treasure [spans 32] Panama. Where he, his daughter and Leonardo would leave the ship and cross Panama on horseback for another vessel located on the Pacific side. The La Rosa del Mar would then make its way to Cartagena, Colombia and would become part of the Tierra Firme [spans 33] commodities. “This would be the first oceanic voyage for Maria” said Captain Montoya as he continued to share his story in how he met his wife and the sad ending to their relationship. “I met my wife in the fishing village of Portbou near the border of Spain with France. She was from the French city of Narbonne, Chanelle was visiting her uncle's residence at Portbou when I met her. My family owned a vast amount of land growing Citrus in the inland regions of Portbou. As it was her habit, Chanelle was walking along the beach in the late summer's afternoon [spans 34] intertwined. I had just returned from a military voyage to Egypt and wanting to find some solitude and refresh my mind, I too was walking along the beach. Seeing her ahead some distance away I started picking up my pace then slowed as I approached within speaking distance of her. She turned when I abruptly spoke these words "Good Afternoon Mademoiselle". She was ascertaining if I was well intentioned or not and replied [spans 35] me. I laughed out loud which took her by surprise and broke the ice of formality. "Thank you for the promotion! " I replied as I extended my hand to her. "Lieutenant Miguel Montoya of the Spanish Fleet and I am pleased to make your acquaintance""I [spans 36] touched. "I am here visiting my uncle and enjoying the serenity of the sea. but then you obviously love the sea as well being in the Naval profession" said Chanelle. such a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady" I boldly answered and was unwillingly to let go of her delicate hand. "I sense we have much in common besides the sea" I said while releasing the words as if to open a door for her to step into my world. "You are more than kind, Lieutenant" Chanelle replied to me as she turned to continue the walk with me by her side. That walk was the beginning of our relationship which we fell in love and would be married a year later. Maria was born the following year and brought unspeakable joy into our hearts. The years came and went with happiness and prosperity filling our lives. Then when Maria was 16, tragedy struck while she and Chanelle were visting their family in Narbonne. I was away on one of his many [spans 37] away. Once we were reunited I comforted Maria who was grief stricken. A prestigious assignment to the New World was assigned to me and Maria implored me for her to go. I requested the King to allow her to accompany me and King Charles being a father and grandfather felt a deep compassion for the loss of my wife and her mother granted me the request. I was more than relieved to let Maria fill [spans 38] loss. Maria was young, but strong in spirit and kept her composure like her mother. I knew she would be tested in every aspect on this trip, but still felt it better for her to go than leave her in the custody of her aging uncle. One year later we met you and your father here in Florence” said Captain Montoya.
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spans 37: assignments at sea when Chanelle suddenly fell ill then languishing for months with consumption before she passed
spans 38: the void left by Chanelle's |
<human>: What are the missing spans: Book Description: The NKJV Wide Margin Reference Bible. This Bible provides ample room for note-taking right in the margins. Printed on heavy paper to lessen "show-through" from ink or pencil inscriptions, each page has a wide margin completely surrounding the text. Center-column references and translation notes open doors to in-depth Bible study, and additional study helps include introductions to all the books of the Bible, a harmony of the Gospels, full-color maps, and a 66-page concordance. The beautiful bonded leather cover comes in black and burgundy, with gilded page edges and a gift box. A super value for those who want a good wide margin reference Bible in a modern translation. Book Description: The Biblia Hebraica is an essential resource for anyone who wants to do serious study of the [spans 1] Testament. This edition, while being heavy and impractical for carrying to class, has the advantage of comfortably large type and a very clear font. The page layout is very good. I used it all the time in college and couldn't have gotten through my Hebrew classes without it. Make sure you get the index by Bruce Einspahr too. Book Description: I found the Urantia Book a couple of years ago and have found it has changed me completely. It answers most questions about religion, sceince, philosophy and life on a backwards planet as viewed by a common mortal creature with little intellegence. Truly is faith inspiring and thought provoking. This book will eventually transform the world from an internal spirit leading truth, teach us how to live in peace, and show us the way to love our brother and sister mortals. Looking forward to an eventual era of light and life with the return of a universe ruler. Life on this planet can be changed by our individual actions as demonstrated by a true leader while among us. The life of this universe ruler while in the flesh has given us all an example to live by. Buy this if you want something to flip open to at random for amusement and rare insights. Also, a wide number of the ideas contained therein were gleaned from '30s notions and various religions without reference, but (and you know it's a classic because) other small groups have since gleaned ideas (such as Thought Adjusters) from this book. So for some obscure reference possibilities, sure, maybe. For a basis of belief, though? If the universe is actually as crammed packed with such a tediously granular and rigid bureaucracy and hierarchy as this book claims, I'll side with the Rebellion. Book Description: If you are looking for clear, meaningful answers to many of life's most profound questions. If you are looking for the most advanced methods of meditation and prayer. Or if you need inspiration and motivation to grow spiritually. You will find it in this book. buy it Essential reading for anyone interested in yoga, whether as a practitioner or as a scholar, this book also offers a lot to those interested in other paths of transformation. This is a brilliantly executed work: verse by verse, the book provides the Sanskrit text, the English translation and Yogananda's comprehensive commentary mining the Gita's many levels of meaning. For example, Yogananda explores the Gita's depicting of events (the armies of Arjuna and his brothers arrayed against their foes) as an allegory for every aspirant's internal struggle between the forces leading towards spiritual realization and the forces (e. ## sense-slavery, sloth, lack of discrimination)that thwart it. Within this context, he also examines the dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna as a reflection of the inner dialogue between Spirit and soul (hence the "God Talks" title). On other fronts, Yogananda makes connections between the Gita and Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras and the Sankhya philosophical traditions. In ways I am not yet able to articulate, this book helped me bridge the gap between what I categorize-imprecisely I'm sure-as yogic and non-yogic traditions. (By yogic I mean any meditative tradition that predicated on the existence of Spirit, the realization of which serves as the final goal, vs. non-yogic by which I mean meditative [spans 2] goal. Ultimately, what makes this book so powerful is that Yogananda clearly knows whereof he speaks. The result is a book that speaks in direct and practical terms to the aspirant, while also able to satisfy the pedant. buy it The world is full of such misery. Where can we turn? Which club? Which therapy? Which religion? It seems that we have to do so much, in order to alleviate ourselves from something so constant and simple. We need to join clubs. To go through initiations. To afford a therapist. The author of this book is my Guru. I give no weight to any [spans 3] material. I was initiated as his devotee 26 years ago. The president of the organization that he founded, Self-Realization Fellowship, [spans 4] presence. I live near most of their churches. I have talked extensively with their ministers and monks. But Yogananda was and is a well that you can dip your cup freely from and drink as much as you will. One is not separated from time and space. His family is the world. Credentials and titles do not matter. This book is an example of what he taught. Simplicity and the simple fact that one can reach God on the opposite side of the planet from Self-Realization Fellowship Headquarters and be a garbage collector in an unknown part of the world, if one's love for God is intense enough. I am quite assured that if one read this little book 100 times and followed it's principles devotedly, one would probably be a greater saint than anyone who lives near Self-Realization Fellowship headquarters, is a monk or nun of his organization, or those who knew him personally while he was living. This book may be all you need! Others need more equipment and training, sorry to say. This book is very simplistic. If I were stranded on a desert island, and I only had one book, I do believe it would be this one. I have all of Yogananda's lessons and service lectures bounded in my library. As well as all of his books, recordings, and the words of his devotees. And all of the yogic methods that he taught. But if one would take a tiny book such as this, and follow it with ferverous devotion, I have no doubt that eventually such a one would go as fast spiritually as anyone anyplace and at anytime. buy it This is Yogananda's discourse on success. It is really quite simple. There are three areas that we have to deal with as Yogananda explains. First is the subconscious which has to be bombarded with "positive ions" and affirmations. As well as the [spans 5] thinking. See "Scientific Healing Affirmations" on this theory. If you are financially troubled, do the "prosperity affirmation" in that book. I haven't been homeless in 3 years! And while homeless, I chanted that 50-word affirmation about 500 times in all conditions and in all weather. It's hard to practice yoga when you are broke. And I am still living out my nightmares psychologically. But let's get back to the book. The second phase is dealing with the "conscious mind". Here is where Yogananda stresses that YOU have to make some kind of conscious effort. Finally, deep prayer to God in order to receive aid. I would like to add a couple points. It is very popular today to "Find Your True Vocation". Yogananda stresses in his lessons that you life's vocation really begins to develop between the ages of 3 and 12. He advises a two-pronged approach. Do some of which you really love, BUT KEEP WORKING AT THE JOB YOU HATE AND EVEN TRY TO DEVELOP SOME INTEREST IN IT. Do both! And one last point. If you love being a trash collector, then do it. Yogananda's view of success has been modified greatly in the last few decades. Do what you love but eventually try to love whatever you are doing! Good luck. buy it this handy beginners guide on how [spans 6] pocket. It contains everything you need to begin life's most rewarding and harmonizing experience. This book contains many gems which may be used to enhance your daily practice of affirmation, prayer and Meditation. Let it be your constant reminder to meditate often and deeply. It was the author - PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA - [spans 7] century. The Self-Realization Fellowship, which he established to carry on His spiritual legacy, is the sole authorized publisher of His writings and teachings. Read this small book, and open up a new chapter in your life! "Practice the feeing of unity in the vastness of your expanded consciousness of Meditation. Paramahansa Yogananda, from - Journey to Self Realization. buy it An inspiring guide for all who wonder what lies behind the seeming realities of life, this book offers compelling evidence that it is possible for each one of us to find that elusive joy that is in fact right within us. Paramahansa Yogananda takes the reader on a profound journey that explores the little-known and seldom-explained aspects of meditation, life after death, healing, and the powers of the mind. A wealth of inspiring, in-depth, practical guidance for self-development. Book Description: Over the years, startling evidence has been earthed, challenging established notions of the origins of Earth and life on it, and [spans 8] world. The product of thirty years of intensive research, published in 1976, THE 12TH PLANET is the first book in Zecharia Sitchin's prophetic Earth Chronicles series - a revolutionary body of work that offers indisputable documentary proof of humanity's extraterrestrial forefathers. Travelers from the stars, they arrived eons ago, and planted the genetic seed that would ultimately blossom into a remarkable species. Book Description: Since earliest times, humanity has pondered the incomprehensible mysteries of the universe, life. Was there somewhere on Earth where, after death, mortal man could join the immortal Gods? Where was this place? By whom was it established? And does it still exist today? After years of [spans 9] Gods. and provided astounding new revelations about the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monuments whose true meanings and purposes have been lost for eons. Illustrated with maps, diagrams and photos. Book Description: Zecharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles series is based on the premise that mythology is not physiologically based, psychologically metaphorical, or culturally allegorical but rather the repository of ancient memories, and that the Bible ought to be read as a historical scientific document. While the debate regarding the origins of myth is far from conclusive, and the dangers of assuming that the subjectivity of the reader/researcher will not intervene are obvious, Stitch is an expert in ancient language and history. While the reader may scoff at his unfortunately characteristic long leaps of [spans 10] ignored. The series, of which this is the third volume, deserves a read by those fascinated with the search for the origins of humankind who don't mind spending time separating [spans 11] chaff. -P. Randall Cohan -This text refers to the Hard cover edition. Eons ago, the Earth [spans 12] battlefield. Mighty armies clashed, led by giant warriors meticulously skilled in the art of combat. These wars would shape man's destiny and live on for centuries in legend, song and religious lore - brutal and terrible conflicts that began [spans 13] planet. In the sixteenth century, Spanish conquerors came to the New World in search of El Dorado, the fabled city of gold. Instead, they encountered inexplicable phenomena that have puzzled scholars and historians ever since: massive stone edifices constructed in the Earth's most inaccessible regions . great monuments forged with impossible skill and unknown tools . intricate carvings describing the events and topography of half a world away. "Ingram In the fourth volume of this intriguing study, Sitchin [spans 14] destiny. most provocative and compelling. Book Description: One of the charms of Zecharia Sitchin is his tendency to take ancient writings as fact as opposed to myth. For example, according to clay tablets discovered by archaeologists, Gilgamesh, a king of ancient Sumeria, was punished by the gods for raping female subjects on their wedding day-a particularly naughty, though not uncommon, pastime of ancient royalty. Snickering, the tricky gods created a double of [spans 15] life. Some time later, directed by his goddess mother, Gilgamesh walked with his double to Lebanon to attain immortality. Sitchin ponders that perhaps the double had superhuman strength and en route built a second Stonehenge discovered in the Golan Heights by Israelis during the 1967 Six Days War. As Sitchin concedes, there's really no way to tell who actually built this hoary structure, but the in-depth archeological and historical research gathered here to support his musings concerning an extraterrestrial secret code to construct humankind is fascinating beyond belief. Randall CohanMany thousands of years ago, a race of extraordinary beings guided the evolution of life on Earth - determining the existence and nature of mankind as we know it today. All powerful, all knowing, the proof of their genius is apparent in the mysterious monoliths at Stonehenge, and in a strange but highly significant sturcture of concentric stone circles in Israel's Golan Heights - both requiring sophisticated astronomical knowledge. [spans 16] us. Book Description: The Architects of Stonehenge They came to Earth thousands of years ago to usher in mankind's first New Age of scientific growth and spiritual enlightenment. Under the guidance of these ancient visitors from the heavens, human civilization flourished - as revolutionary advances in art, science and thought swept through the inhabited world. [spans 17] greatness. In this extraordinarily documented, meticulously researched work, Zecharia Sitchin draws remarkable correlations between the events that shape our civilization in millennia past - pinpointing with astonishing accuracy the tumultuous beginning of time as we know it . and revealing to us the indisputable signature of extraterrestrial god indelibly written in stone. Ingram Offers fascinating evidence [spans 18] enlightenment. By the author of The Lost Realms. I am an amateur astronomer, so I was very interested as well as concerned when I first started to read this book. To start off, I agree with the premise we are not the only beings out there, (or even within our solar system). But, his knowledge of Ancient Sumerian does nothing for his astronomy. For one thing,Uranus & Neptune & Pluto & Charon(Plutos moon-oh yes, it has one) are not made of H2O, but of Methane, Ammonia & other very toxic gases. Uranus was indeed known in ancient times, & there is the possibility its phases (like Venus) were viewed. There are several Egyptian & Babylonian & Greek & Chinese astronomy charts that show it moving across the sky, although in some cultures it was not thought of as a planet. After all, there was no such thing as our infamous- Light Pollution. The other idea of Nabiru being twice the orbit of Pluto, & the planet not only being there, but viable for life, is unlikely in the extreme. Although, as Pioneer I & II and Voyager I & II showed, truth is usually stranger than fiction. He does though save his best for last, especially his comments on the unusual features of Mars. I truly wish it would show ancient pyramids with compounds of jet fighters & all sorts of alien apparatus & the Face! My lord, what a Face! This book is a little outdated, as the real Face showed up recently under the Mars Surveyor. It did not look like anyone I would care to know. But all in all, what he does do [spans 19] past. That is not a bad thing. And it is interesting, that the further into the past we go, the more advanced [spans 20] was. Like many readers I am sure, it was difficult to put down. One piece of advice, he is so enthusiastic about his subject, and the reader can get very carried away, so . As one famous British Astronomer is reported to have stated, Every self-respecting Alien, should turn left at Pluto and keep right on going. Zecharia Sitchin falls into this line of thought. He is known for his series of books on the 12th planet-where he claims a planet beyond Pluto orbits our sun and is inhabited by a race [spans 21] slaves. (Adamu means primitive worker according to Sitchin, and doesn't Adamu seem similar to the name Adam? ) But this book-Divine Encounters-I think sort of stands outside the 12th Planet series. This book mainly focuses on the encounters human have had, as recorded in ancient legends and The Old Testament, with what has been traditionally cosidered to be supernatural beings like angels, but Sitchin interprets as encoutners with extra-terrestrials. For example, if they were angels, why would some of them be offered and accept food from their human hosts? One part I found interesting was the section on the Biblical character Noah, who Sitchin all but says is a product of genetic engineering done by the extra-terrestrials. It is observed the Noah, as an infant, had unusual eyes. And, is not one of the interesting physical features of the drawings and reports of space aliens are their eyes? It is by bringing out details in these stories, details that we have overlooked, that Sitchin makes the case for his thesis. I found this book to be an interesting read and in some ways better than some of the books in his 12th Planet series. ## Book Description: Reviewer: akin@direct. ca from Tahlequah, Oklahoma and [spans 22] B. My first attempt to get this book included in a bibliography for persons interested in how to help institutional religion turn the corner into the coming millennium was unsuccessful. The compiler's excuse was that "archeological material is subject to interpretation. "Freer knows that Zechariah Sitchin's interpretation is masterful when he shows readers just how much the pharoahs knew-that we imagine was "discovered" in the last 100 years. Freer is a perfect student of Sitchin's. He reads out the implications of facing a realization that astronaut "gods" (from Nibiru) engineered the Adam and Eve whose genetic tracers all humanity has carried for more than 200,000 years. Archeology is fast becoming a "futures" science. as the orbit of Nibiru brings it back toward our planet. [spans 23] telescope. Others fear its "ships" will precede it. Book Description: Will the past become our future? Is humankind destined to repeat the events that occurred on another planet, far away from Earth? Zecharia Sitchin's bestselling series The Earth Chronicles provided humanity's side of the story-as recorded on ancient clay tablets and other Sumerian artifacts-concerning our origins at the hands of the Anunnaki, "those who from heaven to earth came. " In The Lost Book of Enki, we can view this saga from a different perspective through this richly conceived autobiographical account of Lord Enki, an Anunnaki god, who tells the story of these extraterrestrials' arrival on Earth from the 12th planet Nibiru. [spans 24] planet. Finding this precious metal results in the Anunnaki creation of homo sapiens-the human race-to mine this important resource. In his previous works, Sitchin compiled the complete story [spans 25] new. Missing from these accounts, however, was the perspective of the Anunnaki themselves. What was life like on their own planet? What motives propelled them to settle on Earth-and what drove them from their new home? Convinced of the existence of [spans 26] evidence. Through exhaustive research of primary sources, he has here re-created tales as the memoirs of Enki, the leader of these first "astronauts. " What takes shape is the story of a world of mounting tensions, deep rivalries, and sophisticated scientific knowledge that is only today being confirmed. An epic tale of gods and men unfolds, challenging every assumption we hold about our creation, our past, and our future. About the Author An eminent Orientalist and Biblical scholar, Zecharia Sitchin is distinguished by his ability to translate ancient Sumerian and other ancient texts. He is a graduate of the University of London and worked as a journalist and editor in Israel for many years. He now lives and writes in New York. buy it In the shade of a banyan tree, a grizzled ferryman sits listening to the river. Some say he's a sage. He was once a wandering shramana and, briefly, like thousands of others, he followed Gotama the Buddha, enraptured by his sermons. But this man, Siddhartha, was not a follower of any but his own soul. Born the son of a Brahmin, Siddhartha was blessed in appearance, intelligence, and charisma. In order to find meaning in life, he discarded his promising future for the life of a wandering ascetic. Still, true happiness evaded him. Then a life of pleasure and titillation merely eroded away his spiritual gains until he was just like all the other "child people," dragged around by his desires. Like Hermann Hesse's other creations of struggling young men, Siddhartha has a good dose of European angst and stubborn individualism. His final epiphany challenges both the Buddhist and the Hindu ideals of enlightenment. [spans 27] river. In this translation Sherab Chodzin Kohn captures the slow, spare lyricism of Siddhartha's search, putting her version on par with Hilda Rosner's standard edition. -Brian Bruyabuy it Final novel by Hermann Hesse, published in two volumes in 1943 in German as Das Glasperlenspiel, and sometimes translated as Magister Ludi. Set in the 23rd century, the novel purports to be a biography of Josef Knecht ("servant" in German), who has been reared in Castalia, the remote place his society has provided for the intellectual elite to grow and flourish. Since childhood, Knecht has been consumed with mastering the Glass Bead Game, which requires a synthesis of aesthetics and scientific arts, such as mathematics, music, logic, and philosophy. This he achieves in adulthood, becoming a Magister Ludi (Master of the Game). buy it A brilliant man's philosophy on love, marriage, joy and sorrow, time, friendship and much more. Originally published in 1923 - translated into more than 20 languages. With 12 full page drawings by Gibran. buy it [spans 28] finest. The parables and poems are comparable to his "The Forefunner" and "The Madman. " It's teachings leave you with a strong sense of newly found compassion and wisdom. The wander's stories are both profound and alive in this bookbuy it "Most gulls don't bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight-how to get from shore to food and back again," writes author Richard Bach in this allegory about a unique bird named Jonathan Livingston Seagull. "For most gulls it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, [spans 29] flight. " Flight is indeed the metaphor that makes the story soar. Ultimately this is a fable about the importance [spans 30] threatening. (At one point our beloved gull is even banished from his flock. By not compromising his higher vision, Jonathan gets the ultimate payoff: transcendence. Ultimately, he learns the meaning of love and kindness. The dreamy seagull photographs by Russell Munson provide just [spans 31] 1970). Nonetheless, this is a spirituality classic, and an especially engaging parable for adolescents. buy it This is the only reference book you'll need for the myriad uses of cannabis (fuel, varnish, food, medicine, recreation, soap, and more). Every environmentalist, patient, doctor, lawmaker, and citizen concerned with freedom and access to accurate information should read this book. True, Herer is not a historian, but possible inaccuracies about hemp's use in medieval and ancient religious history do not negate the central premise of this book, which is that it's ludicrous to jail people for the sale and use of this plant. Herer draws information from clinical studies of smokers that include thousands of people in several countries (U. Canada, Costa Rica, Holland, Jamaica, Greece, etc. These studies, from 1969 to 2000, were conducted by MDs, PhDs, and medical anthropologists. Much of these studies were commissioned by the federal government for the purpose of FINDING harmful effects to cannabis. At the same time, Herer shows that many of the cell culture and animal studies either cannot be extrapolated to humans or are outright distortions. He also exposes the political ties and dubious research methods of the most noted anti-cannabis scientists, Heath and Nahas. (For example, Columbia University disassociated themselves from Nahas and he had to recant many of his metabolite studies. The proceedings from 1930's congressional hearings to criminalize marijuana are transcribed here-they'll make you laugh, but they'll also make you mad. Finally, this is not just a reference book but a call to action, as Herer lists several hemp businesses you can support. People, how does it make you feel that politicians are deciding what medicine, fiber, fuel, food, and sacrament we should have access to? Gifts We have several gift items also. Your purchase will help us to build our Ashram in Hawaii. Click on any item, you will be taken to our CafePress store with even more items, all certain to be collectables and all with the our center's infinite aum logo. buy it Stephen Hawking, one of [spans 32] jargon. Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of "the mind of God. "buy it Stephen Hawking, science's first real rock star, [spans 33] it. Hawking's The Universe in a Nutshell aims to remedy the situation, with a plethora of friendly illustrations to help readers grok some of the most brain-bending ideas ever conceived. Does it succeed? Yes and no. While Hawking offers genuinely accessible context for such complexities as string theory and the nature of time, it's when he [spans 34] way. But Hawking has simplified the origin of the universe, the nature of space and time, and what holds it all together to an unprecedented degree, inviting nonscientists to share his obvious awe and love of the unseen forces that shape it all. Yes, it's difficult reading, but it's worth it. Hawking is one of the great geniuses of our time, a man whose life has been devoted to thinking in the abstract about the universe. With his help, and pictures-lots of pictures-we can seek to understand a bit more of the cosmos. buy it At the time I was reading this book it felt like a great friend came over to stay for a while. It is fun, interesting, even just. Professor Steven Pinker brings [spans 35] answers. Did I buy everything he suggests? No, though surprisingly a good part of it. But a book on scientific matters is [spans 36] word. And yes, some parts of this book can be demanding. You may choose to just scan them and hope you've got the basic idea right. The bottom line: those who are interested with language and the possibility of effective communication between people are likely to be enriched tremendously by this book, and enjoy while at it as well. buy it I've started this [spans 37] ". While reading this book I both realized that Ray Kurzweil really is a 'visionary', however, this is not necessarily a bad thing. In "The age of spiritual machines" Kurzweil surveys many technologies which he believes might turn out to be major technologies of the future: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Virtual Reality, Nanotechnology, and more. He tries to estimate where are we, the human species headed to, and backs all of this with very current scientific research. The second half of the book is like a series of interviews with a "person" of the future, each done in intervals of 10 years (2009, 2019, 2029 and 2099). Each depicts a certain future, at least the way Kurzweil imagines it would be. Like other reviewers have written, I believe Kurzweil [spans 38] estimates. However, I do believe many of his predictions are basically right, and the way he threaded all of these various technologies into one believable future (actually, four) is truly astounding. This book was very engaging, written in a clear language. And considering the various technologies and sciences that are mentioned, this is quite an accomplishment. I don't say this often, but I do believe this book will stay with me long after I have finished it, the possibilities and futures described are inspiring and stimulating. Kurzweil might have been wrong in a few details, and certainly in his time estimates, I believe the gist of things yet to come is in this book. VERY highly recommended. buy it Since cyberspace became reality, the lines between "science" and "science fiction" have become increasingly blurred. Now, quantum mechanics promises that some of humanity�s wildest dreams may be realized. Serious scientists, working from Einstein�s theories, have been investigating the phenomenon known as "entanglement," one of the strangest aspects of our strange universe. According to Einstein, quantum mechanics required entanglement - the idea that subatomic particles could become linked, and that a change to one such particle would instantly be reflected in its counterpart, even if separated by a universe. Einstein felt that if quantum theory could produce such bizarre effects, then it had to be invalid. But new experiments show that not [spans 39] lifetime. buy it In this book, the first one for the general public to explain the scientific ideas behind concepts seen before only in science fiction, physicist Milburn brings us the exciting world of phenomena of entanglement, where particles can be in two places at the same time, where matter on the quantum level can be teleported � la Star Trek's famous Transporter; and where cryptographers can construct fundamentally unbreakable computer codes. Although other books and magazine articles have dealt with some of the subjects in this book, this is the first book for the layman to deal specifically with quantum computing, an area pioneered by the great physicist Richard Feynman, who first posed the challenge to scientists to devise the smallest, fastest computer elements, to take us to the absolute physical limits of computers. This book [spans 40].
spans 1: Hebrew Bible/Old
spans 2: traditions that assert Emptiness as the final
spans 3: other
spans 4: was a direct disciple of his for 21 years while he was living in our
spans 5: right kind of positive
spans 6: to Meditate effectively will conveniently fit into your purse of
spans 7: who was one of the most influential teachers of Meditation and Raja Yoga to the Western world in the 20th
spans 8: suggests the existence of a superior race of beings who once inhabited our
spans 9: painstaking research - combining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts - noted scholar Zecharia Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the
spans 10: logic resulting in conclusions (such as that gods from outer space destroyed a space port on the Sinai Peninsula four millennia ago), he does present some compelling ideas not easily
spans 11: wheat from
spans 12: was a
spans 13: lifetimes earlier on another
spans 14: again turns to ancient sources for proof supporting his theories that millennia ago alien visitors shaped our
spans 15: him, which, as you can imagine, created havoc in the king's
spans 16: Teaching man to look to the heavens, they bequeathed to
spans 17: And they left behind magnificent monuments - baffling monoliths and awesome, towering structures that stand to this day as testaments to their
spans 18: that visitors from outer space helped usher in humankind's first New Age of scientific growth and spiritual
spans 19: is get a lot of people excited to start looking into astronomy,(NASA has a great web site by the way, and you can download lots of incredible pictures, from Hubble and others) religion & our
spans 20: mankind
spans 21: called in the Sumerian legends as the Annunaki, who genetically engineered homo sapiens here on Earth to be
spans 22: Vancouver,
spans 23: Some suppose we will live long enough to see it through a
spans 24: The object of their colonization: gold to replenish the dying atmosphere of their home
spans 25: of the Anunnaki's impact on human civilization in peacetime and in war from the fragments scattered throughout Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite, and Hebrew sources-the "myths" of all ancient peoples in the old world as well as the
spans 26: a now lost book that formed the basis of ancient Sumerian texts holding the answers to these questions, the author began his search for
spans 27: Neither a practitioner nor a devotee, neither meditating nor reciting, Siddhartha comes to blend in with the world, resonating with the rhythms of nature, bending the reader's ear down to hear answers from the
spans 28: This book, which is the last one that Kahlil Gibran wrote shortly before he died in 1931, is truly one of his
spans 29: though, it was not eating that mattered, but
spans 30: of seeking a higher purpose in life, even if your flock, tribe, or neighborhood finds your ambition
spans 31: the right illustrations-although the overall packaging does seem a bit dated (keep in mind that it was first published in
spans 32: the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists today: Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? Hawking attempts to reveal these questions (and where we're looking for answers) using a minimum of technical
spans 33: may be the least-read bestselling author in history-it's no secret that many people who own A Brief History of Time have never finished
spans 34: must translate equations to sentences that the limits of language get in the
spans 35: up interesting questions, provides convincing examples for why should we care, and gives excellent
spans 36: not expected to provide the final and only
spans 37: book really suspicious: "Is Ray Kurzweil going to be one of those 'Visionaries' who predict we'll have nanotechnology in two years, flying cars in three years, and immortality in four years?
spans 38: is way, way, too optimistic in his time
spans 39: only does it happen, but that it may lead to unbreakable codes, and even teleportation, perhaps in our
spans 40: promises to both astound and educate every reader eager to keep abreast of the latest breakthroughs in physics and computers |
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I pushed for hours it seemed. He was head-down but he was facing out not in and was stuck in my pelvis. Finally the doctor kind of just reached in and and ...
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pulled him out, but that process caused a level 4 tear and I had to have a blood transfusion the next day. My son came out and wasn't crying for breathing so...
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Bot: they took him to the side and shook him up a bit and I heard him cry. We have been TTC (trying to conceive) since June 2018 and I have just come...
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Bot: across a OTC fertility medication just trying to see if anyone has...
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Bot: had any success stories with it? This is not a fertility medication. Its just a supplement with herbs. Be careful when taking things like this. This one contains chastberry & EPO. They...
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Bot: have been shown to cause problems in women that have regular cycles. Check with your doctor. Sometimes they do more harm than good. We've been TTC (trying to conceive) #2 for 5 months now. I stopped BCP in April but it wasn't until I stopped BFing totally that my body wanted to ovulate again. In the last 2 months I've had AF visit 3...
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Bot: times. Twice with confirmed O, once without. This cycle was looking soooo good but I just got AF again on DPO8. Definitely not long enough to support a pregnancy and honestly, I'm...
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Bot: quite upset about it. It took stopping nursing + a few months just to O (ovulation) and now my body doesn't want to have...
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Bot: an LP (luteal phase) long enough to give that egg a shot. Anyone have any remedies or vitamins they recommend? I heard upping B vitamins might help? Does caffeine play a role...
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Bot: in LP? I love my morning and occasional afternoon cup. looking for...
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Bot: any suggestions to try this new cycle! How have you confirmed ovulation? And if you are truly having only a 7 day luteal phase, you need to see a doctor. That is...
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Bot: much, much shorter than normal and may very well not be improved simply by taking supplements. A short luteal phase is due to not...
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Bot: having enough progesterone. It doesn't have anything to do with caffeine. This is "only" my second PP (previous poster) cycle ovulating. DS (dear son) is 17 months but I never O'd (ovulated) while breastfeeding. I just saw my OB 2 months ago and she said not Oing was fine and it would happen when I stop, which it did, but I haven't discussed the...
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Bot: short LP (luteal phase) with her as it is "new". If it was you, would you wait it out a few more months or call ASAP? We conceived DS (dear son) the first month off BCP (very blessed) so this is all new to me. I confirmed with temping, here is my chart. Temp rise also corresponded with positive OPKs. I'm a mouth breather...
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Bot: so these temp ranges are normal for me. This chart was actually looking near identical to the one I had when I got my BFP (big fat positive (pregnancy test)) until today...
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Bot: As you know ive been having the same issue. If its only one time you are seeing this i wouldnt worry too much just yet! You only just stopped breast feeding and sometimes it can take your body a little while to adjust! I would say give it another month and see how it goes. I made a post about a short LP (luteal...
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Bot: phase) a couple days ago and the ladies on there gave great...
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Bot: advice! You can start by taking a vitamin b complex thats got both b6 and b12 because one complements the other. The b6 may not work without the b12 if your deficient so find one thats got both. You can try vitamin b complex 50 or 100 but what i take is a combination of vitamin b6, b12 and folic acid. I also heard...
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Bot: vitamin C is very good at helping short LP (luteal phase) so i will be trying that this month. you could start there. If...
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Bot: supplements dont help and after a few months your still having an issue i would say talk to your dr about checking your progesterone levels. I wouldnt be to concerned off of...
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Bot: 1 month of a short LP. You can also try cassanovum boost. I didnt have sucess making my LP (luteal phase) longer with it...
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Bot: but i heard alot of ladies have. It did help increase my EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) though and my libido. My next step is im going to try vitex and vitamin c along with my prenatals and b combination pill. I hope we both see a nice long LP (luteal phase) soon followed by our BFP! Hey mama. I made a post about a short LP soon followed by our BFP! Hey there! So sorry you are still struggling with this too. This is the first time I'm seeing it with a 100% confirmed O. I'm hoping if this is my body's first maybe second proper cycle it just didn't produce enough progesterone and now that we are in the swing of O-ing, that will be up...
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Bot: next to normalize. I think I'll start taking Vitamin B complex this month since it can't hurt. If I have a sub 10 day LP (luteal phase) this up coming cycle I...
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Bot: think I'll get in to see my OB. Seems like a relatively "simple" thing to look at with a blood test and don't want...
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Bot: to wait too long if it is an "easy" fix. I never had an LP (luteal phase) problem before DS (dear son) - was always 13-14 days! I didn't even test positive...
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Bot: with DS (dear son) with DS (dear son) until DPO11! Fingers crossed your LP (luteal phase) starts getting longer too. Maybe its worth trying to see your doctor too! Thanks for your feedback. This is "only" my second PP the first month off BCP (very blessed) so this is all new to me. This chart was actually looking near identical to the one I...
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Bot: had when I got my BFP until today. It may just be that your body isn't back to normal yet with BFing. It really can act as a natural spacer between children. It's not always that effective, but, for some women, their cycles don't regulate until they are done. So, unless you're older or have other fertility issues, I would probably wait it out a few more cycles or so. Also, you have only O'ed twice that you know of. So it could be that your LP (luteal phase) is also out of whack. But, if it continues for a while, I would see my doctor about it and show your charts. I would be careful about throwing a bunch of supplements at a problem you haven't talked...
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Bot: to your OB or an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) about. Vitamin B in large doses (more than 100% dv) usually just becomes expensive, neon bright urine 😬In your case, your body could still be regulating from breast feeding. Progesterone levels may still be a bit wonky or insufficient, waiting it out a few more month may help while focusing on reducing stress, getting enough sleep,...
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Bot: eating a balanced diet and getting routine exercise can help (my REs advice to me. Medically, LPs can be extended with progesterone supplementation if it turns into a consistent problem—but that is something to consult a Dr about. Ultimately it's what I did and how I got my bfp. I would be careful about throwing a bunch of supplements at a problem you haven't...
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Bot: talked to your OB or an RE about. Vitamin B in large...
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Bot: doses (more than 100% dv) usually just becomes expensive, neon bright urine 😬I took a look at complex B vitamins today and saw many had 1000-5000% of your daily requirements. It totally...
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Bot: freaked me out so I've decided to just stick with my prenatal which already has 100% of about 4 different B vitamins. I'm hoping...
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Bot: it is just a postpartum / post-breastfeeding adjustment. I didn't ovulate for 15 months so realistically I need to give my body more then 1-2 cycles to adjust to having an LP (luteal phase) again. While it seems so simple and reasonable its so hard to remember while TTC. Again thank you! I'm so glad to hear speaking with your doctor and progesterone helped...
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Bot: you get your BFP! I think I'll give it another cycle or two and if it doesn't start lengthening take that route as well. My LP (luteal phase) was 9-10 days. I...
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Bot: started taking 100mg of B6 every day and got it to 11 days total. I conceived on our 3rd month trying. So it could be that your LP is also out of whack. Thanks for your advice. I am going to give my body atleast another cycle if not two before a ring by OB. I'm hoping to see some improvement this cycle! I...
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Bot: don't know if any of you have heard of her. I remember a show about forensics that used to come on HBO way back when that discussed her case. Mostly infants, but...
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Bot: some were 2 or 3. They thought it was a genetic condition until an adopted child met the same fate. I think even then an investigation didn't happen. She was only convicted of 1 death (2nd degree murder)but did eventually admit to smothering 3 more (I think). She's been said to suffer from Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Not sure if it's been officially diagnosed...
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Bot: Is parole acceptable here? She's been denied 6 or 7 times but was finally granted. She was released this month. It was an HBO...
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Bot: series called Autopsy, and it fueled my interest in forensics. This was mid 1990s, but I very specifically remember this episode. She should die in prison. The lives of babies aren't less...
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Bot: valuable than adult lives, and she could kill again as a nanny, etc. Are they just trying to shove off the expenses of an...
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Bot: elderly inmate? What kind of transition assistance is she getting? So she gets to finish out her life comfortably? Her 9 kids lives were ended by her horrifically murdering them. So I am six weeks pregnant this is my first pregnancy . I am worried because I don't have any symptoms like I literally do not feel pregnant at all . Besides occasional sore...
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Bot: boobs and mild lower pack pain , there's nothing . Should I be worried ? Again , this is my first pregnancy so I'm not quite sure what to expect . I think it's pretty normal! I didn't start having any symptoms until about week 7 and then the morning sickness set in full swing. If you are one of the lucky ones you...
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Bot: won't have any symptoms! Embrace it while it lastsIt's normal. Many people don't experience symptoms until 8 weeks. And lots don't have symptoms ever - totally fine. I had zero symptoms except...
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Bot: a missed period . Maybe four days total of sickness and just tiredness otherwise nothing ! Pretty normal. I'm now almost 22w and I never got sore breast, maybe nauseous 3x this...
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Bot: entire time, but I did get hungrier. I'm 6 weeks and I don't feel anything at all either. I'm glad you asked this question because I have been worried tooObviously it's not the ideal situation , but I'm sure momma's with multiple kids or limited support understand where I'm coming from ! Perfect example - my 6 year old daughter starts school tomorrow & wanted her VERY curly hair blow dried & straightened . We had a busy day today (woke up with a flat tire, had my PP (previous poster) appt. at noon, toured her new school at 2 pm, & grocery shopped after that) & I had to get this hair style done so DS (dear son) ended up crying in his swing for probably 30...
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Bot: min while I tried to pop his paci in every so often 😩. He was fed & changed just wanted to be held . Other examples , cooking dinner / car rides...
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Bot: . I can't be the only one who has to do this...
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Bot: on occasion right ? I feel guilty . So mom's , how long would you let your LO (little one) cry while you do what you need to do ? The longest...
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Bot: he has cried without trying to be comforted (colicky) was 15 mins. We were driving and even after pulling over to try and calm him it wasn't helping so I just got...
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Bot: to our destination ASAP and got him out. The most he cries is when I'm heating up his bottle for 20 seconds. If he starts crying in the car and I'm more than a couple minutes away from our destination I'll pull over and comfort him. And if I don't I reach my arm back to give him a paciA few minutes while I'm...
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Bot: looking for a place to pull over. She rarely cries during the day because I wear her all day. But she hates her carseat so if I'm driving I have to pull over a bunch. 😣15 minutes if I'm home by myself and I need to pump. If she's fussy I try I put off pumping as long as I can but I EP...
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Bot: so I have to pump so baby will have milk. I can't hold her while I pump, there just isn't room on my body and my attempts to hold her while pumping...
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Bot: just make her madder. So I put her in a bouncer next to me and play a shushing app while I rock the bouncer...
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Bot: with my hand. This works most of the time but sometimes she cries. It's definitely the worst part of pumping. If he's fed, has a clean diaper, and isn't gassy sometimes he cries for 10/15 minutes while I finish something up. I can't have half done dishes, half cooked dinner, or just stop whatever I'm doing to hold him all the time. Baby wearing...
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Bot: is great but it isn't always an option. We do our best to soothe him but sometimes he's just fussy. Not long but I...
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Bot: don't have older kids - I feel like unfortunately that makes it a whole different ballgame. Usually it's just as long as it takes me to get to him from the bed or wherever. Maybe twice I've let him cry for a couple minutes because I was just fed up and frustrated and had to walk away. He passes out in the car so...
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Bot: that hasn't been an issue. Things are different every day so I try not to take anything for granted! ! I don't think I'd let him go for long without trying to...
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Bot: soothe him regardless though just because I can't stand baby screaming. Maybe I'm finishing up cooking or something and I literally hold him, put...
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Bot: him down to stir, then hold him again. Mines at the most...
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Bot: is about 10 minutes. Then I take about 20 or 30 minutes to console by feeding or whatever and then I lay her back down. That gives me another 15 minutes before she starts to act up if shes not sleeping. Never ending battle it seems like. This is my 11 week 5 day 3D image. Can anyone tell me if they can tell...
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Bot: gender or if it's just a bad picture? No clues. It's too early for nub guesses. You need to be 12+ weeks. You need...
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Bot: a 2D profile image that shows a he nub.3D cannot be used...
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Bot: and the baby isn't in the right position anyway. Congratulations on your baby!. |
<human>: Find the missing spans: They can be used with chain or wire pullers, or in combination with a winch. All our Polyester Lifting Sling are heavy duty. Internal red & green warning yarns allow "At a Glance" indication when visible for replacement. Low stretch when compared to nylon web sling. Culver's is a new restaurant to the Tampa Bay area that has a lot of kinks to work out. First, regarding their food. It is of the [spans 1] . They have been packed with customers since they opened. Great food and frozen custard. Service is great too. From Business: Whaley's Barbeque has its roots in a family business started four generations ago in 1926 with a traditional outdoor produce market in Tampa. That market on Flori . From Business: There's a Burger King® restaurant near you at 2019 W Lumsden Rd. Visit us or call for more information. Every day, more than 11 million guests visit over 13,000 B . I read the great reviews and I thought I would give it a bite. The location in Brandon Town Center is located in the food court (That might be the . From Business: Established in 2008, Big Belly Burgers is your, family oriented location for [spans 2] entertainment. Our Signature fresh hand made 1/2 lb. From Business: Visit your Brandon Domino's Pizza today for a signature pizza or oven baked sandwich. We have coupons and specials on [spans 3] . Okay my wife and are baby boomers and we were brought up on MacDonalds in the fifties and sixties. Over the years we have migrated away from Macdonalds after our kids had grown up. We have not visited MacDonalds for quite some time so we decided to go and try the new chickensandwitch. We were both very disapointed with this unapealing offering. It was tastless [spans 4] mess. If Macdonalds wants to getcustomers back this is not the way to do it. By the way the new interior is so blah and unestering its an embarrassment. Avoid - Horrible experience - poor service bad food and cold to boot. Offered apology (3 times in 1 minute) and free food. Just want what I ordered and paid for. I work to hard to waste money on a bad experience. I will never go there again and I advise all of you to not go there either. From Business: Southwest Women's Health provides Primary and GYN Health care to teens and women. The practice is Nurse Practitioner Owned and operated. Women caring for women. From Business: Southwest Women's Health Associates of Colorado was founded in 1989 by Karen Zink. We offer a broad range of health care services for women including physical exa . From Business: Skin Care, Hair Removal & Women's WellnessFour Corners Laser & Aesthetics is located in Durango, Colorado serving the greater Four Corners area.
spans 1: same quality that
spans 2: food, fun, and
spans 3: pizza delivery, pasta, buffalo wings, & more
spans 4: and ague'ee |
<human>: Find the missing spans: This 3 hour workshop with a maximum number up to 6 participants [spans 1] wardrobe. You will have Chryssie's 4 principle shopping system personalized for you so that works it 100% of the time. A workbook will be personalised during the workshop. Break free from your own preconceptions of style, and take the "shoulds" out. The power is really in new knowledge and the way you shop to choose your clothing from now on. Save money when you buy clothing to suit, first time! Be excited at the prospect of knowing that you will always have something to wear and look and feel fabulous everyday. de ARMAS GARCIA (Cuba) said that the exercise of the right to self-determination was [spans 2] rights. For its part, Cuba continued to demand the return of its national territory which was currently occupied by the United States naval base at Guantánamo. AL-THANI (Qatar) said that the right to self-determination was the legal foundation for justice, freedom and moral values and his delegation was most concerned at the violation of that right by Israel in the occupied [spans 3] territories. His delegation supported the decision and resolutions adopted at the ninth summit meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). It was concerned that Israel was continuing to confiscate lands, build settlements and violate all international resolutions and decisions on the matter. At the ninth summit, the OIC had called for the cessation of all colonial activities, which [spans 4] Palestine. His delegation thus urged the Security Council to see to it that those activities stopped and to revitalize the Commission established pursuant to its resolution 446 (1979). The Government of Israel must take practical steps to show its good will by fulfilling all its commitments and implementing the agreements it had signed. There could be no lasting peace in the region unless the Palestinian people were allowed to exercise their national and political rights, including the right to self-determination and the right to set up an independent State in their own territory with Jerusalem as its capital. Through a policy of double standards and selectivity in implementing international law, the mechanism of implementation had become subject to one specific standard, which was the interest of the dominant Power. The interests of other peoples counted for nothing when set beside the strategic and vital interests of that single Power. The people under occupation were [spans 5] themselves. The issue of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination lay at the heart of the whole problem in the Middle East. If the world really wanted peace and security in that region, the international community should shoulder its responsibility by putting an end to all the obstacles that hindered implementation of its will, and enable the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination. That could be achieved only by liberating Palestinian [spans 6] ones. ## The international community should undertake its responsibility at the side of the Palestinian people's struggle. It was a vicious circle which threatened to destroy attempts to build peace. There had to be acknowledgement of the right of the Palestinian people to establish its own independent State. In refusing to acknowledge that right, Israel was merely making its record for failing to respect international law even worse. Continued Israeli oppression could only worsen the situation and stiffen the resolve of the Palestinian people to resist. Peace would be achieved only with the assistance of the international community. The observer for Israel had spoken of an important stage having been reached in the Taba peace negotiations, yet the Israeli Prime Minister had said that his Government would not undertake to respect earlier commitments, and intended to set new peace terms. She wondered which of the two was to be believed. Could the observer for [spans 7] 26. His Government was deeply concerned [spans 8] rights. His Government believed that it was essential for peace negotiations to be resumed from the point at which they had stopped. His delegation confirmed its support for all resolutions concerning the Palestinian people, including Commission resolution 2000/4. The Palestinian people should be enabled to enjoy its right to an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital. LEMINE (Observer for Mauritania) said that the right to self-determination was a cardinal and inalienable right under international law. It was not only the basis of sovereign equality between nations but also an ideal for all peoples. The situation of the Palestinian people, however, ran counter to the universal and irreversible march towards freedom. They were still seeking to exercise their right to self-determination and their right to establish an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital. The only way of ending the Israeli-Arab conflict and resolving the Palestinian question which lay at its heart was for Israel to grant the Palestinian people their national and inalienable rights and withdraw from all occupied Arab territories. Israeli practices had been increasing in violence since September 2000. Israel should abide by the relevant United Nations resolutions and withdraw from the occupied territories. LEVY (Observer for Israel) said that the current situation needed to [spans 9] Turkey. He recalled that, at that Summit, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority had made a commitment to call unequivocally on his forces and people to end all acts of violence. That call had never materialized. Negotiations had continued at Taba [spans 10] done. It was unrealistic of the Arab speakers at the previous meeting to subscribe to the position that the Palestinians should attain all their goals. Following the elections, the outgoing Prime Minister had stated clearly that the negotiating positions presented in Camp David and in Taba were no longer valid. It was therefore, regrettably, necessary to start anew to reduce the violence and open negotiations. Although economic loss and unemployment were currently prevalent among Palestinians who had been accustomed to [spans 11] workers. It could not, however, tolerate a situation in which some workers imported violence into its heartland, planting bombs in market places or running down innocent civilians. The return to full employment depended upon the cessation of the violence. A speaker had referred to the Jews who immigrated to Israel, particularly in 1948, as “gangs” which had occupied Jerusalem. They had created hospitals, such as Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, where not only Israeli Jews but also Israeli and other Arabs came daily for treatment. In that context, he drew attention to the recent murder of a haematologist on his way home from the Hospital; the last patient he had seen had been an Arab. Israelis had [spans 12] alike. Lastly, he expressed concern that the use of the word “gang” had been tolerated and greeted with silence from other delegations and the High Commissioner. He doubted whether the same reaction would greet such a defamation of any other nation, people, race or group. A first step towards a successful World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance was to take care in the use of language. One outcome of the fifth special session, apart from [spans 13] Power. Thus the inquiry commission had [spans 14] established. Moreover, one member of the Commission was known for his unrelenting hostility towards Israel and Zionism, while another enthusiastically identified with the Palestinian viewpoint. In the event, the one-sided character of the report had confounded even the most cynical expectations. Press reports had been quoted out of context, giving the impression that Israeli leaders were conducting a policy of [spans 15] civilians. On the other hand, not a word in the report was devoted to the avowed policy of politicide of the State of Israel and the call for the genocidal killing of all Jews and Israelis, which were daily to be found in the media, including the Internet, propagated by such movements as the Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad [spans 16] Hamas. That campaign had had serious results, provoking more than 200 attacks on Jewish community centres by terrorists and their supporters throughout the world. The report also distorted the situation with regard to the tragic question of Arab refugees left to disintegrate in camps, where hatred for Jews and Israel was systematically inculcated. By contrast, Israel would continue its determined pursuit of the path of peace and direct dialogue with its Palestinian and Arab neighbours whenever the opportunity arose. LITTMAN (World Union for Progressive Judaism) said that the Arab-Israel conflict was at its most dangerous point since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Although the time might not yet be ripe for the realization of his seemingly Utopian vision of a “United States of Abraham” in the Middle East, the text of which appeared in document E/CN.4/2000/NGO/4, he continued to believe that a future Palestinian State could become a genuine partner in peace with Israel, alongside Jordan, if a new spirit of mutual acceptance became the norm and the rule of law became the natural bedrock of civil society. It was deeply disappointing that an alliance had been formed between the Palestinian Authority and the fanatical Hamas movement. As Sir Karl Popper had [spans 17] tolerance. Such dangerous alliances would not serve to reassure Israel that a viable future together could be constructed. Time was running out. He called on the Commission to make a positive contribution to reinvigorating the peace process. War had been the United States habitual recourse in overcoming its economic crises, as shown by events in Iraq, Palestine, the Balkans and Colombia. Although the latter maintained racist attitudes, it was not responsible, as were Sharon and his Party, for thousands of killings: in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin (in 1948) and at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut (in 1982), and for many other incidents of bloodshed and degradation of people because they were not Jews. The international community should take a firm stand against so extreme a manifestation of racism and take measures to prevent Israel's oppression of Palestinians. Such measures had proved successful in defeating apartheid in South Africa. The thermometer in your refrigerated truck is undoubtedly one [spans 18] consumption. Storing agricultural produce and perishable goods at incorrect temperatures can be detrimental to their condition, and will result in the cold chain being irrecoverably interrupted. This is not only bad for the end customer; this gives your refrigerated transportation company a bad reputation over time. There are many things which could cause your thermometer to [spans 19] maintenance. For example, if your truck's return air sensor is damaged or malfunctioning, the temperatures on your thermometer may be displayed inaccurately. This is a particularly worrying type of fault, as your thermometer could trick you into thinking that your cargo is fine despite the fact that it is slowly perishing in an unsuitable temperature. This insidious fault is likely to go unnoticed for a long period of time unless you check for it regularly. If it becomes obvious that your truck's thermometer is broken or faulty, you should notify your refrigerated fleet manager immediately, informing them of what's going on. If you have alternative thermometers or ways [spans 20] worried. Nonetheless, you should get your truck's thermometer seen to as quickly as possible, ensuring that it is fixed or replaced before the truck goes out on any more shipment deliveries. The truck may [spans 21] disposal. However, as soon as the problem is recognized, the truck at [spans 22] chain. Checking the reliability of your thermometers should ideally become a regimented item on your pre-trip checklist, along with checking other aspects of your vehicle, such as its brakes and oil level. Although you need to check that your vehicle is mechanically fit enough to get you and your cargo from A to B, you're wasting your time if your cargo is unusable by the time it arrives at its destination. Having your truck's thermometer malfunction can be a serious problem, as it leaves you in the dark about the state of your precious cargo. As soon as you realize that there is a problem, be sure to contact your fleet manager and make your way to the nearest service center; there's no point in going to your destination if your cargo is potentially ruined. What to Do When The Thermometer In Your [spans 23].
spans 1: will highlight the 'how to' aspect of developing a co-ordinated
spans 2: a precondition for the achievement of all other human
spans 3: Arab
spans 4: were contrary to international law and to the agreements signed by Israel and
spans 5: even blamed when they tried to defend
spans 6: territory from military occupation in all its forms and manifestations, particularly by putting an end to the construction of new Israeli settlements and dismantling the existing
spans 7: Israel assure the Commission that his Government intended to negotiate on the basis of the Taba positions?
spans 8: at recent developments in the West Bank and Gaza, where the Palestinian people, including women and children, continued to face flagrant violations of their human
spans 9: be addressed in a non-polemical fashion, as the Fact-Finding Committee established by the Sharm al-Sheikh Summit was currently doing, its members including distinguished leaders from the United States, the European Union and
spans 10: in January 2001 but the Palestinians had once again missed the opportunity to attain some of their aspirations which would have been possible if they had agreed to compromise as Israel had
spans 11: work in Israel every day, his Government still favoured full employment for Palestinian
spans 12: also established the Histadrut, the trade union to which millions of Arab and Jewish Israelis belonged, as well as the only free press in the Middle East, which freely criticized Government and opposition
spans 13: the succession of vituperative resolutions, which many members had rejected, had been the so-called decision to establish a human rights inquiry commission which would gather information on acts which constituted grave breaches of international humanitarian law by the Israeli occupying
spans 14: been charged with proving violations before evidence of their alleged commission had even been
spans 15: extrajudicial execution and political assassination, rather than one of effective containment of terrorist attacks against
spans 16: and
spans 17: said, unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of
spans 18: of the most critical aspects of any refrigerated truck, as it allows you to ensure that your produce is at the correct temperature, which allows it to remain fresh and safe for
spans 19: stop working over time, and taking care of these things can be a helpful form of preventative
spans 20: of testing the temperature of your refrigerator (such as alternative temperature displays) then it may be worth going to review these options before getting too
spans 21: potentially be used for regular unrefrigerated cargo during this time, which could be useful If you're a refrigerated produce transportation company which has a limited fleet at its
spans 22: hand should not be utilized for any logistics services which are part of a “cold chain” supply
spans 23: Refrigerated Truck Stops Working was last modified: November 5th, 2018 by UWT |
<|prompter|> The rest of this: My measure angle command brings up the simple angle display. In other words, I can't get the xy xz zy projected angles to display in the information window. I've tried resetting my user to the preset NX choices. I've used command finder and i've checked the customized settings. No matter how I launch measure angle. it instead gives me the simple angle command. I believe this is a known issue, and has been fixed in NX 9.3 MP4 and later (and NX 10. Looking at your signature, it looks like you are missing the Maintenance Pack. Installing that should make life a lot easier. I've noticed my Plusnet Hub 'broadband' light isn't illuminating today. Yet the 'Internet' light is on/flashing, and my PC connection and speeds are fine. The reason I am a little concerned is we have another hub connected which is linked to our central heating: Called the PassivSystems hub. It doubles as a thermostat to set our heating and our solar power supply. Without it, we can't switch on our boiler and use our central heating. Should the Plusnet Hub 'broadband' light be lit when I have broadband connection? And if I do have a good connection, which I have, why is it not lit? If the speeds and connection are fine, then I wouldn't worry too much about the lights. The broadband light normally indicates the 'sync' between the router and exchange, however as this part is handled by the Openreach modem on fibre this light doesn't really make any difference. Although my issue is a little more specific as this seems to coincide with my Central Heating Hub not being connected now, like I said in my previous post - I thought it may come across a little confusing. When we switched to Plusnet began last week, and I connected all the hubs and BT Router together, the 'broadband' light was illuminated and the PassivSystems central heating hub was connected, so we could access our central heating. Interestingly, a BT engineer came out the other day to check my phoneline and repair a fault at the cabinet, but I didn't notice after the repair whether this changed the behaviour of the Plusnet 'broadband' light and therefore my central heating connection to it - I only noticed the central heating hub 'red' unresponsive light this morning. Like I said, without our central heating hub being connected to the internet, we are unable to switch our heating on. Obviously if this was during a winter period, a solution would be vital, so any further help or advice would be appreciated. I've been searching for possible reasons why the Plusnet Router broadband light is not illuminated and whether it is contributing to my central heating hub's lack of connection. Just to reiterate, when I first connected all the Routers together after my switch to Plusnet last week, the Plusnet Router broadband light was illuminated and my central heating hub was connected and working. Since a BT engineer repaired a phone fault on Thursday, I didn't notice the Plusnet Router broadband light has been unilluminated until Saturday morning. According to the attached image, apparently this means the Plusnet Router is not connected to the BT Openreach modem. Obviously, it remains curious why I still have internet connection and decent speeds, according to the tests I have done. However, I wanted to check something else. We also have Sky and the On Demand feature using wifi connection. In the past, downloading On Demand programs has been swift due to our high speeds. However, I am still waiting to download a two hour programme and after a two hours waiting, not only have I been given the option to view the programme whilst it downloads as I usually am, but only 57% of the programme has downloaded - after two hours! This test alone tells me something isn't quite right. Usually, our wifi speeds are as good as our cable speeds, so perhaps this is evidence that my fibre isn't working as well as it should be, and the lack of a green broadband light on my Plusnet Router is showing me something is wrong. Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried resetting the Plusnet router a few times, but it doesn't seem to resolve the broadband light query. I think if the broadband light hadn't illuminated when I first connected everything together after we switched, I wouldn't be as concerned. Plus, the Plusnet online troubleshooter suggests the lack of a broadband light on the router suggests I'm not connected to the BT Openreach modem correctly, but I must be to be online and receiving fibre speeds. The good news is, after speaking to the central heating company, their hub's lack of communication was a fault at their end and it's now been resolved - dunno why I wasn't made aware of this without contacting them. Thanks for all the help in the meantime. Having had broadband for many years now, I come to learn one issue can sometimes have numerous causes, and it also didn't help that my Sky TV Wifi box has been having communication issues with the Plusnet router too - I find I keep having to reset the configuration, and re-enter my password. However, I've just tried to download an On-demand programme and it downloaded it fine, so I have no idea why there was a download problem yesterday. A high level description of the product or feature being requested: for the fields where a customer may enter a recipient's company name, address, main company number, etc, can be manually entered, in case recipient is not on the customer's contact list. A typical use case scenario explaining how your business would use the feature: A fax needs to be sent to a new client who isn't on the contact list yet. Fax number, recipient's details like the receiver's name, company name, address, etc can be manually entered. Benefit of such feature: ease of use, especially if the customer doesn't have time to create a contact and needs to respond immediately or has other pending tasks. I need to download the new version of the geoip for Adaptive Authentication on Premise 7.3 P3 for a customer? I've moved your question to the RSA Adaptive Authentication space so you can get an answer to your question. Please refer to the article https://community. ## rsa.com/docs/DOC-66387 for the geoip download instructions. and the sea was driven away. The waters returning when least expected killed many thousands by drowning. perched on the roofs of houses . and others were hurled nearly two miles from the shore . The epicenter of the undersea earthquake was near the plate boundary called the Hellenic Arc, near Crete, and scientists propose it might have actually been two tremors in succession, the larger possibly being a magnitude of 8.0 in modern measurements. Nearly all of the coastal towns ...
<|assistant|> Sure, let me know if you need anything else:
in Crete were destroyed by the earthquake as it pushed up parts of the island 25-30 feet in a matter of seconds. The quake sent a tsunami across the Mediterranean Sea, which drained the harbor of Alexandria, leaving many ships grounded. A crowd rushed into the now-dry harbor to loot the ships and were caught completely off-guard when the tsunami wave hit, throwing the ships far inland on top of buildings, killing more than 5,000 and destroying more than 50,000 homes. The surrounding areas fared even worse with some towns and villages completely wiped out. More than 45,000 died and the seawater left so much salt that the farmland was unusable for years. Also devastated were the Nile Valley and the Libyan coastline. No help was to be found from the Roman Empire. Valentinian I only sent an investigator to Alexandria to check on the tax situation. However, with the earthquake of 365 AD affecting Egypt, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, Sicily and Spain, it was easily the most devastating in ancient times. Historians have since speculated that the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami played a significant role in furthering the decline of the Roman Empire, since all of these areas were under their influence and contributed to their tax base. ## The tsunami left Alexandria's coastline permanently changed. The Royal Quarter was eventually swallowed up by the sea. The great Pharos (lighthouse) – one of the seven wonders of the ancient world – was also in Alexandria and eventually was reduced to rubble. The ruins of the old city, along with parts of the ancient lighthouse, weren't rediscovered until 1995 by archaeological divers. The inhabitants of Alexandria today mark the anniversary each year by saying prayers and illuminating the city at night. A Newborn's Conversation with God   A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless? "  God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you. "  The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy. "  God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy. "  Again the small child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language? "  God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak. "  "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you? "  God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray. "  "Who will protect me? "  God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life. "  "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore. "  God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you. "  At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name. "  God said, You will simply call her, " Mom . "   Lift a mother's spirit; send this to every mother you know (no matter how old her child is). this just completly made me cry this isss sooo adorable and cute and wow just makes me want to hold my baby that much sooner I cant wait to have her in my arms for sureeeethat was amazing. i pictured abi having that conversation w/ God before coming here. very touching indeed. thank you so much for sharing. My mom sent me this over email. I just wanted to share it with you ladies. I'm wanting Holly to get here even faster so I can meet my little cherub! That is beautiful, thanks for sharing it. When my grandmother died, my uncle wrote a poem about being a better person for having had a mother who prays. It made me cry just like this little story. Home > Community > Birth Month > February 2019 Babies > Glass of wine or cocktail sounds amazing lolI just have to vent. I'm so thrilled to become a mom and be preggo, but man it's been so hot out and it's our anniversary weekend and my bday was yesterday and a cold glass of white wine or a drink sounds so amazing about now! ! Anyone else? Haha. I'll let my hubby enjoy for me :)A friend of mine posted a pic of her drinking wine while cleaning her bathroom. I hadn't really wanted a glass till I saw that, but now it's all I want! I never really drank that much when I wasn't pregnant. But a glass of wine sounds so relaxing right about now. The ONLY thing I've craved is beer. I haven't drank bud light in years, but I just want an ice cold bud light with a squeeze of lime in it on a super hot day. I don't even want the whole beer, just one gulp! You can have a bit of wine if you care too. In the second trimester, up to 4ou a day is fine (that's just a small glass). Enjoy it slowly on a full stomach. Do you have a Publix? ? If so, hey have Fre. It's a wine with no alcohol! ! (Ok. It's like 1%) by my doc said it's totally fine to drink! ! Didn't drink so often when not pregnant and now why the heck does wine and beer sound so damn good? ! Of course not having any but cruel joke on us 🤷♀️Just got back from a week at a lake house. not having a drink was painful, especially after relaxing on a boat all day! Fre makes wine and champagne. They have less than .5% alcohol. Definitely helped my cravings. I haven't found a good non alcoholic beer to cover that craving. Then have a glass of wine! Read Expecting Better, it shows you all the research studies on drinking. It is completely safe to have a glass of wine as long as you're not chugging it.3-4 drinks is definitely not safe, 1-2 drinks consumed slowly won't harm the baby. I'm still in my 1st trimester and have been super queasy. But I plan on enjoying a glass of wine here or there later on. |
<human>: More of this please:
Places like Buy.com are now accepting user comments to the company as well as reviews for other users. The Linux community has been notoriously good about adding notes about Linux compatibility to product reviews. That is getting a lot of attention. But the problem is that before the general Linux user can (or at least should) post Linux related comment, they should have some experience with the hardware. This is the cool thing about Buy.com's suggestion box: You can make comments directly to the company without having to have experience. I just posted the following comment about the ThinkPad R60 Intel Celeron M 420 1.6GHz:This would be a great Linux machine if it could be purchased without Windows. There is no reason for a Linux user to spend money on a Microsoft OS. That money could buy extra RAM! I have a ThinkPad T60 which is very similar to this machine, but has a Core Duo processor. The important thing is that it has ALL INTEL hardware, which means full hardware compatibility and Beryl with no proprietary video drivers. Pezylvania has returned to Renninger's Antique and Farmer's Market. Ralph Riovo, founder of PEZylvania, held the first PEZylvania gathering in October of 2007. After his passing in 2012, the gathering took a little break but it is back now as strong as ever. Visiting this small gathering of PEZHeads is a great way to spend a fall day in Berks County, PA. The event also raises funds for the Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Inc (ARL). PEZ-zy friends from all over the northeast were in attendance. We arrived shortly after the gathering opened and as you can see it was full of shoppers! Lots of vendors assembled in the gathering room at the back of the market. Some of our favorites, including Rick Marlowe & his wife Sue, John Laspina, Joe, Ruth, and Ron Jones all had tables filled with PEZ items for sale. Lots of new PEZ, as well as vintage PEZ could be purchased. My vintage PEZ purchase of the day was a Captain America! Once you've gotten all the PEZ you want, take a walk around The Renninger Market, which has been around since 1955. In 1974 they expanded the market to make room for more vendors. Aside from "The Purple Cow" which is a PEZ shop, you can find antiques, toys and all sorts of brik-a-brak at the Market. You are always sure to find local goodies - bring a cooler, lots of fresh meats, vegetables and prepared foods are available as well. Our favorite is lunch from the pretzel stand - they stuff pretzel dough with yummy fillings, like buffalo chicken or steak and cheese. CED Member and CED Life Science Conference 2012 Presenting Company Chimerix, Inc. filed for an initial public offering (IPO) on Friday afternoon, according to a report filed with the SEC. According to the SEC filing, Chimerix intends to raise up to $85 million through the offering, and intends to apply to have its common stock listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol CMRX. Morgan Stanley, Cowen and Company, and William Blair and Lazard Capital Markets are underwriters to the offering. I decided to try something unique today. I did a live video stream of my piano practice. It was a lot of fun, and it turned out to be a great way to interact with friends using music. I'd like to do this more often on my UStream channel, but Here's the recording of the stream:December 30, 2009 Chas chas, chas hathaway, composition, live video, new age piano, new age piano music, original composition, original piano music, piano, piano improv, practice, solo piano Leave a commentHere's a crazy idea – though it's not exactly a whim, since I've had the idea floating around in my head for about eight years now. I've always been fascinated with the capacity music has to communicate feelings and convey messages in a way that is often more powerful and effective than written or verbal communication. What if we were to come up with a language that was spoken through music? A system that actually uses notes to communicate detailed information. It would have to be detailed enough that someone could translate the Bible into the language, and yet simple enough that it wouldn't take years of training to get it. Not a code, exactly, but something between a code and a language. In a sense, what I'd like to see is someone pipe a tune, and someone else understand the detailed message. Some ideas have been explored along these lines. Probably the biggest is Solresol, invented by François Sudre in the 1800s, which is simply a language that uses words spelled with different combinations of notes in the basic piano scale. It has its own dictionary and grammar, too. But I would like to see a language that is more than a code that uses notes for letters. Ultimately, the ending product has to be both beautiful music and a clear message. It has to be as artistic and aesthetically pleasing as it it literary. While we're at it, let's go ahead and make its written form as beautiful artistically as its sound is musically. So in other words, Continue reading →September 28, 2009 Chas attempt, communicate, communication, compose, composition, detail, experiment, fascinating, future, future of music, idea, language, Music, musical, new, sound, speech, talk, thought 1 CommentHeikhal is the Hebrew word for temple. I have used a mode for this piece that is reflective of Middle Eastern music. The temple is the most sacred place on earth. There, the most sacred and divine ordinances are performed. It is, quite literally, a bridge between heaven and earth. Is it any wonder then that it is referred to as a place of revelation? I suppose the veil is thinner there than anywhere else on earth. Anciently, mountains acted as temples. Sinai acted as the temple for Moses. Then, when the Lord felt that the children of Israel were ready for more, He had them build the Tabernacle. Once they reached the promised land, He had them build the Temple. We often label it the temple of Solomon, but really it was the Temple of God. Now temples cover the world. But each is The House of God. The power and influence of each building is not diluted by the increasing number of temples – rather, with every new temple, the power of God is increased in the world. That power and influence increases exponentially with each new temple. So how can we help that power increase? Attend the temple. Attend often, even regularly. Whatever your circumstance, you can make more time for the temple. As all of us attend the Temple more often, the need for more temples will increase, and the power of God will increase. Even on a more personal level, as you attend the temple, you will see the power of God increase in your life. You will be happier, and your life more fulfilling. I guess it's a little more like a music slideshow, but the piano piece is from the CD I'm planning on releasing at the end of July (If all goes well – and so far so good! ) and it's called, The Fourth Day, referring to the fourth day of creation. That also means that this is the first time the piece has been published anywhere. What do you think? By the way, the giveaway where you help me come up with the name of my piano piece is still active! Just comment with a name suggestion for the piece. If one of the names you suggest is the one I decide on, then you get a free copy of my Dayspring CD. It really is as simple as that, so just comment on that post with as many name suggestions as you want. You can't lose! June 16, 2009 Chas 4, 4th, ancestor, ...
<bot>: Rest of text: CD, christian, compose, composition, creation, day, ear, fourth, improvisation, improvise, lds, mormon, Music, music video, original, piano, play, play by ear, religion, Religious, solo, the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, video, write 8 CommentsI'm planning on putting out another CD this summer, and I thought it might be fun to occasionally give my blog followers a sneak peek into some of the pieces that will be on the CD. In fact, this CD will have some differences from my last CD. While most of the pieces will be piano solos, there will be a few with either flute or voice. April 17, 2009 Chas 5, CD, cease the day, chas, chord, compose, composition, cord, ear, fifth, hathaway, hear, improvisation, improvise, melody, Music, noise, original, piano, play, play by ear, quality, solo, sound, summer, tune, write 6 CommentsHow comforting the light of the gospel is in the face of something as shocking as death! Testimony, born of faith, adds a spiritual element to the otherwise abstract complexities of life. That testimony is a real and powerful confidence that becomes indisputable in the heart of those that embrace it, and it is a real and life-sustaining thing. This mortal life is but a moment. After death we continue life as we had previously known it, before it was crudely interrupted by this frightening but essential phase of existence. To those with such faith, death is not a thing to be feared at all. In fact, death is more of a reunion than a separation. The partings that come with death are only very temporary, and when all is said and done, this mortal life will seem to have been but a passing moment. I have a photograph that I like to get out and look at once in a while. It is of my older brother's missionary homecoming. He is only seconds off the airplane from his mission to Brazil, in a tight embrace with Mom and Dad. Their faces are full of excitement, joy, and love. That picture has a lot of meaning for me. I took it on my own full-time mission, and it reminded me that I must serve my mission honorably, so that when I return, I will have such a moment. The thought of leaving this life and rushing into the arms of my Heavenly Parents sometimes fills me with so much hope, and so much anticipation, that I have to remind myself that I still have much to do before I can qualify for such a reunion. Perhaps it is the fear of the unknown that frightens us about death. We thrive so much on regularity and tradition that even a minor change from the ordinary can throw us completely off balance. Adventurous as we may occasionally feel, it seems that few of us feel ready to step beyond the comfort-zone of mortality into the surreal and unknown mystery we call death. Even the most courageous people can't deny that there is a bit of apprehension that accompanies impending death. Perhaps to some, it is like lying down to sleep, knowing that whatever dream first enters their mind will be their new permanent reality. But again, this is where faith plays such an essential role in our lives. Life as we know it has the greatest opportunity for growth, experience, and learning. It also allows us glimpses of the joy that will be available in the eternities. Such glimpses give us hope for the fullness of joy that will be awaiting the righteous in the life to come. Purchase Dayspring CD, by Chas Hathaway, buy Homecoming MP3 on iTunes, or see other writings about the meaning behind Chas Hathaway's music. April 8, 2009 Chas afterlife, CD, chas, christ, christian, church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, compose, composition, confidence, dayspring, death, download, ear, eternity, fear, god, growth, hathaway, homecoming, hope, improvise, jesus, lds, life after death, melody, moment, mormon, mormonism, Music, original, piano, play, play by ear, podcast, progression, religion, Religious, scripture, sleep, solo, song, teaching, time, tune, write 4 CommentsSome of the ideas mentioned in this chapter may seem obvious, but they are also essential. For now, I'll speak to you as if you are sitting at a piano, following directions like a piano lesson. If you're not at a piano, just do these things the next time you are sitting at a piano. For this lesson, I will provide music that you can use to learn the first steps of learning to play by ear, but you are welcome to get your own CD or MP3 of music instead. Make sure that if you use an MP3 player or iPod it allows you to pause and rewind without having to rewind the whole song. Listen to the piece one time through without touching the piano. Do not get discouraged as the piece develops. Of course it sounds hard, you've never played it before! Just enjoy the piece for now. This will implant the feel of the piece into your mind and heart. This “implanting” is very important, because as we will discuss in later chapters, the feel of the tune is much more important than the sound of it. When the song ends, return to the beginning of the song. As soon as you hear the very first note, stop the player. Now find that note on the piano. If you can't find it, restart the track and play that first note again. Repeat this as many times as it takes to find that first note. If you think you have it but you're wrong, you'll discover it soon enough. Just do the best you can. The secret to this whole process is to not get discouraged. After you feel confident that you have found the first note, rewind the track again and find the second note. Repeat this with every note. Each time you add a note, play it in context with the other notes you've already learned. As you know, most piano pieces start on 2 or more notes. It's usually not too difficult to find the high notes, since they are usually the melody, or main tune. The highest note, or melody, is usually accompanied by lower notes in the chord. The challenge is often in finding the lower note(s). I will speak in later chapters of tricks to find other notes using the melody as a guide. For now, just keep trying until you find the notes, and be sure that as you find them, you play them together as they are played on the CD. If you have to re-play and retry the notes 100 times before you finally get it, don't worry, you are perfectly normal. Be patient with yourself – you are just beginning. Each time you learn a new note, or group of notes, play all, or at least many of the notes before it. This may make the learning feel very monotonous for awhile, but it is an important part of learning to play by ear. Unlike reading music, when you play by ear, you have to be memorizing the piece as you learn it. The interesting thing about it is that if you simply play each new note and chord in context with what you've already learned, memorization will happen automatically, without conscious effort. This is nice, because you will likely never feel like you are doing drills or exercises, but rather you are simply learning a piece of music. In my own learning, I never did drills, exercises, or conscious memorizing. These things happened automatically as I learned to play the piece. So be patient with yourself as you get started, because you're learning a lot more than you think. February 10, 2009 Chas compose, composition, ear, improvisation, learn, listen, own, piano, play, play by ear, practice, your Leave a commentJust improvising with the ‘nino again. A little tune on the spot and a little tune from Star Trek. |
Human: What is how to fill in the missing words: ATV tour to the north coast of Aruba, visiting the best sightseeing places. Go off-road on a half-day ATV safari of Paradera, renowned for its rugged terrain and coastal landscapes. This outdoor adventure allows you to take control of your own ATV and actively explore the island of Aruba with a guide and small group. Experience top attractions such as Andicuri Beach and snorkel at the Natural Pool. Convenient hotel pickup and drop-off saves time and keeps everything streamlined. Depending on the departure time chosen at checkout, your tour begins with pickup from your Aruba hotel in the morning or afternoon. Don't forget your driver's license. Upon arrival at the ATV depot, listen to a safety briefing and then climb aboard a single or ... checkout. Once settled, set off to explore the ... Paradera. Stops along the way include Black Stone Beach, Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins, and Andicuri Beach. Enjoy time swimming ... in the Natural Pool, a basin formed by volcanic rock and fed by water from the Caribbean Sea. My wife and I were so happy we did this! Our guide (Manny) took us swimming and snorkeling in ... to Andicuri Beach, Triple Bridge, Blackstone Beach, Natural Bridge, the Bushoribana Ruins, and our highlight of the trip,. MoreMy husband and I took the ATV Off-Road Tour and Natural Pool Snorkeling experience. The tour guide was amazing and very knowledgeable. He was always there when we had questions and to provide assistance. This was my husbands first time riding an ATV and the. MoreI booked a two person ATV for my husband and I. The people operating this are very nice and funny. The ride itself is extremely bumpy and I, being the second rider, it left me with a pretty intense headache and open blisters on both. MoreWe took a non-guided tour with friends and had so much fun. This tour took up the entire day because we literally drove around ... island. We saw some amazing beaches caves, and wildlife, Baby Beach is a must have to see. MoreMy wife and I were on our own ATVs, but others in the group were in UTVs, allowing you to ride on whichever vehicle you were more comfortable with. The stops were breathtaking along the tour, especially the Natural Pool and having the ability to. MoreWe took the afternoon tour which is shorter than the morning tour I believe. It lasted approximately 4 hours but that included the pick up and drop off to the hotel! We arranged our pickup with the vendor directly. They came out to our hotel ... few others at other hotels. My assumption is that they will pick you up there, so long as you make arrangements with. MoreWe arranged our pickup with the vendor directly. My assumption is that they will pick you up there, so long as you make arrangements with them. To be on the safe side, I suggest you contact them directly to be sure. ... It's a great tour! This was the most amazing experience, up there with sky diving ... Tasman. Was expecting a pretty flight up to see Mt Cook but it was so much more. Pilot Tom loves his job and sharing his knowledge of the geography of this fascinating area, I felt like signing up for a geology degree after this trip. Views are out of this world, it felt a privilege to be blessed to see the sights we did! We had driven to Lake Tekapo from the west coast of South Island and called in to view both Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers. At the standard viewpoints the views are anything but impressive and this is because of the massive level of glacial retreat. Having seen these iconic glaciers we were uncertain whether a flight would add that much. But it was just wow up there. The views are awesome and it was just incredible to see the full length of the glaciers. The flight was smooth, the pilot's ... - informative but not intrusive - and the views and photographic opportunities out of the window during our 50 minute flight truly breathtaking. ... memorable experience and are in the Lake Tekapo area then this really is a must do trip. Brilliant company, flight and experience. Wow! ... it all during our flight with Air Safari, Mt Cook, Mt Tasman, Franz Josef Glacier, Fox Glacier, Tasman Glacier, Lake Tekapo,. We got a brand new perspective on all the iconic places of the ... Island. It was simply an incredible journey! We had to wait ... weather to settle but on the morning of our flight the wind had dropped and visibility was fantastic. The 50 minute flight was awesome! The views of the lakes, glaciers and snow capped peaks unforgettable! We boarded at Lake Tekapo. This is an amazing experience seeing the Alpine scenery from the air. You get an on board guide which is easy to follow and gives you all the details about what you are viewing. We had a beautiful sunny clear day which made ... . Firstly you fly over the length of Lake Tekapo ,see the glacial streams winding their way into the lake - beautiful colours against the moraines then the glaciers themselves - awesome and for me the best way to appreciate their beauty, then past the top of Mt . Cook with its sparkling ... - skiers dotted on the landscape. This definitely is the best way to appreciate the beauty of this area . The trip is about an hour and at NZ $720 per person was money well spent . Totally loved this! Your very much right with that one, experiencing the ... the best way to do so. We do enjoy being able to share these experiences with people coming through Lake Tekapo. Rentals Rates range from $229 to $327 per night. Named for Yosemite's historic 'Deer Camp', it's guests will frequently share this oversized parcel with Wawona's deer population. Enjoy the tranquility of vacationing in ... private Yosemite forest. Whether barbecuing on the large, gated deck (471 square feet covered deck), watching the flat screen TV or relaxing in the oversized bedroom, your vacation memories will be among the best ever. This is a Pet Friendly home. Pet Fee: $25.00 per day, per pet. Nightly rates do not include County Occupancy Tax of 11%, $75 non-refundable Cleaning Fee, $39 non-refundable Damage Waiver Fee. Additional amenities include: board games, forced air heat, free domestic and international calls (limitations apply), national channels, nwe mutual water co. system has water during a power outage, 1 bath, ipod dock, gas stove with oven, firewood is located on left side of house under tarp, coffee maker, group events or parties are not permitted, garbage disposal, bbq - gas grill (propane provided), fireplace with insert, dsl ... bed. Wonderful time Beautiful area and trials so thankful that pets are allowed and ... patio. Just wish I knew NO supplies available next time will bring firewood and more ... reviewing us! We appreciate your input, which we share with our staff, management, and the owner. Firewood is supplied complimentary to all our cabins. You must have missed somehow, and the Front Desk would have been happy to either. MoreWe wanted to be IN Yosemite and chose "The Redwoods" as they manage many cabins just above Wawona. It was about 40 minutes to "Tunnel View" and "Glacier Point". Our dog Jake loved it was did my wife and I. Big front porch with stunning. MoreDear Michael, Thank you for sharing this review of The Redwoods with everyone and ... our guest! We will forward your comments to our team and let the owners be aware as well! We are excited you were able to enjoy Yosemite with your. MorePrivate Lake Front Home. Enjoy all that Fall has to offer! Shawnee Peak 10 min - TripAdvisor - Holiday Home in BridgtonEnjoy lake front living with dock access. Great for family get togethers or a weekend getaway. Home is 3 floors with a lake level family room. Large great ... library.3 bedrooms with formal living room and den. Large deck overlooking the lake views of both Shawnee Peak AND Mount Washington. Walk to quaint little town and enjoy movie theater, shops and bistros.10 minutes to Shawnee Peak, 1 hr to Portland. White Mountains NH 30 min away Enjoy the fall foliage, skiing, ice fishing in the winter! fb1435067242, VR Owner at Private Lake Front Home. Enjoy all that Fall has to offer! Shawnee Peak 10 min, responded to this reviewResponded 14 August 2017Guests must be 21 to book. Additional signed release is required. Rents is go up to 8 individuals . An additional $20pp per night rate. Must be respectful of both our home and. Guests must be 21 to book. Must be respectful of both our home and neighbors. Large events and parties are not allowed. smoking is permitted outside in designated areas. Private lake front homes surrounded by ... min walk to Town 5 min ride to Highland Lake Golf Course. Located in The Lakes Region.2hrs from Boston 1 hr from portland jet port 30 min from NH White MountainsThe 10 Closest Holiday Homes to Vancouver Career College - Burnaby, BC, Burnaby on TripAdvisor | Find Holiday Rentals near Vancouver Career College - Burnaby, BC ... Palazzina del Belvedere is also named as "The Building Belvedere" and also. read moreIt covers only two small floors but it is free and has a good collection of old potery and other. read moreThe location of Faldetta archaeological collection places in a high quality ... most typical side of the "waterfront" and facing offshore ... Andrew. ## The building Belvedere holds the collection. moreIt covers only two small floors but it is free and ... collection of old potery and other old artificats with both italian and English descriptions. You wuill find it right next to the Column and on the top floor there is a viewing. MoreThe museum at Palazzina del Belvedere is also named as "The Building Belvedere" and also "Collection Archaeologico Faldetta" - these names clearly appearing on signs at the building ... Margherita, 11. The building is immediately to the right side of the steps that. MoreWalk around the area to see all the shops, bars, restaurants, theaters and other areas. read moreGreat ... town. Athens has some cool southern history. read moreAll reviews college town last resort great people watching restaurants and bars every corner music scene fun town wonderful shops chain stores clayton street georgia theater old house uga campus laid back bucket list welcome center creature comfortsWalk around the area to see all the shops, bars, restaurants, theaters and other areas. Nice sidewalks to use and all had wheelchair access ... around. A little hilly but not too bad. Eclectic selection to see. If you are planning to visit a. MoreGreat big college in a small quaint town. Bars are every where and plenty of live music options. If you visit, you should check out any live shows during your tine there.
words 1: double ATV, depending on your choice at
words 2: rugged landscapes of
words 3: and snorkelling
words 4: a natural pool (Conchi) and we also went
words 5: the whole
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words 7: Good luck!
words 8: in Abel
words 9: commentary perfect
words 10: If you want a truly
words 11: We saw
words 12: South
words 13: a day for the
words 14: the trip even more spectacular
words 15: snow and ice fields
words 16: Alpine scenery from the air is
words 17: your own
words 18: & wifi, pet-friendly, 1 bdrm, queen sofa
words 19: nice safe enclosed
words 20: staplesMoreThank you for the time spent
words 21: for being
words 22: room with bar and
words 23: Large Pines Long standing friendly neighbors.10
words 24: in Burnaby, CanadaThe museum at
words 25: environmental contest, in the
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words 27: has a good
words 28: in Viale Regina
words 29: big college in a small quaint
words 30: to get
Human: What is how to fill in the missing spans: Then you could book around a great. MoreThe heart of Athens is abuzz with interesting little independent shops and restaurants, mostly sustained by the 30,000+ student army. Attractions include this rather plain-looking arch, which is of immense significance to the students. before you've completed your. MoreConsidering this is a college town, the downtown is not surprising. It is filled with sandwich shops, bars, a comic book store, a vinyl record store. The streets are filled with kids, and some homeless. The atmosphere is young and alive. It seemed safe enough. MoreNice downtown area with the college right in the heart of it. A large variety of restaurants from quick bites to full meals and coffee shops on nearly every corner. [spans 1] the. MoreI use my credit card to buy all the time the meter will sell which is 2 hours. I come back less than an hour later to find a $20 parking ticket. I call the police who refuse to send the officer that wrote the. MoreFor bars, unique boutiques, and restaurants, I'd give downtown Athens a 4. There's artsy theatres, coffee shops, all manner of bars and some awesome local restaurants. The UGA campus is also nearby, which is beautiful [spans 2] itself. But there are a LOT of. MoreA nice place to walk and visit the many collegiate and other shops. Lots of bars and restaurants to enjoy. Friendly & fun atmosphere. Had to travel to Athens for business and was pleasantly surprised by the city. Very easy to walk around. Tons of restaurants, cafes, shops and bars. The University of Georgia is a pretty sight as well. If you've never been to Athens, you are missing out! It's the perfect size town with more amenities than you can count. The Downtown is filled with great restaurants, bars and music venues. It definitely has something for everyone! ! Does anyone know of a website where I can find a walking map of downtown Athens shopping, or can you suggest a walking itinerary from the Graduate Athens into downtown for shopping (boutiques and clothing for college kids, etc. Thanks! I am not sure where you can get a map of the downtown area but it is a small area to cover. It is right off of the campus and there are many shops and restaurants close together within a three or 4 block area. MoreI am not sure where you [spans 3] cover. I am sure one or more of them might have a map or point you in the right direction. We have always just winged it and had a great time. The location is fantastic with fabulous views over Orvieto and close enough to easily get to Orvieto for an evening meal. The house was very nice for [spans 4] adults. We were there during heatwave "Lucifer" so the air conditioning was very welcome. There was a problem with the pool. Three of our party came up with burning blisters in the pool and one child started to bleed and came home with scabs on her body. This is an issue which needs to be resolved. If [spans 5].
spans 1: There seems to be a large group of homeless people who hang around on
spans 2: in and of
spans 3: can get a map of the downtown area but it is a small area to
spans 4: our party of three children and four
spans 5: we knew it had been resolved we would return |
<human>: What are the missing spans: Thanks so much for those of you who braved the unseasonably cold weather to come out for drinks tonight! Yes, there were those strange moments at Bab's where the guy in the Richard Simmonesque spandex costume got a little too close for [spans 1] superheroes. And who can forget the human gum-ball machine whose costume no one could quite figure out till Anna took it upon herself to ask the poor girl. Yup, the perils of celebrating your birthday on the same weekend as when the rest of a college town celebrates Halloween. Whatever the case may be, insanely cold weather and weird Halloween characters aside, turning 30 has been a blast, and that our friends were around to celebrate it with me made it all the more special. Thanks a ton guys! ! No, I'm not going to wax all philosophical about what it means to turn 30 today, or dispense pearls of wisdom as if I've gained this new insight into the metaphysics of existence. Honestly, I don't feel any different today than I did yesterday (except maybe 3lbs heavier considering the indulgent birthday breakfast I got free from Angelo's this morning- corned beef hash with raisin toast and a side of bacon. What a way to embrace your age, with a one-way ticket straight to cardiac-arrest central. But, if there is one sentiment to be shared on this momentous occasion though, I guess it would have to be gratitude. Gratitude for being able to do something I love and enjoy everyday, and that even though I might not be making as much money as people much younger than I am, I have the privilege of being constantly challenged, humbled, but also strengthened, that I may do something good for others in the future; gratitude for the people who love me- my parents and sisters who are never far from my mind even if they are far away geographically; and my friends (both near and far) who love me for simply who I am and ask for nothing more. And most importantly, I am thankful for the blessing of waking up every morning next to a good, kind man who makes me laugh everyday, and with whom I can't wait to spend the next 30 years of my life (and the next 30 after that too. It's been more than two months [spans 2] least. It was a really sweet ceremony- Christine almost had to choke back her tears when saying her vows, and the reception was a complete and utter blast too. It was obvious to everyone there that the two of them could not be more in love if they tried- Christine, the epitome of the blushing bride, and Josh, the adoring groom. They're just so perfectly cute [spans 3] . Congrats again the two of you! The wedding was also a reunion of sorts for us as all the SI people descended upon Michigan from wherever they've been since graduation. Most travelled in from the west coast and immediately thanked their good minds for having moved there in the first place when Michigan welcomed them with nothing but its beguiling dreary skies, fortifying chill and the refreshing dampening of rain. Ann Arbor just hasn't been the same without them and it was so heartwarming to catch up with everyone and hang out just like old times (except that now, everyone actually has a real income- well, except Kathy who's just that bit sado-masochistic like us- while we're still stuck under the poverty line.1) Sweet Adrien telling me that he had actually drafted a detailed email to me about how to solve my webpage's IE problem. I fixed it before he could send that mail but I was still touched and told him to send it anyway.2) Allison's date, Rory, connecting with Jude on The Big Lebowski level, which made me realize that there will always be a part of men I will never understand.3) Everyone hanging our at Forte in Birmingham after the ceremony over drinks, coffee and inordinate amounts of chocolate mints. We talked about absolutely nothing, but in the words of Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, all those nothings meant more than so many somethings.4) Our 7-car convoy navigating our way across southeast Michigan from Bloomfield Hills to downtown Birmingham to Pontiac without once losing anyone. I can't even begin to describe how cool we are for accomplishing that.3) Marta reading an email from Josh he wrote 2 years ago just as he and Christine were going out saying [spans 4] him. The newlyweds looked like they would have cried into their dinner entrees. All in all, I was just plain happy to see everybody again. The photos are up here, and I can't wait for the next wedding (I'm not naming names. so we can do this all over again. :)I am in the midst of getting student feedback for my teaching and this video got me on the floor. Now I am wondering whether all the feedback this lecturer got was from one class, and if so . where did all the sexy comments come from? ? ? (I spoiler tagged the parts about the results so I won't ruin the fun for those of you not in the U. Only scroll over (or highlight if you're an IE user) if you want to know who won Season 3 of Project Runway. Jeffrey won? ? ? ! ! ! C'mon. My bet was on Uli, who's just such a lovely person. She was the first to hug Jeffrey after Tim Gunn announced that he was still in the competition, and with such genuine affection. And her clothes! Beautiful! ! I've always loved her designs, and just as you thought she was going to be [spans 5] line. In the end, we figured Jeffrey won because his clothes were more haute coutureesque, whereas Uli's didn't exactly break new ground. Jeffrey's definitely the more innovative of the two, but still, his *&^%$#@! attitude throughout the whole season notwithstanding, I just didn't think he deserved to win the same way Uli did. The show aside, a bunch of friends and I came up with what we feel is an inspired idea to celebrate Halloween (sorta) early, and dress up for the finale in show of our support for Project Runway in general, and Tim Gunn in particular (isn't he just everyone's favorite teacher? ? ). The theme is to come dressed either as a designer, a judge, or one of the challenges. The party, ladies and gentlemen, was a complete and utter blast! ! Check it out here. Most people turned up as the Black and White challenge (some even hand-made their outfits! ), but there were a few sublime exceptions. Jude taught today till 8.30 so in the absence of a special outfit, we [spans 6] chic. ;) I had problems figuring out which challenge my outfit would best capture, and in the end, I guess it's the International Jetsetter challenge (because it's kind of dressy but comfy and travels well) meets Couture (because it's sparkly). I had to "walk the runway" barefeet though coz I couldn't bring myself to buy a pair of shoes just to match my outfit. It seemed to work; although neither [spans 7] facade. In reality, we actually don't study at all and have a lot of time on our hands which we spend by [spans 8] TV. the sweet life :)Jude and I make it point to bring our own lunch to school everyday. It's so much cheaper, and also much healthier and more satisfying than say a slice of pizza or take-out. More often than not it's leftovers from dinner (we just make larger portions of everything to last us a few days), but today, we didn't have any and I just ran out of ideas. I decided to go simple and just cooked up some brown rice, roasted a couple of portabello mushroooms with garlic, fried up some franks, and sprinkled the rice with furikake. Furikake is a Japanese rice seasoning made of dried seaweed, sesame seeds, salt and sugar (as with almost everything these days, it of course has it's own Wikipedia entry. The one we have also has dried salmon flakes. It's a staple for Japanese school-kids and simply the easiest way to make rice tasty. I could have a bowl of rice with just a generous sprinkling of furikake anytime- it's that yummy! Produced by Ogilvy & Mather, it's a biting indictment of the manufactured nature of "beauty" as conventionally perpetuated. The ad's also a sobering call to recognize that the only difference between the regular Jane Doe down on the street and that supermodel up there on the billboard is the luxury of tons of make-up, a good hairstylist, a skilled photographer, and a nifty computer program. As much as I enjoy running, at the end of the day, I don't kid myself by thinking that it is one of my great loves. Some people are really passionate about the sport they play- basketball, swimming, tennis, competitive channel surfing. For me ultimately, running is a means to an end, there's little pleasure involved. And while the adrenaline does give me a high for a while, it really is mostly pain, cathartic as it is. Which is why this Ok Go video tickles me to no end. On top of being impeccably cheorographed and side-splittingly funny (there's something about four geeks in suits on a threadmill that's somehow perversely alluring to me. I'm assailed by the cognitive schism of how someone has managed to fashion what is essentially a [spans 9] art. If for nothing else, these geek chic poster-boys deserve an award. Yay! My Moo cards finally arrived today! I ordered them 3 weeks ago and was almost convinced they got lost in the mail. But they're here and they're pretty :) I only chose the pictures of the wallpapers I made so they'll match my webpage and also because this way, Jude can choose from the rest of our Flickr photos when he makes his cards. The cardstock Moo uses is good and heavy so the namecards don't feel like the kind that you run off at Kinko's. They are really puny though (see relative size) and when you hold them together, they almost feel like the cards you use [spans 10] kee*. On a totally different note, MY BEST FRIEND ARRVIES TOMORROW! ! ! She'll be visiting for the weekend on her way to Minneapolis for corporate training. I've missed her so much and it'll be so nice to see her again. Remind me again what month it is? And I bet it's not even going to be pretty snow, but probably eeky, slushly, wet and gross snow. she & I figured we can always just stay indoors, have hot chocolate with marshmallows, and watch Meg Ryan movies all weekend long. Jude can join us too. ;)*A gambling game popular among Straits-born Chinese played by four players using narrow cards based on the 12 pieces in Chinese chess. We were disappointed. And not just because we had psyched ourselves up too much for it. You think- a Michel Gondry film with Gael Garcia Bernal. What could go wrong? Quite a bit apparently. What made Eternal Sunshine one of our favorite movies is that despite its lovely impish charm, at its core, it has a soul- a poignant, and oftentimes devastating narrative. It's about a love so hardwired into your very being that even modern science can't reach it. You may be able to erase [spans 11] destiny. Science of Sleep on the other, in Jude's words, is a victim of its own cutesiness. Without the origami mind of Charlie Kaufmann, Michel Gondry's writing and directing exude more whimsy than anything else. It's charming for sure, and the whole [spans 12] is. I guess I understand his whole the unconscious as governed by its own perverse logic and the blurring of dream and reality spiel, but like Stephane's one-second time machine, the film is interesting for that moment, but then nothing much more. It wasn't without its redeeming [spans 13] movie. So ultimately, watching Science of Sleep was a lot like eating cotton candy- it conjured sweet memories of a childhood suspended, with moments of laughter and delight- nothing particularly sad or upsetting; but in the same measure, because of that, like cotton candy, it was also neither very substantial, nor terribly satisfying. As I got on the UM Blue Bus bound for central campus this morning, I noticed that one of the passengers [spans 14] head. In fact, as I observed him/her/it more carefully, this passenger appeared to be a larger than life . WTF man! Ok, so my Lost counter has counted down its last second, I've watched the [spans 15] riveted. Without spoiling it too much for those of you who haven't watched it yet (I think Season 3 isn't going to start in Singapore till later this year, if not next), [spans 16] 2. ## Less claustrophobic, more expansive. And I'm not just talking geography. It's about obsession, pride, civility, and. You'll know what I mean. My only disappointment is that we didn't get to see the rest of the Losties like Locke and my new favorite character, Desmond (whose middle and last names are David and Hume. You put two and two together. Love that Scott'ish burr, brudah! Most of the time, we live our lives within invisible systems, blissfully unaware of the artificial life, the intensely designed infrastructures that support them. Accidents, disasters, crises — (when) systems fail we become temporarily conscious of the extraordinary force and power of design, and the effects that it generates. Every accident provides a brief moment of awareness of real life, what is actually happening, and our dependence on the underlying systems of design. Every plane crash is a rupture, a [spans 17] event. As we sip champagne, read the morning paper, and settle in before takeoff, we choose not to experience the torque, the thrust, the speed, the altitude, the temperature, the thousands of pounds of explosive jet fuels cradled beneath us, the infinite complexity of onboard systems, and the very real risks and dangers of takeoff and landing. Jude teaches till 8.30 tomorrow night and I'll be d@%*ed if we don't make it back by 9pm. Apparently the first 5 minutes will take your breath away (or so say the message boards and the people who've watched the premiere in Hawaii over the weekend). As emotionally compelled as I am by the relationships on the show (ok fine, one relationship in particular. that one hour every week isn't easy on the mind either. ## We're talking myths galore, literary connections, philosophical underpinnings and pop culture references. [spans 18].
spans 1: comfort, or when the troupe of Wonderwomen looked more like a female wrestling team than
spans 2: since Christine's cultural experience of a bridal shower, and our first full-fledged American wedding was wonderful to say the
spans 3: together! !
spans 4: how he would one day ask this woman to marry
spans 5: just a one-trick pony, she wowed everyone today with that stunning
spans 6: said he was going as the "Elle Editorial- An outfit to best capture your style" challenge, which in his case, if anyone asks, is geek
spans 7: one of us won prizes for Most Imaginative, Best Presentation, or Most Like the Show, I got a prize just for how sparkly my skirt was :)So yes, now you know what grad students are really like beneath our geeky
spans 8: getting together in weird outfits and celebrating our collective nerdiness by drinking beer and watching
spans 9: torture machine to me into an instrument of
spans 10: to play chap jee
spans 11: memories, but you can't erase
spans 12: stop-motion animation and papier-mâché props are delightful for their childlikeness; but at the end of the day, that's about all there
spans 13: moments though: the scenes of Stephane directing his own dream sequences as if it were a TV show were definitely TiVo-worthy; I love Charlotte Gainsborough's crisp French/ British accent and slightly kooky disposition; how can you not be enamoured by water made from cellophane and a felt-cloth Noah's Ark of handmade trees? ; and like Eternal Sunshine, what's a Michel Gondry film without a sweet soundtrack? This track is particularly enchanting, resonating the dream-like whimsy that is so much of the
spans 14: in front of me had a larger than usual
spans 15: season premiere, and I must say, this girl is one happy camper! :) From the jaw-dropping, "OMG! -are-you-messing-with-me? " opening 5 minutes, to one of the creepiest breakfasts ever shown on TV, to the heart-meltingly sweet Kate and Sawyer reunion, I was
spans 16: let's just say this season opener is way better than the first episode of Season
spans 17: shock to the system, precisely because our experience of flight is so carefully designed away from the reality of the
spans 18: If you want to do some homework on what's been invoked so far (and I'm sure will continue to be in the new season), you only have slightly more than 30 hours to wrap your head around:My cousin, Brigid, had her first baby, Kyra last week and here she is in all her delicate bundled sweetness |
<prompter> Finish this: Brothers with a passion for classic motors make a business from looking after other enthusiasts' carsTwo brothers who are passionate about classic cars are scaling up their car storage business, enabling them to look after more collectible motors for other like-minded enthusiasts. Petrolhead brothers Antony and David Kingham, who both worked as investment bankers for Meryll Lynch in London, launched their company in 2016, calling it Ecurie 137 because it was the number that their racing driver father, Malcolm King, used in the 1950s when he was racing in the RAC rally. “Cars are my passion,” admitted 54-year-old Antony Kingham. “It's been implanted in me from an early age. As a family we would spend most weekends working on cars and out racing them.”Antony and his 50 year-old brother own 12 classic cars - “some Porsches, and a few Jaguars,” which they've amassed in the last 20 years. “We are hoarders,” David confessed. “I sell the odd one – but only periodically, as my wife likes to point out.”When they found the perfect location to store their own collection, the brothers decided that the facility, which is tucked away near Great Yeldham, is large enough for plenty of other vintage cars too, and Ecurie 137 was born. David claims that while other storage companies can be “sterile” in their methods, Ecurie 137 offers a more a personal touch. “I hate the corporate approach,” he said. “A young buck might want all that, but I know all the people who have stored their cars with us. Our business is our extended hobby, and it keeps us in the world of classic cars which we know and love.”The Kinghams started their business with space for 50-60 cars, and due to the recent £20,000 expansion, there's now room for another 30. “We kept the costs down by refurbishing buildings for use, rather than building new ones,” David said. “As the business grows, we have the potential to expand again.”Storage costs begin at a flat price, and then the cost of bespoke extras such as servicing, an MOT, rolling the car back and forth to check tyre pressures or taking it out for a spin, are added on. Although David asserts that he doesn't take his car passion to the extreme, the same cannot be said for some of his customers. “We have been surprised at how close some people are to their cars,” he said. “People tend to have names for their cars, they tend to refer to them in female terms. We look after the cars well because we appreciate how precious they can be to their owners.”Player ratings from Ipswich Town's 1-0 defeat by Rotherham United | Ipswich Town FC and Suffolk & Essex Sport - East Anglian Daily TimesPlayer ratings from Ipswich Town's 1-0 defeat at Rotherham in their opening away game of the season. Had little to do in the first half but looked as if he had earned his side a point with an excellent late save from Anthony Forde, as he reacted quickly to push the ball away with a strong right hand. However, he was beaten in the final minute as the Blues lapsed in concentration.7Looks much more comfortable at right back than he did in the centre of the Ipswich defence against Blackburn last weekend, but still had some shaky moments. Found the going tough at times in the first half, but managed to get back well and cover whenever caught out of position. Was caught up the field late on, when Rotherham won the free-kick which led to their goal.5It was an up-and-down first appearance in the Championship for Ipswich Town's new central defender. All-in-all he performed admirably, but there were a number of heart-in-mouth moments where he was caught out positionally. But, such are his physical attributes, he was able to get back into position using his pace to snuff out Rotherham attacks. Improved in the second period but was unfortunate to concede the free-kick which led to the Rotherham goal.6His usual key role in the Ipswich back four was heightened this afternoon, given he was playing alongside two players (Donacien and Nsiala) with no Championship experience to speak of. Read the game well, although he did let the ball bounce dangerously on a couple of occasions, and had one notable piece of work where he superbly snuffed out danger following a direct run from Jon Taylor. Hugely frustrated at the final whistle.7The Dane was up and down the left flank for much of the afternoon and got into the opposition box late in the first half where he had a shot saved. Battled throughout but was one a of a number of Ipswich players caught flat-footed when Smith's shot found the net.5Town's star man in the first half, seeing plenty of the ball off the back four and looking to turn it into an Ipswich attack. Cut the mistakes out from last week and showed just why Hurst has put him straight into his midfield. Continued to play expansive balls in the second period but began to tire a little.6The Welshman is Hurst's box of tricks but, as well as the teasing runs and dangerous deliveries, it's his subtle touch which catches the eye. He can dink the ball over players, cushion the ball away from his man and manoeuvre himself into an attacking position. Looked disappointed to be replaced.7An improved display from last week, with the experienced midfielder seeing more of the ball. His role was more defined in a slightly more defensive system, but he certainly didn't take the game by the scruff of the neck. Had one blocked shot which was heading towards goal and got into the box for a headed opportunity but wasn't able to take advantage.5Jordan Roberts goes to ground in the Rotherham penalty area after running through with defender Joe Mattock. Picture PagepixAnother player making his Championship bow and the midfield creator saw plenty of the ball and was neat, tidy and positive without overly threatening in the first half. Came into the game more in the second period, flashing a shot wide and offering more support to the central striker. Another gear to find, though.6Back in the side following suspension and out on the left wing, looking to cut inside. In truth he wasn't able to get beyond right-back Zak Vyner on too many occasions, checking back to gain more time on the ball.5A frustrating afternoon for the striker in many ways. In the thick of the physical battle but only had the one sniff at goal, which ended up in the arms of the goalkeeper. Was still isolated somewhat in attack, with large gaps between he and the Ipswich midfield before he was replaced. No shortage of effort, though.5The third debutante of the day, with the striker showing his searing pace on a number of occasions as he burned away from his man. Outdone physically at times in terms of strength and didn't find an end product on this occasion.6Came on for Ward on the left wing and wasn't able to make the impact he did on his debut, when he equalised against West Ham.5Came on for his Ipswich debut and looked bright. Should perhaps have had a penalty after being dragged to the ground by Joe Mattock.6The Symposium will take place on Monday 28th January 2019. Abstracts are invited from PhD Students and Postdocs for oral / poster presentations. When cancer is found earlier it can be easier to treat successfully. Statistics from Cancer Research UK show that the ten-year survival rate for eight different types ...
<assistant> Here you go: of cancer combined is more than three times higher if the disease is diagnosed at stage one or two, compared with survival rates when diagnosed at stage three or four. The highly multidisciplinary CRUK Cambridge Centre Early Detection Programme engages world class researchers in projects to better understand the biology of the disease, to find it earlier and to reduce the number of deaths caused by cancer. ## In addition, the programme's social science researchers are exploring the broader implications (psychological, legal, economic etc. of early detection and prevention strategies for the individual and society. Peta Murgatroyd knows a couple of things about winning Dancing with the Stars. She's done it twice! Now, the dancer is aiming for a third victory in DWTS season 24 with newly-engaged Bachelor, Nick Viall. The Dancing with the Stars 2017 cast is not just bringing the titular “stars” but also our favorite pros. After a season-long break, Peta Murgatroyd is back to compete for the Mirrorball Trophy, and she's going to do that with Nick Viall, The Bachelor alum. She's also competing against her fiancé, Maksim Chmerkovskiy who's paired up with Glee's Heather Morris. There's so much more to this dancing champion, and we're sharing it with you in Peta Murgatroyd's wiki. Murgatroyd was born in New Zealand before her family moved to Australia when she was 18 months old. She was raised in Perth, Western Australia and considers herself to be Australian. At the age of four, she began training in classical ballet. She trained for 12 years under Madame Lubov Nikonorenko, the former principal dancer of the Kirov Ballet. Murgatroyd was about to begin a ballet career when an ankle injury at 16 forced her to give up the dance. But that didn't mean it was the end of Peta's dancing career. She switched to Latin ballroom and boy was she good at it! Within three months of ballroom training, she was crowned the W. Amateur Latin State Champion in 2002 and won the title again in 2003. She placed third at the prestigious Blackpool Dance Festival Youth Under 21 Latin competitions in 2005. The 30-year-old joined DWTS in season 12 as a troupe dance member before becoming an official dancer with the DWTS cast in season 13. She was partnered with NBA pro, Metta World Peace. They were the first couple to be eliminated, but that didn't discourage the young dancer, who returned the next season with NFL player Donald Driver and took home the Mirrorball Trophy. Though she was part of the season 21 cast, an injury forced her to sit out the rest of the season. She continued with DWTS until season 22 where she was partnered with hearing-impaired model and America's Next Top Model winner, Nyle DiMarco. The two won Peta Murgatroyd's second Mirrorball Trophy. She then took a break from season 23 owing to her pregnancy. Besides a few live dance tours, she's also an amazing choreographer who has worked with the likes of Taio Cruz, Enrique Iglesias, Jennifer Lopez, and New Kids on the Block. When she's not dancing her heart out, she's posing in front of a camera. Because why not? She looks like she could be a model. Murgatroyd has done a swimsuit spread for a magazine and has been part of an NFL apparel campaign. Her dance career has earned this DWTS champion a net worth of $400,000. Her fiancé has a higher net worth of $2 million. Peta Murgatroyd joined the live dance show, Burn the Floor which included dancers from DWTS and So You Think You Can Dance in the cast. Among them was Damien Whitewood, a former DWTS pro. They met during the Burn the Floor tour and dated for five years before breaking up in 2012. Soon after her relationship with Whitewood ended, she dated Maksim Chmerkovskiy, one half of the Chmerkovskiy brothers. Peta and Maks would later reveal that they fell for each other the first time they met while she was dating Whitewood, and he was engaged to another pro, Karina Smirnoff, at that time. The two broke up after briefly dating but once again rekindled their relationship in 2015. She was working with the Chmerkovskiy brothers on their ballroom dance show, Sway. The couple got engaged in 2015 when he proposed to her on-stage during a performance of Sway in Miami. She has been flaunting the gorgeous engagement ring ever since. After all, Maks did put in a lot of effort getting that ring specially designed by the Italian jewelry company, Cantamessa. Getting the ring size, however, was a “stealth mission.” He even resorted to tying a string around her finger when she was sleeping. Murgatroyd runs a blog, All Things Fam and Glam, that gives advice for new parents. Most of her knowledge comes from her own experience as a mother. The dancer is a very family-oriented person, but does not frequently see her family in Australia, as her hectic schedules allow very little time to spend with them. “Getting back to Australia, it's not easy to go back just for a week because the work is out here. I try to see them as much as I can, even though I have to live my life out here. They are just so supportive, but it never gets easy,” she told Glamour. When she does get to meet her family, she posts about it on her social media accounts. A few of her Instagram and Facebook posts talk show celebrating special occasions with her parents and brother. Peta and Maks welcomed their son, Shai Aleksander in January this year. Only a few months after giving birth, Peta returned to the ballroom to defend her title from season 22 and to get her body back in shape —though we think her post-baby body is already envy-worthy! @MaksimC and I are so excited to share the first photos of the love of our life, Shai Aleksander Chmerkovskiy, on @allthingsfamandglam today! ❤️ Link in my bio. Thank you for all the well wishes you've sent us as new parents. We feel the love and are so grateful! ? #FamAndGlam #BabyChmerkovskiyBay Area theater celebrity Don Reed takes a break from his autobiographical monologues in his one-man-show Stereotypo: Rants and Rumblings at the DMV, now playing at the Marsh Theater Berkeley (2120 Allston Way). Through a series of monologues, Reed hopes to expel stereotypes associated with marginalized groups that frequently endure discrimination. He tackles nine different characters, including a dirty-joke-telling Pakistani cab driver, a confident transgender woman, and a reformed gangster, all with varying degrees of success. Despite good intentions and a slew of funny one-liners, Reed's self-penned play occasionally comes across as preachy and fails to rebuff many of the stereotypes he ascribes to his otherwise winsome characters. Ultimately, his latest show serves as a reminder that the comedian's greatest talent lays in his self-referential work. Still, as far as trips to the DMV go, this one is without a doubt the best you'll ever have. ## The critically-acclaimed Pantaloons Theatre Company present a brand-new adaptation of Charles Dickens' fantastical festive fable. It's Christmas Eve and tight-fisted Ebenezer Scrooge is meaner than ever. He is shunning his only living relative, underpaying his clerk and refusing to acknowledge the plight of the poor. but will timely visits from the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future change his miserly ways before it's too late? Performed by a multi-talented cast in The Pantaloons' own inimitable, hilarious and moving style, this will be an evening out to remember. Featuring live music, audience interaction and absolutely no humbug. |
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Hot FM owner Oscar Chavula sees nothing wrong in Zambia today. Says Edgar Lungu is a saint, anyone who doesn't agree with PF is ...
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Output: choose not to be a bootlicker and I have never been institutionalised in my thinking or actions. I am able to speak my mind or share my view whenever necessary directly or...
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Output: indirectly without fear.
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I have done this for years and I have allowed people who work for us to be both fearless and truthful. So to seat and watch confusion on Aljazeera #AJstream last evening and hear People peddle falsehoods was a low blow. I asked myself a simple question. Do these people live in the same country that I live in? The truth is we do not have a perfect democracy and no country has it. Our politicians from both sides of the divide are many at times annoying and at best childish. But Zambia is not degenerating into anything because you do not agree with an opinion. For years I have superintendent over the most difficult and fearless breakfast shows in the country. I have run ins with ministers ...
Output: Rest of text: and their surrogates endlessly. I have been threatened and trailed by the previous regimes including MCS' s one. Ours is a growing democracy with abounding issues requiring attention and fervance. To me the only difference between this regime and the past ones is simple to see if your glasses are not tainted with prejudice, malice and tribalism. The truth is ECL does not interfere with the law and neither does he push his weight when the issues are in court. He won't call the IG, nor the Chief justice to get you off the hook. We are so used to having rogue presidents and misguided handlers who are not restrained in their behaviour we want that to happen almost automatically when there is an issue. For once can...
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Output: we be above corruption and cronyism! To create an impression that we are degenerating into a failed state or a semblance of that type of misgovernance is completely untrue and must be...
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Output: described ad hollow scaremongering. As commentators and bloggers they probably have nothing...
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Output: to lose and can get away with such carelessness, but to many of us, Zambia is our home and a business place so to propagate any of such ridiculous notions is plainly dangerous. _I was thinking of doing my own write up but the above sentiments sum up most of my thoughts thus I adopt and support this analysis_President Edgar Lungu has ordered police...
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Output: in Kasama never to allow Kasama Central MP Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) to hold any meetings in his constituency. By law and according to parliamentary procedures, a sitting MP does not need...
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Output: a permit to hold meetings in his area. GBM, who is also UPND Vice-President, his case is still in courts of law and hence...
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Output: he is still sitting MP until the courts rules otherwise. In any case one does not need to be an MP to enjoy his her right to assemble or hold political rallies...
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Output: But while GBM has been denied permits in Kasama which is his home village, his PF competitor Kelvin Sampa has been freely holding several meetings in the area and has been making donations in the area with stolen money from Lungu's Lebanese financiers. Sampa is basically a known crook who was involved in motor vehicle scam with during the MMD regime. Sampa is also...
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Output: the boyfriend to Lugnu's daughter Tasila, the girl who looks like the actor in the gods must be crazy. GBM had notified the police...
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Output: of his intentions to hold meeting in Kasama next week, but the police rejected the notification citing ‘unstable security in the ground. 'Finance Bank...
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Output: Zambia Ltd. the country's largest privately owned lender, said its liquidity and cash positions are “stable” a week after the central bank took control of the company. There has been “no significant impact” on operations and all branches remain open, Leonard Haynes, the lender's interim chief executive officer, said in an e-mailed statement today. The Bank of Zambia took over Finance Bank on Dec.10...
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Output: “to protect the interests of depositors and other creditors” and to “ensure the stability” of the country's banking industry, Finance Bank said. DR Caleb Fundanga says Zambia is headed for a sovereign debt crisis as it is most likely going to default on the first US $750 million Eurobond payment when maturity date falls in five year's time. A sovereign debt crisis occurs when a country fails to pay its external debts and is blocked from accessing more money from official lenders. And Dr Fundanga has called for an end to corruption in usage of government funds. Meanwhile, Lusaka businessman Muna Hantuba says the government's insatiable appetite for borrowing is no longer just starving private investments but also hurting spending on education and health. Dr Fundanga, a prominent...
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Output: economist and former Bank of Zambia governor, said Zambia would soon become a case study of how not to spend huge amounts of money...
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Output: borrowed at very high interest rates. In a paper he presented on Zambia's debt position at the Economics Association of Zambia public discussion last Friday in Lusaka, Dr Fundanga, said the country...
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Output: would not be in a position to redeem the first Eurobond when it falls due in 2022. Zambia contracted its first Eurobond in 2012 for 10 years at coupon rate of 5.6 per cent, meaning the whole borrowed amount would have to be returned to the lenders in five years plus interest payments due. “I am sure most of you will recall that in...
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Output: 2012 when the first Eurobond was issued, there were newspaper reports that the Minister of Finance was scouting around for commercial banks to borrow the dollars because they didn't have a spending...
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Output: plan; it can be that bad that money is given to you (when) you don't have any plans of how to spend it but it is accumulating interest. We had that situation,” Dr Fundanga said. “The lessons for Zambia are important to other countries when there is so much money more than you can handle.”He said although pro-government voices argued that Zambia's debt position was still sustainable, evidence on the ground was to the contrary. “However, recent debt sustainability analyses conducted by the IMF and World Bank indicates that Zambia has a high risk of external debt distress emanating from the Eurobonds maturing in between 2022 and 2027,” Dr Fundanga said. “Those Eurobonds when they are given, the immediate financial exposure you have are the interest payments, then...
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Output: comes the date when they mature. At maturity, you have to pay back the principal. You can all imagine US $750 million will mature...
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Output: in 2022; will we have US $750 million on top of other financial burdens to pay off those people? If we won't have, how are we going to solve those people? Obviously,...
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Output: some people can say ‘go and borrow some more'; that's the easier way to go. I don't know whether we are prepared.”He regretted that the planned “sinking fund” to prepare for repayment of the Eurobonds never moved beyond rhetoric. “The main risk to external debt sustainability associated with external debt distress are heightened by the fact that economic performance will remain subdued over the...
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Output: medium term,” Dr Fundanga said. “Liquidity indicators show significant fiscal pressure between 2022 and 2027 due to the maturing Eurobonds. The ratio of external debt service to revenue is expected to increase...
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Output: and breach the sustainable threshold of 20 per cent between 2022 and 2027 from nine per cent on average between 2015 and 2021, and obviously this will be a big burden. Obviously,...
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Output: all indicators are that probably the economy will remain depressed for some time; so, if that's the medium term prospect, the prospect of raising...
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Output: the millions we need to retire those bonds might not be available.”“The fact that money is there is not the reason why we should always go and draw from there. Let's not...
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Output: forget that we are making certain people rich; those who arranging those Eurobonds, the fees they charge are very high and they are not even justifiable,” Dr Fundanga said. “But we think it's the easiest because nobody will ask for the conditionalities; nobody will ask us how we are going to spend this money and so forth and so we think it is easy...
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Output: money but in fact, it's the hardest money you can get because when it is time to pay, you are going to regret it. Let me emphasise that I don't see another...
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Output: round of international goodwill to cancel our debts like we saw during HIPC and MDI (Multilateral Debt Initiative).”Specifically on higher expenditure of most Eurobond proceeds on building new roads, Dr Fundanga said:...
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Output: “These things of corruption we talk about are things that need to be addressed. What did we do with the money (from Eurobonds)? Some people will tell you that at least you have got good roads; not the best but . indeed its true that some roads were built with some of that money but the truth is that we could have gotten more.”At...
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Output: the same forum, Hantuba, who is also AfLife Holdings group chief executive officer, said government borrowing had now become a danger to both private...
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Output: sector investments and the country's social spending. “The private sector needs as much money at this stage as government needs to prop up their businesses. But what does happen is, the private...
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Output: sector has largely been crowded out because increasingly, as the government borrows the money, they are even crowding out certain essential expenditures of the social nature such as education, health and the...
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Output: network as they call it,” Hantuba said. “Now, if the public sector itself is going to take a bit more money from internal and external debt, it means that the private sector has got very little chance in queuing up for limited resources that are available.”Hantuba who also doubted Zambia's ability to redeem its first Eurobond when it falls due in 2022, said Zambia's public debt, the bulk of which was foreign commercial rated, was already a crisis. it's possible that we could, subject to good behavior, surf around and remain in a position to meet our debt obligations as they fall due but . when the first Eurobond falls due in 2022 which is a year after the next government comes, they will have to deal with...
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Output: the payment of a minimum of US $750 million together with arrears and so on and so forth,” he explained. “My suspicion is that,...
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Output: and I suspect most of you will be there, we will most likely not be in a position to pay it. Why will we...
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Output: not be? Because we have not gathered sufficient prowess to deal with debt the way debt must be dealt with.”He also regretted the use of K2 million of emergency funds to debate...
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Output: Zambia's continued affiliation to the International Criminal Court at the time the government was grappling with serious shortage of cash. “Don't be corrupt because corruption is very expensive; don't misapply resources, stick to the budget. If your 2017 budget says ‘you are not going to talk about constitution,' don't do it. If 2017 does not say anything about appointment of extra cabinet, don't do it,” Hantuba advised. “That's what private sector hopes the government would not do. Private sector does not expect the Minister of Justice to announce the expenditure of two . (K2 million) whatever the figure is to go and ask other people whether we should be in court or not court. I don't know that story but it's to do with spending money that you...
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Output: did not plan to. You only spend when there is a flood because you have to save human life; when there is crisis in...
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Output: hospital, then you can justify spending .”He said the desire for the government to borrow without conditionalities was an indicator of wastefulness and lack...
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Output: of accountability. “When you jump to cheaper options of borrowing in the sense there are no conditions, it means you are borrowing with an...
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Output: intention to abuse the resources that you have borrowed which is very easy to do by the way,” said Hantuba. “The propensity to save in this country is very low and so...
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Output: borrowing has become a cardinal part of the entire business. |
User: Find the missing words: JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to [words 1] Accounting. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled [words 2] browser. It was quite moist and a bit dense, but not in a bad way. More intensely flavored than your average coffeecake. I liked the flavor of these, but they were pretty flat and I [words 3] on the inside by the time they [words 4] outside. I don't think the griddle was too hot, so next time [words 5] will stir less and use quite a bit less liquid. [words 6] devoured, though I thought the texture of the biscuit topping could have been improved a bit; it was ever so slightly sandy. Maybe [words 7] grain cornmeal would give it a better texture. In any case, it was delicious with a scoop of ice cream. Made this for a Boston themed dinner today. Moist and mildly sweet [words 8] bread. Very easy, made it in a loaf pan rather than the traditional coffee can. Mixed reviews but not because I think there was anything wrong with the recipe, just a couple people are not fans of brown bread. I left out [words 9] because I didn't have any and they were fine [words 10].
words 1: use EasyPacc
words 2: or not supported by your
words 3: couldn't get them done
words 4: were dark brown on the
words 5: I
words 6: This was tasty and promptly
words 7: more all-purpose flour and less whole
words 8: dark
words 9: the brandy
words 10: without it
User: Find the missing spans: They were tasty with both savory and sweet fillings. The buckwheat flavor was present but not too strong. My only objection was that the batter was a bit too thick, and didn't slide around the pan quickly and easily as I would have liked. Next time I will add more milk. The flavor is great and the texture is, too. Much more interesting than plain pancakes. Especially tasty with strawberry jam. Occasionally, they come have out a bit dry, though, so you might want to add some more liquid. This was a bit of a flop. I don't usually find pastry hard to work with, but this dough was very uncooperative. There was definitely no getting it into a tart shape without a pan, so I eventually gave up and put it in a 10 inch tart pan. The recipe says you'll need about 2 pears, and with 3 perfectly averaged-sized ones it was still quite empty-looking. By the time the filling was done, the crust was burned. And you're supposed to take it out of the oven every 10 minutes to put more sugar and butter on the top. A bit of a fuss a rather dissappointing result.12/21/2013: Made two versions. One coated with the extra cheese with salt, and one without. ... preference. Substituted buckwheat flour for the barley which might account for them being a bit dry. Took an extra 6 minutes to get to a brown stage using a sheet pan. Perhaps a cookie sheet would be better. Very easy to make and not as wet and sticky as the recipe instructions indicated. These were really good and the almond flavor really shines through. I chose this ... disappointed. I skipped the sugar topping since I made these for breakfast and used extra white whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose. I was expecting a crumbly sort of scone, but they were soft and moist, not crumbly at all. They had good flavor and, although the recipe made rather a lot (they barely fit on my half sheet pan), they were all gobbled up within 24 hours. The first ... cooled. They were quite good. The whole wheat flavor was noticeable, so you won't be fooling any suspicious eaters, but I didn't find it objectionable. I will probably use white whole wheat flour next time. For them to be chewy, it is important to go by color rather than suggested time. They are done when they just start to brown around the edges. Crisp edges and chewy interiors, as advertised (if baked for the correct amount of time). This was a good use for the giant zucchini from the garden. The cake didn't come off as overly sweet as some zucchini bread recipes, perhaps due to the whole wheat flour, which, while discernible, was not unpleasant. Used oil rather than butter, and didn't have enough cocoa powder, & so used only half the amount called for. Did not use optional chocolate glaze. This produced a rather mild chocolate cake, but with the bittersweet chocolate chips, was actually quite satisfactory. (Maybe because it didn't seem quite so decadent)I followed the recipe and did not use the optional glaze. It was delicious, but only after resting for 12 hours. We had some just after it cooled and I was disappointed. I didn't like the texture (it was a bit rough) and it didn't seem sweet enough. But then I had a piece the next morning and it was perfect in every way. The texture was great and it was plenty sweet. Like that, no one would have guessed it was whole wheat. Many recipes in this book tell you to let the final product sit overnight to improve its texture, and though this recipe doesn't mention that, it made a huge difference. Tasting it after it ... again. After 12 hours, it is on my list of favorite recipes. This makes a really nice scone. They aren't too sweet, there is just enough cinnamon, and the whole wheat flavor isn't overpowering. I did find ... layer. However, it wasn't noticeable once baked. The flavor was excellent. My only issue with the recipe is that the batter came out too wet-more like cookie dough. I couldn't knead it, I had to pat it into shape with my ... scraper. I will try it with less of the coconut milk next time. This turned out moist and had a good corn flavor. Although, it's not sweet enough for my sister's taste-and to be honest maybe mine too. My grandmother did put 1/2 cup a sugar in hers-and this one had 1/4 c of honey. But, this one is very good with a little butter. These were rather puzzling. I followed the recipe exactly (using a tablespoon scoop, as instructed), and was presented with crumbly, sandy-textured biscuits a little smaller than golf balls. Their flavor was not pleasing enough to redeem them. The description suggests that, as written, the recipe is meant to be sweet, but that you could modify it to be savory. I found it very salty for a sweet recipe, really pretty firmly in the savory camp, but they were good, anyway. I liked the cornmeal and rye combination. I'm on a mission to use up the various flours in my pantry that are out of date, but don't seem to have gone bad. This was my first for rye flour and it was fantastic! It only uses 1 cup, but I'll be making this again and that bag will be gone before I know it. Easy, quick and tasty crackers! I made these the other night as part of my quest to try all the homemade cracker recipes I have. I followed the recipe as written except I only had 1 tbls. of caraway seeds on hand. But my husband, who isn't fond of caraway, thought that they were just right without the extra caraway. The recipe doesn't specify what type of butter to use but it has enough salt in it that I would recommend only using unsalted butter. I sprinkled part of the crackers with grey sea salt and we found those crackers to be almost too salty. So next time if I want to sprinkle salt on top I will reduce the amount of salt in the dough. They were marvelous with slices of German Swiss cheese and a ... wine. These take a lot longer to rise than the 1-2 hours noted in the recipe (at least, they did for me both times that I made them), probably because of the sweet dough. So you'd just want to plan for that. Best recipe for ginger syrup that I've found - hot but ... sweet. It calls for unpeeled ginger but peeled ginger makes a better syrup if you prefer things on the milder side. Easy to make ... cooked. Half recipe cooks faster than stated time. Great mixed with raw sugar and butter for a gingerbread topping. Leftover syrup makes a great addition to sautéed carrots, stir fries or yogurt/ice cream. I think I would use a sharper cheese - a little parmesan? I want a more pronounced cheese flavor. I made these a while back and really liked the flavor, but the texture was not quite what I was expecting. They came out thin and tender rather than fluffy, despite careful adherence to the recipe. They were tasty with jam on top, though. I also liked having a mix ready to go, so I'll probably make another batch and just use less liquid, which should solve the thinness issue. They were on the plain side and not very lemon-y. Certainly not ... again. I am trying to love this cake as I love all things lemon but it is really hard. I think part of the problem may be the texture. I had to use Bob's Redmill medium grind cornmeal because my local grocer did not stock the fine grind that I had hoped to use. The result is a texture that has quite a bit of grit from the cornmeal. It is rather like a dense sweet cornbread with a lemon glaze. I have shared it with friends, neighbors and family and while everyone says they eventually like it, the first bite is a bit ... surprise. The lemon glaze is great and really saves this cake from the list of those to never make again. I would give it another go with a finer grind of cornmeal. It worked well in my new 10-cup square bundt pan I received for Christmas. Nothing went disastrously wrong with this cake, it just wasn't very exciting. It was a little dry and maybe could have been a little sweeter. I did let it sit overnight as suggested in the introduction to the quick bread section. I made this recipe at the same times as as the Cherry-Almond Scones from this same book. They both use the same base recipe and I wanted to have more than just a batch of six, so instead of doubling one, I tried both. Unlike the other recipe where the almond flavor really shone through, the maple flavor got a lost ... recipe. I thought 1/4 tsp flavoring might not be enough, but was afraid of overdoing it (and 1/4 tsp almond extract was plenty in the other variation). The scones ... teaspoon. And in this case, I really probably should not have skipped the sprinkle of maple sugar on top. As with the other recipe, I used extra white whole wheat flavor in place of the all-purpose. I've made this recipe many times and for me, these are the "perfect" corn muffin. They're not too sweet and chock-full of whole grains, though you'd never know it, just by tasting them. They are nice and moist right out of the oven, though they do benefit from a quick zap in the microwave if you're eating them leftover. A really nice corn muffin. The whole wheat and the honey really compliment the corn well ... flavor. These are definitely muffins and not corn bread. A really good, ... seeds. Also sprinkled turbinado sugar on top before baking. Lots of other permutations and combinations possible in this one! Loved this version of morning glory muffins, which uses brown sugar, almonds and all whole wheat flour. I used dried cherries in place of raisins and shredded zucchini instead of carrots. They are over-the-top delicious with the blueberry maple jam I made a few weeks ago ("Batch" recipe). Yum! This is SO delicious! We used oat flour in the puff pastry dough, as on p.508 they mention that "oat flour lends a hint of nutty sweetness to the dough, and we found ourselves pairing it with fruit fillings with excellent results. " You can also use barley flour for the "flakiest results possible. " Anyway, this is a fabulous dessert; all three components - the fruit, the oat streusel underneath, and the puff pastry, are very delicious. It gets a little limp the next day but is still quite tasty. Definitely serve it with some homemade whipped cream :) We loved it either with peaches or nectarines and weren't as big of a fan of the plums (all suggested variations), obviously it's to your taste. Best shortly after baking. By day two they were a bit dryer and harder, though they had been stored in an airtight container. A few seconds in the microwave might improve that, though. We're not big cherry pie folks, BUT this Topping is SO good! ! ! I combine that part of the recipe with the fruit fillings for cobblers from The America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook for delicious crumbles! My personal favorites are apricot, nectarines, or plums, but of course any fruit will do. I make this with white whole wheat as my regular sourdough, and I bake it in a Dutch oven. Reduce the water to 10 oz. and it makes an excellent pizza dough. This was very good, but decidedly better when still warm. Great texture (with a nice crunch on top) and pleasing, mild flavor. The full tablespoon of cinnamon was not overwhelming. Not the most attractive cake ever produced, but tasty. This is a great pastry cream; I just don't like eclairs and cream puffs. The pistachio one ... flavor. However, they were a bit dry and the whole wheat flavor and texture was just a little bit too strong. I did use the chocolate chips which contrasted with the peanut butter well. I either go with the chocolate chips or with the Peanut Butter frosting. PB masks the bitterness of the whole wheat. so it's a good one for picky eaters. These are definitely worth trying. I loved these the first time I made them, but just recently I ... again. But I'd still recommend giving them a shot if you like peanut butter - I LOVE peanut butter in stuff but I've noticed I'm also very particular about the combinations (don't like pb and cream cheese, for example). So ... texture. I found the flavor a bit ... irresistible. I wasn't sure if natural peanut butter would work here but don't like to use Jif/Skippy style peanut butter because of the trans fat, so I got something labeled "peanut butter spread" which is Whole Foods' version of Jif/Skippy style peanut butter; it is slightly sweetened and uses palm oil to prevent separation. King Arthur's Baker's Hotline later clarified that ... here. The dough is a standard whole wheat pizza dough; it worked well, it's just not our favorite kind of dough. However, I'd still recommend it if you're looking for a whole wheat pizza dough. A blogger who is also cooking through this book like me noted: "Good texture, great flavor, not too bready, not too flat. I might knead it more next time–it could stand to be just a hair chewier. But otherwise an excellent recipe. Definitely the winner of the week for me. " The toppings are interesting - the amount of sun-dried tomatoes that the recipe calls for is pretty sparse, so you might want to up that, but the most interesting part was trying the smoked mozzarella. It was not something I'd want again on a pizza, but to each their own, and I really enjoyed trying it. For some reason it reminded me of bar food (even more than usual pizza does). All of the toppings do seem to go well together. This is another reliable recipe from KAF that may be a hit for you depending on your taste. I used a mix of dark & light whole wheat flour with cranberries, choc chips & pepitas. I used my own pumpkin purée, wetter than canned- took 15 minutes extra baking time. This bread is delicious & yummy. I made it with butterscotch chips (which might have been too much of a good thing). I like whole grains and morning glory muffins and that sort of thing, but these tasted like how I imagine 70s commune fare, and not in a good way. I found them a little bland and a bit lumpy, though other people seem to like them. Yum, yum, yum! I chose this recipe as a way to use up an excess of oatmeal and a bag ... expectations. We loved the slightly salty cashew flavor with oatmeal. I baked them for 14 minutes, rotating the baking sheets from front to ... racks. They don't brown much on top but the bottoms were perfect and as they cooled they became quite crunchy. I first tried using a glass to flatten the balls but gave up and just used my finger tips. For the first two sheets I followed the instructions to lightly salt the cookies before flattening but I could see that much of the salt was sticking to the glass or my fingers. For the final sheet I flattened first and salted second. I just used my regular salt shaker with Morton's iodized ... tops. The recipe yielded 3 dozen cookies. ... again. They were remarkably tender and cake-like, not chewy, at least at the beginning. After a few hours they got a little bit chewier, but were not really chewy cookies. They would be especially good for anyone who is suspicious of whole grain desserts, because they are not heavy or whole wheat-y tasting at all; the barley flour is very mild. For some reason, we don't like the Garlic & Herb Boursin cheese, so I subbed goat cheese with a bit of chives and parsley for the boursin (keeping the Swiss cheese), and we liked these. I also tried barley flour in the puff pastry vs. regular whole wheat flour vs. white whole wheat flour, and for these savory croissants, we personally liked the nutty flavor of the barley flour, though all are good! I liked the bites with prunes, but the rest of the cake left me indifferent. I also found the rum flavor overpowered the frosting a bit, though I suppose strength may vary from one extract brand to another. I let it rest overnight as indicated. This bread is very tender and almost fluffy for a yeast bread. If you like ginger, I would definitely try it. It reminds me more of the ginger that I've used in savory cooking than the lighter ginger you ... oz. I think you could substitute ground/dried ginger and mix it in with the brown sugar. Crystallized has a lot of sugar in it. I also used more milk and less cream to cut down on calories, but that may have been a bad idea. I baked it for 15 minutes longer than called for and it was still runny in the center. Out of laziness, I mix all the cheese and chilies into the batter rather than sprinkling them on top, works fine. This is just as easy as it is written! I've never made puff pastry before and it came out really well. Very impressive! These were pretty good, but be sure not to make them too thin. The first one I rolled too thin and maybe cooked a bit too long; it came out dry and a bit crisp. Then I started rolling them thicker and not leaving them on the griddle so long, and they came out more to my taste. They are much better right off the griddle. Not so good on day 2, even after a few seconds in the microwave. Mine didn't have that melt-in-your-mouth texture of a traditional pie crust, so I wouldn't start using it in just any pie recipe. But when paired with the earthy-apple and oat flavors in their Caramel-Apple Pie, it was perfect. These are great, well worth the extra effort compared to the ... variety. If it's warm, check your dough well before the suggested 90 minute rising time. Mine often doubles in 40 minutes. The first time I made them, some puffed up evenly and some just got the occasional bubble and were pocketless, soft flatbreads, like naan. I decided I liked them better that way, and have rolled them out thickly ever since so they don't get a pocket. However you like them, I recently discovered that you can cook them on the stove in a cast iron skillet, no hot oven or baking stone required! The Kitchn tells you how: http://www.com/how-to-make-pita-bread-at-home-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-90844 Elsewhere in this book, they say you can substitute active dry yeast for instant yeast by proofing it first. I have done this when I didn't have instant yeast and it worked fine. This is a very tasty and simple recipe, ideal for those of us not firing ... morning. It's my default recipe for plain pancakes. They come out fluffy and delicious. As soon as I cracked it open, I was excited and inspired. Whole grain baking definitely seems less intimidating armed with a wealth of recipes from a source I already know to be reliable. The interesting thing about the recipes in this book is how un-fussy most of them are. Instead of adding ingredients in stages, many recipes tell you to combine everything all at once. The best thing about these buns is that unlike some sweet doughs, they're still soft and fluffy the next day. The sauerkraut adds moisture, ... sourness. Although the bread is packed with whole grains, it's also packed with flavor. This was a very simple recipe that resulted in a soft bread that would be a great whole wheat replacement for people who aren't fond of denser loaves. You know Wheat Thins? Well these do taste better. The store-bought crackers are usually better when topped with something, but these are snack-worthy all on their own. Unless your granola is very, very sweet, though, this bread isn't going to be dessert-like, so it would still be appropriate for the right kind of sandwiches; ideal for grilled cheese. Hang on to your pie plate-King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking will change the way every baker thinks about whole grains. Forget what you know about whole grain baking. Instead, envision light, flaky croissants; airy cakes; moist brownies; dreamy piecrusts; and scrumptious cookies - all made with whole grains. This is what you get in King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking, a revolutionary cookbook that breathes new life into breads, cakes, cookies, pastries, and more by transforming dark and dense alchemy of whole baking into lively, flavorful, sweet, savory treats of all types. King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking is a book that only the bakers at Arthur Flour could successfully complete, opening up the home baker's repertoire new flours, new flavors, and new categories of whole grain baked goods. It spills over with helpful tips, how-to illustrations, sidebars on history and lore, and a friendly ... bake. Thousands of hours were spent testing these recipes, making sure that each one met their high standards. The final result is more than 400 delicious, inviting, and foolproof recipes that have earned a place in King Art Flour Whole Grain Baking-the next generation whole grain cookbook. Choose our Mount Fuji Wall Mural for your home or office or anywhere you want to stop people in their tracks to stare at this beautiful image. The array of colours and depth this mural provides is second to none. Mount Fuji is a stunning image looking over japan in the twilight hours.
spans 1: Votes were split as the
spans 2: recipe because I had all the ingredients on hand and it called for several I wanted to use up and I was not
spans 3: batch I baked came out a bit cake-like, so I baked the second batch for less time (9 minutes), and they collapsed and became chewy once
spans 4: was just cooled, I would not have made it
spans 5: it a bit difficult to cut the scones before baking because the batter kept sticking to the knife and pulling up the top
spans 6: bench
spans 7: bit of
spans 8: not too hot, not too
spans 9: once you get it
spans 10: bad, but not memorable enough to want to make
spans 11: of a
spans 12: in this
spans 13: are not bad, but they are a bit plain, so I would definitely increase the flavoring next time - probably at least a whole
spans 14: without the whole wheat sour
spans 15: moist bran muffin recipe! I used frozen crumbled raspberries in place of raisins and added: one tablespoon of orange zest and two tablespoons of flax
spans 16: is also really good! This muffins have a strong peanut butter
spans 17: made them again and I just didn't love the roasted peanut flavor; I'd personally just rather have peanut butter and honey on toast :) I also wasn't digging the chocolate chips enough, so I won't be making these
spans 18: to each their own! These had a wonderful, chewy
spans 19: too peanutty at first, but eventually they grew on me and I found them quite
spans 20: natural peanut butter works fine
spans 21: of Trader Joe's Lower Salt Cashew Pieces but the results totally exceeded my
spans 22: back and from upper to lower
spans 23: salt to very lightly salt the
spans 24: I will definitely make these
spans 25: usually get in desserts, so you have to really like ginger :)Very sweet-and I cut the brown sugar down from 5 5/8 oz to 4
spans 26: store-bought
spans 27: on all cylinders in the
spans 28: and both the sauerkraut and pickle juice add a nice
spans 29: voice that says to readers, Come into the kitchen with me and let's |
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Human: Complete this text: I started this blog as an outlet, a way to say a few things I could no longer say because I no longer had a pulpit to say anything from. Which is already the wrong way to start, because a pulpit is a place from which one says very specific things to very specific people, unlike a blog which is open to anyone who ...
Assistant: Completed pargraph(s): stumbles upon it and is a place to say anything that pops into your head. But blogging is an odd creature, at once personal and public. Speaking is public; we have to engage another's attention to do it, and we can see when we are losing their attention, when we should stop, sit down, let them go away from our voice for awhile. Much...
Human: More.
Assistant: as we imagine there is someone reading what we write, much as we obsess over who is reading it and how many people, we still imagine it is going to only one person at a time. On a blog, that is a fatal miscalculation. We may imagine an e-mail is for one person only, though we know how easily it can be passed around...
Human: Continue.
Assistant: ("viral" is the perfect metaphor for what happens, and how). We may be sure our telephone conversations are private, and our letters (but who writes anymore? Even I have given up the...
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Assistant: practice). But I have made the fatal miscalculation of imagining no one is reading this, all the while hoping everyone is. And inevitably what you say, whether you meant to say it or not, comes back to haunt you. And I'm tired of being haunted. I started this, as I said, in order to keep my hand in; to establish some kind of communication with others who were either sympathetic or of like mind, and I've done that. But this blog has outlived its usefulness, and now it must go. I'll take some time to mine it for things useful to me, or hopefully useful; then I'm going to take it down. Ring down the curtain. I'm tired of what it has become, of the inadvertent problems it...
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Assistant: has caused me. Life as enough problems all on its own without creating our own set. In a week or so, it will be gone. It will know it's place no more...
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Assistant: Thanks for the interest, the comments, the good words. I appreciate it more than you know. But all things, good or otherwise, must come to an end. The Internal Revenue Service has...
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Assistant: told a prominent Pasadena church that it has ended its lengthy investigation...
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Assistant: into a 2004 antiwar sermon, church leaders said Sunday. But the agency wrote in its letter to All Saints Episcopal Church that officials still...
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Assistant: considered the sermon to have been illegal, prompting the church to seek clarification, a corrected record and an apology from the IRS, the church's rector told standing-room-only crowds of parishioners at Sunday's services. Part of the background of this case is summed up in a post I made earlier. But the allegations of political motivations don't come from idle bloggers like your humble host...
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Assistant: They are prompted by e-mails obtained via an FOIA request made by...
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Assistant: the church. As the article points out that DOJ was involved in the case "before the IRS made any formal referral of it for possible prosecution. " But there's more to it than that. A time line of the case, constructed from the documents at the church's website, (a convenient index of the documents is here)helps put this in perspective. The IRS sent a "Notice of Tax Inquiry" on June 9, 2005. It's concerns were raised by an LATimes article about the Rev. Regas, Pastor Emeritus of the church (p.3 at the "index" link). The church responded on June 24, 2005 (p. The IRS responded on September 2, 2005, and submitted a "draft" Information Document Request ("IDR") as required by the Internal Revenue Code (pp. The IDR is...
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Assistant: where things get interesting, at least behind the scenes.50 here, you can read the IRS e-mails discussing DOJ interests/concerns with the case and with the IRD. The e-mails recognize the case is "sensitive," which is probably why DOJ was getting involved. It is clear from these e-mails that the IDR was being held up by DOJ review. However, whether that review was appropriate is...
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Assistant: an open question. Marcus Owens, "a former director of the IRS division that handles tax-exempt organizations," per the LATimes article, represented the Church in this matter and wrote to the IRS on March 29, 2006, (here, at p. The LATimes article is coy:One e-mail, for example, appears to show coordination between IRS and Justice Department officials about a request to the church for documents. Others discuss the timing of the request and news coverage about the case. In fact, the first e-mail, on February 28, 2006, indicates no further contact will be made with the church until DOJ "is on board with it. " On that same date (document at p.52), the IRS procedure is "still on hold awaiting review and approval from DOJ as to their being...
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Assistant: willing to support and enforce the issuance of an IDR and probable...
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Assistant: summons. " On July 7, 2006, another e-mail indicates that the IRS Chief Counsel is running the IRD past Justice and that they expect a response from Justice soon (p. Then, in an e-mail titled "Actions needed to be prepared for Justice response," dated July 18, 2006, another LATimes article with quotes from Marcus Owen is passed around for everyone to see (p. Finally, on July 17, 2006, Justice has almost signed off on the IDR ("We are optimistic that they will have no technical concerns with the All Saints IDR so the goal is to be getting ourselves ready to issue that IDR. That IDR was finally issued on July 24, 2006. The church objected to the breadth of the IDR (p.14 at the "IDR" link), and...
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Assistant: other issues surrounding it, and requested the IRS issue an adminstrative summons so the church could challenge the procedures of the IRS in court. One problem with the IDR the letter noted is that it asked for "written or oral communications identifying one or more candidates. Owens points out, prayers for the President are a regular part of Episcopal liturgy, which makes identifying such...
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Assistant: "oral communications" a bit onerous, at best. The objection to the IRD led to a series of letters about the summons itself, and finally the IRS dropped the matter on September 10, 2007. Basically, without any information other than what the IRS received from the church on June 24, 2005, the IRS decided that "the church intervened in the 2004 Presidential election campaign. However, they decided it was a one-time occurrence, and the Church had policies in place to prevent such things from happening, and the IRS would not leave them alone with a warning to watch what they post on their website (No, I'm not kidding. Read the letter here, at p. Mr Owens, the former IRS director of this deparment, smells a rat:"In view of the...
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Assistant: fact that recent congressional inquiries have revealed extensive politicization of (the Department of Justice), my client is very concerned that the close coordination undertaken by the IRS allowed partisan political concerns to...
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Assistant: direct the course of the All Saints examination," attorney Marcus S. Owens wrote in a letter Friday requesting an investigation. "It's so important for this church to be speaking truth to power,...
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Assistant: and I applaud that," said Sharon Fane of Burbank, who said she had joined All Saints largely because of its IRS battle. "But I have some fear for us too. What will this cost? "The church's top lay leader, senior warden Rich Llewellyn, said the decision to push for answers from the IRS was clear, given the significance of the issues and the church's...
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Assistant: long history of social activism. "We really need clarity from the IRS," he said. "Otherwise, it's a very scary prospect to think that these...
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Assistant: agencies are looking over our shoulders at what our pastors can preach in church. "This is, let us not forget, the kind of thing that got Nixon in trouble. But then we had a Congress willing to investigate a sitting President and his abuses of power. Adam Schiff of Burbank tried to get an investigation of the IRS going in 2005, precisely because of...
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Assistant: cases like that of All Saints.2 years later we have a CYA letter from the IRS (you did something really bad, but we'll let you off this time), an Attorney General who abruptly resigns, a new Attorney General designate with the blessing of the Democrats who revels in the use of state power, and a church that could afford to stare down the IRS...
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Assistant: Upon reflection, consider the facts here: this case was prompted by an article in the LATimes. Now, I could go into a pulpit this Sunday and preach a sermon denouncing George Bush as the anti-Christ and telling people to vote for Dennis Kucinich in the upcoming primaries, and no paper would take notice, much less the IRS. So there's an interesting selection process going...
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Assistant: on here: the IRS is only going to pick on prominent churches which are likely to be large enough, and wealthy enough, to defend themselves (most churches I've been in couldn't even afford the staff to post all those documents to the church website, much less get volunteers to do it). But did the IRS expect the church to back down? Apparently so, because after the church twice refused to comply with the administrative subpoena, and made clear its position that the issue was best presented to a court and that it would go there, the IRS decided: "Never mind. " There is no way to read their final letter except as a CYA measure for something they knew they couldn't defend before a judge. So what is...
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Assistant: the lesson? That prominent "liberal" churches will be targeted? But if they are prominent and liberal, I assume they are ready to defend their rights under the First Amendment (which covers both freedom of speech and freedom of religion). What is clear, especially given the information that came out of the attorney firings scandal, is that this was politically motivated. It takes a determined...
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Assistant: naivete indeed, to think otherwise. Now it will be interesting to see...
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Assistant: if any further investigation is prompted, or supported, by prominent California Democrats. I know I'm picking other people's bones this morning, but Ezra Klein...
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Assistant: neatly selects the relevant portion of the "60 Minutes" interview with President Ahmadeinejad of Iran, and while he doesn't make anything of this answer, it intrigues me:PELLEY: Well, Mr. Bush is, without...
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Assistant: question, a very religious man, for example, as you are. I wonder if there's anything that you've seen in President Bush that you admire. AHMADEINEJAD: What religion, please tell me, tells you...
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Assistant: as a follower of that religion to occupy another country and kill its people? Please tell me. Does Christianity tell its followers to do that? Judaism, for that matter? Islam, for that...
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Assistant: matter? What prophet tells you to send 160,000 troops to another country, kill men, women, and children? You just can't wear your religion on...
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Assistant: your sleeve or just go to church. You should be truthfully religious...
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Assistant: Religion tells us all that you should respect the property, the life of different people. Respect human rights. Love your fellow man. And once you hear that a person has been killed,...
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Assistant: you should be saddened. You shouldn't sit in a room, a dark room, and hatch plots. And because of your plots, many thousands of people are killed. Having said that, we respect the American people. And because of our respect for the American people, we respectfully talk with President Bush. We have a respectful tone. But having said that, I don't think that that is a good definition of religion. Religion is love for your fellow man, brotherhood, telling the truth. I just read that as a perfect example of how we think about "religion" in this country, and how thoroughly we have divorced it from issues of responsibility, or "love for your fellow man, brotherhood, telling the truth. " Can anyone read that answer and tell me...
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Assistant: what is wrong with it? Can anyone tell me how is it a misguided, flawed, or corrupted understanding of "religion"? Not that Ahmadeinejad should be confused with Ghandi or Mother Teresa, but are we so incapable of having a discussion of religion in this country that an answer like this is just so much babble in our ears? The President of Iran raises important, central, burning questions. The journalist responds with: "So, nothing to say, huh? "Will dragging religion into politics change this? Will arguing over who gets ordained change this? "You just can't wear your religion on your sleeve or just go to church. " It's not exactly shrill, is it? And yet, apparently, even that sentiment is uttered at a pitch too high for reporters to...
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Assistant: hear. Or even bloggers, for that matter. Ezra wants to know why Pelley responds that Bush believes in God. As Ahmadeinejad points out, acting like a religious person is not the same...
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Assistant: thing as believing in God at all. Which is really the problem Dawkins and Hitchens have; but it's also the problem of our public discourse of religion. “Each individual so arrested was...
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Assistant: brought immediately before a federal judge where he was assigned counsel, had a bail hearing and was permitted to challenge the basis for his detention, just as a criminal defendant would be,”...
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Assistant: he wrote. The article made no reference to Mr. Due process means doing more than this for people detained because of a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon:It was Oct.2, 2001, and the prisoner, Osama Awadallah, then a college student in San Diego with no criminal record, was one of dozens of Arab men detained around the country in the days after the Sept.11 attacks as potential witnesses in the terrorism investigation. Before the hearing, Mr. Awadallah told his lawyer that he had been beaten in the federal detention center in Manhattan, producing bruises that were hidden beneath his orange prison jumpsuit. But when his lawyer told this to Judge Mukasey, the judge seemed little concerned. “As far as the claim that he was...
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Assistant: beaten, I will tell you that he looks fine to me,” said Judge Mukasey, who was nominated by President Bush last week to be his third attorney general and is now facing Senate confirmation hearings. “You want to have him examined, you can make an application. If you want to file a lawsuit, you can file a civil lawsuit.”Even though Mr. Awadallah was not...
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Assistant: charged at the time with any crime and had friends and family in San Diego who would vouch that he had no terrorist ties, Judge Mukasey ordered that he be held indefinitely, a ruling he made in the cases of several other so-called material witnesses in the Sept. A prison medical examination later identified the bruises across his body. But wait, it gets better...
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Assistant: Awadallah was taken from San Diego to New York as a "material witness. Hamud, wasn't informed, however. “I wasn't aware that they were in New York until approximately 8:30 yesterday morning,” Mr. Hamud told the judge at the Oct.2 hearing, according to the transcript. Hamud said he had been required to fly overnight to New York from California to attend the early morning hearing...
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Assistant: Hamud asked Judge Mukasey why he was not admonishing prosecutors for blocking his contact with Mr. Awadallah, the judge replied: “Your question is ridiculous. The government isn't interfering with the attorney-client privilege.”Due...
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Assistant: process is something other than noting a prisoner can file a civil lawsuit if they so choose. Due process is something more than bringing a defendant into a hearing that is essentially...
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Assistant: a kangaroo court. What is described here is the due process of the Red Queen: `Sentence first-verdict afterwards. But I'm afraid that, while citizen-activists...
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Assistant: have embraced the understanding that media = politics, the Washington political class has made the mistake of believing that politics = media. Right blogistan is still credited with bringing down Dan Rather, although that claim is based on nothing but air and exaggerated (i. Left blogistan has been looking to get back some of its own ever since, and loves to whoop and holler...
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Assistant: about it's mighty corrective power in the face of the "mighty Wurlitzer. " But I'm still looking for people in the "real world" who have heard of Eschaton or Daily Kos and...
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Assistant: who actually care what gets posted there, especially among all the dross at the latter (on any given "open thread" at Eschaton you can...
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Assistant: find any number of links to comments and diaries at DailyKos outlining...
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Assistant: all manner of dread conspiracies against, well, usually against the political stance of posters at DailyKos. Yeah, like they're that important! ) Frankly, given the record of the past 7 years, and especially since the last Federal elections, I'm not seeing any exertion of power at all. Washington is still the same as it ever was, politicians still making obeisance to their "base" and...
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Assistant: still doing the bidding of the moneyed class or still trembling in fear over the perceived reaction of the reptile-brain, Id-driven voters they are sure exist. The Washington class has believed "media=politics"...
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Assistant: since JFK trounced Richard Nixon. Everyone agrees that if you listen to the audio tapes of the famous Kennedy-Nixon debates, Nixon won. He ran circles around Kennedy. But watch the first TV broadcast, and Nixon looks like the shifty, dubious character we all (now) remember him to be. The lesson wasn't lost on Nixon: The Selling of the President was written about the '68...
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Assistant: campaign, when Nixon repackaged himself as a statesman, not an anti-Communist bomb thrower. We've been treating media as politics ever since, if not long before. Karl Rove didn't invent this; it was...
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Assistant: handed to him on a silver platter. So, does politics=media? Only if you want to give media all the power. Is the media the message? Are we all McLuhanites now? Well, it's...
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Assistant: a convenient excuse for a whipping boy, that's for sure. But I'm still not convinced it's any more than that. Thoreau's observation is still right: there are a thousand hacking at the...
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Assistant: branches of the tree of evil, for every one hacking at its roots. And if that isn't the definition of the powerlessness of power, it's the best metaphor we've got. Petraeus, I was struck by how familiar his words sounded. The general talked like every Sunni I've ever met in Iraq—hell, he sounded a bit like Saddam. The old tyrant would have had one of his characteristic chest-heaving guffaws watching Petraeus as he intoned the old Baathist mantra about the dangers to Iraq: Iran, Iran, Iran. Petraeus's views a few days later in a nationally televised speech about Iraq, in which he talked about the threat Tehran posed. It seems that Petraeus and Bush have come to the same conclusion as Saddam: the main enemy is Iran, and...
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Assistant: you can't govern Iraq without the Sunni Arab tribes, even as you...
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Assistant: encourage anti-Iranian nationalism among the Shia. This is what Saddam did during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, and what Washington is trying to...
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Assistant: do now. One of the main problems with this strategy is that both the Sunni tribes and Shia nationalists are profoundly anti-American and don't...
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Assistant: trust each other—a potential recipe for further disaster. And as for "al Qaeda in Iraq"? We did it. The details are in the article...
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Assistant: And lest you think it is simply some foreigners anti-americanism (the first dodge of even "serious" American analysts, I've found):The American role in the...
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Assistant: promotion of the terrorist organization is not some mad conspiracy theory, but a well-documented attempt by the U.government to demonize the insurgency and make it appear to be the central front in the war on terror. (H)e was a minor figure unlikely to get much of a following on his own in Iraq. Jordanians are not greatly respected by Sunni tribal Iraqis, who tend to view them as the metrosexuals of the Middle East. I used to watch the nightly news with insurgents—they called themselves the “resistance”—and they would laugh at what U. spokesmen were saying about the insurgency and Zarqawi's prominence. military leaders did what Americans have gotten very good at doing in the last few years. They made up a story, which they repeated on the...
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Assistant: news for U. ## domestic consumption—and then started to believe themselves. It's so familiar a story it doesn't need elaboration. But there's plenty in the article, if you want to look for...
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Assistant: it. We have met the enemy, and he is us. Just because...
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Assistant: we've turned that observation completely into cliche, doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because we claim we've learned from history, doesn't mean we aren't...
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Assistant: doomed to repeat it. William Polk gave an absolutely chilling interview on...
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Assistant: NPR yesterday. I'd much rather consider his thoughts and read his book...
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Assistant: than complain about the Senate's pointless and toothless condemnation of a political ad. When law school graduates naively think juries and clients and seasoned practitioners will be impressed with their law school...
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Assistant: grades, reality gives them a sound thumping. When pastors naively think that, having just left seminary, they will now go to a church that not only will love them but is anxiously awaiting receipt of all the wisdom and erudition they acquired in seminary, they usually don't last long with that congregation. But when generals are naive, are stupidly, blindly naive, and their naivete leads to the destruction of an entire country, the displacement of 4 million people, and the deaths of probably 1 million more. “One of the mistakes I made in my assumptions going in was that the Iraqi people and the Iraqi army would welcome liberation, that the Iraqi army, given the opportunity, would stand together for the Iraqi people and be available to them...
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Assistant: to help serve the new nation,” (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. I guess the lesson is, if you're going to fail, fail big. Fail so big that you make friends among...
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Assistant: those on earth, so they will be able to welcome you into the eternal dwellings. I love, of course, the big, swirly stuff, so I latched onto this recent post at Fr. However, following his link to the original, I already found so much to argue with in the opening paragraph (is there a "collective psyche of the West? " is there even a...
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Assistant: psyche, much less a collective one? I am too much an existentialist for that. I've decided to stick with the parts Fr. Jake extracts:This isn't really a new insight so much as a fairly well presented one (the further idea, that "humankind has entered into the most critical stages of a death - rebirth mystery", is a bit too apocalyptic for my taste. I'm...
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Assistant: a "wars and rumors of wars" kind of guy; like the poor, the advent of the Great Revelation Which Will Change Everything has always been with us, which means it will never be with us; not, at least, until everything really does change, once and for all). It does highlight the battle between the Enlightenment and Romanticism which is still going on (although I think it rages for reasons entirely different from those Mr. It's really a simple matter that neither has entirely run its course; and then there's the issue that neither is truly unique nor original in human thought; which is another reason a revelation is surely not at hand; pace, William Butler. If nothing else, it presents a nice contrast to a far more interesting...
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Assistant: view of European (i. Western) history and civilization, as examined by Jan Patocka and related by Jacques Derrida. And that, in turn, points up...
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Assistant: that it's very hard to read the last book of the Harry Potter series and not think that J. The subject of responsibility will...
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Assistant: be the subject that has managed to make orgiastic or demonic mystery subject to itself; and has done that in order to freely subject...
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Assistant: itself to the wholly and infinite other that sees without being seen. Religion is responsibility or it is nothing at all. Its history derives its sense entirely from the idea of a...
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Assistant: passage to responsibility. In the authentic sense of the word, religion comes into being the moment that the experience of responsibility extracts itself from that form of secrecy called demonic mystery.2-3That is Patocka on European history as a history of Christianity, via Derrida. The "orgiastic," the "demonic," feeds the individual (one might say the "ego," if that can be done without invoking Freud). According...
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Assistant: to Patocka, says Derrida:an experience of the sacred as an enthusiasm or...
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Assistant: a fervor for fusion. has as its effect, and often as its first intention, the removal of responsibility, the loss of the sense or...
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Assistant: consciousness of responsibility. -p.1I would pause right here to note that one of the key themes of the Harry Potter series is responsibility. The Ministry of Magic ("MOM"; I love that acronym! ) keeps those with magical powers responsibile for their actions, and wants such persons trained up in the responsible use of their powers. Voldemort, of course, represents the "demonic," even the "orgiastic,"...
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Assistant: use of magic, especially in his abuse of others, stories recounted in the last two volumes of the series. ## The demonic leads to the "loss of the sense of consciousness of responsibility. " If there is anything Voldemort represents and even offers, and which Harry and Dumbledore symbolize the opposition to, it is that. And, of course, as even Dumbledore's story (not fully...
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Assistant: revealed until the end of HP7) represents, this matter of responsibility is always a matter of a vigil, a vigil that is related to, and made clear by, death. For Dumbledore, this revelation comes with the death of his sister. For Harry, this revelation comes when he learns he is "the boy who lived. For one never reinforces enough the fact that is it not the psyche that is there in the first place and that comes thereafter to be concerned about its death, to keep watch over it, to be the very vigil of its death. No, the soul only distinguishes itself, separates itself, and assembles within itself in the experience of this melete tou thanatou. It is nothing other than this concern for dying as a...
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Assistant: relation to self and an assembling of self. It only returns to itself, in both senses of assembling itself and waking itself, becoming conscious,...
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Assistant: in the sense of consciousness of self in general, through this concern for death. For it is thus that the soul separates itself in recalling itself to itself, and so it becomes individualized, interiorized, becomes its very invisibility. And hence it philosophizes from the very beginning. Philosophy isn't something that comes to the soul by accident, for it is nothing other than this vigil...
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Assistant: over death that watches out for death and watches over death, as if over the very life of the soul. The psyche as life, as breath of life, as pneuma, only appears out of this concerned anticipation of dying. -pp.14-15At the end of HP7, Harry is walking out into the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort, to die at his hands because he knows he...
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Assistant: is the seventh Horcrux, the penultimate but unintended repository of a piece of Voldemort's tattered soul. It is the supreme irony of the book, crowning the initial irony of Voldemort getting a partial report of the prophecy from Snape, and choosing to make it true by choosing to kill the infant Harry Potter. He sets into motion a chain of events which end in his death 16 years later, but only because of the character of Harry Potter, because of the choices Harry makes. As he walks to his death, Harry takes out the Golden Snitch left him by Dumbledore, holds it to his lips, and whispers: "I am going to die. Rowling reported that she cried when writing some of the last portion of this book; I...
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Assistant: can only imagine it was at this scene she did so. Harry is not Abraham, choosing to give the gift of death to another. He is the sacrifice, choosing the gift of...
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Assistant: death for himself, having seen the deaths of so many friends, among them Tonks, Remus, and Fred Weasley. So now he gives the gift to himself, and to his friends, by giving them his death. But at that moment the vigil becomes "this vigil over death that watches out for death and watches over death, as if over the very life of the soul...
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Assistant: " And so the family and friends of the orphan appear, to comfort him, to succor him, to assure him that he is doing what must be done, not for his death,...
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Assistant: but for his life. It is a question of the weight of history, of events in place long before he was born. It is...
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Assistant: also, and more importantly for Harry, a question of responsibility:History can be neither a decidable object nor a totality capable of being mastered, precisely because it is tied to responsibility, to faith,...
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Assistant: and to the gift. Responsibility and faith go together, however paradoxical that might see to some, and both should, in the same movement, exceed...
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Assistant: mastery and knowledge. The gift of death would be this marriage of responsibility and faith. History depends on such an excessive beginning.5Harry displays both...
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Assistant: responsibility and faith. It is his loyalty to Dumbledore that calls Fawkes...
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Assistant: to the Chamber of Secrets. He declares himself Dumbledore's man in HP6, and reaffirms that position in HP7, when Dumbledore is gone. This faith, and the responsibility he undertakes because of it...
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Assistant: (the lone quest for the remaining Horcruxes, without revealing the secret of them to anyone who might help), exceeds both mastery and knowledge, the two arenas Dumbledore and Voldemort both lay claim to (and it consumes the latter, and sorely tempts the former, who in the end cannot resist the temptation and so is swept from the field before his time). And here again, having accepted responsibility and acted on faith (which should be understood as trust, not as belief), Harry is able to use the Resurrection Stone not to recall the dead from their peace (Dumbledore's error, as he freely admits to Harry), but to draw himself nearer to them, even as he approaches them and accepts their realm, readies himself to exchange his world for whatever...
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Assistant: their's offers. He is ready, too, to die, not in the place of the others, but in order to give them "a little longer to live:"I can give the other everything except immortality, except this dying for her to the extent of dying in place of her and so freeing her from her own death. I can die for the other in a situation...
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Assistant: where my death gives him a little longer to live, I can save someone by throwing myself in the water or fire in order...
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Assistant: to temporary snatch him from the jaws of death, I can give her my heart in the literal or figurative sense in order to...
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Assistant: assure her of a certain longevity. But I cannot die in her place, I cannot give her my life in exchange for her death. Only a mortal can die, as we said...
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Assistant: earlier. That should now be adjusted to read: and that mortal can only give what is mortal since he can give everything except immortality, everything except salvation as immortality.43The error, the sin, the evil, of course, of Voldemort: he is all too willing to let anyone and everyone die in his place, to bring their deaths so he can achieve immortality, or something near it. In order to put oneself to death, to give oneself death in the sense that every relation to death is an interpretive apprehension and a representative approach to death, death must be taken upon onself. One has to give it to oneself by taking it upon oneself, for it can only be mine, alone, irreplacably. That is so even if, as we just...
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Assistant: said, death can neither be taken nor given. But the idea of being neither taken nor given relates from or to the other, and that is indeed why one can give it...
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Assistant: to oneself only by taking it upon oneself.45Voldemort, of course, only gives deaths to others; he cannot give the gift of death, because he cannot first take it upon himself. In this way Harry is, again the "anti-Voldemort," but not because he is more powerful than Voldemort. Dumbledore has already shown, in HP6, that he is far more skilled a wizard than Voldemort. Dumbledore...
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Assistant: not only "casually" battles Voldemort (Harry notes that Dumbldedore seems no more concerned than if he was simply strolling through the lobby of the Ministry of Magic), he unravels almost all of Voldemort's secrets, and the ones he doesn't uncover, Harry and Ron and Hermione do. It is power, of course, which finally undoes Dumbledore, just as it threatened to do when he fought...
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Assistant: Grundewald and his sister was killed. That grief never leaves him, and finally undoes him when he tries to use the cursed ring for his own end (to disturb the dead, as...
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Assistant: he later puts it). Voldemort, in the end, is not undone by power, which he always fears, but by powerlessness, the one thing he cannot battle. There is no power without resistance, and when Harry offers himself unresistingly to Voldemort, it is Voldemort who, in that very instant and thereafter, because of Harry's choices and Harry's actions, loses the power of life and death...
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Assistant: Voldemort fails because he refuses to ever take responsibility (Remorse is the one thing that would cure the soul of a wizard who kills with an Unforgiveable Curse. What is remorse except accepting responsibility? ). Voldemort and Bellatrix represent the demonic, the orgiastic; it is all they pursue and all they desire. In the end, it is their undoing. The concept of responsibility is...
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Assistant: one of those strange concepts that give food for thought without giving themselves over to thematization. This paradoxical concept also has the structure of a type of secret-what is called, in the code of certain religious pratices, mystery. The exercise of responsibility seems to leave no choice but this one, however uncomfortable it may be, of paradox, heresy, and secrecy. More serious still, it...
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Assistant: must always run the risk of conversion and apostasy; there is no responsibility without a dissident and inventive rupture with respect to tradition, authority,...
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Assistant: orthodoxy, rule, or doctrine.27The power of powerlessness. How powerful is Harry Potter, at any point in the stories? He is a gifted Seeker, but...
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Assistant: even that doesn't guarantee his team wins every Quidditch match. He is not as knowleadgeable as Hermione, nor as savvy as Ron. He needs...
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Assistant: his friends, and in the end it is his friends in Hogwarts who inspire him to do what must be done; it is their gift of death, taken upon themselves, that shows...
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Assistant: him he must give it to himself by taking it upon himself. But throughout the stories it is his "dissident and inventive rupture with respect to tradition, authority, orthodoxy, rule, or doctrine"...
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Assistant: which leads him to success, which creates the responsibility he finally fulfills by the most creative rupture of all: making a willing sacrifice of himself for his friends. Derrida quotes Patocka on...
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Assistant: what could be almost said directly on this point:Responsible life itself was conceived in that event (The Christian reversal of what Patocka calls "the social problem of the Roman Empire. consolidated on the grounds mad possible by the Platonic conception of the soul, a soul which could have a relationship to the transcendent Platonic "Good" through the orgiastic or demonic. Christianity reverses this through responsibility) as the gift of something that, in the end, while having the characteristics of the Good, also presented the traits of something inaccessible to which man is forever enslaved-the traits of a mystery that has the last word. Christianity understands the good in a different way from Plato, as goodness that is forgetful of itself and as love (in no way orgiastic) that...
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Assistant: denies itself.30It isn't that Harry is a Christ figure by making this...
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Assistant: sacrifice; it is merely that he is a Christian. Naomi Klein, via Jane Smiley, makes some interesting points about 20th century history in the Americas. This kind of thing has been documented recently by Democracy Now! . Amy Goodman has talked extensively with John Perkins, who calls himself a former "economic hit man," and has written two books on what Klein calls the "shock...
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Assistant: doctrine. " But what's truly interesting about Klein's analysis, and something Ms...
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Assistant: Smiley doesn't pick up on, is that it is simply an extension of the Monroe Doctrine we all learned about as children. Klein's examples,...
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Assistant: and find one that isn't in the Americas. Now note that precisely what has been done in America, thanks to people like Milton Friedman (and we should not overlook Grover Norquist. I've pointed out before that Bush is merely doing to the country what Norquist did to Texas. has been done almost exclusively in the Americas, as Perkins repeatedly points out. And we do...
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Assistant: this, typically - well, there are many ways to do it, but a typical one is that we identify a third-world country that has resources, which we covet. And often these days that's oil, or might be the canal in the case of Panama. In any case, we go to that third-world country and we arrange a huge loan from the international lending community;...
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Assistant: usually the World Bank leads that process. So, let's say we give this third-world country a loan of $1 billion. One of the conditions of that loan is that the majority of it, roughly 90%, comes back to the United States to one of our big corporations, the ones we've all heard of recently, the Bechtels, the Halliburtons. And those corporations build in this...
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Assistant: third-world country large power plants, highways, ports, or industrial parks - big infrastructure projects that basically serve the very rich in those countries. The poor people in those countries and the middle class suffer; they don't benefit from these loans, they don't benefit from the projects. In fact, often their social services have to be severely curtailed in the process of paying off the...
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Assistant: debt. Now what also happens is that this third-world country then is...
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Assistant: saddled with a huge debt that it can't possibly repay. For example,...
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Assistant: today, Ecuador. Ecuador's foreign debt, as a result of the economic hit man, is equal to roughly 50% of its national budget. It cannot...
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Assistant: possibly repay this debt, as is the case with so many third-world countries. So, now we go back to those countries and say, look, you borrowed all this money from us, and you owe us this money, you can't repay your debts, so give our oil companies your oil at very cheap costs. And in the case of many of these countries, Ecuador is...
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Assistant: a good example here, that means destroying their rain forests and destroying...
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Assistant: their indigenous cultures. That's what we're doing today around the world, and we've been doing it - it began shortly after the end of...
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Assistant: World War II. It has been building up over time until today where it's really reached mammoth proportions where we control most of the resources of the world. Why did Bush and Cheney go to war? Well, where do they get their fortunes? The Shock Doctrine works perfectly for them. As for that 45% below the poverty line, well, once the globalizing manufacturers exported...
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Assistant: the well-paying US jobs, then the globalizing financiers moved in and sold the newly impoverished working class a few sub-prime mortgages guaranteed to take whatever else they had. Then the financiers screamed for a bailout, and Bernanke gave it to them. The free market, you might say, is working perfectly now, at least according to its shock principles. Our efforts are, of course, world-wide,...
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Assistant: and concerned with natural resources like oil; think of Nigeria. But it is in the Americas that we have had the most baleful and...
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Assistant: most insistent impact. Which is one reason Hugo Chavez worries so many people in American government and business today. He represents the new leadership...
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Assistant: Klein speaks of, and the people of those countries who are now:. cannier and more resistant to the shocks administered to them by Bushco and their own ruling classes. Having endured "Disaster Capitalism" for several decades, they understand their own self-interests better and aren't as easy to fool. Intersting, too, the European Union (while they have their own problems and hardly represent the basiliea tou theou) seem to be doing just fine without Friedman and Norquist (and James Monroe's doctrine). While you are waiting for me to finish my magnum opus, the post on Harry Potter and Jacques Derrida and why the Golden Snitch is a symbol of French phenomenology, and not incidentally what J. Rowling has to do with Edgar Allan Poe (you are waiting, aren't you?...
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Assistant: ), you can go here. Being associated with such an august site, I'm expecting quite a rise in traffic around here. Try to look respectable, won't you? One of my pet peeves...
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Assistant: is the idea that there is a "government" in Iraq, because there were elections, and because the US has officially recognized it. Takes a bit more than that to make a government, of course, and the New York Times makes that point in telling us what Ambassador Crocker didn't tell Congress yesterday:Power has essentially shifted in a number of directions, geographically and socially. Some...
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Assistant: provinces have become dominions unto themselves; other provinces are impoverished, unable to get Baghdad to deliver resources that the provinces can not procure themselves...
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Assistant: In Diyala Province recently, American troops had to travel to Baghdad on their own to demand food for the area's starving families after the government did not deliver it. Officials in Baghdad...
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Assistant: “tell you everything you want to hear,” said John M. Jones, head of the provincial reconstruction team in Baquba. “Putting into action is another thing.”Those provinces that are doing well do so in part by keeping electricity from the national grid and making exclusive deals with neighboring countries. Crocker interpreted the nascent interest in particular by Sunni majority provinces in having more control over...
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Assistant: their affairs as “a budding debate about federalism among Iraq's leaders.”But Iraq, the central government is an object of scorn and ridicule. Crocker mentioned only glancingly the government's failure to deliver needed services, focusing primarily on Baghdad's lack of electricity. However, electricity is a problem in many parts of Diyala, Diwaniya and other areas. Health services have steadily declined because many doctors, along with a broad swath of the educated middle class, have fled the country. “It's the government of nothing,” said Adel al-Subeihawi, a tribal leader on Sadr City 's eastern edge. No electricity.”Crippled by corruption and inefficiency, departments in many ministries are all but private fiefs. While there are dedicated government workers and administrators, they face the longest of odds in trying to deliver services. In...
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Assistant: some areas, militias control the distribution of gas for cooking as well...
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Assistant: as ice for refrigeration. The loss of faith in the government has...
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Assistant: driven Iraqis to militias, tribes and nongovernment organizations like Mr. “Always, when the government becomes weak, that means the tribes and militias become strong,” Mr. “The Americans and the government are in...
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Assistant: one valley. The militias are in another valley entirely. They don't see each other.”NPR this morning noted that, in the case of the "Lackawana 6," Dick Cheney personally prevailed upon Louis Freeh to make arrests because Freeh could not state with "100% certainty" that these suspected terrorists would not commit a criminal act. Pre-emptive justice is one way to put it. "Guilty until proven innocent" is the more accurate phrase. The chaplains (of federal prisons) were directed by the Bureau of Prisons to clear the shelves of any books, tapes, CDs and videos that are not on a list of approved resources. In some prisons, the chaplains have recently dismantled libraries that had thousands of texts collected over decades, bought by the prisons, or donated by churches and...
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Assistant: religious groups. The lists are broad, but reveal eccentricities and omissions. There are nine titles by C. Lewis, for example, and none from the theologians Reinhold Niebuhr, Karl Barth and Cardinal Avery...
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Assistant: Dulles, and the influential pastor Robert H. The effort is unnecessary, the chaplain said, because chaplains routinely reject any materials that incite violence or disparage, and donated materials already had to be...
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Assistant: approved by prison officials. Prisoners can buy religious books, he added, but few have much money to spend. And no, it's not just Muslim titles that are being removed, and yes, there...
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Assistant: is the question of why the government can decide, in such a blanket way, what is "approved:"“Otisville had a very extensive library of Jewish religious books, many of them donated,” said David Zwiebel, executive vice president for government and public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish group. Three-quarters of the Jewish books were taken off the shelves. Zwiebel asked, “Since when...
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Assistant: does the government, even with the assistance of chaplains, decide which are the most basic books in terms of religious study and practice? ”“Government does have a legitimate interest to screen out things that tend to incite violence in prisons,” Mr. “But once they say, ‘We're going to pick 150 good books for your religion, and that's all you get,' the criteria has become more than just inciting violence. They're picking out what is accessible religious teaching for prisoners, and the government can't do that without a compelling justification. Here the justification is, the government is too busy to look at all the books, so they're going to make their own preferred list to save a little time, a little money.”That "justification," by the way, hardly meets the...
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Assistant: standard of "compelling. " And, of course, the most telling part:Public notice can be so embarassing. I guess if the terrorists knew what was banned in prison, they'd go out and read it; or something. Well, after I thank Grandmere Mimi for the link, I'm going to have to look around for a copy of this, John Humphrys new book In God We Doubt...
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Assistant: He writes about his own spiritual journey, and along the way takes a swipe or two at Richard Dawkins, which is always a good time:Militant atheists seem to have enormous difficulty in understanding why so many people – many of them just as clever as they are – manage to live by their beliefs. Here's what Dawkins told Laurie Taylor in New Humanist magazine: “I don't know what it would mean to say that we live by faith in our daily life. There is, I suppose, a sense that we are sometimes too busy to reason everything out, but otherwise I don't know what it means.”Just on the scale of reason alone, the very idea that Dawkins "reason(s) everything out" is simply laughable. David Hume would have a...
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Assistant: field day with that remark, not to mention Kant, Kierkegaard, Socrates, Sartre,...
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Assistant: and Derrida. I can only imagine the comic novel Voltaire could make out of that innocently naive comment. But the real heart of the...
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Assistant: article is not the swipes at "militant atheism," as Humphry calls it; it is the insight into human experience:Trite it may be, but most of us can see the beauty as well...
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Assistant: as the horrors of the world and, sometimes, humanity at its most noble. We sense a spiritual element in that nobility and, in the miracle of unselfish love and sacrifice, something beyond our conscious understanding. You don't need to be an eastern mystic or a devout religious believer to feel that. We should not – we must not – be browbeaten by arrogant atheists...
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Assistant: and meekly accept their “deluded” label. They are no more capable of understanding this most profound mystery than a small child making his first awe-inspiring discoveries. If you get the feeling the...
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Assistant: wheel is being reinvented, you aren't alone. Humprhys is not really telling us anything William James hasn't already pointed out:The freedom to ' believe what we will ' you apply to the case of some patent superstition; and the faith you think of is the faith defined by the schoolboy when he said, " Faith is when you believe something that you know ain't...
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Assistant: true. " I can only repeat that this is misapprehension. In concreto,...
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Assistant: the freedom to believe can only cover living options which the intellect of the individual cannot by itself resolve; and living options never seem absurdities to him who has them to consider. But in this new age of reason, reinventing the wheel to prove how wise we are today, is all the rage. And I don't mean to point a finger at Humphrys when...
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Assistant: I say that, but sadly, the public discussion of these issues is a miserably informed and largely ignorant one, fought out almost entirely on the misbegotten Romanctic landscape of one's own personal...
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Assistant: experience. Dawkins can't imagine what "faith" is, as he relates it to religion particularly, so he can't imagine it has any reality. Dawkins also shows no knowledge of the famous essays by James, nor any glimmer of the work of Wittgenstein on language games, and yet he is credible because he is a scientist, he is militant, and he is an atheist. Humphrys is,...
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Assistant: on this battlefield, little better. He brings only personal anecdotes to the discussion, and while he admits at one point that his sample size is too small to be of statistical significance,...
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Assistant: he still insists that:I HAVE talked to many people about God – eminent theologians, historians, scientists, clerics – but let me finish with a...
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Assistant: woman called Mrs Buchanan. The anecdote that follows that sentence, though, is quite good, and really quite explanatory. If his argument could be summed...
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Assistant: up by Shakespeare: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," it's still a good argument nonetheless. The issue remains: are the militant atheists,...
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Assistant: only a handful of all humanity at any one time, even a minority of a minority in Western countries, really the only sane ones,...
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Assistant: and the rest of the world insane? Can anyone find that position credible? Which is not to say numbers are proof, but rather to focus us on the question of proof, the standards of proof allowed. Proof is actually a term we associate with logic, with truth tables and elaborate proofs of the validity of statements. The syllogism is that basic form: Socrates is...
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Assistant: a man. Therefore Socrates is mortal. It is valid not because Socrates is proven to be a man, or that men are proven to...
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Assistant: be mortal. It is valid because, given the validity of the first two statements, the conclusion about them can be drawn. But is Socrates...
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Assistant: a man? Are all men mortal? The syllogism cannot tell us. Where...
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Assistant: is the proof? Chase that down far enough, you end up with...
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Assistant: the empiricism of David Hume, and you find you can make only two kinds of statements: synthetic, and analytic. And one kind of statement...
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Assistant: is pointless, verifying information that really advances no valuable knowledge, and the other is unverifiable and therefore must be rejected. What kinds of statements would the latter be? "I love my wife" would be a fine example. Try proving that one empirically; yet try proving to me that it is a pointless statement. So even as I enjoy Humphrys' work, I note that we...
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Assistant: still haven't advanced the ball very much, at least not in the popular discussion. Why are these blatant mischaracterizations of religion still giving us so much trouble? Maybe it's because neither side brings that much ammunition to the argument; and yet the stores of knowledge sit waiting for someone to examine them. He (Fraser) is embarrassed by “stupid” Christians thinking they know more about the nature of the universe than clever atheists like Dawkins. Ask him to prove that God exists – one of the subjects of his philosophy lectures at Oxford – and he cheerfully admits that he can't. He goes further: “The so-called proofs of God's existence are all rubbish.”Ask him if the resurrection of Jesus Christ really happened and he says: “Umm . can't prove...
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Assistant: it.”Ask him about evangelical Christians and he snorts: “Evangelicals have misunderstood the Bible. They turn it into some bloody Ikea manual.”Ask him to sum up the state of battle between militant believers...
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Assistant: and militant atheists and he says: “Atheists have the best arguments, which makes belief such a precarious thing.”Proofs of God's existence: well, I'm at risk of running that flat into the ground. Fraser is right: they are all rubbish. The more interesting question to me has become: why do we care about them? I have an answer or two; but I'm still knocking them into presentable form. The resurrection? I consider that a confessional topic. I can't prove it; but I don't need to. Whether or not you confess it (i. believe it) is irrelevant to me, if we're going to argue about it. I'm not an apologist for it. And as for evangelicals turning the Bible into an "IKEA manual," well that's just lovely. Some of the...
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Assistant: critique of religion I read on the web comes from, I think, a vague memory of Wordsworth, of how we are all "suckled on...
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Assistant: a creed outworn. ## " The creed outworn, actually, is the doctrines of the European enlightenment, and European Romaniticism. The critique of religion these twin forces are usually focussed on is the question of theodicy, the question of suffering, of which Humphrys has a great deal to say (he and Chris Hedges could certainly swap notes on that issue for quite a long time). America is often held up as a product of the Enlightenment, but the question of suffering for the Founding Fathers was limited, largely, to white land owners. I know, I know, two different meanings of the root "suffer," and "suffrage" just sounds like "suffering. " A poor pun, at best. But the suffering of slaves, or of Native Americans, didn't bother much of anybody...
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Assistant: during the Enlightenment. Indeed, the great theodicial issue of the European Enlightenment, the destruction of Lisbon by an earthquake (the event that really set...
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Assistant: Voltaire off on religion), mostly raised the question "Why do we suffer? " There's a notable shift in that concern in the experiences of Humphrys or Hedges, it should be noted. The theodicial issue goes on, but it needs addressing on its own terms. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the little old lady might use a different vocabulary to try to explain why they believe, but it comes to the same thing in the end. ## They believe because they believe. This is not about intellect or learning: it's more basic than that. It is both more profound and more simple. Start here: why isn't Harry just like Voldemort? If B. Skinner was right, environment should be a powerful shaping force (of course, Harry isn't a human being,...
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Assistant: he's a fictional construct, so dragging behaviorism into this is unfair; but...
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Assistant: bear with me, I'm not lashing out at a new target with this). Both Harry and Tom Riddle are raised in loveless environments, both find Hogwarts to be their first true "home. " Maybe it's genetics, given their quite different parents (and so, pace Skinner, it's blood that will out). But isn't it all about "intellect or learning"? Don't we still prefer that answer,...
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Assistant: or the answer of the power of genetics, which we only know through intellect and learning, over the answer Dumbledore consistently gives, the answer...
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Assistant: Voldemort consistently sneers at: love? Is love an emotion, or is love a force? War is a force that gives us meaning, Christopher Hedges says; is there, then, no place also for love? There's an interesting question, eh? Is love just another feeling, akin to anger, remorse, fear, hatred, lust, desire? Or is it something else entirely? Empiricists would not want to push that...
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Assistant: too far, but still Humphrys is right:Strip from Christianity the notion of proof, evidence and historical events (or nonevents) and what drives belief has little to do with the head and a great deal to do with the heart. Fraser makes the point, one I've arrived at independently, and used more than once: Explain to me, in scientific or empirical terms, without resort to...
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Assistant: reductio arguments, precisely why I love my wife. Perhaps my love for my child is because she carries my genetic code (Dawkin's "selfish gene"),...
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Assistant: but why do I continue to love my wife? Or, as Fraser puts it:“The night before I got married my brother sat me down...
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Assistant: in an Indian restaurant and (too many beers) got me to make a list on a napkin of why this girl was the right person for me to marry. One side of...
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Assistant: the napkin had all the pros and the other side the cons. “What was fascinating about the list was that nothing I could write down – kind, pretty, warm, sexy, etc –...
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Assistant: could ever add up to “I love her”. To marry and make the love commitment is the nearest thing to faith I know because it is something done with the same degree...
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Assistant: of risk. “Would a person who needed everything fully evidenced and rationally demonstrated ever be in a position to say, ‘I love you'? Couldn't...
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Assistant: a Dawkins-type figure make a case for love being a fiction, a function of human need, a function of biology and selfish genes? He may have many useful and persuasive things to say but there is something deeply mistaken about thinking love is simply reducible to the chemistry of the brain. “Love, like faith, is to make more of a commitment than one can...
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Assistant: prove. But there is a truth to it that I won't – indeed can't – back away from. Of course, there is much to say about all of this and I can think of a dozen reasons why faith and love might look different. But the truth of both is, for me, found in the poetry, not in the science.”Or, as Kierkegaard said (sad...
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Assistant: how seldom he comes up in these discussions, considering how much he...
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Assistant: contributed to them. We're still catching up with the melancholy Dane): "Truth is subjective. " Or, as Wittgenstein put it:Christianity is not a doctrine,...
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Assistant: not, I mean, a theory about what has happened and will happen to the human soul, but a description of something that actually takes place in human life. For 'consciousness of sin'...
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Assistant: is a real event and so are despair and salvation through faith. Those who speak of such things (Bunyan for instance) are simply describing what has happened to them whatever gloss anyone...
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Assistant: may want to put on it. We don't really advance the conversation until we come to grips with this as a fundamental truth. Dawkins can't imagine a life lived by relying on faith? Fine. But does that mean such a life cannot be? Hardly. And where I disagree with Humphrys, again, is in any description of religious faith as a security blanket, as "the...
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Assistant: little scrap of blanket that so many small children rely on. " To be fair, Humphrys doesn't really rest his argument there so much...
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Assistant: as accept the description arguendo. But I don't accept it that way, and there is ample evidence in what Humphrys presents to dismiss it altogther. Take the example of Mrs. Buchanan, the...
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Assistant: neighbor he knew from childhood who was always a faithful Christian and a good person despite the fact her marriage was a childless one...
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Assistant: (as Humphrys points out, there was no IVF in 1954). Humphrys, wisely, will go no further than to say of church for the Buchanans: "It provided structure and, I think, some meaning...
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Assistant: to their lives. " That in itself is no small thing. But set that up against, say, this explanation of the view of Kierkegaard:With...
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Assistant: regard to everything that counts in human life, including especially matters of...
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Assistant: ethical and religious concern, Kierkegaard held that the crowd is always wrong...
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Assistant: Any appeal to the opinions of others is inherently false, since it involves an effort to avoid responsibility for the content and justification of my own convictions. Genuine action must always arise from the Individual, without any prospect of support or agreement from others. "Religion is responsibility, or it is nothing at all. " But Derrida was wise enough not to de-limit responsibility to...
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Assistant: social structures or even the duties of citizenship. Perhaps responsibility to one's self and what one holds to be true is responsibility enough. Kierkegaard...
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Assistant: can be read, in light of that summation, as being very harsh indeed, as insisting everyone practice the Christianity he practiced. But Kierkegaard was not reacting against bourgeois Christians in the Danish pews. He was reacting against their leaders, and against the "severe rationalism" of Hegel. He was not condemning the Buchanans he might meet in the Lutheran church of a Sunday. He was...
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Assistant: actually speaking for them, for their lives, for their existence. The crowd might well say, as it did to Sarah, that the shame of...
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Assistant: childlessness was on this couple, certainly on the wife. It's an old story, and yet God did not give Mrs. Buchanan pleasure, even late in life. Yet her convictions remained the same, or apparently so. Even Luther, long before the Dane, would consider how much he could know his own heart, and lead us all to agree with the prophet that: "The heart is...
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Assistant: devious, beyond all understanding. Who can fathom it? " So was Mrs. Buchanan a good existentialist Christian? She probably wouldn't explain it that way,...
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Assistant: but she certainly did not derive her faith solely from others. There was something that made that faith a live option for her (James' term) or something actually taking place in her life. In that sense Kierkegaard describes her faith, and the challenge of his writings is to the rest of us: to accept her, even if we do not have her faith, or...
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Assistant: her understanding of faith. There is just so much more to this,...
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Assistant: and so many people have pointed that out. Browsing through my archives...
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Assistant: for a minor point or two, I came across this, quite by happenstance:(John) Gray (professor of European Thought at the London School of Economics)...
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Assistant: argues that this fixation misses the point of religions: "The core of most religions is not doctrinal. In non-western traditions and even some strands of western monotheism, the spiritual life is not...
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Assistant: a matter of subscribing to a set of propositions. Its heart is in practice, in ritual, observance and (sometimes) mystical experience . When they...
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Assistant: dissect arguments for the existence of God, atheists parody the rationalistic theologies of western Christianity. "One might also note those "rationalistic theologies" are of a certain time and place, and hardly the sum and substance of all religious practice, or even of all Christian belief. There are more things in heaven and earth indeed, Horatio. So I've been through all this more than once,...
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Assistant: and yet I keep returning to it, trying to have the last word on it (well, let's be honest). But ultimately it comes back,...
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Assistant: not to arguments and reasoning but, as Humphrys points out, to the question of love. So I ask again: is love merely an emotion, or is it akin to a force in the world? In the schema of Harry Potter love is clearly powerful, deep, and mysterious, experienced rather than known, or surely Voldemort would have discovered its powers, Dumbledore would have included it...
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Assistant: on the Hogwarts' curriculum. It is love that saves Harry in the beginning, and love that sends him into the Forbidden Forest with his words to the Golden Snitch Dumbledore has left him: "I am going to die. " It is not faith that sends him there; he is quite sure of his end, not at all anticipating a further future. And there is an even deeper irony here, one that links the militant atheists and the militan fundamentalists the former so fear:We are, of course, encouraged to fight to assert our existence because Islamic fundamentalism leads to the "existential threat" of terrorism. And yet one response we are urged to make is to deny the validity, any validity, to religion, which provokes the very response we seek...
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Assistant: to quell. To fight to assert your identity, your existence, is, of course, very human. ## But it is not, ultimately, what Harry Potter...
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Assistant: does; it is not, ultimately, what Christianity (at least) teaches. And that is where the question "What is love? ", gets very interesting. It's...
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Assistant: a distinction that seems to go back to Plato v. Plato's Socrates, at least until he decided to beome a political philosopher, is all about the value of reasoning over knowledge. (Please note the distinction between the noun "reason" and the verb "reasoning. " This is a rough draft; I don't have time to polish every edge as it deserves, so forgive the interpolations; but they will come. Aristotle seems, in say, the Nicomachean Ethics or the Poetics or his works on science, to be all about knowledge: observation, facts, the way things are. But Aristotle is the father of logic, and logic is purely a system of reasoning. Logic will never yield a truth out of data; it will only tell you if your reasoning from that...
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Assistant: data is valid. So logic may tell you that if all men are mortal and Socrates is a man, then Socrates is mortal, but logic will only tell you that your reasoning...
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Assistant: is flawed if you start with all men being mortal, and determine Socrates, too, is mortal, therefore Socrates is a man. Socrates could, of course, be a cat. But logic will never...
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Assistant: establish that. Nor will it establish that Socrates exists. Hold on to that issue, we'll come back to it. The Greeks, at least in the philosophies handed down to us and in surviving fragments and references in Aristotle, were not interested in knowledge: they were actually interest in reasoning. That's a blanket statement, but I mean to cover the foundations of what we know call Hellenistic thought, of what Whitehead was referring to when he said all Western philosophy is just a footnote to Plato. ## Socrates, especially, eschewed knowledge. He flays Euthyphro so badly in what seems, for him, to be only casual conversation, that the priest abandons his court claim against his father for an act of impiety (murdering a slave) and leaves the stage clear...
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Assistant: for Socrates to present his Apology. ## Euthyphro clearly exceeds Socrates in...
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Assistant: knowledge of the subject of piety and religion; but Socrates bests Euthyphro in reasoning. Nor is Socrates anymore interested in data procured by mathematics...
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Assistant: For Socrates, knowledge of math is secondary; we all have it, we just need to recover it. Reasoning, in Socratic epistemology, is the road...
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Assistant: to recovering data. (This is also the road through which Socrates is praised, because his ironic stance is excused since the goal is deemed ultimately worthy. The fact is, as any reader...
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Assistant: of the Apology can tell you, and as Kierkegaard understood: Socrates only goal was the ironic one of destroying knowledge, not releasing it or even reclaiming it. But that's another point that...
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Assistant: doesn't necessarily undermine the one I want to make. I warned you...
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Assistant: there would be digressions. But it is the reasoning that will set...
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Assistant: you free; the data is mere ephemera; it is knowledge about the shadows of the forms. Only reasoning can lead to understanding the impermanence of the forms, and even the forms themselves...
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Assistant: are but guides to the Good. So knowledge, ultimately, is only a stepping stone to the end and source of reason. Read Dante as an example of medieval thought, and be amazed at how thoroughly Platonic the "Dark Ages" were. In many ways, it would be a modern mathematician's dream world. To bring this down to earth a moment, connect it to Harry Potter. Voldemort's "sin," his great evil, is the pursuit of knowledge. The only wizard in the series who knows more than Voldemort, and indeed who uses that lust for knowledge but blindness to reasoning (which is also wisdom) against him, his Dumbledore. Voldemort's pursuit of knowledge, of course, is aimed at gaining power. It is no accident that Dumbledore was also tempted by his knowledge...
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Assistant: to gain power, and use it much as Voldemort would. It is...
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Assistant: also no accident that Dumbledore inscribes on his sister's grave the words from a parable of Jesus: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. " It is, after all,...
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Assistant: the death of his sister that convinces Dumbledore to never seek any position of power more potent than headmaster of Hogwarts. It is also...
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Assistant: her death that haunts him so it ultimately leads to his own. I wonder if Rowling had in mind the less familar version by Dominic Crossan: "You buried your treasure where you buried your heart. " It certainly applies most pointedly to Albus Dumbledore. So Rowling's universe does not praise knowledge, but it does praise reasoning. Hermione often supplies facts, data, information, knowledge: but it is the reasoning of Harry, of Ron, of Hermione, which always carries the day. It is especially the moral reasoning of Harry which ultimately succeeds. Oh, there is so much more to say on this, and no time to do it now. But the issue goes far beyond a clever reading of the 7 Harry Potter books: it goes to the current obsession...
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Assistant: in some quarters with the "existence" of God, and with the assault on religion conducted in the name of reason. An assault usually conducted...
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Assistant: from an array of "facts," and without much that Socrates, or even Aristotle, would recognize as "reasoning. "You have only to read this NYT...
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Assistant: "profile" on Condi Rice to realize news reporting and news coverage is absolutely driven by the prevailing wisdom and the perceived position of that vast and unknown quantity, "public opinion. " As...
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Assistant: the article itself says:There was a time when, perhaps more than Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice seemed to have the best...
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Assistant: shot at becoming the first woman or the first African-American to be president. But that was before she sounded public alarms based on faulty intelligence to justify the Iraq war, telling CNN, “We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.” It was before a former top Bush administration colleague, David Kay, charged with finding unconventional weapons after the Iraq invasion, referred...
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Assistant: to Ms. Rice in Bob Woodward's “State of Denial” as “probably the worst national security adviser since the office was created.”Note there isn't a...
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Assistant: lot of new information there, and it implicitly links Ms. Rice's decline to what can only be called "old news" about this Administration. Rice, for example, shopping for shoes while New Orleans drowned. It's true that the idea of Condi Rice for President came first, Woodward's book second. But the declinein Rice's status has come only recently; it didn't start in 2006, and it...
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Assistant: was actually precipitated by her non-involvement in the Katrina debacle, as much as by her championing a war, as National Security Advisor, that couldn't have gone worse. In the article she acknowledges the war in Iraq as a "stain" on her legacy. Curious language for someone who warned us of the "mushroom cloud" that would be the final, deadly proof that her boss was...
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Assistant: right about those WMD he was no disastrously wrong about. But the real "tell" of the piece, the real proof that public opinion has swung so hard against this Administration that no blow is too low, is in the next paragraph:And it was before furious Lebanese hung a huge banner depicting Ms. Rice's face, with blood dripping from her lips, from a bridge in...
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Assistant: central Beirut. What in any other context would be yet another example of foreign perfidy and a perfectly reprehensible comment on an American public...
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Assistant: official, is here the last nail in the coffin of the case against Condi Rice. How the mighty are fallen! Did blogs have anything to do with this? I doubt it. They allowed people to speak their minds to like-minded people, but did they change the editorial policies of the mighty NYT? More likely public events did that. It is hard to find anyone...
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Assistant: other than Karl Rove who still thinks Bush is even a competent President, but the evidence for his success is now as rare as hen's teeth. Still, there is reality, and then there is reality:Critics of the war in Iraq have long charged that the press has usually whitewashed the death and violence of the conflict by refusing to publish or air some of the most graphic images. Now a famous filmmaker - using some of the photos that newspapers have failed to print - is trying to do something about that. The latest film by Brian DePalma, director of numerous well-known movies such as "Scarface," "The Untouchables" and "Carrie/" is aptly called "Redacted" and has just been shown for the first time as part of the Venice...
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Assistant: Film Festival. DePalma spoke to reporters there, saying, among other things, "Pictures are what will stop the war. "The film centers on perhaps the most horrendous known atrocity involving U. troops, the...
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Assistant: gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl and four members of her family in March 2006. have of our war are completely constructed - whitewashed, redacted," said De Palma in Venice, according to press reports. "One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to get their congressmen to vote against the war. "DePalma makes use of images he has grabbed from the Web, including soldiers' home videos and photos that have never appeared in print. There's also more standard documentary film footage and the use of fictionalized techniques and characters to avoid certain legal issues, making it into an unusual kind of "docu-drama. "As for ending the war, we'll see. Humankind cannot bear very much reality. And our Congress cannot seem to connect...
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Assistant: with reality at all. Australian Conservation Foundation President, Professor Ian Lowe, has called for a third wave of environmentalism to “rescue us from our deep ecological debt”. Professor Lowe said while the first and second waves of environmentalism – conservation and regulation – were still essential, there was a desperate need for a third wave: investment. “Taxes on environmentally damaging activities actually fell in the decade to 2011, from 7.9 per cent of tax revenue to 7. “Taxes on fuel use are relatively lower than ten years ago and we still give generous tax breaks for investing in pollution-intensive activities. “Even with our modest carbon price, we have a net carbon pollution subsidy of about $4 billion a year, or about $7 a tonne.”Professor Lowe said the World...
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Assistant: Economic Forum's global risk report rated the impacts of climate change, food shortages and water crises as more severe than that of terrorism and...
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Assistant: war. “Our investment in ecological security should be a higher priority than military spending, for which the government target is 2 per cent of GDP – imagine the changes if we were to spend $30 billion a year on a clean economy.”He challenged to see major political parties use the election campaign to tell the electorate how they intend to measure progress over the next term of government. He said GDP was not a good measure of progress, as it did not count the qualities most people value most highly – time with family and friends, affordable housing, fulfilling work, access to parks and natural areas, clean air and secure neighbourhoods. “But we have to take decisive action now or it will be a level of comfort that...
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Assistant: our grandchildren will only be able to dream of. |
Input: Fill in the missing words: It was during the 1980's US/Saudi-financed mujahedeen offensive on the Afghan people that Dubai – one of the emirates comprising the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – became a duty-free port and drug money laundry, serving much the same role as Hong Kong had for the Illuminati banksters during the Vietnam War. Where Hong Kong had financed CIA opium for arms swaps in the Golden Triangle, Dubai served the CIA smack for weapons trade in the Golden Crescent – an area which comprises parts of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Golden Crescent opium production eclipsed Golden Triangle production just as the CIA was springing into action in Afghanistan. While international banks in Dubai laundered the proceeds, Sharjah – another UAE emirate – housed a duty-free airport [words 1] covert weapons shipments. (1)Gold is the currency of drug and weapons traffickers and Dubai is the favorite hub in [words 2] trade. The British Bank of the Middle East dominates the Dubai gold trade. It is 100% owned by Hong Kong Shanghai [words 3] Hong Kong gold trade along with Kleinwort Benson, which has close relations with Rio Tinto, (see information below on British-based Rio Tinto in Namibia and Brent Carlsson, UN Ambassador to Namibia before he [words 4] passenger killed on Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland) a company founded on Matheson family opium proceeds. Matheson's heirs are the Keswick and Swire families which dominate the board of directors at HSBC, Jardine Matheson, P&O Nedlloyd and Cathay Pacific Airlines. (2)Kleinwort's Sharps Pixley subsidiary [words 5] at N. Rothschild & Sons in London to unilaterally “fix” the [words 6] gold. Another is Mocatta Metals which is majority-owned by Standard Chartered – the bank Cecil Rhodes founded – where P&O's [words 7] board. P&O is the world's largest port operator. Mocatta is a favorite conduit for Israeli Mossad financing. Midland Bank subsidiary Samuel Montagu is a third London gold “fixer”. Midland was bought by HSBC in 1999 and is partially owned by the Kuwaiti al-Sabah clan. The other two gold fixers are Johnson Matthey and N. [words 8] interlocking boards with Anglo-American and HSBC. (3)Anglo-American – controlled by South Africa's Oppenheimer family – owns both Engelhardt, which enjoys a near monopoly in refining the world's gold, and DeBeers, which monopolizes the global diamond trade. It was the mysterious Count of Saint-Germain who first claimed to possess the esoteric knowledge necessary for the transmutation of metals like gold and for removing flaws from diamonds. The Count stayed for a time with William IX of Hesse, whose financial adviser was Mayer Rothschild. The Count may have imparted his secret wisdom upon young Mayer and his House of Hesse employer, who in partnership came to control the Cabalistic Frankfurt Freemason Lodge which housed the German Illuminati. (4)Diamonds are important in the laundering of drug money since they are small and easy to transport, yet hold great value. Sir Harry Oppenheimer's De Beers controls 85% of the global wholesale diamond market. De Beers is a subsidiary of Anglo-American where Sir Harry sits on the board. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers' most valuable diamond mines are in southern Africa. One called Jwaneng, at the edge of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, may be the most valuable property on earth. This vein of kimberlite, which produces diamonds, was only discovered in 1973. De Beers also mines diamonds from off-shore platforms off the coast of Namibia. The world's largest store of diamonds sits under De Beers London headquarters. The [words 9] a year in London to 125 hand-picked customers at a take-it-or-leave-it set price. De Beers was indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department and to this day company officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities. [words 10] until recently done in only two places in the world- Antwerp, Belgium and Ashqelon, Israel. In Antwerp the cutting was financed by Banque Bruxelles-Lambert, which is controlled by the Lambert [words 11] the Rothschilds and owners of the scandal-ridden Drexel Burnham Lambert. In Israel the cutting was financed by Bank Leumi, Israel's biggest finance house which is controlled by the British Barclays Bank. Sir Harry Oppenheimer also sits on the Barclay's board. (6)Recently Gujarat, India has become the location of choice for 90% of global diamond cutting due to the cheap labor it affords. Bangkok, Tel Aviv and New York handle the rest. Eighty percent of diamond trading still occurs in Antwerp. De Beers, like gold-fixer Standard Chartered, was founded by Cecil Rhodes in South Africa during the 1880's. Rhodes' last will and testament created the Royal Institute for International Affairs which spawned the Council on Foreign Relations. Rhodes Scholars like Bill Clinton are funded by the Rhodes Trust. [words 12] Rhodes estate is Lord Alfred Milner, who in 1899 provoked the Boer War through which Britain and Rhodes gained control over South Africa's (and Namibia) diamond and gold mines. There, black South Africans toil in one of the world's most dangerous jobs and receive almost nothing for enriching the Oppenheimers and their cronies. The world's three biggest mining companies – BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Anglo American – are controlled by Oppenheimer/Rothschild/RD/Shell mob. In 2010 the first two talked of merging. Rhodes was a leader in European Freemasonry, [words 13] mingled with the likes of the Rothschilds, King George IV, King William IV, Lord Randolph Churchill (Winston's father), the Marquis of Salisbury, Arthur Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling and Oscar Wilde. The group was preoccupied with the notion of an Aryan super-race, a notion shared by Adolf Hitler and the ruling paradigm for the South African apartheid regime. [words 14] creation, which defies both creationist and evolutionary theories, is bound up in the [words 15] who according to recently uncovered Sumerian clay tablets arrived around 6000 BC in Sumeria from planet Nubira. A growing number of researchers led by Zechariah Sitchin say the Annunaki bred human slaves known [words 16] in English as Earthlings to mine gold necessary to patch up a hole in Nubira's ozone layer which was caused by a collision with another planet. One Anunnaki leader was named Nazi. The alien gods who created “Adam” called their Mesopotamian colony E. They traveled the world [words 17] of gold, which NASA scientists agree would be the best patch for [words 18] ozone problem. Scientists have discovered mining operations going back as far as 100,000 BC in Africa, South and Central America. (7)The Adamus who left Eden became gold mining slaves and their worldwide deployment may explain the many holes in evolutionary and anthropological theories of the day. It may also explain phenomena such as the Nazca Lines in Peru and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Adam and his descendants became slaves to these Lords. The biblical Hebrew term avod which is commonly translated “worship” actually means “work”. Adam and the biblical characters were not [words 19] working for him as slaves. And “God” may connote the Anunnaki invaders. The Sumerian tablets provide an intriguing explanation as to why man settled into agriculture in Mesopotamia from the much easier and more sustainable practice of hunting and gathering. The tablets state simply that the Annunaki gods made them do it. Cities grew and the Annunaki placed one of its god/human hybrids in charge of each new urban center. These rulers became Kings, their dynastic right to rule based on bloodlines to the Anunnaki. The first such king was Cush, [words 20] grandson and the father of Nimrod. Some researchers believe Yahweh was [words 21] mission commander Enli, who was a brutal tyrant. Abraham, who all major religions claim as [words 22] also been an Anunnaki hybrid. The [words 23] the basis for all modern secret societies, from Freemasonry to Cabala to the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether true or not, what is important is that the Illuminati elite believe that these special bloodlines give them the God-given right to enslave all Earthlings. Rhodes' forays were financed by the Rothschild family. In November [words 24] Rothschild died in Geneva, he left in his trust substantial holdings in De Beers. (8) (was the UN Ambassador to Namibia Bernt Carlsson killed on Pan Am [words 25] because he was threatening De Beer profits being taken out of diamond and uranium mining in Namibia? ) According to former British Intelligence officer John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, “Rhodes was principal agent for the Rothschilds . ## Still, Coleman's statement regarding the Rhodes/Rothschild relationship appears on the mark. In 1888 Cecil Rhodes wrote his third will and left everything to Lord Rothschild. Rhodes, Milner and Rothschild founded the Business Roundtable in London in early 1900 which charted a course for expansion of the British Empire and for Crown control over the global economy that exists to this day. (1) [words 26] Leads Through Dubai to September 11”. Patrick Haseldine is a former British [words 27] by the then foreign secretary, John Major, in August 1989. Haseldine's dismissal resulted from his [words 28] Guardian on 7 December 1988(1) of prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, and from what he regarded as her government's acquiescence in the face of an act of state-sponsored terrorism by apartheid South Africa — the 21 December 1988 Lockerbie bombing. (2)In October 2007, Haseldine petitioned Prime Minister Tony Blair for a United Nations Inquiry into the death of Lockerbie bombing victim, United Nations Commissioner for Namibia, Bernt Carlsson. (3) Two years later, he repeated the call for a United Nations Inquiry to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. (4)Patrick Haseldine, who refers to himself as “Emeritus Professor of [words 29] is a particularly active WikiSpooks user, being the principal author of The How, Why and Who of Pan [words 30] Flight 103 and many other pages relating to the Lockerbie bombing. I am grateful to Patrick Haseldine for the following e-mail setting out his reasons for believing that apartheid South Africa may have been responsible for the bombing of [words 31] 103:Now that a “US court orders Libya to pay $6bn” in damages to the relatives of seven US victims of the September 1989 UTA Flight 772 bombing, and to the American owner [words 32] (http://news. stm), the United Nations should investigate both Pan Am Flight 103 (http://indymedia. html) and UTA Flight 772. There is no shortage of suspects but for my money apartheid South Africa is the clear favourite.org/wiki/New_York_Accords)2. It was US presidential election year in 1988, and Democrat nominee Michael Dukakis would have declared South Africa to be a “terrorist state” (along with Libya and Iran) if he were elected US president (see http://query. The Koevoet paramilitary force was also [words 33] military wing returning from overseas bases. And, according to The Guardian of July 26, 1991, Foreign Minister Pik Botha told a press conference that the South African government had paid more than £20 million to at least seven political parties in Namibia to oppose SWAPO in the run-up to the 1989 elections. He justified the expenditure on the grounds that South Africa was at war with [words 34] time. UN Commissioner for Namibia, Bernt Carlsson, was in an anomalous position. In theory, Carlsson was the UN's Governor of Namibia (http://query. But, United Nations authority over Namibia was never recognised by the South African Government, who administered the territory through an Administrator-General, Louis Pienaar, and it is unclear what role Bernt Carlsson would have played in the run-up to Namibia's independence. A UN Inquiry [words 35] will doubtless help to resolve this anomaly. ## [words 36] I had published in The Guardian is at http://en.org/wiki/Talk:Patrick_Haseldine#Letters_to_The_Guardian. The first letter was published 14 days before the Lockerbie bombing. The nine subsequent letters all seek to incriminate the apartheid regime for Pan Am Flight 103, and one even suggests that South Africa was responsible for the UTA [words 37] 772 bombing (The bearer of strange tidings from Islamic Jihad)! The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland on December 21, 1988 had helped to keep Namibia's Rössing Uranium Mine in business, after a lead investigator into allegations of the illegal exportation [words 38] then South-West Africa (SWA) perished in the deadly attack. Bernt Carlsson, the United Nations (UN) Assistant Secretary-General and Commissioner for Namibia at the time, was the highest-profile victim of that bombing, according to a report released this week. The report, compiled by former British diplomat Patrick Haseldine, suggests that Carlsson was the main target of the bombing – in order to end his high-profile investigation into allegations that there was a secret contract and operations arranged by British-based Rio Tinto Zinc Corp to import into Britain uranium (Yellowcake) from Rössing in Namibia. (17)It appears [words 39] Carlsson had been duped into flying on Pan Am Flight 103 considering Pik Botha's delegation took the morning flight Pan Am 101 to New York. It later turned out to be false that Pik Botha had a flight booked on Pan Am 103. It was a driver from De Beers who took Brent Carlsson to Heathrow Airport after the meeting at De Beers in [words 40] into attending. Logistically, targeting Bernt Carlsson must have seemed a much more difficult challenge for Craig Williamson. The Namibia Independence Agreement was scheduled to be signed at UN headquarters in New York City on 22 December 1988 when South Africa which had been illegally occupying the territory for decades would finally hand it over to the United Nations. Bernt Carlsson had been invited to address a committee meeting of the [words 41] fly back to New York on Sabena direct from Brussels on 20 December 1988. Instead, Bernt Carlsson was persuaded to fly to London on 21 December 1988 for a meeting with the diamond mining conglomerate De Beers and then travel onward on Pan Am Flight 103 with a South African party headed by Foreign Minister Pik Botha. (South African Airways were banned from flying direct to the United States by the 1986 Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act. Hello everyone merry Xmas and a happy new year in advance . How To Join The Illuminati Certain individuals who are not [words 42] members of the Illuminati can be examined for possible membership on a case-by- case basis. Some of the factors that may allow you to become a member of the Illuminati include: An income exceeding $30,000 USD annually. You must be earning about $2000 and Above if working stable income per month You must be 18 yrs to join You must have a belief in the changing/modern world of doing Things. You must be ready to read, respect and understand the Prayer of the Illuminati. You have be able to make a Sacrifice You must believe that money is power You must be [words 43] a black shirt/t-shirt/vest not less than 3 times a week You must be able to pay a [words 44] of "200 US Dollars" (Strictly) You must be able to keep the secret to your self You must have strong belief of Success. You must be aware that your name must sound in the list of Celebrities and super-rich people. All men and women are welcome to join this Temple of Only Success, Respect and Super- Rich. [words 45] have a belief in the changing/ modern world of doing Things. Do you meet any of these factors? if you want to join email us [email protected] the following details if you are willing to join the illuminati brotherhood kingdom and send it to [email protected] or reply to this messageHello everyone merry Xmas and a happy new year in advance . Do you meet any of these factors? if you want to join call this +2348163863351 or email us LUCIFERILLUMINATIOFFICIAL@HOTMAIL.
words 1: specializing in
words 2: the global bullion
words 3: Bank (HSBC), which also monopolizes the
words 4: became the highest profile
words 5: is one of five firms that gather daily
words 6: price of
words 7: Lord Inchcape sits on the
words 8: Rothschild, both of which have
words 9: company sells rough diamonds ten times
words 10: (5)Diamond cutting was
words 11: family – cousins to
words 12: The principal trustee for the
words 13: where he
words 14: Their “secret knowledge” of human
words 15: tale of the Anunnaki,
words 16: in the Hebrew bible as Adamu and
words 17: in search
words 18: our own
words 19: worshiping God, they were
words 20: who was Noah's
words 21: actually Annunaki earth
words 22: their patriarch, may have
words 23: secret knowledge Abraham purveyed serves as
words 24: 1997, when Baron Edmond
words 25: Flight 103
words 26: “Al Qaeda and the Gold Trail that
words 27: diplomat who was dismissed
words 28: public criticism in a letter published in The
words 29: Lockerbie Studies”,
words 30: Am
words 31: Pan Am
words 32: of the DC-10 aircraft
words 33: deployed to prevent SWAPO's
words 34: SWAPO at the
words 35: into Carlsson's death on Pan Am Flight 103
words 36: The full text of ten letters
words 37: Flight
words 38: of uranium from the
words 39: that Bernt
words 40: which Brent Carlsson was probably lured
words 41: European Parliament in Brussels and was booked to
words 42: currently
words 43: able to wear
words 44: joining fee
words 45: You must |
Instruction: More words: If you've been playing Brutal Legend, which I have a bit this weekend, you'll probably quite like this:I was intrigued [words 1] Shadow Complex a) has a bunch [words 2] noes), and also that Microsoft are going to remove [words 3] the leaderboard. It's still not entirely clear to me what constitutes a cheater, but since they're talking about leaderboards, I guess they mean people doing the trials [words 4] exploits. I grabbed this game pretty early on (I [words 5] day after it was released) and spent most of the weekend playing it. I had a great time - you can see from the gamercard below what I've been up to. Also been playing Arkham Asylum (or at least, I was, before [words 6] a work trip), and I have to say, it's a freakin' incredible game, if a little short. I tapped [words 7] for 2 of the hidden items, but otherwise, it was pretty much a cakewalk. I think [words 8] too, without really struggling. Anyway, I'm just mopping up the combat challenges, which [words 9] fun. In fact, the combat in general is pretty awesome [words 10] it's really nice. My only complaint is that counters don't always work as expected. [words 11] grabbed the demo for Section 8. I'd never heard of it, and [words 12] me breathless. I played it a bit, but as with most demos, it was a lot of people running around like headless chickens. I'm [words 13] though. It's looks like it has legs. Looks like they're going to release Fable II in bits. The first bit for free, and then each area/level/something will be available for paid download. [words 14] which I'll be following closely. I was fitting some new Neon to the case over the weekend, when [words 15] a switch with the same connector on it, for [words 16] neon. Excellent, thought I, a way to switch [words 17] off. Not sure if you remember the old joke, where you typed 'french military victories' into Google, and hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button. A site made entirely of flash, [words 18] or less just the embed/object tags on [words 19] as a different site in Google search results. The reason is [words 20] had the text "This site requires needs flash" [words 21] indexable content. No other meta data to set them apart, and [words 22] flash file of the same name. Google assumed they were the same site and [words 23] text to extract from the flash file itself. As previously mentioned, my fan had come off in transit, [words 24] hooked it back in. Which was probably [words 25] problems. So, I went and bought a some thermal paste and [words 26] on. I'd let it bed for a few days but it was still showing the results from the previous post. Last night, I spent a couple of hours reading [words 27] on coolers. There are LOADS of great reviews and benchmarks for coolers out there, and [words 28] realised. Which naturally means that there are a few companies looking to cash in - there's a lot of crap out there. So, I went and grabbed a Noctua NH-U12P from Yoyotech on my way home from work. They're not as cheap as [words 29] heavy (this one clocks in at ~800G with the fan attached), so postage from £10 to £15 meant it was cheapest there. I also looked at the Cooler Master V8, OCZ Vendetta [words 30] Gladiator Max. First, I was going to go with the V8. I was checking out the Hyper TX2, but because I'm easily deceived by shiny things, I ended [words 31] that. Oh, and the sphere; but [words 32] show, not for overclocking. A few places really rate it, but most find it mid-range. Better than stock, certainly, but still largely for show. [words 33] but they're out of stock, and I'm impatient. The next cheapest place was about £75. That's £60 + £15 [words 34] do free delivery on it, so it's hardly [words 35] stock. If I was going to spend that much, I might as well spend it on something really good. So, I went [words 36] budget. I thought long and hard about [words 37] Max. There are very few reviews of coolers running on AM3 boards, and they're big chips. The Gladiator has a massive contact area, which may have worked in its favour. The Vendetta was out stock everywhere I looked. Again with the impatience. I saw the V10 (v8's big brother) but it's stupidly expensive, and massive, and just, well, not for me. Finally, I checked out the CoolIt Domino ALC, which reports really well from a few reviews. However, one mentioned [words 38] doesn't send a lot of cooling to the motherboard, and can cause instability that way. I should really have [words 39] Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme, but that requires extra fans, and the whole researching fans thing [words 40] be much effort. Sadly, I had to [words 41] the same reason. Which is a shame, because they create things called Thor's Hammer, and Achilles, which *must* [words 42] awesome. In fact, Thor's Hammer is one of the best air coolers around. Ok, back to the Noctua. If the Noctua really doesn't let me push over 4.2GHz (my goal), then I'll look at the problem again, and [words 43] end cooler. The installation process is either [words 44] terrifying depending on your point of view. I [words 45] took about an hour, from the first moment I [words 46] a screwdriver, to the moment I realised I hadn't plugged in my graphics [words 47] wouldn't POST. Anyway, it seems to be running fine, but they say the thermal paste [words 48] bed in, so I'll be doing some tests over the [words 49] up. Then, it appeared that the BIOS hadn't been updated on the board to support the chip they were selling it with, so the thing was running at 800MHz, instead of 3800MHz. I'm using Windows [words 50] bit. Almost every report I've read said that 32 bit windows allows much greater overclocks. Also, benchmarking takes TIME. You'll need to run a new setup for at least 3 hours to make sure they're stable. Core temp creates log [words 51] happened after a crash, or if you [words 52] but all are pretty essential (and free). [words 53] that there's no silver bullet for this stuff. No one setting will work for everyone. That being said, if you [words 54] whack the multiplier up to x18 if you have a stock cooler. To do this, [words 55] when your computer boots, and go into MIT -> then just change the multiplier value. Well, [words 56] big advantages of the Black Edition Phenoms is that they come 'unlocked'. This means you [words 57] in the BIOS to get easy overclocks. However, before we even do that, you want to optimise your memory. Mine runs at 8x, dual channel. So, 8 * 200 [words 58] 1600MHz. I upped the VDimm (DDR3) voltage to 1.8v, which Corsair recommend for their RAM. I also adjusted the timings manually in the BIOS. Many people [words 59] Overdrive. I can't get this to run, despite [words 60] Windows 7 and the motherboard. Others [words 61] different levels of success. My particular error message was that it couldn't start the service, due to the path not being found. Fortunately, all the serious sites didn't really use AMD overdrive, preferring the scary route of the BIOS. Poking around in your [words 62] can be daunting, and if you get something wrong, you can nuke components. Overclocking (or attempting to) will void your warranty. However, as long as you make small changes each time, you should never run into problems. So, to access the BIOS, you need [words 63] computer's booting, ideally when it's searching for the IDE drives, or when [words 64] you to. You'll want to download [words 65] you monitor how quickly your processor [words 66] actually running. You may find you need to flash the BIOS [words 67] CPU-Z is reporting 800MHz for your chip. Next time your computer comes up, it'll be running at 3.6Ghz, which should be stable at stock voltage. Now, break out [words 68] and run it for 15 mins. It [words 69] of your processor. I am running the CPU Meter gadget for Windows vista/7, which shows a very basic bar graph for [words 70] utilisation. It's sufficient for my needs. You may want to shop around. Now, reboot, enter BIOS, and knock the multiplier up one click, to x18. This should give a 3700 operating speed. Wait for it to crash. At least, it crashed [words 71] mine. So, the next thing is to go [words 72] the VCore voltage. This is the number you [words 73] other tools, which should be around 1.3 at stock (possibly 1. This meant that my cooler couldn't cool things quickly enough at all, and we hit 64C in a few seconds. If I could have made the chip run [words 74] with a chance, but it falied miserably at any lower voltage. Well, now [words 75] multiplier, we want to see how much we can overclock the clock speed. This means [words 76] be x16, but by moving the 200 value, [words 77] increase. If your RAM is now operating over its recommended settings, scale back the multiplier. It's always [words 78] bit low than a bit high. I'm still [words 79] very early stages of this process, but I seem to have a stable build on a clock [words 80] and I want to push it further. There are [words 81] and lots of great guides out there, and many many documents filled with scary acronyms. Good article about cooling. [words 82] where the air is sucked in, and it's pushed out of [words 83] back. You need to update to the latest BIOS to get this chip to [words 84] properly. There are instructions on a previous post. [words 85] www. Create a small (25meg) FAT partition on your disk, unzip download, get the files and stick them in [words 86] partition. Reboot, and hit 'f9' at boot screen, to enter QFlash. Select load, find it, wait, and boom, [words 87] done. DO NOT SWITCH OFF during this process. [words 88] reading the previous post for full details, though. Flashing BIOS can cause problems [words 89] not prepared. It's not scary, just important to read the instructions. Note that Windows 7 has some nice disk management tools, so you can easily create a FAT partition to hold a BIOS for flashing. It just lets you shrink an [words 90] partition. This may be in Vista too, but I never used it. Also, Gigabyte makes it really really hard to get wrong [words 91] lets you roll back if something goes wrong. The fan had fallen off in transit, as I may [words 92] mentioned. This meant I needed to [words 93] crap off chip and fan and put some new thermal paste on it. There are plenty of [words 94] internet. Here's a video from a [words 95] teenager. I'm playing with the idea of increasing the northbridge to 2400 or so, to see if I can take chip up 3800. Right now, it [words 96] voltage up to 1.525, and I'm loathe to take it any further. [words 97] at ~P22k, which is good, although with PhysX on. I need to re-run with it [words 98] on. I've been leaving Speedfan and HWMonitor running [words 99] background. These are both awesome tools. GPU-Z and CPU-Z are also very helpful, so you should grab them too. So, I went with the Ultima Warlord. AMD Phenom core II (geeeeeeeeeeeek) overclocked to 3.8 GHz or something. Funny thing? It still struggles in Total War. Although, to be fair, only when I'm firing 32 rockets at the same time from the very advanced artillery (rocket artillery). So, Sunday is going to spent running some benchmarks, playing with drivers, and generally trying to optimise it. Essentially, this dude has written a program which generates cool nighttime cityscapes. If you head over to his blog, you'll see, in no small amount of detail, how he's done it, but the video will give you most of what you need to know. I spent a couple of hours reading all the posts in detail, and if you're a programmer, you may find it interesting. I guess the key part is that he hasn't drawn anything at all - just given the computer some rules on how to generate these cities. I picked up Empire: Total War the other day. It's pretty awesome, if you like that sort of thing, which I totally do. A quick bit of reading last night, and a mail to some excellent geek friends, and it became pretty obvious what I needed. But, which chip? Phenom II is cheap, and more energy efficient. i7 is way faster, but costs more. Which to buy? Before I get going, though, some background. I consider myself extremely lucky to work at Google - it's an incredible place with a great attitude towards the people it employs. Frankly, the free food alone is enough to convince me - getting to work with so many wizards is just an added bonus. One of the most incredible things about being here is that everyone delivers over and above what's required - "underpromise, overdeliver" is a much used phrase here, and people really do work like that. Basically, don't promise something if it's not going to be ready in time. So, with that in mind, let me take you back to the very beginning of November 2008. It's not so long ago. We were just winding up our Google Developer Days, with the last one planned for Tel Aviv, in Israel. A few of us had arrived directly from Moscow (we hit 8 countries in 4 weeks, which was pretty awesome overall). Now, you might not know this, but Israel has its weekend on Friday and Saturday, instead of Saturday and Sunday. Not really a problem. I'm out with some people from the office on friday night, and we're having a few drinks, when one mentions that there's a trip to Ramallah the following day. Without really knowing what that meant, I offered myself as tech support. At least, I think I did. Timbo and I were putting away the vodka shooters pretty aggressively at the time. Anyway, the next morning, we had a sober chat, and I reaffirmed my offer - to head into the West Bank and meet some technology companies. So, off we went in our armoured car. In the UK, our only mainstream coverage of the West Bank is when there are clashes, so I really had no idea what to expect. Thanks to Wikipedia, I was able to get a bit of clarification. Anyway, to cut a long story short, getting in was no problem, and once you were past the checkpoint. It was just a regular town, with places to eat junk food, billboards everywhere and construction work going on. Oh, and a starbucks rip-off. An amazing guy called Omar from DAI had tried to get in contact with people in Google, and had been bounced around for a bit. The email had eventually ended up with one of our directors, who had read it, and decided to do something about it. So, Omar had set up a few meetings with various companies and organisations, like g. So, we met a few companies and learned some things. Like, there are 600k homes in the west bank, but only 60k ADSL lines.40% of the country is online, though, albeit using dialup. And even though the population can't really leave the west bank, they have a number of high quality universities, who are churning out around 1500 highly qualified computer programmers every year, who are largely fluent in English. Cool, huh? Well, it is until you realise that there are only around 1300 IT jobs available, in total. So every year, lots of new engineers appear, but are almost guaranteed not to get a job. Unemployment is pretty high, as you can imagine. (Actually, it's even worse in Gaza - around 70%). As I'm sure you can imagine, they don't really even have the opportunity to start new online businesses easily. This is because to start a new online business, you need space in a datacentre. And there aren't a lot of datacentres in the West Bank. It struck us immediately that App Engine would be of huge interest to the engineers out there. If you know what App Engine is, you can skip the rest of this paragraph and the next one too. If you don't, well, then, get reading! App Engine lets you write software to run on Google's hardware and infrastructure. I've worked at (and started) and handful of startups, and I can tell you, hand on heart, that this is one of the biggest things Google has ever done. Especially in the current financial doldrums the world is experiencing. For any startup, one of the biggest costs is building a robust, scalable infrastructure, and hosting it, and deploying servers in advance of predicted load. You need, at a bare minimum, a network architect, a sysadmin/network admin, someone to unpack boxes and plug things in, and, if you're doing anything that requires uptime, a group of people to work on shifts in case something goes down. And then the machines themselves. For a new startup trying to get off the ground, £100k is a pretty decent figure to get up and running in 3 months. And then there are ongoing hosting and staffing costs. App Engine removes that entire problem, and all the costs associated with it. You simply write software and push it to Google servers, and it runs. There's not even concept of virtual machines, just software processes. We just scale automagically. Which is obviously pretty awesome, especially in a place where finding startup money isn't easy. With App Engine, you get enough free quota to handle around 5 million pageviews per month, for free. In addition, we have a massive range of free APIs that let you add cool stuff to websites simply and easily. Like maps, search results, videos, docs, presentations, and more. Check out http://code.com/apis for more on that. So, it seemed like a pretty obvious step that we'd try and train some of the students on some of the tools we have available, including, but not limited to, App Engine. Over the course of the next 4 months, people inside Google went to town on what they do best. Hotel bookings were made, and flights were booked. This was also a 20% project. (At Google, we're allowed to spend 20% of our time working on things which are not related to our core jobs, but important to the company. It's an incredibly good way of letting people try out different things, and gain experience outside their job role, and also keep them excited working here. It's another reason I love this place so much. I have to admit that I was little to no help when it came to the planning, but it evolved into something pretty major. As you can see, it ended up being a 2 day event, focused on 2 separate things.1 day for the developers, and 1 day for business people and content creators. I was mostly active in the developer day, running the gadgets and opensocial session, and then a hackathon in the afternoon. The registration opened, and was full within a few hours, which was amazing. The email address associated with the event was filling up rapidly with messages from people as well, wanting to make sure they'd registered, or asking if there was a way they could be bumped to the top of the list. So, off we flew, to brave Israeli customs again, and then headed over the checkpoint to prepare for the first day. I can honestly say I've never seen a room of people so excited to be learning about code. You could almost feel the buzz, and everyone was smiling and super-excited for Google to be there. Now, there's a funny thing about developers. Very few of them will ask questions in front of a crowd. I guess because they don't want to appear stupid. But here, everyone was highly engaged. There were a lot of great questions that showed they'd really absorbed the material presented. In addition, USAID had had a 30 meg intertron connection fitted to the hotel, and we had free wireless for everyone, so people were playing around with the products as they were being presented. In the afternoon, we ran a 4 hour hack session, where we taught people about OpenSocial and had them write apps. There were also prizes awarded. Personally, I feel it was one of the best developer events we've ever done - thanks in no small part to the incredible level of engagement of the participants. We're still waiting for the videos to go online, and I'll update this post when they do, but you'll be able to see what a great success the day was, and, more importantly, anyone who couldn't attend can watch the full content in their own time. On the second day, I presented, at record speed, Webmaster Tools, Analytics and Website Optimiser, which seemed to go down very well. In the end, 12 people from Google attended, and it was an amazing 2 days. We had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life - students to government ministers - and everyone in between. And it seemed that everyone got something from the day. And what did I get? The knowledge that the western media really spin the bejingles out of everything. Palestine is much like any other citiy where we've hosted developer days; it's full of lots of people with great ideas and wanting to learn. Oh, and Stones in the centre of town do a great stone-baked pizza. Word of warning - Israeli airport security is insane. If you're planning to visit, expect to have your bags turned inside out, and to be waiting for hours at the airport. And that's both entering and leaving. It's all about ensuring safety, so I applaud them for their diligence (and I've seen enough airports for it not to be a big deal), but, well, just warning for those thinking about visiting. I got to travel to Helsinki a few years ago, in December. I want to December 20th, but I'm probably wrong. It was winter, anyway. And it was to visit Nokia. They wanted to have a chat about some of our APIs, and we went and met a couple of agencies there too. I went with Bart, and we had a pretty cool time. But, it was dark for most of the time. Dark when I had breakfast. Dark on the way to the office. Dark in the cab to Nokia headquarters. It was light for about 20 minutes during the meeting. And then dark again when we left. I'd heard about lack of sunlight being a depressing so I was prepared, and I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky guy (at least, I think so), but I actually found it properly oppressive and a bit weird. So I can kinda understand how suicide rates go up. Anyway, all that aside, I saw that Nokia had a 90% drop in profit this quarter. Operating profit down from nearly 2 BILLION euros, to around 500 million, and net profit (the one that counts) was closer to 100 million. Ouch! Or so I thought. Turns out, their shares actually rallied 9% on the back of this news, thanks to it being better than expected, mostly because everyone had thought they were going to do so much worse! Anyway, you can read all the details over at Google, thanks to the Associated Press (AP), whose news we've hosted since 2007. Oh, and my main site's down, because my credit card was compromised, and, of course, I pay for my hosting on credit card. Should be back up in a few days. I try to avoid just re-posting links on this blog. It's not big and it's not clever, and it doesn't really add anything to any discussion. However, there are times when it's useful (see the post just before this, for example). Normally, once done, I'll write a few original content posts before another simple link/Danny Sullivan is a big cheese in the world of SEO, which, in case you don't know, is search engine optimisation, or the act of ranking higher in search (Google) results for a particular keyword or words. I work in the webmaster support team at Google, so I see a fair share of black and white hat SEO (bad and good, respectively). A very old example of black hat SEO is where you'd put words on a page in the same colour as the background, so they were effectively invisible. The words would be a list of words for which you wanted the page to rank. Over at Google, we consider that spamming (or perhaps cloaking), and we'll take you out of our index for trying to cheat the system. So don't! Anyway, Danny's the man - very very well respected within the community. So, when he writes something like this, you sit up and take notice. To suggest that Google must accept the deal is to suggest that Google needs to subsidize the music industry simply because it is a profitable company. I've been travelling like a loon for the last month, with varying amounts of internets, so updating has been, well, awful. Today, I'm at a Netlog developer day, where they're running 2 streams - in a cinema! It's awesome. They asked me over to present a little bit on OpenSocial (they're a major European partner, so if you're an opensocial developer, you should SIGN UP NOW! ), and it's the biggest screen I've ever seen. And it also means the seats are super-comfortable. It seems like a great crowd here, but we broke for lunch, and I thought I'd knock out a blog post quickly, to get back into the groove. On the weekend, I'm going to write up some of the trips I've done over the last few weeks, which have all been really exciting. It also means I haven't played a lot of games recently, although I spent some time last night with Afro Samurai. The combat's smooth, graphics great, move list is big, but it's plagued with minor annoyances. For example, scrolling through your combo list is a nightmare. Some of the jumping challenges are a nightmare. You have a guide (in the form of Samuel L. Jackson, for god's sake), but at the two places where I've really needed him, he's told me to find my own damn way. Which is really annoying. When you get into the flow, though, it's pretty sweet, and looks amazing. I'd recommend it when you can get it for under £20. I also bought Empire Total War from Steam, because I thought it might be nice to play in hotel rooms in the evening. But a) Google people are too friendly, and don't let you sit in a hotel alone when you're visiting their country, and b) the one time I spent a few hours playing it, it kept crashing, hard. Like, switching-off-the-computer type crashes, not just crash to desktop. So, I'm not sure I'll pick it up again, which is a shame, because it's had some good reviews, and looks like just the sort of crack I crave. I'm not that into music, really. I'll listen to anything eclectic. Right now, I'm listening to, uhh, something called 'Track 06' and it sounds like it has a Russian woman in it. I've no idea where I got it from. Probably a random CD I bought in Camden. In fact, I bought it online at xbox.com from a hotel in San Francisco . YOu buy there, and queue downloads for next time you turn on your xbox. ## Conceptually, pretty freaking awesome. It didn't work out so well, though. See the box below? Well, it was like that, only about 25% of the size. So I couldn't click on anything. The reason it's on GTA instead of Mirror's Edge is because I wanted to make sure it wasn't happening just because I'd already bought the content. Then, when it had downloaded, it said 'registered for a different console'. And I had to download it again, which took far longer than it should, because it kept saying 'no need to download again'. So I had to muck around a lot. As you know, I love the Xbox. But they really don't have very much joined up thinking. Anyway, all that aside, the DLC is pretty sweet. I like the new levels (well, the 2 I played, anyway), and it's fun trying to find the quickest route through the level. I also noticed that Left 4 Dead is getting some free DLC, adding a couple of campaigns, and adding a new mode called 'Survival', which seems to be like the Horde mode from GoW2. And Stormrise on preorder, which I think is the end of the pre-order nonsense from this time last year. I'm in MTV today (which isn't, as you might expect, the Music Television Studios) but rather how we refer to Mountain View at Google. Just log into Gmail, and change it, as soon as possible. Also, remember to change it to something difficult to guess. If you have a pet dog called 'Ernie', don't make 'Ernie' your password. I think I reloaded a couple of times to approach in different ways, but basically, once you've got 75+ small guns skill, it's a breeze (which for some people may be quite early on). It's a sad case of affairs, but I came to a realisation at around 2am last night, when I finally unplugged it. It was 1.50, and I was thinking 'must crash soon, but just one more fight' (as you do). Then, for the first time since playing, Fallout 3 crashed. The framerate dropped for about 3 seconds, and then it just hung. Now, it might just be the Operation Anchorage graphics are "better" (and wow, they're beautiful), or it may be that the blues and whites are just nicer to look at than the browns and greys of the devasted DC area, but, well, whatever it was, it was a real stop-and-gape moment. I mean, I'm generally scouring the near-middle distance for things to interact with, but (apart from Gears of War) I rarely stop and look around. I'm moving, see the screen in motion. So, now, I'm going to try and spend some time looking at these things, and enjoying what's been created. I was in a discussion about form vs function for websites, and it reminded of the spinning/flaming logo IBM ad from, oh, æons ago. I bought Fallout last year, I guess when it came out (it was one of the massive pre-order list I created last year), and played it for about 3 hours. Then went to play other stuff, like Fable2, Gow2, Mirror's Edge, Lego Batman, Bioshock, and even Assassin's Creed. As previously mentioned, I have a bad habit of looking at guides too much, so I'm actively trying to avoid them. It's hard not to look at that every time I hit a new area, especially with all the lovely books to pick up. In order to access your SD card from your Android phone on your computer, there are a couple of things you need to do. I only put this here because I'd spent a fruitless 30 minutes mucking around in the settings, trying to do this, but nothing seemed to work. I finally got around to finishing Assassin's creed, and getting the last few flags in a couple of districts. I was going to duff up all the Templars, sort of like thisAlso, the quality of that video is bad. Apologies, but I also got bored looking for a decent one - it's an old game, and pre-HD on YouTube, so, well, that's all. Also, if you're here, you probably know I created the Goatmaps for AC. Well, I never finished them, but there are a few similar sites up now. I then put Mirror's Edge back in, and had a quick crack at that. I must get the DLC , though. Now, my biggest problem has always been that I start looking at guides way too early on, although not because I want to scream through the game, but because I was the in-game help, and it mentioned running. As far as I could tell, it made no difference (and in fact, holstering my weapon seemed to make me run slower, but that could have been my imagination). So, I went online, looking for answers. And it turns out that no, there's no run - running is what you do when you're not crouching. Some forums have said wearing different clothes (no heavy armour) can increase running speed, too, but I'm dubious. Anyway, of course I found this on a fallout Wiki, which I left open. I then got confused about a quest, and looked at the same Wiki to find out what I should be doing next, and before I knew it, I was reading about stuff I hadn't even discovered yet. So I stopped immediately. It was much nicer without the distraction of looking at the computer all the time to make sure I was doing stuff right, but the voice in the back of my head kept saying "I bet there was a way to get more out of that quest". Probably there was, but you know what? I'm going to save the guide for my second playthrough, when I'll aggressively mini-max everything (and probably also max big guns. Just read a pretty funny article over at Time (the magazine, not the place, despite the location of this post). It's pretty intriguing, more so if you have a mild case of OCD, like me, and evokes all the same frustration that driving games do when you're trying to beat your Personal Best. Lots of screaming at the TV and throwing my controller around, which is the best way to spend a rainy sunday. Mike (who, by the way is genius) has built a blogger app for android. Search for A-Blogger and play. EDIT (April 2010): A number of people have been leaving comments at the bottom with hints and tips - many are less technical than what I've written, so don't forget to check them too! And thanks to everyone who's left a comment. I just managed to transfer all my contacts from a Nokia to the G1. I loved their menu system, and their sleek designs. And they seemed to fix little things about their OS with each iteration. And then they released the N70, and the N76. And I started to realise that actually, they had no clue whatsoever. Basically, to lock the keypad, you slide it shut. But, it can easily open in your pocket, and start making calls, and destroying your battery. Or, it could just hit the camera button, which isn't lockable, and starting taking pocket pictures. Again, destroying the battery. The N76 isn't much better. It's a clamshell, so at least the keys are protected, but there are 3 'media' keys on the front, for controlling the music player, which can't be locked. So, again, it's in your pocket, and boom, music starts playing. You look around, trying to spot the annoying person on the tube playing loud music, only to realise it's you. Now, there's been a lot of crap in the press about how we've been skanked, because we got a phone instead of cash. However, I can honestly tell you that for the 3 months leading up to Christmas, all people have been saying is "They should give us all G1s". In fact, if I had shiny pound for every time I'd heard that comment, I'd be a very rich man indeed. Before we begin, be aware that you can just copy them to the Sim card, and then just stick the sim in the G1. But you'll lose a lot of data. Here's a good explanation of that, with pictures. However, don't do all the steps. Stop when you've copied them over. To do this, put the SD card into your Android phone, and then go to menu -> settings -> SD Card -> and tick 'use for USB storage'. NOTE: Your computer and phone CANNOT talk to the SD card at the same time. You must go into these settings change the tickbox according to what you're trying to do. Then plug your phone into the computer USB cable. You should see a box that looks something like thisOpen Gmail, go to contacts, click import, and then choose file. Select a vcard file (it'll be something like bill. The contact will import. To do this, locate the ALL. vcf file you've just created, and drag it to the top level of the SD card. Now, there's one last thing. The pictures won't have come across. So, for this, you'll need some jiggery pokery (and a bit of programming knowledge, I'm afraid). It's not wonderful, but it works. Run it in the directory where the the ALL. vcf file is located with something likeWe're walking around Rutland water , which, if you emailed me over Christmas, you'd know is one of the largest man-made reservoirs in Europe, and almost certainly the biggest in England. I could probably do some searching to confirm that, but I'll leave it to you to work out. I did a couple of other things, too, but there aren't any pictures online yet, so I'll write about those when they happen. One was snowboarding in Switzerland, though, which was pretty sweet. Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on Food Network featured a restaurant in Maryland that serves crab. Shit looks off the hook! I recommend a road trip down there so we can all eat some of this friggin crab! that show kinda sucks, but i cant stop watching it that shiit. all the food the show looks re donk u lousI'm in for crabs! Although. my comment, and your post title, can certainly be taken out of context.
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words 23: stopped serving one, since there wasn't any
words 24: and I just
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words 26: put it
words 27: up
words 28: far more variety than I had
words 29: online, but coolers can be
words 30: 2, OCZ
words 31: up focused on
words 32: the sphere is just for
words 33: It's £50 at play.com,
words 34: postage - it seems only play.com
words 35: surprising it's out of
words 36: back to
words 37: the Gladiator
words 38: that it
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words 40: looked to
words 41: ditch Xigmatek for
words 42: be
words 43: maybe invest in a top
words 44: fun or
words 45: found it great fun, but it
words 46: went hunting for
words 47: card power, because the thing
words 48: can take a while to
words 49: weekend, to see what's
words 50: 7, release 7100, 64
words 51: files, allowing you to see what
words 52: were AFK,
words 53: The thing that becomes immediately obvious is
words 54: want a very simple overclock,
words 55: hit enter
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words 57: can ramp up the multiplier
words 58: =
words 59: use AMD
words 60: claimed support from AMD for both
words 61: may see
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words 69: should kick the bejesus out
words 70: CPU
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words 74: at lower voltages, I might have been in
words 75: we've pushed the limits of the
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words 84: run
words 85: Quick synopsis: Just download the latest bios from
words 86: the
words 87: you're
words 88: I recommend
words 89: if you're
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words 91: - they have a dual bios feature that
words 92: have
words 93: clean the old
words 94: guides on the
words 95: nerdy
words 96: crashes even with the
words 97: It runs 3dbenchmark
words 98: not
words 99: in the |
Human: Fill in the missing words: Thanks to collaboration between Collabora and Google's Chrome [words 1] able to interface with the mainline Linux graphics stack. Android doesn't use DRM APIs for communicating with graphics hardware but rather [words 2] API. But there is now a [words 3] interface with the mainline Linux graphics stack [words 4] and libdrm. This new drm_hwcomposer shim paired with recent advancements to Linux DRM [words 5] Linux 4.10+, Android is able to run with the mainline graphics drivers with SurfaceFlinger still [words 6] HWC API. The fence support has allowed them to now support the HWC2 API too, which is used by Android 7.0+. This allows Android to now boot using [words 7] stack, but should also work for other mainline kernel graphics stacks. The drm_hwcomposer code [words 8] in the Chromium OS tree. BrianFagioli writes: Google is an [words 9] community. The search giant contributes some really great projects, offering [words 10] used many - it claims more [words 11] Heck, the company even hosts the annual Summer of Code program, [words 12] it pairs students with open source projects teams. In other words, Google is helping to get young folks excited about open source. Today, Google announced that it is launching [words 13] on open source. It is not a [words 14] a destination to learn more about the search-giant's [words 15] it. "Today, we're launching opensource.com, a new [words 16] Source that ties together all of [words 17] information on how we use, release, and support open source. This new site showcases the breadth and depth of our love for open source. It will contain the expected [words 18] programs, organizations we support, and a comprehensive list of [words 19] released. But it also contains something [words 20] under the hood at how we 'do' open source," says Will Norris, Open Source Programs Office, Google. NASA is using Unreal Engine 4 to power an [words 21] mixed reality to train new astronauts. New habitats, [words 22] more engineering of the station can all be simulated [words 23] software. This type of training can save lives as the simulation is truly lifelike and stresses safety protocols. The closer that [words 24] to the real thing, the more familiarity with the [words 25] by interacting with the mock up. NASA has fully embraced virtual reality and mixed reality at the agency. While Unreal Engine [words 26] helping the astronauts familiarize themselves with working on the ISS; Unreal Engine's Director of Enterprise Simon Jones sees more applications and [words 27] in other fields. He lists things such as being able to create models of highly detailed areas in the software instead of desktop models, marketing opportunities using the [words 28] strategies. And to think that we all thought of Unreal Engine as [words 29] twenty years. Simon Jones, Director of Unreal Engine Enterprise [words 30] NASA use of Unreal Engine and VR/MR is just the tip of the [words 31] engineers can look at the execution of detail areas without having to make separate desktop models. Marketing specialists can create visuals before [words 32] experiences that pre-sell before production. All [words 33] range of sectors are now looking at how they can embed VR within their engineering information strategy," he says. "So what started life as a high-end computer gaming technology has developed to become an application that accelerates innovation, drives new technology and creates [words 34] opportunities. " DiscussionApple has been offering a “Free App of the Week” for several years, giving [words 35] during that time. Now, Google is [words 36] own “Free App of the Week” for Android users. Google hasn't formally announced this new offering, but it's definitely a thing. Some are not even worth [words 37] while others easily justify being paid apps. What's better than [words 38] paid Android app that's free for [words 39] “Free App of the Week,” of course. Google's “Free App of the Week” is a new section [words 40] paid app which is free for a limited time. The “Free App of the Week” is located on the Apps [words 41] you can also reach it directly using this link. That is if you're in the United States. According to VentureBeat, Ultimate Guitar Tabs & [words 42] last week, but has now reverted to its usual price of $2. [words 43] week, Card Wars — Adventure Time is being [words 44] for free, but should revert back to its usual price of $2.99 at the end of this week. Google has [words 45] a “Free App of the Week” promotion previously [words 46] 2015. However, for whatever reason, that effort didn't last long. This [words 47] at mimicking Apple should hopefully survive a little longer, but don't blame us [words 48] stops working. This is a smart play on Google's part. Read More get a free app every week, developers get enviable promotion on the Play Store, and Google gets to up [words 49] downloads. OK, so Apple did this first, but [words 50] itself knows all too well. Do [words 51] Android? Do you regularly scour Google Play for apps? Do you only download free apps or do you sometimes purchase paid apps? Are you likely to download Google's [words 52] regardless of the app? Please let us know in the comments below! Microsoft is being accused of [words 53] app so it performs far more slowly on Linux, ChromeOS, and other Windows rivals. The supposed evidence is that users see an increase of [words 54] to IE or Edge. Uh, I think that just means [words 55] Firefox, Chrome, and other non-MS browsers is terriblealthough that in itself is worthy of complaint, I guess. Plenty of Linux users are [words 56] arms about the performance of the OneDrive web app. They say that when accessing [words 57] system in a browser on a non-Windows system such as [words 58] service grinds to a barely usable crawl. [words 59] Windows machine on the same internet connection, speedy access resumes. Crucially, when they change their browser's user-agent [words 60] a snippet of text the browser sends to websites describing itself to [words 61] magically their OneDrive access speeds up to normal on their non-Windows PCs. DiscussionThe Cybellum team published a new [words 62] for injecting code and maintaining persistency on a target computer, [words 63] DoubleAgent. This technique uses a feature that all Windows versions since XP provide, that allows for an Application Verifier Provider DLL to be installed for any executable. However, its internal behaviour can be whatever an attacker wants, since he can provide the DLL himself. Application Verifier is a runtime verification tool [words 64] code. Application Verifier assists developers in quickly finding subtle programming errors that can be [words 65] application testing. Using Application Verifier in Visual Studio makes it easier to create reliable applications by identifying errors [words 66] and critical section usage. The code injection occurs extremely early during the victim's [words 67] over the process and no way for [words 68] detect what's going on. Once a DLL has been registered as a verifier provider DLL for a process, it [words 69] be injected by the Windows Loader into the process every [words 70] after reboots, updates, reinstalls, or patches. So it's [words 71] . The thing is, to register this DLL, the registered process has to [words 72] rights so it can write the proper key to the Windows Registry. Without these permissions, there is no way for this attack to work. You know, [words 73] permissions that allow you to install [words 74] format your own hard-drive. So, although this technique has its merit and can present challenges to [words 75] absolutely must maintain their integrity (such as the Cybellum team points out in the Anti-Virus software case), some other security flaw had to occur first so you can register this sort of ‘debugging DLL'. If you already have [words 76] pretty much what you want, including DLL injection to fool anti-virus software. (Though it might be easy just [words 77] or remove it. This new tool has the advantage of being stealthy, but is a 0-day that requires root a 0-day? In the early life of the Nintendo Switch, when it was still codenamed Nintendo NX, there were a lot of rumors floating around about [words 78] device. We saw a console with an oval [words 79] built into the buttons and rumors that the new device would run Android as its operating system. While the product we have today resembles nothing of those early prototypes, it looks like the Android rumor may not have been far off. Cyanogen's Kirt McMaster tweeted early this morning to [words 80] him about designing a custom Android-based operating system for their new console, but he had some choice words for the company. Add this to the list of terrible business [words 81] by Cyanogen and its CEO. Several Slashdot readers have [words 82] Chapman, who talks about a class of bugs that [words 83] bugs". From the article: A performance bug is when the code computes the correct result, but runs slower than it should due to a programming mistake. The nefarious thing about performance bugs is that the user may never know they are there - the program appears to work correctly, carrying out the correct operations, showing the right thing [words 84] printing the right text. It just does it a bit [words 85] have. It takes an experienced programmer, with [words 86] of the problem and the correct solution, to know how fast the operation should have been performed, and hence if the program is running slower than it should be. [words 87] started documenting a few of the performance bugs I came across a few months ago, for example (on some [words 88] is roughly 7 times slower than it should [words 89] slow as it should be, std::map::find() is 15% slower than it should be, aligned malloc [words 90] a lot slower than it should be [words 91] VS2015. Intel just unleashed a new kind of computer memory it believes will change the way the world builds computers. But it won't tell the world what's inside. The post Intel's Bold Plan to [words 92] Keep It a Secret) appeared first on WIRED. Earlier this month, a research team led by John Goodenough announced [words 93] they had created a new fast charging solid-state [words 94] can operate in extreme temperatures and store five to [words 95] energy as current standard lithium-ion batteries. The announcement was big [words 96] Eric Schmidt tweeting about it. However, there are some skeptics, including other leading battery researchers. "For his invention to work as [words 97] say, it would probably have to abandon the [words 98] say perpetual motion is not possible," reports Quartz. "The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half. " Quartz reports: Goodenough's long career [words 99] modern battery industry. Researchers assume that his measurements are exact. But no one outside of Goodenough's own group appears to understand his new concept. The battery community is loath to openly challenge the paper, but some come close. "If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it's hard to find a polite word," Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz. Goodenough did not respond to emails. But in a statement released by the University of Texas, where he holds an engineering chair, he said, "We believe our discovery solves many of the problems that are inherent in today's batteries. Cost, safety, energy density, rates of charge and discharge and cycle life are critical for battery-driven cars to be more widely adopted. " In addition, Helena Braga, the paper's lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team's claims are valid. For almost four decades, Goodenough has dominated the world of advanced batteries. If anyone could finally make the breakthrough that allows for cheap, stored electricity in cars and on the grid, it would figure to be him. Goodenough invented the heart of the battery that is all but certainly powering the device on which you are reading this. It's the lithium-cobalt-oxide cathode, invented in 1980 and introduced for sale by Sony in 1991. Again and again, Goodenough's lab has emerged with dramatic discoveries confirming his genius. It's what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough's new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored. But Goodenough's battery has pure metallic lithium or sodium on both sides. Therefore, the voltage should be zero, with no energy produced, battery researchers told Quartz. Goodenough reports energy densities multiple times that of current lithium-ion batteries. Where does the energy come from, if not the electrode reactions? That goes unexplained in the paper. Adaptive icons: To help you integrate better with the device UI, you can now create adaptive icons that the system displays in different shapes, based on a mask selected by the device. ## The system also animates interactions with the icons, and them in the launcher, shortcuts, Settings, sharing dialogs, and in the overview screen. For example, Sony has contributed more than 30 feature enhancements, including the LDAC codec, and 250 bug fixes to Android O. Coming later today, the latest canary version of Android Studio 2.4 includes new features to help you get started with Android O. When this update is available, you can download and set up the O preview SDK from inside Android Studio, then use Android O's XML font resources and autosizing TextView in the Layout Editor. Watch for more Android O support coming in the weeks ahead. When Facebook launched its hardware-focused Building 8, it raised all kinds of questions: just what was it making in there, and when would you see the first fruits of its labor? You might not have to wait long to get the details. Sources speaking to Business Insider claim to have a broad overview of not only what Building 8 is creating, but when you might get to see it. The team is reportedly working on four advanced technology projects, and is poised to play a key role in Facebook's F8 conference in April. In other words, some of its secretive work would be revealed in a matter of weeks. Clues to some of it have surfaced in the recent past. There's already been talk of brain-scanning tech, and recent hires hint at some kind of drone (it's not clear that this is related to the existing internet drone project). Others, however, are relatively fresh. One would focus on augmented reality, according to the insiders, while another is headed up by a Stanford cardiologist with knowledge of "early-stage medical device development. "Building 8's leader, ex-Googler Regina Dugan, may have even given a clue as to the augmented reality project. Not long ago, she wrote two posts decrying the inability to truly connect with people who are far away, and was "optimistic" that "hardware advances" could help solve the problem. An augmented reality system that makes it feel like others are in the room, perhaps? The company hasn't confirmed anything, so it's still a good idea to take this with a grain of salt even if it's accurate. Development teams can miss schedules or cancel projects entirely, after all. If there's any truth here, though, Facebook is about to take a big step toward becoming a multi-product hardware company that isn't just focused on VR. You may soon notice a boost to 3D web graphics while using Chrome: Google has announced that the desktop version now fully supports WebGL 2. Improvements include faster performance, new texture types, and visual effects. Firefox and Opera support this already, but this is a bigger deal since Chrome has 60% of the market share. Edge is still stuck with WebGL 1. WebGL 2.0 is a major upgrade to the API which unlocks a variety of new graphics features and advanced rendering techniques.0 makes it even easier to build 3D web applications, with faster real-time rendering, new types of textures and shaders, and reduced video memory consumption. Techniques including deferred shading, tone mapping, volumetric effects, and particle effects can now be efficiently implemented. The new APIs also bring WebGL up to feature parity with OpenGL ES 3.0, a graphics platform commonly used in mobile games. DiscussionA weapons physicist and his team has rescued and restored a plethora of deteriorating nuclear-test films and have uploaded them for everyone to enjoy. Around 750 have been declassified, and there is plenty more to come, as 6,500 films (out of an estimated 10,000) have been found. Check out the playlist for over 60 nuclear explosions. conducted 210 atmospheric nuclear tests between 1945 and 1962, with multiple cameras capturing each event at around 2,400 frames per second. But in the decades since, around 10,000 of these films sat idle, scattered across the country in high-security vaults. Not only were they gathering dust, the film material itself was slowly decomposing, bringing the data they contained to the brink of being lost forever. For the past five years, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) weapon physicist Greg Spriggs and a crack team of film experts, archivists and software developers have been on a mission to hunt down, scan, reanalyze and declassify these decomposing films. DiscussionIn a serious case of Inception, you can now download a game that lets you build a gaming PC on your gaming PC. This is the perfect title for most of you here, who have absolutely no experience with that sort of thing. Interestingly, there will even be a career mode where you make an attempt to make a living as a custom PC builder. True to the legacy of classic flight sims or the more modern trucking simulators, PC Building Simulator is relatively realistic when it comes to simulating putting together a gaming PC. Sure, all you're doing is selecting parts from a menu and clicking them into place, but just as flight sims make you flip all the switches and turn all the knobs, PCBS has you screwing in motherboard standoffs and manually connecting MOLEX cables.
words 1: OS team, Android is now
words 2: their own Hardware Composer (HWC)
words 3: working "drm_hwcomposer" shim for
words 4: through Mesa
words 5: drivers around fencing support in
words 6: using the
words 7: the Freedreno driver
words 8: is staged
words 9: essential member of the open source
words 10: code to be
words 11: than 2,000 such contributions!
words 12: where
words 13: an all-new website to focus
words 14: general open source site, but
words 15: relationship with
words 16: website for Google Open
words 17: our initiatives with
words 18: things: our
words 19: open source projects we've
words 20: unexpected: a look
words 21: International Space Station simulator in
words 22: maintenance procedures, and even
words 23: within the
words 24: training is
words 25: real ISS that the trainee gains
words 26: 4 is
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words 28: software, embedding VR into engineering information
words 29: strictly a gamer's toy for over nearly
words 30: believes the
words 31: iceberg: "Development
words 32: there is a prototype, or customer
words 33: of this means that organisations across a
words 34: incredible new
words 35: away hundreds of apps
words 36: following suit, with its
words 37: their $FREE price tag,
words 38: a free Android app? A
words 39: a limited time as Google's new
words 40: on Google Play promoting a
words 41: page of the Play Store, but
words 42: Chords was given away free
words 43: This
words 44: given away
words 45: actually run
words 46: in
words 47: new attempt
words 48: if the link suddenly
words 49: the number of
words 50: the best ideas are worth copying, as Apple
words 51: you own an
words 52: “Free App of the Week”
words 53: perverting their OneDrive web
words 54: performance once they change their browser's user-agent string
words 55: OneDrive's code for
words 56: up in
words 57: Microsoft's cloudy storage
words 58: on Linux or ChromeOS the
words 59: But when they use a
words 60: string
words 61: Internet Explorer or Edge,
words 62: 0-day technique
words 63: baptized
words 64: for unmanaged
words 65: extremely difficult to identify with normal
words 66: caused by heap corruption, incorrect handle
words 67: process initialization, giving the attacker full control
words 68: the process to actually
words 69: would permanently
words 70: time the process starts, even
words 71: all over for Windows right? Well
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words 80: say that Nintendo had approached
words 81: decisions
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words 83: he calls "performance
words 84: on the screen or
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words 86: a reasonably accurate mental model
words 87: I
words 88: platforms) the insert method of std::map
words 89: be, std::map::count() is about twice as
words 90: is
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words 93: that
words 94: battery that
words 95: ten times as much
words 96: enough to have Google's
words 97: described, they
words 98: laws of thermodynamics, which
words 99: has defined the |
<prompter> Finish this: When I was growing up, Saturday mornings were for cleaning. You got up, ate breakfast while you watched cartoons and then the television was ...
<assistant> Rest of text: turned off, the music was turned on, and everybody got to cleaning. Some of us had inside jobs and some of us had outside...
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<assistant> jobs. Last week I was discussing this with my sister and how kids don't know how to REALLY clean anymore. Sure, they know how to "swish" with a Clorox wipe but get down dirty with it scrubbing? They are ill equipped. Comet or Ajax with something you could scrub with was the main cleaner and once everything was cleaned, then it was Windex and...
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<assistant> lemon fresh Pledge time. The last thing that was done was vacuum. I'm talking HOUSEKEEPER clean. ## Dust boards, all the frames off the...
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<assistant> sideboard dusted and cleaned, sideboard dusted and cleaned. Refrigerator cleaned out and wiped down. Even the plants got dusted. What about you? Did you...
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<assistant> guys do this type of cleaning too? Do your kids? Are kids too busy today to clean weekly? Are parents? Have cleanliness standards changed?...
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<assistant> Whatchall doing? I put all my inside plants outside to get some sun and rain water. Do you ever put your plants outside? I just finished reading a book where a daughter went to work for some rich people and her mother always asked her how the rich people lived. One thing she asked made me side eye her:I started looking around sitting in the room I vacuumed two days ago and started wondering. how often do other people vacuum? My brother gave me this vase a long time ago and it holds sentimental value. I used to keep it under the spot where we hang our keys and keys have dropped once or fifty times and cracked it around the rim. I bought two three ball myrtle...
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<assistant> topiaries a while ago because I'd always wanted some at the front door. When I found them, I envisioned them in square wooden planters with trim moulding. I immediately started looking for planters and couldn't find a single thing that looked as I wanted it to look for the price I wanted to pay. I'm just paying $100 for what is essentially. Grandin Road...
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<assistant> Nantucket Square BoxSo, I decided that if I couldn't find what I wanted, then I simply needed to find two matching things. The only thing I 100% didn't want to compromise on...
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<assistant> was the color black. And I couldn't find two black things for...
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<assistant> what I wanted to pay for either. sigh* So I bought two...
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<assistant> grey looking ones from Amazon for $7.28 each. The other night I decided I wanted some chocolate chip cookies. I had everything I needed...
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<assistant> but. the butter wasn't softened and had I waited an hour for it to soften. I wouldn't have made the cookies. So, I put some water to boil on top of the...
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<assistant> stove but right before it started to boil, I turned off the stove and added the butter to a stainless steal bowl and smashed it up over the hot water until it...
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<assistant> was softened. Took about 5 minutes. We were out and about somewhere and decided to get some ice cream. The Robinator told me what...
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<assistant> he wanted and I stood in line while he wrangled us a table. When I paid for our ice cream it was like $16 and I was blown away. we got the...
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<assistant> ice cream, but I was shocked at the price for sure. When I buy groceries, I generally know how much it's going to cost me per week. I don't really piece it all up but I know what the amount is going to be more or less. Recently I was grocery shopping and paid for my groceries. As I was walking out the store, I remembered that I had some red beans soaking and needed some bell peppers and celery. I went back and got 2 bell peppers, 1 pack of celery, some apples and maybe 6 bananas. When the clerk rung me up I did a double take. for bell peppers, celery, apples and bananas. it was all organic but that total shook me. I don't even...
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<assistant> buy fresh blueberries anymore. An itty bitty container of organic blueberries is $7. ONE blueberry ends up costing dang near twenty cents. Frozen organic blueberries are just fine with me. Trader Joe's has a 12 ounce bag for $3. I buy two bags a week for our oatmeal. We barely even eat yogurt anymore because the kind we like costs $1.89 a container. I...
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<assistant> used to buy 10 containers a week. When Coley and Kiersten were visiting I bought a gallon of organic milk for $8 and yall KNOW one gallon wasn't enough. A bag of Glutino Pretzel Twists, Salted, 14.1 Oz costs $7.99 a bag. BLINK* Bag ain't that big either. But it's one of the only snacks I truly enjoy so yeah. (I just found them...
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<assistant> on Amazon Prime Pantry for $6.39! Now that sounds like minimal savings I know but hell. I like them and saving anything on them is better than saving nothing these days right? )When we're out eating and I see a family of 4 or more I think to myself. they must be straight balling. LOL! Cuz I know how much dinner for just two...
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<assistant> costs out and about. Things have been getting more and more expensive for a while now but dairy and produce has really gone through the roof it seems. Are you noticing it too? Have you been sticker shocked by anything in particular lately? No secret I love flowers. If my mommy was alive, I would have given her these. I have the feeling she's...
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<assistant> enjoying them anyway. :)I think I'm going to do a brisket for Easter dinner on Sunday. I'll pick it up tomorrow and I can't...
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<assistant> WAIT! What are YOU having for Easter dinner? Are you cooking or are you a guest this year? Are you decorating? The Robinator loves to golf and does so every chance he gets. Recently he was headed out to the course and the strap on his golf bag came apart at a seam. He considered not going because of the strap. But five hours...
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<assistant> of alone time was at risk so the kid whipped out her trust sewing box and got to gittin'! What's the last sewing repair job you had to do at home? Do you have a sewing box even though you don't sew? Up until recently I didn't have an actual home bar. I had most of what I needed. I just had them all in the basement pantry section and would have to go up and down again when I wanted to mix drinks, etc. What about you? Where do you keep your home bar? Do you have a special place you keep everything? Do you have a nice built in bar? Is it well stocked? What is your signature drink you can whip up easily? What liquors...
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<assistant> and mixers do you keep stocked? Any of you ever filed an insurance claim that wasn't medical? Was it a painless process or did...
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<assistant> it cause you heartburn? The other night The Robinator and I were in bed and he asked. "I wonder what it is about heavy...
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<assistant> covers that make you sleep so well? " And then he promptly fell asleep. I can't sleep without heavy covers. It's always cold in our house because I can't sleep hot. but I have to sleep under covers. if it's hot and I can't pull the bed covers over my head. I'm not sleeping much. I turn into a straight sleep vampire. I started...
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<assistant> reading up on it and wow. seems that heavy covers release seratonins...
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<assistant> which help you sleep better. They even tell people suffering from insomnia to get heavier comforters and blankets. Interesting huh? I then started thinking about how I hardly ever get good sleep in hotel rooms and well. the comforters are never "heavy" enough. I can never get it "cold" enough and well. I always know that sliver of light from the hallway is right...
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<assistant> under the door. Then I thought about how people always say they sleep so well in our guest bedroom. I know the comforter in there is way heavy because I used to use it on my bed before a tragic ink pen stain happened and it become a duvet. I slapped a duvet cover on that sucker and started using it in the guest...
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<assistant> bedroom because I KNOW how good it is. It made me think about whether or not our guests benefit from the heavy comforter and...
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<assistant> don't even realize it. It's that comfort thing too. Like a swaddled baby. They tell people with autism and aspergers to use them too...
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<assistant> There is even an actual weighted blanket for sleep therapy but they aren't that attractive and they cost a grip but wow. pretty awesome if you ask me. Could you live in a log cabin? One that had the same log finish as walls in EVERY. ROOM? No wall color except for the art you use? Just wood color throughout? The meal is going to be a one plater. I didn't go overboard with the menu for once. Everything you want can fit on one plate. Red wine, wine white, sparkling wine. Centerpiece filled with hydrangea, hybrid lilies, garden roses, berries, ranuculus, magnolia leaves and inhibition roses. (I wish I could let yall smell it cuz BAAAAAAABY. those hybrid lilies are TO. FABULOUS! Yall know I always buy...
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<assistant> myself something awesome for Christmas so check out one of this year's gifts:Dinner around these parts will be around 2pm. What about in your neck of the woods? What time do you guys generally eat Christmas dinner? Yall having a one plater or a two plater? Are bowls needed? I bought a bunch of Alstroemeria Sunday before last to put in a vase. I...
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<assistant> didn't want to spend a lot on flowers because I knew we'd be leaving even though I wanted flowers that day. I paid $3.99 for a bunch at Trader Joe's. When we...
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<assistant> got home last night I was blown away at how they'd opened up and how such a cheapo pack of flowers looked so beautiful. How is that even possible? I think this...
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<assistant> is going to be a standing flower for our home. Cheap, lovely and super long lasting. GO ALSTOEMERIA! Do you CURRENTLY have one? What...
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<assistant> do you keep it on? Phone? iPad? Special To Do list paper? Scrap of paper? Post it note? Piece of notebook or printer paper? We're going to do it again next Sunday!...
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<assistant> GO US! CALLENGE! ! ! ! ! (I STILL giggle every. htmlMy mother-in-law and I are going to make Christmas wreaths while we're at...
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<assistant> the cabin for Thanksgiving. I wanted to test one out so I can make sure I had all of the supplies we'd need for the ones we want to make. I think...
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<assistant> the test one came came out pretty nice if I do say so myself. I'm probably going to add some stuff to it before...
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<assistant> Christmas like some type of green sugared fruit and I think I'm going to pull the tails closer together. Making the bow was cool...
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<assistant> in that I used two different types of ribbon, one behind the other and made a basic bow with 5 loops on each side. I pulled out both pieces of ribbon to arrange once I'd put the floral wire on the ribbon properly. Michael's has all sorts of awesomeness you can decorate your wreath with. I wired all of the decorations on the burlap...
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<assistant> wreath form because I want to change it up whenever I want to so I didn't use my trusty glue gun. If you get your supplies from Michael's do NOT forget to use your phone to pull up their website to get the coupon of the week. You'll kick yourself if you don't. The wire form is about $4, the burlap is about $5 per roll. Your ribbons and whatnot is on you. LOL! This wreath cost me about $20 to make as I already had floral wire and whatnot. The initial 'M' was only like $1.19 and I had a coupon for 25% off my full purchase. GO ME AGAIN! See! It kinda looks nice like that by itself! Using this you can put whatever you want...
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<assistant> on it and make it as simple or as extravagant as you want to! It's completely up to you! On Sunday I decided to go to the laundromat to wash a doggie...
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<assistant> bed that's too big for my washer. Google to tell me where one was and was surprised to find there wasn't one in our city. the next city isn't that far away. I was STUNNED at how busy it was. I thought I'd run in and run out but that wasn't the case. I had to wait for one of the large machines. When it was my turn I put in the bed and went to put my $3.50 in quarters in. I thought I could start it washing and run out and get some additional quarters for drying. I went to the ATM at the front and there was a $3.50 fee to use it. I sat in my truck and listened to NPR while it washed...
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<assistant> and watched the people going in and out. People who just want clean clothes. People just coming from church still in their church clothes. I even saw one young lady decked out...
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<assistant> Quinceanera style. Father's in steel toe working boots with their kids. I...
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<assistant> imagined they were giving mom a break and she was home alone relaxing. Good people just making it do what it do. Many of them probably have to make this trip weekly...
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<assistant> It made me feel guilty for the gripes I had about my...
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<assistant> washer not being big enough to wash the bed. I felt like donkey doo-doo and it made me grateful for the little things I sometimes forget are blessings. We turned on lights and Scooby Doo Jaru was trying to detangle himself from the damn curtains which USED TO hang around the window behind him. I was vacuuming the tops of the kitchen cabinets when...
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<assistant> I realized that I think it looks all nekkid up there. I stepped back and really looked at it and decided I should put some stuff there. I started pulling stuff out of the basement storage that just sits around waiting on me to use when I'm in the mood to use it and started layering those things up top there. It's not finished...
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<assistant> as I needed to see what I liked and didn't like and...
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<assistant> now I know. I'll remove some things today and space it out some more. I think I want more bold colors up there only...
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<assistant> A couple of weeks ago we started getting the house ready for Fall. We only have a few things to do but we have to do them. I have bulbs I need to plant and I'll do those before the first freeze and then do fresh mulch while I decorate for Halloween. Once we start using the heater, we'll rotate the blades on the...
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<assistant> ceiling fans to clockwise position to help keep the heat from rising. We need to check to make sure our covered gutters don't have...
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<assistant> cracks in them and, if so, fix with caulk. and I need to check our ice melt supply and restock it if need be to make sure we're not out in the elements with everyone else trying to get some in preparation for a storm. getting ready for winter around these parts! Have you started doing any fall maintenance yet? We try to keep...
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<assistant> up with maintenance because our home is our largest investment. Do you feel the same? I remove it from the planter once a week and take it outside and put it on a stand. Then I water it until the water starts coming out of the bottom of it. I allow it to stay out there until it stops dripping and put him back...
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<assistant> inside. I bought another new plant. The lady where I bought it said a fern would work really well in my bathroom because I...
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<assistant> don't have any windows in there. She also told me to take it outside and let it get some sun. I read an article...
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<assistant> recently about improving the air quality in your home and how plants are VERY good at doing this for you. Turns out you need a plant ever 100 square feet of your...
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<assistant> home in order to do it to the standards of a NASA study on houseplants and air quality. I don't know exactly how big our house is but I think it's somewhere in the 2,500 square feet range give or take. That would mean I would need 25 plants up in here for optimal use. I think I'm finally mature enough to care for plants the way they need to be taken care of but 25 of them is just crazy talk. I'm going to buy more, of course, because now that I understand more about them. I want them in every room. I realize that I really like the way they look and I have a really good eye for choosing decorative planters for them which accentuate...
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<assistant> the decor I have going on up in here. I'm looking for...
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<assistant> something for our bedroom now. I want a big something and two...
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<assistant> little somethings. Maybe two big somethings. I'm going out today to find some. Here's the article I'm using as a guideline on what types...
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<assistant> of plants to buy: Best air-filtering houseplants, according to NASACommercial real estate, industrial, office and retail space for sale and for lease in the Dayton area. |
Human: The rest of this: Do you want to do more with your Box deployment? Most companies we know have successfully implemented Box for Basic File Sharing, File System and Drives, plus Secured FTP. Ease of use ...
Bot: Completed pargraph(s): and deployment has driven adoption. But deploying traditional Enterprise Content Management (ECM) use cases is hard. This blog is about how to succeed at deploying ECM use cases on Box with the...
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Bot: ease of use and deployment standards you desire. We will publish successful...
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Bot: strategies you can easily adopt, customer success stories and use cases plus information on toolsets that will accelerate your efforts and lower your costs when deploying ECM apps on Box. The reason...
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Bot: ECM use cases are traditionally hard to implement is they are driven by your organizational business processes. Example: Quality Management, Controlled Documents or Brand Management content systems all require specific configurations and functionality that map to your current work processes that helps users get things done in a compliant manner. We will delve into the details in future posts. ## User Acceptance, Costs & Workforce Productivity enhancements. There are many ECM use cases that can be deployed more effectively with the new capabilities that Box and Crooze provide. When each ECM use case is configured correctly, users will adopt the new environment better because they will be able to get things done more effectively. Traditional ECM Systems typically have significant problems mostly driven by complex user interfaces, limited...
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Bot: internal access, and high system / support costs. With Box and Crooze your free to focus on what matters most, your business. Suggest any...
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Bot: topics or use cases you would like to hear about or discuss.28A. Fresh face in a newsroom: CUB REPORTER. The opposite is "a grizzled newspaperman". Now there's a phrase. It was used to describe Chicago Herald-Examiner reporter Ben Hecht among others: ". he had already developed the crusty style of a grizzled newspaperman . " A mark of respect.58A. Fresh face at online gaming:...
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Bot: NOOB. Via "Newbie" and "Newcomer" we get to NOOB. Language evolution, folks, I love it. If you are an expert, you used to be "L33T", as in "elite", but I'm sure that...
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Bot: has gone the way of the dodo now. One thing to note right off the bat is that the symmetry of this puzzle is not "normal", meaning left-right and top-bottom, it is "mirror" symmetry, in this case left-right. This is often done to accommodate an attractive theme that can't be placed in a normal grid, I'm guessing this is the case with this one...
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Bot: from C. (I could go ask her, but I'm taking a wild stab in the dark). Another example of when you might see this variation is when there is a pattern or...
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Bot: picture depicted in the white/black squares, but unless we've got a four-legged Space Invader/Pokémon hybrid I don't think that's the case here! 14. Parseghian...
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Bot: of Notre Dame: ARA. "The era of Ara" - Notre Dame football from 1964 to 1974, rescuing the program from mediocrity and winning national...
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Bot: championships in 1966 and 1973. You wouldn't want to get this look from him:17. Level the playing field? : MOW. When I went to watch Chelsea FC play in London in the 80's, the appearance of the ride-on mower pre-game to give the pitch a final trim would be accompanied by this ditty, sung from the terrraces, as he drove, Zamboni-like, up and down the pitch:You get the idea. Amused us greatly at the time. I think the slowest mowing was something like "86 men went to mow . Big name in shoe stores: DSW. Confession - I was Natick'ed again, two weeks in a row, with this one. "Same here": AS DO I. Eventually got the right letter combo. ORD airport postings: ARRS. Arrivals at Orchard Field,...
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Bot: now better known as Chicago O'Hare. One of my favorite airports for...
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Bot: a layover, it's just a really nice space. Beat in a pie contest, say: OUT-EAT. Don't go up against Joey Chestnut. It's not just Nathan's hot dogs that he likes. Site with...
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Bot: many home pages? : AIRBNB. I started using AirBnB this past year for weekend trips. No complaints at all, some lovely accommodations10. Keith Haring...
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Bot: genre: POP ART. We had Op-Art last week. What's next week - Impressionism? I'm taking bets. ## Plum-apricot hybrid: PLUOT. I'm sure it's a thing, I've just never seen one, nor, to my knowledge eaten one, cooked with one or written one down. Where bubble tea originated: TAIWAN. The upcoming ban on plastic straws here in California is causing some consternation. "Mamma Mia! Here...
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Bot: We Go Again" group: ABBA. Late in the day, but here's a...
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Bot: music link. ABBA were great listening to when I was a teen. Of course, we were all too cool for school to admit it...
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Bot: A couple of abbreviations to wrap things up, and with a background...
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Bot: of ABBA - Mama Mia! Here's the grid:17A. Cara cara or Washington fruit: NAVEL ORANGE. Originated at Hacienda de Cara Cara and believed to be a hybrid from the Washington navel and...
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Bot: the Brazilian Bahia navel. Actor who appeared in nine films with Sydney Greenstreet: PETER LORRE. What better way to namecheck the actor than remember this great 70's track from Al Stewart, played live on the BBC's "Old Grey Whistle Test" music showcase. Straightforward enough theme, one that you need to go back and look for when you see the reveal. Nicely consistent with the...
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Bot: even two-letter split across the two words of each theme entry. I found the top-center section a little tricky and had to go back to finish up at the end. I actually didn't finish this one correctly - I had a personal Natick with LILA and ALL, both unknown to me. I guessed "Y" instead of "A" for no good reason. College World Series...
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Bot: home: OMAHA. I never watch it, but I knew the location. Poirot's street: RUE. Agatha Christie's character Hercule Poirot is Belgian, and some detective work suggests he was born and grew up in Spa, which in the French-speaking part of Belgium, and therefore his street would be a "rue", rather than a "straat". "Down Came a Blackbird" country singer McCann: LILA. As aforementioned, she's not familiar to me. Handy crossword name though, I'll endeavor to remember. Cubs pitcher Jon: LESTER. I didn't even notice this one until now, it filled itself in. I wouldn't have had a clue either. Tricky genre: OP ART Here's one that doesn't make your head spin too much at the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt:7. Annual North Dakota State Fair site: MINOT. I quite...
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Bot: confidently filled in "FARGO" with no crosses to confirm any of the letters, and spent some time trying to convince myself it had to be right. They two places are more than...
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Bot: 280 miles apart, so not even close! 40. Ristorante request: AL DENTE. I'm not sure you request pasta "al dente", that's how it comes. If it's not, you send it back. Hotelier Helmsley: LEONA. "The Queen of Mean" was jailed for tax evasion, allegedly saying "We don't pay taxes; only little people pay taxes". With 9-Down, river of the Carolinas: PEE. Unknown to me,...
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Bot: I'll try to remember the Pee Dee for the next time it crops up. It's that time of the year when I usually buy a new planner, and those JAN, FEB, MAR tabs down the pages are pristine and speak to a new year of possibilities. Jeffrey comes up with a great way to represent all twelve of those with each entry's "first" letters being the month abbreviation, and in calendar order to boot. So, here they are, one after the other:16A. Coldplay lead singer Chris __: MARTIN. He seems to be a polarizing character, I've had quite a few people tell me that they like Coldplay, but don't like Chris. I'm not sure why, I've looked through the interwebs for pictures of him being mean to puppies...
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Bot: or stories of him buying an island and evicting all the residents, but I came up blank. Anyway, great music and here's an example. Maybe a tad over-produced, but I don't think that's his fault.66A. ## Catholic devotions: NOVENAS. Decades, Novenas, Forty Days, it always seems a long, long process being a Catholic. How long was Moses wandering around the desert? 67A. Irregular paper edge: DECKLE. I know a different DECKLE, and this is my favorite - it's the point cut of the brisket - the piece that you don't get if you buy brisket in the market, you get the flat cut. There's a reason why you don't get the deckle - it's the tastiest, fattiest cut and it goes to the deli. Solution? Buy the entire...
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Bot: brisket and brine/corn/pastrami it yourself. If you want to get technical with...
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Bot: your butcher, you want the IMPS cut "119", not the "120". I'm not sure how I know that. Wow, that was a lot of theme! Congratulations to Jeffrey for a great construction job on this. I always avoid the theme reveal if I glance down and see where it is, and this one I had no clue that I was filling in month abbreviations from top to bottom. Well concealed, and a happy moment when the grid-spanner had me looking. Many people know it from the Mafia-related "cosa nostra", literally "our thing/"31. "Wayward Pines" actress Melissa __: LEO. Lovely crosses, thank you. I'd no clue - I've never seen the show, I had no idea about the actress. My favorite LEO works works in production at CBS. Here's...
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Bot: to you, Victoria Leo. Attorneys General, don't get the "S" in the wrong place or I'll be coming for you to give you a...
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Bot: lesson in pluralization. Usher family's creator: POE. The Ushers of the collapsing house. I once wondered why they didn't get some engineers in to shore up the foundations, then realized that underpinning...
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Bot: wouldn't solve the family problems. Suffered greatly, in Sussex: AGONISED. Take out a Z, slip in an S unnoticed, and suddenly you're 6,000 miles and a common language apart. Now, there are...
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Bot: the counties of Sussex and Essex, there's a historical county of Wessex, mostly now Hampshire and Dorset, and there is Middlesex, which may or may not be a county any more, although it still has a cricket team. But nowhere is there a Northsex, or a Norsex, or anything relating to being north and a county. There's south - Sussex - West - Wessex...
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Bot: - East - Essex - in the middle - Middlesex - but the atlas is silent on anything north of London. "Here be demons"...
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Bot: - or William Wallace, although he was 300 miles further north. We had a whole discussion about stairway parts a while ago. What's the top of the doorframe called? I forget. Archie's boss, in detective fiction: NERO. Archie Goodwin, the narrator in the Nero Wolfe stories by Rex Stout. I sound awfully clued up about these people.15 seconds on Wikipedia makes anyone an expert...
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Bot: Old lab burners: ETNAS. We called 'em Bunsen burners back in the old country. Much the same thing, I'm sure. Ancient Roman road: ITER. Ancient or not, they're still in use. One of the scariest rides I've taken was from Rome to Fiumicino Airport in a taxi when I made the mistake of telling the driver I was running late for a flight home. He channeled his Formula 1 Driver alter ego. This was in a Fiat about the size of my suitcase. ## Car-collecting comedian: LENO. He's a common sight around here. Most notably driving his Stanley Steamer - you don't see many of those. Where to claim miscellaneous credits on a W-4 form: LINE G. Ach - I'd have turned somersaults to avoid this one -...
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Bot: yes, it's a thing, yes, it's accurate, but where, ever is this used in common parlance? "Did you file in time? 35. Culinary topper: TOQUE. I think these are quietly going the way of cream sauces on everything and cheese on lobster. Baseball's __ Joe: JOLTIN' Congratulations to the Red Sox for a very well-deserved World Series win. One day, Dodger Stadium will be...
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Bot: the venue when the home team clinches. Joe DiMaggio, of course, was the clue/answer. "The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this...
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Bot: crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Logician's word: ERGO. There is a logical fallacy, "Post hoc ergo propter hoc", or "after that, then this happened" which is a handy way to cloud causation with correlation. I refer you to my comment on 48A. I did dig a little deeper - this was the original photograph taken by Alberto Korda in Havana in 1960 - I'm not sure I've ever seen the original:Ok, muchachos, I think that's me done for the week. Here's the grid! I hope you survived tricks, treats and candy overload.61A. NBC soap since 1965: DAYS OF OUR LIVES. That's 13,455 episodes I need (? ) to catch up...
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Bot: on, as of today. ; the hidden words are all nicely scattered around in the theme entries, and the "THREE" spans a word divide and a hyphen to obscure things a little. I don't think it would be possible to see the theme without the reveal, which is placed nicely at the bottom of the puzzle in the down entries. Two pairs of stacked...
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Bot: 8's in the downs, and two 14's and two 12's in the theme make for a nice construction job; C. 's definitely an expert at that. There might be a shout-out to...
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Bot: some puzzle bloggers - ARGYLE for sure, and "Splinter" group and STEVIE almost make it. She's been a MENTOR to a lot of puzzle constructors and bloggers, so that works nicely too. Instagram or Snapchat: APP. I still don't know quite what the point is of these two. Apparently I have an Instagram account, it came with something, I have no idea what. The...
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Bot: Atlantic Coast Conference. Now includes some schools from the Midwest and the Northeast. Wine glass feature: STEM. My daily use wine glasses are stemless. I kept breaking them off in the dishwasher...
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Bot: I keep the stemware for special bottles, then break them off in...
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Bot: the dishwasher. Prince Harry's alma mater: ETON. Harry is an "old boy" of Eton, an "Old Etonian". I'm an "Old Symondian", from Peter Symond's School in Winchester. with Jays and Rays: M. It's World Series time, and neither the Jays nor the Rays are anywhere to be seen. Prophecy source: ORACLE. Every self-respecting Greek city should have one. The best-known Oracle was at Delphi,...
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Bot: she cornered the market in predictions to the great and the good. Soft-drink word since 1886: COCA. COLA went in without a thought, then had me wondering, and rightly so. Beverage with dim sum: TEA. On my first trip to Hong Kong my first stop was a dim sum restaurant in Kowloon for Sunday lunch. There was a slight snag in that there were...
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Bot: no carts, and the menu was all in Cantonese. Pointing at plates on other tables got me fed. I learned all the names of the dishes after that. The tea came without...
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Bot: me asking, so that part was simple. Like virtually all golf club heads nowadays: METAL. I can't remember when I last saw a persimmon...
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Bot: club head. My first set of clubs had persimmon for the driver, three- and five-woods. Simple enough to remember it once you've heard what it is. And that's about it from me. Back in New York for a couple of days - what happened to the nice LA weather? Oh, I left it in LA, silly me. They may be added to soup: SODA...
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Bot: CRACKERS. I had a little bit of a mental block with this...
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Bot: one - I wanted SALT, not SODA and so things wouldn't work too well in this area. The reveal put me straight. A simple but slick theme with plenty of weight in...
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Bot: the theme answers. Add to that a couple of 10-letter across entries...
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Bot: and two 11's in the downs and that's a pretty weighty grid to fill around. Roger & Kathy have done a great job with the fill, there's nary a clunker in sight, and where there are some very common fill words, the cluing is often fresh. Cartman on "South Park": ERIC. There are websites where you can make your own "South Park" avatar -...
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Bot: this is one of mine from the start of a Premier League season a couple of years ago:5. New Testament of the Bible. The Acts of the Apostles follows The Gospel according...
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Bot: to St. Formal agreement: NOR I. I can't stop parsing this as NORI, the dried seaweed wrapper for sushi rolls. ## Two-time Argentine president:...
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Bot: PÉRON. Interesting use of "two-time" here - Juan Péron actually served three terms as president, but two were consecutive from 1946-1952 and 1952-1955. Stroke...
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Bot: that doesn't count: LET. Tennis serve that hits the net cord before landing in the service court. I noticed last year at Wimbledon that...
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Bot: they no longer have judges sitting at the side of the net with the finger on the net cord. When did that stop? 2. Rider on a shark: REMORA. I'd never heard of these guys before. They're not parasitic as they do no harm to the shark, other than hitch a free ride. They're not really symbiotic either, as the shark doesn't really get...
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Bot: much benefit from having them around. The sharks just seem to enjoy the company. Audio system connector: IPOD ADAPTER. I fitted one of these gadgets in my last car to supplement the AM/FM and CD options. Then I lost the iPod. Detective role for Beatty: TRACY. Didn't Warren co-star with Madonna in that movie? I think that led to something of a fling between...
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Bot: them. Proprietors for word lovers: BOOKSELLERS. If you want to drop me off somewhere and know exactly where I'll be by the time you get back, however long that is, leave me at a bookstore. You won't see one at Westminster: MUTT. You will at Westminster Cathedral, they have a Pet's Corner. Oh wait, Poet's Corner, slight difference. Plenty of hits at this time of year. My Dodgers hoping for one better than last year, but have to get past the Brewers first! 5-1 tonight, so 3-2 in the series . Abby is one of my sporting heroes, she took the world of soccer and shook it by the ears, was instrumental in helping build a winning national team and twice carried off Olympic gold medals. My goodness,...
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Bot: she was a factor in so many great moments. She has one of the "Greatest Goal" headers in the 2011 World Cup quarter-final game...
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Bot: against Brazil to tie the game at 2-2 at the death in overtime and send the tie to penalty kicks which the USA won 5-3. Carli Lloyd's feed to Megan Rapinoe and her 45-yard cross was instrumental in the strike. What a great team that was. I was an email second away to ask for help from my fellow bloggers to figure out what on earth this them was all about, then I decided to look at the short entries first. Oh, wait - anagrams - then CURED:CRUDE. SNEAK:SNAKE and finally . In all the years I've been doing this I've never been even close to crying UNCLE finding the theme, but this one just about had me waving the white flag. The solve was straightforward, but back-tracking...
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Bot: to find the theme - not so much. I'd call this a meta - a puzzle solvable on its own, but you can have fun looking back to try to figure out the theme. If that was the intent, then well done, but if that is not the intent, that's a problem. The puzzle should stand up on its own as a themeless, and...
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Bot: this doesn't really hit the mark. Resort town near Santa Barbara: OJAI. Up in the hills not too far from me. There's a spa/hotel which has a good reputation. Word before and after "oh": BOY. Boy-oh? Really? I know the Welsh affectionate "boyo", not sure about this one. Freshwater minnow: RED FIN. Not a lot of meat on a red fin. Now a bluefin,...
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Bot: you're talking sushi.2002-'03 viral outbreak, briefly: SARS. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Makers of white surgical face masks have never been so happy to extend...
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Bot: their market to the general population. Oh, I thought it might have been Taj Smith, the famous (? ) American football player, or Taj Forer, the photographer. Shame on me for overlooking...
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Bot: the obvious. This one made me think, and I walk up and down Park at least once a month; two of my clients have their head offices on the street. The Helmsley Building built over the top of the street at Grand Central never fails to make me smile. ## "Copacabana" showgirl: LOLA. Let's go with the other Lola, who "walked like a woman...
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Bot: and talked like a man". They go for the gold: PANNERS. Yep,...
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Bot: I'm in a picky mood today. "He was a panner in the...
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Bot: '49 California gold rush" - said nobody, ever. Triangle ratio: SINE. What...
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Bot: was the aide-memoire we learned back then - soh-cah-toa? Sine = Opposite over Hypotenuse . Mathematics exams redux. Hawaii's Mauna __: KEA. Not Koa...
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Bot: which was my first try. I have a koa wood ring and bracelet from Maui, so I excuse myself. ## French-speaking Western Hemisphere country: HAITI. Not France then? Now this is oddly cunning - the Western Hemisphere is divided at the zero meridian and the 180 line at the antimeridian. France straddles the zero mark, and as such is disqualified from being a candidate...
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Bot: answer, notwithstanding having too many letters. The only other possibility in literal terms would be Canada, but than you're talking about a minority population...
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Bot: in Quebec, plus too many letters. Fine English china: SPODE. Wedgwood 1, Spode 0 in the Five Towns derby, sadly. Wedgwood cornered the marked in pale blue brooches and ornamental pottery, but Spode produced some wonderful hand-painted gold-banded white china plates. I'm with Spode - you can eat off their plates, you'd never think of serving food on a Wedgwood dish. Those bands really are painted by hand. Frozen dessert chain: TCBY. Their website has them as "The Country's Best Yogurt". Praise the Lord for correct apostrophe usage. Take a three-letter airport code and attach it to ETA, and voila! A crossword clue. See also ARR, and LGW, LHR, SYD, LGA, JFK, LAX, SFO, ORD, IAH, oh - who did I miss? Of course - BUR, PHX, DEN,...
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Bot: MIA, SEA, CDG, FRA. And another hundred or three. I think I've...
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Bot: made my point. One hiking in a Maine national park? : ACADIA EXPLORER. GMC Acadia and a Ford Explorer. I'm not sure I was...
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Bot: familiar with "Acadia", neither the park nor the vee-hick-el, but crosses filled it in for me just fine. Beautiful spot here in the park:47A...
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Bot: Weekend in the Hamptons, say? : SUBURBAN ESCAPE. Chevy Suburban, Ford Escape. Dearborn gets 50% of the auto sales in this puzzle, I'm sure they'd be delighted if that was the case in the real world.53A. Like a delivery truck blocking your car, maybe . and a hint to 20-, 28- and 47-Across: DOUBLE-PARKEDOh no - things were going so well until the reveal. There are two cars, fore-and-aft in each theme entry and . they're tandem parked, not double-parked. Double-parked in the puzzle would be stacked, above and below. Still possible in a crossword construct - tricky, but possible. Just changing the reveal entry to TANDEM PARKED and everyone (well, pedants like me! ) would be even happier. Wendy and Martha are, I believe, a mother-daughter partnership...
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Bot: and are certainly debutants in the LAT. They were published this last August in the WSJ which I'm pretty sure was their first "major". Congratulations to them on their LAT opening salvo - we look forward to many more. Stop by and introduce yourselves if you have time! 1. Abruptly end a relationship with by ignoring texts, calls and such: GHOST. A fresh new term from the "yoot". "? I thought that was a typo at first. If the relationship involved a Norwegian named "Frøm", you could have said ". end a relationship with Frøm by avoiding . ", thus making more sense and nailing the ablative with a trifecta. Maybe a comma for readability would help? 6. European airline: SAS. ## Scandinavian Air Services. Not the only...
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Bot: airline to do this, but they had a chain of hotels in Europe also; they figured if they needed hotels to overnight their aircrews,...
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Bot: they might as well own the hotels. for the Williams sisters: W. ## Women's Tennis Association. Founded by the redoubtable Billie-Jean King in a bid for more equitable prize money as offered...
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Bot: to the men. That certainly worked out. Octane Booster brand: STP. Is every car and driver in NASCAR sponsored by STP? Or just my brief forays into that world make it appear so? 39. R'S Annualized Percentage Rates. I've never fathomed out the difference between interest paid annually at a certain rate, and an APR, but that's just me finding more interesting things to...
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Bot: do. Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, one of their most popular, certainly on the "Greatest Hits" list. I'd pay good money to see a performance of "The Pirates of Penzance" if any impresario is reading. If only for the Major General with an sly reference to "Pinafore". Prince Harry's dukedom: SUSSEX. Sussex had to stagger along, dukeless, between the death of Prince Augustus Frederick in 1843 and Prince Harry just this year picking up where Fred left off. Now Sussex is proudly re-Duked, with a Duchess thrown in for good measure. I'm sure the honest burghers of Brighton are dancing on the streets, on the pier, and jauntily on the nude beach. I like that you can get padded versions to take the pain out of prayer. Courtyard that...
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Bot: may feature glass elevators: ATRIUM. A bank I worked at in London was owned by a Scottish family, the Flemings (Ian Fleming was part of the family). The building had a lovely glass-enclosed atrium where a bagpiper would play each morning to serenade you into work. The building also had it's own pub, the "Scottish Pound", with a street entrance for the general hoi-polloi,...
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Bot: and a back entrance directly from the offices into the bar for the staff. the pub is no more - the bank was sold to Chase in the early 2000's. You either like this one, or dislike it intensely. An alphabet progression with the subtle misdirection in the R-V clue. "Write me as one that loves is fellow men" is the epitaph on Hunt's gravestone in Kensal Green cemetery in London. It's not the most peaceful place in the world, the main railway line from London to the midlands and Manchester is just over the fence. I took an Economics class at school and loved it. Back then, an economics degree was a BA, not a BSc. It wasn't viewed as "proper" science, more, as Disraeli put it,...
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Bot: "Lies, damn lies and statistics". __ Bath & Beyond: BED. They send me "20% Off" coupons every week. They officially have an expiry date, but in actual fact they never expire. Not only was this car a genuine menace to drive, but when Ford wondered why it wasn't selling in Latin America, they were informed, late in the marketing day, that "pinto" is a rather perjorative term for the size of a man's . Where a sensei teaches how to slalom? : SKI DOJO. A Sensei in this context is a martial arts teacher; I know the term as a third-generation Japanese-American.50A. "We sure fell for that one, Jack," e. What? I mean I get it, but can we come up with a better clue? "You" rather than...
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Bot: "we" makes a lot more sense; still terrible, but better than this effort. Was yanked offstage . or what four puzzle answers did, in a way: GOT THE HOOK. The "J" is a hook-shape. Hence a j-hook in hardware, and probably fishing, although I didn't check the fishing bit. Wild stab in the dark with the fishhook. Yep, nothing to argue about here. Find...
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Bot: a phrase, add a "J" to it somewhere, clue it appropriately and move on. Fully committed: ALL IN. Poker term originally, I believe. Bet all your chips on one hand of cards...
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Bot: Dún Laoghaire's land: EIRE. It used to be the primary ferry port between Great Britain and Ireland, but most, if not all, services have now been retured. Pronounced "Dun Leary" if you...
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Bot: ever need to buy a ticket. Stat for Chris Sale: ERA. He's a pitcher, so Earned Run Average. Red Sox now, previously White Sox...
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Bot: I wonder what he did with the white ones from his uniform when he was traded? Or did he just leave them in his locker for the laundry guy? There are around 1,200 players each season in Major League Baseball. I just need to learn another 1,199 and I've got this year's crossword nailed. ## Pronunciation symbol: SCHWA. A south-central vowel in Los Angeles...
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Bot: is probably something else entirely. McGregor who plays two roles on TV's...
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Bot: "Fargo": EWAN. I've liked him since "Trainspotting" which I saw at an "arts theater" in Santa Monica and was hugely amused to see that it was subtitled English, in spite of being in English. Brit's floor covering: LINO. We had lino in the bedrooms when I was a kid, and no heating. Getting up in winter was a bare-foot-meets-ice-rink experience. Scandinavian name meaning "cliff":...
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Bot: STEN. What do you call a man with a seagull on his...
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Bot: head? Cliff. Those British and their spelling. No reason to mess with the original French, but you know, what do those foreigners know? 18. Is a drab bigger or smaller than a...
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Bot: drib? Surely it has to be one of the two, else you'd be doing something "in dribs and dribs" or "drabs and drabs". Abdomen neighbor: GROIN. It's a toss-up which one you'd...
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Bot: rather take a hit playing rugby. I think I'd lean towards the abdomen given the choice. Matthew Arnold's "__ Beach": DOVER. A scary chap, he was a schools inspector, frightening in itself, but his work is referenced by Ray Bradbury and Ian McEwan - you know you're not in for an easy ride with his poetry or prose when you're in that company. Amount...
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Bot: past due? : TRE. Any Green Day fans are wondering what happened...
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Bot: to that triptych. Uno was delivered, I think duo and tre are still a twinkle in the band's eye.16A. Rolls off the alley: GUTTER BALLS. Bowling's not my thing, I just don't have the coordination for it.23A. Swing era dance: JITTERBUG. Ditto me and dancing, that coordination problem again. This picture is captioned "Scandalous Teen Crazes". Smoking hazard: CIGARETTE BURN. I was half-expecting "BUTT"...
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Bot: instead of BURN, but of course that wouldn't work with the theme. Purist says that you shouldn't have any of the same letters of your scramble adjacent to the ones you have...
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Bot: scrambled - in this case the "RE" in "CIGARE-" breaks the rule. However, I'm feeling charitable today, so no grumble.44A. A relatively new portmanteau - "pre-emptive rebuttal" usually in politics where you...
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Bot: 'fess up to your shortcomings before the opposition point them out. I use the same tactics in a competitive sales situation - I know the FUD that the competition are going to dish, so I get my counters in first (FUD = fear, uncertainty, doubt). A nice clean theme from Joe, and I counted the grid size twice to make sure we're back to a regulation 15x15 after the last four Thursdays produced an additional square across or down. No longer active: Abbr. As in a retired asset. Most retired people I know are more active than the rest of us who are nose-to-the-grindstone keeping-the-wheels-of-industry-turning. My retired sister probably puts up more air miles than me, and spends her time exploring Mayan ruins in Honduras, hitchhiking through Cuba,...
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Bot: yomping up mountains in Montana and generally playing "Where's Waldo? ". College...
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Bot: Board exam, briefly: AP TEST. Strictly "advanced placement", but one of those...
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Bot: "no longer an abbreviation" examples. So is "exam" in the clue. "Be My __ Ono": Barenaked Ladies song: YOKO. A nice departure clue for a crossword staple. I didn't fill it in...
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Bot: right away because it could have been a lot of different words if you don't know the song. Three-time NBA Finals MVP Duncan: TIM. One of the most unassuming people ever to...
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Bot: suit up for a professional sports team. Her first name was revealed, to great fanfare in 2009. Joy! No, not the emotion, that's her name. What is Aunt Jemima's last name? We should be told. Open event gold medalist in the 2016 Chess Olympiad: USA. Apparently there are two categories, "Open" and "Women's". Ask FIDE, the World Chess Federation. Also, don't ask me why one is a translation of the other either. Odd bods, those chess folk. Meets up with the old gang: REUNES. Clang! I know we've seen this before, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant. Norse gods' home: ASGARD. I got stuck on "Valhalla" and couldn't let go for a time. Valhalla is in Asgard. I also got distracted by "Isengard" from The Lord...
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Bot: of the Rings. I wonder about what goes on with my synapses sometimes. Hamilton local: BERMUDAN. I read "locale" and was trying to figure out how to cram BROADWAY into a place...
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Bot: it patently did not belong. "In the Heat of the Night" Oscar winner Rod: STEIGER. He won the Oscar for Best Actor. Co-star Rod Steiger won the Golden Globe and the BAFTA...
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Bot: award for the same thing. I don't know any movie where that's ever happened before or since. I'd not seen this synomym before. From the "Roaring Twenties" according to that font of all knowledge, the Oracle at Delphi. Retired NBAer Ming: YAO. I think he stands six feet nineteen and can leap the Great Wall in a single bound, even in retirement. Theater chain...
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Bot: initials: AMC. Pioneers of the multiplex and megaplex theaters, both in the USA and around the world. Fair-hiring letters: EEO. I always want it...
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Bot: to be "Equal Opportunity Employer" which puts me off my stroke somewhat. I love the window seat on the plane, I can't understand why anyone would want to pull the shade down,...
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Bot: it's a beautiful world out there. I'm heading south back to LA from Seattle, and this is the sunset outside. Not the best picture,...
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Bot: but I thought it was one to share. Thanks to all for the birthday wishes yesterday. I was treated to a quite amazing dinner at José Andrés' restaurant here in LA last night. We ate at the kitchen bar with just eight other people and were presented with a twenty (! ) course tasting menu served by the chefs who prepared the dishes. Most...
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Bot: times I think I could take a stab at reproducing something I've eaten in a restaurant, but this one? Not a chance. This is the second instalment in my campaign to introduce a new term into the dictionary of musical styles: orchestral beats. That tag first appeared in my review of the Archipelago album by Hidden Orchestra in November of last year. Then last week's Release Radar included something that sounded very similar: Cantorum by Penguin Café. Read more Cantorum13th November 2016 16th November 2016 Album 10 Comments Album of the Monthclassicaljazzorchestral beatspost-rockworldIn my last post I gave you a glimpse of ten islands strung out like opalescent pearls across a monochrome ocean, the Archipelago album by Hidden Orchestra. It was a deliberately tantalising glimpse and, before we...
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Bot: go off to explore the rocks in that necklace, I'd like to take a moment to examine what made a simple listing of track . Read more Archipelago. |
Human: The rest of this: ## Taps, Basement/Cellar Renovation, Pavers, Bathroom Installation, General Bathroom Works, Kitchen Cupboards, Outbuilding. we have all the materials needed. which include the boiler, wireless thermostat, scale reducer + magna clean product. SMITH - Customer type: an individual/homeowner - Reason for requesting quotes: the work is required but maybe dependent on the quotesRelocate part of gas pipe on concrete floor and then connect pipe to gas fire which is already fitted on the wall. Fire is flueless. - Customer type: an individual/homeowner - Reason for requesting quotes: the work is required and I want to select a companyI am looking to replace my old boiler with a new condensing boiler for reasons of improved efficiency. My current house boiler is nearly 20 years old and frequently struggles in winter. It is located in the kitchen and has a large ventilation pipe running across the ceiling and through the wall to the outside. All pipework is easily accessable; it is not . see moreI would like my gas hob connected please I have got a new gas pipe and the hob is new, not sure if anything else is needed. - Customer type: an individual/homeowner - Reason for requesting quotes: I am just looking for an idea of priceService required, possible carbon monoxide leak but not confirmed, has not been serviced for some years. - Customer type: an individual/homeowner - Reason for requesting quotes: the work is required and I want to select a companyWashing machine blowing fuses, IF lights come on nothing else happens. Machine is kept in brick outhouse so got cold and damp during the cold snap. - Customer type: an individual/homeowner - Reason for requesting quotes: the work is required but maybe dependent on the quotesThis list sheds some light on those who have been proven to, or who are currently facing charges of trying to rip off the system many times, involving the use of a credit card. Some of those on this list were once powerful Australians who just wanted more, and others were shady criminals causing financial havoc in far-flung places. Rather than employing regular methods to get hold of money, some of the people on this list used a credit card as their weapon of choice. Craig Thomson, the 48-year-old former Federal Labor MP is currently facing 173 fraud and theft charges. Mr Thomson was accused of using his position as national secretary of the Health Services Union (HSU) and the credit cards associated with this position to pay for sexual services at a number of brothels and escort agencies in Sydney between 2002 - 2007, totalling over $5000. Court documents alleged Mr Thomson misused his HSU credit cards to pay for over $42,800 worth of dining expenses, pornographic movies, flights, taxis, ATM cash advances and more. At a recent preliminary hearing Mr Thomson had his bail renewed, and will appear in court on July 1. Damian O'Carrigan didn't carry out all or even most of his fraud using a credit card, but to deny putting him on this list is to deny you a great and terrible tale. O'Carrigan lived a double life, one as an honest family man and Brisbane-based finance manager for contractor heavyweight Leightons, and another as a white-collar thief who stole as much as $20 million from his employer. O'Carrigan established a fake front company which supposedly provided consulting services to his employer, and because he was authorised to make payments of up to $5 million on behalf of the company, he paid this false company and in the process pocketed millions of stolen funds. Of the $20 million he pilfered, he provided one of his mistresses with a credit card on which $1.4 million over an estimated six years was spent, and this was only the tip of the iceberg. O'Carrigan also spent $4 million on gifts for women met through ‘sugar daddy' websites, $7 million on racehorses, $5.3 million on properties, and the remainder on charities and hobbies as diverse as fish breeding and raising German Shepherd dogs. Former Parliamentary Speaker Peter Slipper was charged with fraud for allegedly using Cabcharge vouchers to pay for trips to a number of wineries in the ACT during 2010. November 2012 saw a number of Romanian fraudsters and their associates, including a famous wrestling champion, arrested over their work in using 30,000 credit cards to spend approximately $30 million. The Romanian criminal group hacked into the computers of some small Australian retailers and then used the credit card details they obtained to make purchases around the globe, in what was labelled the largest credit card fraud in the country's history. Their crimes finally caught up to them when a joint operation between the Australian Federal Police and Romanian police ended in the detaining of 16 people and the arrests and charging of seven of these people. One of those detained but not arrested was Gheorghe ‘The Carpathian Bear' Ignat, an international wrestling champion. The final story to tell is that of an accountant from Castle Hill who ripped off one of the biggest banks in Australia. Again, Subramaniam didn't use a credit card to conduct her fraud, but hearing her story will teach business owners to monitor their funds closely. Subramaniam was sentenced to 15 years in jail early last year for her theft of $45 million from where she worked at ING Holdings. She also heaped lavish gifts and gave large amounts of money to the shop assistants who helped her with her purchases. This includes giving one assistant $1.3 million to finance the purchase of a home. Her splurging on stolen funds also included $18 million worth of properties in Bondi, Kirribilli and Sydney CBD, and over 600 jewellery items. In many cases, she never used the properties or items she bought. Her methods were also quite simple. She often simply made direct transfers from her employer to the company she was purchasing from, or transferred money into private accounts in her maiden name. Companies have lost over millions of dollars, so more than ever credit card users need to be vigilant and know what their card is being used for. Regularly monitor your credit card statement and ensure your credit limit provides you with only what you need. Having a high credit limit if you don't need it could mean a potential scammer can get access to more money. Finally, read the Credit Card Finder fraud guide so you know how to react if you're ever the victim of credit card scammers. This means you can enjoy the convenience of a credit card and practice safe spending. What can we learn from Australia's biggest credit card fraud investigation How can hackers steal your credit card CVV number? What did K-Rudd rack up on his credit card? ! Kevin Rudd was elected in November 2007 and inherited a sizeable budget surplus but in less than two years later, he managed to turn that budget into $22 billion. Check out our round-up and summary of the Sony Playstation Network hack, and the actions you can take as a consumer to protect your credit card and financial identity. It's National ...
Assistant: Rest of text: Dementia Awareness Week (14-20 May), and the Alzheimer's Society has warned that the typical person's bill for dementia social care would take an incredible 125 years to save up for. The national charity warns that there are generations unprepared for what it calls “astronomical dementia costs”. Successive governments, it says, have placed the funding of dementia care solely on the shoulders of the people affected, but the new research shows that even if people did save for the care in the way they do for pensions, it wouldn't be possible to do so. The Alzheimer's Society warns the bill will topple ‘generation rent', the people who have fewer assets than the generations before, and those who are at greater risk of developing dementia because they are living longer. As dementia can't be cured or adequately treated, the costs arise from social care, rather than free NHS treatments that make living with the condition so expensive. The article quotes one woman, whose mother had the condition, reporting that her mum spent more than £500,000 on care. By the end of her mother Joan's life, she couldn't eat, drink, speak or move anything except for her eyes, but she still couldn't apply for state funding and had to pay for all her care until she died. Nearly half (47 percent) of the UK adults aged between 16-75 years old questioned for the Alzheimer's Society's research have not started saving for the care and support they could need in the future. A third (37 percent) of them agreed that they had not considered the cost of dementia care and support before being asked. When questioned whether the Government should pay for care and support if a person developed dementia, more than half (54 percent) of UK adults interviewed agreed that the Government should pay. Only 5 percent disagreed. The Alzheimer's Society came up with the estimated time for saving for dementia care of 125 years as a suggested figure. It is based on considered assumptions, and the calculations were checked by a leading university. The figure considers the typical amount of social care and support someone with dementia would require following a diagnosis, and how much that would cost up to the end of life. Because social care is highly labour intensive, the estimate assumes that the costs will rise in line with average earnings. A fair and understandable approach to long-term saving would be individual contributions to pensions. Statistics on average individual pension contributions suggest people typically put £800 a year into their pension. Therefore, a person would need to save for 125 years to fund the social care they would need if they were diagnosed with dementia. The Society attributes the rapid rise in house prices over the last few decades as one reason many people living with dementia have to fund their own care. This means many older people have resources in excess of £100k because of the value of the house they own. ## Chief Executive of Alzheimer's Society, Jeremy Hughes, said: “Dementia is a disease, as cancer is a disease, as heart disease is a disease. Getting dementia shouldn't mean families are left bankrupt or destitute with nothing to leave behind. “On behalf of people with dementia, I challenge the next Government to create a long-term, sustainable system for funding dementia care. Currently, many people with dementia feel deserted by the state, and must rely on family members and carers for the support they need.”Weather for Mcgregor, GA - Mcgregor, GA Weather, Current Weather in Mcgregor, GA. ## Local weather report for Mcgregor, GA, Local Mcgregor, GA weather. ## Forecast for Mcgregor, Georgia, Mcgregor, GA weather forecast. Find your local Mcgregor weather forecast. Mcgregor, GA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Mcgregor, GA. Weather report for Mcgregor, GA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions mcgregor ga weather. Maharaja International Packers Movers is leading packing moving company in Wadi Nagapur Maharashtra. Ravi Packers and Movers is genuine home shifting and local shifting company in Nagpur Maharashtra. We provide all type of shifting services like household shifting, local shifting, car and bike shifting, domestic shifting, long distance relocation, furniture s. Sahara Packers and Movers is one of the domestic packers movers in Nagpur whose relocation services are simply without comparison. We are in fact one of the local movers packers in Nagpur and offer households shifting within Nagpur. Our moving rates and c. We provide comprehensive range our helpful movers and packers services in Nagpur and across India at very cost effective rate to give you hassle free and economical moving experience. ## We believe in Customers' Satisfaction with Quality, Reliability, Punctuality. Did you have a dialogue with your family members as to what and how they feel about relocation the entire home from one state to another? You have a joint family and some of the close ones at home may admire the idea of moving out of the state while the remaining ones may feel strongly against the translocation act. They don't want to leave the current location and settle in some other one in another state which is far-off. But you have to make them comprehend the fact that the new location has something in store for all them and that they would not regret over their decision taken to shift into a new apartment. You must without wasting even a single minute get in touch with the reliable domestic packers movers in Nagpur so that you can hire a trusted brand and see your precious goods being handled by a team of dedicated and focused workers. You would come across countless moving and packing companies located not only in Nagpur but in various other cities of the country that have proven to be of a great assistance when providing the top-quality services depending on diverse relocation requirements of the end users. They are the ones that do not make any errors while handling the goods as they understand the significance of every item to be packed and dispatched to the chosen location. But the fact is how would you put your trust in domestic movers packers when so many of them are waiting to assist you in the right manner? Would you not find yourself in a dilemma? Of course, you would. Leave you worries behind as findmovers. in is there at your service to lend you a helping hand for finding a professional and competent name in the industry. We help the service seekers to find the moving and packing company whose rates suit their pocket. It's time to relax while shifting to another state. We look forward to an outstanding DJ from the neighborhood, who has not only made a name for himself in Austria / Vienna, but throughout Europe. Born in the United States, he has been around the world for a long time. In 2003 DJ G-DUGZ left Berlin and moved to Vienna (AT) to continue his work and studies. First, he started hanging up in small clubs and bars. G-Dugz immediately became acquainted with other DJs and Event Managers in the hip-hop community, who helped him to become known in a very short time. |
Subsets and Splits