stringlengths 539
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: M
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
L leg swelling and pain
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
###RESPONSE: L leg swelling {Localized swelling of left lower leg}, pain {Pain in left lower limb} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
___ y/o M with PMHx of metastatic melanoma s/p resection of
abdominal mass, axillary LN dissection, resection of R frontal
mass with Nsurg, on immunotherapy - most recently nivolumab
___, Afib not on AC, PUD with prior GI bleed x2 (___), PE
s/p IVC filter ___, gastric bypass ___, hypothyroidism,
adrenal insufficiency who presents from US appointment with new
Pt states he has been noticing swelling, and increased pain in
the LLE for the past week. No numbness/tingling. Eventually
scheduled US appt and was told to go immediately to an ED after
they found the DVT on exam. Has been feeling weak for the past
few weeks as well and felt unsteady earlier today.
In the ED,
- Initial vitals: T97.2, HR 85, BP 154/100, RR 16, O2 sat 98%
- Exam notable for:
Ext: LLE slightly larger compared to R, slight calf tenderness
both legs, slight TTP in L thigh, L foot more edematous compared
to R, DP pulse intact b/l, LLE also with bandage, skin
erythematous and edematous
Neuro: sensation intact in ___ b/l, no focal neuro deficits
- Labs notable for: WBC 10.7 with 79% PMNs, Hgb 12, MCV 103
- Imaging notable for:
___ US
Deep venous thrombosis involving the distal left femoral vein
extending into the left common femoral vein. There is no
of thrombus in the right common femoral vein. The patient has an
IVC filter.
- Pt was given:
___ IV CeFAZolin 1 g
___ PO Omeprazole 20 mg B
___ PO/NG Dexamethasone 2 mg
___ PO/NG Levothyroxine Sodium 75 mcg
___ PO/NG Digoxin .125 mg
___ PO/NG Codeine Sulfate 15 mg
___ PO/NG Torsemide 10 mg
___ IV CeFAZolin 1 g
___ PO/NG Codeine Sulfate 15 mg
___ PO/NG Rivaroxaban 15 mg
- Vitals prior to transfer: T 99.1, HR 84, BP 135/80, RR 16, O2
sat 99% RA.
Upon arrival to the floor, the patient shares that he has been
feeling weak and sustained a fall a couple weeks ago, and has
been sitting and sleeping on the couch most of the time since
then. He also recalls feeling lightheaded when getting up once
the past week. He confirms that he first notice left leg
one week ago. He recalls taking an anticoagulation pill in the
past that was not warfarin (cannot remember name), but stopped
after having GI bleeds a few years ago. He has not had any
bloody or dark stools. Denies fever/chills, N/V, CP, SOB,
pleuritic chest pain, pain with deep breathing. No dysuria or
current GI complaints.
###RESPONSE: metastatic melanoma {Metastatic malignant melanoma}, resection {Excision}, abdominal mass {Abdominal mass}, axillary LN dissection {Excision of axillary lymph node}, resection {Excision}, R frontal {Right frontal lobe structure}, mass {Mass}, immunotherapy {Immunotherapy}, Afib {Atrial fibrillation}, PUD {Peptic ulcer}, GI bleed {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, PE {Pulmonary embolism}, IVC filter {Inferior vena cava filter in situ}, gastric bypass {Bypass of stomach}, hypothyroidism {Hypothyroidism}, adrenal insufficiency {Adrenal cortical hypofunction}, US {Ultrasonography}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, swelling {Swelling}, increased pain {Increased pain}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, numbness/tingling {Numbness and tingling sensation of skin}, US {Ultrasonography}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, exam {Physical examination procedure}, feeling weak {Asthenia}, vitals {Vital signs finding}, O2 sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, RA {Breathing room air}, Exam {Physical examination procedure}, Ext {Examination of limb}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, larger {Increased size}, R {Structure of right lower limb}, calf tenderness {Pain in calf}, both legs {Both lower legs}, TTP {Tenderness}, L thigh {Structure of left thigh}, L foot {Structure of left foot}, edematous {Edema}, R {Structure of right foot}, DP pulse intact {Dorsalis pulse present}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, skin
erythematous {Erythema of skin}, edematous {Edematous skin}, Neuro {Neurological examination}, sensation intact {Normal sensation}, neuro deficits {Neurological deficit}, Labs {Laboratory test}, WBC {White blood cell count}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, Imaging {Imaging}, US {Ultrasonography}, Deep venous thrombosis {Deep venous thrombosis}, left femoral vein {Structure of left femoral vein}, common femoral vein {Common femoral vein structure}, no
evidence {No abnormality detected}, thrombus {Thrombus}, right common femoral vein {Structure of right femoral vein}, IVC filter {Inferior vena cava filter in situ}, Vitals {Vital signs finding}, O2
sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, RA {Breathing room air}, feeling weak {Asthenia}, fall {Falls}, sitting and sleeping on the couch {Semi-recumbent position}, lightheaded {Lightheadedness}, left leg
swelling {Localized swelling of left lower limb}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, warfarin {Warfarin therapy}, GI bleeds {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, bloody {Hematochezia}, dark stools {Dark stools}, fever {Fever}, chills {Chill}, N/V {Nausea and vomiting}, CP {Chest pain}, SOB {Dyspnea}, pleuritic chest pain {Pleuritic pain}, pain with deep breathing {Chest pain on breathing}, dysuria {Dysuria}, GI complaints {Gastrointestinal symptom} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
Mr. ___ noted a "blood blister" on his abdomen many years
which resolved on its own. Then, approximately a year prior to
presentation, this started to grow again and bled occasionally.
He was referred by his PCP to dermatology where he saw ___, NP, on ___ with a 2 x 2
centimeter inflamed plaque with a central ulcer on the right
abdomen noted. Biopsy revealed nodular melanoma, present at
peripheral and deep margins, at least 7.5 mm deep, at least
___ level 4, ulcerated, 29 mitoses per millimeter squared,
absent lymphovascular and perineural invasion on the original
pathology though the specimen was reviewed in our cutaneous
oncology conference and felt to show lymphovascular invasion.
The patient was referred here for further management. He went
to have a wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy on
___. This showed residual melanoma to 11 mm depth,
of 6 recovered lymph nodes with micrometastases.
Initial staging scans on ___ revealed metastatic disease
the left arm, right peritoneum, right adrenal, and left
infrahilar lymph node consistent with metastatic disease. Brain
MRI showed no CNS metastases. He underwent FNA of the left arm
nodule on ___ by Dr. ___ melanoma.
Admitted to ___ with worsening SOB on ___, found
have a PE, put on anticoagulation but developed abdominal wall
hematoma so, IVC filter placed. He has a history of developing
bleed while on anticoagulation in the past for atrial
Was initially considered for Clinical Trial but could not be
enrolled due to elevated LFTs ( likely in the setting of acute
heavy alcohol use).
Pembrolizumab 2 mg/kg every 3 weeks started on ___.
Progression seen on scans on ___, therefore treatment
transitioned to ipi/nivo.
He completed 4 cycles Ipi/Nivo with good response and was
transitioned to nivolumab monotherapy. He was subsequently
hospitalized with adrenal failure and was found to have
metastatic disease to the brain.
Neurosurgery was completed ___. Subsequent imaging revealed
ongoing abnormalities in the resection base so received CK
radiation to the site from ___.
Gastric bypass
Shoulder arthritis, rotator cuff injury awaiting surgery
atrial fibrillation
alcohol abuse
fatty liver
osteoarthritis of the knee
radial nerve palsy
sleep apnea
GI bleed from PUD while on anticoagulation for afib
###RESPONSE: blood blister {Blood blister}, abdomen {Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall}, resolved {Problem resolved}, bled {Bleeding}, inflamed plaque {Erythematous plaque}, ulcer {Ulcer}, right
abdomen {Structure of right side of abdomen}, Biopsy {Biopsy}, nodular melanoma {Nodular melanoma}, absent lymphovascular {Lymphatic (small vessel) invasion by tumor absent}, perineural invasion {Perineural invasion by tumor absent}, pathology {Abnormal histology findings}, wide local excision {Wide excision}, sentinel lymph node biopsy {Sentinel lymph node biopsy}, melanoma {Malignant melanoma of skin}, lymph nodes {Structure of lymph node}, metastatic disease {Metastatic malignant neoplasm to brain}, left arm {Left upper arm structure}, peritoneum {Peritoneum (serous membrane) structure}, right adrenal {Structure of right adrenal gland}, lymph node {Structure of lymph node}, metastatic disease {Metastatic malignant neoplasm to brain}, Brain
MRI {Magnetic resonance imaging of brain}, CNS metastases {Metastatic malignant neoplasm to central nervous system}, FNA {Fine needle biopsy}, left arm
nodule {Nodule of skin of left upper limb}, melanoma {Malignant melanoma of skin}, worsening {Patient's condition worsened}, SOB {Dyspnea}, PE {Pulmonary embolism}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, abdominal wall
hematoma {Hematoma of abdominal wall}, IVC filter {Inferior vena cava filter in situ}, placed {Implantation procedure}, GI
bleed {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, atrial
fibrillation {Atrial fibrillation}, Clinical Trial {Clinical trial}, elevated LFTs {Liver function test above reference range}, heavy alcohol use {Alcohol intake above recommended sensible limits}, good response {Good therapeutic response}, metastatic disease to the brain {Metastatic malignant neoplasm to brain}, imaging {Imaging}, abnormalities {Imaging result abnormal}, resection {Excision}, radiation {Radiation oncology AND/OR radiotherapy}, Gastric bypass {Bypass of stomach}, Shoulder arthritis {Inflammation of joint of shoulder region}, rotator cuff injury {Injury of rotator cuff}, surgery {Surgical procedure}, atrial fibrillation {Atrial fibrillation}, diabetes {Diabetes mellitus}, alcohol abuse {Alcohol abuse}, fatty liver {Steatosis of liver}, hypertension {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, osteoarthritis of the knee {Osteoarthritis of knee}, radial nerve {Structure of radial nerve}, palsy {Paralysis}, sleep apnea {Sleep apnea}, GI bleed {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, PUD {Peptic ulcer}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, afib {Atrial fibrillation} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
His brother had skin cancer though he does not think it was
###RESPONSE: skin cancer {Malignant neoplasm of skin}, melanoma {Malignant melanoma of skin} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
VS: ___ 1655 Temp: 98.1 PO BP: 139/91 HR: 72 RR: 18 O2 sat:
97% O2 delivery: Ra
GENERAL: Obese man lying in bed in NAD
HEENT: AT/NC, Sclerae anicteric, MMM, poor dentition.
CV: Irregularly irregular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs, or
PULM: CTAB, no wheezes, rales, rhonchi.
ABD: Abdomen soft, obese, nontender to palpation, no
rebound/guarding, no hepatosplenomegaly, well-healed scar.
EXT: WWP, no cyanosis, 2+ LLE, 1+ RLE
SKIN: Warm and well perfused, numerous scatter ecchymoses over
bilateral upper extremities, mild diffuse poorly circumscribed
erythema over anterior left lower leg with scant amount of clear
fluid expressed from a 7mm thin papule
NEURO: Alert, moving all 4 extremities with purpose, face
ACCESS: port
VS: ___ 1500 Temp: 98.9 PO BP: 133/96 HR: 90 RR: 18 O2 sat:
95% O2 delivery: RA
GENERAL: Obese man lying in bed in NAD
HEENT: AT/NC, Sclerae anicteric, MMM, poor dentition.
CV: Irregularly irregular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs, or
PULM: CTAB, no wheezes, rales, rhonchi.
ABD: Abdomen soft, obese, nontender to palpation, no
rebound/guarding, no hepatosplenomegaly, well-healed scar.
EXT: WWP, no cyanosis, 2+ LLE, 1+ RLE
SKIN: Warm and well perfused, numerous scatter ecchymoses over
bilateral upper extremities, mild diffuse poorly circumscribed
erythema over anterior left lower leg
NEURO: Alert, moving all 4 extremities with purpose, face
ACCESS: port
###RESPONSE: PHYSICAL EXAM {Physical examination procedure}, O2 sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, O2 delivery: Ra {Breathing room air}, GENERAL {General examination of patient}, Obese {Obese}, lying in bed {Lying in bed}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, AT/NC {Normal head}, Sclerae anicteric {White sclera}, MMM {Moist oral mucosa}, poor dentition {Impaired dentition}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, Irregularly irregular {Heart irregularly irregular}, rate {Finding of heart rate}, rhythm {Irregular heart beat}, murmurs {Heart murmur}, rubs {Pericardial friction rub}, gallops {Gallop rhythm}, PULM {Examination of respiratory system}, CTAB {Normal breath sounds}, wheezes {Wheezing}, rales {Respiratory crackles}, rhonchi {Wheeze - rhonchi}, ABD {Examination of abdomen}, Abdomen soft {Abdomen soft}, obese {Obese abdomen}, nontender {Abdominal tenderness}, palpation {Palpation}, rebound {Rebound tenderness}, guarding {Abdominal guarding}, hepatosplenomegaly {Hepatosplenomegaly}, well-healed {Wound healed}, scar {Scar}, EXT {Examination of limb}, WWP {Normal tissue perfusion}, cyanosis {Cyanosis}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, RLE {Structure of right lower limb}, SKIN {Examination of skin}, Warm {Warm skin}, well perfused {Normal tissue perfusion}, ecchymoses {Ecchymosis}, upper extremities {Upper limb structure}, mild {Symptom mild}, erythema {Erythema}, left lower leg {Structure of left lower leg}, papule {Papule}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, Alert {Mentally alert}, moving all 4 extremities {Does move all four limbs}, face
symmetric {Facial symmetry}, VS {Vital signs finding}, Temp {Body temperature finding}, O2 sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, RA {Breathing room air}, RA {Breathing room air}, Obese {Obese}, lying in bed {Lying in bed}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, AT/NC {Normal head}, Sclerae anicteric {White sclera}, MMM {Moist oral mucosa}, poor dentition {Impaired dentition}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, Irregularly irregular {Heart irregularly irregular}, rate {Finding of heart rate}, rhythm {Irregular heart beat}, murmurs {Heart murmur}, rubs {Pericardial friction rub}, gallops {Gallop rhythm}, PULM {Examination of respiratory system}, CTAB {Normal breath sounds}, wheezes {Wheezing}, rales {Respiratory crackles}, rhonchi {Wheeze - rhonchi}, ABD {Examination of abdomen}, Abdomen soft {Abdomen soft}, obese {Obese abdomen}, nontender {Abdominal tenderness}, palpation {Palpation}, rebound {Rebound tenderness}, guarding {Abdominal guarding}, hepatosplenomegaly {Hepatosplenomegaly}, well-healed {Wound healed}, scar {Scar}, EXT {Examination of limb}, WWP {Normal tissue perfusion}, cyanosis {Cyanosis}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, RLE {Structure of right lower limb}, SKIN {Examination of skin}, Warm {Warm skin}, well perfused {Normal tissue perfusion}, ecchymoses {Ecchymosis}, upper extremities {Upper limb structure}, mild {Symptom mild}, erythema {Erythema}, left lower leg {Structure of left lower leg}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, Alert {Mentally alert}, moving all 4 extremities {Does move all four limbs}, face
symmetric {Facial symmetry} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ 07:56PM BLOOD WBC-10.7* RBC-3.40* Hgb-12.0* Hct-35.0*
MCV-103* MCH-35.3* MCHC-34.3 RDW-14.7 RDWSD-55.1* Plt ___
___ 07:56PM BLOOD Neuts-79.1* Lymphs-7.6* Monos-7.7
Eos-0.0* Baso-0.8 NRBC-0.2* Im ___ AbsNeut-8.48*
AbsLymp-0.82* AbsMono-0.83* AbsEos-0.00* AbsBaso-0.09*
___ 07:56PM BLOOD ___ PTT-24.4* ___
___ 07:56PM BLOOD Glucose-121* UreaN-11 Creat-0.5 Na-135
K-3.7 Cl-93* HCO3-29 AnGap-13
___ 10:29AM URINE Blood-SM* Nitrite-NEG Protein-NEG
Glucose-NEG Ketone-NEG Bilirub-NEG Urobiln-NEG pH-7.0 Leuks-NEG
___ 10:29AM URINE RBC-6* WBC-2 Bacteri-FEW* Yeast-NONE
___ 10:29AM URINE CastHy-1*
___ 05:02AM BLOOD WBC-8.7 RBC-3.42* Hgb-12.2* Hct-35.9*
MCV-105* MCH-35.7* MCHC-34.0 RDW-15.0 RDWSD-57.4* Plt ___
___ 05:02AM BLOOD Neuts-77.0* Lymphs-10.0* Monos-8.0
Eos-0.1* Baso-0.3 Im ___ AbsNeut-6.69* AbsLymp-0.87*
AbsMono-0.70 AbsEos-0.01* AbsBaso-0.03
___ 05:02AM BLOOD ___ PTT-28.7 ___
___ 05:02AM BLOOD Glucose-97 UreaN-10 Creat-0.5 Na-140
K-3.2* Cl-94* HCO3-32 AnGap-14
___ 05:02AM BLOOD Albumin-2.9* Calcium-8.3* Phos-3.4 Mg-1.7
___ 05:02AM BLOOD ALT-12 AST-37 LD(LDH)-491* AlkPhos-163*
___ UCx and BCx x2 pending
___ ___
Focal DVT of the proximal left femoral vein measuring up to 2.3
cm. No other evidence of DVT in the left lower extremity veins.
###RESPONSE: WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, RDWSD {Red cell distribution width determination}, Neuts {Neutrophil count}, Lymphs {Lymphocyte count}, Monos {Monocyte count}, Baso {Basophil count}, PTT {Partial thromboplastin time, activated}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, URINE Blood {Urine blood test}, Nitrite-NEG {Nitrite not detected in urine}, Protein-NEG {Urine protein not detected}, Glucose-NEG {Urine glucose not detected}, Ketone-NEG {Urine ketones not detected}, NEG {No abnormality detected}, Urobiln-NEG {Urine urobilinogen not detected}, pH {pH measurement}, Leuks-NEG {Urine leukocytes not detected}, URINE {Urinalysis}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, WBC {White blood cell count}, Bacteri {Bacteriuria}, URINE {Urine culture}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, RDWSD {Red cell distribution width determination}, Neuts {Neutrophil count}, Lymphs {Lymphocyte count}, Monos {Monocyte count}, Baso {Basophil count}, PTT {Partial thromboplastin time, activated}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Albumin {Albumin measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, ALT {Alanine aminotransferase measurement}, AST {Aspartate aminotransferase measurement}, LDH {Lactate dehydrogenase measurement}, AlkPhos {Alkaline phosphatase measurement}, TotBili {Bilirubin, total measurement}, UCx {Urine culture}, BCx {Blood culture}, IMAGING {Imaging}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, left femoral vein {Structure of left femoral vein}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, left lower extremity veins {Structure of vein of left lower limb} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
Mr. ___ is a ___ man with metastatic melanoma on nivolumab
monotherapy, atrial fibrillation not on anticoagulation, history
of GI bleed x2 (___) and PE s/p IVC filter (___), now
presenting with new LLE DVT.
Presented with 1 week of LLE pain and swelling in the setting of
limited mobility (pt reports recent fall, feeling weak, and
having occasional lightheadedness when standing). Found to have
DVT of proximal L femoral vein on Doppler ultrasound. History
notable for PE in ___ s/p IVC filter placement. He reports
being on a DOAC in the past, presumably for afib, which was
discontinued in setting of 2 GI bleeds in ___. Rivaroxaban
started in the ED on ___, transitioned to apixaban on ___ do
to preferable bleeding risk profile. H/H stable after initiation
of anticoagulation.
#Concern for cellulitis
Received IV cefazolin 1g x2 in the ED for presumed cellulitis of
LLE. Exam notable for mild erythema and ulceration of LLE with
clear discharge, pain, and swelling which could be related to
DVT but will continue empiric non-purulent cellulitis treatment
for now with plan for Cephalexin 500mg QID to complete a 10 day
course (end date ___.
Pt reports weakness a fall ~2 weeks ago while on treadmill. He
was referred for physical therapy as an outpatient at home.
Pt has stage IV BRAF WT melanoma s/p resection of abdominal mass
and axillary LN dissection, resection of R frontal brain mass,
progression of disease on Pembrolizumab then ipi/nivo, now with
mixed response on nivolumab monotherapy (C8D1 ___.
Continued home digoxin 0.125mg QD.
#Alcohol use disorder
History of cirrhosis likely ___ alcohol use. LFTs wnl except for
elevated alk phos and LDH. Did not score on CIWA or require
#Adrenal insufficiency
Likely ___ immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Continued home
hydrocortisone 20mg QAM, 10mg QHS.
Continued home levothyroxine 75mcg QD.
Pt reports that HTN improved after gastric bypass, currently not
on home meds. BP 110s-130s/70s-90s this admission.
Pt reports that blood sugars improved after gastric bypass,
currently not on home meds. Morning glucose 140s-150s this
#Other home medications
Continued home omeprazole, multivitamins, iron.
[] F/u resolution of DVT on apixaban. Could consider
transitioning to lovenox, deferred this admission given
significantly higher co-pay.
[] F/u H/H, melena/hematochezia in 2 weeks on apixaban.
[] F/u blood glucose, consider checking A1c.
[] F/u weakness, falls. Arrangements made for home ___.
###RESPONSE: metastatic melanoma {Metastatic malignant melanoma}, atrial fibrillation {Atrial fibrillation}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, GI bleed {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, PE {Pulmonary embolism}, IVC filter {Inferior vena cava filter in situ}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, pain {Pain}, swelling {Swelling}, limited mobility {Impaired mobility}, fall {Falls}, feeling weak {Asthenia}, lightheadedness {Lightheadedness}, standing {Orthostatic body position}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, L femoral vein {Structure of left femoral vein}, Doppler ultrasound {Doppler ultrasound}, PE {Pulmonary embolism}, IVC filter placement {Insertion of inferior vena caval filter}, afib {Atrial fibrillation}, GI bleeds {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, bleeding risk {At increased risk of hemorrhage}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, anticoagulation {Anticoagulant therapy}, cellulitis {Cellulitis}, cellulitis {Cellulitis}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, Exam {Physical examination procedure}, mild {Symptom mild}, erythema {Erythema}, ulceration {Ulcer}, LLE {Structure of left lower limb}, discharge {Discharge from skin ulcer}, pain {Pain}, swelling {Swelling}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, purulent {Purulent}, cellulitis {Cellulitis}, Weakness {Asthenia}, weakness {Asthenia}, fall {Falls}, physical therapy {Physical therapy procedure}, Melanoma {Malignant melanoma of skin}, stage IV {Clinical stage IV}, melanoma {Malignant melanoma of skin}, resection {Excision}, abdominal mass {Abdominal mass}, axillary LN dissection {Excision of axillary lymph node}, resection {Excision}, R frontal {Right frontal lobe structure}, brain mass {Mass lesion of brain}, disease {Disease}, Afib {Atrial fibrillation}, Alcohol use disorder {Alcoholism}, Cirrhosis {Cirrhosis of liver}, cirrhosis likely ___ alcohol use {Alcoholic cirrhosis}, LFTs wnl {Liver function tests within reference range}, elevated alk phos {Serum alkaline phosphatase within reference range}, LDH {Serum lactate dehydrogenase level above reference range}, CHRONIC ISSUES {Chronic disease}, Adrenal insufficiency {Adrenal cortical hypofunction}, immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy {Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy}, Hypothyroidism {Hypothyroidism}, HTN {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, HTN {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, gastric bypass {Bypass of stomach}, Diabetes {Diabetes mellitus}, blood sugars {Blood sugar management}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, gastric bypass {Bypass of stomach}, glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, resolution {Problem resolved}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, melena {Melena}, hematochezia {Hematochezia}, blood glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, weakness {Asthenia}, falls {Falls} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
The Preadmission Medication list may be inaccurate and requires
futher investigation.
1. Colchicine 0.6 mg PO DAILY:PRN gout flare
2. Digoxin 0.125 mg PO DAILY
3. Hydrocortisone 10 mg PO QHS
4. Hydrocortisone 20 mg PO QAM
5. Levothyroxine Sodium 75 mcg PO DAILY
6. Omeprazole 20 mg PO DAILY
7. Cyanocobalamin 100 mcg PO DAILY
8. Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg PO DAILY
9. Multivitamins W/minerals 1 TAB PO DAILY
Discharge Medications:
1. Apixaban 10 mg PO BID Duration: 7 Days
2. Cephalexin 500 mg PO QID
RX *cephalexin 500 mg 1 capsule(s) by mouth every six (6) hours
Disp #*34 Capsule Refills:*0
3. Colchicine 0.6 mg PO DAILY:PRN gout flare
4. Cyanocobalamin 100 mcg PO DAILY
5. Digoxin 0.125 mg PO DAILY
6. Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg PO DAILY
7. Hydrocortisone 10 mg PO QHS
8. Hydrocortisone 20 mg PO QAM
9. Levothyroxine Sodium 75 mcg PO DAILY
10. Multivitamins W/minerals 1 TAB PO DAILY
11. Omeprazole 20 mg PO DAILY
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Home With Service
Discharge Diagnosis:
Deep vein thrombosis
Skin and soft tissue infection
Discharge Condition:
Mental Status: Clear and coherent.
Level of Consciousness: Alert and interactive.
Activity Status: Ambulatory - requires assistance or aid (walker
or cane).
###RESPONSE: Home With Service {Home health aide service management}, Deep vein thrombosis {Deep venous thrombosis}, Skin {Infection of skin}, soft tissue infection {Soft tissue infection}, METASTATIC MELANOMA {Metastatic malignant melanoma}, Mental Status {Neurological mental status determination}, Clear {Normal state of mind}, Level of Consciousness {Assessment of consciousness level}, Alert {Mentally alert}, interactive {Does communicate}, Activity Status {Physical functional dependency}, Ambulatory - requires assistance or aid {Finding of walking aid use}, walker {Uses zimmer frame}, cane {Uses single walking stick} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
Dear Mr. ___,
It was a pleasure caring for you at ___
- You were admitted for treatment of a blood clot in your leg,
known as a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and a skin infection.
- You were started on a medication to thin your blood to treat
your DVT
- You were given antibiotics to treat a possible skin
- Continue to take all your medicines and keep your
- Please call your oncologist or return to the emergency
department if you experience any of the danger signs listed
We wish you the best!
Your ___ Team
###RESPONSE: blood clot {Blood clot}, leg {Structure of left lower leg}, deep vein thrombosis {Deep venous thrombosis}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, skin infection {Infection of skin}, started {New medication added}, medication to thin your blood {Anticoagulant therapy}, DVT {Deep venous thrombosis}, antibiotics {Antibiotic therapy}, skin
infection {Infection of skin and/or subcutaneous tissue}, return to the emergency {Emergency treatment education} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: M
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
No Known Allergies / Adverse Drug Reactions
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
chest pain
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
Cardiac cath ___ and ___
###RESPONSE: Adverse Drug Reactions {Propensity to adverse reactions to drug}, chest pain {Chest pain}, Cardiac cath {Cardiac catheterization} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
___ male with a past medical history significant for
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, and significant cardiac
history including CABG in ___ and PCI 6 months ago presents
with severe chest pain with associated arm/jaw pain since
___. Pain initially exertional but now at rest,
described as sharp like an ice pick with extension to left arm
and jaw similar to pain prior to CABG. He notes SOB,
nausea/vomiting, palpitations associated with this chest pain.
Denies orthopnea, PND. Patient presented to OSH after having a
possible syncopal episode when he had pain and weakness climbing
stairs from doing laundry and thinks he may have lost
consciousness. He had some relief with baby ASA. In ___,
afebrile with HR ___ to ___ and systolic BP 140s, oxygen
saturation stable on room air, troponin 0.03, EKG with no
changes, chest x-ray negative. Patient states that he passed out
in ___ lobby, RN reports rapid response due to severe
chest pain which was improved with nitro SLx3, IV morphine,
On the floor, patient complains of severe ___ chest pain and is
tearful. Pain improved with nitro gtt.
Review of Systems: As per HPI, otherwise negative.
###RESPONSE: rheumatoid arthritis {Rheumatoid arthritis}, chronic pain {Chronic pain}, cardiac {Heart disease}, CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafting}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, chest pain {Chest pain}, arm {Pain in upper limb}, jaw pain {Jaw pain}, Pain {Chest pain}, exertional {Chest pain}, at rest {Chest pain at rest}, sharp {Sharp pain}, extension to left arm {Pain radiating to left arm}, jaw {Pain radiating to jaw}, pain {Chest pain}, CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafting}, SOB {Dyspnea}, nausea/vomiting {Nausea and vomiting}, palpitations {Palpitations}, chest pain {Chest pain}, orthopnea {Orthopnea}, PND {Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea}, syncopal {Syncope}, pain {Chest pain}, weakness {Asthenia}, lost
consciousness {Loss of consciousness}, relief {Pain relief}, ASA {Administration of aspirin}, afebrile {Temperature normal}, HR {Finding of heart rate}, BP {Blood pressure finding}, oxygen
saturation {Finding of oxygen saturation}, on room air {Breathing room air}, troponin {Troponin measurement}, EKG {Electrocardiographic procedure}, chest x-ray {Plain chest X-ray}, negative {No abnormality detected}, chest pain {Chest pain}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, chest pain {Chest pain}, tearful {Crying}, Pain improved {Sensation of pain reduced}, Review of Systems {Review of systems}, negative {No abnormality detected} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
Coronary artery disease status post 5 vessel CABG (___)
Rheumatoid arthritis on prednisone
Ulcerative colitis
Knee arthroplasty
Anxiety attacks
Recent right knee replacement
Recent cardiac catheterization in ___ with stent placement
Chronic back pain
Depression with recent hospitalization
###RESPONSE: Coronary artery disease {Coronary arteriosclerosis}, 5 vessel CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafts x 5}, CHF {Congestive heart failure}, Hypertension {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, Hypercholesterolemia {Hypercholesterolemia}, Rheumatoid arthritis {Rheumatoid arthritis}, Ulcerative colitis {Ulcerative colitis}, GERD {Gastroesophageal reflux disease}, Sciatica {Sciatica}, Appendectomy {Excision of appendix}, Knee arthroplasty {Arthroplasty of knee}, Anxiety attacks {Anxiety attack}, nt right knee replacement {Total replacement of right knee joint}, cardiac catheterization {Cardiac catheterization}, stent placement {Placement of stent in coronary artery}, Chronic back pain {Chronic back pain}, Osteoarthritis {Osteoarthritis}, Depression {Depressive disorder} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
Mother with CHF
###RESPONSE: CHF {Congestive heart failure} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
Vitals - T: 98.1 BP: 141/84 HR: 67 RR: 20 02 sat: 98% on 2L wt
204 lbs (OSH)
GENERAL: Patient in moderate distress, tearful
HEENT: AT/NC, EOMI, PERRL, anicteric sclera, pink conjunctiva,
MMM. Xanthelasma present near left eye.
NECK: nontender supple neck, no LAD, no JVD
CARDIAC: RRR, S1/S2, no murmurs, gallops, or rubs
LUNG: CTAB, no wheezes, rales, rhonchi, breathing comfortably
without use of accessory muscles
ABDOMEN: nondistended, +BS, nontender in all quadrants, no
rebound/guarding, no hepatosplenomegaly
EXTREMITIES: 2+ ___ edema, moving all 4 extremities with purpose
PULSES: 2+ DP pulses bilaterally
SKIN: warm and well perfused, no excoriations or lesions, no
Vitals: T 97.9 96/66 64 (58-82) 18 97% RA
Tele: NSR
Last 24 hours I/O: ___
Today's weight: 90.6
GENERAL: NAD, sitting up in bed
HEENT: AT/NC, EOMI, PERRL, anicteric sclera, pink conjunctiva,
MMM. Xanthelasma present near left eye.
NECK: nontender supple neck, no JVD
CARDIAC: RRR, S1/S2, no murmurs, gallops, or rubs
LUNG: CTAB, no wheezes, rales, rhonchi, breathing comfortably
without use of accessory muscles, + pain with palpation over
anterior chest, no pain with deep breath
ABDOMEN: nondistended, +BS, nontender in all quadrants
EXTREMITIES: no edema, moving all 4 extremities with purpose
PULSES: 2+ DP pulses bilaterally
SKIN: warm and well perfused, no excoriations or lesions, no
###RESPONSE: PHYSICAL EXAM {Physical examination procedure}, Vitals {Vital signs finding}, T {Body temperature finding}, BP {Blood pressure finding}, HR {Finding of heart rate}, RR {Finding of rate of respiration}, 02 sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, GENERAL {General examination of patient}, distress {Distress}, tearful {Crying}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, NC {Normal head}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, PERRL {Pupils equal and reacting to light}, anicteric sclera {White sclera}, pink conjunctiva {Conjunctival hyperemia}, MMM {Moist oral mucosa}, Xanthelasma {Xanthelasma}, left eye {Left eye structure}, NECK {Physical examination procedure}, nontender {Abdominal tenderness}, supple {Normal movement of neck}, LAD {Lymphadenopathy}, JVD {Jugular venous engorgement}, CARDIAC {Cardiovascular physical examination}, RRR {Normal heart rate}, S1 {Normal first heart sound, S>1<}, S2 {Normal second heart sound, S>2<}, murmurs {Murmur}, gallops {Gallop rhythm}, rubs {Pericardial friction rub}, LUNG {Examination of respiratory system}, CTAB {Normal breath sounds}, wheezes {Wheezing}, rales {Respiratory crackles}, rhonchi {Wheeze - rhonchi}, breathing comfortably {Breathing easily}, accessory muscles {Accessory skeletal muscle}, ABDOMEN {Examination of abdomen}, nondistended {Normal abdominal contour}, +BS {Normal bowel sounds}, nontender {Abdominal tenderness}, rebound {Rebound tenderness}, guarding {Abdominal guarding}, hepatosplenomegaly {Hepatosplenomegaly}, EXTREMITIES {Examination of limb}, edema {Edema}, moving all 4 extremities {Does move all four limbs}, PULSES {Pulse finding}, 2+ DP pulses {All pulses present in bilateral lower limbs}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, CN II-XII intact {Normal central nervous system}, SKIN {Examination of skin}, warm {Warm skin}, well perfused {Normal tissue perfusion}, excoriations {Excoriation}, lesions {Lesion}, rashes {Eruption of skin}, Vitals {Vital signs finding}, T {Body temperature finding}, RA {Breathing room air}, Tele {Cardiac telemetry}, NSR {Normal sinus rhythm}, weight {Weight finding}, RA {Breathing room air}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, sitting up in bed {Fowler's position}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, NC {Normal head}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, PERRL {Pupils equal and reacting to light}, anicteric sclera {White sclera}, pink conjunctiva {Conjunctival hyperemia}, MMM {Moist oral mucosa}, Xanthelasma {Xanthelasma}, left eye {Left eye structure}, NECK {Physical examination procedure}, supple neck {Normal movement of neck}, JVD {Jugular venous engorgement}, CARDIAC {Cardiovascular physical examination}, RRR {Normal heart rate}, S1 {Normal first heart sound, S>1<}, S2 {Normal second heart sound, S>2<}, murmurs {Heart murmur}, gallops {Gallop rhythm}, rubs {Pericardial friction rub}, LUNG {Examination of respiratory system}, CTAB {Normal breath sounds}, wheezes {Wheezing}, rales {Respiratory crackles}, rhonchi {Wheeze - rhonchi}, breathing comfortably {Breathing easily}, accessory muscles {Accessory skeletal muscle}, pain {Pain}, palpation {Palpation}, chest {Thoracic structure}, pain with deep breath {Pain provoked by breathing}, ABDOMEN {Examination of abdomen}, +BS {Normal bowel sounds}, EXTREMITIES {Examination of limb}, edema {Edema}, moving all 4 extremities {Does move all four limbs}, PULSES {Pulse finding}, 2+ DP pulses {All pulses present in bilateral lower limbs}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, CN II-XII {Structure of cervical spinal nerve}, intact
SKIN {Examination of skin}, warm {Warm skin}, well perfused {Normal tissue perfusion}, excoriations {Excoriation}, lesions {Skin lesion}, rashes {Eruption of skin} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ 11:55PM BLOOD WBC-5.7 RBC-4.34* Hgb-12.9* Hct-38.1*
MCV-88 MCH-29.8 MCHC-33.9 RDW-15.1 Plt ___
___ 11:55PM BLOOD Neuts-61.4 ___ Monos-5.2 Eos-3.7
___ 11:55PM BLOOD ___ PTT-127.1* ___
___ 11:55PM BLOOD Glucose-104* UreaN-12 Creat-0.8 Na-142
K-3.4 Cl-105 HCO3-28 AnGap-12
___ 11:55PM BLOOD CK-MB-1 cTropnT-<0.01
___ 09:05AM BLOOD CK-MB-<1 cTropnT-<0.01
___ 11:55PM BLOOD Calcium-9.1 Phos-3.4 Mg-2.1
___ 06:45AM BLOOD WBC-4.2 RBC-4.43* Hgb-12.8* Hct-39.1*
MCV-88 MCH-28.9 MCHC-32.8 RDW-15.1 Plt ___
___ 06:45AM BLOOD Glucose-118* UreaN-18 Creat-1.2 Na-140
K-4.4 Cl-101 HCO3-31 AnGap-12
___ 07:00PM BLOOD CK-MB-<1 cTropnT-<0.01
___ 12:31AM BLOOD CK-MB-<1 cTropnT-<0.01
___ 06:45AM BLOOD Calcium-9.1 Phos-4.9* Mg-2.3
Hemodynamics (see above):
Coronary angiography: right dominant
LAD: 90% proximal, 100% mid
LCX: 40% proximal, 99% distal with patent stent in midvessel
occluded OMs
RCA: 100% proximal
SVG-: radial to OM patent, vein to PDA with 75% in-stent
restenosis, vein to diagonal known patent
LIMA-LAD: not injected but known 80% in LAD beyond graft
Assessment & Recommendations
1. Will discuss options after review prior films with probable
PCI of restenosis of PDA graft and PCI of distal circumflex next
week. Both supply small territories.
Hemodynamics (see above):
Coronary angiography: right dominant
LAD: known 80% proximal, 100% mid
LCX: known diffuse up to 60% with patent stent in mid vessel
complex ___ distal with occluded OMs
RCA: known ___ proximal
SVG-: diagonal patent, vein to PDA with only 30% in-stent
restenosis after IC nicardipine which is much improved compared
with angiography 3 days ago, radial to OM2 known patent
LIMA-LAD: LAD with 70% beyond anastomosis with diffusely small
caliber distal vessel
Other: Aortogram shows patent vein to diagonal and patent
to OM2
Interventional details
After IC nicardipine administration showed improvement in distal
PDA graft, intervention considered no longer necessary on that
area. PCI of distal LAD beyond LIMA and PCI of distal
would both be difficult but could be considered if recurrent
angina or markedly positive ETT.
Assessment & Recommendations
1. Continue med Rx.
2. Consider PCI if recurrent angina.
CXR ___:
Normal lung volumes. Normal appearance of the mediastinum and
the hilar
structures. Sternotomy wires of the CABG show correct alignment.
size of the cardiac silhouette. Mild elongation of the
descending aorta. No pneumonia, no pulmonary edema. No pleural
Fair exercise tolerance. Atypical/non-anginal type symptoms
with no ischemic ST segment changes at the achieved level of
Nuclear report sent separately.
1. At level of exercise achieved, no myocardial perfusion
2. Normal left ventricular ejection fraction of 54%.
3. Mildly prominent
right ventricle.
###RESPONSE: WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, Neuts {Neutrophil count}, Monos {Monocyte count}, Eos {Eosinophil count}, PTT {Partial thromboplastin time, activated}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, CK-MB {Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement}, cTropnT {Troponin T cardiac measurement}, CK-MB {Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement}, cTropnT {Troponin T cardiac measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, CK-MB {Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement}, cTropnT {Troponin T cardiac measurement}, CK-MB {Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement}, cTropnT {Troponin T cardiac measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, Coronary angiography {Angiography of coronary artery}, LMCA: {Structure of left coronary artery main stem}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, proximal {Structure of proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, mid {Structure of mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, LCX {Structure of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, proximal {Structure of proximal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, distal {Structure of distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, patent stent {Coronary stent patent}, midvessel {Structure of mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, occluded {Complete obstruction}, OMs {Structure of obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, RCA {Right coronary artery structure}, proximal {Structure of proximal portion of right coronary artery}, SVG {Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft}, radial {Structure of radial artery}, OM {Structure of obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, vein {Venous structure}, PDA {Structure of posterior descending coronary artery}, stent {Placement of stent}, restenosis {Restenosis}, vein {Venous structure}, diagonal {Structure of diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, LIMA {Structure of left internal thoracic artery}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, graft {Structure of transplant}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, restenosis {Restenosis}, PDA {Structure of posterior descending coronary artery}, graft {Structure of transplant}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, distal circumflex {Structure of distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, CARDIAC CATH {Cardiac catheterization}, Coronary angiography {Angiography of coronary artery}, right dominant {Right dominant coronary system}, LMCA {Structure of left coronary artery main stem}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, proximal {Structure of proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, mid
LCX {Structure of mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, patent stent {Coronary stent patent}, mid vessel {Structure of mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, distal {Structure of distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, occluded {Complete obstruction}, OMs {Structure of obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, RCA {Right coronary artery structure}, proximal {Structure of proximal portion of right coronary artery}, SVG {Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft}, diagonal {Structure of diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, vein {Venous structure}, PDA {Structure of posterior descending coronary artery}, restenosis {Restenosis}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, angiography {Angiography}, radial {Coronary artery bypass grafting using radial artery graft}, OM2 {Structure of second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, LIMA {Structure of left internal thoracic artery}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, anastomosis {Anastomosis}, distal vessel {Structure of distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, patent vein {Venous access patent}, diagonal {Structure of diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, radial {Coronary artery bypass grafting using radial artery graft}, OM2 {Structure of second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, PDA {Structure of posterior descending coronary artery}, graft {Structure of transplant}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, distal LAD {Structure of distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, LIMA {Structure of left internal thoracic artery}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, distal
circumflex {Structure of distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, recurrent {Recurrent disease}, angina {Angina}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, recurrent {Recurrent disease}, angina {Angina}, Normal lung volumes {Lung volume test normal}, Normal appearance {Normal appearance}, mediastinum {Mediastinal structure}, hilar {Structure of hilum of lung}, Sternotomy {Sternotomy}, CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafting}, cardiac {Heart structure}, descending aorta {Descending aorta structure}, pneumonia {Pneumonia}, pulmonary edema {Pulmonary edema}, pleural
effusions {Pleural effusion}, exercise tolerance {Exercise tolerance finding}, Atypical {Atypical angina}, anginal {Angina}, ischemic {Ischemia}, ST segment changes {Finding of electrocardiogram ST segment}, myocardial perfusion
defects {Myocardial perfusion defect}, left ventricular {Left cardiac ventricular structure}, right ventricle {Right cardiac ventricular structure} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
___ year old male with a PMHx significant for rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic pain, and significant cardiac history
including CABG in ___ and PCI 6 months ago presents with severe
chest pain with associated arm/jaw pain without EKG changes or
troponin leak.
#Chest pain: Patient had history of CAD s/p CABG and PCIs with
significant chest pain at rest without EKG changes and negative
troponins. He underwent catheterization on ___ which showed
extensive disease in the LAD, Lcx and RCA. No intervention was
performed given that the previous films were not available for
review and it was unknown whether the lesions were new or old.
He underwent repeat catheterization on ___ without
interventions given poor anatomy unchanged from prior PCI. He
was continued on aspirin, plavix, metoprolol and atorvastatin.
He continued to have significant chest pain at rest and with
minimal exertion without EKG changes. He was started on imdur,
amlodipine and ranolazine without much improvement in chest
pain. He had a stress test and nuclear study which showed no EKG
changes or evidence of ischemia. Chest pain was not felt to be
due to cardiac ischemia given these findings. He was discharged
with plans to follow-up with his PCP/cardiologist for further
#Chronic pain: Patient has sciatica and multiple joint surgeries
in addition to chronic inflammatory diseases. He is on many pain
medications as an outpatient and had a significant requirement
for narcotics while hospitalized. He also endorsed symptoms of
withdrawal when he did not get his opioid medications. He
complained mostly of back and chest pain, which was treated with
home medications of oxycodone, oxycontin and gabapentin. He was
seen by the chronic pain service given that patient's chest pain
was at times reproducible who recommended increasing gabapentin,
starting volteran gel and using a lidocaine patch. Patient's
chest and back pain improved with these interventions.
#Anxiety: Patient was continued on home clonazepam, trazodone,
benadryl prn.
# ___ edema: Patient was continued on home furosemide.
#Rheumatoid arthritis/ulcerative colitis: Patient is on
methotrexate and prednisone at home. He had no flares of joint
pain or diarrhea during this hospitalization. He was continued
on home prednisone and methotrexate was held.
- Patient was started on Imdur 30mg PO daily, amlodipine 5 mg
daily, ranolazine 1000 mg BID
- increased gabapentin to 900 mg TID
- started acetaminophen 1000 mg q8h, voltaran cream and
lidocaine patches
- recommend psychiatry follow-up and therapy
Discharge Medications:
1. Aspirin 81 mg PO DAILY
2. ClonazePAM 1 mg PO QID
3. DiphenhydrAMINE 25 mg PO Q6H:PRN itch
4. FoLIC Acid 1 mg PO DAILY
5. Furosemide 20 mg PO DAILY
6. Gabapentin 600 mg PO BID
7. Metoprolol Succinate XL 25 mg PO DAILY
8. Omeprazole 20 mg PO DAILY
9. OxycoDONE (Immediate Release) 10 mg PO Q8H:PRN pain
10. OxyCODONE SR (OxyconTIN) 40 mg PO Q8H
11. PredniSONE 5 mg PO BID
12. TraZODone 100 mg PO QHS insomnia
13. Acetaminophen 650 mg PO Q6H:PRN pain
RX *acetaminophen 650 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth every six (6)
hours Disp #*30 Tablet Refills:*0
14. Atorvastatin 80 mg PO QPM
RX *atorvastatin 80 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth every night Disp
#*30 Tablet Refills:*0
15. Clopidogrel 75 mg PO DAILY
RX *clopidogrel 75 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth daily Disp #*30
Tablet Refills:*0
16. Isosorbide Mononitrate (Extended Release) 30 mg PO DAILY
RX *isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth daily Disp
#*30 Tablet Refills:*0
17. Lidocaine 5% Patch 1 PTCH TD QAM
RX *lidocaine 5 % (700 mg/patch) Place 1 patch to area of worst
pain every morning. Please remove after 12 hours. every morning
Disp #*30 Patch Refills:*0
18. Nitroglycerin SL 0.3 mg SL Q5MIN:PRN chest pain
RX *nitroglycerin [Nitrostat] 0.3 mg 1 tablet(s) sublingually q5
minutes Disp #*20 Tablet Refills:*0
19. Methocarbamol 500 mg PO Q8H
20. Methotrexate 15 mg PO 1X/WEEK (___)
###RESPONSE: rheumatoid
arthritis {Rheumatoid arthritis}, chronic pain {Chronic pain}, cardiac {Heart disease}, CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafting}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, chest pain {Chest pain}, arm {Pain in upper limb}, jaw pain {Jaw pain}, EKG changes {Electrocardiogram abnormal}, Chest pain {Chest pain}, CAD {Coronary arteriosclerosis}, CABG {Coronary artery bypass grafting}, PCIs {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, chest pain at rest {Chest pain at rest}, EKG changes {Electrocardiogram abnormal}, catheterization {Cardiac catheterization}, LAD {Structure of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery}, Lcx {Structure of circumflex branch of left coronary artery}, RCA {Right coronary artery structure}, lesions {Lesion}, catheterization {Cardiac catheterization}, PCI {Percutaneous coronary intervention}, aspirin {Administration of aspirin}, chest pain at rest {Chest pain at rest}, exertion {Chest pain on exertion}, EKG changes {Electrocardiogram abnormal}, chest
pain {Chest pain}, stress test {Electrocardiogram with exercise test}, nuclear study {Nuclear medicine diagnostic procedure on cardiovascular system}, EKG
changes {Electrocardiogram abnormal}, ischemia {Ischemia}, Chest pain {Chest pain}, cardiac ischemia {Myocardial ischemia}, Chronic pain {Chronic pain}, sciatica {Sciatica}, joint {Joint structure}, surgeries {Surgical procedure}, chronic inflammatory diseases {Chronic inflammatory disorder}, pain
medications {Administration of analgesic}, narcotics {Narcotherapy}, withdrawal {Opioid withdrawal syndrome}, back {Backache}, chest pain {Chest pain}, chronic pain {Chronic pain}, chest pain {Chest pain}, chest {Thoracic structure}, pain improved {Sensation of pain reduced}, Anxiety {Anxiety}, edema {Edema of lower extremity}, Rheumatoid arthritis {Rheumatoid arthritis}, ulcerative colitis {Ulcerative colitis}, joint
pain {Joint pain}, diarrhea {Diarrhea} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Discharge Diagnosis:
Chest pain
Chronic pain
CAD s/p ___
___ Condition:
Mental Status: Clear and coherent.
Level of Consciousness: Alert and interactive.
Activity Status: Ambulatory - Independent.
###RESPONSE: Chest pain {Chest pain}, Chronic pain {Chronic pain}, Anxiety {Anxiety}, CAD {Coronary arteriosclerosis}, Mental Status {Neurological mental status determination}, Clear {Normal state of mind}, Level of Consciousness {Assessment of consciousness level}, Alert {Mentally alert}, interactive {Does communicate}, Activity Status {Physical functional dependency}, Ambulatory - Independent {Independent walking} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
Dear Mr. ___,
You were admitted to ___ with chest pain. Your EKG was
unchanged from prior. You had a cardiac cath which was unchanged
from your prior cath about six months ago. Given that this was
unlikely to be accounting for your chest pain, there was no
intervention. You were continued on your home medications, but
still had a few episodes of chest pain. A new medication was
added to help with this pain. You should continue to take all
your home medications as prescribed.
It was a pleasure taking care of you,
Your ___ Doctors
___ Instructions:
###RESPONSE: chest pain {Chest pain}, EKG {Electrocardiographic procedure}, cardiac cath {Cardiac catheterization}, cath {Cardiac catheterization}, chest pain {Chest pain}, chest pain {Chest pain}, pain {Pain} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: M
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
No Known Allergies / Adverse Drug Reactions
Attending: ___
Chief Complaint:
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
###RESPONSE: No Known Allergies {Allergic disposition}, Adverse Drug Reactions {Propensity to adverse reactions to drug}, Diarrhea {Diarrhea} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
Mr. ___ is a ___ YO homeless male who presented to the ED for 2
days of watery green diarrhea. He was in his usual state of
health until 3 days ago when he developed greenish watery
diarrhea. He has had > 20 BMs a day. Also has had diffuse mild
cramping, nausea, weakness, and pre-syncope. Today he noted
fevers and chills. He has also has HA and a cough for 2 months
and recently was prescribed a z pack for this ___. He
denies emesis but has had loss of appetite (last meal 2 days
ago). Denies undercooked meat. Possible sick contacts at the
___. There is only one bathroom for > 100 residents. He also
recently returned from ATL on a plane.
Of note, Mr. ___ denies current blood in his stool, but he had
BRBPR 1 month ago with anemia and states that his PCP wanted to
refer him for colonoscopy.
In the ED vital signs were: Temp:97.1 HR:130 BP:108/76 Resp:18
O(2)Sat:100 RA. His EKG revealed sinus tacycardia. His abdomen
was slightly tender. Patient had a CT scan of abd/pelvis and CXR
which were both normal. Hct, chem 7, and LFTs were WNL except
for bicarb 21. No anion gap. Patient was given 4 liters of
intravenous fluids but remained tachycardic with HR 110-120 and
then he spiked a temperature of 100.8. He was given zofran,
famotidine, tylenol, and morphine. He was admitted for fluid
hydration. Vital signs at the time of transfer were 100.3 111
124/76 18 100RA
On the floor, pt is still having multiple bouts of diarrhea, but
otherwise denies complaint.
Review of systems:
(+) Per HPI. Also + for rhinorha, HA, cough. No SOB, CP, or
palpitations. No dysuria. Denied arthralgias or myalgias and
###RESPONSE: homeless {Homeless}, watery {Liquid stool}, green {Feces color: green}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, greenish {Feces color: green}, watery {Liquid stool}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, diffuse {Diffuse pain}, nausea {Nausea}, weakness {Asthenia}, pre-syncope {Near syncope}, fevers {Fever}, chills {Chill}, HA {Headache}, cough {Cough}, emesis {Vomiting}, loss of appetite {Loss of appetite}, blood in his stool {Hematochezia}, BRBPR {Hematochezia}, anemia {Anemia}, colonoscopy {Colonoscopy}, RA {Breathing room air}, EKG {Electrocardiographic procedure}, sinus tacycardia {Sinus tachycardia}, abdomen
was slightly tender {Abdominal tenderness}, CT scan of abd/pelvis {Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, LFTs were WNL {Liver function tests within reference range}, intravenous fluids {Intravenous infusion}, tachycardic {Tachycardia}, HR {Finding of heart rate}, Vital signs {Vital signs finding}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, rhinorha {Nasal discharge}, HA {Headache}, cough {Cough}, SOB {Dyspnea}, CP {Chest pain}, palpitations {Palpitations}, dysuria {Dysuria}, arthralgias {Joint pain}, myalgias {Muscle pain}, rash {Eruption of skin} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
1. Homelessness: Lives in shelter by ___ for past few months
since moved here from ___. Recently applied for ___
2. bronchitis - presented to ED ___ with multiple complaints -
treated with albuterol inhaler and Z pack
3. anxiety/depression - presented to ED ___ and ___. Paranoid personality disorder
5. nephrolithiasis - seen on CT scan
6. Trigger finger - offerred surgery but has declined
7. h/o head trauma at age ___ s/p being struck in head with a
baseball. Denies LOC at that time.
8. s/p MVA ___ years ago, pedestrian struck by utility vehicle.
9. HTN
10. spinal stenosis
11. PTSD
###RESPONSE: Homelessness {Homeless}, bronchitis {Bronchitis}, multiple complaints {Multiple symptoms}, anxiety/depression {Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder}, Paranoid personality disorder {Paranoid personality disorder}, nephrolithiasis {Kidney stone}, CT scan {Computed tomography of abdomen}, Trigger finger {Acquired trigger finger}, head trauma {Injury of head}, head {Head structure}, LOC {Loss of consciousness}, MVA {Motor vehicle accident victim}, LOC {Loss of consciousness}, HTN {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, spinal stenosis {Spinal stenosis}, PTSD {Posttraumatic stress disorder} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
CAD- 4 brothers had MI
mother had stent placed
father lung cancer
sister with depression, daughter with bipolar d/O
###RESPONSE: CAD {Coronary arteriosclerosis}, MI {Myocardial infarction}, stent placed {Stented coronary artery}, lung cancer {Malignant tumor of lung}, depression {Depressive disorder}, bipolar d/O {Bipolar disorder} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
Vitals: T: 98.3 BP: 135/90 P: 99 R: 18 O2: 100% RA
General: Alert, oriented, no acute distress
HEENT: Sclera anicteric, dry MM, oropharynx clear
Neck: supple, JVP not elevated, no LAD
Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales,
CV: tachycardic, normal S1 + S2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops
Abdomen: + BS, diffusely tender to palpation in all quadrants,
soft, mildly distended, no rebound tenderness or guarding, no
organomegaly or ascites, rectal exam revealed no stool in vault,
Guaiac neg.
Ext: Warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or
###RESPONSE: Vitals {Vital signs finding}, BP {Blood pressure finding}, RA {Breathing room air}, General {General examination of patient}, Alert {Mentally alert}, oriented {Orientated}, distress {Distress}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, Sclera anicteric {White sclera}, dry MM {Mucous membrane dryness}, oropharynx clear {Pharynx normal}, Neck {Physical examination procedure}, supple {Normal movement of neck}, JVP not elevated {Normal jugular venous pressure}, LAD {Lymphadenopathy}, Lungs {Examination of respiratory system}, Clear to auscultation bilaterally {Normal breath sounds}, wheezes {Wheezing}, rales {Respiratory crackles}, ronchi {Wheeze - rhonchi}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, tachycardic {Tachycardia}, normal S1 {Normal first heart sound, S>1<}, S2 {Normal second heart sound, S>2<}, murmurs {Murmur}, rubs {Pericardial friction rub}, gallops {Gallop rhythm}, Abdomen {Examination of abdomen}, BS {Normal bowel sounds}, tender {Abdominal tenderness}, palpation {Palpation}, soft {Abdomen soft}, distended {Swollen abdomen}, rebound {Rebound tenderness}, tenderness {Tenderness}, guarding {Abdominal guarding}, organomegaly {Abdominal organomegaly}, ascites {Ascites}, rectal exam {Rectal examination}, Guaiac {Guaiac test for occult blood in feces specimen}, Ext {Examination of limb}, Warm {Warm skin}, well perfused {Normal tissue perfusion}, 2+ pulses {Peripheral pulses normal}, clubbing {Clubbing}, cyanosis {Cyanosis}, edema {Edema} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ 09:35PM LACTATE-1.1
___ 04:20PM GLUCOSE-121* UREA N-16 CREAT-1.1 SODIUM-137
___ 04:20PM ALT(SGPT)-15 AST(SGOT)-25 ALK PHOS-83
___ 04:20PM LIPASE-31
___ 04:20PM WBC-6.1 RBC-5.17 HGB-14.5 HCT-42.3 MCV-82#
MCH-28.0 MCHC-34.2# RDW-13.7
___ 04:20PM NEUTS-84.3* LYMPHS-10.7* MONOS-2.6 EOS-2.1
___ 04:20PM PLT COUNT-265
OVA + PARASITES (Final ___:
This test does not reliably detect Cryptosporidium,
Cyclospora or
Microsporidium. While most cases of Giardia are detected
by routine
O+P, the Giardia antigen test may enhance detection when
are rare.
FECAL CULTURE - R/O E.COLI 0157:H7 (Final ___:
Cryptosporidium/Giardia (DFA) (Preliminary):
Source: Stool.
OVA + PARASITES (Final ___:
This test does not reliably detect Cryptosporidium,
Cyclospora or
Microsporidium. While most cases of Giardia are detected
by routine
O+P, the Giardia antigen test may enhance detection when
are rare.
___ 7:08 am STOOL CONSISTENCY: LOOSE Source:
Feces negative for C.difficile toxin A & B by EIA.
(Reference Range-Negative).
###RESPONSE: GLUCOSE {Glucose measurement, blood}, CREAT {Creatinine measurement}, SODIUM {Sodium measurement}, POTASSIUM {Potassium measurement}, CHLORIDE {Chloride measurement, blood}, TOTAL CO2 {Blood total carbon dioxide (calculated)}, ANION GAP {Anion gap measurement}, ALT {Alanine aminotransferase measurement}, AST {Aspartate aminotransferase measurement}, PHOS {Phosphate, total measurement}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, HGB {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, HCT {Hematocrit determination}, MCV {Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, NEUTS {Neutrophil count}, LYMPHS {Lymphocyte count}, MONOS {Monocyte count}, EOS {Eosinophil count}, CULTURE {Microbial culture}, CULTURE {Microbial culture}, CULTURE {Microbial culture}, CULTURE {Microbial culture}, CULTURE {Microbial culture} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
Mr. ___ is a ___ YO homeless male who presented with acute
diarrhea and was admitted for rehydration.
# Diarrhea: Pt has acute onset of diarrhea, fever, nausea, and
anorexia, most likely infectious. Given time of year and
exposure to sick contacts in crowded shelter Viral
gastroenteritis was felt to be the most likley etiology. Stool
studies were sent regardless. He was placed on a bland diet and
treated symptomatically with loperamide, IVF prn, and tylenol
for abdominal pain. On HD2 his diarrhea had improved, he had
remiained afebrile with stable VS and was tolerating bland diet
with minimal abdominal pain. C diff and HIV were both negative
as were O&P x2. There was no salmonella, shigella or Ecoli
OH:571. Studies for yersinia, vibrio and cryptosporidum were
pending at the time of discharge and should be followed up by
his PCP as the results become available.
# Sinus tachycardia: Likely from volume depletion. Pt received
5L NS in the ED and an additional 1L of NS once on the floor.
His tachycardia subsequently resolved and his VS remined stable
throughout the course of his hospitalization.
# Chronic cough: CXR no evidence of pneumonia. Pt does have post
nasal drip which could contribute to chronic cough. He was not
hypoxic nor was he ever in distress. This will need to be
adressed by his PCP.
# Depression:
COntinued home medications. He will follow up with his
depression support group.
# Homeless: SW saw and evaluated patient and have made
arrangments for temporary housing following discharge. Please
refer to their note for details.
# Hx of BRBRP: Pt denies current bleeding. But had seveal
episodes of blood streaked toilet paper during his admission.
His HCT remained stable. Thought secondary to hemmorhoids vs
irritation from frequent stooling. Pt's last C-scope was ___ years
ago in ___ and was reportedly normal. He should follow up
with his PCP for appropriate screening/ further workup.
###RESPONSE: homeless {Homeless}, acute
diarrhea {Acute diarrhea}, rehydration {Rehydration therapy}, Diarrhea {Diarrhea}, acute onset of diarrhea {Acute diarrhea}, fever {Fever}, nausea {Nausea}, anorexia {Loss of appetite}, infectious {Infectious disease}, Viral
gastroenteritis {Viral gastroenteritis}, Stool
studies {Stool microscopy}, bland diet {Bland diet}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, stable VS {Normal vital signs}, bland diet {Bland diet}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, HIV {Human immunodeficiency virus infection}, Sinus tachycardia {Sinus tachycardia}, tachycardia {Tachycardia}, his VS remined stable {Normal vital signs}, Chronic cough {Chronic cough}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, no evidence {No abnormality detected}, pneumonia {Pneumonia}, post
nasal drip {Posterior rhinorrhea}, chronic cough {Chronic cough}, hypoxic {Hypoxia}, distress {Distress}, Depression {Depressive disorder}, Homeless {Homeless}, BRBRP {Hematochezia}, bleeding {Bleeding}, hemmorhoids {Hemorrhoids}, frequent stooling {Frequent defecation} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
1. risperidone 2 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO at bedtime.
2. citalopram Oral
Discharge Medications:
1. risperidone 2 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO at bedtime.
2. loperamide 2 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO QID (4 times
a day) as needed for loose stools for 5 days.
Disp:*20 Capsule(s)* Refills:*0*
3. citalopram Oral
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Discharge Diagnosis:
Viral enteritis
Discharge Condition:
Mental Status: Clear and coherent.
Level of Consciousness: Alert and interactive.
Activity Status: Ambulatory - Independent.
###RESPONSE: Viral enteritis {Inflammation of intestine caused by virus}, Mental Status {Neurological mental status determination}, Level of Consciousness {Assessment of consciousness level}, Alert {Mentally alert}, Activity Status {Physical functional dependency}, Ambulatory - Independent {Independent walking} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
You were admitted to ___ because you had diarrhea that made
you dehydrated. The most likely cause of your diarrhea was a
viral gastroenteritis. We gave you IV fluids and managed your
symptoms with a medication called loperamide that helps decrease
the frequency of bowel movements.
While you were here we made the following changes to your
We started you on Loperamide 2mg every 4 hours as needed for
Otherwise you should continue taking your home medications as
###RESPONSE: diarrhea {Diarrhea}, dehydrated {Dehydration}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, viral gastroenteritis {Viral gastroenteritis}, diarrhea {Diarrhea} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: M
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
Agitation, seizure
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
###RESPONSE: Agitation {Feeling agitated}, seizure {Seizure} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
Patient is a ___ y/o M with a hx of intractable seizures on
multiple meds and with recent placement of vagal nerve
stimulator who presents after having been found to be shaking,
"dizzy" and combative at his home today. He called a family
member saying he did not feel well, and he was found shaking,
unable to stop on his own, and was brought to the ED
Also of note, he is currently on an abx being treated for
diverticulitis. He has been on augmentin for this for an unclear
amount of time, likely since ___, the time of his first CT
showing acute diverticulitis.
The patient does not remembers dates and exact sequential onset
of symptoms. He has had diarrhea, and thinks it probably started
after Abx use, but isnt sure.
In the ED, He was extremely agitated, thrashing and using
profane language. he recieved 2mg Ativan IV x2. He also got
flagyl and cipro IV in the ED.
###RESPONSE: seizures {Seizure}, placement of vagal nerve
stimulator {Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator}, shaking {Tremor}, dizzy {Dizziness}, combative {Aggressive behavior}, not feel well {Malaise}, shaking {Tremor}, abx {Antibiotic therapy}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, CT {Computed tomography}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, Abx {Antibiotic therapy}, agitated {Feeling agitated}, IV {Intravenous therapy}, IV {Intravenous therapy} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
- intractable seizures
- s/p VNS (___)
- h/o post-op psychosis and behavioral problems post anesthesia
- Meningitis at 6 months old
- Left temporal head trauma with brief LOC at ___ yo
- h/o Arm fracture
- h/o Left orbital fracture--> required surgical repair and had
residual visual defects
- Near drowning in ___
- s/p Left leg amputation s/p prosthesis
###RESPONSE: seizures {Seizure}, VNS {Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator}, post-op {Postoperative state}, psychosis {Psychotic disorder}, behavioral problems {Problem behavior}, Meningitis {Meningitis}, Left temporal {Left temporal lobe structure}, brief LOC {Brief loss of consciousness}, Arm fracture {Fracture of upper limb}, orbital fracture {Fracture of orbit}, surgical repair {Repair of orbit proper}, visual defects {Visual field defect}, Near drowning {Nonfatal submersion}, Left leg {Structure of left lower limb}, amputation {Amputation of lower limb} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
Father has pacemaker @ ___ yo; healthy mother & two sisters. No
family history of epilepsy, vertigo, other neurologic disease.
Born in ___, of ___ ancestry, no consanguinity.
###RESPONSE: epilepsy {Epilepsy}, vertigo {Vertigo}, neurologic disease {Disorder of nervous system}, consanguinity {Consanguinity} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
Vitals: T: 98.1 BP: 134/88 P: 70 RR: 22 O2Sat: 98% 2L
Gen: No acute distress
HEENT: EOMI, left pupil dilated (secondary to injury), but
reactive to light. rt reactive to light.
Neck: supple. no LAD
CV: RRR, nl s1 s2, no g/r/m
Lungs: clear to ausc, very slow inspiration and expiration
secondary to yogic breathing.
ABd: +BS. tender to palp throughout, esp RLQ. +BS. no HSM. no
rebounnd tenderness
Extremities: below knee amp left leg
Neuro: please see neuro note for detailed neuro exam.
###RESPONSE: Vitals {Vital signs finding}, T {Body temperature finding}, BP {Blood pressure finding}, RR {Finding of rate of respiration}, O2Sat {Oxygen saturation measurement}, Gen {General examination of patient}, distress {Distress}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, pupil dilated {Dilated pupil}, injury {Traumatic or non-traumatic injury}, reactive to light {Finding of pupil reaction to light}, rt {Structure of pupil of right eye}, reactive to light {Finding of pupil reaction to light}, Neck {Physical examination procedure}, supple {Normal movement of neck}, LAD {Lymphadenopathy}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, RRR {Normal heart rate}, nl s1 s2 {Heart sounds normal}, g {Gallop rhythm}, r {Pericardial friction rub}, m {Murmur}, Lungs {Examination of respiratory system}, clear to ausc {Chest clear}, slow inspiration and expiration {Slow respiration}, ABd {Examination of abdomen}, +BS {Normal bowel sounds}, tender {Abdominal tenderness}, palp {Palpation of abdomen}, RLQ {Structure of right lower quadrant of abdomen}, +BS {Normal bowel sounds}, HSM {Hepatosplenomegaly}, tenderness {Tenderness}, Extremities {Examination of limb}, below knee amp left leg {Amputated left lower limb below knee}, Neuro {Neurological examination}, neuro exam {Neurological examination} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ abdomen/pelvis CT with contrast
1. Interval progression of inflammatory stranding in the left
lower quadrant along a hyperenhancing area of sigmoid colon with
multiple diverticula and seberal foci of extraluminal air
consistent with diverticulitis with microperforation. No
drainable fluid collections.
2. Prostatic enlargement.
3. Punctate focus of air within the bladder with no CT evidence
for colonic vesicular fistula. Findings may relate to recent
instrumentation. Clinical correlation is recommended.
CXR ___
FINDINGS: Single bedside AP examination labeled "upright at
13:51" with patient markedly tilted to his right, is compared
with the most recent study dated ___. A metallic
neurostimulator device overlies the mid-left hemithorax, as
before. Bibasilar subsegmental atelectasis and/or scarring, as
well as multiple old healed right rib fractures with associated
lateral pleural thickening, are redemonstrated. Allowing for
this, no acute focal airspace process is identified. There is no
evidence of CHF.
___ Head CT
IMPRESSION: No acute intracranial abnormality.
###RESPONSE: abdomen {Computed tomography of abdomen with contrast}, inflammatory {Inflammatory disorder}, left
lower quadrant {Structure of left lower quadrant of abdomen}, sigmoid colon {Sigmoid colon structure}, multiple diverticula {Multiple diverticula}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, Prostatic enlargement {Large prostate}, bladder {Urinary bladder structure}, colonic vesicular fistula {Vesicocolic fistula}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, left {Left lung structure}, hemithorax {Structure of half of thorax lateral to midsagittal plane}, Bibasilar {Structure of base of lung}, atelectasis {Atelectasis}, scarring {Scar}, right rib {Bone structure of right rib}, fractures {Fracture of multiple ribs}, pleural thickening {Thickening of pleura}, CHF {Congestive heart failure}, Head CT {Computed tomography of head}, intracranial {Intracranial structure}, abnormality {No abnormality detected} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
Assessment: Pt is a ___ y/o M with hx intractable seizures, s/p
VNS placed ___, who presents to the ED in likely post-ictal
state, in setting of decreased seizure threshold with
diverticulitis. CT showing diverticulitis with microperferation.
Hospital Course By Problem:
Diverticulitis: Pt was diagnosed with divertitulitis intially as
an outpatient, on ___. He had a CT scan at that time. A repeat
CT on ___ (day of admission), showed progression of disease,
patient now with microperforation. Surgery was consulted given
this is complicated diverticulitis. He was put on broad spectrum
antibiotics, intially zosyn and vancomycin. Vancomycin was
eventually discontinued given low suspicion for gram positive
infection on bowel. Patient was on bowel rest, NPO, and on TPN.
A PICC line was placed for the TPN and IV antibiotics since he
has poor venous access. Patients abdominal pain improved slowly.
Once minimal, he was started on a liquid diet, which he
tolerated, and this was slowly advanced to regular diet. TPN was
tapered off. Prior to discharge, the patient was switched to PO
augmentin, which he is to continue for a total of 3 weeks of
abx, so until ___. He was also seen by nutrition several
times, including once with his HCP present, to go over changes
in his diet given his new diagnosis of diverticulitis.
Diarrhea: Patient had small amounts of diarrhea during
hospitaliztion, which came back positive for clostridium
dificile. He has a history of difficult to control seizures, so
flagyl is avoided since it lowers seizure threshold. He was
started on vancomycin PO 250mg q6h, which he was will continued
until ___, 2 weeks after augmentin course is done.
Agitation: Patient was agitated in the ED, likely has lower
seizure threshold given diverticulitus. This may also be
delerium from infection. On suggestion by epilepsy service, he
was put on ativan standing and PRN
Hx of seizures: patient has significant hx of seizures, has
vagal nerve stimulator since ___. At this time, he likely has
lower seizure threshold secondary to infection. He was followed
by the epilepsy service while in the hospital. Most of
medications were switched to IV during hospitalization while he
was NPO. He was continued on the home meds as listed. Levels of
carbamazipine and phenytoin were checked almost daily and
bolused and adjusted as needed. He was also placed on standing
ativan 1mg BID while infected. Once tolerating PO, he was
switched back to PO meds, and discharged on the medications he
was admitted on. The Ativan was tapered off on discharge.
Leukocytosis: likely secondary to diverticulitis, resolved.
UA/UC: negative, blood cx negative, CXR normal.
NSVT on tele: asymptomatic, possible that it was interaction
with vagal nerve stimulator. cardiac enzymes negative. EKG
normal. no recurrance.
###RESPONSE: Assessment {Evaluation procedure}, seizures {Seizure}, VNS placed {Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator}, post-ictal
state {Post-ictal state}, seizure {Seizure}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, CT {Computed tomography}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, Diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, divertitulitis {Diverticulitis}, CT scan {Computed tomography of abdomen}, CT {Computed tomography}, disease {Disease}, Surgery was consulted {Medical consultation on hospital inpatient}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, antibiotics {Antibiotic therapy}, infection on bowel {Intestinal infectious disease}, bowel {Intestinal structure}, NPO {Nil by mouth}, on TPN {Total parenteral nutrition}, PICC line {Peripherally inserted central venous catheter in situ}, TPN {Administration of total parenteral nutrition}, IV antibiotics {Intravenous antibiotic therapy}, poor venous access {Poor venous access}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, improved {Patient's condition improved}, liquid diet {Liquid diet}, regular diet {Normal diet}, TPN {Total parenteral nutrition}, seen by nutrition {Seen by hospital-based dietitian}, diet {Dietary finding}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, Diarrhea {Diarrhea}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, seizures {Seizure}, seizure {Seizure}, Agitation {Feeling agitated}, agitated {Feeling agitated}, seizure {Seizure}, diverticulitus {Diverticulitis}, delerium {Delirium}, infection {Infectious disease}, suggestion by epilepsy service {Medical consultation on hospital inpatient}, seizures {Seizure}, seizures {Seizure}, vagal nerve stimulator {Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator}, seizure {Seizure}, infection {Infectious disease}, epilepsy service {Seen by neurologist}, medications {Administration of drug or medicament}, IV {Intravenous therapy}, NPO {Nil by mouth}, medications {Administration of drug or medicament}, Leukocytosis {Leukocytosis}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, resolved {Problem resolved}, UA {Urinalysis}, UC {Urine culture}, blood cx {Blood culture}, CXR normal {Standard chest X-ray normal}, NSVT {Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia}, tele {Cardiac telemetry}, asymptomatic {Asymptomatic}, vagal nerve stimulator {Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator}, cardiac enzymes negative {Cardiac enzymes within reference range}, EKG
normal {Electrocardiogram normal} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
CARBAMAZEPINE 200 mg--1 tab bid and 2 tabs at bedtime
DILANTIN 160 mg QAM / 200QPM
LAMICTAL 150 mg--1 tablet(s) by mouth at 4 pm & 2 tabs @ 10pm
Multi-Vitamin W/Minerals --1 capsule(s) by mouth daily
TRILEPTAL 150 mg--1 tablet(s) by mouth daily at 10 am
Discharge Medications:
1. Dilantin Kapseal 30 mg Capsule Sig: Two (2) Capsule PO every
2. Dilantin Kapseal 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO every
3. Dilantin Kapseal 100 mg Capsule Sig: Two (2) Capsule PO every
4. Lamotrigine 150 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO at 4pm
5. Lamotrigine 150 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO at 10pm.
6. Carbamazepine 200 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2
times a day).
7. Carbamazepine 200 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO QHS (once
a day (at bedtime)).
8. Oxcarbazepine 300 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q10AM ().
9. Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate 250-125 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2)
Tablet PO Q8H (every 8 hours) for 12 days: Until ___.
Disp:*80 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
10. Vancomycin 250 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO Q6H (every
6 hours) for 26 days: until ___.
Disp:*110 Capsule(s)* Refills:*0*
11. Lorazepam 0.5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times
a day) for 5 days: Please take 1 pill twice a day for 2 days;
and then 1 pill once a day for 3 days after that. (total 5
Disp:*8 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
12. Pantoprazole 40 mg Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) Sig: One
(1) Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) PO Q24H (every 24 hours).
Disp:*30 Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.)(s)* Refills:*2*
###RESPONSE: mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, mg {Blood magnesium measurement} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Home With Service
Discharge Diagnosis:
Clostridium Dificile infection
Discharge Condition:
###RESPONSE: Diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, Clostridium Dificile infection {Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile}, Seizures {Seizure}, stable {Patient's condition stable} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
You came to the hospital with abdominal pain. A CT scan was done
of your abdomen and you were found to have diverticulitis. You
were treated with antibiotics through your IV and bowel rest.
Once your abdominal pain got better, you were started on a diet.
You have been switched to oral antibiotics, Augmentin, which you
should take until ___. For the Clostridium Dificile
infection, you should continue to take the oral Vancomycin until
You spoked to a nutritionist while you were here about dietary
restrictions with Diverticulosis. She provided you with
information sheets about diet. You were intstructed to avoid any
food with small seeds, including strawberries. Also avoid small
nuts and popcorn. Also try to slowly increase the fiber in your
You should continue the epilepsy regimen you were on prior to
admission. In addition, you were taking ativan while here, and
you should taper that off. Please take 1 pill twice a day for 2
days, and then 1 pill once a day for 3 days after that, and then
stop taking them.
You should not go to work until after you have been cleared by
someone in the neurology department or your PCP next week.
Please call your PCP or go to the hospital if you experience
worsening abdominal pain, worsening diarrhea, or increases
###RESPONSE: Discharge Instructions {Final inpatient visit with instructions at discharge}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, CT scan was done
of your abdomen {Computed tomography of abdomen}, diverticulitis {Diverticulitis}, treated with antibiotics {Antibiotic therapy}, IV {Intravenous therapy}, bowel rest {Nil by mouth}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, diet {Dietary finding}, oral antibiotics {Oral antibiotic therapy}, Clostridium Dificile
infection {Infection caused by Clostridioides difficile}, oral {Administration of drug or medicament via oral route}, spoked to a nutritionist {Seen by hospital-based dietitian}, Diverticulosis {Diverticulosis of large intestine}, diet {Dietary finding}, diet {Dietary finding}, epilepsy {Epilepsy}, regimen {Therapeutic regimen}, PCP {Primary care management}, PCP {Primary care management}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, seizures {Seizure} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: M
Service: SURGERY
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
Patient recorded as having No Known Allergies to Drugs
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
gunshot wound to abdomen
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
Exploratory laparotomy and repair of gunshot wound to the
stomach and jejunum.
###RESPONSE: No Known Allergies to Drugs {Non-allergic hypersensitivity to drug or medicament}, gunshot wound {Gunshot wound}, abdomen {Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall}, Exploratory laparotomy {Exploratory laparotomy}, repair {Surgical repair}, gunshot wound {Gunshot wound}, stomach {Repair of stomach}, jejunum {Repair of duodenum} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
Recharge is a ___ year old male who was medflighted from scene to
___ after sustaining a single small caliber gunshot wound to
his LLQ. He was taken emergently to the OR.
He lives in ___, but along with his mother, was visiting his
two sisters in ___. The night of the incident, the pt was
with his cousins, + ETOH, ___ was ___ in the ER, when his group
was approached by several men. He heard a shot and the next
thing he remembers was being in the helicopter.
###RESPONSE: gunshot wound {Gunshot wound}, LLQ {Structure of left lower quadrant of abdomen} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
Laparoscopic appendectomy
###RESPONSE: Laparoscopic appendectomy {Laparoscopic appendectomy} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
PE: Temp: 97.8F HR 88 BP 108/80 RR 16 O2 Sat 97%RA
Gen: NAD
HEENT: PERRL, EOMI, sclera anicteric
Pulm: Moving air well, some occas coarse breath sounds at left
Abd: soft, incision clead, dry, intact. Staples in place.
Ext: 2+pulses throughout, no c/ce
###RESPONSE: PE {General examination of patient}, Temp {Body temperature finding}, HR {Finding of heart rate}, BP {Blood pressure finding}, RR {Finding of rate of respiration}, RA {Breathing room air}, Gen {General examination of patient}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, HEENT {Physical examination procedure}, PERRL {Pupils equal and reacting to light}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, sclera anicteric {White sclera}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, RRR {Normal heart rate}, Pulm {Examination of respiratory system}, left
base {Structure of base of left lung}, Abd {Examination of abdomen}, soft {Abdomen soft}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, Ext {Examination of limb}, 2+pulses {Peripheral pulses normal} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ 12:48AM BLOOD WBC-13.0* RBC-4.28* Hgb-12.5* Hct-36.9*
MCV-86 MCH-29.1 MCHC-33.8 RDW-13.7 Plt ___
___ 03:45AM BLOOD WBC-19.0* RBC-4.00* Hgb-11.6* Hct-34.9*
MCV-87 MCH-29.1 MCHC-33.3 RDW-13.9 Plt ___
___ 08:11AM BLOOD Hct-33.1*
___ 06:02AM BLOOD WBC-15.7* RBC-4.22* Hgb-12.4* Hct-36.3*
MCV-86 MCH-29.3 MCHC-34.2 RDW-13.4 Plt ___
___ 07:01PM BLOOD WBC-16.9* RBC-3.97* Hgb-11.9* Hct-34.5*
MCV-87 MCH-29.8 MCHC-34.4 RDW-13.6 Plt ___
___ 06:05AM BLOOD WBC-13.6* RBC-3.76* Hgb-11.1* Hct-32.7*
MCV-87 MCH-29.6 MCHC-34.1 RDW-13.6 Plt ___
___ 06:50AM BLOOD WBC-10.2 RBC-3.62* Hgb-10.5* Hct-31.3*
MCV-87 MCH-29.0 MCHC-33.5 RDW-13.3 Plt ___
___ 03:45AM BLOOD ___ PTT-29.0 ___
___ 12:48AM BLOOD Glucose-117* UreaN-12 Creat-0.8 Na-146*
K-3.0* Cl-108 HCO3-22 AnGap-19
___ 07:35PM BLOOD Glucose-128* UreaN-12 Creat-0.8 Na-137
K-3.8 Cl-101 HCO3-27 AnGap-13
___ 03:45AM BLOOD Calcium-8.9 Phos-5.2* Mg-1.5
___ 07:35PM BLOOD Calcium-8.8 Phos-2.6* Mg-2.0
___ 12:48AM BLOOD ASA-NEG Ethanol-67* Acetmnp-NEG
Bnzodzp-NEG Barbitr-NEG Tricycl-NEG
###RESPONSE: WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, PTT {Partial thromboplastin time, activated}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
The pt was medflighted from the scene and was taken emergently
to the operating room, discovering a GSW through stomach and
into jejunum, with injury to the transverse mesocolon, jejunum
distal to ligament of treitz as well as a retroperitoneal
anterior and posterior gastrostomy and jejunostomy. These were
repaired primarily. He was also noted to have a small
retroperitoneal hematoma. Postoperatively, he did well and was
transferred to the floor from the trauma ICU on POD 1.
On a CT scan with contrast done to locate the bullet he was
noted to have an 8 x 10mm left renal pseudoaneurysm. He was
seen by vascular surgery, but no intervention was required.
Complicating the pt's stay was the development of fevers and
left lobe consolidation thought to be secondary to aspiration
pneumonia. He was started a 10 day course of levaquin. By time
of discharge, he was afebrile, tolerating a regular diet, pain
was controlled with po pain medicine, and able to ambulate. He
was discharged home to his sister's house. He will follow up in
the trauma clinic but will most likely return to ___ after
Several staples were removed prior to discharge. The incision
was clean, dry, and intact without signs of infection.
###RESPONSE: GSW {Gunshot wound}, stomach {Stomach structure}, jejunum {Jejunal structure}, injury {Traumatic or non-traumatic injury}, transverse mesocolon {Structure of transverse mesocolon}, jejunum {Jejunal structure}, ligament of treitz {Structure of suspensory muscle of duodenum}, retroperitoneal
hematoma {Retroperitoneal hematoma}, gastrostomy {Repair of stomach}, jejunostomy {Repair of jejunostomy}, repaired {Surgical repair}, retroperitoneal hematoma {Retroperitoneal hematoma}, CT scan {Computed tomography of abdomen}, left renal {Vascular structure of left kidney}, pseudoaneurysm {Pseudoaneurysm}, fevers {Fever}, left lobe {Left lung structure}, consolidation {Consolidation}, aspiration
pneumonia {Aspiration pneumonia}, regular diet {Normal diet}, pain {Chest pain}, pain {Chest pain}, able to ambulate {Able to walk}, follow up {Follow-up arranged}, uma clinic {Outpatient care management}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, signs {Sign}, infection {Postoperative wound infection} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
Discharge Medications:
1. Colace 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO twice a day.
Disp:*60 Capsule(s)* Refills:*0*
2. Senna 8.6 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a
day) as needed for constipation.
Disp:*60 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
3. Famotidine 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a
Disp:*60 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
4. Oxycodone-Acetaminophen ___ mg Tablet Sig: ___ Tablets PO
Q4H (every 4 hours) as needed for pain.
Disp:*25 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
5. Levaquin 750 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day for
6 days.
Disp:*6 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0*
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Discharge Diagnosis:
Gunshot wound to abdomen
Discharge Condition:
Stable, afebrile, tolerating a regular diet
###RESPONSE: Gunshot wound {Gunshot wound}, abdomen {Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall}, Pneumonia {Pneumonia}, Stable {Patient's condition stable}, regular diet {Normal diet} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
You were admitted to the hospital after you suffered a gunshot
wound to your abdomen and had emergency surgery. While in the
hospital, you developed a pneumonia and you were treated with
antibiotics. You will need to continue the antibiotic for
several days after discharge.
For pain, you can take tylenol or ibuprofen. For severe pain,
you can take the prescription medication, percocet. If you take
the percocet, please do not drive or drink alcohol. Also, you
should not take tylenol with percocet because percocet already
contains tylenol.
Several of your staples were removed. Your incision was then
closed with sticky tape. You can get this wet but please do not
soak in a tub or pool. The tapes will fall off on their own.
Please return call your doctor or return to the ER if you
develop shortness of breath, chest pain, bloody cough, nausea or
vomiting, fever, or other new or concerning symptoms.
###RESPONSE: gunshot
wound {Gunshot wound}, abdomen {Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall}, emergency surgery {Emergency operation}, pneumonia {Pneumonia}, antibiotics {Antibiotic therapy}, antibiotic {Antibiotic therapy}, pain {Pain}, severe pain {Severe pain}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, shortness of breath {Dyspnea}, chest pain {Chest pain}, bloody cough {Hemoptysis}, nausea {Nausea}, vomiting {Vomiting}, fever {Fever} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: F
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
back pain
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
Posterior L4-L5 laminectomy and fusion and removal ___
###RESPONSE: Penicillins {Allergy to penicillin}, back pain {Backache}, ALIF {Interbody fusion of lumbar spine by anterior approach}, L4-L5 laminectomy {Excision of lamina of lumbar vertebra}, fusion {Lumbar spinal fusion}, removal {Removal} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
___ presented to Dr. ___ office with complaints of
worsening back and leg pain. After review of the patients
history and physical examination in the office, as well as
radiographic studies, it was determined they would be a good
candidate for anterior and posterior L4-L5 fusion and removal of
___ rod. The patient was in agreement with the plan and
consent was obtained and signed.
###RESPONSE: back {Backache}, leg pain {Pain in lower limb}, history and physical examination {History AND physical examination}, radiographic studies {Imaging}, fusion {Lumbar spinal fusion}, removal {Removal} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
asthma, allergies
GI problems
OCD/PTSD/bipolar disorder
pneumonia, migraines, chickenpox
PSH: thoracic fusion in ___, three neck surgeries,
hysterectomy, C-section, bladder sling, polyps removed
###RESPONSE: asthma {Asthma}, GI {Structure of digestive system}, depression {Depressive disorder}, OCD {Obsessive-compulsive disorder}, PTSD {Posttraumatic stress disorder}, bipolar disorder {Bipolar disorder}, pneumonia {Pneumonia}, migraines {Migraine}, chickenpox {Varicella}, arthritis {Arthritis}, hemorrhoids {Hemorrhoids}, psoriasis {Psoriasis}, thoracic fusion {Fusion of thoracic spine}, neck {Neck pain}, surgeries {Surgical procedure}, hysterectomy {Hysterectomy}, C-section {Cesarean section}, bladder sling {Repair of stress incontinence by suprapubic sling}, polyps removed {Resection of polyp} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
cancer, diabetes, neurologic disease, skin disease, blood
disorders, arthritis, hypertension
###RESPONSE: cancer {Malignant neoplasm}, diabetes {Diabetes mellitus}, neurologic disease {Disorder of nervous system}, skin disease {Disorder of skin}, disorders {Disease}, arthritis {Arthritis}, hypertension {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
On examination the patient is well developed, well nourished,
A&O x3 in NAD. AVSS.
Range of motion of the lumbar spine is somewhat limited on
flexion, extension and lateral bending due to pain.
Ambulating well with the assistance of a walker and ___, with
brace for support.
Gross motor examination reveals good strength throughout the
bilateral lower extremities.
There is no clonus present.
Sensation is intact throughout all affected dermatomes.
The thoracolumbar incision is clean, dry and intact without
erythema, edema or drainage.
The patient is voiding well without a foley catheter.
###RESPONSE: well nourished {Well nourished}, A {Mentally alert}, O x3 {Oriented to person, time and place}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, AVSS {Vital signs finding}, lumbar spine {Structure of lumbar vertebral column}, limited on
flexion, extension and lateral bending {Limitation of joint movement}, pain {Pain}, support {Support}, lower extremities {Lower limb structure}, clonus {Clonus}, Sensation {Normal sensation}, affect {Mood finding}, dermatomes {Dermatome}, thoracolumbar {Structure of thoracic and/or lumbar region of back}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, erythema {Erythema}, edema {Edema}, drainage {Discharge}, voiding {Normal micturition}, foley {Catheterization of urinary bladder} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
___ 06:24AM BLOOD WBC-6.3 RBC-3.22* Hgb-9.3* Hct-29.5*
MCV-92 MCH-28.9 MCHC-31.5* RDW-12.5 RDWSD-41.8 Plt ___
___ 06:24AM BLOOD Glucose-116* UreaN-6 Creat-0.5 Na-138
K-4.2 Cl-96 HCO___-34* AnGap-12
___ 06:24AM BLOOD Calcium-8.4 Phos-4.7* Mg-2.___riefly, ___ was admitted to the ___ Spine Surgery
Service on ___ and taken to the Operating Room for an
anterior lumbar interbody fusion L4-L5 through an anterior
approach. Please refer to the dictated operative note for
further details. The surgery was performed without complication,
the patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to
the PACU in a stable condition. TEDs/pnemoboots were used for
postoperative DVT prophylaxis. Intravenous antibiotics were
given per standard protocol. Initial postop pain was controlled
with a dilaudid PCA. The patient remained NPO. On HD#2, she
returned to the operating room for a posterior L4-L5 laminectomy
and fusion and ___ rod removal scheduled as part of a
staged 2-part procedure. Please refer to the dictated operative
note for further details. The second surgery was also without
complication and the patient was transferred to the PACU in a
stable condition. Postoperative labs were grossly stable. The
patient remained NPO until bowel function returned, then diet
was advanced as tolerated. The patient was transitioned to oral
pain medication when tolerating PO diet. Foley was removed on
POD#2 from the second procedure, and the patient was able to
void. A hemovac drain that was placed at the time of surgery was
also removed on POD#2. A brace was fitted for comfort and
support. She received 2 units of pRBCs due to acute
post-operative blood loss anemia. Physical therapy was consulted
for mobilization OOB to ambulate. Hospital course was otherwise
unremarkable. On the day of discharge the patient was afebrile
with stable vital signs, comfortable on oral pain control and
tolerating a regular diet.
###RESPONSE: WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, RDWSD {Red cell distribution width determination}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, anterior lumbar interbody fusion {Interbody fusion of lumbar spine by anterior approach}, surgery {Surgical procedure}, procedure {Surgical procedure}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, DVT prophylaxis {Prevention of deep vein thrombosis}, Intravenous antibiotics {Intravenous antibiotic therapy}, postop pain {Postoperative pain}, PCA {Patient controlled analgesia}, remained NPO {On nothing by mouth status}, laminectomy {Excision of lamina of vertebra}, fusion {Lumbar spinal fusion}, removal {Removal}, procedure {Surgical procedure}, surgery {Surgical procedure}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, remained NPO {On nothing by mouth status}, bowel {Intestinal structure}, oral {Administration of drug or medicament via oral route}, pain medication {Administration of analgesic}, Foley was removed {Removal of urinary bladder catheter}, able to
void {Normal micturition}, removed {Removal of drain}, support {Support}, blood loss anemia {Anemia due to blood loss}, mobilization {Mobilization}, unremarkable {No abnormality detected}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, pain control {Pain control}, tolerating a regular diet {Tolerating normal diet} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
The Preadmission Medication list is accurate and complete.
1. dextroamphetamine-amphetamine 15 mg oral QAM
2. Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine XR 30 mg PO DAILY
3. Gabapentin 300 mg PO TID
4. Diazepam 10 mg PO Q8H:PRN muscle spasm
5. Senna 8.6 mg PO BID:PRN constipation
6. Morphine SR (MS ___ 30 mg PO Q12H
7. OxyCODONE (Immediate Release) 15 mg PO Q6H
8. mometasone 220 mcg (14 doses) inhalation DAILY
9. Ibuprofen 800 mg PO Q8H:PRN Pain - Mild
10. Omeprazole 20 mg PO BID
11. Albuterol Sulfate (Extended Release) Dose is Unknown PO
Frequency is Unknown
12. Albuterol Inhaler ___ PUFF IH Q6H:PRN wheeze, sob
13. Vitamin D ___ UNIT PO DAILY
Discharge Medications:
1. Acetaminophen 325-650 mg PO Q6H:PRN Pain - Mild/Fever
2. Docusate Sodium 100 mg PO BID
RX *docusate sodium 100 mg 1 capsule(s) by mouth twice a day
Disp #*60 Capsule Refills:*0
3. Albuterol Sulfate (Extended Release) 4 mg PO Q12H
4. Diazepam 5 mg PO Q6H:PRN spasm
RX *diazepam 5 mg 1 tab by mouth every six (6) hours Disp #*90
Tablet Refills:*0
5. Morphine SR (MS ___ 60 mg PO Q12H
RX *morphine [MS ___ 60 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth every twelve
(12) hours Disp #*60 Tablet Refills:*0
6. OxyCODONE (Immediate Release) 15 mg PO Q3H:PRN Pain -
RX *oxycodone 15 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth q3h Disp #*112 Tablet
7. Albuterol Inhaler ___ PUFF IH Q6H:PRN wheeze, sob
8. Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine XR 30 mg PO DAILY
9. dextroamphetamine-amphetamine 15 mg oral QAM
10. Gabapentin 300 mg PO TID
RX *gabapentin [Neurontin] 300 mg 1 capsule(s) by mouth three
times a day Disp #*90 Capsule Refills:*0
11. mometasone 220 mcg (14 doses) inhalation DAILY
12. Omeprazole 20 mg PO BID
13. Senna 8.6 mg PO BID:PRN constipation
RX *sennosides [senna] 8.6 mg 1 tab by mouth twice a day Disp
#*60 Tablet Refills:*0
14. Vitamin D ___ UNIT PO DAILY
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Home With Service
Discharge Diagnosis:
Lumbar spondylosis, scoliosis, and disk degeneration.
Discharge Condition:
Mental Status: Clear and coherent.
Level of Consciousness: Alert and interactive.
Activity Status: Ambulatory.
###RESPONSE: Home With Service {Home health aide service management}, Lumbar spondylosis {Lumbar spondylosis}, scoliosis {Scoliosis deformity of spine}, Mental Status {Neurological mental status determination}, Level of Consciousness {Assessment of consciousness level}, Alert {Mentally alert}, Activity Status {Physical functional dependency} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
ACTIVITY: DO NOT lift anything greater than 10 lbs for 2 weeks.
___ times a day you should go for a walk for ___ minutes as
part of your recovery. You can walk as much as you can tolerate.
You will be more comfortable if you do not sit or stand more
than ~45 minutes without changing positions.
BRACE: You have been given a brace. This brace should be worn
for comfort when you are walking. You may take it off when
sitting in a chair or while lying in bed.
WOUND: Remove the external dressing in 2 days. If your incision
is draining, cover it with a new dry sterile dressing. If it is
dry then you may leave the incision open to air. Once the
incision is completely dry, (usually ___ days after the
operation) you may shower. Do not soak the incision in a bath or
pool until fully healed. If the incision starts draining at any
time after surgery, cover it with a sterile dressing. Please
call the office.
Please call the office if you have a fever>101.5 degrees
Fahrenheit and/or drainage from your wound.
MEDICATIONS: You should resume taking your normal home
medications. Refrain from NSAIDs immediately post operatively.
You have also been given Additional Medications to control your
post-operative pain. Please allow our office 72 hours for refill
of narcotic prescriptions. Please plan ahead. You can either
have them mailed to your home or pick them up at ___
___, ___. We are not able
to call or fax narcotic prescriptions to your pharmacy. In
addition, per practice policy, we only prescribe pain
medications for 6 months from the date of surgery.
###RESPONSE: walk {Does walk}, walk as much as you can tolerate {Education about increasing activity tolerance}, sit {Does sit}, stand {Does stand}, walking {Does walk}, sitting {Sitting position}, lying in bed {Lying in bed}, WOUND {Wound treatment education}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, draining {Wound discharge}, new dry sterile dressing {Change of dressing}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, incision {Surgical incision wound}, draining {Wound discharge}, sterile dressing {Application of dressing, sterile}, fever {Fever}, drainage from your wound {Wound discharge}, post-operative pain {Postoperative pain} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: F
Service: SURGERY
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
Sulfa (Sulfonamide Antibiotics) / Ceftin / Biaxin
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
___: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Bypass
###RESPONSE: Sulfa {Allergy to sulfonamide}, Sulfonamide Antibiotics {Allergy to sulfonamide antibiotic}, Ceftin {Allergy to cephalosporin}, Biaxin {Allergy to clarithromycin}, Obesity {Obesity}, Laparoscopic {Laparoscopic procedure}, Roux-en-Y Bypass {Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
Per Dr. ___
___ is a ___ female referred for evaluation
of gastric restrictive surgery in the treatment and management
morbid obesity by her primary care physician ___ in
___. ___ was seen and evaluated in our ___ clinic initially ___ and
___ with follow-up sessions on ___ and ___.
___ has class II severe obesity with weight of 233.9 pounds as
of ___. Her initial screen weight on ___ was 232.8
with her highest weight in this time period as 236.1 pounds on
___. Her height is 65.5 inches and her BMI is 39.2. Her
previous weight loss efforts have included Weight Watchers,
___, Nutrisystem, the Grapefruit Diet, self-initiated diets
exercise. She has not taken prescription weight loss
or used over-the-counter ephedra-containing appetite
suppressants/herbal supplements. She has been able to lose up
22 pounds but her weight loss attempts have failed to produce
lasting results. She stated that her lowest adult weight was
pounds at the age of ___ and her highest weight was 236.1 pounds
on ___ and she weighed 236 pounds ___ years ago when weighed at
the ___. She stated that she has been
struggling with weight since the birth of her daughter and cites
as factors contributing to her excess weight large portions,
convenience eating, emotional eating, inconsistent meal pattern
and lack of exercise. Her current physical activity is walking
her dog for 15 minutes ___ times a day at a slow pace. She
denied history of eating disorders - no anorexia, bulimia,
diuretic or laxative abuse and she denied binge eating. She
have a diagnosis of depression and has been followed by a
therapist as well as a psychopharmacologist. She was
hospitalized for depression in ___ and she is on several
psychotropic medications (buspirone, duloxetine).
###RESPONSE: evaluation {Evaluation procedure}, f gastric restrictive surgery {Operation on stomach}, morbid obesity {Morbid obesity}, primary care {Primary care management}, evaluated {Evaluation procedure}, clinic {Outpatient care management}, severe obesity {Severe obesity}, weight {Weight finding}, weight {Weight finding}, weight {Weight finding}, height {Height / growth finding}, BMI {Finding of body mass index}, weight loss {Weight loss}, Weight Watchers {Weight maintenance consultation}, Nutrisystem {Weight maintenance consultation}, Grapefruit Diet {Patient-initiated diet}, self-initiated diets {Patient-initiated diet}, exercise {Exercises}, prescription {Prescription of drug}, weight loss {Weight loss}, weight loss {Weight loss}, weight {Weight finding}, weight {Weight finding}, struggling with weight {Weight maintenance regimen}, birth {Mother delivered}, excess weight {Excessive weight gain}, large portions {Excessive eating}, inconsistent meal pattern {Irregular meal times}, lack of exercise {Lack of exercise}, activity {Finding of functional performance and activity}, walking {Does walk}, eating disorders {Eating disorder}, anorexia {Loss of appetite}, bulimia {Bulimia nervosa}, diuretic {Abuse of diuretics}, laxative abuse {Abuse of laxatives}, binge eating {Binge eating behavior}, depression {Depressive disorder}, depression {Depressive disorder}, psychotropic medications {On psychotropic medication} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
Her medical history is noteworthy for:
1) hypertension
2) type 2 diabetes with hemoglobin A1c of 8.8% on ___ at
___ (previous A1c was very high at 9.2%)
3) hyperlipidemia with elevated triglycerides
4) gastroesophageal reflux
5) osteoarthritis of the hand joints
6) history of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
7) carotid artery stenosis (moderate 50% blockage)
8) chronic sinusitis
9) history of hiatal hernia
10) hepatic steatosis by ultrasound
11) question of thyromegaly
Her surgical history is significant for:
1) left breast biopsy that was benign
2) cataract surgery
3) tubal ligation
4) tonsillectomy
###RESPONSE: hypertension {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, type 2 diabetes {Diabetes mellitus type 2}, hemoglobin A1c {Hemoglobin A1c measurement}, hyperlipidemia {Hyperlipidemia}, elevated triglycerides {Serum triglycerides above reference range}, gastroesophageal reflux {Gastroesophageal reflux disease}, osteoarthritis of the hand joints {Degenerative joint disease of hand}, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia {Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia}, carotid artery stenosis {Carotid artery stenosis}, chronic sinusitis {Chronic sinusitis}, hiatal hernia {Hiatal hernia}, hepatic steatosis {Steatosis of liver}, ultrasound {Ultrasonography of liver}, thyromegaly {Goiter}, left breast {Left breast structure}, cataract surgery {Cataract surgery}, tubal ligation {Ligation of fallopian tube}, tonsillectomy {Tonsillectomy} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
Her family history is
noted for father deceased age ___ of ___; mother living age ___ and
history of atrial fibrillation, colon cancer and arthritis;
brother deceased age ___ of ___, diabetes and obesity; another
brother living age ___ with diabetes and carotid stenosis s/p
carotid endarterectomy; sister living age ___ with history of
breast CA and thyroid disease.
###RESPONSE: deceased {Dead}, atrial fibrillation {Atrial fibrillation}, colon cancer {Malignant neoplasm of colon}, arthritis {Arthritis}, deceased {Dead}, diabetes {Diabetes mellitus}, obesity {Obesity}, diabetes {Diabetes mellitus}, carotid stenosis {Carotid artery stenosis}, carotid endarterectomy {Carotid endarterectomy}, breast CA {Malignant neoplasm of breast}, thyroid disease {Disorder of thyroid gland} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
Gen: Well appearing female in no acute distress
CV: Regular rate and rhythm, No M/T/H
Lungs: CTA b/l
Abdomen: Soft NT/ND, Incisions clean dry and intact
Extremeties: No edema, peripheral pulses strong and intact
###RESPONSE: Gen {General examination of patient}, Well appearing {Well cared for appearance}, no acute {No abnormality detected}, distress {Distress}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, Regular rate and rhythm {Normal heart rate}, Lungs {Examination of respiratory system}, CTA {Normal breath sounds}, Abdomen {Examination of abdomen}, Soft {Abdomen soft}, NT {Abdominal tenderness}, ND {Swollen abdomen}, Incisions {Surgical incision wound}, clean dry and intact {Wound healing well}, Extremeties {Examination of limb}, edema {Edema}, peripheral pulses strong and intact {Peripheral pulses normal} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
Labs after admission:
___ 04:15PM BLOOD Glucose-156* UreaN-16 Creat-0.9 Na-139
K-4.8 Cl-106 HCO3-26 AnGap-12
___ 04:15PM BLOOD Calcium-8.7 Phos-4.0 Mg-2.0
___ 08:00AM BLOOD WBC-12.7* RBC-3.85* Hgb-11.8* Hct-36.2
MCV-94 MCH-30.8 MCHC-32.7 RDW-12.9 Plt ___
___ 07:56AM BLOOD Type-ART FiO2-70 pO2-83* pCO2-57*
pH-7.31* calTCO2-30 Base XS-0 Intubat-NOT INTUBA Comment-SIMPLE
___ 09:02AM BLOOD ___ PTT-29.3 ___
Labs prior to discharge:
___ 07:30AM BLOOD WBC-10.1 RBC-3.63* Hgb-11.1* Hct-34.5*
MCV-95 MCH-30.5 MCHC-32.1 RDW-13.0 Plt ___
___ 07:30AM BLOOD Glucose-194* UreaN-9 Creat-0.7 Na-139
K-4.2 Cl-100 HCO3-27 AnGap-16
___ 07:30AM BLOOD Calcium-9.0 Phos-2.1* Mg-1.9
___ CTA chest, abd, pelvis:
1. No pulmonary embolism.
2. Ground-glass opacity in the lung apices with diffuse,
central, ground-glass nodules in both lungs, concerning for
bronchopneumonia. This patient requires a followup chest CT as
an outpatient
to demonstrate resolution of these nodules after treatment.
3. Small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis.
4. No evidence of bowel obstruction or anastomotic leak.
Normal postoperative appearance of the stomach and
gastroesophageal junction without obstruction or leak.
###RESPONSE: Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, PTT {Partial thromboplastin time, activated}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, BLOOD Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, CTA chest, abd, pelvis {Computed tomography angiography of thorax and abdomen and pelvis with contrast}, pulmonary embolism {Pulmonary embolism}, Ground-glass opacity {Ground glass lung opacity}, lung apices {Structure of apex of lung}, ground-glass {Ground glass lung opacity}, nodules in both lungs {Nodule of lung}, bronchopneumonia {Bronchopneumonia}, followup {Follow-up consultation}, chest CT {Computed tomography of chest}, resolution {Problem resolved}, nodules {Nodule of lung}, bilateral pleural effusions {Bilateral pleural effusion}, bibasilar {Structure of base of lung}, atelectasis {Atelectasis}, No evidence {No abnormality detected}, bowel obstruction {Intestinal obstruction}, anastomotic leak {Gastrointestinal anastomotic leak}, Normal {No abnormality detected}, postoperative {Postoperative state}, stomach {Stomach structure}, gastroesophageal junction {Cardioesophageal junction structure}, obstruction {Obstruction}, leak {Anastomosis, leaking} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
The patient presented to pre-op on ___. Pt was
evaluated by anaesthesia and taken to the operating room for
laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. There were no adverse
events in the operating room; please see the operative note for
details. Pt was extubated, taken to the PACU until stable. She
was then transferred to ___ 9. On POD #1, Patient had an acute
desaturation requiring 70 percent o2 via face mask and was
transferred to TSICU. A chest X-ray showed low lung vol,
moderate cardiomegaly, signs of mild fluid overload. A CT/CTA
was done which ruled out pulmonary embolism but showed b/l
pleural eff, apical findings concerning for bronchopneumonia.
The patient was managed with a combination of O2 via facemask,
chest ___, duonebs, and encouragement of Incentive spirometry.
She soon reduced her O2 requirements to 2L via nasal cannula and
was stable enough to be transferred out of the TSICU. Since that
point she resumed the ___ bariatric gastric bypass pathway.
Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout
hospitalization; pain was initially managed with a PCA and then
transitioned to oral Roxicet once tolerating a stage 2 diet.
CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular
standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored.
Pulmonary: The patient remained stable thereafter from a
pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good
pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were
encouraged throughout hospitalization.
GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO. An upper GI
study (POD1) were both negative for a leak, therefore, the diet
was advanced sequentially to a Bariatric Stage 3 diet, which was
well tolerated. Patient's intake and output were closely
monitored. JP output remained serosanguinous throughout
admission; the drain was removed prior to discharge. Her insulin
regimen was adjusted to reflect her lower postoperative blood
glucose levels.
ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of
infection, of which there were none.
HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs
of bleeding, of which there were none.
Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___
dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get
up and ambulate as early as possible.
At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile
with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a stage 3
diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well
controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and
follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and
agreement with the discharge plan.
###RESPONSE: anaesthesia {Anesthesia consultation}, laparoscopic {Laparoscopic procedure}, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass {Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy}, operative {Surgical procedure}, extubated {Removal of endotracheal tube}, PACU {Postanesthesia care}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, desaturation {Oxygen saturation below reference range}, o2 via face mask {Oxygen administration by mask}, transferred to TSICU {Patient transfer to intensive care unit}, chest X-ray {Plain chest X-ray}, lung {Lung structure}, cardiomegaly {Cardiomegaly}, signs {Sign}, fluid overload {Hypervolemia}, CT {Computed tomography of chest}, CTA {Computed tomography angiography of chest with contrast}, pulmonary embolism {Pulmonary embolism}, b/l
pleural eff {Bilateral pleural effusion}, apical {Structure of apex of lung}, bronchopneumonia {Bronchopneumonia}, O2 via facemask {Oxygen administration by mask}, chest {Thoracic structure}, Incentive spirometry {Incentive spirometry}, nasal cannula {Oxygen administration by nasal cannula}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, bariatric {Bariatric operative procedure}, gastric bypass {Bypass of stomach}, pathway {Care regime}, Neuro {Neurological examination}, alert {Mentally alert}, oriented {Orientated}, pain {Pain}, PCA {Patient controlled analgesia}, oral {Administration of drug or medicament via oral route}, tolerating {Tolerating diet}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, cardiovascular {Cardiovascular physical examination}, vital signs were routinely monitored {Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate}, stable {Patient's condition stable}, pulmonary {Examination of respiratory system}, vital signs were routinely monitored {Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate}, Good {Good therapeutic response}, pulmonary toilet {Airway toilet}, ambulation {Ambulation training}, incentive spirometry {Incentive spirometry}, NPO {Nil by mouth}, upper GI {Upper gastrointestinal tract structure}, study {Evaluation procedure}, negative {No abnormality detected}, leak {Anastomosis, leaking}, diet
was advanced {Advance diet as tolerated}, Bariatric {Bariatric operative procedure}, Stage 3 diet {Dietary regime}, well tolerated {Tolerating diet}, intake and output {Measuring intake and output}, monitored {Monitoring procedure}, JP {Insertion of tube into jejunum}, output remained serosanguinous {Serosanguineous discharge from wound}, drain was removed {Removal of drain}, insulin
regimen {Insulin regime}, postoperative {Postoperative state}, blood
glucose levels {Finding of blood glucose level}, ID {Infection control procedure}, fever {Fever}, watched for signs of
infection {Monitoring for signs and symptoms of infection}, blood counts {Blood test}, signs {Sign}, bleeding {Bleeding}, Prophylaxis {Preventive procedure}, heparin {Heparin therapy}, ambulate {Ambulation training}, afebrile {Fever}, stable vital signs {Normal vital signs}, tolerating a stage 3
diet {Tolerating diet}, ambulating {Fully mobile}, voiding {Micturition finding}, pain was well
controlled {Demonstrates adequate pain control}, teaching {Patient education}, follow-up {Follow-up arranged}, instructions {Patient education}, discharge plan {Discharge planning} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
The Preadmission Medication list is accurate and complete.
1. BusPIRone 15 mg PO DAILY
2. Duloxetine 30 mg PO DAILY
3. Fexofenadine 180 mg PO DAILY
4. Lansoprazole Oral Disintegrating Tab 30 mg PO BID
5. Lisinopril 10 mg PO DAILY
6. Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg PO DAILY
7. Rosuvastatin Calcium 20 mg PO DAILY
8. TraZODone 50 mg PO HS
Discharge Medications:
1. OxycoDONE-Acetaminophen Elixir ___ mL PO Q4H:PRN pain
RX *oxycodone-acetaminophen [Roxicet] 5 mg-325 mg/5 mL ___ ml
by mouth every four (4) hours Refills:*0
2. Docusate Sodium (Liquid) 100 mg PO BID
RX *docusate sodium 50 mg/5 mL 100 mg by mouth twice a day
3. Ranitidine (Liquid) 150 mg PO BID
RX *ranitidine HCl 15 mg/mL 150 mg by mouth twice a day
4. BusPIRone 15 mg PO DAILY
5. Duloxetine 30 mg PO DAILY
6. Fexofenadine 180 mg PO DAILY
7. Lisinopril 10 mg PO DAILY
8. Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg PO DAILY
9. Rosuvastatin Calcium 20 mg PO DAILY
10. TraZODone 50 mg PO HS
11. Enoxaparin Sodium 30 mg SC BID Duration: 28 Days
Start: ___ - ___, First Dose: Next Routine Administration
RX *enoxaparin 30 mg/0.3 mL 30 mg SC twice a day Disp #*56
Syringe Refills:*0
12. NPH 12 Units Breakfast
NPH 8 Units Bedtime
Insulin SC Sliding Scale using HUM Insulin
RX *NPH insulin human recomb [Humulin N KwikPen] 100 unit/mL (3
mL) 12 or 8 units SC 12 Units before BKFT; 8 Units before BED;
Disp #*60 Syringe Refills:*3
###RESPONSE: mg {Blood magnesium measurement} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Disposition:
Home With Service
Discharge Diagnosis:
Discharge Condition:
Mental Status: Clear and coherent.
Level of Consciousness: Alert and interactive.
Activity Status: Ambulatory - Independent.
###RESPONSE: With Service {Home health aide service management}, Obesity {Obesity}, Mental Status {Neurological mental status determination}, Clear {No abnormality detected}, Level of Consciousness {Assessment of consciousness level}, Alert {Mentally alert}, interactive {Does communicate}, Activity Status {Physical functional dependency}, Ambulatory - Independent {Independent walking} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Discharge Instructions: Please call your surgeon or return to
the emergency department if you develop a fever greater than
101.5, chest pain, shortness of breath, severe abdominal pain,
pain unrelieved by your pain medication, severe nausea or
vomiting, severe abdominal bloating, inability to eat or drink,
foul smelling or colorful drainage from your incisions, redness
or swelling around your incisions, or any other symptoms which
are concerning to you.
Diet: Stay on Stage III diet until your follow up appointment.
Do not self advance
diet, do not drink out of a straw or chew gum.
Medication Instructions:
Resume your home medications, CRUSH ALL PILLS.
You will be starting some new medications:
1. You are being discharged on medications to treat the pain
from your operation. These medications will make you drowsy and
impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle or operate
machinery safely. You MUST refrain from such activities while
taking these medications.
2. You should begin taking a chewable complete multivitamin with
minerals. No gummy vitamins.
3. You will be taking Zantac liquid ___ mg twice daily for one
month. This medicine prevents gastric reflux.
4. You should take a stool softener, Colace, twice daily for
constipation as needed, or until you resume a normal bowel
5. You must not use NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs) Examples are Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Nuprin and
Naproxen. These agents will cause bleeding and ulcers in your
digestive system.
No heavy lifting of items ___ pounds for 6 weeks. You may
resume moderate
exercise at your discretion, no abdominal exercises.
Wound Care:
You may shower, no tub baths or swimming.
If there is clear drainage from your incisions, cover with
clean, dry gauze.
Your steri-strips will fall off on their own. Please remove any
remaining strips ___ days after surgery.
Please call the doctor if you have increased pain, swelling,
redness, or drainage from the incision sites
###RESPONSE: emergency {Emergency treatment}, fever {Fever}, chest pain {Chest pain}, shortness of breath {Dyspnea}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, pain {Pain}, pain medication {Administration of analgesic}, nausea {Nausea}, vomiting {Vomiting}, abdominal bloating {Abdominal bloating}, inability to eat {Unable to eat}, drink {Unable to drink}, drainage {Wound discharge}, incisions {Surgical incision wound}, redness {Redness of skin over lesion}, swelling {Swelling}, incisions {Surgical incision wound}, Diet {Obesity diet education}, Stage III diet {Dietary regime}, medications {Administration of analgesic}, pain {Pain}, operation {Surgical procedure}, medications will make you {Patient medication education}, drowsy {Drowsy}, impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle or operate
machinery safely {Patient should not drive or operate machinery}, activities {Functional activity education}, while
taking these medications {Patient medication education}, gastric reflux {Gastric reflux}, take a stool softener {Administration of laxative}, constipation {Constipation}, a normal bowel
pattern {Normal bowel habits}, must not use {Patient medication education}, bleeding {Gastrointestinal hemorrhage}, ulcers in your
digestive system {Gastrointestinal ulcer}, No heavy lifting {Recommendation to avoid activity of daily living}, exercise {Exercises}, abdominal exercises {Abdominal exercises}, no tub baths {Recommendation to avoid activity of daily living}, drainage {Wound discharge}, incisions {Surgical incision wound}, cover with
clean, dry gauze {Application of dressing}, after surgery {Postoperative state}, increased pain {Increased pain}, swelling {Swelling}, redness {Redness of skin over lesion}, drainage {Wound discharge}, incision sites {Surgical incision wound} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Followup Instructions:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
Name: ___ Unit No: ___
Admission Date: ___ Discharge Date: ___
Date of Birth: ___ Sex: F
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Allergies:
No Known Allergies / Adverse Drug Reactions
Attending: ___.
Chief Complaint:
Major Surgical or Invasive Procedure:
###RESPONSE: Adverse Drug Reactions {Propensity to adverse reactions to drug}, n/v/d {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: History of Present Illness:
Ms. ___ is a ___ woman w/ PMH multiple myeloma s/p
chemotherapy currently undergoing GCSF injections in preparation
for stem cell transplant this coming ___ presenting with 1
week of general malaise and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea x 1 day.
She has had approximately 20 episodes of nonbloody nonbilious
emesis as well as nonbloody watery diarrhea. She has had poor
p.o. intake and subjective fevers and chills with profuse
diaphoresis. She is currently getting treated at ___.
Her most recent preparation shot was earlier today. The only
other medical problem is anxiety and depression for which she
takes Ativan as needed. No significant cough dysuria or
hematuria. She does have some epigastric abdominal pain.
Exam was significant for tachycardia, dry mucous membranes,
epigastric tenderness to palpation.
VS significant for Tmax 99.7, HR 111, BP 135/69, RR 16, O2Sat
94% on RA.
CXR shows: Scattered bilateral densities overlying ribs may in
part relate to rib lesions, new since ___, but also raise
concern for underlying multifocal infection. No prior for
comparison since ___.
CT A/P showed: multiple loops of small bowel with wall edema.
Mild wall thickening of ascending colon, transverse colon,
rectum. Associated mesenteric edema and small amount of ascites
concerning for entero-proctocolitis. Numerous punched out lytic
lesions within the pelvis, imaged spine, and proximal femurs
consistent with multiple myeloma.
She received Zofran, Lorazepam, NS and LR IVF 3L total,
Clonazepam, Tylenol 1g, diphenhydramine 25 mg.
She reports that she started feeling malaise and nausea a week
ago. She started taking her GCSF shots 4 days ago. She reports
that she started to have worsening nausea with vomiting of NBNB
emesis and diarrhea, no melena/hematochezia. She reports that
she is having abdominal pain but also says that she's been
having this for awhile and thinks this is from her multiple
myeloma. She had a fever this week that she measured at home.
She denies chest pains, SOB, cough. She denies lower extremity
swelling. She feels
that all of her bones are aching and she can't get comfortable.
She hasn't had morphine or other narcotics all day today.
Doesn't feel like the Zofran is working for nausea. Feeling very
anxious as well.
ROS: Pertinent positives and negatives as noted in the HPI. All
other systems were reviewed and are negative.
###RESPONSE: multiple myeloma {Multiple myeloma}, chemotherapy {Chemotherapy}, stem cell transplant {Allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant}, malaise {Malaise}, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}, emesis {Vomiting}, watery {Liquid stool}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, poor
p.o. intake {Inadequate oral intake}, fevers {Fever}, chills {Chill}, diaphoresis {Excessive sweating}, anxiety {Anxiety}, depression {Depressive disorder}, cough {Cough}, dysuria {Dysuria}, hematuria {Blood in urine}, epigastric abdominal pain {Epigastric pain}, tachycardia {Tachycardia}, dry mucous membranes {Mucous membrane dryness}, epigastric tenderness {Tenderness of epigastrium}, palpation {Palpation}, RA {Breathing room air}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, rib {Bone structure of rib}, lesions {Lesion}, infection {Infectious disease}, CT A/P {Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis}, small bowel {Structure of small intestine}, edema {Edema}, thickening {Increased thickness}, ascending colon {Ascending colon structure}, transverse colon {Transverse colon structure}, rectum {Rectum structure}, mesenteric {Mesentery structure}, edema {Edema}, ascites {Ascites}, proctocolitis {Proctocolitis}, lytic
lesions {Lytic lesion of bone on X-ray}, pelvis {Structure of pelvis}, spine {Structure of vertebral column}, proximal femurs {Bone structure of proximal femur}, malaise {Malaise}, nausea {Nausea}, nausea {Nausea}, vomiting {Vomiting}, emesis {Vomiting}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, melena {Melena}, hematochezia {Hematochezia}, abdominal pain {Abdominal pain}, multiple
myeloma {Multiple myeloma}, fever {Fever}, chest pains {Chest pain}, SOB {Dyspnea}, cough {Cough}, lower extremity
swelling {Swelling of lower limb}, aching {Aching pain}, nausea {Nausea}, anxious {Anxiety} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Past Medical History:
Multiple Myeloma
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Chiari malformation type I
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Hypertensive disorder
Erosive gastritis
Depressive disorder
Colon polyp
###RESPONSE: Multiple Myeloma {Multiple myeloma}, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {Chronic obstructive lung disease}, Gastroesophageal reflux disease {Gastroesophageal reflux disease}, Chiari malformation type I {Chiari malformation type I}, Anxiety {Anxiety}, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder {Posttraumatic stress disorder}, Hypertensive disorder {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, Asthma {Asthma}, Colitis {Colitis}, Erosive gastritis {Erosive gastritis}, Anemia {Anemia}, Arthritis {Arthritis}, Hyperlipidemia {Hyperlipidemia}, Depressive disorder {Depressive disorder}, Colon polyp {Polyp of colon}, ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT REPAIR {Repair of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Social History:
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Family History:
Reviewed and found to be not relevant to this illness/reason for
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Physical Exam:
VITALS: 99.1 PO 150 / 84 99 16 95% Ra
GENERAL: alert, anxious, tearful, fidgeting, moving around in
a lot
EYES: Anicteric, pupils equally round
ENT: Ears and nose without visible erythema, masses, or trauma.
Oropharynx without visible lesion, erythema or exudate
CV: Heart tachycardic, no murmur, no S3, no S4. No JVD.
RESP: Lungs clear to auscultation with good air movement
bilaterally. Breathing is non-labored
GI: Abdomen soft, non-distended, tender to palpation over lower
abdomen. Bowel sounds present. No HSM
GU: No suprapubic fullness or tenderness to palpation
MSK: Neck supple, moves all extremities, strength grossly full
and symmetric bilaterally in all limbs
SKIN: No rashes or ulcerations noted
NEURO: Alert, oriented, face symmetric, gaze conjugate with
speech fluent, moves all limbs, sensation to light touch grossly
intact throughout
PSYCH: tearful, anxious
Vital Signs: 98.8 127/67 98 18 96% RA
GEN: NAD, ambulating , pleasant, interactive, nervous, anxious
EYES: PERRL, EOMI, conjunctiva clear, anicteric
ENT: moist mucous membranes, no exudates
NECK: supple
CV: RRR s1s2 nl, no m/r/g
PULM: CTA, no r/r/w
GI: normal BS, mild diffuse tenderness, no HSM
EXT: warm, no c/c/e
SKIN: no rashes
NEURO: alert, oriented x 3, answers ? appropriately, follows
commands, non focal
PSYCH: appropriate
FOLEY: absent
###RESPONSE: GENERAL {General examination of patient}, alert {Mentally alert}, anxious {Anxiety}, tearful {Crying associated with mood}, fidgeting {Fidgeting}, EYES {Ophthalmic examination and evaluation}, Anicteric {White sclera}, pupils equally round {Pupil size and shape normal}, ENT {Abdominal tenderness}, Ears {Ear structure}, nose {Nasal structure}, erythema {Erythema}, masses {Abdominal mass}, trauma {Traumatic injury}, Oropharynx {Oropharyngeal structure}, lesion {Lesion}, erythema {Erythema}, exudate {Exudate}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, Heart {Cardiovascular physical examination}, tachycardic {Tachycardia}, murmur {Murmur}, no S3 {Third heart sound, S>3<, inaudible}, no S4 {Fourth heart sound, S>4<, inaudible}, JVD {Jugular venous engorgement}, RESP {Examination of respiratory system}, Lungs {Examination of respiratory system}, labored {Labored breathing}, GI {Examination of digestive system}, soft {Abdomen soft}, non-distended {Normal abdominal contour}, tender {Abdominal tenderness}, palpation {Palpation}, lower
abdomen {Lower abdomen structure}, Bowel sounds present {Normal bowel sounds}, HSM {Hepatosplenomegaly}, GU {Examination of genitourinary system}, suprapubic {Hypogastric region structure}, tenderness {Tenderness}, palpation {Palpation}, MSK {Musculoskeletal system physical examination}, Neck {Physical examination procedure}, supple {Normal movement of neck}, all extremities {All extremities}, SKIN {Examination of skin}, rashes {Eruption of skin}, ulcerations {Ulcer}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, Alert {Mentally alert}, oriented {Orientated}, face symmetric {Facial symmetry}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, speech fluent {Does speak fluently}, moves all limbs {Does move all four limbs}, sensation to light touch grossly
intact {Normal light touch sensation}, PSYCH {Psychiatry procedure or service}, tearful {Crying associated with mood}, anxious {Anxiety}, Vital Signs {Vital signs finding}, RA {Breathing room air}, GEN {General examination of patient}, NAD {No abnormality detected}, ambulating {Fully mobile}, anxious {Anxiety}, EYES {Ophthalmic examination and evaluation}, PERRL {Pupils equal and reacting to light}, EOMI {Normal ocular motility}, conjunctiva clear {Conjunctiva normal}, anicteric {White sclera}, ENT {Abdominal tenderness}, moist mucous membranes {Moist oral mucosa}, exudates {Exudate}, NECK {Physical examination procedure}, supple {Normal movement of neck}, CV {Cardiovascular physical examination}, RRR {Normal heart rate}, s1s2 nl {Heart sounds normal}, no m/r/g {Heart sounds normal}, PULM {Examination of respiratory system}, CTA {Normal breath sounds}, GI {Examination of digestive system}, normal BS {Normal bowel sounds}, tenderness {Tenderness}, HSM {Hepatosplenomegaly}, EXT {Examination of limb}, warm {Warm skin}, SKIN {Examination of skin}, rashes {Eruption of skin}, NEURO {Neurological examination}, alert {Mentally alert}, oriented {Orientated}, PSYCH {Psychiatry procedure or service} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Pertinent Results:
WBC 54.3, Hgb 13.6, Plt 301
INR 1.2, PTT 26
Cr 0.7
AlkP 173
trop neg x 1
phos 2.2
lactate 2.1
flu negative
___ 06:25AM BLOOD WBC-4.7 RBC-3.81* Hgb-11.1* Hct-34.5
MCV-91 MCH-29.1 MCHC-32.2 RDW-15.9* RDWSD-52.6* Plt ___
___ 06:25AM BLOOD Glucose-87 UreaN-5* Creat-0.5 Na-141
K-3.1* Cl-101 HCO3-27 AnGap-13
___ 06:25AM BLOOD Calcium-8.3* Phos-3.7 Mg-1.8
# CXR (___): Scattered bilateral densities overlying ribs may
in part relate to rib lesions, new since ___, but also
raise concern for underlying multifocal infection. No prior for
comparison since ___.
# CT A/P (___): IMPRESSION: 1. Multiple relatively collapsed
loops of small bowel demonstrate wall edema. Mild wall
thickening of the ascending colon and possibly the transverse
colon. Mild wall thickening and hyperemia of the rectum.
Associated mesenteric edema and small amount of ascites.
Findings concerning for entero-proctocolitis. 2. Numerous
punched-out lytic lesions within the pelvis, imaged spine, and
proximal femurs, consistent with multiple myeloma. 3. Anterior
wedge compression deformities of T12 through L2 of indeterminate
age, but unlikely to be acute.
###RESPONSE: WBC {White blood cell count}, WBC {White blood cell count}, RBC {Red blood cell count}, Hgb {Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration}, Hct {Hematocrit determination}, MCH {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination}, MCHC {Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination}, RDW {Red cell distribution width determination}, RDWSD {Red cell distribution width determination}, Glucose {Glucose measurement, blood}, UreaN {Blood urea nitrogen measurement}, Creat {Creatinine measurement}, Na {Blood sodium measurement}, Cl {Chloride measurement, blood}, HCO3 {Blood bicarbonate measurement}, AnGap {Anion gap measurement}, Calcium {Blood calcium measurement}, Phos {Phosphate, total measurement}, Mg {Blood magnesium measurement}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, rib {Bone structure of rib}, lesions {Lesion}, infection {Infectious disease}, small bowel {Structure of small intestine}, edema {Edema}, thickening {Increased thickness}, ascending colon {Ascending colon structure}, transverse
colon {Transverse colon structure}, thickening {Increased thickness}, hyperemia {Hyperemia}, rectum {Rectum structure}, mesenteric {Mesentery structure}, edema {Edema}, ascites {Ascites}, entero {Inflammation of intestine}, proctocolitis {Proctocolitis}, lytic lesions {Lytic lesion of bone on X-ray}, pelvis {Structure of pelvis}, spine {Structure of vertebral column}, proximal femurs {Bone structure of proximal femur}, multiple myeloma {Multiple myeloma}, compression {Compression}, deformities {Deformity} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Brief Hospital Course:
ASSESSMENT & PLAN: ___ F h/o multiple myeloma s/p chemotherapy
currently undergoing GCSF injections in preparation for stem
cell transplant this coming ___ presenting with 1 week of
general malaise and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea x 1 day.
# Fever
# Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea:
# Body pain/aches
Ms. ___ presented with nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, fever.
Although severity of these symptoms reportedly increased in the
setting of GCSF initation (x4 days), she reports diarrhea
occurring even beforehand. Admit WBC was elevated 54.3, lactate
2.1 - but in the setting of GCSF.
CT A/P showed evidence of mild enteroproctocolitis. Workup
of her symptoms included the following: Flu: neg, Stool cdiff,
salmonella/shigella/campylobacter were neg, CMV VL was
undetectable. Of note, CXR was negative.
To evaluate whether the G-CSF may play a role in her
symptomology, hematology was consulted. They felt that her
constellation of symptoms were not attributable to the G-CSF.
Although there are reports of anaphylaxis to G-CSF use - this
was considered unlikely.
She was placed on IV Zofran, lorazepam ___, and hydrated. On
the Day1 of hospitalization, her nausea/vomiting and diarrhea
resolved. There were no further episodes of fever. Due to low
suspicion for bacterial infection, no antibiotics were given.
She noted steady improvement in her symptoms with good tolerance
of PO solids on day of discharge. She was reassured that she
should expect full recovery from a likely viral gastroenteritis.
Cause of Body pain unclear. ? side effect of the ___ as she
describe it as her bones that are hurting her.
# Leukocytosis:
# MM
Being treated at ___. S/p XRT, chemotherapy (RVD - last
___. Was planned for BMT on ___ per Partner's records. On
admit, with high WBC with bands likely due to the effect of
GCSF. Dr. ___ staff at ___ was consulted - and it was
felt that harvesting and port would be have to be postponed
until she recoevers. Transfer to ___ was felt not indicated.
Reportedly, in the future, a more supervised approach would be
adopted for her next Harvesting attempt. She was continued on
Continued on home citalopram, venlafaxine. Ativan above as
needed (per ___ hasn't had a prescription since ___
#HTN: continue diltiazem
# Nutrition/Hydration: regular diet
# Functional status: ambulatory
# Bowel Function: holding
# Lines/Tubes/Drains: PIVs
# Precautions: universal
# VTE prophylaxis: SQH
# Consulting Services: none
# Contacts/HCP/Surrogate and Communication: son
# Code Status/Advance Care Planning: Full Code, presumed
# Disposition: Home without services. .
NOTE: She reports that she has run out of oxycodone (confirmed
on PMP). 1 day of oxycodone was provided to provide bridge for
her visit/contact with her PCP.
###RESPONSE: multiple myeloma {Multiple myeloma}, chemotherapy {Chemotherapy}, stem
cell transplant {Allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant}, malaise {Malaise}, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}, Fever {Fever}, Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}, pain {Pain}, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}, fever {Fever}, diarrhea {Diarrhea}, WBC was elevated {Leukocytosis}, CT A/P {Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis}, enteroproctocolitis {Proctocolitis}, Flu {Influenza}, CXR {Plain chest X-ray}, anaphylaxis {Anaphylaxis}, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea {Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}, fever {Fever}, bacterial infection {Bacterial infectious disease}, viral gastroenteritis {Viral gastroenteritis}, Body pain {Generalized aches and pains}, MM {Plasma cell myeloma}, XRT {X-ray beam therapy}, chemotherapy {Chemotherapy}, Anxiety
#Depression {Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder}, HTN {Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial}, regular diet {Normal diet} |
###HUMAN: Your task is to process the following fragment of a medical note, retrieving and listing all SNOMED annotations found inside. You will return an "EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment" if there are none. For any that you find, you will return a list of: "text {annotation}", where 'text' is the part of the text that corresponds to the annotation, and 'annotation' is the corresponding SNOMED-CT annotation. This is the text to analyze:
###TEXT: Medications on Admission:
The Preadmission Medication list may be inaccurate and requires
futher investigation.
1. Vitamin D ___ UNIT PO 1X/WEEK (___)
2. Diltiazem Extended-Release 240 mg PO DAILY
3. Venlafaxine XR 75 mg PO DAILY
4. Citalopram 40 mg PO DAILY
5. Dexamethasone 4 mg PO DAILY:PRN during radiation
6. OxyCODONE (Immediate Release) 10 mg PO Q4H:PRN Pain -
7. Morphine Sulfate ___ 30 mg PO DAILY
8. Morphine Sulfate ___ 60 mg PO QHS
9. Acyclovir 400 mg PO Q8H
10. Senna 17.2 mg PO DAILY
11. Ondansetron 8 mg PO Q8H:PRN Nausea/Vomiting - First Line
Discharge Medications:
1. Acyclovir 400 mg PO Q8H
2. Citalopram 40 mg PO DAILY
3. Dexamethasone 4 mg PO DAILY:PRN during radiation
4. Diltiazem Extended-Release 240 mg PO DAILY
5. Morphine Sulfate ___ 30 mg PO DAILY
6. Morphine Sulfate ___ 60 mg PO QHS
7. Ondansetron 8 mg PO Q8H:PRN Nausea/Vomiting - First Line
8. OxyCODONE (Immediate Release) 10 mg PO Q4H:PRN Pain -
RX *oxycodone 10 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth every four (4) hours
Disp #*6 Tablet Refills:*0
9. Senna 17.2 mg PO DAILY
10. Venlafaxine XR 75 mg PO DAILY
11. Vitamin D ___ UNIT PO 1X/WEEK (___)
###RESPONSE: EMPTY: No SNOMED annotations found in this fragment |
Subsets and Splits