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<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: В Москве собираются выпустить памятку, которая расскажет, как не стать жертвой интернет-магазина.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆In Moscow, it is planned to release a memorial that will tell you how not to become a victim of an online store.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Russian.⦅newline⦆English: The north shore housing market is in the grip of a stock shortage, especially in the popular suburb of Wollstonecraft.⦅newline⦆Russian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Рынок жилья на северном берегу находится в тисках дефицита акций, особенно в популярном пригороде Уолстонкрафта.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: Solo press conferences are rare.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Yksittäiset lehdistötilaisuudet ovat harvinaisia.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Die Fridays for Future-Bewegung sei ein Segen, sagte der Polarforscher. Er habe jahrelang darauf gewartet, dass sich die junge Generation zu Wort melde. Man wisse seit Jahrzehnten, dass sich die Erde erwärme. Trotzdem handelten viele so, als gäbe es einen Planeten B.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, the polar researcher said. He waited for years for the young generation to speak up. It's been known for decades that the earth is warming. Yet many acted like there was a planet B.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into Czech.⦅newline⦆German: Fleischer schien die Reaktion von Waters mit der Kritik der Demokraten an Richter Kavanaugh zu vergleichen, der von Kritikern beschuldigt wurde, in der Anhörung am Donnerstag wütend zu reagiert zu haben.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Zdálo se, že Fleischer srovnává reakci vod na kritiku demokratů Kavanauggha, již byli obviněni kritikem, že ve čtvrtečním slyšení reagovali zlostně.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into Czech.⦅newline⦆German: Berichten zufolge, seien zahlreiche Menschen unter den Trümmern von Gebäuden gefangen, die bei dem Erdbeben der Stärke 7,5, das am Freitag die Inseln heimgesucht hatte und Wellen bis zu 20 Fuß ausgelöst hatte, zerstört worden waren, erklärte der Sprecher der Agentur Sutopo Purwo Nugroho auf einer Pressekonferenz.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Podle zpráv bylo mnoho lidí uvězněno pod troskami budov, které byly zničeny při zemětřesení o síle 7,5 stupně, které v pátek postihlo ostrovy a vyvolalo vlny až do výšky 20 metrů, uvedl mluvčí agentury Sutopo Purwo Nugroho na tiskové konferenci.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Klubi ootab seoses lepingu sõlmimisega käibe vähemalt 30 protsendi suurust kasvu.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The club expects at least a 30 per cent increase in turnover in connection with the signing of the contract.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: Но нам было важно самим оценить там обстановку, проанализировать реальный военный потенциал, кто за что отвечает, почему ходят такие слухи, какова там в действительности роль исламистов.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆But it was important for us to assess the situation there, to analyze the real military potential, who is in charge, why there are such rumors, what the role of Islamists really is.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: They said, 'don't go out there with that hat on.'⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆He sanoivat, 'eivät mene siellä tuon hatun kanssa päällä.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 大会主席团常务主席万钢⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Executive Chairman of the Bureau of the General Assembly Wan Gang
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Üht last, 16-aastast Yulianus Yeimot, peksti nii julmalt, et ta langes koomasse.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆One child, a 16-year-old Yulianus Yeimot, beat so hard that he fell into a coma.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: "Here you walk outside and it's like somebody put a heater on you. I guess that is why they are doing it at night."⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆„Tady vyjdete ven a je to, jako by na vás někdo hodil topení. Myslím, že proto to dělají v noci.“
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: Přijedete-li do historického centra Jáchymova, žasnete, jak je zdevastované - včetně domů s renesančními jádry. V době, kdy Jáchymov slaví 500 let těžby stříbra a ražby tolarů (pro Američany dolarů). Proč? Prý kvůli rychlokvašenému prodeji domů v 90. letech, říkají tamní úředníci. Ale čím to, že sedm kilometrů vzdálený Ostrov, sídlo Šliků, kteří jáchymovské tolary razili, má historické jádro pěkně opravené? Je dobře, upozorňuje-li na tyto věci prezident.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆If you come to the historical centre of Jáchymov, you are amazed at how devastated it is - including houses with Renaissance cores. At a time when Jáchymov celebrates 500 years of silver mining and tolar mintage (for Americans dollars). Why? They say because of the rapid sale of houses in the '90s, officials there say. But why is it that the seven-kilometer-distant Island, the seat of the Shliks who coined the Jáchymov tolars, has the historic core nicely repaired? It is good if the President points out these things.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 大型企业PMI为52.1 % , 与上月持平,今年以来该指数始终位于52.0%及以上的扩张区间,且本月生产指数和新订单指数环比均有所提升,是制造业保持扩张的主要动力;中型企业PMI为48.7 % , 低于上月1.7个百分点,位于收缩区间;小型企业PMI为50.4 % , 高于上月0.4个百分点,连续两个月上升。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The PMI for large companies was 52.1%, the same as the previous month, and the index has been in an expansion range of 52.0% and above so far this year, and both the production index and the new order index have risen this month, making it the main driver of manufacturing expansion; the PMI for medium-sized companies was 48.7%, down from 1.7%age points the previous month and in the contraction range; and the PMI for small companies was 50.4%, up from 0.4%age points the previous month, up for two consecutive months.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Lithuanian into English.⦅newline⦆Lithuanian: Sulaikytas 1994 metais gimęs įtariamasis, kuriam nustatytas 2,53 prom. girtumas.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The suspect, who was born in 1994, was arrested with 2.53 proms of drunkenness.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Der syrischstämmige Autor bedient sich bei der Beantwortung der Frage einer Metapher.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The Syrian-born author uses a metaphor to answer the question.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Hausherr Ernst Jürgen Dahlmann begrüßte die Künstler zur Eröffnung der Vernissage.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The host Ernst Jürgen Dahlmann welcomed the artists to the opening of the vernissage.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Lentokone oli harjoituslennolla, ja osana harjoitusta lentäjää pyydettiin tunnistamaan kalastusveneitä⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The plane was a training flight, and the pilot of the plane was asked as part of the exercise to identify fishing boats
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 研究发现,人们的日常饮食中对这些不健康脂肪的摄入量从11.5%提高到了12 % , 超过了推荐的10%的摄入上限。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The study found that people's daily dietary intake of these unhealthy fats increased from 11.5 percent to 12 percent, exceeding the recommended 10 percent intake limit.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: Исследование, проведенное в Экспертно-криминалистическом центре, показало, что она является фальшивой.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆A research conducted by the Expert Forensic Centre showed that it is fake.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: "While I find many of the statements in the whistleblower's report disturbing, there's a lot more information that's out there," Brindisi said. "We have to talk to some of these officials that they have listed in the report here and see where it goes."⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆„Přestože je mnoho výroků ve zprávě oznamovatele znepokojivé, je tu mnohem více informací,“ řekl Brindisi. "Musíme si promluvit s některými z těchto úředníků, které uvedli ve zprávě, a zjistit, kam to jde."
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: 2016 ging er in den Ruhestand und legt dabei auch den Titel "Prinzgemahl" ab.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆He retired in 2016 and also holds the title of "Prince Supper."
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: "As divisions and bitterness mount in the continuing debates around Brexit, we strongly believe that politics has to respond not by mirroring these trends, but by bucking them.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"Jako divizí a hořkost hoře v pokračujících debatách o Brexitu, pevně věříme, že politika musí reagovat ne zrcadlením těchto trendů, ale bujnou je.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Suomi sijoittui ykköseksi tutkimuksessa, joka mittasi kansalaisten terveyttä ja koulutusta sekä oppimista.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Finland ranked number one in a survey that measured citizens' health and education, as well as learning.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: PSG teki selväksi, ettei se päästäisi italialaista lähtemään missään olosuhteissa. Voi hyvinkin olla, että Barcelona menettää tämän vuoksi tähtipelaajansa Neymarin.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆PSG made it clear that it would allow the Italian to leave under any circumstances. It may well be that Barcelona lose because of this star player Neymarin.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 旅游购物“黑店”由于数量不多、坐地经营,也成为严打重点。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Tourism shopping has also become a major focus of the market because of a small number of people .
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: В этот раз их стало больше, и мы даже видели, как на лугу паслась лошадь».⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆This time there were more of them, and we even saw a horse on the meadow. "
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 福建泉州市中法随后对涉事律师罚款500元,并书面建议泉州市律师协会进行调查处理。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The Chinese Law of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, subsequently fined the lawyers involved 500 yuan and suggested in writing that the Quanzhou City Bar Association should investigate and deal with the matter.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Hän toimi musiikkituottajana Vesa-Matti Loirin levyillä.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆He was a music producer on Vesa-Matti Loiri's records.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: Pumping made me feel exactly like a cow.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Pumpata sai minua tuntumaan täsmälleen kuten lehmä.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Lithuanian.⦅newline⦆English: Tuning out is a luxury only the most privileged viewers can afford.⦅newline⦆Lithuanian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Tuning out yra prabanga tik labiausiai privilegijuotų žiūrovų gali sau leisti.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: When lit, the condom bursts open with a bang, spraying a fine dust of chilli powder into the air.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Když se rozsvítila, kondom se rozevřel a začal se rozhlížet a v duchu se rozprostíral jemným prachem dělajícího prachu.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: City battles Hoffenheim in Champions League group play at 12:55 p.m. on Tuesday at Rhein-Neckar-Arena in Sinsheim, Germany.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Kaupungin taistelut Hoffenheim Champions League -ryhmässä pelataan tiistaina klo 12: 55 Rhein-Neckar-Arenassa Sinsheimissa.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: Сборная России обыграла команду Таиланда на чемпионате мира в Японии⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The Russian national team beat the Thai team at the World Championships in Japan
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: Было очень тяжело.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆It was very hard.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Russian.⦅newline⦆English: President Trump has opened an FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh.⦅newline⦆Russian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Президент Трамп открыл расследование ФБР по обвинениям в адрес Кавано.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: На референдуме в Македонии зафиксировали нарушения⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆In the referendum in Macedonia recorded violations
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: The festival continues until Sunday 14 August.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Festival pokračuje až do neděle 14. srpna.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: "At practice I'm glowing because I'm sweating because it's so humid," said Rai Benjamin, who competes in the 400m hurdles.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆„Na tréninku zářím, protože se potím, protože je tak vlhko,“ řekl Rai Benjamin, který závodí na 400 metrů překážek.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into Czech.⦅newline⦆German: Sie sagte, ihr Partner „und seine gewalttätigen Söhne und Bandenmitglieder“ hätten sie missbraucht, aber US-Beamte lehnten ihren Asylantrag am 20. Juli ab.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Řekla, že její partner "a jeho násilní synové a členové gangu" ji zneužil, ale američtí představitelé odmítli její žádost o azyl 20.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: Bat populations in Scotland and across the UK have declined considerably over the past century.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Maila on vähentynyt Skotlannissa ja eri puolilla Yhdistynyttä kuningaskuntaa viime vuosisadalla.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Hänen hyökkäyksensä kohteena oli patsaan merkitys ja etenkin se, että vuonna 1903 patsaan jalustaan lisättiin Emma Lazaruksen runo – 17 vuotta patsaan valmistumisen jälkeen.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The subject of his attack was the importance of the statue and, in particular, the addition, in 1903, of Emma Lazarus's poem - 17 years after the statue was finished.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Forbes märgib, et talle kuuluvad kivisöekaevandused viies osariigis ning kivisöeäri päris ta oma isalt.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Forbes notes that he owns coal mines in five states, and the coal business is actually from his father.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: Banff 的一位居民发现有鱼惊现自家花园,随后发出了求助。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆A resident of Banff found fish surprised at his own garden and then sent for help.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Kliinilise katse eesmärk on hinnata PrEP-i tegelikku potentsiaali, kogudes kliinilisi tõendeid selle kohta, kellele ravim mõeldud on ning kuidas seda suures pildis tarbitakse ja rakendatakse.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆A clinical trial is designed to gauge the true potential of the prep by gathering clinical evidence of who the drug is intended for and how it is consumed and implemented in a large picture.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Russian.⦅newline⦆English: Doubling funding could double the chances that the next big AI achievement will be made in the U.S., Lee told CNBC in an interview this week.⦅newline⦆Russian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Удвоение финансирования может удвоить шансы на то, что следующее большое достижение ИИ будет сделано в США, сказал Ли CNBC в интервью на этой неделе.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into French.⦅newline⦆German: Sie müssen in ihrer Kritik ernst genommen werden.⦅newline⦆French: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Ils doivent être pris au sérieux dans leurs critiques.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into German.⦅newline⦆English: EU President Jean-Claude Juncker said he and Barnier are doing everything they can for a deal and if they fail, it's Britain's fault.⦅newline⦆German: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker sagte, er und Barnier tun alles, was sie können, für einen Deal und wenn sie scheitern, ist Großbritanniens Schuld.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Lithuanian into English.⦅newline⦆Lithuanian: Konservatoriui kliūva Matjošaitytės kelionių kryptys: įžvelgia konferencinį turizmą (88)⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Conservative Obstacles Matjošaitytė Travel Directions: Sees Conference Tourism (88)
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Chinese.⦅newline⦆English: State Counselor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Federation's General Committee Reznianek, Treasurer of the U.S. National Republican Committee Anthony Parker,⦅newline⦆Chinese: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆缅甸国家参赞翁山苏姬,俄罗斯联邦总务委员会副秘书雷兹尼内克,美国国家共和党委员会主席安东尼帕克,
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: Serena Williams, tennis legend and seven-time Wimbledon champion, is being fined $10,000 for allegedly damaging the London practice courts with her racquet.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Serena Williamsová, tenisová legenda a sedminásobná wimbledonská šampionka, dostává pokutu 10 tisíc dolarů za údajné poškození londýnských tréninkových kurtů svou raketou.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: "The Assad regime is responsible for innumerable atrocities some of which rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity," Pompeo told a news conference.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆′′ Assadův režim je zodpovědný za nespočetná zvěrstva, z nichž některá stoupají na úroveň válečných zločinů a zločinů proti lidskosti," řekl Pompeo tiskové konferenci.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Russian into English.⦅newline⦆Russian: Украинская детская писательница и борец за чистоту родного языка Лариса Ницой призвала вытеснить с Украины "русскоязычный московский продукт и московский язык".⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Ukrainian children's writer and fighter for purity of mother tongue Larisa Nietoi urged to displace from Ukraine “Russian-language Moscow product and the Moscow language”.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Ensimmäistä Valon päivä juhlistetaan Unescon päämajassa Pariisin keskustassa 16. toukokuuta.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The first Valo Day will be celebrated at UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 16 May.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 11月4日,清远华侨工业园管委会副主任潘虹代表清华园与英德市科恒新能源科技有限公司总裁左海波签署《科恒生产基地项目投资建设合同书》。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆On November 4, Pan Hong, deputy director of the Qingyuan Overseas Chinese Industrial Park Administration Committee, signed the Contract for Investment and Construction of the Ke Heng Production Base Project on behalf of Tsinghua Park and Zuo Haibo, president of Ke Heng New Energy Technology Co. Ltd.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Chinese.⦅newline⦆English: Whenever I speak publicly - and it doesn't really matter what I say - there follows a tirade of abuse on social media calling for deselection, denouncing the politics of the centre, telling me I should not be in the Labour party.⦅newline⦆Chinese: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆每当我公开讲话-我所说的话并不重要-就会有一片对社交媒体的辱骂声,呼吁取消选举,谴责中央的政治,告诉我我不应该加入工党。
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: “我们希望通过现场年轻化的活动和布置,让年轻人知道盂兰节文化背后想表达的是孝道和感恩。“⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"We hope that through the site rejuvenation of the activities and arrangements, let young people know that the culture behind the Orchid Festival to express filial piety and Thanksgiving."
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Estonian.⦅newline⦆English: Adele’s parents as well were newcomers to Vienna, but by the time Adele married a Czech sugar magnate twice her age, Ferdinand Bloch, and posed for the Klimt’s famous paintings, her father’s bank had become the seventh largest bank in the Habsburg empire.⦅newline⦆Estonian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Adeele vanemad olid ka uustulnukad Viini, kuid selleks ajaks Adeele abiellus Tšehhi suhkrumagnaat kaks korda oma vanuse, Ferdinand Bloch, ja põhjustatud Klimt 's kuulsad maalid.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: Žádná jiná živočišná třída není v přírodě zastoupena víc než hmyz. Brouci, motýli a jiné druhy tvoří víc než polovinu života na Zemi. Přibývá ale zpráv, podle kterých se hmyzí říše radikálně zmenšuje. Další vědecká studie na toto téma vyšla právě tento týden a situace je podle ní ještě mnohem vážnější, než si lidstvo dosud uvědomovalo.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆No other animal class is more represented in nature than insects. Beetles, butterflies and other species make up more than half of life on Earth. But there are increasing reports that the insect kingdom is shrinking radically. Another scientific study on the subject came out just this week, and the situation is even more serious than mankind has realized.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Japanese into English.⦅newline⦆Japanese: 同翻訳機を同一地域に集中的に配備するのは全国初といい、インバウンド(訪日旅行者)対応力向上につながるか注目される。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆This is the first time in Japan that the translator has been deployed centrally in the same area, and it will attract attention if it improves the ability to respond to inbound tourists.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: „Pokud nezískáme více informací, nedá se věřit nikomu.“⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"If we don't get more information, no one can be trusted."
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: According to an architect, its regional plan resembles Manhattan in New York.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Podle architekta, jeho regionální plán se podobá Manhattan v New Yorku.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: However, as Sky News revealed last month, the trustees' demands for better terms in Thomas Cook's proposed rescue deal added a further complication to efforts to get the transaction across the line.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Jak však minulý měsíc odhalila televize Sky News, požadavky zastupitelstva na lepší podmínky v navrhované záchranné dohodě Thomase Cooka ještě více zkomplikovaly snahy o to, aby se transakce protáhla.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Polish.⦅newline⦆English: Failing to get the funding he desired for borders on the southern border from both the Mexican government and Congress, Trump declared the national emergency in February.⦅newline⦆Polish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Nie udało mu się uzyskać funduszy na budowę granic na południowej granicy zarówno od meksykańskiego rządu, jak i Kongresu, a w lutym Trump ogłosił stan wyjątkowy.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Indem sie Rezepte und Artikel in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften veröffentlichten, ermutigten sie Frauen dazu "Haushaltspolitikerinnen" zu werden und der Herausforderung, Pampe wie cremige Spaghetti mit Karotten in köstliche Mahlzeiten zu verwandeln, gerecht zu werden.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆By published recipes and articles in Newspapers and magazines, encouraged women to "budgetary policy" and the challenge to turn to Mush as creamy Spaghetti with carrots in a delicious meal.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Russian.⦅newline⦆English: "We woke up and the water kept on coming," Hansford said.⦅newline⦆Russian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"Мы проснулись и вода продолжала приходить", - сказал Хэнсфорд.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Estonian.⦅newline⦆English: It added employees and union representatives "will be the first to know" if there were any changes to its operations.⦅newline⦆Estonian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Ta lisas, töötajate ja ametiühingu esindajate "saab esimesena teada," kui esines mingeid muutusi oma tegevuse.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 位于佛罗里达州坦帕的中央司令部 (Centcom) 是负责监管美国在中东和中亚地区的军事行动的军事总部。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The central command of Tampa, Florida, is the military headquarters for overseeing U.S. military operations in the Middle East and Central Asia.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Turkish into English.⦅newline⦆Turkish: Son yıllarda, kapakta "ünlü modellerden" çok "modellik yapan ünlülere" yer veriliyor.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆In recent years, the cover has been featured in "the famous models that are more" modeling "than the" famous ones ".
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into German.⦅newline⦆English: "I'm incredibly optimistic for this next era of the web," Berners-Lee added.⦅newline⦆German: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"Ich bin unglaublich optimistisch für diese nächste Ära des Internets", fügte Berners-Lee hinzu.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Hansford sagte, dass Nothelfer alle drei in einem großen Militär-LKW gerettet hätten und sie zu der nächsten Feuerwache in Gloster gebracht hätten, wo sie bis zum Freitag untergebracht waren.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Hansford said that Nothelfer had rescued all three in a large military truck and had taken them to the next fire station in Gloster, where they were housed until Friday.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 今年6月21日,保康县检察院提起的一起生态资源领域刑事附带民事公益诉讼案,在县法院公开审理并当庭宣判。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆On June 21 this year, a criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuit filed by the Baokang County Procuratorate in the field of ecological resources was heard in public in the county court and sentenced in court.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: „Je obtížné spočítat počet obětí, protože k incidentům dochází každý týden,“ řekl Andreas Harsono, indonéský výzkumný pracovník organizace Human Rights Watch.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"It's difficult to count the death toll because incidents occur every week," said Andreas Harsono, an Indonesian research fellow at Human Rights Watch.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: The Trump administration has twice bombed Syria over Assad's suspected use of chemical weapons, in April 2017 and April 2018.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Trumpova administrativa dvakrát bombardovala Sýrii kvůli Assadovu podezření z použití chemických zbraní, a to v dubnu 2017 a v dubnu 2018.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: To me, his enthusiasm implied the opposite.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Pro mě jeho nadšení vyplývá pravý opak.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: Mluvčí obchodu Primark řekl: „Primark ví o incidentu, ke kterému došlo v našem obchodě ve Folkestone v úterý 9. srpna.“⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆A spokesman for Primark said: "Primark store knows about the incident, which occurred at our store in Folkestone on Tuesday 9 August".
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Russian.⦅newline⦆English: Ethiopia's economy has been expanding at an impressive clip.⦅newline⦆Russian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Экономика Эфиопии расширяла на впечатляющем зажиме.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Chinese.⦅newline⦆English: A number of schools will focus on the more classic modern languages, whereas others will teach languages that are deemed to be most important for the UK when looking ahead to 2020, such as Mandarin or Japanese.⦅newline⦆Chinese: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆一些学校将专注于更经典的现代语言,而其他学校将在展望到2020年时教授被认为对英国最重要的语言,如普通话或日语。
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Ein Mittel zur Penisvergrößerung sei verantwortlich gewesen, beteuerte Merritt.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆A means of penis enlargement had been responsible, said Merritt.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 此次行动于24日在关累港启动,历时4天3夜,中老缅泰四国共派出执法人员136人,执法艇6艘。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆The operation was launched in Guanli Port on the 24th. It lasted 4 days and 3 nights. China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Thailand dispatched 136 law enforcement personnel and 6 law enforcement boats.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: Now we can be grumpy at our own tables. Only during the busiest hours do we need to timidly ask strangers whether the seat next to them is available.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Vain kiireisimpien tuntien aikana meidän täytyy arasti kysyä vierailta, onko heidän vieressä oleva istuin käytettävissä.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Czech into English.⦅newline⦆Czech: Mnoho hvězd ve shluku nyní právě dosahuje stavu dospělosti a vznikly asi přes 125 milióny let.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Many of the stars in the cluster are now reaching the state of adulthood, and have arisen over 125 million years.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Rehn toivoi, että se sovussa.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Rehn hoped it would be okay.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: When I reached Mr. Fleiss this week, it was a sunny 80 degrees outside his home on the north shore of Kauai, but he was holed up inside watching MSNBC while recording CNN.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Když jsem se tento týden dostal k panu Fleiss, bylo to slunečno 80 stupňů před jeho domem na severním pobřeží kauai, ale byl zalezlý uvnitř sledování msnbc při nahrávání cnn.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Rändurid on parkinud oma 20 haagissuvilat väljale jõuka "miljonäride rajooniks" ristitud Solihulli tänava lähistel.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Migraines have parted their 20 caravan fields into a prosperous "millionaire runway" near the christened Solihull street.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Estonian.⦅newline⦆English: A spokesperson for Sikorsky said the company was not involved in arranging for the helicopter to be displayed on the South Lawn.⦅newline⦆Estonian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Üks Sikorsky eestkõneleja ütles, et ettevõte ei ole kaasatud helikopteri väljapaneku korraldamisse Lõuna-murul.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Turkish.⦅newline⦆English: He's denied that emphatically.⦅newline⦆Turkish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆O da emniyetli olduğunu yalanladı.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 海伊索姆称女性的重要地位将促进阿富汗民主。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Heisome said the importance of women will promote democracy in Afghanistan.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Davon wollte sein Trainer nichts wissen.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Of his Trainer wanted to know nothing.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Finnish into English.⦅newline⦆Finnish: Riikka Lehtosen ja Taru Lahden jälkeen turnauksessa toiseksi rankatun kaksikon tavoite on selkeä.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Riikka Lehtosen and Taru Lahti turnauksessa rankatun the second, after the pair's objective is clear.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Chinese.⦅newline⦆English: But firstly, the team that signed contract with the air force must prove that the scientific principles will work.⦅newline⦆Chinese: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆但首先, 与空军签订合同的团队必须证明科学原理是有效的。
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Chinese into English.⦅newline⦆Chinese: 标有PA的产品是针对UVA的,这样防晒品会发挥更加有效的作用,通常情况下,PA的强度用+来表示,多一个+表示有效防护时间延长。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Products marked with PA are targeted at UVA, so that the sunscreen will play a more effective role, usually when the strength of PA is expressed with +, and more than one + represents an extension of effective protection time.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into German.⦅newline⦆English: North Korea says nuclear disarmament won't come unless it can trust US⦅newline⦆German: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Nordkorea sagt, dass nukleare Abrüstung nicht kommen wird, wenn es den USA nicht vertrauen kann
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from German into English.⦅newline⦆German: Für Sonja Pommeranz, stellvertretende Leiterin im Fachbereich Jugendhilfe, ist das eine gute Nachricht: "Wir haben uns alle sehr gefreut".⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆For Sylvia Pommerance, deputy recognized in Doctors grooming, it is a good news: "We have all very enjoyed."
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Japanese into English.⦅newline⦆Japanese: 今月6日の検討委員会で、8社で構成する市村工務店グループ(山形市)が設計や旧校舎解体費、15年間の維持管理・運営費を含め45億121万円で落札した。⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆At the meeting of the committee on 6th of this month, a group of eight companies, Ichimura Komusho-ten (Yamagata City), sold for 4.512.1 million yen, including the design, the demolition costs of the old school building, and the maintenance and management costs for 15 years.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Estonian.⦅newline⦆English: As Ferrell drove to Ferguson with her daughter, who was wearing a floral dress and matching crown, the two revisited a conversation they'd had countless times before that morning "about the black experience and black condition."⦅newline⦆Estonian: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Kuna Ferrell sõitis Ferguson koos oma tütrega, kes kandis lillekauba ja sobitamine krooni, kaks läbivaadatud vestlus neil oli lugematuid kordi enne seda hommikul "umbes must kogemus ja must seisund".
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from Estonian into English.⦅newline⦆Estonian: Ta lisas, et kuulduste põhjal saab juba teha oletusi ja ennustada nelja tippmudelit, mis arvatavasti tänavusi müügiedetabeleid vallutavad.⦅newline⦆English: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆He added that rumours can already make assumptions and predict the four top models that are likely to be captured by the sales leaderboards.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Finnish.⦅newline⦆English: "I remember when we were doing all those crazy shows back in the day and people said, "This is the beginning of the end of Western civilization,"" Mr. Fleiss told me.⦅newline⦆Finnish: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆"Muistan, kun olimme tekemässä kaikkia niitä hulluja näytöksiä jo päivällä, ja ihmiset sanoivat:" tämä on länsimaisen saastumisen lopun alkua", Fleiss kertoi.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Czech.⦅newline⦆English: But if I may make a modest case for my particular favorite, let me call attention to the discreet charm of the trampoline.⦅newline⦆Czech: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆Ale pokud můžu dělat skromný případ pro mé oblíbené, dovolte mi upozornit na diskrétní kouzlo trampolíny.
<|im_start|>system⦅newline⦆<|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>user⦅newline⦆Translate the following text from English into Chinese.⦅newline⦆English: Fourth, a fast and convenient connected pattern must be built.⦅newline⦆Chinese: <|im_end|>⦅newline⦆<|im_start|>assistant⦅newline⦆第四,必须构建快速便捷的连接模式。
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