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XXXX is a --year old {male/female} who presented to [REDACTED] on {date of evaluation} for evaluation following a motor vehicle collision that occurred on {date of accident} . XXXX reports being the {restrained/unrestrained} {which seat in car} of a {patients vehicle} and the other vehicle(s) involved was a {other vehicle involved}. {She/He} reports a {type of impact(e.g. rear-end, t-bone, etc.)}. Air bags {did/did not/etc.} deploy. {She/He}{reports/denies} impact to her {specific body locations}. She{was/was not} able to self-extricate. {Any immediate symptoms/feelings reported?(e.g. Shock, confusion, dizzy, weakness, pain in an area, headache, etc.} {She/He}went {where to after accident (e.g. hospital, urgent care, home, etc.)} and reports having {what type of imaging} of the {specific body part}. {She/He} was given {what treatment was provided(e.g. OTC-pain meds, steroids, muscle relaxer, work note, etc.)}. {Mr./Ms.} XXXX has been having difficulty performing the following activities of daily living: {activites of daily living that are difficult since the accident}. {Mr./Ms.} XXXX has been attempting self treatment with {home/self-care attempted(e.g. ice, heating pads, stretching, meds, rest, etc.)}, however, due to ongoing symptoms, {She/He}now presents for evaluation and treatment.
Present Complaints
{Mr./Ms.} XXXX's present complaints consist of:
{chief complaint region} pain: Onset of symptoms was {onset of symptoms}The symptoms are described as {quality of discomfort}. The patient states the symptoms are {frequency of symptoms}. The symptoms are aggravated by {aggravating activities} and relieved by {symptom relieved by...}. The patient reports the symptoms are {radiation, if so where}. The pain scale is presently rated {X/10} (10/10 being most severe).
Medical History
{medical history}
Current Medications
Accident History
The patient {reports/denies} the following prior accident history: -----
Surgical History
{surgeries and dates}
Currently employed as a ----
Social History
The patient reports that {She/He}is {marital status}. The patient {reports/denies} alcohol consumption. The patient {reports/denies/etc.} tobacco use.
Family History
The patient reports a family history of {family diseases}.
Systems Review
General: Reports none noted
Musculoskeletal: Other than presenting musculoskeletal complaints patient reports no additional musculoskeletal complaints.
Head & ENT: Reports no head and ENT complaints.
Gastrointestinal: Reports no gastrointestinal complaints.
Cardiovascular: Reports no cardiovascular complaints.
Neurological: Other than presenting complaints patient reports no additional neurological complaints.
Endocrine: Reports no endocrine complaints.
Respiratory: Reports no respiratory complaints.
Genitourinary: Reports no genitourinary complaints.
Derma/Hemo: Reports no dermatological or hemopoietic complaints
FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME is a AGE-year old Male / Female? who presented to Health Quest Chiropractic & Physical Therapy of which HQC location? on Date of Office Visit for evaluation following a MVC or work related incident that occurred on INJURY_DATE. Mr/Ms reports being the restrained? which seat in car? of a What was the other vehicle? and the other vehicle(s) involved was a What was the other vehicle?. He/She reports a Type impact. Air bags Air bags did or did not deploy. He/She reports or denies striking body part impact to his/her Specific body locations. He/Shewas/was not able to self extricate able to self-extricate. He/She went Where after accident and reports having What imaging? of the What body part?. He/She given What treatment / recommendations?. Mr/Ms LAST_NAME has been having difficulty performing the following activities of daily living: What activities of daily living are difficult?. Mr/Ms LAST_NAME has been attempting self treatment with What home self care?, however, due to ongoing symptoms, he/she now presents for evaluation and treatment.
Present Complaints
Mr/Ms LAST_NAME's present complaints consist of:
What number complaint?) Where is chief complaint? pain. Onset of symptoms was when was onset of symptomsThe symptoms are described as What is quality of discomfort?. The patient states the symptoms are Frequency of Symptoms. The symptoms are aggravated by What aggravates the symptoms? and relieved by Symptom relieved by?. The patient reports the symptoms are If the discomfort radiates, where does travel to?. The pain scale is presently rated What is the VAS? (10/10 being most severe).
Medical History
Past Medical History
Current Medications
Patient medications?
Accident History
The patient reports the following prior accident history:
Surgical History
list major surgeries and dates
Currently employed as a ----
Social History
The patient reports that he/she is marital status. The patient alcohol use? alcohol consumption. The patient tobbaco use? tobacco use.
Family History
The patient reports a family history of family disease?.
Systems Review
-General: Reports none noted
- Musculoskeletal: Other than presenting musculoskeletal complaints patient reports no additional musculoskeletal complaints.
- Head & ENT: Reports no head and ENT complaints.
- Gastrointestinal: Reports no gastrointestinal complaints.
- Cardiovascular: Reports no cardiovascular complaints.
- Neurological: Other than presenting complaints patient reports no additional neurological complaints.
- Endocrine: Reports no endocrine complaints.
- Respiratory: Reports no respiratory complaints.
- Genitourinary: Reports no genitourinary complaints.
- Derma/Hemo: Reports no dermatological or hemopoietic complaints
SOAP Notes Dataset
This dataset contains structured SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) notes used in chiropractic and medical documentation. It includes formatting details such as bold, italic, underline, indentation, bullet points, and spacing, making it ideal for text generation, summarization, and structured clinical text processing.
Dataset Structure
: Main text contentbold
: Formatting elements as listsbullet
: Boolean indicating bullet pointsindent
: Structural elements for preserving document layout
Use Cases
- Training language models for SOAP note generation
- Clinical NLP applications in healthcare AI
- Structuring unstructured clinical documentation
Dataset License
This dataset is released under the MIT License, meaning it can be freely used, modified, and shared with attribution.
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