13 values
Sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow. Rainbows rainbows are important symbols to the navajo people. Sunlight and rain can cause an important symbol to the navajo people.
what can cause an important symbol to the Navajo people? Options: (A) density (B) energy of moving objects (C) sunlight and rain (D) volume (E) colors of the spectrum (F) mass (G) rain or sun shine (H) rays or beams
A boy and a girl cannot be playing outside near the silver bars if they are sitting on the metal bars with a metal object between them.
Consider the statement "A boy in a brown jacket and a girl in a red jacket are sitting on some metal bars with a metal object between them.". Based on this "two kids are playing outside near the silver bars" a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
The subject can not be both brunette and blonde. The subject can not simultaneously be a flight attendant and a pilot. The subject can not be wearing a red uniform AND a blue uniform. The cart can not be both a meal cart and a drink cart. The sentence can not be set on both an airplane and a bus.
Context: A brunette flight attendant in a red uniform is pushing a meal cart on the airplane. Hypothesis: A blonde pilot in a blue uniform pushing a drink cart on a bus. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
On Wednesday Max was given 8*5 = 40 dollars On Thursday Max was given 40+9 = 49 dollars Max’s mom gave him 49-8 = 41 more dollars on Thursday than she gave him on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Max's mom gave him $8 dollars for a hot dog at the Grand Boulevard park. On Wednesday, his mom gave him 5 times as much money as she gave him on Tuesday. On Thursday, his mom gave him $9 more in money than she gave him on Wednesday. How much more money did his mom give him on Thursday than she gave him on Tuesday?
People who stand on a grassy field cannot also be sitting in the bleachers at the same time as that's two different actions being performed on two different surfaces.
Context: A group of people stand on a grassy field. Hypothesis: A group of people are sitting in the bleachers Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
$6!=10\times9\times8$, $$6!\times8!=8\times 10!$$.
For a positive integer $n$, the factorial notation $n!$ repressents the product of the integer from $n$ to $1$, (For example, $6!=6\times5\times4\times3\times2\times1$.) What value of $N$ satisfies the following equation? $$6!\times8!=8\times N!$$ * $$9$$ * $$10$$ * $$11$$ * $$12$$ * $$13$$
Animals like fish, whale and sharks swim under water. Animals like cow, horses and buffaloes stay on land.
Liam saw an animal running on the farm. Q: Is it true that "The animal could be a horse. "
One cannot Infer that someone is running a marathon because they have a number on their back. One also cannot infer that a street is residential because it has a house on it.
Context: A man with the number 5003 runs along a street during a race with a house and moss-covered wall in the background. Hypothesis: A marathon race is taking place down a residential street. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Sentence 1: A man sitting outside making something with some kind of tool. Sentence 2: a man is making a birdhouse with his hammer
I don't know
Consider the statement "A man sitting outside making something with some kind of tool.". Based on this "a man is making a birdhouse with his hammer" a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Male refers to man, female refers to woman. The person is either looking at hills or looking at the ocean.
Context: "A shadowy male looking at the far away hills." Hypothesis: A female is looking at the ocean. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
One cannot light a firework and pickup a twenty dollar bill at the same time. A lake is a body of water whereas a mall is a building.
Context: A man bends down to light a firework near a lake. Hypothesis: A man bends down to pick up a twenty dollar bill he has found at the mall. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
The question is not written in proper manner but we can work in 3 methods 1) If these are random handshakes, then total methods = 10*9/2*1 = 45 2) If these are cyclic handshakes, then total methods = 10 3) If these persons are not cyclic but they are arranged in a straight bench, then number of methods = 9
10 people meet and shake hands. The maximum number of handshakes possible if there is to be no “cycle” of handshakes is (A cycle of handshakes is a sequence of k people a1, a2, ……, ak (k > 2) such that the pairs {a1, a2}, {a2, a3}, ……, {ak-1, ak}, {ak, a1} shake hands). Options: 1. 7 2. 6 3. 9 4. 8 5. 10
A bald man is not necessarily a plumber and to pour a chemical into a tub doesn't necessarily imply to fix a stoped up tub.
Given the statement "Bald man with a cigarette in his mouth prepares to pour a chemical into a tub filled with solution.", is the statement "A plumber tries to fix a stoped up tub." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
An infant has much different needs than a basil plant, and requires no soil to flourish.
"an infant needs sun, water and soil in order to flourish."
Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense? Options: "a basil plant needs sun, water and soil in order to flourish." "an infant needs sun, water and soil in order to flourish."
The two people either have their hands out or their feet in the air, and if they are at a sporting event, it is unlikely they would put their feet in the air.
Context: "Two people with their hands expressively out towards a sporting event's field." Claim: "Two people with their feet in the air." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
None of the above
For any two numbers $$x$$ and $$y$$, the special operation $$^{}\otimes$$ is defined as follow $$x^{}\otimes y=x+y-\frac {2012}{335}$$. Calculate $$\frac {2^{}\otimes 4^{}\otimes 6^{}\otimes \cdots ^{}\otimes 2010^{}\otimes 2012}{2012}$$. $$1006$$ $$1005$$ $$503$$ $$502$$ None of the above
A man covers his eye while working with a flame, does not mean the man is a welder working on a project.
I don't know
Consider the statement "A man in a brown coat covers his eyes while working with a flame.". Based on this "A welder in a flameproof coat works on a project." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
No one would like toenails in their stew.
"some people like toenails in their stew."
Which of these sentences doesn't make sense? Options: "some people like toenails in their stew." "some people like carrots in their stew."
The man is human. He is wearing a blue shirt as part of his clothing attire. He is standing, and is close to the construction site, not just the whole area where construction is being done.
Given the statement "A man in a blue shirt is standing close to a construction area.", is the statement "A human wearing clothing is near a construction site." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
The fact that there is a group of people does not imply that it is a family and does not imply there is a reunion.
Context: A group of people stand next to a wooden windmill swing in which two girls dressed in pink are sitting. Hypothesis: A family is having a reunion Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Flagella help prokaryotes move. Flagella and cilia are similar in structure. Something similar in structure to cilia help prokaryotes move.
something what to cilia help prokaryotes move. [a] it needs them [b] Chemical energy [c] similar in structure [d] It helps them survive [e] it keeps an organism warm [f] major threat to health [g] An object is seen [h] The bending of a ray of light
Precipitation can impact infiltration in many ways. The amount, type and duration of precipitation all have an impact. Rainfall leads to faster infiltration rates than any other precipitation events, such as snow or sleet. In terms of amount, the more precipitation that occurs, the more infiltration will occur until the ground reaches saturation, at which point the infiltration capacity is reached. Duration of rainfall impacts the infiltration capacity as well. Initially when the precipitation event first starts the infiltration is occurring rapidly as the soil is unsaturated, but as time continues the infiltration rate slows as the soil becomes more saturated. This relationship between rainfall and infiltration capacity also determines how much runoff will occur. If rainfall occurs at a rate faster than the infiltration capacity runoff will occur.
Context: The weather phenomena this last month had an immense impact on Dirk county, the precipitation lead to many flood evens, the steady rain lead to massive water infiltration. 20 miles away, in Saulk county, they had a few thunderstorms, they had quite a bit of runoff, but less infiltration and less soil saturation. Q: Which county experienced more runoff?
A man standing on the scaffolding was not necessarily washing windows and there is no information about lunch break
I don't know
Context: The man stands on the scaffolding as he looks outward. Hypothesis: He is taking a lunch break from washing windows Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
When a man has something for sale he is selling something and if he's sitting on tracks he is on the tracks.
Context: "A man sitting on railroad tracks eating something and selling something displayed on top of a crate." Hypothesis: A man is eating and has something for sale and is on some train tracks. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Just because a woman in jeans and a hoodie on a subway sleeping while others ride along doesn't mean she is spread out across 4 seats on the subway.
Given the statement "A woman in jeans and a hoodie on a subway sleeping while others ride along.", is the statement "A woman in a hoodie is sleeping spread out across 4 seats on the subway." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Erosion causes deposition. Wind erosion is dominant. Wind causes deposition.
what causes deposition? 1. motion 2. wind 3. rain 4. rivers 5. Sand 6. stream 7. soils 8. spring
When people cancel on others last minute for events that the person was looking forward to it often leads to feelings of disappointment and frustration
Context: "My friend canceled on me for a concert last minute." Hypothesis: My friend canceled on me for the concert at the last minute and I was really looking forward to it Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Mutation creates new genetic variation in a gene pool. Fertilization increases genetic variation. Mutation and fertilization have similar effects on the gene pool.
The gene pool expands through fertilization and: - offspring - agriculture - mutation - babies - seeds - zygotes - relocation - competition
We need to make units same first. $5$ minutes equal to $300$ seconds. Now we could remove the same unit, second. We get $300:30$ and simplify it to $10:1$.
What is the simplest form of $5$ minutes$: 30 $ seconds? (A) $5:30$ (B) $1:6$ (C) $6:1$ (D) $10:1$
A magnet moving in a coil of copper wire can cause an electric current. Electricity is passed through the copper to magnetize the core. A core is magnetized by electricity.
what is magnetized by electricity? a: core b: cars c: metal d: bamboo e: biceps f: bushes g: LEDs h: apples
One person can't be working and watching other people work at the same time. It's not impossible but usually it's not done at the same time.
Context: "Construction men working on scaffolds." Claim: "There are people watching others work" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
The higher up a food chain that humans eat, the greater the levels of toxic metals they take in.
If Jim eats animals that are higher on the food chain, the amount of toxic metals that enter his body are [A] greater [B] smaller
Kids can often be destructive when they are left unsupervised and so having a friend who does not closely monitor their children can lead to damages to someone's property and hence can't lead to a happy feeling
Given the statement "Everytime my friend comes over and brings his kids he never keeps a close eye on them and they ravage my place!", is the statement "I get so happy when my friend comes over and doesn't keep a close eye on his kids and they end up wrecking my place" wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
After giving away four of her cats, Susan has 21 - 4 = 17. Susan has 17 - 3 = 14 more cats than Bob
Susan has 21 cats and Bob has 3 cats. If Susan gives Robert 4 of her cats, how many more cats does Susan have than Bob?
To be a plus means to have a positive effect, which in this sentence is that it will improve the situation.
Given the statement "This will improve the situation.", is the statement "This is a plus." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
- Nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock - If something is found in something else, then that something else contains that something - Therefore, sedimentary rocks contain nearly all fossils Hence, sedimentary rocks contain nearly all fossils
sedimentary rock
[Question]Which type of rock would most likely contain a fossil? [Context]- Nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock - If something is found in something else, then that something else contains that something
Coming out with a ball does not necessarily mean he is playing fetch and there is no mention of the weather.
Context: A black laborador with a ball in his mouth coming out of the surf Hypothesis: The black labrador is playing fetch on a sunny day. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
A man is sitting on a bench, cooking some food does not indicate that he is sitting on a bench while barbecuing
I don't know
Given the statement "A man is sitting on a bench, cooking some food.", is the statement "A man is sitting on a bench while barbecuing." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
Lake-effect snow is produced during cooler atmospheric conditions when a cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake water, warming the lower layer of air which picks up water vapor from the lake, rises up through the colder air above, freezes and is deposited on the leeward (downwind) shores.[1] The same effect also occurs over bodies of salt water, when it is termed ocean-effect or bay-effect snow. The effect is enhanced when the moving air mass is uplifted by the orographic influence of higher elevations on the downwind shores. This uplifting can produce narrow but very intense bands of precipitation, which deposit at a rate of many inches of snow each hour, often resulting in a large amount of total snowfall.
Context: Hammond and Trip were two cities on the Eastern and Western shores of lake Michigan. They both get lots of snow during winter, but the lake effect snow which adds feet of snow to the yearly total, lingers much longer on the eastern side of the lake. Question: Which city has more problems with low visibility because of lake-effect snow?
The total ratio of goats and sheep on the farm is 5+7 = 12 The fraction that represents goats from the total ratio is 5/12, and since there are 360 goats and sheep on the farm, the number of goats is 5/12*360= 150 The number of sheep on Mr. Mathews's farm is 360-150 = 210. Mr. Mathews sold 1/2*150 = 75 goats. If each goat went for $40, the total amount of money Mr. Mathews made from the sale of his goats is 75*$40 = $3000 He also sold 2/3*210 = 140 of the total sheep on his farm. The income from the sale of the sheep is 140*$30=$4200 From the sale of goats and sheep, Mr. Mathews made $4200+$3000 = $8600
On his farm, Mr. Mathews has goats and sheep in the ratio of 5:7. He decides to sell half of the goats at $40 each and 2/3 of the sheep at $30 each. How much money does he make from the sale of the animals if the total number of sheep and goats on the farm is 360?
Human beings invented agriculture about 10,000 years ago. This provided a bigger, more dependable food supply. It also allowed people to settle down in villages and cities for the first time. Birth rates went up because there was more food and settled life had other advantages. Death rates also rose because of crowded living conditions and diseases that spread from domestic animals. Because the higher birth rates were matched by higher death rates, the human population continued to grow very slowly.
Context: Brad studied ancient human settlements from 100,000 years ago. His colleague Phil studied human settlement from 8-10,000 years ago. They were both fascinated by their findings. Question: Which colleague studied that more people settled down in villages?
A woman doesn't necessarily have to be biologically female, as gender and sex are not necessarily interchangeable. The block may have been during a practice or a drill, and the block wasn't necessarily of a game winning shot.
Context: "A young female basketball player in red and white blocks another in possession of the ball who is dressed in white and maroon." Claim: "a young woman basketball player tries to block another in possession of the ball on a game winning shot" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Standing and sitting are mutually exclusive activities. The men cannot be holding both strings and beer.
Consider the statement "Three young men stand holding strings". Is the statement "The three men are sitting and drinking beer." false? Yes/no/unknown
climber cannot be hanging on rocky ledge and learning Spanish at the same time. (unless climber is listening to recording)
Context: A climber is hanging on a rocky ledge high over a bridge. Hypothesis: The climber is learning Spanish. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Leaked means that the information was revealed without being supposed to.
Context: "The news were revealed to the paper." Claim: "The news were leaked to the paper." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Area of a parallelogram = base * height = 24 * 16 = 384 cm2
Find the area of a parallelogram with base 24 cm and height 16 cm. Options: (A) 384 cm^2 (B) 200 cm^2 (C) 250 cm^2 (D) 350 cm^2 (E) 400 cm^2
Hepatitis viruses can develop into a chronic viral infection that leads to liver cancer. Infection by human T-lymphotropic virus can lead to tropical spastic paraparesis and adult T-cell leukaemia. Human papillomaviruses are an established cause of cancers of cervix, skin, anus, and penis. Within the Herpesviridae, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma and body-cavity lymphoma, and Epstein–Barr virus causes Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, B lymphoproliferative disorder, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Merkel cell polyomavirus closely related to SV40 and mouse polyomaviruses that have been used as animal models for cancer viruses for over 50 years.
The Jones family had a history of chronic viral infections. Jenny got human papillomavirus, while her brother Josh got infected with the Epstein–Barr virus. They were both under treatment. Which sibling had a lower risk of developing Hodgkin's lymphoma?
While "woman" and "girl" could refer to the same person, her shirt could not be green and blue at the same time, nor could she be on a slide while simultaneously on the swings
Context: "a woman in a green tank top sliding down a slide with her arms in the air." Claim: "The girl in the blue shirt is on the swings." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
can't infer if the group of Asians in sentence one are the same Asians in sentence two. New Years is not mentioned in sentence 1.
I don't know
Context: A group of asians are gathered around lit candles celebrating. Hypothesis: Asians are celebrating new years. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
A man on the sidewalk sitting on a motorcycle is equivalent to a man sitting on a motorcycle on the sidewalk
Context: "Man on the sidewalk sitting on a motorcycle." Claim: "Man sitting on a motorcycle on the sidewalk" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
It wasn't told that they were a model and a photographer in the first sentence, so we couldn't infer that a photographer was fixing a models clothes.
Context: "A woman in a green hat is adjusting the clothing of a woman in a white sundress." Claim: "A photographer is fixing the models clothes." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Practice together for an instrumental performance does not necessarily mean amateur band or that it is for tryouts to the London Symphony Orchestra.
Context: "A group of young and old practice together for an instrumental performance." Claim: "The members of an amateur band are practicing for tryouts to the London Symphony Orchestra." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Compressibility factor is directly proportional to pressure at constant density and temperature of the gas.
Brandon is an employee at fire extinguisher manufacturing industry. Brandon is asked to learn and observe how the compressibility factor changes at two different pressure of two identical gases. So Brandon compared the compressibility factor and pressure of both the gases to understand the same. The compressibility factor with lower pressure is 45 units. Question: Is the following statement plausible? Compressibility factor of the other gas could be 49 units.
People, not goldfish, are eating, not riding bikes. They are at a table, not in a giant pile of mashed potatoes
Given the statement "People eating at a table and one of them is giving the finger to the camera.", what is the statement "Two goldfish are riding bikes in a giant pile of mashed potatoes." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
Not every man on skis is skiing down the street. Not every person looking at artwork for sale is doing so because they noticed a street fair.
I don't know
Given the statement "Man on skis looking at artwork for sale in the snow", is the statement "A man is skiing down the street and notices a street fair, with art for sale." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
A construction worker in blue jeans talks on the phone with someone while standing near a construction site but he is not talking to his wife.
Context: A construction worker in blue jeans talks on the phone with someone while standing near a construction site. Hypothesis: A man is talking to his wife on a phone. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Matter vibrating can cause sound. All guitars produce sound through the mechanical vibration of strings. Guitar strings vibrate.
What do guitar strings do? [a] Charge the guitar [b] Relieve pain [c] Vibrates [d] reproduce [e] squeeze [f] Bend [g] Create silence [h] Mute the guitar
Young girls are the same as girls and they are standing behind blue music stands, which is the same thing as standing behind a music stand.
Context: A group of young girls wearing blue tops and black skirts standing behind blue music stands. Hypothesis: A bunch of girls stand behind music stands. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
Standing guard is another way of saying stand, and since they are on a street, it implies they are outside.
Context: "Two Indian police stand on a street near a university." Hypothesis: Two Indian police officers standing guard near a univeristy outside. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Sponges are too small for bears to physically get inside of one.
Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense? (1) "an ant got into the sponge" (2) "bears got into the sponge"
The fact that teenagers are looking at the view of the city doesn't imply that they are at the scenic overlook.
I don't know
Given the statement "Nine teenagers leaning over a railing looking at the view of a city.", is the statement "Nine teenagers are at the scenic overlook." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
Because the gravitational field created by the Moon weakens with distance from the Moon, it exerts a slightly stronger than average force on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, and a slightly weaker force on the opposite side. The Moon thus tends to "stretch" the Earth slightly along the line connecting the two bodies. The solid Earth deforms a bit, but ocean water, being fluid, is free to move much more in response to the tidal force, particularly horizontally. As the Earth rotates, the magnitude and direction of the tidal force at any particular point on the Earth's surface change constantly; although the ocean never reaches equilibrium—there is never time for the fluid to "catch up" to the state it would eventually reach if the tidal force were constant—the changing tidal force nonetheless causes rhythmic changes in sea surface height.
Consider the following text: Mike was reading about an instrument that could measure gravity, gravimeter. He then found how gravimeter was used to measure the gravitational field of the Moon. He read about two distinct cases where the Moon's gravitational field was measured on earth, side A and side B. In side A the Moon's gravity was measured from the side where the Earth was facing the Moon. And in side B the Moon's gravitational field was measured from the opposite side of the Earth. He found these two locations showed very different consequences of Moon's gravitational field. Would side A see less or more deformed Earth than side B?
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered by genetic engineering techniques generally known as recombinant DNA technology. Genetic engineering has expanded the genes available to breeders to utilize in creating desired germlines for new crops. Increased durability, nutritional content, insect and virus resistance and herbicide tolerance are a few of the attributes bred into crops through genetic engineering. For some, GMO crops cause food safety and food labeling concerns. Numerous countries have placed restrictions on the production, import or use of GMO foods and crops. Currently a global treaty, the Biosafety Protocol, regulates the trade of GMOs. There is ongoing discussion regarding the labeling of foods made from GMOs, and while the EU currently requires all GMO foods to be labeled, the US does not.Herbicide-resistant seed has a gene implanted into its genome that allows the plants to tolerate exposure to herbicides, including glyphosate. These seeds allow the farmer to grow a crop that can be sprayed with herbicides to control weeds without harming the resistant crop. Herbicide-tolerant crops are used by farmers worldwide. With the increasing use of herbicide-tolerant crops, comes an increase in the use of glyphosate-based herbicide sprays. In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing farmers to switch to other herbicides. Some studies also link widespread glyphosate usage to iron deficiencies in some crops, which is both a crop production and a nutritional quality concern, with potential economic and health implications.Other GMO crops used by growers include insect-resistant crops, which have a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which produces a toxin specific to insects. These crops resist damage by insects. Some believe that similar or better pest-resistance traits can be acquired through traditional breeding practices, and resistance to various pests can be gained through hybridization or cross-pollination with wild species. In some cases, wild species are the primary source of resistance traits; some tomato cultivars that have gained resistance to at least 19 diseases did so through crossing with wild populations of tomatoes.
Context: Two neighboring farms used different farming methods. Hill farm used GMO seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Valley farm used only organic methods and non-GMO seeds. Q: Which farm grew more glyphosate-tolerant crops?
Predators play an important role in an ecosystem. For example, if they did not exist, then a single species could become dominant over others. Grazers on a grassland keep grass from growing out of control. Predators can be keystone species . These are species that can have a large effect on the balance of organisms in an ecosystem. For example, if all of the wolves are removed from a population, then the population of deer or rabbits may increase. If there are too many deer, then they may decrease the amount of plants or grasses in the ecosystem. Decreased levels of producers may then have a detrimental effect on the whole ecosystem. In this example, the wolves would be a keystone species.
Context: Karen studied animals in school. She started studying predators for a school presentation. She liked it. Her friend Molly liked cows, sheep and other herbivores, so she decided to do a presentation about grazers, and their role in nature. Question: Which girl learned less about animals that keep grass from growing out of control?
Just because a young couple are dancing outside in the courtyard doesn't mean they are dancing under the stars. It may be noon and they are dancing under the heat of the hot sun.
Context: "A young couple dancing outside in the courtyard." Claim: "A young couple dancing outside in the courtyard under the stars." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Losing a job is always unfortunate as it leads to one being unemployed and so feeling like the world is fair because of it is absurd.
Consider the staetement "I recently lost my job and I feel horrible.". Based on this statement, is "I recently lost my job and feel like the world is fair" a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
The two young boys wrestling are not the same as a single woman fishing in a rowboat. The actions and subjects are both inconsistent.
Given the statement "Two young boys wrestling while an adult male looks on.", what is the statement "A woman is fishing from a small rowboat in the pond." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
We don't know where the woman is walking to and they could be walking to another place other than home.
Context: "An elderly woman with a pink umbrella is walking down the street." Hypothesis: A elderly woman walks home. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Queen Elizabeth is the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom. The Pantheon is a resting place for notable French citizens.
Will Queen Elizabeth be buried in the Pantheon?
Four 6-seater tables can accommodate 4 x 6 = 24 people. Sixteen 4-seater tables can accommodate 16 x 4 = 64 people. Eight 10-seater table can accommodate 8 x 10 = 80 people. Therefore, all the tables in the party venue can accommodate 24 + 64 + 80 =168 people.
A party venue has 4 tables that seat 6 people each, 16 tables that seat 4 people each, and 8 round tables that seat 10 people each. What is the total capacity of all the tables at the party venue?
Sweet words means something that is kind and pleasant words.
Given the statement "He knew how to write down something nice and pleasant.", what is the statement "He knew how to write sweet words." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
The man and woman are sleeping inside the bus because people sit inside a bus while it is in motion.
Given the statement "A man and woman sleep on a bus while it travels.", is the statement "The man and woman are asleep inside the bus." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
Grad school is often a very stressful time for students and if someone is struggling to keep up with the work or maintain their mental health, dropping out may be the best choice for them
Context: I was really stressed out and grad school and had no choice but to drop out to keep my sanity. Hypothesis: I was really struggling with grad school and had no choice but to drop out to keep my sanity Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
When the firefighter put out the fire on the bridge that doesn't imply that the fire should be under the hood of a car
Context: "A firefighter extinguishes a fire under the hood of a car." Hypothesis: Firefighter helps put out a fire on a bridge Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
和有千位,则百位一定向前进一位,和的百位为$$9$$且向前进位,则十位一定向百位进一位,和的个位为$$9$$,则个位一定不向前进位,所以总共进两位,数字之和减少$$9\times 2=18$$,则$$\overline{\square } $$中的数字之和是$$1+9+4+9+18=41$$.
若两个三位数的和为$$\overline{ \square \square\square } +\overline{\square \square \square } =1949$$,那么$$6$$个$$\square $$中的数字之和是. 1. $$14$$ 2. $$23$$ 3. $$32$$ 4. $$41$$
Not all men in an apron are a chef and not all brightly painted walls are in a new restaurant. Stands does not imply taking a picture and lettering doesn't imply website.
Context: "A man in a red jacket and white apron stands in front of a brightly painted wall with yellow lettering." Hypothesis: The chef is taking a picture by his new restaurant to post on his website. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
34 + 28 + 10 = 72% 100 – 72 = 28% 850 * 28/100 = 238
In a school of 850 boys, 34% of Muslims, 28% Hindus, 10% Sikhs and the remaining of other communities. How many belonged to the other communities? Options: (A) A) 125 (B) B) 627 (C) C) 153 (D) D) 238 (E) E) 159
A young boy is walking on what seems to be a chilly day, though the path he's on seems to disappear into a sea of green grass does not mean that he is walking around during the winter time.
Context: "A young boy is walking on what seems to be a chilly day, though the path he's on seems to disappear into a sea of green grass." Hypothesis: A young boy is walking around during the winter time. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Let X be the distance Sam ran. His walk through the store was twice the distance of his run, so his walk was 2X. He biked for 12 miles and went 18 miles in all, so he walked and ran 18 - 12 = 6 miles. Thus, his walk and run together were X + 2X = 3X = 6 miles. Thus, he ran X = 6 / 3 = 2 miles.
Sam went for a run in the morning. In the afternoon, he went grocery shopping and walked twice the distance through the store as he had run that morning. That evening, he went on a bike ride with his family and biked for 12 miles. In all, he went 18 miles that day. How many miles was Sam’s morning run?
The frustum of a cone is the part of the cone with its base that is left after the cone is cut by a plane that is parallel to its base.
Edward was eating a cone ice cream where he cut the chocolate part of cone shape at the sharp end. The radius of the circle at the top(base of the cone) is 23 units. Q: Is it true that "The radius of the base of the cone-shaped chocolate part could be 26 units."
A couple is equivalent to saying two. The two people being in the woods implies that they are by trees.
Context: "Two people, one man and one women in the woods putting something in a tub." Hypothesis: A couple of people are by some trees. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
根据题意:公差为$$5$$, 所以项数:$$\left( 1003-13 \right)\div 5+1=199$$. 故选:$$\text{B}$$.
已知等差数列$$13$$,$$18$$,$$23$$,$$28$$,$$\cdots $$,$$1003$$.这个等差数列共有项. [A] $$198$$ [B] $$199$$ [C] $$200$$
A woman and a young girl don't need to be mother and daughter for them to sit close and pose for a photo.
Context: A woman and a young girl sit close and pose for a photo. Hypothesis: The mother and daughter sit and pose for the camera. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Men sitting around need not be co-workers.Just sitting around it is not sure that they are listening.
I don't know
Context: Three men sitting around a table during a speaking engagement. Hypothesis: Three co-workers are sitting around a table and listening to a conference speaker. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
Most people would want to be invited to a dinner party that their friends are having, so someone who is not happy about not being invited is indicating that they feel left out and excluded.
Context: "Not happy about the fact that my friends all met up for dinner recently and I wasn't invited." Hypothesis: It's awesome that my friends all got together for dinner recently and I wasn't invited Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Dogs have a better sense of hearing than human.
Pick which sentence is not logical. a. "his dog has a worse hearing than him." b. "his dog has a worse vision than him."
The fact that young girl holding two trophies doesn't imply that she poses for a picture after winning two trophies
Consider the statement "Two women standing behind a young girl holding two trophies.". Is the statement "A young girl poses for a picture after winning two trophies." false? Yes/no/unknown
A girl riding a bike during the day does not imply she is riding through a park or that she's on her way to school.
Consider the staetement "A girl with a red bike riding during the day.". Based on this statement, is "A girl rides her bike through the park on her way to school." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
13 is the only prime number or odd number in the series.
Find the wrong number below mentioned series 13,60,100,500,850 Options: (a) 13 (b) 60 (c) 100 (d) 500 (e) 850
The players cannot be running and holding the ball while a player is trying to block him at the same time.
Consider the staetement "A basketball player in a red uniform is holding the ball while a player in a white uniform is trying to block him.". Based on this statement, is "Two players are running towards the goal." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
首先, 注意到$abc+ab+a=a(bc+b+1)$, 因此当$3\textbar a$时,有$3\textbar abc+ab+a$. 然后, 当$3 mid a$时, $3\textbar abc+ab+a\Leftrightarrow 3\textbar bc+b+1\Leftrightarrow b(c+1)\equiv 2\pmod 3$. 在模$$3$$的意义下, $(b,c)$共有$$3\times 3=9$$种可能的取值, 其中只有$(2, 0)$和$(1, 1)$满足$b(c+1)\equiv 2\pmod 3$. 因此, 总的概率为$\frac{1}{3}+\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{2}{9}=\frac{13}{27}$.
2010AMC12B, 16 Positive integers $$a$$, $$b$$, and $$c$$ are randomly and independently selected with replacement from the set $$ {1,2,3,\cdots ,2010 }$$. What is the probability that $$abc+ab+a$$ is divisible by $$3$$? 从集合$$ {1,2,3,\cdots ,2010 }$$中独立随机有放回地选取正整数$$a$$, $$b$$, 和$$c$$。$$abc+ab+a$$被$$3$$整除的概率是多少? (a) $$\frac{1}{3}$$ (b) $$\frac{29}{81}$$ (c) $$\frac{31}{81}$$ (d) $$\frac{11}{27}$$ (e) $$\frac{13}{27}$$
7 times the number of bats Randy has is 29-1=28. Randy has 28/7=4 bats.
Randy has 1 more baseball glove than 7 times the number of bats he has. If he has 29 baseball gloves, how many bats does he have?
Creating wood-free paper does not require cutting down trees. Deforestation happens when people cut down forests or when trees are burned. Creating wood-free paper does not require deforestation. .
Creating wood-free paper does not require what? (a) scarce resources (b) scientific methods (c) deforestation (d) paper processes (e) new avenues (f) carbon dioxide (g) Time and energy (h) Energy.
A young child jumping in the air does not mean the child is a boy or that he is joyous for making a team.
I don't know
Consider the statement "Young child jumping in the air.". Based on this "A boy jumps for joy because he made the team." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
The band may only be the girl with the violin and the girl with the guitar. They may be playing on the street for reasons other than waiting for friends.
Given the statement "A girl is playing the violin in the street while her band mate on the guitar is talking on her cellphone with a confused look.", is the statement "There are several people playing on the street waiting for friends" wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Two men in summer clothes on a scaffold doing a window or door repair doesn't mean that they are working together.
Given the statement "Along side a red brick building, two men in summer clothes are on a scaffold doing a window or door repair.", is the statement "They are working together." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Chromosomes are the form of the genetic material of a cell during cell division. Mitosis is cell division. Chromosomes are the form of the genetic material of a cell during mitosis.
What is the form of genetic material used during mitosis called? - proteins - Plants growth - genetic fluid - mitosis cells - chromosomes - pollen - Leptospirosis - Chemical energy
Children in uniforms crossing a wide street are not necessarily crossing to continue trick or treating.
Consider the staetement "Children in uniforms cross a wide street.". Based on this statement, is "Children in military uniforms cross a wide street to continue trick or treating." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
A man can be breaking a piece of wood with his foot and not specifically be showing students how to break wood.
I don't know
Consider the statement "A man dressed in martial arts clothing is breaking a piece of wood with his foot as other students watch.". Based on this "A man dressed in martial arts clothing shows the students how to break wood." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Just because a steam roller goes by as one worker raises his hand doesn't mean a construction worker halts traffic for the steamroller.
Consider the staetement "A steam roller goes by as one worker in orange raises his hand.". Based on this statement, is "A construction worker halts traffic for the steamroller." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown