1 value
the quality of canola oil is affected by different extraction methods the effect of coldpressed canola oil cpco diet and traditional refined bleached deodorized canola oil rbdco diet on lipid accumulation and hepatic steatosis in mice were investigated the body weight peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptorα concentration SS lipid profile insulin sensitivity and oxidative AS were increased in mice fed with cpco diet which had higher unsaturated HFA tocopherols phytosterols and phospholipids but lower saturated HFA than rbdco after weeks moreover cpco significantly increased tocopherols and PS content in liver and reduced liver cholesterol contents and lipid vacuoles accumulation than rbdco also SS proinflammatory cytokines hydroxymethylglutary coenzyme a reductase expression level lipogenic enzymes and transcriptional AF such as sterol regulatory elementbinding proteins c acetylcoa carboxylase and FAS in the CL were also markedly downregulated from cpco diet mice overall cpco can reduce lipid accumulation and hepatic steatosis by regulating oxidative stress and lipid metabolism in kun ming mice compared with rbdco practical application the results suggested that more bioactive components were contained in coldpressed canola oil cpco rather than refined bleached deodorized canola oil rbdco cpco could lower the risk of obesity and hyperlipidemia reduce lipid accumulation and prevent hepatic steatosis it could be considered as a kind of better edible oil than rbdco
this report describes the occurrence of mycotic infection in a loggerhead turtle caretta caretta found on mostardas beach in the state of rio grande do sul southern brazil the specimen was observed alive emaciated and died the following day a necropsy was performed soon T3 death and tissue samples routinely processed for histopathological and molecular evaluation significant pathological alterations included multifocal to coalescing cm in diameter nodules were observed throughout the peritoneum and kidneys that revealed caseous grayish content when sectioned histopathological DUE revealed severe peritonitis and nephritis associated with intralesional fungi fungal pcr that targeted the internal transcribed spacer region of fungi revealed three different species of fungi cladosporium cladosporioides and alternata arborescens within the kidneys while ampelomyces sp was identified within peritoneal granulomas c cladosporioides and a arborescens are melanized fungi that produce phaeohyphomycosis in a wide range of species however the importance of the identificaescribe evidence demonstrating critical windows of risk for the developing neonate to druginduced mitochondrial disease and neuropathy
the first east anglian audit of hip fracture was conducted in eight hospitals during there were significant differences between hospitals in day mortality OD of pressure sores median lengths of hospital stay and in most other process measures only about half the survivors recovered their prefracture PF a marked decrease in PCS function for was associated with postoperative complications
highfat diets are associated with insulin resistance however this effect may vary depending on the type of fat consumed the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between intakes of specific dietary fatty acids assessed by day DRs and fatty acid composition of SS cholesterol esters ces and phospholipids pls and gl and insulin concentrations during an oral gl ATT ogtt nineteen men and women completed the T0 nine subjects had type diabetes or IGT FI correlated with reported intakes of total fat r p monounsaturated fat r p and saturated fat r p but not with trans fatty acid intake r not significant ns fasting gl also correlated with total r p and monounsaturated fat intakes r p in multivariate analysis both total and saturated fat NI were strong single predictors of fasting insulin r approximately and a MM combining dietary and anthropometric measures accounted for of the variance in FI significant relationships were observed between FI and the serum ce enrichments of myristic c palmitoleic c and dihomogammalinolenic cn acids in multivariate analysis a model containing ce and PBF explained of the variance in FI and c and age explained of the variance in fasting glucose pl cn explained of the variance in fasting insulin and a MM including pl cn cis cn age and body fat had an r of in conclusion selfreported NI of saturated and monounsaturated fats but not trans fatty acids are associated with markers of insulin resistance furthermore enhancement of dihomogammalinolenic and myristic acids in serum ce and pl presumably markers for dietary NI predicted insulin resistance
transformation equations are derived that may be used to determine a third orthogonal velocity component from measurements made at a common point by two rotationally displaced two orthogonal component laser doppler velocimeter ldv systems these equations also may be used to relate velocity measurements made in a particular coordinate system to any other coordinate system it is shown that the set of smallest angles that may be used to separate the two two component ldv systems is very sensitive to the relative magnitudes and directions of the individual velocity components when the magnitudes of all velocity components are about the same it is found that the minimum angle of separation is of the same order as the instrumental error of the ldv systems
SBS sbs is a serious malabsorption disorder and dietetic management of patients with sbs is extremely challenging once the degree of undernutrition has been assessed successful dietard adult survivors years who underwent a fontan operation during childhood fontan group or a pediatric HR SPK ht group between and year span hrqol was assessed using the short form survey the T0 group consisted of fontan group patients and ht group patients who responded to the survey hrqol scores of the fontan group were similar to those of an agecontrolled healthy us population in social and mental functioning SE or vitality and overall mental component score p ≥ however fontan scores in PF bodily pain GA health and overall by PCS component were significantly lower than those of the agecontrolled us population p no differences were identified between fontan and ht patients this favorable lifesatisfaction period average years should be considered when informing patients and families of expectations with the fontan pathway vs certain higherrisk procedures
acidic wastewater with high concentration of chloride ions was generated from washing elemental mercury hg existed in the roast flue gas by water this process was simulated by mercury drops entering the electrolytes with its composition changed according to the characteristics of acidic wastewater electrocapillary curves of different electrolytes were determined by dropping mercury electrode to explore the formation mechanism of colloidal mercury in acidic wastewater the changes of zeta ζ potentials were also obtained the results indicate that chloride ions have a great impact on the formation of colloidal mercury thermodynamic calculation demonstrated that the main mercury species in acidic wastewater were hgcl aq hgcl and hgcl moreover the model of colloidal mercury structure in acidic wastewater was established based on the changes of gibbs free SE for ions passing through stern SL and metallic bond theory it can be inferred that hgcl was preferentially overadsorbed on the mercury interface by the weak π chemical bond and then positive charge ions such as heavy metal ions and h were adsorbed due to the electrostatic force thus the colloidal mercury was formed
escherichia coli yidc is a polytopic inner membrane protein that plays an essential and versatile role in the biogenesis of IMPs yidc functions in secdependent membrane insertion but acts also independently as a separate insertase for certain small membrane proteins we have used a sitespecific crosslinking RPA to show that the conserved third transmembrane segment of yidc contacts the TM domains of both nascent secdependent and independent substrates indicating a generic recognition of insertion intermediates by yidc our data suggest that specific residues of the third yidc transmembrane segment alphahelix is oriented toward the TM domains of nascent IM proteins that in contrast appear quite flexibly positioned at this stage in biogenesis
the strategies to ensure safety during ventilation of an unprotected airway are limiting airway pressure andor inspiratory flow in this prospective randomized T0 we assessed the effect of FM ventilation with small tidal volumes in the modified mouthtobag resuscitator maximal volume ml versus a pediatric selfinflatable bag versus automatic PCV in adult apneic patients during induction of anesthesia the mouthtobag resuscitator requires the rescuer to blow up a balloon inside the selfinflating bag that subsequently displaces air which then flows into the patients airway respiratory variables were measured with a pulmonary monitor cp mouthtobag resuscitator and PCV resulted in significantly lower mean sd peak airway pressure and cm ho peak inspiratory flow rate and ls and larger inspiratory time fraction and in comparison to pediatric selfinflating bag ventilation cm ho ls all p the tidal volumes were similar between CG no stomach inflation occurred in either group we conclude that using a modified mouthtobag resuscitator or automatic pressurecontrolled ventilation with similar small tidal volumes during face mask ventilation resulted in an approximately reduction in peak airway pressure when compared with a standard pediatric selfinflating bag
acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in male cd mice was enhanced markedly by brief anesthesia with diethyl ether ether and particularly so if acetaminophen was given several hours after ether the present T0 was conducted to examine the possible biochemical mechanisms behind this delayed toxicologic synergism in vitro biochemical studies indicated that ether anesthesia produced a delayed reduction in the activities of glucuronyl GOT and glutathione gsh stransferase and in the hepatic content of gsh the hepatic content but not activity of the cytochromes p was initially reduced by ether but recovered by the time of maximal toxicologic enhancement in vivo studies showed that ether produced a small decrease in the plasma concentrations of glucuronide and sulfate conjugates of acetaminophen with a concomitant minor increase in the halflife of acetaminophen and a major increase in the bioactivation of acetaminophen as determined by an early fold increase in the plasma gsh and cysteine conjugates of acetaminophen and a fold increase in the CB of acetaminophen to hepatocellular protein decreases produced by ether in the in vivo production of acetaminophen TG correlated with increasing plasma concentrations of unmetabolised acetaminophen decreasing hepatic gsh content and increasing covalent binding of acetaminophen to hepatocellular protein when these measurements were performed in the same animals the PSA mechanisms underlying the potentiation of acetaminophen hepatoxicity as measured by plasma glutamic pyruvic transaminase concentrations appeared to be due to delayed complex effects of ether upon multiple enzymatic pathways of acetaminophen beta and detoxification
streptococcus gordonii dl challis bears coaggregationrelevant surface proteins which mediate lactoseinhibitable coaggregations with other streptococci six spontaneously occurring coaggregationdefective cog mutants of wildtype CS s gordonii dl unable to coaggregate with wildtype streptococcal partners were characterized antiserum raised against wildtype cells and absorbed with cog cells specifically blocked lactoseinhibitable coaggregations between s gordonii dl and its streptococcal partner strains it did not block lactosenoninhibitable coaggregations with actinomyces partners surface proteins were released from the cells by mild sonication treatment and separated by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel PACE a kda surface protein from s gordonii dl was identified by immunoblot analysis with the mutantabsorbed AS each of the six cog mutants lacked the kda protein several other oral viridans streptococci that exhibit intrageneric lactoseinhibitable coaggregations expressed an immunoreactive protein with about the same size as the kda putative adhesin it is proposed that the kda protein is the adhesin which mediates coaggregation between s gordonii dl and its streptococcal partners the role of this putative adhesin in accretion of streptococci in early colonization of the tooth surface is discussed
selenium in HM sampled at different intervals after parturition was analyzed on two occasions five years apart the Se content of colostrum and transitional milk was higher than that of mature milk mature milk sampled in contained more selenium than mature milk sampled in vs microgramsl mean sd p less than the selenium and protein content in milk were positively correlated which may be explained by the occurrence of selenoamino acids in proteins the Se content was not correlated to that of tocopherol or of highly unsaturated fatty acids in mature milk the values for the selenium content in human milk found here are lower than those previously reported from other countries
leptin is a newly found hormone secreted by adipocytes that regulates FI thermogenesis and body fat we measured plasma OB C2 in patients with chronic renal failure treated by hemodialysis and age and gendermatched healthy control subjects to examine the impact of renal failure on plasma leptin C2 and the influence of OB on BC measured by DEXA hemodialysis patients showed a significant decrease in both body fat mass and lean body mass compared with those of the control subjects plasma OB was significantly elevated in the hemodialysis group over the controls in both CG leptin was higher in female than male subjects and it correlated positively with percent body fat the subjects were divided into six categories according to percent body fat and plasma OB levels were compared between the two CG in the same category OB ofammatory conditions following increased attachment of lymphocytes to G1 EC cells in ham patients
the aerial parts of the plant artemisia annua contain essential oils having antimicrobial properties against CP type a the causal agent for necrotic enteritis in broilers in exp the influence of increasing dietary concentrations of dried a annua leaves and gkg and nhexane extract from fresh a annua leaves and mgkg on broiler performance was investigated dried plant material decreased feed intake and body weight in a dosedependent manner and and gkg diet tended to improve the feed conversion ratio the nhexane extract also reduced FI but broiler weight tended to decrease only at the highest dietary concentration the feed conversion ratio tended to improve when birds received and mgkg nhexane extract in a third experiment a necrotic enteritis disease model was applied to investigate the effect of the dietary addition of dried a annua leaves gkg on top or nhexane extract of a annua mgkg on the severity of the disease in broilers the addition of nhexane extract reduced the intestinal c perfringens numbers and the severity of the diseaserelated small intestinal lesions over the infection period from day to day birds supplemented with the nhexane extract gained more weight than both the challenged control birds and birds receiving dried plant material the results indicate that nhexane extracts derived from a annua can modulate the course of necrotic enteritis and compensate to a certain extent for the diseaseassociated weight losses
vogtkoyanagiharada disease vkh is a multisystem autoimmune disorder principally affecting pigmented tissues in the ocular auditory integumentary and central nervous systems patients are typically to years old and have no PH of either surgical or accidental ocular trauma pigmented races are more commonly affected depending on revised diagnostic criteria the disease is classified as CR incomplete or probable based on the presence of extraocular findings neurological AEP and integumentary the clinical course of vkh is divided into four phases prodromal mimics a viral infection uveitic bilateral diffuse uveitis with papillitis and exudative retinal detachment convalescent tissue depigmentation and chronic recurrent recurrent uveitis and ocular complications the pathogenesis of vkh is thought to be related to an aberrant t cellmediated immune response directed against selfantigens found on melanocytes vkh has been linked to HLA-DR dr DR and hladw with strongest associated risk for hladrb haplotype the diagnosis of vkh is clinical and differential includes sympathetic ophthalmia sarcoidosis primary intraocular bcell lymphoma posterior scleritis and uveal effusion syndrome treatment is typically initiated with highdose OCS but other immunomondulatory agents most oftentimes cyclosporine may be needed for nonresponsive patients or when corticosteroid sideeffects are not tolerated visual prognosis is generally good with prompt diagnosis and aggressive immunomodulatory treatment
g proteincoupled receptor kinases grks initiate pathways leading to agonistdependent phosphorylation and desensitization of g proteincoupled receptors however the role of grks in modulation of signaling properties of native receptors has not been clearly defined here we addressed this question by generating chinese hamster ovary cho cells stably expressing a dominantnegative mutant of grk dngrk kr using retrovirally mediated gene transfer and we assessed function of the endogenously expressed calcitonin ct receptors we found that ctmediated responses were prominently enhanced in cho cells expressing dngrk compared with mockinfected control cho cells with approximately fold increases in ctpromoted camp production in whole cells and aca activity in MF ctpromoted phosphoinositide hydrolysis was also enhanced in dngrk cells the number of ct receptors was increased approximately fold in dngrk cells as assessed by isalmon ctspecific IB and this was associated with increased ct receptor mrna levels these results indicate that dngrk has multiple consequences for CTR signaling but a primary effect is an increase in ct receptor mrna and receptor number and in turn enhanced ct receptor signaling as such our findings provide a mechanistic basis for previous observations regarding agonistpromoted downregulation of ct receptors and for resistance and escape from response to ct in vitro and in vivo moreover the data suggest that blunting of receptor desensitization by dngrk blocks a grkmediated tonic inhibition of ct receptor expression and response we speculate that grks play a similar role for other g proteincoupled receptors as well
optic atrophy which is indicative of a cns disorder is a rarely described manifestation of familial dysautonomia rileyday syndrome as these patients are now living longer the prevalence of optic neuropathy also may be increasing we present a man with FD and visual loss resulting from optic atrophy and VF defect suggestive of chiasmal pathology
our aim was to study the intracranial pressure icp variations during sleep normal infants using a noninvasive method icp was measured continuously during PSG in healthy infants aged from to months median months we analyzed the variations of mean basal icp mean basal pulse pressure amplitude and maximal amplitude of both plateau and blike waves between transient sleep quiet sleep and rapid eye movement rem sleep mean icp mean PP amplitude and blike PWA increased significantly during transient sleep and rem sleep plateau waves occurred during transient sleep and especially rem sleep by contrast noninvasive icp recordings were relatively flat during QS sleep stages and icp variations and pressure waves seem to be related to cerebrovascular changes associated with sleep the physiological icp variations during sleep must be known in order to allow correct interpretation of continuous icp measurements in infants
the experiments were carried out on sheep with chronic fistulae of the rumen and of the fundus and pyloric part of the abomasum the motor activity of the parts of the stomach containing fistulae was recorded by the balloon method the analysis of the obtained contraction curves showed that the MA of the pyloric part was more intense than that of the fundus of the abomasum and the intensity increased with filling of the multichamber stomach with food FI increased the tonus and the intensity of peristaltic movements in the fundus and pyloric part of the abomasum rumination had no effect on the MA of the fundus but increased usually the frequency of contractions of the pyloric part it has been demonstrated also that the movements of the pyloric part of the abomasum can be inhibited for short time periods
in patients with cancer treated with cisplatin carboplatin or methotrexate creatinine clearance calculated using the CG formula was compared with measured clearance and with the glomerular filtration rate in patients the average squared difference for calculated and hour urine creatinine clearance was n and for calculated creatinine clearance and glomerular filtration rate measured using diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dtpa n on of occasions in patients the calculated clearance overestimated the hour urine creatinine clearance when it was less than mls in all but one patient this was explained by factors leading to renal impairment seven patients or overestimation of clearance ascites in two patients or by an isolated low value of hour urine creatinine clearance eight patients declining renal CF with increasing TD of cisplatin was detected by both calculated and hour urine creatinine clearance in patients with germ cell tumours derivation of an equation to predict creatinine clearance showed a linear association with PCr patient age weight and gender R2 in cancer patients was similar to that in the original cockcroftgault T0 calculation of creatinine clearance can be used in CA patients to monitor treatment with renallyeliminated chemotherapy agents
we studied the changes of duration of subsequent silent periods sps during repetitive MS rtms trains of ten stimuli delivered at low hz and high hz frequencies the effects at different intensities of stimulation motor threshold mt and above the mt were also evaluated rtms was performed in eight HS with a figureofeight coil placed over the hand motor area the sp was recorded from APB apb muscle during a voluntary contraction of of maximum effort rtms at hz frequency progressively decreased the duration of sp whereas an alternating pattern of smaller and larger values was observed during trains at hz frequency and higher stimulus intensity the findings show that rtms changes the duration of cortical sps the effect is probably due to the modulation of intracortical GABA interneurons depending on the frequency and intensity of stimulation
a theoretical study of the ground and excited states of PAN pan chcooono has been carried out using high level ab initio molecular orbital methods the ground state geometry and vibrational frequencies are calculated using the coupledcluster method the vertical excitation energies for the lowest three excited states are calculated using the complete AS space selfconsistent field method along with the multireference internally contracted configuration interaction method these results are compared with vertical excitation energies calculated with the coupled cluster equation of motion method the calculation provides relevant insight into the origin of pan absorption in the uv wavelength region from to nm the nature of the electron EMT for these excited states is discussed
we performed indirect immunofluorescence if studies using moll sodium chloride split skin to determine whether or not a positive if is specific to patients with bullous LE le we examined the sera from patients with systemic le sle three of which were obtained from two sle patients and one SCLE scle patient with bullous eruptions as a comparison we also studied the sera from patients with DLE dle n scle n SVR sclerosis ssc n BP n and normal individuals n sera from sle four dle and two ssc revealed a linear deposition of igg isotype antibody at the epidermal side andor the dermal side on indirect if of split skin the sera from three patients with bullous eruption and from patients of sle scle dle without bullous eruption or ssc were further analysed by immunoblotting using five defined antigens ie dermal extract epidermal extract three F0 proteins of kda bullous pemphigoid antigen bpag kda bpag and human EBA eba antigen two sle sera as well as one of the scle and the dle serum reacted with kda bpag in epidermal extract and one of the scle and the dle serum also reacted with the FP of kda bpag no SS reacted with the dermal extract or the fusion protein of kda bpag or eba antigen there was no consistent rho between splitskin if results and immunoblotting results these results may suggest that even nonbullous le patients often have autoantibodies to the basement membrane zone antigens most of which are less pathogenic although we rarely examine the sera from nonbullous le patients we should keep this phenomenon in mind to avoid overestimating the results of splitskin test and immunoblotting
we have previously documented caucasian race and cadaver donor source as risk factors for posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder ptld OD in recipients registered in the north american pediatric renal SPK cooperative study naprtcs we analyzed data from the scientific registry of the united network of organ sharing unos from january to december to determine risk factors for the development of ptld in all organ systems and its frequency and we compared these AF to the risk factors in the most recent naprtcs DB in the unos DB ptld was reported in of organtransplant recipients ptld was reported in or more of all intestinal and thoracic organ recipients but in less than of other ABD organ recipients recipient age years caucasian race and male gender were independent risk AF odds ratios or and respectively p but not cadaver donor source the combination of all three risk AF increased the or to the occurrence of ptld showed a significant rise per year for heartlung kidney kidneypancreas and CL transplants but decreased significantly for HR transplants p similar frequencies of ptld were found in smaller organspecific registries of heart intestine pediatric CL and pediatric kidney transplants the ptld incidence per year and ID have increased in recent years young caucasian males are at highest risk for ptld development among solidorgantransplant recipients the incidence of ptld is increasing
atrial natriuretic peptide anp and endothelin et are endogenous vasoactive AF that exert potent diuretic and natriuretic actions we have previously shown that anp and et act through an no pathway to inhibit the sodiumglucose cotransporter sglt in the intestine gonzalez bosc lv elustondo pa ortiz mc vidal na effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on sodiumglucose cotransport in the rat small intestine peptides gonzalez bosc lv majowicz mp ortiz mc vidal na effects of endothelin on intestinal ion transport MMP here we address the role of anp and et on sglt activity in renal proximal tubules in rat renal cortical brush border CM bbv fluorescein isothiocianate fitc labeling revealed a specific kd peptide that exhibits increased fitc labeling in the presence of na and dglucose using alphacmethylglucose AS uptake rat bbv were shown to possess sglt activity with an affinity constant k approximately mm that is consistent with the expression of the lowaffinity highcapacity sglt isoform sglt activity in these preparations is dramatically inhibited by anp and et this inhibition is independent of changes in membrane lipids and is mimicked by the cgmp analogue brcgmp suggesting the involvement of cgmppkg pathways these results are the first demonstration that both anp and et inhibit rat cortical renal sglt activity and suggest a novel mechanism by which these vasoactive substances modulate hydrosaline balance at the proximal tubular nephron level
we report a case of CaP in a yearold man serum acid phosphatase was normal a transrectal biopsy of the prostate demonstrated an UC total prostatocystectomy was performed and subsequent pathologic report stated that the mass was an UC of the prostate gland metastases to the intrapelvic lymph node were present although immunohistochemical prostatic acid phosphatase pap activity was not demonstrated prostatic TPS antigen psa IF revealed a positive reaction within the tumor cells confirming prostatic carcinoma the patients course has been uneventful without any recurrence by the intermittent adjuvant chemotherapy months postoperatively review of the literature in japan disclosed cases including our case of CaP in patients under years of age
we aimed to investigate the association of extensively studied polymorphisms in adiponectin adipoq adiponectin receptor adipor and adiponectin receptor adipor genes with myocardial infarction in han chinese this is a hospitalbased crosssectional casecontrol study including myocardial infarction patients and controls myocardial infarction was confirmed through electrocardiogramanatomopathological examinations all polymorphisms met the HWE p the genotypeallele counts of adipoq gene rs p and adipor gene rs p differed significantly between patients and controls under the recessive MM rs odds ratio or confidence interval ci p and rs or ci p were associated with the significantly increased risk of myocardial infarction haplotype analysis revealed none or marginal significance and there was no likelihood of genetic interaction as indicated by multifactor dimensionality reduction mdr logistic regression analysis indicated that age total cholesterol hypertension rs rs rs and rs were significant contributors and a nomogram based on these contributors exhibited a good predictive utility cindex p our findings demonstrate that two polymorphisms rs in adipoq gene and rs in adipor gene especially under the recessive MM of inheritance played independent leading roles in susceptibility to myocardial infarction in han chinese
the nuclearencoded protein rps ribosomal protein s of rice mitochondria is synthesized in the cytosol as a polyprotein consisting of a large NT domain comprising presdhb succinate dehydrogenase b F0 and the cterminal rps T3 the presdhbrps polyprotein is transported into the mitochondrial matrix the protein is processed into three peptides the nterminal prepeptide the sdhb domain and the cterminal mature rps here we report that the GA mpp mitochondrial processing peptidase plays an essential role in processing of the polyprotein purified yeast mpp cleaved both the nterminal presequence and the connector region between sdhb and rps moreover the connector region was processed more rapidly than the presequence when the site of cleavage between sdhb and rps was determined it was located in an mpp processing motif that has also been shown to be present in the NT presequence mutational analyses around the cleavage site in the connector region suggested that mpp interacts with multiple sites in the region possibly in a similar manner to the interaction with the nterminal presequence in addition mpp preferentially recognized the unfolded structure of presdhbrps in mitochondria mpp may recognize the stretched polyprotein during passage of the precursor through the translocational apparatus in the IM and cleave the connecting region between the sdhb and rps domains even before processing of the presequence
dna gyrase and topoisomerase iv topo iv are cellular targets of quinolone antibacterial drugs the ser and the glu of the parc S1 have been identified as mutational hotspots for quinolone resistance mutant topo iv proteins containing a quinolone resistanceconferring mutation have been constructed and the effects of these mutations on topo iv are assessed both sl and ek mutations abolish the ability of quinolones to trap covalent topo ivdna complexes demonstrating that both the ser and the glu of parc are essential for topo ivquinolone interaction in addition the ek mutation greatly reduces the catalytic activity of topo iv covalent topo ivdna complexes formed with topo iv containing the ek mutation are more stable than those formed with the wildtype protein interestingly the ep mutation confers quinolone resistance to topo iv without affecting its catalytic activity the ep mutation inhi view and then turning the bone axially in steps of degrees from these radiographs the ideal entry point at the greater trochanter was calculated in of the specimen the ideal entry point for a straight nail was found constantly at the medial border of the greater trochanter overlaying the tendinous IS of the piriformis muscle the axis of the medullary cavity was in average cm anterior to the dorsal border of the greater trochanter in a second step the ideal entry point for bend nails was calculated according to this calculation a bend nail with a radius of cm needs an entry point mm anterior to the dorsal edge of the greater trochanter overlaying the hook like shape of the posterior part of the trochanter
sleep plays an important role in SM consolidation through the facilitation of neuronal STDP however how sleep accomplishes this remains to be completely understood it has previously been demonstrated that neural oscillations are an intrinsic mechanism by which the brain precisely controls neural ensembles interregional synchronization of these oscillations is also known to facilitate longrange communication and longterm potentiation ltp in the present study we investigated how the characteristic rhythms found in local field potentials lfps during nonrem and rem sleep play a role in emotional memory consolidation chronically implanted BP electrodes in the LA la dorsal and ventral hippocampus dh vh and the infralimbic il and prelimbic pl prefrontal cortex were used to record lfps across sleepwake activity following each day of a pavlovian cued CFC paradigm this resulted in three principle findings theta rhythms during rem sleep are highly synchronized between regions the extent of interregional synchronization during rem and nonrem sleep is altered by fc and ex the mean phase difference of synchronization between the la and vh during rem sleep predicts changes in freezing after cued fear extinction these results both oppose a currently proposed model of sleepdependent SM consolidation and provide a novel finding which suggests that the role of rem sleep theta rhythms in SM consolidation may rely more on the relative phaseshift between neural oscillations rather than the extent of phase synchronization
the movement of ions and water across the membranes of bronchial cells is part of the control of the bronchial obstructive response to PCS stimuli in a doubleblind randomized crossover T0 we compared the effect of an aerosol of the loop diuretic furosemide with that of a PL on the early within minutes and late to hours asthmatic responses to a specific inhaled allergen we studied subjects with mild allergic asthma who had both early and late asthmatic responses to a specific inhaled allergen in a preliminary challenge after placebo administration the maximal changes mean se from base line in the forced expiratory volume in one second fev and TPS airway resistance were respectively a decrease of percent and an increase of percent between and T2 after inhalation of the allergen early response and a decrease of percent and an increase of percent between and hours late response T3 furosemide administration ml mg per milliliter the early response to inhaled allergen was markedly att in all the subjects and the late response in all but one the maximal changes in the fev and TPS airway resistance were respectively a decrease of percent and an increase of percent between and minutes and a decrease of percent and an increase of percent between and hours p less than for all comparisons no significant differences were seen in the bronchoconstrictor response to inhaled methacholine after furosemide or PL administration we conclude that a furosemidesensitive mechanism in the airways is involved in the pathogenesis of the reactions of patients with AA whether inhaled furosemide might be useful in the treatment of AA is uncertain and will require further study
the british mesothelioma register records deaths in great britain when the word mesothelioma is on the death certificate in the mesothelioma deaths among men increased from to while those among women increased from to in the crude mesothelioma death rates were per million and per million for the men and women respectively the RNA region had the highest crude rates at the county level the highest crude deaths rates in were recorded for the men in devon and for the women in lancashire marked differences occurred in the ratio of deaths among men to deaths among women for mesothelioma of the pleura and for mesothelioma of the peritoneum the agespecific death rates for men and women diverged markedly for PM but not for peritoneal mesothelioma trends in the use of asbestos and in age and sexspecific death rates suggest that the annual number of mesothelioma deaths will continue to increase possibly until the turn of the century this increase will be concentrated among the men as the main asbestos SE of women occurred during the war and the annual deaths due to this SE may have already peaked
maximally exercising horses achieve mean pulmonary artery pressures ppamean that exceed the minimum threshold mmhg estimated for pulmonary capillary rupture and exerciseinduced pulmonary haemorrhage eiph eiph is not expected to occur during moderate submaximal exercise ie vomax since ppamean remains well below this threshold
a highperformance liquid chromatographic hplc method for the simultaneous determination of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine MQ and the carboxylic metabolite of MQ in plasma is described after the proteins have been precipitated with a combination of zinc sulphate and acetonitrile containing two internal standards pyrimethamine and mefloquine are extracted as bases and sulfadoxine and the carboxylic metabolite of MQ as ionpairs with TBA the drugs are separated by hplc on a micron ODS column with ultraviolet PCD at nm the method is simple and reliable and enables the simultaneous determination of the drugs in microliter plasma samples with a sensitivity suitable for standard drug monitoring purposes
superior cerebellar artery sca aneurysms have distinctive morphologic configurations and vascular origins herein we have analyzed the angioarchitectural characteristics of sca aneurysms and outcomes achieved through endovascular treatment
rats exposed to ethanol throughout their gestation were found to have abnormally distributed mossy SF in temporal regions of the hippocampus this demonstrates that prenatal SE to ethanol causes alterations in neuronal circuitry that persist to maturity such defects may play a role in the mental retardation often observed in children with fetal alcohol syndrome
hydrocoils are platinum helical coils coated with a SL of hydrophilic acrylic CP hydrogel which on contact with blood causes disentanglement of polymer chains and expansion we retrospectively reviewed a series of patients harboring CBF aneurysms treated with the hydrocoil embolic system in the period discussing the results of endovascular procedures in terms of safety and tau the immediate postprocedure angiographic control demonstrated CR aneurysm occlusion in cases nearcomplete occlusion in seven cases whereas in one case there was a procedure failure with L1 perfusion of the sac five patients experienced TE complications including an asymptomatic lacunar stroke of the head of the caudate nucleus a thalamic infarct following hypotension AA to pulmonary edema temporal ischemia secondary to vasospasm and a small right occipital ICM lesion only one patient suffered a L1 ICM accident no other procedurerelated complication occurred threemonth follersible T3 its withdrawal recently several studies raised the potential EC dysfunction that could be induced by interferon and few cases of pah have been reported with interferon therapy other possible risk factors for pah include nasal decongestants like PPA dietary supplement ltryptophan selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors pergolide and other drugs that could act on htb receptors interestingly pah remains a rare complication of these drugs suggesting possible individual susceptibility and further studies are needed to identify patients at risk of drugs induced pah
this T0 evaluated the tolerance and potential pharmacokinetic interactions between clarithromycin mg every h and RBT mg daily in clinically stable HIV virusinfected volunteers with cd counts of cellsmm thirtyfour subjects were randomized equally to either regimen a or regimen b on days to subjects assigned to regimen a received clarithromycin and subjects assigned to regimen b received rifabutin and then both groups received both drugs on days to of the regimen a and the regimen b subjects who started combination therapy subject in each group prematurely discontinued therapy due to toxicity but of subjects reported nausea vomiting andor diarrhea pharmacokinetic analysis included data for regimen a and regimen b subjects steadystate pharmacokinetic parameters for singleagent therapy day and ACT day were compared regimen a resulted in a mean decrease of p in the clarithromycin area under the plasma concentrationtime curve auc while there was a mean increase of p in the auc of the clarithromycin metabolite ohclarithromycin regimen b resulted in a mean increase of p in the RBT auc and a mean increase of p in the auc of the RBT metabolite odesacetylrifabutin the usefulness of this combination for prophylaxis of MAC infections is limited by frequent gastrointestinal AEs coadministration of clarithromycin and RBT results in significant bidirectional pharmacokinetic interactions the resulting increase in rifabutin levels may explain the increased frequency of uveitis observed with concomitant use of these drugs
a case of HT due to inappropriate tsh secretion in a yearold man is presented the diagnosis was confirmed by measurement of increased serum tsh values using three different assays increased t and t values the clinical picture and the effect of antithyroid treatment nuclear magnetic resonance and computerized tomographic scans of the PIT fossa showed no CA treatment with longterm oral thyrotropinreleasing hormone oral triiodothyronine and shortterm subcutaneous sandostatin injections resulted in partial suppression of tsh without however adequate clinical effect treatment with thyroxin bromocriptine and triiodothyroacetic acid did not alter the parameters it is concluded that the inappropriate tsh secretion may be due to a pituitary microadenoma
an excess incidence of BB canceure of dna block copolymers furthermore the AGA selection of dna CS and organic CP gives control over the material properties and their selfassembly into supramolecular structures the introduction of a hydrophobic polymer into dbcs in AQ solution leads to amphiphilic micellar structures with a hydrophobic polymer core and a dna corona in this account we discuss selected examples of recent developments in the synthesis structure manipulation and applications of dbcs we present achievements in synthesis of dbcs and their amplification based on molecular biology techniques we also focus on concepts involving supramolecular assemblies and the change of morphological properties by mild stimuli finally we discuss future applications of dbcs dbc micelles have served as drugdelivery vehicles as scaffolds for chemical reactions and as templates for the selfassembly of virus capsids in nanoelectronics dna polymer hybrids can facilitate size selection and directed deposition of singlewalled carbon nanotubes in field effect transistor fet devices
it is generally agreed that naturallyoccurring neuronal death in developing animals is dependent on the synthesis of proteins oxidative AS as when intracellular concentrations of FRs are raised or when cell constituents such as membrane lipids or protein thiols are Ox is also involved in various types of neuronal death in the present report we show that the number of naturally dying retinal cells in the chick embryo can be reduced by intraocular injections of cycloheximide an inhibitor of protein synthesis lbuthioninesrsulfoximine an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis can either enhance or diminish the cell death depending on the conditions of treatment moreover when the two inhibitors are combined BSO potentiates the neuroprotective effects of cycloheximide measurements of retinal glutathione concentration and protein synthesis show the specificity of the treatments buthioninesulfoximine diminishes glutathione concentrations but not protein synthesis whereas cycloheximide inhibits protein synthesis without decreasing glutathione concentrations naturallyoccurring neuronal death thus seems to involve the synthesis of proteins and is also influenced by oxidative phenomena our results extend previous data in tectallesioned embryos and suggest that a moderate nonlethal oxidative stress can enhance the resistance of GCs that might otherwise have died spontaneously or following axotomy owing to insufficient retrograde trophic support
in order to assess the additional information obtained from hours compared to hours of AECG electrocardiogram recording we analyzed ambulatory ecg monitoring tapes in which arrhythmias were present in all cases the second hours included the entire period of sleep only of percent episodes of arrhythmias frequent PVCs pvcs two or more pvcs in a row multiform pvcs ventricular bigeminy trigeminy premature atrial contractions pacs and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias occurred for the first time in the second hour period new VVI arrhythmias were detected during the second hour period in percent of the arrhythmic episodes although sleep resulted in a marked decrease in pvc frequency in percent of recordings with frequent pvcs while awake percent had a significant increase during sleep in contrast short runs of SVT tachyarrhythmias occurred during the second hours in percent of cases percent of these while asleep these data suggest that a hour ambulatory ecg tape recording be utilized initially to characterize the occurrence and frquency of the patients ambulatory arrhythmias during awake and sleep periods thereafter additional ecg recordings for monitoring antiarrhythmic drug therapy can be accomplished with a hour recording in more than percent of patients
peroxisomes in higher animals had been considered as a fossil organelle but the discovery of peroxisomal fatty acid betaoxidation system in revived a great deal of interest in the last decade peroxisomes have been shown to have an important role in the lipid metabolism in accord with this progress the presence of peroxisome diseases has been established the peroxisomal disorders recognized at present comprise different diseases with neurological involvements in of them recent studies have identified at least eight complementation groups in peroxisomedeficiency disorders and indicated that currently used clinical categories do not represent distinct genotypes
nine infants undergoing BT shunts were randomized to both highfrequency jet ventilation hfjv and CV cv vital signs blood gases mean airway pressure lung mechanics functional residual capacity and lung movement were compared on both modes of ventilation keeping peak inspiratory and expiratory pressures constant the mean airway pressure was lower on hfjv than on cv versus cm ho arterial partial pressure of oxygen was greater on hfjv than on cv versus mm hg arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide was lower on hfjv than on cv versus mm hg whereas compliance versus mlcm hokg resistance versus cm hols and functional residual capacity versus mlkg remained the same lung movement and degree of retraction necessary for surgical exposure as evaluated by an independent observer was less with hfjv compared with cv compared with cv during the creation of blalocktaussig shunts hfjv provides better gas exchange at lower mean airway pressure with similar lung CF lung volume and hemodynamics
the toxic amyloid βpeptide aβ is a key player in alzheimer disease ad pathogenesis and selective inhibition of the production of this peptide is sought for aβ is produced by the sequential cleavage of the aβ precursor protein app by βsecretase to yield appcterminal fragment β appctfβ and soluble appβ sappβ and γsecretase to yield aβ we reasoned that proteins that associate with γsecretase are likely to regulate aβ production and to be targets of pharmaceutical interventions and therefore performed a pulldown assay to screen for such proteins in rat BB interestingly one of the purified proteins was potassiumsodium hyperpolarizationactivated cyclic nucleotidegated ion channel hcn which has been shown to be involved in epilepsy we found that silencing of hcn resulted in decreased secreted aβ levels to further investigate the mechanism behind this reduction we also determined the C2 of fulllength app sapp and appctf species T3 silencing of hcn a marked reduction in sapp and appctf as well as glycosylated app levels was detected decreased aβ sapp and appctf C2 were also detected T3 treatment with the hcn inhibitor zd these results indicate that the effect on aβ levels after hcn silencing or inhibition is due to altered app maturation or processing by βsecretase rather than a direct effect on γsecretase however hcn and γsecretase were found to be in close proximity as evident by proximity ligation CA and IP in summary our results indicate that silencing or inhibition of hcn affects app processing and thereby could serve as a potential treatment strategy
we report a new simple method to fabricate a highly active sers substrate consisting of polymphenylenediaminepolyacrylonitrile pmpdpan decorated with ag nanoplates the formation mechanism of ag nanoplates is investigated the synthetic process of the ag nanoplatedecorated pmpdpan ag nanoplatespmpdpan nanofiber mats consists of the assembly of ag nanoparticles on the surface of pmpdpan nanofibers as crystal nuclei followed by in situ growth of ag NPs exclusively into nanoplates both the reducibility of the CP and the concentration of agno are found to play important roles in the formation and the density of ag nanoplates the optimized ag nanoplatespmpdpan nanofiber mats exhibit excellent activity and reproducibility in surfaceenhanced raman scattering sers detection of mercaptobenzoic acid mba with a detection limit of m making the ag nanoplatespmpdpan nanofiber mats a promising ATP for sers PCD of chemical molecules in addition this work also provides a design and fabrication process for a d sers substrate made of a reducible polymer with noble metals
a plethora of data suggests a role for estrogen in cognitive CF and genetic variants in the ERs esr and esr have been implicated in a range of hormonesensitive diseases it remains unknown however whether esr polymorphisms are associated with the risk of decline in TPS domains of cognitive function data came from nondemented communitydwelling elderly women recruited in france to the c study a short cognitive test battery was po at baseline and and years followup to assess global function VF visual memory psychomotor speed and executive CF detailed sociodemographic behavioral PCS and mental health information was also gathered and genotyping of five common esr and esr polymorphisms was also performed in multivariableadjusted cox analysis esr rs and rs were not significantly associated with the risk of decline on any of the cognitive tasks however significant associations with esr polymorphisms were identified the a S2 of rs was associated with an increased risk of substantial decline in visual SM hr ci p psychomotor speed hr ci p and on the incidence of mild cognitive impairment hr ci p there was also a weaker association between the a allele of rs and a decreased risk of decline in psychomotor speed our C1 multicentre prospective T0 provides preliminary evidence that esr genetic variants may be associated with TPS cognitive domains and suggests that further examination of the role of this gene in cognitive CF is warranted
achievements made over the last years have highlighted the important role of creatine in health and disease however its effects on hyperexcitable circuit and oxidative damage induced by traumatic brain injury tbi are not well understood in the present study we revealed that severe tbi elicited by fluid percussion BB injury induced oxidative damage characterized by protein carbonylation thiobarbituric acid reactive species tbars increase and nakatpase activity inhibition and days T3 neuronal injury statistical analysis showed that after tbi creatine supplementation mgkg po decreased the C2 of protein carbonyl and tbars but did not protect against tbiinduced nakatpase activity inhibition electroencephalography eeg analysis revealed that the injection of a subconvulsant dose of ptz mgkg ip but not days T3 neuronal injury decreased latency for the first clonic seizures and increased the time of spent generalized tonicclonic seizures compared with the sham group in addition creatine supplementation had no effect on convulsive parameters induced by a subconvulsant dose of ptz current experiments provide evidence that lipid and protein oxidation represents a separate pathway in the early posttraumatic seizures susceptibility furthermore the lack of consistent anticonvulsant effect exerted by creatine in this EP suggests that its apparent antioxidant effect does not protect against excitatory input generation induced by tbi
besides their fundamental movement CF evidenced by PD deficits the basal ganglia are involved in processing closely linked nonmotor cognitive and reward information this review describes the reward functions of three brain structures that are L1 components of the basal ganglia or are closely associated with the BG namely midbrain dopamine neurons PPN and striatum Cd nucleus putamen nucleus accumbens rewards are involved in learning positive reinforcement approach behavior economic choices and positive emotions the response of dopamine SN to rewards consists of an early detection component and a subsequent reward component that reflects a PE in economic utility but is unrelated to movement dopamine activations to nonrewarded or aversive stimuli reflect PCS impact but not punishment SN in pedunculopontine nucleus project their axons to dopamine neurons and process sensory stimuli movements and rewards and rewardpredicting stimuli without coding outright reward prediction errors neurons in striatum besides their pronounced movement relationships process rewards irrespective of sensory and motor aspects integrate reward information into movement activity code the reward value of individual actions NC their rewardrelated activity during learning and code own reward in social situations depending on whose action produces the reward these data demonstrate a variety of wellcharacterized reward processes in specific BG nuclei consistent with an important CF in nonmotor aspects of motivated behavior
deflazacort a new glucocorticoid dfz which has recently become available is known to have lower adverse effects on the skeletal metabolism and is expected to inhibit growth to a lesser extent in longterm treated children than earlier cortisone analogues with the aim of verifying this hypothesis a multicenter T0 was planned to compare the effects of deflazacort and prednisone on linear growth and skeletal maturation in a group of prepubertal children requiring chronic steroid therapy the data presented in this interim analysis refer to children females and males ranging in age from to yrs with rheumatoid arthritis SVR lupus erythematosus or dermatomyositis selected from the total sample of subjects included in the trial they were randomly allocated to dfz or pdn treatment and received the minimum ERP dose of either steroid for at least months per year longitudinal height measurements were obtained with standard instruments and techniques and the bone age was assessed according to greulich and pyle the following indicators of growth retardation were considered BA delay difference between bone age and CA statural age delay statural age with respect to the th percentile minus the chronological age and statural age loss statural age with respect to the individual height percentile at the first observation minus the chronological ageabstract truncated at words
MPM mpm is an aggressive disease of the pleural lining with a dismal prognosis surgical treatments of mpm with a curative intent include extrapleural pneumonectomy and D2 pleurectomydecortication pd this metaanalysis aimed to compare the perioperative and longterm outcomes of epp and extended pd for selected surgical candidates
this study evaluated the structure and validity of the problem SMB frequency scaleteacher report form pbfstr for assessing students frequency of TPS forms of aggression and victimization and positive behavior analyses were conducted on two waves of data from students from two urban middle schools sample who were rated by their teachers on the pbfstr and the social skills improvement system ssis and on data collected from students from three urban middle schools sample for whom data on both the teacher and student report version of the pbfs were obtained confirmatory factor analyses supported firstorder AF representing forms of aggression physical verbal and relational forms of victimization physical verbal and relational and forms of positive behavior prosocial SMB and ERP nonviolent SMB and higherorder AF representing aggression victimization and positive SMB strong measurement invariance was established over gender grade MI condition and time support for convergent validity was found based on correlations between corresponding scales on the pbfstr and teacher ratings on the ssis in sample significant correlations were also found between teacher ratings on the pbfstr and student ratings of their behavior on the problem behavior frequency scaleadolescent report pbfsar and a measure of nonviolent behavioral intentions in sample overall theriparian forest association elsewhere in the species range compared to random conditions kites selected nest CS with high tree density and more closed canopy in the surrounding area mississippi kite selection was not related to food abundance but could be explained by the presence of superpredators ie hawks and owls selecting riparian woodland for their nests nest survival declined with proximity to superpredator nesting sites overall our study demonstrates how landscape structure and superior predators shapes predation risk for subordinate predators our results emphasize the importance of spatial heterogeneity in presenting opportunities for subordinate predators to coexist in a landscape with important superpredators
blacks have the highest prevalence of hypertension in the united states higher levels of fgf fibroblast growth factor have been associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes whether fgf is associated with rising blood pressure bp and racial differences in incident hypertension is unclear we studied adults ± years female black without hypertension or cardiovascular disease who participated in the year followup examination of the cardia T0 PD risk OD in young adults we investigated the associations of baseline year cfgf cterminal fgf levels with longitudinal bp patterns and incident hypertension defined as being on antihypertensive medication systolic bp ≥ or diastolic bp ≥ mm hg during followup visits years and during followup of participants developed hypertension in multivariable linear mixed models there were greater increases in systolic bp from year to and year to in the highest fgf quartile relative to the lowest quartile mm hg
cofermentation of garden waste gw and food waste fw was assessed in a twostage process coupling hyperthermophilic darkfermentation and mesophilic anaerobic digestion ad in the first stage biohydrogen production from individual substrates was tested at different volatile solids vs concentrations using a pure SC of caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus as inoculum fw concentrations in vs above g l
in this study titanium ti was modified with biofunctional and novel surface by microarc oxidation mao and glow discharge plasma gdp and we tested the development of a threespecies periodontopatogenic biofilm onto the treated commerciallypure titanium cpti surfaces machined and sandblasted surfaces were used as control group several techniques for surface characterizations and monoculture on bone tissue cells were performed a multispecies biofilm composed of streptococcus sanguinis actinomyces naeslundii and fusobacterium nucleatum was developed onto cpti discs for h early biofilm and h mature biofilm the number of viable microorganisms and the composition of the ECM and carbohydrates were determined the biofilm organization was analyzed by SEM microscopy sem and CLSM clsm in addition mcte cells were cultured on the ti surfaces and cell proliferation mtt and morphology sem were assessed mao treatment produced oxide films rich in calcium and phosphorus with a volcano appearance while gdp treatment produced siliconbased smooth thinfilm plasma treatments were able to increase the wettability of cpti p an increase of surface roughness p and formation of anatase and rutile structures was noted after mao treatment gdp had the greatest SFE p while maintaining the surface roughness compared to the machined control p plasma treatment did not affect the viable microorganisms counts but the counts of f nucleatum was lower for mao treatment at early biofilm phase biofilm extracellular matrix was similar among the CG excepted for gdp that presented the lowest protein content moreover cell proliferation was not significantly affected by the exp except for mao at days that resulted in an increased cell proliferative together these findings indicate that plasma treatments are a viable and promising technology to treat boneintegrated dental implants as the new surfaces displayed improved mechanical and biological properties with no increase in biofilm proliferation
human expeditions to mars will require adaptation to the h martian solar daynight cycle sol which is outside the range of entrainment of the human circadian pacemaker under lighting intensities to which astronauts are typically exposed failure to entrain the circadian timekeeping system to the desired restactivity cycle disturbs sleep and impairs cognitive CF furthermore differences between the intrinsic tau and earths h lightdark cycle underlie human circadian rhythm SD such as advanced sleep phase disorder and nonhour sleepwake disorders therefore first we tested whether exposure to a modelbased lighting regimen would entrain the human circadian pacemaker at a normal phase angle to the h martian sol and to the h day length often required of astronauts during short duration space exploration second we tested here whether such prior entrainment to nonh L/D cycles would lead to subsequent modification of the intrinsic period of the human CTS here we show that exposure to moderately BL approximately lux approximately wm for the second or first half of the scheduled wake episode is ERP for entraining individuals to the h martian sol and a h day length respectively estimations of the circadian periods of plasma melatonin plasma cortisol and core body temperature rhythms collected under forced desynchrony protocols revealed that the intrinsic circadian period of the human circadian pacemaker was significantly longer following entrainment to the martian sol as compared to following entrainment to the h day the latter finding of aftereffects of entrainment reveals for the first time STDP of the period of the human circadian timing system both findings have important implications for the treatment of CR SD and human space exploration
progenitor cells in the periosteumperichondrium of the posterior hook of the quadratojugal qj a membrane bone in the embryonic chick are bipotential for osteogenesis and chondrogenesis these cells switch from osteogenesis to chondrogenesis between to days in normal mobile embryos but not in paralyzed immobile embryos expression of neural cell adhesion molecule ncam was studied using a monoclonal antibody in qj hooks from normal and paralyzed chick embryos between and days of incubation ncam is expressed in osteoprogenitor cells and OBs but not in chondroprogenitor cells chondroblasts or chondrocytes the switch of progenitor cell differentiation from an osteogenic to a chondrogenic pathway between and days of incubation coincides with downregulation of ncam expression both initiation of AA chondrogenesis and downregulation of ncam depend on biomechanical stimulation in embryos paralyzed at days secondary cartilage fails to form and progenitor cells remain positive for ncam furthermore paralysis influences ncam expression in progenitor cells before AA chondrogenesis morphologically begins indicating that ncam may play a role in the initiation of AA chondrogenesis in day normal embryos ncampositive cells accumulate between the perichondrium and secondary cartilage in a position that prevents further cartilage formation in the hook in day embryos these cells lose their ncam expression and restart chondrogenesis in a second phase of differentiation forming an AC loss of ncam expression in this cell layer and recommencement of chondrogenesis do not occur in embryos paralyzed at days and therefore also require biomechanical stimulation hence downregulation of ncam expression correlates with two phases of secondary chondrogenesis in embryonic life both of which are dependent upon embryonic movement
we have examined by light and electron microscopy the retina optic nervehead and optic SN of human eyes from glaucoma patients in whom clinical information was available for comparison in several cases it was possible to correlate the degree and distribution of optic nerve damage with the clinical appearance of the NVD and visual field studies there was no selective loss of astrocytes of the optic nervehead in early glaucoma cupping acquired increases in NVD cup size prior to detectable VF loss probably represent loss of ganglion cell axonal SF which is not yet significant enough to produce field defects it is unlikely that the mechanism of axonal damage in chronic human glaucoma involves early loss of astrocytic glial cells at the optic nervehead at the level of the retrobulbar optic nerve the ganglion cell axonal SF of the superior and VPI quadrants seem to be lost earlier than the SF of the nasal and temporal nerve periphery since the superior and VPI poles of the optic nerve may contain the SF of arcuate area ganglion cells these data confirm the presumption from visual field testing that arcuate area GCL SF are selectively more susceptible to damage in chronic glaucoma
the universal scatter CF for natural water produces beam spread patterns in multiple forward scatter which remain compact in time and angular subtense even neglecting absorption
longterm immunization of rabbits with PSDs psd from bovine brain produced an AS specific for psd as judged by binding to subcellular fractions and immunohistochemical location at the light and EM levels a the L1 antigens of bovine psd S9 were three polypeptides of molecular weight psd psd and psd respectively antigen psd also present in mouse and rat psds was virtually absent from cytoplasm myelin mitochondria and microsomes from rodent or bovine BB antigens psd and psd were present in all subcellular fractions from bovine brain especially in mitochondria but were almost absent from rodent brain the antiserum also contained lowaffinity antibodies against tubulin bimmunohistochemical studies were performed in mouse and rat BB where antigen psd accounted for percent of the AS binding T3 adsorption with purified brain tubulin at the LM level antibody binding was observed only in those regions of the brain where synapses are known to be present no reaction was observed in myelinated tracts in the neuronal cytoplasm or in nonneuronal cells strong CR was observed in the molecular SL of the DG SO and SR of the hippocampus and the molecular layer of the cerebellum exp lesions such as ablation of the rat entorhinal SC or intraventricular i.t. of kainic acid which led to a L1 loss of psd in well defined areas of the HPC formation caused a correlative decrease in immunoreactivity in these areas abnormal patterns of immunohistochemical staining correlated with abnormal synaptic patterns in the cerebella of reeler and staggerer mouse mutants c at the electron microscopic level immunoreactivity was detectable only in psd the antibody did not bind to myelin mitochondria or plasma CM d the results indicate that antigen psd is located predominantly or exclusively in psd and can be used as a marker during subcellular fractionation other potential uses include the study of synaptogenesis and the PCD of changes in synapse number after experimental perturbations of the nervous system
vaccination against hepatitis b virus hbv is recommended in people living with hiv plhiv although immune response rates are lower than in HI we aimed at assessing response rates and predictors as well as persistence of seroprotection in a cohort of plhiv with no serological evidence of current or previous hbv infection plhiv followed at our site were retrospectively included if they started a primary hbv vaccination course mcg threedose schedule CT or combined with inactivated SH a virus between and serological response was defined as SH b surface antibodies hbsab ≥ iuliter to weeks after the third vaccine dose among patients included completed the primary hbv vaccination schedule of them developed serological response hiv viral suppression was associated with hbsab ≥ iuliter
a new rational approach for the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer mip based on the combination of molecular dynamics md simulations and quantum mechanics qm calculations is described in this work before performing molecular modeling a virtual limodel for tr in the OD of the anuran xenopus laevis that is unliganded tr recruits corepressors to thinducible genes in premetamorphic tadpoles to repress these genes and prevent premature metamorphic changes and subsequently when th becomes available liganded tr recruits coactivators to activate these same genes leading to metamorphosis over the years we and others have used molecular and genetic approaches to demonstrate the importance of the dual functions of tr in xenopus laevis in particular unliganded tr has been shown to recruit histone deacetylasecontaining corepressor complexes in premetamorphic tadpoles to control metamorphic timing in contrast metamorphosis requires thbound tr to recruit coactivator complexes containing histone acetyltransferases and methyltransferases to activate transcription furthermore the concentrations of coactivators appear to regulate the rate of metamorphic progression studies in mammals also suggest that the dual CF model for tr is conserved across vertebrates
goat and rat antisera directed against friend leukemia virus antiflv were found to be blymphocyte mitogens stimulating dna synthesis in these cells but not in t lymphocytes membrane fluorescence microscopy showed that antiflv reacts with a subset of b lymphocytes of which the majority express immunoglobulin mu chains the mitogenic effect was found with all mouse strains tested including and akr absorption experiments with purified viruses indicated that the mitogenic effect is TPS for an antigen present in L1210 viruses of the fmr subgroup in absorption experiments with viable cells the antigen involved in mitogenicity was found to be expressed on friend erythroleukemia cell lines and on myelomas but not on normal thymus t lymphomas or on rb or mink cells infected with balbc xenotropic virus preincubation of spleen cells with antigp antiserum inhibited the mitogenic effect of antiflv but not of lipopolysaccharide
to investigate the impact of intimate partner violence ipv on the risk of repeat induced abortion ria we compared ipv history among women with and without previous IA ia
serotonin ht is a neuromodulatortransmitter influencing global BB function past and present findings illustrate a prominent role for ht in the modulation of pontomedullary autonomic circuits ht is also involved in the control of neurotrophic processes during pre and postnatal development of neural circuits the PET implications of ht are particularly illustrated in the alterations to the serotonergic system as seen in a wide range of neurological disorders this article reviews the role of ht in the development and control of respiratory networks in the pontomedullary brainstem the review further examines the role of ht in breathing disorders occurring at different stages of life in particular the neonatal neurodevelopmental diseases such as rett sudden infant death and praderwilli syndromes AD diseases such as sleep apnoea and mental illness linked to neurodegeneration
preoperative dilatation of the cervix was attempted in cases prior to vacuum aspiration in patients seeking late first trimester termination beyond ten weeks me pgfa was used in the form of vaginal suppositories intramuscular and intracervical i.v. dilatation of cervix of mm or more was achieved within hours in cases with intracervical injections gastrointestinal disturbances caused by intramuscular i.v. could be avoided by intracervical i.v. as the amount of prostaglandin required was only ugm but the success rate was significantly lower the success with multiple dose suppositories was there was no significant difference in the success with mgm or mgm dosage but the SE were significantly higher with mgm suppositories intracervical hylase did not dilate the cervix but successfully softened it within T2 to make metallic dilatation simple the hygroscopic isogel tents achieved dilatation of mm or more in of the patients in hours the tents as well as intracervical prostaglandin i.t. had the disadvantage of requiring an additional theatre procedure prior to suction curettage
complementary and alternative therapies are quickly gaining importance because they are perceived to be free of side effects due to their natural origin however herbal remedies are complex mixtures of bioactive entities which may interact with prescription drugs through pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic mechanisms and sometimes result in lifethreatening consequences in particular diabetes patients are often treated with multiple medications due to different comorbidities and such patients use antidiabetic medications for their entire lives thus it is important to make the public aware of herb interactions with antidiabetic drugs in this paper we summarize the reports available on the interaction of herbal remedies with OHAs and describe mechanisms preclinical or clinical evidence importance and management strategies
the mu ym gene belongs to a family of rat genes that are homologous to the chitinases from lower organisms such as insects nematodes bacteria and plants all of these rat mammalian proteins except one member have no demonstrable chitinase activity and therefore cannot be considered chitinases the biological functions of these proteins remain unknown however these proteins may function through binding to carbohydrate polymers in an effort to characterize the mu ym gene better we have delineated its genomic structure we mapped the chromosomal location of the ym gene to a CE region of mouse chromosome in the region syther rare conditions we describe a patient with a massively distended gallbladder due to AC who presented with clinical and cholangiographic findings simulating the mirizzi syndrome endoscopists should be aware of AC as a possible etiology of common hepatic duct obstruction
diabetic autonomic neuropathy is a known complication of longstanding diabetes the present study was designed to T0 the prevalence of asymptomatic prolonged GE ge in young patients with iddm and its correlations with disease duration and autonomic nerve function the study population included poorly controlled patients mean age years with a disease duration of years and age and sexmatched controls autonomic nerve functions were assessed by standard cardiovascular reflexes and gastrointestinal gi PS were assessed by a detailed questionnaire ge was assessed by EIT eit at hours after a standard semisolid meal mean halftime gastric emptying was significantly prolonged in diabetic patients versus min p with a higher prevalence in the first years and after years of disease duration no differences were found between diabetics and controls regarding cardiovascular tests no correlations were found between age gi scores cardiovascular tests and ge patients with iddm may suffer from prolonged ge this is not always accompanied by autonomic impairments as impaired gastric emptying may involve poor glycemic control and early satiety patients with difficulties in metabolic control or poor caloric NI should be studied for the possibility of delayed gastric emptying
the ras oncogene product ras p is structurally homologous to guanine nucleotidebinding proteins which play an important role in TM signaling systems recently enhanced expression of ras p has been reported in the psoriatic hyperproliferative epidermis in which various alterations in the transmembrane signaling systems are well established since rasprotooncogenes are known to be G1 by a single point mutation that is restricted to the amino acid residues either at position or in their vicinity we investigated whether the increased expression of ras p in psoriatic epidermis is accompanied by mutation of the ras gene at these CS the results obtained using samples from five cases of psoriasis revealed no evidence for such mutation although the psoriatic epidermis may exhibit enhanced expression of ras p this is apparently not accompanied by ras mutation
shcs family of adaptor molecules has been implicated in several physiological functions in particular our previous studies have shown major roles in the mechanisms that control the transition from proliferating neural stem cells nscs to postmitotic neurons in the mammalian brain in the AD BB shca expression is mainly restricted to a subpopulation of cells in the subventricular zone svz neurogenic area enlightening a potential role for this molecule in the establishmentmaintenance of this AD nsc niche in order to investigate this matter here we took advantage of crelox technology with the purpose of interfering with or delete shca function in nestinexpressing neural progenitors in vivo our analyses revealed signs of anatomical disorganization in the AD BB at the boundary between the striatum and the CC and reduced thickness both at the ventricular level and through the rostral migratory stream analysis of cell proliferation and cell death unveiled a prominent reduction of the former and no substantial alterations of the latter ultrastructural studies showed svz anatomical disarray and manifest variation in the svz cell type composition in conclusion these results provide evidence for a role of shca in the assembly andor maintenance of the svz nsc niche in the AD BB
as a group young drivers have crash rates that far exceed those of older experienced drivers but even among teenagers there are agerelated differences crash rates decline consistently and dramatically with each yearly increase in age a more precise understanding of how crash rates decline within the teenage group might provide insights into when experience is most influential to address this issue this T0 examines monthtomonth changes in collisions among new drivers it was found that crash rates drop most dramatically during the first months of driving involvement in certain types of crasheseg runofftheroad singlevehicle night weekenddeclines more rapidly the findings suggest that novices improve their driving in a relatively short period of time a graduated driver licensing system is identified as an ERP method for ensuring that this OD takes place in a more forgiving environment
members of the genus lactobacillus are common inhabitants of the gut yet little is known about the traits that contribute to their ecological performance in gastrointestinal ecosystems lactobacillus reuteri persists in the gut of the reconstituted lactobacillusfree mouse T3 a single oral inoculation recently three genes of this strain that were specifically induced in vivo induced in the mu gut were identified we report here the PCD of a gene of l reuteri that encodes a highmolecularmass surface protein lsp that shows homology to proteins involved in the adherence of other bacteria to epithelial cells and in biofilm formation the three in vivoinduced genes and lsp of l reuteri were inactivated by insertional mutagenesis in order to T0 their biological importance in the murine gastrointestinal tract competition experiments showed that mutation of lsp and a gene encoding methionine sulfoxide reductase msrb reduced ecological performance mutation of lsp impaired the adherence served for phosphatidylcholine pc liposomes demonstrating the acidic lipid to be required quenching by endostatin of the fluorescence of a pyrenelabeled phospholipid analogue in ps containing CM was seen while there was no effect for pc liposomes RET from the trp residues of endostatin to a dansyllabeled phospholipid further confirmed the association of endostatin with pscontaining membranes whereas there was no binding to pc liposomes intriguingly the association of ES with pscontaining liposomes triggered the formation of fibers with congo red staining producing green birefringence characteristic for amyloid lipid was incorporated into these SF as shown by IF when a trace amount x of FL phospholipid analogues was present in the liposomes no fiber formation was seen when ES was added to liposomes composed of pc only because ps has been reported to be exposed in the outer surface of the plasma membrane of cancer cells and VE cells our results suggest that this lipid could represent a target for endostatin in the cancer cell surface and tumors thus suggesting a novel mechanism of its action more specifically analogous to a number of other cytotoxic proteins interacting with negatively charged lipids pstriggered fiber formation by ES on the surface of cancer cells would impair the permeability barrier CF of the BPM resulting in cell death
we compared the peripapillary scleral and choroidal halos and crescents in the two eyes of patients with unilateral glaucoma in most cases the edge of the three tissue layers the retinal PE rpe the choroid and the sclera that encircle the optic nerve head of the glaucomatous eye superimposed exactly on the mirror images of the edges in the fellow nonglaucomatous eye although the size of the peripapillary crescent or halo was the same in both eyes it and the scleral rim were often more conspicuous in the eye with glaucomatous damage because the tissue edges were seen more easily through the reduced thickness of nerve fiber layer tissue there were nine exceptions in five cases the peripapillary choroidal crescent the area of choroid not covered by rpe was larger in the glaucomatous eye in four eyes however the crescent was larger in the nonglaucomatous eye although the magnitude of the asymmetry was less in these four cases thus in late stages of optic nerve damage there was some rpe atrophy but in most cases of glaucoma the area of bared choroid was the inherent anatomic configuration of the optic nerve exit canal
dna topoisomerase inhibitors camptothecin and demethylepipodophyllotoxin ethylidenebetadglucoside vp had strong differentiationinducing activity for all five kinds of leukemia cells examined human hl u ml and k cells and mouse m cells as judged from measurements of various differentiation markers the characteristics that appeared as a result of differentiation induced by these inhibitors were essentially similar in every cell L1 SE to vp for h induced both differentiation and dnastrand breaks in k cells whereas podophyllotoxin which lacks topoisomerase ii inhibitory activity induced neither differentiation nor dnastrand breaks in these cells these results suggest a parallelism between the induction of differentiation and that of dnastrand breaks the combination of vp and recombinant tumor necrosis factor alpha rtnf alpha synergistically induced differentiation of human u ml and m cells and had an additive effect on hl cells simultaneous treatment with rtnf alpha plus CPT or vp or pretreatment with camptothecin or vp followed by rtnf alpha induced marked differentiation of m cells these results indicate that inhibition of topoisomerase either topoisomerase i or ii followed by the action of rtnf alpha was effective in inducing differentiation of CEM
regulation of hydroxytryptamine ht receptor expression by sr b a potent and selective ht receptor antagonist was investigated in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells binding of hsr b to rat vascular smooth muscle cells was timedependent reversible and saturable hsr b bound to one class of specific binding sites with high affinity kd nm bmax fmol cells exposure of cells to a microm concentration of the ht agonist dimethoxyiodophenylaminopropane doi or the antagonist ketanserin led to a significant decrease in ht receptor density as measured by hsr b binding in contrast SE of cells to microm sr b caused a marked increase in the maximal binding capacity of hsr b with a maximal effect at h increase the affinity constant was not affected by prior exposure to doi ketanserin or sr b furthermore exposure of cells to microm doi or ketanserin produced h later a decrease in the ability of doi to stimulate phosphoinositide turnover in the cells whereas treatment with sr b induced a significant stimulation of the ht receptorlinked signal transduction this effect occurred with no changes in the amount of ht receptor mrnas as measured by quantitative PCR reaction these results indicate that sr b increases ht receptor binding and functions without altering steadystate ht mrna C2 in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells
the bedside sphygmomanometric determination of the arterial pressure response during the valsalva maneuver was incorporated into the routine physical examination of ambulatory subjects four distinct valsalva responses were noted ultrasinusoidal sinusoidal absent overshoot and square wave the absent overshoot response was further divided into positional and constant typesthe latter consistently exhibiting this response regardless of body position correlation with resting left ventricular ejection fraction was obtained by radionuclide cineangiography in patients of whom had left VVI systolic dysfunction ejection fraction less than significant differences in the mean left ventricular ejection fraction were found in subjects with an ultrasinusoidal response sinusoidal response constant absent overshoot response and square wave response to valsalva maneuver the sensitivity of an abnormal valsalva response absent overshoot or square wave responses for the bedside detection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction was percent and the predictive value of an ultrasinusoidal valsalva response for normal ejection fraction was percent it is concluded that the high predictive accuracy of the VM makes this simple bedside technique a valuable method for assessing resting left ventricular function
brain cell swelling compromises neuronal CF and survival by the risk of generation of ischemia episodes as compression of small vessels occurs due to the limits to expansion imposed by the rigid skull external osmolarity reductions or intracellular accumulation of osmotically AS solutes result in cell swelling which can be counteracted by extrusion of osmolytes through specific efflux pathways characterization of these pathways has received considerable attention and there is now interest in the understanding of the intracellular signaling events involved in their activation and regulation calcium and calmodulin phosphoinositides and camp may act as second messengers carrying the information about a cell volume NC into signaling enzymes small gtpases protein tyrosine kinases and phospholipases also appear to be part of the signaling cascades ultimately modulating the osmolyte efflux pathways this review focus on i the influence of hyposmotic and isosmotic swelling on these signaling events and molecules and ii the effects of manipulating their CF on the osmolyte fluxes particularly k ci and amino acids and on the consequent efficiency of cell volume adjustment
spherical nanocrystal of AP has been proved to be beneficial for osteoblast growth two apatites with spherical nanocrystal morphology were prepared in this study by chemical wet method and further sintering process sem exhibited that both apatites had spherical nanocrystal morphology the crystal morphology and size was approaching to each other xrd showed the apatites separately were hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate phases the cellular biocompatibility was evaluated by OBs for these two spherical nanocrstal apatites the mtt result indicated a higher cell proliferation rate for spherical TCP group the alp activity CA also strongly favored the tricalcium phosphate group rtpcr results indicated that collagen i had a higher transcription level on the spherical tricalcium phosphate group sem results showed robust cell growth on the materials it was concluded that the spherical nanophase TCP was superior to the cellular biocompatibility of spherical nanophase hydroxyapatite and the results were helpful in the manufacture of more suitable TE scaffolds
the temporal appearance of seasonal changes in numbers of leydig sertoli and germ cells was evaluated to determine if seasonally increased daily spermatozoan production might be prcompared intraindividually following randomized left coronary artery i.v. ml electrocardiographic indices aortic pressure CSF thermodilution method and coronary vascular resistance were determined before during and s T3 each injection heart rate remained almost unchanged with lotrolan and lopromide amidotrizoate however caused a significant bradycardia aortic pressure decreased markedly T3 amidotrizoate but only moderately after lopromide and lotrolan coronary sinus flow increased to the same extent with lopromide and amidotrizoate but less with lotrolan coronary V1 resistance dropped significantly more following lopromide and amidotrizoate than after lotrolan as opposed to amidotrizoate and lopromide lotrolan caused only slight changes in heart rate blood pressure and coronary hemodynamics presumably due to its plasmaisotonic osmolality only minor differences were found between the cardiac effects of amidotrizoate and lopromide the diagnostic SQ of the angiograms however was better with amidotrizoate and lopromide thus due to its reduced cardiac SE lotrolan may only be useful in the case of experimental investigations applying digital techniques
we have studied the response of hemoglobin hb hematocrit reticulocytes mean corpuscular volume ferritin SS iron TIBC tibc and the transferrin saturation index in patients on chronic hemodialysis hd with minimal aluminum overload who were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin rhuepo when a single dose of deferoxamine dfo mgkg bw was administered analytical determinations were performed basally and h days and days T3 a dfo test hb increased from a basal value of to p p and gdl ns respectively and similar increases were seen with the hematocrit SI increased from to p p and microgramsdl p respectively tibc and FER did not NC but the TSI increased significantly dfo produces an immediate improvement of the anemia in hd patients treated with rhuepo and who have minimal Al accumulation it should be related to an increased iron availability to BFU-E either releasing stored iron or decreasing aluminumbound transferrin
the pathogenesis of the anemia associated with malignancy was investigated in a patient with t cell CLL one the plasma clot SC system was used as a measure in vitro of IDE the patients peripheral blood and marrow t lymphocytes obtained both before and after transfusion therapy suppressed erythroid colony formation by normal human bone marrow cells i.c.v. of the patients bone marrow TA by antithymocyte globulin atg and complement reversed this suppression in addition pretreatment of the patients marrow cells with atg and complement markedly augmented IDE in vitro the expression of erythroid activity caused by the selective destruction of the suppressor t lymphocytes in the patients bone marrow with atg and the suppression of normal erythropoiesis by the patients bone marrow and peripheral BL suggest that interaction between the malignant t cell and the erythropoietinresponsive stem cell is important in production of anemia in this patient
we describe an atypical neuropathological phenotype of sporadic creutzfeldtjakob disease in a yearold man the clinical symptoms were characterized by progressive dementia gait ataxia rigidity and UI the disease duration was weeks mri did not show prominent atrophy or hyperintensities in cortical Az striatum or TH biomarker examination of the CSF fluid deviated from that seen in pure alzheimers disease triphasic waves in the eeg were detected only later in the disease course while CA was positive prnp genotyping revealed methionine homozygosity mm at codon neuropathology showed CP cjd changes corresponding to the mm type cases however a striking feature was the presence of abundant kurutype plaques in the white matter this rare morphology was associated with neuropathological signs of intranuclear inclusion body disease and T3 stage of AGD these alterations did not show correlation with each other thus seemed to develop independently this case further highlights the complexity of neuropathological alterations in the ageing BB
mycobacterium tuberculosis mtb is the causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis rapid and accurate diagnosis is crucial to tuberculosis control and prevention a series of diagnostic methods has been available for mtb PCD however new rapid simple and affordable methods are needed in this study a multiple cross displacement amplification mcdabased CA was developed to detect the is gene of the m tuberculosis complex OH naphthol blue hnb a colorimetric indicator was used to detect amplification products amplification was carried out at a constant temperature °c for only min followed by direct determination of amplification products through observation of color variations the entire PCD procedure from processing of specimens to reading of results required only min moreover this assay hereafter designated mtbmcdahnb was able to detect as little as pg of dna extracted from the bacille calmetteguerin bcg strain of mycobacterium bovis no crossreaction with nontuberculous mycobacteria ntm species was observed moreover during testing of clinical samples the sensitivity and specificity of mcda results were and respectively when compared to results obtained using the xpert mtbrif method therefore the mtbmcdahnb method developed in this study holds promise for application as an effective pointofcare test to detect m tuberculosis
hemolytic streptococci produce more or less severe inflammations of the udders of cows frequently INF quarters are swollen firm hot and tender in a number of instances it has not been possible to detect gross changes in the mammary gland the streptococci isolated from the invaded quarters have produced clear zones of hemolysis immediately surrounding the colonies when cultivated in horse blood agar plate cultures the hemolytic zone has varied from a clear narrow band up to zones to mm wide when the streptococci are classified according to their action upon carbohydrates they fall into two broad groups the larger consists of nineteen strains fermenting dextrose lactose saccharose maltose and salicin and a smaller number comprising ten species produces acid in dextrose lactose saccharose and maltose and fails to ferment salicin one of the nonsalicinfermenting strains did not attack saccharose in no instance was acid production noted in raffinose inulin or mannite all streptococci except three were agglutinated by an antiserum obtained from a rabbit immunized with a single CS freshly isolated cultures when injected intravenously into rabbits possess but slight pathogenicity localizations in the joints occurred in two instances the others either failed to affect the GA condition of the animals or produced only a slight febrile reaction
we examined three patients from two families of jewishiraqi origin who had progressive reduction of VA and childhood onset of bilateral optic nerve atrophy without additional retinal CA they had neurologic symptoms compatible with behrs syndrome neurologic signs included increased tendon reflexes a positive babinski sign progressive spastic paraplegia dysarthria head nodding and horizontal nystagmus neurologic involvement varied between affected siblings the patients excreted excessive amounts of methylglutaconic acid and methylglutaric acid in their urine we compared the characteristic ophthalmic features and the spectrum of neurologic signs encountered in this recently delineated AR clinical entity with those of previously described entities associated with methylglutaconic aciduria patients with earlyonset optic atrophy should be examined for neurologic signs and screened for organic aciduria a detailed ophthalmic examination is important in patients with neurologic CA compatible with behrs syndrome
the gasphase CR of the chcl anion has been investigated with a series of halomethanes ccl chcl chcl and chcl using a fasift SF-36 results show that this anion primarily reacts via substitution and by proton transfer in addition the reactions of chcl with chcl and chcl form minor amounts of cl and cl the isotopic CSD of these two products is consistent with an insertionelimination mechanism where the anion inserts into a ccl bond to form an unstable intermediate which eliminates either cl or cl and cl neutral and cationic carbenes are known to insert into single bonds however this is the first observation of such reactivity for carbene anions
certain mutations are known to occur with differing frequencies on the leading and lagging strands of dna the extent to which these mutational biases affect the sequences of higher eukaryotes has been difficult to ascertain because the positions of most replication origins are not known making it impossible to distinguish between the leading and lagging strands to resolve whether strand biases influence the evolution of primate sequences we compared the substitution patterns in noncoding regions adjacent to an origin of replication identified within the betaglobin complex although there was limited asymmetry around the betaglobin origin of replication patterns of substitutions do not support the existence of a mutational bias between the leading and lagging strands of chromosomal dna replication in primates
RA PC has recently been linked to the temporal resolution of attention we therefore sought to investigate whether disruption to RA PC would affect attention to visual stimuli presented for brief durations participants performed a visual discrimination task before and after minutes rTMS hz to right or central parietal SC as well as minutes after the second block of trials participants reported the SF of a masked gabor patch presented for a brief duration of or ms we calculated error magnitudes by comparing accuracy to a guessing MM we then compared error magnitudes to blocks with no stimulation producing a measure of baselined performance baselined performance was poorer at longer stimulus durations T3 RA parietal than central parietal stimulation suggesting that RA parietal cortex is involved in attention to briefly presented stimuli particularly in situations where rapid accumulation of visual evidence is needed
in contrast to ucp the primary CF of ucp is not the dissipation of energy rather several lines of evieceived myeloablative conditioning had full donor chimerism at relapse whereas two who received nonmyeloablative conditioning had partially or completely lost the VG all received minibeam BCNU bcnu etoposide Ara-C arac melphalan followed by infusion of hsc four IP blood one marrow from the initial donor neutropenia and TP were brief and full donor chimerism was established in all cases there were four complete and one partial remissions graftversushost disease occurred in three cases all with full donor chimerism at relapse two patients died subsequently of disease relapse or progression another two patients died from fungal infection one of whom was still in remission at death one patient had remained in remission months T3 treatment minibeamhsc is an effective treatment for lymphoma relapses T3 allogeneic hsct but optimal strategies of remission consolidation and prevention of treatmentrelated complications are needed to improve outcome
the determination of chromatin for transcription during early development as well as the requirement for transacting AF during this period has been analysed in xenopus basal transcription is repressed both during oogenesis and after the midblastula transition mbt and transactivators are required to relieve this repression in contrast transactivators cannot overcome the generalized transcriptional repression which occurs in embryos before mbt however they do bind to promoters leading to a repressed but preset chromatin structure experiments involving the prebinding of tata IB protein tbp or of the strong transactivator galvp further show that there is no limiting factor before the mbt and that it is the recruitment and stabilization of the basal transcription machinery and not of transactivators which is repressed during early development this multistep process in gene activation with activation of promoters temporally uncoupled from their commitment may be of importance in the regulation of early embryonic events by providing molecular signposts for future determinations
the urinary trypsin inhibitor was recently shown to inhibit HLA PE complexes of human urinary trypsin inhibitor with HLA elastase or human trypsin were produced and subjected to gel filtration the complexes were found to be sufficiently SD up to h incubation at least recovery when human SS was added PE and TR dissociated from the urinary trypsin inhibitor and associated with alpha proteinase inhibitor or AMG the addition of alpha proteinase inhibitor to a complex of urinary trypsin inhibitor and leukocyte PE caused a rapid dissociation of the complex kdiss x s
in many experiments researchers would like to compare between treatments and outcome that only exists in a subset of participants selected after randomization for example in preventive hiv vaccine tau trials it is of interest to determine whether randomization to vaccine causes lower hiv viral load a quantity that only exists in participants who acquire hiv to make a causal comparison and account for potential selection bias we propose a sensitivity analysis following the principal stratification framework set forth by frangakis and rubin biometrics our goal is to assess the average causal effect of treatment assignment on viral load at a given baseline covariate level in the always INF principal stratum those who would have been INF whether they had been assigned to vaccine or PL we assume SD unit treatment values sutva randomization and that subjects randomized to the vaccine arm who became INF would also have become infected if randomized to the placebo arm monotonicity it is not known which of those subjects infected in the PL arm are in the always infected principal stratum but this can be modeled conditional on covariates the observed viral load and a specified sensitivity parameter under parametric regression models for viral load we obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the average causal effect conditional on covariates and the sensitivity parameter we apply our methods to the worlds firseffect to a great extent determines the morphology and transition in the growth mode of silver patterns in both media the analysis of charge and current transients and the corresponding silver DP morphologies for open and dense radial patterns is made results are qualitatively simulated with a novel rather simple cellular automaton algorithm
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia ftd and primary progressive aphasia ppa are related dementias with different presenting symptoms but with increasing symptom overlap as they progress loss of insight is associated with early behavioral variant ftd but not ppa this T0 used the frontal behavioral inventory to compare patient and caregiver concepts of symptom presence and severity patients with behavioral variant ftd were found to have worse insight overall than ppa patients however the ppa group showed reduced insight into behavioral symptoms and the behavioral variant ftd CG had intact insight into some language PS theoretical and clinical implications are discussed
receptorinteracting protein rip contains multiple receptor interaction domains and interacts with retinoic acid receptors in a liganddependent manner nine lxxll receptorinteracting motifs are organized into two clusters within this molecule each differentially interacting with retinoic acid receptor rar and retinoid x receptor rxr rar interacts with the cluster whereas rxr interacts with both clusters additionally a third liganddependent receptorinteracting domain is assigned to the very c terminus of this molecule which contains no lxxll motif in rat cells receptor heterodimerization is required for efficient interaction of rarrxr with rip furthermore the heterodimeric holoreceptors cooperatively interact with rip which requires the activation CF domains of both receptors by using different retinoic acid reporter systems it is demonstrated that rip strongly suppresses retinoic acid induction of reporter activities but coactivator src enhances it furthermore an intrinsic repressive activity of rip is demonstrated in a gal fusion system unlike receptor corepressor which interacts with antagonistbound rarrxrs rip does not interact with antagonistoccupied rarrxr dimers these data suggest that rip represents a third coregulator category that is able to suppress the activation of certain agonistbound hormone receptors
the MRC and in particular complex i is a major source of ROS species ros in cells elevated C2 of ros are associated with an imbalance between the rate of ros formation and the capacity of the antioxidant defense system increased ros production may lead to oxidation of dna lipids and proteins and thus can affect fundamental cellular processes the aim of this T0 was to investigate the magnitude of intracellular oxidative AS in fibroblasts of patients with leigh syndrome with defined mutations in complex i moreover we hypothesized that activation of the pshc protein phosphorylation of pshc at ser by pkcβ being part of the oxidative stress response pathway is partially responsible for the increased ros production in cells with dysfunctional complex i characterization of bioenergetic parameters and ros production showed that the cellular MM of LS is described by increased intracellular oxidative AS and oxidative damage to dna and proteins which correlate with increased pshc phosphorylation at ser treatment of patients fibroblasts with hispidin an inhibitor of the protein kinase pkcβ in addition to decreasing ros production and intracellular oxidative AS resulted in restoration of complex i activity
this paper will present an analysis of urban structure in the republic of korea and taiwan which formed as these regions evolved into socalled ¿newly industrializing economies nies in korea and taiwan the process of overurbanization and expansion of primate cities was already under way during the colonial period but in the postwar process of rapid industrialization their urban structures began to change again giving rise to characteristics not observed in other developing countries the first task of this paper is to analyze these characteristics in terms of a nie the second taskis to undertake comparative analysis of the two types in korea the rise of ¿regionalism and the formation of an urban poor social stratum generated serious social conflict analyzing these problems is the third task of this paper
surgical site infection ssi is the most frequent complication of mohs micrographic surgery previous studies have identified risk factors for ssi but it is not known whether antibiotic prophylaxis mitigates this risk
although various exercise paradigms have been tested none has completely prevented muscle atrophy during nonweight bearing because loaded eccentric contractions occur during normal daily activity but are absent during nonweight bearing this investigation tested whether eccentric resistance training could prevent SOL atrophy during nonweight bearing AD female rats were randomly assigned to either weight bearing IM electrodes or nonweight bearing IM electrodes groups ES maximal eccentric contractions sets of repetitions at approximately fiber lengthss degrees range of motion were performed on anesthetized animals at h intervals during the day experiment nonweight bearing significantly reduced soleus muscle wet weight and noncollagenous protein content compared with controls eccentric exercise training during nonweight bearing attenuated but did not prevent the loss of SOL wet weight and noncollagenous protein by and respectively the potential of eccentric exercise training as an effective and highly efficient countermeasure to nonweightbearion fold it is therefore possible that il and tnf are also involved in the pneumotoxic action of pq
there have been significant correlations between serum concentration ratios of dimethyloxazolidinedione DMO dmotrimethadione tmo T3 administration of tmo and hepatic microsomal cytochrome p contents in rats with various treatments ccl or phenobarbital the pharmacokinetics of tmo and dmo and the serum concentration ratio of dmotmo have been investigated in healthy volunteers after p.o. of mgkg n mgkg n and mgkg n tmo respectively tmo and dmo concentrations in serum were determined by a gasliquid chromatographic method SS disappearance of tmo was described by one compartment MM the t kel vd and c of tmo and of dmo were shown to have almost the same values in mgkg or mgkg tmo administration correlation coefficient between dmotmo ratio in serum and time course after mgkg mgkg and mgkg tmo administration was found to be r r and r respectively these results indicate that the SS concentration ratio of dmotmo especially at or h T3 mgkg tmo administration orally may be an index of hepatic drugmetabolizing capacity in human SS as well as in rats