Elves and Fairies ; S. Harvey , 1918
Guardian Angel ; Society for the Preservation of Christian Knowledge , 1923
Christmas cards ; Girls ' Friendly Society , 1920s , 1930s
Christmas cards ( US ) ; Barton @-@ Colton , 1920s , 1930s
Beautiful Bible Pictures ; Blackie , 1932
= = = Books = = =
Flower Fairies of the Spring ; Blackie , 1923
Spring Songs with Music ; Blackie , 1923
Flower Fairies of the Summer ; Blackie , 1925
Child Thoughts in Picture and Verse ( by M. K. Westcott ) ; Blackie , 1925
Flower Fairies of the Autumn ; Blackie , 1926
Summer Songs with Music ; Blackie , 1926
The Book of the Flower Fairies ; Blackie , 1927
Autumn Songs with Music ; Blackie , 1927
Old Rhymes for All Times ; Blackie , 1928
The Children ’ s Book of Hymns ; Blackie , 1929 ; rep . 1933
Our Darling ’ s First Book ( written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker ) ; Blackie , 1929
The Little Picture Hymn Book ; Blackie , 1933
Rhymes New and Old ; Blackie , 1933
A Flower Fairy Alphabet ; Blackie , 1934
A Little Book of Old Rhymes ; Blackie , 1936
He Leadeth Me ( written in collaboration with Dorothy Barker ) ; Blackie , 1936
A Little Book of Rhymes New and Old ; Blackie , 1937
The Lord of the Rushie River ; Blackie , 1938
Flower Fairies of the Trees ; Blackie , 1940
When Spring Came In at the Window ; Blackie , 1942
A Child ’ s Garden of Verses ( Robert Louis Stevenson ) ; Blackie , 1944
Flower Fairies of the Garden ; Blackie , 1944
Groundsel and Necklaces ; Blackie , 1946 ; reprinted as Fairy Necklaces
Flower Fairies of the Wayside ; Blackie , 1948
Flower Fairies of the Flowers and Trees ; Blackie , 1950
Lively Stories ; Macmillan , 1954
The Flower Fairy Picture Book ; Blackie , 1955
Lively Numbers ; Macmillan , 1957
Lively Words ; Macmillan , 1961 .
The Sand , the Sea and the Sun ; Gibson , 1970
= = = = Posthumously published = = = =
Flower Fairies of the Winter ; Blackie , 1985
Simon the Swan ; Blackie , 1988
Flower Fairies of the Seasons ; Bedrick / Blackie , 1988
A Little Book of Prayers and Hymns ; Frederick Warne , 1994
A Flower Fairies Treasury ; Frederick Warne , 1997
Fairyopolis ; Frederick Warne , 2005
Wild Cherry Makes A Wish ; ( collaboration with Pippa Le Quesne ) Frederick Warne , 2006
How to find Flower Fairies ; Frederick Warne , 2007
Return to Fairyopolis ; Frederick Warne , 2008
= = = Book covers = = =
A New Epiphany ; Society for the Preservation of Christian Knowledge , 1919
43 Annuals ; Blackie , 1920s , 1930s
= = = Religious works = = =
St. Cecily 's Garden ; 1920
Cradle roll design ; St. Edmund 's , Pitlake , 1922
Banner design ; St. Mary 's , Sanderstead , 1923
The Feeding of the Five Thousand ; reredos triptych , chapel at Penarth , Wales ; 1929
The Parable of the Great Supper ; triptych , St. George 's chapel , Waddon
The Seven Sacraments ; baptismal font panels , St. Andrew 's , Croydon
St. John the Baptist ; central banner panel , Abesford church , 1943
Lettering , sword , and shield ; mount for a list of men and woman serving in the Forces , St. Andrews , Croydon , 1943
Baptismal rolls ; St. Andrews , Croydon , 1948 , 1962
The font in St Andrew 's Church , South Croydon
Out of Great Tribulation ; memorial chapel , Norbury Medthodist church , 1948
I Am Among You As He That Serveth ; stained glass window design , St. Edmund 's , Pitlake , 1962
= Gambia women 's national football team =
The Gambia women 's national football team represents the Gambia in international football competition . The team , however , has not competed in a match recognised by FIFA , the sport 's international governing body , despite that organised women 's football has been played in the country since 1998 . The Gambia has two youth teams , an under @-@ 17 side that has competed in FIFA U @-@ 17 Women 's World Cup qualifiers , and an under @-@ 19 side that withdrew from regional qualifiers for an under @-@ 19 Wo
rld Cup . The development of a national team faces challenges similar to those across Africa , although the national football association has four staff members focusing on women 's football .
= = The team = =
In 1985 , few countries had women 's national football teams . While the sport gained popularity worldwide in later decades , the Gambia 's national team only played its first game in 2007 . That game was not FIFA @-@ recognised . As of March 2012 , the team was unranked by FIFA , and as of the following month the Gambia had not played in a FIFA @-@ sanctioned match . The team has not participated in major regional and international tournaments , including the Women 's World Cup , the 2010 African Women 's
Championship or the 2011 All @-@ Africa Games .
The country did not have a FIFA @-@ recognised youth national team until 2012 , when the Gambia under @-@ 17 women 's team competed in Confederation of African Football qualifiers for the FIFA U @-@ 17 World Cup , to be held in Azerbaijan in September 2012 . The Gambia had fielded an under @-@ 17 team of 24 players , narrowed from an initial pool of 49 young women . Two girls from the SOS Children ’ s Village Bakoteh were chosen as a members of the team . The Gambia first played Sierra Leone in a pair of q
ualifying matches for the tournament . Gambia won the first match 3 @-@ 0 in Banjul , the Gambia 's capital . The return match was delayed in for 24 hours and played in Makeni . The Gambia beat Sierra Leone 4 @-@ 3 to qualify for the final round . The Gambia then beat Tunisia 1 @-@ 0 at home and won 2 @-@ 1 in Tunisia . Adama Tamba and Awa Demba scored the Gambia 's goals . Tunisia 's only goal was a Gambian own goal . The win qualified Gambia for the 2012 Azerbaijan World Cup .
The Gambia also has an under @-@ 19 team that was to play in the African Women 's U @-@ 19 Championship in 2002 . The Gambia 's first match was against Morocco , but the team withdrew from the competition .
= = Background and development = =
The development of women 's football in Africa faces several challenges , including limited access to education , poverty amongst women , inequalities and human rights abuses targeting women . Funding is another issue impacting the game in Africa , where most financial assistance comes from FIFA and not national football associations . Another challenge is the retention of football players . Many women footballers leave the continent to seek greater opportunity in Europe or the United States .
Gambia 's national football association was founded in 1952 , and became affiliated with FIFA in 1968 . Football is the most popular women 's sport in the country , and was first played in an organized system in 1998 . A national competition was launched in 2007 , the same year FIFA started an education course on football for women . Competition was active on both the national and scholastic levels by 2009 . There are four staffers dedicated to women 's football in the Gambia Football Association , and rep
resentation of women on the board is required by the association 's charter .
= Plain maskray =
The plain maskray or brown stingray ( Neotrygon annotata ) is a species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae . It is found in shallow , soft @-@ bottomed habitats off northern Australia . Reaching 24 cm ( 9 @.@ 4 in ) in width , this species has a diamond @-@ shaped , grayish green pectoral fin disc . Its short , whip @-@ like tail has alternating black and white bands and fin folds above and below . There are short rows of thorns on the back and the base of the tail , but otherwise the skin is smooth . Wh
ile this species possesses the dark mask @-@ like pattern across its eyes common to its genus , it is not ornately patterned like other maskrays .
Benthic in nature , the plain maskray feeds mainly on caridean shrimp and polychaete worms , and to a lesser extent on small bony fishes . It is viviparous , with females producing litters of one or two young that are nourished during gestation via histotroph ( " uterine milk " ) . This species lacks economic value but is caught incidentally in bottom trawls , which it is thought to be less able to withstand than other maskrays due to its gracile build . As it also has a limited distribution and low fecund
ity , the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) has listed it as Near Threatened .
= = Taxonomy and phylogeny = =
The first scientific description of the plain maskray was authored by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO ) researcher Peter Last in a 1987 issue of Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria . The specific name annotatus comes from the Latin an ( " not " ) and notatus ( " marked " ) , and refers to the ray 's coloration . The holotype is a male 21 @.@ 2 cm ( 8 @.@ 3 in ) across , caught off Western Australia ; several paratypes were also designated . Last tentatively place
d the species in the genus Dasyatis , noting that it belonged to the " maskray " species group that also included the bluespotted stingray ( then Dasyatis kuhlii ) . In 2008 , Last and William White elevated the kuhlii group to the rank of full genus as Neotrygon , on the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidence .
In a 2012 phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA , the plain maskray and the Ningaloo maskray ( N. ningalooensis ) were found to be the most basal members of Neotrygon . The divergence of the N. annotata lineage was estimated to have occurred ~ 54 Ma . Furthermore , the individuals sequenced in the study sorted into two genetically distinct clades , suggesting that N. annotata is a cryptic species complex . The two putative species were estimated to have diverged ~ 4 @.@ 9 Ma ; the pr
ecipitating event was likely the splitting of the ancestral population by coastline changes .
= = Description = =
The pectoral fin disc of the plain maskray is thin and diamond @-@ shaped with narrowly rounded outer corners , measuring 1 @.@ 1 – 1 @.@ 3 times longer than wide . The leading margins of the disc are gently concave and converge at a broad angle to the pointed tip of the snout . The small eyes are placed close together , and behind them are the spiracles . The nostrils are elongated and have a skirt @-@ shaped flap of skin between them . The small mouth bears prominent furrows at the corners and contains t
wo slender papillae on the floor . Small papillae are also found around the outside of the mouth . There are five pairs of gill slits . The pelvic fins are fairly large and pointed .
The tail is short , barely exceeding the length of the disc when intact , and has a broad and flattened base leading to usually two stinging spines . After the stings , the tail becomes slender and bears a long ventral fin fold and a much shorter , lower dorsal fin fold . Most of the body lacks dermal denticles ; a midline row of 4 – 13 small , closely spaced thorns is present behind the spiracles , and another row of 0 – 4 thorns before the stings . The dorsal coloration is grayish green , becoming pinkis
h towards the disc margins ; there is a dark mask @-@ like shape around the eyes and a pair of small dark blotches behind the spiracles . The tail behind the stings has alternating black and white bands of variable width , ending with black at the tip . The underside is plain white and the ventral fin fold is light grayish in color . This species grows to 24 cm ( 9 @.@ 4 in ) across and 45 cm ( 18 in ) long .
= = Distribution and habitat = =
The plain maskray inhabits the continental shelf of northern Australia from the Wellesley Islands in Queensland to the Bonaparte Archipelago in Western Australia , including the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Timor and Arafura Seas . There are unsubstantiated reports that its range extends to southern Papua New Guinea . It is the least common of the several maskray species native to the region . This species is a bottom @-@ dweller that prefers habitats with fine sediment . It has been recorded from between 1
2 and 62 m ( 39 and 203 ft ) deep , and tends to be found farther away from shore than other maskrays in its range .
= = Biology and ecology = =
The plain maskray generally hunts at the surface of the bottom substrate , rather than digging for prey . Its diet consists predominantly of caridean shrimp and polychaete worms . Small bony fishes are also eaten , along with the occasional penaeid prawn or amphipod . Larger rays consume a greater variety of prey and relatively more polychaete worms when compared to smaller rays . This species is parasitized by the tapeworm Acanthobothrium jonesi .
Like other stingrays , the plain maskray is viviparous with the developing embryos sustained to term by histotroph ( " uterine milk " ) produced by the mother . Mature females have a single functional ovary and uterus , on the left . Litter size is one or two ; the newborns measure 12 – 14 cm ( 4 @.@ 7 – 5 @.@ 5 in ) across . Males and females reach sexual maturity at disc widths of 20 – 21 cm ( 7 @.@ 9 – 8 @.@ 3 in ) and 18 – 19 cm ( 7 @.@ 1 – 7 @.@ 5 in ) respectively . The maximum lifespan is estimated
to be 9 years for males and 13 years for females .
= = Human interactions = =
The main conservation threat to the plain maskray is incidental capture by commercial bottom trawl fisheries . In the present day , this is mostly caused by Australia 's Northern Prawn Fishery , which operates throughout its range . Although this species is discarded when caught , it is more delicate @-@ bodied than other maskrays and is thus unlikely to survive encounters with trawling gear . Historically , this species may also have been negatively affected by Japanese , Chinese , and Taiwanese trawlers
that fished intensively off northern Australia from 1959 to 1990 . These factors , coupled with the plain maskray 's limited distribution and low reproductive rate , have resulted in its being assessed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) .