int64 | text
string | is_retweet
bool | is_deleted
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string | favorites
int64 | retweets
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bool |
1,229,403,514,356,600,800 | RT @SharylAttkisson: Trump makes presidential history at Daytona 500 race | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 7,575 | 2020-02-17T13:53:33 | false |
1,317,497,136,523,759,600 | SLEEPY JOE BIDEN IS PROPOSING THE BIGGEST TAX HIKE IN OUR COUNTRIES HISTORY! CAN ANYBODY REALLY VOTE FOR THIS? | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 17,788 | 4,892 | 2020-10-17T16:06:09 | false |
1,302,092,704,806,064,000 | RT @SharylAttkisson: 2-Trump's actions and talk of ending Afghan war and drawing down troops in Germany have not made him popular among the… | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 4,737 | 2020-09-05T03:54:27 | false |
1,302,092,844,350,533,600 | RT @SharylAttkisson: 3-He is also under attack by pharmaceutical industry for his landmark executive order that says US pharma companies ha… | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 4,812 | 2020-09-05T03:55:00 | false |
1,302,225,230,774,112,500 | RT @HalleyBorderCol: omg, Trump is halting all government critical race theory training!
This is amazing. https://… | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 6,641 | 2020-09-05T12:41:03 | false |
1,272,156,371,224,539,100 | RT @ErrolWebber: America is better for having you as @POTUS, @realDonaldTrump!
#HappyBirthdayTrump | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 24,041 | 2020-06-14T13:18:09 | false |
1,274,177,248,036,298,800 | RT @ErrolWebber: The Biden campaign can't decide between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice for his Vice President. When those are your choices,… | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 10,681 | 2020-06-20T03:08:23 | false |
1,295,557,495,897,948,200 | RT @MelissaAFrancis: (@NYGovCuomo is responsible for thousands and thousands of nursing home deaths. An estimated one million people have m… | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 16,099 | 2020-08-18T03:05:51 | false |
1,303,012,637,064,802,300 | Exclusive: Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump via @BreitbartNews Thanks Zach. Just more corrupt Fake News trying to change the course of our most important, ever, Election! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 44,354 | 15,040 | 2020-09-07T16:49:56 | false |
1,298,800,689,624,350,700 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 68,703 | 17,466 | 2020-08-27T01:53:09 | false |
1,268,881,981,321,941,000 | RT @SenTomCotton: The president should use the Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military forces to these cities to support local law… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,690 | 2020-06-05T12:26:53 | false |
1,268,883,807,375,184,000 | THESE NUMBERS ARE INCREDIBLE! @MariaBartiromo | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 81,817 | 14,894 | 2020-06-05T12:34:09 | false |
1,311,859,538,279,239,700 | Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19. Terrible! The First Lady and I are waiting for our test results. In the meantime, we will begin our quarantine process! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 314,384 | 48,126 | 2020-10-02T02:44:21 | false |
1,321,796,173,729,013,800 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 75,681 | 15,123 | 2020-10-29T12:49:00 | false |
1,162,850,126,366,412,800 | RT @SharylAttkisson: From what I can tell, he was not there, it was a campaign event and protest. | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 4,133 | 2019-08-17T10:14:09 | false |
1,143,488,845,859,754,000 | RT @SharylAttkisson: Who thinks the debates just won't be the same without Donna Brazile working on them behind the scenes? | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 10,833 | 2019-06-25T11:59:20 | false |
1,124,648,658,207,694,800 | RT @SharylAttkisson: When did we decide, as Americans, that it's ok fo govt &, 3d parties to censor/ curate our info? That we cannot be trus... | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 13,029 | 2019-05-04T12:15:09 | false |
1,124,648,387,645,792,400 | RT @SharylAttkisson: When did we quit teaching/understanding that free speech means protecting the distasteful, lest we open the door for g... | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 12,163 | 2019-05-04T12:14:05 | false |
1,321,796,817,651,118,000 | Volunteer to be a Trump Election Poll Watcher. Sign up today! #MAGA | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 43,287 | 10,030 | 2020-10-29T12:51:33 | false |
1,335,336,916,582,084,600 | But you never got the signature verification! Your people are refusing to do what you ask. What are they hiding? At least immediately ask for a Special Session of the Legislature. That you can easily, and immediately, do. #Transparency | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 132,352 | 36,643 | 2020-12-05T21:35:04 | false |
1,284,350,086,227,558,400 | RT @MelissaAFrancis: So proud! I cannot wait to watch Harris on Sunday! Way to go! | true | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 4,269 | 2020-07-18T04:51:37 | false |
1,123,529,731,352,223,600 | RT @GWKohn1: @dbongino None of the MEN I know are either. | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 2,010 | 2019-05-01T10:08:56 | false |
1,123,529,503,677,067,300 | RT @Steverefresh: @dbongino They will take union dues from trump voters and give to creepy though | false | true | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 2,195 | 2019-05-01T10:08:02 | false |
1,298,805,782,411,194,400 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 48,398 | 12,731 | 2020-08-27T02:13:23 | false |
1,303,103,464,323,649,500 | .@CNN IS FAKE NEWS, and all smart people know that! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 68,091 | 17,761 | 2020-09-07T22:50:51 | false |
1,285,739,601,513,062,400 | RT @TeamTrump: President @realDonaldTrump: My Administration has ZERO outstanding requests for equipment from the states… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 7,560 | 2020-07-22T00:53:03 | false |
1,234,559,276,087,234,600 | RT @realDonaldTrump: Senator John Cornyn has done an outstanding job for the people of Texas. He is strong on Crime, the Border, the Second… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 20,158 | 2020-03-02T19:20:43 | false |
1,303,104,272,020,668,400 | RT @TVNewsHQ: Watch: YouTube has become “a key battleground for the Trump campaign” — The Hill’s media reporter @JoeConchaTV tells Fox http… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 3,381 | 2020-09-07T22:54:03 | false |
1,298,808,041,379,442,700 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 31,956 | 7,058 | 2020-08-27T02:22:22 | false |
1,268,886,111,130,189,800 | This is an AMAZING JOBS REPORT! Edward Lawrence @FoxNews | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 71,856 | 13,807 | 2020-06-05T12:43:18 | false |
1,335,344,435,048,054,800 | Leaving for Georgia now.
See you soon! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 284,011 | 28,000 | 2020-12-05T22:04:57 | false |
1,312,158,400,352,972,800 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 755,999 | 129,745 | 2020-10-02T22:31:56 | false |
1,321,807,914,223,440,000 | Thank you to Dave Rubin, author of “Don’t Burn This Book”, just announced on @foxandfriends that he is voting for your favorite President, me. “I think Donald Trump has done a lot of good. When I see an American flag, I see Trump support.” | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 101,612 | 18,696 | 2020-10-29T13:35:39 | false |
1,328,324,377,168,015,400 | The Washington Post forgot to read the complaint. Fake News. Poll Watchers, and the way they were treated, are a very big deal in the complaint! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 82,650 | 18,777 | 2020-11-16T13:09:45 | false |
1,285,700,831,782,862,800 | RT @WhiteHouse: "As one family, we mourn every precious life that's been lost. I pledge in their honor that we will develop a vaccine, and… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 9,706 | 2020-07-21T22:19:00 | false |
1,303,102,637,550,825,500 | RT @TVNewsHQ: President Trump says the press “should be ashamed of themselves” for ignoring Hunter Biden allegedly using his father’s offic… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,595 | 2020-09-07T22:47:33 | false |
1,285,737,936,839,946,200 | RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump: "We're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask." https://… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 11,091 | 2020-07-22T00:46:26 | false |
1,268,883,561,651,884,000 | Really Big Jobs Report. Great going President Trump (kidding but true)! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 166,944 | 26,171 | 2020-06-05T12:33:10 | false |
1,298,807,789,884,768,500 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 34,803 | 9,675 | 2020-08-27T02:21:22 | false |
1,321,812,933,135,995,000 | GDP number just announced. Biggest and Best in the History of our Country, and not even close. Next year will be FANTASTIC!!! However, Sleepy Joe Biden and his proposed record setting tax increase, would kill it all. So glad this great GDP number came out before November 3rd. | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 159,775 | 37,557 | 2020-10-29T13:55:36 | false |
1,335,351,633,459,310,600 | ...We received more LEGAL votes by far. All I can do is run, campaign, and be a good (great!) President – it is 100% up to the states to manage the election. Republicans will NEVER forget this. | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 122,610 | 23,063 | 2020-12-05T22:33:33 | false |
1,328,324,618,361,385,000 | RT @TimMurtaugh: In 2012, the @nytimes was very concerned about fraud in mail-in voting. | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 11,190 | 2020-11-16T13:10:42 | false |
1,234,561,980,360,466,400 | RT @realDonaldTrump: Congressman @LanceGooden has done a wonderful job for the people of Texas while supporting our #MAGA Agenda. He contin… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 11,109 | 2020-03-02T19:31:27 | false |
1,312,525,833,505,058,800 | | false | false | Twitter Media Studio | 715,608 | 145,889 | 2020-10-03T22:51:58 | false |
1,284,345,635,412,607,000 | RT @TimMurtaugh: Question of the day for Joe Biden
Since you’ll be speaking with Virginia Democrats today, do you think Gov. Ralph Northa… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 3,922 | 2020-07-18T04:33:56 | false |
1,311,386,184,862,462,000 | RT @GroverNorquist: Video: Yes, Biden will ban fracking.
He admits it on camera | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 12,890 | 2020-09-30T19:23:25 | false |
1,303,109,337,942,983,000 | RT @TVNewsHQ: President Trump says the questions that the media ask to Joe Biden "were meant for a child." | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,678 | 2020-09-07T23:14:11 | false |
1,284,346,285,286,461,400 | RT @TimMurtaugh: They think people won’t check the makeup of the polls.
When you start with only 24% of respondents being Republican, what… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 3,726 | 2020-07-18T04:36:31 | false |
1,303,143,570,807,951,400 | RT @EricTrump: Jupiter Florida!!! | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 17,652 | 2020-09-08T01:30:13 | false |
1,335,351,629,810,286,600 | Between Governor @DougDucey of Arizona and Governor @BrianKempGA of Georgia, the Democrat Party could not be happier. They fight harder against us than do the Radical Left Dems. If they were with us, we would have already won both Arizona and Georgia... | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 161,551 | 35,679 | 2020-12-05T22:33:32 | false |
1,328,325,369,267,675,100 | No way! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 105,821 | 24,556 | 2020-11-16T13:13:41 | false |
1,321,815,932,671,582,200 | THANK YOU! #MAGA | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 92,577 | 20,957 | 2020-10-29T14:07:31 | false |
1,303,109,111,031,177,200 | RT @TVNewsHQ: Fox’s @greggutfeld on Atlantic’s story: “Don’t you find it the least bit questionable that the Biden campaign - perhaps the s… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 7,906 | 2020-09-07T23:13:17 | false |
1,268,878,667,947,655,200 | RT @SenThomTillis: I'm proud Congress could come together to make necessary fixes to the #PaycheckProtectionProgram. These changes will pro… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 1,595 | 2020-06-05T12:13:43 | false |
1,268,872,195,280,965,600 | RT @NASA: "American astronauts on American rockets from American soil, showing you what Americans can do when we come together as a team."… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,825 | 2020-06-05T11:48:00 | false |
1,234,562,175,177,576,400 | RT @realDonaldTrump: .@LouieGohmertTX1 is a Fantastic Republican from the Great State of Texas! He fully supports our #MAGA and #KAG Agenda… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 13,974 | 2020-03-02T19:32:14 | false |
1,311,377,108,158,107,600 | RT @paulsperry_: Debuting next month: "The Plot Against the President"
Watch the trailer ... | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 6,786 | 2020-09-30T18:47:21 | false |
1,303,144,859,927,294,000 | Winners All! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 48,580 | 11,009 | 2020-09-08T01:35:20 | false |
1,335,406,436,247,998,500 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 124,007 | 27,124 | 2020-12-06T02:11:19 | true |
1,321,850,292,829,380,600 | Thank you Mark! #MAGA | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 51,745 | 11,181 | 2020-10-29T16:24:03 | false |
1,328,325,695,362,257,000 | This is crazy! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 100,611 | 25,142 | 2020-11-16T13:14:59 | false |
1,284,345,659,680,751,600 | RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: .@KimStrassel has a must-share column in the WSJ today on Joe Biden’s radical left climate plan. Read it so you finally… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,935 | 2020-07-18T04:34:01 | false |
1,254,077,550,541,844,500 | If the Wall Street Journal “Editorial” writers had called, as they should have, they would have easily found that I was “NOT happy with the Georgia Governor on Tuesday night.” You said the opposite, and got it wrong as you often do! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 103,683 | 21,083 | 2020-04-25T15:59:22 | false |
1,335,409,353,042,481,200 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 123,055 | 21,374 | 2020-12-06T02:22:55 | false |
1,321,853,359,230,517,200 | RT @ByronYork: Important to note that Miles Taylor was not DHS chief of staff on September 5, 2018, when he published 'Anonymous' op-ed in… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 11,648 | 2020-10-29T16:36:14 | false |
1,268,970,192,924,704,800 | RT @WhiteHouse: LIVE: POTUS participates in a roundtable | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 7,251 | 2020-06-05T18:17:24 | false |
1,328,325,907,401,093,000 | Most fraudulent Election in history! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 144,169 | 32,099 | 2020-11-16T13:15:50 | true |
1,335,409,723,080,765,400 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 79,328 | 24,259 | 2020-12-06T02:24:23 | false |
1,335,409,691,636,105,200 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 67,423 | 11,806 | 2020-12-06T02:24:15 | false |
1,335,409,639,865,766,000 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 62,311 | 11,490 | 2020-12-06T02:24:03 | false |
1,335,409,573,830,697,000 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 61,618 | 11,423 | 2020-12-06T02:23:47 | false |
1,328,326,494,033,219,600 | RT @swervinerv82: @catturd2 @gatewaypundit If Leland Vittert was anything but a CNN-esque hack...he’d at least be curious enough to ask que… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,658 | 2020-11-16T13:18:09 | false |
1,321,856,046,974,050,300 | Our hearts are with the people of France. America stands with our oldest Ally in this fight. These Radical Islamic terrorist attacks must stop immediately. No country, France or otherwise can long put up with it! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 215,334 | 40,900 | 2020-10-29T16:46:55 | false |
1,312,725,461,139,587,000 | RT @RedState: Ouch! Three Astronauts Endorse AZ's GOP Senator Over Her Astronaut Senate Challenger | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 17,836 | 2020-10-04T12:05:13 | false |
1,286,273,707,485,405,200 | RT @BuckSexton: A reminder that those who pander and bow to the mob will still be threatened and humiliated by it⬇️ | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 7,631 | 2020-07-23T12:15:24 | false |
1,335,409,849,392,218,000 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 73,515 | 14,268 | 2020-12-06T02:24:53 | false |
1,321,858,573,278,695,400 | ....He also worked at, of all places, @Google. They all have big liability!!! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 50,448 | 9,621 | 2020-10-29T16:56:57 | false |
1,328,326,374,424,260,600 | RT @gnmy1938: @catturd2 @gatewaypundit Have changed to Newsmax and OAN . They are so much better | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,381 | 2020-11-16T13:17:41 | false |
1,335,413,152,146,550,800 | Register to vote before Monday 12/7. Register now on, then request your absentee ballot before 12/31 - do it TODAY, and return your ballot the same day you get it. If you aren’t planning to vote by mail, vote early in person, or vote on Election Day! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 96,922 | 20,961 | 2020-12-06T02:38:00 | false |
1,321,858,569,466,114,000 | So it turns out that the wise guy promoted as “Anonymous” by the @nytimes, named Miles Taylor (who I never even heard of!), was only a little known “staffer” as opposed to a “Senior Administration Official”. He then scammed @CNN, lied to @andersoncooper, & got a job there.... | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 84,400 | 19,318 | 2020-10-29T16:56:56 | false |
1,328,327,517,086,888,000 | RT @1776Stonewall: Sidney Powell: 'Dominion machines engineered by China, Venezuela, Cuba' | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 9,609 | 2020-11-16T13:22:13 | false |
1,335,413,770,139,549,700 | The answer to the Democrat voter fraud is not to stay at home - that’s what Pelosi and Schumer want you to do. If you want revenge on the Democrats for their efforts to steal the Presidential election, where we are fighting hard, you have to show up and vote in RECORD numbers! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 166,748 | 41,785 | 2020-12-06T02:40:28 | true |
1,328,328,019,807,776,800 | Thank you Andrew! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 129,835 | 17,760 | 2020-11-16T13:24:13 | false |
1,321,860,641,846,567,000 | Weekly Jobless Claims just hit a 7 month low! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 149,998 | 25,401 | 2020-10-29T17:05:10 | false |
1,335,414,297,891,983,400 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 96,352 | 19,713 | 2020-12-06T02:42:34 | false |
1,321,862,566,063,140,900 | A 3 day extension for Pennsylvania is a disaster for our Nation, and for Pennsylvania itself. The Democrats are trying to steal this Election. We have to get out and VOTE in even larger numbers. The Great Red Wave is coming!!! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 151,943 | 35,011 | 2020-10-29T17:12:49 | false |
1,335,460,410,267,488,500 | ***Live Updates*** Trump Holds Georgia Rally for Sens. Loeffler, Perdue via @BreitbartNews. A great evening in beautiful Georgia! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 54,232 | 10,083 | 2020-12-06T05:45:48 | true |
1,321,865,734,583,038,000 | Thank you to Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) for seeing the light. Our Country is doing great! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 69,062 | 17,320 | 2020-10-29T17:25:24 | false |
1,335,461,221,911,425,000 | RT @christina_bobb: This election struggle is because of leaders, elected by We the People, who have now rigged elections to rob Americans… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 8,365 | 2020-12-06T05:49:01 | true |
1,321,899,369,034,141,700 | THANK YOU TAMPA, FLORIDA! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 69,891 | 13,423 | 2020-10-29T19:39:03 | false |
1,335,461,462,312,149,000 | Thank you Christina! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 92,254 | 11,912 | 2020-12-06T05:49:58 | false |
1,321,902,032,102,420,500 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 49,552 | 13,110 | 2020-10-29T19:49:38 | false |
1,321,901,910,933,188,600 | I was thrilled to be back in my home state of FLORIDA! 5 days from now, we are going to win FLORIDA, and we are going to WIN 4 more years in the White House. Get out and VOTE! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 68,584 | 14,659 | 2020-10-29T19:49:09 | false |
1,321,903,377,379,287,000 | Your VOTE on Tuesday, November 3rd is going to SAVE OUR COUNTRY. We are going to defeat the Marxists, Socialists, Rioters, Flag-Burners, and Left-wing Extremists! Get out and VOTE! #MAGA | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 58,584 | 14,334 | 2020-10-29T19:54:59 | false |
1,335,461,730,546,307,000 | RT @christina_bobb: #truth | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 5,728 | 2020-12-06T05:51:02 | false |
1,335,462,365,370,994,700 | RT @christina_bobb: Rusty Bowers is intentionally misleading the people of Arizona to avoid the inevitable. @realDonaldTrump won his state… | true | false | Twitter for iPhone | 0 | 6,438 | 2020-12-06T05:53:34 | false |
1,321,903,973,830,254,600 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 48,408 | 9,726 | 2020-10-29T19:57:21 | false |
1,335,462,704,006,492,200 | Fraudulent result! | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 62,036 | 11,633 | 2020-12-06T05:54:54 | true |
1,321,903,887,259,889,700 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 38,696 | 8,124 | 2020-10-29T19:57:01 | false |
1,303,414,932,319,371,300 | | false | false | Twitter for iPhone | 34,131 | 9,433 | 2020-09-08T19:28:30 | false |
Subsets and Splits