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We are asked to believe that humans are drastically changing the earths climate by burning fossil fuels. The problem with their theory is very simple: It is NOT true. | slothful induction | 2.3 | CARDS |
The raw data from the Envisat satellite from 2004-2012 show sea level rising at a rate equivalent to an unalarming 3.2 cm/century: | slothful induction | 1.6 | CARDS |
Vast regions of Africa's deserts at one time were covered in ocean water climate change it's been going on since the earth was formed | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Ugh. You're doing it wrong. It's climate change now. How else does one explain the record cold, or blame carbon emissions on both floods and drought at the same time? | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test3 |
#TheLeft replaced {Racism in everything} with #ClimateChange new playbook drivers:● create Situation as Crisis● cue #IdentityPolitics ● push ClimateChange2020 Covid *redistribute €£$2021 Vax *control via Digital IDs2022 Heatwave #RinseRepeat all above reduce #Workforce | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | hamburg_test1 |
Global warming is unlikely to happen during the next 30 years since the world 60-year climate cycle is heading for colder weather due to changing ocean surface temperatures and changes in deep ocean currents | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Science that changes as quickly as this Science has is called a lie. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | hamburg_test1 |
FFS This is not meant to happen Global Warming? Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover At 56-Year High | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
“The most famous of these studies, published in 2010 by Paul Kench and Arthur Webb of the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission in Fiji, showed that of 27 Pacific islands, 14% lost area. Yet 43% gained area, with the rest remaining stable.” | oversimplification | 1.6 | Alhindi_dev |
It is currently 87 degrees in Tampa FL! Who would have ever imagined Florida in July as one of the coolest places to be in July! What climate change???!!!! | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Global warming is a myth so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017. | cherry picking | 1 | jintrain |
In theory a doubling of CO2 should cause about a 1 degree increase in temperature before any feedback effects are accounted, but feedbacks could be negative (dampening rather than amplifying temperature forcings), so there no reason, just from what we know about the greenhouse mechanism, that CO2 has to be a significant player. | slothful induction | 2.3.4 | CARDS |
The reality is that the infra-red active gases act more like an umbrella providing the Earths surface with shade to keep it cool than like a greenhouse to keep it warmer. It is a much more realistic description of the infra-red active gases to call them shade gases, rather than greenhouse gases. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
Mr. Koonin's science credentials are impeccable unlike, say, those of one well-known Swedish teenager to whom the media affords great attention on climate matters. | fake experts | 5.2.4 | jintrain |
Troy is forecast to be 22 degrees cooler today than it was on the same day in 1926. Experts tell us that this dramatic reduction in temperature since 1926 is due to man-made global warming. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Abundant CO2 also increases the biomass, numbers and total surface area of lateral roots and fine-roots, enabling plants to absorb more water and soil nutrients, and obtain sufficient phosphorus even when it is in short supply in soils. Carbon dioxide also stimulates nitrogen fixation, helping plants to form stronger symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, further increasing photosynthetic rates. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Hottest day in Atlanta in last 100 years, July 17, 1980. So much for global warming? | anecdote | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Although some researchers doubted the existence of a global warming hiatus because of coverage bias, artificial inconsistency, and a change point analysis of instrumental Ts records,’ a just-published study at Nature.com’s Scientific Reports found, ‘it is now accepted that a recent warming deceleration can be clearly observed. | cherry picking | 1.4 | Alhindi_train |
“precipitation from global warming will make the world much greener” | oversimplification | 3.3 | Alhindi_train |
Electric cars provide perhaps a thousandth in climate benefit of their substantial public subsidies. | misrepresentation | 4.2.3 | jintrain |
Climate change agenda BS: along with the weirs and millstreams that have been a feature of the British landscape since before the Norman Conquest. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Warmer is better for humanity - fewer deaths, generally better health, etc - so you could argue that a slight global warming is a planet-wide 'good thing'. | oversimplification | 3.6 | hamburg_test3 |
Recent global climate variation is entirely within natural cyclical variation, cooling trend now underway and is likely to continue to 2030's, according to best data. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Climate change hoopla about rising ocean levels did not stop the purchase. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Climate change activities are a deception from satan to divert people's attention from the signs of the end time. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test2 |
But anyone who looks at the data (shown in Figure 1) will see that no matter which caused the other, the changes in temperature from ice-age cold to interglacial warmth are about 10C while the change in CO 2 is about 100ppm. Since the late 1800s, the temperature has warmed a bit less than 1C , while the CO 2 concentration has increased by a bit less than 100ppm. In other words, the natural, historical relationship between CO 2 and temperature is about 10 times weaker than that observed over the past 100 or so years. Thus, there is no way that the temperature rise from the Little Ice Age to the present can be the cause of an atmospheric CO 2 increase of nearly 100ppmthe reasonable expectation would be about 10ppm. This line of reasoning is off by an order of magnitude. | false equivalence | 2.3 | CARDS |
It will never fly in Alberta or Saskatchewan where most of our Farming is. We are a tough bunch. | cherry picking | 4.3.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Objective scientific data verify winters are getting colder, which counters the key prerequisite to EDF's pine beetle claim. NOAA temperature data show winter temperatures in the United States have been getting colder for at least the past two decades. Pine beetles can not be taking advantage of warmer winters if winters are in fact getting colder. | cherry picking | 1.3 | jindev |
Agree, no climate crisis or emergency, climate changes all the time a natural phenomena. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
Except climate change has been around since the dawn of the planet.Remember when their was an Ice Age?Remember when the climate changed? | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
As Mr Koonin illustrates, tornado frequency and severity are also not trending up; nor are the number and severity of droughts. | cherry picking | 1.7 | jintrain |
But no matter how cold it gets, global-warming adherents insist its all part and parcel of what they believe to be abnormal and soon-to-be-catastrophic warming of the planets surface due to mans reckless introduction of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. | ad hominem | 5.2 | CARDS |
Have you seen the indoctrinating propaganda delivered via TV commercials? "Let's have a conversation about climate change. Net Zero emissions. The rational middle." How calming. How nice. Destroying America is so sensible.Rational middle? How about "extreme far-left lunacy?" | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
Because so small a fraction of global emissions will be abated by the scheme, simple calculations based on the IPCCs central assumptions about how much warming will occur this century (which, for the sake of argument, I simply accepted as correct) show that as a result of the full and successful operation of the scheme global CO2 concentration will fall from 410 to er 409.93 parts per million by volume by the end of the decade. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
In the last month, the Arctic Oscillation Index (AO) has gone strongly negative. You can see that it headed to its negative peak right about the time the Copenhagen Climate Conference started, so it is no wonder that they ironically experienced cold and snow there. It is also a setup for the record snow and cold Canada and the USA has seen recently. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
I'm thinking that the "coldest December on record" in Siberia could be significant. Not just one day, mind you, but the entire month so far. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
As global warming pushes temperatures up, more people will die in heat waves; a point emphasized by campaigners like UN climate chief, Christiana Figueres. What we don't hear from her is that fewer people will die from cold. | oversimplification | 3.6 | jintrain |
My close examination of recent research has revealed that serious inconsistencies exist within the polar bear literature and between that literature and public statements made by some researchers. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | jintrain |
No, the lack of 3km of ice over Canada is evidence of climate change | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
At one point, Smith showed a slide of two charts that he said demonstrated how the rate of sea-level rise does not equal the sharp spike in the consumption of fossil fuels. | cherry picking | 1.6 | jintest |
Memo to believers of global catastrophe: Here's a strategic tip - run, flee, hide, and avoid the Hot Spot argument at all costs. (You can't win). Either the hot spot is missing because the models exaggerate wildly, or the hot spot is there but we can't see it because the world hasn't warmed as much as those thermometers-near-carparks are claiming it has. | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
“[…]an explanation of the fluctuations of the earth’s temperatures that global warming alarmists are going to make sure to bury: The cycle of changes in the climate over the millennia is a result of changes in the amount of solar radiation, in part caused by small changes in the orbits of Earth and Mars.” | single cause | 2.1.1 | Alhindi_dev |
His conclusion: "Because of the saturation effect in the energy absorption of CO2 molecules with increasing concentration and short residence time, the further increase in temperature could be therefore only at most a few tenths of a degree, if at all. However, the known fossil reserves would be exhausted by then." | oversimplification | 2.3.2 | CARDS |
Climate change is a natural event. We have had three ice ages and gets warmer. Today is no different! | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
For instance, wind turbines kill birds and insects, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests. | cherry picking | 4.4.1 | jindev |
Any extra CO2 is already increasing the fertility and reducing water needs of all plant life and thus enhancing world food production. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
The problem with the proponents of man-made climate change theories isn't that they might be wrong. The real issue is the arrogance and zealotry found in people who see science not as an ongoing process, but as a religion. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
These folk wanted to live on the water and made their living from it. Sea level is rising at 2 mm/yr with no acceleration. | slothful induction | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
Greenland 's ice sheet has melted to a point of no return, and efforts to slow global warming will not stop it from disintegrating. | false choice | 4.3 | jintrain |
In comparison to water in all of its forms, the effect of the carbon dioxide increase over the last century on the temperature of the earth is about as significant as a few farts in a hurricane! | misrepresentation | 2.3.4 | CARDS |
The earth is 15 years from a period of low solar activity similar to that last seen during the "mini ice-age" of the 17th century, when the Thames froze. | false equivalence | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
Climate has always changed, there've been many extinction events, our impact is negligible. All this worry over Global Warming, no - Cooling, wait - Aerosols, Ozone, ahh bugger "current thing" | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Apparently, many in Washington and elsewhere, particularly those in the Administration, remain ignorant of the critical role CO2 has in life on the planet and the enormous benefits that enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide is providing to plant life, to the environment, and to humanity. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Can you offer evidence of a climate emergency rather than calling people deniers? What data leads you to believe that climate sensitivity is high, which is the only thing that matters when all the latest data says it's low? Why do you want to shut down debate? | cherry picking | 3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Obviously this was a bit of a problem for the Scare Campaign. Much of the amplifying feedback created in the models also creates the hot-spot, so without any evidence that the hot-spot is occurring, there goes the disaster (and the urgent need for funding and junkets). | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
Another transfer of wealth in the name of "Climate Change". | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test1 |
Climate change is a natural process as the earth alternates between icehouse phases and greenhouse phases. The planet cools down, then it warms up again, always has, always will. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
Models are not scientific proof. | impossible expectations | 5.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
They've been saying it's too late since the 1970s. If you believed Al Gore Manhattan and Florida would be underwater right now. Career politicians are a bigger threat to this country then any climate change. | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | hamburg_test2 |
"We should fear a deep temperature drop - not catastrophic global warming," warns Abdussamatov | slothful induction | 1.2 | hamburg_test3 |
At the current sea-level-equivalent ice-loss rate of 0.05 millimeters per year, it would take a full millennium to raise global sea level by just 5 cm, and it would take fully 20,000 years to raise it a single meter. | slothful induction | 1.6 | CARDS |
The monetary cost of damages has increased dramatically in recent decades, but that is due to increasing population, wealth and the amount of vulnerable infrastructure. It's not due to stronger storms. | single cause | 1.7 | jintest |
Three bulldozer operators worked on the 4th of July trying to break down mountains of snow still towering over parts of Anchorage after the city broke its annual snowfall record of 132.6 inches. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Not started by climate change. Dry weather creates conditions for fires. I lived in Texas for many years and still have family there. We would go for weeks without rain. People being careless in these times is the reason. | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Many other major news outlets did not even report on the study. | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | jintrain |
Equating the Third Reich with the free society's fossil-fuel reliance, and charging Republicans with climate destruction, is from the theater of the absurd. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
For people experiencing an increase in vegetation in previously barren regions , this greening of the Earth is welcome and wonderful news . | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jindev |
How is it possible that there is MORE Coral now? Climate change was supposed to destroy it! | cherry picking | 3.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
This means that most (1.71/1.98 = 86%) of the upward trend in carbon dioxide since CO2 monitoring began at Mauna Loa 50 years ago could indeed be explained as a result of the warming, rather than the other way around. | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
“while it’s true that studies in some regions show polar bears are lighter in weight than they were in the 1980s, there is no evidence that more individuals are starving to death or becoming too thin to reproduce because of less summer ice.” | slothful induction | 3.2.2 | Alhindi_dev |
As usual, the Gov pushing Climate Change as harmful to the planet and for mankind to reduce its Carbon footprint is all ass backwards. The more C02 the livelier the vegetables and output for our food. They literally killing off everything sustainable 2 us | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Actually, northeast Atlantic white sharks range from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and their numbers are returning to normal thanks to conservation efforts.Stop spreading climate change hooey. | oversimplification | 3.2 | hamburg_test3 |
This is a critical error. Getting the tropical climate right is essential to understanding climate worldwide. | cherry picking | 5.1.4 | Alhindi_train |
The changes in CO2 concentrations actually follow the temperature changes by about 800 years, not the other way round, which is most likely to be explained by the fact that less CO2 is dissolved in the oceans the higher their temperature, so called ocean outgassing. | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
The scientific method dictates that when the models aren't working, it's time to rework the models and assumptions, not double down by invoking unicorns and leprechauns to explain why up is really down. | misrepresentation | 5.1.4 | CARDS |
Till then all this climate change garbage is a total hoax | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test3 |
There isn't even evidence that our ability to adapt to the climate isn't faster than the rate of climate change.Dismissing that would be extremely bias. It's valid | slothful induction | 3.2.1 | hamburg_test3 |
You are so right, but so many people have been indoctrinated with this Climate Change BS and are too stupid to find out the facts from reliable and competent scientific sources speaking as a scientist. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
Sad to say Simon but you & the rest of the media & schools need to take a hard look at yourselves for damaging young peoples mental health with the hyperbolic climate change predictions. | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Whitehouse, a scientist who works with Lord Lawson's sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation | fake experts | 5.1.1 | jintrain |
Clearly a deadly combo of white supremacy and climate change.With a dash of patriarchy | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
And the great middle can be excused for realizing that obsessing about climate change is avoiding a frank discussion about the here-and-now problems of budget deficits, the federal debt, school choice, entitlement reform, and so on. | false choice | 4.2 | jintrain |
Once again, we have yet another experimental demonstration of the fact that atmospheric CO 2 enrichment generally enables plants to find the extra nitrogen they need to take full advantage of the aerial fertilization effect of elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, with the result that total ecosystem carbon content is increased , resulting in a negative feedback to anthropogenic CO 2 emissions. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Currently , sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature , and certainly not on CO2. | false choice | 1.6 | jindev |
Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will "go to sleep" in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
The globe has been cooling since 1998 | cherry picking | 1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
There are measurable cycles with the sun, Earth's orbit , oceans and moon that drive climate change, especially if cycles coincide. It has yet to be demonstrated that the climate change today is any different from those of the past. | single cause | 2.1.4 | jintest |
I was just pointing out you can find any answer you want you just need to ask the right question.Luckily they changed the name from global warming to climate change or all east coast Australians would be questioning their faith. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test2 |
Temperature in Greenland now is -67F, and only needs to warm up 100 degrees to get above freezing. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
"Even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what? That still wouldn't be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world. If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions it wouldn't be enough, not when more than 65 percent of the world's carbon pollution comes from the developing world." | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
If there is no tropical upper troposphere hotspot, then there is no positive feedback, and thus, no climate change crisis as predicted by the IPCC. If there is no hotspot, then the IPCC hypothesis of CO2 caused global warming (AGW) is essentially proven false. | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
Globally there's no clear evidence of trends and patterns in extreme events such as droughts, hurricanes and floods. Some regions experience more, some less and some no trend. | cherry picking | 1.7 | jindev |
I do not believe the assertion that CO2 is the main force behind climate change. It's a money laundering scheme. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | hamburg_test2 |
On June 2, the temperature in Stockholm rose only to 6C, the coldest high in 84 years. Earlier in the month one town recorded a temperature of 6C below zero the coldest June temperature in Sweden in 20 years. Snow even blanketed parts of northern Sweden. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
The greenhouse gas (water vapor) that produces 95% of the 'greenhouse effect' near the surface is also the component in the atmosphere that sets the lapse rate. The supposed amplification of AGW by the increase in the concentration of water vapor by an increase in the concentration of CO 2 is contradicted by the measurements taken by radiosondes of temperature changes in the atmosphere, which clearly show that an increase in the concentration of water vapor causes the temperature of the surface to fall rather than rise. | misrepresentation | 2.3.4 | CARDS |
That’s why they changed the term to “Climate Change”… Covers basically everything!! | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test1 |
Professor Lance Enderbee has published graphs of mean temperatures from 27 rural recording stations in Australia for 100 years from 1890 to 1990. The trend is horizontal, with mean temperature in 1990 below that for 1880. This has occurred during the century of the motor car, two world wars, and massive growth of coal burning for steel production and power generation. Rising carbon dioxide levels have had no effect on temperatures. | cherry picking | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Temperature, like viscosity and density, and of course phone numbers, is not something that can be meaningfully averaged. "Global temperature" does not exist. | impossible expectations | 5.1.3 | jintrain |
And last month, Brown told a conference at the Vatican that the world needed "brain washing" on climate change. | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | jintrain |
Anthropogenic global warming is a scam. Co2 is a control plan for the world's elites. I am not your enemy. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Subsets and Splits