Here we go again.
You're here because your government is putting pressure on my government. This is an internal affair, a Czech affair, that you are interfering with. I will warn you once: Don't shit in my lawn. Get whatever information your government seeks and get our.
First of all, you should kill whoever sold you that suit. Two, I don't wanna be here either, so just step off. Three, if you had the authority to shoot me you would've done it by now, so just ease up on the machismo, bitch. Now that we've got that sorted out, I'm gonna get some rest.
Nice hops.
The corner. Anarchy 99.
I'll leave you two alone to talk.
Yeah, thanks a lot.
Dude, what are you doing here?
You killed me, remember? Now I have to hide out here with you. Where have you been?
I found something big enough for us to take these guys down with. They've got a of nerve agent they're gonna unleash.
Is this what you're looking for?
Sorry, "dude".
What's the deal?
Oh come on, don't feel bad. You got played, so what? You're new at this. Did you think you could just stroll into this business one day and have all the angles figured out?
Why you dogging me up?
They came and found me. They said they'd kill me unless I help them. Plus they offer me a lot of money. No big deal. These things happen. Dump your gun on the floor.
Hey, you don't need all this just to go on vacation. Unless this ain't for going on vacation...
I'm through, Xander.
I can see that. Why?
You run around with maniacs jumping motorcycles in the desert, you break 36 bones crashing wave runners and snowboarding off cliffs, all with no health insurance... It's insane, I can't take it anymore.
I'm having fun, what's the problem?
You have all this talent, and you waste it. You won't take a single endorsement deal. Meanwhile those other guys have their own video games! But no, you've got too much "integrity" for that.
I don't wanna go mersh, you know that. But hey, if this is about money...
French Polynesia? This wouldn't last us a week in a cheap hotel. Do you know how expensive it is down there?
Alright, so I'll get more.
It's not about the money, X! You never plan for anything. I can't live like that anymore, I need some stability.
Well if you're bailing, I guess I'd better give you your surprise now.
I was gonna wait till the islands, but...
You're serious?
Of course I'm serious. I bought it, didn't I?
This is so typical. I can't believe you. I've barely seen you for the last three weeks and now this? Are you out of your mind?
I don't know. I thought this is what you wanted. You want stability, here it is.
You can't just propose to me out of nowhere. You think that's going to solve our problems? I'm sorry, X. It was a kick for a while, but it's over. You're just not going anywhere.
You're not exactly "going anywhere" yourself.
You're wrong about that. I'm heading out that door right now.
Hate those Russkie choppers. Rattle trap pieces of garbage. I'm agent Shavers. Toby Lee Shavers. I'm looking for what's his name. Three X' s.
That's would be me.
Back off, just go away you klutz. Alright, here's the story. The items in these cases belong to me. I designed them, built them, and was going to use them in the field myself until you showed up.
I stole your beat, huh? Guess you forgot to brownnose the right people.
Is that supposed to be funny? I'm not laughing. I've worked for ten years to get my shot at being a field agent, funny boy. And ar the last minute I get bumped by you, some reject from the Ozzfest.
Why don't you show me some gear before you get hurt.
Listen to you. Right away, sir, anything you say, sir.
Miniature power cams set in on contact, giving you a sure grip on any surface.
They come in any other styles or colors?
This is your standard dart gun.
That one I'm real familiar with.
I think I'll hang on to these.
Think again, that's government property. You have to sign for everything. I've got one more that wasn't on your list.
From the Beastie Boys collection?
It's a stakeout suit. It's got food, water, recording gear, anything you need for covert spying. It's all weather, fire retardant, and if you give this buckle a sharp pull, the whole outfit deploys into a parachute.
You're joking, right?
Now that I've given you the overview, we're going to spend the next couple hours going into extensive operational detail.
I thought that was in detail.
Nothing. He had two days.
Perhaps he is not all he says he is.
What are you doing?
It all happened so fast. Such an unfortunate accident.
What was that for?
I'd forgotten how exciting it is working together.
You've been so quiet lately, Petra, I thought you no longer cared.
Why don't we go below decks and work off some of this adrenaline.
Viktor! Stay the course.
The Peace conference...
Nice place to start, don't you think?
Ten is hardly worth the effort. We're talking a lousy million five U.S.
I have Japanese buyers who are looking to move a fleet, if you have the quality of merchandise they're after. And it's a mil two, max.
Do you know what a wire transfer is?
Is she for real? Honey, maybe you should quiet down and let the grownups have a conversation.
My goodness, a word with four syllables. I should get some ice before your brain gets too hot.
Sure. Just chisel some off your heart.
So cute. He shows up for a battle of wits with a mental butter knife.
If you got a problem with me, why are we dancing?
Yorgi asked me to.
You do everything Yorgi says?
Go to hell.
It's gonna be like that, huh? You got all bent out of shape as soon as he started dancing with someone else. Why's that?
Mind your business.
Did you guys used to date? That's it, right? He broke your heart and you're still soft on him. That's funny, it don't seem to fit with a tough broad like you.
Where are you going?
Why are you still hanging around? Your business is finished, you should go home.
I was invited. What's your story?
I don't know who you are or where you come from, but I don't like you. You ask too many questions.
Come on, don't front like that. You'll put a guy right off you.
Don't even bother, X man, I'm not your type.
That right? Why's that?
Who are you?
We hung out last night, remember?
I also remember you drove your car here. Who are you really? Make no mistake, I will shoot you and not feel bad about it. Who are you working for?
Hey, take it easy. I'm just a dude trying to make a buck.
Bullshit. I see you look at everything, study everything, ask questions. I know exactly what you're doing. Empty your pockets.
You've got to relax, baby, you're paranoid.
Hey, you're good.
Maybe we should start again, yes? I know so little about you, except that you're not what you say you are.
That makes two of us then, sweetheart, because I ain't buying your bullshit either. You're not like them, I can see it in your eyes. So you tell me, who's bullshitting who?
I don't know what you're talking about.
The eyes don't lie. All this has gotten to you, hasn't it, Petra? You came in as Yorgi's girlfriend and you stayed because it was fun. Now you don't like it so much, but you're in so deep you can't get out anymore. Tell me if I'm wrong, Petra.
Go to hell!
Look at you. You're helping run things now. You're a gangster. I bet that snuck up on you. You woke up one day and you were a criminal.
What are you?