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Philip Hammond told MPs "we must stamp out this menace" as he said the cash would be ring-fenced to pay for extra police overtime. He said the home secretary would work with police before the next spending review to prioritise resources, including "newly funded manpower" after a reduction of 20,000 in police officer numbers since 2010.
Mr Hammond said that he and the prime minister had agreed that extra money should be given to the police after the recent knife attacks. |
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Visual Arts Department hosts first Wellness Week for students
The Oct. 4 Undergraduate Experiences Symposium on student well-being resonated with Michelle Carpenter, chair of the Visual Arts Department. In the past few years, she has seen a difference in her students, who tend to mentally "check out" before midterms and finals due to stress from academics, finances, and sleep difficulties. According to data from the 2019 National College Health Assessment, those three things are the most challenging for CU Denver students to manage.
Michelle Carpenter
"I think they need some sort of break," said Carpenter, who has the demeanor of a concerned parent when she talks about her students. "If we can just offer some kind of event or food—something that lets them know we are here and we care."
The symposium acted as a catalyst for the inaugural Visual Arts Wellness Week, spearheaded by Carpenter and her department in the College of Arts & Media. The week of Nov. 4, students on the eighth floor of the CU Building on 14th Street were greeted with a table of healthy snacks—oatmeal, hot tea, granola bars, apples and oranges, among others—along with different resources. One day featured a Let's Talk table; another had a stress ball workshop and five-minute massages. In clear site was a stack of orange papers with a comprehensive list of on-campus services for students, such as the Counseling Center, Food Pantry, Loving Lynx, and crisis walk-in hours.
Tia Van shows off her handmade stress ball.
In between classes, students stopped by the table and walked away with a sense of comfort. "I think everyone is happier because we are being taken care of," said Tia Van, a junior in the 3D Graphics & Animation program. "People really needed something to bring out their happiness."
A campus-wide focus on well-being
Carpenter's efforts reflect a larger, campus-wide focus on student well-being. At the start of the fall 2019 semester, CU Denver's Health and Wellness area, which includes the Wellness Center, Counseling Center and Dean of Students, launched YOU@CUDenver, a digital portal with content tailored to students' mental and physical needs.
The free tool offers more than 600 pieces of user-friendly content related to health and well-being and a goal tracker, among other resources. If needed, the portal may also direct a student to a physical resource, such as the Phoenix Center at Auraria or Colorado Crisis Services. YOU@CUDenver is available for all CU Denver students, along with faculty and staff.
Wellness Week will make a regular appearance
Carpenter sees Wellness Week recurring the week before midterms and finals, when student stress peaks. Her department has agreed to allocate a portion of its budget to the effort.
Jeff Franklin, associate vice chancellor for Undergraduate Experiences, who organized this year's Undergraduate Experiences Symposium after researching pressing issues facing universities, hopes other campus leaders follow suit. "It would be great if others of the schools/colleges followed the CAM example," he said.
How to achieve fitness goals on campus
Winter health tips
How to talk to someone when you're worried about their mental health
Campus, department of visual arts, health, mental health, wellness, College of Arts & Media |
Category Lethbridge-Stewart
Bonus Chapter #1. Junior Doctor Who and the Giant Robot (May 1979)
5th Apr 2021 2nd Aug 2022 Jim Sangster Leave a comment
Synopsis: A giant robot created by evil scientists stalks through the night, smashing everything in its path, while the Doctor recovers from changing his body. It's the same plot as Doctor Who and the Giant Robot, but much, much faster!
Almost identical to the original novel, apart from an edit to chapter two.
1. Killer in the Night
2. More than Human
3. Trouble at Thinktank
4. Robot!
5. The Killer Strikes Again
6. Trapped by the Robot
7. The World in Danger
8. In the Hands of the Enemy
9. The Battle at the Bunker
10. The Countdown Begins
11. The Kidnapping of Sarah
12. The Giant Terror
Background: Terrance Dicks rewrites his previous adaptation of the story for ages 5-8.
Notes: The whole story is streamlined down to very simple descriptions and dialogue. Harry's entire James Bond subplot is reduced down to two lines before he's knocked out (and he calls the Brigadier on a radio rather than finding a telephone). The story ends with the Doctor watching as the robot turns to rust and is blown away. He muses whether he can tempt Sarah off on another adventure – but there's no mention of Harry joining them.
Cover & Illustrations: The cover by Harry Hants has a slightly caricatured Tom Baker with a very detailed side-on view of K1 and an army truck. Peter Edwards provides 46 line illustrations that aren't exactly flattering to their subjects but are still better likenesses of the guest cast than most of the early Target books had (they're reminiscent of the kind of illustrations Terrence Greer used to do for Penguin, or it might remind modern adult readers of the grotesque characters in BBC Three's animated comedy Monkey Dust). There's a joyful picture of the Doctor emerging with a beaming grin from the TARDIS in a Viking outfit, while the scene of the virus being flung at the robot is gleefully epic. Kettlewell is, surprisingly, more refined than on telly, a bespectacled bald man, lacking the TV version's crazy hair.
Final Analysis: Writing for younger children, Dicks manages to get all the details lined up in the correct order and rushes through the story with lots of energy. As the original novel was also the first not to have any illustrations, Peter Edwards' ink drawings are a real treat that really help to tell the story rather than just break up the text.
Chapter 42. Doctor Who and the Time Warrior (1978)
27th Feb 2021 30th Sep 2022 Jim Sangster Leave a comment
Synopsis: Scientists have disappeared from across the country. In an attempt to keep them safe, the remaining experts have been brought to a research centre under the guard of UNIT – but still they continue to vanish. The Doctor identifies the cause must be someone with access to time travel. Following the trail in the TARDIS back to the Middle Ages, the Doctor discovers the time-hopping kidnapper is a Sontaran warrior – unaware that the TARDIS has brought alomg a 20th-Century stowaway aboard in the form of intrepid journalist Sarah Jane Smith.
1. Irongron's Star
2. Linx's Bargain
3. Sarah's Bluff
4. Irongron's Captive
6. A Shock for Sarah
7. Prisoner in the Past
8. The Robot Knight
9. Linx's Slaves
10. Irongron's Wizard
11. The Rescue
12. The Doctor's Magic
13. Counter Attack
14. The Robot's Return
15. Shooting Gallery
17. Linx's Departure
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts Robert Holmes' scripts for the 1973-4 serial, except from the prologue, which Holmes wrote himself before handing the task over to Dicks.
Notes: Three years after the word 'Sontaran' first appeared in a Target book [see Terror of the Autons], we finally meet one – in the most exciting prologue ever, written by an uncredited Robert Holmes! We join Sontaran Commander Jingo Linx as his ship faces certain obliteration after an unsuccessful battle against the Rutans in their third galactic war. We learn that the Sontarans come from the planet Sontara and he listens to the 'sweet strains of the Sontaran Anthem' (presumably the same one that accompanies Linx's flag when he erects it in front of Bloodaxe) as his ship makes a last desperate escape from the black, dart-shaped Rutan pursuit ships. Sontarans are cyborgs, thanks to implants in the back of their neck that allow them to draw energy through a 'probic vent'. The procedure that allows this is undergone on entry to the Space Corps and although it gives him a rush of energy, Linx always dreads taking a 'power burn'.
The flood of power through his tissues was like a roaring madness, a chaotic maelstrom of colour and sound depriving him of all sentient knowledge of the outside world. He felt himself clinging like a limpet within some solitary crevice of consciousness, aware only that he still existed… still existed… still…
His cruiser is destroyed, driven into a sun as a diversion to allow him to escape the Rutans in a small scout ship. As the ship heads towards a little blue planet orbiting the sun, Linx allows himself a smile usually reserved for the ' the death throes of an enemy'. Most of the details here have been forgotten by subsequent authors, even Holmes himself [see The Two Doctors], but it should be mandatory reading for any hopeful Sontaran scribes.
Irongron and his band of men had once 'roamed the forest like wolves' before stumbling upon a castle abandoned by a lord away 'at the wars'. His group attacked the castle at night, its inhabitants massacred, and the castle became his. His nearest neighbour, Sir Edward Fitzroy, is sickly, having returned from the Crusades with a fever. Sir Edward's son and most of his soldiers are still fighting the king's crusades overseas, leaving him with a depleted defence. His young squire, Eric, is given a splendid introduction, riding through the forest, wary of being too close to Irongron's castle and falling victim to a simple trap laid by Bloodaxe.
When he first addresses Irongron, Linx speaks with 'a booming metallic voice… strangely accented but clearly understandable English' and the suggestion is that this is due to a translation device, not his natural voice.
The Brigadier brings the Doctor in to investigate the missing scientists and equipment to distract him as he's missing Jo since she had got married and has refused a new assistant ever since. The Doctor is described as 'a tall man with a lined young-old face and a shock of white hair' (we'll be seeing this description regularly from now on). He insists on having the TARDIS brought to the research centre in case there's an alien influence he needs to trace. Sarah Jane Smith is introduced, 'an attractive dark-haired girl' who is a freelance journalist (the 'freelance' bit is new to the book) who has been 'making her own way in a man's world for some years now, and she strongly resented any suggestion that her sex doomed her to an inferior role'. The Doctor tells Rubeish that 'Lavinia Smith' is a woman in her 'late sixties' as well as being in America. The Brigadier reminds the Doctor about his failed attempts to reach Metabelis III ('I got there eventually', says the Doctor defensively). We get Sarah's first reaction to the inside of the TARDIS and she hides inside a wardrobe when the Doctor enters. Realising that the wardrobe is bigger than the police box she entered – and the central control room even bigger again – she quickly forms a theory that the Doctor is an alien responsible for kidnapping the scientists. She also watches the switch the Doctor uses to open the door and uses the same switch to escape.
We might want to note that Hal makes his first attempt to assassinate Irongron by taking up position on a 'grassy knoll'.
Linx rides on horseback for the attack on Sir Edward's castle. The attack on Linx, the destruction of Irongron's castle and the Doctor's departure with Sarah all happen at night. Although Hal's arrow kills Linx, the hand of the dead warrior hits the launch button and his ship escapes the burning castle to be returned with Linx's corpse to the war in the stars. And hurrah for Hal as he rescues Squire Eric from the dungeon!
Oh and there's a chapter title called 'Return to Danger' – so close!!
Cover: Linx the Sontaran strikes a dramatic pose before his globe-shaped craft, a superb photorealistic portrait by Roy Knipe. The cover for the 1993 reprint by Alister Pearson places the Doctor, Sarah and Irongron in square tiles behind Linx, who's side on and holding his helmet by his side.
Final Analysis: It might be heresy but I'm not a fan of this story on TV and reading this story I can put it down to Alan Bromly's static, leaden direction. But look at all the notes in this chapter and join me in wondering if Terrance Dicks was spurred on by his friend Holmes' wonderful opening prologue – top three in the series so far (See also Doctor Who and the Crusaders and Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks.). Compare the two descriptions of Linx's face – the first is by Holmes, the second by Dicks, picking up the baton:
… the heavy bones, the flat powerful muscles, the leathery, hairless epidermis, the calculating brain.… little, red eyes that were like fire-lit caves under the great green-brown dome of a skull…
The face beneath was something out of a nightmare. The head was huge and round, emerging directly from the massive shoulders. The hairless skull was greenish-brown in colour, the eyes small and red. The little nose was a pig-like snout, the mouth long and lipless. It was a face from one of Earth's dark legends, the face of a goblin or a troll.
This extends to the major and minor characters – how Sir Edward waits for his wife to 'run out of words', (and on the very next line 'It was a considerable wait') and how Lady Eleanor's eyes 'gleamed' at the prospect of the Doctor poisoning Irongron's dog'. It's clear Dicks enjoyed this. I know I did.
Chapter 31. Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos (1977)
31st Dec 2020 3rd Aug 2022 Jim Sangster 1 Comment
Synopsis: A strange object from space lands on Earth near a nuclear power station. Inside are Axons, a family of golden beings who offer unlimited power in return for help with their damaged spacecraft. While the Doctor tries to keep an open mind, an ambitious politician rushes to seize the Axon's power for his own interests. Deep inside the alien craft, the Master is being held captive – and as Jo Grant discovers, that's not the only secret the Axons are keeping…
1. Invader from Space
2. The Landing
3. The Voice of Axos
4. Enter the Master
5. The Doctor Makes a Plan
6. Escape from Axos
7. The Axons Attack
8. The Power Robbers
9. The Sacrifice
11. The Feast of Axos
12. Trapped in Time
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts scripts by Bob Baker and Dave Martin from the 1971 production.
Notes: As it soars towards Earth, the Axos ship has a 'constantly changing' shape and glows with a 'myriad of colours' – its intention is to be noticed. The first scene with the two radio operators is expanded here; they're not UNIT operators here, but personnel at the tracking station – Ransome and his assistant, Harry – who work down the list of people they need to contact and find 'something called UNIT'. The first interaction between the Brigadier and Chinn also provides background information – the minister in overall charge of Chinn's department cannot stand him, and as the Brigadier is also a problem, he decides to set the two men against each other in the hope that the winner will eliminate one or the other. Although UNIT is governed from Geneva, the Brigadier's operations are part-funded by the British Government. Corporal Bell is not part of this story, her role is given to a nameless male technician.
We get an introductory scene (cut from the TV version but included as an extra on DVD) where Bill Filer is on the hunt for a man called 'Joe Grant' – and Jo corrects him. Bill is described as having 'closely trimmed brown hair and a pleasantly ugly face' – wow, that's a pretty mean swipe at the reasonably handsome Paul Grist who played him.
The Doctor and Jo drive to the landing site in Bessie (yay!). The Axon who first frightens Jo subsequently appears as a male identical to the Axon leader. The Axon leader does not assume that the toad is livestock, but spells out the potential, had it been a 'food animal'. The process transforms the toad into a huge form that overwhelms Chinn and makes him scream. Later, as Axos reacts to the Doctor's experiment, the Eye of Axos is said to be 'lashing wildly to and fro on its stalk', which is much more fluid a movement than the TV prop could manage.
Jo overhears the Doctor speculating about Axonite's potential for time travel and suspects he has selfish intentions early on. The Doctor spots straight away that the Axon-Filer is a fake thanks to his experience of the Autons replicating humans. He also baffles a sentry to gain access to the arrested Brigadier: 'Good heavens, man, I know the Brigadier's incommunicado. I'm incommunicado myself. There's no reason why we can't talk to each other.' Delightful!
The Master enters the Nuton complex disguised as a visitings scientist and recalls the time he broke into UNIT HQ dressed as a 'humble telephone engineer'. The Master's TARDIS is a white dome, not a filing cabinet.
To the Eye of Axos's surprise, the Doctor reveals that he's deduced that Axos already has some limited ability for time travel; he realised that Axos reached Earth before the missiles were fired and Axos confesses that they can 'move only moments in Time.' Hardiman's assistant (credited on screen as 'Technician') is named 'Ericson'.
Cover: Achilleos gives us an eerie female Axon with rays of light coming from her eyes while an Axon monster looms behind her and the Doctor (taken from a photo from Frontier in Space) is pictured inset looking concerned. A 1979 edition had a cover by John Geary showing the adult male Axon and two very green Axon monsters.
Final Analysis: I'm hugely fond of The Claws of Axos TV episodes, one of those comfort stories I can bung on while I decide what I'd sooner be watching and then settle down and enjoy it. Terrance Dicks captures all of the conflicted loyalties that the Axons draw out of our heroes – are they victims in need, or should they have been blasted into bits from the start? – but he enhances the suspicion that the Doctor is solely interested in using Axos to escape Earth and relishes in making Chinn hated by absolutely everyone he encounters. The Master once again enjoys the thrill of the adventure, deciding on a whim to jump from a bridge onto a UNIT truck and then exploiting his good fortune when it turns out to be going where he wants to be. The ending is also less rushed than on TV, as Bill Filer says his goodbyes and jokes that he'd thought England would be 'dull', Chinn scampers back to the Minister to try framing the success as his own, while the operation to rescue the TARDIS and get it onto the back of a UNIT truck turns into a huge argument, which Jo welcomes as things getting 'back to normal'.
Chapter 24. Doctor Who and the Web of Fear (1976)
5th Dec 2020 24th Nov 2022 Jim Sangster 1 Comment
Synopsis: London has been evacuated as a deadly web-like substance has flooded the underground. The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria are reunited with an old friend and soon realise the web is connected to an old enemy – the Yeti. The presence of the robot creatures also means someone is controlling them, but who? Could it be the neat-looking army officer they find in the underground tunnels? A man called Lethbridge-Stewart?
1. Return of Evil
2. The Web in Space
3. The Monster in the Tunnels
4. Danger for the Doctor
5. Battle with the Yeti
6. The Terror of the Web
7. Escape from the Web
8. Return of the Yeti
9. Kidnapped!
10. Danger Above Ground
11. 'I want your mind'
12. The Fall of the Fortress
13. Captives of the Intelligence
14. The Final Duel
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts 1967 scripts by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln.
Notes: TV's Julius Silverstein becomes a marginally less stereotypical Emil Julius, while Travers' murdered companion from The Abominable Snowmen is here given the full name of 'Angus Mackay' (and the events of that earlier story are stated as having taken place in 1935). Although Travers was seen as a failure by his peers, his obsession with the Yeti control sphere led him towards electronics, which made him both rich and famous. The Yeti matches the description from its earlier appearance, with fangs and glowing red eyes, so there's no mention of the transformation into a new version. There's no resolution from the previous story (which won't be published for some years yet), but we do get more details of what happened in the weeks after the first Yeti awakens, and how Central London became 'gripped tight in a Web of Fear' (extra points for crow-barring the title in there).
There's a reminder at the start that Jamie was a Jacobean rebel; when Arnold asks for his help, Jamie's reticent, as 'although their coats were khaki rather than red, Jamie found it hard to forget that English soldiers were his traditional enemies'. We're also told that Victoria had joined the TARDIS after an encounter with the Daleks, abandoning her usual big frocks for more practical clothing (Victoria is wearing 'slacks' rather than the mini-skirt she pops on in her first TV scene). As well as the summary of Travers' first encounter with the time travellers, we also get a reminder of what the Great Intelligence is.
Dicks is both flattering and cutting when it comes to the reporter, Chorley:
He was an impressive looking man with a stern, handsome face, and a deep, melodious voice. He was also extremely photogenic. On television he gave the impression of a sincere, wise and responsible man. Unfortunately, his looks were deceptive. Chorley was weak, vain and in reality rather stupid. But appearances count for a great deal in public life. Chorley's voice and his looks, together with a certain natural cunning, had enabled him to establish himself as one of television's best-known interviewers and reporters.
Considering the TV version owed more than a little to Alan Whicker, this is surely a risky detail?
There's the Doctor's first meeting with Lethbridge-Stewart, which without too much hyperbole is classed as 'in its way as historic an encounter as that between Stanley and Doctor Livingstone', followed by a brief history of what's already happened for the reader but has yet to occur for the characters (Brigadier, UNIT, etc). Evans says to Jamie 'Don't stand there mooning, boyo. Let's get out while we can!' which accidentally paints the rather strange image of Jamie lifting the back of his kilt up to taunt the glowing web. Later, when Evans complains about his tobacco tin being taken from him, the Doctor reproaches him, saying 'Smoking's very bad for you'. Dicks makes a subtle addition in regard to Evans, allowing the Colonel to note that unlike the cowardly driver, 'the Welsh usually made such splendid soldiers.'
Corporal Blake is killed by a Yeti's webgun rather than a vicious chop from its claw. The Intelligence speaks to Victoria through the underground public address system (as opposed to just being a disembodied voice) and when a possessed character speaks, they do so with the Intelligence's voice, not a version of their own. The Colonel remains brave throughout and doesn't have the brief wobble he had on telly. The story concludes with him musing about setting up some sort of 'Intelligence Task Force', while the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria make it safely across London and back to the TARDIS.
Cover: Achilleos's original cover art is gorgeous – a huge Troughton looks down as a Yeti (a hybrid of an Abominable one and parts of a Web of Fear one) holds Staff Sgt. Arnold in a blast of golden energy with its eyes. The 1983 reprint had a cover by Andrew Skilleter showing the TARDIS caught in misty space-fog while another Abominable / Web of Fear hybrid-Yeti once again shows off its glowing and similarly inaccurate eye-beams. Alister Pearson's 1993 cover has an adorably terrified Troughton recoiling from a proper Web-version Yeti while the background shows an underground tunnel that creates a frame around the TARDIS trapped in space inside the space web. Lovely job.
Final Analysis: 'The huge, furry monster reared up, as if to strike.' This is Doctor Who-as-action-movie from the tease of the very first line. My childhood library buddy used to claim Troughton was his favourite Doctor based solely on this book and it's easy to see why. Terrance Dicks shuffles a few things around – such as keeping all the scenes with the Doctor and Friends from epsiode one in Chapter 2 and delaying the appearance of the military and Chorley until Chapter 3. Long considered a classic even before it was rediscovered in 2013, The Web of Fear has all the classic elements of the era. It's almost the opposite of The Ice Warriors, in that the original scripts are so solid and full of suspense that it's hard to lose that energy in adapting them for the page. Aside from the tweeks listed above, Dicks is happy to let the story play out as we'd expect.
Chapter 19. Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion (1976)
7th Nov 2020 2nd Aug 2022 Jim Sangster 5 Comments
aka Doctor Who – Invasion of the Dinosaurs (1993)
Synopsis: The Doctor and Sarah return to Earth to discover that London has been evacuated due to a spate of dinosaurs appearing and disappearing across the city. While the Doctor goes on the hunt for monsters, Sarah uncovers a conspiracy that implicates some very surprising people.
1. London Alert!
2. 'Shoot to Kill!'
3. The Time Eddy
4. The Timescoop
5. Monster in Chains
6. The Spaceship
7. The Reminder Room
8. Escape!
9. Operation Golden Age
10. The Final Countdown
Background: Malcolm Hulke adapts his 1974 scripts for Invasion of the Dinosaurs.
Notes: An opening scene is added, introducing Shughie McPherson, a football fan from Glasgow who wakes up in an evacuated London and is killed by a dinosaur. The Doctor and Sarah find a cafe and discover the food's rotten, while the Doctor is aghast that he's taken Sarah around time and space but she gets really excited by the sight of a Woolworths (and later he points out a Wimpy's too); this hints that they've had adventures since The Time Warrior but this is their first time together back on modern-day Earth.
Infamously, Butler has a 'livid scar' on his face, so that Hulke can make him easy to identify without spelling out who he is – very inventive (he could hardly say 'a man who looked just like Martin Jarvis', although that would have added a little extra fun to the audiobook). It also serves to humanise him when Sarah cruelly attacks him for choosing to be 'ugly' only to learn that he got the scar while serving as a fire officer saving the life of a child (and Sarah quickly apologises for being so callous). There's no weird new car for the Doctor; instead, he borrows a motorcycle as the best way to get around London (which all feels much more logical and in keeping for this Doctor).
As he watches the Doctor on a TV monitor, Professor Whitaker comments that the intruder is 'terribly handsome', which seems to be an addition perhaps inspired by the casting of the Professor onscreen, but it does add an extra dimension to him (on paper, he's also extra-arrogant and driven by the glory of proving wrong a load of people who might not ever exist if he succeeds!). The story has a new conclusion where the Doctor shows Sarah a passage in Ezekiel that describes where Professor Whitaker and Grover might have ended up.
Cover: Best cover artwork ever. It's just so lurid and melodramatic and sums up the vast differences between the TV version and the imagination of a child who's read the book (and I do love both). The cheeky "KKLAK!" really makes it. Having stood in the living room of the person who owns the original art, I marvelled at the beauty of it and had criminal thoughts. The first edition I read was the 1978 reprint with a cover by Jeff Cummins showing a dinosaur standing on the lower steps at St Pauls (those ones we remember the Cybermen descending in The Invasion). Alister Pearson's cover for the 1993 rerelease (as Invasion of the Dinosaurs) shows the Doctor with his weird device and a tyrannosaurus rex, with a very subtle incorporation of the London Underground logo in a manner that might be familiar to fans of Jurassic Park. It also solidifies Pearson's record as the only artist to provide cover art for all of the novelisations in three entire seasons of stories.
Final Analysis: This has long been one of my favourites, ever since I picked up on a character having 'badly bitten fingernails', while Professor Whitaker's are 'well-polished'. That kind of subtle detail really jumped out at me at aged eight and it still does many years later. Hulke's eagerness to give a balanced view of his worlds extends to showing us how a stegosaurus reacts to being shot at on Hampstead Heath and I'm not even going to make a joke about that or point out that dinosaurs and mammals didn't really hang out together in the past.
Just a few additional lines to Mark and Adam on the 'spaceship' also help to flesh them out a bit and make them more rounded. Adam concludes that Grover is 'a raving lunatic' but Sarah counters that the politician knows exactly what he's doing. Mark rounds on Ruth because, confronted with the evidence against Grover, she still supports him because she 'can't stand being made a fool of! You must never be wrong!'
It all helps to sell the underlying message: As with The Cave Monsters, the title has a double meaning as there's more than one kind of dinosaur in Westminster; there's also the type who can't let go of ancient history and wants to drag us all back with them to a time that never really existed. Thanks in part to the actual dinosaurs being much more realistic and thrilling on the page than on screen, plus some deeper characterisation that helps us understand who these people are, this really might be the best Target novel so far. Trust me.
Chapter 18. Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster (1976)
31st Oct 2020 2nd Aug 2022 Jim Sangster 3 Comments
aka Doctor Who – Terror of the Zygons (1993)
Synopsis: Oil rigs are being attacked off the coast of Scotland and the Brigadier summons the Doctor to help out. As the Doctor goes on a monster hunt, Harry and Sarah find something sinister under Loch Ness.
1. Death from the Sea
2. Murder on the Shore
3. The Zygons Attack
4. A Trap for the Doctor
5. The Sleeping Village
6. The Monster on the Moor
7. Hunt for a Zygon
8. A Visit to the Duke
9. The Secret of Forgill Castle
10. Plan for Conquest
11. Escape!
12. Monster in the Thames
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts Robert Banks Stewart's scripts for the 1975 serial Terror of the Zygons.
Notes: During the attack on the Bonnie Prince Charlie rig, we're told that the radio operator's name is 'Jock Munro'. We get the scene deleted from the TV broadcast of the TARDIS outer shell disappearing after it lands and a brief bit of chatter with the Duke where Sarah, sat in the back of his landrover, discovers a stuffed stag's head under a tarpaulin. UNIT Corporal Palmer makes a reappearance (he's an unnamed corporal in the TV episodes). The Zygon that Sarah first encounters is 'a squat, powerful figure about the size of a small man:
Orange-green in colour, it had small, claw-like hands and feet. There was no neck: the big high-domed head seemed to grow directly from the bulbous torso. The face was terrifyingly alien, with huge, malevolent green eyes and a small, puckered mouth. A row of protuberances ran down its back. The really horrible thing about the creature was that it seemed to be a parody of the human form. It looked like a grotesque, evil baby.
Once Sarah and the Doctor are trapped in the decompresison chamber, the Zygon formerly known as Sister Lamont uses a comunications device to inform Broton (with 'a note of gloating triumph in its voice') that 'The Doctor and the human female will soon be dead'. The Doctor's encounter with the Skarasen on Tulloch Moor takes place at night. Although this is almost seen on telly, it's made much clearer that zygons can sting when in their 'proper form', either to hurt or fatally wound (and they do both here – Angus is kiled while Harry and the Doctor are only stunned). The Brigadier and Sarah add sugar and milk to The Fox Inn's porridge but the Doctor has it with salt, a taste he acquired 'during the Jacobite rebellion'. Although Madra, the Zygon who impersonates Harry, is named, the one who poses as Sister Lamont is not (she's something that sounds like 'Orla' on TV). Oh and the Prime Minister who the Brigadier speaks to is identified as male.
Cover & Illustrations: It's frustrating because in my mind, the artwork I want to see was that Radio Times piece by Frank Bellamy. This one's okay, with the Skarasen looking fierce and the Zygon leaning into the centre, but the Doctor likeness reminds me too much of Eric Idle and the background is a little Looney Tunes. I much prefer the Alister Pearson 1993 reprint where Broton's face merges with the background, a sombre Doctor looks very smart in his Scottish get-up and the Sister Lamont Zygon (going on the publicity photo it references) stands full-length.
Final Analysis: Broton appears more of a frustrated administrator in this version, furious at his subordinates. Dicks's description of a Zygon as 'a grotesque, evil baby' is spot on although he insists on describing a 'claw-shaped hand' that's a lot less enticing than what we actually see on TV. Bonus points for explaining that Zygons have stings, which is not really clear on screen.
The Zygons are among my earliest memories of the TV show and, as mentioned in this blog's introduction, this was one of four books I received as a Christmas present in 1980, the first Target books I owned, rather than loaning from the library.
Chapter 17. Doctor Who – The Three Doctors (1975)
24th Oct 2020 21st Oct 2020 Jim Sangster 3 Comments
Synopsis: A strange blob of jelly invades UNIT HQ while the Time Lords are being drained of energy. The answer to the mystery lies on the other side of a black hole, where a Time Lord legend waits to enact his revenge. As the Time Lords break one of their strictest rules to allow three of the Doctor's incarnations to work together, Jo Grant worries they might only end up bickering…
1. Lightning from Space
2. Attack from the Unknown
3. The Menace of the Black Hole
4. Beyond the Unknown
5. A Shock for the Brigadier
7. Door to Freedom
8. Escape from Omega
9 .'All things shall be destroyed'
10. Return through the Flame
11. Three Doctors Minus Two
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts the 1973 scripts by Bob Baker and Dave Martin.
Notes: The Second Doctor has 'dark brown eyes' (which doesn't match Patrick Troughton) that are 'at once humorous and sad'. Omega's servants are only called 'Jelly creatures' and 'blob-men' – not 'Gellguards' as we've come to know them. The First Doctor asks 'what's a bridge for?' and it's Jo who suggests 'crossing?', prompting the old Doctor to note 'Gel's got more sense than the two of you put together!' (it's the Third Doctor who grabs the glory on TV). The battle with Omega's monster takes place in an open-air arena and the beast itself is still humanoid but eight feet tall and muscular (rather than a short avante-garde dance performer). There's a hilarious pitch battle in chapter 10 where Jo is 'staggering under the weight of an anti-tank rifle' before she fires at the blob men and falls backwards, deciding instead to be an 'observer'.
Cover: A Chris Achilleos classic, using references from the familiar Three Doctors photoshoot and merging them with a classic Jack Kirby Fantastic Four cover (depicting Galactus where Omega would be). It's a vision in orange and gold. The first edition also has a rear illustration by Achilleos showing the second Doctor being led away by two blob-men. My first copy was the 1978 reprint with a cover by Jeff Cummins showing the three Doctors in front of a black hole in space (it's the one a reader of Doctor Who Magazine criticised for making the Doctors look too old, too evil and 'too Welsh'!). The Pertwee is from Invasion of the Dinosaurs, the Hartnell from An Unearthly Child and the Troughton isn't the Doctor, but Salamander – hence why he's 'too evil'. A 1991 edition with a cover by Alister Pearson is a little more stylised, with a photorealistic Omega ranting before a backdrop of burnt-out Doctors as banners in front of a black circle.
Final Analysis: Dicks makes Jo our point-of-view character, so to her, the other Doctor that Benton knows is her 'Doctor Two', while the one on the scanner screen is 'the old man' and 'the old Doctor', which works so well. Dicks also has Doctor Two correctly identify his instrument as a recorder – then refer to it as a 'flute' for the rest of the book!
Chapter 16. Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders (1975)
17th Oct 2020 3rd Aug 2022 Jim Sangster 3 Comments
Synopsis: The Doctor's adventures come back to haunt him as a stolen gem from Metebelis Three triggers 'the most dangerous adventure of his life'. The Doctor's greed for adventure and knowledge is matched by the greed for power of the Eight-Legs and their leader, the Great One. And none of them will survive this one…
Prologue: The Mystery of the Crystal
1. The Menace at the Monastery
2. The Deadly Experiment
3. The Coming of the Spider
4. The Chase for the Crystal
5. The Council of the Spiders
6. Arrival on Metebelis Three
7. Prisoner of the Spiders
8. The Doctor Hits Back
9. In the Lair of the Great One
10. Return to Earth
11. The Battle with the Spiders
12. The Last Enemy
Epilogue: An End and a Beginning
Background: Terrance Dicks adapts scripts by Robert Sloman (and Barry Letts, uncredited) from 1974.
Notes: Another lovely prologue that I wish we'd seen on TV as Professor Jones and his new bride encounter resistance in their trek across the Amazon forests. Jo Jones, formerly Jo Grant of UNIT, has to ditch a huge blue crystal that the Doctor gave her as a wedding present. There's a Dr Sweetman working as UNIT's medical officer today [but see The Giant Robot]. The soldier on guard at UNIT HQ gets a name (Corporal Hodges). We also find out that four of Lupton's gang were hospitalised with nervous breakdowns, while the Brigadier helps Sarah to get Tommy into university.
Cover: 'Read the last exciting adventure of DR WHO's 3rd Incarnation!' screams the back cover. On the front, Peter Brookes gives us the Doctor reacting to Sarah with the Queen Spider on her back, along with a montage of the Doctor changing face that's much more dramatic than we get on telly. There are no illustrations inside but there's one on the back cover of a spider crawling across a mandala. I had the 1978 reprint with an Alun Hood cover depicting a blue crystal and a red-backed tarantula clambering over some rocks. The 1991 reprint with art by Alister Pearson shows a haunted portrait of Pertwee reflected in the blue crystal and another tarantula-like arachnid reared to attack.
The epilogue is called 'An End and a Beginning'; we'll be seeing variations on this a lot over the next few years.
Final Analysis: My earliest memory is of Planet of the Spiders, where a spider appearing on a carpet after some men chant 'Um Andy Pandy Um' (I know what they chant now, of course!), so this holds a special relevance for me. This is a decent adaptation with some lovely additions to the thought processes of the characters. Dicks captures Sarah's voice particularly well (although once again, he has her fainting!) and he adds greatly to our understanding of Lupton and his bitterness. We also benefit from a much more thrilling – and logical – version of the very padded chase sequence.
Chapter 15. Doctor Who and the Green Death (1975)
10th Oct 2020 10th Oct 2020 Jim Sangster 1 Comment
Synopsis: Deep beneath the hills of a Welsh town, pollutants from a chemical factory have caused the deaths of local miners. Worse, the chemicals have transformed maggots into deadly monsters. Fighting the chemical company is an idealistic young professor, who's unimpressed by a clumsy fool of a girl from UNIT who wants to join his cause. Meanwhile, the Doctor finally lands the TARDIS on Metebelis Three…
1. 'Wealth in our time!'
2. The Doctor Plans a Holiday
3. Land of My Fathers
4. Into the Mine
6. The Sluice Pipe
7. The Egg
8. The Maggots
9. The Swarm
10. The Green Death
11. The Chrysalis
12. One World, One People, One BOSS!
Background: Malcolm Hulke adapts scripts from the 1974 serial by Robert Sloman and (uncredited) Barry Letts.
Notes: The Global Chemicals of the TV show is now Panorama Chemicals. Elgin gets a first name (Mark) and a job title (public relations), and he doesn't disappear as in the TV version, so his TV replacement, Mr James, doesn't appear. Hulke has a lot of fun with Metebelis Three, constructing a bit of a legend around it involving a lone Time Lord and then giving us an insane escapade involving unicorns and giant eagles. The Doctor keeps the Professor's gang amused with stories of his journey to Metebelis Three, rather than that wonderfully incomprehensible nonsense about the perigosto stick from the telly. Jo speculates why the Doctor never married, or even if there are Lady Time Lords, while stating on the very last page that the Doctor is 725 years old. In the TV story, the actual term 'Green Death' is never mentioned; in the book it appears in descriptions and dialogue eleven times.
Cover & Illustrations: The first edition cover, by Peter Brookes, shows a giant green fly raining acid down onto the Doctor and Bessie while in inset, Jo recoils from a huge maggot. On the back cover, there's another two-panel illustration, depicting Ted Hughes discovering the deadly green goo in the mine. There's a similar illustration of that scene inside, one of six by Alan Willow, the best of which shows the Doctor and Jo in a mine-cart surrounded by maggots. I had Alun Hood's 1979 reprint cover, which has a beautiful dragonfly stretching its wings across the bleak murky landscape of the mine, surrounded by maggots. This is the final Target book to have illustrations.
Final Analysis: The opening chapter explains why the coal mines are being closed (and how the miners feel about this), how Elgin views the locals (being university educated, he considers himself superior to them) and what Stevens thinks of everyone else. And Professor Jones and Dai Evans discuss the forces of production in relation to the mining industry and the people of Llanfairfach – before they're interrupted by the first tragic event. Even in the climax, the Doctor worries about whether any of BOSS's 'slaves or semi-slaves died' in the aftermath. It's not too heavy-handed, but it leaves us no uncertainty as to where Hulke's politics might lean.
How strange that Jo Grant's final story follows her first in publication order. And is followed by the Third Doctor's last. |
Former Emerging Poets Fellow Yanyi returns to Poets House to give a talk on his debut book, The Year of Blue Water (Yale, 2019), chosen by Carl Phillips for the 2018 Yale Younger Poets Prize. Yanyi will explore how his collection investigates a self in crisis, queerness, and the dialogues that connect the living and dead.
Presented as part of the Emerging Poets Fellowship public lecture series, with support from the Jerome Foundation. |
Jaguars owner Shahid Khan makes offer for Wembley Stadium
FILE – In this Sunday Oct. 31, 2010 file photo, the arena ahead of the NFL Football match between the Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers at Wembley Stadium in London. The English Football Association received an offer on Thursday April 26, 2018, to buy Wembley Stadium, from Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham owner Shahid Khan. […]
Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shahid Khan has made an offer to buy Wembley Stadium from the English Football Association, increasing the prospect of an NFL franchise in London.
Wembley has staged regular-season NFL games since 2007 and the Jaguars started playing at the stadium in 2013 — the year Khan bought London soccer club Fulham.
Khan offered about 600 million pounds ($840 million) for the national soccer stadium, which would continue to host England national team games. The governing body would retain the rights to hospitality packages for games, which are valued at 300 million pounds.
Wembley, which first opened 1923, was rebuilt at a cost of 800 million pounds before reopening in 2007. The Jaguars have deal through 2020 to play games in London.
"The games the Jaguars play at Wembley are essential to the financial stability of the Jaguars in Jacksonville, which is one of the smallest markets in the NFL," Khan said. "If my ownership interests were to include Wembley Stadium, it would protect the Jaguars' position in London at a time when other NFL teams are understandably becoming more interested in this great city. And the stronger the Jaguars are in London, the more stable and promising the Jaguars' future will be in Jacksonville."
Khan said a takeover of Wembley would "have no impact on Craven Cottage," which is his soccer team's current home in the Fulham district of west London by the River Thames.
Selling off Wembley would give the FA about 500 million pounds to invest in grassroots soccer, which could increase the chances of the England team winning its first World Cup title since 1996.
"For the FA," Khan saids, "it would mean Wembley Stadium returning to private ownership, permitting the FA to direct its full attention to its mandate to develop talent and serve the game with the vast resources it would realize from the sale."
PORTRUSH, Northern Ireland (AP) — The Latest on the British Open (all times local):
by JANIE McCAULEY, Associated Press / Jul 19, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — You bet Madison Bumgarner pleaded to Bruce Bochy to start the 10th inning. And of course the big left-hander remained a little irked afterward considering he didn't get the chance.
"I didn't try to make it much of a conversation but he wasn't having it. Usually if I really want to I can get my way with him, but he wasn't having it today," Bumgarner said, then chuckled adding, "How many times do you get to go out for the 10th?" |
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Published by walper in 2015-09-03 05:02:15. To discover all pictures with Inspirational Ikea Indoor Garden images gallery make sure you abide by this kind of website link. |
Turn tradition on its head with our selection of alternative diamond engagement rings.
Nothing says engagement like a classic solitaire iced with a brilliant round white diamond, but for brides-to-be who want to nod to tradition without following the herd, unorthodox dark diamond engagement rings can offer a wonderfully offbeat solution.
These alternative engagement rings are still set with a single diamond, but you might not recognise it as such. It may be brownish or grey in colour, or perhaps cloudy or heavy with inclusions - specs of dirt trapped within diamonds that usually lower a stone's value.
Rather than trying to cover up such imperfections with clever cuts, designers are championing their differences. "These diamonds are the underdogs, they come with a story," says DECÏ London founder Dessy Tsolova, who caters for what she says is a growing alternative engagement ring market with diamond slices, lightly facetted rough stones, and darkly coloured included diamonds. "When I talk to people about the inclusions within stones, I call them wonder specks, because every time you look at them you see something different." Tsolova says these designs attract couples seeking out an alternative to the mainstream, but who still want a diamond engagement ring. "It is a diamond, but it doesn't look like a diamond," she says.
While these stones can offer a more affordable option when compared to their more sparkling cousins, they can still be a luxurious purchase - particularly rough diamonds. The Embrace collection of unique engagement rings by New York brand Diamond in the Rough wraps rough diamonds within a crossover of platinum or gold, set with polished diamond pavé. The most expensive ring in the collection wraps a 4.2ct rough diamond in 18ct yellow gold and has a price tag of US$45,000.
These alternative diamond engagement rings are certainly an acquired taste, but for brides confident enough to turn tradition on its head, the sentiment they embody of finding perfection in imperfection is a beautiful message to carry into married life.
These Snowflake diamond engagement rings from Alexis Dove are handmade in the UK.
Large, yellow, rough diamond engagement ring with pavé-set shoulders in 18ct yellow gold from Baroque Jewellery.
DECÏ London offers alternative engagement rings with diamond slices, lightly facetted rough stones, and darkly coloured included diamonds like this one.
A ring from the Diamond in the Rough Classic collection with a rough diamond set in gold with polished diamond pavé.
Engagement ring from the Embrace collection by Diamond in the Rough with a rough diamond set in platinum with polished diamond pavé.
One-of-a-kind, light yellow hexagonal diamond ring with white diamond pavé and recycled oxidised platinum from Monique Péan.
Saqqara Iceberg engagement ring with a 7.00ct diamond pyramid nugget and 163 full-cut pavé diamonds.
Lydia charcoal grey diamond engagement ring from Alexis Dove.
This cushion rose-cut diamond ring by Alexis Dove was handmade in her Lewes workshop and is available in a selection of different precious metals and diamond sizes.
Baroque Jewellery rough and cut diamond trilogy engagement ring in 18ct white gold. |
Forum Theatre is based on Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal's "Theatre of the Oppressed" technique, which believes that the audience must have a dialogue with the performers. Boal first elaborated this in the '60s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe, and Indian theatre directors are increasingly taking up this form.
Unlike scripted plays, Forum Theatre is organic. The action halts at particular scenes and the Joker (a character who interacts with the audience) invites reactions from the audience. After a few minutes of discussion, a decision is reached about what the character should do next, and the play resumes. The actors have to be trained well and ready to improvise so that the play does not lose steam. |
$5 Coupon Expires February 27!
It's time once again to ship Girl Scout Cookies to the Marines in Iraq. We have 1,000 donated cases this year and we need your help! To learn more, click here.
The new, bigger flat rate box for Priority Mail will be discounted for shipping to APO/FPO mailing addresses!
WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Postal Service announced January 17, 2007 a new, larger Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box enabling customers to ship 50 percent more than with the current box. It will be offered at a discount to overseas military addresses, a postal first for the armed forces. The new boxes will be available March 3, 2008.
This Wednesday, February 27, 2008 from 8:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (central time), we invite you to chat online with Dr. Bridget Cantrell, author and expert on homecomings, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and combat recovery.
The chat will be held in the online chat room of MarineParents.com. It is free and open to the public.
Dr. Cantrell is co-author of the critically acclaimed Downrange to Iraq and Back, and the new Once a Warrior: Wired for Life.
To learn more about the chat with Dr. Cantrell, to access the chat room, or to read transcripts of previous chat nights, use the link below.
USMC T-Shirt Designs Go Green for St. Pats!
Your friends will be green with envy! Now you've got a USMC t-shirt to wear on St. Patrick's day. Features USMC in block letters in front of Irish-green shamrocks. Luck o' the Irish to ya' Marine!
Proceeds from shirt sales benefit MarineParents.com, Inc., an IRS approved public chartity.
NEW! Now members of the message board communities can share their homepage of photos with others!
You've been asking, and we've been listening! Families have asked to share their own homepages with photos on the message board communities, and now you can do just that!
Using any of our message board communities, you can now enter your homepage web site address (URL) in your member profile. Your homepage may be a social web site such as "facebook" or "myspace", a blog, or just a link to share your photos.
To add your homepage to your message board profile, click the "profile" link on the message board web page. You'll see some new fields including a place to paste the "url" of your web site. To view another member's homepage, click the user name for their profile on the message boards.
We need your help shipping Girl Scout Cookies to Marines in Iraq!
This is our fourth year shipping Girl Scout Cookies� to the Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this is the biggest shipment ever!
We have 1,000 cases of Girl Scout Cookies� (that's 12,000 boxes!) arriving in our warehouse in March. We'll ship these cookies to Marines deployed to Iraq in addition to our regularly scheduled care packages. That means we need to raise 100% of the funds ($10,950) to ship the cookies and we need your help.
Every year the girl scout troops in Connecticut donate the cookies to the MarineParents.com Care Package Project™. The brownies and girl scouts work hard to make sure our combat deployed Marines are included in this time-honored American tradition and a true taste of home.
Does your employer offer matching gift donations to charitable organizations?
Many companies offer incentive programs for employees who provide financial support or volunteer time to non-profit organizations. A Matching Gift Program allows the company to match an employee's contribution to a non-profit organization. A Volunteer Incentive Program allows the company to make a contribution to an organization of the employee's choice in exchange for volunteer time at the organization.
If you are an employer or employee of a company that offers matching gift contributions to non-profit organizations, please consider registering MarineParents.com, Inc. as a benefactor for your next contribution. To obtain more information regarding these programs, please contact your Human Resources Manager for details.
For a partial list of companies that have Matching Gifts Programs and/or Volunteer Incentive Programs click here. If you work for a company that offers one or both of these programs and they are not listed here, please let us know so we can get them added. Visit our contact us page for more information.
Your Marine is also entitled to the "Combat Pay Exemption" which states that he/she will not pay taxes on income earned while deployed to a combat zone. Afghanistan and Iraq (including Kuwait or any other country if it is in direct support of operations OIF and OEF) are considered combat zones.
For those who are not deployed, your Marine will be given an opportunity to have a military accountant on a military installation assist with taxes upon return stateside. In most instances there is no charge for this service.
The Board of Directors for MarineParents.com, Inc. held the annual board of directors meeting in Illinois the weekend of February 15-18. The board brought on two new members and retired two long-time members.
Retired board members, after serving two consecutive two-year terms, are Dr. Nancy Welch from College Station, Texas who will remain in an advisory position, and Marcia Beckwith from Eagle, Idaho who will remain as a volunteer in research.
Dr. Welch's position as Vice President was filled by current Board Member, K. Mickie Nicks from Denver, Colorado. Tracy Della Vecchia, Founder and Executive Director from Columbia, Missouri will remain as President.
New directors appointed for two-year terms include Joan Gutierrez from Joliet, Illinois as Director of Recruit Services and Wanda Schmitt from Verona, Wisconsin as Director of Community Relations.
The banner used at the top of this newsletter is a USMC Photo of Sgt. Kyle W. Peterson, a Company E squad leader from Council Bluffs, Iowa, with local Iraq men during a night security patrol Feb. 20. Night patrols are designed for security and enforcing curfew hours. Marines of 2nd Bn., 24th Marines, will conduct day and night patrols throughout their seven month deployment. Photo taken by Pfc. Jerry Murphy on February 22, 2008. Click here to read accompanying story.
MarineParents.com, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity. MarineParents.com, Inc. was founded in January, 2003 in response to parents' needs to find information and to have a Place to Connect & Share™ with one another during deployments. Our free online services and connections have expanded to support and educate Marine moms & dads, spouses, families and friends and we'll be offering the 3rd Annual National Conference in Washington DC, 2008. We've helped over 40,000 Marine and recruit families during bootcamp, training, active duty and deployments. We've shipped thousands of care packages overseas to our Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan, sent thousands of prayers and letters to injured Marines and served hundreds of lunches to families caring for their Marines at Bethesda Hospital. You've found a Place to Connect & Share™.
Receive $5 off any order of $50 or more. Enter coupon code CLOUTPLACED at checkout. Restrictions apply. Limited time only. Visit the web site for more details.
HURRY! Offer expires February 27! |
Top rated barely coherent movies that are also up to par
Check out today's highest ranked barely coherent and up to par movies! Looking for the greatest movies of all times? Here is the list of the best movies that are barely coherent and up to par, based on the crowd's interest and popular searches from the country. Maimovie provides context-aware recommendation based on extensive data gathered and analyzed by AI.
Last Update Jan 12 2021
1 BloodRayne (2005)
In the 18th century, a vampire escapes from the freak show she once participated in and teams up with a group of vampire slayers to kill the man who raped her mother. Storyline In the Eighteenth Century, Rayne is the half-human half-vampire Dhampir and the lead attraction in a carnival's freak-show in Romania. When she escapes, she meets a fortuneteller that tells that her mother was raped by the king of the vampires Kagan and she decides to destroy her father. In her journey for revenge, she meets Vladimir and Sebastian, the leaders of the fortress of vampire hunters Brimstone, and she joins their society. She seeks for powerful talismans to defeat Kagan, while the skilled warriors Vladimir and Sebastian train her to face the forces of Kagan and her human side falls in love with Sebastian. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2005-10-22 | Action / Adventure
Kristanna Loken, Ben Kingsley
People's Taste Ranking
Ranked #1 for
stilted acting
established actor
experienced director
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2 Quantum of Solace (2008)
Quantum of Solace continues the adventures of James Bond after Casino Royale. Betrayed by Vesper, the woman he loved, 007 fights the urge to make his latest mission personal. Pursuing his determination to uncover the truth, Bond and M interrogate Mr. White, who reveals that the organization that blackmailed Vesper is far more complex and dangerous than anyone had imagined.
2008-10-31 | Adventure / Action
Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko
rather plain
3 Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and his army of Stormtroopers.
Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill
relatively new
triangular plot
4 Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares to do battle with the First Order.
2017-12-13 | Science Fiction / Action
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher
semblance of plot
right out window
5 The Last Airbender (2010)
The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.
Noah Ringer, Dev Patel
almost non-existent
feeling embarrassed
choppy editing
Watch Trailer on Youtube
6 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Anakin Skywalker, a young slave strong with the Force, is discovered on Tatooine. Meanwhile, the evil Sith have returned, enacting their plot for revenge against the Jedi.
Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor
less than impressive
overuse of CG
round of applause
7 Hulk (2003)
2003-06-19 | Action / Science Fiction
Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly
almost cartoonish
innovative technique
versatile director
8 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, has come back to life and is headed to the edge of the Earth with Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann. But nothing is quite as it seems.
2007-05-19 | Adventure / Fantasy
Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom
satisfying resolution
stretched plot
9 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Sam Witwicky takes his first tenuous steps into adulthood while remaining a reluctant human ally of Autobot-leader Optimus Prime. The film centers around the space race between the USSR and the USA, suggesting there was a hidden Transformers role in it all that remains one of the planet's most dangerous secrets.
Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
spruced up
spectacular visual
scaled back
10 Fantastic Four (2015)
Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan
groan inducing
poor plot
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What are recommended movies of Top rated barely coherent movies that are also up to par?
The recommended movies of Top rated barely coherent movies that are also up to par are BloodRayne, Quantum of Solace, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Last Airbender, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Hulk, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Fantastic Four.
How did people review the movies in Top rated barely coherent movies that are also up to par list?
According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top rated barely coherent movies that are also up to par list are rated as infuriated, mediocre acting, poorly staged, experienced director, inexcusable, redeemable quality, chaotic, more developed, eagerly awaited, overuse of CG.
How are rankings generated?
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
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Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as "adrenaline pumping movies" or "unexpected plot twist of all time." The Maimovie application's database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.
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Ukuleles have gone viral: YouTube videos, online how-tos and social networking fuel the musical instrument's renewed popularity. (Dan Fost, July 25, 2009, LA Times)
[U]kulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro, already big in Hawaii, the uke's homeland, became a nationwide sensation with his wailin' on Harrison's "My Guitar Gently Weeps," which has attracted more than 3 million hits on YouTube since 2006 and earned him tours with Jimmy Buffett, a recording session with cellist Yo-Yo Ma and various television appearances.
As with so many groups the Internet has helped to foster, Ukulele lovers have been searching for like-minded folks among isolated pockets of uke players and creating online communities. Beloff's website Flea Market Music hosts a directory of more than 3,000 ukulele players so they can find one another in their local communities. Good ukes, once hard to find, are popping up on EBay.
"There are a lot of ukulele specialty websites," uke maker Upton said. "For years, music stores didn't carry them."
The website Ukulele Underground posts YouTube videos and ukulele reviews and hosts spirited discussions about concerts, techniques, instruments and everything else a ukulele fan would want. Last year, the Underground staff posted a video lesson on how to play Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" on the uke, saying, "We're blasting [Don Ho's] 'Tiny Bubbles' right out of the water."
The novelty aspect still exists, as anyone who listens to the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain can attest. Picture eight men in tuxedos, strumming and picking the tune of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit." [...]
Ukuleles were a rage in the 1920s and again in the 1950s, when radio and television host Arthur Godfrey made the instrument a hit. But falsetto-voiced Tiny Tim turned it nearly into a joke, and ukes fell out of favor. In 1993, C.F. Martin made only four ukuleles and quit the business the next year. It resumed manufacturing in 2001 -- the year George Harrison died.
The online Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum appeared in 1996. Given the Web's role in the instrument's comeback, the museum's existence in the virtual world seems appropriate.
The Internet has certainly been kind to Shimabukuro, 32.
In 2006, he sat in Central Park in New York and played a sizzling version of Harrison's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," thinking it was only for an obscure local television show called "Ukulele Disco."
"To this day, I don't know how it got on YouTube," he said. "Because of that four-minute video clip, I've been having opportunities to travel, to record with Yo-Yo Ma, to tour with Jimmy Buffett, to record with Fleck and the Flecktones. It's just been a dream come true. It's been a real blessing."
Shimabukuro now autographs young people's ukuleles at his shows, where he plays mostly his own compositions in a variety of genres: flamenco, bluegrass, Latin jazz and even Eddie Van Halen-style hard rock. If he's a pied piper of the ukulele, it's a mantle he is happy to wear.
"If everyone owned an ukulele," he said, pronouncing it "ooh-koo-LAY-lay" in the Hawaiian fashion, "this world would be such a peaceful place."
Tough to beat Iz and John King:
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 25, 2009 7:32 AM |
Many fans complained that the Tigers left too many runners on base and did not get the most out of their offense this year. Some said the same thing about the 20o7 and 2008 teams. In actuality, the Tigers scored almost exactly as many runs as they should have given their totals of hits, walks and various other positive batting events in both 2007 and 2008. Today, we'll take a look at 2009.
From examination of thousands of games, it has been determined that, on average, a single contributes 0.47 runs. That is, if you add one single to a team's hit total in each game for 100 games, you can expect that to add 47 runs to their season total. The values for the other events can be interpreted similarly.
Applying the above weights to a full season of plate appearances yields a team's wRC. Table 1 lists the runs, wRC, difference between runs and wRC and % difference for all American League teams in 2009. Table 2 does the same for National League teams. The first thing you should notice is that all but 3 teams in the majors had wRC estimates within 5% of their actual runs scored. This means that wRC gives a good estimation of runs scored in most cases.
A closer look at table 1 shows that the Tigers had 739 runs created in 2008. So, their 743 runs scored was almost exactly as many runs many runs as would have been expected given their offensive output. That tells us that the Tigers were neither efficient nor inefficient with their offense. They were an average team in terms of making the most of their base runners.
The American League team which got the biggest bang out of their offensive output was the Oakland Athletics. Yes, Billy Beane's collection of softball players who clog the bases and don't play the game the right way had the most efficient offense in the majors. The Athletics scored 50 more runs than their runs created estimate. One reason for this was that they were the best base running team in the Majors according to the Equivalent Base Running (EqBRR) statistic at Baseball Prospectus (Base running skill beyond SB/CS is omitted from wRC). Based on EqBRR, the Athletics created 12.5 more runs with their base running than the average team.
The least efficient AL team might also surprise some people. The New York Yankees led the Majors in runs scored with 915 but should have created 971 according to their wRC. One reason for the discrepancy is that the Yankees did not hit as well with runners in scoring position (.766 OPS) as they did with the bases empty (.854 OPS).
Is there an easy way to split this up by month or by half seasons? I feel like the Tigers were just lucky in the first half on offense and were bit by variance in the second half.
You are right that they were more efficient in the first half than the second half. Note that the runs are still within 5% of the wRC when looking at halves though. |
Wac Arts runners have raised a fantastic £8,000 so far!
Can you help Wac Arts explore the rich heritage of the Old Town Hall?
Four shows that you shouldn't miss this spring!
Fantastic prizes up for grabs in our Wac Arts Birthday Raffle!
Alum Kandace pops in to wish Wac Arts a Happy Birthday! |
In honor of Earth Day, today's article focuses on earth-friendly, natural cleaning products for your home. When you're looking answers to the question of how to sell a house fast, you'll find plenty of advice about keeping the home spotlessly clean. Clean homes sell much faster and for more money than dirty ones. The good news is, you can scrub top to bottom without poisoning yourself with toxic chemicals.
There isn't a shortage of recipes to make your own, all-natural cleansers.
Oven cleaners are probably one of the most noxious compounds around. But you can get a sparkly clean oven easily, cheaply and naturally using a baking soda and water paste! Simply make a paste on the bottom of the oven, leave it there for a few hours and wipe off. See the details in this article.
To effortlessly clean your dishwasher, fill a dishwasher safe bowl or jar, like a Pyrex container, with 2 cups of vinegar and set it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Run an otherwise empty dishwasher on the hot cycle to clean and remove all musty odors.
If your garbage disposal is stinky, you have a couple of options. One, you can cut a lemon in half, shove it in the garbage disposal and turn it on (of course, keep water running!) for about 10 seconds. Two, you can freeze citrus peels in ice cube trays with vinegar or water and throw these into the disposal and grind for 10 seconds. Lastly, you can pour 1/2 cup of baking soda followed by a cup of distilled white vinegar in there and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes before running water and turning on the disposal.
Prevent cooking odors by simmering 1 tbsp of vinegar in a cup of water on the stove while you're cooking. If you have home buyers coming through to see your house, simmer water and cinnamon on stove before they arrive. (Remember to turn it off before you leave!) Another odor elimination solution is to keep fresh coffee grounds on the counter.
This recipe from Living Well Spending Less makes a great tub and tile cleaner that's not only effective, but smells nice too.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl to make a paste. Apply to your tub, shower walls, and sinks using a rag, scrub brush or sponge. Scrub and then rinse with water and a wet rag.
As you may have noticed, baking soda is one of the hardest working products out there and it's in a lot of these recipes. You can use it again for making a toilet bowl cleaner. Simply combine baking soda, vinegar and some essential oils and scrub away dirt, mold and bacteria with the toilet brush. See the toilet bowl cleaner recipe specifics here.
Cleaning grout is always a challenge and no matter what you use, it does take a bit of time and patience. However once you're finished, the entire room is transformed. In this post, you'll find a recipe for success that starts with baking soda (again!), a scrub brush or an old tooth brush, microfiber cloths and a spray bottle filled with clean water. If your grout is remarkably stained, adding lemon juice to the paste creates a natural brightener. Alternately, you can add tea tree oil as a natural mold-inhibitor which will help combat mold growth.
For cleaning mirrors and glass, Clean Mama gives you the details on this DIY combination of water, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and peppermint essential oil that leaves surfaces sparkly clean and your room smelling fresh. If you don't care for the scent of peppermint, or you don't have any peppermint essential oil on hand, you can leave it out or use a citrus essential oil instead.
A dusty house turns off home buyers. Keep dust at bay with Rodale's Organic Life Lemon Oil Duster. Apply a mixture of 10 drops pure lemon oil, 2 Tablespoons lemon juice and a few drops olive oil to a clean flannel or microfiber cloth and wipe down dusty surfaces.
Eartheasy provides a solution for removing carpet stains by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture directly on to the stains and let sit for several minutes. Then rub in warm soapy water with a clean brush or sponge. For fresh grease spots, you can sprinkle corn starch onto the spot and wait 15 – 30 minutes before vacuuming. When you need a heavy duty carpet cleaner, mix 1/4 cup each of salt, borax and vinegar. Rub this paste into your carpet and leave it there for a few hours. Come back and vacuum.
Need to clean hardwood floors? Another simple cleaning mixture of white vinegar, warm water, and the ubiquitous lemon essential oil comes from Real Simple.
When you're wondering how to sell a house fast, keep in mind that clean homes sell faster and for more money than their dirtier counterparts. Using these natural cleaning recipes to prepare your home for sale, you'll not only end up with a sparkling house, but a healthy one as well – a combination sure to attract home buyers. |
Mosley taken care of?
The government's Bill C-44, introduced in parliament today, should take care of the difficulties CSIS and CSEC have had in monitoring Canadians abroad since Justice Richard Mosley's 2013 order clarifying the scope of what are known as 30-08 warrants. (The bill also has other provisions, but they are not addressed here.)
By making it clear that CSIS is authorized to conduct its security investigations outside of Canada as well as inside Canada, the new provisions should remove any legal impediment to CSIS and CSEC asking Canada's Five Eyes allies to assist those monitoring operations.
At least, that's my take as a non-lawyer on the new provisions. I'll update this space if expert opinion is different.
One question I have: Since communications that take place entirely outside of Canada are not "private communications" as defined by the Criminal Code even when Canadians are participants in those communications, does this mean that CSIS will now be able to collect Canadian communications that occur abroad without any judicial warrant at all? And, if so, that CSEC through its Mandate (c) power and the Five Eyes allies will be able to assist such collection regardless of whether CSIS has a warrant?
It may well be that the Charter protection against unreasonable search and seizure precludes warrantless monitoring of Canadian communications wherever they take place, whether or not they are technically considered "private communications".
But unless that's an obvious and uncontroversial fact that is well known among legal experts—or some other obvious prohibition applies—it strikes me that the bill's provisions ought to be clarified in that respect.
[Update 28 October 2014: Law professor Craig Forcese assesses the new provisions here, specifically addressing the question of whether a warrant is or isn't required. It doesn't look like there's a simple answer, and Forcese comments that "it would be nice to have some language in the bill specifying in greater detail the trigger for seeking warrants in the first place." Go read the whole piece.]
Legal aspects aside, it is also worth remembering that questions will still remain about how well the privacy (and safety) of Canadians is protected when information about the Canadians that CSIS wants to monitor is shared with Canada's allies.
News coverage and commentary:
- Jim Bronskill, "Long-awaited anti-terror bill extends CSIS source protection," Canadian Press, 27 October 2014
- Colin Freeze & Josh Wingrove, "Conservatives table first CSIS legislation in 30 years," Globe and Mail, 27 October 2014
- Susana Mas & Chris Hall, "CSIS powers beefed up under new bill tabled by Steven Blaney," CBC News, 27 October 2014
- Craig Forcese, "A Longer Arm for CSIS: Assessing the Extraterritorial Spying Provisions," National Security Law blog, 28 October 2014
Forcese on CSEC and the law
Jesse Brown on Globe and Mail, CBC, and the Snowde...
CSE Commissioner and CSIS stories differ on Mosley...
Greenwald events in Canada
September 2014 CSEC staff size
Harper, CSEC, and metadata
Forster provides words
CSEC in the limelight
Metadata sharing through GLOBALREACH
August 2014 CSEC staff size |
Posted on January 17, 2004 by bob
AMP FIDDLER – Waltz of a Ghetto Fly
'He's been likened to D'Angelo, Stevie and the like, but for me, this guy is the real deal. Absolutely superb.' – BLUES & SOUL
'Waltz of a Ghetto Fly' is the long awaited debut album from Amp Fiddler.
Following the release of two highly acclaimed Eps, 'Basementality' in 2002 and 'Love & War' earlier this year, Amp Fiddler has spent the last year writing and recording new tracks for the record. The result, "Waltz of a Ghetto Fly", is a woven tapestry of funk, soul, jazz and pure electronic velvet – a work that redefines the boundaries of music that speaks to the soul.
Still retaining close family ties, Amp has a strong dedication to the Detroit legacy. A Detroit native, he has been based for many years at his home/studio in Conant Gardens, which he calls Camp Amp and his live show was incontestably this year's highlight at the legendary 'Movement Festival' in Detroit, curated, organised and promoted by Derrick May, Kevin Sauderson & Carl Craig.
Amp Fiddler has worked with a vast range of world-class artists including Lucy Pearl, The Brand New Heavies, Prince, Maxwell, and George Clinton. He also featured on Carl Craig's recent "Detroit Experiment" album and on numerous Moodyman productions. He has toured with Jamiroquai, Fishbone and Tony Toni Tone to name but a few and has recently contributed to John Arnold's album on Ubiquity, Only Child's record on Grand Central and remixed Rima on Compost.
With a rich background covering a wide range of music, Fiddler can't be pinned to a singular style, but as a writer/producer he has a wholly fresh approach, carving his own take on electronic soul and funk.
Click Read More… to do just that… I BELIEVE IN YOU is a genuine anthem, pun intended, a super funky slice of no messin' love-talk blessed with a simple-but-smart hook that just won't be forgotten. The Raphael Saadiq co-written (and definitely "bumpy") DREAMIN' displays R'n'B leanings without succumbing to modern day cliché, while the supercharged SUPERFICIAL gives a SLY STONE twist to the genre formerly known as house music!
The album mood then broadens with the sublimely chilled POSSIBILITIES. This piano-infused groove barely prepares the listener for the rawness of SOUL DIVINE, a love ballad that sees Amp jamming with his MPC, his vocals tightly fused with the sweet tones of another Detroit native, Anetria Wright.
The semi-autobiographical, and J Dilla programmed, YOU PLAY ME softens the mood and the leads us to two tracks taken from the previous EPs; EYE TO EYE, perhaps the epitomy of Amp's "Basementality" writing and recording methods and the stylishly understated protest of LOVE & WAR, on which Kenny Dixon Jnr shares a production credit under his Jan moniker.
Then, in contrast to this jazzed-out anti-war mood, IF YOU CAN'T GET ME OFF YOUR MIND takes us headlong into classic song territory. With soaring vocals and live drums, Amp's near-homage to all things great in the STAXX and MOTOWN legend shows us how it should be done in the 21st century.
The final three songs on the record show further depth and diversity in the Amp Fiddler repertoire;
UNCONDITIONAL EYES is a glorious piece of slow-mo balladry, featuring Courtney Jackson's stunning vocals while the psychedelic hip-hop of THIS IS HOW was another favourite from the last EP; the album finale and title track, the remarkable WALTZ OF A GHETTO FLY, a J Dilla co-production that features long-time associate George Clinton on guest vocals.
Amp already has many supporters including Gilles Peterson, who recently invited him to record a live "worldwide" session, Peter Kruder, MAW, Bugz In The Attic, Carl Craig, Jazzy Jeff and the Unabombers to name but a few.
Following a select string of warm up shows Amp Fiddler will be re-visiting Europe with his band in mid February /early March 2004. More details to follow.
12 Feb Concorde, Brighton
13 Feb Sub Rosa, Sheffield
14 Feb Fiddlers, Bristol
27 Feb Jazz Café, London
29 Feb Roadhouse, Manchester
The first single to be taken from the album, 'I Believe in You', is scheduled for release on the 8th March 2004 and will feature a video directed by Ruben Fleisher (Dizzie Rascal; Electric Six; DJ Format).
More information on www.thegenuinearticle.net / www.ampfiddler.com / www.pias.com
Previous press support include:
~ Cover feature of Straight No Chaser ~
'Serious soul to melt your body in' STRAIGHT NO CHASER
'Whipping up the kind of frenzied devotion hitherto only enjoyed by Underground Resistance and sometime label mate Kenny Dixon Jr…This is the best that modern soul has to offer.' JOCKEY SLUT
'Amp Fiddler is gonna blow your head, speakers and, erm, amps this year. Superb.'
Leftfield Top Tune IDJ
'The hottest shit this month must be from Detroit's Amp Fiddler… Trust me people, this is essential listening!'
'He's been likened to D'Angelo, Stevie and the like, but for me, this guy is the real deal. Absolutely superb.'
'The sound of the future.' UNDERCOVER
'OK, I'll put it simple. If you haven't got this record go and get it NOW…has that weird thing of sounding totally new and fresh but at the same time, old and comfortable. I'm counting the days till his album is out. Join me!' KEEP ON
(A review of this album will be appearing here, as soon as I write it..)
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NewsMusic News
Pussycat Dolls claim Nicole Scherzinger cancelled tour without telling them
The band were set to head out on a 10-date arena tour in May
By Ali Shutler
Pussycat Dolls in 2020. CREDIT: Nicky Johnston/Getty
Pussycat Dolls stars Jessica Sutta and Carmit Bachar have claimed they found out their upcoming reunion tour was off through Nicole Scherzinger's Instagram story.
Late last week, Scherzinger posted a story that confirmed the cancellation of the upcoming Pussycat Dolls reunion tour due to "the ever evolving circumstances surrounding the pandemic".
"I have invested a huge amount of time, creative energy and my own finances into bringing this project back to life and while I'm saddened by the decision, I am also very proud of what we were able to achieve in the short amount of time we had together before COVID," she continued before sharing her "love, admiration and gratitude for the other girls".
However shortly after Scherzinger announced the cancellation, Sutta and Bachar shared a joint statement of their own that read: "We want to say how incredibly disappointed we are to learn of an announcement made on Instagram that the Pussycat Dolls reunion tour is cancelled. As of now, there has been no official notification of that."
A post shared by Jessica Sutta (@iamjessicasutta)
"Either way, it seems as though it's the end of a chapter to an incredible, life-altering experience filled with some awesome memories that we will forever be grateful for," the statement continued.
"Trust us, this is not the outcome we hoped for. Unfortunately it's out of our control."
The pop group, which counted Scherzinger as its lead singer, formed in 2003 under the management of choreographer Robin Antin. They released two albums, 'PCD' (2005) and 'Doll Domination' (2008) before their break up in 2010. The group announced their reunion in 2019 and were set to head out on a ten-date UK arena tour in May.
Last year, Antin filed a lawsuit against Scherzinger that claimed the singer was threatening to walk away from the group's upcoming reunion unless she is granted a majority share in the PCD Worldwide company, as well as "complete creative control" and "final decision-making authority".
A spokesperson for Scherzinger denied the claims as "ludicrous and false" and alleged they "are a desperate attempt to divert blame for her own failures by trying to impose obligations on Nicole that simply do not exist".
The world's defining voice in music and pop culture: breaking what's new and what's next since 1952.
© 2021 NME is part of NME Networks. |
If you're an employer that's battling to fill critical skill vacancies, you need to work with a headhunting firm that uses "high-touch" and not just "high-tech".
In an age of artificial intelligence and automation, it's the building of face-to-face candidate relationships that determine success. And Homecoming Revolution has built hundreds of face-to-face relationships with African professionals across the globe. Read more below.
July was an incredibly busy month. Be sure to check out our Out & About, In the News and Executives on the Move sections below.
We'll be in London and Dubai next month, get in touch if you have any critical skills you would like us to look out for.
Salma Ingabire has been appointed Country Director for Visa Rwanda. She is responsible for the general management of all aspects of Visa's local business including business strategy, business development, portfolio management and matrixed management of functions, to ensure alignment with global and regional strategies, government officials, Central Bank and other regulatory institutions, people leadership and compliance and control.
Salma says the opportunity to grow Visa's Rwanda business is incredibly exciting.
Prior to joining Visa, Salma worked as a Chief Operating Offer for AC Group, a company providing tailor-made smart transport solutions.
During her career, she has also worked for fintech company Wari SA, global telecommunications company Airtel, and commercial bank Banque Populaire du Rwanda.
She is currently completing her MBA through the UK's Oxford Brookes University.
Our Managing Director Faye Tessendorf recently attended the Future of HR Summit in Johannesburg where industry leaders tackled key issues, themes and trends impacting the Human Capital industry.
One of the main issues explored at the summit was how to equip candidates with the skills they will require for the future world of work.
"Within the next five to ten years, over one-third of skills (35%) that are considered important in today's workforce will have changed, according to the World Economic Forum. Industries are being rapidly disrupted by advancements in technology, automation and artificial intelligence. This means employers need to actively ensure they recruit and retain talent equipped with skills considered essential for the future such as complex problem solving, creativity, critical thinking and emotional intelligence. These skills are future-proof because they can't be automated," comments Faye.
In the face of this rapid change, Homecoming Revolution is placing increased emphasis on its global face-to-face relationships.
Tessendorf says what sets Homecoming Revolution apart is its extensive network and face-to-face relationships with over 19000 African professionals across the globe.
Homecoming Revolution is going to be in London and Dubai next month, if you have any critical skills you would like us to look out for get in touch.
The 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture was delivered by former US President Barack Obama in Johannesburg. Every year since 2003, global leaders have used the lecture to raise topical issues affecting South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. The lecture took place on 17 July, a day before Nelson Mandela International Day, and was held at the Bidvest Wanderers Stadium. About 15 000 people attended.
The Future of HR summit brought key industry leaders together to celebrate excellence in the HR profession as well as tackled important trends impacting the industry.
The British Chamber of Business' event at Ernst & Young focused on key insights from the next issue of the EY Africa Attractiveness Survey as well as introduced Wavespace™ – a physical, mental and digital place to help clients achieve radical breakthroughs.
In honour of Mandela Day 2018, the Homecoming Revolution dedicated their 67 minutes to non-profit organization Kids Haven.
South Africa, Kenya and Mauritius have been ranked the three most innovative countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to the 2018 Global Innovative Index.
South Africa was ranked the 58th most innovative economy in the world and the most innovative in Sub-Saharan Africa. Following South Africa in the region is Mauritius (75), Kenya (78) and Botswana (91).
The annual index ranks 126 economies based on 80 indicators, ranging from intellectual property filing rates to mobile-application creation, education spending and scientific and technical publications. Click here to read the 2018 report.
Below is a poem written by South African expat Cat Cade who recently made the decision to return home in October after 14.5 years in London.
South Africa is pulling me home.
Forever present in my heart, my head is filling with its presence.
Cape Town? Small coastal town?
as they kiss the sunburnt soil of my homeland…Read more.
She began her journey in 2015 and has since been commissioned by Al-Jazeera, New York Times, Vogue, Newsweek, Inc. Magazine, TIME, The Guardian, Refinery29, Everyday Projects, and UNFPA. She has also been featured by British Journal of Photography, Huffington Post, Nieman Reports, Mashable, Feature Shoot, and Buzzfeed. In 2017, she was a participant of the World Press Photo Masterclass West Africa and is a contributor to Everyday Africa. We ask her about her motivation for returning home and how the decision has influenced her career and life…Read more.
Born to a Sierra Leonean/Ghanaian father and American mother, Cordie sold all of her belongings, cashed out on her retirement fund and showed up at Accra's Kotoka International airport with 4 pieces of luggage ready to begin a new life in 2011.
Though raised in the United States, her father planted a love for Africa within her. After attaining a master's degree in Communications, Cordie worked in that field in America with her career path eventually leading her to work for the United States Congress Committee on Homeland Security. Here, her passion for Africa was rekindled with intensity. Working for one of the most powerful organizations in the world was very humbling, but also very frustrating at times as a member of the African Diaspora, seeing many African countries not getting what they deserved…Read more. |
October 11, 2018 / 4:47 PM / 9 months ago
World sugar market could swing to deficit in 2019/20 as Brazil, EU curb output: broker
Ana Ionova
LONDON (Reuters) - The world sugar market could see a shortfall in 2019/20 after two years of over-supply as Brazil and the European Union cut production, but strong Indian output will still weigh on the market, ADM Investor Services International said on Thursday.
FILE PHOTO: A sweeper cleans a road in front of sugarcane displayed for sale at a wholesale market in Kolkata, India, October 9, 2018. REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri/File Photo
The market could swing to a deficit of roughly 2 million tonnes in the 2019/2020 season, from an expected surplus of 4-5 million tonnes in the current 2018/19 season, said Howard Jenkins, head of global commodity group at ADMISI.
"There are signs that the very low prices seen since February are beginning to have an impact on sugar production across the world," Jenkins told an industry gathering in London.
Most notably, top grower Brazil has sharply cut its sugar output this season and it is poised to continue channelling more cane to ethanol in 2019/20, Jenkins said. Sugar yields, meanwhile, are also likely to be dented by ageing cane.
Jenkins forecast output for Brazil's key centre-south region at around 26 million tonnes in 2019/20, from 26-27 million tonnes in the current season but sharply down from the prior year.
The EU, meanwhile, is poised to cut back output to roughly 17 million tonnes. The bloc's production surged in 2017/18, after it removed output and export quotas.
"There will be a drop in the planted area," Jenkins said. "EU farmers will be paid less for their beet, so will produce less, especially as wheat pays better."
Indian production is also seen falling in 2019/20 after two record seasons, but the country is likely to continue churning out more sugar than it needs, Jenkins said.
The world's top consumer is expected to produce roughly 31 million tonnes, down from a record 35 million tonnes in 2018/19 and 32 million tonnes in 2017/18, according to Jenkins.
"The government incentives, which have been introduced recently, will encourage their farmers to continue to grow cane and thereby continue to produce too much sugar," he said.
Jenkins said a major recovery in prices was unlikely as the 2019/20 deficit will be offset by ample global stocks following two years of over-production, which have yielded a combined surplus of 23-24 million tonnes.
Persistent worries about slowing consumption will also remain in focus, Jenkins said. While demand was historically growing at about 2 percent per year, it is now seen at about 1-1.5 percent.
"It's more than likely that the food and drink manufacturers will continue to reduce the sugar content in their products," he said. "So consumption will remain under pressure for the foreseeable future."
Reporting by Ana Ionova; Editing by Adrian Croft |
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The Silver Creek Fire near Rabbit Ears Pass last summer has created a new normal, but not necessarily one that forest visitors are going to enjoy. Burning for four months, the fire charred 20,120 acres...
Gray wolves, once eradicated in Colorado, spotted in Grand, Jackson counties
GRAND COUNTY — Two recently reported appearances of gray wolves in Colorado have led state parks and wildlife officials to investigate whether the predator is returning to its historic homeland. Photos of a gray wolf...
Weekend mountain lion encounter in Steamboat serves as reminder to be vigilant
Here's what to do if you encounter a mountain lion
Yampa River finally falling after what's likely one of its latest peak flows on record
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — After a month of higher flows, the Yampa River through Steamboat Springs is finally falling. The river rose above 2,000 cubic feet per second at the U.S. Geological Survey's stream gauge at the...
Talking Green: Going bag free in the 'Boat
Plastics aren't just clogging our oceans; it's raining plastic in nearby Rocky Mountain National Park — a sobering thought with all the June precipitation we had. Recently, the U.S. Geological Survey reported that 90% of...
Community Agriculture Alliance: The Yampa Valley — a lab for climate resilience agriculture
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Colorado Master Gardener: Is it a weed or is it flower?
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Collared elk migrates over 250 miles through Steamboat and over Continental Divide to give birth
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New endowment creates long-term funding for Friends of Wilderness
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A 'banner year' for runoff on the Yampa River
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Paint with the flow: New, 70-foot mural celebrates the Yampa River
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PRINT December 2021
Thomas Nozkowski, Untitled (9-58), 2017, oil on linen, 22 × 28".
Thomas Nozkowski
The English polymath John Dee—mystic, renowned mathematician, and trusted adviser to Queen Elizabeth I, among other things—talked to the angels. Dee claimed they introduced him to an ancient tongue spoken by divinities . . . even God himself. The letterforms of this language, Enochian, are voluptuous, like a more sensuous version of the uppercase Greek alphabet. Occult scholars have for centuries failed to completely crack the code behind the celestial messages Dee recorded in his journals. I regard abstract painter Thomas Nozkowski (1944–2019) as a breed of seer similar to Dee. The artist was a devout believer in the unknown, and his luminous, numinous works read like bulletins delivered by the strangest, chicest spirits.
I imagine, however, that Nozkowski would have scoffed at this comparison. As he said in a 2009 interview with curator Kathy Goncharov, "Every painting I do comes from something in the real world." Yet what his lambent, luxurious vistas were based on within our shared reality is anyone's guess. His works, as many critics before me have noted, capture the eye and confuse the senses. One doesn't gloss over a Nozkowski in a museum or gallery; one tumbles into it, Alice-like, deep into its myriad byzantine depths. The trip is dizzying, marvelous, and available to anyone willing to open their eyes wide and plunge in.
The fifteen oil-on-linen-on-panel paintings included in Nozkowski's exhibition at Pace are considered his final works. He started the majority of them after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015. Yet, as writer and curator Marc Mayer stated in the beautiful introduction he penned for the show's catalogue, "Not even slightly do these paintings feel last; there is none of Titian's relaxed acquiescence . . . or de Kooning's expiring attenuation. I get no sense of a change in tone, no darkened palette, no resignation, no final reflections or dour self-assessments, and certainly no morbidity." Indeed, the ostensibly mud-and-crud colored Untitled (9-44), 2015, manages to evince gaiety and goofiness, even though its numerous polka dots are rendered in shades of dirty green, pale dung, liver red, and greasy ocher. A brownish ghostlike wedge of a figure, delineated by a chain of white orbs, hovers in the picture's shallow foreground. If this creature is meant to function as a portent of doom, he's failed spectacularly at the task. His chubby chocolaty body is all wonky french curves, recalling a fancy birthday-cake topper that has gently dissipated during a long and lively party.
Mysterious lexicons, à la Dee, seem to invade a number of the works in this presentation. One terrific example is Untitled (9-58), 2017, a rhapsodically hued painting full of candy-store reds, blues, yellows, lavenders, tangerines, and greens; overlapping a variegated teal lattice and ringed by a series of luminous bands is an army of small tawny glyphs floating in a golden soup. Some of the forms resemble letters—I can make out more than one s, a backward e, a fanciful f, and a cursive, uppercase L. Yet the most palpable thing being communicated by Nozkowski's battalion of squiggles and shapes—and, of course, by every painting in this show—is unadulterated joy. The sensation, however, is never empty or frivolous, since it is girded by a kind of thinking and seeing that is careful, calculating, rigorous—a stripe of arduous play where the results are measured and miraculous. Even in death, the angelic Nozkowski continues to give us life.
— Alex Jovanovich |
Looking Back and A look Forward
A word from our President Aman Bedi
As 2022 comes to a close, I am reflecting on a year that has been marked by an enormous amount of growth. ChangeCX had our first anniversary, we are no longer the "new guys". We have built a team of over 100 individuals that are talented and driven, and who are the backbone of ChangeCX. As a company founded during Covid, we have always been remote-native, but we are connected and collaborative, across four countries and countless time zones. We grew with our clients, working with them to build their businesses and meet their goals head-on, putting them in a future-facing stance. Our partnerships are as strong as ever, working collaboratively toward innovation and invention with dozens of talented partners across the ecosystem.
In a year marked by highlights, it is hard to distill down to a few, but there are milestones I am proud to share.
We know that the cornerstone of our business is trust and we feel honored that our partners continued to engage us with their clients. Our relationship with commercetools strengthened as we saw the launch of client sites on composable architectures with unique, B2C, B2B, and marketplace business models. We have also assisted clients with a complete digital transformation of their business. Within our E-Commerce practice, we had the opportunity to serve numerous Salesforce clients through Salesforce Commerce Cloud Managed Services, continuously refining our delivery process.
This year we launched the "Pizza Campaign" our first live demo of an accelerated solution featuring our partners commercetools, Algolia, Amplience, and NewStore. Bringing to the forefront how we can solve business challenges through a fully customized solution composed of best-in-class technologies.
For the first time since Covid, we have been able to travel again, meet in person, attend and host events (eTail East and Music City Mingle), collaborate and create, shake hands and put faces with new names, and see friends and colleagues again.
ChangeCX was honored to be the recipient of the 2022 commercetools Innovation Award for our contribution to accelerating commercetools implementations with innovative solutions. This is one of only four awards given to partners in North America for 2022, and the only award given for a metric not related to platform sales and lead generation. We are proud to be recognized as innovators in our field. We know the market is crowded with talent.
As we look ahead to 2023, we remain committed to innovation; we will continue to invest in accelerators working with our partners. We will be launching an incubator for the program which will provide an opportunity for training young talent and challenging our teams to be on the leading edge. Our partnerships will remain a core and crucial part of how we do business. We will also work to continue to instill trust in our clients and partners, fostering these relationships. As we look to close the page on 2022 we are excited, proud, and humbled: excited for the challenges that lay ahead and the relationships to deepen and forge. Proud of all that we have accomplished so far, and humbled that we have been entrusted by our clients and partners to do the work we love to do. Wishing you all the very best holiday season.
ChangeCX December Employee Spotlight
ChangeCX November Employee Spotlight
Post-Holiday Returns
Microservices and API
Cloud and DevOps
Data Integration/AI
© 2022 CHANGECX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
JAKARTA ~ Indonesia's police force marked its 62nd birthday on Tuesday but few were celebrating across the vast archipelago where torture in police cells is accepted as routine, human rights activists said.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono avoided the open issue of widespread torture as he lavished praise on the force in an anniversary speech to officers at the national monument.
"I hope the National Police will continue to maintain stability and security in order to prevent physical conflict and anarchic actions," he said according to the Antara news agency.
But rights activists said the police force was a feared institution which tortured citizens with impunity.
They said 10 years of political and institutional reform after the fall of the military-backed Suharto regime in 1998 had not left their mark on the police.
"We don't see any reform in the Indonesian police because they continue to use violence to settle criminal cases and they use their power to do that," said Legal Aid Foundation director of research Gatot.
Indonesia's criminal code contains no definition of torture and even though the country is a signatory to the UN Convention against Torture it has no corresponding law against the practice.
Most of the abuse was in the form of beatings with sticks and iron bars, but it also involved stress positions, shots to the legs, electrocution and inhumane accommodation in overcrowded cells, he said in a report in March.
In a recent case, a student died in hospital last month after allegedly being beaten by police during a protest against rising fuel prices.
Forensic examinations of torture victims are almost never carried out but hospital staff quickly announced that the student had died of HIV/AIDS and not of wounds sustained in police custody.
He also cited the example of a man who had been severely beaten by a group of police in Jakarta in March over a land dispute with a police officer.
"After the incident he frequently faints and he can't move one of his arms," Gatot said, identifying the man only as SJ.
The UN special rapporteur said victims such as SJ had no legal avenue for redress.
He noted that "severe beatings" were underway even as he visited police stations as part of his review, and concluded that there was "quasi-total impunity" from prosecution for police and soldiers.
He also complained that he had been followed by officials during his research, making surprise visits to police stations almost impossible, and had been prevented from inspecting some facilities.
Prominent human rights lawyer Hendardi, chairman of the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace, said part of the problem was that until 2000 the police had been under military control.
"Ten years after the fall of the dictator, the military culture still pervades their attitude," he said. |
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HomeFeaturedTackling rare cancers through more unified research and care all around Europe
Tackling rare cancers through more unified research and care all around Europe
18 April 2017 Featured, News 0
Rare cancers were among the topics discussed last month at the 3rd conference on European Reference Networks held in Vilnius, in Lithuania, where Dr Paolo Casali, from the Milan's Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori illustrated the goals of the Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC), that was launched to integrate and maximize efforts of the European Union (EU) Commission, EU Member States and all stakeholders to advance quality of care and research on rare cancers (see video of his presentation here).
Casali, who is the coordinator of the Joint Action, explained that its goals are to help all stakeholders to work together to further two main goals: prioritise rare cancers, in the agenda of the EU and Member States, with a view to national cancer plans and quality of healthcare, harmonization of clinical practice, innovation through promotion of clinical and translational research; and develop innovative and shared solutions, mainly to be implemented through the future European Reference Networks (ERNs) on rare cancers, in the areas of quality of care, research, education and state of the art definition on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare cancers.
In order to reach these goals, six specific objectives were identified: the improvenment of the epidemiological surveillance of rare cancers in the EU; the identification of standards of care for all families of rare cancers to ensure sharing of best practices and equality of care for rare cancers accross Europe, particularly through clinical networking; a better implementation at local level and within ERNs of clinical practice guidelines on rare cancers; the integration of translational research innovations into rare cancer care; more education on rare cancers for medical and non medical experts to ameliorate management of rare cancers and to improve rare cancer patients' empowerment in the EU, and last but not least the identification of core strategies to incorporate in National cancer plans and Rare disease plans to address the specific needs of rare cancers accross EU member States.
The 12 families of rare cancers
Rare cancers include 198 different types of cancer, and 24% of new diagnoses of cancers. Patients tipically struggle with late or incorrect diagnosis, lack of access to appropriate therapies and clinical expertise, lack of scientific studies due to the small number of patients, lack of interest in developing new therapies due to limitations in the market, few available registries (clinical registries mostly) and tissue banks. For the purposes of JARC, the following "families" of rare cancers will be singled out, following the "Surveillance of rare cancers" (RARECARE – www.rarecare.eu) list:
Head and neck cancers (cancers of nasal cavity and sinuses, nasopharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, salivery grands, oropharynx, oral cavity and lip, eye, middle ear)
Thoracic rare cancers (tumours of trachea, thymus, malignant mesothelioma)
Male genital and urogenital rare cancers (tumours of testis, penis, renal pelvis, ureter, urethra and extragonodal germ cell tumours)
Female genital rare cancers (tumours of vulva and vagina, non epithlial tumours of ovary, trophoblastic tumours of the placenta)
Neuroendocrine tumours
Tumours of he endocrine organs (cancers of thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, pituitary gland)
Central Nervous System tumours (Glial tumours, medulloblastoma, malignant meningioma)
Sarcomas (sort tissue sarcomas, bone sarcomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumours)
Digestive rare cancers (Tumours of small intestine, anal canal, gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary duct)
Rare skin cancers and non-cutaneous melanoma (melanoma of mucosae and of the uvea, adnexal skin carcinomas, Kaposi sarcoma)
Haematological rare malignancies (acute myeloid leukemia, myeloproliferative neoplasms, myelodisplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms, histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms)
Pediatric cancers (all).
The Joint action just made available the poster and the brochure illustrating the initiative.
European Reference Networks
Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Paolo Casali
What did we learn from the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer?
Can the Reverend Bayes help deliver proven therapies for patients with rare cancers?
Cutting Edge 1 May 2012 0
two − one = |
Hebe Catherine Prior was widowed in 1855 at the age of 37. Her barrister husband, John, was riding home from his chambers when he fell from his horse and hit his head. Two days later, he died. She had to find a way to support herself and her ten children, so she sold her home and bought Roxeth Mead, a large Georgian house in Harrow on the Hill, ja siellä perusti pienen koulun.
Her pupils were mainly her own children and the children of masters of Harrow School. To this day, Koulun silti numerot keskuudesta oppilaiden Harrow mestarit' lapset.
Koulu menestyi ja, kuten rouva Ennakkoilmoitus kasvoi vanhemmaksi, four of her daughters took over its organisation. The youngest, Florence (nimellä Miss Flo), retired in 1932. The school was fortunate enough to pass into the capable hands of Miss Nicholson (nimellä Miss Nick), who was its head until she died more than 30 vuotta myöhemmin.
For some years the school was run by Mrs Eleanor Elgood, followed by Mrs Jean Vernon. Then, vuonna 1982, Rouva Averil Collins tuli johtaja, post hän pidetään hallussa 24 years. During her tenure, the school had to leave the premises that had been its home for 130 years. Harrow School came to the rescue, providing temporary accommodation for 3 years in its sixth form club.
In 1992, by a stroke of good fortune, the neighbouring property to the original house called Roxeth Mead, came onto the market and the school was able to buy Buckholt House, sen nykyinen koti.
Mrs Alison Isaacs became its new Head in 2006. Under her leadership, koulu jatkaa kasvamista, säilyttää perinteet menneisyydessä ja omaksumassa uusia kehitys ja ajatellen tulevaisuutta. |
Атаро́т ()
Атарот — библейское название нескольких городов в Палестине.
Атарот — израильский аэропорт на севере от Иерусалима.
— посёлок к северу от Иерусалима.
Бней-Атарот — посёлок в центральной части Израиля, между городом Йехуд и аэропортом Бен-Гурион. |
I'm a front-end web developer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
In 2008, I earned my B.A. in Psychology from the University of Guelph (before you ask — yes, I am psycho-analyzing you). In the Fall of 2010 I went back to school at Algonquin College, where I took the Internet Applications & Web Development program.
Prior to going back to school for web development, I worked for a few years in sales support, training, and implementation at the patient check-in and medical records company Phreesia. During my course at Algonquin College I spent one co-op term with the Web & Multimedia Services division at the Department of Finance Canada building the 2012 Federal Budget website and another with the Web Communications division at the Bank of Canada. After college, I moved into my first full-time web development position at N-VisionIT Interactive, where I spent a year working on a wide range of websites and applications for local and international clients. In 2014 I moved on to Soshal, another local agency where I worked on a number of websites for clients in the education and health sectors, like The Michener Institute, Hawkesbury General Hospital, and Algonquin College Student's Association. |
safety innovation center gGmbH
Digitisation for Civil Safety
Home news Results presentation of the Integrated Safety Pilot Region
Results presentation of the Integrated Safety Pilot Region
The "Integrated Security Pilot Region" (INSPIRE) aims to support emergency response organizations, such as fire departments, in their work by bringing together diverse technologies in a unified environment. On Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022, the presentation of the project's results took place after three years of project work. The live demonstrations were spread across Paderborn's city center as part of the annual Paderborn Autumn Libori Festival and were accompanied by the Paderborn Fire Department. The scenario "large event" focused on the subprojects people flow measurement and social media. The "House fire" scenario was used to present the results of the Smart Home/Building and Drones subprojects. The Paderborn Fire Department's command vehicle was used to demonstrate how the information from the various subprojects flows together in a uniform environment and is also available on a mobile basis even before arrival at an emergency scene.
INSPIRE is coordinated by the safety innovation center gGmbH from Paderborn, which deals with topics of digital transformation in emergency response and cooperates closely with the city of Paderborn and the district of Paderborn. In the project, the safety innovation center designs and implements the INSPIRE.hub and the INSPIRE.app, which enable access to networked information from the subprojects. This looks like the following, for example: The private smart home detects a critical condition and notifies its owner. The owner can then alert the fire department, which can access smart home data and functions once the owner has given the go-ahead. This subproject is led by the company Symcon GmbH from Lübeck, which offers integration solutions for smart homes. The sub-project for automated flight of drones, led by CONDOR Multicopter & Drones GmbH, headquartered in Essen, in association with Germandrones GmbH from Berlin, provides an initial overview of the site from a bird's eye view and thus provides profitable information. The sub-project for passenger flow measurement, led by RTB GmbH & Co. KG from Bad Lippspringe, a provider of traffic technology, uses its sensors to help detect dangerous situations at an early stage and initiate measures at major events. Additional information from the social media sub-project, led by the safety innovation center gGmbH, completes the operational situation picture. The filter functionality makes it possible to provide relevant information from large amounts of data. The scientific accompanying research of the C.I.K. (Computer Application and Integration in Construction and Planning) group of the University of Paderborn carries out the quality assurance in the project and places the results in the research context.
INSPIRE is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIDE) with approximately 1.6 million euros as part of the digital model region Ostwestfalen-Lippe. The results of the project are currently being tested in a practical pilot operation at the fire department. This will enable the fire department to access the INSPIRE system in its operations and to incorporate the experience gained into upcoming project phases as well as further research. The open approach of the project allows for transfer to other municipalities.
Picture: The INSPIRE partners and the guests of the results presentation in front of the fire department's command vehicle in Paderborn (source: safety innovation center gGmbH).
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The results of the 2018 General Election are official as of November 19, 2018 at 1:27 p.m.
All of the votes have been counted and Bellmawr's Mayor Elect is Democrat, Charles "Chuck" Sauter, III.
The final vote count was Sauter with 2137 votes and independent candidate Bill Groff had 1905 votes.
To view the complete and official General Election results, click here.
Steve Hagerty and Craig Wilhelm won the two open council seats. Councilman Steve Sauter's last public meeting was on November 19, 2018.
As for the Bellmawr Board of Education, Mike "Juice" Williams and Jody Mangus won those two seats. |
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Share the excitement and intrigue!
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Today author Kari Holloway talks about her short story, "Gunpowder & Wool" which appears in A Haunting of Words, a collection of spooky stories from authors around the world. Look out for my story Jimmy's Shadow which also makes an appearance.
Where I am from, Andersonville, Georgia, is a staple from school field trips, national holiday activities, and the yearly reenactments honoring the men who lost their life for a cause they believed in. Not the cause of the government, but the cause of being beside their neighbors standing up together as a united front. Millions were affected with the civil war, and we like to look at it as an overview, but for the men serving, it wasn't black and white, ideas vs truth. |
Here is another Haydn London Trio. This time London Trio No. 1 In C Major.
Logan, these pieces are really amazing! They are beautifully played and great fun to listen to... and when I contemplate the technical and musical challenges of the recording itself... there is a whole other level to appreciate... congratulations! You must feel absolutely elated (and exhausted?) when you do these so well!
Thanks Azalais I apreciate it.
Just simply marvelous Logan, what a delight to hear your trio. The music is wonderful on it's own merit, but to think you do all the parts yourself is technically amazing to me. Superb.
two thumbs up for the arrangement and playing!
Musicality with a premium. What a feat -- a wonderful creative effort and accomplishment. I have something to say to you, all three of YOU; -- you surely play well together, and your choices define gendres.
Hi Logan, I was browsing "Our scores for guitar" and found a great score by Amadan of Haydn's 3rd London trio so as I went looking to see if it was in our mp3s I found your wonderful recording of the 1st. You did a wonderful job on this, and I just wanted to thank you, AO.
Great transcription and really well played. Is this performed by a few players, or was it over dubbed?
This is so highly enjoyable Logan, thank you!
Haydn on guitars, aahhh.. going to dl. your arrangement. Hope it's available here. Thanks. |
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The Party spilled onto the patio with Freeman Dre last night | Rrampt.
When you go to enough shows, sometimes you get lucky and get one of those rare experiences where spontaneous things happen. This was one of those times. After Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party treated fans to a spirited set of tunes from their four-album repertoire of drinking and thinking music, they played an encore and invited friends and family on stage to join them for their rendition of Stand By Me. That was really cool, but that wasn't the rare experience I'm talking about. It came later.
I'll get to that in a second, but first I want to explain why Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party are becoming one of Toronto's best live bands and one that Owen Sound was lucky to host this past weekend. The new album is 'thinking music' as Dre explained in our lead-up interview. The last album, Vodka/Pickle EP, was 'drinking music.' And the two before that are blend of klezmer, irish punk, and folk that address life in Parkdale and the stories that led them there.
The stories go as far back as Dre's grandparents leaving Poland during Nazi occupation, which is the focus for Old Town, their second album. And all that makes for a great variety in their live set. They can have you up dancing and clapping your hands, cheers-ing to your home town, and putting your arms around your good friends; and then they'll drop into a slow, powerful rumination about loss and desire that will have you captivated.
They opened with Ain't Going Back to the City, a great drinking tune and one to test the waters of the crowd. Once they knew they had everyone's attention, they kept it through two electrifying sets with a short break in between that they used to chat with crowd members and do shots of Jamesons. Some highlights from the sets include the Tom Waits inspired Let's Take the Show on the Road; klezmer infused Babylon; Pogues influenced Never Went to Church Much Anyway, and country/western song Went to Town.
They also pulled out some new ones from the recently dropped Reckless Good Intentions, including Hank, Adam and Eve, Maybe Losing Your Mind, and one of my favourites, Record Player. And these songs did get me 'thinking': this is an album that would sound great on vinyl. And for those who are thinking the same thing, they'll have a record release coming soon.
It is no doubt these guys are deserving of NOW Magazine's Best Songwriter's Award when they launch into Hit the Town at Night (No Shame) with lyrics like "no currency but Puritanical delusions/ smiling underneath a pile of cocaine" and "no filter left, I have no parents to embarrass/ no honour to inherit, no name." I haven't heard anything in a long time that so closely touches the masterful Leonard Cohen.
It's clear Dre's got a love affair with Parkdale, an area he's lived in for ten years. "Parkdale is an area filled with artists and oddballs. Just my kind of place" he says before launching into an ode with lyrics like "it feels like home" and "I've been changing all the time just like Parkdale". But Dre also has a connection to Owen Sound, which has brought him to the area to play twice in the past year. His mother resides here and it's clear from his songwriting and stage banter that family is very important to him. This means that Owen Sound can look forward to more shows by Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party. And they're starting to build a faithful following here.
But the rare experience I was talking about came after the band had stepped off the stage and started mingling. It had been decided spontaneously that they should do an intimate acoustic set on the back patio for a small crowd. On the first warm night of the summer, a few of the band members brought instruments to the back deck and for a handful of fans, played stripped down versions of Oak Tree, Of All the People Here (a request of mine), and a brand new one about leaving the world a better place after you're gone. You can watch them perform this rare acoustic set by clicking here, or clicking on the picture below.
When discussing Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party, there have been comparisons to Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen and the Pogues. And if we're playing that game, I'd have to add Gogol Bordello and Drive By Truckers. But at some point when you've added enough different 'sounds like' bands, it's a sign that they've really got their own sound. A kitchen party sound. Music for drinking and for thinking. |
Odathil Palli (Odathil Mosque) is a 200-year-old mosque in Thalassery, a city in the state of Kerala, South India. The mosque was built around 1806.
In the heart of Thalassery stands the 200-year-old Odathil Palli and the Garden Mosque. The site of the Odathil Palli used to be a sugarcane garden of the Dutch. It changed hands to the British-owned East India Company.
Moosakaka, a Muslim Keralite, was the contractor of the East India Company. Moosakaka hailed from the Keyi family of Thalassery. The Keyis were among the prominent traders of the time.
Moosakaka was considered to be very honest and trustworthy. Hence, the company wanted to reward him for his loyalty. As per his request, he was given the Dutch sugar garden. Musakaka bought this land for a small price, as he did not want it free.
He constructed a beautiful mosque in Thalassery in the 'Karimbin-odam' (sugarcane plantation) formerly belonged to the Dutch, occupied by the British. Odam means 'garden' in Malayalam. Since it was constructed in Odam the mosque came to be called Odathil Palli, meaning 'mosque in Odam'. The mosque had copper plate roofing and golden dome in the minor and share the scenic features as the ones noted in the Brahmonical tradition. There was opposition in laying the dome – a privilege enjoyed by the temples – so Zamorin gave speed permission to lay the domes and the minaret. It highlights the communal harmony that prevailed in those days and the policy of enlightened toleration followed by the Kerala rulers. All Muslims can offer prayers. In the Kabaristan (graveyard adjacent to the mosque) only the dead bodies of those related to Keyis are buried.
Odathil Palli is a destination that tourists and travelers come to see. The highlights of Odathil Palli are that it has the typical Kerala architecture, and it is in the heart of Tellicherry. The crown on the roof is made of gold. The mosque is still in use for worship today. The masjid has mainly three entrance. First one is through main gate near Thalassery old Bus-stand. Next one is through Logans Road, and third is the entrance through backyard of the building which connected to OV Road.
See also
Keyi Family
Chovvakkaran Moosa
Thalassery Fort
Overbury's Folly
Thalassery Pier
Mosques in Kerala
Buildings and structures in Thalassery
Religious buildings and structures in Kannur district |
Just like many Americans, as soon as Tina Ortega started to feel mouth pain, she visited the dentist. One root canal later, she was $500 out of pocket even though she had an insurance plan. Ortega and her husband just didn't have the cash available to pay. The couple lives on one salary, as Ortega is a stay-at-home mom. To pay the bill, she opened a CareCredit account and used the interest-free introductory period.
Confident that she could pay back the money on time, Ortega thought that putting her medical bills on a credit card was the only option.
In a 2017 survey by HealthFirst, 1,011 adults answered questions on healthcare pricing and payment options. The results are pretty troublesome. 42% of the respondents said they "are very concerned or concerned about their ability to pay out-of-pocket medical bills in the next two years". That number increased to 54% of those who make less than $35,000 per year.
The worries didn't stop at expensive surgeries either. 53% were worried about the cost of medical bills $1,000 and under, and 35% said they felt unable to pay a bill of $500 or less. While CareCredit gave Ortega piece of mind with the interest-free period, if she's unable to pay the balance back in full by the time the promotional period ends, she'll be charged all the interest she hoped to avoid, APR at 29.99%.
"The problem is that many people fully intend to pay off their balance during the interest-free window but life (and other health issues) may intervene," Linden said.
Instead of charging the bill to her credit card, Ortega could have used one of the 3 following options.
To get assistance, USA.gov suggest contacting your hospital's patient services department. After answering a few income-related questions, you might be deemed eligible for assistance. If so, part of your bill may be forgiven. If you don't qualify, you may be able to set up a payment plan through the hospital instead.
If your income is too high to get a discount on your medical bill, consider negotiating the cost. You negotiate the bill with both the provider and the insurance company. If you need a place to start, contact the provider's billing department. Tell the person you are speaking to that you are prepared to pay a percentage of the bill right now if the provider will forgive the rest of the cost.
Try not to be intimidated by this. For back up, you can look up average retail prices for hospital procedures. Use these average as a reference when you are negotiating, as it can help out if your bill is higher than average.
According to Linden, a patient or medical billing advocate can review your bills, if you have health insurance. While your bills are under review, they will be inspected for billing errors, like duplicate charges, and charges for services you did not receive.
Even if you can't get help from a trained professional, you can still review your medical bills for errors. It's worth the effort too, as around 80% if medical bills contain errors. If you do find any discrepancies, contact the provider's billing services center ASAP. |
Akira and Postwar Manga
Date(s): January 1, 1982 to June 8, 1999
Location(s): Outside US
Tag(s): Akira, Manga
Course: "Creating the Comic Book City," Rollins College
Rating: No votes.
In an interview with Takehiko Inoue, Katsuhiro Otomo discusses writing his comic book Akira, and specifically how the manga he read growing up, namely Ahita no Joe and Kyojin no Hoshi, got progressively darker. [1] This was a very common theme among manga books and Akira is no exception. From where manga began to where it stood when Otomo created Akira, a clear trend of darker, gloomier stories emerge due mostly to the aftermath of World War Two.
From the start, it is clear that Japan's social, political and cultural customs had a huge impact on manga. Since there is not as much room to move around in Japan as there is in other countries, Japanese children needed to find a way to entertain themselves and manga was the perfect outlet. Many things in Japan, such as buses, seemed to take a long time to get through and thus even gave adults chances to read manga.[2] The idea that manga was meant solely for entertainment completely changed after WWII, especially after the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Manga now gave Japanese citizens an avenue to cope with their fears of nuclear weapons. This now near obsession with nuclear disasters and post-apocalyptic dystopias took to the forefront of most media forms in Japan, not only manga. Movies like Godzilla, Tidal Wave and even the Akira film are prime examples of this fear "centered around a vision of disaster, of social, material, and sometimes spiritual collapse."[3]
The constant fear surrounding Otomo's life is likely where he received his inspiration to write Akira. In Akira, he is "more concerned with trying to reconstruct the world in the midst of the ruins of war than with any historical reality."[4] This is all anyone in Japan really wanted at the time, not necessarily a realistic solution to the seemingly insurmountable problem of nuclear warfare, but rather a quick easy fix in their minds to calm their worries. Otomo understood this and did just that in Akira, which is why it is still so popular to this day.
Overall, the social, political and cultural influences in Japan caused manga to be a flourishing genre, but as terror began to spread about nuclear catastrophes after WWII, manga became more than just a comic book. Otomo realized this and by creating a city everyone could imagine, but no one hoped for, he was able to play to their insecurities and fears while slowly but surely building the city back up.
[1] A Conversation between Katsuhiro Otomo and Takehiko Inoue. 2014.
[2] Henry D. Smith. Review of 'Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics. The Society for Japanese Studies, 1984.
[3] Susan J. Napier. Panic Sites: The Japanese Imagination of Disaster from Godzilla to Akira. The Society for Japanese Studies, 1993.
[4] Unchino Tadashi. Images of Armageddon: Japan's 1980s Theatre Culture. The MIT Press, 2000.
Susan Napier, "Panic Sites: The Japanese Imagination of Disaster from Godzilla to Akira.," The Society for Japanese Studies 19 (1993): 327-351.
A Conversation between Katsuhiro Otomo and Takehiko Inoue, Mangabrog Wordpress. |
Koromačno är en ort i Kroatien. Den ligger i länet Istrien, i den västra delen av landet, km sydväst om huvudstaden Zagreb. Koromačno ligger meter över havet och antalet invånare är .
Terrängen runt Koromačno är huvudsakligen kuperad, men åt sydväst är den platt. Havet är nära Koromačno åt sydost. Den högsta punkten i närheten är meter över havet, km öster om Koromačno. Närmaste större samhälle är Labin, km norr om Koromačno. Omgivningarna runt Koromačno är en mosaik av jordbruksmark och naturlig växtlighet.
Klimatet i området är fuktigt och subtropiskt. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är °C. Den varmaste månaden är juli, då medeltemperaturen är °C, och den kallaste är februari, med °C. Genomsnittlig årsnederbörd är millimeter. Den regnigaste månaden är november, med i genomsnitt mm nederbörd, och den torraste är juni, med mm nederbörd.
Orter i Istrien |
This Week in N.Y.C
By Guy Nicolucci
Rudy's hideaway: Sources report that Giuliani and Judi Nathan rendezvous at the St. Regis. Next time, let's elect a mayor hip enough to cheat on his wife at the Hudson.
Hillary's hidden document: A copy of Clinton's college thesis shows up for auction on the Web. Oddly, her topic was "Where's New York?"
Leona Helmsley's gay bashing: An ex-employee files a $10 million suit claiming she openly insulted gays and once said, "I hate Donald Trump; Donald Trump is gay." That is so the wrong reason to hate Donald Trump.
Private-school scandal: Students from the city's most elite high schools come under fire for posting sexual exploits of their peers on the Web. They call the site My Parents Wasted 20 Grand a Year to Send Me Here.com.
Scalping city: A new state law increases the amount scalpers are allowed to resell tickets from 10 to 20 percent. So what's 20 percent of an arm and a leg for seats to The Producers?
Teenybopper rumor: Are Carson Daly and Tara Reid over? Call us naïve, but we thought this one would last.
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In a very short time, my fundraising goal has already been not only met but exceeded! Thank you so very much to my amazing donors for your generosity. I am 110% pumped to keep training and finish this race, in honor of your gifts!
Just think, the money that we've raised so far for Big Brothers Big Sisters will be able to support one match for an entire year (and then some!), so together we are helping at least one child to have a better feeling of self worth and a brighter future. I'm so grateful for your support.
p.s. I'm also currently the 2nd top fundraiser for our entire team!! That's all your doing! I'm so proud.
Why should you support Big Brothers Big Sisters?
I recently became a Big Sister to a 16 year old girl, "B". In my job, I help kids who are in legal trouble. I love doing this but have found some frustration in how limited my role is as an attorney. I'm not intimately involved in my clients' lives so I can only do so much for them, and so many of them need more love and attention than they're getting. Many of them need a mentor- a positive adult in their life who genuinely cares about them and can be a good example and a friend.
With BBBS, I saw an opportunity to be that mentor to at least one kid who really needs it. We haven't been matched for very long but so far I'm thoroughly convinced that this program is important and effective. I'm very proud to be a part of it.
Tierney, J.P., Grossman, J.B., and Resch, N.L. (1995) Making a Difference: An Impact Study of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Philadelphia: Public/Private Ventures.
Brown, William A. (2004) 2003-2004 Evaluation for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona. Tempe: Center for Nonprofit Leadership & Management, Arizona State University.
That post was written by my sister, Maury.
Maury has sort of turned into a legend in our family. I wonder if she gets tired of talking about running because it seems like everytime the family gets together, we always talk with amazement and admiration about Maury and her marathons. But seriously, she's amazing. Who runs a 5k a week after having a baby?! And who runs a marathon 3 months after having a baby? The accomplishments go on and on.
So my very first Thank you goes to Maury for inspiring me to make a goal that I never even desired to make before, let alone one I can feel confident about completing. |
In most cases, Invisalign treatment is comparable to the cost of traditional braces. However, as with other medical treatments, only your doctor can determine the cost, based on your specific needs. Other factors may include your treatment goals, the difficulty of your case, how long you are in treatment, where you live, your orthodontic insurance coverage, and additional factors determined by your orthodontist. |
Hi crystal lovers, this week I'm so excited to be here with The Crystal Healer, Philip Permutt, author of the Crystal Healer series of Books.
Disclosure: The link for this book is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay!
Ashley Leavy: Hello and welcome crystal lovers. Today I am interviewing the amazing Philip Permutt, of course, the crystal healer, as many of you know him by. I am Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy. Philip, I am so excited to be here at the Tucson Gem Show with you.
Philip Permutt: It's absolutely lovely. I love it every year, yeah. Wonderful.
Ashley: Yeah, it's a great experience, and you've brought some things to share with us that I'm really excited about. So, today we're going to be talking a little bit about a special stone that you found, and that, kind of, works a little differently than most crystals.
Philip: This is known as Doctors Stone, but it's technically, Black Botryoidal Banded Agate. Black Banded Botryoidal Agate. Botryoidal Black Banded Agate.
Ashley: All of those things, right?
Philip: And, it comes from a place, Medicine Bow in Wyoming, which is a sacred Native American site. And it's literally given up by the Earth. So, it comes from swampland. And the swamps just dry out in the summer, just for a few months, and they go and they literally collect them, so they take them all. And they use them in their own ceremonies, sacred ceremonies, and for healing. And the most amazing thing, one of the reasons why it's called the Doctors Stone, is because it affects everyone differently.
Philip: So, everyone…I know that we will play around with it just before, and you were holding it, and it went to your feet.
Philip: That's right. And your throat.
Philip: And for me, it doesn't. For me, it just goes around my stomach. And today, my shoulders, which is probably to do with whatever I was carrying yesterday.
Philip: That's one of the problems with Tucson isn't it?
Ashley: Yes, always. So, these stones are kind of born of the earth, in this swamp environment and they rise to the surface.
Ashley: And people go and collect just what's there.
Philip: Just what's on the surface, there's no digging. Nothing.
Ashley: That's pretty amazing. I mean, if you want to talk about ethically mined crystals, these couldn't even be called mined, they could be called collected.
Ashley: Found, yeah. And they have such a beautiful appearance. If you're familiar with Botryoidal Hematite, they almost remind me a little of that in appearance because of the color and formation, but they're so lightweight because of the Agate material itself. And they just have this way of when you hold, them feeling, I just feel this soothing, comforting warmth in those areas of my body that need that. And just holding it here, just for a few moments, I feel so calm and centered and positive.
Philip: And it's those spots it just picks out without being stressed.
Philip: So even if you're not thinking about it, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't ache, it'll just find and work on those areas. And it just releases that stress. And it's wonderful, but also for emotional stress, anything at all. So yeah, it really is unique in that way.
Would you say that this would be a good stone for people to work with who, perhaps, have a difficult time feeling crystal energy, because this comes through so clearly.
Philip: Yeah. I think one of the problems some people have is knowing…is recognizing what they're feeling.
Philip: So it's not whether we feel it or not, it's just recognizing we do feel something. And that can be difficult when you start working with crystals because it's just a different type of energy and it's not something most people are used to on the day-to-day. Right? And because these just go for this stuff that you do feel, you recognize it. And it doesn't matter what you call it or how you describe it, because everyone describes it differently. Like I was telling you actually if you took– if you gave everyone a crystal in their right hand to hold, half the people would say their right hand felt something, and the other half would say their left hand felt something.
Philip: It's that, sort of, balance thing. And it's a bit like if you took a sample of people for an opinion poll, and you took, whatever it is they do these days…I think in the UK it's like 2004 people we now to answer the question. And, you get everyone to put their right hand into a bowl of warm water. And half people say they're right hand is warm, and the other half will say they're left hand's cold. But actually, they're all wrong. Their right hand's wet and their left hand's dry.
Philip: And the brain's doing that and trying to explain what this totally new unique feeling that you're feeling actually means.
Ashley: And that's interesting because, in a lot of ways, the way that crystals work, we don't need the conscious understanding of exactly what's taking place, especially with a stone like the Doctors Stone, that's just doing the work that it needs to do. And this is, it's just it's so lovely, I mean, obviously you would consider this to be relatively rare?
Philip: Very rare. Yeah, rarer than Diamonds.
Ashley: Yeah, because there are only so many that are birthed each year. But, luckily for everyone watching, you'll have this available for sale on your website.
Philip: I will do by the time we get back.
Ashley: Lovely. So of course, the crystalhealer.co.uk is where you'll be able to find this. And you've brought some other things today that I'm really excited to see. This is amazing. This has been one of the highlights of my trip, to actually get to hold this, because we've chatted about it in a previous interview. But you've brought some of your favorite personal crystals for travel.
Philip: Okay, yes these are, sort of, the traveling collection. Some of them are with me the whole time, and some specifically wanted to come with me on this trip.
Philip: So there's some difference between them. So there are a few…this guy here, I don't really know how close you can get to it.
Philip: This actually is a skull carved from Green Tourmaline by the amazing Leandro De Souza, who's one of the best carvers in Brazil.
Ashley: And if you can imagine, this is just an average sized Green Tourmaline crystal, but it has been so delicately carved into a little skull.
Philip: The detail is so amazing.
Ashley: With little teeth and all.
Philip: Yeah, and also growing out of a Quartz crystal.
Philip: Tourmaline, basically, is my go-to crystal for protection.
Philip: So, just lots and lots of other things, but for protection, it really is my number one go-to crystal. And just the idea of this style, the skull, and the energy from the skull, and the protective idea of the skull. Also, the Buddhist idea of non-attachment, and just, we are just basically a skull or a skeleton.
Philip: The rest is just dressing.
Philip: So yeah, he's always there and the other one that always comes with me on my travel is this guy, who's actually a piece of Turquoise. And he comes from Whitewater Mine which is almost in America.
Ashley: Yes. Well, just about.
Philip: So, the Whitewater Mine is an amazing place, because it's on the border of Mexico and the US. And the entrance is in Mexico, but quite a lot of the mine is actually under the US.
Philip: Yeah, so it is actually the same typical Navajo Turquoise basically, but for half the price – don't tell anybody.
Ashley: And what's really great about this stone is you find so much stabilized Turquoise, and so a lot of what comes out of the American Southwest is still in it's very natural state.
Philip: Yes, absolutely, yes. And this is just literally tumbled. The thing about Turquoise is it's also protective, specifically protective, for travelers. And the American Indians like to use it for the idea of connection to the blue road. So you've got the blue road up here, and the red road which is the one we're walking on. And the blue road is, sort of, your spiritual path, so it's protection very, very much on that level.
Philip: And the other one, as well, that's for protection is this cute little double-terminated, Smoky Quartz crystal. And Smoky Quartz is a really useful crystal because people that are around…you know some people don't feel kindly to you all the time, and there are some jealous people, some unkind people, whatever…and Smoky Quartz crystals have the ability to send stuff back to where it came from. So, if someone's sending you things like love and light and beautiful thoughts then you pick that up and you send it back to them.
Philip: They get whatever they send.
Ashley: So that's the crystal to have around while I'm driving in this Tucson traffic?
Ashley: And what are a few of the other stones that you like to bring with?
Philip: This guy comes everywhere all the time. So this is a Colombian Lemurian Blade of Light crystal. And it's a nice crystal as well. It's small but really, really powerful so it can act as a mini master crystal. And when you're traveling, and you carry crystals, you find that you just carry more crystals, and when you come to Tucson you get more and more crystals. It's nice and small though, and it fits in the pocket so it comes the whole time. Yeah, and it will just go in the pocket, or whatever, and just keep it 24/7.
Philip: Yeah, and also, a lot of these crystals get put into crystals grids and various things, so every night I create a crystal grid from them and so it's there, obviously as part of the grid or to activate it.
Ashley: When you work with grids do you typically find that you typically use the sacred geometry shapes for the base, or when you're traveling do you just create them a little more free form?
Philip: Very freeform when I'm traveling, yeah, so, I can take this little as possible with me. When you've got space, and you're at home, in your own space, and especially if you're setting something up that'll stay there for a while, then using the sacred geometry is brilliant. I quite like the flower of life; it's one of my favorites.
Ashley: But it just goes to show even if you only have a few crystals, you can still create a really amazing grid.
Philip: Absolutely, yeah. And then we've got things…a selection of different Amethysts. This is interesting because you have two Chevron Amethysts, two banded Amethysts. They look slightly different, because this one's from Zaire, and this one is from South Africa.
Ashley: So you have the really darker purple, almost Black Amethyst quality.
Philip: So the calling this Amethyst Zebra Stone.
Philip: Yeah, you can still see this difference in color; it's much paler.
Ashley: It's a little softer, yeah.
Philip: And again, small crystals, just when you're traveling. You don't have to, but it's great. So, several Citrines, we've got three Citrines here. This one is for my gut, which is a great thing when you're traveling and you're always eating different food. We have a thing with water, as well, because I don't know if you have different water in different parts of the states.
Philip: Okay, so we…because in UK we've got treated water, which is treated differently to the rest of Europe. And so, when you travel, if you drink local water, even though it's ok and it's not going to kill you or anything, it's just the minerals in it are different and it can really upset your stomach.
Ashley: Absolutely. Here to, yeah.
Philip: So, and it's not just water because, of course, you can drink bottled water instead, but everything's washed in water, so the salads and stuff and everything. So, you're going to pick it up as you go around. So that just helps with that. This one…you'll like that, if you look at it carefully, it's a manifestation crystal. So it has a crystal growing straight up inside of another crystal.
Ashley: This is absolutely stunning. So, a Manifestation Crystal, like Philip described is when there's a smaller crystal growing within a larger crystal. You might mistake it, almost, for a phantom, but it's– you can see from the bottom of this one, if you're looking straight up along the C-axis of the crystal, you can see the interior crystal growing in there, it's distinctly different.
Philip: So, one of my problems with manifestation…well, what's described as Manifestation Crystals, is…I come from, sort of, the old school, so a Manifestation Crystal is either a crystal growing straight up through another crystal, or completely closed.
Philip: And, lots of people describe Manifestation Crystals as other things which are probably Bridge Crystals or Interference Crystals.
Philip: And that's just because these are so rare. And, unfortunately, people try to sell things when they're asked for them, rather than what they've actually got.
Ashley: Yes, because they are very rare.
Ashley: And to find one in a Citrine is…good job!
Sacred Stones and Crystals Book by Philip Permutt Disclosure: The link for this book is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay!
Philip: And this is the other one which is another natural Citrine. And this one is actually a creativity stone, so it has been batted around a bit. But whenever I do anything creative, it's my traveling one. Because I have another one, which I think we talked about on one of the other interviews we've done, which is much bigger, sort of, hand-sized one, which is faceted, and that's actually in one of my books as well, Sacred Stones and Crystals. And this one's just a small version from exactly the same place, just tumbled rather than faceted.
Ashley: So you can still have that connection to that creative energy. I love that. And of course, while you're curating all these crystals to bring back with you and share with all your customers, you need that good, creative inspiration. I love that.
Philip: I'm just going to mention Turquoise, but I want to talk about Hematite and Turquoise together, because that is the go-to for jet lag.
Ashley: Oh, that's a good tip.
Philip: Now, we have this problem coming…going home actually. Coming here is not too bad because we come here, we arrive 10 o'clock at night, it's 5 o'clock in the morning for us…we're exhausted…we go to sleep…we wake up, and it's in the morning, more or less. Going back though, we get back in the middle of the morning, and it's earlier in the morning. So, yeah that's just really, really good for jet lag.
Ashley: So, for a few days, maybe just keep those with you, until you readjust? Perfect.
Philip: And I've also got a Carnelian.
Ashley: And that's an exquisite Carnelian.
Philip: It is! But Carnelian is the go-to for colds, flu, and bugs, and all those things. And, unfortunately, in Tucson, there's this thing called the Tucson Bug that goes around, and it's different every year. And most of the time, most people don't get it, but when you do get it, it's really, really bad. And that's just because there are so many people here from all over the world. And not only is there every type of person, but there's every type of bug.
Ashley: Its true, I got it two years ago, and it was not pretty. I think the second day I got quite ill, and it just made the whole rest of the trip very hard. So at any time when you're traveling, this would be a good one? How do you like to work with this stone?
Philip: Just keep it with you; carry it with you 24/7.
Ashley: Yeah, yeah. You have Emerald? And Malachite?
Philip: Emerald is the go-to one for the Heart Center.
Philip: So, that's good. And also the other thing that you pick up a lot from the desert just is just the whole chesty thing.
Philip: And throat…so Emerald is really good for that. And it also links in with the whole center of love, and sharing that. Perhaps the idea of trying, no matter how hard it is sometimes, to keep an open heart.
Ashley: Even when we're tired and our feet hurt and we're a little crabby, right?
Philip: And you've just been cut off by a truck, yeah.
Philip: And Malachite, Malachite…I always carry a small bit with me. And it's really a go-to stone for sleep.
Philip: So again, you're in strange rooms, different beds, no matter how good you feel sometimes it's just awkward. There's different sounds, different lights outside and whatever else. It's just different. And so it just helps.
Ashley: Yeah. That's a really good tip. That's something I definitely struggle with every time I have to sleep somewhere new, because it's just not home, right?
Ashley: And we were talking about something before we actually started our interview, which is so interesting and I actually saw some of these a few days ago and thought it was mislabeled, but Philip has educated me on this crystal.
Philip: So it looks like Tourmalinated Quartz, but of course, that very phrase, "it looks like" suggests it isn't.
Ashley: Correct! So tell us, what is it, in fact? Because that was definitely my first guess.
Philip: It's black Rutile, so it's Black Rutilated Quartz.
Ashley: And it looks almost identical.
Philip: Yeah, until you hold it up to the light. If you get just the right light on, then you do get that glimmer, that sort of, golden sheen.
Ashley: Just on the surface, like a little iridescence almost.
Philip: Yeah, my arm went. And the tendons went. And the wrist, both sides, the elbow, and the shoulder, and the doctors gave me some painkillers and wanted me to take some steroids…I have no idea. And for some reason, I was just drawn to this, because for some reason I bought it, but I had never come across it before. And, it just really said, "Try me!" And I did. I taped them all over, to every single tendon that was hurting, and it stopped hurting. And it didn't take it away all instantly, but it did almost instantly become a usable arm again, which is really good.
Crystals do this magnificent thing…whenever you need them, they're there, and if you listen, then they'll tell you what to do.
Ashley: And that's the thing…I think so many people second guess themselves about well, "But I've never read that in a book before…it doesn't say I can use that crystal for that." I mean, what would be your advice about that people?
Ashley: Go for it. Yeah.
Philip: Don't listen to me. Don't listen to her.
Philip: No…seriously! Okay, so you pick up two different crystal books by different authors and they say different things about the same crystal. And that's alright, they should do! Because, hopefully, everyone's writing, or we're all writing from our own experience. We're writing about our experience with crystals, and we're writing about our clients and our students and their experiences. And that's it. And if we read something that someone else has written, we might think, "oh, I've never found that with that crystal" but that doesn't mean to say it's wrong.
Philip: It's just a different point. And one of the things actually is Citrine…I use it in my classes as an example, because Citrine basically works on the cells in the gut that absorb nutrients. That's it, that's all it does. But because of that, it's good for weight loss; it's good for weight gain if you need to gain weight after an operation or an illness or something, because there's always that balance. So, it's not a crystal for weight loss, it's a crystal for you to be the best weight for you. That's not necessarily a size zero or whatever because it's very personal to each individual. Because you're absorbing more nutrients, you've got more nutrients going around your body, so it's good for any physical healing, from a bruise, to recovering from major surgery.
Yeah, just more nutrients going around your body. Because there's more nutrients going around your body, your blood is just carrying everything easier, so your heart doesn't have to work as hard to get it around. Because your heart doesn't have to work as hard to get it around, your heart's working better so when you need more oxygen to your brain, you've got loads there and your heart's ready to pump it. You've got more oxygen to your brain so it's good for logical thoughts, good for creativity. It just goes on and on and on and on. So if you say that Citrine's good for something, I'm just going to say yes. You found it. Yeah, great.
Ashley: And that's true because working with crystals is so subjective and each of us is going to have that different experience and there really is no right or wrong. There's only just being aware. Well, Philip thank you so much, and to all of you watching, of course, you can find Philip at thecrystalhealer.co.uk, make sure you go find one of those amazing Doctors Stones before they're all snapped up. But thank you so much for being here. And thank all of you for watching. Crystal blessings.
Loved reading this article ! I can't wait to meet my black rutile quartz when it arrives and try it on my arm. As a massage therapist all those tendon attachment points can get cranky after doing lots of deep tissue work . Thanks for all the wonderful crystal information ? |
There are 27 counties served by the Dodge City National Weather Service office. This area encompasses Scott City, Syracuse, Elkhart and Liberal in the west, Hays, St. John, Pratt and Medicine Lodge in the east, and Dodge City, Ness City and Ashland in between.
A climatology of large hail events for the United States is presented with a special emphasis on southwestern Kansas. Different approaches were taken for southwestern Kansas versus the United States as a whole. In order to create large and giant hail climatologies for southwestern Kansas, the number of occurrences from 1955 to 2010 in which there was at least one report of hail 1.75" (golfball size) or larger and 2.75" (baseball size) or larger were counted and then placed into 1/3 month periods. For example, for January 1955, the number of days with at least one report of large and giant hail were counted for January 1-10, January 11-20 and January 21-31. The number of hail events for each 1/3 month period throughout the year were added over all the years from 1955 to 2010. Hail events occurring 12 hours or more apart were considered as separate events. So the climatology created for southwestern Kansas is really a hail event climatology since each day in which hail occurred is counted as one event regardless of how many or how few hail reports occurred on that day (again, unless the hail reports were separated by 12 or more hours). In some events that occur in populated areas, many reports are often received for the same storm in the same area at nearly the same time. Thus, events that occur in populated areas often dominate the database in terms of the number of hail occurrences. For example, one hailstorm occurring in Dodge City might result in ten hail reports while the same event that occurs in open country may only result in one report. After a severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the national weather service, an attempt is made to verify that warning. If a warning is issued for a rural area, meteorologists call trained storm spotters and other residences in the affected area until a report of 1" or larger hail is received. Occasionally, after this verifying report is received, calling is ceased, even though larger hail may have occurred. In contrast, when storms affect the towns of Garden City, Liberal, Dodge City, Hays, Pratt and so on, many reports of large hail are often received without even the need for phone calls to the affected area. And there is a much greater chance that the very largest sized hail will be documented in the major towns. On days with tornadoes, there is a tendency for less hail reporting for obvious reasons. It is also important to note that the largest sized hail is sometimes not documented since intense hail cores are often small and located between residences. This is mitigated somewhat by the practice employed by the National Weather Service in Dodge City of calling people in the rural directory books in cases where spotters and cooperative observers are too widely separated.
Next, a more general climatology was created for most of the contiguous United States by plotting and counting the number of 1.75" and greater hail reports for the six 2-month periods starting with January-February. Keep in mind that the methodology for the United States climatology is different in that it uses the number of reports instead of the number of events. The hail reports for the United States are plotted for 1955 to 2006 using John Hart's SeverePlot program.
After the seasonal hail climatologies for southwestern Kansas and the United States as a whole are presented, the basic scientific underpinning behind these results is briefly presented in as simple terms as possible.
Additionally, the number of large hail (1.75" or larger) events were counted for each year from 1955 to 2010. Aside from giving some indication of the interannual variability in the frequency of severe hailstorms, the changes in National Weather Service warning procedures and storm reporting are reflected in these results.
Finally, there is quite a bit of variability in hail climatology across southwestern Kansas from Hays and Pratt in the east to Elkhart and Syracuse in the west. So the 27 counties in the NWS Dodge City area of responsibility were divided into 5 regions and the same technique used for the 27 counties as a whole was utilized for these subdivisions.
The large hail and giant hail climatologies are shown in Figure 1a and 1b below. Large hail is very rare in southwestern Kansas from late-October through February. There have been no giant hail events (2.75" and larger) from late-September through early-March. The only large hail (1.75" or larger) events during this time of year occurred on February 24, 2000, November 15, 1996 and October 21, 2008. During the cool season, large hail tends to occur in the southern plains, Deep South and lower Midwest where low-level moisture from the Gulf of Mexico is occasionally available. Large hail is still rare in early to mid-March across southwestern Kansas, with only 4 documented events from March 1 to March 20 over the 56 year period from 1955 to 2010. This number increases to 10 by late-March and 15 by mid-April. The peak months for large hail events across southwestern Kansas are May and June. Severe weather in southwestern Kansas typically begins in earnest in May. The number of golf ball or larger hail events shoots up to 37 by early-May, 41 by mid-May and 60 by late-May. The number of large and giant hail events seems to plateau from late-May into early-June, with the number of events dropping slightly from 60 to 57. However, notice the spike in large and giant hail events in mid-June. Mid-June is the most favorable time of the year for large hail and giant hail events for the NWS Dodge City area of responsibility as there have been 87 events with at least 1 report of golf ball or larger sized hail since 1955 and 28 events with giant hail. Most giant hail events (81%) occur from early-May through late-July. Mid-June is by far the most favored time of year for giant hail, with 20% of events occurring between June 11 and June 20. June can have multiple active days in a row. The same is generally not true of April and early-May when severe weather tends to progress across the region followed by a cold front that sweeps the moisture away. Although not typically as stormy as mid-June, late-June is still fairly active, with 46 events with at least 1 report of golf ball or larger sized hail. Interestingly, there are more days with golf ball or larger hail events in late-June (46) than early-May (37) or mid-May (41). Even in the "dog days" of summer, severe storms are no stranger to southwestern Kansas. In July and August, there have been 85 and 53 events respectively with at least one report of golf ball or larger sized hail. It may come as a surprise to some that large hail is more common in August (53 events) than in March (14 events) or April (40 events).
The locations of all of the large hail (again, defined in this study as 1.75" or larger) reports across the country for January-February, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below in Figure 2a. There has only been one documented golf ball or larger hail event during January and February in southwestern Kansas from 1955 to 2006 and this occurred on February 24, 2000 in Comanche county. Data for 2006-2010 from the NCDC database indicates no additional reports. Nationwide, there were 1180 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006. The highest incidence of large hail during these winter months is from eastern Texas into Arkansas, northern Louisiana and parts of Mississippi. Only 2.1% of the annual reports have occurred in January and February. Large hail is uncommon across the northern United States during the winter since warm and moist air typically do not make it that far north.
The locations of all of the golf ball or larger hail reports across the country for March-April, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below in Figure 2b. The highest incidence of large hail in March and April is across central and eastern Kansas and southward into Oklahoma and Texas and eastward into the Deep South and Midwest. Nationwide there were 13,202 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006, and this represents 23.3% of the annual reports.
For Kansas, the highest frequency of hailstorms in March and April is across the eastern half of the state.
The locations of all of the golf ball or larger hail reports across the country for May and June, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below in Figure 2c. Nationwide, there were 27,504 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006, and this represents 48.6% of all the annual reports. The 2-month period from May to June is by far the most active period of the year in general. The highest concentration of large hail during this time is from central and northern Texas northward into Nebraska, and northeastward into southern Minnesota. There is also a relatively high concentration of reports in far eastern New Mexico and from northeastern Colorado into southeastern Wyoming.
The locations of all of the golf ball or larger hail reports across the country for July and August, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below in Figure 2d. Nationwide, there were 11,485 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006, and this represents 20.2% of all the annual reports. The highest incidence of large hail is from Nebraska and adjacent areas of northeastern Colorado northward and northeastward into the Dakotas, Minnesota and Iowa. During summer the jet stream migrates northward into the northern tier of states. However, large hail can occasionally occur in the southern states in summer despite the weak high-level winds. These occur with intense but short-lived "pulse-type" storms.
The locations of all of the golf ball or larger hail reports across the country for September and October, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below in Figure 2e. The frequency of large hail tends to drop off even more by September and October. However, there is still the risk of large hail from the northern Plains and upper Midwest southward into the southern Plains. Nationwide, there were 3225 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006, and this represents 5.7% of all the annual reports.
The locations of all of the golf ball or larger hail reports across the country for November and December, 1955 to 2006 are plotted below In Figure 2f. The frequency of large hail drops off even more by November and December. Due to strong cold frontal passages, the time interval between hail events tends to be much larger than during the late-spring and summer. Large hail events are typically absent from southwestern Kansas during this period. Nationwide, there were 821 reports of 1.75" or greater diameter hail from 1955 to 2006, and this represents 1.4% of all the annual reports. The spatial distribution of hail events in November-December is similar to January-February (Figure 2a).
So why are May and June the most active months for large hail in southwestern Kansas and for the nation as a whole? During these months, the sun is getting much higher in the sky so that the air near the ground becomes much warmer. However, the air in the upper troposphere (where airplanes fly) is still fairly cold since this part of the troposphere warms up last (there is a lag time). As a result, there is a greater difference in temperature from the surface of the earth up to the jet stream level. This difference in temperature is called the "lapse rate". When lapse rates are large, the chances for severe weather increase provided there is sufficient moisture from the Gulf of Mexico at low levels (surface to 4,000 feet above ground level). Deep, rich moisture return from the Gulf of Mexico tends to occur at about the same time that the lapse rates are becoming steep. Finally, although the jet stream weakens some by late spring, it is typically still strong enough to promote severe storm development. So high lapse rates, rich low-level moisture, and the jet stream overlap to the greatest extent in May and June. In the absence of the passage of a strong upper-level storm system and associated cold front, these ingredients can be present over the same areas for several days in a row, especially by late-May and June. The same is generally not true of April and early-May when severe weather tends to progress across the region on a particular day, followed by a cold front that sweeps the moisture away for an extended period. Also, by May and especially June, there is a larger variety of jet stream patterns that can result in severe weather. Unlike March and April when strong upper-level disturbances are typically needed for large hail, large upper-level troughs are typically not needed for severe weather in June since small-scale disturbances can lead to localized areas of severe storms even when the large scale pattern is not ideal.
When high-level winds weaken in mid-summer across Kansas, thunderstorm updrafts tend to develop, produce a burst of heavy rain and small hail, and then collapse on themselves. Storms that behave this way are often referred to as "pulse-type". Pulse-type storms are typically short-lived and can produce smaller hail and damaging winds. But giant hail typically falls from longer-lived, supercell thunderstorms in the presence of stronger vertical wind shear. Deep into summer, warm temperatures and moisture are often present at lower levels, but the jet stream has typically retreated into the northern United States and Canada by this time. Also, lapse rates tend to decrease in mid-summer due to the delayed warming of the upper troposphere. In addition, low-level moisture often "mixes out" through a deep layer with strong daytime heating on the high plains of western Kansas in mid-summer. However, large and giant hail events can still occur in mid-summer if the high-level winds increase to above climatological levels and if low-level moisture can "pool" along and immediately north of a surface front or outflow boundary. Outflow boundaries can develop when nocturnal and morning clusters of thunderstorms generate a pocket of cooler air, leading to small-scale temperature gradients that can persist into the afternoon. Then, in the afternoon, new thunderstorms can develop along the edge of these small scale outflow boundaries.
During autumn, because of the lower sun angle, the lower levels of the troposphere (near the earth's surface) begin to cool off while temperatures at high levels cool off more slowly (there is a lag). Therefore, the temperature typically does not cool off as rapidly with height above the earth's surface (lower lapse rates). Therefore, hailstorms can occur in the fall, but the frequency is much less compared to the spring.
In the winter, the jet stream is strong but the other ingredients are usually lacking, especially across southwestern Kansas. However, in the Deep South, the close proximity to the warm Gulf of Mexico allows for the occasional return of rich moisture ahead of intense upper-level disturbances. This can lead to large hail events and even tornadoes during some winter seasons in the Deep South.
Figure 3 below shows the number of events in a given year in which there was at least one report of golf ball or larger sized hail in NWS Dodge City's county warning area.
This graph shows clearly that there are many more days after 1993 in which golf ball size or larger hail was reported. This is likely due to National Weather Service modernization and the inception of the WSR-88d Doppler radar. Additionally, the increase in the number of storm spotters, the increased use of rural directory phone books during warning verification and heightened severe weather awareness likely all contributed to the increased number of hail reports. In the modern weather service there is a much greater effort made to seek out ground truth reports. In fact, 51% of the large hail events in southwestern Kansas have occurred in the 16 years from 1995 to 2010. The other 49% occurred over the 40 year period from 1955 to 1994. Also, 74% of the large hail events occurred in the 29 year period from 1981 to 2010, but only 26% in the 26 year period from 1955 to 1980.
Despite the differences in reporting practices, some years clearly stand out from the others, with some being more active and some less active. For example, 1958 and 1959 were active compared to the years before and after. 1967 and 1968 were active years as well. It would be very interesting to see how these years would compare to recent years using modern verification methods and technology. 1960, 1972, 1976, 1978 and 1988 and 1990 were inactive years in terms of large hail, while 1977 and 1986 were very active. Further research would probably show that the storm track was north of our area during the spring and summer of 1990 since this was an active severe weather year from northeast Colorado into Nebraska. 2000, 2005 and 2006 were less active than adjacent years. The most active years were 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2008 as there were 23 to 25 events with at least 1 report of golf ball or larger sized hail across the Dodge City county warning area.
In Section 2, hail climatologies for the 27 central and southwestern Kansas counties served by NWS Dodge City were shown. However, these climatologies do not show the variability that exists inside of this 27 county area. Therefore, as mentioned in the introduction, the Dodge City CWA (county warning area) was divided into 5 regions and the same methodology used in section 2 was employed to investigate the smaller scale hail climatologies. Region 1 covers far western Kansas including Morton, Stevens, Grant, Kearny, Stanton and Hamilton counties. Region 2 covers the counties adjacent to the east of Region 1 including Scott, Lane, Finney, Gray, Haskell and Seward counties. Region 3 includes Trego, Ellis, Ness, Rush and Pawnee counties. Region 4 includes Edwards, Ford, Hodgeman, Clark and Meade counties. Finally, Region 5 includes Stafford, Pratt, Kiowa, Comanche and Barber counties. These regions are shown below.
Across far western Kansas including the towns of Syracuse, Johnson, Elkhart, Lakin, Ulysses and Hugoton, there have been no large hail events from early-October through mid-March. There is a distinct maximum in 1.75" or larger hail events in mid-June (June 11-20). Interestingly, almost 3 times as many of these hailstorms have occurred in mid-June than early-June and twice as many have occurred in mid-June than late-June. There is actually a relative minimum in early-June as the number drops off to 11.
For Region 2 including the towns of Scott City, Dighton, Garden City, Sublette, Cimarron and Liberal, large hail is rare from early-November through mid-March. There is a general maximum in golf ball or larger hail events from early-May through early-July, with a peak concentration from late-May through mid-June. Mid-June has the highest number of events at 24, with late-May a close second at 22. There is a small drop-off in early-June. Hailstorms can occur in the summer as well, but at a much lower frequency. There is a very small autumn peak in hail occurrence during mid to late-October.
For Region 3 including the towns of Wakeeney, Hays, Ness City, La Crosse and Larned, there is a general maximum in large hail events from early-May to late-June. However, like Region 2, there is a dual peak in late-May and mid-June, with a relative minimum in early-June.
This relative minimum in early-June is much more pronounced in Region 3. There is a mid-summer minimum in hailstorms in early-August followed by a relative maximum in hail events in mid to late-August. Like Region 2, there is a very small autumn peak in hailstorms in mid-October. But in general, large hail is very rare from late-September through mid-April.
Like Regions 2 and 3, there is a pronounced peak in large hail events from late-May into mid-June, with a relative minimum in early-June. Mid-June has the greatest number with 21.
The large hail season begins a little earlier and ends earlier in Region 5 which includes St. John, Greensburg, Pratt, Coldwater and Medicine Lodge. Like Regions 2-4, there is a peak in hail events from late-May through mid-June. After mid-June, there is a sharp decline in the frequency of hailstorms.
The hail climatologies for southwestern Kansas will be updated each year. It will be interesting to see if the above findings hold for years to come. |
Presidential Scholars receive four-year, half-tuition scholarships, renewable each year with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Candidates for the Presidential Scholarship are evaluated based on the information in their admission applications. Presidential Scholars enjoy a program designed around key themes such as leadership, career considerations, multicultural and global perspectives, and social innovations and philanthropy.
First-year and sophomore scholars meet monthly and participate in activities supporting the main themes of the program.
Junior and senior scholars focus primarily on their scholarly and extracurricular activities.
Cohort meetings provide students with the opportunity to enhance the Presidential Scholars community through leadership activities, off-campus cultural events, and career planning. |
John's donkeys now set for rides in Mablethorpe
John Nuttall with one of his many donkeys will now be doing the donkey rides in Mablethorpe.
Published: 08:37 Thursday 16 March 2017
A wave of new donkeys are set to offer rides on the beach in Mablethorpe this summer after John Nuttall is given a contract by the district council.
Mr Nuttall has provided donkey rides on the beaches in Cleethorpes and Skegness successfully for over 25 years and hopes to continue his success in Mablethorpe.
With two locations on the main pullover and outside the lifeboat station, John is hoping for a successful summer.
"I have 75 donkeys in total, so there's plenty to go around in Mablethorpe," John said.
"I am hoping it will be a busy summer. I will start off the rides, and then when everything is settled, my partner Michelle will be taking over."
Mr Nuttall explained that the donkeys get sun shades if the weather turns too hot, plenty of water and are alternated to different locations regularly.
He added: "I'm the third generation of my family to run donkey rides on the beach, so I know a lot about what they need."
The donkeys will be on the beach for a trial run the weekend before Easter and then on full-time in the summer holidays.
John has secured the donkey rides in Mablethorpe following a tendering process by East Lindsey District Council.
"We're hoping for a great season, but we'll just have to see how it goes," John said.
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It can sometimes be difficult to keep track of all of your important but small items when travelling. As if keeping track of essentials like your passport and credit cards was not enough, add a couple of watches (you've got to have the right watch for every occasion after all) and you may be wondering how best to carry everything in a convenient […]
Frederique Constant Slimline Moonphase Manufacture
Frederique Constant today unveiled the latest member of its popular Manufacture Collection. The latest Slimline Moonphase Manufacture combines a starkly elegant ivory-colored dial with a detailed moonphase and date counter sub-dial at the 6 o'clock mark. The ivory dial is accented with sunray decoration and applied silver color indexes. The sub-dial features an illustration of the moon and stars on a contrasting dark blue background. It […]
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The new Chevrolet Malibu, featured at our Franklin, TN dealership, is designed to offer performance, comfort and safety. The stop/start technology plays an important role in improving fuel efficiency of this vehicle. The new Chevrolet Malibu, offered in Franklin, TN, comes with spacious interior and stylish exterior, which are sure to grab everyone's attention. This midsize vehicle has many features to keep you connected and entertained. The new Chevrolet Malibu, available in Franklin, TN, offers various safety technologies, such as Front Automatic Braking and Rear Vision Camera. Learn more about this amazing vehicle at our showroom. Test-drive the amazing new Chevrolet Malibu in Franklin, TN today. |
It was aforesaid they would ne'er reunite again, after a commemorative tour in 2007 and a specific performance at the british capital 2012 athletic contest conclusion Ceremony. But fans of the Spice Girls may be fit to get excited again, as it seems the band are set to reunite in 2018. Sources get told The Sun that 'secret talks' rich person been taking place since the summer, and now that Victoria Beckham has finally agreed to make a comeback, all five members will yield part in the reunion.'As it stands, they faculty be excavation together on a group of projects, which will add an album and a TV uncommon celebrating the Spice Girls.'And exploit Victoria to agree has been a coup for everyone involved, given she has always been the cause holding rearward on a reunion.' Addressing the rumours, a negotiator for Victoria said: 'Victoria has said many times, she loved her clip in the Spice Girls and continues to be congested of affection for the girls and the happy memories they created together, however her future centring is her family and fashion brand.' Victoria Beckham was named Best British Brand at the Harper's Bazaar Women of the Year Awards in London, and of course she looked as chic as ever to collect the honour.
All five germinal Spice Girls members circumstantially reunited on Friday, and Victoria Beckham's ikon of the ladies all back in agreement has us altogether freaking out. SEE ALSO: Meghan Markle laughs off Endeavor Awards mix-up, helps her rattled co-presenter: Watch! Beckham, Geri Horner (né Geri Halliwell), Emma Bunton, Mel B and Melanie C all convened at Horner's home in writer to reportedly discourse potential seasoner Girls commercial enterprise opportunities in the future.
Victoria Beckham has revealed the sincere reason she decided to reunite with the Spice Girls, suggesting she was inspired by the #Me Too and Time's Up campaigns. The 43-year-old, better-known as Posh Spice, was believed to initially be reluctant to re-join the group, who noted their 20th day of remembrance in 2016. But she told the victoria falls posted this epitome of the five hind together on Instagram She added: "My career has ever focused on empowering and celebrating women, so the momentum that these movements brought sole makes me even much driven and fanatical in my beliefs." Although the country five-piece are yet to reveal if they are going away on a tour, they get secure there's lots of "exciting thing to come". |
This past week, the US House of Representatives passed a $50.7 billion aid package, 78 days after Hurricane Sandy ravaged areas of the northeast. During the previous session of Congress, the Senate had passed a $60.4 billion relief package, which was then referred to the House. The House adjourned before considering the question.
Tea Party aligned Republicans delayed passage of the aid bill by trying to attach an amendment linking aid to cuts in the Federal budget. Republican Congress members and NJ Governor Christie joined Democrats in condemning this reprehensible failure to act. Several pointed to disaster aid that had been sent to the states represented by these members in the past. The bulk of the aid is for infrastructure repairs and reconstruction, as well as funding for FEMA grants to homeowners and to bolster Federal Flood Insurance.
New jersey's fishing industry, which sustained $160 million in damages will only receive a fraction of the necessary aid. The relief package passed by Congress only allocates $5 million for both New York and New Jersey for the fishing industry.
Two months after the storm, thousands are still waiting for help. In New York, approximately 15,000 are still homeless. Thousands of homes remain damaged or destroyed. Reconstruction and debris removal continues. Many municipalities have had to remove more trash in a short period of time than they usually dispose of in a year, putting a heavy strain on resources. Mayor Bloomberg's "Rapid Repairs" program has only served a fraction of the homeowners who signed up for help. Rapid Repairs was intended to get power and heat restored in a short period of time, the truth is that only about a third (4200 out of 12,500) of homes have been repaired. Mold and other toxic substances remains a real problem for reconstruction efforts.
There were approximately 200,000 left homeless right after the storm and there are not reliable figures on how many have returned to their homes, but it appears that thousands in New York and New Jersey remain homeless, either in hotels or other temporary housing.
Reconstruction in Jersey shore towns has proceeded slowly, with many working class people struggling to rebuild. For example, in Manasquan, NJ, 60 percent of the homes in town were damaged. Seventy eight structures were condemned and an additional 56 are currently deemed uninhabitable. Much of the reconstruction work is being done by faith-based groups, including Habitat for Humanity. In contrast, the casinos in Atlantic City were up and running within days of the storm. In fact, the media in the region is downplaying the problems in order to bolster the tourism industry at the Jersey shore.
As laudable as it is, volunteer efforts and charity is not enough to rebuild the storm damaged areas of the northeast. What is necessary is a massive public works jobs program to rebuild the region and its infrastructure. This will require mass mobilizations to demand emergency aid, jobs and reconstruction in the interests of workers and oppressed people. A housing and reconstruction plan should be formed with the active participation of all residents. All work should be done at union wages and with full union benefits.
Responsibility for paying for this crisis should not fall on the backs of workers and the oppressed. Workers and their organizations, either in the workplaces or in the communities must mobilize to demand that all U.S. troops and mercenaries be withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan and the money used to aid reconstruction. Taxes should be raised on the richest one percent to help pay the cost.
In the longer run, given the increased threat of major disasters caused by global warming, the entire U.S. economy must restructured in the interests of working people with special attention to conversion of the energy industry to sustainable sources. The energy and banking sectors, too, will need to be nationalized under workers' control.
Some funds in the aid bill will not go to Sandy Relief. In fact, only $9 billion is scheduled to be spent in the next year. Congressional Democrats and Republicans added funds for projects outsider of the disaster zone. This includes money allocated for NASA, the FBI and the DEA. Also included is $4.4 million for repairs to the Grey Towers National Historic Site in Pennsylvania (100 miles from the shore) and for repairs to national parks in New Hampshire and West Virginia. An additional $1.3 was spent to repair the roof on a military ammunition plant. |
SHCN's approximately four,800 providers embody both major care physicians and a full range of specialists who are committed to maintaining our sufferers wholesome and serving to them avoid costly hospital visits. The latest information in Healthcare IT – straight to your inbox.
The pattern in nursing mirrors a larger development occurring throughout the healthcare trade. The order directs the Secretary of labor to contemplate to broaden access to Affiliation Health Plans (AHPs), which could enable employers to join forces across state traces. |
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By: Ancel Merwin
June 26 – Keep fighting the good fight of the faith
"Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them." – Proverbs 28:4
Scripture reading: Psalm 10, Ephesians 5:1-21, and Jude 3
We've seen in the last years a rapid moral decline in our society and politics. And it's not surprising seeing that God's Law, His 10 commandments, are no longer taught or obeyed. With that, the persecution of the church has increased and the good news of salvation in Christ is more offensive than ever! Thus, with this increased rejection of God's Word, we see increased "praise" given to those who promote what is radical, offensive, and that which is contrary to His revealed will to us.
But what are we to do? Should we ignore it, hoping it will go away? No! Our text says, "…but such as keep the law contend with them"! That is, we're to take a stand for God's truth as those who love the truth. We're to address our leaders about these issues, and pray for them that they might see the truth of God! Paul says in Ephesians 5:11, "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Jude also says, "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (v.3). This is what we're called to do as members of Christ's kingdom! For though the wicked may be shameless in their defiance of God, as Psalm 10 says, it also declares, "The LORD is King forever and ever"! (v.16). This truth should encourage us to continue to fight the good fight, knowing that Christ will continue strengthening us in this great calling!
Suggestions for prayer
Continue to pray for your leaders and your nation. Pray that they may honour God with just laws and fairness. Pray for the conversion of those who reject God's law and promote wickedness that they might come to saving faith in Christ.
Rev. Ancel Merwin is the minister of Immanuel United Reformed Church in Listowel, Ontario. This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional.
Tagged: Ancel Merwin, Nearer to God daily devotional
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Marika Hackman – Any Human Friend
by ryanlawt
on Nov 25, 2019 2019-11-25
Marika Hackman's Any Human Friend was released via SubPop Records on August 9th, 2019. This is her second studio album with SubPop and her fourth overall. Marika is an English multi-instrumentalist, a writer, and a producer who delivers clever word play mixed with melancholy that creates this dry humor throughout the record, and incredible chord lines that draw you in.
The opener wanderlust has an eerie feel to it that entices your curious senses as to what you're about to listen to. You quickly realize on the one that this is an album that is extremely personal to Marika, while at the same time you start to see that dry humor shine through. The description for this track via her YouTube page said this, "For all you attention whores and big-headed beauties, here is a song from the depths of my extraordinary ego", which is objectively funny and shows that this song is coming from a personal place. She made me laugh with lines like "all you fuckers want my dick" and "I've got BDE; I think it's a venereal disease". By the way, I believe that "BDE" is referring to "Big Dick Energy" and "venereal disease" is just another name for an STD, which would indicate that she has this confidence about her that might get in her way at times. She follows this up with three incredible tracks, all night, blow, and i'm not where you are. There's a wonderful music video for i'm not where you are which I will link here. Just as you think the album might be taking a turn to a softer approach with send my love, Hackman bridges this track with hand solo through the chorus that sets the track up perfectly, and I love when artists do something like this. It's intriguing and makes you want more, and she delivers just that.
On the track hand solo, a song about masturbation,she uses that clever word play with lines like "Under Patriarchal Law; I'm gonna die a virgin" which is referring to this general idea that "sex" is strictly on a basis of penetration and not all the other types of sex whether it be oral, hand, queer and anal. Marika is a queer woman herself and has said that she "finds it interesting that sex has to be penetration in today's world" and that if that's the case, "then I will die a virgin". Earlier on in the track she also uses a line "Oh, monkey glove" which is an old wives' tales about masturbation. Marika said this about the "monkey glove" line in an interview, "One of them I read is that you get hairy hands if you masturbate too much", which was supposed to discourage women from masturbating. Masturbation has often been discouraged for women whereas it has been encouraged for men. It's clear that this bothers Marika, and I do not blame her. The double standard surrounding masturbation is bullshit and it should be encouraged as it is a totally natural and healthy part of life that everyone should enjoy.
As the album progresses, Marika continues to keep you on your toes with tracks like conventional ride and come undone, a track about her unraveling in a way she's not used to, which is probably one of my favorite tracks on the record. Only to take you back to where you started with any human friend, as it has a similar vibe to the records opener wanderlust, except it's not as eerie and really is a beautiful closer.
This is an album I continue to enjoy more and more with each listen, it's complex yet simple flow between each track brings me back on a weekly basis. I strongly suggest each and every one of you (which is probably just my mom and dad, I'm sure you guys enjoyed that long paragraph about masturbation) to give this record a listen, your ears will thank me.
After I've gone back and forth about what I thought was my favorite album, Jay Som's and Tyler's album gave me some fits with this, I've decided that this is my favorite record of 2019. Congrats Marika, you've got the approval of this 21(almost 22)-year-old radio host. You can add that to the abundance of accolades this record should get, I'm sure it means a lot.
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, it's neither right nor wrong. If you enjoyed this review, please let me know. If you did not enjoy this review, please let me know why that is so I can improve my reviews for KZUU 90.7 FM.
Listen to Undecided from 6-8pm, every Thursday for some more music like this.
Try: 2, 3, 5, & 7
Previous: OWEL – Paris
Next: HOLYCHILD – The Theatrical Death of Julie Delicious |
Border Force staffing levels were flagged up in a new watchdog report.
Officers at one port told inspectors that people attempting to enter the country unlawfully had adapted their tactics to take advantage of Border Force's "limited resources".
Staff described how illegal migrant groups had "better intel" than them and claimed that the border was "not secured by any stretch of the imagination".
Publishing the report, chief inspector of borders and immigration, David Bolt, said: "I recognise that Border Force is dealing with many challenges, not just along the south coast but nationally, and that its job is not made any easier by having to prepare for the UK's exit from the EU without clarity as yet about what exactly this will involve.
The report examined the seaports of Dover, Newhaven, Portsmouth, Southampton, Poole and Plymouth, as well as coverage of smaller ports, harbours and marinas along the south coast.
Staff numbers were raised at each of the four seaports visited in person.
Officers at Portsmouth told inspectors that migrants were "were well aware of Border Force's limited resources", and would split up and hide in different trailers in the belief that if one was detected the agency would not have the capacity to search the other trailers as thoroughly.
Staff were "certain" that illegal migrant groups co-ordinated their entry attempts, and commented that "their intel is a lot better than ours".
– Border Force was not able to use X-ray scanners to search for concealed migrants prior to embarkation from France because it was not permitted under French law.
– Intelligence had flagged a threat of car transporters being used for clandestine entry into the UK.
– There are concerns that easier and cheaper access to small craft risks creating more opportunities for criminal smuggling gangs.
– Efforts to improve coverage of small marinas and remote beaches along the south coast are a "work in progress".
This decrease was attributed to "upstream activity", including improved security measures and the clearance of migrant camps in France.
Elsewhere, the report described the system for imposing fines on owners, hirers and drivers of vehicles found to have carried a clandestine entrant into the country as "broken".
A Home Office spokeswoman said: "Border Force operations along the south coast are part of a wider approach to border security involving close work with both national and international partners.
"We are pleased that the report recognises that this effective collaboration has resulted in a decrease in clandestine arrival numbers. "We are also pleased the Inspector noted the progress Border Force has made in enhancing its knowledge and management of general maritime threats. |
Hazel Grove High School supports students who wish to cycle to school as it improves their health and fitness and reduces traffic congestion outside the school. However, it is also vital that students who cycle to school do so safely, over recent weeks we have had a couple of messages from the general public stating that they have witnessed students cycling dangerously and taking unnecessary risks putting themselves and others in danger.
While Hazel Grove High School wishes to encourage an increase in the number of students cycling to school, the decision as to whether your child is competent to negotiate such hazards as may present themselves on the route from home to school and back must be yours and yours alone. Hazel Grove High School does not accept liability for any consequences of that decision.
All students that cycle to school must wear a correctly fitted bicycle helmet by Monday 6th November; students that do not follow this will not be able to bring bicycles onto the school site.
We expect that all bicycles should be fitted with lights as the nights are beginning to draw in.
1. Bicycle helmets must be worn.
2. All bicycles must be in a roadworthy condition.
3. Cyclists must ride sensibly and follow the Highway Code.
4. All bicycles must be locked securely in the cycle sheds only.
Many thanks for your support with this as we try to ensure that all students are safe as they travel between school and home. |
Nice. I like this a lot.
Composition is great, and the lighting on the plug end makes it stand out so well.
Great detail and texture on the top of whatever that is! really tactile. Like the curves and patterns too. It's a power cable, yes? Took me a while to work it out. Good shooting.
This is kind of unnerving, which means you did a great job of protraying the title. The position of the 'plug' is great, and I like the dof/tone of the rest of the image. There appears to be some graininess with the background, not sure if it is intentional or not, but either way I like it. The only other thing is my disappointment in not being able to get the entire image on my screen at one time, but that's my fault for having a small screen size!
Well pulled off, very effective - 9.
Nice one... really gives a "creepy" feel because the wire almost does look alive and looking at you.
Way cool shot. Like this.
Proudly hosted by Sargasso Networks. Current Server Time: 04/26/2019 02:43:27 AM EDT. |
This is what I was wearing yesterday. It's somewhere between casual and chic. I think high heels would give the outfit a total different look, but I chose the comfort of my uggs.
It's important when you choose an outfit that you're feeling comfortable in it and that it feels very you. Self esteem makes every look fabulous. |
If Capitol Collections is harassing you, you can get free legal help to stop the calls... and recover up to $1,500 for illegal calls. Zero cost out-of-pocket.
Latest people reported the number as that of "Capitol Collections"
The phone calls come at 11 pm every Thursday an she is getting worried due to sleepless nights. She is also residing alone in an annex with no one around for quite a distance. We might have to take action fast as the guy has now obtained her whereabouts and has mentioned he is planning to come andd see her during the next couple of days. She is thinking of changing her apartment urgently and we all think it is a well thought decision. |
Isaac Julien, Western Union Series (The Leopard), 2007.
Isaac Julien's groundbreaking 2007 video installation The Leopard (Western Union Small Boats) presents a lyrical and visceral meditation on histories of African migration. Combining exquisite cinematography with elements of documentary, dance and musical performance, The Leopard juxtaposes all-too-familiar images of Mediterranean passage–Black bodies crowded in rafts, laid out in reflective blankets on Italian shores, drowning in tempestuous waters–with the tranquil spaces of European tourism and luxury. Born in London in 1960 to Caribbean immigrant parents, Julien has crafted a singular and expansive body of work that moves effortlessly between experimental film and narrative cinema, theatrical exhibition and video installation. With characteristic formal beauty and critical depth, The Leopard (Western Union Small Boats) synthesizes Julien's longstanding examination of Black diasporic and postcolonial experience in a moving and humanistic 20-minute work.
Presented in conjunction with the Block's Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time exhibition, The Leopard (Western Union Small Boats) challenges viewers to contemplate the inequities of globalization and the cycles of displacement and violence that have bound Europe and Africa for centuries. |
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Thanks to their many benefits, aluminium doors are perfect for both residential properties, from new builds to renovations, as well as commercial premises. Our aluminium doors are manufactured in our modern facilities then fitted by our in-house fitters for tighter quality control and peace of mind that the product and its installation adhere to strict health and safety regulations. |
Las Vegas welcomes more than 57,000 music and art fans to the Life Is Beautiful Festival back to Downtown Las Vegas in its sixth year, Sept. 21−23!
Every September, thousands of inspired creators converge on 18 blocks in Downtown Las Vegas to enjoy a world that celebrates the beauty in ourselves and our surroundings. A world in which music and art transform, positivity prevails, imagination overwhelms and creativity thrives.
It's time for a celebration with the Life Is Beautiful Festival. From the moment the gates open, the festival unites people through their love of music, art and food. This year, with over 70 music artists to bringing back comedy hits, those who attend can experience the stages, dance to the music, hear stories, try new food, hug a new friend, explore the art, and meet people who will change their life. |
God's Handout
By McKiyEl GOLD, North Ridgeville, Ohio
McKiyEl GOLD, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Something about this was really wrong. The last time he saw Kate, she had a giant zit on her chin, and now it was gone.
Kaput. Vanished. Pulled a Harry Houdini.
She was just lying there, still as those really cheap licorice sticks that will not bend no matter how hard you try to make them twist.
"She looks good, doesn't she?" Her father mumbled.
Good? She looked good? Mr. Garbo was looking at him expectantly through red-rimmed eyes, so Jonah searched his mind for an appropriate comment.
"Oh yeah. Her…her dress looks nice."
Not. In all the years he knew Kate, he had only seen her wear a dress once, and that was when he took her to Junior Prom.
"She hated dresses, but her mother-" Mr. Garbo sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes. "That's what she wanted."
Kate's mother was in the hospital, Jonah remembered. Getting treatment for some kind of mole cancer.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Garbo," Jonah said, tears finally welling up in his eyes.
"I just loved her so much and I don't think she knew that."
"I'm sure she did. She always talked about how much she loved you."
"Really?" Mr. Garbo smiled through raw skin.
"On our first date, that's all she talked about," Jonah deadpanned, remembering her half-hour monologue about how great her daddy was. "So don't worry, she definitely knew."
"Good," Jonah allowed himself to be drew into a hug from Mr. Garbo, and then pulled away after a few seconds.
Jonah found himself standing alone at the casket, after Mr. Garbo spotted his mother-in-law.
He leaned forward, at the same time wondering why he even came. He was by far the youngest one here, except for a solemn, green eyed brunette in the row behind him, and he was wearing a too-big black suit, which was tied up by rubber bands and a little bit of gum.
"Totally fake, huh?" He heard in his left ear.
"Whoa!" He jumped, and grabbed onto the edge of Kate's casket for support.
"Chill out, Power Ranger." The brunette from behind him grinned, exposing a gap between her two front teeth and a cleft in her chin.
"Geez! You scared me, that's all." Jonah said, clutching onto his heart for proof.
"But doesn't she?" The brunette asked.
"Doesn't she what? Who?"
"Katherine." She said patiently. "Doesn't she look so unreal?"
"Well, look, she's dead, okay? I'm almost positive she's supposed to be unreal." Jonah said, crinkling his thick eyebrows.
"Oh, really? Thanks for that." She rolled her eyes, as if to accentuate what she thought of that comment. "No, I meant she looks totally unlike herself."
"So? It's her funeral. They probably want to make her look better than she did."
"That's my point!" She exclaimed, snapping her fingers. "Isn't the point of funerals so we can remember the deceased as they were in life? Not how we wanted them to be?"
"Liberalist, aren't you?" Jonah finally asked after studying her face.
"No," she sighed, "best friend."
"You're Haley?" Jonah asked, surprised.
"The one and only." She paused, "in this room at least. You must be Jonah, the ex."
He winced. "Oh, don't get all pissy now. I only meant the ex boyfriend. Would you really be ex, since you technically didn't break up?"
"I knew that." He put extra disdain on the second word of the sentence so she would get the sarcasm. "And I have no idea. Probably."
"I went to her school. Which would probably explain why I never met you." She narrowed her eyes and studied him in a way that made Jonah feel like she could see his underwear, the only well-fitting thing about his outfit today.
"I heard about you, though." Jonah offered, mainly to deter her probing eyes.
"Oh, I heard about you too, buddy." She swept her long hair back into one of those clam clips, and placed her hand on Kate's down in the casket. "She had a zit last week. Do you think zits can heal when you're dead?"
"I wouldn't know." Jonah said, pondering the question. "Maybe the embalmer took care of it."
"Want to know what I think?"
"Sure." He sighed, tuning out the dull murmur of everyone else's voices as he strained to hear Haley's.
"I think God did it."
"You think God zapped her zit?"
"Well, sure, why not?" Haley said.
"You don't think He has more important things to do?"
"What could be more important than getting rid of a giant zit on some dead sixteen year old girl's face?"
"It wasn't that big." Jonah felt he had to defend Kate. Although the zit was kind've mammoth.
"Did you see the zit?" Haley asked. "It was huge!"
"I think God felt bad."
"About what?" Jonah asked, enjoying this very ridiculous conversation.
"About killing her." Haley said. "I think He looked at her up in Heaven, saw that big honker of a pimple, and said: 'You know what, Katherine? I feel so bad about sending that taxi in at just the wrong moment; I'm going to zap that right off your chin. How about that?'"
"Really?" Jonah asked dubiously.
"Totally! And you know what Kate would have said, don't you?"
"Why don't you tell me," Jonah said, and Haley was off and running again.
"She would have looked him straight in the eyes, and said something like: 'Well, God. Let me tell you one thing about Katherine Marie Garbo. I don't take charity from anyone. Maybe I want to be buried with a giant zit on my face. Ever think of that, Buddy?'"
Jonah laughed in spite of himself. "You think Kate would have sassed the Big Guy Upstairs?"
"Did you know Kate at all?"
Jonah thought about it and found he definitely could see Kate telling off God. It was just so Kate.
"She did not like handouts."
"Oh, but God knew that. That's why he made it seem like it wasn't a handout. Kate called it charity."
"Do you even think God gives out handouts?" Jonah asked, looking down at Kate. Her eyes were closed and she had a slight smile on her face. "Can you imagine Him popping that pimple?"
"No." Haley admitted. "Maybe He'd make Jesus do it." She grinned, showing her gap again.
"Oh my gosh." Jonah snorted, hoping no one noticed. "That was bad!" He laughed again, grabbing his sides.
"What Would Jesus Do?" Haley prompted.
"Shut up!"
"Pop It!" She laughed, and looked down at Kate too.
"Maybe. I like to think that when we die, God tries to give us everything we wanted in life but never got."
"That means I'll be zooming through the clouds Up There in a vintage Cadillac convertible."
"And I'll be married to Orlando Bloom and be a millionaire."
"Not like we'd ever take God's handouts, though, right?" Jonah asked.
"Oh, no, definitely not."
© Jennifer H., Bethesda, MD
I love to ride horses; steeplechaser. I have four horses now: three females and a male I love to rescue animals, and I volunteer at numerous animal shelters near my hometown I'm such a reading nerd! I love vintage things!
Rebirth vs. Suicide
By jessica_wave GOLD
jessica_wave GOLD, Corona, California
By savannah-jane PLATINUM
Soooomers., New York
savannah-jane PLATINUM, Soooomers., New York
Daniel Raquel |
Adobe is known for its annual product updates, and each update comes with new features. This year, with the latest release of Photoshop CC 2019, more features have been added over the previous version.
With this new version of Photoshop, Adobe tried to make it easier for general use and improved the performance of some existing tools, such as quick selection and the Content-Aware fill. While the interface stays mostly similar to the previous version, some new tools and buttons are added in CC 2019.
With the new changes and improvements, Photoshop seems more convenient for design purposes as well. For example, with the new frame tool, you can create image boxes to insert images in specific sizes and ratios, just like it is done in InDesign. This might be a helpful tool for those who design newsletters and similar stuff in Photoshop. Also, with the help of the new typing feature, you will be able to insert values with mathematical symbols to work accurately with convolutions when performing tasks like cropping or changing the opacity value.
In this video by PiXimperfect, the top 20 features of the new release of Photoshop is explained in detail with examples. You will see each feature and how to use them with the demonstrations in the video.
What do you think about the new release of Photoshop? Which features did you like most, and which features should be added to the next release? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.
My favorite update is the UNDO. Yeah! Finally it makes sense.
For help with this issue, download Affinity photo where there are no issues doing this on a 2012 iMac.
Have disabled the hardware acceleration on the CC 2019 (v20.0) and re-started Photoshop, nothing. Have de-installed and re-installed same Photoshop version through creative suite app, nothing. Have installed the previous version of CC 2018 (v19.1.6)... works fine. Most likely related to the layer blending preview feature.
One person on the Photoshop community forum helped me out... enabled "Legacy Compositing" under Preferences->Performance and the issue is gone.
Thanks for sharing this Luis! I'm glad your issue is resolved!
Did Adobe finally bring in a few user experience interns? Hopefully they will hire them full time soon.
Beyond the informative content itself, what a sense of oderlly, efficient, and interesting presentation. Educational overview at its finest.
I've been following his channel for some time now and has a TON of useful tutorials. Highly recommend you give his page a look.
Glad to see that "UNDO" and "auto commit (for transformations)" have finally received the treatment they deserve.
The layers panel has changed a lot and I can't even figure out how to add an adjustment layer. Can anyone help?
I wonder how long it will be before Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign all become one program.
Some of the updates mess up what I have been accustomed to do for the last 15+ years... I get most of the NEW features, that were long overdue.. but the modification of other features that already existed.. its gonna mess with me.. I can already see myself pressing the Shift to scale some proportionately and have it do the opposite, and its going to drive me nuts.
If anyone is using the Liquify tool please check your images for little black artifacts (resembles paint splatter) on your final images. It's a known bug...and stupidly...the workaround requires disabling the GPU acceleration. |
We all have those products that we couldn't live without, right? In this video I give you the low down on the products I seriously couldn't be without and rely on, on a day to day basis!
Keep your eyes peeled for a 'Summer Primark (+more!) Haul' and 'Get Ready With Me: 1920's Glamour Edition' coming up soon too.
Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy it and want to see more!
Huge Summer Haul: Primark & more! |
Sun is the main factor triggering dark spots. Year after year thousands of people complain about dark spots appearing after exposure to sun. This is mainly because on the patches of skin excessively exposed to sun rays the production of melanin increases significantly. In some areas the damage is so bad that the brown spots remain permanently on the skin.
For this reason it is highly important to protect the skin from the damaging action of the solar rays. Use hats to cover your head and face as well as high SPF lotions to create a screen between the solar rays and the skin. Use protection no matter if you are taking a walk in the park, go shopping or lie on the beach.
Aging comes with specific signs. Wrinkles, brown spots and white hair are only some of these. If you cannot stop your hair from being white (unless you color it), you can make the brown spots go away or at least diminish their frequency and their intense color by specific treatments (bleaching or exfoliation). Also, drinking about 8 glasses of water and having a balanced diet will postpone the apparition of brown spots and will diminish their size and intensity.
Not all the factors triggering brown spots are external. Moreover, many of the people having to deal with these spots on their skin complain about hormonal imbalances. Indeed, hormonal imbalances can cause dark spots. Also, treatments with estrogen and pregnancy are also possible causes of hyperpigmentation.
As you can see, the causes of brown spots and hyper-pigmentation are multiple. Thus, make sure you know exactly what the factor which has triggered your skin problem is before you treat it, so that you know exactly how to approach it. |
School assessment and testing; public examinations and credentials
Craig Campbell, PhD., Dip.Ed. This entry posted January 11, 2022 .
Teachers no matter what forms of pedagogy they engage have usually been concerned to evaluate the learning of their students. The historical tendency, especially in the last two hundred years has been to formalise the process. Written tests and examinations have mainly displaced oral displays of achievement. Concentration on the testing of individual mastery has tended to displace interest in collective achievement, though the latter was resurgent from the late twentieth century as nation states collected data especially on the literacy and numeracy of cohorts of young people at different stages of their school education. Evaluating student mastery of a curriculum has been increasingly centralised and bureaucratised. State departments of education, universities and examination boards have tended to assert control, displacing the previous authority of teachers and individual schools. Success by individuals in formal assessments is often converted into credentials (certificates, diplomas and degrees). Such credentials have often been valued in labour markets. In different historical eras some credentials became essential for advancement into colleges of higher education, and/or employment in a variety of occupations. This historical process has been complex and long. These emerging relationships between learning, assessment and credentials have long been contested.
Four ways of thinking about school assessment practice
As a technical question
Assessment of student work is often regarded as a technical question, where ways of assessing students more efficiently, accurately, and fairly are sought. For example, how reliable can assessors of essays in the humanities be? (Is double or triple marking by different people a safeguard?) How can luck be minimised in multiple choice answers? Is continuous assessment fairer than summative? How useful are highly prescriptive statements about what compose different achievement standards? Should various disabilities, social, mental and physical, affect the assessment process, and how?
As a philosophical question
If aspects of progressive educational thinking are taken seriously, then high stakes assessment may be argued as inimical to safe and creative learning environments. Some assessment regimes may favour superficial student performance, outweighing deeper and more authentic learning. At various times in history moral character and behaviour have impacted assessments. (A modern example of this: 'Should regular class attendance be a factor affecting grades or passing?') Is it ethical to fail or pass students, disregarding their individual learning circumstances? Is it ethical or irresponsible not to fail students in some circumstances?
As a question for psychology
Over the twentieth century through to the present day the discipline of educational psychology has taken a great interest in what might constitute natural and acquired intelligence, and how learning takes place. At various times the social administration of consequent psychological conclusions have affected the sorting and selecting of students for different educational experiences, and have led to scepticism about common or standard instruments that purport to test student learning.
As a political and sociological question
Students with highly educated middle class parents tend to succeed more consistently in the assessment tasks valued by main-stream schools. Some sociologists have argued that the assessment and credentialling regimes engaged by the state and powerful educational institutions unfairly advantage the already advantaged. (To address this, some schools and universities set aside places and/or scholarships that recruit from so-called disadvantaged communities.) Some assessment and credentialling practices may be about the consolidation of the prestige and power of already powerful institutions and communities.
Historical emergence of merit as a factor determining professional competence and social leadership
(a) Feudal patterns
Birth into certain families or 'blood' was the common means of identifying the 'best' persons for leadership in many European societies. Patriarchal regimes favoured older and male persons. The church in mediaeval times, and later, may have taken some trouble to identify clever boys from poor backgrounds for some roles, but leaders of the church usually came from the same aristocratic families who dominated other parts of society. Social cohesion, everyone 'knowing their place' was the key to understanding this kind of society. Clever persons from the peasantry were likely seen as potential rebels rather than social assets. The teaching of literacy in particular was often restricted for such persons. The proving of merit through educational attainments was usually ill-regarded in comparison with inherited status.
(b) Capitalism, bureaucracy and the middle class
By the eighteenth century in western Europe, feudal patterns were challenged. An emergent middle class, whether involved in law and administration, or trade and industry, was increasingly unsettled by the disparity between their growing wealth and the traditional power of aristocracies. A demand, increasingly strong in France and England by the early nineteenth century was that 'career should be open to talent' or merit. This was revolutionary. In England the way one had become an officer in the army was to 'buy' a commission; the way one became a public servant was through 'patronage'. By the late nineteenth century, recruitment to government employment increasingly occurred through civil service examinations and the credentials they supported. 'Merit' not 'birth' was fought for and seen as a superior way to identify the best potential employees. Businesses, increasingly reliant on large numbers of clerks, also moved in this direction. The chance to prove 'merit' or 'ability' regardless of social class background, let alone racial, gender and other characteristics for preferment, including in employment, has been a long and continuing struggle. Proof of merit through educational achievement became highly significant in this process.
Young men being examined on theory in mechanics. 1946. Source: State Library of Victoria.
(c) Modernity and credentialism
The rise of a so-called 'meritocracy' paralleled the rise of the credential and credentialism as educational and social phenomena. At the end of a course of study, successfully completed, came a 'credential'. This credential could be traded in a labour market, although unlike some other bartering systems, a credential could often hold its value for the holder beyond the gaining of one job or place. Employing, promoting or rewarding people on the basis of their credentials helps define modernity. At the same time the process has not been without problems. As more people have recognised the power of credentials to improve their prospects, there has often been credential 'devaluation', and its partner, credential creep. (To be a school teacher in the late nineteenth century one was usually 'apprenticed' as a 'monitor' or 'pupil teacher' in a school, perhaps certificated eventually, passing a minimal number of exams relating to school curricula, and possibly spending no time at all or less than half a year in a 'normal school' or teachers college. Now, for a similar job, one needs a four year university degree.)
(d) Pervasiveness of credentialism
In countries like Australia, the segment of the labour market which does not require educational credentials is contracting rapidly. More young people are becoming dependent for their economic survival on gaining credentials. Therefore, the assessment practices that are used and the way they are used are significant social issues. We see this in the never-ending debate over the role of school completion certificates in the Australian states: 'Whom do they reward?', 'Whom do they fail?' 'What knowledge and skills should be tested?' 'How can knowledge and skills be reliably tested?', 'Who should compose and control the various testing authorities?' 'How should employers and higher education institutions use school completion results?', 'Should proof of educational success be supplemented or replaced by portfolios proving significant experiences, achievements and attitudes unrecognised by school or college results and credentials?' and 'Should successfully completed internships, paid or unpaid, form a necessary part of any awarded credential?'.
Some sectors of the labour market remain resistant to educational credentials. They include the diminishing numbers of unskilled labouring and operative jobs. Small family businesses often employ on the basis of family connection rather than educational merit. The phenomenon is not unknown in larger corporations, where family and other networks, including having attended certain schools (the 'old school tie'), often play a part in leadership recruitment.
1780s to the 1850s
Early in this period, testing the achievement of students was mainly the work of teachers. In many institutions, especially those of larger size and with public responsibilities, there were further assessments of the work and success of schools. This might occur through the work of official visitors. In the early history of New South Wales, some of the governors undertook such work. The virtuosity of students was displayed, often through oral presentations and questioning. Sometimes written work would be displayed. There was probably less interest in the achievements of individuals than collective achievement, and this was expected to reflect well or otherwise on the teachers or the school. Students were focused on rote learning their topics. Recitations were meant to impress the audience. Such performances were well rehearsed. In a later period, such approaches to student and school assessment and examination would be considered deeply flawed.
The influence of monitorialism in teaching had the effect of collecting students of roughly the same attainment, especially in reading, into groups within a school. They might then be taught collectively and efficiently. The making of such homogeneous groups for efficient teaching certainly involved an assessment of individuals' attainments.
People who might undertake the work of visiting schools and assessing the work of students and teachers might include local clergymen and/or civic leaders. This visiting was not likely to occur more than once or twice a year. Often the process was public, with parents and other members of a community invited to witness the performances and displays. Such events were not limited to regular schools. The Sunday School anniversaries of many protestant denominations preserved and promoted such displays well into the twentieth century.
In the 1820s school principal, Lawrence Halloran, was conducting half-yearly and yearly public examinations for large numbers of students in his predecessor to Sydney Grammar School. He challenged other schools to send boys to compete against his boys, and invited the public to witness the displays. The potential usefulness of pupil examinations, conducted in public, as advertisements for school excellence was established early.
A late example of an old style public examination in Victoria, 1871. Source: State Library of Victoria.
Well before the middle of the nineteenth century there was some professionalisation and regularisation of the roles of school visitors and inspectors. The Church and Schools Corporation for example appointed an Inspector General not only to organise schools but to inspect their work. Later the National and Denominational school boards that operated in New South Wales, and later in Queensland and Victoria from the 1840s, also appointed inspectors of schools. School board inspectorates developed tables of standards around which curricula and teaching were organised. Consistency of approach and application, and success in achieving the standards were limited. Contributing to this were the wide variability in the training of teachers, the existence of large numbers of tiny and remote one-teacher schools, and the want of strong regulations concerning student attendance at schools.
In the era of local, then colony-wide boards managing schools and systems of schools, there were regulations requiring some kind of testing of students. This from 1860 in South Australia was minimalist in approach: "Teachers are required to hold a public examination of their pupils during each year, of which at least fourteen days' notice must be given to the Board" (Hyams et al., p. 53). Content of examination and procedures were not specified, in this regulation at least.
For most families in this period, prolonged school attendance was a low priority in comparison with the requirement that children contribute to the labour that kept household economies viable. From the 1860s, as the management of schools began to be controlled by state departments of education the testing and examination of students was increasingly formalised. The desire to produce testing regimes that allowed comparison between students from different schools saw an increasing replacement of oral examinations with written tests.
There were two powerful sets of institutions that made a start on regularising and bureaucratising school assessment regimes from the 1860s.
First was the interest from the colonial universities, Melbourne and Sydney, established in the early 1850s, in setting matriculation examinations for students seeking to enter their degree programs. The numbers of students involved were very few in the nineteenth century, but the universities grew in prestige nevertheless. Quite rapidly their professorial boards represented themselves as legitimate authorities not only regulating entrance to their own institutions from the early 1850s, but demanding that post-elementary schools accept their interest in formulating subject syllabuses and assessment practices, written examinations, that would lead towards matriculation. At the University of Melbourne matriculation subjects began with Latin, Greek and mathematics, then English history and geography, and in 1862, French and German. In 1871 girls were allowed to sit the matriculation examinations. In Sydney girls were allowed to present for public examinations in the same year.
Contemporary comment on sitting the University of Melbourne's matriculation exam. Girls included. 1884. Source: State Library of Victoria.
Second was the interest of the colonial governments in establishing public education systems through the education acts of the 1870s (the 'free, compulsory and secular' acts). Associated with their establishment was the rapid development of colonial inspectorates. Their reach and authority spread as they laid down subject syllabuses, attainment standards and assessment regimes. To support this, public (later known as primary) schools instituted regular, often weekly tests, especially in the various subjects which would later be grouped under the terms, literacy and numeracy. The annual testing of students would determine student promotion to the next standard or class. There was little regard for keeping students of the same age together, as a reason for advancement to the next class or grade. Children were held back if they could not meet the prescribed standards. Those who failed to meet the standards were expected to leave school as soon as they were able.
A further extension of this development in public education systems was the adaptation of the English Revised Code in Australian colonial schools. Otherwise known as payment by results, teachers' salaries and promotions were made dependent in part on the results their students gained in the various examinations and inspections. Critics were vocal soon enough. Inspector Whitham in South Australia reported in 1902:
the result examination … has done more to stamp out the individuality of the teacher than anything else. Instead of following out his own lofty aspirations as to the best means of promoting the interests of his pupils, he has had to conform to the system of examination in all its harassing details … the teacher has generally become mechanical in his work …the moral training of the pupils has suffered in consequence. (Quoted in Hyams et al., p. 139)
Meanwhile the universities reached deeper into the post-elementary schools, establishing public examinations and credentials for each stage of this education, soon to be known as secondary education. Public high schools, private, church and secular schools and colleges entered students for end-of-year examinations, commonly named the Primary, Junior and Senior. Certificates were issued by the universities for those who passed. Success in the Senior examination usually constituted matriculation for the universities.
Early in this period the development of public examinations was usually welcomed in schools, especially those that attracted sufficient numbers of students who were likely to succeed in them.
The fomalising of school examinations under the new departments of education or public instruction, South Australia, 1900. From Reg Butler, Lean times and lively days. Adelaide: Investigator Press, 1979.
The earliest government high schools depended a great deal for their reputation on their students' examination successes. In post-elementary Catholic schools for boys, success in public examinations contributed to the building of a Catholic middle class. Others were less enthusiastic, especially those Catholic schools for girls which defined their mission as the making of refined and accomplished Catholic wives and mothers. Nor were some of the Protestant elite boys' schools happy with the increasing importance of public examination results. Turning boys into examination swats was contrary to the forms of masculinity they advocated, dependent less on student achievements in chapel, schoolroom and examination hall, than the sports field.
Access to the public/primary school completion certificate, usually named the Merit or Qualifying certificate by the end of the nineteenth century, was not subject to gender discrimination, but the regulations surrounding university matriculation were. The University of Adelaide was the first to allow girls to matriculate, attend lectures and take degrees from the mid-1870s, but other Australian universities were late in allowing this. The University of Adelaide established its first matriculation exam in 1876, the Primary in 1878, Junior in 1882 and Senior in 1887. In those colonies without universities, schools entered their students for examinations in colonies with a university, for example Queensland, the universities of Sydney and Melbourne; and Western Australia, the University of Adelaide.
By the early twentieth century these developments were increasingly challenged. From sources aligned to the New Education came criticism of and occasionally revulsion from the nature and dominance of the different testing regimes. Payment by results was a target, eventually to be modified if not to disappear altogether. New, more practical subjects, such as nature study were introduced to the curriculum in primary schools. State directors of education often sought to reduce the power of the universities over the secondary school curriculum especially as the idea took hold that all young people (increasingly described as adolescents) would benefit from prolonged school attendance.
Several reforms early in the century were meant to address the problems. One was to reduce the power of the universities, their professorial boards, over public examinations. Reformed boards might include men and later women from state education departments and nongovernment schools. Expanding the diversity of representatives on curriculum, assessment and examination boards continued into the twenty-first century. A second initiative was to replace the older examinations and certificates with new ones. In theory at least they would be more responsive to the needs of a broader range of secondary students than that tiny minority who were bound for the universities. Two of the new examinations and certificates were commonly named the Intermediate and Leaving. Later there might be a Leaving Honours. The Leaving Certificate clearly signalled that the completion of a satisfactory secondary school course of study could be an end in itself. Both Intermediate and Leaving certificates provided significant credentials for white collar employment, for several decades beyond the 1920s.
The pressures that built over the early twentieth century had a basic cause. Was secondary schooling to be universal, accessible to all young people, or was it only for the qualified or meritorious few? If it was to be for all, then the dominance of academically oriented public examinations over schooling was a massive hindrance to achieving a universal and useful, prolonged secondary education for all youth.
The universities resisted the changes. In most states, the Leaving became the new matriculation, but not all subjects would be recognised by the universities as being acceptable for matriculation. As a result, the universities retained substantial power over secondary school curricula.
Perhaps more successful in its impact on assessment regimes was the decision by most state governments to establish alternatives to the academic or general (university entrance) secondary courses. At the end of the nineteenth century there had been commercial subjects and qualifications but early in the twentieth there was interest in technical and home economics education, some of the interest arising from the perceived needs of working class youth (this was highly gendered). Where population centres were large enough, separate schools were often established. State branches or departments of technical education developed new forms of assessment and credentials as a result.
Early in this period, the administration of formal, mainly written, examinations was not restricted to universities and state departments of education. In New South Wales for example, there were separately organised examinations that might lead to employment. They included Public Service, Institute of Bankers', Insurance Company, and Chamber of Commerce examinations. In the long term such examinations retreated in favour of public examinations, though the question of how well school curricula prepared young people for the workforce remained a source of tension into the twenty-first century.
Public examination students at work in Queensland, 1940. Source: State Library of Queensland.
In this period criticism of public examinations increased, though except for Queensland, they continued to survive in all states and territories of the Commonwealth. The 1937 travelling conference of the New Education Fellowship was particularly critical. Its publication, Education for Complete Living, devoted three chapters to the issue of public examinations. One of them emphasised how unreliable and lacking in validity their marking was, another, their 'evil influence' on school life. The last by the American Isaac Kandel argued that they were about much more than testing student grasp of a curriculum.
Examinations may be used (1) as a means of social control; (2) as a method of educational administration, that is, as a test of the teachers; (3) as a method of admission to schools, professions, public services, etc.; and (4) as a means of instruction, that is, as a method for discovering the progress of pupils and improving instruction. (p. 127.)
For Kandel these four functions had questionable and varying legitimacy. The way forward was to expand the variety of evaluations of student worth and achievements, including 'pupils' characteristics and interests, to furnish the basis for educational guidance' (p. 328). For Beatrice Ensor examinations had few redeeming features. They had to be abolished. They stood in the way of developing an individual student's 'infinite possibilities' (p. 93).
In secondary education the usual way of dealing with an increased recognition of the diversity of student populations, and the aim of increased school retention, was to place students in different schools and courses, apparently responsive to the needs of children as individuals. Gendered expectations had much to do with these placements as did other factors, including ethnicity, 'race' and social class. Much of the exercise depended on the use of intelligence testing. Vocational guidance also played a part. A consequence of these developments was to expand the number of assessment practices and credentials available at the end of different courses of study. The continuing problem was that passing public examinations in the academic (general) course generally retained the highest esteem among too many employers.
Students protesting against their failure to make the grade, New South Wales, 1968. Source: State Library of New South Wales.
Examination results were often reported by the press, rewarding the successful (but also exposing the unsuccessful). Rituals were developed, including late night visits to newspaper distribution centres by examination candidates to buy copies of papers in which their results were published. Publication of results might lift school, family and community pride. Swatting, intensive preparation before examinations occurred widely. As rites of passage these practices had their supporters, others argued that they were responsible for injuring the mental and physical health of many young people. Schools announced duxes and brought community leaders into assemblies to distribute prizes for meritorious achievement. Scholarships for future study were also dependent on the results. P.H. Partridge summarised the phenomenon in 1968:
They have achieved a strange popular significance almost as if they defined the meaning or purpose of advanced education; … many Australians have come to imagine that secondary education means to be trained successfully to withstand the ordeal of a series of public examinations and that the quality of a school is to be measured by the number of its examination successes. (Partridge, Society, schools and progress. Oxford: Pergamon, 1968, p. 57.)
Elsewhere the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) developed standardised tests for a variety of diagnostic, intelligence discovery, reading-age determination, and other purposes. These were widely used in primary and secondary schools. Their results became important beyond the diagnostic, contributing to the streaming of students into top, middle and bottom secondary school classes. Separate from the usual public examinations and testing as they occurred in schools, this class of tests which were sold to schools by the ACER, were a means of social administration. Early on they were responsive to the eugenics movement, concerned to classify populations as either intelligent and able, or the opposite. Special programs and institutions could be devised for those who were not classified as intelligent and able. Usually the results of this kind of testing supported existing social hierarchies based on 'race', social class and English language facility. (See Pavla Miller, Long division. Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 1986, ch. 9.)
The old end-of-primary-school Qualifying Certificate, replaced in South Australia in 1944. Source: Butler, Lean times and lively days.
In the primary schools the pressures arising from testing towards the Qualifying Certificate (QC) and its equivalents decreased. The examinations marking the end of primary school and the issuing of QC certificates came to an end. In South Australia the QC was replaced by a Progress certificate, the granting of which rested on more than the results of formal testing. In Victoria from the 1930s the transition to an appropriate secondary school was managed according to the recommendations of primary school principals alone. In Tasmania, results of intelligence tests were considered along achievement in the end-of-primary scholarship examinations. Scholarship examinations had been used in Queensland and Western Australia to provide eligibility to enrol in a secondary school.
By the 1970s children would routinely advance with their age cohort regardless of achievement. In the 1970s, remedial teaching, and if the school was large enough, remedial classes were established to assist those who failed to keep up with the standard curriculum. Testing of students continued to have the dual function of assessing the grasp of a curriculum, but also sorting and selecting students for different schools, classes and streams.
An Intermediate Certificate, soon to be abolished. South Australia, 1964. Courtesy the author.
The 1970s was a decade of educational reform, a period in which traditional schooling practices came under great criticism, sometimes leading to 'alternative', progressive schooling. Assessment regimes, including the continuing power of public examinations in secondary schools, were not exempt from reforms. The movement towards comprehensive secondary schooling had begun a little earlier. In New South Wales the Leaving and Intermediate certificates and examinations were replaced by School Certificate and Higher School Certificate (HSC). In Victoria the dual public system of technical and high schools continued, with their different curricula and testing regimes.
In Queensland, public examinations were abolished in 1970 and 1972 following the Radford Report of 1970. Certificates recording achievement continued to be issued by the state. Responsibility for assuring those who used these credentials that they maintained worth rested with an elaborate moderation process where achievements in the various school subjects across a multitude of schools were compared and if needed, moderated (adjusted).
Each of the Australian states by the late 1970s was experimenting with different forms of testing and credentialling. In some the Leaving Certificate survived for much of the decade. South Australia developed tracks (different courses) for secondary students and a New Matriculation certificate. In several states, school-based assessments were allowed to contribute to the determination of final results. The lack of uniformity and often the limited transferability of credentials across state borders as they arose from different assessment regimes was not unnoticed, becoming a powerful factor in the reforms of the post-1970s period. At the same time there remained continuing pressure from employers and universities for trustworthy standards and credentials. A detailed description of changes in public examinations in each Australian state in this period occurs in Connell, Reshaping Australian education (1993).
In this period there were at least three forces that affected the ways that school assessments and credentialling occurred.
(a) High levels of youth unemployment and the subsequent demand for universal secondary school retention through to year 12. This led to a demand for greater inclusivity. One of the principal functions of assessment regimes had been to exclude or fail students who did not meet varying requirements. The new pressure was to include all young people by offering a much broader curriculum with less punishing assessment regimes.
(b) Neoliberalism. This fostered the rise of markets in educational provision. Senior school assessments, controlled by universities and then state boards, were challenged by alternatives. The major alternative, adopted in many nongovernment and occasionally government schools, was the International Baccalaureate. It offered its own curricula and assessment regimes.
(c) The impact of expanding globalisation. This had competitive as well as standardising effects. The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) for example organised new standards and tests of literacy, numeracy and scientific literacy through the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) following which the member nations were ranked. It became an educational 'crisis' if nations were seen to be falling behind the others.
The Blackburn Report (1985) in Victoria addressed the inclusivity issue. A new credential, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) would recognise achievement in a greater number of subjects, including theoretical and activity-based subjects. The report inspired similar developments in South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Public examinations for many subjects survived. The Queensland example of complete abolition was not followed, although moderation exercises became standard especially in those subjects not dominated by sit-down public examinations.
In the primary and junior secondary schools, high stakes testing diminished. Social promotion, keeping students of specific age cohorts together, replaced the older achievement-based regimes. Opponents, such as the Australian Council for Educational Standards (this organisation's journal lasted from 1973 to 1988) worried about grade inflation, the collapse of academic standards more generally and the likelihood that disadvantaged students would receive a second-class education as a result.
Globalisation pressures, as well as the old problem of incompatibilities between the curricular, assessment and credentialling regimes of the different Australian states and territories were addressed more vigorously in this period. A national education system with a unified assessment and credentialling system was beyond reach, but meetings of ministers responsible for youth, training and education (the Australian Education Council) began issuing declarations working towards some uniformity. The Hobart Declaration (1989) included a statement of Common and Agreed National Goals for Schooling in Australia.
The growth of an industry supporting the anxiety of teachers, schools and parents that they perform well in the NAPLAN tests.
With more impact on the daily lives of students, teachers, schools and school systems was the decision by the Rudd Labor government to introduce standardised testing across Australia: the National Assessment Plan: Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This would affect primary and secondary schools alike, generating data that was expected to enable schools to address problems in the literacy and numeracy area. The first NAPLAN report was published in 2008. The effect was to enable school, regional, state and national comparisons. One side-effect was to enable parents who sought educational advantage for their children, to avoid some schools and attempt enrolments in others. The establishment of a My School website made NAPLAN data easily accessible to anyone. There were attempts to control misuse of the data but these were limited in their effectiveness.
The NAPLAN tests occurred in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. They were conducted by ACARA ,the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2008- ). The exercise soon encouraged an industry of test preparation exercises and a new set of anxieties felt by students and teachers alike, even though no new credentials were associated with its work.
The ways young people's educational achievements have been assessed has varied considerably over the last two and a half centuries. The credentials that have been attached to student success have varied also. Australia was relatively late in its introduction of nation-wide standardised testing, mainly for literacy and numeracy. High stakes testing (that is, testing which leads to the opening and closing of future options in higher education and employment) continues to dominate senior secondary education, but a range of subjects and assessment exercises have developed well beyond public examinations, although they retain a place through to the present day in most Australian states and territories.
By the late nineteenth century public examinations had developed whereby students from different schools would compete, usually in written examinations on their understanding of a subject syllabus. By the late twentieth century, public examinations retained a central place, but questions of efficiency and fairness saw reform. Subject syllabuses developed in the direction of detailed statements of aims, objectives, content and outcomes. Not only affecting public examinations, technologies of assessment and measurement developed to decrease subjective judgements, to distinguish between formative and summative assessments, norm-based and criteria-referenced assessments and more. New forms of testing such as the multiple-choice question were developed. The most successful of the teaching machines imagined from the nineteenth century was relatively recent. Modern computers enabled software development that instructed students, but had a great capacity to assess, to provide almost immediate feedback on learning progress.
The top performers in public examinations, the prize winners of Canterbury Boys High School, NSW. 1935. Source: State Library of NSW
Sociological analyses of school success continue to reveal that the children of highly educated middle class parents remained most likely to succeed in most high stakes assessment regimes. Children enrolled in schools with high levels of disadvantage are often at risk. Several scholars have provided important analyses of this phenomenon:
(a) Basil Bernstein argued that working and middle class people had different social usages and frames for language. The language practices of middle class people made them more amenable to the language of schools, made their children more likely to succeed at school.
(b) Pierre Bourdieu argued that educational success was more associated with the habitus, social capital and fields of practice associated with some individuals and social groups (mainly middle class) more than others.
(c) Bob/Raewyn Connell argued that assessment practices were more about 'gate-keeping', sorting and selecting young people into courses and work as much as helping them 'learn'. It was a means of ensuring there was not too much 'over-supply' in high status courses or in particular labour markets.
Such negative critiques are only part of the story. Besides 'excluding' people, assessment practices have also been a vehicle for helping some young people to enter previously inaccessible territories. For example:
(a) opening public exams to girls in the late nineteenth century ensured that their demand to enter the universities would likely succeed
(b) over the twentieth century, many working class children, by proving their merit in public examinations, were able to receive a higher education and enter the 'white collar' and professional workforce
(c) enabling the children of migrant families to enter white collar and professional workforces that had been inaccessible to their parents.
Nevertheless, practices introduced to increase access, decreasing disadvantage, through varying the conduct of public examinations for example, can misfire. In New South Wales where the Higher School Certificate (HSC) continues to dominate senior secondary schooling, applications to alleviate the stresses of public examinations for vulnerable students are overwhelmingly applied for on behalf of students in relatively wealthy nongovernment schools.
Over the centuries, responsibility for testing students has shifted from teacher, school and local authorities to those of centralised authorities established by states and the nation. This causes continual tension. Assessment regimes, their managerial and technical character and their social impacts have significant and variable effects on the lives of young people. Questions about assessment practices are never simple technical questions because assessment and credentialing practices are related to broader social organisation, often advantaging some populations more than others, and in the process, creating new or modifying old social hierarchies. The power of some institutions to influence or control assessment and credentialing regimes may be used to legitimise their place in an educational or labour market, or indeed, to dominate it. (Think of the power of prestigious universities and the value of their degrees.) Such power, influence or control may not necessarily relate to important issues of learning, competence, or even fair access to educational opportunity.
Clarke, Eddie. 1987. Assessment in Queensland Secondary Schools: Two decades of change 1964-1983. Brisbane: Department of Education (Queensland).
Collins, Randall. 1979. The Credential Society: An historical sociology of education and stratification. New York: Academic Press.
Connell, W. F. 1993. Reshaping Australian Education 1960-1985. Melbourne: ACER.
Dunn, S. S., ed. 1973. Public Examinations: The changing scene. Adelaide: Rigby.
Hyams, Bernard, et al. 1988. Learning and Other Things: Sources for a social history of education in South Australia. Adelaide: South Australian Government Printer.
McCallum, David. 1990. The Social Production of Merit: Education, psychology and politics in Australia 1900-1950. London: Falmer Press.
Mercurio, Antonio. 2003. Questions as Answers: Understanding upper secondary selection and certification practices in South Australia, 1950-2000. Adelaide: SSABSA.
Musgrave, P. W. 1992. From Humanity to Utility: Melbourne University and public examinations 1856-1964. Melbourne: ACER.
Teese, Richard. 2000. Academic Success and Social Power: Examinations and inequity. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Vinovskis, Maris A. 2019. "History of Testing in the United States: Pk-12 Education." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 683: 22-37.
Campbell, C. 2022. School assessment and testing; public examinations and credentials [Online]. Sydney: ANZHES. Available: www.dehanz.com
Keywords: ACER, Assessment, Education reform, Examinations, History of assessment, History of examinations, History of testing, Inclusion, New Education, Primary education, Secondary education, Streaming, Student assessment, Testing, Universities |
Tasterie is a monthly subscription service that delivers healthy, allergen-free snacks right to your door. Dr. Lama Rimawi founded the company to help take the guesswork out of finding delicious foods for loved ones who struggle with food allergies.
Dr. [Lama] Rimawi is a graduate of the McGill University Faculty of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She completed her Pediatrics residency at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital and Yale Children's Hospital. She has been a board certified pediatrician for over 15 years.
How did you first get the idea for Tasterie?
The idea of Tasterie came, I'll be honest, mainly out of frustration. I was a pediatrician and a mom of a toddler, and a newborn that had multiple food allergies. It was simply too tiring to keep finding find food that I could introduce my son to, or feed myself (while I breast-fed).
The lack of allergy-safe and great tasting food products available is ridiculous! I can remember standing in the aisles of supermarkets trying to read labels, sleep deprived, with a newborn at home and a toddler between my legs wanting an easier and better option. All I wanted was to find something to eat that wouldn't cause a reaction in my little son.
As he grew, we stuck with what was safe. But how boring is that? We wanted him to also discover and explore flavors and textures like other normal kids. And that's when Tasterie was born.
Whether you are living with food allergies, gluten intolerance, are vegan or just want to eat healthy, select your dietary preference to learn more about our TasterieBoxes.
Each month, you will get a TasterieBox filled with delicious foods that have been carefully screened just for you! Only $29.99, delivered right to your doorstep. Shipping is free.
Enjoy delightful allergy-free food and snacks that fit your dietary needs. Discover new tastes monthly.
What do you hope to achieve through Tasterie's monthly box program?
Provide great tasting food from vendors all over the world that meet rigorous allergen testing/manufacturing protocols.
Help people with restricted diets and food allergies find delicious new foods that they can eat safely.
Encourage a healthy and nutritionally balanced lifestyle for kids & adults regardless of their food allergies, intolerances or other dietary preferences.
Provide a service that is easy and convenient.
Besides the vegan box, what else does Tasterie offer?
We offer gluten free & vegan TasterieBoxes, gluten free TasterieBoxes, peanut & tree nut free TasterieBoxes as well as other allergen free boxes. We also offer a healthy & nutritious option for people who just want to find healthy foods that taste great!
What advice would you give to people who are struggling with their own or their child's food allergies?
You are not alone! As Americans, our community is very food focused. When we hang out with family or friends, food is often involved. It is really hard when you cannot have those foods or when you can get really sick from them. And people often do not understand how difficult it is. There are lots of people out there like you that have great experiences and advice to give that is incredibly helpful.
And of course, the MD inside me says – please carry your EpiPen.
In addition to being allergy-safe, what's the most important factor when choosing which products to offer through Tasterie?
Whether it is vegan, allergy friendly or gluten free our priority is making sure that each TasterieBox is packed full of delicious foods that are safe!
I found that when I was looking for dairy and soy free food for myself (while I was breast feeding) and my son, a lot of the things I would buy tasted awful and I wasted a lot of money that way.
I think it is really important to find food that really tastes great and fits your dietary preference or food allergies!
What's your favorite allergy-free snack? |
Gethin Nadin
Director, Employee Wellbeing Benefex
How to look after employee financial wellbeing
Why are we still talking about sick pay?
The lack of adequate sick pay is having a detrimental impact on our workplaces - have we learned nothing from the global pandemic?
The global Coronavirus pandemic put the treatment of employees squarely in the spotlight and consequently, the positive force for good employers can be in the world. For more than two decades I've worked in the pay, benefits and reward space and I have never seen such enthusiasm and commitment to employee wellbeing. But given the context of Covid-19, some of the very basic ways we should support our people at work are missing.
A focus on wellbeing
Despite us having some of the most advanced and progressive private sector employee benefit schemes in the world, the UK has the lowest levels of statutory sick pay of all the OECD countries. In the same week that I discovered this fact, I was told by a legal and HR advisor that companies they work with don't want to offer sick pay because "staff will abuse it".
The exact same day, a friend of mine was forcing themselves to go to work because they couldn't afford not to, and sick pay wasn't offered. It was a stark reminder that we still have so much more to do in the workplace. To bring the real situation to life, an employee (who wishes to remain anonymous) has provided me their experiences of having no or inadequate sick pay, which I share through quotes in this article.
There is a big problem in the UK
According to the ONS, nearly seven million UK workers don't qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) of just £96 a week (which the TUC sees as being "woefully inadequate"). The way it is structured also means someone on SSP will normally receive no payment for the first three days.
While this pay is low by international standards, it was also clear that the lack of access to sick pay undermined our attempts to control Covid-19. There is evidence that levels of compliance with the UK's instructions to self-isolate were hampered by the lack of decent sick pay.
"I can't afford to get ill… I can't take the risk to go out and do the things I want to in case I catch the virus… I have to decide for every train journey, every activity if it is worth possibly losing a week of income which will literally endanger the roof over my head. It's too big a risk to take. This will be a very long winter - Anonymous
But aside from the impact on the pandemic, I believe lack of sick pay and lack of adequate sick pay are having a much wider regular impact on our workplaces - and our society. Because of the way we fetishise work, stigmatise ill health and don't support those people who do fall ill, British workers don't tend to call in sick. Before the pandemic, the UK employee averaged only six sick days per year.
By 2021, the CIPD were finding out that a massive 70 per cent of employees said they were using their own annual leave for sickness. This mirrors other recent research suggesting the number of employees working while ill could be as much as a third. We have created workplaces that are giving ill employees no other option but to come to work and we did that at a time when by doing so, lives were being put at risk.
Inadequate sick pay is negatively impacting the employee experience
The pressure to go to work while ill is having significant negative consequences on workplaces including lower work performance and lower organisational commitment. But it's also harming employee wellbeing – the number one thing HR and Reward teams say is a priority. We have evidence that if an employee worked while ill in the last three months, their wellbeing was reduced. Working while sick increases an employee's chance of developing depression.
"On Sunday, I was too ill to be able to stand while waiting for the kettle to boil. I put in a vacation request for Monday in the hope to recover enough to be able to work by Tuesday. I'm now expecting uncomfortable conversations about the vacation day as we are meant to book them well in advance so they can be approved. But it is my only chance to not lose income" - Anonymous
Working while sick has been shown to be a significant risk factor for future wellbeing including cardiovascular disease and mental health. In US states where paid sick leave has been mandated, in the first year of implementation, there were large and significant positive effects on overall public health.
The authors of one study likened sick pay to "raising the floor" initiatives like minimum ages and paid parental leave. Something of particular interest to organisations with a commitment to Ethical, Social and Governance issues or the United Nations 17 Sustainability Goals.
Insecure, marginalised, and vulnerable workers are at risk
Research by Dr Christopher Rauh at the University of Cambridge found that those employees in poorer and less stable occupations are likely to have much less access to employer provided sick pay. It is estimated that two thirds of insecure workers (those who don't have guaranteed regular hours or income) received no pay when they are off sick. In comparison, just seven per cent of secure workers received no pay when off sick.
Just as the pandemic highlighted some of the inequalities that exist at work, it also brought to the surface the inequalities that exist when an employee falls ill too. The data tells us that women are more likely to receive SSP than men. Men are also more likely than women to receive their full pay while off sick. Young workers, black and ethnic minority workers and low paid workers are all less likely to receive full sick pay.
Interestingly, those working from home are also far more likely to receive full sick pay than those who don't. Which begins to highlight the impact a new hybrid working world might have on those who fall ill.
"When my situation improves, I hope I can save up a financial buffer in case anything bad happens. It is draining to always be a few weeks or a few sick days away from losing everything I worked so hard to build" - Anonymous
According to analysis of the data, among those most likely to be exclude from sick pay protection include cleaners, retail workers, teaching assistants and care workers. At the start of a global health pandemic, these are the workers we declared to be 'key' to our society and widespread re-appreciation ensued. If these really are key to keeping our communities thriving and moving, isn't it time we used the lessons of the pandemic to create a better experience for them?
A new working world needs a new way of thinking
While the world prepares for 'the great resignation' and industries like hospitality struggle to recruit the staff they need, it's time for some new thinking. For example, a study of restaurant industry practices found that including paid sick leave can reduce turnover by as much as 50 per cent. Paid sick leave has been shown to increase productivity, grow businesses, increase employee engagement and improve employee wellbeing.
As we've seen, sick pay has far-reaching ramifications. It reduces inequality, it supports the most vulnerable in society, it improves our communities, and it enhances employee wellbeing. This pushes sick pay out of HR and reward policy and into organisational success. Sick pay isn't a HR issue, is a social one and sick pay isn't a HR problem if getting it right benefits the whole organisation.
Just a few years prior to the Covid19 pandemic, providing paid sick leave to employees was found to save employers between $0.63 and $1.88 billion in reduced influenza like absenteeism, leading the researchers to conclude that paid sick leave is "an investment rather than as a cost". Two years later, we really saw the impact of that, and I can't help but wonder how things might have been different if more had read this research before 2020.
Interested in this topic? Read The long tail of Long Covid: Managing the impact of long-term sickness.
21st Aug 2017
The truth on differential payoffs and penalties
Derek Avery
Gethin is a psychologist who has been helping some of the world's largest organisations to improve their employee experience and wellbeing for almost two decades. The last 9 years have been spent working as part of the senior leadership team at Benefex.
As a frequent writer and speaker on employee experience and employee...
Read more from Gethin Nadin |
Entertainment - Tamil TV actors Sridhar and Jaya Kalyani committed suicide; Check Why?
Tamil TV actors Sridhar and Jaya Kalyani committed suicide; Check Why?
Aakash Mishra
Tamil TV actors Sridhar and Jaya Kalyani committed suicide: The Giant television artists, brother and sister, Sridhar and Jaya Kalyani, were found dead during their stay in Chennai.
They probably died from suicide. Apparently, the team's neighbors detected an unpleasant smell arising from their house and warned the police.
Their body was discovered by police in the deployed state of Kodungayur in Mutamizh Nagar.
Sridhar and Jaya Kalyani
The two artists were apparently facing massive financial crises due to the outbreak of COVID-19, and hence they decided to end it all.
The bodies found by the police were quickly sent for autopsy to Stanley Hospital. Now the examination has begun, and at present, the police cannot find out the reason for the suicide of the personalities on the screen.
Two other Indian television artists, Preksha Mehta and Manmeet Grewal, died a month ago. They were also allegedly discouraged by the lack of work during the lockdown period.
Although shooting of TV shows and films have resumed in some parts of the country, there is still a shortage of work in both industries.
I am a professional content writer at world-wire, which is a News Agency and social platform that helps people attract visitors through Daily News and World Update. |
Emma H. Weisman, JD
Rebel Grown
The Emerald Cup
Northern California. A place of towering trees, over-priced real estate and a passion for cannabis, and this weekend was the Nor-Cal cannabis community's biggest party: The Emerald Cup.
What is the Cup? It's a contest for the best products and strains, it's a B2B marketplace with new cannabis strains, resin extractors, trimmers, soil bags etc on display, it's a brand showcase where every farm with a logo, instagram and enough cash on hand to afford a booth show to off their Glues and their Blues and their OGs and their Lemons and on and on. It's also a dab fest, vendors offer unlimited free dabs to any and all people allowed into the 215 Area.
Emerald Cup 2017 revealed a subculture in transition. Classic Emerald Triangle full season flower farms were relegated to a secondary tent and had the feel of a darker, danker scene than the brightly lit brands in the Canna-Craft Pavilion of Pot. Flow Kana, one of the most well known and respected of the artisanal flower farm collectives was along the back wall. Moon Made Farm's Tina Gordon handed out pre-rolls from a leather bandolier sash, proudly pointing to the QR and bar code on the plastic vial packaging "the first seed to sale track and trace!" The track and trace program is vital to preserving the value of cultivation area appellations, applied wine-like, to local cannabis. The Emerald Triangle is fighting to maintain its reputation, by statute and by brand. The traditional signifiers of Northern California weed culture were in this tented area: dreadlocks, balloony pants, semi-precious gemstone necklaces done in wire wrap settings, vegan edibles, a heavy downbeat from the speakers, and of course, the implied rejection of disposable corporate culture…
The Canna-Craft Home of the High, on the other hand, was an explicit grin at Big Pharma. One CEO told me that he could easily see his brand on the shelves of CVS. I told him about the branding of one company, Leef, that I could easily see being sold at Anthropologie. It's all easy to see. Anyone sticking to muddy greens and swirly organic shapes looks like old news, it's the clean look now. Black and white, with Pantone sanctioned color blocks, crisp like a tennis skirt and about as edgy. These companies are the rich white kids in the 80s Brat Pack movies. They may be getting high, but they've got bright futures in pharma boardrooms. It's antiseptic and cool for the capitalistic set.
Photo from trychemistry.com
Chemistry, a small outfit out of Oakland, has a lovely white vape pen with a polygon rainbow in vogue tones for their logo. At nearly 80% THC this is a seriously mind-altering substance. You get just as high sipping on the pen as hitting one of those e-nail rigs, but boy you sure look a lot sharper with the pen. It's not all optics. Chemistry won 3rd place in the Distillates category, vaulting into the rarified echelon of companies that a consumer (and investor) might recognize. They went from a tiny shared booth in the back corner with a product they launched last week to Cup-wide (or at least, distillate interest-wide) notoriety. Things can happen very quickly. The question for the fast-paced companies is: are they ready to scale when it happens? Being exciting now is great, but if you're one year in with a five year exit and a nine figure valuation in mind, you had better time your top salability right.
Rebel Grown at Emerald Cup 2017
While Chemistry is a new company finding commercial success by dispensing with the stigma of the grimy black market days, Rebel Grown embraces it. Self-described "rebels of the past with a lifelong dedication to our craft", they're known for breeding top-of-the-line Diesels, and to stray too far from butch would have been out of step with their product. What they managed to do was create (craft?) a brand that stays loyal to the posturing of guerrilla growers in Humboldt, without alienating new consumers or women. Rebel Grown presents a muscular brand that manages to be tough without being intimidating. It's not an easy row to hoe. They needed to sell a badass brand for their B2B products (the seeds and clones of high gas plants), to their commercial cultivator customers, but one that also worked on a retail consumable product. If Leef is selling CBD to rich girls in boutiques, and Chemistry is getting young professionals high, Rebel Grown is #rebelasfuck, and they're what's up at the rock show.
The mood of the Cup was upbeat. This is a sales event, after all, and many of the attendees were there for the party. Never mind the disquieting news that flower cultivators are struggling to get $800 per unit (one unit = one pound) that went for 3 times that just a few years ago, and just the cultivator's tax to the state alone is $44 per unit. Never mind that next year there won't be free dabs. Never mind if Cannabis gets rescheduled to Schedule II things might get really bad.
"It makes me sad", said one entrepreneur I spoke to. We were standing in the middle of the fair grounds, watching the cheerful, slow moving crowd cluster around food carts and filter into a beer garden. Despite his success, he was wistful for the old days. "The new folks just don't understand what this is like for us!" exclaimed a long-time cultivator, to a round of amens and head shaking. "I just got off 12 years of federal paper", a lawyer I'd guess to be in his 60s said to me. "I did 6 years of federal time, I've been on federal paper for 12 years, I just got off this week. I kept my law license though, and my daughter is my paralegal. We are going to keep going, keep fighting. I'm going to hire a bunch of empty heads and strong backs right out of law school and litigate the hell out of these statutes."
Prices are plummeting, but business is booming. There is still a sense of community and common cause, but the truth is that subcultures will remain subcultures, and the mainstream will remain anodyne. Is one wrong and one right? Can they coexist and support each other in a market? Will the Nor-Cal Spirit win out over East Coast avarice, Middle West sensibility, and Silicon Valley-style funding and business models? I sure hope so. There are a lot of good people working hard to keep the Northern California economy afloat in these uncertain and increasingly automated times, and we should all be in that together. The Emerald Cup felt united and excited, but fundamentally uncertain about how the next few years will go.
Posted in Musings and tagged #rebelasfuck, Brand, California, cannabis, cannabiz, emerald, emerald cup, emerald cup 2017, Flow Kana, Humboldt, Leef, Mendocino, Nor Cal, Pot, Rebel Grown, Sonoma, Sour Diesel, Try Chemistry, Weed on December 12, 2017 by Emma. Leave a comment
Competition and the Introvert Girl
Is Voting for Bernie Anti-Feminist?
The Anti-Alienator
Networking While Introverted: 7 Suggestions
JenniferS on Networking While Introverted:…
Long Now Foundation |
Kerry 'concerned' about EU carbon border tax implications: FT
(Reuters) – The United States' Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said he was "concerned" about the implications of the European Union's (EU) plans for a carbon border tax adjustment, the Financial Times reported on Friday.
The former U.S. secretary of state told the FT in an interview the tax adjustment should be a "last resort", and that it had "serious implications for economies, and for relationships, and trade."
Brussels plans to impose a tax that essentially consists of import fees levied by carbon-taxing countries on goods manufactured in non-carbon-taxing countries.
The EU is expected to propose its policy before the end of June.
Kerry also told FT no final decision was made regarding French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire's proposal that the United States and Europe work on a common taxonomy for green finance.
"Obviously, the United States has strong feelings about not having excessive regulation," he told the newspaper.
Over Three Billion Highly Vulnerable to Global Warming
J Mar, 2022 Theo Normanton
Biden's solar ambitions collide with China labor complaints
J May, 2021 CNBC
Hyundai raises hydrogen game as new trucks roll into Europe
J May, 2021 Reuters |
PR9.NET June 14, 2010 - Hollywood, CA - DigThatBox.com announces a massive arcade token give-away in honor of the 2010 E3 Expoâ"¢. To celebrate this special event members of DigThatBox.com will be handing out over 5000 Custom Arcade Tokens created especially for the show. The tokens will be distributed over the course of the 3 day expo. Representatives of the site will be walking the show floor wearing change aprons and pins that read "ask me for a token."
This beautiful and unique collector's item was created by artist Christian George-Morehouse in co-operation with Osborne Coinage®. These freshly minted brass tokens shine with a golden luster. The coin layout is an homage to the famous Chuck E. Cheese® token. The center of the design features the classic Space Invader logo, known worldwide as the universal symbol of video games. The text around the logo reads "Dig That Box.com Can You Dig It?"
DigThatBox.com will also be giving away another 500 tokens to its loyal online readers. Additional details for the online give-away will be released during the 2010 E3 Expoâ"¢, which runs from June 15th to June 17th.
E. Thomas, Founder and Senior Editor of DigThatBox.com will be celebrating his tenth year at the E3 Expoâ"¢. He is quoted as saying: "Over the years the E3 Expoâ"¢ has provided me with tremendous opportunity. It truly has been a blessing upon my life and my career. And as a fan I have witnessed many historic events at the expo. It's always an amazing celebration and it's very special to me. I just wanted to do something that helped make this show special for everyone."
Not going to the E3 Expo™? Don't worry, the web site plans to distribute another 1000 tokens at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con® and the 2010 Classic Gaming Expo™. Be sure to check the site for additional details.
DigThatBox.com: "Pop Culture in a Box, Can You Dig It?"
DigThatBox.com is a pop culture web site based in the heart of Hollywood California. Our content is a unique blend of pop culture topics, underground art and video game news. The site has the important distinction of being the only video game related web site based in Hollywood California.
Osborne Coinage® America's oldest and most esteemed private mint. Their brands include, Tokens Direct, Roger Williams Mint, Kilmartin Industries, and Van Brook of Lexington. The company produces high quality custom coins, tokens, key chains, and medallions.
E3 Expo™ is the world's premiere trade show for computer and video games and related products. The show is owned by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA®), the U.S. association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of the companies, publishing interactive games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computers, and the Internet. For more information, please visit www.E3Expo.com or www.theESA.com.
If you would like more information on this topic, or to schedule an appointment with a member of our staff, please email us at [email protected].
Eyecare Medical Group Welcomes Cornea & LASIK Specialist Ravi Shah, M.D. |
LA Kings Could Be Quite Active On Second Day of 2016 NHL Draft
2016 NHL DRAFT – Los Angeles Kings Director of Amateur Scouting Mark Yanetti spoke exclusively with Frozen Royalty late Friday night about the Kings plans for today's rounds 2-7 of the 2016 NHL Draft.
LOS ANGELES — The National Hockey League held the first round of its annual amateur draft on June 24 at the First Niagara Center in Buffalo, New York. But a few teams, including the Los Angeles Kings, did not have a first round pick and were forced to sit and watch the cream of the crop of the 2016 NHL Draft parade pass them by.
The Kings don't pick until the 51st overall selection in the second round and never had an opportunity to move into the first round.
"We played some [scenarios] out awhile ago," said Mark Yanetti, the Kings Director of Amateur Scouting. "If you want to talk about the analytic component of moving up and down [in the draft], there's no way to get from 51 to 30 [the final pick in the first round] without doing something that doesn't make sense."
"There was never a scenario or situation that we could've done—anything—to get to 30 that didn't involve loss of sanity," added Yanetti. "We're talking about actual loss of our [mental] faculties. You saw the toll it took to move up four spots—you had to take on $7.5 million in [annual] salary [when the Arizona Coyotes acquired the contract of KHL-bound forward Pavel Datsyuk in order to move up in the first round]. That's an astronomical price to move that distance. That's high price to move four or five spots. Try moving [21 spots]."
In fact, it was weeks ago when the Kings came to that realization.
"It was so long ago when we talked about first round scenarios that I can't remember them," said Yanetti. "That's how long ago it was. We did our due diligence. Nothing played out. The numbers didn't support it. There was no scenario that would've got us into the first round, so that discussion ended awhile ago and was never re-visited."
Instead, the Kings have been focused on today's rounds 2-7 (7:00 AM PDT in Buffalo, New York) for a long time.
"We watched the draft unfold and we have a lot of things in place for [Saturday], whether it's moving up or moving down in every round—every possible scenario," Yanetti noted. "There are scenarios for moving up and there are scenarios for moving back. I would say there are more scenarios for moving back than up."
"There are so many situations," Yanetti added. "It seems simplistic but they're almost formulaic, at times, because if there's a player you want, like Tyler Toffoli, you move up two spots and take him. But it's so fluid."
"We now know 30 players we're not getting, so you can be more focused on who might be there at 51 and if we decide to move back, we'll know when a team doesn't have a second round pick. If we try to move up, we'll know who has multiple second round picks, so today was more about preparing for tomorrow."
Yanetti is hopeful that the going rate for trades will be a favorable one.
"I think the market was set a little high in the first round," he said. "We'll see if that continues, in terms of movement. Obviously, if we're moving back, we'd like the [price] to stay high. But if we're moving up, we'd like [Saturday] to be a completely different day and not follow any trends from the first day."
Should the Kings decide to keep their second round pick, they already know whom they will select, whatever the circumstances might be.
"There are guys who we've targeted for 51," said Yanetti. "It's an inexact science. It's a calculation and you can't take the uncertainty out of it because you don't know what other teams are thinking."
"We have an idea of which players will be there at 51," added Yanetti. "Now we have a little bit better idea, but it'll really start to unfold when we get to 35-40. Then we'll start to know what we should probably be doing."
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One thought on "LA Kings Could Be Quite Active On Second Day of 2016 NHL Draft"
Q: Get all body elements with javascript and loop What is the "fastest" (most efficient) way to have all elements of the body in an array and afterwards loop through each one of them?
A: You can use star selector in jquery.
var allElems=$('body').find('*');
allElems will be array like object so you can make a for loop on it or you can use jquery each method to go through all. like
var elm=this, //javascript DOM object
$elm=$(this) //jquery object for element.
If you just want to do with javascript you can use querySelectorAll dom method.
var allElems=document.body.querySelectorAll('*'); // new browser support
var allElems=document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'); //all browser support
Than you can use for loop to go through all elements.
A: I'd suggest this:
var items = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
// do something with items[i] here
A: You can use:
var els = document.body.querySelectorAll( '*' ),
len = els.length, i = 0;
for ( ; i < len; i++ )
console.log( els[i] );
Browser Support for querySelectorAll: http://caniuse.com/#feat=queryselector
It's interesting to note that querySelectorAll returns static NodeLists, differently from getElementsByTagName, which returns live NodeLists.
A: It would be something like this:
var allElements = $(body).find('*');
//do something
Greg grew-up in Montréal and has played and taught jazz in Canada and the USA. Greg is a full-time faculty member teaching Jazz Studies at Vancouver Island University. Recently, the Victoria Jazz Orchestra played a program of Greg's music, directed by the composer. |
Update: 17-year-old Olivia Hallisey of Greenwich, Conn. won the grand prize for her rapid, portable, low-cost Ebola test.
Creativity, ambition and resilience propelled this year's batch of Google Science Fair finalists to Mountain View, Calif., where they showed off their inventiveness at Google headquarters ahead of tonight's awards ceremony. The grand prize winner will receive $50,000 in scholarship funding from Google, and a half dozen others will receive awards from fair sponsors Scientific American, Lego, National Geographic and Virgin Galactic.
Watch the live broadcast here tonight at 10:15 pm Eastern Time/7:15 pm Pacific.
Here's a peek at this year's batch of young scientific brilliance. For more on all the projects mentioned here, go to the Google Science Fair Web site.
Seashells to the Rescue: While scuba diving in Mexico two years ago, Isabella O'Brien, 13, of Ontario, Canada, saw dead coral for the first time and learned about ocean acidification. She soon came up with a plan to address the problem.
One of the ways that ocean acidification threatens marine life is by reducing levels of calcium carbonate, a building block of seashells. Yet, every year, the seafood industry discards roughly 6 million tons of calcium carbonate in the form of seashells, said O'Brien. If the shells could be recycled, she reasoned, that might help slow acidification. A series of experiments in her basement showed she was onto something. She believes returning pulverized shells to the ocean could help save localized areas, such portions of endangered reefs.
Smartphone blood tests. Tanay Tendon, 18, from Cupertino, Calif. designed a portable diagnostic kit from two smartphones, a magnifying lens, and a toilet paper roll. The pocket microscope, which communicates with software that Tendon designed, can automatically diagnose diseases like chagas, sickle cell anemia, and malaria, reducing the need for trained pathologists and expensive lab equipment.
Update: Sarrey won the Google Incubator Award, which includes $10,000 and a year of mentorship to further develop his project.
A 'Trojan horse' for Alzheimer's. Krtin Nithiyanandam, 15, from London, designed a molecule that has the potential to sneak past the blood brain barrier to detect the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease. The molecule, made up of an antibody and a nanoparticle that emits light, binds with proteins that show up in early stages of Alzheimer's disease. An MRI scan could then potentially detect the lit-up nanoparticles. "This drug would be able to diagnose the onset of Alzheimer's disease before symptoms start to show," said Nithiyanandam, who worked with researchers in a London lab on the more complicated parts of of his project.
Update: Nithiyanandam won the Scientific American Innovator Award, which includes $25,000 and a year of mentorship to further develop his project. In addition, Nithiyanandam's school will receive digital access to the Scientific American archives for 12 months.
Fuel from chicken feathers. Anela Arifi and Ilda Ismaili, teenagers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, discovered that chicken feathers can be used to store and produce fuel. The friends designed a two-reactor system that makes biodiesel from the fat in the feathers and also carbonizes them – turns the feathers into carbon, which can store hydrogen as a fuel source. Inspired by one of their teachers, the two derived creative inspiration from books, TV shows, and even Arifi's flute. "We don't have enough pillows to put all the chicken feathers inside, so why not make them into these products?" said Arifi.
Cool vaccines: When Anurudh Ganesan was an infant in Southern India, his grandparents had to carry him 10 miles to the closest vaccine clinic. When they got there, they were told the clinic's vaccine supply was unusable because of high temperatures and a lack of refrigeration.
"I thought after 15 years, this problem would have been solved, but in fact it hasn't," said Ganesan, who now lives in Clarksburg, Maryland. Ganesan designed a wagon that can keep vaccines cool as they're transported to rural clinics. As the wheels on his wagon turn, they power a mechanical compressor that keeps the vaccines between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, the range recommended by the World Health Organization.
Update: Ganesan won the LEGO Education Builder Award, which includes a trip to LEGO headquarters in Billund, Denmark and 6 months of mentorship from a LEGO executive.
Quick, cheap cardiac diagnosis: "I come from a family with a really long history of cardiac disease," says Adriel Sumathipala, 16. His grandfather died of a stroke at 45, and Sumathipala, his brother, sister, and father all have high blood cholesterol.
The Ashburn, VA, teen fashioned a diagnostic test for heart disease from a retrofitted $30 ink jet printer and paper. Instead of ink, the printer deposits enzymes that change color in response to different levels of oxidized LDL and cholesterol, both are markers for heart disease risk. "It's easy to use and gives patients immediate feedback on how to manage the disease," he said.
Sumathipala wrote to nearly 100 different professors for help before finding one, at the University of Maryland, who took him under his wing. |
Joyce Beatty on Government Reform
Limit campaign contributions & campaigm spending
Q: Do you support limiting individual contributions to state legislative candidates?
Q: PAC contributions?
Q: Corporate?
Q: Political Parties?
Q: Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
Q: Do you support imposing spending limits on state level political campaigns?
Q: Do you support partial funding from state taxes for state level political campaigns?
A: No. Source: Ohio Legislative 2000 National Political Awareness Test , Nov 1, 2000
No photo IDs to vote; they suppress the vote.
Beatty signed Voting Rights Amendment Act
Congressional Summary:Amends the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with respect to the requirement that a federal court retain jurisdiction for an appropriate period to prevent commencement of new devices to deny or abridge the right to vote. Expands the types of violations triggering the authority of a court to retain such jurisdiction to include certain violations of the Act as well as violations of any federal voting rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or membership in a language minority group. [This bill would ban requiring photo IDs in order to vote].
Opponents recommend voting NO because:Sen. Bob Dole (on related bill from 2007, whether to add an amendment allowing photo ID): I am proposing a commonsense measure to uphold the integrity of Federal elections. My amendment to require voters to show photo identification at the polls would go a long way in minimizing potential for voter fraud. When a fraudulent vote is cast and counted, the vote of a legitimate voter is cancelled. This is wrong, and my amendment would help ensure that one of the hallmarks of our democracy, our free and fair elections, is protected. Opinion polls repeatedly confirm that Americans overwhelmingly support this initiative.
Proponents support voting YES because:Sen. Dianne Feinstein (on related bill from 2007): If one would want to suppress the vote in the 2008 election, one would vote [for Dole's amendment] this because this measure goes into effect January 1, 2008. It provides that everybody who votes essentially would have to have a photo ID. If you want to suppress the minority vote, the elderly vote, the poor vote, this is exactly the way to do it. Many of these people do not have driver's licenses. This amendment would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to actually carry out. It goes into effect--surprise--January 1, 2008 [to affect the presidential election]. Source: H.R.3899/S.1945 14_H3899 on Jan 16, 2014
Establish "My Voice Voucher" small campaign contributions.
Beatty co-sponsored Government By the People Act
A refundable tax credit of 50% of congressional House campaign contributions, to be known as "My Voice Federal" contributions.
Establishes the Government by the People Oversight Commission, which will launch a pilot program and select 3 eligible states to operate a voucher pilot program.
Provide each qualified individual during the election cycle, upon his or her request, with a "My Voice Voucher" worth $50 (in either paper or electronic form).
Authorizes the individual to submit the My Voice Voucher to qualified federal election candidates, allocating a portion of its value in $5 increments.
Prohibits a certified participating candidate from establishing or controlling a leadership PAC (political action committee).
Proponent's argument in favor (by Reps. Nancy Pelosi & John Sarbanes): Citizens United shook the foundation of our democracy: the principle that it is the voices of the people, not the bank accounts of the privileged few, that determine the outcome of our elections and the policies of our government. Most members of Congress would leap at the chance to fund their campaigns without having to turn to a familiar cast of big donors and entrenched interests. Today, that's virtually impossible. But we can and must break the grip of special interests on our politics: rally around H.R. 20.
Opponent's argument against (The Examiner): The proposed legislation seeks to undo the Citizens United v. FEC ruling which has been a thorn in the side of progressives ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that political spending was "a form of protected speech under the First Amendment." Although the "Government by the People Act" innocently claims to want to get big money out of politics, the real goal is to smash the Tea Party. The fear that conservative groups would have access to funds typically granted to progressive groups and unions was too much to bear. Source: H.R.20 14-H0020 on Feb 5, 2014
Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers.
Beatty co-sponsored H.R.20 & S.366
Congressional Summary:<
Allow a refundable tax credit of 50% of cash contributions to congressional House campaigns, to be known as "My Voice Federal" contributions.
Select three states to operate a voucher pilot program.
Provide, upon request, a "My Voice Voucher" worth $50.
Permits an individual to revoke a My Voice Voucher within two days after submitting it to a candidate.
Establishes the Freedom From Influence Fund in the Treasury [for 6-to-1 matching funds for the vouchers].
Allows taxpayers to designate overpayments of tax for contribution to the Freedom From Influence Fund.
Supporters reasons for voting YEA:Rep. Sarbanes: Big money warps Congress' priorities and erodes the public's trust in government. This bold new legislation returns voice and power back to the American people:
Empower everyday citizens to fuel Congressional campaigns by providing a My Voice Tax Credit.
Amplify the voices of everyday Americans through a 6-to-1 match.
Prevent Super PACs from drowning out small donor-backed candidates.
Opponents reasons for voting NAY:(Bill Moyers, Feb. 19, 2015): This citizen engagement strategy, particularly when used to court small donors, is not without its critics. Small donors, at least in the current system, often tend to be political ideologues. That trend leaves many asking: won't moving to small donors just empower extremists? Sarbanes counters, if Congress changes the political fundraising rules, they will also change the calculus for "the rational small donor who right now isn't going to give $25 because they've figured out that it's not going to matter." The prospect of a 6-to-1 match might very well impact how those less ideologically extreme potential donors think about political giving. Source: Government By the People Act 15_H020 on Jan 21, 2015
Statehood for the District of Columbia.
Beatty co-sponsored H.R.317
Congressional Summary: Sets forth procedures for admission into the United States of the state of New Columbia.
Requires the Mayor of the District of Columbia to submit to the voters propositions for statehood and adoption of a State Constitution, and issue a proclamation for the first elections to Congress of two Senators and one Representative of New Columbia.
Requires the President to issue a proclamation announcing the results and admitting New Columbia into the Union.
Provides for conversion of District government offices to state offices.
Opponents reasons for voting NAY: (DCist.com, Sept. 2014): The Argument Against: Congress does not have the authority to grant statehood to D.C.; the 23rd amendment, which gave D.C. three electoral votes, would have to be repealed before statehood was granted. Washington is a wholly urban, one-industry town, dependent on the federal government far in excess of any other state. Moreover, with Congress no longer having authority over New Columbia but dependent on it, New Columbia could exert influence on the federal government far in excess of any other state.
Supporters reasons for voting YEA: [Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC; the District of Columbia has one representative to Congress and no Senators; Rep. Holmes can introduce bills but her vote does not count]: This 51st state would have no jurisdiction over the federal territory or enclave that now consists of the Washington that Members of Congress and visitors associate with the capital of our country. Those would remain under federal jurisdiction. The New Columbia Admission Act was the first bill I introduced in 1991. Statehood is the only alternative for the citizens of the District of Columbia. To be content with less than statehood is to concede the equality of citizenship that is the birthright of our residents as citizens of the United States. Source: New Columbia Admission Act 15_H317 on Jan 13, 2015
Automatic voter registration for all citizens.
Beatty co-sponsored H.R.12 & S.1088
Require each state to make available official public websites for online voter registration.
Authorizes automated voter registration and establishes same day registration, and voter registration of individuals under 18 years of age.
Declares that the right to vote shall not be denied because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense.
Supporters reasons for voting YEA: (BrennanCenter.org): Too many Americans go to vote on Election Day only to find their names are not on the voter rolls--often, wrongly deleted. The US is on the verge of a new paradigm for registering voters: automatic, permanent registration of eligible voters, which would add up to 50 million eligible voters to the rolls.
Opponents reasons for voting NAY: (Gov. Christie's veto message on the "Democracy Act", Nov. 2015): Christie called a provision establishing automatic voter registration that requires New Jerseyan to opt out a "government-knows-best, backwards approach that would inconvenience citizens and waste government resources for no justifiable reason." Automatic voter registration would have added 1.6 million people to the state's voter rolls.
(PopVox.org blog)
TN-8: I have voted in every election federal, state or local that I chose to. If people want to vote there is nothing but laziness preventing them from doing so today! Regarding photo ID's you have one to drive, buy alcohol, and go to the doctor.
AL-2: This bill is so general that anyone that is alive, has lived, or will live in this century will be able to vote as well as non-Americans, pets, people without voting rights, and some people multiple times.
TN-3: This bill will surely bring about fixed voting in favor of the one who can cheat the most. How about having a voter photo card and a test to see if they are capable of voting and not just voting for whoever promises them more free stuff.
Source: Voter Empowerment Act 15-H12 on Mar 19, 2015
Holiday on election day; revamp for easier voting access.
Beatty voted YEA For the People Act of 2019
This bill expands voter registration and voting access, makes Election Day a federal holiday, and limits removing voters from voter rolls.
The bill provides for states to establish independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions.
The bill also sets forth provisions for sharing intelligence information with state election officials, and supporting states in securing their election systems, and establishing the National Commission to Protect U.S. Democratic Institutions.
This bill addresses campaign spending, by expanding the ban on foreign nationals contributing to or spending on elections; and expanding disclosure rules.
This bill establishes an alternative campaign funding system [with] federal matching of small contributions for qualified candidates.
The bill also requires candidates for President and Vice President to submit 10 years of tax returns.
Opposing argument from the Heritage Foundation, 2/1/2019: HR1 federalizes and micromanages the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process. What HR1 Would Do:
Seize the authority of states to regulate the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.
Make it easier to commit fraud at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration.
Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by automatically registering individuals from state databases, such as DMV.
Cripple the effectiveness of state voter ID laws by allowing individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement in which they claim they are who they say they are.
Legislative outcome: Passed House 234-193-5 on 3/8/19; received with no action in Senate thru 12/31/2019 Source: Supreme Court case 19-S949 argued on Jan 3, 2019
Click here for HouseMatch answers by Joyce Beatty.
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2017-18 Governor, House and Senate candidates on Government Reform: Joyce Beatty on other issues:
OH Gubernatorial:
Betty Sutton
Connie Pillich
Jim Renacci
Joe Schiavoni
John Kasich
Jon Husted
Nan Whaley
Richard Cordray
OH Senatorial:
Mike Gibbons
P.G. Sittenfeld
Sherrod Brown
OH politicians |
Don't be an ox walking around here. "Ox" is part of the sign for the Lenox outlet, home to fine china and glassware, located in Central Valley to the left of Kohls.
The only one in the know this week is Anna Rios of Harriman. |
June 2016 Bulletin: Welcome
to Our New Archbishop!
Archbishop Bernard Hebda
Lead article from the June 2016 bulletin, online now.
The son of Bernard and the late Helen Clark Hebda, the Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda was born on September 3, 1959 in Pittsburgh, PA.
Bernard Hebda attended Resurrection Elementary School in Brookline, PA, and then graduated from South Hills Catholic High School in Pittsburgh in 1977. He continued his education at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1980 followed by a juris doctor degree from the Columbia University School of Law in 1983. He was admitted to the Bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1983 and worked as an associate in the law firm of Reed, Smith, Shaw and McClay.
In 1984, he enrolled at St. Paul Seminary in Pittsburgh and pursued the required studies in philosophy at Duquesne University before being sent to North American College in Rome in 1985 where he completed his theological studies and earned his S.T.B. from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1989.
He was ordained a deacon on April 6, 1989 at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome by Archbishop John Quinn, and was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Donald W. Wuerl on July 1, 1989 in St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh. After his ordination, he served briefly as Parochial Vicar Pro Tem at Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Elwood City, PA, before returning to Rome to complete his licentiate in canon law, which he received in 1990 from the Pontifical Gregorian University.
Upon returning from Pittsburgh, Fr. Hebda served in the bishop's office as Master of Ceremonies from 1990-1992, in team ministry at Prince of Peace Parish on Pittsburgh's South Side from 1992-1995, and as director of campus ministry at the Slippery Rock University Newman Center from 1995-1996. He also served on the Canonical Advisory Council, the Priest Council and the Priest Personnel Board of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
In 1996, he was appointed to work in the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in Rome, which is responsible for the interpretation of the Church's laws, especially the Code of Canon Law. In 2003, St. John Paul II named him Undersecretary of the Council.
While in Rome, he also served as an adjunct spiritual director at the North American College and as a confessor for the postulants of the Missionaries of Charity (founded by Blessed Mother Teresa) and for the Sisters of that community working at a home for unwed mothers.
He was named Fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord on October 7, 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. His Episcopal ordination took place on December 1, 2009. Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron was the Principal Consecrator, with Archbishop Francesco Coccopalmerio and Bishop Patrick R. Cooney as co-consecrators.
On September 24, 2013, Pope Francis named Bishop Hebda Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark.
On June 15, 2015, Pope Francis named him Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
On March 24, 2016, Pope Francis named him Archbishop-Designate of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Archbishop Hebda's Installation Mass took place on Friday, May 13, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, at the Cathedral of Saint Paul.
Posted by J. Thorp at 7:45 AM 1 comment:
Labels: Archbishop Hebda, bulletin, Grand Knight
June 2016 Bulletin: Welcome to Our New Archbishop!... |
From virtual reality to real reality. We have the visual aids to help our clients realise their properties potential and offer a clear idea on exactly what will be gained but of course non of this is useful unless coupled with the fundamental skills to make this work on a technical level. To be fair a project like this is not overly complicated yet not without challenge.
The first challenge was to get past planning who initially wanted to refuse this on the grounds that they felt the proposal should span the entire back of the house and the 2 storey element be situated on the end, this could not be achieved because of a garage to the rear of a shared drive which planners initially missed. After some lengthy patient discussions between myself and the planning officer it was a green light with no appeal!
The builders are definitely highly recommendable but be warned they are booked up for a min 6 months at a time! |
In our first experiment, we measured McGurk perception using 12 different McGurk stimuli in a sample of English-speaking adults, 40 of whom were retested following a one-year interval. They were the first to suggest that power output during the last sprints was probably sustained by increased contribution of oxidative metabolism.
By studying both animal models and human observational studies, it has been suggested that a leptin surge in the perinatal period plays a critical role in contributing to long-term risk of obesity. The phenotypes that arise are in response to the mother sensing an environment that would reduce the fitness of her offspring.
Additionally, epigenetics can refer to histone modifications or non-coding RNAs that create a sort of cellular memory. As seen, the pH of both graywaters decreased as coagulant dosage increased. Surprisingly, there was not a correlation between methylation states and birth weight.
Liquid and powder detergents are different in composition and contribute differentially to graywater characteristics. They suggest that major, near-term, investments in adaptation measures could reduce these risks.
TOC load was similar in both detergent solutions. One important factor that may contribute to the slower rate of fatigue and the smaller metabolic disturbances of endurance trained individuals is their higher aerobic fitness. These factors are thought to be contributing factors to obesity and cardiovascular disease, neural tube defects, cancer, diabetes, etc.
All stimuli were edited to have a duration of 1. The coagulation—flocculation process was more effective with the powder detergent graywater even though the liquid detergent graywater was less polluted.
Eunice Espinoza Estrada prepared the tables and figures and analyzed the data. However, in respiratory, kidney, and cardiac disease and muscular dystrophy the pivotal role of oxidative stress and increased proteolysis has been suggested Moylan and Reid, Regarding that laundry graywater is a high load graywater, a chemical system integrated by coagulation—flocculation and an advance oxidation process could be an interesting alternative to remove the XOCs and meet the quality requirements for reuse.
Similar variation in yolk androgen levels has been seen in bird species like the American cootthough the mechanism of effect has yet to be established . Thus, individuals with lower methylation states likely lost some of the imprinting effect. Some of these epigenetic changes can be passed down to future generations, while others are reversible within a particular individual's lifetime.
These variations in methylation are likely a contributing cause to the changes in the cellular events in the KEGG prostate cancer pathway that inhibit apoptosis and increase cell cycle progression that contribute to the development of cancer.Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, with effects unevenly distributed across the world.
Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II (WG2) to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Oct 20, · IRA Contribution and Deduction Limits Effect of Modified AGI on Deductible Contributions If You ARE Covered by a Retirement Plan at Work IRA Contribution and Deduction Limits - Effect of Modified AGI on Deductible Contributions If You ARE Covered by a.
Sep 04, · The cannabinoid type 2 receptor (CB2) has previously been implicated as a regulator of tumor growth, bone remodeling, and bone pain.
However, very little is known about the role of the skeletal CB2 receptor in the regulation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts changes associated with breast cancer. – This paper aims to investigate how to promote two types of knowledge contribution tasks. The authors focus on the role of supervisor and coworker support on motivation, and their effects on two different contribution tasks.
Long Term Effects Of Type 2 Diabetes: We Can Help You, 24 Hour Placement Nationwide! Insulin resistance is the most common cause of type 2 diabetes, but it is possible to have type 2 and not be insulin resistant. You can have a form of type 2 where you body simply doesn't produce enough insulin; that's not as common. |
Invitation for conservation, horticultural and agricultural partnerships
We are requesting support for our social, economic and climate justice project
Elderberry Wisdom Farm is expanding partnerships this winter to develop a social, economic and climate justice project being proposed to US Department of Agriculture for rural Marion County, Oregon. Our concept proposal is being submitted for review in mid-February with the full proposal due in April. We are inviting Western science partners to work with us to apply 'resilience thinking' that can strengthen biodiversity and sustainability of Willamette Valley ecosystems. Interested partners can contact Rose High Bear at [email protected] before January 31.
As we read grim statistics on climate change in the Pacific Northwest that continue to be published, including last week's climate report from NASA, NOAA and Berkeley Earth. They confirm that July was the hottest month humanity has ever recorded. http://berkeleyearth.org/global-temperature-report-for-2021/. We certainly felt it in Marion County in July as we watched our Native plant starts suffer from the heat.
Michael Wehner, senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory reported:
The heat dome that seared the Pacific Northwest this past summer was 'the most anomalous extreme heat event ever observed on Earth,' in the words of one scientist — a disaster so severe that it would have been virtually impossible in a world without climate change… climate change has already affected extreme weather in a big way, especially heat waves… Global warming is not our grandchildren's problem; it is ours, here and now.
This is not surprising Elderberry Wisdom Farm's Founder who has been filming Native American and Alaskan Native elders' responses to emerging climate issues for over a decade. She recorded subsistence peoples from Alaska who shared observations and memories of over 65 years of changes in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic. Some stories were shared in six climate documentary films from the Native Wisdom Climate Documentary Film series produced by the film team between 2012 and 2019.
In this decade, as we continue to track persistent global challenges to our earth's biodiversity, we see more losses, especially food insecurity among the world's indigenous peoples. They are experiencing not just the threat of the loss but the loss of traditional First Foods they and their ancestors enjoyed for centuries in their sacred landscapes.
We appreciate that our scientific community is increasingly including indigenous people in identifying solutions that can inform development of more holistic and sustainable land-use policies, including climate adaptation and mitigation projects happening on tribal lands throughout Indian Country.
We have created this new project and are relying upon collaborative partnerships with tribes, government agencies, educational institutions and environmental nonprofits. Including leaders from all generations and diverse collaborative partners can help to transform sacred Willamette Valley landscapes in a sustainable way that promotes biodiversity and also advances equity. Again, you can contact Rose High Bear, Executive Director at Elderberry Wisdom Farm [email protected]. |
Australia's national science agency, CSIRO and rural technology start-up Digital Agriculture Services (DAS) have launched a new platform that combines artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud-based geospatial technology to deliver reliable, independent and robust farm data and analytics.
CSIRO agriculture and food deputy director, Dr Michael Robertson said the platform refines a range of technologies developed by CSIRO in order to provide a picture of what has happened on a property over the years as well as the current situation.
"The Rural Intelligence Platform will help the agribusiness community calculate the risks associated with certain investments or management decisions," said Robertson.
"This is a whole new model for rural analytics which will make it easier to quantify risk and prepare for challenges like climate volatility and change," said Robertson.
CEO Anthony Willmott said digital agriculture is far more than just on-farm technology, it's also about improving off-farm decision making and this platform lays the foundation for Australia to become a leader in new generation agricultural analytics. |
The Sidekick's Student of the Week is Coppell High School sophomore Andrew Henry, who spends a lot of time at the Skate Park - Toyota of Lewisville Railroad Park. Henry enjoys playing guitar in his band, Pipeline, as well as supporting local bands around the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Coppell High School sophomore Andrew Henry has been interested in skateboarding and crafting music and was selected as The Sidekick's Student of the Week. Currently Henry plays in a band, @piplinetx on Instagram, with his friends.
When did you first get into playing the guitar and skateboarding?
I got my first guitar when I was 7, but didn't start playing until I was 13. Now it is something I do really often, and one of the best things I discovered. I starting skateboarding about a year and a half ago, and go out pretty often to learn new tricks and meet up with my friends.
Playing the guitar encompasses a lot, especially with the community you relate with. Coppell is such an amazing place to interact with different people. With several types of music, it is so great to have a group of supportive people who come out and watch you play. My band is made up of students at Coppell High School; it is cool because I get very close to them which makes us a more cohesive unit.
What is hardest part of being in your band?
Starting the band wasn't very hard, but scheduling was a struggle at first with us all doing different extracurriculars. We have gotten used to practicing and at this point, it has become second nature, but planning shows and getting together can be a struggle sometimes.
What is one of your favorite memories with the guitar?
Our first show, just seeing not only our friends and family, but different people that are in the punk band scene. Everyone was really excited, and it was one of those feelings that is hard to explain. I personally was anxious because there were people watching that we looked up to, and I was scared they would not enjoy the show. When everyone loved it, it was incredible.
What advice do you have for people that want to get into creating their own music?
Stop thinking about it. It is one of those things that you have to work on to get better just like everything else you do in life. It is like going to the gym. Everyone is very supportive, but nobody cares if you mess up. You just have to work harder and get better. Music can be a personal thing you do, and it helps build up a creative mind set.
I want to be a musician when I graduate from college. I am getting a lot of experience from booking my own shows and talking to people in the industry. I get to network with people and really grow my audience. Because we don't have a manager and assistants, it is a do-it-yourself. Skating is a way for me to stay in shape and is a safe place for me just to enjoy myself. I love to skate when the park is less crowded, and it is just a zen experience. |
Black Cube to pay £350,000 costs on failed libel suit - report
The libel case was filed by Black Cube in the UK after the "Uvda" alleged that Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer, had hired the firm in 2014 to investigate then-finance minister Yair Lapid.
A British court has ordered intelligence firm Black Cube to pay £350,000 legal costs to Israeli investigative show "Uvda" after it withdrew its defamation case against the program, "The Guardian" reports. Ilana Dayan is the lead investigator in the popular investigative program.
The libel case was reportedly filed by Black Cube in the UK after the investigative TV show alleged in June 2019 that Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer, had hired the firm in 2014 to investigate the then-finance minister, Yair Lapid, and other officials.
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Black Cube denied the allegations.
A spokesperson for Idan Ofer confirmed that he had contracted the agency for a brief period, but said Ofer ended up not using Black Cube's information, and that the intelligence had been gathered from public sources.
Black Cube, which has offices in Tel Aviv, London and Madrid decided to try the case in London because defamation settlements are usually higher.
Black Cube commented, "The company, according to the recommendation of its English lawyers, has decided to discontinue its defamation claim in the UK against Uvda for a documentary which they broadcasted more than one year ago. The company has been advised that since its income in the year following the broadcast has increased, the argument that the company has suffered financial loss because of the broadcast has fallen away. The company continues to state that the broadcast was wrong and seriously misleading and always acts strictly according to the law in every jurisdiction in which it operates."
Ilana Dayan / Photo: Kobi Kalmanovich
Yuval Azulai
Matan Barnir
Shany Moses and Chen Ma'anit
Ela Levi-Weinrib |
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Undoubtedly, with 865.263, the City of Turin is among the largest cities in Italy and surroundings so you're likely to discover lots of Plastic Physicians in this Metropolis. |
Government State & Federal Government
Mass Senate Unanimously Passes Homeless ID and Relative Adoption Bills
January 13, 2022 January 13, 2022 editor adoption, Homeelessness, legislation, Massachusetts Senate, Senate President Karen E. Spilka, Senate President Karen Spilka
In full transparency, the following is a press release from the Senate President's office.
BOSTON – Today, January 13, the Massachusetts State Senate unanimously passed legislation to make state identification more accessible to people experiencing homelessness, as well as legislation to allow adoption by close relatives, which is currently prohibited under state law.
"These two bills will support some of the most vulnerable individuals in our Commonwealth," said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). "The benefits are clear: providing access to identification for people who would otherwise struggle to receive it lifts up the lives of those in need. Separately, it is also time we recognized that in some cases, close relatives, even siblings, are the best choice for an adoptive guardian. Both bills will serve to strengthen people's lives in a tangible way. I am proud to join my colleagues in the Senate on moving forward on these issues again this session."
"As the state begins to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, the Legislature must ensure that individuals experiencing homelessness have the same fundamental opportunities to live happily. One fundamental key to accessing basic services are state-issued IDs. Currently, people experiencing homelessness face significant financial and bureaucratic barriers when they attempt to obtain an ID. Now is the time to break down bureaucratic barriers that fuel the cycle of poverty, and to ensure equality for all the Commonwealth's residents as we look towards a post-pandemic world," said Senator Harriette L. Chandler (D-Worcester), sponsor of An Act to provide identification to youth and adults experiencing homelessness.
"An identification card is something that many of us take for granted, but not having one can be a serious impediment to accessing essential services that so many people rely on," said State Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. "This legislation takes a necessary step and ensures youth and adults experiencing homelessness can obtain a state identification card required to access opportunities that will help to move their lives forward. Thank you to Senate President Spilka, Senator Chandler, and the advocates for their support and hard work on this legislation, and my colleagues in the Senate for their commitment to supporting the most vulnerable among us."
Currently, a person experiencing homelessness who wishes to obtain a Massachusetts identification (ID) card are faced with prohibitive fees and documentation requirements, including providing proof of a residence that they may not have. An Act to provide identification to youth and adults experiencing homelessness seeks to remedy these burdens by waiving fees for individuals experiencing homelessness. Furthermore, the bill would allow such an ID applicant to meet the proof of residency requirement by presenting documentation that is from an entity providing services in the Commonwealth, such as a homeless shelter, or that shows that the applicant is receiving services provided by the Commonwealth.
Identification cards are necessary for applying to jobs, enrolling in school, interacting with law enforcement, accessing government buildings, opening financial accounts, and many more basic services that many take for granted. The inability to receive an ID prevents many individuals experiencing homelessness from accessing basic services and has been linked to a cycle of poverty.
The Massachusetts State Senate on Thursday also addressed the issue of legal adoption of a young person by close relatives of an adoptee. An Act relative to expanding access to adoption would allow an individual adopt a younger individual if they are that individual's brother, sister, uncle or aunt. Currently, Massachusetts is one of only two states that prohibits adoption by close relatives. This legislation would allow for families to stay together ensuring a stable home environment which is a necessary component for development as well as physical and emotional health.
"In recent years, the Commonwealth has made great strides to expand the legal definition of 'family,'" said Senator Joan B. Lovely (D-Salem), sponsor of An Act relative to expanding access to adoption. "I am pleased to have sponsored S.2616 to better reflect and support residents across our Commonwealth who love and care for another. The COVID-19 pandemic has left many of our vulnerable youth without parents, making familial relationships and bonds more important than ever. S.2616 would allow adult siblings to adopt their younger siblings, aunts and uncles with the permission of county probate courts, sparing our youth the additional trauma of family separation. Our children deserve to be cared for by the people who know and love them, and this bill helps make that a reality. Thank you Senate President Spilka and Chair Gomez for your leadership, and to the Children's League of Massachusetts for your tireless advocacy."
Both bills now move on to the Massachusetts House of Representatives for consideration.
← Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action in Framingham
$1 Million Lottery Ticket Sold in Framingham →
Traffic Alert: Road Construction in Framingham Week of June 14
Gov. Baker Nominates HoSang to Massachusetts Parole Board
July 16, 2021 July 16, 2021 editor
Framingham COVID Numbers: 6,977 Total Cases,1,255 Active Cases, & 229 Total Deaths
March 8, 2021 March 9, 2021 editor |
Auguste Bailly (* 8. Januar 1878 in Lons-le-Saunier; † 22. April 1967 in Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux) war ein französischer Autor, Historiker und Romanist.
Leben und Werk
Bailly besuchte die École normale supérieure und bestand mit 21 Jahren die Agrégation als Jahresbester. Dann genoss er drei Jahre lang ein Stipendium der Fondation Thiers. Von 1903 bis 1936 war er Gymnasiallehrer in Paris. Bis ins hohe Alter entfaltete er eine weitgespannte Publikationstätigkeit als Romanautor, Historiker und Romanist. Die letzten 20 Lebensjahre verbrachte er in seiner Heimat im französischen Jura.
Les Prédestinés 1909
Les chaînes du passé 1912
Histoire d'une âme. Août-novembre 1914 1917
La Foi jurée 1914
Père et Fils 1918
Hélène Jarry 1921
La Carcasse et le Tord Cou 1923, 1998
L'Homme né de la chair 1923
L'amour tue et sauve 1923
Naples au baiser de feu 1924
La Vestale 1925
Saint Esprit 1926
Le Désir et l'Amour 1926, verfilmt 1951
Estelle, jeune fille d'autrefois 1927
Mikou, jeune fille d'aujourd'hui 1927
Estelle et Mikou 1928
Le Cri de la chair 1928
Soir 1929
La Danseuse à la rose 1929
Le Figuier maudit 1930
Blanche Monnet 1931
L'excommuniée 1933
Jules César 1932
Richelieu 1934 (spanisch 1969; portugiesisch 1984)
Mazarin 1935 (spanisch 1969)
Louis XI 1936
Saint François d'Assise et la révolution évangélique 1939
Byzance 1939 (türkisch 1970, 2006)
Cléopâtre 1939
Anne de Bretagne femme de Charles VIII et de Louis XII 1476–1514 1940
La Florence des Médicis 1942
Le Cardinal Dubois 1944
Le Règne de Louis XIV 1946
La sérénissime république de Venise 1946 (italienisch 1963; spanisch 1963)
Henry le Balafré duc de Guise 1953
La Réforme en France jusqu'à l'Edit de Nantes 1960
Madame de Maintenon 1942
La guerre de cent ans 1943
Les grands Capétiens 1180–1328 1952
Literaturgeschichte und Sprache
Grammaire française 1909
L'école classique française. Les doctrines et les hommes 1660–1715 1921
Les pensées de Sénèque 1929
La vie de Sénèque 1929
Maeterlinck 1931
La Fontaine 1937
Montaigne 1942
Beaumarchais 1945
Racine 1948
La vie littéraire sous la Renaissance 1952
François Ier restaurateur des lettres et des arts 1954 (spanisch 1966)
Madame de Sévigné 1955 (italienisch 1966)
Qui était qui ? Dictionnaire biographique des Français disparus ayant marqué le XXe siècle, Levallois-Perret 2005
http://amisdugrandvaux.com/jura/?page_id=438 (mit Bild)
Geboren 1878
Gestorben 1967
Mann |
Matt Fowler is working towards his Ph.D. at the Advanced Structures Composites Center.
Offshore wind is a rapidly developing new source of renewable energy, and researchers at the Advanced Structures and Composites Center have been modeling and testing floating offshore wind turbines for nearly a decade. Matt Fowler is a Ph.D. student from Presque Isle, Maine who is working on floating offshore wind turbines under the direction of Dr. Andrew Goupee.
Fowler received his BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Maine, and proceeded to join the private sector workforce. He worked in the structural analysis department for General Dynamics Electric Boat, well known for designing and building nuclear submarines for the US Navy. While there, Fowler kept up with events at the UMaine Composites Center, and after talking with peers and Dr. Goupee, he decided to return for his Master's degree.
"I was working down in Connecticut and I was keeping tabs on things here. Some of my friends stayed and got their Master's working with Dr. Goupee. They told me I should really check out what was going on at the center. I contacted Dr. Goupee and decided I wanted to come back and do my Master's. Dr. Goupee was the one who motivated me to come back here," Fowler said.
Fowler chose to work on offshore wind and was quickly involved with some significant testing projects with the center, including a 1:50 scale test of a model semi-submersible platform at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) in 2013.
He also worked with Sandia National Lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico on a coupled analysis code for offshore wind turbines. That work led to a paper Fowler co-authored with colleagues at Sandia and presented at the 2014 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE). The work later won a best paper award for the Renewable Energy Symposium.
Fowler has since completed his MS, and is working towards his Ph.D.. He is currently working on modeling and testing semi-submersible offshore wind platforms.
The models test will culminate with the completion of the W2 facility, where Fowler and his team hope to re-create the tests completed at the MARIN facility four years ago.
"We want to re-run the tests using the semi-submersible because we have it here. Doing these tests in the W2 will verify the fact that we can successfully do these tests in this facility," Fowler said.
In addition to the engineering aspect of the offshore wind turbines, Fowler is also pursuing his MBA.
"I'm also doing my MBA with my Ph.D. I'm working on the business side too, trying to see how engineering knowledge can work its way into the business field," Fowler said.
Over time, Fowler has discovered that gaining public support for offshore wind will be important to the growth of the field.
Fowler has credited his ability to get back into pursuing advanced degrees in the field of engineering to Dr. Goupee's mentorship, as Dr. Goupee was his advisor for both his MS and Ph.D.
"I have to see a problem and then dissect it down and get to the point where I really understand what's wrong in order to come up with a solution. Dr. Goupee has been really great at identifying projects to work on where I feel like I actually build the final result," Fowler said.
When considering his plans for after school, Fowler was adamant about supporting renewable energy and engineering projects. His ability to run simulations and his familiarity with the equipment at the center has heightened his interest in possibly returning to the center as a staff member following his degree completion.
Fowler's connection to the center has been a very positive experience for him, made even better by the energetic and helpful staff. |
AES Toronto to Present Review of Convention Papers, Workshops & Exhibits
Michael Raine Nov 20, 2018 0 Comments
The Toronto chapter of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) is its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27 from 7-9 p.m. at Ryerson University. At it, John Vanderkooy will once again give a review of select papers presented at this year's AES convention in New York. For those who couldn't attend the conventions, it's an opportunity to get an overview of some of the papers presented in an informative and digestible format. Joining John will be the usual suspect of members of the Toronto AES Exec who attended the convention with their own reviews and perspectives.
When: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Where: Ryerson University
RCC 244, Eaton Lecture Theatre,
Rogers Communications Building
80 Gould Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2M7
The Ryerson University Communications Building is located at the corner of Gould and Church, east of Yonge Street – Dundas Subway.
For parking info and map, goto www.ryerson.ca/parking.
John Vanderkooy
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo
John Vanderkooy was born in the Netherlands and emigrated to Canada with the family as a young boy. John received a B.Eng. degree in Engineering Physics in 1963 and a Ph.D. in physics in 1967, both from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. After a two-year postdoctoral appointment at the University of Cambridge in the UK, he went to the University of Waterloo.
For some years, John followed his doctoral interests in high magnetic-field low-temperature physics of metals. His research interests since the late 1970's however, have been mainly in audio and electroacoustics.
He retired in 2006 and is still an adjunct professor at the University of Waterloo. Over the years he has spent sabbatical research leaves at the University of Maryland, Chalmers University in Gothenburg, the Danish Technical University in Lygnby, the University of Essex in the UK, the Bang & Olufsen research centre in Struer, Denmark, Philips National Labs in Eindhoven, and the Steyning Research Establishment of B&W Loudspeakers, where he is returning again for the 12th time!
John is a Fellow of the Audio Engineering Society, a recipient of its Silver Medal and several Publication Awards. He served as editor of the Journal for six years. Over the years he has contributed a wide variety of technical papers in such areas as loudspeaker crossover design, electroacoustic measurement techniques, dithered quantizers, and acoustics. Together with his colleague Stanley Lipshitz and a number of graduate students they formed the Audio Research Group at the University of Waterloo, and it continues today although both of them have formally retired. His current interests are active acoustic absorbers and the acoustics of the trumpet.
Solotech Promotes Paul Tytaneck to Director of Design & Estimating
TEAC America Moving into New Corporate HQ |
Central African Republic: elections are 'unique opportunity' for peace – Guterres
"The coming period will be decisive for the country", António Guterres told a high-level meeting on the country, held on Thursday. His remarks were shared after the meeting, which was held behind closed doors.
"The presidential, legislative and local elections represent a unique opportunity for national reconciliation and the consolidation of peace, as well as the country's constitutional order and democratic achievements."
A UN peacekeeping operation has been in the CAR since 2014 following intercommunal violence, largely between a mainly Muslim coalition known as Séléka, and a mostly Christian alliance, commonly referred to as the Anti-Balaka.
Despite an agreement signed last year between the Government and 14 armed groups, the CAR continues to suffer violence and human rights abuses. Ongoing humanitarian and development needs, which have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, also remain an urgent priority.
A crucial step
The Secretary-General said the elections also constitute a crucial step for the continuity of the political process, and he upheld the February 2019 accord as "the only viable framework" for lasting peace in the country.
"The authorities of the Central African Republic and all national stakeholders have a historic responsibility to ensure the proper conduct of these elections, which must be free, transparent, safe, inclusive and within the constitutional time limits", he stated.
"I therefore call upon all stakeholders to prioritize national dialogue and consensus-building, in a spirit of respect and tolerance between different ethnic groups and religions."
Putting people at the centre
The UN chief stressed that citizens, including those who fled to neighbouring countries, must reap the benefits of efforts towards peace and democracy.
"All segments of the population of the Central African Republic, in particular women, young people, internally displaced persons and refugees, must be at the centre of efforts to consolidate democracy and, consequently, of this electoral process", he said.
The Secretary-General reported that there has been progress in implementing the agreement, including in legislative reforms, extension of state authority across the country, and a process for disarming, demobilizing and reintegrating combatants.
Security has also improved in some areas, thanks to the presence of the UN mission, known by the French acronym MINUSCA, which supports the authorities.
However, Mr. Guterres was concerned about the "significant number" of human rights violations and breaches of the agreement.
"The commitments made by all signatories must be respected", he said, while strongly condemning attacks targeting civilians, humanitarian workers and UN peacekeepers. |
Here's What Rihanna Said About LeBron James After Lakers' NBA Championship
Maroon 5 Frontman Adam Levine Explains How He Feels After Working With Rihanna
Rihanna Hints That Her Return Will Be Fabulous In 2021 As She Says 'I Want To Take My Music Into Another Level'
Kehlani Showcases Her Jaw-Dropping Figure As She Poses For Rihanna's 'Savage X Fenty'
Rihanna Reveals What Is The First Thing To Do After Joe Biden Wins The US Elections
Ayca Seda
Rihanna is known as one of the NBA's greatest admirers and she is also a huge LeBron James fan. Last night, the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Finals series 4-2, beating the Miami Heat 106-93 and became the champion for the 17th time. Although Rihanna could not be next to the players, as a fan, due to the pandemic, she posted a virtual celebration video via her Instagram account and showed that she stands by her team under all circumstances.
The last time the Lakers were NBA champions was in 2010 with the late Kobe Bryant. One of the most unfortunate events of 2020 was the tragic death of the legend with his daughter in a helicopter crash. The Lakers players, especially LeBron James, expressed that their only wish was to achieve this success for Kobe and they presented the championship to him.
The biggest fan of the famous basketball player is undoubtedly Rihanna, who admires James so much that she has been the cause of various rumors because of her previous posts.
Rihanna referred to LeBron James as "The King" and referred to him as "Bae." Also, she shared a sensational photo of LeBron James' jersey number on her body and tagged the basketball player in the picture.
Rihanna has been the number one spectator at most NBA games over the years and it is no secret that she is a huge basketball fan. She celebrated this huge win with a video she shared in her Instagram account.
She was wearing a Lakers jersey and she was holding balloons cheering and singing 'We Are The Champions' by Queen. Rihanna said 'bye-bye' to Miami and celebrated the success of her team to the full extent.
Here's what she said:
"If you ain't on this time right now … bye. Lebron remains king 💪🏿 Lakers are the champs 💜💛 and Kobe is proud 🙏🏿 A.D thank you! # 🏆 #Congratulations"
Check out the post below.
if you ain't on this time right now…bye. Lebron remains king 💪🏿 Lakers are the champs 💜💛 and Kobe is proud 🙏🏿 A.D thank you! #🏆 #Congratulations
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Oct 12, 2020 at 12:41am PDT
Related Topics:rihanna, rihanna fans, rihanna instagram, rihanna lakers, rihanna LeBron, rihanna news
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Mike is my favorite Disney Character!
He's funny and I love Green!
I hope that this was a very informative and well researched post. If it wasn't don't worry, that's the majority of the time.
Location: Inside of the Seattle wall, during the American Civil War.
Jin Saotome customs were either ebay or commissioned. April Skyy and Xerokills were direct commissions.
Does that say CUSTOMS? You can customize Skylanders?
Here i am stoked about my legendary Stealth Elf and then I stumble across this thread and am like WOWzers that's some cool custom models.
Thanks for sharing Sheriff !! |
Bugün TV
Private (confiscated)
Koza İpek Group
Akın İpek
CEO of Koza Ipek Conglomorate. The group famously backed the AKP government until a rift in 2013 when the AKP government and former ministers were accused of corruption. Following a court order, the company on 26 October 2015 was placed under a panel of trustees that includes former managers from pro-government Turkuvaz Media Group.
(28.10.2015) Turkish police raid Istanbul media group Koza-Ipek. BBC News. Retrieved in October 2016
(28.10.2015) Turkish police raid critical media HQ, shut down live broadcast. Hurriyet Daily News. Retrieved in October 2016
(1.09.2015) Turkish police raid media group over 'terrorist financing'. Euronews. Retrieved in October 2016
(01.03.2016) Turkey closes media outlets seized from Gulen-linked owner. Reuters. Retrieved in October 2016
(28.10.2015) Turkey: Riot police storm opposition media group Koza Ipek in Istanbul ahead of key elections. International Business Times. Retrieved in October 2016
(27.10.2015) Turkey extends clampdown on media. Financial Times. Retrieved in October 2016
(28.10.2015) Police Break into İpek Media. Bianet. Retrieved in October 2016
This company and its media outlets were confiscated and no information is available about the founder, shareholders or shares. As the company seized its operations the study can not rate the level of transparency.
(28.10.2015) 10 soruda Koza İpek Grubu operasyonu. Hurriyet. Retrieved in October 15, 2016
(1.03.2016) İpek Medya Grubu'na kilit vuruldu. Deutsche Welle Turkey. Retrieved in October 15, 2016
Official Website of Koza Ipek Group. Retrieved in October 2016
Brandweek Istanbul.Retrieved August 26, 2016
Haberturk. Retrieved August 25, 2016
Hurriyet. Retrieved August 25, 2016
Goetzpartners. Retrieved August 25, 2016.
Gercekgundem. Retrieved August 20, 2016. |
Saturday's hoops: Stetson falls to Marist, 79-75
Staff and Wire Reports
Dec 8, 2018 at 8:23 PM Dec 8, 2018 at 8:23 PM
DELAND — Christiaan Jones scored a career-high 23 points but Stetson (2-9) shot 47 percent in a loss to Marist (4-4) on Saturday.
Jones was 5-of-9 from 3-point range and had nine rebounds and three steals. Kenny Aninye had 15 points with six assists and Clay Verk had a career-high 11 for the Hatters.
Isaiah Lamb scored 18 points and grabbed seven rebounds for the Red Foxes, who won their third straight.
The game was tied at 19, but Stetson went scoreless for nearly 6 minutes and was down 43-34 at halftime and 62-47 with 13:32 to go.
The Hatters visit UCF on Dec. 16.
Tallahassee Community 64, Daytona St. 62
GAINESVILLE — Khadim Sy had 15 points and four rebounds but Daytona State lost to Tallahassee Community. Bryce Williams had 14 points and seven rebounds for the Falcons, who play Hillsborough Community at 7 p.m. Sunday.
Fla. Southwestern 76, DSC 47
FORT MYERS — Daytona State lost to Florida Southwestern at the FSW Tournament. |
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