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Kim Kardashian Shares Mason Disick's Concerned Texts | E! News
The "KUWTK" star shares texts from her nephew, Mason, regarding North's recent livestream on TikTok. Watch the 12 year old prove he's wise beyond his years!
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1313391/you-have-to-see-the-texts-mason-disick-sent-kim-kardashian-about-north-west-going-live-on-tiktok
#KimKardashian #MasonDashDisick #ENews
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Jake Gyllenhaal Photo Sparks OUTRAGE From Taylor Swift Fans!
Major Super Bowl Parties Still On Despite COVID-19 |
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It's been a busy start to the year for our latest project Emmi but we have finally finished work on the film. The last slog is often the hardest!
Creating a DCP (This is a new thing for me. Pleased to say that the digital projection file works – thanks to The Phoenix Picturehouse in Oxford for letting us test this).
You would be forgiven for thinking I'd left my blogging days long behind! I haven't – it's just been ridiculously busy! Now that certain milestones (or is that millstones) have cleared I am able to do some composing and film making once more.
We are in the final stages of completing our short film (this was rather shockingly filmed over two years ago). In October I met with Susie Stead (the writer/producer) and we gave ourselves a deadline of finishing the film "before the end of 2016", the reality is I'd like it finished it even earlier.
This period of inactivity has been helpful in allowing us to reflect with a completely fresh perspective. The most significant change is we have renamed the title from "The Choice" to "Emmi" (the character which the film revolves around). We felt the original title no longer represented the film properly and we wanted something which was short and snappy!
The film edit is locked but there are a number of post-production elements still to finish: visual tweaks, colour grading, sound. In terms of the sound we are working with Oxford Audio Post Production. They have worked on projects including the Tim Burton's Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and the forthcoming Netflix "A Series of Unfortunate Events".
The aim will be to take the film on the festival circuit in 2017, exciting times ahead! |
Devon MP Geoffrey Cox leading Brexit rebellion against Boris Johnson
The former Attorney General's decision not to back a controversial Brexit bill puts him on collision course with the Prime Minister
Paul Greaves
Devon MP and former Attorney General Geoffrey Cox will defy the Government and vote against a controversial bill seeking to override the Brexit withdrawal agreement.
Mr Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon, says Prime Minister Boris Johnson risks doing 'unconscionable' damage to the UK's reputation if the plans are passed in parliament.
He says he will vote against the Internal Market Bill when it appears in the Commons.
The UK negotiated and signed the withdrawal agreement with the EU in January. But a key element of that agreement concerning the Northern Ireland Protocol is now in dispute.
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Mr Cox, a leading barrister, says the Prime Minister knew what he was signing up at the time and should not try to override it illegally.
The opinion of Mr Cox carries significant weight within the Conservative Party. As a supporter of Brexit he has steadfastly backed Mr Johnson's efforts to break from the European Union.
Just last month the Prime Minister was in North Devon announcing plans to reopen the Appledore shipyard.
Mr Cox told The Times there was 'no doubt' the 'unpalatable' implications of the withdrawal agreement were known when Mr Johnson signed it.
Torridge and West Devon MP Geoffrey Cox (Image: PA)
He wrote: "We, the British government and Parliament, have given our word. Our honour, our credibility, our self-respect and our future influence in the world all rest upon us keeping that word."
The Tory MP said that there were lawful ways for the government to deal with its concerns, such as using a procedure set out in the agreement to take "temporary and proportional measures" to protect the UK's interests if approved by the Commons.
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"What ministers should not do, however provoked or frustrated they may feel, is to take or use powers permanently and unilaterally to rewrite portions of an agreement into which this country freely entered just a few months ago," he added.
Colleagues in the party may now follow his lead and vote against the proposals.
The Government says it will not back down in the row.
Policing Minister Kit Malthouse said Mr Cox's suggestion did not "solve the problem that we're faced with" over the future of trade with the EU.
He told BBC Breakfast: "What we've done is to say transparently that this is a situation which we think may occur - certainly that's what's being intimated from the EU. It's a problem we have to solve so here's a bill that solves it.
"In the end those people that oppose this bill have to tell us what the resolution is."
Geoffrey Cox |
Q: Using hunchentoot to parse post request sent by model.save() in Backbone.js I am a javascript/web application newbie and trying to implement my first web application using hunchentoot and backbone.js. The first thing I was experimenting is to understand how model.fetch() and model.save() work.
It seems to me that model.fetch() fires a "GET" request and model.save() fires a "POST" request instead. Therefore, I wrote a easy-handler in hunchentoot as below:
(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (dataset-handler :uri "/dataset") ()
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/html")
;; get the request type, canbe :get or :post
(let ((request-type (hunchentoot:request-method hunchentoot:*request*)))
(cond ((eq request-type :get)
;; return the json boject constructed by jsown
(jsown:to-json (list :obj
(cons "length" *dataset-size*)
(cons "folder" *dataset-folder*)
(cons "list" *dataset-list*))))
((eq request-type :post)
;; have no idea on what to do here
This is designed to handle the fetch/save of a model whose corresponding url is "/dataset". The fetch works fine, but I got really confused by the save(). I saw the "post" request fired and handled by the easy-handler, but the request seems to have only a meaningful header, I cannot find the actual json object hidden in the request. So my question is
*How can I get the json object out of the post request fired by model.save(), so that later json library (e.g., jsown) can be used to parse it?
*What should hunchentoot reply in order to let the client know that the "save" is successful?
I tried "post-parameters" function in hunchentoot and it returns nil, and didn't see many people using hunchentoot+backbone.js by googling. It is also helpful if you can direct me to some articles/blog posts that help understanding how the backbone.js save() works.
Thank you very much for your patience!
A: Thanks to wvxvw's comments, I found the solution to this question. The json object can be retrieved by calling hunchentoot:raw-post-data. To be more detailed, we first call (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :force-text t) to get the post data as a string, and then feed it to jsown:parse. A complete easy-handler is shown below:
(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (some-handler :uri "/some") ()
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/html")
(let ((request-type (hunchentoot:request-method hunchentoot:*request*)))
(cond ((eq request-type :get) ... );; handle get request
((eq request-type :post)
(let* ((data-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data :force-text t))
(json-obj (jsown:parse data-string))) ;; use jsown to parse the string
.... ;; play with json-obj
data-string))))) ;; return the original post data string, so that the save() in backbone.js will be notified about the success.
Hope this helps others who have the same confusion.
Cluster Headaches: The Worst Possible Pain?
The rare "suicide headache" is lesser-known than migraines, widely misunderstood, and often described as the worst pain known to humans. Psychedelic drugs are being explored as a treatment, but research is still scarce.
By Julie Beck
An artist's interpretation of a cluster headache (Wikimedia)
The "worst pain known to medical science" is an impossible thing to quantify, though many sufferers of cluster headaches are quick to describe their condition according to this elusive empiric standard.
Here are some the ways the pain of clusters has been described to me:
"Like a really really strong pressure, and then there's a kind of burning sensation."
"Someone's jabbed a white-hot poker into your eye socket and is holding it there for 45 minutes to an hour and a half."
"Like I just got shot in the face."
"It's like a papercut in my eye, in the center of my head."
"A pain that's so sharp and excruciating, there's no talking or doing anything other than just screaming to try to get out of it."
"It makes you want to get up and literally run from the pain."
Sufferers and doctors alike want to make clear the distinction: though they're called "headaches," clusters are not like migraines. The pain of a cluster headache is one-sided, typically concentrated around the eye and the temple, but can sometimes spread to other areas. On the affected side, the eye tears up and may droop, the nose can get congested. A headache will last between half an hour and two hours, and true to their name, they come in clusters—one or more times a day, often at the same time each day for a cycle that can last a few weeks, or a few months. Episodic sufferers get breaks of 30 days or more between their cycles; chronic sufferers get shorter breaks, or sometimes, no break at all.
It's not a new disorder—in 1745, the Dutch-Austrian physician Gerhard van Swieten described a patient who seems to be suffering from cluster headaches:
"A healthy, robust man of middle age was, each day, at the same hour troubled by pain above the orbit of the left eye, where the nerve leaves through the bony frontal opening; after a short time the left eye began to redden and tears to flow; then he felt as if his eye was protruding from its orbit with so much pain that he became mad. After a few hours all this evil ceased and nothing in the eye appeared at all changed."
"There's something very rhythmic about cluster," says Dr. Mark Green, professor of neurology at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and director of the school's Center for Headache and Pain Medicine. "Someone may come in and say 'at 4:15 a.m. every morning, I get an attack.' We used to call them alarm clock headaches, they were so regular." Though scientists don't know exactly what causes cluster headaches, the condition seems to involve the hypothalamus—the part of the brain responsible for circadian rhythms.
According to the World Health Organization, the condition affects one in 1000 adults—clusters usually start for people when they're in their 20s, or older.
Cindy Reynolds got her first cluster headache a little earlier than most. "I was 15," she says. "It was a wonderful day, I had just made cheerleading. I was super excited. I spent the night with a girlfriend and woke up in excruciating pain, screaming." After about a year, which included many trips to the hospital for MRIs and CT scans, she was diagnosed with episodic cluster headaches. Today, Cindy, now 52 years old, has been chronic for five and a half years.
Due to the rarity of the condition, "so many of the people I see with clusters are misdiagnosed," Green says. "They're told they have migraines or they're told they have sinus headaches or some other thing."
"Most headache doctors have had patients with cluster headaches who have committed suicide from the pain."
Mike Scott, 42, thought for years that he was suffering from sinus headaches. "It typically happened in the fall or the spring, and they would happen day after day for a while, so I assumed there was some kind of pollen or allergen or something that I was reacting to," he says. In his 30s, his formerly manageable headaches got worse, and he found out about clusters by Googling his symptoms.
Cluster headaches are also known, colloquially, as "suicide headaches." Green confirms that "most headache doctors have had patients with cluster headaches who have committed suicide from the pain…That's more likely in the chronic form, [when] they know that they're going to get one or two or three of these headaches, every day, forever. It's pretty awful to anticipate that."
Green remembers one 80-year-old cluster headache patient of his who also had heart disease. Because of that, he didn't want to prescribe a certain type of injection that can sometimes stop the pain. "He owns a gun and threatened suicide without them," Green says. The patient has since "done well, and understands the risks," he says.
Of the notion that it's the "worst pain known to medical science," though, Green says, "I think they're terrible. I think sometimes people can get a little carried away."
Even in less extreme circumstances, sufferers say the severity of the pain has changed their lives. Both Scott and Reynolds say their bosses are understanding of their conditions, and allow them to work from home. But they, and Green, know people who are unable to work because of the headaches.
Scott has had attacks while driving—particularly dangerous because of the tearing and blurring of vision that occurs. And, he says, "it's really affected my daughter. Now any time I grimace or put my hand to my face or anything, she says, 'Dad, are you getting a cluster?' She's so worried about it, it just breaks her heart to see me suffering."
Reynolds, a chronic patient, says, "if I could write a book on how to get through this, I would model it after the Alcoholics Anonymous guidebook…It's just too hard to explain the severity of the pain and how it takes over your life [when] you're in a cycle. I would incorporate the five stages of grief, for sure. And then how you come to understand how to live with this."
To live with her headaches, Cindy uses breathable oxygen, as needed. She is a believer in alternative medicine, she says. Though other cluster patients may use oxygen, too, they typically also use some sort of preventative medication, such as verapamil, and something to try to stop the pain while they're having it. Scott stockpiles Imitrex injections for this purpose—he says his insurance company gives him a limited number each month, which isn't enough if he's having multiple headaches every day during a cycle. So he gets his prescription filled even when he's in an off period, and saves the injections for when he needs them.
A couple doses of psilocybin mushrooms, a Schedule I drug, broke a cycle he'd been stuck in for months, when nothing else could.
For Bob Wold, founder of the non-profit cluster headache research and advocacy organization, Clusterbusters, none of the medications he tried worked. "All of the different medications that people use for clusters are hand-me-downs, usually from migraine treatments, anti-seizure medications, or blood pressure medications…I had pretty much tried all of the different medications that were available, and so I was contemplating having gamma knife surgery. They clamp your head down and shoot radiation into your brain, killing off part of your brain. I had been approved for that surgery at Northwestern."
He decided to try one last thing first, something he'd read about online. A couple doses of psilocybin mushrooms, which are classified as a Schedule I drug, broke a cycle he says he'd been stuck in for months, when nothing else could.
"I canceled the surgery and haven't looked back since," he says.
Clusterbusters was born from this idea, and anecdotal evidence of many cluster patients who used psilocybin or LSD to successfully stop their headaches. The organization incorporated in 2002, with the goal, Wold says, of starting more research into this treatment option, which the community calls "busting."
"Over the last 10 years, I have talked to thousands of people that have used these treatments, and for the most part, when people try them, they usually never go back to conventional medication," Wold says. He also notes that the dose required for treatment is not enough to cause someone to hallucinate—"it's normally starting off at approximately a quarter of a recreational dose," he says.
Clusterbusters partnered with researchers at Harvard University, and published a case series in the journal Neurology, in which they interviewed 53 cluster patients who used LSD or psilocybin to treat their headaches. Most found the treatment effective in stopping the headaches and lengthening the remission periods between cycles. A small pilot study—just five people—followed, in Germany, where researchers used bromo-LSD, a non-hallucinogenic form of the molecule. It was 100 percent successful, Wold says.
Green is slightly less enthusiastic about the treatment. "No one should quote the efficacy of the trials, because they're ongoing," he says.
Research on hallucinogenic treatments is now at the point where it would need a larger clinical trial, and Clusterbusters has branched out into other research, including working with Yale University on surveying the efficacy of the many medications cluster headache patients use. The organization is also working on getting a genetic study underway to investigate the possibility that the headaches come from expression of a certain gene. Wold says some of the researchers he's worked with "think it may be an epigenetic effect, that [the psychedelics are] actually changing the way the genes express themselves, telling your body to stop sending the signal for cluster headaches."
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Clusterbusters has become a hub for the cluster headache community's advocacy work as well. The organization worked with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to develop a fact sheet on cluster headaches for workers on their suicide hotlines. Partnering with the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy, Clusterbusters has sent a delegation to an event in Washington, D.C. called "Headache on the Hill" for the past two years. There they arrange visits with senators, congressmen, and government agencies, asking for more funding for research.
Wold says the group is also seeking orphan drug designation from the Food and Drug Administration, a status that provides incentives for developing drugs for rare diseases. According to the FDA website, orphan drug status is for "diseases/disorders that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S., or that affect more than 200,000 persons but are not expected to recover the costs of developing and marketing a treatment drug." Wold says there are more than 200,000 cluster headache sufferers, but not enough to be particularly attractive to pharmaceutical companies without orphan drug status.
"Our numbers are in a real grey area. It's just a real bad area for us to be in," he says.
Reynolds, who has attended Headache on the Hill, says she thinks the event also serves to ease patients' feelings of isolation.
"Cluster headache patients get empowered by a bond with another cluster headache patient because we can finish each other's sentences, when others can't understand," she says.
"Everyone hears the word 'headache' and they say 'migraine.'" Scott agrees. "There's a whole set of assumptions that they make. The first thing they'll say is, 'You need to take something and go lie down in a dark room.' Lying down actually makes it worse. Light and sound have no effect on these, whereas for migraines, people are very sensitive to light and sound."
Clusterbusters' guide for SAMHSA cautions people not to compare clusters to migraines. "Just the mention of a connection can cause the caller increased anxiety and anger," it reads.
Reynolds takes a different view of misunderstandings she's encountered. "When you share something with a familiar word [like 'headache'], the person that you're having a conversation with wants to acknowledge that they understand. So they'll say, 'I've had a cluster headache,' or, 'Have you tried Advil?' It's very discouraging, probably, to the patients, but the people that we're sharing with are trying to be helpful. This is just wonderful human nature, isn't it?" |
Tag: farming
United In Our Mission: SAT & The Government
by admin 5 Oct 2020 5 Oct 2020
The SAT employees, our board members and our CEO's all stood in "formation". A long uniform line, full of eager and excited faces. The SAT employees all sharply wearing our grey polo shirts with the SAT logo boldly and proudly embedded on the left-hand side. Our CEO's, stood right at the front of the line. Just as excited for this moment, that we had all been looking forward too.
A warm welcome: The Permanent Secretary greets our staff
The date is September 25th 2020, just a little after 13.00 hrs, we are all gathered at Vianzi, in the Mvomero district, a 20km from Morogoro City. Our mission? To welcome the Permanent Secretary of The Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Gerald M. Kusaya, to share with him our story, show him our facilities and have him assist us with opening new buildings at our SAT Training Centre. Mr. Kusaya's visit to us represents a chance to not only show our progress thus far, but an assurance and a confidence that we are walking arm in arm with the Government in our goal for a 100% organic future.
We, SAT are a non-governmental organization in Tanzania founded in 2009, headquartered in Morogoro. Our target is to ensure the majority of farmers are using acknowledged agro-ecological methods to improve their livelihoods. Which will then aid in the conservation of our environment and ultimately reduce pressure on natural resources.
Our SAT Training Centre, in Vianzi is expanding, with a set of new buildings almost complete. The set of buildings will include a new head office and dormitories among other areas. They will mainly be targeted for use in our CISTI or Curriculum Implementation Support for Training Institutes project. CISTI is a project aimed at producing graduates in line with the country's needs, as it relates to organic agriculture among other things. Thus far we are in collaboration with 29 Universities, have trained 83 tutors and completed 5 compendiums specific to this project.
In addition to the CISTI project we also run the Uluguru Spice Project (USP) where the target is for the majority of Tanzanian small-scale farmers to benefit from organic farming practices which reduce poverty, increase climate resilience and reduce the pressure on the environment. Another notable project we work on is Farmers and Pastoralists Collaboration (FCP), which aims to use a circular economy approach to bring the two conflicting parties together (farmers and pastoralists), building peace through integrated agroecological methods.
We believe continued investment and development of The SAT Training Centre will help us to achieve our aim of building towards an agroecological future, equipping farmers and others with the right knowledge which they themselves will go on to spread.
Fruits of our labor: Our CEO's show the Permanent Secretary our new buildings.
Mr. Kusaya maintained a look of awe and admiration, as we told him our story, showed him our facilities and the little self-sustainable "village", we had built in what seemingly looks like a random and remote part of the country. The community we have built lies in stark contrast to what was there before…Nothing. Alex, our Operations CEO, fondly shared the story of how years ago when he was exploring possible locations to start building, he stumbled upon this very place and upon telling the locals his plans of transforming it, they laughed and said he must have got some "Jua Kali" on the way here!
Story-time: Our Operations CEO Alex shares with the attendees SAT's history and our future plans.
As far as we have come, we at SAT still do have a long way to go to making the SAT Training Centre, in Vianzi, the organic educational hub we envision it to be. We mentioned to Mr. Kusaya our lack of electricity and water at Vianzi as well as the poor road infrastructure that leads to our Centre. He assured us and all our stakeholders present, that he takes our needs very seriously and will address them as best as he can. Insisting that we will always have a friend in the Government.
As such we look forward to working arm in arm with our key partners; Biovision, LED, ADA, Land Vorarlberg as well as the government of the United Republic of Tanzania towards building a 100% organic future for Tanzania.
A new beginning: The Permanent Secretary flanked by our CEO's admires the foundation stone he just unveiled.
Home, Story blog agriculture, alex wostry, farming, Janet Maro, ministry of agriculture, morogoro, mr. gerald kusaya, organic, permanent secretary, SAT, sustainable, Sustainable agriculture tanzania, Tanzania |
Western Cape schools '96% ready'
Cape Town - As pupils head back to school a week early to allow for the five week mid-year break during the 201 FIFA World Cup, schools in the Western Cape are "just about ready" for the start of the new school year.
Paddy Attwell, the provincial Education Department's Director of Communications said an audit conducted late last year by his department revealed that on average schools had completed 96 percent of all the tasks needed to be fulfilled before the start of the new school year.
These tasks included compiling rosters, timetables, detailing safety issues, ordering textbooks and setting the agenda for the coming year.
Though the department was waiting on reports, due to be submitted today, from each district to assess the final state of readiness, Attwell was confident that the remainder of the tasks would be completed in time for tomorrow's start of the school year.
He said parents would still be able to register pupils at some schools, despite a drive by the provincial government in the second and third terms of last year's school year to encourage parents to enrol their children.
Under the provincial government's Education Priorities 2010-2019, the Western Cape Education Department is aiming to obtain a literacy level of 90 percent or Grade 3's by 2019 - almost double the current literacy level of 53.5 percent.
The province also plans to push the matric pass rate up to 87 percent by 2019, which is up from 75.7 percent last year.
The Minister of Education Angie Motshekga said in her announcement of the matric results last week that she was "disappointed" in the results within certain provinces, including the Western Cape, where the pass rate declined by 2.7 percent.
Registration opens for Robben Island mass wedding
Biography of Nelson Mandela
Applications for Lesotho exemption permit now open |
William Slater (18 April 1940 – 2 February 2019) was a Canadian swimmer. He competed in two events at the 1956 Summer Olympics.
External links
1940 births
2019 deaths
Canadian male swimmers
Olympic swimmers of Canada
Swimmers at the 1956 Summer Olympics
Swimmers from Vancouver
Commonwealth Games medallists in swimming
Commonwealth Games bronze medallists for Canada
Swimmers at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games
Medallists at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games |
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Jim Henry
Vernon James "Jim" Henry
(Photo: Leslie Henry)
Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary and the marine science community lost a great friend, colleague and advisor with the passing of Dr. Vernon J. (''Jim") Henry. Henry was a marine geologist and expert advisor on environmental issues with an abiding interest in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary.
Jim Henry was an important, early investigator of the geologic framework that creates Gray's Reef. In 1974, he guided a graduate student, Jesse Hunt, to conduct the first geological studies of the reef, which helped to pave the way for national marine sanctuary designation in 1981. In the early 1980s, Henry conducted reconnaissance seafloor mapping of the Sanctuary, studies that were published in 1982 (with Scott B. Van Sant) and in 1985. In 1990, Jim produced a geologic history of Gray's Reef with fellow geologist Dr. J. L. Harding. These early investigations and reports created a critical foundation for the understanding and protection of the Sanctuary. In 1996, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recognized Jim Henry with an "Environmental Hero" award for his work on Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary. In 1999, Gray's Reef established an advisory council of stakeholders to advise the staff on Sanctuary management. Jim served as the council's inaugural chairman from 1999-2002.
In addition to Henry's important work on Gray's Reef, his long and distinguished career included teaching, research and administrative roles within the University System of Georgia: Director of the University of Georgia (UGA) Marine Institute on Sapelo Island (1961-1971); coordinator of the UGA marine geology program on Skidaway Island (1971-1982); Chairman and Professor Emeritus of the Department of Geology at Georgia State University (1982-1992); and part-time Professor of Geology and Director of the Georgia Southern University Applied Coastal Research Lab (ACRL) on Skidaway Island (1992-2003).
Jim Henry was one of the most respected geologists in Georgia and as such was frequently called upon to guide environmental policy in the State. His leadership of the Georgia Coastal Advisory Council was critical in the 1992 formation of the Georgia Coastal Zone Management Program. After his retirement from the University System of Georgia in 2003 and up until his death, Dr. Henry kept an office at the ACRL, staying active in barrier island research and the environmental community.
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Q: What can this component be? I have this anemometer (wind speed meter).
They provide some specs. But not the circuitry. It basically outputs pulses via a reed switch.
So I opened this instrument to see its circuitry. Here is what I saw inside.
First of all there is no indicator on the components. I mean I am guessing one is a diode an the other is the series resistor. The components are totally black and I read ..V on it, but its not clear, that's all.
On their website it says 330 ohm series resistance. So I'm more sure about which one is the the resistor.
When the switch is on, there is pot. diff. on R2 and when the switch is off there is no pot. diff.
The resistor looks like a chip resistor IEE written on it.
Anyway, my question if one of the component is a diode why can be the reason it is used for.
Since there is no inductive load it is not used for flyback purpose. Can it be a regulator?
Here is how it looks like (the circuitry is in the red window, rest is for measurement):
A: Many anemometer installations require long wiring runs, which, even for distant lightning strikes, are subject to high voltage spikes. Further, these long lengths of cable at the rated 30V DC can have inductive effects, so while the PCB doesn't include an inductive part, it could still be subject to inductive kickback which the diode will handle, preventing contact degradation.
A TVS diode in parallel with the reed switch helps protect the reed from arcs from either high voltage events, or possible inductive issues with the measuring equipment or long cable length.
While most TVS diodes optimize for low capacitance, you can get TVS diodes with enough capacitance to accommodate the bounce of a low-bounce reed relay. With a good magnet design you can lower the bounce even further so the TVS capacitance is enough to manage the bounce altogether. It's possible this part is playing two roles.
Given that it's marked D1, this is my guess. You could put it into a curve tracer to verify, though if it is a TVS diode you'll need a high voltage curve tracer.
A: As guys in comments said - IEE is 331 upside down. 330R resistor.
Other part is probably TVS that protects your measurement equimpent from overvolting and reverse polarisation.
Well, this is a bit of a throwback – sounds like something I would have done three years ago. It's OK I guess but (rules being rules) I had to get it done so I could get on with the next thing. Spent a massive amount of time looking fr vocal samples for this and failed to find anything suitable.. |
Imprint: Random House Australia
Four men. One unbreakable friendship. Forged in the mighty Iron Ore State.
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Judy Nunn's career has been long, illustrious and multifaceted. After combining her internationally successful acting career with scriptwriting for television and radio, Judy decided in the 90s to turn her hand to prose.
Her first three novels, The Glitter Game, Centre Stage and Araluen, set respectively in the worlds of television, theatre and film, became instant bestsellers, and the rest is history, quite literally in fact. She has since developed a love of writing Australian historically-based fiction and her fame as a novelist has spread rapidly throughout Europe where she is published in English, German, French, Dutch, Czech and Spanish.
Her subsequent bestsellers, Kal, Beneath the Southern Cross, Territory, Pacific, Heritage, Floodtide, Maralinga,Tiger Men,Elianne, Spirits of the Ghan, Sanctuary, Khaki Town and Showtime! confirmed Judy's position as one of Australia's leading fiction writers. She has now sold over one million books in Australia alone.
In 2015 Judy was made a Member of the Order of Australia for her "significant service to the performing arts as a scriptwriter and actor of stage and screen, and to literature as an author".
Also by Judy Nunn
Praise for Floodtide
An honest portrait of a place, peopling it with fascinating, flawed characters ... A stunning blockbuster.
Snow Country
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There are 28 different species of bats in Arizona. Most of Arizona bat species are insectivores (insect eaters) but two of Arizona's bat species are nectarivores (flower nectar drinkers) the lesser long-nosed bat and the Mexican long-tongued bat. Nectarivorous bats can be identified from by their larger eyes, smaller ears, and long tongues.
They normally nectar bats feed on night blooming and fruiting plants such as saguaro and organ pipe cactus and agave. The agave plant and the saguaro cactus depend upon bats for pollination and seed dispersal. Nectar feeding bats are amazing long-distance fliers that migrate long distances to follow the blooming seasons of their favored plants.
Late summer into fall in southeastern Arizona hummingbird feeders may be visited during the night by nectar-drinking bats that cross over into the U.S. from Mexico by late fall they have migrated back to Mexico.
Each year we monitor our feeders and enter the data into the Lesser Long-nosed Bat and Hummingbird Feeder Project website, http://marana.com/index.aspx?NID=520 Data collected from this study will be used by scientists to better understand the lesser long-nosed bat, a species listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. The hummingbird feeder project has been going on in the Tucson Basin since 2006.
Our first bats this year were seen on Aug 11 at around 9pm. The feeder level had dropped about an inch by morning. If this year goes like years past, in a week or so they will be draining the feeders by morning.
~ by Meg on August 12, 2012. |
When transporting your valuable goods around the world, you want to know it will be managed by someone with the right knowledge and experience. You want to be confident that it will be done efficiently, reliably and professionally.
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Uneek Group is investing heavily in all areas necessary to ensure high-quality services are offered to our customers. |
Watch: Schoolboy Q Debuts "cHopstix" On 'The Tonight Show' | Video
The west coast native, Schoolboy Q is back. The wordsmith took to the stages of 'The Tonight Show' to do his thing, bringing along his latest single "Numb Numb Juice," as well as a brand new single for our listening enjoyment. With a new album seemingly on the horizon, Schoolboy Q debuted a brand new single the other night called "cHopstix."
Taking over the stages of 'The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon,' Schoolboy put together quite a performance, showing off his lyrical prowess and his new single in the process. The wordsmith didn't disappoint, providing a dose of his energetic talents in the process. The new single, "cHopstix" featured Travis Scott on the hook, and we can expect to hear the full song soon.
Take a minute from your busy day and check out Schoolboy Q's performance in the video below. Give us your thoughts in the comments and keep it locked for more new music. Look for much more from Schoolboy Q coming in the very near future.
John Mayer x PRS Guitars Limited-Edition Silver Sky "Lunar Ice" Guitar
BBE Records Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of J Dilla's Welcome 2 Detroit with 12-LP Vinyl Box Set
What Was That? stupidDOPE 2020 Year-In-Review & Music Playlist
Kanye West and The Sunday Service Choir Deliver 5-Song "Emmanuel" for the Season
SZA Follows Up Hit Different with Jacob Collier Co-Penned "Good Days" Single |
Audi is a brand that defines luxury through technology and engineering, so we expect the Ingolstadt set to bring its absolute A-game with its freshly redesigned flagship, the 2019 Audi A8 L.
This long-wheelbase, full-size luxury sedan is loaded with the first application of Audi's 48-volt mild hybrid powertrain and the very best driver aid, infotainment and performance technology in the automaker's playbook, much of which I was able to experience earlier this year in a European-spec model.
However, the fourth-generation A8 hasn't crossed the Atlantic totally intact. Regulations and market preferences mean that the 2019 A8 L arriving stateside (and in the Roadshow HQ garage) has a feature list that is, shall we say, a bit curated.
The Good Audi's first-ever 48-volt mild hybrid system powers accessory systems without taxing the powertrain. The new MMI Touch Response system is easier to use thanks to haptic feedback and a smartphone-esque interface. The Audi A8 L is packed to the gills with tech and luxurious amenities.
The Bad Estimated fuel economy isn't any better than the previous, non-hybrid generation. The glossy black interior and touchscreen are fingerprint magnets. The dual-screen interface can take some getting used to.
The Bottom Line The well-equipped 2019 Audi A8 L is one of the most high-tech luxury sedans on the road today, and this isn't even its final form.
The major difference between the S6 and S7 is out back, and that's about it. |
Q: How to reset Windows 8.1 icons? I few weeks ago I had installed windows 8.1 on mu ASUS system and recently I discovered that the my system icons have been changed to these. can any one of please tell me how to fix it.
A: Windows 8.1 can alter fonts (to icons also), based on your input language settings.
So first, check input language and make sure it's default.
Then, open a command prompt. Enter the command shell:fonts to open the Windows-Fonts folder.
Click the Text "Font settings". Click the button "Restore default font settings"
This also removes all manual changes that you've made to your display settings.
Then, delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\IconCache.db.
That is the icon cache.
To delete it, open a command prompt, end 'explorer' process, delete the file.
The process will reload automatically. If it does not, just type 'explorer' into the command prompt and it will load it back.
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The QL was launched too early in its development for commercial reasons; the result was a system which was buggy and still unfinished. The first machines were delivered to customers with many months of delay, causing excessive press criticism. Despite its marvellous features, the QL never succeedeed in the mass market. Perhaps it was too expensive for hobbyists and lacked large and reliable mass storage for professionals. Third party hardware add-ons, software, and even some QL compatible computers started to appear in the rapidly growing QL market, giving more than reasonable tools to the users, and often repairing to some original QL's weaknesses, but it was already too late. Forced by the QL's early failure, in March 1986 Sinclair sold its products and technology to Amstrad, which wasn't interested in the QL. Probably about 150000 units were sold in the brief and unlucky QL's life.
Planet Sinclair has a an interesting article about the QL's history, and some more information is available on Wikipedia.
The tape inside a microdrive.
Microdrive cartridges are much smaller than floppy disks.
Every QL was sold with a suite of four business applications on microdrives.
This page © 2012 Daniele Terdina. All rights reserved. |
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Q: A 404 error occurred Page not found. The requested URL could not be matched by routing. No Exception available I have implemented the stripe system on my website using stripe documentation
I have made a payment file and a charge file .
this is the code for payment file
<div class="panel-body">
<form action="in/payment/charge.phtml" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
Furthermore the code for charge file includes try catch clause.
try {
Stripe::setApiKey("secret_key_here"); //Secret Key
$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array(
"amount" => 750,
"currency" => "usd",
"card" => $_POST['stripeToken'],
"description" => "Charge for Events Plan Subscription."
//send the file, this line will be reached if no error was thrown above
echo "<h1>Your payment has been completed. You have Subscribed to Events Basic Plan</h1>";
//you can send the file to this email:
echo $_POST['[email protected]'];
//catch the errors in any way you like
catch(Stripe_CardError $e) {
catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
// Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
} catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) {
// Authentication with Stripe's API failed
// (maybe you changed API keys recently)
} catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) {
// Network communication with Stripe failed
} catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
// Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
// yourself an email
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
It displays stripe popup as soon as I click pay with card. But soon after entering details and pressing pay button is shows 404 page with message:
A 404 error occurred
Page not found.
The requested URL could not be matched by routing.
No Exception available
I am newbie to zend framework. I have made necessary route changes in module.config.php .
return array(
'router' => array(
'routes' => array(
'rpayment' => array(
'type' => 'Segment',
'options' => array(
'route' => 'payment[/:action[/]]',
'constraints' => array(
'action' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*',
'defaults' => array(
'__NAMESPACE__' => 'Webin\Controller',
'controller' => 'Payment',
'action' => 'index',
I dont know where I am wrong? Can anyone please point out error?
A: Is this the correct path?
Is stripe in a folder in the root directory of the website? I recently spent too much time on a small overlook like this. I had to add ../ to the front of Stripe/lib/Stripe.php
[Stitch] Intel4U JONNYWG 5/29/2012 11:50PM EDT Wednesday night we will be graced by an expert in both penny stocks and small cap stocks ... This man will take the time to explain them and give investment advice. This of course may be postponed if other events occur!!!!!
FIRECRACKERMAN56] .86 is a joke. imo. need to study.
bamanana] FIRECRACKERMAN56 so you care to think what is reasonable?
FIRECRACKERMAN56] bamanana, Start with alot higher number. All we have to do is the math. .86 does not work at all. Even with Iraq they can't survive on that. Start with 3.86.imo.
Now worth next to nothing...how could this be?
Just came across this article on MSN news page. A reminder of how we need to be careful of what we put out on social media sites, now and more after the RV.
On Thursday, a teenage girl posted a photo of a "large sum of cash" on Facebook. About seven hours later, two robbers arrived at her family's home.
Unsurprisingly, this incident prompted local authorities to issue a warning about the dangers of posting photographs online.
[DelawareMeMom] I spoke with Okie today and he asked me to convey a message to the room. He is not here because he has received a mandate to be silent. He cares deeply about the OOM family; however, he is remaining silent at this time. I expressed our appreciation to him.
[steveg] Can anyone tell me what the nexus of the bank packages was the last few days? Was there new communication with the banks all of a sudden? Did the banks feel the RV was immanent or was it just the end of some negotiations?
[poppy3] Delete the zeros will reduce the money supply Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that "an integrated project to delete the zeros and all concerned in the government support him and there is no one against him, and who object to this project is skeptical of the ability of the central bank to implement it."
He added that "the Bank is ready to implement the decision without hesitation if the government decided that," he added, it will reduce the money supply large and troublesome. "
[BEAR5642] Microsoft has just launched in Iraq they have the largest oil reserves untouched largest Gold untouched largest copper untouched shall I go on not counting with the RV they will be richest nation on the planet and do it with all assets based currency.
[BEAR5642] Cannot say but you will not believe this my contact in iraq never told me he is personal friends with Maliki and asked why he didnt tell before all of this and his response "you never asked me"
5-29-2012 Doc: Well we waited all weekend to see how the Maliki drama played out. It appears the whole Ebril holdup boiled down to a land dispute over boarders.
Shammari is quoted as "possession of the prime minister and a document signed by the President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and President Jalal Talabani, determine the administrative borders of the region, noting that al-Maliki will carry out the demands of the Iraqi List, and that the next crisis will be among the Kurds and the Arabs of the difficulty of the implementation of Article (140)."
We contend we are very close to HCL implementation also. The current holiday period is over in about 2 weeks which corresponds nicely with the UNSC meeting. We could very well see chapter 7 and Erbil/HCl all done by mid-late June. Right now only time will tell but this is very encouraging.
wenmar] chillimac This RV is slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. |
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How plans for a shorter working week are taking the UK by storm
Joana Ramiro
Everyone is flirting with the four day week. It's time we committed to it for our future's sake.
If you thought policy could never be cool, think again, because this piece of potential legislation has been on everyone's lips in the last few weeks.
From gracing the pages of most national newspapers (and even being the splash of a very infamous tabloid) to becoming one of Momentum's flagship campaigns, the idea of a shorter working week has taken Britain by storm.
This would be pretty sweet 😍#BankHolidayWeekend #4DayWeek #LongWeekend pic.twitter.com/O3IU4TQ13J
— Momentum (@PeoplesMomentum) 28 May 2019
It's easy to understand why working less for the same amount of cash is appealing – who doesn't feel less stressed after a bank holiday weekend? But the benefits of a shorter working week go beyond an extra night to go out on the lash.
And for those thinking the measure is a little outlandish, you'd only have to remember that our current seven day week is a relatively modern thing, fought for an won by trade unions in the 20th century.
As Autonomy's director, Will Stronge, told LFF:
"This idea has a rich history: we've moved from a seven day week to a six day week to a five day week. The weekend was only really normalised after World War II. It's about time we continued this progressive trend."
An idea with many options
Currently the main proposal on the table is to reduce the working week to four days without loss of pay. It's mostly known as the Four Day Week and is supported by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), the Green Party and Momentum, as well as known to be a favourite of Scottish National Party and Labour MPs.
But there's other options available, including the proposal of a 21 hour week, which has been promoted by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) for a long time. There's even a bid for a 9 hour week that made the front page of The Daily Star two weeks ago. The idea was proposed by the Autonomy think tank, who found out that the reduction would help Britain prevent a catastrophic 2C temperature rise .
One policy, many benefits
Environmental protection is perhaps one of the least thought about consequences of a shorter working week. According to another Autonomy report, a 25% decrease in working hours would result in a 30.2% reduction in our carbon footprint. That's in part because we would have more time to travel and so chose cleaner forms of transportation. Less work, fewer late night Deliveroos, more strolls down to the farmers' market.
Believe it or not, for the economy, the four day week also means a considerable boost too. Work would be more evenly distributed, lowering unemployment rates, while reducing stress levels and improving productivity. Plus, businesses looking to automate some of their processes could do so without firing staff, meaning the British economy could develop without a negative social impact.
Your mental health too would see the improvements of a four day wee. Absenteeism is expected to drop, as would anxiety, depression and other intensive workload-related illnesses. This would mean reduced costs in sick-days for companies, as well as the burden these conditions place on the NHS. Importantly, it would significantly improve workers' quality of life by addressing the unhinged work-life balance of our current system.
Above all, if you're a progressive person with a penchant for democracy and women's equality the four day week is definitely for you. Because shorter working weeks for all would result in a more equal division of reproductive labour (i.e.: cooking, cleaning and caring for others) which tends to fall predominantly on women. It would also give everyone more time to get involved with politics – from going door-knocking and attending MP surgeries to getting involved with your local community and organising village fêtes.
Everybody loves it
And perhaps the best thing of all is that Britain can not get enough of the idea. According to a YouGov Eurotrack survey from earlier this year, 63% of Britons support a four day working week. A further 71% think it would make people happier, and 45% think it would make us more productive.
Speaking to LFF, Aidan Harper from the 4 Day Week Campaign said:
"We have created a model of work which systematically robs us of the time we have, and yet we are far less productive and far less happy than a number of our more leisurely European neighbours. To continue with this model is madness. A four-day week would not only transform our lives by freeing us to spend time with our loved ones and in our communities, it could also be a central plank in a series of radical reforms which ensure that the economy works for everyone."
That's why 45% of workers told the TUC that a four day week would be their ideal work setting, with nearly 25% going as far as supporting a three day week.
With the world changing so much, so quickly, especially where work and our relationship with it is involved, politicians should take note. A four day week is not just another pipedream of the "snowflake generation" – it is the future awaiting to happen.
Joana Ramiro is a freelance writer, broadcaster and producer living in London. You can follow her on Twitter here.
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6 Responses to "How plans for a shorter working week are taking the UK by storm"
peem birrell
"our current seven day week is a relatively modern thing, fought for an won by trade unions in the 20th century"
Wow! How many days were there in a week in the 19th century?
Patrick Newman
Well done Peem for reading the article. It looks as if the editor had finished his four days this week! When I started work in 1963 it was a five day week but 45 hours in length soon reducing to 42 hours! So perhaps in addition to defining the maximum number of days, the maximum number of hours should be adopted. A four day week is not much good if it involves a nine-hour day which with breaks takes the time at work to nearly 10 hours. You could have a transition of reducing hours over five years leading to a four day week. However, just how will this be brought about. A political commitment is needed in a manifesto for the next election. No signs of that yet!
Sorry to bring this down to reality but a couple of questions. Are people being payed for five days or four and if it's four worked and five paid who pays?
Patrick Thomas Sudlow
Strange, when the EU brought in the Working Time Directive (WTD) 2003/88/EC, the then Labour Government, pushed for an opt-out for the UK. I do not remember any union, especially the GMB, which I was a member of, at that time, challenging the Government. The directive was brought in to protect workers health and improve their family lives. Funny, now Labour is not in power, all the lies spread about why we should leave the EU and sixteen years after the WTD, the issue of a shorter working week should crop up, again!.
Nothing against shorter hours but we are back to the question of, who pays?
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The Economic Survey 2013-14, announced on Wednesday, appears to be setting the tone for India's climate change negotiations on global fora.
This report released by the White House Council of Economic Advisers examines the economic consequences of delaying the implementation of policies aimed at combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and emphasizes the urgency of taking policy action on climate change.
Climate change will affect South Asia more than most other regions. South Asia's weather is likely to become hotter than the global average, while monsoon rains and heavy storms will increase in most parts of the region.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has issued an economics of climate change adaptation study for Trinidad and Tobago that can be applied to the broader Caribbean region, along with the information regarding how to implement such a study.
Believe it or not, Kolkata's energy efficiency has doubled since the turn of the century and is projected to increase by two times in the next 12 years.
In an internal briefing paper prepared for its diplomats across the world before the Warsaw climate negotiations, which The Hindu accessed, the U.S. has opposed the setting up of a separate mechanism on 'loss and damage'. It has also pushed primarily for the role of private investments and finance to enable the poor countries to adapt to climate change. |
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I smell an upset. No one on the planet is as popular as Dean Ambrose right now. He is a mix of Stone Cold Steve Austin's raging against the powers that be and the insanity of Mick Foley with some crazy bumps and moves here. There is no Roman Reigns on the card, and the WWE desperately wants t make him be loved by the fans.
What better way than to help his brother from the Shield win the World Title. It will prove his worth and make the fans happy. The marks booed when they were forced to watch him win the Royal Rumble, which forced WWE to change the direction of the main event from WrestleMania.
Now if the writers give the fans what they want, all will be right with the world. They can have the golden boy, Seth Rollins win it back tomorrow night on RAW. |
Q: How can I center leaflet map in the browser? I am creating a game map using leaflet and so far everything works fine, except centering the map. I would like the map be vertical centered in the browser.
Is there a way to fix this?
I tried changing L.latLng under //Declare Map Object, but this does not do the trick.
Here's how I have it set up currently:
// Variables
var mapSW = [608, 8026],
mapNE = [7574, 146];
// Declare Map Object
var map = L.map('map', {
center: L.latLng(0, 0),
zoom: 4
// Reference the tiles
L.tileLayer('maps/velen/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 5,
continuousWorld: false,
noWrap: true,
crs: L.CRS.Simple,
map.setMaxBounds(new L.LatLngBounds(
map.unproject(mapSW, map.getMaxZoom()),
map.unproject(mapNE, map.getMaxZoom())
// Icons
var locat = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'images/locat_marker.png',
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U.S. skier Mikaela Shiffrin won't apologize for dreaming big about Olympics hopes
Nancy Armour
USA TODAY profiles 10 top American athletes to watch during the Pyeongchang Olympics, which begin Feb. 9.
Mikaela Shiffrin won't apologize for having big ambitions.
She used to sheepishly brush off her declaration four years ago that she'd dreamed of winning five gold medals at the Pyeongchang Olympics, blaming it on a lack of sleep and youthful exuberance. While that last part was true, she now muses about why her dream should be considered so outlandish.
She's the youngest Olympic champion in slalom, winning gold in Sochi at 18. Her 10 World Cup victories this season put her career total at 41, a blistering pace not seen since all-time wins leader Ingemar Stenmark's days.
The gradual way Shiffrin has added the speed events to her schedule — to say nothing of downhill queen Lindsey Vonn — probably makes winning all five golds unrealistic at these Games. Although Shiffrin did get her first downhill World Cup win this season and was third in two other races.
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But the suggestion that she's audacious simply to think of a gold medal sweep brings an edge to her voice.
"I think so," Shiffrin said in late September, when she was asked during the U.S. Olympic Committee media summit if five golds was physically possible. "Well, ask Michael Phelps. I know it's not the same thing. There's more events in swimming.
"But do you think it's possible to win 23 (gold) medals through an Olympic career? I guess so."
A few weeks earlier, well before the #MeToo movement erupted, Shiffrin had talked at length about ambition and how differently it's perceived in male and female athletes. Winning isn't what drives Shiffrin. It's the quest to be the very best in the world at what she does, and winning is a natural byproduct of that.
So why not put it out there? Is that any different from Phelps stating before the Beijing Olympics that his goal was to win eight golds? Or Usain Bolt saying he wanted to win three? Why are male athletes celebrated for their boldness while females are seen as brash?
"The difference is getting less and less as time goes on, but there's still a difference," Shiffrin said. "If I leave any legacy behind, it's just the idea, just the theory that you admit to your ambitions and you don't let people tell you you're wrong to have those ambitions.
"As long as you're willing to work toward them — you can't just expect it's going to be given to you just because you had the dream. But if you're willing to work toward them, then you have to admit to them first," Shiffrin said. "And for a lot of athletes, that in and of itself is the difference between making it to their goals and not."
Given what she's accomplished, it's hard to argue with her theory.
Considered a phenom in Sochi — she already had seven World Cup wins before the Games — Shiffrin has since established herself as the world's best all-around skier.
There are the World Cup wins, which she has amassed at record-setting pace. Annemarie Moser-Proell also won 41 before she turned 23 but, given that Shiffrin's birthday isn't until March 13, there's a good chance she'll surpass the Austrian.
In winning the World Cup overall title last year, she became the youngest to claim the crystal globe since 2003 and only the fifth American. She will likely add a second overall title this year, with more than double the points of Switzerland's Wendy Holdener.
In a tribute to her consistency, Shiffrin has reached the podium in 59 of her 128 World Cup starts. Think about that: In a sport where almost nothing — weather, snow, course conditions — can be controlled, she's won a medal in almost half of her races.
Shiffrin has become so dominant, she's now expected to win, particularly in the technical races. When she doesn't, the reaction ranges from low-level hysteria to a full-on panic.
She goes into Pyeongchang after an uncharacteristic rough stretch, not finishing back-to-back World Cup races for the first time since 2011 and skiing off course near the finish Sunday. With a second lead at the time, the mistake cost her what would have been another slalom victory.
"Media have made a bigger thing out of it than it really was," her manager, Kilian Albrecht, told Austrian broadcaster ORF after the race.
That has presented Shiffrin with perhaps the biggest challenge. Bigger than any mountain, bigger than any other skier.
"I've always said, my expectations are higher than what anyone else could put on me," Shiffrin said. "Then I start reading things, and I'm like, 'Do they really think I'm going to win everything?' That's kind of unrealistic, and then I feel like I have to defend myself of why I might not meet that expectation.
"So that's where the issue comes in and, honestly, it's just thinking about all the wrong things at that point."
Shiffrin felt the weight of the expectations most last season, when she said she threw up several times before races. But she ultimately came to the realization that those expectations — just like all those judgments about her ambitions — have very little to do with her.
She races because she loves it. Asked why, Shiffrin reminisces about skiing with her parents, brother and friends when she was growing up in Vail, Colo., and the ageless debate about whether to take one more run or go inside for hot chocolate and French fries.
"When I get back on snow, it's almost like I travel back in time to that feeling I used to have. That youthful, 6-year-old, nothing else matters, you're sort of the center of the universe kind of a feeling," she said.
There's the mental exercise of it, too. The figuring out of the fastest way down the mountain, and the training — on and off the mountain — that makes it possible.
But the winning — again with that — and the expectations that have come her way as a result, those are for other people. Her ambitions, her goals and the work it takes to make them a reality? Those belong to her.
"I set expectations for myself by saying things like, 'I want to win five gold medals!' If I come away with nothing, I only have myself to blame for how disappointed everybody will be," she said. "But at the same time, who died? I don't know what the point of life is, but I'm certain that five gold medals is not it."
Scoff at her ambitions or raise your eyebrows, Mikaela Shiffrin really doesn't care. She has bigger mountains to tame.
PHOTOS: Olympian Mikaela Shiffrin |
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Want to learn more about Maxwell and our flexible platform? Schedule a customized demo with our team. |
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This Handbook is a planning guide for the Spring Select Producer. It explains the major steps required to produce the Spring Select Program and provides a checklist to ensure nothing is missed.
The Spring Select Producer is responsible to appoint the Spring Select Coaches and ensure the steps are undertaken to form the teams, reset the Spring Select online tools, and ensure the coaches are complying with the program procedures. The Producer may enlist the help of the webmaster and others in accomplishing these tasks.
The Spring Select Program and the Team Template will be created in eAYSO for you. You need to edit the team to add your players and enter the information about your team.
Region -> Player -> Programs to take you to the Manage Programs screen.
On the left, set Program From to "Primary" and set Division and Gender to the players you are selecting.
On the right, set Program To to "Spring Select" set Division and Gender.
For the players on the left that you want to move over to the Spring Select program, check the box under the checkmark for the list on the left, and then click the single right arrow ">" (don't use the ">>" or all of the players will be copied). Note that the list may be longer than one page and you will see multiple page links at the bottom of the page. Do not move between pages without moving your selected players first. When you move to another page the system loses your checkmarks.
Region --> Teams --> Add/Move Players to take you to the Add/Move Players to a Team page.
At the top set the Program to Spring Select.
On the left, set Division, Gender, and Team to Unassigned. This will list the players yet to be assigned to a team.
On the right, set Division, Gender and Team to indicate the desired Spring Select Team. This will list the players already assigned to the team.
Check the boxes for the players on the left to be assigned to the team.
Select the > box to move the players from the Unassigned list to the team.
Region --> Teams --> Lookup to get to the Lookup Team page.
Set the Program to Spring Select.
Find the team and select the Edit link on the far left corresponding to the team.
Enter all information, click Update and Back . |
A WOOD workshop to aid the recovery process for wounded, injured and sick military personnel and veterans has been officially opened in Catterick Garrison.
Help for Heroes-run Phoenix House recovery centre held an official opening of its new woodwork shed, after attendance for small classes in the subject rocketed.
Chris Morgan, a volunteer who helped to make the designated wood workshop a reality, said: "I had been coming in to Phoenix House for the last 20 months to give woodwork classes and found them to be really popular."
Warrant Officer Morgan launched an appeal to businesses and individuals to raise the cash for the workshop and was astounded at the result.
The campaign has resulted in donations of money, equipment, tools and wood pouring in from the woodworking fraternity around the world.
The workshop was opened by wood-turner Tony Wilson and Colonel John Bridgeman, Master of Worshipful Company of Woodturners, and of the Recovery Careers Services Partnership.
Col Bridgeman said: "I wish we didn't have to have recovery centres but, as we do, thank goodness they are like Phoenix House.
"Young or old, man or woman, no matter what your injury, there is something here for everyone.
Mr Wilson, a professional woodworker who uses a wheelchair after a mining accident 30 years ago, said he has been delighted to be able to help the centre.
He said: "The veterans can relate to me because I'm also in a chair, and I can prove to them that it can be done.
Veteran Ted Granger, 47, from Brompton-on-Swale, said: "It is great to have a dedicated workshop now, rather than just trying to fit in the arts and craft room. |
Portal 2 es el segundo videojuego mezcla de videojuego de lógica y de disparos en primera persona, de la saga Portal. Fue desarrollado por Valve Corporation.
El 19 de abril de 2011, Portal 2 fue lanzado a través de Steam. En el número de abril de la revista Game Infomer se reveló que Portal 2 incluirá un modo cooperativo para dos personas aparte del argumento principal y salió a un coste de 37,99€ en su versión de PC y de 59,95€ en las versiones para consola.
Valve ya había adelantado anteriormente que los jugadores tendrían más Portal, ya que Kim Swift, una de las creadoras del videojuego, confirmó que pronto se desarrollaría una secuela, Portal 2. Kim Swift lo explicó en una entrevista otorgada a G4TV dando erróneamente por supuesto que Doug Lombardi, el responsable de marketing de Valve, ya lo había anunciado antes.
El día 15 de junio, durante la conferencia de Sony en el E3 2010, hizo acto de presencia Gabe Newell, presidente de Valve. Este confirmó su futuro lanzamiento para la consola PlayStation 3, además de mostrar un teaser que al finalizar determinaba que la fecha de lanzamiento de Portal 2 se pospondría a 2011.
Durante el evento también se mostraron seis vídeos con escenas del juego y demostraciones de los nuevos elementos que serán incluidos en la jugabilidad de Portal 2.
El 8 de mayo de 2012 se publicó en Steam el DLC gratuito llamado "Perpetual Testing Initiative" para juego que es un editor de niveles en el cual podemos crear nuestras pruebas y compartirlos con otros jugadores.
El 29 de junio de 2022 salió un port para la Nintendo Switch llamado "Portal: Companion Collection" ya que incluye a la primera entrega.
Tras los eventos del primer Portal, Chell (nuestra protagonista) despierta 50 días después de haber sido criogenizada en una cámara de relajación, donde una máquina alternativa le da una serie de indicaciones para moverse y finalmente volver a dormir. Posteriormente Chell es despertada de nuevo, pero esta vez la habitación donde se encuentra está seriamente deteriorada, con el contador de tiempo fallando. De fondo suena una voz al otro lado de la puerta, tras abrirla aparece Wheatley, el módulo de personalidad que despertó a Chell de su letargo.
Siguiendo las indicaciones de Wheatley, Chell será conducida hacia las cámaras de pruebas donde se desarrolló el primer Portal (pero con las instalaciones semidestruidas e invadidas por la vegetación tras años de abandono). Tras localizar la pistola de portales, Chell se rencontrará con Wheatley quien la ayudará a escapar en una cápsula cerca del lugar donde se encuentra el cuerpo inanimado de GLaDOS. Lamentablemente, debido a la torpeza de Wheatley lo único que logran es reactivar a GLaDOS, que reconoce inmediatamente a Chell y tras una corta charla, se deshace de Wheatley con una pinza metálica, enviando a Chell otra vez al circuito de cámaras de pruebas que GLaDOS está reparando.
Una vez en las cámaras, Chell se ve obligada a recorrerlas superando niveles de complejidad que incluyen elementos nuevos respecto al primer Portal. Según avanza por las cámaras, Wheatley aparecerá para finalmente ayudarla a escapar del circuito. Durante su huida recorrerán distintas áreas de mantenimiento y producción de torretas, pudiendo sabotear su producción para que se produzcan torretas defectuosas, al tiempo que lograron desactivar la producción de neurotoxinas que amenazaban la vida de Chell.
Chell se termina separando de Wheatley tratando de acceder a otra área de mantenimiento, pero GLaDOS le tiende una trampa y la encierra ante varias torretas que al ser defectuosas explotan, ella trata de matarla con un tubo portador de neurotoxinas, pero lo único que sale de él es Wheatley quien inicia un proceso de reemplazo de núcleos donde la computadora alternativa, tras percibir un conflicto entre GLaDOS y Wheatley, solicita un técnico para apretar un botón y resolver el conflicto. Chell activará el botón de modo que GLaDOS será reemplazada por Wheatley, quien toma el control del sistema y de las instalaciones, por lo que en un primer momento activa una cápsula de escape para iniciar el ascenso a la superficie del complejo subterráneo donde se encuentran. Sin embargo, Wheatley no tarda en ser corrompido por el poder, y tras injertar la conciencia de GLaDOS en una patata, la lanza junto con Chell por un extenso conducto en caída libre hacia el área más profunda y antigua del complejo de Aperture Science, donde se encuentran las antiguas cámaras de pruebas a varios kilómetros bajo tierra. En ese momento Wheatley cambia el nombre de las instalaciones de Aperture Science a Aperture Wheatley.
Tras la larga caída, Chell se separa de GLaDOS patata (también llamada PotatOS), ya que ésta es secuestrada por un cuervo. Así pues, Chell se encuentra sola en la más absoluta profundidad del misterioso complejo abandonado, donde poco a poco descubrirá la historia del mismo. Inicialmente nuestra protagonista se dirigirá hacia las primeras cámaras de Gel donde eran enviados atletas y astronautas que ejercían como sujetos de prueba cuando se creó el complejo a mediados del siglo XX. Según se entra por las instalaciones, Chell escucha las grabaciones de Cave Johnson, fundador de Aperture Science, y su asistente Caroline. Pero antes de llegar a las cámaras de pruebas del Gel de propulsión, Chell encuentra a PotatOS en un nido donde el cuervo la ha depositado como comida para sus crías y decide rescatarla a cambio de que la ayude a derrotar a Wheathley. En ese momento, Chell insertará a PotatOS en su pistola de portales para que la acompañe y guie durante el recorrido hacia Wheathley.
Según avanzan por el recorrido, descubren que en las cámaras antiguas se usaban vagabundos para ahorrar costes debido a que Aperture perdió prestigio en unos años frente a su rival Black Mesa. Las instalaciones que Chell y PotatOS recorren están abandonadas y selladas desde 1971, por lo que el aspecto de las mismas coincide con la estética de aquella época. Distintas grabaciones de audio de Cave Johnson y su asistente Caroline así como varios cuadros del mismo, darán a entender que con los años el científico fue degenerando, tanto mental como físicamente debido a experimentos con rocas lunares. Finalmente, los experimentos y descubrimientos de todo tipo (en algunos casos con dudosa ética) tuvieron su culminación en la transferencia de la mente humana a una mente cibernética, dándose a entender que para dicho experimento se utilizó a la asistente Caroline.
En las antiguas instalaciones de pruebas, Chell se encontrará con una serie de geles especiales que ayudarán a resolver los puzles, el primero es el llamado Gel de Repulsión, de color azul, que tiene la propiedad de hacer rebotar a todo aquello que entre en contacto con él. Otro es el Gel de Propulsión, de color naranja, que tiene la propiedad de acelerar el movimiento de quien lo pise. Finalmente, el Gel de Conversión, de color blanco, que permite generar portales en cualquier superficie que haya sido impregnada del mismo.
Más tarde, tras recorrer buena parte de las cámaras antiguas, Chell y PotatOS lograrán ascender por las instalaciones dejando atrás las antiguas áreas de pruebas y encaminarse en la zona de las nuevas instalaciones de Aperture Science con el objetivo de llegar hasta Wheatley.
Sin embargo su primera sorpresa será que al llegar a las nuevas cámaras, Wheatley está testando con nuevos y defectuosos cubo-torretas en una serie de cámaras ridículamente sencillas, aunque para Wheatley suponen todo un desafío. Movido por una serie de estímulos que obligan a Wheatley a generar nuevos retos para los sujetos de prueba, éste decide cambiar de estrategia y obliga a Chell y PotatOS a atravesar una serie de cámaras que en su momento creó GLaDOS y que él ha 'reciclado', las cuales sí que suponen un cierto grado de desafío, con el agravante de que en cualquier momento Wheatley podría cansarse y matarlas.
De nuevo ambas protagonistas se verán obligadas a recorrer un circuito de cámaras de pruebas bajo la supervisión de Wheatley quien por su ineptitud está destruyendo el ya de por sí maltrecho complejo hasta el punto de llegar a inestabilizar el reactor nuclear que suministra energía a las instalaciones. Finalmente llegando a la penúltima prueba Wheatley decide deshacerse de ellas tras descubrir unos robots que harán que los sujetos de prueba humanos sean innecesarios. Para ello prepara una trampa de las cuales Chell y GLaDOS escapan en el último instante para encaminarse hacia la "guarida" de.Wheatley (denominada así por él mismo), Chell se encuentra con un montón de núcleos de personalidad defectuosos. GlaDOS le advierte que les podrían ser de utilidad en el futuro.
Cuando Chell y GLaDOS logran llegar ante Wheatley descubren que al no poder controlar su poder, éste ha iniciado un proceso de destrucción de los laboratorios que culminará en pocos minutos. Es entonces cuando GLaDOS es conectada al sistema y le envía a Chell módulos defectuosos que deben ser enganchados en el cuerpo de Wheatley para desactivarlo.
Pero Wheatley no cometerá los mismos errores que GLaDOS cometió antes, ya que ha estado analizando la forma en que Chell la había eliminado, por lo que desprovee la sala de superficies donde generar portales, inicia la dispersión de neurotoxinas, se dota de una serie de paneles móviles a modo de escudo y periódicamente lanza a Chell esferas explosivas. Afortunadamente, Chell se coloca junto a un conducto de Gel de Conversión rompiéndolo e inundando la sala con el mismo, que permite a Chell generar portales por el suelo del lugar. Gracias a ello Chell utiliza los portales para que los explosivos que Wheatley le lanza acaben impactando contra él, dejándolo inconsciente durante unos segundos lo que permite a Chell recoger los módulos que PotatOS le hace llegar e insertarlos en Wheatley.
Tras instalarle a Wheatley tres módulos especiales, sus ataques se detienen y la computadora alternativa pide apretar el botón de resolución de conflictos para proceder al cambio de Wheatley a PotatOS, pero cuando Chell llega hasta él, Wheatley lo hace explotar hiriendo a Chell y abriendo un boquete en el techo que deja ver la Luna en el cielo nocturno. Chell sin alternativa y como única esperanza, dispara un portal hacia la Luna (durante el juego se revela que las rocas y polvo lunares son un buen conductor de portales, y es la fuente del gel blanco que hace aparición en algunos puzles), esto provocará que Wheatley y Chell sean expulsados a través del nuevo portal, pero en el último instante GLaDOS lanza a Wheatley hacia el vacío del espacio exterior y logra sujetar la mano de Chell con unas pinzas metálicas, rescatándola.
Al despertar, Chell se encuentra a GLaDOS y junto a ella están los dos robots de pruebas creados para sustituir a los sujetos de pruebas humanos (los cuales son los robots del modo cooperativo). Durante la conversación GLaDOS confiesa que parte de su mente pertenece a Caroline, quien le fue transferida en los experimentos de Cave Johnson, pero tras desconectar su parte de Caroline ha descubierto que intentar matar a Chell tan solo le ha traído problemas y es mucho más sencillo simplemente dejarla ir, por lo que decide perdonarla y la libera en un ascensor que la envía hacia la superficie.
Durante su ascenso Chell se encuentra a diferentes tipos de torretas que aparentan ser una trampa, pero que simplemente forman parte de la despedida que GLaDOS le ha preparado ya que tras activarse comienzan a cantar una singular ópera, "Cara Mia" a la cual se unen más y más torretas. Conforme asciende se pueden observar cámaras de pruebas, zonas de mantenimiento y salas donde se criogenizaba a los sujetos de prueba, etc. todas cubiertas de vegetación y abandonadas.
Al final del recorrido el ascensor se detiene abriéndose ante Chell una puerta que da acceso al exterior, tras cruzarla, Chell se encuentra un extenso e idílico paisaje en medio de un campo de cereales batiéndose al viento bajo un cielo azul. Al girarse para ver el lugar por donde ella ha salido, descubre que tan solo hay una especie de pequeño y viejo cobertizo recubierto con señales que resulta ser una entrada encubierta a las instalaciones de Aperture Science.
Tras echar un rápido vistazo, Chell, escucha ruidos a sus espaldas y la puerta por donde ella salió se abre de nuevo ante sí, lanzando a sus pies un 'Cubo de Compañía' del juego original, bastante quemado probablemente por el incinerador de Portal. Tras esto aparecen los créditos con la canción "Want You Gone" de Jonathan Coulton. Al final se muestra a Wheatley a la deriva en el espacio arrepintiéndose de sus actos en contra de Chell, rodeado de uno de los módulos que le fue insertado para desestabilizarlo y que ahora orbita a su alrededor de forma indefinida...
Modo cooperativo
Se ha añadido un nuevo modo, un modo Cooperativo en el que se manejan a unos robots , P-Body (Naranja) y ATLAS (Azul) que son puestos a prueba por GLaDOS para resolver cámaras que ningún humano habría podido.
El objetivo de esta modalidad es pasar por 5 tipos de pruebas y una de preparación, cada una de las cuales prueba los diferentes elementos que se pueden usar en el juego (geles, puentes de luz, túneles de luz o la inercia en los portales), con varias cámaras de pruebas (de 6-9 cada una), superándolas trabajando en equipo. A medida que se avanza, GLaDOS trata de "separar" el modo en que trabajan a través de frases que le dice al jugador como "Naranja, Azul dijo algo realmente malo de ti. No querrías oírlo". Al final, los dos robots descubren un almacén donde están encerrados criogenizados miles de sujetos de prueba humanos. Después de esto los personajes festejarán de alegría hasta que GLaDOS les hará estallar. Luego en los créditos GLaDOS lee la información de los sujetos de prueba y se escucha la canción "Robots FTW" como canción de los créditos.
Historia del modo cooperativo
Tras haber sido ensamblados por GLaDOS, los personajes caen por un tubo, el cual los lleva a una zona de prueba hecha por GLaDOS para poner a prueba a los sujetos de prueba, pero antes de caer, GLaDOS te dirá que saludes a tu compañero, él cual es explicado como hacer en el juego. Las primeras pruebas consisten en que uno de los jugadores tendrá que pisar un círculo para que el otro logre cruzar al otro lado y abrirte la otra puerta. Luego GLaDOS te pondrá el generador de cubos y el botón que lo activa el cual tirará cubos normales para cogerlos y ponerlos en los círculos. Después GLaDOS te dirá que cojas tu pistola de portales para las próximas pruebas.
Al terminar la zona de pruebas GLaDOS felicitará a los personajes y los llevará a "El Cuartel", donde GLaDOS dirá que ya comenzarán las pruebas reales. Al igual que en el modo de un jugador, GLaDOS hará las pruebas cada vez más difíciles para intentar matar a los personajes sin que sospechen de lo que realmente está tramando. En el cuartel verán una pantalla gigante que lleva el conteo de los pasos que dan los personajes y de sus puntos cooperativos. Luego GLaDOS les dirá que entren por una puerta, de esta forma se iniciará el primer capítulo del cooperativo. Este lugar tiene a mano izquierda una computadora la cual controla el nivel en el que estés y, en el caso de que regresases de una prueba al cuartel y la quisieras repetir, puedes buscar la misión en ella. Funciona de la siguiente forma: presionas el botón izquierdo para retroceder una prueba y el botón derecho para avanzar una prueba (estos botones se encuentran en la parte inferior de la computadora). Luego, los jugadores se introducirán en sus respectivos tubos, azul: ATLAS; y Naranja: P-Body.
Mientras avancen por las pruebas, los jugadores necesitarán emplear diferentes objetos (Cubos conductores de láseres, sendas de luz, geles conductores, etc.) y destruir torretas. También aprenderán diferentes métodos de comunicación entre robots (señales, Yan-ken-po, choca esos cinco, burlas, etc.)
En la última misión de prueba del primer capítulo, los jugadores tendrán que encontrar un CD, para ello tendrán que crear un portal hasta el laboratorio oculto. Luego al entrar, los jugadores verán una pantalla que dice "Insert CD"(Insertar CD), y una flecha que indica donde debemos insertar este. Al lado derecho se encontrarán con una pizarra que tiene escrito en inglés "Si no hay salida, nuestra única esperanza es ir por la oscuridad". Esto da a entender que fue escrito por los mismos científicos antes de la crisis, debido a la mala ortografía y la descripción bastante sospechosa, como en las salas ocultas del modo de un jugador. Los jugadores girarán a la izquierda y entrarán a un pasillo que tiene dos palancas, una a cada lado. Uno de los jugadores tendrá que contar una cuenta regresiva y ambos tendrán que bajar las palancas al mismo tiempo. Después verán una puerta, la cual parece ser una cápsula de escape, abrirse y en la que deberán entrar. De esta forma llegarán a una zona de investigación, donde encontrarán encima de una mesa el CD. Luego uno de los jugadores lo cogerá y lo pondrá donde indica la pantalla. Después aparecerá un mapa en el monitor en cuya parte inferior dice "Target Located" (Objetivo localizado). Los personajes festejarán el hecho hasta que GLaDOS los haga estallar. Regresarán al cuartel, donde GLaDOS les dirá que "hubo un fallo en el sistema de reensamblaje". Luego tendrán que crear un portal hacia el siguiente capítulo, "Masa y volumen" y la historia seguirá su curso.
Dentro del modo cooperativo, también podemos encontrar mensajes ocultos, los cuales fueron escritos por los científicos, en las cámaras de prueba finales, donde debemos de buscar el CD.
Son 5 los capítulos que tendrán que superar los jugadores; para ello es requerida la cooperación de ambos. En el modo cooperativo se descubrirán nuevas zonas y partes de Aperture Science. También mensajes de los mismos científicos trabajadores, zonas de prueba en reparación por GLaDOS, laboratorios secretos en pésimas condiciones. Estos serán piezas claves para seguir avanzando y poder descubrir acerca de la historia de Aperture Science.
Sixense MotionPack: El juego tiene un DLC llamado Sixense MotionPack en el cual Chell tendrá que pasar siete pruebas más seis avanzadas con nuevos elementos que se juegan con el Razer Hydra (unos mandos creados por Sixense Entertainment), con nuevas mecánicas como el movimiento de portales, poder girar los objetos y el cubo expandible. Al final, al completar las pruebas, Chell entra en un elevador, después se puede oír la canción "Turret Wife Serenade" como canción de los créditos.
Peer Review: El modo cooperativo tiene un DLC gratuito llamado Peer Review que agrega otro tipo de pruebas más difíciles que las anteriores en donde GLaDOS vuelve a reensamblar a los robots de nuevo y les informa de que alguien quiere tomar su laboratorio.
Crítica y recepción
Portal 2 es considerado como uno de los mejores juegos de 2011, incluso mejor que el primer Portal. Metacritic le dio una puntuación de 95% en todas sus plataformas (PC, Xbox 360 y PlayStation 3). GameRankings le dio puntuaciones máximas de 93 y 95% igualmente para PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 y PC.
Eurogamer afirmó: "Portal 2 es perfecto... Es una obra maestra", dando una puntuación de 10/10. Incluso 3D Juegos dijo "Valve Corporation demuestra una vez más su increíble maestría con uno de los mejores videojuegos en lo que va del año 2011."
Véase también
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Enlaces externos
Sitio web oficial de Portal 2
Videojuegos de disparos en primera persona
Videojuegos para Xbox 360
Videojuegos para Windows
Videojuegos para Mac
Videojuegos para Linux
Videojuegos de 2011
Videojuegos de ciencia ficción
Videojuegos disponibles en Steam
Videojuegos con protagonistas femeninas
Videojuegos con contenido descargable
Videojuegos con antagonistas femeninas
Videojuegos de un solo jugador y de multijugador
Videojuegos para Nintendo Switch |
This is the week for Thanksgiving Preparations!
How do I select the best deals? It's simple. Shopping at ALDI, we already know the quality is great. Therefore, I choose the best deals based upon price matching at other stores. These are the items that will save you the most money this week in comparison with normal retail value of the national brands.
National deals begin 10/24. Regional (In-Store) deals begin 10/21 and are bold.
However, some stores start their national deals the same day as the in-store.
To benefit from both ads, go shopping the 24th- the 27th.
In-Store savings may vary by region. |
Gourds are hard-shelled fruits. They are generally used as decorations or in crafts. Gourds come in a wide variety of shapes and are often very colorful. They are related to pumpkins, squashes, cucumbers, and melons.
Gourds first grew in the Americas and in tropical Africa and Asia. They were among the first plants grown by people. Today gourds are grown throughout the world in the tropics and in mild areas.
Gourds grow on vine plants. The vines are sticky and covered with rough, prickly hairs. The leaves are large, and the flowers are white or yellow. The smallest gourds are the size of a marble. The largest are more than 7 feet (2 meters) long. Some gourds are white, but many others have bands, stripes, or spots in shades of yellow and green. Some have smooth skin, while others have bumps or spines.
In some countries people eat gourds. But mostly people use gourds to make musical instruments, pipes, masks, and containers such as water jugs. The inside of one type of gourd is dried and used as a sponge called a loofah.
Gourds are killed by the first frost of autumn. |
Lisa Ryan Howard
Lisa Ryan Howard: Opening Doors in Media & Advertising
SVP of Advertising for The New York Times
Lisa Ryan Howard is the SVP of Advertising for The New York Times, where she oversees an expansive portfolio of categories including fashion/luxury, watch/jewelry, retail, home/design, corporate, culture and entertainment, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and education as well as all of the company's international advertising businesses.
She's known for building bridges and making connections in unexpected places. In just over a year she has introduced first-time advertisers like L'Oreal, Stella Artois, Johnson & Johnson and Wendy's to The Times by recognizing the Times' growing millennial audience and developing innovative product offerings for these advertisers. She led innovative brand projects such as TNYT's Cartier Mansion launch with a velum newspaper impact unit, Veuve Cliquot's live stream and social influencer program for this year's Polo Classic, and the first virtual reality branded content creation for Tiffany.
Role Model:
Lisa is a mentor in the AWNY/She Runs It Mentorship Program, as well as in The New York Times Women's Network, and works directly with females in the industry to help open doors and gain advancement. Through her board seats (AAF, University of Georgia AdPR Executive Council) she connects under-represented groups directly to entry-level candidate roles at The New York Times and elsewhere. The New York Times has recruited and hired multiple candidates from under-represented groups this year as a part of these connections.
What's Next:
Promoting global citizenship and enriching younger generations. As part of the mission-driven culture at The New York Times, Lisa is supporting products that educate and enrich people of all ages and backgrounds – not just the "media elite."
A powerful female media leader, Ann Moore, gave me my big break in media over 20 years ago and now it's my turn. I've now moved beyond simply making recommendations and opening doors to being personally accountable for helping women and under-represented groups advance in media and advertising.
Executive council, The University of Georgia's Henry W Grady School of Journalism, Board of American Advertising Foundation |
Jeremy is an acquaintance of mine.
Lea and Naren kept their relationship hidden from their parents.
Bryce usually gives Ellen a kiss goodbye.
Naim cut himself with a razor.
I still need to ask Billie for permission.
Vassos wanted to run for class president.
Graham didn't have any friends here.
Do I really remind you of Kyle?
I talk to Real more than I talk to Andre.
You need to get Helge to listen.
Is that what Herbert would really want?
Carol wanted to visit South America.
Julius had to pawn his guitar so he could pay his bills.
I think Bud did a great job.
Josh marked a sentence with a yellow highlighter.
Gale served in the Gulf War.
Is Bucky coming in to meet with you today?
Andrea lives on the same street as Laurianne.
I've never heard Shaw complain before.
Blaine mentioned he had to work next weekend.
Jagath's mother lies awake at night worrying about him.
Lui opened the curtains slightly and looked outside.
I told Roberto who he should talk to.
Stephe and I went to a piano recital.
"Dominick, have some more salad." "I don't eat that rabbit food!"
Dimitry doesn't like to leave anything unfinished.
I'll be waiting for Terry.
Nikolai's singing really impressed me.
Tolerant was open about his problems.
Pieter slipped on ice and broke his hip last winter.
Ro is itching to leave.
After weighting the body with cement blocks and dumping it in the ocean, the hit man reported back to his boss that Spike now sleeps with the fishes.
Jimmy seems to have been working on this for a long time.
Pravin had no chance to tell Philippe what he thought.
Charlene and Ramneek went on a camping trip.
Does Ritchey often eat dinner at your house?
Coleen doesn't want anything to eat.
Christopher isn't going to win. |
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A 'modern Roman' view of how Ancient Rome influences us
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Published on July 28, 2017 10:42 AM Sort - Number of Views: 11140
Single Issue VIII
"Their history is our history":
A 'modern Roman' view of how ancient Rome influences us
The charm of the Colosseum is still intact, despite centuries of abandonment and cannibalization
Being a "Modern Roman" One of the first things I remember about studying history at school is a recurring question: was the Roman Empire the greatest ever? As Italians, we tend to answer affirmatively to that question, though as someone who has the opportunity to travel a lot around the world and to meet many cultures, I would say that the Roman Empire was indeed very important but not the "most" important (I don't think any empire or old civilization can claim this, indeed), and also that nothing comes out of thin air and that everything happens as a consequence of something that took place before. I now need to point out the fact that I'm not an historian; I do like history in general and, like any other Italian, I've been literally overwhelmed by the quantity of information and notions we had to study about Rome. Nevertheless, I can't claim to be an expert at all. (Actually, there are more experts about Rome's history outside of our country than inside, I guess because we are largely biased and we tend to focus on the wider picture more than on tiny particulars. Foreigners and tourists are often surprised to see how little we seem to be concerned about Roman history and our TV historical shows are actually mostly focused on other older cultures, such as the Egyptian one or even prehistoric cultures). I don't live in Rome either, so I can't claim to be in any way "Roman", but as for anyone else who was born in Italy, their history is our history and what they did still echoes and is visible in our days.
However, the history of Rome (and of its heirs) starts at the very beginning of the European history, but it's still a result of many past influences and since when the city was just a heap of huts in a swampy area, its politics, its morale, its religion and its culture were influenced by its neighbors, whether they were friends or foes. If there's something that always amazed me about the Romans of old, it was their ability to not be bothered at all about recognizing that someone else was doing something better and then copy it, which was their real strong point: the final goal was the greatness of Rome, and every means was good to achieve it. As a broad example: they learned commerce and advanced constructions from the Etruscans, philosophy and arts from the Greeks, the mythologizing of the ruler from the Egyptians, they copied every military tactic they found appropriate, they incorporated all the Gods of the people they conquered, etc, etc. Sure, I don't believe that the purpose of the first who dwelled in the Seven Hills was anything else than just surviving, but soon after they started to register their history and consider themselves as a "people", the idea of the greatness of Rome and of its destiny was the common denominator that drove the actions of the greatest of them. Nothing is forever, but the ideas never die, or so they say. That's exactly what happened with Rome: the heroes came and went, the deeds are forgotten, the people passed away and the symbols of its power faded in the waves of time, but the idea remained, and though it changed and adapted during the centuries, its values and its concepts remained, and actually spread around the World and influenced many new cultures and peoples: this is the main heritage that the Romans left us, the will to "achieve" in a way that will not admit any form of failure, for a "greater" goodness. Almost every major western nation that aimed at dominion used explicit references to the Rome of old, whether in the form of declaring to be their rightful heirs (see for instance the Holy Roman Empire), or in assigning themselves titles that refer to great Romans of old (see the use of the words Kaiser and Tzar, both originating from the word Caesar), or simply by using similarities to identify their form of government (the US was the first country to use the word "Senate" to identify the senior chamber of the parliament, as an example).
In a more general term, almost every western country's legislation is based on the Roman Law and the organization of the state and its services (post, police, public road, etc) is largely based and inspired on what the Romans did. In some cases, claiming to be the heir to the Imperial seat of Rome was vital and caused many deeds to happen that largely shaped our history: I guess that we all know of the great Frederick Barbarossa and the sad story of his attempt to reunite the cities of Italy under a single rule, which costed him many years and many tears, struggling to be recognized as the only "Roman" emperor of his times. This is just one of the many examples I could use. Even when not actively pursuing the "imperial dream", almost every western culture referred to Rome as a term of paragon in many aspects: for the arts (architecture, see the many government palaces and public buildings spread out around Europe or in the US; cinema and visual arts, the classic "Colossals" from the 50s and 60s, the recent success of "The Gladiator", etc), for the "right and law" as mentioned above, for inspiration to do great deeds, for naming our children and so on and on. Latin is of course another obvious bequest: it did not only served for centuries as the only international language in west Europe, but practically every European language has been based on and/or largely influenced by the Latin, thus allowing us with a common base that has helped in keeping our languages close one to the other, with the clear advantage of easier communications. In a certain sense, the Rome of old has enforced the idea that a united Europe was possible and that after all we have common roots, which again is one of the main themes of the last period and that largely influenced the last 60 or 70 years.
One of my favorite historical characters, Frederick I, the Holy Roman Emperor, (here portrayed as a Crusader, from Wikipedia).
The influence of the Roman empire extended outside of Europe as well, not just in the whole Mediterranean area, but in the Near and Middle East too (where it mixed with the local Persian, Greek and Egyptian cultures) and probably even in China (there's a mention about a lost group of captive legionaries, the survivors of the battle of Carre, who ended up somewhere in the Gangsu region as slaves). Besides, the Romans created commercial routes that reached almost everywhere, from the central Africa to the Far East, thus creating even more channels for their culture to spread and for people to know about and to be attracted by them. Many of the main characters of the Roman history were in fact not Romans or even Italians: especially after the conquest of the Greek area and during the whole Imperial period, many were attracted to Rome by its greatness and its fame and some of them certainly brought what they learned back to their homes, thus contributing to further spread the myth of Rome. The idea that a "city" could rule the known world, the Caput Mundi, was in truth revolutionary (and quite unique I would say): it's not the glory of a single ruler that was pursued, but the glory of a whole people and of its city; I'm convinced that of all the things that the Romans did, the fact that they were able to grow constantly over the centuries and to finally achieve their goal as a unique "force", is the most important one and their true heritage: when a whole people aims at something, nothing can stop it. No doubt that many acted on their own interest, but always for the glory of Rome; when the city itself became less important and the new rulers started to think as themselves as the center of the world where before this center was Rome, then its glory started to fade and it soon lost its power and its appeal.
I'm not particularly fond of the idea that the Roman Empire continued into the Byzantine Empire: when Rome ceased to be the center of the power, the idea of its myth faded away and as much as the Byzantines inherited its structure, it was not anymore "Roman" in the true meaning of the term. Religion played a main role here: with putting God at the center of the universe and consequently the Emperor as his "delegate on Earth", the idea of the people (intended as those who dwell in the city) ruling its fate was lost forever. Rome was nothing else than the culminating point of the development of civilization in the classical period: it incorporated all the knowledge from its predecessors, mixed it with its own "barbaric" and aggressive nature and gave it to the people for them to exploit it for its greatness. It was the greatest democracy ever, where the people were allowed to show their value and to use all the means available to grow personally and to reach to the highest levels if possible, but the people in itself were not central (like it happens with modern democracies), while it was just the mean by which the Res Publica grew and spread out: by increasing the glory of Rome with any mean, included killing their own relatives or families, they dedicated their lives to create a stronger and wider dominion, which in turn granted better conditions for those who followed. Rome never really had an aristocratic class (in the modern sense), and that means something I guess: it was the "kingdom of meritocracy", where no matter how poor or rich you were born, you still had the same chances of rising among the Greats or beaten down to the dust, because it was only up to you . Every time a similar aptitude is seen in a people, then this people are certainly doing well; the following centuries are full of such examples, though not one reached the heights of Rome nor lasted as long as it did.
However, as mentioned above, the turning point was the introduction of Christianity as official religion of the Empire: as a matter of fact, the values which were at the base of the Roman culture were codified in the old religion, so with the new course being introduced, step by step those values were lost and the idea of the greatness of Rome was replaced by the new goal of spreading Christianity around the known world. The new religion was probably the thing which benefited most from the imperial infrastructure: along the course of its commercial and military routes it easily spread in the whole empire and was soon known to almost anyone. Many of the early Saints (such as Sant'Agostino, Sant'Ambrogio or San Girolamo, all of them considered as Church Fathers) were not Italians and, in truth, the diffusion was faster and stronger in the provinces than in Italy. Besides, what today are only religious offices, in the early days of the introduction of Christianity were, in fact, administrative positions: the office of Bishops was basically that of a local administrator, amongst whose duties was that of administrating the Mass and attending to other religious duties (we should not forget that historically the figures of the Kings, Consoles and later Emperors were also religious positions in the old Rome). The assimilation of the new religion into the imperial system was also central to grant its shaping and to fight heresy along various centuries: in the early history of the Catholic Church there are different examples where the military force of the Empire was essential to impose the will of the Synods and, as a matter of fact, as soon as the reach of the army became too short, the Church of Rome lost control over the process (which lead to various schisms). Personally, I really doubt that the Christianity would have been so successful if not for the infrastructure of the Roman Empire: call me a fool, but if I have to point at who's the real successor of the Empire, then it will be the Catholic Church.
Constantine I the Great, he was the one who moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople; he was also central to the introduction of Christianity as a tolerated Religion
On a more earthly level, as an Italian I feel like that we have even been affected by the "idea of Rome" too much; for centuries we have considered ourselves to be the center of everything (and we still have many people that believes this), even when Rome itself was largely an abandoned place and the ruins of old were only used as breeding fields. Sure, the presence of the Pope was undoubtedly very important and the Catholic Church played a main role for centuries, none the less the city in itself and the whole Italy were nothing compared to the old period and the extent of the power of the Pope in itself could reach only as far as granted by the various European rulers. But, are we, the Italians, true heirs of the old Rome? It's a complex question: the first answer that comes to my mind is, yes and no. If we look around, we can't simply walk anywhere without stumbling on something "Roman"; more than often is something simply abandoned or not well manned, but sometimes it's stuff that we are still using, probably without even knowing that it's roman: bridges, roads, aqueducts, tunnels and so on and on. The old Romans changed Italy in a way that it's difficult to understand and explain: I'm convinced that the big leap forward in Italy during the Renaissance was largely due to the infrastructures that the Romans left behind them; the transport system was already completely developed, and where others had muddy tracks, we had paved roads and stone bridges, which were fundamental to boost the commerce and the economy (that were at the base of the Renaissance, that is). I'm living in an area that is crossed by one of the oldest roman aqueducts (still working) and the land where I built my own vineyard is the same that the Romans reclaimed from swamps more than eighteen centuries ago.
Aqueduct of Segovia (Spain); many of the Rome's fountains are still served by the original roman aqueducts
Now I have to be honest, we have not been good kids: there's a saying in Rome, "Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini", which translate into "what the barbarians did not do, the Barberini did". If you look at some of the most famous Roman monuments, such as the Coliseum or the Circo Massimo, you might believe that they have been damaged by enemies or by the waves of time, but it was not so, unfortunately: for centuries, they were abandoned to themselves, but managed to survive the passage of time (the Romans were, in fact, awesome architects and excellent masons), till during late 15th Century and onwards they became the main source of stone and marble for the new Roman aristocracy's villas and buildings (hence the mention of the Barberini family). However, in general, we have not given to such monuments the attention they probably deserved, but when you literally bathe in historical stuff, it's easy to lose interest: in some places like Rome it's impossible to dig a hole without finding something of archaeological interest and there are huge warehouses filled with artifacts (for the most part broken pots and other stuff of little value) that still have to be checked and classified, and that I doubt will ever be, in all due honesty. But it's not just a matter of archaeological carelessness, rather a more general disinterest for the "past", which again I assume is a consequence of the fact that we are immersed in history at many levels; more generally, History isn't a popular subject in Italy, at least at a scholastic level. The fascination of finding something old is still strong, but more than often is only greed: I'm sure that there are more treasure hunters than historians, and it's not a case that we have such strict laws about finding (and keeping!) archaeological artifacts. Moreover, the last time we openly referred to old Rome was during the period of Fascism, and many are not really fond of what goes along with that name; nowadays, a lot of people still connect the Roman world with Fascism (the fasces lictorii were a symbol of power and imperium, that's why they were used by Mussolini, while in any case they are used by many other countries, even nowadays): for instance, a tattoo portraying a typical centurion helm (or a legionnaire) is considered a show of affinity with far right parties.
The Circo Massimo: left, a reconstruction, right as it is nowadays...
So far for the "no" part; what about the "yes" one, then? Well, it's pretty easy in my book: basically, we have inherited many of their vices and almost everything which is related to enjoying life. The word nepotism should be familiar to everyone (it proceeds from the word nepos, nipote in Italian, niece or grandchild in English; this practice became a custom during the Middle Age, but it was common during the Roman age too), which indicates the very bad habit of exploiting personal power (especially political power) to grant privileges and other perks to relatives; to be honest, we are not certainly the only place in the world where this happens, but in Italy it has become a common thing, to the point that no one really ever complains about and even if they do, the object of their complaints couldn't care less. I don't think I need to mention the issue with laziness: as much as the truth is far from what people from outside can think, we certainly value the idea of otium, and we give much importance to the time we can spend for ourselves and, in general, to enjoy life. On the positive side, we have fully retained the multicultural aptitude of our ancestors, and even if today we have some xenophobic "insurgencies" (due to the issue with heavy immigration), I'm confident when I say that no one else is as welcoming and uninterested about differences as we are; there's a little story about: it is said that no matter where you come from, but that when you start to live in Rome, you invariably become a Roman. Our multiculturalism dates back to the time Rome became the center of world, but it surely developed during all the following centuries, to the point that it is enough to move few hundreds of meters from one village to another to find a different dialect and local traditions. I need to mention what multiculturalism is for me: a society which reshape itself continuously, using the best from each culture it gets in contact with, thus creating ever new approaches that could "fit" this culture as much as possible, which is perfectly represented by how the Romans behaved. The passion for food (and wine!) is another thing we certainly inherited from the old Romans and that later developed (mostly due to the many invasions we had) to the point that I doubt you can find the same variety and interest about food as you can in Italy; the word luculliano (meaning sumptuous) openly refers to Lucio Licinio Lucullo, the most famous gourmet of the Roman period. To close the list for the best, the (in)famous skills of Italians in courting and picking up mates surely dates back to the times of old: many of the great ones (such as Cesare or Marco Antonio) were known to be famous lovers and I can guess that there must be a reason if the Latin lover locution is still widely used...
There are literally tens of thousands of different dishes, and the numbers keep growing!
In conclusion, I'd like to answer a direct question: where are the heirs of the Romans, then? Nowhere ... and everywhere! No one, not even the Italians, can really claim to be their exclusive heirs and, at the same time, no one can actually state the contrary, because for culture, importance and inspiration, the Roman Empire was certainly that essential for the shaping of our modern times that even those who have not been directly in connection with it, in a way or another end up to be influenced or inspired by it!
Alwyn - July 28, 2017, 11:07 AM
As the new director for the Helios, I am happy to announce that the Helios has returned to posting articles relating to any aspect of history. People who enjoy the reviews by Gen. Chris of historical TV shows and movies do not need to worry - the Helios will continue to publish such reviews. I look forward to working with Flinn, Gen. Chris - and other writers who will be revealed in future. Meanwhile, comments on this article (and suggestions for future Helios articles) are welcome!
SXFighter - July 28, 2017, 11:25 PM
Speaking from an American perspective, this was a fascinating peek into Italian psychology.
Other than that I think you have some great points about Roman influence, anyone would be hard-pressed to debate what you've said.
Very nice article! Although now I'm pretty hungry.
hoho96 - July 29, 2017, 12:11 PM
Amazing article, and fascinating read.
Johnadiw26 - July 29, 2017, 12:21 PM
Wonderful...I agree with SXFighter said, and congratulation for your position as new director for the Helios, I am waiting for the next article.To answer your question about who is the heir of the Romans? it is us.
stevehoos - August 03, 2017, 08:05 PM
"However, as mentioned above, the turning point was the introduction of Christianity as official religion of the Empire: as a matter of fact, the values which were at the base of the Roman culture were codified in the old religion, so with the new course being introduced, step by step those values were lost and the idea of the greatness of Rome was replaced by the new goal of spreading Christianity around the known world."
However I knew that this article would take a jab at Christianity. So it was the "values" that Christianity replaced that led to the fall of the greatness of the Roman empire? There's no mention of hyperinflation, over expansion, or just plain power hungry tyranny. Christianity could have never dropped its search lights on the Roman Boot and the same outcome was inevitable. Is there an Edward Gibbon quote in the preface?
Alwyn - August 05, 2017, 10:24 AM
Thanks, everyone, for your comments on Flinn's article! Like SXFighter, I was hungry too after reading this!
stevehoos asked if there was an Edward Gibbon quote - were you asking about the quote "Their history is our history"? This quote came from the last sentence of the first paragraph; it summarised the argument in the article, which is why it was used as part of the title.
stevehoos, it sounds as if you might find the article's depiction of Christianity offensive, since it appears to blame the fall of the Roman Empire on Christianity. Obviously, I cannot speak for Flinn; I can tell you my thinking, for what it's worth. Yes, economic problems, over expansion, hunger for power and tyranny undermined the empire and its eventual fall was probably inevitable. There is a long list of possible reasons for the fall of Rome. Over expansion is one possible explanation; one historian argued that it was the failure of the empire to keep expanding which triggered its fall (perhaps both are true).
Is Flinn's article taking a jab at Christianity? Maybe - and yet I wonder if Flinn's argument is more nuanced than simply saying that 'Christianity ended the empire'.
Flinn argued that "Religion played a main role here: with putting God at the center of the universe and consequently the Emperor as his "delegate on Earth", the idea of the people (intended as those who dwell in the city) ruling its fate was lost forever." This could be seen as a criticism of Christianity. It could also be seen as saying that Christianity is opposed to the republican ideal of the people's rule. In other words, it could be seen as criticism of claims by monarchs to rule 'by divine right' (as King Charles I of England claimed to do, before the Civil War in the 1640s). In other words, this can be seen as a criticism of the misuse of Christianity by a powerful ruler, an attempt to silence dissenters - not an authentic expression of Christian faith.
Flinn also argued that "the turning point was the introduction of Christianity as official religion of the Empire". As before, this could be seen as a condemnation of Christianity - however, that it not the only possible interpretation. This could be seen, not as an attack on Christianity, but on the fusion of Church and State. Flinn mentions "The assimilation of the new religion into the imperial system" which seems to support the view that it was the integration of the church and the power-hungry, expansionist and tyrannical empire which was the problem.
Of course, the view that this is a criticism of Christianity relies on the idea that the fall of the empire was a bad thing. Perhaps, if Christianity undermined a system which was (or had become) power-hungry, expansionist and tyrannical, that was not a bad thing?
Dante Von Hespburg - August 06, 2017, 02:29 PM
A fascinating and fantastic article, thoroughly enjoyable to read. I would chime in on the Christianity aspect here- i didn't read it as the 'religion' per say, but Christianity's political-earthly systems were established and the faith 'abused' to cement the ideal of an absolutist authority by shoring up its legitimacy as being 'divine'. Christianity as a temporal structure no doubt had a major role in changing the face of the Empire- making it weaker or stronger depending on perspective and time-period (The Later Eastern Roman Empire- Christianity and the 'fanaticism' it could inspire- particularly with a divinely 'appointed' Emperor could be said to actually have saved the Empire from the encroaching Caliphate through its inspiring of a pseudo-Crusader zeal).
Legatus Legionarii - August 07, 2017, 06:29 AM
Thanks for this interesting article and for sharing your view on this topic. I am convinced that the Roman heritage (law, legal and political institutions, language, warfare, administration, the idea of an Empire/imperium), are very recognizable in today's world, certainly in Europe. I read a related article by Mary Beard, in which she reflects on exactly this topic: https://www.theguardian.com/books/20...t-rome-matters, linking experiences the Romans made with similar events and problems we are facing today. In her book S.P.Q.R. - A history of Ancient Rome (2015), which in my opinion brought some fresh interpretation concerning Roman history from its very beginnings into the Imperial era, she also dedicated a chapter to the question of how Rome and her history are still influencing the world of today. For anyone interested in this, I can only recommend this book.
Beavertronius - August 16, 2017, 10:01 AM
I enjoyed reading this immensely! Especially the concluding remarks. Looking forward to hearing more from you Flinn, soon I hope
♔atthias♔ - August 20, 2017, 03:34 PM
I like this +rep
Flinn - August 21, 2017, 09:21 AM
tnx everyone for the kind comments and I apologize if I'm long in answering, but I was at holydays!
For the records, I'm working on new articles (many ideas at the moment), but don't expect me to be that productive with historical stuff, after all, the Dudeness is strong in me ..
Helios Staff
The Wandering Storyteller
Quintus Hortensius Hortalus
Helios Categories |
Q: fail to pass shared_ptr as shared_ptr reference In the following code, I want to pass shared_ptr<Derived> as a shared_ptr<Base>& argument, but failed.
Error says,
cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'std::shared_ptr<Base>&' to an rvalue of type 'std::shared_ptr<Base>'
so looks like I can only pass shared_ptr<Derived> as const argument, but this is not what I want to do, how to pass as non-const?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Base {
virtual void say() {
std::cout << "I'm Base class" << std::endl;
class Derived : public Base {
void say() {
std::cout << "I'm Derived class" << std::endl;
void foo(std::shared_ptr<Base>& obj) {
int main() {
auto base = std::make_shared<Base>();
auto derived = std::make_shared<Derived>();
A: The issue is that std::shared_ptr<Derived> is implicitly convertible to std::shared_ptr<Base>, but that conversion results in a temporary object - which can't be bound to a non-const-qualified reference (as it's the case for foo's parameter).
That being said, it looks like foo has nothing to do with ownership. It's then preferred to pass parameters as references, not wrapped into a smart pointers (passing std::shared_ptr<T>& should only be done when a copy might be made from within a function, and if you always take a copy, just pass by value). For your examle:
void foo(Base& obj) {
called like the following.
auto base = std::make_shared<Base>();
auto derived = std::make_shared<Derived>();
Note the dereferencing of both shared pointer (*base and *derived). However, if a copy is intended, pass by value (which works when passing a temporary)
void foo(std::shared_ptr<Base> obj) {
// ^^^ increases refcount
and let the calling syntax as it is.
Q: How to update and save model's field in Django Following is my code, Every time I click Like (or Dislike) link, both Dislike and Like are incremented.
I am new to django, your help will be much appreciated. Thank you
Here is my models.py,
from django.db import models
from django.urls import reverse
# Create your models here.
class Movies(models.Model):
def like_this_movie(self):
return reverse ('list',kwargs={})
def dislike_this_movie(self):
return reverse ('list',kwargs={})
Here is the template,
{% block content %}
<a href="{{ object.like_this_movie }}">Like</a>
<a href="{{ object.dislike_this_movie }}">Dislike</a>
{% endblock %}
Here is my view class,
class MovieDetailView(DetailView):
A: The templates in Django don't work like that, everything you put inside {{ }} is rendered on the server and then the page is sent to the client, so it is not possible to run a function like that.
You would have to do something like an AJAX request to another page which runs like_this_movie and takes the Movies id as a parameter. To send to AJAX request you can use Javascript with jQuery.
A: The problem is that each time you load the page both values are incremented because you call both functions in each call. This link will help you on how do it => How to make user to Like/Dislike post only for once in Django?
A: I have resolved my bug by adding those like_this_movie and dislike_this_movie function to my views.py and updating my urls.py and template. Thank you guys for your valuable answer.
def like_this_movie(request,key):
return redirect('/movie/list')
def dislike_this_movie(request,key):
return redirect('/movie/list')
<a href="{% url 'like' object.pk %}">Like</a>
<a href="{% url 'dislike' object.pk %}">Dislike</a>
A: Now I have resolved this by using jQquery AJAX, like_this_movie and dislike_this_movie function returns json value to ajax request. Now page doesn't reload every time I hit like or dislike button. Thank you guys for your valuable answer.
def like_this_movie(request,key):
return JsonResponse({'success':True,'content':'Like','Like':obj.Like})
def dislike_this_movie(request,key):
return JsonResponse({'success':True,'content':'Dislike','Dislike':obj.Dislike})
const request=new XMLHttpRequest;
const data = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
if ((data.success)&&(data.content=='Like')){
likebtn.disabled = true;
return false;
const request=new XMLHttpRequest;
const data = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
if ((data.success)&&(data.content=='Dislike')){
dislikebtn.disabled = true;
return false;
<span id="likespan">{{object.Like}}</span>
<button id="likebtn" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Like</button>
<span id="dislikespan">{{object.Dislike}}</span>
<button id="dislikebtn" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Dislike</button>
hd00:45Disabled enthusiastically looking at an interesting book on a walk.
4k00:10Cameron gallery. Pushkin. Catherine Park. Tsarskoye Selo. The architecture. The monuments. Palaces. Shot in 4K (UHD), so you can easily crop, rotate and zoom, without losing quality! Real time. |
Liverpool announce January transfer window exit as loan move confirmed
Liverpool midfielder Jarell Quansah has joined Bristol Rovers on loan until the end of the season, the Reds have confirmed via their official website.
Quansah is the first young Reds talent to leave Anfield on a temporary deal during the January window, with the 19-year-old set to link up with Joey Barton's side in League One.
The right-footed centre-back captained the Reds U18 side to the FA Youth Cup final in 2021. He was named in Liverpool's matchday squad on a number of occasions last season, but is yet to make his senior debut for Jurgen Klopp's side.
This campaign, he has made 11 appearances in Premier League 2 for the U21s, scoring one goal, and also has one goal and two assists to his name in five UEFA Youth League games.
Liverpool have decided that now is the right time for Quansah to gain experience of senior football, and he joins a Gas side that are three points away from the League One play-off places.
Liverpool youngster Quansah joins Bristol Rovers
Speaking to Bristol Rovers' official website after completing the loan move, the young defender said: "I can't wait to get started at Rovers. I'd known of the club's interest in me for a little while and I'm looking forward to meeting all the lads and showing everyone what I can do."
Quansah, who helped England to win the U19 European Championship last season, is the second January signing made by Barton, with goalkeeper Ellery Balcombe arriving from Brentford earlier this week.
The Reds youngster could play alongside former Liverpool midfielder Jordan Rossiter, who scored on his senior debut at Anfield in 2014 and was compared to Steven Gerrard.
Other notable players on the books at Rovers include former Celtic and Manchester City forward Scott Sinclair, ex-Stoke midfielder Glenn Whelan and 21-year-old Luke McCormick, who was previously at Chelsea.
Reel strike
Sea of riches
Phoenix fire power reels
Sevens & fruits 6 reels
Wild neon
Fenix play 27 deluxe |
Hdfc Bank Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. IFSC Code Burhanpur: Swiftly get the Hdfc Bank Burhanpur Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. IFSC Code here. In this page, you can obtain Hdfc Bank Burhanpur Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. IFSC Code as well as MICR code along with all essential information of Hdfc Bank Burhanpur Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd.. Grasp Hdfc Bank Burhanpur Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. branch Address, Phone number, Branch code, Timings easily in this page. Make use of Hdfc Bank Burhanpur Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. IFSC Code for your easy and quick money transfer through NEFT and RTGS.
Branch Name Khamgaon Urban Co-op Bank Ltd. |
The Playmobil Dragon Knights have to defend the Tower of unwanted visitors. The Knights defend the Tower with their shields and swords and quick to drop the flames of fire catapult. What will the Knights safe keep the tower of the Dragon? Van armed and take their shields, but it seems that will not be enough, since the attack the dragon with large flames of fire. are near Mission is a complicated, but do you want them? Includes: Tower of the Knights, 4 figures, catapult, skeleton, dragon and many accessories. Recommended Age 4 – 10 years. Safety Warnings: CHOKING HAZARD: contains small parts which could cause choking in case of being swallowed by the child/a. Not recommended for children under 3 years. |
We're closed on Thursday 24th & Friday 25th of May as we'll be busy setting for our Chvrches gig.
If you've got yourself a ticket – see you there on Friday the 25th May from 19:00!
Otherwise, we'll be back (from 10:00) on Saturday 26th of May with morning Skate Skool, open skate and a free screening of our Cyberpunk Manga film series. |
The second generation Apple TV was released back in October this year and on the whole the launch was smooth, however we are hearing reports suggesting that when connected to some Sony and Philips TVs colors do not display correctly.
We are currently unsure if this is a widespread problem or not, however if you check out SlashGear you can see a photo and video showing the problem, we have embedded the image at the end of this post.
There are a wide-range of ways in which your display may be affected, you may see a green tint, inverted colors or a black screen, either way it must be extremely frustrating.
Apple is apparently aware of the situation and currently working on a fix for the problem, therefore we will have to keep you posted as we find out more.
We would love to hear whether you have been affected by this problem, therefore feel free to let us know in the comments section, please state which HDTV you have and when you bought it.
I have this problem with my Sony (I'll get the model later) it's an intermittent problem and if I disconnect and reconnect the HDMI cable it sorts itself.
It happens once an hour or so. I'm delighted to see it's not just me.
I too, have this problem with my TV – Philips 40PFL9704H – plus it is not possible to read all options from AppleTV "menu" screen because it displays constantly in 'zoom' mode. Philips say there have been many similar reports and a fix has been promised by Apple.
Previous article Samsung Nexus S: Design Opinions after new Picture Leak?
Samsung Nexus S: Design Opinions after new Picture Leak? |
Black Bear Coatings & Concrete has over 25 years of collective experience installing resinous coatings, and designing, repairing, and maintaining concrete floors. We value engineer customized solutions appropriate for each client's environment and unique needs. Black Bear's services include mitigation systems, decorative & designer epoxy, urethane mortars, surface restoration, cementitious coatings, and polishing. As the northeast's leading partner for commercial resinous coatings and polished concrete,we provide longer-lasting, durable solutions. |
Jakarta is a very big city. Other than the distances between places, most parts are not comfortable to walk around, for its hot weather, humidity, pollution, and lack of decent sidewalks. Now, Jakarta's public transportation in general is not very convenient either. If you're not built or not in the mood for a real city adventure, you would probably be more comfortable getting around in a taxi. And as visitors, most of the time you don't have any idea what routes to take. Sure there are google maps, but admit it, they're not always 100% accessible when you're on the road.
A couple of brands are in the group, including Blue Bird, Morante, Pusaka, Cendrawasih, and Silver Bird.
Silver Bird is the fancy one, it's black, the meter starts at IDR 9,000 I think, while the regular taxis are blue, meter fee starts at IDR 6,000. Watch out for dummies, a couple of other taxi brands try to resemble Blue Bird by painting the cars in the similar color.
It used to be a brand in the Blue Bird group, but then they split up. Gamya is green, it's easy to spot because they're the only green taxi (still you have to watch out for a dummy), but I don't think there are too many of them going around, kinda rarely seen in the streets compared to other taxis. Meter fee starts at IDR 5,000.
It's white, with yellow lamp (crown) on top, Express has been a new favorite in these last few years. Meter fee starts at IDR 5,000. Watch out for dummies!
Other than Blue Bird taxis, you'd see a sign on their windshield that's read "TARIF BAWAH", literally means 'bottom fare', which means the first seating fee is IDR 5,000 and has lower rate of meter fee, which means cheaper. Blue Birds are more expensive, but in general they have newer vehicles and the reputation of being safe.
I personally would take other taxis as well, coming as the next priorities of choice, like Putra (dark blue with dark yellow crown), Trans Cab (dark yellow with TV screen inside), and Taxiku (yellow with white crown) cos I know my ways around most of the time and I speak the language. |
Lost Children Archive: A novel (Paperback)
By Valeria Luiselli
Politics and Prose at 70 District Square SW
Politics and Prose at Union Market
February 2019 Indie Next List
"Really incredible fiction takes you on a journey, and somewhere along the way you realize how much of it reflects your own reality. In Lost Children Archive, Valeria Luiselli's narrator is highly observant of her inner life and the world around her. She unravels a story that's about family and how walls between people and nations are built — and what they damage. In reading this book, I felt like I was in the car on the family's road trip — feeling all the conflicting emotions that Luiselli's narrator is feeling as a partner, mother, and resident in today's United States."
— Zoey Cole, Books Are Magic, Brooklyn, NY
"An epic road trip [that also] captures the unruly intimacies of marriage and parenthood. . . . This is a novel that daylights our common humanity, and challenges us to reconcile our differences." —The Washington Post
In Valeria Luiselli's fiercely imaginative follow-up to the American Book Award-winning Tell Me How It Ends, an artist couple set out with their two children on a road trip from New York to Arizona in the heat of summer. As the family travels west, the bonds between them begin to fray: a fracture is growing between the parents, one the children can almost feel beneath their feet.
Through ephemera such as songs, maps and a Polaroid camera, the children try to make sense of both their family's crisis and the larger one engulfing the news: the stories of thousands of kids trying to cross the southwestern border into the United States but getting detained—or lost in the desert along the way.
A breath-taking feat of literary virtuosity, Lost Children Archive is timely, compassionate, subtly hilarious, and formally inventive—a powerful, urgent story about what it is to be human in an inhuman world.
Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City and grew up in South Korea, South Africa, and India. An acclaimed writer of both fiction and nonfiction, she is the author of the essay collection Sidewalks; the novels Faces in the Crowd and The Story of My Teeth; and, most recently, Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions. She is the recipient of a MacArthur "Genius Grant," the winner of two Los Angeles Times Book Prizes and an American Book Award, and has been nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award twice and the Kirkus Prize on three occasions. She has been a National Book Foundation "5 Under 35" honoree and the recipient of a Bearing Witness Fellowship from the Art for Justice Fund. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Granta, and McSweeney's, among other publications, and has been translated into more than twenty languages. She lives in New York City.
"Impossibly smart, full of beauty, heart and insight. Everyone should read this book."
—Tommy Orange, author of There There
"A Great American Novel for our time."
"Unforgettable, down to its explosive final sentence. . . . [Luiselli] audaciously stretches the bounds of storytelling."
"Virtuosic. . . . The brilliance of the writing stirs rage and pity. It humanizes us."
"This is a novel that challenges us, as a nation, to reconcile our differences. . . . [The] writing shimmers like its desert setting."
"Electric, elastic, alluring, new."
"A remarkable feat of empathy."
"[A] brilliantly intricate and constantly surprising book."
"[Luiselli's] language is so transporting, it stops you time and again."
"Like all great novels. . . . Lost Children Archive is unquestionably timely, [but] it also approaches a certain timelessness."
"Stunning. . . . Uniquely rewarding—and even life-changing."
"Delicate, funny, effortlessly poetic."
"Rollicking. . . A highly imaginative and politically deft portrait of childhood within a vast American landscape."
—Harper's Magazine
Publisher: Vintage
Fiction / Family Life / Marriage & Divorce
Fiction / Hispanic & Latino
Library Binding, Large Print (May 29th, 2019): $30.99 |
Yellowstone Residence
About Yellowstone Residence
Perched at 8,100' on a mountainside in Montana's Madison Range, the massing and materials of the Yellowstone Residence are derived from the powerful landscape. The exterior of the house is a composition of core-ten steel and board-formed concrete – materials which metaphorically embrace the harshness of the site and its immediate environment. The building is organized by a massive concrete wall which cleaves the house and extends into the landscape to the north and south. Approached alongside the wall, the entrance is carved between the wall and a faceted perpendicular concrete volume which recalls the boulders strewn about the site. The wall extends thru the living room, where it directs the view across a timbered valley, directly toward the 9,800' summit of Pioneer Mountain and the sky itself. The core-ten was selected to merge the home with the rocky soil becoming an outgrowth of its site.
One enters the upper floor of this two-story home. The principal spaces are the 15-foot tall living room flanked by the 11-foot tall volumes containing the kitchen/dining room to the west and by the master bedroom suite to the east. The lower floor contains the entertainment room, three guest suites, and a bunk room. To maintain privacy the home is nearly opaque on the entry side of the building except for a tall narrow slot of glass in the faceted concrete and a two-sided projecting corner window that provides views to the north and east from the master bathroom. The two ceiling heights modulates the composition and is a subliminal reminder of the hierarchical structure of the surrounding mountains.
The interior materials palette is similarly elemental. At each level, a cedar slatted ceiling is supported above the monolithic concrete floor by blackened steel columns. Blackened steel also delineates apertures in the thick walls. Floor-to-ceiling glass curtain walls allow unobstructed views of the dramatic alpine landscape and sky, while a continuous band of clerestory windows in the living room allows balanced light to penetrate the home from four sides. Two sculptural steel elements – an oversized pivot door at the entrance, and a ¾' thick twenty-foot long stair railing – are decorated with arrays of square glass holes, abstractly reminiscent of stars in the night sky. The railing is supported by rectilinear steel dowels embedded into the concrete stair.
Interior Design: Stuart Silk Architects Interiors Team Decorative Steel Fabrication: Brandner Design, Inc Custom Glass Design: Scott Chico Raskey Lighting Design: Brian Hood Lighting Design, Inc Landscape Architecture:Land Design, Inc Construction: Charter Construction Photography: Aaron Leitz, Whitney Kammam
Contemporary, Residential |
Our combination of ancient cannabis recipes and compounding methods use natural terpenes and hybrid cannabinol. Made to synergistically create a true mind-body experience!
Do you suffer from chronic muscle and joint pain? Strains or sprains from work? Psoriatic arthritis joint pain? Canna Superior has a pain relief solution for you. Take the edge off and ease into a free movement.
*All products contain less than .03% THC and is legal in all 50 states.
Our joint balm uses high quality trans-dermal compounds: Natural Grain Magnesium Oil with MSM, Eucalyptus, multi-spectrum CBD, Arnica, Comfrey oils. All ingredients work together to help reduce pain and muscle spasms.
Canna Superior specializes in Topical pain relieving products. We believe in research based evidence. We are passionate about furthering Cannabis research to continue improving health and well being.
We use whole plant multi-spectrum CBD. CBD can be used with additional Cannabinoids to create profound Pain Relief. We have only scratched the surface in understanding Cannabinoids and how they effect our bodies Endocannabinoid system.
Delivering chronic pain relief using magnesium oil and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) to maximize CBD absorption. Superior Joint Balm may be used on wide-spread rheumatoid pain; use on knuckles, shoulders, knees, spine and feet. Improves mobility and treats nerve and phantom pain. May be used on sensitive skin.
This Strong Icy-Hot CBD Balm provides hours of pain relief as well as improving circulation & blood flow for quick healing. Expect a tingly, hot sensation. Helps minimize post-surgery healing for all joint or bone injuries. It can be added into your favorite lotion or oils and massaged into the feet or the spine. Try Tiger Calm today! Please test on a small area of your skin on first use.
We're proud to be stocked in these great Southern California dispensaries.
Our combination of ancient cannabis recipes and compounding methods use natural terpenes and hybrid cannabinol. Made to synergistically create a true mind-body experience.
Want to sell our product in your store?
Inquire below and we will get back to you. |
ConAgra Foods' subsidiary, ConAgra Grocery Products, has agreed to plead guilty and pay a fine of $11.2m regarding the shipment of contaminated peanut butter linked to a nationwide outbreak of salmonella poisoning from 2006-2007, the US Department of Justice announced.
Said to be the largest ever criminal fine paid in a food safety case, ConAgra will pay a fine of $8m and forfeit assets of $3.2m.
In February 2007, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had linked the salmonellosis outbreak to Peter Pan and private label peanut butter that had been produced and shipped from ConAgra's Sylvester peanut butter plant.
"The safety of the nation's food supply is a top concern, and every company, large and small, must take appropriate measures to ensure that their products don't make customers sick."
On 14 February 2007, the company voluntarily stopped production at the plant and recalled all peanut butter produced since January 2004.
Eventually, more than 700 cases of salmonellosis linked to the outbreak with illness onset dates beginning in August 2006 were identified by CDC. The centre could not find any deaths due to the outbreak.
The company later said that peanut butter which was produced on nine different dates between 4 August 2006 and 29 January 2007 was contaminated with salmonella. It identified several potential contributing factors, including an old peanut roaster that was not uniformly heating raw peanuts, a storm-damaged sugar silo, a leaky roof that allowed moisture into the plant, and airflow that could allow potential contaminants to move around the plant.
Later tests found the salmonella strain at around nine locations at the plant.
Principal deputy assistant Attorney General Mizer said: "The safety of the nation's food supply is a top concern, and every company, large and small, must take appropriate measures to ensure that their products don't make customers sick.
"No company can let down its guard when it comes to these kinds of microbiological contaminants. Salmonellosis is a serious condition, and a food like peanut butter can deliver it straight to children and other vulnerable populations." |
Contact us now or more information.
From the FIA's INSIGHT series.
One of the principle aims of Formula E is to promote the use of electric cars.
Formula E believes that increased electric car usage will make significant benefits to the quality of air in our cities, which in turn will lead to an improved quality of life. But one of the main objections from the anti-electric car lobby is that the pollution caused by the production of the electricity in the first place negates their environmental credentials.
This argument carries some weight in countries where the main supply to the national grid comes from coal-fired power stations (although it still overlooks the fact that the amount of carbon produced in the process of creating and distributing petrol or diesel is greater still). Nevertheless, if electric cars are to make a significant difference to the quality of the air we breathe, charging them with electricity produced by low-emission sources is crucial.
As Formula E wants to play a key role in advancing the technology surrounding electric car ownership not just the cars themselves, the bold decision was taken that the charging of the racing cars had to come from a sustainable source.
British-based company Aquafuel, a specialist in renewable power innovation, is to supply the new FIA Formula E Championship with one of its highly-advanced glycerine (glycerol) generators, to be used to charge all 40 Spark-Renault SRT_01E cars at all race events.
Download the article below or contact Aquafuel here for more information.
Professor Patricia Harvey of Greenwich University explains how her team has been working with Aquafuel Research, the UK company that has perfected how to burn glycerine as a clean fuel in diesel CHP engines.
Glycerine is in abundant supply as an unwanted byproduct of biodiesel production, but much more interesting is the production of glycerine by salt-water algae. Unlike other biofuels which can compete with agricultural land, algae can be grown around the unutilised coastal land of Africa and the Middle East. Algae does not consume any drinking water and produces up to 80% glycerine by volume.
Why do energy-intensive industries buy-in expensive power and heat and yet dispose of renewable by-products with fuel potential at commodity prices? Aquafuel Research was formed to develop new technologies and techniques to help companies to reduce their energy costs, unlock new revenues and to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Aquafuel is a venture-backed UK company with a set of patented technologies for renewable combined heat and power (CHP) and a number of commercial CHP projects under its belt. Investors include EEA, a leading environmental investment firm. |
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Mauritius has some great hikes from mountain trails to indemic forest trails where you can observe the bird and insect life and learn about the conservation work.
One of the last wild sanctuaries of the country - with Ile d'Ambre and its dense mangroves is a peaceful paradise; the hike will take you along the forests of the island crossing past the ruins and conservation area`s. You will be able to see the volcanic crater and fresh water cave and learn about it`s history.
Water & Juice are available on all trips. |
Thevet-Saint-Julien es una población y comuna francesa, en la región de Centro, departamento de Indre, en el distrito de La Châtre y cantón de La Châtre.
Enlaces externos
Elecciones municipales de 2008
Thevet Saint Julien |
Who Rules the Roost?
Mon 24th Apr 2006, 19:00 on BBC Three
1/8; series three. Baby-loving mum-of-six Christine Bates and disciplinarian Paul Rohan take turns to look after their kids. Narrated by Liza Tarbuck.
Christine Bates
Paul Rohan
Liza Tarbuck.
1/10; series two. Following the rocky matrimonial path of David and Zophia, Jane and Alaa, and Vicky and Steve.
The Trouble with Gay Men
1/3. Simon Fanshawe starts a trilogy of documentaries tackling topical issues by decrying what he sees as superficiality and promiscuity in the gay community. Graham Norton is among the interviewees.
Simon Fanshawe
4/6; series two.
Lou decides to dress Andy up as a baby version of Jesus.
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps
9/10; series six. Donna's little brother causes chaos.
Dog Borstal
2/4. It's a week-long trip to the boot camp for a labrador, a boxer and a jack russell.
Jack Russell.
as 9pm
Tue 25th Apr 2006, 00:25 on BBC Three
as 11pm
as 11.30pm
Honey We're Killing the Kids
About BBC Three
The BBC's multi-platform service for 16 to 34s, innovating with breakthrough comedy, stand-out entertainment, brave documentary and intellectual factual content. |
A possibility of creating a high accuracy device that could automatically measure dental arches by scanning dental casts is presented. The original multicamera system using four firewire cameras and two laser modules is designed. System software uses acquired data for measurement of dental arches, to store dental cast models in 3D databases, to use model data for design of appliances. The 15 dental casts were scanned and measured to test the reliability of multicamera system, contrasting with manual measurement. This system is useful objective tool for medical tasks solution and further investigations are required in order to confirm effectiveness in orthodontic patients care. Ill. 4, bibl. 10 (in English; summaries in English, Russian and Lithuanian). |
Last week, we "rowed" a book for the very first time! If you are confused by the "row" part, you're not the only one. Apparently, there is an entire subculture of homeschoolers who use The Five in a Row curriculum and are die hard about it. "Rowing" simply means we used Five in a Row to study out one book for the entire week.
The book we chose to start with is The Rag Coat. This is such a touching, touching story. I'm pretty sure that even the Grinch's heart would grow an extra size if he read this book. It is a story of a young girl who is very poor and can not go to school because she can not afford a coat. Her mother's friends, the "Quilting Mothers", decide to make her a coat out of their scraps. There is so much more to this story, but I'll leave it at that for simplicity's sake.
There were three main parts of this book that we touched upon: the Appalachian region, coal mining, and quilting. Some of the subtopics we discussed were the relationships within the book, forgiveness, and art.
Merrick put together his USA puzzle to help him identify the states in which the Appalachian mountains lie.
After putting together the puzzle, Merrick colored a map for his lapbook journal. The printables for the lapbook were found here.
Since I grew up in North Carolina, and have many memories of enjoying the Appalachian Mountains, I couldn't wait to learn more and share more about this region's culture with Merrick. On Pandora, a free internet radio, we listened to some Appalachian music. We also rented the movie Christie, which lasted for about 5 minutes before the kids ran off to play. There were also several books in the library on Appalachian folktales. I loved this one, The Pig Who Went Home on Sunday.
This is basically the story of the 3 Little Pigs told in it's original Appalachian form. What that means, basically, is that the 2 pigs that didn't make their homes out of brick were eaten. No mercy! At first when I read this, I thought it was a bit harsh for children. But, upon reading the author's note, I realized the wisdom in the original story. Long story short, when told in its original form, it is a great tool for teaching stranger danger, being aware and cautious when we are outside our home, and that one should obey his mother (you know I like any book that teaches my kids to show a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t!).
While discussing the Appalachians, we also made our own compass to reinforce learning about North, East, South, and West.
One of the suggestions in the Five in a Row curriculum, was to make one of these little thingys. I'm not sure what this is called. It's basically just a circle of nails in a board. Merrick was able to use rubber bands to build about any shape we could think of. I used the info here to remind myself of the different polygons.
To make the board, I just used a leftover scrap of MDF I had in the garage and painted it red (Merrick's favorite color). I traced a plate to make a circle, then hammered in 3/4 inch nails around the perimeter of the circle.
Merrick has a blast with this board. I love the fact that it will come in handy for future math discussions as well.
Coincidently, our bible story during this week was about Joseph and his coat of many colors. I think many would call this a "godcidence" instead of a "coincidence." This was perfect. Joseph and his coat are actually mentioned in the book The Rag Coat. Merrick's face lit up when he recognized the reference!
For fun, Merrick and I went coal mining under our breakfast area. We got the idea here from my favorite homeschooling blog, Satori Smiles.
We made three different types of coal (recipe also from Satori Smiles) each worth different points. The lignite, or soft coal, was worth one point. The hard coals, bituminous and antracite, were worth ten and one hundred respectively.
We turned out all the lights and drew the shades. I hid the pieces of "coal" under the table and Merrick had 3 minutes to find as many as possible. Believe it or not, it was a pretty decent challenge in the dark to find that dark coal.
After the 3 minutes was up, he had to line the pieces of coal up according to its point value.
This was a great way to teach Merrick place value (hundreds, tens, ones). He caught on right away.
We also made coal cookies. Originally, I wasn't going to make these. I thought it was just a fancy excuse to eat tons of sugar (not that I need an excuse to eat tons of sugar). But, once I read that it was a good way to teach kids how coal was formed, I was in.
Lastly, and to my great joy, we discussed quilting. As I love to sew, I was thrilled about this aspect of the book. I started off my showing Merrick the quilts in our home, including a couple that were made for him when he was born.
Here is a quilt that I made for Sawyer, my boy twin, when he was born.
Merrick was three years old at the time. For one of the patches, I traced his hand and had him draw on the fabric a bit.
Naturally, Merrick can not get in front of a camera without making a goofy face.
To help teach him about quilting, we made our own little rag quilted pillowtop. Merrick and I went through lots of his old baby clothes as well as his dad's baby clothes. We chose a few pieces that we felt were appropriate to cut up, and put them in the pillowtop. We also used lots of my scrap fabric (yeah, gotta love getting rid of scraps!) I did the cutting and sewing. Merrick helped me baste.
While I was on the sewing machine, Merrick went back to work making shapes. I encouraged him to make polygons. He ended up with pac-mans and funny looking duck things.
After two days of cutting, sewing, basting, and more sewing, we had our pillowcase.
There are pieces of my husbands baby clothes and baby blanket in there. There is also a piece from a onesie Merrick worn when he was a few days old in the hospital. And, a piece from a shirt he used to wear all the time when he was two years old. Also, a piece from a onesie I made for him when he was a newborn.
I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite things in our entire home (yes, I am a sentimental sap). See the little red sailboat in the middle? That's from a tiny shirt my husband wore when he was an infant!
I definitely, definitely enjoying this kind of learning. It was a really great and much needed break from the workbook kind of learning we had been doing in recent weeks. Though I don't think we'll do this every week, I'm going to shoot for rowing at least 2 books a month. Wish us luck!
I can't find the site that has the recipe for the fake coal. I would love to make those! Is there anyway you can remember the recipe?
If I can remember correctly, it was just a flour/salt ornament recipe. You can try this one: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/11126/dough-ornament-recipe/ I think I just made the dough, rolled it in little balls, possibly heated it, and then painted them. I hope it works for you! |
The Kingdom (2007)
R | 1h 50min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 28 September 2007 (USA)
A team of U.S. government agents are sent to investigate the bombing of an American facility in the Middle East.
Matthew Michael Carnahan
Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper, Jennifer Garner | See full cast & crew »
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Nordisk Film & TV Fond CEO Liselott Forsman on 2020, a Record Budget, Growth
Udo Kier on Life Playing Degenerates, From 'Painted Bird' to Lars von Trier: 'I've Been to Hell Many Times'
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'The Elephant Queen' Review: Apple's Kid-Friendly Nature Doc Offers a Necessary Corrective to 'The Lion King'
18 October 2019 | Indiewire
Films I Gave Up Watching
Top Movies of 2007
Search for "The Kingdom" on Amazon.com
Title: The Kingdom (2007)
Movies You Love, but Dictators Hate
Favorite 'King' Movie
Green Zone (2010)
Action | Drama | Thriller
Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a U.S. Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for Weapons of Mass Destruction in an unstable region.
Director: Paul Greengrass
Stars: Matt Damon, Jason Isaacs, Greg Kinnear
Traitor (2008)
When straight arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton heads up the investigation into a dangerous international conspiracy, all clues seem to lead back to former U.S. Special Operations officer, Samir Horn.
Stars: Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Archie Panjabi
Miami Vice (2006)
Based on the 1980s TV action/drama, this update focuses on vice detectives Crockett and Tubbs as their respective personal and professional lives become dangerously intertwined.
Director: Michael Mann
Stars: Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Li Gong
Smokin' Aces (2006)
When a Las Vegas performer-turned-snitch named Buddy Israel decides to turn state's evidence and testify against the mob, it seems that a whole lot of people would like to make sure he's no longer breathing.
Director: Joe Carnahan
Stars: Jeremy Piven, Ryan Reynolds, Ray Liotta
Breach (2007)
FBI upstart Eric O'Neill enters into a power game with his boss, Robert Hanssen, an agent who was put on trial for selling secrets to the Soviet Union.
Director: Billy Ray
Stars: Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, Dennis Haysbert
Crime | Drama | Thriller
A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in Los Angeles.
Stars: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith
Body of Lies (2008)
A CIA agent on the ground in Jordan hunts down a powerful terrorist leader while being caught between the unclear intentions of his American supervisors and Jordan Intelligence.
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong
16 Blocks (2006)
An aging alcoholic cop is assigned the task of escorting a witness from police custody to a courthouse 16 blocks away. There are, however, chaotic forces at work that prevent them from making it in one piece.
Director: Richard Donner
Stars: Bruce Willis, Yasiin Bey, David Morse
Vantage Point (2008)
The attempted assassination of the American President is told and re-told from several different perspectives.
Director: Pete Travis
Stars: Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, Matthew Fox
Patriots Day (2016)
The story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the aftermath, which includes the city-wide manhunt to find the terrorists responsible.
Director: Peter Berg
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Monaghan, J.K. Simmons
State of Play (2009)
When a congressional aide is killed, a Washington, D.C. journalist starts investigating the case involving the Representative, his old college friend.
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Stars: Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck
Street Kings (2008)
An undercover cop, disillusioned by the death of his wife, is implicated in the murder of an officer and must struggle to clear himself.
Director: David Ayer
Stars: Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh Laurie
Jamie Foxx ... Ronald Fleury
Chris Cooper ... Grant Sykes
Jennifer Garner ... Janet Mayes
Jason Bateman ... Adam Leavitt
Ashraf Barhom ... Colonel Faris Al Ghazi
Ali Suliman ... Sergeant Haytham
Jeremy Piven ... Damon Schmidt
Richard Jenkins ... Robert Grace
Tim McGraw ... Aaron Jackson
Kyle Chandler ... Francis Manner
Frances Fisher ... Elaine Flowers
Danny Huston ... Gideon Young
Kelly AuCoin ... Ellis Leach
Anna Deavere Smith ... Maricella Canavesio
Minka Kelly ... Miss Ross
After a terrorist attack on an American housing compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where families and FBI Agent Francis Manner are murdered, FBI agent Ronald Fleury blackmails the Saudi Arabian consul to get five days of investigation in the location. He travels with agent Grant Sykes, Janet Mayes and Adam Leavitt to avenge their friend and try to find those responsible for the bombing. The agents find all sorts of difficulties in their investigation, but they are supported by Colonel Faris Al Ghazi that advises the team how to act in a hostile environment. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
saudi arabia | investigation | die hard scenario | safe room | al qaeda | See All (175) »
Trust No One See more »
Rated R for intense sequences of graphic brutal violence, and for language | See all certifications »
United International Pictures [Germany] | United International Pictures [Japan] | See more »
USA | Germany | United Arab Emirates
English | Arabic
The Kingdom See more »
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates See more »
$17,135,055, 30 September 2007
Universal Pictures, Relativity Media, Forward Pass See more »
SDDS | Dolby Digital | DTS
When director Peter Berg was trying to get Marcus Luttrell to assist with the making of the movie Lone Survivor, Berg told Luttrell to watch his movie The Kingdom, and if he didn't like it, Berg said he would not bother Luttrell again. See more »
General Abdulmalik wears insignia of a Brigadier General (Ameed) yet is referred to as a Major General (Luwa) in Arabic throughout the movie. See more »
Narrator #1: After capturing most of the Arabian Peninsula with the help of the Wahhabi Islamic warriors, Ibn Saud establishes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Referenced in Former Hollywood Insider Speaks Out About Sexual Corruption (2017) See more »
Somethin' In The Water
Written by Al Anderson, Bob DiPiero, Jeffrey Steele
Performed by Jeffrey Steele
Courtesy of Monument / Columbia Records
By Arrangement with Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Much more that a shoot-em'-up, but not for the faint of heart
30 September 2007 | by scottgoblue314 – See all my reviews
I went into this movie hoping it wouldn't be a cheap shot at either the US Government or the people in the Middle East and I wasn't disappointed. The introduction that outlines the history between Saudi Arabia and the United States alone proves as much: no matter how intense that action was (and it was very much so), the movie itself was a fairly level-headed look at the current situation. You are drawn into the action from the very beginning, but from there it does not sink into an FBI team shooting up Saudis. There is actually an INVESTIGATION, with political interests in the background all the while. An excellent action movie with more than a little thought put into it, but not for the faint of heart. |
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Visit us in the LRCs at the job hunting desk, look out for our employer events on campus or book with one of our professionally trained Careers Consultants to discuss any aspect of your career decision-making and your ideas. |
Its natural habitat... nowhere near a Habitat.
by Jason Stone
Land Rover: "Above and Beyond Land" - 60s
Even those discomforted by the strange beasts who appear to love the internal combustion engine more than they love their own children may have to concede that the Land Rover sneaks past our defences to become a true object of desire. And, if we're honest about it, advertising like this is the reason why.
There's not a West London boulevard in sight as three of the vehicles are transported by ferry to an island which appears to be their natural habitat. It's like they're being released back into the wild after a period in captivity, and there's something genuinely awe-inspiring about seeing what they can do... in the kind of place where they're supposed to be doing it.
Spark44 have excelled over the years in making sure everyone understands that the Land Rover is still the Daddy in this realm. Even if the eye-watering price means that ownership will forever remain an unfulfilled aspiration, it nonetheless remains the car you know you'd need if you were ever required to cross terrain like this.
Director Scott Lyon's visuals have turned a rugged North African landscape into an adventure playground, and takes full advantage of the script's playful suggestion that a waterfall is the local equivalent of a car wash, that you'd need traffic lights to give way for a stampede of wild horses, and so on.
Advertising like this doesn't simply sell the car to us as the best option for off-road adventures... something which is unquestionably true. It sells the idea of us being off-road adventurers ourselves... something which is not. But it does it beautifully, and even though our instinct is to side with Greta on all matters environmental, thanks to advertising like this, we can't help having our own weird crush on this vehicle.
Creative Agency: Spark44 Ⓟ Ⓦ
CCO: Brian Fraser
Creative Director: Matt Statham / Chris McDonald
Agency Producer: Savana Jones-Middleton
Ass't Prod (Agency): Ellee Prior
Film Production: Outsider Ⓟ Ⓦ
Director: Scott Lyon Ⓟ Ⓦ
Producer: Zeno Campbell-Salmon
Cinematographer: Steve Chivers
Editor: Rich Orrick Ⓦ @ Work Ⓟ Ⓦ
VFX: Electric Theatre Collective Ⓟ Ⓦ
Colourist: Connor Coolbear @ Electric Theatre Collective Ⓟ Ⓦ
Location: Morocco |
For further insight on the technical aspects of panomorph technology, the following documentation is designed to answer your questions. If you are interested in developing panomorph technology, feel free to contact us.
We present two miniature all plastic megapixel panomorph lenses for consumer electronics (TTL of 6.56 mm) and mobile devices (TTL of 3.80 mm) showing the unique challenges from specification, design, manufacturing and testing phases of these new generation of miniature 180° FoV wide-angle lenses.
Consumer Electronic Optics: How Small Can a Lens Be?
In 2014, miniature camera modules are applied to a variety of applications such as webcam, mobile phone, automotive, endoscope, tablets, portable computers and many other products.
The paper presents examples of how the distortion control can improve optical systems performances.
Conferencing is booming and estimated to be a $34B industry.
The increasing trend to use vision sensors in transportation is driven both by legislation and consumer demands for higher safety and better driving experiences.
Minimally invasive surgical procedures or examinations require increasingly sophisticated devices to explore the interior of the patient's body.
Automotive applications are one of the largest vision-sensor market segments and one of the fastest growing ones.
During the last few years, innovative optical design strategies to generate and control image mapping have been successful in producing high-resolution digital imagers and projectors.
Panoramic and hemispheric lens technologies represent new and exciting opportunities in both imaging and projection systems.
Situation awareness is an important element of security. The capacity to immediately respond to a fast changing environment is the result of better coverage in surveyed areas.
Panoramic technologies are experiencing new and exciting opportunities in the transportation industry.
Panoramic viewing is growing in many security programs around the world. It's primarily valued for its ability to capture a very large field of view.
The development of miniaturized optical and sensors are of great interest for space surveillance and space science applications.
List of commercially off-the-shelves panomorph lenses from certified manufacturers.
The certification program provides optical designers with the tools and knowledge to create advanced panomorph optics.
The CS-mount cameras listed match with CS-mount panomorph lenses.
A research group from China and Finland presents a geometric model for spherical stereoscopic vision using extremely wide angle lenses.
Learn more about ImmerVision and Intelligent Vision that lets you See More, Smarter.
Getting the complete 360° view is as quick and easy as switching the lens.
Want to have immersive dewarping functionality integrated in your solution? |
NOW YOU SEE HER: Is there life after fashion? Phoebe Philo may provide answers to that question, and more, during her scheduled appearance at the Engadin Art Talks festival in Switzerland on Jan. 26 and 27.
The British designer is due to join speakers including photographer Juergen Teller, who shot most of Philo's campaigns during her 10 years at the helm of Celine. Also on the program is choreographer Cecilia Bengolea, musician Anthony Moore, architect Arno Brandlhuber and artist Lena Henke, among others.
The theme of this year's edition is: "How do gravity and grace define current-day life in the digital age?" Launched in 2010, the E.A.T. festival aims to bridge art, design, film, architecture, science and literature with what is billed as a "holistic visitors' experience" in the Alpine ski resort of Zuoz in the region of Engadin, near St. Moritz.
The panel discussions will be led by four of the organization's founding members: Daniel Baumann, director of the Kunsthalle Zurich; Bice Curiger, artistic director of the Fondation Vincent van Gogh in Arles; Hans-Ulrich Obrist, artistic director of the Serpentine Gallery in London, and Philip Ursprung, professor for art and architectural history at the ETH Zurich university. |
Get a cup. Put as thin ginger slices as you can make them, about a finger's worth, in it. Then squeeze half a lime, add some cinnamon. Add hot water, and then a generous portion of honey. The honey's properties can't take too hot water though, so make sure it's not near-boiling.
Drink it. You can make another batch with the same ginger slices, but after that you should chew them for maximum effect.
That's what my throat needs right about now. |
Fearless. That is my word for 2019. I spell it "fear.less," as I desire to fear less as I follow Christ in faith this year.
I don't often speak of worries, but I am an attentive listener of my thoughts. And my thoughts are often filled with concerns which draw me in like a gnat to light; eventually, I struggle deciphering if I am in control of my thinking or if my thinking is in control of me.
All of us have triggers. You know full well which ones take you straight from clam to concern.
I don't remember being worrisome when I was younger. As a teen, I was bolder… braver. I still feel bold and brave, but more of a quiet, passionate warrior who knows her greatest strength is not born of herself.
My armor has been tested and dented by experiences – both in and out of my control. I see scars when I look in the mirror, internal and external, and I am reminded of moments when being brave didn't prevent tragedy, turmoil, and time from moving forward. Even being full of faith doesn't prevent hardships, disappointments, and pressures.
When someone responds to another Believer's pain by saying, "Have faith," does this mean the one struggling is without faith? Not necessarily. Perhaps someone may have recognized an imbalance of focus which is causing unnecessary pain; an imbalance rectified through surrender.
We can focus so hard on the power of pain that we lose sight of the power of God. Fear and pain become idols. When we give our attention to something less than God, we are left with a less-than mentality.
"'You shall have no other gods before me'" (Exodus 20:3).
I don't want to live captive to concern in 2019. I want to stop being a victim of fearfulness. Yes, some things I have experienced have been scary, disruptive, and life-changing. I am sure you can say the same. But to think as one who is preparing for the next "what if…" leaves me in a state of continual uneasiness. And I am tired of giving life to thoughts that often do not come to fruition. And even if the "worst" comes to life, what will fretting add to my peace and comfort?
"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:27).
I am humbled by the uncertainty of day-to-day life. I understand that I cannot truly live out faith if I choose to see life through the veil of apprehension. Faith dulls behind the heaviness of this veil: a veil God never intended to shroud life. And in my fight to be both free of restraining thoughts and faithful to God, I can feel alone… imprisoned.
I had a dream the other night that I was behind bars. I sat in this prison long enough for my eyes to weaken and my skin to thin. It wasn't until I heard a bird singing, perched just outside a window set high upon my view, that I stood and walked near to the bars. I felt a breeze, and it became breath to my lungs. Reaching out to feel the air upon my fingertips, my hand pushed through and beyond the bars. The bird alighted upon my palm before flying away. The entire time, I never knew the bars were made of paper… they only looked formidable.
A turn of the calendar does not afford me an increased measure of faith. Nor does a new goal professed in a new year grant me a fresh perspective. The only power which can truly move me beyond yesterday is Christ. Jesus gives me wings when I am weary; frees my mind of the insatiable desire to be in control - to break free from bars not meant for me to stand behind. If I stand behind anything, it will be the Word of God. If my vision is to weaken, may it only be so the eyes of Christ Jesus can guide me. And if my body fails and thins, shall it be said of me that she tired being strong in faith rather than weakened by her fears.
Yes, I believe in having goals. My goal is to run into the arms of Jesus so passionately that on the day I finally feel His embrace, my life will have been spent to the full chasing Him.
The ocean of "Worst Possible Outcome" doesn't have the final say. The opinions of self and others don't have the final say. No weapon forged against me will prevail because God has the final say (Isaiah 54:17, Proverbs 16:1). This is truth. This is truth I accept or deny. Either way, it is still truth.
Day-to-day accepting truth, I surrender to God: heart, mind, body, and soul.
2019 is a gift, and I will not wrap myself behind paper bars decorated in doubt. I am here. I am alive. And there is living to be done today. Real living. Real loving. All from a real Savior.
Spending more time in scripture offers me less time to fret. Getting on my knees in prayer affords me a position of humbly listening rather than one of prideful control. And remembering God's faithfulness empowers me to entrust His daily provisions.
May the birdsong of a new day alight upon your palm and your faith grow in the full breadth of life that is gifted to you by Christ Jesus. And may you live as one who draws from the eternal strength of the Lord more than the temporariness of the world.
Whether you enter 2019 with dented armor and scars or feeling the breeze of new life within your lungs, I pray for you to be bold and brave in Christ's love, to live in truth, and be fully alive in faith.
I pray for you to be FEAR.LESS.
Tiffany Kaye Chartier is a Christian Author and opinion columnist. Submit feedback and connect for more soul lifts on Facebook: Tiffany Kaye Chartier, Instagram:@tiffanysgly, and Twitter: @tiffanychartier. |
Charidiplosis clavijica är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Gagne 1997. Charidiplosis clavijica ingår i släktet Charidiplosis och familjen gallmyggor.
Artens utbredningsområde är Ecuador. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
clavijica |
Fox31 News aired a segment on the prevalance of EMF in our environment. Titled "What's the Frequency?," it featured the QLink as one of the devices recommended to safeguard your health from EMF exposure. You can watch the video here.
In October 1999, Dr. George Carlo, then head of the world's largest research program funded by the wireless industry, wrote 28 identical letters and sent them to the chairmen and CEO's of the cellular telephone industry. They were the ones who paid for his six-year effort and they deserved to hear, directly from him, his candid assessment of the findings their studies had produced.
BIOPRO Hands-Free Headset is Here!
By emfhealthblog on Friday, May 27th, 2005 | Comments Off on BIOPRO Hands-Free Headset is Here!
After a long wait, the BIOPRO Hands-free Mobile Phone system is finally available again. As you may be already aware, the regular hands-free headset has been shown to increase EMF exposure to the user's head by as much as three and a half times! The wiring that connects the cell phone to the earpiece serves as an antenna that directs EMF into the ear canal–not only from the cell phone, but from the EMFs in the vicinity as well.
Posted in Uncategorized | | Comments Off on BIOPRO Hands-Free Headset is Here!
The BioPro Technology company has been around for only about a year and a half. But the market response has been overwhelming. Just recently, the company hit the milestone of one-million dollar sales in one month. That's quite a feat, considering that it made $1.3M in sales for almost the entire year 2004. It is predicted that within a few months, it will hit one million dollar sales in one day.
EMF Protection Devices by Cell Phone Manufacturers?
By emfhealthblog on Wednesday, May 4th, 2005 | Comments Off on EMF Protection Devices by Cell Phone Manufacturers?
The cellular industry has always maintained the position that cell phones are safe. Despite the $25 million research they funded early on (headed by Dr. George Carlo) that showed evidence to the contrary. (The industry has ceased funding any research and has been known to discourage it.) And you can understand their position: any admission of safety risk will adversely affect their bottom line and probably inspire massive class action suits.
Posted in Uncategorized | | Comments Off on EMF Protection Devices by Cell Phone Manufacturers?
By emfhealthblog on Saturday, April 9th, 2005 | Comments Off on QLink vs. Harmonizing Chips?
This has to be one of the most common questions people ask when they learn of both these BIOPRO products. And it's a perfectly valid one: if you wear the BIOPRO QLink and are already protected from any type of EMF exposure, do you still need the Harmonizing Chips?
Posted in Uncategorized | | Comments Off on QLink vs. Harmonizing Chips? |
50. Request for correction of error
(1) Subject to rule 49, any person may request the correction of an error in the register or in any document filed at the Patent Office in connection with registration.
(2) The request must be-
(a) made in writing; and
(b) accompanied by sufficient information to identify the nature of the error and the correction requested.
(3) If the comptroller has reasonable doubts about whether there is an error-
(a) he shall inform the person making the request of the reason for his doubts; and
(b) he may require that person to furnish a written explanation of the nature of the error or evidence in support of the request.
(4) If the comptroller has no doubts (or no longer has doubts) about whether an error has been made he shall make such correction as he may agree with the proprietor of the patent (or, as the case may be, the applicant).
think different !
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"Risks and Targets" was the first time the work of Mario Consiglio had been shown in the UK. This cycle of works, begun in 2005, completed a further step in the direction of artificial synthetic painting, as well as the development of his work with animation videos. On these he worked together with the video designer Cristiano Cesolari and the DJ Claudio Coccoluto.
Light-reflecting plastic materials and lycra are honed with technological laser cuts and superimposed on old fashioned carpentry. The result is a surprising sequence of picture-objects, the primary fascination of which resides in their perfect equilibrium, in the surgical precision of their very architecture. On the other hand it is an increasingly cold and indirect manner of painting, more than anything a reflection of the painting today. If at an iconographical level his target works recall the similarly named objects of Jasper Johns, realised at the end of the 1950s and so at the dawn of Pop art, and cite Frank Stella"s colour field before arriving at the recent neo-optical solutions of Ugo Rondione, it is all above in the discovery and consequent use of materials that Consiglio convinces us fully.
Turning his back upon himself is an objective key, he theoretically adopts the lesson of the Neo Geo, and in particular that of Peter Halley, in demonstrating the impossibility of a manner of painting which is abstract as such but which must find its raison d"être in the real or even in the social. |
The sixth grade worked all week on student council elections.
The sixth grade had their student council elections October 8. Their posters brightened the walls of Mrs. Warman's classroom. Several students shared their ideas and views for the upcoming school year. |
Northern Powerhouse
Bdaily Northern Powerhouse coverage
The Northern Powerhouse is the former Chancellor, George Osborne's, grand plan to redress the UK's economic imbalance through greater investment, interconnectivity and autonomy for the North's big cities.
But what's really being done? And how committed is the government to this master plan for Northern economic regeneration? These are the questions on everyone's lips in the North at the moment.
So if you're looking for all the latest Northern Powerhouse developments in the North East, North West and Yorkshire, look no further.
Image Source: Sheffield Tiger
Northern Powerhouse firms support EU membership
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If Kerrie and Spence had walked away, it would have been devastating Shelley tells Insider Style.
There were a few points during the competition where Kerrie and Spence seriously contemplated walking away. But there's one person, in particular, who's glad they didn't - Shelley Craft. She says she thinks our competitors from Adelaide are now in with a fabulous chance of taking out the win - and she's glad they stuck it out.
Shelley thinks our competitors from Adelaide are now in with a fabulous chance of taking out the win - and she's glad they stuck it out.
She says watching Kerrie and Spence hit their strides and recover from some devastating setbacks, both physical and mental, has been wonderful.
"Watching Kerrie and Spence rebuild, was so beautiful to watch, because they are so strong now, and they are so proud of what they have done," she says.
For his part, Spence agrees. And though he admits it was difficult watching back those early weeks on the show, and his tough times during Living/Dining week when his mental health took a battering, he's glad he stayed and saw things through.
Watching Kerrie and Spence hit their strides and recover from some devastating setbacks, both physical and mental, has been wonderful.
Spence now works with a mental health initiative I am Worth More, and recently did his first public talk about suicide and depression.
Both Spence and Kerrie say they have come out of their Block experience stronger and ready to take on any challenge life throws their way. And as for Shelley's lovely comments?
Spence and Kerrie say they have come out of their Block experience stronger and ready to take on any challenge life throws their way.
Kerrie admits she's scared stiff in the lead up to Auctions. Will she and Spence walk away empty handed? |
Hilary Mantel, Man Booker Prize Winner, Visits Hinchingbrooke
Hilary Mantel, Man Booker Prize winner and seminal historical fiction author, took time away from her busy publicity tour of her new book, 'Bring up the Bodies,' to visit Hinchingbrooke House on Wednesday. Mantel is a leading authority on Henry VIII's advisor Thomas Cromwell whose nephew, Richard Cromwell was granted Hinchingbrooke House in 1537.
School Librarian, Tamsin Page invited Mantel for a private tour of the House led by history teacher Tom Wheeley after hearing her speak to a packed Ely Cathedral earlier this week. Mantel said she was, 'so grateful for the opportunity' to see inside the House in such detail and enjoyed her visit so much she left, promising to 'try to set a scene' in the House in the last book of her trilogy, 'The Mirror and the Light'. Mantel's presence in the school and House caused much excitement, particularly among English and History students and teachers, as she will possibly be the first ever British writer to win the Booker prize twice having been shortlisted once again on Monday.
Photograph shows left to right:
Tamsin Page (English Teacher) Hilary Mantel, Lottie Mae (Senior Student) Tom Wheeley (History Teacher) |
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This app is the ultimate learning tool for global history. Specifically, this app is designed for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to learn about global history. The features include regents fun quizzes by topic, educational videos by topic, educational tutorials by topic, and specific locations to world famous history museums.
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Unit 3: Global Interaction (1200 to 1650) - A study of how the interaction of the Japanese, Mongol and African Civilizations and the spirit of the Renaissance to the exchange of ideas, trade and changes in society.
The exam is designed to reflect the five social studies standards that are: U.S. History, World History, Geography, Economics, Civics, Citizenship and Government. This app is a great study guide and great for exam prep. |
Should You Throw Away Your Electronic Cigarette? Here's What You Need to Know
In 1963, American inventor Herbert A. Gilbert devised a smokeless, non-tobacco cigarette that gave off flavored air. His invention, although granted patent, didn't take off because the '60's was the era where smoking was embraced to be glamorous. 40 years later, Chinese inventor Hon Lik created what was the first of this generation's modern e-cigarette. He developed the idea after losing his father to lung cancer. After its success in the Chinese market, the e-cigarette found its way to America.
Via e-cig.org
The electronic cigarette was marketed as a "healthy" replacement to tobacco cigarettes, claiming a significant reduction in the amount of carcinogens and chemicals present in the electronic device. Among tobacco replacement therapies, it is e-cigarette – or "vaping" that has had the best reception. However, health professionals are not at all sold on the idea, claiming that inadequate research and research material are available to declare that it is, indeed, the healthy alternative.
Health and Addiction Risks
Different studies corroborate that vaping does pose serious health risks. In a study conducted by Portland State University in Oregon, it was discovered that e-cigarette liquid contained high amounts of aldehydes that are believed to irritate the respiratory system. Experts also believe that vapers inhale half of the toxic chemicals present in the e-cigarette juices, causing them to deposit in the lungs and yield antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can lead to pneumonia.
Via tumblr.com
Vaping also does not treat nicotine addiction, and rather, can worsen it not only through the presence of nicotine but because of the whole dynamics involved in operating and maintaining an e-cigarette – or a vape. Vapers can choose from a wide selection of flavored juices that yield thick, fragrant clouds of smoke. It is not uncommon to see groups of vapers compete in making the most "smoke" while using their e-cigarettes. This activity, known as cloud-chasing, serves as a reinforcement for vapers.
E-cigarette Explosions
Just this week, 16-year old Ty Greer in Alberta, Canada, was rushed to the hospital after sustaining first- and second-degree burns, bruises, lacerations, and busted teeth when an electronic cigarette exploded in his face. The United States Fire Administration reported 25 cases of exploding e-cigarettes between 2009 and 2014. Although the number appears to be rather small to cause alarm, concerned parents and practitioners believe that much still has to be understood about these devices. E-cigarette advocates claim that in order to be safe for use, vapers must make sure to follow all necessary guidelines in maintaining and operating their gadgets. In most provinces in Canada, there is a law that prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.
Via Canadian Press
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Holcombe voices confidence about recall
By Robert Smith [email protected]
Steve Holcombe, who is a member of a committee formed last week to circulate a petition calling for the recall of four of Pawhuska's five city councilors, said Monday he was optimistic about the committee achieving its goal.
"We're on our way," Holcombe said, explaining he thinks the committee is well in reach of its signature-gathering goal. According to a memorandum on the recall effort, the committee would have to obtain the signatures of 25 percent of the number of voters who participated in the last Pawhuska general election.
The number of voters in the general election on April 2 was 432, so the number of valid signatures required to successfully petition for a recall would be 108 at minimum, according to the memo. The recall committee has 15 days from the gathering of the first signature to submit its materials to the city government.
Councilors John Brazee, Mark Buchanan, Rodger Milleson and Roger Taylor would be susceptible to the recall, while Councilor Jourdan Foran would be legally exempt, Holcombe said.
Holcombe said his experience has been that there are varying reasons why voters are signing the recall petition, but he thinks most of those who are signing "understand that rehiring Nick Silva did not solve the essential problem."
He was referring to new interim city manager Tonya Bright's decision to reinstate Nick Silva as police chief July 3.
Former interim city manager Larry Eulert and former assistant city manager Rex Wikel fired Silva on June 28, causing widespread unhappiness among Pawhuska citizens.
"The problem is the lack of leadership and direction that must be provided by the council to prevent further mistakes like Silva's firing," he said.
A group of citizens began July 1 to circulate a petition to recall four of the five members of the city council. Holcombe, a former city councilor, said the morning of July 2 that the petition began to circulate the evening before. He said a group of citizens met at his law office and formed what is essentially a Pawhuska recall committee.
While the circulation of the petition was prompted by the firing of Silva, the firing was really just "the final straw" for people who see city government operating kind of like a "circus," Holcombe said. He explained that he does not consider himself the leader of the recall committee. The group had not named a leader, he said.
Not everyone who initially decided to participate actively in the effort to collect signatures for a city council recall has continued. Pawhuska resident Holly Hagen told the Journal-Capital by telephone on Friday that she got involved because she was upset about the firing of Nick Silva and she didn't think a city manager should have the power to do a thing like that all by himself/herself. Hagen said she thought there was a need for greater checks and balances in the city governmental system.
Hagen also voiced concerns about problems like leaky water lines and pothole-riddled roads. She said that she had contacted city government about these problems, but had not seen action taken to address them.
After thinking about the issue at more length, however, Hagen told the Journal-Capital by telephone Saturday morning that she no longer wanted to participate in the recall activity. She indicated she would likely try to attend city council meetings in the future, but explained she wanted to find ways to solve problems that involved less drama.
"I still want to make sure that never happens again," Hagen said of the way that Silva was fired.
Holcombe voiced respect for Hagen's decision.
"Many people are searching their souls about the state of the city and their place in it," he said. "Holly is finding her way. That is to always be respected."
Holcombe also commented on the condition of city streets as a reflection of the lack of government leadership and planning.
"They are terrible," he said of Pawhuska's streets.
Holcombe additionally clarified a point about the way that the recall election would be set up.
"I have been asked if the recall will be an all-or-nothing slate of the four (recalled seats)," he said. "The Charter provides no such authority. The seats will be individually recalled. There will be four separate recall elections." |
The tie dye trend is a unique way to add a splash of color to any outfit.
Florals are always in, but here are the most 2019 ways to wear them.
Upgrade your wardrobe for the new season with these cute (and budget friendly) bag picks. |
/ General / [VIDEO] Antiky..
Been following this channel ever since Adam Savage talked about it at some comic convention. Can't wait to see the finished Antikythera.
Good example of practical archeology.
One thing I gotta wonder now is if the same idea can be applied for making stone cores. Ya' know, like how the Egyptians had those cored stones. |
Mark Marmurstein has bought out CoachUSA's interest in Twin America, ending the joint venture in New York. As this is a change in control (50% of the voting interest), a Transfer of License is required. As New York had their previous transfer approved on December 6, 2016, a new application is not necessary. To view the original Transfer Application, please CLICK HERE. |
Mark Your Calendar: This IKEA Archive Site Is About to Release a New Collection of Vintage Finds
By Carmen Rosy Hall
For Harry Stayt's eleventh birthday, his parents drove him in their Ford Focus to the IKEA store closest to their home in High Wycombe, England. There, he picked a present (the whimsical MELDAL daybed) and reveled at the museum-like rooms for purchase.
Years later, Stayt moved from his small hometown to London, where he began to make furniture of his own. While designing flat packed pieces at Camberwell College of Arts, his favorite pastime was filling his apartment with the adult version of his childhood love, his fascination for IKEA escalating to an anthropological study. He collected pieces from the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as the era's catalogues, allowing him to develop a list of what he might seek next. This past November, he did a sale of select items under the name BILLY.forsale, named after IKEA's best-selling BILLY bookcase. Everything sold out in an hour.
Before the Swedish behemoth became a synonym for disposable pieces, it was renowned for its designer collaborations. Stayt's favorites include the VAJER drawers designed by Thomas Jelinek and CELLO lamp by Jan Wickelgran. He also wants to know who designed the MIX sofa from 1979.
Those who are closest to Stayt have been on pick-up journeys disguised as leisurely trips. Last year, Stayt persuaded his boyfriend and a friend to go with him to Great Yarmouth, a small seaside town in England, to pick up a single desk lamp. He convinced them to join him for three hours in the car by promising a swim in the sea—and when they got there, encountered the town's first Gay Pride celebration. "It's a nice way to see places I maybe wouldn't have gone otherwise."
Stayt's parents have also provided continued support. Despite being disinterested in furniture, they recently drove two hours to pick up a SKYE chaise longue. This piece will be for sale in the second iteration of Stayt's archive sale, which will go live on Monday, June 7th at 1 p.m. ET (6 p.m. in the UK). prices start from £65 ($93) and he ships worldwide. Follow BILLY.forsale on Instagram for updates and head to their site on Monday to see the latest 50+ items and objects.
Meet the Vintage Furniture Curator Who Started Her Shop During the Pandemic
What Do You Really Need? In the California Desert, Artist Andrea Zittel Reconsiders How We Live
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Photography by Nich McElroy
Puffy Furniture Is 2021's Most Delightful Home Trend
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10 Essential Interior Design Books Every Stylish Home Should Have
By Ariel Okin |
Get your family in the habit of putting their flip flops in the closet rather than scattering them on the porch and keep a closable tub or chest available to store toys and sporting equipment on the porch.. You want potential buyers to imagine themselves in your home, which might be hard if all they see is your family's personal belongings.
Try this cute idea to hide your hose.
Before you plant anything, do your research on how they will grow over the years. Planting clusters may be pleasing to the eye, but overcrowding isn't. You want to plant your flowers, trees and shrubs in a way that will allow them room to grow, without invading each other's spaces.
Fresh light fixtures can give your home's exterior a fresh and updated look, at a relatively affordable cost. Newer, brighter fixtures will also make your home stand out to those who pass by at night.
The waist-height flamingos and perma-grinning lawn gnomes that decorate your front yard might make you and your neighbours giggle, but they could also scare away potential buyers. You can't anticipate everyone's tastes and distastes, so better to air on the side of caution and stow the naked cherub angel fountain in the garage.
Of course, you want your curb to be original and as a result memorable, but a home that is too original will stick out like a sore thumb and can actually decrease its market value. |
Home » Monkeypox cases could be 'peak of iceberg' — WHO
Monkeypox cases could be 'peak of iceberg' — WHO
GENEVA — The World Health Organization (WHO) cautioned Friday that some 200 monkeypox cases found in recent weeks outside of countries where the virus usually circulates could be just the beginning.
"We don't know if we are just seeing the peak of the iceberg," Sylvie Briand, WHO's epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention chief, acknowledged in a briefing to countries on the "unusual" spread of the virus.
Since Britain first reported a confirmed monkeypox case on May 7, nearly 200 cases have been reported to the UN health agency in countries far from the states where the virus is endemic.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has put the number of such cases at 219.
Endemic in a number of west and central African nations, monkeypox cases have suddenly been detected in more than 20 other countries around the world, including the United States, Australia, the United Arab Emirates and nearly a dozen EU countries.
The Spanish health ministry said Friday that 98 cases had been confirmed there so far, while Britain currently counts 90 verified infections.
Portugal has meanwhile registered 74 confirmed cases, health authorities said Friday, adding that all the occurrences are in men, mainly aged below 40.
No need to panic
"We are still at the very, very beginning of this event," Briand told member state representatives attending the World Health Assembly in Geneva.
"We know that we will have more cases in the coming days," she said, but stressed there was no need to "panic".
"This is not a disease the general public should be worried about. It is not Covid or other diseases that spread fast."
Monkeypox is related to smallpox, which killed millions around the world every year before it was eradicated in 1980.
But monkeypox is much less severe, with a fatality ratio of three to six percent. Most people recover within three to four weeks.
The initial symptoms include a high fever, swollen lymph nodes and chickenpox-like rash.
While many of the cases have been linked to men having sex with men, experts stress there is no evidence it was a sexually transmitted disease. Rather, it seems to be transmitted by close contact with an infected person who has blisters on their skin.
There is not much in the way of treatment, but some antivirals developed against smallpox exist, including one that was recently approved by the European Medicines Agency against smallpox, Briand pointed out.
Vaccines developed for smallpox have also been found to be about 85 percent effective in preventing monkeypox.
However, since smallpox has not posed a threat in more than four decades, most people under the age of 45 have not received the vaccine, and the supplies of the jabs are today very limited.
Briand said experts were trying to determine what had spurred this "unusual situation", saying preliminary investigations did not seem to indicate that the virus that causes monkeypox had changed or mutated.
She voiced hope that the spread could be halted.
"We have a good window of opportunity to stop the transmission now," she said.
"If we put in place the right measures now, we probably can contain this easily."
READ: Monkeypox outbreaks detected in Europe, North America
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A Classic Car Blog with lots of R-R&B
Ashley James 15 April, 2018 Bentley, Contributor Posts, Other Classic Cars
Bill Coburn's Story
Bill Coburn has lived in Canberra Australia for the past 40 years except for four years when he was posted to Washington DC and joined the Chesapeake Region of the RROC. It was here he caught the bug seriously and found a continuous procession of Rolls-Royces and Bentleys at his front door, all with some mysterious problem.
Returning to Australia he spent his last dollar buying a basket case Silver Dawn SDB94 which he stripped to the frame and completely re-built. That was succeeded by a 'Z' series R type Bentley and a 'C' series S2 Standard Steel. The latter to his confessed shame has sat half dismantled for the last six years and in desperate need of appropriate wheels he has fitted himself out with a very nice 1984 Spur.
He joined the Australian Club on his return home in 1973 and inaugurated a new look Federal Magazine 'Praeclarvm' which he edited for 8 years. He filled the positions of Federal Secretary and Branch President and now divides his time writing technical material for his own newsletter 'Tee One Topics' and for the Club national magazine.
Tee one Topics grew out of his perceived need to share as much technical knowledge of the cars, their maintenance and methods of repair as possible with the sole idea of keeping as many of them alive and preferably on the road. The models covered are virtually all post war which caters for a very large percentage of owners in the world. Most of the material however is about cars later than the ones covered by this site but that which is relevant will slowly appear as they are transcribed.
The car is pictured above circa 1952
My father's Sales Manager was married to a lady of a very prominent family in Hobart. In my early teens I remember this same lady having a four door Riley Nine cabriolet. It was white with red spoke wheels, red upholstery, a black roof and a pre-selector gearbox. I often wondered what Happened to that car. Her father, a very old man decided that she should have a new one and thought a new Bentley would fill the bill. A conservative man, he asked the then agents in Melbourne Kellow Falkiner whether the car could be supplied without a radio, as it wasn't necessary. (Radios were still a novelty immediately after the war). The answer was yes but only with difficulty so it stayed. The next stumbling block was the servicing and who was going to do it. The owner-to-be nominated her long-term mechanic who conducted his business in the same suburb. Kellows actually sent someone over from Melbourne to instruct the fellow. The car crossed Bass Strait on the RMS Taroona – the only passenger/minor freight link to the island, which docked at Beauty Point near Launceston! The car was craned ashore and driven by the Kellows man to Hobart, taken to the new owner's house and locked up. The new owner would be instructed in its use the following day! And so in 1950 this 'F' series Bentley hit the road. I was allowed to sit for hours in it making teenage driving noises and it would seem, contracted this life long disease.
The purchase price was £4,300 the Silver Dawn being some £300 dearer! As virtually every one of you readers will be younger than I, let me give you a 'feeling' of the time. Cars were very difficult to get. Waiting lists of 2 years were not uncommon. My father had bought a new Chevrolet Stylemaster for £840 in 1948 and a Buick if you could get one was £998 as I remember. My father's company had bought Holden number 49, which was a dreadful thing by today's standards but a breath of fresh air in those days. The roads were littered with pre-war cars dating back to about 1934. Anything earlier than that was a bit impractical for handling and spares. But many a father dug out the family car that had sat at the back of the shed during the war for lack of petrol, and sadly quite a few drivers inherited cars that the owners would never need again. So the arrival of a Bentley in Hobart equated roughly to finding the QE II on Lake Burley Griffin!
My first impression was the smell and the perfect paintwork and the gadgetry!!!! It had, believe it or not, windscreen washers that approximated in function to a micturating grasshopper by today's standards. The only cars I had seen this on were the Buick (When better cars are built Buick will build them!) and Packard (Ask the man who owns one!). The other mystery was the silence of the gearbox. Only first gear made a quiet dignified whine. Stories abounded in those days of these cars being driven for miles in third gear, the driver being unaware of his non-changing! And the one-shot system was real magic and obviously reserved for the cars of God! The only things that went wrong in the three year guarantee period that I remember were that the steering wheel had to be replaced as the original one cracked, the tyres, English Barnett Glass by brand very quickly gave up the ghost and had to be replaced and the clutch pedal pad wore out very quickly. A new pedal was ordered and outrage ensued at the cost of the item that was smartly returned. Separate pads were not then available! This little episode was probably proleptic. I eventually took off to the mainland and completely lost contact with the car.
Last year George Shores was foolish enough to lend me his copy of the Sunburnt Country and there was the listing. The Chassis Plate showed its existence in Queensland. A phone call and sadness. This owner had found the car in a wrecker's yard with the body half off in preparation for the restoration that would never occur! Apparently he had bought it from a brothel where it was used for bringing well-heeled clients to the establishment. The head cloth had been replaced with a material adorned with fluorescent stars – the mind boggles. The Queensland man decided that too much needed to be done and disposed of the body to one buyer in his State and the chassis went to South Australia to sire a racer! But then there was the last link. In describing my sadness over this demise to John Beagle he flippantly told me that the sunroof he had bought for his car had come from my Bentley in Queensland. It didn't fit and he still has but will not give it to me!
The above discombobulated me for some time. A bit like finding the family home demolished. Had the original owners replaced that clutch pedal and continued maintenance as the Factory recommended we might still have that wonderful old girl to drive.
Bill's Favourite
Martin Bennett's choice of the 'best' models that came out of the Factory is something that many owners and onlookers have argued over. The sale of the Factory and subsequent published commentary on the Company and its business conduct have somewhat dulled the aura of rectitude, conservatism and integrity that the spin merchants have had us accept for so many years. I have written before of a now deceased and very well regarded member of this Club that endeavored to have a motoring journalist removed from the Club for publicly airing the litany of repairs and faults that were identified in his acquired Silver Dawn.
This model was produced when I was at my most impressionable age. For comparison I had my Father's 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster, a couple of examples of the very first Holden as well as a Morris Oxford, a Jowett Javelin, a Wolsely 6/80 and eventually my very own Rover P3 four light sports saloon (sigh). Most of these cars were in the neighborhood or were owned by friends of my parents. One of these people owned a brand new 'F' series Bentley Mk VI that was used daily but certainly in a domestic environment. I have to report that it was this car that seemed to require the most attention. The paintwork even in those days of very primitive chemistry was a source of considerable work for the body shop and the rust that appeared even in that pretty well controlled environment was of some concern. The steering wheel cracked very early on and had to be replaced, the servo groaned for years despite a number of attempts to fix it. The tyres lasted a matter of months before they had to be replaced and the chassis central lubrication system either hemorrhaged or ignored some parts of the chassis. By comparison and with the exception of the Holden, all the other cars plugged on with minimal maintenance and running costs. Yet today the Bentley Mk VI and derivative is an eye catcher, fun to drive and mechanically appealing even if challenging.
My choice for the 'best' model out of the post-war Factory would be a very late model Bentley S1 (sic) or should you want it a Silver Cloud. By then the Factory had got over its pre-war belief that it was paramount and unassailable and had realised that cars going out the door were what survival depended on not a reputation that had been built up from the legends of the Silver Ghost and subsequent chassis. Further the late S series cars had the last cast iron block, which with the right stuff in the radiator should almost last forever. And they enjoyed grease nipples.
The development of the vee eight engine while hailed as an engineering masterpiece, is now showing up as a disaster for the unwary enthusiast and a rerun of the magnificent Phantom III with its soluble engine. Already S3 engines are no longer available nor are replacement blocks. And while one hopes that previous owners have kept the right brew in the coolant chambers, apparently even the best maintained engines suffer corrosion to the point of destruction.
The greatest sadness I experience with these cars today is their loss of reputation. The young in general either have no interest whatsoever in the marque or regard it as some quaint vehicle from yesteryear. Ironically, the Factory having spent an enormous effort over the years prosecuting the use of the comparative 'The Rolls-Royce of.' to try and prevent dilution of the trademark, the term now is of no interest, use or meaning in almost any forum!
Finally while my remarks are critical and personal I still love the cars which mechanically have driven me to the bottle on many occasions and frankly I don't care what the general population wants to hear about or witness with these cars, I will enjoy them for years to come as I have for the last 50 plus years.
Here are a couple of photos of my beautiful garden in Australia, and a shot of my neighbours over the fence!
Bill Coburn
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We are not linked with any formal RR or Bentley club and are providing the reading materials herein as a useful and hopefully helpful source of information for owners and enthusiasts in need.
Please enjoy, and get in touch if you have any questions or requests!
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Rocky Barker: Bighorn sheep strategy won't resolve bitter controversy
By Ralph Maughan On February 16, 2008 · 14 Comments · In Bighorn Sheep, Politics
Barker writes about Idaho Fish and Game's decision to continue its policy to move or kill bighorn sheep that have contact with domestic sheep.
My view is the woodgrowers are getting more publicity than is good for them, but there yet needs to be some national news attention on this. The woolgrowers are also getting overconfident. Change is coming.
Tagged with: Idaho woolgrowers
14 Responses to Rocky Barker: Bighorn sheep strategy won't resolve bitter controversy
Buffaloed says:
From: http://www.idahostatesman.com/531/story/296078.html
"The plan the Fish and Game Commission approved requires
bighorn sheep to be managed to minimize population expansion
into domestic sheep grazing allotments, and prohibits
transplanting bighorns into areas where there is a risk they
could mingle with domestic sheep.
Domestic sheep entering the buffer zones could also be killed as
long as the sheep owner agreed to the action."
Well, how many woolgrowers would agree to that, eh?
Concerned says:
"as long as the sheep owner agreed to the action"
Now that is the fox controlling the hen house!!!
What about the big horn can be killed as long as the wildlife owners agreed to the action, namely the public!!!
This story needs to get to the national media.
Stuck here in Idaho, these people do as they please, at least until the federal court slaps them back towards brief legality.
Kind of like what I read about the South in the 1960s.
the sheepman determine the extermination zones with the agencies as well ~ no public …
I've been arguing for some time that the situation we face in the West with conservation is truly analogous to what the civil rights movement faced in my native South in the 50s and 60s–not to mention the hundreds of years before.
The livestock industry is fulfilling the same role that the KKK did. This is obvious, but our consensus and conciliatory conservation groups can't see it because the big money is for C&C, not aggressive, principled opposition to Stockgrowners, Woolgrowers, etc.
From: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/apps/releases/view.cfm?NewsID=4268
Contact: Ed Mitchell
Interim Bighorn Policy Adopted
Thursday, February 14, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopted an interim strategy on bighorn sheep to ensure separation from domestic sheep in Idaho.
The strategy would identify and establish buffer zones between wild and domestic sheep to reduce interaction and the potential for transmitting disease.
The commissioners approved the strategy during a regular weekly legislative update by telephone conference.
A working group convened at the request of Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter had not yet agreed on an interim strategy by the governor's February 15 deadline. Idaho Fish and Game, in consultation with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, developed its own interim strategy to serve until the working group develops a longer-term recommendation over the next few months. It will meet again in March.
The interim strategy is consistent with existing policy and law and with Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies guidelines for the separation of wild and domestic sheep, Fish and Game Wildlife Bureau Chief Jim Unsworth told the commissioners.
It provides a mechanism for the Department of Agriculture and livestock producers to work with Fish and Game to prevent conflicts, and it could be implemented in some places before livestock owners turn out their sheep this spring while the working group continues working on a long-term policy, Unsworth said.
Unsworth is a co-chairman of the governor's working group.
"I'm encouraged that this discussion is moving away from an emotional approach to a more reasoned approach," Fish and Game Director Cal Groen said at the close of the commission telephone conference Thursday morning. The approved strategy does not argue about disease or how it might be spread, instead it focuses simply on separating wild bighorn sheep from domestic sheep.
The plan would establish buffer zones that would be determined individually and would take into account bighorn sheep habitat, natural barriers and movement of wild as well as domestic sheep. The zones also would take into account existing and proposed artificial barriers and domestic sheep herding practices.
The interim policy also would encourage state and federal land managers to work with Fish and Game and Agriculture in cooperation with permittees to identify alternative grazing allotments.
Removing sheep, wild and domestic, that stray into the buffers would involve hazing, capture or killing. Bighorns that stray into and mingle with domestic sheep would be removed in accordance with existing Fish and Game protocol.
Here is another article from Idaho Mountain Express from Friday:
I agree completely. In Idaho right now, with Butch Otter, it is worse, perhaps, than many fols cold imagine. it is government by cronies, for cronies. Butch otter's natural Resources aid is Bonnie Butler, married to Wally Butler of the Farm Bureau.
The Simplot cattle grazing cartel, the Farm Bureau, and Stan Boyd of the Woolgrowers, Canned Elk 'hunters", and Boise District Grazing Board, and their ilk run this state. Butch is just pretty much a figurehead – poses for colorful photos at times.
AND the KKK analogy gets really weird when you think that Butch Otter along with Helen Chenoweth flirted quite a bit with the militias and Skinheads in northern Idaho in the early 1990s.
AND what was the first thing that Butch Otter did as Governor? Held a SECRET "swearing in" ceremony! Seriously – he did.As a prelude to his all-star wolf hating performance on the Capitol steps in Boise a few days later in early 2007. It's not just words that politicians speak – it is also symbols – like closed and SECRET ceremonies that send out messages.
Go to Otter's Webpage. Look at the Photo of all the Otter-Simplot Clan – wearing Big Black Cowboy hats. Wally Butler of the Farm Bureau has one just like that …
Yep. Instead of white pointed hats and robes, these bozos have black 10 gallon headgear and really uncomfortable boots and jeans.
The victims of the Otter Clan are our wildlife and public lands.
AND I understand there are some really dark secrets in the past of Otter, too – just have never come out …
A working group convened at the request of Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter had not yet agreed on an interim strategy
this was funny ~ woolgrowers kept insisting on ingratiating themselves by putting into the plan how important the livestock "culture" is and economic 'contribution' of $17 million in what appears to be substantially federal ag subsidies ~ welfare… … and NO MENTION of disease, wouldn't want to infringe on the fragile egos by implying that it was the domestic sheep's filthy disease that's making this mess. that's SCIENCE — develop an interim policy to protect the vectors ~ then call it bighorn policy !
everyone knows what the problem is ~ domestic sheep … it's really fascinating to see how everyone can know that but refuse to acknowledge it publicly…
it'll be interesting… with the sportsmen, tribes, and conservationists stepping up in the papers against this they'll need to bring someone in to "legitimize" the process… someone with benevolent quotes to simmer it down. i suspect that's where Robert's comment about C&C bears fruit for them. i hope i'm wrong…
Mack P. Bray says:
kt, I'd like to communicate with you; please email me.
Mack P. Bray
My opinions are my own
[email protected]
I've noticed that the Colorado History Museum doesn't even mention "predator control" in Colorado in any ONE of their exhibits, not does their gift shop even have ONE book on the subject!
They have a lot of exhibits on the livestock industry in Denver; but they don't mention one iota of it's "ugly side!"
It wouldn't be politically correct I suppose! Maybe some of their major donors agree with lethal predator control or have high ranking positions in the livestock political arena?
patricksperry says:
Maybe because predator control was mostly left to the ranchers and farmers here? For some reason, we don't have this problem with domestic sheep and Bighorns here in Colorado.
Anyone have a list of Idaho hunter/sportsman organizations that are fighting this, AND a list of any prominent so-called hunting orgs that have remained silent? It could be very instructive.
Also…any one have info about different conservation/environmental groups are handling this? Specifically, which ones are taking off the gloves, and which ones are still trying to cooperate and compromise? |
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Paycheque Protection Program Relaxes Loan Cancellation Rules
Reuters, New York
Sun Jan 2, 2022 12:00 AM Last update on: Sun Jan 2, 2022 01:09 AM
People get tested for Covid-19 at a testing site in Washington, DC on December 29, 2021. Photo: AFP / FILE
U.S. corporate earnings growth set to slow next year after a 2021 gangbuster, with rising inflation and a rapidly spreading variant of Covid-19 adding to uncertainty as investors try to justify stock prices trading near record highs.
The S&P 500 is set to rise around 24% this year, and the index's price / earnings ratio is well above its long-term average, raising fears the market is overbought. .
For all the latest news, follow the Daily Star's Google News channel.
According to IBES data from Refinitiv, profits for the S&P 500 are expected to increase by around 8% in 2022 after an estimated jump of 50% this year, when companies rebounded from the lockdowns and recession at the start of the pandemic.
Wall Street's 2022 consensus estimates have changed little in recent weeks, even as stock indexes have lost ground amid concerns about how quickly the Omicron variant is spreading.
"We are entering an environment where we are likely going to go from multiple expansion to multiple compression," said Robert Phipps, director of Per Stirling Capital Management in Austin, Texas, referring to rising profits for a company but not during its action. follow suit, leaving investors with little rewards.
The S&P 500's forward price-to-earnings ratio is 21.5, compared to its long-term average of 15.5, according to Refinitiv DataStream.
A key factor that has helped prop up valuations has been ultra-low interest rates, which are likely to change now that the Federal Reserve is increasingly hawkish with rising inflation fears, Phipps said.
Rising interest rates increase borrowing costs for businesses and consumers, while higher rates can also lower stock market multiples, especially for tech and other growth stocks.
The tightening labor market and strengthening economy prompted the Fed last week to announce it would end its bond purchases during the pandemic in March. This could open the door to an interest rate hike of three-quarters of a percentage point by the end of 2022.
Fed policymakers also forecast inflation to hit 2.6% next year, above the 2.2% forecast in September.
At the same time, companies are still grappling with supply disruptions due to the pandemic, which appears to be entering a new heightened phase as Omicron cases increase across the world.
The possibility of faster spread and new restrictions was looming in some countries ahead of the holidays. Since the start of the month, Covid cases in the United States have increased by 50%, according to a Reuters tally.
"There are a lot of things that can go wrong," said Christopher Harvey, head of US equity strategy at Wells Fargo Securities, who predicts an increased chance of a market decline of about 10% by the time. 'next summer.
US companies have been successful this year in maintaining profit margins because they have reduced costs and passed on high prices to their customers.
However, it is not known to what extent the latest risks will alter the estimates and earnings results for 2022.
Estimated earnings growth for the S&P 500 in 2022 was 8.3% on Friday, down from 8.0% in early December, according to data from Refinitiv.
"Earnings estimates go up in December, so Omicron isn't even factored into the estimates at this point," said Nick Raich, CEO of independent research firm The Earnings Scout.
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MS C++ Runtime error when attempting to open an Outlook 2010 jpeg attachment.
When double-clicking on a jpeg image attached to an Outlook 2010 message, CS5.1 opened the file immediately, but CS6 gives an error: the error window says "Microsoft C++ Runtime library" and the message says "R6034" and below that says "An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information."
Just after installing Photoshop CS6 Extended I installed several Microsoft updates that included several C++ libraries. Then CS6 would not work.
I then uninstalled CS6 Extended and restored my pc using a restore point made before the MS updates were installed. After reinstalling CS6 (without the MS C++ updates), CS6 now works perfectly. Beware of the latest MS updates!
With the Preferences Window open go to the Plug-ins section, uncheck everything that has a check in it here and restart PS. |
Unfamiliar with IRLP ? - Here is a brief description of what it does.
IRLP is used to link Amateur Radios via the Internet. You can connect an Amateur Radio Station located in one city to another Radio Station located anywhere through out the world as long as there is an IRLP connection available at each location. It can just as easily links radios from one edge of a large city to an opposite edge to avoid obstructions in the radio paths as long as there are IRLP nodes available at both edges.
Let's say you are in Dayton, OHIO. If you accessed a Dayton IRLP node and (using your radio's touch tone microphone) dialed a node number of 3502. You would connect the IRLP node radio in Dayton to the IRLP node #3502 located near Spokane, Washington. Once connected, transmissions made to the Dayton IRLP node radio would be passed via the Internet to the receiving node #3502 and broadcast through a VHF repeater located just southeast of Spokane. This VHF repeater covers the eastern Spokane area and portions of western Idaho. From Dayton you would be able to chat with anyone who might be listening to the repeater in the Spokane area. When you finish your chat, you would terminate the connection between the two nodes by dialing the number 73 and the link will disconnect.
Had you dialed a different node number than 3502 you could have just as easily ended up connecting to Japan or Canada or any other IRLP node throughout the world.
In concept using an IRLP system is like using an auto-patch. Which means you need to locate an radio system with IRLP capabilities near your location to call FROM. Plus you will need to know the number to dial for the location you wish to connect TO. To use the IRLP system you will need to look up that type of information.
The most current and complete IRLP information is found by visiting the Internet at the link below.
You can also find some IRLP node information in the ARRL Repeater Directory.
You will need to do a few things using this listing.
Make a note of it's 4 digit node number located on the list's left edge.
Select a local node close to you with a frequency in a band that works with your radio. Click on its node number on the left. The next screen displayed will provide the information needed to program your radio to communicate with your local IRLP connection point.
(make certain you program your radio for the proper offset if using a repeater plus activate any CTCSS tone if required).
4. Once the above is done listen for a bit to make certain the frequency isn't in use. Then key your radio, identify yourself and announce that you are accessing the node.
Using your radio's touch tone pad .. (Radio Keyed) dial the 4 digit number for the node you selected earlier for the State/City you would like to connect TO and un-key.
If everything is working properly you will hear a connect message corresponding to the number you just dialed. If you do not hear the connect message your attempt failed. Recheck your radio settings and try again. If you still have problems ask on the air for assistance. Others may be listening and may be able to help determine what went wrong.
After hearing a connect message .. always listen for a 5 to 10 seconds after you make a connection to make sure a conversation isn't in progress.
After you've determined it is clear, call any station you wish to chat with just as you would on any radio. If you just wish to talk with anyone available say so... hopefully some will be monitoring and answer your request.
Once you get a reply, chat as you would using any radio system. Remember pause a bit between each key up. This allows others to break-in if need be and also allows radio and computer systems time to reset logic.
Keep in mind IRLP is not full duplex like a telephone, it is a Radio system, one person talks and others listen.
When finished with your connection, announce you are disconnecting. Dial 73.
A disconnect message will play. Once the disconnect plays - sign clear of the local radio system you used to make your call and you are done. Very Simple!!
Owners only ask users to remember that IRLP nodes may connect to repeaters or radios systems with many users. Even though you may call from a little used IRLP system the receiving node might be a high traffic system where many others may be waiting to use the IRLP node or repeater.
Be courteous!! -- Limit Long Long rag chews with that thought in mind.
1. When you or the other station let up on the microphone it may require a pause of a sec or so before keying up to allow radios and computers time to transition between transmit and receive. It also gives time for other stations to break in if needed.
2. An IRLP node can only connect to a node number other than it's own.
3. IRLP nodes may use a transmit timeout timer (usually 4 Minutes) if you don't un-key occasionally it will time out. That being said, let up on the mic and take a breath once in a while --- It gives others a chance to reply.
4. Nodes indicate "BUSY" to other incoming connection attempts while in use. |
Is there anything sweeter than little legs in a pair of classic knee-high stockings? We don't think so! Pair our knee highs with her favorite dresses and skirts or layer them over leggings and under boots. |
IRLI Files Supreme Court Brief Challenging Obama Administration's Executive Amnesty Appeal
Returning authority over our immigration policy to Congress
(Washington, D.C.) – The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has filed a friend-of-the-court brief (attached here) in the 26-state challenge of the President's 2014 executive actions granting amnesty to an estimated 4.5 million illegal aliens. In the case of Texas v. US (Civil Action No. 15-674), the Obama Administration has asked the Supreme Court to review the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal's recent decision upholding a district court's preliminary injunction halting the President's unlawful amnesty programs until a full trial can take place. IRLI has filed the brief on behalf of two interested clients: Save Jobs USA, an association representing American computer professionals, and the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, Local 37083 of the Communication Workers of America (Washtech), a union representing American technology workers.
In their brief filed today, IRLI argued against the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) purported authority to grant work permits to any alien of its choosing in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act; however, it has done so in support of neither party. IRLI instead requests that the Supreme Court deny the federal government's petition out of a sense of caution and, in turn, wait for a petition from the other more procedurally advanced cases dealing with the same work authorization issue currently pending in federal courts. IRLI clients Save Jobs USA and Washtech, for instance, each have federal cases involving the same DHS overreach, but both are farther along the procedural path—the former case having been submitted for final judgment and the latter case currently on appeal from a final judgment. The Texas multi-state case, by contrast, is merely an appeal from an order granting a preliminary injunction. Importantly, DHS failed to notify the Court of these other pending cases addressing the same issue.
Dale L. Wilcox, IRLI's Executive Director, commented, "We have asked that the Justices of the Supreme Court to not prejudice our American worker clients by rushing to consider the work authorization issue on the minimal record and analysis of the Fifth Circuit. We would rather see the Court address this important issue on a fully developed and complete record as exists in our pending cases. Wilcox continued, "The stakes could not be any higher. A reversal of the Fifth Circuit and summary affirmation by the Supreme Court on such a scant record of DHS's alleged sweeping authority to grant work permits to any alien of its choosing, whether in this country lawfully or unlawfully, would enable DHS to completely dismantle American worker protections that have been entrenched in law by our congressional representatives for over 6 decades." |
With the creation and development of the European Union, an authentic ideology of convergence of political culture and behaviors took shape and empowered or justified politics of the "fait accompli". The vision of lock-in effects of political integration optimistically envisaged the emergence of a post-national cosmopolitan spread of values through the complex mechanism of Europeanization as norms diffusion process. Yet the normative integration inside the EU generated political and identitarian asymmetries, claims on the power of naming what is central and peripheral to European identity, and inclusion/exclusion nexuses. Recent times have emphasized the fragility of European convergence with the re-emergence of centripetal nationalist, anti-Europeanist and new far right movements and parties that re-assert the importance of fundamental questions regarding the nature of the EU and the efficiency of European integration outside Pareto efficiency standards. This paper argues that the EU's overenchantment with the achievements of integration and persistence in limited democratic politics with functional hierarchies and club-based priorities, facilitates the re-installment of a heteronomous divergence of national opportunist politics, re-emergence of old uncritical visions and social fears. Europe still needs to foster its own imaginary social significations as autonomy understood in the sense of Cornelius Castoriadis to be an unlimited critical questioning of existing norms and values in order to facilitate an authentic deliberative sphere and the formation of new European imaginary significations that go beyond old national(ist) habits. |
As on 16th Jan 2017 TEC Share Price closed @ 67.40 and we RECOMMEND Strong Buy for LONG-TERM with Stoploss of 54.00 & Buy for SHORT-TERM with Stoploss of 65.79 we also expect STOCK to react on Following IMPORTANT LEVELS.
Technip SA provides project management, engineering, and construction services to the energy industry worldwide. It operates in two segments, Subsea and Offshore/Onshore. The Subsea segment offers integrated design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation services for infrastructures and subsea pipe systems used in oil and gas production and transportation. Its services include delivery of subsea systems, primarily pipelay and subsea construction; maintenance and repair of existing subsea infrastructures; and replacement or removal of subsea equipment. This segment also manufactures rigid and flexible subsea pipelines, as well as umbilicals. The Offshore/Onshore segment designs and builds various facilities for the development of onshore oil and gas fields, as well as renovates existing facilities by modernizing production equipment and control systems; pipeline systems for natural gas, crude oil, oil products, water, and liquid sulfur; natural gas treatment and liquefaction facilities; complex and single refinery units; hydrogen and synthesis gas production units; sulfur recovery units and storage units; ethylene production plants; and petrochemical and fertilizers processing plants. It is also engaged in the engineering studies and execution of production units in the fields of biofuels, geothermal, concentration solar power, and offshore wind farms; and provision of engineering and construction services to mining and metal projects. In addition, this segment designs, manufactures, and installs fixed and floating platforms for drilling, producing, and processing oil and gas reserves located offshore shallow waters, and deep and ultra-deep water fields. Technip operates in approximately 48 countries on 5 continents. The company was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Paris, France. |
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Stephen Relihan
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Club: Athlone Town FC
Athlone Town FC
Athlone Town Stadium Lissywoollen Athlone Co. Westmeath N37 P7D7 Ireland
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Group A Group B Group C Group D 1st Round 2nd Round Semi Final A Championship Final Group 1 Group 2 Round 3 Semi-Final 4th Round Quarter-Finals Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Final Pool 4 Semi-Finals A Championship Final Final Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Under 20 League Knock-out Under 20 League Knock-out - Semi-Finals Under 20 League Knock-out Premier Division Group 2 First Round Second Round First Round Quarter-Finals Second Round Third Round Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Final Quarter-Finals Promotion/Relegation Play-offs FAI Ford Senior Cup Final Semi-Finals Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final Final Premier Division Semi-Finals Fourth Round Final Quarter-Finals Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 First Round Pool 1 Semi-Finals Second Round Pool 1 Final A Champ Pro/Rel Final Premier Division First Division Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final A Champ Pro/Rel Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Pool 1 Pool 1 Pool 2 Final Semi-Finals Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Fourth Round Final Elite Division Northern Division Southern Division Pool 1 First Round First Round Premier Division First Division Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final A Champ Pro/Rel Semi-Finals Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Elite Division Northern Division Southern Division Pool 1 First Round Premier Division First Division Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final A Champ Pro/Rel Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Semi-Finals Final First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Pool 1 Elite Division Northern Division Southern Division First Round Premier Division First Division Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final A Champ Pro/Rel First Round Semi-Finals Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Semi-Finals Final First Round Second Round Third Round Fourth Round Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Pool 1 Northern Division First Round Semi-Finals First Round Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Semi-Finals Final First Round Semi-Finals Quarter-Finals First Round Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 2 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Third Round Women's National League WNL Shield Group A WNL Shield Group B Promotion/Relegation Play-offs Promotion/Relegation Play-Off Final Southern Elite Division Northern Elite Division Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Southern Elite Division Section 3 Quarter-Finals Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Preliminary Round Semi-Finals Final Third Round First Round Pool 1 Pool 1 Quarter Finals U19 Cup 2nd Round First Round First Round Quarter-Finals WNL Shield Final Quarter-Finals Third Round Second Round Second Round Quarter-Finals Premier Division Promotion Group Northern Elite Division Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals WNL League Cup Group A Second Round Semi-Finals Final Premier Division Second Round Final Semi-Finals Final Southern Division Final Second Round Second Round Second Round Group A Third Round Quarter-Finals Pool 3 Pool 2 Pool 2 Semi-Finals First Division Pool 3 First Division Preliminary Round 3rd Round Premier Division Cup Group A First Division Cup Group B Group B Group 1 Pool 3 Semi-Finals Third Round Third Round Third Round Group 1 Third Round First Division Final Final Section 3 WNL League Cup Group B Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Final Final Section 3 First Division Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Final Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Final Final Final Final WNL League Cup Semi-Finals Final Final Semi-Finals Group 2 Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Semi-Finals Pool 4 Group C Cup Group C Cup Group D Preliminary Round Final Final Group D Final Final WNL League Cup Final WNL Play-off Match Quarter-Finals Final Second Round Second Round Second Round Second Round Second Round Second Round Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals Quarter-Finals
Goals Penalties Own Goals Yellow Cards Red Cards Starts Subs Unused Subs
SSE Airtricity First Division Athlone Town 1 0 0 1 0 10 7 8
SSE Airtricity First Division Athlone Town 2 0 0 2 0 6 3 1
SSE Airtricity First Division Round 28
Athlone Town 2 - 3 Waterford United
Wexford Youths 4 - 2 Athlone Town
22', 46'
Limerick 1 - 0 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 0 - 3 Mervue United
Athlone Town 0 - 3 Wexford Youths
Finn Harps 1 - 2 Athlone Town
SSE Airtricity First Division Round 9
Athlone Town 1 - 2 Longford Town
SD Galway 0 - 1 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 0 - 5 Monaghan United
Athlone Town 0 - 2 Shelbourne
Longford Town 0 - 2 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 0 - 7 Cork City
Salthill Devon 1 - 3 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 0 - 1 Finn Harps
Monaghan United 1 - 0 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 0 - 1 Limerick
Mervue United 1 - 2 Athlone Town
Shelbourne 2 - 0 Athlone Town
Cork City 2 - 0 Athlone Town
Shamrock Rovers 4 - 0 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 2 - 0 Salthill Devon
Waterford United 0 - 0 Athlone Town
Athlone Town (U20) 2 - 2 Shelbourne FC (U20)
Athlone Town (U20) 3 - 0 St. Patrick's Athletic (U20)
8', 72'
Bohemians (U20) 5 - 0 Athlone Town (U20)
Athlone Town (U20) 1 - 0 Sporting Fingal (U20)
Derry City 2 - 2 Athlone Town
Athlone Town (U20) 3 - 1 Longford Town (U20)
St. Patrick's Athletic (U20) 3 - 2 Athlone Town (U20)
Athlone Town (U20) 1 - 4 Bohemians (U20)
Longford Town (U20) 1 - 3 Athlone Town (U20)
Sporting Fingal (U20) 2 - 0 Athlone Town (U20)
Shelbourne FC (U20) 1 - 1 Athlone Town (U20)
Athlone Town 1 - 3 Derry City
Sligo Rovers 1 - 0 Athlone Town
Cork City (U21) 0 - 1 Athlone Town
Athlone Town 1 - 1 Cork City (U21)
Athlone Town 0 - 5 UCD
Bray Wanderers (U20) 3 - 0 Athlone Town (U20)
Shamrock Rovers (U20) 2 - 0 Athlone Town (U20)
Athlone Town (U20) 0 - 4 UCD (U20)
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Net is a sub-section of the off-hand equipment slot. It has some weight and offers no defense. However, it allows its user to attempt to snare enemies 2 hexes away. Also, it is guaranteed to recruit the last unit on the field if applicable, and if the player has the Cage item in their inventory.
This page was last edited on 8 April 2018, at 22:40. |
Subsets and Splits