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Secure & Sustainable Consensus
Proof-of-Archival-Storage (PoAS) consensus maintains the honest majority assumption and permissionless nature of Nakamoto consensus without the massive electricity cost of mining.
Fully Decentralized
Decoupled execution keeps farming lightweight and resistant to pooling, while the farmer storage network allows the blockchain to "bloat" massively without becoming centralized.
Composite Scaling
Block decoupling and data-availability sampling allow for vertical scaling, while our unique separation of consensus and computation provide for horizontal scaling at log(n) overhead to executors.
The blockchain trilemma is a term coined by Vitalik Buterin to describe the challenges of creating a secure, scalable and decentralized blockchain. He argues that a blockchain can only achieve two out of the three features in practice. ‍ Security means retaining safety and liveness for up to a one-half adversarial fraction of nodes (the honest majority assumption). Decentralization means keeping the compute, storage, and network resources low enough for anyone to run a node on their laptop. Scalability means transaction throughput should increase as more users join the network and as their computer hardware improves.
The first problem is to find a secure consensus mechanism that is environmentally friendly, permissionless, and fair. To solve this problem, we constructed Spartan, a simple and secure PoC consensus protocol that realizes the vision of free-and-fair consensus as described by "one-disk-one-vote".
PoW or "one-CPU-one-vote" is simple, secure, and permissionless, but it comes at a high cost in electricity that is not environmentally sustainable and leads to centralized, or pooled, mining.
PoS or "one-coin-one-vote" employs a system of virtual mining based on one's wealth. While eco-friendly, PoS is not fair or permissionless, instead encouraging a system whereby the rich only get richer.
PoC or "one-disk-one-vote" replaces mining with storage-intensive farming. In theory, PoC is secure, eco-friendly, and fair, but in practice, most designs devolve back to PoW or PoS models.
Plotting Space
To begin, farmers write millions of tiny (4kb) pieces to their free disk space under an hourglass scheme. Each piece is encoded with a time-asymmetric permutation based on SLOTH. A tag is computed over each piece and stored within a Binary Search Tree (BST). Unlike Chia plotting does not require (or destroy SSDs) and is up to 10x faster. Unlike Filecoin, farmers do not have to stake coins proportional to their disk space. This allows anyone in the world to quickly and easily pledge their free space and participate in consensus.
Farming Blocks
Following Ouroboros, we construct a secure randomness beacon from the blockchain history itself. At each slot, all farmers search their BST for any tag close enough to the challenge to satisfy the difficulty setting. They may then compile the tag and corresponding encoding into a Proof-of-Replication (PoR) and produce the next block in the chain. Anyone may then cheaply verify the proof by inverting the encoding with the farmer's public key and checking the tag. This allows farming to be lightweight in terms of the storage and compute overhead required.
Maintaining Security
To prevent simulation attacks, the challenge is re-used over many consecutive timeslots. To prevent grinding attacks we segregate PoRs from the block content while basing the randomness solely on the PoRs. To prevent compression attacks we require farmers to periodically re-commit to their BSTs. To prevent long-range attacks, bribing attacks, and space-time trade-off attacks we employ a simple Proof-of-Time (PoT) based on AES-256. For a full analysis read our article on Securing Spartan.
The second problem is that PoC networks are prone to centralization, due to a mechanism design challenge we call the farmer's dilemma. Subspace resolves the farmer's dilemma by incentivizing storage of the history and delegating state management to executor nodes. allowing for the first truly decentralized PoC network.
Farmer's Dilemma
Farmers may choose between using their storage to either a) retain the chain state and history or b) to maximize their plot size and return on investment.
Pooled Farming
As the chain grows, farmers will always choose the latter, at best becoming light clients, while at worst choosing to join a farming pool run by a trusted operator.
If no one stores the history, nodes may only sync from centralized providers. If no one maintains the state, we must rely on trusted third-parties for our balance.
PoAS Consensus
To incentivize farmers to retain the history we extend Spartan proof-of-space consensus into a proof-of-storage of the history of the blockchain itself. Under proof-of-archival-storage (PoAS) consensus, each farmer stores as many provably unique segments of the chain history as their disk space allows. The more pieces of the history a farmer stores, the more likely they are to be elected to produce a new block. To ensure farmers store as many unique pieces as possible we enforce a maximum plot size while discouraging sybil farming under multiple identities.
Distributed Archival Storage
Farmers store the history collectively, forming a distributed storage network which ensures the history is always available to download. To provide for proper load balancing and consistent replication, each farmer is incentivized to store pieces closest to its randomly assigned node id. To prevent the history from being lost, blocks are erasure coded into both source and parity pieces. To allow for efficient retrievals, farmers join a simplified Kademlia DHT. Importantly, this allows clients to embed data within a transaction, and later recover that portion of the history from the DHT, creating a scalable immutable object store.
Decoupled Smart Contracts
To relieve farmers of the burden of maintaining the state and performing redundant computation, we apply the classic technique in distributed systems of decoupling consensus and computation. Farmers are solely responsible for ordering transactions, while a separate class of executor nodes maintain the state and compute the transitions for each new block. To ensure executors remain accountable for their actions, we employ a system of staked deposits, verifiable computation, and non-interactive fraud proofs.
The final challenge is to scale transaction throughput without sacrificing the security or decentralization of the network. While recent research shows how to scale securely, the bloat problem remains. Since Subspace already handles this challenge, to resolve the farmer's dilemma, it is indeed able to scale without compromise.
Bigger Blocks
One way to scale throughput is to increase the block size, but this leads to longer propagation times and a higher honest fork rate, reducing security.
Many Chains
Another technique is to scale-out with multiple chains or shards, but existing designs are insecure against an adaptive adversary who may target a single shard.
More Bloat
Both methods result in faster growth of the chain state and history, leading to blockchain bloat and centralization under a handful of powerful nodes.
Secure Vertical Scaling
Subspace adapts the Prism scalability proposal to achieve high-throughput transaction processing without reducing security. When combined with data availability sampling and super light-clients, farming can remain low-bandwidth and decentralized.
Flat Horizontal Scaling
By employing a virtual beacon chain we eliminate the bottleneck of a single main chain and support up to 2^16 shards. Farmers rotate shards each block while executors may stake on as many different shards as they choose, following the Free2Shard design.
Permissionless Fast Finality
Subspace extends the Taiji fast confirmation protocol for PoC consensus, allowing farmers to achieve nearly deterministic finality within three blocks, reducing the confirmation latency of new transactions from minutes to seconds, without relying on executors.
What is the Subspace Network?
The Subspace Network lets developers run Web3 apps at Internet scale. It provides a simple interface for quickly deploying multi-chain decentralized apps that auto-scale with demand. Subspace is powered by a new eco-friendly, 4th generation blockchain that enables massively scalable on-chain storage and compute without compromising security or decentralization. It seamlessly integrates with existing blockchains, layer two protocols, and decentralized applications, allowing it to serve as a foundational infrastructure layer for the entire Web3 ecosystem. Subspace will empower builders to unlock the next wave of crypto adoption by supporting NFTs, GameFi, and the Metaverse at Internet scale.
What is the Subspace Network Blockchain?
The Subspace Network is powered by a new layer one blockchain, which is based on several years of R&D originally funded by a grant from the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The Subspace Blockchain was created to solve several fundamental problems in the cryptocurrency space around environmental sustainability, increased centralization, and lack of scalability. These goals were achieved thanks to a new twist on an old idea, Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) consensus.
What is Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) Consensus?
Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) is the leading alternative to Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) based consensus. In a PoC blockchain, compute-intensive mining is replaced with storage-intensive farming. The key benefit is that farming is energy-efficient (and environmentally sustainable) while having security properties more similar to PoW than PoS. Farming also has the potential to be ASIC-resistant, allowing ordinary users to participate in consensus with commodity hardware, although this depends heavily on the implementation of the underlying proof-of-capacity.
Why do we need yet another PoC Blockchain?
In recent years, several new PoC blockchains have been created or proposed, most notably Filecoin, Chia, and Spacemesh. Unfortunately, all of these designs fail to resolve a tricky mechanism design challenge, which we refer to as the farmer’s dilemma. This dilemma suggests that all existing PoC blockchain designs are not actually incentive-compatible and are instead prone to centralization under pooled farming.
What is the Farmer’s Dilemma?
The farmer’s dilemma states that in any PoC blockchain, a consensus node (farmer) must choose between either maintaining the blockchain state and history or maximizing the amount of space they pledge towards consensus. Rational farmers will always choose the latter, at best becoming a light client, while at worst joining a trusted farming pool. In other words, unlike PoW and PoS networks, there are direct financial penalties for running a full or archival node, meaning that PoC networks are actually much more prone to centralization. For more details, read section I of our consensus paper or take a look at the tech section of our website.
How does Subspace resolve the Farmer’s Dilemma?
Subspace is powered by proof-of-archival-storage (PoAS) consensus or proofs of storing the archival history of the blockchain itself. PoAS resolves several of the incentive challenges that lead to centralization in proof-of-space blockchains like Chia or Filecoin. In Subspace, farmers (not miners) store as many unique segments of the blockchain history as their disk space allows. Since this consensus is based on storage, it is eco-friendly and accessible to anyone with available hard disk space. This means that Subspace is able to fully realize the free, fair, and eco-friendly nature of disk-based consensus while resisting the centralizing tendencies that have plagued PoW and PoS networks. For more details, read section II of our consensus paper or the tech section of our website.
How does Subspace provide scalable on-chain storage?
PoAS consensus also allows Subspace to provide permanent decentralized storage for protocol and application developers at a previously unimaginable scale. This is possible because farmers store the blockchain history collectively, allowing them to operate as a single distributed archival node. Data may be permanently stored on the network by simply embedding it within a Subspace storage transaction and later retrieving it from the farmer network. As more farmers join, network capacity grows, and storage costs go down. For more details, read section III or our consensus paper of the tech section of our website.
How do smart contracts work in Subspace?
Unlike other PoC blockchains, Subspace provides a global execution layer for smart contracts, similar to Ethereum. Unlike Ethereum, the execution is decoupled or separated from consensus. This is mainly done to fully resolve the farmer’s dilemma, although it also allows for pipelining and vertical scaling. This is achieved by creating a new class of nodes, known as executors, who maintain the blockchain state and apply the state transitions for each new block. It has not yet been decided which smart contract language Subspace will support, though we are aiming to make it configurable for different shards on the network.
What is the blockchain trilemma and how does Subspace solve it?
The blockchain trilemma is a term coined by Vitalik Buterin to describe the challenge of creating a scalable, decentralized, and secure blockchain — stating that only two out of these three features may realistically be achieved. Subspace provides a solution to this problem by combining its own novel combination of consensus, storage, and compute with a host of cutting-edge academic proposals from the Tse Lab at Stanford University. Dr. David Tse is an official advisor to the protocol and works directly with the team to apply several vertical and horizontal scalability proposals that he helped create. For more details, take a look at the tech section of our website.
Who is building the Subspace Network?
The Subspace Network is currently being built by Subspace Labs, a technology startup based in the United States, with a team spread all across the world. Subspace Labs was founded in 2018 by Jeremiah Wagstaff and Nazar Mokrynskyi, an unlikely duo of protocol hackers who met on Github. They shared a dream to create a scalable base layer for Web3, where users could control their data, and the Internet could work without relying on centralized servers or data centers controlled by tech monopolies. They ultimately set out to build a platform that would make it easy for anyone to build decentralized applications at scale.
When do you plan to launch?
Subspace currently exists as Aries, a public test network that anyone may join. At this time, there are no incentives for farming and we regularly introduce breaking changes. Please be on the lookout for announcements regarding an incentivized test network and community farming. We also plan to release a public roadmap soon. To learn more about running a farmer on the Aries Test Network , please visit our Github or join our Discord
Will Subspace have a token?
Yes, Subspace Credits (SSC) are the native token of the Subspace Network and already exist on the Aries Test Network. SSC are minted by farmers who produce new blocks. While the token economics are still in development, they will roughly follow the Bitcoin model with a capped supply and an annual halving event. SSC will be used to pay storage and compute (gas) fees on the Subspace Network, which will vary with the number of farmers and executors on the network. Generally speaking, the more storage and compute resources on the network, the lower the cost. SSC will need to be staked in order to run an executor node, but not to run a farmer.
Can I invest in Subspace as an individual?
Not at this time. However, we are planning to conduct a community token sale prior to mainnet launch. The sale will likely be restricted to early members of our community and those who run a farmer on our incentivized test network. Prior to a community sale we will release a token paper with further details.
Will Subspace be a parachain on Polkadot or Kusama?
We had originally intended for Subspace to be a parachain on Polkadot, but it turned out this was not possible, due to the unique characteristics of our PoAS consensus engine. We are still considering obtaining a parachain slot for both Polkadot and Kusama in order to have a dedicated bridge into both networks, but no decision has been made at this time. Regardless, we are fully committed to supporting the Dotsama ecosystem and new features will always be Polkadot-first, as witnessed by the Subspace Relayer.
Which wallets will I be able to use with Subspace?
Currently Subspace is compatible with the default Substrate wallet in Polkadot-JS apps and the Polkadot-JS extension, which may be used to transfer tokens earned on our test network.
The Subspace Network Whitepaper
In an effort to make blockchains more energy-efficient, egalitarian, and decentralized, several new protocols employ consensus based on Proofs-of-Capacity (PoC), which replace compute-intensive mining with storage-intensive farming. We observe that PoC consensus introduces a unique mechanism design challenge, referred to as the farmer’s dilemma, which suggests that existing constructions are not actually incentive compatible. Simply put, farmers must decide whether to allocate scarce storage resources towards either maintaining the chain state and history or maximizing the amount of space they pledge towards consensus. Rational farmers will always choose the latter, at best becoming light clients, while at worst encouraging pooled farming under a few trusted operators. To resolve this dilemma, we introduce Subspace, a PoC blockchain in which farmers maintain neither the state nor the history, while retaining the security properties and decentralization benefits of a full node. Consensus in Subspace is based on proofs of replicated storage of the history of the blockchain itself. Farmers store the history collectively, many times over, with each farmer storing as many replicas as their disk space allows. Consensus and computation are then decoupled, such that farmers only propose an ordering for transactions, while staked executor nodes maintain the state and compute transitions. This separation of concerns significantly reduces the storage and compute overhead needed to operate a farmer, even in an Ethereum-style execution model, allowing for high levels of participation in consensus by ordinary users with commodity hardware.
System Requirements
Make sure you have a stable network connection. During the plotting phase of farming, it can be network intensive. This may impact your network usage so please check your network connection if you have a hard data limit. Subspace CLI requires commodity hardware specs to operate. At a minimum, it is recommended to have: Hardware Specs CPU 4 Core+ RAM 4GB+ (Rec. 8GB) SWAP 4GB Storage 100GB SSD
We are currently investigating a bug that is causing the node Archive to exceed its expected growth. As a result, we suggest having a minimum of 150-200GB of storage available for your system. Therefore, please make sure that you have at least ~150-200GB of storage in addition to your desired plot size. For more information, please visit:
It is advised not to use the Subspace farmer and node on CoW file systems for any OS. If BTRFS is used with Subspace, the directory/whole file system must be CoW disabled with the following command prior to starting Subspace. Command to Cow Disable sudo chattr +C path/to/datasubspace-cli-windows-x86_64-skylake-v0.42-alpha.exe Alternatively, non-CoW file systems like ext4 or xfs can be used instead.
Getting A Crypto Wallet
Before running anything you need to have a wallet where you'll receive testnet coins. Follow our how-to guides in the Wallets section of the documentation for steps on how to get your wallet setup.
Required ports
Currently, a few ports need to be exposed for node to work properly. If you have a server with no firewall, there is nothing to be done, but otherwise make sure to open the following TCP ports for incoming connections. 30333 30433 On the desktop side if you have a router in front of your computer, you'll need to forward TCP ports to the machine on which your node is running (how this is done varies from router to router, but there is always a feature like this, refer to How to Forward Ports for a more in-depth tutorial). If you're connected directly without any router, then again nothing needs to be done in such case.
Subspace CLI is in alpha. Please feel free to file bug reports on our GitHub issues.
Compiled versions of the Subspace CLI is hosted on GitHub. This is the recommended way to install the application.
To start we have to initialize our Farmer, this can be done with: ./subspace-cli-windows-x86_64-skylake-v0.4.2-alpha.exe init (Windows), ./subspace-cli-macos-x86_64-v0.4.2-alpha init (Apple Intel), ./subspace-cli-macos-aarch64-v0.4.2-alpha init (Apple M Series), ./subspace-cli-ubuntu-x86_64-skylake-v0.4.2-alpha init (Ubuntu), ./subspace-cli-ubuntu-aarch64-v0.4.2-alpha init (Ubuntu Executable (aarch64)). This will prompt you to setup your CLI configurations to begin farming. You should see a similar prompt like so (some info might be different than shown here w.r.t your OS): version: 0.4.1 Configuration creation process has started... Enter your farmer/reward address: REDACTED_ADDRESS Enter your node name to be identified on the network(defaults to `username`, press enter to use the default): Specify a path for storing plot files (press enter to use the default: `"/home/username/.local/share/subspace-cli/plots"`): Specify a path for storing node files (press enter to use the default: `"/home/username/.local/share/subspace-cli/node"`): Specify a plot size (defaults to `1000.0 MB`, press enter to use the default): Specify the chain to farm. Available options are: [Gemini3d, Dev, DevNet]. Defaults to `Gemini3d`, press enter to use the default: Configuration has been generated at /home/username/.config/subspace-cli Ready for lift off! Run the follow command to begin: `"path/to/executable" farm`
After running subspace-cli init, the prompt will display where the settings.toml is generated. However in case you missed it, you can find the file based on your operating system: Your settings.toml will be found in $HOME/.config/subspace-cli/settings.toml (Windows), Your settings.toml will be found in $HOME/Library/Application Support/subspace-cli/settings.toml (Apple), Your settings.toml will be found in $HOME/.config/subspace-cli/settings.toml (Ubuntu)
Gemini 3 Testnet
If you are using the default configurations from Subspace CLI, you are ready to go with the Gemini 3 Testnet. Alternatively, you can ensure this occurs by manually setting the network like so. Open your settings.toml directory and ensure your chain is correctly specified to gemini-3c as so: # settings.toml [node] chain = 'gemini-3c' # ... redacted ...
Local Development
To run Subspace CLI in a local development mode, modify your settings.toml and ensure your chain points to dev: # settings.toml [node] chain = 'dev' # ... redacted ...
To begin farming on the network, just run the farm command with the CLI like so: ./subspace-cli-windows-x86_64-v0.4.2-alpha.exe farm (Windows), ./subspace-cli-macos-x86_64-v0.4.2-alpha farm (Apple Intel), ./subspace-cli-macos-aarch64-v0.4.2-alpha farm (Apple M Series), ./subspace-cli-ubuntu-x86_64-skylake-v0.4.2-alpha farm (Ubuntu), ./subspace-cli-ubuntu-aarch64-v0.4.2-alpha farm (Ubuntu Executable (aarch64)). You should see the farmer and node start successfully and begin syncing, plotting, and then farming: Starting node ... (this might take up to couple of minutes) Node started successfully! Starting farmer ... Farmer started successfully! Initial plotting for plot: #0 (/home/username/.local/share/subspace-cli/plots) ⠁ [00:00:00] 3% [=> ] (31.00 MiB/953.67 MiB) 157.35 GiB/s, plotting, ETA: 0s That's it! Enjoy and Happy Farming!
Moving the Farming Process to the Background
tmux: Create a new tmux session using a socket file named farming $ tmux -S farming Move process to background by detaching Ctrl+b d OR ⌘+b d (Mac) To re-attach $ tmux -S farming attach To delete farming session $ tmux kill-session -t farming Screen: Create new screen using a socket file named farming $ screen -S farming Move process to background by detaching Ctrl+d a OR ⌘+d a (Mac) To re-attach $ screen -r farming To delete farming session $ screen -S farming -X quit
Having Trouble?
If you are facing issues with your node/farmer you can try a few of the following things below, if you are unable to get your issue resolved please check our Forums to see if your issue may have been solved, if its a new one feel free to post it! You can also join our Discord for additional Peer to Peer help.
View your Logs
A good place to start if you are facing trouble is by viewing your logs and seeing if there are any errors or insights that might be available. You can find the location for your logs below. Your Logs will be found in %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/subspace-cli/logs (Windows) Your Logs will be found in $HOME/Library/Logs/subspace-cli/ (Apple) Your Logs will be found in $HOME/.local/share/subspace-cli/logs
Occasionally after updating to a new version of the CLI you will need to wipe your node and farmer, generally this should not be required but can be attempted if your farmer is having issues after having had worked fine previously.
Wipe Node & Farmer
To simply restart the node, go to the terminal where you started the farm command, and press Ctrl + C you should see a shutdown message appear and the application will attempt a simple shutdown, if you dont see the message press Ctrl + C again to force shutdown. You can then simply start the farmer again with the farm command you used prior. Use the same file name as the previous init and farm steps, then add the wipe command to free the previous memory that was being used. Generally, only do this if you have severe errors and are prompted by a staff member. ./subspace-cli-file-name wipe After wiping, follow the init and farm steps above to start farming again!
Advanced CLI
Refer to
Linux firewall
If you are using Linux and enabled ufw (firewall), make sure you have opened up your firewall for TCP traffic on port 30333 with the following command sudo ufw allow 30333/tcp
Port forwarding
First before forwarding ports it is important to understand what that actually means. We would highly suggest reading some information on the topic, here is a guide we find helpful Forwarding ports on your router will open up one specific lane on your router to allow external traffic to flow in or out. This is usually automatically done for most applications such as port 80 for File Transfer Protocol, in our case we will need to do this manually. It is important to note that forwarding ports is going to be different for most routers, but we have included some general instructions, as well as some links for some major brands.
How to Port Forward
Step 1. Finding Default Gateway Address Find your local router IP Address & Computer internal IP address. Router IP address is only necessary to open router settings, if you know how to open router settings - do that instead. Find router IP Address on Linux Open up a terminal and type ip route or ip r . 1. This will display the IP Address of your home router at the top The top of the terminal will show the IP address typically we will want to record this IP Address We will then type hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' which will return your computer's internal IP address typically something like ensure to record this IP address as well. Find router IP Address on Windows Open up PowerShell and type ipconfig This will display the IP Address of your home router as Default Gateway: This command will also display your computer's internal IP address named as IPv4 Address typically something like ensure to record this IP address as well. Find router IP Address on OSX Open up a terminal and type netstat -nr|grep default This will display the IP Address of your home router The top of the terminal will show the IP address typically we will want to record this IP Address 3. We will then type ipconfig getifaddr en1 for wireless, or ipconfig getifaddr en0 for ethernet. which will return your computer's internal IP address typically something like ensure to record this IP address as well. Step 2. Connecting to your router Now we will input the router IP Address into an Internet browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc), this will take you to some kind of login page. At this point we will need to find the default admin login information. There are typically 3 ways to locate this information. It will usually be physically located on the router, in the detailed information area where you may find a barcode, or serial number. It may also be in the user manual of the router as well Sometimes it may also be given to you on an information card from your Internet technician when you first setup your internet. Some ISP's have it configured to your ISP Portal account login information. You may also attempt to google the default information, provided you have the serial number and model. Below is a website which may help in looking this information up. (Often times it's set to some generic default like Admin & Password as the credentials. All Default Router IP Address, Username and Passwords List | Find it Here! Step 3. Forwarding your ports The actual forwarding process will vary based on your router, below is the general process and crucial information you will need along the way. Login to your router at the login page we located in the prior steps. Advanced Settings > Port Forwarding Within the port forwarding screen we will see the following fields, all fields have been filled accordingly to our defaults, except for the Computer IP Address, you will replace this with the computer IP address you received in the first steps. Computer IP Address: Protocol: TCP Starting Port: 30333 Ending Port: 30333 Note, that if you change from the default 30333 port on your node configuration you will need to forward the respective port used. Once you have entered the needed information click save/apply. (Note: You may have to reboot your router/router depending on the model.) You can then verify if your port has been forwarded via the following website. The testing website can give false negatives, try running the farmer/node as well to test.
What wallet to use
SubWallet (Recommended). SubWallet is a user-friendly Web3 Multiverse Gateway for the Substrate ecosystem. Our vision is to provide you with the simplest and most secure way to connect to blockchain-based applications.
Create or Import A New Wallet (SubWallet)
Visit the SubWallet website and Download your respective version. Once extension is installed, Open it and click +, & Get Started step-2 The extension will give you up to four options. You will most likely want to select Create New Account TIP If you would like to Import an Existing Wallet, then select Import from pre-existing seed step-3 When you create a new account you will see the following. INFO SubWallet supports Substrate and EVM, so when a wallet is generated you will see the top option which is simply the substrate chain information, then a section labeled EVM which is evm wallet information. For subspace, we currently have no EVM integrations so you can disregard this portion. step-4 Check which accounts you would like to import, and check I have saved my mnemonic seed safely and click Next DANGER MAKE SURE YOU STORE THIS SECURELY, AND NEVER SHARE IT step-5 Next we will create a password for our wallet. (Make sure not to reuse passwords!) step-6 Next Subwallet will ask you which networks you want to enable, Scroll down and select the Subspace Testnet/s including any other substrate based networks you may like to use in the future, click Confirm step-7 Congratulations you have fully created your substrate wallet with subwallet!
How can I find my Public Address?
You can see your default substrate public address right next to your Wallet name inside the extension You can see your Subspace Testnet public address via the dropdown menu and setting the chain to Subspace Testnet, once you done you will see the public address now starts with st
I Dont see Subspace Testnet or any Subspace Networks as an option in chain settings
Sometimes when you first install or update the Substrate wallet you will need to update the wallet metadata. Go to the Subspace/Polkadot Explorer here: Polkadot/Substrate Portal You will be prompted to allow the extension to connect, select which account you want to connect and click Connect On the Webpage, click settings Click Metadata Click Update Metadata You will get a popup from the extension telling you that your metadata is out of date, confirming that you want to update. Click Approve You will now see Subspace Testnet as an option on the Allow use on any chain dropdown.
How do I backup my wallet?
You can backup/export your wallet via the ... menu, then click Export Account You will then enter your wallet password and click which preferred export method you would like to use, either Private Key, QR, or JSON

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