for (int i = 0; i < ncomponents; ++i)
Component r = component[index]; r.removeNotify(); System.arraycopy(component, index + 1, component, index, ncomponents - index - 1); component[--ncomponents] = null; invalidate(); if (layoutMgr != null) layoutMgr.removeLayoutComponent(r); r.parent = null; if (isShowing ())
public void remove(Component comp) { synchronized (getTreeLock ()) { for (int i = 0; i < ncomponents; ++i) { if (component[i] == comp) { remove(i); break; } } } }
if (component[i] == comp) { remove(i); break; } }
ContainerEvent ce = new ContainerEvent(this, ContainerEvent.COMPONENT_REMOVED, r); getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(ce);
public void remove(Component comp) { synchronized (getTreeLock ()) { for (int i = 0; i < ncomponents; ++i) { if (component[i] == comp) { remove(i); break; } } } }
public void remove(Component comp) { synchronized (getTreeLock ()) { for (int i = 0; i < ncomponents; ++i) { if (component[i] == comp) { remove(i); break; } } } }
public boolean requestFocusInWindow(boolean temporary)
public boolean requestFocusInWindow()
public boolean requestFocusInWindow(boolean temporary) { return super.requestFocusInWindow(temporary); }
return super.requestFocusInWindow(temporary);
if (isRequestFocusEnabled()) return super.requestFocusInWindow(); else return false;
public boolean requestFocusInWindow(boolean temporary) { return super.requestFocusInWindow(temporary); }
public static int round(float a) { if (Float.isNaN(a))
public static int round(float a) { if (a != a)
public static int round(float a) { if (Float.isNaN(a)) return 0; return (int) floor(a + 0.5f); }
public DefaultTreeCellEditor(JTree tree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer, TreeCellEditor editor)
public DefaultTreeCellEditor(JTree tree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer)
public DefaultTreeCellEditor(JTree tree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer, TreeCellEditor editor) { setTree(tree); this.renderer = renderer; if (editor == null) editor = createTreeCellEditor(); realEditor = editor; lastPath = tree.getLeadSelectionPath(); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); editingContainer = createContainer(); UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(); setFont(defaults.getFont("Tree.font")); setBorderSelectionColor(defaults.getColor("Tree.selectionBorderColor")); editingIcon = renderer.getIcon(); timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1200, this); }
setTree(tree); this.renderer = renderer; if (editor == null) editor = createTreeCellEditor(); realEditor = editor; lastPath = tree.getLeadSelectionPath(); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); editingContainer = createContainer(); UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(); setFont(defaults.getFont("Tree.font")); setBorderSelectionColor(defaults.getColor("Tree.selectionBorderColor")); editingIcon = renderer.getIcon(); timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1200, this);
this(tree, renderer, null);
public DefaultTreeCellEditor(JTree tree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer, TreeCellEditor editor) { setTree(tree); this.renderer = renderer; if (editor == null) editor = createTreeCellEditor(); realEditor = editor; lastPath = tree.getLeadSelectionPath(); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); editingContainer = createContainer(); UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(); setFont(defaults.getFont("Tree.font")); setBorderSelectionColor(defaults.getColor("Tree.selectionBorderColor")); editingIcon = renderer.getIcon(); timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1200, this); }
public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
public Rectangle()
public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; }
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height;
public Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; }
revalidate(); repaint();
public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { boolean oldOpaque = opaque; opaque = isOpaque; firePropertyChange("opaque", oldOpaque, opaque); revalidate(); repaint(); }
Container p, Rectangle r)
Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean shouldValidate)
public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, Rectangle r) { paintComponent(graphics, c, p, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } // paintComponent()
paintComponent(graphics, c, p, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
graphics.translate(x, y); c.setBounds(0, 0, w, h); if (shouldValidate) { c.validate(); } c.paint(graphics); graphics.translate(-x, -y);
public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, Rectangle r) { paintComponent(graphics, c, p, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } // paintComponent()
if (oldwidth != 0 && oldheight != 0 && parent != null)
boolean shouldRepaintParent = false; boolean shouldRepaintSelf = false; if (parent != null) { Rectangle parentBounds = parent.getBounds(); Rectangle oldBounds = new Rectangle(parent.getX() + oldx, parent.getY() + oldy, oldwidth, oldheight); Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(parent.getX() + x, parent.getY() + y, width, height); shouldRepaintParent = parentBounds.intersects(oldBounds); shouldRepaintSelf = parentBounds.intersects(newBounds); } if (shouldRepaintParent)
public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) { int oldx = this.x; int oldy = this.y; int oldwidth = this.width; int oldheight = this.height; if (this.x == x && this.y == y && this.width == width && this.height == height) return; invalidate (); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; if (peer != null) peer.setBounds (x, y, width, height); // Erase old bounds and repaint new bounds for lightweights. if (isLightweight()) { if (oldwidth != 0 && oldheight != 0 && parent != null) parent.repaint(oldx, oldy, oldwidth, oldheight); if (width != 0 && height != 0) repaint(); } if (oldx != x || oldy != y) { ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this, ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED); getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(ce); } if (oldwidth != width || oldheight != height) { ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this, ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED); getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(ce); } }
if (width != 0 && height != 0)
if (shouldRepaintSelf)
public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) { int oldx = this.x; int oldy = this.y; int oldwidth = this.width; int oldheight = this.height; if (this.x == x && this.y == y && this.width == width && this.height == height) return; invalidate (); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; if (peer != null) peer.setBounds (x, y, width, height); // Erase old bounds and repaint new bounds for lightweights. if (isLightweight()) { if (oldwidth != 0 && oldheight != 0 && parent != null) parent.repaint(oldx, oldy, oldwidth, oldheight); if (width != 0 && height != 0) repaint(); } if (oldx != x || oldy != y) { ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this, ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED); getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(ce); } if (oldwidth != width || oldheight != height) { ComponentEvent ce = new ComponentEvent(this, ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED); getToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(ce); } }
public SwingWindowPeer(SwingToolkit toolkit, Window window, JInternalFrame jComponent) { super(toolkit, window, jComponent);
public SwingWindowPeer(SwingToolkit toolkit, Window window) { super(toolkit, window, new JInternalFrame()); SwingToolkit.copyAwtProperties(window, jComponent);
public SwingWindowPeer(SwingToolkit toolkit, Window window, JInternalFrame jComponent) { super(toolkit, window, jComponent); }
public void setLocation(Point p)
public void setLocation(int x, int y)
public void setLocation(Point p) { setLocation(p.x, p.y); }
setLocation(p.x, p.y);
move (x, y);
public void setLocation(Point p) { setLocation(p.x, p.y); }
public void setSize(Dimension d)
public void setSize(int width, int height)
public void setSize(Dimension d) { resize (d); }
resize (d);
resize (width, height);
public void setSize(Dimension d) { resize (d); }
isResizable() { return(resizable); }
public boolean isResizable() { return resizable; }
isResizable(){ return(resizable);}
getTitle() { return(title); }
public String getTitle() { return title; }
getTitle(){ return(title);}
getMenuBar() { return(menuBar); }
public MenuBar getMenuBar() { return menuBar; }
getMenuBar(){ return(menuBar);}
public void dispose() { hide(); JDesktopPane pane = getDesktopPane(); if (pane != null) pane.setSelectedFrame(null); else { try { setSelected(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { // Do nothing if they don't want to be unselected. } } isClosed = true; fireInternalFrameEvent(InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSED); removeNotify(); }
public UserException(String reason)
public UserException()
public UserException(String reason) { super(reason); }
public UserException(String reason) { super(reason); }
public IllegalArgumentException(String s) { super(s);
public IllegalArgumentException() {
public IllegalArgumentException(String s) { super(s); }
if (s != null)
if (s != null && ! (this instanceof || this instanceof
protected CharsetProvider() { SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); if (s != null) s.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("charsetProvider")); }
public Key(int virtuelKey)
public Key()
public Key(int virtuelKey) { this.lowerVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.upperVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.altGrVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; lowerChar = 0; upperChar = 0; altGrChar = 0; }
this.lowerVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.upperVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.altGrVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; lowerChar = 0; upperChar = 0; altGrChar = 0;
public Key(int virtuelKey) { this.lowerVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.upperVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; this.altGrVirtuelKey = virtuelKey; lowerChar = 0; upperChar = 0; altGrChar = 0; }
if (b.getModel() == sel) sel = null;
public void remove(AbstractButton b) { b.getModel().setGroup(null); buttons.removeElement(b); }
AbstractButton button = FindButton(old);
AbstractButton button = findButton(old);
public void setSelected(ButtonModel m, boolean b) { if ((sel != m || b) && (! b || sel == m)) return; if (b && sel != m) { ButtonModel old = sel; sel = m; if (old != null) old.setSelected(false); AbstractButton button = FindButton(old); if (button != null) button.repaint(); } else if (!b && sel == m) m.setSelected(true); }
public JIFSDirectory(String name, boolean root) throws IOException { this(name); this.root = root; JIFSDirectory dir; JIFSFile file; entries.add(new JIFSFuptime(this)); entries.add(new JIFSFmemory(this)); entries.add(new JIFSFversion(this)); entries.add(new JIFSDthreads( this)); entries.add(new JIFSDplugins(this));
public JIFSDirectory(String name) throws IOException { label = name; entries = new HashSet();
public JIFSDirectory(String name, boolean root) throws IOException { this(name); this.root = root; JIFSDirectory dir; JIFSFile file; //file entries.add(new JIFSFuptime(this)); entries.add(new JIFSFmemory(this)); entries.add(new JIFSFversion(this)); //directory entries.add(new JIFSDthreads( this)); entries.add(new JIFSDplugins(this)); }
public ReadOnlyFileSystemException(String message) {
public ReadOnlyFileSystemException(String message, Throwable cause) {
public ReadOnlyFileSystemException(String message) { super(message); }
public ReadOnlyFileSystemException(String message) { super(message); }
{ return "JTextComponent"; }
{ return super.paramString(); }
protected String paramString() { return "JTextComponent"; }
if (this.owner != null) this.owner.lostOwnership(this, contents);
{ ClipboardOwner oldOwner = this.owner;
public synchronized void setContents(Transferable contents, ClipboardOwner owner) { if (this.owner != owner) if (this.owner != null) this.owner.lostOwnership(this, contents); this.owner = owner; this.contents = contents; }
this.contents = contents;
if (oldOwner != null) oldOwner.lostOwnership(this, oldContents); } FlavorListener[] fs = getFlavorListeners(); if (fs.length > 0) { boolean newFlavors = ((contents != null && oldContents == null) || (contents == null && oldContents != null)); if (!newFlavors && contents != null && oldContents != null) { DataFlavor[] df1 = contents.getTransferDataFlavors(); DataFlavor[] df2 = oldContents.getTransferDataFlavors(); newFlavors = df1.length != df2.length; for (int i = 0; !newFlavors && i < df1.length; i++) newFlavors = !df1[i].equals(df2[i]); } if (newFlavors) { FlavorEvent e = new FlavorEvent(this); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) fs[i].flavorsChanged(e); } }
public synchronized void setContents(Transferable contents, ClipboardOwner owner) { if (this.owner != owner) if (this.owner != null) this.owner.lostOwnership(this, contents); this.owner = owner; this.contents = contents; }
this.isFocusTraversableOverridden = 1;
public void setFocusable(boolean focusable) { firePropertyChange("focusable", this.focusable, focusable); this.focusable = focusable; }
public static KeyStroke getKeyStroke(int keyCode, int modifiers)
public static KeyStroke getKeyStroke(char keyChar)
public static KeyStroke getKeyStroke(int keyCode, int modifiers) { return (KeyStroke) getAWTKeyStroke(keyCode, modifiers); }
return (KeyStroke) getAWTKeyStroke(keyCode, modifiers);
return (KeyStroke) getAWTKeyStroke(keyChar);
public static KeyStroke getKeyStroke(int keyCode, int modifiers) { return (KeyStroke) getAWTKeyStroke(keyCode, modifiers); }
return preferredSize;
prefSize = preferredSize;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if (preferredSize != null) return preferredSize; if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getPreferredSize(this); if (s != null) return s; } Dimension p = super.getPreferredSize(); return p; }
return s;
prefSize = s;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if (preferredSize != null) return preferredSize; if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getPreferredSize(this); if (s != null) return s; } Dimension p = super.getPreferredSize(); return p; }
Dimension p = super.getPreferredSize(); return p;
if (prefSize == null) prefSize = super.getPreferredSize(); if (minimumSize != null && prefSize != null && (minimumSize.width > prefSize.width || minimumSize.height > prefSize.height)) prefSize = new Dimension(Math.max(minimumSize.width, prefSize.width), Math.max(minimumSize.height, prefSize.height)); return prefSize;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if (preferredSize != null) return preferredSize; if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getPreferredSize(this); if (s != null) return s; } Dimension p = super.getPreferredSize(); return p; }
protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue)
protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (changeSupport != null) changeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); }
changeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
changeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, Boolean.valueOf(oldValue), Boolean.valueOf(newValue));
protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (changeSupport != null) changeSupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); }
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(ssd, toolBar);
if (toolBar.isShowing()) SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(ssd, toolBar);
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (! toolBar.isFloatable()) return; Point ssd = e.getPoint(); Insets insets = toolBar.getInsets(); // Verify that this click occurs in the top inset. if (toolBar.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) { if (e.getX() > insets.left) return; } else { if (e.getY() > return; } origin = new Point(0, 0); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(ssd, toolBar); if (! (SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Window.class, toolBar) instanceof UIResource)) // Need to know who keeps the toolBar if it gets dragged back into it. origParent = toolBar.getParent(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(origin, toolBar); isDragging = true; if (dragWindow != null) dragWindow.setOffset(new Point(e.getX(), e.getY())); dragTo(e.getPoint(), origin); }
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(origin, toolBar);
if (toolBar.isShowing()) SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(origin, toolBar);
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (! toolBar.isFloatable()) return; Point ssd = e.getPoint(); Insets insets = toolBar.getInsets(); // Verify that this click occurs in the top inset. if (toolBar.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) { if (e.getX() > insets.left) return; } else { if (e.getY() > return; } origin = new Point(0, 0); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(ssd, toolBar); if (! (SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Window.class, toolBar) instanceof UIResource)) // Need to know who keeps the toolBar if it gets dragged back into it. origParent = toolBar.getParent(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(origin, toolBar); isDragging = true; if (dragWindow != null) dragWindow.setOffset(new Point(e.getX(), e.getY())); dragTo(e.getPoint(), origin); }
public Window(Frame owner)
public Window(Frame owner) { this (owner, owner.getGraphicsConfiguration ()); }
this (owner, owner.getGraphicsConfiguration ());
visible = false; focusCycleRoot = true; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); addWindowFocusListener (new WindowAdapter () { public void windowGainedFocus (WindowEvent event) { if (windowFocusOwner != null) { EventQueue eq = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getSystemEventQueue (); synchronized (eq) { KeyboardFocusManager manager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager (); Component currentFocusOwner = manager.getGlobalPermanentFocusOwner (); if (currentFocusOwner != null) { eq.postEvent (new FocusEvent (currentFocusOwner, FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST, false, windowFocusOwner)); eq.postEvent (new FocusEvent (windowFocusOwner, FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED, false, currentFocusOwner)); } else eq.postEvent (new FocusEvent (windowFocusOwner, FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED, false)); } } } }); GraphicsEnvironment g = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); graphicsConfiguration = g.getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();
public Window(Frame owner) { this (owner, owner.getGraphicsConfiguration ()); }
public static Point convertPoint(Component source, Point aPoint, Component destination)
public static Point convertPoint(Component source, int x, int y, Component destination)
public static Point convertPoint(Component source, Point aPoint, Component destination) { return convertPoint(source, aPoint.x, aPoint.y, destination); }
return convertPoint(source, aPoint.x, aPoint.y, destination);
Point pt = new Point(x, y); if (source == null && destination == null) return pt; if (source == null) source = getRoot(destination); if (destination == null) destination = getRoot(source); if (source.isShowing() && destination.isShowing()) { convertPointToScreen(pt, source); convertPointFromScreen(pt, destination); } return pt;
public static Point convertPoint(Component source, Point aPoint, Component destination) { return convertPoint(source, aPoint.x, aPoint.y, destination); }
public SecurityException(String s) { super(s);
public SecurityException() {
public SecurityException(String s) { super(s); }
public RuntimeException(String s)
public RuntimeException()
public RuntimeException(String s) { super(s); }
public RuntimeException(String s) { super(s); }
throw new IllegalArgumentException("orientation must be one of VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(orientation + " is not a legal orientation");
public void setOrientation(int orientation) { if (orientation != VERTICAL && orientation != HORIZONTAL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("orientation must be one of VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL"); if (this.orientation != orientation) { int oldOrientation = this.orientation; this.orientation = orientation; firePropertyChange("orientation", oldOrientation, this.orientation); } }
public DefaultBoundedRangeModel(int value, int extent, int minimum, int maximum)
public DefaultBoundedRangeModel()
public DefaultBoundedRangeModel(int value, int extent, int minimum, int maximum) { if (!(minimum <= value && extent >= 0 && (value + extent) <= maximum)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.value = value; this.extent = extent; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; // The isAdjusting field already has a false value by default. }
if (!(minimum <= value && extent >= 0 && (value + extent) <= maximum)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.value = value; this.extent = extent; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum;
maximum = 100;
public DefaultBoundedRangeModel(int value, int extent, int minimum, int maximum) { if (!(minimum <= value && extent >= 0 && (value + extent) <= maximum)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.value = value; this.extent = extent; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; // The isAdjusting field already has a false value by default. }
private void doPopup (MouseEvent me) { JMenuItem menuItem; Action action; popup = new JPopupMenu(); final Gui5250 g = this; JMenuItem mi; final int pos = screen.getPosFromView(me.getX(),me.getY()); if (!rubberband.isAreaSelected() && screen.isInField(pos,false) ) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.copy")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.copyField(pos); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_COPY)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.paste")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.copyMe(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_PASTE)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.pasteSpecial")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.pasteMe(true); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(action); popup.addSeparator(); } else { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.copy")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.copyMe(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_COPY)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.paste")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys(MNEMONIC_PASTE); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_PASTE)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.pasteSpecial")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.pasteMe(true); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(action); Rectangle workR = new Rectangle(); if (rubberband.isAreaSelected()) { // get the bounded area of the selection screen.getBoundingArea(workR); popup.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem(LangTool.getString("popup.selectedColumns") + " " + workR.width); menuItem.setArmed(false); popup.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem(LangTool.getString("popup.selectedRows") + " " + workR.height); menuItem.setArmed(false); popup.add(menuItem); JMenu sumMenu = new JMenu(LangTool.getString("popup.calc")); popup.add(sumMenu); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.calcGroupCD")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sumArea(true); } }; sumMenu.add(action); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.calcGroupDC")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sumArea(false); } }; sumMenu.add(action); } popup.addSeparator(); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.printScreen")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.printMe(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_PRINT_SCREEN)); popup.addSeparator(); JMenu kbMenu = new JMenu(LangTool.getString("popup.keyboard")); popup.add(kbMenu); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.mapKeys")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mapMeKeys(); } }; kbMenu.add(action); kbMenu.addSeparator(); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[attn]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[attn]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_ATTN)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[reset]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[reset]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_RESET)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[sysreq]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[sysreq]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_SYSREQ)); if (screen.isMessageWait()) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.displayMessages")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vt.systemRequest('4'); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_DISP_MESSAGES)); } kbMenu.addSeparator(); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[dupfield]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[dupfield]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_DUP_FIELD)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[help]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[help]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_HELP)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[eraseeof]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[eraseeof]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_ERASE_EOF)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[field+]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[field+]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_FIELD_PLUS)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[field-]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[field-]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_FIELD_MINUS)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("key.[newline]")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.sendKeys("[newline]"); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_NEW_LINE)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.hostPrint")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vt.hostPrint(1); } }; kbMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_PRINT)); createShortCutItems(kbMenu); if (screen.isMessageWait()) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.displayMessages")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vt.systemRequest('4'); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_DISP_MESSAGES)); } popup.addSeparator(); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.hexMap")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showHexMap(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,"")); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.mapKeys")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mapMeKeys(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,"")); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.settings")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doAttributes(); getFocusForMe(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_DISP_ATTRIBUTES)); popup.addSeparator(); if (isMacroRunning()) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.stopScript")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setStopMacroRequested(); } }; popup.add(action); } else { JMenu macMenu = new JMenu(LangTool.getString("popup.macros")); if (keyHandler.isRecording()) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.stop")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stopRecordingMe(); getFocusForMe(); } }; } else { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.record")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { startRecordingMe(); getFocusForMe(); } }; } macMenu.add(action); if (macros.isMacrosExist()) { // this will add a sorted list of the macros to the macro menu addMacros(macMenu); } popup.add(macMenu); } popup.addSeparator(); JMenu xtfrMenu = new JMenu(LangTool.getString("popup.export")); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.xtfrFile")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doMeTransfer(); getFocusForMe(); } }; xtfrMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_FILE_TRANSFER)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.xtfrSpool")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doMeSpool(); getFocusForMe(); } }; xtfrMenu.add(action); popup.add(xtfrMenu); JMenu sendMenu = new JMenu(LangTool.getString("popup.send")); popup.add(sendMenu); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sendScreenEMail(); getFocusForMe(); } }; sendMenu.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_E_MAIL)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.file")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sendMeToFile(); } }; sendMenu.add(action); popup.addSeparator(); } action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.connections")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doConnections(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_OPEN_NEW)); popup.addSeparator(); if (vt.isConnected()) { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.disconnect")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { changeConnection(); getFocusForMe(); } }; } else { action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.connect")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { changeConnection(); getFocusForMe(); } }; } popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_TOGGLE_CONNECTION)); action = new AbstractAction(LangTool.getString("popup.close")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { closeSession(); } }; popup.add(createMenuItem(action,MNEMONIC_CLOSE)); GUIGraphicsUtils.positionPopup(me.getComponent(),popup, me.getX(),me.getY()); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { screen.copyMe(); getFocusForMe(); }
BorderLayout() {
public BorderLayout() {
BorderLayout(){ this(0,0);}
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
public void setBounds(Rectangle r)
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { reshape (x, y, width, height); }
reshape (x, y, width, height);
setBounds (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { reshape (x, y, width, height); }
protected final Point getEndPoint() {
protected Point getEndPoint() {
protected final Point getEndPoint() { if(this.endPoint == null) { setEndPoint(new Point(0,0)); } return this.endPoint; }
protected final Point getStartPoint() {
protected Point getStartPoint() {
protected final Point getStartPoint() { if(this.startPoint == null) { setStartPoint(new Point(0,0)); } return this.startPoint; }
public Thread(Runnable target) { this(null, target, autoName());
public Thread() { this(null, null, autoName());
public Thread(Runnable target) { this(null, target, autoName()); }
public static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType)
public static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message)
public static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, PLAIN_MESSAGE, optionType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return ((Integer) pane.getValue()).intValue(); }
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, PLAIN_MESSAGE, optionType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title);
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, QUESTION_MESSAGE); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, "Select an Option");
public static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, PLAIN_MESSAGE, optionType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return ((Integer) pane.getValue()).intValue(); }
return ((Integer) pane.getValue()).intValue();
if (pane.getValue() instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) pane.getValue()).intValue(); return -1;
public static int showConfirmDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int optionType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, PLAIN_MESSAGE, optionType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return ((Integer) pane.getValue()).intValue(); }
int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger)
int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int button)
public MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger) { this(source, id, when, modifiers, x, y, clickCount, popupTrigger, NOBUTTON); }
this(source, id, when, modifiers, x, y, clickCount, popupTrigger, NOBUTTON);
super(source, id, when, modifiers); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.clickCount = clickCount; this.popupTrigger = popupTrigger; this.button = button; if (button < NOBUTTON || button > BUTTON3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if ((modifiers & EventModifier.OLD_MASK) != 0) { if ((modifiers & BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) this.button = BUTTON1; else if ((modifiers & BUTTON2_MASK) != 0) this.button = BUTTON2; else if ((modifiers & BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) this.button = BUTTON3; }
public MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger) { this(source, id, when, modifiers, x, y, clickCount, popupTrigger, NOBUTTON); }
Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon)
Object message)
public static void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setIcon(icon); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; }
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setIcon(icon); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title);
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, INFORMATION_MESSAGE); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, null);
public static void showMessageDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType, Icon icon) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setIcon(icon); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; }
public boolean isInField(int pos, boolean chgToField) {
public boolean isInField() {
public boolean isInField(int pos, boolean chgToField) { return screenFields.isInField(pos,chgToField); }
return screenFields.isInField(pos,chgToField);
return isInField(lastPos,true);
public boolean isInField(int pos, boolean chgToField) { return screenFields.isInField(pos,chgToField); }
public final void systemRequest(char sr) { if (sr == ' ') { JPanel srp = new JPanel(); srp.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel jl = new JLabel("Enter alternate job"); final JTextField sro = new JTextField(); srp.add(jl,BorderLayout.NORTH); srp.add(sro,BorderLayout.CENTER); Object[] message = new Object[1]; message[0] = srp; String[] options = {"SysReq","Cancel"}; final JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane( message, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, null, options, options[0]); final JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(null, "System Request" ); dialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowOpened( WindowEvent e) { super.windowOpened( e ); sro.requestFocus(); } });; String value = (String)pane.getValue(); if (value.equals(options[0])) { if (sro.getText().length() > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < sro.getText().length(); x++) { if (sro.getText().charAt(0) == '2') { dsq.clear(); } baosp.write(getEBCDIC(sro.getText().charAt(x))); } try { writeGDS(4, 0, baosp.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } baosp.reset(); } else { try { writeGDS(4, 0, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } } } controller.requestFocus(); } else { baosp.write(getEBCDIC(sr)); try { writeGDS(4, 0, baosp.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ioe) { baosp.reset(); System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } baosp.reset(); }
public final void systemRequest() { systemRequest(' ');
public final void systemRequest(char sr) { if (sr == ' ') { JPanel srp = new JPanel(); srp.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel jl = new JLabel("Enter alternate job"); final JTextField sro = new JTextField(); srp.add(jl,BorderLayout.NORTH); srp.add(sro,BorderLayout.CENTER); Object[] message = new Object[1]; message[0] = srp; String[] options = {"SysReq","Cancel"}; final JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane( message, // the dialog message array JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, // message type JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // option type null, // optional icon, use null to use the default icon options, // options string array, will be made into buttons// options[0]); // option that should be made into a default button // create a dialog wrapping the pane final JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(null, // parent frame "System Request" // dialog title ); // add the listener that will set the focus to // the desired option dialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowOpened( WindowEvent e) { super.windowOpened( e ); // now we're setting the focus to the desired component // it's not the best solution as it depends on internals // of the OptionPane class, but you can use it temporarily // until the bug gets fixed // also you might want to iterate here thru the set of // the buttons and pick one to call requestFocus() for it sro.requestFocus(); } });; // now we can process the value selected String value = (String)pane.getValue(); if (value.equals(options[0])) { // from rfc1205 section 4.3 // Client sends header with the 000A12A0000004040000FFEF // System Request bit set. // // if we wanted to send an option with it we would need to send // it at the end such as the following // // byte abyte0[] = new byte[1]; or number of bytes in option // abyte0[0] = getEBCDIC(option);// System.out.println("SYSRQS sent"); // send option along with system request if (sro.getText().length() > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < sro.getText().length(); x++) { // System.out.println(sro.getText().charAt(x)); if (sro.getText().charAt(0) == '2') { // System.out.println("dataq cleared"); dsq.clear(); } baosp.write(getEBCDIC(sro.getText().charAt(x))); } try { writeGDS(4, 0, baosp.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } baosp.reset(); } else { // no option sent with system request try { writeGDS(4, 0, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } } } controller.requestFocus(); } else { baosp.write(getEBCDIC(sr)); try { writeGDS(4, 0, baosp.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ioe) { baosp.reset(); System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } baosp.reset(); } }
public void setSize(int width, int height)
public void setSize(Dimension d)
public void setSize(int width, int height) { resize (width, height); }
resize (width, height);
setSize (d.width, d.height);
public void setSize(int width, int height) { resize (width, height); }
return enabled && visible && (peer == null || peer.isFocusTraversable());
return enabled && visible && (peer == null || isLightweight() || peer.isFocusTraversable());
public boolean isFocusTraversable() { return enabled && visible && (peer == null || peer.isFocusTraversable()); }
public final void setBounds(Rectangle r) {
public final void setBounds(int width, int height) {
public final void setBounds(Rectangle r) { setBounds(r.width, r.height); }
setBounds(r.width, r.height);
setCursorActive(false); resizeScreenArea(width,height); dirty.setBounds(tArea.getBounds()); if (gui.getGraphics() != null) { gg2d = null; drawing = true; updateDirty(); } if (isStatusErrorCode()) setStatus(STATUS_ERROR_CODE,STATUS_VALUE_ON,statusString); if (isXSystem()) setStatus(STATUS_SYSTEM,STATUS_VALUE_ON,statusString); if (isMessageWait()) setMessageLightOn(); setCursorActive(true);
public final void setBounds(Rectangle r) { setBounds(r.width, r.height); }
public JList(ListModel listData)
public JList()
public JList(ListModel listData) { init(); setModel(listData); }
public JList(ListModel listData) { init(); setModel(listData); }
public JScrollPane(Component view)
public JScrollPane()
public JScrollPane(Component view) { this(view, VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); }
public JScrollPane(Component view) { this(view, VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); }
Object message, String title, int messageType)
Object message)
public static String showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setWantsInput(true); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return (String) pane.getInputValue(); }
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType);
JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, QUESTION_MESSAGE);
public static String showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setWantsInput(true); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return (String) pane.getInputValue(); }
JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title);
JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, null);
public static String showInputDialog(Component parentComponent, Object message, String title, int messageType) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message, messageType); pane.setWantsInput(true); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(parentComponent, title); dialog.pack();; return (String) pane.getInputValue(); }
private RefItem(int kind, Register reg, VmConstString val, int offsetToFP) { super(kind, reg, offsetToFP); this.value = val;
RefItem(ItemFactory factory) { super(factory);
private RefItem(int kind, Register reg, VmConstString val, int offsetToFP) { super(kind, reg, offsetToFP); this.value = val; }
return createConst(getValue());
return factory.createAConst(getValue());
protected WordItem cloneConstant() { return createConst(getValue()); }
firePropertyChange("blockIncrement", oldInc,
public void setBlockIncrement(int blockIncrement) { if (blockIncrement != this.blockIncrement) { int oldInc = this.blockIncrement; this.blockIncrement = blockIncrement; firePropertyChange(BLOCK_INCREMENT_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldInc, this.blockIncrement); } }
oldModel.removeChangeListener(changeListener); model.addChangeListener(changeListener); firePropertyChange(MODEL_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldModel, model);
firePropertyChange("model", oldModel, model);
public void setModel(BoundedRangeModel newModel) { if (model != newModel) { BoundedRangeModel oldModel = model; model = newModel; oldModel.removeChangeListener(changeListener); model.addChangeListener(changeListener); firePropertyChange(MODEL_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldModel, model); } }
firePropertyChange(ORIENTATION_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldOrientation,
firePropertyChange("orientation", oldOrientation,
public void setOrientation(int orientation) { if (orientation != SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL && orientation != SwingConstants.VERTICAL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("orientation must be one of HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL"); if (orientation != this.orientation) { int oldOrientation = this.orientation; this.orientation = orientation; firePropertyChange(ORIENTATION_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldOrientation, this.orientation); } }
firePropertyChange("unitIncrement", oldInc,
public void setUnitIncrement(int unitIncrement) { if (unitIncrement != this.unitIncrement) { int oldInc = this.unitIncrement; this.unitIncrement = unitIncrement; firePropertyChange(UNIT_INCREMENT_CHANGED_PROPERTY, oldInc, this.unitIncrement); } }
public static Class loadClass (String codebases, String name)
public static Class loadClass (String name)
public static Class loadClass (String codebases, String name) throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //try context class loader first try { return loader.loadClass (name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // class not found in the local classpath } if (codebases.length() == 0) //=="" { loader = defaultLoader; } else { loader = getClassLoader(codebases); } if (loader == null) { //do not throw NullPointerException throw new ClassNotFoundException ("Could not find class (" + name + ") at codebase (" + codebases + ")"); } return loader.loadClass (name); }
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { return loader.loadClass (name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } if (codebases.length() == 0) { loader = defaultLoader; } else { loader = getClassLoader(codebases); } if (loader == null) { throw new ClassNotFoundException ("Could not find class (" + name + ") at codebase (" + codebases + ")"); } return loader.loadClass (name);
return loadClass ("", name);
public static Class loadClass (String codebases, String name) throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //try context class loader first try { return loader.loadClass (name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // class not found in the local classpath } if (codebases.length() == 0) //=="" { loader = defaultLoader; } else { loader = getClassLoader(codebases); } if (loader == null) { //do not throw NullPointerException throw new ClassNotFoundException ("Could not find class (" + name + ") at codebase (" + codebases + ")"); } return loader.loadClass (name); }
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) throws SecurityException
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls) throws SecurityException
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) throws SecurityException { super(parent); this.factory = null; this.securityContext = null; addURLs(urls); }
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) throws SecurityException { super(parent); this.factory = null; this.securityContext = null; addURLs(urls); }
public StringTokenizer(String str, String delim)
public StringTokenizer(String str)
public StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) { this(str, delim, false); }
this(str, delim, false);
this(str, " \t\n\r\f", false);
public StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) { this(str, delim, false); }