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lastId = response.lastid.toInt();
if(response.lastid) lastId = response.lastid.toInt();
leaveRoom: function () { lastId = null; var request = new ServerReq ('exit.php',function(response) { response.messages.each(function(item) { item.lid = item.lid.toInt(); item.rid = item.rid.toInt(); item.user.uid = item.user.uid.toInt(); if(!lastId) lastId = item.lid -1; MBchat.updateables.processMessage(item); }); lastId = response.lastid.toInt(); //Ensure we get all message from here on in MBchat.updateables.poller.setLastId(lastId);; //Show online list for entrance hall }).transmit({'rid' : room.rid}); //we might have been in a room that stopped me going to private room if (room.type == 'M' && (me.mod == 'M' || me.role == 'H' || me.role == 'G' || me.role == 'S' )) { //Can't go to private room here var whisperBoxes = $$('.whisperBox'); whisperBoxes.each ( function (whisperBox) { var privateBox = whisperBox.getElement('.nonprivate'); if (privateBox) { privateBox.removeClass('nonprivate'); privateBox.addClass('private'); privateBox.addEvent('click',goPrivate); } }); } room.set (entranceHall);; //Set up to be in the entrance hall messageList.removeClass('chat'); messageList.empty(); messageList.addClass('whisper'); $('roomNameContainer').empty(); var el = new Element('h1') .set('text', .inject('roomNameContainer'); $('inputContainer').set('styles',{ 'display':'none'}); $('entranceHall').set('styles',{'display':'block'}); },
lastId = response.lastid.toInt();
if(response.lastid)lastId = response.lastid.toInt();
leaveRoom: function () { lastId = null; var request = new ServerReq ('exit.php',function(response) { response.messages.each(function(item) { item.lid = item.lid.toInt(); item.rid = item.rid.toInt(); item.user.uid = item.user.uid.toInt(); if(!lastId) lastId = item.lid -1; MBchat.updateables.processMessage(item); }); lastId = response.lastid.toInt(); //Ensure we get all message from here on in MBchat.updateables.poller.setLastId(lastId);; //Show online list for entrance hall }).transmit({'rid' : room.rid}); //we might have been in a room that stopped me going to private room if (room.type == 'M' && (me.mod == 'M' || me.role == 'H' || me.role == 'G' || me.role == 'S' )) { //Can't go to private room here var whisperBoxes = $$('.whisperBox'); whisperBoxes.each ( function (whisperBox) { var privateBox = whisperBox.getElement('.nonprivate'); if (privateBox) { privateBox.removeClass('nonprivate'); privateBox.addClass('private'); privateBox.addEvent('click',goPrivate); } }); } room.set (entranceHall);; //Set up to be in the entrance hall messageList.removeClass('chat'); messageList.empty(); messageList.addClass('whisper'); $('roomNameContainer').empty(); var el = new Element('h1') .set('text', .inject('roomNameContainer'); $('inputContainer').set('styles',{ 'display':'none'}); $('emoticonContainer').set('styles',{ 'display':'none'}); $('entranceHall').set('styles',{'display':'block'}); var exit = $('exit'); exit.addClass('exit-f'); exit.removeClass('exit-r'); MBchat.sounds.resetTimer(); },
switch (ch)
var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (macro === acc); })) return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i])
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) {// var ch = line[i];// var macro = multilineVars.macros[ch];//// if (macro !== undefined) {// ch = macro;// i = 0;// } switch (ch) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. var legalAccents = [ "trill", "lowermordent", "uppermordent", "mordent", "pralltriller", "accent", "emphasis", "fermata", "invertedfermata", "tenuto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "+", "wedge", "open", "thumb", "snap", "turn", "roll", "breath", "shortphrase", "mediumphrase", "longphrase", "segno", "coda", "D.S.", "D.C.", "fine", "crescendo(", "crescendo)", "diminuendo(", "diminuendo)", "p", "pp", "f", "ff", "mf", "ppp", "pppp", "fff", "ffff", "sfz", "repeatbar", "repeatbar2", "slide", "upbow", "downbow" ]; if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
var legalAccents = [ "trill", "lowermordent", "uppermordent", "mordent", "pralltriller", "accent", "emphasis", "fermata", "invertedfermata", "tenuto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "+", "wedge", "open", "thumb", "snap", "turn", "roll", "breath", "shortphrase", "mediumphrase", "longphrase", "segno", "coda", "D.S.", "D.C.", "fine", "crescendo(", "crescendo)", "diminuendo(", "diminuendo)", "p", "pp", "f", "ff", "mf", "ppp", "pppp", "fff", "ffff", "sfz", "repeatbar", "repeatbar2", "slide", "upbow", "downbow" ];
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) {// var ch = line[i];// var macro = multilineVars.macros[ch];//// if (macro !== undefined) {// ch = macro;// i = 0;// } switch (ch) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. var legalAccents = [ "trill", "lowermordent", "uppermordent", "mordent", "pralltriller", "accent", "emphasis", "fermata", "invertedfermata", "tenuto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "+", "wedge", "open", "thumb", "snap", "turn", "roll", "breath", "shortphrase", "mediumphrase", "longphrase", "segno", "coda", "D.S.", "D.C.", "fine", "crescendo(", "crescendo)", "diminuendo(", "diminuendo)", "p", "pp", "f", "ff", "mf", "ppp", "pppp", "fff", "ffff", "sfz", "repeatbar", "repeatbar2", "slide", "upbow", "downbow" ]; if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1);
case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1);
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) { var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (macro === acc); })) return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
return (macro === acc);
return (ret[1] === acc);
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) { var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (macro === acc); })) return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = "";
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) { var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (macro === acc); })) return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) { var macro = multilineVars.macros[line[i]]; if (macro !== undefined) { if (macro[0] === '!' || macro[0] === '+') macro = macro.substring(1); if (macro[macro.length-1] === '!' || macro[macro.length-1] === '+') macro = macro.substring(0, macro.length-1); if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (macro === acc); })) return [ 1, macro ]; } switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
switch (line[i])
switch (ch)
var letter_to_accent = function(line, i) { switch (line[i]) { case '.':return [1, 'staccato']; case 'u':return [1, 'upbow']; case 'v':return [1, 'downbow']; case '~':return [1, 'roll']; case '!': case '+': var ret = getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); // Be sure that the accent is recognizable. var legalAccents = [ "trill", "lowermordent", "uppermordent", "mordent", "pralltriller", "accent", "emphasis", "fermata", "invertedfermata", "tenuto", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "+", "wedge", "open", "thumb", "snap", "turn", "roll", "breath", "shortphrase", "mediumphrase", "longphrase", "segno", "coda", "D.S.", "D.C.", "fine", "crescendo(", "crescendo)", "diminuendo(", "diminuendo)", "p", "pp", "f", "ff", "mf", "ppp", "pppp", "fff", "ffff", "sfz", "repeatbar", "repeatbar2", "slide", "upbow", "downbow" ]; if (ret[1].length > 0 && (ret[1][0] === '^' || ret[1][0] ==='_')) ret[1] = ret[1].substring(1); // TODO-PER: The test files have indicators forcing the orniment to the top or bottom, but that isn't in the standard. We'll just ignore them. if (legalAccents.detect(function(acc) { return (ret[1] === acc); })) return ret; // We didn't find the accent in the list, so consume the space, but don't return an accent. // Although it is possible that ! was used as a line break, so accept that. if (line[i] === '!' && (ret[0] === 1 || line[i+ret[0]-1] !== '!')) return [1, null ]; warn("Unknown decoration: " + ret[1], line, i); ret[1] = ""; return ret; case 'H':return [1, 'fermata']; case 'J':return [1, 'slide']; case 'M':return [1, 'mordent']; case 'R':return [1, 'roll']; case 'T':return [1, 'trill']; } return [0, 0]; };
{ var ret = tokenizer.getBarLine(line, curr_pos); if (ret.len === 0) return [0,""]; if (ret.warn) { warn(ret.warn, line, curr_pos); return [ret.len,""];
{ var ret = tokenizer.getBarLine(line, curr_pos); if (ret.len === 0) return [0,""]; if (ret.warn) { warn(ret.warn, line, curr_pos); return [ret.len,""]; } for (var ws = 0; ws < line.length; ws++) if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] !== ' ') break; var orig_bar_len = ret.len; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] === '[') { ret.len += ws + 1; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len] === '"') { var ending = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, curr_pos+ret.len, 5); return [ret.len+ending[0], ret.token, ending[1]];
var letter_to_bar = function(line, curr_pos) { var ret = tokenizer.getBarLine(line, curr_pos); if (ret.len === 0) return [0,""]; if (ret.warn) { warn(ret.warn, line, curr_pos); return [ret.len,""]; } // Now see if this is a repeated ending // A repeated ending is all of the characters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-, and comma // It can also optionally start with '[', which is ignored. // Also, it can have white space before the '['. for (var ws = 0; ws < line.length; ws++) if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] !== ' ') break; var orig_bar_len = ret.len; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] === '[') { ret.len += ws + 1; // It can also be a quoted string. It is unclear whether that construct requires '[', but it seems like it would. otherwise it would be confused with a regular chord. if (line[curr_pos+ret.len] === '"') { var ending = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, curr_pos+ret.len, 5); return [ret.len+ending[0], ret.token, ending[1]]; } } var retRep = tokenizer.getTokenOf(line.substring(curr_pos+ret.len), "1234567890-,"); if (retRep.len === 0) return [orig_bar_len, ret.token]; return [ret.len+retRep.len, ret.token, retRep.token]; };
for (var ws = 0; ws < line.length; ws++) if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] !== ' ') break; var orig_bar_len = ret.len; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] === '[') { ret.len += ws + 1; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len] === '"') { var ending = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, curr_pos+ret.len, 5); return [ret.len+ending[0], ret.token, ending[1]]; } } var retRep = tokenizer.getTokenOf(line.substring(curr_pos+ret.len), "1234567890-,"); if (retRep.len === 0) return [orig_bar_len, ret.token]; return [ret.len+retRep.len, ret.token, retRep.token]; };
return [ret.len+retRep.len, ret.token, retRep.token]; };
var letter_to_bar = function(line, curr_pos) { var ret = tokenizer.getBarLine(line, curr_pos); if (ret.len === 0) return [0,""]; if (ret.warn) { warn(ret.warn, line, curr_pos); return [ret.len,""]; } // Now see if this is a repeated ending // A repeated ending is all of the characters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-, and comma // It can also optionally start with '[', which is ignored. // Also, it can have white space before the '['. for (var ws = 0; ws < line.length; ws++) if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] !== ' ') break; var orig_bar_len = ret.len; if (line[curr_pos+ret.len+ws] === '[') { ret.len += ws + 1; // It can also be a quoted string. It is unclear whether that construct requires '[', but it seems like it would. otherwise it would be confused with a regular chord. if (line[curr_pos+ret.len] === '"') { var ending = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, curr_pos+ret.len, 5); return [ret.len+ending[0], ret.token, ending[1]]; } } var retRep = tokenizer.getTokenOf(line.substring(curr_pos+ret.len), "1234567890-,"); if (retRep.len === 0) return [orig_bar_len, ret.token]; return [ret.len+retRep.len, ret.token, retRep.token]; };
return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; default: }
return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; default:
this.letter_to_body_header = function(line, i) { if (line.length >= i+3) { switch(line.substring(i, i+2)) { case "I:": var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(i+2)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ line.length ]; case "M:": var meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(i+2)); if (tune.hasBeginMusic() && meter) tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, meter); return [ line.length ]; case "K:": var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(i+2)); if (result.foundClef && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); return [ line.length ]; case "P:": if (tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+2)}); return [ line.length ]; case "L:": this.setDefaultLength(line, i+2, line.length); return [ line.length ]; case "Q:": var e = line.indexOf('\x12', i+2); if (e === -1) e = line.length; var tempo = this.setTempo(line, i+2, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, this.calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo); return [ e, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; case "V:": this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length);// startNewLine(); return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
return [ 0 ]; };
} return [ 0 ]; };
this.letter_to_body_header = function(line, i) { if (line.length >= i+3) { switch(line.substring(i, i+2)) { case "I:": var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(i+2)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ line.length ]; case "M:": var meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(i+2)); if (tune.hasBeginMusic() && meter) tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, meter); return [ line.length ]; case "K:": var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(i+2)); if (result.foundClef && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); return [ line.length ]; case "P:": if (tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+2)}); return [ line.length ]; case "L:": this.setDefaultLength(line, i+2, line.length); return [ line.length ]; case "Q:": var e = line.indexOf('\x12', i+2); if (e === -1) e = line.length; var tempo = this.setTempo(line, i+2, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, this.calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo); return [ e, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; case "V:": this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length);// startNewLine(); return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef});
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef);
var letter_to_body_header = function(line, i) { if (line.length >= i+3) { switch(line.substring(i, i+2)) { case "I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+2)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ line.length ]; case "M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+2)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ line.length ]; case "K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+2)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ line.length ]; case "P:": tune.appendStartingElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+2)}); return [ line.length ]; case "L:": case "Q:": // TODO-PER: handle these return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(2).strip()]; break; case "V:": parseVoice(line, 2, line.length);// setCurrentVoice(line.substring(2).strip()); startNewLine(); return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(2).strip()]; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(2).strip()];
return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()];
var letter_to_body_header = function(line, i) { if (line.length >= i+3) { switch(line.substring(i, i+2)) { case "I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+2)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ line.length ]; case "M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+2)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ line.length ]; case "K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+2)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ line.length ]; case "P:": tune.appendStartingElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+2)}); return [ line.length ]; case "L:": case "Q:": // TODO-PER: handle these return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(2).strip()]; break; case "V:": parseVoice(line, 2, line.length);// setCurrentVoice(line.substring(2).strip()); startNewLine(); return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(2).strip()]; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()];
var e = line.indexOf('\x12', i+2); if (e === -1) e = line.length; var tempo = setTempo(line, i+2, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo); return [ e, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()];
var letter_to_body_header = function(line, i) { if (line.length >= i+3) { switch(line.substring(i, i+2)) { case "I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+2)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ line.length ]; case "M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+2)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ line.length ]; case "K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+2)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ line.length ]; case "P:": tune.appendStartingElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+2)}); return [ line.length ]; case "L:": setDefaultLength(line, i+2, line.length); return [ line.length ]; case "Q:": // TODO-PER: handle these return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; break; case "V:": parseVoice(line, 2, line.length);// setCurrentVoice(line.substring(2).strip()); startNewLine(); return [ line.length, line[i], line.substring(i+2).strip()]; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
if (line[i] === '"') { var chord = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); if (!chord[2]) warn("Missing the closing quote while parsing the chord symbol", line , i); if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '^') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'above'; } else if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '_') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'below'; } else chord[2] = 'default'; return chord; } return [0, ""]; };
var chord = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); if (!chord[2]) warn("Missing the closing quote while parsing the chord symbol", line , i); if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '^') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'above'; } else if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '_') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'below'; } else chord[2] = 'default'; return chord; } return [0, ""]; };
var letter_to_chord = function(line, i) { if (line[i] === '"') { var chord = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 5); if (!chord[2]) warn("Missing the closing quote while parsing the chord symbol", line , i); // If it starts with ^, then the chord appears above. // If it starts with _ then the chord appears below. // (note that the 2.0 draft standard defines them as not chords, but annotations and also defines < > and @.) if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '^') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'above'; } else if (chord[0] > 0 && chord[1].length > 0 && chord[1][0] === '_') { chord[1] = chord[1].substring(1); chord[2] = 'below'; } else chord[2] = 'default'; return chord; } return [0, ""]; };
ii = note.endChar; delete note.endChar; } else { if (gra[1][ii] === ' ') { if (gracenotes.length > 0) gracenotes[gracenotes.length-1].end_beam = true; } else warn("Unknown character '" + gra[1][ii] + "' while parsing grace note", line, i); ii++; }
ii = note.endChar; delete note.endChar;
var letter_to_grace = function(line, i) { // Grace notes are an array of: startslur, note, endslur, space; where note is accidental, pitch, duration if (line[i] === '{') { // fetch the gracenotes string and consume that into the array var gra = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 1, '}'); if (!gra[2]) warn("Missing the closing '}' while parsing grace note", line, i); var gracenotes = []; var ii = 0; var inTie = false; while (ii < gra[1].length) { var note = getCoreNote(gra[1], ii, {}, false); if (note !== null) { gracenotes.push(note); if (inTie) { note.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (note.startTie) inTie = true; ii = note.endChar; delete note.endChar; } else { // We shouldn't get anything but notes or a space here, so report an error if (gra[1][ii] === ' ') { if (gracenotes.length > 0) gracenotes[gracenotes.length-1].end_beam = true; } else warn("Unknown character '" + gra[1][ii] + "' while parsing grace note", line, i); ii++; } } if (gracenotes.length) return [gra[0], gracenotes];// for (var ret = letter_to_pitch(gra[1], ii); ret[0]>0 && ii<gra[1].length;// ret = letter_to_pitch(gra[1], ii)) {// //todo get other stuff that could be in a grace note// ii += ret[0];// gracenotes.push({el_type:"gracenote",pitch:ret[1]});// }// return [ gra[0], gracenotes ]; } return [ 0 ]; };
if (gracenotes.length) return [gra[0], gracenotes];
else { if (gra[1][ii] === ' ') { if (gracenotes.length > 0) gracenotes[gracenotes.length-1].end_beam = true; } else warn("Unknown character '" + gra[1][ii] + "' while parsing grace note", line, i); ii++; } } if (gracenotes.length) return [gra[0], gracenotes];
var letter_to_grace = function(line, i) { // Grace notes are an array of: startslur, note, endslur, space; where note is accidental, pitch, duration if (line[i] === '{') { // fetch the gracenotes string and consume that into the array var gra = tokenizer.getBrackettedSubstring(line, i, 1, '}'); if (!gra[2]) warn("Missing the closing '}' while parsing grace note", line, i); var gracenotes = []; var ii = 0; var inTie = false; while (ii < gra[1].length) { var note = getCoreNote(gra[1], ii, {}, false); if (note !== null) { gracenotes.push(note); if (inTie) { note.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (note.startTie) inTie = true; ii = note.endChar; delete note.endChar; } else { // We shouldn't get anything but notes or a space here, so report an error if (gra[1][ii] === ' ') { if (gracenotes.length > 0) gracenotes[gracenotes.length-1].end_beam = true; } else warn("Unknown character '" + gra[1][ii] + "' while parsing grace note", line, i); ii++; } } if (gracenotes.length) return [gra[0], gracenotes];// for (var ret = letter_to_pitch(gra[1], ii); ret[0]>0 && ii<gra[1].length;// ret = letter_to_pitch(gra[1], ii)) {// //todo get other stuff that could be in a grace note// ii += ret[0];// gracenotes.push({el_type:"gracenote",pitch:ret[1]});// }// return [ gra[0], gracenotes ]; } return [ 0 ]; };
default: }
this.letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5 && line[i] === '[' && line[i+2] === ':') { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": var meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (tune.hasBeginMusic() && meter) tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": this.setDefaultLength(line, i+3, e); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[Q:": if (e > 0) { var tempo = this.setTempo(line, i+3, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, this.calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { this.parseVoice(line, i+3, e); //startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
return [ 0 ]; };
} return [ 0 ]; };
this.letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5 && line[i] === '[' && line[i+2] === ':') { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": var meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (tune.hasBeginMusic() && meter) tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey && tune.hasBeginMusic()) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": this.setDefaultLength(line, i+3, e); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[Q:": if (e > 0) { var tempo = this.setTempo(line, i+3, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, this.calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { this.parseVoice(line, i+3, e); //startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef});
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef);
var letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5) { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": case "[Q:": if (e > 0) return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { parseVoice(line, i+3, e); startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
setDefaultLength(line, i+3, e); return [ e-i+1+ws ];
var letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5) { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": case "[Q:": if (e > 0) return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { parseVoice(line, i+3, e); startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
if (e > 0)
if (e > 0) { var tempo = setTempo(line, i+3, e); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, calcTempo(tempo.tempo)); else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.appendElement('tempo', -1, -1, tempo.tempo);
var letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5) { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": setDefaultLength(line, i+3, e); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[Q:": if (e > 0) return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { parseVoice(line, i+3, e); startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
var letter_to_inline_header = function(line, i) { var ws = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); i +=ws; if (line.length >= i+5) { var e = line.indexOf(']', i); switch(line.substring(i, i+3)) { case "[I:": var err = addDirective(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (err) warn(err, line, i); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[M:": setMeter(line.substring(i+3, e)); tune.appendStartingElement('meter', -1, -1, multilineVars.meter); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[K:": var result = parseKey(line.substring(i+3, e)); if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[P:": tune.appendElement('part', -1, -1, {title: line.substring(i+3, e)}); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[L:": setDefaultLength(line, i+3, e); return [ e-i+1+ws ]; case "[Q:": if (e > 0) return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; break; case "[V:": if (e > 0) { parseVoice(line, i+3, e); startNewLine(); return [ e-i+1+ws, line[i+1], line.substring(i+3, e)]; } break; default: // TODO: complain about unhandled header } } return [ 0 ]; };
ret.num_notes = line - '0';
ret.num_notes = line.charAt(i+5) - '0';
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line.charAt(i) === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line.charAt(i))) { if (line.charAt(i) === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line.charAt(i+1) >= '2' && line.charAt(i+1) <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line.charAt(i+1) - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line.charAt(i+2) === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line.charAt(i+3) === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line.charAt(i+4) >= '1' && line.charAt(i+4) <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line.charAt(i+4) - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line.charAt(i+3) >= '1' && line.charAt(i+3) <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line.charAt(i+4) === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line.charAt(i+5) >= '1' && line.charAt(i+5) <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3;
var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4;
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
} else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); }
} else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i);
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; }
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; }
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
var letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets = function(line, i) { // consume spaces, and look for all the open parens. If there is a number after the open paren, // that is a triplet. Otherwise that is a slur. Collect all the slurs and the first triplet. var ret = {}; var start = i; while (line[i] === '(' || tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i])) { if (line[i] === '(') { if (i+1 < line.length && (line[i+1] >= '2' && line[i+1] <= '9')) { if (ret.triplet !== undefined) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { ret.triplet = line[i+1] - '0'; if (i+2 < line.length && line[i+2] === ':') { // We are expecting "(p:q:r" or "(p:q" or "(p::r" we are only interested in the first number (p) and the number of notes (r) // if r is missing, then it is equal to p. if (i+3 < line.length && line[i+3] === ':') { if (i+4 < line.length && (line[i+4] >= '1' && line[i+4] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+4] - '0'; i += 3; } else warn("expected number after the two colons after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } else if (i+3 < line.length && (line[i+3] >= '1' && line[i+3] <= '9')) { // ignore this middle number if (i+4 < line.length && line[i+4] === ':') { if (i+5 < line.length && (line[i+5] >= '1' && line[i+5] <= '9')) { ret.num_notes = line[i+5] - '0'; i += 4; } } else { ret.num_notes = ret.triplet; i += 3; } } else warn("expected number after the triplet to mark the duration", line, i); } } i++; } else { if (ret.startSlur === undefined) ret.startSlur = 1; else ret.startSlur++; } } i++; } ret.consumed = i-start; return ret; };
let dirs = abManager.directories;
let dirs = services.get("abManager").directories;
list: function (filter, newMail) { let addresses = []; let dirs = abManager.directories; let lowerFilter = filter.toLowerCase(); while (dirs.hasMoreElements()) { let addrbook = dirs.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAbDirectory); let cards = addrbook.childCards; while (cards.hasMoreElements()) { let card = cards.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAbCard); //var mail = card.primaryEmail || ""; //XXX let displayName = card.displayName; if (!displayName) displayName = this.generateDisplayName(card.firstName, card.lastName); if (displayName.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerFilter) > -1 || card.primaryEmail.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerFilter) > -1) addresses.push([displayName, card.primaryEmail]); } } if (addresses.length < 1) { if (!filter) liberator.echoerr("Exxx: No contacts", commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); else liberator.echoerr("Exxx: No contacts matching string '" + filter + "'", commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); return false; } if (newMail) { // Now we have to create a new message let args = {}; = function (address) "\"" + address[0].replace(/"/g, "") + " <" + address[1] + ">\"" ).join(", "); mail.composeNewMail(args); } else { let list = template.tabular(["Name", "Address"], [], [[util.clip(address[0], 50), address[1]] for ([, address] in Iterator(addresses))] ); commandline.echo(list, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); } return true; }
if (initFunction)
if (initFunction) {
var listenerFunction = function() { GEvent.removeListener(listenerHandler); if (initFunction) initFunction(, windowLocation, initFunctionParam); };
var listenerFunction = function() { GEvent.removeListener(listenerHandler); if (initFunction) initFunction(, windowLocation, initFunctionParam); };
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els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)});
exposed = els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)});
load: function(els, conf) { // already loaded ? if (loaded) { return this; } // configuration if (typeof conf == 'string') { conf = {color: conf}; } exposed = els; // use latest config conf = conf || config; config = conf = $.extend($.extend({}, tool.conf), conf); // get the mask mask = $("#" + conf.maskId); // or create it if (!mask.length) { mask = $('<div/>').attr("id", conf.maskId); $("body").append(mask); } // set position and dimensions var size = viewport(); mask.css({ position:'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1], display: 'none', opacity: conf.startOpacity, zIndex: conf.zIndex }); // background color var bg = mask.css("backgroundColor"); if (!bg || bg == 'transparent' || bg == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { mask.css("backgroundColor", conf.color); } // onBeforeLoad if (call(conf.onBeforeLoad) === false) { return this; } // esc button if (conf.closeOnEsc) { $(document).bind("keydown.mask", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { $.mask.close(e); } }); } // mask click closes if (conf.closeOnClick) { mask.bind("click.mask", function(e) { $.mask.close(e); }); } // resize mask when window is resized $(window).bind("resize.mask", function() { $; }); // exposed elements if (els && els.length) { overlayIndex = els.eq(0).css("zIndex"); // make sure element is positioned absolutely or relatively $.each(els, function() { var el = $(this); if (!/relative|absolute|fixed/i.test(el.css("position"))) { el.css("position", "relative"); } }); // make elements sit on top of the mask els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)}); } // reveal mask mask.css({display: 'block'}).fadeTo(conf.loadSpeed, conf.opacity, function() { $; call(conf.onLoad); }); loaded = true; return this; },
self.bind("onLoad.tmp", function() {
$(self).bind("onLoad.tmp", function() {
load: function(begin, end) { // filtered set of nodes var nodes = null, preload = arguments[arguments.length -1] === true; if (begin && begin.jquery) { nodes = begin.filter(function() { return els.index(this) >= 0; }); } else { nodes = begin >= 0 ? els.slice(begin, end || begin + 1) : els; } // loop trough nodes nodes.each(function(index) { var el = $(this); // already loaded --> skip. if (":loaded")) { return effects[conf.effect].call(self, el, function() {}); } // loop trough loaders $.each(loaders, function(matcher, loader) { if ( && $.isFunction(loader[1])) { // match found var e = new $.Event("onBeforeLoad"); trigger.trigger(e, [el]); // loading cancelled by user if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return false; } // start loading el.addClass(css.loading); loader[1].call(self, el, function(error) { // loading failed if (error) { return trigger.trigger("onError", [el, error]); } function setLoaded() { // loaded flag"loaded", true); // CSS class names el.removeClass(css.before).removeClass(css.loading); if (css.after) { el.addClass(css.after); } // onLoad callback trigger.trigger("onLoad", [el]); } if (preload) { // mark as loaded setLoaded(); } else { // perform effect and mark loaded effects[conf.effect].call(self, el, setLoaded); } }); } }); }); // onLoadAll callback self.bind("onLoad.tmp", function() { if (!nodes.not(":loaded").length) { trigger.trigger("onLoadAll", [nodes], preload); self.unbind("onLoad.tmp"); } }); return self; },
load: function(begin, end) { // filtered set of nodes var nodes = null, preload = arguments[arguments.length -1] === true; if (begin && begin.jquery) { nodes = begin.filter(function() { return els.index(this) >= 0; }); } else { nodes = begin >= 0 ? els.slice(begin, end || begin + 1) : els; } // loop trough nodes nodes.each(function(index) { var el = $(this); // already loaded --> skip. if (":loaded")) { return effects[conf.effect].call(self, el, function() {}); } // loop trough loaders $.each(loaders, function(matcher, loader) { if ( && $.isFunction(loader[1])) { // match found var e = new $.Event("onBeforeLoad"); trigger.trigger(e, [el]); // loading cancelled by user if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return false; } // start loading el.addClass(css.loading); loader[1].call(self, el, function(error) { // loading failed if (error) { return trigger.trigger("onError", [el, error]); } function setLoaded() { // loaded flag"loaded", true); // CSS class names el.removeClass(css.before).removeClass(css.loading); if (css.after) { el.addClass(css.after); } // onLoad callback trigger.trigger("onLoad", [el]); } if (preload) { // mark as loaded setLoaded(); } else { // perform effect and mark loaded effects[conf.effect].call(self, el, setLoaded); } }); } }); }); // onLoadAll callback self.bind("onLoad.tmp", function() { if (!nodes.not(":loaded").length) { trigger.trigger("onLoadAll", [nodes], preload); self.unbind("onLoad.tmp"); } }); return self; },
$('#chooseExtra').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true,
$('#chooseExtra').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 500,
load: function() { // set correct $('input.block_extra_id').each(function() { jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra($(this).val(), $(this).attr('id').replace('blockExtraId', '')); }) // initialize the modal for choosing an extra if($('#chooseExtra').length > 0) { $('#chooseExtra').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { // change the extra for real jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra(); // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // empty the extraForBlock $('#extraForBlock').val(''); // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } if($('#chooseTemplate').length > 0) { $('#chooseTemplate').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 500, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { if($('#templateList input:radio:checked').val() != $('#templateId').val()) { // empty extra's $('.block_extra_id').val(''); // change the template for real jsBackend.pages.template.changeTemplate(); } // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } },
if (conf.color) {
var bg = mask.css("backgroundColor"); if (!bg || bg == 'transparent' || bg == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
load: function(els, conf) { // already loaded ? if (loaded) { return this; } // configuration if (typeof conf == 'string') { conf = {color: conf}; } config = conf = $.extend($.extend({}, tool.conf), conf); // get the mask mask = $("#" + conf.maskId); // or create it if (!mask.length) { mask = $('<div/>').attr("id", conf.maskId); $("body").append(mask); } // set position and dimensions var size = viewport(); mask.css({ position:'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1], display: 'none', opacity: conf.startOpacity, zIndex: conf.zIndex }); // background color if (conf.color) { mask.css("backgroundColor", conf.color); } // onBeforeLoad if (call(conf.onBeforeLoad) === false) { return this; } // esc button if (conf.closeOnEsc) { $(document).bind("keydown.mask", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { $.mask.close(e); } }); } // mask click closes if (conf.closeOnClick) { mask.bind("click.mask", function(e) { $.mask.close(e); }); } // resize mask when window is resized $(window).bind("resize.mask", function() { $; }); // exposed elements if (els && els.length) { overlayIndex = els.eq(0).css("zIndex"); // make sure element is positioned absolutely or relatively $.each(els, function() { var el = $(this); if (!/relative|absolute|fixed/i.test(el.css("position"))) { el.css("position", "relative"); } }); // make elements sit on top of the mask exposed = els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)}); } // reveal mask mask.css({display: 'block'}).fadeTo(conf.loadSpeed, conf.opacity, function() { $; call(conf.onLoad); }); loaded = true; return this; },
exposed = els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)});
els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)});
load: function(els, conf) { // already loaded ? if (loaded) { return this; } // configuration if (typeof conf == 'string') { conf = {color: conf}; } config = conf = $.extend($.extend({}, tool.conf), conf); // get the mask mask = $("#" + conf.maskId); // or create it if (!mask.length) { mask = $('<div/>').attr("id", conf.maskId); $("body").append(mask); } // set position and dimensions var size = viewport(); mask.css({ position:'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1], display: 'none', opacity: conf.startOpacity, zIndex: conf.zIndex }); // background color if (conf.color) { mask.css("backgroundColor", conf.color); } // onBeforeLoad if (call(conf.onBeforeLoad) === false) { return this; } // esc button if (conf.closeOnEsc) { $(document).bind("keydown.mask", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { $.mask.close(e); } }); } // mask click closes if (conf.closeOnClick) { mask.bind("click.mask", function(e) { $.mask.close(e); }); } // resize mask when window is resized $(window).bind("resize.mask", function() { $; }); // exposed elements if (els && els.length) { overlayIndex = els.eq(0).css("zIndex"); // make sure element is positioned absolutely or relatively $.each(els, function() { var el = $(this); if (!/relative|absolute|fixed/i.test(el.css("position"))) { el.css("position", "relative"); } }); // make elements sit on top of the mask exposed = els.css({zIndex:Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)}); } // reveal mask mask.css({display: 'block'}).fadeTo(conf.loadSpeed, conf.opacity, function() { $; call(conf.onLoad); }); loaded = true; return this; },
if(opts.staticData) {, opts.staticData);
if(opts.static) {, opts.static);
load : function(data, tree, opts, callback) { if(opts.staticData) {, opts.staticData); } else { $.ajax({ 'type' : opts.method, 'url' : opts.url, 'data' : data, 'dataType' : "json", 'success' : function (d, textStatus) {, d); }, 'error' : function (xhttp, textStatus, errorThrown) {, false); tree.error(errorThrown + " " + textStatus); } }); } }
if($('#templateList input:radio:checked').val() != $('#templateId').val()) { jsBackend.pages.template.changeTemplate(); }
load: function() { // set correct $('input.block_extra_id').each(function() { jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra($(this).val(), $(this).attr('id').replace('blockExtraId', '')); }) // initialize the modal for choosing an extra if($('#chooseExtra').length > 0) { $('#chooseExtra').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { // change the extra for real jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra(); // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // empty the extraForBlock $('#extraForBlock').val(''); // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } if($('#chooseTemplate').length > 0) { $('#chooseTemplate').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 500, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { // change the template for real jsBackend.pages.template.changeTemplate(); // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } },
var bg = mask.css("backgroundColor"); if (!bg || bg == 'transparent' || bg == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
if (conf.color) {
load: function(conf, els) { // already loaded ? if (loaded) { return this; } // configuration if (typeof conf == 'string') { conf = {color: conf}; } // use latest config conf = conf || config; config = conf = $.extend($.extend({}, tool.conf), conf); // get the mask mask = $("#" + conf.maskId); // or create it if (!mask.length) { mask = $('<div/>').attr("id", conf.maskId); $("body").append(mask); } // set position and dimensions var size = viewport(); mask.css({ position:'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1], display: 'none', opacity: conf.startOpacity, zIndex: conf.zIndex }); // background color var bg = mask.css("backgroundColor"); if (!bg || bg == 'transparent' || bg == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { mask.css("backgroundColor", conf.color); } // onBeforeLoad if (call(conf.onBeforeLoad) === false) { return this; } // esc button if (conf.closeOnEsc) { $(document).bind("keydown.mask", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { $.mask.close(e); } }); } // mask click closes if (conf.closeOnClick) { mask.bind("click.mask", function(e) { $.mask.close(e); }); } // resize mask when window is resized $(window).bind("resize.mask", function() { $; }); // exposed elements if (els && els.length) { overlayIndex = els.eq(0).css("zIndex"); // make sure element is positioned absolutely or relatively $.each(els, function() { var el = $(this); if (!/relative|absolute|fixed/i.test(el.css("position"))) { el.css("position", "relative"); } }); // make elements sit on top of the mask exposed = els.css({ zIndex: Math.max(conf.zIndex + 1, overlayIndex == 'auto' ? 0 : overlayIndex)}); } // reveal mask mask.css({display: 'block'}).fadeTo(conf.loadSpeed, conf.opacity, function() { $; call(conf.onLoad); }); loaded = true; return this; },
load: function() { // set correct $('input.block_extra_id').each(function() { jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra($(this).val(), $(this).attr('id').replace('blockExtraId', '')); }) // initialize the modal for choosing an extra if($('#chooseExtra').length > 0) { $('#chooseExtra').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { // change the extra for real jsBackend.pages.extras.changeExtra(); // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // empty the extraForBlock $('#extraForBlock').val(''); // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } if($('#chooseTemplate').length > 0) { $('#chooseTemplate').dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 500, buttons: { '{$lblOK|ucfirst}': function() { if($('#templateList input:radio:checked').val() != $('#templateId').val()) { // change the template for real jsBackend.pages.template.changeTemplate(); } // close dialog $(this).dialog('close'); }, '{$lblCancel|ucfirst}': function() { // close the dialog $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); } },
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'<a class=\"fref\" href=\"' + path_walked + elems[i] + '\">' + elems[i] + '</a>';
'<a class=\"fref\" href=\"' + escape(path_walked) + escape(elems[i]) + '\">' + escape(elems[i]) + '</a>';
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loadAndAutoSubmit : function (usernameName,usernameValue,
loadAndAutoSubmit : function (button, ctrlClick, usernameName,usernameValue,
loadAndAutoSubmit : function (usernameName,usernameValue, actionURL,usernameID,formID,uniqueID) { if (KFLog.logSensitiveData) KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting " + actionURL); else KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting..."); var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var newWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var b = newWindow.getBrowser(); var newTab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); newTab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); newTab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); }
KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting " + actionURL);
KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting button " + button + ctrlClick + ":" + actionURL);
loadAndAutoSubmit : function (usernameName,usernameValue, actionURL,usernameID,formID,uniqueID) { if (KFLog.logSensitiveData) KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting " + actionURL); else KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting..."); var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var newWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var b = newWindow.getBrowser(); var newTab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); newTab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); newTab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); }
KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting...");
KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting button " + button + ctrlClick + "...");
loadAndAutoSubmit : function (usernameName,usernameValue, actionURL,usernameID,formID,uniqueID) { if (KFLog.logSensitiveData) KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting " + actionURL); else KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting..."); var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var newWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var b = newWindow.getBrowser(); var newTab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); newTab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); newTab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); }
var newTab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); newTab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); newTab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes");
var tab; if (button == 1 || (button == 0 && ctrlClick)) { tab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); tab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); tab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); } else { tab = b.selectedTab; tab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); tab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); b.loadURI( actionURL, null, null); }
loadAndAutoSubmit : function (usernameName,usernameValue, actionURL,usernameID,formID,uniqueID) { if (KFLog.logSensitiveData) KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting " + actionURL); else KFLog.debug("loading and auto submitting..."); var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var newWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var b = newWindow.getBrowser(); var newTab = b.loadOneTab( actionURL, null, null, null, false, null ); newTab.setAttribute("KF_uniqueID", uniqueID); newTab.setAttribute("KF_autoSubmit", "yes"); }
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width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() { if (conf.fixed) { -= w.scrollTop(); pos.left -= w.scrollLeft(); pos.position = 'fixed'; img.add(overlay).css(pos); }
width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() {
var loadEffect = function(pos, onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), conf = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = conf.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop =; ileft = p.left; } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ position: 'absolute', top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: conf.zIndex }).show(); // put overlay into final position += w.scrollTop(); pos.left += w.scrollLeft(); pos.position = 'absolute'; overlay.css(pos); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() { if (conf.fixed) { -= w.scrollTop(); pos.left -= w.scrollLeft(); pos.position = 'fixed'; img.add(overlay).css(pos); } // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", conf.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(conf.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) {
var loadEffect = function(pos, onLoad) {
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
opts = this.getConf(),
conf = this.getConf(),
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth);
img.css({border:0, display:'none'}).width(oWidth);
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2);
var itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = conf.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2);
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1];
itop =; ileft = p.left;
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); }
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
zIndex: opts.zIndex
zIndex: conf.zIndex
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() {
width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() {
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() {
overlay.css("zIndex", conf.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(conf.fadeInSpeed, function() {
var loadEffect = function(onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), opts = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"); // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, position: opts.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute', display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var w = $(window), itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = opts.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop = p[0]; ileft = p[1]; } // adjust positioning relative to overlay scrolling position if (!opts.start.absolute) { itop += w.scrollTop(); ileft += w.scrollLeft(); } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: opts.zIndex }).show(); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, opts.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", opts.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
position: position,
position: 'absolute',
var loadEffect = function(pos, onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), conf = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"), position = conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'; // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = conf.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop =; ileft = p.left; } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ position: position, top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: conf.zIndex }).show(); // put overlay into final position += w.scrollTop(); pos.left += w.scrollLeft(); pos.position = position; overlay.css(pos); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", conf.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(conf.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); }; += w.scrollTop(); pos.left += w.scrollLeft();
var loadEffect = function(pos, onLoad) { var overlay = this.getOverlay(), conf = this.getConf(), trigger = this.getTrigger(), self = this, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), img ="img"), position = conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'; // growing image is required. if (!img) { var bg = overlay.css("backgroundImage"); if (!bg) { throw "background-image CSS property not set for overlay"; } // url("bg.jpg") --> bg.jpg bg = bg.slice(bg.indexOf("(") + 1, bg.indexOf(")")).replace(/\"/g, ""); overlay.css("backgroundImage", "none"); img = $('<img src="' + bg + '"/>'); img.css({border:0, display:'none'}).width(oWidth); $('body').append(img);"img", img); } // initial top & left var itop = || Math.round(w.height() / 2), ileft = conf.start.left || Math.round(w.width() / 2); if (trigger) { var p = getPosition(trigger); itop =; ileft = p.left; } // initialize background image and make it visible img.css({ position: position, top: itop, left: ileft, width: 0, zIndex: conf.zIndex }).show(); // put overlay into final position += w.scrollTop(); pos.left += w.scrollLeft(); pos.position = position; overlay.css(pos); // begin growing img.animate({ top: overlay.css("top"), left: overlay.css("left"), width: oWidth}, conf.speed, function() { // set close button and content over the image overlay.css("zIndex", conf.zIndex + 1).fadeIn(conf.fadeInSpeed, function() { if (self.isOpened() && !$(this).index(overlay)) {; } else { overlay.hide(); } }); }); };
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throw "We couldn't find a favicon for this URL: " + url;
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if (cswRecord.getFilteredOnlineResources('WFS').length != 0) {
if (cswRecord.getFilteredOnlineResources('WFS').length !== 0) {
var loadLayer = function(activeLayerRecord) { var cswRecords = activeLayerRecord.getCSWRecords(); //We simplify things by treating the record list as a single type of WFS, WCS or WMS //So lets find the first record with a type we can choose (Prioritise WFS -> WCS -> WMS) if (cswRecords.length > 0) { var cswRecord = cswRecords[0]; if (cswRecord.getFilteredOnlineResources('WFS').length != 0) { wfsHandler(activeLayerRecord); } else if (cswRecord.getFilteredOnlineResources('WCS').length != 0) { wcsHandler(activeLayerRecord); } else if (cswRecord.getFilteredOnlineResources('WMS').length != 0) { wmsHandler(activeLayerRecord); } else { genericRecordHandler(activeLayerRecord); } } };