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if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading");
obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open");
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { var _this = this; if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE"); if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading"); //obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); //obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return; } obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback); } this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true; },
this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return;
var _datastore = new $.tree.datastores[](); _datastore.load(this.callback("beforedata",[obj,this]),this,,function(data){ data = _this.callback("ondata", [data, _this]); if(!data || data.length == 0) { obj.removeClass("closed").removeClass("open").addClass("leaf").children("ul").remove(); if(callback); return; } _datastore.parse(data,_this,,function(str){ str = _this.callback("onparse", [str, _this]); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").replaceWith($("<ul>").html(str)); obj.find("li:last-child").addClass("last").end().find("li:has(ul)").not(".open").addClass("closed"); obj.find("li").not(".open").not(".closed").addClass("leaf"); _this.open_branch.apply(_this, [obj]); if(callback); }); }); return true;
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { var _this = this; if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE"); if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading"); //obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); //obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return; } obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback); } this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true; },
obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display","");
else { if(! { if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); } if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open");
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { var _this = this; if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE"); if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading"); //obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); //obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return; } obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback); } this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true; },
}); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback);
} this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true;
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { var _this = this; if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE"); if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading"); //obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); //obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return; } obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback); } this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true; },
this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true;
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { var _this = this; if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE"); if( && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { obj.children("a").addClass("loading"); //obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"); //obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); this._load_branch(obj, function () { _this.open_branch(obj, disable_animation, callback); }); return; } obj.children("a").removeClass("loading"); if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER"); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback); } this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]); return true; },
function open_panel() { var menu_item, panel_container = document.createElement("div"); menu_item = document.createElement("input"); menu_item.type = "button"; menu_item.value="close"; menu_item.onclick = function () { close_panel(); } panel_container.appendChild(menu_item); panel.appendChild(panel_container); panel.className = "panel"; = "block"; = -panel.offsetHeight + "px"; = ((window.innerWidth / 2) - (panel.offsetWidth / 2)) + "px"; panel.className = "panel slide"; window.setTimeout(function () { = 0; }, 0); }
if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); }
if (maskConf) { $(overlay).expose(maskConf); }
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } // position overlay overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left}); // load effect eff[0].call(self, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); }
if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left});
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } // position overlay overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left}); // load effect eff[0].call(self, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); }
eff[0].call(self, function() {
eff[0].call(self, {top: top, left: left}, function() {
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } // position overlay overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left}); // load effect eff[0].call(self, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); }
if (maskConf) {
if (maskConf && conf.closeOnClick) {
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } // position overlay overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left}); // load effect eff[0].call(self, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); }
if (conf.load) { self.load(); }
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $.mask.load(overlay, maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } if (!conf.absolute) { top += w.scrollTop(); left += w.scrollLeft(); } // position overlay overlay.css({position: conf.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'}).css({top: top, left: left}); // load effect eff[0].call(self, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); }
maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose),
maskConf = $.tools.expose && (conf.mask || conf.expose),
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.mask && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $(overlay).expose(maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } // load effect eff[0].call(self, {top: top, left: left}, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf && conf.closeOnClick) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); // autoload if (conf.load) { self.load(); } }
$(self).bind(name, fn);
if (fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); }
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.expose && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $(overlay).expose(maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } // load effect eff[0].call(self, {top: top, left: left}, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf && conf.closeOnClick) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<a class="close"></a>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); // autoload if (conf.load) { self.load(); } }
closers = $('<div class="close"></div>');
closers = $('<a class="close"></a>');
function Overlay(trigger, conf) { // private variables var self = this, fire = trigger.add(self), w = $(window), closers, overlay, opened, maskConf = $.tools.expose && (conf.mask || conf.expose), uid = Math.random().toString().slice(10); // mask configuration if (maskConf) { if (typeof maskConf == 'string') { maskConf = {color: maskConf}; } maskConf.closeOnClick = maskConf.closeOnEsc = false; } // get overlay and triggerr var jq = || trigger.attr("rel"); overlay = jq ? $(jq) : null || trigger; // overlay not found. cannot continue if (!overlay.length) { throw "Could not find Overlay: " + jq; } // trigger's click event if (trigger && trigger.index(overlay) == -1) { { self.load(e); return e.preventDefault(); }); } // API methods $.extend(self, { load: function(e) { // can be opened only once if (self.isOpened()) { return self; } // find the effect var eff = effects[conf.effect]; if (!eff) { throw "Overlay: cannot find effect : \"" + conf.effect + "\""; } // close other instances? if (conf.oneInstance) { $.each(instances, function() { this.close(e); }); } // onBeforeLoad e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeLoad"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } // opened opened = true; // possible mask effect if (maskConf) { $(overlay).expose(maskConf); } // position & dimensions var top =, left = conf.left, oWidth = overlay.outerWidth({margin:true}), oHeight = overlay.outerHeight({margin:true}); if (typeof top == 'string') { top = top == 'center' ? Math.max((w.height() - oHeight) / 2, 0) : parseInt(top, 10) / 100 * w.height(); } if (left == 'center') { left = Math.max((w.width() - oWidth) / 2, 0); } // load effect eff[0].call(self, {top: top, left: left}, function() { if (opened) { e.type = "onLoad"; fire.trigger(e); } }); // closes overlay if (maskConf && conf.closeOnClick) { $.mask.getMask().one("click", self.close); } // when window is clicked outside overlay, we close if (conf.closeOnClick) { $(document).bind("click." + uid, function(e) { if (!$( { self.close(e); } }); } // keyboard::escape if (conf.closeOnEsc) { // one callback is enough if multiple instances are loaded simultaneously $(document).bind("keydown." + uid, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { self.close(e); } }); } return self; }, close: function(e) { if (!self.isOpened()) { return self; } e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClose"; fire.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } opened = false; // close effect effects[conf.effect][1].call(self, function() { e.type = "onClose"; fire.trigger(e); }); // unbind the keyboard / clicking actions $(document).unbind("click." + uid).unbind("keydown." + uid); if (maskConf) { $.mask.close(); } return self; }, getOverlay: function() { return overlay; }, getTrigger: function() { return trigger; }, getClosers: function() { return closers; }, isOpened: function() { return opened; }, // manipulate start, finish and speeds getConf: function() { return conf; } }); // callbacks $.each("onBeforeLoad,onStart,onLoad,onBeforeClose,onClose".split(","), function(i, name) { // configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); } // API self[name] = function(fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); return self; }; }); // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } { self.close(e); }); // autoload if (conf.load) { self.load(); } }
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strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12', '\n');
strTune = strTune.gsub('\r\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r', '\n');
this.parse = function(strTune) { tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); // Take care of whatever line endings come our way strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; // Tacked on temporarily to make the last line continuation work strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); // take care of line continuations right away, but keep the same number of characters var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) // remove the blank line we added above. lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
} else if (multilineVars.inTextBlock) { if (line.startsWith("%%endtext")) { tune.addMetaText("textBlock", multilineVars.textBlock); multilineVars.inTextBlock = false; } else multilineVars.textBlock += ' ' + line;
this.parse = function(strTune) { tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); // Take care of whatever line endings come our way strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; // Tacked on temporarily to make the last line continuation work strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); // take care of line continuations right away, but keep the same number of characters var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) // remove the blank line we added above. lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; strTune = strTune.replace(/\n\\.*\n/g, "\n"); strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else if (multilineVars.inTextBlock) { if (line.startsWith("%%endtext")) { tune.addMetaText("textBlock", multilineVars.textBlock); multilineVars.inTextBlock = false; } else multilineVars.textBlock += ' ' + line;
tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; strTune = strTune.replace(/\n\\.*\n/g, "\n"); strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line);
this.parse = function(strTune) { tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); // Take care of whatever line endings come our way strTune = strTune.gsub('\r\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; // Tacked on temporarily to make the last line continuation work strTune = strTune.replace(/\n\\.*\n/g, "\n"); // get rid of latex commands. strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); // take care of line continuations right away, but keep the same number of characters var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) // remove the blank line we added above. lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else if (multilineVars.inTextBlock) { if (line.startsWith("%%endtext")) { tune.addMetaText("textBlock", multilineVars.textBlock); multilineVars.inTextBlock = false; } else multilineVars.textBlock += ' ' + line; } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else if (multilineVars.inTextBlock) { if (line.startsWith("%%endtext")) { tune.addMetaText("textBlock", multilineVars.textBlock); multilineVars.inTextBlock = false; } else multilineVars.textBlock += ' ' + line; } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
this.parse = function(strTune) { tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); // Take care of whatever line endings come our way strTune = strTune.gsub('\r\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\r', '\n'); strTune += '\n'; // Tacked on temporarily to make the last line continuation work strTune = strTune.replace(/\n\\.*\n/g, "\n"); // get rid of latex commands. strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); // take care of line continuations right away, but keep the same number of characters var lines = strTune.split('\n'); if (lines.last().length === 0) // remove the blank line we added above. lines.pop(); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else if (multilineVars.inTextBlock) { if (line.startsWith("%%endtext")) { tune.addMetaText("textBlock", multilineVars.textBlock); multilineVars.inTextBlock = false; } else multilineVars.textBlock += ' ' + line; } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
if (lines.last().length === 0) lines.pop();
this.parse = function(strTune) { tune.reset(); multilineVars.reset(); // Take care of whatever line endings come our way strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12\n', '\n'); strTune = strTune.gsub('\x12', '\n'); strTune = strTune.replace(/\\([ \t]*)\n/g, "$1 \x12"); // take care of line continuations right away, but keep the same number of characters var lines = strTune.split('\n'); lines.each( function(line) { if (multilineVars.is_in_history) { if (line[1] === ':') { multilineVars.is_in_history = false; parseLine(line); } else tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line))); } else parseLine(line); multilineVars.iChar += line.length + 1; }); tune.cleanUp(); };
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var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null;
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matches[i] = parseInt(matches[i], 10) || 0;
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] -= 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]);
date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]);
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} else if (matches[4]) {
} else {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4]) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
} else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]);
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4]) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
if (matches[7]) {
if (matches[7] === undefined) {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4]) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
} else if (matches[4]) {
} else if (matches[4] === undefined) {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4]) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
if (matches[7] === undefined) {
if (matches[7]) {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7] === undefined) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4] === undefined) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
} else if (matches[4] === undefined) {
} else if (matches[4]) {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; var year, month, day, hour, min, sec = null; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = matches[i] == undefined? 0 : parseInt(matches[i], 10); } // month starts on 0 matches[2] = matches[2] - 1; if (matches[7] === undefined) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else if (matches[4] === undefined) { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) {
matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/); if (matches) {
I18n.parseDate = function(d) { var matches, date; if (matches = d.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ |T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?(Z)?/)) { // date/time strings: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { matches[i] = parseInt(matches[i], 10) || 0; } // month starts on 0 matches[2] -= 1; if (matches[7]) { date = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6])); } else { date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]); } } else if (typeof(d) == "number") { // UNIX timestamp date = new Date(); date.setTime(d); } else { // an arbitrary javascript string date = new Date(); date.setTime(Date.parse(d)); } return date;};
if (!/^\d+$/.test(val)) { return; }
if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(val)) { return; }
function parseDate(val) { if (!val) { return; } if (val.constructor == Date) { return val; } if (typeof val == 'string') { // rfc3339? var els = val.split("-"); if (els.length == 3) { return new Date(integer(els[0]), integer(els[1]) -1, integer(els[2])); } // invalid offset if (!/^\d+$/.test(val)) { return; } // convert to integer val = integer(val); } var date = new Date(); date.setDate(date.getDate() + val); return date; }
if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2);
if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return {}; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return {}; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0 && line[0] !== 'w') { nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return {}; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': this.resolveTempo(); var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; break; case 'L': this.setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': multilineVars.origMeter = multilineVars.meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': var tempo = this.setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo; break; case 'T': this.setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': this.addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) return { newline: true }; break; case 'w': return { words: true }; case 'X': break; case 'E': case 'm': warn("Ignored header", line, 0); break; default: if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; return { regular: true, str: line+nextLine }; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) return { recurse: true, str: nextLine };
this.parseHeader = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return {}; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return {}; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0 && line[0] !== 'w') { // w: is the only header field that can have a continuation. nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); //This handles a continuation mark on a header field } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return {}; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now this.resolveTempo(); var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': this.setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': multilineVars.origMeter = multilineVars.meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': var tempo = this.setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo; break; case 'T': this.setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': this.addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) return { newline: true }; break; case 'w': return { words: true }; break; case 'X': break; case 'E': case 'm': warn("Ignored header", line, 0); break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; //parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); //nextLine = ""; return { regular: true, str: line+nextLine }; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) return { recurse: true, str: nextLine }; return {}; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic return { regular: true, str: line }; };
line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return {};
this.parseHeader = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return {}; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return {}; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0 && line[0] !== 'w') { // w: is the only header field that can have a continuation. nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); //This handles a continuation mark on a header field } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return {}; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now this.resolveTempo(); var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': this.setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': multilineVars.origMeter = multilineVars.meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': var tempo = this.setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo; break; case 'T': this.setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': this.addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) return { newline: true }; break; case 'w': return { words: true }; break; case 'X': break; case 'E': case 'm': warn("Ignored header", line, 0); break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; //parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); //nextLine = ""; return { regular: true, str: line+nextLine }; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) return { recurse: true, str: nextLine }; return {}; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic return { regular: true, str: line }; };
if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0 && line[0] !== 'w') { nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return {}; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': this.resolveTempo(); var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; break; case 'L': this.setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': multilineVars.origMeter = multilineVars.meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': var tempo = this.setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo; break; case 'T': this.setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': this.addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) return { newline: true }; break; case 'w': return { words: true }; break; case 'X': break; case 'E': case 'm': warn("Ignored header", line, 0); break; default: if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; return { regular: true, str: line+nextLine }; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) return { recurse: true, str: nextLine }; return {}; } } return { regular: true, str: line }; };
return { regular: true, str: line }; };
this.parseHeader = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = this.addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return {}; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return {}; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0 && line[0] !== 'w') { // w: is the only header field that can have a continuation. nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); //This handles a continuation mark on a header field } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return {}; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now this.resolveTempo(); var result = this.parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, this.fixKey(multilineVars.clef, multilineVars.key)); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': this.setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': multilineVars.origMeter = multilineVars.meter = this.setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': var tempo = this.setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo; break; case 'T': this.setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': this.addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': this.parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) return { newline: true }; break; case 'w': return { words: true }; break; case 'X': break; case 'E': case 'm': warn("Ignored header", line, 0); break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; //parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); //nextLine = ""; return { regular: true, str: line+nextLine }; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) return { recurse: true, str: nextLine }; return {}; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic return { regular: true, str: line }; };
ret.accidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.accidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); });
ret = this.deepCopyKey(keys[key]);
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret.accidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.accidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
var setMiddle = function(str) {
var setClefMiddle = function(str) {
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
var ret = {};
var ret = { root: 'none', acc: '', mode: '' };
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = "";
ret.root = "HP";
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = "";
ret.root = "Hp";
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = "";
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { str = tokenizer.stripComment(str); var origStr = str; if (str.length === 0) { // an empty K: field is the same as K:none str = 'none'; } // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // TODO: The above description does not seem to be valid as key names rather than indexes are used -- GD var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; //TODO multilinevars.key is not set - is this normal? -- GD } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey({accidentals: keys[key]}); ret.root = retPitch.token; ret.acc = retAcc.token || ""; ret.mode = retMode.token || ""; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "HP"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.root = "Hp"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; ret.root = "none"; ret.acc = ""; ret.mode = ""; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { // Adjust the octave of the accidentals, if necessary ret.accidentals.each(function(acc) { if (retClef.token === 'bass') { //if (acc.note === 'A') acc.note = 'a'; //if (acc.note === 'B') acc.note = 'b'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; if (acc.note === 'D' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'd'; if (acc.note === 'E' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'e'; if (acc.note === 'F' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'f'; if (acc.note === 'G' && acc.acc !== 'flat') acc.note = 'g'; } else { if (acc.note === 'a') acc.note = 'A'; if (acc.note === 'b') acc.note = 'B'; if (acc.note === 'C') acc.note = 'c'; } }); multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str);
var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str); } }; var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token);
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); //ret.regularKey = keys.C; return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
}; var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) {
} } retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else {
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); //ret.regularKey = keys.C; return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
return {foundClef: true};
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); //ret.regularKey = keys.C; return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.middle = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret.extraAccidentals = []; keys[key].each(function(k) { ret.extraAccidentals.push(Object.clone(k)); }); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.extraAccidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.extraAccidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token, middle: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0) }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); //ret.regularKey = keys.C; return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
if (str.length === 0) { str = 'none'; }
this.parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. var setMiddle = function(str) { var i = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(i); if (str.startsWith('m=') || str.startsWith('middle=')) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf('=')+1); multilineVars.clef.verticalPos = parseMiddle(str); } }; // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } // We need to do a deep copy because we are going to modify it ret = this.deepCopyKey(keys[key]); } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { this.addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.accidentals = []; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.accidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; this.addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.accidentals = []; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // There are two special cases of deprecated syntax. Ignore them if they occur var j = tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(str); str = str.substring(j); if (str.startsWith('exp') || str.startsWith('oct')) str = str.substring(3); // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) warn("error parsing extra accidentals:", origStr, 0); else { if (!ret.accidentals) ret.accidentals = []; ret.accidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) warn("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn, origStr, 0); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = {type: retClef.token, verticalPos: calcMiddle(retClef.token, 0)}; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str); } } if (ret.accidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { warn("error parsing key: ", origStr, 0); return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.accidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
multilineVars.clef = retClef.token;
multilineVars.clef = { type: retClef.token }; str = str.substring(retClef.len); setMiddle(str);
var parseKey = function(str) // (and clef) { var origStr = str; // The format is: // [space][tonic[#|b][ ][3-letter-mode][ignored-chars][space]][ accidentals...][ clef=treble|bass|bass3|tenor|alto|alto2|alto1|none [+8|-8]] // -- or -- the key can be "none" // First get the key letter: turn that into a index into the key array (0-11) // Then see if there is a sharp or flat. Increment or decrement. // Then see if there is a mode modifier. Add or subtract to the index. // Then do a mod 12 on the index and return the key. // TODO: This may leave unparsed characters at the end after something reasonable was found. // check first to see if there is only a clef. If so, just take that, but ignore an error after that. var retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.token !== undefined && (retClef.explicit === true || retClef.token !== 'none')) { // none is the only ambiguous marking. We need to assume that's a key multilineVars.clef = retClef.token; return {foundClef: true}; } var ret = {}; var retPitch = tokenizer.getKeyPitch(str); if (retPitch.len > 0) { var key = retPitch.token; str = str.substring(retPitch.len); // We got a pitch to start with, so we might also have an accidental and a mode var retAcc = tokenizer.getSharpFlat(str); if (retAcc.len > 0) { key += retAcc.token; str = str.substring(retAcc.len); } var retMode = tokenizer.getMode(str); if (retMode.len > 0) { key += retMode.token; str = str.substring(retMode.len); } ret.regularKey = keys[key]; } else if (str.startsWith('HP')) { addDirective("bagpipes"); ret.regularKey = keys.C; multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else if (str.startsWith('Hp')) { ret.extraAccidentals = [ {acc: 'natural', note: 'g'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'f'}, {acc: 'sharp', note: 'c'} ]; addDirective("bagpipes"); multilineVars.key = ret; return {foundKey: true}; } else { var retNone = tokenizer.isMatch(str, 'none'); if (retNone > 0) { // we got the none key - that's the same as C to us ret.regularKey = keys.C; str = str.substring(retNone); } } // now see if there are extra accidentals var done = false; while (!done) { var retExtra = tokenizer.getKeyAccidental(str); if (retExtra.len === 0) done = true; else { str = str.substring(retExtra.len); if (retExtra.warn) addWarning("error parsing extra accidentals:" + origStr); else { if (!ret.extraAccidentals) ret.extraAccidentals = []; ret.extraAccidentals.push(retExtra.token); } } } // now see if there is a clef retClef = tokenizer.getClef(str); if (retClef.len > 0) { if (retClef.warn) addWarning("error parsing clef:" + retClef.warn); else { //ret.clef = retClef.token; multilineVars.clef = retClef.token; } } if (ret.regularKey === undefined && ret.extraAccidentals === undefined && retClef.token === undefined) { addWarning("error parsing key: " + origStr); //ret.regularKey = keys.C; return {}; } var result = {}; if (retClef.token !== undefined) result.foundClef = true; if (ret.regularKey !== undefined || ret.extraAccidentals !== undefined) { multilineVars.key = ret; result.foundKey = true; } return result; };
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef});
tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef);
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; // an eighth note is 1 multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } } break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. parseRegularMusicLine(line); } } return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } }
setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length);
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; // an eighth note is 1 multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } } break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. parseRegularMusicLine(line); } } return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); nextLine = "";
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; // an eighth note is 1 multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } } break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. parseRegularMusicLine(line); } } return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
if (nextLine.length > 0) parseLine(nextLine);
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; // an eighth note is 1 multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } } break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. parseRegularMusicLine(line); } } return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
setTempo(line, 2, line.length);
var tempo = setTempo(line, 2, line.length); if (tempo.type === 'delaySet') multilineVars.tempo = tempo.tempo; else if (tempo.type === 'immediate') tune.metaText.tempo = tempo.tempo;
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0) { nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); //This handles a continuation mark on a header field } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); nextLine = ""; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) parseLine(nextLine); return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
case 'm': warn("Unknown header", line, 0);
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var nextLine = ""; if (line.indexOf('\x12') >= 0) { nextLine = line.substring(line.indexOf('\x12')+1); line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\x12')); //This handles a continuation mark on a header field } var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, multilineVars.clef); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': setDefaultLength(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. if (nextLine.length) nextLine = "\x12" + nextLine; parseRegularMusicLine(line+nextLine); nextLine = ""; } } if (nextLine.length > 0) parseLine(nextLine); return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
case 'U': addUserDefinition(line, 2, line.length); break;
var parseLine = function(line) { if (line.startsWith('%%')) { var err = addDirective(line.substring(2)); if (err) warn(err, line, 2); return; } line = tokenizer.stripComment(line); if (line.length === 0) return; if (line.length >= 2) { if (line[1] === ':') { var field = metaTextHeaders[line[0]]; if (field !== undefined) { tune.addMetaText(field, tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); return; } else { switch(line[0]) { case 'H': tune.addMetaText("history", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); multilineVars.is_in_history = true; break; case 'K': // since the key is the last thing that can happen in the header, we can resolve the tempo now resolveTempo(); var result = parseKey(line.substring(2)); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header && tune.hasBeginMusic()) { if (result.foundClef) tune.appendStartingElement('clef', -1, -1, {type: multilineVars.clef}); if (result.foundKey) tune.appendStartingElement('key', -1, -1, multilineVars.key); } multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // The first key signifies the end of the header. break; case 'L': var len = line.substring(2).gsub(" ", ""); var len_arr = len.split('/'); if (len_arr.length === 2) { var n = parseInt(len_arr[0]); var d = parseInt(len_arr[1]); if (d > 0) { var q = n / d; multilineVars.default_length = q*8; // an eighth note is 1 multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; } } break; case 'M': setMeter(line.substring(2)); break; case 'P': // TODO-PER: There is more to do with parts, but the writer doesn't care. if (multilineVars.is_in_header) tune.addMetaText("partOrder", tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2)))); else multilineVars.partForNextLine = tokenizer.translateString(tokenizer.stripComment(line.substring(2))); break; case 'Q': setTempo(line, 2, line.length); break; case 'T': setTitle(line.substring(2)); break; case 'V': parseVoice(line, 2, line.length); if (!multilineVars.is_in_header) startNewLine(); break; case 'w': addWords(tune.getCurrentVoice(), line.substring(2)); break; case 'X': case 'E': break; default: // It wasn't a recognized header value, so parse it as music. parseRegularMusicLine(line); } } return; } } // If we got this far, we have a regular line of mulsic parseRegularMusicLine(line); };
var mid = pitches[str[0]]; for (i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] === ',') mid -= 7; else if (str[i] === ',') mid += 7; } return mid; };
var mid = pitches[str[0]]; for (var i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] === ',') mid -= 7; else if (str[i] === ',') mid += 7; } return mid; };
var parseMiddle = function(str) { var mid = pitches[str[0]]; for (i = 1; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] === ',') mid -= 7; else if (str[i] === ',') mid += 7; } return mid; };
var tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === '(') tok = tokens.shift(); while (1) { if (tok.type !== 'number') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.value += parseInt(tok.token); ret.num += tok.token;
var tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === '(') tok = tokens.shift(); while (1) { if (tok.type !== 'number') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.value += parseInt(tok.token); ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === ')') {
var parseNum = function() { // handles this much: [open_paren] decimal [ plus|dot decimal ]... [close_paren] var ret = { value: 0, num: "" }; var tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === '(') tok = tokens.shift(); while (1) { if (tok.type !== 'number') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.value += parseInt(tok.token); ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === ')') { if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; throw "Unexpected paren in meter"; } if (tok.token !== '.' && tok.token !== '+') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0) throw "Expected top number of meter"; tok = tokens.shift(); } return ret; // just to suppress warning };
tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === ')') { if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; throw "Unexpected paren in meter"; } if (tok.token !== '.' && tok.token !== '+') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0) throw "Expected top number of meter"; tok = tokens.shift();
throw "Unexpected paren in meter";
var parseNum = function() { // handles this much: [open_paren] decimal [ plus|dot decimal ]... [close_paren] var ret = { value: 0, num: "" }; var tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === '(') tok = tokens.shift(); while (1) { if (tok.type !== 'number') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.value += parseInt(tok.token); ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === ')') { if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; throw "Unexpected paren in meter"; } if (tok.token !== '.' && tok.token !== '+') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0) throw "Expected top number of meter"; tok = tokens.shift(); } return ret; // just to suppress warning };
return ret; };
if (tok.token !== '.' && tok.token !== '+') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0) throw "Expected top number of meter"; tok = tokens.shift(); } return ret; };
var parseNum = function() { // handles this much: [open_paren] decimal [ plus|dot decimal ]... [close_paren] var ret = { value: 0, num: "" }; var tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === '(') tok = tokens.shift(); while (1) { if (tok.type !== 'number') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.value += parseInt(tok.token); ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; tok = tokens.shift(); if (tok.token === ')') { if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].token === '/') return ret; throw "Unexpected paren in meter"; } if (tok.token !== '.' && tok.token !== '+') throw "Expected top number of meter"; ret.num += tok.token; if (tokens.length === 0) throw "Expected top number of meter"; tok = tokens.shift(); } return ret; // just to suppress warning };
multilineVars.havent_set_length = false;
var parseRegularMusicLine = function(line) { resolveTempo(); multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; // To late to set this now. multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // We should have gotten a key header by now, but just in case, this is definitely out of the header. var i = 0; var startOfLine = multilineVars.iChar; // see if there is nothing but a comment on this line. If so, just ignore it. A full line comment is optional white space followed by % while (tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i]) && i < line.length) i++; if (i === line.length || line[i] === '%') return; // Start with the standard staff, clef and key symbols on each line if (multilineVars.start_new_line) { startNewLine(); } multilineVars.start_new_line = true; var tripletNotesLeft = 0; //var tripletMultiplier = 0; var inTie = false; var inTieChord = {}; // See if the line starts with a header field var retHeader = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (retHeader[0] > 0) { i += retHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers } var el = { }; while (i < line.length) { var startI = i; if (line[i] === '%') break; var retInlineHeader = letter_to_inline_header(line, i); if (retInlineHeader[0] > 0) { i += retInlineHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers //multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } else {// var el = { }; // We need to decide if the following characters are a bar-marking or a note-group. // Unfortunately, that is ambiguous. Both can contain chord symbols and decorations. // If there is a grace note either before or after the chord symbols and decorations, then it is definitely a note-group. // If there is a bar marker, it is definitely a bar-marking. // If there is either a core-note or chord, it is definitely a note-group. // So, loop while we find grace-notes, chords-symbols, or decorations. [It is an error to have more than one grace-note group in a row; the others can be multiple] // Then, if there is a grace-note, we know where to go. // Else see if we have a chord, core-note, slur, triplet, or bar. while (1) { var ret = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); if (ret > 0) { i += ret; } if (i > 0 && line[i-1] === '\x12') { // there is one case where a line continuation isn't the same as being on the same line, and that is if the next character after it is a header. ret = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO: insert header here i += ret[0]; multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } } // gather all the grace notes, chord symbols and decorations ret = letter_to_spacer(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { i += ret[0]; } ret = letter_to_chord(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO-PER: There could be more than one chord here if they have different positions. el.chord = {name: tokenizer.translateString(ret[1]), position: ret[2]}; i += ret[0]; i += tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(line.substring(i)); } else { ret = letter_to_accent(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { if (ret[1] === null) { if (i+1 < line.length) startNewLine(); // There was a ! in the middle of the line. Start a new line if there is anything after it. } else if (ret[1].length > 0) { if (el.decoration === undefined) el.decoration = []; el.decoration.push(ret[1]); } i += ret[0]; } else { ret = letter_to_grace(line, i); // TODO-PER: Be sure there aren't already grace notes defined. That is an error. if (ret[0] > 0) { el.gracenotes = ret[1]; i += ret[0]; } else break; } } } ret = letter_to_bar(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // This is definitely a bar if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i); var bar = {type: ret[1]}; if (bar.type.length === 0) warn("Unknown bar type", line, i); else { if (ret[2]) bar.number = ret[2]; if (el.decoration !== undefined) bar.decoration = el.decoration; if (el.chord !== undefined) bar.chord = el.chord; tune.appendElement('bar', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i+ret[0], bar); el = {}; } i += ret[0]; } else { // This is definitely a note group // // Look for as many open slurs and triplets as there are. (Note: only the first triplet is valid.) ret = letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets(line, i); if (ret.consumed > 0) { if (ret.startSlur !== undefined) el.startSlur = ret.startSlur; if (ret.triplet !== undefined) { if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { el.startTriplet = ret.triplet; tripletNotesLeft = ret.num_notes === undefined ? ret.triplet : ret.num_notes; } } i += ret.consumed; } // handle chords. if (line[i] === '[') { i++; var chordDuration = null; var done = false; while (!done) { var chordNote = getCoreNote(line, i, {}, false); if (chordNote !== null) { if (el.pitches === undefined) el.pitches = [ chordNote ]; else el.pitches.push(chordNote); if (inTieChord[el.pitches.length]) { chordNote.endTie = true; inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = undefined; } if (chordNote.startTie) inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = true; i = chordNote.endChar; } else if (line[i] === ' ') { // Spaces are not allowed in chords, but we can recover from it by ignoring it. warn("Spaces are not allowed in chords", line, i); i++; } else { if (i < line.length && line[i] === ']') { // consume the close bracket i++; if (multilineVars.next_note_duration !== 0) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * multilineVars.next_note_duration; }); multilineVars.next_note_duration = 0; } if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } var postChordDone = false; while (i < line.length && !postChordDone) { switch (line[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': addEndBeam(el); break; case ')': if (el.endSlur === undefined) el.endSlur = 1; else el.endSlur++; break; case '-': if (el.startTie === true) // can only have one of these postChordDone = true; else { el.startTie = true; inTie = true; } break; case '>': case '<': var br2 = getBrokenRhythm(line, i); i += br2[0] - 1; // index gets incremented below, so we'll let that happen multilineVars.next_note_duration = br2[2]; chordDuration = br2[1]; break; default: postChordDone = true; break; } if (!postChordDone) { i++; } } } else warn("Expected ']' to end the chords", line, i); if (el.pitches !== undefined) { if (chordDuration !== null) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * chordDuration; }); } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i, el); el = {}; } done = true; } } } else { // Single pitch var core = getCoreNote(line, i, el, true); if (core !== null) { el = core; if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (el.startTie) inTie = true; i = el.endChar; if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } if (ret.end_beam) addEndBeam(el); tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+1, el); el = {}; } } if (i === startI) { // don't know what this is, so ignore it. if (line[i] !== ' ' && line[i] !== '`') warn("Unknown character ignored", line, i); i++; } } } } };
bar.number = ret[2];
bar.ending = ret[2];
var parseRegularMusicLine = function(line) { resolveTempo(); multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; // To late to set this now. multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // We should have gotten a key header by now, but just in case, this is definitely out of the header. var i = 0; var startOfLine = multilineVars.iChar; // see if there is nothing but a comment on this line. If so, just ignore it. A full line comment is optional white space followed by % while (tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i]) && i < line.length) i++; if (i === line.length || line[i] === '%') return; // Start with the standard staff, clef and key symbols on each line if (multilineVars.start_new_line) { startNewLine(); } multilineVars.start_new_line = true; var tripletNotesLeft = 0; //var tripletMultiplier = 0; var inTie = false; var inTieChord = {}; // See if the line starts with a header field var retHeader = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (retHeader[0] > 0) { i += retHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers } var el = { }; while (i < line.length) { var startI = i; if (line[i] === '%') break; var retInlineHeader = letter_to_inline_header(line, i); if (retInlineHeader[0] > 0) { i += retInlineHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers //multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } else {// var el = { }; // We need to decide if the following characters are a bar-marking or a note-group. // Unfortunately, that is ambiguous. Both can contain chord symbols and decorations. // If there is a grace note either before or after the chord symbols and decorations, then it is definitely a note-group. // If there is a bar marker, it is definitely a bar-marking. // If there is either a core-note or chord, it is definitely a note-group. // So, loop while we find grace-notes, chords-symbols, or decorations. [It is an error to have more than one grace-note group in a row; the others can be multiple] // Then, if there is a grace-note, we know where to go. // Else see if we have a chord, core-note, slur, triplet, or bar. while (1) { var ret = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); if (ret > 0) { i += ret; } if (i > 0 && line[i-1] === '\x12') { // there is one case where a line continuation isn't the same as being on the same line, and that is if the next character after it is a header. ret = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO: insert header here i += ret[0]; multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } } // gather all the grace notes, chord symbols and decorations ret = letter_to_spacer(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { i += ret[0]; } ret = letter_to_chord(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO-PER: There could be more than one chord here if they have different positions. el.chord = {name: tokenizer.translateString(ret[1]), position: ret[2]}; i += ret[0]; i += tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(line.substring(i)); } else { ret = letter_to_accent(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { if (ret[1] === null) { if (i+1 < line.length) startNewLine(); // There was a ! in the middle of the line. Start a new line if there is anything after it. } else if (ret[1].length > 0) { if (el.decoration === undefined) el.decoration = []; el.decoration.push(ret[1]); } i += ret[0]; } else { ret = letter_to_grace(line, i); // TODO-PER: Be sure there aren't already grace notes defined. That is an error. if (ret[0] > 0) { el.gracenotes = ret[1]; i += ret[0]; } else break; } } } ret = letter_to_bar(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // This is definitely a bar if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i); var bar = {type: ret[1]}; if (bar.type.length === 0) warn("Unknown bar type", line, i); else { if (ret[2]) bar.number = ret[2]; if (el.decoration !== undefined) bar.decoration = el.decoration; if (el.chord !== undefined) bar.chord = el.chord; tune.appendElement('bar', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i+ret[0], bar); el = {}; } i += ret[0]; } else { // This is definitely a note group // // Look for as many open slurs and triplets as there are. (Note: only the first triplet is valid.) ret = letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets(line, i); if (ret.consumed > 0) { if (ret.startSlur !== undefined) el.startSlur = ret.startSlur; if (ret.triplet !== undefined) { if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { el.startTriplet = ret.triplet; tripletNotesLeft = ret.num_notes === undefined ? ret.triplet : ret.num_notes; } } i += ret.consumed; } // handle chords. if (line[i] === '[') { i++; var chordDuration = null; var done = false; while (!done) { var chordNote = getCoreNote(line, i, {}, false); if (chordNote !== null) { if (el.pitches === undefined) el.pitches = [ chordNote ]; else el.pitches.push(chordNote); if (inTieChord[el.pitches.length]) { chordNote.endTie = true; inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = undefined; } if (chordNote.startTie) inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = true; i = chordNote.endChar; } else if (line[i] === ' ') { // Spaces are not allowed in chords, but we can recover from it by ignoring it. warn("Spaces are not allowed in chords", line, i); i++; } else { if (i < line.length && line[i] === ']') { // consume the close bracket i++; if (multilineVars.next_note_duration !== 0) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * multilineVars.next_note_duration; }); multilineVars.next_note_duration = 0; } if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } var postChordDone = false; while (i < line.length && !postChordDone) { switch (line[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': addEndBeam(el); break; case ')': if (el.endSlur === undefined) el.endSlur = 1; else el.endSlur++; break; case '-': if (el.startTie === true) // can only have one of these postChordDone = true; else { el.startTie = true; inTie = true; } break; case '>': case '<': var br2 = getBrokenRhythm(line, i); i += br2[0] - 1; // index gets incremented below, so we'll let that happen multilineVars.next_note_duration = br2[2]; chordDuration = br2[1]; break; default: postChordDone = true; break; } if (!postChordDone) { i++; } } } else warn("Expected ']' to end the chords", line, i); if (el.pitches !== undefined) { if (chordDuration !== null) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * chordDuration; }); } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i, el); el = {}; } done = true; } } } else { // Single pitch var core = getCoreNote(line, i, el, true); if (core !== null) { el = core; if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (el.startTie) inTie = true; i = el.endChar; if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } if (ret.end_beam) addEndBeam(el); tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+1, el); el = {}; } } if (i === startI) { // don't know what this is, so ignore it. if (line[i] !== ' ' && line[i] !== '`') warn("Unknown character ignored", line, i); i++; } } } } };
if (multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote) { el.barNumber = multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote; multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = null; }
var parseRegularMusicLine = function(line) { resolveTempo(); multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; // To late to set this now. multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // We should have gotten a key header by now, but just in case, this is definitely out of the header. var i = 0; var startOfLine = multilineVars.iChar; // see if there is nothing but a comment on this line. If so, just ignore it. A full line comment is optional white space followed by % while (tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i]) && i < line.length) i++; if (i === line.length || line[i] === '%') return; // Start with the standard staff, clef and key symbols on each line if (multilineVars.start_new_line) { startNewLine(); } multilineVars.start_new_line = true; var tripletNotesLeft = 0; //var tripletMultiplier = 0; var inTie = false; var inTieChord = {}; // See if the line starts with a header field var retHeader = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (retHeader[0] > 0) { i += retHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers } var el = { }; while (i < line.length) { var startI = i; if (line[i] === '%') break; var retInlineHeader = letter_to_inline_header(line, i); if (retInlineHeader[0] > 0) { i += retInlineHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers //multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } else {// var el = { }; // We need to decide if the following characters are a bar-marking or a note-group. // Unfortunately, that is ambiguous. Both can contain chord symbols and decorations. // If there is a grace note either before or after the chord symbols and decorations, then it is definitely a note-group. // If there is a bar marker, it is definitely a bar-marking. // If there is either a core-note or chord, it is definitely a note-group. // So, loop while we find grace-notes, chords-symbols, or decorations. [It is an error to have more than one grace-note group in a row; the others can be multiple] // Then, if there is a grace-note, we know where to go. // Else see if we have a chord, core-note, slur, triplet, or bar. while (1) { var ret = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); if (ret > 0) { i += ret; } if (i > 0 && line[i-1] === '\x12') { // there is one case where a line continuation isn't the same as being on the same line, and that is if the next character after it is a header. ret = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO: insert header here i += ret[0]; multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } } // gather all the grace notes, chord symbols and decorations ret = letter_to_spacer(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { i += ret[0]; } ret = letter_to_chord(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO-PER: There could be more than one chord here if they have different positions. el.chord = {name: tokenizer.translateString(ret[1]), position: ret[2]}; i += ret[0]; i += tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(line.substring(i)); } else { ret = letter_to_accent(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { if (ret[1] === null) { if (i+1 < line.length) startNewLine(); // There was a ! in the middle of the line. Start a new line if there is anything after it. } else if (ret[1].length > 0) { if (el.decoration === undefined) el.decoration = []; el.decoration.push(ret[1]); } i += ret[0]; } else { ret = letter_to_grace(line, i); // TODO-PER: Be sure there aren't already grace notes defined. That is an error. if (ret[0] > 0) { el.gracenotes = ret[1]; i += ret[0]; } else break; } } } ret = letter_to_bar(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // This is definitely a bar if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i); var bar = {type: ret[1]}; if (bar.type.length === 0) warn("Unknown bar type", line, i); else { if (ret[2]) bar.number = ret[2]; if (el.decoration !== undefined) bar.decoration = el.decoration; if (el.chord !== undefined) bar.chord = el.chord; tune.appendElement('bar', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i+ret[0], bar); el = {}; } i += ret[0]; } else { // This is definitely a note group // // Look for as many open slurs and triplets as there are. (Note: only the first triplet is valid.) ret = letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets(line, i); if (ret.consumed > 0) { if (ret.startSlur !== undefined) el.startSlur = ret.startSlur; if (ret.triplet !== undefined) { if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { el.startTriplet = ret.triplet; tripletNotesLeft = ret.num_notes === undefined ? ret.triplet : ret.num_notes; } } i += ret.consumed; } // handle chords. if (line[i] === '[') { i++; var chordDuration = null; var done = false; while (!done) { var chordNote = getCoreNote(line, i, {}, false); if (chordNote !== null) { if (el.pitches === undefined) el.pitches = [ chordNote ]; else el.pitches.push(chordNote); if (inTieChord[el.pitches.length]) { chordNote.endTie = true; inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = undefined; } if (chordNote.startTie) inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = true; i = chordNote.endChar; } else if (line[i] === ' ') { // Spaces are not allowed in chords, but we can recover from it by ignoring it. warn("Spaces are not allowed in chords", line, i); i++; } else { if (i < line.length && line[i] === ']') { // consume the close bracket i++; if (multilineVars.next_note_duration !== 0) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * multilineVars.next_note_duration; }); multilineVars.next_note_duration = 0; } if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } var postChordDone = false; while (i < line.length && !postChordDone) { switch (line[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': addEndBeam(el); break; case ')': if (el.endSlur === undefined) el.endSlur = 1; else el.endSlur++; break; case '-': if (el.startTie === true) // can only have one of these postChordDone = true; else { el.startTie = true; inTie = true; } break; case '>': case '<': var br2 = getBrokenRhythm(line, i); i += br2[0] - 1; // index gets incremented below, so we'll let that happen multilineVars.next_note_duration = br2[2]; chordDuration = br2[1]; break; default: postChordDone = true; break; } if (!postChordDone) { i++; } } } else warn("Expected ']' to end the chords", line, i); if (el.pitches !== undefined) { if (chordDuration !== null) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * chordDuration; }); } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i, el); el = {}; } done = true; } } } else { // Single pitch var core = getCoreNote(line, i, el, true); if (core !== null) { el = core; if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (el.startTie) inTie = true; i = el.endChar; if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } if (ret.end_beam) addEndBeam(el); tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+1, el); el = {}; } } if (i === startI) { // don't know what this is, so ignore it. if (line[i] !== ' ' && line[i] !== '`') warn("Unknown character ignored", line, i); i++; } } } } };
i += ret[0];
i = ret[0];
var parseRegularMusicLine = function(line) { resolveTempo(); //multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; // To late to set this now. multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // We should have gotten a key header by now, but just in case, this is definitely out of the header. var i = 0; var startOfLine = multilineVars.iChar; // see if there is nothing but a comment on this line. If so, just ignore it. A full line comment is optional white space followed by % while (tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i]) && i < line.length) i++; if (i === line.length || line[i] === '%') return; // Start with the standard staff, clef and key symbols on each line if (multilineVars.start_new_line) { startNewLine(); } multilineVars.start_new_line = true; var tripletNotesLeft = 0; //var tripletMultiplier = 0; var inTie = false; var inTieChord = {}; // See if the line starts with a header field var retHeader = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (retHeader[0] > 0) { i += retHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers } var el = { }; while (i < line.length) { var startI = i; if (line[i] === '%') break; var retInlineHeader = letter_to_inline_header(line, i); if (retInlineHeader[0] > 0) { i += retInlineHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers //multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } else {// var el = { }; // We need to decide if the following characters are a bar-marking or a note-group. // Unfortunately, that is ambiguous. Both can contain chord symbols and decorations. // If there is a grace note either before or after the chord symbols and decorations, then it is definitely a note-group. // If there is a bar marker, it is definitely a bar-marking. // If there is either a core-note or chord, it is definitely a note-group. // So, loop while we find grace-notes, chords-symbols, or decorations. [It is an error to have more than one grace-note group in a row; the others can be multiple] // Then, if there is a grace-note, we know where to go. // Else see if we have a chord, core-note, slur, triplet, or bar. while (1) { var ret = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); if (ret > 0) { i += ret; } if (i > 0 && line[i-1] === '\x12') { // there is one case where a line continuation isn't the same as being on the same line, and that is if the next character after it is a header. ret = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO: insert header here i += ret[0]; multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } } // gather all the grace notes, chord symbols and decorations ret = letter_to_spacer(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { i += ret[0]; } ret = letter_to_chord(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO-PER: There could be more than one chord here if they have different positions. el.chord = {name: tokenizer.translateString(ret[1]), position: ret[2]}; i += ret[0]; i += tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(line.substring(i)); } else { ret = letter_to_accent(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { if (ret[1] === null) { if (i+1 < line.length) startNewLine(); // There was a ! in the middle of the line. Start a new line if there is anything after it. } else if (ret[1].length > 0) { if (el.decoration === undefined) el.decoration = []; el.decoration.push(ret[1]); } i += ret[0]; } else { ret = letter_to_grace(line, i); // TODO-PER: Be sure there aren't already grace notes defined. That is an error. if (ret[0] > 0) { el.gracenotes = ret[1]; i += ret[0]; } else break; } } } ret = letter_to_bar(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // This is definitely a bar if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i); var bar = {type: ret[1]}; if (bar.type.length === 0) warn("Unknown bar type", line, i); else { if (ret[2]) bar.ending = ret[2]; if (el.decoration !== undefined) bar.decoration = el.decoration; if (el.chord !== undefined) bar.chord = el.chord; if (bar.type !== 'bar_invisible') { multilineVars.currBarNumber++; if (multilineVars.barNumbers && multilineVars.currBarNumber % multilineVars.barNumbers === 0) multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = multilineVars.currBarNumber; } tune.appendElement('bar', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i+ret[0], bar); el = {}; } i += ret[0]; } else { // This is definitely a note group // // Look for as many open slurs and triplets as there are. (Note: only the first triplet is valid.) ret = letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets(line, i); if (ret.consumed > 0) { if (ret.startSlur !== undefined) el.startSlur = ret.startSlur; if (ret.triplet !== undefined) { if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { el.startTriplet = ret.triplet; tripletNotesLeft = ret.num_notes === undefined ? ret.triplet : ret.num_notes; } } i += ret.consumed; } // handle chords. if (line[i] === '[') { i++; var chordDuration = null; var done = false; while (!done) { var chordNote = getCoreNote(line, i, {}, false); if (chordNote !== null) { if (el.pitches === undefined) el.pitches = [ chordNote ]; else el.pitches.push(chordNote); if (inTieChord[el.pitches.length]) { chordNote.endTie = true; inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = undefined; } if (chordNote.startTie) inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = true; i = chordNote.endChar; } else if (line[i] === ' ') { // Spaces are not allowed in chords, but we can recover from it by ignoring it. warn("Spaces are not allowed in chords", line, i); i++; } else { if (i < line.length && line[i] === ']') { // consume the close bracket i++; if (multilineVars.next_note_duration !== 0) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * multilineVars.next_note_duration; }); multilineVars.next_note_duration = 0; } if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } var postChordDone = false; while (i < line.length && !postChordDone) { switch (line[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': addEndBeam(el); break; case ')': if (el.endSlur === undefined) el.endSlur = 1; else el.endSlur++; break; case '-': if (el.startTie === true) // can only have one of these postChordDone = true; else { el.startTie = true; inTie = true; } break; case '>': case '<': var br2 = getBrokenRhythm(line, i); i += br2[0] - 1; // index gets incremented below, so we'll let that happen multilineVars.next_note_duration = br2[2]; chordDuration = br2[1]; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '/': var fraction = tokenizer.getFraction(line, i); chordDuration = fraction.value; i = fraction.index; default: postChordDone = true; break; } if (!postChordDone) { i++; } } } else warn("Expected ']' to end the chords", line, i); if (el.pitches !== undefined) { if (chordDuration !== null) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * chordDuration; }); } if (multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote) { el.barNumber = multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote; multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = null; } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i, el); el = {}; } done = true; } } } else { // Single pitch var core = getCoreNote(line, i, el, true); if (core !== null) { el = core; if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (el.startTie) inTie = true; i = el.endChar; if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } if (ret.end_beam) addEndBeam(el); if (multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote) { el.barNumber = multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote; multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = null; } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+1, el); el = {}; } } if (i === startI) { // don't know what this is, so ignore it. if (line[i] !== ' ' && line[i] !== '`') warn("Unknown character ignored", line, i); i++; } } } } };
if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i);
if (el.gracenotes !== undefined) { el.pitch = null; el.rest_type = 'spacer'; tune.appendElement('note', -1, -1, el); el = {}; }
var parseRegularMusicLine = function(line) { resolveTempo(); //multilineVars.havent_set_length = false; // To late to set this now. multilineVars.is_in_header = false; // We should have gotten a key header by now, but just in case, this is definitely out of the header. var i = 0; var startOfLine = multilineVars.iChar; // see if there is nothing but a comment on this line. If so, just ignore it. A full line comment is optional white space followed by % while (tokenizer.isWhiteSpace(line[i]) && i < line.length) i++; if (i === line.length || line[i] === '%') return; // Start with the standard staff, clef and key symbols on each line if (multilineVars.start_new_line) { startNewLine(); } multilineVars.start_new_line = true; var tripletNotesLeft = 0; //var tripletMultiplier = 0; var inTie = false; var inTieChord = {}; // See if the line starts with a header field var retHeader = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (retHeader[0] > 0) { i += retHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers } var el = { }; while (i < line.length) { var startI = i; if (line[i] === '%') break; var retInlineHeader = letter_to_inline_header(line, i); if (retInlineHeader[0] > 0) { i += retInlineHeader[0]; // TODO-PER: Handle inline headers //multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } else {// var el = { }; // We need to decide if the following characters are a bar-marking or a note-group. // Unfortunately, that is ambiguous. Both can contain chord symbols and decorations. // If there is a grace note either before or after the chord symbols and decorations, then it is definitely a note-group. // If there is a bar marker, it is definitely a bar-marking. // If there is either a core-note or chord, it is definitely a note-group. // So, loop while we find grace-notes, chords-symbols, or decorations. [It is an error to have more than one grace-note group in a row; the others can be multiple] // Then, if there is a grace-note, we know where to go. // Else see if we have a chord, core-note, slur, triplet, or bar. while (1) { var ret = tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, i); if (ret > 0) { i += ret; } if (i > 0 && line[i-1] === '\x12') { // there is one case where a line continuation isn't the same as being on the same line, and that is if the next character after it is a header. ret = letter_to_body_header(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO: insert header here i += ret[0]; multilineVars.start_new_line = false; } } // gather all the grace notes, chord symbols and decorations ret = letter_to_spacer(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { i += ret[0]; } ret = letter_to_chord(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // TODO-PER: There could be more than one chord here if they have different positions. el.chord = {name: tokenizer.translateString(ret[1]), position: ret[2]}; i += ret[0]; i += tokenizer.skipWhiteSpace(line.substring(i)); } else { ret = letter_to_accent(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { if (ret[1] === null) { if (i+1 < line.length) startNewLine(); // There was a ! in the middle of the line. Start a new line if there is anything after it. } else if (ret[1].length > 0) { if (el.decoration === undefined) el.decoration = []; el.decoration.push(ret[1]); } i += ret[0]; } else { ret = letter_to_grace(line, i); // TODO-PER: Be sure there aren't already grace notes defined. That is an error. if (ret[0] > 0) { el.gracenotes = ret[1]; i += ret[0]; } else break; } } } ret = letter_to_bar(line, i); if (ret[0] > 0) { // This is definitely a bar if (el.gracenote !== undefined) warn("Can't have a grace note before a barline", line, i); var bar = {type: ret[1]}; if (bar.type.length === 0) warn("Unknown bar type", line, i); else { if (ret[2]) bar.ending = ret[2]; if (el.decoration !== undefined) bar.decoration = el.decoration; if (el.chord !== undefined) bar.chord = el.chord; if (bar.type !== 'bar_invisible') { multilineVars.currBarNumber++; if (multilineVars.barNumbers && multilineVars.currBarNumber % multilineVars.barNumbers === 0) multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = multilineVars.currBarNumber; } tune.appendElement('bar', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i+ret[0], bar); el = {}; } i += ret[0]; } else { // This is definitely a note group // // Look for as many open slurs and triplets as there are. (Note: only the first triplet is valid.) ret = letter_to_open_slurs_and_triplets(line, i); if (ret.consumed > 0) { if (ret.startSlur !== undefined) el.startSlur = ret.startSlur; if (ret.triplet !== undefined) { if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) warn("Can't nest triplets", line, i); else { el.startTriplet = ret.triplet; tripletNotesLeft = ret.num_notes === undefined ? ret.triplet : ret.num_notes; } } i += ret.consumed; } // handle chords. if (line[i] === '[') { i++; var chordDuration = null; var done = false; while (!done) { var chordNote = getCoreNote(line, i, {}, false); if (chordNote !== null) { if (el.pitches === undefined) el.pitches = [ chordNote ]; else el.pitches.push(chordNote); if (inTieChord[el.pitches.length]) { chordNote.endTie = true; inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = undefined; } if (chordNote.startTie) inTieChord[el.pitches.length] = true; i = chordNote.endChar; } else if (line[i] === ' ') { // Spaces are not allowed in chords, but we can recover from it by ignoring it. warn("Spaces are not allowed in chords", line, i); i++; } else { if (i < line.length && line[i] === ']') { // consume the close bracket i++; if (multilineVars.next_note_duration !== 0) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * multilineVars.next_note_duration; }); multilineVars.next_note_duration = 0; } if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } var postChordDone = false; while (i < line.length && !postChordDone) { switch (line[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': addEndBeam(el); break; case ')': if (el.endSlur === undefined) el.endSlur = 1; else el.endSlur++; break; case '-': if (el.startTie === true) // can only have one of these postChordDone = true; else { el.startTie = true; inTie = true; } break; case '>': case '<': var br2 = getBrokenRhythm(line, i); i += br2[0] - 1; // index gets incremented below, so we'll let that happen multilineVars.next_note_duration = br2[2]; chordDuration = br2[1]; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '/': var fraction = tokenizer.getFraction(line, i); chordDuration = fraction.value; i = fraction.index; default: postChordDone = true; break; } if (!postChordDone) { i++; } } } else warn("Expected ']' to end the chords", line, i); if (el.pitches !== undefined) { if (chordDuration !== null) { el.pitches.each(function(p) { p.duration = p.duration * chordDuration; }); } if (multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote) { el.barNumber = multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote; multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = null; } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+i, el); el = {}; } done = true; } } } else { // Single pitch var core = getCoreNote(line, i, el, true); if (core !== null) { el = core; if (inTie) { el.endTie = true; inTie = false; } if (el.startTie) inTie = true; i = el.endChar; if (tripletNotesLeft > 0) { tripletNotesLeft--; if (tripletNotesLeft === 0) { el.endTriplet = true; } } if (ret.end_beam) addEndBeam(el); if (multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote) { el.barNumber = multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote; multilineVars.barNumOnNextNote = null; } tune.appendElement('note', startOfLine+i, startOfLine+1, el); el = {}; } } if (i === startI) { // don't know what this is, so ignore it. if (line[i] !== ' ' && line[i] !== '`') warn("Unknown character ignored", line, i); i++; } } } } };
staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', '');
if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct);
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct);
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct);
if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') !== -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', '');
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': var oct2 = 0;
staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': var oct2 = 0;
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; }
staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break;
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start);
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0;
if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; }
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle;
multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle;
this.parseVoice = function(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; if (multilineVars.score_is_present) warn("Can't have an unknown V: id when the %score directive is present", line, i); } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); // TODO-PER: check for a legal clef; do octavizing var oct = 0;// for (var ii = 0; ii < staffInfo.clef.length; ii++) {// if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === ',') oct -= 7;// else if (staffInfo.clef[ii] === "'") oct += 7;// } if (staffInfo.clef !== undefined) { staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace(/[',]/g, ""); if (staffInfo.clef.indexOf('+16') != -1) { oct += 14; staffInfo.clef = staffInfo.clef.replace('+16', ''); } staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct); } break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': // TODO-PER: handle the octave indicators on the clef by changing the middle property var oct2 = 0;// for (var iii = 0; iii < token.token.length; iii++) {// if (token.token[iii] === ',') oct2 -= 7;// else if (token.token[iii] === "'") oct2 += 7;// } staffInfo.clef = token.token.replace(/[',]/g, ""); staffInfo.middle = calcMiddle(staffInfo.clef, oct2); break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); staffInfo.middle = parseMiddle(staffInfo.middle); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length, meter: multilineVars.origMeter }); if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum]; if (!multilineVars.score_is_present) s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} this.setCurrentVoice(id); };
else if (attr.token.length === 0)
else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"')
function parseVoice(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': staffInfo.clef = token.token; break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length }); // TODO-PER: For now, the entire collection is bracketted. Refine this later. if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; } multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1]; s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = staffInfo.clef; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} setCurrentVoice(id); }
if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = staffInfo.clef;
if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle };
function parseVoice(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': staffInfo.clef = token.token; break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length }); // TODO-PER: For now, the entire collection is bracketted. Refine this later. if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; } multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1]; s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = staffInfo.clef; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} setCurrentVoice(id); }
if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; }
function parseVoice(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': staffInfo.clef = token.token; break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length }); // TODO-PER: For now, the entire collection is bracketted. Refine this later. if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; } multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1]; s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} setCurrentVoice(id); }
var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1];
var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum];
function parseVoice(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': staffInfo.clef = token.token; break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length }); // TODO-PER: For now, the entire collection is bracketted. Refine this later. if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; } multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1]; s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} setCurrentVoice(id); }
if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];}
if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname) s.subname.push(staffInfo.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];}
function parseVoice(line, i, e) { //First truncate the string to the first non-space character after V: through either the //end of the line or a % character. Then remove trailing spaces, too. var ret = tokenizer.getMeat(line, i, e); var start = ret.start; var end = ret.end; //The first thing on the line is the ID. It can be any non-space string and terminates at the //first space. var id = tokenizer.getToken(line, start, end); if (id.length === 0) { warn("Expected a voice id", line, start); return; } var isNew = false; if (multilineVars.voices[id] === undefined) { multilineVars.voices[id] = {}; isNew = true; } start += id.length; start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); var staffInfo = {startStaff: isNew}; var addNextTokenToStaffInfo = function(name) { var attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token.length === 0 && line[start] !== '"') warn("Expected value for " + name + " in voice", line, start); else staffInfo[name] = attr.token; start += attr.len; }; //Then the following items can occur in any order: while (start < end) { var token = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); start += token.len; if (token.warn) { warn("Error parsing voice: " + token.warn, line, start); } else { var attr = null; switch (token.token) { case 'clef': case 'cl': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('clef'); break; case 'treble': case 'bass': case 'tenor': case 'alto': case 'none': case 'treble\'': case 'bass\'': case 'tenor\'': case 'alto\'': case 'none\'': case 'treble\'\'': case 'bass\'\'': case 'tenor\'\'': case 'alto\'\'': case 'none\'\'': case 'treble,': case 'bass,': case 'tenor,': case 'alto,': case 'none,': case 'treble,,': case 'bass,,': case 'tenor,,': case 'alto,,': case 'none,,': staffInfo.clef = token.token; break; case 'staves': case 'stave': case 'stv': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('staves'); break; case 'brace': case 'brc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('brace'); break; case 'bracket': case 'brk': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('bracket'); break; case 'name': case 'nm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('name'); break; case 'subname': case 'sname': case 'snm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('subname'); break; case 'merge': staffInfo.startStaff = false; break; case 'stems': attr = tokenizer.getVoiceToken(line, start, end); if (attr.warn !== undefined) warn("Expected value for stems in voice: " + attr.warn, line, start); else if (attr.token === 'up' || attr.token === 'down') multilineVars.voices[id].stem = attr.token; else warn("Expected up or down for voice stem", line, start); start += attr.len; break; case 'up': case 'down': multilineVars.voices[id].stem = token.token; break; case 'middle': case 'm': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('middle'); break; case 'gchords': case 'gch': multilineVars.voices[id].suppressChords = true; break; case 'space': case 'spc': addNextTokenToStaffInfo('spacing'); break; } } start += tokenizer.eatWhiteSpace(line, start); } // now we've filled up staffInfo, figure out what to do with this voice // TODO-PER: It is unclear from the standard and the examples what to do with brace, bracket, and staves, so they are ignored for now. if (staffInfo.startStaff || multilineVars.staves.length === 0) { multilineVars.staves.push({ index: multilineVars.staves.length }); // TODO-PER: For now, the entire collection is bracketted. Refine this later. if (multilineVars.staves.length > 1) { multilineVars.staves[0].bracket = 'start'; for (var b = 1; b < multilineVars.staves.length-1; b++) multilineVars.staves[b].bracket = "continue"; multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].bracket = 'end'; } multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1].numVoices = 0; } if (multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum === undefined) { // store where to write this for quick access later. multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum = multilineVars.staves.length-1; var vi = 0; for(var v in multilineVars.voices) { if(multilineVars.voices.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (multilineVars.voices[v].staffNum === multilineVars.voices[id].staffNum) vi++; } } multilineVars.voices[id].index = vi-1; } var s = multilineVars.staves[multilineVars.staves.length-1]; s.numVoices++; if (staffInfo.clef) s.clef = { type: staffInfo.clef, middle: staffInfo.middle }; if (staffInfo.spacing) s.spacing_below_offset = staffInfo.spacing; if (staffInfo.middle) s.middle = staffInfo.middle; if ( {if (; else = [ ];} if (staffInfo.subname) {if (s.subname); else s.subname = [ staffInfo.subname ];} setCurrentVoice(id); }
if (isLeaf) htmlText += xmlDocNode.textContent; else
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if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", true);
if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", false, true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", false, true);
paste : function (obj, position) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var root = false; if(obj == -1) { root = true; obj = this.container; } else obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected; if(!root && (!obj || !obj.size())) return this.error("PASTE: NO NODE SELECTED"); if(!tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && !tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes) return this.error("PASTE: NOTHING TO DO"); var _this = this; var pos = position; if(position == "before") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj); obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if(position == "after") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj) + 1; obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if((typeof position).toLowerCase() == "undefined" || position == "inside") { position = (this.settings.rules.createat == "top") ? 0 : obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size(); } if(!root && obj.size() == 0) { root = true; obj = this.container; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", true); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = false; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; obj.parents().andSelf().each(function () { if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.index(this) != -1) { ok = false; return false; } }); if(!ok) return this.error("Invalid paste"); if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside"); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = false; } },
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true);
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", false, true);
paste : function (obj, position) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var root = false; if(obj == -1) { root = true; obj = this.container; } else obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected; if(!root && (!obj || !obj.size())) return this.error("PASTE: NO NODE SELECTED"); if(!tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && !tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes) return this.error("PASTE: NOTHING TO DO"); var _this = this; var pos = position; if(position == "before") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj); obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if(position == "after") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj) + 1; obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if((typeof position).toLowerCase() == "undefined" || position == "inside") { position = (this.settings.rules.createat == "top") ? 0 : obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size(); } if(!root && obj.size() == 0) { root = true; obj = this.container; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", true); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = false; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; obj.parents().andSelf().each(function () { if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.index(this) != -1) { ok = false; return false; } }); if(!ok) return this.error("Invalid paste"); if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside"); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = false; } },
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true);
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", false, true);
paste : function (obj, position) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var root = false; if(obj == -1) { root = true; obj = this.container; } else obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected; if(!root && (!obj || !obj.size())) return this.error("PASTE: NO NODE SELECTED"); if(!tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && !tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes) return this.error("PASTE: NOTHING TO DO"); var _this = this; var pos = position; if(position == "before") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj); obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if(position == "after") { position = obj.parent().children().index(obj) + 1; obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); } else if((typeof position).toLowerCase() == "undefined" || position == "inside") { position = (this.settings.rules.createat == "top") ? 0 : obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size(); } if(!root && obj.size() == 0) { root = true; obj = this.container; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", true); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true); tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = false; } if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.size()) { var ok = true; obj.parents().andSelf().each(function () { if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.index(this) != -1) { ok = false; return false; } }); if(!ok) return this.error("Invalid paste"); if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false; if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) { if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside"); } else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size()) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before"); else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after"); tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = false; } },