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Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يارب تطلع اشتغاله واكون مظلمتش حد ولو بكلمه يارب | [anticipation,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | نفسي اعرف بتفرقع الصاروخ وتصرخ ليه هو بيفرقع في لا مؤاخذه يا تافه انت وهو | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يبوي جيبو لنا ظهير كويس مو ذا التعبان | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هذا الأنسان المعتدل دينيا يعتبر كابوس لوهابية التكفيرية الطائفيه كلامه في غاية العقل الأعتدال ومقبول عند جميع أجناس البشر | [anger,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ودت لو أطلعك على كل هذه التساؤلات من دون خوف ولكني حقا أخاف منك أخاف أن تستعجل الرحيل وتركني وحتى الفضفضة لك أرهبها | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | أنا غرقتلكوا الأرض دموع اله يجي بفايدة 🚶 | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | عندي عتاب ودمعتين وملامه وعندي أمل انه اذا غاب بيعود مابغى اشوفه بس ابقرأ كلامه لاصار طيب راحتي مالها حدود | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | تعريف السيسي هو حيوان ولا منوا حمار ولا منوا حصان يشعر بنفاذ صبرها | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كشعوب واعية لا يمكن أن نقبل بما تقوم به وسائل الإعلام اليوم من إثارة الشائعات وكيل الاتهامات تجاه أي طرف؛ فتصعيد حدة التوتر ليس من صالح أحد | [anger,disgust,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انتو بعد تنرفزون لين احد حاط رنته رنة المنبه لا انا فيني خل🙂😤💔 | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هاي نقزة القلب الي بتيجي فجأة وبتضلها كابتة عنفسك لفترة منيحة ما بنقول الا اله يجيرنا من شرها شر الي جاي بعدها 🙏 🏻 | [anticipation,fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | العيد الذي يأتي في حجم بهجة الأطفال هو العيد الذيذ الذي يفتقده الكبار لأنهم غالبا بلا بهجة | [joy,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | شفتى وشلون لما العيال يطيحون بأهل ماعندهم مسوليه😠 | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ᅠفي مبسمه كل السوالف لها ذوق وفي ضحكته صوت الفرح يطربني 💛 | [joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | تجاهلني أنا أصلاً بديت أملّ بديت أذبل بديت أسأل أنا وشلون حبّيتك | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | وبأسى والم وحرقة معاناة اهلنا في غزة مع هذا الحصارالذي يفرضه صهاينة العرب واسرائيل عليها خزي وعار على الأمة لن تنساكم | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مقوله لخصت الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل يا تري امتي هنسمع صوت ضميرنا ونراعي ربنا في شغلنا وحياتنا | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | اكلت مكرونه بشاميل قعدت على قلبي 💔 الي يجلط اني دايم اكلها مب اول مره 😊 بس شكل البلا من نوع المكرونه نفسها 💔 | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كلامي كان متقطع أتلعثم أضحك قالت صوتي حلو حلو كيف جاء حلو من أول مرة سمعته أنا سنين لحين مب عاجبني وجعوه | [optimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | حاجه حزينه 🙍 🙍 | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | احتاج احد يضحكني ويدلعني ايش هذا مليت من النكد | [joy,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | عنجد ما بعرف ليش هيك nيلي بيكرهك إذا شاف فيك شي منيح بيصير بيكرهك أكتر واكتر 😌 feling peaceful | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ياليت تسحب الجنسية من المجنسين مالعب بالبلد إلا هم ،والمجنسين سب هدم لبلد 😡 | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | في مجتمعنا يرون أن إنجاب الذكر أمل والأنثى خيبة رغم أن حلم كل رجل أنثى وخيبة كل أنثى رجل ✋ | [anger,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | سلام على كل المعتقلين ظلم فى سجون العسكر الظلمه ربنا يصبركم ويفك الكرب عنكم | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | النور قاطع 😒 ماعندكمش حاجه تانيه تحرقو بيها دمنا اول يوم سحور ؟ 😒 يشعر بـنفاذ صبرها | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | لك الحمدله رب العالمين متخرجه واخيرا شعور جميل لا يوصف 😭 😭 الف الحمدله | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الا احنا دايما عكس الاوادم 🙁 | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هي مش فرحه بندق لا هي حفله بندق😂🏃🚶دايره يابا | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يحكى بأن هناك عطور رائحتها ذكريات احلام سعيدة 💛 | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | من خلال صفحات التواصل استياء شعبي من محدثذ الفوضى بشارع جمال | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يستفزونك ليخرجوا اسوء مافيك ثم يقولون الهم إني صائم | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | نهايتها كسرت قلب 😡 | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | صيغة تفكير مريحة أنا قوي بربي أنا أشعر بالسعادة لأن ربي يرعاني أنا مطمئن لأن كل ما يقدره اله خير لي الهم لك الحمد 🖤 | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | حاس اني ساخط على العالم بس مكسل اعمل حاجه دلوقتي | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ابتسم هناك شرفه لأمل عش بيقين وانفث عن صدرك الأنين استيقظ ولا تخف لديك رب عظيم ستحق الأمنيات يوما بالتأكيد 💭 💗 | [optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | طيب لما انت موكوس ومعندكش روح الفكاهة بتكاب ذكية زكية ومهذبة مهزبه ليه | [anger,anticipation,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هو الي بيروح الوڤر بيروح عشان عايز يشتري الموناليزا؟ 😃 | [joy,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هاي | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ١ عن السعادة الي مو منطقية الي أعيشها عن الفقاعات الملونة الي توزع بجوا قلبي ياله شعور الفراشة المختلطة بألوان مرة كتير | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | المشكله انه يضحك من قلب يعني مره الضحكه قويه 💔 | [joy,love,optimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | واله مشكله يعني قطر كلها مترين في اربعه ومسوين إزعاج 😂 😂 | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | احس بحنقه غضب غيظ اعهيعيهيعهيهيعي | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انتي اقرب حد ليا يعني المفروض عرفاني، ازاي قدرتي توجعيني كده | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | بتخاف اخواتها اوى دايما سر اخوها بتكون فرحة البيت مبيعرفش قيمتها غير الى مخلفش بنات ولا الاخ الى ملوش اخت | [fear,joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ليش هالفتره عباره عن دموع وحرقت قلب؟ | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الحمد له اولا واخراً اشكر جميع من تعب معانا من دكاترة واحلى عميد عبداله تحياتي لكم | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الي قاعد يصير في اعلامكم من كذب وفبركه وافتراءات ومهزله حتى الطفل يعرف انها فبركه تحول الامر الى هستيريا فالكذب | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مكن يعمي الحج تقسطلنا ال1سنة الي ضايلين ؟ يشعر بـالاستياء | [anger,anticipation,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كآبة بهالوقت متى انام بس | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يمر أول أيام العيد وقلبي غير سعيد 😭 اشوف الناس تلبس وتفرح وانا فيني غصه 😭 وعيوني اغرقتني بالدموع 😭 ماراح انساك وفاء 😭 | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | بعض من الناس هرمونات الحيونة والجحشنة عندها زيادة ما بعرف انو احنا بشهر فضيل 😡 😏 يشعر بـنفاذ صبره | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كم حوادث الخطف لأطفال والبنات دي بتخلي الواحد عنده وسواس طول ما هو برا البيت واله حصنوا أنفسكم دايما بالأذكار، واله هو خير حافظ | [anger,anticipation,fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | وحنا ندعمكم ياوليد انت وطارق أزهاره 😂👌🏻 | [anticipation,love,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | فرحة حد بحبه اكيد | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | طب أنا بقولك اني حزينه طيب اسأليني مالك ، عبري الي جابوا ميتين أهلي ، أي حاجه | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | عندي فوبيا من الحيوانات كلها بلا استثناء وخاصه الحشرات وفوبيا من الثقوب اول مره شفتها جلست يومين مانمت كره مو طبيعي | [disgust,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ساخط من لاشيء وكل شيء | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انا ودي تقول اسمي وتلامس خدي بكفوفك تحبني من طرف حزني واحبك من طرف خوفك | [love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | شخص ماتعرفينه ولايعرفك nويتم تحديد موعد لنكاح وش هالمنطق المعكوس لفطرة nالقص مروعه اله يكون بعون البنات | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انتي مكانتيش شوفتي الحلقة؟ محرقتش كتير دي اخر لقطة الكآبة كلها في الاول | [anticipation,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | بس حرقتلي الفيلم امبارح 😡 | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ضع قدمك علي اول طريقك لنجاح وعيناك عند اخره يشعر بالحماسة | [joy,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كانوا أذى وكان اله لطيف بي فأزالهم | [joy,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | سيضرب بيد من حديد كل مأجور سافل حقير تسول له نفسه أن يتطاول على أعراض الناس أو أموالهم وسيصبح عبره ورساله لأسياده وإن غدا لناظره لقريب | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الجن في خوف من البيت لحالي لو يتحرك منديل من الكيف قلت جني وقف شعر راسي 👹 | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انا بشوف انو الكاتبة ذكية وبحب اسلوبها الغامض الي يخليك محتارة ومش عارفة شي وتخبطين بالافكار اسلوبها مد وجزر ترغيب وترهيب | [love,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كلام الناس الي متعاطفة مع بوفون محسني أنه مخدتش ولابطولة فحياته وهيعتزل بصفر بطولات ياجماعة الراجل واخد كأس عالم شوية تقدير لتاريخه يعني | [anger,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | واله ان قلبي شوي ينفجر من الزعل | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الأهم من الكتابة هو وضع اهداف قريبة وصغيره ، حاجه كدا اسمها | [optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الطمأنينة الأعمق nأن اله يعلم مافي الصدور | [love,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | أنا أكتر واحدة كانت بتخاف من الخسارة بأخاف من الفشل بخاف من نظرة الناس بأخاف من الفراق كنت جبانة وخوافة من كل حاجة خوف كان مانعني من الحياة | [anger,disgust,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | nداليا مبقتش ملك بقت ملك جمهورها داليا عندها ديستفورياسيندوم 😂 nتهيس | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ماعاد تهمنّ العشرة ولا الذكريات الي بينا ملينّ نحترمها ونحتفظ فيها واحنا بالاخير بناكلها | [disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مسلسل لا تطفئ الشمس ده مبهج جدا واله محمد مدوح مثل مش واخد حقه nو جوزوني امينه خليل طيب 😂 | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | شفت الي يضحك ودايم مبسوط صدقني لو قالك الي بقلبه راح يبكيك 😞 💔 | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | لو كتبنا كل ما هو جميل عشناه لوجدنا قلبنا يفيض سعادة وراحة ولتخلصنا من ذكريات سيئة وصارت كل ذكرياتنا هي لحظات عشناها بسعادة مع من نحب | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | يا حنيني وش بقى فيني بعد nغير اماني تنتظر لحظة لقى | [optimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انا بكره الحزن والكآبة والجو ابن الوسخة دا ومش عارف ايه بيدخلني فيه بس الي متأكد منه اني مبقتش عارف أطلع | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | لأنهم هم من يحيك المؤامرات ضد الجنوب الحوثي وعفاش عدوا ظاهر وهم عد مستر اكثر خطوره | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | واله امر محزن بهالوقت تحس انك ذليل وضعيف وحقير بنفس الوقت 🙂 لما تشوف ناس تعتدي عليك امام اهلك والناس بدون سب 🙃 | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | كنت متفائل في مرحله ما من حياتي لكن الأن لأسف اليأس يخيم حياتي | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الكل كاتب nده انت من غير البدلة نوتنج😤😡 | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | اكو ناس ماعدها شغل وعمل بس تصل عليك وتسمعك اخبار زفت وكلام زفت 😑 بحيث ظليت من يتصلون أخلي ايدي على گلبي 😤 | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | لو سألت أى أحد مصرى وتقولة اية اكتر حاجة حياتك بتخاف منها هيقولك طول بخاف طيب لم بتخاف ربنا خايف لية من وعصابتة انتهت | [anger,disgust,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | من فقدتك صارت الوحدة ميولي nألف حاجز احتواني وألف شي في غيابك لاحظ العالم ذبولي nالي مر فيني بغيابك مو شوي | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | بحب الّمة جدً من ايام لما كنت طفل صغير ، وبكره جدً اي لحظة خناق او زعل او فراق سواء من حد قريب او بعيد | [anticipation,joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | الطرق المؤديه لغيرك مظلمه وأنا أخاف الظلام | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | انا بالضبط دخلت طب واتخرجت اكرم حسني 😂 | [joy,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | لا تكذب محد طرد المعتمرين الغدر الخيانة من الوح الي انت حاط صورته | [anger,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مجتمع بكلمتين الناس قالت الناس تقول | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | اكتر حاجه بتخليني ابتسم لما ابقي ماشيه واسمع طنط الي تحت هي وبنوتها النونو وهما بيتناقشوا حاجه في منتهي الجمال 🌼💙 | [joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | [disgust,joy,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | أشتاقك جدا _من أخبرك أني أطيق غيابك وأني امرأة بلا حب لتعذبني بما شئت من الفراق ❁ | [love,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مرحبا انا عندي شخص عن الف شخص دايما يعوض قلبي ويخلق الفرح لروحي طالما هو معاي المخاوف تنمحي والامان يحضني عموما انا حابة الحياة فيه❤ | [joy,love,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | مغفرة جامعة وارحمهم رحمة تنير لهم بها قبورهم وتؤمنهم بها يوم الفزع الأكبر عندنشوزهن الهم تحن على ضعفهم كما كانوا على ضعفنا متحنين يتبع | [joy,love,optimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ضحك سعادة وسعة صدر | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | حديثك يحي فيني إحساسا يفوق حد السعادة ذاتها | [joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | اله يرضى عليك nبدل متقولي عيد سعيد ، قولي قدَّامك 6 ليالي سعيدة، شدَّ حيلك فيها | [joy,love,optimism,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | هل تجرؤ الدول المقاطعة لقطر إتاحة الفرصة لشعوبها بالتعبير التام عن ما يحدث دون خوف وترهيب أو تهديد بالسجن أو نشر لجان الإلكترونية قطعا لا | [anger,disgust] |
Subsets and Splits