1 value
200 values
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مابتعملش خالص 😓 أنا غبيه ومتخلفه 😷 واستاهل إلى يجرالي 😡😠
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تقارير عن موجعة حد الحقد الذي يفوق كل وصف
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الاعلام المصري كذب نفاق تضليل نشر الخوف والهلع والجبن
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شخص تموت عليه وم تقدر تفارقه nبس هو يكرهك وم يبغاك ولا يطيق وجودك nايش الحل في كذا حاله 😪
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اشفق على من يتمنى الموت نفسه من اجل موقف تافه اثار غضبه انصتوا هدوء المقابر لا اعتقد بأنكم جاهزون لها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إن كانت حال الأعرابي كما تقول فأجدر به أن يمسكها لوجه تعالى خشية أن تؤذي غيره
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ليس هناك قسوة في الحياة أكثر من أن تجتمع الغربة والوحدة معا 😒 😔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ماتوقع توصل لهدرجه وبالنسبه لخوف اول تجربه بتعتبر مرعبه لي راح يجرب هو مو شي اكيد لكن لاغلب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بجد الاعلن كان حلو جدا وحسيما انكوا بتفرحوهم بجد
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لأسف العكس صحيح مع احترامي لكن لو في تربية صح من البداية وبضمير مش حيحصل كل ده هو إهمال مع توقع إنه الطفل يبقى متربي من نفسه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ياشيخ اله يسعدك يعلم اله وانا صادق عاجز عن دفع اجار البيت وصاحب البيت أعطاني إنذار وآخر مهله يوم الأحد 059026215
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ان تاتي مفاجئة سارة تخرجني من بحر 😔 😔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انتي جنه حد ذاتك 💟 انتي ذاتك شئ كبير 😍 انتي ضحكه وقت حزن 🤗 انتي وقت الشر خير 🌷
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
فكرة إنك مكن تصحى مـ النوم تلاقي اقرب الناس ليك اتغيّ وبقا حد تاني إنت متعرفوش ، دي مرعبة ❤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أحلى شعور تسوين فيه اسلوب نرفزة طلعي الي بداخلك بنفرزة ويختفي الشعور الماكس الي بداخلك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
سقطتوا ياساقطين تبقى قطر واحة امن وامان رغم الحصار والشتائم اتجهتوا لمسلسلات وهذا دليل افلاسكم اتفو
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لا حول ولا قوة الا باله العلي العظيم ياناس اربطو الآن شفت حادث مروع على طريق الدمام عائلة بأطفال تناثرو من سيارتهم بوسط الطريق
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هي أكبر من مجرد مباراة هي إهانة تاريخية لم يسبق لها مثيل لا تلوموا الخصوم إن كرهوا الهلال فقد أذاقهم مرارة الإذلال أنتهت السهرة 😑
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اني لأجد ريح يوسف الثقة وحسن الظن باله تحيل ليل الهموم والغموم والأحزان إلى أمل وتفاؤل فلا تيأس استبشر وثق بعطاء اله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وإلى الأن أنا مش نادم الوقت المناسب إلي كنت إنتظاره وفات الأوان ومالحقت عليه أؤمن إنه لو مافاتني لاواجهت حسرة أشكره لتجاوزه عني
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
خطيئتي صوابي أني أحبتك أكثر من نفسي 💘
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اخر حاجه كنت اتوقعه انك ليك يد في قتل ريحانه يا بشر 😥
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شو بيزعجني لما كون عم فكر أو سرحانه انتبه إني كازه عسناني بنتبه عأفكاري بلاقيها مش ولا بد
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ايواله غاليه واليوم غبار بس فكونا اله يرحم والديكم ماتركتونا نداوم من الزحمه 😡
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يارب العوض الي يرضينا عن كل لحظه ألم خيبه خوف استسلام
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
nوش في الدنيا له عشر سنوات يناشد ولا من مجيب nأسأل اله في علاه أن يسخر لك النفوس ويلين لك القلوب في مصابك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بعض الاحيان تنحط بموقف ماتدري الي سويته صح او خطا 😩
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
في ضلوعي لك مدينه شعبها ميت حنين إشتياق 💔 😩
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اسوأ حاجة في العالم إنك تكون كسلان وفي نفس الوقت ذكي وعارف مصلحتك وبكده أنت اتزنقت بين الإرهاق وبين تأنيب الضمير
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شوق عظيم ليالي رمضان روحانية رمضان فالهم حسن البلاغ 💛 🌸
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ارهاربي ما عنده اخلاق 😡
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
رساله ِ صاحبي nبالوقت الي المسافه تفرق مابيني وبينك تأكد بإني بحزنك قبل فرحك بكون معاك انا السند لكِتفك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وش هالصراخ وجع
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
المود مش حلْ خالص😤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ربي ارح فكر ابي وابعد عنه الهم والحزن وأسعده سعادة تبكي عينه منها ربي بشر ابي بخبر قريب يسعد قلبه وحق احلامه وما هو شاغل فكره 💤 💗
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
من ثنايا قلب يلهث بالدعاء nجيت اهني صاحبي بشهرمضان nوالزعل الي بقلبي له قضى nانطوت صفحة زعل ذاك الزمان
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
قالت لي أنت حين تبتسمي وهناك شخص يخشى أن تحزني كوني سعيدة تصبح أجمل حين تفرحي وهاأنا بتطبيق نصيحتها 💕
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اي حد يكتب العايزو انا من حقي اتذمر كمان الموضوع بسيط 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اسألني عن الخبث أحدثك عن نفاق غدر الأقارب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بالفرح السعادة احتفلنا بقدوم العيد مع ٱطفالنا الغالين فرع جرمانا وٱطفال روضة ملكة النحل رابطة الغوطة الشرقية فطر سعيد
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أكثر فتره بكيت فيها واكثر فتره قلت إني بخير وانا بالحقيقه مو بخير ابدا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ماينوصف بالكلام ودك تدخلينه بقلبك عشان يشوف الوجع الي سبه لك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كذبت علي وانا عارف انك تكذب وتكمل الفلم علي طيب واله شعور يوجع 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
من إفطار شركة هاي وأي السياحية بمحافظة قنا لغير القادرين وشكرا لكل من ساهم في فرحة الأيتام وغير القادرين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هؤلاء الخونة ان نطقوا نطقوا كفرا وإن خرسوا خرسوا خيانة غدرا أخزاهم اله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ادام اله أعيادكم كثير من البشر تألم واجمل شي بأنك بتألم من الوحدة بالغربة والأجمل أنك سعيد من اجل اسعاد الناس اليلية عيد اتنين احباب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
خالص العزاء لكم ونود ان نرى بكاء ودموع حتى تخدرونا ونشاركم الحزن 🙏 🏻
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الي ميفرحش ليك متفرحش ليه سيبك منه😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إدارة الأهلي عساك الخساره مليار مع مليار مو بس مليون حبس الرواتب فهلوه أو شطاره يا اكبر حرامية وفي راس مجنون 🔨
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يا بحر فينئ من الحزن كثر مافيك من حزن واوجاع وغياب وغرايب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يسعد قلبك ويملي أيامك بهجة وسعادة يارب 🍕 🍕
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ثق بإنك بعد تناول الدواء سوف تندم ندم شديد على السنوات التي حرمت لذتها وحرمت اهلك منك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
nنعم تمثلنا يا ولد داري گفو خويه بوشيخه nكلنا نفتخر فيك ماعليك منهم طلع لمتخبي 🌷✨
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
توهمين فلن تستطيعين البقاء إلى جانبي مدة يومين أنا رخو أزحف على الأرض انطوائي كئيب متذمر وإن كنت مجرد جثة في العالم فأنا أحبك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم اني صائم مش رح اسب عليكي😤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ألا إلى اله المشتكى سوف يأتي عليكم يوم ينتقم منكم الأحرار شر انتقام
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تستاهلي كل خير يا 💕 nوان شاء اله كل أيامك وتنوري وتشرفي وين مابتكوني 🌙
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مش هاسمح ان حد يقلق تفكيري تاني بمواضيع مات بالنسبالي والي بيموت عمره مابيصحا وانا حاليا حابة حياتي من غير ناس كتير 🌸
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اوكي يعني النسخة الرسمية ذي هي الطبيعية أكثر؟ ملعوب علينا بنسخ الأنمي💔 nلا ماعندي دايم أحس مشوار يبي له lt ؟
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مخيف هو هذا العالم حرب نار ودخان أينما وليت خوف موت واقتال دم تعال نهرب بنا بيعيدا نسرق من الأرض ملجأ نزرعه حب وياسمين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بسكوتي الحلوة بقت طعمة ولها سحر جديد ليها خفة دم بتروح لبعيد بصي انا بحبك واله ابت اختي الكبيرة القمر 😍 🙈 😎
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أنا على ثقة بأن كرم اله سيمطر علي فرحا فأنتظاري ماهو إلا سحابة اثقلها دعائي في النهاية ستمطر غيمة أحلامي 🌧
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اعطاء الرخصه القياده لعمر المعين تجنب الغضب والعناد في القيادة ابلاغ المرور لمن ترى فيه خطوره مثل المفحطين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
احتاج خلطه تطول الاجازه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
توتر فز قلبي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
معنديش اي مانع من انك تيجي تكلميني تحكيلي علي الي مضيقك اكيد هقف جنبك مهما كل الي كان حصل بنا بس بلاش بلاش 😉
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مخاوف إسرائيلية من عرقلة حماس بناء جدار غزة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
سحر الجمال ايه أكثر مكان تحبه فى مطروح
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دكاترة الاسنان خلقه مرعبين فكيف اذا كانو شديدين وعصبين 🙁 احباط 👎 🏻
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اجمل منطقة اسلامية حيوية في العالم الي يروح ليها مره هيرجعلها تاني
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مو كل شيء بالقلب ينقال او الحروف ما تكفي ولا تعبر عن الي بالقلب يمكن فرح او حزن او ألم او خيبة اشياء كثيره بهالقلب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تسرب غازات سامة من المجمع الكيميائي حالة هلع في صفوف المواطنين العملة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ثقوا بالاهلي وإذا تاهت بكم الثقة مع الاهلي ثقوا بالفرح الذي لا يعرف المضي في طريق إلا مع الاهلي 😴 💚 الفوز ياملوك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لازم اكدر نفسي لبعد سحور عشان ابتدي مذاكرة مادة مش مستاهلة اي تأخير اصلا 😕
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وما يجي يقول انت انت غيران او يرد بتهجم يحسب انك تسبه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شكله مرتاع او بردان 😂 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مشكله قلبي الزعول محد يداريه دايماً تظل nاسبابي تافه بعيونهم لكن واله تزعلني
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
واصعب من تنهيدة واه ظرف يكسر احساس الشموخ 🥀
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
احلف لك إني كل ما سمعت اسمك ابتسم وأشتاق وأحبك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يارب أكون من الناس الي غيروا حياة أحد الي اعطوا شعور بالفرح ولو بسيط الي مروا وما ضروا 💚 🌸
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ومايجيش عليا اليل غير بذكريات تيجى معاها دموع ونفس مكسوره ونفس طالع بأهات 😔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم جدّ فينا روح التفاؤل والأمل ولا تجعلنا ضعفاء أمام ظروف الحياة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
رضا ربنا حب الناس الي حواليا اني ابقي مطمن عليهم بيهم 🙏
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
صباح الخير الفرح انشاله أيامك كلها أعياد مايا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تنهيدة طويلة ثم قل لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين منها أجر ومنها راحة نفسيه 💗 👌
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كت تويت اذكر لنا موقف ظريف صار معاك وأنت صغير بالإبتدائية
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لفلسطين 😠 طلعوا الهاشتاق بليز 🙏 فلسطين تحت الحصار 😬
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ربما السالفه كذب لايوجد معلم يسويها لأنها مخالفه لنظام يعاقب عليها ربما يصل العقاب لنقل التأديبي أو التحويل إداري
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ستة تحفز التفكير الخوف من الخوف من الخوف من الخوف من الخوف من الخوف من
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أبطل خوف من كل شي ألا خوفي على ابوي من الأيام
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
نبغى تحية لخوانك من العراق واله احبك 😗
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شبعنا كراهية وحقد وضغينة وفتنة فإمساك بمعروف أو تسريح بإحسان مع ذلك أنت لا تملك مصير غيرك كن حضاري بوجودك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تصبحون على لا يمل لا يضعف لا يقهر لا تفارق قلوبكم تسكن به ما حيتم 💝
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دايم معاي مشغول ومع غيري فاضي نسئل نفسنا نحنا اش بالنسبه لك حب تسلية اذا ماتحبني خلك صريح وقلها لاتعيشني بوهم معاك وكل وأحد يروح بطريقة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الحرب قامت كفرالشخ 😱 nفيه صوت ضرب نار رشاش آلي 😨 nحد يعرف في إيه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لماذا هي نبرة تهدأه وليست تحدي كعاده المدلسين بساطه مذعورين لأنه لم يبقى لهم سوى ويخشون رضوخ قطر لمطالب الخليج
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
فيصل قاسم وقناه الجزيره سب خراب سوريا ربنا ينتقم منكم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
سمعنى سلام الأسد ملك الغابة 😃 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
فيه أشخاص مجرد ما تسولف معهم تنسي كل همومك وكل حاجه شايل همها وان كانت إبتسامة باختصار هي من أجمل هديا ربي nاحبك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مابقى عندي دموع ابكي عليك